Univ. Of 111. Library as NOTICE We carry stocks of pipe and specials in Chicago, Kansas City and other convenient locations and can make prompt shipment of less than car load quantities. National Cast Iron Pipe Company CATALOG 1019 of CAST IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR WATER, GAS AND OTHER USES Ifeltooal Cast Iron Pipe Co. 122 SO. uAN AVE. ^^"^i- ■ >, ILL. General Offices and Foundries BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Sales Offices BIRMINGHAM KANSAS CITY CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. American Water Works Association Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe and Special Castings Adopted May 12, 1908 Description of Pipes Section 1. The pipes shall be made with hub and spigot joints and shall accurately conform to the dimensions given in Tables Nos. 1 and 2. They shall be straight and shall be true circles in section, with their inner and outer surfaces concentric, and shall be of the specified dimensions in outside diameter. They shall be at least 12 feet in length, exclusive of socket. Pipes with thickness and weight intermediate between the classes in Table No. 2 shall be made of the same ogi^side diameter as the next heavier class. Pipes with thickness and weight less than shown by Table No. 2 shall be made of the same outside diameter as the Class A pipe; and pipes with thickness and weight more than shown by Table No. 2 shall be made of the same outside diameter as the Class D pipe. AH pipes having the same outside diameter shall have the same inside diameter at both ends. The inside diameter of the lighter pipes of each standard outside diameter shall be gradually increased for a distance of about 6 inches from each end of the pipe so as to obtain the required standard thickness and weight for each size and class of pipe. For pipes of each size from 4-inch to 24-inch inclusive, there shall be two standards of outside diameter, and for pipes from 30-inch to 60-inch inclusive, there shall be four standards of outside diameter, as shown by Table No. 1. 5 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. For pipes 4-inch to 12-inch inclusive, one class of special castings shall be furnished, made from Class D pattern. Those having spigot ends shall have outside diameters of spigot ends midway between the two standards of outside diameter as shown by Table No. 1, and shall be tapered back for a distance of 6 inches. For pipes from 14-inch to 24-inch inclusive, two classes of special castings shall be furnished; Class B special castings with Classes A and B pipes, and Class D special castings with Classes C and D pipes; the former shall have cast on them the letters "AB" and the latter ''CD." For pipes 30-inch to 60-inch inclusive, four classes of special castings shall be furnished, one for each class of pipe, and shall have cast on them the letter of the class to which they belong. Allowable Variation in Diameter of Pipes and Sockets Section 2. Especial care shall be taken to have the sockets of the required size. The sockets and spigots will be tested by circular gauges, and no pipe will be received which is defective in joint-room from any cause. The diameters of the sockets and the outside diameters of the spigot ends of the pipes shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than .06 of an inch for pipes 16 inches or less in diameter; .08 of an inch for 18-inch, 20-inch and 24-inch pipes; .10 of an inch for 30-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch pipes; .12 of an inch for 48-inch, and .15 of an inch for 54- inch and 60-inch pipes. Allowable Variation in Thickness Section 3. For pipes whose standard thickness is less than 1 inch, the thickness of metal in the body 6 NATrONALCAST IRON PIPE CO. ■Ilia of the pipe shall not be more than .08 of an inch less than the standard thickness, and for pipes whose standard tickness is 1 inch or more, the variation shall not exceed .10 of an inch, except that for spaces not exceeding 8 inches in length in any direction, varia- tions from the standard thickness of .02 of an inch in excess of the allowance above given shall be per- mitted. For special castings of standard patterns a variation of 50 per cent greater than allowed for straight pipes shall be permitted. Defective Spigots May Be Gut Section 4. Defective spigot ends on pipes 12 inches or more in diameter may be cut off in a lathe and a half round wrought-iron band shrunk into a groove cut in the end of the pipe. Not more than 12 per cent of the total number of accepted pipes of each size shall be cut and banded, and no pipe shall be banded which is less than 11 feet in length, exclusive of the socket. In case the length of a pipe differs from 12 feet, the standard weight of the pipe shall be modified in accordance therewith. Special Castings Section 5. All special castings shall be made in accordance with the cuts and the dimensions given in the tables forming a part of these specifications. The diameters of the sockets and the external diameters of the spigot ends of the special castings shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than .12 of an inch for castings 16 inches or less in diameter; .15 of an inch for 18-inch, 20-inch and 24- inch; .20 of an inch for 30-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch and .24 of an inch for 48-inch, 54-inch and 60-inch. These variations apply only to special castings made from standard patterns. 7 ■■■ill NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. ■■■■ The flanges on aU manhole castings and manhole covers shall be faced true and smooth, and drilled to receive bolts of the sizes given in the tables. The manufacturer shall furnish and deliver all bolts for bolting on the manhole covers, the bolts to be of the sizes shown on plans and made of the best quality of mild steel, with hexagonal heads and nuts and sound, well-fittings threads. Marking Section 6. Every pipe and special casting shall have distinctly cast upon it the initials of the maker's name. When cast especially to order, each pipe larger than 4-inch may also have cast upon it figures showing the year in which it was cast and a number signifying the order in point of time in which it was cast, the figures denoting the year being above and the number below, thus: 1908 1908 1908 1 2 3 etc., also any initials, not exceeding four, which may be required by the purchaser. The letters and figures shall be cast on the outside and shall not be less than 2 inches in length and of an inch in relief for pipes 8 inches in diameter and larger. For smaller sizes of pipes the letters may be 1 inch in length. The weight and the class letter shall be conspicuously painted in white in the inside of each pipe and special casting after the coating has become hard. Allowable Percentage of Variation in Weight Section 7. No pipe shall be accepted the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight by more than 5 per cent for pipes, 16 