MENDENHALL’S GUIDE AND ROAD MAP OF OHIO EXPLANATION. Main Touring Routes are printed on map in black and red, the numbers on side of routes in red are the route numbers, and refer to some route number in route book for description, etc. The numbers after each town named in route book give the distance in miles from the starting point. The local routes in black lines on map are not described, but are good routes, with but few exceptions. The fine yellow lines on map dividing the State into square blocks of 25 miles each way gives a good idea as to distance. J J .? 1 ARDIAN, MICH., to BRYAN, O.— South on Main st. to Fairfield 6, gravel, clay, f^fr; southwest 3 miles, -O west 1 mile, turn south to Weston 11, fair; west 2 miles, then southwest to Morenci 19, gravel and clay, fair; west to Munson 24 V 2 , gravel and clay, good; south to Fayette, O., 27, good; west 4 miles, turn southwest to West Unity 34^, clay and gravel, ' ' good; southwest 6 miles, south 2 miles, then south- er west to Bryan 46, gravel and clay, good. 2 ADRIAN, MICH., to WAUSEON, O.— South on Main st. and road to Fairfield 6, fair; Jasper 7, fair; Se* ward, O., 13^, fair, gravel and clay; south 5% miles, west 5%, turn south to Ottokee 25, only fair; south to Wauseon 29, good. 3 AKRON to NORWALK— Northwest to Montrose 7, good; Coddingville 10 y 2 , good; Medina 19, good, hilly; Mallet Creek 23, good; Litchfield 28, good; Penfield 33, good; Wellington 38, good; Brighton 42, good; Clarksfield 48, fair; Norwalk 60, fair, roll- ing to level, dirt. Copyrighted, 1913, by C. S. Menden^U.^ 28 4 AKRON to WARREN — North to Cuyahoga Palls 4, good; Stows Corners 7, good; Kent 11, good; Ra- venna 17, good; Charlestown 22, fair; Newton Palls 33, fair; Leavittsburg 39, fair; Warren 42, good; rolling to hilly from Akron. 5 ASHLAND to MANSFIELD — Northwest on San- dusky st. to Olivesburg 6, good, level; southwest to Epworth 9 %, fair, rolling; Mansfield 16, fair, roll- ing. * 6 ASHTABULA to MEADEVILLE, PA.— South, follow- ing Electric railway to Jefferson 10, good, level; turn east 2 miles, then southeast and east 6 % miles, ^ south 1 mile, then east to North Richmond 22, fair, level; Pennline, Pa., 25, fair, rolling; Waring 27%, fair, level; Linesville 31%, fair, level; east to Har- monsburg 37, fair, rolling; continue east 1% miles, take left fork road to Meadville 46, fair, rolling. 7 BATAVIA to WEST UNION— East to Williamsburg 7%, good, pike hilly; Mt. Oreb 16, good, hilly; White Oak 19, fair; Sardinia 23, fair; Biehn 26, fair; Macon 28; Winchester 32, fair, hilly; North Liberty 36%, fair, hilly; West Union 45, fair, hilly. 4 8 BELLE FONT A1NE to KENTON— North to North- wood 8, good, gravel; Belle Center 11, good, gravel; Yelverton 14, good, gravel; Kenton 22, good, gravel; hilly near Bellefontaine. 9 BRYAN to HILLSDALE, MICH.— North to Karle or West Jefferson 6%, fair; Pioneer 14, fair; west 4 miles, then direct north to Hillsdale 35, fair; clay and gravel, some sand, level. 10 CAMBRIDGE to MARIETTA— South to Pleasant City 10, only fair, hilly; Rochester 15%, only fair, hilly; Sarahsville 19, fair, hilly; Caldwell 25, fair, rolling; Dudley 28, fair, rolling and level; South Olive 30%, fair, mostly level; Dexter City 32, fair, level; Macksburg 24, fair, level; Elba 27, fair, level; Lower Salem 31%, fair, level and rolling; Whipple 35, fair, rolling; Unionville 42, fair, rolling; Mari- etta 45, good, level. 11 CANTON to DAYTON (via State Road)— West to Massillon 8, good; West Brookfield 10, good; East, 4 Greenfield 13, good; Dalton 17, good; East Union 23%, good; Wooster 30, good, hilly; Reedsburg 39, — 2 — 4 fair; Jeromesville 44, fair; Hayesville 48V 2 , fair; Mifflin 54, fair; Mansfield 62, fair to good; Ontario G8, good; Galion 77, good; Iberia 83, fair; Caledonia 91, fair; Marion 100, fair to good; southwest to Owen 105, good; Pharisburg 119, fair to good; Marysville 127, good; Milford Center 132, good;. Mechanicsburg 141%, good; Catawba 147%, good; New Moorefield 152, good; Lagonda 157, good; Springfield 159, good; west on Main st. to Dayton pike to Enon 166%, good; Fairfield 172, good; Harshmanville 178, good; Dayton 182, good; rolling or level all way, hilly near Wooster. 12 CANTON to MADISON — North on Market st. to Cairo 7, good to fair; northeast to Hartsville 12, fair; Rootstown 23, fair; Ravenna 27, fair; north- east to Freedom 35, fair; then north to Hiram 40, fair; Troy Center or Welshfield 45, fair; Burton 51, fair; northeast to Huntsburg 58, only fair; Mont- ville 63, fair; South Thompson 66, fair; Thompson 69, fair; Madison 75, fair; rolling to level from Canton. 13 CANTON to NEW PH I LADELPH I A— South to North Industry 4, good; Sparta 10, fair; Sandyville 12, fair; Zoar 16, fair; Canal Dover 24, fair; New r Phila- delphia 27, good, hilly. 14 CANTON to PITTSBURG, PA. — East on Tuscarawas st. to Osnaburgh 4%, fair; Paris 11%, fair; New Franklin 15, fair; New Alexander 21, good; New Garden 25, fair; Gilfords Bucks 28, fair; Lisbon 34, fair; Elkton 38, fair; Clarkson 43, fair; Black Hawk 53, fair; Beaver 63, good; Rochester 64; Freedom 66, good; Agnew 67, good; Baden 69, good; Economy 72%, good; Fair Oaks 74, good; Glenfield 81, good; Dixmont 82, good; Bellevue 85, good; Allegheny 90, good; cross river to Pittsburg 91, good. Very hilly most of the way from Canton. 15 CANTON to STEUBENVILLE— Southeast to Waco 2, good; Waynesburg 14, fair; New Harrisburg 21, fair; Carrollton 26, fair; Harlem Springs 32, fair; Amsterdam 38, fair; East Springfield 42, fair; Rich- mond 47, good; Winterville 54, good; Steubenville 59, good; very hilly road. 16 CANTON to YOUNGSTOWN— Northeast to Louis ville 7. good; Barryville 11, good; Alliance 18, good; north to Lexington 21. good; Deerfield 28. fair; east to Berlin Center 33, fair; Ellsworth 38, fair; — 3 — Canfield 43, fair; Boardman 48, fair; north to Youngstown 54, fair; hilly and rolling, some sand. 17 CARROLLTON to ST. CLAI RSVI LLE— Southeast to Kilgore 11, fair; Germano 16, fair; Jewett 21, fair; Cadiz 29, fair; south to New Athens 36, fair; then southeast to Fairport 42, fair; St. Clairsville 46, only fair; very hilly road. 18 CHIL1COTHE to GALLIPOLIS— Southeast, via Londonderry pike 4 % miles; turn right, cross rail- road, then southeast on Richmondale pike to Pep- pers 8 %, good, level; Richmondale 13%, good, level; Brox Cors 16%, good, rolling; Springer 17%, fair., rolling; Leach 20, fair, rolling; Jackson 28, fair, hilly; Rockyhill 35%, fair, hilly; Thurman 44, fair, rolling; Rio Grande 48%, fair, level; turn east to Adamsville 50, fair, rolling; Rodney 54, fair, level; Gallipolis 60, good, rolling. 19 CHI LL1COTHE to LANCASTER— North, out Bridge st. to Hopetown 3, good, level; Kinnikinnick 6%, good, level; Kingstown 10%, good, level; Meade 13, fair, rolling; Leistville 16, fair, rolling; Tarlton 19%, fair; Delmont 39, good, rolling; Lancaster 45, good, level. 20 CHILLICOTHE to McARTHUR— Southeast (via Londonderry pike) to Londonderry 12, good, level; Ratcliffeburg 19, fair, hilly; Allensville 23%, fair, hilly; McArthur 32, only fair, very hilly. 21 CHILLICOTHE to PORTSMOUTH— South on Paint st., cross bridge over Paint Creek, then through Massieville 5%, good pike; Alma 13%; Waverly 17%; Jasper 24%, good pike; Coopersville 31, good pike; Wharton or Dry Run 44; Portsmouth 48, good pike (or you can cross to east side of river at Lucasville), good pike to Portsmouth. 22 CHILLICOTHE to WASHINGTON C. H.— West on Main st. two blocks, turn north on High st. to Mar- field Mills 2; turn right, cross canal, then north 3 miles; recross the canal, then direct to Clarksburg 17, good; New Holland 24, good; Washington C. H. 33, fine route. 23 CHILLICOTHE to WASHINGTON C. H.— West on Main st. two blocks to High st., north to Frankfort pike, to Frankfort 13%, good, except Bray’s Hill, long steep hill; Austin 17%, good, rolling, hilly; Washington C. H. 31, fine. — 4 — 24 CHILLICOTHE to WEST UNION— West on Main st. two squares to foot of hill, then out Cincinnati pike to Slate Mills 4% miles; turn southwest to Bourneville 12 %; Bambridge 19, this is very en- joyable up the rich valley of Paint Creek; Cinthi- ana 27, fair, hilly; Sinking Spring 35 *4, fair, hilly; Locust Grove 42*4, fair, hilly; Peebles 44 *4, fair; Dunkinsville 52*4, fair, hilly; West Union 58*4, fair, hilly. 25 CINCINNATI to BATAVIA— East on Fifth st. to Broadway, turn right to Fourth st., turn left to Pike st., turn right to Pearl st., direct to Eastern av.; follow same to Beechmont av. (Linwood), turn to Union Bridge 8, good, level; cross Little Miami; turn left to Newton 11*4, good pike; Mt. Carmel 15*4, good pike; Gleneste 17, good; Willowville 20, good; • Batavia 24, good pike. 26 CINCINNATI to CH I LLICOTHE— East on Fifth st. to Broadway, turn right to Fourth st., turn left to Pike st., turn left to Pearl st., direct to Eastern av. ; follow same to Linwood 7 %, level and rolling; Red Bank 9; Plainville 12, good, level and rolling; Ter- race Park 16; cross over Little Miami river to Mil- ford 17*4, good, rolling and level; Mt. Repose 22, good, rolling; Goshen 26, good; Blanchester 39, good; Midland City 43, good, level; Martinsville 45, good; New Vienna 51, good; Highland 66; Lees- burg 68*4, good, rolling; East Monroe 71, good, roll- ing; Greenfield 77, good, hilly and rolling; Lyndon 81, good, hilly; Lattaville 85, good, hilly; Slate Mills 94, good, hilly; Chillicothe 98, good, rolling, level. 27 CINCINNATI to CH I LLICOTH E— East on Fifth st. to Broadway, turn right to Fourth st., turn left to Pike st., turn right to Pearl st., direct to Eastern av.; follow same to Linwood 7*4, level and rolling; Red Bank 9; Plainville 12, good, level and rolling; Terrace Park 16; cross bridge over Little Miami river to Milford 17*4., rolling, good and level; Elenor 24, good, rolling, hilly ; Belfast 27, good pike; New- tonville 29, good; Lerado 34, good; Veracruz 36*4, good; Fayetteville 38*4, good; Springtown 41*4, good, rolling and hilly; Dodsonville 45*4, good, hilly; Chaney 48, rolling; Fairview 51, good, rolling; Hillsboro 58, good, rolling; Rainsborough 68, good, hilly and rolling; Paint 72*4, good (see Rocky Fork Caves at Paint) ; Bainsbridge 78, good, level and rolling; Bournesville 86, good, rolling; Slate Mills 93, good, rolling; Chillicothe 98, good, level and rolling. — 5 — 28 CINCINNATI to CLEVES and HARRISON— North on Race st. to Eighth st., west to State av., south on State to Sixth, west to Liston av. follow same to Anderson’s Ferry 7; Delhi 11%, good, level, rolling; Home City 12; Fernbank 13, good, level; Addyston 14; North Bend 16; President W, H, Harrison’s tomb is located on the hill overlooking North Bend; turn north up short, steep grade to Cleves 17; con- tinue north and cross Big Miami river to Valley Junction 19, good, level; then north to Harrison 27, level, rolling, good. 29 CINCINNATI to COLUMBUS and CLEVELAND— North on Race st. to Eighth st., east to Broadway, north 3 squares to Reading road, follow same up grade to Avondale 2 %, good; continue straight ahead (passing east of Bond Hill 7, good), to Read- ind 10, good pike, rolling to level; Sharon 14, good, level; take right fork (Lebanon pike) up grade to Pisgah 18, good; Mason 22, good, level; Main st. and Broadway, Lebanon, 30, good, level; north on Broadway 3 squares to Warren st., east 4 squares, then northeast to Waynesville 40, good; Mt. Holly 44, good; Spring Valley 48, good; Xenia 53, good; turn east on Main st. to Columbus st., north 2 squares, then northeast to Cedarville 61. good; Selma 67, good, level: South Charleston 72, good, level; London 83, good, level; West Jefferson 93, good, level; east on National road to Alton 98, good, level; Rome 100, good, level; Broad and High sts.. Columbus. 107. good, level: north out High st. to Worthington 115%, good rolling; continue north 12 miles; turn left, cross Olentangy river, then north to Delaware 129, good, rolling and level; cross to east side of river and at railroad turn north 1 mile; take left fork road, north 6 miles, then north- east to Westfield 140, fair, mostly level; Carding- ton 146. fair; east 3% miles, then north to Mt. Gilead 152, fair; east 2% miles, then northeast to Williamsport 159, fair; Shaucks 164, fair; Lexing- ton 171, fair; east about % mile, then northeast to Mansfield 178, good; northeast via Ashland road to Windsor 184. fair, rolling; Five Points 186%, fair, rolling; Ashland 192, fair, rolling; east out Cleve- land av. 1 mile, take left fork road to West Salem 105, fair, rolling; Lodi 111%, good, level; Whittlesey 117, good, rolling; Medina 121%. good, level: north to Brunswick 128, good, rolling: Strongsville 133, good, hilly; Binola 134, good: Parma 139%, good, mostly level; Brooklyn 144. good, level; north on Pearl st. to Cleveland 148%, good, level. 