WN LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS. BOOKS IN THE O i r rooklyn Public Library ON THE FAR FAST CHINA, JAPAN, KOREA, MANCHURIA, RUSSIA AND SIBERIA. BROOKLYN, APRIL, 1904. CHINA, ALEXANDER. Picturesque representations of the Chinese. 1814. ALLAN. Under the dragon flag. 1898. ALLGOOD. China war, 1860. 1901. ALLOM. China. 4 v. 1843. ANDERSON. Mandalay to Momien. 1876. AUBER. China: outline of its government, laws and policy and of the British and foreign em- bassies. 1834. BALFOUR. Leaves from my Chinese scrapbook. 1887. Waifs and strays from the Far East. 1876. BALL. B. L. Rambles in eastern Asia, including China and Manila. 1856. BALL, J. D. Things Chinese. 1900. BAMFORD. Turbans and tails; sketches. 1888 . BANISTER. Journal of the first French embas- sy to China, 1698-1700. BARROW. Travels ■ in China. 1805. BARROWS. Expulsion of the Chinese; what is a reasonable policy for the times? 1886. BARTHELEMY SAINT HILAIRE. Buddha and his religion. 1895. BEACH. Dawn on the Hills of T’ang. 1903. Princely men in the Heavenly Kingdom. [cl903. ] BEALS. China and the Boxers. 1901. BECK. New York’s Chinatown. [cl898.] BELL. Other countries. 2 v. 1872. BENJAMIN.- Travel § from Spain to China. 1160- 73. (Pinkerton, v. 7.) BERESFORD. Break up of China. 1899. BERNCASTLE. Voyage to China. 2 v. 1851. BIGHAM. Year in China. 1899-1900. 1901. BIRCH. Travels in north and central China. 1902. BISHOP. Among the Tibetans. [cl894.] Yangtze valley and beyond. 2 v. 1900. BLAKISTON. Five years on the Yangtze. 1862. BONVALOT. Across Thibet; being a transla- tion of “De Paris au Tonking a travers le Tibet inconnu”; trans. by C. B. Pitman. [C1892.] BOULGER. History of China. 2 v. 1898. Short history of China. 1893. BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE. China. 4 v. in 2. 1824. BRINE. Taeping rebellion in China. 1862. BROOKS. Story of Marco Polo. 1898. BRYSON. Child life in China. 1900. Home-life in China, n. d. John Kenneth MacKenzie, medical mission- ary to China, n. d. BUTTERWORTH. Traveller tales of China. [cl901.] CALLERY and YVAN. History of the insurrec- tion in China. 1853. CAREY. Adventures in Tibet. [cl901.] Includes: The diary of Miss Annie R. Taylor’s remarkable journey from Tan-Chan to Ta-Chien-Su. CARNA. Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese empire. 1872. CARNEGIE. Round the world. 1884. CASSERLY. Land of the Boxers. 1903. CHALMERS. Origin of the Chinese. 1868. CHAMBERLIN. Ordered to China. [cl903. [ CHANG CHIH-TUNG. China’s only hope. [C1900.1 CHURCH. Chinese Turkestan, with caravan and rifle. 1901. COLLINGWOOD. Rambles of a naturalist, 1866- 67. Voyage to China, 1866-67. COLQUHOUN. Across Chr^e; narrative of a journey of exploration through South China border lands. 2 v. 1883. Amongst the Shaas. 1885. China in transformation. 1899. Overland to China. 1900. Truth about Tonquin. COLTMAN, JR. Beleaguered* in Peking; tho Boxers’ war against the foreigner. 1901. The Chinese, their present and future, medi- cal, political and social. 1891. CONDER. Modern traveler, v. 12-13. 1827. CONDIT. The Chinaman as we see him. 1900. COOKE. China. 1858. Cj£>OPER. Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pigtail and petticoats. 1871. CORNER. China. 1863. Crisis in China; reprinted from the North American Review. 1900. GUMMING. Wanderings in China. 2 v. 1886 CUNNINGHAM. Young people’s history of the Chinese. [cl896.] CUNYNGHAME. The opium war. 1845. Trade and travel in the I ar Island of Formosa, past and the 1848. 1901. DAVIDSON, G F. Bast. 1846. DAVIDSON, J. W present. 1903. DAVIS, J. A. Young mandarin. [cl896.] •DAVIS, Sir J. F. China. 2 v. 1857. Chinese; a general description of Empire of China and its inhabitants. 2 v. DEAN. China mission. 1859. DEASY. In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan. DENNYS. Treaty ports of China and Japan; guide book and vade mecum. 1867. DOOLITTLE. Social life of the Chinese. 2 v. 1865. DOUGLAS. China. 1899. (Story of the nations.) — Society in China. 1894. DOWNING. The Fan-qui in China in 1836-7. (Wal- die Library, v. 12.) Stranger in China. 1838. DUKES. Everyday life in China. 1885. EDWARDS, E. H. Fire and sword in Shansi, n. d. EDWARDS, N. P. Story of China. 1900. EYSTER. Chinese quaker. [cl902.] FABER and others. China mission handbook. 1896. FARWELL. Chinese at home and abroad. 1885. FAVIER. Heart of Pekin. l?°i. FIELD®. Corner of Cathay; J 9 .dies from life among the Chinese. 1894. Pagoda shadows. 1884. FINDLAY. Directory for the navigation of China. 1870. FONBLANQUE. Niphon and Pe-che-li. 1862. FORBES. Five years in China, 1842-47. 1848. FORTUNE. Among the Chinese. 1859. Two visits to tea countries of China. 2 v. 1853. FOSTER. In the valley of the Yangtse. 1899. FRENCH. Our boys in China. [cl892 ] FRENCH in Indo-China; with narrative of Gar- nier’s explorations in Cochin-China. Anam and Tonquin. 1884. GIBSON. Mission problems and mission method* in South China, pref. 1901. GILES. China and the Chinese. 1902. Glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East. 1886. 2 GILL. River of golden sand; the narrative of a journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah. 2 v. 1880. GILMOUR. Among the Mongols, n. d. GOfiZ. Travels from Lahore to China. 1602. (Pink- erton, v. 7.) GORST. China. 1899. GRAHAM. East of the barrier. 1902. GRAVES. Forty years in China. 1895. GRAY, J. H. China: history of the laws, man- ners and customs of the people. 2 v. 1878. GRAY, Mrs. J. H. Fourteen months in Canton, 1880. GROSIER. General description of China. 2 v. 1795. GULLAND. Chinese porcelain. 2 v. 1902. GUNDRY. China present and past. 1895. GTJTZLAFF. Sketch of Chinese history. 2 v. 1824. HABERSHAM. North Pacific surveying and ex- ploring expedition. 1857. HAKE. Story of Chinese Gordon. 1884. KALCOMBE. Mystic flowery land. 1899. HALL. China: the land of contradictions. [cl90E 7 HART. Western China. 