inches or less in diameter, and 4 per cent for pipes more than 16 inches in diameter, and no excess above the standard 8 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. weight of more than the given percentage for the several sizes shall be paid for. The total weight to be paid for shall not exceed for each size and class of pipe received the sum of the standard weights of the same number of pieces of the given size and class by more than 2 per cent. No special casting shall be accepted the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight by more than 10 per cent for pipes 12 inches or less in diameter, and 8 per cent for larger sizes, except that curves, Y-pieces and breeches pipe may be 12 per cent below the standard weight, and no excess above the standard weight of more than the above per- centages for the several sizes will be paid for. These variations apply only to castings made from the standard patterns. Quality of Iron Section 8. All pipes and special castings shall be made of cast iron of good quality, and of such character as shall make the metal of the castings strong, tough and of even grain, and soft enough to satisfactorily admit of drilling and cutting. The metal shall be made without any admixture of cinder iron or other inferior metal, and shall be remelted in a cupola or air furnace. The contractor shall have the right to make and break three bars from each heat or run of metal, and the test shall be based upon the average results of the three bars. Should the dimensions of the three bars differ from those given below, a proper allowance therefor shall be made in the results of the tests. Tests of Material Section 9. Specimen bars of the metal used, each being 26 inches long by 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick, shall be made without charge as often as the 9 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. \ ^mm engineer may direct, and in default of definite instruc- tions, the contractor shall make and test at least one bar from each heat or run of metal. The bars when placed flatwise upon supports 24 inches apart, and loaded in the center, shah support a load of 2,000 pounds, and show a deflection of not less than .30 of an inch before breaking; or if preferred, tensile bars shall be made which will show a breaking point of not less than 20,000 pounds per square inch. Casting of Pipe Section 10. The straight pipes shall be cast in dry sand molds in a vertical position. Pipes 16 inches or less in diameter shall be cast with the hub end up or down, as specified in the proposals. Pipes 18 inches or more in diameter shall be cast with the hub end* down. The pipes shall not be stripped or taken from the pit while showing color of heat, but shall be left in the flasks for a sufficient length of time to prevent unequal contraction by subsequent exposure. Quality of Castings Section 11. The pipes and special castings shall be smooth, free from scales, lumps, blisters, sand holes and defects of every nature which unfit them for the use for which they are intended. No plug- ging or filling will be allowed. Cleaning and Inspection Section 12. All pipes and special castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a careful hammer inspection. No casting shall be coated unless entirely clean and free from rust, and approved in these respects by the engineer immediately before being dipped. 10 NAT IONAL CAST IR O N PIPE CO. IJ^^^^ Coating Section 13. Every pipe and special casting shall be coated inside and out with coal-tar pitch varnish. The varnish shall be made from coal tar. To this material sufficient oil shall be added to make a smooth coating, tough and tenacious when cold, and not brittle nor with any tendency to scale off. Each casting shall be heated to a temperature of 300 degrees Fahrenheit immediately before it is dipped, and shall possess not less than this tempera- ture at the time it is put in the vat. The ovens in which the pipes are heated shall be so arranged that all portions of the pipe shall be heated to an even temperature. Each casting shall remain in the bath at least five minutes. The varnish shall be heated to a temperature of 300 degrees Fahrenheit (or less if the engineer shall so order) , and shall be maintained at this temperature during the time the casting is immersed. Fresh pitch and oil shall be added when necessary to keep the mixture at the proper consistency, and the vat shall be emptied of its contents and refilled with fresh pitch when deemed necessary by the engineer. After being coated the pipe shall be carefully drained of the surplus varnish. Any pipe or special casting that is to be recoated shall first be thoroughly scraped and cleaned. Hydrostatic Test Section 14. When the coating has become hard, the straight pipes shall be subjected to a proof by hydrostatic pressure, and, if required by the engineer, they shall also be subjected to a hammer test under this pressure. The pressure to which the different sizes and classes of pipes shall be subjected are as follows: 11 mmw NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. 20-Inch Diameter and Larger Pounds per Square Inch Less than 20-Inch Diameter Pounds per Square Inch 150 800 Class B Pipe 200 300 Glass G Pipe 250 300 Glass D Pipe 300 300 Weighing Section 15. The pipes and special castings shall be weighed for payment under the supervision of the engineer after the application of the coal-tar pitch varnish. If desired by the engineer, the pipes and special castings shall be weighed after their delivery, and the weights so ascertained shall be used in the final settlement, provided such weighing is done by a legalized weighmaster. Bids shall be submitted and a final settlement made upon the basis of a ton of 2,000 pounds. Contractor to Furnish Men and Material Section 16. The contractor shall provide all tools, testing machines, materials and men necessary for the required testing, inspection and weighing at the foundry of the pipe and special castings; and should the purchaser have no inspector at the works, the contractor shall, if required by the engineer, furnish a sworn statement that all of the tests have been made as specified; this statement to contain the results of the tests upon the test bars. Power of Engineer to Inspect Section 17. The engineer shall be at liberty at all times to inspect the material at the foundry, and the molding, casting and coating of the pipe and special castings. The forms, sizes, uniformity and 12 NATI ONAL CASTIRON PIPE CO. M miM conditions of all pipe and other castings herein referred to shall be subject to his inspection and ap- proval, and he may reject, without proving, any pipe or other casting which is not in conformity with the specifications or drawings. Inspector to Report Section 18. The inspector at the foundry shall report daily to the foundry office all pipes and special castings rejected, with the causes for rejection. Castings to Be Delivered Sound and