30 CINCINNATI to COLU M BUS— North on Race to Eighth st., east to Broadway, north to Reading road, direct up hill to Avondale 2% good; then down and up hill, passing east of Bond Hill 7, good; Reading 10, good pike; Sharon 14, good, level; take right fork up grade to Pisgah 18, good; Mason 22, good pike; Main and Broadway, Lebanon, 30, good; turn to right at Warrent st., then direct to Waynes- ville 40, good pike; Mt. Holly 44, good; Spring Val ley 48, good; Xenia 53, good; Cedarville 61, good; Selma 67; South Charleston 72, good; London 84, good; West Jefferson 93, good; Alton 98, good; Alton 100, good; Broad and High sts., Columbus, 109, good. 31 CINCINNATI to COLUM BUS— East on Fifth st. to Broadway, turn right to Fourth, then left to Pike st., turn right to Pearl st., direct to Eastern av.; follow same to Linwood 714, level and rolling; Red Bank 9; Plainville 12, good, level and rolling; Ter- race Park 16; cross bridge over Little Miami river to Milford 17%, good, rolling and level; Mt. Repose 22, good, rolling; Goshen 26, good; Blanchester 39, good; Midland City 43, good, level; Cuba 48, good; Wilmington 54, good; Sabina 65, good; Washington C. H. 76, good; Mt. Sterling 91, good; Harrisburg 97%, good; Grove City 104, good; then to Mound and High sts., Columbus, 113; from Grove City to Columbus only fair, rolling. 32 CINCINNATI to DAYTON— North on Race st. to Eighth st., east to Broadway, north 3 squares to Reading road; follow same up grade to Avondale 2% good; continue straight ahead on Reading road (passing east to Bond Hill 7), to Reading 10, good, rolMng to level; Sharon 14, good, level; take left fork road north to Westchester 18, good, mostly level; Maud 20, good, hilly; Bethany 22% good, rolling; Jericho 23, good; Monroe 26% good, roll- ing; Oakland 28, good, rolling; Blueball 30% good, rolling; Franklin 35, good, hilly; Miamisburg 41, good, level; West Carrollton 44, good, level; Alex- anderville 45, good, level; Dayton 52, good, rolling and level. 33 CINCINNATI to DAYTON— North on Race st. to McMicken av., turn west on same to Mohawk bridge; cross bridge over canal and continue west on Central av. and Harrison av. to Spring Grove av.; north on same to Cumminsville 5, good, level; Win. ton Place 6 %, good, level; Elmwood 8 %, good; Carthage 9%, good, level; continue straight ahead to Gas Hall 9%; take left fork (Springfield av.) north, passing just west of Fair Grounds, to Hart- well 10%, good, level; Wyoming 12, good, level; Glendale 15, good, level; straight ahead on Prince- ton pike to Port Union 19, good, rolling; Princeton 23, good, rolling; continue north 2 % miles, then northeast to LeSourdsville 27, good, rolling; South Excello 30, good, rolling; Middletown 33, good, level; northeast (following electric railway) to Franklin 40, good, level; Miamisburg 46, good, level; West Carrollton 49, good, level; Alexanderville 50, good, level; Third and Main sts., Dayton 57, good, rolling and level. 34 CINCINNATI to DAYTON and TOLEDO— North on Race st. to Eighth st., east to Broadway, north 3 squares to Reading road, follow same up grade to Avondale 2 %, good; continue straight ahead (passing east of Bond Hill 7), to Reading 10, good, rolling to level; Sharon 14, good, level; take right fork (Lebanon pike) up grade to Pisgah 18, good; Mason 22, good, level; Main st. and Broadway, Lebanon, 30, good, mostly level; direct north out Broadway to Pekin 34%, good, rolling; take right fork road northeast to Ridgeville 36%, good, rolling; north to Centerville 43%, good, rolling; Oakwood 49 %, good, rolling; Main and Third streets, Dayton, 52%, good, level; east on Third st. 1% mile; take left fork (Springfield st.), northeast to Harshman 56%, good, level; Fairfield 62%, good, level; Enon 69, good, mostly level; Main and Limestone sts., Springfield, 77, good, rolling; north out Limestone st.; Urbana 90, good, mostly level; West Liberty 99%, good, level; Bellefontaine 107, good, rolling; Kenton 127, good, rolling to level; north to Dun- kirk 137, good, level; Williamstown 144, good, level; Findlay 154, good, level; straight ahead out Main st. to Mortimer 159, good, level; Van Buren 161, good, rolling; continue north, passing just west of Galatea 164, fair, level; Oil Center 166, fair, level; Cygnet 168, fair, level; Tromley 169, fair, level; Mungen 170%, fair, level; Mermill 172, fair, level, to Portage 174, fair, level; Bowling Green 177, fair, level; Perryburg 190, good to fair, level; northeast, following electric railway to Toledo 200, good, level. 35 CINCINNATI to FALMOUTH, KY.— South on Race st. to Second st., east 1% squares to Suspension — 8 — bridge, south, crossing same over Ohio river to Covington 1*4, good; continue south on Court av. 2 squares to Fourth st., west 1 *4 squares, then south on Madison av. to Latonia 4, good, level; southwest on Independence pike to Sandfordtown 6*4, good, level; Independence 13, good, level and rolling; Fishburg 22, good, hilly; Demossville 31, fair, hilly; Falmouth 43, poor, hilly. 36 CINCINNATI to FOSTER’S CROSSING and MOR- ROW — East on Eighth st. to Broadway, turn left to Court st., turn right to Gilbert av., up hill to Eden Park entrance, go through park to Park av., to McMillan st., turn right to Woodburn av., to Montgomery av., to Norwood 7, good all the way; then up hill on Montgomery pike to Pleasant Ridge 9, good; Silverton 10 y 2 , good, rolling; Montgomery 14 *4, good; Sixteen Mile Stand 18, good, rolling; Twenty Mile Stand 21 *4,. good; Foster’s Crossing 23 y 2 , very hilly; Hopkinsville 26*4; Zoar 28; Mor- row 31; hilly from Foster’s to Morrow. 37 CINCINNATI to H AM I LTON— North on Race to McMicken, turn left, follow same to Mohaw^k bridge, cross canal to Central av., to Harrison av., to Spring Grove av., turn north to Cumminsville at Hamilton av., turn north to College Hill 7, one steep hill, pike; Mt. Healthy 9, good, rolling; Pleasant Run 15, good, very hilly; Symmes Corner 17*4, good, rolling; Second High st., Hamilton, 23, good, level and rolling. 38 CINCINNATI to HAMILTON and DAYTON— North on Race st. to McMicken av., turn west on same to Mohawk bridge, cross same over canal and continue west on Central av. and Harrison av. to Spring Grove av., north on same to Cumminsville 5, good, level; Winton Place 6 *4, good level; Elmwood 8 y 2 , good, level; Carthage 9 1 / 4, good, level; continue straight ahead to Gas Hall 9*4; take left fork, Springfield av. north to Hartwell 10*4, good, level; Wyoming 12, good, level; Glendale 15, good, level; northwest, following electric railway to Springdale 16*4, good, level; Stockton 19, good, level; Furmandale 22, good, level; Hamilton 26, good, level; west on High st., cross Miami river, turn north, following electric railway to Coke Otto 29, good, level; continue straight ahead *4 mile, take right fork road northeast to Overpeck 30*4, good, level; east *4 mile, then northeast to Trenton — 9 — 34, good, level; West Middletown 37%, good, level; turn right, crossing Miami river to Middletown 38%, good, level; northeast, follow electric railway to Franklin 45, good, level; Miamisburg 51, good, level; West Carrollton 53%, good, level; Alexander- ville 54, good, level; Dayton 61, good, rolling and level. 39 CINCINNATI to HARRISON— North on Race st. to McMicken av., turn left to Mohawk bridge, cross canal to Central av., follow same to Harrison av., direct to Millcreek bridge, cross same, turn right to Fairmount, then up two-mile hill, following Harri- son av., to Westwood 6%, good; Cheviot 7%, good; follow Harrison pike one mile, take right fork through Dent 10%, good; Taylor’s Creek 14% ; cross Big Miami river to Miamitown 16, good, hilly and rolling; go up hill and down hill to Harrison 25, good pike. 40 CINCINNATI to INDIANAPOLIS, IND— North on Race st. to McMicken av., turn west on same to Mohawk, cross bridge over canal and continue west on Central av. and Harrison av. to Spring Grove av., turn north on same to Cumminsville 5, good, level; Winton Place 6 %, good, level; Elmwood 8 %, good, level; Carthage 9%, good, level; continue straight ahead to Gas Hall 9 %; take left fork (Springfield av.) north, passing just right of Fair Grounds, to Hartwell, 10%, good; Wyoming 12, good, level; con- tinue north, following electric railway to Glendale 15, good, level; northwest, following electric rail- way, to Springdale 16%, good, level; Stockton 19, good, level; Furmandale 22, good, level; Hamilton 26, good, level; west on High st., cross Miami river, turn north, following electric railway, to Coke Otto 29, good, level; continue straight ahead % mile, take left fork road north to Sevenmile 32%, good, level; Collinsville 36%, good, level; Somerville 40, good, level; Camden 45, good, level; Eaton 53, good, mostly level; northwest, following electric railway, to Upshur or New Hope 58%, good, level; Progress 63, good, level; Richmond, Ind., 68, good, level; con- tinue west on Main st., cross Whitewater river, turn south 1 square, then east via National road to Centerville 74, good, level; Cambridge City 83, good, level; Dublin 85, good, level; Lewisville 93, good, level; Dunreith 97%, good, level; Odgen 99%, good, level; Raysville 101%, good, level; Knightstown 102%, good, level; Charlottsville 106%, good, level; — 10 — Greenfield 115, good, level; Philadelphia 119 gooa, level; Cumberland 125, good, level; Indianapolis 136, good, level. 41 CINCINNATI to INDIANAPOLIS, IND.— North on Race st. to McMicken av., turn left on same to Mo- hawk bridge, cross same over canal and continue west on Central av. and Harrison av., following street railway across viaduct; turn right northwest on Harrison av., passing through Fairmount to West- wood 6 y 2 , good, level to hilly; Cheviot IVz, good, level; straight ahead on Harrison av. y 2 mile, take right fork (Harrison pike), northwest to Dent 10, good, rolling; Taylors Creek 1344, good, rolling; Miami 15*4, good level; Harrison 22 y 2 , good, hilly; north out Main st. to New Trenton 30. good; Cedar Grove 35, good; Brookville 42, fair; Blooming Grove 49, fair; Everston 54, fair, hilly and rolling; Con- nersville 61, fair, hilly and rolling; vrest out Third st. to Glenwood 70, good, level and rolling; Rusville 78, good, level; Arlington 86, good, level; Morriston 93, good, level; Fountaintown 98, good, level; New Palestine 10446, good, level; Indianapolis 125, good, level. 42 CINCINNATI to LEXINGTON, KY.— South on Race st. to Second st., turn east 146 squares to Suspension bridge, south, crossing same over Ohio river to Cov- ington, Ky., 146, good; continue south on Court av. 2 squares to Fourth st, west iy 2 squares to Madison av., south 2 y 2 squares to Pike st., southwest on same and Lexington pike to Fort Mitchell 5, good, one hill; Erlanger 9, good, rolling; Florence 11, good, level; W T alton 21, good, rolling; Crittenden 28, fair, rolling, three hills; Williamstown 41, fair, rolling; Sadieville 60, fair, hilly; Georgetown 79, fair to good, hilly; Lexington 91, good, level. 43 CINCINNATI to LIBERTY, IND.— North on Race st. to McMicken, turn to left, follow same to Mohawk bridge, cross canal to Central av., to Harrison av., to Spring Grove av., turn north on same to Mill- creek bridge, cross bridge to Colerain av., turn left, follow same to Colerain pike, to Mt. Airy 7 46. steep hill; Groesbeck 10, rolling; Bevis 1246, good, rolling; Dunlap 15, good, rolling; then dowm a long hill to Big Miami river, cross bridge to Venice 18, good; turn to right at the band stand in Venice direct to Millville 24; turn to right at toll gate 25; up hill to McGonigle 29; Oxford 36, good; College Corner 40; Cottage Grove 42; Liberty 47. fair. — 11 — 44 CINCINNATI to LOUISVILLE, KY.