1888. HAUSER. Orient and its people. [India and China.] 1876. LITTLE. Mount Omi and beyond. 1901. Through the Yang-Tse gorges: trade and travel in Western China. 1898. LOCH. Personal narrative of occurrences during Lord Elgin’s second embassy to China in 1860. 1900. LOTI. Last days of Pekin. 1902. LYNCH. War of the civilizations. 1901. MACF ARLANE. Chinese revolution, with hab- its, manners and customs of China. 1853. MACKIE. Life of Tai-Ping Wang, chief of the Chinese insurrection in 1850. 1857. McNABB. Women of the middle kingdom. [cl903.] MARGARY. Journey from Shanghai to Bha:no and back to Manwyne. 1876. MARTIN. R. M. China. 2 v. 1847. MARTIN, W. A. P. Chinese, their education, philosophy and letters. 1898. Cycle of Cathay. 1897. • Lore of Cathay. 1901. Siege In Peking: China against the world. 1900. MASON. Punishments of China. 1904. ^ MEADOWS. Chinese and their insurrections. 1856. HAWKS. Narrative of the expedition to the China seas, 1852-54, under Commodore Perry. 1856. HEADLAND. Chinese heroes; being a record of persecutions endured by native Christians in the Boxer uprising. [cl902.1 HEADLEY. Gfeat unprogressive people. (See his Problems of evolution.) 1901. HEDIN. Central Asia and Tibet towards the holy city of Lassa. 2 v. 1903. HENRY. Cross and the dragon. 1885. Ling-Nam: interior views of Southern Chi|ja. HITCHCOCK. Our trade with Japan, China and Hongkong. 1900. HOLCOMBE. Real Chinaman. 1895. Real Chinese question. 1900. HOSIE. Three years in Western China. HtlBNER. Ramble round the world. 1871. HUC. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet 2 v. 1857. Journey through the Chinese Empire. 2 v. 1856. Recollections of a journey through Tartary. Tl ibet and China, 1844-46. 2 -v. 1852. HUNTER. Bits of old China. 1885. The Fan Kwae at Canton before treaty days. 1825-44. 1882. HUNT’S library of commerce, v. 1, 1845: com- mercial intercourse of the world with China. MEDHURST. China: its state and prospects, with especial reference to the spread of the Gospel, containing allusions to the religion of the Chinese. 1838. Foreigner in far Cathay. 1873. MENDOZA. History of the kingdom of China. 2 v. (Hakluyt Soc.. 1853.) MICHIE. China and Christianity. 1900. Englishman in China during the Victorian era as illustrated in the career of Sir Ruther- ford Alcock. 2 v. 1900. Siberian overland route from Peking to St Petersburgh. 1863. MI HIT YONG. Way of faith. 1896. MILLER. China, ancient and modern. 1900. MILNE. Life in China. 1857. MITFORD. Attache at Peking. 1900. MONKHOUSE. History and description of Chi nese porcelain. 1901. MORRIS, C. Historical tales: Japan and China. 1900. MORRIS. T. M. A winter in North China. 1892. MORRISON. Memoir of an embassy to China. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) MORSE. Glimpses of China and Chinese homes 1902. MONLE. Four hundred million. 1871. New China and old. 1891. MURRAY, and others. Account of China. 3 v. 1843. INOUYE. Concise history of the war between Japan and China. 1895. JARRAD. China sea directory, v. 4. 1873. JOHNSON. Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion: China. [cl877.] JOHNSTON, Rev. .T. China and Formosa; the story of the mission of the Presbyterian Church of England, n. d. — China and its future m the light of the antecedents of the empire. 1899. JOHNSTON, J. D. China and Japan: cruise of the U. S. steam frigate Powhatan, in 1857-60. 1861. JONES. Chinese ornament. 1867. KETLER. Tragedy of Paottngfu. 1902. KNOX. Boy travellers in the Far East, nt. 1; adventures of two youths in a -journey to Japan and China. ^900. rcl897.] John; or, Our Chinese relations. 1879. KRAUSSE. China in decay. 1900. ■ Story of the Chinese crisis. 1900 LACOUPERIE. Western origin of the early Chi nese civilization, 2500 B. C. to 200 A. D. 1894 LAMONT. Bright celestials: the Chinaman a: home and abroad. 1894. LANDOR. China and the allies. 2 v. 1901. — In the forbidden land. 2 v. 1899. LANSDELL. Chinese Central Asia: a ride to Little Tibet. 2 v. 1894. LAY. Chinese as they are. 1841. LEE. When I was a boy in China. [cl887.] LEGGE. Religions of China. 1881. LETTERS from a Chinese official: an Eastern view of Western civilization. 1902. LIN-LE. Ti-Ping-Tlen-Kwon: history of the Ti Ping revolution. 2 v. 1866. LITTLE. Intimate China. 1901. Li Hung Chang: his life and times, 1903. NEVIUS, Mrs. H. S. C. Life of John Livingston Nevius, for forty years a missionary in China. [C1895.] Our life in China. 1869. NEVIUS. Rev. J. L. China and the Chinese. [ci 882 ] NICHOLS. Through hidden Shensi. 1902. NJEUHOFF. Travels in China. 1655. (Pinkerton, v. 7.) NORMAN. “Martello Tower” in Chinn. 1902. NORTHROP. Flowery kingdom. [cl894.] OGILBY. Embassy to China by P. De Goyer and J. De Keyser. described by J. Nieuhoff. 1669. Same; second part. Atlas chinensis, etc. 1671. OLIPHANT. L. Earl of Elgin’s mission to China and Japan in 1857-59. 18 fin OLIPHANT. N. Diarv of the siege of the lega- tions in Peking. 1900, 1901. OLIVER. On and off duty. 1881. ORLEANS. History of the two Tartar conquerors of China. (Hakluyt Soc.. 1859.) PARKER. China; her history, diplomacy, and commerce from the earliest times. 1901. John Chinaman and a few others. 1901. PARSONS. American engineer in China. 1900. PATTTHIER and BAZIN. Chine. 2 v. 1853. PERRY. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan. 1857. PHILLIPS. Peeps into China, n. d. PIA SSELSKY. Russian travellers in Mongolia and China. 1884. PLAUCHUT. China and the Chinese. 1899. POLO. Travels into China. (Kerr, v. 1.) POTT. Outbreak in China; its causes. 1900. PRATT. People and places here and there, v. 4: China. [cl892. ] 4 3 f I PUMPELLY. Geological researches in China. Mongolia and Japan. (In Smithsonian contribu- tions, 1848-76. v 15.) Journey around the world. 1870. RALPH. Alone in China and other stories. 1898. READY. Life and sport in China. 1903. REID. From Peking to Petersburg. 