OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of ILLINOIS MERTEN J. MANDEVILLE COLLECTION IN PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND OCCULT SCIENCES 231.74 • J38m The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 THE MIDNIGHT CRY TO WAKE US UP THE FATHER’S PREPARATION TO MEET THE BRIDEGROOM \]fho has been TARRYING for over 140 years and we have been slumbering and sleeping and SPIRITUALLY blind all this time CZZXXHD Published by A. C. Jeffries 535 Cypress Aye. Los Angeles, California Copyright 1921 by A. C. Jeffries Los Angeles, California MIDNIGHT CRY 3 .X 3 ^ PREFACE Dear reader, this little book is a supplement of a book entitled “ God's Last Message to a Lost World.” But this little book is an eye opener, it is the Lord’s midnight cry, which is the Father ’s preparation and it has come at its appointed time to wake us up. v It tells us of our prophetical warnings to wait for it, and to let no man deceive us. It gives us the reason why our Lord has been about 140 ^years tarrying, while the whole world has been slumbering and sleeping, all spiritually blind. (Matthew 25 :5, 6.) It is written as the fathers have set it before us on two lines of good and evil characters, the one against the other from the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane. > It opens the door of mercy from Pentecost down to ^about 1780 A. D., over 1700 years for the perfecting of the Lamb’s Bride, and when the 6th seal was opened, the ‘.door of mercy was shut with a time key. By and by His door of mercy will be open again for the perfecting of His servants, which will take place as soon as His midnight cry goes forth to wake us up (Rev. 3 :20). This midnight cry will wake us up alike, we will all think, walk, and talk alike, because He has only one prep- aration which will give us His Baptism and endue us with His power all alike. 4 MIDNIGHT CRY And then we will be taught alike, having the Holy Spirit, the same Teacher to lead ns into all truth and teach us all things alike. Our Lord says, Sanctify them through Thy Truth : Thy Word is Truth. As Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us (John 17 :17, 21). This little book shows us that the Old Testament is a book of types and shadows, patterns, plans and specifications of God’s tabernacle, God’s house, God’s temple, which is our body ; it will show us how to purify, and make them clean, and white, and holy, before we can open the door to let Him come in (Revelation 3:20). It shows the difference between the bondson and the free son, the holy and the profane, the life line and the death line, the strait gate into the narrow road, a type of life, and the broad profane road ; a type of everlasting death. It is an eye opener and Christ says, every one that will hear it and learn it of the Father will come to Him ; because the Father will send them to Him, and He (Christ) will raise them up at the last day (John 6 :37, 39, 40, 44, 45, 54) read them all. This is God’s book of visions and these visions are proph- ecies and prophecy is inspiration of God which says, Wait for it. It says, write the vision and make it plain upon tables (tablets), that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie : though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not be delayed (Habak- kuk 2:3). This message consists of the Father ’s preparation, first to wake us up, for we are all slumbering and sleeping (Mat- thew 25:5, 6), then to wash, cleanse, purify ourselves, and make us white, and tried (Daniel 12 :10). The Old Testament is a book of types and shadows, pat- terns, plans and specifications, predestinated before the MIDNIGHT CEY 5 foundation of the world, according as it pleased Him, so Paul says (Romans 8:29, 30; Ephesians 1:3 to 12). Therefore the foundation principle the Father has set before us in this little book of preparation is written on two lines of good and evil characters. Good is set against evil, life against death and blessing against cursing (Deu- teronomy 30:15, 19). These two lines represent many characters from Adam to Jesus Christ on the holy and profane line ; heaven and earth has them recorded. Millions learned them and were made perfect even as He is perfect, and they were then all of one mind and no divisions among them (Revelation 7 :9)» These two lines of good and evil characters are the Fath- er’s schoolmaster to bring us to Jesus Christ His Son, who came to this earth to take out a bride and destroy the works of the devil. So it is written, when we look upon the things of the Most High, there are two and two, good is set against evil, and life against death, the sinner against the Godly and the Godly against the sinner. This preparation gives us the Father’s types, His pat- tern of a tabernacle, a house, a temple builded out of lively stones, for Him to dwell in forever. And all the material that goes into this house, which is our bodies, has been bought with the price of His own Son’s blood, and must be clean, pure and white, without spot or blemish before we can receive His new birth (1st Corinthians 6:19, 20; Rom- ans 12 :1, 2). So this little book gives many characters to teach us the good and the evil, and our Lord says, that every one that will hear it and learn it will come to Him and He will