— North on Race st. to Eighth st., then west to State av., then south to Sixth st., then west to Liston av., to Anderson’s Ferry 7%, good, level and rolling; Home City liy 2 ; Fernbank 12%, good, rolling, level; Addyston 14, good, rolling and level; North Bend 16, good, level and one steep grade at the Bend (the tomb of W. H. Harrison, ninth President of U. S., is located on the hill above North Bend, grand view of the Ohio river at this point); Cleves 17; then turn west to Eliza- bethtown 19^4 ,fair, rolling; Lawrenceburg, Ind. r 2 4V 2 ; Aurora 28%, level, good; Rising Sun 37, good, level and rolling; North 40, good; Patriot 46% , good, rolling, hilly; Florence 54, fair; Markland 57, good; Vevay 62, good; Lamb 69% , good, rolling, hilly; Brooksburg 74, good; Madison 8114, good; Hanover Landing 87, good; Hanover 89, good; Swanville 93, good; Lexington 98%, only fair; Otisco 109, good; Charleston 116, good, rolling, hilly; Wat- son 123, fair; Jeffersonville 129, good; cross Ohio river to Louisville 131. 45 CINCINNATI to NEW BALTI MORE— North on Race st. to McMicken av., turn left, follow same to Mo- hawk Bridge, cross canal to Central av., to Harrison av., to Spring Grove av., turn north on same to Millcreek Bridge cross bridge to Colerain av., follow to Colerain pike, to Mt. Airy 71£, and Groesbeck 10, level to Cumminsville, balance very hilly and roll- ing; turn direct west at Groesbeck about 114 mile to Blue Rock pike, follow same to Barnesburgh 12 good, rolling; New Baltimore 16, good, rolling. 46 CINCINNATI to PORTSMOUTH— East on Fifth st. to Broadway, turn right to Fourth st., turn left to Pike st., turn right to Pearl st. direct to Eastern av., follow same to Carroll st., Columbia. 6%, turn right across railroad to “Kellogg” or New Richmond pike, follow same, cross Little Miami River 8, good; turn right, pass through new Water Works grounds to California 10; Coney Island 11, good, rolling, level; Sweetwine 12 1 / 4, good level; New Palestine 18, good, rolling; New Richmond 24, good, rolling; Clermontville 26. Point Pleasant, Gen. U. S. Grant's birthplace, 28, good; Moscow 30, fair, rolling; Neville 34, good, rolling; Chilo 39, good, rolling; Utopia 44, good; Higginsport 49, good; Ripley 57, good, rolling; Aberdeen 67 (Maysville, Ky.. opp.) ; Manchester 77, fair, rolling; Vineyard Hill 83, fair, level and rolling; Rome 96, fair, rolling; Buena — 12 — Vista 107, fair, rolling; the greatest quarries of the State are located here — the Buena Vista free stone (from here to Portsmouth furnishes an interesting and a beautiful ride); Friendship 117, good, rolling; Portsmouth 124, good, rolling; “Points of Interest” one mile away on Kentucky side are the famous earthworks of the Mound Builders, the walls of which are twelve to fifteen feet high. 47 CINCINNATI to WEST UNION — East on Fifth st. to Broadway, turn right to Fourth, turn left to Pike st., turn right to Pearl st., direct to Eastern av., fol- low same to Carroll st., Columbia, 6'M> ; turn right cross railroad to New Richmond pike, follow same cross Little Miami River 8; go straight ahead on Salem pike up steep hill to Fruit Hill 12, good; Cherry Grove 14; Tobasco 15 y 2 , good; Withams- ville 17- Amelia 21, good; Mt. Holly 25; Bethel 30, good; Hamersville 36, good; then down and up steep hill to Georgetown 43; Decatur 57; West Union 67, very hilly. 48 CIRCLEVILLE to WASHINGTON C. H.— Leaving Courthouse, go north to Main st., turn west on Main st. direct to Lancaster and Washington pike, follow same to Williamsport 9, good; New Holland 17*4* good, rolling; Washington C. H., good, rolling. 49 CIRCLEVILLE to ZAN ESVI LLE— East on Main st. about y 2 mile, then northeast to Amanda 12, fair, rolling; Delmont 16, fair, rolling; Lancaster 21, good, rolling; east out Main st. to West Rushville 30, good, rolling; Rushville 31, good; Somerset 39, fair, rolling; Sego 44 y 2 , fair, rolling; Fultonham 49, fair, hilly: White Cottage 52, fair, hilly; Zanesville 59, good, hilly. 50 CLEVELAND to COLUMBUS and CINCINNATI— West from public square on Superior st, (crossing Cuyahoga river), 1 mile to Pearl st. (now West Twenty-fifth st.), south on same to Brooklyn 4, good, level; straight ahead on Pearl road to Parma 8*4, good, level; Binhola 14, good, mostly level; Strongs- ville 15, good; Brunswick 20, good, hilly; Medina 27, good, rolling; one square beyond railroad, turn right southwest 4 miles, then south to Whittlesey 3iy 2 , good, level; continue south about y 2 mile, take right fork road direct southwest to Lodi 38, good, rolling; West Salem 44 y 2 , good, level; Ash- land 5 6y 2 , fair, rolling; southwest out Clermont av. — 13 — to Five Points 62, fair, rolling; Windsor 64*4, fair, rolling; Mansfield 70, fair, rolling; southwest out Lexington av. to Lexington 77, good; southwest on Delaware road to Shaucks 84, fair; Williamsport 89, fair; continue -outhwest 4 miles, then west to Cardington 102, fair; southwest to Westfield 108, fair; continue south 4 miles (to Delaware river), then south to Delaware 119, fair, most level; cross to west side of Olentangy river, 2 squares west of river turn south 3 miles, recross river to the east side, then south to Worthington 134, good, rolling and level; Broad and High sts., Columbus, 141, good, rolling; west out Broad st. and National road to Rome 148, good, level; Alton 150, good, level; West Jefferson 155, good, level; southwest, following just north of railroad to London 165, good, level; South Charleston 176, good, level; Selma 181, good, level; Cedarville 187, good, level; Xenia 195, good; west on Main st. to Cincinnati st., southwest on same to Spring Valley 200, good; Mt. Holly 204, good; Waynesville 208, good; Lebanon 218, good; south on Broadway, cross railroad tracks, turn southwest on Cincinnati pike to Mason 226, good, level; Pisgah 230, good, level; Sharon 234, good, down grade; Reading 238, good, level; south on Reading road (passing just east of Bond Hill 241), to Avondale 245 %, good, level to rolling; Cincinnati 248, good, down grade. 51 CLEVELAND to ERIE, PA.— East on Euclid av. to East End 5, good; Collomer 7 %, good; Euclid 10, good; Wickcliffe 13*4, good; Willoughby 19, good; West Mentor 24, good; Painesville 29, good: Madison 40, good; Unionville 42, good; east 3 miles, then north to Geneva 46, good; east to Saybrook 50, good; Ashtabula 55, good; North Kingsville 61, good; Am- boy 65, good; Conneaut 68, good to fair; West Springfield 71, fair; East Springfield 76, fair; Girard 80, fair; Fairview 86, good; Swanville 89, fair; Erie 97, good; gravel to Ashtabula; gravel, clay and sand to Erie; level to rolling all the way. 52 CLEVELAND to MANSFI ELD— West on Detroit st. to Clifton Park 5, good; Rocky River 7*4, good; south to Rockport 8%, then west to Dover 13 *4, good to fair; North Ridge ville 20%, good; Elyria 25, good, level; southwest to Wellington 41, fair; Huntington 46, fair; Sullivan 51, fair; continue k south 2% miles, then southwest to Nankin 59, fair; ‘Ashland 63, fair; west to Olivesburg 69, fair; then south to Mansfield 79, fair; level to rolling from Cleveland. — 14 53 CLEVELAND to MEADEVI LLE, PA.— From Public square south on Ontario st. about *4 mile to Mar- ket House, take left fork (Woodland av.) southeast 2 miles, take right fork (Kinsman road) to War- rensville 9, good, level; direct east to Orange Center 196, fair, hilly; Newbury Center 24*/£, good, mostly level; Burton 30, good, rolling; Middlefield 34, good, rolling to level; Mesopotamia 40, good, level; North Bloomfield 44*4, good, level; Greene 50, good, level; Kenilworth 51 *4, good, level; Gus- tavas 55, good, level; Barclay 57*4, good, level; continue east 2*4 miles (passing just north of Kins- man 59, good, level), then northeast to Turnesville, Pa., 67, good, level; Hartstown 73, good, rolling; continue straight ahead about one-third mile, take left fork road northeast to Conneaut Lake 7814, fair, mostly level; turn east about 1 mile, take left fork road northeast to Meadville 88, fair, rolling. 54 CLEVELAND to PITTSBURG, PA.— South on On- tario st. to Woodland av., east on Woodland to Kinsman st., to Kingsburg 6, good; Warrensville 9, good: Chagrin Falls 18, good; Auburn 28, fair; Welshfield 32, fair; Parkham 37, fair; Southington 45, fair; Warrens 54, good; Girard 63, good; Youngs- town 68. good, rolling and level, some hills near Parkham; southeast 4H miles, turn east, passing north of Lowellville to Newcastle, Pa., 86, fair to good; south to Moravia S3, fair to good; Homewood 102, good; Beaver Falls 107, good; New Brighton 108, good; Rochester 111, good: Freedom 113, good; Agnew 114, good; Baden 117, good; Economy 120*4, good; Fair Oaks 122, good to fair; Glenfield 129, good; Dixmont 130, good; Bellevue 133, good; Alle- gheny 138, good; Pittsburg 139, good; rolling and hilly from Youngstown, O. 55 CLEVELAND to SANDUSKY— West on Detroit st. to Clifton Park 5, good; Rocky 7*4, good; Dover Bay 10, fair; Avon Lake 16, fair; Beach Park 19, fair; Lake Breeze 22. fair; Lorain 26, fair; Oak Point 30, fair; Vermilion 36, fair; Ceylon 43, fair; Huron 46, only fair; Sandusky 55, fair. Level all the way. 56 CLEVELAND to TOLEDO— West on Detroit st. to Clifton Park 5. good; take right fork road to Rocky River 7*4, good; south to Rockport 8 %, good; west to Dover 13*4, good to fair: Bement 16; North Ridgeville 20*4, good; Elyria 25, good, level; south- — 15 — west 6Y 2 miles, following electric railway, then west to Oberlin 32 '% fair; continue west 4 miles, south 2 miles, then west to Wakeman 44, fair; south y 2 mile, then west to East Townsend 49, fair; Norwalk 56, good; Monroeville 60, good; Bellevue 68, good; Clyde 74 y 2 , good, stone; Fremont 82 % good, stone; Hessville 90% good, stone; Woodville 98, good, stone; Lemoyne 105, good, stone; Stony Ridge 107, good, stone; Lime City 111, good, stone; Perrysburg 114% good, stone; follow Perrysburg pike on east side of river to Toledo 124, good, stone; level road most of the way from Cleveland. 57 CLEVELAND to TOLEDO— West on Detroit st. to Clifton Park 5, good; Rocky River 7% good, level; turn south 114 miles to Rockport 8%, good, level; take right fork road west to Dover 13 y 2 , good, level; Bement 16, good, level; North Ridgeville 20 % good, level; Elyria 25, good, level; northwest, following electric railway and crossing west branch of Black river, % mile; then west to Amherst 32, fair, level; Henrietta 35%, fair, rolling; Birmingham 38, fair, rolling; Florence 44 % good, mostly level; Berlin* ville 50, fair, rolling; take left fork road southwest to Norwalk 57, fair, rolling; Monroeville 61, good; Bellevue 69, good, level; Clyde 75 *4, good, mostly level; Fremont 83% , good, level and rolling; Hess- ville 9iy 2 , good, level; Woodville 99, good, level; Semoyne 106, good, level; Stony Ridge 107, good, level; turn north after crossing railroad to Moline 110i/ 2 , good, level; Toledo 117, good, level. 58 CLEVELAND to WHEELING. W. VA.— South on Ontario st. to Broadway, to Newburgh 5, good; Bed* ford 11% good; Twinsburg 18, fair; south to Hud- son 23, fair; Darrowville 25 2-3, fair; Stow’s Corners 28 2-3, fair; Munroe Falls 30, fair; Tallmadge 33, fair; North Springfield 37., fair; Uniontown 42, fair; Greentown 45 % fair; New Berlin 49, fair; Canton 55, good; south on Market st. to Navarre st.; south- west to Richville 61, good; Navarre 65, good; Justus 68% good; Beech City 72, good; southeast to Stras- burg 77, good; Canal Dover 82, good; New Phila- delphia 85, good; Uhrichsville 95, good to fair; Tap- pan 106, good; Laceyville 112% good; Cadiz 122, good; south to Science Hill 4, good; southeast to Short Creek 128, good; Harrisville 131, good; Pleas- ant Grove 135, good; Colerain 138, good; Bridgeport 144, good; cross river to Wheeling 145, good. Level to rolling to Canton and very hilly from Canton to Wheeling. — 16 — 59 CLEVELAND to YOU NGSTOWN— South on On- tario st. to Broadway, to Newburgh 5, good; Bedford 11%, good; Twinsburg 18, fair; south to Hudson 23, fair; Darrowville 25 2-3, fair; Stow’s Corners 28 2-3, fair; east about 100 yards, then south to Monroe Falls 30, fair; Tallmadge 33, fair; then direct east to Brimfield 38, fair; Rootstown 43%, fair; Edinburgh 49, fair; Palmyra 54, fair; North Jackson 65, fair; Austintown 70, fair; Youngstown 76, good; Clay and sand; rolling to hilly from Cleveland. 60 CLEVELAND to ZAN ESVI LLE— South on Scranton av. to Pearl st. to South Brooklyn 4, good; Parma 9, good; Binola 15, fair; Strongville 16, good; Bruns- wick 21, fair. Medina 28, fair, clay and dirt, hilly; Seville 37, fair; southwest to Creston 39%, good; Jackson 41%, good; Madisonburg 49, good; Wooster 53, good, rolling; Moreland 59%, good; Holmesville 66, fair; Millersburg 71, fair, some sand, hilly; Clarke or Bloomfield 78, fair; Keene 87, fair; Coshocton 93, fair, clay, hilly; Adams Mills 103%, fair; Dres- den 109, good; Zanesville 122, gravel, good, level. 