1899. RENNIE). Peking and the Pekingese. 2 v. 1865. RICALTON. Peking through the stereoscope. 1902. RIPA. Memoirs during thirteen years' residence at the court of Peking. 1849. ROBERTS. A flight for life and an inside view of Mongolia. 1903. RUBRUQUIS, or RUYSBROEK. Travels into Tartary and China, 1253. (Pinkerton, v. 7.) RYNHART. With the Tibetans in tent and temple. 1901. SARACHCHANDRA. Journey to Lhasa and Cen- tral Tibet. 1902. SAUNDERS. Sister martyrs of Ku Cheng; mem- oir and letters, n. d. SC1DMORE. China; the long-lived empire. 1900. SELBY. As the Chinese see us. 1901. Chinamen at home. 1900. SEWARD. Chinese immigration in its social and economical aspects. 1881. SHAW. Journals [while] American consul at Canton. 1787-90. SIMPSON. Meeting the sun; a journey. 1874. SIRR. China and the Chinese. 2 v. 1849. SMITH. Rev. A. H. China in convulsion. 2 v. 1901. -fC Chinese characteristics. [cl894.] Village life in China. 1899. SMITH, Rev. G. Narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of China and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan, 1844-46. 1847. SMITH, S. P. China from within. 1901. O SMITH, W. L. G. China and the Chinese. 1863. SMYTH and others. China against the world. Lcl900.] ^ Crisis in China. 1900. * SPEER. Oldest and newest empire: China and the U. S. 1870. STATISTICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON JOUR- NAL. v. 25. 1862. [Notes on the progress of the trade of England with China since 1833.] STAUNTON. Authentic account of an embassy from the king of Great Britain to the emperor of China [1792-93], chiefly from the papers of the Earl of Macartney. 2 v. 1797. Miscellaneous notices relating to China. 1822. Ta Tsing leu lee: being the fundamental laws of China. 1810. STERN. Jottings of travel in China and Japan. STOTT. Twenty-six years of missionary work in China. 1897. SWINHOE. Narrative of the North China cam- > paign of 1860. TAYLOR, B. Visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853. 1888. [c’55.] TAYLOR, J. H. China’s spiritual needs and claims. 1890. China’s millions, 1886-1887. (A periodical.) TCHENG-KI-TONG. Chin-chin; or, the China- man at home. 1895. The Chinese painted by themselves; trans. from the French, n. d. GRAY, and others. /Chinese empire, past and present. [cl900.] THOMSON, H. C. China and the powers; a nar- rative of the outbreak of 1900. 1902. THOMSON. J. Straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China. 1875. Through China with a camera. 1898. THORNTON. History of China. 2 v. 1844. TIFFANY, Rev. F. This goodly frame the earth; stray impressions in a journey touching Japan, China, Egypt, Palestine and Greece. 1895. TIFFANY. O. The Canton Chinese. 1849. TOWNSEND. Robert Morrison, the pioneer of Chinese missions, n. d. TSAO TAI KU. Instruction for Chinese women and girls. 1900. TURNER. Kwang Tung; or, Five years in South China, n. d. U. S.— War dept. Adjutant general’s office. Notes on China. August, 1900. VIAUD. From lands of exile. 1888. Last days in Pekin. 1902. VLADIMIR. The China-Japan war. 1895. WALTON. China and the present crisis; with notes on a visit to Japan and Korea. 1900. WELBY. Through unknown Thibet. 1898. WHEELER. Foreigner in China. 1881. WHITNEY. Chinese and the Chinese question. 1888. W.TLDMAN. China’s open door; a sketch of Chinese life and history. [cl900.] WILL. World crisis in China. 1900. WILLIAMS, Mrs. M. N. Year in China. 1864. WILLIAMS, S. W. Chinese empire and its in- habitants. 2 v. 1851. History of China. 1897. * Middle kingdom. 2 v. 1898. [cl882.] WILLIAMSON. Journeys in Northern China. 1870. Old highways of China., n. d. WILSON. Ever victorious army: history of the Chinese campaign under Gordon and of the Tai-ping rebellion. 1868. WILSON, J. Medical notes on China. 1846. WILSON, J. H. China; travels and investigations in the “Middle kingdom,” with a glance at Japan. 1888. China; travels and investigitions in the “Middle kingdom” with an account of the Boxer war. 1901. [cl887.] WINGFIELD. Wanderings of a globe trotter in the Far East. 2 v. 1889. WOOD. Fankwei: or. the San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. 1859. WRIGHT. Australian, India. China and Japan trade directory and gazetteer, n. d. WU TING FANG. Mutual helpfulness between China and the United States. (See U. S.— Smith- sonian institution. Annual report for 1900.) 1901. YOUTH’S COMPANION. Selections for supple- mentary reading, No. 4: Sketches of the Orient. [C1894.] YULE, Cathay and the way thither. 2 v. (Hak- luyt Soc., 1866.) JAPAN. ADAMS. History of Japan. 2 v. 1874. ALCOCK. Capital of the Tycoon. 2 v. 1877. A LLA N. Under the dragon flag. 1898. — ARNOLD. Japonica. 1891. Seas and lands. 1891. ARTISTIC Japan; a monthly illustrated journal of arts and industries; ed. by S. Bing and others. ATKINSON. Prince Siddartha.. [cl893.] AYRTON. Child life in Japan and Japanese child stories. 1901. BACON. Japanese girls and women. 1897. [c’91.] Japanese interior. [cl893.] BALLARD. Fairy tales from Japan, n. d. BARRETT. In the land of the sunrise. 1895. BATCHELOR. The Ainu of Japan; the hairy aborigines of Japan. 1895. BAXTER. In bamboo lands. [cl895.J In beautiful Japan. [cl895.] BEAUVOIR. Jedflo; conclusion of a voyage around the world. 1872. BICKERSTETH. Japan as we saw it. 1893. BISHOP. Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 2 v. 1881. ^ BLACK. Young Japan; Yokohama and Yeddo. 1858-1879. 2 v. n. d. BRAMHALL. Wee ones of Japan. 1894. BRINKLEY. Japan described and illustrated by the Japanese, written by eminent Japanese au- thorities. 10 v. n. d. BROWNELL. Heart of Japan. 1902. CAMPBELL. My circular notes. 2 v. in 1. 1874- 75. CARNEGIE, Round the world. 1884. CARON. Account of Japan, 1631-8. (In Pinker- ton, v. 7.) CHAMBERLAIN. Things Japanese. 1902. and MASON. Handbook for travellers in Japan. 