.SEEING BYTH PHOTOGRAPH ROUTE ^;-;:;i :-;" _ ^:-"- ! r: : feilSS ;.!,;, ;;. *- * *: ...... ..- W*t-f! ->r>^^>ii a ii>ri_i., ,iarl"MlT '** Vi "..' "'^^'''J ' ' ' *W "Tlio I'.-iir" State, Adams and Dearborn Streets. Old Tort Dearborn, with Surroundings in 1856. Michigan Ave., Looking North from Blackstone Hotel. View in Sherman Park. - v. kose Garden, Looking North, Washington Park. Post Office. Lake Frontage, One of Chicago Parks. Normal Park School. . ; ANIMAL HOUS'E, LINCOLN PARt< CHICAGO, ILL. Coliseum. Headquarters Republican National Convention, 1912. Wilson Bathing Beach, the Atlantic City of tin- \\Vst 'L Chicago Horse Market. Union Stock Yards. Yii-w in South Park. --=;:; =1 I'M SI ii nil n ii in in in n ii \ .. \ Vt. UJ V\_ U_ \_ V U_. U_ U_ L- v v \ _ u_ u_ v_ v u_ M-. K MR 'M>7 OB Mr Mr rs ns IB ra ra am rant (inint's Monument, Lincoln Park. View in Sherman Park. I it Jir i South Park System. English Garden. C,aj;e I'ark A Beautiful Spot in Washington Park. Target Practice at Washington Park . Logan Monument, looking Towards the Lake. At Mouth of Chicago River Life Saving Crew. From Chicago to One of Her Parks, by Lake Boat. Fishing off the Pier, Lake Michigan. I 1 Yachting on I^ake Michigan. goon Scene in One of the Parks. a u Si 7. "5 ffssssss s K s a s s R ^ One of Chicago's Christian Science Churches.