FINDING LISTS T PA 0 r> J. uA J OF THE D LIBRARY. SEVENTH EDITION. INCLUDING THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT. CHICAGO: LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY IIALL. i889 1S95. ft on c^i ! J \ \n V ■ . OF THE !®| I UNIVERSITY cf ILLINOIS. Chicago Public Library FINDING-LISTS. Index to Subjects Contained in this Volume, This volume contains all parts of the general Finding Lists, including the first supple¬ ment, which have been issued from October 1889 to October 1895. The lists of English . Prose Fiction and Juvenile Books, and Books in Foreign Languages, are not included in this volume. The first supplement comprises in classified form the titles in Bulletins No. I to 32. For books received since October 1, 1895, consult the type-written supplements to be found in the reference room, and Bulletins No. 33 and following. INDEX. Page. Abolition of Slavery... .502; 745 Abyssinia, History of.. 42 Travels in.196; 676 Acadia, History of. 81 Travels in. 157 Acids.377; 724 Acoustics. 418 Adulteration of Foods. .390; 728 AErosiatics.419; 733 Affections..^.. 529 Africa, History of.42; 618 Travels in.196; 676 African Languages. 696 Agriculture. 398,730 Alabama, History of. 62 Alaska, History of. 62 Travels in.168; 667 Algte. 431 Algebra.413 Algeria, History of. 42 Travels in.196; 676 Alloys. 354 ; 7 i 9 Almanacs. 508 Alphabets.385; 727 Alps, The.180; 671 Amazon River. 170 America.44; 619 British, History of.. .81; 631 Travels in.157,664 Central, History of..82; 632 Travels in.169; 667 North, Travels in... 157; 664 South, History of.. ..82; 632 Travels in. 170:667 American Aboriginal Lan¬ guages.262;696 American Civil War.53; 622 American Government.455; 738 American Indians.45; 620 American Revolution.. ..51; 621 Amusements, Indoor.. .390; 728 Anarchism.489; 743 Page. Anatomy_............591; 752 Ancient Classics.276; 698 Ancient History.3; 602 Angling.397; 730 Anglo-Catholic Theology, Library of. 587 Anglo-Saxon and Early English. 263; 696 Animal Magnetism.534; 748 Animals. 438; 736 Annuities.. 484:742 Anonyms and Pseudo¬ nyms. 301:706 Ante Nicene Christian Li¬ brary. 587 Anthropology.443; 736 Antiquities. 335: 714 Apostles, The . 549; 749 Apparitions .532; 748 Aquarium . 45 ° Arabia, Travels in .191; 674 Arabic Language.256; 694 Arabic Literature . 286 Archaeology .335; 7»4 Archery. 393; 729 Arches . 367; 722 Architecture .339; 715 Arctic Regions, The.. ..154; 663 Argentine Confederat’n. 170; 667 Arithmetic .413; 732 Arkansas, History of ... .62; 625 Arms and Armor .375; 724 Art in the House .386; 728 Arts. Fine .323; 7 10 Practical . .... 349; 717 Ashantee . 196 Asia, History of .39; 617 Travels in .188; 674 Central, Travels in. 191; 674 Asia Minor, Travels in. 187; 674 Assaying . 355 ; 7*9 jtrology .532; 748 Page. Astronomy.435; 735 Athletics. 392; 729 Atlases.149; 661 Atlases,General Historical. 1 Australia, History of.43; 679 Travels in.202; 679 Australian Language. 696 Austrian Empire, History of... 341 614 Travels in. 181:671 Autographs.385; 727 Bacteria.445; 589 Baedecker’s Hand-Books.. 155 663 Balkan Peninsula, Travels >n.... .. 1875673 Ballad Society Publications 264 Balloons.419; 733 Bampton Lectures. 586 Banks and Banking... .475; 741 Baptist Church. 555 Barbary States, History of. 42 618 Travels in.199; 676 Baseball .3931729 Bechuans. 196 Beer .378; 735 Bees and Bee-keeping. .407; 731 Belgium, History of.34:615 Travels in.179; 670 Bells.346; 717 Bible, The...538; 748 Commentaries. 538 Miscellanies.539: 748 Old Testament. 542 Commentaries. 542 Miscellanies.543; 748 New Testament. 544 Commentaries.545 Miscellanies.547; 749 Bibliography.297; 704 Billiards.392; 729 II. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Page. Biographical Dictionaries 83 633 Biography, Collected... .84; 633 Individual.98; 640 Biology.445; 737 Birds. 447 ; 737 Blasting. 356 Bleaching .379; 725 Blind, Education of the_ 518 Boats and Boat Building... 376 724 * Boating.._.395; 729 Boerland, History of.... 42; 6x8 Travels in.196; 676 Bohemia, History of.34; 614 Travels in.181:671 Bohemian Language. 262 Bohemian Literature. 293 Boilers, Steam.361; 721 Bolivia, Travels in.170 Bookbinding.386; 727 Book-keeping.483:742 Book Plates. 703 Book-selling...294; 703 Books and Reading. .. 294:702 Books, Illustrated . 33 *; 7*2 Sale Catalogues....305-; 706 Borneo. 194 Boston, History of.70; 628 Botany . 43*1735 Bound Newspapers... .322; 710 Boxing. 392 Brahminism.. 559 Brass Founding. 350 Brazil, History of.82; 632 Travels in.170; 667 Brewing. . 3 / 8 ; 725 Brick and Bricklaying. 368 Bridges.367; 722 British America. 81; 631 Travels in .157; 664 British Army.9: 604 British Colonies, History of. .40; 617 British Columbia, History of. 81 Travels in.157 British Government... .461; 738 British Museum, Collec¬ tions in.. 336 Library of. 295 Natural History in. 442 Buddhism.....559; 749 Building and Building Ma¬ terials.368; 722 Building and Loan Associa¬ tions . 175 ; 740 Bulgaria, History of. 616 Travels in.—187; 673 Burial, Earth. 589 Burmah, History of. 40 Travels in. 194 Business. 479 ; 74 * Business Gazetteers... 156:664 Butter. 406; 731 Butterflies.446; 737 Cabinet-Making. 381:726 Calculus . . 4 * 3;.732 Calico Printing. 379 California, History of.. 62:625 Travels in.166; 666 Camden Society Publica¬ tions .19; 607 Camping Out. 3951730 Canada, History of.81:631 Travels in.157; 664 Canal and River Engineer¬ ing.365; 72 i Canals. 366 Canary Islands, History of. 42 Travels in . 196 Candles. 37& Canoeing. 3951 7 2 9 Cantatas . 347 Cape Colony.196; 676 Capital and Labor.472; 740 Capital Punishment. 491 Card Games. 39 *; 728 Caricature. 335 ! 7*4 Page. Carolina, North, History of. 76 630 Carolina, South, History of. 78 631 Carpentry.369; 722 Carriage Painting. 379 Carriages. 381 Carthage, History of. 42 Travels in. 196 Casting.356; 720 Catacombs, The.183 Catalogues, Library ...301; 706 Sale (Books).305; 706 Cathedrals.339; 715 Catholic Church.553; 749 Cattle.405; 731 Caves. 429 Cement.368; 722 Central America, History of.82; 632 Travels in.169:667 Central Asia, Travels ini9i; 674 Ceramics .. .380:725 Ceylon, History of. 40 Travels in.192; 675 Champagne. 404 Charities.490; 743 Chaucer Society Publica¬ tions.. 364 Cheese. 406 Cheirosophy. 532; 748 Chemical Technology. . 377; 724 Chemistry.421: 733 Chess. 392; 729 Chicago, History of.65:626 Chili, History of.........82- 632 Travels in. 170:667 China, History of.42; 618 Travels in .195:675 China Painting.380:725 Chinese Language. 256 Chinese Literature.286; 700 Chivalry and the Crusades. 7 603 Cholera. 593 Christian Church . 555 Christian Missions.563; 750 Christian Science.532; 748 Christianity, History of.549: 749 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain. 17 Chronology.1; 601 Church History ...n.549; 749 Church of England.555; 749 Cities, Government of. 739 Civil Engineering.362; 721 Civil Service. 455 Civil War in America.. .53; 622 Civilization.4S5; 742 Clairvoyance. 534 Classics, Greek and Roman 276 698 Climate.426; 734 Clocks. 381; 725 Clubs and Club Life.. ..499: 745 Coaches. 381 Coaching.393 Coal and Coal Mini ng.. 355; 719 Coal Gas .355; 719 Coffee.404; 73 * Coins.338; 715 Collected Biography. 84; 633 Collected Works.249: 694 Collections, Archaeological. 335 7*4 Colleges.516; 746 Colombia, Travels in. 170 Colonies and Immigration. 463 Colorado, History of.62; 625 Colors .323:710 Coloring and Dyeing.. .379; 725 Commentaries on the Bible 538 Commerce.479; 741 Commercial Correspond¬ ence. 483 Communism .. 489; 743 Composition and Rhetoric. 271 6 97 Page. Conchology. 450 Congo River . 196 Congregational Church . 555 Conic Sectious. .. 413 Connecticut, History of.62; 625 Conscience. 527 Consumption. 593 Cookery and Cook Books.. 388 728 Co-operation.475; 740 Copyright. 703 Coral.438 Corea, History of. 42 Travels in .195; 676 Corsica, Travels in. 177 Costume..495; 744 Cotton.405; 731 Cotton Manufacture.. ..381; 726 Cremation. 589 Creole Language. 262 CricKet. 393; 729 Crime and Punishment.491; 743. ' Crimean War. 38; 616 Crusades and Chivalry.. .7; 603 Cuba, History of. 82 Travels in.169; 667 Currency.475; 741 Customs .497; 744 Cutlery..381; 726’ Cycling . 3931729 Dahomey. 196 Dairy Farming.,.406; 731 Dakota, History of. 63 Dancing.390; 728 Danish Language.261; 696 Danish Literature.293; 702 Darwinism. 445 Dates. 1 Deaf and Dumb, Education of. 518 Death Penalty. 491 Decoration and Decorative Arts .. 333 7*3 Delaware, History of.. ..63; 626 Delsarte System.272 Demonology.536; 748 Denmark, History of_39:617 Travels in .*85:673 Designing and Coloring.334; 7x3 Diamonds... 431 Dictionaries, Biographical. 83 633 English.270:697 Directories.156; 664 Diseases.593; 752 Distilling. 378 ; 7 25 District of Columbia, His¬ tory of. 63 Dog, The .408,732 Dogmatic and Religious Miscellanies.566; 750 Domestic Economy ....386; 728 Drainage, Farm. 400 House .364; 721 Drama .223; 685 Draughts .39*7729 Drawing.334; 7*4 Dreams. 529 Dreams, Signification of... 532 Dress, Ancient and Mod¬ ern. - . 4951744 Dress and Toilet.387; 728 Dressmaking. .... ....382:726 Drink Question .499; 745 Druidism. ~. . 559 Drunkenness.593; 745 Dry Goods. 381 Duelling. 497 Dutch Laneuage. 261 Dutch Literature. 293 Dyeing.379; 725 Dynamo, The. 37 °; 723 Dyspepsia. 593 Ear, The. 592 Early English Language... 263 696 Early English Text Society Publications.264 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. III. Page. Earth-Burial. 589 Earthquakes. 425 East Indies, I ravels in ... 194 Eastern and Non-Christian Religions ... 559; 749 Ecclesiastical History. .549; 749 Economics.464; 739 Ecuador. 170 Education.510; 746 Systems of ..518:746 Egypt, History of. 42; 618 Travels in ..200; 678 Electric Batteries.370 Electric Bells . 370 Electric Lighting .... 373 ; 7 2 3 Electric Railways .366; 722 Electric Telegraph.372; 723 Electrical Engineering 370; 723 Electricity.420; 733 Electro-Metallurgy.355 Elevators, Hydraulic. 365 Elocution.272; 697 Embroidery.382; 726 Emigration.463 Emotions. 529 Encyclopaedias .307; 706 Biographical. 83:633 Endowments. 484; 742 Engineering, Civil.362:721 Electrical. 370; 723 Hydraulic.365; 721 Mechanical.35^; 720 Sanitary.364; 721 England—General Histories 9 604 Local Histories... 15:606 Travels in . .173:669 English Dialect Society Publications. 265 English Dialects.265 English Dictionaries.. .270; 697 English Grammar .269:697 English Language .268; 697 Early English Text So¬ ciety Publications. 264 English Literature.289; 700 English Scholar’s Library.. 266 Engraving.330; 712 Entomology.446; 737 Epidemics. ... 593 Episcopal Church.555; 749 Epitaphs. 97; 640 Essays and Miscellanies .. 232 688 Etching.330; 712 Ethics.527; 747 Ethiopia. 196 Ethnology.443; 736 Etiquette.498; 744 Europe, History of. 8; 603 Travels in.171; 668 Evolution.445; 737 Exhibitions.351; 718 Explosives.378; 725 Eye, The.592; 752 Fairs.351; 718 Falconry. 395 Family Histories... ... 95:637 Farm Drainage.400 Farming .398:73° Farther India, History of.. 40 Travels in .194:675 Fashions in Dress.495; 744 Fathers, Library of the 588 Fats. 378 Feelings, The. 529 Fencing.392; 729 Ferns . 434 Field Sports.395; 730 Fiji Islands. 201 Finance.475; 741 Fine Arts ..323; 710 Galleries and Period¬ icals. 33 L 7 12 Fire Engines and Fires.... 361 Fire Insurance.484; 742 Fire-Works .378; 725 Fishes and Fish Culture... 449 737 Page. Fishing.397; 730 Flags. 377 Flax.405, Flemish Literature. 293 Floriculture.400; 730 Florida, History of_63; 626 Flour Mills. 359 Folk-Lore. .500; 745 Foods.390; 728 Football.393:729 Foreign Missions. 563; 750 Forestry...402; 731 Forms..483:742 Founding, Brass and Iron 356 720 Foundries.356:720 France. History of. 26: 608 Travels in.x77; 670 Franco-Prussian War. 30:612 Free Masonry_•..5065745 Free Trade.468; 739 French Language.258; 695 French Literature.291; 701 French Revolution and First Empire.29; 610 Fret-Sawing. 359 Friendly Islands. 201 Friendly Societies. 475 Friends, Society of_555:749 Fruit Culture.403; 731 Fuel. 356 Funeral Customs.497; 744 Fungi . 431 Furniture.381; 726 Gaelic Language .263; 696 Galleries. Fine Art.331; 712 Gambling . 497 : 744 Games, Indoor.390:728 Gardening.400; 730 Gas and Gas Lighting.. 355; 719 Gas, Natural.356:720 Gas Works.355; 719 Gastronomy.388; 728 Gazetteers .149:661 Gems. . .... 431 Genealogy and Heraldry 94 637 Genealogy, Family.95: 637 General Voyages and Trav¬ els .151; 661 Genius. 529 Geography .149:661 Geological Surveys.... 429; 734 Geology.427; 734 Geometry.413; 732 Georgia, History of_ 63; 626 German Language.259, 695 German Literature... .292:701 Germany, History of... 31:613 Travels in.1795670 Ghosts. 532 Gipsies.502: 745 Glass and Glass Painting; 379 725 Glue.378; 725 Gold Mining. 353 ; 7^9 Goldsmith’s Work.380; 725 Golf. 393 : 729 Gothic Language.261; 696 Government, American.455; 738 British.461; 738 Continental Europe.451; 738 General Works .451:738 Municipal.739 Grammar, English_..269; 697 Grape Culture.; .404; 731 Graphics.362; 721 Grasses... .. 431 Great Britain, Chronicles and Memorials of. 17 Greece, Ancient, History of.4; 602 Modern, History of. .35:615 Travels in.188,673 Greek and Roman Classics 276 698 Greek Language.2575695 Greek Literature.288; 700 Guatemala. 169 Page. Guide Books.155:663 Guilds.472; 740 Guinea. 196 Gums. 725 Gunnery.375; 724 Gymnastics.392; 729 Habits. # .497; 744 Hakluyt Society Publica¬ tions.153; 663 Hanserd Knolly’s Society Publications. 588 Happiness.529 Harbors.366; 721 Hardware.381; 726 Harleian Society Publica¬ tions.607 Hawaiian Islands, History of . 43; 618 Travels in.203; 679 Hay Fever. 593 Hayti, History of.82; 632 Travels in. 169 Health.592; 752 Health Resorts. 594; 752 Heat.419; 733 Heating and Ventilating369; 722 Hebrew Language. 256:694 Hebrew Literature.286; 700 Hebrew Religion.559; 749 Heraldry and Genealogy.. 94 637 Heredity. 529 Heresies. 549 Hieroglyphics.256: 694 Hinduism.559; 749 Historical Atlases. 1 History, Ancient.3; 602 Asiatic.617 Ecclesiastical.. 549:749 Middle Ages. 603 Modern.8; 603 Philosophy and Study of. 1; 601 Universal.2; 601 Hogs. 4°5;73i Holland, History of.34; 615 Travels in .179:670 Holy Land, History of.. .39; 617 Travels in.188; 674 Homoeopathy. 594 Honduras.169; 667 Hops. 405 Horology .. .381; 725 Horse, The.407; 731 Horse-Racing.393: 731 Horsemanship.408; 732 Horticulture. 400; 730 Hospitals.490:589:752 Hot Springs. 594 House, Art in the .386; 728 House Decoration.386; 728 House Drainage.364; 721 House Painting .379; 725 House Plans . 3391 7 1 5 Household Management.. 387 728 Housekeeping.386; 728 Huguenots. 26 Hungarian Language.261 Hungarian Literature. 293 Hungary, History of....34; 614 Travels in.181; 671 Hunting. 395 : 73° Hydraulic Elevators. 365 Hydraulic Engineering.365; 721 Hygiene. .592: 75 2 Hymn Books with Music.. 346 Hymns and Hymn Writers 565 Hypnotism.534: 748 Iceland.186; 673 Ichthyology. 449: 737 Illinois, County Atlases- 65 County Histories. 64 History of .63; 626 Illumination, Art of_385; 7 2 7 Illusions, Supernatural_532 Illustrated Books.331: 7 12 Immigration.463; 739 IV. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Page. Indexes to Periodicals. .308; 707 India and the Colonies, His¬ tory of..401617 Travels in.192^ 675 India, Farther, Travels in. 194 India Rubber.405; 731 Indian (American) Langua¬ ges. 262; 696 Indiana, County Atlases.. 66 County Histories. 66 History of. 66; 627 Indians, The.45,620 Indies, East, Travels in.... 194 Indies, West, Historyof .82; 632 Travels in .1695667 Individual Biography.. .98; 640 Indoor Games.3905728 Industrial Arts.. ..349; 717 Industrial Education. ..518; 746 Industrial Exhibitions. .351; 718 Inebriety.593; 745 Initial Letters.385; 727 Inquisitions. 549 Insane, The. 593 Insane Asylums. 490 Insanity. 593 Inscriptions.97; 640 Insects .446; 737 Instruction, Methods of 518; 746 Insurance .484; 742 Intellect, The.529; 747 Intemperance.499; 745 Interior Decoration.333; 7t3 Interment.589 International, The. 489 International Law.595; 753 Inventions.. .. .351; 717 Iowa, County Histories... 66 History of.66; 627 Ireland, History of.215608 Travels in .....1765669 Irish Archaeological So¬ ciety. 21 Irish Language. 263 Iron and Steel.354; 719 Iron Founding.356; 720 Iron Work, Ornamental334; 714 Irrigation. 400 Islamism.559; 749 Isle of Man, History of.... 604 Israelites.6; 603 Italian Language.2605695 Italian Literature.293; 702 Italy, History of. 35 ! 6i 5 Travels in.1815672 Jamaica, History of. 82 Travels in.169:667 Japan, History of. 42; 618 Travels in.195; 675 Japanese Language.256 Jardine’s Naturalist’s Li¬ brary .440 Java, History of. 43 Travels in. 194 Jesuits, The. 562 Jesus Christ.548; 749 Jewelry. 380 Jewels.; . 43 1 Jewish Religion. 559:749 Jew's, History of .... 6,603 J oinery.. 369; 722 ournalism and Newspa¬ pers .294; 702 Judaism ..559; 749 Kafirland, History of... 1965618 Kansas, History of.67; 627 Kentucky, History of_67; 627 Kindergarten. 5185746 Knights Templars. 506 Koran, The. 560 Labor.472; 740 Laboring Classes.472; 740 Labrador. 15 7 Lace.382; 726 Land and Rent. 470; 740 Landscape Gardening. .402; 731 Language.255; 694 Lathe, The. 359 Latin Language.257; 695 Page. Latin Literature.288; 700 Latin Writers.276; 698 Law.595; 753 Lectures and Sermons.582; 751 Legends . 500; 745 Letter-Writing . 483 Letters, Initial.3855727 Libraries.295; 703 Library Catalogues.301; 706 Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology. 587 Library of the Fathers. 588 Life Insurance. 4845742 Light.419; 733 Lighthouses. 366 Lighting. . .369; 373! 722 Lightning Conductors. 372 Lime..". 368 Liquors, Use of.499:745 Literature.285; 699 Lithography. 385 Lockouts . 472; 740 Locomotives .360; 720 Logarithms. 413 Logic.527; 747 London, History of.17; 606 Description of.175; 669 Longevity. 592 Louisiana, History of_67; 627 Lutheran Church. 555 Machinery and Machines.. 357 720 Madagascar.196; 676 Madeira Islands. 196 Magazines.3085707 Magic. 532 Magnetism.420; 733 Magnetism, Animal.534; 748 Mahometanism.559; 749 Maine, History of.67; 627 Malay Peninsula. 194 Malt. 378 Man.!. 443 : 736 Manitoba, History of. 8r Travels in. 157 Manners and Customs. .497; 744 Manual Training.518; 746 Manufactures.349; 715 Manuscripts, Illuminated.. 385 727 Manx Society Publications. 607 Market Gardening.401,731 Marriage Customs.497; 744 Maryland, History of... .68; 627 Masonry. 368 Massachusetts.68; 627 Materials, Strength of. .362; 721 Mathematics . 413; 732 Measures and Weights.484; 742 Meat and Meat Produc¬ tion.406 Mechanical Engineering... 357 720 Mechanics.357; 720 Medals.338; 715 Medicine.589; 752 Mediterranean Sea.171; 674 Melancholy. 527 Memory . 5291747 Mental Healing....._532; 748 Mental Science.529; 747 Mesmerism. 534 Metal Work. 356 Metals and Alloys.354:719 Working in.356; 720 Metals and Metallurgy.354 719 Metaphysics.521; 747 Meteorology. 426; 734 MethodistChurch. 555 Methods of Instruction.518; 746 Metric System.484 Mexican War. 82; 632 Mexico, History of. 81; 632 Travels in .168; 667 Michigan, History of....71; 628 Microscopy.423; 734 Middle Ages.8; 603 Page. Middle States, Travels in.. 161 665 Military Science.373:723 Milk.406; 731 Mills and Mill Work. 359 Mind, The.529; 747 Mind Cure.532; 748 Mineral Springs.594; 752 Mineral Waters. 594; 752 Mineralogy. .430; 734 Mines and Mining... .353; 719 Minnesota, History of. 71 Miscellaneous Trades..386; 728 Miscellanies andEssays.232; 688 Missions.563; 750 Mississippi, History of. .71; 628 Mississippi River and Val¬ ley . 163 Missouri, Historyof ....7x5628 Modern History.8; 603 Mohammedism.559; 740 Molding.356; 720 Monasticism.562; 750 Money.475! 741 Mongolia. 195 Monograms. 333; 385; 727 Montana, History of. 72 Monuments.343; 716 Moral Science.527; 747 Moravian Church. 555 Mormonism. 506 Morocco.196; 667 Mortar. 368 Moulding. 356; 720 Mountains. 424 Municipal Government.... 739 Murray’s Hand-Books.. 156; 663 Music.343; 716 Musical Instruments... .346; 717 Mythology.536; 748 Ancient. 4 Northern . 39 Names..97; 640 Narcotics..499; 745 Natal .;.1965676 Natural Gas.356; 720 Natural History.438; 736 Natural Philosophy.416; 733 Natural Science.. 409; 732 Naval Architecture _376; 724 Naval Science .375; 724 Navies and Naval Ord¬ nance.377; 724 Navigation.375; 724 Nebraska, Historyof ...72; 629 Needlework.382; 726 Negro, The.502; 745 Netherlands, The, History of. 34 : 615 Travels in. 179 New Brunswick, History of 81 Travels in. 157 New Caledonia. 201 New England, History of72; 629 Travels in.161; 665 New Granada. 170 New Guinea.194; 678 New Hampshire, History of 73 629 New Hebrides. 201 New Jersey, History of. .74; 629 New Mexico, History of. .74; 629 New South Wales, History of. 43 Travels in.202; 679 New Testament . ..5445749 New York State, History of. 74 629 New York City, History of. 75 630 New Zealand, Historyof 43; 618 Travels in. 2035679 Newfoundland, History of. 8r Travels in. 1575664 Newspaper Directories.294; 702 Newspapers (bound).. .322; 710 Newspapers and Journal¬ ism .294; 702 Nicaragua, History of. 82 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. V. Page. Nicaragua, Travels in. 169 Nihilism. 489 Nile, The.200; 678 Non-Christian Religions... 559 749 Normal Schools. 518 North America, Travels in. 157 664 North American Indians.. 45 620 North Carolina, History of. 76 630 Northwest, The, History of. 80 Norway, History of.39, 617 Travels in.185; 673 Norwegian Language...261; 696 Norwegian Literature . .293; 702 Nova Scotia, Travels in... 157 Nubia, History of. 42 Travels in. 196 Numismatics.338; 715 Nursing. 589 Occult Science.532; 748 Ocean, The. 4251734 Oceanica, History of....43; 618 Travels in....201; 678 Odd Fellowship. 506 Ohio, County Histories.. . 77 History of.76; 630 Oil.356; 378 ; 725 Old Testament.542; 748 Operas... ... 347 ! 7*7 Opium Habit. 499 Optics.419; 733 Orange Free State. 196 Oratorios. 347 Oratory.272; 697 Ordnance, i.375; 724 Oregon, History of.77; 630 Travels in.166; 666 Organ, The . 346 Oriental History.39; 617 Oriental Languages... .256; 694 Oriental Literature.... 286; 700 Oriental Religions.559; 749 Oriental Translation Fund Publications. 288 Ornament.333; 713 Ornamental Design... 334; 713 Ornamental Iron Work.334; 714 Ornithology.447; 737 Ostriches... 406 Outdoor Sports. 393 ; 729 Pacific Coast.166; 666 Painters and Painting. .323; 710 Painting, Carriage.379 China.380; 725 Fine Art. 323:710 Glass.379; 725 House. 379 Painting and Paper-Hang¬ ing. 379 ; 725 Paintings, Collections of.. 333 712 Paleography. 385; 727 Paleontology. 427; 734 Palestine, History of. 39 Travels in.188; 674 Palmistry.532; 748 Panama.169; 667 Paper. 386; 727 Paper-Hanging..;.725 Paraguay, History of. 82 Travels in.170; 667 Paris, History of. 26 Description of.178:670 Parker Soc. Publications.. 588 Parks. _ ...402; 731 Parliamentary Practice.463; 739 Passions, The. 5 2 9 Patagonia.170; 667 Patents. 35 *; 7*7 Pattern-making. 357 * Pauperism. 49 °: 743 Pavements.367; 7 22 Peat. 356 Peerage. 94 Peninsular War.35; 611 Penmanship.385; 727 / Page. Pennsylvania,History of.77; 630 Percy Society Publications 266 Perfumery .378 Periodicals,for Circulation. 321 710 for Reference.308; 707 Indexes to.308; 707 Persecutions, Religious.... 549 Persia, History of. 39 Travels in. 191:674 Persian Language.256 Persian Literature.286:700 Peru, History of.82:632 Travels in.170; 667 Pestalozzian System. 518 Petroleum....- .356; 720 Philadelphia, History of... 78 Philanthropy.490; 743 Philobiblon Society Publi- * cations.267 Philological Society Publi¬ cations. 267 Philology. 255; 694 Philosophy.521; 747 Phonetics.275; 698 Phonography and Short¬ hand.275; 698 Photography. 383; 726 Phrenology. 532 Physical Culture.392; 729 Physical Geography ...424:734 Physics...416; 733 Physiognomy... 532 Physiology..591; 752 Pianoforte. 346 Pigeons. 406 Pilots. 156 Pitcairn’s Island. 201 Planing Mills. 359 Plants.431; 735 Playing Cards.391; 728 Plumbing.364; 721 Poetry, Collections of... 205; 680 Poetry, Individual Authors. 209 681 Poland, History of.37; 616 Travels in. 673 Police. 492 Polish Language.261:696 Polish Literature. 293 Political Economy.464; 739 Political Science .451:738 Politics—American.455; 738 British.461; 738 Continental Europe.451; 738 Polygraphy. 254 Polynesia, History of. 43 Travels in.201; 678 Pomology.403; 731 Poor, The.490:743 Population.485 Porcelain.380; 725 Porto Rico. 169 Portugal, History of.35; 615 Travels in.184; 672 Portuguese Language. ..260; 695 Portuguese Literature. 293 Post-Office.479; 741 Postage Stamps.479; 741 Pottery.380; 725 Poultry.406; 731 Practical Arts.349; 717 Precious Stones. 431 Presbyterian Church. 555 Prices. 479 Printing. 383; 727 Early Specimens of.... 384 Prisons and Police. 492 Profit Sharing.475; 740 Prohibition.499; 745 Property.470; 740 Protection.468; 739 Protestant Church.555; 749 Protestant#* Episcopal Church. 555 Proverbs and Quotations.. 274 697 Pseudonyms and Anonyms. 301 706 Page* Psychology.529; 747 Public Health.592; 752 Publishing. 703 Pumps....,. 365:721 Punctuation..'. 268 Punishment.. ... 401:743 Puritanism. 555 Pyramids, The. 201; 678 Quakers, The. 555; 749 Quarrying. 356 Queensland, Travels in.... 202 Quincy Methods. 518 Quotations and Proverbs.. 274 697 Railroad Transportation.. 479 74* Railroads.366; 722 Readers and Speakers.. 273; 697 Reading and Books.294; 702 Reformation of the 16th Cen¬ tury. 558 Regimental Histories,Amer¬ ican Civil War.58; 623 Religion..538; 748 Religious History. 549; 7 4 g Religious Miscellanies.566; 750 Religious Orders. 562:750 Religious Persecutions... 549 • 470;740 Rent Revolution, American. ..'51; 621 Revolution, French, and the First Empire.29; 610 Rhetoric and Composition. 271 697 Rhine, The.180; 670 Rhode Island, History of.78; 630 River and Canal Engineer- _. in s.365:721 Rivers.. Roads and Roadbuilding.. 367 722 Roman Catholic Church553; 749 Roman Classics.276; 698 Roman Literature.288; 700 Romance Languages. 262 Rome, Ancient, History of. 5 602 Modern, History of. .. . 35 Description of_ 183; 672 Roofs. 367; 722 Roumania, History of. 616 Travels in .187; 673 Roumanian Language. 262 Roxburghe Library . 267 Rules of Order .463:739 Russia, History of. 37; 616 Travels in .184; 673 Russian Language.262; 696 Russian Literature . 293 Russo-Turkish War . 37 Sabbath, The. 564 Saddlery.. 379; 725 Sahara, or Great Desert.196; 676 Saints, Lives of 549 SaleCatalogues(Books).305; 706 Samoan Islands. 201; 678 Sandwich Islands, History of . 43 Travels in .203:679 Sanitary Engineering. 364:721 Sanskrit Language.256; 694 Sanskrit Literature. 286 Saw M ills .359 Scandinavia, History of 39; 617 Travels in .185:673 Scandinavian Languages.. 261 696 Scandinavian Literature.. 293 702 Schools and Colleges..516; 746 Scotland, History of.... 24:608 Travels in.176; 669 Scottish Language .. .263:696 Scottish Literature. 702 Sculpture.323; 710 Sea, The. 425 Sea-Sickness. 593 Sea-Side Studies. 450 Sea Weeds.431 VI. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Page. Seamanship.375; 724 Secret Societies.506; 745 Senegambia. 196 Senses, The. 529 Serials.308; 707 Sermons and Lectures 582; 751 Servia, History of. 37 Travels in. 187 Sewerage and Sewage Dis¬ posal.364; 721 Shakers, The. 555 Shakspere.228; 688 Shaksperiana.230; 688 Sheep.405; 731 Shells. 450 Ships and Shipbuilding... 376 724 Shooting...395; 730 Shorthand.275; 698 Siam. . 194 Siberia.194; 676 Sicily, Travels in. 181 Signals. 377 Silk Manufacture. 381 Silversmith’s Work....380; 725 Skating. 393 Slavery.502; 745 Slavonic Literature. 293 Sleep . 529 Smallpox. 593 Smoking. 499 Soap. 378 Social Science.485; 742 Socialism . 489:743 Societies, Trans, of_308; 707 Solomon Islands . 201 Song Books with Music.... 346 Sorcery. 532 Soudan, The.196; 676 Soul, The. 529 Sound.!.418 South America, History of. 82 632 Travels in. 170; 667 South Carolina, History of 78 631 South Sea Languages.696 South Seas. 201 Southern States,Travels in 162 666 Spain, History of. 35; 615 Travels in.183:672 Spanish Language ....260:695 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. .293; 702 Spas.594 Speakers and Readers 273; 697 Spectrum Analysis. 423 Speeches . 232 Political. 455 Spellers.273; 697 Spelling.. . .268 Spencer Society Publica¬ tions... 268 Spiritualism.534; 748 Sports, Field.395; 730 Outdoor. 393:729 Spottiswoode Society.588 Springs, Hot. 594 Mineral. 594 Stair Building.369; 722 Stammering .591 Statics.362: 721 Statistics.508: 745 Steam and Steam Engines 360 720 Steam Boilers.361; 721 Stenography.275; 698 Stimulants. 499 Strength of Materials..362; 721 Strikes and Lockouts..472; 740 Stuttering. 591 Suffrage, Woman.493: 744 Sugar.404; 731 Suicide. 527 Sunday Question. 564 Sunday Schools. 564 Supernatural, The. 532 Page. Superstition.532; 748 Surgery . 592:752 Surtees Society. 19; 608 Surveying.363; 721 Surveys, Geological.... 429; 734 Sweden, History of_ 39; 617 Travels in.185; 673 Swedenborg.579 Swedish Language. 261 Swedish Literature.293; 702 Swimming.393; 729 Switzerland,History of 34,614 Travels in.180; 671 Syria, History of . 39 Travels in. 188; 674 Tableaux.390 Tactics, Military. 373 Naval. 377 Tahiti. 201 Talmud, The. 559 Tanning.379; 725 Tapestry.381; 726 Tariff, The.468; 739 Tartary. 195 Tasmania. 202 Taxation.470; 740 Taxidermy.443; 736 Tea.404; 731 Teaching.510; 746 Technical Education .. .518; 746 Technology, Chemical 377; 724 Teeth, The . 592 Telegraph, Electric... 372:723 Telephone, The.372; 723 Telescope, The. 435:735 Temperance.499: 745 Tennessee, History of.. 78; 631 Tennis..393; 729 Testament, New.544; 749 Old.542; 748 Texas, History of. 79; 631 Textile Fabrics.381; 726 Theology. 538 Theosophy.534; 748 Thibet ..191; 675 Thirty Years’War. 31; 613 Tiles.368 Timber.402; 731 Tobacco..404; 731 Tobacco Habit. 499 Toilet, The.387; 728 Tombs. 343 Tools.357; 720 Torpedoes.377; 724 Trade. 479 : 74 1 Trades, Miscellaneous 386; 728 Trades Unions.472; 740 Traditions .500; 745 Training, Physical... .392:729 Transactions of Soc... .321: 707 Transportation ........479; 741 Transvaal Republic, His¬ tory of. 42; 618 Travels in .196; 676 Trapping...... 395 Travels and Geography 149; 662 Travels round the World.. 151 662 Trees.402; 731 Tripoli. 196 Tunis, History of. 42 Travels in. 196 Tunneling. 356 Turkey, History of. 37; 616 Travels in.187; 673 Turkish Language.261; 694 Turning, Wood.359,720 Typewriting. 727 Typography.383; 727 Unitarian Church. 555 United States: Civil War . 53; 622 Geological Surveys.... 429 Government_. .455; 632 History of. 48; 620 Mexican War.82; 632 Middle Atlantic States 161 665 Pacific Coast.166; 666 Page. United States: Regimental Histories.. 58 623 Southern States.... 162; 666 * States and Local His¬ tory.62; 625 Travels in.158; 664 War of 1812. 53; 622 Weather Bureau.427 The West. 80; 631 Travels in.163; 666 Western States and Territories.163; 666 Universal History.._ 2; 601 Universalist Church. 555 Universities.516; 746 University Extension. .518; 746 Uruguay. 170 Useful Arts.... .349; 7x7 Vaccination.593 Varnish.378; 725 Vegetables.401; 731 Venezuela, History of. 82 Travels in. .170 Venice, History of. 35; 615 Ventilation.369; 722 Vermont, History of.... 79; 631 Victoria, History of.... 43:618 Travels in . 202 Vinegar. 378 Vineyards. 404 Violin, The. 346 Virginia, History of.... 79:631 Vivisection. 592 Voice, The.272:697 Volapuk Language.262 Volcanoes. 425 Voyages and Travels.. 151; 662 Wages. 472 ; 740 Wagons. 381 Wales, History of. 9; 604 Travels in.173:669 War, Art of...... 373; 72a War of 1812. 53:622 Warming. . .369; 722 Washington, State of... 166; 666 Watches.381; 725 Water.418; 733 Water Cure. 594 Waterworks_ ..365:721 Waterloo, Battle of.... 29,612 Weather.426; 734 Weather Bureau, U. S. 427 Weights and Measures 484; 742 Wells.365 Welsh Language.._263; 696 West, The, History of.. 80; 631 Travels in.163; 666 West Indies,History of 82; 632 Travels in.169; 667 West Virginia.79; 631 Western States and Terri¬ tories. History of... 805631 Travels in. 163; 666 Wheels. 3^9 Whist. 391; 728 Will, The. 529 Wine. 404; 731 Wisconsin, County Histo¬ ries. 80 History of. 80; 631 Witchcraft...,. 536 Woman... .493; 744' Woman Suffrage. 493; 744 Wood-Carving.359; 720 Wood-Engraving. 330; 712 Wood-Working. 359; 720 Work and Wages. 472; 740 Working Classes__ .472; 740 Working in Metals... .356:720 Writing. 385: 727 Yachting. 395 Yellow Fever. 593 Zambesi River. 196 Zincography. 330 Zoology. 438; 736 Zulu War. , . 42; 618 Zululand, History of. 618 Travels in.196; 676 °l J SEVENTH EDITION. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL. October, 1889. INDEX TO HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, PAGE. Africa. 42 Alabama. 62 Alaska. 62 America. 44 America, Central. 82 America, South. 82 American Civil War. 53 American Civil War—Regimental Histories.... 58 American Revolution. 5 1 Ancient History. 3 Arkansas. 62 Asia. 39 Atlases, General Historical. 1 Australia. 43 Austria. 34 Belgium. 34 Biographical Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. ... 83 Biography, Collected. 84 Biography, Individual. 98 Boston. 7 ° British America. 81 California. 62 Camden Society Publications. 19 Central America. 82 Chicago. 65 China. 42 Chivalry and the Crusades. 7 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain dur¬ ing Middle Ages. 17 Chronology. 1 Civil War in America. 53 Collected Biography. 84 Colorado. 62 Connecticut. 62 Crimean War. 38 Crusades and Chivalry. 7 PAGE. Family Histories. 95 Florida. 63 France. 26 Franco-Prussian War. 30 French Revolution and First Empire. 29 Genealogy and Heraldry. 94 Georgia. 63 Germany. 31 Great Britain, Chronicles and Memorials of, dur¬ ing Middle Ages. 17 Greece, Ancient. 4 Greece, Modern. 35 Heraldry and Genealogy. 94 Historical Atlases. 1 History, Philosophy and Study of. 1 Holland. 34 Hungary. 34 Illinois. 63 County Atlases. 65 County Histories. 64 India, and the Colonies. 40 Indiana. 66 County Atlases. 66 County Histories. 66 Indians, The. 45 Individual Biography. 98 Inscriptions. 97 Iowa. 66 County Histories. 66 Ireland. 21 Italy. 35 Japan. 42 Jews, The. 6 Kansas. 67 Kentucky. 67 London. 17 67 67 68 68 82 81 7» 8 7 * 7i Dakota. 63 Delaware. 63 Denmark. 39 Dictionaries, Biographical. 83 District of Columbia. 63 Egypt. 42 Encyclopaedias, Biographical. 83 England—General Histories. 9 England—Local Histories. 15 Epitaphs. 97 Louisiana .... Maine. Maryland.... Massachusetts. Mexican War. Mexico. Michigan .... Middle Ages. Minnesota ... Mississippi ... IV INDEX PAGE. Missouri. 71 Modern History. 8 Montana. 72 Names. 97 Nebraska. 72 Netherlands, The. 34 New England. 72 New Hampshire. 73 New Jersey. 74 New Mexico. 74 New York. 74 North Carolina... 76 Norway. 39 Oceanica. 43 Ohio.'. 76 County Histories. 77 Oregon. 77 Pennsylvania. 77 Philadelphia. 78 Poland. 37 Portugal. 35 Regimental Histories—American Civil War_ 58 Revolution, American. 51 Revolution, French, and the First Empire. 29 Rhode Island. 78 Rome, Ancient. c PAGE. Rome, Modem. See Italy. 35 Russia. 37 Russo-Turkish War. 37 Scandinavia. 39 Scotland. 24 South America. 82 South Carolina. 78 Spain. 35 Surtees Society Publications. 19 Sweden. 39 Switzerland. 34 Tennessee. 78 Texas. 79 Turkey. 37 United States. 48 United States—States and Local History. 62 Universal History. 2 Vermont. 79 Virginia. 79 Wales. 9 War of 1812. 53 West, The. 8° West Indies. 82 West*Virginia. 79 Wisconsin. 80 County Histories. 80 FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. HISTORY. PHILOSOPHY AND STUDY OF HISTORY. Adams. Manual of Historical Literature. .A 185 The same.*R 223 Allen. History Topics for Schools.A 2114 Andrews. Brief Institutes of General His¬ tory.A 2128 Atkinson. History and Study of History. A 210S Bigland. Effects of Physical and Moral Causes on Nations.A 2101 Bissett. Essay on Historical Truth.A 17 Blackie. What does History teach ?.A 2126 Boyce. Study of History.A 2122 Chambers. Historical Questions.A 6 Curious Observations on several Nations; translated by Dunn. 2 v.A 28 Delepierre. Historical Difficulties.A 2124 Dew. Laws, Customs, etc., of Nations ...A 34 Drummond. Origins of Empires, etc. 4 V. .A 2421 Dutt. Historical Studies. 2 v.A 187 Flint. Philosophy of History.A 2107 Fournier. L’Esprit dans l’Histoire.C 4862 Freeman. Comparative Politics.A 12 Historical Essays. 3 V.A 455 Methods of Historical Study.A 2127 Select Historical Essays.G 210 Unity of History.A 14 Hegel. Lectures on Philosophy of PI istory I 3315 Kebbel. Essays upon History and Politics A 2111 Kingsley. Exact Science applied to His¬ tory.A 2113 Lord. Points of History for Schools.A 2125 Mably. Two Dialogues concerning the Man¬ ner of writing History.A 2103 McCullagh. Use and Study of History .. A 39 Miller. Hist, philosophically considered^. A 2102 SchlJgel. Philosophy of History.I 3075 Smith. Study of History.E 1518 Taylor. Process of Historical Proof.A 2110 Timbs. Curiosities of History.E 6001 Volney. Lectures on History.A 182 Waites. Historical Student’s Manual... .A 2121 White and others. Methods of teaching History.A 2109 CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTOR¬ ICAL ATLASES. Albiruni. Chronology of Ancient Nations *V 1322 Art de verifier les Dates. 42 v.*A 193 Blair. Chronological Tables.I 3242 Index of Dates ; ed. by Rosse. 2 v.I 3243 Bond. Rules and Tables for verifying Dates. .' .*A 2116 Book of Dates.*R 201 Brady. Clavis Calendaria ; Analysis of the Calendar. 2v.A 2119 Brockmann. System der Chronologie... .D 2984 Chambers. Book of Days. 2 v.*R 209 Chronological Tables (Oxford). 3 V. in 1. ,*R 4912 v. 1. Ancient History. - 2. The Middle Ages. 3. Modern History. Collier and Schmitz. International Atlas *R 249 Cram. Geographical and Historical Atlas.*R 4921 Hales. New Analysis of Chronology. 4 v. A 3S Haydn. Dictionary of Dates.*R 205 The same; new ed.*R 206 Labberton. Historical Atlas, 1884.*R 243 The same, 1885. *R 242 The same, 1886.*R 244 Lavoisne. Genealogical. Historical and Chronological Atlas.*R 4902 Milner and Petermann. Atlas of Political Geography. *R 4959 Munsf.ll. Every-Day Book of History and Chronology.*R 234 2 UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Nichol. Tables of Ancient History to A.D. 200.*R 276 Tables of History to A.D. 1876.*R 277 Nicolas. Chronology of History.I 3825 Overall. Dictionary of Chronology ... .*R 217 Putnam. World’s Progress; Dictionary of Dates.*R 202 Sheahan. Universal Historical Atlas... .*R 4930 Spruner. Atlas des Mittelalters und der Neu- zeit.*R 4957 Townsend. Manual of Dates.*R 204 Willard. Synopsis of History, 800-1876 *R 280 Woodward and Cates. Encyclopaedia of Chronology.*R 231 For other Atlases see Geography. UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Annual Register, 1758-1888. 130 v.Ser. Archer. Decisive Events in History.A 176 Barnes. Brief General History.. A 2123 Becker. Weltgeschichte. 20 v.D 24 Bicknell. Mutability of Fortune. A 2132 Bouillet. Dictionnaireuniverseld’Histoire*R 698 Bulau. Geheime Geschichten und rathsel- hafte Menschen. 12 v.D 5568 Choice Notes from History. A 10 Crabb. Universal Hist. Dictionary. 2 v. *R 252 Creasy. Fifteen Decisive Battles. A 306 Davity. Les Etats et Empires du Monde *P 874 Dittmar. Weltgeschichte im Umrisse .. .D 5569 Duyckinck, and others. Treasury of Univer¬ sal History. 4 V.A 2148 Fisher. Outlines of Universal History... .A 2143 Geschichtsliigen.D 5598 Gilbert. TheWorld, Historical and Actual*V 522 Gilman. General History.A 2 Goodrich. Universal History. A 5 Customs of Principal Nations.H 432,7 Great Sieges of History. .A 305 Grube. Aus Geschichte und Sage. 3 V. ..D 102 Grundvig. Haandbogi Verdenshistorien.3 v.C 7210 Gurney. Historical Sketches. 3 V.A 289 Guthrie and others. Hist, of the World. i2v. A 192 Haacke. Allgemeine Geschichte... .D 17 Heeren. Historical Works. 6 v.A 290 Heilprin. Historical Reference Book . ,*R 216 Herbst. Historisches Ililfsbuch.D 5604 Hermann. Lexicon der Weltgeschichte. ,*R 3S23 H ertslet. Treppenwitz der Weltgeschichte D 5599 Historische Vortrage und Abhandlungen .. .D 114 Historisches Taschenbuch, 1830-S9. 58 v. ... Ser. Historisk Archiv. 29 V .C 7250 Janko. Fabel und Geschichte.D 5614 Keightley. Outlines of History. I 3822 Kerney. Compendium of Ancient and Mod¬ ern History.A 186 Lahrssen. Weltgesch. in Biographien ... .D 160 Lieber. Great Events in History.A 2150 Loon. Kerk-en Wereldgeschiedenis.D 9494 Lord. Beacon Lights of History.A 286 v. 1. Antiquity. 2. Middle Ages. 3. Renaissance and Reformation. 4. Warriors and Statesman. 5. Great Women. 6. Jewish Heroes arid Prophets. 7. Old Pagan Civilizations. MacCarthy. History of the World.A 2142 Magoon. Westward Empire.A 2104 Malkin. Historical Parallels.I 3559 Maunder. Treasury of History.A 189 The same.*R 212 Maurer. Marksteine in der Geschichte.. .D 148 Menzel. Allgemeine Weltgesch. Bd. I....D 5629 Michelet. Geschichte der Menschheit. 2 v.D 170 Mueller. Allgemeine Geschichte. 4 v. in 2 D 177 History of the World. 4 V .A 7 Mulder. Handl. tot Allgemeene Gesch...D 956S Nosselt. Weltgeschichte fur Tochterschu- len. 4 v.D 5630 Ollier. Illustrated Universal Hist. 4 v. in 2 A 2147 Petit. Les Sieges celebres.C 6146 Picart. Ceremonies et Coutumes Reli- gieuses. 4 V. *P 929 Pictorial Record of Events in History.A 2141 Ploetz. Epitome of History.A 2105 Prevost. Essais sur l’Histoire universelle. 2 v.C 6234 Prince. Parallel History of the World. 3 v.A 2117 Quackenbos. School History of the World A 18 Raleigh. History of the World.J 246, 2-7 Ranke. Sammtliche Werke. 52 V .D 211 Universal History.A 2106 Weltgeschichte. 8 v.D 5702 Ridpath. Universal History. 3 V.A 2144 Robbins. Ancient and Modern History... A 11 Robertson. Lectures on Ancient and Mod¬ ern History.A 1S4 Rotteck. Allgemeine Geschichte. nv. in 7 D 217 Royal Historical Society, Transactions. 13 v.. Ser. Russell. Sacred and Profane History. 2 v.A 2118 Schlosser. Weltgeschichte. 18 v.D 229 Schmidt. Epochen und Katastrophen... .D 185 Segur. Iiistoire du Bas-Empire.C 6679 Simpson. Sketch of Universal History.A 178 Smith. History of the World. 3 V.A 36 Spiess. Weltgeschichte in Biographien... .D 237 Strickland. Stories from History.H 690 Swinton. Outlines of the World’s History A 179 ANCIENT HISTORY. 3 Sybel. Historische Zeitschrift, v. 29-60 .... Ser. Kleine historische Schriften. 3 V.D 5689 Treitschke. Hist, und politische Aufsatze D 197 Tytler. Universal History. 6v.I 3600 The same; continued by Nares. 6 v. I 3717 Universal History from the Earliest Times. 60 v.A 190 Ward. Hand of Providence in History.. .A 2155 Weber. Allgemeine Weltgeschichte. 9 v. D 5746 Outlines of Universal History A 15 Wernicke. Weltgeschichte. 5 V.D 243 Wheeler. Course of Empire.A 2115 Whelpley. Compend of History.A 2145 White. Eighteen Christian Centuries ... .A 256 Elements of Universal History.A 180 Outlines of Universal History.A 181 Willard. Universal Hist, in perspective..A 13 Williams. Eras and Characters of History A 285 Yonge. Landmarks of History. 3 V .A 9 Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Geschichte. 3 v. .. Ser. ANCIENT HISTORY. Ancient Empires.A 29 Arnold. The Second Punic War.A 2703 Arrian. Hist, of Alexander’s Expedition. 2 v. A 2426 Arrianus. Anabasis of Alexander.A 2434 Arundell. Secret of Plato’s Atlantis ... .A 2427 Bachofen. Mutterrecht der alten Welt.. .*V 1010 Baird. Classical Manual.A 32 Baldwin. Pre-Historic Nations.A 1 Brief History of Ancient Peoples.A 2429 Bryant. Ancient Mythology. 6 v.A 2386 Bucke. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2 v.I 3694 The same. 2v.I 3616 Buckley. Great Cities of Ant'quity.A 24 Caspari. Urgeschichte der Menschheit. 2v.D 32 Cooper. Archaic Dictionary.*R 226 Cory. Ancient Phoenician Fragments.A 2422 Cox. Comparative Mythology.A 2112 Davies. Ruins of Bible Cities.A 23 Demoustier. Lettres sur la Mythologie. 3 v .C 4770 Donnelly. Atlantis; Antediluvian World A 2423 Duncker. Geschichte des Alterthums. 9 v.D 55 History of Antiquity. 6 v.A 2425 Fredet. Ancient History.A 31 Frost. Pictorial Ancient History.A 21 Goll. Tllustrirte Mythologie.D 2975 PIeeren. Manual of Ancient History.A 290,6 Hoyns. Die Alte Welt.D 118 Kiepert. Atlas der Alten Welt.*R 4980 Knight. Ancient Art and Mythology ... .A 2387 Kortuem. Forschungen im Alterthume .. D 155 Lemprierf.. Classical Dictionary.*R 224 Lenormant. Beginnings of History.A 2424 Lenormant and Chevallier. Ancient His¬ tory of the East. . 2v.A 2060 Lord. Ancient States and Empires.A 25 McBurney. Handbook of Ancient Hist. A 27 Mahaffy. Story of Alexander’s Empire . .A 2435 Prologomena to Ancient History.A 2381 Mann. Ancient and Mediaeval Republics.. .A 2440 Mayo. New System of Mythology. 4 v. . ,*A 2136 Mf.yer. Geschichte des Alterthums.D 5637 Montfaucon. Antiquity explained. 7 v. *R 122 Muller. Scientific System of Mythology. .A 2135 Myers. Outlines of Ancient History.A 2430 Nichol. Tables of Ancient History.*R 276 Niebuhr. Geography of Herodotus.A 2399 Lectures on Ancient History. 3 V.A 30 Orosius. History; Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon Version translated by Thorpe.I 3362 Peter. Lexikon der Geschichte des Alter¬ thums .*R 3817 Poesche. Die Arier.D 4554 Rawlinson. Manual of Ancient History. .A 19 The same.*P 164 Five Great Monarchies. 3 V.A 40 Origin of Nations.A 42 Sixth Oriental Monarchy.A 41 Seventh Oriental Monarchy.A 43 Records of the Past; Birch. 12 v.A 2026 The same ; new Ser. Sayce.. .A 4473 Rollin. Ancient History. 2 v.A 35 Histoire ancienne. 10 v. in 5.C 6507 Sayce. Ancient Empires of the East.A 2431 Schmitz. Ancient History to A. D. 476 .. A 37 Sestier. La Piraterie dans l’Antiquite... .C 6758 Seyffarth. Entdcckungen in der Weltge¬ schichte.D 214 Seyffert. Lexikon der klassischen Alter- tumskunde.*R 3821 Smith. Ancient History. 3 V.A 36 Smith and Grove. Atlas of Ancient Geo¬ graphy.*R 4929 Strickland. Stories from Ancient History II 688 Sullivan. Historical Class Book. Pt. I. A 2146 Taylor. Ancient History.A 33 Thalheimer. Ancient History.A 20 Versciioyi.e (Ed.). History of Ancient Civ¬ ilization.A 2389 Voli.beding. Mythologisches Wbrterbuch D 2703 Volney. Recherches sur 1 ’ Ilistoire ancienne. 2 v.C 6946, 5-6 Wheeler. Geography of Herodotus.A 2400 Life and Travels of Herodotus. 2 v. . A 22 Whitaker. Course of Hannibal over the Alps. 2 v.A 2741 Wilber force. Five Empires of Ancient Hist. A 2432 Wright. Ancient Cities.A 2428 4 GREECE. GREECE. Abbott. Hellenica ; Essays.A 79 History of Greece.A 2549 Adams. Temples of Ancient Greece.A 45 Arnold. History of Greece.A 60 Baessler. Geschichte der Griechen.D 21 Becker. Charicles; Greek Private Life... A 62 Bell. New Pantheon.*V 338 Berens. Myths of Greece and Rome.A 93 Blackie. Horoe Hellenics.A 71 Boeckh. Public Economy of the Athenians L 405 Boetticher. Olympia; das Fest und seine Statte.D 4322 Bojesen. Grecian and Roman Antiquities A 95 Bonner. Child’s History of Greece. 2 v. ,H 250 Bulfinch. Age of Fable.A 92 Bulwer. Athens.G 371 Capes. University Life in Ancient Athens L 1208 Chandler. History of Ilium, or Troy. . .*V 21 Clinton. Chronology of Greece to Death of Augustus.A 73 Coulanges. The Ancient City.A 67 Cox. Athenian Empire.A 82 Greeks and Persians.A 83 History of Greece to B. C. 404. 2 v.. .A 61 The same, to B. C. 323.A 75 Manual of Mythology.A 100 Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2 v.. A 101 Tales of Ancient Greece.A 76 Cramer. Description of Ancient Greece. 4V. A 63 Curteis. Rise of the Macedonian Empire A 88 Curtius. Griechische Geschichte. 3 v.... D 38 History of Greece. 5 V..A 64 The same. -4 V.A 48 Droysen. Geschichte des Hellenismus. 6v. D 42 Duncker. History of Greece. 2v.A 2543 Duruy. Histoire des Grecs. 2 v.C 4762 Dwight. Grecian and Roman Mythology A 102 Dyer. Ancient Athens.A 47 Falke. Greece and Rome ; their Life and Art.*V 894 Felton. Ancient and Modern Greece.A 2541 FlNLAY. History of Greece : v. 1. Greece under the Romans, 146-716 A 70 2-3. Byzantine and Greek Empires, 716- 1453 . A 2 4 i 4. Medieval Greece and Trebizond, 1204- 1566.A 242 5. Greece under Ottoman and Venetian Domination, 1453-1821.A 74 6-7. Greek Revolution. .A 69 Fyffe. History of Greece.A 231 Gerlach. Der alten Griechen Gotterlehre *V 1013 Gladstone. Juventus Mundi.A 104 Goll. Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rom. 2v. D 3989 Goldsmith. History of Greece.A 52 Grote. History of Greece. 12 v.A 65 Guhl and Koner. Life of Greeks and Ro¬ mans . a 66 Haacke. Griechische und romische Alter- thiimer. .*. .D 17 Harrison. Story of .Greece. A 2546 Hart. Greek and Roman Mythology (in Latin).A 98 Heeren. Ancient Greece.A 290,1 Hertzberg. Geschichte Griechenlands .. . D 5609 Geschichte von Plellas und Rom. 2 v. *D 5770 Hicks. Greek Historical Inscriptions. A 78 Jaeger. Geschichte der Griechen.D 127 Keightley. History of Greece.A 54 Mythology of Greece and Rome.A 106 The same. I 3233 Kennedy. Ancient and Hindu Mythology *V 520 Lloyd. Age of Pericles. 2 v.A 55 McCullagh. Industrial Hist, of the Greeks A 8,1 Mahaffy. Greek Life from Alexander to Roman Conquest. A 2548 Old Greek Life.A 230 Social Life in Greece from Homer to Menander . A 68 Mitford. History of Greece. 8 v. A 59 Mueller. History of the Doric Race. 2 v. A 56 Murray. Manual of Mythology. A 99 Nosselt. Greek and Roman Mythology . .A 2545 Pausanias. Description of Greece. 3 V. ..A 49 The same; tr. by Shilletto. 2 v.. I 3235 Petiscus. Der Olymp.D 189 Pococke. History of Greece .A 53 Potter. Antiquities of Greece. 2 v .A 46 Rich. Dictionary of Roman and Greek Anti¬ quities .*R 221 St. John. Manners and Customs of Greece. 3 v . A 51 Sankey. Spartan and Theban Supremacy.. A 2547 Scheinpflug. Mythologie.D 221 Schmitz. History of Greece to B. C. 146. .A 57 Scull. Greek Mythology.A 72 Sewell. First History of Greece. A 50 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. *R 456 The same ; edited by Anthon .. . ,*R 239 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology’, 3 V.*R 458 History of Greece. A 58 Stoll. Geschichte der Griechen und Ro- mer. 2 v. D 4205 Stuart and Reyett. Antiquities of Athens A 44 The same.I 3158 The same. 3 V.*P 945 Tennent. History of Greece. 2 v.A 80 ROME. 5 Thirlwall. History of Greece. 8 v.I 3831 Timayenis. Greece in Times of Homer ... A 2544 Wagner. Hellas; Volk der Griechen. 2 v. D 248 White. Student’s Mythology.A 96 Willson. Mosaics of Grecian History... .A 2542 Witt. Classic Mythology. ...A 91 Yongk. Stories of Greek History.H 790 Young Folks’ History of Greece.H Yorke and others. Athenian Letters. 2 v. *V Young. History of Athens.A Modern Greece, see Italy and Greece. 782 236 77 32 2708 142 ROME. Abbott. History of Romulus.H Adam. Roman Antiquities ; Manners and Customs.A Adams. Buried Cities of Campania.A Ampere. L’Empire romain a Rome.C 4064 L’Histoire romain a Rome. 4 V.C 4065 Anthon. Roman Antiquities.A 114 Classical Dictionary.*R 240 Arnold, T. History of Rome.A The same. 3 v.A The same. 3 V. Later Roman Commonwealth 2 v. 137 2701 .*P 10 . .A 2702 The same. 2 v, The Second Punic War. A and others. History of the Roman Re¬ public ; edited by Pococke. A Arnold, W. T. Roman Provincial Adminis¬ tration. L Barre et Roux. Herculanum et Pompei. 8 v. Becker. Gallus; Roman Scenes.A Gallus ; romische Scenen.D Beckett. Comic History of Rome.A Beesly. Catiline, Clodius and Tiberius . . . A The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla.A Bender. Rom und romisches Leben.*V The same.D Blackwell. Memoirs of the Court of Au¬ gustus. 3 v. Bonner. Child’s History of Rome. 2 v. II Capes. Roman History : Early Empire.. . .A Roman Empire of Second Century . A Cramer. Description of Ancient Italy. 2 v. A Creighton. History of Rome.A Curteis. History of the Roman Empire. .A Duruy. Histoire des Romains. 7 v. History of Rome. 6 v. inn.*V Dyer. Ancient Rome.A History of the City of Rome . A History of the Kings of Rome..A Pompeii. .* .A The same.I 12 2703 127 *p 340 . A 150 ..D 2 3 . .A * 5 * .A **9 . .A 87 .*V 999 . .D 25 Au- *v 667 II 251 ..A 81 . .A 86 v. A 121 . .A 94 ..A 125 ..C 4763 *y 666 . .A 146 ..A *45 . .A 144 . .A *43 .. .1 2981 Ei.iot. Liberty of Ancient Rome.L Elliot. Pictures of Old Rome.G Ellis. Hannibal’s Passage of the Alps... .A Ferguson. History of Roman Republic.. .1 Formby. Ancient Rome.*P Fuss. Roman Antiquities.A Gf.LL. Topography of Rome. 2 v. ...... .A and Gandy. Pompeiana.A Gibbon. Hist, of the Decline of Rome. 6 v. A Roman Empire; Student’s edition.A Gilman. Story of Rome.A Goldsmith. History of Rome. 2 v.A The same ; Pinnock’s edition.A Gkegorovius. Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. 8 v. in 7.D Gueranger. Saintc Cecile et la Societe romaine.C Hertzberg. Gesch. des rbmischen Ivaiserrei- ches.*D History of Rome to Fall of the Empire ... .A Hobler. Records of Roman History on Coins. 2 v.*V Hooke. Roman History. 6 v.A Ihne. Early Rome.A History of Rome. 5 v.A Inge. Society in Rome under the Caesars . .A 2707 Keightley. History of Roman Empire..A 105 Rome to the End of the Republic.A Kennett. Antiquities of Rome.A Kingsley. Roman and Teuton. A The same ; edited by Muller.A Lafon. Rome jusqu’a la Chute de 1 ’EmpireC 5791 Lanciani. Ancient Rome in Light of re¬ cent Discoveries.A 2712 39 973 160 3775 797 **5 I2 9 141 134 155 149 I2 3 122 87 5i 2 5 5771 135 865 140 85 in 107 156 147 148 ,D 3417 118 97 138 139 Lange. Romische Alterthiimer. 3 v. . Law. Alps of Hannibal. 2v.A Lewis. Credibility of Roman History. 2 v. A Liddell. History of Rome. 2 v.A History of Rome ; Student’s edition. . . .A Livius. Legendary History of Rome ; tr. by Baker .,.*R 4337 Long. Decline of the Roman Republic. 5 v.A 152 Long. March of Hannibal.A 159 Lord. Old Roman World.A 130 Lynam. History of the Roman Emperors. 2 v.A 2713 Marquardt und Mommsen. Handbuchder romischen Alterthiimer. 7 v.D 3968 v. 1-3. Romisches Staatsrecht; von Momm¬ sen. 4-6. Romische Staatsverwaltung; von Marguardt. 7. Privatleben der Romer; von Marquardt. Massy. Romans under the Emperors.A 2706 Mf.RIMkE. Etudes sur l’Histoire romaine. .C 58*5 6 ROME, THE JEWS. Merivale. Fall of the Roman Republic. .A 131 General History of Rome.A 136 Roman Triumvirates.A 84 Romans under the Empire. 8 v.A 128 The same. 7 V.A 132 Meyer. Romische Alterthiimer.D 5638 Michelet. Histoire Romaine.C 5885 Roman Republic. I 3054 The same.A 120 Miley. Rome under Paganism and under the Popes. 2 v.A 117 Milner. Hi'tory of Rome.A 112 Mommsen. History of Roman Republic; abridged. A 2709 History of Rome. 4 V.A 133 Provinces of the Roman Empire. 2 v. A 2710 Romische Geschichte. v. i, 2, 3, 5... .D 176 Montesquieu 1 . Grandeur and Decadence of of the Romans.A 124 The same.J 193,3 Grandeur et decadence des Romains... .C 5932 The same.C 5931 Newman. Regal Rome.A 116 Niebuhr. History of Rome. 2 v.A 103 Lectures on History of Rome. 3 V. . .. A 109 Romische Geschichte.D 183 PAPENCORDf. Die Stadt Rom im Mittel- alter.D 5687 Parker. Archaeology of Rome. 12 v. inio*A 2711 v. 1. Primitive Fortifications. 2. Walls and Gates of Rome. 3. Historical Construction of Walls; Plates v. 1-3. 4. Egyptian Obelisks. 5. Forum Romanum. 6. Via Sacra; Excavations in Rome. 7. Flavian Amphitheatre, commonly called the Colosseum. The same.A 154,7 8. Aqueducts of Ancient Rome. The same.A 154,8 9. Tombs in and near Rome. 10. Sculpture. 11. Church and Altar Decorations, and Mosaic Pictures. 12. Catacombs. Peter. Geschichte Roms. 3 v.D 5681 Romische Geschichte.D 3992 Piranesi. Veduta di Roma. *P 964 Pistolesi. Antiquities of Herculaneum and Pompeii.*P 601 Pompeii; its Past and Present.I 3564 Reumont. Geschichte der Stadt Rom. 3 v. in 4.D 220 Rich. Diet, of Roman and Greek Antiquities*R 221 Histoire romaine. 10 v. in5....C 6508 The same; Paris, 1738. 16 v.A 10S Rossini. Le Antichita Romane.*P 963 Savigny. Romisches Recht im Mittelalter. D 3416 Schiller. Geschichte der romischen Kai- serzeit. 2 v.D 5732 Schmitz. History of Rome to A.D. 192..A 157 Schwegler. Romische Geschichte. 3 V.D 3965 Segur. Histoire du Bas*Empire.C 6679 Sewell. Child’s History of Rome.A no Sismondi. Fall of the Roman Empire. 2 v.I 3827 Smith. Carthage and the Carthaginians...A 158 Rome and Carthage.A 90 Stoll. Geschichte der Romer. 2 v.D 3998 Taylor and Cresy. Architectural Antiquities of Rome.*R 4876 Thierry. Tableau de l’Empire Romain.. .C 6902 Thirlwall. History of Rome. 2v.I 3832 Tighe. Roman Constitution.A 2704 Venuti. Antichita di Roma.*V 06 Wagner. Rom ; Anfangund Verfall. 3 v. D 249 Westropp. Early and Imperial Rome. .. .A 153 Wey. Rome; Introduction by Story.*R 4338 The same.*P 798 Wickham and Cramer. Hannibal’s Passage over the Alps.A 113 Wiei ersheim. Bevolkerung des romischen Reichs.D 5753 Wilkins. Roman Antiquities.A 232 Yonge. Young Folks’ History of Rome.. H 783 For Modern Rome see Italy and Greece. THE JEWS. Adams. The History of the Jews.A 2866 Alexander. The Israelitish Nation. A 210 Bartlett and Peters. Hebrew Story; from Creation to Exile.M 2239,1 Benny. Criminal Code of the Jews. A 239 Besant and Palmer. Jerusalem.A 225 Blunt. History of the Jews in England.. .A 2865 Bramston. Judaea and her Rulers.A 227 Cassel. Jiidische Geschichte.D 34 Manual of Jewish History.A 237 Cowles. Hebrew History.A 220 Delitzsch. Jewish Artisan Life in time of Jesus...A 233 Drumont. La France juive. 2 v.C 4557 Duhring. Die Jutlenfrage.D 49 Eaton. An Hour with the Amer. Hebrew A 219 Edrehi. Hist. Account of the Ten Tribes A 4521 Egan. Status of the Jews in England ... .A 2901 Ewald. Antiquities of Israel.A 235 History of Israel. 8 v.A 212 Geschichte des Volkes Israel. 8 v.D 4^ Fenton. Early Hebrew Life.A 223 THE JEWS, CHIVALRY AND THE CRUSADES. 7 Ferguson. Ancient Topography of Jerusa¬ lem .*V 58 FerrieRE. Paganisme des Hebreux.C 4882 Finn. Sephardim; Jews in Spain and Portugal. A 2869 Flad. Falashas (Jews) of Abyssinia.A 203 Fleury. Mceurs des Israelites.C 4958 Geiger. Judenthum und seine Geschichte. .D 77 Gill. Notices of Jews in Classics.A 204 Goldziher. Mythology of the Hebrews .. A 215 Graetz. Geschichte der Juden. 11 v.D 5595 Groot. History of the Israelites. 2 v. ..A 199 Guenee. Letters of Certain Jews to Vol¬ taire.A Hale. History of the Jews.A Hartmann. Das Judenthum in Gegenwart und Zukunft.D Hecht. Israelitische Geschichte.D Hosmer. Story of the Jews.A Hudson. History of the Jews in Rome... .A Hullmann. Staatsverfassung der Israeliten D 5603 Huidekoper. Judaism at Rome.A 194 Isaacs. Ceremonies and Customs of the Jews.A Jahn. History of the Hebrew Common¬ wealth. 2 v.A Jahrbuch der Geschichte der Juden. 4 V. . .D Jalal-Addin. History of the Temple of Je¬ rusalem.*V Jews in Roumania.. .. ,*A 196 209 47U 119 *95 240 236 207 130 1303 296 216 217 218 129 * 3 * Josephus. Jewish Wars ; tr. by Traill... .A Works ; translated by Whiston. 2 v. .. A The same. 4 V.A * Jost. Geschichte der Israeliten. iov. .. .D Geschichte des Judenthums. 3 V.D Jiidische Zeitschrift. nv. Ser. Kayserling. Geschichte der Juden in Portu¬ gal .D 5611 Geschichte der Juden in Spanien. 2 v. D 134 Keary. Dawn of History.A Keary. Nations around.A Kellogg. The Jews.A Kitto. Ancient Jerusalem.A Lazarus. Vortrage liber Juden.D 4778 Lehnhardt. Antisemitische Bewegung in Deutschland.D 4768 Levvin. Siege of Jerusalem.A 214 Lindo. History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal.A 208 Looman. Geschiedenis der Israeliten.I) 9495 Magnus. About the Jews.A 234 Outlines of Jewish History.A 2910 Mayer. Die Rechte der Israeliten.D 3411 Mears. From Exile to Overthrow.A 221 Meetings in Sympathy with Russian Jews, 1882 .*A 191 198 200 197 2867 Milman. History of the Jews. 3 V .A 202 The same. 3 v.A 2863 The same. 3 V.I 3576 The same. 3V.I 3651 Mocatta. Jews of Spain and Inquisition.. A 229 Newman. History of Hebrew Monarchy. .A 205 Pascheles. (Her.) Sippurim; Sammlung jlidischer Volkssagen u. s. w. 5 v. in 2 D 3023 Picciotto. Anglo-Jewish History.A 226 Raphall. History of the Jews. 2 v.A 206 Renan. Histoire du Peuple d’lsrael. v. 1, 2 C 6441 History of the People of Israel, v. 1, 2 A 2862 Rothschild. Hist, and Lit. of Israelites. 2 v. A 2ir Saalsciiutz. Archaologie der Hebraer . ...D 4326 Salaman. Jews as they are.A 228 Samuel. Jewish Life in the East.A 224 Schurer. Jewish People in the Time of Christ. 3 v.A 2864 Sharpe. Gesch. des hebraischen Volkes. .. .D 201 Hist, and Lit. of the Hebrew Nation.. .A 213 SlME. Kingdom of all Israel.A 2861 Simon. The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel ... .A 222 Stade. Geschichte des Volkes Israel, v. 1 D 5787 Statistics of Jews of the United States.L 1619 Tonna. Judaea.A 2868 Toussenel. Les Juifs Rois de l’Epoque. 2V.C13227 Trusen. Sitten der alten Hebraer.D 199 Weber and Holtzmann. Geschichte des Volkes Israel. 2 v.D 5594 Wellhausen. Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels.D 5754 Prolegomena to History of Israel.A 2870 Wise. History of the Israelitish Nation, v. 1 A 238 Zeitschrift fiir die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. 2 v. Ser. CHIVALRY AND THE CRUSADES. Archer. Crusade of Richard I.A 27S Beschf.relle. Les Grands Guerriers des Croisades.C12061 Bulfinch. Age of Chivalry.A 260 Campion. Crusaders in Ireland.A 1181 Chronicles of the Crusades.I 3345 Cox. The Crusades.A 162 Digby. Broad Stone of Honor. 5 V.A 249 Doran. Knights and their Days.A 341 Drane. Knights of St. John.A 267 Dutton. History of the Crusades.A 26S Fuller. History of the Holy War.A 277 Gray. The Children’s Crusade.A 274 IIagenmeyer. Peter der Eremite.D 6082 llENNEam Rhyn. Die Kreuzziige.*P 528 James. History of Chivalry.I 3664 Keightley. The Crusaders. A 272 8 MIDDLE AGES, MODERN HISTORY. Geschichte der Kreuzziige.*D 5773 Laporte. Les Croisades.C 5656 Maimbourg. History of the Crusade ; tr. by Nalson..*V 1361 Michaud. History of the Crusades. 3 v. A 269 et Poujoulat. Histoire des Croisades abregee.C 5926 Mills. History of Chivalry. 2v.A 266 History of the Crusades. 2 v.A 265 Pears. Fall of Constantinople.A 2942 Perry. History of the Crusades.A 264 Pfahler. Der erste Ivreuzzug.D 200 Prutz. Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzziige .. D 5686 Rohricht. Geschichte der Kreuzziige... .D 5699 Roth v. Schreckenstein. Geschichte der Reichsritterschaft. 2 v.D 144 Stebbing. History of Chivalry and the Cru¬ sades. 2 v. .I 3532 Sybel. History and Literature of the Cru¬ sades .A 273 Tessier. Quatrieme Croisade.C13203 Townsend. Sea Kings of Mediterranean. .A 276 WiLKEN. Geschichte der Kreuzziige. 7 v. D 5758 MIDDLE AGES. ADAMS. Mediaeval Civilization.A 2941 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire.A 1968 Buckingham. Bible, Schools, etc., in the Middle Ages.A 247 Buckley. Great Cities of the Middle Ages A 251 Bulfinch. Legends of Charlemagne.A 263 Busk. Mediaeval Popes, Emperors, etc.C 4 Chatfield. History of the Darker Ages. .A 245 Church. Beginning of Middle Ages.A 171 Comyn. Hist, of Western Empire, 772-1520 2 v.A 1866 Cutts. Scenes and Characters of the Mid¬ dle Ages.*K 168 Darmesteter. End of the Middle Ages. .A 2945 Dunham. Europe during Middle Ages. 4 v. I 3814 Emerton. Study of the Middle Ages.A 2944 Froissart. Boy’s Froissart; by Lanier... .A 261 Chronicles of England^France, etc. 2 v. A 262 Chroniques. 3 V.C 4994 Illuminated Illustrations of; by Hum¬ phreys.P 745 Stories from; by St. Leger. 3 V.A 275 Gould. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages E 818 Greene. History of the Middle Ages.A 252 Hallam. Europe during the Middle Ages. .A 250 Hampson. Medii .Evi Kalendarium. 2 v. A 246 Hullman. Stadtewesen des Mittelalters 4 v...D 5610 Kampschulte. Geschichte des Mittelalters D 5615 Lacroix. Arts in the Middle Ages. *R 4174 Manners, Customs and Dress during the Middle Ages.*R 4177 Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages....*R 4176 Science and Literature in the Middle Ages.*R 4175 Lane. Arabian Society in Middle Ages_A 271 Littre. Etudes sur les Barbares et le Moyen Age. C 5715 Maitland. The Dark Ages.A 254 Merryweather. Glimmerings in the Dark A 2942 Prutz. Das Abendland im Mittelalter. 2 v.*D 5789 Puetz. Mediaeval History and Geography. .A 3 Ranke. Latin and Teutonic Nations.I 2931 Rydberg. Magic of the Middle Ages.A 248 Schindler. Aberglaube des Mittelalters. .D 193 Schmitz. History of the Middle Ages.A 255 Secret Societies of the Middle Ages.I 3569 Shaw. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. 2 v.*P 689 Spruner. Hand-Atlas des Mittelalters. .. .*R 4957 Stubbs. Lectures on Mediaeval and Modern History. 3°3 Traut. Aus dem Mittelalter. . .D 240 MODERN HISTORY. Adams. Great Campaigns in Europe. .. . . .A 321 Airy. English Restoration and Louis XIV. A 3 01 Alison. History of Europe, 1789-1815. 4 v. A 335 The same. 10 v. .*A 346 History of Europe, 1815-1S52. 4 v... . .A 336 The same; with index. 9 V. 347 Atlas to same. .*R 4985 Arnd. Geschichte der Jahre 1848-60. . . . . .D 16 Geschichte der Jahre 1860-7. 2 v. .. . . .D 14 Geschichte der Jahre 1867-71. 2 v. . . .D i 5 Arnold. Lectures on Modern History.. ..A 302 The same. ,.*P 16 Bauer. Anekdoten aus dem i8ten Jahrhun- derts. 6 v. in 3.D 6 Geschichte des i8ten Jahrhunderts. 4 v. D 7 Block. L’ Europe politique et social.C12081 Bosscha. Gesch. van Europa, 1687-1716. .D 9100 Butler. Revolutions of the Empire of Char¬ lemagne, 814-1806.A 2Si Cantu. Storia di Cento Anni. 3 v.C 9160 Cochrane. Historic Pictures. 2v.A 310 Coffin. Story of Liberty.A 299 Cust. Wars of the 18th Century. 5 V.A 322 Wars of 19th Century. 2v.A 323 - Draper. Intellectual Development of Eu¬ rope. 2 v.L 2166 The same. 2 v.I 2980 MODERN HISTORY. 9 Droysen. Abhandlungen zur neueren Ge- schichte.D 43 Dyer. History of Modern Europe. 4 V... A 325 Edgar. History of Modern Europe.A 329 Fredet. Modern History, A. D. 1-1867... A 287 Freeman. Chief Periods of European Hist. A 328 Historical Geography. 2v.A 333 Maps to the same...'.*A 333,2 History of Europe. A 334 Frost. Pictorial Modern History.A 342 Fyffe. History of Modern Europe. 2 v. A 338 Gage. Modern Historical Atlas.*R 228 George. Genealogical Tables of Modern History.*R 232 The same ; new ed.*R 233 Gervinus. Historische Schriften. ...D 86 Einleitung in Geschichte des 19. Jahrh. D 84 History of 19th Century.A 332 Geschichte des igten Jahrhunderts. 8 v. D 85 Ghillany. Europaische Chronik. 3 V....D 81 Goodrich. European History.H 432,2 Griesinger. Gesch. der Neuzeit, 1866-9..D 95 Heeren. European States and Colonies.. .A 290,5 Herbst. Encyclopadie der neueren Geschichte. 4 v. *R 237 HowiTT. Colonization and Christianity.... A 282 Johnson. Normans in Europe.A 173 Joseph Ben Joshua, Rabbi. Chronicles. .*V 1299 Kemble. State Papers, 1686-1707.A 330 Klee. Europseiske Staters Historie siden 1815. 4 v .C 7334 Knox. Decisive Battles since Waterloo.. . .A 326 Koch. Revolutions in Europe. 3 V . I 3521 Tableaux des Revolutions. 3 V.A 4 Lawrence. Historical Studies.A 177 Lawson. Conspiracies in European Hist.2 v.I 3527 Lilly. Chapters in European History. 2 v. A 292 Lodge. History of Modern Europe.A 331 Lord. Modern Plistory.A 313 McCarthy. The Epoch of Reform.A 175 Mackenzie. The Nineteenth Century... .A 316 Maurer. Marksteine in der Geschichte... .D 148 Maurice. Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Europe.A 350 May. Democracy in Europe. 2 v.A 314 Menzel. Geschichte Europas, 1789-1815. 2 v.D 166 Geschichte der neuesten Zeit, 1856-60. .D 162 Die neuesten Jesuiten Umtriebe.D 168 Weltgeschichte, 1740-1860. 6 v.D 169 WichtigeWeltbegebenheiten, 1860-70.4V.D 163 Merivale. Historical Studies. .A 340 Michelet. Modern Hist.; tr. by Simpson. .A 315 The same; tr. by Potter.I 3761 Precis de 1 ’Histoire moderne.C 5891 Moore. Lost Tribes and Saxons.A 201 Mueller. Europaische Geschichte, 1871-81 D 63 Political History, 1816-75.A 317 Politische Geschichte, 1816-75.D 179 Nichol. Tables of European History... .*R 277 Petits Chefs-d’CEuvre historiques.C 6180 Philippson. Europa unter Philipp II. .. .*D 5776 Points of History.A 188 Prutz. Staatengeschichte des Abendlandes. 2 v.*D 5789 Puetz. Modern History and Geography.. .A 300 Raumer. Contributions to Modern History. 2V . A 339 Geschichte Europas seit 1500. 8 v.D 219 Hist, of the 16th and 17th Centuries. 2 v. A 307 Raynal. Settlements in East and West In¬ dies. 6 v.A 345 Russell. History of Europe. 2v.A 337 History of Modern Europe. 3 V.A 327 Schlegel. Modern History.I 3077 Schlosser. History of 18th Century. 8 v. A 308 Geschichte des iSten Jahrhunderts. 8 v. D 224 Schulthess. Europaischer Geschichts-Kalen- der. 28 v.*D 39 Sikes. Studies of Assassination.A 283 Smyth. Lectures on Modern History. 2 v. I 3082 Stacke. Erzahlungen aus der neuesten Ge¬ schichte.D 5733 Stebbing. Some Verdicts of Hist, reviewed A 293 Strahlheim. Gesch. unserer Zeit, 1789-1830. 34 v.D 5739 Strickland. Stories from Modern Hist..H 691 Taylor. Age We Live in; History of 19th Century. 4 v. in 7.*V 765 Taylor. First Principles of Modern Hist. A 324 Taylor. Modern History.A 320 Revolutions, etc., of Europe. 2v.A 284 Tillotson. Stories of the Wars, 1574-1658 A 288 Toussenel. Ilistoire contemporaine.C 6856 VanPraedt. Political History, 15th—17th Centuries.A 309 Villemain. Etudes d’Ilistoire moderne.. .C 6934 Weir. Historical Basis of Modern Europe.. A 291 Yonge. Modern History.A 304 ENGLAND AND WALES. Abbot, Lord Colchester. Diary and Cor¬ respondence. 3 V.A 442 Acland and Ransome. English Politics . .A 667 Political History of England.A 666 Adams. Before the Conquest.A 467 England at War. 2 v.A 3144 England on the Sea.A 3112 Good Queen Anne. 2 v.A 759 The Merry Monarch ; Charles II. 2 v. A 760 Adolphus. England under George III. 7 v. A 389 10 ENGLAND AND WALES. Aikin. Court of Elizabeth. 2 v.A 526 Court of Charles I. 2 v.A 531 Court of James I. 2 v.A 527 Aikin. Reign of George III. 2 v.A 525 The same. 2 v.A 542 Airy. The English Restoration and Louis XIV. A 301 Allen. Anglo-Saxon Britain.A 648 Allen. Battles of the British Navy. 2 v. .1 3100 Allen. Reader’s Guide to English History A 603 Amos. Fifty Years of the English Constitu¬ tion.L 224 Ancient and Modern Britons. 2v.A 3170 Anderson. Book of British Topography *0 604 Annals of England.A 402 Armitage. Childhood of the English Nation A 438 Armstrong’s Primer of English History... A 754 Armytage. Court Customs and Court Rule A 687 Wars of Queen Victoria’s Reign.A 3129 Ashburnham. Narratives of Charles I. 2 v. A 716 Ashton. Dawn of the 19th Century in Eng¬ land.A 3109 Old Times; Social Life in 18th Century A 734 Social Life in Reign of Queen Anne... .A 675 Bailey. Succession to the English Crown . A 519 Baker. Chronicle of Kings of England.. .*V 201 Bateman. Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills.A 3174 Bayne. Actors of Puritan Revolution.A 558 Beamish. The King’s German Legion. 2 v. A 3145 Beatson. Political Index to Histories of Great Britain. 3 V.A 665 Beattie. Castles and Abbeys of Eng¬ land. 2 v.A 3136 Beckett. Comic History of England.A 488 Belsham. Memoirs of Reign of George III. 8 v.A 529 Beltz. Order of the Garter.A 421 Berard. School History of England.A 439 Besant. Fifty Years ago.A 3148 Betham. History of English Constitution. A 487 Birch. Court and Times of James I. 2 v. A 363 Court and Times of Charles I. 2 v. ... A 364 Bissett. Omitted Chapters in Plistory of England, 1649-50. 2 v.A 424 Blaauw. The Baron’s War.A 679 Black Book, The; Abuses in Church and State.A 688 Blore. Monumental Remains of Royal Per¬ sons .*V 571 Boutell. English Heraldry.A 641 Bowes. Synopsis of English History.A 588 Braddon. Essex’s Honour Vindicated... ,*A 3126 Bradlaugh. Impeachment of the House of Brunswick.A 553 Brand. Popular Antiquities.E 871 The same. 3 V.I 3343 Brenton. Naval History, 1783-1836. 2 v. A 644 Brewer. English Studies in History.A 624 Reign of Henry VIII. 2v.A 715 Bridgeman. History of the Princes of South Wales.A 3220 Bright. History of England. 3 V.A 405 Brodie. Constitutional History. 3 V.A 457 Brooke. Battle Fields in England of 15th Century.A 3200 Brookes. Manners and Customs of the Eng¬ lish Nation.A 645 Browne. Chaucer’s England. 2 v.A 435 Browning (Ed.). England and Napoleon in 1803.A 3201 Brunet. Regal Armorie of Great Britain. .A 642 Buckle. History of Civilization. 3 V.A 460 Buckley. History of England for Beginners A 3134 Bunbury. War with France, 1799-1810. .A 647 Burke. Historic Lands of England.A 3138 Burke. Historical Portraits of the Tudor Dynasty. 4 V.A 556 Burleigh, Lord. Collection of State Papers, I S 7 I ~ I 59 6 .Doc. Burn. Parish Registers in England.A 482 Burnet. History of his Own Time.A 412 The same. 6 v..*P 36 Burton, T. Diary from 165610 1659. 4 v. A 618 Burton. Reign of Queen Anne. 3 V.A 706 Cabala ; sive Scrinia Sacra ; Letters in Reigns of Henry VIII. to Charles I.*V 154 Calcott. Little Arthur’s History.A 742 ' Calendars of State Papers. 142 v.Doc. Capefigue. Elisabeth d’Angleterre.C 4284 Carrel. Counter Revolution in England.. .1 3007 Carter. Medals of the British Army... .*A 3202 Cartwright (Ed.). Wentworth Papers, 1705-39 . A 7 2 8 Cary. Civil War in England, 1646-1652. 2 v.A 698 Cassell. Illustrated History of England. 10 v.A 548 Castlereagh. Life, Letters and Dispatches. 12 v.A 917 Cattermole. Civil War of Charles I. 2 v. A 3156 The same.*V 568 The same. v. 1.A 3155 Chadwick. King John of England.A 669 Charles I. Eikon Basilike.A 429 Clarendon. History of the Rebellion. 7 v.A 410 The same. 6 v.*A 3163 The same. 7 v.*P 68 Clarendon State Papers, 1523-1657. 3 v.A 656 Clarke. Memoirs of the King’s Supremacy A 756 Clarke. Vestigia Anglicana. 2 v ; .A 419 ENGLAND AND WALES. 11 m Clayden. England under Beaconsfield... .A 485 Clinton. Compendium of English History A 514 From Crecy to Assye.A 605 The Peninsular War and Wellington in Franee . A 724 Cobbe. Norman Kings of England.A 369 Cobbett. History of George IV. 2 v.A 676 Parliamentary History of England, 1066- 1803. 36 v.Doc. Collection of Remonstrances, etc., 1641-43. *A 392 Collier. History of England.A 425 Connolly. Royal Sappers and Miners. 2 v. A 498 Cooke. History of Party in England. 3 v. A 462 Cooper. History of England. 2 v.A 486 Cope. History of the Rifle Brigade.A 496 Cordery and Philpotts. King and Com¬ monwealth .A 432 Cornwallis, Marquis. Correspondence. 3 V.A 445 Cory. Guide to Modern English History. 2v.A 411 CRAiKand McFarlane. Pictorial History of England. 9 v.A 545 Creasy. Constitution of Great Britain ... .A 441 History of England. 2 v.A 440 Invasions of England.A 518 Creighton. Age of Elizabeth.A 166 Cunningham. The English Nation. 5 v. C 2892 Daly. Radical Pioneers of the 18th Century A 3119 Davidson. New Book of Kings.A 741 Davies. Mythology of British Druids.A 475 Day. Pythouse Papers.A 738 DeLolme. On the Constitution of England I 3015 Denton. England in the 15th Century._A 3199 D’Ewes. Journals of the Parliament of Queen Elizabeth.*V 845 Dicey. The Privy Council.A 3206 Dickens. Child’s History of England.H 321 Dixon. History of two Queens. 6v. in 3. G 182 Doomsday Book. 4 V.*P 922 Doyle. Chronicles of England, B. C. 55.—A. D. 1485.*R 4185 Doyle. Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe* V 814 Duncan. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 2 v.A 3191 Earle. English Premiers. 2 v.A 454 Earle (Ed.). Saxon Chronicles.*P 46 Edgar. War of the Roses.A 490 Edwards. Collection of old English Customs A 634 Edwards. Outlines of English History_A 437 Ellis (Ed.). Original Letters illustrative of English History. 11 v.A 614 Entick. History of the War, 1748-63. 5 v. A 632 Ewald. Stories from State Papers.A 607 Studies Re-Studied.A 3108 Extraordinary Black Book.A 481 Extraordinary Red Book.A 651 Facsimiles of National MSS. of England. 4V. *P 852 Fellowes. Historical Sketches of Charles I. and his Time.*V 409 Fenn (Ed.). The Paston Letters.A 694 Flaherty. Annals of England.A 402 Florence of Worcester’s Chronicle.I 3349 Fonblanque. England under Seven Admin¬ istrations. 3 V.A 391 Forster. Arrest of the Five Members ... .A 422 Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, 1641.A 657 Forsyth. Historical Curiosities. 2 v.A 686 Fox. History of Reign of James II.I 3007 The same.*V 78 Freeman. English People in its Three Homes.A 662 English Towns and Districts.A 671 Growth of the English Constitution... .G 211 History of the Norman Conquest. 6 v. A 388 The same. 5 V.*P 56 Old English History.A 374 Reign of William Rufus. 2v.A 655 Short History of the Nonnan Conquest. A 491 Froude. History of Eng., 1529-1588. 12 v. A 479 Gairdner. Early Chronicles of England . .A 652 Houses of Lancaster and York.A 165 (Ed.). The Paston Letters. 3 V.A 674 Galt. Pictures of English, Irish, and Scottish History. 2v.A 587 Gardiner. England under Buckingham and Charles I. 2 v.A 430 English History for Young Folks.A 516 Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I.A 3106 The First Two Stuarts.A 167 History of England, 1603-42. 10 v. ...A 678 Personal Government of Charles I. 2 v.. A 511 and Mullinger. English History for Students.A 517 Gaspey. History of England, 1760-1852. 8 v.*V 928 Gerard. Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot A 472 Giles. History of Ancient Britons. 2 v.... A 474 Gilly. Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy... .A 502 Giustinian. P'our Years at the Court of Henry VIII. 2v.A 744 Gleig. Family History of England. 3 v..A 507 Gneist. Englische Verfassungsgeschichte. . 1 ) 5590 The English Parliament.A 758 History of the English Constitution. 2v. A 3101 Goadby. The England of Shakespere.A 497 Godwin. Commonwealth of England. 4V. A 384 Goodman. Court of James I. 2 v.A 658 Granger. Biographical History of England. 6 v. in 3.A 575 The same; continued by Noble. 3 v. A 576 12 ENGLAND AND WALES. Grant. British Battles on Land and Sea. 3 v.A 726 Great Battles of the British Army.A 503 Green. Chronological History of the Reign of George III.A 3123 Green. Conquest of England.A 712 History of the English People. 4 V.A 1509 Short History of the English People.. .A 510 The Making of England.A 659 Grego. History of Parliamentary Elections A 3133 Grenville. Court of George III. 4 V...A 534 Court During the Regency. 2 v.A 535 Couijt of George IV. 2 v.A 536 Courts of William IV. and Victoria. 2 v. A 532 Greville. Journal of Reigns of George IV. and William IV. 2 v.A 513 The same; abridged by Stoddard. .C 77,5 Journal of Victoria’s Reign, 1837-60. 3 v. A 746 Grey, Earl. Correspondence, 1830-32. 2v. A 443 Grimaldi. English History to 1870.A 367 Grose. Antiquities of England. 8 v... .*V 546 Military Antiquities of the English Army. 2 v.*V 233 Guest. Origines Celticae. 2 v.A 670 Guest. Lectures on History of England. .A 426 and Underwood. Handbook of English History.A 3122 Guizot. Charles I. and the Revolution. 2 v. A 362 Cromwell and Charles II. 2 v.A 361 Embassy to Court of St. James.A 661 Etudes sur la Rev. de l’Angleterre.C 5158 Histoire d’Angleterre. 2 v.*V 1134 History of the English Revolution.I 3028 Popular History of England. 4 V.A 444 Protectorat de R. Cromwell. 2 v.C 5154 Hack. English Stories of Olden Time. 2 v. A 743 Haigh. Anglo-Saxon Sagas.A 3171 Conquest of Britain by the Saxons.A 711 Hale. Fall of the Stuarts.A 168 Hall. Queens before the Conquest. 2 v...A 466 Hall. Society in the Elizabethan Age... .A 3116 Hallan. Constitutional History. 3 v.A 385 The same; Student’s edition.A 386 Halliday. Annals of the House of Hanover 2 v.A 3195 Hansard. Parliamentary Debates, 1803-1889. 374 V. Doc. Hardy. Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain. 3 V. . .*0 650 Harleian Miscellany. 12 v.*A 1070 Harris. History of the Radical Party. .. .A 736 Heath. Chronicle of Reign of Charles I. *V 87 Heaton. Three Reforms of Parliament... A 3110 Henry. History of Great Britain to 1542. 12 v. in 6.A 397 Henry of Huntingdon. Hist.of the English.I 3352 Herbert. Britannia after the Romans. 2 v.*V 165 Herbert, Lord Cherbury. England under Henry VIII.C 746 Hewlett. Post Norman Britain.A 3143 Higgins. The Celtic Druids.*V 179 Hillier. Attempted Escapes of Charles I. from Carisbrook Castle.A 697 History of England for Schools.A 371 Holland. Memoirs of the Whig Party. 2 v. A 664 Holt. English Customs in Middle Ages. .A 735 Hoskins. Charles II. in Channel Islands. 2v.A 368 Hotten. Topography and Family History of England and Wales. *0 610 Ho witt. Ruined Castles and Abbeys of Great Britain.A 3192 Hozier. Invasions of England. 2 v.A 589 Hughes (Ed.). Boscobel Tracts, relating to Charles II.A 433 Hughes. History of England, 1760-1835. 7 v. A 398 Hume. History of England to 1688. 6 v. A 380 The same. 8v.A 3128 History of England to 1689. 8 v.*V 928 The same; student’s ed.A 508 Hunnewell. The Imperial Island.A 3102 Hunter. Orders of British Knighthood . ,*R 4268 Hutton. Simon de Montfort and his Cause, 1251-66.A 3193 Hutton. Battle of Bosworth Field, 1485.. A 3198 James and Chamier. Naval History of Eng¬ land. 6 v.A 506 Jardine. History of the Gunpowder Plot. .A 470 Jennings. Anecdotal History of Parliament A 484 Jesse. Court of England, 1688-1760. 3 v. A 568 Life and Reign of George III. 3 V.A 521 Memoirs of the Pretenders. 2 v.A 567 The same.I 3304 Memoirs of the Reign of the Stuarts. 3 v.I 3303 Jewett. Story of the Normans.A 3124 Jusserand. Les Anglais au Moyen Age.. .C 5361 English Wayfaring Life in Middle Ages A 3169 Kebbel. Toryism from Pitt to Beaconsfield A 3131 Keightley. History of England. 3 V-A 400 The same. 2 v.A 478 The same. 5 V.I 3730 Kemble. The Saxons in England. 2 v. . .A 415 Kempe (Ed.). The Losely Manuscripts; Henry VIII. to James I.A 3152 Kiernan. Ireland and America versus Eng¬ land.*A 296 Kingston. Our Soldiers.A 978 Knight. Half Hours of English History. .A 499 History of England. 8 v.A 377 Land we live in. 4 V. . *V 567 Old England; Popular Antiquities.. .*R 4281 ENGLAND AND WALES. i3 Knox. Young Folks’ History of England. .A 375 Kummer and Chandler., Epitome of Eng¬ lish History.A 673 Langtoft. Chronicle; transl. by Hearne.. J 93,3-4 Lappenberg. England under Anglo-Saxon Kings. 2 v.A 416 The same. 2 v.I 3095 England under Norman Kings.A 417 Lathbury. Guy Fawkes.A 714 Laurie. English History.A 372 Lecky. History of England in 18th Century. 6v,.A 705 The same. 6 v.A 559 Lewin. Caesar’s Invasion of Great Britain. A 450 LlNGARD. History of England to 1688. 13 v. A 461 The same; abridged by Burke.A 409 Littleton. Political Occurrences in 1834. .A 493 Livesey. Notable Events in England’s Hist. A 663 Lodge. Illustrations of British History. 3 v. A 403 Longman. History of England; Lectures v. i.A 408 Life and Times of Edward III. 2 v.... A 660 Lossing. History of England.A 390 Low and Pulling. Dictionary of English History.*R 230 Lucas. Historical Geography of British Colo¬ nies .A 921 LUCY. Diary of Two Parliaments. 2 v.A 727 v. 1. The Disraeli Parliament, 1874-80. 2. The Gladstone Parliament, 1880-85. Lupton. Concise English History.A 708 Luttrell. Historical Relations of State Affairs, 1678-1714. 6 v.A 446 The same. 6 v.*P 106 Macaulay, C. History of England. 9 v. ,*V 830 Macaulay, T. B. History of England, 1642- 1702. 5 v.A 406 The same. 10 v. in 5.G 403 The same. 8 v.*P 108 MacCabe. Catholic History of England, v. i.A 578 McCarthy. Epoch of Reform.A 175 History of the Four Georges v. 1.A 717 The same.G 1104 History of our own Times. 2 v.A 612 The same. 5 v. in 3.G 1112 The same. 4 V.*A 3162 Short History of our own Times.A 713 McCulloch. Account of the British Empire. 2 v. A 427 MacFarlane. Cabinet History of England. 26 v. in 13.A 407 McGregor. History of the British Empire. 2 ..A 522 Mackintosh, History of England to 1760. 10 v. I 3 82 3 MaCLISE. Story of the Norman Conquest.*R 4420 Malan. Old Comrades in British Army... A 653 Maley. Historical Recollections of William IV„ 2 v.A 740 Manchester, Duke of. Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne. 2 v.A 528 Manual of British Historians to 1600.A 739 Manx Society Publications. 17 v.*A 1095 Martineau. History of England, 1800-15. A 546 The same.I 2991 History of England, 1816-46. 2 v.A 547 The same. 4V.I 2992 History of England, 1816-54. 4 v.A 395 Massey. England under George III. 4 v. .A 404 Matthew Paris. Chronicle. 3 V_ 1 3359 , 3*5 Matthew of Westminster. P'lowersof His¬ tory. 2 v.I 3360 Maxwell. Victories of Wellington.I 3133 May. Constitutional History of England. 2 v. A 387 May. History of the Long Parliament_A 549 The same.*P 112 Miller. History of the Anglo-Saxons.I 3135 Milton, J. History of England.J 185 Moberly. Early Tudors; Henry VII. and VIII.A 3142 Molloy. Court Life below Stairs; London 1714-1830. 4 V.A 682 Royalty restored; London under Charles II. 2 v.A 3107 Molesworth. History of England, 1830-74. 2 v.A 471 The same. 3 v.A 4S0 Morgan. England under Norman Occupa¬ tion.A 3135 Morley. Edmund Burke; a Historical Study.A 401 Morris. Age of Anne.A 172 Early Hanoverians.A 3141 Murdoch. Constitutional Reform in Great Britain.A 3125 Murray. The Scottish Regiments in the British Army. A 3147 Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore.I 3622 Mylius. Abridged History of England ..A 583 Napier. War in the Peninsula. 5 V.A 900 Neale. My Comrades and my Colors ... .*A 294 Neele. Romance of Hist, of England. 3 v. A 420 Nelson, Lord. Dispatches and Letters. 7 v. A 918 Newman. Historical Sketches. 3V.A 465 Nicholas. Pedigree of the English People A 463 Nicolas. Battle of Agincourt.A 468 History of Orders of British Knighthood. 4 .. 4 2 94 History of the Royal Navy. 2 v.A 505 Norgate. England under the Angevin Kings. 2 ..A 3*94 Norman People and their Descendants.A 646 ENGLAND AND WALES. 14 O’ Byrne. The Victoria Cross.A 3197 O’Connor. Gladstone’s House of Commons. A 3104 Oliphant. Sketches of Reign of George II. 2V.A 543 Orridge. Jack Cade’s Rebellion.A 3139 Palgrave. History of Anglo-Saxons.I 3587 History of Normandy and England. 4 v. A 448 .Pearson. England in the Early Ages. 2 v. A 418 English History in 14th Century.A 423 Peel, Sir R. Memoirs. 2 v.A 458 Pegge. Curialia Miscellanea; Anecdotes of Old Times.A 627 Phillimore. England under George III. v. 1. A 544 Phillips. Civil War in Wales, 1642-9 ... .A 608 Wales; Language, Social Condition, etc. A 610 Planche. The Conqueror and his Compan¬ ions. 2 v.A 585 Pope. History of Ancient Britain.A 649 Poulet. Letter-Books; ed. by Morris.A 449 Preston. Yeomen of the Guard, 1485-1885 A 3132 Rae. Statutes of Henry VII.*P 792 Raikes. Hist, of Hon. Artillery Co. 2V...A 723 History of First Reg’t. of Militia.A 722 Ranke. Englische Geschichte. 9 V .D211,14-22 History of England, 17th Century. 6 v.A 613 Rannie. History of the English Constitution A 520 Rapin’ De Thoyras. History of England to 1 72:7• 5 v.*V 2 Readings from English Ilistory.H 611 Reed. English History in Shakespere.A 654 Ricraft. England’s Champions.A 683 Ridpath. Border Histor) of England and Scotland.*V 88 Rimmer. Ancient Streets and Homesteads A 592 Ritchie. British Senators.A 451 Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle; tr. by Hearne.J93, 1-2 Roberts. Houses of York and Lancaster. 2v.A 512 Roe. English History for Girls.A 591 Roebuck. The Whig Ministry of 1830. 2 v. A 6S0 Roger de Hoyeden. Annals o English His¬ tory. 2 v. .I 3364 Rollin’. Decline of England.A 574 Routledge. History of Popular Progress. .N 4978 RUSH. Court of London, 1817-18.A 393 The same, 1819-25.A 394 Rushworth. Historical Collections, 1618- 1648. 8v.Doc. Russell, Earl. Recollections and Suggestions A 447 Sadler. State Papers and Letters. 2 v... ,*V 563 St.John. Four Conquests of England. 2 v.A 473 Sanford. Estimates of English Kings.A 747 The Great Rebellion.A 737 Schaible. Gesch. der Deutschen in England D 5727 SCOTT. Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. 2 v.*V 561 Seeley. Expansion of England . G 1049 The same.’....A 672 Sidney. Diary of Times of Charles II. 2 v. A 537 Silver, coronation of Anglo-Saxon Kings A 691 Six Old English Chronicles.I 3365 Skelton. Essays in History and Biography A 720 Skottowe. Our Hanoverian Kings .A 3113 Short History of Parliament . . A 3115 Smith. Hist, and Literary Curiosities. .. .*R 4440 Smith. History of English Institutions... .A 453 Smith. Three English Statesmen.A 459 Smith. Story of the English Jacobins... .A 599 Smollett. History of England. 5 v.A 709 The same 5 v. A 3127 Society of Antiquaries of London, Publica¬ tions of:.. Ser. Archceologia. 1770-1887. 50 v., and Index v. 1-30. Liber quotidianus Garderobte, 1299-1500. Ordinances for Royal Household, Edward III. to William and Mary. Somers, Lord J. Collection of Tracts. iqv.^V 898 Southey. History of the Peninsular War. 6 v. A 919 Naval History of England. 5 v . I 3S42 Sprigg. England’s Recovery.*P 292 Stanhope. Hist.of England, 1713-83. jx. inqG 568 Reign of Queen Anne.G 569 Stern. Geschichte der Revolution in Eng¬ land . *D 5777 Stocqueler. History of the British Army A 494 Personal History of the Horse Guards. .A 495 Stokes. British War History. A 376 Strickland. Stories from English History. H 689 STRUTT. Antiquities of. England.*P 683 Dressand Habits of English People. 2 v.*P 682 Stubbs. Constitutional History of England. 3 v . A 469 Early Plantagenets. A 169 Select Charters of Constitutional HistoryA 456 The same.*P 263 Sullivan. Story of England, v. 1.A 399 Taswell-Langmead. English Constitutional History.A 396 Taylor.. Glory of Regality. A 668 Thackeray. Ancient Britain. 2v. A 650 Thierry. Conquete del’Angleterre. 4V. in2.C 6906 Norman Conquest of England.A 452 The same. 2 v.I 3086 Thomson. Illustrations of British History. 2v.I 3513 Magna Charta of King John.A 581 Thomson. Memoirs of Court of Henry VIII. 2 v.A 710 Thornbury. Shakespere’s England. 2 v. .. A 436 Thornton. The Brunswick Accession.A 3158 ENGLAND—LOCAL HISTORIES. !5 Thrupp. The Anglo-Saxon Home.A 629 Thurloe. State Papers, 163S-1660 7 v. . . . Doc- Timbs. Ancestral Stories of English History A 533 Towle. Henry V. of England. . . .A 700 Young People’s History of England.A 757 Townsend. Hist, of ihe House of Commons. 2 v.A 699 Trial of the Regicides of Charles I.*A 365 Trials of Charles I. and the Regicides.I 3595 Trimen. Regiments of the British Army... .A 721 Turner. History of the Anglo-Saxons. 3 V. A 3S1 History of England in Middle Ages. 5 v. A 3S2 Modern History of England. 4 V.A 3S3 Tytler. England under Edward YI. and Mary. 2 v.A 701 Vaughan. England under the Stuarts. 2v. A 551 Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty. 2 v. . .A 539 Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. 2 v. . ..A 413 Revolutions in English History. 3 V.A 414 Vernon. Letters illustrative of the Reign of William III. 3 v.A 3165 Walford. Parliamentary Generals of the Civil War.A 3117 Walker. Account of Coronation of Charles II.A 3196 Walker. Sufferings of the Clergy in the Rebellion in England.*V 100 Wall. Outlines of English History.A 4S3 Wallington. Events in Reign of Charles I. 2 v.A 3157 Walpole. History of England, 1815-58. 5 v. A 707 Walpole. Historic Doubts of Richard III.A 538 Walpole. Reign of George II. 3 V.A 523 Memoirs of Reign of George III. 4 v. . .A 524 Walsh. Chapters of Contemporary Hist. A 3146 Warburton. Edward III.A 170 Ward. Character of the Revolution of 1688 A 3159 Warrington. History of Wales.A 611 White. Great Britain and Ireland.A 378 White. History of England.A 477 Whitelock. English Affairs from Charles I. to the Restoration 4 v.A 431 The same. 4 V.*P 164 Wilkinson. Cato-Street Conspiracy.A 703 William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of Kings of England. 1 33 66 Williams. Bardo-Druidic System. 2 v...A 609 Williams and Stafford. England’s Battles by Sea and Land. 4V.A 725 Wilson. Why was Lord Mayo assassinated?*A 295 Woodworth. History of Wales.A 750 Wordsworth. Who wrote Eikon BasilikePA 428 Worsaae. Danes and Norwegians in EnglandA*3i53 Danske Erobering af England.C 7676 Wraxall. Historical Memoirs, 1772-84. 2 v.C 3140 Wren. History of England.A 515 Wright. The Celt, Roman and .Saxon. .. .A 594 England in the Middle Ages. 2 v.A 434 England under House of Hanover. 2 v.A 3130 Feudal Manuals of English History. .. .A 590 Homes of other Days.A 595 Wyld. Maps and Plans of Battles and Sieges of British Army, 1808-1814.*R 4S01 Wyon. History of Reign of Queen Anne.2 v. A 596 Yeatman. Early English History.A 597 Shemitic Origin of Western Europe . . .A 598 Yonge. Constitutional History, i76o-i86o-A 704 History of the Revolution of 168S.A 702 History of the British Navy. 3 V..A 501 Yonge. Cameos from English History. .. .A 500 v. 1. From Rollo to Edward II. 2. Wars in France. 3. War of the Roses. 4. Reformation Times. 5. England and Spain. 6. Stewart Rule. The Victorian Half Century.A 3121 Young Folks’ History of England.H 784 ENGLAND—LOCAL HISTORIES. Allen. History of the County of York. 6v. .A 749 Axon. Annals of Manchester.A 3118 Cheshire Gleanings.A 751 Lancashire Gleanings.A 752 Baines and Whatton. History of County Palatine of Lancaster. 2v.*V 94 Bateman and Glover. Antiquities of Der¬ byshire.A 3175 Batenham and Musgrove. Ancient Ches¬ ter.*P 1163 Boase. Oxford. (Historic Towns.).A 3222 Bond. History of Corfe Castle.A 753 Bonney. Historic Notices of Eotheringhay. A 3146 Britton. Abbey and Cathedral Church of Peterborough.*R 4456 Cathedral Church of Lichfield.*R 4453 Cathedral Church of Oxford.*R 4452 Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey.*R 4454 Metropolitical Church of Canterbury. . *R 4455 Redcliffe Church, Bristol.*R 4069 Browne. Lambeth Palace and Associations. A 732 Burrows. Cinque Ports. (Historic Towns.)A 3226 Camden. Britannia. 7 v.A 379 The same. 2v.*V 32 Chancellor. Historical Richmond.A 3137 Coates. History of Reading.*V 183 Couch. History of Polperro, Cornwall...A 604 Creighton. Carlisle. (Historic Towns.).A 3227 Gumming. Rushen Castle and Abbey, Isle of Man.A 3150 -6 ENGLAND—LOCAL HISTORIES. Cutts. Colchester. (HistoricTowns.)... .A 3225 Dent. Old and New Birmingham.*V 594 Dixon. Royal Windsor. 4 V.A 681 Dodsworth. Cathedral of Salisbury.*V 735 Doran. Memories of our Great Towns .. .1 702 Duncan. History of Guernsey. A 606 Fisher. Stroud in Gloucestershire.A 530 Fosbrooke. History of Gloucester.*V 484 Freeman. Exeter. (Historic Towns.)... .A 3221 Glover. History of County of Derby. 2 v. .A 601 Glyde. Norfolk Garland.A 626 Gould. Yorkshire Oddities and Events. 2 v. A 631 Grainge. Castles and Abbeys of Yorkshire. A 748 Gunning. Reminiscences of Cambridge. 2 v. A 621 Hall. Baronial Halls of England. 2 v. . *P 592 Halliwell-Phili.ipps. Hist, of Stratford- upon-Avon .*R 108 Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Transactions, 1848-82. 34 v. in 17. ,*A 3381 History of County and City of York.A 3183 History of New Forest and Richmond New Park.A 636 History of the Town of Poole.A 685 Hore. History of Newmarket. 3 V..A 3120 Howitt. Ruined Castles and Abbeys of Great Britain.A 3192 Howson and Rimmer. Chester as it was. ,*P 1166 Hughes. Handbook to Chester and its En¬ virons.A 3187 Hulme. The Town of Marlborough.A 3185 Hunt. Bristol. (Historic Towns).A 3224 Hutchinson. History of Durham. 3 V. .*V 668 Hutton. History of Birmingham.A 635 Ingram. Memorials of Oxford. 3 V.*A 554 The same. 3 V.A 554b Ingulph. Chronicle of Abbey of Croyland.I 3353 Ireland. History of Kent County. 4 V. ..A 640 Jeaffreson. Annals of Oxford. 2 v.A 555 Jerningham. Norham Castle.A 3182 Jesse. A Summer’s Day at Hampton Court A 3164 Jones. Sandringham, past and present... .A 731 Kennett. Parochial Antiquities. 2 v...,*P 174 King. Handbook to Cathedrals of England. 6 v:.A 3250 Handbook to Cathedrals of Wales.A 3251 King. Yale Royal of England; Chester illus¬ trated.A 637 Kirkpatrick. Religious Orders, Hospitals, and Castles of Norwich.M 3766 Langford. Modern Birmingham. 2 v .. .A 617 Century of Birmingham Life. 2 v... .A 550 Law. Hampton Court Palace in Tudor Times.A 31S8 Lee. Stratford-upon-Avon from Earliest Times. t *Y J099 Loftie. Windsor Castle; Park, Town and Neighborhood. A 3151 Marshall. Cathedral Cities of England. .A 579 Merewether and Stephens. Boroughs and Municipal Corporations. 3 v.A 619 Miller and Skertchly. The Fenland.. .A 639 Milner. Antiquities of Winchester. 2V..A 3154 Nash. Mansions of England. 4 v. in 2.. .*P 566' Nicholls and Taylor. Bristol, past and present. 3 V. in 2.*V 93a Noble and Rose. Counties of Chester, Der¬ by, Leicester, Lincoln and Rutland; illus. by Allom.*V 949 Ormerod. County and City of Chester. 3 v.*P 1107 Palin. Stifford and its Neighborhood... .*V 322 Perry. Croyland Abbey.E 1433. Pigot. Town of Hadleigh.A 600 Planche. A Comer of Kent; Ash-next-Sand- wich.A 3167 Pownall. History of Epsom.A 3168 Preston, History of; with the Guild Mer¬ chants.*V 918 Pryce. Popular History of Bristol.A 3103 Rimmer. Ancient Streetsand Homesteads. .A 592 Ritchie. Windsor Castle and Environs. .*A 719 Roberts. Social History of the People of the South of England.A 492 Roby. Traditions of Lancashire. 2 v.A 3105 Stanley. Memorials of Canterbury.A 541 Summers. History of Sunderland.A 620 Tanswell. History of Lambeth.A 733 Thompson. History of Boston, Eng.A 616 Tierney. 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Historical Reminiscences of Lon¬ don .A 571 Ashton. The Fleet; its River, Prison and Marriages.A 3190 Bayley. History of the Tower of London. 2 v.*V 92 Bell. Persons buried in the Tower of Lon¬ don.C 1354 Brayley and Britton. Ancient Palace and Houses of Parliament at Westminster A 643 and Neale. History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey. 2 v.*R 4469 Capes. Old and New Churches of London.*V 909 Capper. Port and Trade of London.A 569 Chronicles of London...*P 623,10 Chronicles of Mayors and Sheriffs of London, 1188-1274.A 570 Dart. History of Westminster Abbey. 2 v.*R 4344 DeFoe. History of the Plague in London .A 366 The same.I 3602 Doran. London in the Jacobite Times. 2 v.A 577 Fairholt. Gog and Magog; Giants in Guild¬ hall.A 622 Firth. Municipal London.A 3172 French Chronicle of London, 1259-1343 ... .A 570 Godwin. Churches of London. 2v.A 689 Hope. Chronicles of Gray’s Inn. A 3204 Hunt. The Town.A 566 Jesse. 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Lives of Edward the Confessor. 4. Monumenta Franciscana. 2 v. 5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico; ascribed to T. Netter. 6. The Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland. 3 v. 7. Johannis Capgrave Liber de Illustribus Hen» ricis. 8. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuarien* sis; by Thomas of Elmham. 9. Eulogium (Historianum sive Temporis). 3 v. 10. Memorials of Henry VII. 11. Memorials of Henry V. 12. Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis. 3 v. in 4. 13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. 14. Political Poems and Songs relating to English History. 2 v. 15. Opus Tertium, Opus Minus, etc., of Roger Bacon. 16. Bartholomaei de Cotton Historia Anglicana, 449 - 1298 . L GREAT BRITAIN—CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS. 18 17. Brut y Tywysogion; Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. 18. Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry IV. 19. Repressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy; by R. Pecock. 2 v. 20. Annales Cambriae, 447-12S8. 21. Works of Giraldus Cambrensis. 7 v. 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Reign of Henry VI. 2 v. in 3. 23. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 2 v. 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. 2 v. 25. Letters of Bishop Grosseteste. 26. Catalogue of MSS. relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 v. in 4. 27. Royal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the Reign of Henry III. 2 v. 2S. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. 12 v. 29. Chronicon Abbatiae Eveshamensis. 30. Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum Historiale de Gestus Regum Angliae. 2 v. 31. Year Books of Reign of Edward I. 9 v. 32. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449-50. 33. Hisloria Monasterii S. Petri Gloucestriae. 3 v. 34. Alexandri Neckam De Naturis Rerum Libra duo and DeLaudibus Divinae Sapientiae. 35. Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England. 3 v. 36. Annales Monastici. 5 v. 37. Magna Vita S. Hugonis Episcopi Lincolniensis. 38. 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Aryan Origin of Gaelic Race... .A 1173 Boyle. Battle-fields of Ireland, 16SS-91 ..A 1201 Burke, E. Letters, etc., on Irish Affairs. .A 1305 Burke, Father. English Misrule in Ireland. A 1204 Ireland’s Case; Reply to Froude.A 1194 Ireland’s Vindication.A 1259 Butt. Irish People and Irish land..A 1318 Byrne. Irish at # Home and Abroad.A 1222 Campion. Crusaders in Ireland.A 11S1 Carey. Ireland vindicated.A 1210 Case of Ireland stated historically.A 1276 Caulfield. Council Book of Kinsale... .*A 1169 Council Book of York. - s .*A 1171 Council Book of Youghal.*A 1170 Annals of St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork.A 1172 Cavour. Thoughts on Ireland.A 1215 Celtic Society Publications: 1547. Book of Rights.*A 1260 1548. Cambrensis eversus; by Lynch. 3 v.*A 1264 1849. Miscellany.*A 1262 See also Irish Archaeological Society. Clancy. Ireland, as she is and ought to be A 1284 Clarendon. History of Civil Wars. A 1188 Cloney. Trans, in Wexford Co., 179S. .. .A 1174 Comerford. History of Ireland. A 1185 Con well. Ramble round Trim ..A 1315 Cox. History of Ireland .*V 588 Crouch (F. Burton). History of Ireland .A 1415 Cusack [Nun of Kenmare). History of Cork A 1168 Illustrated History of Ireland.A 1175 Patriots’ History of Ireland .A 1180 Present Case of Ireland.A 1304 D’Alton. Drogheda and its Environs. 2V..A 1311' King James’s Irish Army List, 1689. 2 v -A 1329 Daryl. Ireland’s Disease ; Notes and Im¬ pressions.A 1348 Daunt. Catechism of History of Ireland. .A 1316 Ireland and her Agitators.A 1182 Davies. Celtic Researches.A 476 Historical Tracts.A 1206 De Vere. English Misrules and Irish Mis¬ deeds .A 1183 Dicey. England’s Case against Home Rule. A 1343 Difficulties of Ireland.*A 191 Doheny. The Felon’s Track.A 1268 Dublin 100 Years ago.*R 4226 Dufferin. State of Ireland..A 1285 Duffy. Young Ireland, 1840-50.A 1286 Duffy. Bird’s Eye View of Irish History.. A 1312 Irish History, 1845-49. A 1321 League of North and South in Ireland. .A 1349 Ellis. Irish Ethnology socially considered. A 1315 b ERGUSON. The Irish before the Conquest. A 1413 Fitzgerald and McGregor. History of Limerick. 2 v. A 1270 Fitzgibbox. Life in Ireland in 1868.A 1217 Fitzpatrick. Ireland before the Union.. .A 1203 Sham Squire and Informers of 1798.A 1202 Forster. Irish Chieftains.A 1325 Foster. The Crime against Ireland.A 1411 French. Historical Works.A 1287 Froude. The English in Ireland in 18th Century. 3 V...A 1200 Slanders on Ireland; ed. by McGee... .A 1199 Gaelic Society of Dublin, Trans, v. 1.A 1273 Galt. Pictures from English, Scottish and Irish History. 2v.A 587 Gibson. Hist. Portraits of Irish Chieftains. A 1274 History of County and City of Cork. 2 v. A 1345 Gilbert. Affairs in Ireland, 1641-52. 3 v. in 6.*A 1451 History of Viceroys of Ireland.A 1225 Giraldus Cambrensis. Historical Works. I 3350 The same. 7 V.Doc. Gladstone. The Irish Question..A 1335 Godkin. Ireland ana her Churches. A 1176 Land War in Ireland.... .A 1242 Gordon. History of Ireland to 1801. 2v.A 1186 Graves and Prim. History of St. Canice Church. . . *V 38 1 Gregg. Irish History for English Readers. .A 1320 Guide to Glasnevin Cemetery. . .A 1309 Hardixge. Irish Transplantation of i653-4.*V 550 Harris. Hibernica; Ancient Pieces.A 1187 Haverty. History of Ireland .A 1211 Hay. Insurrection of County of Wexford, 1798.A 1416 Hennessy (Ed.). Annals of Loch Ce. Doc. Heygate. Ireland since 1850.*A 191 Hickson. Ireland in the 17th Century. 2v.A 1331 Hill. The Macdonnells of Antrim.A 1295 Plantation in Ulster. . .A 1296 Historic and Municipal Docs., 1172-1320.Doc. Historic Literature of Ireland.A 1232 History of the War of Ireland, 1641-1653. .A 1307 Hogan. Description of Ireland in 1598... .A 1297 Hutchinson. Commercial restraints of Ire¬ land . A 1293 Ingram. History of Union of Great Britain and I reland. A 13 -)? Invasion of Ireland by Danes and Norsemen... Doc. Ireland as a Kingdom and a Colony; by “ Borohme ”. A 1189 IRELAND. 2 3 Ireland ninety Years ago.I 791 Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society .* Tracts relating to Ireland. 2 v. A 1430 Jacobi Grace, Kilkenniensis, Annales Hiberniae. A 1431 Banquet of Dunna N-Gedh, and Battle of Magh Rath. A 1432 Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many .A 1433 Book of Obits and Martyrolpgy of Christ Church, Dublin .A 1434 Registrum Prioratus Sanctorum juxta Dublin .A 1435 Genealogies, Tribes and Customs of Hy- Fiachrach .A 1436 Chorographical Description of West or H-Iar Connaught.A 1437 Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society.A 1438 Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius.A 1439 Annals of Ireland; by J. Clyn and T. Dowling, and Annals of Ross.A 1440 Macariae Excidium; or, the Destruction of Cyprus; by C. O’Kelly.A 1441 Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Visitation of Derry, 1397 .A 1442 History of the Down Survey, 1655-6; by W. Petty.A 1443 Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland. 2 v.A 1444 Life of St. Columba; by Adamnan.A 1445 Irish Glosses; Mediaeval Latin Declen¬ sion . • . ... A 1446 Annals of Ireland; by Dubhaltach Mac Firbisigh.A 1447 Topographical Poems of John O’Dubh- again and Giolla Na Naomh O’Huidh- rin;.A 1448 Martyrology of Donegal; Calendar of the Saints of Ireland; by M. O’Clery. .. .A 1449 Cormac’s Glossary.A 1450 Contemporary History of Irish Affairs, 1641-52. 3 v. in 6.A 1451 Jervis. Ireland under British Rule . A 1207 Jones. The Life’s Work of a Landlord. . . .A 1299 Kavanagh. Insurrection of 1798.A 1269 Keane. Temples and Towers of Ireland.. .A 1280 Keating. History of Ireland.A 1212 King. The Irish Question.A 1306 Lawless. Compendium of the History of Ire¬ land....A 1282 Lawless. The Story of Ireland.A 1346 Lefevre. Peel and O’Connell; Irish Policy of Parliament.A 1344 Leland. History of Ireland. 3 V . *V 8 Lodge. Peerage of Ireland. 7V.*R 338. Lynch. Cambrensis Eversus. 3 V.A 1264 Macaulay. Ireland in 1872.A 1302 McCarthy. Home Government in Ireland L 129 McCarthy. Ireland’s Cause in England’s Par¬ liament . A 1347 McCarthy. The Case for Home Rule. .. .A 1341 Ireland since the Union.A 1338 Outline of Irish History.A 1326 McDonnell. Ulster Civil War of 1641. ..A 1292 McGee. Attemps to establish Protestant Reformation in Ireland.. .. A 1246 History of Ireland. 2 v...A 1208 McGee. Glories of Ireland.A 1252 McGeoghegan. History of Ireland. 3 v. .A 1191 McGrath (/w?^.). See Blake. McNevin. Confiscation of Ulster.A 1231 Madden. United Irishmen. 4 v.A 1226 Madden! Revelations of Ireland.A 1196 Marmion. History of the Ports of Ireland. A 1229 Martin. Before and after the Union.... A 1278 Maxwell. Irish Rebellion, 1798.A 1190 Meagher. Legislative Independence of Ire¬ land .L 135 Meehan. Confederation-of Kilkenny.A 1256 Milner. Catholic Inhabitants and Anti¬ quities of Ireland. A 1230 Mitchel. Crusade of the Period and Last Conquest.A 1192 History of Ireland.A 1224 Ireland since ’98.A 1265 Last Conquest of Ireland.A 1266 Mooney. History of Ireland.A 1193 Moore. History of Ireland.I 3824 Morres. Origin of the Irish Pillar-Tower. .A 1279 Murphy. Cromwell in Ireland.A 1319 Murphy. Home Rule.*L 170 Murphy. Ireland; Industrial, Political, Social A 1198 Musgrave. Rebellions in Ireland.*V 675 National Manuscripts of Ireland. 4 v. in 5 *P 1001 Account of the same. *P 332 Nolan. History of Glendalough.A 1308 O’Brennan. Ancient Ireland . A 1216 Antiquities of Ireland. 2 v .A 1233 O’Brien. Concessions to Ireland, 1831-81. 2 v .A 1289. O’Brien. Round Towers of Ireland .A 1218 O’Callagiian. Irish Brigades in French Service .N 1221 O’Connell, D. Centenary Record of, 1875 128 Memoir on Ireland, v. 1 .A 1243 O’Connor. Chronides ofPlri. 2v . A 1234 O’Connor. The Parnell Movement.A 1334. O’Conor. Dissertations on Ireland.A 1235 O’Conor. History of the Irish People.A 1332: 24 IRELAND. O’Curry. Manners and Customs of the An¬ cient Irish. 3 V.A 1227 MS. Materials of Irish History.A 1228 O’Daly. Tribes of Ireland; a Satire.A 1240 O’Donovan. History of Ireland (in verse) A 1237 O’Flaherty. Description of West or H- Iar Connaught, 1684.A 1197 O’Halloran. History of Ireland. 3 v.A 1247 O’Hanlon. Lives of Irish Saints. 2v.C 1511 O’Hart. Irish Pedigrees.*R 333 Irish Landed Gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland.*R 351 O’Kearney. Prophecies of St. Columbkille and others..A 1236 O’Leary. Ireland among the Nations.A 1219 O’Leary. Vindication of his Conduct during Disturbances in Munster.*E 1431 O’Rourke. Great Irish Famine, 1847.A 1238 Ossianic Society, Transactions of. 6 v.*A 1310 v. 1. Battle of Gabhra, A. D. 283. 2. Festivities at the House of Conan of Ceann-Sleibhe. 3. Pursuit after Diarmuid O’Duibhne and Grainne, Daughter of Cormac Mac Airt. 4. Fenian Poems, v. 1. 5. Proceedings of the Great Bardic In¬ stitution. 6. Fenian Poems, v. 2. Pepper. History of Ireland to the English Invasion.A 1245 Perraud. Ireland under English Rule... .A 1239 Petrie. Ecclesiastical Architecture in Ire¬ land .*V 155 Plowden. Review of the State of Ireland. 2 v. in 3.*V 180 Pool and Cash. Views in Dublin. ..*A 1324 Prendergast. Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland.A 1209 Present State of Ireland, 1673.*A 1241 Pritchard. Eastern Origin of Celtic Na¬ tions.A 1425 Redpath. Talks about Ireland.A 1290 Richey. Irish Land Laws.A 1303 Short History of the Irish People.A 1417 Russell. New Views on Ireland.A 1300 Rutherford. Secret History of the Fenian Conspiracy. 2v.A 1263 .Sadler. Ireland; its Evils and their Reme¬ dies.A 1195 Savage. Modern Revol. Hist, of Ireland. .A 1213 Senior. Journals and Essays. 2v.A 1205 Seward. Collectanea Politica. 3 V.A 1244 Sheridan. Rise and Powers of Parliament.A 1322 Shearman. Loca Patriciana.A 1275 Smith, G. Irish History and Character... A 1272 Smith, C. History of Cork. 2 v.A 1328 History of Waterford.A 1327 Stafford. Pacata Hibernia; Wars in Ire¬ land. 3 v.*A 1418 Sullivan. Footprints of the Celt.A 1257 Sullivan. New Ireland.A 1254 Sullivan. Guide to Dublin.A 1253 Story of Ireland.A 1255 Sullivan. Ireland of To-day.A 1283 Taaffe. Impartial History of Ireland. 4 v. A 1184 Tayi.or. Civil Wars in Ireland. 2 v.I 3544 The same. 2 v.I 3684 Teeling. History of the Irish Rebellion.. .A 1277 Thebaud. Irish Race, past and present... .A 1220 Towle. History of Ireland.A 1337 Vallancey. Collect, de Rebus Hibernicis. 4 v .A 1250 Villanueva. Phoenician Ireland.A 1251 Wakefield. Ireland ; statistical, political. 2V. *V I 14 Walker. Dress of the Irish.*V 105 Memoirs of Irish Bards, etc.E 560 Wall. Ireland under the Land Act.I 6402 Walpole. Short History of Ireland.A 1288 Ware. History of Ireland...*V 111 Warner. Rebellion and Civil War in Ire¬ land.*V 674 Westwood. Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts.*P 1000 White. Great Britain and Ireland.A 378 Whiteside. Life and Death of the Irish Parliament.A 1339 Wilde. Ancient Legends of Ireland. 2 v. A 1340 Wills. Irish Nation; History and Biogra¬ phy. 4 v.A 1323 Wright. History of Ireland. 3 V.*V 60 Wynne. General History of Ireland. 2 v. A 1333 The same. 2 v.A 1248 Wyse. History of Catholic Associations of Ireland. 2 v...A 1249 Young. History of Ireland for Schools.... A 1294 SCOTLAND. Anderson. Scotland in Early Christian T imes.K 3631 Scotland in Pagan Times.K 363a Argyle, Duke of. Scotland as it was and as it is. 2 v.A 1111 Bannantyne. Transactions in Scotland, 1 570-1573 . A 1106 Barbe. Tragedy of Gowrie House.A 1105 Billings. Antiquities of Scotland. 4 v. .*P 80 Bower. Abbeys of Melrose...A 1138 Browne. History oL the Highlands. 4 v. .A 1123 SCOTLAND. Buchanan. History of Scotland. 6 v. .. .A 1119 Burns. Scottish War of Independence. 2v. A 1151 Burton. History of Scotland, gw .A 1118 The Scot Abroad.A 1117 Campbell. The Crofter in History.A 1137 Chambers. Domestic Annals of Scotland. 2 v.A 1120 Rebellions in Scotland, 1638-60. 2.V..I 3520 Rebellions in Scotland, 1689-1715. 1 3526 Rebellions in Scotland, 1745-6. 2 v.I 3510 The same.A 1100 Traditions of Edinburgh.A 1140 Clarendon Historical Society Reprints. 2 v.*A 1116 Cleland. Rise and Progress of Glasgow .. A 1141 Cockburn. Journal. 2v.A 1131 Memorial of His Times.A 1130 Trials for Sedition in Scotland. 2 v.A 1108 Conolly. Memorials of Fife.A 1127 Crieff; its Traditions and Characters.A 1159 Dodds. Struggles of Scottish Covenanters A 1121 Dunbar. Social Life in Former Days... .A 1128 Galt. Pictures from English, Scottish and Irish History. 2v.A 587 Grant. Old and New Edinburgh. 3 v...A 1163 Gunnyon. Scottish History from Song and Ballad.A 1124 Guthrie. History of Scotland. 10 v_A 1107 Guthrie. Old Scottish Customs.A 1132 Henderson. Annals of Dunfermline... .*V 662 Historians of Scotland.A 1134 v. 1. Johannis de Fordun. Chronica. 4. The same ; translated by Skene. 2, 3, 9. Andrew of Wyntoun Cronykil. 5. Lives of St. Ninian and St. Kentigern. 6. Adamnan. Life of St. Columba. 7. 10. Liber Pluscardensis. 8. Innes. Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland. History of Holyroodhouse Abbey.A 1139 Holyrood, History of, with descriptive Guide. A 1149 Home. HistoryoftheRebellion in 1745. J 114,2-3 Hooke. Negotiations in Scotland in 1707. .A 1142 Irving. West of Scotland in History.A 1112 Jervise. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns. 2 v.A 3184 Johnston and Robertson. Historical Ge¬ ography of the Clans of Scotland.*V 664 Keith. History of Scotland to A. D. 1153. 2 v.A 1129 Keltie (Ed.). History of the Scottish High¬ lands. 2 v.*V 613 Laing. History of Scotland. 4 V.A 1104 Logan. The Scottish Gael. 2v.A 1143 Lyndsay. Fac-simile of Heraldic Manu¬ script, 1542.*P 853 M‘Callum. History of the Ancient Scots A 1109 25 MacIan. Clans of the Scottish Highlands. 2v...*P 591 Mackenzie. History of Scotland (in Gaelic). A 1114 Mackle. Castles, Palaces and Prisons of Mary of Scotland.A 1164 Mackintosh. History of Civilization in Scotland. 2 v.A 1144 Marmier. Robert Bruce (in French).C 5858 Marwick. History of High Constables of Edinburgh.A 580 Maxwell. Battle History of Scotland... .A 1147 Michei.L. Scottish Expedition to Norway in 1612.A 1133 Miller. History of Dunbar.A mo Napier. Montrose and the Covenanters.. .A 1145 National Manuscripts of Scotland, Facsimiles of. 3 v.*P 850 Paterson. Origin of the Scots and Scottish Language.A 1115 Pinches. Abbey Church of Melrose.*P 1015 Reid. Old Glasgow and its Environs.A 1157 Reid. Social and Religious Life in Scot¬ land.A 1122 Ridpath. Border History of Scotland and England.*V 88 RlTSON. Annals of Caledonians, Piets and Scots. 2 v.A 1153 Robertson. History of Scotland. 2V...A 1150 Robertson. Scotland under her Early Kings. 2 v.A 1155 Rogers. Century of Scottish Life.A 1160 Social Life in Scotland. 3 V. A 1154 Ross. Scottish History and Literature... .A 1113 Scott. History of Scotland. 2 v.I 3826 Tales of a Grandfather. 3 V.A 1156 Shaw. History of the Province of Moray. 3 v . A ll S 2 Simpson. Traditions of the Covenanters . .A 1125 Skene. Celtic Scotland. 3 V.A 1135 Highlanders of Scotland; their Origin, History, etc. 2v.*A 1136 Stodart. Scottish Arms, 1370-1678. 2 v. *P 851 Strang. Glasgow and its Clubs.A 1158 Stuart. History of Scotland, 1542-87 .. .*V 368 Taylor. Historic Families of Scotland. 2 v.*V 839 Pictorial History of Scotland. 2 v. ...*A 1162 The Scottish Covenanters.A 1126 Tytler. History of Scotland. 4 V .A 1161 Wade. History of St. Mary’s Abbey, Mel¬ rose .A 1148 White. Battle of Bannockburn.A 1146 Wilson. Edinburgh in the Olden Times. *V 174 Wright. History of Scotland. 3 V.*V 70 26 FRANCE. FRANCE. Actes du Parlement de Paris, 1254-132S. 2v.*V 1124 Ada.^Ts. Democracy and Monarchy in France.A 1566 Agoult (D. Stern). Revolution de 1848. 3 v.C 4029 Arago. Histoire de Paris moderne. 2 v.. *Y 1122 Assolant. Recits de la vieille France .. .Ci 1989 Baird. The Huguenots and Henry of Na¬ varre. 2 v.A 1646 Rise of the Huguenots in France. 2 v. A 1629 Baker. French Society. 2v.A 1492 Barante. Chieftains of Vendee.*P 624,17 Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne. 8 v... C 4133 Barrier. La Regence et Louis XV. 8 v. C 4113 Barbou. Trois Republiques francaises.C 4072 Barruel. History of Jacobinism. 4 V.A 1494 Bastard-d’Estang. Les Parlements de Paris. 2 v.C 4122 Baumgarten. Vor der Bartholomausnacht D 3985 Bazin. Histoire de France sous Louis XIII. 4 v.C 4123 Beattie. The Waklenses; illus. by Bartlett *V 237 Beaucousin. Histoire d’Yvetot....C12031 Blanc. Histoire de dix ans, 1830-1840. 5 v. C 4224 Histoire de la Constitution.C12076 Histoire de la Revolution de 1848.C 4225 1848; Historical Revelations.A 1588 History of Ten Years, 1830-1840. 2 v. A 1589 Questions d’aujourd’hui et de demain. 5 v. C12077 Block. Administration de notre Pays. 3 v. C 40S7 Boxxechose. History of France. 2V...A 1493 Bonxemere. Hier et aujourd’hui. C 4037 Histoire des Camisards.C 4038 Boswell. Account of Corsica.A 1590 Boullee. Histoire des Etats-Generaux. 2 v.C 4117 Bouvier. Recovery of Normandy.*P 623,20 Bray. Good St. Louis and his Times.A 1491 Joan of Arc and Charles VII.C 1098 Revolt of the Protestants.A 1571 Broglie. The King’s Secret. 2v.A 1564 Le Secret du Roi; Correspondance secrete de Louis XV. 2v.C12107 Brook. French History for Children. A 1619 Browning. History of the Huguenots. 3 V. A 1632 Bussey and Gaspey. Pictorial History of France. 2 v.A 1593 Byrne. Feudal Castles of France.A 1672 Cabinet Council; Secret History of Louis XIV.A 1613 Caillet. L’Administration de Richelieu.. .C 4296 CaltoN. Annals and Legends of Calais... .A 1643 Canis. Histoire de la Republique, 1870-83. C 4590 Capefigue. Agnes Sorel and Chivalry in XV. Century.*P 624,16 Capefigue. Anne d’Autriche .C 4283 Francois I. 4 V . C 4290 Les Heroines de la Ligue.C 42S7 Louis XIV. 2 v .C 42S9 Louis XV. C 4291 Louis XVI .C 4292 Mademoiselle de la Valliere.C 42S8 Marie de Medicis...C 4282 Carxe. Gouvernement representatif, 1789- 1S4S. 2 v.C 4295 Carra. Memoires sur la Bastille.C 4327 Cesena. Les Bourbons de France.*V 1159 Challamel. Memoires du Peuple frangais. 8 v.. . . C12124 Precis d’Histoire de France.C 4325 Recits d’autrefois.•.. C12125 Challice. Memories of French Palaces. . .A 1549 Charles X. and Louis Phibippe ; Revolution of 1830 ...A 1652 Chateaubriand. Histoire de France... ^4334,10 Cheruel. Dictionnaire historique de la France. 2 v .*R 214 Histoire de France sous Mazarin .C 45S1 La Minorite de Louis XIV. 4 v .C 4344 Church. Ideal France and Real France. .*A 295 Clement. Jacques Coeur et Charles VII. . .C 4362 Cochrane. Francis I. in Captivity at Madrid. 2V. >A 1597 Historic Chateaux .A 1575 Commixes, P. de. Memoires. 2 v .I 3311 Conquestes du grand Charlemagne .C 4382 Coulanges. Institutions politiques de 1 ’an- cienne France.C 4385 Cousin. French Court under Richelieu... .A 1572 Crowe. History of France. 5v.*A 15S7 The same, abridged. 3 V.I 3813 Reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. 2 v.A 1602 Dareste. Histoire de France, gv .C 4414 Darimon. A travers une Revolution, 1847-55 C 453 1 Deans and Martin. History of France. 2v. A 1651 D elm as. Huguenots of LaRochelle.A 1591 DeLord. Histoire du Second Empire. 6 v.C 4423 Desjardins. Le Petit-Trianon.*V 1052 Drumont. La France juive. 2 v.C 4557 Dulaure. Histoire de Paris; avec Atlas^v.C 4563 Dumas. Gaule et France.C 4651 Duruy. Histoire de France. 2v.C 4757 Duyergier de Hauranne. Histoire du Gouvernement, 1814-48. 10 v.C 4761 Falvert. Charlemagne et son Empire... *\ 1061 Favre. Government of the National Defense A 1641 Ferry. La Lutte electorate en 1S63.C 4881 Fournier. Paris-Capitale.C 4875 Paris demoli.C12371 FRANCE. 27 Franklin*.- Les Sources de l’Histoire de France.C 4976 Frankreich in 1S50.D 70 Freer. Married Life of. Anne of Austria. 2 v. A 1531 Regency of Anne of Austria. 2 v . A 1532 Reign of Henry III. 3 V.A 1515 Reign of Henry IV. 2 v. A 1533 Henry IV. and Marie de Medici. 2 v. .A 1534 Last Decade of Henry IV. 2 v. A 1535 Godwin. History of France. A 1548 Goodrich. Pictorial History of France. . .A 1500 Gower, Earl, Dispatches of, 1790-92 .A j 653 Gregorie. Nouvelle Histoire de France .. C12500 Guerin. Histoire Maritime de France. 2 v.C 5141 Guilbert. Histoire des Villes de France. 6 v. *V 112S Guizot. Essaisur l’Histoire de France. . . .C 5160 Histoire de France jusqu’ en 184S . C 5147 Histoire de la Civilisation. 4 V. C 5149 History of Civilization. 3 V .I 3029 History of France to 184S. 8 v.A 1538 The same ; abridged by Masson. . . .A 1536 History of France to 1789. 6 v.A 1561 Last Days of the Reign of Louis PhillippeA 1624 Memoirs ; History of my Time. 4 v. . .A 1543 Memoirs of a Minister of State .A 1539 Haas. Administration de la France. 4 V. .C 5191 Hun NEWELL. Hist. Monuments of France A 1638 Ideville. Petits Cotes de PHistoire. 2 v. . C 5284 Imbert de Saint-Amand. Les Femmes de la Cour des derniers Valois.C 5292 Les Femmes de Versailles.C 5290 v. 1. Cour de Louis XIV. 2-3. Cour de Louis XV. 4- 5. Marie Antoinette. Les Femmes des Tuileries.C 5291 ^ • v. 1. Le Chateau. 2-4. Marie Antoinette. 5- 9. Josephine. 10-12. Marie-Louise. Ireland. France for the last Seven Years. .A 1669 Jackson. Court and Society ; Reign of Louis XVI. 2 ..A 1622 Court of the Tuileries. 2 v.A 1623 Last of the Valois, 1559-1589. 2 v. ...A 1668 Old Taris.A 1497 The Old Regime. 2 v.A 1499 Kingsley. Lectures on Ancient Regime. .A 1510 Kirk. Charles the Bold. 3 V.A 1523 Kirkland. Short History of France.A 1616 Kitchin. History of France to 1793. 3 v. A 1546 Lacombe. Growth of a People.A 1634 Lacombe. Henry IV. et sa Politique.C 5603 Lacroix. Institutions, Usages et Costumes en France, 1700-1789.*R 4 ! 78 Lacroix. XVII. Siecle ; Institutions et Cos¬ tumes.*P 685 LaHodde. Secret Societies of France ... .A 1560 Lamartine. French Revolution, 1S4S.I 3045 Histoire de la Restauration.C 5639, 17-22 Restoration of Monarchy in France. 4 V. A 1617 The same. 4 V.I 3044 Lathom. Castle of the Tuileries. 2 v... .A 1656 Laube. Franzosische Lustschlosser. . . .D 2067, 4-5 Lavallee. Histoire desFrancais. 5 v. in 3. C 5677 Le Cointe, l’Abbe. Conspiracy of the Nor¬ man Barons.*P 624,11 Linguet. Memoires sur la Bastille.C 5725 Little Arthur’s History of France.A 1569 Luro. Marg. d’Angouleme et la Renaissance C 5756 MaCDONELL. France since the First Em¬ pire .A 1595 Maistre. Considerations sur la France... .C 5828 Maistre. Dampierre.C 5S24 Marsh-Caldwell. Protestant Reformation in France. 2 v.A 1496 Marshall. History of France for Children A 1620 Martin. Histoire de France. 17 v.A 1540 The same. 17 v.*P 360 Hist, of France; Age of Louis XIV. 2 v. A 1541 Decline of the French Monarchy. 2 v.. .A 1542 History of France since 1795. 3 V.A 1537 Marx. Der achtzehnte Brumaire.D 172 Masson. Early Chronicles of France.A 1626 Episodes of French History.A 1639 The Huguenots.A 1628 Story of Mediaeval France.A 1666 Maupas. Memoires sur le Second Empire. .C 5827 Story of the Coup d’Ltat.A 1637 Menestrier. Histoire civile de Lyon... .*R 114 Menzel. Die entlarvte Bastille.D 5631 Mezeray. Chronological History of France *V 3S0 Michel. Les Ecossais en France. 2 v... .A 1625 Michelet. France before Europe.A 151b Histoire de France. 14 v.C 5884 History of France. 2v.A 1544 Louis XI et Charles le Temeraire.C12780 Mignet. Rivalite de Francois I. et de Charles V.C 5894 Minutoli. Feldzug der Verbiindeten, 1792. D 175 Monstrelet. Chronicles. 2v.A 1507 Monteil. Histoire des Frant^ais des divers Etats. 5 v.C 5922 NAroLfcoN III. Posthumous Works.A 1512 Narrative of the Siege of Lyons.*B 623,9 NordaU. Paris unter der dritten Republik D 3843 Norman. Corsairs of France.A 1663 Nokmanby, Marquis of. Revolution in Paris, 1848. 2 ..A 1505 Pajol. Les Guerres sous Louis XV. 4 v. C 614 ' 28 FRANCE. PARDOE. Court and Reign of Francis I. 2v. A 1550 Paris and its Historical Scenes. 2 v.I 3562 Paris dans sa Splendeur. 3 V.*R 4866 Paris; Musee des Archives Nationales. *0 2382 Patterson. Napoleonic Policy in Europe. A 1511 Perkins. France under Mazarin. 2 v... .A 1645 Perrens. La Democratic en France au Moyen Age. 2 v. C 6163 L’Eglise et l’Etat sous Henri IV. 2 v. C 6169 Perry. The Franks to the Death of Pepin A 1612 Perthes. Sous dix Rois, 1791 a 1867. 8v.in4C 6178 Philippson. Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV.*D 5778 Phipson. Reign of Louis XVI.A 1577 PiCOT. Iiistoire des Etats-Generaux. 4 v. C 6184 Pierre. Histoire de la Republique de 1848. 2 v.C 6185 Pizard. Origines de la Nation franfaise.... C 6153 Poirson. Hist, du Regne de Henri IV. 4V. C 6281 Pontich. Administration de Paris .C 6284 Poole. Huguenots of the Dispersion. A 1592 Prevost-Paradol. Elisabeth et Henry IV. C 6231 Priolo. France under the Ministry of Maza¬ rin.A 1570 Proth. Depuis 89.C 6289 Ranke. Franzosische Geschichte. 6 v. D 211,8-13 Zur Geschichte Frankreichs im iqten Jahr- hundert.D 211,49-50 Ravaillac, F., Trial of, for the Murder of King Henry the Great.*P 624,24 Ravaisson. Archives de la Bastille.*C 6412 v. 1—11. Louis XIV., 1659-1710. 12-13. Louis XIV. et Louis XV., 1709- I 725 - 14-16. Louis XV., 1726-1757. Reclus. France, Algerie et Colonies.C 6431 Reeve. Royal and Republican France. 2 v.A 1601 Reinach. Le Ministere Gambetta.C 6423 Rialle. Nos Ancetres.C 6464 Richard. Comment on a restaure l’Empire C 6467 Ritchie. Versailles.A 1614 Rosieres. La Societe Franfaise au Moyen Age. 2 v.C 6510 Rossell. Posthumous Papers.A 1529 Roth an. La France et sa Politique exterieure en 1867. 2 v.C 6540 Rush. Recollections of France.A 393 Saint-Paul. Hist, monumentale de France C 6636 Saint-Simon. Memoires. 13 v.C 6644 Memoirs of Reign of Louis XIV. 3 v.. A I495 Sarrans. Lafayette and the Revolution of 1830. 2 v.A 1513 Scott. France and Tongkingin 1884.A 4531 Scudamore. France in the East.A 1636 Segretain. Sixte V. et Henri IV.C 6762 Siborne. L’Administration de Richelieu..C 4296 Simon. Government of Thiers, 1871-73. 2v.A 1565 Smiles. Huguenots in England.A 1630 The same.A 270 Huguenots in France after the Revoca¬ tion .A 1631 Smith (Ed.). Student’s History of France. .A 1642 Sourches. Regne de Louis XIV. 4 V. ...C 6790 Stephen. Lectures on History of France. .A 1596 Sugenheim. Skizzen zur franz. Geschichte. D 233 Sully, Duke of. Memoirs. 4 V.I 3312 Taine. L’Ancien Regime. 3 V.C 6864 Ancient Regime.A 1509 Taylor. Memoirs of the House of Orleans. 3 v . A Ten Years of Imperialism in France.A 1558 Tenot. Paris en Decembre 1851.C 6897 Theuriet. L’Affaire Froideville.C 132 ir Thierry. Histoire de la Gaule.C 6900 Histoire des Gaulois. 2 v.C 6901 Thierry. Dix ans d’Etudes historiques... .C 6905 Essai sur l’Histoire du Tiers Etat.C13263 Lettres sur 1 ’Histoire de France.C 6907 Recits des Temps Merovingiens.C 690S The same.C13261 Tocqueville. Histoire Philosophique de Louis XV. 2 v.C 6912 Society in France before 1789.A 1508 Tooke. Monarchy in France.A 1551 Topin. Man with the Iron Mask.A 1604 Trollope. Sketches from French History A 1594 Tryumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn.*P 624,20 Vance. Romantic Episodes of France... .A 1618 Vaublanc. La France au temps des Croi- sades. 4 v.C 6940 Vaulabelle. Histoire des deux Restaurations. 10 v.C 6939 Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV. 2v.A 1574 Vuitry. Le Regime financier avant 1789..C 6954 Wachenhusen. Vom neuen Babylon.D 241 Warburton. Rollo and his Race.A 1615 Weiss. History of French Protestant Re¬ fugees .A 1633 Whately. Historic Doubts relative to Na¬ poleon I.A 1580 White. History of France to 1848.A 1565 White. Massacre of St. Bartholomew ... .A 1600 Whitehurst. France under Napoleon III. 2 ..A 1547 Wickede. Kriege Frankreichs gegen Deutsch¬ land . D 5755 Willert. Reign of Louis XI.A 1581 Witt. Chroniqueurs del’Histoire de France. 2 v.*V 1145 Yonge. France under the Bourbons. 4 v. A 1603 Yonge. History of France.A 1621 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. 29 Zeller. Richelieu et les Ministres de Louis XIII.C 13390 et Bayet. Les Derniers Carolingiens C 13391 et Darsy. Charlemagne.C 13392 Zevort. Le9ons d’Histoire de France... .C 13396 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. Abbot. French Revolution.A 1586 Adolphus. History of France, 1790-1802. 2 v.A 1611 Ancelon. La Verite sur Louis XVI a Va- rennes.C11970 Anecdotes of Eminent Characters in the Revo¬ lution.C 3923 Arnoui.d et Maquet. Histoire de la Bas¬ tille. . . *V 1092 Baines. Wars of the French Revolution. 2v. A 1648 Barante. Histoire du Directoire. 3 v...C 4134 Barre. History of the French Consulate. .A 1654 Battle of Waterloo; illus. by Jones.*V 479 Beitzke. Der russische Krieg, 1812.D 27 Berriat Saint-Prix. La Justice revolution- naire.C 4156 Berville and Barriere (Ed.). Collection des Memoires rel. a la Revol. fran^aise. 56V. C12001 Bingham. The Bastille. 2v.A 1661 Bire. Journal pendant la Terreur.C12069 Blanc. Histoire de la Revolution de 1798. 2 v. *V 1093 Bonnemere. La Vendee en 1793.C 4238 Boyce. Second Usurpation of Buonaparte. 2 v. A 1662 Brunnemann. Revolutions-Geschichte... .D 172 Campaign of the Netherlands in 1815.*V 479 Capefigue. La Duchesse de Polignac.C 4286 Les Cent Jours. 2 v.C 4294 Carlyle. French Revolution. 3 V.A 1573 The same. 3 V. in 2.G 73 Carra. Memoires sur la Bastille.C 4327 Cassagnac. Les Causes de la Revolution. 4 v.C 4440 Cathcart. War in Russia and Germany, 1812-13.A 1888 Cheslay. La Convention Nationale, 1792- *795 . ' .C 4593 Clery. Captivite de Louis XVI.A 1599 Occurrences at the Temple during Confine¬ ment of Louis XVI.A 1670 Collier. On the Eve of the Revolution. .. .A 1576 Condorcet. Declaration des Droits.. . .012207,9 Cousin. Li Revolution 4376 Crane and Brun. Tableaux de la Revolu¬ tion fran^aise.C 4585 Crocker. Essays on French Revolution ..A 1504 Dabney. Causes of the French Revolution A 16C0 Davenport. History of the Bastille.A 1579 The same.I 3610 Davila. Guerre civil i di Francia. 6 v.C 9500, 178-183 Doniol. La Revolution et la Feodalite..C 4430 Elliott. Journal during the French Revolu¬ tion.A 1664 Fauriel. Derniers Jours du Consulat.C 4849 Last Days of the Consulate.... .A 1644 Franzosische Revolution, 1789-1836.D 73 Gaffarel. Les Campagnes de la Premiere Republique.C 5043 Gardner. Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo. A 1557 Gleig. Battle of Waterloo....A 1559 Goncourt. Societe francaise pendant la Re¬ volution .*V 841 Gower, Earl. Despatches,' 1790-92; ed. by Browning.A 1653 Gronlund. Ca Ira ; or, Danton in the French Revolution.A 1658 Guillon. Petite Histoire de la Revolution C 5140 Headley. Imperial Guard of Napoleon.. .A 1665 Herisson. The Black Cabinet.A 1655 Le Cabinet Noir.C 5212 Hezeques, D\ Memoirs of a Page of Louis XVI. C 1110 Hill. Story of the War in La Vendee-A 1498 Hooper. Waterloo; Fall of Napoleon I. . .A 1555 Janet. Philosophic de la Revolution.C 93 2 4 Joannis. Le Federalisme et la Terreur a l’lsle.C 5344 Knoop. Quatre Bras en Waterloo.D 9429 Lacroix. Directoire, Consulat et Empire.*R 4179 Lamartine. Geschichte der franzosischen Revolution;.H 2083 Histoire des Girondins.C 5 ^ 39 > 22 The same.C 5638 History of the Girondists. 3 V.A 1562 The same.I 3°43 LlNGUET. Memoires sur la Bastille.C 57 2 5 Memoirs of the Bastille.*P 623,4 Liste des Conspirateurs condamnes Mort, 1792-93. C 57°6 Lockroy. French Revolution, 1 7 ^ 5 — 93 * • • ^ *65° Long. France and its Revolutions.A 1502 Marsh. Book about Shams.A 1659 Memorials of the late War, 1806-16. 2 v. .• I 35*8 Menzel. Die entlarvte Bastille.D 5631 Michelet. French Revolution.I 3055 Histoire de la Revolution. 7 v.C 5890 Michelet. Les Soldats de la Revolution.. .C12783 MiGNET. French Revolution, 1789-1814. .. .1 3 ° 5 ^ The same. 2 v. A 1545 Histoire de la Revolution fran9aise. 2 v. C 5893 Mitchell. Fall of Napoleon I. 3V.....C36S5 Morris. Prisoners of the Temple.• *A 1627 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. 3 ° Morris. French Revolution.A 164 Napoleon I. Commentaires. 6 v.*V 1127 Correspondance. 32 v.. *P 680 Memoirs of History of France. 7 v..A 1553 Necker. De la Revolution fran^aise. 2 v.C 6011 Nodier. Souvenirs de la Revolution et de 1 ’Empire. 2 v.C 6046 Oncken. Zeitalterder Revolution; v. 1-2. .D 5785 Ormathvvaite. Lessons of the French Revo¬ lution.. .... A 1606 Pardoe. Episodes of French History. 2 v. A 1598 Philippart. Campaign in Germany and France, 1813-14. 2v. A 4144 Porter. Campaign in Russia in 1812.A 4391 sQuinet. La Campagne de 1815.C 6330 La Revolution. 2 v.C 6333 Ranke. Ursprung und Beginn der Revolu- tionskriege.B 211, 45 Ravaisson. Archives de la Bastille. i6v.*C 6412 Richter. Staatsrecht der Franz. Revol. 2 v. D 196 Robert. Les Mysteres de la Bastille.C 6521 Rocquain. L’Esprit revolutionnaire avant la Revolution.C 6493 Roy. Les Fran9ais en Russie, 1812.C 6530 Sainsbury. The Napoleon Museum.*R 4345 Savary, Duke of Rovigo. Memoirs. 4 V. A 1514 Segur. Napoleon’s Expedition, 1812. 2 v I 3749 The same. 2v.I 3606 Siborne. War in France and Belgium. 2v. A 1667 Maps to same.*R 4913 Smyth. Lectures on French Revolution. 2v. I 3083 Sorel. L’Europe et la Revolution fran5aise. 2 v.C 6729 Stael. Considerations sur la Revolution. 2v. C 6798 Stanhope, Lord Mahon. French Retreat from Moscow.A 4408 Stephens. History of the French Revolu¬ tion, v. 1.A 1647 Stewarton. Secret History of St.Cloud. 3 V. A 1671 SybeL. French Revolution. 4 V.A 1584 Revolutionzeit, 1789-95. 6 v.D 213 Taine. French Revolution. 3 V.A 1501 La Revolution. 2 v.C 6864, 2, 3 Ternaux. Histoire de la Terreur. 8v....C 6898 Thiers. Consulate and the Empire. 5 v.. A 1552 Histoire du Consulat et de 1 ’Empire. 20 v. in 10.C 6914 History of the French Revolution. 4 v. in 2.A 1582 The same. 5 v.*A 1585 The same. 2 v.A 1583 Tocquevili.e. Old Regime and the Revolu¬ tion .A 1506 Tolstoi. Napoleon and the Russian Cam¬ paign .A 4387 Trapp. Trial of Louis XVI.A 1599 Urquhart. La Crise en France, 1840... .*L 69,6 Van Laun. French Revolutionary Epoch. 2 v.A 1578 Venturing Russlands und Deutschlands Befreiungskriege, 1812-1815. 4 v... .D 156 Vizetelly. Story of Diamond Necklace. 2 v. A 1608 Wilson. Invasion of Russia, 1812.A 2004 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. Abbott. Franco-Prussian War.A 1890 About. L’Alsace en 1871-72.C 4002 Ambert. Gaulois et Germains. 4 V.C11961 v. 1. L’Invasion. 2. Apres Sedan. 3. La Loire et l’Est. 4. Siege de Paris. Arnould (Bertall.) Communists of Paris. *V 721 Baldamus. Literarische Erscheinungen des Krieges. *0 253,3 Barthelemy. La Guerre de 1870-71.C12047 Bazaine. Episodes de la Guerre de 1870. .C 4256 Bericht des Central-Comites.*V 1021 Berkeley. French and Prussian War... .*A 295 Bingham. Journal of Siege of Paris.A 1521 Blume. The German Armies in France ..A 1879 Borbstaedt and Dwyer. Franco-German War. - ..A 1908 Bott. Bismarck and his Policy.*A 1607 Bowles. Defense of Paris.A 1605 Braun-Wiesbaden. Wahrend des Kriegs.. D 5573 Busch. Bismarck und seine Leute. 2 v... D 4015 Bismarck in Franco-German War. 2 v.A 1899 Capper. Wanderings in War Times.A 1905 Caro. Jours d’Epreuves, 1870-71.C12132 Cassell’s History of the War. 2 v.A 1909 Chambrun. France and Germany.*A 191 Chronik des Krieges, 1870.D 31 Claretie. Paris assiege.C 4345 Souvenirs de la Revolution. 2 v.*V 1095 Corvin. In France with the Germans. 2 v.A 1920 Cowdin. France in 1870-71.A <906 Craig. La Debonado.A 1915 Deutsch-franzosischer Krieg; redigirt vom Generalstabe. 6 v .D 47 The same. Text. 5 v .*R 139 Karten. 5 v.*R 140 Dinesen. Paris under Communen.C 7094 Doehn. Der deutsch-franzosische Conflict. D 247 Doerr. Der deutsch-franzosische Krieg. 3 v. D 51 DuCamp. Les Convulsions de Paris. 4 v. .C 4445 Ducrot. La Journee de Sedan.C 44/19 Dudevant. Journal pendant la Guerre... .C 4476 Duret. Histoire de quatre ans. 3 V.C 4755 Edwards. The Germans in France. A 1894 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. 3i Episodes of the Paris Commune.A 1518 Evans. American Ambulance in Paris... .*V 585 Eavre. Government of the National Defence A 1641 Fontane. Der Krieg gegen Frankreich, 1870- 7 1 - 2V.D 5585 Fonvielle. Commune van Parijs, 1871...D 9269 Forbes. Experiences of the War. 2 v... .A 1895 The same.G 208 Soldiering and Scribbling.G 209 Franklyn. Battles of 1870, and Blockade of Metz.A 1918 Freycinet. La Guerre en Province.C 4983 Furley. Struggles of a Neutral Volunteer. 2 v.A 1896 Gautier. Tableau de Siege.C 5079 Gedenkbuch des Krieges, 1870.D 80 Golovin. Frankreich’s Verfail.D 83 Griesinger. Der Entscheidungskampf, 1870. D 90 Grimm. Erinnerungen, 1870.D 100 The same.D 101 Hal£vy. L’lnvasion ; Souvenirs et Recits. C 5276 Hepp. Wissembourg au debut de 1 ’Invasion de 1870.C 5238 Herisson. Journal of a Staff-Officer in Paris in 1870-71.A 1917 La Legende de Metz.C 5281 Die Legende von Metz.D 5691 Hoffbauer. German Artillery near Metz. A 1912 Hooper. Campaign of Sedan; Fall of Second Empire.A 3901 Inside Paris during the Siege.A 1892 International Relations during War of 1870. 2 v.A 1528 Junck. Derdeutsch-franzosische Krieg. 2 v. D 128 Keyserling. Aus der Kriegszeit.D 135 Klein. Battle of Worth.A 1911 Kleinsteuber. Deutsche Helden, 1870. ,*V 1023 Labouciiere. Diary of a besieged Resident A 1914 La Chapelle. The War in 1870.A 1900 Leighton. Paris under the Commune... .A 1520 Lissagaray. Histoire de la Commune... .C 5705 History of the Commune of 1871.A 1649 Loyson (Father Hyacinths). France and Germany.*A 1607 Marchi. La Verite sur Bazaine.C 5790 Marthold. Siege de Paris, 1870-71.C 5802 Meerheimb. Geschichte der Pariser Com¬ mune. D 171 Menzel. Gesch. des franzosischen Krieges. 2 v.D 167 Mezieres. Recits de 1 ’Invasion.C 5871 Mommsen, and others. Letters on the War A 1901 Montijn. Oorlog van 1870-71.D 9553 N. or M? A Strange Story revealed.A 1530 Newman. Europe in the near Future..A 1891 O’Shea. Iron-bound City; Paris in ’71. 2 v. A 1916 Overthrow of the French Army.A 1610 Parr. Echoes of a Famous Year.A 1524 The same.G 4S5 Pearson and McLaughlin. Our Adventures during the War of 1870. 2 v.A 1527 Rappe. Campagne de l’Armee fran^aise du Nord.C 6411 Ravailhe. Une Semaine deCommune 1871.C 6413 Rich. History of the Franco-German War *V 739 Roberts. Modern War, 1870-71.A 1907 Robinson. Betrayal of Metz.A 1897 Fall of Metz....A 1526 Rolin-Jacquemyns. La Guerre de 1870. .C 6501 Roth an. L’Affaire du Luxembourg.C 6542 L’AlIemagne et l’ltalie, 1870-71. 2 v.. .C 6539 Les Origines dela Guerre de 1870.C 6541 Rustow. War for the Rhine Frontier. 3 v. A 1910 Sarcey. Paris during the Siege.A 1522 Schell. Operations of First Army under von Steinmetz.A 1921 Scherr. 1870-71 ; Vier Bucher deutscher Geschichte. 2 v.D 151 Schlaegel. Gefangen und belagert, 1870. D 225 Schmidt. Hinter Schloss und Riegel.D 182 Shand. On the Trail of the War.A 1913 Sheppard. Shut up in Paris.G 562 Snieders. Gedenkboek van den Oorlog, 1870- 7 i.*R 4336 Strodtmann. “Alldeutschland,” 1870_D 238 Thiery. Apres la Defaite.C13212 Tiedemann. Der Festungskrieg, 1870... .D 231 Ursachen des Festungskrieges.D 232 Vesinier. History of the Commune.A 1519 Vidieu. Histoire de la Commune, 1871. 2V.C13356 Vizetelly. Paris in Peril.A 1609 War Correspondence of Daily News, 1870. .A 1893 Wartensleben. Operations of the South Army in 1871.A 1919 Whitehurst. Diary during Siege of Paris. 2 v.A 1898 Wimpffen. La Bataille de Sedan.C13376 Winn. What I saw of the War.A 1525 Wittig. Die Commune von Paris.D 245 Zapp. Geschichte des Krieges, 1870.D 247 Zehlicke. Von Weissenburg nach Paris, 1870-71.D 244 GERMANY. Abbott. History of Prussia.A 4141 Albert of Brandebourg. Kaiserliches Buch.D 271 Albrecht. Geschichte der Reichsmiinzstiit- ten.D 17 3 2 GERMANY. Arnold. Deutsche Geschichte. 2 v.D 3 Deutsche Ansiedelungen u. Wanderungen D 3987 Bahr. Eine deutsche Stadt vor sechzig Jahren.D 5744 Barack. Zimmerische Chronik. 4 V.D 19 Beaucaire. Mesalliance in the House of Brunswick. .A 4181 Beitzke. DeutscheFreiheitskriege, 1813. 3V.D 26 Besse. Geschichte der Deutschen.D 9 Biedermann. Deutschland im i8ten Jahrhun- dert. 4 v.D 96 Bismarck; Zwolf Jahre deutscher Politik... D 4763 Blankenburg. Der Krieg von 1866.D 30 Boettiger. Deutsche Geschichte.D 20 Gesch. des deutschen Volkes. 8 v. in 2. .D 22 und Flathe. Geschichte Sachsens. 3v D 71 Bradley. Story of the Goths.A 1847 Braun-Wiesbaden. Bilder aus der deutschen Kleinstaaterei. 5 v. in 3 .D 8 Brewer. History of Germany.A 1876 Brosien. Lexicon der deutschen Geschichte *R 3806 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire.A 1968 Bunz. Was die Franzosen bei uns geschadet haben.D 5567 Chronik des Sachsischen Konigshauses, 1853— 78.*P 1242 Colshorn. Deutsche Mythologie.D 36 Die deutschen Kaiser.D 5579 Conquestes du grand Charlemagne.C 4382 Cosel. Gesch. des preussischen Staats. 8v.D 97 Court of Westphalia under Jerome Bonaparte’C 3720 Dahn. Urgeschichteder germanischen Volker. 2 v.*D 5772 Deutsche National Bibliothek. 9V. in 3...D 48 Deutscher Krieg im Jahr 1866.D 5622 Dicey. Battle-Fields of 1866.A 3960 Droysen. Gesch. der preussischen Politik. 5 v. in 11.D 52 Dummler. Gesch. des ostfrankischen Reichs D 5577 Duller. Gesch. des deutschen Volkes. 2 V. D 54 Dunham. History of Germanic Empire. 3 v. I 3816 Eberty. Gesch. des preussischen Staats. 7 V. D 98 Erler. Deutsche Geschichte. 3 V.D 5586 Falvert. Charlemagne et son Empire... ,*V 1061 Fontane. Schleswig-Holstein, 1864.D 61 Der deutsche Krieg, 1866. 2 v.D 62 Frantz. Die Wiederherstellung Deutsch- lands.D 93 Frederick II., the Great. CEuvres. 30 v. in 19.C 4970 Politische Correspondenz. 13 v.D 5682 Freytag. Bilder aus der deutschen Vergang- enheit. 4 V.D 75 German Life in 15th, 16th, and 17th Cen¬ turies. 2 v.A 1868 Gallois. Geschichte der Stadt Hamburg. 3 V.D 5587 The same.D 5592 Der Hansabund.D 5593 Gardiner. Thirty Years’ War.A 163 Garve. Fragmente zur Geschichte Friedrichs II. 2 v.D 76 Geiger. Renaisssance in Deutschland.*D 5774 Geschichte des Bodensees und Umgebung. 2 v.D 79 Giesebrecht. Geschichte der deutschen Kai- serzeit. 5 V.D 89 Gindely. History of Thirty Years’ War. 2v.A 1904 Gittermann. Deutschland.D 5742 Gladstone. Chaplain in the Field of War A 1948 Gleig. The Leipsic Campaign.I 4000, 14 G 5755 Wigard. Bericht iiber Nationalversamxnlung zu Frankfurt a. M., 1848-9. 9 V.*V 1022 Wirth. Geschichte der Deutschen. 4V...D 2 Woerle. Deutsche Geschichte bis 1871.. .D 247 Wyatt. History of Prussia. 2v.A 1877 Zimmermann. Geschichte des grossen Bauern- krieges.D 5759 Zimmermann. Popular History of Germany. 4 ..A i86> Zimmern. The Hansa Towns.A 4145 Zschokke. Baierische Geschichte. 4 V-D 222 AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. Abbott. Austria; its Rise and Power.A 4301 Archiv des Vereins fiir Siebenbiirgische Lan- deskunde, Bd. 10.D 18 Arneth. Geschichte Maria Theresia’s. iov.D 4149 Beattie. The Danube; its History, Topo¬ graphy. etc.*Y 858 Beck. Adventures during the Hungarian War. A 1944 Beer. Oesterreichische Politik, 1801-10. ..D 35 Capefigue. Marie-Therese.C 4284 Coxe. History of the House of Austria. 4 V. I 3014 De Puy. Kossuth and his Generals.A 1945 Dumesnil. Rodolphe de Habsbourg.C 4780 Eden. War in Bohemia.A 1939 Fessler. Attila, Konig der Hunnen.D 64 Geschichte von Ungarn. 3 V.D 59 Mathias Corvinus, Konig der Hungarn. 2 v. D 65 Fontes Rerum Bohemicarum. 3 V.*V 1175 Godkin. History of Hungary.A 1942 Goergei. Life and Acts in Hungary. 2 v.A 1943 Hiltl. Der bohmische Krieg.D 112 Horvath. Geschichte Ungarns.D 560S Hueffer. Oesterreich und Preussen gegeniiber der franzosischen Revolution.D 72 Hungarian Rebellion, The, 1671.A 4321 Hungary and its Revolutions.I 3038 Klapka. National Krieg in Ungarn. 2 v. D 140 War of Independence in Hungary. 2 v. .A 4320 Krasser. Geschichte von Grosspold.D 157 Krones. Geschichte Oesterreichs. 5 V....D 139 Mailath. Geschichte Oesterreichs.D 173 Malden. Defeat of the Turks before Vienna, 1683.A 1922 Mallet DU Pan. Correspondance inedite avec la Cour de Vienne. 2v.C 5864 Michiels. Histoire secrete du Gouvernement autrichien.C 5929 Michiels. Secret History of the Austrian Government. A 1937 Motteville. Anne d’Autriche et sa Cour. 4 v.C 5947 Patterson. The Magyars. 2 v.A 1941 Pridham. Kossuth and Magyarland.A 1924 Scriptorum rerum Bohemicarum. 3 V.A 1935 Springer. Geschichte Oesterreichs seit 1809. 2 v.A 3966 Stiles. Austria in 1848-9. 2v .A 1940 Thierry. Attila et ses Successeurs.C 6903 Tyrolese Patriots of 1809.A 1936 Vambery. Story of Hungary.A 1923 Ursprung der Magyaren.D 46or Vehse. Memoir of Court of Austria. 2 v.A 1938 Weiss. Geschichte der Stadt W T ien. 2 v..D 5756 Wolf. Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia *D 5783 Zieglauer. Reformbewegung in Sieben- biirgen.D 146 SWITZERLAND. Adams and Cunningham. The Swiss Con¬ federation. a 4240 Aeei. Geschichte des Schweizervolkes ... .D n Curti. Schweizerische Volksgesetzgebung D 3979 I ricker. Gesch. der Stadt Baden, Schweiz.D 74. Geilfus. Helvetia; Sage und Geschichte.D 5588 Henne-Am Rhyn. Gesch. der Schweiz. 3V.D no Mackenzie. History of Switzerland.A 1927 Mueller. Geschichte der Eidgenossen. 15 v.D 178 Plant a. History of the Helvetic Confeder¬ acy. 2 V.*V 234 Rochholz. Tell und Gessler.D 3961 Shadwell. Mountain Warfare, 1799.A 1926 Vieusseux. History of Switzerland.A 1928 Wilson. History of Switzerland.I 3833 Yosy. Switzerland. 2v.*A 1929 Zschokke. History of Switzerland.A 1930 Des Schweizerlands Geschichte.D 194 Invasion by the French.A 1931 THE NETHERLANDS. Admonitions sent to States of Holland.*A 1826 Albert. Holland and its Heroes.A 1817 Bolderdijk. Geschiedenis des Vaderlands. 13 v .D 9113 Blomhert. Gesch. van het vereenigdt Neder- landt.D 9067 Bosscha. Belgische Revolutie.D 9097 Leven van Willem II.D 9098 Bosworth. Origin of the Dutch.A 1825 Brill. Geschiedenis der Nederlands. 