Perfect Section 19. All the pipes and other castings must be delivered in all respects sound and con- formable to these specifications. The inspection shall not relieve the contractor of any of his obligations in this respect, and any defective pipes or other castings which may have passed the engineer at the works or elsewhere shall be at all times liable to rejection when discovered, until the final completion and adjustment of the contract; provided, however, that the contractor shall not be held liable for pipes or special castings found to be cracked after they have been accepted at the agreed point of delivery. Care shall be taken in handling the pipes not to injure the coating, and no pipes or other material of any kind shall be placed in the pipes during transportation or at any time after they have received the coating. Definition of the Word ''Engineer" Section 20. Wherever the word "engineer" is used herein it shall be understood to refer to the engineer or inspector acting for the purchaser and to his properly authorized agents, limited by the par- ticular duties entrusted to them. 13 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. mmiM STANDARD DIMENSIONS OF PIPE BELL AND SPIGOT GLASSES A, B, G, D. A W. W. A. STANDARD Table No. 1 X=H inch on 3 inches to 6 inches inclusive V=^ inch on 3 inches to 6 inches inclusive / X= 1 inch on 8 inches to 24 inches inclusive ^ inch on 8 inches to 24 inches inclusive Nom- inal Diam. Inches Classes Actual Outside Diam. Inches Diam. of Sockets Depth Inches Special Castings Inches Pipe Inches 3 A 4.60 4.66 3.50 3 B-C-D 3.96 4.76 4.66 3.50 4 A 4.80 5.60 5.70 3.50 4 B-C-D 5.00 5.80 5.70 3.50 6 A 6.90 7.70 7.80 3.50 6 B-C-D 7.10- 7.90 7.80 3.50 A-B 9.05 9.85 10.00 4.00 C-D . 9.30 10.10 10.00 4.00 le- A-B 11.10 11.90 12.10 4.00 10 C-D 11.40 12.20 12.10 4.00 12 A-B 13.20 14.00 14.20 4.00 12 C-D 13.50 14.30 14.20 4.00 14 A-B 15.30 16.10 16.10 4.00 14 C-D 15.65 16.45 16.45 4.00 16 A-B 17.40 18.40 18.40 4.00 16 C-D 17.80 18.80 18.80 4.00 18 A-B 19.50 20.50 20.50 4.00 18 C-D 19.92 20.92 20.92 4.00 20 A-B 21.60 22.60 22.60 4.00 20 C-D 22.06 23.06 23.06 4.00 24 A-B 25.80 26.80 26.80 4.00 24 C-D 26.32 27.32 27.32 4.00 NOTE: — Dimensions are in inches. The American Water Works Association specifications show Classes E, F, Gand H, tables of dimensions of which we will furnish on application. ■i ■11 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. Cm CO 0> 00 CD sssggs lb CD 00 o> T-i id tH Thick- ness Inches ^ s s s s »C "M CO PO O oc 00 c: o »=i 1—1 1-H CLASS C 1 300- Foot Head ] •0 Pounds Pressure I )er Foot | 16-Foot 1 Lengths 4.70 1 Price I 12-Foot ^ Lengths | ^r-i yH C4 CO ^ lb t-^ 00 o Thick- ness Inches lO QO ^-H CO TT tC o 00 O 0 X) O (N CO OC O -f ^ ^ ^ ^ CN 15 STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD LUGS Numbers and Weights of Lugs on Outlets of Different Sizes A. W. W. A. STANDARD Two pairs of lugs are placed on the vertical axis of each bell, the others at equal distances around circumference. H is equal depth of bell on all sizes. G equals 2.50 inches, X equals 1.25 inches, Y equals 1.63 inches for 12 to 24 inches, inclusive. All weights are approximate. 16 16b STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINCJS FOH W A 11:1; ONE-FOURTH CUHVKS A. W. W. A. STANDARD l\o,ninHl DimciwionR Iiichiw VHICK KAC'II L>iaiiiel4)r ('Iush : Inches I I r I. K Oiinllftll Twon«^IU 3 D .48 10 24 $ 9.70 $10.60 4 D ..52 U\ 24 11.80 12.60 6 D ..5.5 16 24 17.26 18.00 8 D .m m 20 2i.60 26.60 10 D M 10 28 32.60 33.00 12 1) .75 10 28 41.60 42.00 14 B .00 18 30 67.60 66.60 14 D .82 18 30 62.60 60.60 10 B .70 24 30 86.00 84.60 10 D .89 24 30 93.00 91.60 18 B .75 24 30 118.00 117.60 18 1> .% 24 30 128.00 126.00 20 B .80 24 30 143.00 142.00 20 1) l.a3 24 30 166.00 163.00 24 B .89 30 42 202.00 200.00 24 D 1,10 30 42 221.00 219.00 NOTE: — Unless otherwise specified V4 curves are furnished with Bell and Spigot Ends. L equals H all sizes. 17 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER ONE-EIGHTH CURVES A. W. W. A. STANDARD Nominal Diameter ^ Inches a O 3 D 4 D 6 D 8 D 12 D 14 B 16 D 20 B 20 D 24 B 24 D Dimensions— Inches PRICE EACH T L H One Bell Two Bells .48 24 9.94 $ 9.19 $ 9.75 .52 24 9.94 9.80 10.25 .55 24 9.94 12.00 12.50 .60 24 9.94 15.75 17.00 .68 24 9.94 23.00 24.25 .75 24 9.94 32.00 34.25 .66 36 14.91 46.00 48.00 .82 36 14.91 50.00 52.00 .70 36 14.91 59.50 62.00 .89 36 14.91 65.00 68.00 .75 36 14.91 76.50 79.50 .96 36 14.91 83.50 86.50 .80 48 19.88 109.00 112.00 1.03 48 19.88 120.00 123.00 .89 00 24.85 161.00 165.00 1.16 60 24.85 178.00 183.00 F equals H plus 6 inches on one-eighth curves of all sizes listed. Unless otherwise specified, one-eighth curves are furnished with bell and spigot ends. 18 ■M^^ PIPE CO. I llliilllii STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER ONE-SIXTEENTH CURVES A. W. W. A. STANDARD Bell and Spigot A equals 22J^' Nominal Diameter Class Inches 3 D 4 D 6 D S D 10 D 12 D 14 B 14 D 16 B 16 D 18 B 18 D 20 B 20 D 24 B 24 D L H One Bell Two Bells 48 9.55 $ 9.10 $ 9.76 48 9.55 9.80 10.26 48 9.55 12.00 12.60 48 9.55 16.76 17.00 48 9.55 23.00 24.26 48 9.55 32.00 34.26 72 14.32 43.60 48.00 72 14.32 47.00 62.00 72 14.32 66.00 62.00 72 14.32 61.60 68.00 72 14.32 73.00 79.60 72 14.32 78.60 86.60 96 19.10 106.00 112.00 96 19.10 114.00 123.00 120 23.87 155.00 166.00 120 23.87 171.00 183.00 F equals H plus 6 inches on all sixteenth curves on sizes up to 12 inches. t equals H on all other prices listed. Bell and Spigot Ends will be supplied unless otherwise specified. 19 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE Co7 ||||i||||||i STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER ONE THIRTY-SECOND CURVES A. W. W. A. STANDARD Bdl and Spigot A equals llj^o Dimensions— Inches PRICE EACH Nominal Diameter 1 Inches a H One Bell Two Bells 3 D .48 11.82 $ 9.10 $10.00 4 D .52 11.82 9.80 11.00 6 D .55 11.82 12.00 13.60 8 D .60 11.82 16.76 18.26 10 D .68 11.82 22.60 26.76 12 D .75 11.82 32.00 36.00 14 B .66 17.73 46.09 60.60 14 D .82 17.73 60.60 66.26 16 B .70 17.73 60.00 66.60 16 D .89 17.73 66.00 72.00 18 B .75 17.73 77.00 84.00 18 D .96 17.73 84.00 91.60 20 B .80 23.64 111.00 119.00 20 D 1.03 23.64 123.00 132.00 24 B .89 23.64 166.00 166.00 24 D 1.16 23.64 171.00 184.00 H equals F. Bell and spigot ends will be supplied unless otherwise specified. NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER ONE SIXTY-FOURTH CURVES A. W. W. A. STANDARD ■ 1 • i BeU and Spigot 1/64 equals 5f^" Nominal Diameter Inches Class B D H PRICE LIST One Bell 20 20 • 24 24 B D B D .80 1.03 .89 1.16 480 480 480 480 23.58 23.58 23.58 23.58 i 11.00 23.00 66.00 71.00 H equals F LIST ON SPECIAL FITTINGS All Special Bell and Spigot Fittings made to order, sizes not listed, will be charged on following basis: Number of Fittings ordered Per cent advance in the list of nearest standard Fittings . Fittings having one or more flanged openings take Flanged Fitting price. The largest openings always govern price. 