1893. /CHAMBERS’ Papers for the people, v. 12, 1851: ' European intercourse with Japan. —.CLARK. Life and adventure in Japan. r cl878.) CLEMENT. Handbook of modern Japan. 1903. —COCKS. Diary in the English factory in Japan. 1615-22. 1883. COOK. Japan; a sailor’s visit. 189fc- CROW. Highways and byways in Japan. 1883. CURTIS. Yankees of the East. 2 v. 1896. DEL MAR. 1902. --DENNYS. Treaty ports of China and Japan; a ' K/i * Around the world through Japan reaty guide book. 1867. f 2 38 DIARY on the coast of Japan, 1673. (In Pinker- _ton Voyages, v. 7.) DICKSON. Gleanings from Japan. 1889. Japan; a sketch of its history, government ■ and officers. 1869. DIXON. Land of the morning; an account of ~~~~ Japan. 1882. DRESSER. Japan, its architecture, art and art manufactures. 1882. DUBARD. Japanese life, love and legend. 1886. DUBOIS DE JANEIGUY. Japan, etc. 1850. EASTLAKE and YOSKIAKI. Heroic Japan; a ^ history of the war between China and Japan, n. d. EDWARDS. Japanese plays and playfellows. 1901. - ✓ ■. FAULDS. Nine years in Nipon. 1887. FIEED. From Egypt to Japan. 1877. FINCK. Lotos time in Japan. 1895. FINDLAY. Directory for the navigation of Ja- pan. 1870. FONBLANQUE. Niphon and Pecheli; or, Two years in Japan. 1882. FRASER. Letters from Japan. 2 v. 1899. GARDINER. Japan as we saw it. 1892. GOLOWNIN. Memoirs of a captivity in Japan. 3 v. 1813. GONSE. Japanese art. [cl891.] GORDON. American missionary in Japan. 1893. —GREAT BRITAIN. Commercial reports from her consuls in Japan. 1870-71. GREEY. Bear worshippers of Yezo and the is- land of Karafuto (Saghalin). 1899. [cl892.] Golden lotus and other legends of Japan. 1883. Wonderful city of Tokio. 1899. [cl892.] Young Americans in Japan. 1899. [cl892.] Young Americans in Tokio. [cl882.] Young Americans in Yezo and the island of Karafuto (Saghalin). [cl892.] GRIFFIS. Honda the Samurai. [cl890.] Japan in history, folk-lore, and art. [cl892.] (Riverside library for young people. No. 10.) Mikado’s empire. 1900 [cl876-98j. • Religions of Japan. 1895. Townsend Harris, first American envoy in Japan. 1895. Verbeck of Japan. [cl900.] GULICK. Evolution of the Japanese. Lcl903.] HALLORAN. Eight months’ journal, during vis- its to Loochoo, Japan and Pootoo. 1856. HAMLIN, and others. European and Japanese gardens. 1902. HANCOCK. Japanese physical training. 1903. HARTSHORNE. Japan and her people. 2 v. 1902 HAWKS. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas arid Japan under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry. 1856. HEARN. Exotics and retrospectives. 1898. — Gleanings in Buddha fields. 1898. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. 2 v. 1900 [cl894.] In ghostly Japan. 1899. Japanese miscellany. 1901. Kokoro. 1899. [cl896.] Kotto; being Japanese curios with sundry cobwebs. 1902. Out of the Bast. 1899. [cl895.] Shadowings. 1900. HELMS. Pioneering in the far East. 1882. HILDRETH. Japan as it was and is. 1855. HISTORY of the Empire of Japan: comp, and trans. for the Imperial Japanese Commission of the World’s Columbia Exposition, 1893. n. d. HITCHCOCK. Our trade with Japan, China and Hongkong. 1889-1899. (See U. S. Agriculture, Dept, of — Foreign Markets, Section of. Bulletin No. 18.) 1900. HOUSE. Japanese episodes. 1881. HUBBARD. United States in the Far East; or, Modern Japan and the Orient. 1899. HtlBNER. Ramble round the world. 1874. HUISH. Japan and its art. 1889. HUMBERT. Japan and the Japanese; trans. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 1874. <*—JN AGAKI. Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese view of the Eastern question. 1890. T xrOTTV'F! Concise history of the war between Ja- pan and China. 1895. 1YENAGA. Constitutional development of Japan, 1853-1881. 1891. I JAPAN. Agriculture and commerce, Dept. of. General view of commerce and industry in the Empire of Japan. 1893. v JAPAN. Constitution of the Empire of Japan, with speeches addressed to students of political science in the Johns Hopkins University. 1889. n. d. JAPAN. Education, Dept. of. Outlines of the modern education in Japan. 1893. JAPAN. Finance, Dept. of. Financial and eco- nomic annual of Japan. 1903. JARRAD. China sea directory. v. 4. Coasts of the Japan islands. 1873. JARVES. Glimpse at the art of Japan. 1876. JEPHSON and EMHIRST. Our life in Japan. 1869. JOHNSTON, Rev. J. China and Formosa; the story of the mission of the Presbyterian Church of England, n. a. JOHNSTON, J. D. China and Japan; cruise of the U. S. steam frigate Powhatan, in 1857-60. 1861. JUKICHI. Sketches of Tokyo life. n. d. KAEMPFER. History of Japan. (In Pinkerton Voyages, v. 7.) KINOSITA. Past and present of Japanese com- merce. 1902. KNAPP. Feudal and modern Japan, 2 v. 1897. KNOBLYS. Sketches of life in Japan. 1887. KNOX. Boy travelers in the far East. pt. 1: Ad- ventures of two youths in a journey to Japan and China. 1900. [clS97.] LA FARGE. Artist’s letters from Japan. 1897. [cl890. ] /LANDOR. Alone with the hairy Ainu. 1893. [ LANMAN. Japan, its leading men. [cl886.] I JaDanese in America. 1872. Leading men of Japan. 1883. LAWLACE. Japanese wedding, a costume panto- mime. 1888. LEFFINGWELL. Rambles through Japan with- out a guide. 1892. LEWIS. Educational conquest of the far East. [C1903.] LOVE. Japanese notions of European political economy. [cl900.] LOWELL. Noto; an unexplored corner of Japan. 1891. Occult Japan. 1895. Soul of the Far East. 1893. [cl888.] LUCY. East by west; a journey in the recess, 2 v. 1885. MAC FARLANE. Japan. 1852. - — MACLAY. Budget of letters from Japan. 1886. •O- Mito Yashiki, a .tale. olUold- Japan. n. d. •^ttAKATO. Japanese notions of European political economy. 1899. MANNERS and customs of the Japanese in the nineteenth century. 1848. [cl841.] (Harper’s school district library.) MASON. Etchings from two lands. 1886. MENPES. Japan, a record in color. [cl901.] MILN. When we were strolling players in the east. 1894. MILNE and BURTON. Great earthquake in Ja- pan. 1891. MITFORD. Tales of old Japan. 