61 COLUMBUS to C I RCLEVI LLE— South on High st. to Shadeville 10, fair, rolling; South Bloomfield 15, good, level; Circleville 39, good, level. 62 COLUMBUS to COSHOCTON (via Newark)— East on Broad st. to Franklin Park 2%; north, following Alum Creek to Infirmary 4; cross creek, then to Gahanna 7, fair, level; Ovid 11%, fair, rolling; Jer- sey 13, fair, level; Granville 23%, fair; Newark 30. fair, good, rolling; Hanover 38, fair to good; Fra- zeysburg 47. good; Dresden 53, good; Adams Mills 58, good; Conesville 61%, good; Franklin Station 63%, good; Coshocton 68, good, rolling and hilly. 63 COLUMBUS to MT. VERNON— East on Broad st. to Cleveland av.; north to Linden 4%, good; Mifflin* ville 6, fair; Blendon 9, fair; Westerville 12, fair; Galena 19, fair; Sunbury 21, good; Centerburg 31, fair; Mt. Liberty 35, fair; Mt. Vernon 45, fair to good. Level to rolling from Columbus. 64 COLUMBUS to PARKERSBURG, W. VA.— South from Capitol Building on High st. 4 squares, then east on Main st. 3 miles, crossing Alum Creek; turn southeast on Winchester pike to Winchester 15, good, level; Carroll 22, good; Hookers 27, good; Lancaster 32, good, rolling; south out Maple st., — 17 — passing just west of Sugar Grove 39; to Rocky- bridge 45, good, level; Enterprise 48, good, level; Logan 52, good, mostly level; Haydenville 59, good, nearly level; Nelsonville 64, fair, level and rolling; continue southeast, passing south of Doanville 66%; to Floodville 68, fair, level; Chauncey 72, fair, level; Athens 78, fair, mostly level; Guysville 89%, good, level; Stewart 91 %, fair, rolling; Frost 96, fair, level and rolling; south on east side of Hocking River 4% miles, turn east to Torch 103, fair, level and rolling; Little Hocking 107%, fair, rolling; cross Little Hock- ing River, then northeast 1 mile, turn east to Cen- ter Belpre 110%, fair, hilly; Rockland 113%, good, level; continue east % mile, take right fork road to Belpre 115%, good, level; cross Ohio River to Par- kersburg, W. Ya., 116. 65 COLUMBUS to PIQUA — West on Broad st. to Rome 8, fair to good; Alton 9%, fair; West Jefferson 14%, good; continue west 2 % miles, then northwest to Mechanicsburg 33, only fair; Mutual 37, good; Ur- bana 43, fair; Westville 47, good; St. Paris 54, good; Fletcher 62, good; Piqua 69, good. Rolling and level from Columbus. 66 COLUMBUS to PORTSMOUTH— South from State House on High st. to Shadeville 10, fair, rolling and hilly; South Bloomfield 15, good, rolling; Court st., Circleville, 29, good, rolling; then south from Court- house on Court st. over good road to Hopetown 45, good, rolling, on^e hill; Chillicothe 49, good, gravel, with easy grades; starting from Courthouse, south on Paint st.. cross bridge over Paint Creek, then through Massieville 55, good; Alma 63; Waverly 66; Jasper 74, good; Coopersville 81, good pige; Whar- ton or Dry Run 94; Bertha 96%; east, crossing river to Portsmouth 98, good pike (or you can cross to east side of river at Lucasville, good pike). 67 COLUMBUS to RICHMOND, IND. (Via National Road) — West out Broad st. to Rome 8, good, level; Alton 9%, good, level; West Jefferson 14%, good, level; Lafayette 22, good, level; Summerford 26%, good, level; Brighton 31, good, level; Vienna Cross Roads 33%, good, level; Harmony 38, good, level; Springfield 44, good, level and rolling; straight ahead on Main st. to Sugar Grove 47, good, level; take right fork road (National Road) west to Donnels- ville 51, good, hilly near Sugar Grove; Forgy 54, good, level and rolling; Brandt 59, good, level; — 18 — Phoneton 61 %, good, level; Tadmor 60, good, hilly; Yandalia 65, good, hilly near Tadmor; Englewood 70 %, good, level and rolling; Arlington 77, good, level and rolling; Bachman 79, good, level; Eu- phemia 83, good, mostly level; Gettysburg 93, good, level and rolling; Orangeburg 94’%, good, level, Belfast 95, good, level; State Line 98, good, rolling; Richmond, Ind., 102, good, rolling. S8 COLUMBUS to SANDUSKY— North on High st. to Worthington 9, good, rolling; northwest 12 miles, cross river, then north to Delaware 24, good, rolling to level; Norton 33, good, level, hilly near Dela- ware; Waldo 35, good, rolling; northeast to Letim- berville or Kirkpatrick 51 %, fair, level and rolling; Bucyrus 60, fair to good, level; Chatfield 70, fair, level; Attica 78, fair, level; Siam 79%, fair, level; Omar 81%, fair, level; Reedtown 84%, fair, level; Weaver’s Corners 88%, fair, level; Strong’s Ridge 94, fair, level; Sandusky 106, fair, level. 89 COLUMBUS to TOLEDO— North on High st. to Worthington 9, good; west to Dublin 14, good; con- tinue west 4 miles, then northwest to New California 22, good; Marysville 31, good; Bokes Creek 43, good; Byhalia 47%, good; Mt. Victory 54%, good; Ken- ton 63, good; Dunkirk 73, good; Williamstown 76, good; Arlington 80, good; Findlay 90, good; Morti- mer 95, good; Van Buren 97, fair; continue north, passing west of Galatea 100; Oil Center 102; Cygnet 103; Trumbley 105, fair; Mungen 106%, fair; to Portage 110, fair, level; Bowling Green 113, fair; Ferrysburg 125%; follow Perrysburg pike north- east to Toledo 135, good; from Columbus to Find- lay route is mostly gravel; level or rolling all the w^y. 70 COLUMBUS to WAPAKON ETA— North on High st. to Spring st. to Dublin pike to Dublin 14, good, level to rolling; west to New California 22, good, rolling; Marysville 32, good, rolling; Pottersburg 39, good, rolling; West Middleburg 45, good, hilly; Bellefon- taine 55, good, hilly; northwest 3 miles, take left fork to Lewistown 63, good; Lakeview 69, good, rolling; New Hampshire 73, good; west to St. Johns 80, good, rolling; Wapakoneta 85, good, level. 71 COLUMBUS to WASHINGTON C. H.— South on High st. to Mound st.; west to Harrisburg pike, southwest to Grove City 8, fair; Harrisburg 15, fair; Mt. Sterling 23, good; Washington C. H. 39, good. — 19 — 72 COLUMBUS to WHEELING, W. VA. (Via National Road) — South from Broad st. on High st. 4 squares; turn east out Main st. to Reynoldsburg 11, good level; Etna 17, good, level and rolling; Kirkersville 21%, good, rolling; Hebron 27, good, rolling; Jack- sontown 31, good, rolling; Linnville 34%, good, roll- ing; Brownsville 39%, fair, hilly; Gratiot 42, fair, rolling; Hopewell 45, fair, hilly; Mt. Sterling 46, fair; Zanesville 54, fair to good, rolling and hilly; east out Main st. to Bridgeville 63, good to fair, hilly; New Concord 70, fair, rolling; Cassells 74, fair, rolling; Cambridge 78, fair, rolling; Washing- ton 86, fair, hilly; Fairview 98, fair, hilly; Hendrys- burg 101%, fair, hilly; Morristown 107, fair, very hilly; Loydsville 111, fair, rolling; East Richland 113%, fair, hilly; St. Clairsville 116%, fair, rolling; Blaine 122, fair, very hilly; Lansing 123%, good, level; Wheeling Creek 124, good, level; Brookside 124%, good, level; Bridgeport 126, good, level; cross Ohio River to Wheeling, W. Va., 127, good. 73 COSHOCTON to CAM BRIDGE— Southeast to Plain- field 10, good to fair; Linton Mills 13, only fair; Flat Ridge 17, only fair; Indian Camp 20, fair; Cam- bridge 25, fair, very hilly. 74 COSHOCTON to U H RICHSVI LLE— East to West La- fayette 6%, good; New Comerstown 15, good; Port Washington 21, good; Gnadenhutten 26, good; Uhrichsville 42, good; level and rolling. 75 COVINGTON, KY V to PETERSBURG, KY— West on Third st., follow electric railway to Ludlow 2%, good, level; Bromley 3%, good, level; Constance 7%, good, level; west % mile, turn left up hill to Hebron 11%, fair, rolling; Bullittsville 13%, fair, rolling; Gainesville 17, fair, rolling; Petersburg 21, fair, rolling. 76 DAYTON to COVINGTON and PIQUA— Out North Main st. to turnpike, to Harrisburg 9; Union 11, good; West Milton 16, good, rolling; Ludlow Falla 18; Pleasant Hill 22; Covington 26, good, rolling; turn right, then direct to Piqua 33%, good. 77 DAYTON to EATON and RICHMOND, IND.— The Dayton and Western pike, the continuation of West Third st., to Soldiers’ Home 2%, good, hilly; New Lebanon 10, good, rolling (on this pike the route can be seen for 10 miles direct ahead) ; Johnsville 12, good, rolling; West Alexandria 18; Eaton 24, good, rolling; then northwest to Richmond, Ind., 40, fair, gravel pike, with few hills. — 20 — 78 DAYTON to GERM ANTOWN— South on Main st. from Courthouse to Washington, west on Washing- ton, cross Miami River, to Germantown st. pike, to Gettersburg 17, good, rolling, level; Germantown 22, good, hilly, rolling. 79 DAYTON to GREEN VI LLE— North from Courthouse on Main st. to Soldiers’ monument, turn west on Monument av., cross river to River st., west to Salem av., follow same to Salem 12, good, level, rolling; Phillipsburg 16, good, rolling; Arcanum 27, good; Jaysville 32y 2 , fair; Greenville 36, fair, rolling. 80 DAYTON to LEBANON — The Lebanon pike runs southward from South Main st. to Centerville 10, good, rolling, some few hills; Ridge ville 18; Pekin 21; Lebanon 26, good, hilly. 31 DAYTON to PIQUA — East on First st., to Keowee st., turn north on same, crossing Mad River to North Dayton 1; continue northwest and north out Keowee st., following electric railway to Chambersburg 7, good, level; Yandalia 9, good, rolling; Troy 20, good, rolling; Piqua 28, good, level. 82 DAYTON to SPRINGFIELD and URBANA— East on Third st. and Springfield pike to Harshman 4, good; Fairfield 11, good (this pike is the southern branch of the National road from Springfield through Day- ton to Richmond, Ind.) ; Enon 17, good; Springfield 24, good; then north on Limestone st. to Urbana pike, to Urbana 38^, an excellent pike, one bad hill three miles south of Urbana; there are no towns between Springfield and Urbana. 83 DAYTON to XENIA and WASHINGTON C. H — Southeast out Linden st. to Oakland 4, good; Hawkers 6; Zimmerman 8; Trebeins 12; Xenia 16, good pike, but hilly; then direct northeast on old Federal road for 3*4 miles, turn right, then direct to Jamestown 2 (>%. good; West Lancaster 34^, good. Washington C. H. 48, good pike. 84 DEFIANCE to PAU LDI NG— Southwest, following Auglaize River to Charloe 12, good; then west to Paulding 20, good. 85 EATON to GREEN VI LLE— North to Oklahoma 2 good; West Manchester 10V 2 , fine, rolling; Castine 13, good; Greenville 24, fine. — 21 — • 86 FINDLAY to DEFIANCE — West out Howard st. 5V 2 miles, then northwest to McComb 10, fair; north 2 miles, then west 2 miles, to Dewey ville 14. fair; west 4 miles, then north to Deshler 22, fair; west 7 miles, then north to Hamler 30, good; north 1 mile, then west to Holgate 36, good; west 4 miles, north 1 mile, then west to Defiance 49, good, gravel; rolling to level from Findlay. 87 FINDLAY to UPPER SANDUSKY— East out San- dusky st. 3 miles, cross creek and continue east 2 y 2 miles, then southeast to Carey 16, fair; Crawford 20, good; Lovell 22, good; Upper Sandusky 27, good; level to rolling. 88 FINDLAY to VAN WERT— West out Howard st. to Gilboa 15, good, gravel; Ottawa 21 1 / 2 , good, gravel;' Kalida 30% , good, gravel; Fort Jennings 38, good, gravel; Delphos 43, good, gravel; Van Wert 56, good. Level to rolling all the way. 89 FOSTORIA to BUCYRUS— East to Bascom 7%, fair, level; Tiffin 13, fair, level; southeast to Melrose 20% , fair, level; Broken Sword 31, fair, rolling; Bucyrus 38, fair, rolling. 90 FREMONT to LAKESIDE— Northeast on west side of Sandusky River to Port Clinton 16, good, level; then east to Lakeside 26, good, level; about 2 miles from Port Clinton turn northeast for Catawba Island, 25 miles from Fremont, good, level. 91 GREENVILLE to DAYTON— Southeast to Jaysville 4, good; Arcanum 9, good; Phillipsburg 19, good; Salem 23, good; Salem 27, good; Dayton 36, good. Rolling most of the way. 92 GREENVILLE to MUNCIE, I ND.— Northwest to Coleton 4, good, rolling; Hill Grove 8, good; Union City 12, good, rolling; Winchester 21, good, rolling; Farmland 29, good, rolling; Parker 33, good; Selma 37, good; Muncie 43, good, rolling. 93 GREENVILLE to RICHMOND, IND.— South to New Madison 10, fair; Wiley 14'%, fair; New Paris 19%, fair; Richmond 25, good, rolling. 94 GREENFIELD to SABI N A— Northwest to New Mar- tinsburg 6, fair; Sabina 18, fair, rolling, hilly. — 22 — 95 GREENVILLE to VAN WERT— Northeast to Beams- ville 7, good; Dawn 9, good; Brock 13, good; Delvin 17, good; then west to North Star 19, good; direct north to Celina 35, good to fair; Mercer 43, fair; Van Wert 58, fair; rolling. 