21 H| || NATIONAL Ca"sT IROn' PIPE C^H lM^^ STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER BASE ELLS A. W. W. A. STANDARD 111 Claas L-H S F N B z PRICE Bell and Bell EACH Bell and Spigot 3 D 16 24 5.00 8.00 4.50 .72 $16.60 $14.60 4 D 16 24 5.50 9.00 5.00 .78 18.00 17.26 6 D 16 24 6.50 11.00 7.50 .83 23.26 21.00 8 D 16 26 7.50 13.50 9.50 .90 48.00 46.60 10 D 16 28 9.00 16.00 11.50 1.02 63.76 60.00 12 D 16 28 10.00 19.00 13.50 1.13 108.76 90.00 14 D 18 30 12.00 21.00 16.00 .99 136.00 108.00 16 D 24 36 13.00 23.50 18.00 1.04 167.60 127.60 18 D 24 36 14.00 25.00 20.00 1.12 180.00 168.76 20 D 24 36 15.00 27.50 22.00 1.20 240.00 232.60 24 D 30 42 17.50 32.00 26.50 1.33 346.00 330.00 Templates for base foundation bolts on application. Furnished with bell and spigot ends unless otherwise specified. 22 ■M CO. i liiiM^^ STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD BRANCHES A. W. W. A. STANDARD Nominal Diam. Inches Dimensiops, Inches PRICE EACH T and standard class thicknesses. NOTE: — Unless otherwise specified branches will be furnished with bell all around. Spigot outlets on order. 23 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD BRANCHES— (Continued) A. W. W. A. STANDARD Nomina 1 Diam. Dimensions. Inches 4 1 PRICE EACH Inc J 3-Way Branches 4-Way Branches D B L> H 1 B with 2 or 3 with 3 or 4 Bells Bells 14 12 B 16 28 16 $66.60 $70.00 14 12 D 16 28 16 72.60 79.60 14 14 B 16 28 16 66.00 72.00 14 14 D 16 28 16 76.00 84.60 16 4 B 17 29 17 77.00 78.00 16 4 D 17 29 17 86.00 87.60 16 6 B 17 29 17 78.00 79.00 16 6 D 17 29 17 87.00 89.60 16 8 B 17 29 17 78.50 80.60 16 8 D 17 29 17 83.60 92.50 16 10 B 17 29 17 79.50 82.00 16 10^ D 17 . 29 17 90.60 97.00 16 12 B 17 29 17 81.00 84.50 16 12 D 17 29 17 91.00 98.00 16 14 B 17 29 17 81.50 86.60 16 14 D 17 29 17 92.00 100.00 16 16 B 17 29 17 83.00 89.50 16 16 D 17 29 17 96.50 110.00 18 4 B 18 30 18 93.60 97.00 18 4 D 18 30 18 104.00 109.00 IS 0 B 18 30 . 18 94.00 98.00 18 6 D 18 30 18 105.00 110.00 18 8 B 18 30 18 94.50 99.50 18 8 D 18 30 18 108.00 114.00 18 10 : 13 18 30 18 95.50 101.00 18 10 D 18 30 18 108.00 118.00 18 12 18 30 18 96.00 103.00 18 12 D 18 30 18 110.00 121.00 18 14 n 18 30 18 97.00 104.00 18 14 D 18 30 . 18 111.00 122.00 18 16 B 18 30. ^ 18 98.00 107.00 18 16 D 18 30 18 112.00 125.00 18 18 B 18 30 i 18 100.00 112.00 18 IS D 18 30 : 18 115.00 131.00 20 4 B 19 31 19 113.00 119.00 24 ■M^^^^ PIPE CO- l llllllli STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD BRANCHES— (Continued) RICE EACH nches )r 3 4-Way Branches with 3 or 4 Bell3 0 $133.00 0 119.00 0 134.00 0 120.00 0 137.00 0 121.00 0 141.00 0 124.00 0 144.00 0 124.00 0 150.00 D 127.00 D 151.00 0 130.00 o ' 153.00 0 135.00 163.00 D 152.00 0 172.00 [) 154.00 0 175.00 156.00 179.00 158.00 182.00 162.00 187.00 166.00 192.00 163.00 206.00 170.00 220.00 175.00 233.00 25 ■■■ P NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER BASE TEES A. W. W. A. STANDARD ill I ^ 3 D 10 22 4.50 7.50 4 D 11 23 6.50 9.00 6 D 12 24 5.50 11.00 8 D 13 25 7.50 13.50 10 D 14 26 9.00 16.00 12 D 15 27 10.00 19.00 14 D 16 28 12.00 21.00 16 D 17 29 13.00 23.50 18 D 18 30 14.00 25.00 20 D 19 31 15.00 27.50 24 D 21 33 17.50 27.50 Bell and Spigot Templates for base foundation bolts on application. Furnished with bells all around unless otherwise specified. 26 tho^Zi''h^?'J^'T^rv^-'^V*T ""''^ and the angle of the branch me line hi a standard Y is 4o degrees. 27 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. iiiim STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATP^R Y BRANCHES— (Continued) Nominal Diameter Inches H F Class L N PRICE EACH 16 8 B 23.00 17.50 $104.00 16 8 D 23.00 17.50 122.00 16 10 B 25.00 17.50 107.00 16 10 D 25.00 17.50 126.00 16 12 B 27.00 17.50 111.00 16 12 D 27.00 17.50 130.00 16 14 B 29.00 17.50 114.00 16 14 D 29.00 17.50 134.00 16 16 B 31.00 17.50 118.00 16 16 D 31.00 17.50 141.00 18 10 B 32.00 18.00 149.00 18 10 D 32.00 18.00 164.00 IS 12 B 32.00 18.00 160.00 18 12 D 32.00 18.00 167.00 ]8 14 B 32.00 18.00 162.00 18 14 D 32.00 18.00 170.00 18 16 B 34.00 18.00 168.00 18 16 D 34.00 18.00 176.00 18 18 B 34.00 18.00 161.00 18 18 D 34.00 18.00 181.00 20 12 B 37.00 18.75 199.00 20 12 D 37.00 18.75 217.00 20 14 B 37.00 18.75 200.00 20 14 D 37.00 18.75 ^21.00 20 16 B 37.00 18.75 203.00 20 16 D 37.00 18.75 226.00 20 18 B 37.00 18.75 208.00 20 18 D 37.00 18.75 223.00 20 20 B 37.00 18.75 210.00 20 20 D 37.00 18.75 236.00 24 16 B 40.00 12.75 261.00 24 16 D 40.00 12.75 209.00 24 .18 B 40.00 18.75 268.00 24 18 D > 40.00 18.75 306.00 24 20 B 40.00 18.75 280.00 24 20 D 40.00 18.75 326.00 24 24 B 42.00 19.75 300.00 24 24 D 42.00 19.75 362.00 Standard Y branches have two bells and spigot and the angle of the branch to the line in a standard Y is 45 degrees. 23 ■■■ Il NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE C^H lllM STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER REDUCERS AND INCREASERS A. W. W. A. STANDARD Spigot Ends Large End Bell Small End Bell Nominal Diam. In. 1 PRICE EACH Spigot End3 Large End Bell Small End Bell A H 4 3 12 , D $12.50 $13.50 $13.25 6 4 18 D 12.50 13.50 13.25 8 4 18 D 15.00 16.50 16.00 8 6 18 D 16.00 17.50 17.00 10 4 18 D - 21.50 23.25 22.50 10 6 18 D 22.50 24,25 23.50 10 8 18 D 23.50 25.50 25.00 12 4 18 D 29.50 31.50 30.50 12 6 18 D 30.50 32.50 31.50 12 8 18 D 31.50 33.50 33.00 12 10 18 D 33.00 35.00 35.00 14 6 20 B 40.50 43.00 41.50 14 6 20 D 42.50 45.00 43.50 14 8 20 B 41.50 44.50 43.00 14 8 20 D 43.50 46.50 45.00 14 10 20 B 43.00 46.00 44.50 14 10 20 D 45.50 48.00 47.00 14 12 20 B 45.00 48.00 1 47.00 14 12 20 D 47.00 50.00 ^ 49.00 16 6 i 20 B 52.00 55.50 j 53.00 16 6 ^ 20 D 54.50 58.50 55.50 Specify when ordering whether spigot ends, large end bell or small end bell. Bells can be furnished on each end when desired. 29 ™^ CAST IRON PlPT^ iro^^^^^^^ STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER REDUCERS AND INGREASERS— (Continued) A. W. W. A. STANDARD PRICE EACH Snigot Large Small Ends End End Bell Bell 20 B $63.00 $67.00 $66.00 20 D 66.00 60.00 57.60 20 B 66.00 68.60 66.60 20 D 67.60 61.60 69.00 20 B 66.60 60.60 68.60 20 D 69.00 63.00 61.00 20 B 66.60 60.60 69.60 20 D 61.00 66.00 64.00 20 B 83.00 67.60 64.60 20 D 66.00 71.00 67.60 20 B 64.60 69.00 66.00 20 D 67.60 72.60 69.00 20 B 66.60 71.00 68.60 20 D 69.60 74.60 71.60 20 B 66.60 71.00 69.60 20 D 71.60 76.60 74.C0 20 B 68.00 72.60 72.00 20 D 73.60 78.60 77.60 26 B 78.60 84.00 80.60 26 D 83.00 89.00 84.60 26 B 81.00 86.00 82.60 26 D 86.00 91.60 87.00 26 B 80.60 86.00 83.60 26 D 87.60 93.60 90.60 26 B 82.60 88.00 86.60 26 . D 90.00 96.C0 94.00 26 B 86.00 90.00 89:00 26 D 92.60 98.60 97.60 26 B 98.00 106.00 101.00 26 D 106.00 114.00 109.00 26 B 99.60 107.00 104.00 26 D 109.00 117.00 113.00 26 B 102.00 109.00 107.00 26 D 112.00 120.00 116.00 26 B 106.00 111.00 110.00 23 D 116.00 123.00 121.00 Specify when ordering whether spigot ends, large end bell or small end bell 30 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD BLOW-OFF BRANCHES A. W. W. A. STANDARD 31 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD SLEEVES A. W. W. A. STANDARD 32 il flNATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE C^ M^^ STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER SPLIT SLEEVES (With and Without Branches) A. W. W. A. STANDARD Prices on application for Split Sleeves with Branch. Bolts are not furnished for Split Sleeves. 