1874. JMORRIS, C. Historical tales: Japan and China ^ 1900. MORRIS, J. Advance Japan. 1896. What will Japan do ? 1898. MORRIS, Mrs. R. C. Dragons and cherry blos- soms. 1896. MORSE. Japanese homes and their surround- ings. 1895. ___MOSSMAN. New Japan during the past 20 years. 1873. MURDOCH and ISOH. History of Japan during the century of early foreign intercourse (1542- 1651). MURRAY. Japan. 1900. [clS94.] (Story of the Nations.) NEWTON. Japan; country, court and people. 1900. NITOBE. Bushido, the soul of Japan; an exposi- tion of Japanese thought [cl899j. NORMAN. Real Japan. 1893. NORTHROP. Flowery kingdom and the land of the Mikado. [cl894.] OKAKURA. Ideals of the East with special ref- erence to the art of Japan. 1903. OLIVER. On and off duty. 1881. ONO. Industrial transition of Japan. PARSONS. Notes in Japan. 1896. PEARSON. Flights inside and outside Paradise. 1886. PEERY. Gist of Japan. 1898. 5 PERRY. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Ja- pan. 1857. PUMPELLY. Geological researches in China, Mongolia and Japan. (In Smithsonian contribu- tions, 1848-76, v. 15.) Journey around the world, 1870. RANSOME. Japan in transition. 1859. REED. Japan. 2 v. [cl879.] REGAMEY. Japan in art and industry. [cl892.] REIN. Industries of Japan. 1889. Japan. 1884. RINDER. Old-world Japan. RUNDALL. Memorials of the empire of Japan in the 16th and 17th centuries. 1850. SALWEY. Fans of Japan. 1894. SARIS. Voyage to Japan. 1613. 1900. SATOLI. Agitated Japan. 1896. SATOW and HAWES. Handbook for travellers in Central and Northern Japan. 1881. SCIDMORE. Jinrikisha days in Japan. 1899. [’91-] SHINKICHI. Japanese boy. 1890. SHOBERL. World in miniature; Japan, n. d. SHOEMAKER. Eastward to the land of the morning. 1893. SIEBOLD. Manners and customs of the Japanese in the nineteenth century. 1841. SILVER. Sketches of Japanese manners and cus- toms. 1867. SIMPSON. Meeting the sun; a journey. 1874. SLADEN. Japs at home. 1895. SMITH. History of Japan,, in words of one syl- lable. [cl887. ] ^SPALDING. Japan expedition, 1852-5. /STEAD. Japan, our new ally. 1902. Japan to-day. 1902. CSTJ SRN. Jottings of travel in China and Japan, n. d. TAMURA. Japanese bride. 1900. [cl893.] TAYLOR, E. Japan in our day. 1897. [’81-’92.] /— 1 — Visit to India, China and Japan in the year V1S53. 1888. [c55.] TAYLOR, Jr., C. M. Vacation days in Hawaii and Japan. 1898. TENNANT. The Great earthquake in Japan, Oct. 28, 1891. THOMAS. Journeys among the gentle Japs in the summer of 1895. 1897. THOMPSON. In the tracks of the sun. 1893. TIFFANY. This goodly frame the earth; stray impressions in a journey touching Japan, China, Egypt, Palestine and Greece. 1895. TITSINGH. Illustrations of Japan. 1822. TODD. Corona and coronet; being a narrative of the Amherst eclipse expedition to Japan, 1896. TOLTHAM. Eight years in Japan. 1883. TOMES. Americans in Japan; an abridgment of / ^the government narrative of the U. S. expe- dition to Japan under Commodore Perry. 1857. TRISTRAM. Rambles in Japan. [1895.] VAN BERGEN. Story of Japan. [cl897.] VIAUD. Madame Chrysantheme. 1889. ^VLADIMIR. China-Japan war. 1895. WATSON. Three rolling stones in Japan. 1904. WERTHEIMBER. A Muramasa blade. 1887. WESTON. Mountaineering and exploration In the Japanese Alps. 1896. WINGFIELD. Wanderings of a globe trotter. 2 v. 1889. WRIGHT. Australian. India, China and Japaa trade directors' and gazetteer, n. d. YOUNGHUSBAND. On short leave to Japan. 1894. KOREA. ALLEN. Korean tales. 1889. BISHOP. Korea and her neighbors. 1898. CARLES. Life in Corea. 1894 CAVENDISH. Corea and the sacred White Moun- tain. 1894. CULIN. Korean games, with notes on the games of China and Japan. 1895. GALE. Korean sketches. 1898. GIFFORD. Everyday life in Korea. [cl898.] GILMORE. Korea from its capital. [cl892.] GRIFFIS. Corea, the hermit nation. 1897. [cl882.] HAMEL. Travels in Corea, 1653. (In Pinkerton Voyages, v. 7.) KOREAN tales: trans. from the Korean folk-lore by H. N. Allen, n. d. LANDOR. Corea or Cho-sen, the land of the morning calm. 1895. LOWELL. Choson, the land of the morning calm; a sketch of Korea. 1888. [cl885.] MILN. Quaint Korea. 1895. OPPERT. Forbidden land; Corea. 1880. ROSS. History of Corea. WILLIAMSON. Journeys in Corea. 2 v. 1870. MANCHURIA. FLEMING. Travels in Mantchu Tartary. 1863. FRASER. Real Siberia, together with an account of a dash through Manchuria. 1902. GRAHAM. East of the barrier; or. Side lights on the Manchurian mission. 1902. HOSIE. Manchuria; its people, resources and re- cent history. 1901. JAMES. The Long White Mountain in Manchuria. 1888. LLOYD. Notes on the Russian harbors on the coast of Manchuria. (In. Royal Geog. Soc. jour- nal, v. 37. 1867.) WILLIAMSON. Journeys in Manchuria. 2 v. 1870. YOUNGHUSBAND. Among the Celestials, a nar- rative of travels in Manchuria. 1898. Heart of a continent, a narrative of travels in Manchuria. 1897. RUSSIA. ABBOT. Empire of Russia. 1860. ABBOTT. Narrative of a journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow and St. Petersburgh. 1856. ADAM. Chancellor’s voyage to Muscovy. 1886. ALLEN. Autocracy in Poland and Russia. 1854. BADDELEY. Tchay and Chianti; or, Wander- ings in Russia and Italy. 1887. BAIN. Daughter of Peter the Great; a history of Russian diplomacy and of the Russian court under the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. 1741- 1762. Cossack fairy tales ana folk tales, n. d. The pupils of Peter the Great; a history of the Russian court and empire, 1697-1740. Russian fairy tales. 1895. BALLOU. Due north; glimpses of Scandinavia and Russia. 1887. BARRY. Russia in 1870. BATTYE. Ice bound on Kolguev. 1895. Northern highway of the Tsar. 1898. BAZAN. Russia; its people and its literature. 1890. BELL. History of Russia [to 1807]. 3 v. 1836-38. BENSON. The story of Russia. 188a. BERLIOZ. Memoires; commenant ses voyages en Italy, en Allemagne, en Russia et en Angleterre, 1803-65. BEVERIDGE. Russian advance. 