96 HAMILTON to EATON — West on High st., cross Big Miami, turn right direct to two-mile creek, then four-mile creek, take left fork road to Seven Mile 7 ; Collinsville 16, good, rolling; Camden 24; Eaton 32, fair, rolling, some hilly. 97 HAMILTON to FAIR HAVEN— West on High st. di- rect to Darrtown 9 %, good, hilly and rolling; Morn- ing Sun 18%, fair, rolling and hilly; Fair Haven 22 %, fair. 98 HILLSBORO to CINCINNATI — West to Fairview 6; Chaney 9, fine; Dodsonville 11; Fayetteville 17%, good; Marathon 22%, fair; Monterey 27%, fair; Bos- ton 32%, fair; Perrintown 37%, fair; Milford 41%, good; cross Little Miami River, then south to Pain- ville 46, good, rolling; Linwood 50, good, level; fol- low Eastern av. to Cincinnati 50, good, level. 99 HILLSBORO to GEORGETOWN— Southwest to Dan- ville 8, good, hilly; Hollowtown 12, fair, hilly, roll- ing; Buford 16, fair, hilly, rolling; Benton-Mt. Oreb 22%, fair; New Hope 27%, fair; Wallburg 31, fair; Georgetown 34, fair. 100 HILLSBORO to GREENFIELD— Northeast to New Petersburg 10, fair, hilly, rolling; then north to Greenfield 17%, hilly, rolling. 101 HILLSBORO to LYNCH BU RG— West to Fairview 6; Allensburg 9, fine; then north “to Lynchburg 12, the best road around Hillsboro. 102 HILLSBORO to WAVE RLY— Southeast to Marshall 7%, hilly, rolling, fair; Turkey 13, hilly, rolling, fair, grand scenery; Latham 23%, fair, hilly; Idaho 29%, hilly; Daleyville 35, fair hilly; Waverly 41, good. 103 HILLSBORO to WEST UNION and WRIGHTSVILLE — South to Fairfax 10%, good, hilly, rolling; Buck Run 16%, fair, hillv; Irvington 19%, fair, hilly; Unity 22%, fair, hilly: West Union 29, fair, hilly; Beasley’s Fork 34. fair, hillv; Wrightsville or Vineyard Hill P. O. 36%, fair, hilly. — 23 — 104 HILLSBORO to W I LM IN GTON— -Northwest 2% miles, turn north 8 miles, turn northwest to Antioch 17%, good pike, hilly and rolling; Wilmington 22%, good, hilly and rolling. 105 HUNTINGTON, W. VA., to WHEELING, W. VA.— East on Third ave. to Guyandot 2%, good, level; cross Ohio River by ferry to Proctorville, O., 3; northeast following river to Athalia 10%, good, level; north to Miller 12, good, level; Crown City 16, fair, mostly level; east to Swan Creek 21, good, level; northeast to Bush’s Mill 24, good, level; ncuth to Bladen 26%, good, level; Eureka 27%, mostly level; Angola 28%, good, level; Clipper Mills 33%. good, level; Gallipolis 37%, good, level and roll- ing; northeast, following along river to Kanauge 41%, good, level; north to Addison 44%, good, level; continue north 1% mile, turn east 1-3 mile, then northeast to Cheshire 49, good, level; Carl- ton 50%; Silver Run 51, good, level; Middleport 54%, good, level; northeast, follow electric railway to Pomeroy 56%, good, level; east following electric railway 1 mile, turn north % mile, then northeast to Five Points 60%, fair, level to hilly; northeast % mile, take left fork road northeast to Chester 64, fair, rolling; north on east side of Shade River 1% mile, take right fork road northeast to Tupper Plains 72%, fair, rolling and hilly; Coolville 77, fair, rolling; cross Hocking River, then northeast to Torch 80, fair, rolling; Little Hocking 84%, fair, rolling; cross Little Hocking River, then northeast 1 mile, turn east to Center Belpre 87%, fair, hilly; Rockland 90%, good, level; continue east % mile, take right fork road to Belpre 92%, good, level (Parkersburg lies just across the river from Bel- pre) ; turn north, follow river to Briggs 96%, good, level; Constitution 98, good, level; northeast along river 1% mile, turn north to Gravelbank 99%, good, level; northeast to Moore Junction 102, good; Har- mar 105, good, level; cross bridge over Muskingum River to Marietta 105%, good, level; northeast from river on Putnam st. 6 squares, turn southeast 2 squares to railroad, turn left a short distance, take left fork (Newport pike) southeast to Reno 110, good, level; southeast and east following river to Lower Newport 114%, good, level; northeast following along river to Newell Run 119, good, level; Newport 121, good, level; turn north 1% mile, east 1 mile, then northeast along river to Murphy 124, fair, level; — 24-- Wade 126%, fair, level; continue northeast following river to Dawes 131%, fair, level; Grandview 134%, fair, level; New Metamoras 135%, good, level; Coch- ransville 138, fair, level ; Fly 140, fair level ; Wittens 142%, fair, level; Sardis 146y 2 , fair, level; turn right 2 squares, then northeast to Duffy 149%, fair, level; north following river to Hannibal 151%, good, level; Clarington 160, good to fair, level; Powhattan Point 168%, fair, level and rolling; cross river by ferry to Captina, W. Va., 168%; northeast along railroad % mile, take left fork road northeast and north to Moundsville 176%, only fair, hilly and rolling; north following on east side of railroad to Glendale 178%, good, level; northeast, follow electric railway to McMechen 182, good, rolling and level; north follow- ing electric railway to Benwood 184, good, level; Upper Benwood 184%, good, level; Mozart 185%, good, level; Wheeling 187%, good, level. 106 IRONTON to GALLIPOLIS — Northeast out Park ave. to Hecla 3, good, hilly; Kitts Hill 7, fair, hilly; east 1% mile, turn left northeast to Manker 11%, fair, hilly; Aid 13, fair, hilly; Wilgus 16, fair, hilly; Greasey Ridge 19%, fair, hilly; Lecta 24, fair, hilly; north % mile, turn right, northeast to Hollis 29, poor to fair, hilly; Northup 34%, fair, level; Galli- polis 40, good, hilly. 107 IRONTON to LOGAN — Northwest out Second street to Hanging Rock 2%, good, level; turn north to Pine Grove 7, good, hilly; Culberson 10, fair, hilly; Bartles 11%, good, level; Ort 13, good, level; Camp- bell 16%, fair, hilly; Jep 17%, fair, level; Olive 20, fair, level; Oak Hill 30, fair, hilly; Clay 32%, fair; Rocky Hill 36%, fair, hilly; Berlin Cross Roads 44%, fair, hilly; Wellston 47, good, rolling; Hamden Junction 50, fair; Dundas 54, fair, rolling and level; north to McArthur 57, good, rolling; Elk Fork 60, fair, level; Creolo 62%, fair, rolling; Swan 68, fair, mostly level; Hesboro 61%, fair, hilly;. Ewing 65, fair, rolling to level; Logan 70, fair, roll ing. 108 JACKSON to ATHENS — Northeast to Berlin Cross Roads 5%, fair; north to Wellston 8, good; Ham- den Junction 10%, fair; Dundas 15, fair, rolling and level; Frattsville 21, fair, rolling; Boline Mills 27, only fair, rolling; Albany 32%, fair, rolling; Heb- bardsville 35%, fair, rolling; Athens 43, only fair, rolling. — 25 — 109 JACKSON to POMEROY — Northeast to Berlin Gross Hoads 5*4, fair; east to Middleton 7^. fair, rolling; Wilkesville 17, fair, hilly; southeast to Salem Cen- ter 20*4- fair, rolling; Hanesville 24, fair, rolling; east to Langsville 26, fair, rolling; Rutland 29, fair, level; turn south % mile, take left fork road east to Pomeroy 33. fair, level, hilly near Pomeroy. 110 JAMESTOWN to H I GH LAND— South to Bowers- ville 6, fair, rolling: Bloomington 10, fair; Rees- ville 1414, fair; Memphis 2014, fair; Highland 26, fair. 1 T1 KENTON to UPPER SANDUSKY— Northeast to Marseilles 12, good, dirt, level; Upper Sandusky 23, good, dirt, level. 112 LANCASTER to NEWARK— North (via Heasant- ville pike) to Pleasantville 9. good, rolling; New Salem 18. good, rolling; Thornville 18. good; Jack- sontown 22. good; Lloyds Corners 25, good; Newark 30, good. 113 LANCASTER to NEW LEXI NGTON— East out Main st. 314 miles; take right fork road east to Breman 10, only fair, rolling; Crossenville 15. only fair, hilly; New Lexington 25. only fair, hilly. * 114 LEBANON to FRAN K LI N— Northwest by pike to Red Lion 414, good, rolling, gravel; Franklin 9*4, good, rolling, hill. 115 LEBANON to GOSHEN— South to South Lebanon on Little Miami River 5. good, rolling, hilly: then south to Hopkinsville 7, rolling, hilly, good; Mains- ville 814, good; Goshen 16, good, rolling. 116 LEBANON to H AM ! LTON— West to Shakers Vil- lage 414. good, rolling, level; Monroe 9, good, roll- ing; then direct south to Jericho 12, good; turn west to Huntsville and Hughes Station on Big Four R. R., continue west to Princeton 16. good, rolling, hilly; Hamilton 22, good, rolling, hilly. 117 LEBANON to Wl LM 1 NGTON— Direct east on good pike to Sligo 15, hilly, rolling; Wilmington 1714, good. 118 LIMA to FINDLAY — Northeast to Beaver Dam 9, good, level; Bluffton 15. good, level; Mt. Cory 20, good, level; Rawson 22, good, level; Findlay 31, good, level. — 26 — 119 LIMA to FORT WAYNE, i ND.— Northwest to Elida 6, good, gravel; Scott’s Crossings 10, good, gravel; Delphos 15, good, gravel; Van Wert 29, good, gravel; then northwest on Ridge Road to Tillman, Ind., 38, good, dirt; New Haven 48, good, dirt; Fort Wayne 55, good. Level and rolling from Lima. 120 LONDON to MARYSVILLE — From Public Square out East High st. for three blocks, to Elm st., follow same straight ahead to county line, turn left for one mile, then north to Marysville 30, good, rolling, level. 121 LONDON to PLAIN CITY — Northeast to Lafayette 1. good, level, rolling; Plain City 20, good, level, roll- ing. 122 LONDON to MT. STERLING — Southeast three miles, take right fork direct to Mt. Sterling 15^, good, rolling. 123 LONDON to WASHINGTON C. H.— South on High st. to Newport or Walnut Run 4, good, gravel; Range 12, good rolling; Bloomingsburg 21, good; Washing- ton C. H. 27. 124 MANSFIELD to LOUDONVILLE — Southeast to Lucas 7, fair; Perry ville 14, fair; Loudon ville 19, good; gravel and clay, hilly. 125 MANSFIELD to SANDUSKY— Northwest to Spring Mills 6, good; Shelby 12, good; Plymouth 20. good; New Haven 23, good; Peru 33, fair; Norwalk 39. fair; Milan 42^>, fair; Avery 45, fair; Bogart 50, fair; Sandusky 55, good. Rolling and hilly, some sand. 126 MANSFIELD to ZAN ESVI LLE— South to Bellville 10, fair; Fredericktown 20, fair; Mt. Vernon 27, good;; hilly, gravel, some sand; Hunt 32, good to fair; Utica 39, good, hilly; St. Louisville 44. good; Vanatta 47, good; Newark 52, good, level; Jackson- tow T n 59, good; east on National Road to Linnville 62 good; Brownsville 67^. good; Gratiot 69 t 2, good; Hopewell 72, good; Mt. Starling 73, good; Zanesville 81, good. Hilly from Newark, gravel and stone from Jacksontown. 127 MARION to LIMA — Northwest to Big Island 5, good, gravel; Cochranton 11, good, gravel; west to Ken- ton 26, good, gravel; northwest to Huntersville 35, good, continue northwest 3 y 2 miles, then north to Ada 41, good; west to Lafayette 48, good, gravel; Lima 56, good, gravel. Level to rolling from Marion. 128 MARION to SIDNEY — Southwest to Green Camp 6, good, gravel; Essex or Rush Creek 12, good, gravel; Byhalia 20, good, gravel; continue southwest 4 miles, then south to West Mansfield 27, good, gravel; New Jerusalem 33, good, gravel; Bellefontaine 38, good, gravel; west 4 miles, then southwest to De Graft 48, good, gravel; Quincy 52, good, gravel; Pember- ton 55, good, gravel; south 1 mile, then west to Sid- ney 62, good, gravel.' Hilly or rolling all the way. 129 MARYSVILLE to MT. VERNON— East to New Dover 4, good, gravel; Delaware 17, good, gravel; Kilbourne 23, good, gravel; Pagetown 31, good, dirt; Mt. Liberty 39, good, dirt; east to Mt. Vernon 50, good, dirt. Rolling and level. 130 MAYSVILLE, KY., to AUGUSTA, KY.— Northwest to Moransburg 4, good, rolling; Fernleaf 10, good, roll- ing; Germantown 12, good, rolling; Chatham 19, good, rolling; Augusta 24, good, rolling. 131 MAYSVILLE, KY., to CATLETTSBURG, KY.— South- east via Mason and Lewis pike to Rectorville 8, fair, hilly; Tolesboro 12, fair, rolling; Valley 19, good, hilly; Vanceburg 26, good, rolling; east to Quincy 36, fair, rolling; northeast to Fullerton 46, fair, rolling and level; southeast to Greenup 65, fair, rolling; Wurtland 68, good, level; Russell 74, good, level; Ashand 79, good, rolling; Catlettsburg 84, good, level. 132 MEDINA to LORAI N— Northwest to Mallet Creek 4, fair; west 1 mile, north 1 mile, to Lester 6, fair; northwest to Belden 12, fair; north iy 2 miles, then west to Grafton 16, fair to good; La Porte 20, fair; Elyria 23, good; Lorain 31, good. Level most of the way. 133 MIDDLETOWN to EATON and RICHMOND, 1ND. — West, crossing Miami River to West Middletown at C., H. & D. R. R., then northwest Astoria 4 y 2 , good, level and hilly; Winchester 12, good, gravel, hilly; Eaton 21, good, rolling; Upshur 26. good, rolling; Progress 30, good, rolling; Richmond, Ind., 37, good, rolling, level. — 28 134 MIDDLETOWN to GREENVI LLE— West, crossing the Miami River to West Middletown, then north- west to Astoria 4%, good, level and hilly; Win- chester 12, good, gravel, hilly; West Alexandria 18%, good, rolling, gravel, some hilly; Lewisburg and Euphemia 26%, good, hilly, rolling; Sonora 28%, good; Ithaca 32, good; Greenville 45, good, rolling, level. 