3 v.,D 9033 Geddes. Administration of John De Witt. A 1818 Geschiedenis van Nederland..:.D 9284 THE NETHERLANDS—SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 35 Grattan. History of the Netherlands... .A 1840 The same.I 3821 Hoch. Neutral Territory of Moresnet. A 1823 Kleijn. Besch. en Gesch. van Delfshaven. D 9428 Landolt. Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis... .D 9567 Lennep. Geschiedenis des Vaderlands in Schetsen.D 9874 Geschiedenissen van Noord-Nederland. 4 v.D 9472 Montvaillant. Recits de Hollande ... .C 5938 Motley. History of the UnitedNetherlands. 4 v.A 1821 Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 V.A 1820 Life of John Barneveld. 2 v.A 1819 Opkomst van de Nederl. Republick. 12 v. D 9555 Nederland in 1672.D 9579 Oera Linda Book; tr. by Sandbach.J 1370 Omwenteling van 1813..D 9603 The same.D 9579 Opstand onzer voorouders tegen Spanje ... .D 9613 Rogers. Story of Holland.A 1827 Sandwijk. Geschichte van ons Vaderland.D 9733 Scharp. Nederlandschen Krijgsroem, Junij 1815.D 9745 Schiller. Abfall der Niederlande.D 2234,4 Revolt of the Netherlands.A 1841 The same.13072,1 Stirling-Maxwell. Antwerp delivered in 1577 .* p i 2 72 Terwen. Koningrijk der Nederlanaen.. .*D 9824 Wild. Die Niederlande. 2v.D 5752 Young. History of the Netherlands.A 1824 - / SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Abbott. Romance of Spanish History... .A 1810 Al-Makkari. Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain.*V 1275 Bacon. Six Years ir^Biscay. A 1794 Baumgarten. Geschichte Spaniens. D 37 Blade. Valley of the Andorra.A 1806 Brueck. Geheime Gesellschaften in Spanien D 10 Callcott. Short History of Spain. 2 v...A 1796 Circourt. Hist, des Arabes d’Espagne. 3 v.C 4359 Conde. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3VI 3011 Coppee. Conquest of Spain by the Arab- Moors. 2 v.A 1814 Coxe. Kings of Spain, 1700101788. 5V..A 1799 Curry. Constitutional Government in Spain A 1781 Duke of Anjou’s Succession considered ... *A 1789 Duncan. The English in Spain, 1834-40...A 1795 Dunham. History of Spain and Portugal. 5 V.I 3818 Dunlop. Memoirs of Spain, 1621 to 1700. 2V.A 1797 Florian. The Moors in Spain.I 3760 Furley. Among the Carlists.A 1807 Gibraltar and its Sieges.A 1792 Gilbard. History of Gibraltar.A 3990 Hale. Story of Spain.A 1791 Hardman. Spanish Campaign in Morocco. A 1811 Harrison. Spain....A 1808 Hogenberg. Procession of Pope Clement VII. and Charles V., 1530.*P 1271 Irving. The Alhambra.J 130 Conquest of Granada.J 137 Spanish Papers.J 143 James I. (of Aragon). Chronicle of; tr. by Forster. 2v.A 1793 Jones. Journal of Sieges in Spain, 1811-1814. 3 v.A 1809 Kirkpatrick. Spain and Charles VII_A 1798 Lembke und Schaefer. Geschichte von Spanien. 3 V.D 69 McMurdo. History of Portugal. 2 v... .A 1785 Mignet. Antonio Perez and Philip II... .A 344 Mouy. Don Carlos et Philippe II.C 5950 Napier. The War in the Peninsula. 5 v. A 900 Noorden. Der Spanische Erbfolgekrieg . .D 99 Poole. Story of the Moors in Spain.A 1790 Prescott. History of Charles V. 3 v... .A 1802 History of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 v. A 1801 History of Philip II. 3 V.A 1800 Regering van Philips II. 3 V.D 9657 Rocca. War of the French in Spain.A 1657 Rodd. Civil Wars of Granada.A 1815 Salvandy. Don Alonso, o.u l’Espagne... .C 6725 Sayer. History of Gibraltar.A 1805 Schirrmacher. Geschichte Castiliens. .. .D 3963 Southey. Chronicle of theCid.*V 304 Stanhope. Spain under Charles II.A 1813 V1 ardot. Arabs et Mores d’Espagne. 2 v.. C13348 Walton. Revolutionsof Spain, 1808-36. 2 v.A 1780 Watson. History of Philip II. of Spain.. A 1804 History of Philip III. of Spain.A 1803 Wylie. Daybreak in Spain.A 1812 Yonge. Christians and Moors of Spain.. . .A 1816 ITALY AND GREECE. Abbott. Italy and War for Independence. A 4063 Adams. Venice, Queen of the Adriatic... .A 1982 Amari. War of the Sicilian Vespers. 3 v..A 1963 Amicis. Military Life in Italy.F 2409 Arrivabene. Italy under Victor Emmanuel. 2 v.A 4061 Arthur. Italy in Transition.A 1966 Balzani. Early Chronicles of Italy.A 4062 Bent. Republic of Genoa .A 1934 Republic of San Marino .A 1955 Bianchi. Politique de Cavour, 1852-1861.C12034 BlCKNELL. Track of the Garibaldians.A 1970 3 ^ ITALY AND GREECE. Boisgelin de Kerdu. Ancient and Modern Malta. 2 v.*V 529 Bonnal. Chute d’une Republique; Venise.C 12080 Bosco. Compendium of Italian History. .*V 688 Botta. History of Italy. 2v.A 1958 Storia d’ltalia, 1534-1789. 15 v. in 8.. .C 9149 Boyer de Sainte-Suzanne. La Princi- paute de Monaco.C12120 Brown. Venetian Studies.A 4076 Bruc. Republic of San Marino.A 1957 Burckhardt. Renaissance in Italy. 2V..A 1959 Butt. History of Italy, from Abdication of Napoleon. 2 v.....A 4073 Capponi. Geschichte der Florentinischen Republik. 2v.D 94 Carafas (The) of Maddaloni ; Naples under Spanish Dominion.I 3006 Celesia. Conspiracy of Fieschi.A 4090 City of the Sea; Chronicles of Venice.A 4068 Colletta. History of Naples. 2v.A 1971 Colquhoun. Italy and France in olden Time.A 1952 Comba. History of the Waldenses of Italy. A 4077 Dandolo. Italian Volunteers in 1848-49. .A 4070 Daru. Geschichte der Republik Venedig. 4 v. in 2.D 40 Dassier. Les Mercenaires de la Papaute. .C 4530 Dawbarn. Naples and King Ferdinand.. .A 4072 Denina. Delle Revoluzioni d’ltalia. 3 V. .A 1980 Doran. “Mann” and Manners at the Court of Florence. 2v.;.A 1989 Dudevant. Garibaldi et l’ltalie.C 4475 Dumas. Les Garibaldiens.C 4650 Ellis. Asiatic Affinities of the Old Italians.A 1933 Emerson. History of Modern Greece.A 80 Farini. Roman State from 1815-50. 4 v. .A 1976 Gallenga. Fra Dolcino and his Times.. .A 1964 History of Piedmont. 3 V.A 1995 Italy in 1848.A 1967 Italy; past and present. 2 v. ........ A 1965 The Pope and the King. 2 v......A 1951 Geiger. Renaissance in Italien.D 5774 Gerlache. Last Days of the Papal Army.A 1977 Gladstone. Rome.G 942 Gray. History of Etruria. 3 V.A 1972 Greene. Historical Studies.A 1974 Greswell. Origines Kalendarioe Italic*. 4 v. A 2120 Gretton. Vicissitudes of Italy.A 1969 Guicciardini. Istoria d’ltalia. 10 v.C 9500, 99-108 The same. 10 v. in 5.C 9241 History of Italy. 10 v.A 4075 Hare. Conspiracy of Count de Fieschi against Genoua. 1547.* .*P 624,9 Hazlitt. History of the Venetian Republic. 4v.A 1981 Hegel. Stadteverfassung von Italien. 2 v. D 3997 Hodgkin. Italy and her Invaders. 4 V. .. A 1946 Hogenberg. Procession of Pope Clement VII. and Charles V., 1530.*P 1271 Howe. Cretan Refugees and their American Helpers.A 243 Ideville. Rome and her Captors.A 1984 Italian Reform Movement, 1866.*A 296 Jebb. Modern Greece.A 1956 Keightley. War of Independ. in Greece. 2v. I 3537 Lafon. Rome depuis l’etablissement du Chris- tianisme.C 5792 Leo. Geschichte der italienischen Staaten. 5V.D 142 Lloyd. History of Sicily.A 1949 Lushington. Italian War, 1848-9.A 1978 Machiavelli. History of Florence.J 189,1 The same.I 3051 Istorie Florentine.C 9330 Mario. Red Shirt; Garibaldian Episodes. .A 4065 Marsh. Venice and the Venetians.A 1983 Martel. Military Italy.A 4069 Martin. Daniel Manin and Venice.A 4071 Melmonti. The Dogaressa.A 4074 Memoirs of Secret Societies of South Italy. .A 1975 *M ignaty. Historical Past of Italy.A 1993 Molmenti. Die Venetianer.D 5636 Muratori. Antiquitates Italic*. 6v....*R 123 Muston. Israel of the Alps. 2 v.A 1996 Napier. Florentine History. 6 v.A 1985 O’Clery. Hist, ofltalian Revolution, 1796.. A 1979 Oliphant. The Makers of Florence.A 1987 The Makers of Venice .A 4067 Pemberton. History of Monaco.A 1635 Perceval. History of Italy, 47610 17S9. 2v. A 1953 Pignotti. History of Tuscany. 4 V.A 1932 Probyn. Italy from 1815-1878.A 4064 Proctor. Hist, of Italy to French Revol. .A 1973 Reuchlin. Geschichte Italiens. 4 V.D 60 Reumont. Geschichte Toscana’s. 2 v... .D 46 Rome dans sa Grandeur. 3 V.*P 931 Schaeffer-Boichorst. Florentiner Studien D 5731 Seddall. Malta; past and present.A 1988 Sforzosi. History of Italy.I. 3712 Silvagni. Rome and its People. 3 V.A 2705 Sinker. Sketches from Venetian History’. 2 v. A 4066 Sismondi. Hist, des Repub. Italiennes. 10 v.C 6770 History of Italian Republics.A i960 The same.I 3828 Smedley. Sketches from Venetian History. 2 v.I 3680 The same. 2 v.I 3586 Spalding. Italy from Earliest Ages.A 1992 The same. 3V.I 3756 Stafford and Ball. History of the Italian States. 2 v. *V 536 Stillman. Crete Insurrection, 1866.A 1950 TURKEY—RUSSO-TURKISH WAR. 37 Symonds. Renaissance in Italy.A 1990 1. Age cf the Despots. 2. Revival of Learning. 3. Fine Arts. 4, 5. Italian Literature. 6, 7. The Catholic Reaction. Tenhove. Memoirs of the House of Medici. 2 v.*V 204 Testa. War against the Communes of Lom¬ bardy....A 1954 'Towle. Modern Greece.A 2094 Trevor. Rome and its Papal Rulers.A 126 Trollope. Social Aspect of Italian Revol.A 1961 Commonwealth of Florence. 4 V.A 1986 Turnbull. Genius of Italy.A 1991 Wachenhusen. Freischaaren und Roya- listen.D 242 Wylie. Awakening of Italy.A 1962 History of the Waldenses.A 1994 Triarte. Florence.*P 567 Venice; its History, Art, etc.*P 59S Zeller. Episodes de 1 ’Histoire d’ltalie... .C 6995 TURKEY. Andlaw. Die byzantinischen Kaiser.D 5561 Annals of the Turkish Empire, 1591-1659 ..*V 1260 Argyll. The Eastern Question. 2 v.A 2019 Campbell. Handy Book of the Eastern Ques¬ tion.A 2073 Creasy. History of the Ottoman Turks.. .A 2016 Denton. Christians in Turkey.A 2083 Servia and the Servians.I 1074 Montenegro.A 2084 Drandar. Alexandre en Bulgarie.C 4536 Eastern Question : Blochwitz. Turkey.A 2090 Roberts. Asia Minor.A 2091 Shaw. Russia.A 2092 Towle. Modern Greece.A 2094 Montenegro.A 2093 Danubian Principalities.A 2095 Forsyth. Slavonic Provinces.A 2096 Freeman. Ottoman Power in Europe.A 2078 Gambier. Servia.A 2085 Gladstone. Hellenic Factor in Eastern Problem.G 941 Russia-Servian War ..A 2013 Glennie. Europe and Asia ; Eastern Ques¬ tion .A 4507 Haji Khalfa. Maritime Wars of the Turks. Part I.*V 1258 Hertzberg. Geschichte der Byzantiner. .* 1 ) 5782 History of the War in.Bosnia, 1737-39... .*V 1284 Jacob and others. History of Ottoman Em¬ pire. A 2017 Krause. Eroberungen von Constantinopel D 5618 Lamartine. Histoirede la Turquie C 5639, 23-28 MacColl. The Eastern Question.L 148 Madden. The Turkish Empire and Christi¬ anity. 2 v.A 2071 Mill. The Ottomans in Europe.. A 4341 Neale. Islamism ; its Rise and Progress. 2v. A 2081 O’Connor. History of Turkey. A 2018 Palgrave. Essays on Eastern Question... E 1434 Pears. Fall of Constantinople.A 2942 Poole. The Story of Turkey.A 4345 Porter and Larpent. Turkey. 2 v. ...A 2077 Ranke. Ottoman and Spanish Empires in the 16th and 17th Centuries.A 344 Servia and Servian Revolution.I 3067 Thierry. Chrysostome et Eudoxie.C 6904 Torr. Rhodes in Ancient Times.A 2553 Upham. Hist, of the Ottoman Empire. 2v.I 3525 Urquhart. History of Servia.*L 69,3 Military Strength of Turkey.*L 69,4 Le Sultan et le Pacha d’Egypte, 1839. .*L 69,6 Zinkeisen. Geschichte des osmanischen Rei¬ ches. 7 v.D 104 Zschokke. Geschichte des osmanischen Rei¬ ches . D 3958 RUSSO-TURKISH WAR. Baker. War in Bulgaria. 2 v..A 2008 Boyle. Narrative of an expelled Correspond¬ ent.A 20S7 COOKSON. Armies of the Balkans in 1877-8. A 2074 Coope. Prisoner of War in Russia.A 2086 Dwight. Turkish Life in War Times.A 2099 Forbes and others. Correspondence of the Daily News, 1877.G 744 Gay. Plevna; the Sultan and the Porte... A 4372* Gladstone. Bulgarian Horrors. G 940 Greene. Army Life in Russia.A 2097 Russian Army in Turkey, 1877-78.A 1997 Hozier (Ed.). Russo-Turkish War. 2 v..*V 812 Lurion. Suleyman-Pacha et son Proces...C 5755 Ollier. Cassell’s Russo-Turkish War. 2V.A 4371 Ruestow. Krieg in der Tiirkei.D 5701 SdiiiCKiNG. Turkische Erlebnisse und rus- sische Schicksale. D 152 Snieders. Gedenkboek van den Oorlog, 1877— 78.*R 4336 Stanley. St. Petersburg to Plevna.A 4370 Stoker. With the “ Unspeakables ” in Tur¬ key.A 2079 RUSSIA AND POLAND. Barry. Russia in 1870.A 2000 Beer. Die erste Theilung Polens. 3 v. . . .£) 3983 Bell. History of Russia. 3 V.I 3810 RUSSIA AND POLAND—CRIMEAN WAR. 3S Bernhardi. Geschichte Russlands. 4 v...D 4 Berthezene. Veldtogt in Kussland.D 9053 Boulton. The Russian Empire.A 4382 Brueckner. Katharina die Zweite.*D 5781 Peter der Grosse.*D 5779 Bruggen. Polens Auflosung.D 3984 Capefigue. Catherine II. C 4282 Celestin. Russland seit 1863.D 3988 Chesney. Russo-Turkish Campaigns, 1828-29 A 2007 Coope. Prisoner of War in Russia.A 20S6 Dijkstra. Geschiedenis van Vriesland. .. .D 9190 Dole. Young Folks’ History of Russia...A 1902 Dunham. History of Poland.I 3817 Eckhardt. Modern Russia.A 2001 Edwards. History of a Polish Insurrec¬ tion. 2 v.A 4420 The same.A 2010 Russian Projects against India.A 4504 Polish Captivity. 2v.A 4416 Fletcher. History of Poland.I 3667 Golovin. Russia under Nicholas I. 2 v... A 4393 Russland unter Alexander II.D 311 Greene. Army Life in Russia.A 2097 Gurowski. Russia as it is.A 1998 Hordynski. Late Polish Revolution.A 2di Hueppe. Verfassung der Republik Polen.. D 125 Kelly. History of Russia. 2v.I 3071 The same. 2 v.A 2003 Ki.einschmidt. Russland’s Geschichte... .D 5635 Kohl. Russia.A 1999 Korff. Accession of Nicholas 1 .1 4395 Kosma. La Russie et Alexandre II.C 5523 Lacroix. Mysteres de la Russie.C 5654 Lamartine. Histoire de la Russie.C 5639,31 Lavigne. Histoire du Nihilisme russe.C 5680 Lyall. Character of the Russians and History of Moscow.*V 98 Manstein. Memoirs of Russia, 1727-44...A 4400 Marx. The Serf and the Cossack.*A 294 Merimee. Episode de l’Hist. de Russie... .C 5814 Moltke. Poland; an Historical Sketch... .A 4418 Noble. The Russian Revolt.A 4397 Oliphant. Transcaucasian Campaign.A 2015 Rabbe and Duncan. History of Russia.. A 4318 RambaUD. Histoire de la Russie.C 6409 History of Russia. 2 v.A 2098 Rawlinson. England and Russia in the East.A 4506 ROEPELL. Polen im i8ten Jahrhundert. . . .D 123 und Caro. Geschichte Polens. 3V....D 5700 Romanoff. Historical Russian Narratives.. A 4396 Russian Conspirators in Siberia, by Baron R. A 4407 Russische Wandlungen.D 122 Saxtc^.. Fall of Poland. 2v.A 4415 Scheffer. History of Lapland.*V 766 Schiemann. Russland, Polen und Livland. v. 1.*D 5790 Schnitzler. Secret History of Russia. 2 v. A 2005 Shaw. Brief History of Russia.A 2092 Smitt. Suworow und Polen’s Untergang. 2 v. 13 235, Stepniak. Russia under the Tzars.A 4398 The Russian Storm-Cloud.A 4399 Underground Russia.A 4394 Storr. Russia as she is; Lectures.*A 1607 Strahl and Herrmann. Geschichte des rus- sischen Staates. 7 v.D 68 Szadurski. History of Poland.A 4419 Tikhomirov. Russia, Political and Social. 2v. A4392 Tolstoi. Romanism in Russia. 2v.A 2006 Trevor. Russia; Ancient and Modern... .A 2002: Urquhart. Progress of Russia.A 4410 Russia on the Caspian.*L 69-5 Voltaire. Histoire de la Russie sous Pierre le Grand.C 6945,15 The same. C 6997,4 Von Nicholaus I. zu Alexander III.D 143 Wolski. Poland; Glory and Sufferings... .A 4417 Zaba. History of Poland.A 210a CRIMEAN WAR. Barker. Short History of the Crimea.... A 4385 Bazancourt. Crimean Expedition and War in the East. 2 v.A 4388 5 Mois devant Sebastopol.C 4140 Brackenbury. The Campaign in the Crimea A 4386 Buchanan. Camp Life in the Crimean War.A 4389 Calthorpe. Letters from Headquarters (Crimea). 2v.A 4384 Ei.phinstone and others. Siege of Sebasto¬ pol, with Maps. 4 V.*P 801 Geffcken. Geschichte des Orientalischen Krieges.D 82 Kinglake. Invasion of the Crimea. 6v..A 4390 The same. 14 v.G 303 Lake. Kars and Captivity in Russia.A 963 Medical History of the British Army in the Crimean War. 2 v.*V 273 Osborne. Scutari and its Hospitals.*V 767 Russell. British Expedition to the Crimea A 965 Crimean War. 2 v.A 966 Todleben’s History of the Defense of Se¬ bastopol.A 2009 Skene. With Lord Stratford in the Crimean War.A 4385 SOYER. Culinary Campaign in Crimea ... .A 964 Spencer. Fall of the Crimea.A 2012 Tyrrell. History of the War with Russia. 3 v .*V 738 Wahrheit fiber den Krimmkrieg.D 33 SCANDINAVIA—ASIA. SCANDINAVIA. Aall. Norges Historic 1800-1815....C 8200 Afzelius. Svenska Folkets Sago Hafder. 11 v. in 7.C 7692 Agardh. La Suede jusqu’a nos jours.C 4028 Anderson. Norse Mythology.A i860 Anderson (Ed.). The Orkneyinga Saga . .A 4442 Baden and Hoi.berg. History of Norway A 1848 Boyesen. Story of Norway.A 1849 Bradley. Story of the Goths.A 1847 Carlyle. Early Kings of Norway.A 1855 Causes of the Expedition against Copenha¬ gen.A 318 Crantz. History of Greenland. 2 v.A 1863 Crichton. History of Scandinavia. 2 v. .. .1 3695 Dahlmann. Geschichte von Dannemark. 3 v.D 67 Darre. Kong Sverre og hans Tid.C 8239 Dasent. Story of Burnt Njal; Iceland in the 10th Century. 2 v.*A 4440 Dunham. Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 3 v . 1 3815 Erslev. Den Danske Stat..C 7137 Fryxell. Berattelser ur Svenska Historien. 46 v. in 15.C 7800 History of Sweden. 2 v.A 1854 Gallenga. Invasion of Denmark, 1864. 2 v.A 1851 Geijer. History of the Swedes, to 1654. .A 344 und Carlson. Geschichte Scnwedens. 5V. D 66 Gosch. Denmark and Germany since 1815 A 1861 Grove. Fra Dannevirke til Dybbol.C 7214 Grundvig. Nordens Mythologie. C 7207 Saxe Runemester’s Kronike.C 7208 Snorre’s Norges Kronike.C 7209 Hambro [Philojuvcnis). Edda ; or, Tales of a Grandmother.A 1844 Hammerich. Valdemarernes Tid.C 7235 Hassel. Schweden ; statist.-finanz. Skizze .D 4728 Headley. Island of Fire; Iceland.A 1858 Historisk Archiv. 29V. ,..C 7250 Holberg. Danische Reichs-Historie. 3 v.D 120 Icelandic Sagas ; ed. by Vigfusson. 4 V.Doc. Johnstone. Norwegian Account of King Haco’s Expedition.*P 624, 1 Keary. Mythology of the Eddas.A 1864 Keyser. Private Life of Old Northmen.. .A 1853 Mallet. Northern Antiquities.I 3357 The same. 2 v.A 1845 Maurer. Island seit seiner Entdeckung... D 3973 Mentzer. Svensk Historisk Atlas.*V 1224 Montelius. Sweden in Heathen Times.. .A 1842 Mueller. Danmark’s Historic, v. 2-4. 2. yEldre Midalders Saga.C 7394 3. Valdemarernes Historic.C 7395 4. Iloejnordens Ilistorie.C 7396 39 Munch. Norske Folks Histone. 8 v.C 8362: Tildragelser af Norges Historic.C 8361 Otte. Scandinavian History.A 1857 Peyrere. History of Greenland. *1 2362 Ravn. Krigsbegivenhederne paa A Is.C 7509- Roger. Struense og Hoffet.C 7521 Sandel. Fortsellinger fra Krigen, 1848- 1850.C 15061 Sars. Udsigt over den Norske Historic. 2 v. C 8410 Svenska Armeen.C 8029^ Sinding. History of Scandinavia.A 1856- The Scandinavian Races.A 1859 Sveriges Historic, Iiandlingar rorande. 9 v. in 3 .C 7835 Thorpe. Northern Mythology. 3 V.A 1862 Tuxen. Danske og Norske Soemagt.C 7606 Snorro Sturluson. The Heimskringla ; tr. by Laing. 3 V.*A 1846 Vicary. Olav the King.A 4441 Saga Time.A 4443, Vig. Norges Historic.C 8444 Vigfusson (Ed). Sturlunga Saga, and other Works. 2 v.A 1843 Weber and Jamieson. Northern Antiqui¬ ties.*V 330 Wergeland. Norges Konstitutions Hist. ,C 8462 Wheaton. History of the Northmen. ...A 1852, ASIA. Abbott. History of Xerxes.H 34 Ashe (Ed). The Kandahar Campaign.A 2069. Asiatic Researches. 12 v.*A 4501 Barker. Lares and Penates ; Cilicia.A 2062. Benjamin. Story of Persia.A 4522 Troy ; its Legend, History, etc.A 89 Boulger. England and Russia in Central Asia. 2 v.A 4505 Brentano. Losung der Troianischen Frage. D 478 Brydges. Dynasty of the Kajar Family.. .A 2063 Budge. Babylonian Life and History.A 2437 History of Esarhaddon.A 2047 Busch. Urgeschichte des Orients. 3 v....D 29 Caunter. Lives of the Mogul Emperors *1 8243,4 Churchill. Druzes and Maronites.A 2014 Conder. Syrian Stone-Lore.A 4533 Cox. The Great Persian War.A 2039. Cramer. Description of Asia Minor. 3 v. .1 1469 Crichton. History of Arabia. 2 v.I 3705 Duke. Recollections of the Kabul Cam¬ paign, 1879-80.A 982 Durand. First Afghan War.A 4525 Edrehi. History of the Capital of Asia . .. A 4521 El-Mas’udi. Historical Encyclopaedia. .. .*V 1306- Elishjus. History of Vartan and Battle of ^ the Armenians..*V 1257 ASIA—INDIA AND THE COLONIES. 40 Eyre. Military Operations at Cabul.A 984 Eerrier. History of the Afghans.A 2041 Finn. Stirring Times in Jerusalem, 1753-6. 2 v.A 2042 Forbes. Empires and Cities of Asia.A 2068 Framjee. Parsees : History, Manners, etc. A 927 Fraser. Account of Persia.I 3706 Assyria and Mesopotamia.I 3758 Freeman. Hist, and Conquests of Saracens.. A 2048 Geffcken. Orientalischer Krieg, 1853-56..D 82 Geiger. Civilization of Eastern Iranians. 2 v. A 4550 Gilman. Story of the Saracens.A 4517 Gobineau. Histoire des Perses.A 2058 Goodrich. Lights and Shadows of Asiatic History.H 432,4 Hammer-Purgstall. History of the Assas¬ sins.A 4527 Heeren. Asiatic Nations.A 290,2-3 Herbelot. Bibliotheque Orientale.*R 96 Howorth. History of the Mongols. 3 v.. A 4536 Hunt. Outram and Havelock’s Campaign. .A 2054 Hutton. Central Asia from Aryan to Cos¬ sack. A 4514 Kaulen. Assyrienund Babylonien.D 5641 Kaye. War in Afghanistan. 3 V. A 4511 Kenrick. Phoenicia.I 1732 Xremer. Culturgeschichte des Orients. 2 v. D 4000 Landseer. Sabaean Researches.*Y 325 Launay. Histoire de l’Annam.C 5669 Layard. Monuments of Nineveh. 2 v. .. ,*P 987 Le Bon. La Civilisation des Arabes.*P 820 Lenormant. Histoire ancienne de POrient. 6 v.*V 1362 Plistoire des Peuples Orientaux.C 5712 and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2 v.A 2060 Lyall. Asiatic Studies.A 4515 Malcolm. History of Persia.A 4509 Markham. Embassy to the Court of Tim- our, 1403-6.*1 2368 History of Persia.A 2057 Marvin. Russian Campaign against the Turcomans.A 4513 Matthieu d’Edesse. Chronique.*V 1319 Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales. .. .*Y 1318 Mirkhond. Early Kings of Persia.*Y 1294 Muller. Der Islam im Morgen- und Abend- land. v. 1-2.D 5788 Napier. The War in Syria (1839-41). 2 v. A 4528 Neamet Ullah. History of the Afghans *V 1254 Norman. Armenia and Campaign of 1877 A 2088 OckleY. History of the Saracens.I 3064 •Osborn. Islam under the Arabs.A 2061 Piggott. Persia, Ancient and Modem... .A 2049 Ragozin. Story of Assyria.A 4523 Story of Chaldea.A 2433 Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. .. .A 4534 Ranking. Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans.’"V 208 Rawlinson. Story of Phoenicia.A 4555 Oriental Monarchies. See page 3. Records of the Past; ed. by Birch. 12 v... .A 2026 The same, New Ser.; ed. by Sayce. A 4473 Ritchie. British World in the East. 2 v.A 974 The same. 2 v.A 2040 Roberts. Asia Minor and the Caucasus.. .A 2091 Russell. History of Palestine.I 3670 St. Martin. Histoire des Arsacides. 2 v.A 2059 Salil-ibn-Razik. Imams and Seyyids of Oman. ... .*1 2383 Sandwith. Narrative on the Siege of Kars. A 4342 Sayce. Assyria; its Princes, Priests and People.A 4524 The Hittites; Story of a Forgotten Empire.A 4560 Smith. Students’ Ancient History of the East...A 2028 Spiegel. Eranische Alterthumskunde. 2 v.D 212 Stumm. Russia in Central Asia.A 4526 Tabari, Mohammed. Chronique. v. i...*V 1269 Tohfut-ul-Majahideen. Historical Works (in Arabic) .*V 1296 Vambery. History of Bokhara.A 4508 Vaux. Ancient History of Persia from its Monuments.A 2055 Nineveh and Persepolis. A 2050 Walker. Afghanistan; its History, etc...A 4512 Watson. History of Persia.A 2056 Williams. Armenian Campaign, 1877 . .A 2089 Operations in Lower Afghanistan, 1878- 1S79. *A 191 Wright. Empire of the Hittites. A 4520 INDIA AND TPIE COLONIES. Abbot. Lord Ellenborough’s Administration A 937 Acton. Our Colonial Empire.A 929 Adams. Episodes of Anglo-Indian History.A 3661 Adderley. Colonial Policy of Earl Russell. A 1003 Anderson. The English in Western India. A 931 Andrew. India and her Neighbors.A 3662 Auber. British Power in India. 2v.A 942 Balfour. Cyclopaedia of India. 5 V.*R 696 Ball. History of the Indian Mutiny. 2 v.A 3703 ' The same. 2 v.*P 78 Barton. Bengal from Earliest Times.A 981 Bell. Bengal Reversion.A 952 Indian Policy.A 954 Mysore Reversion.A 932 Our Great Vassal Empire.A 955 INDIA AND THE COLONIES. Bell. The Oxus and the Indus.A 933 Beveridge. History of India. 3 V.A 3664 Birch and Robinson. Colonial Office List, 1872.A 949 Bourne. Story of our Colonies.A 950 Briggs. The Nizam and British Government. ... A 3^80 Briggs. Mahomedan Power in India. 4 v. A 3675 Brown. Carnatic Chronology.A 988 Browne. Coming of the Great Queen; Ac¬ quisition of Burma.A 3690 Case. Day by Day at Lucknow.A 3667 Catrou. History of the Mogul Dynasty.. .A 935 Corner. History of India.. % .A 2067 Crawford. History and Manners of the Hindoos. 2 v.A 934 Cunningham. History of the Sikhs....... A 3684 Digby. Famine Campaign in India, 1876-8. 2 v.A 993 Douglas. Book of Bombay,.A 4518 Dowson. Dictionary of Hindu Mythology, Religion, etc.A 3720 Edwards. British Colonies in West Indies. 4 v.A 936 Edwards. Reminis, of a Bengal Civilian. .A 951 Elliot. Concerning John’s Indian Affairs. A 970 Elliot. Index to Historians of India... .*0 298 Races of Northwestern Provinces. 2 v.. A 979 Elphinstone. History of India. 2v.A 938 Erskine. History of India under Baber and Humayun. 2v.A 989 Fellowes. History of Ceylon.*V 124 Frere. Impending Bengal Famine.A 969 Gleig. British Empire in India. 4 V. I 3582 Grant. Cassell’s History of India. 2V...A' 925 Grant. Incidents in Sepoy War, 1857-8. .A 987 Gubbins. Mutinies in Oudh, and Siege of Lucknow. A 920 Hamley. Strategical Conditions of India.*A 191 History and Practices of the Thugs.A 928 History of the Revolution in India.A 944 Hudson. Soldier’s Life in India.A 985 Holmes. History of the Indian Mutiny..A 3674 Hunter. Annals of Rural Bengal. 3 V.. .A 953 Famine Aspects of Bengal.A 959 Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 V.*R 682 The Indian Empire.A 3663 Orissa; an Indian Province. 2 v... .A 953,2-3 Hussein Ali. History of Ilydur Naik... .*V 1309 History of the Reign of Tipu Sultan.. .* V 1311 Hussein-Khan. Mohammedan Power in India, v. 1.*V 1291 Innes. Beng.l European Reg’t in India...A 3682 Jaffur Shurreef. Customs of Mussulmans A 1006 Jones. Winter Campaign in India.A 968 Kaye. Sepoy War in India. 3 V.A 93a Keene. History of Hindustan.A 4519 Indian Districts during the Revolt.A 3676 The Mogul Empire.A 992 Kennedy. Army of the Indus in 1838. 2v. A 997 Kingston. Our Soldiers; Anecdotes of the British Army.A 978 Knighton. History of Ceylon.A 2070 Lassf.n. Indische Alterthumskunde. 2 v. .D 159 Laurie. Our Burmese Wars.A 3677 Low. History of the Indian Navy. 2 v.... A 926 Lethbridge. Manual of History of India. .A 3665 MacRitchie. The Gypsies of India.L 4270 Malcolm. Memoirs of Central India. 2 v. .A 971 Political History of India. 2v.A 973 Malleson. Decisive Battles of India... .A 3669 Final French Struggles in India.A 3671 History of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-9. 3V.A 3666 History of Native States of India.A 990 Manning. Ancient and Mediaeval India. 2 v.A 3685 Marshman. History of India. 3 V.A 994 Martin. History of Eastern India. 3 V.. A 977 History of the Colonies of the British Empire.:.A 939 Indian Empire. 3 V.A 941 Martineau. British Rule in India.A 958 Maurice. Ancient History of Hindostan. 2 v.*V 494 Indian Antiquities. 7 v.A 991 Modern History of Hindostan. 2 v. .. .*V 93 Maynard. De Delhi a Cawnpore.C 5801 Mead. Sepoy Revolt.A 962 Mill. History of British India. 10 v. in 9. A 975 Mitra. History of the Indo-Aryans. 2v .A 924 Morley. Administration of British India. .A 976 Murray and others. History of India. 3 v..I 3682 The same. 3V.A 3686 Napier. Conquest of Scinde.A 972 Nolan. History of British India. 2 v. .. .A 1005 Phayre. History of Burma.A 4503 Pridham. Historical Account o Ceylon. 2 v.A 2072 Raikes. The Englishman in India.A 996 Revolt in the N. W. Provinces.A 1001 Rammohun Roy. Judicial and Revenue Sys¬ tems .L 239 Rees. Siege of Lucknow.A 967 Ritchie. British World in the East. 2 v. .A 974 Rotton. Narrative of the Siege of Delhi. .A 983 ROUSSELET. India and its Native Princes. *V 744 The same.*P 839 Smith. Indian Administration, 1867-9. 2v. A 94S Speir. Life in Ancient India.A 3672 Stone. Cradle-Land of Arts and Creeds.. A 1002 42 CHINA AND JAPAN—AFRICA. Sullivan. Conquerors and Statesmen of India.A 947 Princes of India.A 3668 Thornhill. Experiences during Indian Mu¬ tiny .A 3678 Thornton. British Empire in India.A 998 Tiiurlow. The Company and Crown.A 3670 Torrens. Empire in Asia.A 940 Trevelyan. Cawnpore.A 3673 Trotter. Hist, of India under Victoria. 2v. A 3687 Ward. Literature and Religion of the Hin¬ doos.A. 956 Watson and Kaye (Ed). People of India. 6 v.*P 836 Wheeler. Early Records of British India. A 3689 History of India. 4 v. in 5.'.*A 999 Imperial Assemblage at Delhi in 1877. *P 525 India under British Rule.A 3679 Madras in the Olden Time. 3 V.A 3688 Wilkins. Hindu Mythology.A 2388 Williams. Indian Wisdom.A 995 Wilson. History of British India. 3 v... .A 961 Woodthorpe. Lushai Expedition, 1871-2. A 980 For Australia See Oceanica. CHINA AND JAPAN. Adams. History of Japan. 2 v.A 2052 Annales des Empereurs du Japon.*V 1264 Black. Young Japan. 2v.A 4530 Boulger. History of China. 3 v.A 2064 Brine. Taeping Revolution in China.A 960 Callery og Yvan. Opstanden i China_C 8442 Corner. History of China and India.A 2067 Du Halde. History of China. 4 V.A 2051 Giles. Historic China.A 2066 Grant. Incidents in China War of i860,.A 986 Griffis. Corea, the Hermit Nation.A 2065 The Mikado’s Empire.A 2053 Journal d’un Mandarin.C 5354 Lin-Le. History of Ti-Ping Revolution. 2v.A 943 Meadows. Chinese and their Rebellion... .A 2044 Medhurst (Tr.). The Shoo King; Classic of the Chinese Empire.A 4529 Memorials of the Empire of Japan. *1 2356 Mendoza. Plistory of China. *1 2360 Mossman. New Japan.A 2046 Mounsey. The Satsuma Rebellion.A 2045 Orleans. Tartar Conquerors of China... .*1 2361 Ouchterlony. The Chinese War.A 4543 Reed. History of Japan. 2 v.A 2043 Rennie. British Arms in North China and Japan.I 1497 Speer. Oldest and Newest Empire; China and the United States.A 4542 Thin. Tientsin Massacre..A 4532 AFRICA. Alvarez. Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia, i 5 2 o - 2 7 .*1 2398 Bellairs (Ed.). The Transvaal War.A 4494 Bontier and Verrier. Conquest of the Can¬ arians .*1 2384 Broadley. Tunis, past and present. 2 v. .A 4491 Brooke. History of St. Helena.A 3681 Carter. Narrative of the Boer War.A 4493 Certeux and Carnoix. L’Algerie tradition- nelle.C 4592 Church. Story of Carthage.A 4492 Colenso. History of the Zulu War.A 1008 Ruin of Zululand; British Doings in, since 1879. 2 v.A 3683 Froude. Two Lectures on South Africa. .A 1009 Goodrich. African History.H 432,3 Heeren. African Nations.A,290,4 Heim. Kriege in Algier.D 111 Holden. History of Natal.A 3705 Hozier. Expedition to Abyssinia.A 945 and Holland. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia ; with Maps. 3 V.*P 800 Perry. Carthage and Tunis.A 4490 Pimblett. Story of the Soudan War.A 4482 Playfair. Scourge of Christendom; Al¬ giers .. .A 4516 Russell. History of the Barbary States.. .1 3708 Russell. Nubia and Abyssinia.I 3701 Theal. History of South Africa.A 4495 v. 1. 1486-1691. 2. 1691-1795. 4. Boers in South Africa, 1836-1854. 5. The Republics, 1854-1872. Wilmot. History of the Zulu War.A 1007 Wilson. Western Africa ; its History, Con¬ dition and Prospects. I 1752 Wylde. ’83 to ’87 in the Soudan. 2 v... .A 4476 EGYPT. Ali Bey, History of the Revolt of.A 2035 Antes. Manners and Customs of the Egyp¬ tians.*V 513 Archer. The War in Egypt and the Sou¬ dan. 4 v.A 4475 Berkley. Pharaohs and their People.A 4466 Birch. Egypt to B. C. 300.A 2029 Records of the Past. 12 v.A 2026 Bowen. Conflict of East and West in Egypt. A 4467 Broadley. How we defended Arabi.A 4480 Brugsch-Bey. Aegyptenunter Pharaonen.D 28 Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 v .A 2038 Exodus of Israel.A 2037 Budge. Dwellers on the Nile ; Ancient Egyp¬ tians.A 4470 EGYPT—OCEANICA. 43 Tunsen. Egypt’s Place in History. 5v..*A 202i Butler. Campaign of the Cataracts, 1884- 85.A 4477 Champollion. Monuments de l’Egypte et de la Nubie. 4 V.*P 1043 Clement. Egypt, from 4400 B. C.A 2027 Ebers. Egypt. 2 v.*P 547 • Kayser. ^Egypten einst und jetzt.D 5612 Keary. Egyptian History for the Young. .A 2020 Keay. Spoiling the Egyptians.L 375 Kenrick. Egypt under Pharaohs."I 1781 Eanoye. Rameses the Great.K 2613 Lepsius. Denkmaler aus -Egypten und Ethi- opien. 12 v.*P 1044 Text to same.*P 1045 Long. Egyptian Antiquities. 2v.I 3558 Luettke. Egypten’s neue Zeit. 2v.D 161 Makrizi. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de l’Egypte.*V 1271 Malortie. Egypt; Native Rulers and For¬ eign Interference.A 4471 Meyer. Geschichte des alten Aegyptens..D 5791 Mohammed Abou Abdalla. De Expugna- tione Memphidis et Alexandrine... .*V 317 Muir. Annals of the Early Caliphate.A 4510 Nash. Pharaoh of the Exodus.A 2036 Osborn. Ancient Egypt.A 4463 Osburn. Monumental History of Egypt. 2 v. A 2031 Palmer. Egyptian Chronicles. 2 v.A 4472 Paton. Egyptian Revolution. 2v.A 2034 Poole. Horse Egyptiacce.A 2025 Rawlinson. Egypt and Babylon.A 4465 History of Ancient Egypt. 2 v.A 2023 Story of Ancient Egypt.A 4469 Royle. Egyptian Campaigns, 1882-85. 2 v. A 4468 Russell. Ancient and Modern Egypt.I 3666 The same.A 4461 Sharpe. History of Egypt to 640. 2V..A 2030 The same. 2v.I 2999 Stuart. Funeral Tent of an Egyptian Queen.*A 4464 Towle. England in Egypt.A 4481 Trevor. Ancient Egypt.A 2024 Egypt ; from Alexander to Napoleon I. .A 2022 Weil. Gesch. des Caliphats in Egypten. 2 v. D 246 Wiedemann. Egyptische Geschichte. 2V..D 5747 Wilkinson. Ancient Egyptians. 2 v.A 2032 The same. 3 V.*A 2033 Topography of Thebes.I 1799 Wilson. Egypt of the Past.A 4462 Zincke. Egypt of the Pharaohs and the Khe¬ dive.I 1738 OCEANICA. BONWICK. Port Phillip Settlement.A 3701 Carey. War in New Zealand, 1862.A 1010 Dibble. History of the Sandwich Islands. .A 4541 Harens. South Australia; its History and Resources.I 1887 Hogan. The Irish in Australia.A 3711 Jarvis. The Sandwich Islands.A 2075 Labilliere. Early History of Victoria. 2 v. A 1004 Lang. History of New South Wales. 2 v. A 923 Origins and Migrations of Polynesian Na¬ tion. A 2076 Leyden. Malay Annals.A 4502 Martin. Australia and the Empire.A 3712 Money. Java; how to manage a Colony. 2 v.A 2082 Pridden. Australia; its History and Present Condition. I 9250 Raffles. History of Java. 2v.A 2080 Rusden. History of Australia. 3 v.A 922 History of New Zealand. 3 v.A 3702 Russell. Polynesia and New Zealand.I 3759 Shillinglaw. History of Port Phillip. .. .A 1000 Sidney. Three Colonies of Australia.A 957 Thorn. Conquest of Java.*V 551 Westgarth.. History of Colony of Victo¬ ria to 1863. .A 946 44 AMERICA. AMERICAN HISTORY. AMERICA. Abbott. American History. 8 v.H 15 Alcedo. Geographical and Historical Dic¬ tionary of America. 5 v.*R 273 American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings. 11 v.B 4 Transactions. 6v.B 5 Index to Proceedings, by Paine.*B 4 American Atlas; Historical, Chronological and Geographical.*R 4919 American Historical Association Papers. 2 v. B 841 American Historical Record, Lossing’s. 3v.. Ser. American Philosophical Soc. Trans, v. I...B 710 Anderson. America not discovered by Col¬ umbus .B 126 Anniversary Celebrations, etc.B 89 Assall. Die friiheren Einwohner von Nord- Amerika. 2 v.*D 4243 Avezac. Voyages de Americ Vespuce.C 4054 Baird. Huguenot Emigration to America. 2v.B 825 Baldwin. Ancient America.B 6 Bancroft. Early American Chroniclers. ..B 753 Banvard. Novelties of the New World..B 122 Romance of American History.B 123 Barber. Incidents in American History... .B 92 Historical American Scenes.B 848 Bastian. Kulturlander des alten Amerika. 2v.D 5570 Beamish. Discovery of America by North¬ men. B 97 Benzoni. History of the New World. *1 2264 Blacket. Lost Histories of America... ,*B 749 Bowen. America discovered by the Welsh B 93 Bowles. New Map of North America (i763?)*B 854 Brasseurde Bourbourg. Histoiredes Na¬ tions civilisees de l’Amerique.C 4244 Brown. Icelandic Discoverers of America.B 757 Brownell. Pioneer Heroes of the New World.B 2014 Burke. Account of European Settlements in America. 2 v.B 759 Burney. Buccaneers of America.*V 125 Bury. Exodus of Western Nation. 2V...B 750 Butler. First French Foot-prints.*E 2014 Naming of America.*E 2014 Champlain. Voyages, 1603-29. 6 v... .*V 1096 Voyages; translated by Otis. 3 V.B 756 Charters of British Colonies in America.B 1971 Coffin. Old Times in the Colonies.B 761 Crafts. Pioneers of the Settlement of America. 2 v.*V 933 Cubitt. Columbus; Discovery of America.C 3268 D’ Anvers. Heroes of American Discovery.B 829 Darby. Lectures on Discovery of America. B 682. Davis. Discovery of America by Northmen. *B 862,2. DeCosta. Cabo de Baros.*B 883 Delafield. Antiquities of America.*V 482. Dexter. Letters of Columbus and Vespuc- cius.*B 862,2 Douglass. British Settlements in North America. 2 v.B 2010 Doyle. English Colonies in America. 3 v. .B 755 v. 1. Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. 2-3. Puritan Colonies. Eden (Ed.). First three English Books on America.;.*V 722 Esquemeling. Buccaneers of America... .B 130 Histoire des Flibustiers. 4 v. in 2.C 4838 Everett. America; Survey of Western Con¬ tinent.B 820 Force. Historical Tracts. 4V.*B 10^ Fowler. Woman on the American Frontier B 2011 Goodrich. Lights and Shadows of American History.H432, r Gryn.BUS. Novus Orbus.*P 516 Guild. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to America. *0 373 Hakluyt. Divers Voyages to America ...*1 2355 Haliburton. The English in America. 2 v. B 94 Hazard. Historical Collections. 2 v... .*P 337 Helps. Spanish Conquest of America. 4 v.B 177 Hennepin. Description de la Louisiane. ,*C 5215 Description of Louisiana; tr. by Shea. .B 1604 Neue Reise-Beschreibung.*P 392 Nouvelle Decouverte en Amerique.C 5216 Higginson. Travellers and Outlaws.E 3410 Young Folks’ Book of American Ex¬ plorers.B 148 Hill. Antiquities of America explained.. .B 670 Historical Magazine, Dawson’s. 23 v. Ser. Holmes. Annals of America, 1492-1826. 2 v.*B 154 Horsford. Discovery of America by North¬ men.*V 889 Howland. Annals of America, 1492-1877. B 815 Jefferys. French Dominions in America *35 Jones. De Soto and his March through Georgia.*B 721 AMERICA—THE INDIANS. 45 Jones. History of Ancient America.B 7 Kidder. Discovery of N.America by Cabot. B 98 Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell.. .*V 485 Kip. Early Jesuit Missions in N. America. .B 56 Kohl. Discovery of America.B 836 Kruger. First Discovery of America.B 153 Lafitau. Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais. 4 V.C 5585 Leland. Fusang; Discovery of America by Chinese.B 137 Lodge. English Colonies in America.B 760 McGee. Catholic History of N. America..B 112 Mackenzie. America; a History.B 768 Magazine of American History. 21 v. Ser. Margry. Decouvertes des Frangais, 1614- 1754 - 6 v.*B 144 Marquette and Joliet. Ontdekking von Landen en America.*B 862,2 Mason. Pioneer History of America.B 834 Moncrieff. Heroes of Young America... B 751 Men of the Backwoods.B 702 Morris. Half Hours with American History. B 846 1. Colonial America. 2. Independent America. Munoz. Historia deHNuevo-Mundo.*V 750 Nadaillac. Pre-historic America.. B 747 Neill. English Colonization of Americ.'..B 125 Nohl. History of the Discovery of America. B 836 Palmer. Migration from Shinar.B 746 Pamphlets on American History.*B87~88 Parkman. Discovery of the Great West.. .B 38 Frontenac and New France.B 40 Jesuits in North America.B 37 La Salle and Discovery of the West... .B 52 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v.B 800 Old Regime in Canada.B 39 Pioneers of France in America.B 36 Potherie. Plistoire de 1 ’Amerique Septen- trionale. 4 V. in 2.C 6160 Pouchet. French and English War, 1755-60. 2 v.B 170 Preston. Documents illustrative of American History.B 838 Priest. American Antiquities.B 8 Rafn. Antiquitates Americans.*V 47 Decouverte de 1 ’Amerique au i6me Siecle.B 721 Robertson. History of America .B 1 The same.I 3773 Robinson ( Talvi ). History of Colonization of America. 2 v. B 3 Roeding. Columbus ; Amerikanische Mis- cellen.D 3890 Rogers, R. Concise Account of N. America B 169 Journals cf, 1755-60; ed. by Hough.... B 341 Roy. Pilgrims Letters; Current History.. .B 864 Ryerson. Loyalists of America, 1620-1816. 2 v.B 844 Sabin. Reprints of American. Tracts.B 9 St. Bris. Origin of the Name of America. .B 1965 Schele de Vere. Romance of Am. History B 103 Short. North Americans of Antiquity... .B 174 Smith, Capt. John. Advertisements for un¬ experienced Planters.*V 553 Works; ed. by Arber.*B 4483 Smith and W\tson. American Historical Curiosities. 2v.*R 4260 Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by the Northmen in 10th Century.B , 913 The same; second edition.B 754 Snowden. History of America.B 1972 Thornbury. The Buccaneers.B 752 Thornton. First Records of Anglo-American Colonization.B 1970 Thousand Questions on American History..B 827 Tomes. Battles of America. 3 V.*V 162 Tytler. Discovery on Northern Coasts of America. .... I 3685 Varnhagen. Jo. Schoner e P. Appianus B 770 Vining. An Inglorious Columbus.B 824 Voyages of Northmen to America.*B S74 Vries. Voyages to America, 1632-44 ... .*V 749 Weise. Discoveries of America to 1525. .. .B 748 Whitmore. Founders of American Colo¬ nies.*B 862,2 Willson. American History.B 121 Winsor (Ed.). Narrative and Critical History of America. 8v.*R 270 Wright. Children’s Stories in American History.H 268S Yonge and Weld. Stories of American History.H 800 THE INDIANS. Abbott. History cf King Philip.H 71 Alden. Missions among the Senecas and Mun- sees.B 692 Allen. Life of American Indians.B 689 Armstrong. The Sauks and the Black Hawk War.B 740 Atwater. Indians of the Northwest.B 64 Bancroft. Native Races of the Pacific States. 5v.B 2 Barber. Suffering among Indians.*B 775,4 Barratt. The Indian of New England. .*B 721 Barrows. The Indian’s Side of the Indian Question.B 720 Bartlett. Missions among Indians. *B 862,2 BATTEY. Quaker among the Indians.B 696 BEACH (Ed). Indian Miscellany.B 164 46 THE INDIANS. Beckwith. Illinois and Indiana Indians. *B 1353,27 and Burnham. An Ancient Indian Fort.*B 775,4 Beeson. Plea for the Indians.B 24 Belden. Belden, the White Chief.B 2006 Black Hawk. Life ; by himself.B 713 Life and Adventures of.B 50 Boller. Among the Indians in the Far West, 1858-66.B 2002 Book of American Indians.B 63 Bouquet. Expedition contre les Indiens, 1764.B 1322 JBourke. Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre.B 737 Snake Dance of theMoquisof Arizona. .B 733 Boyd. Indian Local Names and their Interpre¬ tation.J 398 Bradford. History of the Red Race.B 20 Brinton. American Hero-Myths.B 718 Myths of the New World.B 193 Brooks. Story of the American Indian.B 719 Brownell. Indian Races of North and South America.B 68 Bryant and Murch. Great Massacre by the Sioux in Minnesota.B 83 Buchanan. History, Manners and Customs of North American Indians.B 82 Carrington. Ab-sa-ra-ka; Land of Massacre. I 333 Cass. Remarks on N. A. Indians.B 53 Catlin. Customs of N. A. Indians. 2 V...B 27 North American Indian Portfolio.*P 1008 O-kee-pa ; Indian Ceremony.B 22 Caverly. Indian Wars of New England.. B 709 Cherokee Indians, Report on Treaty with... .B 29 Church. Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676 B 327 Clark. Indian Sign Language.B 735 Cohen. Indian Wars in Florida. B 1785 Colden. Hist, of the Five Indian Nations. .B 54 The same.*B 84 Coleson. Captivity among Sioux Indians.B 73 Conduct of the Society of Friends towards In¬ dians. B 724 Cort. Col. Bouquet and his Campaigns... .B 342 Curtis. Children of the Sun ; the Zunis. ..B 715 Custer. My Life on the Plains.I 217 Dablon. Missions des Jesuites, 1672-79...B 62 Dawson and Skiff. The Ute War.B 708 De Forrest. History of Indians of Conn.. B 1151 De Hass. Indian Wars in West Virginia. .B 49 De Smet. Sketches among the Indians_ B 681 New Indian Sketches.B 699 Western Missions and Missionaries.B 706 Dodge. Die heutigen Indianer.D 3755 A Living Issue.*L 139 Our Wild Indians,.....B 730 Domenech. Seven Years in Deserts of Amer¬ ica. 2 v.L Drake, B. Life of Black Hawk.B Tecumseh and the Prophet; with Sketch of Shawanoe Indians. ,B Drake, F. S. Indian Hist, for Young Folks. B Indian Tribes of the U. S. 2 v.*P Drake, S. G. Aboriginal Races of North America.B The same ; 15th ed., revised....B Biography and History of Indians.B The same ; nth ed.*B History of the French and Indian War. .B Indian Captivities.B Old Indian Chronicle.B Dunn. Massacres of the Mountains.B Eastman. Dahcota; Life and Legends of the Sioux. B Eastman. Comanches and Apaches.B Eells. Indian Missions on Pacific Coast.. .M Eggleston. Red Eagle.B and Seelye. Brant and Red Jacket.. B Montezuma and Conquest of Mexico... .B Pocahontas.B Tecumseh and the Prophet.B Eliot. Gospel among the Indians.B Ellis. Red Man and White Man........B Emerson. Indian Myths.B Events in Indian History.B F1 eld. Bibliography of American Indians. *0 History of the Wyandott Mission. B Indian Wars of the West. B Early Notices of Indians of Ohio.*B FINLEY. Flint. Force. Foster. Foster. F ROST. 2 705 197 734 5 2 7 196 728 33 2005 933 59 195 739 75 685 1555 192 161 690 691 129 909 73 1 73 2 9 i 420 55 80 885 Se-quo-yah, the American Cadmus. B 2004 Pre-historic Races. B 12 Book of the Indians of North America.B 2009 Thrilling Adventures among the Indians B 79 Fry. Army Sacrifices.B 150 Gilbert. Captivity and Sufferings.B 69S Giles. Odd Adventures and Deliverances. B 81 Goodrich. History of American Indians. H 432,5 Manners and Customs of Am. Indians H 432,6 Grotius. Origin of the Native Races of America.*P 624,12 Haines. The American Indian.B 2007 Halkett. Indians of North America.B 684 Hall, F. and A., Capture and Escape of. .*B 1396 Harrison. Aborigines of the Ohio Val¬ ley. .I353>26 Harrison. Studies on Indian Reservations. B 2013 Harvey. History of Shawnee Indians ....B 67 Heard. History of the Sioux War.B 198 Heckewelder. History of Indians.B 30 Indian Mission of United Brethren .. *B 44 THE INDIANS. 47 Helleberg. Nord-Amerikas Indianer.C 7838 Homes. Dearborn on Seneca Indian Lands.*6775.2 Hopkins. Life among the Piutes.B 722 Hopkins. Mission to the Indians in 1804..B 13 Hough (Ed.). Diary of Pontiac’s Siege of Detroit.*B 51 Indian Wars of 1763-4.*B 51 Proceedings of Commissioners of Indian Affairs in New York. 2v.B 693 Howard. Nez Perce Joseph.B 701 Hubbard. Indian Wars in New England. 2 v.B 45 Hubbard. Red Jacket and his People. .. .B 738 Hunter. Captivity among the Indians.. . .B 14 Indian Affairs, Reports on. 4 V.B 26 Indian Narratives from 1620-1794.B 188 Indian Rights Association Publications.B 2015 Indian Treaty and Laws.B 28 Irving. Indian Sketches. 2 v.B 65 The same; new ed.B 65b Jackson. Century of Dishonor.B 694 The same; new ed.B 729 Jacobs. The White Oak and its Neighbors B 736 Johnson. History of the French War.B 324 Johnson. The Iroquois.B 726 Johnston. Capture, Detention and Ransom B 78 Jones, C. C. Antiquities of Southern IndiansB 25 Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi-Chi.... B 66 Jones, D. Indians on the Ohio River, 1772-3. 1 98 Jones, E. F. Indian Mission at Stockbridge B 1075 Jones, P. History of the Ojebway Indians. B 703 Kane. An Artist among the Indians of North America.B 745 Kelly. My Captivity among the Sioux... .B 72 Kip. Army Life on the Pacific; Expedition against Northern Indians.B 2001 Kip. Early Jesuit Missions in N. America. .B 56 Knight and Slover. Captivities with In¬ dians.B 58 Larimer. Capture and Escape.B 74 Lee. Three Years among the Comanches.. B 686 Leland. Algonquin Legends.B 725 Long. Travels of an Indian Interpreter . .* V 95 Loskiel. Indian Mission of United Breth.*B 47 Macaulay. Grey Hawk. .B 716 McConkey. Dakota War Whoops.B 697 McCoy. Hist, of Baptist Indian Missions. ,B 61 McIntosh. Origin of N. A. Indians.B 717 McKenney. History of fhe Indian Tribes of North America. 2 v.*P 509 Plates to the same.*P 1006 Sketches of Chippeway Indians.I 203 Travels among the Indians.B 46 Manypenny. Our Indian Wards..B 163 Markham. King Philip’s War.B 326 Mather. King Philip’s War.B 926 Matson. Memories of Shaubena.B 191 Mayer. Logan and Cresap.B 41 Mayhew. Indian Narratives.B 687 Meacham. Wigwam and War Path .......B 2003 Mickley. Murders by the Indians, 1763.*B 862,2 Miller. Wampanoag Tribe of Indians... .B 688 Missions of the United Brethren. 6v.*B 2012 Moore. Indian Wars of the United States. B 71 Morgan. Indian Houses and House-Life .. Doc. League of the Iroquois.B 43 Morse. Report on Indian Affairs, 1822.. . .B 86 Norton. Sullivan’s Campaign against the Iroquois. .B 2369 Orcutt. Indians of Western Connecticut B 723 Osceola, Early Days and Remembrances of. .B 57 Otis. The Indian Question.B 133 Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac.B 35 Other works, See page 45. Penhali.OW. Indian Wars in New England B 48 Pidgeon. Traditions of De-coo-dah.B 23 Poole. Among the Sioux of Dakota.B 704 Powell. U. S. Bureau of Ethnology; Reports. 4 V.. Doc. Pumphrey. Indian Civilization..'.B 743 Red Cloud Indian Agency, Report on.B 11 Riggs. Forty Years with the Sioux.B 189 Rogers. Diary of the Siege of Detroit; ed. by Hough.B 51 Ruttenber. Indian Tribes of the Hudson’s River.B 69 St.Clair. Narrative of Campaign, 1791..B 19 Sargent. Gen. Braddock’s Expedition. .B 1263,5 Schoolcraft. Algic Researches. 2 v....B 15 American Indians.B 17 Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge. 6 v.*V 476 Indian in his Wigwam. .B 18 Myths of Hiawatha.F 657a Notes on the Iroquois.B 42 Oneota; part 2.B 695 Red Race of America .B 77 Residence with Indians.B 16 Western Scenes.I> 200 Seminole War, Debate on, in 1819.B 712 Shea. Catholic Missions among the Indians, 1529-1854.B 60 (Ed.). Cramoisy Series; Early French Rela¬ tions: v. 1. Gravier. Mission de 1 ’Immaculee Con¬ ception au Pays des Illinois, 1693-94. 2. Bigot. Relation de la Mission Abna- quise, 1684.*B 886 3. Bigot. Relation de la Mission Abna- quise, 1685. 48 THE INDIANS—UNITED STATES. 4. Bigot. Relation de la Mission Abna- quise, 1701. 5. Cavelier. Voyage de La Salle pour decouvrir I’embouchure du Missisippi*B 910 6. 7. Chaumonot. Sa vie, ecrite par lui- raeme.*C 4335 8. Tranchepain. Voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Orleans.*B 862,2 9. Registres des Baptemes et Sepultures au Fort Duquesne, 1753-1756. 10. Journal de la Guerre du Mississippi contre les Chicachas en 1739-40. 11. Gravier. Relation du Voyage en 1700. 12. Dablon. Missions des Jesuites en la Nouvelle France, 1672-73.*B 62 13. The same, 1673-79.*B 62 14. Relations sur la Bataille du Malan- gueule, 1755.*B 886 15. Relation de la Mission du Mississippi du Seminaire de Quebec, 1700.*B 886 16. Jogues. Novum Belgium et Notice sur R. Goupil.*B 1436 27. Sagean. Extraits des Avan tures de.*B 886 18. Milet. Sa Captivite parmi les Onnei- outs en 1690-1.*B 862,2 19. Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre, 1648... .*B 886 20. Affaires du Canada en 1696.*B 886 21. Bigot. Relation de la Mission Abna- quise, 1702.*B 886 22. Gravier. Lettre sur les Affaires de la Louisiane, 170S.*B 886 23. Bigot. Lettre en 1684, pour accom- pagner un Collier de Pourcelaine... *B 886 24. Dreuillettes. Epistola ad Joannem Winthrop.*B 886 25. Gendron. Quelques Particularity du Pays des Hurons.*B 886 Sheridan. Record of Engagements with In¬ dians, 1868-82 .B 711 Short. The North Americans of Antiquity. B 174 Smith. Occurrences during Captivity with Indians, 1755-59. B 1304 Speeches on Removal of the Indians, 1830... B 727 Squier. Aboriginal Monuments.*B 862,2 Stone. Life and Times of Red Jacket. .. .B 32 Life of Brant, and Border Wars.B 223 Life and Times of Sir Wm. Johnson... ,B 31 Uncas and Miantonomoh.B 199 Stores. Removal of the Indians West of the Mississippi.*L 165 Stratton. Captivity of the Oatman Girls.B 714 Sullivan. Indian Expedition, 1779.B 744 Thatcher. Indian Biography. 2 v.I 3681 Tibbles. Hidden Power; the Indian Ring.B 707 Traits of American Indian Life.B 741 Trumbull. History of the Indian Wars. ..B 2008 The same; new ed.B 70 Trumbull. Indian Names of Places in Con¬ necticut .J 926 Turner. Traits of Indian Character. 2 v. B 76 Tuttle. Border Wars of Two Centuries. .B 159 Wakefield. War of Sac and Fox Indians B 683 Walker. Campaigns of General Custer in the Northwesu.B 328 Walker. The Indian Question.B 34 Wayne. Journal of Campaign against In¬ dians .B 194 Weiner. Events in Indian History.B 91 Whipple and others. Report upon Indian Tribes.*V 481 Wilde. Speech on Removal of Indians, 1830.B 85 WoRSLEY. View of the American Indians. B 742 Wyth. Natives of Virginia.B 1632 Yarrow. Indian Mortuary Customs . Doc . UNITED STATES. Abbott. Paragraph History of the U.S. . .B 96 Adams, J. Works. 10 v.J 5 American State Papers. 38 v. Doc . Anderson. Common School History.B 762 School History of the U. S.B 171 Pictorial History of the U. S.B 114 Astie. Histoire des Etats-Unis. 2v.C 4082 Bagenal. The American Irish. ...B 779 Bancroft. History of the U. S. to 1783. iov.B 116 The same; revised edition, 1883. 6 v.B 807 Formation of the Constitution of the United States. 2v.B 774 Bancroft. Footprints of Time.B 767 Barber and Howe. Our Whole Country. 2 v.B 857 Barnes. BriefHistory of the United States. B 182 Bartlett. History of the United States. 3 v.B 802 Blaine. Twenty Years of Congress. 2V.. .B 818 Bonner. Child’s History of the U. S. 3V.H 252 Bradford. History of the Federal Govern¬ ment, 1789-1839.L 13 Bryant and Gay. Popular History of the United States. 4 V.B 184 Butler. History of the United States, 1821. 3 v.B 863 Butterworth. Young Folk’s HLtory of America.B 765 Byrne. Irish Immigration to U. S., 1874. .L 1650 The same, 1879.L 1639 UNITED STATES. 49 805 Carson. Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Constitution of U. S. 2 v.*V 952 Chalmers. Annals of United Colonies to 1763.*V 121 Childs. History of the United States.B 832 Clark. Naval History of the U. S.B 105 Clark. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson.*B 835 Cocke. Constitutional History of the U. S. B 809 Coffin. Building the Nation.B 331 Old Times in the Colonies.B 761 Congres International des Americanistes, 1875, 1878. 4 v..C 4438 Cooper. History of United States Navy.. .B 107 The same. 2 ..B 135 Curtis. History of the Constitution of the U. S. 2 v.*B Derry. School History of the U. S.B 134 Devens. Our First Century.*V 643 Donaldson. The Public Domain.*B 823 Early History of the United States.B 100 Eggleston. History of the United States and its People.B 859 Household History of the United States.B 2161 Eickhoff. In der neuen Heimath.D 5583 Eliot. Manual of United States History.. .B 143 Fergus. History of the United States. 2 v.I 3819 Fisher. Progress of the United States... .B 187 Fiske. Critical Period of American History, 1783-89.B 865 Force. American Archives. 9 v. Doc. Fowler. Sectional Controversy in U. S... .B 811 Frost History of the United States.B 115 Frothingham. Rise of the Republic... .B 156 Gillet. Democracy in the United States.. .B 124 Gilman. History of the American People. .B 814 Goodrich. Pictorial History of the U. S. .B 104 History of the U. S.; ed. by Seavey... B 183 Grahame. History ofthe United States. 4 v. B 128 Gowans. Bibliotheca Americana.B 1S0 1. Denton. Descr. of New York, 1670. 2. Wooley. Two Years in N. Y., 1701. 3. Miller. Description of N. Y., 1695. 4. Budd. Good Order in Penn., 1685. 5. Alsop. Character of Maryland, 1666. Hale. History of the United States.B 847 Hale. History of the U. S., to 1S15.B 147 The same, to 1S17. 2 v.I 3731 Hamersley. Army and Navy Register, 1776- 1887.*R 3S99 Hamilton. History of the United States. 7 ..B 160 Hamilton. History of the U. S. Flag. ...B 101 Hamilton Club Series. 2 v.*B 109 Harper. Dispute between the United States and France.B 262 Harris. Political Conflict in America... .B 146 Harrison. Battles of the Republic.B 831 Hart. Courses in Constitutional and Political History of the United States.B 2162 Hassard. History of the United States...B 151 Hathaway. 1000 Questions on United States History. .B 851 Haven. Handbook of American Progress. B 176 Higginson. Larger History of the U. S..B 830 Young Folk’s History of the U. S.B 149 Hildreth. History of the U. S., to 1821. 6 v.B 152 Hildreth. Dragoon Campaigns to Rocky Mountains.B 141 Hinton. History and Topography of the U. S. • 2 v..*V 483 Holst. Constitutional Hist, of the U. S. 5V. B 155 Verfassung von America. 4 V.D 117 Hopkins. Comic History of the U. S.B 95 Hopp. Geschichted. Vereinigten Staaten. 3%\ D 5600 Ingersoll. History of the U. S. War Department.B 812 Irelan. The Republic; History of the U. S. 858 the Administrations. 18 V .B Washington. 10. Tyler. Adams, J. 11. Polk. Jefferson. 12. Taylor. Madison. 13 - Fillmore. Monroe. 14. Pierce. Adams, J. Q. x 5 - Buchanan. Jackson. 16-17. Lincoln. Van Buren. 18. Johnson. Harrison. v. 1. 2. 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 . 7 - 8 . Jennings. Eighty Years of the Republic.. .B 113 Korner. Die Deutschen in den Vereinigten Staaten.D 5613 Ku-KIux Conspiracy, Reports on. 13 v.B 90 Laboulaye. Histoire des Etats-Unis. 3 v.C 5610 Ladd. Minor Wars of the United States.. .B 325 Landon. Constitutional History of United States.B 2163 Leeds. History of the United States.B 157 Smaller History of the United States. ,.B S06 Lester. Our first hundred Years. 2 v. B 172 Lilly. History of the Middle States. B 808 Lodge. Studies in History. B 813 Loiier. Gesch. der Deutschen in Amerika.D 5624 Logan. The Volunteer Soldier of America. B 852 LOSSING. Family History of the United States. B 127 Grammar School Hist, of U. S.B 179 Primary School History of the U. S....B 17S School History of the United States.. ..B 1 18 Story of the U. S. Navy.B 815 50 UNITED STATES. Loubat. Medallic History of the U. S. 1776- 1876. 2 v.*P 1098 McCabe. Pictorial History of the U. S... .B 817 MacCoun. Historical Geography of United States... .B 2180 Macgregor. Progress of America to 1846. 2 v.B 99 Mackay. History of the U. S. to 1861. 2v.B 819 McMaster. History of the People of U. S. v. 1, 2.B 801 McPherson. Political History of the U. S. during the Reconstruction.B 680 Maguire. The Irish in America.B 111 Markens. The Hebrews in America.B 2130 Murray and Watson. Pictorial History of the United States.B 828 Neumann. Gesch. d.Vereinigten Staaten. 3V.D 187 Noailles. Cent Ans de Republique aux Etats-Unis.C 6036 Nolte. Histoire des Etats-Unis. 2 v.C 6056 Ollier. History of the United States. 3 v.B 772 Patton. Concise Hist, of the Am. People. B 165 History of the United States.B 166 Peck. History of the Great Republic.B 763 Perkins. Hist. Sketches of U. S., 1815-30. B 167 Pitkin. History of the U.S., 1763-97. 2 v. B 168 Porter. Constitutional History of the U. S. B 804 Poussin. The United States; its Power. ...B 773 Preble. History of the Flag of the U. S...B 771 QUACKENBOS. American History for Schools B 185 Elementary History of the U. S.B 186 School History of the United States... .B 106 Ramsay. History of the United States. 3 v. B 138 Reed. Lectures on the American Union... B 108 Richardson. History of the United States B 139 Ridpath. Popular History of the U. S.B 158 School History of the United States. . . .B 843 Rodenbaugh. Uncle Sam’s Medal of Honor B 839 Rosengarten. The German Soldier in the United States.B 833 The same.*6775,10 Rosenthal. America and France.B 330 Sanford. History of the United States be¬ fore the Revolution.B 764 Sargent. Public Men and Events. 2v ,.B 136 Schouler. Hist, of the United States. 3 v.B 776 Schoyen. Forenede Staters Historic.C 8407 Scott. Constitutional Liberty in English Colonies.B 778 Scott. School History of the U. S.B 145 Smaller School History of the U. S.B 162 Scudder. History of the United States.... B 826 (Ed.). Men ana Manners One Hundred Years Ago.B 856 Shaffner. Hist, of the U. S. to 1857. 2 v*V 587 Shea. Story of a Great Nation.B 855 Sherwood. Comic History of the U. S.. ..B 140 Snow. Constitutional and Political History of the U. S.B 853 Southern Historical Society’s Papers. 16 v. Sir. Sparks. Letter to Lord Mahon on Washing¬ ton’s Writings.B 792 Reply to Lord Mahon .B 794 Letters of Washington to Reed.B 793 Spencer. History of the United States. 3 v.*V 168 Stephens. History of the U. S.B 810 Sterne. Constitutional History of the U. S. B 782: Sumner. Prophetic Voices concerning Amer¬ ica.E 1552 Swinton. School History of the U. S.B 849 Talleyrand. Etudes sur les Etats-Unis. ..C 6851 Taylor. School History of the American People.B 842 Thalheimer. Eclectic History of the U. S. B 766 Thompson. United States as a Nation.B 131 .Tocquevii.le. American Institutions.B 780 Democracy in America. 2v...B 132 Democratic en Amerique. 3 V.C 6915 Towle. The Nation in a Nutshell.B 84c •Trumbull. History of the United States.. B 777 United States Treaty of Peace, 1783.*B 775,2 Victor. History of American Conspiracies, 1760-1860.B 2170 Washington. Correspondence with Craw¬ ford concerning Western Lands.B 190 The same.B 4522 Webster. Brief History of the U. S.L 1432 History of the United States.B 845 Whitmore. Founders of the Thirteen Colo¬ nies.*B 862,2 Wilkinson. Burr’s Conspiracy exposed.. .*B 202 Willard. Abridged History of the U. S. .B 119 United States History.B 120 Williams. History of the Negro Race in America. 2v.B ^32 Williams. Rise and Fall of the Model Rs- public.B 604 Willson. History of the United States...B 850 Wilson. The Black Phalanx; Negro Soldiers of the U. S., 1775-1865.B 2521 Wilson. Rise and Fall of Slave Power. 3 V. B 102 Winthrop. Centennial of Declaration of Independence.*B 862,1 Wood. History of Adams’s Administra¬ tion. B 237 Woolsey and others. First Century of the Republic.B 173 Wright. Children’s Stories of American Progress. B 837 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 5i AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Abbot. Blue Jackets of ’76.B 2367 Abbott. Revolutionary Times.B 210 Allen. Hist, of American Revolution. 2v. B 203 Allen, E. Narrative of my Captivity.B 249 Allyn. Battle of Groton Heights..B 316 Almon. Prior Documents, 1764-75.B 252 Remembrancer, 1775-80. 10 v.B 253 Amory. Daniel Sullivan’s Visits to Gen. Sullivan.*B 775,2 Gen. Sullivan not a Pensioner.*B 219 The same.*B 1007 Andr£, J., Trial of.B 255 Trial and Execution of.*V 84 Arnold, Benedict. Trial of.N 4994 Arnold, I. N. Life of Benedict Arnold. ..C 1710 Benedict Arnold at Saratoga.*B 219 The same.*B 1339 Badeaux. Operations de l’Armee americaine C 5300 Balch. Papers relative to Maryland Line. B 1649 Barclay. Recollections cf the Am. Rev.. ,B 204 Bartlett. History of the American Rev. .B 340 Baxter. British Invasion from the North. .B 2363 Beaumarchais and “the Lost Million”.C 3317 Benson. Vindication of Captors of Andre B 207 Bland. Bland Papers.B 251 Bleeker, Capt. L. Order Book in 1779... .B 212 Bloodgood. Sexagenary.B 224 Boardman. Log Book of a Privateer,... B 334 Botta. Guerra dell’ Independenza d’ America. 4 v.■.C 9148 War of Independence. 2v.B 245 Bunce. Romance of Am. Revolution, 1852 B 234 The same, 1870.B 225 Bunker Hill Monument Asso. Proceedings. 7 v.B 269 Burgoyne. Expedition from Canada, I777*V 12 Orderly Book.B 213 Campbell. Border Warfare of N. Y.B 1195 Carrington. Battle of the Revolution... *B 208 Caruthers. Revolu. ^Incidents in N. C... .B 1661 Chalmers. Intro, to Hist, of Am. Revolt. B 214 Chevalier. La Marine frangaise pendant la Guerre de l’Independance.C12140 Chotteau. Guerre de l’Independance ... .C12146 Cobbett. Letters on the Revolution.B 206 Coffin. Boys of “76”; Battles of Revolu¬ tion.B 211 Curvven. Journal and Letters, 1775-83... .B 246 Davis. Authentic History of the War.B 281 Dawson. Assault on Stony Point.*B 256 Westchester Co., N. Y., during the Revo¬ lution.*V 796 and “Selah” Correspondence concerning General Putnam.*V 6 Deane. Burgoyne and Conv. of Saratoga. .B 275 Deane, Silas. Papers in Relation to Case of. B 250 De Costa. History of Fort George.B 227 Denison. Days and Ways of Cocked Hats B 349 Deux-Ponts. My Campaigns in America. .B 215 Dodd. Revolutionary Memorials.B 414 Doheny. Hist, of the American Revolution B 218 Drake. Bunker Hill; the Story in Letters of British Officers.B 2362 Burgoyne’s Invasion of 1777. B 2375 Drake. Mass. Society of the Cincinnati. ..B 268 Draper. King’s Mountain and its Heroes. B 311 Drayton. Revolution in the Carolinas. 2 v. B 247 Durand. New Materials for a History of the American Revolution.B 2372 Ellet. Domestic Hist, of American Revol.B 220 Ellis. History of Battle of Bunker Hill. ..B 216 Feltman, W. Journal of American Revolu¬ tion. B 248 Field. Battle of Long Island... .B 306 Fisher, E. Journal in the War for Indepen¬ dence.*B 2371 Fiske. War for Independence.B 2374 Fox. Adventures in the Revolutionary War B 2365 Frothingham. The Centennial; battle of Bunker Hill...B 2368 The Command in the Battle of Bunker „ Hill.*B 2371 Siege of Boston.B 1050 Galloway, J., Examination of.B 309 Garden. Anecdotes of Am. Revol. 3v..*V 17 Gibbes. Documentary History of the Revolu¬ tion in South Carolina. 3 V.B 217 Gilmore ( Kirke ). Rear Guard of the Revolu¬ tion .B 338 Gilpin. Exiles in Virginia; Soc. of Friends during the War.B 44S9 Gordon. History of Am. Revolution. 4V..B 257 Graham. Mecklenburg Declaration.B 1676 Greene. Historical View of Am. Revol.. .B 259 German Element in Am. Revolution... .B 260 PlADDEN, J. M. Journal and Orderly Book B 798 Hammond. New Hampshire Soldiers in the War. 2 v.*B 965, 14-15 Haskell, C. Diary of, May 5, 1775, to May 30, 1776..2371 Haven. 30 Days in New Jersey.B 315 Hawks. Revolu. Hist, of North Carolina. B 1660 Headley. Chaplains of the Revolution... B 228 Heart, J., Journal, 1785. ...B 336 Henry. Arnold’s Campaign against Quebec B 279 Heroes in Campaign of 1775.B 783 Henshaw, W. Orderly Book, 1775.B 335 IIinman. Connecticut in the Revolution... B 1150 Holmes. Oration, Ju'y 4, 1863.B 232 52 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. * How, D. Diary; edited by Dawson. *V 18 Hudson. Doubts concerning the Battle of Bunker Hill.B 317 Impartial History of the Am. Revolution... B 277 Johnson, Sir J. Orderly Book, 1776-7... ,B 788 Johnston. Speech on American Affairs, 1776 .*P 624,37 Johnston. Yale in the Revolution, 1775- 1783.B 2370 The Yorktown Campaign.B 784 Jones. DefenseofRev. Hist, ofN. Carolina B 1662 Jo nes. Hist, of New York in Revol. 2 v. B 1122 Judson. Sages and Heroes of the Revol. C 1434 Kapp. Soldaten Handel nach Amerika... .D 137 Friedrich II. und die Ver. Staaten ... .D 138 Kidder. Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia in the Revolution.B 951 History of the 1st N. H. Regiment.B 9S2 Lamb, R. Journal during Am. Revolution .B 263 Laurens, H. Correspondence.*V 13 Lee. War in the Southern Department... .B 284 The same; ed. by R. E. Lee.B 221 Lendrum. History of the American Revolu¬ tion. 2 v.B 2366 Lewis, Gen. A. Orderly Book, 1776. ...*B 789 Lexington Battle, Centennial Celebration of. B 258 Lippard. Legends of Am. Revolution.B 264 Lothrop. Oration, July 4, 1866.B 233 Lossing. Field Book of Am. Revolution. 2v.B 265 Living Men and Women of the Revolu¬ tion .B 2373 1776; or, The War of Independence... .B 2361 Lowell. The Hessians in the Revolution.. B 797 Ludlow. War of American Independence.B 312 Marbois. Complot d’Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton.C 5958 Moore. Treason of Charles Lee.B 267 Moore. Diary of American Revolution. 2 v. B 266 Morse. Annals of American Revolution . .B 205 Moultrie. Memoirs of Am. Revolution. 2v.B 241 Muzzey. Men of the Revolution.C 2051 Neilson. Burgoyne’s Campaign.B 787 Nell. Colored Patriots of the Revolution.B 313 New York City during Am. Revolution. .. .*V 11 N. Y. State MSS. relating to Am. Revolu¬ tion. 2 v. ;. ... Doc. Niles. Principlesand Acts of the Am. Rev. B 209 Onderdonk. Incidents in Suffolk and Kings Counties.B 1173 Oriskany Battle, Centennial of.B 781 Patton. Yorktown Campaign.B 786 PaUSCH, Capt. G., Journal of, 1776-7; ed. by Stone.B 343 Prescott, W., Commander in Battle of Bunker Hill; by Parker.*B 2371 Public Events in Mass, before the Revolution B 308 Pulsifer. Battle of Bunker Hill.B 358 Pulteney. Thoughts on Affairs of America.L 305 Puryiance. Baltimore during Revolution B 1642 Putnam, R. Journal, 1757-60.B 337 Ramsay. Am. Rev. in South Carolina. 2 v. B 1666 History of American Revolution. 2 v.. .B 235 Reynolds. Concord Fight, April 19, 1775*6 862,1 Riedesel, F. A. de. Letters and Journals.*V 488 Riedesel, Mad. de. Memoirs relating to the Revolution.B 236 Reise nach Amerika.D 3856 Sabine. Loyalists of Am. Revolution. 2v. B 280 Saffell. Records of American Revolution B 226 St.Clair. Papers of; ed. by Smith. 2 v..B 314 The same. Doc. Indexes to the St. Clair Papers.*B 775 Schuyler. Society of the Cincinnati of New York State. *V 1367 Siege of Charleston, S. C., May 12, 1780... .B 300 Siege of Savannah in 1779.*V 83 Simcoe. Military Journal.B 242 Smith. Legends of the War.B 333 Smith. Causes which led to Death of Andre C 3885 Society of Cincinnati in New Jersey.B 791 Sparks. Correspondence of the Revolution. 4 v.B 230 Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revo¬ lution. 12 v.B 796 Stedman. History of the American War. 2v.B 254 Stevens (Ed.). Campaign in Yirginia, 1781; Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy. 2 v.B 2364 Stevens. Expedition of Lafayette against Arnold. *B 1643 Stone. Our French Allies in the Revolution B 795 Stone. Border Wars of the Am. Revolution. 2 v...I 3745 The same. 2 v.B 223 Stone, Jr. Campaign of Burgoyne and Ex¬ pedition of St. Leger.B 276 Centennial Celebration of Burgoyne’s Surrender.B 278 Stryker. New Jersey in the Revolution . .B 357 Svvett. History of Bunker Hill Battle.B 273 Notes to Sketch on Bunker Hill.B 273 Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle.C 2132 Who was Commander at Bunker IIill?.*B 3496 Tarleton. History of Southern Campaigns.B 244 The same.*V 62 Thacher. Military Journal during Revolu¬ tion .B 243 Thayer, Captain S. Journal, 1775.B 1838 Thornton. Pulpit of American Revolution B 274 Townshend. British Invasion of New Haven, 1779.B 2979 WAR OF 1812 —AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 53 ft Treaty with America, Considerations on... .B 201 Wallabout Prison Ship Series, Nos. 1, 2. 2v.*V 489 Warren. History of the American Revolu¬ tion. 3 v.B 296 Warren. History of the Bunker Hill Monu¬ ment Association.B 261 Washington, G. Fac-simile of Accounts during the Revolution.*R 4250 Journal, 1753.B 270 Letters to Joseph Reed.B 271 Official Letters. 2 v.B 231 Revolutionary Orders.B 238 Washington-Crawford Letters.B 4522 Washington-Irvine Correspondence. .. .B 339 Writings; ed. by Sparks...J 280 Watson. Men and Times of Am. Revol.B 222 Wheildon. Siege and Evacuation of Boston and Charlestown.*B 2371 Williams. Revolutionary Heroes.C 44 Wilson. History of the American Revolution, for Schools.B 297 WiNSOR. Reader’s Handbook of the Amer¬ ican Revolution.B 790 Winthrop. Oration at Yorktown, Oct. 1881. B 785 Wright. Patriot and Tory 100 years ago. .B 272 ~“’yatt. Generals, Commodores, etc.C 1637 WAR OF 1812. Abbot. Blue Jackets of 1812.B 348 Andrews. Prisoners’ Memoirs; Dartmoor Prison.B . 307 Armstrong. Notices of War of 1812. 2 v. B 354 The same. 2 v.B 288 Atherton. Defeat of N. W. Army, 1812. .B 2S9 Auchinleck. History of War of 1812. .. .B 290 Barbarities of the Enemy.B 353 Bowen. Naval Monument 1812.B 240 Brackenridge. War of 1812.B 322 Brown. Campaigns of the N. W. Army. .B 319 Burges. Battle of Lake Erie.B 295 Christie. Military Operations in Canada.B 287 Clarke. Campaign of 1812 and Surrender of Detroit.C 343 Cobbett. Letters on the Late War.B 206 Coggeshall. American Privateers in the War of 1812.B 286 Cooper. Battle of Lake Erie.B 321 Court Martial of the Six Mutineers. *L 164 Darnell. Kentucky Volunteers, 1812. .. .B 292 Davis. Authentick History of War of 1812 B 281 Fay. Official Accounts of the Battles.B 347 Gilleland. History of the late War.B 282 Gleig. Campaigns of British Army, 1812..B 291 Subaltern in America, 1812 .B 293 History of the American War of 1812.B 283 Hatch. War of 1812. B 356 Hull, W., Defence of, before Court Martial B 355 Campaign of Northwestern Army.*B 285 Ingersoll. History of the War of 1812. 2 v. B 294 Ingraham. Events preceding the Capture of Washington.B 298 James. Naval Occurrences, 1812.B 239 Johnson. History of the War of 1S12.B 323 Latour. War in West Florida and Louis¬ iana.B 302 Lossing. Field Book of the War of 1812. .B 350 M’Afee. History of the late War.*B 310 O’Connor. Impartial Hist, of War of 1S12 B 229 Parsons. Battle of Lake Erie.*B862, 1 Perkins. Events of the War of 1812.B 303 Report on Invasion of Washington, 1S14. .. .B 299 Roosevelt. Naval War of 1812.B 318 Russell. History of the War of 1S12. . . .-B 304 Soley. Boys of 1812 and other Naval Heroes B 346 Spalding. Oration on Battle of Lake Erie B 359 Stiles. Interment of America Patriots. ..*V 489,2 Letters from Prisons and Prison Ships.*V489,1 Van Rensselaer. Affair of Queenstown in the War of 1812.B 301 Walker. Jackson and New Orleans 1814-15. B 351 Waterhouse. Journal of a Young Man captured by the British.B 320 The same.B 344 Williams. Invasion and Capture of Wash¬ ington. B 352 Williams. Two Western Campaigns.B 1306 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. A. D. 1862; or, how they act in Baltimore. .*E 1395 Abbot. Bibliography of the Civil War ; Regimental Histories. *0 141 Abbot. Bluejackets of’61 .B 2633 Abbott. History of the Civil War. 2 v...B 390 Abbott. Prison Life in the South.B 401 Adj. General’s Orders to Volunteer Force, 1861-3 .*B 504 Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners of; Records. 151 v. Doc. Aldrich. History of the U. S. Marine Corps B 2569 Allan. Gen. Jackson in Shenandoah Valley B 541 American Crisis; by Americus. *B 511 Anderson. Political Conspiracies .B 365 Andrews. Campaign of Mobile . B 2602 Andrews. South after the War. B 397 Army of the Potomac, Society of, 16th Re- Union . B 2624 Ayer. North-Western Conspiracy . *B 393 Bachelder. Gettysburg; what to see . . . .B 2608 Bailey. Private Chapters of the War.B 529 Baker. History of the U. S. Secret Service B 500 54 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. BarbiERE. Scraps from the Prison Table. .B 374 Barker. Rebellion and its Consequences.. B 668 Barnard. The C. S. A. and-Bull Run... ,B 2603 The Peninsula Campaign.B 638 and Barry. Engineer and Artilllery Operations of the Army of the Potomac B 671 Bartlett. Literature of the Rebellion . .*0 142 Bates. Battle of Chancellorsvilie.B 2601 Battle of Gettysburg.B 498 Batten. Two years in the U. S. Navy... .B 610 Battle-Fields of the South; Bull Run to Fredericksburg. 2v.B 2590 Baxter. Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove.B 366 Baxter. Statistics of Armies of the U. S. 2v. Doc. Beale. Battle Flags of the Army of the Potomac.*V 785 Beath. History of the Grand Army of the Republic.B 2534 Beatty. The Citizen-Soldier.B 677 Benson. “Yank” and “ Reb ”.B 2536 Bickham. Rosecrans’ Campaign with the 14th Army Corps.B 427 Biddle. Battle of Gettysburg.*B 620 Bigelow. France and the Confederate Navy, 1862-68.B 2592 Bill. Ten Pictures of the War.B 666 Billings. Hardtack and Coffee.B 2522 Bishot. Loyalty on the Frontier.B 570 Bledsoe. Is Davis a Traitor?.B 361 Blessington. Campaigns of Walker’s Texas Division.B 661 Blcor. Army of the Potomac, 1864 ... .*B 775,7 Borcke. Memoirs of the Confederate War. 2 v.B 607 Border States in Disordered Condition. .. .*B 775,3 Boston, Dedication of Army and Navy Monu¬ ment .B 2531 Botts. The Great Rebellion.B 428 Boutwell. Speeches and Papers on the Rebellion. B 2564 Bowman. Sherman and his Campaigns.. .B 491 Boykin. Evacuation of Richmond.B 2689 Boynton. Sherman’s Historical Raid... .B 518 Boynton. U. S. Navy during Rebellion. 2 v. B 517 Brackett. History of the U. S. Cavalry. .B 2607 Bradley. Star Corps; Sherman’s March..B 2605 Brearley. East Tennessee Campaign.. .*B 775,3 Brents. Patriots and Guerillas of Tennessee and Kentucky.*B 395 Britton. Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border.B 2631 Brockett. Camp, Battlefield, Hospital... .B 667 and Vaughan. Woman’s Work in the Civil War.B 675 Browne. Four Years in Secessia.B 466 Brownlow. Rise and Prog, of Secession. .B 398 Buchanan’s Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion ..B 566 Bugle Blast from the Army.*B 5it Bulloch. Secret Service of the Confederate States. 2 v.B 624. Burnham. United States Secret Service..B 472 Burns. Battle of Williamsburgh.B 2532 Campbell. Rebellion Register and Citizen’s Manual.B 629 Campaign of Fredericksburg. B 2524 Campaigns of the Civil War. 13 v.B 587 v. 1. Nicolay. Outbreak of the Rebellion. 2. Force. Fort Henry to Corinth. 3. Webb. The Peninsula. 4. Ropes. The Army under Pope. 5. Palfrey. Antietam and Fredericks¬ burg. 6. Doubleday. Chancellorsvilie and Gettysburg. 7. Cist. Army of the Cumberland. 8. Greene. The Mississippi. 9. Cox. Atlanta. 10. Cox. March to the Sea. 11. Pond. Shenandoah Valley in 1864. 12. Humphreys. Virginia Campaign of ’64 and ’65. 13. Phisterer. Statistical Record of the Armies. Cannon. Grant’s Richmond Campaign... .B 490 Casual Papers upon the Alabama.•*V 42 Cavada. Libby Life.B 642 Champlin. Young Folks’ History.B 586 Cheney. Young Folk’s History.B 650 Christian Commission, Report on.B 524 Christian Work on the Battlefield.B 523 Coatsworth. Loyal People of the North¬ west.B 429 Coffin. Boys of ’61; 4 Years of Fighting. .B 585 The same.B 391 Drum-Beat of the Nation.B 2741 Marching to Victory.B 2597 Collection of War Envelopes.*B 2575 Cook. Siege of Richmond.B 489 Cooke. Personal Portraits, Scenes, Adven¬ tures.B 485 Coppee. Grant and his Campaigns .C 298 Copperhead Conspiracy of the Northwest.. ,*B 511 Corry. Degradation of the States.*B 511 Conyngham. Sherman’s March through the South.B 2640 Cox. Second Battle of Bull Run. B 655 Craven. Prison Life of Jefferson Davis... C 1796 Crawford. Genesis of the Civil War.B 2740 Crawford. Mosby and his Men.B 635 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 5S Crisis, The, and its Demands.*B 511 Crotty. 4 Years in the Army of the Potomac. B 639 Crowninshield. Battle of Cedar Creek .*B 620 Cumming. Hospital Life.B 673 Curtis. McClellan’s Last Service.B 2620 Davis. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Gov¬ ernment. 2 v.B 579 Dean. Crimes of the Civil War.B 2627 Deforest. Random Sketches.B 412 De Peyster. Battle of King’s Mountain. *B 620 Dodge. Campaign of Chancellorsville.... B 388 Bird’s-Eye View of the Civil War.B 621 Domschke. 20 Monate in Gefangenschaft.D 50 Doubleday. Forts Sumter and Moultrie. .B 527 Gettysburg made plain.B 2526 Downs. Four Years a Scout and a Spy. .. .B 381 Drake. Chronological Summary of Western Armies.*^ 775*3 Drake. Union and Anti-Slavery Speeches. B 378 Draper. American Civil War. 3 V.B 531 Drew. John Brown Invasion.B 567 Duke. History of Morgan’s Cavalry.B 376 DuPont. Official Despatches and Letters. ..C 1807 Dye. Conspiracy to overthrow Liberty... .B 431 Early. Last Year of the War.B 617 Echoes from the South.B 2613 Edge. McClellan and Yorktown Campaign B 405 Edmonds. Nurse and Spy in Union Army. .B 420 Edwards. Noted Guerillas.B 142 Shelby and his Men.B 433 Eggleston. A Rebel’s Recollections.B 448 Ellis. Camp-Fires of General Lee.B 2581 Ellis. Diary of an Army Surgeon.B 421 Ely. Journal of a Prisoner at Richmond.. .B 409 Estvan. War Pictures from the South. .. B 410 The same. 2 v.B 416 Everett. Address at Gettysburg Cemetery B 379 Farrar. The War and its Consequences. .B 493 Fisher. History of the Civil War.B 2565 Fisher. Trial of the Constitution.L 71 Fitch. Annals of Army of Cumberland. .. ,B 514 Fletcher. Hist, of the American War. 3 v. B 2617 Foote. War of the Rebellion.B 435 Fort-Pillow Massacre, Report on. B 539 Fox. Regimental Losses in the War.*V 1365 Fremantle. Three Months in the South. .B 402 Fremont. Story of the Guard.B 426 Frost. Rebellion in the United States....B 649 Fry. McDowell and Tyler at Bull Run. .. .B 656 New York and the Conscription of 1863 B 2612 Operations of the Army under Buell. .. ,B 2606 Gardner. Footprints of the Army of the Cumberland.*B 775»3 Gasparin. America before Europe.B 400 Uprising of a Great People.B 399 Gates. War of the Rebellion.B 2637' Geer. Beyond the Lines.B 383; Gettysburg, Soldiers’ National Cemetery. .. .B 572 Giddings. History of the Rebellion.B 534 Gilmor. Four Years in the Saddle.B 591 Glazier. Battles for the Union.B 417 Capture, Prison Pen and Escape.B 411 Glimpses of the Nation’s Struggle.B 2585 Goddard. Letters on American Rebellion.. B 364 Gordon. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountains, 1861-62.B 647 Campaign of Army of Virginia.B 467 War Diary of the Rebellion.B 605 Goss. Captivity at Andersonville.B 453. Grant, U. S. Personal Memoirs. 2v.C 1878 Grayjackets; How they fought and died.B 665 Great Conspiracy; Secret of the Assassination Plot.B 2582 Great Western Sanitary Fair.B 440 Greeley. American Conflict. 2 v.B 532 Greene. Thrilling Stories.B 674 Gurowski, A. Diary, 1861 to 1862..B • 636 Hackett. Christian Memorials.B 521 Hague. A Blockaded Family; Alabama dur¬ ing the War .B 2748 Halstead. War Claims of the South-*B 775,2 Hamlin. Martyria; Andersonville Prison..B 452 Hammond, W. A., Dismissal of.*B 511 Hardinge. Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison. 2 v. B 463 Harper’s History of the Rebellion.*R 4354 Plarper’s Ferry, Pamphlets relating to.*B 775,5 Harris. Prison Life in Richmond.B 654 Harrison. Pickett’s Men.B 2779 Hazen. Narrative of Military Service.B 679 Headley. Farragut and Naval Commanders B 464 Grant and Sherman.B 473 Grant’s und Sherman’s Feldziige.D 107 The Great Rebellion.B 462 Hedley. Marching through Georgia.B 2596 Helper. Impending Crisis.B 436 Compendium of Impending Crisis.B 437 Henshaw. Our Branch and its Tributaries B 526 HeI’WORTH. Whip, Iloe and Sword.B 407 Herbert. Popular History of theCivil War B 2634 HiGGlNSON. Life in a Black Regiment... .B 403 Hill. Our Boys; Experiences of a Soldier. B 368 Hillard. Campaigns of McClellan.C 433 HlNMAN. Corporal Si Kleggand his “ Pard” B 2594 Hoffman. Camp, Court and Siege.B 387 Hofmann. Battle of Gettysburg.*B 620 Hoge. The Boys in Blue.B 380 Hoke. Invasion of 1863; I-ee in Pennsylvania B 2598 Holt, Judge Advocate, Vindication of.*B 511 Hood. Advance and Retreat.B 497 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 5 6 Hopp. Bundesstaat und Bundeskrieg in Nord- amerika.*. . .*D 5786 Horton. Youth’s History of the Civil War B 2571 Hospital Transports in Virgina, 1862. ..B 601 Howard. 14 Months in American Bastiles..B 461 Howe. Adv. of an escaped Union Soldier from Andersonville.*^775,10 Humes. Loyal Mountaineers of Tennessee. .B 2751 Humphreys. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan B 616 Hunnicutt. Conspiracy unveiled.B 362 Hunt. The Shenandoah.B 657 Hurlbert. McClellan and the War.B 367 Jacobs. Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania.B 565 Jameson. Military History of Medway... .B 3419 Johnson. History of the War of Secession B 2595 Johnson and Buel (Ed.). Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. 4 V.B 2584 Johnston. Narrative of Military Opera¬ tions .B 449 Joinville. Army of the Potomac.B 459 Jones. Army of Northern Virginia.B 492 Confederate Treatment of Prisoners... .B 451 Jones. Rebel War-Clerk’s Diary. 2 v.B 450 Jordan and Pryor. Campaigns of Forrest and his Cavalry:.B 488 Kelley. Lincoln and Stanton.B 2622 Kellogg. Life and Death in Rebel Prisons.B 447 Kennedy. Ambrose’s Letters.B 404 Ketchum. McClellan’s Peninsula Cam¬ paign .*B 511 Kettell. Geschichted. Am. Rebellion. 2v.l) 136 History of the Great Rebellion..B 2625 Kieffer. Recoil, of a Drummer Boy. . . .H 1658 Kirkland. Anecdotes of the Rebellion... .B 614 Knapp. Report of Sanitary Commission.*B 775,7 Knox. Camp Fire and Cotton Field.B 468 Lawrence. Border and Bastile.G 319 Letterman. Medical Recollections of the Army of the Potomac.B 2609 Light and Dark of the Rebellion.B 2614 List of Soldiers buried at Andersonville.B 445 Livermore. My Story of the War.B 2600 Locke. In Camp and Hospital.B 648 Logan. The Great Conspiracy.B 615 Volunteer Soldier of America.B 852 Loring. Reconstruction.B 540 Lossing. Pictorial History of the War. 3 v. B 542 Loughborough. Cave Life in Vicksburg. .B 544 Lowrey. English Neutrality.*B 775,8 Loyalty for the Times.*B 511 Lunt. Origin of the Late War.B 419 Lyle. Lights and Shadows of Army Life. .B 369 McCarthy. Life in Army of Northern Virginia.B 2611 McClellan. McClellan’s Story of the War B 2573 Report on the Army of the Potomac... .B 549 The same.B 439 McClellan’s Campaign Songs.*B 511 McClellan. U. S. Grant versus the Record of the Army of the Potomac.B 2580 McGuire. Diary of a Southern Refugee. .B 385 McKay. Stories of Hospital and Camp... .B 2619 McKee. Surrender of U. S. Forces at Fort Filmore.*V 924 McPherson. Political Hist, of Rebellion. .B 474 Mahan. Critical History of the War.B 546 Mahony. Prisoner of State.B 422 Maps of Battlefields in Civil War.*P 1241 Marks. Peninsular Campaign in Virginia. ,B 543 Marshall. American Bastile.B 623 Marshall. Soldier’s Journal of Army Life, 1861-4.B 2579 Mattox. Cincinnati Society of Ex-officers* V 357 Merrell. Five Months in Rebeldom.B 501 Military Hist. Society of Mass., Papers. 2 v.B 578 v. 1. Peninsular Campaign of McClellan in 1862. 2. Virginia Campaign of Pope in 1862. Moore. Anecdotes and Poetry of the War B 651 Rebellion Record. 12 v.*B 562 Moore. History of the Rebellion.B 676 The same.B 652 Kilpatrick and our Cavalry.B 588 Mosby. Mosby’s War Reminiscences.B 2593 Murray. Confinement at Andersonville. ,*B 775,3 Navy in the Civil War. 3 V.B 600 v. 1. Soley. The Blockade and the Cruisers. 2. Ammen. The Atlantic Coast. 3. Mahan. The Gulf and Inland Waters. Newhall. With Sheridan in Lee’s last Cam¬ paign.....B 382 Newlin. Narrative of Prison Escape.B 2535 Nichols. Story of the Great March.B 408 Noel. Rebellion in America.B 568 Notes on Hospital Life.B 261S Nott. Sketches of the War.B 423 Noyes. Bivouac and Battlefield.B 547 Oats. Prison Life in Dixie.B 569 O’Brien and Diefendorf (Ed.). General Orders of the War Department. 2 v..B 2561 Oldroyd. Siege of Vicksburg.B 2629 Opening of the Mississippi.B 619 Orleans [Comte de Paris). Battle of Get¬ tysburg .B 2628 History of the Civil War. 4 V.B 545 Guerre Civile americaine. 6 v.C 6109 Cartes et Planches. 2 v.*R 4356 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 57- Pamphlets on the Civil War.... . 553-557 Papers on Secession in the United States and in Switzerland.B 465 Parker. Battle of Mobile Bay.B 538 Parton. Gen. Butler in New Orleans... .B 456 The same; People’s ed.B 2587 Partridge. Making of the Am. Nation.. .B 505 Patterson. Shenandoah Valley Campaign B 537 Peace Convention, 1861.B 415 Peckham. Gen. Lyon and Missouri in 1861 B 519 Peninsular Campaign of Gen. McClellan. .. .B 578,1 Peyton. American Crisis.B 475 Phillips. Texas and its Military Occupation and Evacuation.*B 775,12 Phisterer. The 14th Army Corps at Stone River ..B 2704 Pike, Corporal. Scout and Ranger.B 2586 Pinkerton. Spy of the Rebellion.B 2576 Pittenger. Capturing a Locomotive.B 592 Daring and Suffering; Andrew’s Railroad Raid.B 2739 History of a Railroad Adventure.B 476 Plum. Military Telegraph during War. 2 v. B 606 Pollard. La Cause perdue.*V 1097 First Year of the War.B 477 Second Year of the War.B 478 Third Year of the War.B 482 Last Year of the War .B 483 General Lee and his Lieutenants.B 481 Lost Cause.B 479 Lost Cause regained .B 626 Military Life of Jefferson Davis.B 480 Pope. Campaign of Army of Virginia.B 564 Porter. Incidents of the Civil War.B 2616 Porter. Naval Hist, of the Civil War.. ,*V 793 Porter. Services of the 5th Army Corps. *B 775,3 Ransom. Andersonville Diary.B 2562 Rawle. The Right Flank at Gettysburg. .B 507 With Gregg at Gettysburg.*2775,3 Raymond. Hist, of Lincoln’s Administrations 457 Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals.B 669 Reed. Incidents of the War.*B 395 Reed. The Vicksburg Campaign.B 2630 Rees. Hospital Life in Potomac Army. * . .B 603 Regulations for Confederate Army, 1862. . . .B 627 Reid. After the War.B 396 Report on the Conduct of the War. 5V.... Doc. Richardson. Secret Service, etc.B 520 Richmond during the War.B 664 Ripley. From Flag to Flag; Experiences in the South.B 2753 Rodenbaugh. Uncle Sam’s Medal of Honor B S39 Roll of Honor. 27 v.*B 444 Roman. Operations of Gen. Beauregard. 2 v. B 630 Rosecrans. Battle of Murfreesboro.B 458 Rouse. The Bugle Blast.B 637 Royall. Reply to “A Fools Errand.”.... *6775,9 Ruggles (Gen. Bunker.). Great American Scout and Spy.B 2639 Sala. My Diary during the War. 2 v... .B 536 Sanitary Commission in Mississippi Valley. ..B 522 Schalk. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863.B 384 Scharf. Confederate States Navy.B 2588 Schmidt. Amerikanischer BUrgerkrieg. 2v.D 186 Schmucker. History of the Civil War_B 530 SCHNECK. Burning of Chambersburg, Pa..B 4310 Scott. Chronicles of the Great Rebellion.B 506 Scott. Partisan Life .with Col. Mosby. .. .B 377 Semmes. Cruise of the Alabama. 2v.B 516- Memoirs of Service Afloat.B 515 Senour. Morgan and his Captors. 2 v... .B 424 Seward. Diplomatic History of the War. J 263,5 Shaffner. The War in America.B 2566’ Shanks. Distinguished Generals.B 406 Shea. Fallen Brave in Southern Rebellion *V 9 Sheridan, P. H. Argument in behalf of, by Gardner.B 558 Personal Memoirs. 2v.C 2376- Sherman, W. T. Gen. Memoirs. 2 v. .. .B 508 Smedley. Life in Southern Prisons.*6775,11 Smith. Incidents of U. S. Christian Com¬ mission.B 2525; Snead. Fight for Missouri.B 2621 Society of Army of Tennessee, Proc. 1875. .*B 775,7 Society of Army of West Virginia, Proceed¬ ings 1870, 71, 79.*6775,7 Soldier of Indiana in the War.B 47a Soley. Sailor Boys of’61 .B 275a Souder. Leaves from Gettysburg.B 2527 SOUTHWOOD. Beauty and Booty.B 618 Sowles. Plistory of St. Alban’s Raid.*B 885 Spence. American Union.B 535 Spencer. Last 90 Days of the War in N. ..Carolina.B 2632 Spencer. Narrative of Andersonville.B 454 Steiner. Report of the U. S. Sanitary Com¬ mission. : . *6775.7 Stephens. Constitutional View of late War. 2V,..., .B 494 Supplement to the same.B 495 Stevens. Three Years in the 6th Corps... B 2563 The same; 2d Ed. revised.B 2722 Stevens. Union Defence Committee of City of New York. B 672 Stevenson. Battle of Stone River.B 658 Stevenson. Southern Side; or, Anderson¬ ville.B 455 Stille. Great Central Fair 1864.*V 370 History of U. S. Sanitary Commission. .B 525 Sufferingsof Prisoners of War. B 446 5 ^ AMERICAN CIVIL WAR—REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. SwiNTON. Campaigns of Army of the Poto¬ mac. B 509 McClellan’s Military Career.B 511 Twelve Decisive Battles.;.B 510 War for the Union .*B 620 Taylor. Life in Camp and Field.B 425 Taylor. Destruction and Reconstruction. .B 486 Tay'lor. Four Years with General Lee... .B 487 Tenney. History of the Rebellion.B 513 Thayer. Youth’s Hist, of the Rebellion. 4 v.B 430 Tomes. History of the Civil War. 3 V.B 577 Toombs. New Jersey Troops in Gettysburg Campaign.B 2560 Townsend. Anecdotes of the Civil War... B 628 Townsend. Campaigns of a Non-Combatant B 389 Trezevant. Burning of Columbia, S. C...*B 775,3 Trial of Officers and Crew of the Savannah. .B 548 Trobriand. Four Years with the Army of the Potomac.B 2599 Truesdale. The Blue Coats in the Rebellion B 372 United States, Adjutant General’s Orders.. ..B 504 Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion. 3 V. Official Records of the War. v. 1 to date*B 581 The same. Doc. Official Report of Battles.*B 503 Report of the Army of the^Potomac; by McClellan.B 439 Report on the Armies; by Grant.*B 502 Report on the Conduct of the War. 5 v. Doc. Urban. Battlefield and Prison Pen.B 678 Vale. Minty and the Cavalry.B 2732 Van Horne. History of the Army of the Cumberland. 3 v.B 550 Victor. History of Southern Rebellion. 4 v.B 580 Victor. Incidents of*the War.B 2636 Volcano under the City (Draft Riots in New York).B 2567 Walker. History of Second Army Corps. .B 2731 Ward. Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic.C 2366 Watson. Life in the Confederate Army.. .B 2591 Wells. Our Burden and our Strength.. .*B 511 Whittlesey. War Memoranda, 1861-2...B 2572 Whitman and True. Maine in the War. .B 646 Who burnt Columbia?.*B 775,9 Wildman. President and the Alabama...*A 295 Wilkeson. Recollections of a Private Soldier B 2574 Wilkie ( Poliuto). Pen and Powder.B 2749 Wilkinson. Narrative of a Blockade Runner B 551 Williams. Bullet and Shell.B 622 Williams. Leaves from a Trooper’s Diary B 2728 Williams. Negro Troops in the Reb’l’on.B 2583 Wilson. Sufferings for a Free Government B 363 Wilson. The Black Phalanx.B 2521 Wisconsin State Historical Society Library. Catalogue of Books on the War... .*0 141 Wood. Reminiscences of the War.B 373 Woodbury. Burnside and the ‘9th Army Corps.B 613 Woods. Steedman at Chicamauga.B 2568 Woodward. Our Campaigns.B 625 Wqrmeley. The other side of War.B 2752 Worthington. Shiloh; Tennessee Campaign of 1862.B 375 Worthington. Woman in Battle; Narrative of Mme. Velazquez.B 644 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. COLORADO. Williams. Three Years and a Half in the Army; 2nd Colorados.B 2725 confederate states. Bevier. First and Second Missouri Confeder¬ ate Brigades.B 561 Blessington. Walker’s Texas Division... .B 661 Boykin. The Falling Flag; 7th S. C. Cavalry B 2689 Caldwell. History of Gregg’s Brigade of S. C.B 660 Camper and Kirkley. Record of 1st Md. Infantry.B 2665 Debray. Debray’s (26th) Reg’t Texas Cav¬ alry.*£775,12 Goldsborough. The Maryland Line in Con¬ federate Army.B 653 Hancock. Hancock’s Diary; 2d Tenn. Con¬ federate Cavalry.B 2777 Head. Campaigns of the 16th Tenn. Reg’t B 2711 Higginson. Life in a Black Regiment; 1st S. C. Vol.B 403 Irby. Nottoway Grays, Co. G. 18th Va. Keg't. * b 775>io Jones. History of Chatham Artillery.. . .B 662 The same.*V 652 Jordan and Pryor. Campaigns of Forrest and his Cavalry.B 488 Lindsley (Ed.). Military Annals of Ten¬ nessee (Confederate). 1st Ser.B 2577 Loehr. War History of the 1st Virginia In¬ fantry.B 2721 Moore. Roster of N. Carolina Troops. 4 v.B 2578 Owen. Washington Artillery of New Orleans B 2615 Page. Sketch of Page’s Battery, 2nd Corps Army of N. Va.*6775,12 Shaver. 60th Alabama Regiment.B 598 Sloan. Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays, Co B. 27th N. C. Reg’t.B 2726 Stevenson. 13 Months in the Rebel Army; 2nd Tenn. Vol.B 602 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 59 Tunnard. Hist, of 3rd Reg’t Louisiana Inf.B 2774 W atkins. First Tennessee Regiment.B 634 Wise. Hist, of the 17th Virginia, C. S. A. B 2729 CONNECTICUT. Adjutant General’s Reports, 1861-65. 5 v... Doc. Cadwell. Old Sixth Conn. Regiment.B 2678 Croffut and Morris. Connecticut during the War.B 645 Sheldon. The 27th Conn. Volunteers. B 2666 Sprague. 13th Inf. Reg’t. Conn. Vol.B 2763 Storrs. The 20th Conn.B 2765 Walker. 18th Reg’t Conn. Vol.B 2764 Waters. Travels of 22nd Regt. Conn. Vol. (inverse).*B 775,12 DELAWARE. Murphey. Four Years in the War; 1st Del. Regt.B 2669 Seville. 1st Reg’t Del. Vol.B 775,13 ILLINOIS. Adjutant General’s Reports, 1861-66. 8 v.. B 1358 The same; new ed. 8v.B 3127 The same. 8 v. Doc. Ambrose. History of the 7th Ill. Volunteers B 2676 Barnet. Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois.. .B 1391 Bennett and Haigh. History of 36th Illinois Regt. of Volunteers.B 392 Cluett. History of the 57th Ill. Regt.B 2699 Collins. Illinois National Guard.B 3123 Davenport. History of 9th Reg’t Illinois Cavalry.B 2747 Eddy. Patriotism of Illinois. 2 v.*B 432 55th Reg’t Illinois Vol. Infantry, 1861-65... .B 2742 Fleharty. Historyof 102nd Ill. Volunteers B 2673 Hedley. Marching through Georgia; 32nd Illinois Infantry... .B 2596 Howard. Hist, of 124th Ill. Vol.B 2694 Ill. National Guard, First Reg’t., 1874-85. ,*B 1368 Marshall. Army Life; 33rd Ill. Reg’t .. .B 2579 Newsome. Experience in the War; 81st Reg’t Illinois Volunteers.B 2773 Parker. Reunion of nth Illinois Vol.B 775,8 Partridge. History of the 96th Reg’t Ill. Volunteer Infantry.B 2754 74th Reg’t. Ill. Vol., ist~4th Reunions of. .*6775,10 Thompson. Historyof the 112th Ill. Reg’t.B 2702 Wilson. Illinois Officers in the Rebellion. .C 121 Wood. 95th Reg’t Illinois Infantry Vol... .B 2775 Woodruff. Patriotism of Will County... .B 552 INDIANA. Adjutant General’s Reports. 8 v. Doc. Cogley. History of the 7th Ind. Cavalry. .B 2685 Fletcher. Indiana in the War for the Union.B 470 Grayson. History of the 6th Ind. Reg’t.*B 775,10 The same.*B 775,8 McGee. History of the 72nd Indiana Vol. ..B 2643 Rerick. History of 44th Ind. Volunteers..B 2675 Stevenson. Indiana’s Roll of Honor ....B 2638 Terrell. Indiana in the War of the Rebel¬ lion.B 2626 IOWA. Adjutant General’s Reports. 7 V. Doc. Bell. Tramps and Triumphs of 2nd Iowa Infantry.*B 775,12 15th Reg’t, Iowa Vet. Volunteer Infantry..B 2744 Ingersoll. Iowa and the Rebellion.B 2533 Nott. Sketches of the War; 5th Iowa Cavalry.;.B 423 Pierce. History of 2nd Iowa Cavalry.B 441 Sperry. Historyof 33d Iowa Reg’t. B 442 Stuart. Iowa Colonels and Regiments. .. .B 443 KENTUCKY. Duke. Morgan’s Cavalry. .B 376 Joyce. A Checkered Life; 24th Reg’t.C 195a Stevenson. Letters from the Army; 22nd Infantry.B 2570 Thompson. History of the First Brigade. .B 609 Wright. History of the Sth Ky. Reg’t.... B 2713 MAINE. Adjutant General’s Reports 1861-66. 6 v.... Doc. Gerrish. Army Life; 20th Maine Vol... .B 2635 Gould. History of the 1st, 10th, 29th Maine Regiments.B 612 Houghton. Campaigns of the 17th Maine. .B 559 Small. 16th Maine Reg’t in the War... .B 2718 Stanley and Hall. Eastern Maine and the Rebellion.B 2529 Tobie. History of 1st Maine Cavalry.B 2756 Whitman and True. Maine in the War. .B 646 MASSACHUSETTS. Baker. History of 9th Massachusetts BatteryB 2758 Bennett. Story of 1st Mass. Light Battery B 2757 Billings. History of the 10th Mass. ArtilleryB 2687 Boies. Record of 33rd Mass. Volunteers.. .B 2647 Bowen. History of 37th Mass. Regiment. .B 2690 Brown. Roll of Students of Harvard Univer¬ sity in the Rebellion.*6775,8 Clark. Soldier’s Offering; 34th Mass. Reg’t B 2691 Cook. History of 12th Mass. Volunteers. ..B 2642 Cudworth. History of 1st Mass. Regiment B 413 Day. My Diary; 25th Mass. Volunteers... B 2650 Fox. Record of 55th Massachusetts Infantry*B 620 Gordon. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain; 2nd Massachusetts Infantry.B 647 History of the 2nd Mass. Regiment.B 512 Goss. Melrose, Mass., in the Rebellion.. ..B 643 Haines. Letters from the 44th Mass. Reg’t B 2703 6 o REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. Hanson 7 History of Mass. Old 6th Reg’t. .B 469 Hanover, Dedication of Soldiers’ Monu¬ ment at.*B775,10 Headley. Massachusetts in the Rebellion. B 1028 History of the 2nd Mass. Infantry.*6775,10 Beverly Ford; by Oakey. ChancelLrsville; by Thayer. Gettysburg; by Morse. A Prisoner’s Diary; by Quincy. Hosmer. The Color-Guard; 52nd Mass. Inft.B 386 Jameson. Military History of Medway... .B 3419 Johns. Life in the 49th Mass. Regiment.. .B 1026 Lincoln. Life with 34th Mass. Infantry. ..B 2649 MacNamara. The Irish 9th Mass. Regiment B 593 Massachusetts 35th Volunteers.B 2664 Massachusetts 36th Volunteers.B 663 Mass. Volunteers, Record of, 1861-5. 2 v. *V 10 Newell. Annals of 10th Mass. Regiment . B 2648 Osborne. History of the 29th Mass. Reg’t.B 471 Parker. History of 22nd Mass. Infantry.. .B 2759 Parker. Story of 32nd Mass. Infantry. . .B 2682 Pierce. History of Co. C., 51st Mass. Reg’t B 2734 Powers. Stoiy of 38th Mass. Volunteers. .B 2661 Quint. Potomac and theRapidan; 2nd Mass. Infantry.B 460 Record of Second Mass. Regiment.B 596 Record of the 44th Mass. Volunteers.B 2736 Robinson. History of the 5th Mass. Volun¬ teers.B 2645 Rogers. 43rd Massachusetts Infantry.B 2656 Schouler. Massachusetts in the War. 2 v.B 1021 Worcester, Mass., Dedication of Soldiers’ Monument at.B 3511 MICHIGAN. Adjutant General’s Reports. 3 V. Doc. Barrett. 4th Michigan Infantry.*6775,13 Crotty. In the Army of the Potomac; 3rd Michigan Infantry.B 639 Robertson. Michigan during the Rebellion B 1403 The same; new edition.B 2528 Thatcher. Hundred Battles in the West; 2nd Michigan Cavalry.B 2716 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Adjutant General’s Reports. 5 v. Doc. Haynes. History of the 2nd N. H. Reg’t.B 595 Manchester, N. H., Dedication of Soldiers’ Monument at.B 434 New Hampshire 14th Volunteers.B 631 Thompson. 13th Reg’t. N. H. Vol. Infantry B 2746 Waite. New Hampshire in the Rebellion..B 981 new jersey. Drake. History of 9th N. J. Vet. V0I...B 2766 Everts. History of 9th N. J. Volunteers. ,B 2692 Foster. New Jersey in the War.B 1223 Haines. History of 15th N. J. Volunteers.B 2646 Pyne. First New Jersey Cavalry.B 563 Record of Officers and Men in the Civil War; by Stryker. 2v. Doc. Rodgers. Epitome of 37th New Jersey Regi¬ ment.*B 2717 Terrill. Campaign of 14th N. J. Volunteers B 2663 Toombs. Reminiscences of the War; 13th New Jersey Regiment.B 2730 NEW YORK. Adjutant General’s Reports. 8 v. Doc. Beecher. Record of 114th N. Y. State Vol. B 2769 Boudrye. Records of 5th N. Y. Cavalry.. .B 394 Clark. Heroes of Albany.C 1703 Clark. History of the 2nd Co. of the 7th New York Regiment .B 2723 Conyngham. Irish Brigade in the Rebellion; 63rd, 69th, and88th N. Y. Volunteers.B 533 Cowtan. 10th New York Volunteers... .B 2681 Davenport. 5th New York Volunteers. .B 2668 Dowley. History of the 12th N. Y. Reg’t B 1205' Duganne. Camps and Prisons; 176th N. Y. Volunteers.B 2771 Eddy. History of the 60th N. Y. Regiment B 1204 Fairchild. 27th Regiment N. Y. Vol. B 2781 Fry. New York and Conscription of 1863..B 2612 Gates. Ulster Guard; 20th N. Y. Militia. .B 2693 Glazier. Three Years in the Federal Cav¬ alry; 2nd New York Cavalry.B 418 Hall. Cayuga in the Field; 3rd, 19th, 75th New York Volunteers.B 2658 Hough. History of Duryee’s Brigade.B 571 Hyde. History of 112th New York Reg’t. .B 499 Judd. Story of 33rd New York Volunteers B 2684 Kreutzer. With 98th N. Y. Volunteers. .B 2653 Lockwood. Our Campaign around Gettys¬ burg; 23rd New York.B 2768 Mills. Chronicles of 21st N. Y. State Vol.B 2767 Mowris. History of 117th N. Y. Volunteers B 2659 Nichols. Perry’s Saints; 48th N. Y. Vol. .B 2733 Norton. 8 th New York Cavalry.*^ 775> I 3 Palmer. History of the 48th N. Y. Reg’t B 2701 Pellet. 114th N. Y. Regiment.B 594 Records of the Regiments of New York. 3 V. Doc. Roback. 152nd New York Volunteers.B 2782 Simons. History of 125th N. Y. State Vol. B 2770 Smith. History of the 76th N. Y. Vol... .B 2641 Stevens. Three Years in the 6th Corps; 77th New York Volunteers.B 2604 Stowits. History of the 100th N. Y. Vol.B 2610 Swinton. History of the 7th N. Y. Reg’t.B 1206 Todd. Seventy-ninth Highlanders, New York Volunteers.B 2706 Webb. loth Reg’t N. Y. Heavy Artillery.*6775,13 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 6 1 Weygandt. Hist, of the 124th N. Y. Vol. B 2735 Whitney. The Hawkins Zouaves, 9th New York Volunteers.B 611 Wilkeson. Recollections of a Soldier; nth New York Battery. B 2574 Willson. Disaster, Struggle, Triumph; 126th New York Regiment.B 2724 OHIO. Beach. History of the 40th Ohio Volunteers B 2670 Beatty. The Citizen Soldier; 3rd Ohio Inft. B 677 Bering and Montgomery. 48th Ohio Inft.B 573 Chamberlin. 81st Ohio Regiment.B 574 Culp. 25th Ohio Infantry in the War.B 2695 Ewing. Story of the 91st Ohio Vol. Inf. .*6775,12 Fremont, Ohio, Soldiers’ Monument at. .. .B 2623 Hannaford. Story of the 6th Ohio Reg’t. .B 2686 Hazen. Narrative of Military Service; 41st Ohio.B 679 Horton and Teverbaugh. History of-the nth Ohio.B 528 Hurst. The 73d Ohio Volunteers.B 632 Kepler. History of the 4th Ohio Reg’t..B 2700 Keyes. History of the 123d Ohio Vol.B 633 Lemmon. 72d Reg’t O. V. I.*B 775,13 McAdams. Every-Day Soldier Life; 113th Ohio.B 2698 Mason. 42nd Ohio Infantry in the War.. .B 2696 Ohio Soldiers in the Rebellion, Roster of. 7 v. Doc. Oldroyd. Siege of Vicksburg ; 20th Ohio. B 2629 Owens. Greene County Soldiers in the War; 74th Ohio.B 2680 Pinney. History of the 104th Ohio Reg’t. B 2705 Rankin. 7th Ohio Vol. Cavalry.*B 775,10 Reid. Ohio in the War. 2 v.B 1288 Sawyer. History of the 8th Ohio V0I...B 2657 Secheverell. History of 29th Ohio.B 2671 79th Reg’t O. V. I., Roster of..*B 775,13 Stevenson. History of the 78th Ohio Regiment.B 608 Wilder. Company C, 7th Ohio.B 2697 Wildes. Record of the 116th Ohio Reg’t. B 2710 Wood. Seventh Ohio Regiment.B 2677 The same. 1... .B 1309 Wood. History of the 20th Ohio Regiment B 575 Woods. Services of the 96th Ohio Vol.B 576 Worthington. History of 46th Ohio Vol. *B 775,8 Wright. A Corporal’s Story; Co. C., 81st Ohio Volunteers.B 2743 PENNSYLVANIA. Banes. History of Philadelphia Brigade..B 2672 Bates. Brief History of 100th Pennsylvania Regiment.*B 775,12 Martial Deeds - of Pennsylvania.*V 650 History of Pennsylvania Volunteers. 5 v. Doc. Benson. History of the 1st Penn. Inf.. .*B 620 Craft. History of the 141st Penn. Reg’t.. B 2708 Crater. History of the 50th Penn. Reg’t. B 2719 Davis. History of the 104th Penn. Reg’t.. B 1242 Dornblaser. Sabre Strokes of Pennsylvania Dragoons; 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. .B 2737 Fasnacht. Dedication of 99th Penn. Monu¬ ment at Gettysburg.*6775,12 Gracey. Annals of the 6th Penn. Cavalry. B 2707 Hill. Our Boys; 8th Penn. Reserves.B 368 Huey. 8th Penn. Cavalry at Chancellors- ville.B 2712 Hyndman. Record of the 4th Penn. Cavalry B 2727 JUDSON. 83rd Penn. Regiment.B 560 Kieffer. Recollections of a Drummer Boy ; 150th Penn. Volunteers.H 1658 Laciar. Patriotism of Carbon Co., Penn. .B 589 Lewis. History of 138th Penn. Volunteers.B 2662 Lloyd. 1st Penn. Reserve Cavalry.B 2683 Locke. Story of the 1 ith Penn. Regiment. B 438 Marks. Peninsular Campaign in Virginia; 63rd Pennsylvania Volunteers.B 543 Myers. Journal of 192nd Penn. Regiment B 640 122nd Reg’t Penn. Vol., 1st Reunion of.. .*6775,12 Parker. History of the 51st Penn. Reg’t. .B 2714 Peck. Historical Sketch of 118th Penn... *6775, 10 Price. History of the97th P.nn. Reg’t. ,*V 768 Rowe. 126th Pennsylvania Volunteers... .B 2660 Scott. History of 105th Penn. Volunteers.B 2651 Simmers and Bachschmid. Ten Months with 153rd Pennsylvania Volunteers.*I> 775 ,11 The same.*B 775,8 Sprenger. History of the 122nd Penn. Reg’t B 2715 Stewart. Camp, March and Battlefield; 13th Reg’t Penn. Vol.B 2772 Sypher. History of Penn. Reserve Corps.. .B 1241 Ward. History of 106th Penn. Volunteers. B 2644 Williams. Leaves from a Trooper’s Diary; 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry.B 2728 Woodward. Hist, of the 3rd Penn. Reserve B 2655 History of the 198th Penn. Volunteers. .6 2652 Our Campaign; 2nd Penn. Reserves... .B 625 RHODE ISLAND. Adjutant General’s Reports, 1861-64. 4V.... Doc. Bartlett. R. I. Officers in the Rebellion*V 651 Denison. Sabres and Spurs; 1st R. I. Cavalry.B 2688 History of the 7th R. I. Squadron Cavalry. *6775,8 Rock, nth R. I. Volunteers. B 2762 Stone. Rhode Island in the Rebellion . . . .6 599 Woodbury. 1st R. I. Regiment. B 2761 2nd R. I. Regiment .B 2679 united states. Brackett. History of United States Cavalry B 2607 62 THE STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Califf. Record of 7th U. S. Colored Troops. B 2654 Cowden. Services of 59th Reg’t U. S. Col¬ ored Infantry.B 2778 Powell. 4th Reg’t Infantry U. S. A.B 2780 Rodenbough. From Everglade to Canon; 2d U. S. Cavalry.B 2783 VERMONT. Benedict. Service of the Vermont Troops*B 775,3 Vermont in the Civil War. 2 v.B 2530 Carpenter. Hist, of the 8th Vermont Reg’t. B 2709 Haynes. History of the 10th Vt. RegimentB 641 Ripley. Vermont Riflemen in the War... .B 2738 Walker. Vermont Brigade in Shenandoah. B 590 Williams. Life in Camp; 14th Vt. Reg’t B 2674 WISCONSIN. Tarrett. History of “ Old Abe” of the 8th Wisconsin Volunteers.B 1499 The same, 6th Edition.B 2745 Castleman. Army ot the Potomac ; 5th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers.B 2776 Eden. Sword and Gun; 37th Wis. Infantry B 659 Johnson. Skandinaviske Reg’t; I5de Wis. B 2720 Keene. History of the 6th Wis. Battery.*B 775,10 The same.*B 775,8 Love. Wisconsin in the Rebellion.B 700 Pierce. Battlefields of 38th Wis. Vol... .B 2667 Quiner. Military History of Wisconsin... .B 597 THE STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. ALABAMA. Ball. Clark County, and Surroundings... .B 2841 Brewer. History of Alabama.B 1801 Pickett. History of Alabama. 2 v.B 1802 ALASKA. Bancroft. History of Alaska.B 1775,28 ARKANSAS. History of Northwest Arkansas. B 2860 CALIFORNIA. Bancroft. History of California. 6 v. B 1775,13-18 California Pastoral, 1769-1848.B 1775,29 California Inter Pocula, i848-’56. .. .B 1775,30 Popular Tribunals. 2 v.B 1775,31-32 Burriel. Histoire de la Californie. 3 V. . .C 4268 Cooke. Conquest of New Mexico and Cal¬ ifornia.B 1747 Forbes. History of California.B 1761 Frost. History of California to 1848 ... .B 1763 Halley. Centennial of Alameda Co.B 1752 Hittell. History of California. 2v.B 1774 Hittell. History of San Francisco.B 1762 Ringold. Memoir of California.B 1764 Royce. California.B 1765 Soule. Annals of San Francisco. B 1767 Tuthill. History of California.B 1855 Venegas. Histoire de la Californie. 3V..C13290 Willey. Papers relating to Santa Cruz . ,*B 883 COLORADO. Clear Creek and Boulder Valleys, History of*B 1754 Denver, History of. *B 1749 First Report of Union Colony.B 1750 Fossett. Colorado, Historical and Descrip¬ tive.B 1751 Hallowell. Boulder County.*B 775,1 CONNECTICUT. Adams. First Church of Christ in Weth¬ ersfield.*B 862,3 Alvord. Second Centennial of Stamford. *B 862,4 Andrews. Genealogy and History of New Britain.B 2971 Atwater. History of the Colony of New Haven.B 2961 Bacon. Thirteen Historical Discourses... .B 1137 Barber. Conn. Historical Collections.B 1138 Birthday of Connecticut; Adoption of the First Constitution.B 2989 Bowen. Boundary Disputes of Connecticut *V 525 Bronson. History of Waterbury.B 1139 Carpenter. History of Connecticut.B 1140 Caulkins. History of New London.B 1142 History of Norwich.B 2967 Chapin. Glastenbury for 200 Years.B 1134 Charter Oak; its History and Fall.*B 862,2 Colonial Records of Connecticut. 7 v.B 1145 Connecticut Code of 1650.B 1146 Cothren. Hist, of Ancient Woodbury. 2v. B 2968 Davis. Wallingford, Meriden and Cheshire. B 2970 DEFOREST. History of Indians in Conn.. .B 1151 Dudley. History of Cromwell.* 6775,1 Dwight. History of Connecticut.I 3693 Fairfield Centennial Commemoration.B 1133 Fowler. History of Durham.B 2987 Gold (Ed.). Records of Cornwall.B 2988 Goodwin. First Settlers of Connecticut... .C 145 Goodwin. History of East Hartford.B 2972 Hall. Ancient Records of Norwalk.B 1434 Hallock. History of South Congregational Church, New Haven.B 2976 Hartford Theological Institute, Semi-Centen¬ nial of..B 2978 Hawes, J. Address at Hartford, 1835 ... .B 2984 Hine. Early Lebanon.B 2963 Hinman. First Puritan Settlers in Conn. . *R 382 Connecticut in American Revolution .. .B 1150 Letters to Governors of Connecticut... .B 2962 Hollister. History of Connecticut. 2v. B 1141 Hunt. History of Pomfret.*B 879 CONNECTICUT—ILLINOIS. Huntington. History of Stamford.B 2973 Johnston. History of Connecticut.B 3002 Kingsley. Address at 200th Anniversary of New Haven.B 2969 Larned. History of Windham County... .B 1153 Levermore. Republic of New Haven..L 3200,1 Mead. History of Greenwich.B 1143 New Haven Burying Ground, Report on.. . *B 879 New Haven Colony, Records of. 2 v.B 1144 Historical Society’s Papers. 4 v.B 2975 Orcutt. History of Torrington.B 1130 History of Wolcott.B 1131 and Beardsley. History of Derby... ,B 2974 Peters. General History of Connecticut. .B 1135 The same, 1829.*B 3001 Phelps. History of Newgate of Connecticut. L 4135 Schmucker. Blue Laws of Connecticut.. .B 1147 Sharpe. History of Seymour.B 2980 Smith. History of Guilford.B 1136 Starr. Historical Sketch of New London. .B 2977 Stedman. Norwich Jubilee, 1859.B 1148 Stoughton. Windsor Farmes.B 2982 Stuart ( Sccsva ). Hartford in the Olden Time.B 2993 Taintor. Records of Colchester.B 2986 Teller. History of Ridgefield.B 2964 Timlow. Sketches of Southington..B 2983 Todd. History of Redding.B 2990 Townshend. British Invasion of New Haven, 1779 . B 2 979 Trumbull. History of Connecticut to the Close of the Indian Wars. 2 v.B 1149 Trumbull (Ed.). Memorial History of Hartford Co., 1633-1884. 2 v.*V 791 True Blue-Laws and the false Blue-Laws invented by Peters.B 1152 Walker. History of 1st Church, Hartford. B 2981 Weaver. Ancient Windham Genealogy... B 2966 Welles. Annals of Newington. .. .B 2965 DAKOTA. Andreas. Historical Atlas of Dakota ... ,*R 4944 DELAWARE. Clay. Swedes on the Delaware.B 1231 Ferris. Settlements on the Delaware.B 1233 Gilpin. Memoir of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.B 1232 Montgomery. Reminiscences of Wilming¬ ton.B 1234 Rawle. Ways and Means for Inhabitants of Delaware to become rich.’"R 3773 Vincent. History of Delaware.B 3070 Wheeler. Sheyichbi and the Strand.B 1235 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Spofford. Founding of Washington.*B 1643 Todd. Story of Washington.B 4665 63 FLORIDA. Barcia {Cardenas). Historia de la Florida *V 708 Brinton. Notes on the Floridian Peninsula B 1779 Cohen. Indian Wars in Florida.B 1785 Dewhurst. History of St. Augustine.B 1698 Fairbanks. History of Florida to 1842... ,B 1788 Spaniards in Florida; St. Augustine... .B 1699 Forbes. Sketches of the Floridas.B 1786 Giddings. Exiles of Florida.B 1700 History of the Florida War.B 1781 Irving. Conquest of Florida by De Soto. .B 1782 The same.B 3081 Latour. War in West Florida and Louisi¬ ana, 1814-15.B 302 Maloney. History of Key West.B 1696 Reynolds. Old St. Augustine.B 1697 Sevvall. Sketches of St. Augustine.B 1784 Shipp. Hernando de Soto and Florida.B 1701 Soto. Discovery.and Conquest of Florida .*1 2357 Sprague. History of the Florida War... .B 1780 Vega. La Florida del Inca.,*V 706 Williams. Territory of Florida.B 1787 GEORGIA. Carpenter. History of Georgia.B 1679 Chappell. Miscellanies of Georgia.B 1677 Derry. Georgia ; its Cities and Towns... .B 1683 Georgia Historical Society Collections. 4 v.B 1681 Harden. Origin of the Plan of Savannah *B 862,4 Jones. Monumental Remains of Georgia. .B 1686 Lee and Agnew. History of Savannah... .B 16S2 Mason, J. Journey to Savannah in 1804 *B 775-6 Stevens. History of Georgia. 2 v.B 16S0 Strobel. Salzburgers and Descendants... .B 1689 White. Historical Collections of Georgia.B 1684 Statistics of the State of Georgia.B 1685 ILLINOIS. Arnold. Recollections of the Illinois Bar *B 1339 Asbury. Reminiscences of Quincy.B 3130 Ballance. History of Peoria.B 1351 Barnet. Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois . ,B 1391 Barrows. First Congregational Church, Springfield, Ill.*B 775,4 Beck. Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri *B 3135 Beebe. History of Peru.B 1400 Beecher. Alton Riots and Lovejoy .. • •••!> J 35 2 Biographical Encyclopaedia of Illinois.*R 436 Birkbeck. Letters from Illinois, 1818.B 1349 Blanchard. History of Illinois.B 3121 Breese. Early History of Illinois.B 3122 Brown. History of Illinois.*B 1350 Cairo, Past, Present, and Future of.*B 1396 Carpenter. History of Illinois..B 1354 Caton. Last of the Illinois.B 1343 64 ILLINOIS. Clark. Campaign in the Illinois, 1778-9..B 1302 Cowan. Description of Grand Tower... .*B 1396 Davidson and Stuve. History of Illinois. B 1356 Decatur, History of. *B 1396 Drown. Record of Peoria.B 1387 Duis. Old Times in McLean County.B 1398 Eddy. Patriotism of Illinois. 2v.*B 432 Edwards. History of Illinois. B 1360 Elliott. Illinois in the Black Hawk and Mexican War.*B 3125 Eminent Men of Illinois.;. .*R 437 Fergus’s Historical Publications.*B 1353 v. 1. Balestier. Annals of Chicago. 2. Fergus. Directory of Chicago, 1839. 3. Caton. Last of the Illinois. 4. Brown. Legalization of Slavery in Illinois. 5. 6. Early Settlers of Chicago. 7, 8. Wentworth. Early Chicago; Lecture. 9. Marshall. Rise and Progress of Chicago. Brown. Prospects of Chicago. 10. Addresses at Chicago Plistorical Society. 11. Hyde. Early Medical Chicago. 12. Mason. Illinois in 18th Century. 13. Gillespie. Early Illinois. 14. Porter. Earliest Religious Hist, of Chicago. Brown. Early History of Illinois. Patterson. Early Society in Southern Illinois. Arnold. Reminiscences of the Illinois Bar. First Murder Trial in Iroquois County. 15. Arnold. Abraham Lincoln. 16. Wentworth. Fort Dearborn. 17. Arnold. Wm, B. Ogden, and Early Days in Chicago. 18. Chicago Riverand Harbor Convention, 1847. 19. Cleaver. Early Chicago Reminiscences. 20. Hoffman. Winter in the West. 21. Fergus. Sketch of Judge Caton. 22. Arnold. Early Chicago and Illinois River. Conkling. Bench and Bar of Central Illinois. Hoyne. The Lawyer as a Pioneer. 23. Ackerman. Early Illinois Railroads. 24. Wentworth. Congressional Reminiscences. 25. Norris. Chicago Business Directory, 1846. 26. PIarrison Aborigines of the Ohio Valley. 27. Beckwith. Indians of Indiana and Illinois. Flagler. History Rock Island Arsenal. ,*V 832 Ford. History of Illinois.B 1347 Freeport, Advantages of.*B 1396 Gerhard. Illinois as it is.B 1345 Illinois in 1837.B 1355 Illustrated Historical Atlas of Illinois.*R 4938 Jones. Black Laws of Illinois.N 4107 Kinzie. Wau-Bun.B 1341 Linder. Early Bench and Bar.C 1446 Lusk. Politics of Illinois, 1856-1884.B 3124 The same; 2nd Ed. .B 3126 Matson. Pioneers of Illinois.B 1338 Sketches of Bureau County.B 1348 Parks. Oration to Pioneer Association of Will Co.*B 775, r Power. History of Springfield. B 1386 Early Settlers of Sangamon County. .. .B 1388 Pullman, Ill., Report on. .*B 862,4 Quincy, Advantages of.*B 1396 Redmond. History of Quincy.B 1395 Reynolds. My Own Times.*P 384 The same; reprint.B 1344 Pioneer History of Illinois.*P 383 The same; 2nd Ed.B 3136 Row all. Resources of Joliet.*B 1396 Turner. Reminiscences of Morris.*B 1396 Tyson. History of East St. Louis.B 3131 Washburne. Illinois; History, Manufac¬ tures, etc.*B 775,4 Sketch of Edward Coles and of the Slav¬ ery Struggle, 1823-24. C 1790 Wilkey. Western Emigration ; Year in Edensburgh.*B 1396 Yeakle. Brief Description of Warren... .*B 1396 ILLINOIS COUNTY HISTORIES. Bureau Bounty, Taxpayers and Voters of.. .B 3140 Cook County; by Andreas.*V 775 Cumberland, Jasper and Richland Counties *B 3155 DeKalb County; by Boies.B 1385 Edgar County.*B 3151 Edwards County, English Settlements in ; by Flower.B 1337,1 Greene County.*B 3153 Grundy County.*B 3147 Iroquois County and Watseca.*B 775,2 Jo Daviess County.*B 3142 Kane County, Past and Present of.*B 3150 Kendall County.*B 3139 Lake County, Past and Present of.B 3156 LaSalle County. 2 v.*B 3157 LaSalle County; by Baldwin.B 1394 McDonough County; by Clarke.B 1392 McLean County.*B 3154 Macon County; by Smith.B 1390 Morgan County.*B 3152 Ogle County.*B 3143. Ogle County, Sketches of.B 1389 Stephenson County; by Tilden.*B 3146 Vermilion County.*B 3149 Warren County. .*B 3145 Will County.*B 3148 Williamson County; by Erwin.B 1399 Winnebago County.*B 3144 ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS COUNTY ATLASES. Adams County, Atlas Map of.*R 5001 Bond County, Atlas of.*R 5003 Bureau County, Atlas of..*R 5002 Cook County, Map of.*R 5048 Edgar County, Map of ..*R 5004 Eord County, Historical Atlas of.*R 5006 Greene County, Atlas Map of.*R 4949. Hancock County, Historical Atlas of.*R 5005 Kankakee County, Atlas of.*R 5007 Knox County, Atlas Map of..*R 4941 McDonough County, Atlas Map of.*R 4950 McLean County, Atlas of.*R 500S Piatt County, Atlas of..... *R 5009 St. Clair County, Historical Atlas of. .... . *R 5010 Scott County, Atlas Map of....*R 4946 Stark County, Atlas of.*R 5011 Tazewell County, Atlas Map of.*R 4948 Whiteside County, Atlas of...*R 5012 Woodford County, Atlas of.*R 5013 CHICAGO. Ahern. Chicago City Officials, 1871.B 3173 People’s Party in Chicago..B 1366 Andreas. History of Chicago. 3 V.*V 648 Arnold. Recollections of Early Chicago.*B 1339 Reminiscences of the Illinois Bar.*B 1339 Wm. B. Ogden and Early Days of Chicago.*B 1339 Bennett. Politics and Politicians of Chicago to 1887.B 3169 Blanchard. History of Chicago and of the Northwest.B 1334 Bross. Chicago, Past and Future.*B 1363 Gen. Sweet and Camp Douglas.*B 1363 History of Chicago .B 1370 Chamberlin. Chicago and its Suburbs... ,B 1384 Chicago, Academy of Sciences. Historical Sketch of...*B 1363,2 Ada St. Methodist Episcopal Church, Directory of, 1877.*B 1363,2 Bench and Bar of..*R 441 Citizens’ Association Reports, 1874- 1886.*B 1340 Common Council Proceedings. 18 v. Doc. Dedication of the New Board of Trade, 1885.B 3162 Doomed City, The. Chicago Conflagra¬ tion .*B 1362 Encroachments upon the Harbor... .*B 1368,2 First Congregational Church, Quarter Cen¬ tennial of.M 344 First Infantry, I. N.G., 1874-85.*Bi368,i First Presb. Church, .50th Anniversary.. B 3161 Half-Century’s Progress of, 1837-87 . .*V 872 65 Chicago Historical Society Collections.B 1337 v. 1. Flower. English Settlements in Edwards County. 2. Reid. Biog. Sketch of E. Long. 3. Washburne (Ed.). The Edwards Papers. Historical Society, History of,.*B 1397 Illustrated, 1820-1880.B 3170 Inter-State Exposition, Sketch Book of, 1883. ...*V 605 “Lake Front Steal” of 1869, Report on *B 1363 Leading Men of Chicago, Biographical Sketches.*B 3137 Manufacturers’Directory of, 1888-9. ..*R 1 795 Masonic Board of Relief, Final Report..B 1379 Memorial for a National Armory.*B 1397 Merchants and Manufacturers of.*R 106 Methodist Relief, Report on.B 1378 Military Occupation of..*B 1362,1 Monthly Business Directory, 1872 ... .*B 1397 Municipal Code; rev. by Jamieson and Adams, 1881. *R 4024 Musical Directory, 1884-85.... .K 3895 New Chicago, Reconstruction of.B 1361 New Court House, Design by “Vene¬ tian ”.*B 1397 Competition for Design of.*B 1397 New England Church.*B 1397 Newspapers relating to Chicago Fire, 1S71. Old St. Mary’s Church.*B 1397 Pocket Guide to.*B 1363,2 Relief from Artists of Paris and Dussel- dorf.. B 1393 Relief Society’s Report.B 1382 St, Patrick’s Day, 1876.*B 1397 1878; Response by W. J. Onahan.. .*B 1397 Schiller-Denkmal.*R 4348 Seven Days in.B 1336 South Park Commissioners’ Reports .... Doc. Statistical and Historical Review of...*B 1362 Tunnels and Water System of. B 1373 Union League Club, Commemoration of Washington’s Birthday, 1888 ...... B 3164 United Hebrew Relief Association, Re¬ port, 1880-83.*B 1397 West Park Commissioners’ Reports. Doc. Colbert. Chicago; Historical and Statistical B 3168 and* Chamberlin. Chicago Fire.B 1375 Dietzsch. “Crowner’s Quest ” Reports. .*B 1397 Dyer, T. Inaugural Address of, 1S56... .*B 1397 Fergus’s Historical Publications. See page 64. Goodsbeed. Fires in Chicago and the North¬ west .B 1364 Guyer. History of Chicago.B 1367 Hine. Mrs. Leary’s Cow.*B 1362 66 INDIANA—IOWA. Hoyne. Historical Sketch of the Chicago Public Library.B 1371 The same. *0 1311 Hurlbut. Chicago Antiquities.*B 1342 Chicago Antiquities and Directory, 1839. B 1343 Hyde. Points of Interest in Chicago... .*B 1363.2 Land. Chicago; her Trade and Commerce *V 593 Lowther. Memorials of the Old Chicago Young Men’s Association Library. .. .B 1369 Luzern. Chicago; or, the lost City.B 1383 McDonald. Illustrated History and Maps •of Chicago.B 3172 Marquis. Handbook of Chicago.B 3171 Mitchell. Church on the Frontier, First Presbyterian.*B 1397 Rand, McNally & Co. Guide Map of Chi¬ cago, 1879.•.* B i3 6 3> 2 Rauch. Sanitary Problems of Chicago. .. .N 331 Ruined City, The; Great Fire in Chicago. ,*B 1362 Schaack. Anarchy and Anarchism in Amer¬ ica.B 3165 Seeger and Schlaeger. Chicago.D 191 Sewell. The Great Fire, 1871.B 1365 Sheahan and Upton. Chicago.D 192 Chicago Conflagration.B 1377 Shipman. Foundlings’Home.*B 1397 Shorey. Problems of Municipal Gov’t. . *B 1363,1 Shufeldt. Chicago Artesian Wells.*B 1362 Staxdish. Argument on the Lake Front. *B 1397 Strickland. The Chicago Fire, 1871.. *B 1363,2 Swett. Cost of Lighting the Streets.*B 1397 Volk. History of the Douglas Monument. .B 3163 Wakeman. Southerners in Chicago and the Northwest.*B 1358 Wentworth, J. Pamphlets on Early Chi¬ cago .*P 382 Wilkie. Chicago Bar, 1S71.*B 1362 Walks about Chicago.B 1381 Willard. Fort Dearborn Lodge.*B 1363,2 Wing. Hand-book of Chicago.B 1374 Tunnels and Water System.B 1373 Wood. Chicago and its Citizens..'..*B 3138 Wright. Chicago, past and present.B 13S0 Proposition to a Chicago Railroad Capi¬ talist.*B 1397 Wright. Early History of Chicago Rail¬ roads..*B 1368 INDIANA. Adjutant General’s Reports, 1861-65. 8 v.. Doc. Brice. History of Fort Wayne. B 1454 Cox. Settlement of Wabash Valley.B 1453 Dillon. History of Indiana.B 1450 The same, 1843.*B 1446 Dunn. Indiana; a Redemption from Slavery B 1460 Goodrich and Tuttle. Illustrated History of Indiana. B 1455 Haymond (Ed). History of Indiana.B 145& Holloway. Indianapolis.B 1457 Law. Colonial History of Vincennes.B 1452 Smith. Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. B 1456 INDIANA COUNTY ATLASES. Decatur County, Atlas of.*R 5020 DeKalb County, Atlas of.*R 3021 Franklin County, Atlas of.*R 5022 Indiana Illustrated Historical Atlas.*R 4940 Johnson County, Atlas of.*R 5023 Shelby County, Atlas of.*R 5024 Union County, Atlas of. . .*R 5023 INDIANA COUNTY HISTORIES. I e . ' . * t Allen County, with Maps.*V 817 Carroll County, Recollections of; by Stewart B 1459- Clay and Owen Counties ; by Blanchard.. . *B 3222 Dearborn and Ohio Counties.*B 3223 Fayette County.*V 827 Fountain County ; by Beckwith.B 1447 Henry County; by Pleas.B 1296 Lake County, from 1834 to 1872 ; by Ball... B 1448 Lake County, Semi-Centennial ; by Ball... .B 3211 Lake County, Thirty Years in ; by Ball.B 3212 Madison County; by Harden.B 3210 Montgomery County; by Beckwith.*B 3221 St. Joseph County.*B 3224 Warren, Benton, Jasper and Newton Coun¬ ties. *B 3220 Wayne County ; by Young.B 1451 IOWA. Adjutant General’s Reports, 1863-72. . 12 v.. Doc. Andreas. Ulust. Historical Atlas of Iowa*R 4932 Biographical Dictionary of Iowa.*R 450 Hollanders in Iowa [in Dutch ).D 9339 Iowa, 50th Anniversary of Settlement of. ,*B 862,3 Nourse. Iowa and the Centennial.*B 862,3 Parker. Iowa as it is.B 1540 Turrill. History of Des Moines.B 3262 Wilkie. History of Davenport.B 1542 IOWA COUNTY HISTORIES. Appanoose County.. Benton County. Black Hawk County Cedar County. Clinton County. Delaware County ... Des Moines County. Dubuque County. .. , Fayette County. Henry County. Jackson County. *B 3241 *B 3242 *B 3243 *B 3244 *B 3245 *B 3246 *B 3247 *B 3248 *B 3249 *B 3250 # B 3251 I KANSAS—MAINE. 67 Jasper County.*B 3256 Jones County.*B 3252 Lee County.. *B 3253 Lee County, Historical Atlas of.*R 5°35 Linn County.*B 3254 Mahaska County.*B 3257 Marion County, Atlas of.*R 4939 Marshall. County; by Sanford.B 3260 Polk County; by Dixon.B 3261 Ringgold and Union Counties.*R 451 Van Buren County.*B 3255 Wapello County.*B 1538 KANSAS. Gihon. Geary and Kansas.B 1562 Hale. Kansas and Nebraska.B 1563 Historical Society, Transactions. 3 V.*B 1566 Holloway. History of Kansas.B 1561 Kansas, History of the State of.*V 772 Phillips. Conquest of Kansas.B 1560 Spring. Kansas ; Prelude to the War ... .B 1567 Tuttle. History of Kansas.B 1564 Wilder. Annals of Kansas.B 1565 KENTUCKY. Allen. History of Kentucky.B 1578 Butler. History of Kentucky.B 1582 The same; 2nd Ed.*B 1587 Carpenter. History of Kentucky.B 1579 Casseday. History of Louisville.B 1576 Collins. History of Kentucky. 2v.B 1583 Daviess Co., Kentucky, History of.*B 3310 Drake. Pioneer Life in Kentucky.B 1305 Filson. Histoire de Kentucke.B 1585 Green. Historic Families of Kentucky... .C 2357 Hale. Trans-Alleghany Pioneers.B 1575 Marshall. History of Kentucky. 2 v. ..*B 1584 Martin. Guide to the Mammoth Cave... .B 1581 Perrin. History of Bourbon, Scott, Har¬ rison and Nicholas Counties.*V 837 Ranch. History of Lexington.B 1580 Shaler. Kentucky; a Pioneer Common¬ wealth.B 3300 Spalding. Early Catholic Missions.B 1586 LOUISIANA. Barbe-Marbois. Histoire de la Louisiane. B 1609 History of Louisiana.B 1608 Baudry des Lozieres. Second Voyage a la Louisiane. 2 v. C 4136 Brackenridge. Views of Louisiana.B 1605 Bunner. History of Louisiana.I 3766 Cable. Creoles of Louisiana.B 3321 Darby. Geogr. Description of Louisiana. .B 1606 Dumont. Memoires sur la Louisiane. 2V..C 4541 Du Pratz. History of Louisiana, 1815... .B 1602 French. Historical Memoirs of Louisiana. 7 v..B 1611 Gayarre. History of Louisiana. 3 V. ...B 1610 Romance of History of Louisiana.B 1603 Gravier. Lettre sur les Affaires de, 170s. .*B 886 Hennepin. Description de la Louisiane. .*C 5215 Description of Louisiana; tr. by Shea.. B 1604 Nouvelle Decouverte, 1697.*C 5216 Loewenstein. History of St. Louis Cathe¬ dral, New Orleans.*B 775,1 Martin. History of Louisiana.B 1601 New Orleans Riot in 1866.B 1671 Parton. Gen. Butler in New Orleans ... .B 2587 Robertson, Louisiana Purchase.B 841,1 Stoddard. Sketches of Louisiana.B 1607 Thompson. Story of Louisiana.B 3322 MAINE. Bourne. Character of Popham Colony... B 947,2 Bradbury. History of Kennebunk Port. .B 3361 Chamberlain. Maine in History.B 3364 Cushman. History of Ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle.B 3366 De Costa. Northmen in Maine.B 943 Eaton. Annals of Warren.B 958 History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston. 2v.B 3362 Elwell. Portland and Vicinity.B 960 Folsom. Discourse, Maine Hist. Society. *B 880 Greenleaf. Statistical View of Maine, 1816 B 955 Hanson. History of Gardiner and'Pittston B 944 Hough. Papers relating to Pemaquid.B 948 Johnston. History of Bremen and Bristol B 950 Kidder. Eastern Maine in the Revolution B 951 Locke. History of Camden.B 939 Loring. History of Piscataquis County... B 3365 Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. v. I, 2. Sir. Maine Historical Society Collections. 9 V. .B 940 North. History of Augusta.B 946 Noyes. History of Norway.B 959 Parker. History of Farmington.*B 882 Patterson. Address on Popham Colony B 947,1 Poole and others. Popham Colony ; with a Bibliography on the Subject.B 947,2 Popham Celebration, 1862.B 941 Ridi.on. Early Settlers of Harrison.*B 880 Rosier. Relation of Waymouth’s Voyage to Coast of Maine, 1605.B 873,3 Sewell. Ancient Dominions of Maine ...B 3367 Sibley. History of Union.B 945 Smith and Deane. Journals.B 953 Sullivan. History of Maine, 1795.B 952 Thornton. Speech at Popham Celebration..B 942 Wells. Water-Power of Maine. B 949 68 MARYLAND—MASSACHUSETTS. Wheeler. History of Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell B 957 History of Castine, Penobscot and Brooksville..B 3363 Whitman and True. Maine in the War. .B 646 Williamson. History of Maine. 2 v... .B 954 Willis. History of Portland.B 956 MARYLAND. Allen. Maryland Toleration.B 87 Alsop. Character of Maryland.B 180 Archives of Maryland, 1637-1664; ed. by Browne. 5 V.. B 3401 Balch. Papers on Maryland.B 1649 Ban yard. Tragic Scenes in History of Maryland...B 3404 Biographical Cyclopedia of Maryland.*R 452 Bowle. Distinguished Marylanders.C 1299 Bozman. History of Maryland. 2v.B 1650 Brown. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861.L 3200,3 Browne. History of Maryland.B 3403 Cook. The Sot-Weed Factor; Voyage to Maryland ..B 1644 Davis. Day-Star of American Freedom ..B 1645 Griffith. Annals of Baltimore.B 1653 Early History of Maryland.B 1651 Hall. Great Seal of Maryland.B 3405 Hanson. Old Kent.B 3402 Historical Society’s Publications.*B 1643 Howard. The Monumental City.B 1647 McMahon. Historical View of Maryland B 1654 McSherry. History of Maryland.B 1652 Neill. Founders of Maryland.B 1655 Terra Marice; Colonial History.B 1656 Norris. Early Quakers in Maryland ... ,*B 1643 Ridgely. Annals of Annapolis.B 1648 Scharf. Chronicles of Baltimore.B 1646 History of Baltimore City and County*V 836 Streeter. Maryland 200 Years Ago ... ,*B 1643 White. Voyage to Maryland .*B 1643 MASSACHUSETTS. Abbot. History of Andover..B 3441 Adams. Emancipation of Massachusetts ..B 3425 Adams. Oration at Quincy, July 5, 1844 *B 879 Adjutant General’s Reports, 1863-65. 13 v... Doc. Agge and Brooks. Marblehead Sketches*R 4304 Ali.en. History of Chelmsford.*B 3439 Allen. History of Wenham.B 3442 Ammidown. Historical Collections. 2v..B 1014 Amory. Old Cambridge and New.*B 1007 Our English Ancestors.*B 1007 Andros Tracts ; ed. by Whitmore. 3 V.B 1015 Appleton. Origin of Lowell.*B 721 Austin. History of Massachusetts.B ion Babson. History of Gloucester..-..B 3443 Bacon. History of Natick. ; .B 3444 Bailey. Historical Sketches of Andover. .B 1003 Ballou. History of Milford.. B 3497 Banvard. Plymouth and the Pilgrims ... B 3446 Barber. Historical Collections of Mass..B 1022 Barrus. History of Goshen, 1761-1881 ... .B 3525 Barry. History of Framingham.B 1093 Barry. History of Hanover.B 1092 History of Massachusetts. 3 V.B 1012 Bartlett. Historical Sketch of Charles¬ town. *B 775,6 Baylies. History of New Plymouth.B 890 Benedict and Tracy. History of Sutton B 10S4 Berkshire County, History of. 2 v. ...... *V 746 Berkshire Jubilee at Pittsfield, Aug., 1844 . .B 3489 Biglow. History of Natick.B 1073 Billerica, 200th Anniversary of.B 3502 Bisbee. History of Huntington.*B 775,4 Blake. Annals of Dorchester.B 1033,2 History of Franklin .B 3450 Bliss. Colonial Times on Buzzard’s Bay . .B 887 Bliss. History of Rehoboth.B 1017 Bond. Genealogies of Early Settlers of Wa¬ tertown, Waltham and Weston.B 3447 Bout well. Old Highways and Landmarks of Groton.*B 775,1 Old Homesteads of Groton.*B 3496 Bradford. History of Massachusetts ... .B 1019 Bradford, Centennial Celebration.*B 775.6 Bridgman. Grave Yards of Northampton B 3428 Brigham. Plymouth Charter and Laws... .B 891 Brooks. History of Medford.B 344; Buckingham. Annals of Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association.B 3422 Budington. History of First Church of Charlestown.B 1006 Butler. History of Groton, Pepperell and Shirley.B 3448 Carpenter. History of Massachusetts. .. .B 1020 Centennial Celebration at West Springfield, JS74.B 3417 Chaffin. History of Easton.B 3432 Charlestown, First Church, 250th Anniv... .*B 3496 Chase. History of Haverhill.B 3451 Cheever. Journal of the Pilgrims.B 897 Clark. Antiquities of Northampton.B 3452 Clark. History of Norton.B 1018 Coffin. History of Newbury.B 1069 Colburn. Bibliography of Local History of Massachusetts.*0 183 Comley Bros. History of Massachusetts. *B 3437 Cowley. History of Lowell..,B 10S5 Crapo. Centennial in New Bedford.B 1102 Crowell. History of Essex.B 1040 69 MASSACHUSETTS. Cushing. First Charter of Massachusetts. .B 3522 •Cutter. History of Arlington.B 3463 Daggett. History of Attleborough.B 3493 Damon. History of Holden.B 1095 Daniels. Huguenots in Nipmuck.B 1106 Darling. History of Warren.*B 775,1 Davis. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth.. .B 3469 Dean. History of Stoneham.*B 882 Dearborn. Address to City Council of Rox- bury.*B 862,4 De Costa. Morton’s New Eng. Canaan. ,*B 775,2 Davis’s Landmarks of Plymouth.*B 775,2 Dexter. Roger Williams and his Banishment B 1013 Doolittle. Cong. Church in Belchertown. B 3453 Drake. History of Middlesex County. 2v. *V 384 Historical Fields of Middlesex County. .B 1060 Drake. Society of Cincinnati in Mass.B 26S j Town of Roxbury.B 1107 Draper. History of Spencer.B 1039 Earl. Centennial History of Fall River.*V 552 Eaton. History of Reading.B 1096 Edes. Harvard Church, Charlestown... .B 3454 Ellis. History of Roxbury.B 3494 Ellis. Puritan Rule in Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629-85.B 3436 Emerson. History of Douglas.B 3455 Emery. Ministry of Taunton. 2 v.B 3456 Essex Congregational Church, 200th Anni¬ versary of.B 3516 Essex Institute, Bulletins, v. 1—17. Ser. Historical Collections, v. 1-24. Ser, Proceedings, v. 1-6. Ser. Farmer. History of Billerica.B 3457 Felt. Annals of Salem. 2v.B 3458 Currency of Massachusetts.L 3694 History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton B 3476 Flint. Address at Reading.B 1038 Forest Hills Cemetery in Roxbury.B 3462 Fowler. History of Fall River.B 3461 Fox. History of Dunstable.B 3459 Freeman. History of Cape Cod. 2 v. ...B 893 Frothingham. History of Charlestown. .*B 3460 Gage. History of Rowley.B 3499 Goodell. Seals of Courts of Mass. Bay... *B 775,2 Goodwin. First Settlers of Massachusetts.C 145 Green. Early History of Groton.*B 775,2 Early Settlers of Groton.*V 691,1 Groton Centennial.*B 775,1 Groton in Witchcraft Times.*B 3496 Historical Address at Groton.B 1098 The same, 2nd edition.B 1099 History of 2d Parish, Worcester.*B 775,1 Town Records of Groton.B 1101 Hallowf.ll. The Pioneer Quakers.B 3426 Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts.B 3485 Hampden County, Churches of... .B 3519 Hanaford. History of Princeton.B 3501 Hanson. History of Danvers.B 3464 Hawes. Tribute to the Pilgrims.B 895 Hayes. History of Lawrence.B 3491 Headley. Massachusetts in the Rebellion . B 1028 Hobart. History of Abington.B 3421 Holland. History of Western Mass. 2 v, B 1008 Holmes. History of Cambridge. B 3467 Howe. Historical Sketch of Methuen . .*B 775,1 Howland. Heart of the Commonwealth : Worcester .B 3466 Hudson. History of Hudson.B 3418 History of Lexington.B 10S3 Hunnewell. Century of Town Life: Charles¬ town, 1775-1887.B 3438 Hunter. Founders of Plymouth Colony.. .B 894 Hutchinson. History of Massachusetts to U74- 3 V .B 1027 Index to same..B 1027,4 Original Papers, 1769. 2 v.B 1029 and Oliver. Letters.*B 3521 Jackson. History of Newton.B 1100 Johnson. Sketches of Lynn........ ..B 3479 Jones. Stockbridge, past and present.B 1075 Judd. History of Adley. *B 3503 Kingman. History of North Bridgewater. .B 1070 Kingsbury. History of Bradford.B 3514 Landing of the French Atlantic Cable at Dux- bury.B 3509 Lawrence, Grace Church Anniversary, 1S71 *B 879 Lawrence Calamity, History of.B 3495 Lectures on Early History of Mass.B 1032 Lewis and New hall. History of Lynn... .B 1071 Lexington, History of the Fight at.*B 862,1 Lincoln, F. W. Inaugural Address.B 1063 Lincoln. History of Worcester.B 1078 and Baldwin. Worcester Magazine. v. 1, 2. 4 .*B 10S2 Longmeadow Centennial,October, 18S3 . .. .B 3512 Lyman. Papers on the Garrison Mob, 1S36. B 1041 Lyman. Address at East Hampton.*B 882 History of East Hampton.B 3470 Macy. History of Nantucket.B 1097 Malden, Bi-Centennial Book of, 1849.B 3471 Mann. Annals of Dedham.B 3430 Marvin. History of Winchendon.B 3472 Massachusetts Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 236th Record.*B 882 Historical Society’s Collections, v. 1-28, 33-53 . B io 3° Proceedings. 23 V.B 1031 Index to v. 1-20.*B 1031 Province Lawsj their Value, etc.*B 775,6 Massachusetts Bay, Charters and Laws.B 1025 70 MASSACHUSETTS. Mears. Tubilee of Piedmont Church, Wor¬ cester.*V 212 Merrill. Hist, of Amesbury andMerrimac B 3473 Metcalf. Annals ofMendon.B 3474 Lowell as it was and is. .B 1086 Minot. History of Massachusetts Bay. 2v. B 1024 Insurrections in Massachusetts.B 1023 Mitchell. History of Bridgewater.B 1072 Moore. Governors of Massachusetts.C 1483 Moore. Tithing Men and Ballot in Mass.*B 775,6 Morris. Early History of Springfield.B 3475 First Church in Springfield.*B 862,4 Mourt’s Relation of Plymouth Colony.B 905 Muddy River and Brookline, Records of; 1634-1838.B 3532 Mudge. History of Salem Witchcraft ... B 869 Nash. History of Weymouth.B 3520 Weymouth in its early Years.*B 3496 Nason. Gazetteer of Massachusetts.B 1009 History of Dunstable.B 1087 Nelson. 50th Anniversary of First Church, Leicester.B 3477 Nelson. Waltham and its Industries.B 1103 Newhall. Centennial of Lynn.B 3478 Essex Memorial for 1836.B 3424 Newton, Centennial Celebration of, 1876. .. .B 3435 Northfield, Reminiscences of, 1812-75.*B 885 Oliver. Puritan Commonwealth.B 1034 Osgood. Historical Sketch of Salem.B 1089 Packard. Churches in Franklin County.. .B 3518 Paige. History of Cambridge.B 1108 Perley. History of Boxford.B 3483 Perry.. History of Bradford.B 3515 Pierce. History of Grafton.B 3482 Plymouth, Illustrated Pilgrim Memorial... .B 889 POOLE. Cotton Mather and Salem Witch¬ craft.*B 917 Porter. Sketch of Plainfield...*B 879 Pratt. History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans.B 1074 Quincy Memorial Hall, Dedication of.*B 3496 Raynor and Petitclerc. History of Che¬ shire, Mass.B 3434 Rice. First Parish of Danvers.B 3484 Rich. Truro, Cape Cod.B 3498 Ricketson. History of New Bedford ... .B 1036 Roads. Traditions of Marblehead.B 1109 Salem, Town Records, 1634-59.B 3500 Sanford. History of Berkley.B 3486 Sawtelle. History of Townsend.B 3481 Schouler. Massachusetts in the Civil War. B 1021 Scott. Hour with the Pilgrim Fathers... .B 888 Sewall, S., Diary of, 1674-1729. 3V.B 1030,45-47 Letter-Book of.B 1030,51 Sewall. History of Woburn .B 1080 Shattuck. History of Concord.B 1115 Shurtleff. Inaugural. Address; 1869.... B 1064. Massachusetts Colony Records. 5 v.. Doc. Plymouth Colony Records. 12 v. . Doc . Silsbee. Half Century in Salem.B 3427 Smith. History of Pittsfield.B io8t Smith. History of Newburyport.B 348S Smith. History of Newt on.B 1004 Speeches of Governors of Mass., 1765-75. ...B 3523; Stearns. History of Ashburnham.B 3433 Stevens. Anthony Burns.B 3487" Stone. History of Beverly.B 1094 Story. First Settlement of Salem.B 1114 Stowe. History of Hubbardston.B 3524. Suffolk County Bar Book, 1770-1805.*B 775,6 Suffolk County Deeds. 4 V.*B 348a The same. v. 1, 2. Doc. Temple. History of Framingham.B 3429 History of North Brookfield.B 3431 and Sheldon. History of Northfield.*B 350S Thacher. History of Plymouth.B 1077 Thornton. Landing at Cape Anne.B 1035 j Torrf.y. History of Fitchburg.B 3490 Upham. Address at Re-Dedication of First Church in Salem.*B 885 Records of Mass, under First Charter.*B 885 Upham. Papers relating to Samuel Skelton *B 885 Wadsworth. History of Lawrence.B 3492 Walcott. Concord in Colonial Period... .B 3517 Wall. Reminiscences of Worcester.B 3440 Washburn. Address at Lancaster.B 1105 Sketches of Leicester.B 3504 Whitman. History of the Ancient and Plon- orable Artillery.B 3505 Whitmore. Massachusetts Civil List.B 1010 Whitney. Burning of Ursuline Convent. .B 3507 Whitney. Old Church, Quincy.*B 870 Whitney. History of Worcester County. .B 1079 Wilder. History of Leominster.B 3510 Willard. History of Greenfield.B 1037 Winsor. Bradford’s History of Plymouth*B 775,6 History of Duxbury.B 3513 Winthrop. Defense of Cath. Winthrop*B 775,6 Winthrop, J., Journal of, 1630-1644.*B 867 Worcester, 200th Anniversary of.B 3420 Worthington. History of Dedham.B 1068 Wright. Sketch of Easthampton.*B 8S2 Wyman. Genealogies of Charlestown. 2 v. *R 392 Young. Chronicles of the Planters of Massa¬ chusetts Bay.B 892 Chronicles of the Pilgrims.B 896 See also New England. BOSTON. Boston, Celebration of the Evacuation . .. .*B 1042 Celebration of 250th Anniversary of. . . .B 3528 MICHIGAN—MISSOURI. 71 Boston, Charters and Location of Street Rail¬ ways. Doc. First Church, 250th Anniversary ..... B 1002 History of Boston Water Works.B 1065 History of King’s Chapel.B 1057 History of North Church.B 1058 Illustrated.B 1056 The same; new ed.I 5348 Massacre, 1770.B 1051 Municipal Register. 6 v. Doc. Old South Church, Memorial.B 3550 Orations on the Massacre, 1770.B 1049 Record Commissioners’ Reports. iov.*B 3554 West Church and its Ministers.B 3533 Belknap, J. Tour from Boston to Oneida, I79 6 .* B 775> 6 Bridgman. Epitaphs from Copp’s Hill... .E 1996 Inscriptions from Granary Burial Ground B 3449 Inscriptions in King’s Chapel Burial Ground.B 1067 Bunker Hill Monument Association Proceed¬ ings . B 269 Burdett. History of Old South Meeting House.B 3549 Coffin (Car/eton). Story of the Boston Fire, i8 72.,....B 3529 Conwell. History of Boston Fire, 1872 ..B 1066 Dearforn. Boston Notions, 1630-1847 ...B 1113 Drake. Around the Hub; Boston.B 3527 Old Landmarks of Boston.B 1061 Drake. History of Boston.B 1062 Ellis. History of the First Church.B 3530 Emerson. First Church in Boston.B 3531 Gilmore. History of the Peace Jubilee .. .B 1048 Kidder. Boston Massacre, 1770.B 1045 Loring. Hundred Boston Orators.B 1053 Lothrop. History of the Church in Brattle Street .B 3539 Porter. Rambles in Old Boston, New Eng- knd .;.B 3555 Quincy. Address to Citizens of Boston, Sep¬ tember, 1830.*B 775,2 Quincy. Municipal History of Boston_B 1059 Robbins. History of Second Church.B 3551 Sermons in Second Church.*B 880 Savage. Boston Events, 1630 to 1880 ... .B 3552 Boston Police Records.B 1046 Scudder. Boston Town.B 3553 Shurti.EFF. Historical Descrip, of Boston B 1055 Simonds. History of South Boston.B 1043 Snow. History of Boston.*B 3526 Stark. Antique Views of Boston.*V 912 Sumner. History of East Boston.B 1047 Thatcher. Traits of the Tea Party.C 1925 L’pham. Letters during Occupation of Boston*B 885 Warren. Bunker Hill Monument Assoc. ..B 26r V i" ' Wheildon. Boston, 1630-1880.B 1005 Beacon Hill, 1635and 1790.B 1104 Winsor (Ed.). Memorial History of Boston. 4 y. *R 271 Wightman. Boston Primary Schools.B 1044. MICHIGAN. Adjutant General’s Reports. 10 v. Doc. Bi.ois. Gazetteer of Michigan.B 1402: Campbell. Political History of Michigan.B 3581 Cooley. Michigan; Hist, of Governments. B 1413; Detroit, Narrative of the Riot, 1863.*B 885 Dillenback and Leavitt. History of Kent County. B 1404- FARMER. History of Detroit and Mich... *B 3580 Hamlin. Legends of le Detroit.B 1411 Lanman. History of Michigan.I 3697 Lanman. Red Book of Michigan.B 1403, McCracken. Sketches of Michigan.B 1405 Macomb County, History of ..*B 1412; Michigan, Historical Sketches of.*B 1409 History of the Upper Peninsula.