raise him up at the last day (John 6 :39, 40, 44) . And this is what the Father has set before us to hear and learn, and then choose life and live ; this will show us the strait-gate into the narrow road, and few there be that find it ; for it has been lost for over 140 years, or since martyr- dom ceased in 1780 A. D. 6 MIDNIGHT CRY LOOK UPON THE THINGS OF THE MOST HIGH AND THERE ARE TWO AND TWO There are two kinds of fathers, two kinds of sons, two kinds of vineyards, two kinds of works, two mothers, two kinds of laws, two kinds of mirrors, two kinds of sacrifices, two kinds of seasons, two kinds of judges, two kinds of prophets, two kinds of priests, two kinds of kings, two kinds of shepherds, two kinds of sheep, two kinds of hunters, two kinds of mysteries, two kinds of waiting, two kinds of darkness, two kinds of fire, two ways to get a living, two kinds of call- ings to the ministry, two kinds of labor, two kinds of poor people, two kinds of rich men, two kinds of daughters, two kinds of harlots, two kinds of virgins, two kinds of drunkards, two kinds of cups, two kinds of training, two kinds of marriages, two kinds of births, two kinds of little children, two kinds of teachers, two kinds of seed sowing, two kinds of spirits, two kinds of blind men, two kinds of wisdom, two kinds of love, two kinds of commandments, two kinds of salvation, two kinds of visions, two kinds of just men, two kinds of wars, two ways to think, two kinds of promises, two kinds of riches, two kinds of perfection, and two kinds of destinations mentioned in this little book, but many others not mentioned for lack of space ; but there is only one solid foundation, the Father’s Word, which is the Rock Christ Jesus, and over 200 foundations built by man on sand. MIDNIGHT CRY 7 THE MIDNIGHT CRY The New Era The Father’s Preparation to Wake Us Up The Old Testament is a book of types and shadows pre- destinated before the foundation of the earth ; and written on two lines of good and evil characters from the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane. This world is God’s training school, and these two lines of good and evil characters are our schoolmaster to train us and bring us to Christ, our Lord (Galatians 3:24), who is our Spiritual Bridegroom. No man can come to Christ before he has first heard and been trained to know the law of sin and death, and also the law made for saints, which is eternal life. Jesus said, murmur not among yourselves, no man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him : and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father cometh unto Me (John 6 :43, 44, 45). Learn what? Learn the law of good and evil, life and death, blessing and cursing as shown by the two lines of characters from wicked Cain, who slew his brother Abel, to wicked Judas Iscariot, who sold his Master for thirty pieces of silver; and from righteous Abel to righteous John the Baptist ; in this we see two murderers and two lambs to be slaughtered. 8 MIDNIGHT CRY These two lines show the works of evil and the works of good, for good is set against evil and life against death : so is the Godly against the sinner and the sinner against the Godly. So look upon the things of the Most High and there are two and two, one against the other. All things are double one against the other : and He hath made nothing imperfect. One thing establisheth the good of the other : and who shall be filled with beholding His glory (Ecclesiasticns 42:24, 25 Apocrypha). Our Lord says, every man that hath heard and hath learned of the Father (His two and two) will come to Him, and He will raise them up, and they shall then behold His glory. THE TWO AND-TWO LINE GOOD AND EVIL CHARACTERS TWO FATHERS, GOD AND ADAM, FIRST SPIRITUAL THEN NATURAL First the Spiritual then the natural before the fall of Adam; but since Adam’s disobedience everything has changed and the natural is first, then the Spiritual ; for we are conceived in iniquity and born in sin. God the Spiritual Father is the creator of the universe and everything that is created. The last day of His creat- ing He made man in His own image (Genesis 1 :1 to 31). Adam the natural father of the human race was innocent of any evil thought, word or deed before he was tempted by his wife, Eve, Genesis, chapter three ; but when Adam disobeyed God the earth was cursed and given into the hands of the wicked (Job 9:24) ; who are influenced by Satan, the father of lies for he was a liar from the begin- ning. After this sons and daughters were born to Adam and Eve and the human race and our terrible natural condition is the result. MIDNIGHT CRY 9 TWO SONS, REPRESENTING FIRST THE NATURAL THEN THE SPIRITUAL God gave Adam two sons, Cain and Abel ; as the fathers so the sons, the one against the other. Cain a murderer, a type of the devil ; and Abel a lamb for the slaughter, a type of Jesus Christ. Cain a soil tiller, a city builder, and a world lover, like his father after the curse ; and he had to eat his bread in sweat and sorrow on the unholy bondson line, a type of death. But Abel was a keeper of sheep, a type of the Holy Shepherd Jesus Christ over His holy flock, whose sheep hear His voice. God cursed the earth after Adam sinned, and gave it into the hands of the wicked (Job 9:24) ; but He never cursed the lambs, the sheep, nor the cattle, for these were to be used for sacrifices. So Cain and Abel each built an altar unto the Lord, and Cain brought from the fruit of the ground of that which is not perfect as an offering unto the Lord. And Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof, and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering. But unto Cain and to his offering, God had no respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen ? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door; and unto thee is its desire, but thou canst rule over it. And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. 10 MIDNIGHT CRY And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother ? "and he said, I know not: (he lied) am I my brother’s keeper ? And the Lord said unto Cain, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto Me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength ; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be on the earth. Cain is a type of the wicked husbandman of today, who is on the very brink of destruction, called the accursed line of sin, a type of death (see Matthew 21:33 to 41). But Adam’s third son Seth and his posterity to the flood were called the sons of God, on the line of prophets, priests and kings, a type of eternal life. TWO KINDS OF VINEYARDS, NATURAL AND SPIRITUAL VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE The natural vineyard was given into the hands of the wicked bondson after God cursed the earth (Job 9:24). This bondson sinner God gave travail to gather up earthly stores of vanity, which made him a lover of this world and also of money, the root of all evil. Later on the Lord put this bondson sinner, who bowed down to the golden calf in the wilderness, under the ten commandment law to make him eat his bread in sweat and sorrow before the birth of Christ. Then he and all others were warned to repent and be born again. But the spiritual vineyard is the invisible kingdom, where the substance of things hoped for is received by FAITH; for the just, the free sons, the sons of God (Genesis MIDNIGHT CRY 11 6:1, 2), shall live by faith, a type of the faith of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:17). Therefore it is written, look not upon the things which are seen, for they are all vanity, because they are all per- ishable. Our Lord says, he that loveth this world or the things of this world how dwelleth the love of God in him? (1st John 2:15). TWO KINDS OF WORKS NATURAL AND SPIRITUAL The natural bondson works on the wicked bondson line of Cain, Ishmael and Esau, are of misery and death ; which Solomon, God’s wise man, says, is all vanity and vexation of spirit. But the works of faith, made for just men, are on the line of Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and all the good judges, prophets, priests and kings down to John the Baptist. Now faith (works) is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Through faith we understand that the world was framed by the Word. By faith Abel offered up a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death ; without faith it is impossible to please God. By faith Noah, being warned of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed : and he went, not knowing whither. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. 12 MIDNIGHT CRY Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. By faith Abraham when he was tried, offered up Isaac. By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. By faith Jacob blessed both the sons of Joseph when he was dying. By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months because he was a proper child. By faith he forsook Egypt and through faith he kept the passover. By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land and the Egyptians followed after and were all drowned. By faith the walls of Jericho fell after they were com- passed about seven days. And what more could be said of the wonderful works of faith done on this free line of judges, prophets, priests and kings all for our admonition. Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought right- eousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight. Women received their dead, raised to life again, others were tortured to give us a type of how our Lord’s Bride were to be tried ; and others had cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover in bonds and imprisonments. They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword : they wandered about in moun- tains and in dens and in caves of the earth. And these all having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise : God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect (Hebrews 11th ch.). MIDNIGHT CRY 13 Say, brother, the least in His (Christ's) Bridal company is greater than all of these combined ; because they received the new birth of power in them. But no man on the wicked bondson line of Cain, Ishmael and Esau down to wicked Judas Iscariot ever did any works of miracles; no, not one in over 4000 years of Old Testament history ; remember this. So now we will continue the two lines after the flood as in the beginning: Abraham is a type of God in the flesh, and God gave him two sons by two women. These two mothers now