135 MT. VERNON to COSHOCTON— East to Monroe Mills 6, good; Howard 9, fair; Millwood 12, fair; Walhonding 20, fair; Warsaw 28, good; Coshocton 38, good, rolling, some hills. 136 MT. VERNON to LANCASTER— South out Main st to Brandon 6, fair; Homer 10%, fair; Freedonia 18, fair; Granville 24, fair; Lancaster 49, fair, rolling and hilly. 137 MT. VERNON to WOOSTER— Northeast to Amity 8, fair; Jelloway 15, fair; Loudonville 23, fair; Plimpton 30, fair; Springville 38, only fair; Woos- ter 45, fair. Hilly road. 138 NAPOLEON to ANGOLA, I N D. — Northwest to Ridge- ville Corners 8, fair; Bryan 24, fair; west 7 miles, take right fork to Denmark 34, good, gravel; Hamil- ton. Ind., 45, good, gravel; Angola 54, good, gravel. Level to rolling. 139 NEWARK to LANCASTER — West from Public Square on Main st. 1 mile, then southwest following canal to Hebron 8%, good, level; south to Lakeside Park 12%, good, level; Millersport 13%, good; Thurston 18, good; Lancaster 27, fair. 140 NEWARK to ZAN ESVI lLE— East out Main st. to Hanover 81, good, level; Nashport 14, fair, rolling; Irville 15%, fair; Zanesville 26, fair, rolling and level. 141 NEW LEXINGTON to McCONNELSVI LLE— South- east to Oakfield 7, only fair; east to Morgansville 16, only fair, hilly; Malta 22, only fair, hilly; cross Muskingum River to McConnelsville 23. 142 NEW PHILADELPHIA to COSHOCTON— South to Black Hand 8, good; Phillipsburg 10, good; Bakers- ville 16. fair; Orange 21. fair; West Lafayette 26. good; Coshocton 32, good. Polling or hilly all the way. - — 29 143 NEW PHILADELPHIA to LISBON— Northeast tci New Cumberland 9, fair; Dell Roy 14, fair; Carroll- ton 22, fair; Augusta 22, fair; Kensington 36, fair; Hanoverton 38%, fair; Lisbon 48, fair. Rolling to hilly. 144 NEWPORT, KY., to GRANTS LICK, KY.— South out on Monmouth st. and Alexandria pike to Dale 3%, good, hilly; Cold Springs 6, good, rolling; southeast '% mile, take left fork road to Alexandria 12%, good, rolling; south to Grants Lick 20, fair, rolling. 145 NORWALK to WOOSTER— Southeast to Olena 7, only fair; Clinton or Fitchville 12, fair; Savannah 23, fair; Ashland 30, fair; Rowsburg 39, fair; New Pittsburg 43, fair; Wooster 52, fair to good. Rolling, some hills, from Norwalk. 146 OTTAWA to BRYAN — Northwest to Kieferville 11, fair; Wisterman 14, fair; Rice 17, fair; Defiance 28, fair, level; Brunersburg 30, fair; Ney 39, fair; Bryan 45, fair, level. Rolling all the way. 147 OTTAWA to PAULDING — Northwest 4 miles, west to Cuba 9, fair; northwest to Dupont 16, fair; Oak- wood 22, fair; Charloe 26, fair; west to Paulding 32, fair. Level all the way. 148 OTTAWA to WAUSEON — North, passing 1 mile east of Holgate 16, fair, clay; to Napoleon 26, good, gravel, level; Wauseon 37, good, gravel, some hills. 149 PARKERSBURG, W. VA., to LETART FALLS, O.— Southwest on Juliana st., cross bridge over Little Kanawha River, continue southwest to Marrtown 114, good, rolling; south % mile, turn west 2 miles, then southwest to Lubeck 5, fair, level and rolling; continue southwest 1 % mile, take right south fork road south to Eli 8%, fair, nearly level; southwest to Renius 12, fair, rolling; continue southwest 3 miles, turn south to Belleville 16%, fair, rolling and level; cross Ohio River by ferry to Reedsville, O., 17; southwest along river to Long Bottom 22%, fair, level; recross Ohio River by ferry to Murraysville, W. Va., 22%; southeast, following on east side of railroad to Brewster 24%, fair, level; Muses Bottom 25%, fair, level; Morgan 26%, fair, level; Skull Run 28, fair, level; take right fork road east % mile, then south to Sherman 29%, fair, hilly; Ravens wood 33, fair to good, level; cross Ohio River by ferry, — 30 — then south 1 % mile, then northwest to Great Bend, O., 38, fair, level; southwest to Saxon 40 %, fair, level; continue southwest, following along river to Applegrove 44, fair, level; west to Letart* Falls 47%, good, level. 150 PERRYSBURG to UPPER SANDUSKY— Southeast to Scotch Ridge 12, only fair; New Rochester 15, fair; West Milton 25, fair; Fostoria 32, fair; south to Alvada 40, fair! Carey 47, fair; Crawford 51, fair; Lovell 53, fair; Upper Sandusky 58, fair. Level road most of the way. 151 PIQUA to GREENVILLE— West to Covington 6, good; Bradford 10, good; Gettysburg 14, good; New Harrison 15, good; Greenville 21, good; rolling. 152 PORTSMOUTH to GALLI POLIS— East to New Bos- ton 3 %, good, level; Sciotoville 6, good, level; south- east following Ohio River 1 mile, take left fork road northeast to Waits 9, fair, rolling; Gephart 12, fair, rolling; Scioto Furnace 13%, fair, level; South Webster 16, fair, level; east 1% miles to Bloom 17%, then northeast following on west side of Hale creek to Hale Creek 19%, fair, rolling; Eifort 21%, fair; Monroe 24, fair; southeast to Gallia 30, only fair, rolling; Gaze 38, fair, hilly; Blazer 36, fair, hilly; Gallipolis 42, fair, hilly. 153 PORTSMOUTH to I RONTON— East to Sciotoville 7%; this is a beautiful ride, as the road follow’s along the base of overhanging cliffs, grand view of the river and Kentucky hills; Wheelersburg 9%; Franklin Furnace 15; Haverhill 19%; Hanging Rock 25%; Ironton 31. 154 PORTSMOUTH to WEST UNION— Southwest, fol- lowing river to Friendship 6, good, gravel; then northwest 15 miles, south 1 mile to Blue Creek 22, only fair, hilly; west to Lynx 26, fair; Osman 28, fair; northwest 2 miles, then west to West Union 34, fair to good, hilly. 155 RICHMOND, IND., to UNION CITY— North out Ninth st. to Cox Mills 5%, good, rolling; Arba 14, good, rolling; Union City 29, good, rolling. 156 RICHMOND, IND., to WHEELING, W. VA. (via National Road)— Eas^: out Main st. 3% miles to rail- road, turn left a short distance, then east to state — 31 — line 4, good, rolling; Belfast, 0., 7, good, level: Orangeburg 7%, good, level: Gettysburg 9. good, level; Euphemia 19, good, level and rolling; Bach- man 23, good, rolling; Arlington 25, good, level; Englewood 31%, good, level; Vandalia 37, good, level and rolling; Tadmor 39, good, hilly near Tadmor; Phoneton 40%, good, hilly; Brant 43, good, level; Forgy 48, good, level; Donnelsville 51, good, level and rolling; Sugargrove 55. good, hilly near Sugar- grove; Springfield 58, good, level; straight ahead out Main st. to Harmony 64, good, mostly level; Vienna Cross Roads 68%, good, level; Brighton 71 r good, level; Summerford 75%, good, level; La- fayette 80, good, level; West Jefferson 87%, good, level; Alton 92%, good, level; Rome 94. good, level; Broad and High sts.. Columbus, 102, good, level; south on High st. 4 squares, then east out Main st. to Reynoldsburg 113, good, level; Etna 119, good, level and rolling; Kirkersville 123%, good, rolling; Hebron 129, good, rolling; Jacksontown 133, good, rolling; Linnville 136%, good, rolling: Brownsville 141%, fair, hilly; Gratiot 144. fair, rolling; Hope- well 147, fair, hilly; Mt. Starling 148, fair; Zanes- ville 156, good to fair, rolling and hilly; east out Main st. to Bridgeville 165, good to fair, hilly; New Concord 172, fair, rolling: Cassells 176, fair, rolling: Cambridge 180, fair, rolling; Washington 188, fair, hilly; Fairview 200, fair, hilly; Hendrysburg 203%, fair, hilly; Morristown 209, fair, very hilly; Loyds- ville 213, fair, rolling; East Richland 215%, fair, h:lly; St. Clairsville 218%, fair, rolling; Blaine 223%. fair, very hilly; Lansing 225%. good, level; Wheel- ing Creek 226, good, level; Brookside 226%, good, level; Bridgeport 228, good, level; cross Ohio River to Wheeling, W. Va., 229, good. 157 SANDUSKY to FINDLAY — Southwest to Castalia 6, good; continue southwest 3 miles, then west to Fre- mont 23, fair to good; southwest, following Sandusky River 5 miles, west % mile, then southwest to Betts- ville 33, fair; Fostoria 44, fair; Arcadia 50, fair; Findlay 58, fair to good. Level road all the way. 158 SIDNEY to CELINA — Northwest to McCartyville 9. fair; continue northwest 4 miles, then west to New Bremen 18. fair; north to St. Mary’s 26, good; west to Celina 35, good. Level to rolling. 159 SIDNEY to MU NCI E, IND. — West to Hardin 5, good; Oran 8, fair; Versailles 19, fair; Ansonia 27, fair; — 32 — Union City 36, fair; Winchester 45, good; Farmland 53, good; Parker 57, good; Selma 61, good; Muncie 67, good. Rolling, some hills from Sidney. 160 SPRINGFIELD to DAYTON— West on Main st., pass Masonic Home to fork road at top of hill, take left fork (Valley pike) to Medway 12, good, rolling and level; Dayton 24, good, level. 161 SPRINGFIELD to LIMA— North on Limestone st. direct to Urbana 14, good, one hill, gravel; West Liberty 24, good, level, gravel; Bellefontaine 32, good, hilly, gravel; Huntsville 39, good, gravel; Roundhead 48, fair, rolling; Westminster 6044, fair, rolling to level; Lima 68, fair to good, level. 162 SPRINGFIELD to LONDON and ClRCLEVILLE— East on Main st. and National road to Harmony 6, good; turn south y 2 mile, then east to Plattsburg 1214, good, rolling; London 2244, rolling and level; then southeast to Big Plain 32 y 2 , good; Derby 39, fair; Derby ville 47, fair; Circleville 59, fair. 163 SPRINGFIELD to MUNCIE, IND.— West on Main st. to Bechtel av., north to Lawrenceville 7, good; west to North Hampton 10, good; Miami City or Alcony 17, good; Troy 25, good; Pleasant Hill 33, good; Landis 41, good; Greenville 49, good; Coleton 54, good; Union City 61, good; Winchester 70, good; Farmland 78, good; Parker 82, good; Selma 86, good; Muncie 92, good. Level to rolling all the way. 164 SPRINGFIELD to TROY— West on Main st., pass Masonic Home at top of hill, take hight hand fork (National road) to Donnelsville 8, good, rolling; Forgy 10, good; Brandt 16, good, level and rolling; Phoneton 18, good; turn north on Dayton and Montgomery pike to West Charleston 1844; Troy 30 44, good, rolling. 165 SPRINGFIELD to WASHINGTON C. H.— East on High st. to Charleston pike to Lisbon 11, good, roll- ing; then south to Charleston 13*4, good, rolling; South Solon 40*4, good, rolling; Jeffersonville 48, good, rolling; then east 1 mile, turn south to Par- rott 52, good, rolling; Washington C. H. 59, good, gravel, rolling. 166 STEUBENVILLE to CAM BRIDGE— West to W T in- tersville 5, good; Bloomingsdale 13, fair; Hopedale — 33 — 18, fair; Cadiz 25, fair; Cassville 32, fair; Moore- field 36, only fair; Piedemont of Butler 38, only fair: Smyrna 40%, only fair; Londonderry 44, only fair; Antrim 49, only fair; Cambridge 64, fair. Very hilly road all the way. 167 STEUBENVILLE to PITTSBURG, PA. (via Steuben- ville pike) — Cross Ohio River by ferry to Middle Ferry %; north, follow railroad to Edgington 2, good, level; New Cumberland Jc. 4, good, level; east to Holliday’s Cove 4%, good, level; northeast and east to Paris, Pa., 8 %, fair, hilly; northeast to Florence 13 %, fair, rolling; Bavington 17%, fair, rolling and hilly; North Star 23, fair, hilly; Moon Run 32, fair, hilly and rolling; Crafton 35, fair, hilly; Temper- ance ville 37%, good, hilly; east on Carson st. % mile, cross bridge over Monongahela River to Pitts- burg 38%, good, level. 168 TIFFIN to BELLEVUE— Northeast to Lowell 9, fair; continue northeast % mile, east 6 miles, then north- east to Bellevue 22, fair, rolling. 