*V 774 Pioneer Society Reports. 9 V.*B 1410: Semi-Centennial of, 1886.B 1415 Millard. History of Lenawee County.. ,*V 172 Roberts. Sketches of Detroit.B 1414 St. Clair County, History of.*B 3590 Sheldon. Early History of Michigan . .. .B 1407 Strickland. Old Mackinaw.B 1406 Tuttle. General History of Michigan. .. .B 140& Van Fleet. Old and New Mackinac.B 1401 MINNESOTA. Bishop. Floral Home ; First Years of Min¬ nesota .B 1525; Illustrated Llistorical Atlas of Minnesota..*R 4943 McConkey. Dakota War Whoops ; Indian Massacres, 1862-3.B 69 7 Minneapolis and St. Paul compared.*B 862,4 Minnesota Historical Society, Annals.*B 1519. Collections, v. 1, 3, 4, 5.B 1520 Mitchell. Dakota County . .B 1526 Sketch of Goodhue County.B 1527 and Curtis. Wabasha Co.B 1528 Neill. Dahkotah Land and Life.B 1523 History of Minnesota.B 1521 Olmstead County, Plat-Book of.*R 5040 Williams. History of St. Paul and Ramsey •County. B 1520,4 MISSISSIPPI. Lynch. Kemper County vindicated .B 1811 Wells. Chisholm Massacre . B i8io< MISSOURI. Beck. Gazetteer of Missouri, 1823 . *B 3135; 72 MONTANA—NEW ENGLAND. Billon. Annals of St. Louis.*B 1550 •Carr. Missouri; a Bone of Contention...B 3650 Davis and Durrie. History of Missouri . .B 1553 Jackson County, History of.. .*B 3670 Lay. History of Benton County ........*B 775,1 •Overstolz. St. Louis; its History and In¬ dustries .B 3641 Parker. Missouri as it is in 1867.B 1559 Reavis. St. Louis, the Great City.B 1557 St. Joseph, Illustrated Review and His¬ tory of.*V 848 • St. Louis, History of.B 1552 Schoolcraft. Lead Mines of Missouri... .B 1558 Shepard. Hist, of St. Louis and Missouri B 1556 Snead. The Fight for Missouri.B 2621 SwiTZLER (Ed.). History of Missouri.B 1551 Taylor and Crooks. St. Louis. .B 1555 Wetmore. Gazetteer of Missouri, 1837.. B 1554 MONTANA. Dimsdale. Vigilantes of Montana..B 1743 Montana Hist. Society Contributions.B 1744 Montana Territory, History of.B 1742 NEBRASKA. History of the State of Nebraska.*V 773 NEW ENGLAND. Adams. History of New England, 1799... .B 866 Adams. New England Confederacy of 1643.. *B 862,2 Backus. History of New England in refer¬ ence to the Baptists. 2 v.*B 3724 Barber. History of New England.B 901 The same.B 903 Bartlett. The Pilgrim Fathers.*B 3721 Blake. History of Mendon Association ..B 916 Bishop. New England Judged, 1661 . .. .*P 378 Brooks (Ed.). Olden Time Series. B 860 v. 1. Curiosities of the Old Lottery. 2. Days of the Spinning Wheel. 3. The New England Sunday. 4. Curious Advertisements. 5. Curious Punishments. 6. Literary Curiosities. Eushnell. Fathers of New England.B 3722 Child. New England’s Jonas, 1647.*V 480 Coleman. History of Primitive Yankees . .B 769 Coolidge and Mansfield. History of New England... .B 3723 ■ Crevecceur. Letters of an Amer. Farmer B 907 De Costa (Ed.). Voyage to Sagadahoc.. . *B 879 Doyle. The Puritan Colonies.B 755,2-3 Drake, S. A. Book of New England Le¬ gends and Folk Lore.B 3725 Making of New England.B 861 Drake, S. A. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast ..B 923 Drake, S. G. Annals of Witchcraft.B 932 Researches concerning the Founders of New England..... B 924 (Ed.). Witchcraft Delusion in N. E. 3 V. B 931 v. 1. Wonders of the Invisible World; by C. Mather. 2, 3. More Wonders of the Invisible World; by Calef. Dunton. Letters from N. England, 1686. .B 908 Elliott. New England History. 2 v.B 921 Felt. Customs of New England.B 871 Ecclesiastical History of N. E. 2v.M 392 Fiske. Beginnings of New England.B 3727 Fowler (Ed.). Salem Witchcraft.B 1112 Goodell. Further Notes on Witchcraft. .*B 775,2 Reasons for concluding that the Act of 1711 became a Law.*B 775,2 Trial of Marks and Phillis . ...*B 775,2 Seals of the Judicial Court of Massa¬ chusetts Bay.. r ..*B 775,2 Goodwin. The Pilgrim Republic.B 3726 Gorges Society Publications ..".*B 873 v. 1. Gardiner. New England’s Vindi¬ cation. 2. Baxter. George Cleeve of Casco Bay. 3. Rosier’s Relation of Waymouth’s Voyage. Hawes. New England’s Indebtedness to the Pilgrims. *B 775,2 Howard and Crocker (Ed.). History of New England. 2 v.*V 835 Hubbard. History of New England.B 912 Hunter. Founders of New Plymouth... .B 894 Hutchinson. Witchcraft Delusion of 1692 ; ed. by Poole. B 936 Illustrated Pilgrim Memorial......B 889 Johnson. Wonder-Working Providence in New England ; ed. by Poole .*B 884 Josselyn. New England’s Rarities, 1672 *B 868 Two Voyages to New England.B 898 Knight. From Boston to New York, 1704 B 911 Lechford. Plain Dealing; News from New England, 1642.B 904 Lives of the Fathers of New Eng. 6 v. in 3*C 1450 Mather, C. Magnalia; Ecclesiastical His¬ tory of New England. 2 v.B 928 Wonders of the Invisible World. ..B 929 and I. History of King Philip’s War. .B 926 and Calef. See Drake. Mather, I. Early History of New England B 927 Remarkable Providences.B 930 Mather, R. Journal .B 1033,3 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 73 Morton. New England’s Memorial.B 922 Neal. History of New England, 1720. 2 v.*B 918 New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 42 v. Ser. News from New England, 1676.B 934 Palfrey. History of New England. 2v..B 900 The same; 8vo edition. 4 V.B 899 Poole. Mather Papers; C. Mather and Witchcraft.*B 879 Prince. Chronological History of N. E. B 914 The same..*P 624,30 Prince Society Publications: New England’s Prospect; by Wood.. . .*B 935 Hutchinson Papers. 2 v. . .*B 1029 John Dunton’s Letters from New Eng- land. ...*B 908 Andros Tracts. 3 V. . .*B 1015 John Wheelwright. .. *B 877 Voyages of the Northmen to America. *B 874 Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. 3 v. *B 756 Morton’s New English Canaan. . .*B 875 Sir Walter Raleigh and his Colony.. ..*B 876 Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson.. . . , . .*B 878 Capt. John Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire. . .*B 919 Robbins. First Planters of New England. .B 872 Robinson ( Talvi ). Colonisation von Neu- England. .. .D 3996 History of Colonization of America.. .. .B 3 Savage. Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers. 4V.. . .*R 390 Smith, Capt. John. Advertisements for Planters of New England. *v 853 Description of New England. . .*B 9*5 New England’s Trials. . .*B 870 Thornton. Historical Relations of New Eng. to the English Commonwealth.B 938 Tudor. Letters on the Eastern States. .. B 906 Upham. History of Salem Witchcraft. 2 v.. B 1091 Lectures on Salem Witchcraft. . . .B 1090 Ward. Simple Cobbler of Aggawam. . . .. .B 937 White. Early History of New England.. . . .B 902 Whitefield. Homes of our Forefathers.*! 3 575 v. 1. Massachusetts. 3. Connecticut and Rhode Island. 4. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. Winthrop. History of New England. 2 v. B 925 Wood. New England’s Prospect, 1634.B 935 Woodward. Records of Salem Witchcraft. 2 v.B 1088 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Adams. Annals of Portsmouth .B 3889 Arnold. Historical Sketches of Alstead.. .B 3888 Barstow. History of New Hampshire. .. .B 967 Bedford, History of.B 3900 Belknap. History of New Hampshire.. 3 v. B 968 The same; edited by Farmer.B 966 Bell. Early History of Chester.B 3903. Bemis. History of Marlborough.B 3902. » Blood. History of Temple.B 974 Bouton. History of Concord.B 975 Brewster. Rambles about Portsmouth. 2v. B 3891 Carter. New Hampshire Official Roster. .B 3905 Charlton. New Hampshire as it is.B 97a Chase. Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont.B 97 r Coffin. History of Boscawen and Webster.. B 969 Cogswell. History of Henniker.B 3898 History of New Boston.B 977 Cutter. History of Jaffrey.B 3897 Documents and Records of New Hampshire. 16 v.*B 965 Eaton. History of Candia.B 973. Emerson. Hist. Discourse at Concord, 1835*6 775,2 Farmer and Moore. Collections of New Hampshire. 3 v.B 972: Fogg. Gazetteer of New Hampshire, 1874. B 38S6 Hackett. Earliest Town Book of Ports¬ mouth .B 3883, Hale. Annals of Keene. B 962 Harriman. History of Warner.B 3890 Hill. History of Mason.B 3892 Historical Society’s Collections. 8 v.*B 961 Jenness (Ed.). Documents in English Ar¬ chives relating to New Hampshire... .B 3SS2 Isles of Shoals.B 980 Jewett and Caverly. Hist, of Barnstead. B 3893 Kidder. History of istN. H. Regiment in the Revolutionary War.B 9S2 History of New Ipswich.B 9S3 Lankaster. History of Gilmanton.B 976 Little. History of Warren. B 3895. Lothrop ( MSidney ). Old Concord.I 5360 McClintock. History of New Hampshire. B 3S84 Manchester, Dedication of the Soldiers’ Mon¬ ument at.B 434 Orford Centennial Celebration, 1865.B 964 Potter. Plistory of Manchester.B 97S Powers. Historical Sketch of Coos County. B 984 Runnels. History of Sanbornton. 2 v... .B 3894 Sanborn. History of New Hampshire.. . .B 38S1 Sercomb. History of Amherst.B 3887 Smith. History of Peterborough.B 963 Sons of New Hampshire, 1st and 2d Festivals. 2 v.B 985 Spaulding. Historical Relics of the White Mountains.B 3904 STARK. History of Dunbarton.B 3885 Stearns. History of Rindge.B 3S96 74 NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. Thaxter. Among the Isles of Shoals.I 61 Tuttle. Capt. J. Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire.*B 919 New Hampshire, 1688-90 .-*6775-6 Whiton. History of New Hampshire. .. .B 986 Willey. White Mountain History.B 3901 NEW JERSEY. Barber and Howe. Historical Collections of New Jersey...B 1418 Carpenter. History of New Jersey.B 1220 Clark. St. John’s Church, Elizabeth.B 1221 Dally. Woodbridge and 4 Vicinity.B 3931 Davis. Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. .B 1225 Documents of Colonial History. 10 v.B 3950 Index to same.B 3950,11 Elmer. Constitution and Government of New Jersey.B 3921 Gordon. History of New Jersey to the Federal Constitution.B 1224 Hageman. History of Princeton. 2v.B 1420 Hatfield. History of Elizabeth.B 3930 Haven. New Jersey 90 Years ago.B 315 Historical Society Collections.B 3951 Johnson. Settlement of Salem, West Jersey. B 3934 Mulford. History of New Jersey.B 1236 Murray. Notes on Elizabeth-Town.B 3933 Raum. History of New Jersey. 2v.B 1419 History of Trenton.B 3935 Smith. History of Colony of New Jersey. .B 1230 Taylor. Annals of Bergen.B 3932 Thomas. History of West New Jersey, 1698.B 1264 Whitehead. Early Hist, of Perth Amboy. B 3952 East Jersey under Proprietary Govern¬ ments.B 3951,1 NEW MEXICO. Arny. Sketch of Santa Fe.*B 862,3 Bancroft. New Mexico and Arizona, 1530- 1888.B 1775,12 Cooke. Conquest of New Mexico.B 1747 Edwards. Campaign in New Mexico.B 1748 Prince. Hist. Sketches of New Mexico... .B 1746 Ritch. Legislative Blue Book.B 1745 Aztlan; History of New Mexico.B 1753 NEW YORK. Adjutant General’s Reports. 8 v. Doc. Bagg. Pioneers of Utica.B 1160 Baird. History of Rye .B 1424 Barber. History of the State of New York B 4045 and Howe. N. Y. Hist. Collections. .B 1175 Barnes. Early History of Albany.B 1174 Bayles. History of Suffolk County, L. I...B 4053 1 Beach. Cornwall.B 1429 Beardsley. History of Otsego County... .B 1129 Benton. History of Herkimer County.B 1185 Bolton. History of Westchester Co. 2v. B 4056 Bonney. Legacy of Historical Gleanings. 2 v....B 1162 Boynton. West Point and the Academy...B 4003 Brodhead. History of New York. 2v. ,.B 1164 Brooklyn, Prospect Park Reports. Doc. Brooks. Story of New York State.B 4016 Buffalo and its Surroundings. .*B 883 Forest Lawn; its History, etc.*B 880 Historical Society’s Publications, v. i, 3-B 4004 Semi-Centennial Celebration, 1882... .*B 721 Butler. Lake George and Lake Champlain. B 1161 Campbell. Border Warfare during Revol. B 1195 Campbell. Historical Fallacies regarding Colonial New York.*B 885 Carpenter. History of New York.B 1163 Clark. Reminiscences of Onondaga Co. 2 v. B 1180 Clarke. Voyage to America in 1703.B 1219 Cleaveland. Green-Wood Directory... .B 1426 Hand-Book for Green-Wood Cemetery. B 3965 History of Green-Wood Cemetery.*V 492 Cleveland. History of Yates County... .B 117i Clute. Annals of Staten Island.B 1128 Colden. Memoirs of State Canals.*B 1217 Conover. Early History of Geneva ... .*B 883 Constitutional Convention, 1821. Doc. Revision Documents. Doc. Cooper. Chronicles of Cooperstown.B 1427 Dawson. Westchester County during the Revolution.*V 796 Dayton. Last Days of Knickerbocker Life. B 3970 De Costa. History of Fort George.B 1182 Sailing Directions of Hendrick Hudson B 1226 Denton. Description of New York, 1670. .B 180 Doty. History of Livingston County.B 1438 Dunlap. History of New Netherlands. 2v. B 1183 French. Gazetteer of N. Y. State, i860. B 4015 Furman. Antiquities of Long Island.B 1132 Notes on the Town of Brooklyn.B 1132 Goodwin. History of Cortland County... .B 1200 Gordon. Gazetteer of New York, 1836... .B 1184 Hammond. History of Madison County... .B 4020 Hammond. Political Parties in New York to 1840. 2 v.B 1127 Hickcox. History of Bills of Credit of New York, 1709-89.B 1214 Holden. History of Queensbury.B 1228 Homes. Correct Arms of State of N. Y... .B 1421 HOTCHKIN. History of Western New York B 1176 Hough. Gazetteer of the State of N. Y., 1873 B 4° 2 4 History of Lewis County.B 1168 History of Jefferson County. B 1433 NEW YORK. 75 Hough. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties.B 1196 Indian Affairs in the State of N. Y. 2 v. B 693 Howell. History of Southampton, L. I... B 4025 Jenkins. History of Political Parties in New York State to 1849.B 1229 Johnson. Centennial History of Erie Co. .B 4019 Jones. Annals of Oneida County.B 1170 Jones. New York during the Revolution. 2 v.B 1122 Jogues. Novum Belgium (in French).B 1436 New Netherlands 1643.*V 142 Kapp. Geschichte der Deutschen im Staate New York.D 132 Ketchum. History of Buffalo. 2v.B 4027 Livermore. History of Cooperstown_B 4054 Long Island, Commodities of Manati.*B 886 Long Island Hist. Society, Memoirs of. 2 v.B 1155 Lossing. The Empire State; History of New York.B 4046 Macauley. History of New York. 3 V—B 1428 Mandeville. History of Flushing.B 1156 Marvin. History of Lake George.B 1154 Masten. History of Cohoes.B 1439 Miller. Historical Sketches of Hudson..B 1181 Miller. Province and City of New York, 1695.B 180 Munsell. Annals of Albany. 10 v.B 4055 New York State, Boundaries of.B 1197 Correct Arms of; by Homes.*B 1421 First Settlement by the Dutch.*P 623,27 Historical MSS., 1664-1776. Doc. Historical Society’s Collections. 5 v../B 1193 The same, 2d Series. 8 v.*B 1194 Marriages previous to 1784.*R 389 O’Callaghan. Documentary History. 2 v. B 1165 Doc’s relative to Colonial History. 14 v. Doc. History of New Netherland. 2 v.B 1166 Register of New Netherland, 1626-74... B 4032 Onderdonk. Annals of Hempstead.B 1121 Bibliography of Long Island.B 1132 Parish Church, Jamaica.B 1435 Queens County in Olden Times.B 1172 Revolutionary Incidents of Queens Co. *B 862,1 Revolutionary Incidents in Suffolk and Kings Counties..•.B 1173 Oneida County, History of.*V 890 Park. History of West Point.B 1202 Parker. Rochester; a Story Historical... B 4036 Pearson. Eaily Records of Albany.B 4051 Peyster. Early Political History.B 4039 Prime. History of Long Island.B 1157 Randall. History of New York.B 1167 Read. Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson B 1125 Riker. Annals of Newtown.B 4052 Roberts. History of New York. 2 v.B 4048 Ruttenber. Orange Co. and Newburgh. .B 4041 Schuyler. Colonial New York, sv.B 4047 Shaw. History of Cooperstown.B 4084 Smith. History of Duchess County.B 1423 Smith. History of New York to 1732; con¬ tinued to 1814, by Yates.B 4049 History of the Province, to 1732.B 1213 Squier. Antiquities of New York.B 1207 Stickney. History of the Minisink Region B 4021 Stiles. History of Brooklyn. 3 V.B 1203 History of Kings Co. and City of Brook¬ lyn .*V 821 Stone. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston.B 1124 Sylvester. Sketches of Northern N. Y....B 4050 Thompson. History of Long Island. 2v..B 1158 Thompson. Plymouth Church, Brooklyn .B 3980 Tracts relating to New York, 1609-1698.. *P 623,23 Tracy. Centennial of Whitestown.*6862,3 Turner. History of Holland Purchase... .B 1126 History of the Phelps and Gorham’s Pur¬ chase.B 4017 Pioneer Settlements of Phelps and Gor¬ ham’s Purchase.B 1216 Vanderbilt. Social History of Flatbush. .B 1440 Waldron. Huguenots of Westchester... .B 1425 Walworth. Saratoga; Battle Ground, etc.B 1123 Warren. History of Chautauque Co.B 4070 Watson. History of Essex County.B 1227 Watson. History of the New York Canals B 1211 Weise. History of Albany.B 40S3 History ofTroy.B 4081 Winfield. History of Hudson County... .B 1422 Wood. First Settlements on Long Island.*B 862,4 Woodworth. Reminiscences of Troy-... .B 1169 Wooley. Journal in New York, 1695....B 180 Worth. Recollections of Albany.B 1212 Young. History of Chautauqua Co.B 4071 NEW YORK CITY. Belden. New York, past and present.B 1179 Booth. History of New York City.B 3964 Costello. New York Police.L 4011 New York Fire Departments.B 3966 Davis. History of New Amsterdam.B 1159 Disosway. Early Churches of New York. .B 1192 Earle and Congdon (Ed.). Annals of General Soc. of Mechanics and Tradesmen.. *V 600 Francis. Old New York.B 1199 Greenleaf. Churches of New York City.. B 1218 IIardie. Description of New York City. .B 1186 Kern an. Old Fire Laddies of New York and Brooklyn.B 3967 King. Croton Aqueduct.*V 244 Knight. Journey from Boston to New York, 1704.B 901 76 NORTH CAROLINA—OHIO. Lamb. History ofthe City of New York. 2 v.*V 126 New York City, Astor Place Riot, 1849. ..*B 882 Central Park, Description of.*B 1190 Central Park Reports. 13 v. Doc. Common Council Manual. Doc. and Brooklyn Bridge, Opening Ceremo¬ nies.B 3973 Financial Affairs of.B 3974 During the Revolution.*V 11 Osgood. New York in the 19th Century. .B 1215 Riker. Harlem; its Early Annals.B 3985 Scoville. Old Merchants of New York. 5 v. in 3.B 1198 Sheldon*. Volunteer Fire Department of New York City.B 3975 Smith. Sermon at 70th Festival of St. James Church.*B 775,4 Spring. Brick Church Memorial.B 3981 Stevens. Union Defence Com. of N. Y... .B 672 Stone. History of New York City.B 1437 Todd. Story of the City of New York... .B 3963 Valentine. History of New York.B 1191 Volcano under the City (Draft Riots in New York City).B 2567 Watson. Annals of New York City and State.B 1210 NORTH CAROLINA. Battle. Early History of Raleigh.*B 883 Bernheim. German Settlements in N. C.M 2748 Caruthers. Revolutionary Incidents.B 1661 Hawks. History of North Carolina. 2v.B 1659 and others. Revolutionary History of North Carolina.B 1660 Hunter. Sketches of Western N. Carolina B 1674 JONES. Defense of Revolutionary History of North Carolina. B 1662 Memorials of North Carolina.B 1670 Lawson. History of Carolina.B 1657 Martin. History of North Carolina.B 1658 Moore. History of North Carolina. 2 v..B 1664 Wheeler. Historical Sketches of N. C.. .B 1663 Reminiscences of N. Carolina.*V 713 Williamson. History of N. Carolina. 2 v.B 1672 OHIO. Abbott. History of Ohio.B 1324 Anti-Slavery Convention of Ohio, 1835.L 681 Atwater. History of Ohio.B 4212 Black. Story of Ohio.B 4249 Bliven. Maumee Valley and Pioneers ..*B 885 Carpenter. History of Ohio.B 12S9 Cincinnati, 2d Presbyterian Church, Memorial Address, by N. Wright.E 1620 Cincinnati Miscellany; ed. by Cist. 2v.B 4207 Cist. Cincinnati in 1841 .B 1318 Cist. Cincinnati in 1857..B 1320- Cincinnati in 1859.B 1319. Clarke. Pre-historic Remains of Cincin¬ nati.*B 885 Dawes. Beginning of the Ohio Comp..*B 4206 The same.*B 775,2 Drake and Mansfield. Cincinnati in 1826 B 1327 Fire Lands Pioneer. 13V. Ser. Foote. Schools of Cincinnati.B 130S Ford. History of Cincinnati.*V 557 Hildreth. Pioneer Hist, of Ohio Valley .B 420S Pioneer Settlers in Ohio.B 1290 Howe. Historical Collections of Ohio.B 1292 The same ; new ed. 2 v.B 4244 Jones. Early Days in Little Miami Valley*B 4205 King. Ohio; Fruits of the Ordinance ofi787-B 4248 Knapp. History of the Maumee Valley... .B 1312 Loring. Ninety-fifth Anniversary of the Ohio Settlement, 1883.*B 4206 May. Two Journeys to Ohio, 1788-9.B 132& Miller. Cincinnati’s Beginnings.B 1317 Mitchener. Ohio Annals.B 4210^ Ohio Archseological and Historical Quarterly. v. 1, 2. *B 4250* Ohio Historical Society’s Collections. 2 v. ,B 1307 Ohio Valley Historical Series : v. 1. Bouquet. Expedition against Ohio Indians, 1764.B 1300 2. Walker. History of Athens County B 1301 3. Clark. Campaign in the Illinois... .B 1302 4. McBride. Pioneers of Butler County. 2 v.B 1303 5. Smith. Captivity with Indians.B 1304- 6. Drake. Pioneer Life in Kentucky. .B 1305 7. Espy. Tour in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.B 1306 Williams. Western Campaigns . ,.B 1306 Taneyhill. Leatherwood God... .B 1306 Park. Early History of Union Township *B 4205 Peet. Ashtabula Disaster.B 1316 Poole. The Tyler-Davidson Fountain in Cincinnati.B 4230 Reid. Ohio in the War. 2v..B 1288 Rice. Pioneers of the Western Reserve...B 4211 St.Clair. Indian Campaign, 1791.B 19 Scott. The Future Great City (Toledo). .*B 1396 Stevens. Cincinnati in 1869.B 1321 Studer. History of Columbus.B 1325 Thomson. Bibliography of Ohio. *0 181 Trent. Journal from Logstown, 1752... .B 1291 Vance. Great Flood of 1884 in Ohio.B 4219 Western Reserve Historical Society’s Publica¬ tions .*B 1315 Whittlesey. History of Cleveland.B 1285 Topographical and Hist. Sketch of Ohio B 1310 OREGON—PENNSYLVANIA. 77' Wilson. Second U. P. Church of Xenia, Ohio.*B 862,4 OHIO COUNTY HISTORIES. Allen County.*B 4220 Ashland County; by Knapp.B 1295 Brown County.*B 4221 Champaign County.*B 4222 Champaign and Logan Counties; by Antrim.B 4209 Clark County.*B 4223 Clinton County.*B 4224 Coshocton County; by Hill.B 4201 Coshocton County, Historical Collections of; by Hill.B 4217 Darke County .*B 4225 Delaware County.*B 4216 Fairfield and Perry Counties; by Graham. .*B 4227 Fayette County; by Putnam.B 1287 Franklin County; by Martin. B 1293 Hamilton County; by Ford.*V 556 Hancock County; by Beardsley.B 4245 Hardin County, Atlas of.*R 5036 Highland County; by Thompson.*B 4205 Knox County; by Norton.B 1294 Licking County; by Hill.B 4202 Lorain County; by Boynton.*B 775,1 Medina County; by Northrup.B 1297 Miami County.*B 4231 Montgomery County.*B 4215 Morrow County.*B 4214 Portage County.*B 4226 Ross County ; by Finley and Putnam.B 1299 Scioto County, Pioneers of; by Keyes.B 4218 Seneca County.*B 4228 The same; by Butterfield.B 1286 The same; by Lang.B 4204 Summit County; by Bierce.B 1298 The same; by Perrin (Ed.).*B 4213 Tuscarawas County.*B 4229 Union County.*B 4241 Warren County.*B 4242 Washington County; by Andrews.B 1311 Wayne County; by Douglass.B 4203 Wyandot County.*B 4243 OREGON. Armstrong. History and Description of Oregon.I 323 Bancroft. History of Oregon. 2 v. B 1775,24-25 Northwest Coast (Oregon, Washington, British Columbia). 2 v.B 1775,22-23 Barrows. Oregon; Struggle for Possession. B 1771 Dunn. Oregon Territory and British Fur Trade.B 1269 Gray. History of Oregon to 1849.B 1772 ; Greenhow. Hist, of Oregon and California B 1335 Northwest Coast of North America ... .B 1271 Hines. Oregon; its History and Prospects. B 1770 Twiss. Oregon Territory; its History and Discovery.B 4275 PENNSYLVANIA. Adams County, History of.*B 4287 Armor. Governors of Pennsylvania. C 2109 Brackenridge. History of the Whisky In¬ surrection, 1794.B 1238 Buck. History of Montgomery County... .B 4284 Budd. Good Order in Pennsylvania, 1685. B 180 Carpenter. History of Pennsylvania.B 1240 Chapman. Sketch of the Hist, of Wyoming B 1259 Clyde. History of Allen Township Presby¬ terian Church.B 4298 Colonial Records of Pennsylvania. 16 v.B 1243 Index to same.B 1245 Constitution and Government of Penn.B 1256 Cornell. History of Pennsylvania.B 4285 Craig. History of Pittsburgh.B 1252 Crawford County, History of .*B 4286 Creigh. History of Washington County.. .B 1251 Cumberland County, History of. + B 4287 Darlington. Tornado in Chester Co., i88o*B 1396 Day. Historical Collections of Penn.B 4290 Dickinson. Letters from a Farmer, 176S. .B 1431 Du Ponceau. Penn’s Indian Treaty ... .*B 721 Early History of Western Pennsylvania.B 1239 Egle. History of Pennsylvania. *B 1248 Findley. Insurrections of Western Penn.. B 1253 Franklin. Hist. Review of Penn., 1759. ..B 1256 Franklin County, History of.*B 4288 Garrard. Chambersburg.B 1254 Gordon. Gazetteer of Pennsylvania, 1832. B 4281 Harris. History of Lancaster County... .B 1249 Hazard. Annals of Pennsylvania, 1609-S2. B 1260 Hobson. Montgomery County, Centennial *B 4291 Hollister. History of Lackawanna Valley B 1432 Johnson. Letters from British Settlement in Pennsylvania.B 4283 Johnson. Record of Wyoming.B 4297 Jones. Settlement of Juanita Valley.B 4293 Lytle. History of Huntingdon County... B 4294 McM aster and Stone. Pennsylvania and Federal Constitution.B 4331 Martin. Chester and its vicinity.*V 763 History of Bethlehem.B 1255 Miner. History of Wyoming.B 4335 Mombert. History of Lancaster County.. B 1246 Pearce. Annals of Luzerne County.B 4300 Peck. Wyoming, its History, etc.B 1257 Pennypacker. Hist, and Biog. Sketches. .B 4301 Pennypacker Reunion, October 1877.B 1237 78 RHODE ISLAND—TENNESSEE. Pennsylvania Archives, Ser. i and 2. 25 v. .B 1244 Index to Ser. 1.B 1245 Pennsylvania Historical Society’s Memoirs. ,B 1263 v. 1-4. Memoirs of, 1826-40. 5. Sargent. Braddock’s Defeat. 6. Contributions to American History. 7. Record of Court at Upland. Denny, E. Military Journal, 1781-95. 8. Committee of Defense, Philadelphia. 9-10. Penn and Logan. Correspondence. 11. Acrelius. New Sweden. 12. Hackewelder. History of Indian Nations. Terkins. Early Times on the Susquehanna B 4302 Proud. History of Pennsylvania. 2 v. .. .*B 1266 Rupp. History of Lancaster County.B 4292 History of Northampton, Lehigh, Mon¬ roe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties. B 1265 History of Northumberland and other Counties.B 4282 30,000 Names of Immigrants, 1727-76 *R 409 Sanford. History of Erie County.B 4296 SCHNECK. Burning of Chambersburg.B 4310 Scranton, 1st Presb. Church, 25th Anniv.. .*B 883 Seidensticker. Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien.D 5688 Smith. History of Delaware County.B 1267 Stone. Poetry and History of Wyoming. .B 1258 Sypher. Pennsylvania Reserve Corps.B 1241 School History of Pennsylvania.B 4303 Thomas. Pennsylvania and West New Jer¬ sey, 1698.B 1264 Wallace. Discourse at Penn. Hist. Soc.*B 775,4 Wright. History of Perry County.B 4295 Wright. History of Plymouth.B 4299 Wyoming Valley, History and Poetry of... .B 1247 PHILADELPHIA. Allinson and Penrose. City Government of Philadelphia.*L 3205,6 Philadelphia, 1861-1887.L 3200,2 Banes. History of Philadelphia Brigade.. .B 2672 Belisle. History of Independence Hall... B 1430 Etting. History of Independence Hall. .*V 569 Ingram. The Centennial Exposition.K 3614 Mease. Philadelphia in 1811.»B 1261 Philadelphia Carpenters’ Co., By-Laws, etc. .B 4342 Carpenters’ Hall, Reminiscences of .. .B 4342 Laurel Hill Cemetery.B 4341 Public Buildings on Penn. Square ... .*K 3676 Sylvan City; Quaint Corners in.B 4340 Watson. Annals of Philadelphia. 2 v....B 1250 The same; continued by Hazard. .B 1250,3 Wilson. Philadelphia in 1824.B 1261 Winslow. Philadelphia Merchants.C 137 Woolsey. History of City of Philadelphia B 4304 RHODE ISLAND. Anti-Slavery Convention, Proceedings.L 681 Arnold. History of Rhode Island. 2 v. .B 1117 Barrows. First Baptist Church, Newport.*B 862,3 Bartlett. Bibliography of Rhode lsland *0 191 Beaman. Address at Scituate, July 4, 1876 *B 775,1 Bristol, First Congregational Church of....B 1222 Callender. Discourse on Colony of R.I. B 1116,4 Channing. Early Recollections of Newport B 4372 Colonial Records of Rhode Island. 10 v. ,.B 1120 Frieze. Extension of Suffrage in Rhode Island, 1811-42.B 4364 Fuller. History of Warwick.B 4366 Greene. Short History of Rhode Island. .B 1118 Irish. Historical Sketch of Richmond . ,*B 882 Jackson. Churches in Rhode Island.B 4363 Livermore. History of Block Island ,... .B 4369 Mason. Reminiscences of Newport.B 4368 Might and Right; by a Rhode Islander.B 4371 Munro. History of Bristol.B 4370 Peterson. History of Rhode Island.B 1119 Providence, The City Hall of.B 4361 Rhode Island Hist. Society’s Collections. 6v.B 1116 Proceedings, 1872-79. 8 v.B mi The same, 1882-3.*B 775,7 Rhode Island Historical Tracts. Nos. 1-19 *B 4374 Richmond. Rhode Island Repudiation. . . .B 4373 Sheffield. Hist. Sketch of Block Island. .B 4365 Stone. Rhode Island in the Rebellion .. .B 599 Updike. History of the Narragansett Episcopal Church.B 4367 SOUTH CAROLINA. Allen. Gov. Chamberlain’s Administration in South Carolina.B 4385 Calhoun, J. C., History of Monument to, at Charleston.B 1678 Carroll. Historical Collections of S.C. 2 v.B 1665 Charleston, Centennial of. * Doc. Gibbes. American Revolution in S. C. 3 v.B 217 Logan. History of Upper South Carolina B 1675 Pike. S. C. under Negro Government . .. .B 1668 Ramsay. American Revolution in S. C. 2 v.B 1666 History of South Carolina. 2 v.B 1667 Rivers. History of South Carolina.B 1673 Siege of Charleston, May 12, 1780.B 300 Simms. History of South Carolina.B 1669 Who burnt Columbia?.*B 775,9 TENNESSEE. Carpenter. Historyof Tennessee.B 1613 Davis. History of Memphis.B 1616 Gilmore. Advance-Guard of Western Civil¬ ization. B 329 John Sevier as a Commonwealth-Builder B 345 TEXAS—VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA. 79 Humes. Loyal Mountaineers of Tennessee B 2751 Old Times in West Tennessee .B 1615 Phelan. History of Tennessee.B 4401 Putnam. History of Middle Tennessee ..B 1612 Ramsay. Annals of Tennessee. B 1614 Report of Sup’t of Freedmen.B 556 Tennessee, History of . ...*B 1617 TEXAS. Baker. Brief History of Texas.B 1725 Texas Scrap-Book.B 1726 Bancroft. History of Texas, 1801-1889. .B 1775,11 Edwards. History of Texas.B 1727 Jones. Republic of Texas.B 1731 Xennedy. Texas; its Rise and Progress. 2v.B 1728 Maillard. History of Texas.B 1734 Newell. History of the Revolu. in Texas B 1729 Rankin. Texas in 1850.B 1730 Smith. Reminiscences of the Texas Republic B 1735 Thrall. History of Texas.B 1732 Urquhart. Annexation of Texas.L 69,2 Yoakum. History of Texas, 1685-1846. 2 v. B 1733 VERMONT. Beckley. History of Vermont.B ■Carpenter. History of Vermont.B Caverly. History of Pittsford.B Chase. Early History of Vermont.B Dana. History of Woodstock.B De Puy. Ethai) Allen and Green Mountain Heroes of ’76.B Dutcher. History of St. Albans.B Goodhue. History of Shoreham.B Gregory. Northfield Centennial.B Hall. History of Eastern Vermont.B Hall. History of Vermont.B Hall. History of Vermont to 1791.B Hemenway. Vt. Historical Gazetteer. 4 v.B Hollister. Pawlet for 100 Years.B Jennings. Memorials of a Century in Ben¬ nington .B Joslin and others. History of Poultney.. .B Matthews. History of Cornwall.B McKeen. History of Bradford.B Newfane, Centennial Proceedings, 1874 ... .B Palmer. History of Lake Champlain ... .B Parks. History of Wells.B Records of the Governor and Council. 8 v. .. . Rochester, History of.B Slade. Vermont State Papers, 1779-86_B Swift. History of Middlebury....B Thompson. History of Montpelier.B Thompson. History of Vermont.B Vermont Hist. Society’s Collections. 2V...B Proceedings, 1872.B 987 1000 4447 971 4444 988 4459 992 4442 995 4454 993 998 991 4446 4455 989 4445 4443 1208 4457 Doc. 4458 4441 990 996 999 994 "7 Watson. Pioneer History of Lake Cham¬ plain.B 1209 Williams. Centennial of Rutland.*B 862,4 Williams. History of Vermont. 2 V....B 1001 Williams. History of Danby. B 4456 VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA. Atkinson. History of Kanawha Co., W. Va. B 4513 Beverley. Histoire de la Virginie. ...B 1627 History of Virginia.*P 385 Burk. History of Virginia. 4 v.*B 4488 Byrd. History of the Dividing Line. 2 v.B 1628 Campbell. History of Virginia Colony... .B 1623 Campbell. History of Virginia to 1781-B 1624 Carpenter. History of Virginia.B 1630 Cooke. Virginia; History of the People.. .B 4481 Dabney. Defence of Virginia.B 4487 Davis. First Settlers of Virginia; a Novel. *B 4482 De Hass. Indian Wars in West Virginia. .B 49 Doddridge. Settlements and Indian Wars in Virginia and Pennsylvania.B 1621 Foote. Sketches of Virginia.B 4485 Forrest. History of Norfolk.B 1618 Frederick. History of Preston County, West Virginia.B 4511 Gilpin. Exiles in Virginia.B 4489 Hamor. Present State of Virginia.*V 491 Howe. Historical Collections of Virginia.B 1625 Jefferson. Notes on Virginia, 1800.B 4484 Notes on Virginia, 1787.B 1638 The same, 1853. 1 247 Kercheval. History of the Valley of Vir¬ ginia.*B 1626 Magill. History of Virginia.B 4486 Maxwell. History of Tucker Co., W. Va. B 4512 Meade. Old Churches and Families. 2 v. B 1634 Neill. Early Settlement of Virginia. .. ,*B 775,4 English Colonization of Virginia.B 125 History of the Virginia Company.B 1629 Pocahontas and her Companions.B 1635 Virginia Carolorum.B 1619 Virginia Vestusta.B 1640 Nova Britannia, 1609.B 4490 Parker. Formation of West Virginia.B 4510 Peyton. History of Augusta County.B 1620 Raleigh, Sir W., and his Colony in America *B 876 Rosier. Waymouth’s Voyage.*B 883 Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg . .B 1637 Smith, Capt. John. Description of New England.*B 915 New England’s Trials.*B 870 True Travels in Virginia. 2 v.*B 1633 True Relation of Virginia.*V 91 Works; ed. by Arber. *B 4483 Stevens. Yorktown Handbook.B 1622 THE WEST—WISCONSIN. 80 * STITH. History of Virginia, 1747.B 1631 Strachey. Historic of Virginia Britannia *1 2353 Virginia Historical Register, v. I, 5, 6.B 1636 Virginia Historical Soc. Collections. 8 v..*B 4491 Virginia State Papers, Calendar of, 1652-1781. 7 v. Doc. Wiley. History of Monongalia Co., W. Va. B 4514 Withers. Border Warfare in Virginia..*B 1639 Wyth. Natives of Virginia.B 1632 THE WEST. Barber and Howe. All the Western States B 4525 Beecher. Plea for the West.B 4530 Beggs. Early History of the West and North¬ west .B 1329 Blanchard. Discovery and Conquests of the North-West. B 1334 Brackenridge. Recollections of the West B 1276 Bradford. Notes on the Northwest . .. . B 1268 Burnet. Notes on N. W. Territory.B 1277 Butterfield. Discovery of the Northwest by Nicolet.B 4521 (Ed.). Washington-Crawford Correspond¬ ence.B 4522 CONANT. Footprints of Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley.K 2563 Craig (Ed.). The Olden Time. 2v.*B 12S2 Dearborn. Commerce of the West.*B 883 Drake. Making of the Great West.B 4540 Dunn. Oregon Territory and the Fur Trade B 1269 1 Edwards and Hopewell. The Great West B 1274 Ellet. Pioneer Women of the West . ... C 69 I Flint. History of the Mississippi Valley. .B 1281 Folsom. Fifty Years in the Northwest... .B 4524 Frost. Pioneer Mothers of the West .. .C 2247 Gallagher. Progress of the Northwest . .B 1313 Gilmore. Advance-Guard of Western Civilization.B 329 Griffin. Bibliography of the Discovery of the Mississippi.*V 617 Hall. Romance of Western History.B 1275 Legends of the West.B 1278 The same.B 1279 Hart. Discovery of the Mississippi Valley. B 1330 Hildreth. Early History of Northwest . .B 1331 Hinsdale. The Old Northwest.B 4523 Howe. Historical Collections of the West B 1272 IMLAY. Western Territory. London, 1797 *1 5098 The same ; Dublin, 1793. 1 84 MacClung. Western Adventure, 1755-1794 B 1332 Marshall. Historical Writings on the West B 1441 Meek. Romantic Passages in Southwestern History.B 1273 Monette. Discovery and Settlement of the Mississippi Valley. 2 v.*B 1283 Parkman. Discovery of the Great West... B Perkins. Annals of the West.B 1280 Pittman. European Settlements on the Mis¬ sissippi.*V 331 Roosevelt. Winning of the West, 1769-1783. 2 v .B 4539 Shea. Address before the Mississippi Histo¬ rical Society, July 9, ’78.*B 883 Early Voyages on the Mississippi.*B 1284 Discovery of the Mississippi Valley... .B 1611,4 Strickland. Pioneers of the West.B 1270 Tenney. The New West.*B 1396 Tuttle and Pennock. History of the N. W. B 1333. Walker. Pioneer Life in the West.B 4630 West. The Golden Northwest. B 1314 WISCONSIN. Barrett. History of “Old Abe”.B 1499 The same, 6th Ed.B 2745 Buck. Pioneer History of Milwaukee. 3 v. B 1512 Butler. Pre-historic Wisconsin.*E 2014 Cunningham. History of Neenah.B 1515 Draper. Madison; its Growth, etc.*B 862,3 Durrie. History of Madison.B 1504 Heg (Ed.). Blue Book of Wise., 1883 ... .B 1517 Historical Society’s Reports. 10 v.*B 1500 Hunt. Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853.B 1505 Hurlbut. Early Days at Racine.*B 1343 Lapham. Antiquities of Wisconsin.*V 436,7 Wisconsin.B 1506’ Love. Wisconsin in the War.B 70c Madison and Surrounding Towns.B 1502 Mapes. History of Ripon.B 1514 Milwaukee, Guide to.B 1513 Quiner. Military History of Wisconsin... .B 597 Randall. History of Chippewa Valley .. .B 1507 Reid. Resources of Appleton.*B 880 Simmons. History of Geneva.B 1510 Smith. History of Wisconsin, v. 1, 3 ... .B 1501 Strong. History of Wisconsin, 1836-48..B 1503, Thwaites. Historic Waterways.I 5486 Tuttle. Illustrated History of Wisconsin. B 1508 Wheeler. Chronicles of Milwaukee.B 1509 Wisconsin, Historical Atlas of.*R 4942 Northern, History of.....*V 774 The same.*V 225 WISCONSIN COUNTY PIISTORIES. Columbia County.*B 1481 Dane County.*B 1491 Dodge County.*B 1482 Fond du Lac County.*B 1483 Grant County .*B 1493 Iowa County.*B 1485 Jefferson County.*B 14S6 Kenosha County.*B 1492 BRITISH AMERICA—MEXICO. 81 La Crosse County.*B 1484 La Fayette County.*B 1487 Milwaukee County, Illustrated Atlas of. .. .*R 4945 •Ozaukee County.;.*B 1495 Racine County.*B 1492 Rock County.*B 1488 The same. . .B 1357 Sauk County.*B 1489 Walworth County.*B 1494 Washington County.*B 1495 Waukesha County.*B 1490 Winnebago County; by Mitchel and Osborn.B 1516 BRITISH AMERICA. Atkinson. History of New Brunswick... .B 1818 Bancroft. History of British Columbia B 1775,27 Beyard and Lodowick. Actions of the French at Canada, 1693.B 1839 Bonnycastle. Newfoundland in 1842. 2 v. B 1840 Bos worth. Hochelaga depicta.B 1835 Bouchette. British Dominion in North America. 3 v.*V 27 Boulton. The North-West Rebellion.B 1816 Bourinot. Constitutional Hist, of CanadaL 3301 Brant Co., Ontario, History of.*B 1812 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Histoire du Canada.C 4265 Bryce. Manitoba, its Growth, etc.B 1815 Short History of the Canadian People . .B 1809 Brymner. Report on Canadian Archives, 1886-88. 3 v.B 1813 Campbell. Hist, of Prince Edward Island B 1843 Canada Archives, Report on, 1881-88. Doc . Canada, Campaign of 1760 in.B 1837 Canada Directories, 1851,57-8. 2v.B 1847 Invasion of, in 1775.B 1116,6 Cartier. Navigation aux lies de Canada. .C 4303 Cauvain. Le Grand Vaincu; Montcalm au Canada.C 12195 Champlain, S. de, Voyages of. 3 V.*B 756 Charlevoix. Hist, de la Nouvelle France. v - ! *4 .C 4330 History of New France; tr. by Shea. 6v.*B 1820 Chisholm. Guide to the St. Lawrence... .B 1830 Christie. History of Lower Canada. 6 v.B 1845 Military Operations in Canada, 1807-15 B 2S7 Dablon. Missions des Jesuites, 1672-9. 2 v.B 62 Dainville. Beautes de l’Hist. du Canada B 1859 Faillon. La Colonie fran9aise au Canada. 3 v. . J .*V 1115 Garneau. Hist, of Canada; tr. by Bell. 2 v.B 1857 Gemmill. Canadian Parliamentary Com¬ panion.B 1817 IIaliburton. Bubbles of Canada.B 1848 History of Nova Scotia. 2v.B 1854 Hannay. History of Acadia.B 1828 Harrisse. Notes sur la Nouvelle France, 1545-1700.C 5192 Hart. Fall of New France, 1755-60.B 2030 Hatheway. History of New Brunswick. .B 1853 Head. The Emigrant.B 1851 Narrative of Events in Canada.B 1858 Hubbard. History of Stanstead County, Quebec.B 1826 Jack. History of St. John, N. B.B 1819 LeClerq. First Establishment of the Faith in New France. 2 v.B 1821 Le Moine. Chronicles of the St. Lawrence I 327 Lescarbot. Hist, de la Nouvelle France. .C 5707 Mackenzie. History of Canada.B 768 M‘Mullen. History of Canada.B 1822 Marsh. Seven Years of my Life.B 1856 Marshall. Canadian Dominion.B 1846 Matthew. Vancouver Island and British Columbia.B 1841 Montcalm. Letters in 1757-59.*B 201 Morgan. Dominion Annual Register, 18S0- 86. 6 v. *B 1825 Murray. Account of British America. 2 v. I 3724 Parkman. Count Frontenac and New France.B 40 Historic Handbook of the Northern Tour.B 799 Old Regime in Canada.B 39 Pedley. History of Newfoundland.B 1829 Quebec, Additional Papers concerning.B 1849 Literary and Historical Society : MSS. rel. to Early Hist, of Canada. .*B 1837 Transactions. 14 v.B 1852 Proceedings for a House of Assembly . .B 1834 Relations des Jesuites, 1611-72. 3 V.*C 6430 Reveilland. Histoire du Canada.C 6383 Robson. Account of Hudson Bay.B 1842 Roger. Rise of Canada from Barbarism . .B 1831 Roy. History of Canada.B 1850 Sandham. Ville-Marie; Montreal.B 1832 Scadding. Toronto of Old.B 1833 Smith. History of Acadia.B 1823 Somerville. Fenian Invasion of Canada B 1S44 Stone. Invasion of Canada in 1775.B 1838 Tuttle. Short History of Canada.B 1S24 Urquhart. Canada under successive Admin¬ istrations .*L 69,5 Warburton. Conquest of Canada. 2 v..B 1836 MEXICO. Abbot. Mexico and the United States.B 1905 Allen. Cortez; or, Discovery of Mexico. .C 3271 Arnim. Das alte Mexico.D 12 Das heutige Mexico.D 13 82 WEST INDIES—SOUTH AMERICA. Bancroft. History of Mexico. 6v..B 1775,4-9 North Mexican States.B 1775,10 Biart. The Aztecs; their History, etc... .B 1930 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Histoire du Mex- ique et de l’Amerique Central© 4 v..C 4245 Monuments Anciens. 2 v.*R 4846 Castillo. Conquest of Mexico. 2v.B 1862 Entdeckung von Mexiko.D 5581 Chevalier. Mexico, Ancient and Modern. 2 v.B 1874 Chynoweth. Fall of Maximilian.B 1865 Clavigero. History of Mexico. 2 v... ,*V 80 Cortes. Correspondance avec Charles V.. .C 4379 Despatches to Charles V.B 1866 Daran. Notes sur l’Histoire du Mexique C 4550 Duvernois. Franzosische Intervention in Mexico.D 56 Fancourt. History of Yucatan.B 1870 Flint. Mexico under Maximilian.B 1868 Gordon. History of Ancient Mexico. 2 v.B 1893 Hale. Story of Mexico.B 1918 History of the People of Mexico.B 1875 Juarez, B., and C. Cantu.*B 862,4 Kendall. Mexico under Maximilian.B 1886 Keratry. Rise and Fall of Maximilian I. .B 1876 Lefevre. Intervencion Francesca. 2 v...C 9605 Mayer. Mexico; Aztec, Spanish and Repub¬ lican. 2 v.B 1864 Negrete. Mexico en el Siglo XIX. 3 V. .C 9675 Ober. Young Folks’ History of Mexico... .B 4801 Orozco y Berra. Historia Antigua de Mex¬ ico. 4 v.'.... .B 4802 Plates to same.*V 776 Prescott. Conquest of Mexico. 3 V.B 1880 Robinson. Mexican Revolution, 1810-19. .B 1863 Robinson. Mexico and her Military Chief¬ tains.B 1916 Salm-Salm. My Diary in Mexico.I 391 Scherr. Trauerspiel in Mexico.D 227 Schroeder. Fall of Maximilian’s Empire . B 1915 Solis. History of Conquest of Mexico. 2 v. B 1783 Wilson. Conquest of Mexico.B 1877 THE MEXICAN WAR. Brackett. Lane’s Brigade in Mexico . .. .B 1872 Curwen. Campaign in Northern Mexico.. B 1906 Edwards. Campaign in New Mexico.B 1748 Elliott. Illinois Soldiers in Mexican War *B 3125 Henry. Sketches of the Mexican War ... .B 370 Hughes. Doniphan’s Expedition.B 1871 Jay. Causes and Consequences of Mexican War ... .*.B 1873 Jenkins. History of the Mexican War... .B 1869 Ladd. War with Mexico.B 325 Livermore. War with Mexico reviewed.. .B 1882 Mansfield. History of the Mexican War. B 1878 Mexican War, Pamphlets on.*B 4810- Ramsey. History of the Mexican War... .B 1879 Ripley. War with Mexico. 2v. ...B 1867 Semmes. Gen. Scott’s Campaign in Mexico B 1887 Services during the Mexican War.B 1904 Thorpe. Our Army on the Rio Grande... .B 371 WEST INDIES. Alcedo. Historical and Geographical Dic¬ tionary of West Indies. 5 v.. *R 273 Ballou. History of Cuba.B 1923 Beckford. History of Jamaica. 2 v... .B 1919 Bird. Republic of Hayti.B 1927 Bridges. Annals of Jamaica. 2v.B 1928 Brown. History of Santo Domingo. 2 v. B 1925 Charlevoix. Histoire de St. Domingue. 2v. C 4533. Coke. History of the West Indies. 3 v.. B 1929 Dallas. History of the Maroons. 2 v. .. . B 1917 Edwards. British Colonies in West Indies. 4 v . A 936 Godet. Bermuda; History, Climate, etc. .B 1940 Hazard. Santo Domingo, past and present B 1920 Historye of the Bermudaes. *1 2399 Knox. History of St. Thomas.B 1921 Rainsford. Historical Account of Hayti.*V 654 Raynal. Settlements in the East and West Indies. 6 v.A 345 St. John. Hayti; or, the Black Republic. .B 1926 Sargent. Notes on Cuba.B 1924 Southey. History of the West Indies. 3 v. B 1922 Williams. Account of the Bermudas ... .B 1941 CENTRAL AMERICA. Bancroft. Central America.B 1775,1-3 Cortes. Letter to Charles V. *1 2379 Doubleday. The Filibuster War in Nica¬ ragua .B 1914 Exquemelin. Histoire des Flibustiers. 4 v. C 4838 Holden. Central American Picture Writ¬ ing .* V 691, r Squier. Notes on Central America.I 406 Stevens. Historical Notes on Tehuantepec B 1889 Stout. Nicaragua.B 1891 Walker. War in Nicaragua.B 1890 Wells. Walker’s Exp. to Nicaragua.B 1892 SOUTH AMERICA. Acosta. History of the Indies. 2v. *1 2395 Adams. Land of the Incas.B 1903 Allen. Pizarro; or, Discovery of Peru ... .C 3779 Armitage. History of Brazil, 180S-31. . .B 1884 Rerum per octqnnium in Bra¬ silia .*R 101 Biggs. Miranda’s attempted Revolution ..B 1895 Brehm. Das Inka-Reich.D 5571 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. BURTON. Battlefields of Paraguay.B 1912 Charlevoix. History of Paraguay. 2v. B 1909 Cieza de Leon. Chronicle of Peru. 2 v.*I 2374 Cochrane ( Dundonald ). Services in Chili, Peru and Brazil.B 1896 Graty. La Republique du Paraguay.C 5145 Henderson. History of Brazil.B 1881 Hutchinson. Parana and Paraguayan War B 1913 Bonnycastle. Spanish America. 2v.T 511 Kennedy. La Plata, Brazil and Paraguay. B 1883 King. 24 Years in the Argentine Republic B 1885 Markham. War between Peru and Chili. .B 1901 Marmontel. Les Incas.C 5794 Mason. War between Chili and Peru. .. .*B 862,3 Miranda. Account of Miranda’s Expedition B 1898 Molina. History of Chili. 2 v.B 1897 Mulhall. The English in South America.B 1899 Paraguayan Question, 1866.*A 296 Parish. Buenos Ayres.B 1907 Peru and Spain, 1866...*A 296 83 Prescott. Conquest of Peru. 2 v.B 1900 Reiss and Stubel. Necropolis of Ancon in Peru. 3V.*P 892 Reports on Discovery of Peru; ed. by Mark¬ ham.*1 2384 Rites and Laws of the Yncas. *1 2385 Schneider. Krieg der Triple*Allianz.D 230 Southey. History of Brazil. 3V.*V 447 Tejera. Venezuela Pintoresca.B 1894 Thompson. War in Paraguay.B 1911 Trueba y Cosio. History of Peru.I 3538 Tschudi and Rivero. Peruvian Antiquities B 1902 Vega. Historia General del Peru.*V 707 Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. 2 v. *1 2380 Venezuela, Documentos para la Historia.. ,*V 115 Glorias de Guzman Blanco.*V 116 Washburn. History of Paraguay. 2V...B 1910 Watson. Spanish and Portuguese South America. 2 v .B 4921 Wilcocke. History of Buenos Ayres.B 1908 BIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Allen. American Biographical Dictionary, 1832, 1857. 2 v.*R 420 Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. v. 1-27.. *R 500 Allibone. Dictionary of Authors. 3 v ..*0 17 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, 1832-82.*R 1644 Anderson. The Scottish Nation. 3V... .*R 478 Anthon. Classical Dictionary.*R 240 Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 6 v.*R 454 Atkinson. Biographical Dictionary of Amer¬ ican Physicians and Surgeons.*N 2003 Baker, Reed and Jones. Biographia Dram- atica. 3 v. in 4.*0 6 Beckett. Universal Biography. 3 v.. ,.*R 455 Beeton. Dictionary of Universal Biography *R 412 Biographia Britannica. 7 v.*R 473 Biographical Magazine. 2 v. Ser. Biographih universelle, ancienne et moderne. 85 v. .*R 510 Biographiskt Lexicon ofver Svenska Man. 23 v. in 12.*R 494 The same. NyFoljd. A-L. 6v. in 3. *R 495 Blake. General Biographical Dictionary.*R 435 Bornmueller. Biog. Schriftsteller-Lexicon *R 3804 Brown. Biographical Dictionary of Musi¬ cians .*R 636 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engrav¬ ers, 1873.*R 490 Supplement to the same; ed. by Ottley, 1875 . 493 New edition; ed. by Graves, 1886. 2 v.*R 491 Cates. Dictionary of Biography. *R 417 Chalmers. Biographical Dictionary. 32 v.* R 505 Chambers. Dictionary of Scotsmen. 4 v. *R 470 Champlin. Young Folks’ Cyclopaedia of Persons and Places.*R 1358 and Apthorp. Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians.*P 612 and Perkins. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. 4 V.*R 485 The same. 4 v.*P 88 Chicago, Bench and Bar of.*R 441 Clement. Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Engravers.*R 484 and Hutton. Artists of the 19th Cen¬ tury. 2 v.*R 481 The same; 3rd. ed.*R 4S2 •Clouet. 300 French Portraits. 2v.*1^4849 Cooper. Athenae Cantabrigienses, 1500-1609. 2 v.*R 376 Cooper. Men of the Time, 1879, *884, 1887. 3 v.*R 407 Davenport. Dictionary of Biography. .. ,*R 413 Dexter. Graduates of Yale College, 1701-45 C 1838 84 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Dictionnaire des Femmes celebres. 2v. in4*C 4434 Drake. Dictionary of American Biography*R 423 The same. *0 527 Duyckinck. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women. 2 v.*V 200 Fetis. Biographie universelle des Musiciens. 8 v.*R 601 Foss. Biographical Dictionary of Judges of England, 1066-1870..*R 471 Foster. Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1886. 4 v.*R 373 French. Biographia Americana, 1825 ... .C 2352 Gillow. Literary and Biographical Dic¬ tionary of English Catholics. v. 1-3. *R 467 Gorton. Biographical Dictionary. 4 v. .*R 465 Griswold. Republican Court.*R 422 Grove. Dictionary of Musicians. 4 v... ,*R 633 Hale. Woman’s Record.*R 431 Hamersly. Complete Army and Navy Re¬ gister of U.S., 1776-1887. 3 v. in 1. *R 3S99 U. S. Army Register, 1779-1879.*R 3897 U. S. Navy Register, 1782-1882.*R 3898 Hoefer. Nouvelle Biographie generale. 46 v.*R 509 Hofberg. Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexikon. 2 v.* R 496 Hole and Wheeler. Biographical Diction¬ ary .*R 405 The same; ed. by Abernethy ... ,*R 404 Hough. American Biographical Notes.. .*R 419 Ibn Khallikan. Biographical Dictionary. 4 v.*V 1276 Illinois, Biographical Dictionary of.*R 437 Biographical Encyclopaedia of.*R 436 Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography. 16 v. *R 439 Iowa, Biographical Dictionary of.*R 450 Irving. Book of Scotsmen.*R 466 Jerdan. National Portrait Gallery. 5 v. *P 676 Jones. Handbook of American Musicians. *R 634 Knight. Gallery of Portraits. 7 v.*P 675 Lanman. Biog. Annals of the U. S. Gov’t.*R 428 Dictionary of Congress.*R 421 Lempriere. Classical Dictionary.*R 224 Lippincott’s Biographical Dictionary; by Thomas, 1876, 1886. 2 v.*R 433 Longacre and Herring. National Portrait Gallery. 4V.*P 170 Martin. Contemporary Biography.*R 403 Maryland and District of Columbia, Biogra¬ phical Cyclopaedia of.*R 452 Maunder. Treasury of Biography.*R 402 Mendel. Musikalisches Conversations-Lexi- kon. 12 v.*R 604 Men of the Time, 1879, 1884, 1887. 3v..*R 407 Mueller. Biographisches Kiinstler - Lexi- kon.*R 3824 Muller. Kiinstler aller Zeiten und Volker. 4 v.*R 501 Nagler. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon. 22 v. in 11.*R 488 Oettinger. Moniteur des Dates.*R 207 Supplement; par Schramm.*R 208 Pettigrew. Medical Portrait Gallery; Phy¬ sicians, Surgeons, etc. 4 v. in 2 ... .*V 886 Phillips. Dictionary of Biographical Refer¬ ence .*0 56 Pilkington. Dictionary of Painters ... *R 489 Poore. Political Register and Congressional Directory, 1776-1878.*R 426 Redgrave. Dictionary of Artists of the English School.*R 486 Reed. Bench and Bar of Wisconsin.C 2182 Rogers. New American Biographical Dic¬ tionary, 1824.C 3388 Ryan. Biographia Hibernica. 2 v.C 1550 St. Louis, Bench and Bar of.*R 442 Sanders. Celebrities of the Century.*R 408 Savage. Genealogical Dictionary of New England. 4 v.*R 390 Seubert. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon. 3 v. in 2.*R 502 Sibley. Harvard Graduates, 1642-77. 2v.C 1573 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography. 3 v. *R 438 and Wace. Dictionary of Christian Bio¬ graphy. 4 v.*R 460 Spooner. Biographical History of Arts. 2v.*R 492 Stephen. Dictionary of National Biography. v * 1-19.* R 453 Taylor. National Portrait Gallery. 4 v. *P 674 Thomas. Dictionary of Biography.*R 411 Townsend. Dictionary of Contemporaries, 1868.*R 406 UPCOTT. Dictionary of Living Authors, 1816.*0 58 Vapereau. Dictionnaire des Contemporains, 1870. .*R 5 i 4 Supplement, 1873. .*R 5 i 5 Nouvelle edition, 1SS0. .*R 516 VINCENT. Dictionary of Biography. .*R 4 i 5 Webb. Compendium of Irish Biography. .*R 469 Williams. Dictionary of Welshmen.. .. .*R 468 Wisconsin, Biographical Dictionary of . .. ,*R 449 Wood. Athenae Oxonienses. 4 V. .*0 202 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Abbott. Kings and Queens.C 143 Lives of Presidents of United States.. .C 92 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Adams. Celebrated Englishwomen.C 2S97 Cyclopedia of Female Biography.C 113 Eminent Sailors.C 1289 Eminent Soldiers.C 1401 English Party Leaders. 2v.C 1286 Famous Beauties and Historic Women. .C 1648 Good Samaritans.C 1649 Great English Churchmen.C 1288 In Perils Oft; Romantic Biography... .C 2755 Lives of Eminent Lawyers.C 1678 Men at the Helm.C 80 Neptune’s Heroes.C 54 Records of Noble Lives.C 56 Some Heroes of Travel.C 1290 Women of Fashion. 2 v.C 1416 Aguilar. Women of Israel. 2v.C 112 Aikin. Memoirs of Religious Impostors. .. .C 3461 Albanes et Fath. Les Nains celebres... .C 4049 Alexander. Princeton College during the 18th Century.C 3451 Allies. Three Catholic Reformers.C 12S4 Althaus. Englische Charakterbilder. 2 v..D 251 American Military Biography, with Life of Lafayette.C 1281 Anderson*. Ladies of the Covenant.C 1283 Ladies of the Reformation. 2 v.C 1040 Women of the Puritan Times. 2 V....C 12S5 Anderson. Self-Made Men.E 780 Andrews. ^Modern Yorkshire Poets.C 3068 Anton. Masters in History.C 3444 Arago. Biographies of Scientific Men . . . .C 1047 Biographien.D 381,1-2 Armor. Governors of Pennsylvania.C 2109 Arndt. Miitter beriihmter Manner.D 4035 Atkinson. Memoirs of Queens of Prussia C 1676 Atkinson. Physicians and Surgeons of the U. S.*C 1650 Austin and Ralph. Poets-Laureate.C 1282 Bagehot. Biographical Studies.C 1349 Bailey. Modern Methuselahs. C 3438 Baker, Reed and Jones. Biographia Dram- atica. 3 v. in 4.*0 6 Baldwin. Party Leaders.C 86 Banvard. Lives of Ancient Philosophers . C 1294 Barbey d’Aurevilly. XIXe Siecle ; les CEuvres et les Ilommes. 4 V.C 11999 Barre. Illustrious Men of America.C 1977 Barrett. English Church Composers.C 1359 Barrow. Sketches of the Royal Society.. .C 1292 Barrows. Acts and Anecdotes of Authors C 3442 Barry. Masters in English Theology.C 1361 Barthelemy. Les Fillesdu Regent. 2V..C4083 Bartlett. Modern Agitators.C 1291 Batterson. Sketch Book of the American Episcopate. C 1295 85 Bay. Bench and Bar of Missouri.C 1293 Bayne. Two Great Englishwomen ; Brown¬ ing and Bronte.C 1404 Beauvoir. Les Disparus.C 12033 Bechstein. Manner der Reformation . ,*V 976 Becker. Adventurous Lives. 2 v.C 1300 Belknap. American Biography. 2 v.C 1296 The same. 3V.I 3741 Bell. Persons Buried in Tower of London C 1354 Bell. Lives of English Poets. 2 v. I 3834 Bennet. Select Biographical Sketches.. . ,C 1557 Bennett. Lives of Fathers of the Church. 2 v.C 7 Bescherelle. Histoire des Marins illus- tres.C 12060 Les grands Guerriers des Croisades... .C 12061 Bettany. Eminent Doctors. 2 v.C 2874 Beyle {Stendhal). Vies de Haydn, Mozart et Metastaste.C 4280 Bingham. Marriages of the Bonapartes. 2 v.C 1403 Bingley. Musical Biography.C 3305 Biographical Magazine. 2v. Ser. Biographical Sketches of Christians.C 3 Biographical Sketches of Spiritualists.C 1307 Biscoe. Earls of Middleton.C 1553 Blackburne. Illustrious Irishwomen. 2 v. .C 1297 Blaikie. Leaders in Modern Philanthropy C 2870 Blanc. Peintres francais au igme Siecle.. .C 4227 Bloss. Heroines of the Crusades.C 3327 Bolton. Famous American Authors.C 2235 Famous American Statesmen.C 2341 Girls who became Famous.C 3306 Poor Boys who became Famous.C 1929 Successful Women.C 3456 Bonaparte Family, Biographies of.C 3720 Bonnefon. Les Ecrivians celebres de Rome.C 12017 Bornmueller. Biog. Schriftsteller Lexikon*R 3804 Boulger. Central Asian Portraits.C 1360 Bourne. English Merchants. 2v. C 97 English Seamen under the Tudors. 2 v..C 1301 Boutwell. The Lawyer, the Statesman and Soldier.C 2330 Bowden. Miniature Lives of Saints. 2 v. .C 1298 Boyhood of Great Painters. II 258 Boyle. Distinguished Marylanders. C 1299 Bradford. Distinguished Men in New Eng¬ land . C 1370 Brandes. Eminent Authors of the 19th Cen¬ tury . C 3307 Brewster. Martyrs of Science .I 3690 Brightwell. Early Lives of Lawyers. . . .C 62 Annals of Industry and Genius.C 61 Byepaths of Biography .C 40 Heroes of the Laboratory .C 1304 86 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. British Heroes and Worthies.C 42 Brockett. Men of our Day..C 3756 Our Great Captains.C 1639 Brooks. Historic Boys and their Times ..C 1931 Historic Girls.C 2237 Brougham. Men of Letters in the Time of George III.J 14,1 Philosophers in the Time of George III. J 14,2 Statesmen in the Time of George III. J 14,3-5 Bruce. Classic and Historical Portraits.. .C 1308 Buel. Border Outlaws.C 2065 Bullock. England’s Royal Home.C 1353 Bui/wer. Historical Characters.G 67 Bungay. Pen Portraits of Abstainers ... .C 1302 Burke. See Heraldry. Burn. Parish Registers in England.A 482 Bush. Memoirs of Queens of France. 2 v. C 3455 Butler. English, Irish and Scottish Cath¬ olics. 3 v. C 1559 Butler. Lives of the Saints. 12 v.C 1310 Butterworth. Great Composers.C 1662 Byrnes. Professional Criminals of America*V 868 Campbell. Biographical Sketches.C 1352 Campbell. Lives of the Chancellors. 10 v. C 100 Lives of the Chief Justices. 2 v.C 99 Capen. Spurzheim and Combe.C 1335 Carel. . Histoire anecdotique des contempo- rains.C 12149 Carpenter. Prophets of Christendom... .C 2868 Carroll. Twelve Americans.C 1453 Cash. Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way C 1312 Cassan. Bishops of Bath and Wells.C 20 Cattermole. Famous Frontiersmen and Scouts.C 2081 CAUSTON. The Howard Papers.C 2946 Cave. Lives of Fathers of the Church. 3 v.C 1345 Chalk (Ed.). Autobiographical Narrations C 1317 Challice. French Authors at Home. 2 v. C 157 Heroes of the Time of Louis XVI. 2 v. C 1328 Illustrious Women of France.C 1318 Chantrel. Histoire des Papes. 5 v... .C 4331 Chaplin. Chips from the White House... .C 3907 Charles. Three Martyrs of the 19th Cen¬ tury. C 2747 Women of Christendom.....C 1327 Charton. Histoires des trois pauvres En- fants.C 12135 CHESNEY. Essays on Military Biography. .. .C 91 Chicago, Sketches of Leading Men of ... .*B 3137 Church of England Biographies. 2v.C 64 Cibber. Lives of Poets. 5 V.C 1402 Clansmen [pseud.). Clans of Scotland ... .C 3539 Clark. Heroes of Albany.C 1703 Clarke. Deceased Bishops of Catholic Church in the United States. 3 V .. .C 1315 Clarke. Recollections of Writers.C 1313; Women of Last Days of Old France... C 1320 Clarke. Memorial and Biog. Sketches... .C 1314 Clayton. English Female Artists. 2V...C 1319 Female Warriors. 2v. C 1332 Queens of Song. 2v.C 23 Clement. Les Musicieris ce'Iebres.*V 1151 Clement. Noble Deeds of Am. Women..C 70 Clouet. Three Hundred French Portraits. 2 v.*R 4849 Coleridge. Lives of Northern Worthies. 3 v --. c 8 5 Collection of Autograph Letters of Celebrated Individuals.*R 4301: Cone and Gilder (Ed.). Pen Portraits of Literary Women. 2 v.C 2147 Cooper. Athense Cantabrigienses, 1500-1609. 2 v..*R 376 Cooper. Lives of Amer. Naval Officers. 2 v. C 1321 Copner. Sketches of Celibate Worthies . .C 3761: Cormenin. History of the Popes.C 50 Le Livre des Orateurs. 2 v.C 4397 Orators of France.C 3312 Costeli.o. Memoirs of Eminent English¬ women. 4 v.C 3459 Cox. Lives of Greek Statesmen. 2 v.C 3288 Crafts. Successful Men of to-day.C 1533 Creasy. Eminent Etonians.C 19 CROFFUT. The Vanderbilts.C 1969 Crosby. Annual Obituary Notices, 1857 . .C 144 Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Early Flemish Painters. ...K 118 Crowe and James. Foreign Statesmen. 5 v. I 3835 Crowest. Great Tone Poets.C 1326 Cullum. Biog. Register of West Point Academy. 2 v.*C 1653, Cunningham. The English Nation. 5 v..C 2892 Cunningham. Lives of British Painters, Sculptors and Architects. 6 v.I 3575; The same; continued by Heaton. 3V.I 2976 Lives of Painters and Sculptors. 5 v... .1 3663. Cunningham and Abney. Pioneers of the Alps.*V 914 Curwen. Sorrow and Song; Murger, Novalis and Petofi. 2 v.C 1406 CUST. Warriors of Civil Wars of France and England.C 1523. Warriors of the 30 Years’ War. 2 v.. ,C 1322 Warriors of Seventeenth Century. 2 v.C 1323 Darton. Heroism of Christian Women.. .C 1341 Daudet and others. French Celebrities... .C 1534 Davenport. Biographical Sketches.I 3621 Davidson. Eminent English Liberals.C 1329. Davidson. Living Writers of the South. .C 55 Davies. Successful Preachers.C 2746 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 87 Dawson. Princes, Public Men, Pretty Women. 2 v.C 159 Delanox. Les Femmes illustres de la France. *V 1059 Dennis. Heroes of Literature ; English Poets.C 1456 Dennistoun. Memoirs of the Duke of Ur- bino. 3V. C 1242 Denslow. Modern'Thinkers.L 633 Derby. Fifty Years among Authors.C 1815 Despaze. Les Cinq-Hommes.L 3219 De Vere. Heroines of Charity.C 1330 Devereaux. Lives of the Earls of Essex. 2 v.C 1435 Dexter. Biographical Sketches of Gradu¬ ates of Yale College, 1701-45 .C 1838 Dictionnaire des Femmes Celebres. 4 v... .*C 4434 Diethoff. Edle Frauen der Reformation. .D 4052 Disruption Worthies of the Highlands, 1843 C 2893 Dix. Pulpit Portraits.C 1819 Dodge. Great Captains.C 2359 Doran. Book of the Princes of Wales... .C 1431 Monarchs retired from Business. 2V..C 836 Queens of England of the House of Han¬ over. 2 v.C 1339 Dowling. Poets and Statesmen.C 1555 Drake. Our Great Benefactors.C 1968 Drane. Three Chancellors: Wm. of Wyke- ham ; Wm. of Waynflete ; Sir Thos. More.C 1601 Draussin. Portraits historiques.C 4758 Du Chatenet. Les Savants celebres.C 4791 Duentzer. Frauen aus Goethe’s Leben ..D 262 Dulcken*. Worthies of the World.C 1338 Dumas. Les Medicis.C 4692 Les Morts vont vite. 2 v. C 4696 Les Stuarts.C 4720 Trois Maitres.C 4726 Duncan. The Dukes of Normandy.C 1408 Dunham. Literary Men of Great Britain. 3 V. I 3836 Dunkin. Obituary Notices of Astronomers C 1365 Dupuy. Great Masters of Russian Litera¬ ture ...C 32S7 Duruy. Biographies d’Hommes celebres. .C 4778 Duyckinck. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women. 2v.*V 200 Earle. Manual of Lives of the Popes . .. .C 1336 Early Sketches of Eminent Persons.C 1086 Eastlake. Five Great Painters. 2 v.C 3294 Edgar. Boyhood of Great Men.C 38 Footprints of Famous Men.C 6 Sea Kings and Naval Heroes.II 366 Edmunds. Pen-Sketches of Nebraskans.. .C 15 Edwards. Biography of Self-taught Men.C 1371 Edwards. Biog. History of French Acad¬ emy .C 3325 Edwards. Founders of the British Museum.* V 723 Edwards. Life Studies of Famous Women C 1343 Edwards. The Prima Donna from 17th to 19th Century. 2 v.C 2360 Ellet. Court Circles of the Republic.C 90 Pioneer Women of the West.C 69. Queens of American Society.C 71 Women Artists in all Ages.C 15c Ellis. Mothers of Great Men.C 1340 Elw’OOD. Literary Ladies of England ... .C 1344 Emerson. Representative Men.J 55; Engel. From Mozart to Mario. 2v.C 2953 Escott. Pillars of the Empire.C 1350’ Eton Portrait Gallery.C 1543 Evans. Our Old Nobility.C 1567 Fallet. Les Artistes celebres.... ,*V 1066 Histoire des Dues de Bretagne.C 4859 Les Princes de l’Art.C 4860 Farmer. Bovs’ Book of Famous Rulers.. .C 2067 Girls’ Book of Famous Queens.C 3326 Farrar. Lives of the Fathers. 2v.C 3477 Seekers after God.M ioor Faure. Grands Seigneurs et Comediennes C 4842 Fellows. Historical Sketches of the Period of Charles I.*V 409^ Ferguson. Penalties of Greatness.C 1411 Ferguson. Two Scottish Soldiers and a Jacobite Laird.C 1016 Ferris. Great Singers.C 1355 Great Violinists and Pianists.C 1356 Field. Memoirs of Men and Women.C 441 Figuier. Vie des Savants, qv.C 4917 Finch. Lives of the Princesses of Wales. 3 v . c 1569 Fitzgerald. Kings of Europe.C 1363. Fitzgerald. The Kembles. 2v .C 800 Kings and Queens of an Hour. 2 v... .C 1657 Lives of the Sheridans. 2 v.C 901 Romance of the English Stage.C 1364 Royal Dukes and Princesses of George III. 2V .C I457 Flanders. Lives of Chief Justices of the United States. 2 v.C 1366 FlaTHE. Vorlaufer der Reformation. 2v..D 3557 Folleville. Celebres Voyageurs modernes*V 1073. Forman. Our Living Poets.C 59' Forney. Anecdotes of Public Men. 2 v. ,C 58- Forrest. Women of the South.C 1995 Forster. Biographical Essays.C 57 Forster. Piety Promoted ; Quaker Biog. C 1368 Fortunes made in Business. 2 v. C 1701 Foss. Lives of the Judges of England. 9 v.C 10 Dictionary of Judges of England.*R 471 Foster. Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1S86. 373- 88 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Foster. Members of Parliament; Scotland, 1357 to 1882.*V 755 Foucaud. Illustrious Mechanics.K 634 Founders of the French Republic.C 3923 Fowler. The American Pulpit, 1856.C 1409 Francis. Orators of the Age.C 152 Francis. Sketches of New York Surgeons.C 1369 French. Biographia Americana.C 2352 Friswell. Footsteps to Fame.C 1372 Frost. American Naval Biography.C 46 Frost. Lives of Conjurors.C 1373 Frost. Lives of Eminent Christians.C 3080 Pioneer Mothers of the West.C 2247 Presidents of the United States.. C 3468 Fuller. Worthies of England. 3 V.C 37 •Galt. Lives of the Players. 2v.C 1375 Garrett. Public Men in Alabama.C 129 •Gates. Harvard University Class of 1835 . .C 2092 Gautier. Famous French Authors.C 1381 Gavazzi. Recollections of the last Four Popes.C 148 Gearey. Daughters of Italy.C 3472 Generation of Judges; by their Reporter.... C 3454 George. Memoirs of Queens of Spain. 2 v.C 1430 Georgian Era; Memoirs of Eminent Persons. 4 v.C 1700 Getchell. Our Nation’s Executives.*V 733 Gilder. Authors at Home; American Wri¬ ters . C 3475 GlLFlLLAN. Gallerv of Literary Portraits. * J 3 v .T 1497 Gillow. Literary and Biographical Diction¬ ary of English' Catholics, v. 1-3.. . *R 467 Gladstone Government; by a Templar. C 721 Glazier. Heroes of three Wars . C 1417 Gleig. British Military Commanders. 3 v. I 3837 Gloeckler. Schwabische Frauen.D 266 Gobright. Recollections of Men and Things at Washington. C 1867 Godwin. Lives of the Necromancers....-. .C 2082 Goll. Weisen und Gelehrten des Alterthums D 4059 GONCOURT. Portraits intimes du XYIIIe Siecle.C 12518 ■Goodrich. Lives of the Signers of the Dec¬ laration of Independence.C 1377 Goodrich. Youth’s Library of Biography. .H 433 v. 1. Famous Men of Modem Times. 2. Famous Men of Ancient Times. 3. Lives of Famous American Indians. 4. Lives of Benefactors. 5. Lives of Celebrated Women. 6 . Curiosities of Human Nature. Gordon. From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland.C 3469 Gorrie. Eminent Methodist Ministers .C 1382 Gottschall. Der neue Plutarch. 12 v. ..D4083 Gould. Lives of the Saints. 15 v.C 1309 Post-Mediaeval Preachers.C 2 Gower. Figure Painters of Holland.C 1378 Grands Fra^ais, Les (Collection Picard) ... .C 5169 Grands Hommes de la France.C 5005 v. 1,2. Marins. 3. Navigateurs. 4-7. Hommes de Guerre. 8 . Industriels. Grant. Cavaliers of Fortune. C 39 Gray. Wise W’ords and Loving Deeds ... .C 1379 Green. Lives of Princesses of England. 0v .C. 96 Greene. Biographical Studies.C 1380 Grinsted. Relics of Genius.E 1145 Griswold. Home Life of Great Authors . .C 3389 Griswold. Republican Court.*R 422 Grosart. Representative Nonconformists. .C 1383 Grube. Biographische Miniaturbilder. 2 v.D 4092 Heroes of History and Legend.C 1410 Gruppe. Leben deutscher Dichter. 5 v.. .D 4865 Hack. Consecrated W T omen.C 1384 Hale. Lights of two Centuries.C 22^8 Hale. Woman’s Record. *r 431 Hall. Great Men and W T omen.C 21 Royal Princesses of England.C 52 Halliwell. Letters of Kings of Eng. 2 v.C 1386 Hamersly. Lives of U. S. Navy Officers.. .C 110 Hamerton. Modem Frenchmen.C 1388 Hanaford. Daughters of America...C 1961 Hannay. 300 \ ears of a Norman House . .C 1387 Harivansa; Histoire de la Famille de Hari. 2 v .. 1266 Harlowe and others. New York State Offi- cers - v - L 3 .C 1389 Harris. Authors for Young Folks.C 1656 Harvard College; Memorial Biographies. 2 v.C 84 Necrology of. C 87 Hatfield. Poets of the Church.C 164 Hays. Memoirs of Illustrious Queens. C 3480 Hays. Women of the Day. c 1565 Hayward. Eminent Writers and Statesmen. 2 v . . . C 1385 IIazlitt. Anecdotes of Men and Women. .C 163 Hazlitt. Spirit of the Age ; Contemporary Portraits. c 1568 Hennebert. Comtes de Paris. C 5222 Hensel. Die Familie Mendelssohn. 2 v.. .D 4096 The Mendelssohn Family. 2v. C 3664 Herbert. Captains of Roman Republic_C 83 • Herbert. Three Phases of Christian Love.C 1390 Wives, Mothers and Sisters. 2 v .C 1398 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 89 Heroes of Science: Astronomers; by Morton.C 1478 Botanists, Zoologists, and Geologists; by Duncan.C 1437 Chemists; by Muir.C 147Q Mechanicians; by Lewis.C 3932 Physicists; by Garnett.C 722 Heroic Life; or, Pictures of Heroes.C 1392 Herringshaw. Prominent Men and Women of the Day.C 3755 Hesekiel. Das Siebenkonigsbuch.*V 1028 Higgins. Women of Europe of the 15 th and 16th Centuries. 2v.C 2891 Higginson (Ed.). Brief Biographies.C 1391 v. 1. English Statesmen; by Higginson. 2. English Radical Leaders; by Hinton. 3. French Political Leaders; by King. 4. German Political Leaders; by Tuttle. Hildreth. Lives of Atrocious Judges.C 18 Hill (Ed.). Our Exemplars.C 1542 HoCKER. Kauffmannische Carrieren.D 7697 Hohenhausen. BeriihmteLiebespaare. 3 v.D 4105 Holberg. Helte-Historier. 2 v.C 7267 Heltinde-Historier.C 7268 Holloway. Famous American Fortunes.. .C 2272 Ladies of the White House.C 2108 Mothers of Great Men.C 3924 Holt. Memoirs of Royal Ladies. 2V....C 107 Holy Isle; Lives of Saints.C 1393 Homes of American Statesmen.C 1418 Hood. Master Minds of the West.C 136 Peerage of Poverty.L 825 Romance of Biography.C 1394 Throne of Eloquence; Great Preachers. .C 3463 Hook. Archbishops of England. HV....C 65 Ecclesiastical Biography. 8 v.C 1399 Horn. Margravine of Baireuth and Voltaire.C 3349 Hough. American Biographical Notes... .*R 419 Houghton. Kings of Fortune.C 2317 Houghton, Lord. Monographs.C 146 Houssaye. t Men and Women of the 18th Century. 2v. C 3424 Philosophers and Actresses. 2 v.E 1232 Houstoun. World-known Men. 2v.C 2679 Howe. Adventures of Americans.C 1429 Howie. Scots Worthies.C 67 Last Words of the Scots Worthies.C 68 Howitt. Plomes and Haunts of British Poets.C 155 Howitt. Queens of Great Britain.*V 511 Hundred Greatest Men of History.C 1564 Hunt. American Biograph. Sketch-Book ..C 1524 Hunt. Lives of American Merchants. 2 v.C 3457 Huntington. Remarkable Women.C 3430 Illustrations et Celebrites du 19c Siecle. 8 v.C 5305 Ingram. Claimants to Royalty.C 1551 Irish Wit and Humor; Swift, Curran, O’Leary and O’Connell.C 1405 Irving. Book of Scotsmen.*R 466 Irving. Lives of Scottish Poets. 2v.C 1407 Jager. Gallery of German Composers... .*P 1103; James. Lives of Cardinal de Retz, J. B. Colbert, etc. 2 v.C 1420' Memoirs of Celebrated Women. 2 v.. .C 1421 Jameson. Beauties of the Court of Charles I. *V 428 Celebrated Female Sovereigns.C 127 The same. 2v.C 1424. The same. 2 v.I 3675 Early Italian Painters.C 132- Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets.C 131 Romance of Biography. 2v.C 2938 Japp (Page). Labor and Victory.C 1422 Leaders of Men.C 1419 Master Missionaries.C 1423 Jaunay. Eveques et Archeveques de Paris.C 5342 Jeans. Creators of the Age of Steel.C 1531 Jeans. Pioneers of the Cleveland (Eng.) Iron Trade.C 3449 Jenkins. Generals of • the Last War with Great Britain.C 3754 Lives of Governors of New York.C 1428 Jerdan. Men I have known.C 156 National Portrait Gallery. 5 v.*P 676 Jesse. Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. 2 v. C 1426 Johns. Military and Naval Heroes.C 117 The same.I 3138 Johnson. Authors (in Little Classics).... I 3873,16 Johnson. Seven Champions of Christendom. C 138 Johnson. Lives of Eminent Persons.J 155,2 Lives of the Poets.J 155,2 The same.G 285 • _ The same. 3 V.C 140 Judson. Sages and Heroes of American Rev¬ olution ... .•.C 1434 Juranville. Nos Grands Marins.*V 1057 Vieux Guerriers.C 5360 Kaines. Last Hours of Great Men.C 88 Katscher. Charakterbilder aus dem iqten Jahrhundert . D 4061 Kaye. Lives of Indian Officers. 2 v .C 103 . Kebbell. English Statesmen since 1815. ...C 101 Keyes. Observations of Men and Events. .C 1988 Khedives and Pashas; Egyptian Statesmen. . .C 35 21 King. Cluster of Lives .C 1432 Kingsley. The Hermits .C 104 Kingston. Monarchs T have met. 2 v.. . .C 3479 Klaczko. The Two Chancellors.C 143d Knapp. Eminent Lawyers, Statesmen, etc. .C 1439 9° COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Knapp. Female Biography.C 1438 Knight. Gallery of Portraits. 7 v.*P 675 Shadows of Booksellers.C 72 Knight. (Ed.). Memorials of Coleorton... .C 2984 Lamartine. Celebrated Characters. 3 v..C 125 Vie d’Hommes illustres.C 5639,34-36 Lamb. Warrior Kings.C 1443 Lanfrey. Histoire politique des Papes .. . .C 5662 Lanman. Biog. Annals of the U. S. Gov’t.*R 428 Dictionary of Congress..*R 421 Haphazard Personalities.C 2032 Leading Men of Japan.C 1445 Laughton. Studies in Naval History; Biog¬ raphies .C 3464 Laurie. Distinguished Anglo-Indians.C 3445 Law and Lawyers; Legal History and Biog¬ raphy. 2 v.N 5038 Lawrance. Memoirs of Queens of England. 2 v.C 2906 Lawrence. British Historians. 2v.C 1442 Lecky. Leaders of Opinion in Ireland.C 126 Lee. Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers.C 1449 Leech. Pictures of Life and Character from Punch. 3 v.*P 1164 Leidenfrost. Franzosischer Heldensaal. .D 4119 Lester. Artists of America; Biographical Sketches.C 3465 Lewinsky. Theatralische Carrieren.D 4134 Lewis. Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Clarendon. 3 V.C 35 12 Lincoln. Presidents of the United States. .C 149 Linder. Early Bench and Bar of Illinois.. .C 1446 Lindsay. Earldom of Mar during 500 years. 2 v.C 1444 Lives of British Physicians.I 3581 Lives of Eminent Persons.C 12 Lives of the Fathers of the Desert.C 1451 Lives of the Fathers of New England. 6 v. in 3.C 1450 Lives of Missionaries, Greenland.C 13 Lives of Missionaries, India. 2v.C 14 Lives of Missionaries, North America.C 16 Lives of the Popes. 2 v.C 9 Living Female Writers of the South.C 128 Livingston. Portraits of Eminent Americans C 3939 Lloyd. Memoirs of Protestant Martyrs.... *V 754 Lodge. Portraits of Illustrious Personages. 8 v.. *1 3 i2 4 London Friends’ Institute, Biographical Cat¬ alogue C 344 ° Long. Three Prophets.C 3561 Dongacre and Herring. National Portrait Gallery. 4 V...*P 170 Lord. Great Women.A 286,5 Lord. Jewish Heroes and Prophets.A 286,6 Warriors and Statesmen.A 286,4 Lossing. Eminent Americans.C 1454 The Two Spies; Hale and Andre.C 2068 Low. Scottish Heroes in the Days of Wallace and Bruce. 2 v.C 3448 Low. Soldiers of the Victorian Age. 2 v..C 1448 Lynch. Bench and Bar of Texas.C 2097 Macaulay. Biographical Essays.G 401 McCabe. Great Fortunes.C 1461 M ACC all. Foreign Biographies. 2v.C 1460 McCarthy. Modem Leaders.C 109 McCrie. Lives of Scottish Reformers.... *V 367 Maceda. Brazilian Biographical Annual. 3 v.C 1467 MacFarlane. Lives of Banditti.I 3608 McGee. Celebrated Sons of Irishmen.C 1468 Irish Soldiers in every Land.C 1470 Men of ’48.C 1469 Mackay. Founders of the American Re¬ public .C 2071 Mackintosh. British Statesmen. 7 V....I 3838 Maclear. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. . .C 47 Maclise and Maginn. Gallery of Literary Characters.*R 4436 Macmichael. The Gold-Headed Cane.. . .C 3522 Magoon. Eloquence of Revol. Times.C 1465 Orators of the American Revolution.. .. C 74 Mahony. Chronicle of the Fermors. 2 v. .C 1459 Malden. Distinguished Men. 4 V.I 355 ° The same; selections. 2 v.I 3733 Mangin. Les Savants illustres.C 5874 MANNING. Speakers of the House of Com¬ mons .C 147 Marchese. Painters, etc., of the Order of St. Dominic. 2 v.C 147 1 Markham. The Fighting Veres.C 1002 The Sea Fathers.C 1558 Marshall. Actors and Actresses.C 1539 Marshman. Story of Carey, Marshman and Ward.C 1462 Martin. Contemporary Biography.*R 403 Martineau. Biographical Sketches.C 24 Maryland and District of Columbia, Biog¬ raphical Cyclopaedia of.*R 452 Mason (Ed.). Personal Traits of British Authors. 4 v.C 1566 Matthews and Hutton (Ed.). Actors and Actresses.C 2840 v. 1. Garrick and his Contemporaries. 2. The Kembles and their Contemporaries. 3. Kean and Booth and their Contem¬ poraries. 4. Macready and Forrest and their Con¬ temporaries. COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 9 1 Matthews and Hutton (Ed.). Actors and Actresses.C 2840 v. 5. The Present Time. Maurice. Lives of Tyler, Ball and OldcastleC 1458 Mauris. French Men of Letters.C 1466 Mazade. Deux Femmes de la Revolution.. C 5^°5 Memoirs of a Malayan Family.*V 1283 Memoirs of the Court of Westphalia.C 3720 Alen of the Third Republic.C 3634 Men of the Time; Diet, of Contemporaries.. .C 1474 MENZIES. Political Women. 2v.C 151 Royal Favorites. 2 v.C 1480 Merryweather. Lives of Misers.C 1472 Merydew (Ed.). Love Letters of Famous Men and Women. 2v.C 3714 Meyer. Beruhmte Manner Berlins.D 4155 Michelet. Origine des Bonapartes.C 5889 Middleton. Evangelical Biography. 4 v..C 1463 Milizia. Lives of Celebrated Architects. 2 v. C 154 Miller. Singers of the Church.C 122 Mitchell. Eminent Soldiers of the last Four Centuries.C 3753 Moister. Missionary Pioneers.C 26 Mont£gut. NosMortscontemporaines. 2V.C 5935 Montor. Lives and Times of the Popes. 2 v.*V 45 Moore. Women of the War.C 32 Moore. Lives of Governors of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay.C 1483 Morais. Eminent Israelites of 19th Century C 1475 Morgan. Sketches of Canadians.C 93 Mott. Biographies of Persons of Color.C 1663 Muller. Biographisches Kunstler-Lexicon.*R 3824 Mljller. Historische Frauen.D 4157 Muller. Kiinstler aller Zeiten u. Volker. 4 v.*R 501 Muller. Noble Words and Deeds.C 1481 Murray. Catholic Heroes and Heroines..C 1562 Murray. Eminent Workers for Christ.C 3921 Musset. Extravagants du 17c Siecle.C 5972 Muzzey. Men of the Revolution.C 2051 Nagler. Kunstler-Lexicon. 22 v.*R 488 Naumann. Deutsche Tondichter.D 482 Neil. Epoch Men and the Result of their Lives.C 3441 Netherclift. Hand-Book to Autographs.. *R 1354 and Sims. Autograph Souvenir; istSer. .*R 4299 Nevin. Men of Mark of Cumberland Valley .C 3887 Nichols. Autographs of Royal Personages *R 4300 Nicoll. Great Orators.C 2090 Great Scholars.C 2091 Noble. House of Cromwell. 2 v.C 1538 Lives of English Regicides. 2 v.C 3460 Nohl. Letters of Musicians.C 1441 Nolan. Liberators of Italy.*V 565 Nowland. • Citizens of Indianapolis.C 2181 Obituary Addresses at Frankfort, Ky.C 1521 Oettinger. Moniteur des Dates.*R 207 Supplement; par Schramm.*R 208 O’Flanagan. The Irish Bar.C 1512 Lord Chancellors of Ireland. 2v.C 98 O’Hanlon. Lives of-Irish Saints. 2v.C 1511 Oliphant. Jacobite Lairds of Gask.C 1571 Omond (Ed.). Amiston Memoirs, 1571-1838.C 3446 Lord Advocates of Scotland. 2 v.C 1675 O’Neall. Bench and Bar of S. Carolina..B 2096 Orleans (Due d Allmale). Histoire des Conde. 2 v.C. 6111 History of the Princes of Conde. 2 v..,C 1210 Otto. Privatgeschichten d. Weltgeschichte. 6 v. in 2.D 190 Our Famous Women.C 2107 Ouseley. Biog. Notices of Persian Poets. . .C 3721 The same.*V 1312 Oxberry. Dramatic Biography and Anec¬ dotes.C 2195 PAGks. Grands Poetes fran^ais.*V 1125 Palmer. Necrology of Harvard College... .C 1528 Papendiek. Court and Private Life in Time of Queen Charlotte. 2 v.C 2957 Pardoe. Louis XIV. and Court of France in 17th Century. 3 v.C 3622 Parker. Beroemde Amerikanen.D 9629 Historic Americans.J 232 Parkes. Vignettes.'.C 17 Parry. Studies of Great Composers.C 3764 PARTON. Captains of Industry. ,..C 1652 Daughters of Genius.,. .C 3762 Famous Americans.C 33 Great Men and their Achievements.C 1527 Princes, Authors and Statesmen.C 1510 Sketches of Men of Progress.C 1525 Patriotic Preachers of the Amer. Revolution. .C 3452 Patten. Lives of the Clergy of New York and Brooklyn.C 1529 Paul. Biographical Sketches.C 1679 Peabody. Harvard Reminiscences.C 2248 Peake. History of German Emperors.C 1552 Pebody. Authors at Work.C 119 Pecht. Deutsche Kiinstler. 3 v.D 4174 Pellison et D’Olivet. Histoire de l’Acade- mie fran^aise. 2v.C 6137 Personal Recollections of English Engineers. .C 160 Pettigrew. Medical Portrait Gallery. 4 v. in 2.*V 886 Phipson. Celebrated Violinists.C 1532 Piatt. Men who Saved the Union.C 2179 Pictorial Treasury of Famous Men and Deeds C 1561 Phillips. Autographic Album.*R 1353 9 2 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. PlTTS. Martyrology; or Bloody Assizes_*C 53 The same.C 60 Plutarch. Lives; tr. by Clough. 5 v. ...C 41 Lives; translated by Langhome.C 35 Lives; tr. by Stewart and Long. 4 v.. .1 3097 Boys’ and Girls’ Plutarch; by White... .C 1526 Vie des Ho'mmes illustres.C 6296 Young Folks’ Plutarch; by Kaufman... .C 1440 Poggendorff. Biographisch-literarisches Hand- worterbuch. 2 v.*R 79 Poore. Political Register, 1776-1878.... ,*R 426 Quatremere de Quincy. Les plus celebres Architectes. 2 v. C 6308 Vie et Ouvrages des Architectes. 2 v... C 6306 Quintana. Celebrated Spaniards.C 1537 Ramsay. Scotsmen in 18th Century. 2 v.. I 6504 Ranke. History of the Popes. 3 v.I 3066 Ratisbonne. Morts et Vivants.C 6370 Raymond. Biog. of Columbia Co., N. Y.. .C 30 Redding. Celebrities I have known. 2 v.C 153 Memoirs of Remarkable Misers.C 1540 Redgrave. Dictionary of Artists of the Eng¬ lish School.*R 486 Reed. Bench and Bar of Wisconsin.C 2182 Reeves. The Rothschilds.C 3802 Reid. Cabinet Portraits.C 1544 Remarkable Men.C 106 Rideing. Boyhood of Living Authors.C 2160 Riehl. Musikalische Charakterkopfe. 3 v. in 2.D 4348 Ritchie. Famous City Men.C 1680 Ritchie. Heroes and Heroines of the Church C 1541 Robertson. English Poetesses.C 162 Robertson. Great Painters of Christendom.*V 554 Robertson. Sketches of Public Characters.C 1545 Rogers. Historical Gleanings. 2 v.C 102 Rogers. New American Biographical Dic¬ tionary.C 33^8 Roscoe. British Lawyers...I 3839 Rossetti. Lives of Famous Poets.C 1547 Rustow. Militarische Biographien.D 4189 Russell. Book of Authors.C 1548 Russell. Extraordinary Men.C 135 Extraordinary Women.C 134 RYAN. Biographia Hibernica. 2 v.C 155 ° St. John. Celebrated Travelers. 3 V.I 3678 St. Louis, Bench and Bar of.*R 442 Sainte-Beuve. English Portraits.C 1580 Galerie de Femmes Celebres.*V 1113 Nouvelle Galerie de Femmes Celebres ,*V 1114 Portraits de Femmes.C 6692 Sanders. Celebrities of the Century.*R 408 Sanderson. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 v.,*C 1583 Sanford and Townsend. Great Governing Families of England.C 3055 Sanson. Memoirs of the Sansons. 2 v... .C 1581 Savage. Our Representative Men.C 1575 Schmucker. The Four Georges.C 105 Scott. Little Masters of Germany.C 1570 Scoville. Old Merchants of New York. 5 v.C 2217 Secretan. Galerie Suisse; Biographies natio¬ nals. 2 v.C 6683 SEEBOHM. Oxford Reformers.C 141 Seeley. Late Evangelical Fathers.C 1585 Seubert. Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexicon. 3 v. in 2.*R 502 Seward. Anecdotes of Distinguished Per¬ sons. 3 v.C 1572 Shedd. Famous Painters.C 1578 Famous Sculptors and Sculpture.C 1584. Sheil. Sketches of the Irish Bar. 2 V....C 49 Shelley. Literary Men of France. 2 v... I 3841 Literary Men of Spain and Italy. 3 v.. I 3840 Sibley. Graduates of Harvard University. 2 v.C 1573 Sierke. Schwarmer und Schwindler.D 4204 Simms. Trappers of New York.C 1586 Sinclair. Old Times and Distant Places.. .C 1591 Smiles. Brief Biographies.C 79 Industrial Biography.C 78 Lives of Engineers. 4 V.C 34 Men of Invention and Industry.C 1556 Smith. Famous Ambassadors.C 1677 Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria.C 3042 SMITH. Heroes and Martyrs of Missionary Enterprise.C 3908 Smith. One Hundred Famous Americans. .C 2216 Smith. Three English Statesmen.A 459 Smyth. Biog. Illus. of Westminster Abbey .C 3051 Smyth. Romance of Diplomacy. 2 v.C 3280 Snow. Southern Generals.C 1574 SoLIGNAC. Connetables, Marechaux et Ami- raux.C 6757 SOUTHEY. Lives of British Admirals. 5 v. .1 3842 Lives of Uneducated Poets.E 7568 Sparks. Library of American Biography. 25 v .C 75 Sprague. European Celebrities.C 111 Stahr. Romische Kaiserfrauen.D 4201 Starling. Noble Deeds of Women.I 3157 Starr. Lives of Patron Saints. 2 v.C 1267 Stebbing. Lives of Italian Poets. 3 v... .C 1579 Stephen. Ecclesiastical Biographies.C 133 Stewart. Biographical Readings.C 1588 Stoddard. Bric-a-Brac Series.C 77 v. 1. Charley, Planche and Young. 2. Thackeray and Dickens. COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Stoddard. Bric-a-Brac Series. C 77 v. 3. Merimee, Lamartine and George Sand. 4. Barham, Harness and Hodder. 5. Greville Memoirs. 6. Moore and Jerdan. 7. Cornelia Knight and Raikes. 8. Kelly, O’Keefe and Taylor. 9. Lamb, Hazlitt, Campbell, Countess of Blessington. 10. Constable, Gillies. and others. Poets’ Homes. 2 v.......C 1376 Stoughton. Spanish Reformers.C 3880 Stowe. Men of our Times-.. C 94 Self-Made Men.C 89 Strauss. Men who have made the New Ger¬ man Empire. 2 v.C 1592 Strickland. Bachelor Kings of England.. C 1595 Lives of Queens of England. 13 v. in 7.C 95 The same. 6 v.I 3306 Lives of Queens of Scotland. 8 v.C 115 Lives of the Seven Bishops, 1688.C 63 Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Princesses.I 3308 Lives of the Tudor Princesses.C 158 Strodtmann. Dichterprofile.D 4217 Stuart. Civil and Military Engineers.C 1593 Summers. Eminent Itinerant Ministers.C 1651 Sutherland. Biography of the 41st Assem¬ bly of Indiana.C 1589 Swallow. Catharines of History.C 3478 Tayler. Memorials of English Martyrs... .C 43 Taylor. Great Historic Families of Scot¬ land. 2 v.*V 839 Taylor. National Portrait Gallery. 4 v..*P 674 Taylor. Romantic Biography. 2 v.C 1596 Tenney and Atwood. Fathers of Wiscon¬ sin.C 2287 Thackeray. Book of Sibyls.G 1063 Thackeray. The Four Georges.G 585 Thatcher. Indian Biography. 2 v.I 3681 Thomson. Celebrated Friendships. 2 v...C 27 Literary Characters. 2v.C 81 . Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. 3 v.C 82 Queens of Society. 2v.C 31 Wits and Beaux of Society.E 1604 The same.E 1605 Thornbury. British Artists. 2v.C 114 Thorne. Modern Idols.C 3888 Thornton. Foreign Secretaries of the 19th Century. 3 v.C 1612 Tillotson. Lives of Eminent Men.C 1554 The same.C 1560 TlMB§. Anecdote Biography.C 1606 Anecdote Lives of Painters.C 1605 Anecdote Lives of Wits and Humorists 2 v.C 1602 93 Timbs. Anecdote Lives of Later Wits and Humorists. 2 v.C 1603 English Eccentrics. 2 v.E 1576 School Days of Eminent Men.C 1604 Towle. Certain Men of Mark...C 1608 Heroes of History. 6 v.C 1610 Townsend. Lives of Eminent Judges. 2 v.C 1597 Townsend. Our Presidents.C 2358 Townsend. Schoolmen of Middle Ages. . .C 1599 Traits of Character; 25 Years’ Recollections. 2V .,-.-C 963 Traut. Deutsche Dichter.D 287 Tregellas. Cornish Worthies. 2 v.C 1674 Trollope. Italian Women. 2 v.C 28 Tuckerman. Biographical Essays. C 1658 Book of the Artists.C 1609 Mental Portraits.C 1598 Turner. Lives of Eminent Unitarians. 2 v.C 1 Tyerman. Oxford Methodists.C 142 Tyler. Letters and Times of the Tylers. 2 v.C 2340 Lives of Scottish Worthies. 3v. I 3588 Tytler and Watson. Songstresses of Scot¬ land. 2 v.C 1201 Updyke. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar.C 2361 Vandam. Amours of Great Men. 2v.C 1632 Van Santvoort. Chief Justices of the U.S.C 1600 Vasari. Lives of the Artists. 5 v. I 3088 Stories of Italian Artists.C 3945 Vicars. England’s Worthies.C 3462 Vincent. Some Italian Authors.C 3935 Voragine. Aurea Legend a, 1482.*P 877 Waldo. Sketches of Naval Heroes.C 73 Walsh. Heroes of the Mission Field.C 1615 Walters. American Military Biography ..C 3470 Walton. Lives of Donne, Wotton, etc. .. .C 66 The same.C 11 Ward. Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic.C 2366 Ware. Famous Centenarians. C 2362 Warren. The Three Judges.II 796 Watson. Heroic Women of History.C 1640 Watt. Great Novelists.C 1631 Webb. Compendium of Irish Biography .. *R 469 Webster. Class of’64 in Dartmouth.C 1655 Weninger. Lives of the Saints. 2 v.*V no Wheeler. Lives of the Signers of the Mecklen¬ burg Declaration of Independence. . *C 1697,1 Whipple. Recollections of Eminent Men . .C 2072 Whitehead. Lives of English Highwaymen. 2 v.C 1645 Williams. American Medical Biography .. C 1623 Williams. English Cardinals. 2 v.C 684 Royal Family of England. 3 v.C 118 Williams. Literary Women of England ..C 1624 94 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Williams and others. The Napoleon DynastyC 3710 Wills. Lives of Illustrious Irishmen. 6 v. .C 1625 Wilson. American Military and Naval Heroes 2 v. • _C 1627 Wilson. Sketches of Illinois Officers.C 121 Wilson and Caulfield. Book of Wonderful Characters.C 130 Winks. Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers. .. .C 1641 Winkworth. Christian Singers of Germany C 124 Winslow. Philadelphia Merchants.C 137 Winter. The Jeffersons.C 1630 Wisconsin, Biographical Dictionary of.*R 449 Wiseman. Recollections of Last Four Popes.C 48 Wood. Athenae Oxonienses. 4 V. *0 202 Wood. Letters of Illustrious Ladies. 3 v..C 25 Woodcock. Illustrious Lord Mayors.C 3447 Woolrych. Eminent Serjeants-at-Law. 2 v. C 116 Wordsworth. Ecclesiastical Biography. 4V.C 123 Worthy Women of our first Century.C 1620 Wotton. Word Portraits of Famous Writers.C 3443 Wrangham. British Plutarch. 6 v.C 1626 ‘Wright. Biographia Britannica Literaria; Anglo-Saxon Period.C 1646 The same ; Angle-Norman Period.. C 1647 Caricature History of the Georges.C 1633 'Wyatt. Hungarian Celebrities.C 3971 Wyatt. Memoirs of American Generals, Com¬ modores, etc.C 1637 Yale College, Biographical Notices of Class of 1850.C 1654 Yonge. Parallel Lives of Heroes.C 1660 Seven Heroines of Christendom.C 1659 “Yonge. Book of Golden Deeds.C 1661 Book of Worthies.C 5 Pioneers and Founders. • .C 45 Zweihundert Bildnisse beriihmter Manner... .D 6121 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Almanach de Gotha. 18 v.*R 3842 American Ancestry'.*R 387 v. 1. City of Albany ; by T. P. Hughes. 2. Columbia County ; by T. P. Hughes. 3. The United States. Amory. Our English Ancestors. *B 1007 Austin. Genealogy of 33 Rhode Islanders.*V 1370 Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island*V 824 Barrington. Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of Sovereigns of England.C 1367 Bell. Huntingdon Peerage .*V 737 Berry. Encyclopaedia Heraldica. 3 v. ..*R 375 Bond. Genealogies of Early Settlers of Water- town, Waltham, and Weston.B 3447 Boutell. Historical and Popular Heraldry *R 350 The same ; 4th edition.A 641 Bridger. Index to Printed Pedigrees.... *R 346 Burke. Anecdotes of the Aristocracy. 2 v. .C 1004 Commoners of Great Britain. 4 V.*R 362 Dormant and Extinct Peerages.*R 370 Encyclopaedia of Heraldry.*k 369 Family Romance.C 36 Heraldic Illustrations. 3 v.*R 361 Heraldic Register, 1850.*R 353 Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ire¬ land. 2 v.*R 371 Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour.*R 354. Peerage and Baronetage of Great Britain *R 368 The same ; 45th edition.*R 360 Rise of Great Families.C 1305 Romance of the Aristocracy. 3 V.C 8 Vicissitudes of Families .C 1306 Chambers. Index to Next of Kin. 2 v..*R 339 Clark. Introduction to Heraldry.I 3259 Coleman. Index to Printed Pedigrees... .*R 344 Collins. Peerage of England. 9 V.*R 342 Courthope. Extinct Baronetage of England *R 336 Craik. Romance of the Peerage. 4 V.... C 29 CUSSANS. Hand-book of Heraldry.A 3084 Debrett’s Peerage and Titles of Courtesy, 1879.*R 34 ° DlELlTZ. Wahl-und Denkspriiche.*V 964 Doyle. Official Baronage of England. 3 V .*R 378 Durrie. Bibliographia Genealogica Ameri¬ cana, 1868, 1878, 1886. 3 v.*R 386 Utility of Genealogy.*C 1697,1 Evans. Grammar of British Heraldry.A 3086 Fairbairn. Crests of Families in Great Brit¬ ain and Ireland. 2 v.*R 363 Foster. Royal Lineage of our Noble and Gentle Families.*R 374 French. Ancestry of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.C 1362 Genealogist, The. 7 v. Ser . George. Genealogical Tables of Modem History, 1874.*R 232 The same, 1886.*R 233 Genealogisches Taschenbuch.D 269 Goodwin. Genealogical Notes of Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts.C 145 Gourdon de Genouillac. Grammaire her- aldique.C 5 01 ^ Mysteres du Blason.C 5 OI 7 Green. Historic Families of Kentucky * * * *C 2357 Guigard. Bibliotheque heraldique de la>. France. *0 122 Guillim. Display of Heraldry, 1724.*R 4293 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. 95 ’Heraldic Journal, 1865-8* 4 v. Ser. heraldry of Crests.*R 3 22 Hinman. First Puritan Settlement of Conn.*R 382 Hotten. Lists of Emigrants from Great Brit¬ ain, 1600-1700.*R 47 2 Topography and Family History of Eng¬ land and Wales. *0 610 Irish Compendium ; or Nobility of Ireland. .*R 319 Jones. Crowns and Coronations.A 2131 Kendall. Kinship of Men.L 3950 Littell. Family Records of the Passaic Val¬ ley . C 1447 Lodge. Peerage of Ireland. 7 v.*R 338 Lodge. Peerage aud Baronetage of Great Britain.*R 360 Lower. Curiosities of Heraldry.A 3087 Patronymica Britannica.*R 366 Lyndsay. Facsimile of Heraldic Manuscript *P 853 Macgeorge. Flags ; some Account of their History.A 2129 Manual of Heraldry.A 3088 Marshall. Genealogist’s Guide to Printed Pedigrees.*R 355 Index to Pedigrees in Heralds’ Visita¬ tions.*R 348 Millington. Heraldry in History', etc-A 183 Moule. Heraldry of Fish.A 3091 Nares. Heraldic Anomalies. 2v.E 4684 New England Historical and Genealogical Reg¬ ister. 42 v . Ser. New York Genealogical and Biographical Rec ord. 18 v.:. Ser. New York Marriage Licenses previous to I784*R 389 Newton. Display of Heraldry.A 3090 Nicholas. County Families of Wales. 2 v*R 365 Nichols. Autographs of Royal Personages. *R 4300 Nicolas. Historic Peerage of England .. *R 357 O’Hart. Irish Landed Gentry when Crom¬ well came to Ireland.*R 351 Irish Pedigrees.*R 333 Palliser. Historic Devices, Badges and War Cries.A 2130 Papworth. Coats of Arms of Families of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v.*R 358 Pearson. First Settlers of Albany Co., N.Y..C 1530 Planch£. Pursuivant of Arms.A 3085 Potter. Genealogies of old Families of Con¬ cord, Mass.*V 935 I£upp. 30,000 Names of Immigrants in Penn¬ sylvania, 1727-1776.*R 409 Rye. Records and Record Searching.*R 395 Savage. Genealogical Dictionary of New England. 4 V.*R 39 ° Index to same ; by Dexter.. .*R 39 1 Sims. Index to Pedigrees and Arms in Her¬ alds’ Visitations.*R 356 Manual for the Genealogist, etc.*R 352 Stodart. Scottish Arms, 1370-1678. 2 v.*P 851 Tanguay. Dictionnaire genealogique des Fa¬ milies Canadiennes. 6 v.*R 381 Taylor. Great Historic Families of Scot¬ land. 2 v.*V 839 Titcomb. Early New England People.... C 2282 Vorsterman van Oyen. Dictionnaire No- biliaire.*R 377 Walford. County Families of the United Kingdom.*R 372 Peerage for 1885.*R 321 Tales of our Great Families. 4V.C 1617 Ward. Family Register of Shrewsbury, Mass.C 1635 Washbourne. Book of Family Crests. 2 v.*R 323 Welles. American Family Antiquity. 3 v.*V 847 Whitmore. American Genealogist, 1868, 1875. 2V .*R 384 Elements of Heraldry.*R 364 WILLING. Dame Heraldry.A 3089 Worthy. Practical Heraldry; English Ar¬ mory .A 3092 Wyman. Genealogies of Charlestown, Mass. 2 v.*R 392 FAMILY HISTORIES. Abbot Family; by Abbot.C 161 Andrews Family; by Andrews.C 1973 Angell Family; by Angell.C 2249 Appleton Family; by Jewett.C 3497 Atwater Family; by Atwater.C 1347 Bergen Family; by Bergen.C 3467 Bicknell Family.C 1670 Binney Family; by Binney.C 2260 Bliss Family; by Bliss.C 2264 Bradlee Family; by Doggett.C 1730 Brainard Family.C 203 Bright Family; by Bright.C 1303 Buckingham Family; by Chapman.C 1358 Bulkeley Family; by Chapman.C 1346 Burleigh Family; by Burleigh.C 1415 Burr Family; by Todd.C 1613 Butler Family; by Butler.C 3973 Cameron Clan; by Mackenzie.C 2862 Caverly Family.C 1926 Chandler Family; by Chandler.C 1772 Chapin Family; by Chapin.C 1342 Chapman Family; by Chapman.C 1351 Chittenden Family of Guilford; by Talcott. .C 3499 Clark Family; by Clark.C 2269 Clarke Family of Newbury, Mass.; by Clarke C 3474 9 6 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Cleveland Family; by Cleveland.C 1324 Cogswell Family; by Jameson.*C 1935 Cole Family; by Cole.C 2332 Coleman’Family Memoirs; by Peake.C 2562 Colt Family; by Rogers.C 2878 Comberbach Family; by Marshall.C 2879 Conant Family; by Conant.C 3458 Converse Family; by Hill.C 2236 Corwin Family.C 223 Coutts Family; by Rogers.C 2878 Crosby Family; by Crosby.C 2286 Crozer Family.C 1764 Cushman Family; by Cushman.C 1357 Cutler Family; by Cutler.C 3559 Cutler Family; by Morse.C 2333 Cutter Family; by Cutter. .C 1412 Davenport Family; by Davenport.C 2271,1 Supplement to same.C 2271,2 Dawson Family; by Dawson.C 2268 Deane Family; by Deane.C 1400 Dearborn Family; by Goodwia.C 1644 Dudley Family; by Dudley.C 248 Dunster Family; by Dunster.C 1337 Dutton Family; by Cope.C 1333 Eddy Family; by Eddy.C 2266 Eliot Family; by Eliot.C 254 Etheredge Family.*C 1697,2 Fairfax Family; by Neill.C 689 Famham Family; by Farnham.C 2076 Faxon Family; by Faxon.C 3496 Fenton Family; by Weaver.*C 1697,2 Fillow Family; by Van Hoosear.C 3978 Fiske Family; by Fiske.C 1976 Fletcher Family.*C 1697,3 Fletcher Family; by Fletcher.C 2270 Folsom Family; by Chapman.C 2262 Fontaine Family; by Maury.C 1094 Forster Family; by Forster.*C 1697,2 Foster Family; by Forster.*C 1697,2 Fowler Family; by Stickney.C 1672 Freeman Genealogy.C 1413 Gile Family; by Burleigh.C 2244 Giles Memorial; by Vinton.C 1636 Glover Family; by Glover.C 1414 Goode Family; by Goode.C 934 Goodrich Family Memorial; by Goodrich... .C 1702 Gore Family; by Whitmore.C 347 1 Goss Family; by Lawrence.C 1452,3 Guild Family; by Burleigh.C 2244 Guile Family; by Burleigh.C 2244 Hall Family; by Hall.C 2086 Hall Family of New England.C 1998 Hambleton Family; by Hambleton.C 2187 Harris Family; by Harris.*C 1697,2 I Harris Family; by Morgan.C 1482 Harwood Families; by HaWood.*C 2291 Hatch Family; by Fletcher.C 2257 Herrick Family; by Herrick.C 2261 Hervey Family.C 2877 Hollister Family; by Case.C 2252 Holt Family; by Durrie.C 344. Horton Family; by Horton.C 2267 Houston Family; by Houston.C 2039* Howe Family Gathering, 1871; by Nason.*C 1697,3 Howland Family; by Howland.C 2256 Hoyt Family; by Hoyt.C 1395 Humphreys Family; by Humphreys.*V 792 Hunt Family; by Wyman.C 1638 Huntingdon Peerage; by Bell.*V 757 Huntington Family; by Huntington.C 190a Hurlbut Family; by Hurlbut.C 3498 Hutchinson Family; by Hutchinson.C 347 Hutchinson Family; by Whitmore.C 1903 Janes Family ; by Janes.C 1425 Jordan Memorial; by Jordan.C 1427’ Lane Family : by Whitmore.C 379. Lawrence Family; by Lawrence. 3 v.C 1452: Learned Family; by Learned.C 2059. Lee Family; by Mead.C 1473 Lee Family of Massachusetts; by Lee.C 3960 Leighton Family; by Jordan.C 2060 Leonard Family Memoir; by Deane.*C 1697,3. Libby Family; by Libby.C 2273. Lindsay Family; by Lindsay.C 3958- Little Family; by Little.C 1455 Livingston Family; by Clarkson.C 1316 Locke Family; by Locke.C 3555. Loomis Family; by Loomis. 2v.C 2283, Macdonald Clan; by Mackenzie.C 2861 Mackenzie Clan; by Mackenzie.C 2863 Macy Family; by Macy.C 2246- Mann Family; by Mann.C 2276- Marsh Family; by Marsh.C 2327 Marshall Family; by Paxton.C 2154 Marvin Family; by Marvin.C 1464. Mather Family; by Pond.C 2114 May Family; by May.C 2277 Montgomery Family; by Montgomery.C 2278 Morgan Family; by Morgan.C 1485 Morrison Family; by Morrison.C 1484 Mowry Family; by Mowry.C 2061 Mudge Memorials; by Mudge.C 1477 Nelson Family.C 3473 Newcombe Family; by Newcombe.C 1563 Olcott Family; by Goodwin.C 2284 Oliver Family; by Whitmore.C 1903 Olmstead Family; by Thomas.C 1607 Palmer Family Re-union; by Palmer.C 3466 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. 97 Payne Family; by Whitmore.C 3471 Pearce Family Genealogy; by Pierce.C 3929 Peirce Family; by Peirce.C 3439 Pennypacker Re-union, 1877.B 1237 Perkins Family of Connecticut; by Perkins *C 1696,1 Perrin Family; by Perin.. ....C 2274 Pomroy Family; by Laurence.C 1452,3 Porter Family; by Porter.C 1535 Potter Family; by Potter.*V 936 Powers Family Genealogy; by Powers.C 3928 Pratt Family; by Chapman.C 2275 Preble Family; by Preble.C 2281 Prentice Family; by Binney.C 1671 Rawson Family Memorial; by Crane.C 1334 Reed Family; by Reed.C 2170 Reyner Family; by Whitmore.C 379 Reynolds Family; by Runnels.C 2280 Rice Family; by Ward.C 1643 Richards Family; by Morse.C 2177 Rockwood Family; by Rockwood.C 1546 Rollins Family; by Rollins.C 1549 Root Family; by Root.C 3495 Runnels Family; by Runnels.C 2280 Ryedale Family; by Ridlon.C 2351 Scranton Family; by Scranton.C 1587 Shattuck Family Memorials; by Shattuck... .C 15 7 ^ Slocum Family; by Slocum.C 1577 Spooner Family; by Spooner.C 1673 Stetson Family; by Barry.C 2062 Stickney Family; by Stickney.C 518 Stiles Family; by Stiles.C 2226 Stoddard Family; by Stoddard.C 2245 Stone Family; by Stone.C 2322 Strong Family; by Dwight. 2 v.C 512 Symmes Family; by Vinton.C 504 Taintor Family; byTaintor.C 1611 Tenney Family; by Tenney.C 2279 Thomas Family; by Thomas.*V 5^4 Threiplands of Fingask; by Chambers.C 775 Todd Family; by Green.C 1536 Towne Family Memorial; by Hubbard.C 1396 Trowbridge Family; by Chapman.C 1348 "Vilas Family; by Vilas.C 1614 Vinton Memorial; by Vinton.C 1634 Wadsworth Family; by Wadsworth.C 2440 Walkers of Plymouth Colony; by Walker .. .C 585 Ward Family; by Ward.C 1619 Washington Family; by Welles.C 2364 Watson Family; by Watson.C 1618 Weeks Family; by Chapman.C 3959 'Wells Family; by Welles.*C 1697,1 Wentworth Family; by Wentworth. 3 V... C 1621 Wetmore Family; by Wetmore.C 580 Whipple Family; by Whitmore.C 379 Whittlesey Family; by Whittlesey.C 1622 Wilder Family; by Wilder.C 1629 Williams Family; by Williams.C 1628 Williams Family of the Groves; by Williams.C 3979 Wolcott Family; by Wolcott.*V 205 Wood Family; by Wood.C 2437 Worcester Family; by Worcester.C 586 NAMES. Aasen. Norsk Navnebog.C 8199 Bacmeister. Alemannische Wanderungen.D 3684 Bardsley. Curiosities of Puritan Nomencla¬ ture.J 423 English Surnames.J 924 Bowditch. Suffolk Surnames.J 922 Boyd. Indian Local Names.J 398 Clarke. Giving Names to Towns and Streets *J 904 Edmunds. Traces of History in Names of Places.J 384 Ferguson. River Names of Europe.I 570 Surnames as a Science.J 383 Teutonic Name-System.J 921 The same.* • • •.*R 380 Innes. Concerning Scotch Surnames.J 394 Joyce. Irish Local Names explained.J 370 Origin of Irish Names of Places. 2 v.. .J 1023 Long. Personal and Family Names.J 388 Lower. English Surnames.J 395 The same; 3rd ed. 2 v.J 923 Patronymica Britannica.*R 366 March. East Lancashire Nomenclature and Rochdale Names.J 386 Moody. Account of Christian Names.J 872 Names of Persons changed in Mass., 1780-1883 Doc. Nestle. Die israelitischen Eigennamen. .. D 3022 Norman People and their Descendants.A 646 Palmer. Arabic and English Name Lists.*V944,8 Pulman. Local Nomenclature of the West of England.J 921 Salverte. History of Names of Men, Na¬ tions, and Places. 2v.J 439 Tanger. Englisches Namen-Lexicon.*R 410 Tegg. Derivation and Signification of Chris¬ tian Names.J 385 Trumbull. Indian Names of Places, etc. . .J 926 Williams. Vocabulary of Proper Names. . .J 393 Yonge. History of Christian Names. 2 v.. *J 440 Zunz. Namen der Juden.D 3021 EPITAPHS. Alden. Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions. 5 v.E 1815 Archer. Monumental Inscriptions of British West Indies.*V 635 98 GENEALOGY, HERALDRY AND INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Bridgman. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill...E 1996 Inscriptions from Granary Burial Ground, Boston.B 3449 Inscriptions in King’s Chapel Burial Ground, Boston.B 1067 Inscriptions on Gravestones in Northamp¬ ton .B 3428 Brown. Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Grey- friars Churchyard, Edinburgh.C 347^ Cansick. Collection of Epitaphs. 2v.E 2175 Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions... .*P 623,12 Diprose. Book of Epitaphs.E 1035 Fairley. Epitaphiana.E 1103 Graham. Collection of Epitaphs.E 3140 KiNNERSLEY. Sepulchral Curiosities.E 4126 Kippax. Churchyard Literature.E 1301 McCaul. Christian Epitaphs of first six Cen¬ turies.K 3638 Norfolk. Gleanings in Graveyards.E 4790 Northend. Book of Epitaphs.E 1405 Pettigrew. Collection of Epitaphs.I 3346 ft Tissington. Collection of Epitaphs.E 1569 Webb. Select Collection of Epitaphs. 2v..E 6416 Wright. Pleasing Melancholy; Walk among the Tombs.E 6417 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Abbot, E., Memorial Addresses on.C 1705 Abbot, F. E., Dinner to, June, 1880.*C 1698 Abdel-Kader. Life; by Churchill.C 1041 Abelard and Heloise; par Guizot.C 5146 by Richardson.C 3214 Briefe; her. von Weiss.D 5962 Letters with Lives; by Hughes.C 3 2 °5 Lives of; by Berington.*V 804 Abernethy, J. Life; by Macilwain.C 598 Abinger, Lord J. Memoir; by Scarlett... .C 908 Abrahams, N. C. L. Medelelser af mit Liv. C 7007 Acarie, B. Life; by Bowles.C 3202 Acquoy, J. Leven van. Degenhardt.D 9181 Adams, Miss A. Journal and Correspondence C 173 Adams, Mrs. A. Familiar Letters during the Revolution, with Memoir...C 165 Adams, J. Address on; by Chamberlain ,*C 1697,1 Life; by Adams.C 172 Life; by Morse.C 1706 Life; by Stoddard.C 2202 Life and Diary; by Adams.J 5,1-3 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,2 Adams, J. Q. Discourse on; by Lathrop. .*C 1696,5 Discourse on; by Lunt.*C 1696,5 Eulogy on; by Everett.*C 1696,2,5 Adams, J. Q. Life; by Morse..C 168 Life; by Seward.C 171 Life; by Stoddard.C 2242. Life and Services of.*L 165 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,6 Memoirs; by Quincy.C 170 Memoirs; edited by Adams. 12 v.C 169 Adams S. Life; by Hosmer.C 1715 Life and Services; by Wells. 3 V.C 175 Addison, J. Life; by Aikin. 2 v.C 592: Life; by Courthope.C 1516 Adrian IV. Historical Sketch; by Rabv..C 3201 Agassiz, L. Address on; by Emerson... ,*C 1696,4^ Life and Correspondence; by Agassiz. 2 v...C 1719 Agrippa, H. C. Life; by Morley. 2 V....C 122S Agrippina, die Mutter Neros. Stahr.D 4203 Life; by Scheie de Vere.C 1231 Memoirs; by Hamilton. 2 v.C 1044. Aguesseau, H. F. d’. Life; by Butler_C 3365 Aiken, C. Address on; by Royse.*C 1696,3 Aiken, Lizzie, Story of; by Anderson.C 1709 Aikenhead, M., Life and Works of.C 2441 Aikin, L. Correspondence with Channing. .C 647 Memoirs and Letters.C 599 AINSLIE, C. P. de. Life as I have found it.C 2873 Albany, Countess of. Life; by Paget.C 2672 Albemarle, Earl. Fifty Years of my Life. 2 v.C 2729 Alberoni’, J. Cardinal. Life; by Moore. ..C 3632 Albert, Prince. Early Homes of; by Rim- mer.C 2670 Early Years; by Grey.C 591 The same.*P 350 Life; by Martin. 5 v.C 590 Albert the Great. Life; by Sighart.. . .C 3204, Alciati, A., and his Book of Emblems; by Green.C 3329 Alcuin. Life; by Lorenz.C 3213 Alexander the Great; by Abbott.H 19 Geschichte des. Droysen.D 4003 Life; by Williams.I 3574. The same.I 3654. Alexander I. of Russia. Life; by Joyneville. 3 v .-C 1043 Alexander II. of Russia. Life of.C 3163 Leben und Tod von. Laferte.D 4005 Leben; von Kariowitsch.D 4002 Alexander of Battenberg, Kidnapping of; by von Huhn.C 3168 Leben; von Koch.D 5921 Reminiscences of; by Koch.C 3167 Alexander, J. H. Memoir; by Pinkney ,*C 1696,1 Alexander, W. Life; by Duer.C 176 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 99 Alexandra Feodorowna. Life; by Grimm. 2 v. C 1051 Leben von. Grimm.D 250 Leven van. Grimm 2 v.D 9305 Alfieri, V. Autobiog.; ed. by Howells... .C 1664 Lettere inedite.C 9121 Life; by Copping.C 1045 Vita, Giornali, Lettere.C 9123 Alford, H. Life, Journal and Letters.C 594 Alfred the Great; by Hughes.C 604 History of; by Abbott.H 20 Life and Times; by Giles.C 607 Life; by Knight.C 2443 Life; by Pauli.I 3362 Memorials of; by Giles.C 2986 Ali Hazin (Sheikh Mohammed). Life; by himself.*V 1281 The same in Persian.*V 1282 Ali Pasha. Life; by Davenport.I 3607 Alice, Princess , Duchess of Hesse. Letters.C 3161 The same.G 1096 Allen, E. Life; by Sparks.C 75,1 Memoir; by Moore.C 2156 Allen, G. Reminiscences.C 1713 Allen, H. W. Recollections; by Dorsey... C 177 Allen, W. Biography.*C 1699 Allen, W. Life and Correspondence. 2 v.C 600 Story of; by Fayle.C 2939 Allens, The, of Shiney Row; by Everett.. .C 120 Alleyn, E. Memoirs; ed. by Collier ... .*E 675,8 Allies, T. W. Life’s Decision.C 2442 Allston, W. Life; by Sweetser.C 1691 Aloysius Gonzaga, Saint. Life.C 1266 Alphonses Liguori, Saint. Life.C 1265 Alsop, C. M. Memorials of; by BraithwaiteC 2950 Amiel, H. F. Fragments d’un Journal intime. 2 v.C 11930 Journal intime; tr. by Ward.C 3165 Ampere, A. M. Story of his Love.C 1042 Andersen, H. C. Breve.C 7006 Story of my Life.C 1046 Anderson, A. Memorial; by Lossing.C 179 Anderson, Mary. Life and Professional Career; by Farrar.C 2323 Stage Life of; by Winter.C 2080 Andr£, Major J. Death of; by Smith.C 3885 Life; by Lossing.C 2068 Life and Career; by Sargent.C 605 Trial of ....** •/ .B 255 Trial and Execution of.*V 84 Andrew, J. A. Eulogy on; by Whipple. .*C 1699 Memoir; by Chandler.C 1708 Sketches of Life; by Browne.C 178 Andryane, A. Memoirs of a Prisoner. 2 v.C 1048 Angelico, Fra. Biography; by Sweetser..C 1692. Life; by Phillimore..C 3203 Angelo, H. Reminiscences of. 2 v. C 2934- Angelo, Michael. See Michael Angelo. Angouleme, Duchesse d\ Memoirs; by Romer C 3215. Anhalt, L., Prince of. Levensschetz; door Camerarius.D 916L Anne of Brittany. Memoirs of; by Cos- tell °.C 3324. Anne, Queen. Good Queen Anne; by Adams. 2V .A 759 Anselm, Saint. Life; by Church.C 3207 The same; new ed.C 3200 Life; by Mohler.C 3206. Anson, Lord. Life; by Barrow. C 2447' Anspach, Margravine. Memoirs. 2 V....C 596 Antony of Padua, Saint. Chronicles of; ed. by Coleridge.C 32 to Apollonius of Tyana. Life of ; by Tred- wel1 .C 33031 Appleton, C. E. Life ; by Appleton and Layce .C 2446 Appleton, T. G. Life and Letters; by HaleC 1716 Appleton, W. Memoir; by Robbins... . *C 1696,& Aquinas, Saint Th. See Thomas of Aquin, St. Arago, F. History of my Youth.I 4000,17 Arblay, d’. See D’Arblay. Ariosto, L. Leben; von Fernow.D 5963 Aristotle; by Grote.L 2088 Life; by Blakesley.C 3178 Arndt, E. M. Leben; von Baur.D 4006 Life; edited by Seeley.C 3208 Arnold of Brescia, und seine Zeit; von Francke. D 5966 Arnold, B. Life; by I. N. Arnold.C 1710 Life; by Hill.H 467 Life; by Sparks.C 75,3 Arnold, I. N. In Memoriam.C 1704 Memorial Addresses on; by Washburne and others.*C 1696,6 Arnold,!'. Life and Corresp.; by Stanley. C 595 The same.*P 198 Memoir; by Stanley.C 3067 Arnould, A., of Port Royal; by Martin... .C 1270 Arnoui.d, S. Vie de; par Goncourt.C 5130 Artevelde, J. and P. van ; by Ashley_C 3212. Life; by Hutton.C 3211 Asbury, F. Life; by Strickland.C 174 Ascham, R. Memoir; by Johnson.C 3067 Ashby, T., arid his Compeers; by Avirett.. .C 1707 Ashmun, J. Life; by Gurley.C 180 AsTOR, J. J. Life; by Parton.C 2064 Attf.RBURY, F. Bishop. Life; by Macaulay G 682 Memoirs and Corresp.; by Williams. 2 v.C 602 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. loo Atwood, D. Biog. Sketch; by Thwaites.*C 1696,8 Auckland, \V. E., 1st Lord of. Journal and Correspondence. 4 v.C 2444 Audubon, J. J. Life; by St. John.C 1712 Life; ed. by Buchanan.C 1711 Life; by his Widow.C 182 Auerbach, B. Briefe an Jakob Auerbach. 2 v.D 4004 Augustine, Saint. Life; by Collette.C 3164 Life; by Mori arty.C 1276 Austen, J., and her Works; byKeddie.C 2445 Letters; ed. by Brabourne. 2 v.C 2745 Memoirs; by Leigh.C 601 Ayer, J. C., and Town of Ayer; by Cowley.C 1717 Aylmer, J. Life; by Strype.; . .*P 127 Aytoun, W. E. Memoir; by Martin.C 597 AzEGLlo, My Recollections. 2 v..C 1186 Babbage, C. Passages from Life of a Philoso¬ pher . C 2945 Baber, Emperor of Hindostan. Life ; by Caldecott.C 3216 Bach, J. S. Leben von. Bitter. 2 v.D 2 53 Leben von. Reissmann.I) 4170 Leben vor. Spitta. 2v.D 4009 Life; by Bitter.C 1055 Life; by Poole.C 3224 Work and Influence of; by Spitta. 3 v.C 3179 Bache, F. Biog. Memoir; by Wood.*C 139 Backus, I. Memoir; by Hovey.C 1753 Bacon, D. Biographical Sketch; ed. by T. Bacon.C 2354 Bacon, F. Lord, and Essex; by Abbott.... C 2462 Life; by Church.C 1517 Life; by Dixon.C 603 Life; by Lovejoy.C 2448 Life and Philosophy; by Nichol.L 2131 Life and Times; by Spedding. 2 v.C 24S1 Life and Works; by Abbott.C 2704 Personal History of; by Dixon.G 730 Bacon, N. Life; by Ware.C 75,13 Bacourt, A. F. de. Souvenirs of a Diplomat. I 5182 Baillie, J. Pleasant Memories.C 2564 Bainbridge, W. Commodore. Life; by Har¬ ris . C 1993 Baird, Sir D. Life. 2 v.C 2452 Baireuth, Margravine of. Autobiography. 2vC 1665 and Voltaire; by Horn., C 3349 Baker, E. D. Addresses on.*C 139 Baker, T. Battling Life in the Civil Sendee.C 2743 Balfe, M. W. Life and Works;by Barrett..C 2737 Memoir; by Kenney.C 2482 Balfour, W. Memoir of; by Whittemore. C 1731 Ball, F. M. T. Mother. Life; by Coleridge.C 2469 Ball, J. Life; by Maurice.C 1458 Ballantine, W. Experiences of a Barrister C 2449 Balzac, H. de; by Saltus.C 3170 Correspondence; with Memoir. 2 v.C 3226 Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. On and Off the Stage. 2 v... .C 3503 Bangs, N. Life and Times; by Stevens .. .C 1994 Banim, J. Life; by Murray.C 608 Banister, Z. P. G. Memorials of.C 1966 Banneker, B. Memoir; by Latrobe.... *B 1643 Sketch of; by Norris.*C 1696,1 Bannister, J. Memoirs; by Adolphus. 2 v. C2470 Barat, M. Venerable. Life; byBaunard..C 3232 Barbaro, Marc-Antoine; par Yriarte.*V 1146 Barbauld, A. L. Memoir; by Ellis. 2 v. C 611 and her Contemporaries; by Murch ... .C 2617 Barclay, J. Bishop. Biography of.C 2706 Bard, S. Domestic Life; by M’Vickar.C 2036 Bar^re de Vienzac, B. Memoires. 4 v .C 4251 Barham, R. H. Life and Letters; by Bar¬ ham.C 2450 Barker, J. and Conspiracy Trials of 1826-27; by Turner.C 181 Barker, J. Incidents in Life of.C 1714 Barlow, J. Life and Letters; by Todd.. . C 1970 Barnes, W. Life; by Baxter.C 3076 Barneveld, John of. Life; by Motley. 2 vA 1S19 Barney, J. Commodore. Memoir; by Barney C 183 Barnstarke, S. Life; by Gwynne.C 637 Barnum, r. T. Autobiography.C 186 Kampfe und Triumphe.D 5965 Struggles and Triumphs.C 184 The same.C 185 Barr£, I. Memoir; by Britton.C 2936 Barrington, Sir J. Personal Sketches.. .. C 609 Barrow, Sir J. Autobiographical. Memoirs C 2483 Barry, Sir C. Life and Works; by Barry.C 2488 Barry, M. J. Comtesse du. Histoire de; par Goncourt.C 5051 Histoire de; par Vatel.C 13296 Memoires. 4 V.C 4429 Bart, J. et Duquesne; par Phillips.C 6209 Bartlett, J. R. Life and Services; by Gam¬ med.*C 1696,7 Bartlett, W. F. Memoir; by Palfrey.C 1S8 Bartlett, W. H. Memoir; by Beattie... .C 2453 Bartolommeo, Fra. Life; by Scott.C 3225 Bartolozzi, F., and his Works; by Tuer. . *V 660 Barton, W. Biography; by Williams.C 44 Bastiat, F. Vie de; par Duprat.C 4565 Bates, J. Life and Experiences; by White.C 1750 Baudry, P., sa Vie, et son Oeuvre; par Eph- russi. .*v 1155 Bauer, K. Aus meinem Buhnenleben.D 4008 Memoiren. 4 v.D 4012 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. IOi IBauer, K. Memoirs.C 3176 Posthumous Memoirs. 2 v.C 3172 IBaur, F. C. Leven van. Heringa.D 9320 zijne Werkzaamhed. Scheffer.D 9749 IBayard, Chevalier. Histoire de; par AubigneC 11992 History of; by Kindersley.C 3228 History of; by Larchey.C 3173 Life; by Simms.C 3227 Story of.C 1052 The same.I 3883 Bayard, G. D. Life; by Bayard.C 187 Bayard, T. F. Life; by Spencer.C 1720 Bayle, P. Leben; von Desmaizeaux.*D 5975 Beaconsfield, Earl of; by Brandes.C 2473 and Public Opinion, 1875-80; by Thomp¬ son. 2 v.C 2942 Biography; by O’Connor.C 2463 Cartoons from Punch on.*P 485 Correspondence with his Sister.C 2744 Ein Charakterbild. Brandes.D 4026 Life; by Hitchman. 2 v...C 2479 Life; by Kebbel.C 3548 Life; by Mill.C 2542 Memorials, from the Standard.C 2472 Beall, J. Y. Memoir of.C 175 7 Beardsley, L. Reminiscences.C 189 Beattie, J. Life; by Forbes. 3 V.C 2451 Beaufort, M. Life; by Halsted.C 633 Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de, and his Times; by Lomenie.C 1053 The same. 4 V.C 1059 Eine Biographie; von Bettelheim.D 5 9^ 1 and “The Lost Million;” by Stille ...C 3317 Beaumont, Mrs. B. 12 Years of my Life. .C 2174 Beauregard, Marquis. Recollections; by Beauregard. 2v.C 3229 Beaver, J. A. Life; by Burr.C 1747 Beccaria, C. B. Biographische Skizze; von Rinaldini.D 5972 Becket, Saint T. a. Life; by Hope, i... .C 2489 Life; by Morris.C 2474 Life; by Robertson.C 2487 Life (in Icelandic); tr. by Magnusson- Doc. Materials for History of; Robertson jw.Doc, Beckwith, J. Life; by Meille.C 2484 Beckworth, J. Life of.C 190 Bedford,P. Recollections and Wanderings of C 3390 Beecher, G. Biographical Remains; by BeecheiO 195 Beecher, II. \V. Anecdotes of; by ShenstoneC 2190 Biography; by Beecher and Scoville... .C 301 Career of; by Abbott.C 1749 Life; by Handford.C 2199 Life; by Howard.C 2254 Life and-Work; by Knox.C 2251 Beecher, L. Autobiography. 2 v.C 193 Beer, M. Briefwechsel.D 4036 Beethoven, L. van, depicted by his Contem¬ poraries; by Nohl.C 3223 Leben von. Marx. 2v.D 4014 Leben von. Nohl. 3V.D 4030 Leben von. Thayer. 3 v.D 5978 Leben von; VVasielewski.D 5979 Letters.C 1054 Life; by Moscheles. 2 v.*C 3219 Life; by Nohl.C 3231 Memoirs; by Graeme.C 3230 MusikalischesCharakterbild; vonMenschD 4033 Nach Schilderungen seiner Zeitgenossen; von Nohl.D 4029 Neue Beethoveniana; von Frimmel .. .. D 5980 Belisarius. Life; by Stanhope.C 323^ Bell, A. Life; by Southey, j v.C 2455 Bell, SirC. Letters to his Brother.C 617 Bell, G. Rough Notes by an Old Soldier. 2 v.C 2988 Bellomont, R. Earl. Life and Administration; by de Peyster. C 3524 Belton, F. Recollections of an Actor.C 2468 Benedict xiv. Pope. Leben; von M. R.. ,*D 5975 Benedict, L. Address; by Bridgman... .*C 1699 Benezet, A. Memoirs; by Vaux.C 2066 Bengel, J. A. Leven van. Wachter .... D 9912 Bennett, J. G. Memoirs of. C 2486 Bentinck, G. Lord. Biography; by Disraeli.C 629 Bentley, R. Life; by Jebb.C 1506 Life; by Monk. 2 v.C 639 Benton, T. H. Life; by Roosevelt.C 2103 Beranger, G. Memoir; by Wilde.C 2465 Beranger, P. J. de. Ma Biographie.C 4154 Memoirs.C 1057 Memoires sur; par Lapointe.C 5664 BERCHMANS, John, Blessed. Life; by Goldie C 3234 Berkeley, G. Bishop; by Fraser.L 2122 Discourse on; by Porter.C 2703 Life and Letters; by Fraser.C 630 The same . *P 27 Berkeley, G. F. Life and Recollections. 4vC 622 Berlioz, H. Memoires. 2 v.C 12055 Life and Letters. 2 v.C 3218 Bernard, Abbe. Vie de; par Segur.C 6676 Bernard, Saint. Life; by Morison.C 1056 Life and Times; by Ratisbonne.C 3235 Bernard, J. Retrospections of America, 1797— 1811 .C 2900 Berry, M. Journal and Correspondence. 3 v C 621 Beseler, J. Erlebtes und Erstrebtes.I >4037 Beuc.NOT, Count. Life; ed. by Yonge. 2 v.C 1209 Beust, F. F. Count. Aus drei Viertel-Jahr hunderten.D 5977 102 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Beust, F. F. Count. Leben von. Ebeling.D 255 Memoirs; by himself.- 2 v.C 3180 Bewick, T. Autobiography.C 610 Bewick, W. Life and Letters; by Landseer. 2 V... ..C 614 Beyle, H. {Stendhal). Correspondance ine- dite.C 4252 Study; by Paton.C 3 2 3^ Beynen, L. R. K. Story of; by Boissevain . C 3175 Bianconi, C. Biography; by O’Connell . . .C 3217 Biddle, C. Autobiography.C 1752 BlENVENU ( Touchatout ). Memoires d'un Prefet de Police.C 12108 Bigelow, H. Memorial; by Young. . 4. . .*C 139 BiNNEY, H., Notice of; by Quincy.*C 1696,1 BlNNEY, H., jr. Memoir; by Stille.*C 1754 Birckbeck, G. Life, by Godard.C 2678 Birnbaum, J. M. F. I^ebensbild; von Gareis D 5969 BiRNEY, J. G. Life; by W. Bimey.*C 1697,1 Bismarck, K. O. Prince; by Klaczko.C 1436 Biographie. Brachvogel.D 4016 Biographical Sketch; by Gorlach.C 3237 Buch vom Fiirsten B. Hesekiel.D 280 Ein I.ebensbild; Schmidt.D 4032 Historical Biography; by Lowe. 2V....C 3177 Leben von. Koppe.D 4017 Leben und Wirken von; Hahn. 4 v.. . D 4034 Leven van.H 9071 Letters, 1844-70; transl. by Maxse.C 3238 Life; by Hesekiel . C 1058 Life; by Kriens.C 3588 Our Chancellor; by Busch.C 3239 Sa Vie, et son Oeuvre; par Dronsart .. . C 4779 und nicht seine Leute; 1 von Frank.D 4013 Unser Bismarck.D 5976 LJnser Reichskanzler; Busch. 2 v.D 4007 Black, J. S. Reminiscences of; by Clayton C 2239 Blackburne, F. Life; by Blackburne . . . .C 2485 Blackshear, D. Memoir-of; by Miller-C 2347 Blackstone, W. Boston’s First Inhabitant *B 1007 Blaeu, W. J. Leben von. Baudet.D 9048 Blaine, J. G. Life and Public Services; by Conwell .C 2200 Sketch of his Life; by Balestier .C 2191 Twenty Years of Congress. 2v.B 818 Blair, F. P. Life; by McCabe. C 497 Blake, R. Admiral. Life; by Hannay. C 2756 Blake, \V. Life; by Swinburne. C 619 Blanche of Castille. Histoire de; par Doi- nel.*V 1062 Blatchford, J. Sermon on; by Post.. . .*M 627 Blavatsky, H. P. Incidents in Life of; ed. by Sinnett.C 3394 Blazet, G!, et son CEuvre; par Pigot.C 13001 Blennerhassett, H. Life; by Safford-C 167- Papers; edited by Safford.E 848^ Blessington, Countess of. Memoirs; by Madden. 2 v.C 612. Bliss, P. P. Memoirs; by Whittle.C 1721 Blitz, Signor. Fifty Years in the Magic Circle.E 850 Blondin. Life; by Banks.C 3174 Bloomfield, B. Lord. Memoir; by Bloom¬ field. 2 v.C 2702 Bloomfield, Baroness .- Reminiscences. 2 v. C 2578 The same.G 885 Bluecher, G. L., und seine Zeit. Scherr. 3 v.D 256 Blundell, W. Cavalier’s Note Book.C 2456 Boardman, G. D. Memoir of; by King.. .C 1724 Boardman, W. E. Life and Labours ; by Boardman.C 2102 Boccaccio, G. Leben und Werke; von Landau.D 5970 Bodenstedt, F. Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben ..D 5981 Bodley, Sir T. Reliquiae Bodleiante; Re¬ mains of.C 3758 Boehler, P. Life; by Lockwood.C 1061 Boehme, J. Life; by Martensen.L 2601 Bohmer, J. F. Leben, Briefe u. s. w.; von Janssen. 3 v.D 5967 Borne, L. Briefe an Henriette Herz. D 4064 Boernstein, H. 75 Jahre in der alten und neuen Welt. 2v.; ..D4010 Bogy, L. V. Memorial Addresses on Life of C 2329 Boisseree, Sulpiz. Leben von. 2 v.D 4028 BoiSSY, T. G. Countess Guiccioli. Recollec¬ tions of; by Smith.C 3242 Boleyn, A. Life; by Benger.C 632 Life; by Friedmann. 2 v.C 2759 Tryumphaunt Coronacyon of.*P 624,20 Bolingbroke, Viscount. See St. John, H. Bolivar, S. Memoirs of; by Holstein.C 202 Bollman, J. E., ein Lebensbild. Kapp... .D 4018 Bonaparte, J. N. Biographical Sketch...C 3720 Bonaparte, Jos. History of; by Abbot.H 74 Bonaparte, L., et ses Memoires; par lung. 3 v.C 5306 Bonaparte, Mme. Life and Letters; by Didier.C 1725 Bonapartes, The. Biographies of.C 3720 Origine dcs; par Michelet.C 5889 See also Napoleon. Boner, C. Memoirs and Letters. 2 v....C 1060 Bonheur, R. Memoir; by Bois-Gallais ... .C 3240 Boone, D. Adventures of; by Hawks.C 1722 and Hunters of Kentucky; by Bogart.. .C 20F INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 103 Boone, D. Life; by Abbott.C 200 Life; by Flint.C 199 Life; by Hartley.C 198 Life; by Hill.H 461 Life; by Peck.C 75,23 Boone, W. J. Bishop. Sermon on; by Stevens.*C 1696,1 Boos, M. Leven van.D 9083 Booth, J. B., the Tragedian; by Gould ... .C 196 J. B. and E. Life; by Clarke.C 1726 Borgia, C. Vie de; par Thomasi.C 6925 Borgia, Lucretia. Life; by Gilbert. 2 v...C 1127 Borromeo, Saint. See Charles Borromeo, St. Bossuet, J. B., and his Contemporaries.C 3241 Boswell, J. and S. Johnson; by Waller.. . .C 1616 Letters to Temple.C 2480 Boswelliana; with Memoir by Rogers. ..C 2478 Bothwell, Earl of. Life; by Schiern.. . .C 2662 Bouquet, H., and his Campaigns; by Cort. .C 2112 Bouquet Celebration, 1883.C 2112 Bourke, R. S. Earl Mayo. Life; by Hunter. 2 v. * .C 2577 Bowditch, N. Eulogy on; by Pickering.*C 1696,5 Eulogy on; by White.*C 1696,2 Memoir of.C 1727 Bowdoin, J. Eulogy on; by Jenks.*V 523 The same.*V 691,1 Bowles, S. Life and Times; by Merriam. 2 v.C 1934 Bowne, E. S. A Girl’s Life Eighty Years ago C 294 Bowring, Sir J. Autobiog. Recollections. .C 2494 Bowyer, W. Anecdotes of; by Nichols .. .*V 803 Boyle, R. Life; by Birch.C 2989 Boyle, R. Earl of Cork. The Lismore Papers. 10 v.*C 3095 Bracciolini, P. Life; by Shepherd.C 3243 Bradford, A. W. In Memoriam.C 191 Bradford, W. 200th Birthday; by Wallace C 1728 Bradlaugh, C. Biography; by Headingley C 2471 Bradlee, S. Sermon in Memory of.*C 1699 Bradshaw, H. Memoir; by Prothero.C 3386 Brahms, J. Biographical Sketch; byDeiters C 3435 Brainard, D. Life; by Edwards.C 645 Life; by Peabody.C 75,8 Brainerd, J. Life; by Brainerd.C 2194 Bramhall, J. Rawdon Papers; Letters to and from.*C 3502 Brandenburg, Ch., Leben von. Peetz . D 260 Brassey, T. Life; by Helps.C 624 Braumueller, W. von, und Cotta; Beyer .D 4063 Breck, S. Recollections; ed. by Scudder. .C 1745 Bremer, F. Lebensschilderung.D 4019 Life and Letters.C 1062 Twelve Months with; by Howitt. 2V..C 1063 Brenton, Sir J. Memoirs; by Raikes.C 246L Brewster, Sir D. Home Life; by Gordon.C 635 Brewster, W. Life and Times;-by Steele. .C 195, Bridget, Saint. Life of.c 1280 Bridgman, Laura D. Life; by Lamson....C 1729, Remarkable History of.*C 1875 Briggs, G. N. Memoir; by Richards.C 1732. Brigham, C. H. Memoir and Papers of.. .C 1742 Bright, J. Life; by Robertson.C 2689- Life and Speeches; by Smith.C 2467 Britton, J. Autobiography. 2 v.C 637' Brockhaus, F. A.; von Brockhaus. 3 v.. .D 4021 Bront£, C.; by Bayne.C 1404. Life; by Birrell.C 3722. Life; by Gaskell.Q 227 a Monograph; by Reid.C 2857 Note on; by Swinburne.J 1583. Bront£, E. Life; by Robinson.C 2595. Brooks, C. T. Communications on Death .*C 1697,2: Brooks, E. G. Life; by E. S. Brooks.C 1743. Brougham, H. Lord. Autobiography. 3 v. C 618 Life; by Campbell.C 824. Brougham, J. Life, Stories and Poems.. . .E 6930 Brown, Cath. Memoir; by Anderson.C 3248 Brown, C. B. Life; by Dunlap. 2 v.C 206 Life; by Prescott.C 75,1 Brown, E. Memorial of; by Cort.C 2112. Brown, Capt. J. Invasion of Harper’s Ferry; by Drew.B 567 Life; by von Holst.C 1766- Life and Letters; by Sanborn.C 1718 Life, Trial and Execution of.C 1933. Memoirs of; by Sanborn.C 192. Public Life; by Redpath.C 197 Brown, O. M. Biography; by Ingram ....C 2459. Brown, T. Memoirs.C 194 Browne, C. F. (Artemus Ward). Life; by Hingston. 2v.*C 205 Browning, E. B. Life; by Bayne.C 1404 Life; by Ingram.C 1005 Browning, O. A. Address on; by Arnold *B 1339 Browning, O. II. In Memoriam.*V 521 Brownlow, Countess E. L. Reminiscences. C 638 Bruce, J. Life; by Head.I 3584 The same.I 3738 Brummell, G. Life; by Jesse. 2 v.C 613 B RUN EL, I. K. Life; by Brunei. C 623 Bruno, G. Leben von. Falkson.I) 257 Life of; by Frith.C 3308 Brute, S. W. G. Bishop. Life; by Bailey.C 3246 Bryant, W. C. Biography; by Goodwin. 2 v. C 1748 among his Countrymen; by Osgood.C 1734 and Friends; by Wilson.C 1948 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. a 04 ♦ Bryant, W. C. Life; by Hill.C 1733 a Sketch; by Symington..C 1735 VBrydges, Sir E. Autobiography. 2 v....C 2576 Buchanan, C. Life; by Pearson. 2 v.C 2466 Buchanan, J. Life; by Curtis. 2v.C 1751 Life; by Horton.C 207 Life; by Stoddard.C 2334 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,15 Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, G. Buckingham, J. T. Personal Memoirs. 2 v.C 209 Buckingham, W. A., Dedication of Statue of.*C 1697,3 Buckland, F. Life; by Bompas.C 2705 Buckle, H. T. Life; by Huth.C 2475 Buckminster, J. and J. S. Memoirs; by Lee.C 1723 Bucknall, H. L. Search for Fortune.C 2587 Buddha. Leben von; Oldenberg.D 3619 Budgett, S. Life; by Arthur.C 204 BUGEAUD, T. R. Marshal. Memoir ; by d’ldeville. 2 v.C 3171 BULL, G. Bishop. Life; by Burton.*P 32 Bull, Ole. Memoir; by Bull..C 3222 Bulu, J. Autobiography.C 1222 Bunsen, C. C. Leben von. Bunsen. 3 v...D 4020 Memoirs; by Bunsen. 2 v.C 3221 Bunsen, F. Baroness. Life and Letters; by Hare.C 2477 Bunting, J. Life; by Bunting.C 615 Bunting, W. M. Memorials; by Ro\ve...C 616 BUNYAN, J. Life; by Froude.C 2476 Life and Times; by Brown.C 2733 Life and Times; by Philip.C 2619 Buonarotti, M. A. See Michael Angelo. Burg, M. Mein Dienstleben.D 4023 Burges, Sir J. B. Letters; ed. by Hutton ..C 2713 Burges, T. Memoir, with Speeches; by Bowen.C 166 Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, W. Burgoyne, Gen. J. Episodes from the Life of; by Fonblanque.C 2460 Burgoyne, Sir J. Life and Correspondence; by Wrottesley. 2 v.C 2492 BurK/J. D. Memoir of; by Campbell.C 1756 Burke, Sir B. Reminiscenses.C 2454 Burke, E. Correspondence, 1744-1797. 4 v.C 3839 Life; by Burke.C 631 Life; by Morley.C 1492 Life; by Prior.C 625 The same.I 3096 Life and Times; by Robertson.C 2574 Burke, T. N. Life; by Fitz-Patrick. 2 v ,.C 2760 Burke, W., Author of Junius; by Symons. . .C 2464 Burlamacchi, F. Vita di. Guerrazzi.C 9232 Burn, J. Autobiography of the Beggar-Boy C 2740 Burnett, P. H. Recollections of.C 1737 Burney, Frances. See D’Arblay. Burns, R. Career and Genius of; by Nichol C 2567 Genius and Character of; by Wilson. ... C 628 Iooth Birthday of; by Ballantine.C 2675 Land of; by Wilson and Chambers. 2 v*V 198 Life; by Blackie. C 3723 Life; by Cunningham.C 2754 Life; by Lockhart.I 3515 Life; by Shairp.C 1501 A Winter with, in 1786-7.C 2987 Burnside, A. E. Life; by Poore.C 1746 Memorial Addresses on.C 2088 Burr, A., Charges against; by Van Ness . . .C 1741 Life; by Knapp.C 2192 Life; by Todd.C 1744 The same.*C 1696,8 Life and Times; by Parton. 2v.C 212 Memoirs; by Davis. 2 v.C 208 Burritt, E.; by Kirton.C 3102 Memoirs; % by Northend.C 1738 Burroughs, S., Life of.C 211 Burton, R. F. Life, Travels, and Explora¬ tions; by Hitchman. 2 v.C 3395 Burton, W. E. .Sketch of; by Keese.C 1736 Bury, Lady. Diary of Times of George IV.C 2626 Busbecq, O. G. de. Life and Letters; by Fors¬ ter and Daniell. 2v.C 3220 BUSHNELL, H. Life and Letters; by Cheney.C 1739 Butler, B. F. Life; by Bland.C 1740 Butler, B. F., and J. Hoyt; by Mackenzie.C 210 Butler, J. Bishop ; by Collins.I. 2123 Buxton, Sir T. F. Leben von. Treskow.D 258 Memoirs and Correspondence.C 636 Study for Young Men; by Binney.C 634 Byrne, M. Memoirs, 1798-1815.A Byron, Lady. Mrs. Stowe’s Story; by Outis*A vindicated; by Stowe.C Vindication of.C Byron, Lord , and Shelley, Last Days of; by Trelawny.C Conversations at Pisa.C Conversations on Religion with; by Ken¬ nedy.C 2457 Conversations with the Countess of Bless- ington.C 642 298 294 644 643 930 2491 Illustrations of Life and Works of; by Fin- den. 3 v.*P 627 Letters on; by Brydges.C 2758 Life; by Castelar.C 2493 Life; by Elze.C 641 Life; by Galt.I 3656 Life; by Moore.C 640 Life; by Nichol.C 1499 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. io 5 Byron, Lord, The real Lord Byron; by Jeaf- freson.C 2596 The same. 3 v.G 1099 Recollections of; by Dallas.C 2458 Recollections of; by Guiccioli.C 2490 Records of; by Trelawny.C 3006 Cabot, G. Life and Letters; by Lodge... .C 1758 Cabot, S. Life; by Hayward.C 75,9 Life; by Nichols.C 2495 Memoir; by Biddle.C 2497 and J.; by Stevens.C 2549 Caesar, C. J. History of; by Abbott.H 21 Histoire de; par Napoleon III. 2 v.C 6002 The same. 2v.*V 1150 History of; by Napoleon III. 2 v.C 1233 Life; by Williams.C 1065 Napoleon III.’s Life of; by Smith.*C 1699 A Sketch; by Froude.C 3250 Cagliostro, Count. Life of. ..C 3311 Calamy, E. My own Times, 1671-1731. 2 vC 2516 Caldecott, R. Life; by Blackburn.C 2990 Calderon de la Barca; by Hasell . J 2241 Life and Genius; by Trench . C 3278 und seine Werke; von Gunthner . D 5988 Caldwell, C. Autobiography . C 216 Calhoun, J. C. Addresses on; by Butler.*C 1696,4 Carolina Tribute to.C 1794 Discourse on; by Miles.*C 1696,4 Life of.C 217 Life; by Holst.C 1787 Calvert, Sir George; by Wilhelm.*B 1643 Life; by Kennedy.C 1766 Life and Character; by Kennedy.*B 1643 Calvert, L. Life; by Burnap.C 75,19 Calvin, J. Early Years; by M’Crie.C 3243 Leben; von Henry. 3 v.D 6005 Letters. 2v.C 1075 Life; by Dyer.C 3319 Life and Writings; by Audin.C 3252 Cameron, Jane. Memoir of. 2v.C 681 Camoens, L. de. Life; by Burton. 5 v...C 3274 Camp, H. W., the Knightly Soldier; by Trum¬ bull. C 1795 Campanella, G. M. My Life.C 1078 Campbell, C. Lord Clyde; by Phillips . C 3107 Life; by Shadwell. 2v . C 2547 Campbell, T. Life and Letters; by Beattie. 3v .C 2508 Reminiscences of; by Redding. 2 v .. . .C 646 Campbell, Elder T. Memoir; by Campbell C 1755 Candlish, R. S. Memorialsof; by Wilson..C 2579 Canning, G., and his Time; by .Stapleton. .C 651 Life; by Hill.C 2901 Memoir; by Therry.C 2716 Canning, G. Official Correspondence; ed. by Stapleton. 2v.C 3195. Canova, A. Memoirs; by Memes.C 1229* et ses Ouvrages. Qua^remere de Quincy C 6299. Cantilupe, Saint T. Life; by Strange... C 2552; Capponi, G. Zeit-und Lebensbild. Reumont.D 4038- Caracciolo, H. Memoirs.C 3263. Cardan, J. Life; by Morley. 2 v.C 1227 Cai^w, B. M. Life and Adventures of .. C 2718' The same; new ed.C 2496' Carey, H. C. Memoir; by Elder ........ C 1777 Carey, W.; by Culross.C 254S Life; by Smith.C 2872 Carlos, Don. (Charles V. of Spain). Career of; by Los Valles.C 3190 Carlos, Don. Leben und Tod des; von Warn- konig.D 5989 Carlyle, A. Autobiography.C 650 Carlyle, J. W. Letters and Memorials; ed. by Froude. 2v.C 2585 Carlyle, T., and his Writings: by Masson.. C 269S by Nicoll.C 2583 Correspondence with R. W. Emerson. 3 vC 2585 Correspondence with Goethe; ed. by Nor¬ ton.C 3375 Essay on; by Hamley.C 2582 Forty Years of; by Froude. 2v.C 2556 Life; by Conway.C 2555 Life; by Garnett.C 3724 Life in London; by Froude.C 2697 The Man and his Books; by Wylie.C 2580 Memoirs of; by Shepherd. 2 v.C 2581 Philosophic Thinker; by Hood.C 2584 Reminiscences; edited by Froude.C 2519 Reminiscences; edited by Norton.C 2904 Secret of his Life; by Larkin.C 2943 Story of; by Arnold.C 3536 Carlyon, C. Early Years and Late Reflec¬ tions. 3 v.C 2686 Carnot, L. Organisateur de la Victoire;par Picaud.C 6297 Caroline, Queen. Memoirs; by Adolphus. 2 vC 2514 Memoirs; by Iluish. 2 v.C 2550 Caroline Matilda of Denmark. Life; by Wraxall. 3 v .. .*.C 3253 Historical Memoir; by Smyth. 2 v.... C 3280 Carpenter, M. Life; by Carpenter.C 2554 Carpenter, M. A. Life; by Flower.C 1799 Carpenter, P. P. Life and Work; ed. by Carpenter.C 339 1 Carre, W. R. Border Memories.C 2719- Carroll,C. Journal; with Memoir by Mayer*B 1643 Carroll, J. Archbishop. Life and Times; by Shea ..(J 339 6 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 10 6 Carroll, J. Archbishop. Biographical Sketch; by Carroll.C 1778 Carson, Kit. Life; by Abbott. 9 . .C 219 Life; by Burdett.C 220 Carstares, "NY. Character of; by Story... .C 2498 Carter, G. Life and Recollections of .... C 2717 Carteret, J. Earl Granville. Biography; by Ballantyne.C 3191 Cartwright, P. Autobiography.C $21 Carvajal, L. de. Life; by Fullerton.G 1056 Cary, A. and P. Memorial; by Ames.C 222 Cary, H. F. Memoir of; by Cary.C 2683 Casalis, E. Mes Souvenirs.C 4595 Casanova de Seingalt, J. Histoire de ma Fuite.C 4578 Casas, B. de las. Life; by Helps.C 1124 Cass, L. Life and Sendees; by Young ... .C 1782 Life and Times; by Smith.C 2186 Cassidy, \V., Memorial of.C 1780 Cassiodorus, M. A. Letters; tr. by Hodg¬ kin..C 3309 Castlereagh, Lord. See Stewart, R. Castro, G. de. Life; by Holland. 2 v... .C 3615 Catherine II. of Russia. Autobiography.. C 1064 Geheime Lebensgeschichte.D 6042 Life and Reign; by Mottley. 2 v .C 3339 Catherine of Aragon; by Du Boys. 2 v.. C 2563 Catherine of Genoa, Saint. Life of.C 3251 Catherine of Siena, Saint; by Drane.C 3255 Catnach, J. Life and Times; by Hindley. C 2518 Caulaincourt, A. A. L. (Duke of Vicenza)., Recollections of.C 3184 Cavendish, T. Life and Voyages of.I 3673 Cavour, C. di. Biographische Erinnerungen; von Massari.D 4041 Life; byMazade.C 1119 Life and Character; by Rive.C 1068 Memoir; by Dicey.C 1067 Caxton, \V. Account of; by Marshall.*V 810 Biography; by Blades.C 2561 Who was Caxton?.C 2896 Caylus, Mme de. Souvenirs et Correspon- dance.C 12134 Cecil, Sir R. Secret Correspondence with James VI. of Scotland.*P623,i9 Cecil, W. Lord Burghley. Memoirs; by Nares. 3 v.*V 185 Cellini, B. Life; tr. by Symonds. 2 v..C 3328 Memoirs.I 3 °°^ Vita.C 9161 Cervantes, M. de. Life; by Roscoe.I 3614 Cesarini, J. Cardinal. Life; by Jenkins .C 3515 Chalkley, T. Journal.C 656 Chalmers, T. Levensschets van.D 9132 Chalmers, T. Life; by Dodds.C 659 Life; by Fraser.C 2558 Life and Writings of; by Hanna. 4 v. .C 658 Selection from Correspondence.E 933 Chambers, R. Life; by Chambers.C 654 Chambord, H. de B. Comte de; par Nou- ’ vion.c 6070 Henri de France; par Pene.*V 1142 Chamfleury, J. Souvenirs de Jeunesse.. C 12127 Chamisso, A. v. Leben und Briefe; von Hit- zig.D 5990 Und seine Zeit; Fulda.D 4039 Champlain, S. de. Brief Sketch of; by Hurl- but.*C 1696,7 Chandler, Z. Life and Services of.C 1816' Memorial Addresses on.C 2089 Channing, W. E. Centenary; ed. by Bellows C 1759 Centennial of; by Brooks.C 1776 Centennial Celebration at Brooklyn.C 1760 Correspondence with Lucy Aikin.C 647 Discourse on; by Bellows.*C 1696,2 Memoir; by W. H. Channing. 3 V.C 1761 Channing, W. H. Life; by Frothingham. C 2077 Chantal, J. F. de. Life; by Bowles.C 3266 Chantrey, Sir F. Memoirs; by Holland.. C 2597 Recollections of; by Jones.C 2618 Chapin. E. H. Life; by Ellis.C 1927 Chapman, F. W., Sermon on; by Fisher..*C 1696,1 Charlemagne; by Cutts.C 3277 History' of; by James.I 3700 History’of; by Mombert.C 3188 Life; by Eginhard.C 3834 Sa Vie; par Roy.C 6527 Charlemont, J. C. Earl. Political and Pri¬ vate Life; by Hardy. 2 v.C 1000 Charles I. Historical Sketches of; by Fel¬ lows .*V 409 History of; by Abbott.H 22 Last Two years of; by Herbert.C 2908 Life of, 1600 to 1625; by Chancellor... C 2869 Life and Reign; by Disraeli. 2 v.C 657 Life and Writings; by Harris.C 652,2 Memoirs of Reign of; by Warwick.C 3193 Charles II. Coronation of; by Walker_A 3196 History of; by Abbott.H 23 Life; by Harris.C 652,4,5 Charles V. Emperor. Autobiography.C 1069 Charles-Quint; par Mignet.C 5892 Cloister Life; by Stirling.C 1077 History of; by Prescott. 3V.A 1802 History^ of; by Roberston.I 3774 Leben von. Knaacke.D 271 Charles XII. Histoire de; par Voltaire_C 6996 The same.C 6997 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Charles XII. History of; by Voltaire-C 1070 Life; by OscarII.C 3264 Military History of; by Alderfeld. 3 V .C 3575 Life; by Harris.C 652,4-5 Charles August; von Treumund ..D 259 ■Charles Borromeo, St. Life; by Thomp¬ son.C 1256 Charlotte Augusta. Memoirs; by Huish. 2 ..C 2507 Memoir of; by Weigall.C 2499 Charles Edward Stuart (the Pretender ). Memoirs; by Klose. 2 v.C 2553 Chase, P. Bishop. Autobiography. 2V..C 215 Chase, S. P. Eulogy on; by Evarts.*C 1696,3 Life; by Schuckers.C 224 Life and Services; by Warden.C 1769 Chasles, P. Memoires.C 12180 Chateaubriand, F. R. de. Autobiography. C 3254 Memoires d’Outre-Tombe. 6v.*V 1126 Chatham. Earl of. See Pitt, W. Chatterton, Lady G. Memoirs; by Dering C 1027 Chatterton, T. Biography; by Wilson.. .C 653 Life; by Davis.C 2559 Life; by Dix.C 2674 Life; by Gregory.C 2500 Story of 1770; by Masson.C 2505 Chaucer, G. Life; by Godwin. 4 v.C 2515 Life; by Ward.C 2509 Chaumonot, P. J. M., Vie de. 2 v.C 4335 Cheke, Sir J. Life; by Strype.C 3547 Cherbury, Lord. Autobiography.C 746 The same; abridged by Howells.. .C 1666 Cherubini, L. Biographie von.D 6009 Life; by Bellasis.C 1230 Chesbrough, E. S. Biographical Sketch.*B 1368,1 Chesney, F. R. Life; bv his Wife and Daugh¬ ter. C 991 Chesterfield, Lord. Life; by Hayward 1 4000,17 Letters; edited by Mahon. 5 v.C 947 Cheverus, Cardinal. Life; by Dubourg ..C 1248 Chevreuse, Mme. de; par Cousin.C 4372 Cheyne, J. Strictures on Autobiography of; by Henry.*E 1171 Child, L. M. Letters; with Biog. by Whittier C 1793 Chipman, N. Life; by Chipman.C 1785 Chittenden, T. Memoir; by Chipman... C 1783 Choate, R. Life; by Brown.C 225 Memoirs of; by Nelson.C 1798 Reminiscences; by Parker.C 226 Chodowiecki, D. Leben; von Meyer.... D 5991 CHOPIN, F. Leben und Werke; von Kara- sowski. D 6004 Life; by Liszt.C 3257 SaVie; par Audley.C 4089 107 Chorley, H. F. Autobiography. 2 v.... C 2510 Reminiscences.C 660 Christina Queen of Sweden. Memoirs; by Woodhead. 2v.C 3267 Chrysostom, Saint John. Life; by Mac- gilvray.C 1253 Life and Times; by Stephens.C 3304 Churchill, C.; by Forster.I 4000,16 Churchill, R. Lord. Life; by Crozier... .C 2952 Cibber, C. Life; by himself.C 2522 Cibber, S. M. Account of Life of.C 2997 Cicero, M. T., et ses Amis; par Boissier... .C 12092 Life; by Forsyth.C 1232 Life; by Holiings.I 3615 Life; by Middleton.C 1234 Life; by Trollope. 2 v.C 3249 Life and Letters; by Jeans.C 3244 Clapp, T. Autobiographical Sketches.C 1817 Clare, J. Life; by Martin.C 662 Clarendon, Earl of. Autobiography. 2 v.*P 70 Friends and Contemporaries of; by Lewis. 3 v .C 3512 Inquiries respecting; by Ellis.C 761 Life; by Lister. 3 V.C 741 Clarke, D. Life; by Otter.*V 218 Clarke, J. F. Celebration of 70th Birthday of C 1784 Claude, Chef de la Police. Memoires. 10 v. C 4326 Claude Lorraine. Biography; by Sweetser.C 1683 Life; by Dullea.C 3185 Claudin, G. Mes Souvenirs.C 12153 Claver, P. Life and Labors.C 1241 Clay, C. M. Life; with Writings and Speeches.C 2074 Clay, H. Last Years; by Colton.C 231 Life; by Colton. 2 v.C 230 Life; by Prentice.C 228 Life; by Sargent.*C 1696,1 Life; by Schurz. 2 v.C 2183 Life and Speeches; by Mallory. 2 v. ..C 1932 Monument to the Memory of.C 1773 Obituary Addresses on.C 227 Private Correspondence; ed. by Colton.C 2035 Clay, J. Prison Chaplain. Memoir of; by Clay.L 4136 The same.C 664 Clayton, C. (Viscountess Sundon). Me¬ moirs of; by Thomson. 2v.C 2694 Clement XIV. Pope; ein Lebensbild_D 6008 Interesting Letters of. 3 v. in 4.C 3187 Seine Briefe und seine Zeit.D 265 Clemmer, M. Memorial of; by Hudson... C 1974 Cleopatra, History of; by Abbott.H 24 Leben von. Stahr.D 4202 Clercq, W. de. Leven van. De Costa.. ..D 9271 jo8 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Clery, J. P. L. H. Memoires.C 4391 Cleveland, G. Life; by Dorsheimer.C 1862 Life; by Stoddard.C 2335 Clinton, De W. Biography; by Renwick. .1 3736 Discourse on; by Conkling.*L 165 Memoir ; by Hosack.*V 59 Clive, R. Lord. Life; by Carraccioli. 4 v.C 648 Life; by Malcolm. 3 V.C 680 Clough, A. H. Monograph; by Waddington C 712 Clyde, Lord. See Campbell, C. Cobbett, W. Biography; by Smith. 2 v. .C 2511 Biography; by Watson.C 982 Life and Writings; by Walters.C 2752 Cobden, R.; by Gowing.C 3104 Life; by McGilchrist.C 663 Life; by Morley.C 2557 Cochin, A. Life; by Falloux.C 3259 Vie de; par Falloux.C 4861 Cochrane, C. B. Memorial of.C 1781 Cochrane, T. Life; by Cochrane. 2 v..C 661 Cockburn, H. Lord. Journal. 2v.A 1131 Memorial of his Times.« .A 1130 Codrington, Sir E. Memoir; by Bourchier. 2 v.C 2504 Cceur, J., and his Times; by Costello.C 3275 Coffin, L. Reminiscences.C 1770 Coghlan, Mrs. M. Memoirs.C 2503 Coke, Sir E. Life; by Johnson. 3 v.C 2501 Coke, T. Life; by Moister.C 667 Colbert, J. L. Journal inedit, 1709-1711.C 12158 Vie de; par Gasquet.C 5169 Vie de; par Gourdault.C 5136 Colburn, Z. Memoir of.C 1771 Cole, Sir H. Fifty Years of Public Work. .C 2699 Colebrooke, H. T. Life; by Colebrooke.C 679 Colenso, J. W. Bishop. Life; by Cox. 2 v. C 3751 Coleridge, S. T., and the English Romantic School; by Brandi.C 3347 Letters; ed. by Allsop.C 2588 Life; by Caine.C 3725 Life; by Gilman.C 678 Life; by Traill.C 1518 Reminiscences; by Cottle.C 1397 Coleridge, Sara. Memoir and Letters. 2 v.C 2517 Coles, E., and the Slavery Struggle in Illinois; by Washburne.C 1790 Colfax, S. Life; by Moore.C 1797 Coligny, G. de. Early Life; by Bersier.. .C 3318 Life; by Besant.C 3265 Memoirs; by Scott.C 3320 Vie de; par Buet.C 12115 Collenuccio, P. Memoirs; by Tartt.C 3186 Collier, J. P. Notes on Life; by Wheatley C 2985 Collingwood, C. Lord. Cor. and Memoirs.C 2520 Collins, M. Letters and Friendships of... .C 2506* Collins, W. Memoirs; by Collins.C 2907 Colman, G. the Younger. Random Records C 2592 Colquhoun, J. C. Scattered Leaves of Biog¬ raphy ....C 2867- Colt, S., Home, Arm and Armory of.*P 342. Columbus, C., and Discovery of the New World; by Belloy.*V 678 and the Bank of St. George; by Harrisse *P 830 Annee veritable de la Naissance de; par d’Avezac.C 4052; et la Decouverte du Nouveau Monde; par Belloy.*V 712. Histoire de; par Bossi.C 4263. History of; by Goodrich.C 1071 Letters. *1 2382 Select Letters. *1 2351 Life; by Abbott.C 1080 Life; by Alden.C 3269. Life; by Helps.C 3262 Life; by Irving. 3 v.J 134 The same; abridged.I 3579 The same.C 3272 Life; by Knight..*.C 3258 Life; by Roselly de Lorgues.C 3261 Life and Times; by Lamartine.*P 624,41 Livre de; par d’Avezac.C 4052 Memorials of; by Dodge.*B 1643 Memorials of; by Spotomo.C 3189 or, Discovery of America; by Cubitt.. . .C 3268 Los Restos de Colon.C 9608 Vie de; par Harrisse. 2 v.*V 1147 Vie de; par Lamartine.C 5639,35 Vie; par Roselly de Lorgues. 2 v.C 6511 Colver, N., Memoir of; by Smith.C 1765 Combe, G. Life; by Gibbon. 2 v.C 2512 Combes, W. A. In Memoriam.*C 1699 Comenius, J. A. Life; by Laurie.C 3310 Compton, H. Memoir; by Compton.C 2741 Comte, A., Testament de.C 4591 Conant, A. H. Life; by Collyer.C 236 Cond£, Prince of, Jeunesse de; par Gour¬ dault .*V 1056 by Fitz-Patrick. 2 v.C 1066 Cond£, Princes of, by d’Aumale. 2 V....C 1210 Histoire des; par d’Aumale. 