33 liHT NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD OFFSETS A. W. W. A. STANDARD Nominal Diameter Inches Bell and spigot will be supplied unless otherwise specified. 34 illH^ NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER GUTTING-IN BRANCHES The specials are enlarged back of the bell, so they can be easily slipped over the pipe and drawn up into position ready for caulking. Only two joints are required; there is less labor, less excavating, less time for the water to be turned oflF, and a variation of an inch or two, in the length of piece cut out, does not matter. 35 ■M^^^^^^ P'PE CO- l llilll STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER PLUGS A. W. W. A. STANDARD N E B PRICE EACH Nomins Diamet Inches Numbe] of Ribs Without Tapping With 2 inch and Smaller Tapping 3 D 4.00 5.25 5.25 $ 1.20 $ 6.60 4 D 4.90 5.28 5.50 1.20 6.60 6 D 7.00 7.38 5.50 1.96 7.00 8 D 9.15 9.65 5.50 ' 2 ' 3.10 8.76 10 D 11.20 11.70 6.00 2 4.70 9.50 12 D 13.30 13.80 6.00 2 6.60 12.00 14 B 15.30 15.80 6.00 2 8.90 14.26 14 D 15.65 16.15 6.00 2 9.00 17.60 16 B 17.40 17.90 6.50 3 12.25 16 D 17.80 18.30 6.50 3 12.60 18 B 19.50 20.00 6.50 o3 16.76 18 D 19.92 20.42 6.50 3 17.26 20 B 21.60 22.10 6.50 3 24.60 20 D 22.06 22.56 6.50 3 24.76 24 B 25.92 26.30 8.00 4 43.00 24 D 26.44 26.82 8.00 4 48.00 Net extra for larger tapping, 2>^" .50c; 3" .75c; 4" $1.00; 5" $1.25; 6" $1.50. 36 mllNATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE cSHliM STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER CAPS A. W. W. A. STANDARD Nominal Diameter Inches Class 3 D 4 D b D 8 D 10 D 12 D 14 B 14 D 16 B 16 D 18 B 18 D 20 B 20 D 24 B 24 D Price each Price each with without 2 in. and smaller Tapping Tapping 4.75 $3.76 Net extra for larger Tapping— 2M^ 50c; 3^75c; 4", $1.00; 5", $1.25; 6^ $1.50. In Class B, 12 and 14-inch have 4 pairs of lugs. In Class D, 14 to 24-inch have six pairs of lugs. 37 ■■■Ill "INAT IONAL CAST IRON PIPE COn iii||M STANDARD FLANGED PIPE FOR WATER CLASSES A AND B Class A— 100 ft. Head 43 lbs. pressure Class B- 200 ft. Head 16 lbs. pressure 3 7.50 H Q 00 ^ H 4 9.00 H 7.50 8 ys 6 11.00 1 9.50 8 34 8 13.50 lyi 11.75 8 H 10 16.00 lA 14.25 12 Vs 12 19.00 VA 17.00 12 14 21.00 m 18.75 12 1 16 23 .50 lA 21. 25 16 1 18 25.00 lA 22.75 16 V/i 20 27.50 lli 25.00 20 IH 24 32.00 IH 29.50 20 IH Flanges drilled to American 1914 Standard Templates. Send template for other required drilling. Bolt holes Vs inch larger than bolts. Pipe made in 12-foot lengths and faced \a inch short for gaskets. Shorter lengths to order. 38 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. ■■■i STANDARD FLANGED PIPE FOR WATER GLA.SSES C AND D « 7.50 8 ^ 1 9.50 8 3^ \yi 11.75 8 M lA 14.25 12 >^ \\i 17.00 12 ^ 1^ 18.75 12 1 lA 21.25 16 1 lA 22.75 16 IK IH 25.00 20 l>g Flanges drilled to American 1914 Standard Templates. Send template for other required drilling. Bolt holes 3^-inch larger than bolts. Pipe made in 12-foot lengths and faced rt-in^h short for gaskets. Shorter lengths to order. 39 NATIONAL CASflRON PIPE CO. STANDARD FLANGE AND BELL PIPE AND STANDARD FLANGE AND SPIGOT PIPE SHORT LENGTHS Weights are approximate. 1914 American Standard. Prices on application. 40 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FIANGED CURVES All weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 41 "INATI ONAL CAST IRON PIPE Co71 |||l||l||||i| STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER ONE-FOURTH CURVE WITH BASE Nominal Diameter Inches D N F B Weight in Founds 4 11 5.50 9.00 5.00 78 6 12 6.50 11.00 7.50 124 8 13 7.50 13.50 9.50 187 10 14 9.00 16.00 11.50 278 12 15 10,00 19.00 13.50 407 14 16 12.00 21. (X) 16.00 501 16 17 13.00 23.50 18.00 671 18 18 14.00 25.00 20.00 834 20 19 > 15.00 27.50 22.00 1042 24 21 17.50 32.00 26.50 1549 NOTE: — Can Furnish Base Tees with one or more Flanges. Weights are approximate, 1914 American Standard. Templates for foundation bolts sent on request. Prices on application. 42 IIIIIIIM PIPE CO. 1 11 STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FLANGED TEES AND CROSSES Nominal Diameter Inches Class ] H J N Weight. Pounds E F Tees Crosses 4 4 D 11.0 11 0 88 114 6 4 D 124 150 6 6 D 12.0 137 176 8 4 D 13.0 179 191 8 6 D 13.0 191 232 8 8 D 13.0 209 268 10 4 D 14.0 251 277 10 6 D 14.0 269 303 10 8 D 14.0 280 335 10 10 D 14.0 300 392 12 4 D 15.0 15 0 351 377 12 6 D 15.0 15 0 364 403 12 8 D 15.0 15 0 380 435 13 10 D 15.0 15 0 397 492 12 12 D 15.0 15 0 426 557 14 4 B 16.0 16.0 374 400 14 4 D 16.0 16.0 455 481 14 6 B 16.0 16 0 3S7 426 14 6 D 16.0 16 0 •168 507 14 8 B 16.0 16 0 403 458 NOTE:— Can furnish Base Tees with one or naore flanges. All weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 43 ■■■IIn ^ONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FLANGED TEES AND GROSSES (Continued) All weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 44 lliilllili| iNATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. H I STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FLANGED TEES AND CROSSES (Continued) Nominal Diameter All weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 45 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. H| STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FLANGED REDUCERS Total length ascertained by adding to N's to L. Weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 46 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FLANGED REDUCERS Nominal Diameter Inches Class ■ N Approx. Weight Pounds 14 8 ; D >0 2 241 14 10 ^ B >6 4 313 14 10 I B ?0 2 244 14 10 D >6 4 358 14 10 i D 20 2 274 14 12 1 B 26 4 360 14 12 I B 20 2 282 4 12 § D 26 4 407 4 12 ^ D 20 2 313 0 6 B 26 4 286 6 6 B 20 2 220 16 6 D 26 4 320 6 6 D 20 2 257 6 8 B 26 4 315 6 8 B 20 2 244 6 8 D 26 4 375 6 8 D 20 2 283 6 10 B 26 4 356 6 10 B 20 2 . 276 6 10 D 26 4 415 6 10 D 20 2 316 ! 