1903. BIGELOW. Borderland of Czar and Kaiser. 1895. BLACKSTOCK. The land of the Viking and the empire of the Tsar. 1889. BODDY. With Russian pilgrims, n. d. BOULTON. The Russian empire. 1882. BOYNTON. Four great powers. 1866. Russian empire. 1856. BRANDES. Impressions of Russia. [cl889.] BREMMER. Excursions in the interior of Rus- sia. 2 v. 1839. BROCKETT. Cross and crescent. 1877. P.RODHEAD. Slav and Moslem, n. d. BROOKS. Russians of the South. 1855. BRUVVNK, Land of Thor. [cl867.] BUCKLEY. Midnight sun. [cl886.] BUEL. A Nemesis of misgovernment. 1899. — Russian nihilism and exile life in Siberia. 1883. BUTLER. Apollyon and the reaction of the Slavonians. 1847. 6 BUTTERWORTH. Zigzag journeys in, the Orient: the Adriatic to the Baltic. [cl881.] CATHCART. Commentaries on the war in Rus- sia and Germany, 1812-13. 1850. CHAMPNEY. Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. [cl889.] CHESTER. Russia past and present. 1881. CHOPIN and FAMIN. Russia. 2 v. 1838. CLARK. A new way around an old world. 1901. CLARKE. E. D. Travels in Russia. 1848. CLARKE. G. S. Russia’s sea power past and present. 1898. COCHRANE. Journey through Russia. 1824. CONDER. Modern traveler, v. 17. 1825. COX. Arctic sunbeams; or, From Broadway to the Bosphorus by way of the North Cape. 1882. COXE. Travels in Russia. (See Pinkerton, v. 6.) CRAWFORD. The industries of Russia, for the Columbian Exposition. 5 v. 1893. CURTIN. Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, western Slavs and Magyars. 1890. CURZON. Russia in Central Asia in 1889, and the Anglo-Russian question. 1889. CUSTINE. Russia. 1854. Same, abr. from the French. 1856. DANA. Eastern journeys. 1898. DAV1TT. Within the pale: the true story of anti- Semitic persecution in Russia. 1903. DEMIDOFF. Travels in southern Russia. 1837. DE VOGUE. The Tsar and his people. 1891. Dll WINDT. Finland as it is. 1901. DISTINGUISHED persons in Russian society.' 1873. D1TSON. Circassia. 1850. DIXON. Free Russia. 1870. DOLE. Young folks’ history of Russia. 1895. [C1877]. DOLGOROUKY. Handbook of the principal fam- ilies in Russia. 1858. DUMAS. Eighteen months at St. Petersburg. 1857. ECKARDT. Modern Russia. 1870. Russia before and after the war. 1880. EDWARDS. Romanoffs. 1890. Russian projects against India. 1885. The Russians at home and the Russians abroad; sketches of Russian life under Alex II. 2 v. 1879. ELKINTON. Doukobors. 1903. ENGELHARDT. Russian province of the North. 1899. EPAUCHIN, Col. (of the Russian staff). Opera- tions of Gen. Gurko’s advance guard in 1877. 1900. FORBES. Czar and sultan: adventures of a Brit- ish lad in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. 1894. FOULKE. Slav or Saxon; a study of the growth and tendencies of Russian civilization. 1898. [cl887. ] FOWLER. Lives of the sovereigns of Russia. 2 v. FOX. Mission to Russia in 1856. FREDERIC. New exodus. 1892. FREDERIKSEN. Finland. 1902. FRESHFIELD. Exploration of the Caucasus. 2 v. 1902. GALLENGA. Summer tour in Russia. 1882. GAUTIER. Winter in Russia. 1875. G EDDIE. Russian empire. 1882. GEORGE. Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, (pref. 1899.) GERRARE. Greater Russia. 1903. Story of Moscow. 1900. GILSON. Czar and the Sultan. 1853. GOLOVIN. Nations of Russia and Turkey and their destiny. 1854. GOWING. Five thousand miles in a sledge. GREENE. Sketches of army life in Russia. 1880. GUILD. Britons and Muscovites; or, Traits of two empires. 1888. GUROWSKI. Russia as it is. 1854. H. Early news-sheet; Russian invasion of Poland ir. 1563. 1874. HAMLEY. Story of the campaign of Sebastopol. 1855. War in the Crimea. 1896. HAPGOOD. Epic songs of Russia. 1886. Russian rambles. [cl895. ] HARE. Studies in Rufesia. 1902. HAXTHAUSEN. Russian empire. 2 v. 1856. HEARD. Russian church and Russian dissent. 1887. HEBERS'TEIN. Notes upon Russia; trans. by R. H. Major. 2 v. (Hakluyt society, 1851.) HERBERT. Defence of Plevna, 1877; written by one who took part in it. 1895. HODGETTS. E. A. B. In the track of the Rus- sian famine. 1892. HODGETTS, I. F. Ivan Dobroff. 1886. HOLDERNESS. Journey from Riga to the Cri- mea. 1827. HOLMAN. Travels through Russia. 2 v. 1825. Home life in Russia. 1854. HOMMAIRE DE HELL. Travels in the steppes of the Caspian sea. 1847. HORSEY. Travels in Russia, 1572-91. (Hakluyt society, 1856.) HOURWICH. Economics of the Russian village. 1892. HOWARD. Prisoners of Russia; a personal study of convict life in Sakhalin and Siberia. 1902. P1UNFALON. Reise in den Ostseeprovinzen Russ- lands. 2 v. 1874. JACKSON. Great frozen land. 1895. JANE. Imperial Russian navy, past, present and future. 1899. J ASIENCYK. Ten years in Cossack slavery. 1900. JEFFERSON. Awheel to Moscow and back. 1895. JENKINSON, and others. Early voyages and travels [in Russia]. 1886. JERRMANN. St. Petersburg. 1855. JOHNSTONE. Trip up the Volga. 1878. KELLY, Mrs. T. From the fleet in the fifties. 1902. KELLY. W. K. History of Russia [to 1854] ; comp, from Karamsen, Tooke and Segur. 2 v. 1854. KEPPEL. Overland journey from India to Eng- land. 1827. KINGLAKE. Invasion of the Crimea. 1875. KIRBY. Hero of Esthonia [Russian folk-lore]. 2 v. 1895. KNOX. Boy travellers in the Russian empire. [C1886.] KOHL. Russia. 1844. KOVALEVSKII. Russian political institutions. 1902. KROPOTKIN. Memoirs of a revolutionist. 1899. LABAUME. Circumstantial narrative of the cam- paign in Russia. 1848. History of the invasion of Russia by Na- poleon Bonaparte. 1844. Narrative of the campaign in Russia. 1816. LAMARTINE. Histoire de la Russie. 2 v. 1855. LAGNY. Knout and the Russians. 1854. LANDOR. Across coveted lands; or, A journev from Flushing, Holland, tp Calcutta, overland. 2 v. 1903. LANGE. Fra Rusland. 1882. LANIN. Russian traits and terrors. 1891. LANS DELL. Through Siberia. 2 v. 1882. LATHAM. Native races of the Russian empire. 1854. LATIMER. Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century. 1897. [cl893.] LE BRUN. Travels into Muscovy, 1737. LEROY-BEAULIEU. Empire of the tsars and the Russians. 3 v. 1896. LOGAN. In joyful Russia. 1897. LONDON DAILY NEWS. War correspondence of the “Daily News,” 1877-8; continued from the fall of Kars to the signature of the prelim- inaries of peace. 1878. War correspondence of the “Daily News,” with history of the war between Russia and Turkey, containing a full description of the tak- ing of Kars. 1878. LOWE. Alexander III of Russia. 1895. McCORMICK. Visit to the camp before Sebasto- pol. 1855. McCULLOCH. Russia and Turkey. 1854. MACMICHAEL. Journey from Moscow to Con- stantinople in the years 1817-1818. 1819. MANSTEIN. Memoirs of Russia, 1727-44. MARSDEN. On sledge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers, n. d. MARVIN. Region of the eternal fire; account of a journey to the petroleum region of the Caspian in 1883. 1891. — Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885. MASSON DE BLAMONT. Secret memoirs of the court of St. Petersburg, particularly towards the reign of Catherine II and the commence- ment of that of Paul I. MAXWELL. Czar, his court and people. 1848. 7 MEAKIN. Ribbon of iron. n. d. MEIGNAN. From Paris to Pe^in over Siberian snows. 1885. MENZES. Russia’s treatment of Finland. 1900. MICHELL. Russian pictures. 1889. MOLTKE. Russians in Bulgaria and Roumelia in 1828 and 1829. 1854. MONTAGU. Camp and studio: Russian-Turkish question. 1890. MORELL. Russia self-condemned. 1854. MORFILL. History of Russia, from the birth of Peter the Great to the death of Alexander II 1902. Russia. 1880. Stcry of Russia. 1898 [c’90]. (Story of the nations.) MORRIS. C. Historical tales: Russian. 1900. MORRIS, I. Summer in Kiefli; or, Sunny days in Southern Russia, n. d. MUNRO. Rise of the Russian empire. 1900. MURRAY, E. C. G. Russians of to-day. 1878. MURRAY, J. Handbook for travelers in Russia, Poland and Finland. 1888. NIEMOJOWSKI. Siberian pictures. 1883. NIHILISM as it is. n. d. NOBLE. Russia and the Russians. 1900. Russian revolt; its causes, condition and prospects. 1885. NORMAN. All the Russias. 1902. NOVIKOFF. Skobeleff and the Slavonic cause. 1883. OLIPHANT. Russian shores of the Black Sea, in the autumn of 1852. 1854. PALMER. Russian life in town and country. 1901. PARDO-BAZAN. Russia; its people and its lit- erature. 1899. PARMELE. Short history of Russia. 1900. PETRE. Napoleon’s campaign in P.oland, 1806-7. 1901. (LES) PEUPLES de la Russie. 2 v. 1812-1813. PFEIL. Experiences of a Prussian officer in the Russian service during the Turkish War of 1877-78. PHILLIPS. All the Russias. n. d. PIGOTT. Savage and civilized Russia. 1879. PINKERTON. Russia; past and present. 1833. • POBYEDONOSTSEFF. Reflections of a Russian statesman. 1898. PRICE. From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea. 1892. PRIME. Alhambra and Kremlin. 1873. PROCTOR. Russian journey. 1873. RABBE and DUNCAN. History of Russia to the close of the Hungarian war. 2 v. 1854. RAE. White Sea peninsula. 1881. * RAMBAUD. Expansion of Russia; problems of the East and problems of the far East. 1900. History of Russia. 2 v. 1886. Popular history of Russia. 3 v. 1882. RAVENSTEIN. Russians on the Amur. 1861. RAWLINSON. England and Russia in the East. 1875. REID. From Peking to Petersburg. 1899. RICHARDSON, R. Ralph’s year in Russia. 1882. RICHARDSON. W. Anecdotes of the Russian em- pire. 1784. RITCHIE. Journey to St. Petersburg and Mos- cow. 1836. RULLIERE. History and anecdotes of the revo- lution in Russia. 1762. RUSSIA. 1859. RUSSIA and Turkey. TTrav. Libr. v. 6. 1854.1 RUSSO- JEWISH committee of London. Per- secution of the Jews in Russia. 1891. SAL A. Journey due north; being notes of a residence in Russia. 1858. SAMSON-HIMMELSTJERNA. Russia under Alex- ander III. 1893. SCHNITZLER. Secret history of the court and government of Russia under the Emperors Alex ander and Nicholas. 2 v. 1847. SCHUYLER. Peter the great. 2 v. 1884. SEARS. Illustrated description of the Russian empire. 1855. SEEBOHM. Siberia in Asia. 1882. SEGUR. History of the expedition to Russia. 2 v. 1842. SESSIONS. From the land of the midnight sun to the Volga. 1890. SEYMOUR. Russia in the Black Sea and Sea of Azof. 1855. SHOEMAKER. Trans-Caspia, the sealed prov- inces of the Czar. 1895. SINCLAIR. Defence of Russia and the Chris- tians of TurkdV, including a sketch of the East- ern question from 1686 to 1877. 1878. SKRINE. Expansion of Russia, 1815-1900. 1903. SLADE. Travels in Germany and Russia.. 1838-39. SMITH. History of Russia in words of one syl- lable. [cl887. ] SMUCKER. Memoirs of the court and reign of Catherine II. SMYTH. Three cities in Russia. 1862. SPENCER. Turkey, Russia, etc. 1835. STADLING. In the land of Tolstoi. 1897. STEAD. Truth about Russia. 1888. STEPHENS. Incidents of travel in Russia. 1857. STEPNIAK. King Stork and King Log; a study of modern Russia. 1895. Russia under the tzars. 1885. Russian peasantry. 1888. * — Russian stormcloud; or, Russia in her relation to neighboring countries. 1886. Underground Russia. 1883. STEVENT. Through famine stricken Russia. 1892. .STEVENS. Through Russia on a mustang. [cl891.1 STODDARD, C. A. Across Russia. 1892. STODDARD. J. L. St. Petersburg, Moscow. (In his Red letter days abroad, 1884.) T., C. J.. ed. Folk lore and legends. 1890. TAUBE. Countess Japina; an historical novel from Russian life. 1894. TAYLOR. Travels in Russia. 1859. TEGOBORSKI. Commentaries on the productive forces of Russia 1857. THOMPSON. Russian politics. 1896. TIKHOMIROW. Russia, political and social. 2 v. 1892. TISSOT. Russes et Allemands. 1881. Russians and Germans. 1882. — La Russie et les Russes. 1882. Adventures of three fugitives in Siberia 1883. TOLSTOI. La Famine; traduit. . .par E. Hal- perine-Kaminsky. 1893. Napoleon and the Russian campaign. [cl888.] Physiology of war. 1888. TWEEOIE. Through Finland in carts. 