2 v.C 61 n Condorcet, J. A. N. C. Biographie et Cor- respondance.C 12207,1 Cone, S. H. Life of.C 1992 Congar, Capt. O. Autobiography.C 235 Congdon, C. T. Reminiscences.C 1325 Congreve, W. Life; by Gosse.C 3726 Conolly, J. Memoir; by Clark.C 666 ConR art, V., et son Temps; par Bourgoin.C 12090 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Constable, A., and his Literary Correspond¬ ence. 3 v.C 2502 Constable, J. Life; by Arnold... . .C 2620 Constantine, the Great; by Cutts.C 3270 Conti, Princesse de\ par Barthelemy.C 4085 Cooke, B., Rifted Clouds; or, Life Story of. .C 2991 Cooke, G. F. Life; by Dunlop.C 2560 Cookman, A. Life; by Ridgaway.C 232 Cooper, A. A. ( 1st Earl of Shaftesbury). Life; by Christie. 2 v.C 669 Life; by Martyn and Kippis. 2 v.C 2524 Life; by Traill.C 3043 Cooper, A. A. {3rd Earl of Shaftesbury). Life; by Fowler.L 1924 Original Letters. C 811 Cooper, A. A. [yth Earl of Shaftesbury). Life; by Frith.C 3098 Life and Work; by Hodder. 3 v.C 3048 Cooper, J. F.; by Arnold.*C 1789 Life; by Lounsbury.C 1788 Copernicus, N. Viede; par Flammarion.. C 4962 Copley, J. S. Life; by Amory.C 1792 Life and Works; by Perkins.*C 1696,5 Copley, J. S. {Lord Lyndhurst). Life; by Martin.C 2750 Copway, G. {Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh). Life of. .C 1779 Corneille, P., and his Times; by Guizot. . .C 3260 and Racine; by Trollope.J 2245 Cornelius, E. Memoir; by Edwards.C 2193 Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Procter, B. W. Cornwallis, Lady J. Private Correspon¬ dence, 1613-44.C 2859 Correggio, A. A. da. Life; by Heaton.. .C 3273 Life and Works; by Meyer.*C 3279 Cortes, H. History of; by Abbott.H 68 Life; by Helps.C 1076 Life; by Trueba y Cosio.I 353 1 or, Discovery of Mexico; by Allen.C 3271 Cornell, E., Biography of.C 1928 Corvin, O. Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben. 4 v. in 2.D 6001 Life and Adventures. 3V.C 1079 Corwin, T., Sketch of; by Russell.C 1791 Coston, Mrs. M. J. A Signal Success; Auto¬ biography .C 2084 Cotton, J. Life; by M’Clure.C 1450,1 Memoir; by Norton.C 2234 Cotton, S. {Viscount Combermere). Memoirs and Correspondence; by Cotton and Knollys. 2v.C 3071 Cousin, V. Life; by Simon.C 3484 Cowper, W. Life; by Hayley. 4 V . C 2546 Life and Letters; by Southey. 1 3012,1-4 Life, Genius and Insanity of; by Cheever C 2949 109 Cowper, W. Private Correspondence. 2 v.C 2935 Cox, D. Biography; by Hall.C 2693 Coysevox, C. A. Vie; par Demenieux... .C 4422 Crabbe, G. Life; by Kebbel.C 3738 Cranach, L. Leben u. Werke; von Schu- chardt. 3 v in 2.D 6006 Cranmer, T. Life; by Le Bias. 2 v.C 2523 Life; by Todd. 2 v.C 649 Memoirs of; by Strype 2 v.*P 129 Craven, Mine. A.' Reminiscences.C 4387 Crawford, T., Eulogy on; by Hicks.*C 1818 Crequy, Marquise de. Souvenirs. 10 v. in 5 C 4399 Cresap, M. Life; by Jacob.C 229 Crevaux, J. Voyages et Decouvertes; par Franck.C 5169 Crichton, J. Life; by Tytler.C 2551 Crister. W., the Miner; by Everett.C 120 Crittenden, J. J. Life; by Coleman. 2 v.C 288 Crocker, A., Memorial Addresses on.*C 1476 Crocker, W. G. Memoir; by Medbery... .C 218 Crockett, D. Life; by Ellis.C 2028 Life and Adventures.C 1762 Life and Adventures; by Abbott.C 1763 Sketches and Eccentricities of.C 213 Croker, J. W. Corresp. and Diary. 2 v. . C 2676 Cromwell, O., and the Protectorate; by Wil¬ son .C 670 Biography; by Forster.C 57 Leben; von Hoenig. 2 v.I) 6010 Letters and Speeches; by Carlyle. 4 v..G 74 Life; by Andrews. C 671 Life; by Cornish.C 2600 Life; by Guizot.C 2513 Life; by Harris.C 652,3 Life; by Harrison.C 3565 Life; by Headley.C 994 Life; by Hood.C 2599 Life; by Kimber.C 777 Life; by Russell. 2v.C 668 The same. 2v.I 3530 The same. 2v.I 3702 The Man and his Mission; by Picton.. . .C 2598 Medallic History of; by Henfrey.*V 955 Vie de; par Lamartine.C 5639,35 Cromwell, T. Character and Times of; by Galton. C 3192 Crooks, II. L., Sermon on; by Gregory.. ,*C 1699 Cross, M. E. See Eliot, George. Croswell, W. Memoir; by Croswell.C 286, S. Life; by Ritchie.C 214 CROZIER, J. P., Memorial of.C 2337 Cruikshank, G., the Artist, Humourist, and Ma n; by Bates.*V 1401 Life; by Jerrold.C 2593, 1 IO INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Cullen, W. Life, Lectures and Writings; by Thomson. 2 v.C 3526 Cumberland, R. Life; by Mudford.C 2569 Cummins, G. D. Memoir; by his Wife.... C 1774 CURRvUt, J. P-, and his Contemporaries; by Phil¬ lips.C 2525 Life; by O’Regan.C 2521 Life; by Curran.C 655 Curtis, B. R., Memoir of, with Writings. 2 ..C 1768 Curtis, J. Memoirs; by Sedgwick.C 234 Cusack, M. F. C. (A T un of Kenmare). Auto¬ biography.c 3796 Cushing, C. Memorial from Newburyport.C 2197 Cushman, C. Letters and Life; by StebbinsC 1775 Life; by Clement.C 1786 Custer, G. A. Life; by Whittaker.C 1767 Cutler, M. Life, Journals, and Correspond¬ ence; by Cutler. 2v.C 2331 Cuvier, G. Memoirs; by Lee.C 1118 Cyprian, Saint. Life; by Poole.C 3276 Cyrus the Great. History of; by Abbott.. H 25 Czartoryski, A. C. Prince , Memoirs of; ed. by Gielgud. 2 v.C 3437 DaCosta, I. Brieven. v 1, 3-5.D 9162 Dahlgren, U. Memoirs; by Dahlgren... .C 237 Dalberg, C. T. v. Leben; von Kramer..D 6027 Dalboquerque, A. Commentaries of. 4 v. *1 2389 Dale, S. Life and Times; by Claiborne.. .C 1800 Daly, R. Bishop. Memoir of; by Madden. .C 2684 Dalzell, J. M. Private Dalzell; his Autobiog¬ raphy . C 3348 Dampier, W., Life and Voyages of.I 3673 Dante, Aligheri. Abhandlungen uber; Scar- tazzini. .D 4047 Early Life; by Garrow.C 3284 An Essay; by Church.J 2260 Life; by Bunbury.C 1247 Life and Works; by Ward.C 3313 Seine Zeit, sein Leben; Scartazzini.D 4046 Danton, G. J. Vie; par Aulard.C 5169 Danzel, T. W. Erinnerungen an; v.Jahn.. D 6007 D’Arblay, F. B. Diary and Letters. 7 v..C 2529 The same; edited by Woolsey. 2 v.C 2526 Darius the Great, History of; by Abbott. . .H 26 Darling, G. H. Memoir of.C 2668 Darwin, C. Life; by Allen.C 2749 Life; by Bettany,.C 3727 Life and Letters; ed by F. Darwin. 2 v.C 2992 Life and Work.E 3390,2 Notices of, from “Nature.”.C 2572 Darwin, E. Life; by Krause.C 2527 DaUDET, A. Recollections of a Literary ManC 3393 Thirty Years of Paris.E 2384 Davenport, I. E. and W. H. Biography; by Nichols.C 2669 Davenport, J. Life; by M’Clure.C 1450,2 David. F., und die Familie Mendelssohn; von Eckhardt.D 6140 Davidson, L. M. Life; by Sedgwick.C 75,7 Davidson, M. Biography and Poems; by Irving.C 2063 Davie, W. R. Life; by Hubbard.C 75,25 Davies, R., Account of.C 2528 Davis, A. J. Magic Staff; an Autobiography. C 238 Davis, G., Memorial Addresses on.C 245 Davis, H. W., Oration on; by Creswell.... C 2087 Davis, J. Life; by Alfriend.C 239 Military Life; by Pollard.B 480 Prison Life; by Craven.C 1796 Davis, W. J. In Memoriam; by Dawson. ,*V 496 Davison, W. Life; by Nicolas.C 2739 Davy, Sir H. Life; by Davy.J 47,1 Life; by Paris. 2 v.C 2537 Dawison, B. Biographie; von Wurzbach D 4184,11 Dawson, G. Biographical Lectures.C 2866 Dear, F., Hungarian Statesman; a Memoir.C 3281 Deane, R. Life; by Deane.C 2532 Dearborn, B., Will of, July, 1832.*C 1696,1 Decatur, S. Life; by Mackenzie.C 75,21 Life and Character; by Waldo.C 2388 Deffand, Mme. du. Lettres.C 4410 Memoires d’une Aveugle.C 4736 Les Confessions de la Marquise.C 4737 De Foe, D. Life; by Forster.14000,16 „ Life; by Lee.J 46,1 Life; by Minto.C 1491 Life and Times; by Chadwick.C 2530 DeKalb, J. Bar on. Leben von; Kapp... .D 4045 Life; by Kapp.C 3289 Life; by Smith.*C 1696,1 Delany, Mary. Autobiography. 6 v.C 2531 The same; ed. by Woolsey. 2 v...C 2533 Delany, M. R. Life and Public Services of; b y Rollin .C 3557 Delaroche, P. Life; by Rees.C 3948 De Liefde, J., Levensschets van. Kolb.. .D 9431 Demetrius the Imposter, Czar of Russia; by Merrimee.C 3791 De Morgan, A. Memoir; ed. by De Morgan.C 2681 Demosthenes. Leben und Wirken; von Haupt.D 6026 Denison, G. A. Notes of my Life, 1805-78 C 2570 Denman,T. Lord. Memoir; by Arnould. 2 v C 2534 D’Eon de Beaumont, Chevalier. Strange Career; by Telfer.C 3314 De Quincey, T. Autobiographic Sketches.E 1017 Life; by Japp. 2 v.C 242 De QuiNCEY, T. Life; by Masson Desbordes - Valmore, Mme. Memoirs; by Sainte-Beuve.C 1157 Descartes, R.; by Mahaffy.2121 Desmoulins, C., and his Wife; by Claretie.C 3283 Deubler, K. Leben; von Dodel-Port. ... D 6019 D’Ewes, Sir S. Autobiography. 2 v.C 674 Dewey, D. P. Memorial of.C i 8 o 9 Dewey, O. Autobiography and Letters... C 1805 Dexter, T. Life; by Knapp.C 241 Dibdin, T. Reminiscences. 2v.C 2667 Dibdin, T. F. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. 2 v.C 2894 Dick, R. Geologist and Botanist; by Smiles.C 2540 Dickens, C., as I knew him; by Dolby .... C 2700 Biography; by Stoddard.C 77,2 In and out with; by Fields.I 3929 Leben; von Forster. 3V.D 6020 Letters. 4 V.G 915 The same. 3 v. C 2541 Life; by M. Dickens.C 3105 Life; by Forster. 6 v in 3.G 205 The same. 3 v.C 673 Life; by Mackenzie.C 665 Life; by Marzials.C 3087 Life; by Ward.C 2565 Life and Writings; by Hanaford.C 2543 Philosophy; by Canning.E 2164 Diderot, D., and the Encyclopaedists; byMor- ley. 2 v.C 3290 Diesterweg, A. Leben und Schriften; von Langenberg.D 6022 Digby, K. Private Memoirs.C 2708 Diman, J. L. Memoirs; by Hazard.C 2078 Dippei., J. K.; von Bender.D 4051 Disraeli, B. See Beaconsfield. Dix, J. A. Memoirs; by Dix. 2v.C 1810 Dobell, S. Life and Letters of. 2 v.C 2707 Dodd, W., Story of; by Fitzgerald.C 677 Dodge, A. W. Memorial; by Dodge.C 1802 Dodington, G. B. Diary.C 2539 Dolet, E. Biography; by Christie.C 3282 Dominic, Saint. Life; by Alemany.C 1263 Donatello. Life; by Scott.C 3371 Donnell, S. Memoir of; by Rankin.C 1813 Dor£, G. Life; by Roosevelt.C 3293 Doria, A. Vita di. Guerrazzi.C 9231 Dorie, H. Martyr. Life; by Baudry... .C 3292 Dostie, A. P. Life; by Reed.C 1801 Douglas, S. A. Addresses on Death of..*C 244 Addresses at laying the Corner Stone of the Douglas Monument.*C 244 Eulogy on; by Forney.*C 244 Life; by Flint.C 1814 111 Douglas, S. A. Life; by Sheahan.C 246 Douglass, F. Bondage and Freedom.C 247 Life; by himself.C 1803 Life and Times; by himself.C 1804 Dow, L. Autobiography.C 243 Doyle, Sir F. H. Reminiscences and Opin¬ ions. C 2852 Doyle, J. Bishop. Life of.C 2536 Life and Times; by Fitzpatrick. 2 v.. C 2535 Doyle, R. Journal kept in 1840.*V 815 Drake, Sir F., Life and Voyages of.I 3673 Life, Voyages, and Exploits; by Barrow.C 3377 Sea-King of Devon; by Towle.C 1610,6 Draper, J. W. Memoir; by Barker.C 2093 Draper, L. C. Biographical Sketch; by Thwaites.C 2338 Droste-Hulshoff, A. E. v., Leben von.. D 6025 Drummond, W. Life; by Masson.C 2538 Drury, S. F. In Memoriam.*C 1697,4 Dryden, J. Life; by Saintsbury.C 1508 Duane, W. J., Biographical Memoir of..*C 1697,1 Duchesne, Mme. Life; by Baunard.C 3297 Histoire de; par Baunard.C 4139 Ducreux, N. Souvenirs d’un Pere. 2 v. .. C 4756 Dudevant, A. L. A. (George Sand). Corres- pondance. 6 v.C 4527 Histoire de ma Vie. 4V.C 4526 Letters of. 3 v.C 3315 Life; by Caro.C 3482 Life; by Thomas.C 3291 Dudley, Earl. See Ward, J. W. Dudley, R. (Earl of Leicester). Secret Me¬ moirs of.*P 623,24 DuRCKHEIM, F. E. Graf. Erinnerungen.. D 6028 Duerer, A. Biography; by Sweetser.C 1684 Leben und Kunst von. Thausing.D 4050 Leben und Werken; von Eye.D 6023 Life; by Heath.C 3295 Life; by Heaton.C 3298 Life; by Thausing. 2v.C 3296 Married Life; by Schefer.C 1084 Duff, A. Life; by Smith. 2 v.C 2544 Duff, Mrs. M. A. D. Life; by Ireland.... C 1806 Dugdale, Sir W. Life; by Hamper.*V 161 Du Guesclin, B.; par Guyard de Berville.. C 5059 Life; by Jamison.C 1095 Dumas, A. Dernieres Anneesde; par Ferry C 4982 en Manches de Chemise; par Pifteau... C 6227 et son Oeuvre; par Glinel.C 12504 Life; by Fitzgerald. 2 v.C 1207 Mes Memoires. iovin5 .C 4694 Vie de; ptir Blaze de Bury.C 12079 Dumas, A. fils. Biographie; von Wurzbach I) 4184,4 Dumouriez, K. F., Leben von.I) 6021 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. C 1504 INDIVIDUAL Duncan, J. LL.D. Life; by Brown.C 3523 Duncan, J. Botanist. Life; by Jolly.... C 2714 Duncombe, T. S. Life and Correspondence. 2 ..C 672 Dundonald, Earl of. Autobiography-C 675 DUNSTAN, Saint {Archbp. of Canterbury). Me¬ morials of; ed. by Stubbs. Doc. Dunster, H. Life; by Chaplin.C 250 Dunton, J., Life and Errors of.C 676 Dupanloup, F. A. P. {Bp. of Orleans). Life of; by Lagrange. 2 v.C 3316 DuPRfe, G. Autobiography.C 3286 Life; by Frieze.C 3285 Du Quesne, A., et la Marine; par Jal. 2 v.C 5312 Durand, Sir H. M. Life of; by Durand. 2 vC 2944 Dwight, B. W. Life; by his Son.C 251 Dwight, S. W. Life; by Swift.C 251 Dwight, T., Incidents in Life of.C 1812 Life; bySilliman.. .*C 1875 Life; by Sprague.C 75,14 Dwight, W., Life and Letters of. C 1808 Dyer, H. Records of an Active Life.C 2094 Dymond, A., Account of.C 2545 Eastburn, J. Memoirs; by Green.C 1824 Eastman, Z. Memorial; by his Family *C 1696,3 Eaton, C., Memoirs of; by Sibley.*C 1971 Eaton, W., Life of.C 252 Life; by Felton.C 75,9 Ebner, M. und H. v. Nordlingen; von Strauch D 4206 Ebsworth, W. H. Leven van. Scheltema.D 9746 Eddy, T. Life; by Knapp.C 249 Eddy, T. M. Life; by Sims.C 1825 Edgeworth, M. Life; by Zimmem.C 2664 Study of; by Oliver.C 2614 Edgeworth, R. L., Memoirs of.C 2637 Edison, T. A., and his Inventions; ed. by Mc¬ Clure.C 2370 Life; by Denslow and Parker.C 3112 Edward the Confessor; by Macgregor.C 688 Lives of; ed. by Luard . Doc. Edward I., Life and Reign of .C 2566 Edward VI., Historical Sketch of; by Lee. C 2875 Edward, T. Life; by Smiles .C 2568 Edwardes, Sir H. B. Life and Letters; by E. Edwardes. 2 v .C 2960 Edwards, J. Life; by Miller .C 75,8 Life and Character of . C 2029 The same .C 2198 Memoirs of; by Hopkins .C 1821 Edwards, J. Life; by Hallock .C 1820 Eldon, Lord. See Scott, Sir J. Elgin, T. Lord. Journals and Letters .C 685 Eliot, George {pseud), and her Heroines; by Woolson.C 2753 BIOGRAPHY. % Eliot, George {pseud). Critical Study; by Cooke...C 2783 Life; by Blind.C 2781. Life as related in her Letters; ed. by Cross. 3 v.C 2701 The same. 4 v in 2.G 362 Two Marriages of; by Ames.*C 1696,8 Eliot, J. Ltidian Apostle. Life; by AdamsC 1450,3 Life; by Caverly.B 709 Life; by Dearborn.*C 2291 Life; by Francis.C 75,5 Life; by Moore.C 253 Eliot, Sir J. Biography; by Forster. 2 v.C 699 Elizabeth of Austria, et son temps; par Beauriez.C 4044 Elizabeth, Queen. Fragmenta Regalia; by Naunton.C 2589 History of; by Abbott.H 27 Jeunesse de; par Wiesener...C 6982 Life; by Wright. 2v.C 2671 Youth of; by Wiesener. 2v.C 2573 Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint ; by Montalem- bert.C 1264. Elisabeth, Madame, Histoire de; par Roy.C 6528 Elizabeth de Valois. Life; by Freer. 2 v C 1087 Elizabeth Christine, Wife of Frederick the Great; by Hurst.C 3419 Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia; by Benger. 2v.C 687 Ellenborough, Lord. Political Diary, 1828- 1830. 2 v.C 2751 Ellery, W. Life; by Channing.C 75,6* Elliot, H. Memoirs of; by Minto. 3 v..C 2715 Elliott, J.'D. Biog. Notice; by Jarvis... C 256' Elliott, R. S. Notes taken in Sixty Years.C 207a Elliott, S. Eulogy on; by Cohen.*C 1698 Ellis, S. Memorial of; by Moore.C 2175. Ellis, W. Life; by Ellis.C 2571 Elliston, R. W. Life; by Raymond.C 682 Ellwood, T. Autobiography; edited by Howells.C i666< The same; with Suppl.; by Wyeth.C 2573 Elphinstone, M. Life; by Colebrooke. 2 vC 2742 Emerson, J. Life; by Emerson.C 1822 Emerson, R. W., as a Minister; by Horton*C 2291 At Home and Abroad; by Conway.C 1829 Character and Genius of; by Alcott... .C 1828 Correspondence with Carlyle.C 2585 Genius and Character of..C 1830 His Ancestors; by Haskins.C 2176 in Concord; a Memoir; by Emerson.... C 3717 Life; by Cooke.C 1827 Life; by Garnett.C 2345, Life; by Holmes.C 1831- INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Emerson, R. W. Memoirs; by Cabot. 2 v. C 1811 Philosopher and Poet; by Guernsey.... C 1826 Emmerich, A. C. Life; by Ram.C 3299 Emmet, R. Life and Times; by Madden..C 706 Emmons, N. Sermon on; by Williams. .*C 1696,2 Emory, J. Life; by his Son.C 1823 English, W. H. Life and Services; by Cole C 2037 • Entyvisle, J. Memoirs; by his Son.C 683 Epinay, Mme d’. Dernieres annees de; par Perey et Maugras.C 6187 Jeunesse de; par Perey et Maugras....C 6186 Memoires. 2 v.C 4806 Erasmus, D. Life; by Drummond. 2 v..C 10S3 Life; by Jortin. 3 V.C 3301 Ernest, King of Hanover. Reminiscences of the court of; by Wilkinson. 2 v.C 3323 Ernest II., Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Me¬ moirs. 2 v.C 3509 Aus meinem Leben. 2 v.D 6035 Erskine, H.; by Ferguson.C 2682 Erskine, T. Letters; ed. by Hanna.C 2591 Etty, W. Life; by Gilchrist. 2 v.C 3072 Essex, Earl of, Vindication of; by Braddon*A 3126 Eudes, J. Father , and his Foundations; by Montzey.C 3300 Eugene, Prince of Savoy. Life; by Malle- son.C 3554 Memoirs; tr. by Mudford.C 3302 Leben von; Arneth. 3 V.D 4060 Lebensgeschichte; von Aubriet.D 6029 Evans, C.; by Hood.C 2688 Evans, E. G. Memoir; by Evans.C 257 Evans, M. E. See Eliot, George. Evarts, J. Memoir; by Tracy.C 2098 Evelyn, J. Diary and Correspondence. 4 v I 3301 Memoirs of his Life and Writings. 2v. *P 82 Everett, E. Address on; by Dana.C 258 Discourse in Memory of; by Osgood. .*C 1696,8 Memorial from City of Boston.C 287 Evvald, J. Lefvnet. Hammerich.C 7234 Ewing, T., Memorial of.C 255 Exmouth, Viscount. .SV—< K— * Johnson, A. Life; by Savage.... . I 3007 Life and Times; by Irelan. •c 770 Life, Sendees and Speeches... • C 771 Memorial Addresses on . Century. 2 v. .. C 779 Jefferies, R. Eulogy of; by Besant ... ..C 993 Jefferson, T., at Monticello. ..C 354 and American Democracy; by Witt.. .. .C 1943 Character of; by Dwight. . .C 355 Domestic Life; by Randolph. . .C 1958 Life; by Linn. .. .C 1957 Life; by Morse. ...C 1947 Life; by Parton..*. .. C 356 Life; by Randall. 3 V. . . C 357 Life; by Stoddard. .. .C 2202 Life; by Tucker. 2v. .. C 358 Life and Times; by Irelan. . . B 358,3 Life and Times; by Schmucker. ..C 1959 Memoirs; by Carpenter. 2 v. . . C 1942 Jeffrey, F. Life; by Cockbum. . .C 780 Jeffreys, G. Life; by W'oolrych. .. C 781 Jenkin, F. Memoir; by Stevenson. ..C 2998 Jerdan, W. Autobiographv. 4 v. . .C 783 Jerome, C., American Clock Business and Life of.C 3909 370 Johnson, R. M., Biography of.C 293 Johnson, S., and Boswell; by Waller.C 1616 Anecdotes of; by Piozzi.E 1281 The same.14000,16 Croker’s Boswell; by Fitzgerald.C 788 his Friends and Critics; by Hill.C 787 His Words and Ways; by Mason.C 789 Life; by Boswell. 2v.C 790 The same; Fitzgerald’s edition. 3 v.C 786 The same; ed. by Napier. 6 v... .1 2922 Life; by Grant.C 3729 Life; by Page. 2 v.I 3728 Life; by Stephen.C 1487 Life and Conversations; by Main.C 791 Life and Writings; by Towers.C 2903 Johnson, Sir W r . Life and Times; by Stone. 2v.B 31 Johnson, W. S. Life and Times; Beardsley C 1964 Johnston, A. S., Gen. Life; by Johnston..C 1944 Jones, C. J. From the Forecastle to the Pulpit C 3387 Jones, J. Paul. Life of.C 1946 Life; by Abbott.C 361 Life; by Hamilton.C 1975 Life; by Mackenzie. 2 v.C 364 Life; by Sherburne.C 362 Life; by Waldo ..... .C 73 Life and Correspondence of...C 363 Memoirs of.C 365 Jones, Sir W. Life; by Teignmouth. .. .J 158,1-2 Jonson, Ben; by Symonds.C 2854 Joseph II., Leben von. Heyne. 2 v...,. D 272 und Maria Theresia; Bermann.D 4139 Josephine, Empress. Histoire de; par Im- bert de St. Amand.C529i,5~9 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ■23 JOSEPHINE, Empress. History of; by Abbott. H 67 Jeunesse de; par ImbertdeSt. Amand. .C 6629 Life; by Hartley.C 1121 Memoirs; by Memes.I 3543 The same.I 3671 Joshee, Anandabai. Life; by Dali.C 3508 Joubert, B. C., d’apres sa Correspond ance; par Chevrier.C 4587 Joyce, J. A. A Checkered Life.C 1950 Judd, N. B. Life; by Edwards.*C 1697,1 Judd, S. Life of.C 1949 Judd,W. Memoirs and Remains.C 1967 JUDSON, A. Life; by Judson.C 1936 Memoir; by Wayland. 2v.C 366 Judson, E. C. Life; by Kendrick.C 367 A. H. and S. B. Lives; by Stuart.C 368 Judson, S. B. Life; by Judson.C 369 Jukes, J. B. Letters, Addresses, etc.C 2711 Julian, G. W. Political Recollections.C 1945 Kalisch, I. In Memoriam.C 2111 Kane, E. K. Biography; by Elder.C 372 Life; by Schmucker.C 2040 Love-Life of.C 353 Kant, I. Life; by Stuckenberg.C 3528 Karl Theodor von Pfalz-Bayern; von Lipovvsky.....D 6084 Kaulbach, W. von. Biographie; von Wurz- bach. 1. . .D 4184,9 Kean, C, Life and Times; by Cole. 2 v .. C 797 Kean, E. Life; by Hawkins. 2 v.C 798 Kearny, P. History of; by DePeyster.... C 1984 Keary, A. Memoir of; by her Sister.C 2724 Keats, J. Life; by Colvin.C 2937 Life; by Houghton.*P 272 Life; by Rossetti.C 3737 A Study; by Owen.J 1585 Keble, J. Memoir; by Coleridge. 2 v... .C 803 Keeler, R. Vagabond Adventures.C 371 Keese, J. Memoir; by Keese.C 1986 Kelley, A. Life and Work; by Bates .. ..C 2374 Kelly, J. Life and Times; by McLaughlin.C 2204 Kelly, M. Reminiscences. 2v.C 2725 Kemble, F. A. Journal.C 799 Records of a Girlhood.C 2727 Records of Later Life.C 2726 Kemble, J. P. Memoirs of Life; by Boaden. 2 v.C 2995 Kemble Family; by Fitzgerald. 2 v.C 800 Kemp, R. Father Kemp and his Old Folks. .C 1991 Kempen, T. van., Levan van. Bahring.. D 9040 Kempis, T. a. and the Brothers of Common Life; by Kettle well. 2v.C 3529 Ken, T. Life; by Bowles. 2 v.C 795 Kendall, A. Autobiography.C 1985 Kennedy, D., the Scottish Singer. Reminis¬ cences; by Kennedy.C 3113 Kennedy, J. P. Life; by Tuckerman... ,*P 281 Kenyon, L. Lord. Life; by Kenyon. C 804 Keppel, A. Admiral. Life; by Keppel. 2 v.C 2728 Kerkadec, Viscountess. Reminiscences. 2 v.C 3525 Kidd, W., and other Pirates; by Abbott_C 376 Kierkegaard, S. Lefvnet. Brandes.C 7062 Kilpin, S., Memoir of.C 792 King, D. P. Memoir; by Upham.*C 1698 King, T. S., Oration on; by Hardinge.. .*C 1696,1 Life; by Frothingham.C 374 King, W. R., Obituary Address on.C 373 Kingsley, C. Letters and Life; by his wife.C 794 The same.G 982 KlRBY, G. B. Years of Experience.C 2079 Kirby, W., Sermon on; by Sturtevant... . *C 1699 Kirk, E. N. Life; by Mears.C 375 Kirkland, S. Life; by Lothrop. 075,25 Kitching, J. H., Memorials of.C 1989 KlTTO, J. Life; by Eadie.. ....C 2730 Memoirs; by Ryland. 2v.C 2731 Kloden, K. F. von. Autobiography. 2 v. . C 3530 Klopstock, F. G. and M., Memoirs of.. .. C 3531 Leben; von Brunier.D 4116 Knapp, J. Autobiography.C 1990 Knight, C. Passages of a Working Life. 3 vC 801 Knight, Cornelia. Autobiography. 2 V....C 2735 Knighton, Sir W. Memoirs; by Knighton. 2 v.C 2723 Knox, J. Last Will and Testament.*C 1699 Life; by McCrie. 2 v.C 802 Life; by Taylor.C 2734 Knox, R. Life; by Lonsdale.C 2736 Kohlrausch, F. Erinnerungen.D 4117 Kossuth, L., in New England.C 3541 Life of.C 3543 Life; with Speeches in England.C 3542 Memoir of.I 3038 Memories of my Exile.C 3540 Souvenirs de mon Exil.C 5521 Krummacher, F. W. Autobiography.C 1123 Krupp, A., und seine Fabrik; von Baedeker.D 6107 undseinWerk; von Schmidt-Weissenfels D 6106 La Bar, G. Reminiscences of; by Burrell. C 2018 Lackington, J. Memoirs of Life; written by himself.C 35 1 3 Lacordaire, J. B. H. Life; by Chocarne.C 1246 Memoir; by Montalembert.C 3579 LaFarge, Mme. M. C. Memoirs. 2 v-C 3518 Lafayette, Marquis de, History of.C 3580 Eulogy on; by Everett.*C 1696,2 Eulogy on; by Gregg. C 3585 Events in Life... *C 1696,5 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 124 Lafayette, Marquis de. Life of.C 1281 Life; by Farmer.C 3578 Life; by Headley.C 1149 Life; by Mack.C 3583 Life; by Tuckerman. 2 v.C 3574 Life; by Wain.C 3582 Memoires, Correspondance, etc. 2 v...C 5620 Memoirs, Correspondence, etc. 3V.... C 1151 Memoirs; by Holstein.C 3584 Oration on; by Adams.*£743,3 The same.C 1158 Private Life; by Cloquet.^.C 3581 La Ferriere, A. Memoires.C 5570 LaFontaine, J. de, and other Fabulists; by Collins.J 2247 Leben und Fabeln; von Kulpe.D 6057 Lakanal, J. Vie de; par Le Gendre.C 5692 Lamartine, A. de, and his Friends; by La- cretelle.C 3586 Les Confidences.C 5639,29-30 Th^same.C 5637 et ses Amis; par Lacratelle.C 5644 Life; by Domvile.C 2387 Memoires politiques. .C 5639,37-40 Memoirs of my Youth.C 1236 Additional Memoirs.C 1237 Twenty-five Years of my life. 2 v. . .. C 1240 Lamb, C. His Friends, etc.; by Fitzger¬ ald.C 806 Letters. .J 171,1-2 Letters; ed. by Ainger. 2 v.C 593 Letters; ed. by Talford. 2 v..».I 2967 Life; by Ainger.C 1505 Memoir; by Procter.C 805 Lamb, J. Memoir; by Leake.C 377 Lamb, Mary; by Gilchrist.C 2782 Lambert, J., Hero and Martyr: by Reade. .C 809 LaMotte, Comtesse de. Yie de. .C 5650 Lan'DOR, W. S. Biography; by Forster .. . .J 174,1 The same.C 793 Life; by Colvin.C 1503 Landseer, Sir E. Biography; by Sweetser.C 1693 Life; by Stephens.C 2762 Memoir; by Stevens. ,*C 2785 Lane, E. W. Life; by Poole.C 2761 Lane, L. Life; by Hawkins.C 2031 Langton, S. Life; by Maurice.. C 2766 Lanigan, J. Life; by Fitzpatrick.C 807 Lapham, I. A., Sketch of; by Sherman.. ,*C 1699 Larned, E. C., In Memory of.C 2030 Larned, S. Life; by Gurley.C 406 La Rochefoucauld, Mme. Life.C 3824 La Rochejaquelein, Marquise. Memoirs.I 3503 Memoires 2 v.C 6494 LaSalle, R. de. Life; by Sparks.C 75,ir and his Companions; by Abbott.C 37 8- and Discover) 7 of the Great West; by Park- man .....: .B 52 Lasaulx, A., Sister Augustine. Memoirs; by Reinkens.C 3589 Las Casas, B. Life; by Touron.C 417 Lasker, E. Biographie; von Rickert... .*C 1697,4 Zur Erinnerung an. Wolff.*C 1697,4 Lassalle, F. Biographie; von Wurzbach D 4184,3. Lassalles Tod. Kutschbach.D 4131 Literarisches Bild. Brandes.D 4120 und Sophie Solutzeff. Kutschbach. ... D 4129- Lataste, M. Life; edited by Thompson.. C 3590 Latimer, H. Biography; by Beck.C 796 Biography; by Demaus.C 808 LaTour, M.Q. de.; par Champfleury.*V 897 La Tremoille, C. de., Lady of Latham; by de Witt.C 964 Laube, H. Erinnerungen.D 2067,1 Laud, W., Archbishop. Life; by Lawson. 2 v C 2786 a Study; by Benson.C 3976 Lautard, A.; by O’Meara.C 3591 Lauzun, Due de. Memoires.C 5633 Lavalette, A. M. C. Comte de. Memoirs; by himself. 2v.C 3576 Law, J. Histoire de; par Thiers.C 13214 Life and Times of; by Randall.*C 1696,4. Memoir; by Thiers.C 812 Lawrence, Abbott. Memoir; by Hill.C 2011 Memoir; by Prescott. »..*V 120 Lawrence, Amos. Diary and CorrespondenceC 380 Discourse on; by Hopkins.*C 1696,2 The same ..*C 1696,7 Sermon on; by Lathrop.*C 1696,2 Lawrence, Amos A. Life; by Lawrence.. C 295 Lawrence, J. L. M. Lord. Life; by Smith. 2 v.C 2778 Life; by Temple.C 3560 Lawrence, Sir T. Life; by Gower.C 1374 Life and Correspondence; by Williams. 2v.C 813 Lawson, G. Life; by Macfarlane.C 2764 Le Ber, J., Heroine Chretienne du Canada. C 5681 Le Brun. Mme., Souvenirs of; ed. by TylerC 3611 Leckzinska, M. Vie de; par La Chaulme.. .C 5624 Ledyard, J. Life; by Sparks.C 75,24 The same.C 2016 Lee, A. Life; by Lee. 2v.C 382 Lee, C., Author of Junius; by Girdlestone. . .C 2765 Life; by Sparks. C75 ,i8 Memoirs, Essays and Letters; by Lang¬ worthy .C 383 Treason of; by Moore. .B 267 Lee, H. Life; by Hartley,.C 2012 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ^5 Lee, R. E., and his Lieutenants; by Pollard.B 481 Early Life and Public Services of.C 385 Life; by Cooke.B 484 Life and Campaigns; by Childe.C 401 Life and Campaigns; by McCabe.C 2013 Memoirs; by Long.C 2188 Personal Reminiscences of; by Jones... .C 2014 Lee, R. PI. Life; by Lee. 2v.C 384 Legouv£, E. Soixante Ans de Souvenirs. 2 v.C 5592 Leibniz, G. W.; by Merz~.L 2127 Leigh, S. Life; by Strachan.C 815 Leighton, R. Abp. Life; by Pearson.J 167,1 Leisler, J. Life; by Hoffman. C 75,18 Leith, J. Biography; ed. by Butterfield.. .C 2009 Lemon, M. Reminiscences of; by Hatton..C 816 Lennox, W. P. Lord. Drafts on my Mem¬ ory. 2 v.C 817 Reminiscences 2v.C 818 Lenox, J., Recollections of; by Stevens....C 2034 Lenz, J. M. R., Leben von. Gruppe.D 4137 Leo X. Pope. Life; by Roscoe. 2 v.I 3069 Leo XIII. Pope. Life; by Keller.C 3593 Life; by O’Reilly.C 3594 Leonora Christina. See Ulfeldt, L. C. Leopold I. of Belgium. Memoirs; by Juste. 2 v.C 1135 et la Reine Victoria; par Saint Rene Taillandier. 2v..C 6637 Le Prevot (de Beaumont). Histoire de; par Le Mercier.C 5690 Lepsius, K. R. Biography; by Ebers.C 3600 ein Lebensbild. Ebers.D 6059 Leslie, C. R. Autobiog. Recollections... .C 821 Lespinasse, Mile de, et la Marquise du Deffand; par Asse.C 11988 Lettres.C 5740 Lesseps, F. de. Recollections of Forty Years.C 3450 Sa Vie, son CEuvre; par Bertrand et Fer- rier.-».C 12032 Souvenirs de Quarante Ans. 2v.C 5736 Lessing, G. E., im Urtheile seiner Zeitgenos- sen. Braun.D 4158 Leben von. Danzel u. Guhrauer. 2 v.D 4136 Leben von; Diintzer..-.D 4055 Leben; von K. G. Lessing.D 6053 ein Lebensbild. Sime.D 4133 Lebensgeschichte; von Grave.D 6055 Leben und Schriften; von Schmidt. 2 v.D 6056 Leben und Werke. Stahr.D 4132 Life; by Sime. 2 v.C 3592 Lett, B. Life and Trial; by Lett.*C 1697,1 Lettsom, J. C. Memoirs; by Pettigrew. 3 v.C 2768 Lever, C. Life; by Fitzpatrick. 2 V....C 2770 Leverett, Sir J. Memoir.C 2263 Leverett, Sir J. Was he a Knight?.. . .*B 775,2 Lewes, C. L. Memoirs of; written by him¬ self. 4 v. in 2.C 3759 Lewes, M. E. See Eliot, George. Lewis, Sir G. C. Letters.C 819 Lewis, M. G. Life and Correspondence. 2 v.C 820 Lewis, S. Biography; by Lewis.C 2010 Lieber, F. Life and Letters; by Perry.. . .C 2015 Ligne, H. Princesseae. Memoirs; ed. byPerey.C 3624 Liguori, Saint Alphonsus, Life of.C 1265 Lincoln, A. Address on; by Arnold... .*B 1339 The same.*C 1696,4 Address on; by Bancroft.:.C 388 and Abolition of Slavery; by Leland... .C 393 and Seward; by G. Welles.C 2004 and Stanton; by Kelley.B 2622 Anecdotes and Stories of; ed. by Mc¬ Clure.C 410 at the White House; by Carpenter.C 394 Biography for Young People; by Brooks C 411 Catalogue of Memorial Collection of. .*C 1696,6 Discourse on; by Badger.*C 1696,4 Discourse on; by Stone.C 390 Eulogies and Addresses on.*C 403 Eulogy on; by Sumner.*C 1696,4 Every-Day Life of; by Brown.C 2008 History of; by Arnold.C 387 Leben von. Crosby. 1 ) 276 Life; by Arnold.C 404 Life; by Barrett.C 392 Life; byBrockett.C 2005 Life; by Crosby.C 396 Life; by Foster .C 3100 Life; by Herndon and Weik. 3 V.C 3719 Life; by Holland.C 400 Life; by Lamon.C 386 Life; by Raymond.C 397 Life and Public Services of.C 399 Life and Services; by Hanaford.C 395 Life and Speeches; by Howells.C 2006 Life and Times; by Irelan. 2 v.. .B 858,16-17 Life, Services and Death; by Power.. . .C 389 Life, Services and Martyrdom of.C 398 Lincoln Memorial; by Coggeshall.C 409 Lincolniana; in Memoriam. ,*C 402 Martyr’s Monument; Speeches, etc.E 4601 Memorial Bibliography; by Boyd. *0 187 Memorial of.C 2002 Memorial of; ed. by Shea.C 2001 Newspapers relating to Death of. Rep. Obsequies of, in New York.! C 2003 Oration on; by Storrs.C 390 Pamphlets on Death of.*C 391 Pioneer Boy; by Thayer.II 2497 I 2 6 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Lincoln, A., Poetical Tributes to.E 7778 Reminiscences of; by Arnold.*B 1339 Reminiscences of; by Piatt.*C 1696,4 Reminiscences of; ed. by Rice.C 2007 Self-portrayed; by Ludlow.C 408 Sentiments of Condolence on Death of .*R 3727 Sermon on; by Duane.*C 1699 Sermons on Death of (Boston).C 407 .Six Months in White House with; by Car¬ penter. ..C 394 'Tributes of Nations.*V 437 True Greatness; by Mather.*C 1696,1 True History of; by Stoddard.C 405 'True Life; by Townsend.*C 1696,1 Vie de; par Arnaud.*V 711 Lincoln, B. Life; by Bowen.C 75,23 Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt. Linda, the Slave Girl. Autobiography.C 413 Ling, P. H. Biog. Sketch; by Georgii....C 3598 I LinslEy, C. Life; by Phelps.C 565 Lipse, Juste; par Amiel.C 11967 Lisle, R. de. Lieut. Memoir; byOxenham.C 2880 Liszt, F., als Kunstler u. Mensch. Ramann. 2 v.D 4135 Leben; von Wohl.D 6144 Life; by Nohl.C 3597 Life, 1811-40; by Ramann. 2v.C 3621 Recollections of; by Wohl.C 3752 Story of his Life; by de Beaufort.C 3595 Littleton, E. J. Memoirs and Corresp .. .C 743 Livermore, G., Discourse on; by Badger.*C 1699 Liverpool, R. Lord. Memoirs; byYonge. 3 v.C 686 Livesey, J.; by Kirton.C 3102 Livingston, E. Life; by Hunt.C 415 Livingston, Mrs. E. Memoir of; by Hunt. C 2033 Livingston, W. Life; by Sedgwick.C 416 Livingstone, D. Life; by Adams. C 823 Life; by Smiles.C 3108 Life and Discoveries; by Ewing. 2 v..C 2905 Personal Life; by Blaikie.C 2771 Locke, J. Life; by Bourne. 2 v.. ..C 810 Life; by Fowler.C 1500 Life and Letters.I 3049 A. Sidney and A. A. Cooper. Letters. .C 811 Lockwood, J. B. Life and Adventures; by Lanman.I 2104 Loewenstern, W. von. Denkwiirdigkeiten.D 1693 Loftus, C. My Life from 1815-1849. 2 v.C 2779 My Youth by Sea and Land. 2 v.. . .C 2769 Long, E. Biography; by Reid. 61337,2 Logan, J. A. Life and Services; by Dawson. C 2185 Record of Life of; by Balestier.C 2191 Logan, Sir W. E. Life; by Harrington...C 2895 Londonderry, Marquis of. See Stewart, C. Longfellow, H. W. Biographical Sketch; by Underwood.C 2022 Biography; by Kennedy.C 419 Final Memorials; by Longfellow.C 2025 Life; by Austin.C 2023 Life; by S. Longfellow. 2 v.C 2024 Life; by Robertson.C 2346 Longueville, Mme de. Jeunesse de; par Cousin.C 4373 pendant la Fronde; par Cousin.C 4374 Lothian, C. Marchioness of by Gallwey*C 1697,1 Loudon, G. E. F. Military Life; by Malleson C 3619 Louis I., of Bavaria. Leben; von Heigel. .D 4113 Leben; von Reidelbach.D 6145 Louis IX. (Saint Louis) and Calvin; by Guizot C 1126 Le Fils de Blanche deCastille; par Solig- nac .C 6775 History of; by Joinville.I 3891 Vie de; par Porchat.C 6287 Louis XI. et Charles le Temeraire; par Miche¬ let.C 12780 Histoire de; parLegeay.C 5683 Louis XIV. and his Court; by Pardoe. 2 v..C 1154 The same. 3 v.C 3622 et son Siecle; par Dumas. 2 v.*V 1123 History of; by Abbott.H 73 Letzte Lebensjahre; von Krohn.D 4127 Life and Times; by James. 2 v.I 3041 Memoirs of the Court of; by Lathy. 3 v.C 3623 Souvenirs duRegne de; par Cosnac. 6 v.C 4367 Louis XVI. et Alexandre II; par Rabourdin C 6403 Dans la Prison du Temple; par Madame Royale.C 12761 Louis XVII., the Lost Dauphin; by Stevens C 3577 sa Vie; par Beauchesne.C 4228 Louis XVIII. and Talleyrand. Correspond¬ ence.C 3894 Louis Philippe, History of; by Abbott.H 76 Life; by Wright.C 3604 Personal History; by Boutmy.C 3602 Rise and Fall; by Poore.C 3603 Louis, P. C. A. Memoir; by Bowditch... .C 3601 Louisa, Queen of Prussia , in ihren Briefen; her. von Braun.D 6083 Leben von. Adami.D 4128 Leben von. Brunier.D 4138 Life and Times; by Hudson. 2 v.C 3610 Memoirs of; by Richardson.C 3599 Louise de Lorraine. Histoire de; par Bail- Ion .C 12042 Louise Juliane, and her Times; by Bunnett C 3620 Lovat, S. Lord. Life; by Burton.C 822 Lovejoy, E. P., Martyrdom of; by Tanner .C 2020 Memoir;’by Lovejoy.C 418 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 127- Love joy, O., Addresses on Death of... .*C 1696,1 Lover, S. Biog. Sketch; by Symington.. . C 2776 Life; by Bernard.C 814 Lovett, W., Life and Struggles of.C 2767 Lowder, C., Biography of.C 2772 Lowe, C., Memoir of; by Lowe.C 2019 Lowe, W. M., Memorial Addresses on.C 2017 Lowell, J. R. Biographical Sketch; by Un¬ derwood. C 2021 Life; by Brown. • .C 2318 Loyola, Saint Ignatius. Life; byBartoli. 2 vC 1274 and Companions; by Pise.C 1269 and the early Jesuits; by Rose.C 1150 and Jesuitism; by Taylor.C 1152 Lucas, F., Life of; by Lucas. 2 v.C 2856 Ludlow, E. Memoirs. 3V.C 2773 The same. 2v.C 2774 Lundy, B., Life of.C 422 Lutfullah,<2 Mohammedan. Autobiography G 369 Luther, M., als deutscher Classiker. 3 v.. .D 3604 and his Work; by Treadwell.C 3606 and other Leaders of the Reformation; by Tulloch.C 1594 and the Reformation; by Seiss.C 3614 Autobiography; by Michelet. I 3053 The same.A 344 Eerste Levensjaren van.D 9288 Homes and Haunts of; by Stoughton... C 3607 Leben von. Rein.D 4125 Leben von. Kostlin.D 4123 Leben von. Plitt und Peterson.D 4122 Leben und Schriften. Kostlin. 2 v...D 4124 ein Lebensbild. Baur.D 4120 •ein Lebensbild. Grabner.D 4121 Life; by Audin. 2 v.C 3605 Life; by Bunsen.C 1244 Life; by Froude.C 3616 Life; by Konig.C 3612 Life; by Kostlin.C 3608 Life; by Rein.C 3609 Life and Work; by Bayne. 2 v.C 3617 Short Biography of; by Froude.C 3616 Study of Reformation; by Mead.C 3613 und Janssen. Kostlin.D 4112 Volksbuch zum Lutherfest. BaumgartenD 4126 'Lyell, SirC. Life and Letters; byLyell. 2 vC 2780 Lynde, B. and B., Jr., Diaries of.C 2353 Lyndhurst, Lord. Life; by Campbell_C 824 Lyon, Mary. Life; by Hitchcock.C 426 The same; abridged.C 427 Life; by Thayer.C 425 Recollections; by Fisk.C 428 Lyon, Matthew. Life; by White.*C 1698 Lyon, N. Gett'l. Life; by Woodward.C 429 Lyttelton, Lord T. Letters; by Coombe. C 2777 Life; by Frost.C 2775 Lytton, Lord E. B. Life, Letters and Literary Remains; by his Son.C 2784 Lytton, Lady R. Life; by Devey.C 3085 Macaulay, T. B. Lord. Life; by Jones...C 2796 Life; by Morison.C 1514 Life and Letters; by Trevelyan. 4 V. in2,G 1081 The same.C 858 Index to same; by Clark. *0570,6 Maccabeus, J. Life; by Conder.C 3644 McClellan, G. B. Life; by Delmar.C 434 Life; by Hillard.C 433 McCulloch, H. Men and Measures of Half a Century.C 2344 McDonald, F. Autobiography.C 826 Mac Hale, J. Life; by Bourke.C 2788 Machault, J. B. Vie; par Bondois.C 5169 Machiavelli, N., en France; par Waille.. C 13367 Life; by Yillari. 4 v r .C 3672 Mac Iver, H. R. Under Fourteen Flags; by L’ Estrange. 2v.C 2787 Mackay, C. Forty Years’ Recollections. 2 v. C 2792 Through the Long Day; Memorials of Half a Century. 2 v.C 3097 Mackenzie, C. Storms and Sunshine of a Sol¬ dier’s Life. 2 v.C 2838 Mackintosh, Sir J. Life; byMacleod... C 838 Memoirs; ed. by Mackintosh. 2 v.C 2790 Macklin, C. Memoirs; by Cooke.C 2827 Memoirs; by Kirkman. 2 v.C 2791 Macleod, D. Life and Exploits; by Thomson C 2966 Macleod, N. Memoir; byMacleod.C 860 Maclise, D. Memoir; by O’Driscoll.C 2823 Macmillan, D. Memoir; by Hughes.C 2789 McMullen, J. Bishop. Life and Writings; by McGovern.C 3633 Macready, W. C., aslknew him; by Pollock C 2871 Reminiscences.C 852 Madge, T. Memoir; by Ilerford.C 853 The same.C 851 Madison, Dolly, Memoirs and Letters of... C 2057 Madison, J. Eulogy on; by Adams.... *C 1696,2 Life; by Adams.C 2054 Life; by Gay.C 2053 Life; by Stoddard.C 2242 Life and Times; by Irelan. 6858,4 Life and Times; by Rives. 3 v.C 2041 Maecenas, C. C. Life; by Schomberg.... C 3514 Maffitt, J. N., Life of.C 2797 Magee, J. Memorial of; by Howe.C 2043 Magellan, F. Life; by Towle.C 1610,3 Maginn, E. Bishop. Life; by McGee .... C 828 Mahomet. See Mohammed. 128 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. # Maimon, S. Autobiography.C 3633 Maintenon, Mme. Choix de Lettres, etc. C 5904 Conversations inedites.*C 5764 Correspondance generate. 4 V.C 5908 Correspondence with the Princess des Ur- sins. 3 v.C 3679 et la Maison Royale de Saint-Cyr; by La- vallee.C 5666 Extraits des Lettres sur l’Education .... C 5777 Life; by Bowles.C 3639 Memoir; by Bennett.C 3641 Memoirs for a History of; by La Beau- melle. 5 v.C 3991 Maistre, J. de. Memoires; par Blanc.C 5760 Malan, C. Life and Labors; by Malan.. . C 3647 Malcolm, Sir J. Life and Correspondence; by Kaye. 2 v.C 837 Malibran, M. F. G. Memoirs; by Merlin.C 3628 Malincontri, F.; by Volpe.G 1128 Mallet du Pan, J. Memoirs and Corres¬ pondence. 2 v.C 3648 Malmesbury, Earl of. Memoirs of an Ex- Minister. 2 v.C 2831 The same. 3 v. in 2.G 1139 Malone, E. Life; by Prior.C 2798 Malthus, T. R., and his Work; by Bonar. .C 2833 Mann, H. Inauguration of his Statue, 1865.*C 139 Life; by his Widow.C 436 Manning, J. Life; by Guild.C 424 Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memories.... C 430 Mantegna, A Life; by Cartwright.C 3646 Mapleson, J. H. Mapleson Memoirs, 1848- 1888. 2 v.C 3181 Marana, J. P. Letters of a Turkish Spy who lived at Paris. 8 v.C 3587 Marat, J. P., l’Ami du Peuple; par Bou- geart.C 4259 Marco Polo, Travels of; by Towle.C 1610,4 Marcus Aurelius; by Watson. C 3162 Maretzek, M. Crotchets and Quavers; an Opera Manager in America.C 2321 Margaret of Angouleme; by Robinson.... C 3629 Margaret of Anjou, Histoire de; par Roy. .C 6531 History of; by Abbott.H 35 Life; by Hookham. 2v.C 1155 Maria, the Converted Jewess.C 1220 Maria Theresa, and Frederick the Great; by Broglie. 2v.C 3343 Briefe. 4V.D 4141 Geschichte; von Arneth. 10 v.D 4140 Histoire de; par Roy.C 6533 und Josef II. Bermann.D 4139 Vie; parCapefigue.C 4284 Marie-Antoinette et sa Famille; par Les- cure.*V 1074L Histoire de; par Goncourt.C 5052. Histoire de; parlmbertde St. Amand C 5290,4,5. Histoire de ( Suite ); par Imbert de St. Amand.C 5291,1-4. Histoire de; par Mazade.C 5805 History of; by Abbott.H 72 Iconographie de.*V 921 Last Days of; by Gower.C 3637 Leben; von Wehlen.D 1850- Life; by Keddie.C 3673 Life; by Yonge. C 3652 Memoires sur; par Campan.C 4337 Memoirs; by Campan. 2v.C 1130 Memoirs; by Weber. 3 v.C 3643 Marie-Louise, and Napoleon; by Durand..C 3704 Histoire de ; par Imbert de Saint- Amand.C 5291,10-12 Memoirs of; by Saint-Amand.C 3638 Marion, F. Gen. Life; by Hartley.C 2058 Life; by Horry and Weems.C 439 Life; by Simms.C 435 Markham, J. Naval Career.C 2830 Marlborough, Duke of. Life; by Bucke. .1 3613 Letters and Dispatches. 5 v.C 2594 Life; by Saintsbury.C 2836 Memoirs; by Coxe. 3 v.I 3013 Atlas to the same.*V 137 Military Life; by Alison.C 827 Marlborough, S., Duchess of. Corresp. 2 v.C 833 Memoirs; by Thompson. 2v.C 835 Marmontel, J. F. Memoirs. 2v.C 1669 Marot, C. Life; by Morley. 2 v.C 1216 Marquette, J. Life; by Sparks.C 75,10 Marry at, F. Life; by Hannay.C 3747 Life and Letters; by Church. G 427 Marsh, C.; by Alldridge.C 3109 Marsh, G. P. Life and Letters; by Marsh.C 299 Marsh, W. Life; by his Daughter.C 829 Marshall, C. Extracts from Diary.C 2052 Marshall, J. Chief Justice. Life ; by Magruder.C 2055 Oration on; by Rawle.*V 691,2 Marsilly, Blanche de. Vie; par Richard. .C 6506 Marthe, Sainte, Histoire de; par Veran.. .'M 599 Martheile, J. Autobiography.C 1156 Martin, H., sa Vie, ses CEuvres; par Hano- taux .C 5199 MARTIN, J. Life and Remains; by Craik. 2 v.C 2799 Martineau, H. Autobiography. 2 v.C 850 Life; by Miller.C 2829 Martyn, H. Life;‘by Bell.C 2801 Leven van; door Sargent.I) 9734 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Marvell, A. Life; by Hood.C 2800 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Life; by Orsini; translated by Sadlier.C 1277 The same; translated by Husenbeth M 1441 Mary-Lafon, J. B. Vie litteraire.C 5797 Mary of Burgundy, and her Contemporaries; by Costello .C 3517 Mary, Queen of England, Days of.C 831 Mary Stuart, Queeti of Scotland, and her Accusers; by Hosack.C 841 and the Casket Letters; by Henderson. .C 3884 Career and Character; by De Peyster. . .C 3115 History of; by Abbott.H 36 History of; by Mignet...C 849 History of; by Nau.C 2811 History of; by Petit. 2 v.*V 164 Impeachment of; by Skelton.C 2807 in Captivity; by Leader.C 2805 Inquiry concerning; by Tytler. 2 v.C 2803 Leben; von Gaedeke.D 4144 Letters; edited by Strickland. 2 v.C 2802 Lettres et Memoires; par Labanoff. 8 v.C 5601 Life; by Bell 2 v.I 3665 The same. 2 v.I 3516 Life; by Benger. 2 v.C 840 Life; by Chalmers. 3V.C 844 Life; by Freebairn.C 2865 Life; by McLeod.C 832 Life; by Meline.C 830 Life; by Strickland.C 2839 The same. 2v.I 3307 Life and Death of; by Udall, 1636.C 2954 Memoirs; by Buckingham. 2 v.C 2804 Palaces and Prisons of; by Mackie.A 1164 Papers and Accounts relating to.*A 863 Sketch and Defence; by Daniel.C 2955 vindicated; by Whitaker. 3 V.C 839 Masaniello, T. A., History of; by Midon. .C 3653 Life; by St. John.C 3645 Mason, J. Life; by Ellis.C 75,13 Massillon, J. B. Correspondances, Deci¬ sions, etc.C 5860 Matamoros, M. Life; by Greene.C 3656 Mather, C. Life; by Peabody.C 75,6 Life; by S. Mather.*P 388 Mather, I. Life; by Pond.C 1450,5 Parentator; by C. Mather.*P 389 Mather, R. Life and Death of.B 1033,3 Mathew, T. (Father Mathew ); by Kirton.. .C 3102 Life; by Maguire.C 1260 Mathews, C. J. Life; ed. by Dickens. 2 v.C 2793 Mathy, K. Leben von; Freytag.D 4142 Maule, Sir W. H. Life; by Leathley.... C 2826 Maurice, F. D. Life; ed. by Maurice. 2 v.C 2795 129 Maury, M. F. Life; by Corbin.C 3398 Maximilian I. Kaiser von Mexico.D 4143 Life; by Hall.C 1136 Recollections of. 3 v.C 1137 son Elevation et sa Chute; par Keratry. .C 5500 Maximilian I. von Baiern. Solti.D 274 Maximilian II., King of Bavaria. Leben von. Muller.D 4156 Maxwell, J. C. Life; by Campbell and Garnett.C 2794 May, S. J. Memoir of.C 440 Mayer, J. R., der Galilei des I9ten Jahr- hunderts.D 4154 Mayhew, J. Life; by Bradford.C 2042 Mayo, Earl. See Bourke, R. S. Mazarin, J. Cardinal. Life; by Masson.. .C 3635 Lettres pendant son Ministere. 3 v....*V 1138 Mazeppa, True Story of; by Vogue.C 3630 Mazzini, J., Life and Writings of.C 1134 Memoir; by Venturi.C 3654 Meagher, T. F. Life; by Lyons.C 432 Medici, C. de, Girlhood of; by Trollope. .. .C 1082 Jugend von; von Reumont.D 4149 Medici, L. de. Life; by Reumont. 2 v...C 3670 Life; by Roscoe.I 3070 Medicis, M. de. Life; by Pardoe. 3 v.. ,*C 1129 Meetwei.l, J. Life of a Scottish Merchant. 2 v.C 2834 Meissner, A. Geschichte meines Lebens. .D 4164 Meissonier, J. L. E. Life; by Mollet.C 3663 Melanchton, P. Leben von. Meurer.. . .D 4159 Leben von. Volbeding.D 4160 Life; by Cox.C 3655 Life; by Ledderhose. C 3658 Melbourne, Vise. Memoirs; by Torrens. 2 v.C 2763 Mellon, H., Dujiess of St. Albans. Memoirs; by Wilson. 2 v.C 2956 Mendelssohn, M. Der deutsche Plato; von Dessauer.I) 6062 Leben und Werke; von Kayserling.I) 6052 The same; new ed.D 6109 Memoirs of; by Samuels.C 3636 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. and Goethe; by Mendelssohn.C 1090 Erinnerungen an. Polko.D 4145 Letters.C 1141 Letters to I. and C. Moscheies.C 3626 Recollections of; by Devrient.C 1142 Reminiscences of; by Polko.C 1140 Vie de; par David.C 12290 Mendelssohn Familie; von Ilensel. 2 v. .D 4096 Mendelssohn Family; by Ilensel. 2 v-C 3664 Meredith, Mrs. S. Life; by Tomkinson..C 3099 1 3° INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. M£rim£e, P. An Author’s Love; Unpublished Letters.C 3748 Letters to Panizzi. 2 v.C 3669 Merlin, Ambrosius. Life; by Heywood. . .C 3434 M£rode, F. F. X. de. Life and Works; by Besson.C 3625 Metastasio, P. Life; by Burney. 3 v.,..C 1143 Metterxich, C. W. N. L., Prince. Life; by Malleson.C 3550 Memoirs, I 773 i8 35 * 5 v .C 3 6 57 Nachgelassene Papiere. 8 v.D 4146 Meyerbeer, J., et son Temps; par Bury... .C 4267 Mezzofanti, Cardinal. Life; by Russell ..C 1133 Michael Angelo. Biographie; par Dumas.C 4726 Biography; by Sweetser.C 1686 Leben von. Grimm. 2 v.D 4022 Life; by Black.C 3631 The same; illustrated.*V 578 Life; by Clement.C 1331 The same.C 3667 Life; by Duppa.I 3134 The same.*V 206 Life; by Grimm. 2v.C 1050 Life; by Harford. 2 v.C 1049 Life; by Wilson.C 3247 Vie de; par Clement.C 4361 Vie et Ouvrages de. Q. de Quincy. . ..C 6305 Michelet, J., et ses Enfants; par Noel....C 6053 Ma Jeunesse.C 12781 Mill, J. Biography; by Bain.C 2813 and D. Hartley; by Bowen.L 1923 Mill, J. S. Autobiography.C 854 A Criticism; by Bain.C 2814 Life; by Courtney.C 3743 Life; by Spencer and others.C 855 Miller, H. Life and Letters; by Bayne. 2v.C 856 My Schools and Schoolmasters.C 857 Miller, W. Life; by White.C 2044 Miller, W. Gen. Memoirs; by Miller. 2v.C 2S16 Millet, J. F., Painter; by Sensier.C 3666 Mills, S. J. Memoirs; by Spring.C 2158 Milman, R. Life; by Milman.C 2815 Milnor. J. Memoir; by Stone.C 454 Milton, J. Autobiography; ed„ by Graham C 834 Autographs of; by Southby.*P 1112 Life; by Keightley.C 845 Life; by Masson. 6v.C 842 Life; by Pattison.C 1519 Life; by Symmons.C 843 Life; by Todd.C 2812 Life; by Toland.C 2837 Life and Times; by Ivimey.C 2835 Papers illustrating Life of.*A 845 Vie de; par Lamartine.C 5639,36 Milutine, N. Vie de; par Leroy.C 5743; Miner, M. Memoir of.C 2056> Minto, Earl of. Life and Letters of.C 2616- Miot, Count Melito de. Memoirs.C 3675 Mirabeau, H. G. R. de. Correspondance avec de La Marck. 3 v.C 5898 Jeunesse de; par Colet.C 4380 Lettres a Sophie. 3 V.C 5899 Lettres d’Amour.C 5900 a Life-History.C 3659 Recollections of; by Dumont.C 3642 Vie de; par Vermorel. 5 v. in 2.C 6949 Miramion, Mme. de. Life; by Bonneau.. .C 1159 Miramon, Geti. M.; par Daran.C 4550 Mitford, M. R., Friendships of ; by L’Es- trange.C 2821 Life and Letters; ed. by L’Estrange. 3 v.C 846 The same. 2 v.C 847 Modjeska, H.; by Altemus.C 3678 Story of; by Collins.C 3627 Mohammed, and his Successors; by Irving. 2 vj 14a and Mohammedanism; by Smith.M 403 Essays on Life of; by Syed Ahmed.C 3677 Leben von; Krehl.D 4167 Leben von; Noldeke.D 4150- I.eben von; Sprenger. 3 V. D4151 Leben von; Weil.D 279 Life of.C 12- Life; by Bush.I 3657 Life; by Green.I 3618 Life; byMoulvi.C 3651 Life; by Muir. 4V.C 3650 Mohammed Khan. Life; by Lai. 2 v... C 1251 Mohl, J. and M. Letters and Recollections; by Simpson.C 3640 Mohl, M. C., her Salon and Friends; by O’Meara.C 3680 MoLikRE, J. B. P. Etudes sur la Vie; par Fournier.C 4858 Leben und Werke; von Kreiten.D 6091 Molinos, the Quietist; by Bigelow.C 3649 Moltke, Count. Life; by Muller.C 3671 Monaco, Princesse de. Vie et Aventures. . .C 4738 Monk, G. Duke of Albermarle. Memoirs; by Guizot.C 2994 Monmouth, J. Duke of. Life; by Roberts. C 2825 Monnier, H., sa Vie, son Oeuvre ; par Fleury.C 12184. Monroe, J., in Public Service; by Gilman. .C 2045. Life; by Adams.C 2054 Life; by Stoddard.C 2242 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,5 Montagu, E. W. Autobiography.C 859 Montagu, E. Memoirs; by Doran.C 1138 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Montagu, Lady M. W. Letters and Works. 3 v .J l 9 l Letters and Works; ed. by Wharncliffe. 2 V.I 3087 Montagu, Marquise de. Memoirs; by Noa- illes.C 1131 Montaigne, M. Biography; by St. John. 2vC 1132 Montalembert, C. Count, de. Lettres a un Ami de College.C 5923 Letters to a Schoolfellow.C 1146 Life; by Oliphant. 2v.C 1147 The same.G 475 Montausier, C. de, et son Temps; par Roux C 6523 Montefiore, Sir M. Biography; by Wolf.C 2828 Services in Memory of.*C 1696,2 Montesquieu, C. de S. Baron de. Life of; by Sorrel.C 3483 MONTEZ, L. Lectures and Autobiography.. E 1396 Montford, S. de. Life; by Pauli.C 2817 Vie de; par Bemont.C 4077 Montgomery, J. Life of; by Knight.C 2848 Memoirs; by Holland and Everett. 7 v.C 2818 Montgomery, R. Biographical Notes on.. C 446 Life; by Armstrong.C 75,1 Montier, Mme, du. Lettres. 2 v.C 5937 Montpensier, Mile. de. Memoires. 7 v..C 5925 Montrose. Marquis of. Life and Times; by Napier.C 3075 Memoirs; by Grant.C 861 Moore, G. Confessions of a Young Man.. C 3532 Moore, G. Life; by Burnley.C 3103 Philanthropist; by Smiles.C 2808 Moore, Sir J. Life; by Moore. 2v.C 862 Moore, T. Life and Works; by Symington C 2810 Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence; ed¬ ited by Russell. 8 v.C 2809 Morata, O. F. Life, Times and Writings; by Smyth. % .. C 3519 Mordaunt, C. Earl of Peterborough. Me¬ moir; by Russell. 2v.C 1039 More, H. Life; by Yonge.C 782 More, Sir . T. Life; by Roper.C 2806 Moreau, J. V. Memoirs; by Philippart.. . C 3182 Morgan, D. Gen., Hero of Cowpens; by McConkey.C 2047 Life; by Graham.C 2048 Morgan, Lady S. O. Autobiography. 2 v.C 848 Memoirs. 3 v. in 2.G 452 Morley, S. Life; by Hodder.C 999 Morris, C., Commodore. Autobiography... C 2049 Morris, G. Diary and Letters; ed. by Morris. 2 v.C 2375 Life; by Sparks. 3 V.C 444 Life; by Roosevelt.C 2349 I 3 I Morris, J. Wanderings of a Vagabond ... .C 76 Morris, T. Life; by Morris.C 2050 Morse, S. F. B. Life; by Denslow and Par¬ ker.C 3112 Life; by Prime.C 447 Morton, L. P. Life; by Harney.C 2377 Life; by Townsend.C 2324 Morton, O. P. Life; by Walker.C 448 Life and Services of.C 451 Life and Servicesof; by French.C 2178 Memorial Addresses on.C 452 Morton, W. T. G., Trials of; by Rice.. .. C 431 Moscheles, I. Life; by his Wife. 2v...C 1139 Mostyn, M. Life; by Redingfield.C 2820 ■ Motley, J. L. Correspondence; ed. Curtis. 2 v.C 2381 Memoir; by Holmes.C 453 Tribute to Memory of.*C 1696,4 Mott, J. and L. Life and Letters; ed. by Hallowed.C 2046 Mowatt, A. C. Autobiography.C 443 Mozart, W. A. Leben von. Jahn. 2 v... .D 4147 Leben von. Nohl.D 4152 Letters. 2v.C 1144 Life; by Holmes.C 3660 Life; by Jahn. 3 v.C 3676 Life; by Nohl; tr. by Lalor.C 3661 Life; by Nohl; tr. by Lady Wallace. 2 v.C 3662 Vie de; par Beyle.C 4280 Mozley, J. B. Letters; ed. by his Sister.. C 2832 Mozley, T. Reminiscences. 2v.C 2819 Mueffling, F. v. Passages from my Life. .C 3674 Mueller, G.; by Pitman.C 3111 Mueller, G., und A. H. Francke. Polenz.D 4148 Mueller, W. J. Memoir; by Solly.C 2822 Muhlenberg, W. A. Life; by Ayres.C 438 Munden, J. S. Memoirs; by his Son.C 3520 Munro, Sir T. Life; by Gleig. 2 v.C 2824 Munseli., J. Biog. Sketch; by Howell.. .. C 446 Murat, J. Fall and Death of; byMacirone.A 1925 The same., C 3720 Murchison, Sir R. I. Life; by Geikie. 2 v .C 863 Obituary Notices of.*C 1697,1 Murillo, B. E. Life; by Minor.C 3668 Life; by Sweetser.C 1687 Murray, L., Memoirs of. C 2847 MusaUS, J. K. A. Leben; von Muller.... D 6086 Muse, H. K. W. Correspondence; by J. H. Muse. C 2350 Musset, A. de. Biographie de; par Musset.C 5971 Biography; by Musset.C 3665 Leben von. Lindau.D 4153 Nadir Shah (Am// Khan), History of; by Fraser ..;.C 3718 >3 3 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Nagle, N. Life and Labors; by Hutch... .C 2841 Nairne, C., Baroness. Life and Songs; by Rogers.C 2849 Napier, Sir C. Life and Correspondence; by Napier. 2 v.C 2844 Napier, Sir G. T. Early Military Life of; ed. by Napier.C 2846 Napier, M. Selection from Correspondence C 2845 Napier, Sir W. Life; by Bruce. 2 v.C 2843 Napoleon I. and his Detractors; by Prince Napoleon ..C 3708 and his Marshals; by Headley.C 3682 and Marie Louise; by Durand.C 3704 Anecdotesdu Temps de; par Saint-Hilaire C 6704 Anecdotes of; ed. byTegg. ,C 3687 Army Life under; by Villargennes.C 3689 at Fontainebleau and Elba; by Campbell. C 116 at St. Helena; by Abbott.C at St. Helena; by Abell.C at St. Helena; by Forsyth. 3 v.C Camp Fires of; by Watson.C a 1161 Correspondance de. \2 v ,*P 1172 1162 3681 680 Correspondence with Joseph Bonaparte. 2 v.C 1170 Court and Camp of; by Lockhart.I 3578 The same.I 3672 Courte Histoire de; par Seeley.C 6720 Downfall of; by Hooper.A 1555 English Caricature on; by Ashton. 2 v.C 3694 et ses Detracteurs; par le Prince Napo¬ leon et son Temps; by lung. 3 v.C et son Temps; by Peyre.*P et son historien Thiers; parBami.C Fall of; by Mitchell. 3 v. The 1st Napoleon; by Ropes.C Histoire de; par Dumas.C Histoire de; par Lanfrey. 5 v. in 3 Histoire de; par Norvins. 4 v.... The same.C Histoire de; par Soulie.Q Historical Character of; by Phillips. .. .A History of; by Abbott. 2 v History of; by Bussey. 2v.C History of; by Horne. 2v.C History of; by Lockhart. 2 v The same. 2 v.I in Exile; by O’Meara. 2 v.C 3683 Last Days of; by Antommarchi.C 3706 Letters and Despatches ; by Bingham. 3 v .C 3692 Letters on; by Warden.C 3966 Lettres a Josephine. 2 v.C 6006 Life; by Laurent de l’Ardeche. 2 v,,.C 1165 ...c On 8 .. .c 5307 . .*p 679 .. .c 4114 . ..c 3685 .. .c 3698 . ..c 4698 . ..c 5661 .. .c 6060 .. .c 6061 ...Q 6667 ...A 318 . ..C 1160 .. .C 3686 .. .c 3688 ... .1 3652 ... .1 3573 Napoleon I. Life; by Hazlitt. 4 v.C 1167 Life; by Headley.C 1148 Life, with Atlas; by Jomini. 5 v.*C 3705 Life; by Lanfrey. 4 v.C 1168 Life; by Lee.C 3684 Life; by Scott. 3 V.C 1169 Manuscrit de St. Helene; par Bertrand . A 1925 Marriages of the Bonapartes ; by Bingham. 2 v.C 1403 Medallic History of, 1796-1815.*P 678 Memoires; par Bourrienne. 10 v. in 5 . .C 4242 Memoires sur; par Fleury de Chaboulon.C 4961 Memoirs; by Bourrienne. 3 v.C 3693 The same. 4 V.C 3709 The same. 4 V.C 3703 The same. 2v.C 1171 The same. 3v.I 3536 Memoirs; by Las Casas. 4 v.C 1164 Memoirs; by d’Abrantes. 2 v..C 1166 Memoirs of Private Life in 1815 ; by Fleury de Chaboulon.C 3707 Napoleon Dynasty; by Williams.C 3710 Secret History of; by Lewis.C 3697 Short History of; by Seeley.C 3702 Souvenirs sur; par Durand.C 4753 Table Talk and Opinions of.I 3895 und Thiers; von Barni.D 275 Vie de; par Beyle.C 4278 Zycie Napoleona. 2 v.C 14446 Napoleon III., Essai sur; par Berthellot.. .C 12026 Life; by Abbott.C 1174 Life; by Jerrold. 4 V.C 3691 Life; by Roth.C 3690 Life; by St. John.C 1173 Napoleonic Petit; par Hugo.C 5252 Napoleon the Little; by Hugo.A 1554 Posthumous Works.A 1512 Public and Private History; by Schmucker C 1175 Story of; by Haswell.C 3696 Napoleonic Ideas.L 3252 Napoleon, Prince Imperial. Life; by Barlee C 3695 NARISCHKIN, N. Sister of Charity; by Cra¬ ven. 2 v.C 3700 Nasmith, D. Memoirs; by Campbell.C 2842 Neale, S., Life and Labors of.C 2850 Necker, Mme., Salon of; by d’Haussonville. 2 v.C 3701 Neff, F. Memoir; by Gilly.C 3715 Nelson, Lord. H. Life; by Southey.I 3156 The same.I 3653 The same. ••••.! 3580 Life; by Clarke and M’Arthur.*V 547 Memoirs; by Pettigrew. 2 v.C 2853 Neri, St. Philip. Life; by Hope. :...C 3699 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. *33 Nerinckx, C. Life; by Maes.C 2083 Nero, History of; by Abbott.H 37 Nettleton, A. Life and Character; by Tyler.C 2379 Newbery, J., a Bookseller of the Last Cen¬ tury; by Welsh.C 1003 Newhall, W. C., a Memoir.C 3556 Newman, J. H. Cardinal. Life; by Jennings C 2851 Newton, Sir I. Life; by Brewster. 2 v..C 864 The same.I 3590 The same.I 3669 Newton, J. Autobiography.C 825 Letters.E 1403 Ney, M. Marshal. Memoirs. 2 v.C 3716 Nicholls, C. B. See Bronte, C. Nichols, G. W., Memorial Services in Honor of.*C 1696,6 Nickerson, F. In Memoriam; by Thoburn*C 2386 Nicolai, F. Leben; von Gbckingk .D 6063 Niebuhr, B. G. Gedachtnisschrift; von Clas¬ sen. D4161 Life; by Bunsen.C 1180 Nightingale, F. Life; by Alldridge.C 3109 Nollekins, J., and his Times; by Smith.. . .C 2860 Northcote, J., Conversations of; by Hazlitt C 2929 Norton, J. Life; by M’Clure.C 1450,2 Nott, E. Memoirs; by Van Santvoord.... C 449 Novello, V. Life and Labors; by Clarke. C 3975 Oberkirch, Baronne de. Memoires. 2V..C 6090 'Oberlin, J. F., Leven van. Rothert.D 9710 Memoirs.C 3735 Ochino, B. Life; by Benrath.C 3740 •O’Connell, D., Centenary Record of, 1875 128 Life; by Cusack.C 2881 Life; by Hamilton.C 3551 Life and Times; by Luby.C 2884 Memoirs; by Huish.C 2885 Popular Life; by Donahoe.C 2882 Recollections of; by Daunt. 2v.C 2883 O’Connor, M. P. Memorial Addresses on. C 2095 Oglethorpe, J. Life; by Peabody.C 75,12 Memorials; by Harris.C 865 O’Gorman, E. Trials and Persecutions... .C 450 O’Keefe, J. Recollections of Life. 2 v.. .C 2887 Oldcastle, Sir J. Life; by Maurice.C 1458 Oliphant, L. A Life of Adventure.C 2898 Oliver, H. K. Life; by Jones.C 3988 Olney, S. Biography; by Williams.C 44 O’Neill, H. Life; by Mitchell.C 868 Fate and Fortune of; by Meehan.C 869 Opie, J., and his Works; by Rogers.K 3472 Orleans, Duchesse d '. Correspondance. 2 v.C 6112 Orleans, H., Duchess of. Leben; von Ilar- court.L> 4166 j Orleans, L. P. A. P. d’. (le Comte de Paris ); par Flers.C 4854 Vie de; par Recquem.C 6425 Orsi, J. Recollections of the last Half Century C 3745 Orsini, F. Memoirs.C 3744 Orth, G. S., Memorial Addresses on.C 2104 Osborne, Lady C. Life and Character of. 2 v.C 867 O’Shea, J. A. Life of a Special Correspond¬ ent. 2 v.C 2889 Osseville, H. de. Life; by Macleod.C 3741 Ossoli, M. Fuller. Life; by Howe.C 2100 Life; by Higginson.C 2101 Memoirs; by Emerson and others. 2 v. .C 445 The same. 2 v.J 223 Otis, J. Life; by Bowen.C 75,11 Life; by Tudor.C 2105 O’Toole, St. L. Abp. Life; by O’Hanlon. .C 2886 Oudh, Queen of. Life; by Knighton.C 1179 Ouseley, Sir G. Memoir; by Reynolds . . .C 3721 Outram, J. Biography; by Goldsmid. 2 v.C 2888 Oyerbeck, J.. F. Life; by Atkinson.C 3749 Oyerskon, T. Af mit Liv og min Tid.C 7454 Owen, R., and Social Philosophy; by Sargent L 610 Owen, R. D. Threading my Way.C 455 Ozanam, F. Life; by O’Meara.C 3750 Pacca, B. Cardinal. Memoirs; by Head. 2 v.C 3767 Packard, A. S. Memorial of.C 2113 Paganini, N. Leben von; Niggli.D 4169 Paine, T. Life; by Cheetham.C 2118 Life; by Vale.C 465 Life of.C 2120 Memoirs; by Sherwin.C 2119 Paleario, A. Life; by Young. 2 v.C 3765 Paley, W. Life; by Paley .M 1706,1 Palfrey, W. Life; by Palfrey.C 75,17 Palissy, B. Life; by Morley.C 2910 Palmer., E. H. Life; by Besant.C 2909 Pai merston, H. J. T. Lord. Leben von; Bul- wer.D 4224 Life; by Bulwer. 3 v. in 2.G 68 The same. 3 v.C 959 Life; by Sanders.C 3549 Panizzi, Sir A. Life and Correspondence; by Fagan. 2 v.C 2911 PaFENDIEK, Mrs. C. L. II. Journals of. 2 v.C 2957 Paracelsus, P. T. Life; by Hartmann.. . C 3788 Paris, le Comte de. See Orleans, L. T. A. P. d’. Park, Mungo, Life and Travels of.I 3726 Parker, F. E., Tributes to.C 421 Parker, M. Life; by Strype. 3 v.*P 131 Parker, T. Life; by Frothingham.C 461 Life and Correspondence; by Weiss. 2 v.C 460 Story of; by Cooke.C 2143 Parker, Sir W. Life; by I’hillimore. 3 v..C 2913 1 34 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Parker, W. H. Recollections of a Naval Offi cer.C 2149 Parr, S. Life; by Johnstone.J 229,1 Parris, S. Life and Character; by Fowler. *B 882 Parry, C. Memorials; by Parry.C 462 Parsons, E. E. Memoir.C 2126 Parsons, T. Memoir of; by Parsons...... C 2117 Pascal, J.; par Cousin.C 4371 Pasolina, G. Memoir of; by his Son.C 3763 Pasteur, L. Life; by his Son-in-Law .... C 3766 Patrick, Saint. Life; by O’Farrell.C 906 Life; by Cusack.*V 33 Tripartite Life of; ed. by Stokes. 2 v. . . Doc. Patti, A. Fourteen Years with; by Lauw.C 2931 Vierzehn Jahre mit. Lauw.D 4066 Pattison, D. {Sister Dora). Biography; by Lonsdale.C 2912 The same.G 1109 Pattison, M. Memoirs.C 2919 Paulding, J. K. Life; by Paulding.C 463 Payn, J. Some Literary Recollections.... G 1166 The same.C 2924 Payne, J. H. Life; by Harrison.*V 19 Peabody, F. Memoir; by Upham.*C 1698 Peabody, G. Biographical Sketch of.*C 458 Discourse; by Wallis.*C 458 In Memory of.*C 458 Letter to Trustees.*C 458 Life; by Hanaford.C 459 Pearce, J. A., Eulogy; by Bache.*C 139 Pecock, R. Life; by Lewis. C 3160 Peel, Sir R. Historical Sketch; byDalling.C 879 Etude historique; par Guizot.C 5159 Life; by Montague.C 3552 Life and Times; by Taylor. 4V.C 2917 Political Life; by Doubleday. 2v.C 2914 Peet, J. Memoir; by Shepley.C 3534 Pelle\v,E. Viscount Exmouth. Life ;by Osier C 2926 Pellico, S. Le mie Prigioni.C 9371 My Prison Memoirs.C 1187 Pendleton, G. H. Life and Speches; by BlossC 470 Penn, W. Biography; by Dixon.C 872 Character and Career of; by Jenkins. .*C 2291 The same.*C 1697,1 Life; by Burdette.C 2136 Life; by Ellis.C 75,22 Life; by Hughs.C 874 Life; by Stoughton.C 2139 Life; by Weems.C 870 Life and Writings of.C 2137 Memoirs; by Clarkson.C 875 Remains of; by Harrison. *, .C 2138 Pepe, G. Memoirs. 3 v.C 3768 Pepperrell, Sir W. Life; by Parsons.C 2123 Pepys, S. Diary and Correspondence. 4 v. C 877' The same. 4 V.I 3302- and the World he lived in; by Wheatley C 2916- Percival, J. G. Life and Letters; by WardC 466- Percival, S. Life; by Walpole. 2v.C 873 Perinchief, O. Life; by Lanman.C 2141 Perkins, J. H. Life; by Channing.J237,i Perkins, T. H. Memoir of; by Cary.C 2116 Perry, M.‘ C. Life; by Griffis.C 2258- Perry, O. H. Commodore. Biography; by Mackenzie. 2 v.I 3737 Inauguration of Statue of, at Newport . .C 2336- Life; by Niles.C 469 Perthes, F. Memoirs. 2 v.C 878 Pessard, H. Mes Petits Papiers, 1860-70. .C 6132 Pestalozzi, H., and Education; by Biber. .C 3771 Life and Work; by Kriisi.C 3770 Peter, St. Scenes in the Life of; by SpenceC 1245 Peter the Cruel, History of; by Dillon.C 3790 Peter the Great, History of; by Abbott . .. . H 38 Leben; von Bruckner.D 5779- Life of. 2 v.C 3783 Life; by Barrow.C 3784 The same.I 3597 The same.I 3704. Life; by Schuyler. 2 v.C 3782. Peters, H. Funeral Sermon on.*M 3970- Petrarch, F.; by Reeve.J 2243 Essays on; by Foscolo. .C 3772 Lettere. 4 V. in 2.C 9376- Lettere senili.C 9377 Life; by Dobson.C 1278- The same. 2v.C 3787 Peyton, W. M. Memoir; by Peyton.C 464 Phelps, S. Memoirs of; by Coleman.C 2928 Phillip of Macedon; by Leland. 2 v.C 3778 Phillip II. of Spain; byGayarre.C 1190 History of; by Prescott. 3 v.A i8oo> Phillipps, A.; a Record; by Waterson.C 2142. Phillips, H. M. Biographical Notice; by Vaux.... .*C 1696,3, Phillips, S. Memoir; by Taylor.C 467- Phillips, W., Eulogy on; by Curtis. *Ci697,l Life and Times; by Austin.C 423. Phinney, S. B. Biographical Sketch.C 3798 Phips, Sir W. Life; by Bowen.C 75,7' Life; by Pond.C 1450,5. Pichler, C. Denkwiirdigkeiten aus meinem Leben. 4 V. in 2.D 6085. Pickering, T. Life; by Pickering. 4 V....C 457 PlCTON, Sir P. Memoir; by Robinson. 2 v..C 291& Pierce, F. Life; by Hawthorne.C 468 Life; by Stoddard.C 2334 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,14. 1 Pigott, R. Personal Recollections Pike, R. Life; by Pike. Pike, Z. M. Life; by Whiting.... Pinkney, W. Life; by Pinkney.. Life; by Wheaton. Piozzi, E. L. Autobiography. 2 v Pitt, W. 1st Earl of Chatham. Anecdote Biography; by Timbs.C 1606 Anecdotes of; by Almon. 3 v.C 2940 Correspondence, 1741-1778. 4 V.C 2915 Junius, Lord Chatham; by Dowe.C 2933 Pitt, Rt. Hon. IVm. Life; by Macaulay.. G 682 Life; by Stanhope. 4V.C 884 Memoir; by Tomline. 3V.C 883 Pitts, J., and his Sons; by Goodwin.C 2135 Pius V. Pope. Life; by Mendham.C 3781 Pius VI. Pope. Memoirs of; by Bourgoing. 2 v .C 3799 Pius VII. Pope. Life; by Allies.C 3773 Pius IX. Pope, and his Times; by Dawson. .C 3797 First Year of his Pontificate; by de Lian- court and Manning. 2 v.M 348 Leben; von Hiilskamp.D 252 Life; by Hassard.C 3776 Life; by Shea.C 3774 Life; by Trollope. 2 v.C 3777 Life and Death; by Keller.C 3593 Sa Vie; par Villefranche.C13351 Story of, to 1850; by Legge. 2 v.C 3775 Pizarro, F. Life; by Helps.C 1185 his Adv. and Conquests; by Towle.. ..C1610,2 or, Discovery of Peru; by Allen.C 3779 Planch£, J. R. Recollec. and Reflections. 2v.C 871 Plato, and Companions of Socrates; byGroteL 2089 and the older Academy; by Zeller.L 2091 Plessis, J. O. Biog. Notice; by Ferland..C 3780 Plumer, W. Life; by Plumer.C 474 PLUNKET, W. C. Lord. Life, Letters and Speeches; by Plunket. 2v.C 2921 Poe, E. A., and his Critics; by Whitman... .C 2129 Life; by Gill.C 2128 Life; by Didier.C 471 Life; by Lowell and others....J 240,1 Life; by Stedman.C 2130 Life; by Woodberry.C 2146 Life and Letters; by Ingram. 2 v.C 2134 Memorial Volume; by Rice.C 2145 Pole, R. Cardinal. Historical Sketch; by Le e.G 3789 Life; by Beccatelli.C 2925 Polk, J. K. Administration of; by Chase. ..B 803 and his Administration; by Jenkins....C 2121 Life; by Stoddard.C 2328 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,11 r 35 Pollock, Sir F. Personal Remembrances. 2 v.C 3074 Pollock, Sir G. Life and Corres.; by Low.C 885; Pollok, R. Life; by Pollok.C 2927^ PoMBAL, S. J. de C., Marquis of. Life; by Moore.C 3632. Pompadour, Mme de. Histoire de; par Gon- court . C 5053. Secret Memoirs of; ed. by Beaujoint. . .C 3786- Pompery, Mme de. Correspondance. 2 v.C 6208' Pontalby, Marie-Elizabeth de. Souvenirs.C 6207' Pontmartin, A. de. Souvenirs d’un vieux Critique. 8 v.C 6131 Poore, B. P. Reminiscences of the National Metropolis. 2 v.C 2073, Pope, A. Life; by Carruthers.I 3148 Life; by Stephen.C 1498* Popkin, J. S. Memorial of; by Felton.C 2152- Porson, R. Life; by Watson.C 732: Porter, D. Commodore. Memoir; by Porter.C 2131 Porter, W. Life; by Brinley.C 472'. Posey, T. Life; by Hall.C 75,19* Potter, A. Discourse on; by Stevens.C 473. Life and Services; by Howe...C 2124 Preble, E. Life; by Sabine.C 75,22. Prentice, G. D. Memorial Address ; by Watterson.*C 1696,7- Prentiss, E. Life and Letters.C 2140 Prentiss, S. S. Life; by Shields.C 2144. Memoir; by Prentiss. 2 v.C 2125. Prescott, W. Col. Address on; by Prescott B 785 Prescott, W. H. Life; by Ticknor.C 476 Memorial of.*C 1696,3, Priestley, J. Memoirs.C 882 Prime, S. I. Autobiography and Memorials; ed. by Prime.C 2343. Prince, W. R. Memoir and Writings; by Prince.C 2153 Prior, M. Reminiscences.C 2148 Procter, B. W. {Barry Cornwall). Autobio¬ graphy.C 876 and his Friends; by Fields.I 3928 Psai.manazar, G. Memoirs.C 3785 PUECKLF.R Muskau, H. von., Biographie von. Assing.D 4179 Briefwechsel und Tagebiicher. 3 v... .D 4180 Pugin, A. N.W., Recollections of; by Ferrey C 2923 Pulaski, Count C. Life; by Sparks.C 75,14 Punshon, W. M. Life; by Macdonald....C 3795 Purcell, H. Life; by Cummings.C 2930 Putnam, I. Humphrey’s Life; by Fellows.C 2133 Life; by Cutter.C 477 Life; by Hill.H 466 Life; by Peabody.C 75,7 Life; byTarbox.C 475' INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. C 2922 C 2122 C75>U .C 2127 c 75,6 C 881 1 3 6 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Putnam, R. Life of; by Cone.C 2155 Pycroft, J. Oxford Memories. 2 v.C 2941 Pyrrhus, History’of; by Abbott.H 39 Pythagoras. Lebenvon. Baltzer.D 4186 Querard, J. M. Life; by Hamst.C 1158 •Quevedo, F. de. Vie et (Euvres; par Meri- mee.C 12822 Quincy, E., b. 1681. Memoir of; by Quincy.C 2151 Quincy, E., b. 1808. Tribute to Memory of*C 1696,4 Quincy, J., Sr. b. 1709. Memoir of; by Quincy.C 2151 Quincy, J. b. 1744. Life; by J. Quincy...C 481 •Quincy, J. b. 1772. Dedication Ceremonies of Statue to. Doc. Life; by E. Quincy.C 480 QUINCY, J. b. 1802. Figures of the Past_C 2150 Quinet, E. Early Life; by Heath.C 3801 Le Livre de l’Exile.C 6334 Quitman, J. A. Life and Correspondence. 2 v.C 478 Rabelais, F.; by Besant.J 2246 Rachel Felix, et la Tragedie; par Janin. ,*V 630 Life; by Kennard.C 3808 Memoirs of; by Mme de B. 2 v.C 3338 Racine, J. Sa Vie intime; par Roy.C 6529 Raeburn, Sir H. Life; by Andrew.C 2974 Raffles, Sir T. S. Life; by Raffles. 2 v.C 886 Raikes, T. Correspondence with Wellington.C 895 Journals. 4V.C 894 Raimbach, A. Memoirs and Recollections; ed. by Raimbach.„C 785 Rale, S. Life; by Francis.C 75,17 Raleigh, Sir W. Brief Memoir: by Drake. .C 3077 his Exploits and Voyages; by Towle..C 1610,5 Life; by Edwards. 2v.C 887 Life; by Gosse.C 2964 Life; by Harris.C 891 Life; by Oldys and Birch.... .J 246,1 Life; by St. John. 2 v.C 888 Life; by Towle.C 1610,5 Ramabi, Pundita, the High-Caste Hindu Woman.L 4402 Ramsay, D. W., Military Sendee of.C 2961 Randolph, E., Life and Papers of; by Con¬ way .C 2369 Randolph, J. of Roanoke. Home Reminis¬ cences; by Bouldin.C 2164 Letters to a Relative.C 2162 Life; by Adams.C 2163 Life; by Garland. 2 v.C 2161 .Ranyard, E. H. W.; by Alldridge.C 3109 Raphael, and his Father; by Passavant.. . .*C 3829 and the Villa Farnesina; by Bigot.*P 840 Life; by Clement.C 1331 Raphael. Life; by D’Anvers. ...C 3810 Life; by Quatremere de Quincy.I 3134 Life; by Sweetser. C 1681 Life and Works; by Crowe and Caval- caselle. 2v.C 3805 Life, Times and Works; by Muntz... .*C 3828 Memoir, by Wolzogen.C 1177 Vie de. Quatremere de Quincy.C 6307 Rapp, J. Comte. Memoirs.C 3804 Raumer, F. von. Erinnerungen und Brief- wechsel.D 4192 Ravignan, G. X. de. Life; by Ponlevoy..C 1254 Rawson, S. Life; by Nason.C 482 Raymond, J. H. Life and Letters; by Lloyd C 2166 Raymond, H. J., and the New York Press; by Maverick.C 2165 Reade, C. Memoir; by Reade.C 2983 Recamier, Mme. Memoirs.C 1195 and her Friends; by Lenormand.C 1211 et ses Amis; par Lenormand.'. .C 6427 Souvenirs et Correspond ance.C 6428 Reed, A.; by Pitman.C 3111 Reed, J. Historical Essay; by Bancroft.. *C 1697,2 Life and Correspondence; by Reed. 2 v.C 2169 Life; by Reed.C 75,18 Reeves, S. Life and Recollections; by him¬ self.C 3546 Reinald von Dassei.. Leben: von Ficker.D 6141 Rembrandt, H. Life; by Mollett.C 3815 Life; by Sweetser.C 1688 Life and Genius; byCundell.*P 506 Reminiscences of an Old Bohemian. 2 v.C 2965 Remusat, Mme de. Letters to her Husband .. C 3813 Memoires, 1802-1808. 3 v.C 6435 Memoirs.C 3814 The same. 2 v.C 3812 Renan, E. Hier et aujourd’hui.C 4378 Recollections of my Youth.C 3816 Souvenirs d’Enfance et de Teunesse.C 6460 Renaudot, T., et ses Inventions; par Hatin.C 5193 Ren^e of France; by Weitzel.C 3809 Renick, W. Memoirs; Correspondence, etc.C 2171 Renty, G. de, Baron. Life of.C 3818 Retz, Cardinal. Life; by James.C 1420 Memoires. 4 v.C 6470 Memoirs. 4 v.C 3819 Reuchlin, J. Leben und Werke; vonGeiger.D 6093 Life and Times; by 3 arham.C 3803 Reuter, F., und Dichtungen. Glogau.D 4188 Reynolds, F. Life; by himself.C 2963 Reynolds, Sir J., and his Works; by Cotton.C 1036 Life; by Pulling.C 2970 Life; by Leslie and Taylor. 2 v.C 889 Life; by Sweetser.C 1689 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. *3 7 Reynolds, J. F., Memorial of.C 2173 Reynolds, J. L., Last Will of.*C 1698 Ribault, J. Life; by Sparks.C 75,17 Ricardo, D. Letters to R. Malthus; ed. by Bonar.C 776 Ricci, S. de. Memoir; by Potter.C 3827 Rice, J. B. Memorial Address on.*C 1496 Richard I., History of; by Abbott.H 40 Life; by James. 2v.I 3040 Life and Times; by Aytoun.I 3617 Richard II., History of; by Abbott.H 30 Richard III., History of; by Abbott.H 31 as Duke and King; by Halsted. 2 v.. .C 890 Life; by Gairdner.C 2975 Life and Times; by Legge. 2 v.C 2967 Richardson, H. H., and his Works; by Van Rensselaer.*P 921 Richardson, Sir J. Life; by Mcllraith.. . C 2979 Richardson, S.; by Jeffrey.I 4000,16 Correspondence; ed. by Barbauld. 6v..C 1028 Richelieu, Cardinal; by Masson.C 3832 Life; by Robson.C 3820 Vie de; par Capefigue.C 4285 Vie de; par Monzie.C 5940 Richter, J. P. F., Aus dem Leben von.. D 2170,34 Life; by Lee.C 1198 Denkwiirdigkeiten von. Forster. 4V .. D 4182 Riedesel, F. A., Leben von. Eelking. 3 v.D 4177 Memoir; by Eelking. 2 v.*V 488 Rietschel, E. Autobiography and Memoir; by Oppermann.C 3821 Ringgold, S. Memoir; by Winne.*C 1696,1 Ripley, G. Life; by Frothingham.C 2167 Ripperda, J. W. Duke of. Life; by Moore. C 3632 Ristori, A. Etudes et Souvenirs.C 6480 Studies and Memoirs; an Autobiography. C 3806 Rittenhouse, D. Life; by Barton.C 2180 Life; by Renwick.C 75,7 Ritter, C. Life; by Gage.C 3817 Rob Roy, Plistorical Memoirs of; by Macleay C 2969 History of; by Millar.C 2968 Robbia, Luca della. Life; by Scott.C 3811 Robbins, T., Diary of; ed. by Tarbox. 2 v*V 762 Robert-Houdin, J. E. Memoirs.C 1191 Roberts, D. Life; by Ballantyne.*V 186 Robertson, F. W. Life; by Brooke.C 892 Robespierre, M. Ilistoire de; par Hamel. 3 vC 5203 Life; by Lewes.'. . .. .C 3830 Robinson, H. C. Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence.C 897 Robinson, M. Autobiography.C 896 Robinson, S. Life; byTomkinson .C 3099 Robinson, W. Memoir; by Robinson.C 3436 Robinson, W. S. Warrington Pen-Portraits.C 2168 Robsart, Amy, and the Earl of Leicester; by Ad lard.C 899. Rodgers, J. Memoirs; by Miller.C 2172 Roe, E. P. Autobiography.F 1417 Rogers, A. Memoirs; by himself.C 3535 Rogers, H. A., Experience of.C 898 Rogers, J. b. 1500. Biography; by Chester.C 2962 Rogers, J. b. 1594. Life and Opinions of a Fifth-Monarchy Man; by E. Rogers. .C 2973 Rogers, S., and his Contemporaries; by Clay- den. 2 v.C 3837 Early Life; by Clayden.C 768' Recollections of.C 51 Roland, Mme., et Charlotte Corday; par La- my.C 5651 Histoire de; par Mazade.C 5805, History of; by Abbott.H 75 Lettres choisies.C 6497 Life; by Blind.C 3807 Rollat, Mme. E., Vie de.C 6503. Rollexhagen, G.; von Gaedertz.D 4191 Romilly, Sir S., Life of. 2v.C 893. Romney, G. Life; by Gower.C 1374. Romulus, History of; by Abbott.H 32 Roscoe, W. Life; by Roscoe. 2 v.C 900 Rosmini-Serbati, A. Life; ed. by Lockhart. 2 v.C 3836 Life; by Macwalter.C 3831 ROSS, Charley, Father’s Story of.C 479 Rossetti, D. G. Life; by Knight.C 3730 Recollections of; by Caine.C 2971 Record and Study of; by Sharp.C 2972 Rossini, G., and his School; by Edwards.. . .C 3825 Biographie; von Wurzbach.04184,5 Life; by Edwards.C 1188 Vie de; par Beyle.C 4279 Rothschilds, The; by Reeves.C 3802 Rousseau, J. J.; by Graham.J 2250 Bekenntnisse.D 285 Confessions (in French) .C 6517,17-19 Confessions.C 1206 Correspondance (in French) .C 6517,22-27 Memoir; by Morley. 2v.C 1178 Row, R. Diary of an Early Methodist.C 2976 Rowe, A. I). Biog. Sketch; by Clutz... *C 1697,1 Rubens, P. P. Life; by Calvert.C 3822 Life; by Kett.C 3826 Life; by Waagen.C 3823 Original Papers.C 1176 Ruddiman, T. Life; by Chalmers.C 2977 RBCkert, F. Biographie; von Beyer.D 6090 ROCkert, H. Leben von. Sohr.D4193 Ruete, E. Memoirs of an Arabian Princess; an Autobiography.C 3835 138 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Ruiter, M. A. de., Leven van.D 9724 Rumford, Count. See Thompson B. Runjeet Sing, Court and Camp of; by Os¬ borne .C 3987 Rupert, Prince. Memoirs; by Warburton. 3 v.C 1239 Ruskin, J. Hortus Inclusus.C 3065 Life and Teachings; by Mather.C 2981 Praeterita; My Past Life. 2v.C 2982 The same. 2 v.*C 3066 Russell, J., Out-of Door Life of.C 2979 Russell, Lady R. Letters.C 2980 Letters.C 1026 Russell, W. Lord. Life; by Russell.C 902 Russell, House of; by Wiffen.C 903 Memoirs; by Wiffen. 2 v.C 904 Ryan, W. A. C., Life and Adventures of .. C 492 Ryder, W. H., Last Will and Testament of*P 335 Ryerson, E. Story of my Life; ed. by Hodg- ins.C 2380 :Sable, Mme de; par Cousin.C 4375 Sachs, Hans. Life; by Wildenhahn.C 3870 Sadleir, Sir R. Life; by Stoney.C 3004 St.John, H. Lord Bolingbroke; byHarrop.C 3037 A Historical Study; by Collins.C 3045 Life; by Macknight.C 3002 Saint Joseph, Mother. Life; byLebeurierC 3841 Saint Simon, Duke of; by Collins.C 3842 Saldanha, Duke of. Memoirs; by Carnota. 2 v.-.C 3867 Salm-Salm, Princess. 10 Years of my Life.C 3846 Salt, Sir T.; by Burnley.C 3103 Saltoun, Lord. Scraps; Early Memories. 2 v.C 3036 Salvator Rosa. Life; by Morgan. 2 v.. .C 1214 Sampson, Deborah. Life of.*C 2201 Sancho, I. Letters; with Memoir. 2 v_C 3845 The same.C 3881 SAND, George. A^Dudevant, Mme. Sandwith, H. Memoir of; by Ward.C 3033 Sansons, Memoirs of the; by Sanson. 2 V....C 1581 Santi, G. Life of; by Passavant.*C 3829 Sarcey, F. Souvenirs de Jeunesse.C 6722 Sargent, J., Sermon on; by Burgess.*C 1699 Sarpi, P. Life; by Campbell.C 3851 Saumarez, Lord J. de. Memoirs and Corres¬ pondence; by Ross. 2 v.C 3001 Salvage, F. Vie de; par Paillard.C 6136 Savage, J. Memoir of; by Hillard.*C 1696,4 Savage, R. Life; by Johnson.J 248,1 ;Savary, Duke of Rovigo. Memoirs. 4 v.. A 1514 Savery, W., Life, Travels and Religious La¬ bors of.C 2339 .Savonarola, G. Leven van; door Perrens.D 9635 Life; by Villari. 2v.C 1199 Life and Martyrdom; by Madden. 2 v..C 3878 Savonarola, G. Life and Times; by Clark. .C 3864 Vie de; par Perrens.C 622S Schack, A. F. von. Ein halbes Jahrhundert. 3 v . D 6094 Schamyl, the Sultan; by Wraxall.14*00,14 Scharnhorst, G. D. Leben; von Klippel. 3 v. in 2.D 4196 Leben; von Lehmann. 2v.D 6104 Schauffer, W. G. Autobiography; ed. by his Sons.C 3886 Scheffel, J. V. v., Erinnerungen an; von Zernin .....D 6127 Leben u. Werke; von Ruhemann.D 6097 Scheffer, A., Leven van. Grote.D 9308 Memoir; by Grote.C 3843 Schenkendorf, M. von. Leben von. Hagen D 278 Schetky, J. C. Sketches from; bySchetkyC 3869 Schiller, J. C. F. von., and Goethe; by Boye- sen.C 3358 and his Times; by Scherr.C 3856 and Sterling. Lives; by Carlyle.C 1193 Briefwechsel mit Cotta.D 4207 Briefwechsel mit Goethe.D 6087 Briefwechsel mit seiner Schwester.D 4208 Chicago’s Schiller-Denkmal.*R 4348 Correspondence with Goethe. 2 v.I 2998 Correspondence with Korner. 3V.C 1194 The same. 3V.C 3858 im Urtheile seiner Zeitgenossen. Braun. 6 v.D 4024 Leben und Sterben von. Kuhn.D 278 Leben und Werke von. Palleske. 2 v.. D 4209 Leben; von Diintzer.D 4056 Life; by Carlyle.G 75 The same.C 1193 Life; by Diintzer.C 3866 Life; by Nevinson.C 3746 Life; by Sime.J 2248 Life and Work; by Palleske. 2 v.C 1243 und Goethe; von Diintzer.D 6024 und Goethe. Kneschke.D 267 und seine Zeit. Scherr.D 281 Schimmelpenninck, M. A. Life; by HankinC 907 SCHLEGEL, D. von, und deren Sohne; von Raich. 2 v.D 6098 SCHLEIERMACHER, F. E. Autobiography. 2 v.C 1218 Schi.osser, F. C. Leben von. Weber.C 4213 ein Nekrolog. Gervinus.D 4214 Schneider, F. Ein Lebensbild. Kempe. D 4197 Schneider, L. Aus meinem Leben.D 4212 Schopenhauer, A. Biographie; von Wurz- bach.'..04184,6 Briefwechsel mit J. A. Becker.D 4198 Leben von. Frauenstadt.D 4219 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. j 39 .“Schopenhauer, A. Lebenvon. Gwinner..D 4220 Life; by Zimmern....C 3844 'Schubert, F. Life; by Frost.C 3871 Life; by Hellbom. 2v.C 1196 Musical Biography; by Wilberforce.C 1225 Schumann, R. Early Letters of; tr. by Her¬ bert. C 3879 Life; by Maitland.C 3873 Life; by Reissmann.I 2926 Life; by Wasielewski.C 3863 Vie de; par David.C 12290 Schuyler, P. Life; by Lossing. 2 v_C 483 Schuyler, Mrs. P. Memoirs; by Grant....I 109 The same.I 353 Scott, Sir G. G. . Recollections.C 916 Scott, Sir J. Lord Eldon.. Life; by Twiss. 3 v.C 913 The same. 2v.C 914 Scott, J. Life, Travels and Gospel Labours. C 3196 Scott, W. Gen. Autobiography. 2 v.C 486 Illustrated Life; by Strother.C 484 Life; by Mansfield.C 485 Scott, Sir \V. Leben; von Eberty. 2 v.D 6099 Leben; von Elze.D 282 Life; by Hutton.C 1488 Life; by Lockhart. 3V.C 912 Life; by Mackenzie.C 911 Life; by Yonge. C 3731 Scovel, S. Memoir; by Wood.C 494 Seabury, S. Life and Correspondence; by Beardsley.C 2206 Sears, D. Memoir; by Winthrop.*C 1696,8 Seaton, W. W., Life of.C 488 Sedgwick, C. M. Life; by Dewey.C 487 Sedgwick, J., Gen. Address on; by McMa¬ hon.*C 1697,1 S£gur, L. G. A. de; par Chaumont. 2 v.. .C 12136 Souvenirs de; par Segur. 2v.C 6675 Seigneret, P. M. J. C. Life and Letters. .C 3848 Selwyn, G., and his Contemporaries; by Jesse. 4V.C 3040 Life; by Hayward. 1 4000,17 Selwyn, G. A. Bishop. Memoir; by Tucker. 2 v.C 3039 Senior, N. W. Conversations with Thiers, Guizot, and others. 2v.C 926 Correspondence with De Tocqueville... C 1217 Seton, Mrs. E. A. Life; by White.C 490 Sevier, J., as a Commonwealth Builder; by Gilmore.B 345 S£vign£, M. de R.-C., Mme. de., and her Contemporaries. 2v.C 3877 Correspondence and Contemporaries of; by Puliga. 2 v.C 1 x 8 x S£vign£, M. de R.-C., Mme. de., en Bre¬ tagne; par La Briere,.C 5618 et Mme. de Maintenon, Esprit de. 2 v..C 4840 Letters.C 3847 Lettres choisies.C 6761 The same.*V mo Life; by Boissier.C 3481 Life; by Thackeray.J 2251 The same.G 1062 Vie de; par Lamartine.C 5639,36 Sewall, J. Memoir of; by Sewall.C 2210 Seward, A. Letters. 6 v.C 3003 Seward, W. H. Life; by Baker.C 489 Life and Services; by Adams.C 491 Seyffarth, G. Biog. Skizze; von Knortz.. .C 2211 Literary Life of.C 2211 Seymour, H. Life; by McCabe.C 497 Sforza, F. Life and Times; by Urquhart. 2v.C 3849 Shackleford, J. W. Addresses on.C 2212 Shaftesbury, Earl of. See Cooper, A. A. Shakespere, W., and his Times; by Drake*V 758 and Stratford-upon-Avon; by Hunter.. . C 917 Biography; by Knight.*V 23 Birthplace, Home and Grave; by Jephson C 3930 et Racine; par Beyle.C 4275 History of Stratford-upon-Avon; by Halli- well-Phillipps.*R 108 Home and Rural Life; by Walter.*P 531 Home at New Place; by Bellew.E 9658 Illustrations of Life; by Halliwell-Phil- lipps.*V 46 Leben von. Elze.D 5496 Life; by Halliwell-Phillipps.C 922 Life; by Skottowe. 2 v.C 3026 Life; by White.C 923 Life and Genius of; by Kenny.C 921 Life and Work; by Fleay.C 3023 Life, Art and Characters; by Hudson.. .E 9731 Memorials of; by Drake.C 924 Outlines of Life of; by Halliwell-Phil¬ lipps.C 3027 The same, 6th ed. 2 v.C 3047 What we know about; by Dali.C 3028 Sharp, G. Life; by Stuart.C 3018 Sharpe, C. K. Letters from and to; ed. by Allardyce. 2 v.C 3760 Sharpe, S. Life; by Clayden.C 3032 Shaw, K. Life; by Baxter.C 2213 Shaw, W. S. Memorials of; by Felt.C 2215 Shee, Sir A. Life; by Shee. 2v.C 918 Sheffield, J. E. Life; by Porter.*C 1697,2 Sheil, R. L. Life; by McCullagh. 2V....C 920 Shelburne, W. P. Earl. Life; by Fitz- maurice. 3 v.C 915 140 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Shelley, M. W. Life; by Moore.C 3044 Shelley, P.B. AnecdoteBiog.; by Stoddard C 931 and Byron, Last Days of; by Trelawny. .C 930 and his Writings; by Middleton. 2 v..C 92S as Philosopher; by Southern.C 929 Critical Biography; by Smith.C 3007 Early Life; by McCarthy.C 932 Life; by Dowden. 2v.C 3046 Life; by Hogg. 2v.C 3009 Life; by Sharp.C 3732 Life; by Symonds.... C 1493 The Man and the Poet; by Rabbe.C 1020 Memoir of; by Medwin.C 3052 Memorials; by Lady Shelley.C 3008 The Real Shelley; by Jeaffreson. 2v.. C 3041 Records; by Trelawny.C 3006 Select Letters; ed. by Garnett.C 3005 Shepard, T. Life; by Albro.C 1450,4 Sherburne, A. Memoirs.C 493 Sheridan, Mrs. F. Memoirs; by Lefanu. .C 3013 Sheridan, P. H. Gen. Personal Memoirs. 2 v.C 2376 Sheridan, R. B., and his Times. 2 v.C 3010 Life; by Oliphant.•..C 3011 Memoir; by Moore. 2v.C 925 Sheridans, Lives of the; by Fitzgerald. 2 v. .C 901 Sherman, J. Life; by Poore.*E 743,3 Sherman, J. Rev. Memoir; by Allon.C 933 Sherwin, T. Life; by Waterston. .C 495 Shillitoe, E. Journal of Life and Labors. 2 v.C 909 Shillitoe, L. Life; by Tallack.C 910 Shipp, J., Memoirs of Military Career of. 3 v.C 3021 Siddons, Mrs. S. K. Life; by Kennard...C 3050 Life; by Campbell. 2 v.C 3017 Memoirs; by Boaden. 2v.C 3000 Sidney, Sir P.; by Symonds.C 1520 Life and Times of.C 935 Memoir; by Bourne.C 936 | Sievering, A. W., Leven van.D 9762 | Sievers, J. J. von. Leben von. Blum-D 283 Sigourney, L. IP. Letters of Life.C 496 Silliman, B. Life; by Fisher. 2 v .C 500 Simpson, T. Life of; by Simpson.C 3015 Simrock, K. Leben; von Hocker.D 4210 Sims, J. M. Story of my Life.C 2214 Sinclair, Sir G. Memoir; by Grant.C 927 Sixtus V. Pope., et Henri IV.; par Segre- tain.C 6762 Life; by Hvibner. 2v.C 3850 The same, condensed by Meline.. .C 1192 SKOBELEFF, M. D., and Slavonic Cause.C 3875 Reminiscences of; by Nemirovitch .... C 3876 Slater, S. Memoir; by White.C 937 Smee, A. Memoir; by his Daughter.C 941 Smetana, A. Geschichte eines Excommu- nicirten.D 4195; Smith, A. Early Years of; by Brisbane. .. .C 940 Life; by Farrer.-L 1921 Life; by Haldane.C 3733 Vie, Travaux, Doctrines; par Delatour. .C 4560 Smith, C. R. Retrospections.C 3794 Smith, G. Biography; by Frothingham... .C 502 Smith, G. of Coalville; a Chapter in Philan- throphy.C 905 Smith, H. B., Life and Works of.C 2220 Smith, Capt. J. Adventures; by Ashton.. .C 3035 Life; by Hill.H 465 Life; by Hillard.C 75,2 Life; by Simms.C 2219. Life; by True.C 2218 Life; by Warner.C 2223. Smith, J. Elder. Life; by Williams.C 2221 Smith, J., the Prophet. Biography; by Smith.C 2225 Life; by Tullidge.C 2222 Smith, J. H. Trial of for Treason; by Daw¬ son.N 5037 Smith, J. P. Life; by Medway.C 3030 Smith, S. Life and Times; by Reid.C 3034 Memoir; by Holland. C 938 Smith, Sol. Autobiography.C 503 Smith, Sir T. Life; by Strype.*P 132 Smith, T. R. Memoir of.*C 3031 Smith, Rev. W. Life and Correspondence; by Smith. 2 v.*V 459 Smith, W. and L. Story of; ed. by Merriam.C 3757 Smith, Sir W. S. Life and Correspondence; by Barrow. 2v.C 939 Smithson, J., and his Bequests; by Rhees. .C 953 Smollett, T. G. Life; by Hannay.C 3734 Socrates, and the Socratic School; by Zeller,L 2969 Life; by Cooper.C 3934 Memoirs; by Lamartine.C 125,2 Memoirs; by Xenophon.I 3899 Morals of; by Blackie.L 2260 Trial and Death of; by Church.L 2086 Somerset, E. See Worcester, Marquis of. Somerville, M. Personal Recollections.. .C 942 Sontag, C. Buhnen-Erlebnisse.D 4222 Sophia Dorothea, Wife of George I. Me¬ moirs; by Williams. 2 v.C 3086 The same. 2 v.C 944 Soto, F. de. Life; by Abbott.C 240 Life and Travels; by Wilmer.C 3874 Southey, R. Life; by Dowden.C 1496 Life and Correspondence.C 948 Life, in his Letters; ed. by Dennis.C 3078 Reminiscences of; by Cottle.C 1397 Selections from Letters of. 4 V.C 3016 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. SPALDING, M. J. Life; by Spalding.C 506 Spalding, S. J. Spalding Memorial.C 1582 Spangenberg, A. G. Life; by Ledderhose.C 1200 Sparks, J. Life; by Everett.C 75,1 Memoir; by Mayer.*C 1696,1 Memoir and Correspondence; by Stark. .C 507 Spencer, J. C., Earl. Memoir; by LeMar- chant.C 3049 Spenser, E. Life; by Church.C 1495 Spinoza, B. Leben von. Fischer.D 4215 Life and Philosophy; by Pollock.C 3865 Spohr, L. Autobiography.C 3872 Spurzheim, J. G. Life; by Carmichael_C 3852 Stael-Holstein, Mme de. Life; by Duffy.C 3883 et la Duchesse Louise.C 6797 Life; by Stevens. 2 v.C 3857 Memoires.C 6796 Memoirs; tr. by Bathurst.C 3868 Stahr, A. Aus der Jugendzeit.D 4221 Stamer, W. Life of Adventure. 2v.C 3020 Stampa, G. Life; by Benson.C 3859 Standish, M. Life; by Abbott.C 510 Stanhope, Lady H. Memoirs. 3 v.C 946 Stanhope, P. D. See Chesterfield, Lord. Stanislaus Kostka, Saint Life; by Thomp¬ son .C 1272 Story of; ed. by Coleridge.C 3544 Vie de; par Gaveau. 21 .C 5°73 Stanley, A. P. Life; by Oliver.C 3012 Recollections of; by Bradley.C 3019 Stanley, H. M. Life; by Rowland.C 511 Stanley, M. Memoir of; by Drummond .. C 3024 Stansbury, E. Life; by Hawkins.C 519 Stanton, H. B. Random Recollections... C 2207 Steele, R. Life; by Dobson.C 2855 Life; by Aitken. 2v.C 3986 Memoirs of Life and Writings; by Mont¬ gomery. 2 v.C 998 Steffens, H. German University Life....C 1197 Stein, C. von. Memoir; by Calvert.C 3853 Stein, H. F. K. von. Leben; von Seeley. 2 v.D 6095 Life; by Seeley. 4 V. in 2.G 1050 The same. 2v.C 3854 Stephens, A. H. Life; by Cleveland.B 496 Life; by Johnston and Browne.C 505 Stephenson, G. Life; by Smiles.C 950 Vie de; par Passy.C 6154 and R. Lives; by Smiles.C 949 Stephenson, R. Life; by Jeaffreson. 2V..C 951 STERNE, L. Life; by Fitzgerald. 2 V .C 995 Life; by Traill. C 1513 Steuben, F. W. Baron. Life; by Bowen.. .C 75,9 Life; by Kapp. C 1182 H 1 Stevens, A., a Biographical Study; by Arm¬ strong .*V 1243 Stevens, T. Life; by Callender.C 2224 Memorial Addresses on.C 508 Stevenson, R. Life; by D. Stevenson... .C 3029 Stewart, C. Marqjlis of Londonderry. Life; by Alison. 3 v.C 3022 Stewart R. Lord Castlereagh. Life; by Alison. 3 v.C 3022 Stewart, V. A., History of; by Howard... .C 2233 Stiles, E. Life; by Holmes.C 517 Life; by Kingsley.€75,16 Stimson, A. E., Tribute to.,.*C 1699 Stobo, R. Major. Memoirs.C 2230 Stockmar, F. C. Memoirs; by Stockmar. 2 v.C 1238 Stockton, F. R. Sketch of Life of. C 2342 Storm, T. Leben; von Schiitze.D 6142 Storrs, E. A. Life; by Adams.C 2075 Story, J. Life and Letters; by Story. 2 v.C 520 Stothard, T. Life; by Bray.C 954 Strafford, Earl of. See Wentworth, Sir T. Strakosch, M. Souvenirs d’un Impresario.C 6708 Strange, 6YrR., and Lumisden. Memoirs; by Dennistoun.C 955 Strauss, D. F., und Theologie seiner Zeit; Hausrath. 2v.D 4200 Strauss, F. Leben von. Zeller.D 4216 Life; by Zeller.C 3855 Strickland, A. Life; by Strickland.C 3197 Stromyer, G. F. L. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Artzes. 2v.D 4230 STRONG, C. Biography; by Bradford .. . ,*C 1696,5 Memoir of; by Lodge.*C 1696,5 STROUSBERG, B. H., Dr., und sein Wirken.D 4218 Strozzi, F. Life; by Trollope.C 1203 Stuart, Lady A. Life and Letters. 2 v.C 952 Stuart, G. Life and Works; by Mason. . *V 130 STUART, J. E. B. Gen. Life and Campaigns; by McClellan.C 2231 Stuyvesant, P. Life; by Abbott.C 523 Sullivan, J. Life; by Peabody. €75,13 Life; by Amory.C 513 Sullivan, W. Memoir; by Amory.*B 1087 Sully, M. de B., Duke of. Memoirs. 4 v..I 3312 Sumner, C. Eulogy on; by Schurz.C 514 Life; by Chaplin.C 2228 Life; by Harsha.C 2229 Life; by Nason.€ 2227 Life and Services; by Lester.C 499 Memorial Addresses on.C 515 Memoirs and Letters of; by Pierce. 2 v..C 516 Sumner, C. R. Bishop. Life; by Sumner.€ 3025 Sumner, I. Memoir; by Sumner.C 501 Sumter, T. Gen. Life; by Hartley.C 2012 142 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Swartz, C. F. Memoirs of; by Pearson. 2 v.C 3862 Swedenborg, E. Life; byTafel.C 1204 Life; by White. 2 v.C 1223 Life; by Wilkinson.C 3860 Life and Character; ed. by Tafel.M 4165 Life and Mission; by Worcester.C 3861 Life and Opinions; by Hood.C 1202 Swetchine, Mme de. Lettres inedites... .C 6843 Life and Letters; by Falloux.C 1205 Swift, J. Life; by Craik.C 3038 Life; by Forster.C 956 Life; by Jeffrey.I 4000,16 Life; by Stephen.C 1509 Swisshelm, J. Cx. Half a Century.C 498 Sydney, A. Life; by Ewald. 2 v.C 945 Memoirs; by Meadley.C 3974 Syed Ahmed Khan. Life and Work; by Graham.C 3882 Tadema, L. A. Life; by Ebers.C 3889 Taigi, A. M., the Roman Matron, Life of. .C 3890 Talleyrand, C. M. de. Levenvan. Lindo.D 9811 Life; ed. by Colmache.C 3893 Life; by McHarg.C 3892 Taney, R. B. Memoir of; by Tyler.C 2289 Memorial Addresses on ..C 2288 Tanner, H. S. [theFaster). Life; by Gunn C 2315 Tappan, A. Life; by Tappan.C 526 Tasso, T.; by Hasell.J 2249 Lettere. 5 v. in 2.C 9422 Life; by Black...*V 209 Life; by Milman. 2 v.C 1219 Tattnall, J. Commodore. Life; by Jones.C 2290 Taubmann, F.; von Ebeling.D 4227 Taylor, B. Life; by Conwell.C 2296 Life and Letters; byTaylorand Scudder.2vC2307 Taylor, Sir H. Autobiography. 2v.C 3055 Correspondence of; ed. by Dowden.... C 1023 Taylor, J. Records of my Life. 2 v.C 3114 Taylor, J. B. Memoir; by Rice.C 2297 Taylor, R.; a Biography; by Parry.C 3399 Taylor, Z. Gert., and his Staff.C 2303 Eulogy of; by Bell.*C 1696,7 Eulogy on; by Prentiss.*C 139 Eulogy on; by Quincy.*C 1696,3 Funeral Sermon on; by Doane.*C 1696,7 Life of.C 2298 Life of.*C 2291 Life; by Fry.C 527 Life; by Montgomery.C 2292 Life; by Powell.*0696,3 Life; by Stoddard.C 2334 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,12 Obituary Addresses on.C 2312 Review of Life of.*C 1696,3 Tegner, E, Levenvan. Ten Kate.D 9818 Teignmouth, Lord. Reminiscences. 2 v. .C.3014 Telford, T. Life; edited by Rickman..*V 151 Atlas to the same.*R 4826 Memoir; by Smiles.C 957 Temme, J. D. H. Erinnerungen.D 4226 Teresa, Saint. Autobiography.C 1273 Life and Letters; by Coleridge.C 3891 Thackeray, W. M., Collection of Letters of, 1847-55 .C 3054 Life; by Trollope.C 1494 Thayer, N. Memoir of; by Ellis.C 2313 Th£rese-Marguerite de PIncarnation, Sceur. Vie de; par Pere Maxime.C 4867 Thiers, L. A. Life; by Le Goff.C 3896 Monsieur Thiers; par Mazade.C 5869 Thiersch, F. Leben von. Thiersch.D 286 Thirlwall, C. Letters. 2 v.C 3060 Letters to a Friend.C 3056 Thoman, M. Reise u. Lebensbeschreibung D 4225 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Life; by Vaughan .C 1255 Thomas, E, S. Reminiscences. 2 v.C 2311 Thomas, G. H. Gen. Address on; by Mat- thews. .*C 1875 Life; by Van Horne. .C 2294 Memoir; by Johnson. .C 2295 Oration on; by Garfield. .*c 1875 Oration on; by Lambert. .*C 1696,8 Thomas, I. Memoirs; by Thomas.. Thomason, Sir E. Memoirs. 2 v.C 3059 Thompson, B. Count Rumford. Life; by Renwick.C 75,15 Memoir; by Ellis.C 525 Thomson, S. Life and Medical Discoveries C 2301 Thorburn, G. Life and Writings.C 529 Thoreau, H. D. Life; by Channing.C 528 Life; by Sanborn.C 2306 Life and Aims; by Japp.C 2300 Thornton, J. W. Memoir; by Amory.. .*B 1007 Thornwell, J. H. Life; by Palmer.C 2293 Thorwaldsen, A. B. Life; by Plon.C 1208 Life; by Thiele.C 3899 und seine Kunst. Hammerich.D 4228 Thou, J. A. de. Life, with account of Writ¬ ings; by Collison.C 3903 Ticknor, G. Life, Letters and Journals; by Hillard. 2 v.C 522 Tieck, L. Erinnerungen an; von Friesen.. D 6102 Tiedge, C. A Leben; von Falkenstein.. . D 6105 Tilden, S. J. Life; by Cornell.C 2308 Life and Services; by Cook.C 2302 Timur, called Tamerlane. Autobiographical Memoirs; tr. by Stewart.*V 1256 Tintoretto. Life; by Osier.C 3898 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY Titian. Life; by Heath.C 3897 Life; by Sweetser.C 1682 Life; by Crowe and Cavalcaselle. 2 v..C 3895 Tobin, J. Memoirs; by Benger.C 3061 Tocqueville, A. de. Correspondence with Senior. 2v.C 1217 Memoirs, Letters and Remains. 2 v.... C 3062 Todd, J. Story of his Life; by Todd.C 524 Tolmer, A. Reminiscences of. 2 v.C 3063 Tone, T. Wolfe. Life; edited by Tone. 2 v.C 960 Tooke, J. H. Memoir; by Stephens. 2 v..C 3069 Memoirs; by Graham.C 2304 Toole, J.L. Reminiscences of; by Hatton. 2v.C 3511 Torrey, C. T. Memoir of; by Lovejoy. ..C 2309 Tourzel, Duchesse de. Memoires. 2V....C 6855 Memoirs of; by Des Cars. 2 v.C 3902 Toussaint, P. Memoir; by Lee.C 1257 Toussaint L’Ouverture. Life; by Beard. C 1252 Townsend, C. Wit and Statesman; by Fitz¬ gerald.C 3058 Treffenfeld, H., und seine Zeit. KesseL.D 278 Trench, Mrs. R. Remains; ed. by her Son.C 1030 Trenck, F. Baron. Life and Adventures.. C 3900 Trevithick, R., Life and Inventions of; by Trevithick.C 3070 Trollope, A. Autobiography.C 3057 Trollope, T. A. What I Remember.C 3064 Trumbull, J. Painter. Autobiography... .C 521 Trumbull, J. Gov. Life; by Stuart.C 2305 Turenne, H. Life; by Cockayne.14000,14 Turgot, A. R. J. Life; by Say.C 3485 Life and Opinions; by Hodgson.*E 1205 Philosophe et Economiste; par Batbie. . .C 4115 Vie de; par Condorcet.C 12207,5 Turner, J. M. W. Life; by Hamerton... .C 958 Life; by Monkhouse.C 3073 Life; by Swaine.C 3110 Life; by Sweetser.C 1690 Life; by Thornbury. 2v.C 962 Tussaud, Mme. Memoirs; by Hayley.... C 3901 Tyler, J., Life of.C 2314 Life; by Stoddard.C 2328 Life and Times; by Irelan.6858,10 Tyler, Wat, and John Ball. Life; by Maurice C 1458 Tyndale, W. Biography; by Demaus.C 961 Tyson, E., the Philanthropist, Life of.C 2310 Uhi.and, J. L. Biographie; von Wurzbach.D4184,1 Leben; von seiner Wittwe.D 6110 und seine Freunde. Mayer.D 4229 Ulfei.dt, Leonora Christina. Memoirs.... C 3910 lammersminde.C 7640 Paa Maribo Kloster. Smith.C 7640 Ulfilas, Apostle of the Goths; by Scott... .C 3911 Leben und Lehre des. Waitz.*V 1014 M 3 Updegraff, J. T., Memorial Addresses on. .C 2391 Upham, C .W. Address; by Ellis.C 1698 Memoir; by Ellis.C 2390 Upsall, N. Life; by Jones.*C 1699 Upton, E. Life and Letters; by Michie.. . C 2392 Urbino, Dukesof. Memoirs;by Dennistoun.3vC 1242 Urso, C. Life; by Barnard.C 1226 Uwins, T. Memoir; by Uwins. 2 v.C 1001 VALDES, Life and Writings; by Wiffen C 3433 Vallandigham, C. L. Life by Vallandig- ham.C- 530 Vamb£ry, A. Life; by himself.C 3942 VanBuren, M. Biography; by Emmons.. C 2402 Life; by Bancroft.C 3985 Life; by Holland.C 531 Life; by Shepard.C 2355 Life; by Stoddard.C 2243 Life and Times; by Irelan.6858,8 Life and Times; by Mackenzie.C 569 Political Life of.*L 167 Vanderbilts, The; by Croffut.C 1969 Van Dyck, Sir A. Biography; by Sweetser C 1695 Life; by Head.C 3947 Vane, Sir H. Life; by Hosmer.C 996 Life; by Upham.C 75,4 Van Halen, J. Narrative of Imprisonment. 2 v.C 3941 Vannucchi, A. del Sarto. Life; by Scott. C 3225 Van Schaak, P. Life; by Van Schaack.. C 2401 Varnhagen von Ense. K. A. Denkwiirdig- keiten des eigenen Lebens.D 4232 Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel. Briefe; her. von Assing.D 4183 Life and Letters; by Jennings.C 3938 Rahel; ein Buch des Andenkens. 3 v. in 2.D 6115 Vasco da Gama. Voyages; by Towle... .C 1610,1 Vattemare, A., and the Boston City Library; by Quincy.*C 1696,3 Vauban, S. le Prester. Vie; par Bondois. . .C 5169 Vega, L. de. Life; by Holland. 2 v.C 3615 Velazquez, D., and his Times; by Justi.. .*R 4077 Life; by Stowe.C 3946 Venard, J. T., the Martyr. Life of.C 3949 Verdi, G. Anecdote History; by Pougin.. C 3943 Milan and Othello; by Roosevelt.C 3792 Verestchagin, A. At Home and in War, 1853-1881.C 3926 Autobiographical Sketches. 2 v.C 3925 Verity, J. S. In Memoriam.C 2403 Vernet, H. Life; by Rees. C 3948 Verrazano, the Explorer; by De Costa.. .*V 189 Verrue, Comtesse de. Memoires; publies par Dumas.;. C 4734,4735 1 44 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Yespucius, A. Life and Voyages; by Lester and Foster.C 1279 Vestris, Mme. E. ( Mrs . Mathews). Me¬ moirs. *C 2996 Vianney, J. B. M. Life; by Monnin.C 3950 Vicars, H. Memoirs.C 965 Victor Emmanuel. Life; by Dicey.C 3952 Life; by Godkin. 2 v.C 395 1 Victoria, Queen , and her Family; by Hodg- ins.C 966 Fifty Years of Reign of; by Wall.C 3083 Life; by Greenwood.C 3081 Life; by Smith.C 3082 Life; by Tulloch.C 3084 Reign of; ed. by Ward. 2 v.C 3094 VlDOCQ, E. F., Chief of the French Police; Memoirs.C 1212 Vieilleville, F. de S., A Gentleman of the Olden Time; by Coignet. 2 v.C 3931 Viel-Castel, le Comte H. de. Memoirs. 2 v.C 3793 Vigilantius, and his Times; by Gilly.C 3940 Villars, C. L. H. Due. Vie; par Bondois .C 5169 Memoirs.C 13349 Villemessant, H. de. Memoires d’un Jour- naliste. 6 v.C 13319 Yilliers, G. Duke of Buckingham. Life; by Thompson. 3 V.C 627 Vincent de Paul, Saint, by Bedford.C 1268 Vinci, Leonardo da. Life; by Brown.C 3953 Life; by Clement.C 1331 Life; by Richter.C 3945 Life; by Sweetser.C 1694 Vitzthum YON Eckstaedt, Count. Remi¬ niscences, 1852-64. 2 v.C 3936 Vogt, C. Biographie; von Wurzbach.... 04184,2 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, and Margravine of Baireuth; by Horn. C 3349 Correspondance .C 6997,10-13 Leben und Werke; von Mahrenholtz.. .D 6114 Lettres choisies .C 13361 Life and Writings; by Chaudon.C 3955 Life; by Morley .C 1213 Life; by Parton. 2 v....C 3956 Life; by Standish .C 1215 Le Roi Voltaire; by Houssaye.C 5233 Vie de; par Noel.C 6052 Vie de; par J. A. N. Condorcet.C 12207,4 end W. von Baireuth. Horn.D 4236 . Voss, Countess von. Recollections.... 2 v.C 3957 Wade, B. F. Life; by Riddle.C 2438 Wagner, R., and his Poetical Work; by Gau¬ tier .C 3964 Biographie; von Wurzbach.04184,10 Briefe an Uhlig, Fischer, Heine.D 6119 Wagner, R. Briefwechsel mit Liszt.D 4168 Correspondence with Liszt. 2 v.C 3968 juge en France; par Servieres.C 6724 Leben von. Glasenapp. 2 v.........D 4239 Leben und Werke; vonTappert.D 6116 Life; by Hueffer.C 3962 Life; by Nohl.C 3965 sa Vie, et ses CEuvres; par Jullien ... .*P 750 und seine Schopfungen; von Stohn.O 4240 Waldeck, J. F. Count. Recollections of; by Smith....C 3242 Wale, H. J. Sword and Surplice.C 3126 Wales, S., Oration on; by Lathrop....*C 1697,1 Walker, C., Biographical Sketch of.C 532 Walker, S. C. Address on; by Gould. .*C 1697,3 Wallace, Sir W. Early Days of; by Mar- • quess of Bute.C 3154 Life; by Carrick. 2 v.I 3534 Wallack, L. Memories of Fifty Years... .C 3494 Wallenstein, A. von. Life; by Mitchell. .C 1224 Vier letzte Lebensjahre. Hurter.D 4231 Walpole, H., and his World; Passages from his Letters; ed. by Seeley.C 3969 Letters; ed. by Cunningham. 9 V.C 1006 Memoirs; by Coxe.*V 146 Walpole, Sir R. Biography; by Ewald.. .C 1007 Memoirs; by Coxe. 3 v. in 6.*V 147 Walther, von der Vogelweide. Leben von. Rieger.D 4235 WaRBURTON, W. Life; by Watson.C 969 Ward, G. Biographical Sketch; by Gustafson C 2410 Ward, J. Diary of, 1648-79; ed. by Severn C 3159 Ward, J. Experiences of a Diplomatist... .C 3136 Ward, J. W. Earl Dudley. Letters to# the Bishop of Llandaff.C 3122 Ward, N. Memoir; by Dean.C 2363 Ward, R. P. Memoirs; by Phipps. 2 v. ..C 967 Ward, S. Life; by Gammell.C 75,19 Ward, S. R. Autobiography* of a Fugitive Negro.C 2409 WARDLAW, R. Memoir; by Alexander_C 968 Ware, T- F.W., and his Work; by Matthews L 4850,2 Ware, M. L. Memoir; by Hall.C 534 Warner, R. Literary Recollections.C 3121 Warren, J. Gen. Life of.C 297 Life; by Everett.C 75,10 Life; by Frothingham.C 533 Washburn, I. Autobiography.C 574 Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a Min¬ ister to France, 1869-1877. 2 v. ...C 2368 Washington, G.; by Guizot.C 2397 and his Generals; by Headley. 2 v... .C 577 and the American Republic; by Lossing. 3 v.C 2405 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. H5 Washington, G., and the Generals of the Revolution. C 545 and Seventy-Six; by Guernsey.C 2394 and Thos. Jefferson; by Simpson.C 578 Bibliotheca Washingtoniana; by Baker .*0 561 Biographie de; par Guizot.C 538 Bowdoin and Franklin; by Winthrop... .C 1642 Character of; by Winthrop.*C 1696,5 Character Portraits; by Baker.*V 495 Diary of 1789-91; byLossing.C 2399 Diplomatic History of Administration of; by Trescot..L 109 Early Life; by Pickell.C 542 Epistles from.C 2398 Essay on; by Guizot.C 547 Fac-simile of Accounts of.*R 4250 Historical Biography; by Scudder.C 3545 Home of; by Lossing.C 549 Home of; by Wineberger.C 554 Houdon Statue of; by McRae.*C 1696,7 Journal of, 1753.B 270 in Domestic Life; by Rush.'..C 552 Ein Lebensbild; Venedey.D 4237 Life of.C 2382 Life; by Abbott.C 548 Life; by Bancroft.C 544 Life; by Edmonds. 2 v.'. .1 3603 1 Life; by Everett.C 539 Life; by Habberton.C 2408 Life; by Headley.C 2396 Life; by Henley.C 2395 Life; by Irving. 5 v.C 541 The same. 5 v... .J 145 The same, abridged.C 2407 Life; by Lodge. 2 v.C 3169 Life; by Marshall. 5 v.C 553 Maps to the same.*V 34 l Life; by Paulding. 2 v.I 3709 Life; by Ramsay.C 535 Life; by Schroeder. 2 v.*V 85 Life; by Sparks.J 280,1 The same, abridged.C 546 Life; by Stoddard.C 2404 Life; ed. by Upham. 2v.C 543 The same. 2 v.C 2400 Life; by Townsend.C 2384 Life; by Weems.C 537 Life and Times; by Irelan.B 858,1 Life; for Children; by Cecil.H 826,1 Life Studied anew; by Hale.C 2383 Maxims of; by Schroeder.E 1481 Medals of; by Snowden.*R 4427 Memoir; by Phelps.C 2393 Memoirs; by Custis.C 540 Washington, G. Memoirs; by Kirkland.. .C 576 Memory of; by Hervey.C 551 Oration at Washington Monument; by Winthrop.*C 1696,5 Original Portraits of; by Johnston ... .*P 604 Washingtoniana .C 536 Washingtoniana; by Hough. 2 v.*V 493 Young Folks’ Life of; by Brown.C 2406 Washington, Mary and Martha; by Lossing.C 2385 Waterston, R. Brief Memoir;by Deane.*C 1699 Discourse on; by Gannett and Heyw’ood*C 1699 Watson, E. Life; by Deane.C 565 Watson, J. F. Memoir; by Dorr.C 2411 Watt, J. Life; by Arago.C 3151 Life; by Muirhead.C 3148 Memorials of; by Williamson.C 1037 Wayland, F. Life; by his Sons. 2V....C 550 Wayne, A. Life; by Armstrong.C 75,4 Life and Sendees; by Moore.C 571 Weber, C. M. von. Leben; von ReissmannD 4173 Leben; von Weber. 3V.D 6117 Life; by Benedict.C 3963 Life; by Weber. 2v.C 3961 Webster, D. Address at Unveiling Statue of; by Winthrop.*C 1696,7 and his Contemporaries; by March .... C 556 as a Jurist.*.*C 1697,3 Boston Memorial of.C 584 Discourse on; by Hudson.*C 1697,1 Discourses and Orations on.*C 2429 L ast Years of; by Curtis.C 583 Life; by Banvard.C 2430 Life; by Curtis. 2v.C 555 Life; by Knapp.C 581 Life; by Lodge.C 2414 Life; by Schmucker.C 562 Life and Memorials; by Lyman. 2 v.. . C 557 Life, Eulogy and Great Orations of ... .C 2431 Obituary Addresses on.C 559 Oration on Life and Services; by Walk¬ er... . *C 1696,7 Private Correspondence. 2v.C 558 Private Life; by Lanman.C 560 Reminiscences; by Harvey.C 582 Statue of, Inauguration of.*R 4266 Tribute of New York City to.C 2428 Webster; an Ode; by Wilkinson.*V 558 Webster, N. Li^e; by Scudder.C 2413 Wedgwood, J. Life; by Meteyard. 2 v...C 972 Wedgwoods, The; by Jewitt.C 989 Wedgwoods, The Younger; by Meteyard .... C 987 Weed, T. Life of. 2 v.C 2424 v. 1. Autobiography; ed. by Weed. 2. Memoir of; by Barnes. 146 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Wellesley, R. C., Marquess. Portrait of; by Torrens.C 3150 Wellington, Duke of. Anecdotes of; by Timbs.C 1015 Conversations with, 1831-51; by Stan¬ hope.C 3117 Dispatches of. 23 V. *A9i59i6 Life; by Alexander. 2v.C 3145 Life and Campaigns; by Wright. 4 v...C 3089 Life of.I 3163 Life;, by Brialmont. 4V.C 979 Life; by Browne.C 978 Life; by Gleig.C 3138 Life; by Maxwell. 3 v.C 1014 Life and Times; by Williams and'Gaspey. 4 v. in 2.*V 562 Memoir; by Yonge. 2 v.C 970 Memoir of.IX4.000,14 Private Correspondence. .c 895 Victories of; by Maxwell.I 3133 Wellingtoniana!.C 1015 Words of; ed. by Walford.I 3898 Wells, W. H. In Memoriam.C 2367 Wemyss, F. C. Theatrical Biography.C 2418 Wentworth, Sir T. Earl of Strafford. Life; by Cooper. 2v.C 1008 Wergeland, H. Lefvnet. Schw r anenflugel. C 7543 og hans Samtid. Lassen.C 8346 Werner, R. Beriihmte Seeleute.D 4380 Wesley, C. Life; by Jackson. 2V.......C 1009 Wesley, J. Life; by Green.C 3124 Life; by Southey.I 3089 Life; by Tyerman. 3 V.C 971 Life; by Watson.C 973 Life; by Wedgwood.C 974 Place in Church History.C 975 Wesley, S. Life; by Clarke.C 3157 West, B. Life and Works; by Galt.C 564 W t est, W. Fifty Years Recollections «of an old Bookseller.C 3092 Weston, A. Life; by Tomkinson.C 3099 W t etzel, L. Life; by Meyers.C 2416 Whalley, T. Journals. 2 v.C 976 Whately, R. Life and Correspontience. 2v.C 1025 Memoir; by Fitzpatrick. 2v.C 977 Wheaton, R. Memoir of.C 2365 Wheei.ock, E. Memoirs; by McClure and Parish.C 2419 Whewell, W. Life; by Douglas.C 3135 White, J., Life Sketches of.C 2417 White, P. H., Address on; by Clark.*C 1698 Whitefield, G. Biography; by Belcher ..C 3096 Life; by Gledstone.C 984 Life; by Tyerman. 2v.C 1011 Whitefield, G. Light in Obscurity; by Andrews.C IOIO Memoirs;, ed. by Gillies.C 3130 Whitehead, J. Life; by Chalk.C 1012 Whitehouse, H. J., Sermon on; by Locke.*C 1699 Whitelocke, B. Memoirs; by W T hitelocke.C 985 Whitgift, J. Life; by Strype. 3 V.*P 133 Whitman, W. Life; by Bucke.C 2412 Whittaker, T. Life’s Battles in Temper¬ ance Armor.C 3156 Whittier, J. G. Life; by Kennedy.C 2423 Life; by Underwood.C 2415 Presentation of a Portrait of, to Friends’ School, Providence, R. I.C 2436 Whittington, Sir R.; by Besantand Rice.C 3131 Story of; by Lyons. C 3146 Wicliffe, J. See W T ycliffe, J. Wiffen, J. H. and B. B. Memoirs and Miscel¬ lanies. C 3129 WiKOFF, H. Adventures of a roving Diplomat¬ ist.E 1617 My Courtship and its Consequences.C 3907 Reminiscences of an Idler.E 1615 Wilberforce, W., Life of.C 980 Life; by his Sons. 5 v.C 1019 Life; by Stoughton.C 1017 Recollections of; by Harford.C 1018 Letters from 1774 to 1796, with Memoir.C 3142 Wilder, M. P. People I’ve Smiled with. ..C 3967 Wilder, S. V. S. Records from Life of... .C 587 Wilgus, W. J. Life; by Sellstedt.*C 139 Wilhelmine, Margravine of Baireuth, Memoirs of.C 3972 Wilkes, J. Correspondence; with Memoir by Almon. 5 v.C 3141 Letters from 1744 to 1796. 4 v.C 3142 Life and Times; by Fitzgerald. 2 v.. .C 1038 and Cobbett. Lives; by Watson.C 982 Sheridan and Fox; by Rae.C 981 Wilkie, D. Life; by Cunningham. 3 v...C 3133 Life; by Mollett.C 3132 Life; by Simpson.C 3144 Memoir; ed. by Raimbach.C 785 Wilkinson, Jemima, Memoirs of.C 2421 Wilkinson, John. Memoirs of my Times. 3 v.C 568 Willard, F. E. Glimpses of Fifty Years.C 11802 Willard, S. Life; by Willard.C 1021 William I., the Conqueror; by Abbott..H 33 and Companions; by Planche. 2 v....A 585 Guillaume le Conquerant; par Todiere. .C 6861 Life; by Freeman.C 3562 Life; by Roscoe.C 3139 William Rufus. Reign of; by Freeman. .A 655 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. H7 William III. Life; .by Traill.C 3563 and Louis XIV. Letters. 2v.C3127 William IV. of England. Letters to Caroline von Linsingen.C 1287 William of Wykeham, and his Colleges; by Walcott.C 3166 William I. of Orange. Leven van. Zeeman.D 9971 William I., von Wurtemberg. Nick.D 289 Wi LLIAM I . y Emperor of Germany, and the German Empire; by Smith .C 3980 Biography; by Forbes..C 3981 Leben von. Pflug.D 5685 Leben von. Schneider.D«6i20 Life; by Strauss.C 3982 Life; by Lieb.C 3984 Reign of; by Simon. 2 v.C 3983 Williams, E. Identity with Louis XVII.; by Hanson.C 1153 Williams, J. Rev. b. 7664. Life; by Williams.C 570 Williams, J. Rev. b. 1796. Memoirs; by Prout.C 983 Williams, R. Footprints of; byMudge...C 575 and his Banishment; by Dexter.B 1013 Life; by Elton.C 588 Life; by Gammell.C 75,14 Memoir; by Knowles.C 589 Williams, S. W. Life and Letters; by F. W. Williams. C 2389 Williams, W. Life, Travels and Labors. ..C 2420 Willis, N. P. Life; by Beers.C 2435 Williston, S. Discourses on; by Tyler. .*E 743,3 Wills, T. Life; by Phillips and Luke....C 3128 Wilmer, R. H. The Recent Past.C 2439 Wilson, A. Life; by Peabody.C 75,2 Wilson, H. Life; by Mann.C 566 Life and Services; by Nason.C 2422 Memorial Addresses on.C 567 Wilson, J. (Christopher North ); by Gordon.C 986 Wilson, J. Rev, Life; by M’Clure.C 1450,2 Wilson, J. M. Life; by Lamplough.C 1221 Wilson, AfrR. Life; Randolph. 2V.C3119 Private Diary of; ed. by Randolph. 2 v.C 3120 WINCKELM ANN, J. J. Leben von. Just. 3 v...D 4234 WlNTHROP, J. Life and Letters; by Winthrop C 2432 Winthrop, T. Life and Poems of.C 2426 Wirt, W. Life; by Kennedy. 2 v.C 572 The same. 2v.*P 282 Witt, J. de. Grand Pensionary of Holland; by Pontalis. 2 v.C 3970 Jean de Witt; par Pontalis. 2 v.C 6286 Woffington, P. Life and Adventures of; by Molloy. 2 v.C 3147 Wolfe, J. Address on; by Sabine.C 2433 Life; by Wright.C 1029 Wollstonecraft, M. Letters tolmlay...C 1032 Life; by Pennell. C 3153 Wolseley, Sir G. T. Memoirs; by Low. 2 v.C 3134 Wolsey, T. Cardinal. Life; by Cavendish C 1031 The same.C 3090 Life; by Creighton.C 3564 Life; by Fiddes.*V 202 Life; by Howard.C 3125 Wood, F. Memorial Addresses on...C 2425 Wood, J., Plow Inventor; by Gilbert.C 579 Woolman, J. Journal.C 563 Worcester, Marquis of. Life; by Dircks. C 943 Wordsworth, D. Story of; by Lee.C 3158 Wordsworth, W. Life; by Myers.C 1502 Biographical Sketch; by Symington. 2 v.C 3137 Studies in; by Hudson.C 3149 A Study; by Calvert.C 1034 Wraxall, W. W. Historical Memoirs. 2 v.C 3140 Wren, Sir C., and his Times; by Elmes... .C 3143 His Family and Times; by Phillimore.. .C 3091 Wright, Frances. Biography.C 3209 Wright, J. S. In Memoriam.*C 1696,2 Wright, S. Discourse on; by Sprague.. .*C 1696,2 Life; by Hammond.C 2427 Life; by Jenkins.C 561 Wyatt, W. E. Memorial.C 139 Wycliffe, J., and his English Precursors; by Lechler. 2 v.C 3118 First of the Reformers; by Holt.C 3152 Life and Opinions; by Vaughan. 2V..C 997 Life and Sufferings; by Lewis.C 3160 Xavier, Francis, Saint. Life; by Bartoli and Maffei.C 1261 Life and Letters; by Coleridge. 2 v.. .C 1258 Xerxes, History of; by Abbott.H 34 Ximenes, Cardinal. Life; by Hefele.C 1259 Yale, E.; by Dexter.*C 1697,2 Yates, E. Fifty Years of London Life** • *C 3155 Yates, R. Life; by Reavis.*C 1697,2 Yates, W. Memoirs; by Hoby.C 988 York von Wartenburg. Leben von. Droysen D 44 Young, B., and his Harem.C 573 Young, C. M. Memoir; by Young.C 992 Young, T. Life; by Peacock.C 990 Zeisberger, D. Life; by Schweinitz.C 2434 Zwingli, U., and the Reformation; by Christ- offel.C 3999 Life; by Hess.C 3998 FINDING LIST OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SEVENTH EDITION. * CHICAGO: LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL. March, 1890. _ INDEX TO GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. PAGE. Abyssinia. 196 Acadia... 1 5 7 Africa. 196 Alaska. 168 Algeria. 196 Alps, The. 1 Bo Amazon River. 17° America, Central. 169 America, North. 1 5 7 America, South. 17° Arabia. 19 1 Arctic Regions. 154 Argentine Confederation.17 1 \shantee.•. 196 ,\sia. 188 Asia, Central. 191 A.sia Minor. 187 Atlases. J 49 Australia. 202 Baedeker’s Hand-Books. 1 55 Balkan Peninsula. C. 187 Barbary States. 196 ^echuanas. 196 Belgium... 1 79 Boerland. 196 Bolivia. * 7 ° Borneo. J 94 Brazil. 17 ° British America. 1 5 7 British Columbia. 1 5 7 Bulgaria. . 1 87 Burmah. 1 94 - Business Gazetteers. 156 California . x 66 Canada, Dominion of. 1 57 Canary Islands. l 9 & Cape Colony. l 9 ^ Carthage. l 9 ^ Catacombs, The. ^83 Central America. % . . l &9 PAGE. Central Asia. 191 Ceylon. 192 Chili. 170 China. 195 Colombia. 170 Congo River. 196 Corea. 195 Cuba. 169 Dahomey. 196 Denmark. 186 Directories. 156 East Indies. 194 Ecuador . 170 Egypt.200 England. 173 Ethiopia.•.. 196 Europe. 171 Farther India. 194 Fiji Islands. 201 France. 177 Friendly Islands. 201 Gazetteers. 149 Geography. . 149 Germany. 179 Greece. 188 Guatemala. 169 Guide Books. 155 Guinea. 196 Hakluyt Society Publications.-.. 153 Hayti. 169 Holland. 179 Holy Fand, The. 188 Honduras. 169 Iceland. 186 India. 192 India, Farther. 194 Indies, East. 194 Indies, West. 169 Ireland. 176 Italy. 181 IV Jamaica... Japan. Java. Kafirland.. Labrador. London.. Madagascar . Madeira Islands. Malay Peninsula. Manitoba. Mexico. Middle States. Mongolia. Morocco. Murray’s Hand-Books. Natal. Netherlands. New Brunswick. New Caledonia. New England States.. . New Granada. New Guinea. New Hebrides. New South Wales. New Zealand. Newfoundland. Nicaragua. Nile, The. North America. Norway. Nova Scotia. Nubia. Oceanica. Orange Free State.. . . Pacific Coast. Palestine. Panama. Paraguay. Paris. Patagonia. Persia. Peru. Pilots. Pitcairn’s Island. Polynesia. ?. INDEX. PAGE. Porto Rico. 169 Portugal. 5 Pyramids, The. 201 Queensland .. 202 Rhine, The. 180 Rome. 183 Roumania. 187 Russian Empire. 184 Sahara, or Great Desert . 196 Samoan Islands . 201 Sandwich Islands .. 203 Scandinavia . 185 Scotland . 176 Senegambia . 196 Servia . 187 Siam . . . 194 Siberia. 194 Solomon Islands. 201 Soudan, The . 196 South America . 17° .Southern States. 162 Spain. 1 S3 Sweden. '186 Switzerland. 180 Syria. 188 Tahiti. 201 Tartary. 195 Tasmania. 202 Thibet. 195 Transvaal Republic. 196 Travels round the World. 151 Tripoli. 196 Tunis. 196 Turkey. 187 United States. 158 Uruguay. 17 1 Venezuela. 17° Victoria. 202 Voyages and Travels. 15 1 Wales. 173 West, The. 163 West Indies. 169 Western States an 4 Territories. 163 Zambesi River . 196 Zululand. FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. ATLASES AND GAZETTEERS. American Atlas: Historical, Chronological and Geographical.*R 4919 Andree. Allgemeiner Handatlas.*R 4956 Appleton’s Atlas of Ancient Geography.. . .*R 4978 Atlas of Classical Geography. *1 3222 Bartholomew. Handy Reference Atlas of the World.*R 215 Black. General Atlas.*R 4933 Blackie. Imperial Gazetteer. 2 v.*R 712 Blaeuw. Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1650.*R 4862 Blanchard. Commercial Atlas of the U. S. 1874.*R 4810 Bradley. Atlas of the World.*R 4927 Butler. Atlas of Ancient Geography.... *R 229 Camp. Key to Physical and Political Maps. .1 2141 Cerographic Missionary Atlas.*R 4983 Chambers’s Parlor Atlas.*R 250 Chauchard. European Atlas, 1800.*R 4790 Collection of Maps and Charts, 1761-76. . .*R 4931 Collier and Schmitz. International Atlas. *R 249 Cram’s Geographical Cyclopaedia, 1884. . .. *R 4974 Indexed Atlas of Southern and Western* States.*R 4937 Standard Atlas of the World, 1886, 1889, 1890.*R 4936 Universal Atlas.*R 4921 Fisher. Gazetteer of the United States, 1853.*R 691 Fitz. Handbook of Terrestrial Globe.I 2155 Globe Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World . *K 674 Johnston. Cosmographic Atlas.*R 4925 Dictionary of Geography.*R 690 Royal Atlas of Modern Geography.. . . *R 4926 Jung. Lexikon der Handelsgeographie... ,*R 3812 Kiepert. Atlas von Hellas.*1*4892 Atlas der Alten Welt.*R 4980 Lippincott’s Gazetteer of the United States, 1854.*R 684 Gazetteer of the World, 1873.*R 700 The same; new edition, 1880.*R 702 Long. Atlas of Classical Geography.*R 247 McCulloch. Geographical Dictionary. 4V.*R 688 Maps of Society for Diffusion of Knowledge. 2 v. * .*R 4951 Meyer. Zeitungs-Atlas...*R 4984 Milner and Petermann. Atlas of Political Geography.*R 4959 Mitchell. New General Atlas, 1873, 1874, 1881, 1883.*R 4953 National Atlas.*R 4934 Rand, McNally & Co.’s Atlas of the World.*R 4963 Business Atlas, 1877, 1880, 1885, iSS6*R 4962 Rhode. Historischer Schul-Atlas.*R 4977 Ritter. Geographisch-Statistisches Lexicon. 2 v. *R 709 The same; 7th ed. 2 v.*R 708 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geo¬ graphy.*R 457 Stanford’s Atlas of Universal Geography. ..*R 4823 Stieler. Hand-Atlas.*R 4955 Walker. Statistical Atlas of the U. S., 1870.*R 4924 Zell. Atlas of the World.*R 4976 See also Historical Atlases, p. 1. GEOGRAPHY. Ansted. Elementary Course of Geography. K 2461 Anthon. Ancient and Mediaeval Geography. 1 2170 Apgar. Geographical Handbook . I 2140 Appleton’s Standard Higher Geography. . .. *V 788 Balbi. Erdbeschreibung. 2v . D 292 Bastian. Geographische Bilder . I) 4408 BEIJER. Aardrijksbeschryving . I) 9052 GEOGRAPHY. l 5° Berthelt. Geographie in Bildem.D 293 Bevan. Manual of Ancient Geography.I 97 22 Manual of Modern Geography.I 9723 Blanc, peschichte der Erde. 3 V.D 294 Bohn. Handbook of Modern Geography.. .1 314}. Brachelli. Abriss der Geographic.D 298 Brown. Countries of the World. 6v.I 9730 BUNBURY. History of Ancient Geography. 2v.I 219S Cannabich. Lehrbuchder Geographic. 2v.D 3714 Carpenter. Geographical Surveying.. ..K 686,37 Chisholm. The World as it is.I 9721 Cities of the World. I 3811 Clyde. School Geography.I 2190 Cornell. High School Geography.I 2153 Grammar School Geography.*V 87S Intermediate Geography.*V 877 Primary Geography.I 2142 Cornwell. School Geography.I 9728 De Bruin. Geographisch Woordenboek. 2v.*R 707 Figuier. Les Six Parties du Monde.C 4919 Forbiger. Oude Aardrijkskunde.D 9265 Geikie. The Teaching of Geography.I 9733 Geographical Magazine, v. 1-5. Ser. Geographic f ur Offiziere.D 307 Geographische Reisen u. Entdeckungen.D 308 Gibbon. Catechism of Geography.I 9727 Grove. Geography.I 2187 Grube. Geographische Bilder. 3 V.D 3767 Guthrie. Modern Geography, 1792.*V 103 Guyot. The Earth and its Inhabitants; Geo¬ graphy.*V 879 Hall. Our World; Lessons in Geography..I 2143 Handboek der Aardrijkskunde.D 9311 bijzonder gedeelte van hetzelfde.D 9312 Harper’s School Geography.. ... .*V 787 Hathaway, iooi Questions on Geography.I 9734 Hodder. Cities of the World. 4 V.*V 624 Jackson. Mathematical Geography.I 2144 Kiepert. Lehrbuch der alten Geographic.D 3797 Laurie. Elementary Geography.I 2200 Leake. Disputed Questions of Ancient Geo¬ graphy .I 2191 Lelewel. Geographic du Moyen Age. 4 v. in 2.C 5572 Atlas..*V 1500 LoHR. Lander und Volker der Erde. 4 v..D 330 McNally. Improved System of Geogra¬ phy.'.*V 880 Malte-Brun. System of Universal Geo¬ graphy. 3 v.*V 196 Maunder. Treasury of Geography.*R 670 Maury. Manual of Geography .*V 314 Milner. Gallery of Geography. 2v-*V 352 The same; new edition. 6 v.*V 764 Mitchell. Accompaniment to Map of the World. * .I 972O Ancient Geography.I 2197 Key to Outline Maps.I 2145 Modern Geography.I 2146 The same.*V E40 Monteith. First Lessons in Geography.... I 2147 Manual of Geography.I 2149 Physical and Political Geography..... .*V 139 Morgan. American School Geography.... .1 2148 Morse. Universal Geography. 2 v. I 2193 Neubauer. La Geographic du Talmud... C 6020 Parker. How to Study Geography.I 9732 Perrot. Manuel pour la Construction des Cartes geographiques.C 6513, 270 Peschel. Erd-und Volkerkunde.D 4551 Geschichte der Erdkunde.D 3S63 Zeitalter der Entdeckungen.D 3864 Petermannn’s Geographische Mittheilungen. v. 1 34. Ser. Erganzungshefte. v. 1-19. Ser. Pictorial Hand-book of Modem Geography.. .1 3144 Pinkerton. Modern Geography. 2 v... *V 158 Ptolemaeus. Geographia. v. 1.*L 3040 Puetz. Indevergelijkende Aardrijkskunde.. D 9671 Reclus. The Earth and itslnhabitants. 13 v.*R 701 Nouvelle Geographic universelle. 13 v.*V 1120 Reclus. Bird’s-Eye View of the World.I 9741 Ritter. Comparative Geography.I 2177 Einleitung zur Geographic.D 3886 Erdkunde. 20 v. in 21.D 3884 Geographical Studies., I 2175 Geschichte der Erdkunde u. Entdeckun¬ gen .D 3885 Royal Geographical Society, Journal of. 46 v. Ser. Index to v. 1-30. Proceedings of. 32 v. Ser. Sadik Isfahani. Geographical Works... .*V 1290 Schacht. Kleine Schulgeografie.D 3893 Schmitz. Ancient Geography.I 2154 Scribner’s Geographical Reader.I 2157 Seydlitz. Schul-Geographie.D 3812 Shepard. Great Cities of the Ancient World. I 9725 Great Cities of the Modern World.I 9724 Smith. Wonderful Cities of the World.I 9731 Stanford’s Compendium of Geography... 6 v. Africa; by Johnston.I 8644 Asia; by Keane.I 8041 Australasia; by Wallace.I 1886 Europe; by Rudler and Chisholm. . .1 5932 Central America, West Indies and South America; by Bates.I 489 North America; by Hayden and Selwyn.I 5 ° 9 2 GEOGRAPHY—GENERAL VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 'Si Steinwehr and Brinton. Primary Geogra¬ phy.I2151 Stevens. Johann Schoner; his Globe of 1523 .1 2196 Stewart. Geography for Begirlners.I 2201 Modem Geography.I 2195 Strachey. Lectures on Geography.I 2169 Swinton. Elementary Geography. ' 2150 Tozer. Classical Geography.J 1512 Traut. Wegvveiser in Geographic.D 564 Van Hennekeler. Gebruikder Aardglobe D 9871 Vogel. Geographic fur Schulen.D 349 Volz. Geographische Entdeckungen.D 348 Vulliet. Geography of Nature.I 2185 Warren. Common School Geography... .*R 4982 Webster. Elements of Useful Knowledge. 3 v.I 2156 Wheeler. Report upon 3rd International Geographical Congress, 1881. Doc. White. Class-Book of Geography.I 2152 GENERAL VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Adventures of British Seamen . I 3502 Albert Victor, Prince. Cruise of H. M. S. “Bacchante,” 1879-82. 2v . I 9666 Andersson. Werldsomsegling. 3 v. in2..C 7699 Andrews. Voyage across the Atlantic . I 2224 Anrep-Elmpt. Reise um die Welt.D 334 Arago. Voyage autour du Monde . *V 1154 Bainbridge. Round the World Letters.. . .1 2228 Ballou. Due West; or, Round the World. .1 2128 Foot-Prints of Travel.I 9674 Bandmann. An Actor’s Tour.I 2116 Bates (Ed.). Illustrated Travels. 6v....*V 207 Baxter. Talofa; Letters from Foreign Parts. I 9654 Bayly. Sea-Life Sixty Years ago.I 9648 Beauvoir. Voyage round the World. 3 v. .1 2171 Beechey. Voyage to the Pacific and Behr¬ ing’s Strait. 2 v.*V 800 Beehler. Cruise of the “Brooklyn ”.I 2137 Belcher. Voyage round the World. 2 v.. .1 2277 Bell. Other Countries. 2v.I 2269 Benjamin. Atlantic Islands as Resorts.I 2130 Bennett. Narrative of a Whaling Voyage Round the Globe. 2 v . I 9649 Bille. Galathea’s Reise omkring Jorden. . .C 7041 Boyle. Camp Notes . I 2174 Chronicles of No-Man’s Land.I 2221 Brassey. In the Trades, the Tropics, etc. .G 688 The same . I 2115 Voyage in the “Sunbeam” . G 862 The same . I 2229 Bridges. Lady’s Travels Round the Word. .I 9646 Browne. Etchings of a Whaling Cruise... .1 2237 Buchner. Reise durch den Stillen Ozean. .D 314 Butler. Far out; Rovings re told.I 2263 Caine. Trip round the World in 1887-88. . .1 9669 Campbell. Log Letters from the “Chal. lenger”.I 2227 Campbell. My Circular Notes. 2v.I 2226 Carlisle. Round the World.I 2267 Carnegie. Round the World.I 2133 Caroline, Queen of England. Voyages and Travels.I 2233 Carr. All the Way round.H 150 Chapin. From Japan to Granada.I 9675 Charton. Voyageurs anciens et mod ernes. 4 v.C12202 Chateaubriand. Travels. 2v.I 2204 Choules. Cruise of the “North Star” ....I 2123 Churchill. Collection of Voyages and Travels. 6v.*R 4218 Circumnavigation of the Globe..1 3714 Clarke. Progress of Maritime Discovery. *V 81 Clarke. Travels in Various Countries.. . . *V 219 v. I. Russia, Tartary, Turkey. 2-4. Greece, Egypt, Holy Land. 5-6. Scandinavia. Clerk. Tour round the World.I 2271 Cleveland. Voyages and Commercial En¬ terprises .I 2235 Voyages of a Merchant Navigator.I 2118 Clover. Leaves from a Diary. I 9642 Coffin. Our new Way round the World. . .1 2274 Colbeck. A Summer’s Cruise.I 9739 Cook, Capt. J. Three Voyages round the World. 7 v.I 9658 Voyage round the World, 1768-71. .*V 1521,2-3 Voyages round the World, 1768-80. .12243,12-17 Cooley. Maritime and Inland Discoveries. .1 3812 Cortambert. Voyage a travers le Monde.. C12 1 70 Cotteau. De Paris au Japon. C12178 Croal. Book about Travelling.I 2202 Gumming. Cruise in a French Man-of-War. 2 v.I 1973 From the Hebrides to the Himalayas. 2 v.I 2251 Cunard Steamship Co., Official Guide of. . . .*V 119 Curtis. Dottings round the Circle.I 9677 Dampier. Voyages round the World.I 2214 Darwin. Naturalist round the World.K 3050 Davenport. Perilous Adventures.I 3739 Dixon. Voyage round the World, 1785-88.*V 217 DoblhoFF. Von den Pyramiden zum Ni¬ agara.D 3726 Dorvili.e. Cruising in many Waters.I 9645 Ellms. Tragedy of the Seas.I 9670 Ei.wes. Sketcher’s Tour round the World . I 2212 'GENERAL VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. T 5 2 Embacher. Lexicon der Reisen und Ent- deckungen . .*R 3809 Emigrants, General Hints to. K 1360 Estancelin. Voyages et decouvertes des Navigateurs normands .C 4808 Evliya. Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. *V 1262 Field. Travels round the World . I 2241 v. 1. From Killarney to the Golden Horn. 2. From Egypt to Japan. Fitzroy. Voyage of the “Adventurer.” 3 v.I 2206 Francis. Across the Meridians .*V 875 Francis. War, Waves, and Wanderings. 2 v.I 2124 Freshfield and Wharton. Hints to Trav¬ ellers . I 9690 Frith. Ascents and Adventures. I 2127 Frost. Modern Explorers. I 2256 Geographische Reisen und Entdeckungen. 8 v.D 308 Gerstaecker. Reisen um die Welt. 6 v. in 2 . D 3762 Gillmore. Adventures afloat and ashore... I 13 All around the World. I 2234 Goodrich. Remarkable Voyages. I 2203 Gray. Journey round the World. I 2121 Guillemard. Cruise of the “Marchesa.” 2 v.I 2012 Guillemard. Over Land and Sea. I 2211 Hakluyt Society Publications. See page ijj. PIarrison. A Race with the Sun . . •..I 9676 Hartwig. Die Tropenwelt.D 3770 The Tropical World. K 2846 Hawkesworth. Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere. 3 V. *V 1521 Headley. Mountain Adventures. K 2622 Heroic Adventure; Recent Exploration. I 2161 Hinchliff. Over the Sea and faraway. .. .1 2259 Hingston. The Australian abroad. 2 v... I 2254 Holiday Rambles in ordinary Places. I 2246 Howells and Perry (Ed.). Library of Uni¬ versal Adventure. I 9662 Howison. European Colonies; Social and Physical Condition. 2 v. I 9740 Huebner. Ramble round the World. I 2218 Spaziergang um die Welt. 3 V. D 3776 Through the British Empire. 2 v . I 9656 Hunnewell. Voyage of the “ Missionary Packet,” 1826 . *V 191 Ibn Batuta. Travels. *V 1250 Illustrated Travels, v. 5 . Ser. Ireland. Wall Street to Cashmere. I 2138 Irving. Voyage of the Companions of Co¬ lumbus...I 3585 * Jackson. Glimpses of Three Coasts. I 9647 Jenkins. Voyages of the U. S. Exploring Squadron under Wilkes. I 2249 Jones. Letters from the Far East. I 9653 Keane. On Blue Water.I 2139 Three Years of a Wanderer’s Life. 2 v. .1 9661 Kendig. Sketches of Travel.I 2247 Kerr. Collection of Voyages and Travels. 18 v. I 2243 Kingston. Notable Voyages.I 2248 Voyage round the World.H 492 Kitchiner. Traveller’s Oracle.I 2129 Knox. How to Travel.I 2242 The same; new ed.I 9652 Kohl. Geschichte der Entdeckungsreisen zur Magellans-strasse.D 3787 Labillardiere. Voyage in search of La Perouse, 1791-94.*V 1522 La Harpe. Abrege de l’Histoire generate des Voyages. 24 V .C 5573 Atlas. *R 4885 Lambert. Voyage of the “Wanderer” ... .1 9643 La Perouse. Voyage round the World. 2 v. .1 9671 Leathes. An Actor abroad.I 2236 Lee. Report on Cruise of the “Dolphin,”. .1 409 Leech. Letters of an Idler.I 2245 Lewis. Pleasant Hours in Sunny Lands.... I 9668 Leyland. Round the World in 124 Days.. .1 9657 Lisco. Overzigt van Volken en Landen. . . .D 9710 Little. The World as we saw it.I 9729 Lockman (Tr.). Travels of the Jesuits. 2 v..I 9700 Loehr. Lander der Erde. 4 v.D 330 Lovett (Ed.). Drake and the Dons.I 9742 Low. Maritime Discovery. 2 v.I 2135 MacMichael. Voyage round Cape Horn.. .1 2125 Major. Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navi¬ gator.I 2232 Mandelsi.o. Voyages celebres.*R 4215 Mandeyille. Voiage and Travayle; ed. by Ashton.I 9738 Mangin. Voyages et Decouvertes outre Mer.*V 1137 Margry. Navigations francaises, XIV-XVI siecles.C 5780 Merewether. By Sea and by Land.I 2270 Meyer. Eine Weltreise.D 3824 Milner and Brieri.y. Cruise of the “ Gala- tea” in 1867-68.1 2021 Miniaturgemalde aus der Lander- und Volker- kunde. 4 v. D 5853 Mitford. Orient and Occident.I 9678 Moerlein. Trip around the World.*V 871 Montr£sor. Leaves from Memory’s Log- Book.I 9672 My Start in Life; by a Young Middy.I 2265 Xavarrete. Coleccion de Viages. 5 v...I 2244 Quatre Voyages de C. Columb. 3 v. . .C 6026 Nolte. Five Years in both Hemispheres.. .E 1401 Oliphant. Patriots and Filibusters.I 2225 GENERAL VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. *53 Oliver. On and off Duty.*Y 625 On board a Union Steamer.I 2131 Osborne. Coll, of Voyages and Travels. 2v.*R 4218 Osmaston. Old Ali; Travels long ago.I 2239 Otter. Winters abroad. . .I 2216 Palgrave. Ulysses; or, Scenes in many Lands.I 973 ^ Parry. My Journey round the World. 2 v. .1 2231 Perils and Captivity. I 3507 Pfeiffer. Flying Leaves from East and West. I 9660 Pfeiffer. Journey round the World.I 2275 The same, abridged by Sinnett. .1 4000, 13 Lady’s Second Voyage. 2 v.T 2276 Tweede Reis rondom de Wereld. 3 v. . .D 9639 Pictorial Tour of the World.I 2217 Pidgeon. Engineer’s Holiday.I 9641 Pigafetta. Premier Voyage autour du Monde.C 6211 Pinkerton. Collection of Voyages and Tra¬ vels. 17 v . *V 157 Pitt. Travels round the world . I 9650 Portlock. Voyage round the World in 1785-8 . .-*V 526 Prime. Around the World . I 2210 Pfmpelly. Across America and Asia . I 2255 Rains. By Land and Ocean . I 2238 Ramusio. Delle Navigationi et Viaggi. 3 v. *V 612 Raum. Tour around the World.I 9644 Reney. Shipwreck of the “Corsair,” Jan. ’35 . T 9664 Revere. Keel and Saddle.I 2262 Reynolds. Voyage of U. S. Frigate “ Poto¬ mac,” in 1831-34.1 9667 Richardson. Adventurous Boat Voyages. .. I 2136 Richardson. Girdle round the Earth.I 9659 Riley. Narrative of Am. Brig “Commerce.” . I 1674 Robinson. Cruise of the “Widgeon.”.I 606 Russell. Voyage to the Cape.I 8750 Samuels. From Forecastle to Cabin.T 9651 Scherzer. Voyage of the “Novara” 1857-59. 3 v.I 2223 Schmarda. Reise um die Erde. 3 V.D 3895 ' Seemann. Voyage of H.M. S. “Herald” 2v.I 2222 Seward. Around the World Stories. I 9679 Seward. Travels roufid the World. I 2205 Shipwrecks, History of.I 3547 Simpson. Meeting the Sun.T 2134 1 Sinval. Les Pionniers de l’Inconnu.*V 1143 Smiles. Round the World. H 678 Spry. Cruise of the “Challenger”.I 2252 Stevens. Around the World on a Bicycle. 2 v. I 9655 Symondson. Two Years abaft the Mast. ... I 2126 Taylor. Abroad and at Home. 2 v.I 2215 Thomson. Voyage of the “Challenger.” 2v. I 2253 Thornbury. Criss-Cross Journeys. 2v.I 2257 Tissot et Am£ro. Les Contrees mysteri- euses.*V 1144 Tour du Monde. 42 v. in 21. Ser. Train. American Merchant in Europe, Asia, etc.I 9680 Tyerman and Bennet. Journal of Voyages. 2 v.I 2264 Upham. Voyage to California, via Cape Horn. I 271 Valentia. Voyages and Travels. 3 v.. .*V 221 Vancouver. Voyage to North Pacific Ocean and round the World. 3 v.*V 30 Verne. Explorations of the World. 3 v. . .1 2278 Histoire des Grands Voyages. C 6968 v. 1-2. Decouvertes de la Terre. 3-4. Navigateurs du i8e Siecle. 5-6. Voyageurs du 19c Siecle. Vetromile. Travels in Europe, Egypt, etc.I 2280 Vincent. Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. 2 v..*V 599 Vogel. Century of Discovery.I 2279 Voyages around the World.I 3763 Voyages dans differentes Colonies. C 6953 V uillaume. Nouvelles Routes du Globe.. .C13302 Warren. Dust and Foam.'.I 9665 Warren and Cleverly. Wanderings of the “Beetle.”.I 9737 Webbe. His Trauailes .*P 624, 14 Weddell. Voyage towards the South Pole. I 9663 Weppner. North Star and Southern Cross. 2 v. I 2261 Wight. - Winding Journey around the World. I 9735 Wilkes. U. S. Exploring Exp. and Atlas.6 v. Doc . Wilkins. Curiosities of Travel. 2v.I 2122 Wi .kinson. Sunny Lands and Seas.I 2132 Wines. Two Years in the American Navy.*2 v. I 2258 Wolff. Voyages a travers le Monde.03379,1 Young. Two Voyages of the “Pandora.” .. I 2100 Young. Around the World with Grant. 2 v.. I 2219 Zoeller. Rund um die Erde. 2v.D 3957 Zurcher et Margolle. Ascensions celebres aux plus hautes Montagnes.C 4208 Les Naufrages celebres.C 4212 *Haki.uyt Society Publications. Hawkins. Voyages into the South Sea.I 2350 Columbus. Select Letters.I 2351 The same; second edition.I 2382 Raleigh. Discovery of Guiana.I 2352 Maynarde. Drake’s Voyage, 1595.I 2353 Strachey. Travaile into Virginia..I 2353 Voyages to Cathay and India.I 2354 Hakluyt. Voyages to America.I 2355 Early Documents on Japan.I 2356 lie Soto. Discovery of Florida.I 2357 i 5 4 HAKLUYT SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS—ARCTIC REGIONS. Coats. Geography of Hudson's Bay.I 2357 Herberstein. Notes upon Russia. 2 v. I 2358 De Veer. Three Voyages to China. I 2359 Mendoza. History of China. 2 v.I 2360 Orleans. Tartar Conquerors of' China.I 2361 Fletcher. The World encompassed by Drake. I 2361 Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland ... I 2362 Martens. Voyage to Spitzbergen.I 2362 Middleton. Voyage to the Molucca Islands. .1 2362 Horsey. Travels.I 2363 Fletcher. Russe Commonwealth . I 2363 Benzoni. History of the new World . I 2364 India in the fifteenth Century. I 2365 Champlain. Voyage to the West Indies.I 2366 Expeditions to the Valley of the Amazon.I 2366 Early Voyages to Australia . I 2367 Clavijo. Embassy to Timour Beg . I 2368 Asher. Henry Hudson, the Navigator . I 2369 Expedition to El Dorado by Ursua . I 2370 Jordanus. Wonders of the East . I 2371 Life and Acts of Don Guzman.I 2371 Galvano. Discoveries of the World . I 2372 Varthema. Travel in Syria, Arabia,'etc.I 2373 Cieza de Leon. Travels, pt. 1. 2 v . I 2374 Andagoya. Proceeding of Davila. I 2375 Cathay £nd the Way ihither. 2 v. I 2377 Frobisher. Three Voyages. I 2376 Morga. The Philippine Islands, etc . I 2378 Cortes. Fifth Letter to Charles V . I 2379 Vega. Commentaries of the Yncas 2 v.... I 2380 Correa. Voyages of Vasco Da Gama. I 2381 Salil-Ibn-Razik. History of the Imans . I 2383 Bontier. Conquest of the Canarian Islands.. .1 2384 Rites and Laws of the Yncas . I 2385 Zeno. Arctic Voyages . I 2385 Barbara and Contarini. Travels in Persia. . . .1 2386 Italian Travels in Persia . I 2386 Magellan. First Voyage . I 2387 Captivity of Hans Stade in Brazil . I 2388 Commentaries of-Afonso Dalboquerque. 4 v..I 2389 De Veer. Three Voyages of Wm. Barents. . .1 2390 Voyages of Sir James Lancaster. I 2391 Hawkins. Voyages. I 2392 Schiltberger, Bondage and Travels of. I 2393 Davis, J. Voyages and Works, with Map. 2 v. T 2394 Acosta. Natural History of the In ’ v s. 2 v.I 2395 Map of Peru to illustrate early Travels. I 2396 Voyage of Wm. Baffin . I 2397 Alvarez. Embassy to Abyssinia. I 2398 Historye of the Bermudaes . I 2399 Cocks, R. Diary. 2 v .. I 2400 Voyage of Linschoten to the East Indies. 2 v.. I 2401 Jenkinson and others. Early Voyages to Russia and Persia. 2 v . I 2402 Diary of Wm. Hedges. 3 V. I- 2403 Voyage of Francois Pyrard. 2v. ;..I 2404 ARCTIC REGIONS. Andree. Kampf um den Nordpol.D 3742 Arctic Discovery and Adventure.I 2085 Armstrong. The North-West Passage.I 2107 Back. Arctic Land Expedition.I 2054 The same...I 2057 Barrow. History of Arctic Voyages. 1 2050 Beechey. Voyage toward the North Pole.. .1 2112 Belcher. Last of the Arctic Voyages. 2v. .1 2114 Bessels. Die Amerikanische Nordpol-Expe- dition..*.D 3693 Blake (Ed.). Tyson’s Arctic Experiences. . .1 2041 Broughton. Voyage to North Pacific Ocean, 1795.*V 216 Burney. History of North-Eastern Voyages.I 2108 Cadet. Voyages par le Pole Nord.C 4281 Danenhower. Narrative of the “Jeannette”.I 2047 Davis. “Polaris” Polar Expedition.*V 474 De Long. Voyage of the “Jeannette.” 2 v. I 2043 Fisher. Voyage to the Arctic Regions, 1819-20.1 2105 Franklin. Journey to Polar Sea, 1819-22. 2 v.I 2068 2nd Expedition to Polar .Sea, 1825-7. 2 v.*V 53 Gilder. Aufsuchung der Jeannette Expedi¬ tion .D 3784 Ice-Pack and Tundra.I 2048 Schwatka’s Search for Franklin Records.I 2086 Godfrey. Grinnell Expedition, 1853-5. 1 2046 Greedy. Report on U. S. Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay. 2 v. Doc. Three Years of Arctic Service. 2 v.I 2105 Griesinger. Im hohen Norden.D 37^7 Hall. Arctic Researches.I 2055 Deux Ans chez les Esquimaux.C 5197 Hvrtwig. Dwellers in the Arctic Regions.. I 2076 The Polar World.I 2062 Hayes. Arctic Boat Journey.I 2080 Greenland; th; Land of Desolation.I 2090 Open Polar Sea. I 2060 Pictures of Arctic Travel.I 2052 Hery£ et Lanoye. Voyages au Pole * rctique.C 5211 Hooper. Ten Months among the Tuski... .1 2056 Inglefield. Summer Search for Franklin.. I 2087 Jeannette Inquiry before Committee on Naval Affairs. Doc. Kane. First Arctic Expedition.I 2063 Second Arctic Expedition. 2v.I 2065 The same.I 2064 Klutschak. Als Eskimo unter den Eskimos.D 3803 ARCTIC REGIONS—GUIDE BOOKS. J 55 Knox'. Voyage of the “Vivian”.I 2045 Koldewey. German Arctic Expedition. 2v.I 2096 Lamont. Seasons with the Sea-Horses.I 2059 Yachting in the Arctic Seas.I 2066 Lanman. Farthest North ; Adventures of Lockwood. I 2104 Lauridsen. V. Bering; Discoverer of Bering’s Strait. 1 2119 Lesbazeilles. Marvels of the Polar Woild . K 7235 Merveilles du Monde Polaire.C *5734 Leslie. Discoveries in the Polar Seas.I 3660 Leslie. Voyages of Nordenskiold.I 20S8 Lillingston. Land of the White Bear.I 2101 Lyon. Private Journal of Arctic Voyages.. .1 2067 McClintock. Voyage in Arctic Seas . I 2073 M’Clure. Discovery of Northwest Passage. .1 2091 M’Cormick. Voyages # in Arctic and Ant¬ arctic Seas. 2 v . I 209S M’Dougall. Voyage of the “Resolute” .. .1 2081 MacGahan. Under the Northern Lights. . .1 2089 Mangles. Arctic Searching Expeditions, 1850-52.1 2162 Markham. The Great Frozen Sea.I 2069 Northward Ho!.I 2049 Polar Reconnaissance.I 2072 Whaling Cruise to Baffin’s Bay.I 2061 Markham. Threshold of the unknown Re¬ gion.I 2058 Mayne. Voyages to the Arctic Region.. . .1 4000,7 Melville. In the Lena Delta.I 2095 Mudge. Fur Clad Adventurers.I 2053 ! Nares. Voyage to the Polar Sea, 1875-6. 2v.I 2071 Newcomb. Lost “Jeannette” Explorers.... I 2094 Nordenskjceld. Exped. til Spetsbergen . .C 7950 Svenska Polarexpeditionen, 1872-73.C 7949 Voyage of the “Vega”.I 2093 Nourse. American Explorations in the Ice Zones. t I 2044 ! Hall’s Arctic Expedition, 1864-69.*V 477 j Osborn. Leaves from an Arctic Journal. . . .1 2109 Parry. Voyages for Discovery of North-West Passage. 2 v.I 3727 The same. 5 v.*V 68 Payer. New Arctic Lands.I 2097 Oesterrigsk-ungarske Nordpol-ExpeditionC 8369 Payn. In Peril and Privation.I 2117 Phipps. Voyage to the North Pole.*V 20 Ray. Polar Expedition to Alaska. Doc. Richardson. Arctic Searching Expedition.. I 2077 The Polar Regions.I 2042 RlNK. Tales of the Eskimos.I 2082 Ross. Voyage to Baffin’s Bay. 2v.I 2113 Second Voyage for a Northwest Passage *V 680 Sargent. Wonders of the Arctic World.... I 2078 Schley. Report on the Greely Relief Expe¬ dition.. Doc. and Soley. Rescue of Greely.I 2103 Schmucker. Arctic Explorations in the 19th Century ..I 2075 Schwatka. Children of the Cold.I 2083 Nimrod in the North.I 2099 Scoresby. Account of the Arctic Regions. 2 v. I 2102 Franklin Expedition.I 2162 Voyage to Northern Whale Fishery.I 2084 Seemann. Cruises in Search of Sir John Franklin. 2 v.I 2222 Narrative of Arctic Discovery. I 2110 Simpson. Discoveries on the North Coast of America.I 2ill Smith. Arctic Expeditions.*V 332 Sonntag. In Search of Franklin.I 2070 Sutherland. Voyage in Baffin’s Bay. 2 v.I 2074 Tyson. Arctic Experiences.I 2092 Discoveries in the Polar Seas.I 3685 VaN Campen. The Dutch in the Arctic Seas. I 2051 Vancouver. Voyage to Pacific Ocean. 3 v. *V 30 Wrangell. Arctic Expedition, 1820-3. 1 3754 Young. Two Voyages of the “Pandora”.., .1 2100 GUIDE BOOKS. Baedeker’s Hand-books. Note .— The Library has two copies of each of Baedeker's and Murray's Hand-books , of which one copy is for circulation , and one for reference. For other guide-books see under the specific countries. Belgium and Holland.I 2296 Belgien und Holland.D 3700 Eastern Alps . I 2299 Egypt, Lower.I 2297 Germany, Northern.I 2290 Southern, and Austria . I 2291 Deutschland und Oesterreich. 1 ) 3701 Mittel- und Nord Deutschlan 1 .D 5703 Siid-Baiern, Tirol, Salzburg.D 3707 Siid-Deutschland und Oesterreich.D 3708 Oesterreich und Ungarn.D 3704 Great Britain . I 2286 Italy. 3 v . I 2294 Italien. 3V . D 3702 London and its Environs .I 2287 Norway and Sweden .I 2289 Schweden und Norwegen .D 3710 Palestine and Syria . I 2298 Paris and its Environs .I 2288 and Northern France .I 2295 und Nord I rankreich.D 37°5 156 GUIDE BOOKS—DIRECTORIES AND GAZETTEERS. Rhine, The.I 2292 Die Rheinlande.D 3706 Switzerland, Savoy, Tyrol.I 2293 Die Schweiz.D 3709 Murray’s Hand-books. England: Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk.I 2303 . Cornwall and Devon.I 2301 Kent and Sussex.I 2302 Wilts, Dorset and Somerset.I 2303 Surrey and Hampshire.I 2304 Durham and Northumberland.I 2305 Berks, Bucks and Oxfordshire . I 2306 Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford.I 2307 Westmoreland and Cumberland.I 2309 London.I 2310 South Wales . I 230S Scotland . I 2311 Ireland . .1 2312 Holland and Belgium . .1 2313 France. 2 v . I 2314 Southern Germany . I 2315 Switzerland . I 2318 Rome and Environs . I 2316 Corsica and Sardinia . I 2317 Sicily . I 2319 Southern Italy . I 2320 Portugal . I 2321 Spain. 2 v . I 2322 Greece . I 2323 Turkey and Asia . I 2324 Russia, Poland and Finland .... .1 2325 Syria and Palestine. 2 v . I 2326 Egypt. I 2327 Algeria.I 2328 India. I 2329 Pilots. Pilots. Doc. Adriatic Sea. Africa, South and East Coasts. Western Coast. 2 v Australia. 3 v. Baffin Bay. Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland. Bay of Fundy and Nova Scotia. Black Sea. Bothnia. Bristol Channel. Channel. 2 v. Channel Islands. China. China Sea. 2 v. Pilots. Doc . Denmark. England and the Isle of Man. France, Spain and Portugal, West Coasts. Gulf of Aden. Hindostan, West Coast. Ireland. Java. Karamania. •Magellan Strait and Channel. New Zealand. North Sea. Norway. Omman and Persian Gulfs. Red Sea. St. Lawrence Gulf and River. 2 v. Scotland, West Coast. 2 v. * South America. 2 v. Vancouver Island and Vicinity. West India. DIRECTORIES AND BUSINESS GAZET¬ TEERS. Albany, N. Y., 1868.*R 1780 Baltimore, Md., 1865-6, 1875.*R 1799 Business, 1881.*R 1800 Boston, Mass., 1856, ’57, ’64, ’65, ’67, ’74-’79, ’84, ’88.*R 1801 Business, 1863-4, 1874, 1881.*R 1802 British Columbia, 1882-3.*R 1803 Brooklyn, N. Y., 1865, 1868.*R 1784 Buffalo, N. Y., 1874.*R 1804 California, Nevada, etc., Business, 1882. . .*R 1827 Campbell’s Shipping Gazetteer for Indiana, Illinois, etc., 1870.*R 1805 Charlestown, Mass., 1866.*R 1806 Chicago, Ill., 1839, 1851, 1855-89-,-*R 179 6 Business; extra ed. (Edward’s), 1871, 1873. *R 1798 Business (Marquis’) 1879, 1886-1888. ,*R 179^ Manufacturers, 1888-9.*R 1795 Cincinnati, O., 1836-7, ’42, ’56, ’60, ’64, ’71, ’73-’78.*R 1807 Colorado, Business, 1877.*R 1809 Gazetteer, 1871.*R 1851 Detroit, Mich., 1867-8, 1875-6. ’ .*R 1812 District of Columbia, 1878.*R 1814 France, Annuaire Almanach du Commerce, 1862, 1881.*R 1787 Fredericton, N. B., Business, 1862.*R 1852 Georgia State Gazetteer, 1881-2.*R 1817 Great Britain and Ireland, Thom’s Official Directory of, 1888.*R I 79 5 DIRECTORIES AND GAZETTEERS—NORTH AMERICA. 157 Hartford, Conn., i88i-’82.*R 1818 Hyde Park, Ill., 1887. *R*i8i 9 Illinois, 1875.*R 1 822 Gazetteer and Business, 1864-5, 1878, 1880, 1882.*R 1823 Indiana, Gazetteer, 1880-81.*R 1825 Iowa, Gazetteer, 1865, 1880-81.*R 1824 Jefferson, Ill., i886-’7.