represent the two lines of evil and good : Hagar, a bond woman, was the mother of Abraham's first born son Ishmael ; and Sarah, a free woman, in her old age became the mother of Isaac, Abraham’s second son. But Ishmael, the bondson, like his mother, was in bond- age and he hated Isaac, the free son; because he (Ishmael) is on the line of Cain, a type of the devil ; but Isaac, the free son, was a child by promise, a type of Jesus Christ. TWO MOTHERS REPRESENTING TWO CHURCHES Hagar, the bond woman, represents the old "harlot church of Babylon, and also modern Jerusalem, wdio always has been in bondage with her children, for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. But Sarah, the free woman, represents Zion, which is the new Jerusalem above, whose children are free (see Gala- tians 4:19 to 31). To make this plain and bring it down to date ; Hagar and her son were both in bondage, and they are a type of us Israelites for the last 140 years, all asleep and blind to Spiritual things (Matthew 25:5, 6). But Sarah and her son were both free, and they are a type of the Pentecostal saints, God’s called out ones on God’s free son line. 14 MIDNIGHT CRY TWO KINDS OF LAWS MAN'S LAW AND GOD'S LAW THE NATURAL LAW, A TYPE OF DEATH AND SPIRITUAL LAW A TYPE OF LIFE ROMANS 3:27, 28 God has two laws, the natural and the Spiritual, in types and shadows, for bondsons and free sons (Romans 3 :27, 28). First the natural law. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth bene.ath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them ; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the in- iquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me ; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and keep My com- mandments. (This is the law for us rebels, so Paul says, 1st Timothy 1 :9, 10) . Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. (This is a common sin not repented of by quitting it). Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. (This is entirely lost sight of.) Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work : But the seventh is the sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidser- vant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: (This is also lost sight of.) For in six days the MIDNIGHT CRY 15 Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day :* wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Honor th}^ father and thy mother : that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor ’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maid- servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor ’s. This Ten Commandment law was made before Moses and Aaron made the tabernacle, and before Levi and his sons had been anointed and sanctified to do holy work in the tabernacle. So this law was made for the twelve tribes of Israel ; who refused to leave the worship of the golden calf. And because Levi and his sons obeyed Moses, God said, the Levites are mine ; and He made them a sanctified holy people, and He exempted them from war and gave them no inheritance on this sin-cursed earth, as soil-tillers, city builders, or land owners. But God made them rulers over their bondson brethren. And God blessed the obedient of Israel, if they heark- ened diligently unto the Lord, in basket, and in store and made them the head and not the tail, to loan to many na- tions and never to borrow under His natural law of death. But they had to bring to the tabernacle, called the house of the Lord, one-tenth, the best of all the products of the land, and God added to them seven fold when they brought the best of their accumulations (see Numbers 18:8-14). And He cursed them with His bitterest curses, when they failed, even to this day (see Deuteronomy 28th chapter, and Malachi 3 :7-10) . 16 MIDNIGHT CRY The natural law says, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, and a foot for a foot, and a life for a life. But the Levites were under the free son law, which is the law of faith; a type of our Lord’s New Commandment, the law of Love. Thou shalt not kill, but thou shalt love thine enemy and bless him ; thou shalt love God with all thine heart, soul, mind, and strength, and thy neighbor as thyself. He that taketh up the sword shall die with the sword; there are many kinds of swords, but there is no sword as sharp as the word, it cuts into the marrow and that does hurt. Cain killed his brother Abel, and Cain was killed by his grandson Lamech. Nimrod killed a child, thinking that the child was Abraham, but God allowed Esau to kill him (Nimrod), and God used a young lad of the tribe of Dan to kill Esau; because Esau had his army to fight against the sons of Jacob, over the burial of Jacob at Machpelah (Book of Jasher). And David’s son Absalom killed his brother and David’s armour bearer J oab killed him, because the word says, thou shalt love thine enemy and thou shalt not kill ; vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay; under our Lord’s new law of love (1st John 2:8). TWO KINDS OF MIRRORS NATURAL AND SPIRITUAL THE TYPE AND THE ANTITYPE Mirrors are looking glasses for the natural man to look into to see his own reflection or likeness in the negative ; which enables him to see if his face is clean and to comb his hair by, and dress