1898. TYRRELL. History of the war with Russia: giving full details of the operations of the al- lied armies. 3 v. n. d. URQUHART. Secret of Russian in the Caspian and Euxine. 1863. VAMBERY. Coming struggle for India. 1885. VANDERLIP and HULRERT. In search of a Siberian Klondike. 1903. VERESTCHAGIN. ”1812”; Napoleon I In Russia. 1899 VIGOR. Letters from a lady in Russia. 1777. VLADIMIR. Russia on the Pacific and the Si- berian railway. 1899. VOGUE. Tsar and his people. 1891. WAHL. Land of the Czar. 1875. WALISZEWSKI. L’Heritage de Pierre le Grand; regne des femmes, gouvernement des favoris, 1725-1741. Romance of an empress, Catherine II of Russia. 1894. WALLACE. Russia. 1881. WEIR. St. Petersburg and Moscow. [In Vaca- tion Tourists, 1861.] WENYON. Across Siberia on the Great Post road. 1896. WHISHAW. Out of doors in Tsarland. 1893. WILLCOCKS. History of Russia to 1830. WILLOUGHBY. Voyages to the northern parts of Russia and Siberia, 1553. (Pinkerton, v. 1.) WINDT. Siberia as it is. 1892. WOLKONSKY. Pictures of Russian history and Russian literature. 1898. WRIGHT. Asiatic Russia. 1902. SIBERIA. ATKINSON. Oriental and western Siberia. 1858. Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor. 1860. BOOKWALTER. Siberia and central Asia. 1899. BUSH. Reindeer, dogs and snowshoes. 1871. CHAMBERS’S Papers for the people, v. 10. 1851; Siberia and the penal settlements. COXE. Russian discoveries, etc. : Conquest of Si- beria. 1787. 8 DEUTSCH. Sixteen years in Siberia. 1903. DE WINDT. New Siberia; an account of a visit to the penal island of Sakhalin and polit- ical prison and mines of the Trans-Baikal dis- trict. 1896. DOSTOYEFFSKY. Buried alive; or, Ten years penal servitude in Siberia. 1881. EDEN. Frozen Asia; a sketch of modern Si- beria. 1879. ERMAN. Travels in Siberia. 2 v. 1850. FRASER. Real Siberia; together with an ac- count of a dash through Manchuria. 1902. FRITH. Escaped from Siberia. GILDER. Ice pack and tundra. 1883. GOWING. Five thousand miles in a sledge; a midwinter journey across Siberia. 1891. HERTZEN. My exile in Siberia. 2 v. 1855. HOWARD. Life with Trans-Siberian savages. 1893. Prisoners of Russia. 1902. HUMBOLDT. Travels and researches. 1853. JACKSON. Great frozen land. 1895. JASIENCYK. Ten years in Cossack slavery. [cl900.] KENNAN. Siberia and the exile system. 2 v. 1891. Tent life in Siberia. [1870.] KNOX. Overland through Asia. 1870. KRAUSSE. Russia in Asia. 1899. MARSDEN. On sledge and horseback to the out- cast Siberian lepers. [cl892.] ME AKIN. Ribbon of iron. [pref. 1901.] MEIGNAN. From Paris to Pekin. 1889. MICHIE. Siberian overland route from Peking to St. Petersburgh. 1863. PEEL. Polar gleams. 1894. PISTROWgKI. My escape from Siberia. 1863. PRICE. From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow Sea. 1892. PUMPELLY. Siberia (In his Across America and Asia. Chap. 2S. 1870.) RAVENSTEIN. Russians on the Amur. 1861. SEEBOHM. Siberia in Asia. 1882. SHOEMAKER. Great Siberian railway. 1903. SIMPSON. Side lights on Siberia. 1898. STAPLING. Through Siberia. 1901. VANDERLIP. In search of a Siberian Klondike. 1903. VLADIMIR. Russia on the Pacific and the Si- berian railway. 1899. WILLOUGHBY. Voyages to the northern parts of Siberia. 1553. (In Pinkerton, v. 1.) WRIGHT. Asiatic Russia. 2 v. 1902. MISCELLANEOUS. ADAMS. New empire. 1902. ALLEN, and SACHTLEBEN. Across Asia on a bicycle; the journey of two American students from Constantinople to Peking. 1903. [cl894.] AWDRY. In the isles of the sea; the story of fifty years in Melanesia. 1902. BALDWIN. Foreign missions of the Protestant churches. [cl900.] BARROWS. Christian conquest of Asia. 1899. BEACH. Geography and atlas of Protestant mis- sions, 2 v. 1901-1903. BENYOUSKY. Memoirs and travels in Siberia, Kamchatka. Japan, Liukiu Islands and Formosa, from the translation of his original manuscript by William Nicholson. 1893. BLYDEN. Christianity, Islam and the negro race. 1888. CHIROL. Far Eastern question. 1896. Middle Eastern question. 1903. CLOUGH. While sewing sandals; tales of a Telugu Pariah tribe, [pref. 1899.] COBB. Far hence. [cl893.] OURZON. Problems of the Far East, Japan, Korea, China. 1896. COLQUHOUN. Russia against India; the strug- gle for Asia. 1900. CONANT. United States in the Orient. 1900. DENNIS. Centennial survey of foreign missions in all lands at the close of the nineteenth cen- tury. 1902. DIOSY. New Far East. 1899. DOWNIE. Lone star; history of the Telugu Mis- sion of the American Baptist Missionary Union. [cl893.] ELLINWOOD. Questions and phases of modern missions. 1899 GRIFFIS. America in the East. 1899. HANNAH. Brief history of Eastern Asia. 1900. Political problems of the Far East. (See Kirkpatrick Lectures on the history of the nine- teenth cent,u|*y.) HOBSON Imperialism. 1902. HUBBARD. ; United States in the Far East. 1899. JONES. India’s problem; Krishna or Christ. [cl903.] \ KIPLING. From sea to sea, 2 v. 1900. KRAUSSE. Far East; its history and its ques- tions. 1900. LAWRENCE. Modern missions in the East. LEROY-BEAULIEU. Awakening of the East: Siberia, Japan, China. 1900. LEWIS. Educational conquest of the Far East. [C1903.] MC COY. History of Baptist Indian missions. 1840. MASON. Lux Christi; an outline study of India. 1902. MUTCHMORE. Moghul, Mongol, Mikado and missionary, v. 2. 1891. NORMAN. Peoples and politics of the Far East. 1895. PALGRAVE. Essays on Eastern questions. 1872. POTTER. (The) East of to-day and to-morrow. 1902. [C1900-1902.] ROSEBERRY. Questions of empire. [cl901.] SHEEPSHANKS. My life in Mongolia and Si- beria. 1903. SHOBERL. World in miniature. 4 v. n. d. SMITH. Conversion of India, n. d. TRONSON. Personal narrative of a voyage to Ja- pan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary and various parts of the coast of China. 1859. WHIGHAM. Persian problem. 1903. WOOD. Fankwei ; or, India, China and Japan. 1859.