169 TOLEDO, O., to ADRIAN, MICH. — Northwest* on Monroe st. to Sylvania 10, good, stone; Ottawa Lake, Mich., 15, good; Blissfield 21, good; Palmyra 25, good; Adrian 31, good. 170 TOLEDO O., to ANN ARBOR, MICH— Northwest on Monroe st. from river 5% miles, turn direct north 5 miles to Lambertville, Mich.. 10%, good to fair; direct north 4 miles, west 1 mile, north to Dundee 25, fair, some sand; west % mile, north 5 miles, west. ’% mile, then north to Milan 34%, gravel, clay and sand, fair; east % mile in Milan, turn direct north 11 miles, turn west and northwest following electric railway to Ann Arbor 51, gravel, clay and sand, fair. 171 TOLEDO to CINCINNATI— Southeast on Cherry st., cross bridge over Maumee River, turn right at end of bridge and follow electric railway to Perrysburg 10, good, level; turn left following electric railway to Bowling Green 23, fair to good, level; Portage 26, fair, level; continue direct south passing just west of Mermill 28, fair, level; Munger 29%, fair, level: Tromley 31, fair, level; Cygnet 32, fair, level; Oil Center 34, fair, level; Galatea 36, fair, level; to Van Buren 39, fair, level; Mortimer 41, good, level; Findlay 46, good, level; straight ahead out Main st. to Williamstown 56, good, level; Dunkirk 63. good, — 34 — level; Kenton 73, good, level; Bellefontaine 93, good, level to rolling; West Liberty 100*4, good, roll- ing; Urbana 110, good, level; Limestone and Main sts., Springfield, 123, good, mostly level; west on Main st. 1 mile, cross railroad tracks, turn south- west Dayton pike to Enon 131, good, rolling; Fail- field 137*4, good, level; Harshman 143*4, good, level; Third and Main sts., Dayton, 147*4, good, level; south on Main st. to Oakwood 150%, level; Centerville 156*4, good, rolling; Ridgeville 163*4, good, rolling; Pekin 16544, good, rolling; Lebanon 170, good, rolling; continue south on Broadway, • cross railroad tracks, turn southwest on Cincinnati pike to Mason 178, good, mostly level; Pisgah 182, good, level; Sharon 186, good, down grade; Reading- 190, good, level; south on Reading road (passing- just east of Bond Hill 193) to Avondale 197*4, good, level to rolling, and Cincinnati 200, good, down grade. 172 TOLEDO to CLEVELAND— Southeast on Cherry st., cross bridge over Maumee River; continue south- east on Main st. to Starr av., east 1 square to East Broadway, south 5 squares to Woodville st, then southeast out same, passing just north of Millburg 8*4, and Genoa 13; to Elmore 18, good to fair, level; south 3*4 miles, then southeast to Hessville 24*4, good, level; Fremont 32, good, level; Clyde 40, good, level and rolling; Bellevue 46*4, mostly level; Mon- roeville 54*4, good, level; Norwalk 56*4, good; north- east to Berlinville 65*4, fair, rolling; east to Flor- ence 71, fair, rolling; Birmingham 77*4, good, mostly level; Henrietta 80, fair, rolling; Amherst 83*4, fair, rolling; Elyria 90*4, fair, level; northeast, following electric railway to North Ridgeville 95, good, level; Bement 99*4, good, level; Dover 102, good, level; Rockport 106%, good, level; north to Rocky River 108, good, level; east to Clifton Park 110*4, good, level; Cleveland 115*4, good. 173 TOLEDO to CLEVELAND— Southeast on Cherry st., cross bridge over Maumee River, turn right at end of bridge and follow electric railway to Perrysburg 10, good, level; southeast to Lime City 13*4, good, stone; Stony Ridge 17, good, stone; Lemoyne 19, good, stone; Woodville 27, good, stone; Hessville 33*4, good, stone; Fremont 41*4, good, stone; Clyde 49*4, good, stone; Bellevue 56, good, stone; Monroe- ville 64, good; Norwalk 68, good; East Townsend 75, good; Wakeman 80, good; turn north *4 mile in Wakeman to railroad, .then east 5 % miles, north 2 miles, then east to Oberlin 91 %, fair; continue direct east 2% miles, then northeast, following elec- tric railway to Elyria 99, good; North Ridgeville 103%, good; Dover 110'%, good; Rockport 115%, good; north to Rocky River 11'6%, good; east to Clifton Park 119, good; Cleveland 124, good. Level and rolling all the way from Toledo. 174 TOLEDO to COLUMBUS — South on Summit st. to Broadway, to Maumee 9, good, stone; cross river to Perryburg 10, good; southeast to Lime City 13, good, stone; Stony Ridge 17, good, stone; Lemoyne 19, good, stone; Woodville 26, good, stone; Hessville 33%, good stone; Fremont 42, good, stone; then south along west side of Sandusky River to Fort Seneca 52%, good; Tiffin 58 y 2 , fair; McCutchenville 68%, fair; Tymochiee 71, fair; Upper Sandusky 79, good; Little Sandusky 86, good, dirt; Marion 98, good, gravel; Waldo 107, good; 'Norton 109, good; Delaware 118, good; hilly near Delaware; continue south 3 miles, cross river, then south to Worthing- ton 133, good; Columbus 140, good. Level to rolling all the way from Toledo. 175 TOLEDO to DAYTON— South on Summit st. to Broadway, to Maumee 9, good, level; cross river to Perrysburg 10, southwest, following river to Otsego 22, fair; Grand Rapids 27, fair; west 1% miles, then direct south to Deshler 43, fair; west 2 miles, then south to Belmore 48%, good; continue south 3 miles, then west to Leipsic 54, good; West Leipsic 55, good; Ottawa 61, good; Columbus Grove 69, good; Cairo 75%, good; Lima 82, good; southwest, passing % mile east of Cridersville to Wapakoneta 95, good; Botkin 102, good; Anna 107, good; Swand- ers 109%, good; Sidney 115, good; south, cross river, follow same to Piqua 126, good; Troy 134, good; Ginghamsburg 141%, good; Vandalia 144, good; Chambersburg 146, good; Dayton 153, good. Level to rolling to Sidney, hilly to Dayton. 176 TOLEDO, O., to DETROIT, M ICH. — Northwest on Cherry st. to West Toledo, 3, good; Vienna, Mich., 12, gravel, good; Monroe 22, fair; Stoney Creek 27, fair; Newport 30, fair; Rockwood 36, fair; Trenton 42, fair; Wyandotte 45, good; Ecorse 49, good; Del Ray 53, good; Detroit 58, good. 177 TOLEDO to FORT WAYNE, IND.— South on Sum- mit st. to Broadway, to Maumee 9, good, level, stone; — 36 — Waterville 14, only fair, sandy; Grand Rapids 24, cross river, then south 1% miles, turn west to Napoleon 37, good; Florida 45, good, gravel; Inde- pendence 50, good, gravel; Defiance 53%, good, gravel; northwest to Brunersburg 55, good; then west to Hicksville 75, fair; southwest to Hall’s Corner 81%, good; Chamberlain 85, good; Fort Wayne 98. good. Level to rolling all the way. 178 TOLEDO to PORT CLI NTON— Southeast on Wood- ville st. to Genoa 13. fair, level; east to Oak Harbor 24, fair, level; south 3 squares, then east to Lacarne 30, fair, level; Port Clinton 35%, fair, level. 179 TOLEDO to SOUTH BEND, I ND.— Southwest on Summit st. and Broadway to Western av., west to Wayne av., southwest out same (passing % mile south of Holland 10), to Swanton 20, only fair; Delta 26, fair; Wauseon 35, fair; south 1 mile, then west to Pettisville 41, good; Archbold 45, fair; Stryker 52, fair; Bryan 60, good; Edgertown 71, good; Butler, Ind., 78, good; level and rolling from Toledo; Waterloo 84, good; Kendallville 99, good; Ligioneer 117, good; Goshen 135, good; Elkhart 145- good; Osceola 151, good; Misawaka 157, good; South Bend 160, good. 180 TROY to DAYTON — East on Main st. from Public Square, cross Bradford Bridge; a little further on the road forks, take right fork to West Charleston 11, good, rolling, level; Dayton 23, good, rolling. 181 TROY to URBAN A— Northeast to Urbana 26. good, rolling, level. 182 UPPER SANDUSKY to MANSFI ELD— East to Os- ceola 10, good; Bucyrus 17, good; Leesville Cross Roads 27, fair; Crestline 30, fair; Mansfield 45, fair to good. Rolling to hilly. 183 URBANA to PIQUA— West to Westville 4%, good, hilly, rolling; St. Paris 11%; Fletcher 19y 2 , good, rolling, level; Piqua 28, good, rolling, level. 184 VAN WERT to BRYAN— Direct north to Scott 8, good; Haviland 11, good; Paulding 19, good, level; Williams Center 41%, fair; then northeast to Bryan 46, fair, level. 185 WAPAKONETA to CELINA— West to Moulton 5, good, level; St. Mary’s 9%, good, level; Celina 19 good, level. 186 WARREN to ASHTABULA— Northwest to Bristol- ville 12, fair; North Bloomfield 17, fair; Orwell 22, fair; Rock Creek 31, fair; Austinburg 39, fair; Munson Hill 41%, fair; Ashtabula 46, fair. 187 WARREN to LISBON — Southeast to Niles 4, good; Mineral Ridge 7, good; Austintown 10, fair; Can- field 15, good; Columbiana 25, good; southwest to New Lisbon 34, good; hilly. 188 WARREN to SHARON, PA.— East out Market st. to Vienna 8, good, level; Paynes Corners 10%, good, level; Brookfield 12, good, rolling; Sharon 15, good, hilly. 189 WASHINGTON C. H. to CH I LLICOTHE— East to Johnson 4%, good, rolling; New Holland 8%, good; Greenland 18%, good, rolling; Chillicothe 29%, good, rolling. 190 WASHINGTON C. H. to GREEN FI ELD— Southeast via Greenfield pike to Good Hope 7%, good, rolling; Greenfield 15%, good, rolling. 191 WASHINGTON C. H. to HILLSBORO and MAYS- VILLE, KY. — Southwest to Staunton 4%, good; Leesburg 15, good; Samantha 21, good; Hillsboro 27, good; then to Fincastle 46, very hilly, good pike; Carlisle 50%; Russellville 53%, good; Red Oak 57%, good; Ripley 63, good pike; then follow river road to Aberdeen 71, good; cross Ohio River at Maysville, Ky. 192 WAVERLY to JACKSON— Southeast to Given 7%, fair, rolling; Rolbins Station 10, fair; Beaver 13, fair; Jackson 22, only fair, hilly. 193 WELLSVILLE to PITTSBURG, PA— East, following electric railway to East Liverpool 4, good; Smith’s Ferry, Pa., 8%, good; Industry 14, fair, sand and gravel; Beaver 22, good, gravel; Rochester 23; Freedom 25, good; Agnew 26, good; Baden 29, good; Economy 32%, good; Fair Oaks 34, good to fair; Glenfield 41, good; Dixmont 42, good; Bellevue 45 ; good; Allegheny 50, good; cross river to Pittsburg 51, good. Rolling or hilly all the way. 194 WEST UNION to MAYSVILLE, KY— Southwest to Bentonsville 5, fair, hilly; Brady ville 10; Everton- ville 12, fair, hilly; Aberdeen 16; cross Ohio Rivet to Maysville. — 38 — 195 WEST UNION to PORTSMOUTH— East to Moore 6%, fair, hilly; Cedar Mills 9, hilly; Shell 12; Warns- leyville 16; Otway 22, fair, hilly; Henley 26; Lom- bardville 28, fair; continue east to Scioto River, then south to Wharton 37; Bertha 39; cross river to Portsmouth 40%, fine. 196 WHEELING, W. VA., to BELLAI RE— Cross river to Bridgeport, O., 1; then south to West Wheeling 2, good, level; Bellaire 5, good, level. 197 WHEELING, W. VA., to BETHANY, W. VA.— North from Tenth st. on Market st. 3 squares, then north- east on National road to Fulton 1 %, good, rolling; east 1 mile, turn northeast (via West Liberty turn- pike) to Greggs 3 %, good, level; Clinton 9, fair, level; West Liberty 13%, fair, rolling; turn south 1 square, then east % mile, turn northeast to Beth- any 18, only fair, hilly. 198 WHEELING, W. VA., to HUNTINGTON, W. VA — South on Main st., cross Wheeling Creek, turn left 2 squares, then south on Chapline st. 1 mile, cross- ing railroad tracks; turn left 2 squares, then south on Jacob st. to Mozart 2, good, level; south, follow electric railway to Upper Benwood 2%, good, level; Ben wood 3%, good, level; McMechen 5%, good, level; southwest following electric railway to Glen- dale 8 %, good, level and rolling; south to Mounds- ville 11, good, level; southwest following railroad 1 mile, take left fork road south 3% miles, take right fork road west to Captina 19%, only fair, very hilly; cross Ohio River by ferry to Fowhattan Point, O., 20; west % mile, turn south to Clarington 28%, fair, level; southeast and south, follow along Ohio River to Hannibal 37, fair to good, level; Duffy 38%, good, level; Sardis 42, fair, level; turn right 2 squares, then southwest to Wittens 46, fair, level; Fly 48%, fair, level; Cochransville 50%, fair, level; New Matamoras 53, fair, level; Grandview 54, good, level; Dawes 57, fair, level; Wade 61%, fair, level; Murphy 63%, fair, level and rolling; continue south- west 1% mile, then south to Newport 66%, fair, level; west along river to Newell Run 68%, good, level; Lower Newport, 73, good, level; Reno 78%, good, level; Marietta 82, good, level; turn north- west on Third st. 2 squares, then west on Putnam st., crossing bridge over Muskingum River to Har- mar 82%, good, level; turn south to Ohio River, then southwest along same to Moore Jc. 85%, good, — 39 — level; Gravelbank 87%, good, level; Constitution 89 %, good, level; Briggs 91, good, level; Belpre 95, good, level (Parkersburg lies just across the river from Belpre) ; continue south on Main st. 1 square beyond railroad bridge, turn west to Rockland 97%, good, level; Center Belpre 100, good, level; Little Hocking 103, fair, hilly; south along river 1% mile, take right fork road to Torch 107%, fair, rolling; Coolville 110%, fair, rolling; Tupper Plains 115, fair, rolling; Chester 123%, fair, rolling; Five Points 127, fair, rolling; Pomeroy 131, fair, rolling and level; southwest, follow electric railway to Middleport 133, good, level; Silver Run 136%, good, level; Carlton 138; Cheshire 138%, good, level; Addison 143, good, level; Kanauga 146, good, level; Gallipolis 150, good, level; south, follow along river to Clipper Mills 154, good, rolling and level; Angola 159, good, level; Eureka 160, good, level; Bladen 161, good, level; Bush’s Mills 163%, good, level; Swan Creek 166%, good, level; west to Crown City 171%, good, level; south to Miller 175%, good, level; Athalia 177, good, level; southwest, following along river to Proctorville 184%, good, level; cross river by ferry to Guyandot, W. Ya., 185; west to Hunt- ington 187%, good, level. 