6 12 B 26 4 405 6 12 B 20 2 315 6 12 D 26 4 465 6 12 D 20 2 355 6 14 B 26 4 402 6 14 B 20 2 316 6 14 D 26 4 506 6 14 D 20 2 391 8 8 B 26 4 348 8 8 B 20 2 26S 8 S D 26 4 416 8 8 D 20 2 314 8 10 B 26 4 392 8 10 B 20 2 301 8 10 D 26 4 457 8 10 D 20 2 348 8 12 B 26 4 439 8 12 B 20 2 340 8 12 D 26 4 506 8 12 D 20 2 388 8 14 B 26 4 435 8 14 B 20 2 341 Total length ascertained by adding N's to L. All weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 47 ■M PIPE CO. ■il^ STANDARD FLANGED SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR WATER STANDARD FLANGED REDUCERS (Conlinued) Nominal Diameter Inches E 1 F Class L N Approx. Weight Pounds 18 14 D 26 4 548 18 14 D 20 2 424 18 16 B 20 4 481 18 16 B 20 o 375 18 16 D 20 4 605 18 16 D 20 2 469 20 10 B 32 4 503 20 10 B 20 2 400 20 10 D 32 4 507 20 10 D 20 2 479 20 12 B 32 4 558 20 12 B 26 2 446 20 12 D 32 4 652 20 12 D 26 2 523 20 14 B 32 4 553 20 14 B 26 2 453 20 14 D 32 4 699 20 14 D 26 2 558 20 16 B 32 4 602 20 16 B 26 2 487 20 16 D 32 4 764 20 16 D 26 2 614 20 18 B 32 4 684 ' 20 18 B 26 2 551 20 18 D 32 4 812 20 18 D 26 2 657 24 14 B 32 4 676 24 14 B 26 2 541 24 14 D 32 4 841 24 14 D 26 2 675 24 16 B 32 4 725 , 24 16 B 26 2 580 24 16 D 32 4 910 24 16 D 26 2 731 24 18 B 32 764 24 18 B 26 2 609 24 18 D 32 4 969 24 18 D 26 2 776 24 20 B 32 4 824 24 20 B 26 2 659 24 20 D 32 4 1048 24 20 D 26 2 840 Total length ascertained by adding N's to L. All weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 48 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO.~H[ STANDARD SPECIAL FLANGED CASTINGS FOR WATER BLANK FLA.NGES Nominal Diameter Inches Class 3 D 7.5C 4 D 9.0C 6 D 11. 0( 8 D 13. 5( 10 D 16. 0( 12 D 19. 0( 14 B 21. 0( 14 D 21. 0( 16 B 23. 5( 16 D 23. 5( 18 B 25. 0( 18 D 25. 0( 20 B 27. 5( 20 D 27. 5( 24 B 32. 0( 24 D 32. 0( Approximate Weight Pounds .65 .85 9 .65 .91 14 .70 .96 23 .75 1.03 36 .80 1.15 55 .85 1.26 84 .85 1.12 94 .90 1.36 108 .90 1.18 134 1.00 1.47 159 .95 1.26 161 1.05 1.57 189 1.00 1.33 204 1.15 1.68 ' 248 1.05 1.47 298 1.25 1.87 = 367 Blank Flanges, 3-14 inches, no Ribs; 16-24 inches, 3 Ribs. Weights are approximate. Flanges on these castings are American 1914 Standard. Prices on application. 49 mmMi NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. lillillH American Gas Institute Standard Specifications for Cast Iron Pipe and Special Castings Adopted October, 1911— October, 1913 Description of Pipe and Special Castings Section 1. All pipe shall be made with bell and spigot joints. The pipe and special castings shall accurately conform to the dimensions given in the tables of the American Gas Institute Standards ac- companying and forming a part of these specifications. The pipe shall be straight and of true circles in section, with their inner and outer surfaces concentric; and cast at least 12 feet in length, exclusive of socket or bell. In the case of pipe of different weight from those specified in the tables, the outside diameter of the body and bell dimensions shall conform to the tables. Allow^able Variation in Diameter Section 2. All sockets and spigots shall be tested by circular gauges. All pipe and special castings sha,ll be rejected which are defective in joint room, or which vary from standard dimensions in the diameters of the sockets and the outside diameters of spigots more than is given in the table below: Size Pipe Special castings 16 in. or less 0.06 in. 0.12 in. 20 in. and 24 in. 0.08 in. 0.15 in. 30 in., 36 in. and 42 in. 0.10 in. 0.20 in. 48 in. 0.12 in. 0.24 in. Allowable Variation in Thickness Section 3. The variations allowed below the 50 IIM^ PIPE CO. l iillll standard thickness shall not be greater than that shown in the table below: Size Pipe Special castings Sin. or less 0.08 in. 0.10 in. 10 in. to 36 in. 0.08 in. 0.12 in. 42 in. and 48 in. 0.10 in. 0.15 in. For all sizes of pipe and for specials 10 inches or larger, variations from the standard thickness of 0.02 inch in excess of the allowances above given, shall be permitted for spaces not exceeding 8 inches in length in any direction. Treatment of Defective Spigots Section 4. Defective spigot ends on pipe 12 inches or more in diameter may be cut off in a lathe, and a half-round wrought iron band shrunk into a groove cut in the end of the pipe. Not more than 12 per cent of the total number of accepted pipe of each size shall be cut and banded, and no pipe shall be banded which is less than 11 feet in length, exclusive of the socket. In the case the length of a pipe differs from 12 feet, the standard weight of the pipe given shall be modified in accordance therewith. Marking Section 5. Every pipe and special casting shall have distinctly cast upon it the initials of the maker's name. When cast especially to order, each pipe larger than 4 inches may also have cast upon it figures showing the year in which it was cast and a number signifying the order, in point of time, in which it was cast, the figures denoting the year being above and the number below thus: 1913 1913 1913 1 2 3 also any initials, not exceeding four, which may be required by the purchaser. The letters ar^(J^^gyres^_ 51 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IM PIPE CO. shall be cast on the outside, and shall not be less than 2 inches in length and 3^ inch in relief, for pipe 8 inches in diameter and larger. For smaller sizes of pipe, the letters may be 1 inch in length. The weight shall be conspicuously painted in white on the inside of each pipe and special casting. Allowable Percentage of Variation in Weight Section 6. No pipe shall be accepted the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight by more than 5 per cent for pipe 16 inches or less in diameter, and 4 per cent for pipe more than 16 inches in diameter; and no excess above the standard weight of more than the given percentage for the several sizes shall be paid for. The total weight to be paid for shall not exceed for each size and class o pipe received, the sum of the standard weights of the same number of pieces of the given size and class by more than 2 per cent. No special casting shall be accepted, the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight, by more than 10 per cent for sizes 12 inches or less in diameter, and 8 per cent for larger sizes, except that curves and "Y" pieces 16 inches in dia- meter and larger may be 12 per cent below the stand- ard weight; and no excess above the standard weight of more than the above percentages for the several sizes will be paid for. Quality of Iron Section 7. All pipe and special castings shall be made of cast iron of good quality and of such character as shall make the metal of the castings strong, tough and of even grain; and soft enough to satisfactorily admit of drilling and cutting. The metal shall be made without any admixture of cinder iron or other inferior metal and shall be re-melted in a cupola or air furnace. 