*R 1821 -Jersey City and Hoboken, N. J., 1882.*R 1820 Kentucky, Gazetteer, 1881-2.*R 1826 London, Eng., City, 1878.*R 1 79 1 Post Office, 1873, 1881, 1884.*R 1790 Louisville, Ky., 1874.*R 1830 Mercantile Union, 1854.*..*R 1834 Michigan, Gazetteer, 1875, 1877, 1881 . ...*R 1831 Minnesota and Dakota, Gazetteer, 1880-1, 1882-3.*R 1832 Missouri, Gazetteer, 1881.*R 1833 Moline, Ill., 1885-8.*R 1849 Montreal, 1881-2.*R 1829 New England, Business, 1849, 1875.*R 1836 New Haven, Conn., 1877, 1882.*R 1838 New Orleans, La., 1871, 1875.*R 1837 New York City (Goulding’s) 1871, 1876-77.*R 1839 (Trow’s) 1831-’2, ’39-’40, ’ 42 -’ 43 > 44 -’ 45 > ’47-’48, ’ 49 -’ 5 L ’ 53 -’ 55 > ’60, ’64-’72, 74, 76, 78 -’ 8 i, ’88.*R 1840 Business, 1888.*R 1847 Newark, N. J., 1874-5.*R 1835 Norwich, Conn., 1882.*R 1845 Ontario, Province of, Business, 1882.*R 1828 Pacific States and Territories, Business, 1878.*R 1844 Paris, Annuaire Almanach du Commerce, 1862, 1881.*R 1787 Paterson, N. J., 1881-2.*R 1843 Peoria, Ill., 1856.' X ‘R 1842 Philadelphia, Pa., 1865, ’68-9, ’73-7, ’84, ’88*R 1841 Pittsburg and Allegheny, Pa., 1837, 1868-9, 1874-5, 1878-9.*R 1846 Rochester, N. Y., 1879.' X ‘R *848 Rock Island, Ill., 1885-8.*R 1849 St. John, N. B., Business, 1862.*R 1852 St. Louis, Mo., 1869, 1872-74, 1879-80, 1888.*R 1853 St. Paul, Minn., 1866, 1869-70.*R 1854 Salt Lake City, Utah, 1874.*R i860 San Francisco, Cal., 1874.*I< 1855 Springfield, Ill., 1868-9.*R 1856 United States, Business, 1875, 1876.*R 1858 Mercantile Register, 1867-8.*R 1859 Utah, Gazetteer, 1874.*R i860 Western Business Guide, 1882-3.*R 1862 Worcester, Mass., 1829, 1844, 1846-47, 1849 ’73, 1875, *876.*R 1865 Business, 1871-2.*R 1866 NORTH AMERICA. DOMINION OF CANADA. Adams. Field and Forest Rambles.I 5001 Alexander. L’Acadie; 7 years in Canada. 2v.I 41 American Traveller, 1769.*V 25 Ballantyne. Hudson Bay.I 5004 Begg. Great Canadian North West.I 5049 Benjamin. Cruise of the Alice May in Gulf of St. Lawrence. I 5027 Bonnycastle. Canada as it was and is. 2 v.I 42 Borrett. Letters from Canada and U. S..I 5006 Brandon, Manitoba, and her Industries. *1 236,2 British North America.I 30 Butterworth. Zigzag Journey in Acadia. .1 5024 Canadian Guide Book, 1849. 1 38 Canadian North-West, Information for Settlers. I 5022 Carling. Canada; History, Resources, etc.I 5037 Chappell. Newfoundland and Labrador.. 1 204 Chase. Over the Border; Acadia.I 5023 Clapin. La France transatlantique; Canada.C 12155 Cox. Adventures on the Columbia River. . .1 5008 Cozzens. Acadia. .I 40 Cumberland. The Queen’s Highway; from Ocean to Ocean.I 5060 Fitzgibbon. Trip to Manitoba.I 5007 Fleming. England and Canada.I 5093 Gerbie. Le Canada et 1 ’Emigration fran- £aise.C 12491 Gesner. New Brunswick.I 5018 Gillmore. Lone Life; Western Canada. 2v..I 323 Gordon. Mountain and Prairie.I 5005 Grant. Ocean to Ocean in 1872. 1 322 Grece. Canada and the United States.I 5016 Hall. Travels in Canada and the United States, 1S16-17.1 324 Hall. Lands of Plenty.I 5019 Hardy. Forest Life in Acadia.K 2157 Hargrave. Red River.I 5033 IlARMON. Travels in the Interior of N. A.. .1 5015 Hatton and Harvey. Newfoundland.I 5021 Hawkins. Pictures of Quebec.I 37 Head. Forest Scenes in Wilds of N. Am.. .1 288 Henry. Travels in Canada, 1760-76. 1 5094 Heriot. Travels through the Canadas.. .*V 14 Hind. Canadian Red River Expedition. 2v.I 293 Explorations in Labrador. 2 v.I 5034 HOGAN. Prize Essay on Canada.I 5096 Hough. Thousand Islands of the St. Law¬ rence ..I 5 010 IIOWISON. Sketches of Canada.I 36 Hunter. From Niagara to Quebec.I 298 Huyshk. Red River Expedition.I 221 Iberville. Voyage en 1698 . C 53 °° i c;o NORTH AMERICA—UNITED STATES. Jameson. Sketches in Canada Winter Studies and Summer Rambles. 2v.I Johnson. Very Far West indeed; British Columbia.I 5°°3 King. Sportsmen in Canada.*R 1731 Kohl. Canada and the United States. 2 v..I 35 Kohlmeister and Kmoch. Labrador to Ungava Bay.I 5 02 ^ La Chaume. Terre-Neuve et Terre - Neu- viennes. C 5574 Lacroix. Canadian Guide.I 298 Lanman. Adventuresof an AnglerinCanada.K 1034 Lees and Clutterbuck. B. C. 1887; Ram¬ ble in British Columbia.I 5°39 LeMoine. Chronicles of the St. Lawrence. .1 327 Lennard. Travels in British Columbia.I 300 Letters from Muskoka.I 5 012 Lorne, Marquis of '. Canadian Northwest..I 5022 McCrea. Lost in the Fogs.I 146 Macdonald. British Columbia und Vancou¬ ver’s Island.I 5 OI 4 Mackenzie. From Montreal to the Pacific..*V 22 McLean. Hudson’s Bay Territory. 2V....I 3 Macoun. Manitoba and the North-West... I 5020 Mactaggart. Three Years ill Canada. 2V..I 5013 Manitoba and the Northwest of Canada. . . .*1 254 Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest.. ..*V691,1 Map of Manitoba and British Columbia. *1 5052 Martin. Hudson’s Bay Territories.I 5032 Mayne. Four Years in British Columbia... .1 325 Medley. Autumn Tour in Canada.I 43 Molinari. Au Canada et aux Montagnes Rocheuses.C 12830 Moodie. Roughing it in the Bush.I 149 Moorsom. Letters from Nova Scotia.I 5036 Murray. Daylight Land.I 5053 Noble. After Icebergs with a Painter; Labra¬ dor and Newfoundland.I 5055 Oxenden. First Year in Canada.I 147 Plans of Lakes and Rivers between Lake Hu¬ ron and the River Ottawa.*V 358 Poole. Queen Charlotte Islands.I 6 Prince Edward Island, Short Account of.I 321 Rae. Newfoundland to Manitoba.I 5009 Rattray. Vancouver Island and British Co¬ lumbia.I 5048 Rawlings. Confederation of British America.I 326 Ritchie. To Canada with Emigrants. I 5051 Robinson. The Great Fur Land.I 434 Ross. Red River Settlement.I 5026 Russell. Canada; its Defenses and Condition. I 124 St. John. Lord Dufferin’s Tour in British Columbia. 2 v.I 361 Sansom. Sketches of Lower Canada.I 538 C 6705 .1 5044 • I 151 Pine Forests and Hacmatack Clear¬ ings.I 5038 Southesk. Saskatchewan and Rocky Mts.. I 342 Spence. Saskatchewan Country of Canada. *1 254 Sproat. Scenes of Savage Life.I 5030 S tamer. The Gentleman Emigrant. 2V...I 5002 Stearns. Labrador.I 5029 Strickland. 27 Years in Canada West. 2v.I 148 Sweetser. Maritime Provinces.I 103 The same; 2d edition.I 5011 Traill. Backwoods of Canada.I 3570 Warburton. Hochelaga. 2v.I 297 Warner. Baddeck, and that Sort of Thing..I 5035 West. Residence in Red River Country... .1 193 Willis. Canadian Scenery; illustrated by Bartlett.*V 194 Wolley. Trottings of a Tenderfoot; British Columbia.I 5031 Woods. Prince of Wales in America.I 5025 UNITED STATES. Abdy. Tour in the United States. 3 V....I 5156 Adams. Our American Cousins. I 5164 Alexander. Transatlantic Sketches.I 5085 American Adventures by Land and Sea. 2 v.I 3765 Americans as they are; Tour through the Mis¬ sissippi Valley.I 5179 Ampere. Promenade en Amerique. C 4068 Anbury. Travels in Interior of America. 2 v.I 26 Appleton’s Guide to United States and Canada, 1889. 2 v. I 5112 The same, 1881. 1 5090 The same, 1885. Part I.I 5105 Handbook of Eastern Travel.I 52 Handbook of Summer Resorts.I 5089 Arfwedson. United States and Canada. 2v.I 192 Arnold. Civilization in the United States. .1 5108 Ashe. Travels in America, 1806. 1 5084 Aubertin. A Fight with Distances; the States, Canada, etc.I 5190 Audouard. A travers 1 ’Amerique. 2 v...C 11995 Bachelder. Popular Resorts.I 5149 Bacon and Larkins. Handbook of America. I 68 Ballantine. The Old World and the New.I 5158 Barrows. United States of Yesterday and Tomorrow.-.I 5175 Bates. Year in the Great Republic. 2 v. . .1 5178 Beaujour. Aper£u des Etats-Unis, 1800-10 C 4147 Beauvallet. Rachel and the New World. .1 24 Bell. New Tracks in North America. 2 v.I 141 I 4000, 12 I5 2 SAUNlfeRE. SCUDDER. SlLLIMAN. Sleigh. A Travers l’Atlantique.... The Winnipeg Country. . . From Hartford to Quebec UNITED "Benjamin. Drei Jahre in Amerika. 3 v. in 2.D 3732 Berry. The other Side.I 5124 Biart. My Rambles in the New World .... I 521 Bigelow. Les Etats-Unis en 1863.C 4146 Bigot. De Paris au Niagara.C12039 Bishop. Voyage of the Paper Canoe.I 330 Blouet [Max O'Rell) and Allyn. Jonathan and his Continent.I 5183 Bodenstedt. Vom Atlantischen zum Stillen Ocean.D3692 Bossu. Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. . . .C 4266 Bowles. New Map of North America (1763 )*B 854 Bremer. Heimath in der neuen Welt D 1993, 21-29 Hemmen i Nya Verlden. 2 v.C 7720 Homes of the New World. 2 v.I 45 • De Nieuwe Wereld. 2v.D 9106 Brissot de Warville. Travels in the United States, 1788. 2 v.I 5081 The same.I 142 Bryant (Ed.). Picturesque America. 2 v.*P 703 Brydges. Uncle Sam at Home.I 5174 Buckingham. America. 3V.I 7 Bunn. Old England and New England. 2 v.I 319 Butterworth. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Occident.I 5129 Campbell. Short American Tramp.I 350 Campbell and Twining. Reports on Survey of the Northern Boundary of the U. S. Doc. Carli. Lettres Americaines. 2v. C 4329 Carnegie. Triumphant Democracy. ..I 5165 Chambers. Things as they are in America.I 44 Champney. Three Vassar Girls at Home. . .1 5170 Charlevoix. Journals in North America. 2 v.I 177 Chastellux. Travels in North America. 2 v.I 173 Chateaubriand. Travels in America and Italy. 2 v.I 178 Chester. Transatlantic Sketches.I 28 Chevalier. Society and Manners in U. S. .1 174 Clark. How we spent our Vacation.I 59 Cobbett. A Year’s Residence in the U. S. .1 5082 Cooper. Notions of the Americans. 2 v. . . .1 12 Coxe. View of the U. S., 1787-1794. 1 5099 Cram. Indexed Atlas of Southern and West¬ ern States.*R4937 Crofutt. Trans-continental Guide, v. 5, 6.1 551 Cunynghame. Great Western Republic.. . .1 5134 Dana. Two Years before the Mast . I 2173 Dana. United States illustrated. 2v . *V 653 Davenport. Under the Gridiron . I 5127 Davies. American Scenes and Slavery . I 5146 Davis. Travels in the United States . I 179 Day. Life and Society in America. 2 v. . . I 5131 De Roos. Travels in the U. S. and Canada. 1 282 Dicey. Six Months in the United States. 2 v.I 1 STATES. l 59 Dickens. American Notes. . . .G 148 Dilke. Greater Britain. 1170 Dixon. Neu- Amerika. . .. . D 303 New America. . ..G 183 White Conquest. . . .G 185 The same. 2 v. 283 Domenech. Souvenirs d’Outre Mer.. . . . . . .C 4773 Duncan. Travels in N. America, 1818. 2 v.I 54 Eddis. Letters from America.I 351 Ellicott. Journal on Boundary of U. S..*V 490 Faithfull. Three Visits to America.I 5151 Faux. Memorable Days in America.I 112 Fearon. Sketches of America.I 143 Ferguson. America by River and Rail.I 194 Ferguson. America during and after the War.I 285 FlDLER. Observations on U. S. and Canada I 352 Finch. Englishwoman’s Experience in America. I 79 Firth. Our Kin across the Sea.I 5180 Freeman. Impressions of the United States I 5137 Froebel. A travers PAmerique. 3 v.C 4990 From the Lakes to the Gulf.*V 646 Fuller. Grand Transformation Scenes in the United States.I 108 Gass. Journal of Voyages and Travels, 1804-6 I 5107 Gerstaecker. Reisen durch Amerika D 2017, 13 Gillmore. Travel, War and Shipwreck. ..I 444 Gilman. Poetry of Traveling in the U. S. . .1 199 Gilpin. Mission of the North American People...I 5110 Gloss. Leben in den Ver. Staaten. 2 v...D 3764 Godley. Letters from America. 2v.I 191 Grant. Memoirs of an American Lady. . . .1 109 The same; new edition.I 353 Grattan. Civilized America. 2 v. I 29 Griffin. The Great Republic. I 5147 Grund. The Americans.I in Aristocracy in America. 2v.I 273 Hall. Hand-book of Northern Travel. I 50 Hall. Letters from the East and West... .1 556 Hall. Travels in North America. 3 V.... I 49 Hall. From Liverpool to St. Louis.I 48 Hamilton. Men and Manners in America. 2 v. . I 291 Hardy. Between two Oceans . I 5155 Hardy. Through Cities and Prairie Lands. . I 555 Hatton. Irving’s Impressions of America.. I 5144 To-day in America. 2v . I 5128 Haussonville. A Travers les Etats-Unis . .C 5196 Hawthorne. American Note-Book. 2 v. J 89 Hayden and Selwyn. North America. I 5092 Hennepin. Neue Reise in Amerika, 1698.*P 392 HepwoRTH. Starboard and Port. I 292 Here and There in our Own Country.I 5 io 3 i6o UNITED STATES. Herzog. Aus Amerika; Reisebriefe. 2 v.D 3786 Hodgson. Journey through N. America. .. .1 128 Letters from North America. 2 v.I 289 Holyoake. Among the Americans.I 5122 Howitt. Tour through the United States in 1819.1 5181 Hudson. Scamper through America.I 5159 Humason. From the Atlantic to the Golden Gate.I 5542 Ingersoll. Inchiquin, the Jesuit’s Letters..I 5097 Jackson. Bits of Travel at Home....I 357 JANNET. Les Etats-Unis contemporains. 2 v.C 5326 Janson. The Stranger in America.*V 926 Jobson. America and Am. Methodism.I 31 Johnston. Notes on North America. 2 v.,I 23 Kalm. Travels in North America. 2V....I 190 Kapp. Aus und iiber Amerika. 2 v.D 3800 Knortz. Amerikanische Skizzen.D 3802 Aus der transatlantic!? "m Gesellschaft.. .D 3809 Kron. Ten thousand Miles on a Bicycle. . . .1 5169 Lab at. Nouveau Voyage aux lies de l’Ame- rique. 2v.*V 710 Lambert de Saint Croix. De Paris a San Francisco.C 5566 Lanman. Adventures in North America. . . .1 5088 The same.. .1 4000,12 La Rochefoucauld. Travels in the United States. 3 v. I 133 Latham. Three Months in United States.. . .1 5 6 Latrobe. Rambler in North America. 2 V, .1 69 Levasseur. Lafayette in America, 1824. 2 V, .1 27 Lewis. America and her Churches. . .. .1 104 Lieber. Letters on a Trip to Niagara. . T 5 I 4 ^ Straijger in America. 2 v. T 5 U 2 Lippincott. New Life in New Lands. . .1 5087 Long. America and the West Indies. . . .1 5 OI 7 Long. Voyages of an Indian Interpreter • *v 95 Lyell. First Visit to North America. 2 v. .1 295 Second Visit to North America. 2 v . . . .1 294 The same. 2 v. .1 55 Macaulay. Across the Ferry. .1 58 Mackay. Life and Liberty in America. 2 V .1 114 Mackay. The Western World. 2 v. . . . .1 22 Mackenzie. Voyages en Amerique, 1789, 1792-3. 3 v . C 5772 Mackinnon. Atlantic and Trans Atlantic Sketches. 2v.I 5139 Macrae. Americans at Home. 2v.I n Mandrillon. Le Spectateur Americain. . .C12778 Manigault. United States unmasked. I 5167 Manning. American Pictures.*V 685 Marryat. Diary in America. 6v. I 77 Martineau. Society in America. 3 V. I 153 Retrospect of Western Travel. 3 V.I 154 Massie. America in 1863.1 5104 Maury. Englishwoman in America.I 32 Maxwell. Run through the United States in 1840. 2 v. f .. . .1 5136 Melish. Geographical Description of U. S. .1 5153 Travels in the United States. 2 v.I 113 Meriwether. The Tramp at Home.I 5184 Money, Truth about America.I 5171 MorIjE. American Gazetteer, 1797. 1 168 American Geography, 1792. 1 169 Mueleer. Vereinigte Staatenu. Mexico. 3V..D 3833 Mur^T. America and the Americans.I 33 Sketch of the United States.I 296 Murray. Letters from the United States, ' Cuba and Canada.I 5083 Murray. Travels in North America. 2 v. .1 5 Murray. Lands of the Slave and the Free. I 47 Neid£„ From the Adirondacks to the Gulf. .1 5160 NlCKOLS. Forty Years of American Life. 2 v. I 63 The same.I 284 O’FEERALL. Ramble through the United States.I 5176 Offenbach. Offenbach in America. I 301 Pairpoint. Uncle Sam and his Country.. . .1 5157 Palmer. Travels in U. S. and Canada, 1817 .1 123 Patton. Natural Resources of United States. I 5173 Peto. Resources and Prospects of America.I 5186 Peyton. Adventures of my Grandfather.. .1 286 Over the Alleghanies.I 287 Pickering. Inquiries of an Emigrant in U. S. and Canada.I 5109 PlDGEON. Old-World Questions and New World Answers.I 5154 Pope. Tour through United States.I 5111 Power. Impressions of America. 2v.I 4 Price. The Two Americas. .1 302 Pulszky. White, Red, Black. 2 v.I 21 I\AE. Columbia and Canada.I 5125 Westward by Rail.G 794 The same.I 125 Railway Guide with popular Routes. ..I 532 Raumer. Die Vereinigten Staaten. 2 v. . .D 3994 Reed and Matheson. Visit to American Churches.M 1276 Richter. Bilderausd. Vereinigten Staaten.D 3880 1 Rose. The Great Country.I 53 ' Royall. Life and Manners in the U. S... .1 5091 Rusling. Across America.I 93 Russell. My Diary North and South. 2 v .I 122 Sala. America revisited. 2v.I 5143 Saunders. Through the Light Continent. ..I 5121 Saxe-Weimar, Duke of. Travels through North America, 1825-6. 1 5086 Shaw. Twelve Years in America.I 5166 UNITED STATES—N. ENGLAND—MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES. 161 Silliman. Gallop among American Scenery I 544 The same; new edition.I 549 Simonin. Le Monde Americain.C 6769 Skinner. America after the Storm. 2 v...I 76 Smyth. Tour in the United States. 2 v. . .1 166 Staden. Veritable Histoire d’un Pays nomme Amerique.*C 6834 Stuart. Three Years in North America. 2 v. I 14 Sturge. Visit to the United States, 1841.. .1 5133 Summary View of America ; by an Englishman.I 5150 Sutcliff. Travels in North America.I 198 Thompson. Coast Pilot for the Upper Lakes.I 554 Topsoe. Fra America.C 7605 Tourists’ Guide-Book of the U. S. and Canada.I 5138 Towle. American Society. 2v . I 51 Townsend. New World compared with Old. I 5130 Townsend. Ten thousand Miles of Travel. .1 5142 Transatlantic Sketches; 60 Days in America.*V 102 Tremenheere. Notes on U. S. and Canada. I 71 Trollope. North America. 3 v. in 2 ... .G 612 Trollope. Domestic Manners of the Amer¬ icans. 2 v..1 5141 Tuckerman. America and Commentators.. I 25 Tudor. Tour in North America. 2v.I 5187 Uncle Sam’s Peculiarities.I 5140 Versen. Transatlantische Streifziige.D 3932 Vigneron. De Montreal a Washington... .C13363 Vivian. Notes of a Tour in America.I 5123 Volney. View of the United States. I 132 Walker. Statistical Atlas of the U. S., 1870. *R 4924 Wansey. Excurs’n to the United States in 1 794.I 5177 Weld. Travels in North America. 2V....I 9 Reizen door N. Amerika en Canada. pt. 2, 3. D 9921 Whitbourne. Westward hoi.I 62 White. Sketches from America.I 5126 Whitney. The United States; Physical Geography.I 5185 Willis. American Scenery; illustrated by Bartlett. 2 v.*V 193 Winterbotiiam. General View of the United States. 4V.I 5106 Wortley. Travels in the United States... .1 34 Wright. Society and Manners in America. .1 39 Wyse. America and its Resources. 3 v... .1 10 Yelverton. Teresina in America. 2 v.,.I 348 Zannini. De PAtlantique au Mississippi ... C13386 Zincke. Last Winter in the United States. .1 131 NEW ENGLAND. Austin. Nantucket Scraps.I 5323 Bacon. King’s Dictionary of Boston.I 5363 The same; new ed.I 5364 Bartlett. Concord Guide Book.I 5330 Bishop. Fish and Men of the Maine Islands.I 5102 Boston illustrated.I 5348 Stranger’s Guide through. *1 299 BoWEtf. Picture of Boston.I 5329 Carter. Cruise on the Coast of New England. I 5373 Crockett. Tour down East.I 5340 Drake. Heart of the White Mountains.I 5325 The same.*P 523 Nooks and Corners of the N. Eng. Coast.B 923 Dwight. Travels inN. Eng. and N. Y. 4 v.I 5326 Eastman. White Mountain Guide.I 70 Fellows. Boating Trips on N. E. Rivers.. .1 5356 Flagg. Woods and By-Ways of N. England. I 60 Godfrey. Island of Nantucket.I 5324 Howells. Three Villages ..I 5162 Hubbard. Woods and Lakes of Maine.I 5365 Jenness. Isles of Shoals.B 980 Kendall. Travels in the Northern part of United States in 1807-8. 3 v.I 5368 King. Back-Bay District in Boston. *1 546 Pocketbook of Providence.I 5367 King. The White Hills.I 310 Locke. Shores of Saco Bay.I 5328 Lothrop (M. Sidney). Old Concord.I 5360 Martin. Mount Desert, on Coast of Maine. .1 5100 Meader. Merrimac River and Tributaries. .1 5361 Medicus (pseud.). Twelve Days in the Saddle.I 5163 Monroe. Tour in Northern U. S. in 1817 . .1 349 Mount Washington in Winter.I 65 Nantucket, Hand Book of.I 238 New England and her Institutions.I 5333 Pickering. Guide to Mouftt Washington... I 5349 Salem, Mass., Visitor’s Guide to. *1 234 Smith. Taghconic; Romance of the Hills. .1 5327 Springer. Forest Life and Forest Trees.. . .1 5101 Stark. Antique Views of Ye Towne of Boston.* V 912 Stillman. Poetic Localities of Cambridge *R 4065 Sweetser. Handbook of New England ... .1 5337 Handbook of White Mountains.I 5338 King’s Handbook of Boston Harbor.I 5362 Taintor’s Route and City Guides.I 367 Thaxter. Among the Isles of Shoals.I 61 White Mountains, Guide to. *1 299 Middle Atlantic States. Adirondack Forest; Features and Resources .*1 239 Asher and Adams. Topographical Atlas of New York.*R 4947 Bailey. Richfield Springs and Vicinity.I 5320 Bigelow. Tour to Niagara Falls in 1805..I 533 1 Visit to Newport, New York, etc. in 1815 .1 533 2 i6: MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES—SOUTHERN STATES. Bowen. Pictorial Sketch Book of Pennsyl. . I 222 Boyd. Resources of South West Virginia. . .1 5282 Brodhead. Delaware Water Gap.I 5358 Buffalo, Commerce and Financial Resources of . *R 4259 Catskill Mountains, Scenery of.*1 239 Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, Route of. . .*1 236,1 Chesapeake Peninsula.*1 254 Clinton. Letters on New York State.I 5334 Colvin. Survey of Adirondack Mountains. 3v*I 189 Cook. Summer Rambles near Philadelphia. .1 5342 Creyecceur. Voyage dans la Pensylvanie. 3 v.C 4395 Curtis. Lotus Eating.I 57 Darby. From New York to Detroit.I 78 Dodge. West Virginia.I 5386 Eaton. Geography of Pennsylvania.I 223 Ellis. Sights and Secrets of Washington... I 5380 Ferree. Falls of Niagara.I 308 Fowler. Journal of a Tour in New York. .1 5366 Gemmill. Notes on Washington City.I 5381 Gibbons. Pennsylvania Dutch.I 5347 Gillelen. Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. . .1 5369 Greene. Glance at New York.I 5345 Headley. Adirondacks; Life in the Woods.I 82 The Backwoods and Adirondack.I 5172 Holley. Falls of Niagara. 1 5322 Niagara; its History and Geology.I 5344 Hudson Highlands.I 5353 Hudson River and Railroad . *1 239 Hudson River by Pen and Pencil. *1 236,1 Hunt. Hudson River and Vicinity. 1 5343 Hutchins and Moore. The National Cap¬ ital.I 5379 Jefferson. Notes on Virginia.I 247 Johnson. Guide to the Niagara Falls. *1 299 Kollock. State of New York.I 5352 Lake Chautauqua illustrated. *1 234 Lanman. Letters from the Allegheny Mts. .1 274 Lippincott’s Guide to New York City, etc... I 314 Lossing. Hudson River. *....1 197 Martin. Behind the Scenes in Washington. I 5339 Secrets of New York.I 5354 Maude. Visit to the Niagara Falls in 1806. .1 5351 Maury. Physical Survey of Virginia.I 5284 and Fontaine. Resources of West Virginia.I 269 Moore. Souvenir of the Capital; Picturesque Washington.I 5382 Murray. Adventures in the Adirondacks.. .1 83 New Jersey Central Railroad, Guide to.I 237 New York City illustrated.I 5341 New York State illustrated.I 5355 Niagara Falls, Guide to. *1 299 Visit to .I 5321 Northrup. Camps in the Adirondacks... .K 1808 Notes on Niagara Falls.*V 645 Parkersburg, Va., in i860.1 262 Pennsylvania illustrated.,.I 233 Percy. Appleton’s Dictionary of New York .1 5346 Philadelphia and its Environs.I 235 The same; 3rd edition.*1236,1 Stranger’s Guide to. *1 234 Sylvan City; Quaint Corners in.B 4340 Visitor’s Guide to. *1 234 Pollard. The Virginia Tourist.I 5315 Richmond. New York and its Institutions . .1 5335 Richmond, Va., Walks about.I 5314 Rockwell. Catskill Mountains.I 5336 Rothrock. Cruising in Chesapeake Bay.. .1 5385 Searing. Land of Rip Van Winkle; the Catskills.I 5357 Smith. Sunshine and Shadow in New York.I 5350 Souyoroff. Quarante Jours a New York.. C 6832 Stoddard. The Adirondacks illustrated... I 5390 Strother (Porte Crayoii). Virginia illus¬ trated . 1 5316 Sweetser. Middle States; a Hand-Book... I 241 Taintor’s Guide to Hudson River and Seaside Resorts.I 367 Thurston. Pittsburgh and Alleghany, 1876 .1 242 To the Mountains and the Sea Shore through Virginia.*V 760 Todd. Long Lake.I 542 Townsend. Washington City .I 67 Virginia, Geology, Climate and Soil of.I 5267 Military Map of.I 248 Warner. On Horseback; Tour in Virginia.I 5317 Westcott. Official Guide to Philadelphia. .1 316 Wright. Oil Regions of Pennsylvania.I 5359 Southern States. Arkansas, Natural Resources of.I 232 Austin, Texas, and Travis County. *1 254 Barbour. Florida for Tourists.I 5281 Bartlett. Texas, New Mexico, etc. 2 v..I 210 BARTRAM. Travels in the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida.I 255 Baudry des LozifeRES. Second Voyage a la Louisiane. 2 v.C 4136 Beecher. Letters from Florida.I 5283 Bill. Winter in Florida.I 266 Binkerd. Mammoth Cave.*B 775,4 Bliss. East-South Missouri. *1 236,3 Braman. Information about Texas.I 5304 Brown. Battlefields revisited.I 5313 Butterworth. Zigzag Journeyings in the South.I 5308 SOUTHERN STATES—YVEST’N STATES AND TERRITORIES. 163 Champ d’Asile, Le; Tableau du Texas.C12141 Chipley. Pensacola illustrated. ‘....*1 254 Clarke. Atlanta illustrated. I 5260 Creecy. Scenes in the South.I 5 2 5 & Dacus and Buel. Tour of St. Louis; Life of a Great City.I 54^5 Davidson. Excursion to Mammoth Cave.. .1 5285 Davidson. Florida of To-day..I 5265 De Cordova. Texas; her Resources...... I 359 Deland. Florida Days. I 5 2 68 Dennett. Louisiana as it is.I 5 2 ^8 Dewees. Letters from Texas.. . .1 547 ° DoMENECH. Adv. in Texas and Mexico... .1 106 •Elliott. Carolina Sports.I 256 Featherstonhaugh. The Slave States. 2 v.I 258 Florida; its Climate, Soil and Productions. *1 329 Home in. *1 5445 Immigration Commissioner’s Report. Doc. Foote. Texas and the Texans. 2v.I 311 French. Semi-Tropical Florida. *1 254 Great Kennesaw Route, Health Resorts on..*I 254 Great Southern Railway between the North and the Tropics.I 5 2 5 ^ Griffing. Letters from Florida.I 5 2 94 Hallock. Camp Life in Florida.I 264 HARCOURT. Home Life in Florida. I 5266 Hardy. Down South. I 5 2 9 ^ Hardy. Oranges and Alligators; Florida. .. .1 5 2 57 Henry. Resources of Arkansas.I 117 Henshall. Camping in Florida.I 5297 Heustis. Physical Observations on Louisiana. .1 5290 Hillyard. The New South. *1 5456 0 Holley. Texas.I 209 Hooton. St. Louis’ Isle; or, Texiana.I 53 1 9 Houstoun. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. 2v.I 207 Hughes. Gone to Texas...I 5301 Rugby, Tennessee.I 5291 Hundley. Social Relations in Southern States.I 53 12 Ingraham. The Southwest. 2v.I 5295 The Sunny South.I 5296 Janes. Georgia for Immigrants. *1 236,2 Kemble. Residence on a Georgian Plantation. I 250 Kennaway. On Sherman’s Track; South after the War.I 5310 King. Southern States of North America. . . I 5292 The same; reference copy. *1 5292 Kingsley (Ed.). South by West.I 343 Lanier. I lorida; its Scenery, Climate, etc. . I 253 Leigh. Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation. I 5299 Longstreet. Georgia Scenes.I 245 McClure. The South; its Condition.I 5307 McDanield and Taylor. Texas.I 358 Mackie. From Cape Cod to Dixie.I 265 Mammoth Cave, Rambles in the.I 5286 Marcy and McClellan. Expedition to Red River. 2 v.I 539 Martin. Guide to the Mammoth Cave. .. .B 1581 Mineral Wealth of Alabama and Birmingham.I 5264 Nordhoff. Cotton States in 1875. 1 2 59 Norman. New Orleans and Environs.I 5289 North. Five Years in Texas, 1861-66.1 528 North Carolina Handbook.I 5262 Nuttall. Travels in Arkansas Ter., 1819..! 315 Olmsted. Cotton Kingdom. 2 v.I 260 Journey in Texas.I 208 Journey in the Seaboard Slave States. .. .1 261 O’Neill. Resources of Missouri.I 5416 Parker. Notes on Texas.I 5309 Paulding. Letters from the South. 2 v.... I 263 Paxton. Stray Yankee in Texas.I 5469 Perrin du Lac. Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, 1801-3.C 617c Pierson. In the Brush.I 530c Planter, The; Thirteen Years in the South. . .1 268 Pollard. Darkey Homes of the South.I 5311 Prairiedom; Rambles in Texas.I 5303 Recollections of the Carolinas ; by a Carpet- Bagger .I 5259 Reid. The South after the War.B 396 Rigby. Papers on Florida. *1 236,6 Roosevelt. Florida, and Game Water Birds. I 5293 Royall. Southern Tour. I 541 Russell. Pictures of Southern Life.I 267 Siringo. A Texas Cow Boy.I 5306 Somers. Southern States since the War... .1 257 Stiff. The Texan Emigrant.I 5471 Stirling. Letters from the Slave States. . .1 5287 Stowe. Palmetto Leaves.I 275 Sweet and Knox. On a Mexican Mustang through Texas.I 5305 Texas; her Resources and Capabilities . .... .1 5302 Texas in 1840; Emigrant’s Guide.I 211 Thomas Co., Ga., for Emigrants and Invalids *1 254 Townshend. Wild Life in Florida.I 252 Two Months in the Confederate States .. I 290 Walker. Journal of an Exploration in 1750. .1 5318 Warner. Studies in the South and West.. .1 5113 Waterhouse. Resources of Missouri.*1236,2 Wilson. Atlanta as it is.I 5261 Zeigler and Grosscup. Heart of the Alle- ghanies; Western Carolina.I 5263 western states and territories. Aldrich. Ranch Notes in Kansas, etc.I 5459 Anderson. The Silver Country.I 338 Andrews. Minnesota and Dacotah in 185O.I 525 Atwater. Tour to Prairie du Chien. 1 15 164 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. Barneby. Life in the Far West.I 5514 Bayard. L’lnterieur des Etats-Unis, 1791 .C 4142 Beste. The Wabash ; English Family in America. 2 v.I 46 Bird. Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains. .1 443 Birkbeck. Letters from Illinois.. . ..B 1349 Notes on a Journey in America.I 161 Bishop. Four Months in a Sneak Box.I 5414 Blackmore. Colorado; its Resources.... *V 127 Blake. On the Wing to the Pacific.I 5423 Blake and Willett. Hand-book of Colorado I 550 Blanchard. Map of the Northwestern and Middle States.*R 5045 Bond. Minnesota and its Resources. I 75 Bonwick. Mormons and the Silver Mines..I 188 Bowles. Summer Vacation in Colorado.. . .1 205 Boynton and Mason. Journey through Kansas, in 1854. 1 5463 Bradbury. Travels in Interior of America. .1 307 Brennan. Condition of Southern Dacotah.*I 254 Brewerton. War in Kansas.I 5420 Brockett. Our Western Empire.I 5406 Bross. Resources of the far West. *1 227 Burton. City of the Saints.I 547 Bushnell. Des Moines Trade Circular... . *1 320 Butler. Nebraska; Characteristics, etc. ..*E 2014 Butler. Great Lone Land.I 156 Wild North Land.I 157 Campion. On the Frontier.I 362 Carpenter. Colorado and Leadville. *1 329 Carrington. Ab-sa-ra-ka; Land of Massacre I 333 Carver. Travels in Interior of N. America.I 176 Chandless. Visit to Salt Lake.I 281 Clarke. The Source of the Mississippi. . .*1 236,6 Clemens {Mark Twain). Roughing it.I 1571 Life on the Mississippi.I 64 Clever. New Mexico; her Resources, etc.*I 236,6 Codman. The Mormon Country.I 5529 Coffin. Seat of Empire; the Northwest... .1 97 Conclin’s River Guide; Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.I 54 2 ^ Conklin. Picturesque Arizona.I 535 Conn. Cow-Boys and Colonels.I 55 °° Coyner. Lost Trappers.I 5425 Cram. Atlas of Western and Southern States*R 4937 CUMING. Tour to the Western Country.I 328 Cumings. Western Pilot.I 5412 Curley. Glittering Gold; Black Hills.I 243 Nebraska; Advantages and Drawbacks . .1 118 Curtis. A Summer Scamper.I 5439 Curtiss. Western Portraiture.I 90 Custer. Life on the Plains.I 217 Custer. Boots and Saddles.I 5482 Tenting on the Plains.I 55°5 Dana. Bounty Lands of Illinois. *1 5403. Geography of the Western Country.I 85 Dartt. On the Plains, and among the Peaks I 336 Davies. Ten Days on the Plains.I 5479 Davis. El Gringo; or, New Mexico.I 212 Dawson. Report on Country between Lake Superior and Red River Settlement. .*V 356 Delano. Life on the Plains.I 5507 Denison. Rocky Mountain Health Resorts.N 351 Detroit, Map and Manual of.I 552 Dickinson. A Ragged Register.I 530 Domenech. Seven Years in North American Deserts. 2 v.I 2 Dodge. The Black Hills.I 244 Plains of the great West.I 312 Donan. Mackinac Island.I 5413 Drake. View of Cincinnati, 1815. 1 5427 Drake and Mansfield. Cincinnati in 1826.B 1327 Duluth, Minn.; its Location, etc.*1236,1 Dunraven. The Great Divide; Upper Yel¬ lowstone.I 543S Eastman. Comanches and Apaches.B 685 Ebbutt. Emigrant Life in Kansas.I 5458 j Ellsworth. Valley of the Upper Wabash . I 324 Emory. Reconnoissance from Fort Leaven¬ worth to San Diego.I 129 Fairy Island of Mackinac.I 5487 Farmer. Resources of Rocky Mountains... I 5452 Farrar. Five Years in Minnesota.I 5422 Featherstonhaugh. Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor. 2v.I 5415 Ferris. The great West.I 72 Flagg. The far West. 2v.I 187 Flint. Ten Years in the Mississippi Valley. I 5429 Folsom. Fifty Years in the Northwest.B 4524 Forbes. Geography of Western Kansas... .*1 236.2 Forman. Journey down the Ohio and Mis¬ sissippi .I 5475 FOSTER. Dakota Territory. *1 227 Foster. The Mississippi Valley.I 240 France. Mountain Trails and Parks in Colo¬ rado . I 547 2 Francis. Legends of the Land of Lakes.. .1 5409 Francis. Saddle and Mocassin.I 55 01 Fremont. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon in 1843. *1 554 ° From City to Surf.I 5487 Gerrish. Life in the World’s Wonderland. I 55 1 5 Gillmore. Travel, War and Shipwreck..I 444 Glazier. Down the Great River; Source of the Mississippi.I 547 ^ Gordon. Camping in Colorado.I 5467 Gould. 50 Years on the Mississippi.I 5478 Graff. Graybeard’s Colorado.I 5432 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. i6 5 Gregg. Commerce of the Prairies. 2 v... .1 16 Gregory. Resources of Wisconsin .I 5411 Griswold. Kansas and its Resources.I 119 Grohman. Camps in the Rockies.I 5433 Hall. Guide to the great Y/est.I 86 Hall. Commerce or the West.I 89 Letters from the West.I 218 Notes on the Western States.I 5402 Sketches of the West.. 2v.I 87 Statistics of the West, 1836. 1 5401 The West; its Soil and Productions.I 88 Hallo well. Gunnison, Colorado.*1236,3 Hamilton. Resources of Arizona. *1 5445 Hankins. Dacotah; Beauties of St. Paul. . .1 525 Hardman. Frontier Life. 1 219 i Harris. Tour in the Northwest, 1803. 1 304 Hayes. New Colorado and Santa Fe Trail. .1 5430 Heap. Central Route to the Pacific.I 5541 Higginson. Ride through Kansas.*L 4850,4 Hii.l. From Home to Home.I 5513 Hinton. Hand-book to Arizona . I 355 The same.*R 3735 Hobbs. Wild Life in the far West.I 346 Hoffman. Winter in the West. 2v.I 309 Hollister. Resources of Utah. *1 236,7 How you should go West.I 99 Humphreys. Preliminary Report on Surveys in Nevada and Arizona.*V 355 Hutchinson. Resources of Kansas.I 95 Hyatt. Resources of Iowa. .*. .I 232 Illinois, Illustrated Historical Atlas of .*R 4938 Illinois Central R. R. Lands, Guide to. *1 227 IMLAY. Western Territory (Dublin, 1793)...! 84 The same (London, 1797). *1 5098 Indiana Gazetteer.I 74 Illustrated Historical Atlas of. ..*R 4940 Ingersoli.. Crest of the Continent.I 5449 Knocking round the Rockies.I 5435 Irving. Bonneville’s Adv. in Rocky Mts. . .. J 132 Ives. Report on the Colorado River. Doc . Jackson and Cole. Oklahoma; Guide to Indian Territory.*1 5468 Johns. Duluth, Minn.*1236,7 Johnson. Eight Hundred Miles in an Ambu- lance . I 5525 Johnson. Maps of Missouri and Kansas. . .*1 5461 Jones. Illinois and the West .I 331 Jones. Two Visits to Ohio Indians.I 98 Junker von Langegg. Eldorado.D 5830 Kansas and Missouri, Western Life in.I 5480 Kansas Border, Three Years on.I 5460 Keating. Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter’s River. 2 v.I 225 Keeler. Leadville and its Mines . *1 329 Kelly. Across the Rocky Mountains.I 5526 Kendall. Santa Fe Expedition. 2 v.I 215 Kenny. Illustrated Cincinnati.I 5404 Ker. Travels in Western Interior of U. S.. . I 5443 Kilbourn. Ohio Gazetteer.I 186 King. Pocket-book of Cincinnati.I 441 Kirkland. Our New Home in the West. . E 1296 Western Clearings.E 1302 Kohl. Around Lake Superior.I 19 Lady’s Ranch Life in Montana; by I. R.I 5473 Lansing, Mich., and its Advantages. *1 227 Lewis. Gypsying in the Sierras.I 5434 Lewis and Clark. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1804-6. I 94 The same ; ed. by Allen, 1814. 2 v*I 305 The same; abr. by McVickar. 2 v.I 3757 Lippincott. New Life in new Lands.I 136 Long. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-20. 3V.*1 226 Loomis. Leadville. - . *1 329 Ludlow. Heart of the Continent.I 110 Lyford. Western Address Directory.I 126 McCall. Letters from the Frontier.I 280 McClung. Minnesota in 1870. 1 527 McConnel. Western Characters.I 344 McElrath. Yellowstone Valley. *1 236,4 The same.I 5510 McKenney. Tour to the Lakes.I 203 Mandat-Grancey. Dans les Montagnes Rocheuses.C 5946 Marcy. Army Life on the Border.I 105 Prairie Traveler.I 115 Marston. Frank’s Ranch in the Rocky Mountains.I 5453 Mathews. Ten Years in Nevada.. .1 5444 Mattocks. Minnesota a Home for Invalids.I 80 Meline. 2000 Miles on Horseback.I 120 Melish. Information to Emigrants.I 347 Michaux. Travels West of the Alleghan- ies.,.I 167 Minnesota, the Empire State of the N. W.. .*1 254 Illustrated Historical Atlas of.*R 4943 Picturesque; Guide for Tourists. *1 254 Minturn. Travels West.I 5135 Mohr. Streifzug durch denNordwesten. . D 3838 Morley. Michigan and its Resources.I 5410 Mowry. Arizona and Sonora.I 5428 Navigator, The ; Navigating the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.I 5255 New Mexico; Resources of. *1 236,2 Northern Pacific Railroad. *1 5445 Ohio Gazetteer.I 73 Oliphant. Minnesota and the far West. ... I 81 Ollivant. Breeze from Great Salt Lake..I 91 166 WESTERN STATES AN D TERRITORIES—PACIFIC COAST. O’Reilly. Fifty Years on the Trail; Western Life.I 5499 Palmer. Travels over the Rocky Mts.I 5454 Parker. Iowa Hand-Book for 1857. 1 529 Kansas and Nebraska Hand book for ’57 .1 5460 Minnesota Handbook for 1856. 1 5408 Parker. Trip to the West and Texas.I 171 Pattie. Personal Narrative.I 557 Peck. Gazetteer of Illinois.I 332 Guide to the West. . . .' . I 158 Pierce. Incidents of Western Travel.I 5440 Pike. Exp. to Sources of the Mississippi.... I 228 Map to the same. *V 28 Voyage au Nouveau Mexique. 2 v.C 6212 Pine. Beyond the West.I 5441 Porter. The West from the Census of 18S0 .1 5405 Powell. Explorations of Colorado River... . Doc. Quincy, Ill.; its Trade and Manufactures ... .*1 236,2 Raymond. Camp and Cabin.I 536 Reavis. The Commonwealth of Missouri. .*1 5095 Remy. Au Pays des Mormons. 2 v.C 6438 and Brenchley. Journey to Great Salt Lake City. 2v.I 5530 Reynolds. Exploration of the Yellowstone.I 553 Richardson. Beyond the Mississippi.I 5450 Richardson. Wonders of the Yellowstone . I 100 Rideing. A-Saddle in the Wild West . I 5508 RlTCH. Illustrated New Mexico . *1 5445 The same; 5th ed . I 5533 Ritchie. Wisconsin and its Resources .I 214 Roberts. Shoshone and Western Wonders. . 5474 With the Invader. I 5465 Roberts. Western Avernus; Further North America.I 55 *6 Robinson. Kansas . I 121 Robinson. Sinners and Saints . I 5531 Roosevelt. Ranch Life and Hunting Trail *V 1245 Ross. Adventures on Columbia River .I 5448 Fur Hunters in the far West. 2 v . I 184 Rowbotham. Trip to Prairie Land.I 5407 Russell. Hesperothen ; Notes from the West. 2 v. I 5132 Ruxton. Life in the far West .I 216 St. Clair, Mich., Mineral Springs . *1 236,3 Schaeffer. Travels in California. I 5544 Schlagintweit. Prairien des Westens.. . . D 3898 Neue Pfade zum Stillen Meere. D 3899 Santa Fe und Siidpacificbahn. D 3928 Schoolcraft. Exp. to the Mississippi, 1832 .1 230 Exp. to the Mississippi, 1831-32 . 1 231 Seymour. Sketches of Minnesota in 1849 • f 543 The same . I 54 21 Shields.. Cruisings in the Cascades. I 5477 Rustling in the Rockies . I 543 ^ Simonin. Le Grand-Ouest.C 6768 Sitgreaves. Colorado and Zuni Rivers...I 100 Smalley. History of the N. Pacific R. R.. K 5762 South. Out West ; From London to Salt Lake City.I 5527 Stansbury. Great Salt Lake Valley. 2 v.*I 5528 Steele. Frontier Army Sketches.I 5437 Steele. Summer Journey in the West.I 92 Stelle. Wyandotte Cave, Indiana.I 5484 Stennett. North and West illustrated.I 303 Stevenson. The Silverado Squatters.I 5559 STRAHORN. Handbook of Wyoming.I 5447 Resources of Montana. *1 320 Summer Resorts of Iowa and Minnesota* I 236,2 Sweetser. Tourists’Guide to the Northwest *1 236,7 Taylor. Colorado; a Summer Trip.I 206 The New West.I 5457 Western Journey with Emerson. . .1 5532 Guide to Northern Lakes.I 5483 Through the Western Country, .I 278 Tenney. Thayer. Thomas. Thomas. 1816 Thwaites. Historic Waterways ; Rock, Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. ..I 5486 Tice. Over the Plains; Kansas and Coloradol 5419 The same.I 5464 Townshend. Colorado.I 442 Townshend. Sporting Excursion in Rocky Mountains. 2 v.I 5455 Utah, Mineral Resources of. *1 329 Van Tramp. Prairie and Rocky Mountain Adventures.I 202 Victor, ii Years in the Rocky Mountains.I 5451 River of the West. I 555 2 Vivian. Wanderings in the Western Land.. .1 5506 Waite. Adventures in the far West.I 5442 1. Walker. The Mississippi Valley.I 5417 Wallace. Land of the Pueblos.I 5534 Webb. Altowan; Life in the Rocky Mts. 2 v.I 341 Webb. Buffalo Land.I 116 4 Whitman and Searl. Map of Kansas... .*1 5462 Wilber. Nebraska and the North-West .. .1 5481 Wingate. Through Yellowstone Park. I 5446 Winser. The Great Northwest.I 5418 Yellowstone National Park.I 5509 Wisconsin Central R. R., Resorts of. *1 234 Woodbury. Tourists’ Guide to Denver ... .1 5431 Woods. Two Years in the Illinois Country. .I 318 Wyoming Territory; History, Soil, Climate . .1 320 PACIFIC COAST. Armstrong. Oregon and Washington.I 523 Atkinson. The Northwest Coast. *1 254 Bartlett (Ed.). Livermore Valley, Cal. .*1 254 Borthwick. Three Years in California.. . .1 277 PACIFIC COAST. 167 Bowles. Across the Continent.I 170 Our New West..I 313 Pacific Railroad open.I 130 Brace. The new West; or, California.I 155 Brooks. Four Months in California in ’49. .1 5560 Browne. Adventures in Apache Country . . I 270 Crusoe’s Island; Adv. in California.I 175 ; Bryant. What I saw in California.I 5551 Bulfinch. Oregon and Eldorado.I 185 California, the Cornucopia of the World . . .*V 691,1 Colton. " Three Years in California......... I 160 Cone. Two Years in California.I 246 Cozzens. The Marvellous Country.I 137 Cronise. Wealth of California.I 163 Claiming. Granite Crags; California.I 5547 Dall. My first Holiday.I 5424 Derby. Overland Route to the Pacific.I 172 Farnham. Life and Adventures in Califor¬ nia. I 162 Fisher. The Californians. 1 * 364 Franchere. Voyage to N. W. Coast of Am. I 127 Fremont. Expedition to Rocky Mountains. I 134 The same.C 272 and Emory. Travels in California.I 139 Glisan. Journal of Army Life.I 5555 Greeley. Overland Journey to San Francisco. I 17 Griswold. Beauties of California. *1 236,3 Hittell. Resources of California.I 150 Holder. All about Pasadena, Cal.I 5535 Hutchings. Guide to Yosemite Valley ....I 145 Irving. Astoria.J 131 Jones. Report on Northwest Wyoming.I 96 King. Mountaineering in Sierra Nevada ... I 220 Kneeland. Wonders of Yosemite Valley.*V 320 Lawrence. Silverland.I 102 Lee and Frost. Ten Years in Oregon.I 524 Leighton. Life at Puget Sound . I 5512 Lester. The Yo-Semite.I 5556 Letts. California Illustrated.I 5538 Lindley and Widney. California of the South.I 5539 McClellan. Region West of the Rocky Mountains. 1 170 Marryat. Mountains and Molehills . I 337 Meyrick. Santa Cruz and Monterey, Cal .*1 254 Miller. Life among the Modocs . I 101 Moellhausen. Journey to the Pacific. 2 v.I 224 , Vandringer i Nordamerika . C 7391 Murphy. Rambles in N. W. America. I 5511 Nash. Oregon; there and back in 1877. . . .1 522 Two Years in Oregon . I 531 Nicolay. Oregon Territory . I 181 Nordhoff. California . I 140 The same; new edition . I 5553 Nordhoff. North California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands.I jg 2 Peninsular California.I 5537 Ontario, Cal., New Fruit Colony, etc.*1 236,1 Oregon, Facts regarding the Climate, etc.*1 329 its Climate, Soil, Resources, etc.. .*1 254 Orr. Stockton, Cal., and Surroundings. . .*1 236,3 Pacific Bank Handbook of California.I 5536 Pacific Northwest; Oregon, etc.*1 5095 Pacific Railroad Explorations. 13 v.*V 465 Parker. Tour beyond the Rocky Moun¬ tains.I 213 Parkman. Oregon Trail.I 196 Phillips. Southern California.*1 5095 Pim. Gate of the Pacific.I 354 Player-Froud. Six Months in California .. I 183 Powell. The Golden State.I 339 Nevada, the Land of Silver.I 340 Prosperous California.*1236,4 Rappleye’s Map of Oregon, Washington Ter¬ ritory, Idaho and Montana.*R 3736 Revere. Tour of Duty in California.I 5558 Roberts. Santa Barbara and around there .I 5545 Sage. Rocky Mountain Life.I 543 Santa Barbara, Cal.*i 360 Saxon. 5 Years within the Golden Gate. . .1 138 Schaeffer. Travels in California.I 5544 Schlagintweit. Californien.D 3897 Seyd. Resources of California.I 133 Simpson. Shortest Route to California.*1 227 Southern Pacific Railroad Co., Lands of.I 333. Southworth. California.I 534S Stanley. Rambles in Wonderland.I 333. Steele. Old Californian Days.I 5524 Stillman. Pioneer Life in California.I 5543 Swan. 3 Years in Washington Territory. . .1 164 Taylor. Eldorado; or, California.I 272 Taylor. Between the Gates.I 336 Taylor. California Life illustrated.I 5354 Thornton. Oregon and California. 2 v.. .1 180 Todd. Sunset Land;or, California.I 165 Townsend. Rocky Mountains and the Col¬ umbia River.I 201 Truman. Semi-Tropical California.I 139 Tourists’ Guide to California.I 5549 Tyson. Diary in California.I 5337 Upham. To California via Cape Horn.I 271 Vallejo, Cal., Resources of.*1 5095 Van Dyke. Southern California.I 5546 Victor. All over Oregon and Washington. .1 276 White. Ten Years in Oregon.I 195 Williams. Pacific Tourist.I 249 Wise. Los Gringos; Mexico and California. .1 5550 ALASKA—MEXICO. 168 ALASKA. Aldrich. Arctic Alaska and Siberia.I 2120 Ballou. New Eldorado; Summer Journey to Alaska. I 55 18 Dall. Alaska and its Resources.I 8 Elliott. Our Arctic Province. I 5 ° 5 ° Hallock. Our New Alaska. I 5°45 Jackson. Alaska and Missions on the North Pacific Coast.I 534 Karr. Shores and Alps of Alaska.I 5058 Mudge. Fur-Clad Adventures through Alaska I 2053 Pierrepont. Fifth Avenue to Alaska.I 5145 Ray. Polar Expedition to Alaska. Doc. Schwatka. Along Alaska’s Great River... I 5043 Scidmore. Alaska, its Southern Coast, etc. I 5047 Wardman. Trip to Alaska.I 5042 Whymper. Travel and Adventure in Alaska I 18 Willard. Life in Alaska. I 5046 Woodman. Picturesque Alaska.I 5517 Wright. Among the Alaskans.I 5041 MEXICO. Alvensleben. With Maximilian in Mexico.I 386 Anderson. Mexico from the Material Stand¬ point.I 559 6 Aubertin. Flight to Mexico.I 5577 Bandelier. 3625 | Becher. Trip to Mexico.' .I 5564 Bishop. Old Mexico . I 5568 Blake and Sullivan. Mexico . .1 5616 Brocklehurst. Mexico to-day.I 5566 Bullock. Across Mexico in 1864-5 . 1 380 Bullock. Residence in Mexico. I 5575 Calderon de la Barca. Life in Mexico. .1 392 Carpenter. Travels and Adv. in Mexico. . I 5598 Castro. Republic of Mexico in 1882. 1 5586 Charnay. Ancient Cities of the New World.I 5614 Conkling. Appleton’s Guide to Mexico... .1 5573 Crawford. Land of the Montezumas.I 5620 Cubas. Republic of Mexico in 1876. 1 5569 Dumas. Un Pays Inconnu. C 4703 j Duval. Life and Travels in Mexico.I 5567 Eggers. Erindringer fra Mexico.C 7333 Elton. With the French in Mexico. I 377 Emory. Report on the Mexican Boundary. 3 V. Doc. Evans. Our Sister Republic; Travels in Mexico . I 5597 Ferry. Vagabond Life in Mexico. I 5592 Garay. Isthmus of Tehuantepec. I 5603 Geiger. Peep at Mexico. I 365 Gilliam. Travels in Mexico, 1843-4 . 1 5589 Gooch. Face to Face with the Mexicans. . .1 5617 Griffin. Mexico of To-day. I 5604 Hale. Family Flight through Mexico.I 5583 Hamilton. Border States of Mexico.I 5561 Hardy. Travels in Mexico in 1828. 1 5599 Haven. Our next-door Neighbor; Mexico.. I 366 Heller. Mexico; Boden, Klima, etc.D 3778 Humboldt. Essay on New Spain. 4 v.. . .1 373 Reise in die AequinoctialGegenden. 4V.D 321 Reisen. 4 v. in 2.D 9357 Travels in America. 3V.I 3267 The same; abridg. by Macgillivray. .1 3686 Vues des Cordillieres.*P 1265 Janvier. The Mexican Guide.I 5621 Knox. Boy Travellers in Mexico.I 5619 Kollonitz. Court of Mexico.I 384 Latrobe. Rambler in Mexico.I 369 Leclercq. Voyage au Mexique.C 5587 Lempriere. Notes in Mexico.I 383 Linati. Costumes et Moeurs de Mexique. .*P 699 LyON. Journal in.Mexico in 1826. 1 557 ^ Mason. Life in Mexico.I 5562 Massey. Mexico as it is.I 372 Mayer. Mexico as it was and is.I 368 Mexican Border, Report on.I 5 ^ 1 5 Mexican National Railway.*K 815,4 Mexicans at Home in the Interior.I 5605 Norman. Rambles in Yucatan . . .*.I 447 Ober. Mexican Resources.I 5579 Travels in Mexico.I 5574 Oswald. Streifziige in Mexico.D 3853 Owen. Map of Mexico.*R 5043 Parthe. Intervention in Mexico (German). D 57 Paz. Nueva Guia de Mexico.I 5607 Phillips. Mexico illustrated.*R 4859 Plongeon. Here and there in Yucatan... I 5612 Poinsett. Notes on Mexico in 1822. 1 5595 Price. Notes on a Trip to Mexico in 1878. .1 5588 Rankin. Twenty Years among the Mexicans. I 5587 Ratzel. Aus Mexico, 1874 und 1875.D 3875 Robertson. Visit to Mexico. 2v.I 540 Romero. El Estado de Oaxaca.I 5608 Ruxton. Adv. in Mexico and Rocky Mts..I 393 The same.I 389 Salm-Salm. My Diary in Mexico. 2 v... .1 391 Queretaro; mein Tagebuch. 2 v.D 3891 Shepard. Land of the Aztecs.I 5600 Smith. A White Umbrella in Mexico.I 5618 Stephens. Travels in Yucatan. 2v.I 385 Thompson. Recollections of Mexico.I 370 Vigne. Travels in Mexico and South Amer¬ ica. 2 v.I 5585 Ward. Mexico, 1825-27. 2 v.*1 387 Mexiko im Jahre 1827. 2v.D 3947 Wells. A Study of Mexico.I 5606 Williams. Isthmus of Tehuantepec.I 446 MEXICO—CENTRAL AMERICA—WEST INDIES. 169 Wilson. Mexico and its Religions.I 5576 Mexico; its Peasants and Priests.I 375 Zaremba. Guide to Mexico. I 5572 CENTRAL AMERICA. Bates. Central and South America.I 489 Belt. Naturalist in Nicaragua.I 438 Bidwell. Isthmus of Panama.I 5610 Boyle. Ride across Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 2 v. • .I 5565 Brigham. Guatemala; Land of the Quetzel.I 5613 By am. Wild Life in Central America.I 5594 Chevalier. L’lsthme de Panama.C 4358 Cullen. Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal.. . .1 403 Dollfus. Voyage geologique dans Guate¬ mala et Salvador.*V 398 Dunlop. Travels in Central America.I 5581 Dunn. Guatemala in 1827-28. 1 483 Fabens. Life oh the Isthmus.I 5602 Froebel. 7 Years in Central America.I 363 Garella. Canal a travers Panama.C 5048 Griswold. The Isthmus of Panama.I 5601 Hardman. Scenes and Adventures in Central America.I 5593 Hort. Via Nicaragua; a Sketch of Travel.. I 5629 Lombard. The New Honduras.I 5633 Marr. Reise nach Central-Amerika.D 333 Montgomery. Guatemala in 1838. 1 5582 Morelet. Reisen in Central-Amerika. . ..D 3832 Travels in Central America .I 395 Morris. Colony of British Honduras.I 5591 Nelson. Five Years at Panama.I 5632 Nicaragua, Destiny of. *1 5445 Panama Ship Canal, Report on. *Doc. PlM and Seemann. Panama, Nicaragua and Mosquito.I 5570 Pitman. Ship Canal Across Panama.I 5611 Roberts. Voyages in Central America .... I 3511 Sanborn. Winter in Central America.I 5584 Scherzer. Travels in Central America. 2 v. I 404 Selfridge. Report on Isthmus of Darien.. . Doc. Sivers. Ueber Madeira nach Mittel-Amerika. 1 ) 3908 Soi.tera. Ride Across Spanish Honduras . . I 5609 Sonnenstern. Estado del Salvador.I 372 Squier. Nicaragua; People, Scenery, etc.. I 405 Notes on Central America.I 406 Waikna; Adventures on Mosquito Shore . I 5670 Stephens. Travel in Central America. 2v.I 390 Stout. Nicaragua; past and present.I 5590 Tempsky. Adventures in Central America.. I 400 Tomes. Panama in 1855. 1 410 Wafer. Description of the Isthmus of Amer¬ ica.I 5630 Wells. Explorations in Honduras.I 5571 Whetham. Across Central America. I 5580 Wyse. Canal de Panama. *V 1157 WEST INDIES. Abbot. Letters from Cuba.I 5716 Amphlett. Under a Tropical Sky.I 407 Ballou. Due South; Cuba.I 5715 Bigelow. Jamaica in 1850. 1 5684 Breen. Island of St. Lucia.I 408 Candler. Brief Notices of Hayti.I 5708 Coleridge. 6 Months in the West Indies . .1 3598 Dana. To Cuba and back.I 378 Davy. The West Indies...I 5681 Dickinson and Dowd. A Winter Picnic in Nassau.I 5689 Dorr. Bermuda.I 5713 Eves. The West Indies.I 5687 Fabens. Resources of Santo Domingo.I 372 Froude. The English in the West Indies . .1 5685 Gage. Survey of the West Indies, 1648 . . *V 589 Gai.lenga. Pearl of the Antilles; Cuba.. . .1 394 Gurney. Letters from the West Indies.I 398 Hall. The Spanish Main ; 30 Days in the Caribbean.I 5631 Hazard. Santo Domingo, past and present.B 1920 Heilprin. The Bermuda Islands.I 5691 Higgins. Naturalist in Western Tropics. ... I 5683 Humboldt. The Island of Cuba.I 5711 Huri.but. Pictures of Cuba. 1 4000,11 Ives. The Isles of Summer.I 548 Jay. My Winter in Cuba.I 379 Kimball. Life in Santo Domingo.I 376 Kingsley. At Last; Christmas in W. I. .. .G 305 Letters from the Virgin Islands. 1 57°5 Lewis. Journal of a West India Proprietor.. I 399 Lorne, Marquis of. Trip to the Tropics.I 374 Mackenzie. Notes on Haiti. 2 v.I 396 McQuade. Cruise of the Montauk. I 5714 Madden. 12 Months in the Westlndies. 2 v.I 397 Ober. Camp in the Caribbees.I 5709 O’Kelly. Mambi-Land; or, Cuba.I 382 Paton. Down the Islands ; Voyage to the Caribbees.I 57°6 POWLES. Land of the Pink Pearl; the Bahamas.I 5686 Redpath. Guide to Hayti.I 57°7 Scott. To Jamaica and back.I 5682 Sivers. Cuba; Perle der Antillen.D 3906 Stark. Stark’s Illustrated Bermuda Guide. .1 5 7 1 7 Steele. Cuban Sketches.I 57 10 Tai.boys. West India Pickles.I 4 QI Thomas. Froudacity; West Indian Fables by Froude. 1 5688 170 WEST INDIES.—SOUTH AMERICA. Trollope. West Indies and Spanish Main. G 619 Turnbull. Travels in Cuba.I 388 Verteuil. Trinidad ; its Geography, etc... I 5718 West India Pilot. Doc. Whittingham. Bermuda.I 5712 Willis. Health Trip to the Tropics.I 418 SOUTH AMERICA. Adalbert of Prussia. Voyage in Europe and Brazil. 2 v.I 2207 Agassiz. Journey in Brazil.I 450 Andrews. Brazil; its Condition and Prospects I 5801 Appun. Unter den Tropen. 2 v. *.... D 3687 Bartram. Voyage dans l’Amerique du Sud. 2 v . C 4132 Bates. Naturalist on the Amazon. 1 437 Baxley. Coast of North and South America I 537 Beerbohm. Wanderings in Patagonia.I 467 Bibra. Reise in Siidamerika. 2 v . D 3691 Bishop. Thousand Miles Walk . H 253 Bonnycastle. Spanish America. 2 v.I 511 Boyd. Chili in 1879-80 . 1 482 Brackenridge. Voyage to South America. 2 v . I 510 Brand. Journal of a Voyage to Peru. I 509 Brazil in 1876 . 1 451 its History and People . I 445 Brett. Indian Tribes of Guiana. I 5807 Brown. Camp Life in British Guiana. I 433 and Lidstone. Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon . I 439 Burmeister. Reise in La Plata Staaten. 2 v. D 3720 Burton, Highlands of Brazil. 2v . I 419 Carleton. Our Artist in Peru . I 420 Carrey. Le Perou .C 4302 Champney. Three Vassar Girls in South America . I 491 Chesterton. Venezuela in 1819-20 . 1 495 Christie. Notes on the Brazilian Question ..I 455 Church. Route to Bolivia via the Amazon. .1 519 Clemens. La Plata Countries. I 504 Coan. Adventures in Patagonia. I 468 Cole. The Peruvians at Home. I 500 Curtis. Capitals of Spanish America. I 5841 Dahlgren. South Sea Sketches; Peru, Chili. I 475 Dance. Four Years in Venezuela. I 436 Dent. A Year in Brazil. I 5802 Dixie . Across Patagonia. I 469 Dobrizhoffer. Abipones of Paraguay. 3 v. I 457 Duane. Visit to Colombia. I 427 Duffield. Peru in the Guano Age. I 471 Eastwick. Life in Venezuela.I 417 Edgcumbe. Zephyrus; a Holiday in Brazil. .1 5803 Edwards. Voyage up the Amazon.I 513 Empson. Narratives of South America.I 493 Ewbank. Life in Brazil.I 487 Fletcher. Brazil and the Brazilians.I 440 Fuentes. Sketches of Lima. *1 473 Gallenga. South America.I 474 Gardner. Travels in Brazil.I 371 Gerstaecker. Travels in South America. .I 485 Guillaume. The Amazon Provinces of Peru I 5820 Guinnard. Slavery in Patagonia.I 466 Hadfield. Brazil and the River La Plata. .1 452 Haigh. Buenos Ayres and Chili.I 514 Hall. Journal in Chili, Peru, Mexico. 2 v.I 422 The same.13501,2-3 Hassaurek. Spanish Americans.I 425 Hawkshaw. Reminiscences of South America I 5830 Head. Notes on the Pampas and Andes... I 421 Helms. From Buenos Ayres to Lima.I 488 Herndon and Gibbon. Valley of Amazon. 3V.I 435 Hettner. Reisen in den columbianischen Anden.D 5820 Heusser. Die Schweizer in St. Paulo.D 3777 Hippisley.. Expedition to the Orinoco.. ••••I 505 Holton. New Granada.I 402 Hudson. Purple Land that England lost... I 517 Hunter. Sketch of Chili.I 479 Hutchinson. Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings.I 499 Two Years in Peru. 2 v.I 426 Johnson. Vacation in Argentine Alps.I 416 Juan and Ulloa. Voyage to South America.2v.I 481 Keller. The Amazon and Madeira Rivers *R 4092 Vom Amazon und Madeira.*V 1027 Kidder. Sketches of Travel in Brazil. 2 v. .1 507 King. Adventures in the Argentine Republic. I 490 24 Years in the Argentine Republic . .. .B 18S5 Knight. Cruise of the “Falcon”.I 498 Knox. Boy Travellers in South America.. . .1 501 Kolberg. Nach Ecuador.D 3806 Koster. Travels in Brazil.*V 104 La Condamine. Voyage to Inland Parts of South America.I 5809 Laerne. Brazil and Java.I 503 Latham. States of the River La Plata.I 462 LlNDLEY. Voyage to Brazil.I 506 Mansfield. Paraguay, Brazil, etc.I 460 Marcoy. Travels in South America. 2 v.*P 520 Markham. Cuzco and Lima.I 502 Travels in Peru and India...I 413 Masterman. Seven Years in Paraguay ... .1 461 Maximilian. Reise nachBrasilien, 1815-17.D 3829 Me vert. Ein Jahr zu Pferde in Paraguay .. D 3819 Michelena y Rojas. Exploracion Oficial.C 9610 Miers. Travels in Chile and La Plata. 2 v. .1 5813 SOUTH AMERICA—EUROPE. 171 Mollien. Travels in Colombia, 1822-3 ....I 484 Moussy. La Confederation Argentine. 3 v.I 430 Atlas to the same.*R 4886 Mulhall. Between the Amazon and Andes.I 480 Handbook of the River Plate. I 5 20 Rio Grande do Sul and its Colonies.I 494 Murray. Travels in Uruguay.I 464 Musters. At Home with the Patagonians.. I 463 Napp. The Argentine Republic.I 431 Notes on the Viceroyalty of La Plata...I 5812 Orton. The Andes and the Amazon.I 414 The same; 3d edition.I 412 Oswald. Days and Nights in the Tropics. . .1 5804 Paez. Travels in South and Central America I 415 Page. Paraguay, La Plata, etc.I 465 Palgrave. Dutch Guiana.I 432 Pazos. Letters on South America.I 486 Pelleschi. Eight Months on the Gran Chaco .1 51 3 Rickard. Mining Journey across the Andes I 411 Rumbold. Great Silver River; Buenos Ayres in 1880.1 5806 Sachs. Aus den Llanos. D 3909 Scarlett. Sbuth America and the Pacific. 2v.I 448 Schaeffer. Travels in South America ... .1 5544 Scully. Brazil; its Provinces and Cities... .1 449 Seymour. Pioneering in the Pampas. I 459 Simson. Travels in the Wilds of Ecuador.. I 582: Smith. The Araucanians of Chili.I 512 Smith. Brazil, the Amazons and the Coast.I 454 Smyth and Lowe. From Lima to Para.I 458 Snow. Cruise off Terra del Fuego. 2 v.. . .1 470 Spence. Venezuela; Land of Bolivar. 2 v. .1 477 Spix and Von Martius. Travels in Brazil, 1817-20. 2 v.I 5805 Squier. Peru.I 472 Stedman. Expedition to Surinam. 2 v. . . *V 37 Steuart. Bogota in 1836-7 .I 478 Stevenson. Twenty Years in S. America. 3 vl 508 Stewart. Brazil and La Plata. I 515 Temple. Travels in Peru. 2v. 492 Thurn. Among Indians of Guiana. 1 497 Treutler. 15 Jahre in Sud-Amerika.D 3916 Tschudi. Reisen durch SUd-Amerika. 5 v. in 3 . 1 ^ 39 1 7 Travels in Peru.I 424 Versen. Reisen in Siid-Amerika.D 3931 Vincent. Round and about South America.I 5808 Wappaeus. Die Republik Paraguay.D 3948 Warren. Para; Banks of the Amazon ....I 456 Was Georg liber Brasilien zu erzahlen weiss.D 3949 Waterton. Wanderings in South America.I 20 The same; edited by Wood.I 429 Watson. Spanish and Portuguese South America. 2 v.I 5842 Wells. 3000 Miles through Brazil. 2 v. . . .1 516 Whetham. Roraima and British Guiana... I 476 White. Cameos from Silver Land. 2 v...I 496 Wickham. From Trinidad to Para.I 423 Wii.berforce. Brazil through a Naval Glass. 1 4000,11 Wither. Pioneering in South Brazil. 2 v.I 453 Wood. Ho! for Brazil!.I 372 EUROPE. Adalbert of Prussia. Voyage in Europe and Brazil. 2v..I 2207 Ah-Chin-Le. Civilization of the Western Bar¬ barians .I 696 Aldrich. From Ponkapog to Pesth.I 647 Allen. Paul Dreifuss abroad.I 652 Andersen. Pictures of Travel.I 1116 Poet’s Bazaar. I 2220 Atkinson. Pictures from the North.I 676 Atkinson. Tour in Northern Capitals.I 561 Barrow. Tour on the Continent, 1852 ... .14000,2 Bartol. Pictures of Europe.I 565 Beaconsfield. Home Letters, 1830-31....I 5934 Becker. Holiday Haunts.I 5933 Bellows. Travels in Europe. 2v.I 610 Beltrami. Pilgrimage in Europe and America. 2 v.I 568 Bennet. Shores of the Mediterranean....! 641 Beschrijving van voorname Steden.D 9058 Beste. Nowadays; Courts and Courtiers. 2 v.I 667 Bid well. Cost of living abroad.I 2166 Blake. 12 Months in Southern Europe.... I 669 Brachelli. Die Staaten Europas.D 299 Bradshaw’s Railway Guide, July 1867.1 569 Braun-Wiesbaden. Aus dem Siidosten..D 3717 Reisebilder.D 3718 Reisestudien.D 3719 Bremer. Leben in der alten Welt.. I) 1993,35-50 Life in the old World. 2 v.I 576 Lifvet i gamla Verlden. 3V.C 77 25 Brockedon. From London to Naples.I 678 Browne. Sights in Europe.I 5958 Brydges. Recollections of Foreign Travels. 2 v .I 59 2 7 Bunbury. Summer in Northern Europe. 2 v. I 612 Butter worth. Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands.I 564 Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands.I 562 Zigzag Journeys in the Orient.I 563 Callan. Wanderings through Europe.I 5954 Calvert. Scenes in Europe .I 575 Caroline, Queen of England. Travels. 2 v. I 2233 Carter. Incidents of Travel..I 5939 | Carter. Two Girls Abroad.I 5952 172 EUROPE. Catlin. Eight Years’ Travel in Europe. 2 v. I 599 Chambrier. Un peu partout. 2 v.C 4580 Champney. Three Vassar Girls abroad.... I 646 Chauchard. European Atlas, 1800.*R 4790 Child. Summer Holidays.I 5959 Christmas. Shores and Islands of the Medi¬ terranean. 3 v .I 1139 Clemens (Mark Twain). Innocents abroad I 1570 Tramp abroad.I 567 Colbeck. Cruise in Waters of Greece, Tur¬ key and Russia.I 9739 Colman. European Life and Manners. 2 v.. I 607 Colton. Ship and Shore; Mediterranean I 611 Cook. Holiday Tour in Europe.I 5957 Cooper. Recollections of Europe . I 608 Copway. Running Sketches in Europe . I 637 Cord. A Knight Templar abroach .I 5935 Corning. Aalesund to Tetuan .I 5953 Cox. Arctic Sunbeams; Broadway to the Bos¬ phorus . I 672 Buckeye abroad. I 2240 Search for Winter Sunbeams .I 2208 Croffut. A Midsummer Lark . I 645 Darley. Sketches abroad. I mo Daryl. En Yacht . C 4786 Dawson. Bendict’s Wanderings . •. . .. I 1115 Deforest. European Acquaintance. I 597 De La Warr. An Eastean Cruise in the “Edeline”. I 5943 Dewey. Old World and the new. 2 v.... I 648 Dickinson. My First Yisit to Europe. E 7422 Doyle. Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson . *V 953 Eddy. Rip Yan Winkle’s Travels. I 619 Scenes and Society of Europe . I 1120 Emerson. European Glimpses and Glances I 5956 Falkner. Rapid Ramblings in Europe- 1 5923 Faucher. Bilder aus d. 4Millionen StadtenD 3750 Felton. Familiar Letters from Europe.... I 5926 Fetridge. Harper’s Hand-book for Europe and the East, 1884. 3 v. *1 2283 The same, 1881. 2 v . *1 2282 The same, 1873 . *1 2281 Field. From the Lakes cf Killarney to the Golden Horn..,... 12241,1 Fiske. Dunn Brown in Foreign Parts . I 573 Forney. Letters from Europe. I 577 . Centennial Commissioner in Europe. I 578 Fulton. Europe through American Spectacles. I 571 Galton. Art of Travel . I 2273 Vacation Tourists. 3 v. I 2272 Gasparin. Premier Voyage . C 5066 Glisan. Two Years in Europe . I 5946 Goethe. Miscellaneous Travels.I 2969 Greeley. Glances at Europe, 1851. .1 579 Guibout. Vacances d’un Medecin. 5 v. in2C 5164 Guild. Over the Ocean.I 572 Abroad again.I 583 Hall. Patchwork. 3 v.I 598 Hall. Adventures of a Bric-a Brae Hunter I 602 Hansen. Femten Aar i Udlandet, 1864-79 C 7 2 79 Harper’s Hand-books. S^t Fetridge. Haven. Pilgrim’s Wallet. I 1125 Heine. Pictures of Travel.I 1165 Travel Pictures.I 2924 Hemstreet. Economical European Tourist I 593 Hesing. Neunzig Tage in Europa.D 3790 Hodder (Ed). All the World over. 2 v .,.,1 649 Holden. Summer Jaunt through the old World. I 584 Holmes. Our Hundred Days in Europe... I 5947 Horstmann. Consular Reminiscences.I 5942 Howard. One year Abroad. .1 623 Howe. From the Oak to the Olive.I 1135 Humphrey. Great Britain and France. 2v.I 1144 Hunter. Florence to Cherbourg.I 679 Huston. Summer Journey in Europe.I 589 Hyndman. Europe and the Holy Land... .1 5931 Jackson. Bits of Travel.I 1155 James. Portraits of Places.'..I 5921 Transatlantic Sketches.I 622 Tones. Foreign Freaks of Five Friends.... I 59 2 4 Kelley. Letters from Europe in 1879. • • *1 5°95 The same.* 1 236,7 Kennedy. At Home and Abroad.E 1292 Kibrizli-Mehemet, Wife of. Six Years in Europe. .1 1078 King. Europe in Storm and Calm. I 5941 King. Sketches of Travel. *. .I 582 Kingston. A Wanderer’s Notes. 2v . I 5955 Kirkland. Holidays abroad.I 595 Knox. Pocket Guide for Europe . I 654 Kolhapoor, Rajah of. Diary in Europe. . .1 2176 Laing. Notes of a Traveler.I 4000,3 Lester. My Consulship; Sketches in Europe 2V.E 1333 Lewald. Reisebriefe aus Deutschland, Ita- lien und Frankreich . D 3816 Locke. Nasby in Exile . I 675 Longfellow. Outre-Mer.I 1140 The same .-. I 3126 The same. J 175,1 The same . . J 176,1 Loomis. Index Guide to Europe. . .. . 1 653 The same . *R 4044 McCabe. Our Young Folks abroad . I 587 MacGregor. 1000 Miles in the Rob Roy. I 630 The Rob Roy on the Baltic.I 1090 Voyage alone in the Rob Roy. .1 1145 EUROPE—ENGLAND AND WALES. McKenzie. Some Things Abroad.I 5948 Maggs. Around Europe with the Crowd .... I 651 Marcet. Southern and Swiss Health Resorts.I 6703 Marryat. Olla Podrida.I 5929 Matthews.. Diary of an Invalid.I 5925 Melon. De Palerme a Tunis.C12797 Meriwether. A Tramp Trip in Europe.... I 5944 Mitchell. Gleanings from the Continent. ..I 592 Moltke. Notes of Travel....I 656 Montgomery. Cruise of the “Franklin,” ’67.1 1146 Mordecai. Report of the Military Commis¬ sion to Europe, i855~’56.* Doc. Morford. Guide to Europe.I 627 Moulton. Random Rambles.I 665 Munro. Cruise in the Mediterranean.I 5936 Murray. Men and Things in Europe.I 613 Napier. Shores of the Mediterranean. 2 v. .1 1141 Narjoux. Journey in North-West Europe.. .1 591 Nicholson. Travels in Europe . I 574 Ninde. We Two alone in Europe . I 5937 Nordau. Vom Kreml zur Alhambra. 2 v..D 3842 Northcote. Celebrated Sanctuaries of the Madonna . M 1601 Osgood’s Pocket Guide to Europe . I 674 Ossoli. At Home and abroad. J 221 Oxley. From Calais to Karlsbad . I 655 Paterson. 'Mountaineering below the Snow- Line . I 5951 Paul of Aleppo. Travels of Macarius. 2 v *V 1252 Peabody. Reminiscences of European Travel. I 585 Pitman ( Deane ). European Breezes.I 671 Powell. Canoe Traveling on the Baltic.... I 603 Pritchard. Beauty Spots on the Continent I 624 Putnam. Tourist in Europe .I 5950 Richardson. London Bridge to Lombardy I 657 Rodwell. South by East . I 666 Rudler and Chisholm. Europe.I 5932 St. Pierre. Voyages en Europe.C 6642,1 Sai.a. From Waterloo to the Peninsula. 2 v. I 1106 Satchel Guide for Europe for 1878, ’79, ’8i, ’89. 4 v . I 658 Sedgwick. Letters from abroad. 2v . I 1150 Shah of Persia. Diary in Europe in 1873 ... I 616 Diary in Europe in 1878. 1 614 Sherer. Classic Lands of Europe. 2 v. .. .*V 751 Silliman. Visit to Europe. 2v . I 590 Simcox. Recollections of a Rambler . *V 577 Sime. To and- fro . I 5930 Stanford’s Map of Europe . *R 5044 Starr. Pilgrims and Shrines. 2v . I 5922 Stephens. Play-Grounds for Europe . I 1005 Stevenson. Summer Seas; the MedilerraneanI 5940 Stockton. Personally Conducted . I 5961 Stoddard. Red-Letter Days abroad . I 644 *73 Stokes. College Tramps.I 661 Stowe. Memories of Foreign Lands. 2 v..I 617 Sweetser. Europe for §2 a Day.I 618 Swinburne. Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century. 2v.I 609 Symonds. Sketches in Southern Europe. 2 v.I 662 Taylor, B. (Ed). Picturesque Europe. 3 v.*P 704 By-Ways of Europe.I 620 Cyclopaedia of Travel.I 601 Views a foot.I 600 Terhune. Loiterings in Pleasant Paths.... I 664 Thompson. Beaten Paths.I 5S1 Tousey. Papers from over the Water.I 625 ^Trail. My Journal in Foreign Lands.I 5938 Tripp. Crests from the Ocean World.I 605 Tucker. Life in Eastern Europe.I 5945 Urbino. American Woman in Europe.I 580 Wallace. Woman’s Experience in Europe.. I 615 Wallace. The Storied Sea (Mediterranean) I 643 Walworth. Old World seen through young Eyes.I 588 Ware. Sketches of European Capitals.I 626 Warner. Roundabout Journey.I 596 Saunterings.I 1160 Watt. Igjennem Europa.C 7665 West and East; Europe and the Holy Land. .1 680 Willis. Famous Persons and Places.I 693 Pencillings by the Way.I 635 Woermann Kunst-und Natur-Skizzen. 2 v. D 3954 Wood. Cruise of the Reserve Squadron. . . .1 5928 Wood. Saunterings in Europe.I 594 Wright. The Mediterranean illustrated.. ,*V 669 Young. European Modes of Living.I 670 ENGLAND AND WALES. ANDERSON. Book of British Topography.. *0 604 Ansted and Latham. The Channel Islands I 6262 Arnold. Oxford and Cambridge.*1 728 Badeau. Aristocracy in England.I 6250 Bailey. England from a Back-Window .... I 699 Barrow. Mountain Ascents in Westmoreland I 6245 Batenham and Musgrove. Ancient Chester illustrated.*P 1163 Batty. Welsh Scenery from Drawings.. .*V 893 Berry. Social Life in England. 2 v.L 717 Bevan. Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland and Ireland.*R 4935 Bille. Skizzer fra England.C 7042 Blanc. Lettres sur l’Angleterre. 2v.C 4226 Blouet {Max O'Rell). The Dear Neighbors.I 6249 John Bull and his Island.I 6214 John Bull et son Isle.C 6106 Les Filles de John Bull.C 6107 174 ENGLAND AND WALES. Blower. The River Mersey.I 6227 Borrow. V»'ild Wales; its People, etc.I 769 Bradbury. All about Derbyshire ..I 6268 Bray. Legends of Devonshire. 3 v.I 682 Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy. 2 v. I 6202 Britton. Beauties of England and Wales. 19 v. in 26.*1 621 Brown. Kenna’s Kingdom; Kensington_I 762 Browne. Building of the British Isles.I 3295 Bunn. Old England and New England. 2v.I 319 Burritt. Walks in the Black Country.I 736 Walk from London to Landsend.I 784 Walk from London to John O’Groat’s. . .1 7^5 Butterworth. Zigzag Journeys in British Isles.I 6290 Carnegie. American Four-in-Hand in Britain I 6210 Carter. Views of Ancient Buildings in Eng¬ land. 6 v. in 2.*1 6256 Carus. England und Schottland.D 301 Champlin. Chronicle of the Coach.I 6231 Champney. Three Vassar Girls in England.I 6212 Chandler. Bicycle Tour in England.I 741 Chanter. Lundy Island.I 6240 Cliffe. Angler in Wales.I 752 CoBBETT. Rural Rides in the Counties. 2 v.T 6234 Collier. English Home Life.I 6236 Collins. Sights a-foot in Cornwall.I 703 Costello. Falls, Lakes and Mountains of North Wales.I 6276 Coxe. Impressions of England.I 713 Craven. Souvenirs d’Angleterre et d’ltalie C 4387 Croker. Walk from London to Fulham.. . .1 6205 Daryl. Public Life in England.I 6226 Vie publique en Angleterre.C 4789 Davies. Echoes from Welsh Hills.I 6242 Davies. Society in England and France. 2 v.E 992 Dickens. Dictionary of the Thames.I 6239 Dodd. Cathedral Days in Southern England I 6253 Doran. Memories of our Great Towns.I 702 Dryburgh Abbey; its Monks and Lords.I 6248 Dudley. Life in England and America.. . .1 1142 Dugdale. England and Wales delineated. 4V.I 6241 Dupin. Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne. 6 v.C 4748 Dyer. British Popular Customs.I 3368 Echoes from the Counties.I 6223 Emerson. English Traits.J 52 English Photographs.I 710 Escott. England; People, Polity, Pursuits. .I 697 Esquiros. Cornwall and its Coasts.I 787 Fiennes. Through England on a Side Saddle I 6286 FlNDEN. Ports and Harbors of Great Britain; illustrated by Bartlett.*V 195 Freeling. Picturesque Excursions.I 683 Frost. In Kent with Dickens.I 685 Gastineau. Hobble through the Channel Islands . .' . I 761 Gastineau. Wales illustrated in a series of Views. 2 v.*V 925 Godwin. Green Lanes of Hampshire.I 6222 Granville. Spas of England. 3 V.N 497 Green. Geography of the British Islands . .1 681 Stray Studies from England and Italy.... I 704 Guild. Britons and Muscovites.I 6275 Hall. Book of South Wales.I 6247 Book of the Thames.I 6220 Pilgrimages to English Shrines.I 717 Halliwell-Phillipps. Excursion into North Wales. I 6243 Hannett. The Forest of Arden; its Towns and Villages.I 6277 Hardcastle. Wensleydale, Yorkshire.I 735 Harral. Views of the Severn; illustrated by Ireland. *1 6263 Hawthorne. English Note-Books. 2 v.J 90 Notes in England and Italy.I 1130 Our Old Home.J 85 Head. Manufacturing Districts of England I 708 IIeathcote. Reminiscences of Fen and Mere.I 6273 Hemingway. Panorama of North Wales.. .1 6246 Hiller. English and Scottish Sketches.. . .E 1202 Hissey. Drive through England.I 6255 Holiday on the Road; Kent, Sussex and Surrey . I 6270 Journey in England and Wales . I 6235 On the Box Seat from London to Land’s End . I 6266 Hoppin. Old England. I 705 Howitt. Rural Life of England . I 749 Visits to remarkable Places in English History. 2 v. I 747 Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom .... I 6282 Inglis. The Channel Islands. I 788 Jennings. Field Paths and Green Lancs.. I 737 Rambles in Derbyshire. I 690 Jesse. Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies. .E 1275 Jessopp. Arcady for Better for Worse. I 6259 Jones. Slaveholder abroad; Billy Buck’s Visit to England ... I 6221 Katscher. Aus dem Englischen Leben. . .D 3796 Kingston. Yacht Voyage round England . .1 768 Knight. Land we live in. 4 V.*V 567 Kohl. Ireland, Scotland, England . I 707 Lawson. Geography of England . I 700 Leslie. Our River Thames .-V 531 Leslie. Sea-Painter’s Log . I 6244 L’Estrange. From the Thames to the Tamar I 718 Yachting round the West of England .... I 719 ENGLAND AND WALES—LONDON. Lewald. England und Schottlancl. 2 v,.D 3815 Lewis. Topographical Dictionary of England. 5 ..*R 4402 Topographical Dictionary of Wales. 2 v.*R 4404 Linton. The Lake Country.I 6274 Lippincott. Merrie England.I 725 Lytton. England and the English. 2V..I 689 Macartney. England, Home and Beauty.. I 6206 Mackintosh. Scenery of England and Wales I 726 Manning and Green. English Pictures. .*V 312 Mason. The Forty Shires.I 6257 Miller. England and its People.I 720 Miller. Our English Shores..I 6281 Murray. Picturesque Tour of the Thames.. I 763 Murray. Side Lights of English Society. 2 v. I 6217 Kevin. Vignettes of Travel.I 734 Newton. Map of British and Roman York shire.*1 6258 Noble and Rose. Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln and Rutland; illus trated by Allom.*Y 949 Olmsted. Walks and Talks in England ... .1 711 Owen. Britannia depicta; Ogilby improved .*1 709 Palmer. The Tyne and its Tributaries . . .*V 753 Panton. Country Sketches.I 6225 Parkinson. Places and People.I 742 Patten. England seen by an American Banker.I 6238 Pennell. A Canterbury Pilgrimage.I 6267 Phillips. Rivers, Mountains and Sea-Coast of Yorkshire.I 6271 Pond. Summer in England with Beecher. . .1 6254 Pueckler-Muskau. Tour in England and France.I 604 Pyne. Lake Scenery of England.*V 948 Rambles about Bath.I 6265 Raumer. England in 1835. 3 V .I 686 England in 1841. 2v.I 738 Redding. Itinerary of County Cornwall . .*V 756 Rimmer. About England with Dickens....I 6269 Ancient Streets and Homesteads.A 592 Our old Country Towns.I 744 Pleasant Spots around Oxford.I 691 Rambles round Eton and Harrow.I 6213 Ritchie. East Anglia.I 6216 Robertson. Life on the Upper Thames. ,*V 528 Rodenberg. England, Literary and Social.I 754 Ferien in England.D 3857 Rooke. The Channel Islands.I 687 Roscoe. Wanderings in North Wales.I 753 Rose. Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland illustrated. 3 v.*V 505 Rye. England as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth.I 739 J 75 M Scudder. English Bodley Family.H 2302 Seeley. Description of Stowe.*1 6252 Seguin. Rural England.*P 557 Sen. Visit to England.I 712 Shand. Half a Century; Changes in Men and Manners.I 6280 Sikes. Rambles in Old South Wales.I 6209 Silliman. Travels in England, Scotland, etc. 2 v.I 714 Simonin. Les Ports de la Grande Bretagne.C 6750 Smith. Foreign Visitors in England.I 6278 Smith. A Trip to England.I 6279 Stanfield. Coast Scenery in the British Channel. *1 795 Stanford’s Map of England and Wales .. . . *R 5050 Stone. The Heart of Merrie England.I 6260 Taine. Notes on England.I 715 Notes sur P Angleterre.C 6874 Thom’s Official Directory of Great Britain and Ireland, 1888.*R 1792 Thornbury. Tour round England. 2 v. . .1 783 Thorne. Rambles by Rivers. 4 V. in 2.. . .1 6219 Timbs. Promenade round Dorking, in Surrey. I 6264 Tristram. Coaching Days and Ways.. . ,*V 931 Tuckerman. A Month in England.I 6218 Turner. Views in England and Wales. 2 v.*P 701 Venables. Guide to the Isle of Wight . I 789 Walford. Holidays in Home Counties.... I 694 Pleasant Days in Pleasant Places.I 692 Wall und Hirsch. Haus und Gesellschaft in England .... A.D 3933 Watts. Seats of the Nobility in England and Scotland.^V 677 Wey. Les Anglais chez eux .C 7000 White. England from the Thames to the Humber. 2 v.I 6261 White. England without and within.I 727 , Whittock. Microcosm of Oxford.*R 4459 Willis. Famous Persons and Places.I 693 Winter. English Rambles.I 6215 Trip to England.I 716 York Cathedral, Guide to.I 6248 Young. Tour in the North of England. 4 V. I 6203 Tour in the South of England.I 6204 LONDON. AUSTIN. Letters from London, 1802-3. 1 698 Baedeker. London and its Environs. I 2287 BlLLE. Breve fra London. C 7 ° 4 2 Bosanquet. London . I 73 ° Cooper. England and Society in London ... I 6211 CROSLAND. Stories of London . H 1125 Da Costa. 21 Dagen te London . D 9161 176 LONDON—IRELAND—SCOTLAND. Davies. Heterodox London. 2 v.I 724 Mystic London.I 721 Orthodox London.I 722 Unorthodox London.I 723 Dickens. Dictionary of London.I 733 Dor£ and Jerrold. London; a Pilgrimage *P 563 Fall. London Town; Sketches of Life. 2 v. I 684 France. Les Va-Nu-Pieds de Londres....C 499S Fry. London in 1886. 1 6200 Gilbert. The City; its Corporation, etc. . . .L 614 Greenwood. Wilds of London.I 740 Hare. Walks in London . I 705 Howitt. Northern Heights of London . I 746 Hunt. Saunter through the West End.I 6283 Hutton. Literary Landmarks of London. . I 6230 Jones. East and West London.I 695 London in 1850 51.14000,25 Suburban Homes of.I 6201 und Umgebung. .D 331 Wonderful London; Lights and Shadows I 6207 Lysons. Environs of London; with suppl. 3 v.*V 148 Mayhew. London Characters .I 6224 Great World of London. I 6228 Murray. The World of London. I 6198 Nadal. London Social Life . I 701 Pascoe. London of To-Day. I 6231 Pemberton. Dickens’s London. I 743 Rideing. Thackeray’s London. I 6237 Robert. Vie de Londres.C 6514 Sala. Gaslight and Daylight; London Scenes I 748 Living London. I 6229 Smith. Antiquarian Rambles in London. 2 v.I 6208 Smith. Gavarni in London . *1 688 Society in London; by a Foreign Resident. . .1 6232 The same. ••••G 816 Spilsbury. Lincoln’s Inn; its Ancient and Modern Buildings . I 6199 Taylor. Leicester Square . *1 729 Thorne. Handbook to the Environs of Lon¬ don . I 6272 Timbs. Club Life of London. 2 v . E 1586 Curiosities of London. I 731 London and Westminster. 2 v . I 764 Vasili. The World of London. I 6233 Wheatley. Piccadilly and Pall-Mall . I 732 Wilkinson. Londina Illustrata. 2 v . *P 857 See also History p. 17 Carr. Stranger in Ireland.*V 16 Craik. An Unknown Country.I 6409 Croker. Killamey Legends.I 759 Cromwell. Excursions through Ireland... *1 770 Daly. Ireland in the Days of Dean Swift.. .1 6413 Dennis. Industrial Ireland.,.I 6411 Doyle. Tours in Ulster.I 6403 Dun. Landlords and Tenants in Ireland... I 6405 Floredice. Month among the mere Irish.. .1 6401 Fraser. Hand-book for Ireland.I 794 Giant’s Causeway. Guide to.... ..I 6407 Grant. Impressions of Ireland.I 772 Hall. Ireland and its Scenery. 3 V.*1 782 The South and Killarney.I 6406 Week at Killarney.‘.I 781 Hardy. Holy Wells of Ireland.I 790 Head. Fortnight in Ireland..*.I 797 Houstoun. Twenty Years in Connaught. ; . I 786 Hurlbert. Ireland under Coercion.I 6412 Inglis. Journey through Ireland. 2 v.I 777 Ireland 90 years ago. .-... I 791 Letters from the Highlands of Connemara... I 773 Lewis. Topog. Dictionary of Ireland. 3 v. *R 4403 Manners. Irish Tour in 1846. 1 793 Martineau. Letters from Ireland.I 775 Pellew. In Castle and Cabin; Ireland in 1887. I 6410 Ritchie. Ireland Picturesque. 2 v. *1 774 Rodenberg. Die Insel der Heiligen.D 3887 Stanford’s Map of Ireland.*R 5051 Thackeray. Irish Sketch-book.G 587 Walker. Hand book of Ireland.I '776 Wall. Ireland under the Land Act.I 6402 Watkinson. Survey of the South of Ireland I 6408 Weld. Scenery of Killamey.*V 734 Wilde. Lough Corrib.I 792 Wright. Scenes in Ireland . I 779 IRELAND. Antiquities and Folk-Lore of Killamey.I 6404 Asplen. Trip to Killarney.. I 780 Balch. Ireland as I saw it.I 778 Cari.yi.e. My Irish Journey in 1849. 1 771 SCOTLAND. Alexander. Sketches of Northern Rural Life in the 18th Century.I Argyll. Iona.I Beattie. Scotland; illustrated by Allom and Bartlett. 2 v.*V Blackie. Altavona; Life in the Highlands.I Blouet {Max O'Rell). L’Ami Mac Donald C Bradley. Glencreggan.I Buchanan. The Hebrid Isles.I Land of Lorjie.I Burt. Letters from North of Scotland. 2 v. I i Cockburn. Circuit Journeys. I Cow IE. Shetland and its Inhabitants.I Fergusson. Rambles in the Far North... .1 6496 1035 351 6492 610& 6491 6484 755 6489 6505 760 6506 SCOTLAND—FRANCE. 177 Forsyth. Beauties of Scotland. 5 V.I 6497 Garnett. Tour through the Highlands. 2 v. *V 647 Geikie. Scottish Character and Scenery. .*V 816 Gorrie. Summers and Winters in the Ork¬ neys. I 6495 Gowans. Edinburgh and its Neighborhood I 6502 Hall. Highland Sportsman.I 6493 Holtzendorff. Schottische Reiseskizzen.. . D 3768 Howson. The River Dee.*V 319 Hunnewell. Through the Lands of Scott.. I 757 Johnson. Western Islands of .Scotland .... J 155, 2 Lauder. Scottish Rivers.I 751 Lawson. Scotland delineated. 2v.*P 956 Leighton. Scenes in Scotland.I 6486 MacCulloch. Western Islands of Scotland 2 v.I 6481 Maps and Plates to same. *V 570 Macgeorge. Old Glasgow.*V 769 Maclagan. Structural Remains of Ancient Scotland.*R 4329 Macleod. Reminis, of a Highland Parish..I 758 Marrat. Land of the Mountain and the Flood.I 6483 Maxwell. Wanderings in the Highlands.. I 766 Miller. Edinburgh and Neighborhood ... .1 765 Miller. Legends of Scotland.I 745 Pennell. Our Journey to the Hebrides .... I 6509 Ramsay. Scotland and Scotsmen in XVIII. Century. 2 v.I 6504 Reid. Art Rambles in Highlands of Scotland I 6500 Ritchie. Scott and Scotland.I 6482 Rogers. Scotland, Social and Domestic...I 6488 Russell. Three Years in Shetland.I 6507 Scenes and Legends of .Scotland.I 745 Scott. Guide en Ecosse.C 6756, 28 Scott. Round about the Islands.I 767 Seton. St. Kilda, past and present ... .1 756 Shore, Lord Teignmouth. Scotland and the Isle of Man. 2 v.I 648s Sinclair. Scotland and the Scotch.I 6-01 Shetland and the Shetlanders.I 6490 Smith. Loch Creran; Notes from the West Highlands.I 6508 Smith. Summer in Skye. 2v.I 796 Stanford’s Map of Scotland*.*R 5052 Stark. Picture of Edinburgh.I 6499 Stevens. Scott and Scotland.-"16487 Stevenson. Edinburgh; Picturesque Notes.I 6503 Stewart. Sketches of Highlanders. 2 v..I 799 Stewart. ’Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe.. I 6498 Victoria I. Journal in the Highlands . I 750 More Leaves from the Journal in the High¬ lands . I 6494 The same .*P 349 Weld. Two Months in tne Highlands.I 798 W1LS9N and Chambers. Land of Burns 4 . 2 v*V 19'i + I FRANCE. Andriveau—Goujon. Carte de la France*R 5057 Batty. French Scenery.*V 306. Belloc. La Belle France.I 810 Billbrough. ’Twixt France and Spain. . . .1 6696 Blache. Au Pays du Mistral.C12070 Blackburn. Breton Folk.I 6642 Normandy Picturesque.I 812 Blessington, Countess of. Idler in France 2 v. I 823 The same. 2 v.I 6651* Blouet (Max O'Rtd/). Jacques Bonhomme..I 6737 Brownell. French Traits; Comparative Crit¬ icism . I 6736 Caddy. Footsteps of Jean d’Arc; a Pilgrim¬ age . I 6702 Champney. Three Vassar Girls in France. .1 6746 Chorley. Music and Manners in France and Germany. 3 v.I 6.654 Collins. Cruise upon Wheels. 2 v .' 802 The same. J. 718 Costello. Bearn and the Pyrenees. 2 v..l 82 t 5 . Pilgrimage to Auvergne. 2 v. ....... I Sot Summer amongst the Bocages. 2 v. .1 667 a Craik. Fair France.G 112 Crigneli.e. Le Morvan.I 6694 Dibdin. Tour in France and Germany. 3 v. *0 642 Dix. Midsummer Drive through the Pyrenees I 67ia Dumas. Travels in the South of France.... I 803 Le Midi de la France.C 4668 Dunlop. Autumn in Brittany.I S05 Edwards. Holidays in Eastern France.... I 6685 A Year in Western France.I 6686 Eyre. Lady’s Walk in South of France... .1 825 Faulkner. Letters on a Tour in France.. .1 6648 Fei.i.owes. La Trappe Monastery in 1817.. I 6670 Field. Home Sketches in France.I 6647 Fi.oyd. Travels in France.I 822 Forde. Lady’s Tour in Corsica. 2v .I 895 Forrester. Rambles in Corsica.I 892 Franyais, Les, peints pareux-memes. 9 v. ,*P 344 France and her People .... .I 800 Frankreich in 1850..D 70 French Home Life .I 816 Gasparin. La France. C 12482 Gregorovius. Corsica; tr. by Morris . I 6655 The same, tr. by Martineau . I 4000,2 Hai.e. Family Flight through France. I 663 FRANCE. 178 Hamerton. French and English... .L 4167 Round my House.I 6669 The Saone; a Summer Voyage.I 6705 Hawthorne. French and Italian Note-books. 2 v.J 91 Hazlitt. Through France and Italy.I 6667 Hellwald. Frankreich; Land und Leute.D 3943 HERISSON. Carte de la France. *1 1147 Hillebrand. Frankreich u. die Franzosen D 3774 Hole. Nice and her Neighbors.. ..I 6690 Hope. Brittany and the Chase.I 4000, 7 Brittany and the Bible.I 4000, 7 Hughes. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone.I 6708 Ireland. Studies of a Wandering Observer I 6657 James. Little Tour in France.I 6697 Janin. La Bretagne.*V 631 La Normandie.*V 632 Jephson. Walking Tour in Brittany.I 6704 Jerningham. Life in a French Chateau. ... I 813 Jo RGENSON. Travels through France and Germany.I 6730 I.EAR. Landscape Painter in Corsica.I 6649 Life in Normandy. 2 v.I 6640 Lowth. Wanderer in Western France.I 6672 Macquoid. Pictures from Normandy..I 6662 Through Normandy.I 666o Malte-Brun. La France illustree. 4 v..*V 1103 Moens. Through France and Belgium.I 66S4 Moore. Residence in France in 1792. 2 v.I 6683 Murray. French Pictures in English Chalk. 4 v. in 2 . G 1006 Round about France.I 6699 Musgrave. By-Roads and Battle-Fields in Picardy .I 6709 Nooks and Corners in France. 2 V.....J 817 Pilgrimage into Dauphine. 2 v.I 6665 o Ramble into Brittany. 2v:.I 804 Ten Days in a French Parsonage. 2 v. .1 6673 Norman. Colonial France.'I 6740 Palliser. Brittany and its Byways.I 6676 Pardoe. The River and Desert; the Rhone and Chartreuse. 2 v.I 6706 Prevost-Paradol. Nouvelle France.C 6230 Quetteville. Pardon of Guingamp;Brittany.I 6674 Reach. Claret and Olives.I 811 Reclus. France, Algerie et Colonies.C 6431 Rhodes. The French at Home . I 6653 Ritchie. Sea-Coasts of France . I 6688 Roscoe. Tourist in France . I 880, 5 RusselL. Pau and the Pyrenees . I 814 St.John. Residence in Normandy.I 3540 Saurel. Marseille et ses Environs.C 6732 Sauvan. Picturesque Tour of the Seine *R 4246 Senior. France and Italy. 2 v.I 808 Shoberl. Excursions in Normandy.I 6678 Simonin. Les Ports de la France.C 6772 Stevenson. An Inland Voyage.I 6691 Travels in the Cevennes.I 6675 Taylor. Guienne; Autumn Tour.I 6666 Tomes. Champagne Country. ..I 809 Troyte. From the Pyrenees to the Channel. .1 6707 Turner. Tour in Normandy. 2 v. *1 6661 Turner and Ritchie. Liber Fluviorum; River Scehery of France.*P 574 Vincent. In the Shadow of the Pyrenees. .1 6687 Weld. Notes of Burgundy.I 819 Vacation in Brittany.I 818 Wey. Dick Moon en France.C13374 Winkles. French Cathedrals.*V 402 Wright. France; illustrated by Allom * 4 v. in 2.*V 527 Young. Travels in France in 1787-9. 2 v. *1 6681 The same. 2v.I 2966 * PARIS. Alger. New Paris Sketch Book.I 6724 Alphand. Promenades de Paris. 2 v....*P 968 Amicis. Studies of Paris.I 6644 Arene. Paris ingenu. CH951 Arnim. Reise nach Paris, Granada, etc. .. D 290 Bacon. A Parisian Year.I 6668 Calcar. Parijs.D 9123 Claretie. La Vie a Paris, 1880-84. 5V..C12150 Copping. Aspects of Paris.I 6641 Dickens Dictionary of Paris.I 6689 Drumont Mon vieux Paris.C 4558 Du Camp. Paris; ses Organes et sa Vie. 6 v.C 4448 Dulaure. Paris et s_3 Monuments.C 4562 Ebeling. Bilder aus demmodernen Paris. 2 v.D 3736 Lebende Bilder aus dem modernen Paris. 2 v...D 3737 Sketches of modern Paris.I 6692 Galignani. Paris Guide.I 827 Grandeffe. Paris sous Napoleon III.C 5019 Gutzkow. Paris und Frankreich.D 316 Hake. Paris Originals. T 6652 Hamerton. Paris in old and present Times. *P 738 The same.. ; .I 6700 Hare. Days ^ear Paris.I 6723 Walks in Paris.I 6722 Head. Faggot of French Sticks. 2 v.I 6645 Hoche. Les Parisiens chez eux..C 5225 Houssaye. Life in Paris.I 6663 Janin. The American in Paris.I 658 o Summer and Winter in Paris." V 527, 4 Jarves. Parisian Sights and French Prin¬ ciples. 2 v.I 815 FRANCE—HOLLAND AND BELGIUM—GERMANY. 179 JERROLD. At Home in Paris. 3 v.I 6677 On the Boulevards. 2 v. I 824 Kalisch. Pariser Leben.D 3795 King. My Paris.I 820 Koning. Tout Paris.C 5518 Levallois. Autour de Paris.C 5741 Locock. Sketches in modern Paris.I 6643 McCabe. Paris by Sunlight and Gaslight. . .1 6693 Map of Paris, 1885. *1 6698 Marmottan. Les Statues de Paris.C12786 Nordau. Aus dem wahren Milliarden- lande. 2 v...D 3841 Pardoe. Pilgrimages in Paris.I 6638 Paris dans sa Splendeur. 3 v..*R 4866 Paris et ses Environs; illus. par Fraipont.C 6152 Paris illustre.I 821 Pelletan. La Nouvelle Babylone.C 6173 Pugin and Heath. Paris and its Environs..*V 199 Rodenberg. Paris bei Sonnen- und Lampen- schein.D 3888 St. John. The Louvre.I 806 Purple Tints of Paris.I 6721 Sala. Paris herself again. 2v.I 6646 Simpson. Paris after Waterloo.I 6664 Taine. Notes on Paris.I 665^ Notes sur Paris.C 6875 Thackeray. Paris Sketch-Book.G 590 Trollope. Paris in 1835. 2 v.I 6682 Valter. Paris dispani; lesTuileries.C13341 Vasili. La Societe de Paris. 2v.C13292 Wachenhusen. Paris in 1867; Weltausstel- lungsbilder.D 3944 Watt. Billeder fra Paris.C 7661 Pariser-Fotografier. 2v.C 7662 HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. AMICIS. Holland and its People.I 6570 Belgium and Nassau. *1 6572 Bird. Land of Dykes and Windmills.I 6574 Buckingham. Belgium, the Rhine, etc_I 668 Costei.lo. The Valley of the Meuse.I 807 Davies. On Dutch Waterways.*V 276 Dingelstedt. Jusqu’a la mer.D 305 Esquiros. The Dutch at Home.I 6571 Family Tour through Holland.I 3589 Gheel, the City of the Simple.I 6575 Gids Voor Bezoekers van Amsterdam.D 9288 Hades of Ardenne; Caves of Han.I 6582 Hare. Holland and Scandinavia.I 6569 Havard. Dead Cities of the ZuyderZee.. .1 6577 Heart of Holland.I 6578 Picturesque Holland.I 6579 Kampen. Holland and Belgium; illustrated by Bartlett.*1 6581 Keverberg. Du Royaume des Pays-Bas. 3 v.C 5510 Lovett. Pictures from Holland.*V 860 Maaskamp. Dresses, Morals and Customs of Holland. s .*P 694 Macquoid. In the Ardennes.I 6561 Mahaffy and Rogers. Plolland and Germany I 6587 Meeter. Holland; its Institutes, etc.I 6580 Paquet-Suphorien. Voyage dans les Pays- Bas. 2 v. C 6i6r Penn. Travels in Holland and Germany.. . .1 6583 Ritchie. Tracks of the Pilgrim Fathers. . . .1 6585 Roscoe. Belgium; illustrated by Allom.*1 6573 Sicherer. Lorelei ; Holland und seine Bewohner. 2 v. D 3914 Smithers. Tour through the Netherlands. .1 6584 Stephens. Flemish Relics.I 6576 Stieler. The Rhine.*V 540 Waring. Farmer’s Vacation.I 658 Wood. Through Holland. I 6588 GERMANY. Amic. Au Pays de Gretchen.C 11969 Andree and Peschel. Physikalisch-statis- tischer Atlas des deutschenReiches . .*R 4981 Atterbom. Tyskland och Italien. 2 v...C 7714 Bacmeister. Allemannische Wanderungen D 3684 Barry. Bayreuth and Franconian Switzer¬ land .I 7414 Batty. German Scenery.*V 507 Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery.*V 509 Baur. Religious Life in Germany. 2 v.... I 980 Becker. Die Pfalz und die Pfalzer.D 3695 Blackburn. The Harz Mountains.I 982 Blaze de Bury. Germania in 1850. 2 v.. .1 969 Boner. Chamois Hunting in Bavaria.I 974 Brinkmann. Siiddeutsches Land und Volk.D 3722 Browne. American Family in Germany.... I 985 Capper. Shores of the Boden See.I 996 Chauchard. Map of Germany, Holland, Italy, etc.*R 4790 CHETWYND. Life in a German Village.I 968 Deramey. Trois Jours a Berlin..C 4529 Didon. LesAllemands.C 4547 The Germans.I 74°4 Dittrich. Reinerz und seine Heilquellen.. D 3725 FONTANE. Wanderungen durch Branden¬ burg. 4 V.D 3752 Forbes. Germany and the Tyrol.I 976 Frenzel. Deutsche Fahrten.D 3753 FUhrer durch Briinn, Weimar, etc.D 309 iSo GERMANY—THE RHINE—SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. Gasparin. Chez les Allemands .C 5065 German Home Life. I 1006 Gleig. Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, 1837. 3 v. I 1009 Gloeckler. Wiirtemberg. 2 v . D 310 Goetze. Wanderungen durch Stendal. D 345 Green. Pictures from the Fatherland. *V 313 Grieben. Guide-book of Munich. I 993 Guenther. Der Harz. D 3839 GuiNOT. A .Summer at Baden-Baden.'.*1 741 1 Gutmann. Watering Places and Mineral Springs of Germany. N 295 Hawkins. Germany. I 970 Hawthorne. Saxon Studies. I 973 Head. Bubbles from Brunnen of Nassau ... I 977 Heine. L’Allemagne.C 5200 Trip to the Brocken. I 74°3 Hoffmann. Deutschland einst und jetzt..D 115 Howitt. Art Student in Munich. 2v . I 988 Howitt. German Experiences. I 987 Rural and Domestic Life in Germany.... I 7420 Student Life in Germany. I 989 Hurst. Life and Literature in Fatherland .. I 981 Inglis. Tyrol and Bavaria. I 978 Johnson. Peasant Life in Germany. I 1007 Kieler. Bilder aus Elsass-Lothringen . . . . *V 969 Kohl. Nordwestdeutsche Skizzen. 2 v...D 379S Laboulaye. Allemagne et les Pays Slaves.C 5605 Lee. In the Alsatian Mountains.I 6695 Ludwig. Strassburg vor 100 Jahren.D 5847 Mansfield. Leg of the Water Lily. G 417 Marcard. Description de Pvrmont. 2 v...I 979 Marmier. En Alsace. C 5877 Mayhew. German Life and Manners. 2 v.I 986 Merryi.ees. Carlsbad and its Environs .... I 7407 Mugge. Streifziige in Schleswig-Holstein. 2 v.D 3836 Narjoux. En Allemagne; la Prusse .C 6008 Norton. In and around Berlin. I 7417 Parry. Life among the Germans . I 7408 Passarge. Aus Baltischen Landen. D 3855 Penck. Das Deutsche Reich. *V 978 Pfalz. Deutsches Stadteleben. D 337 Pigeon. L’Allemagne de Bismarck.C 6291 Poppe. Zwischen Ems und Weser. D 3956 Rodenberg. In Deutschen LancLn. D 4570 Rooke. Life of the Moselle. I 1008 Ruggles. Germany seen without Spectacles. I 995 Russell. Tour in Germany. 2v.I 3519 Schmid and Stieler. Bavarian Highlands*V 515 Seddon. Rambles in the Rhine Provinces. *V 866 Seguin. The Black Forest. I 966 Country of the Passion-Play. I 972 SELLO. Potsdam und Sans-Souci. D 5883 Stael. L’Allemagne.C 6792 Stael. Germany.I 975 Stahr. Weimar und Jena.D 3922 Stanford. Ober-Ammergau and Passion-Play I 965 Stieler. Karte des deutschen Reichs.*R 5056 Sues. Wurtemberg wie es war und ist. 4 v.D 239 Taylor. Reminiscences of Berlin in 1870 71 .1 7406 Tissot. Curiosites de 1 ’Allemagne.C13223 Police secrete prussienne.C13222 Les Prussiens en Allemagne.C 6891 Voyage au Pays des Milliards.C 6S92 Vasili. La Societe de Berlin.C13344 ViZETELLY. Berlin under the new Empire, v. I 994 Waring Bride of the Rhine; the Moselle. . .1 997 Weber. Brief e aus Deutschland, 1826. 4 v.D 297 White. Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, etc. I 7426 Whitling. Pictures of Nuremberg . I 1016 Whitman. Imperial Germany. .1 7413 Wilberforce. Social Life in Munich . I 992 Wood. In the Black Forest. •. . . .1 7401 Wyl. Maitage in Ober Ammergau. D 3952 THE RHINE. Baedeker. Handbook for the Rhine. I 2292 Banfield. Industry of - the Rhine .K 4350 Buchner. Der Rhein, der Deutschen Lieb- lingstrom. D 382,11 Champney. Three Vassar Girls on the Rhine. I 7405 a Dumas. Les Bords du Rhin.. . . . C 4663 Headley. The Rhine and the Alps . I 7340 Hey’l. Vom deutschen Strom.. D 3783 Hood. Up the Rhine. E 1221 Hugo. Le Rhin. 3 v. C 5246 The Rhine. I 1001 Hunt. The Rhine. I 1019 Mayhew. The Lower Rhine and its Scenery *1 9S3 The Upper Rhine. *1 984 Mehlis. Der Rhein im Mittelalter....... D 382 .12 Oertel. Der Rhein....D 336 Schreibf.r. Traditions of the Rhine. I 7402 Snowe. The Rhine; Legends, etc. 2 v. . . .1 7415 Stieler. The Rhine from its Source to the Sea.*V 540 Tombleson. Views of the Rhine. 2 v... .*1 1004 Trog. Rheinlands Wunderhorn. 15 v. ..D2978 Weiss. Au Pays du Rhin. C133 71 Wright. The Rhine illustrated.*V 743 SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS. Auldjo. Ascent of Mont Blanc in 1827 .I 943 The same.I 4000, 1 Banck. Alpenbilder. 2 v.D 3688 Barnard. Switzerland.*P 1021 « Beattie. Switzerland: illus. bv Bartlett. 2 v.*V 353 SWITZERLAND AND THE ALPS—ITALY. Berlepsch. Die Alpen.D 3696 Alperne.C 7034 Die Schweiz.*D 3694 Bonney. Alpine Region of Switzerland . . . . T 947 Brockedon. Passes of the Alps. 2 v.*P 702 Burnaby. High Alps in Winter.I 7325 High Life and Towers of Silence.I 7328 Catlow. Sketching Rambles in the Alps. 2 v.I 7321 Cheever. Wanderings in the Shadow of Mont Blanc.:.I 955 Coolidge. Swiss Travel and Guide-Books. . .1 7333 Dent. Above the Snow Line; the Alps.I 7327 Dixon. The Switzers.I 963 Downes. Guide through Switzerland and Savoy.I 961 Duvernais. Un Tour en Suisse.*V 1065 Feierabend. Schweizerische Alpenwelt.. . .D 3748 Ferguson. Swiss Men and Mountains. . . .1 4000, 1 Forbes. Tour of Mont Blanc.I 951 Travels in the Alps of Savoy. 2 v.I 949 Forbes. Physician’s Holiday.I 897 Freshfield. Summer Tour in the Grisons.. .1 953 George. Oberland and its Glaciers.*V 54 Girdlestone. High Alps without Guide.... I 1003 Grube. Ueber den St. Gotthard.D 315 Headley. The Alps and the Rhine.I 7340 IIeathman. Switzerland in 1854-55. 1 7322 Helfft. Berg and Thai.D 318 Howitt. Switzerland and Italy. 2 v.I 946 Inglis. Switzerland and France. 2v.I 3541 Johnson. Cottages of the Alps. 2 v.I 948 Jones. Regular Swiss Round.I 944 Malleson. Rambles in Alpine Lands.I 7326 Manning. Swiss Pictures.*V 534 Meulen. Reis door Zwitserland.D 9534 Nichols. Alpine Club Map of Switzerland.. *R 5054 Noe. Deutsches Alpenbuch. 3 v.D 3844 Noel. Notes of a Tour in Switzerland.T 7332 Osenbrueggen. Die Schweizer.D 3851 Wanderstudien ausder Schweiz. 6 v. in3.D 3852 Peaks, Passes and Glaciers; ed. by Ball.I 928 The same, 2d Series;ed. by Kennedy. 2 v.I 929 Raden. Switzerland; Mountains and Valleys *V 541 Roscoe. Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. . .1 880,1 Schlagintweit. Physische Geographic der Alpen. *V 900 Simmel. Spaziergange in den Alpen.D 3918 Smith. History of Mont Blanc. I 952 Sweeney. Switzerland in 1876.1 954 Tissot. Unknown Switzerland.I 7331 Topsoe. Fra Schweitz og Frankrig.C 7595 Tschudi. Dyrelivet i Alperne.C 7602 Sketches of Nature in the Alps.I 4000,1 Thierleben der Alpenwelt.I) 4598 181 Tyndall. Exercise in the Alps . I 950 Umlauft. The Alps.I 7329 Whymper. Scrambles among the Alps .I 1002 The same.I 7323 Wills. Eagle’s Nest in the Valley of Sixt..I 956 Wanderings in the High Alps . I 937 Wilson. Alpine Ascents and Adventures. . .1 962 Zincke. A Month in Switzerland . . . I 958 . Swiss Allmends.1 939 Walk in the Grisons. .. I 7324 Zurlauben. Tableauxde laSuisse. 5 v. in4.'*P 1023 ITALY. Alford. Letters from abroad.I 855 Andersen. Reisebilleder.C 7003 Angas. Malta and Sicily, 1841.1 877 Baines. Visit to Vaudois of Piedmont.. . .1 4000,7 Bartlett. Pictures from Sicily. I 8i2 Batty. Italian Scenery. *y 308 Beauclerk. Rural Italy. I 7139 Beckford. Sketches from Italy. 2 v.I 903 Beldam. Recollections of Italy and the East. 2V . 1 937 Benson. Art and Nature in Italy.I 7081 Bergsce. Italiensk Billedbog. *V 1217 Bianciardi. At Home in Italy. I 7099 Blessington, Countess of. Idler in Italy. 3 v.I 854 Boernstein. Italien in 1868-9.D 3712 Bremer. Life in Italy and Switzerland. 2 v.I 576 Lifvet i Italien og Schweits.C 7725,1 Brown. Life on the Lagoons.I 7106 Brown. Wintering at Mentona.I 853 Bruce. The Tiber and the Thames.I 650 Buckland. The World beyond the Esterelles. I 6701 Burton. Etruscan Bologna.I 887 Butler. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont.I 7094 Ex Voto; Sacro Monte at Varallo-Sesia. . I 7135 Butler. Pompeii; .Descriptive and Picturesque I 7115 Cadell. Journey in Carniola, Italy and France in 1817. 2 v.I 7143 Carr. North Italian Folks.I 866 Cerri. Map of Italy. *R 3053 Champney. Three Vassar Girls in Italy.... I 7108 Cobbe. Italics; Notes on Italy. I 851 Collier. Our Home by the Adriatic.I 7140 Cooper. Excursions in Italy.I 938 Costello. Tour to and from Venice.I 7092 Crawford. Life in Tuscany.I 858 Davies. Pilgrimage of the Tiber.I 912 Dennis. Cities of Etruria. 2v.I 901 Devereux. Fair Italy and the Riviera.I 7112 Dickens. Pictures from Italy.G 170 Driou. Naples; Golfe et Rivage. *V 1060 ITALY. 1S2 Duboc. Wander-Studien.D 3731 Dumas. Une Annee a Florence.C 4661 Impressionsde Voyage; le Corricolo. 2v..C 4666 Le Speronare.C 4672 Elliot. Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy. .G 740 The same. 2v.I 898 Diary of an Idle Woman in Sicily.G 972 Eustace. Classical Tour through Italy. 3V.I 3620 Forbes. Rambles in Naples.I 7’no Freshfield. Italian Alps.I 8SS Gallenga. Country Life in Piedmont.I 939 Italy revisited. 2v.'.I 941 Gardiner. Italy: her Music, Arts and People I 7150 Gasparin. By the Sea Shore.I 889 Gebhart. Roman Cameos and Florentine Mosaics. I 7100 Gray. Sepulchres of Etruria.I 913 Gregorovius. Island of Capri.I 6656 Wanderjahre in Italien. 5 v.D 3765 Gretton. Englishwoman in Italy ... .... I 862 Grun. Fragmente aus Italien .. .......D 3759 Italien im Friihjahr, 1881.D 3760 Hall. Land of the Forum and Vatican ... I 926 Hare. Cities of Southern Italy.I 7090 Cities of Northern and Central Italy. 3 v.I 917 Florence.I 7118 Venice.I 7 io 5 Hassall. San Remo and the Riviera.I 882 Hawthorne. French and Italian Note- Books. 2 v.I 850 The same. 2v.J 91 Hawthorne. Notes in Italy and England. .1 1130 Heckethorn. Roba d’ltalia. 2 v.I 883 Henderson. The Vaudois.I 884 Hess. Der Golf von Neapel.D 3771 Hillard. Six Months in Italy.I 895 Hilton. Brigandage in South Italy.I 919 | Hoare. Tour through Elba.*V 532 Hoffweiler. Sicilien.*V 906 J Horner. Walks in Florence. 2v.I 899 Howells. Italian Journeys .I 885 Tuscan Cities..".I 7109 Venetian Life.I 940 Hutchison. Loreto and Nazareth.I 7136 Island Empire; Island of Elba.I 7155 Italia; her. von Hillebrand. 4V. D 5606 Jameson. Diary of an Ennuyee.I 904 The same.I 7093 Jarves. Italian Sights. ..I 890 Italian Rambles.I 7088 Kaden. Neue Welschland-Bildei.D 3789 Wandertage in Italien.D 3792 Kavanagh. The two Sicilies..G 300 Kennedy. My Old Playground revisited... .1 7097 La Cava; Recollections of the Neapolitans.. . .1 857 Lear. Landscape Painter in Calabria.I 874 Lewald. Italienisches Bilderbuch.D 327 Life in Italy. I 90c Ljunggren. Fran en Resa.C 787 6 LoHER. Sizilien und Neapel.D 3814 Loehn. Innerhalb zehn Jahren.D 3820 Lund. Como and Italian Lake-Land.I 7125 Mackie. Italy and France.I 7101 Macmillan. The Riviera.I 7121 Maffei. Brigand Life in Italy. 2 v.I 891 Manning. Italian Pictures.*V 913 Mapei. Italy illustrated and described . . .*V 627 Meerheimb. Von Palermo bis Gaeta.D 3825 Mendelssohn. Switzerland and Italy.I 945 M£ry. Les Nuits italiennes...C 5848 Miller. Wintering in the Riviera.I 642 Moens. Italian Brigands and Travellers. 2 v. I 896 Engelschman onder Ital. Roovers.D 9551 Morgan. Italy. 3 V.I 875 Munthe. Letters from a Mourning City (Naples, 1884).I 7119 Naples, political, social and religious.I 869 Noe. Italienisches Seebuch.D 3935 Nohl. Tagebuch einer Italienischen Reise.D 3840 Norton. Notes in Italy. .1 7096 Paton. Highlands and Islands of the Ad¬ riatic. 2 v.'.I 1023 Pennell. Two Pilgrims Progress; Florence to Rome.I 7113 Pereira. Im Reiche des Aeolus.D 3846 Powell. Two Years in the Zouaves.I 861 Pullan. Eastern Cities and Italian Towns.. I 1207 Ramage. Nooks and By-Ways of Italy.I 864 Raumer. Italy and the Italians. 2 v.I 894 Ren£. Friihlingstage in Florenz.D 3925 Ritchie. Italian Life and Legends.I 886 Ritchie. Traveling Sketches in Italy.I 7102 Roscoe. Tourist in Italy. 3 V.I 880,2-4 St.John. Subalpine Kingdom. 2v.I 933 Schroeder. Shores of the Mediterranean. 2 v.I 1143 Scott. Nook in the Apennines.I 7082 Sinclair. Autumn in Italy. I 3529 Smith. The Tiber and its Tributaries. 1 7086 Spielhagen. Von Neapel bis Syrakus.D 3894 Stahr. Herbstmonate in Oberitalien.D 3901 und Lewald. Ein Winter in Italien. 3 v. in 2.D 3902 Stamer. Dolce Napoli; Naples.I 905 Story. Health Haunts of the Riviera.I 7083 Story. Vallombrosa.I 7 °&$ Stoughton. Footprints of Italian Reformers I 7093 Symonds. Italian - Byways.I 7°95 Sketches in Italy.G 1051 ITALY—ROME—THE CATACOMBS—SPAIN. Symonds. Sketches in Italy and Greece.... I 7145 Taine. Italy, Florence, Venice.I 865 Naples and Rome. I 867 Voyage en Italie. 2v. C 6878 Talfourd. Vacation Rambles. 3 v.I 868 Tallack. Malta under the Phoenicians and since.I 942 Tennant. Sardinia and its Resources. I 7130 Tuckerman. Italian Sketch Book.I 7104 Sicily; a Pilgrimage.I 7103 Unprotected Females in Sicily and Calabria . .1 931 Villari. Tuscan Hills and Venetian Waters I 7107 Voss. Bilder aus Italien.D 5901 Weld. Florence, the new Capital.I 860 Whiteside. Italy in the 19th Century. 3 v. .1 859 Wright. The Rhine, Italy and Greece. . ,*V 743 ROME. ABOUT. Roman Question. E 749 Rome contemporaine.C 4014 Allmers. Romische Schlendertage.D 3681 Benoist. Rome dans sa Grandeur. 3 v.. . .*P 951 Bergsoe. Rome under Pius den Niende..*V 1218 Beyle {Stendhal). Promenades dans Rome. 2v.C 4274 Rome, Naples et Florence. ..C 4276 Burn. Old Rome; the City and the Cam- pagna.*V 363 Epitome of the same.I 909 Burton. Antiquities of Rome.I 906 Butler. Inner Rome.I 7084 Castelar. Old Rome and New Italy.I 910 Cooke. Rome and its Scenery; Text by Hum¬ phreys. *V 895 Dicey. Rome in i860. 1 920 Eaton. Rome in the'Nineteenth Century. 2 v.I 3155 Elliot.* Pictures of Old Rome.G 973 The same.I 911 Forbes. • Rambles in Rome . .I 7091 Freeman. Artist’s Portfolio in Rome.I 7087 Gaume. Les trois Rome. 4V.C 5071 Hare. Days near Rome.I 9,14 Walks in Rome.I 915 Head. Rome. 3 v.I 881 Kip. Christmas at Rome.I 930 Kleinpaul. Roma Capitale.D 3793 '"Lessing. Torso und Korso.D 3813 Levvald. Ein Winter in Rom.D 3817 MacMillan. Roman Mosaics; Rome and its Neighborhood.I 7116 Middleton. Ancient Rome in 1885.I 7111 Neligan. Rome.I 908 O’Dwyer. Pius IX and his Times.I 921 Pistolesi. Vaticano illustrato. 8 v..*P 1180 >83 Rydberg. Roman Days.I 932 Romerske Dage.C 7531 Sala. Rome and Venice.I 907 Scott. Rome as it is.I 927 Seymour. Pilgrimage to Rome. .1 7089 Story. Castle of St. Angelo.I 918 Roba di Roma. 2 v.I 916 The same. 2 v.I 7114 Vasili. La Societe de Rome.C13293 Weld. Last Winter in Rome.I 902 Wey. Rome.*P 798 and *R 4338 Zimmerman. Rom und seine Umgebung.. *V 1025 THE CATACOMBS. Adams. Famous Catacombs and Caves. . . .K 3642 Kip. Catacombs of Rome.I 924 Maitland. The Church in the Catacombs. M 2726 Marriott. Testimony of the Catacombs.. M 3849 Northcote. Roman Catacombs.I 629 Visit to Roman Catacombs.I 923 and Brownlow. Roma Sotterranea. 2 v..K 3633 Parker. Catacombs of Rome.*A 2711, 12 Schultze. Die Katakomben.D 4362 Scott. Catacombs of Rome.I 925 Withrow. Catacombs of Rome.K 3650 SPAIN. Adolphus. Letters from Spain.I 847 Alvarez. Map of Spain and Portugal.. . .*R 5042 Amicis. Spain.I 6922 Andersen. In Spain and Portugal.I 845 Bark. Spanien und Portugal.D 3689 Bastiano. Im Siiden.D 315 Baxley. Spain; Art Remains and Realities. 2 v. I 834 Bellingham. Ups and downs of Spanish Travel. I 6958 Bidwei.l. Balearic Islands.I 6965 Blackburn. Travelling in Spain.I 6921 Borrow. The Bible in Spain. 3v..* .I 876 The Zincali; Gypsies in Spain.I 6924 Byrne. Cosas de Espana. 2v.I 841 Campion. On Foot in Spain.I 6923 Cayley. Bridle Roads of Spain.I 6967 Clayton. Autumn in Spain.I 829 Cushing. Reminiscences of Spain. 2 v...I 6929 Davillier. Spain; illustrated by Dore.. . .*P 799 Day. From the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules.I 6942 Deverell. All round Spain.I 6959 Downes. Spanish Ways and By-Ways.I 6948 Dudevant. Un I liver a Majorque.C 4479 Dumas. De Paris a Cadix.C 4670 Edwardes. Azahar; Journal in Spain, 1881-2 .1 6949 1S4 SPAIN —PORTUGAL—RUSSIAN EMPIRE. Edwards. Through Spain to the Sahara.. .1 6927 Elwes. Through Spain by Rail.I 6935 Eyre. Over the Pyrenees into Spain.I 838 Field. Gilbraltar.I 6970 Old Spain and New Spain.I 6968 Field. Ten Days in Spain.I 833 Gallenga. Iberian Reminiscences. 2 v....I 6952 Gautier. Wanderings in Spain.I 6947 Goeben. Briefe aus Spanien.D 3766 Hale. Seven Spanish Cities . I 6946 Hale. Family Flight through Spain.I 6944 Hare. Wanderings in Spain.I 836 Harrison. Spain in Profile . I 6938 Harvey. Cositas Espanolas . I 6939 Hay. Castilian Days.I 840 Herbert. Impressions of Spain . I 849 Hoskins. Spain as it is. 2 v . I 6928 Inglis. Spain in 1830. 2 v . I 831 Irving. The Alhambra 2v.j 130 Jackson. Sketches from the sweet South ... .1 842 Jones. The Alhambra 2 v. . *P 950 Keller. Een Zome r in het Zuiden . D 9411 KlLGOUR. Spanish Diary in 1882 . 1 6966 Kingsman. Over Volcanoes . I 830 Korner. Aus Spanien . D 3807 Kornerup. Skildringer fra Spanien . C 7333 Lathrop. Spanish Vistas . I 6941 Lomas. Sketches in Spain.I 6962 McClintock. Holidays in Spain . . .I 6957 Mackenzie. Year in Spain, 1826 . 1 6937 Spain revisited. 2v . I 832 Madrid in 1835. 2v. .'.... I 843 Manning. Spanish Pictures.. . *V 1481 Mew. Types from Spanish Story . *P 784 Minnich Reisebilder aus Spanien . D 3834 Minutoli. Spanien.D 335 Murray. Cities and Wilds of Andalucia. 2 v.I 6955 Ober. Ivnock-about Club in Spain . H 1974 O’Shea. Romantic Spain. 2 v.I 6964 Ozanam. Land of the Cid.I 6925 Poitou. Spain and its People . I 6969 Prime. The Alhambra and the Kremlin . I 586 Rambla-Spain . I 6956 Ramsay. Summer in Spain . I 6930 Roberts. Picturesque Sketches in Spain. .. *P 947 Roscoe. Tourist in Spain . I 872 The same. 3 v . I 880, 6-8 Rose. Among the Spanish People. 2 v . I 873 Ross and Cooper. Highlands of Cantabria .. I 6963 Ecott. Through Spain . I 6961 Smith. Well Worn Roads of Spain, Holland and Italy . I 5949 Stahl. Spanien. 2 v . D 3910 Stone. Teneriffe and its Six Satellites. 2 v.I 6976 Taine. Tour through the Pyrenees.I 837 Voyage aux Pyrenees.C 6877 Tenison. Castile and Andalucia.*V 629 Thieblin. Spain and the Spaniards.I 6933 Thienen-Adlerflycht. Spanien.D 346 Thornbury. Life in Spain.I 835 Thurm. Spanische Kriegs- und Friedens-scenen 5 v.D 3915 Tollemache. Soanish Towns and Pictures. .1 6953 Turton. To the Desert and back.I 6960 Urquhart. Pillars of Hercules; Spain and Morocco. 2 v.I 6954 Vizcaya; or, Life in the Land of Carlists.I 6934 Wallis. Glimpses of Spain in 1847. 1 871 Weld. The Pyrenees; West and East.I 839 Wells. Picturesque Antiquities of Spain.. . .1 6943 White. Letters from Spain.I 6945 Wilde. Voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe, etc. 2v. I 6936 Willkomm. Aus den Hochgebirgen von Granada.D 3940 Wood. Letters from Majorca.I 6971 Wyatt. Architect’s Note-book in Spain.. *R 3968 PORTUGAL. Baker. Summer in the Azores.I 6926 BECKFORD. Alcoba^a and Batalha.I 828 Bullar. Winter in the Azores. 2 v.I 848 Crawfurd. Portugal, old and new.I 6980 Travels in Portugal.I 870 Forrester. Portugal and its Capabilities..! 6950 Harrison. Tourist in Portugal . I 880, 10 Jackson. Fair Lusitania.I 6940 Kingston. Lusitanian Sketches. 2 v.I 844 Kinsey. Portugal illustrated.I 6951 Leck. Iberian Sketches; Portugal and Spain.I 6981 Smith. Spring Tour in Portugal.I 846 Webster. Description of St. Michael.I 6932 Weeks. Among the Azores. *.. I 6931 RUSSIAN EMPIRE. A^AM. Chancellor’s Voyage to Muscovy.*P 624,18 Arnim. Reise in das Russische Reich.D 291 Atkinson. Picturesque Representation of Rus¬ sians.*R 104 Aunet. Voyage d’une Femme au Spitzberg C 4032 Barry. Ivan at Home.I 1075 Bourke. St. Petersburg and Moscow. 2 v,.I 7825 Bouton. Roundabout to Moscow .I 7854 Brandes. Impressions of Russia.I 7868 Brooks. Russians of the South. I 4000,6 Bruckner. Die Europaisierung Russlands. .D 5743 Buckley. The Midnight Sun; the Tsar and Nihilist.I 777 < f - RUSSIAN EMPIRE—SCANDINAVIA. Bullock. Polish Experiences, 1863-4. 1 1053 Bunbury. Russia after the War. 2v.1 1037 Bunnett. Distinguished Persons in Russian Society.I 1031 Carrington. Behind the Scenes in Russia..I 7828 Champney. Three Vassar Girls in Russia and Turkey.I 7867 Chester. Russia; past and present.I 7842 Cochrane. Journey through Russia. 2 v.. . .1 3522 Crea'gh. Scamper to Sebastopol.i 1059 Cunynghame. Travels in Eastern Caucasus. I 1067 Curtis. Russia; its People, Palaces and Pol¬ itics.I 7864 Custine. Russia.I 7830 The same, abridged.T 4000,5 Demidoff. Travels in Southern Russia. 2 v.I 7850 Dixon. Free Russia.G 180 Dumas. De Paris a Astrakan.C 4669 En Russie. 4 v. in 2.C 4667 Edwards. The Russians at Home.L 718 The Russians at Home and Abroad. 2 v.I 7822 Englishwoman in Russia.I 7834 Eyre. Russian Life and Customs . 1 7829 Friis. Sommer i Finmarken.C. 8274 Gallenga. Summer Tour in Russia.I 7849 Gautier. Voyage en Russie.C 5080 Winter in Russia.., .. . I 1057 Geddie. The Russian Empire.I 7841 Golowin. Russland unter Alexander II... D 311 Granville. St. Petersburg. 2v.I 7844 Guthrie. Through Russia 2 v.I 1028 Hamel. England and Russia; Voyages of Tradescant to the White Sea.I 7840 Hare. Studies in Russia.I 7846 Heksch. Die Donau.I) 3780 Hommaire de Hell. Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea. .I 7833 Inside Sebastopol and in Camp.I 7856 Jerrmann. Pictures from St. Petersburg.. I 4000,6 Tohnstone. Trip up the Volga. ..I 7832 Kikpert. Karte des Russischen Reichs..*R 5055 Knox. Boy Travellers in Russia. I 7853 Koch. The Crimea and Odessa.I 1066 Die Krim und Odessa.I) 3805 Lengenfeldt. SkizzenausRussland.I) 3811 Leroy-Beaulieu. Das Reich der Zaren. 3 v. I) 3788 Lestrelin. Les Paysans Russes.C 5708 Loubat. Fox’s Mission to Russia.I 1070 Lowth. Around the Kremlin.I 7824 Lyall. Character of the Russians.*V 98 Moltke. Briefe aus Russland.D 3830 Letters from Russia.I 7836 Money. Sevastopol; OurTent in the Crimea I 7857 Murray. The Russians or To-day.G 1008 185 Pepys. From Kiew to Eaux-Bonnes. 2 v... .1 1068 Peters. Die Donau./.D 415,19 Porter. Sketches in Russia and Sweden.. .1 7820 Proctor. Russian Journey...I 1065 Remmer. Russland and die Europaische LageD 4782 Richardson. Ralph’s Year in Russia .. . .H 2215 Ritchie. Journey to St. Petersburg and Mos¬ cow.I 7863 Roskoschny. Das asiatische Russland. 2 v.*V 790 Russland, Land und Leute. 2 v.*V 971 Rosny. Le Pays des dix-mille Lacs; Fin- lande.. C 6417 Russia from the Continental Review (1859).... I - 7827 Russia and Turkey, from McCulloch.I 4000,6 Sala. Journey due North; Russia in 1856..I 7847 Sauvage. Voiage en Russie en 1586.C 6731 Sears. Description of the Russian Empire.. I 7843 Sederholm. I Finland.C 8036 Seebohm. Siberia in Europe.I 7821 Seymour. Russia on the Black Sea.I 1058 Smyth. Three Cities in Russia. 2v .I 1012 Spottiswoode. Tarantasse Journey through Russia.I 7839 Stead. Truth about Russia.I 7866 Stepniak. The Russian Peasantry.I 7859 Telfer. The Crimea andTrans-Caucasia. 2 v.I 1046 Thompson. Life in Russia. .I 7835 Tien Jaren in Rusland.D 982 Tooke. The Russian Empire during the Reign of Catharine II. 3 v.I 7865 Tissot. Russes et Allemands.C 13220 La Russie et les Russes.C 6860 Russians and Germans.I 7845 Turgenjew. Nye Billeder fra Russia.C 7598 Turguenef. Nouvelles Scenes de la Vie Russe.C 13251 Ugeny. Russland und England.D 147 Vachon. La Russie au Soleil.C 13281 Wahl. Land of the Czar.I 7838 Wallace. Russia. I 7837 Wardrop. The Kingdom of Georgia. 1 7871 Watt. Breve fra Russia.C 7664 Wickenden. Adventures in Circassia.I 7870 WOLLEY. Savage Svanetia.I 7852 Wolski. La Russie Juive.C 13382 Woycke. Sittenbilder aus Polen und Lith- auen.D 3955 See also Siberia. SCANDINAVIA. Anderson. Six Weeks in Norway.I 1101 Andrei-:. Votn Tweed zur Pentlandfohrde.D 3683 Arnold. Summer in Scandinavia.I 7761 Atkinson. Pictures from the North.I 676 iS6 SCANDINAVIA—ICELAND. Ballou. Due North; Scandinavia and Russia.I 7803 Bang. Landmaalerliv i Finmarken.C 8216 Barnard. Sport in Norway.I 1098 BeaUclerk. Summer and Winter in Norway I 1084 Blaikie. Among the Goths and Vandals.... I 1081 Bowden. Naturalist in Norway.I 777 ° Norway and its People.I 1083 Brace. Norse-Folk; Norway and Sweden..I 7771 Broch. Norge og det Norske Folk.C 8222 La Norvege. C 4257 Brooke. Winter in Lapland and Sweden.*V 487 Browne. Land of Thor.-I 1080 Buckley. The Midnight Sun.I 7778 Campbell. How to see Norway.I 1087 Caton. Summer in Norway. 1 1105 Davis. Norway Nights and Russian Days. .. I 7814 Dietrichson. Fra min Vandringstid.C 8248 Donne. Denmark and its People.I 1095 DuChaillu. Land of the Midnight Sun.2 v. I 7777 Im Lande der Mitternachts Sonne. 2 v..D 3728 Duben. Om Lappland och Lapparne.C 7794 Dufferin. Letters from high Latitudes.. . .1 639 Feldborg. Denmark delineated.I 7762 Forbes. Norway and its Glaciers.I 1091 Forester. Norway and its Scenery.I 3140 Rambles in Norway.I 4000,4 Friis. Oscar IPs Reise i Nordland.C 8273 Garvagh. Pilgrim of Scandinavia.I 7781 Griffin. My Danish Days.I 7785 Hamilton. Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles. 2 v.I 7763 Heggtveit. FraNordens Natur og Folkeliv.C 8299 Herbert. The Danes in Camp.I 1113 Hervey. Glimpses of Norseland.I 7776 Hurton. From Leith to Lapland.I 7773 Hutchinson. Try Lapland.I 1088 Inglis. Norway, Denmark and Sweden.. . .1 1082 The same.I 3523 Janson. Fra Norge.C 8323 Jurgenson. Land of the Vikings; Guide to Norway.I 7765 Keller. Een Zomer in het Noorden.I) 9409 Kent. Within the Arctic Circle.I 7813 Kimball. Midnight Sunbeams; Land of the Norseman.I 7775 Knorring. Genom Lappland.C 7859 Koechlin-Schwartz. Un Touriste en La- ponie.C 5517 Laing. Residence in Norway, 1834-6.I 7772 The same.I 4000,3 Lees and Clutterbuck. Three in Norway. I 7807 'Lehmann. Norge og Normcendene.C 7266 Lietzow. Leben in Danemark.D 1190 Lloyd. Peasant Life in Sweden.I 1086 Lloyd. Scandinavian Adventures. 2 v.I 1100 Lower. Wayside Notes in Scandinavia.. . .1 7801 MacGregor. Rob Roy on the Baltic.I 1090 Mackinnon. Lapland Life.I 7790 Marryat. Residence in Denmark. 2v.I 1096 One Year in Sweden. 2v.I 1097 Meij. Wandelingen in Noorwegen.D 9543 Meltzer. Smaabilleder af Folkelivet.C 8357 Metcalfe. Oxonian in Thelemarken. 2V..I 1092 Milford. Norway and her Laplanders. I 1093 Morrice. Nightless North; Lapland.I 7812 Mugge. Nordisches Bilderbuch.D 3835 Newland. Forest Life in Norway.I 1107 One and a Half in Norway.I 7766 Pater [pseud.). Children in Norway.I 7809 Plenge. Livet i Kjoebenhavn.C 75 21 Pritchett. Rambles in Norway.*V 214 Rae. Land of the North Wind.I 7791 Rae. White Sea Peninsula.I 7811 Rink. Danish Greenland. I 1112 Rodenberg. Stilleben auf Sylt.D 3889 Verschollene Inseln.D 339 Roosen. Reiseskitser fra Norden.C 8401 Ross. Yacht Voyage to Norway and Denmark. 2 v.I 1089 Scott. The Danes and the Swedes.I 1108 Shepard. Over the Doverfields.I 1099 Smith. Tent Life in Norway.I 1102 Stone. Norway in June.I 7769 Stone. Summer in Scandinavia.I 7805 Taylor. Northern Travel....I 1085 Thoresen. Billeder fra Vestkysten.C 8426 Tcensberg. Illustreret Norge.C 8431 Trap. Beskrivese af Denmark. 6 v.<*C 7607 Tromholt. Under the Aurora Borealis. 2 v.I 7774 Tyler. Story of a Scandinavian Summer..I 7806 Unprotected Females in Norway.I 1094 Vicary. An American in Norway...I 7808 Vincent. Norsk, Lapp and Finn.I 7810 Wilde. Driftwood from Scandinavia.I 7802 Williams. Through Norway with a Knap¬ sack.I 7767 Wood. Round about Norway.I 7768 Wyndham. Wild Life on Fjelds of Norway. .1 7764 ICELAND. Andersen. Life in Iceland.I 1109 Burton. Ultima Thule. 2v.I mi Coles. Summer Travelling in Iceland.I 1123 Fonblanque. Five Weeks in Iceland.I 1117 Forbes. Iceland; Volcanoes and Geysers..I 631 Gould. Iceland; its Scenery and Sagas. ...I 628 Henderson. Residence in Iceland. 2 v.I 1122 Hooker. Journal of a Tour in Iceland.I 634 ICELAND—BALKAN PENINSULA, TURKEY, BULGARIA, ETC. 187 Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands... .1 3691 Kneeland. American in Iceland in 1874. . .1 1104 Lock. Home of the Eddas.I 1114 Mackenzie. Travels in Iceland in 1810. .*V 947 Metcalfe. The Oxonian in Iceland.I 1119 Miles. Nordurfari; Rambles in Iceland .... I 1103 The same.I 4000,4 Paijkull. Summer in Iceland.I 632 En Sommar paa Iceland .C 7967 Pfeiffer. Journey to Iceland.I 638 Shepherd. Northwest of Iceland.I 636 Waller. Six Months in Iceland.I 633 Watts. Across the Vatna Jokull.I 1118 Iceland; Its Jokulls and Fjalls.I 1121 BALKAN PENINSULA, TURKEY, BULGARIA, ETC. About. De Pontoise a Stamboul.C11962 Allom. Constantinople and Asia Minor. . .*V 192 Amicis. Constantinople; transl. by Tilton. . .1 7682 Auldjo. Visit to Constantinople in 1833 ... .1 7681 Baker. Turkey.I 7687 Barkley. Bulgaria before the War.I 7689 Between the Danube and Black Sea.... I 7688 Berger. Winter in the City of Pleasure. . . .1 1020 Blackwood. Residence on the Bosphorus. . .1 7697 Blowitz. Une Course a Constantinople. ...C12084 Brassey. Sunshine and Storm in the East.. I 7685 Braun-Wiesbaden. Tiirkische Reise. 3 v. .D 3716 Campbell. Turks and Greeks ..I 7690 Chi SHULL. Travels in Turkey. . . . *V 101 Cox. Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey.. .1 7724 Isles of the Princes.I 7723 Creagh, Over the Borders of Christendom and Eslamiah. 2 v.... .I 7717 Curzon. Monasteries in the Levant.I 1748 Dai.laway. Constantinople, Ancient and Modern.*V 759 Danubian Principalities. 2v.I 1024 Denton. Servia and the Servians.I 1074 Evans. Bosnia and the Herzegovina.'..I 7692 Farley. Modern Turkey.I 1054 Field. Greek Islands and Turkey.I 7714 Franzos. Aus Halb-Asien. 2v.D 3751 Gallenga. The Eastern Question. 2 v... .1 7693 Gautier. Constantinople .C 5083 Constantinople of to-day.I 1069 Golovin. Nations of Turkey and Russia.. I 1060 Goodell. Thirty Years in the East.I 1048 Grimm. Wanderungen nach Siid-Osten.. . .D 313 Hamlin. Among the Turks.I 7696 Hammer. Die Osmanen und der tUrkische Staat. 4»v.D 5853 Harvey. Turkish Harems.I 1596 Hellwald u. Beck. Die heutigeTiirkei. 2 v.D 3773 Hornby. Constantinople during the War. ..I 1052 In and around Stamboul. 2 v. . ..I 1073 Howard. Diary in Turkish Waters.I 1039 Huhn. Struggle of Bulgarians for Independ¬ ence.I 7739 Jerningham. To and from Constantinople. I 1036 Johnson. On the Track of the Crescent... .1 7711 Keppel. Journey across the Balkan. 2 v. . .1 7684 Kesnin Bey. Truths about Turkey.I 7725 Kibrizh-Mehemet, Wife of. Thirty Years in the Harem.I 1072 Knight. Albania.I 7695 Laveleye. The Balkan Peninsula.I 7721 Lear. Landscape Painter in Albania.I 7700 Leger. La Bulgarie.C 5593 La Save, le Danube et le Balkan.C 5594 Leonowens. Romance of the Harem.I 1033 Lott. Nights in the Harem. 2 v.I 1061 Macbean. Sketches in Constantinople. . . . *P 948 Mackenzie. Slavonic Provinces of Turkey.I 1062 Minchin. Bulgaria since the War.I 7701 Freedom in Balkan Peninsula.I 7722 Moltke. Briefe aus der Turkei, 1835-9. • •£) 3831 More. Under the Balkans.I 7699 Osborne. Scutari and its Hospitals.*V 767 Ottoman Empire. I 1032 Pardoe. City of the Sultan. 3 v.I 1043 Beauties of the Bosphorus.*V 99 Perry. View of the Levant..*V 397 Poole (Ed.). The People of Turkey. 2V..I 7726 Porter. Constantinople and its Environs. 2 v. I 1049 Riley. Athos; or, the Mountain of the Monk I 7730 Rosen. Die Balkan Haiduken . D 3883 St. Clair and Brophy. Residence in Bul¬ garia.I 1076 Salusbury. Two Months in Servia.I 7683 1 Senior. Journal in Turkey and Greece. . . .1 1038J, Smith. Month in Constantinople.I 1064 Soteropoulos. Brigands of the Morea. 2 v.I 7735 SPENCER. Travels in European Turkey. 2 v.I 7710 Turkey, Russia and Circassia . I 7855 1 Stambul und das moderne Tiirkenthum. 2 v.D 3903I STRANGFORD. Eastern Shores of the Adriatic I 1040I Thornbury. Turkish Life. 2v.... . I 1063I Tozer. Highlands of Turkey. 2v . I 1034I Turguenef. Un Bulgare . C 13252I Turkey and Christendom . I 4000,15! Vigier. Un Parisien a Constantinople. . . .C 1330a Walker. Through Macedonia to the Alba¬ nian Lakes .... I 77 1 5 f Untrodden Paths in Roumania. I 7738 Walsh. Residence at Constantinople. 2 v..I 7728 GREECE—ASIA MINOR, SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 18S Warburton. Crescent and Cross.G 625 Wilkinson. Dalmatia and Montenegro. 2 v. I 1000 Wise. Scampavias from Gibel Tarek to Stamboul. I 7712 Wright. Adventures in Servia.I 7740 GREECE. La Grece contemporaine.C 4006 Ionian Islands in 1863. 1 1079 The Cyclades; Life among the Insular Greeks.I 7716 Bishop. Pictorial Architecture in Greece and About. Ansted. Bent. Italy. •*v 1723 Boetticher. Auf griechischen Landstrassen D 3686 Chirol. ’Twixt Greek and Turk.I 7703 Dodwell. Tour through Greece. 2 v. .. *V 727 Edmonds. Fair Athens. 1 7706 Edwardes. Letters from Crete . I 7718 Emerson and Humphreys. Greece in 1825. 2 v . I 7691 Engel. Griechische Fruhlingstage . D 3942 I Gell. The Itinerary of Greece.I 7744 1 ’ Girard. La Grece en 1883.C 5108,3 Grey. Peep at Greece and Turkey . *T 236,5 Harrison. Greek Vignettes . ..... .1 7704 Herbert. Athens and the Morea. I 1047 Hettner. Athens and the Peloponnese.. . I 7719 Bl Kiepert. Atlas von Hellas.*R 4892 Kirkwall. Four Years in Ionian Islands. 2 v. I 7698 Leake. Peloponncslaca. I 1041 Topography of Athens. 2 v. I 1042 Travels in the Morea. 3 v.I 1077 Travels in Northern Greece. 4 V . I 1044 Lopier. Griechische Kustenfahrten . D 3818 Mahaffy. Rambles in Greece .I 7705 Olin. Greece and the Golden Horn . I 7720 Pervanoglu. Bilder aus Griechenland . . . .D 3862 Pitman. Mission Life in Greece . I 7709 Savary. Letters on Greece.I 7745 Scharling. Graekenland . C 7547 Sciiliemann. Tiryns . *R 4131 Sergeant. New Greece. I 7702 Smith. Greek Life and Scenery . I 7713 Snider. Walk in Hellas . I 7707 STANHOPE. Greece in 1823 and 1S24 . 1 7686 Stenersen. Reise i Graekenland. C 7569 Stephens. Greece, Turkey, etc. 2v . I 1050 lit Stillman. On the Track of Ulysses.*Y Taylor. Greece and Russia . 1 Townshend. Cruise in Greek Waters. I Tuckerman. Greeks of to-day . I Welcker. Tagebuch einer griechischen Reise. 2 v. D Wordsworth. Athens and Attica.I 7708 Greece; Pictorial and Historical.*P 330 The same.I 1046 Wyse. Excursion in the Peloponnesus in 1838.2V. I 7727 Impressions of Greece.I 1071 3953 ASIA. ASIA MINOR, SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Ainsworth. In the Track of the Ten Thousand Greeks.I 7918 Allen. The Dead Sea. 2v..I 1254 Anderson. Wandering in Land of Israel.. .1 1265 Appleton. Syrian Sunshine.I 1274 Arnold. From the Levant. 2v.1 1313 Badger. Nestorians and their Rituals. 2 v.Y 1276 Baillie. Sail to Smyrna. 2v.I 1291 Baker. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. 1 1021 Barclay. City of the Great King; Jerusa¬ lem.I 1189 Barrows. On Plorseback in Cappadocia. . .1 7911 Bart. La Vie en Orient..... .C 12043 Bartlett. Foots.eps of our Lord.I 1233 Jerusalem Revisited.I 1191 Walks about Jerusalem.I 1 7 92 Beke. Discoveries of Sinai. 1 1210 Belloc. Toujours Jerusalem.C 4045 Benjamin. Eight Years in Asia and Africa.. 1 8044 Berg. Die Insei Rhodus.*P 599 Bliss. Three Months in the Orient.I 1273 Bonar. Desert of Sinai.I 1338 Bonomi. Nineveh and its Palaces.I 3104 Briggs. Heathen and Holy Lands.I 1221 Browne. Yusef; Travels in the East.I 2230 Bryant. Letters from the East. 1 1595 Buckingham. Travels in Palestine. 2 v.... I 1266 Burckhardt. Syria and the Holy Land . .*V 514 Burnaby. On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2v.I 1341 Burton. Inner Life of Syria and Palestine. 2 v.I 1298 Burton and Drake. Unexplored Syria. 2v.I 1597 Busch. Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem .D 3713 Bush. Pilgrimage to Eastern Shrines.I 1267 Butterworth. Zigzag Journeys in the Le¬ vant.I 79 2 7 Carne. Syria and the Holy Land; illustrated by Bartlett. 3 v in 2.*V 347 Cesnola. Cyprus.*R 4106 Cesnola. Salaminia (Cyprus); its Antiquities, etc. *1 79 °* Chasseaud. . Druses of the Lebanon . 1 1307 Chesney. Euphrates Expedition...I 1322 ASIA MINOR, SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 189 Churchill. Druses and Maronites.A 2014 MountLebanon. 3 V.I 1308 Cochran. Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor.. .1 7919 Colville. The Accursed Land (Edom)... .1 7914 Conder. Tent Work in Palestine. 2v.I 1216 Cox. Orient Sunbeams.I 673 Cramer. Description of Asia Minor. 3v..I 1469 Curtis. Howadji in Syria. I 1305 CURZON. Armenia.I 1421 Monasteries of the Levant.I 1748 Cutts. Christians under the Crescent.I 1294 Davis. Anatolica.I 1296 Life in Asiatic Turkey.I 7910 DeHass. Recent Travels in Bible Lands. . .1 1268 Dicey. The Morning Land.I 2268 Dixon. British Cyprus.I 1334 The Holy Land. I 1284 Das heilige Land.D 304 Drake. Literary Remains; Palestine.I 1241 Dulles. Ride through Palestine.I 1213 Dumas. Quinze Jours au Sinai.C 4671 Early Travels in Palestine; ed. by Wright . I 3347 Ebers. Durch Gosen zurn Sinai.D 3745 Edersheim. Jewish Social Life . I 1214 Effendi. Distel en Cedar van Lebanon. 2 v.D 9220 Elgner. Jerusalem und Umgebung.*V 1024 Ellis. On a Raft, and through the Desert. 2 v.I 7908 Falkener. Ephesus and Temple of Diana.*R 4084 Farley. Two Years in Syria . T 1306 Fergusson. Holy Sepulchre and Temple at Jerusalem.I 7936 Field. Among the Holy Hills.I 1242 Finden. Landscapes of the Bible. *1 7924 Finn. Byeways in Palestine.I 7938 Fisk. Visit to the Holy Land.I 1257 Fletcher. Notes from Nineveh. 2v.I 1357 Flinch. Minder fra Oesterland.C 7176 Forster. Sinai Photographed; Israel in the Wilderness.*V 884 Frankl. The Jews in the East. 2v.I 7935 Nach Jerusalem. 2v.D 302 Fullerton. Ride through Palestine.I 1262 Gage. Land of Mystery.T 1258 Geikie. Holy Land and the Bible. 2 v.. . .1 7933 Geramb. Pilgrimage to Palestine, Egypt and Syria. 2 v. 1 7934 Girard. Syrie et Asie Mineure . C 5108,2 Glennie. Pilgrim-Memories .,. ..I 1589 Gosse. Sacred Streams.I 1218 Grant. Nestorians, or, the Lost Tribes. ... I 1304 Gray. Land and Life.I 1219 Guerin. Description de la Palestine. 5 v.*V 1107 Hacklaender. Reise in den Orient. .D 2048,8-9 Hahn-Hahn. Orientalische Briefe. 3 v...D 317 I Hamilton. Oriental Zigzag.I 1206 Harvey. Cruise in the Claymore.I 1263 Hauser. Orient and its People.I 1505 Headley. The Sacred Mountains.I 1194 Herbert. Cradle Lands.I 1309 Herbert (Earl of Carnarvon). Druses of the Lebanon.I 7941 Hodder. On Holy Ground.I 1247 Hull. Mount Seir, Sinai, and Palestine.. . .1 7916 Jessup. Syrian Home Life.I 1314 Jones. Nineveh and its Story...I 1330 JOYNER. Cyprus, historical and descriptive .. I 1022 Kelly. Palestine and Syria.I 1256 Kinglake. Eothen.G 302 The same.I 1212 The same.I 4000,8 Kitto. Land of Promise.I 1260 Palestine. 2 v.I 1190 Scripture Lands and Biblical Atlas.I 3121 Knox. The Oriental World.I 7907 Lamartine. Pilgrimage to Holy Land. 3 v.I 1227 Voyage en Orient.C 5639,6-8 Nouveau Voyage en Orient.C 5639,33 Laurie. Grant and the Nestorians.I 1405 Layard. Monuments of Nineveh. 2 v....*P 987 Nineveh and its Remains. 2v.I 1350 Discoveries in Neneveh and Babylon. 2 v.I 1351 The same.I 1349 Leonowens. Our Asiatic Cousins.I 7906 Lionnet. Kreuz und Halbmond.D 328 Lisco. Palistene en zijne Bewoners.D 9060 Ludwig Salvator. Caravan Route to Syria I 1205 Lynch. Expedition to the Dead Sea.I 1270 The same; abridged.I 2249 Lyne. Midshipmen’s Trip to Jerusalem.I 1271 McCausland. Builders of Babel.I 1481 McCoan. Our New Protectorate. 2v.I 1336 McGarvey. Lands of the Bible.I 1222 Macgregor. Rob Roy on the Jordan.I 1275 Mackintosh. Damascus and its People. . . .1 7922 Maclaren. Plain of Troy described.I 7899 Margoliouth. Land of My Fathers. 2 v.I 1259 Maundeville. Voiage and Travaile.I 1243 Maxwell. Griffin Ahoy; Cruise to the Le¬ vant.I 1179 Merrill. East of the Jordan.I 1252 Galilee in the Time of Christ.I 1246 Mignan. Travels in Chaldea.I 1328 Miller. Little People of Asia.I 1446 Mills. Three Months in Nablus.I 7923 Monk. The Golden Horn, and Asia Minor, Egypt, etc.I 8043 Munk. Description de la Palestine . I 1238 Myf.RS. Remains of lost Empires . I 1 347 190 ASIA MINOR, SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Neil. Palestine Explored. I 1215 Palestine re-peopled.I 7929 Nerval. Voyage en Orient. 2v.C 6017 Newman. From Dan to Bersheba.I 1245 Palaces of Nineveh and Babylon.I 1724 Newton. Travels in the Levant. 2v. I 1337 Oliphant. Haifa; Life in Modern Pales¬ tine.I 7915 Land of Gilead.I 1253 Osborn. Holy Land, past and present. I 1301 Palestine Exploration Fund, Statements of . 21 numbers in 3 v.I 7925 Palestine Exploring Society, 1877. 1 1264 Palestine; Topography of.I 1261 Palestine, Western; Survey of. 11 v.*V 944 v.1-3. Memoirs of Topography, Archae¬ ology, etc., by Conder and Kitchener. Map of Western Palestine in 26 sheets..*P 1279 4. Special Paper on Topography, Man¬ ners, and Customs; by Wilson and others. 5 Jerusalem; by Warren and Conder. Plans showing Excavations at Jerusalem; by Warren and others.*P 1280 6. Fauna and Flora of Palestine; by Tristram. 7. Memoir on the Geology and Geogra¬ phy of Palestine; by E. Hull. 8. Arabic and English Name Lists; by Palmer. 9. General Index; compiled by Steward- son. Map of Western Palestine; Spec. Ed.; by Saunders (3 Pts.).*P 1279 Palmer. Desert of the Exodus. 2 v.I 1230 Palmer. Home-Life in the Bible.I 1224 Palmer. Sinai from its Monuments.I 7928 Perry. View of the Levant.*V 347 Petersen. Besog i Jerusalem.C 7486 Pierotti. Customs of Palestine.I 1244 Jerusalem Explored. *R 4332 Porter. Five Years in Damascus.I 1249 Giant Cities of Bashan.I 1250 Pressens£. Le Pays de l’Evangile.C 6216 Prime. Tent Life in the Holy Land.I 1255 Prutz. Aus Phonizien.D 3865 Rambles in the Deserts of Syria.I 1211 Rattray. Country Life in Syria.I 7921 Rays from the East.I 1590 Rennell. Comp. Geog. of Western Asia. 2 v.I 1232 Rich. Babylon and Persepolis.I 1290 Richardt. Det hellige Land.C 7513 Ritter. Geography of Palestine. 4 V....I 1226 Roberts.' Holy Land. 2 v.*P 1041 Robinson. Biblical Researches in Palestine. 4 v.I 1235 Later Biblical Researches.I 1236 Robinson. Travels in Palestine and Syria. 2 v.I 1237 Rogers. Domestic Life in Palestine.I 1248 Rudolph, Crown Prince. Travels in the East.I 7917 Sachau. Reise in Mesopotamien u. Syrien.D 3924 Saulcy. Jerusalem.*V 633 Journey round the Dead'Sea. 2v.I 1231 Schaff. Through Bible Lands.I 1269 Scherer. Reisen inder Levante, 1859-65 .D 3913 Schliemann. Ilios.*R 4112 Mycenae.*R 4113 Troja; Researches on the Site of Troy.. .1 7900 Troy and its Remains.*R 4104 Trojanische Alterthiimer.D 475 Atlas des Antiquites Troyennes.*R 119 Schumacher. Across the Jordan.I 7949 Schwed. Reise nach dem heiligen Lande.. D 342 Scripture Topography.I 1261 Smith. Assyrian Discoveries.I 1345 Smith. Eastern Pilgrims; three Ladies.I 2266 Solignac. Les Francais en Palestine.C 6838 Stanhope. Travels in the East. 3V.I 1316 Stanley. Sinai and Palestine.I 1225 Stapfer. Palestine in Time of Christ.I 7932 Stebbing. The Christian in Palestine.... *V 614 Stephens. Egypt and the Ploly Land. 2 v.I 1300 Stevenson. Ride through Asia Minor.I 7912 Stirling. Bible Incidents for Travelers.. . 1 . 1217 Taylor. Lands of the Saracens.I 1315 Thomson. Land and the Book, 1873. 2 v. .1 1240 The same, i88o-’86. 3V.I 7930 v. 1. Southern Palestine and Jerusalem. 2. Central Palestine and Phoenicia. 3. Lebanon, Damascus and beyond Jordan. Tischendorff. Travels in the East.I 1208 Tompkins. Through David's Realm .I 7949 Tozer. Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor ..I 7909 Tristram.. Land of Israel.— I 7926 Land of Moab.I 1228 Pathways of Palestine. 2v.*V 497 Seve 1 Golden Candlesticks.I 1585 Trumbull. Kadesh-Barnea.I 1239 Urquhart. The Lebanon; Mount Souria. 2 v.I 7940 Van Lennep. Bible Lands.I 1223 Travels in Asia Minor. 2 v.I 1229 Vogt. Det Hellige Land.*V 1221 Walker. Future of Palestine.I 1220 Wallace. Desert and the Holy Land.I 1277 Warburton. Travels in Palestine.I 1709 Warner. In the Levant.I 1278 PERSIA, ARABIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. Warren. Jerusalem, ancient and modern . .1 1280 Warren. The Temple or the Tomb.I 1282 Underground Jerusalem. .I 1281 Weld. Sacred Palm Lands.I 1272 West. Romance of Missions in Ararat.I 1293 Wilson. Recovery of Jerusalem.I 1285 Wilson (Ed.). Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. 2 v.*P 7°5 Wood. Discoveries at Ephesus. *R 4120 Wood. An Eastern Afterglow ; Sacred Scenery.I 7937 Wood. Ruins of Balbec.*R 4819 Ruins of Palmyra.*R 4818 Wylie. Region of fulfilled Prophecy.I 1193 PERSIA, ARABIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. Abbott. Journey from Herat to Khiva. 2 v.I 8494 Among the Arabs in Tent and Town.I 1204. Anderson. Wanderings in Persia.I 1442 Arnold. Through Persia by Caravan.I 1343 Baker. Clouds in the East.I 1414 Ballantyne. Marches through Persia.I 1426 Bassett. Persia, Land of the Imams.I 8495 Baumgarten. Der Orient.I) 3690 Bellew. Afghanistan and the Afghans. .. .1 1447 From the Indus to the Tigris.I 1340 Mission to Afghanistan in 1857. 1 1359 Kashmir and Kashgar.I 8481 Benjamin. Persia and the Persians.I 8496 Binning. Travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc. 2 v.I 1553 Blunt. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates... .1 1428 Pilgrimage to Nejd. 2v.I 1283 Bodenstedt. The Morning Land. 4 V. in 2 .1 1360 Tausend und ein Tag im Orient... .D 1985,1-3 Volker des Kaukasus. 2v.D 296 Bonvalot. En Asie Centrale..C12089 Through the Heart of Asia.I 8510 Brittlebank. Persia during the Famine .. .1 1342 Bryce. Transcaucasia and Ararat.I 7826 Buckingham. Among the Arab Tribes . .*V 152 Burckhardt. Notes on the Bedouins. 2 v.I 1429 Travels in Arabia. 2v.I 1302 Burnaby. Ride to Khiva.I 1346 Burnes. Travels in Bokhara. 3 V.I 1354 Residence in Cabool. .1 1355 Burslem. Peep into Toorkisthan.I 1439 Burton. Arabia, Egypt and India.I 1203 Burton. To El Medina and Mecca.I 1312 The same.G 712 Cameron. Our Future Highway. 2v.I 1299 Campbell. Lost among the Afghans.I 1361 CREAGH. Armenians, Koords and Turks. 2 v. I 1295 Doughty. Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 v.*I 8502 9 1 Ditson. Circassia.I 1331 Dumas. L’Arabie heureuse. 3 V .C 4662 Le Caucase.C 4665 Dunlop. Hunting in the Himalaya.I 1558 Eastwick. Three Years’ Residence in Persia. 2 v.I 1461 Elphinstone. Account of Cabul. 2 v. . . .1 1444 Ferrier. Caravan Journeys in Persia.I 1320 Floyer. Unexplored Baluchistan.I 8490 Fogg. Arabistan; Land of Arabian Nights. .I 1671 Forster. Historical Geography of Arabia. 2 v.I 1297 Fraser. Tour of Himalayan Mountains. . *V 82 Freshfield. Central Caucasus and Bashan. I 1251 Ganzenmueller. Thibet.D 3761 Gatteyrias. A travers PAsie Centrale. .. .C 5068 Goldsmid and Blanford. Eastern Persia. 2v.I 1436 Grodekoff. Ride to Herat.I 1432 Grove. The Frosty Caucasus.I 7831 Hacklaender. Pilgerzug nach Mekka.. D 2048,14 Harvey. Turkish and Circassian Homes... I 1596 Haxthausen. Transcaucasia.I 1321 Hellwald. Russians in Central Asia.I 1423 Hindostan, Shores of the Red Sea, and Hima¬ laya Mountains.*V 859 Hooker. Himalayan Journals. 2v.I 1335 Keane. Asia.I 8041 Keane. Six Months in Mecca.I 1202 My Journey to Medina.I 1201 Ker. On the Road to Khiva.I 1430 Knight. Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet..I 8506 Knox. Overland through Asia.I 1440 Laborde. Journey through Arabia Petra;a. .I 1339 Lambert. Trip to Cashmere and Ladak... .1 8482 Lansdell. Russian Central Asia. 2 v.I 8492 Layard. Adventures in Persia. 2 v.I 8501 Le Mesurier. Kandahar in 1879. 1 8483 LONGWORTH. Year among Circassians. 2 v.I 1183 Lyde. The Ansyreeh and Ismaeleeh.I 1182 Mac Gahan. Campaigning on the Oxus.... I 1372 Malleson. Herat, the Granary of Central Asia.I 1433 Marigny. Voyages to Coast of Circassia.... I 1332 Marsh. Ride through Islam.I 1427 Marvin. Grodekoff’s Ride to Herat.I 1432 Merv and the Turcomans.I 1435 Reconnoitring Central Asia.I 8487 Region of Eternal Fire.I 8498 Russians at Merv and Plerat.I 8497 Russians at the Gates of Herat.I 8488 MAUGHAN. Alps of Arabia.I 1234 MlTFORD. To Cabul with the Cavalry Bri¬ gade .I *449 Moser. Durch Central-Asien.*V 997 MOUNSEY. Journey through the Caucasus . . .1 1288 192 PERSIA, ARABIA AND Muller. Unter Tungusen und Jakuten. . . .D 3837 O’Donovan. The Merv Oasis. 2v . I 1434 OUSELEY. Travels in the East, particularly Persia. 3 v. *V 430 Palgrave. Journey through Arabia. 2 v..I 1311 The same, abridged. I 1310 Parrot. Journey to Ararat. I 8484 Polak. Persien. 2v. t . D 3861 Prejevalsky. From Kulja to Lob-Nor ... .1 1422 Prinsep. Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia ... .1 8522 Rich. Residence in Koordistan. 2v . I 1356 Rivoyre. Les Vrais Arabes et leurPays...C 6400 Robertson. Kurum, Kabul and Kandahar.. I 8485 Rodenbough. Afghanistan and Anglo-Rus- sian Dispute. I 8489 Schuyler. Turkistan. 2v . I 1344 Shaw. Visit to High Tartary. I 1374 Sheil. Life in Persia. I 1329 Southgate. Armenia, Persia, etc. 2 v..I 1319 Spalding. Khiva and Turkistan. I 1437 Spiegel. Eran. D 3905 Stack. Six Months in Persia. 2v. I 1443 Stuart. Residence in *Northern Persia. I 1353 Taylor. Travels in Arabia. I 1303 Thielmann. Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, etc. 2 v... „ .. I 1424 Thomsett. Kohat, Karam and Khost....I 8499 Thomson. Western Himalaya and Tibet.. .1 1516 Towle. England and Russia in Asia.I 8491 Pweedie. Ruined Cities of the East. I 1726 Upton. Desert of Arabia.I 84S6 Ussher. From London to Persepolis.I 1292 Vambery. Bilder aus dem Mcrgenlande.. .D 3930 Central Asia and the Russian Frontier. . .1 1438 Travels in Central Asia. I 1425 Wakefield. The Happy Valley; Kashmir . I 1542 Walpole. Ansayrii; Travels in the East. 3 v. I 1358 Wanderer, pseud. Notes on Caucasus.I 7848 Wills. Land of the Lion and Sun; Persia. .1 1448 Wilson. The Abode of Snow.I 1333 Wolley. Sport in Crimea and Caucasus.... I 7851 Wood. Shores of Lake Aral.I 8521 Yate. Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission.I 8500 INDIA. Adams. Naturalist in India.I 1323 Arnold. On the Indian Hills. 2 v .I 8206 Arnold. India Revisited.I 8229 S Aynsley. Our Tour in Southern India. I 8227 Our Visit to Hindostan.I 8228 I Bacon. Impressions and Studies in Ilindo- stan. 2 v.I 8260 CENTRAL ASIA—INDIA. Baker. Eight Years in Ceylon.I 1415 Rifle and Hound in Ceylon.K 1804 Baikie. The Neilgherries; Climate, Soil, etc. I 8250 Ball. Jungle Life in India.I 1366 Barker. Tea Planter’s Life in Assam.I 8224 Barras. India and Tiger Hunting.I S235 New Shikari at our Indian Stations.I S234 Barrow. Ceylon, past and present.I 1416 Bastian. VSlker des ostlichen Asiens. 2 v.D 295 Baxter. A Winter in India.I 8240 Bellew. Memoirs of a Griffin.I 1364 Blanchard. Yesterday and to-day in India.I 1383 Ganges and the Seine.I 1287 Bose. The Hindoos as they are.I 1362 Bowring. Eastern Experiences.I 1387 Braddon. Life in India.I 1375 Brooks. Seven Months’ Run.I 1580 Burton. An Indian Olio.I 8247 Sport in India.I 8232 Burton. Sind revisited. 2 v.I 1509 Butler. Land of the Veda.I 13S5 Butterworth. Zigzag Journeys in India.. I S239 Zigzag Journeys in the Antipodes.I S270 Buyers. Recollections of Northern India.. .1 8255 Caird. India; Land and People.I S210 Campbell. Old Forest Ranger in India.. .K 814 Campbell. Wild Tribes of Khondistan... .1 8219 Capper. Duke of Edinburgh in Ceylon... .1 1376 Old Ceylon.I 1552 Carpenter. Six Months in India. 2 v.. .. I 1325 Gaunter. Scenes in India. 4 V... *18243, 1 3 > 5 Ceylon, General Description of. 2 v.I 1382 Chunder. Travels in Bengal. 2 v.I 1396 Church. Gup; Anglo-Indian Life.I 1519 Clark. Hong Kong to the Himalayas.I 1368 Collins. Missionary Enterprise in the East.I 1607 1 Colomb. Slave-Catching in India.I 1317 Cooper. The Mishmee Hills.I 1367 Cordiner. Description of Ceylon. 2 v..*V 863 Cumming. Hebrides to the Himalayas. 2 v.I 2251 In the Himalayas.I 8215 Cumming. Wild Men and Beasts.. . 11470 Cunningham. Ancient Geography of India.I S242 Cust. Pictures of Indian Life.I 8207 Daniell. Oriental Scenery. 3 v.*P 838 Drew. Northern Barrier of India.I 1514 Dunlop. The Timely Retreat. 2 v.I 1395 Eden. Let-ers from India. 2 v.I 1393 Up the Country. 2 v.I 1394 Edvardes. Year on the Punjab Frontier. 2 v.I 1373 Elliot. Planter’s Experience in Mysore 2 v.I 13S9 Episodes in Life of an Indian Chaplain.I 8226 Falkland. Chow-Chow. 2 v .I 1406 Ferguson. Ceylon in 1883. 1 7931 INDIA, *93 Forbes. Eleven Years in Ceylon. 2 v.I 1381 Forbes. Oriental Memoirs. 2 V .I 1412 Illustrations to the same.*R 4473 Forbes. Wild Life in Canara and Ganjam.18230 Forsyth. Highlands of Central India.I 1510 French. Our Boys in India.H 1310 Fytche. Burmah, past and present. 2V....I 15 65 Gay. Prince of Wales in India.I 1517 Gogerley. Missionaries in Bengal. ...I 1402 Goldsmid. Telegraph and Travel to India.I 15n Gordon. Our Trip to Burmah.I 1567 Gouger. Imprisonment in Burmah.I 1327 Guthrie. My Year in an Indian Fort. 2 v.I 1419 Haeckel. Indische Reisebriefe.D 3781 Visit to Ceylon. I 1181 Heber. Journey through Upper India. 3 v, I 1401 Hindoos, The. 2v. ....I 3553 Hoffmeister. Travels in Ceylon and India.I 8258 Hogg. Indian Notes.I 8216 Hornaday. Two Years in the Jungle.I 8221 Hunter. Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 v. *R 682 Hutton. Thugs and Dacoits.I 8205 India, Pictorial, Descriptive and Historical.. .1 3118 Inglis. Sport and Work 011 the Nepaul Fron¬ tier .I 1507 Jacob. Western India during the Mutinies. .1 8238 Jacolliot. Pays du Hatschisch.C 53 io Jacquemont. Voyage dans l’lnde. 6v.*V 1119 Jaunt in a Junk; Cruise in Indian Seas.I 8220 Kennedy. Life in Benares and Kumaon.. .1 8213 Kerr. Land of Ind.I 1411 King. Diary of a Civilian’s Wife in India. 2 v.I 8217 Knighton. Forest Life in Ceylon. 2 v.I 1417 Tropical Sketches.I 1418 Knox. Boy Travelers in Ceylon and India. I 1584, 3 Kutzner. Reise des Prinzen Waldemar. . .D 325 Langley. Residence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad. 2 v.I 8236 Larking. Bandobast and Khabar; India. . .1 8246 Laurie. Ashe Pyee; Burma.I 1563 Leonowens. Life and Travel in India.. . .1 8214 Lewin. Wild Races of India.I 1324 Locher. Bombay to Constantinople. I 1462 Mackenzie. Life in the Mission. 