199 WHEELING, W. VA., to EAST LIVERPOOL, G.— North on Main st., following along river to Top Mill 1%, good, rolling; Glenn’s Run 4%, fair, level; Willow Springs 7, fair, mostly level; Wilson 8%. fair, level; Short Creek 10, fair, rolling; Windsor 11%, only fair, rolling; Bowman 14%, fair, level: Wellsburg 17, fair, level; turn right 2 squares, then north on east side of railroad to Lazearville 18, good, level; Cross Creek 20, fair, level; Mahan 21, fair, level; Middle Ferry 23, fair, level; Edgington 24%, good, level; northeast to New Cumberland Jc. 26%, good, level; north to King’s Creek 30%, only fair, level to hilly; Zalia 31%, good, level; New Cumberland 34, fair, level; Moscow 37%, fair, mostly level; northwest 3% miles, then northeast to Congo 43, only fair, level and rolling; Chester 47, fair, mostly level; cross bridge over Ohio River to East Liverpool, O., 47%. 200 WHEELING, W. VA., to PITTSBURG, PA. (via Na- tional Road) — North and east to Whitfield 3, good; Elm urove 5%, fair; Triadelphia 7%, fair; Roney’s Point 10, fair; Valley Grove 12, fair; West Alexan- dria, Pa., 16, fair; Coon Island 19%, fair; Claysville — 40 — 22, fair; Washington 32, fair; north to McGovern 37 fair; Houston 39, fair; Cannonsburg 40, fair; Em- mans 42%, fair; Bridgeville 49, good; Woodville 52, good; Carnegie 55, good; Green Tree 57%. good; Temperanceville 59%, good; east 1 mile, cross river to Pittsburg 61%, fair. Gravel and stone to Wash- ington, Pa.; dirt to Pittsburg; very hilly all the way. 201 WHEELING, W. VA., to RICHMOND, IND. (via Na- tional Road) — West on Tenth st., cross bridge over Ohio River to Wheeling Island; northwest on Zane st., crossing bridge over west branch of river to Bridgeport, O., 1, good; west on National road to Brookside 2%, good, level; Wheeling Creek 3, good, level; Lansing 3%. good, level; Blaine 5%, good, level; St. Clairsville 10%, fair, very hilly; East Richland 13%, fair, rolling; Loydsville 16, fair, hilly; Morristown 20, fair, rolling; Hendrysburg 25%, fair, very hilly; Fairview 29, hilly, fair; Washington 41, fair, hilly; Cambridge 49, fair, hilly; Cassells 53, fair, rolling; New Concord 57, fair, roll- ing; Bridgeville 64, fair, rolling; Zanesville 73, fair to good, hilly; west out West Main st. to Mt. Starling 81. good, rolling and hilly; Hope- well 82. fair; Gratiot 85, fair and hilly; Browns- ville 87%, fair, rolling; Linnville 92%, fair, hilly; Jacksontown 96. fair, rolling; Hebron 100. good, rolling to level; Kirkersville 105%, good, rolling; Etna 110. good, level; Reynoldsburg 116, good, level; Main and High sts., Columbus, 127, good, level; turn north on High st. 4 squares, then west out Broad st. to Rome 135, good, level; Alton 136%, good, level; W 7 est Jefferson 141%. good, level; La Fayette 149. good, level; Summerford 153%, good, level; Brighton 158, good, level; Vienna Cross Roads 160%, good, level; Harmony 165, good, level; Springfield 171, good, mostly level; straight ahead on Main st. to Sugar Grove 174, good, level (Masonic Home on the left) ; take right fork road (National road) west to Donnelsville 178, good, hilly near Sugar Grove; Forgy 181, good, level and rolling; Brandt 186, good, level; Phoneton 188%, good, level; Tadmor 190, good, hilly; Vandalia 192, good, hilly near Tadmor; Englewood 197%, good, level and rolling; Arlington 204, good, level and rolling; Bachman 206, good, level; Euphemia 210, good, mostly level; Gettysburg 220. good, level and roll- ing; Orangeburg 221%, good, level; Belfast 222, good, level; State Line 225, good, rolling; Rich- mond. Ind., 229, good, rolling. — 41 — 202 WHEELING, W. VA., to WELLSVILLE, 0.— West on Tenth st., cross bridge over Ohio River to Wheel- ing Island % ; northwest on Zane st., crossing bridge over west branch of river to Bridgeport %. good, level; north following along river to Martin’s Ferry 2%, good, level; Don 4, good, level; Yorville 7%, good, level; Tiltonville 8, good, level; turn left 2 squares, then north following railroad to Port- land 9 y 2 , good, level; east about % mile, turn north, crossing Short Creek to Warrenton 10%, good, level, f turn east to river, then north following same to Rush Run 12%, good, level; north following on west side of railroad to Brilliant 17, good, level; north, follow electric railway to Mingo Jc. 21, good, * level; north, following on west side of railroad to Steubenville 24, good, rolling and level; northwest, following railroad to Alikanna 26%, good, level; northeast, follow electric railway to Costonia 30, good, mostly # level; Markle 31%, good, level; Toronto 33, good, level; north to Calumet 34%, good, level; Freemans 35, good, level; Empire 36%, good, level; Ekeyville 37, good, level; Port Homer 38%, good, level; Yellow Creek 41%, good, level and rolling; Wellsville 44, good, level. 203 WILMINGTON to FOSTERS CROSSING— West to Sligo 6, good; Clarksville 12, good; then west about one mile, turn southwest to Morrow 21, fair, hilly; Zoar 24; Hopkinsville 26, fair; Mainville 27%, fair: then west to Fosters Crossing 29%, fair. 204 WILMINGTON to FRANKLIN— West 1 mile, then nortlrwest to Oakland 5, fair pike; Harveysburg 10, fair pike; Corwin 14, fair; Waynesville 15; Spring- boro 22%, fair pike; Franklin 26%, good pike. 205 WILMINGTON to GOSHEN— Southwest to Black Hawk 16, fair, rolling, hilly; Goshen 24, fair, rolling, hilly. 206 WILMINGTON to H I GG I N SPORT— Direct to Cuba 6, good pike; Midland City 10, good; Westboro 12%, good; Fayetteville 21; Five Mile 27; Mt. Oreb 32; New Hope 37; Georgetown 43; Higginsport 51. 207 WILMINGTON to H I LLS BORO— Southeast to New Antioch 5, fair; Snow Hill 9, fair; New Vienna 11%, fair; then direct to Hillsboro 22, fair. 208 WILMINGTON to LEBANON— West to Sligo 6, good; Clarksville 12, good; Ft. Ancient 19, good; Lebanon 25, good. — 42 — 209 WILMINGTON to LYNCH BU RG— South to Burton- ville 4, good, rolling; Morrisville 8, good, rolling; Martinsville 11, good; Lynchburg 17, good, rolling, hilly. 210 WOOSTER to AKRON — Northeast to Smithville 6, fair; Easton 15, fair; Doylestown 18, fair; Hames- town 20, fair; Barberton 23, good; Akron 30, good. Level to rolling all the way. 211 WOOSTER to NEW PH I LADELPH I A— Southeast to Apple Creek 7, fair; Mt. Eaton 15, fair; Wilmot 21, fair; Strasburg 27, fair; Canal Dover 32, fair; New Philadelphia 35, good. Rolling to hilly. 212 XENIA to CENTERVILLE — West from Courthouse to foot of Main st., turn left, go two blocks, turn right, fellow Lower Bellbrook pike to Bellbrook 10 %, good (Magnetic Spring) ; then direct west to Day- ton and Lebanon pike; turn south to Centerville 16%, good. 213 XENIA to SPRINGFIELD — Follow Springfield pike north from Courthouse to Old Town 3, good; Goes Station 6%, good; Yellow Springs 11, good; Spring- field 22, good; only few hills on this route. 214 XENIA to WILMINGTON— South from Courthouse to Penn. R. R. Station, turn left on Valley pike to right fork Xenia and Wilmington pike 1, good stone; direct pass Soldiers and Sailors Orphans’ Home to Lumberton 10, only fair; Wilmington 18%, good. 215 YOUNGSTOWN to CLEVE LAN D— Northwest to Girard 5, good; Warren 14, good; west to Leavitts- burg 16%, good; Braceville 21, good; Garrettsville 30, fair; Aurora 44, fair; Solon 52, fair; Randall 59, fair; Sorento 62, good; Newburg 64, good; Cleveland 69, good. Rolling most of the way. 216 YOUNGSTOWN to ERIE, PA.— Northeast from Pub- lic Square on Wick av. 7 squares, turn east % mile, north 1 mile; then northeast to Hubbard 7, good, level; direct north to Brookfield 12, good, level; turn east to Sharon, Pa., 15, good, hilly; Hermitage 18. good, level; north to Clark 22, good, level; Shenango 29, fair to good, level; continue north 1% mile, turn east, crossing Shenango River to Green- ville 31; continue east to first street after crossing — 43 — second railroad track; turn north 2% miles, then east to Osgood 34, good, rolling; north to Adams- ville 34, good, level; Hartstown 42, good, level; turn east about % mile, take left fork road north- east 1 mile; take left fork road north to Shermans- ville 48, good, level; Conneautville 57, good, level; Springboro 60, good, level; Shadeland 61, good, level; Albion 66 %, good, level; Lexington 69, good, level; northeast to Girard 75%, .good, level and roll- ing; Fairview 79%, good, level; Swanville 83, good, level; West Mill Creek 86, good, level; Erie 91, good, level. 217 YOUNGSTOWN to PAINESVILLE— Northwest to Girard 5, good; Warren 14, good; Middlefield 30, fair; East Claridon 42, fair; Hampden 48, fair; Con- cord 55, fair; Painesville 58, good. 218 YOUNGSTOWN to WHEELING, W. VA.— South to Boardman 5%, fair; North Lima 11, fair; Colum- biana 15, fair; Lisbon 24, fair to good; West Point 30, fair; Glasgow 34, fair; Wellsville 39, fair; south, following river to Yellow Creek 41%, fair; Port Homer 44%, fair; Ekeyville 46, fair; Empire 47, fair; Steubenville 59, good; Mingo 62, fair; Brilliant 66, fair; Rush Run 70, poor; Warrenton 72%, fair; Portland 73; Tiltonville 74%, fair; Martin’s Ferry 80, fair; Bridgeport 82, good; cross river to Wheel- ing 83, good. Very hilly to Wellsville, level and rolling rest of the way. 219 ZANESVILLE to CLARINGTON— East out Marietta st. to Lawton 6, good, hilly; Chandlerville 11, fair, hilly; Freeland 14%, fair hilly; Cumberland 22, fair, hilly; Ava 27, only fair, hilly; Rochester 29%, fair, hilly; Sarahville 33, fair, hilly; Freedom 39, only fair, hilly; Summerfield 42, only fair, rolling; Ham- ilton 48%, only fair, hilly; Lewisville 50, only fair, hilly; Decker 51%, fair, level; Kerr 55%, only fair, hilly; Woodsfield 57, fair, rolling; Mt. Carrick 60%, only fair, hilly; Altitude 63, only fair, hilly; Cam- eron 67%, only fair, hilly; follow Sunfish Creek to Clarington 75, fair, level. 220 ZANESVILLE to MARIETTA— South on west side of Muskingum River to Philo 9, good, dirt; cross river to east side, follow same to McConnellsville 25, fair, dirt, hilly; grand scenery; east to Neely s- ville 30, fair, clay; Mill Grove 34, poor, clay, very hilly; Center Bend 36, fair, clay; Beverly 41, good, — 44 — clay; Coal Run 45, good, clay; Lowell 49, fair, clay, some sand; Unionville 56%, good; Marietta 59, fair, clay; hilly. 221 ZANESVILLE to POMEROY— South on Sixth st., cross river to South Zanesville 1; south on Put- nam st. to Roseville 10%, fair, hilly; Crooksville 14, fair; Oakfield 23, only fair, hilly; southeast to Rendville 26%, fair, hilly; Corning 27%, fair; south i to Trimble 36, only fair, very hilly; Jacksonville 37, good, rolling; Redtown 38, good, level; Millfield 41, fair, level; Chauncey 44%, only fair, level; south- east on east side of Hocking River to Athens 55%, f mostly level, hilly near Athens; southeast to Shade 64, fair, hilly; Pratt’s Fork 66%, fair, rolling, one hill; Burlingham 68%, fair, rolling; Darwin 70, fair, hilly; south 1% mile, then southeast to Kingsbury 73, only fair, hilly; continue southeast 1% mile, then southwest to Rock Springs 77%, only fair, rolling; south to Pomeroy 80, fair, rolling. I — 46 — f MICHIGAN All main routes are shown on map, accompanied by three detailed maps of country around Detroit. Grand Rapids and Bay City, with Road Guide. SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN All Main Touring Routes, good and common roads in that part of State from Toledo. O., and as far north as Saginaw and Bay City west to Jackson and Lansing and east into Ontario, with descriptive Route Book. SOUTHWESTERN MICHIGAN Same style map as S. E. Michigan, embracing all that part west from Lansing, north to Muskegon and south into Indiana and connections with Chicago. MENDENHALL'S GUIDE AND ROAD MAP. PENNSYLVANIA This map shows all the main touring routes and good roads in the State. There are five large scale inset maps of country around Philadelphia. Reading, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Harrisburg and Pittsburg, as shown in tint on above map. accompanied by De- scriptive Guide. MENDENHALL'S GUIDE AND ROAD MAP. INDIANA All the Main Touring Routes, good roads and con- necting roads are shown, accompanied by a very com- plete descriptive and four Detailed District Maps of Indianapolis, Chicago, 111., Cincinnati, O., and Louis- ville, Ky. NORTHWESTERN INDIANA Showing all that part of the State north and west of Indianapolis, part of Illinois and connections with Chicago. All the roads are shown. Main Touring Routes printed in red and described in Route Guide.