52 lillllH ■■■ii NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. lillllil^ Tests of Material Section 8. Specimen bars of the metal used, each being 26 inches long by 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick, shall be made without charge as often as the engineer may direct, and in default of definite in- structions, the foundry shall make and test at least one bar from each heat or run of metal. The bars, when placed flatwise upon supports 24 inches apart and loaded in the center, shall support a load of 1,800 pounds and show a deflection of not less than 0.30 inch before breaking; or, if preferred, tensile bars shall be made, which will show a breaking point of not less than 18,000 pounds per square inch. The foundry shall have the right to make and break three bars from each heat or run of metal, and the test shall be based on the average results of the three bars. Should the dimensions of the bars diff'er from those given above, a proper allowance therefor shall be made in the results of the tests. Tests of Pipe Section 9. All pipe, after having a general in- spection, shall be subject to a water pressure test of at least 300 pounds per square inch for 16 inches and smaller, and at least 150 pounds per square inch for 20 inches and larger. If required by the engineer, they shall also be subjected to a hammer test under this pressure. Any pipe showing defects by leaking, sweating or otherwise, shall be rejected. Casting of Pipe Section 10. The pipe shall be cast vertically in dry sand molds and shall not be stripped or taken from the pit while showing color of heat, but shall be left in the flasks for a suflicient length of time to prevent unequal contraction due to subsequent ex- posure. 53 ■illll NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. mm Quality of Castings Section 11. The pipe and special castings shall be smooth, free from scales, lumps, blisters and sand holes and defects of every nature which unfit them for the use for which they are intended. No plugging, filling or burning in will be allowed without special permission. Cleaning and Inspection Section 12. All pipe and special castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a careful hammer inspection. Weighing Section 13. The pipe and special castings shall be weighed for payment, under the supervision of the engineer. If desired by the engineer, the pipe and special castings shall be weighed after their delivery, and the weights so ascertained shall be used in the final settlement, provided such weighing is done by a legalized weigh master. Bids shall be submitted and a final settlement made upon the basis of a ton of 2,000 pounds. Contractor to Furnish Men and Materials Section 14. The contractor shall provide all tools, testing machines, materials and men necessary for the required testing, inspection and weighing at the foundry of the pipe and special castings; and should the purchaser have no inspector at the works, the contractor shall, if required by the engineer, furnish a sworn statement that all of the tests have been made as specified, this statement to contain the results of the tests upon the test bars. 54 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. ■ Power of Engineer to Inspect Section 15. The engineer shall be at liberty at all times to inspect the material at the foundry, and the molding and the casting of the pipe and special cast- ings. The forms, sizes, uniformity and condition of all pipe and other castings herein referred to shall be subject to his inspection and approval, and he may reject, without proving, any pipe or other casting which is not in conformity with the specifications or drawings. Inspector to Report Section 16. The inspector at the foundry shall report daily to the foundry office, all pipe and special castings rejected, with the causes for rejection. Castings to be Delivered Sound and Perfect Section 17. All the pipe and other castings must be delivered in all respects sound and conform- able to these specifications. The inspection shall not relieve the contractor of any of his obligations in this respect, and any defective pipe or other castings which may have passed the engineer, shall at all times be subject to rejection when discovered, until the final completion and adjustment of the contract; provided, however, that the contractor shall not be held liable for pipe or special castings found to be cracked after they have been accepted at the agreed point of delivery. Definition of the Word ''Engineer" Section 18. Wherever the word ''Engineer" is used herein it shall be understood to refer to the engineer or inspector acting for the purchaser, and to his properly authorized agents, limited by the particular duties intrusted to them. 55 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. ■ STANDARD BELL AND SPIGOT GAS PIPE AMERICAN GAS INSTITUTE STANDARD D C X equals .75 inch for 4 and 6 inch; 100 inch for 8 to 24 inch. Y equals .19 inch for 4 and 6 inch; .25 inch for 8 to 24 inch. F-E+J Nominal Diameter Inches Outside Diameter Inches Thickness Inches Diameter Sockets m 4 4.80 .40 5.80 4.00 19.33 232 6 6.90 .43 7.90 4.00 30.25 363 8 9.05 ,45 10^.05 4.00 42.08 505 10 11.10 .49 12.10 4.00 55.91 671 12 13.20 .54 14.20 4.50 73.83 886 16 17.40 .62 18.40 4.50 112.58 1351 20 21.60 .68 22.85 4.50 153.83 1846 24 25.80 .76 27.05 5.00 206.41 2477 STANDARD HEAVY GAS PIPE X equals .75 inch for 4 and 6 inch; 1.00 inch for 8 to 24 inch, c—o it Y equals .19 inch for 4 and 6 inch; .25 inch for 8 to 24 inch. ^ Nominal Diameter Inches Outside Diameter Inches Thickness Inches 4 5.00 .42 6 7.10 .47 8 9.05 .49 10 11.10 .51 12 13.20 .57 16 17.40 .65 20 21:60 .75 24 25.80 .82 Weight, Pounds Diameter Depth Including Bell Sockets Sockets Foot Length 5.80 4.00 7.90 4.00 32.8 394 9.85 4.00 45.3 544 11.90 4.00 58.7 14.00 4.50 76.1 913 18.40 4.50 117.2 1406 22.60 4.50 166.7 ESSE 26.80 5.00 m9im 2688 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 57 ■M PIPE CO. H STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR GAS ONE-FOURTH CURVES A. G. I. STANDARD Nominal Dimensions in Inches Approximate Weight Diameter Inches L H N T 2 Bells 1 Bell 4 6 8 4.50 6.25 8.00 2.60 4.25 5.90 26 26 26 .40 .43 .45 95 139 68 100 149 10 12 16 9.75 11.25 17.00 7.65 9.05 14.50 26 27 32 .49 .54 .62 185 267 486 198 278 491 20 24 19.00 21.00, 16.20 18.20 34 36 .68 .76 .699 1002 707 1003 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 58 illllM PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR CAS LONG RADIUS ONE-EIGHTH CURVES A. G. I. STANDARD Nominal Dimensions in Inches Approximate Weight Diameter Inches L H N T 2 Belle 1 Bell 4 6 8 10 12 3.16 4.23 5.31 6.39 7.22 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 .40 .43 .45 .49 .54 59 90 129 168 237 63 97 138 183 253 16 20 24 9.12 11.03 12.94 25.00 27.25 29.00 .62 .68 .76 397 585 856 410 607 874 TYPE 2 Nominal Diameter Inches Dimensions in Inches Approximate Weight L H N T 4 3.16 3.04 13.65 .40 74 6 4.23 5.38 14.48 .43 113 8 5.31 7.75 15.31 .45 161 10 6.39 10.36 16.14 .49 210 12 7.22 12.12 19.97 .54 291 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 59 If^ PIPE CO> STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR GAS LONG RADIUS ONE-SIXTEENTH CURVES A. G. I. STANDARD TYPE 1 Nominal Dimensions in Inches Approximate Weight Diameter Inches L H N T 2 Bells 1 Bell 4 6 8 2.69 3.53 4.38 4.00 7.70 11.50 20.25 20.75 21.25 .40 .43 .45 58 87 124 58 91 130 10 12 16 5.22 5.81 7.27 15.70 18.15 24.00 22.00 22.50 23.75 .49 .54 .62 160 223 373 175 239 390 20 24 8.71 10.16 29.75 37.00 24.75 26.00 .68 .76 538 783 559 798 TYPE 2 Nominal Dimensions in Inches Approximate Diameter Weight Inches L H N T Pounds 4 2.69 4.00 ■ .40 75 6 3.53 7.70 .43 114 8 4.38 11.50 .45 162 10 5.22 15.70 17.25 .49 