2 v.I 8209 Mackenzie. Romantic Land of Hind. I 8202 MacLeod. Peeps at the Far East.I 1487 Malabari. Gujarat and the Gujaratis.I 8203 Malleson. Recreations of an Indian Official. I 1506 Marshall. . Phrenologist among the Todas.I 1410 Massie. Continental India. 2 v.I 8218 Mateer. Travancore and its People. I 1377 Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales. 2 v.*V 1318 Millingen. Wild Life among the Koords. . I 1352 Mitford. Land March from England to Ceylon. 2 v. x 7913 Moore. The Queen’s Empire; Ind and her Pearl. 1 8223 Mouat. Adventures among Andaman Island- ers . I 1549 Mundy. Pen and Pencil Sketches in India. 2 v.I 1384 Nederlands overzeesche Bezittingen. ...... .D 9059 Oman. Indian Life . I 8266 Oriental Annual, The; ed. by Caunter; ill. by Daniel. 7 v .*1 8243 Paget. Camp and Cantonment in 1857-9..I 1521 Parkinson. Ocean Telegraph to India.... I 1512 Parks. Wanderings in the East. 2 v. . ..*V 372 Phear. The Aryan Village in India.I 1540 Political and Statistical History of Gujarat. .*V 1300 Pollok. Sport in British Burmah.I 1566 Postans. Random Sketches. .I 1390 Prichard. Mutinies in Rajpootana.I 1391 Prinsep. Imperial India.I 1363 Rennie. Botan and the Dooar War.I 8201 Robinson. In my Indian Garden.I 1522 Ross. Land of the Five Rivers and Sindh.. .1 8212 Rousselet. India and its Native Princes.. *P 839 The same.*V 744 Rowe. Every-day Life in India.I 1369 Russell. My Diary in India, 1858-9. 2 v..I 1508 Prince of Wales’s Tour in India.I 1541 Schlagintweit. Reisen in Indien und Hoch- asien. 4V.D 3896 Schouten. Reistogt naar Oostindien. 2 v. .D 9739 Scott. Sketches in India.*1 8204 Seely. Wonders of Elora.I 8237 Sherer. At Home and in India.I 8225 Sherring. Sacred City of the Hindus.I 1420 Shiell. A Year in India.I 8231 Sleeman. Travel through Oude. 2v.I 1404 Rambles of an Official. 2v.I 1407 Smeaton. Loyal Karens of Burma.I 8241 Smith. Student’s Geography of India.I 8222 Speid. Our last Years in India.I 1513 Stirling. Rivers of Paradise.I 8208 Strachey. India.I 1548 Sullivan. Bungalow and the Tent.I 1409 Symes. Embassy to Ava. 2v.I 3505 Tavernier. Travels in India. 2*v.I 8248 Tayler. Thirty-eight Years in India. 2 v. .1 8245 Taylor. Visit to India.I 1515 Teenstra. Nederlands Bezittingen.D 9816 Temple. India in 1880. 1 8233 Journal’s kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim and Nepal. 2 v. .I 8263 Ten Days in the Jungle.I 8211 Tennent. Ceylon. 2v.I 1551 194 INDIA—SIBERIA—EAST INDIES—FARTHER INDIA. SIAM, ETC. Thorburn. Bannu ; Afghan Frontier.I 1431 Torrens. Travels in Ladak, Tartary and Kashmir..I 8264 Trevelyan. Cawnpore. ... .1 1403 Competition Wallah.I 1392 Trevor. India.I 1397 India; its Natives and Missions.I 1400 Valbezen. La Malle de l'lnde.C 6928 Vambery. Coming Struggle for India.I 8493 Vincent. Land of the White Elephant.... I 1386 Wakefield. Life and Travel in India.I 1518 Wathen. Voyage to Madras.*V 97 Werner. Das Kaiserreich Ostindien.D 3941 Wright. India and its Inhabitants.I 1370 and Brainard. Life in India.I 1371 Young. Active Service in Foreign Lands. . .1 8244 SIBERIA. Aldrich. Arctic Alaska and Siberia. I 2120 Atkinson. Oriental and Western Siberia..I 1450 Upper and Lower Amoor.I 1463 Bush. Reindeer. Dogs and Snow Shoes.... I 1445 Cottrell. Recollections of Siberia, 1840-41 I 1454 Dostoyeffsky. Buried alive in Siberia. ... I 1451 Eden. Frozen Asia; Modern Siberia.I 1453 Erman. Travels in Siberia. 2v.I 1452 Finsch. Reise nach West-Sibirien in 1876.D 3746 Fr£d£. La Siberie.C 4996 Gowing. 5000 Miles in a Sledge across Siberia. I 1464 Hill. Travels in Siberia. 2 v.I 1459 Kennan. Tent Life in Siberia.I 1455 Knox. Overland through Asia.I 1440 Lansdell. Through Siberia. 2v.I 1456 Michie. Overland Siberian Route from Pek¬ ing to Petersburg.I 1286 Mudge. Fur Clad Adventures through Siberia. I 2053 Muller. Un Francais en Siberie.C 5953 Niemojowski. Siberian Pictures. 2 v.I 1458 Piotrowski. Souvenirs d’un Siberien.C 6213 Ravenstein. Russians on the Amoor. I 1460 Roskoschny. Das asiatische Russland. 2 v.*V 970 Seebohm. Siberia in Asia.I 1457 Tissot et Am£ro. La Vie en Siberie.C 6895 Tronson. Voyage to Siberia.I 1583 EAST INDIES. Adams. Eastern Archipelago.I 1942 Albertis, d’. New Guinea. 2 v.I 1947 Almeida, d’. Life in Java. 2 v.I 1614 Bax. Eastern Seas.I 1586 Belcher. Voyage in Eastern Archipelago. 2 v.I 1603 Bickmore. East Indian Archipelago.I 1550 Bock. Head-Hunters of Borneo.*1 1609 Temples and Elephants.I 1559 Unter den Kannibalen auf Borneo.D 3721 Bowring. Visit to the Philippine Islands*. .1 i6co Bradley. Wreck of the Nisero; Sumatra..I 2004 Brooke. Rajah of Sarawak. Journals; ed’ted by Mundy. 2v.I 1601 Burbidge. Gardens of the Sun; Borneo... I 1608 Chalmers. Pioneering in New Guinea... .1 2016 and Gill. Adventure in New Guinea. .1 2008 Earl. Eastern Seas.I 1602 Natives of the Indian Archipelago.I 1577 Forbes. Naturalist in the Eastern Archipel¬ ago. I 1996 Hatton. New Ceylon; British Borneo.I 1610 Helms. Pioneering in the Far East.I 1612 Jacob. Rajah of Sarawak. 2 v.I 1606 Jagor. Travels in the Philippines.I 1928 Keppel. Expedition to Borneo. 2 v.I 1289 The .same.I 1605 Knox. Boy Travelers in Siam and Java. I 1584, 2 La Gironiere. 20 Years in the Philippines.I 1944 The same.I 4000, 8 Low. Sarawak; Inhabitants and Products. . .1 1604 Lyne. New Guinea.I 2006 McDougall. Sketches of Life at Sarawak.I t 88i Mandelslo. Voyages Celebres aux Indes Orientales.*R 4215 Marryat. Borneo and Indian Archipelago.*P 172 Money. Java; how to Manage a Colony. 2 v.A 2082 Nederlands oost indische Bezittingen.D 9004 St. John. Life in the Forests of Borneo. 2 v. I 1948 Seaman’s Guide round Java. Doc. Thorn. Conquest of Java.*V 551 Wallace. Travels in Malay Archipelago.. I 1560 The same. 2 v.I 1561 FARTHER INDIA, SIAM, ETC. Bacon. Siam as it was and is.I 1475 Bird. The Golden Chersonese. I 1539 Bowring. Kingdom and People of Siam. 2 v.I 139S Bradley. Travel and Sport in Burmah.. . .1 1413 Butterworth. Zigzag Journey in the Anti¬ podes. I 8270 Caddy. To Siam and Malaya.I 8322 Carne. Travels in Indo-China.I 1326 Innis. Chersonese with the Gilding off. 2 v. I 1546 Keane. Eastern Geography.I 1613 Laurie. Ashe Pyee; Burmah....? .I 1563 Leonowens. English Governess at the Siamese Court.I 1476 Romance of the Harem.I 1033 McMahon. Karens of Golden Chersonese. . I 1=62 FARTHER INDIA, SIAM, ETC.—CHINA AND JAPAN. McNair. Perak and the Malays. Mouhot. Travels in Indo-China. 2 v. Neale. Residence in Siam. Sangermano. Description of the Burmese Empire.*V 1263 Viaud (P . Loti). From Lands of Exile.I 8084 Yoe. The Burman. 2v.I 1564 Younghusband. 1800 Miles in a Burmese Tat.I 8321 CHINA • AND JAPAN. Abeel. Residence in China ...I 1492 Adams. Travels in Japan and Manchuria... I 1530 Alcock. Japan; Capital of the Tycoon. 2 v.I 1535 Anderson. Mandalay to Momien.I 1527 Ar£ne. La Chine familiere.Cn985 Balfour. Leaves from my Chinese Scrap¬ book .I 8106 Barbou. Les Heros au Tonkin.C 4071 Bille. Reise til China... . .C 7060 Bird. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. 2v.I 7:587 Carles. Life in Corea.I 8107 Carrothers. The Sunrise Kingdom.I 1581 Carstensen. Japans Hovedstad og Japane- serne.C 7509 China, pictorial, descriptive and historical... .1 3107 Chinese, The, depicted.*R 4222 Clark. Life and Adventures in Japan.I 1536 Collingwood. Rambles in China Sea.I 1494 CONN. Japanese Life, Love, and Legend. . .1 8127 Contenson. Chine et Extreme-Orient.C12167 Cooke. Times Correspondent in China.I 1471 Cooper. Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce.I 1529 Cotteau. Un Tourist dans rExtreme-Orient.Ci2i79 Crow. Highways and Byways in Japan ... .1 8121 Cumming. Wanderings in China. 2v.I 8131 Da.ryl. Le Monde chinois.C 4787 Davis. China during the War and since. 2v.I 1578 The Chinese. 2v.I 1495 The same. 2v.I 3549 The «ame. 2 v.I 3713 Chinese Miscellanies.I 1379 Dixon. Land of the Morning; Japan and its People.I 8133 Doncourt. Les Fran^ais dans 1 ’Extreme- Orient .*V 1072 Doolittle. Social Life in China. 2 V....I 1485 Doren. Zeden der Chinezen...D 9235 Douglas. "China.I 1537 Duclau. Marco Polo.C 4777 Dukes. Everyday Life in China.I 8104 Eden. Japan, historical and descriptive.I 1532 Ellis. Hong Kong to Manilla.I 1498 Escayrac de Lauture. Memoires sur la Chine .*V 395 Farwell. Chinese at Plome and Abroad ... I 8097 Faulds. Nine Years in Nipon.I 0124 Pagoda Shadows; China.I 8093 Fleming. Travels in Mantchu Tartary.I 1399 Forbes. Five Years in China.I 1493 Fortune. Journey to Jeddo and Peking. . .1 1483 Journey to the Tea Districts.I 1484 Residence in China.I 1482 Fowler. Visit to Japan, China and India..I 1533 Fr£d£. A travers la Chine.C 4995 Gautier. Les Franjais au Tonkin.C 5074 Gill. River of Golden Sand. 2v.I 1528 Gilmour. Among the Mongols.I 8091 Golovnin. Captivity in Japan. 3 V.I 1569 Gevangenschap in Japan. 2v.D 9298 Gordon. China from a medical View.I 8102 Gray. China; Laws, Manners and Customs. 2v. I 1 53 I Gray. Fourteen Months in Canton.I 1502 Greey. Bear-Worshippers of Yezo.I 1544 Wonderful City of Tokio.I 1534 Young Americans in Japan.I 1588 Griffis. Corea, the Hermit Nation.A 2065 Corea, without and within.I 8089 The Mikado’s Empire.A 2053 Grosier. Description of China. 2 v.I 8138 Guimet. Promenades Japonaises.*V 1076 Gutzlaff. China opened; Display of Chinese Empire. 2 v.I 8130 Three Voyages along China.I 1496 Habersham. My last Cruise.I 1545 Hall. Voyage to Loo-Choo.13501,1 Hall. Voyagesof the “Nemesis” to China. 2v.I 8082 Hart. Western China; Journey to Mount Omei.I 8105 Hawks. U.S. Exped. to Japan and China.3V.*V 466 Henry. The Cross and the Dragon.I 8094 Hodgson. Residence in Nagasaki.I 1526 Holtham. Eight Years in Japan.I 8123 House. Japanese Episodes.I 1568 Hue. Chinese Empire. 2v.I 1473 Tartary, Thibet and China.I 1520 The same. 1 4000,8 Hughes. Among the Sons of Han.I 1538 Humbert. Japan and the Japanese.*V 215 Hunter. Bits of old China.I 8099 Japan en de Japannezan.D 9579 Jephson. Our Life in Japan.I 15 74 Katscher. Bilder aus dem chincsischen Leben.D 3794 Knollys. English Life in China.I 8100 Sketches of Life in Japan.I 8085 1 *943 I 1388 I 1408 196 CHINA AND TAPAN—AFRICA. Knox. Boy Travelers in the far East. 5 v..I 1584 v. 1. China and Japan. 2. Siam and Java. 3. Ceylon and India. 4. Egypt and the Holy Land. 5. Africa. John; Our Chinese Relations.I 8092 Travels of Marco Polo.I 8083 Lady’s Visit to Japan and Manilla.I 1318 Langdon. Ten Thousand Things relating to China.I 8132 Little. Through the Yang-Tse-Giorges; Western China.I 8135 Loch. Lord’s Elgin Mission.I 1491 Lockhart. Medical Missionary in China. . .1 1378 Lowell. Land of Morning Calm; Corea. . .1 8088 Soul of the Far East.I 8087 Maclay. Budget of Letters from Japan.... I 8126 M’Leod. Voyage in the “Alceste” to the Yellow Sea.I 8139 Manners and Customs of the Japanese.I 3692 The same.I 1582 Marco Polo. Book of; edited by Yule. 2 v.I 1576 Le Livre de; par Pauthier. 2v.I 1575 Travels; translated by Murray.I 3764 The same; translated by Marsden. .1 3358 Margary. From Shanghae to Bhamo.I 1543 Martin. The Chinese.I 1504 China; political, commercial and social. .1 1472 Meadows. Notes on China.I 1479 Medhurst. China; its State and Prospects.. I 1477 Foreigner in far Cathay.I 1500 Meignan. From Paris to Pekin through Siberia.I 8042 Mesny. Tungking. 1 8098 Michie. Overland Siberian Route.I 1286 Milne. Life in China.I 1579 Moges. Baron Gros’s Embassy.I 1481 Moule. China and the Chinese.I 8101 Mundy. Canton and the Bogue.I 1501 Nevius. China and the Chinese.I 1480 The same; revised edition.I 1380 Oliphant. Lord Elgin’s Mission. 2 v.I 1474 Oppert. Forbidden Land; Voyage to Corea I 1547 Osborn. Cruise in Japanese Waters.I 1573 Japanese Fragments.I 1572 Piassetsky. Russian Travelers in Mongolia and China. 2 v.I 8096 PITMAN. Missionary Enterprises in Japan. . .1 1877 Prejevalsky. Mongolia. 2 v.I 1441 Psalm anazar. Description of Formosa.... I 8122 Rein. Japan; Travels and Researches.I 8136 Rennie. British Arms in China and Japan..I 1497 Peking and the Pekingese. 2v.I 1598 Richthofen. China. 2 v.*V 1006 St. John. Wild Coasts of Nipon.I 1591 Satow and Hawes. Handbook for Japan.. I 8125 Shore. Flight of the Lapwing.I 8090 Smith. Consular Cities in China. I 1523 Ten Weeks in Japan.I 1524 Stern. Travel in China and Japan.I 8134 Taylor. Japan in our Days.I 1525 Tcheng-ki-Tong. The Chinese painted by themselves.I S095 Les Chinois.C 13204 Thomson. Illustrations of China and its People. 4 v.*P 1270 Travels in the Straits of Malacca, Indo- China and China... .I 1503 Tronson. Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka..I 1583 Werner. Preussische Expedition nach China.D 3951 Wheeler. The Foreigner in China.I 1499 Williams. Through Burmah to China.I 1488 Williams. A Year in China.I 1478 Williams. Middle Kingdom. 2v.I 1490 The same; revised edition. 2 v.I 8081 a Williamson. Journeys in North China. 2 v.I i486 Williamson. Old Highways in China.I 8128 Wilson. China; Travels in “Middle King¬ dom.”.I 8103 Wingfield. A Globe-Trotter in the Far East. 2 v..I 8137 Wright. China; illustrated by Allom. 4 v. *V 341 Yan Phou Lee. When I was a Boy in China I 8129 AFRICA. Adams. Shipwreck on Coast of Africa... .*V 222 Alexander. Expedition into Interior of Africa. 2 v.I 8830 Allen and Thomson. Exp. to the Niger. 2 v.I 1711 Alviella. Sahara and Lapland.I 1819 Amicis. Morocco; People and Places.I 1641 Anderson. Twenty-five Years in the Gold Regions of Africa. 2 v.I 8688 Andersson. Lake Ngami.I 1750 Okavango River.I 1810 Travels in Southwest Africa.I 1686 ATCHERLEY. Trip to Boerland.I 1856 Aubertin. Six Months in Cape Colony and Natal.I 8753 Aylward. Transvaal of to-day.I 1855 Baikie. Exploring Voyage up the Niger... .1 1663 Baines. Explorations in South Africa.I 1811 Gold Region of Southeast Africa.I 1817 Baker. L’Afrique Equatoriale.C12041 Albert N’ Yanza; Basin of the Nile.I 1800 Ismailia ; Expedition to Central Africa.. I 1690 Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia.I 1797 AFRICA. x 9 7 Baldwin. African Hunting.I 1745 Ballantyne. Six Months at the Cape.I 1840 Barclay. Mountain Life in Algeria.I 1648 Barker. Life in South Africa.I 1688 Year’s Housekeeping in Africa.I 1689 Barth. North and Central Africa. 3 v.. . .1 1700 Reisen in Afrika. 5 v.D 3697 Bastian. Exp. an der Loango-Kuste. 2 v..D 3685 Bateman. First Ascent of the Kasai.I 8769 Baumgarten. Deutsch-Afrika und seine Nachbarn.D 5807 Beitrage zur Entdeckung Afrikas.D 3727 Beke. British Captives in Abyssinia...I 1682 Besancenet. Les Fran$ais au Cceur de l’Af- rique.C 4041 Bisset. Sport and War in South Africa.I 1880 Blackburn. Artists and Arabs.I 1701 The same...I 1699 Blanc. Captivity in Abyssinia..I 1599 Boddy. To Kairwan the Holy.I 8647 Bonnafont. Douze Ans en Algerie.C12086 Boussenard. Aventures au Pays des Dia- mants.C12096 Bowditch. Mission to Ashantee.I 1786 Boyle. Sketches in Mauritius.I 1835 Boyle. Savage Life.I 1852 Through Fanteeland to Coomassie ....... I 1693 To the Cape for Diamonds.I 1763 Brackenbury. Ashanti War. 2v.I 1692 Fanti and Ashanti.I 1691 Brehm. Reise nach Habesch.D 300 Bridge. Journal of an African Cruiser.I 1854 Bridgman. Winters in Algeria.I 8649 Brugsch. Aus dem Orient.D 3723 Buchanan. The Shire Highlands; E. Central Africa.I 8684 BUCHTA. t)er Sudan unter agyptischer Herr- schaft. D 3960 BUET. Six Mois a Madagascar.C12116 Burckhardt. Travels in Nubia.*V 516 Burdo. The Niger and the Benueh.I 1662 Burleigh. Desert Warfare in the Soudan... I 8611 Burton. Abeokuta and Camaroons Mts. 2 v.I 1764 Lake Regions of Central Africa. 2 v... I 1705 Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. 2 v.I 1870 Two Trips to the Gorilla Land. 2 v.. .. I 1677 Wanderings in West Africa. 2 v.I 1767 Zanzibar; City, Island and Coast. 2 v. . .1 1831 Butler. Akim-Foo; History of a Failure.. . I 1847 Cailli£. Travels through Central Africa, 1824 28. 2 v.I 8686 Cameron. Across Africa. I 1694 The same.G 886 Campbell. Letters from the South. 2 v. . .1 8652 Capello and Ivens. From Benguella to Yacca. 2v.I 8682 Castellane. Military Life in Algeria.I 865: Castilho. Etudes en Afrique.C 4304 Chambliss. Lives and Travels of Livingstone and Stanley. I 1848 Charmes. Une Ambassade au Maroc.C12193 Chavanne. Die Sahara.D 3729 Colborne. With Hicks Pasha in Soudan. . I 8806 COOLEY. Negroland of the Arabs ; Central Africa.I 8685 Cowan and Johnston. Moorish Lotos Leaves I 8643 Crawford. Through Algeria.I 1783 Crouch. On a Surf-Bound Coast; African Tropics.I 8770 Cumming. Hunter’s Life in South Africa. 2v.I 1757 La Vie au Desert.C 4732 Cunynghame. My Command in South Africa I 1821 Dahle. Madagaskar.C15341 D’Anvers. Heroes of North African Dis¬ covery .I 1873 Heroes of South African Discovery.I 1874 Davies. Algiers in 1857.1 1 798 Davis. Carthage and its Remains.I 1765 The same.I 1721 Ruined Cities of Numidia and Carthage.I 1722 Decken. Reisen in Ost-Afrika. 4 v. in5_*D 306 Denham. Travels in Africa. 2 v.I 1716 Dennett. Seven Years among the Fjort..I 8766 Devereux. Cruise of the “Gorgon”.I 1727 Dixie. In the Land of Misfortune.I 8744 Drayson. Tales at the Outspan.K 1826 Drummond. Tropical Africa.I 8687 Du Chaillu. Journey to Ashango Land.... I 1703 Explorations in Equatorial Africa.I 1730 Dufton. Journey in Abyssinia...I 1754 Dumas. Tales of Algeria.I 1815 Durrieu. Present State of Morocco.I 4000,10 DuVal. With a Show through Africa.I 8755 Eden. Africa seen through its Explorers_I 1865 Edwards. Winter with the Swallows.I 1794 Ellis. Madagascar revisited.j 1788 Three Visits to Madagascar.I 1830 Ellis. Land of Fetish.1 8761 Tshi-Speaking Peoples of West Africa... I 8780 West African Islands.I 8765 Elton. Travels in Africa.I 1652 Emin Pasha in Central Africa.I 8690 Ensor. Journey through Nubia and Darfoor I 1649 Evans. Winter in Algeria.I 1756 Fabens. Camel Hunt.I 1761 Farini. Through the Kalahari Desert.I 8749 Faulkner. Elephant Haunts.I 1771 Fenn. How I volunteered for the Cape .... I 1867 AFRICA. 1 98 Field. Oh the Desert.I 1209 Foote. Africa and American Flag.I 1755 Forres. Dahomey and the Dahomans. 2 v.I 1803 Forssman. Guide to Transvaal Republic. .*1 320 Fournel. La Tripolitaine; Routes du Sou¬ dan.C 4865 Freeden. Reise und Jagdbilder aus Afrika D 5808 Fromentin. Une Annee dans le Sahel.. . .C 4899 Gaskell. Algeria as it is.I 8642 Gillmore. Great Thirst Land.I 1857 Grant. Walk across Africa.I 1839 Greswell. Our South African Empire. 2 v.I 8748 Gros. Captivite de J. Bonnat.C 5195 Haggard. Cetewayo and White Neighbors.I 1879 Hamilton. Southeastern Africa.I 1833 Wanderings in North Africa...I 1746 Harris. Highlands of Ethiopia. 3 V. I 1743 Wild Sports of Southern Africa. *1 1731 Heckford. Lady Trader in the Transvaal.. I 1875 Hellwald. Von Leipzig nach der Sahara* V 981 Henty. March to Coomassie.I 1784 Herbert. In Search of Sunshine.I 1834 Hesse-Wartegg. Tunis.I 1647 Holub. Colonisation Afrikas.D 2984 Seven Years in South Africa. 2v.I 1842 Sieben Jahre in Sud-Afrika. 2 v.D 3779 Hooker and -Ball. Tour in Morocco. ... .1 1679 Hornsby. South African Diamond Fields..I 1801 Hotten. Abyssinia and its People.I 1749 Hozier. British Expedition to Abyssinia... A 945 and Holland. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia, with Maps. 3 V.*P 800 Hutchinson. Niger Exploration.14000,9 Ten Years among the Ethiopians.I 1789 Ingersoll. Livingstone’s Exp. in Africa... I 1720 James. Unknown Horn of Africa.I 8821 Wild Tribes of the Soudan.I 8803 Jameson. Discoveries in Africa.I 3662 Johnson. Madeira; its Climate and Scenery I 8653 Johnston. The Kilima-Njaro Expedition..I 8809 The River Congo. I 8764 Johnston. Africa.I 8644 Jones. Africa from Herodotus to Livingstone I 1845 Keltie (Ed.). Emin’s Rescue as told in Stanley’s.Letters.I 8831 Kerr. The Far Interior; Central Africa. 2 v.I 8683 Kingston. Great African Travelers.I 1829 In the Wilds of Africa.H 494 Kleist. Tunis und seine Umgebung.D 5841 Knox. New Playground; Algeria.I 8641 Knox. Boy Travellers in Africa.I 1584,5 Boy Travellers on the Congo.I 8767 Korner. Sud-Afrika.D 324 Kolben. The Cape of Good Hope. 2 v..I 8739 "Krapf. Travels in Eastern Africa.I 1717 Kretzschmar. Siidafrikanische Skizzen..D 322 Laillet. Madagascar.C 5628 Lakeman. What I saw in Kaffir-Land.I 1850 Lambert. A travers l’Algerie.C 5652 Lander. Expedition to the Niger.I 3593 The same.I 3676 Leared. Visit to the Court of Morocco.I 1650 Leclercq. Voyage aux lies Fortunees.C 5701 Le Maire. Voyage to the Canaries, Cape Verd, etc.*P 624,13 Lenz. Skizzen aus Westafrika .D 3810 Lett’s Map of the Soudan. *1 8816 Leyland. Holiday in South Africa.I 8740 Lindley. After Ophir in South Africa.I 1766 Little. South Africa. 2v.I 8746 Little. Madagascar; History and People..I 8808 Livingstone. Adv. in Interior of Africa... .1 1723 Expedition to Zambesi.I 1712 Explorations in Africa.I 1849 Last Journals.I 1719 Travels in Southern Africa.I 1710 Long. Central Africa.I 16S4 Lucas. Camp Life in South Africa.I 1853 Zulus and the British Frontiers.I 8743 Ludlow. Zululand and, Cetewayo.I 1878 McCabe. Our Young Folks in Africa.I 1657 Mackenzie. Austral Africa; Losing or ruling it. 2 v. .I 8752 Day-Dawn in Bechwanaland.I 8747 Ten Years North of Orange River.I 1751 Maltzan. 3 Jahre im Nordwesten Afrikas. 4v. in 2. D 332 Mann. Guide to Natal.K 1515 Markham. Abyssinian Expedition.I 1805 Mason. Life with the Zulus of Natal.14000,9 Matthews. Incwadi Yami ; 20 Years in South Africa.I 8754 Mayo. Sport in Abyssinia. I 1685 Melliss. St. Helena. *1 2441 Merriam. Home Life in Africa.I 1762 Mitchinson. Senegambia.I 1659 Mohr. Victoria Falls of the Zambesi.I 1655 Moister. Africa, past and present.I 1S3S Africa and the West Indies.I 2260 Monteiro. Angola and the River Congo. .. I 1823 Morell. Algeria; or, French Africa.I 1706 Mullens. Twelve Months in Madagascar.. .1 1826 Myers. Life with the Plamran Arabs.I i860 Nachtigal. Sahara und Sudan. 3 v.D 5860 Naphegyi. Ghardaia; 90 Days in the Desert I 1820 Neves. Hunting Expedition to Transvaal. . .1 1851 New. Life in Eastern Africa.I 1824 Noble. Handbook to Cape of Good Hope. .1 8751 AFRICA. 199 Norbury. Naval Brigade in South Africa, 1877-9.1 1858 Oates. Matabele Land and Victoria Falls. .1 1664 Oberl^ender. Deutsch-Africa.D 3847 Ogier. The Fortunate Isles. 2 v.I 1866 Oliver. French Dispute in Madagascar... .1 8810 Madagascar and the Malagasy.I 8801 Orange Free State, Sketch of.I 1827 Owen. Voyages in Africa, Arabia, etc. 2 v. .1 2172 Park, Mungo. Travels in the Interior of Africa.I 1760 Travels in Africa. 2v.I 1714 Parkyns. Life in Abyssinia. 2v.I 1807 Patteson. Chips from Tunis.I 8650 Paulitschke. Harar; Somal-u. Galla-LanderD 5873 Payton. Diamond Diggings of South Africa. I 8745 Moorish Wanderings. .1 1846 Peel. A Ride through the Nubian Desert. .1 1802 Perrier. Winter in Morocco. ,.>...1 1813 Petherick. Travels in Central Africa. 2 v. I 1774 Pfeiffer. Reis naar Madagaskar.D 9640 Pigafetta. The Kingdom of Congo.I 8768 Pike. Sub-Tropical Rambles.I 1702 Pinto. How I crossed Africa. 2 v.I 1660 Pitman. Missionary Enterprise in Central Africa.I 1877 Playfair. Bibliography of Algeria. *0 290 Plowdon. Travels in Abyssinia.I 1806 Pogge. Im Reiche des Muata Jam wo.D 3727 Prichard. Friendsand Foes in the Transkei.I 8741 Pringle. Towards the Mountains of the Moon.I 8805 Prokesch-Osten. Nilfahrt.D 3866 ‘Prus. Residence in Algeria.I 8645 Pulszky. Tricolor on the Atlas; Algeria. . .1 1643 Rae. Country of the Moors.I 1844 Ramseyer and Kuhne. Four Years in Ash- antee.I 8773 RASSAM. British Mission to Abyssinia. 2 v. I 1804 Reade. African Sketch-Book. 2 v.I 1773 Tour in Savage Africa.I 1735 The same.I 1736 Reid. Land of the Bey.I 1876 Richardson. Great Desert of Sahara. 2 v.I 1768 Mission to Central Africa. 2v.I 1739 Robbins. Journal in Africa. I 1713 Rodenburgh. Schetfsen uit den Altas....D 9706 Rohlfs. Adventures in Morocco.I 1814 Beitrage zur Entdeckung Afrikas.D 3879 Englische Expedition in Abessinien.D 3872 Erster Aufenthalt in Marokko.D 3871 In der Libyschen Wuste.D 3877 Land und Volk in Afrika.D 3876 Mission nach Abessinien.D 3848 Rohlfs. Physische Geographic der Libyschen Wuste.*V 1026 Quer durch Afrika.D 3878 Reise durch Marokko.D 3873 Reise von Tripolis nach Kufra.D 3882 Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien.D 3874 Roth. Marokkanische Bikler.D 3881 Rowley. Africa unveiled.I 1651 Rueckert. Nach Nord-Afrika.D 3850 Russell. Voyage to the Cape.I 8750 St. Pierre. Voyage a ITle-de-France.. .. C 6642,2 Sala. Trip to Barbary.I 1642 Sandeman. Reminiscences of Boer Life... .1 1837 Sartorius. Three Months in the Soudan.. .1 8817 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld. Afrika; derdunk- le Erdtheil.D 3927 Schweinfurth. In the Heart of Africa. 2v.I 1812 Im Herzen von Afrika. 2v.D 3900 S6GUIN. Walks in Algiers.I 1861 Selous. A Hunter’s Wanderings in Africa.I 1864 Shaw. Madagascar and France.I S807 Shaw. Travels in Barbary and the Levant. *V 535 Sheldon. Yankee Girls in Zulu Land.I 8737 Sibree. Madagascar and its People.I 1825 Solymos. Desert Life in Soudan.I 1661 South Africa, Photographic Scenery of.... *R 4253 Southworth. 4000 Miles of African Travel I 1733 Speedy. My Wanderings in the Soudan... .1 8804 Stanley. The Congo. 2v.I 8763 Coomassie and Magdala.I 1777 How I found Livingstone. ,....I 1715 Through the dark Continent. 2v.I 1822 Wie ich Livingstone fand.D 326 Statham. Blacks, Boers and British.I 1872 Sterchly. Dahomey as it is.I 1778 Stern. Captive Missionary in Abyssinia. .. .1 8630 Stone. Teneriffe and its Six Satellites. 2 v.I 6976 Streatfeild. Kafirland ; Ten Months’ Campaign.I 8742 STUTFIELD. 1200 Miles’ Ride through Morocco I 8648 Sulivan. Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters.I 1658 Taylor. Journey to Central Africa.I 1740 Lake Regions of Africa.I 1741 Travels in South Africa.I 1742 Thomas. Eleven Years in Africa.I 1772 Thompson. Palm Land; or, West Africa. . .1 1753 Thomson. Through Masai Land.I 8802 To the Central African Lakes. 2 v... .1 1843 Tristram. The Great Sahara.I 1859 Trolle och Hagg. Gefles Expedition.C 8062 Trollope. South Africa. : .G 1091 Trotter. Mission to Morocco in 1880. 1 1645 Tuli.y. Letters from Tripoli, 1819. 2v...I 1644 TURTON. To the Desert and back. I 6960 :oo AFRICA—EGYPT AND THE NILE. Valdez Six Years in Western Africa. 2 v.I 8762 ViJN Cetshwayo’s Dutchman in Zululand.. .1 1863 Vo 1 sins. Regence de Tunis.C13357 Vyse. Winte r in Tangier.. .1 8646 Walmsley. Ruined Cities of Zululand. 2 v.I 1759 Sketches of Algeria.I 1787 Wild Sports in Zululand.1 1828 Ward. Five, Years in Kaffirland. 2v.I 8738 Watson. Visit to Wazan, Morocco .I 1841 Weber. Au Pays des Boers, 1871-5.C13370 Werne. African Wanderings.I 4000,10 Wickerode. Reisen in Afrika. . .D 350 Wilde. Voyage to Madeira. 2v.I 6936 Williams. Life in the Soudan.I 8609 Wilson. History and Condition of W. Africa. I 1752 Wingfield. In Algeria and Tunis. 2 v... .1 1816 Winstanley. Visit to Abyssinia. 2v.I 1646 Wissmann. Im Innern Afrikas.D 5907 Quer durch Afrika.D 5906 With tht Cape Mounted Rifles.I 1868 Wylde. My Chief and I in Natal.I 1862 Young. Nyassa and Central Africa.I 8681 EGYPT AND THE NILE. About. Le. Fellah; Souvenirsd’Egypte... .C 4004 Adams. Naturalist in Nile Valley and Malta I 1680 Ampere En Egypte et en Nubie.C 4069 Appleton. Nile Journal.I 1681 Arnold. Palms and Temples; up the Nile. .1 1666 Audouard. Mysteres de l'Egypte devoiles. C11996 Baker. Albert N’Yanza; Great Basin of the Nile.I 1800 The same (in German).D 308,3 Nik Tributaries of Abyssinia.I 1797 Bartlett. Nile Boat; Glimpses of Egypt..I 1792 Forty Days in the Desert.I 1818 Bartlett. From Egypt to Palestine.I 1676 Beaufort. See Strangford. Bell. From Phaiaoh to Fellah.I 8622 Belzoni. Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 2 v.I 1737 Boyel. Egypt, Palestine and Phoenicia.... I 1871 Brackenbury. The River Column; Nile Expedition.I 8613 Bruce. Travels to the Source of the Nile. 7 v. I 1725 Maps to the same.*V 26 Butler. Court Life in Egypt.I 8618 Carey. Winter’s Cruise on the Nile.I 1790 Castro y Serrano. La.Novela delEgipto.C 9642 Champollion Lettes ecrites d’Egypte-C12131 Charmes. Five Months at Cairo.I 8604 CHONSFM. CroquiS egyptiens.CT2204 Churi. Sea Nile, the Desert and Nigritia... I 8620 Cummin*. Via Cornwall to Egypt.I 8612 Curtis. NileNotes of a Howadii.I 1795 DeCosson. Cradle of the Blue Nile. 2 v...I 1672 Sendee at Suakin.I 8819 De Leon. The Khedive’s Egypt.I 1698 Den Tex. Egypte en het Suez-kanaal.... D 9235 Ebeling. Bilder aus Kairo. 2v.D 3734 Ebers. Cicerone durch Aegypten.D 3744 Egypt. 2 v.*P 547 Eckley. The Oldest of the Old World ... .1 8619 Eden. The Nile without a Dragoman.I 1729 Edwardes. Eau-de-Nil; a Chronicle.I 8601 Edwards. Holiday Letters.I 2213 Edwards. Thousand Miles up the Nile.... G 739 Thv. same. *1 1836 Egypt Exploration Fund Publications: Naville. The Store-City of Pithom... .*V 1802 Petrie and others. Tanis. 2 v.*V 1803 Nebesheh and Defenneh.*V 1803 Naukratis. .*V 1804 .Naville. Saft el Henneh, and Land of Goshen.*V 1805 Fairholt. Up the Nile and Home again. . .1 1728 Field. From Egypt to Japan.12241,2 Fitzgerald. The Great Canal ac Suez. 2v.I 1687 Girard. L’Egypte en 1882.C 5108,1 Gordon. Journals at Kartoum.C 2692 Gorringe. Egyptian Obelisks.*R 4284 Grey. Visit to Egypt.I 1707 Hale. Family Flight over Egypt and Syria I 1668 Hamley. Egypt in 1869. 1 1696 Harman. Egypt and the Holy Land.I 1776 Heuglin. Reise zum Weissen Nil.D 320 Hopi.ey. Under Egyptian Palms.I 1832 Hoskins. Winter in Egypt.I 1779 Terrold. Egypt under Ismail Pacha.I 1665 Jolowicz. Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca. *0 608 Klunzinger. Oberagypten, die Wiiste, etc.D 3804 Upper Egypt.I 1678 Knorring. Tva Manader i Egypten .C 7860 Knox. Boy Travellers in Egypt and tfm Holy Land.I 1584,4 Kremer. Aegypten; Forschungen iiber Land und Volk. 2 v.D 323 Lane. Manners and Customs of Modem Egyptians. 2v.I 3556 The same; ed. by Poole. 2v.I 1809 Laporte. Sailing on the Nile .... .I I 79 I Legh. Journey in Egypt.*V 732 Lejean. Voyage aux deux Nils.*V 399 Atlas to same ..*R 4830 Leland. Egyptian Sketch-book.I 177° Lenoir. The Fayoum; or, Artists in Egypt. .1 1695 Lepsius. Letters from Egypt and Ethiopia. .1 3356 Lesseps. Isthmus of Suez Question.I 1782 EGYPT AND THE NILE—OCEANICA. 201 Lesseps. The Suez Canal.. . .*.I 8605 Lindsay. Egypt and the Holy Land.I 3123 Loftie. Ride in Egypt.I 1673 I.ORING. Confederate Soldier in Egypt.I 8607 Lott. Harem Life in Egypt. 2 v.I 1808 McCoan. Egypt as it is.I 1683 Manning. Land of the Pharaohs.*V 533 Mariette-Bey. Monuments of Upper EgyptI 1670 Marno. Reise in egyptische Aequatorial Provinz.D 3826 Norden. Travels in Egypt and Nubia. 2 v.*R 4884 Olin. Travels in Egypt. 2 v.I 1708 Oliphant. Land of Khemi; up the Nile..I 1654 Oppel. Egypten; Pyramidernas Land.C 7961 Pasig. Am Nil; Bilder und Skizzen.I) 5871 Poole. Cities of Egypt.I 1667 Poole. Egypt.I 1669 Poole. Englishwoman in Egypt.I 1744 Power. Letters from Khartoum.I 8820 Prime. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia.I 1775 Prokesch-Osten. Nilfahrt bis zu den zweiten Katarakten.D 3866 Pueckler-Muskau. Aus Mehemed Ali’s Reich. 3 v.D 3867 Egypt under Mehemed Ali. 2 v.I 1734 Die Riickkehr. 3 V. in 2.340 Rhind. Thebes; its Tombs and their Tenants I 8621 Roberts. Egypt and Nubia. 2 v.*P 1042 Romer. Pilgrimage to Egypt. 2 v.I 1747 Russell. Diary in the East; Egypt.I 1796 St.John. Egypt and Nubia.I 1704 Isis; an Egyptian Pilgrimage.I 8603 St. John. Village Life in Egypt. 2 y. ...... I 1780 Smith. The Nile and its Banks. 2 v.I 1793 Sonnini. Travels in Egypt. 3 V.I 1718 Speke. Discovery of the Source cf the Nile. I 1785 Stilling. Reise i Aegypten.C 7559 Strangford. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. 2v.I 1697 Stuart. Egypt after the War. *1 8610 Nile Gleanings. *1 8616 Suakin, 1885; by an Officer who was there.. .1 8615 Taylor. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. 1 2209 Three Months in Egypt. H 716 Uhlemann. Three Days in Memphis.I 1675 Volney. Through Syria and Egypt. 2 v.. I 8602 Voyage en Egypt et en Syrie. 2 v. . C 6946,2-3 Vyse. Egypt.I 8617 Wachenhusen. Fellah-Leben.D 3945 Wallace. Egypt and Egyptian Question. . . I 8606 Wallace. Repose in Egypt; a Medley.I 8623 Warburton. Egypt and the Ildy Land.. .1 1709 Warner. In the Levant Winter on th*. Nile .. Warren. Life on the Nile in a Dahabeeh.I 1653 Watt. Fra Aegypternes Land.C 7664 Werne. Sources of the White Nile.I 1769 Whately. Among the Huts of Egypt. I 1758 Wilkinson. General View of Egypt..I 1799 Wilson. From Korti to Khartum.I 8614 Wilson and Felkin. Uganda and Egyptian Soudan. 2 v.I 1656 Zincke. Egypt of the Pharaohs.I 1738 the pyramid^. Ballard. Solution of the Pyramid Problem K 3593 Bonwick. Pyramid Facts and Fancies ... .K 368 Gabb. Finis Pyramidis; Antiquity of the Great Pyramid.K 3592 Perring. Pyramids of Gizeh from actual Survey.*p 966 Petrie. Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh.Iv 3652 Proctor. The Great Pyramid; Observatory, Tomb, and Temple.K 3649 Seiss. Great Pyramid; a Miracle in Stone. 2 v.K 369 Smyth. Life and Work at the Great Pyramid. 3 V.K 376 Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. .K 374 Taylor. The Great Pyramid.K 367 Van Gelder. Pyramids of Egypt; Storehouses of the King.K 3648 Vyse. Operations at Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837. 2 v.*V 362 OCEANICA. Angas. Polynesia; a popular Description. ... I 1906 Aylmer. Cruise in the Pacific.I 1924 Ballou. Under the Southern Cross. I 2013 Barrow. Mutiny of the “Bounty”.I 3591 Pitcairn’s Island: Mutiny of the “Bounty. ”1 3776 Belcher. Mutineers of the “Bounty”.I 1904 Brassey. The Last Voyage.I 2026 Tahiti; with Photographs .I 2025 Brf.nchley. Cruise of the Curacoa in South Sea Islands.*V 275 Brodie. Pitcairn Island in 1850.I 1934 Burney. Discoveries in the South Sea. 5 v.*V 190 Campbell. Year in the New Hebrides.I 1961 Chef.ver. Island World of the Pacific.I 1925 Christmann u. Oberi./Ender. Ozeaniem.D 3747 Churchward. My Consulate in Samoa... .1 2014 Cooper. Coral Lands. 2v.I 1938 Cumming. At Home in Fiji. I 1946 I 1977 1970 1 93 5 1278 1279 Ellis Polynesian Researches. 2 v Erskine. Cruise in the Western Pacific .. . .1 Farmer. Tonga and the Friendly Islands.. f I 1 203 • OCEANICA— Frezier. Voyage de la Merdu Sud, i7i2-i4.*C 4992 Froude. Oceana; or, England and her Colonies . I 2001 Gill. Myths and Songs of South Pacific. . .1 1941 Grey. Polynesian Mythology.I 1972 Guppy. The Soloman Islands and their Na- tives .. I 2018 Hartwpg. Inseln des Grossen Oceans . D 3769 Herbert and Kingsley. South Sea Bub¬ bles . I 1968 The same . G 1042 Holden. Shipwreck on Pelew Islands . I 1937 Hood. H. M. S. “Fawn” in the Western Pacific . I 2017 Hope. In Quest of Coolies. I 1979 Horne. A Year in Fiji . I 1953 Hutton. Missionary Life in Southern Seas. .1 2003 Jevvitt. Adventures and Sufferings. I 1940 Keate. Account of the Pelew Islands .... *V 636 Lamont. Life among the Pacific Islanders. . I 1951 Mariner. Tonga Island. 2v.I 3509 Markham. Cruise of the “Rosario”. I 1962 Marshall. Afloat on the Pacific . I 1971 Melville. Adventures in the South Seas. .1 1909 Typee; a Peep at Polynesian Life . I 2011 Murray. Mission Work in Polynesia. I 1967 Murray. Pitcairn Island . I 1905 MUSGRAVE. Cast away on Auckland Isles.. I 198^ Palmer. Kidnapping in the South Seas... I 1976 Penny. Ten Years in Melanesia . I 2019 Perkins. Reef-Rovings in the South Seas.. I 1926 Powell. Wanderings in New Britain . I 1992 Pritchard. Polynesian Reminiscences .... I 1974 Riviere. Souvenirs de la Nouvelle Caledonie.C 64S8 Roberts. Two Years at Sea.I 1993 St. Johnston. Camping among Cannibals.I 1958 Seeman. Visit to the Fiji Islands . I 1907 !; Senior. Travel and Trout in Antipodes... .1 1991 Shillibeer. Voyage to Pitcairn’s Island ... I 1998 Smythe. Ten Months in the Fiji Islands. . . .1 1954 j. Steel. New Hebrides and Missions . I 1969 ! Stewart. Visit to the South Seas. 2 v. .. .1 1950 i Stoddard. Cruising in the South Seas.I 1994 South Sea Idyls . I 1945 | Stone. Few Months in New Guinea.I 1949 Thomas. Cannibals and Convicts ; Pacific I Islands . I 2007 Trapaud. Prince of Wales Island. *1 1554 Turner. Nineteen Years in Polynesia. I 1936 Samoa a Hundred Years ago.... I 1987 Tyler. Island World of the Pacific Ocean. .1 1964 Vtncent. Through the Tropics. I 1986 W aterhouse King and People of Fiji. . . .1 i960 West. South Central Polynesia.I 1975 AUSTRALIA. Whetham. Pearls of the Pacific.I 1939 Williams and Calvert. Fiji and the Fijians. 2 v . :'••••! x 955 The same.I 1065 Wilmot. Journal in the Pacific.I 1982 AUSTRALIA. Allen. Visit to Queensland.I 1902 Anrep-Ei.mpt. Reise durch Australien. 3 v. in 2.D 5801 Australia; a Popular Account.I 1900 Year Book of, for 1889.*R 1789 Australian Handbook and Almanac, 1878.... I 1893 Baird. Guide to Australasia. ..K 1267 Guide to Tasmania and New Zealand.. .K 1268 Barker. Letters to Guy.G 1064 The same.I 1995 Basch and Co. (Pub.). Map of New South Wales.*R 4952 Bon wick. Last of the Tasmanians.I 1908 Old Colonial Days.I 1903 Booth. Another England; Life in Victoria..I 1898 Australia illustrated.*V 881 Chequered Career; 15 Years in Australia.I 1895 Clarke. The “NewChum” in Australia... .1 2015 Cook. Jenolan Caves; Australia.I 9245 Denison. Varieties of Vice-Regal Life. 2v.I 1980 Eden. The Fifth Continent; Australia.I 1966 My Wife and I in Queensland.I 1978 Forrest. Explorations of Australia.I 1885 Geroldt. Nine Colonies.I 1963 Gill. Bibliography of South Australia... .*0 286 Glimpses of Life in Victoria.I 1984 Harcus. South Australia.I 1887 Hatton. Advance Australia.I 2005 Henderson. Excursions in New South Wales. 2 v.I 1914 Hill. What we saw in Australia.I 1888 Howitt. History of Discovery in Australia. 2 v...: . .1 1882 Land, Labor and Gold. 2 v.I 1901 Hughes. Australian Colonies.I 4000,13 Inglis. Our Australian Cousins.I 1884 Jacolliot. Voyage dans le Buisson australien C 5311 Voyage au Pays des Kangourous.C 5308 Jones. Long Years in Australia.I 1891 Journet. L’Australie.C 5347 Knox. Boy Travellers in Australasia.I 2022 Landor. Bushman; Life in Australia.I 1912 Lee. Australian Wanderers.I 1910 Lumholtz. Among Cannibals in Australia. .1 9249 Melville. Australasia and Prison Discipline. I 2023 Meredith. Over the Straits to Victoria. .. .1 1890 — AUSTRALIA—NEW ZEALAND—SANDWICH ISLANDS. 203 Michie. Readings in Melbourne.I 1999 Millet. An Australian Parsonage. I 1952 Mossman.. Our Australian Colonies.I 1915 Mundy. Our Antipodes.I 1913 Nicols. Adventure in the Australian Bush. 2v.I 2030 Powell. New Homes for the Old Country I 1896 Praed. Australian Life.I 1899 Pridden. Australia; its History and Condi¬ tion .I 9250 Ranken. Dominion of Australia.I 1981 Read. What I saw at Australian Gold Fields I 2010 Reid. Essay on New South Wales.I 1892 Sherer (Ed.). Gold-Finder of Australia. . .1 2024 Smyth. Gold Fields of Victoria.*V 805 Stirling. Never Never Land; Queensland. .1 2000 Stuart. Explorations in Australia. I 1894 Trollope. Australasia and New Zealand. 3 v. in 2.G 599 Twopeny. Town Life in Australia.I 1997 Wallace. Australasia.I 1886 Warburton. Journey across Australia.I 1889 Wilkins. Australasia.I 9241 Wills. Exploration through Australia.I 1897 NEW ZEALAND. Alexander. Bush Fighting in New Zealand . I 1922 Baird. Guide to New Zealand and Tasma¬ nia.K 1268 Barker. Station Life in New Zealand. I 1920 The same.G 851 Station Amusements in New Zealand.. . G 850 Bathgate. Experiences in New Zealand.. .1 1916 Baxter. Talofa; Letters from Foreign Parts I 9654 Buller. Forty Years in New Zealand.I 1927 Crawford. New Zealand and Australia. . .1 1883 Cruise. Journey in New Zealand.I 1990 Green. High Alps of New Zealand.I 1959 Hay. Brighter Britain; New Zealand. 2 v.. .1 1985 IIowitt. Discovery in New Zealand. 2 v.I 1882 Hursthouse. New Zealand.I 1918 Kennedy. New Zealand.I 1921 Meade. Ride through New Zealand.I 1919 Monrad. Gamle Ny-Zeeland.C 7393 New Zealanders, The.I 3561 Nicholls. King Country; New Zealand .. .1 2002 Powell. New Zealand and Australia.I 1896 Senior. Travel and Trout in the Antipodes.I 1991 Swainson. New Zealand and its Colonization I 1917 Taylor. Past and Present of New Zealand.I 1923 Thomson. Story of New Zealand. .. 2 v. .1 1989 Wakefield. New Zealand after Fifty Years. I 2020 SANDWICH ISLANDS. Anrep-Elmpt. Die Sandwich-Inseln.D 5802 Bingham. 21 Years in Sandwich Islands. . .1 1932 Bird. Six Months in Sandwich Islands. I 1929 Bliss. Travels in the Sandwich Islands.I 1930 Chaney. Aloha; a Hawaiian Salutation. .. .1 1933 Coan. Life in Hawaii.I 1956 Cumming. Fire Fountains; Hawaii. 2V...I 1988 Hill. Six Months in Honolulu. *1 236,4 Hill. Sandwich and Society Islands.I 1911 Honolulu Almanac and Directory for 1886.. .1 1611 Hopkins. Hawaii; Past, Present and Future I 2009 Judd. Honolulu; Life in the Hawaiian Isles I 1931 Nicholson. From Sword to Share; Hawaii I 1957 Stoddard. Trip to Hawaii. *1 236,5 Whetham . Pearls of the Pacific.I 1939 i FINDING LIST OF THE Y Pi T y J. A J C LIBRARY. SEVENTH EDITION. Poetry and Drama. Essays and Miscellanies. Collected Works. CHICAGO : LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL, December, 1890. LISTS FINDING Chicago Public Library. POETRY. COLLECTIONS. Adams, E. D. Sea Song and River Rhyme. E 6805 Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of Poetical Quota¬ tions. *R 133° Adams, W. D. Comic Poets of the 19th Century.E 6769 Aikin. British Poets from Jonson to Scott. 3 v.E 77 .Vocal Poetry; Essay on Song-Writing. .E 6775 Alexander. Sunday Book of Poetry . ... E 482 Alger. Poetry of the Orient.E 3 Allen. Gold Nails to hang Memories on.-.E 6823 Allibone. Poetical Quotations.*R 1273 Ai.lingham. Ballad Book.E 32 Anderson. Works of the British Poets. 13V. E 6809 Andrews. Modern Yorkshire Poets.C 3068 Ashton. A Century of Ballads.E 6791 Modern Street Ballads.E 6792 Austin. Poetry of the Period.J 1537 Aytoun. Ballads of Scotland. 2v.E 12 Baptist Haqv, Collection of Hymns.E 6896 Barnum. Vocabulary of English Rhymes.*R 2392 Barry. Songs of Ireland.E 39 Bartlett. Familiar Quotations.*R 1397 Baskerville. Poetry of Germany.E. 43 Baynes. Lyra Anglicana.G 52 Beeton and Rossetti. Encyclopaedia of Poetry. 2 v.*E 44 Bell, J. Fugitive Poetry. 18 v.E 6982 Bell, R. Early Ballads and Songs.I 2973 Bei.lew. Poets’ Corner.E 6884 Bertram. Diet, of Poetical Illustrations.*R 1323 Besant. Studies in early French Poetry. .E 49 Bethune. British Female Poets.E 50 Blackie. Scottish Song.E 6902 Bohn. Quotations font English Poets.I 3170 The same.*R 1368 Bonar. Poetry of Scotland.E 57 Book of Familiar Quotations.*R 1404 Book of Humorous Poetry.E 6929 Booth. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern. .E 6924 Bowring. Ancient Poetry of Spain.E 62 Poetry of the Magyars.E 61 Servian Popular Poetry.E 6921 Specimens of the Polish Poets.E 6922 Specimens of Russian Poetry. 2 V....E 60 Brackett and Eliot. Silver Treasury. .E 6975 British Poets, Selections from. 2v.I 3729 Brock. The Southern Amaranth.E 6891 Brooke. Theology in the English Poets. .E 78 Brooks. English Poetry and Poets.E 6978 Browne. Bugle-Echoes. E 6952 Golden Poems.E 6932 Brownell. War-Lyrics.E 66 Browning, E. B. Greek Christian Poets. .J 1622 Bruce. Poems of the Sea. E 6931 Bryant. Library of Poetry and Song.. .. E 80 The same.*R 13 00 Selections from American Poets.I 3735 Buchan. Ancient Ballads of Scotland. 2 v.E 31 Buchanan. Scandinavian Ballad Stories.E 87 The same.I 3886 Buck. Baptist Hymn Book.E 6897 Bui.len. Carols and Poems.E 6950 England’s Helicon; Poems.E 6958 Lyrics of Elizabethan Age.E 6949 More Lyrics of the Elizabethan Age... E 6956 BUNNER. Airs from Arcady.E 692S Campbell. Specimens of British Poets.. .E 112 Carhart. Poetry of the Hebrews.J 699 Cary. Early French Poets.E 104 206 POETRY. Centennial Gleanings.E Chamberlain. Japanese Classical Poetry. E Chambers. Popular Rhymes of Scotland . E Scottish Ballads. E Songs of Scotland prior to Burns . E Cheever. Poets of America . E Child. English and Scottish Ballads. 8v.E English and Scottish Popular Ballads. v. 1-6..*P Poems of Religious Sorrow. . E Christmas with the Poets.E Clouston. Arabian Poetry.E Coggeshall. Poets and Poetry of the West.E Collier. Poetical Decameron. 2 v . J Roxburghe Ballads. .. . E Dana. Household Book of Poetry.*R Davis, P. M. Baptist Hymn Book.E Davis, T. National Ballads and Songs__ E De Leon. South Songs . E Devey. Modern English Poets..J Devotional Poetry of the 16th and 17th Cent. E Dobson. Poetical Ingenuities.E Dodd. Epigrammatists.E The same.I Dodsley, R. Collection of Poems. Gv. . .E Doran. Bentley Ballads . E Duffy. Ballad Poetry of Ireland . E Dulcken. Book of German Songs . E Duncathail. Ballads and Songs of Ire¬ land .E D’Urfey. Wit and Mirth ; Songs and Ballads. 6 v.*E Dutt. Sheaf gleaned in French Fields. . .E Edwards. Poetry Book of Elder Poets. . .G Poetry Book of Modern Poets . . .G Eggleston. American War Ballads and Lyrics. 2v.E Eliot. Poetry for Children.. ..E Elliott. Witty and Humorous Side of Eng¬ lish Poets . • * .E Ellis. Specimens of Early English Poets. 3 v . E Specimens of early Metrical Romances. 3 v . E The same. I Emerson. Parnassus. E English. Boy’s Book of Battle-Lyrics... . E Evans. Old Ballads. 4V. E Everest. Poets of Connecticut. E Fields and Whipple. Library of British Poetry.*R Foxcroft. Our Glorified; Poems of Conso¬ lation . E 7005 7013 475 56 472 7057 698 628 7031 7012 7007 124 1542 7060 1306 7140 7081 7086 1528 H5 7105 146 2979 7142 148 128 7155 7152 7154 7153. 73 1 732 7162 7168 2618 7170 7171 3348 158 7167 7180 7166 1302 7283 Fuller and Jeter. The Psalmist, with Supplement. 2v.E 7300 Gaelic Songs; Am Filidh Gaidhealach.E 7925 Gammer Gurton’s Garland.E 7309 Garnett. Idylls and Epigrams.E 172 Gilchrist. Collection of Scottish Ballads. 2v. E 7333 Glasgow Ballad Club; Ballads and Poems. .E 7340 Goldsmid. Gleanings from Ancient Poetry.*P 623,1 Graves. Songs of Irish Wit.E 7336 Green Mountain Poets.. .. E 7389 Griswold. Female Poets of America.E 174 Poets and Poetry of America.E 175 Poets and Poetry of England.E 7390 Readings in American Poetry.E 7394 Hale. Poetical Quotations.E 378 The same.*R 1329 Hall. Book of British Ballads.E 182 Hamilton. Collection of Parodies. 6 v.E 7410 Hardiman. Irish Minstrelsy. 2v.E 214 Harland and Wilkinson. Ballads of Lancashire.E 7406 Harper’s Cyclopaedia of Poetry; ed. by Sar¬ gent.*R 1304 Harris. Catalogue of American Poetry .*0 613 Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book.*E 7430 Hastings. Mother’s Plymn Book.E 7420 Haweis. Poets of the Pulpit.E 3333 Hayes. Ballads of Ireland. 2v.E 179 Hayward. Poetical Pen-Pictures of the War.E 7408 IIazlitt. Early Poetry of England. 4 v.E 177 Hedge and Wister. Metrical Translations and Poems.E 7417 Hemenway. Poets of Vermont.E 183 Herd. Scottish Songs. 2v.E 212 IIoitt. Quotations for Home and School.. E 7455 Hopkins. Waifs and their Authors.E 208 Houston and Bellamy. Manual of Hymns. E 7421 Hoyt and Ward. Cyclopaedia of Practical Quotations.*R 1293 IIullah. Song Book.E 209 Hunt, L. Imagination and Fancy.E 337 ° Stories from Italian Poets.E 1255 Wit and Humor from English Poets.. .E 3371 and Lee. Book of the Sonnet. 2 v.. E 220 Hunt, N. C. Poetry of other Lands.E 7461 Hutchinson-Family Songs.*L 4850,4 Jenks. Rural Poetry.E 7561 Johnson, H. K. Tears for the little ones.E 221 Johnson, R. Famous Po ns..:....' .E 7569 Lyrical Poems. I 3873,14 Minor Poems.I 3873 , 1 5 Narrative Poems.I 3873> r 3 Play-Day Poems. .E 7571 POETRY. 207 Johnson, S. The English Poets. 21 v..*E 165 Jolowicz. British Diamonds.E 682 Jones. Vers de Societe.E 234 Keese. Poets of America. 2 v.E 7645 Kendrick. Our Poetical Favorites.F. 246 The same; new edition. 3V.E 765 2 Kennedy, B. H. Hymnologia Christiana.E 7660 Kennedy, J. Modern Poets of Spain.E 241 Kettell, J. Specimens of American Poetry. 2 v.E 240 | King. Classical and Foreign Quotations. .*R 1333 KlNLOCH. Ballatl Book.*P 624,15 Knortz. German Poems.E 7653 Kroeger. Minnesingers of Germany.J 2278 Eaing. Ancient Poetry of Scotland.E 7787 Lamb. Poetry for Children.E 7765 Language of Flowers, poetically expressed.E 261 Lanier. The Boy’s Percy.E 7767 Larcom. Hillside and Seaside.E 7804 Roadside Poems.E 271 Lays of the Holy Land.E 7769 Lincoln, A., Poetical Tributes to.E 7778 Linton. Poetry of America.I 2989 Rare Poemsof i6thand 17thCenturies.E 7776 and Stoddard. English Verse. 4 v.E 7822 Living English Poets, 1882.E 7801 Locker. Lyra Elegantiarum.E 7823 Lockhart. Ancient Spanish Ballads.E 255 Lodge. Ballads and Lyrics.E 7826 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places... E 358 v. 1-4. England and Wales. 5. Ireland. 6-7. Scotland. 8. Scotland, Scandinavia, Iceland. 9-10. France and Savoy. n-13. Italy. 14-15. Spain, Portugal, Netherlands. 16. Switzerland and Austria. 17-18. Germany. 19. Greece and Turkey. 20. Russia. 21-23. Asia. 24. Africa. 25-26. New England. 27. Middle States. 28. Southern States. 9 29. Western States. 30. British America, Mexico, S. America. 31. Oceanica. Poets and Poetry of Europe.E 257 Longfellow, S. and Johnson. Book of Hymns.E 7802 Lover. Lyrics of Ireland.E 7837 Ludlow. Epics of the Middle Ages. 2 v.E 254 Ludecking. Flowers of Poetry....... E 311 Lyra Americana.E 286 Macaronic Poetry, Specimens of.E 294 McCarthy, D. F. Book of Irish Ballads.E 280 McClellan, G. B., Campaign Songs of. ,*B 511 M’Gregor. Dean of Linmore’s Book of Ancient Gaelic Poetry. ..E 7923 Mackay, C. Ballads of Scotland.E 281 Home Affections.E 7890 1001 Gems of English Poetry.E 279 MAidment. New Book of Old Ballads.. .*P 624,2 North Countrie Garland.*P 624,3 Main. Treasury of English Sonnets.E 7886 Malone. Catalogue of Early English Po¬ etry.*P 541 Mangan. Poets of Munster.E 7895 Marchant. In Praise of Ale; Songs, Anec¬ dotes, etc.E 7929 Martinengo-Cesareseo. Essays on Folk Songs.E 7926 Mason. Southern Poems of the War.E 4531 Masque of Poets.E 7939 Masson. Three Centuries of English Po¬ etry .E 7889 Matthews. Ballads of Books.E 7930 Poems of American Patriotism. .E 7891 Menzies. Gaelic Songs and Poems.E 7924 Minto. Characteristics of English Poets. .E 7953 Moore. Lyrics of Loyalty.E 7900 Personal and Political Ballads.E 7901 Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies . E 7903 Songs and Ballads of the Revolution.. .E 316 Songs and Ballads of the Southern People.E 7915 Songs of the Soldiers.E 7902 Morgan. Macaronic Poetry . E 323 Morley. The King and the Commons. .. E 324 The same .I 3894 Shorter English Poems . *R 1280 Mother Goose set to Music . Iv 3828 Munsei.l. Songs of the American Press.. E 7960 Murray. Ballads and Songs of Scotland . E 321 Musical Moments ; Selections fcr Music- Lovers. E 7937 Nash. Taliesin; or, Welsh Bards . J 1371 Nichols. Select Collections of Poems. 8v.E 335 Noel. Essays on Poetry and Poets. E 4700 Oxford Latin Prize Poems; tr. by Torre. . .. E 341 Palgrave. Golden Treasury . E 346 Treasury of Sacred Song. E 8186 Palmer. Book of Praise.E 348 The same.*T 122 Parlor Muse; Vers de Societe.E 8132 Parton. Humorous Poetry . E 351 •2oS POETRY. Patmore. The Children’s Garland.E 355 Payson and Laighton. Poets of Ports¬ mouth .E 8124 Percy. Ballads and Romances. 3 V....E 354 The same. 3 V.1360 The Boy’s Percy; ed. by Lanier.E 7767 Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 2v.I 2995 The same. 3 v. in 2.G 494 Percy Society Publications. 30 v.*J 1147 Phillips. Spanish and German Poems. . .E 384 Volk-Songs.E 8171 Pierson. The Merry Muse; Society Verse. E 8176 Society Verse by American Writers... .E 8175 Pitts. Patois Poems of Channel Islands..E 8139 Poetry for Children.E 8141 Pollard. Odes from Greek Dramatists..E 8161 Preston. Troubadours and Trouveres.... E 391 Prior. Ancient Danish Ballads. 3 V....E 8153 Ralston. Songs of the Russian People.. .. E 397 Ramsay. Evergreen; Scots Poems. 2v.E 8282 Tea-Table Miscellany; .Songs. 2 v...E 401 Randolph. Fifty Years of English Song. 4v.E 8296 RAVERTY. Poetry of the Afghans.E 407 Read. Female Poets of America.E 403 Reed. Lectures from British Poets. 2 v.. E 440 Representative Poems of Living Poets.E 8292 Rhymes of Science.E 8300 Rhymes of Scotland.E 475 Richardson. Songs from old Dramatists.. E * 402 Richings. Voices from the Tombs; Epitaphs. E 404 Rimbault. Songs from Ancient Musick BooksE 8 304 RiTSON. Ancient Popular Poetry.*P 623,5 ' Ancient Songs and Ballads.E 414 Collection of English Songs. 3 V.E 8305 Scottish Songs. 2v.E 413 Scottish Songs and Ballads.E 417 Roadside Songs of Tuscany; ed. by Alexander.E 6802 Robin Hood Poems, Songs and Ballads; ed. by Ritson.E 8289 The same; ed. by Gutch.E 215 Robinson. Persian Poetry.*E 8283 Rodd. Charlemagne and Spanish Ballads. 2 v. E 422 Rogers. Modern Scottish Minstrel. 6v. in 3. .E 8286 Royse. Some Ancient Melodies.E 5495 Rump; Poems and Songs, 1639-1661. 2v.E 8281 Runic Poetry, Five Pieces of.E 438 Sargent. Harper’s Cyclopaedia of Poetry. *R 1304 Saunders. Evenings with the Sacred Poets. E 8482 Schaff and Gilman. Library of Religious Poetry.*R 1287 Sea and Shore Poems.E 473 Sharp. Songs and Poems of the Sea.E 8443 Women’s Voices.E 8442 Sharpe. Ballad Book.*P 624,27 Shipley. Lyra Eucharistica. E 287 Sibbald. Chronicle of Scottish Poetry. 4V.E 8448 Si.aden. Australian Poets, 1788-1888.... E 8459 Small. English Homilies of 14th Century.E 8493 Smith, G. B. British Ballads, Old and New. 2 v.E Smith, L. A. Through Romany Songland.E Soboleski. Poets and Poetry of Poland. .E Southern Warbler, 1845.'.E Spencer. American Union Hymn-Book.. .E Spirit of the Nation.E Stanley. Rouman Anthology.E Stedman. Poets of America .J Victorian Poets..E Stent. Entombed alive; Chinese Songs.. .E Stevens. American Hymn-Book.E Sylvester. Christmas Carols.E Symonds. Wine, Women and Song; Mediae¬ val Latin Students’ Songs.E Taylor, E., and Austin. Lays of the Min¬ nesingers .E Taylor, T. Ballads and Songs of Brittany.E Taylor, W. Survey of German Poetry. 3v.E Thompson, H. H. S. Songs in the Night- Watches .E Thompson, S. The Humbler Poets.E Thornbury. Historical and Legendary Ballads.E Two Centuries of Song.*R Tileston. Heroic Ballads.E Quiet Hours. 2v.E Sursum Cord a.E Totton. Hymns and Songs for Camp Meet¬ ings .E Trench. Household Book of English Poetry.E Tuckerman. Thoughts on the Poets.E Tyne-Side Songs .E Union Hymns.E Universal Songster. 3V.E Vigfusson and Powell. Old North Poetry. 2 v. E Walker, J. Rhyming Dictionary.*R The same.*R Walker, J. C. Memoirs of Irish Bards. 2v.E Walsh. Irish Popular Songs.E War Lyrics; illustrated by F. O. C. Darley.E Ward, A. L. Quotations from English and American Poets.*R Ward, T. H. English Poets; Selections. 4V.E Warton. History of English Poetry.E The same; with Notes by Hazlitt. 4V.J 8450 8445 503 483 457 481 8506 1600 5 ii 8507 5 i 3 8513 8470 260 8605 528 8624 8628 8635 1340 7411 395 521 8681 546 8692 552 8765 8761 8841 2369 2388 560 8932 595 1399 593 561 1522 POETRY. 209 Watson. Diet, of Poetical Quotations... .E 555 Weber. Metrical Romances of the 13th-!5th Centuries. 3 V.E 8921 White, G. Ballades and Rondeaus.E 8980 White, R. G. National Hymns.E 598 Whittier. Child Life.E 575 Songs of three Centuries.E 577 Wilkins. Political Ballads. 2v.E 585 Williams. Poetry of Ireland.E 8931 Willmott. English Sacred Poetry.E 8956 Poets of the 19th Century.E 584 The same. E 8929, Wills. Poets’Wit and Humor.E 8946 WlLMOT, J., Earl of Rochester, and others. Political Satires of 17th Century. . .*P 624,42 Wilson. Poetry of Scotland. 2v.E 8945 WlNKWORTH. Lyra Germanica.E 8936 Wright. Political Songs of England... .*P 624,25 Songs of the Fifteenth Century...... .E 8453 INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS. Adams, C. F. Dialect Ballads . E 21 Adamson. Lusitania Illustrata; Sonnets.. .E 6814 Addison, D. C. The Street Singer . E 6773 Addison, J. Poems . *E 165,9 The same . J 8,1 Poetical Works.E 6809,7 Aid£. Songs without Music.E 6774 Aikin. Epistles on Women.*V 315 The same.E 6820 Akenside, M. Poetical Works.E 697 Alcott. New Connecticut.E 6778 Sonnets and Canzonets.E 13 Aldrich. Cloth of Gold.E 2 Flower and Thorn.E 9 Friar Jerome’s Beautiful Book. .*..E 6762 Lyrics and Sonnets.E 19 Mercedes, and later Lyrics.E 6776 Wyndham Towers.E 6803 Aldridge and Curtis. Poems.E 376 Alexander, W., Earl of Stirling. Poetical Works. 3 v. E 6801 Alexander, W. D. S. Hermit of the Pyre¬ nees .*..E 18 Alger. Grand’ther Baldwin’s Thanksgiv¬ ing.E 10 Allingham. Laurence Bloomfield in Ire¬ land .E 17 Songs, Ballads and Stories.E 6808 1 Anderson, E. L. Northern Ballads . E 4 Andr£. The Cow Chace . E 23 Aneurin. Y Gododin; a Poem on the Battle of Cattraeth.E 6810 Ariosto. Orlando Furioso; by Hoole. 2 v.E 379 The same.*E 165,21 The same; tr. by Rose. 2 v.I 3102 Armstrong, E. J. Poems.E 5 Armstrong, G. F. Poems.E 7 Arnold, E. Indian Idylls.E 6766 The Light of A.sia ..E 6763 Lotus and Jewel.E 6777 Pearls of the Faith.E 6765 Poems.E 6764 Poems, National and Non-Oriental. . . .E 6816 Secret of Death, and other Poems.E 6768 The Song Celestial.E 6771 With Sa’di in the Garden.E 6779 Arnold, G. Poems.E 6767 Arnold, M. Poems. 3V.E 6770 New Poems.E 6 Ashby. Choice Poems and Lyrics.E 6790 Austin. Human Tragedy.E 6780 Madonna’s Child.E 6782 Rome or Death.E 6781 Soliloquies in Song.E 24 Tower of Babel.E 6783 Aytoun. Book of Ballads.E 15 The same. E 16 Bothwell.•.E 11 Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers.E 14 Bacon W. T. Poems .E 20 Baddeley. Bedoueen Legends and Poems.E 6887 Bailey. The Age.E 26 Festus.E 25 The Mystic, and other Poems.E 6883 Baker. An old Man’s Prayer.E 30 Ball, T. H. Poems and Hymns.E 6888 Ballantine. One Hundred Songs.E 6882 Ballard, H. C. Poems.E 35 The same; new ed.E 6889 Banim. Celt’s Paradise.E 36 Banks. Ripples and Breakers; Verses.... E 6895 Barham. Ingoldsby Legends.E 810 Barlow, G. An Actor’s Reminiscences. . .E 6926 Barlow, J. TheColumbiad; a Poem... ,*V 1732 Vision of Columbus.E 33 Barn aval. Love Poems.E 6881 Barnes. Poems of rural Life.E 38 Barton. Devotional Verses.E 40 Beattie, J. Poetical Works.E 699 Beers. Odds and Ends; Verses.E 45 Bell. Romances and minor Poems.E 46 Bennett. Songs for Sailors.E 6885 . Songs of a Song Writer.E 6886 Beowulf. Anglo-Saxon Poems; tr. byThorpe.E 8632 B£r anger. Lyrical Poems.E 47 Songs of the Empire.E 27 2 10 POETRY. Bernard of Clugni. Laus Patrise Celestis. E 28 Best. The Fallen Pillar Saint, and other Poems.E 6983 Bickersteth. Yesterday, to-day, forever.E 34 Biddle. American Boyhood ... .E 51 Bigelow. Eolopoesis; American rejected Addresses.E 52 Birckhead. Changing Moods; Verse and Rhyme.E 6899 Bishop. Teuchsa Grondie.E 6890 Blackie. Lays of Ancient Greece.E 6900 Lays of the Highlands .E 6901 Blair. The Grave, and other Poems.E 53 Blake, J. V. Poems.E 6910 Blake, W. Poetical Works; ed. by Rossetti.E 6911 Blanchard, R. Abraham Lincoln.E 29 Blanchard, W. S. Pilgrims.E 55 Blanden. Tancred’s Daughter, and other Poems.E 6906 Bloede (S. Sterne). Beyond the Shadow. E 8502 Giorgio, and other Poems.E 502 Piero da Castiglione.E 6990 Blunt. Love Sonnets of Proteus.E 6915 The Wind and the Whirlwind.E 6951 Boker. Konigsmark.E 58 Plays and Poems. 2 v.E 59 Poems of the War.E 6923 Bolton. From Heart and Nature.E 6920 Bonar. Hymns of Faith and Hope. 3 v.E 63 Song of the new Creation.E 92 Bourne, V. Poetical Works.E 6985 Bouton. Valedictory Poem at Yale College *E 743, 1 Bowles, W. L. Poetical Works. 2 v.... E 48 Bowring. Matins and Vespers.E 64 Boyesen. Idyls of Norway..E 6925 Bradstreet, Anna. Verse and Prose.. .. E 875 Brandt. Ship of Fools; tr. by Barclay. 2 v.*E 6927 Brewer. Madeleine; a Poem.E 6976 Brigham. Baby Verses.E 6954 Brodrick. Songs of the People.E 6977 Brooks, C. T. Poems; with Memoir.E 6892 Brothertox. Sailing of King Olaf, and other Poems.E 6948 Brougham, J. Life, Stories and Poems ..E 6930 Brown. Fo’c’s’le Yarns.E 7269 Browning, E. B. Aurora Leigh.G 64 The same. E 75 Lady Geraldine’s Courtship.I 3922 Poems. 3 v.E 76 Poetical Works. 5 v.*E 6963 Selections from her Poetry..G 65 Browning,R. Agamemnon, La Saisiaz, etc.E 6934 Aristophanes’ Apology.E 6 Browning, R. Asolando; Fancies and Fact. E 6967 Balaustion’s Adventure.E 72 Dramatis Personas.E 71 Ferishtah’s Fancies.E 6938 Fifine at the Fair, and other Poems.... E 70 Inn Album.E 41 Jocoseria.E 6945 La Saisiaz. E 6933 Lyrical and Dramatic Poems.E 6937 Men and Women.E 74 Pacchiarotto, and other Poems.E 42 • Parleyings with Certain People.E 6946 Poems and Dramas. 2 v.E 67 Poetic and Dramatic Works. 6 *v.E 6947 Poetical Works. 16 v.E 6964 Poetical Works. 4 v. in 2.G 66 Principal Shorter Poems.E 6968 Red Cotton Night-Cap Country.E 73 Ring and the Book. 2 v.E 68 Select Poems; ed. by Rolfe and Hersey.E 6965 Selections from; ed. by Bullens.E 6969 Selections from; ed. by White..E 6936 Sordello, Strafford, Christmas Eve, etc.E 69 Two Poets of Croisic.E 6933 Browning’s Women; by Burt.E 2011 Handbook to Works of; by Orr.E 5006 Introduction to Poetry of; by Alexander. E 6966 Introduction to Study of; by Symons.. .E 5811 Study of his Poetry; by Corson.E 2223 Bruce. The Hudson.E 6935 Old Homestead Poems .E 6953 Bryan. The Mountain Muse.*E 79 Bryant, W. C. Poems. 2v.E 81 Poetical Works; ed. by Godwin. 2 v.-E 6941 Thirty Poems.E 82 Studies in Bryant; by Alden.J 1514 Buchanan. Ballads of Life.E 6944 Book of Orm.E 86 The City of Dreams; an Epic Poem. . ,E 6957 The Earthquake.E 6955 Fleshly School of Poetry.J 1621 Poems.E 85 Poetical Works. 2v.E 88 Burger. Leonora; tr. by Cameron.E 6980 Buonarotti, M. A. * See Michael Angelo. Burdick, L. D. Through Field and Wood.E 6979 Burdick, C. R. (Ernest). Who shall wear the Crown? .E 7178 Burns, R. Complete Works.E 89 The same .E 97 Life and Works; ed. by Chambers. 4 V. in 2.E 91 Poems; Facsimile Ed. 1786.*E 6940 Poetical Works. 2 v. E 90 POETRY. 21 I Burns, R. Poetical Works....E 95 The same.E 96 The same. 3 v.E 700 The same.G 63 The same. 3 V.*J 13,1-3 Concordance to Poems of; by Reid. . . *R 1322 Glossary to Poetry of; by Cuthbertson. J 1037 Bury. Sanctuaries of Tuscany.*V 604 Bush. Cogitationes Vespertinse.E 98 Butler, S. Hudibras.I 3105 Poetical Works. 2v.E 701 Posthumous Works.*E 100 Butler, W. A. Poems.*..E 99 Butterworth. Songs of History.E 6898 Byron. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.E 103 Poetical Works.,E 101 The same, iov.E 702 The same. 5 v. in 3.G 70 Poetry; selected by Arnold. . . .E 6943 Works. . . .E 102 Works; with Life, by Moore. 17 v ....E 6959 Callanan, J. J. Poems. ...E 105 Calverly. Fly-Leaves . .. .E l S 6 Cameron. Light, Shade and Toil.. .. . . .E 7034 Camoens. The Lusiad; tr. by Burton. 2v. E 7004 The same; tr. by Mickle. . . . I 2974 The same. . ,*E 165,21 The same; Portuguese and English; 238 703 tr. by Aubertin. 2 v. E 7014 Campanella. Sonnets; tr. bySvmonds..E 6939 Campbell, J. D. S., Marquis of Lome. Guido and Lita.E Campbell, T. Poetical Works.E Carleton, W. City Ballads.E 7021 City Legends.E 7022 Farm Ballads.E 114 Farm Festivals.E 7020 Farm Legends.E 110 Young Folks’ Centennial Rhymes . E 83 Carpenter. Liber Amoris.E 7023 Carr. Story of .Sir Richard Whittington.*R 4272 Carroll, Lewis. See Dodgson. Carter. Home Ballads.E 7024 Cartwright. Missionary Hymns . E 115 Cary, A. A Lover’s Diary .E 120 Ballads, Lyrics and Hymns . E 117 Snow Berries . E 1 16 Cary, P. Poems of Faith, Hope and Love.E 118 Cary, A and P. Early and Late Poem$. .. E 7016 Poetical Works . E 7002 Casey (Leo). Rising of the Moon. E 7001 Chadwick. Book of Poems. E 7056 Chandler. Feuds; a Novel in Verse. . .. E 7049 Chapman, G. Poems.J 39,2 Chatterton, T. Poetical Works. 2 v. ..E 93 The same. 2v.E 704 Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales; ed. by Saunders.E 7018 Minor Poems; ed. by Skeat.E 7017 Poetical Works.E 54 The same; ed. by Bell. 4 v.I 2975 The same; ed. by Gilman. 3 v. .E 7003 Works; with Memoir.*E 165,1 Illustrations of Writings; by Todd.J 1777 Riches of; by Clarke. ...E 7015 Chaucer Society Publications: Canterbury Tales, Six-Text ed.: Ellesmere MS.*J 1160 Hengwrt MS.*J 1161 Cambridge MS.*J 1162 Corpus Christi MS..*J 1163 Petworth MS.*J 1164 Lansdowne MS.*J 1165 Canterbury Tales. Parallel-Text Edition. 3 v.*V 328 Minor Poems. Parallel-Text Edition . *Y 329 The same. Odd Texts. Treatise on the Astrolabe.*J 1166 Trial Forewords to Parallel-Text Ed.. ,*J 1167 Cheney, J. V. Wood Blooms.E 7053 Thistle-Drift.E 7052 Chittenden. The Pleroma.E 7054 Christie. End of Man.E 7032 Churchill, C. Poems; with Life.*£165,14 Poetical Works. 3 v.E 705 Cid, The. Poem of; tr. by Ormsby.E 352 Cid Ballads; tr. by Gibson. 2 v .E 7328 Chronicle of; ed. by Dennis.F 2939 The same; ed. by Markham.H 2812 The same; tr. by Southey...F 6738 The same.*Y 304 | Clarke, M. C. Honey from the Weed... E 7006 Trust and the Remittance.E 123 Ci.arke, T. Battle, and other Poems.. . . E 106 Burning of Chicago.E 107 .Sir Copp.E 108 Two Angels.E 109 Clemmer. Poems of Life and Nature.... E 7008 Clough, A. H. Poems.E 94 Poems and Prose Remains. 2 v.E 113 Coleridge. Christabel, and other Poems.. I 3887 Poems.G 727 Poetical Works. 3 v.E 706 Poetical and Dramatic Works . J 45 >7 Rime of the Ancient Mariner . I 39 2 3 Coles. The Microcosm, and other Poems. E 7°59 Coller. Homespun Yarns . E 7011 Collett, J. Poems . E 7026 212 POETRY. Colling. Fables and other Pieces.E 7028 Collins, M. Inn of strange Meetings.... E 119 Collins, William. Poetical Works.E 707 The same; with Life.*E 165,13 Colman. Broad Grins.E 121 Broad Grins, and other Works.E 7025 Colton. Tecumseh.E 7009 Combe. Dr. Syntax’s three Tours.E 7010 Cone, H. G. Oberon and Puck.E 7029 Cook, E. Melaia, and other Poems.E 7066 Cooke, R. T. Poems.E 7067 Coolbrith. Perfect Day and other Poems E 7027 Cooper, T. Poetical Works .E 7030 Corbet, R., Bishop . Poems; with Notes by Gilchrist.E 7070 Cottle. Malvern Hills, and Minor Poems. 2v.E 7033 Dante Alighieri. Divine Comedy; tr. by Cary.E 138 The same.I 2977 The same; illus. by Dore. 2 v. .*P 1086-87 Divine Comedy; tr. by Ford.E 134 Divine Comedy; tr. by Haselfoot.E 7106 Divine Comedy; tr. by Longfellow. 3v.E 131 The same. 3 V.J 177,7-9 The same in 1 vol .E 133 Divine Comedy; tr. by O’Donnell,.... E 7124 Divine Comedy; tr. by Plumptre. 2 v.E 7095 Divine Comedy; tr. by Pollock.E 135 Divine Comedy; tr. by Wilstach. 2 v.E 7113 Divine Comedy; tr. by Wright.I 3110 Divine Comedy for Beginners ; tr. b.y Shou.E 7125 Concordance of; by Fay.*I< 1319 Cowley, A. Works. *V 15 Illustrations of; by Flaxman. . . . *P 59 ° Poems; with Life. .*E 165,7 Scope and Value of; by Ilettinge r.E 7098 Cowper, W. Poems. 3 V. . .E 127 Spiritual Sense of; by Harris. . . .E' 7126 Poetical Works. . .E 126 Study of; by Barlow. .E 7094 The same. 3 V. . E 708 Textual Criticism of; by Moore. .E 7128 The same. 1 3012,5-8 L’Inferno; pubblicato da Lord Vernon. Table Talk, and other Poems. . .E 125 3 v . *P 1088 Concordance to Works of; by Neve. .*R 1321 LTnferno; tr. by Carlyle. .E 137 Coxe. The Social Day. ,*E 7036 L’lnferno; tr. by Rossetti. .E 136 Crabbe, G. Life and Poetical Works.. . . .E 7063 New Life; tr. by Norton. .E 132 Tales.. .E 7042 Abhandlungen liber; von'Scartazzini. .D 4047 Craik, D. M. Children’s Poetry. ..E 7040 and his Circle; by Rossetti. E 130 Poems. ..G 121 Aus Dantes Verbannung; von Scheffer.D 2533 Thirty Years; Poems, new and old . .E 7039 Dante-Forschungen; von Witte. D 2534 Cranch. The Bird and the Bell. . .E 111 Essay on; by Church. • J 2260 Crashaw, R. Complete Works. . .E 7041 et la Philosophie catholique; parOzanamC 6120 Criswell. New Shakspere, and other Trav- Handbook to; by Scartazzini. .E 7097 esties. . .E 7047 Jahrbuch der deutschen Dante-Gesell- Croly, G. Poetical Works. 2 v. .E 7043 schaft. 4 v. .D 2532 Croly, J. W. Old Jewels Reset. . .E 7075 Sechs Vortrage fiber; von Notter. .D 3 OI 6 Cromek. Nithsdale and Galloway Song . .E 7046 Shadow of; by Rossetti. .E 436 Crosland. The Diamond Wedding, and Study of; by Blow. • J 2261 other Poems. . .E 7076 Study of; by Botta. .E 7095 Cross. See Eliot, George. Studv of; by Symonds. .E 7127 Crozier. Songs in Earnest. . . .E 7050 Davidson, L. Amir Khan, and other Cudmore. P. Poems and Songs. . .E 7048 Poems. .E 7139 President Grant and Political Rings.. . .E 7045 Poetical Remains. .E 7082 CULLEN. American Melodies. . .E 84 Davis, T. Poems. .E 139 Cust. Poems of Many Years and Places. .E 7°77 National Ballads. .E 7081 Dallas, E. S. Poetics. . .E 7099 Dawson. Sappho. .E 7138 Dalton. Lyra Bicyclica. . .E 7083 Day, R. E. Poems. .E 7102 Dana, R. H. Poems. . .E 7084 DeKay. Vision of Esther. .E 7087 Daniei.l. Lays of English Cavaliers. . . . .E to 00 0 Vision of Nimrod. .E 7088 Dante Alighieri. The Banquet (11 Convito); Deland. The Old Garden. .E 7145 tr. by Hillard. . .E 7123 De Vere. Fall of Rora. .E 7091 Divina Commedia; le prime cpiattro edi- Foray of Queen Meave. .E 7092 zione; per cura di Lord Vernon.. . .*P 1089 Infant Bridal, and other Poems. .. . . .E 140 POETRY. De Vere. Inisfail.........E 129 Irish Odes.E 141 Legends of St. Patrick.,E 150 Legends of the Saxon Saints.E 7093 May Carols, and Hymns.. E 143 St. Thomas of Canterbury.E 197 Sisters, Inisfail, and other Poems.E 142 Devotional Sonnets on Gospels of Matthew and Mark.E 7141 Dickens, C. Complete Poems.E 7101 Dickinson. The Children, and other Verses.E 7122 Digby. Hours with the first falling Leaves. E 7100 Dixon. Mano; a Poetical History.E 7146 Dobson, A. At the Sign of the Lyre .. .. E 7103 Old-World Idylls, and other Verses .. .E 7117 Vignettes in Rhyme..E 7110 Dodd. Thoughts in Prison.E 7108 Dodgson {Carroll). Hunting of the Snark E 1064 Phantasmagoria, and other Poems.E 122 Rhyme and Reason.E 7112 Domett. Flotsam and Jetsam.E 7109 Ranolf and Amohia. 2 v-.E 7107 Donne, J. Poetical Works.E 709 The same.E 6809,4 The same.*E 165,5 Dorr. Afternoon Songs.E 7116 Dorward. Wild Flowers of Wisconsin.. .E 144 Douglas, G. Poetical W T orks. 4V.E 7114 Downing. Voices from the Heart.E 7115 Downs. Ralph Clifford.E 147 Doyle and Planch£. Sleeping Beauty.. .E 7121 Drake. Culprit Fay.E 149 Culprit Fay, and other Poems.E 7130 Drane. Songs in the Night, and other Poems. E 476 Drummond, W. Poetical W T orks. E 7150 Drummond, W. H. The Giant’s Causeway. E 7149 Dryden, J. Poetical Works.E 152 The same. 5 V.E .710 Selections from.*P 208 Works; ed. by Scott. 14 v.J 74 Dunbar, W. Poems of; ed. by Small. 2 v.*J 1102 Durfee. Whatcheer; Roger Williams in Banishment.E 7151 Dwight. Conquest of Canaan.E 7156 Eastburn and Sands. Yamoyden.E 7164 Eastman, C. G. Poems.E 7165 Ebsworth. Cavalier Lyrics....'.. *E 7161 Edda, the Elder; tr. by Thorpe. E 157 Edda, the Younger; ed. by Anderson.E 6761 The same; tr. by Blackwell. 1 3357 Eger ana Grime; an early English Romance*V 337 Eleusis; a Poem....*.E 7176 Eliot, George, pseud. Poems.. , .E 7044 Spanish Gypsy.E 7770 Elliott, E. Corn Law Rhymes, etc.3 v.E Poems....„.E Ellis. Caesar in Egypt, and other Poems..E Emerson, N. S. Betsy and I are out.E Emerson, R. W. May Day, and other Poems.E Poems.E The same.J Emmons. The Fredoniad; an Epic Poem. 4 v. E Erskine. Iona; a Lay of Ancient Greece.E Estcourt. Music the Voice of Harmony.E Faber, F. W. Hymns. E Sir Lancelot; a Legend of the Middle Ages.E Fairchild, L. Poems.E Falconer, W. Poetical Works.E Farmer. Imagination.E Fawcett. The Bunding Ball.E Fantasy and Passion.E The New King Arthur.E Romance and Revery.E Song and Story.E Fearing. Sleeping World and other Poems. E Fessenden ( C . Caustic). Democracy Un¬ veiled. 2 v.E Terrible Tractoration.E Field, E. Little Book of Western Verse. .E Fields, A. Under the Olive.E Fields, J. T. Ballads and other Verses.. E Firdusi. The Shah Nameh; tr. by AtkinsonE Fitch. Madaline.E Fletcher. Thoughts from a Girl’s Life.. E Florian. Fables; tr. by Phelps.E Fontaine. The Exile.E Ford. Thoughts in Verse.E Forrester. Songs of the rising Nation. .. E Fosbroke. Rheingold; a Romantic Legend. E Foster. Rebecca, the Witch.E Freiligrath, F. Poems.G Freneau. Poems on various Subjects.E Poems relating to American Revolution.E Frere. The Monks and the Giants.E Fry. Echoes of Eternity.E Gallagher. Miami Woods, etc.E Garcii.asso. Works; transl. by Wiffen...E Gardiner, M. L. Poetical and Prose WorksE Gardner, C. E. Broken Dreams . E Compensation.E Stolen Waters. E A Twisted Skein .E Gay, J. Fables; with Memoir ..E Poetical Works. 2 v.E Giant’s Purging; a National Poem ' X 'L 7169 151 7173 162 163 x 59 56 7175 7177 7179 x 55 7245 7241 711 3989 6961 7244 6962 7246 7245 7259 7251 7250 7262 7260 7261 7264 7265 166 7267 7270 167 7276 7287 7281 212 7290 7289 7291 7292 73 i° 557 170 7312 731 1 164 73 1 3 732i 712 1395 POETRY. Gilbert. The “ Bab ” Ballads. . .E 7330 Gilder, R. W. Lyrics and other Poems ..E 7334 Gilfillan, R. Original Songs. :.e 7335 Glapthorne. Plays and Poems. 2 v.. ..E 9289 Goethe, J. W. V. Faust; tr. by Anster. . .E 736 The same. G 243 Faust; tr. bv Brooks. ..E 7362 Faust; tr. by Gower. . .E 7366 Faust; tr. by Hayward. . .E 7363 Faust; tr. by Taylor. 2 v. . .E 7364 The same. 2 v. . .E 7365 Commentary on; by Snider. 2 v.E 7370 Illustrations of; by Ivonewka. . . *y 45 8 Legend of; by Edwards. . .E 2616 Legend and the Poem; by Walsh.E 6423 Salvation of; by Gage. . .E 3081 Spirit of; by Coupland. . .E 2222 Hermann and Dorothea; tr. by Frothing- ham. ..E 7368 Poems; tr. by Bowring.. . :E 7323 Reynard the Fox; tr. by Arnold .... ,*V 76 The same. . .E 8291 West Easterly Divan; tr. by Weiss. . ..E 7367 Works. 6 v . . .1 3025 Works. 5 v . ,*P 577 Poetry and Philosophy of; ed. byDudleyE 2371 Goldsmith, O. Deserted Village; Traveler. I 393 i Poetical Works . . .E 7 i 3 The same. . .E 188 Select Poems. 73 8 o Select Works. . .G 2 5 Works. 4 v . •J 65 Works. 5 v . . .1 2921 Good ale. All round the Year .. . .E 73 8 4 Gordon and Page. Befo’ de War. . . . . .E 7377 Gosse. On Viol and Flute . . ..E 7385 Gould. The Silver-Store . ..E 37 Gower, J. Confessio Amantis;ed. by Pauli. 3v.E 7387 Illustrations of; ed. by Todd . • J 1777 Poems . .*E 165,2 Grahame. The Sabbath, and other Poems. E 7337 Graves. The Blarney Ballads . . .E 7395 The Green above the Red; Blarney Bal- lads . 7383 Gray, M. Westminster Chimes .... . .E 7338 Gray, T. Elegy in a Country Churchyard; illus. by Jones.*P 783 Poetical Works.E 542 The same.E 714 Works; ed. by Gosse. 4 V .J 73 Green. Defense of the Bride.E 7388 Greene, R. Poems.E 312 The same.I 2985 Greenland. Lunatic Lyrics.E 7392 Greenough. Mary Magdalene.E 7391 Greenwell, D. Carmina Crucis.E 160 Poems.E 161 Griffin, G. Poetical and Dram. Works..E 153 Griffith. Idylls from the Sanskrit.E 7381 Scenes from the Ramayana.E 7379 Specimens of Old Indian Poetry.E 7378 Groves. Lines to a Socinian Friend.E 1154 Gudrun; a Mediaeval Epic; tr. by Nichols. .E 7397 Guileville. Pylgrymage of Man.*V 1729 Guthrie. Burglar Bill, and other Pieces. .E 7396 Guyon, Madame. Poems.E 7393 Hafiz of Shiras, Selections from. ..*V 113 Haggard. life and its Author.E 7463 Hake, T. G. Legends of the Morrow.... E 7465 Maiden Ecstacy.E 7466 New Symbols.E 7467 The Serpent Play.E 7468 Hall, S. C. Trial of Sjr Jasper.E 7403 Hall, E. J. Poems of the Farm and Fireside E 181 Halleck, F. G. Poetical Writings.E 168 IIalpine {Miles O' Reilly). Poetical Works. E 171 Hamerton. Isles of Loch Awe.E 7428 Hammond, J. Poetical Works; with Life.E 8140 IIapgood. Epic Songs of Russia.E 7409 Harlan. Elflora of the Susquehanna.... E 7401 Ida Randolph of Virginia.E 7443 Harris. Epic of the Starry Heaven.E 7407 Harrison. In Hours of Leisure.E 7429 Hart. Harry.E 229 John Jerningham’s Journal.E 230 Mrs. Jerningham’s Journal.E 231 Harte, B. East and West Poems.E 173 Echoes of the Foot-Hills.E 184 Poetical Works.E 176 The same. J 75,1 Harte, J. Poems.*E 165,16 Poetical Works..*.£6809,9 Hartley. Yorkshire Ditties.E 7413 Hathaway. Art-Life, and other Poems. .E 205 League of the Iroquois.E 7402 Havergal. Our Work and Blessings.. . .E 195 Hay, J. Pike County Ballads, and Poems. E 178 Hayne, P. H. Poems.E 7426 Heber, R. Hymns.E 7405 Heine, II. Atta Troll, and other Poems. .E 7419 Book of Songs.E 180 Poems.I 3037 Hemans, F. D. Poetical Works. 6 v_E 7423 Select Poetical Works.G 250 Henley, W. E. A Book of Verses.E 7427 Henry* J. Poems .'..E 194 Herbert, E. Lord Cherbury. Poems; ed. by Collins.E 7418 POETRY. 21 5 Herbert, G. Poems.E 185 The same.E 715 The Temple; Sacred Poems.E 7415 Hereford. Rebel Rhymes, and other PoemsE 7425 Herrick, R. Poetical Works. 2v.E 716 Hervey, Lord. Poems.E 814° Heywood, J. Proverbs .E 7416 HlGGINSON, T. W. Afternoon Landscape.E 7435 Hii.L, T. In the Woods and Elsewhere. .. E 7424 Hobbs, C. A. Vicksburg; a Poem .E 7441 Hogg {Eltrick Shepherd). Poetical Works. 5 v . E l 99 Holland, J. G. Bitter Sweet.E 189 Kathrina.E 190 Marble Prophecy. E 187 Mistress of the Manse.E 186 Poetical Writings.E 7462 Holley, M. Poems.E 7412 Holmes, Of W. Astrsea; the Balance of Illusions.E 7447 Before the Curfew, and other Poems. .E 744S Iron Gate, and other Poems.E 210 Poems.E 191 Poetical Works. 2 v.E 7446 Songs of many Seasons.E 192 Holt. Elfrida.E 193 Kyriwith.E 196 Scald.E 198 0 Homer. See Ancient Classics. Hood, T. Poetical Works.E 200 The same. 5 V.E 717 The same.J 115,4-6 IIood, T., the Younger Poems, Humorous and Pathetic.E 7456 Hopkins, A. Geraldine.E 7326 Horne, R. II. Ballad Romances. E 7414 Horsford. Indian Legends, and other Poems.E 7422 Hosmer, F. L. and Gannett. Thoughts of God.E 7442 Hosmer, W. H. C. Poetical Works. 2v.E 201 Houghton, G. Drift from York-IParbor.E 7452 Legend of St. Olaf’sKirk.E 7450 Niagara, and other Poems.E 7451 Houghton, Lord. See Milnes. Howard, H. Poetical Works.E 718 Howe, Mrs. J. W. Passion Flowers.E 203 Words of the Hour.E 204 Howells, W. D. Poems.E 206 I lowin', Mrs. M. Birds and Flowers.... E 207 Howland, G. Little Voices.E 219 Alliteration. . . .E 7459 Hume. Bridesmaid, and ofher Poems .. . .E 211 Norm i ton.E 213 Hunt, II. See Jackson. | Hunt, L. Poetical Works. 2 v.E 218 Stories in Verse.E 217 ' Hutchinson, P. M. Songs and Lyrics. ..E 7460 Ii^gelow, J. Complete Poems.E 228 Monitions of the Unseen .E 227 Poems...E 223 The same.G 257 Poems of the Old Days and the New. .E 7482 Shepherd Lady, and other Poems.F. 224 Story of Doom.E 226 The same.*P 244 Ingram. Saint Crispin and other Conceits.E 7485 Ireland. Neglected Genius.E 7481 Irwin, T. C. Songs and Romances.E 225 IJackson, IP. H. Poems.E 7563 Sonnets and Lyrics.E 75 2 Verses . E 216 James I. of Scotland. The Kingis Quair.. 1101 Jami. Yusuf and Zulaikha; tr. by Griffith.E 7565 Jerauld, C. A. Poetry and Prose; with Memoir.E 3778 Johnson, R. Idler and Poet.E 7572 Johnson, S. Poems; with Life.*E 165,16 Poems; with Life.E 8140 The same.T 155,2 Jones, J. Attempts in Verse...E 7568 Jones, J. Maid of Caergwrle.E 233 Jones, W. P. Myth of the Stone Idol. . .. E 232 Jonson, B. Poems. T 2985 The same.*E 165,5 Joyce. Blanid.E 7570 Deirdre.E 7090 Julia. Leon de Beaumanoir . .E 252 Kalevala; the Epic Poem of Finland; tr. by Crawford. 2v . E 7642 Kalidasa. Birth of the War God; tr. by Griffith . *V . 1316 Megha Duta; tr. by Wilson . *V 689 Kaye. Songs of Lake Geneva . E 7650 Keary. Little Sealskin, and other Poems. E 7649 Keats. Eve of St. Agnes . I 3934 Hyperion; in Latin, by Merivale.E 303 Poetical Works . . .. E 719 The same . *E 7648,1-2 The same; with Life, by Milnes. .E 7647 The same . *E 104 Study of; by Owen . J 1585 Keble. The Christian Year . E 7641 Pffie same. E 244 Miscellaneous Poems. E 243 I Kemble, F. A. Poems.E 247 Kempis. Following of Christ; metrical Trans- lation, by Thompson.E 544 21 6 POETRY. Ken. Christian Year; Hymns and Poems. .E 7651 Kenealy, E. V. Poetical Works. 3 v.. ,.E 7657 Kennedy. Robert the Bruce. . .E 7659 Kennicott. Zeth, and other Poems.E 245 Kent. Aletheia, with other Poems.E 7654* Dreamland, with other Poems.E 7655 Ketchum. Christmas Carillons, and other Poems. E 7661 King. A Book of Dreams.E 7664 The Disciples.E 7662 Kingsley, C. Poems, Songs, Ballads, etc.E 7665 Kinney. Lyrics of the Ideal and Real.. . .E 7666 Kipling, R. Departmental Ditties.E 7667 Koopman. Orestes, and other Poems.E 7669 KortuM. The Jobsiad;Comico-HeroicPoemE 7670 Lafontaine. Fables; tr. by Wright. 2 v.E 256 Lamartine. Jocelyn..E 7785 Landon, I.. E. Poetical Works. 2 V....E 777 1 Landor, W. S. Poems.....J 173,2 The same ....J 174,7-8 Lang, A. Ballades and Verses vain.E 7768 Grass of Parnassus. E 7779 Helen of Troy./.E 7766 Rhymes a la Mode. . E 7777 Langhorne, J. Poems.*E 165,16 Poetical Works.E 6809,11 Langi.and, W. Piers, the Plowman; ed. by Skeat.*P 226 Lanier, S. Poems.E 7772 Larcom. Childhood Songs.E 258 Idyl of Work. E 249 Wild Roses of Cape Ann.E 7805 Larremore. Mother Carey’s Chickens... E 7790 Larus. Mastor; a Poem.E 7791 Lathrop, G. P. Rose and Roof Tree... .E 259 Lathrop, R. H. Along the Shore.E 7793 Le Houx. The Vaux-de-Yire; tr. by Muir- head. E 7786 Leigh. Carols of Cockayne.E 7809 Strains from the Strand.E 7811 A Town Garland.E 7810 Leighton. Records, and other Poems... .E 7812 Leland. Hans Breitman’s Ballads.E .250 Pidgin English Sing-Song.E 237 Lermontoff. Circassian Boy.E 251 Lessing. Nathan, the Wise. See Drama. Lever, S. Fireflies; Ballads and Verses..E 7773 LEWES. Legend of the Jubal.E 253 Lewes, M. E. See Eliot, George. Lindsay. Argo; Quest of Golden Fleece.E 7813 Linn. Powers of Genius. E 7775 Lobeira. Amadis de Gaul; tr. by Rose... E 7780 The same; tr. by Southey. 4 v. ,*E 7781 Loberdos. Poems in Greek.E 642 Lockeb. London Lyrics...E 7821 Logan, A. S. A Feather from the World’s Wing.E 7825 Logan, W. H. Pedlar’s Pack of Ballads and Songs.E 7782 Longfellow. Birthday-Book; ed. by Bates.E 7830 Christus .E 640 Courtship of Miles Standish.I 3936 Divine Tragedy.E 265 Evangeline ..E 269 The same.I 3935 Golden Legend.E 267 In the Harbor.E 7831 Keramos, and other Poems.E 7816 Masque of Pandora.E 270 New England Tragedies.E 264 Poems.E 262 The same.I 3125 Poetical Works.J 177,1-6 The same; illus. by Foster.E 7832 The same; with illustrations. 3 v*P 700 Song of Hiawatha.E 268 Tales of a Wayside Inn.E 263 Three Books of Song. E 266 Writings. II v.*P 633 Lord, A. M. A Book of Verses.E 7783 Lord, W. S. Verses.E 7827 Lord Byron vindicated; by “.Manfred ”. . .E 239 Loring. Boston Dip.E 282 Lorne, Marquis of. See Campbell, J. D. S. Lover, S. Metrical Tales and other Poems E 7836 Poetical Works.E 283 Lowell, J. R. Biglow Papers. 2v.E 276 A Fable for the Critics.. E 277 Heartsease and Rue.E 7842 Poems- 2 v.E 273 Poems; second edition . E 7841 Three memorial Poems. .E 272 Under the Willows.E 274 Vision of Sir Launfal.E 275 The same.I 3937 Lowell, R. J. S. Fresh Hearts that failed 3000 Years ago.E 278 Lynch, A. C. Poems.E 7784 Lyndsay, Sir D. Poetical Works. 2V..E 7828 Lytton, Sir E. B. Eva, and other Poems. .G 379 King Arthur. G 384 Lost Tales of Miletus.G 386 New Timon. G 390 Lytton, R. (Owen Meredith). After Para¬ dise, and other Poems. ..E 7807 Chronicles and Characters. 2v.E 290 Fables in Song. .G 993 Glenaveril. E 7806 Lytton, R. {Owen Meredith). Lucile....E The same.E Orval, the Fool of Time.E Poems. G The same.E Serbski Pesme..E Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome.G The same.*P McCaffery, M. J. A. Siege of Spoleto. .E McCann. Songs from an Attic.E McCarthy, D. F. Poems.E McDonald, G. Disciple, and other Poems. E Hidden Life.E Within and without.E McGee, T. D’Arcy. Poems.E MacHale. Songs of Freedom.E Mackay, C. Interludes and Undertones. .E The Salamandrine.. *.E MacKay, E. Gladys the Singer, and other Poems . E Macneill, H. Poetical Works. 2 v.E McVickar (Wild Edgerton ). Wreath of Evergreens. E Mallet. Ballads and Songs; with Momoir.E Mallock, W. H. Poems.E Mangan, J. C. Poems.E Manning. Queen Philippa’s golden Booke. E Manville. Over the Divide, and otherVerses E March. Yankee Land and the Yankee.. .E Marlowe, C. Poems; edited by Bell. . . .E The same.I Works; edited by Cunningham.E Marsh. Wolf of the Knoll.E Marsland. Musings of a Spirit. *.... E Regeneration ..E Marston, P. B. Garden Secrets.E Song Tide.E Martin, E. S. Little Brother of the Rich.E Martin, J. Translations and Poems ....E Marvell, A. Poetical Works.E Massey, G. Havelock’s March, and otlfer Poems.E Tale of Eternity, and other Poems....E Matiieson, G. Sacred Songs.E Mathias. Pursuits of Literature.E Maxwell. Idyls of the Golden Shore. . . . E May, G. T. Ever-Living Life.E Melville. The True Cross.E Menken, A. I. Infelicia.E Meredith, G. Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life .E Poems and Lyrics.E A Reading of Earth.E Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lytton R. POETRY. 2I 7 284 Merivale, II. C. White Pilgrim. .. . E 7891 7815 Messaros, W. Some Dainty Poems.. . .E 795 J 291 Metcalfe. The Channel Islands. . .. . .E 7905 400 Michael Angelo. Sonnets. 6939 236 . Michell, N. The Immortals. . .E 442 7814 Famous Women and Heroes. . .E 441 404 London in Light and Darkness.. . . E 443 110 Pleasure . . .E 445 315 Poetry of Creation. . .E 446 7933 Ruins of many Lands. . .E 444 45 12 Sibyl of Cornwall. . .E 447 299 Miles. Christine, and other Poems.. . .E 304 296 Miller, Joaquin. In Classic Shades.. . .E 7943 292 Ship in the Desert.. . .E 307 285 Songs of Italy. .E 7896 7883 Songs of the Mexican Seas. . .E 79 M 7897 Songs of the Sierras. . .E 305 793 i Songs of the Sun-Lands. ..E 306 Milman (Tr.). Nala and Damayanti. . *V 882 7928 Milnes (Lord Houghton). Poems of many 79 1 7 Years. .E 308 The same. .*P 255 589 Memorials and Historical Poems. . . ,*P 254 7888 Poetry for the People. *P 256 00 00 NI Milton. English Poems. 2 v. *p 228 297 C'omus; in Greek, by Lyttleton.... T 7 289 2 93 Paradise Lost. .E 3 !3 7935 The same; illus. by Dore. *P 1100 7882 Paradise lost; Paradise Regained. . .G 449 3 12 Poetical Works. 3 v. .E 721 2985 The same.. .E 79 IQ 2 95 The same. 2 v. . .1 3136 298 Poetical Works; ed. by Todd. 6 v . . *E 79 11 OJ 0 0 Samson Agonistes; in Greek, byLyttletonE 288 301 Concordance to; by Premjergast. . *R 1267 7920 Mitchell, S. W. Cup of Youth, and other 302 Poems. .E 7955 7938 Hill of Stones. .E 7898 7881 Moir, D. M. ( Delta ). Domestic Yerses. .E 7916 720 Poetical Works. 2 v. .E 4617 Monkhouse. Corn and Poppies. .E 7956 7941 Monomania; a Poem . .. .E 7899 7940 Monroe, M. C. Souvenirs of Notre-Dame ..E 222 J 795 2 Montgomerie, A. Poems; ed. by Cran- 1366 stoun. •M 1107 7945 Montgomery. J. Poetical Works. 5 v. .E 722 7885 Moore, T. Irish Melodies. .E 320 789 2 The same; in Irish, by MacHale. .E ^ ■*> •* JJ/ 7949 Lai la Rookh. .E 3 1 9 Poetical Works. .E 3 1 7 7927 ! The same. .E 318 7893 The same. 6 v. .E 723 7912 The same. 5 v. in 3. .G 45 * Morison. The Purpose of the Ages. . . .E 7957 2 l8 POETRY. Morris, G. Deserted Bride, and other Poems.E Morris, L. The Epic of Hades.E Ode of Life . E Songs of two Worlds.E Songs Unsung.E Works.E Morris, W. Atalanta’s Race.E Defense of Guenevere, etc.E Earthly Paradise. 3 v.E Life and Death of Jason.E Love is enough . E Lovers of Gudrun . .E Selections from Poems of.G Sigurd the Volsung.E Morton. Songs by Day and Night.E Moulton. In the Garden of Dreams.E Munby. Dorothy; a Country Story.E Myers, E. The Puritans.E Myers, F. W. H. Poems.E Renewal of Youth.E Nesbit, E. Lays and Legends.E Leaves of Life.E Newell. The Martyr President.E Versatilities . E Newman, J. II., Cardinal. Dream of Gerontius.E Nibelungen Lay; tr. by Barham . E The same; tr. by Birch . E The same; tr. by Forestier . F Wagner’s Nibelung’s Ring; tr. by Dip- pold.E The same; tr. by Forman.E Nichgl. Death of Themistocles.E Nizami. Sikander Nama; tr. by Clarke.. E Noel, R. Beatrice.E Little Child’s Monument . E A Modern Faust, and other Poems. . . . E The Red Flag, and other Poems . E Songs of the Heights and Deeps.E Noyes (C. Quiet). Studies inVerse.E Nugent. The Rueing of Gudrun, and other Poems . E O’Brien, F. J. Poems and Stories .E Oehlenschlaeger. Aladdin. E Gods of the North. E Old Things and new, and other Poems. E Oliphant. Musa Madrigalesca . .. E Omar Khayyam. Poems; with Life_E Rubaiyat; tr. by Fitzgerald.E O’Reilly, J. B. In Bohemia.E Songs from Southern Seas. E Statues in the Block . E O’Reilly, Miles. See H alpine 79°4 79°9 7906 452 7908 79*4 79 l8 330 328 329 326 327 1141 325 377 79*9 7111 7922 331 7921 7962 7963 332 •-> *7 n JAA 7975 4236 4235 3529 4237 8969 453 7970 33 8 796 1 7966 7967 7968 334 7980 345 347 344 336 8041 342 7663 8042 339 350 Orne. Sweet Auburn, and other Poems... E Osborn. Arthur Carryl, Odes, Epigrams and Poems.E O’Shaughnessy, A. Lays of France.E Music and Moonlight.E Songs of a Worker.E Ossian, Claims of, examined; by Davies. . .E Poems; by McPherson.G Report on the same; by Mackenzie. . .E Poems in Gaelic and Latin. 3 V.*V Outram. Legal and other Lyrics.E Paine, R. T. Works in Prose and Verse. .E Palgrave, F. T. Hymns.M Lyrical Poems.E Visions of England.E Palmer, Ray. Poetical Works.E Parke, W. Patter Poems ...E Songs of Singularity..!.E Parker. The Cabin in the Clearing, and other Poems.E Parkhurst, C. Poems.E ■Parnell, T. Poetical Works.E Pasquin, A. Poems.E Patmore. Angel in the House.E The Betrothal.E Florilegium Amantis; ed. by Garnett. .E Victories of Love.E Peacock. Poems of the Plains.E Peck. Cap and Bells.E Peckham. Gospel of the Kingdom.E Pennell. Muses of Mayfair.E Puck on Pegasus.E Perciyal, J. G. Poetical Works. ? v. . .E Perkins. Rhyme of the District School ,*E Perry, N. After the Ball.E Her Lover’s P'riend, etc.E New Songs and Ballads.E Peterson. Poems and Swedish Translations. E PetoFI, A. Selections from; tr. by Phillips.E Petrarch. Sonnets and Poems.I Pfeiffer,»E. Glan-Alarch.E Quarterman’s Grace . E Under the Aspens .E Phelps, E. S. Little Maid and her MoodsE Poetic .Studies.E Songs of the Silent World.E Phillips, R. Story of Gautama Buddha. .E Phillips, S. N. On the Seaboard .E Piatt, J. J. Landmarks, and other Poems.E Poems of House and Home..E Western Windows, and other Poems... E Piatt, S. M. B. Voyage to the Fortunate Isles. E The same; enlarged. E 8043 8048 8050 343 8052 2374 • 482 3 H 801 8060 8185 1324 340 8130 349 8122 8123 8121 353 724 8126 362 363 8125 357 8200 8127 i 54 8129 8131 365 5081 364 361 8128 8143 8142 3 H 2 8138 8136 374 8134 366 8 1 37 8146 8 1 35 368 8 i 73 367 369 8147 POETRY. 219 Pinkerton. Galeazzo, with other Poems.. E 8188 Planch£. William with the Ring.E 8172 Plimpton, F. B. Poems.E 8152 Poe, E. A. Poems.E 372 The same.J 240,2 The same; with Life.C 471 The Raven; illus. by Dore.*P 1202 Pollok, R. Course of Time.E 380 Ponce de Leon. Poems; tr. by Phillips.. .E 8144 Pope, A. Dunciad.E 8145 Essay on Man. *P 232 Poetical Works.E 383 The same. 3 v.E 725 The same. 2 v.I 3145 Satires and Epistles.*P 232 Select Poetical Works.G 495 Concordance to; by Abbott.*R 1320 Potter, C. U. My Recitations.E 8148 Potts, A. H. Sketches of Character.E 386 Powers, H. N. Poems, early and late. ..E 387 Praed, W. M. Poems. 2 v.E 388 Political and Occasional Poems.E 8155 Prairie Idyl and other Poems. ...E 8150 Preston, M. J. Cartoons.E 389 Colonial Ballads.E 8149 Preston, W. Poetical Works. *2 v.E 8154 Prichard. Welsh Minstrelsy.E 8151 Prior, M. Poetical Works.E 390 The same. 2 v.E 726 Selected Poems; with Notes by Dobson.E 8161 Procter, Adelaide. Poems.E 392 Procter {Barry Cornwall). English Songs. E 8160 Proudfit. Mask and Domino .E 8179 Purdy. Legends of the Susquehanna. ... E 8189 Pushkin. Eugene Oneguine.E 8180 Poems; tr. by Panim.E 8181 Putnam. Prometheus.E 385 Pyle. Minna in Wonderland.E 393 Pyne. Dream of the Gironde-.E 8194 Quiet, C., pseud. See Noyes. Quincy. Lyteria.E 394 Raffalovich. In Fancy Dress.E 8297 Ramsay, A. Gentle Shepherd.E 396 Randolph, T. Poetry and Drama. 2v..E 9681 Ranking. Fulgencius.E 8287 Rawson, S. Miscellaneous Poems.E 421 Read, T. B. Poetical Works. 3 v.E 398 Wagoner of the Alleghanies.E 399 Reade, J. E. Man in Paradise.E 405 • Redden. Sounds from Secret Chambers.. E 400 Renton. Oils and Water-Colours.E 406 Reynard the Fox; Goethe’s Version, tr. by Arnold. E 8291 The same.*V 76 Reynard the Fox; tr. by Rogers.E 8294 History of; tr. by Caxton.*J 1148, The same.*P624,22 The same; tr. by Roscoe.E 8285 The same; ed. by Thoms.*J 1147,12 Rhoades, J. Timoleon.E 0288 Rhoads, Mrs. R. Poems..E 8302 Rhodes, W. H. Indian Gallows c*nd other Poems.E 8299 Rice, H. Select Poems .E 8308 Rich. Dream of the Adirondacks.E 8306 Richards, L. E. In my Nursery.E 8307 Richards, W. C. The Apostle of Burma; a Missionary Epic.E 8295 Richardson. Alma Mater.E 410 Lays of Ancient Greece and Rome.... E 8284 Richman. Talisman and other Poems....E 408 Riethmueller, C. J. Layman’s Creed.. E 412 Teuton.E 416 Riley, J. W. Afterwhiles.E 8303 Old Fashioned Roses.■..E 8298 Pipes o’Pan at Zekesbury.E 5428 Robinson, Mrs. M. Poetical Works. 3 v.E 8311 Rogers, M. E. My Vis-a-vis.E 424 Rogers, S. Italy; illustrated.*P 258 Poems; illustrated.*P 259 Poetical Works.E 423 Roland, Song of; tr. by O’Hagan.E 8620 The same; tr. by Rabillon.E 8290 Rollett, H. Poems; tr. by Phillips.E 8301 Rollins, A. W. Ring of Amethyst.E 425 Roscoe, W. Poetical Works.E 8313 Rossetti, C. G. Goblin Market.E 427 Nursery Rhymes.II 651 A Pageant, and other Poems.E 428 Poems.. .. E 430 Rossetti, D. G. Ballads and Sonnets.. .E 432 The same.G 1179 Collected Works. 2 v.E 8293 Poems.E 433 The same; with Memoir......... G 1040 Royal Plistorie of Syr Generides, 1430.. . ,*V 318 Rueckert. Wisdom of the Brahmin.E 409 Runeberg. Nadeschda.E 437 Russell, I. Poems.E 8320 Russell, M. Emanuel; Eucharistic Verses. E 439 Ryan, Father. Poems.E 434 Ryder, H. I. D. Poems..E 419 Sadi. Garden of Fragrance; tr. by Davie.E 8488 The GCilistan; or, Rose Garden.J 716 Sappho. Memoir, Text and Tr.; by Wharton. E 8499 Sargent, E. Woman who Dared.E 456 Sargent, L. M. Hubert and Ellen, with other Poems.E 8441 220 POETRY. Savage, M. J. Poems.. .. .E 8481 Saxe, J. G. Fables and Legends.. . . .E 459 Leisure-Day Rhymes. . ..E 460 Masquerade and other Poems. ...E 462 Poems . . . .E 465 Schefer. The W T orld-Priest.. .. .E 470 ScHEFFEL. Trumpeter of Sakkingen .., .. .E 8486 Schiller. Poems; tr. by Bowring. • • .13072,5 Poems; tr. by Lytton... .. . ..G 39 6 Song of the Bell; tr. by Gower. .. .E 7366 The same, with music; by Bomberg*P 479 Works. 4 v.*P 578 Scott, C. Lays of a Londoner.E 8484 Scott, J. Poems.*E 165,17 Poetical Works.E 6809,11 Scott, J. M. Sorceress; or Salem delivered' x 'E 8483 Scott, Sir W t . Lord of the Isles. .... *V 340 Poetical Works. .. .E 468 The same. 9 V . . . . E 727 The same... .. .G 550 The same; (Abbotsford Ed.)... . .*P 626 Rokeby. . .*V 339 Seward, A. Poetical W T orks. 3V.... ...E 8485 Shairp. Glen Desseray, and other Poems. E Shakspere, W. Poems; ed. with Notes by 8444 Rolf e. . . .E 8465 Poetical Works. .. .E 728 Songs and Sonnets. .. .E Cn O 00 Sonnets interpreted; by Massey. .., . . .E 9761 Sonnets, Key to; by Barnstorff. .. .E 671 Concordance to Poems; by Furness. . .*R I 3 12 See also Drama. Sharpe, W. Conqueror’s Dream. . . .E 149 1 Humanity and the Man. . . .E I 49 2 Shelley, P. B. Poems; selected by Garnett. E 8490 Poetical W T orks. 4 v. .. .E 729 Selections from Poems of. . ..G 56 i "Works; ed. by Forman. 8 v. 258 Shelley Society Papers, 1886-87. . . .E 5773 Sherman, F. D. Lyrics for a Lute... .. .E 8462 Madrigals and Catches. .. .E 8487 Sherrick, F. I. Star Dust; Poems... .. .E 8446 Sherwood, K. B. Camp-Fires, etc.. . . . .E 849 1 Shillaber, B. P. Rhymes with Reason and without. . . .E 47 i Wide-Swath. . . .E 8489 Sigourney, L. H. Daily Counsellor. . . . .E 1505 Traits of the Aborigines. .. .E 489 Sill, E. R. The Hermitage, and later Poems.. . . .E 8447 Poems. ...E 8449 Simms, W. G. Poems. 2 v. ...E 469 Skelton, J. Ballade of Scottyssche Kynge. E 8497 Poetical Works. 3 v.. . ...E 730 Sloan. Telephone of Labor.E 474 Smedley, M. B. Two Dramatic Poems... E 8494 Smith, Alex. City Poems.E 505 Edwin of Deira..E 477 Poems.E 479 The same.E 480 Smith, E. H. Blackhawk, and Scenes in the West.E 8495 Smith, H. and J. Rejected Addresses... .E 485 The same, and other Poems.E 486 Smith, J. W. G. Log o’ the Norseman. . .E 8492 Loves of Vandyck.E 8498 Serbelloni.E 8467 Smith, M. Progress and other Poems... E 478 Smith, W. C. Hilda; Among the Broken Gods.E 8455 North Country Folk.E 8452 Olrig Grange. E 8456 Raban; or, Life-Splinters.E 467 Thoughts for Sunday Evenings.E 8454 Soldier’s Sacrifice; by M. H. S.*E 1395 Songs of Home.E 8496 Southesk. Greenwood’s Farewell.E 466 The Meda Maiden.E 8500 Southey, R. Poetical Works. 10 v.E 731 Southwell, R. Poetical Works, with Mem.E 501 Spenser, E. Complete Works.E 490 Faerie Queene.E 491 The same. *P 209 Observations on; by Warton.E 554 Poetical Works. 5 v.E 732 The Shepheardes Calender.E 8469 W'orks; ed. by Collier. 5 v.*E 8510 Spofford, H. P. Poems.E 504 Sprague, C. Poetical and Prose Writings.E 488 Writings.E 8501 Starr, E. A. Songs of a Life Time.E 8503 Stedman, E. C. Blameless Prince.E 492 Hawthorne, and other Poems.E 510 Lyrics and Idyls.E 8509 Poetical W’orks..E 512 Sterne, pseud. See Bloede. Sterry. Boudoir Ballads.E 8512 The Lazy Minstrel.E 8460 Stevenson, R. L. Child’s Garden of Verses. E 8516 Underwoods.E 8519 Stoddard, R. H. Book of the East.E 518 Poems.E 515 Poems.E 506 Songs of Summer.E 514 Stoddart, J. II. Sagas of Prehistoric Man. E 8508 Stoddart, T. T. Angling Songs ; with Memoir.E 8461 Stokes. Olive Branch.E 517 POETRY. 22 l Story, W. W. Graffiti d’ltalia.E 495 He and She.E 8515 Poems. E 494 Poems. 2 v.E 8505 Story of a Hunchback.E 8517 Stowe, H. B. Religious Poems.E 522 Street, A. B. Poems. 2v.E 493 Stryker, M. W. The Song of Miriam. . .E 8504 Stuart, J. S. and C. E. Lays of the Deer Forest. 2v.E 8511 Suckling, Sir J. Poems and Plays. 2 v.E 520 Poetical Works.E 6809,3 The same.*E 165,6 Selections from..E 507 Works.*E 509 Sullivan, T. D. Green Leaves.E 516 Poems. E 519 Swanwick, C. Poems.E 248’ Poems, Narrative and Dramatic.E 498 St. Bernardine.E 500 j Sweetman. Daughters of the King. E 487 Swift, J. Poetical Works. 3 V .E 733 The same.J 267,1 Swinburne, A. C. Century of Roundels. .E 8528 Midsummer Holiday.E 8530, Poems and Ballads. 3 V.E 497 Select Poems.E 8532 Songs before Sunrise.E 8523 Songs of the Springtides.E 8525 Songs of two Nations...E 8524 Studies in Song. E 499 Tristram of Lyonesse.E 8527 Bibliography of; by Shepherd. *0 267 See also Drama. * Sylvester, J. Lachrimae Lachrimarum.*P 377 Poems. 2 v.*E 8514 Symonds, J. A. Animi Figura.E 8520 Many Moods.E 8521 Vagabunduli Libellus.E 8518 Tasso. Jerusalem delivered.I 3160 The same; tr. by Wiffen. 3 V....E 556 The same; tr. by Iloole.. ..*E 165,21 Taylor, B. Dome Pastorals and Ballads.E 527 Lars; a Pastoral.E 529 Pictures of St. John.E 523 Poems.E 526 Poems of Home and Travel.E 525 Poems of the Orient.E 524 Taylor, B. F. Songs of Yesterday.E 543 Old Time Pictures.E 1568 Taylor, J. Poems on various Subjects. 2 v.E 8601 Taylor, J., (the Water Poet). Works... *V 170 The same.*Y 77 Taylor, J. E. Michael Angelo as a Poet.E 8602 Tegn£r, E. Axel.E 8607 Frithiof’s Saga; tr. by Baker.E 8609 The same; tr. by Holcomb.E 8610 The same; tr. by Muckleston.E 8608 The same; tr. by Stephens.F 1950 Tennyson, A. Demeter, and other Poems.E 8615 Enoch Arden.I 3938 The same.E 531 Gareth and Lynette.- .. E 532 Holy Grail.E 533 Idyls of the King.E 535 In Memoriam. E 534 Analysis of; by Robertson.E 420 Key to; by Gatty.E 7317 Prolegomena to; by Davidson.E 8613 Study of; by Genung.E 7322 Last Tournament..E 536 Locksley Hall Sixty Years after.E 8612 The same.G 1278 Poetical Works. 2 v.E 530 Poetical Works. 8 v. in 5.G 580 Tiresias, and other Poems.E 8611 Concordance to Works; by Bright\vell.*R 1349 Poetry of; by Van Dyke.. E 8614 See also Drama. Tennyson, F. Days and Plours.E 8617 Thaxter, C. Poems.E 537 Thomas, E. M. The Inverted Torch.E 8622 Lyrics and Sonnets.E 8623 Thompson, A. C. Preludes.E 8629 Thompson, D. W. Ancient Leaves.E 8634 Thomson, J. City of Dreadful Night.. .. E 8630 Vane’s Story, and other Poems.E 8626 Voice from the Nile, and other Poems.. E 8627 Thomson, J. Poetical Works. 2v.E 734 The same.G 597 The Seasons.E 538 and T. Gray. Poetical Works.E 542 Thornbury, G. W. Lays and Legends..E 8631 Songs of Cavaliers.E 539 Tickell, T. Poetical Works.E 724 Tighe, Mrs. H. Psyche, with other Poems. E 8650 Tilton, T. Swabian Stories.E 8633 Thou and I.E 540 Tomalin. Epigrams.E 541 Torrent of Portugal; ed. by Ilalliwell-Phillipps. E 7432 Towne. Completion of the Spire.E 8683 Townsend, B. O. Plantation Lays.E 8684 Townsend, M. A. (. Xariffa ). Down the Bayou.E 8685 Traill, II. D. Recaptured Rhymes.E 8686 Trench, R. Poems.E 545 Trowbridge, J. T. Emigrant’s Story.... E 547 Vagabonds. 54-8 222 POETRY. Trumbull, J. McFingall.E 550 Poetical Works. 2v.E 8690 Tuckerman, H. T. Poems.E 8691 Tupper, M. F. Cithara; Lyrical Poems... E 8700 Poetical Works.E 549 Proverbial Philosophy.E 551 Uhland, J. L. Poems.E 553 Songs and Ballads.E 8763 Vandenhoff. Common Sense; a Social Satire in Verse.E 6203 Yasser, W. E. Flower Myths, and other Poems.E 8845 Vaughan, H. Poetical Works.E 735 Veitch. Merlin, and other Poems. .E 8854 j Veley, M. Marriage of Shadows.E 8855 Venable, W. IP. Melodies of the Heart. .E 8851 Verities in Verses...E 8856 Very, J. Poems.E 8850 Poems and Essays.E 8849 Waddie. Divine Philosophy.E 8968 Wagner. The Nibelung’s Ring.E 8969 Waller, E. Poetical Works.E 8962 Walsh, W. Poems.*E 165,8 Poetical Works.E 6809,6 Walworth, C. A. Andiatorocte. . E 8970 Wanless, A. Poems and Songs.E 581 Warburton, R. E. E. Hunting Songs. .. E 8926 Ward. England’s Reformation.E 567 Waring. Scripture Versions.E 596 Warren. Winthrop’s Return to Boston.. E 8943 Washburn. Spring and Summer; or, Blush¬ ing Hours.E 8973 Wason, H. L. Letters from Colorado.. . .E 8965 Wasson, D. A. Poems.E 8966 Watkins, F. E. Poems.E 8961 Watson. Beautiful Snow. . . E 559 The Outcast, and other Poems.E 558 Watts, I. Poetical Works.E 736 Webb [John Paul). Vagrom Verse.E 8976 Webster, A. Auspicious Day.E 563 Dramatic Studies. E 565 Portraits.E 1598 Woman sold.E 562 Webster, Mrs. M.M. Pocahontas; a Legend E 8967 Welby, A. B. Poems . E 564 Wheatley, Phillis. Poems.E 8924 The same; with Memoir. E 8923 White, H. K. Poetical Works. E 737 White, R. E. Cross of Monterey.;. . E 8941 White, W. Leaves from Maple Lawn.... E 8944 Whitman. 1 lours of Life, and other Poems. E 594 Whitney, A. D. T. Daffodils.E 8963 Mother Goose for Grown Folks. E 8982 Pansies.E 8922 Whitney, J. A. Sonnets and Lyrics.E 8964 Whittell, T. Poetical Works.E 566 Whittier, J. G. Among the Hills.E 570 Ballads of New England.E 578 Bay of Seven Islands. E 8937 Hazel Blossoms.E 576 In War Time.E 573 King’s Missive, and other Poems.E 588 Miriam, and other Poems.E 8938 Pennsylvania Pilgrim.E 572 Poetical Works. 2v.E 568 The same; centennial edition... . E 579 Snow-Bound.I 3939 The same.E 569 Songs of Labor.E 574 Tent on the Beach.E 571 Writings. 7 v.E 8939 Writings. 7 v.*P 634 Wieland. The Graces.E 8942 Wiffen. Aonian Hours .E 580 Julia Alpinula.E 583 Wigglesworth. Day of Doom.E 8934 Wigram. Twelve Wonderful Tales.E 8955 Wilcox (Ella Wheeler). Maurine.E 8951 Poems of Passion .E 8952 Poems of Pleasure.E 8985 Wilde, Lady (Speranza). Poems.E 586 Wilde, O. Poems.E 8927 Wilkinson, W. C. Poems.E 8928 Webster; an Ode.*V 558 Williams, Sir C. H. Works; with Notes by Walpole. 3 v.E 8990 Willis, N. P. Letters from Under a Bridge, and other Poems.E 1619 Poetical Works .E 582 Wills. Melchior.E 8957 Wilson, A. Poems.E 8935,2 Wilson, J. (C. A r orlh). Poetical Works..J 292,12 Wingate. Lily Neil.E 8930 Winter, W. My Witness.E 587 Poems .E 597 Wanderers; a Collection of Poems.E 8995 Wither, G. Hallelujah ; Britain’s Second Remembrancer .E 8998 Hymns and Songs of the Church.E 8996 Woodworth, S. Poetical Works. 2 v...E 591 Woolner. My beautiful Lady.E 592 Pygmalion . E 8947 Silenus .E 8948 V oolsey (Susan Coolidge ). Verses.E 8950 A Few More Verses.E 8953 V oolson. Two Women; a Poem.E 8949 Wordsworth, W. Complete Poetical Works .E 9000 DRAMA. 22 3 Wordsworth, W. Poetical Works. 7 v..E 738 The same...E 600 The same.G 651 Select Poems; ed. by Rolfe.E 8999 Wordsworthiana; ed. by Knight.E 4009 World and I in the Year of Grace, 1866.... E 590 Wyatt, T. Poetical Works.E 739 Young, E. Poetical Works. 2 v.E 740 DRAMA. NOTE.—All collections of Plays in the Library are analyzed in the Card Catalogue , where titles and authors of the Acting Drama; Sixty Popular Plays.E 9002 Addison, J. Dramas.J 8,1 Alfieri, V. Tragedies. 2 v.I 2972 Amelia of Saxony. Dramas; tr. by Jameson. E 9001 Archer. About the Theater. E 9003 English Dramatists of to-day.E 9004 Masks or Faces?.E 9006 Arr£at. La Morale dans le Drame.C 4047 Austin. Savonarola.E 9005 Baillie, J. Dramatic Works.. E 616 Baker, D. E. and I. Reed. Biographi . Dramatica. 4 V. *0 6 Baker, G. M. Amateur Dramas.E 625 Baker’s Dozen.E 621 Drawing-Room Stage... E 626 Exhibition Drama.E 614 The Globe Drama. E 9042 Handy Dramas.E 601 Mimic Stage.E 627 Social Stage.E 628 Baker, II. B. English Actors; Shakspere to Macready. 2v.E 9041 The London Stage, 1576-1888. 2 v. .E 9045 Barbey d’Aurevilly. Le Theatre contem- porain .C 12024 Barker. Marmion; or, Battle of Flodden Field.E 9044 Barron. The Viking.E 9043 Bayne. Days of Jezebel.E 9050 Beaumont and Fletcher. Works.£648,2-3 Selections from.I 3002 Plays.*P 386 Plays (Mermaid Series). 2v.E 9500 Beckett. Quizziology of British Drama.. E 9060 Bedford. Evil of Stage Plays.E 9062 Behn, Mrs. Plays. 4 v.*P 625 Bell (Ed.). British Theater. 25 V.E 602 Bernard. Retrospections of the Stage ... E 9061 Bertram [Peter Paterson). Real Life in the Theatrical World. E 9056 s are arranged alphabetically. Betterton. Hist, of the English Stage... E Bibliotheque dramatique. 19 v.C Bjornson. Newly Married Couple.E Sigurd Slembe.E Blackburn. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play.K Bloch’s Volks Theater. 9 V.D Blumenthal. Theatralische Eindrucke..D Boerne. Dramaturgische Blatter; Kritiken.D Boker. Plays and Poems. 2 v.E Booth, E., in Twelve Dramatic Characters.*V Boxer. Sacred Dramas.E Brachyogel. Theatralische Studien.D Das Konigliche Theater zu Berlin.D British Drama. 3 V. in 5.E Brome, R. Dramatic Works. 3 v.*E Brough. Cracker Bon-Bon for Christmas Parties.E Brown, R. D. C. Historical Dramas.E Brown, T. A. History of the American Stage.E Browne. Tales from Old Dramatists.E Browning, R. Biotin the’Scutcheon. . .E Buchanan, R. Drama of Kings.E Napoleon the Fallen.E Bulthaupt. Dramaturgicder Classiker. 2v.D Burnand. The “A. D. C ” of Cambridge.E Burton, W. E. Bibliotheca Dramatica; Library of. *0 Cai.craft. Defence cf the Stage .E Calderon de La Barca. Dramas; tr. by McCarthy. 2 v.E El Principe Constante. (Spanish). .. E Caldor. Social Charades and Operas.. . .E Calvert. Arnold and Andre . E Cartwright. Footsteps of Shakspere; Early Dramatists . E Centlivrf., S. Dramatic Works. 3 v.. .. E CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA. Numantia. E Chamisso. Faust; a dramatic Sketch. E ChaMPNEY (Ed.). Entertainments. E the 633 4237 613 9063 217 5309 5287 1988,2 59 1241 620 53 00 5301 611 9070 9065 9067 619 9072 9068 9°73 9°74 6295 90S0 4i3 9 12 3 603 9121 622 605 9645 9 I2 7 9124 9125 934 224 DRAMA. Chapman, G. Plays.J Chetwood. History of the Stage to the Present Time.;. E Cibber, C. Dramatic Works. 5 v.E Clapp. Record of the Boston Stage.E Cochrane. The Theatre Francais.E Cokain, Sir A. Dramatic Works.E Coleman. Players and Playwrights I have known. 2 v.E Collier. History of English Dramatic Poetry and Annals of the Stage. 3 v. *E Immorality of the Stage.E Collins. The British Birds..E Colman, G., the Elder. Dramatick Works. 4 v.E Companion to the Playhouse. 2 v.*E Congreve, W. Dramatic Works.E The same.E Plays (Mermaid Series). E Cook. Book of the Play. 2 v.E Hours with the Players.E Nights at the Play. 2v.E On the Stage.E Cooke. Dramatic Criticism.E Copin. Comediens de la troupe de Moliere.C Cornwall, Barry. See Procter. Crawfurd (Ed.). English Comic DramatistsE Crowne, J. Dramatic Works; with Memoir. 4 v. E Curtis. Spirit of Seventy-Six.E Dalziel. Rip Van Winkle’s Dream.E D’AVenant, Sir W. Dramatic Works. 5 v.E Davidge. Footlight Flashes.E Davies, T. Dramatic Miscellanies. 3 v.. E Dekker, T. Dramatic Works. 4 V.E Dempwolfe. Vorund hinter den Coulissen.D Denison (Ed.). Collection of Plays. 3 v.. E Exhibition and Parlor Dramas .E School and Social Drama. E De Vere, A. Dramatic Works. 2 v.E Devrient. Dramatische Schriften. iov.D Dickens, C. Plays and Poems; ed. by Shepherd. 2v.E Diderot. Paradox of Acting . E Doddridge. Logan, last of the Shikellemus.E Dodsley (Ed.). Old English Plays. I2v..E The same; ed. by Ilazlitt. 15V.*E Donaldson, J. W. Theater of the Greeks.I The same.L Donaldson, W. Fifty Years of Green- Room Gossip.E Donne. Essays on the Drama.E Doran. Annals of the English Stage. 2v.Fl The same; new ed. 3 V.*E 39A 9 I2 9 9126 608 9 I 3° 9166 9 X 34 940 9*39 9 X 35 9^6 9 I 3 & 648,8 649 95 DI 9H 1 9 H 2 9 X 43 9*44 9!46 | Doran. In and about Drury Lane. 2V... .E | Drama, Defence of the.E Dramatic Notes; London Stage, ’79-’82. 3 v. E Dramatic Souvenir, The.E Dramatists of the present Day.E j.Dubourg. Four Original Plays.E Dudley. Passages from Vortigern and Rowena.E Dumas. Souvenirs dramatiques.C Dunlap. History of the American Theater. 2 v. .E Dwight. Essay on the Stage. E Edwards. Famous first Representations.. E Ernst. L’CEuvre dramatique de Berlioz. .C Etheredge, Sir G. Works; ed. by Verity.E Farquhar, G. Dramatic Works.E The same.E F iedler. Das Deutsche Theater.D Fitzgerald. Art of the Stage.E New History of the English Stage. 2 v. E Principles of Comedy.E Proverbs and Comediettas.E Romance of the English Stage. 2 v... E The World behind the Scenes.E 9180 9178 9181 919a 634 9 H 7 9 J 95 4719 607 9182 9230 4835 9221 648,8 649 5299 9244 9242 632 9246 9247 9241 I2I 59 9*45 9 16 7 623 9176 9168 9 lS 3 9160 9 i6 4 5298 9188 9162 9161 631 5296 9 i8 7 9 1 75 9 1 74 606 9 16 3 3 2 3 i 3045 9 i6 5 9 l 79 629 9184 F'i.etcher. See Beaumont and Fletcher. Fleury. The French Stage and French • People. 2 v .E 9255 Foote, S. Dramas .*E 9245 P'ord, J. Dramatic Works. .E 645 The same. E 648,6 The same; edited by Dyce. 3 v.. E 9250 Four Old Plays. E 624 Fournier. Etudes de Moliere.C 4858 Fowle (Ed.). Parlor Dramas. E 630 F'rancis. Our Charades.E 9251 Freytag. Technik des Dramas.I) 874 Fuller (Ed.). Dramatic Year, 1887-8. . .E 9191 Garcia. Actor’s Art; Stage Declamation. E 9285 Gautier. L’Art dramatique en France. 6v. in 3 .C 5078 Geibel. Brunhild. E 9286 Geier. Thespis on Tryal. *P 624,40 Gellatly. Love made to Order; Comedies. E 9292 Genast. Tagebuch eines Schauspielers.. .D 4079 Genee. Lehr-und Wanderjahre desdeutschen Schauspiels. D 5303 Gilbert. Her Majesty’s Ship “Pinafore”.*E 743,1 Original Comic Operas .E 9287 Original Plays. -2 v .E 9288 Girndt. Dramatische Gestallen .D 5429 Glapthorne, H. Dramatic Works. 2 v.E 9289 Goethe. Dramatic Works .13025,3 Selections from .E 612 See also Poetry. DRAMA. 225 Gosse. King Erik.. .. . E Grant. Science of Acting.E Green. Risifi’s Daughter.E Greene, R. Dramatic and Poetical Works. E Grillparzer. Sappho.E Grindrod. Plays from English History.. . E Haigh. The Attic Theatre; Theatre of the Athenians.E Halliwell-Phillipps. Dictionary of Old English Plays. *0 Ham. The Pulpit and the .Stage.E Harte. Two Men of Sandy Bar.E The same.J Hartmann. Das Oberammergauer Passion- spiel.D 854 Hase. Miracle Plays and Sacred Dramas.E 9324 b Hatfield. The Theatre; its Influence. . *M 628 Hawkins, F. Annals of the French Stage. 2v.E 9323 Hawkins, T. (Ed.). Origin of the English Drama. 3 V.E 7404 Healy. Home Theatre.E 635 Heath. Earl of Leicester.E 636 Hedderwick (Tr.). Old German Puppet Play of Dr. Faust.E 7361 H£ (Abbe d’Aubignac). Whole Art of the Stage.E 9325 Hennequin. Art of Playwriting.E 9335 Hervey. The Theatres of Paris .E 9326 Heywood, T. Dramatic Works. 6 V....E 9327 The same.*E 675,5-6 Love’s Mistress; or, the Queen’s Masque*!’ 624,34 Hill, A. Dramatic Works. 2v.E 9328 Hill, B. E. Theatrical Anecdotes. 2 v. . E 9329 Hoei-Lan-Ki; a Chinese Drama.*V 1292 Hollingshead. Footlights.E 9332 Plain English. E 9331 9290 ; 9281 9282 648,1 604 9 2 9* 9321 297 9322 | 44 75H Home, J. Dramatic Works.E 9339 Hone. Ancient Mysteries described.E 9330 Horne. Laura Dibalzo; a Tragedy.E 9337 Houssaye. Behind the Scenes of the Come: die Fran^aise.E 9360 Howe. The World’s Own.E 9340 Howells. Counterfeit Presentment.E 652 Day’s Pleasure.I 3932 The Elevator; a Farce.E 9343 The Garroters.E 9344 The Mouse-Trap, and other Farces... .E 9346 Parlor Car. 1 3933 The Register; a Farce.E 9342 A Sea Change.E 9345 Sleeping Car; a Farce.E 9341 The Sleeping Car, and other Farces. . . E 9347 Hows. British and American Dramatic Poets. E 9338 | Hugo, V. Dramatic Works.E Hunt. The Descent of Liberty; a Mask.. E Hutton. Curiosities of the American Stage. E Ibsen, H. The Doll’s House.E A Doll’s House, and other Plays.E The Emperor and the Galilean.E The Lady from the Sea.E Pillars of Society, and other Plays.E Prose Dramas; eel. by Archer. 5 v.. .. E Ii.IOWIZI. Herod; a Tragedy.*E Inchbald, Mrs. E. (Ed.). British Theater. 25 v.E Farces. 7 v.E Modern Theater, iov. E James, H. Daisy Miller; a Comedy.E James, M. E. What shall we Act? .E Janin. Rachel et la Tragedie.*V Jerome. Stage-Land.E JOHNSON, D. Political Comedy of Europe. E Johnson, E. Mouth of Gold. E Jones. British Theater, iov. E Jonson, B. Works; with Memoir.E Works. 9 V.E Jullien. Ilistoire du Costume au Theatre. x V Kaiser. Unter 15 Theater Direktoren... .D Kalidasa. Sakoontala; tr. by Williams... E Kelly. Drama in the 16th and 17th Cent.E Kemble, F. A. Plays.E Kendal, Mrs. M. Dramatic Opinions.... E Klaar. Das moderne Drama. 3 V.D Klein. Geschichte des Drama’s. 13 v. in 15 . D Koeberle. Dramaturgische Cange.I) Knowles, J. S. Dramatic Works. 2 v.. . E Select Works; with Memoir. 2 v. . . .E Kotzebue. Plays. 2v.E Kroeker. Alice in Wonderland, and other Fairy Plays. E Kuhling’s Album fur Liebhaber-Buhnen. 18 v.D Kuhling’s Volks-Schaubuhne. 13 v.D Lacy, J. Dramatic Works; with Memoir..E Lacy’s Acting Dramas. 125 vols.E Larwood. Theatrical Anecdotes.E Lee, N. Plays. 2v.E The same.*E Leeds. Theater and Christian Profession.. E Leighton. Sons of Godwin; a Tragedy. .E Lemaitre. Impressions de Theatre. 3 V. in2.C Lennox. Plays, Players and Playhouses. 2 v.E Lessing, G. E. Dramatic Works. 2 v.. .. I Emilia Galotti.G The same.I Nathan the Wise.E The same; tr. by Frothingham.. . E 9350 9351 9355 9363 9365 936i 9364 9262 9366 743 H 637 638 6 39 9375 9378 630 379 6 9379 235 9380 648,4 9381 1152 53 1 4 9401 9405 9407 9403 5297 5307 53 0 8 643 9406 9408 9411 53 10 53 11 9 i6 9 641 9425 9426 9427 9429 943i 575 i 9430 2987 330 2987, i 7761 7762 226 DRAMA. Lessing, G. E. Nathan the Wise; ir. by Kalish. .E 7763 The same; tr. by Taylor. .G 330 Lewes, G. H. Actors and the Art of Acting .E 9443 The same. .G 989 Schauspieler u. Schauspielkunst. D 5292 Lewis ( Stella ). Sappho. . .E 9447 Lichterfeld. Deutsche Schauspielkunst .D 5293 Lilly, J. Dramatic Works. 2 v. .E 9449 Lindau. Dramaturgische Blatter. .D 5455 Liszt. Dramaturgische Blatter.D 2071,3 Loen. Biihne und Leben.D 7837 Logan. Messalina; a Tragedy.E 9448 London Stage; Collection of Plays. 4 v. ,.E 945 1 Lowe. Bibliography of English Theatrical Literature. *0 299 Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic Life.E 9450 LYNDSAY. Dramas of the Ancient World.. E 9445 Lytton, Sir. E. B. Dramatic Works.G 999 Macaulay. Beaumont; a Critical Study.. E 9455 MacColl. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play. E 9456 . M’Dermot. Sources of Tragic Pleasure. . .E 9457 McVicker. The Press, Pulpit and Stage.. E 9459 Maligny. Manuel theatral.C 6513,176 Marlowe, C. Works; ed. by Bullen. 3 v.*E 9201 Dramatic Works.E 648,5 The same . E 295 Plays (Mermaid Series).E 9503 MARMION, Sv Dramatic Works; with Mem. E 9170 Marriott. Collection of English Miracle Plays.E 9464 Marston, J. Dramatic Works. 3 V .E 9469 Works; ed. by Bullen. 3 V .E 9203 Marston, W. Our Recent Actors .E 9452 Massinger, P. Dramatic Works . E 648,6 The same . E 645 Plays (Mermaid Series).E 9502 Matthews. French Dramatists.E 9454 Theaters of Paris.E 9458 Mayhew. Acting Charades .E 646 Middleton, T. Dramatic Works. 5 v. .*E 9470 Dramatic Works; ed. by Bullen. 8v.*E 9202 Plays (Mermaid Series).E 9504 ( Minor Drama. 41 v. in 24 . E 610 Mitford, M. R. Dramatic Works. 2V..E 9468 Modern Drama. 45 v. in 30. E 615 Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic Works. 3 v.. I 2993 Dramatic Works; tr. by Van Laun. 6 v.*P 355 Plays from. E 9472 Molloy, G. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play. .M 1369 Molloy, J. F. Famous Plays. E 9482 Morley. English Plays. . ...*R 1279,3 Morris, L. Gwen; a Drama in Monologue. E 7907 Gycia; a Tragedy.E 9473 j Morris, M. Essays in Theatrical Criticism. E 9481 Moulton. Ancient Classical Drama.E 9478 Moynet. L’Envers du Theatre.C 4193 Munch. William and Rachel Russell.E 650 Murdoch. The Stage.E 4624 Murphy, A. Works. 7 v.E 9471 Murray. Writings against Stage Plays.. .*E 1431 Nash. Josephina. E 647 Neil. Arabella Stuart; Heir of Linne; Tasso. E 9521 Neues Wiener Theater. 18 v.D 5312 Neville. Stage in Relation to Fine Art... E 9530 Noel. The House of Ravensburg.E 9522 Noel et Stoullig. AnnalesduTheatre. 9V.C 6054 Norman. Account of Harvard Greek Play.E 9540 Norris. Ancient Cornish Drama. 2 v.. ,*P 116 Nugent. Country-House Charades for Act¬ ing.E 9550 O’Brien. Tale of Venice.E 9565 Oehlenschlaeger. Axel and Valborg. . .E 9572 Correggio.E 9571 Earl Hakon, The Mighty.. .*.. E 9570 Old Plays; Continuation of Dodsley’s Collec¬ tion. 6 v.E 9562 Oppenheim und Gettke (Her.). Deutsches Theater-Lexicon.*R 6oo Otway, T. Works. 3V.E 9575 OxENHAM. Ober-Ammergau Passion PlayHs^cGSo Palm. Briefe aus der Bretterwelt.D 5305 Pascoe. The Dramatic List.. .E 9601 Pasque. Goethe’s Theaterleitung.D 5473 Paul and Gebbie. The Stage and its Stars. 2 v. *P 111 4 Peele, G. Dramatic and Poetical Works. . E 648,1 Works; ed. by Bullen. 2 v. *E 9204 Pelly. Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain. 2 v. E 9603 Pemberton. Charles Dickens and the Stage. E 9607 Petit de Julleyille. Histoire du Theatre en France; la Comedie.C 6134 Histoire du Theatre en France; les Come- diens. C 6135 Phelps, H. P. Players of a Century; Albany Stage. E 9616 Phelps, L. H. Dramatic Stories .E 653 Plagiary Warned, The; a Vindication of the Drama. E 9604 Planch£. Extravaganzas. 3 v .E 9605 Plumptre. Amusement of the Stage.E 9625 Pollard. English Miracle Plays .E 9627 Pollock. Amateur Theatricals .E 9610 Pougin. Dictionnaire du Theatre .*R 1276 Pratt. Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra .*E 743,1 Private Theatricals .E 9609 Procter (Z?. Cornwall). Dramatic Scenes.E 9612 DRAMA. 227 Proelss. Geschichte der dramatischen Lit- eratur u. Kunst in Deutschland. 2 v.D 53 22 Geschichte des neueren Dramas. 3 v.,D 5321 Punch and Judy.*E 651 Racine, J. Dramatic Works; tr. by Boswell. .1 3092 Randolph, T. Dramatic Works. 2V....E 9681 Redcliffe. Alfred the Great.E 9683 Renan. The Abbess of Jouarre.E 9685 Riccoboni. Account of Theatres in Europe. E 9788 Riquet of the Tuft; a Love Drama.E 9682 Robinson. The New Pandora.E 9630 Rodenberg. Dramatische Idyllen.D 5488 Roetscher. Dramatische Darstellung.. .. D 5306 Russell. Representative Actors.E 609 Ryley, S. W. Memoirs of an Actor.*V 684 Sc^lACK. Dramatische Literatur und Kunst in Spanien. 3 V. D 2656 Scott, C. Drawing-Room Plays.E 9684 Scott, C. W. The Stage Door.E 9785 Seguin. Oberammergau Passion-Play.I \ ,972 Seilhamer. History of the American The^ * ter, 1749-1792. 2 v .*V 1601 Shadwell, T. Dramatic Works. 2v..*E 9635 Shakspere. See p. 228. Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works.G 563 Dramatic Works and Life.I 3°79 Plays.E 9781 School for Scandal...».E Shirley, J. Dramatic Works. 6v.E Sikes {OliveLogan). Before the Footlights.E , Skelton. Saul.E 655 Smith. Kildrostan.E 9786 Sniveley. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play of 1880.'..E Sotheby. Tragedies.E STANFORD. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play.. I Steele. Drawing-Room Plays.E Stephens. Dramas for the Stage.E Stirling. Old Drury Lane. 2 v.E Stone. Personal Recollections of the Drama. E Story. Nero. E Styles. Essay on the Stage.E Suckling, J. See p. 221. Sutor. Essay on the Stage.E Swan wick, C. The Talisman.E Three Dramas.E Swinburne, A. G. Atalanta in Calydon.. E Bothwell; a Tragedy. 2v.E Chastelard; a Tragedy.E Erechtheus; a Tragedy.E Locrine; a Tragedy.E 8533 Marino Faliero; a Tragedy.E 8531 Mary Stuart; a Tragedy.E 8526 Queen Mother and Rosamond.E 690 682 9777 5740 9 6 5 > X 680 9782 9778 9787 9779 9783 9789 689 684 488 8522 496 85 2 9 Talfourd, T. N. The Castilian.E Tragedies.E Tatham, J. Dramatic Works.E Taylor, B. Dramatic Works.E The Prophet.E Taylor, H. Edwin the Fair.. . .E Works. 5 v.J Taylor, T. Historical Dramas.E Tennyson, A. Becket.E Becket; the Cup; the Falcon.G The Cup and the Falcon.E Harold.E The same.G Queen Mary.E The same.E The same.G See also Poetry, page 221. Thayer, W. R. Best Elizabethan Plays. .E Hesper; an American Drama.E Theatre, The (London), 1878-89. 20 v. Theatre, The (New York), 1886-90. 6 v... Theatre de Campagne. 7 v.C Theatrical Speaker; Science of Acting.E Thespian Dictionary; Dramatic Biography. .E Thierry. La Comedie Fran^aise pendant 1870-71.C Tieck (Her.). Alt-englisches Theater...D Todhunter. Tragedy of Rienzi.E Tourneur, C. Plays and Poems. 2 v...E Trench (Tr.). Passion-Play at Ober-Am¬ mergau .... . E Tupper. Three Five Act Plays.E Tweedie. Oberammergau Passion Play... E Ulrich. Victor; a Moral Drama.E Vanbrugh, J. Dramatic Works.E The same.E Vandenhoff. Actor’s Note-Book.E Venable. School Stage.E Victor. Theatres of London and Dublin. 2 v.E Viel-Castel. Essai surle Theatre espagnol. 2 v. C VlTU. Les Mille et Une Nuits du Theatre. 5 v . C Voltaire. Commentaires sur Corneille.C 6945 Waldstein. Theatergeschichten.D Walker. Revival of the Drama in Italy. .E Webster, J. Works.E The same. 4V.E Welcker. Romer, King of Norway.E Whitehead, W. Plays and Poems 2 v.E Williams. Some London Theaters .E Wilson, J. Dramatic Works.E Winslow. Yesterdays with Actors.E 9810 9790 9 r 7 i 979 1 692 691 268 979 2 9803 1192 9804 696 818 693 694 819 9 81 4 9 81 5 *Ser. *Ser. 6899 9801 9816 13262 5291 9820 9800 9822 9799 9825 9802 648,8 649 9842 6 95 9843 13364 13312 ,21-22 8340 9883 648,7 686 9884 9886 9882 9 * 7 2 9885 228 DRAMA. Wood, W. B. Personal Recollections of the Stage.E 6470 Wright. Early Mysteries.E 9881 Wycherley, W. Dramatic Works.E 649 The same,.E 648,8 SHAKSPERE. Shakspere, W. Complete Works: Works; 1623 ed. (Booth’s reprint)... ,*P 489 The same; Tragedies.E 9711 Works; 1623 ed. (facsimile). E 9696 Works; 1623 ed. (Staunton’s facsimile).*E 1113 Works (Quarto facsimiles). 43 V.*E 746 Works (Family Shakspere); ed. by Bowdler..E 9667 Works (Globe Ed.); ed. by Clark and Wright.E 663 Works (Cassell’s Illustrated Shakspere); ed. by C. and M. C. Clarke. 3V. ..E 744 Works (with Illustrations from “Boydell Gallery”); ed. byC. and M. C. Clarke. 2 v.E 9659 Works; ed. by Collier. 6 v.*E 657 Works (Leopold Shakspere) ; ed. by Delius.. 9698 | Works; ed. by Dyce. 7 v. in 4.G 559 v. 1-2. Measure for Measure; Comedy of Errors; Much Ado about Nothing; Love’s Labour’s Lost; Midsummer Night’s Dream; Merchant of Venice; As you like it; Taming of the Shrew; All’s Well that Ends Well; Twelfth Night; Winter’s Tale; King John; King Richard II. 3-4; King Henry IV.; King Henry V.: King Henry VI.; King Richard III.; King Henry VIII.; Troilus and Cressida’; Titus Andronicus. 5-6. Coriolanus; Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello; Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline. 7. Pericles ; The Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Poem6; Life; Glossary. Works (Variorum Ed.); ed. by Furness.E 669 v. 1. Romeo and J uliet. 2. Macbeth. 3-4. Hamlet. 5. King Lear. 6. Othello. 7. Merchant of Venice. 8. As you like it. Shakspere, W. Complete Works : Works; ed. by Halliwell-Phillips. 3 v.*E 9710 Works; ed. by Hazlitt. 5 v.E 653 Works; ed. by Hudson. 11 v.E 661 v. 1. The Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Twelfth Night. 2. Measure for Measure; Much Ado about Nothing ; Midsummer Night’s Dream ; Love’s Labour’s Lost. 3. Merchant of Venice; As you like it; All’s well that ends well; Taming of the Shrew. 4. Winter’s Tale; Comedy of Errors; Macbeth; King John. 5. Richard II.; Henry IV. pts. 1, 2; • Henry V. 6. Henry VI.. pts. 1-3. 7. Richard III.; Henry VIII.; Troilus and Cressida. 8. Timon of Athens; Coriolanus; Julius Caesar; Antony and Cleopatra. 9. Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus; Peri¬ cles; King Lear. 10. Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello. 11. Life; History of the Drama; Poems and Sonnets. Works (Harvard Ed.); ed. by Hudson. 20 v.E 9672 v. 1. Life; Comedy of Errors: Two Gentlemen of Verona. 2. Love’s Labours Lost; Taming of the Shrew. 3. Midsummer Night’s Dream; Mer¬ chant of Venice. 4. All’s well that ends well; Much Ado about Nothing. 5. As you like it; Twelfth Night. 6. Merry Wives of Windsor; Measure for Measure. 7. The Tempest; The Winter’s Tale. 8. King Henry VI., pts. 1, 2. 9. King Henry VI., pt. 3; King Rich¬ ard III. 10. King John; King Henry II. 11. King Henry IV., pts. 1, 2. 12. King Henry V.; King Henry VIII. 13. Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet. 14. Julius. Caesar; Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 15. IviDg Lear; Timon of Athens. 16. Antony and Cleopatra; Troilus and Cressida. 17. Macbeth ; Othello, the Moor of Venice. 18. Cymbjline; Coriolanus. 19. Pericles, Prince of Tyre; Two Noble Kinsmen; Venus and Adonis. 20. Lucroce; Sonnets; Minor Poems; Index. DRAMA. Shakspere, W. Complete Works : Works (Henry Irving Ed.); ed. by Irving and Marshall.—7 v....*E 9666 v. 1 . Shakspere as a Playwright; by H. Irving; Love's Labour’s Lost; Comedy of Errors: Two Gentle¬ men of Yerona; Romeo and Juliet; King Henry VI., pt. 1 . 2 . King Henry VI., pt6. 2 , 3 ; Henry VI., condensed by C. Kemble; Taming of the Shrew; Midsum¬ mer Night’s Dream; King Rich¬ ard II. 3 . King Richard III.; King John; Merchant of Venice; King Henry IV., pts. 1, 2 . 4 . King Henry V.: Merry Wives of Windsor ; Much Ado about Nothing; As you like it; Twelfth Night; or, What you will. 5 . All’s Well that ends well; Julius Caesar; Measure for Measure; Troilus and Cressida; Macbeth. 6. Othello; Antony and Cleopatra; Coriolanus; King Lear. 7 . Timon of Athens; Cymbeline; The Tempest; Titus Andronicus; The Winter’s Tale.' Works (Pictorial Ed.); ed. by Knight. 7v.*E 9697 Works (Bankside Shakspere); ed. by A. Morgan.*E 9660 v. 1 . Merry Wives of Windsor. 2 . Taming of the Shrew. 3 . Merchant of Venice. 4 . Troilus and Cressida. 5 . Romeo and Juliet. 6. Much Adoe about Nothing. 7 . Titus Andronicus. 8. A Midsommer Nights Dreame. 9 . Tragedie of Othello, the Moore cf Venice. 10. King Lear. Works; ed. by Reed. 25 v.*E 742 Index to same; by Ayscouch. . . . *E 742,26 Works; ed. by Rolfe. 40 v.E 9670 v. 1. All’s well that ends well. 2 . Antony and Cleopatra. 3 . As you like it. 4 . Comedy of Errors. 5 . Coriolanus. 0. Cymbeline. 7 . Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 8 - 9 . Henry 1 he Fourth. 10. Henry the Fifth. 11 - 13 . Henry the Sixth. 14 . Henry the Eighth. 15 . Julius Ctesar. 16 . King John. 17 . King Lear. 18 . Love’s Labour’s Lost. 19 . Macbeth. 20. Measure f< r Aleasure. Shakspere, W. Works; ed. by Rolfe. E v. 21. Merchant of Venice. 22 . Merry Wives of Windsor. 23 . Midsummer Night’s Dream. 24 . Much Ado about Nothing, Othello. Pericles. Richard the Second. Richard the Third. Romeo and Juliet. Sonnets. 31 . Taming of the Shrew. 32 . The Tempest. Timon of Athene. Titus Andronicus. Troilus and Cressida. Twelfth Night. 37 . Two Gentlemen of Verona. 38 . Two Noble Kinsmen. 39 . Venus and Adonis. 40 . The Winter’s Tale. 229 9670 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . Works; ed. by Singer. 10 v.. . . .E 6 59 Works; ed. by Staunton. 3 v.. . .E 9668 The same; illus. by Gilbert. i5v.*p 488 Works; ed. by White. 12 v. . . . . . . .*E 745 Works (Chiswick, 1830). . . . .*E 9671 Works (Handy-Volume Ed.). 13 v. .. .E 662 v. 1 . Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Ver- ona; Comedy of Errors. 2 . Merry Wives of Windsor; Measure for Measure; Midsummer Night’s Dream. 3 . Much Ado about Nothing; Twelfth •Night; Love’s Labor’s Lost. 4 . As you like it; Merchant of Venice; Winter’s Tale. 5 . Taming of the Shrew; All’s well that ends well; King John. 6. King Richard II.; King Henry IV., pts. 1, 2. 7 . King Henry V.; King Henry VI., pts. 1, 2. 8. King Henry VI., pt. 3 ; King Richard III ; King Henry VIII. 9 . Julius Caesar; Antony and Cleopatra; Troilus and Cressida. 10 . Othello ; Coriolanus ; Timon of Athens. 11 . Hamlet; Romeo and Juliet: Pericles. 12 . King Lear; Cymbeline; Citus An¬ dronicus 13 . Macbeth; Poems and Sonnets; Glos¬ sary. Works (Victoria Ed.). 3 v.E Works (English Text with German Notes); ed. by Delius. 7 v .E Works (Parallel Ed. in German). 28 v. Dramatische Werke. 12 v. in 6 Dramatiske Vterker; overs, af Lembcke. 18 v. in 9 .G (Euvres completes; trad, par Hugo. i8v.C English and ..E . . I) 747 9669 9699 5494 757i 6764 230 DRAMA. Shaksperf., W. Works; Werken; vert door Burgersdijk. 12 v.D 9758 Select Plays: Hamlet, Macbeth; ed. by Clark and Wright.*P 236 Merchant of Venice; Richard II; ed. by Clark and Wright.*P 237 Select Plays (for Families); ed. by Hud¬ son. 3 v.. .. . .E 660 Hamlet; reprint of First edition. E 9695 Midsommer Nights Dreame (Variant Ed.).E 9661 Doubtful Plays.G 560 and Fletcher. Two Noble Kinsmen.E 9775 SHAKSPERIANA. Shakspere, William: Abhandlungen zu; von Delius.D 6573 Aid to Shaksperian Study; by Jeremiah. E 9764 Als Lchrer der Menschheit; von Marg- graff.D 5497 Alt-englisches Theater; von Tieck.D 5291 and Classical Antiquity; by Stapfer.. . .E 9772 and Montaigne; by Feis.E 9687 and other Dramatists; by Coleridge. . .. J 45,4 and Stratford-upon-Avon; by Hunter..C 917 and the Emblem-Writers; by Green. . *R 1316 Animal Lore of; by Phipson.E 9691 Apology for Believers in Shakspere-Fa- pers; by Chalmers.E 9654 Supplemental Apology to same; by Chalmers.E 9655 as a Dramatic Artist; by Moulton.E 9709 as a Lawyer; by Heard.E 9770 as a Physician; by Chesney.E 9708 as an Artist; by Ruggles.E 664 Authorship of; by Holmes.E 9738 The same; new ed. 2 v.E 9703 Autograph of; by Wise.*E 9692 Bacon and Shakspere; by Smith.E 9714 Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakspere Con¬ troversy; by Wyman. *0 296 Birmingham, Shakspere Memorial Libra¬ ry.*0 671 Book of Shakspere Gems.*E 9773 Boston Public Library, Barton Collec¬ tion.*0 1065,1 Caliban, the Missing Link; by Wilson..E 9748 Catalogue of Books relating to.*0 295 Characters of; by Hazlitt.E 9751 Characters of; by Richardson.E 9749 Analysis of; by Richardson.E 9745 Characteristics of Women; by Jameson.L 536 The same. _ .L 535 The same.I 3094 Shakspere, William : Chronological Order of Plays; by Stokes.E 9730 Collier’s Edition; by Dyce.E 672 Commentaries on; by Gervinus.E 656 Concordance to; by Clarke.*R 1310 Concordance to Plays of; by Adams. ,*R 1356 Concordance to the Worksof; by Smith.*R 1311 Critical Study of; by Dowden.E 9729 Cruces Shaksperianae; by Kinnear. .... E 9757 Delineations of Insanity; by Kellogg.. .E 674 Dethroning Shakspere; ed. by Theobald. E 9664 Dictionary of Language of; by Jervis.*R 1264 Dictionary of Shaksperian Quotations.*R 1394 Dramatic Art of; by Ulrici. 2v.I 3000 Dramatic Miscellanies; by Davies. 3 v.E 9759 Dramatische Kunstvon. Ulrici...D 5498 Drawings and Engravings Illustrative of Life; by Halliwell-Phillipps.*P 490 Elizabethan Demonology; by Spalding.L 2441 English History in; by Reed.A 654 English of; by Craik.J 910 Essays on; by Elze. E 741 et Racine; par Beyle.C 4275 Examination of Text of; by Walker. 3 v.E 677 Examinations of; by Thom.E 9768 Falstaff and his Companions, Illustrations of; by Konewka. * .*E 1308 Familiar Talks on Comedies of; by Lat¬ imer.E 9705 Female Characters of; by Lady Martin. E 9776 Folk-Lore of; by Dyer.E 9771 Footsteps of; by Cartwright.E 9645 for the Young Folks; ed. by Raymond.E 9766 from an American Point of View; by Wilkes.E 654 Genius von; Goltz. D 2863 Girlhood of the Heroines of; by Clarke. E 670 Great Cryptogram; by Donnelly. . ... .E 9662 Hamlet; by Strachey.E 9747 Hamlet and Ophelia, True Story of; by Gilchrist.E 9648 Hamlet, Human Mystery in; by Cooke.E 9649 Hamlet, Legend of; by Hansen..E 9713 Hamlet, Memoranda on; by Halliwell- Phillipps .E 9715 Hamlet, Mystery of; by Vining. ...... E 9752 Hamlet, Study of; by Marshall.E 9750 Hamlet, Subjection of; by Leighton. . .E 9727 Hamlet Travestie; by Poole.E 9611 Hamlet von; von Gerth.D 5499 Hamlet’s Note-Book; by O’Connor. .. .E 9704 Plamlets, Some Famous; by Brereton. .E 9689 Hard Knots in; by Perring.E 9656 Heroines of; by Jameson.I 3094 DRAMA. 231 Shakspere, William : History of Stratford^upon-Avon; by Halliwell-Phillipps.*R 108 Home and Rural Life of; by Walter. .*P 531 Home at New Place; by Bellew.E 9658 Human Life in; by Giles.E 9650 The same.J 1790 Illustrations of; by Douce. 2v.E 685 The same.*E 742,22-23 in Fact and in Criticism; by Morgan.. .E 9657 in Germany; by Cohn.*V 171 Index to Shaksperian Thought; by Ar¬ nold.*R 1355 Index to Works of; by O’Connor.*R 1265 Inner Life of; by Heraud.. .. ..E 9742 Insects in Plays of; by Patterson.E 9720 Insomnia of; by Head.E 9706 Ireland Manuscripts.*E 9741 Confessions of forging the same; by Ireland.E 681 Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakspere- Gesellschaft, 1866-90. 25 v.*D 5493 Kampf urn’s Recht; von Ihering.D 3438 Kemble’s Readings from. 2 v.E 668 Lectures and Notes on; by Coleridge.. .1 2929 Lectures on; by Dawson.E 9688 Lectures on; by Hudson. 2v.E 9737 Lectures on; by Schlegel.I 3076 Legal Acquirements of; by Campbell. .E 665 Library of; by Collier ana Ilazlitt. 6 v.E 9723 Life; by Halliwell-Phillipps .C 922 Life; by Knight.*V 23 Life; by White. C 923 Life and Beauties of; by Dodd.E 679 Life and Genius of; by Kenny.C 921 Life, Art and Characters of; by Hudson. 2 v .E 9731 Life, Illustrations of; by Halliwell-Phil¬ lipps.*V 46 Mad Folk of; by Bucknill.E 9712 Manuscript Corrections in Collier’s Folio; by Hamilton.E 9735 Medical Knowledge of; by Bucknill. . .E 9756 Medical Thoughts of; by Field.E 9651 Memoranda on Plays of; by Halliwell- Phillipps. .*P 491-493 Memorials of; by Drake.. C 924 Midsummer Night’s Dream, Introduction to; by Halliwell-Phillipps.E 9746 Morals of; by Gilman.E 9732 Name of; by Halliwell-Phillipps.*P 494 New Exegesis of.E 9765 New. Lamps or Old? by Halliwell-Phil¬ lipps.*P 494 Shakspere, William: New Readings of Tragedies of; by Vaughan. 3v.. .E 9724 New Shakspere Society’s Transactions: Series I-VIII. 28 v.*E 9921-9928 New York Shakspere Society Papers. 8 v.*E 9722 Notes on; by Collier.E 666 Notes and Comments on; byHackett..E 9739 Obscure Words in; by Mackav.E 9721 Ornithology of; by Harting.E 676 Othello of Salvini; by Mason. E 9642 Palace of Pleasure; by Painter. 2v. in3.*V 1460 Philosophy of; by Delia Bacon .*E 9736 Philosophy and Religion of; by Birch. .E 683 Plant-Lore and Garden Craft of; by Ella- combe.E 9663 Portraits of; by Boaden.E 9693 Poftrails of; by Norris.*P 573 Promus of Formularies; by Lord Bacon. E 9762 Psychology of; by Bucknill.E 9716 Richard the Third and Primrose Criti¬ cism; by Bristol.E 9717 Romeo and Juliet; ill. by Dicksee. . . .*P 1085 Romeo and Juliet; von Hartmann.D 853 School of; by Simpson. 2v.E 9743 ses Oeuvres et Critiques; par Mezieres. .C 5870 Shakspere (Literature Primer); by Dow- den .J 1513 Shakspere; von Elze.D 5496 Shakspere; von Gervinus. 2v.D 4211 Shakspere; by Hugo.E 9707 Shakspere-Anthologie; von Daul. 4 v.D 815 Shakspere-Anthologie; von Ivreyssig.. . D 5501 Shakspere-Characters, chiefly subordi¬ nate; by Clarke.E 673 Shakspere-Charaktere; von Thummel.D 6655 Shakspere Diversions; by Jacox. 2 v. .E 9758 Shakspere Fabrications; by Ingleby. .. E 9647 Shakspere Flora; by Grindon.E 9769 Shakspere Jest Books; by Ilazlitt. 3 v.E 9725 Shakspere Key; by Clarke.*R 1347 Shakspere Lexicon; by Schmidt. 2 v.*R 1314 Shakspere-Literatur; von Riechel.D 2640 Shakspere Music; by Roffe.E 9774 Shakspere or Bacon? by Martin.E 9665 Shakspere Papers; by Maginn.E 9753 Authenticity of; by Malone.E 9763 Shakspere Phrase Book; by Bartlett. .*R 1396 Shakspere Scenes and Characters; by Dowden .*P 515 Shakspere Society Publications. 50 v. in 20 .*E 675 Shakspere Treasury of Wisdom; Stearns. E 678 232 DRAMA. Shakspere, William : Shakspere’s Centurie of Prayse; ed. by Ingleby.E 9702 Shakspere’s Garden; by Beisly.E 9719 Shakspere’s Garden of Girls; by Elliott. E 9726 Shakspere’s Himself Again; by Becket. 2 v.E 9646 Shakspere’s Predecessors; by Symonds.E 9690 Shakspere’s Puck, and his Folklore; by Bell. 2 v . E 9644 Shakspere’s Stories simply told; by Sey¬ mour. 2 v.H 676 Shakspere’s Zeitgenossen; von Bodenstedt. 3 v. in 2. D 5290 Shaksperian Dictionary; by Dolby.. . ,*R 1342 Shaksperian Drama; by Snider. 2 v..E 9653 Shaksperian Fly-Leaves; by Hall.E 667 Shaksperian Grammar; by Abbott.J 845 Shaksperian Myth; by Morgan.E 9755 Shaksperiana Genealogica; by French.E 9728 Shaksperiana (Phil). 7 v.*E 9701 Shaksperiana, 1564-1864; by Thimm ..*0 294 Shaksperestudien; von Rumelin.D 5495 Spirit of Plays; illus. by Howard. 5 v.*P 250 Shakspere, W 7 illiam: Stratford Gallery; or, Shakspere Sister¬ hood; by Palmer.*..*R Stratford-upon-Avon; by Lee.*P Struggle for Law; by Ihering.N Study of; by Swinburne.E Studies of; by Knight.E Studies in; by White.E Studies of Plots of; by Ransome.E System of Dramas of; by Snider.E Tales from; by Lamb.H Text vindicated; by Singer.E True Life; by Walter. .*V und Handel; von Gervinus.D vor dem Forum der Jurisprudenz; von Kehler. D Vorlesungen fiber; von Kreyssig. 2 v.D Was Shakspere Shapleigh? by Winsor.E Which shall it be? by Halliwell-Phillipps*P Wit and Humor of; by Weiss. E Wit, Wisdom and Beauties of; by Ward.E Words used but Once in; by Butler... *E Writings and Genius of; by Montagu. .E Young People of his Dramas; by Barr.E ESSAYS and Adams, C. K. (Ed.). British Orations. 3V.E Adams, W. D. By-Ways in Book-Land.. E Quips and Quiddities.E Adams, W. H. D. Secret of Success.E Plain Living and High Thinking.E Addison. Dialogues upon Ancient Medals.E See also Steele and Addison. Adeler, Max, pseud. See Clark, C. H. Aikix. J. Literary Essays. .. .. E and Mrs. Barbauld. Miscellaneous Pieces.E Airman. Bachelor’s Talks.E Albert, Prince. Golden Precepts. I Speeches and Addresses.G Albert-Edward, Prince of Wales. Speeches and Addresses.E Alcott, A. B. Concord Days.E Tablets.E Alembert. Select Eulogies. 2v.E Alger. The School of Life.E Solitude of Nature.E Alison, Rev. A. Essays on Taste. , .. E Alison, Sir A. Miscellaneous Essays.E MISCELLANIES. 1801 1812 1810 754 1811 753 755 757 1814 3881 496 1816 760 766 770 773 772 775 1410 Allen, G. Falling in Love, and other Essays. E Allen, W. Addresses at Bowdoin College. E Alliboxe. Frose Quotations. *R Ames. Men, W’omen and Things. E Amory. Life of John Buncle, Esq.E The same. 4 V.*E Anderdon. Seven Ages of Clarewell.... E Andrews. Book of Oddities. E Anecdotes of Polite Literature. 5 v. E Appleton. Chequer-W T ork. E Windfalls. E Armstrong, A. Banquet of Jests; with Archy’s Dream .*E Armstrong, R. A. Latter-Day Teachers. E Arnim. Goethe’s Corresp. with a Child .. .C Arnold, F. Turning-Points in Life.E The same. 2v.E Arnold, I. N. Speeches and Pamphlets.*B Arnold, M. Culture and Anarchy .E Discourses in America .E Essays in Criticism. 2 v .E The same .G 4121 io 99 5083 9733 9740 9760 9643 9744 5t»8 684 ^69 4280 55oo 5502 9718 495 687 9652 743 A 9734 9767 1817 1813 1274 777 778 776 774 771 1826 79° 789 1824 76S 1111 786 1830 1339 787 1832 783 1282 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 233 Arnold, M. Friendship’s Garland.E 784 Mixed Essays.E 785 The same.E 1831 Arnold, T. Miscellaneous Words.M 1055 The same.*P 14 Arnold, W. Sublime Society of Beefsteaks. E 1827 Arr, E. H. See Rollins. Arvine. Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes.*R 1296 Cyclopaedia of Religious Anecdotes.. . *R 1297 Ashton. Chap-Books of 18th Century... .E 769 Eighteenth Century Waifs.E 1836 Humor and Satire of 17th Century.E 1835 Men and Maidens a Hundred Years ago.E 1819 Atlantic Souvenir for 1859.E 1840 Atlas Essays, Biographical and Critical. 2v.E 791 Atwell. Golden Thoughts.E 792 Aubrey, J. Miscellanies.E 794 # Letters written in 17th and 18th Cen¬ turies. 2 v. in 3. E 793 AXON. Stray Chapters in Literature .E 1839 Bacon, Lord. Advancement of Learning; ed. by Wright..*P 206 Essays; ed. by Boyd.E 1963 Essays.E 795 The same; ed. by Wright.E 796 The same. I 3762 Moral and Historical Works.I 3001 Selections from.M 1347 Sermones Fideles.E 797 See also Collected Works. BAGEHOT. Literary Studies. 2v.E 1843 Bagot. Men we meet in the Field.E 1842 Bailey, J. M. Danbury Boom.E 801 Life in Danbury.E 800 They all do it.E 799 Bailey, S. Discourses on Various Subjects. E 2016 Baker. Bad Habits of Good Society.E 1964 Baldwin. Flush Times in Alabama.E 803 Ballou. Edge-Tools of Speech.*R 1331 Genius in .Sunshine and Shadow.E 1962 Treasury of Thought.*R 1332 Bancroft, G. Literary and Historical Miscellanies.E 1977 Bangs and Sherman. New Waggings of Old Tales.E 1972 Barber. War Letters of a- Disbanded Volunteer.E 1961 Barker. Literary Anecdotes and Reminisc.E 1847 Barnes. Life at Three-score and Ten.. .*E 1395 Barnum, P. T. Funny Stories.E 2017 Barnwell. New Orleans Book.E 1844 Barr. Romances and Realities.E 816 Bartol. Principles and Portraits.E 821 Radical Problems.E 822 ! Bate, J. Talkers .E 807 Baxendai.e. Dictionary of Anecdote.. ..*R 1294 Baxter and Wythen. Humor and Pathos. E 813 Bayly. Evenings and Work to do in them.E 1841 Bayne, P. Essays. 2v.E 823 Beaconsfield, L'ord. Wit and Wisdom of.E 1849 Beckett. Comic Blackstone.E 825 Beckford. Extraordinary Painters.E 1850 Beecher, C. E. Truth stranger than Fiction. E 829 Beecher, IT. W. Eyes and Ears.E 824 Lectures to Young Men.E 827 Patriotic Addresses, 1850-85.E 2020 Proverbs and Sayings; by Drysdale. . .E 2372 Star Papers.E 828 Belgravia Annual; ed. by Braddon. 2 v.,.E 831 Benjamin. Sunny Side of Shadow.E 1965 Bennett. Proverbs with Pictures.E 817 Shadows.E 1855 Bent. Sayings of Great Men.E 1846 Berdmore. Scratch Team of Essays.E 1978 Beresford. Miseries of Human Life.E 1851 Berkeley. Upper Ten Thousand. 2V...E 843 Bernard. Wonderful Escapes.K 2610 Bigelow. Modern Inquiries.E 1661 Bigsby. Old Places revisited. 3 V.E 1979 Billings, Josh. See Shaw. Binney. From Seventeen to Thirty.E 841 To make the best of both Worlds.E 842 Birrell. Obiter Dicta. 2v.E i860 Black, J. S. Essays and Speeches.E 1970 Blake, J. V. Essays. E 1975 Blanchard. Sketches from Life. 3 v. . ,E 1980 Bluett. Duelling and the Laws of Honor. E 1974 Blunt, J. Speeches, Reviews, Reports, etc.E 1870 Blunt, J. J. Contributions to Quart. Rev.E 851 Bolton, C. L. Books for the People. 2 v.E 1981 Bolton, II. W. Patriotism.E 2024 Bombaugh. Gleanings for the Curious. .. *R 1405 Harvest-Fields of Literature.E 1987 BOSANQUET, B. Essays and Stories.E 1985 Boston Book.E 852 Boswell, J. Boswelliana, with Memoir...C 2478 Bowden. The Epitaph-Writer.E 2031 Bowen. Gleanings from a Literary Life. E 854 Bowle. Vanity Fair Album. 3 v.*V 379 Bowles. Flotsam and Jetsam.E 1984 Boyd, A. Iv. II. Autumn Holidays.E 853 Common Place Philosopher.M 1388 Critical Essays.E 856 Every-Day Philosopher.E 858 Graver Thoughts. 2v.E 860 Landscapes, Churches, Moralities.E 861 Leisure Hours in Town.E 862 Lessons of the Middle Ages.E 865 2 34 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. Boyd, A. K. H. Our Homely Comedy and Tragedy.E 1989 Our Little Life. 2 v.E 1986 Recreations of a Country Parson. 2 v.E 868 Boyd, M. Reminiscences of Fifty Years..E 870 Social Gleanings. E 869 Boyes. Life and Books.E 1988 Brady. Varieties of Literature.E 1983 Brandt. Turning Points.E 2033 Brewer. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.*R 1390 The Reader’s Handbook.*R 1366 Brewster. St. Martin’s Summer.E 872 Brimley, G. Essays. E 1976 Brinton and Napheys. Personal Beauty. E 881 British Essayists; edited by Chalmers: Tatler. 4 V. ... J 20 Spectator. 8 v.J 21 Guardian. 3 v.J 22 Rambler. 3 V. J 23 Adventurer. 3 V.J 24 World. 3 v.J 25 Connoisseur. 2 v. J 26 Idler.J 27 Mirror. 2 v.J 28 Lounger. 2 v.J 29 Observer. 3 v.J 30 Looker-on. 3 V. J 31 Index.J 32 Brougham, H. Contributions to Edinburgh Review. 3 V.E 1990 Brougham, J. A Basket of Chips . E 1991 Brown, J. Horae Subsecivae.E 876 The same. E 877 Spare Hours. 3 v.E 878 John Leech, and other Papers.E 826 Brown, J. C. Ethics of Geo. Eliot’s Works. J 1530 Brown, M. Proverbial Philosophy.E 1982 Wit and Humor. . .E 884 Browne (Ed.). The British Cicero; Select Speeches. 3 v.E 2026 Brownson, O. A. Essays and Reviews. . .E 87^ Bryant, W. C. Letters of a Traveler.I 2250 Orations and Addresses . E 880 Prose Writings. 2 v. . . E 6942 Buchanan, D. An Australian Orator; Speeches. E 2035 Buckle, H. T. Essays. E 882 Miscellaneous Works. 3V.J 19 Bunce. Bachelor Bluff . E 2002 My House.E 2001 Bungay. Crayon Sketches. E 2003 Burdette, R. J. Plawkeyes. E 886 Innach Garden, and Comic Sketches. .E 2006 Burke, E. Speeches; with Memoir. E 885 Burke, U. R. (Tr.). Spanish Salt; Proverbs of Don Quixote.E 866 Burlingame (Ed.). Current Discussions..E 883 v. 1. International Politics. 2. Questions of Belief. Burnand, F. C. Happy-Thought Hall.. .. E 888 Happy Thoughts.E 890 More happy Thoughts.E 892 My Health.E 891 My Time; what I have done with it.. .E 893 Out of Town.E 889 Tracks for Tourists. E 874 Burritt, E. Mission of great Suffering... E 900 Sparks from the Anvil.E 2008 Speeches and Lectures....E 899 Ten-Minute Talks.E 2009 Thoughts at Home and abroad.E 898 Burroughs, J. Fresh Fields.E 2005 Indoor Studies.E 867 Locusts and Wild Honey.E 897 Pepacton.E 895 Winter Sunshine.E 896 Burton. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. 2 v.*R 1298 BusHNELL, H. Literary Varieties.E 2010 v. 1. Work and Play. 2. Moral Uses of Dark Things. 3. Building Eras in Religion. Work and Play.E 902 Butler, C. Reminiscences.E 894 Butler, J. D. Blood Drops, etc.*E 2014 September Scamper.*E 2014 Byeri.ey and Robertson. Percy Anecdotes. 2v. E 835 Byron, (Ed.). Mirth....E 887 Cabinet of Literature, The.E 2165 Caddy. Lares and Penates.E 2162 Cahill, D. W. Works.E 905 Caine. Cobwebs of Criticism.E 2160 Caithness, Lord. Lectures.E 910 Calvert, G. H. Essays and Brevities.... E 922 Essays, aesthetical.E 925 Cambridge Essays, 1855-58. 2v.E 903 Cambridge Staircase, A.E 2168 Cambridge Trifles.E 2163 Campbell, A. Lectures and Addresses... E 2161 Campbell, J. W. Biographical Sketches and Literary Remains...C 1574 Capsadell. Women’s Secrets; how to be beautiful.E 906 Carey, M. Miscellaneous Essays.E 928 Carlisle, Earl of. Lectures and Addresses.I 4000,25 Carlyle. Carlyle Anthology; ed. by BarrettE 2166 Chartism; Past and Present.E 2167 » ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 235 Carlyle. Heroes and Hero Worship.E 915 Latter-day Pamphlets.E 916 Miscellaneous Essays. 7 v.E 913 The same. 6 v.E 914 The same.E 1409 Sartor Resartus.E 918 Carpenter and Arthur. Baltimore Book.E 2169 Carter. Log of Commodore Rollingpin.. E 921 Cary, A. Pictures of Country Life.E 923 Caton, J. D. Miscellanies.'. E 2170 Retirement from the Bench.*E 5 ° 8 I Cawdray. Treasury of Similes.*R 1281 Cazenave. Female Beauty . .E 931 Chambers. Humorous Essays. 2v.E 940 Instructive Tracts. 12 v. in 6.E 946 Miscellany, iov.E 948 Papers for the People. 12 v. in 6.E 949 Pocket Miscellany. 12 v.E 945 Youth’s Counsellor.E 937 Channing, W. E. Discourses, Reviews, etc. 2 v.E 942 Note Book; ed. by Channing.E 2172 Chap-Books. *E 1664 Chap-Books; the Chapman's Library. 3 v.*E 2201 Chaplin (Ed.). Words of General Grant.E 2174 Charles, E. Selections from the Writings of.E 953 Charleston Book; Miscellanies in Prose and Verse.E 954 . Chatfiei.d. Tin Trumpet.E 947 Chesney. Battle of Dorking.E 1124 Chester. Derwent; Life in the Country. .E 1039 Chesterfield. Letters and Maxims.I 3896 Principles of Politeness.E 938 Selections from; by Howard.E 1528 Child. Letters from New York. 2 v.. .. E 952 Looking towards Sunset.E 955 Chiswick Press Almanac.E 960 Choate, R. Addresses and Orations.E 961 Choice Notes from “Notes and Queries” .. . E 966 Christy. Proverbs, Maxims, and Thrases. 2 v.*R 1363 Church, R. W. Miscellaneous Essays... 2185 Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its Exciters.E 909 Clark, C. H. {Max Adder). Elbow-Room.E 752 Out of the Hurly-burly.E 751 Clark, F. E. Danger Signals.E 2176 The Mossback Correspondence.E 2249 Clark, L. G. Knick-Knacks from an Ed¬ itor’s Table.E 2250 Clark, W. G. Literary Remains.J 37 Clark, W. R. Character and Work.E 2217 Clay. (Ed.). Agony Column of the London “Times”.E 2190 Clayton. Scenes and Studies.E 956 Clemens {Mark Twain). Humorous Works. E 2200 Mark Twain’s Library of Humor.E 2199 Cleveland, H. R. Selections from Writ¬ ings of.E 2224 Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot’s Poetry, etcE 2171 Clifford, W. K. Lectures and Essays. 2 v.E 957 Club Cameos; Portraits of the Day.E 2180 Coan (Ed.). Topics of the Time.E 6010 v. 1. Social Problems. 2. Studies in Biography. 3. Studies in Literature. 4. Historical Studies. 5. Questions of Belief. 6. Art and Literature. Cobb. Leisure Labors. E 2216 Cobbe. Darwinism in Morals.E 971 Ethical and social Studies.E 963 Hours of Work and Play.E 962 Re-echoes.E 977 The same.G 884 Codman. Winter Sketches from the Saddle.E 2233 Colbert. Scoriae.E 2228 Coleridge, S, T. Aids to Reflection.J 45,1 Biographia Literaria. 2v.E 976 The same.I 3010 The same.J 45,3 The Friend... ..I 3009 The same.J 45,2 Literary Remains.J 45,5 Miscellanies.I 2927 Shakspere and other English Poets.I 2929 Table Talk and Omniana of. 1 2928 Third Landing Place.J 45,2 College Addresses, Orations,, etc.*E 978 Collier( Tim Bobbin). Miscellaneous Works. E 2202 Collins, M. Pen Sketches. 2v.E 943 Secret of Long Life.E 2218 Thoughts in my Garden. 2 v.E 2219 Collins, W. My Miscellanies.E 965 COLLYER, R. Simple Truth; a Home Book.E 974 Talks to Young Men...,-.E 2232 Colton. Lacon.E 967 The same.E 964 Comegys. Advice to Young Men and Boys.E 2253 Comic Almanac; ill. by CruilSiank. 2 v. .E 2241 Congdon, C. T. N. Y. Tribune Essays. .E 983 Congreve, R. Essays.E 975 Conington, J. Miscellaneous Writings. 2 v.E 2220 Cook, J. Boston Monday Lectures: Biology.E 2203 Transcendentalism.E 2204 Conscience. * .E 2205 Current Religious Perils.E 2212 Heredity.E 220b 236 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. Cook, J. Boston Monday Lectures : Labor.E 2208 Marriage ..E 2207 Occident.'.E 2210 Orient.E 2211 Socialism.E 2209 Cooke, I. (Ed.). American Orator.E 984 Cooper, A. A. {Earl of Shaftesbury). Men, Manners and Opinions. 3 v.E 2230 Cooper, S. F. Mount Vernon Letters... .E 96S Rural Hours.E 970 Cooper, T. Thoughts at Fourscore and Ear¬ lier.E 2231 Corry. Detector of Quackery.E 2214 Cornwall, Barry. See Procter. Cowley, A. Essays; with Life.I 3888 Cox, P. Comic Yarns in Verse, Prose and Picture.E 2260 Cox, S. H. Memorable and Useful Inter¬ views.E 927 Cox, S. S. Why we laugh.E 982 Cracroft, B. Essays. 2v.E 980 Cradock, J. Literary and Misc. Memoir. 4 v.E 2221 Davenport. Peril and Suffering. 2 v.. . .1 Davidson, J. T. The City Youth .E Forewarned-Forearmed .E Sure to Succeed .E Talks with Young Men.E Davidson, J. W. The Correspondent .E Davies, E. Claims of Ossian examined. .. E Other Men’s Minds.*R Davies, M. Fun, Ancient and Modern. 2 v.E Davies, Lady. Recollections of Society. 2 v.E Davy. Consolations in Travel.E The same . J Dawson. Shakspere and other Lectures. .E Debater’s Book, The . E De Finod. French Wit and Wickedness. .E De Kroyft, H. A. Mortara.E A Place in thy Memory.E Delitzsch. Iris; Studies in Colour and Flowers .E Deming. By-Ways of Nature .E De Morgan. Budget of Paradoxes .E Dempster, C. Essays.E Denison, E. Letters and other Writings..E 3619 2368 2364 2383 2362 2367 2374 1360 989 992 1000 47,9 968S 2377 999 2376 1001 2413 2370 1003 1087 1010 Crawhall. Cross, M. E. See Eliot, George. Cross and Crown Series. v. 1. Life’s Morning. 2. Life’s Quiet Hours. 3. Life’s Evening. Curtis. Life .. .E 2227 Depew, C. M. Orations and After-Dinner . . .E 2240 Speeches. .. .E 2415 . . .E 986 DeQuincey, T. Autobiographic Sketches. E 1017 . ..G 95 i The Avenger. . . ..E 1018 ...G 9°3 Beauties of. .. E 1016 .. .M 1111 Biographical Essays. .. .E 1019 newe The Caesars. ...E 1020 . .*V 929 Confessions of an Opium Eater. . . .E 1026 . . .E 2229 Essays on British Poets. . . .E 1021 . ..E 2225 Essays on philosophical Writers. 2 v..E 1032 .. .E 2226 Historical Essavs. 2 v. .. .E 1022* Letters to Young Men. . . .E 1024 . . .E 981 Literary Reminiscences. 2 v. . ..E 1025 Memorials. 2v... . . .E 1028 Miscellaneous Essavs . . . .E 1030 Narrative Papers. 2 v. ...E IO3I . . ,E 997 Note-Book of an Opium-Eater. . .E 1023 .. ..E 1498 Political Economy. .. .E 1027 .. .. E 985 Select Essays; ed. by Masson. 2 v. . ..E 2401 2 v.E 2265 Theological Essays. 2 v. .. .E IO29 eed in Derby ( John Phemix). Phoenixiana. . . .E IO36 ....E 2386 | Deutsch, E. Literary Remains. ...E 1037 t. ..E 99 1 * De Vere, A. Essays chiefly on Poetry. 2 v.E 2380 . ..E 2410 Essays; Literary and Ethical. .. .E 2385 .. .*E 2363 Dexter. Pickle for the Knowing ones ... E IO4O ....E 2365 Diary of a poor young Gentlewoman... .. .E IO38 2 v.E 988 Diaz. Bybury to Beacon Street. .. .E 2379 Darby, J. pseud. See Garretson. Dasent. Jest and Earnest. 2v.E 990 Daubeny, C. Miscellanies. 2v.E 2369 Daudet. 30 Years of Paris and Literary Life. E 23S4 Dick. Book of Toasts and Responses .E Dickson. The Bible in Waverley. E Dictionary of Illustrations. *R Digby, K. H. Evenings on the Thames. 2 v.E 2366 2 "> J/J 1325 987 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. DlLKE, C. W. Papers of a Critic. 2 v. . .E 1041 DlMAN, T. I.. Orations and Essays. . .E 1034 Disraeli, I. Amenities of Literature. 2 v.E 1042 The same. 2 v. . .E 1043 Calamities and Quarrels of Authors.. . .E 1045 Curiosities of Literature. 3 V. ..E 1046 The same. 4 v. ..E 1047 Literary Character.. . .E 1048 The same. . .E 1049 Dobson, A. (Ed.). Eighteenth Century Es- savs. . .E 7104 Dobson. W. T. Literary Frivolities.. . . . .E 1051 Dodd. Republic of the Future. . .E 2375 Dodge {GailHamilton). Battle of the Books. E 1050 Country Living, etc. . . .E 1053 Gala-Days.E 1054 New Atmosphere.E 1055 Nursery Noonings.E 1061 Sermons to the Clergy.... . E 1062 Skirmishes and Sketches.E 1057 Stumbling Blocks.E 1058’ Summer Rest. E 1059 Wool-Gathering.E 1060 Doherty. Saunters in Social By-Ways. . .E 1063 Donaldson. Odd-Fellows Offering for 1847. E 1052 Don Quixote, Wit and Wisdom of.E 1070 Doran. Habits and Men. E 1067 History of Court Fools.E 1065 New Pictures and old Panels.E 1066 Dowden, E. Transcripts and Studies.E 2381 DOWLING, R. Ignorant Essays.E 1013 DOYLE, Sir F. H. Lectures at Oxford Univer..E 1073 Drake, C. F. T. Literary Remains.I 1241 Drake, N. Literary Hours. 2 v.E 994 DRYSDALE (Ed.). Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit.E 2372 Dudeyant (Geo. Sand). Reminiscences. . E 1068 Duff, M E. G. Miscellanies.E 1071 DUHRING. Philosophers and Fools.E 1074 Dunphie, C. J. The Chameleon; Fugitive Fancies. E 2420 Sweet Sleep.E 2361 Wild fire; Essays.E 1015 and King. Free Lance Tiltings.E 1033 Eagles, J. Essays contributed to Blackwood. E 1075 Edgar. Tusculana; or, Notes and Reflec¬ tions.E 2605 Edinburgh Essays, 1856.E 1091 Edwards, E. Words, Facts, and Phrases.*R 1364 Edwards, II. A Mingled Yarn.E 2614 Edwards, H. S. The Faust Legend.E 2616 Edwards, T. Pearls; or the World’s Lacon¬ ics.E 1078 Egerton, F. {Earl of Ellesmere). Essays. E 2602 237 Elegant Epistles; Selections of Letters. 6 v. in 3. E 2621 Elegant Extracts from Eminent Writers. 6 v. in 3.E 2622 Eliot, George. Essays .E 4246 Essays.E 4245 Theophrastus Such. G 992 Ethics of; by Brown. J 1530 Wise Sayings of; by Main . E 4527 Wit and Wisdom of.E 13^6 Eliot, W. G. Lectures to Young Men.. . .E 1082 Ellis. At our Best. F 540 Emerson, R. W. Conduct of Life. j 51 Culture, Behavior, Beauty. . . ; . I 3925 Essays. 2 v. J 53 Letters and social Aims.E 1083 Miscellanies. J 54 Nature . I 3926 Power, Wealth, Illusions.I 3927 Prose Works. 2 v.J 50 Society and Solitude . E 1086 See also Collected Works. Erasmus. Colloquies; tr. by Bailey. 2v.E 2610 Praise of Folly. E 1090 Select Colloquies; ed. by Clarke.E 2611 Eschenbach, M. F. v. Aphorisms .E 2615 Erskine, T. Speeches. 2v .E 1089 Speeches at the Bar. 5 v .N 4889 Escott. Politics and Letters . E 2623 Espin, T. E. Critical Essays. . . E 1088 Essays; by a Citizen of Virginia .E 1081 Essays and Reviews; by English Churchmen.G 201 The same; edited by Hedge.M 899 Essays from the “ Critic ” . E 2620 Essays from the “Times”. 2 v. E 1084 Essays on the Endowment of Research.E 1080 Etonian; Miscellany in Prose and Verse. 3 v.E 2601 Evelyn, J. Miscellaneous Writings.*P 84 Everett, A. II. Critical Essays, 2d Series. E 2626 Everett, C. C. Poetry, Comedy and Duty.E 2624 Everett, E. Mount Vernon Papers.E 2625 Orations and Addresses. 4 V.E 1079 Everhart, J. B. Speeches, etc.E 2630 Ewai.d. Paper and Parchment; Historical Sketches.E 2650 Exeter Hall Lectures, 1845-65. 20 v. E 2603 Fairbanks. Aguecheek . E 1092 Farrar, P'. W. Success ki Life .E 2842 Treasure Thoughts . E 2841 Farrar, Mrs. J. Young Lady’s Friend . .. E 1093 Farrell, J. Lectures of a certain Professor. E 1101 Faulkner and Van Orden. Readers’ Refer¬ ence Hand-Book .*R 13^7 Fawcett, E. Agnosticism, and other Essays. E 2844. ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 238 Fenn, G. M. (Ed.). World of Wit and Humor. E 2845 ]FENN, W. W. After Sundown. 2v.E 2851 Half-Hours of Blind Man’s Holiday. 2 v. E 2852 1 Fenton. Military Men I have met.E 1098 Fern, Fanny. See Parton, S. P. Feydeau. Art of Pleasing.E 931 Field, E. Culture's Garland.E 2884 Field, K. Hap-Hazard.E 1100 Fields, J. T. Underbrush.E 1104 Yesterdays with Authors.E 1099 The same; illustrated.*E 1099,f Finett. Observations on Ambassadors. . . *P 868 Fiske, A. K. Midnight Talks at the Club. E 2900 Fiske, J. Darwinism, and other Essays. . .E 1109 Excursions of an Evolutionist.E 1107 Myths and Myth-makers.E 1106 Tobacco and Alcohol.E 1108 Unseen World, and other Essays.E 2885 (Fitzgerald, P. Bow Street Police-Office. 2 v .E 2883 Recreations of a Literary Man.E 2882 Flammarion. Stories of Infinity. .E 1110 Forbes, A. Glimpses thro’ the Cannon Smoke. ? .E 1105 Souvenirs of some Continents.E 2888 The same.E 2889 Forsyth, W. Essays.E 1113 Foster, J. Critical Essays. 2v.I 3019 Fosteriana.I 3022 Lectures at Broadmead Chapel. 2 v.. . I 3018 On Decision of Character, etc.I 3020 On Improvement of Time, etc.I 3023 On the Evils of Popular Ignorance.I 3021 Francillon. National Characteristics. ... E 1117 Francis. HotPot; Miscellaneous Papers.. E 2881 Franklin, B. Sayings of Poor Richard; ed. by Ford.E 2905 Fredur. Sketches from Shady Places. ... E 2890 Free Press Serials.E 1112 Freeland, H. W. Lectures and Miscellan¬ ies. E 2891 Frey. Sobriquets and Nicknames.*R 1401 Friswell, J. H. The Better Self; Essays. E 2892 Essays on English Writers.E 1095 Every-Day Quotations.*R 1301 Man’s Thoughts.E 1094 Modern Men of Letters.E 1096 Frost. Circus Life and Celebrities.E 1118 » Old Showman and London Fairs.E 1115 Froude,J. A. Historical and other Sketches. E 2893 Short Studies on great Subjects. 4 v. . E 1116 Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Gallaher. The Western Sketch-Book.. .. E 1119 Galt, J. Literary Life and Miscellanies. 3 v. E 1120 Galton. Urbana Scripta.E Garfield, J. A. Words; ed. by Balch. . .E Garretson [Darby). Brushland.E Gatty. Parables from Nature, Ser. 1, 2. .E The same, Ser. 3, 4.E Geikie. Entering on Life.E Gentleman’s Magazine Library; ed. by Gomme. 9V.E Gibson, W. S. Miscellanies . E Gilbart, J. W. Lectures and Essays.E Gilders-leeve, B. L. Essays and Studies. E Giles, H. Illustrations of Genius. E Lectures and Essays. E The same, 2d Series. 2v.E Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past Years. 7 v .E Gleig, G. R. Essays. 2v.E Gcethe. Many Colored Threads; Selections from; by Cooke.E Good Things for Cathclic Readers. 1st ar.d 2d Series.E Good Things of “ Life ” .„.*V Goodale. Journal of a Tarmer’s Daughter. E Gosse. Seventeenth Century Studies.E Gould, S. B. Curiosities cf olden Times. .E Myths of the Middle Ages.E Old Country Life .. .E Go\v. Morals and Manners . E Graham, W. Lectures, Sketches and Poems. E Grant, Sir A. (Ed.). Recess Studies. E Grant, J. Walks in the World cf Literature. E Grattan. Beaten Paths. 2v.E Gray, E. C. Making the Best cf Things.. E Great Words from Great Americans.E Greenwell, D. Essays.E Colloquia Crucis.M Greenwood. Legends of Savage Life .. .. E In strange Company. E Low-Life Deeps. E Greg. Enigmas of Life. E Literary and Social Judgments. E Griffin, E. D. Remains; with Memoir; by McVickar. 2 v. E Grinsted. Relics of Genius. E Gronow. Celebrities of London and Paris.E Recollections and Anecdotes.E Last Recollections. E Grote, Mrs. Collected Papers. E Guicciardini, F. Maxims. E Gurney, E. Tertium Quid. 2v. E Gurney, J. J. Habit and Discipline. E Haddock, C. B. Addresses and Miscellane¬ ous Writings. E O 3084 1845 3085 3121 3126 3122 3H5 3129 3130 3128 1147 1143 1146 1126 113 1 3132 1136 703 1123 HI 0I9 8l8 3148 1129 3i 39 1139 1138 3Hi 3767 3150 1140 1412 1132 1149 1150 1141 1144 3H2 11 45 ii35 11 37 1142 ”53 ii 55 3157 3143 3326 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. Hale, E. E. How they lived in Hampton. E 3352 How to do it.F 727 Ingham Papers.F 728 If, Yes, and Perhaps.E 1159 What Career?.E 1230 Workingmen’s Homes.E 1160 Hale, S. J. Manners.E 1163 Haliburton, T. C. {Sam Slick). Americans at Home...E 1169 The Attache. 2v.E 1168 Letter Bag of the Great Western.E 3325 Nature and Human Nature.E 1166 Sam Slick. . .. E 1165 The Season-Ticket.E 3327 • Wise Saws .E 1167 Hallam, A. H. Remains in Verse and Prose.E 1164 Halliday. Savage Club Papers. 2 v.. .. E 3331 Halpine (M. O' Reilly). Baked Meats of the Funeral.E 3323 Ham, C. H. Ten-Minute Sketches.E 3330 Hamerton, P. G. Portfolio Papers.E 3329 Hamilton, E. Letters of a Plindoo Rajah. E 1174 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge. Hamley, Sir E. Our poor Relations.E 1173 Shakspere’s Funeral, and other Papers. E 3383 H ANN ay, J. Essays from Quarterly Rev. . E 1158 Hardy. How to be Happy though Married. E 3358 The same. G 1266 Manners makyth Man.E 3359 Hare. Guesses at Truth.E 1176 Hargreaves. Blunders of Vice and Folly.'E 1180 Harixgton. Nugae Antiquae. 2v.E 1177 Harmonial Growth and Ethics of Love.E 1156 Hart, F. H. Sazerac Lying Club.E 1237 Hart, J. S. Mistakes of Educated Men..E 1239 Plarvard College; Bac. Sermons, Orations.. E 1175 Haweis. Arrows in the Air.E 3332 Ashes to Ashes. E 1157 Current Coin. E 3334 Poets in the Pulpit.E 3333 Hawes, J. Lecture to Young Men.E 3321 Hawthorne, J. Confessions and Criticism.E 3328 Hay. Club and Drawing Room. 2 V....E 1188 Hayes (Ed.). The Little Bee; a Catholic Serial.E 3322 Hayi.ey. Essay on Old Maids. 3 V.E 3385 Hayward, A. Biographical and Critical Essays. 3 V.E 1161 Selected Essays. 2v.E 3335 Haywarde. Prismatics.E 1236 PIazard, T. R. Essays and Letters.E 3336 HAZLITT, W. Essayist and Critic; with Me¬ moir, by Ireland.E 3338 Literary Remains. 2v.E 1179 Hazlitt, W. Plain Speaker.I 3033 Political Essays..E 1178 : Round Table. E 1181 The same.I 3889 The same.I 3034 Sketches and Essays.I 3035 Table Talk. I 3030 The same.J 100, 1-2 Hazlitt, W. C. Thought in Solitude. . . .E 3337 Head, Sir F. B. Descriptive Essays. 2 v.E 1184 Head, R. and F. Kirkman. The English Rogue. 4 v. *E 3340 Hearn. Leaves from Strange Literature. .E 3339 Hedge, F. H. Martin Luther, and other Es¬ says.E 3341 Heine, H. Prose Miscellanies.E 1194 Scintillations from Prose Works of . E 1186 Wit, Wisdom and Pathos of.E 3342 Helps, A. Animals and their Masters... . E 1162 Brevia; short Essays.E 1190 Companions of my Solitude.E 1185 Essays in Intervals of Business . E 3343 Friends in Council. 4 V.E 1196 The same .G 249 Fruits of Leisure.E 1187 Organization in Daily Life.E 3344 Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd. E 3345 Henderson. Latin Proverbs and Quotations*R 1324 Henley, W. E. Views and Reviews. E 3393 Henry, J. Miscellanies .E 1171 Metropolitan Police in Canton .E 1172 Herbert, G. Remains .E 3347 Herman, W. Dance of Death .E 1198 Hervey, G. W. Principles of Courtesy. .. E 1189 Hervey, J. Meditations and Contemplations. E 4126 Hervey, T. K. Book of Christmas; Cus¬ toms, Traditions, etc.E 3346 Heywood. How these Authors Strike me.E 3348 PIibberd. Brambles ancj Bay Leaves.E 3350 Higgins, M. J. Essays on Social Subjects. E 1201 Higginson, T. W. Atlantic Essays .E 1193 Oldport Days.E 1195 Out-Door Papers. E 1197 Travellers aud Outlaws.E 3410 Women and Men. PI 1251 Hill, M. I)., and others. Addresses in the Birmingham and Midland Institute.. E 1200 Hills. Macpherson, the Confederate Philos¬ opher.E 3412 Hilton. Chronograms excerpted out of vari¬ ous Authors.*R 1338 Hindi.ey. Life of a Cheap Jack.E 1249 Old Book Collector’s Miscellany. 3 v E 3354 Tavern Anecdotes.E 1234 240 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. Hislop (Ed.). B«ok of Scottish Anecdotes.E 3349 Hitchman. Eighteenth Century Studies. .E 3351 Hobart, V. H., Lord. Essays and Miscel¬ laneous Writings. 2 v.E 3366 Hodgson, S. H. Outcast Essays... .E 3356 Hodgson, W. B. Inaugural Address.E 1205 Hoffman, D. Chronicles of Cartaphilus, the Wandering Jew. 3 V.E 3355 Holbrook. 10 Years among Mail Bags..E 1206 Holland, Sir H. Fragmentary Papers.. .E 1235 Essays on Scientific and other Subjects.E 1208 Holland, J. G. Every-Day Topics. 2V..E 1229 Gold Foil.E 1211 Lessons in Life.E 1212 Letters to the Joneses.E 1213 Plain Talks.E 1209 Timothy Titcomb’s Letters .E 1210 Hollingshead, J. Miscellanies. 3 V....E 1207 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.E 1216 Over the Teacups.E 3362 Pages from an old Volume of Life.E 3361 Poet at the Breakfast Table.E 1217 Professor at the Breakfast Table.E 1218 Soundings from the Atlantic.E 1219 Hone. Every-day Book. 2v.E 1214 Table Talk.E 1215 Hood, E. P. Self-Formation.E 1222 World of Anecdote.E 1228 Hood, T. Prose Works. 2v. E 1220 The same.J 115,1-3 Up the Rhine.E 1221 The same.J 115,2 Hood’s Own. 2 v.E 1223 Whims and Oddities.J 115,1 Hook, T. Humorous Works.E 3360 Hooper. Wash Bolter.E 1224 Hope, A. R. See Moncrieff. Hopkins, M. Essays and Discourses.E 1226 Strength and Beauty for Young Men . .E 1227 Houghton, Lord. See Milnes. Houssaye. Philosophers and Actresses. 2v.E 1232 How’tis done; swindling Canvassers.E 1233 Howard, C. F. Essays for the Age.... E 3363 Howe. Modern Society.E 3357 Howells, W. D. Character and Comment from Novels of; by Macoun.E 3365 Modern Italian Poets; Essays and Ver¬ sions. . E 3364 Suburban Sketches.E 1238 Howitt, A. M. School of Life.E 1240 Howitt, M. Pictorial Calendar of the Sea¬ sons.I 3117 Howson. Essays on Cathedrals.E 1244 Hubert. Liberty and a Living.E 3420 Hueffer. Italian and other Studies.E 3368 Hugo, V. Things Seen.E 3380 Hulme. Myth-Land.E 3374 Hume, D. Essays and Treatises. 2 V....E 1242 Humphreys, D. Miscellaneous Works... .E 1250 Hundred Ministers; how they switched off. . E 1241 Hunt, F. American Anecdotes. 2 v... .E 3369 Hunt, H. See Jackson. Hunt, L. Book for a Corner.E 1254 Day by the Fire.E 1252 Imagination and Fancy.E 3370 Indicator, The..E 3484 Men, Women and Books. 2 v.E 1257 Old Court Suburb.E 1253 Seer, The. 2v.E 1258 Stories from the Italian Poets.E 1255 Wishing-Cap Papers.E 1256 Wit and Humor .E 3371 Huntington. Good Talking and Good Manners.E 3367 Hussey. Extracts from Various Authors.. E 3381 Hutchison, J. R. Reminiscences.E 1259 Hutton, R. Essays, Theological and Liter¬ ary. 2 v. E 3375 Literary Essays.E 3377 Modern Guides of English Thought. . .E 3376 Huxley, J. H. Critiques and Addresses.. E 1245 Essays from Lay Sermons.E 1247 Lay Sermons.E 1246 Ingersoi.l, R. G. Gods, and other Lectures. E 1260 Inter-Ocean Curiosity Shop, 1878, 1880-89.*R 3862 Ireland. Book-Lover’s Enchiridion.E 3561 Irving, W. Bracebndge Hall.J 133 Crayon Miscellany.J 135 Knickerbocker’s History of New York.. J 138 The same.I 3604 Salmagundi.J 141 The same.I 3594 Sketch Book.J 142 • The same.I 3599 Jackson {H. Limit). Bits of Talk.E 1248 Jacox. At Nightfall and Midnight.E 1267 Cues from all Quarters. .’.E 3765 Literary Life.E 1268 Recreations of a Recluse. 2 v.E 3766 Traits of Character.E 1266 James, H. Literary Remains.E 3769- Partial Portraits.E 3771 James, S. B. Tastes and Habits.E 3768 Jameson. A. Memoirs and Essays.E 1276 Sketches of Art, Literature, etc.E 1280 Studies, Stories and Memoirs.E 1279 Japp [Page). Literary Bye-Hours.E 3770 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. Jay. My Home in Michigan.E Jefferies, R. Field and Hedgerow; Essays.E Hodge and his Masters. 2 v.E The Open Air.E Round about a great Estate.E Story of my Heart.E Wild Life in a Southern County.E Wood Magic; a Fable.E JEFFREY; F. Lord. Essays.E Jenkins. Devil’s Chain.E Ginx’s Baby.E Little Hodge.E Lord Bantam.E Jennings, H. Childishness and Brutality. E Jennings, H. J. Curiosities of Criticism.. E Jerningham. Reminiscences of an Attache. E Jerome, J. K. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow.E Stage Land.E Jerrold, D. Fire-Side Saints.E Barber’s Chair, and Hedgehog Letters. E Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures.E Jerrold, W. B. Best of all Good CompanyE The Christian Vagabond.E Jessopp, A. The Coming of the Friars, and other Essays.E Trials of a Country Parson.E Johnson, J. Living to Purpose.E Self-Effort; or, Success in Life .E Johnson, S. Select Essays; ed. by Hill. 2v. E Wit and Wisdom of; ed. by Hill.E Johnson, S., Boston Minister . Lectures and Sermons.E Johnson, V. W. Travels of an American Owl.E Johnston (Ed.). American Orations. 3 v.E Jones, B. C. Fact and Fiction.E One Hundred Lectures. 7 v.E Joubert, J. Pensees; tr. by Attwell.E Journal of a Young Lady of Virginia; edited by Mason.E Junius, pseud. Letters. 3 V.L Letters; ed. by Wade 2 v.I Authorship of, elucidated ; by Brit¬ ton .C Claims of Sir P. Francis to Author¬ ship of, disproved; by Barker.E Critical Inquiry regarding; by Cov¬ entry .E Gen. Chas. Lee, Authorof; by Girdle- stone . C Handwriting of, investigated ; by Chabot.*V Junius and his Works; by Jacques.E 1277 3785 378 0 3784 1263 3783 3782 378 1 1408 1273 1269 1270 1271 3774 3773 1261 3795 379 6 1272 3775 1265 1274 3777 3779 3772 1278 3804 3808 3807 3802 1283 3803 3805 1286 1285 1287 3281 3042 2936 3810 979 2765 934 3811 Junius, pseud. Letters. Junius discovered; by Griffin.E Junius, Lord Chatham; by Dowe. .C Junius Lord Chatham proved to be spurious; by Swinden.E William Burke the Author of; by Symons.C KaUFMANN. George Eliot and Judaism. . . E Kaye, J. W. Essays of an Optimist.E Keddie. Papers for Thoughtful Girls. . . .E Kenilworth Festivities before 1575.E Kennedy, J. P. At Home and abroad.. . E Occasional Addresses.E Kennedy, J. Rest under the Shadow.. . .E Work and Conflict.E Kent. Dickens as a Reader.E Kershaw. Colonial Facts and Fictions.. . . E Killikelly. Curious Questions. 2V....E King, E.F. Ten thousand wonderful ThingsE King, H.T. The Egotist; Essays of Life.. .E King, R. J. Sketches and Studies.E King, T. S. Substance and Show .E King, W. Political and Literary Anecdotes.E King, W. F. II. Classical and Foreign Quota¬ tions.*R Kingsbury, J. PL Kingsbury Sketches.. .E Kingsbury, O. A. Success; Hints for Living E Kingsley, C. Lectures in America.E Living Truths.E Miscellanies. 2v.E Phaeton.E Plays and Puritans, and other Essays. .E Prose Idylls, new and old .E Kingsley, H. Fireside .Studies. 2 V....E Kirk (Ed.). Beecher as a Humorist.E Kirkland, C. M. Our New Plome in the West. • • •.E Western Clearings.E Kirkland, F. Cyclopedia of Commercial Anecdotes. 2 v.*R Kirkpatrick. Light of other Days... .E Kirkus, W. Miscellaneous Essays.PI Kit Kelvin’s Kernels.E Knickerbocker Gallery.*E Knight, C. Once upon a Time.E Knight, W. Colloquia Peripatetica.E The English Lake District.PI Knox. Underground.PI Kcerner, T. Selections from; with Life..E Kossuth, L. Speeches.E Select Speeches; condensed by New- F. man.^ Krummaciier. Parables.* La BruyLre. Characters of; tr. by Stott. E 241 3812 2933 3813 2464 39 6 4 3965 6050 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1297 4124 3988 1298 1284 399° 1288 3989 1333 i3°4 3993 1306 399 1 1300 1299 1305 1289 1290 39 65 1296 1302 i2 99 i3°3 3992 3980 4001 4005 4011 4010 i3°7 1310 1309 4127 3122 4205 242 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. Lamb, C. Essays.G 316 The same.I 3046 Elia, and other Essays.J 171,3-5 Essays of Elia and Eliana.I 2923 Lamennais. The Poor Man’s Gospel.E 1313 Lamont. Wayside Wells.E 4220 Lancaster, H. H. Essays and Reviews. .E 1312 Landon {Eli Perkins'). Eli Perkins at large. E 1428 Saratoga in 1901.E 1429 Landor. Imaginary Conversations.J 173,1-2 The same.J 174,2-6 Pericles and Aspasia.E 1316 Selections from; ed. by Colvin.E 4225 Selections from; ed. by Hillard.E 1199 Lang, A. Letters to Dead Authors.E 4221 Lost Leaders.E 4222 Old Friends; Essays.E 4223 Lanman, C. Essays for Summer Plours.. E 4230 Haw-Ho-Noo; Records of a Tourist... .E 4231 Japanese Embassy in America.E 1319 Larcom, L. A New England Girlhood... E 4211 La Rochefoucauld. Reflexions.I 3893 Larwood. Book of Clerical Anecdotes. . .E 1315 Laurel Leaves; Poems, Stories and Essays.E 4233 Laurie. Select Anecdotes.E 1317 Lazarus. Vegetable Portraits of Character. E 1314 Lea. Superstition and Force.E 1320 Leaflets of Memory.E 1323 Lee. Baldwin; Dialogues.E 4243 Leigh (Ed.). Jeux d’Esprit.E 1327 Leland. Meister Karl’s Sketch Book.... E 1326 Lemon (Ed.). Jest Book.E 1329 Lennox. Coaching, with Road Anecdotes.E 4241 Fashion then and now. 2v.E 4242 Leslie, T. E. C. Essays in Political and Moral Philosophy.E 1322 Lessing, G. E. Selected Prose Works... .1 2988 Lester. Condition and Fate of England. .E 1332 Glory and Shame of England. 2 v...E 1331 My Consularship. 2v.E 1333 L’Estrai^GE. History of English Humor. 2 v.E 1321 Lewes, M. A. See Eliot, George. Lewis {M. Quad). Lime-Kiln Club.E 4250 Liberal, The; Verse and Prose. 2 v.E 4260 Lieber, F. Miscellaneous Writings. 2 v...E 4261 LIECHTENSTEIN, Princess. Holland House. 2v.E 1337 Life of Greeley; by a Trance Medium... .*E 1330 Light at Eventide.E 1318 Lightning Flashes and Electric Dashes ....E 4283 LlN'rtlN. Girl of the Period. 2 v.E 4270 LlPPiNCOTT (Grace Greenwood). Records of five Years .E 4284 Loaring. Common Sayings.E 1345 Locke ( P. V. Nasby). Andy’s Trip to the West . ..*E 1395 Ekkoes from Kentucky.E 1340 Morals of Abou Ben Adhem.E 1348 The Struggles of Petroleum V. Nasby. .E 4288 Swingin’ round the Cirkle.E 1341 Locker, F. Patchwork.E 1325 Lockhart. Peter’s Letters to Kinsfolk.. .E 1338 Loftie. Forty-six Social Twitters. . . .E 4290 Logan, Olive. See Sikes. London Society, Holiday Number. 2 v... .E 1328 Longfellow, H. W. DriftWood.J 176,3 The same.:.J 175? 1 Lowell, J. R. Among my Books. 2 v..E 1343 Democracy, and other Addresses ..... E 4299 Fireside Travels. E 4300 My Study Windows.E 1344 Log Book; or Nautical Miscellany.E 4295 Lower. Contributions to Literature.E 4297 Lubbock. Pleasures of Life. 2v.E 4298 The same.G 1332 Lucas. Mornings of the Recess, 1861-64. 2 v.E 4307 Lumley. Character judged by Handwriting and Style.*R 1417 Lunt. Old New England Traits.E 1347 Three Eras of New England, etc.E 4301 Luther. Book of Vagabonds .E 1349 Table Talk; ed by Hazlitt .I 3050 Lynch. Rhode Island Book. E 4302 Lyons. Scholastic Annual, 1881-3.E 4303 Lyttleton, Lord. Ephemera. 2 v.E 4306 Lytton, Sir E. B. Miscell. Prose Works. 2 v.E 1346 The same. 4 V. in 2 .G 388 Wit and Wisdom of; by.Bonney. E 4305 Lytton, Lady. Shells from the Sands of Time.E 4304 Mabie. My Study Fire.E 4573 Macaulay, T. B. Biographical Essays. ..G 401 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 5 v. in 3.G 402 The same. E 1413 The same.. 7 v. Pi I 35 ° Selections from Essays. I 4000,19-20 Selections from Writings..G 764 Speeches.G 405 MacBride. Humorous Dialogues.E 4510 Comic Speeches and Recitations. E 4510 Macchiavelli, N. Writings. 4 v.J 189 McClure. Popular Anecdotes. E 4605 McCosh and others. Phillips Exeter Lec¬ tures. E 4514 McCrie. The Religion of our Literature. .E 4603 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 2 43 Macdonald, G. Imagination, and other Essays.E Orts.E McGilchrist. Peripatetic Papers. E MacGovern. An Empire of Information.. E Mackay. Popular Delusions. E Under the blue Sky.E Mackenzie. Bits of Blarney.E Mackintosh, Sir J. Miscellaneous Works. 3 v.J Essays and Miscellaneous Works .E MacUandburgh. Automaton Ear, etc.. .. E Maclaren, C. Select Writings. 2 v.E McLeod. Character-Sketches.E Macmillan. Promotion of General Happi¬ ness .E Macnish, R. Tales, Essays, and Sketches. 2 v.E Macrae (Ed.). Book of Blunders, and Queer Epitaphs.E Madden. Infirmities of Genius. 2v.E Mag INN. Fraserian Papers.E Odoherty Papers. 2v.E Magnus. Jewish Portraits. E Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, T. II. Mahony. Father Prout’s Reliques.I Final Reliques of Father Prout.E Works of Father Prout. . .J Maistre. Journey round my Room.E Mallock. The new Republic.E , The new Paul and Virginia.E Mandeville. Fable of the Bees.E Manning, Cardinal. Characteristics from; ed. by Lilly.M MANTEGAZZA. The Tartuffian Age.E Marsh, J. Remains of, with Memoir; by Torrey.E Marsh. J. B.T. Story of the Jubilee Singers.E MARTINEAU, H. Health, Husbandry and Handicraft.E Martyr’s Monument, The; Wisdom of Lin¬ coln.. .E Marvel, Ik. See Mitchell, D. G. Maseres (Ed.). Occasional Essays.L Mason, E. T. (Ed.). British Letters. 3 v.E Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature. 3 V.E Mason, J. Self-Knowledge. E Masson. Three Devils, and other Essays.. E Masterpieces from Modern Essayists.E Mather, C. Essays to do good.E Mathews, Mrs. C. Tea Table Talk.E Mathews, W. Getting on in the World .. E The Great Conversers. E 4523 4526 4522 45 1 3 1352 1355 1356 182 1411 1368 4540 1353 45 16 1357 45 11 1354 4541 1359 4520 3i5 0 4521 183 1360 4525 4524 4546 1998 4576 4545 Mathews, W. Hours with Men and Books. E Literary Style, and other Essays.E Men, riaccs and Things.E . Wit and Humor; their Use and Abuse.E Mathias. Pursuits of Literature.E Matthews, B. Pen and Ink.E Maunder. Treasury of Knowledge.*R Maurice, F. D. Friendship of Books.E Maurice, J. See Morris, J. W. Mazzini, J. Essays; ed. by Clarke.E Meadows. Heads of the People. 2 v.... E Meredith, G. The Pilgrim’s Scrip; or, Wit and Wisdom of.E Michelet. Priests, Women and Families. A Milburn. Pioneer Preacher; Lectures.... E Mill, J. S. Inaugural Address.E Dissertations and Discussions. 3 v. . .. E The same. 5 v .E Miller, IT. Tales and Sketches...E Millingen. History of Duelling. 2 v . ..E Mills, C. Attic Nights. E Mills, C. D. B. (Ed.). Gems of the Orient.E Milman. Savonarola, Erasmus, etc.E Milner. Country Pleasures.E Milnes (Lord Houghton). Palm. Leaves.. .E Milton, J. Areopagitica.E Prose Works; ed. by Griswold.J Prose Works; ed. by St. John. 5 v.... I Selected Prose Writings.E Mitchel, J. Jail Journal.E Mitchell, D. G. (Z& Marvel). About old Story Tellers.E Bound together.E Dream Life.E Fudge Doings. 2 v.E Lorgnette; Studies of the Town. 2 v.E Reveries of a Bachelor.E 4532 1361 4601 382 4602 4542 •4544 4533 5110 4534 4539 1369 1367 Wet Days at Edgcwood.E Mitchell, J. Scotsman’s Library.E MlTFORD, H. R. Our Village. 2 v.I Recollections of a Literary Life.E Mohammed. Speeches and Table Talk; tr. by Poole.E Moi.inos, M. Golden Thoughts from “ Spirit¬ ual Guide ” of.E Moncrieff ( Hope ). Master John Bull... . E Texts from the Times...E Montaigne. Essays. 4 v.I The same. E j Montesquieu. Persian Letters.J Montez, L. Lectures and Autobiography. E Moody, I). L. Anecdotes and Illustrations; ed. by McClure.E Moore, F. (Ed.). American Eloquence. 2 v.E 4535 4536 4537 4538 1366 4543 1361 1362 4607 1364 4560 344 1365 1375 1376 1377 1378 1394 4609 460S 1379 45 6 5 4566 4612 185 3057 4611 1384 4610 4570 1380 1373 1383 1382 1381 4615 3058 1385 5095 4580 1191 1192 190 4619 193 , 3 1396 4604 1388 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 2 44 Moore, T. Prose and Verse.E 4620 Morgan. Book of the Boudoir. 2v.E 1392 Morley, H. (Ed.). Cassell’s Library of Eng¬ lish Literature. 5 v.*R 1279 v. 1. Shorter English Poems. 2. Illustrations of English Religion. 3. English Plays. 4. Shorter Works in English Prose. 5. Longer Works in English Verse and Prose. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair.E 1387 London Play-Goer, 1851-66. E 1390 Morley, J. Aphorisms. E 4633 Critical Miscellanies. 3 v.E 4632 Critical Miscellanies. E 1389 Morrill. Self-Consciousness of noted Per¬ sons .E 4631 Morris, E. J. Prejudiced Inquiries.E 4621 Morris, F. S. Wisdom of Ouida.E 4616 i Morris, G. P. and N. P. Willis. New Mir¬ ror .*V Morris, J. W. (y. Maurice). K. N. Pepper.E Mother Shipton, Life and Death of.*E Moclto-N. Ourselves and Our Neighbors.. E Mozley, J. B. Essays. 2v.E Mulock, D. M. See Craik. Much Instruction from Little Reading, v. 2~5*E Munger. On the Threshold.E Murdoch. Patriotism.E Murray, J. F. Father Tom and the Pope.E Murray, E. C. G. Under the Lens. 2 v.E Murray, W. H. H. Deacons.E Myers, F. W. II. Essays. 2v.E Nadal, E. E. Essays.E Napoleon I. Table Talk.I Nares. Heraldic Anomalies. 2 v.E Nasby, Petroleum V. See Locke. Nason. Originality.E Nast. Christmas Drawings for the Human Race.*V Nation, W. II. C. Satires, political and so¬ cial.E Naval Anecdotes.E Neal. Charcoal Sketches. 2 v.E Newman, Cardinal. Essays. 2v.E Characteristics from; ed. by Lilly.E Nicholas, S. S. Conservative Essays.... .E Nichols. Literary Anecdotes of the XVIII. Century. 9 V. *R Nicholson. E pur si muove.E Nordau. Paradoxes.E Normand. Splashes from a Parisian Ink Pot. E Northcote, J. Fables.E Northend. Dialogues.E Notes for Bovs, by an Old Boy .E 690 4622 *39 8 4614 4618 l 39 ' 4623 1393 4625 4629 L97 4630 4681 3 8 95 4684 4682 1728 4685 4686 4690 1400 >399 4846 *334 1406 4683 4 8 45 1402 1404 4847 Nye {Bill Nye). Bill Nye’s Thinks.E Remarks by Bill Nye.E O’Callaghan. Green Book.E O’Connell, D. Select Speeches.E Speeches and Public Letters. 2 v.E O’Hagan, Lord. Occasional Papers.E O’Leary’s Defence, and other Tracts.E Oliphant, L. Sympneumata.E Oliphant, S. G. Queer Questions and Ready Replies . E Oliphant, T. L. K. Duke and the Scholar; Essays.C Ormsby, J. Stray Papers.*... E Osgood. American Leaves.E Ossoi.l, M. Fuller. Art, Literature, Drama. J Life without and within.J Oxberry. Flowers of Literature; Encvclo- pedia of Anecdote. 4V.E Oxford Essays, 1855-58. 4 V. in 2.E Oxford Prize Essays, 1830. 4V.E Page, II. JK. pseud. See Japp. Paget, J. Paradoxes and Puzzles.... E Paley. Greek Wit. E Palgrave. Essays on Eastern Question.. . E Pai.liser. Mottoes for Monuments.E Parker, T. Miscellaneous Writings.E The same.. ... J Speeches and Addresses. 3 v.J Additional Speeches. 2v.J Parr. In the Silver Age. 2 v.E Parsons. Parsifal; or, R. Wagner as a Theo¬ logian .E Partington, Mrs. See Shillaber. Parton, J. Smoking and Drinking.E Topics of the Times.E Parton, S. P. (Fanny Fern). Caper-Sauce. E Ginger-Snaps.E Select Writings; with Memoir.E Pascal, B. Provincial Letters.C Thoughts, Letters and Opuscules. E Pasquin. Cabinet of Miscellanies.E Pater, W. Appreciations; with Essay on Style.E Imaginary Portraits.E Paul, H. Clever Things said by Children. E Paul, II. II. Dashes at American Humour. E Paulding. Book of Vagaries.E ^Bulls and Jonathans.E Payn, T. Holiday Tasks.G Notes from the “News,” (London)... .E Some Private Views.G The same.E Peabody, E. P. (Ed.). ^Esthetic Papers..E Last Evening with Allston, etc.E 4701 4860 1421 1415 H 32 5002 1431 5005 5007 1522 5003 5004 220 222 5°°8 .1414 1416 1417 5084 1434 1435 1418 230 234 235 1419 5103 1420 1422 1424 1425 1423 1184 5112 5099 5 IJ 4 5 i 11 5083 5”3 1426 1427 1273 5ii5 1165 5085 5082 5093 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 2 45 Peabody, G. Dinner at Danvers, 1856..*V 145 Dinner to Americans, 1851.E 1438 Peabody, S. H. (Eel.). American Patriotism.E 5088 Pearson. Week-Day Living.: ... .E 5086 Penniless Parliament of Thread-Bare Poets.E 5891 Percy Anecdotes; ed. by Byerley. 2 v. . . .E 835 Perkins, Eli, pseud. See Landon. Perkins, F. B.(Ed.). Best Reading, '72, ’73*R 1380 and Jones. Best Reading, ist~3rd Ser.*R 1379 Perry. Evolution of the Snob.E 5092 Peters, PL, Tales and Jests of.E 5090 Pettigrew. Chronicles of the Tombs.I 3346 Phelps, A. My Portfolio.M 2035 Thenix; Old and Rare Fragments.E 5091 Phillips, C. Specimens of Irish Eloquence. E 1441 Speeches and Essays.E 1443 Phillips, R. A Million of Facts.E 5089 Phillips, W. Speeches and Lectures. ... E 1442 Philpot, W. Pocket of Pebbles.E 5120 Phcenix, John, pseud. See Derby. Piatt, J. J. Pencilled Fly-Leaves.E 1437 Pickford. Contributions to Notes and Queries.*E 5119 Pike, G. D. Ancient Meeting-Houses.E 1445 Pike, G. It. Jubilee Singers, Fisk Univer.E 1444 Pike, R. (Ed.). Quaker Anecdotes.E 5131 Pinkerton. Bankers, Vaults and Burglars.*E 5081 Polite Instructor.E 1446 Poole, J. Christmas Festivities.E 5094 Comic Sketches and Recollections. 2 v.E 1450 Little Pedlington. 2v.E 1447 Poole, M. E. Cottage Life in England.. .E 1461 POOLE, S. L. . Speeches and Table-Talk of Mohammed.E 5095 Porter, J. Self-Reliance Encouraged. . . E 5138 Porter, N. Books and Reading.E 1449 Potter. Lancashire Memories.E 1453 Powers. Muskingum Legends.E 1452 Poynder. Literary Extracts. 3 V.E 5140 Prentice, G. D. Prenticeana.E 5096 Prescott, W. H. Miscellanies.E 1456 PRESSENSi. Contemporary Portraits.E 1439 Prime, S. I. Under the Trees.E 1458 Prime, W. C. I go a-Fishing.E 1457 Later Years.E 1448 Probyn, J. W. Essays on Italy, Ireland, etc. E 1454 Procter, A. A. (Ed.). Victoria Regia.. ..E 5098 Proc'1 f.r, B. W. {Barry Cornwall). Essays. 2 v.E 972 Procter, R. W. The Barber’s Shop.E 5132 Literary Reminiscences . E 5097 Prose Masterpieces. 3 V.E 5110 PkOUT, Father. See Mahonv. Pry, P. Random Glimpses of Society.E 5150 Puritana; a Satire; by a Metropolitan.*E 1395 Purnell. Dust and Diamonds.E 5160 Putnam. Record of an obscure Life.E 1459 Quarles. Emblems, divine and moral.. . .E 1455 Enchiridion, divine and moral.E 1463 Railway Anecdote Book.E 5401 Rai.phdon. The Age of Cleveland.E 5408 Ralston. Krilof and his Fables.E 1464 Russian Folk-Tales.E 1465 Ramage. Beautiful Thoughts from French and Italian Authors.*R 1412 from German and Spanish Authors. *R 1413 from Greek Authors..*R 1411 from Latin Authors.*R 1410 Ramsay, E. B. Scottish Life and Character.E 5441 Ramsay, J. Select Writings and Memoir. . E 1462 Randolph. Sober Thoughts on Staple Themes.E 5407 Windfalls.E 5417 Rands. Henry Ilolbeach, Student. 2 v. .E 5402 Rantoul, R. .Speeches and Writings.E 1469 Raven Club Papers.E 1466 Rayner. Address at Hebrew Asylum.E 1467 Reach. Natural History of Humbugs.E 5409 Read, C. A. (Ed.). Cabinet of Irish Litera¬ ture. 4 v.E 5405 Read, H. Hand of God in History.E 1470 Reade, C. Readiana. . . . .G 1046 The same.E 5403 Real Life in Ireland; by a real Paddy.*E ^404 Reaney. Our Brothers and Sons.E 5.410 Reddali.. Fact, Fancy and Fable.*R 1369 Rees. The Brotherhood of Letters.E 5412 Reese. The Humbugs of New York.E 5411 Renan, E. English Conferences. E 5413 Repplier. Books and Men.E 5416 Representative Essays.E 5419 Rice, A. T. (Ed.). Essays from North Ameri¬ can Review . E 5426 Rice, H. Nature and Culture. ... .E 5414 Richardson, A. I). Garnered Sheaves. ..E 5424 Richardson, A. S. (Eel.). Old Love-Letters.E 5425 Richter, J. P. F. Campaner Thai, etc... E 1472 Rideing. Stray Moments with Thackeray. E 5427 Riley, II. II. Puddleford Papers.E 1471 Riley, J. W. Pipes o’Pan at Zekesbury... E 542S Robert-IIoudin. Sharper detected.E 1473 Roberts. In and out of Book and Journal.E 548T Robertson, E. W. Historical Essays.E 5484 Robinson, P. Noah’s Ark ... .E 5487 The Poets’ Beasts. E 5481 • The Poets’Birds.E 5488 Under the Punkah.E 5485 Under the Sun.... .E 54S6 246 ESSAYS A?n t D MISCELLANIES. Rogers, C. Stories of Scottish People.... E 1475 Rogers, H. Essays to Edinburgh Review. 3 v.E 1476 Rogers, N. P. Newspaper Writings of.... E 5496 Rogers, S. Table Talk, and Porsoniana.. E 1468 Rollins ( E . H. Arr). New England BygonesE 5491 Old-Time Child Life.E 5492 Rothschild. From January to December. E 1477 Roux, J. Meditations of a Parish Priest. . .E 5406 Rowe. Friendship in Death. E 1478 Rowley (Ed.). Puniana. E 5489 More Puniana . E 5490 Rush, B. Essays . E 5500 Russell, A. P. Characteristics .E 5510 A Club of One. E 2177 In a Club Corner .E 5502 Library Notes. E 1474 Russell, G. Fragments from many Tables. E 5438 Ryder (Ed.). New Every Morning .E 5460 Sabine. Duels and Dueling. E 1480 St. Pierre. Studies of Nature. 2v . J 145 Sainte-Beuve. Monday Chats . E 1497 Sala, G. A. Breakfast in Bed .E 5737 Echoes of the Year, 1883 . E 5736 Lady Chesterfield’s Letters .E 5726 Under the Sun. E 1482 Salamanca. Philosophy of Handwriting. .E 5725 Salmon. Hours with Good Authors. E 5727 Salmonson. From a Marriage License Win¬ dow . E 577 ° Sanborn. Vanity and Insanity of Genius. .E 5732 Wit of Women. E 5729 Year of Sunshine. E 5723 Sand, George. See Dudevant. Sanders. Pastime Papers. E 5761 S ANDYS. History of Christmastide. E 5743 Sargent, Mrs. J. T. Radical Club of Boston. E 5721 Sargent, L. M. Dealings with the Dead. 2 v.E 1507 Saunders, F. About Woman, Love and Mar¬ riage . E 1521 Pastime Papers.E 5761 Salad for the Solitary.E 1483 The same.E 1485 Salad for the Social.E 1487 Savage, J. Memorabilia; Antiquarian Recol¬ lections.E 5722 Sawtell. Treasured Moments.E 5734 Schimmelpenninck. Principles of Beauty. E 1501 Schlegel. Esthetic and miscel. Works.... I 3078 Schurz, C. Visit to Boston, March, 1881..E 1510 Scoones (Ed.). Four Centuries of English Letters.E 1504 Scudamore. Day Dreams of a Sleepless Man.E 5730 Scudder. Men and Letters; Essays.E 5760 Sedgwick, C. M. Means and Ends.E 1484 Morals of Manners.E i486 Seeley. Roman Imperialism, etc.E 1488 Selden, J. Table Talk.E 1489 Senior, N. W. Historical Essays.A 311 Seton. Letters and Letter Writers.... . .E 1495 Seymour, R. Humorous Sketches.E 5733 Shairp. Interpretation of Nature.E 5724 Studies in Poetry 7 and Philosophy..E 1494 Shaw. Josh Billings; his Sayings.E 836 Josh Billings; his Works complete.E 837 Josh Billings on Ice.E 5735 Shedd, W. G. T. Discourses and Essays. E 1490 Sheil, R. L. Speeches.E 1496 and Curran. Select Speeches.E 149S Shelley, P. B. Essays,-Letters from abroad. 2 v.E 1497 Shelton. Up the River.E 1500 Shepard. Enchiridion of Criticism.E 5728 Sheridan, P. H. Toasts at Banquets... .E 5731 Sheridan, R. B. Speeches. 5 V.L 394 Sherwood. Amenities of Home.E 1820 Shillaber. Partingtonian Patchwork .... E 1499 Sidney, Sir P. Miscellaneous Works.E 1502 SiEVEKiNG. The Praise of Gardens.E 5774 Sigourney. Daily Counsellor.E 1505 Letters to Mothers.E 1508 Past Meridian .E 1506 Sikes (O.Logan). Women and Theaters.. .E 1342 Simpson, D. Essay on Beneficence .E 5767 Sinclair. Humanities. E 5779 The Mount; Speeches from its Heights. E 5776 Sketches and Essays from Saturday Review. E 5742 Smiles, S. Art of Living.E 1520 Character. E 15 n Duty. E 1514 Life and Labor. E 1519 Self-Help. E 1512 Thrift. E 1513 Smith, A. Dreamthorp. *. ..E 1516 Smith, A. Curiosities of Medical Experience E 5820 Smith, C. H. Bill Arp’s Peace Papers.. . .E 840 Smith, E. Prose and Verse. 2v . E 5739 Smith, Gerritt. Speeches. E 1515 Smith, Goldwin. Study of History. E 1518 Smith, H. P. Terms and Phrases... .*R 1318 Smith, J. Comic Miscellanies . E 5741 Smith, J. C. Writings by the Way. E 5738 Smith, J. D. Winnowed Grain .E 1522 Smith, J. O. Day Lilies. E 8451 Smith, Seba. Letters of Jack Downing. 2v.E 1524 Smith, Sydney. Selections from .I 4000,18 Miscellaneous Works .E 1412 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 247 Smith, Sydney, Wit and Wisdom of.E 1525 Works.J 250 The same.,.J 251 Soane. Curiosities of Literature. 2v... .E 5744 Soares. Sketches on the Wing.E 5745 Social Life and Literature Fifty Years ago. .E 5771 Society Small Talk.E 5 746 Southey, R. Colloquies on Society. 2 v.E 5749 Common-place Book. 2v.E 1532 The same. 4 V.E 1533 The Doctor; ed. by Warter.E 5748 Omniana. 2v.E 5747 Southwick. Quizzism, and its Key.E 5775 Sou vestre. Attic Philosopher.I 4000,21 Pleasures of Old Age.E 1535 Sparkle. Shadrach S. Stevens’ Specula¬ tions .*V 691,1 Speeding. Evenings with a Reviewer. 2v.E 5750 Reviews and Discussions.E 5751 Spence. Anecdotes, Observations, etc....E 1527 Spencer. Things New and Old.*R 1281 Spoffopd and Gibbon (Ed.). Library of Choice Literature. 8 v...E 5772 and Shapley (Ed.). Library of Wit and Plumor. 5 v.E 5777 Spurgeon. The Salt-Cellars; Proverbs with Notes. E 5778 Stanhope, Lord Mahon. Miscellanies.... E 1541 Starrett. Letters to a Daughter.E 5752 Stauffer. The Queer, Quaint and Quizzi- cal .E 575 3 Stearns. The American Oracle.E 5766 Steele, R. Selections from the Tatler, Spectator, etc.E 5781 and Addison. Guardian. 3 V.J 22 Tatler. 4 V. J 20 Spectator. 8 v.J 21 The same.E 1536 The same; Selections from. 2 v.. I 3770 Stephen. Hours in a Library. 3 V.E 1534 Free Thinking and Plain Speaking. . . E 1538 Stephens (Ed.). Portland Sketch Book..E 5758 Sterry. Tiny Travels.E 5754 Stevens, A. Character Sketches.E 5756 Stevenson, R. L. Familiar Studies.E 5763 Memories and Portraits.E 5765 Virginibus Puerisque, etc. E 5755 Stoddard (Ed.). Treasure-Trove Series. . E 1549 v. 1. Burlesque. 3. Story. 2. Travesty. 4. Extravaganza. Stoker. Under the Sunset.E 5757 Storrs, E. A. Speech at Banquet, 1879.*V 691,2 Story, J. Miscellaneous Writings.E 5759 Story, W.W. Conversations in a Studio. 2v.E 5782 Stowe, H. B. Chimney Comer.E Flowers and Fruit from Writings of; by Fairfield.E Little Foxes.E Studley. What our Girls ought to know.E Swetchine, Mme. Writings.E Swift, J. Tale of a Tub .E Swinburne, A. C. Essavs and Studies. . .E Miscellanies.E Notes on Poems and Reviews.E Under the Microscope.E Swing, D. Club Essays.E Motives of Life.E Sylvester. Homestead Highways.E Prose Pastorals.E Symington. Hints to our Boys. .. v.E Table Talk; Selections from the Ana.I Talmage. Around the Tea-Table.E Crumbs swept up.E Masque torn off.E Tangletown Letters.E Tart. Essays on Modern Works. 2 v,..E Taylor, B. Diversions of the Echo Club.E Essays and Literary Notes.E Taylor, B. F. January and June.E Old-Time Pictures.E Summer-Savory.E World on Wheels. *..E Taylor, H. Notes from Books.E Taylor, I. Ultimate Civilization, etc.E Taylor, Jane. Contributions of Q. Q.E Taylor, J. Old Sayings, Proverbs and Cus¬ toms.E Taylor, J. Fast Life on Modern Highways.E Taylor, J. Jacke a Lent.E Temple, Sir R. Cosmopolitan Essays.... E Thackeray, A. I. Toilers and Spinsters. .E Thackeray, W. M. Contributions to Punch. E Miscellanies. 8v. in 4. G Roundabout Papers.E The same.G Thomas, E. M. The Round Year .E Thomas, F. W. John Randolph, and Sketches. E Thompson, T. P. Exercises. 6 v.E Thompson, W. T. ( Major Jones'). John’s alive.E Thomson, J. Public and Private Life of Animals.E Thomson, J. Essays and Phantasies.E Thomson, M. Doestick’s Letters.E Elephant Club . E Plu-ri-bus-tah . E Witches of New York. E 1542 578 o 1544 1545 1553 1537 I 55 i 5762 5804 5805 5806 1531 5790 5764 5810 35°6 5882 1560 5883 1554 5881 5886 5885 1561 156S 153° 1556 1557 5888 5889 5890 1555 5891 59 6 5 1570 5970 588 1 57 1 59 2 5979 1559 1558 5975 5980 5981 1575 1572 1573 1574 ESSAYS AND MISCELLANIES. 248 Thoreau. Cape Cod.•. E Early Spring in Massachusetts .E Excursions.E Letters . E Maine Woods .E Walden .E Week on the Concord and Merrimac. . . E Winter; from the Journal of Thoreau... E Yankee in Canada . . .E Thornbury. Old Stories re-told .E Thorne (Ed.). Fugitive Facts; Epitome of General Information .*R Three-cornered Essays .E Ticknor. Philosophy of Living .I Tiffany. Bird-Bolts . E Tilley. Masters of the Situation .E Tilton. Sanctum Sanctorum .E Times. Club Life in London. 2 v.E Curiosities of Historv .E Curiosities of Science. 2 v .E English Eccentricities. 2 v .E Garland for the Year .E Knowledge for the Time. E Mysteries of Life, Death, Futurity.... E Notable Things of our own Times .E Popular Errors explained. E Predictions realized. . . . E Things not generally known. 2 V....E Things to be remembered .E Tobacco Talk and Smokers' Gossip. E Tqdd. Hints to young Men. E Torrey. A Rambler’s Lease. E Tourgee. The Yeteran and his Pipe. E Towne. Aphorisms of the Three Threes.. E Traill. The New Lucian. E Train, G. F. Spread-Eagleism. E Trevelyan, P. T. Literary Remains.E Truman. History of Dueling. E Tuckerman. Characteristics of Literature. E The Collector; Essays. E Leaves from Diary of a Dreamer. E The Optimist. E Tulloch. Beginning Life. E Tupper. An Author’s Mind. E Rides and Reveries of zEsop Smith.. . . E Turgenef. Poems in Prose. F Tyndall and others. The Culture demanded by Modern Life. E Ugly Girl Papers. E Underwood. Cloud Pictures.E Yan Gelder Papers; by J. T. I. E Van Santvoord. Half-Holidays; Dreams and Realities. E Vasey. Philosophy of Laughter and Smiling. E 1562 1603 1563 1 5 6 4 1565 1566 1600 5984 1567 599 ° 1371 599 1 37 io 599 2 60 ;2 i 5 8 7 1586 6001 6002 1576 6003 6004 6005 6006 1582 6007 1579 1577 5993 1578 6015 6053 6017 60^1 1589 6041 6043 6045 6044 6046 159 ° 1583 15S0 6042 7°75 1650 1 593 1585 6202 1651 1609 Vaughan, C. J. Counsels to young Students.E Vaughan, R. Essays. E Vaughan, R. A. Essays and Remains. 2 v.E Verey. Open Air.E Yerney. Peasant Properties and other EssaysE Vernon. Poppies in the Corn.E Ventura and Sheyitch. Misfits and Rem¬ nants .E Voltaire. Yoltairiana; tr. by Young. E Wainewright, T. G. Essays.E Walker, T. The Original .E Wall. Sordello’s Story retold in Prose... .E Wallbridge Miscellanies, The.E Walsh, W. J. ( Abp. of Dublin). Addresses.E Walsh, W. S. Paradoxes of a Philistine. .E Ward, A. L. (Ed.). Quotations in Prose.*R Waring, J. B. Record of Thoughts. 2 v.E Waring, G. E., jr. Whip and Spur. E Warner, C. D. Backlog Studies.... .E Being a Boy.E Warren, S. Miscellanies. 2v.E Warter. Wise Saws and Modern Instances.E Wasson. Essays Religious, Social and Politi¬ cal.E Watson. Round the Grange Farm.E Wattf.rson. Oddities in Southern Life. .. E Watts. Literary Souvenir. * .E Webster, N. Essays and fugitive Writings.E Miscellaneous Papers.E The Prompter; Common Sayings.E Wedge. Chips, Sporting and otherwise.. .. E Wellington, Duke of, Words of.I Wells, D. A. (Ed.). Things not generally known. . *R The same. E Wells, K. G. About People. E Whately. Cautions for the Times. E Miscellaneous Lectures. E Thoughts and Apophthegms. E Wheeler. Familiar Allusions. *R Noted Names of Fiction. *R The same; new ed. *R Wheelwright and Stimson. Rollo’s Jour¬ ney to Cambridge. E Whetenall. Echetlus; Culture in England. E Whipple, E. P. Essavs and Reviews. 2 v.E Character and Characteristic Men. E Society, Literature, and Politics. E Success and its Conditions .E Whistler. Gentle Art of Making Enemies. E White, M. E. After Noontide. E White, R. G. New Gospel of Peace .E White, T. E. Lakeside Musings. E Whiting. The Saunterer .E 1588 6204 1607 x 59 2 6201 6205 6206 1630 6401 6419 6414 6404 6415 6422 1398 6403 1 595 1594 1 597 1608 6412 1633 1610 6410 6402 1602 6407 6406 1611 3S9S I 39 I 1606 6409 1 59 6 ^53 1652 1378 1407 140S 6444 6420 1612 1655 6421 1613 6430 6445 1656 6405 6413 COLLECTED WORKS. Whitman, S. Conventional Cant.E Whitman, W. November Boughs.E ' Specimen Days and Collect.E Whittier, J. G. Literary Recreations-J Old Portraits and modern Sketches.J Wight. Mornings at Bow Street.E Wikoff, H. Adventures of a Diplomatist. .E New Yorker in a Foreign Office.E Reminiscences of an Idler.E Wilberforce, S. Essays in Quar. Rev. 2 v.E Wilde, R. H. Summer Rose.E Wilkes, J. Speeches. 2v.L Wilkinson. E. Arnold as Poetizer.E Willard, E. Morals for the Young . .. . .E Williams, Mrs. C. R. Fall River; a Narra¬ tive.E Williams, S. Conflict, an Element of Pro¬ gress.. • v. Willing. Chaff and Wheat.E Willis, N. P. Fun Jottings.E PIurry-Graphs.E Miscellaneous Works. E Out-doors at Idlewild.. ... E Prose Writings; selected by Beers. ... E Rag-Bag.E Rural Letters. E Williston (Ed.). Eloquence of the United States. 5 v.E Willmott. Summer in the Country.E Wilson, A. Poems and Prose. 2v.E Wilson, E. Quiet Observations.E 6452 1614 1641 290,2 290,1 6446 1617 1616 1615 1629 1618 79 6454 1657 6455 5081 6456 1621 1624 6457 1625 6 459 1623 1622 1627 1628 8 935 6453 2 49 Wilson, H. S. Studies in History and Litera¬ ture. .. E 6408 Wilson, J. Studies in Modern Mind and Character.E 6411 Wilson, J. {Christopher Essays, .j 292,5-8 Noctes Ambrosianse. 5 v.E 1626 The same.J 292,1-4 Recreations of Christopher North.E 1410 The same.J 292,9-10 The same.E 1642 Windsor, A. L. Ethica.E 6458 Winthrop, R. C. Addresses and Speeches. 4 v. E 6460 Wirt. Letters of a British Spy.E 1644 Wit of the World.. .•.E 1658 Wood. West Point Scrap Book.E 6469 Woodbury. Talks with R. W. Emerson.. E 6440 Woodward, G. M. Comic Works.E 8997 Woolever. Treasury of Wisdom, Wit and Humor.*R 1327 Wgolson. Browsing among Books.E 1631 Wraxall, Sir L. Scraps and Sketches. 2 v.E 6472 Wright, F. Course of Popular Lectures. .E 6481 Wright, Mrs. J. McN. Practical Life.. .. E 6482 Wyndham. Early Influences.E 2613 Wynter. Curiosities of Toil. 2v.E 1665 Curiosities of Civilization.E 1666 Fruit between the Leaves. 2v.E 1669 Our Social Bees. 2v. *...E 1667 Subtle Brains and lissom Fingers.E 1668 Young Lady’s Book. I 3165 COLLECTED WORKS. Adams, J. Works; ed. by C. F. Adams. iov.J 5 Addison, J. Works; ed. by Greene. 6 v.. J 8 Amf.s, F. Works. 2v.J 10 Arminius, J. Works; tr. by Nichols. 3 v.J 6 Ascham, R. Works; with Life, by Giles. 3 v. 4 . J 9 Bacon, F. Lord. Works; ed by Spedding. 7 v*J 17 The same; with Life, by Rawley. 2v.J 11 Barbauld, A. L. Works. 2v.J 7 Barrow, I. Theological Works; ed. by Na¬ pier. 9 V. ' .J 12 Baxter, R. Practical Works. 4 V.M 1700 Works; with Life, by Orme. 23 v... .M 1701 Beecher, L. Works. 3 v.J 4 Behn, A. Histories and Novels. 2 v....*P 625,5-6 Plays. 4 v. . .*P 625,-14 Bentham, J. Works, nv.J 18 Berkeley, G. Bishop. Life and Letters. .*P 27 Works. • .*P 26 Beveridge, W. Complete Works. 12 v..M 1460 Bolingbroke, Lord. Works; with Life, by Goldsmith. 8 v . J 244 Bradford, S. D. Works. J 34 Bramhall, J. Works; with Life. 5V...M 1461 Brougham, H. Lord. Works. . J 14 v. 1. Men of Letters. 2. Philosophers 3-5. Statesmen. 250 COLLECTED WORKS. Brougham, H., Lord. Works.J 14 v. 6. Natural Theology. 7. Literary Dissertations. 8. Political Dissertations. 9-10. Speeches. 11. British Constitution. Brown, C. B. Novels. 4 vols . *P 629 Browne, Sir T. Works; ed. by Wilkin. 3 v . 1 3344 Brownson, O. A. Works; ed. by H. P'. Brown- son. 20 v . J 33 Buckle, H. T. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works. 3 v.J 19 Bull, G. Bishop. Works; ed. by Burton. 6v. in 7 . *P 34 Bunyan, J. Entire Works. 4 V.*V 586 Burke, E. Works. 12 v.J, 55 Burns, R. Works. 6v.*J 13 v. 1-3. Poetry. 4-6. Prose. Butler, J. Bishop. Works; ed. by Halifax. 2 v . *P 40 Byron, Lord. Works. 5 v. in 3. G 70 Works; with Letters and Journals, and Life, by Moore. 17 v. E 6959 Cahill, D. W. Works; with Life . E 905 Calhoun, J. C. Works. 6 v.J 36 Chalkley, T. Works; with Journal.J 95 Chalmers, T. Posthumous Works.J 42 v. 1-3. Scripture Readings. 4-5. Sabbath Readings. 6. Sermons. 7-8. Institutes of Theology. 9. Addresses and Lectures. Works. 25 v. in 13 .J 96 Channing, W. E. Complete Works. 6 v. ^ 3 .J 40 The same. * . J 41 The same . J 43 Chapman, G. Works. 3 v.J 39 Chillingworth, W. Works. 3 V . *P 42 Clark, W. G. Literary Remains; ed. by L. G. Clark. . J 37 Clay, C. M. Writings and Speeches.J 38 Clay, H. Correspondence, Speeches and Life; ed. by Colton. 6 v. J 101 Cobbett, W .{PeterPorcupine). Works. I2V.J 44 Coleridge, S. T. Complete Works; ed. by Shedd. J 45 v. 1. Aids to Reflection; Statesman’s Manual. 2. The Friend. 3. Biographia Literaria. 4. Lectures on the Dramatists. 5. Literary Remains. Coleridge, 3 . T. Complete Works. J 45 6. Constitution of Church and State; Distress and Discontents, 1817; Table Talk. 7. Poetical and Dramatic Works. CosiN, J. Bishop. Complete Works, 5 v M 1465 Cowley, A. Works.*V 15 Cowper, W. Works. 8v.I 3012 v. 1-2. Life; by Southey. 3-4. Letters; Connoiseur. 5-6. Poems; Hymns; Translations. 7. Iliad of Homer. 8. Odyssey of Homer. Davy, Sir H. Works; with Memoir.J 47 v. 1. Memo* of his Life. 2. Early Miscellaneous Papers. 3. Researches in Nitrous Oxide. 4. Chemical Philosophy. 5. Bakerian Lectures. 6. Miscellaneous Papers and Researches. 7-8 Agricultural Lectures. 9. Salmonia and Consolations in Travel. De Foe, D. Posthumous Writings; with Life. 3 v.J 46 Dick, T. Works. 2 v.J 48 Donne, J. Works; with Memoir. 6v....M 1487 Dryden, J. Works; ed. by Scott. 14 v. ..J 74 Durfee. Works; ed by T. Durfee.J 102 Edwards, B. B. Writings; with Memoir. 2 v. J 49 Edwards, J. Works. 2v.J 57 Elizabeth, Charlotte. See Tonna, C. E. Emerson, R. W. Complete Works.J 69 v. 1. Nature, Addresses and Lectures. 2-3. Essays. 4. Representative Men. 5. English Traits. 6. Conduct of Life 7. Society and Solitude. 8. Letters and Social Aims. 9. Poems. 10. Lectures and Biog. Sketches. II. Miscellanies. Conduct of Life.J 51 English Traits.J 52 Essays. 2 v.. ..J 53 Miscellanies.J 54 Representative Men.J 55 Prose Works. 2 v.J 50 Poems. J 56 Works; Bohn’s edition. 2 v.I 3016 England, J. Bishop. Works. 5 v.J 58 Fielding, H. Writings.J 60 Fox, W. T. Works; memorial edition. 12 v. in 6.J 66 COLLECTED WORKS. 2 5* Franklin, B. Complete works; ed. by Bige¬ low. 10 v.*J 98 Life and Writings; ed. by W. T. Frank¬ lin. 6 v.J 59 Life and Writings; ed. by Sparks. 10 v.J 61 Frederick II. Posthumous Works; ed. by Holcroft. 13 v.J 68 FrERE, J. H. Works. 2 v.J 120 Fuller, A. Works; with Memoir.I 3024 Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Garfield, J. A. Works; ed. by Hinsdale. 2 v.J 70 Gibbon, E. Miscellaneous Works. 5 v. ...J 67 Goethe, J. W. von. Works.I 3025 v. I. Autobiography. 2. The same, continued; Letters from Swit¬ zerland and Italy. 3. Dramatic Works. 4. Novels and Tales. 5. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship. 6. Conversations with Eckermann and Soret. Works; with Introduction by Boyesen. 5 v .*P 577 Goldsmith, O. Miscellaneous Works; ed. by Masson.J 63 The same; ed. by Prior. 4 V .J 64 Works; ed. by Cunningham. 4 v. . . . J 65 Works; ed. by Gibbs. 5 v.I 2921 Gray, T. Works; ed. by Gosse. 4 V.J 73 Grimke, F. Works .L 303 Grote, G. Minor Works; ed. by Bain.. . .J 62 Hall, J. Bishop . Works; ed. by Wynter. 1 o v.*P 94 Hall, R. Miscel. Works; with Memoir. ..I 3036 Works; with Memoir. 4 V.J 72 Hamilton, A. Works. 9 V.*J 99 Works. 3 v.L 191 Harte, B. Works.J 75 v. 1. Poetical Works. 2. Luck of Roaring Camp and other Stories. 3. Tales of the Argonauts, and Eastern Sketches. 4. Gabriel Conroy. 5. Condensed Novels and Stories. 6. Frontier Stories. Hawthorne, N. Blithedale Romance_J 83 Fanshawe, Dolliver Romance, etc.J 77 French and Italian Journals. 2 v.J 91 House of seven Gables.J 82 Marble Faun. J 84 Mosses from an old Manse. 2 v.J 80 Our old Home.J 85 Passages from American Note-books. 2 v.J 89 Passages from English Note-books, 2 v.J 90 Scarlet Letter.J 81 Hawthorne, N. Septimius Felton.. . . • J 9 2 Sketches and Studies. ...J 76 Snow-Image, and other Tales. ...J 79 Tangle wood Tales. • J 88 True Stories.'. ...J 86 Twice-Told Tales. ...J 78 Wonder Book for Girls and Boys.. . . ...J 87 Analytical Index to Works of. . .*R 1388 Hay, G. Bishop. Works. 5 v... ...M 1493 Hazlitt, W. Miscellaneous Works. .. , ..••J 100 v. 1-2. Table Talk. 3. Dramatic Literature, Age of Elizabeth. 4. English Poets and Comic Writers. 5. Spirit of the Age. Hearne, T. Works. 4 V.. .....J 93 Hobbes, T. Works, in English. 11 v, ,...J 112 The same, in Latin. 5 v. . ... ••• J 113 Home, J. Works; with Life, by Mackenzie. 3 v . ...J 114 Hood, T. Complete Works; ed. by Sargent. J ”5 v. 1. Whims and Oddities; Tales. 2. Up the Rhine; Romances and Extrava- gances. 3. Our Family; Comic Miscellany; Autobio- graphical Papers. 4-6. Poetical Works. Hooker, R. Works; ed. by Keble: 3 v.M 1569 The same. 3 V. *p 98 Howe, J. Works. 6 v. . . .M 1495 Hughes, J. Bishop. Works. 2 v. . .. ....J 94 Irving, E. Writings; ed. by Carlyle. 5 v.J 121 Prophetical Writings; ed. by Carlyle. 2 v.J 122 Irving, W. Alhambra. ....J 130 Astoria. ... J 131 Bonneville’s Rocky Mountains. .. .J 132 Bracebridge Hall. ....J 133 Columbus and his Companions. 3 ’ VG..J 134 Conquest of Granada. T 137 Crayon Miscellany. ... ....J r 35 Knickerbocker’s History of New York. .J 138 Life and Letters; by P. W. Irving. 3 v.J *39 Life of Oliver Goldsmith. ....J 136 Life of Washington. 5 v. ....J i 45 Mahomet and his Successors. 2 v. • J 140 Salmagundi. ....J 141 Sketch-Book. ....J 142 Spanish Papers. ...J H 3 Tales of a Traveler. ....J 144 Wolfert’s Roost, and other Papers. ....J 146 Jay, J. Correspondence and Public lk ipers; ed. by Johnston. ...*J 103 Jefferson, T. Works; ed. by Washington. 9 V . ....J 150 Works; ed. by Randolph. 4 v.. . . ....J 252 COLLECTED WORKS. Jewel, J. Bishop. Works; ed. by Ayre. 4 v.M 1620 Works; ed. by Jelf. 8 v.: ... .*P 100 Johnson, S. Works. 11 v.*J 156 v. 1. Essay on Life and Genius of Johnson 5 Poems; Rasselas; Letters. 2-3. The Rambler. 4. The Adventurer; the Idler. 5-6. Miscellaneous Pieces; Lives of Eminent Persons. 7-8. Lives of the English Poets. 9. Journey to the Hebrides; Tales of the Imagination; Prayers and Sermons. 10-11. Parliamentary Debates. Works. 2 v.J 155 Jones, Sir W. Works; with Life. 13 v...J 158 Keats, J. Poetical and other Writings; ed. by Forman. 4 V.*E 7648 v. 1-2. Poetical Works. 3 - 4 - Pi -ose Works. Lamb, C. Works. 5 v.J 171 v 1. Letters; Life by Talfourd. 2. Letters; Final Memorials. 3. Elia; Last Essays of Elia; Popular Fallacies 4. Rosamund Gray; Essays; AlbumVerses. 5. Essays and Sketches; Tales; Poems; Let¬ ters. Landor, W. S. Works. 2 v. J 173 Works; with Life, by Forster.J 174 v. I. Life of the Author. 2. Imaginary Conversations; Greeks and Romans; Shakspere. 3. The same; Sovereigns and Statesmen; Boccaccio and Petrarch. 4. The same; literary Men. 5. Imaginary Conversations; Famous Wo¬ men; Pericles and Aspasia. 6. Miscellaneous Conversations. 7. Dialogues in Verse. 8. Poems, Criticisms and Index. LARDNER, N. Works. 10 v.J 172 Laud, W. Complete Works. 6 v.M 1476 Legar£, II. S. Writings; with Memoir. 2 v.J 166 Leighton, R. Abp. Works; with Life. 4 v.J 167 Selections from.M 1352 Locke, J. Works, iov.J 178 Longfellow, II. W. Complete Works. .. J 177 1-6. Poetical Works. 7-9. Dante’s Divine Comedy. 10-11. Prose Works. Complete Works. 3 v.*P 700 The same. 11 v.*P 633 Prose Works. 3 v.J 176 The same. 2v... .J 175 The same.I 3126 Lowell, J. R. Writings. 10 v. J 170 v. 1-4. Literary Essays. 5. Political Essays. 6. Literary and Political Addresses. 7-10. Poems.. The same. 10 v.*P 635 Lowth, R. Popular Works. 3 v.J 168 Macaulay, T. B. Works. 8 v.*P 108 Macchiavelli, N. Writings; tr. by Detmold.J 189 v. 1. Life; History of Florence. 2. The Prince; Discourses on first Ten Books of Titus Livius. 3. Missions. 4. Missions; Miscellaneous Papers. Mackenzie, II. Works.J 179 v. 1-2. Man of Feeling; Man of the World. 3. Julia de Roubigne. 4. The Mirror. 5-6. The Lounger. 7. Lives of Dr. Blacklock, Lord Abercromby and Wm. Tytler. 8. Poems; Dramas. Mackintosh, Sir J. Miscellaneous Works. 3 v - ..J !S2 Madison, J. Letters and WVitings. 4 V. ..J 180 Madison Papers. 3 V. .....*J 181 Milton, J. Prose Works.J 185 The same. 5 v.I 3057 Montagu, C., Earl of Halifax. Works; with Life.J 184 Montagu, Lady M. W. Letters and Works. 3 v.J 191 Montaigne, M. de. Works. 4 V.J 190 Montesquieu, C. de. Complete Works. 4v.J 193 More, Hannah. Works. 7 v.J 195 North, Christopher. See Wilson, J. Ossoli, M. F. Art, Literature and Drama.J 220 At Home and abroad.J 221 Life without and within.J 222 Memoirs of; by Emerson and others. 2v.J 223 Woman in the nineteenth Century.J 224 Paine, T. Works.M 1175 Paley, W. Works; ed. by E. Paley. 8 v.M 1706 Parker, T. Critical Writings.J 230 Discourse of Religion.J 231 Historic Americans.J 232 Sermons of Theism.J 233 Speeches and Addresses. 3 v.J 234 Additional Speeches. 2v.J 235 Parr, S. Works; with Life by Johnstone. 8 v.J 229 Paterson, W. Writings. 3 V. in 2.J 228 Payson, E. Works; with Memoir. 3 v... J 237! COLLECTED WORKS. 253 Peacock, T. L. Works; ed. by Cole. 3V.J 226 Penington, I. Works.*V 132 Perkins, J. H. Writings; with Memoir. 2v.J 237 Perkins, W. Works. 3 v.*V 610 Pindar, Peter. See Wolcott. Poe, E. A. Works.J 240 v. 1. Life; by Lowell and others. 2. Poems; Eureka; Tales. 3. The Literati; Marginalia; Fifty Suggestions. 4. Arthur Gordon Pym; Miscellanies. Works; ed. by Ingram.J 239 v. 1. Memoir; Tales. 2. Tales. 3. Poems. 4. Criticisms. Pope, A. Works; with Notes by Elwin and Courthope.,*J 225 v. 1-4. Poetry. 5. Life and Index. 6-10. Correspondence. 10. Prose Works. Porteus, B. Works; with Life, by Hodgson. 6 v.J 238 Rabelais, F. Works; tr. by Du Chat. 4v.*J 242 Works; tr. by Urquhart and Motteux. 2v . *J 247 Raleigh, Sir W. Works. 8 v. J 246 Reynolds, Sir J. Literary Works. 2v... .1 3068 Richardson, S. Works. *J 241 v. 1-3. Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded. 4-8. Clarissa Harlowe. 9-12. Sir Charles Grandison. Robinson, J. Works; with Memoir by Ash¬ ton- 3 v .J 243 Roland, Mine. M. J. P. Works.J 257 Rumford, Count. .SV.? Thompson. Sage, J. Works. 3 v.M 1776 St. Pierre, B. de. Works. 2v.J 245 Sands, R. C. Writings. 2v.J 254 Savage, R. Works; with Life by Johnson. 2 v .J 248 Schiller, F. von. Works.I 3072 2 v .J 248 Schiller, F. von. Works.I 3072 V. I. Thirty Years’ War; Revolt of the Netherlands. 2. The same, continued; Dramas. 3 - Don Carlos and other Dramas. 4 - The Robbers; Early Dramas ; Ghost-Seer. 5 - Poems. 6. Letters and Essays. Works. 4 v.*P 00 Secker, T., Abp. Works; with Life. 6 v. .J 2 49 Seward, W. II. Works; ed. by Baker. 5v.J 263 Shelley, P. B. Works; ed. by Forman. 8v.*J 258 v. 1-4. Poetry. 5-8. Prose. Shenstone,W. Works in Verse and Prose.3V.J 255 Sibson, F. Collected Works; ed. by Orb. 4V. J 256 Smith, Sidney. Works.J 250 The same.J 251 Smollett, T. Miscellaneous Works. J 253 v. 1. Life of the Author; Roderick Random. 2-3. Peregrine Pickle ; Plays and Poems. 4. Count Fathom.. 5. Launcelot Greaves; France and Italy. 6. Humphry Clinker; Adventures of an Atom. Spalding, M. J., Abp . Miscellanea. 2 v. ,J 252 Sterne, L. Works .J 260 Stewart, D. Works. .J 261 v. 1. Dissertation on Metaphysics. 2-4. Elements of Mental Philosophy. 5. Philosophical Essays. 6-7. Active and Moral Powers. 8-9. Lectures on Political Economy. 10. Memoirs of Smith, Robertson and Reid. 11. Translations and Index. Sumner, C. Works. 15V.J 264 Swift, J. Works; ed. by Scott. I9V....*J 259 Works; with Memoir by Roscoe. 2v.. .J 266 The same. 6 v.J 267 .Supplement to Works. 3 V.J 265 Taylor, Sir H. Works. 5 v.J 268 Taylor, J. Works. 3 V.J 269 Thirlwall, C. Remains, Literary and Theological. 3 V.J 270 Thompson, Sir B. {Count Rumford). Works. 4 v .J 272 Essays, Political and Philosophical. 3v.J 273 Toland, J. Miscellaneous Works. 2 v.. J 271 Tonna {Charlotte Elizabeth). Works. 2V..J 71 The same. 2v.J 275 Voltaire. Works; tr. by Smollett and others. 24 v.J 276 Washington, G. Writings ; ed. by Ford. 7 v.*J 97 Writings; ed. by Sparks. I2v.J 280 Waterland, I). Works; with Life. 6v. .*P 294 Watts, I. Theological and Poetical Works. 6 v.M 1497 Webster, D. Works. 6v.J 285 Wesley, J. Works, 32 v.M 1705 Whitefield, G. Works. 6 v.J 289 POLYGRAPHY. 254 Whittier, J. G. Prose Works.J 290 v. 1. Margaret Smith’s Journal; Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. 2. Literary Recreations, and Miscel¬ lanies. Writings. 7 v.E 8939 v. 1. Narrative and Legendary Poems. 2. Poems of Nature; Poems Subjective and Reminiscent; Religious Poems. 3. Anti-Slavery Poems; Occasional Poems; Tent on the Beach. 5. Margaret Smith’s Journal; Tales and Sketches. 6. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches; Personal Sketches and Tributes; Historical Papers. 7. Conflict with Slavery; Politics and Reform; The Inner Life; Criti¬ cism. The same. 7v.*P 634 Wilson, H. H. Works.J 291 v. 1-2. Religion of the Hindus. 3-5. Sanskrit Literature. 6-10. Vishnu Purana. 11-12. Theater of the Hindus. WILSON, J. ( Christopher North). Works... J 292 v. 1-4. Noctes Ambrosianse. 5-8. Essays, critical and imaginative. 9-10. Recreations of Christopher North. 11. Tales. 12. Poems. Wilson, T., Bishop. Complete Works; with Life.M 1483 Wolcott, J. {Peter Pindar). Works. 5v.J 295 Woodbury, L. Writings. 3V.J 300 Woodward, H. Works. 3 v.M 699 Wordsworth, W. Prose Works; ed. by Grosart. 3 V.J 301 POLYGRAPHY. The works embraced in these several Collections have been classified and arranged wider the several topics of which they treat; and hence their titles are not repeated here. Bibliotheca Curiosa; ed. by Goldsmid. 43 v. in 24.*P 624 Bohn’s Antiquarian. Library.I 3341-68 Classical Library.I 3175-3239 Ecclesiastical Library.I 3331-35 Historical Library.I 3301-8 Illustrated Library.I 3100-66 Library of French Memoirs.I 3311-12 Philological and Philos. Library. . .1 3315-24 Scientific Library. I 3240-95 Standard Library.. .1 2921-3099 Collectanea Adamanteea; ed. by Gold¬ smid. 28 v.*P 623 Constable’s Miscellany.I 3501-47 Harper’s Family Library.I 3651-3776 International Scientific Series. 67 v. Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopcedia.I 3810-70 Library of Entertaining Knowledge... .1 3548-72 Murray’s Family Library.I 3573-3622 Tauchnitz Collection of British Authors.G 1-1372 Traveller’s Library. 25 V.I 4000 Weale’s Rudimentary Series.K 1230-1645 FINDING LIST OF THE n a p J. .. [. uAu SEVENTH EDITION. Language and Literature. v Greek and Roman Classics. Bibliography. Periodicals. C PI I C A G O : LIBRARY ROOMS,' CITY HALL June, 1891. INDEX TO LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, rAGE. American Aboriginal Languages. 262 Ancient Classics...276 Anglo-Saxon and Early English. 263 Anonyms and Pseudonyms. 301 Arabic Language. 256 Arabic literature. 286 Ballad Society Publications. 264 Bibliography—General Works. 297 Bohemian Language. 262 Bohemian Literature. 293 Books and Reading. 294 Bound Newspapers. 3 22 Catalogues, Library. 301 Sale. 3°5 Chaucer Society Publications .. 364 Chinese Language. 256 Chinese Literature. 286 Classics, Ancient. . . 276 Classics, Greek and Roman. 276 Composition and Rhetoric.271 Creole Language. 262 Danish Language. 261 Dictionaries, English. 270 Directories, Newspaper. 294 Dutch Language.. . 261 Dutch Literature. 293 Early English Language. 263 Early English Text Society Publications. 264 Extra Series. 265 Elocution. 272 Encyclopaedias. 307 English Dialect Society Publications. 265 English Dialects. 265 English Dictionaries. 270 English Grammar. 269 English Language. . .268 English Literature. 289 English Scholar’s Library. 266 Flemish Literature. 293 French Language. 258 French Literature. 291 Gaelic Language. 263 German Language. 259 German Literature. 292 Gothic Language. 261 Grammar, English. 269 PAGE. Greek Classics.. . 276 Greek Language. 257 Greek Literature. 288 Hebrew Language. 256 Hebrew Literature.. 286 Plieroglyphics.. 256 History of Literature. ... . 285 Hungarian Language.261 Hungarian Literature.293 Indexes to Periodicals. *. .. 308 Indian (American) Languages.262 Irish Language. 263 Italian Language.’. 260 Italian Literature. 293 Japanese Language. 256 Journalism and Newspapers. 294 Language—General Works. 255 Latin Language. 257 Libraries.. 295 Library Catalogues. 301 Literature—General Works. 285 Magazines.I . . .. 308 Newspaper Directories. 294 Newspapers (bound). 322 Newspapers and Journalism. 294 Norwegian Language. 261 Oratory. . . 272 Oriental Languages. 256 Oriental Literature.286 Oriental Translation Fund Publications. 288 Percy Society Publications. 266 Periodicals, for Circulation.321 For Reference. 308 Persian Language. 256 Persian Literature. 286 Philobiblon Society Publications. 267 Philological Society Publications. 267 Philology . 255 Phonography and Shorthand.. . 275 Polish Language.261 Polish Literature . 293 Portuguese Language . ... 260 Portuguese Literature . 293 Proverbs and Quotations . 274 Pseudonyms and Anonyms . 3 01 Quotations and Proverbs ... 274 INDEX. PAGE. Readers and Speakers. 273 Reading and Books. 294 Rhetoric and Composition. 271 Roman Classics. 276 Roman Literature. 288 Romance Languages. 262 Roumanian Language. 262 Roxburghe Library. 267 Russian Language. 262 Russian Literature. . 293 Sale Catalogues. 305 Sanskrit Language. 256 Sanskrit Literature. 286 Scandinavian Languages . 261 Scandinavian Literature. 293 Scottish Language. 263 PAGE. Serials. 308 Shorthand and Phonography. 275 Books in Phonetic Characters. 275 Slavonic Literature. 293 Societies, Transactions of..•. 308 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 293 Spanish Language. 260 Speakers and Readers. 273 Spellers. 273 Spenser Society Publications. 268 Stenography. 275 Swedish Language. 261 Turkish Language. 261 Voice, The. 272 Volapuk Language. 262 Welsh Language. 263 FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. LANGUAGE. GENERAL WORKS. Abel. Comparative Lexicography. J 2180 Linguistic Essays.J 376 American Journal of Philology, 1880-91. 11 v.*&r. American Philological Association, Proceed¬ ings and Transactions, 1S69-90. 11 v.*J 441 Andersen. Story of a Mother (in 15 Lan¬ guages).J 2075 Anderson. Genealogy and Surnames.J 391 Asher. Study of Language.J 1020 Barnes. Philological Grammar.J 431 Barrett. Principles of Grammar.J 698 Burnett. Origin and Progress of Language. 6v...J 438 Clough. Mixed Languages.J 377 Dwight. Modem Philology. 2v.J 434 Edkins. China’s Place in Philology.J 504 Elvin. Hand-book of Mottoes.j 387 Earrar. Chapters on Language.J 437 Families of Speech.J 433 Language and Languages.J 409 Forster. One Primeval Language. 3 v... J 436 Garlanda. Philosophy of Words. .. ..T 372 Garnett. Philological Essays. J 378 Grammatography: Manual of Alphabets.J 362 Grimm. Ursprung der Sprache.. D 2576 Groth. Ueber Mundarten.D 2582 Gyi.l. Tractate on Language.J 411 Hadley. Philological Essays.J 401 IIaldeman. Analytic Orthography.*V 641 Hazard. Essay on Language.E 3353 Higgins. Anacalypsis; Origin of Languages, Nation?, etc. 2 v.*V 946 Hovelacque. Science of Language . J 408 Hutchinson. Thought Symbolism . J 375 Johnson. Nuces Philosophical . J 389 Kavanagh. Origin of Language. 2v . J 402 Science of Languages, 7, v. J 364 Kennedy. Ethnological and Linguistic Essays. J 378 Key. 'Philological Essays.J 404 Origin and Development of Language.. J 403 Latham. Comparative Philology.J 432 Opuscula.J 428 Laurie. Language and Linguistic Method in the School.J 510 Lepsius. Standard Alphabet.J 367 Lichtenheld. Studium der Sprachen.. . . D 2602 London Philological Society, Trans., 1842-87. 31 v.*J 435 Lysons. Our Vulgar Tongue.J 390 Marcel. Study of Languages.J 410 Mawr. Analogous Proverbs in ten LanguagesJ 1028 Michel. Etudes de Philologie comparee sur 1’Argot.*R 2020 Modern Language Notes, v. 2. *Ser. Mueller. Biographies of Words.J 368 Chips from a German Workshop. 5 v... J 430 Science of Language. 2v.J 405 Selected Essays on Language, etc. 2 v. .J 379 Stratification of Language.J 406 Murray. History of European Languages. 2 v...J 381 Nestle. Die israelitischen Eigennamen.. . .D 3022 Noir£. Muller and Philosophy of Language.. J 380 Ursprung der Sprache.D 2626 Paul. History of Language.J 397 Peile. Primer of Philology.J 1511 Pezzi. Aryan Philology.J 429 Prendergast. Mastery of Languages.J 378 Reinach. Philologie classique. 2v.C 6424 Renan. Origine du Langage.C 6453 Rendai.l. The Cradle of the Aryans.'. J 400 Richardson. On the Study of Language.. .J 366 Universal Language. ...J 683 Sayce. Comparative Philology.J 373 Science of Language. 2 v.J 412 256 GENERAL WORKS—ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Schrader. Antiquities of the Aryan Peoples. .J 512 Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte.. .D 2714 Smith. Primitive Alphabet and Language. .J 363 Stoddart. Glossology. J 427 Philosophy of Language.J 45 2 Strong. History of Language .«. „ *.J 359 Taylor. The Alphabet. 2 v.J 361 Words and Places.J 417 Trench. Lessons in Proverbs. J 421 Study of Words.J 420 The same.J 424 Truebner’s Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars. *0 606 Collection of Simplified Grammars. 20 v.J 691 Wedgwood. Origin of Language.. J 425 Welsford. Mithridates Minor; an Essay on Language.J 396 Whitney. Life and Growth of Language. .J 416 Leben und Wachsthum der Sprache..D 415, 20 ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Ballantyne. Lessons in Sanskrit.J 710 Bertin. Languages of Cuneiform Inscrip¬ tions .J 691, 17 Beschi. Grammar of the Tamul Language.. J 2143 Bopp. Comparative Grammar. 3 V.J 701 Grammaire des Langues Indo-Europe- ennes. 5 v.J 700 Boyd. Indian Names and their Interpretation. . J 398 Burnouf. Commentaire sur le Yagna.. . .*V 1100 Vendidad Sade.*R 107 Catafago. English and Arabic Dictionary. *R 2325 Chamberlain. Japanese Grammar.J 691, 15 Clarke. Semitic Alphabet.J 694 Conder. Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hittite In¬ scriptions .J 2124 Cooper. Archaic Dictionary. *R 226 Curtiss. Plea for Semitic Languages.J 2137 Cust. Modern Languages of Africa. 2 v. . J 2171 Modern Languages of the East Indies... . J 2170 Edgren. Sanskrit Grammar.J 691, 13 Edkins. Evolution of the Hebrew Language. .J 2149 Felsenthal. Hebrew Grammar.J 672 Forbes. Grammar of Persian Language.. .. J 2141 Hindustani and English Dictionary. . . ,*R 2322 Fuerst. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament.*R 2070 Gesenius. Hebrew Grammar . .J 705 Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon of the New Testament . *R 2072 Green (Ed.). Practical Arabic Grammar. . .J 692 Greppo. Hieroglyphic System of Champol- lion . J 2122 Gruenbaum. Jiidischdeutsche Chrestoma- thie.D 2579 PIarper. Hebrew Syntax.J 675 Hebrew Vocabularies.J 696 Hatfield. Sanskrit Grammar.J 706 Hepburn. Japanese-English Dictionary.. .*R 2326 Hernisz. Conversation in Chinese.*J 2135 Hodgson. Languages and Literature of Ne¬ pal and Thibet. J 2126 Hoffmann. Japanese Grammar.*V 642 Ibraheem. Persian Grammar.J 2142 J/ESCHKE. Tibetan Grammar.J 691, 7 Jones. Persian Grammar. J 158, 5 Lane. English and Burmese Dictionary.. . *R 2324 Levy u. Fleischer. und chaldaisches Worterbuch. 4 V. in3..*R 2073 Lois de Manou (en Sanscrit).C 5727 Lyon. Assyrian Manual for Beginners.J 2128 Morris. Grammar of Telugu Language.. J 691, 20 Mueller, E. Pali Grammar.. .J 691, 12 Mueller, F. M. India; what can it teach us?. J 714 Languages of the East.J 407 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners.. ..J 673 Newman. Dictionary of Modem Arabic. 2 v.*R 2328 O’Neill. First Japanese Book.J 2136 Palmer. Grammar of the Hindustani, Persian and Arabic Languages.J 691, 1 Pantschatantra; indisches Lehrbuch; fibers. von Fritze.D 2721 Parker. Malagasy Grammar.J 691, 4 Pictet. LesOriginesIndo-Europeennes. 3 v.C 6181 Portman. The Adamanese Language.J 679 Raverty. Afghan Dictionary.*R 2321 Renan. Histoire des Langues semitiques. . .C 6451 Renouf. Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Language.J 674 Salmone. Arabic-English Dictionary. 2 v..*R 2327 Salt. Young and Champollion’s System of Hieroglyphics.J 2127 Sayce. Grammar of the Assyrian Language. .J 677 Schleicher. Indo germanische Sprachen. .D 2671 Seyffarth. Hieroglyphic Tablet of Pom¬ peii.*K 7174, 4 Sleeman. Ramaseeana; Vocabulary of the Thugs.J 2150 Spineto. Elements of Hieroglyphics .J 689 Stern. Second Hebrew Reader . J 704 Stuart. Hebrew Chrestomathy.J 707 Summers. Chinese Language . J 695 TlSDALL. Panjabi Grammar .J 691, 18 Heads of Hebrew Grammar.. . J 693 UHLEMANN. Syriac Grammar.J 2153 Watson. Index to Indian Scientific Names of Plants . .*R 1757 ORIENTAL—GREEK—LATIN LANGUAGES. 257 Whitney. Oriental and Linguistic Studies 2 ..J 40 WILLIAMS. Elementary Sanskrit Grammar. .J 711 Practical Sanskrit Grammar.J 709 The same.*P 124 Sanskrit-English Dictionary.*P 180 Wright. Grammar of Semitic Languages. .J 2145 Young. Study of Hebrew for a Minister. *J 1465, 2 Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1847-90. 44 V . *Ser. See also Oriental Literature. GREEK LANGUAGE. Arnold. Greek Prose Composition.J 721 Benseler u. Schenkl. Grieschisches Wor- terbuch. *R 2123 Blackie. Greek and English Dialogues.. .. J 734. Boise. First Lessons in Greek... .J 722 Brasse. Greek Gradus; Greek, Latin and English Lexicon.*R 2064 Bullions. First Lessons in Greek.J 726 Greek Reader.J 728 Principles of Greek Grammar.J 732 The same; rev. by Kendrick.J 727. Buttman. Lexilogus; Greek Words and Phrases.J 800 Crosby. Grammar of Greek Language.J # 646 Curtius. Grammar of the Greek Language.. J 724 Griechische Schulgrammatik.D 2561 Smaller Greek Grammar.J 790 Donaldson. New Cratylus; the Greek Lan¬ guage.J 723 EergusoN. Aid to Greek at Sight. ...:. .*..J 803 Fisk. Greek Exercises. . .. J 735 » Frost. Alpha; a Greek Primer.J 804 Geldart. Grammar of Modern Greek Lan¬ guage.J 691, 5 Modern Greek Language.*P 224 Goodrich. Elements of Greek Grammar... J 719 ' Goodwin. Elementary Greek Grammar.. . . J 645 Green. Grammar of the Greek Testament. ,*R 1580 Groves. Greek and English Dictionary... *R 2060 IIadley. Greek Grammar for Schools. . .J 794 H*rmes; Zeitschrift fur classische Philologie. v. 7-9. *Ser. Hogue. . J 799. Jacobs. Greek Reader; ed. by Casserly .... J 788 Jelf. Grammar of the Greek Language. 2v.J. 796 Jones and Boise. Greek Prose Composition. .J 793 Kontopoui.os. Modern Greek and English Lexicon. 2 v . *R 2061 Ruebner. Greek Grammar . J 725- Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexi¬ con.*R 2056 The same.*P 178 The same, abridged.*P 274 Maltby. Poetical Lexicon of Greek Lan¬ guage . *R 2065 Mayor. First Greek Grammar.J 736 * Morell. Lexicon Graeco-Prosodiacum; ed. by Maltby.*R 2066 Peile. Greek and Latin Etymology.J 740- Price. Pronunciation of Greek and Latin.. .J 774- Riley. Dictionary of Greek Quotations.I 3196 Scapula. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. 2v..*R 2063 Schenkl. Deutsch-griechisches Worter- buch...*R 2122 Schmidt. The Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages.J 77 1 ' Silber. Progressive Lessons in Greek.J 731 Smith. Initia Graeca; First Greek Course. . .J 789 Sophocles, Greek Grammar.J 733. Greek Lexicon of Roman and Byzantine Periods.*R 2057 Spencer Greek Prose Composition.J 787 Greek Reading Book.J 79 ^- Stephanus. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae. 8 v*R 2067 Greek Grammar.J 73 ° • Veitch. Greek Verbs.*P 266 White. First Instruction in Greek.J 791 ' Whiton. First Lessons in Greek.J 729 , Yonge. English-Greek Lexicon.*R 2058 LATIN LANGUAGE. Adam. Latin Grammar; simplified by Fisk.. J 769 Rudiments of Latin Grammar.J 786 Ainsworth. English-Latin Dictionary... ,*R 2038 Allen. Instruction in Latin.J 763* Latin Grammar.J 747 ' Latin Lessons.J 75 2 * and Greenough. Latin Grammar.J 784 Andrews. First Latin Book.J 765 - Harper’s Latin Dictionary; new edition*R 2030 Latin-English Lexicon. .*R 2031 Latin Grammar.J 745 * Latin Reader.J 767* Arnold. First Latin Book; ed. by Harkness.. J 762* Bartholomew. Latin Grammar.J 741 Bauer. Deutsch-lateinisches Lexicon.*R 2128 Brooks. First Lessons in Latin.J 766' Bullions. Jacob’s Latin Reader.J 748 4 Latin Composition.J 73 ^' Latin Grammar.. .... J 739 * The same; rev. by Morris.J 737 . Latin Reader,,.J 754 . 258 LATIN—FRENCH LANGUAGES. Casserly. Complete System of Latin Pros¬ ody.J 797 DeFoe. Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; by New¬ man. .J 781 ' Donaldson. Varronianus; Study of Latin. .J 755 ' DuCange. Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis. 8 v.*R 2029 The same; new ed. 10 v.*R2027 Ellis. Quantitative Pronunciation of Latin.. J 77 2 ' Fisher. Three Pronunciations of Latin.J 743 - Forcei.lini et Facciolati. Totius Latinita¬ tis Lexicon. 9 V.*R 2049 Universal -Latin Lexicon; ed. by Bailey. 2 v. *R 2050 Freund. Deutch-lateinisches Worterbuch. 2 v.*R 2112 Gardin Dumesnil. Latin Synonyms.J 779 Hanson. Latin Prose Book.J 764- Harkness. Latin Composition.J 7%3 Introductory Latin Book.J 7 $° Latin Grammar.J 749 ' The same; new edition.J 75 ° Latin Reader.J 753 PIarrison. Exposition to Latin Grammar... J 7^5 Henderson. Latin Proverbs and Quota¬ tions.*R 1324 Ketelius. De Latinitate comparanda Scrip- tores selecti.*J 77 %' Key. Latin-English Dictionary.*R 2028 Latin Grammar.J 74 ^' LEWIS. Latin Dictionary for Schools .. . .*R 2032 Millington. Latin Prose Composition.J 782 Morris. Latin Lessons.J 74 2 MUEHLMANN. Lateinisch-deutsches Worter¬ buch.D 2547 Richardson. Roman Orthoepy.J 744 ' Riddle. Eng.-Lat. and Lat.-Eng. Diet.. .*R 2041 and Arnold. English-Latin Lexicon. .*R 2034 Riley. Dictionary of Latin Quotations... . I 3196 Roby. Latin Grammar. 2v.J 751' Ross. Latin Grammar.J 759 ' Sawyer. Latin Primer.J 770 ' Silber. Grammar of the Latin Language... J 758' Latin Reader.J 757 ' Smith. Latin-English Lexicon.*R 2037 First Latin Course. 2 v.J 768. and Hall. English-Latin Lexicon. . . *R 2036 Spencer. Latin Lessons.J 756' Weld. Latin Lessons and Reader . J 773' Wordsworth. Specimens of Early Latin .. J 777. Yonge. Phraseological English-Latin Diction¬ ary.*R 2040 Zumpt. Grammar of the Latin Language. . . J 776 FRENCH LANGUAGE. Albrecht. Franzosischer Dolmetscher.. . .D 2538 Aubertin. Textes de l’ancien francais.. . .C 11991 Badois. Grammaire anglaise.J 2007 Barr^re. Argot and Slang; French-English Dictionary of Cant Words.*R 2160 Bartsch. Chrestomathie provencale.C 12007 Bellenger. Franz, u. deutsche Gesprache.. D 2546 Berger. New Method of learning French. .J 2017 Beza. DeFrancicoe Linguae Pronuntiatione. . .J 2003 Bolmar. Key to Telemachus.J 2CII Boniface. Grammaire francaise.C 4234 Borel. Grammaire francaise a l’usage des Allemands .D 2541 Brachet. Dictionnaire etymologique.*R 2157 Historical French Grammar.J 2012 Brette. French Principia. 3 v.J 1992 Brunet. L’Orthographe absolue et l’Ortho- graphe relative...J 1987 Burguy. Franzosische Redensarten.D 2542 Chambeau. Uebersetzen in’s Franzosische.. D 2588 Chambers. Dictionary of the English, French and German Languages.*R 2152 Chardenal. French for Advanced Pupils. .J 2019 Second French Course.J 1998 Clifton. Dictionnaire anglais-fran§ais et fran^ais-anglais. .*R 2151 and Grimaux. French and English Dic¬ tionary. 2 v.*R 2165 Craig. Modern Provencal Language .J 1986 Delinotte. Dictionnaire des Synonymes. .*R 2179 Dictionnaire de l’Academie francaise. 2v.. s R 2182 The same; 7th ed. 2 v .*R 21S3 Dictionnaire de Poche francais-allemand. . .*R 2150 Dictionnaire de Poche francais hollandais.. .*R 2149 Dictionnaire de Poche francais-italien .*R 214S Duffet. New French Method .J 1991 Ernst. Introductory French Course .J 2001 Fasquelle. New Method of Learning French. J 1994 Fivas. Classic French Reader for Advanced Students .J 1996 Fleming etTiBBiNS. Royal Dictionary. 2 v*R 2181 Gasc. French and English Dictionary. . . . *R 2161 Hargues. Unterricht in der franzosischen Sprache. 2v .D 2587 Havet. Le Francais enseigne par la pratique. .C 5206 Hearn. Dictionary of Creole Proverbs. J 685 James and Mole. English-French Diet.. ,*R 2163 Jewett. Ollendorff’s Method of French.. .J 2010 Key; by Ollendorff. J 1999 Kei.HAM. Dictionary of Norman, or Old French. *R 2176 Lafaye. Dictionnaire des Synonymes.. . ,*R 2180 FRENCH—GERMAN LANGUAGES. 259 Languellier and Monsanto. Practical Course in French.J 1993 Leroux. Dictionnaire comique. 2v.*R 2159 Levizac. Grammar of the French Tongue. .J 2015 Littre. Diet, de la Langue francaise. 4 v..*R 20 Supplement...*R 21 Ilistoire de la Langue frangaise. 2v..C 5717 Luedeking. Franzosisches Lesebuch. 2 v..D 2706 Magill. French Grammar.J 2002 Introductory French Reader.J 19S8 Manesca. Oral System of Teaching French.. J 2047 Marin. Dictionnaire francois et hollandois. 2 v.*R 2311 Mass£. Grammar of Colloquial French.. .. J 1990 Masson. Dictionary of the French Lan¬ guage.*R 2156 Mol£. Dictionnaire francais-allemand ... .*R 2127 Noel. Unterricht in der franzosischen Sprache.D 2625 Otto. French Grammar.J 2005 Perrin. Elements of French Conversation.. J 1989 Prendergast. Mastery Series; French....J 2008 Prudhomme. French System of Sound, Nos. 1-6.J 1995 Rosenthal: French Meisterschaft System. J 2018 Roubaud. Cassell’s French Dictionary. ..*R 2158 Sachs und Villatte. Encyklopadisches Worterbuch der franzosischen und deutschen Sprache. 2v.*R 2126 Sardou. French Language self-taught.J 2016 Spiers. New French Dictionary. 2 v.. .. "R 2168 and SURENNE. French pronouncing Dictionary. *0 525 SURENNE. Dictionary of the French and English Languages.*R 2167 Taeuber. Der neue Lafosse.D 2668 Tarver. Choix en Prose et en Vers.J 1997 TOLHAUSEN. Technological Dictionary of French, German and English Lan¬ guages. 3 v.*R 2108 Trotz. Dictionnaire francais-allemand. 2v. ,*R 2316 Vitu. Le Jargon du XVe Siecle.. .-.C 13350 Vivacites du Langage dans le Journalisme Parisien.C 13313 Wanostrocht. French Grammar.J 2014 Weller. French and English Dictionary. .*R 2172 Williams. Getting to Paris.J 2013 Wilson. French Dictionary.*R 2174 Worm an. The French Echo.J 2009 GERMAN LANGUAGE. Adler. Dictionary of German and English Languages.J 2058 The same.*R 2082 Adler. Ollendorff’s Method of German.. . .J 2025 Ahn. Easy Method of Learning German. . .J 2059 Pronouncing Method of German Lan¬ guage.J 2048 Andresen. Sprachgebrauch im Deutschen.. D 2598 Apel. Specimens for German Translation.. .J 2060 Arnold. Englischu. deutsche Phraseologie . D 2540 Bauer. Deutsch-lateinisches Lexicon ... .*R 2128 Belek£. German Reader for Beginners.. .. J 2057 Brandt. German Grammar.J 2046 Bremisch-Niedersachsisches Worterbuch.. . .*R 2118 Buechmann. Geflugelte Worte.D 2560 Campbell. Elementary German Course... J 2043 Comfort. Course of German Language.. .. J 2045 Deutsch. Self-Instruction in German. 2V..J 2041 Diesterweg. Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache.D 2569 Dreyspring. First German Reader on the Cumulative Method.J 2053 Method for learning German.J 2022 Eger and Brandes. Technological Dic¬ tionary, English and German. 2v.*R 2099 Eichwald. Niederdeutsche Sprichworter. . I) 2572 Evans. Progressive German Reader.J 2056 Feller. German and English Dictionary. .*R 2085 Ferguson. Teutonic Name System. •.*R 380 Fluegel. English-German and German- English Dictionary. 2 v. ..*R 2093 Froembling. German Reader.J 2415 German Classics for American Students: Gcethe. Hermann and Dorothea.J 2020 Schiller. Die Piccolomini.J 2021 German Principia; First German Course.J 2024 Gibbons. Pennsylvania Dutch.I 5347 Graff. Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz. 6 v.*R 2105 Grieb. German-English Dictionary. 2 v. . ' X R 2086 The same. 2 v.*R 2087 Grimm. Deutsche Grammatik; 2te Ausg. 4v.. D 2687 Dassclbe; 3te Ausgabe, istcr Bd...D 2689 Deutsches Worterbuch. 12 v.*R 2102 Geschichte der deutschen Sprache.D 2575 Heidner. Course of German Grammar... .J 2038 Kursus der deutschen Sprache.D 2592 Heinsius. Teut; oder Lehrbuch der deut¬ schen Sprachwissenschaft. 2 v.I) 2704 Helfenstein. Comparative Grammar of the Teutonic Languages.J 697 IIenn. Ahn’s German Readers, 1st and 2nd . .J 2035 Ahn’s German Reading Charts.J 2034 Ahn’s Rudiments of German. 4 V . J 2037 Ahn’s Rudiments, with Key. 2 v . J 2036 Ahn’s Synopsis of German Grammar. . . . J 2033 Hf.rzog. Deutsche Stilubungen . .D 2650 260 GERMAN—ITALIAN—SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE LANGUAGES. James. English German Dictionary.*R 2101 Jordan. Deutsch-bohmisches Worterbuch. 2 v.*R 2268 Just. German Grammar. J 2042 Kaltschmidt. Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache.*R 2103 Kehrein. Schulgrammatik.D 2606 Klemm. German by Practice.J 2051 Kluge. Etymological Dictionary.*R 2092 Etymologisches Worterbuch.*R 2188 Index dazu; von Janssen.*R 2188 Koehler. English and German Dictionary. .*R 2100 Lesebuch fiir Mittel-Klassen.D 2684 Meyer, C. F. Deutsche Synonyme.D 2616 Meyer, G. H. Unsere Sprachwerkzeuge. .D 415,42 Muellenhoff. Altdeutsche Sprachproben.. D 2618 Oehlenschl^eger. Ahn’s German Method. .J 2040 Ollendorff. Ivey to Exercises in Learning German.J 2054 Otto. German Grammar.J 2055 Raumer. Germanische Philologie.D 2643 Reinhold. Wegweiser in Orthographie. .. D 562 Rosenthal. Meisterschaft System of German .J 2049 Rudolph. Unterricht in unserer Mutter- sprache. 4 v. in 2.D 2730 Sachs und Villatte. Encyklopadisches Worterbuch der franzosischen und deutschen Sprache. 2v.*R 2126 Sanders. Einheitliche Rechtschreibung.. . D 2667 Erganzungs-Worterbuch.*R 2107 Fremdworterbuch.*R 2097 Handworterbuch d. deutschen Sprache ,*R 2096 Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 2 v. in 3..’.*R 2106 Worterbuch der Hauptschwierigkeiten in der deutschen Sprache.*R 2098 Sawyer. Practical German Grammar.J 2023 Schambach. Niederdeutsches Worterbuch. *R 2120 Schleicher. Die deutsche Sprache. D 2672 Schmidt, F. German Grammar and Reader.. J 2052 Schmidt, J. A. E. Deutsch-russisches und russisch cleutsches Worterbuch.*R 2318 Sheldon. Short German Grammar.J 2026 Steding. Kurzgefasste deutsche Gram- matik.. . . D 2716 Strong and Meyer. History of the German Language.J 2064 Tolhausen. Technological Dictionary. 3V.*. R 2108 Spanish-deutsches Worterbuch. 2 v.. .*R 2124 Veith. Deutsches Bergworterbuch.*R 2116 Verhandlungen fiir Rechtschreibung.D 2686 Victor. German Pronunciation..J 2044 Vogel. Eormen-und Satzlehre.D 2652 German Commercial Correspondent.J 1001 Voi.lbeding. Worterbuch der plattdeutschen M und art.D Wackernagel, P. Deutches Lesebuch. ..D Wackernagel, W. Altdcutsches Worter¬ buch .*R Deutsches Lesebuch. 4 v. in 5.D Wander. Sprichworter Lexikon. 5 v.*R Weber. Fremdworterbuch . *R Whitney. German and English Dictionary. *R German Grammar.J German Texts; Wilhelm Tell.J Winkelman. Deutsch-hollandisches Wor¬ terbuch. 2 v.*R Witcomb. Englisch und deutsche Gesprache. D Woodbury. Shorter German Course.J Worm an. Collegiate German Reader.J Complete Grammar of the German Lan¬ guage . J Elementary German Grammar. J Elementary German Reader. J Zahner. Pocket Dictionary of English and German Languages.*R ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Baretti. Dictionary of Italian and English Languages. 2v. *R Bolza. Vocabolario della Lingua italiana.'^R Cuore. Italian Grammar.J Dictionnaire fran^ais-italien.*R Florio. Queen Anna’s New World of Words:._. .. *R Grandgent. Italian Grammar.J GuiCHET. Italian Grammar.J Italian-German Dictionary.*R IvRIMMEL. Italienischer Dolmetscher.D Millhouse. Italian Dictionary. 2v.*R Ollendorff. Neue Mcthode zur Erlernung der italienischen Sprache.D New Method of Learning Italian, with Key. 2 v.J Valentine Italienische und deutsche Ge¬ sprache...D VERGANI. Grammaire italienne. C 2639 26S1 2114 2695 2104 2110 20S4 2050 2030 231 255 ° 2032 2031 2028 2027 2029 2094 2231 2229 2070 2148 2234 2072 2071 2232 2612 2230 2558 2069 2702 6927 SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE LANGUAGES. Butler. Spanish Teacher.J 20SS Cqllins. Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs. ..J 687 Cortina. Spanish in Twenty Lessons.J 2098 Damasio. Diccionario de la Lengua Castel- lana. 6 v.*R 2220 Delpino. Dictionary of Spanish and Eng¬ lish.*R 95 SCANDINAVIAN— OTHER EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. 261 Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana.*R 2219 D’Orsey. Portuguese Grammar.J 2085 Colloquial Portuguese.J 2090 Elwes. Dictionary of the Portuguese Lan¬ guage.*R 2203 Harvey. Spanish Grammar.J 691,19 Knapp. Grammar of Modern Spanish.J 2097 McHenry. Improved Spanish Grammar. .. J 2093 Exercises on the Spanish Language.J 2094 Neuman. Dictionary of the Spanish Lan¬ guage. 2 v...*R 2213 * The same; ed. by Seoane. 2 v. . *R 2212 The same; ed. by Velasquez de la Cadena.*R 2210 Olive. Diccionario de Sinonimos de la Len¬ gua Castellana.*R 2219 Ollendorff. New Method of Learning Spanish. 2v.J 2095 Pexalver. Diccionario de la Lima de la Lengua Castellana.*R 2219 Prendergast. Mastery Series; Spanish . . . J 2089 Rosenthal. Meisterschaft System of Span¬ ish.J 2096 Schilling. Spanische Grammatik.I) 2543 Soteldo. Spanish Grammar.J 2084 Stevens. Dictionary of the Spanish Lan¬ guage, 1706. .*R 109 Tolhausen. Spanisch-deutsches Wbrterbuch. 2 v.. . *R 2124 Valdez. English and Portuguese Dictionary. 2 v.*R 2202 Van Eys. Basque Grammar.J 691,3 Velasquez. Spanish-English Dictionary.. .*R 2214 Spanish Conversation.J 2087 Vieyra. Portuguese Dictionary. 2v.*R 2225 Portuguese Grammar. J 2086 Villegas. Method of Learning Spanish. .. . J 2091 Wessely and Girones. English-Spanish Dictionary.*R 2215 Ybarra. Method for Learning Spanish.... J 2092 SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES. Arlaud. Bevingede Ord.C 7012 BojESEN. Danish Language.J 2100 Cleasby. Icelandic-English Dictionary. . .*R 2462 Dalin. Svenska Spr&kets Synonymer.C 7814 Ekbohrn. Frammande Svenska Ord.*R 2283 Engelskt och Svenskt Handlexikon.*R 2289 Ferrall og Repp. Dansk-Norsk-Engelske Ordbog.*R 2292 Geelmuyden og Brynildsen. Engelsk- Norsk Ordbog ... *R 2290 Kristiansen. Ordbog over Gadesproget. ,*R 5281 May. Grammar of Swedish Language.J 2105 Meyer. Fremmedordbog.*R 2286 Nilsson. Engelsk-Svensk Ordbok .*R 2285* Oman. Svensk-Engelsk Hand-Ordbok.. . . *R 2284 Ordlista ofver Svenska Spr&ket.*R 22S2 Ott£. Danish Grammar.J 691,8 How to learn Danish.J2101 Swedish Grammar.J 691,10 Pocket Dictionary of the Danish and English Languages.*R 2297 Pocket Dictionary of the Swedish and English Languages.*R 22S8 Rask. Islandske Sprog.C 8312 Rosing. English-Danish Dictionary.*R 2295 Rydqvist. Ljudlagar och Skriflagar.C 7790 Selmer. Fremmede Ord i det danske Sprog.*C 7560 Sweet. An Icelandic Primer.J 2146 Vigfusson and Powell. Icelandic Reader. .J 2147 OTHER EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. Ahn. Concise Grammar of the Dutch Lan¬ guage .J 2062 Baedeker. Manual of Conversation.J 760 Balg. Glossary of the Gothic Language.. ,*R 2090 Bandtke. Slownik dokladny Jezyka Polskiego i Niemieckiego. 2v.*R 2246 Baranowski. Anglo-Polish Lexicon.*R 2250 Barker. Grammar of Turkish Language... J 2121 Reading Book of Turkish Language.J 2123 Bellenger. Dialogues in French, English, German, Dutch, Swedish and Danish . 1 ) 2545 Dialogues in French, English and Ger¬ man . .. •..1) 2546 Dialogues in Spanish, French, English and German.D 2544 Bohn. Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs.I 3363 Bonaparte. Catalogue dcs Ouvragcs sur les Langues europeennes. *0 598 Booch-Arkossy. Englisch-deutsch-spanischer Dolmetscher.I) 2548 Bosworth. Origin of Germanic and Scandi-. navian I.anguages.J 2063 Braunf.. Gothic Grammar.J 1373 Caliscii. Dictionary of the Dutch Language. 2 v . *R 2308 Leitfaden der hollandischen Aufsatze . .D 9140 Chambers. Dictionary of the Engl sh, French and German Languages.... *R 2152 Chod/.KO. Polish and English Dictionary.. *R 2245 CsiNK. Grammar of Hungarian Language. . J 2132 Cummins. Old Friesic Grammar. J 690 Dictionnaire des Langues francaise et hollan- daise.*Ii 2149 262 VOLAPUK—AMERICAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES. Diez. Etymologisches Worterbuch der roma- nischen Sprachen.*R 2185 Index; von Jarnick.*R 2187 Grammar of Romance Languages.J 715 Douse. The Gothic of Ulfilas. J 1372 English-Russian and Russian-English Dict¬ ionary .*R 2320 FoGARASl.German-HungarianDictionary.2v.*R 2256 Freeth. Condensed Russian Grammar.J 2066 Gabelentz und Loebe. Glossarium der gothischen Sprache.*V 1046 Grammatik der gothischen Sprache. . . .*V 1046 Groeber. Grundriss der romanischen Philo- logie. D 65S7 Heard. Russian Grammar. ..J 2134 Holtrop. English and Dutch Dictionary. 2v.*R 2312 Ivanoff. Russian Grammar; tr. byGowan..J 2133 Joel. Polnische Sprache. 2v.D 2599 Kasprowicz. Polish Conversation.J 2129 Kinloch. Russian Conversation Grammar. .J 2073 Kott. Cesko-nemecky Slovnik. 4 V.*R 2259 Kramer. Deutsch-niederlandisches Worter- buch.*R 2310 Landre. Dictionnaire hollandois-francois.. *R 2314 Lewis. Formation of Romance Languages. .J 761 Marin. Dictionnaire francois et hollandois. 2 v... *R 2311 MONTEITH. Grammar for the French, Ger¬ man, Spanish, Latin and Italian Lan¬ guages. J 2080 Morfill. Polish Grammar.1691,11 Serbian Grammar.1691,16 MoUREK. Bohemian Dictionary.. . .*R 2266 Ney. Ungarische Sprachlehre. 2 v.[ 21 3° Nouveau Guide de Conversations modernes. .D 2544 Oera Linda Book, The; Frisian Text, tr. by Sand bach. J 1370 Pocket Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. .*R 2309 Pohl. Polnische Grammatik.D 2637 Pyl. Grammar of the Dutch Language.. . . T 2061 Radius. Languages of the Slavic Nations. .J 382 Raynouard. Lexique roman. 6 v.*R 2184 Redhouse. Ottoman-Turkish Grammar... J 691,9 Turkish Dictionary.*R 2323 Reiff. English-Russian Grammar.J 2065 Parallel Dictionary of Russian, French, German and English. 4 v.*R 2240 Riola. Graduated Russian Reader.J 2068 How to learn Russian. 2 v.J 2067 Roquefort. Glossaire de laLangue romane. 2 v.*R 2186 Schmidt. Russisch-deutsches Worterbuch.. *R 2318 SCHXURMAb’N, The Russian Manual . J 650 Singer. Hungarian Grammar.J 691,2 Szellera. Lacinsko-Polsko-Niemiecki. 2v. .*R 2248 Szmidta. Rossyisko-Polsko-Niemiecki.*R 2247 Taylor. Greek and Goth; Study on the Runes.J 46 Thomas. Creole Language.J 2144 Torceanu. Roumanian Grammar. ] 691,6 Trotz. Dictionnaire polonais, allemand et franyais, 2v... *R 2315 Dictionnaire francais, allemand et po¬ lonais. 2 v. ..*R 2316 Vries en Winkel. Woordenlijst’ voor de Spelling der Nederlandsche Taal. . . . *R 2306 Wassa Pasha. Grammaire Albanaise.J 691,14 W£key. Hungarian Grammar.J 2131 Wells. Practical Grammar of Turkish Lan¬ guage.J 2 I 2 5 Whyte. Ilistoire des Langues romanes. 3v.C 13377 Winkelman. Deutsch-hollandisches Worter¬ buch. 2 v.*I< 2313 VOLAPUK. Linderfelt. Volapiik for English-Speaking People.J 643 Post. Comprehensive Volapiik Grammar. . .J 644 ScHLEYER. Grammar of Volapiik.J 641 Sprague. Handbook of Volapiik.J 642 AMERICAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES. Brasseur de Bourbourg. Grammaire de la Langue Quichee.C 4243 Brinton (Ed.). Aboriginal American Litera¬ ture . •..J 682 v. 1. Maya Chronicles. 2. Iroquois Book of Rites. 3. The Giieguence. 4. Migration Legend of Creek Indians. 5. The Lenape and their Legends. ' 6. Annals of the Cakchiquels. 7. Ancient Nahuatl Poetry. ‘8. Rig Veda Americanus. American Languages.*J 1465,2 Essays of an Americanist.J 802 Grammar of Cakchiquel Language.J 688 Philosophic Grammar of American Languages.J 686 Byington. Choctaw Grammar.J 2138 Choctaw Hymn Book.J 2139 | Clark. Indian Sign Language .B 735 Davis (Tr.). Prayer Book in Indian Language M 1189 Du Ponceau. Les Langues indiennes.C 4752 . Gibbs. Dictionary of Chinook Jargon.*R 2330 SCOTTISH AND WELSH—GAELIC—IRISH LANGUAGES. 263 Heckewelder. Words and Phrases of the Lenni Lenape.B 710 The same; new ed.B 1263,12 Holden. Central Am. Picture Writing.... *V 496 Howse. Grammar of the Cree Language.. .J 684 Jones (Tr.). Paul’s Epistles in Cherokee..M 2563 Ludewig. Am. Aboriginal Languages.J 925 Mallery. Study of Sign Language. *Doc . New Testament in Ojibwa Language.M 169 Powell. Study of Indian Languages. *Doc . Riggs (Tr.). New Test, in Dakotah Lang.M 2500 Trumbull. Indian Names in Connecticut.. .J 926 Williams. Key to American Languages. .B 1116,1 SCOTTISH AND WELSH LANGUAGES. Cregeen. Diet, of the Manks Language. .*R 2460 IIislop. Proverbs of Scotland.*R 2443 Jamieson. Diet, of the Scottish Language.. .*R 2441 The same; new ed. with Suppl. 5 v*R 2440 Kelly. Scotch Proverbs. J 1027 Lytteil. Landmarks of Scottish Life and Language. J 1052 Mackay. Dictionary of Lowland Scotch. . *R 2442 Poetry and Humor of the Scottish Language. . . J 1036 Nash. - Taliesin ; or, Bards and Druids of Britain. v .J 1371 Paterson. Origin of Scottish Language. .. A 1115 Pughe. Dictionary of the Welsh Language. 2 v.. . *R 2445 Richards. Welsh-English Dictionary... .*R 2448 Sinclair. Observations on Scottish Dialect. J 1038 Scottish Text Society. 15 v. in 10. The Kingis Quair; by King James I. of Scotland. *J 1101 Poems of William Dunbar; ed. by Small. 3 v.*J 1102 The Court of Venus; ed. by Gregor.... *J 1103 Leslie’s History of Scotland.*J 1104 Schir William Wallace. 2v.*J 1105 Sir Tristrem.*J 1106 Poems of Alexander Montgomerie.*T 1107 Richt Vay to the Kingdom of Heuine; by Gau.*J 1108 Legends of the Saints.. .. .*J 1109 Winzet. Certain Tractates.*J mo Poems of the Reformation; ed. by Cran- stoun.*J 1111 GAELIC LANGUAGE. Am Filidh Gaidhealach; Gaelic Songs.E 7925 Bible in.Gaelic.M 2207 Cameron. Gaelic Names of Plants.K 2146 Campbell. Gaelic Ballads.*V 1739 Dictionary of Gaelic Language. 2 v.*R 2466 Forbes. Gaelic and English Grammar.J 1026 Gaelic Society of Dublin, Transactions..... .A 1273 Macbean. Elementary Lessons in Gaelic.. .J 1034 Guide to Gaelic Conversation.J 1035 M’Gregor. Ancient Gaelic Poetry.E 7923 Mackay. Gaelic Etymology.*R 2396 Mackenzie. History of Scotland in Gaelic. A 1114 Menzies. Gaelic Songs and Poems.E 7924 New Testament in Gaelic Language.M 11 Reid. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica. *0 627 Shaw. Gaelic-English Dictionary.*R 2464 IRISH LANGUAGE. Ancient Laws of Ireland; Senchus Mor. 4 v. * Doc. Annals of Ireland by the hour Masters; ed. by O’Donovan. 7 v.*V 134 The same; tr. by Connellan 0 .. . .*V 108 Atkinson (Ed.). Book of Ballymote.*P 932 Book of Leinster.*P 931 Bible in Irish; by Bhedel.M 1 Bible in Irish; by McHale.*V 123 Bourke. College Irish Grammar.J 1021 Self Instruction in Irish.J 1022 English-Irish Dictionary..*R 2457 Foley. English-Irish Dictionary.*R 2455 Homer’s Iliad in Irish; by McHale.L 2943 Irish Archaeological Society Publications. 26 v. in 27.*A 1430-51 Joyce. Irish Local Names explained.J 370 Grammar of the Irish Language.J 1024 Origin of Irish Names of Places. 2 v. . .. J 1023 Leabhar Breac, the Speckled Book, in Irish and Latin.*P 930 Leabhar na H-Uidhri (in Irish).*P 532 Moore’s Melodies in Irish; by McHale.E 337 National MSS. of Ireland, Facsimiles. 4 v. in 5.*P 1001 O’Brien. Jrish-English Dictionary, I768..*R 2451 The same, 1832; ed. by Daly.*R 2452 Phillips. Specimens of Irish Eloquence. ... E 1441 Poole. Glossary of the Old Dialect in Wex¬ ford County. J 1025 Westwood: Facsimiles of Irish Manuscripts *P 1000 Windiscii. Concise Irish Grammar.J 1961 ANGLO-SAXON AND EARLY ENGLISH. BosWORTH. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 1848. *R 2415 The same, 1876.*R 2416 The same; new enlarged ed.*'R 2417 and Waring. Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels.M 2538 ANGLO-SAXON AND EARLY ENGLISH. 264 Coleridge. Glossarial Index to English of XIII. Century.J 899 Corson. Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon.J 973 Grein. Dichtungen der Angelsachsen.D 2593 Sprachschatz der Angel-Sachsen. 2 v. ,L> 2594 Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon Orthography .. . .J 972 Ingram. Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature. *V 549 Kemble. Dialogue of Solomon and Saturnus.J 1032 Klipstein. Grammar of Anglo-Saxon.J 974 LangiIand. Vision of Piers the Plowman .*P 226 Maetzner. Altenglische Sprachproben. 3 v. in 2.D 2617 March. Comp. Grammar of Anglo-Saxon. .J 702 Mayhew and Skeat. Dictionary of Middle English.*R 2338 Morris and Skeat. Specimens of Early English. 3 v.*P 230 The same. 2 v.J 964 Rask. Grammar of Anglo-Saxon Tongue.. .J 990 Shute. Manual of Anglo-Saxon.J 975 Sisson. Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. J 1033 Sweet. Anglo-Saxon Reader. istand2d..J 1030 Thorpe. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica..J 1041 Westwood. Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon Manu¬ scripts . *P 1000 Wright. Vocabularies from 10th to 15 th Centuries. J 984 *Ballad Society Publications: Ballads from Manuscripts. 2v.J 1149 Bagford Ballads. 2v.J 1153 Bagford Poems, Amanda Group of.J 1154 Cox. Ballads. J 1151 Love Poems and Humorous Ones.J 1152 Roxburgh Ballads. 6 v. in 13.J 1150 *Chaucer Society Publications: Chaucer. Canterbury Tales. Six-Text ed.: Ellesmere MS.J 1160 Hengwrt MS..J 1161 Cambridge MS .J 1162 Corpus Christi MS.J 1163 Petworth MS..J 1164 Lansdowne MS.J 1165 Canterbury Tales. Parallel-Text ed. 3 v.. V 328 Minor Poems. Parallel-Text ed. ......V 329 The same. Odd Texts. Treatise on the Astrolabe.J 1166 Trial-Forewords to Parallel-Text ed.J 1167 * arly English Text Society Publications: Early English Alliterative Poems.J 1175 Arthur, King, Life in Verse.J 1176 Lauder. Dewtie of Kyngis.J 1176 Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight.J 1179 Hume. Orthographie of Britan Tongue.J 1176 Lancelot of the Laik.J 1181 Genesis and Exodus.J 1178 Morte Arthure.J 1183 Thynne. Animadversions upon Chaucer. Merlin; or, History of King Arthur.J 1210 Lyndesay, Sir D. Works....’.J 1209 Adam of Cobsarn. Wrights Chaste Wife, and Supplement. J 1176 Book of Quinte Essence. Langland. MSS. of Piers Plowman.J 1202,2 Rolle de Hampole. Prose Treatises.J 1194 Michel. Ayenbite of Inwyt.J 1197 Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, etc.J 1193 Stacions of Rome, etc.J 1194 Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse.J 1200 Levins. Manipulus Vocabulorum.T 1201 Langland. Piers Plowman, with Notes. 4 v. in 5.J 1202 Early English Homilies.J 1208 Myrc. Duties of a Parish Priest.J 1194 Meals and Manners, etc.J 1206 La Tour-Landry. Book for Daughters.... J 1195 Colonna. Destruction of Troy.J 1213 English Gilds.] 1214 Lauder, W. Minor Toems.J 1177 Bernardus. De Cura rei famuliaris.J 1194 Ratis Raving, and other Pieces.J 1217 Joseph of Arimathie; or, Holy Grail. 1218 King Alfred’s Version of Gregory’s Pastoral Care.J 1219 Legends of the Holy Rood.J 1220 Times’ Whistle, and other Poems.J 1222 Old English Miscellany.J 1223 Life of St. Juliana.J 1224 Palladius. On Husbondrie.J 1225 Generydes; a Romance. J 1226 Version of the Cursor Mundi. Blickling Homilies. , . . J 1232 Bonaventura. Supper of oure Lorde.... J 1231 Thomas of Erceldoune. Romance and Pro¬ phecies.J 1233 Thynne. Embleames and Epigrams.J 1236 Be Domes Dsege.J 1236 Davie. Dreams about Edward II.J 1234 Lay Folks Mass Book.J 1235 Wyclif, J. English Works.J 1237 Catholicon Anglicum.J 1238 Aelfric. Lives of the Saints.J 1241 Beowulf. Unicjue MS. of.J 1239 Fifty English Wills.J 1240 Alfred, King. Orosius.J 1244 Facsimile of Epinal Glossary.R 4918 Life of St. Katherine.J 1243 ANGLO-SAXON AND EARLY ENGLISH. 265 Oldest English Texts.J 1242 John of Hildersheim. Three Kings of Cologne J 1245 Women Saints of our Contrie.J 1246 South-English Legendary; Lives of Saints... . J 1247 Bradshaw. Life of St. Werburghe.J 1248 Vices and Virtues. Rule of St. Benet .J 1250 Two Cookery-Books.J 1251 Eadwine’s Canterbury Psalter. Defensor’s Liber Scintillarum.J 1253 Extra Series: Romance of William of Palerne.J 1282 Ellis. Early English Pronunciation. 5v..J 1170 Caxton. Book of Curtesye.J 1285 Havelok the Dane, Lay of.J 1283 Boethius. De Consolatione Philosophise.. .J 1284 Romance of Chevelere Assigne. ..J 1285 Gilbert. Queen Elizabethes Achademy.. . J 1287 Booke of Precedence.J 1287 Rossetti. Books of Courtesy .J 1287 Awdeley. Fraternitye of Vacabondes.J 1288 Barman. Warning for Cursetors.J 1288 Haben. Praise of Thieves.J 1288 Borde. Introduction of Knowledge.J 1289 Dyetary of Helth.J 1289 Barnes in Defence of the Berde.J 1289 Barbour. Book of Robert de Broyss.J 1290 Starkey. England in Reign of Henry VIII. J 1291 Life and Letters.J 1291 Fish. Supplicacyon for Beggers.J 1292 Supplycacyon to Henry VIII.J 1292 Supplication of Poore Commons. J 1292 Decaye of England.J 1292 Crowley, R. Select Works.J 1293 Chaucer. Treatise on the Astrolabe.J 1294 Complaynt of Scotlande.J 1295 Myroure of Oure Ladye.J 1296 Lonelich. History of the Holy Grail. Brinklow. Complaynt of Roderyck Mors.. J 1302 Guy of Warwick (15th Century Version).J 1303 Fisher, J. English Works. Alexander and Dindimus.J 1305 Gesta Romanorum, English Versions.J 1307 English Charlemagne Romances, iiv. inio.J 1308 Romance of Sir Bevis of Hamton. Wars of Alexander.J 1312 Torrent of Portyngale.J 1313 Bullein. The Feuer Pestilence. Vicary. Anatomie of Man. Caxton. Eneydos. Blanchardyn and Eglantyne. Guy of Warwick (Auchinleck and Caius MSS.) ENGLISH DIALECTS. Baker. Glossary of Northamptonshire. 2v.*R 2394 Banks. Provincial Words in use at Wake¬ field...J 1040 Borrow. English Gypsy Language.J 844 Brockett. North Country Glossary.*R 2423 Carr. Dialect of Craven.*J 1043 Cooper. Glossary of Sussex Dialect.J 978 Dialect of Leeds.J. 888 Gibson. Folk-Speech of Cumberland.J 979 Grose. Local Words used in England.J 876 Jago. Language and Dialect of Cornwall... J 1045 Jennings. Dialect of the West of England-J 936 March. Lancashire Nomenclature.J ^ 386 Parish. Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.*R 2427 Peacock. Dialect of the Hundred of Lons¬ dale.J 930 Smart and Crofton. Dialect of English Gypsies.J 938 Sternberg. Dialect and Folk-Lore of North¬ amptonshire.J 931 Tregellas. Cornish Tales in Prose and Verse.*J 1042 Trenoodle. Cornish Provincial Dialect.... J 1044 Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects.J 839 Wheeler. Westmoreland Dialect.J 977 * English Dialect Society Publications: North of England Words; ed. by Skeat.J 1261 Books illustrating English Dialects; ed. by Skeat..*.J 1262 Swaledale Words; by Harland.J 1263 History of English Sounds; by Sweet. Seven Provincial Glossaries; ed. by Skeat.J 1261 Ray’s Collection of Words; ed. by Skeat.J 1265 Dialect of West Somerset; by Elworthy.J 1266 Words used in Whitby; by Robinson.J 1267 Lancashire Dialect; by Nodal and Milner. Old English Words in our Dialects; by Morris. Five Provincial Glossaries; ed. by Skeat.J 1263 Mid-Yorkshire Words, with Grammar; by Rob¬ inson .J 1268 Words used in Lincolnshire; by Peacock.J 1269 Holderness Words; by Ross and others.J 1270 Southern and South Western ‘Counties; by Prince Bonaparte. Bibliographical List; ed. by Nodal.J 1262 Grammar of West Somerset Dialect; by El¬ worthy .J 1266 Cumberland Words and Phrases; by Dickinson. J 1270 Tusser’s 500 Points of Good Husbandrie.J 1271 English Plant Names; by Britten and Holland.J 1272 Five Reprinted Glossaries; ed. by Skeat.J 1265 266 ANGLO-SAXON AND EARLY ENGLISH. Supplement to Cumberland Glossary; ed. by Dickinson.J 12 70 Specimens of English Dialects; ed. by Skeat. .J 1273 Words in use in Cornwall; by Couch.J 1274 Words and Phrases in use in Antrim and Down. ...J 1274 Hymn to the Virgin; by Furnival and Ellis. Country and Farming Words; by Britten.J 1275 Dialect of Leicestershire; by Evans.J 1260 Five Original Glossaries. J 1263 George Eliot’s use of Dialect; by Axon. Turner’s Names of Herbs, 1548; ed. by Britten. J 1276 West Worcestershire Words; by Chamberlain. J 1277 Fitzherbert’s Book of Husbandry, 1534; • ed. by Skeat..J 1278 Devonshire Plant Names; by Friend.J 1276 Dialect of Almondbury and Huddersfield; by Easther and Lees.J 1277 Hampshire Words and Phrases; ed. by Cope. .J 1277 Dialects of the XVIII. Century; by Axon.J 1279 Upton-on-Severn Words; by Dawson.J 1277 Anglo-French Vowel Sounds; by Skeat. Cheshire Words; by Holland.J 1280 Bird Names; by Swainson.J 1264 Four Dialect Words; by Hallam. Dialectal Work from 18S5—’87; by Ellis. West Somerset Words;'by Elworthy.J 1254 Supplement to Cheshire Glossary; by Holland.J 1280 South-West Lincolnshire Glossary; by Cole... J 1255 Folk-Speech of South Cheshire; by Darlington.J 1256 Kentish Dialect; by Parish and Shaw.J 1257 Berkshire Words and Phrases; by Lowsley.. .. J 1255 Words used in Sheffield; by Addy.J 1258 Words of Lincolnshire; by Peacock, v. 1,2.J 1259 English Dialects; by Ellis. Words of Gloucester; by Robertson. English Scholar’s Library; ed. by Arber.*T 1148 v. 1. Caxton. Reynard the Fox, 1481. 2. Knox. First Blast of the Trumpet. 3. Robinson. Pleasant Delights, 1584. 4. Fish. Supplication for Beggars, 1529. 5. Udall. State of the Church, 1588. 6. Return from Parnassus, 1606. 7. Decker. Seven Sins of London. 8. Martin Marprelate Controversy. 9. Udall. Demonstration of Discipline. 10. Virgil. ^Eneid; tr. by Stanyhurst. 11. Marprelate. The Epistle, 1588. 12. Greene. Menaphon, 1589. 13. Joy. Apology to Tyndale, 1535. 14. Barnfield. Poems, 1594-98. 15. Cooper. Admonition to the People. 16. Smith, Capt. J. Works, 1608-31. *Percy Society Publications. 94V. in30.*J 1147 v. 1. Collier (Ed.). Old Ballads. Mackay. Songs and Ballads relative to London Prentices and Trades. Croker. Plistorical Songs of Ireland. Collier. Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage. The King and the Poor Northern Man. 2. Lydgate. Selection from Minor Poems. PIalliwell. Early Nava? Ballads of England. Rowley. A Search for Money. The Mad Pranks of Robin Good- fellow. 3. Wright. Political Ballads published during the Commonwealth. Deloney. Strange Histories; Ballads and Poems. Heywood. A Marriage Triumph. Collier. History of Patient Grisel. 4. Wright (Ed.). Specimens of Lyric Poetry in Reign of Edward I. Halliwell. The Boke of Curtasye. Wright (Ed.). Specimens of old Christmas Carols. Halliwell (Ed.). Nursery Rhymes of England. 5. Chettle. Kind-Heart’s Dream, 1592. Deicker. A Knight’s Conjuring, 1607. Halliwell. Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie, 1604. Porter. Two Angry Women of Abing¬ don, 1599. 6. Rimbault (Ed.). Poetical Tracts of 16th Century. Cock Lorell’s Bote. Chappell (Ed.). The Crown Garland of Golden Roses. Hutton, H. Follie’s Anatomie, 1619. Wotten, Sir II. Poems. 7. Collier (Ed.). Harmony of Birds. Brampton. Seven Penitential Psalms, 1414; ed. by Black. Drayton. Harmony of the Church. Wright (Ed!). Jack of Dover, 1604. Penniles Parliament of Threed-bare Poets. Croker (Ed.). A Kerry Pastoral. . 8. Wright (Ed.). Selection of Latin Stories. Giffard. Witches and Witchcrafts. ANGLO-SAXON AND EARLY ENGLISH. 267 Percy Society Publications. *J IT 47 v. 9. Rowlands. The Four Knaves. Thomson. Poem to Congreve. Halliwell (Ed.). Pleasant Conceits of Old Hobson, 1607. Rimbault (Ed.). Maroccus extaticus; Rankes’ Bay Horse in a Trance. Great Frost of 1683-4. 10. Fairholt. Lord Mayor’s Fageants. 11. Wright (Ed.). The Owl and the Nightingale. Croice. Thirteen Psalms and First Chapter of Ecclesiastes. Halle. Beastlye Abusers of Chyrur- gerie and Physyke, 1565. Rich. Honestie of the Age, 1614. 12. Thoms (Ed.). Reynard the Fox, from Caxton’s ed. 1481. 13. Croker (Ed.). The Keen of the South of Ireland. Goodwin JEd.). Six Ballads. Collier (Ed.). Lyrical Poems, 1589- 1600. 14. Audelay, J. Poems. Wright (Ed.). St. Brandan; a Le¬ gend of the Sea. Halliwell (Ed). The Romance of the Emperor Octavian. 15. Halliwell. Friar Bakon’s Prophesie. Poetical Miscellanies. Chappell .(Ed.). The Crown Garland, of Ooklen Roses, pt. 2. 16. Wright (Ed.). The Seven Sages. Halliwell (Ed.). The Romance of . Syr Tryamoure. 17. Dixon. J. H. (Ed.). Scottish Versions • . of Ancient Ballads. Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England. 18. Hawes. The Pastime of Pleasure. 19. Fairholt (Ed.). The Civic Gar¬ land. Robert of Gloucester. Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Becket. 20. Barnfif.ld. The Affectionate Shep¬ herd, 1594. IIeywood. Dialogue on Wit and Folly. Denham. Collection of Proverbs and Popular Sayings. Halliwell (Ed.). The Most Pleasant Song of Lady Bessy. 21 . Croker. Popular Songs on the French Invasions of Ireland. Percy Society Publications.*J 1147 v. 22. Barclay. TheCytezen and Uplondysh- man; an Eclogue. Halliwell (Ed.). The Interlude of the Four Elements. Ingelend. The Disobedient Child. Croker (Ed.). Autobiography of Mary, Countess of Warwick. Halliwell (Ed.). Westward for Smelts; a Collection of Stories. 23. Songs and Carols from a Manuscript of the 15th Century. Sandys (Ed.). Festive Songs of the 16th and 17 th Centuries. I Ialliwell (Ed.). Descriptive Notices of Popular English Histories. 24-26. Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales. 27. Massinger, Ph. Believe as you List. Fairholt (Ed.). Songs and Poems on Costume. 28. Hardwick (Ed.). Anglo-Saxon Pas¬ sion of St. George; Poem on the Times of Edward II. Shoreham, W. de. Religious Poems. Halliwell (Ed.). The Interlude of the Trial of Treasure. 29. Halliwell (Ed.). Fugitive Tracts and Chap-Books. The Man in the Moon. Vyle Use of Dice Play. The Loyal Garland; Songs of 17th Century. Fairholt (Ed.). Poems and Songs relating to George Villiers. 30. Deloney. The Garland of Good Will. Croker (Ed.). Britannia’s Pastorals. Black (Ed.). The Interlude of John Bon and Mast Person. Philobiblon Society Publications. i5v.*j ”155 * Philological Society Publications: Liber Cure Cocorum...J 1350 IIampole. Pricke of Conscience.J 1350 Castel off Loue.J 1350 Michel. Ayenbite of Inwyt. J 1197 Levins. Manipulus Vocabulorum.J 1201 Skeat. Mceso-Gothic Glossary.J 1355 Ei.lis. On Early English Pronunciation. 3v.J 1170 *Roxburghe Library; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt: Paris and Vienne.J 114 1 Browne, W. Works. 2 v.J 114 2 Inedited Tracts of the 16th and 171I1 Cen¬ turies .J 11 43 268 ENGLISH LANGUAGE. *Roxburghe Library; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt: English Drama, 1543-1664.J 1144 Gascoigne, G. Poems. 2v.J 1145 Carew, T. Poems.T 1146 Spenser Society Publications. 46V. in 44-*J 1057 v. I. Heywood. Proverbs and Epigrams. 2-4. Taylor. Works; ed. of 1630... . V 77 5. Zepheria. 1594. 6. Watson. Passionate Centurie of Love, 1581. 7-11. Taylor. Works; not in ed. of 1630. 12. Robinson. Handfullof Delites,i584. i 3~ i 5. Wither. Juvenilia ; Poems, 1626 i633- 16-21. Miscellaneous Works. 22. Kendall. Flowers of Epigrammes, 1577 * 23. Bodenham. Belvedere; or, Garden of the Muses, 1600. 24. Churchyard. Worthiness of Wales, I 587 - 25. Rous. Thule; or, Vertues Ilistorie, 1598. 26-28. Wither. Halelviah; Britan’s Second Remembrancer, 1641. 29-30. Britain’s Remembrancer, 1628. 31. Psalms of David in Lyric-Verse, 1632. 32. Hymnes and Songs of the Church, 1623. 33. Exercises upon the First Psalme, 1620. 34. Paralellogrammaton, 1662. 35. Republica Anglicana, 1650. 36. Copley. Fig for Fortune, 1596. yj . Wither. Preparation to the Psalter, 1619.V 1248 38. Mancin. Mirrour of Good Manners, 1570...V 1249 39. Vaticinium Votivum; or, Palaemons Prophetical Prayer. 40. Great Assises holden in Parnassus, 1645. 41. Willoby his Avisa, 1635. 42. Seneca his Tenne Tragedies; tr. into English, 1581. 43. Poems, by Michaell Draiton, 1605. 44. Bastard. Chrestoleros. 45. Drayton. Poly-Olbion. 3 v. in 2.. V 1520 ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Abbott and Seeley. English Lessons.J 915 The same...J 882 Adams. Elements of the English Language. J 843 Albrecht. Englischer Dolmetscher.D 2539 Ai.den. Use of the English Language--- J 842 Alford. Plea for the Queen’s English.J 920 Ali.ardyce. Stops; how to Punctuate.J 996 Angus. Hand-Book of English Tongue... .J 965 Ayres, pseud. See Osmun. Bain. On Teaching English.. J 1017 Ballard. Handbook of Blunders.J 1007 Barford and Tilley. English Spelling as it is. J 2483 Barnum. Vocabulary of English Rhymes. *R 2392 Bigelow. Punctuation.J 1014 Bigsby. Elements of the English Language. J 851 Blackley. Word Gossip.J 418 Bowden. Blunders in Educated Circles Cor¬ rected .J 1055 Carolino. English as she is spoke (by a Portuguese).J 908 Choate. Elements of English Speech.J 962 Clark. Elements of English Language.... J 945 Cocker. Hand-book of Punctuation.J 454 Craik. The English of Shakspere.. ...J 910 Dalen. Brieflicher Sprachimterricht; Eng- lisch. D 2715 Englische Sprachlehre.J 2000 Davies. Bible English.J 901 De Vere. Americanisms.J 1546 Dixon. Idiomatic English Phrases.J 492 Drew. Pens and Types.J 995 The same; new ed.J 865 Dubois. Broken English.J 953 Duponceau. English Phonology.*V *122 Earle. English Prose.J 1381 Philology of the English Tongue.J 874 The same.*P 210 English as she is wrote. J 952 Five Hundred Mistakes in Speaking corrected. J 834 Foelsing. LehrbuchderenglischenSprache.D 2574 Gilman. Short Stories from the Dictionary.J 365 Gould. Good English.J 1010 Greene, H. R. The English Language... .J 956 Greene, S. S. Treatise on the English Lan¬ guage.J 970 Greene, T. W. Old Words and Modern Meanings.J 369 Grose. Local Words used in England.J 876 Guest. Flistory of English Rhythms. 2V..J 1538 Gummere. Handbook of Poetics.J 828 Haldeman. Affixes.J 954 Outlines of Etymology. J 858 Hall. Modern English .J 900 Harrison. On the English Language.J 885 Hedley. Unterricht in der englischen Sprache.D 2590 ENGLISH LANGUAGE—ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 269 Hill. Our English ..J 1049 Hoare. English Words ffom Latin Roots.. J 932 Hodgson. Errors in the use of English.J 863 Hood. The Rhymester.J 862 Hyde. Lessons in English for Schools.J 808 Inman. Manuel de la Langue anglaise.. . .C 5295 Jodrell. Philology of the English Lan¬ guage.*R 2400 Ker. Archaeology of English Phrases.J 933 KNArp. Roots and Ramifications.J 827 Knox. Lessons in English.J 823 Latham. Hand-book of the English Lan¬ guage...J 935 Laurie. English Spelling.J 2408 Standard Copy-book.J 2405 Le Row. English as she is taught..J 1016 The Young Idea; or, Common School Culture.J 1048 Lockwood. Lessons in English.J 809 Long. Slips of Tongue and Pen . J 1039 Luedecking. Englisches Lesebuch.D 2705 Lyttleton and Gladstone. Translations.J 881 MacKay. Lost Beauties of English . J 983 March. Dissimilated Gemination . 904 Marsh. Lectures on the English Language.J 870 The same.J 807 Origin of the English Language . J 875 Mead. Our Mother Tongue.J 805 Molee. Plea for an American Language. . .J 801 Pure Saxon English.J 806 Moon. Bad English of Murray and others. .J 1011 The Dean’s English..J 919 Learned Men’s English.J 833 The Reviser’s English.J 864 Mueller. On Spelling. ..*J 904 Oi.iphant. The New English. 2v.J* 998 Old and Middle English.J 999 Sources of Standard English.J 937 Ollendorff; Nouvelle method e pour ap- prendre anglais.C 6081 Osmun ( A . Ayres). The Orthoepist.J 917 The Verbalist.J 918 Palmer. Word-Hunter’s Note-Book.J 869 Payne. Studies in English Prose.J 1632 Pegce. Anecdotes of English Language. .. .J 877 Phyfe. 7,000 Words often mispronounced .. J 1056 Pulleyn. Etymological Compendium.J 906 Ray. English Words not generally used ... . J 894 Roemer. Origins of English People and Lan¬ guage .J 374 Savage. Vulgarisms ..J 912 Shepherd. History of the English Language . J 887 Sheridan. The Rivals (zum Uebersetzcri)- . 1 ) 2658 Skeat. Principles of English Etymology . .. J 829 Smith. Condensed Etymology ...J 992 Etymology of the English Language.. *R 2402 Soule and Campbell. Hand-book of Words mispronounced.J 1015 Strang. Exercises in English . J 810 Sudlow and Crosby. Language Lessons..J 967 'Sweet. History of English Sounds . J 399 Swinton. Language Lessons . J 867 Language Primer . J 2476 New Language Lessons ..... . J 824. Word Analysis . J 868 Tooke. Diversions of Purley . J 976 Town. Analysis of Derivative Words . J 873 Trench. English, past and present.J 889 The same; new edition . J 890 On the Study of Words . J 420 The same . J 424 Select Glossary of English Words . J 891 The same.J 892 Tucker. American English.*J 904 Degraded Words . *J 904 Turner. Handbook of Punctuation . J 1013 Waites. Forgotten Meanings . J 982 Warman. Practical Orthoepy and Critique.J 838 Webster. Dissertations on the English Lan¬ guage . J 897 Weisse. Origin and Progress of the English Language . J 840 Welsh. Essentials of English. , . J 913 White. Every-day English . J 879 Words and their Uses . J 880 Williams. Our Dictionaries . J 360 Wilson. English Punctuation . J 1012 Withers. English spelled as pronounced. .. J 898 Wright. Elements of the English Language. J 878 Wrightson. Functional Elements of an English Sentence...J 966 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Abbott. How to parse.J 847 How to tell the Parts of Speech.J 841 Shaksperian Grammar.J 845 Allen. Grammar of the English Language. J 819 Bardeen. Verbal Pitfalls.J 951 Bates. English Analysis..J 848 Battier. Petite Grammaire anglaise. C12062 Berry. Parsing Book.J 944 Boltwood. English Grammar.J 943 Brown. Grammar of English Grammars. . .J 850 Institutes of English Grammar.J 960 Bullions. Common School Grammar.J 849 Grammar of the English Language.J 811 270 ENGLISH GRAMMAR—ENGLISH DICTIONARIES. Bullions. Lessons in English Grammar and Composition. J 812 Principles of English Grammar.J 814 Burtt. Elements of English Grammar... ... J 852 Chandler. Grammar of the English Lan¬ guage .J 835 Clark. Grammar of English Language.... J 830 Grammar for Beginners.J 853 Cobbett. Grammar of the English Language. J 939 The same; rev. by Osmun.J 914 Coote. Elements of English Grammar.J 826 Cruikshank. Analysis, Parsing, etc.J 854 English Grammar for Hebrews. J 927 Fowler. English Grammar.J 836 The same; rev. ed.J 855 Greene. Analysis of the English Language. J 957 Elements of English Grammar.J 955 First Lessons in Grammar.J 968 Outlines of English Grammar.J 971 Study of English Grammar.J 969 Hadley. Lessons in Language.J 991 The same, part 1.J 989 Harvey. Grammar of English Language... J 950 Elementary Grammar.J 816 Hathaway. iooi Questions on English Grammar.J 817 Haynie. English Syntax and Analysis.J 820 Holbrook. Lessons in English Grammar. .J 946 Jewell. Grammatical Diagrams.J 846 Kerl. Common-School Grammar of English Language.J 815 Lamar. Grammar of the English Language. J 866 Laurie. English Grammar simplified.J 884 Live and Learn; Grammar, Composition.J 491 Maetzner. English Grammar. 3 V.*J 856 Mariboe. Engelsk Formlsere..C 7389 Mason. English Grammar and Analysis.... J 857 Montucci. Grammaire anglaise.C 5936 Morris. English Grammar.J 1510 Murray. An English Grammar. 2 v.J 825 Pinneo. Analytical English Grammar.J 981 Primary English Grammar.J 980 Quackenbos. English Grammar.J 988 Raub. Lessons in English...J 822 Practical English Grammar.J 821 Reed and Kellogg. English Grammar and Composition.J 987 Elementary English Grammar.J 986 Ricker. Elements of English Grammar. ...J 813 Rothwell. Englische Grammatik.J 985 Sacy. Principles of General Grammar.J 703 Smith. English Grammar on Productive System.J 818 SYKES. Grammar through Analysis.J 886 Taylor. Principles of English Grammar... J 963 Webster. Grammar of English Language.'. J 958 Wells. Catalogue of English Grammars. .*0 607 English Grammar and Composition.J 959 Whitney. Essentials of English Grammar. .J 947 Williams. Parser’s Manual.J 948 Ash. Dictionary of the English Language.*R 2357 Bailey, N. Dictionarium Britannicum, i736.*R 116 English Dictionary, 1731.*R 2363 The same, 1745.*R 2364 The same, 1755.*R 2365 Bailey, R. W. Scholar’s Companion; Deri¬ vation of Words. . ... .J 1018 Barr^re and Leland (Ed.). Dictionary of Slang, Jargon and Cant. 2 v.*R 2426 Bartlett. Dictionary of Americanisms. .*R 2411 Beeton’s Dictionary of Every-Day Difficulties.*R 2438 Blount. Glossographia; Dictionary of the English Tongue, 1681.*R 2436 Boag. Imperial English Lexicon. 2 v... *R 2354 Bullokar. Eng. Expositor improved, 1707 ,*R 2385 Campbell. English Synonyms.J 861 Century Dictionary; ed. by Whitney. 6 v.*R 2347 Chambers. Etymological Dictionary.*R 2406 COLES. English Dictionary, 1685.*R 2381 The same, 1713 .*R 2380 The same, 1717 .*R 2382 CRABB. English Synonyms.J 860 Craig. Diet, of the English Language. 2 v.*R 2356 Davies. Supplementary English Glossary.*R 2420 Eger and Brandes. Technological Dictiona- . ries. 2 v.*R 2099 Encyclopaedic Dictionary. 7 v. in 14.*R 2352 Fallows. Progressive English Dictionary. *R 2346 Synonyms and Antonyms. J 902 Farmer (Ed.). Americanisms.*R 2410 Slang and its Analogues, v. 1-2.*R 2412 Fenby. Dictionary of English Synonyms. .*R 2437 Fenning. Royal English Dictionary, 1761.*R 2362 Graham. English Synonyms.J 940 Grose. Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. *R 2413 Halliwell. Dictionary of Archaic and Pro¬ vincial Words. 2 v...*R 2419 Handy Book of Synonymes.J 1054 Johnson. Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage, 1755. 2V .*R 97 The same, 1872; ed. by Latham. 2 v. in 4.*R 2340 Kennedy. Stem Dictionary of the English Language.*R 2370 Kennett. Glossary of Obsolete Words. J 928 ENGLISH DICTIONARIES. ENGLISH DICTIONARIES—RHETORIC AND COMPOSITIOi 271 Kersey. English Dictionary, 1713.*R 2382 Lemon. English Etymology.*R 2401 Mackenzie. English Synonyms.*R 2433 MAYHEW and Skeat. Dictionary of Middle English.*R 2338 Milne. Readable English Dictionary.*R 2366 Nares. Glossary of Words in English Authors. 2 v.*R 2421 New English Dictionary; ed. by Murray, A-C.*R 117 Ogilvie. Imperial Dictionary of the English Language. 2 v.*R 2349 The same; new ed. 4 v.*R 2348 Smaller English Dictionary.*R 2378 Palmer. Folk-Etymology.*R 2409 Pearson. Acrostic Dictionary.*R 2431 Pickering. Vocabulary of Words peculiar to the U. S.J 929 Platts. Dictionary of English Synonyms.*R 2429 Reid. Dictionary of the English Language, 1856.*R 2373 The same, 1870.*R 2374 Richardson. English Dictionary. 2v..*R 2342 Roget. Thesaurus of English Words.*R 1376 The same; new ed. *0 540 Skeat. Etymological English Dictionary. .*R 2398 Supplement. *R 2399 Skinner. Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanse, 1671. *R 121 Slang Dictionary.*R 2425 Smith, C. J. Synonyms and Antonyms. . .*R 2430 The same.I 3320 Synonyms discriminated..J 1053 Smith, P. Glossary of Terms and Phrases. .*R 1318 Smith, W. W. Etymology of the English Language.*R 2402 SOULE. Dictionary of English Synonyms. ,*R 2422 STORMONTH. English Dictionary.*R 2367 The same; new ed.*R 2358 VINES. Dictionary Appendix.*R 2435 Walker. Pronouncing Dictionary.*R 2387 Rhyming Dictionary.*R 2369 WEBSTER. Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage, 1806.*R 2376 The same, 1828. 2 v.*R 2344 The same, i860.*R 2371 The same; ed. by Goodrich and Por¬ ter, 1876.*R 2383 The same, with Supplement, i88o.*R 2383 The same, with Supplement, 18S7 ,*R 2383 High School Dictionary.*R 2377 International Dictionary, 1890.*R 2345 Remarks on. *J 903 Orthographical Hobgoblin; by Poole.. .*J 90^ Webster. Reply to a Review of; by Sargent. *J 903 Summary of the Charges against.*J 903 Websterian Orthography; by Poole.... 903 Wedgwood. Dictionary of English Ety¬ mology.*R 2404 Whately. English Synonyms.J 942 English Synonyms discriminated.J 1004 Williams. Readable Dictionary .J 949 Worcester. Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage, 1876.*R 2384 The same, with Supplement, 1881. *R 2384 The same, with Supplement, 1887.*R 2384 School Dictionary.*R 2386 Worcester, published in England.*J 903 The Critic criticised, and Worcester vindi¬ cated.*J 903 Gross Literary Fraud exposed ........ 903 Recommendations of.*J 903 Reply to Merriam’s Attack.*J 903 Review of .*J 903 Wright. Dictionary of Obsolete English. 2v.I 3324 Dictionary of the English Language. 5v.*R 2353 RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION. Abbott. How to write clearly .J 916 Author, The, 1889-90. 2v. *Ser. Bain. English Composition and Rhetoric ... ] 909 Bainton, G. (Ed.). The Art of Authorship. J 1800 Bascom. Philosophy of Rhetoric. : . . . . J 1003 Bautain. Extempore Speaking.J 2385 Bell. Faults of Speech.J 507 Blair. Essays on Rhetoric.J 505 Brewer. Guide to English Composition... .J 1006 Corpse. Elements of Rhetoric.J 455 Cornwell. The Young Composer.J 1380 Cox. Arts of Writing, Reading, etc.J 490 Crafts and Fisk. Rhetoric made easy.J 961 Day. Art of Discourse.J 475 Art of English Composition.J 1000 De Mille. Elements of Rhetoric.J 457 Drew. Hints to write, print, or read. J 865 Foster. Accent and Quantity.J 489 Graham. English Style.J 941 Hargreaves. Literary Workers.J 1809 11 art. First Lessons in Composition.J 859 Manual of Composition.J 465 Haven. Rhetoric.J 470 Hervey. Christian Rhetoric.M 810 Rhetoric of Conversation.J 459 Hill, A. S. Principles of Rhetoric.J 467 Hill, D. J. Science of Rhetoric.J 466 How to Talk; Manual of Conversation.J 883 Jamieson. Grammar and Rhetoric.J 473 ELOCUTION—ORATORY—THE VOICE. Jelley. Successful Writing; a Literary Com¬ pendium. J 1830 Kellogg. Text-Book of Rhetoric .J 832 Macbeth. Might and Mirth of Literature. .J 1493 Mahaffy. Art of Conversation.L 4356 Mathews. Literary Style and other Essays.E 4536 Words; their Use and Abuse.J 413 Parker. Aids to English Composition.J 1005 Exercises in English Composition.J 1047 Peabody. Conversation; Faults and Graces J 448 Phelps. English Style in Public Discourse.J 453 Pinneo. Guide to English Composition.J 1008 Quackenbos. Composition hnd Rhetoric.. .J 474 Reade. How to write English.J 911 Siddons. Rhetorical Gesture and Action. .*J 468 Walker. Rhetorical Grammar.J 831 Welsh. Complete Rhetoric.J 1002 Whately. Elements of Rhetoric.J 460 The same.J 461 White. Words and their Uses..J 880 Writer, The, 1887-90. 4 V. *Ser. Writer’s Handbook; Guide to Art of Composi¬ tion.J 1046 The same.*R 1365 ELOCUTION—ORATORY—THE VOICE. American Oratory. E 781 Art of improving the Voice and Ear.J 481 Bacon. Manual of Gesture.J 486 Baker. Popular Speaker.J 2498 Bf.hnke. The Child’s Voice.J 472 Bell. Ladies Elocutionist.J 2491 Standard Elocutionist.J 2492 Bos worth. Elocutionary Studies for Ama¬ teurs .J 499 Bourgain. L’Art de la Diction.C 12112 Bronson. Elocution.J 496 Brown. Philosophy of Expression. J 488 Browne. Voice, Song and Speech.J 469 Voice-Use and Stimulants.J 471 Carpenter. Popular Elocutionist.J 2494 Chater. Scientific Voice.J 494 Cleveland. National Orator. J 2488 Cooke. American Orator.E 984 Coquelin. L’Art de dire le Monologue. . . .C12168 v_> Daniell. The Voice, and how to use it. J 447 Dean. Science of Utterance. J 483 Delaumosne. Art of Oratory. J 462 Delsarte. System of Oratory. J 479 Dickson. The Elocutionist.J 2495 Fenno. Art and Science of Elocution .J 458 Fobes. Five-Minute Declamations. 2 v.. .. J 2497 Frobisher. Acting and Oratory.J 2393 Goodrich. British Eloquence.E 1128 Griffith. Vocal Physiology and Elocution.J 2395 GuTTMANN. Gymnastics of the Voice. J 463 Henry. Cours de Litterature; Eloquence. 6 v.Cl2590 Holmes, Preservation of the Voice.J 443 Hullah. Cultivation of the Speaking Voice.J 444 Hunt. Voice and Speech.J 456 Kirkland. Patriotic Eloquence.J 2398 Knowles. Elocutionist. J 2389 Kofler. Breathing as the Basis of Tone-Pro¬ duction.J 502 Legouv£. L’Art de la Lecture.C 5685 La Lecture en Famille.C 5686 Lunn. Philosophy of Voice.J 485 McIlvaine. Elocution. J 495 Mackenzie. Singen und Sprechen.D 6716 Hygiene of the Vocal Organs.J 482 Mathews. Great Conversers.E 1367 Oratory and Orators.J 414 Maury. Principles of Eloquence.I 3772 Mitchell. Manual of Elocution .J 2399 Monroe. Physical and Vocal Training.J 464 Moore. American Eloquence. 2 v.E 13S8 Morgan. An Hour with Delsarte...J 4S7 Murdoch. Plea for Spoken Language.J 476 Osmun. Essentials of Elocution. J 497 Palleske. Kunst des Vortrags .D 2649 Pattou. Art of Voice-Production . J 449 Rippingham. Art of Public Speaking .J 2496 Ross. Voice Culture and Elocution .J 4S4 Rush. On the Voice .J 445 Russell. Cultivation of the Voice . J 450 Voice in Reading and Speaking . J 442 Sa.ndlands. Voice and Public Speaking . . . J 446 Seiler. Voice in Speaking .J 451 Sheppard. Before an Audience.J 1009 Smithson. Elocution and the Dramatic Art.J 4S0 Soper. Elocutionary Readings.J 2504 Stebbins. Delsarte System of Dramatic Ex¬ pression .J 477 Townsend. Art of Speech. 2 v.J 478 Vandenhoff. Art of Elocution. J 501 Art of Reading Aloud.J 498 Warman. The Voice; how to train it . J 503 Warner. Book of Eloquence . J 2499 Williston (Ed.). Eloquence of the United States. 5 v . E 1627 Wolff. Handbuch dcutscher Beredsam- keit. D 2647 Wright. The School Orator. J 2500 READERS AND SPEAKERS—SPELLERS. READERS AND SPEAKERS. Anderson. United States Reader.J 2421 Baker. Handy Speaker.J 2386 Popular Speaker.J 2498 Prize Speaker.J 2456 Barnes’ New National Third Reader.J 2502 Calkins. Universal Speaker.J 2397 Carrington. Patriotic Reader.J 2509 Charles (Ed.). Relfe Bros. Reading Books, 4th, 6th. J 2484 Coates. Comprehensive Speaker.J 2387 Cole. Institute Reader.J 2416 Copp£e. Academic Speaker.J 2390 Craig. Casket of Literary Gems.J 2391 Cumnock. Choice Readings.J 2388 School Speaker.J 2493 Denman. Student’s Speaker.J 2442 Diehl (Ed.). Eureka Collection of Recita¬ tions. 3 v..J 2507 Edwards. Analyt. Intermediate Reader.. .J 2425 Analytical Second Reader.J 2417 Analytical Third Reader.J 2426 Analytical Fourth Reader.J 2418 Analytical Fifth Reader.J 2419 Analytical Sixth Reader.J 2427 Student’s Second Reader.J 2424 and Boltwood. Student’s Reader_J 2501 Fette (Ed.). Dialogues from Dickens.J 2508 Fitzgerald. Exhibition Speaker.J 2414 Fletcher. Readings and Recitations.J 2458 Harris. Appleton’s Readers, 3d, 4th.J 2428 Harvey. Graded School Readers, 2d~5th. .J 2453 Hillard and Campbell. Readers, 1 st—5th. J 2429 Hows. Ladies’Book of Readings.E 1243 Hudson. Classical English Reader.J 2403 Kidd. Rhetorical Reader.J 2410 Knell and Jones. Phonic Reader.J 2441 Laurie. Standard Primer.J 2409 Standard Readers, ist-6th.J 2406 Technical Readers, ist-6th.J 2407 Lawrence. Model Speaker.J 2392 Lippincott’s Readers, ist~5th.J 2486 McBride. Humorous Dialogues.E 4510 Comic Speeches and Recitations.E 4510 McGuffey. High School Reader.J 2446 Juvenile Speaker.J 2445 New Eclectic Readers, 2d~5th.J 2443 Primary Read .J 2444 Marsh. Temperance Speaker.J 2459 Monroe (Ed.). Public and Parlor Readings. 4vJ 2506 v. 1. Humorous. 2. Miscellaneous. 3. Dialogues and Dramas. 4. Young Folks’ Readings. 2 73 Monroe (Ed.). Readers, 2d, 4th-6th.J 2447 New Second Reader.J 2515 Northend. National Orator.J 2400 Osgood. American Readers, 5th, 6th.J 2510 Oxford. Senior Speaker.J 2394 Parker and Watson. Readers, ist-4th.J 2452 Philbrick. American Union Speaker.J 2396 Potter, H. L. D. Manual of Reading....J 500 Potter, C. U. My Recitations.E 8148 Reeves. Student’s Own Speaker.J 2420 Riddle. Readings.J 2505 Roemer. Polyglot Reader.J 2404 Routledge. Modern Speaker.J 895 Sanders. Union Readers, 2d-5th.J 2412 Sargent and May. Intermediate Speaker. .J 2457 New American Readers, 2d-5th.J 2454 Sheldon. School Readers, ist-5th.J 2485 Sheldon’s Third Reader.J 2511 Soper. Scrap-Book Recitations.J 2455 Speaker’s Garland. 