by, for special occasions. There were looking glasses in the tabernacle for the priests, who had many laws of washings and cleansings, be- MIDNIGHT CRY 17 fore they could eat or come near the altar to minister, which could only be done when washed clean lest they die. So they had to have a looking glass ; a type of the word of God written on lines of clean and unclean ; this natural mirror is of no use to a natural blind man, who has no eyes to see ; but we have never read of a Levite who be- longed to the Levitical Priesthood ever being blind. This tribe of Levi is typical of our Lord’s bride, and Aaron the high priest is a type of our Lord ; and the tabernacle is a type of our bodies, a house, a temple for God to dwell in (1st Corinthians 3:16, 17); after it is washed, cleansed, purified, made white and sanctified by the washing of water by the word. So Aaron the high priest in the tabernacle or house, is a type of our Lord and His bride after pentecost, after they received His baptism of Spirit and Fire. And this mirror, God ’s looking glass, is a type of God ’s word written on two lines of good and evil characters from Adam to Christ. Every one that will hear and learn it will come to Christ (John 6:39, 40, 44, 54). This Old Testament mirror is the Spiritual blind man’s eye-opener, which is the essence of the midnight cry; for how can a man wake up to see Spiritual things when we have all been Spiritually blind alike, hunting flaws, spots and specks, and finding fault with one another ; When the Lord said to all such who condemned their sis- ter, a harlot, to be stoned to death; “Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.” So this world has been drifting for over one hundred years, all deaf, dumb and blind, without a Spiritual man, bapcised with Spiritual Fire, to teach us the schoolmaster, the two laws of good and evil works (Romans 3 :27, 28). For this schoolmaster separates the good, holy, clean free son’s works of prophets, priests and kings from the evil, unholy, unclean bondson’s works of vanity, which are 18 MIDNIGHT CRY destructible and a type of death. See Galatians 4:19-31, which is a fine looking glass. If this explanation, which Paul gives, between the bond- son and the free son, is not sufficient to open our eyes, turn to Matthew 21 :33-41 and see what our Lord says about the wicked husbandman of today, and what He says He will do with him in these latter days. For what our Lord says, about us who mind earthly things today are plain facts, knowing the whole world would be Spiritually blind, all fulfilling Paul's prophecy in 2nd Timothy 3 :l-5 ; which gives us a horrible picture of our fallen condition. Have we not hundreds of sects today who are all sinners alike? and yet they are divided and organized, the one against the other. Is not this modern Babylon, which means confusion ? Is not this God's season, a time in which God warned us to wait until His midnight cry, His eye-opener should be written and made plain, so the one who readeth could run ? Many millions are trying to run, who have failed to hear His warning voice, WAIT. But He has said that He would “ visit us with the in- iquity of our parents to the third and fourth generations of them that hate Me." So this is His season, a time set for this purpose, ever since our forefathers helped to kill all the saints. (See Fox's book of martyrs.) Therefore this is His Prophetical season, as it is written, I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water ; but a famine of the hearing of the word of the Lord. Man shall wander from sea to sea and from the North to the East to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it (see Amos 8:9-12). Is not this a perfect proof that the prophecy of Paul in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 is now being fulfilled? and these proph- ecies are God's Spiritual looking glasses to show us our horrible filthy condition. MIDNIGHT CRY 19 Millions of us religious sinners, have the same murderous, covetous money spirit in us that our forefathers had, when they helped the heathen gentiles kill the last saint on the earth, just as Paul said to Timothy. Yes, millions will never look into this God-sent looking- glass, called the midnight cry, long enough and far enough, to see the Eternal immortal wealth at the end of this race to a true know-so believer ; And the everlasting ending of a feel-so or a think-so believer, who minds earthly things, who never died to the visible earthly things and much less to self. Therefore none of us today can raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, cast out devils, shut the mouths of lions, quench the torturing fires, cleanse the lepers nor do the works our Lord did. But dearest brothers and sisters, come let us reason to- gether, though our sins be as red as scarlet the Word, which is Spirit and Life, will make us white as wool ; though they be like crimson, the Word will make them white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). But we must first hear the Word of the Father and learn it and then the Father will draw us to His Son, after we have first learned it and have forsaken all the evil in the whole catalogue of sin and death. This is true repentance, and all such the Father draws to His Son, and He has prom- ised to raise them up at the last day and not one cast out. So this Old Testament looking-glass makes no mistakes, when it shows that we must all be taught of the Father before we can be raised up by His Son, this His Son also declares in the sixth chapter of John. Bead it seven times and then some. For the strait gate into the narrow road will be impossi- ble to pass through for us pharisees, who think and feel that we are saved ; and our numbers are millions, all talking, teaching, preaching and praying in our sleep, so the prophet Isaiah says in chapter 56 :10, 11, which is good au- thority. 