211 12 5.81 18.15 17.81 .54 290 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 60 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. Illllllll STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR GAS TEES AND GROSSES A. G. I. STANDARD Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 61 lillllllllllllB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tfj^WONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR GAS Y BRANCHES A. G. I. STANDARD Nominal Diameter Inches Dimensions in Inches Thickness Inches Approximate Weight Pounds ^ 3.16 23 4.25 23 4.25 23 5.31 23 5.31 23 .40 .40 ,43 .40 .43 .43 .45 .40 .45 .43 10 4 10 6 10 8 10 10 12 4 12 6 12 8 12 10 5.31 23 6.75 23 6.75 23 6.75 23 6.75 23 7.25 23 7 .25 23 7.25 23 7.25 23 7.25 23 .45 .45 .49 .40 .49 .43 .49 .45 .49 .49 .54 .40 .54 .43 .54 .45 .54 .49 .54 .54 16 16 20 20 24 24 9.12 23 11.03 23 13.00 23 .62 .62 .68 .68 .76 .76 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 62 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR GAS CONCENTRIC REDUCERS— CAPS A. G. I. STANDARD Nominal Diameter Inches Dimensions in Inches L 1 N 1 T Approximate Weight Pounds 4 6.80 4.00 .40 25 6 7.90 4.00 .43 37 8 10.05 4.00 .45 52 10 12.10 4.00 .49 65 12 14.20 4.50 .54 95 16 18.40 4.50 .62 151 20 22.85 4.50 .68 220 24 27.05 5.00 .76 330 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 63 Weights are approximate. Prices on application. 64 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. STANDARD SPECIAL CASTINGS FOR GAS HAT FLANGES— PLUGS A. G. L STANDARD No iiigs on sizi'> — BC— JJ — oo 1 HAT FLANGES Diniimsions in IhcIms hue. Inches I. T O-D \»'*i«nt, roiind.s 20 X 6 11.0 .43 13.50 0)8 23 X 8 11.0 .45 15.50 91 20 xlO 11.0 .49 17.50 113 20 xl2 11.0 19.50 151 2Jx 6 13.0 .43 13.50 67 2* X 8 13.0 .45 15.50 ^ 268.80 47 1734 9 82 5281 0 2% 5.939 19 283.52 48 1809 5 83 5410.6 3 7.008 10^ 298.64 49 1885 7 84 5541 7 3.295 20 314.16 50 1963 5 85 5674 5 3J^ 9.621 203^ 330.06 51 2042 8 86 5808 8 3^ 11.044 21 346.36 52 212^ 7 87 5944 6 4 12.566 213^ 363.05 53 2206 1 38 6082 I 15.904 22 380.13 54 2290 2 89 6221 1 5 19.635 223^ 397.60 55 2375 8 90 6361 7 23.758 23 415.47 56 2463 0 91 6503 9 6 28.274 23M 433.73 57 2551 7 92 6647 6 f/2 33.183 24 452.39 58 2642 0 93 6792 9 7 38.484 24M 471.43 59 2733 9 94 6939 8 44.178 25 490.87 60 2827 4 95 7088 2 8 50.265 26 530.93 61 2922 4 96 7238 2 83^ 56.745 27 572 . 55 62 3019. 0 97 7389. 8 9 63.617 28 615.75 63 3117. 2 98 7542 9 9^ 70.882 29 C60.52 64 3216. 9 99 7697. 7 To compute area of a diameter not shown above: e RULE:— Divide the dimension by a factor which will reduce to a quotient found m the table, then multiply area of the quotient by square of factor. Thus— 120 divided by 2 equals 60. Area of 60 equals 2S27.4. Multiply by 4 equals 11309.6. Area of circle, 120 units in diameter. 75 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. INDEX Page American Gas Institute, Specifications .... 50 American Water Works Association, Specifications. 5 Areas of Circle, Table 75 Base Elbows, Flanged 42 Base Elbows, Water 22 Base Tees, Water 26 Bends, One-Sixteenth, Flanged 41 Bends, One-Eighth, Flanged 41 Bends, One-Fourth, Flanged 41 Bends, One-Sixteenth, Gas 60 Bends, One-Eighth, Gas 59 Bends, One-Fourth, Gas 58 Bends, One-Sixteenth, Water 19 Bends, One-Eighth, Water 18 Bends, One-Fourth, Water 17 Bends, One Thirty-Second, Water 20 Bends, One-Sixty-Fourth, Water 21 Blank Flanges 49 Blow-OfF Branches, Water 31 Branches, Cutting-In 35 Branches, Tees and Crosses, Flanged .... 43 Branches, Tees and Crosses, Gas 61 Branches, Tees and Crosses, Water 23 Branches, Y, Gas 62 Branches, Y, Water 27 Bushings, Gas 68 Caps, Gas 63 Caps, Water 37 Circle, Area of, Table 75 Concentric Beducers, Gas 63 Crosses, Gas 61 Crosses, Flanged . . . 43 Crosses, Water 23 Cutting-In Branches 35 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. Hi INDEX— Continued Page Dimensions of Pipe, Flanged 38 Dimensions of Pipe, Gas 57 Dimensions of Pipe, Water 14 Elbows, Base, Water 22 Eccentric Reducers, Gas 64 Flanged and Bell Pipe, Short Lengths .... 40 Flanged Bends, One-Sixteenth 41 Flanged Bends, One-Eighth ' . .41 Flanged Bends, One-Fourth 41 Flanged Base Elbows 42 Flanged Branches 43 Flanged Crosses 43 Flanged Pipe, Dimensions . . .38 Flanged Reducers 46 Flanged Tees 43 Flanged and Spigot Pipe, Short Lengths ... 40 Flanges, Blank 49 Flanges, Hat, Gas 65 Gas Pipe, Dimensions of 57 Hat Flanges, Gas 65 Hub Sleeves, Gas .66 Increasers, Water 29 Lead and Jute Required, Table 74 Line Drip, Open Top, Gas 69 Line Drip,12-in. Top Plug, Gas 70 Lugs, Water 16 Offsets, Water 34 Offsets, Gas 72 Pipe, Gas, Dimensions 57 Pipe, Flanged, Dimensions .38 Pipe, Water, Dimensions 14 Pipe, Water, List Prices 15 Plugs, Water 36 Pots, Side, Gas 71 77 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. INDEX— Continued Page Pressure Corresponding to Head, 1 able 73 Relative Delivery ot Water, table 74 lieducers, Concentric, Uas 63 Reducers, Eccentric, Gas 64 Reducers, Flanged Reducers, Water . . oide Pots, uas 71 Sleeves, Hub, Gas DO bleeves, Service, Gas o7 oleeves, oolid, Cas bleeves, bplit. Gas . 66 Sleeves, Split, Water 66 bleeves. Water 32 O • 1 T7'*xx* special l^ittings 21 Specifications, American Gas Institute . . . . 50 bpecilications, American Water Works Association 5 lees. Rase, Water 2b Tees, Flanged 43 Tees, Gas 61 Tees, Water 23 Water Pipe, List Prices 15 Y Rranches, Gas 62 Y Rranches, Water . . . 27 7 NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE CO. DIFFERENTIAL LIST BELL AND SPIGOT PIPE EXTRAS: 16-foot lengths $1.00 ton L. G. L. shipments, all lengths 2.50 ton 4-inch pipe 3.00 ton 3-inch pipe 10.00 ton Glass A or Gas Pipe 2.00 ton BELL AND SPIGOT FITTINGS EXTRAS: Fittings only, L.G.L Ic pound Fittings with pipe, L. G. L J^c pound Tees and Grosses with one or more spigot ends . .J^c pound Double Bell Bends 34c pound Reducers with Bell on large end 34c pound Gutting in Tees and Grosses Ic pound Base Ells and Base Tees Ic pound Blow-OfF Branches Ic pound Drip Pots Ic pound Double Spigot or Double Bell Reducers ... Ic pound Double Spigot Bends Ic pound Split Sleeve 2c pound FLANGED PIPE EXTRAS: L. G. L. shipments ........ $2.50 ton Glass A and Gas Thickness, 3 inches .... 60.00 ton Glass A and Gas Thickness, 4 inches .... 5.00 ton Glass A and Gas Thickness, 6 inches and larger . 2.50 ton FLANGED FITTINGS EXTRAS: Fittings only, L.G.L Ic pound Fittings with pipe, L. G. L 3^c pound All Standard Gas Fittings 34c pound Tees, Grosses and Elbows Reducing on Run or Branch Ic pound DRILLING AND TAPPING: Minimum charge up to 1 inch $L00 Each additional 34 inch or fraction .... 25c GUTTING PIPE TO SIX-FOOT LENGTHS (Per Gut) 3", 4", 40c; 5\ 50c; 6", 8", 60c; 10", 80c; 12", 14", $1.25: 16", 18", $1.50; 20", $1.90. DEDUGTIONS: Flange Pipe 14" and larger in quantities of 6 or more pieces of a size, $5.00 per ton under list price for the size. 79 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112101731872