ij- , ial4 IP- }-)wa lljiiijii '''liifrk School of (Commerce ANNOUNC:KMKN'r,S I 9 I 4 - I 9 I 5 Northwestern University Bulletin J'ol. xr. No. 1 Published Weekly, Northwestern University Northwestern University Building September -t. 191-I- Social Calendar 1 9 13 -1 914 Smoker, November 15th Commerce Club Dinner, December 6tli Christmas Party, December 20th Annual Dance, February 21st Pie Auction, March 14th Lydians Lecture Recital, March 28th . . . . Debating Club Banquet, April 18th .... Smoker, April 25th Annual Banquet, May 9th Delta Sigma Pi Dinner, May 16th Alpha Kappa Psi Dinner, May 23rd Porch Dinner to Alumni and Graduates, June 2nd . Commerce Club Room Grand Pacific Hotel School and Club Rooms Congress Hotel Commerce Club Rooms Commerce Club Rooms . . Grand Pacific Hotel Commerce Club Rooms Hotel Sherman . Grand Pacifiic Hotel Grand Pacific Hotel Dean Hotchkiss’ Home, Evanston T he School of Commerce is a department of Northwestern University, and Commerce students enjoy the privileges and rights accorded all university classmen. In co-operation with other college men, Commerce students take an active interest in the publication of the “Daily Northwestern” and of the annual Syllabus. They also participate in college athletics when eligible. The loyalty and enthusiasm of Commerce students for Northwestern is a factor of such significance as to attract the attention of the entire University. That men and women who attend evening classes should develop a keen appreciation of that spirit which is characteristic of university life has surprised even the most sanguine. At the heart of this university spirit lies the central fact that Northwestern University, in its ideals and activity, is worthy the esteem of its students. The realization of this spirit is achieved in part by the desire of Commerce students to he identified with the University, in part by the opportunity for identification, and in part by the organizations which the students have founded. The Commerce Club with its four hundred student members and commodious club rooms — called the “Commerce Campus;” the Lydians, an organization of the women students; the Commerce Debating Club with its weekly debates, and the two Commerce fraternities, give a nucleus of organization that affords every student an opportunity to participate in some college activity. Commerce Club Room Lihrarj Aim of School of Commerce Training T NST RUCTION is based on tliree fundamental aims: 1. To give students a com- prehensive, many-sided survey of business facts and experience. 2. 10 develop a power of accurate analysis which will prepare the student to think complicated business problems through to the end. 3. To maintain an atmosphere in which large business problems will he regarded instinctively in a large and public-spirited uay. Lobby Lydians Club Room A Classroom Entered as second-class mail matter, September 4, 1914, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act of Con- gress of August 24, 1912. 3 0112 05659822