20 MIDNIGHT CRY Thousands of people today say, I believe so and so, and no one can change me. This was all right before God’s midnight cry came to wake us up, but all who will read up and wake up will not say that any more ; For all natural sane people who love truth will love rebuke and will love the sharp word, which is sharper than any two-edged sword, for it rightly divides the word, the good from the evil. So the word on the two lines of characters cuts into the joints and marrow, it is a good surgeon, it probes into the sore, tender places which all sinners have ; it soon tells whether the old first man Adam, the old lustful, covetous man is dead to sin or not. If he is dead to self he certainly is sanctified, he has been washed and cleansed and drawn by the Father and has re- ceived power from on High ; for this is the works and fruit of the Spirit to do miracles akin to Elijah, and live off of Jesus Christ, the saint’s altar, who is the antitype of Aaron, who supplied the Levites in the tabernacle. TWO KINDS OF SACRIFICES A LIVING SACRIFICE, CLEAN AND WHITE, READY FOR THE ALTAR AND ACCEPTABLE; AND AN UNHOLY SACRIFICE, UNWASHED, UNCLEAN, AND NOT ACCEPTABLE When you read up, and wake up, and prove up, and wash up, and clean up ; this article will help you to count the cost, and then decide to choose the strait-gate-line into the narrow road. All sinners are slaves, and all religious sinners are still worse, for they are cursed with a double destruction, for holding on to vanity, which is hypocrisy and mockery for a professor (Jeremiah 16:18; 17:18). MIDNIGHT CRY 21 So we have arrived at God’s appointed time to wake up and learn what repentance means, and prepare to meet our Lord at His near coming. Many were purified, made white and tried unto perfection, and the same process which it took to perfect them, it will take to perfect us. So in order to purify a sinner and make him white, God has set before us two lines of living characters; a type of His holy people, and a type of His profane people for our example ; He has commanded us to hear it, and learn it, and choose life and live. Therefore in order to choose this clean-holy-narrow-road life line, we have to sacrifice houses, lands and goods ; we have to hate all natural visible, carnal, unholy things before we are washed by the word, purified, made white by the word ; this little word sacrifice tells it all. "When a man learns the two and two of good and evil set before him, our Lord says, that this man will come to Him (John 6:45) ; because he has waked up and has eyes to see the difference between the clean and the unclean. Then he is willing to sacrifice all things visible which he possesses for all things under the sun are vanity and vexation of spirit (Ecclesiastes 1:2). So he sacrifices his body to the Lord for His service ; he no longer belongs to himself, he is now clean, his body is now the Lord’s (Romans 12:1, 2). His body is a living sacrifice, he is a whole burnt offering, he is a lamb for the slaughter, turned loose among wolves without purse or scrip, and very few friends. Aaron is a type of our Lord, and killing the bullock is a type of the letter that killeth (2 Corinthians 3:6). The tabernacle is a type of our bodies ; and the altar of sacrifice is a type of our Lord also, and the bullock is a type of a sin- ner coming to our Lord a living sacrifice, saved from sin. The Levites are a type of our Lord’s followers after pentecost. The bullock is a type of a sinner, and a sinner is a type of the devil, and the devil under the law of types and shad- ows represents death, eternal death. 22 MIDNIGHT CRY Therefore in order to give us a proper antitype of salva- tion, the bullock, which is a type of a sinner, must die ; and the high priest, Aaron, had to kill him with a sharp sword or knife, which is a type of the sharp vtord that cuts to the dividing asunder of joint and marrow. So the bullock, which represents the sinner, before being killed had to be cleansed and purified by sacrifice, which made him give up his pasture, his relatives, both friends and foes, and even his own life. He had to be a clean, holy sacrifice, without sickness and without blemish ; the corn of wheat is also a type of a sin- ner, which must go into the ground and die before it can bring forth fruit, or bear grain ; so with the sinner, he must die to self and all visible things of this world. So the bullock was brought to Aaron the high priest, which is the type of a sinner coming to the Messiah or Christ after he has heard and learned of the Father, and has been drawn by the Father to His Son ; Who is the anti- type of Aaron as a high priest, upon whom the whole hous