5 v.J 2439 Swinton. Fifth Reader and Speaker.J 2487 Supplementary Readers, ist~5th.J 2503 Town. Fourth Reader . J 2482 Watson. Independent Readers, ist-6th. .. . J 2450 Webb. Normal Reader.J 2401 Model Readers, 2d-4th.J 2402 Webster. Am. Selections of Readings ...E 1601 Willson. Intermediate Readers, 4th, 5th..J 2448 Harper’s School Readers, 2d, 4th, 5th .. J 2449 SPELLERS. % Campbell. Worcester’s Spelling-Book... .J 2514 DeWolf. Instructive Speller.J 2460 Edwards and Warren. Analytical Speller. J 2516 Franz. English Spelling Book.J 2413 Gilbert. Introductory Spelling-Book.J 2461 Greene. Child’s First Book.J 2411 Henderson. Test Words in Orthography. ..J 2462 Henkle. Test Spelling-Book.J 2463 McGuffey. New Eclectic Spelling-Book.. .J 2464 Monroe. Chart Primers.J 2465 First Steps in Spelling.J 2466 New American Primary Speller.J 2467 New American Pronouncing Speller.J 2468 Patterson. Common School Speller.J 2469 Pomeroy. Spelling-Book.J 2470 Sanders. Speller, Defincr, etc.J 2471 Sheldon. Sheldon’s Primary Speller.J 2512 Smith. Defmer’s Manual.J 994 Grammar School Speller.J 2473 Juvenile Definer.J 993 Little Speller.J 2472 Swinton. Word Analysis.J 868 274 SPELLERS—PROVERBS AND QUOTATIONS. Swinton. Word-Book of Spelling.... J 2475 Word Primer.J 2474 Watson. Independent Elementary Speller .J 2477 National Elementary Speller.J 2513 National School Primer.J 2451 Webb. Word Method.J 2480 Webster. Spelling-Book.J 2517 Willson. Larger Speller. . .J 2479 Primary Speller.J 2478 Word Method Primer. .J 2481 PROVERBS AND QUOTATIONS. Adams. Poetical Quotations.*R 1330 Allen. Gold Nails.E 6823 Allibone. Poetical Quotations.*R 1273 Prose Quotations. *R 1274 Arlaud. Bevingede Ord.C 7012 Auspitz. Das Buch der Bucher. 2v.D 6441 Ballou. Edge-Tools of Speech.*R 1331 Treasury of Thought.*R 1332 Bartlett. Familiar Quotations.*R 1397 Bastard. Chrestoleros; Epigrames .... *J 1057,44 Belton. Manual of Foreign Quotations . . .E 2021 Bennett. Proverbs with Pictures.E 817 Bent. Short Sayings of Great Men.E 1846 Bertram. Dictionary of Poetical Illustra¬ tions .*R 1323 Bohn. Handbook of Proverbs.I 3351 Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs.I 3363 Quotations from English Poets.I 3170 The same .. . * .*R 1368 Bombaugh. Gleanings for the Curious...*R 1405 Book of Familiar Quotations.*R 1404 Booth. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern.. .E 6924 Brewer. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.*R 1390 The Reader’s Handbook .*R 1366 Buechmann. Gefliigelte Worte.D 2560 Burckhardt. Arabic Proverbs.J 681 Burton. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa. J 371 Cawdray. Treasury of Similes.*R 1281 Chesterfield. Letters and Maxims.I 3896 Christy. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases. 2v.*R 1363 Collins. Spanish Proverbs.J 687 Dana. Household Book of Poetry.*R 1306 Davies. Other Men’s Minds.*R 1360 De Finod. French Wit.E 999 Denham. Proverbs and Popular Sayings.*J 1147,20 Dictionary of Illustrations.*R 1325 Dielitz. Wahl- und DenksprUche.*V 964 Dixon. English Phrases.J 492 Dodd. The Epigrammatists. E 146 The same. .1 2979 Don Quixote, Wit and Wisdom of.E 1070 Drysdale. Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit.E 2372 Dykes. English Proverbs.J 893 Edwards, H. Words, Facts and Phrases.*R 1364 Edwards, T. The World’s Laconics.E 1078 Eliot, George. Wise Sayings of; by Main.E 4527 Wit and Wisdom of.E 1336 Franklin. Sayings of Poor Richard.E 2905 Friswell. Every-Day Quotations....... *R 1301 Garnett. Idylls and Epigrams.E 172 Gomme. Dialect, Proverbs and Word-Lore.E 3145,2 Gray. Proverbs from Burmese Sources.J 680 Guicciardini. Maxims. E 1155 Hale. Poetical Quotations.E 378 The same.*R 1329 Haliburton.’ * Wise Saws. E 1167 Hazlitt. English Proverbs.J 934 PIeine, H. Wit, Wisdom and Pathos of .... E 3342 Henderson. Latin Proverbs and Quotations *R 1324 Heywood, J. Proverbs and Epigrams, 1562.*J 1057,1 Proverbs; ed. by Sharman.E 7416 Hill (Ed.). Lord Chesterfield’s Worldly Wisdom .. ..E 3405 Hilton. Chronograms from Various Authors *R 1338 Hislop. Proverbs of Scotland.*R 2443 Hoitt. Quotations for Home and School . .E 7455 Hoyt and Ward. Practical Quotations. . .*R 1293 Johnson, S. Wit and Wisdom of; ed. by Hill. E 3807 Kelly. Scottish Proverbs.J 1027 Kendall. Flowers of Epigrams, 1577..1057,22 King. Classical and Foreign Quotations. . *R 1333 Language of Flowers.E 261 La Rochefoucauld. Reflexions.I 3893 Leigh. Jeux d’Esprit.E 1327 Long. Eastern Proverbs and Emblems.J 2436 Lytton, E. B. Wit and Wisdom of; ed. by Bonney.E 4305 Mawr. Analogous Proverbs in Ten Lan¬ guages .J 1028 Musical Moments; Selections for Music Lovers.E 7937 Paley. Greek Wit. E 5084 Ramage. Beautiful Thoughts from French and Italian Authors.*R 1412 Beautiful Thoughts from German and Spanish Authors.. . .*R 1413 Beautiful Thoughts from Greek Authors *R 1411 Beautiful Thoughts from Latin Authors *R 1410 Ray. English Proverbs.'.J 894 Reddall. Fact, Fancy and Fable.*R 1369 Riley. Greek and Latin Quotations.I 3196 Roberts. In and out of Book and Journal. E 5483 Ryder. New every Morning.E 5460 Simrock. Deutsche Sprichworter.D 2945 Smith, S., Wit and Wisdom of.E 1525 PHONOGRAPHY AND SHORTHAND. 275 Spurgeon. Salt-Cellars; Proverbs.E 5778 SwainsoN. Weather Folk-Lore.L 2522 Taylor. Old Sayings, Proverbs, etc.E 5890 Thorne. Fugitive Facts.*R 1371 Tom ALIN. Epigrams.E 541 Towne. Aphorisms of the Three Threes. . .E 6017 Trench. Lessons in Proverbs.J 421 Vaughan. Welsh Proverbs.J 837 Waechter. Sprichworter und Sinnspruche der Deutschen.D 6537 Wander. Sprichworter-Lexikon. 5 v. ...*R 2104 Ward. Quotations in Poetry.*R 1399 Quotations in Prose.*R 1398 Watson. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations.E 555 Wheeler. Familiar Allusions.*R 1378 Wills. Poets’ Wit and Humor.E 8946 Wool£ver. Treasury of Wisdom and Wit.*R 1327 Wright. Anglo-Latin Epigrammatists. 2 \..*Doc. PHONOGRAPPIY AND SHORTHAND. Allen. Universal Phonography.J 529 Andrews. Phonographic Class Book.J 550 Archiv fur Stenographic, 1886-88. 2v . *Ser. Brown and Holland. Shorthand News.2v.J 563 Browne. Shorthand Abbreviations.J 572 Text-Book of Phonography. 2v .J 548 Burnz. Phonetic Shorthand.J 540 Cross. Dictionary of Eclectic Shorthand. .*R 1385 Eclectic Shorthand.J 533 The same; 3rd ed.J 536 Davis. Phono-Romanic Instructor.J 542 Day. Aid to Graham’s Shorthand.J 571 Fonetic Techer, v. 1-3. *Ser . Graham. Hand-book of Am. Phonography. J 531 Phonographic Reader, with Key. 2 v... J 546 .Synopsis of Standard Phonography.J 532 Gruterus. Notce Romanorum veterum. .. *V 829 Harding. Taylor improved.J 528 Universal Stenography. J 568 Kimball. The Amanuensis; Lindsley’s Taki- graphy. 2 v.*J 567 How shall we Rite ?.J 588 Krafft. Leitfaden zur Stenographic.D 2648 Latham. Phonetic Spelling.J 545 Levy. History of Shorthand.J 591 Lindsley. Elements of Tachygraphy •••. .J 555 Handbook of Takigrafi...*J 557 Manual of Takigrafi....".J 556 LONGLEY. American Phonographic Diction¬ ary.*R 137 ° Eclectic Manual of Phonography.J 527 Manual of Phonography.J 541 Mayor. Universal Stenography.J 534 Michaelis, English Stenography.J 543 Molineaux. Byrom’s English Short-Hand. .J 521 Munson. Complete Phonographer.J 525 The same; new ed. .J 526 Dictionary of Phonography.*R 1384 Pernin, A. J. Phonographic Instructor.J 558 Pernin, H. M. Universal Phonography in Ten Lessons.J 584 Phonetic Journal, v. 29, 30.*J 515 Phonetic Tracts.J 585 Phonographic Monthly, Browne’s, v. 9-14. *Ser # Phonographic Reporter’s Magazine, v. 1-3. . .J 602 Pitman, B. Manual of Phonography.J 560 Phonographic Reader.J 561 Reporter’s Companion.J 535 Pitman, I. Manual of Phonography.J 575 Manual of Phonography; Reporter; Phrase Book. 3 v. in 1.J 574 Phonographic Dictionary.". ..J 582 Phonetic Shorthand Dictionary.J 578 Phonographic Phrase Book.J 573 Phonographic Teacher.J 583 Phonographic Teacher and Manual of Phonography. 2 v. in 1.J 581 Phonographic Reporter.J 570 Plea for Spelling Reform.J 577 Questions on Phonography.J 576 Rockwell. Literature of Shorthand.J 564 Scovil. Shorthand.J 551 Searcy. Lessons in Phonography.J 538 Shorthand Magazine; ed. by Pitman, v. S-u.J 562 Shorthand News, 1883. Ser. Shorthand Writer; ed. by Kimball, v. 4-7..J 586 The same, 1885-90. v. 4-8. Ser. Shorthand Writers, Congress of, 18S1-2. Troc.J 524 Smith. Kirografic Teecher.J 552 Stenografic Teecher.J 553 ^ Sweet. Handbook of Phonetics.J 539 Taylor. Universal Stenography.J 522 Universal System of Stenography.J 544 Thompson. Manual of Phonography.J 523 Thornton. Modern Stenographer.J 537 TOWNDROW. Guide to Shorthand Writing . . J 569 Upham. Stenography and Phon. Shorthand .J 547 Verity. New System of Phonography.... *J 566 WILLIAMS. Academical Stenography.J 549 BOOKS IN PHONETIC CHARACTERS. Barham. Book of Job.M 127 Harmony of the Gospels.J 53 ° Book of Common Prayer. .". .J 624 Book of Psalms.J 594 * Bunyan. Pilgrim’s Progress.J 59 ^ Debates on the Irish Church Bill . J 614 * 276 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. Djems ov wizdom. J 565 Giles. Wonderful Pocket.J 612 Goldsmith. Vicar of Wakefield.J 598 The same. J 599 Holcomb. Our Children, etc.J 616 The Other Life. ....J 618 The same.J 620 Sexes Here and Hereafter.J 587 Lamb. On Diet. J 600 Macaulay. Biographies.,..,,,,,.J 589 Macaulay. Essays .... . J 520 Milton. Paradise lost. J 628 Phelps. Gates ajar. J 606 Pitman. History of Shorthand.J 592 Prize Essay on Phonography.. J 610 Richmond. Dairyman’s Daughter.J 608 Stanley. On Parables.J 622 Swift. Gulliver’s Travels.J 626 Trial of Wm. Roger.. J 601 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. XOTE.—A capital letter in parentheses after a title denotes that the work belongs to one of the following collections: (A) Bohn's Classical Library; (C) Collins' Ancient Classics for English Readers; (E>) Scriptortun Grcecorum Bibliotheca (Didot's edition); (L) Bibliotheca Classica Latina (Lemaire's edition); ( T ) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Grcccorum et Romanorum ( Teubner's edition ). Books marked with a star (*) do not circulate. Achilles Tatius. Opera (D).*L 3013 Works; tr. by Smith (B).I 3200 Adams. Classical Learning.*L 1267 zElianus. De natura animalium (T). 2v .L 5574 Opera (D).*L 3000 Varia historia (T).L 5575 .En.eas. Commentarius Poliorceticus(T). . .L 5576 ^Eschines. Orationes (T).L 5577 Orationes (D).*L 3024,2 et Demosthenes. Orationes . L 2906 The same.L 3047 Orations on the Crown; tr. by Biddle. . .L 2921 /Eschylus. Agamemnon ; with Notes by Felton.L 2907 The same; tr. by Browning.E 6934 The same; tr. by Carnarvon.L 2896 The same; tr. by Swanwick.L 2903 Illustrations to; by Flaxman.*P 1157 Lyric Dramas; tr. by Blackie. 2 v.L 3043 Notes to the Seven Plays of.L 2905 Prometheus; ed. by Blomfield .L 3053 The same; tr. by Webster .L 2904 Tragoedim (Oxford ed.). L 2902 Tragoediae (D). *L 3001 Tragoedim (T). L 5578 Tragoeaice et Fragmenta ; ed. by Din- dorf . *p 2 Tragedies; tr. by Buckley (B). I 3175 Appendix to the same (B). I 3176 Tragedies; tr. by Plumptre. .:. L 2895 Works; tr. by Copleston(C). L 2690,5 CEsop. Fabulce. (Babrius)..L 2908 The same (T).L 5607 Fabuloe. (Phsedrus). t .L 2909 The same (L). 2v. *....^2779 The same (T).L 5732 The same; tr. by Riley (B).I 3226 Fabulm Collects (T)...•. L 5622 Fables choisies (en grec).C 4837 Fables; tr. by James. ..L 2911 tr. by Townsend.L 2910 Albertus. Troilus (T).L 5758 Alford. Poets of Ancient Greece.L 2922 Ammianus Marcellinus. Rerum gestarum libri (T).L 5684 Roman History; tr. by Yonge (B).I 3177 Ampelius. Liber memorialis (T).L 5709 Anacreon. Ex Anthologice Falatime (T).. L 5579 Odrn et P'ragmenta; gnece et latine . . .. L 3044 Odes and Epigrams; tr. by Fawkes.. . *E 165,20 The same.E 6809,13 Works of.*P 623,16 Andocides. Orationes (T).L 5580 Anna Comnena. Alexias (T).L 5581 Ansonius. Burdigalensis opuscula (T).L 5690 Anthimus. De observatione ciborum (T)..L 5685 Anthologia latina (T). L 5686 Anthologie aus romischen Dichtern (T).L 5687 Anthon. Classical Dictionary.*R 240 Antiphon. Orationes et fragmenta (T).... L 5582 Antonius Diogenes. Opera (D).*L 3013 Apollodorus. Bibliotheca (T).L 5584 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. 2 77 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica (T). ..L 5585 The Argonautica; tr. by Coleridge (B). .1 3239 The same; tr. by Fawkes.*E 165,20 The same.E 6809,13 Opera (D).*L 3020 Apollonius Tyri as. Opera (D).*L 3013 Appianus Alexandrinus. Historic Ro- manae (D) . L 3002 Historia romana (T). 2v.L 5586 Apuleius. The Golden Ass, etc. (B).I 3179 Archimedes. Opera; ed. by Torellus-*P 618 Opera omnia mathematica (T). 3 v.. . . L 5587 ARIST/ENETUS. Works; tr. by Sheridan (B).I 3218 Aristophanes. The Acharnians (Text and Trans.).E 3058 The Clouds, Notes on; by Merry .--L 2899 Comoediae. 2v.E 2900 Comoediae; ed. by Torellus.*P 4 Comcedias (T).E 55^8 Comedies; tr. by Hickie (B). 2 v.I 3180 Lustspiele; iibers. von Minckwitz.D 860 Opera (D).*E 3°03 Plutus et Nubes.I- 2898 Scholia Graeca in Aristophanum (D).. .*E 3004 Translations from; byFrere.'.J 120,2 Works; tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,3 Aristoteles. Ars rhetorica (T)..E 5599 Aristotelia; iibers von Stahr.I) 5927 De anima(T).L 5597 De arte poetica (T).L 559 ° De ccelo (T).I- 5593 De partibus animalium (T).L 5589 Ethica Eudemia (T).L 5598 Ethica Nicomachea.E 2901 Ethica Nicomachea (T).E 5592 Ethik; iibers. von Garve. 2v.D 3104 Fragmenta (D)."'L 3017,1 The same (T).E 5601 History of Animals; tr. by Cressvvcll (B).I 3184 Metaphysica (T).E 5600 Metaphysics; tr. by McMahon (B).I 3183 Nicomachean Ethics; tr. by Browne.(B).I 3181 On the constitution of Athens; ed. by Kenyon (Greek Text).E 2916 Opera; cd. by Bekker. 11 v.*P 6 Opera omnia (D). 5 v.*L 3005 Organon; tr. by Owen (B). 2 v-... .1 3185 Philosophy of; by Wallace.E 1S55 Physica (T).E 5591 Physiognomonica (T) . E 5594 Poetique de; trad, par Chenier . C 4342,2 Politica (T) . E 5595 Politics of; tr. by Jowett. 2v . E 2897 Politics of; tr. by Newman. 2 v . E 2915 Aristoteles. Politics and Economics; tr. by Walford (B).I 3182 Politik; iibers. von Garve.D 4641 Quae feruntur magna moralia (T).E 5596 Quae feruntur oeconomica (T).L 5602 Rhetoric and Poetics; tr. by Hobbes (B)... I 3186 Arnold. Poets of Greece.E 2985 Arrianus. Anabasis (T).E 5603 Pseudo Callisthenes (D).*L 3006 Scripta minora (T).E 5604 AtheN/EUS. Dipnosophistarum (T). 3 v...L 5605 Deipnosophists; tr. by Yonge (B). 3V..I 3187 Augustinus. De civitate Dei (T). 2 v.. .. E 5688 Aulularia sive Querolus; Comcedia (T). E 5689 Autolycus. De sphaera quae movetur(T)..E 5606 Avienus. Aratea (T).L 5691 Babrius. See yEsop. Beau. La Grece poetique. . C 12049 Bentley. Dissertations upon Phalaris, So¬ crates and yEsop.I 3237 Bibliotheca Classica Latina. Eemaire’s edition. 142 v.*E 2758-2801 Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romano- rum Teubneriana. 288 v. in 229. E 5574-5760 Bion. Opera (D).*E 3039 Idylls; tr. by Banks (B). ..I 3227 Idyllium upon Adonis.*P 623,16 Translations from; by Fawkes.*E 165,20 Works; tr. by Lang.L 3071 Blackie. Horae Hellenicae.A 71 Boetius. Commentarii (T).E 5694 De Philosophise consolationis (T).L 5693 De Philosophiae consolationis, 1476. . . .*P 879 The same; King Alfred’s Version, trans. by Fox.I 3342 De institutione arithmetica ct musica(T).E 5692 Bohn’s Classical Library. 102 v.. I 3175-3239 Bonnefon. Ees Ecrivains celebres de Romc.C 12017 Bucolicorum Graecorum reliquiae (T).E 5608 C/ESAR. Commentarii (T).E 5695 Commentarii (Oxford cd.).E 2704 Commentarii; ed. by Bingham.E 2701 ed. by Brooks.E 2823 with Notes by Ifarkncss.I, 2697 ed. by Herzog..’.E 2700 cd. by Long.E 2705 with Notes by Spencer.E 2706 Books 1-6; with Notes by Bullions. .E 2699 erklart von Krauer . E 2819 in Usum Delphini; ed. by GodvinusE 2842 The same . E 2843 Commentaries; tr. by M’Devitte (B). . . .*1 3188 tr. by Duncan . E 2703 tr. by Trollope (C) . E .2600,9 278 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. Caesar. Commentaires; trad, par Napoleon III. 2 v.C 6002 De Bello Gallico. L 2702 Der Gallische Krieg.D 5578 Opera (L). 4 v.*L 2758 Talks with Caesar; by Sauveur.,L 2818 Callimachus. Works; tr. by Banks QB) . . . I 3202 Callistratus. Opera (D).*1,3026 Capella. Opera (T).L 5726 Cassius. De Medicina (T).L 5696 Catullus. Carmina (T). • .L 5697 Opera (L).*L 2759 Opera.L 2844 Poems; tr. by Martin.L 2698 Selections; by Cookesley . L 2814 Works; tr. by Davies (C).L 2694 Works; tr. by Kelly (B).I 3189 Cebes. Opera (D).*L 3037 Celsus. De^Medicina (T).L 5698 Censorinus. De die natali liber (T) ..L 5699 Chariton. Opera (D).*L 3013 Chrysostomus. Opera Selecta (D).*L 3007 Cicero. Academics, DeFinibus, and Tuscalan Questions; tr. by Yonge (B).I 3192 De Amicitia; tr. by Peabody.L 2812 De Officiis; item de Senectute et de Amicitia.L 2838 De Officiis; ed. by Holden.L 2710 tr. by Peabody.L 2735 De Senectute. de Amicitia, etc..* .I, 2719 De Senectute et Amicitia.L 2711 Disputationes Tusculanae.L 2713 Epistolae (L). 3 v . *L 2763 Fragmenta (L) . *L 2764 Indices Quinque (L).*L 2765 Letters to his Friends; tr. by Melmoth. 3 v..L 2809 Offices, Old Age, etc. ; tr. by Ed¬ monds (B).I 3193 On Oratory and Orators ; tr. by Wat¬ son (B). .1 3194 On the Nature of the Gods tr. by Yonge (B). I 3191 Opera. 10 v. *V 163 Opera; ex rec. Orellii. 4 V. in 5 . *L 2813 Opera Phdosophica (L). 6 v. *L 2762 Opera Rhetorica et Oratoria (L). 2 v.. ,*L 2760 Oratio pro Milone; ed. by Purton. L 2712 Orationes (L). 6 v. *1, 2761 Orationes; ed. by Folsom. I. 2835 Orationes Selectae.*L 2708 The same; ed. by Johnson. *L 2709 Orations; tr. by Yonge (B). 4 V.*1 3190 Roman Life in Days of; by Church.L 2729 Cicero. Scripta quae manserunt omnia (T). 10 v. in 8.L 5700 Select Letters; with Notes by Watson. .*P 286 Select Orations; ed. by Anthon.L 2707 ed ; by Bullions.L 2837 ed. by Harkness.L 2840 tr. by Yonge.L 2839 The Student’s Cicero; by Fausset.L 2852 Tusculanarum Disputationum, libri V. . .L 2824 Ueber Gut und Uebel.D 3106 Ueber Pflichten.D 3107 Works; tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,10 Abhandlungen iiber; von Garve.D 3108 Ciceron et ses Amis; par Boissier. C 12092 Claudianus, C. Opera (L). 2 v.*L 2766 Coleridge. Study of Greek Poets.L 29S7 Collectanea Graeca Majora; by Dalzel. v. 2. .L 3048 Collectanea Graeca Minora ; with Notes by Dalzel.L 2932 Collins (Ed.). Ancient Classics for English Readers. 26 v.. L 2690-2696 Coluthus. Opera (D).*L 3020 Com modi anus. Carmina (T).L 5701 Cornutus. Theologicae Graecae compen¬ dium (T).\. l 5609 Corpusculum poesis epicae Graecae (T).L 5610 Curtius Rufus, Q. Historiarum Alexandri libri (T).L 5703 De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni (L). 3 v .*L 2768 Dares. De Excidio Troiae historia (T).L 5704 Deltour et Rinn. Auteurs grecs.C 4543 Demosthenes. Opera; ex. rec. Dindorf. 9V.*P 74 Opera (D).*L 3008 Orationes (T). 3V. L5611 Orations; tr. by Kennedy (B). 5 v.I 3195 Oration on the Crown; ed. byNegris_L 3047 ed. byChamplin. \ J 3051 tr. by Biddle. l 2921 tr. by Kennedy. L 3042 Select Orations; ed. byChamplin.L 3052 Works; tr. by Brodribb (C).L 2692 Works; tr. by Butcher.L 2684 and Eloquence in Greece; by Bredif.. .. L 2923 Dictionary of Latin and Greek Quotations; by Riley (B).I 3196 Dictys Cretensis; ephemeridos belli TroianL.L 5705 Dinarchus. Orationes (T).L 5612 Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca historica (D). 2 v • • • *L 3009 Bibliotheca historica (T). v. 1.L 5613 Diogenes Laertius. De Philosophorum Vitis (D). *L 3010 Works; tr. by Yonge (B).j 3197 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. 279 Dion Chrysostomus. Orationes (T). L 5614 Dionysius Halicarnassensis. Antiquitatum Romanarum.L 3041 Antiquitatum Romanarum. (T) 2 V....L 5615 Donaldson. Theater of the Greeks.L 3045 The same. I 3231 Dracontius. Carmina minora (T).L 5706 Eclogae poetarum groecorum (T).L 5616 Eclogae poetarum latinorum (T).L 5707 Elton. Specimens of Classic Poets. 3V..L2982 Engei.MANN and Preuss. Bibliotheca Scrip- torum Classicorum. 2 v. *0 236 Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta. v. I (T). ..L 5617 Epictetus. Discourses; tr. by Long.L 2721 Discourses, Encheiridion, Fragments; tr. by Long (B).I 3232 Opera (D).*L 3037 Works; tr. by Higginson.L 2722 Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina (D). 2v.*L 3011 Epistolographi Groeci(D).*L 3012 Euclides. Elementa (T). Jv. m3.L 5618 Eudoxia Augusta. Violarium (T).L 5619 Eumathius. Opera (D).*L 3013 Eunapius. Opera (D).*L 3026 Euripides. Alcestis; with Notes by Major.L 3054 The same; with Notes by Woolsey.L 2939 Chefs-d’CEuvres de; trad. parHalevy..L 2980 Fabulae (D).*L 3014 Fragmenta (D).*L 3015 Medea; tr. by Webster.L 2938 Three Dramas of; tr. by Lawton.L 2855 Tragoediae (T). 3 v. in 2.L 5620 Tragoedice. (Oxford ed.). 3 v.L 2935 Tragoediae sex.L 2936 Notes on.I, 2937 Tragoediae superstites. 2 v.*P 48 Tragedies; tr. by Buckley (B). 2 v. . . .1 3198 Works; tr. by Donne (C).1,2690,3 tr. by Mahaffy.L 2682 oversat af Wilster.C 7138 CEuvres; trad, par Leconte de Lisle. 2v.C 5730 Eusebius. Opera (T). 4 V.L 5621 Eutropius. Breviarum ab urbe condita (T). L 5708 Fabulae Romanenses Gracce conscriptae. v. 1 ( T ).L 5623 Florus. Epitomae de Tito Livio (T).I, 5709 Epitome Rerum Romanarum (L).*L 2769 Works; tr. by Watson (B).I 3220 Fragmenta historicorum graecorum (D). 5V. ,*L 3016 Iragmentaphilosophorum graecorum (D)3 v.*I, 3017 1 'ragmenta poetarum romanorum (T) .L 5710 Frontinus. Strategematon (T) . L 5711 Gaius. Commentarii (Latin and English). . . L 2718 Galenus. Scripta minora, v. 1 (T) . L 5624 Gellius. Noctium Atticarum libri XX (T).L 5712 Geographi Groeci Tabulae Minores (D). 3V. ,*L 3018" Gow. Companion to School Classics .L 2920 Greek Anthology; tr. by Burges (B).I 3199 Greek Anthology; tr. by Neaves (C).L 2690,6 Greek Tragedians, Stories from; by Church. .L 2930 Grey. Classics for the Million.L 2927 Hal£vy. La Grece tragique. 3 v.L 2980 Heliodorus. iEthiopicorum (T).L 5625 Opera (D).*L 3013 Theagene et Chariclee; trad, par Zevort.C 5731 Works; tr. by Smith (B).I 3200 Heraclitus of Ephesus. Fragments of Works on Nature; tr. by Patrick.L 3087 Herodianus. Ab excessu Divi Marci(T)..L 5626 Herodotus. Egypt; tr. by Kenrick.L 2942 Historiarum Libri IX. (D).*L 3019 The same (T). 2v.L 5627 The same; cur. Dietsch.L 3049 Historia. 2v.L 2940 History; tr. by Cary (B).I 3201 The same; tr. by Rawlinson. 4V..L 2941 Stories from; by Church.L 2931 Story of the Persian War; by Church.. .L 2925 Turner’s Notes to. I 3316 Wheeler’s Analysis of.I 3317 Works; tr. by Swayne (C).L 2690,2 Geschichte; libers von Stein.D 5602 Boys’ and Girls’ Herodotus; by White. .L 2924 Hervieux. Fabulistes latins. 2v.C 5219 IIesiodus. Carmina (T).. L 5628 Illustrations to; by Flaxman.*P 1158 Opera (D). *L 3020 Works; tr. by Banks (B).I 3202 Works; tr. by Davies (C).L 2690,6 Hesychius Milesius. De viris illustribus (T). L 5629 Hieronymus. De viris inlustribus liber (T).L 5713 IIiMERius. Opera (D).*1,3026 Hippocrates. Opera. 2v.L 2945 Kistorici Gneci minores (T).I, 5630 Historicorum Romanorum fragmenta (T). ... I, 5714 Homer. Ballads; tr. by Maginn.I, 2953 Batrachomyomachia; tr. by Chapman ..L 2993 Homeric Poems; tr. by Bonitz.L 2944 Problem of the Homeric Poems; by Ged- des.L 3062 Ilymni et Batrachomyomachia (T).I, 5633 Hymns; tr. by Cornwall.I, 2946 Ilias ( T ).L 5631 (Oxford ed.).I, 2949 ed. by Ileyne.*P 96 with Notes by Owen.I, 2981 Books 1-6; ed. by Anthon . I, 3065 Books 1-8; ed. by Fausset. I. 3064 28 o GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. Homer. Iliad; engraved from Compositions of Flaxman.*P 1159 tr. by Blackie. 4 V.L 2992 tr. by Bryant. 2 v.L 2948 tr. by Buckley (B).I 3203 tr. by Caldcleugh.L 2947 tr. by Chapman. 2v.L 2994 Thesame . J 39>3 tr. by Cowper.L 2950 The same.13012,7 tr. by Dart.L 3061 tr. by Earl of Derby. 2 v.L 2995 tr. by Herschel.L 2996 tr. by Hobbes.J 112,10 tr. by Lang and others.L 2934 tr. by Merivale. 2 v.L 2997 tr. by Pope (B).I 3146 Thesame.*E 165,19 tr. by Worsley. 2 v.L 2955 tr. by Wright. 2 v.L 2881 tr. into Irish by McHale.L 2943 oversat af Wilster.C 7257 trad, par Leconte de Lisle.C 5235 iibers. von Voss.D 5021,4 vert, door Gravenweert. 2 v.D 9340 Burlesque Translation; by Bridges.L 2883 Thesame. 2v.*L 2886 and Odyssey. Introduction to; by Jebb.L 3067 Erkliirung der Ilias; von Forscham- mer .D 3039 Iliadis Carmina XVI. (T) . L 5636 Odyssea (T).L 5632 (Oxford ed.).L 2951 ed. by Dindorf.*p 64 avec Notes parBrach.C 5227 Books I—12; ed. by Merry.*P 220 Odyssey; engraved from Compositions of Flaxman.*P 1160 tr. by Bryant.L 2954 tr. by Buckley (B).I 3204 tr. by Butcher and Lang.L 2959 tr. by Chapman. 2v.L 2998 Thesame .J 39>3 tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,1 tr. by Cowper. 13012,8 tr. by Hobbes.J 112,10-11 tr. by Palmer . L 3135 tr. by Pope (B) . I 3147 The same .*E 165,19 tr. by Schomberg. 2 v . L 2882 tr. by Worsley. 2v . L 2884 oversat af Wilster . C 7258 iibers. von Voss . D 5021,3 Homer. Odyssey; vert, door Gravenweert. 2v.D 9341 Books 1-12; tr. by Palmer.L 3060 Hymns, etc.; tr. by Buckley (B)... .1 3204 Concordance to Odyssey and Hymns; by Dunbar.*R 1270 . Myths of the Odyssey; by Harrison.. L 3066 Opera (D).*L 3021 Works; tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,1 Homer; by Gladstone.J 1515 Les Beautes d’Homere; par Giguet.C 5009 Clavis Homerica; by Duncan.L 3063 en de Ilias; door Koeppen. D 9442 Genius and Writings of; by Wood.L 2885 Homeric Synchronism; by Gladstone.. .L 2956 Landmarks of Homeric Study; by Glad¬ stone .L 2887 On translating Homer; by Arnold. 2 v.L 2957 Stories from; by Church.L 2958 Stories from, simply told; by Hanson ..H 1493 Studies on; by Gladstone. 3 v.L 2952 und die Ilias; von Meyer.D 2719 Wanderings of Ulysses; by Witt.L 3059 Horatius Flaccus Q. Carmina (T).L 5715 Life, Satires, etc.; tr. by Hovenden....L 2811 Odes; tr. by Bulwer-Lytton.G 382 tr. by Martin.E 202 tr. by Pierce.L 2808 iibers. von Nordenflycht.D 800 Opera (L). 3 v.*L 2770 Opera (Oxford ed.).L 2716 Opera. 2 v.L 2891 ed. by Munroe.L 2715 ed. by Orellius. 2v.L 2806 with Notes by Anthon .1. 2717 The same .L 2890 Works; tr. by Francis.*E 165,19 tr. by Haughton.L 2807 tr. by Martin (C).L2690,7 tr. by Smart (B).I 3205 Werke; iibers. von Binder.D 5090 Werke; iibers. von Voss.D 6198 Hyginus. Liber de munitionibus castrorum ( T ).L 5716 IIyperides. Orationes quattuor (T).L 5634 Iamblichus. Opera (D).*03013 Incerti auctoris de Constantino Magno (T).. .L 5717 Is^us. Orationes (T).L 5635 Isocrates. Orationes (T).L 5637 Jennings and Johnstone. Half-Hours with Greek and Latin Authors. . L 2928 Johannes Secundus. Works; tr. by Kelly (B). *1 3218 Josephus. Opera (D). 2 v.*L 3022 Works; tr. by Whiston (B). 5 v .I 3098 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. 281 Julian, Emperor. Opera quae supersunt. v - 1 (T)...L 5638 Works. 2 v.L 2810 Jurisprudent^ ante Justinianx (T).L 5718 Justinian us. Novellx quce vocantur (T). 2v. L 5639 Justinus. Historix Philippicx (T). L 5719 Historix Philippicx (L).*L 2771 De Historirs Philippicis; ed. by Cantel.. . 1 . 2850 Works; tr. by Watson (B).I 3206 Juvenal. Satirx expurgatx; cur. Leverett.L 2860 Satirarum libri (T).’..... L 5720 Sexdecim Satirx (L). 2v.*L 2772 Translations from; by Dryden.*E 165,19 Works; tr. by Evans (B).. I 3207 tr. by Walford (C).L 2690,8 et Persius. Satirx.L 2720 The same; tr. by Evans.L 2975 JUVENCUS. Libri Evangeliorum IIII. (T). ..L 5721 Kingsley. Alexandria and her Schools. . . .L 3050 Langenscheidt’sche Bibliothek sammtlicher griechischen und romischen Klassiker. no v. D 2079 v. 1. Aischylos. 2. /Esop; Hesiod; Quintus. 3. Anakreon; Theognis; Phokylides; Pythagoras; Theokrit; Bion; Moschos. 4. Anthologie. 5-8. Aristophanes. 9-13. Euripides. 14-15. Homer. 16. Pindar. 17-19. Sophokles. 20-26. Aristoteles. 27. • Arrian. 28. Demosthenes. 29. Diodor. 30. Epiktet; Mark Aurel; Theophrast. 31. Heliodor; Herodian. 32-33. Herodot. 34. Isocrates; Lykurgus; Lysias. 35-36. Lucian. 37-38. Pausanias. 39-42. Plato. 43-48. Plutarch. 49-51. Polybios. 52-55. Strabo. 56-57. Thukydides. 58-61. Xenophon. 62. Catull ; Horaz. 63. Juvenal. 64. Lucanus. 65. Lucretius; Persius; Phaedrus. 66. Martialis. 67- 69. Ovid. 70-73. Plautus. 74. Propertius; Statius; Tibullus. 75. Terenz. 76. Virgil. 77. Caesar. 78-93. Cicero. 94. Cornelius Nepos; Eutropius; Quintilia- nus. 95. Curtius Rufus. 96. Justinus. 97-101. Livius. 102. Plinius. 103. Sallust. 104-105. Seneca. 106. Sueton. 107-108. Tacitus. 109. Vellejus Paterculus; Victor, no. Vitruvius. Latin Hymns; edited by March.L 2990 Le Maire (Ed.). Bibliotheca Classica Latina. 142 v.*1.2758-2802 Lempriere. Classical Dictionary.*R 224 Livius. Ab urbe condita libri(T). 6 v. 1114.1.5722 Ilistoriarum libri.I. 2870 History of Rome; with Notes.I. 2826 The same; tr. by Spillan and others. 4 v. (B).I 3208 Legendary History of Rome; tr. by Baker.*R 4337 Livius. Livy; by Capes. L 2683 Opera (L). 12 v.*L 2773 Opera. 2 v. in 4.L 2724 Opera selecta; ed. by Folsom.L 2725 Book I., with Introduction and Notes. ,*P 138 Books 21-25; tr - by Church and Brod- n bb.L 2723 Libri 21-24.L 2727 Stories from; by Church.L 2926 Works; tr. by Collins (C).L 2691 Longinus. On the Sublime in Writing .... *V 794 Longus. Daphnis et Chloe; trad, par Zevort.C 5731 Opera (D).*L 3013 Lucanus. Opera.L 2726 Pharsalia (L). 3 v.*L 2775 tr. by Riley (B).I 3209 tr. by Rowe.*E 165,20 trad, par La Harpe.C 5627,8 Lucianus. Opera (T). 3 v. in 2.L 5640 Opera (D).*L 3023 Comedies; tr. by Maginn.L 2953 CEuvres; trad, par Perrot. 3 v.L 2728 Traveller’s True Tale; tr. by Church_L 2933 Works; tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,4 Lucilius. Satirx Fragmenta(L).*L 2778 Satires; tr. by Evans (B).I *3207 The same...L 2975 Lucilius, Junior. .Etna; ed. by Munro.. . ,E 1 Lucretius. De rerum natura (T).L 5723 The same (Oxford Ed.).L 2732 The same (L). 2 v.*L 2774 The same; ex ed. Creech.L 2731 The same; tr. by Munro. 2 v. . . .*L 2730 Works, tr. by Mallock (C).L 2696 tr. by Watson (B).I 3210 Lycophron. Alexandra (T).I. 5641 Lycurgus. Oratio in Leocratem (T).L 5642 Lydus. Liber de ostentis et calendaria (T).L 5643 Lysias. Orationes (T).L 5644 Macrobius. Opera (T).L 5724 Manetho. Apotelesmaticorum (T).L 5645 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Commen- tarii (I)).*1, 3037 Commentarii (T).L 5583 Thoughts; tr. by Long (B).I 3178 Martialis, M. V. Epigrammata (L). 3v.*L 2776 Epigrammaton libri (T).L 5725 Epigrams (B).I 3211 Martialis . I, 2844 Maximus Tyrius. Opera (D) . *1. 3037 Maximus et Ammon. Carminum de actio- num (T) . I. 5646 Mayor. Guide to Choice of Classical Books. *0 239 Mela. De Chorographia (T) . L 5727 282 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. Menander. Opera (D).*L 3003 Etudes sur; par Guizot ..C 5157 Merlet. Grands Classiques latins.C 5906 Metrologicorum scriptorum reliquiae (T) ....L 5647 Minucius. Octavius (T).L 5728 Octavius; ed. by Holden.L 2714 Mirandula. Flores illustrium poetarum.. *L 2828 Moschus. Opera (D)... .*L 3030 Idylls; tr. by Banks (B).I 3227 Translations from; by Fawkes.*E 165,20 Works; tr. by Lang.L 3071 Moss. Classical Manual. 2 v. *0 238 Muretus. Scripta Selecta (T). 1 - 5759 MuszEUS. Hero and Leander; tr. by Fawkes. E 165,20 The same.E 6809,13 Opera (D).*L 3020 Nepos, C. Opera (L).*L 2767 Vitae (T).L 5702 The same.L 2733 The same.L 2734 De Vita excellentium Imperatorum.L 2841 Nicander. Opera (D) .*L 3030 Nicephorus. Opuscula historica (T).L 5648 Nicetas. Opera (D).*L 3013 Nicomachus. Introductionis Arithmetics libri II. (T) . L 5649 Nonnus Panopo lit anus. Dionysiaca (T). .L 5650 Pharaphrasis S. Evangelii Joannnei (T) . L 5651 Novum Testamentum Greece (T).I, 5683 Onosander. De imperatoris officio (T). ... L 5652 Oppianus. Opera (D).*1,3030 Oratores Attici (D). 2 v.*L 3024 Ovidius. Epistolee Heroidum.L 2815 Heroides; ex ed. Burmanni.L 2827 Metamorphoses; tr. by Dry den.*E 165,20 Opera (L). 10 v.*L 2777 Opera (T). 3 V. in 2. L 5729 Opera. Tom. II et III.L 2834 Opera; ed. by Merkel.L 2738 Os Fastos; com trad, de Castilho. 3 v.L 2737 Works; tr. by Church (C).L 2693 tr. by Riley (B). 3 V.I 3212 iibers. von Suchier. 3 V.D 6234 libers, von Wolff.D 6235 Panegyrici latini XII. (T).L 5730 Parthenius. Opera (D).*L 3013 Pausanias. Descriptio Greeciee (D).*1. 3025 Descriptio Gneciee (T).L 5653 Persius Flaccus. Satine.L 2720 Satine Expurgatse; cur Leverett.L 2860 Satirarum liber (T).L 5731 Sex Satirae (L).*L 2778 Translations from; by Dryden.*E 165,19 Persius Flaccus. Satires; tr. by Conington.*P 144 tr. by Evans (B).I 3207 The same.L 2975 Petronius. Satyricon; ed. by Kelly (B). .*1 3218 Ph^drus. See YEsop. Philemon. Opera (D).*L 3003 Philes. Opera (D).*L 3030 Philo Byzantius. Opera (D).*L 3000 Philodemus. De musica librorum (T).L 5654 Philostratus. Opera (D).*1,3026 Opera (T).L 5655 Pindar. Carmina (T).L 5656 Epinician, or Triumphal Odes; ed. by Donaldson....L 3056 Works; tr. by Morice (C).L 269c tr. byTurner(B).I 3213 Pinder. Selections from Latin Poets.*P • 146 Plato and the Companions of Socrates; by Grote. 3 v....L 2089 Apology; with Notes by Riddell.*P 148 Day with Socrates.L 1858 De Rebus Divinis Dialogi selecti.L 2816 Dialogi dispositi (T). 6 v. in 4.L 5657 Dialogues; tr. by Jowett. 4 V.L 2991 Five Dialogues (in Greek).L 2847 Fragmenta (D).*L 3032 Opera (D). 3 V.*L 3027 Philebus; with Notes by Poste.*P 150 Protagoras, with Commentary of Sauppe; ed. by Towle.L 2846 The Republic; tr. by Davies.L 232 The Republic; tr. by Jowett.L 2849 Select Dialogues; tr. by Cary.L 2977 Sophistesand Politicus; ed. byCampbell*P 152 Talks with Athenian Youths.L 2875 Thecetetus; with Notes by Campbell.. ,*P 154 Trial of Socrates; tr. by Church.L 2086 Works; tr. by Cary (B). 6 v.I 3214 Summary, Analysis and Index ; by Da y ( B ).i 3215 Works; tr. by Collins (C) .L 2690,4 Works; tr. by Sydenham and Taylor. 5v.*V 637 and the older Academy; by Zeller.L 2091 Best Thoughts of; by Bulkley.L 2817 Christian Element in; by Ackerman .... I, 1862 Plautus, M. A. Comcedis (L). 4 V.*L 2780 Comoedite (T).L 5733 Comedies; tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,8 Comedies; tr. by Riley (B). 2 v.I 3216 Plinius Secundus, C., ihe Elder. Iiistoria Naturalis (L). Iiv.*L 2782 Naturall Historie, 1635.*P 882 Natural History; tr. by Bostock (B). 6v. .1 3217 Boys’ and Girls’ Pliny; ed. by White. . .L 2829 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. 283 Plinius G^cilitjs Secundus, C., the Younger. Epistolae £L)l 2v.*L 2781 Epistolae (T)v...L 5734 Epistolae; ed. by Keil.L 2822 Panegyricus (T)....L 5730 Letters; tr. by Church and Bfodribb (C) L2690,10 ed. by Bosanquet (B).I 3234 tr. by Melmoth. 2-v.L 2743 tr. by the Earl of Orrery. 2v.L 2963 et M'artialis. Medicina (T) ..L 5735 Plotinus. Enneades (T)..L 5658 Opera (DJ. *L 3028 Plutarch. Delay of Deity in Punishment. L 2962 Lives; tr. by Clough. 5 v.C 41 tr. by Langhorn.C 35 tr. by Stewart and Long (BJ. 4V.I 3097 trad, par Ricard .. .C 6296 Moralia (T). 2v.E 5660 Morals; tr. by Goodwin. 5 v...L 2960 tr. by King and Shilleto (B): 2V....I 3238 Opera (D). 5 V.*L 3029 Vitae parallelae (T). 5 V. in 4:.L 5659 Boys’ and Gills’ Plutarch; by White... .C 1526 Lectures on; by Trench.. . .L 2961 Young Folks’Plutarch; by Kaufmann. . C 1440 Poetee Comici Graeci (D). . *. . .*L 3032 Poe toe latini minores (T). 5 v. in 2 .L 5736 Poetx* latini minores; ed. Lemaire (L). 'j \.. .*L 2783 Polemo. Declamationes (T).L 5661 Polv/Enus. Strategematon Mbri octo (T>.. .L 5662 Polybius. Historiae (T) ! . v. 1-2.L 5663 Opera (D). *L 3033 Opera. 5 V . L 3072 Histories; tr. by Shuckburgh. 2 V....L 2848 j Porphyrion. Commentarii in Horatium (T). I, 5737 ! Poupityrius. Opera (D). *L 3028 Opera (D)*.. *L 3000 i Opuscula selecta (T).L 5664 Priscianus. Solutiones (DJ..*L 3028 Proclus Diadochus. In primum Euclidis elementorum librum commentarii (T).L 5665 Opera (D). *L 3028 Lost Writings; tr. by Taylor.L 3055 Pkodromus. Catomyomachia (T).I, 5674 Propertius. Carmina (fl>...L 5697 Elegiae (L) .*L 2784 Elegies; ed'. by Kelly (B). *1- 3218 Works; tr. by Davies (C)i......L 2694 Opera. L 2844 Ptolemy us. Geographia (D).*L 3040 Quintilianus. Declamatidnes (T).L 5739 Institutions oratoriae (T}.L 5738 De Institution Oratoria (L). 4 V. .. .*L 2785 Works; tr. by Watson (BJ 2 v . I 3219 Quintilianus et Flaccus, C. Declama¬ tiones (L). 2v..*E 2786 Judicia; Annales (L)*L 2787 3020 6688 1411 1410 5666 5667 Selecta recentior, Quintus Smyrnceus . Opera (D) ........ *L Etude sur; par Sainte-Beuve.C Ramage. Beautiful Thoughts from Greek Authors. Beautiful Thoughts from Latin Authors.*R Rerum naturaliumScriptores Graeci(T). v. i.L Rhetores Graeci (T). 3 v. in 2.L Ruhnken. Elogium TiberiiHemsterhuysii (T) L 5760 Rutilius. De reditu suo, etc. (T).L 5740 Sallustils. Catilina; Jugurtha; Ex historiis; Orationes et Epistolae (T).L 5741 Catilina et Jugurtha. V .L 2741 The same; with translation.L 2739 Conspiracy of Catiline; with Notes by Bullion..L 2742 Opera.L 2740 Opera (L). *l 2788 Works; tr. by Watson (B).I 3220 Sappho, Works of.*P 623,16 The same; tr. by Fawkes.E 6809,13 The same; tr. by Wharton .E 8499 Scribonius. Compositions (T).L 5742 Scriptores historic Augustae (T).L 5743 Scriptores metrici Graeci. v. 1 (T).L 5668 Sculptorum Gr^corum Bibliotheca ; Didot’s edition (in Greek and Latin). 65 v.*L 3000-3040 Seneca, L. A. Opera Declamatoria (L). .*L 2790 Opera Philosophica (L). 5 v.27S9 Opera quae supersunt (T). 3 v. in 2 .. L 5744 Opera Tragic a (L). 3 V.*L 2791 Oratorum et Rhetorum Sententice (T). . .L 5746 Tragoediae (T>.. L 5745 Morals; tr. by L’Estrange. 2744 On Benefits; tr. by Stewart (B).I 3236 Tragedies; tr. into English, 1581_*J 1057,42 Silius Italicus, C. Punicorum Libri XVII. ( L ) 2 v . - .. 2792 Simeon Seth. De alimentorum facultatibus ( lT ). 5669 Simplicius. Opera (D). ^037 Smith. Atlas of Ancient Geography. *R Dictionary of Greek and Roman An- ti q uities . 45 6 The same; new ed. 2v.*R ^ r Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biog¬ raphy. 3 v.* R 45 g Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geog- ra P h y. ••••.*R 457 Sophocles. Ajax; ed. by Jebb . T. 2967 Electra; ed. by Jebb . L 2966 284 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS. Sophocles. CEdipus Tyranus; ed. by White.. L 3057 Opera (D).*L 3001 Sophocles; by Campbell.L 2964 Tragcediae (T).L 5670 Tragoediae (Oxford ed.).L 2965 Notes to the same.L 2968 Tragcediae et Fragmenta.*P 288 Tragedies; tr. by Plumptre.L 2979 tr. by Collins (C).1.2690,5 Oxford translation rev. (B).I 3221 Werke; iibers. von Osterwald.D 1705 Soranus. Gynaeciorum vetus translatio latina ( T ). L 5747 Standard Atlas of Classical Geography (B). . .1 3222 Statius, P. P. Opera. 4 V.*L 2793 Opera omnia (T).L 5748 Eclogarum physicarum et ethica- rum libri d uo (T).L 5671 Strabo. Opera (D). 2 v.*L 3034 Geographica (T). 3v.L 5672 Geography; tr. by Falconer (B). 3 v. . .1 3223 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Opera (L). 2 v.*L 2794 Opera omnia (T).L 5749 Lives of the twelve Caesars (B).*1 3224 Sulpicia. Poems; tr. by Grainger.*E 165,20 Works; tr. by Evans (B).I 3207 Symonds. Studies of Greek Poets.L 2986 The same. 2v.L 2989 Tacitus. Germania; with Notes by I.atham.L 2749 Germania and Agricola; with Notes by Anthon ..L 2750 Germania et Agricola.L 2748 Germania et Julii Agricolae Vita.L 2751 Germania; iibers. von Bacmeister.D 5741 Libri qui supersunt (T).L 5750 Life of Agricola; ed. by Allen.L 2820 Opera (L). Jv.^2795 Opera (Oxford ed.). 4 v.L 2746 Opera selecta; ed. by Kingsley.L 2747 ed. by Oberlin. 3V.L 2745 Tiberius; iibers. von Stahr.D 5740 Works; tr. by Donne (C).L 2690,9 tr. by Gordon. Jv.L 2821 tr. by Murphy. . .L 2736 Oxford tr. rev. (B). 2v.I 3225 CEuvres; trad, par Dureaude Lamalle.2v.C 6852 Lexicon Taciteum; Boetticher.*R 2039 Taylor. Classical Study.L 2988 Method of Classical Study.L 2983 Terentius. Comoedise (L). 2 v.*L 2796 Comoediae(T) .« .L 5751 Comoediae sex; adj. Giles.L 2825 Comedies; tr. by Collins (C).1.2690,8 tr. by Riley (B).I 3226 Testamentum Vetus et Novum (D). 3 v.. ,*L 3035 Teubner. See Bibliotheca. Themistius. Paraphrases Aristotelis (T)... L 5673 Theocritus. Opera (D).*L 3030 Opera (1676).L 3069 Scholia in Theocritum, Nicandrum et Oppianum (D).*L 3031 Epigrams; tr. by Fawkes.*E 165,20 Idylls; tr. by Banks (B).I 3227 tr. by Fawkes.*E 165,20 Works; tr. by Lang.L 3071 Theognis. Works; tr. by Banks (B).I 3202 Works; tr. by Davies (C)...L 2690,6 Theon Smyrnveus. Philosophi Platonicis (T).L 5675 Theophrastus. Opera (D).*L 3036 Opera omnia (T). 3 v. in 2.L 5676 Characteres (D).*L 3037 Characters; tr. byjebb.C 22 Caracteres; tr. par La Bruyere.C 5631 Theophylactus. Historise (T).L 5677 Thompson. Sales Attici; Athenian Drama.L 2929. Thucydides. Opera (D).*L 3038 Debello Peloponnesiaco (T).L 5678 The same; ed. by Bekker. 4V... .L 3073 The same; with Notes by Owen_L 2978 Historia. 2v..L 2970 Works; tr. by Dale (B). 2v. I 3228 tr. by Hobbes.J 112,8-9 tr. by Jowett. 2 v.L 3070 Essai sur Thucydide; par Girard. .C12493 Wheeler’s Analysis of (B).I 3322 Tibullus, A. Opera (L).*L 2797 Carmina (T).L 5697 Elegies; tr. by Grainger.*E 165,20 Works, tr. by Davies (C).L 2694 tr. by Kelly (B) .I 3189 Trajanus. Epistolarum ad Trajanum liber ( T ).L 5734 Tryphiodorus. Opera (D)...*L 3020 Tyrt^eus. War-Songs; tr. by Banks (B)... .1 3227 Tzetzes. Opera (D).*L 3020 Valerius Flaccus, C. Argonautica (L). 2v*L 2798 Argonauticon (T).L 5753 Valerius Maximus. Opera (L). 3 V_^2799 Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri ( T ).L 5752 Vegetius. Epitoma rei militaris (T).L 5754 Velleius Paterculus, C. Opera (L).. .*L 2800 Ex Historiae Romance (T).L 5755 Works; tr. by Watson (B).I 3220 Virgil. yEneid; ed. by Chase.L 2833 yEneid; tr. byCranch. ...L 2756 tr. by Dryden.*£165,19 tr. by Howland. 2v.L 2832 GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICS—LITERATURE. Virgil. iEneid; tr. by Long.L 2805 tr. by Morris.L 2754 tr. by Pierce.L 2753 tr. by Pitt.*E 165,19 tr. into Scottish by Douglas.. .*E 7114,2-4 Dessins d’apres Ademollo.*P 1018 Books 1-6; tr. by Hamilton.L 2845 Books 1-6; Notes by Searing.L 2752 Books 1-4 ; tr. by Stanyhurst, 1582.*J 1148,10 Eclogues and yEneid; tr. by Bowen....L 2802 Georgies; tr. by Preston.L 2804 Georgiques; tr. par Delille. .....C 4416 Grammatici opera (T).L 5757 Opera (L). 8 v.*L 2801 Opera (Oxford ed.).L 2755 Opera in usum scholarum (T).L 5756 Poems; tr. by Conington.E 2220,2 Varietate Lectionis; by Heyne. 5 v. . . L 2803 Virgil; by Nettleship.L 2681 Works; tr. by Collins (C).L 2690,7 tr. by Davidson (B). *1 3229 tr. by Dryden.E 6809,12 tr. by Lonsdale and Lee.*L 2757 tr. by Wilstach. 2v.L 2831 Etudes sur; par Sainte-Beuve.C 6688 Master Virgil, a Series of Studies; by Tunison. r .L 3068 Stories from; by Church.L 2830 White. Classic Literature,,,...J 2373 285 Wright and Shadwell. Golden Treasury of Greek Prose.*P 218 Xenophon. Anabasis; with Notes by Boise. L 2971 Anabasis; with Notes by Crosby.L 3075 ed. by Owen. .L 3076 Books 1-5; ed. by Boise.L 3078 Commentarii (T).L 5681 De Cyri Institutione; recens. Hutchinson.L 3077 Expeditio Cyri (T).L 5680 Expeditio Cyri Minoris (Oxford ed.). . . . L 2972 Expedition of Cyrus; with Notes by Cleve¬ land.L 3080 Expedition of Cyrus; ed. by Crosby... .L 3079 Historia Gneca (T).L 5679 Institutio Cyri (T).L 5680 Memorabilia Socratis (Oxford ed.).L 2973 Memorabilia of Socrates; with Notes by Anthon.L 2976 Memorabilia of Socrates; ed. by Packard. L 3074 The same; tr. by Levien.I 3899 Opera (D).*L 3039 Ephesiacorum (D). *L 3013 Scripta Minora (T).L 5679 Works; tr. by Cooper and others.L 2974 tr. by Dakyns.L 3081 tr. by Grant (C).L 2690,2 tr. by Watson (B). 3 V. *1 3230 Zeller. Socrates and Socratic Schools....L 2969 Zevort. Romans grecs.C 5731 Zonaras. Epitome historiarum (T). 6v. in 3.L 5682 LITERATURE. GENERAL WORKS. AHNFELT. Verldsliteraturens Historia. 2v.. C 7682 Ampere. Melanges d’Histoire litteraire.... C 4067 Archiv fiir Literaturgeschichte, 1870-87. 15V. *Ser. Atterbom. ' Poesiens Historia. 4V. in2...C 7712 Bergmann. The San Greal.J 1484 Berington. Literary History of the Middle Ages. J i486 The same. *V 79 Besant. Art of Fiction.J 1597 Blakey. History of Political Literature... .J 1475 Bornhak. Lexikon der Literaturgeschichte.*R 3803 Botta. Handbook of Literature.J 1485 Boyd. History of Literature. 3 v.J 1496 Brandes. Hovedstromninger i det igde. Aarh. Litteratur. 3 V. in 2.C 7047* Literatur des I9ten Jahrhunderts. 6 v.. . D 2528 Brougham. Science and Literature.I 3768 Browning. Greek Christian Poets and English Poets.J 1622 Buchanan. The Fleshly School of Poetry. .J 1621 A Look round Literature.J 1491 Burt. Literary Landmarks.J 1803 The World’s Literature.J 1624 Davidson. Poetry of the Future.J 1616 Demogeot. Histoire des Literatures etran- geres. 2v.C 4559 Disraeli. Amenities of Literature. 2v..E 1042 The same. 2 v.E 1043 Curiosities of Literature. 4V.E 1047 The same. 3 v.E 1046 The Literary Character.E 1048 The same.E 1049 Dowden. Studies in Literature, 1789-1877.J 1588 286 LITERATURE. Dunlop. History of Fiction..j 1487 Ebert. Literatur des Mittelalters im Abend- lande. 3 v. in 2.D 2708 Edmundson. Milton and Vondel.J 1788 Friswell. Modern Men of Letters.E 1096 Giles. Illustrations of Genius.E 1147 Gilfillan. Gallery of Literary Portraits. 3v.J 1497 Goodrich. Literature, Ancient and Modern.H434,3 Gosse. Literature of Northern Europe.J 2369 Gr^esse. Handbuch der allgemeinen Litera¬ turgeschichte. 4V. in 3.D 2712 Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Literarge- schichte. 10 v.D 2709 Grimm. Literature; Essays.j j6c>4 Hallam. Literature of Europe. 4 V.J 1495 Han nay. Satires and’Satirists.J Hazlitt. Studies in Jocular Literature... .J 1504 Herford. Literary Relations of England and Germany in the 16th Century.J 1607 Hettner. Literaturgeschichfe des i8ten Jahrhunderts. 6 v.D 2591 Hoffmann. Poetry; its Origin, Nature, etc. 2v .J 1620 How in. Literature of Northern Europe. 2v.J 2370 Hunt. Studies in Literature . I...J 2257 Jerrold. Best of all good Company.E 1274 Knight. Half Hours with best Authors. 6v.J 1795 Laffan. Aspects of Fiction.J 1599 La Harpe. Lycee; ou, Cours de Litterature. 18 v .. 5626 Lang. How to Fail in Literature.J ^02 Letters on Literature.j 1499 Le Barrois d’Orgeval. Propriete litteraire. C 5691 Leixner. Illustrirte Literaturgeschichte. 4V.D 2586 Leland. Viev/of Deistical Writers.J 1549 Longfellow. Poets and Poetry of Europe. E 237 Lowell. Among my Books. 2v.E 1343 Ludlow. Epics of the Middle Ages. 2V..E 254 Malmstrom. Literaturhistoriska Afhand- lin g‘ ar .. 7900 Mendham . Literary History of the Church.*Q Monnier. Litterature moderne. 310 2 v.C 5803 Literaturgeschichte der Renaissance.. .. D 6623 Montgomery. Lectures on Literature.I 3703 Morgan. Law of Literature. 2v.N 4888 Morley. On the Study of Literature. J 1509 Studies in Literature •J 1508 Morris. Half-Hours with Foreign Authors. 4V.J 1796 Ilalf-IIours with Humorous Authors. 4V. J 1799 Nichol. Tables of Ancient Literature... .*R 276 Tables of European Literature.*R 277 Nodier; Litterature legale. c 6047 Nutt. Legend of the Holy Grail. J 1787 Paris. La Poesie du Moyen Age.C 6125 Paur. Literatur-und Kulturgeschichte.D 2636 Posnett. Comparative Literature. J 148^ Raymond. Poetry as a Representative Art. T 1605 Roberts. Letter Writing from Earliest Period to 5th Century.j j^g 2 Saunders. Evening with the Sacred Poets. E 8482 Schaff. Literature and Poetry.j j^g Scherer. Litterature contemporaine. 8v. in4.C 6738 Scherr. Allgemeine Literatur.p> 2664 Bildersaal der Weltliteratur. 2v.*V 1005 Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic Literature_I 3076 SCHLEGEL, F. History of Literature.I 3074 Selkirk. Ethics and ^Esthetics of Poetry.. J 1536 Seton. Letters and Letter-Writers.E 1495 Shairp. Aspects of Poetry. j ^4 Sismondi. Literature of South Europe. 2v. .1 3080 Litterature du Midi de l’Europe. 4 v. .C 6771 Taylor. Essays and Literary Notes.E 5885 Thompson. Philosophy of Fiction in Litera- ture .J 1629 Tomlinson. The Sonnet; its Place in Poetry J 1535 Tow^nsend. Book of Modern Literature_J 1567 Tuckerman. Characteristics of Literature. E 6045 Uhland. Gesch. der Dichtung und Sagen. 8 v .. 2655 Underhill. Literary Epochs.J jgo4 Vapereau. Dictionnaire des Literatures. *R \ ierteljahrschrift fur Literaturgeschichte, 1888-89. 2 v. *Ser. \illemain. Litterature au Moyen Age_C 6931 Werner. Alcuin und sein Jahrhundert_D 2690 Whipple. Literature and Life.J 1810 Willmott. Pleasures of Literature.J 1500 5 U 2291 •J 2290 Beal. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. Adelung. History of Sanscrit Literature .. J 2376 Arabian Nights’ Entertainments; tr. by Burton. l 6 J-.. 354 The same; tr. by Lane. 3 V.*p 632 Arbuthnot. Arabic Authors.J Persian Portraits. Arnold. Indian Idylls from the Mahab- harata ..E 6766 Buddhist Literature in China.J 2438 Betham. Etruscan Literature. 2 v.J 1019 Bhagavad-Gita; tr. by Arnold.E 6771 The same; tr. by Chatteiji.J 2300 Bhagavata Purana; trad, par Burnouf.*R 102 British Museum. Book of the Dead.*p 980 Papyri in Hieratic Character.*p gjg Burckhardt. Arabic Proverbs..J 6gi Burnouf. Le Lotus de la bonne Loi.*V 1102 Burton. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa. J 371 Carhart. Poetry of the Hebrews.J 699 ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 287 Clouston. Arabian Poetry.E 7007 Confucius. Life and Teachings; by Legge.C 1073 The same.C 1074 and Chinese Classics; by Loomis.C 1072 Dabistan; or, School of Manners. 3 v.J 720 The same. 3 V.*V 1310 Eth£. Morgenlandische Studien.. ......D 2566 Firdusi. Epic of Kings.F 3498 The Shah Nameh; tr. by Atkinson ... .E 7264 Gray. Proverbs and Maxims from Burmese Sources.J 680 Griffith. Idylls from the Sanskrit.E 7381 Scenes from the Ramayana.E 7379 Specimens of Old Indian Poetry.E 7378 Hafiz of Shiras, Selections from.*V 113 Hammer. Redekunste Persiens.*V 1003 Hearn. Stray Leaves from Strange Litera¬ ture . E 3339 Heilprin. Poetry of the Ancient Hebrews. J 2367 Jami. Yusuf and Zulaikha; tr. by Griffith. .E 7565 Jones. Laws of Menu.J 158,7-8 Poems from Asiatic Languages.... J 158,10 Hitopadesa of Vishnusarman.J 158,13 Kalidasa. Megha Duta; tr. by Wilson.. .*V 689 Sakuntula; by Williams.J 712 The same; tr. by Tones.J 158,9 Karpeles. Geschichte der judischen Lite- ratur. 2 v.D 2621 Koelle. African Native Literature.J 2309 Legge. Chinese Classics. 5 v> i n 8 .2301 Chinese Classics.L 2984 Lois de Manou (en Sanscrit).C 5727 Lois de Manou; trad, par Deslongchamps. .C 5728 Long. Eastern Proverbs and Emblems.J 2436 Lowth. De sacra Poesi Hebrseorum.*V 855 Mueller. History of Ancient Sanskrit Lit¬ erature.*J 676 (Ed.). Sacred Books of the East.M 1801 v. 1. The Upanishads, pt. 1. 2. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, pt. 1. 3. Sacred Books of China, pt. 1. 4. The Zend-Avesta, pt. 1. 5. Pahlavi Texts, pt. 1. 6. The Koran, pt. 1. 7. Institutes of Vishnu. 8. The Bhagavadgita. 9. The Koran, pt. 2. 10. The Dhammapada. The Sutta-Nipata. 11. Buddhist Suttas. 12. The Satapatha-Brahmana, pt. 1. 13. Vinaya Texts, pt. 1. 14. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, pt. 2. 15. The Upanishads, pt. 2. Mueller. (Ed.). Sacred Books of the East.M 1801 v.16. Sacred Books of China, pt. 2. 17. Vinaya Texts, pt. 2. 18. Pahlavi Texts, pt. 2. 19. Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan- King. 20. Vinaya Texts, pt. 3. 21. The Saddharma-Pundarika. ■22. Gaina-Sutras, pt. 1. 23. Zend-Avesta, pt. 2. 24. Pahlavi Texts, pt. 3. 25. Laws of Manu. 26. Satapatha-Brahmana, pt. 2. 27-28. Sacred Books of China, pts. 3, 4. 29-30. Grihya-Sutras, pt. J, 2. 31. Zend-Avesta, pt. 3. 32. Vedic Hymns, pt. I. 33. Minor Law-Books, pt. 1. 34. Vedanta-Sutras. 35. King Milinda. Nizami. Sikander Nama; tr. by Clarke... E 7970 Omar Khayyam. See Poetry, p. 218. Ouseley. Notices of Persian Poets.C 3721 Poor. Sanskrit and kindred Literatures.... J 2375 Quackenbos. History of Ancient Literature. J 2430 Reed. Hindu Literature .J 2299 Richardson. The Iliad of the East.J 717 Rigveda; tr. by Kaegi. J 7*8 Rig-Veda-Sanhita; tr. by Muller.J 713 The same; tr. by Wilson. 6 v.J 678 The same; trad, par Langlois. . . .*V 1104 Robinson. Persian Poetry..*E 8283 Sadi. Garden of Fragrance; ti. by Davie.. E 8488 The GCilistan; tr. by Gladwin .J I16 With Sa’ di in the Garden; by Arnold . .E 6779 Sarchi. Essay on Hebrew Poetry.J 1623 Sayce. Babylonian Literature.J 2437 SCHACK. Literatur u. Kunst der Araber. 3V.D2656 Poesie und Kunst der Araber. 2 V....D 2657 Schwab. Les Incunables orientaux.C 6739 Sindibad and the Seven Vizers; tr. by Clouston*F 2811 Spiegel. Avesta; h. Schriftend. Parsen. 3 v.D 3640 Stent. Songs from the Chinese.E 8507 Tassy. Litteraturc Hindoui et Hindoustani. 2 v.*V 1305 Taylor. Spirit of Hebrew Poetry.J 708 Weber. History of Indian Literature.J 2435 Williams. Indian Wisdom.A 995 Wilson, H. H. Works.J 291 v. 1-2. Religion of the Hindus. 3-5. Sanskrit Literature. 6-10. Vishnu Purana. n-12. Theater of the Hindus. Zunz. Gesch. der synagogalen Poesie.I) 2699 Zur judischen Literatur und Geschichte.D 2700 288 ORIENTAL—GREEK AND ROMAN LITERATURE. ^ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND PUBLICATIONS. Ibn Batuta. Travels.V 1250 Jahangueir. Memoirs. y Paul of Aleppo. Travels of Macarius. 2 v.V 1252 Han ICoong Tsew; or, Sorrows of Han _V 1253 Neamet Ullah. History of the Afghans. .V 1254 The Fortunate Union; a Chinese Play. 2 v.V 1279 \ akkun Nattannawa, and Kolan Nattannawa. V 1280 Adventures of Hatim Tai.y I2 ^ Ali Hazin, Sheikh Mohammed. Life; byhim- self .V 1281 The same in Persian.y I2 82 Memoirs of a Malayan Family.y 1283 History of the War in Bosnia, 1737-39.V 1284 Timur. Memoirs of . y Elis^eus. History of Vartan and Battles of the Armenians.y 1257 PIafiz ool-Moolk. Life.y 1285 Miscellaneous Translations. 2v.V 1286 PIaji Khalfa. Maritime Wars of the Turks, D- 1 .V 1258 Translations from Chinese and Armenian.... V 1287 Mohammed Ben Musa. Algebra.V 1288 Firdusi. The Shah Nameh.y I2 g 9 Sadik Isfahani. Geographical Works.... V 1290 Tezkereh al A akiat; Memoirs of Humayun. .V 1259 Hussein-Khan. Mohammedan Power in In- c ^ a ‘ v * 1 . V 1291 Hoei-Lan-Ki; a Chinese Drama.y I2 g 2 Rinsifee. San kokf tsou ran to sets; ou, Aper^u general des Trois Royaumes....._V 1293 Plates and Maps to same.V ^78 Annals of the Turkish Empire, 1591-1659.. .V 1260 Kalidasa. Raghuvansa; sanskrite et latine.V 1261 Mirkhond. Early Kings of Persia.V 1294 Customs of the Women of Persia.V 1295 Tolifut-ul-Mujahideen. Work in Arabic. V 1296 Een Malec.A lfiyya; la grammaire arabe.. .V 1297 EVLIYA. Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. V 1262 Sangermano. Description of Burmese Em- P* re ...V 1263 Annales des Empereurs du Japon.V ^64 Ram Raz. Architecture of the Hindus.V 1265 Ilarivansa; Histoire de la Famille de Hari. 2v. V 1266 Platt (Ed.). The Ethiopic Didascalia.V 1267 Tahein-Uddin. Aventures de Kamrup... . V 1298 Joseth Ben Joshua Ben Meir. ■ Chronicles. 2 v .. 1299 Political and Statistical History of Gujarat. .. V 1300 Livre des recompenses et des peines.V 1301 Haji Khalfa. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopsedicum. 7 v.y I2 68 Tabari. Chronique. v. 1. y NAZAMI. Laili and Majnun. y i^p 2 Jalal-Addin. Temple of Jerusalem.V 1^05 Sankhya Karika, The; also, The Bhashya/.'.V 1270 Makrizi. Sultans Mamlouks de l’Egypte. 2 V" , , , *T T . .. 1271 Kigveda-Sanhita. (Sanskrite et latine).V I2 y 2 Kalidasa. Kumara Sambhava.y 1273 Philosophy of the Muhammedan People.V 1304 Vishnu Purana, The...y ^ Tassy. Literature Hindoui et Hindoustani. 2v.V 1305 Al-Makkari. Mohammedan Dynasties in S P ain - 2V ...V 1275 El Masudi. Historical Encyclopaedia.V 1306 Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda. V 1307 Popular Poetry of Persia.y j ~, 0 g IbnKhallikan. Biographical Dictionary. 4V.V 1276 Hussein Ali. History of Hydur Naik.V 1309 The Dabistan; or, School of Manners. 3 v.V 1310 Hussein Ali. Reign of Tipu Sultan.. V 13 „ Ouseley. Notices of Persian Poets.V 1312 Ivalpa Sutra, and Nava Tatva.1313 The Apostolical Constitutions.y 1314 Al Hariri. Makamat; Anecdotes .V 13^ Kalidasa. The Birth of the War God.... V 1316 Poems of the Huzailis.y I2 ^ Hiouen-Thsang. Sa "V ie et ses V oyages... V 1317 Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales. 2 v. V 1318 Matthieu d’ Edesse. Chronique.V 13 Ig Al Utbi. Kitab-I-Yamini; Memoirs .V 1320 Julien. Methode pour dechiffrer les Noms sanscrits.. l ^ 2l Albiruni. Chronology of Ancient Nations. V 1322 Bernhardy. Browne. 1269 GREEK AND ROMAN LITERATURE. Anthon. Manual of Greek Literature.J 2382 Baehr. Gesch. der romischen Literatur. 6v.D 2521 Bentley. Dissertations upon Phalaris, So¬ crates, etc. . 2227 Griechische Literatur. 3V..D 2551 Romische Literatur. j) 255'’ History of Classical Literature. 2v.J 2363 Browning. Greek Christian Poets and Eng¬ lish Poets. j Cruttwell. History of Roman Literature. J 2378 Deltour et Rinn. Auteurs grecs.C 4543 Deschanel. Romantisme des Classiques... C12300 Dobson. Classic Poets. [ 1*78 Dunlop. History of Roman Literature. 3v.*J 2379 Eschenbi rg. Manual of Classical Literature. J 2365 Felton. Modern Greek Writers.L 3046 Girard. Etudes sur la Poesie grecque.C12494 Gray. Sacred Writings and Classical Au¬ thors- 2v . J 2366 GREEK AND ROMAN—ENGLISH LITERATURE. 289 -Jebb. Attic Orators. 2 v.J 2432 Greek Literature. ..J 2431 Jevons. History of Greek Literature.J 2362 Mahaffy. History of Classical Greek Lit. 2 V.J 2433 Morris. Manual of Classic Literature.J 2434 Literature of Ancient Greece. 3 v.J 2 3 ^ 1 The same, to Isocrates.J 2384 Mure. Literature of Ancient Greece. 5 V *-J 2 3^3 Perry. History of Greek Literature.J 2440 Pierron. Hist, de la Litterature grecque. .C 6182 Histoire de la Litterature romaine.C 6183 Quackenbos. Hist, of Ancient Literature.. J 2430 Schoell. Geschichte der griechischen Lite- ratur. v. 1,3.D 5717 Sellar. Roman Poets of the Republic.J 2371 SiMCOX. History of Latin Literature. 2v. ..J2364 Stoll. Meister der romischen Literatur... .D 2642 Tai.fourd and others. Greek Literature... J 2358 Teichmueller. Literarische Fehden im 4ten Jahrhundert vor Christo.D 2723 Teuffel. History of Roman Literature. 2 v.J 2372 Thompson. History of Roman Literature... J 2359 White. Classic Literature.J 2 373 Wilkinson. College Greek Course in English. J 2324 College Latin Course in English.J 2326 Preparatory Greek Course in English.... J 2323 Preparatory Latin Course in English.J 2325 ENGLISH LITERATURE. Adams, O. F. Handbook of American Authors...J i 5 2 5 Handbook of English Authors.J 1524 Adams, W. D. Comic Poets of the 19th Cen¬ tury .E 6769 Dictionary of English Literature.*R 1351 Alden. Studies in Bryant.J 1514 Allibone. Dictionary of Authors. 3 V. ..*0 17 Angus. Handbook of English Literature.. .J 1573 Specimens of English Literature .J 1572 Arnold. English Poetry and Prose.J 1533 Manual of English Literature.J 1571 Azarias, Brother. See Mullany. Bascom. Philosophy of English Literature. .J 1490 Bayne. Lessons from my Masters.J 1462 Beers. Outline Sketch of American Litera¬ ture.,.J 1861 Bethune. British Female Poets.E 50 Blackie. Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands.J M 74 Blaisdei.l. First Steps with American and British Authors.J 1617 Bleibtreu. Geschichte der englischen Lite¬ ratur . D 6563 Breen. Modern English Literature.J 1551 Brooke. English Literature. ....J 1540 Milton. J 1441 Brydges. Restituta. 4V .J 1541 Buckland. Story of English Literature... .J 1596 Burton. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. 2v.*R 1298 Canning. Literary Influence in Britishllistory J 1776 Philosophy of Charles Dickens.E 2164 Philosophy of the Waverley Novels.E 926 Chambers. Cyclopaedia of English Lit. 2v.*R 1291 Readings in English Literature.J 1775 Cheever. American Book of Prose.E 958 Prose Writers of America.E 959 Cleveland. Compendium of American Literature.J 1850 Compendium of English Literature.J 1566 Coggeshall. Poets of the West.E 124 Coleridge. Index to English Literature of the 13th Century..,..J 899 Collier. History of English Literature. . ..J 1 55 ^ History of English Dramatic Poetry. 3v*E 9140 Poetical Decameron. 2v .J I 54 2 Conybeare. Anglo-Saxon Poetry.J 1031 Cooke. Poets and Problems.J 1606 Courthope. Liberal Movement in English Literature.J 1608 Craik. English Literature and Language. 2v.J 155 ° Manual of English Literature.G 907 Crofts. History of English Literature, 1509- 1625 ..J 1603 Dawson. Makers of Modern English.J 1631 Day. Study of English Literature.J 1568 Dennis. Heroes of Literature.C 1456 Studies in English Literature.J 1544 DeQuincey. Essays on British Poets.E 1021 Essays on Philosophical Writers .E 1032 Deshler. Afternoons with Poets.J 1577 Devey. Modern English Poets.J 1528 Duyckinck. Cyclopaedia of American Lit¬ erature. 2 v.*R 1284 Egan. Lectures on English Literature.J 1807 Modern Novels and Novelists.J 1806 Field. Photographs of Dickens’Readings. .J 1569 Fields. Yesterdays with Authors.E 1099 Forsyth. Novelists of the i8lh Century.. .. J 1805 Fraser. Chaucer to Longfellow. 2 v.J 1613 Friswell. Essays on English Writers.E 1095 Gilfii.lan. Gallery of Literary Portraits. 3 v.J 1497 Gosse. From Shakspere to Pope .J 1602 Graham. Hist. View of English Literature. J 1489 Literature and Art in Great Britain . J 1 555 Grey. Bird’s-Eye View of English Literature. J 1543 Griffin. Studies in Literature . E 1148 2 9 ° ENGLISH LITERATURE. .E 174 .E J 75 .E 739 ° ••J i860 21 4 J 1565 •J 1563 •J ! 56 4 •J 1532 5.1 3031 [00,4 .E 1 77 .1 3032 J 100,3 J 100,5 Griswold. Female Poets of America . Poets and Poetry of America.E Poets and Poetry of England.E 7390 Prose Writers of America.J Hardiman. Irish Minstrelsy .E Hart. Course in English Literature.J 1565 Manual of American Literature.J 1563 Manual of English Literature.J 1564 Haweis. American Humorists.J Hazlitt. Comic Writers and English Poets.I 3031 The same.J Early Poetry of England. 4 V. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth.I 3032 The same.j IOO , Spirit of the Age .j Higginson. Short Studies of American Authors . j , I547 Hopkins. Waifs and their Authors.E 208 Horne. New Spirit of the Age.J 1348 Hunt. English Prose and Prose Writers_J 1610 Irving. History of Scottish Poets.E 222 Jeaffreson. Novels and Novelists. 2v_J 1578 Jenkins. British and American Literature. .J 1579 Jenks. Thomas Carlyle and John Stuart Mill. J 2259 Jubainville. Litterature celtique.C 5329 Litterature epique de lTrlande___C 5328 Jusserand. The English Novel in Time of Shakespeare.j 1628 Knight. Half-Hours with the best Letter- Writers .J 1794 Lamb. Dramatic Poets of Time of Elizabeth .1 3355 Lanier. The English Novel and its Develop- ment .J 1529 Science of English Verse.j iSi^ L’Estrange. History of English Humor . .E 1321 Lives of English Authors; Biographical His¬ tory of Literature.C10149 Lowell. Conversations on some old Poets.. J 1587 Macdonald. England’s Antiphon.E 1351 Madden. Irish Periodical Literature. 2y..*R 1345 Martin. Specimens of American Literature.J 1553 Masson. British Novelists. j 1374 Mills. Literature of Great Britain and Ire¬ land. 2 v.j i774 Minto. Manual of English Prose Literature.J 1619 Mitchell. English Lands, Letters and Kings. 2 v ' • • ..J 1802 Moir. Poetical Literature.j 1326 Morley (Ed.). Cassell’s Library of English Literature. 5 v. v. 1. Shorter English Toems. 2. Illustrations of English Religion. 3. English Plays. 4. Shorter Works in English Prose. 1279 Morley (Ed.). Cassell’s Library of English English Literature. 5 v .. . . ...* R l2yg v. 5. Longer Works in English Verse and Prose. English Literature in the Reign of Vic- t0ria . G 1:1,8 „ T !>e same...J ,58, English Writers. 32 v. in 3 .J 1580 English W riters; new ed. v. 1-5. j j First Sketch of English Literature. J 1376 Tables of English Literature.*R 4258 Morris. British Thought and Thinkers.. . J 1532 Mullany [Brother Azarias). Development of English Literature.j i- 4 r Nar-es. Glossary of Words -in English Au- thors. 2 v. Nichol. American Literature Pebody. Pellew. .*R 2421 ,, .J 1865 xMCHOLS. Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century. 9 v. .*R ^ Literary History of-the 18th Century. &v*R 1333 Nicoll. Landmarks of English Literature.. J 1394 Oliphant. Literary History of England. 3V.J 1590 O ’ Reilly. Irish Writers fo 1750.*y I0 g Owen. John Keats; a Study.j ^ Pa\ne. Studies in English Prose.j 1632 Authors at work. . llg Jane Austen’xs Novels_____ \ 1*27 Perry. English Lit. in the 18th Century... J 1395 Petheram. Anglo-Saxon Literature in England J 1626 Phillips. Popular English Literature. 2v.J 1598 Read (Ed.). Cabinet of Irish Literature. 4 v.E 5405 Reed. Lectures in English Literature_J 1783 Rhys. Studies in the Arthurian Legend.... J 1770 Richardson, A. S. Talks on English Litera- ture .... J 1481 Richardson, C. F. American Literature. 2v.J 1863 Ritson. Observations on History of English Poetr y.. 1731 Russell. Book of Authors.. q 1548 Ryland. Outlines of English Literature.. .J 1786 Saintsbury. Essays in English Literature. .J 1782 History of Elizabethan Literature.J 17S1 Specimens of English Prose Style.J 1792 Englische Literatur.g) 2665 S£vrette. Morceaux choisis de Litterature anglaise. 4 v. . 6j54 Shaw. Manual of English Literature.J 1362 New History of English Literature.J 1618 and Smith. Specimens of English Liter- ature --;...J 1581 Shepard. Literary Life. j 1808 v. 1. Authors and Authorship. 2. Pen Pictures of Modern Authors. 3. Early Victorian Authors. Scherr. 291 ENGLISH—FRENCH LITERATURE. Sladen. American Poets, 1830-90 .E 8458 Smith, H. Century of American Literature. . .J 1859 Smith, G. B. Poets and Novelists.J 1575 Spalding. History of English Literature.. .J 1539 Stedman. Poets of America.J 1600 Victorian Poets.E 5 11 and Hutchinson (Ed.). Library of Amer¬ ican Literature. 11 v.*R 1285 Swinburne. Study of Ben Jonson.J 2258 George Chapman.J 1584 Note on Charlotte Bronte.J 1583 Snvinton. Masterpieces of English Literature. J 1582 Studies in English Literature.J 1609 Symonds. Shakspere’s Predecessors.E 9690 Taine. Hist, de la Litterature anglaise. 5v.C 6872 History of English Literature. 2 v.J 1557 The same, condensed.J 1556 Ten Brink. Early English Literature.J 1521 Thackeray. English Humorists.G 584 Thomson. Literature of Society. 2v.J 1498 Todd. Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer. .J 1777 TucKERMAN. History of English Prose Fiction. J 1592 Tyler. American Literature, 1607-1765. 2v.J 1864 Typical Selections from best English Authors.*P 204 Underwood. Hand-book of Am. Authors. .J 1561 Hand-book of British Authors.J 1560 Vogel. Five Centuries of English Literature. G 204 Wadham. English Versification.J 1615 Ward. English Dramatic Literature. 2 v..J 1586 Warton. History of English Poetry.E 561 The same; ed. by Ilazlitt. 4V....J 1522 Observations on; by Ritson.*V 1731 Washburn. Early English Literature.J 1593 Welsh. English and American Literature. .J 1633 English Literature and Language 2 v. .J 1591 English Masterpiece Course.J 1612 Wheeler. By-ways of Literature.J 1523 Whipple. American Literature.J 1862 Literature of the Age of Elizabeth.J 1780 WlLLMOTT. Poets of the 19th Century ... E 584 The same.E 8929 Yonge. Three Centures of English Literature J 1570 FRENCH LITERATURE. Alaux. Litterature fran^aise 15e-i7e Siecle.C 4031 Albert. Litterature fran§aise a la fin du i6e Siecle.Ci 1966 La Litterature fran^aise au 17c Siecle . .C11971 La Litterature fran9aise au i8e Siecle. . .Ci 1972 La Litterature fran9aise au 19c Siecle. . .C11973 Ampere. Histoire litteraire avant Charle¬ magne. 2 v.C 4062 Histoire litteraire sous Charlemagne.. . .C 4061 Astie. Louis XIV and his Age. .J 2349 B£rard-Varagnac. Portraits litteraires.. .C12030 Bernardin. Classiques fra^ais. 2v.C12058 Besant. French Humorists.E 834 Rabelais. J -2246 Readings in Rabelais.J 2256 Studies in Early French Poetry.E 49 9 Bonnefon. Les Ecrivains celebxes de la France...C12016 9 Brachet. Ecrivains du XVIe Siecle .C 4039 Brunei.. L’Academie fran9aise au i8eSiecle. C12110 Brunetiere. Histoire et Litterature. 3 V.C12038 9 Caruel. Etudessur les Auteurs fran9ais. 2 v.C 4594 Cary. Early French Poets.E 104 Cerfberr et Christophe. Comedie hu- maine de Balzac..Ci2i86 Chapsal. Litterature frai^aise.C 4436 Chefs-d’Guivre des Auteurs comiques. 8 v.C 4336 Clement. Annees litteraires, 174S-52. 4 v,C 4360 Collins. La Fontaine and other Fabulists. .J 2247 Cormenin. Le Livre des Orateurs. 2 v. ..C 4397 Crepet. Les Poetes fran9ais. 4 v.C12190 Delepierre. Histoire litteraire dcsFous. . .C 4313 Demogeot. History of French Literature J 2343 Histoire de la Litterature fra^aisc.C 4420 Edwards. The French Academy. C 3325 Fauriel. Proven9al Poetry.J 2355 9 Gautier. Les Epopees fran9aises. v. 1,3, 4.C 5077 Gidel. Histoire de la Litterature fraimaise. 3 v .U12499 GlLLE. La Bataille litteraire, 1875-7S.C1249S Girardin. La Fontaine et les Fabulists. 2 v.C 5123 Godefroy. Auteurs frau9ais du i6e Siecle.C 5040 Flist. de la Litterature fra^aise. 10 v.C 5127 Litterature fraimaise au 19c Siecle..C 5 I2 9 Godet. Histoire litteraire de la Suisse fran- 9aise.C12505 Graham. Rousseau.J 2250 Guizot. Corneille and his Times.C 3260 Guy. Les Femmes de Lettres.C 5166 Hueffer. The Troubadours..J 2356 James. French Poets and Novelists.J 2348 Janin. Hist, de la Litterature dramatique. 6 v. in 3.C 5336 Karcher. Ecrivains militaircs de France. .C 5444 Knapp. Modern French Readings.C 5515 KreYssig. Die franzosische Nationalliteratur.D 6613 Lang (Ed.). Perrault’s Popular Tales.J 1501 Lemaitre. Les Contcmporains; Etudes et Portraits litteraires. 3 v. in 2.C 5749 Lindau. Aus dem literarischen Frankreich.D 2601 Louandre. Chefs d’CEuvre des Conteurs fran9ais. 3V.C 5747 Marcou. Classiques fran9ais. 2v.C 5822 292 Matthews. French Dramatists of the 19th Centur y.. 9454 Mixer. Manual of French Poetry.C12834 Morceaux choisis de Litterature contemporaineC 5939 Morley. Diderot and the Encyclopedists. 2 v '.. 3290 Nisard. Hist, de la Litterature francaise. 4 v.C 6029 Ilistoire des Livres populaires. 2 v.. . *C 6028 Noel. Litterature francaise, abregee.C 6051 Pages. Les Grands Poetes francais. *V 1125 Pellisson et D’Olivet. Histoire de TAcade- mie francaise. 2 v. . FRENCH—GERMAN LITERATURE Gesch. der deutschen Poesie. POITEVIN. C 6137 Illustrations litteraires.C 6189 Treston. Troubadours and Trouveres.E 391 Pvlodet. Litterature francaise classique... J 2345 Litterature francaise contemporaine.J 2350 Renan et LeClerc. Histoire litteraire de la France. 2 v. ^ .... . 5702 Roche (Ed.). Les Prosateursfrancais.C 6492 Rutherford. Troubadours; their Loves and Lyrics.J 2357 Sainte-Beuve. Chateaubriand et son groupe Ht ^ raire .. 6687 Poesie franyaise au XVIe Siecle.C 6700 Portraits litteraires. . .. . Saintsbury. Short History of French Litera¬ . J 2346 Specimens of French Literature.J 2344 Schmidt. Gesch. der franzosischen Literatur seit ’774 .. 2628 Staaff. Litterature francaise, S42-1870. 3 v.C 6S00 Taine. La Fontaine et ses Fables. (3 6S~i Thackeray. Madame de Sevigne. ... J 2251 Tisso r et Collas. Chefs-d’Guuvre des Prosa¬ teurs franyais.C13224 Trollope. Corneille and Racine.j 2245 Van Laun. History of French Literature. 3 V. J 2347 Verlaine. Les Poetes maudits.G13347 Villemain. Litterature francaise au iSe Siecle. 4 v . r* * . ^ . 0930 Melanges litteraires. c 6 , 2 Vine 1. Etudes sur Blaise Pascal. c 69*79 Studies on Pascal.j 2353 Walker. The Comedie Humaine and its Author .... T r Wilkinson. Classic French Course in English. J 2327 Wraxall. French Literature, 1852-63. 2v.J 2351 Cholevius 2 v.. T , . ’' *... • -D 2563 enina. La Prusse litteraire sous Frederic II. 3 v. in 2 Dippold. Geryinus. ung. Gostwick. GERMAN LITERATURE. Barthel. Deutsche Literatur d. Neuzeit. .D 2555 Deutsche Nationalliteratur. p> 2524 BartsCh. Deutsche Liederdichter des 12-14. Jahrhunderts. D 6l?0 . C12301 Epics of Mediaeval Germany.J 2270 Dueringsfei.d. Von der Schelde bis zur Maas. 3 v. in 2 . d 2-65 Lulling. Geschichte der komischen Litteratur in Deutschland. 3 V . I) 25^9 Geschichte der deutschen Dicht- 4 V . 2578 German Literature.j 22 ~, Gottschall. Deutsche Nationalliteratur r ., 4V .... 2585 Griepenkerl. Kunstgemus der deutschen Hayward. Gcethe. y Hedge. Hours with the German Classics.. J 2264 Piose V riters of Germany. j Heine. The Romantic School. j 2 -?67 Hillebrand. German Thought.j 2271 Hinrichsen. Das litterarische Deutschland *0 307 IIirsch. Gesch. der deutschen Litteratur. 3 vD 2568 Hosmer. History of German Literature. . . .J 2274 Japp. German Life and Literature.j 2260 Kehrein. Deutsche Prosa. 2v.D 260- Klemm. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. D 6610 Roberstein. Gesch. der deutschen Lit. 2610 Koenig. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte_D 2600 Kroeger. Minnesingers of Germany.J 2278 Kurz. Gesch. der deutschen Literatur. 4 v.D 2611 Laban. Schopenhauer-Literatur. d 2608 Laube. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. 4 v - in 2. pj Leixner. Ulustrirte Literaturgeschichte. 4 v.D 2586 Lorck. Verein der Buchhandler zu Leipzif? 1833-82.... t; McCallum. German Literature.j 22 g 0 Menzel. Deutsche Dichtung. 3V.D 2622 German Literature. 3 V. T ^,-5 Metcalfe. History of German Literature.. J 2277 Muehlenfels. Course of German Literature. J 22-2 Mueller. The German Classics. 2v. J 2^6' Oltrogge. Deutsche Dichtung. , v4 p) Perrv^. From Opitz to Lessing.j 2266 Pontes. Poets and Poetry of Germany. 2 v. I 2268 Prcelss. Geschichte der dramatischen Lit¬ teratur und Kunst in Deutschland. 2v.I) 5322 Sanders. Gesch. der deutschen Literatur.D 26^0 Schaefer. Deutsche Idteratur. jj ^ 66o Scherer. Geschichte der deutschen teratur. History of German Literature. 2v. Scherr. Deutsche Literatur. j) Li- • D 2589 J 2265 2666 SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE—ITALIAN—RUSSIAN—EUROPEAN. 293 Schmidt. Bilder ausdem geistigenLeben.3v.D 2674 Deutsche Literatur seit 1781. 3 v.D 2675 Geistiges Leben, 1681-1781. 2v.D 2676 Sime. Schiller.J 2248 Stern. Lexicon der deutschen Literatur. .*R 3825 50 Jahre deutscher Dichtung.*V 1000 50 Jahre deutscher Prosa.*V 1001 Taylor, B. Studies in German Literature. .J 2273 Taylor, E. Lays of Minnesingers of 13th- 14th Centuries.E 260 Taylor, W. Historical Survey of German Poetry. 3 v .E 528 Vilmar. Gesch. der deutschen Literatur., .D 2680 Weber, G. Geschichte der deutschen Lite¬ ratur .D 2701 Weber, R. Poetische Nationalliteratur der Schweiz. 3 V. in 2.D 2623 Wernick. Deutsche Literatur.D 2685 Wilkinson. Classic German Course in Eng¬ lish . J 2262 Wolfe. Encyclopedie der Nationalliteratur. 8 v.*R 1260 Wolfram. Neuere deutsche Dichtung... .D 2691 Wuttke. Die deutschen Zeitschriften.D 2696 Zimmermann. Deutsche Literatur. 2 V...D 2697 SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE LITERATURE. Amador de i.os Rios. Historia critica de la Literatura espanola. 7 v. *C 9609 Anaya. Essay on Spanish Literature.J 2331 Bouterwek. Spanish and Portuguese Lit.2v. J 2377 Churton. Gongora; with Translations. 2v. J 2374 Dohm. Die spanische National-Literatur.. .D 2750 Duffiei.d. Don Quixote; his Critics and Com¬ mentators.J 2332 Foster. Spanish Literature.J 2330 Hasell. Calderon. J 2241 Kennedy. Modern Poets of Spain.E 241 Loiseau. Ilistoire de la Litterature portugaise.C 5752 Oliphant. Cervantes.J 2244 Schack. Dramatische Literatur und Kunst in Spanien. 3V.I> 2656 SlSMONDi. Litterature espagnole et portu- gaise- ' .C 6771,3-4 Ticknor. History of Spanish Literature. 3V. J 2380 ITALIAN LITERATURE. AMBROSOLI. Letteratura italiana. 4V. in2.C 9129 Bartoli. Letteratura italiana. v. 1-5, 7...C 9145 Blow. Study of Dante . J 2261 Church. Dante; an Essay . J 2260 Ginguen 6 et Salfi. Histoire litteraire d’ltalie. 14 v . C 5104 Giudici. Storia della Letteratura italiana. 2 v.C 9213 Hasell. Tasso.J 2249 Heyse. Italienische Dichter. 4 v. in 3.D 5427 Howells. Modern Italian Poets; Essays and Versions.E 3364 Lombardi. Storia della, Letteratura italiana. 4 v. in 2.C 9290 Ozanam. LesPoetesfranciscainsau i3eSiecleC 6121 Phillimore. Studies in Italian Literature . .J 2304 Reeve. Petrarch.J 2243 Sauer. Gesch. der italienischen Literatur. ,D 2631 Simpson. The Literature of Italy.J i 5°3 SlSMONDi. Italian Literature. 2v .I 30S0 Litterature italienne. . .C 6771,1-3 Symonds. Italian Literature.A 1990,4-5 RUSSIAN LITERATURE. Bodenstedt. Russische Dichter.D 1985,4-7 Dupuy. Great Masters of Russian Literature. C 32S7 Glagau. Russische Literatur.I) 25S3 Honegger. Russische Literatur.I) 2522 Lange. Russiske Litteratur.C14S77 Otto. History of Russian Literature.J 2335 Panin. Lectures on Russian Literature. J 2339 Radius. Russian and Slavic Poetry.J 2338 Ralston. Krilof and his Fables.E 1464 Reinhold. Geschichte der russischcn Li¬ teratur.D 2707 Turner. Modern Novelists of Russia.J 2341 Studies in Russian Literature.J 2336 Tolstoi as Novelist and Thinker. J 2333 Vogu&. The Russian Novelists.J 2334 Le Roman russe.C13358 OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Bosworth. Scandinavian literature.J 2360 Delepierre. Sketch of Flemish Literature. J 2340 Dietrichson. Norske Poesis Historic.C 8246 Sveriges Literatur.C 8247 Flor. Haandbog i den danske Literatur.. C 7161 Gosse. Literature of Northern Europe.J 2369 IIellwai.d. Niederlandische Literatur.... I) 2559 IIjort. NyeredanskLiteratur.C 7266 Horn. Hist, of Scandinavian Literature. . .J 2321 Howitt. Literature of Northern Europe. 2 v.J 2370 JONCKBLOET. Niederlandische Literatur. . .D 2600 Metcalfe. The Englishman and the Scandi¬ navian. J J 494 Mickiewicz. Slawische Literatur u. Zustande. 4 v. in 3.^ * 2 753 MORFILL. Slavonic literature. J 2337 Otto. Die Gesammtliteratur Niederlands. .D 2535 294 NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALISM—DIRECTORIES—ETC. Typin and Spasovic. Geschichte der slavi- schen Literaturen. 2v.D 2641 Robinson. Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations.j 2368 Schweitzer. Die skandinavische Literatur.D 2751 Schwicker. Die ungarische Literatur.D 2752 Stephens. Literature of the Ivymry.J 1601 STRODTMANN.Geistiges Leben in Danemark. D 2677 Tettau. Epische finnische Dichtungen ... D 2669 Toldy. Ungrische Dichtung. d 2673 Wilkins. Literature of Wales.j ^30 Wratislaw. - Literature of Bohemia in XIV. Centur y.j 2308 Zeegers. Gesch. der Ned. Letterkunde... D 9419 Nederduitsch Spraakkunst. .D 9419 W isconsin Editorial Association, Proc.*J Wuttke. Die deutschen Zeitschriften.D 2696 220 222 NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALISM. Andrews. British Journalism, to 1855. 2v..J 1820 Baker. Press History and Work.j t g, 2 Liedermann. Das Zeitungswesen. I) 2525 Bourne. English Newspapers. 2v.j jgn Buckingham. Specimens of Newspaper Literature. 2v. ^ Centenary of the Glasgow Herald. j lSl ^ Goddard. Newspapers in New England 1787-1&IS. j lS33 Grant. Newspaper Press. 3 V.J 1S16 Griffin. History of the Press of Maine. ... J 1829 Hatton. Journalistic London . j i8-?i Held. Die deutsche Arbeiterpresse . D 4738 Holtzendorff. England’s Prcsse.D iMigianci s JTcsse.1)384,4 Hudson. Journalism of the United States. . J 1815 Hunt, F. K. The Fourth Estate. 2 v.J 1822 NEWSPAPER DIRECTORIES. Alden’s American Newspaper Catalogue 1S70 1883, 1884, 1886. *<-’ Ayer & Sons. American Newspaper An¬ nual, 1881, 1884. *0 Cook & Co. U. S. Newspaper Directory, i8 76 .. The same, 1SS1. ^ Deutscher Zeitschriften Katalog, 1S73 *0 Hubbard. Newspaper Directory. 1S80.. .*0 Newspaper and Bank Directory of the World, 18S2-18S4. *0 Loud and Thomas. Directory of the Amer- ican Press, 1887. Pocket Directory, 1890. Pettmgill’s Newspaper Directory, 1877. sc-q Rowell. American Newspaper Directory 1869, 1880. The same, 1S72. Newspapers recommended to Adver¬ tisers . ,*. T , ...J J <^. 0 ^ ? Sell. Dictionary of the World’s Press, 1885 ■ *0 218 Steiger. Periodical Literature of the United States, 1873.. 234 226 3729 230 2I 5 212 227 229 228 214 373 o II Hunt, W Jackson. McClure T hen and Now; Newspaper Work J 183 The Pictorial Press.j jg 2 y College Journalism.*j ^ 04 Marshall. Protestant Journalism.j 1817 Maverick. Raymond and the New York Press . r' r .. 2165 Merrill. Newspaper Libel. n 50 _ 3 Mi. lunch; his Origin and Career. j iS^ Pebody. English Journalism. j jg IO Pendleton. Newspaper Reporting.j jg 34 Reade. Literary Success; Guide to Journal¬ Reid. Some Newspaper Tendencies.7 l82 g San Francisco Chronicle and its Plistory. j jg If) Spiethoff. Die Grossmacht Presse. d 2527 Warner. The American Newspaper.7 x g 2 , .D 2526 V\. A. W.; Sou- Wehle. Die Zeitung. . o * * * 0 * Wheeler and Cardwill. w Venir > l88 9 . J 1840 Wingate. \ lews and Interviews of Journalism J 1818 books and reading. Abbot. Hints for Home Reading.... 7 i’-q-* Adams. Famous Books r J 3 American Publishers and English Authors. *J 904 Arneti. Books of the Ancients.6°’2 Authors and Publishers . r 3 . iv OIO^ Baldwin. Book-Lover. T i ^ Bancroft, H. H., Literary'Works’ of..'.'.*; 904 Bei.oe. Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. 6 v. *0 Best Hundred Books; Ruskin and others. . . .. J i 42 i B est Hundred Books; Pall Mall Gazette. . ,*Q 652 Blades. Enemies of Books. 144 ^ How to tell a Caxton. *q Book Buyer, 1875-6, 1884-90. 8 v. Book Chat, 18S7-90. 4 V. *Scr Book Lore, 1S85-87. 6v. Bookmart, 1887-90. 4 v. . . . Bookworm; 1S88-90. 3 v . *Ser Books for a Reference Library. j j 4 g5 Books that helped me. j j 4 gg Books which have influenced me. j I4 « Brewer. Reader’s Handboook........ .*r ^ Burton. Book-Hunter. . t . J I 455 6 3 5 *Ser. Scr. * Sc r. BOOKS AND READING—LIBRARIES. 295 Bury, R. de. Philobiblon ; ed. by Thomas.. .J 14 28 Carlyle. On the Choice of Books...... .*E 1085 Curwen. History of Booksellers.J 1473 Delepierre. Histoire litteraire des Fous.. .C 4413 Dibdin. Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness. .*0 34 Faulkner and Van Orden. Reader’s Refer¬ ence Hand-Book.*R 1367 Fitzgerald. Romance of Book Collecting.J 1480 Harrison. Choice of Books, etc.J 1476 Hazeltine. Chats about Books.J 1459 Hewins. Books for the Young.J 145° Holbrook. Reading for Boys and Girls. .*J 1465. 1 Knight. Old Printer and Modern Press...K 811 Lang. Books and Bookmen.J 1 7^9 Langford. Prison Books and their Authors. J 1797 Lea Brothers & Co. 100 Years of Publishing.] 1422 Literary News, 1880-90. iov. *Ser. Mangin. Essay on Light Reading.J 1457 Merryweather. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages... *0 3 DI The same. ..J I 43° Nisard. Histoire desLivres populaires. 2v.*C 6028 Parsons and others. The World’s best Books. J I43 2 Perkins. The Best Reading, 1872-1873 . .*R 13S0 and Jones. The same. Ser. 1-3 - "R 1379 Porter. Books and Reading . E 1449 Potter. Hand-Book for Readers....I 3743 Power. Handy Book about Books."'O 631 Pryde. Highways of Literature.J 179 1 Rees. Diversions of a Book-Worm. J 1443 Pleasures of a Book-Worm. . J 1477 Removal of Duty on Books.*J 904 Richardson. Choice of Books.J 1471 Roberts. Earlier History of English Book¬ selling.J M9 2 Salmon. Juvenile Literature as it is.J 1801 Sargent Reading for the Young.J 1433 The same."O 581 Saunders. Story of some Famous Books. . . J 1420 Slater. Round and about the Book-Stalls. J 1419 Sonnenschein. Best Books.*0 662 Spencer. Course of English Reading.J 905 SPRICGE. Methods of Publishing.J 1423 Stevens. Who Spoils our Books?.*0 16 Taylor. Transmission of Ancient Books..J 1470 Til wing. Reading of Books.J 145S Van Dyke. Books, and how to use them. . .. J 147 2 Van Rhyn. What and how to read . *R 14 00 Wheatley. Dedication of Books . J M3 1 I low to form a Library . J 144*5 The same. *0 599 Wheeler. Who wrote it? .*R I4°6 Noted Names of Fiction.*R I4°7 The same; new edition.. X R 1408 Willmott. Pleasures of Literature. Wood. Methods of Illustrating Books.. Woods. Old and Rare Books. See also Bibliography. •-J I 5 °° • - J 1444 . J I4 2 9 LIBRARIES. Adams. Seminary Libraries and University Extension.*L 3201,5 Apponyi. The Bancroft Library.*J 1465,1 Bancroft. The Bancroft Library .. .. *L 3205,5 Bay City, Sage Library Dedication.*J 1465,1 Beecher. Should Public Libraries be opened on Sunday?.J *4^7 Bill to amend Law relating to Free Libraries in England.*J I4 6 5.3 Birmingham Library, Centenary of, 1879.. .*() 676 Blackburn. Catalogue Titles.J 1445 Books for a Reference Library; Lectures.... J 1466 Boston Public Library, Founder of; by T. Bige¬ low.*J *465, 1 Dedication of, 1858.*0 1032 New Building, 1889.*V 1758 Buffalo Library and its Building.*V 826 California University, Book Exhibition.*J 904 CentralblattfiirBibliothekswesen, 1884-90. 7 \..*Ser. Chicago, Newberry Library, Will Case Argu¬ ments.*0 1340 Briefs.*0 1341 Clarke. Account of British Libraries.*0 39 Constantin. Bibliotheconomie.C 6513,275 Cornell University Library, Plan of Card Cata¬ logue.*J I465» 2 Cotgreave. Indicators versus Book-keep¬ ing.*J 1465.3 Notes on Library Indicators .*J 1465.3 Further Notes on.J 1465. 1 Cowtan. Memoirs of the British Museum. .Iv 38 Crunden. Functions of a Public Library .*J 1465,2 Cutter. Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue*!) 521 Dardenne. Bibliotheques populaires.*V 1098 De Peyster. Influence of Libraries.J 1464 Dewey. Decimal Classification.*0 139 Dibdin. The Library Companion.*0 641 Edmands. Classification and Numbering of Books.*0 138 The same.*J 1465.2 Edwards. Free Town Libraries. ..... . .*0 43 Memoirs of Libraries. 2v.*0 42 Libraries and Founders of Libraries.. .*Q 41 Evansville, Ind., Willard Library, Establish¬ ment of. .*J x 465> 2 Farniiam. Glance at Boston Private Li¬ braries.*6) 52 296 LIBRARIES. Fitchburg, Mass., Wallace Library Dedica¬ tion.*J 1465,3 Eletcher. Public Library Question ... .*J 1465,2 Foster Libraries and Readers.J 1451 Garnett. British Museum Catalogue. ..*J 1465,1 Gibbs. Bibliotheca Radcliviana.*p 555 Gottlieb. Ueber mittelalterliche Biblio- thelcen. *q Graesel. Grundziige der Bibliotheklehre. *0 44 The same.D 6806 Green. Library Aids.-J 1465,1 The same.j 1453 Libraries and Schools.J 1432 Public Library and Public School.*L 1248 Greenwood. Free Public Libraries.J 1449 Grzybow ski u. Gauss. Die Oeffentliche Bibliothek von Chicago.O 1312 Guild. Librarian’s Manual.*0 632 Hallam. Address to Toronto Library. . ,*J 1465,1 Free Libraries and Books.*J 1465.3 Hallidie. Public Libraries; an Address. “J 1465,3 Hibbert. Notes on Free Public Libraries. *J 1465,3 Hoyne. Historical Sketch of Chicago Public Libf ary...B 1371 The same.*0 1311 Italy, Regolamento per le Bibliotheche pub- bliche governative.*0 2342 Jewett. Construction of Catalogues of Li¬ braries.*Q JT6 Notices of Public Libraries in U. S., l8 5 r .. 47 Kite. Fiction in Public Libraries.*J 1465,2 Lang. The Library. j 1463 Langford. History of the Birmingham Free Libraries.*J 1465,1 Last. Autorenrecht und Leihbibliotheken.*J 1465,1 Le Prince. Essaisurla Bibliotheque du Roi.C 5575 Librarian, The, 1808-9. 3 V. *Ser Librarians’ Conference at London, 1877, Pro¬ ceedings. l. R. Library, The, 1889-90. 2 v. *Ser. Library Association of the United Kingdom, Monthly Notes, 1880-83. 4v.L. R. Transactions, 1878-85.L. R. Library Chronicle, 1884-88. 5 v. *Ser. Library Journal, 1877-90. 14 v. *Ser. Lowther. Memorials of the old Chicago Library. B 1369 McMillan. The Borrow Free Library,. . *J 1465,1 Macray. ' Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1598-1867.*0 50 Maskell. Dyce and Foster Collections. ..K 3571 Mason. Free Libraries of Scotland.*J 1465,1 Public and Private Libraries of Glasgow *0 45 Memorial of the Amestown Library.*V 618 Milwaukee Public Library, Proposed Build¬ ing.. 1738 Minneapolis Public Library described and illustrated.*y ^9 Morgan. Relation of the Public Library to the Public School.1465,2 Mullins. Free Libraries and Newsrooms.*J 1465,2 The same.*E 1085 Oberlin, O. Spear Library Dedication. ,*J 1465,3 Penn. The Home Library.J 1456 Terkins. Classification of Literature.*0 140 The same.*J 1465,2 Free Libraries and Unclean Books.. .*J 1465,3 Petzhoi.dt. Bibliothekenlehre.D 513 Handbuch deutscher Bibliotheken_*0 38 Poole. Construction of Library Buildings.*J 1465,1 Organization and Management of Li¬ braries ..*J 1465,1 Progress of Library Architecture.*J 1465,1 Remarks on Library Construction.. ,.*J 1465,1 Portland, Me., Public Library Dedication. . *0 1901 Quincy. History of Boston Athenmum.. .*0 1001 Report on Public Libraries in England. *Doc. Rhees. Manual of Public Libraries in the U.S., 1859.*0 49 Richou. Adminscration des Bibliotheques publiques.C 6474 Rollit. Public Library for Hull.*J 1465,1 St. Louis, Mo., Mercantile Library Associa¬ tion of. *V 1730 Sims. Library of the British Museum.*0 692 Smith. Classification of Books.*J 1465,3 Spencer, Lord, Sketch of Library of.*0 485 U. S. Government Report on Public Libraries, 1876.*0 520 The same.J 1446 Wheatley. How to form a Library.J 1448 The same.*0 599 Wynne. Private Libraries of New York.. . *0 54 See also Library Catalogues. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 497 BIBLIOGRAPHY. GENERAL WORKS. Abbot. Bibliography of the Civil War.O 141 Agassiz. Bibliographia Zoologioe et Geolo gise. 4 v.O 7 Allibone. Dictionary of British and Ameri¬ can Authors. 3 v.O 17 American Bibliopolist, 1869-77. 8 v. Ser. American Bookseller, 1876-90. 28 v. Ser. American Bookseller’s Guide, 1875. v. 7 .. .. Ser. American Catalogue to 1884. 4 V. in 5. 0 2401 American Catalogue, Annual, 1886-90. 5 v. O 2402 American Literary Gazette and Publishers’ Cir¬ cular, 1863-72. 18 v. Sei\ American Publishers’ Circular, 1858-60. v. 4-6. Ser. Anderson. Book of British Topography . .O 604 Appleton’s Library Manual.O 135 Arskatalog for Svenska Bokhandelin, 1887-8 .0 349 Ashburnham Manuscripts; Catalogue of the Stowe Collection.O 2356 Baker and Jones. Biographia Dramatica. 3 v. in 4.O 6 Baldamus. Fachkataloge. 3 v... .O 253 Barbier et Desessarts. Nouvelle Biblio- theque d’un Homme de Gout. 5 y. in 3.0 478 Bartlett. Bibliography of Rhode Island. O 191 Literature of the Rebellion.O 142 Beauchamps et Rouveyre. Guide du Li- braire-Antiquaire.O 655 Beloe. Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. 6 v.O 3 Benjacob. Bibliographic der gesammten he- braischen Literatur.O 657 Beristain Y Souza. Biblioteca hispaho Amer¬ icana septentrional. 2 v.O 146 Bibliographer, 1882-84. 6 v. Ser. Bibliographie de la France, 1877-89.O 111 Bibliographic nationale; Ecrivains beiges... .O 656 Bibliophile fran§aise, 1868-73. 7 V . $ er - Bibliophile illustre, 1862-67. 2v. Ser. Bibliotheca Americana, Paris, 1831. 0 162 Bibliotheca Zoologica. 5 v.O 254 Bigmore and Wyman. Bibliography of Print¬ ing. 2 v.O 600 Blades. How to tell a Caxton.O 635 Blanc. Bibliographie italico-francaise univer- selle. 2 v.O 132 Bodemann. Incunabeln der Kgl. BLbliothek zu Hannover.P 843 Bolton. Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals, 1665-1882.O 605 Literature of Manganese, I 59 ^" I ^ 74 * 2 559 Bonaparte. Catalogue des Ouvrages sur les Langues europeennes.O 598 Book Prices Current, 1887-90. 4v.O 32 Books of 1879; with Notes and Library Head¬ ings. O 639 Boon. Catalogue of Political Pamphlets, 1789- 1879... .O 611 Boston Public Library, Bibliographies of Spe¬ cial Subjects; by Whitney. *0 1067 Botten-Hansen. Norsk Bog-Fortegnelser, 1848-72. O 594 Bowen. Catalogue of Historical Novels .. . O 624 Bragge. Bibliotheca Nicotiana.O 668 Brewer. Authors and their Works.R 1402 Brinkman. Catalogus der Boeken, 1850-82. 2 v.G 244 Naamlijst van Boeken, 1S33-75. 4 V. in 3-0 245 Register, 1850-75; van Meulen. 0245,4 Brivois. Bibliographie des Ouvrages illustres.O 127 Brockhaus. Allgemeine Bibliographie, 1873, 1876—79, 1887-90.O 330 Verlagskatalog, 1877, J 88i.G 33 1 Vollstandiges Verzeichniss, 1806-31 .. O 332 Brunet, G. Imprimeurs imaginaires.O 123 Livres payes de 1000 fr. et dessus.O 124 Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire. 6 v..O 96 Supplement. 2 v.O 97 Bullen. Caxton Celebration, 1877. 0 633 Burton. Bibliotheca Dramatica.O 413 Butler. American Pre-Revolutionary Biblio¬ graphy.*E 2014 Carayon. Bibliographie historique des Jesu- ites .G 185 Carlyle, T., Bibliography of; by Shepherd.O 264 Carson Bros. Bibliotheca Hibernica .... O 174 Caspar. Directory of Antiquarian Booksel¬ lers .*..G 175 Directory of the Book, News and Stationery Trade.G 211 Catalogo collettivo della Libreria italiano. 2v. O 200 Catalogo da Exposi§ao de Ilistoria do Brazil. 3 ..G 2321 Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books, 1852.O 628 Catalogue of Works on Law of Nations and Diplomacy.. .. G 2110 Clarke, R. Bibliotheca’Americana. 5 V -G 160 General Law Catalogue, 1867.G 161 Clarke, W. Repertorium Bibliographicum.O 39 Clegg. Directory of Second-Hand Booksel¬ lers.G 177 Colburn. Bibliography of Massachusetts. .G 183 298 bibliography. Collier. Bibliographical Account of Early English Literature. 4V.O 5 Congres bibliographique international, 1888.0 98 Cotton. Editions of the Bible, 1505-1850.*? 44 Cox. Literature of the Sabbath Question. 2 v.O 617 Crawford. Grands et petits Voyages of De Br y..*P 529 Darling. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. 2 v.O 195 De Bure. Bibliographic instructive. 9 v.. O 484 Decanver. Works of Refutation of .Method¬ ic.O 609 Delisle. Manuscripts of the Earl of Ashbum- ham .Ji465,i Melanges de Paleographie et de Biblio- graphie. G I2 i Atlas *.R 4908 Notice sur plusieurs Manuscrits.O 120 The same.O 2368 Denis. Manuel de Bibliographic. .*C 6513,30-32 Dibdin. Bibliographical Decameron. 3 v.*P 500 Bibliographical Tour in France and Ger¬ many* 3 v.O 642 Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness.O 34 Typographical Antiquities. 4V.O 18 DrcKENS, C., Bibliography of; by Cook.. . .O 281 Bibliography of; by Kitton.O 282 Dingman. Directory of Booksellers in U. S. and Canada. q 2 i6 Dozy. Catalogus Codicum Orientalium. 4 v. in2 .O 251 DOre. Old Bibles.M 2267 Drojon. Ouvrages supprimes, 1814-77... .O 193 Duplessis. Les Emblemes d’Alciat.O 131 Durrie. Bibliographia Genealogica Ameri¬ cana. 3 v.R 386 Dwight. Franklin Collection of MSS and Books .j 1554 Early-Printed Books in English, to 1640. 3 v.O 690 Ebert. General Bibliographical Dictionary. 4 v ..!.O 9 Elliot. Bibliographical Index to Historians* of India.O 298 Engelmann and Preuss. Bibliotheca Clas- sicorum Scriptorum. 2v.O 236 English Catalogue of Books, 1835-80. 3v. .0 23 Subject Index, 1837-80. 3 v.O 25 Annual Catalogue, 1872-1890. 9 v.. . .O 24 Ersch. Literatur der schonen Kiinste.O 664 Erslew. Forfatter-Lexicon. 3 V.O 587 Supplement. 3 V.O 588 Fassig. Bibliography of Meteorology. 3 v.O 2133 Field. Indian Bibliography..O 420 Finotti. Bibliographica Catholica Ameri¬ cana, 1784-1820.O 158 Ford. Bibliography of Constitution of U. S.L 3324 Franklin, B., Bibliography of; by Ford.. .O 562 Drake. Rare Books relating to New En- &^ and . 3077 Fuerst. Bibliotheca Judaica. 3- v.O 248 Gamba. Delle Novelle Italiane Bibliografia.O 302 Gardiner. Ancient and Modern Books_O 379 Georg und Ost. Schlagwort-Katalog.O 338 Gill. Bibliography of South Australia.O 286 Gillow. Bibliographical List of English Ca¬ tholics. 3 V. 467 Goethe, J. W . v. Hirzel’s Goethe-Bibliothek.O 416 Goldsmid. Publications of the Elzevier Presses. 3 v. in 2.P 624, 10 Gottlieb. Ueber mittelalterliche Bibliothe- k en . 130 Graesse. Livres rares et precieux. 7 v. in 8.0 204 Griffin. Bibliography of Discovery of the Mississippi.y 617 Gligard. Bibliotheque heraldique de la France. 122 Gyles: Directory of Second-hand Booksellers.O 176 Hain. Repertorium Bibliographicum. 4 v.O 11 Haji IChalfa. Lexicon bibliographicum. 7 v.V 1268 Halliwell-Phillipps. Dictionary of Old English Plays. o 297 Hamilton, A. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana; by Ford . O 61^ Hammett. Bibliography of Newport, R. 1.0 192 Hardy. Catalogue of British History. 3 v. m 4. O 650 Harris. Catalogue of American Poetry.. .O 653 Harrison. Works relating to Isle of Man .O 614 Harrisse. Bibliotheca Americana vetustis- si ma. 143 Excerpta Colombiniana.O 134 Harti.eben. Erscheinungen iiber Elektric- * tat . 643 Hayn. Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica.. .O 659 Hazlitt. Collections and Notes. 4 V_O 10 Popular Literature of Great Britain.O 8 Hickox. U. S. Government Publications, 1S85—1891. 6 v.o 2262 Hildebrun. Issues of the Press in New York, 1693-1752. o 93 Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685— 1784* 2 v. o 94 IIinrichs. Bucher-Verzeichniss, 1871-90. 16 v.o 336 Funfjahriger Bucher Catalog, 1876-1885. 2V . O 337 Hinrichsen. Das literarische Deutschland.O 307 Hoe. Literature of Printing. .O 601 Holden. Astronomical Bibliography.O 2108 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 299 Horne. Study of Bibliography. 2v.O Hotten. Topography of England and Wales.O Houzeau et Lancaster. Bibliographic gen¬ erate de l’Astronomie. 2 v.O Hume, Learned Societies and Printing Clubs. O Hunnewell. Bibliography of Charlestown, Mass..O PIurst. Bibliotheca Theologica.O Huth. Works on Horses and Equitation.. O Ibrahim-Hilmy, Prince. Literature of Egypt. 2 v..’. O Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 1819.O The same, 1877.O Ireland. List of the Works of Hazlitt, Hunt and Lamb.O Jackson. Bibliographies geographiques.. ..O Jahresverzeichniss der an den Universitaten erschienenen Schriften, 1885-9. 4 v. in 2.O Jefferson, T. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana; by Tompkins.... .O Jolowicz. Bibliotheca TEgyptiaca.O Jong. Catalogus Codicum Orientalium.O Kayser. Bucher Lexicon, 1750-1886. 24 v.O Sachregister, v. 1-6.O Kelly. American Catalogue of Books, 1861-5 .. O Klemm. Ivatalogdes Museum Klemm.O Kloss. Bibliographic der Freimaurerei. . ..O Koditek. Repertorium der Zeitschriften des Hochbauwesens.O Koner. Repertorium der Geschichts-Auf- satze, 1800-1850.O Kraft. . Norsk Forfatter-Lexicon, 1814-56 .0 Laporte. Bibliographic contemporaine. 6 v.O Le Clerc. Bibliotheca Americana.O Lee. Bibliography of B. & O. R. R.O Lemon. Catalogue of Printed Broadsides..O Lincoln, A. Memorial Bibliography; by Boyd.O Linnstrom. Svenskt Boklexikon, 1830-65. 2 v. in 4. O Lippe. Lexicon der jUdischen Literatur.. . . O Livre, Le, 1880-1889. 18 v. Livre moderne, Le, 1890. 2 v. London Catalogue of Books, 1814-39.O Lorenz. Catalogue de la Librairie fran§aise, 1840-85. 11 v.O Catalogue annuel, 1876.O * See also Nilsson. Low. Catalogue of Educational Works, 1875.0 Lowe. Bibliography of English Theatrical Literature...() 663 610 197 184 616 636 182 312 3°9 280 40 305 625 608 250 351 352 H 4 308 644 583 645 59 2 104 144 1 37 65 1 187 347 665 Ser Ser. *9 105 106 326 299 Lowndes. Bibliographer’s Manual. 4 v..O 30 Ludewig. Literature of American Local His- tory.O 188 McCulloch. Literature of Political Econ¬ omy.O 287 Malone. Catalogue of Early English Poetry. P 541 Martin. Privately-printed Books.O 618 Mayor. Guide to Choice of Classical Books.O 239 Merryweather. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages.O 301 Moss. Classical Manual. 2v.O 238 Muehlbrecht. Die staats-und rechtswissen- schaftliche Literatur. 22 v. in 10.. .0 257 Mueldener. Bibliotheca Historica, 1872 . .O 255 Mueller. Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine Deutschlands.O 306 Nederlandsche Bibliographic, 18S3-84.O 242 Neubner. Bibliotheca Biographica.O 340 Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographic, 1856-86. 31 v. Ser. New Zealand, Bibliography of.O 285 Nilsson. Catalogue mensuel, 1884-90. 7V.O 112 Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 1848-88. 4 V.O 350 Norton. Literary Almanac, 1852.O 647 Literary Letter, 1857-60.O 646 Literary Register, 1853-4.. ...O 647 O’Callaghan. Editions of the Holy Script¬ ures printed in America to i860... ..O 92 Oxderdonk. Bibliography of Long Island. B 1132 Panzer. Annales Typographici. 11 V....O 85 Paulitschke. Afrika-Literatur, 1500-1750 .0 291 Payne and Foss. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. 4 v .O 385 PeignoT; Manuel du Bibliophile. 2 V....O 102 Dictionnaire raisonne de Bibliologie 3 v.O 101 Petrarch Books, Catalogue of.O 649 Petzholdt. Bibliotheca Bibliographica.. .O 37 Ilandbuch deutscher Bibliotheken.O 38 Pilling. Bibliography of Iroquoian and Musk- hogean Languages.O 189 Playfair. Bibliography of Algeria.O 290 Pohler. Bibliotheca historico-militaris. 2 v.O 629 Polybiblion; Revue bibliographique univer- sellc, 1868-89. 57 v . Ser. Poore. Catalogue of U. S. Government Pub¬ lications, 1774-1881.O 2261 The same.R 4530 Potthast. Bibliotheca Historica Medii Hivi. 2 v.O 303 Power. Handy Book about Books.O 631 Prime. Fifteenth Century Bibles.O 196 Publishers’ Circular, 1837-47. 10 v. Ser. Publishers’Trade List Annual, i 885 - 9 °» 6 v.O 654 Publishers’ Weekly, 1872-90. 37 v. Ser. 3oo BIBLIOGRAPHY. Quaritch. General Catalogue and Supple¬ ments, 1887. 8 v.O 78 General Catalogues, 1868-88. 8v.O 79 Books in remarkable Bindings.O 80 Qu£rard. La France litteraire. 12 v .,.,0 115 Litterature francaise contemporaine. 6v.O 116 'Raleigh, Sir W., Bibliography of; by Brush- field.O 262 Ramirez. Bibliotheca Mexicana.0361,10 Reference Catalogues, English Publishers, 1885, 1889. O 31 Reid. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica.O 627 Reinwald. Catalogue annuel, 1858-68. nv.O 560 Renouard. Bibliographical Sketch of the Aldine Press.*p 624,8 Imprimerie des Aide. 2v.„ .O 12 Reusch. Index der verbotenen Bucher. 3 v..O 311 Revue critique 1866-88. 28 v. Ser. Rich. Catalogue of American Books, 1493- I 7 °°....O 147 Supplement, 1701-1800. O 149 Bibliotheca Americana, 1801-44. v. 2..O 148 RlMBAULT. Bibliotheca Madrigaliana.O 637 Ritson. Bibliographia Poetica.O 300 Rogers. Manual of Bibliography.O 150 Ronalds. Books relating to Electricity... O 256 Roorbach. Bibliotheca Americana, 1820-48.O 151 Addenda, 1855-58.o 152 Rowlands. Cambrian Bibliography.O 638 Ruskin, J., Bibliography of; by Shepherd. O 265 Sabin. Bibliography of Bibliography.O 35 Saldanha da Gama (Ed.). Catalogo da Exposjiao permanente dos Cimelios da Bibliotheca Nacional.o 2322 Schleiermacher. Bibliographisches System der gesammten Wissenschaftskunde.. O 128 Schwab. Les Incunables orientaux.C 6739 Scudder. Catalogue of Scientific Serials, 1633-187^. O 603 Serapeum, 1840-70. 31 v. Ser Shakspere, W. Bacon-Shakspere Contro¬ versy; by Wyman.o 296 Shaksperiana; by Thimm.O 294 Shaksperiana; by Wilson.O 295 Shea. Bibliography of Catholic Bibles_O 612 Silva. Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez. x 4 v .... 247 Slovansky Katalog Bibliograficky, 1877—81. 5 V - in 2. O 240 Smith, J. Catalogue of Friends’ Books. 2v.O 292 Smith, J. R. Bibliotheca Cantiana (Kent Co .)0 602 Catalogue of American Books, 1871-74.0 167 Soleil. Les Heures gothiques.C 6777 Someren. Bibliographic de la Peinture_O 133 Steiger. American Periodical Literature, i8 73 . 0 234 Steinschneider. Bibliographisches Hand- buch .O 289 Catalogus Codicum Hebraeorum.Q 288 Stevens. American Nuggets. 2v.O 15 Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877.. O 634 Bibliotheca Historica, 1870.Q 621 Bibliotheca Geographica et Historica, i8 7 2 . 0 622 Catalogue of my English Library.O 14 Historical Collections, 1881.O 620 Who spoils our New English Books ?_O 16 Svenska Bok-Katalog, 1866-1885. 2v .O 348 Swinburne, A. C. Bibliography of; by Shepherd.o 267 Ternaux. Bibliotheque americaine.O 422 Thackeray, W. M., Bibliography of ; by Shepherd.o 2 66 Thomson. Bibliography of Ohio.O 181 Truebner’s American, European and Oriental Literary Record, 1865-90. 10 v. Ser. Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars. O 606 Guide to American Literature, 1859 • • • . O 156 United States Congressional Documents, 20th- 46th Congress.O 2260 Universal Catalogue of Books of Art. 3V...O 33 Upcott. Living Authors...O 58 Uricoechea. Mapoteca Colombiana, 1860.O 145 Vahl. Dansk Bogfortegnelse, 1859-1880.. q 346 Vall£e. Bibliographic des Bibliographies. 2v -, .L.o 36 Verlags-Katalog des deutschen Buchhandels, v. 2-11, 13-14.,.o 345 VlCAiRE. Bibliographic gastronomique .... O 258 * ViRMOND. Recreations bibliographiques_C13354 Wackernagel. Bibliographic des deutschen Kirchenliedes. ....o 660 Washington, G. Bibliotheca Washingtoniana; by Baker.. 561 Watt. Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 y .O 87 Weller. Falsche und fingirte Druckorte.. O 666 Katalog der unter falscher Firma erschienenen Schriften.O 667 Wells. English Grammars prior to 1801.. O 607 Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca Pis- catoria.O 615 Whiting. Catalogue of Friends’ Books, 1 7°8 . O 293 Whitney. Bibliographies of Special Sub¬ jects.. .1067 Willems. Les Elzevier.o 661 Wisconsin Historical Society; Books on the Rebellion. q r ^ r PSEUDONYMS AND ANONYMS—LIBRARY CATALOGUES. 301 Woodward. Catalogue of Books" on Mormo- nism. .O 626 Wycliffe, J. Original Works; by Shirley. .P 302 Zenker. Bibliotheca Orientalis. O 249 PSEUDONYMS AND ANONYMS. Barrier. Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anony- mes et Pseudonymes. 4V.O 1 The same; new ed. 4 V.O 658 Collin. Anonymer og Pseudonymer.O 590 Cushing, Anonyms; Revealed Authorship.O 75 Initial and Pseudonyms. 2 v........ O 74 Franklin. Dictionnaire des Noms, Surnoms et Pseudonymes latins.O 62 Halkett and Laing. Dictionary of ano¬ nymous ■ and pseudonymous Literature. 4 v,,,,., ,. .,. ; .O 70 Haynes. <. Pseudonyms of Authors.O 60 Joliet. Pseudonymes du Jour.O 7 1 Melzi. Dizionario di Opere anonyme et pseudonime. 3 v.O 69 Poinsot ( G . d' Hey lit). Dictionnaire des Pseudonymes.O 73 Qu£rard. Les Supercheries litteraires de- voilees. 3V....- .O 117 Sommervogel. Ouvrages anonymes de la Compagnie de Jesus.O 65 Thomas ( O . .Ilamst.'). Handbook of Fictitious Names.O 64 Weller. Lexicon Pseudonymorum.O 66 Whitney.. A modern Proteus.O 72 * LIBRARY CATALOGUES. Akron, O'.', Public Library, 1874^.O 921 Alameda, Cal., Free Library, 1881.O 925 Albany, N. Y., State Library, General, 1855 .0 930 1st Supplement, 1861. q 931 Subject Index, 1872. 0 932 Supplement, 1882.O 933 Law Department, 1855.O 934 Supplement, 1865.O 935 Subject Index, 1883.O 936 Maps, Manuscripts, etc. 1856.O 937 Andover, MaSs'., Theological Seminary, 1880.. O 950 Auburn, N. Y., Seymour Library, 1878.. . .() 957 Baltimore; 'Enoch Pratt Library, 1887, 1890 .0 964 Mercantile‘Library, Fiction, 1874.O 965 Peabody Institute, Finding List, 1879..O 966 Catalogue, *A-R. 4V.O 967 Bangor, Me., Library Association, 1873.O 979 Belvidere, Ill., Ida Public Library, 1885 • • •. O 985 Birmingham, England, Free Libraries: Bibliography in Reference Department, 1881-4.O 672 Reference Department, 1874.O 674 The same, 1875-77.O 675 The same, 1883.O 673 Shakspere Memorial Library.O 671 Constitution Hill Branch, 1881.O 669 Deritend Branch, 18S0.O 670 Boston, Athemeum Library, 1807-71. 5 v..O 1003 Books added, 1863-4. O 1002 Photographs, by A. Braun & Cie, 1890.O 1007 Mechanics’ Apprentices Library, 1841..O 1020 Mercantile Library, 1854.O 1023 Public Library, Arts and Sciences, 1871 .0 1034 The same.O 1042 Barton Collection. 2v.O 1065 Bulletins, v. 1-9. 0 1036 Catalogue, 1854. 0 1040 English Prose Fiction, 1871. 0 1042 The same, 1877 . 0 1043 The same, 1885.O 1044 French, German and Italian Books, 1867.O 1042 The same.O 1047 The same, 1876. . ... . O 1048 Hand-book for Readers, 1883.O 1030 History, Biography and Travels, 1873.O 1042 Poetry, Drama, Rhetoric, etc., 1870.O 1042 Periodicals in Central Library, 1873.O 1057 Bates Hall, 1861.O 1070 Supplement, 1866.O 1071 Dorchester Branch, 1875.O 1095 East Boston Branch, 1875. O mo Lower Hall, 1858.O 1041 Prince Library, 1870.O mo American Portion of.O 417 Roxbury Branch, 1873. Ohio The same, 1876.O 1120 .South Boston Branch, 1872.O mo Ticknor’s Spanish Library, 1879. • • O 1121 Tosti Engravings.O 1137 Bridgehampton, L. I., Hampton Library, 1877.0 1200 Brighton, Mass., Holton Library, 1872.O 1201 Bulletin, 1874.0 1202 Brookline, Mass., Public Library, 1873.O 1210 Supplement, 1881.O 1211 Brooklyn, N. Y., Brooklyn Library, 1878-80. 3 v. in 2.O 1220 Brunswick, Me., Bowdoin College Library, 1863.O 1241 302 LIBRARY CATALOGUES. Buffalo, N. Y.j Buffalo Library, 1885-6...O 1231 Young Men’s Association Library, 1871.O 1230 Catalogue for Young Readers.O 623 Burlington, Vt., Fletcher Free Library, 1877.O 1245 Bulletin No. 1.O 1246 California State Library, General Department, Authors.O 1249 Law Department.O 1248 California University Library.O 1247 Cambridge, Eng., Univ’ty, Adversaria, 1864 .0 777 Anatomical Museum, 1862.O 778 Documents, 1870 . 0 779 Manuscripts, 1856-67. 5 V.O 780 Bibliothecae Burckhardtianm, 1853....O 781 English Books printed before 1601.O 782 Caracas, Venezuela, Universidad Biblioteca, i8 75 .O 1250 Charlestown, Mass., Public Library, 1872...O 1257 Chatsworth, Eng., Duke of Devonshire’s Library, 1879. 4 v.O 466 Chelsea, Mass., Public Library, 1881.O 1263 Chicago, Douglas School Library, 1884.O 1270 Mechanics’ Institute Library, 1859.O 1280 Law Institute Library, 1881.O 1274 The same, 1887. Q 1276 Supplements.O 1275 Public Library, Chicago Librarian, i8 72 - 3 -.. 1281 Finding Lists, 1874.o 1282 The same, 1875.O 1283 The same. 1876.O 1284 Supplement, 1877.O 1285 Supplement, 1878.O 1286 Supplement, 1879.O 1287 Finding Lists, 1880. 0 1288 Supplement, 1881.O 1289 Supplement, 1882.O 1290 Finding Lists, 1884.O 1291 Finding Lists, 1890.O 1292 West Side Library, 1872.O 1360 Young Men’s Association Library, 1865.0 1361 Young Men’s Christian Association Library, i8 7 x .. 1365 Special Departments, 1886.O 1366 Cincinnati, Henry Probasco’s Library, 1873.O 445 Public Library, 1871.<3 1380 Bulletins, 1878-90. 13 v.O 1383 Contes, Nouvelles et Romans, 1877 .0 1382 Cumminsville Branch, 1879.O 1392 Deutsche Roman Literatur, 1876..O 1382 Dramas and Dramatic Poems, 1879.0 1384 English Prose Fiction, 1876.O 1382 Finding List, 1884.o 1381 Periodicals and Newspapers, 1879. .O 1385 Cleveland, O., Public Library, English Books, i88 9 .. 1412 Reference Department, 1883.O 1410 Public .School Library, Bulletin No. 2 .. O 1413 Council Bluffs, la., Public Library, 1882... O 1425 Crawfordsville, Ind., Wabash College Library, 1880 .. 1435 Danville, Ill., Public Library, 1884, 1890. ..O 1441 Davenport, la., Library Association, 1876. ..O 1448 Dayton, O., Public Library, 1871, 1875_O 1450 The same, 1878.o 1451 The same, 1884.O 1452 Supplement, 1885. 0 1453 Denver, Col., Mercantile Library, 1888.O 1466 List of Fiction, 1886.O 1465 Detroit, Mich, Public Library, 1869. 2 V...O 1475 The same. O 1476 The same, 1877.O 1477 Fiction and Juvenile, 1886.O 1478 General Catalogue, 1888.O 1479 Bulletins, 1889, i8 9°.O 1480 Dresden, Royal Library, Verzeichniss der neuen Werke, 1881-86.O 681 East Hampton, Mass., Public Library, 1882.0 1490 Easton, Mass., Ames Free Library, 1883. 4 v. in 3.. 1835 Edinburgh, Advocate’s Library. 7 v.O 740 Elgin, Ill., Public Library, 1889...O 1500 Evanston, Ill., Public Library, 1887.O 1507 Evansville, Ind., Public Library, 1876.O 1510 Fall River, Mass., Public Library, 1874....O 1525 The same, 1875-8 . .O 1526 Florence, Bibliotheca Nazionale Centrale, Cataloghi dei Manuscritti i Codici Pala¬ tini, v. 1.. 2339 Bollettino, 1886-9.O 2340 Fond du Lac, Wis* Public Library, 1879..O 1540 France, Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre, 188 4 .O 129 Galesburg, Ill., Public Library, Supplement, i8 76 .O 1550 Gloucester, Mass., Sawyer Library, 1872_O 1554 Grafton, Vt., Public Library, 1885.....O 1558 Grand Rapids, Mich., Public School Library, i8 78 . 1564 The same, 1889.O 1565 Groton, Mass., Public Library, 1855, 1862, 188 5 .O 1570 Lawrence Academy, 1850.O 1571 Hague, The, RoyalLibrary, Aanwwinsten, 1881, ’S 3 > 8 4 > ’86.o 241 Hamilton, Ont., and Gore Mechanics’ Institute Library, 1878.0 1601 Public Library, 1890.Q 1602 LIBRARY CATALOGUES. 303 Harlem, N. Y., Library, 1878.0 1577 Supplement, 1881. 0 1578 Hartford, Conn., Young Men’s Institute Li¬ brary, 1873.O 159° Watkinson Library of Reference, 1875 .. O 1 591 Haverhill, Mass., Public Library, 1878.O 1608 Bulletin, 1888.O 1610 Hyde Park, Ill., Library, 1887.. .. .O 137 ° Illinois State Library, 1880.O 1635 State Penitentiary Library, 1877, 1880, 1883. O 1641 Indiana State Library, 1865, 1869. 0 1650 Indianapolis Public Library, 1873.O 1660 The same, 1876-77. 2v.O 1661 The same, 1885.O 1662 Iowa, Grand Lodge Library, 1873 . 0 1624 Kalamazoo, Mich., Ladies’ Library Associa¬ tion, 1873.O 1677 Lafayette, Ind., Public Library, 1889.O 1680 Lancaster, Mass., Public Library, 1877.O 1681 Supplement, 1877-82.O 1682 Lawrence, Mass., Public Library, 1873. 0 1692 Leamington, Eng., Free Library, 1877.O 685 Liverpool, Eng., Public Library, English Prose Fiction, 1876.O 744 Reference Dept., 1872.O 74 2 Supplements, 1873-77.O 743 London, Athenseum Library, 1845-80.O 687 British Museum, Books of Reference, 1871.*.O 693 Early English Books to 1640. 3 v.O 690 Handbook to; by Sims.O 692 Hebrew Books, 1867. 0 691 Lansdowne MSS.P 924 MSS in Cottonian Library.P 925 Manuscript-Music, 1842.O 695 Maps and Drawings, 1829. 2 v.. . O 694 Playing Cards in.O 696 Subject Index of Modern Works, 1880-1885.O 700 Reading-Room, Bibliographical Works of.O 702 Books in Galleries.O 699 Reference Books, 1889.O 701 British Patent Office Library. 2 v. . Pat. Dept. Guildhall Library, 1889.O 704 Books of the Dutch Church.O 706 Works of Art, 1872 . 0 705 Huth Library, 1880. 5 v .O 468 Institute of Civil Engineers’ Library, 1866 .0 711 Law Society, Mend ham Collection.O 717 Lincoln’s Inn Library, 1859.O 709 Supplements...O 710 London Institution Library, 1835-52. 4V. O 715 London, London Library, 1875. .O 719 Royal Geographical Society’s Library, 1865-70.O 721 Royal Institution Library, 1859.O 722 Society of Antiquaries, Manuscripts. Ser. Printed Books. Ser. Printed Broadsides.O 651 Statistical Society’s Library, 1859.O 725 United Service Institution Library, 1865.O 723 Long Island Hist. Society’s Library, Addi¬ tions, 1881.O 1700 Malden, Mass., Public Library, 1879. 0 1710 The same, 1880.O 1711 The same, 1883.O 1712 Manchester, Eng., Free Library, Ancoats Lending Branch, 1872.O 751 Chorlton and Ardwick Lending Branch.O 752 Hulme Lending Branch, 1874.O 753 Reference Dept., 1864-81. 3 v.O 750 Massachusetts Historical Society’s Library, 1859-60. 2 v.O 1721 State Library, 1880.O 1725 Melrose, Mass., Public Library, 1875.O 1726 Meriden, Conn., Y. M. C. A. Library, 1887 .0 1728 Methuen, Mass., Nevins’ Memorial Library, 1887. 2 v.O 1727 Michigan State Library, 1862-90.O 1729 Milwaukee, Wis., Public Library, 1885.O 1732 Additions, 1888-90. O 1736 Deutscher Katalog, 1880.O 1733 Young Men’s Assoc. Library, 1855, ’68, ’77.O 1740 Minneapolis, Minn., Public Library, 1890.. .O 1746 Public School Library, 1883. 0 1745 Minnesota Historical Society Library, 1888. 2 v.O 1754 University Library, Books added, 1S78..O 1752 Finding Lists, 1883 . 0 1753 Moline, Ill., Public Library, 1879. 0 1760 Monmouth, Ill., Warren Co., Library, 1874 .0 1761 The same, 1887.O 1762 Nebraska State Library, 1884.O 1765 New Bedford, Mass., Public Library, 1858..O 1772 Supplements, 1869. 0 1773 The same, 1876.O 1774 New Haven, Conn., Public Library, 1887. ..O 1777 New York City Apprentices’Library, 1874.. O 1795 Supplement, 1881.. . O 1796 The same, 1888 . O 1797 Astor Library, 1859. 2 v . O 1801 The same, 1866 . O 1802 The same, 1879-85 .... O 1803 The same, 1880. 4 v . O 1804 Oriental Linguistics, 1855 . 0 1805 Periodicals received, 1879 .O 1806 304 LIBRARY CATALOGUES. New York, Columbia College Library, 1874 .0 1810 School of Mines, 1875. 0 1811 Historical Society, 1859.O 1815 Mercantile Library, 1856 . 0 1819 The same, 1866-72.Q 1820 Prose Fiction, 1876.O 1821 French Prose Fiction, 1SS2.... .. O 1822 New York State Library. See Albany. Newark, N. J., Public Library, 1889.O 1780 Newburyport, Mass., Public Library, 1879.. O l 7& 2 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng., Public Libraries, 18S7.O 762 Newton, Mass., Free Library, 1880.O 1789 Ohio State Library, 1875..".O 1846 Supplement, 1875-82...O 1847 Omaha, Neb., Public Library, 1885, 1888.. O 1854 Ottawa, Can., Library of Parliament, 1879-87. 3 v.O i860 Ottawa, Ill., Reddick’s Public Library, 1888.O 1861 Oxford University, P>odleian Library, Catalogus Librorum Impressorum, 1843-51. 4V.P 538 Early English Poetry.P 541 Fragmenta Ilerculanensia.O 767 Hebrew MSS in.O 764 Fac-similes of the same.P 979 Librorum Hebraeorum, i860.O 765 Persian MSS in.O 763 Radcliffe Library, Transactions, Periodi¬ cals, etc., 1877.O 766 Selections from Catalogue, 1877 .. . O 766 Paris, Bibliotheque Cardinal, 1888 . 0 126 Bibliotheque Nationale, MSS Orientaux. 4 v .O 2383 Inventaire de la Coll. Clairambault.C 5287 Musee des Archives Nationales, 1872.. .O 2382 Peabody, Mass., Peabody Institute Library, 1872. O 1863 Peoria, Ill., Public Library, Fiction and Juve¬ niles, 1882.O 1870 Petersburgh, Va., Public Library, 1S54.O 1875 Philadelphia, Baptist Historical Soc., 1872. .O 1880 Friends’ Library, 1853. 0 1881 Library Company, 1856.O 1883 Bulletins, 1874-77. O 1884 Mercantile library, 1870. q x ggy Finding Lists for Novels, 1878.O 1888 Bulletins, 1882-90.O 1890 Plymouth, Eng., Free Library, 1879.O 731 Portland, Me., Public Library, 1890.O 1900 Princeton, N. J., College Library, 1SS4. 0 1904 Providence, R. I., Public Library, 18S0-87 .O 1915 Monthly Reference Lists. 4 v. in 2.... O 1916 Quebec, Literary and Historical Society Library, *864.O 1925 Quincy, Mass., Public Library, 1875.O 1933 Richmond, Ind., Morrison Library, 1864, 1876, *89*.O 1945 Books added, 1877-8...O 1946 Rio Janeiro, Bibliotheca Nacional, 1881. 3V.O 2321 The same, 1885.O 2322 Rochdale,-Eng., Public Library, 18S2.O 735 Rock Island, Ill. f Public Library, 1873.O 1950 Rockford, Ill., Public Library, 1873, 1875..O 1 957 The same, 1886.O 1958 Rome, Bibliotheca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele, Bollettino, 1886-90. 5 v..O 2341 Sacramento*. Cal., Public Library, 1883.O 1966 St. Louis, Mercantile Library, 1874..O 1978 Supplement, 1876.O 1979 Public School Library, 1870.O 1985 Salem, Mass., Public Library, 1889. 0 1990 San Francisco, Free Public Libr’y, ’80-88. 4V. O 1998 Mercantile Library, 1874.Q 1993 Books added to, 1874-75.O 1994 Southbridge, Mass., Public Library, 1876.. .0 2004 Supplements, 1880-89.O 2005 Springfield, Ill., Library Association, 1879 •-O 2006 Springfield, O., Public Library, 1882. 0 2013 Stockton, Cal., Public Library, 1884.O 2022 Syracuse, N. Y., Central Library, 1878.O 2036 Taunton, Mass., Public Library, 1878.O 2044 Supplements, 1881, 1884.O 2045 Terre Haute, Ind., Public Library, 1885_O 2055 Toledo, O., Public Library, 1880, 18S6. 0 2068 Topeka, Kan., Public Library, 1888..O 2069 Toronto, Can., Public Library, 1884-89. 3 v.O 2076 Books presented by J. Hallam.O 2077 Ref. Dept. Subject Catalogue, 1889.. O 2078 Upper Canada, Law Society, Supplement, *888.. 2079 Vermont State Library, 1872.O 2085 Warsaw, Ind., Public Library, 1887. 0 2090 Washington, Library of Congress, 1864.O 2096 Books added, 1867-75. 7 v.O 2097 Index of Authors, A-C. 2 v.O 2099 Index of Subjects, 1869. 2 v.O 2098 Department of Interior Library, 1873, 1877 .O 2106 Department of State, Works on Law of Nations. O2110 Naval Observatory’s Library, 1879. 0 2108 Patent Office Library, 1878.O 2121 Additions, 1878-88. 2v.O 2122 Surgeon-General’s Library. 11 v.O 2129 Index of Authors. 2 v.* .O 2130 War Department Library, 1882.O 2137 Additions, 1884 .O 2138 Washington Library, 1873.O 2140 LIBRARY CATALOGUES—SALE CATALOGUES. 305 Waterbury, Conn., Bronson Library, 1870 ..O 2161 Finding List, 1889.O 2162 Watertown, Mass., Public Library, 1881-O 2170 West Point, N. Y., Military Academy Library, 1876.O 2180 Williamstown, Mass., Williams College Li¬ brary, 1875.O 2190 Wilmington, Del., Institute Library, 1875...O 2200 Winchester, Mass., Town Library, 1879... ,.0 2208 Winona, Minn., Library Asso., 1878, 1889..O 2215 Wisconsin State Library, 1872. 0 2224 State Historical Society’s Library, 1873- 84. 6 ..O 2227 Woburn, Mass., Public Library, 1865, 1884 .0 2236 Woonsocket R. I., Harris Institute, 1869-O 2241 Worcester, Mass., Public Library, 1870.O 2249 The same, 1884, 1889.O 2250 American Antiquarian Society’s Library, 1837.O 2244 List of Books from Brinley Library. O 2245 * SALE CATALOGUES. Allen, G., Prof. Chess Collection, 1878 .0 361,1 Allen, G., Rev. Sale Catalogue, 1877.. .O 361,1 Alofsen, S. Sale Catalogue, 1877.O 361,1 American College, Library and Manuscript Genealogies, 1883.‘..O 361,1 Amory, F. Sale Catalogue, 1882.. ..O 361,1 Andrade, J. M., Bibliotheque de, 1869-O 304 Anthony, H. B. Library and Autographs, 1885.0 361,1 Arnold, J. H. V. Sale Catalogue, 1879.O 404 Aspinwall, T. Sale Catalogue, 1879... .O 361,2 Barlow, S. L. M. Sale Catalogue, 1885 .0 550 Barrow, J. W. Sale Catalogue, 1888... .O 374 Beckford Library, Sale Catalogue, 1882. 4V. O 464 Beima, E. M. Sale Catalogue, 1874.O 361,2 Bigelow, A. Library and Autographs, 1877 .0 361,2 Blackwell, J. Sale Catalogue, 1882.... O 361,2 Blair, L. W. R. Sale Catalogue, 1884.. .O 361,2 Bleakley, W. Fine Arts, 1877.O 361,2 Bliss, P. C. Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1885 .0 361,2 Boardman, S. L. Sale Catalogue, 1883..O 361,2 Bohn. Guinea Catalogue, 1841. 0 76 Bond, L. M. Sale Catalogue, 1878.O 361,3 Bosch de Kemper, M. J. Works on Juris¬ prudence, 1884.O 361,3 Bower, R. F. Sale Catalogue, 1883.O 361,3 Bradford, A. W. Sale Catalogue.O 361,3 Brennan, P>. PI. Sale Catalogue, 1885..O 361,3 Bridges, E. English and Foreign Portraits, 1815.O 640 Brinley, G. American Library, 1878-81. 4 .. ,...0 4°b Burr, J. K. Sale Catalogue, 1884. 0 361,3 Burton, W. E. Bibliotheca Dramatica, i860.O 413 Bushnell, C. I. Library, Autographs, etc., 1883.O 407 Cable, H. M. Collection of Americana, 1882.O 361,3 Carpenter, M. IP. Law Books, 1882. . . .O 361,3 Carson Bros. Bibliotheca Hibernica... .O 174 Carson, E/T. Sale Catalogue, 1880. q 361,4 Catalogo di una scelta Biblioteca da ven- dere.O 261 Chapin, E. H. Sale Catalogue, 1881....O 365 Chasles, M. Scientific Library, 1881. . .. O 361,4 Chauncey, F. Sale Catalogue, 1885... .O 361,4 Claghorn, J. L. Fine Art Library.O 361,4 Clarke, A. European and Asiatic Man¬ uscripts, 1835.O 425 Clarke, W. T. Sale Catalogue, 1884.. . .0 361,4 Cooke, J. J. Sale Catalogue, 1883. 0 361,4 Corey Library, Books, Manuscripts and En¬ gravings, 1882.O 36 1 ,5 Crossley, J. Sale Catalogue, 1885. 0 363 Crowninsliield, E. A. Books and Auto¬ graphs, i860. • .O 424 Cushing, C. Law Library. 1879.O 361,5 Decaisne, J. Catalogue scientifique, 1883 . O 382 De Visser, M. A. G. Collection d’Estampes historiques, 1881.0361,12 Devlin, C. Sale Catalogue, 1881.O 361,5 Drake, S. G. Americana, 1876. 0 408 Dulau. Foreign Catalogue, 1845. 0 318 Catalogue of French Books, 1883.O 317 Duncan, W. B. Sale Catalogue, 1S75...O 361,5 Durr, L. Sale Catalogue, 1882.O 361,5 Edwards, A. M. Sale Catalogue, 1S81..O 361,5 Farnum, A. Sale Catalogue, 1884.O 405 Field, T. W. Indian Bibliography. 1875 .0 418 Sale Catalogue, 1882.O 361 >5 Firmin-Didot, A. Manuscrits et Imprimes, 1879. O 450 Fowle, W. F. Sale Catalogue, 1865.O 452 Franz, R. Schach-Bibliothek, 1885.O 361,5 French, R. Sale Catalogue, 1S84.O 361,5 Gardiner, }V. Sale Catalogue, 1812.. . .0 379 Gibbs, M. Sale Catalogue, 1877.O 361,5 Gleason, F. L. Sale Catalogue, 1885 ... .0 361,5 GODWIN, D. Library and Engravings, 1884 .0 361,5 GoWANS, W. Americana, 1871.O 3 ^ I > < J Green, W. Law Library, 1881. 0 37 ° Griswold, A. W. Americana, 1876. 0 368 Library of a Bibliomaniac, 1880.O 368 3°6 SALE CATALOGUES. Griswold, R. W. Sale Catalogue, 1859. .O 361,6 Guild, C. Sale Catalogue, 1881. 0 361,6 Guild, C. H. Sale Catalogue, 1887.O 373 Haldeman, S. S. Scientific Works, 1881.0 361,5 Hale, C. and N. Sale Catalogue, 1884..O 361,6 Hall, A. O. Sale Catalogue, 1881.0361,6 Hall, H. B. Engravings and Water-Colors, l88 5 .. 361,1 Hammond, C. Sale Catalogue, 1879.O 361.6 Harmar, J. L. Sale Catalogue, 1881. . . .O 361,6 Harper’s List of Publications, 1876, ’80, ’83. 3 v ...O 169 List of School Books, 1875.O 170 Harris, C. F. American Poetry, 1883...O 613 Hart, G. E. Manuscripts, Maps, Prints, etc. i8 9 °.-.O 375 Hayden, C. B. Library, Manuscripts, etc. i88 3 .O 361,6 Hibbert, G. Sale Catalogue, 1829.0 479 Hillard, G. S. Sale Catalogue, 1879...O 361,7 Hoffmann Collection of Americana, 1877..O 371 Hyneman, L. Masonic Library, 1879. • •. O 361,7 James, E. C. Sale Catalogue, 1884..O 361,7 Jayne, J. P. Genealogical Collection, 1884.0 361,6 Jenkins, J. F. Medical Library, 1883 ... .O 361,7 Jenness, J. S. Sale Catalogue, 1880.O 361,7 Johnson, H. B. Sale Catalogue, 1885...O 361,7 Jones, M. M. Autograph Letters and MSS., 1881 .. 361,7 Kershaw, H. J. Sale Catalogue, 1883 • • . O 361,7 King, D. Sale Catalogue, 1883.0 364 Kissam, W. H. Library, Prints and Auto¬ graphs, 1885.O 362 IvLOSS, Dr. Sale Catalogue, 1835.O 421 Laing, D. Works on Scotland, 1879-80. .0 367 La Valli£re. Bibliotheque de, 1783. 9V. O 475 Lawrence, W. B. Sale Catalogue, 1881.0 361,7 International Jurisprudence, 1882 ....O 361,7 Lee, W. Writings of De Foe, Chapbooks, etc -> 1883.O 361,7 Lenormant, F. Bibliotheque de, 1885..O 361,7 Libri, G. Bibliotheque de, 1847.O 482 Manuscripts, 1859-64.O 460 Livingston Library, Sale Catalogue, 1885.. O 361,7 Lyon, C. Library and Engravings, 1882.. O 361,8 McClintock, J. N. Americana, 1883.... O 361,8 McClurg & Co. Holiday Catalogue, 1890.0 573 Mackenzie, J. W. Sale Catalogue, 1S86.O 372 Mackey, E. W. M. Sale Catalogue, 1885 .0 361,8 Macmillan &Co. Sale Catalogue, 1866-78.0 324 Macy, C. H. Japanese and Chinese Curios, i8 7 ^.. 361,8 Maurice, J. Sale Catalogue, 1884. 0 380 Mayer, A. M. Sale Catalogue, 1881. . . .0 361,8 Medlicott, W. G. Early English Litera- ture > i8 7 8 . ..O 409 Menzies, W. Sale Catalogue, 1875.o 4IQ Meredith, J. Sale Catalogue, 1880.O 361,8 Minor, H. W. Sale Catalogue, 1877.... O 361 8 Mitchell, W. Library and Autographs i8S 5 .. 36.,8 Mudge, E. W. Sale Catalogue, 18S4.O 361,8 Murphy, H. C. Americana, 1884.*. .Q pj Nexsen, W. W. Sale Catalogue, 1884... O 361,8 O'Callaghan, E. B. Americana, 1882... O 366 O’Conor, C. Law Library, 1885 .0 361,9 Okeson, N. A. Literary Curiosa and En¬ gravings, 1883. ;...o 361,1 Ordway, G. W. Sale Catalogue, 1869...O 423 Osterley Park Library, Sale Catalogue, 1885.0 362 Panton, H. Sale Catalogue, 1879. 0 361 9 Paterson, W. Sale Catalogue, 1881....Q 319 Perkins, H. Manuscripts, Bibles, etc., i8 73 .O 456 Philadelphia Exposition, Catalogue du Cercle de la Librairie.. g Philadelphia Mercantile Library, Sale Cata¬ logue, 1879.. 1889 Phillips, S. R. Americana, 1880.O 361,9 Pochet-Deroche, J. P. B. Livres et Ma- J nuscrits sur la Revolution francaise, 1882 .. 361,9 Poole, H. W. Books and Manuscripts 1871 .. 447 Post, W. H. Sale Catalogue, 1883.O 369 Prescott, W. C. Sale Catalogue, 1881..O 361,9 Quaritch. Catalogue and Supplements, 1887-90. 8 v.o 78 Catalogue and Supplements. 8 v.O 79 Books in Historical Bindings.o 80 Ramirez, J. F. Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1880.0361,10 Remsen, S. H. Sale Catalogue, 1883.... O 415 Renouard, A. A. Livres, Manuscrits et Au- tographes, 1854. q 48i Rice, J. A. Illustrated Books, 1870.O 449 Riston, J. A. Books, Engravings and Etchings, 1882.0361,10 Robertson, J. J. Theological Literature, 1881 .0361,10 Root, J. E. Autograph Letters and Manu¬ scripts, 1879.0361,10 Engravings, Portraits, Prints, etc., 1883 0361,10 Private Library, 1879.0361,10 Rouard, E. A. B. Livres et Manuscrits, 1879 . 480 Sanford, E. S. Sale Catalogue, 1882... O 361,10 Sargent, L. M. and H. B. Sale Catalogue, 1879 .. SALE CATALOGUES—ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. 307 Sawyer, P. R. H. Medical Library, 1S85 .0 362 Scharf, J. T. Americana and Confederate Publications, 1881.0361,10 Searing, G. N. Books and Pamphlets, 1880 O 361,10 Sears, J. M. Poetical Library, 1882.P 186 Sedgwick, W. E. Sale Catalogue, 1877.0361,10 Shattuck, L. A. Sale Catalogue, 1881. .0361,10 Shurtleff, N. B. Sale Catalogue, 1875.0361,11 Simmons, G. Books, Pamphlets, etc., 1878.0361,11 Smets, A. A. Sale Catalogue, 1868. 0 414 Smith, E. Sale Catalogue, 1880.0361,11 Smith, E. D. Sale Catalogue, 1878.0361,11 Smith, J. G. Americana, 1883.0361,11 Sotheran, IL & Co. Sale Catalogues, 1874-90. 17 v.O 575 Books for the Library, 1877.O 315 Second Hand Books, 1888.O 576 Steiger, E. Sale Catalogue, 1875. 0 596 Stevens&Sons. Modern Law Books, 1883 .0 313 Strawberry Hill Library, 1842.O 458 Stuckert, H. Old and Rare Books, 1881.0361,11 Sunderland Library, Sale Catalogue, 1881-83. 5 v - in 3.O 454 Sussex Library, Sale Catalogue, 1844.O 384 Syston Park Library, Sale Catalogue, 1884. . O 363 Taylor, H. Sale Catalogue, 1882.0361,11 Tefft, I. K. Collection of Autographs, 1867 O 412 Tewart, J. P. Books and Manuscripts, 1883 O 361,11 Thomas, B. F. Sale Catalogue, 1878 ....0361,12 Thornton, J. W. Americana, 1878.... 0361,12 Autograph Letters and MSS., 1878 .. .0361,12 Titcombe, W. H. Art Collection, 1885 .. 0361,12 Tuckerman, IL T. Books, Paintings, En¬ gravings, etc., 1872.0361,12 Tutiiill, W. IL Sale Catalogue, 1881.. .0361,12 Waterman, T. Sale Catalogue, 1875 .. . O 361,13 Webster, D. Sale Catalogue.O 388 Wetherell, L. Sale Catalogue, 1883... O 361,13 Wheeler, J. H. Americana, 1882.0361,13 Wheldon, J. Botanical Catalogue, 18S6.O 322 White, R. G. Library, Engravings, etc., 1885.O 362 Wight, R. A. Collection of Proverbs and Aphorisms, 1885.O 419 Wilkinson, E. Sale Catalogue, 18S2 .... O 361,13 Wodhul, M. Greek and Latin Manuscripts, Classical Works, etc., 1886.O 362 Woodward, R. Books, Autographs and Engravings, 1884. 0361,13 Worth, J. L. Sale Catalogue, 1881.0361,13 Wright, W. W. Sale Catalogue, 1884 ..O 361,5 Wynne, T. H. Sale Catalogue, 1875 .... O 361,13 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. American Cyclopaedia, with Index (Appleton’s). 17 v. R 16 Annual Cyclopaedia (Appleton’s), 1861-90. ..R 17 Index, 1861-87. 2 v.R 17 Bayle. Historical and Critical Dictionary. 5 v.R 24 Brockhaus. Allgemeine deutsche Rcal-En- cyklopadie. 12 v.R 78 Conversations-Lexikon, uteAufl. 15 v.R 70 The same; I3te Aufl. i6v.R 71 Cassell’s Miniature Cyclopaedia; comp, by Clowes.R 3851 Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, London, 1860-68. 10 v.R 14 The same, with Atlas. Philadelphia, 1870. 10 v.R 15 The same; new ed., 1888. iov....R 13 Information for the People. 2v.R 1290 Duckett. Diet, de la Conversation. i6v.R 72 Supplement; par Louvet. 4 v.R 73 Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, with Plates. 20V.R 63 Encyclopaedia Americana; by Lieber and others, with Supplement. 14 v.R 2 Encyclopaedia Americana (Stoddart’s). 4V.. R 9 EncyclopaediaBritannica. Boston, i860. 22v.R 6 The same, 9th ed., Edinb., 1889. 25 v.R 7 Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. 29 V .R 65 English Cyclopaedia; by Knight. 23 v. in 12.R 60 Ersch and Gruber. Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste. 167V. .. R 124 Fogh. Nordisk Conversationslexikon. 5V.. R 135 Globe Encyclopaedia; ed. by Ross. 6v.R 61 Grande Encyclopedic, v. I — 11..R 11 Hazell’s Annual Cyclopaedia, 18S6-91. 6v..R 3850 Heck. Iconographic Encyclopaedia, with Plates. 6 v. R 74 Herbelot. Bibliolheque orientale.R 96 Iconographic Encyclopaedia (Phil.), v. 1-6. *.R 76 International Cyclopaedia. 15 v.R 64 Johnson’s New Universal Cyclopaedia. 4V.. R 75 The same; revised edition. 8v....R 77 Larousse. Grand Dictionnaire universel et Supplement. 17 v . R 10 London Encyclopaedia. 22 v . R 62 3°8 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS—PERIODICALS. Meyer. Konversations-Lexikon, und Supple- mente. 21 v. .. . 142 Atlas. 2 v. 143 Konversations-Lexikon; 4te Aufl. 1 7 v..R 141 National Cyclopaedia, with Atlas. 14V .. . . R 4 New American Cyclopaedia (Appleton’s). i6v.R 12 Pantologia ; a Cyclopaedia of Learnin g and Industry. 12 v. 147 Penny Cyclopaedia; with Supplements. 30 V. in 17. 66 People’s Cyclopaedia. 2 v........ 18 Pierer. Universal-Lexikon, 19 v.R 58 Rees’s Cyclopaedia. 45 V.R gg Schem. Deutsch-amerikanisches Conversa- tions-Lexikon. iiv.R 55 Slovnik naucny. 11 v .R ^5 Nazorny atlas k slov. naucnemu. 2 V.3R 137 Spamer. Illustrlrtes Konvcrsations Lexikon. 9 v .R 4202 Strucny Slovnik vecny. 9 V. R Zedler. Universal-Lexikon. 6Sv. in34..R 127 Zell’s Popular Encyclopaedia. 2 v.R 26 PERIODICALS. GENERAL INDEXES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bolton. Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals, 1665-1S82.O 605 The same. Doc. Fletcher. Co-operative Index, 1SS4-90. 7v.R 19 Galloupe. Index to Engineering Periodicals, 1883-87.r I22 6 GriswoLd. General Register zu historischen Zcitschriften, 18S0-81.R i 22 7 Index to British Magazines, 1S82-S4. . .. R 122S Index to Essays.R 1229 O. P. Index Annual, 18S1-8S. 8 v. ...R 1230 Register zu deutschen Zcitschriften, 1S86- 89. . R 1232 Index Society Publications. 14 v.O 370 Jones. Index to Legal Periodical Literature to 1887.'_R 3999 Madden. Irish Periodical Literature, 17th- 19th Centuries. 2v.R 1345 Poole. Index to Periodical Literature to 1SS2 .0 53 2 Supplement to 18S7.O 533 Index to Periodical Literature, 1853 . . . . O 531 The same, 1S48 .O 530 Repertorium dcr technischen Journal-Literatur, 1823-89. 19 v.O 5S0 Royal Society of London, Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1873. 8 v.O 357 Scuddf.r. Catalogue of Scientific Serials, 1633-1876.O 603 Steiger. Periodical Literature of the U. S., 1873.O 234 United States Newspaper and Periodical Press, .R 4533,8 PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. -}- Demotes periodicals now current. * Denotes periodicals indexed in Poole's Index. ^Academy, 1869-90 -f- 38 v. Acker und Gartenbauzeitung, 1SS4-90 -(- v. 15, 17-21. Advance, 1874-76, 1SS5-90 -R 8 v. African Repository, 1S45-62. v. 21-36, 38. Agricultual Gazette, 1876. v. 3-4. Album Slovanskych listuv, 1S76. v. 1. Aldine, 1S73-79. v - 6-9. *A 11 the Year Round, 1859-90 -R 67 v. Allgemeine Familien-Zeitung, 1873. Alliance and Radical Review, 1876-78, ’82, ’83. v. 4, 5, 9, 10. Alte und Neue Welt, 1882. v. 17, America, 1SSS-90 -R 4 v. ^American, The, 18S2-90 -R v. 3-19. American Agriculturist, 1S57-90 -R v. 16-4S. American Annals of Education, 1832. v. 2. American Annual Register, 1825-33. 8 v. American Anthropologist, 1SSS-90 -R 3 V. * American Antiquarian, 1878-90 -R 3 v. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, 1S13- 88-R 13 v.B 4 Index, 1813-1880. Transactions, 1830-74. 6 v.B 5 * American Architect and Building News, 1S76-90.-R 29 v. Index to Illustrations, 1876-85 .R 1225 American Art Review, 1880-81. v. I, 2. American Artisan (Chicago), 1S84-90.-R v. 7-19. American Artisan (New York), 1864-75. v - 1-16, 19. PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. 3°9 American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848-89-)- 38 v.K 2811 * American Biblical Repository, 1831-50. 30 v. * American Bibliopolist, 1869-77. 8 v. ./American Bookseller, 1876-90-]- 28 v. American Bookseller’s Guide, 1875. v. 7. American Builder. See Builder and Woodworker. American Catholic Historical Researches, i888‘ 9° 4 - v. 5-7. ^American Catholic Quarterly Review, 1876-90 -(- 15 v. ^American Church Monthly, 1857-58. 3 v. * American Church Review, 1848-90 -j- 58 v. ^American Eclectic, 1S40-42. 4 v. American Educational Monthly, 1864-74. n v. American Engineer, 18S2-90 -|- v. 3-20. American Entomologist, 1880. v. 3. American Ethnological Society, Transactions, 1S45- 48. 2 v. American Geographical and Statistical .Society, Bulletins, 1852-56. 2 v. * American Historical Record, 1872-74. 3 v. American Home, 1S77-80. v. 1-4, 7—10. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Trans¬ actions, 1888-90 -j- v. 5-7. * American Institute of Instruction, 1831-90 -j- 49 v. (Incomplete).R 1310 American Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans¬ actions, 1873-90-)- 19 v.K 770 Index, v. 1-10. The same, v. 1—15. ^American Journal of Archaeology, 1885-90-)- 6 v. * American Journal of Education (Barnard’s), 1S5 5— 71. 22 v. American Journal of Insanity, 1844-55. 11 v * American Journal of Microscopy, 1879-Si. v. 4-6. American Journal of Numismatics, 1866-S7 -J- 2iv. "American Journal of Philology, 1880-90 -J- 1 iv. "American Journal of Psychology, 1SS7-90 -J- 3V. '^American Journal of Science and Arts (Silliman’s), 1818-90 -j- 121 v. (Incomplete). Index, v. 1-49. * American Law Review, 1S66-85. 19 v. Index, v. 1—13. American Literary Gazette and Publishers’ Cir¬ cular, 1863-72. 18 v. ^American Literary Magazine, 1847-48. 3 v. American Mechanics’ Magazine. See Mechanics’ Magazine. American Machinist, 1889-90 -)- v. 12, 13. * American Magazine, 1887-88. 4 v. ^American Methodist Magazine, 1818-1832. v. 1-9, 14. " American Monthly Magazine, 1817-18. 2 v. ^American Monthly Magazine, 1833-38. 12 v. (In¬ complete). * American Monthly Review, 1832-33. 4 V. * American Museum (Carey’s), 1787-92. 11 v. ^American Naturalist, 1868-90 -(- 24 v. American Notes and Queries, 1S88-90 -J- 5 v. American Philological Association, Proceedings and Transactions, 1869-90-)- nv.J 441 American Philosophical Society, Transactions, 1786- 1818. 7 v.V 692 Index.V 693 American Pioneer, 1842-43. 2 v.B 175 * American Presbyterian Review, 1852-71. 20 v. American Publishers’ Circular (New York), 1858- 60. v. 4-6. American Publishers’ Circular (Philadelphia). See American Literary Gazette. American Quarterly Church Review. See American Church Review. American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, 1S45- 47. 6 v. * American Quarterly Observer, 1S33-34. 3 v. "American Quarterly Register, 1827-43. 15 v. American Quarterly Register (Stryker’s), ’48-51. 5 V. * American Quarterly Review, 1827-37. 22v. American Register, 1S07-8. 3 v. * American Review of History and Politics (Walsh’s), . 1S11-12. 4 v. American Social Science Association, Publications. SA? Journal of Social Science. American Sheep-Breeder and Wool Grower, 1S86- 89 -(- v. 6-9. American Stationer, 1880-90 -J- v. 8-28. American Theological Review, 1859-62. 4 V. American Unitarian Association, Journal, 1S53-69. 16 v. * American Whig Review, 1845-52. 16 v. *Analectic Magazine, 1813-19. 14 v. * Andover Review, 1884-90 -)- 14 v. Annalen der Chemie (Liebig’s), 1877-90 -)- v. 185- 260 (Incomplete). Annalen dcr Physik und Chemie (Poggendorff’s), 1 873—81. v. 148-159. N. S. v. 1-14. Namen-Register, v. 1-150. Sachregister, v. 1-160. Annals of Agriculture; ed. by A. Young, 1786- 1805. 43 v. Annals of Science, 1853. v. 1. Annce Scicnlificpie et Industrielle, 1857-91 -)- 33 v . c 49° 1 Tables decennales, 1S57-77. 2v.C 4902 Annuaire des deux Mondes, 1850-67. 14 v. Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, 1871-90 -f- 20 V .R 3846 3 IQ PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. Annual Register, 1759-1890 -J- 132 v. Anthologia Hibernica, 1793-94. 4 v. *Anthropological Review, 1S63-69. 7 v. Antiquary, 1880-90 -j- 22 v. -Antiquary (Fortnightly Medium of Intercommunica¬ tion), 1871-73. 4 v. * Apple ton’s Journal, 1869-81. 26 v. *Archceologia, 1779-1887 -f- 50 v. Index, v. 1-30. 2 v. Archaeological Journal, 1845-90 -{- 47 v. Index, v. 1-25. Architect, 1869 90 -J- 44 v. Architecture and Building, 1890 -j- v. .12-13. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, 1873-77. v - 55 - 59 * Archiv fur Literaturgeschichte, 1 870-87. 15 v. Archiv fiir Stenographic, 1886-88. 3 v. Archiv zemedelsky, 18S6. v. 1. Archivio per le Tradizione popolari, 1SS2-89. 8 v. Archivio Storico Italiano, 1S73-74. 4 v. Arcturus, 1S41-2. 3 v. Arena, The, 1890 -(- 2 v. * Argosy, 1883-90 -J- 50 v. Argus, 1878, 1883-S6. v.8, 16-23. Army and Navy Journal, 1873-74, 1S79-90 4- v. 11, 17-27. Art, 1875. v. 5. Art, L’, 1875-90 -f- 47 v Art and Letters; ed. by Carr, 1882-83. 2 v. Art and Letters, 1888-S9. 8 v.p 673 *Art Journal, 1S40-90 42 v. Arthur's Home Magazine, 1876-90v. 44-59. Artiste, L’, 1873-74. 3 v. Artizan (London), 1S43-53. 11 v. -Asiatic Quarterly Review, 18S6-90 -j- 10 v. Astronomical Register, 1S63-86. 24 v. *Athenceum, 1S34-90 -j- 90 v. Athenaeum (Bohemian), 1S84-86. 3 v. Atlantic Almanac, 1S68-74. ^Atlantic Monthly, 1S57-90 -}- 66 v. Index, v. 1-38. The same. v. 1-62. Auk, 1SS4-90-j- 7 v. Ausland, Das, 1830-56, 1858-90 -J- 58 v. Author, The, 1S89-90 -(- 2 v. Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, 1S60-90 -f- 54 v. Baldwin’s Monthly, 1S75-77. v. 10-15. Ballou’s Monthly Magazine, 1889-90 -j- v. 69-72. ^Bankers’ Magazine (London), 1844-90 -J- 50 v. ^Bankers’ Magazine (New York), 1847-90 -f- 44V. Bankers’ Monthly, 1889-90 -|- v. 6, 7. ^Baptist Quarterly, 1867-77. 11 v. ^Baptist Review, 1879-90 -)- 12 v. Bath and \\ est of England Society, Journal, 1853- 79. 25 v. (Incomplete). Index, v. 1-16. Bay State Monthly, 1SS4-S5. 3 v - (Continued as New England Magazine). Bayerische Gewerbe-Zeitung, 1888-89. 2 v - Belford's Magazine, 1888-90 -j- 5 V. *Belgravia, 1867-90 -j- 72 v. -Bentley’s Miscellany, 1837-68. 64 v. ^Bentley’s Quarterly Review, 1859-60. 2v. Berliner Wespen, 1869, 1871, 1872. 3 v. Biblical Repertory. See Princeton Review. Biblical Repository. See American Biblical Re¬ pository. ^Biblical Review and Congregational Magazine, 1S46-50. 6 v. * Bibliographer, 1SS2-S4. 6 v. Bibliophile francais, Le, 1868-73. 7 v - / Bibliophile illustre, Le, 1862-67. 2 v. -'Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review, 1S44- 90 -f 47 v. Index, v. 1-30. Bibliotheque Universelle, 1796-1890 481 v. Indexes. 5 v. Bierbrauer, Der, 1S73. v - 4 - Biographical Magazine, 1819-20. 2 v. ^Blackwood’s Magazine, 1S17-90 -f- 148 v. Index, v. 1-50. Blatter fiir Ivunstgewerbe, 1S73-76. v. 2, 3, 5. Blatter fiir literarische Unterhaltung, 1S27-90 -f- 63 v. Book Buyer, 1S75-76, 1884-904- v. 9. N. S. v. 1-8. Book Chat, 1887-90 4- v. 2-5. "Book Lore, 18S5-S7. 6 v. Bookbinder, The, 1S8S-90 -j- 3 v. Bookmart, The, 18S7-90 -(- v. 4-7. Bookseller, 1S58-90 -f- 39 v. Bookworm, 1SS8-90 3 v. Boston Journal of Chemistry. See Popular Science News. Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion, 1842. v. 1. * Boston Monthly Magazine, 1S25-26. v. 1. Botanical Gazette, 1SS3. v. 8. Bradstreet’s, 1884-90 -J- v. 9-18. Braumeister, Der, 1SS7.-90 -|- 3 V. Breeder's Gazette, 18S9-90-)- v. 15, 16. Brewer’s Guardian, 1879, 1886-90 -j- v. 9, 16-20. British and Foreign Evangelical Review. See Foreign Evangelical Review. -British and Foreign Review, 1835-44. 18 v. PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. 311 British Association for the Advancement of Science, Reports, 1831-90 -j- 59 v. Index, 1831-60. British Critic, 1793-1843. 99 V. Index, v. 1-42. 2 v. British Magazine, 1832-49. v. 1-34, 36. British Medical Journal, 1873-90 -J- 28 v. ^British Quarterly Review, 1845-86. 83 v. K 'Broadway, The, 1869-73. 11 v. Brooklyn Magazine, 188,4-87. 5 v. Browne’s Phonographic Monthly. See Phonographic Monthly. *Brownson’s Quarterly Review, 1844-75. 2 4 v - Index to same. Buch fiir Alle, 1883. v. 18. Builder, 1843-90 -|- 59 v. Builder and Woodworker, 1874-90 -j- v. 10-26. Building, 1889-90 -}- v. 10, 11. Building News, 1873-90-}- v. 24-59. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, 1874. v. 7, 8. Calcutta Review, 1844-58. v. 1-19, 21-31. California Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, 1S54- 57, 1873-77, 1881. California Pioneer. See Pioneer. Canada Farmer, 1876. v. 13. Canada, Royal Society of, Proceedings and Trans¬ actions. See Royal Society, etc. ^Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, 1853-70. 15 v. Canadian Magazine of Science and Industrial Arts, 1873-90 -}- 18 v. Canadian Mechanics’ Magazine. See Canadian Magazine of Science and Industrial Arts. Canadian Methodist Magazine, 1877-81. (Incom¬ plete). *Canadian Monthly, 1872-82. 21 v. Carbonated Drinks, 1877-8. v. 1. Casopis Matice Moravske, 1869-80. v. 1-7, 10-12. Casopis musea kralovstvi Ceskeho, 1841-85. v. 15- 21, 36-59. Cassell’s Magazine, v. 1-30 -}- Catholic Miscellany. See United States Catholic Miscellany. ^Catholic Presbyterian, 1879-83. 10 v. Catholic Review, 1876-90-}- v. 9-37. ^Catholic World, 1865-90-}- 51 v. Celtic Magazine, 1877-81. v. 2 -4, 6, 8-13. Celtic Monthly, 1880-81. v. 3-6. Centennial Art Journal, 1876. I v. Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, 1884-90-)- 7 v. Century, i860, v. 1. *Century Magazine, 1882-90-}- 18 v. Ceska vcela, 1876-80. 5 V. Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1887. v. 6. Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal (Old Series), 1833- 43- 12 v. The same (New Series), 1844-90 -}- 67 v. Chemical News, 1874-90-J- v. 29-62. Chicago Law Times, 1887-89. 3 v. Chicago Legal News, 1874-90.-}-v. 4-15, 17-22. Chicago Magazine, 1857. v. 1. (Incomplete). Chicago Mining Review. See Mining Review. Chicago Railway Review. See Railway Review. Chicago Record, 1859-62. v. 1-5. (Incomplete). Christelijk Zondagsblad, 1863. v. 3. Christian Diadem, The, 1854-55. 3 v. “Christian Disciple, 1819-23. 5 v. ^Christian Examiner, 1824-69. 87 v. Index, v. 1-87. Christian Examiner and Church of Ireland Maga¬ zine, 1825-31. 12 v. Christian Metaphysician, 1888-89. v - 2 , 3. *Christian Observer, 1802-73. 7 2 v. ‘“Christian Quarterly, 1869-75. 7 v. "Christian Quarterly Review, 1882 -90 -(- 9 v. ^Christian Remembrancer, 1819-33, 1841-68. 71 v. ^Christian Review, 1836-63. 28 v. ^Christian Spectator, Monthly, 1819-28. 10 v. ^Christian Spectator, Quarterly, 1829-38. 10 v. Christian Union, 1873-90-}- v. 7-14, 39-42. Christian Worker, 1888-90 -}- v. 18-20. Chronicle, 1881-90 -}- v. 27-46. Church Quarterly Review, 1876-90 -}- 30 v. Church Review. See American Church Review. Civil Service Record, 1881-90-}- 9 V. Civil Engineers’ Club of the Northwest, Proceed¬ ings, 1878-79. v. 4. Civilta Cattolica, 1850-90-}- 164 V. Index, Ser. 1—13. Clergyman’s Magazine, 1880. v. n. “'Colburn’s New Monthly Magazine, 1821-82. v. 1- 9 L 93 ~ xx 5 > 1 i 7 -i 3 °» I 3 2 -i 47 , 150-170. Colburn’s United Service Journal. See United Service Journal. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1874-75, 1881. v. 18, 19, 33. Comptcs rend us de l’Academie des Sciences. See Paris, Comptes, etc. ^Congregational Magazine, 1818-45. 28 v. ^Congregational Quarterly, 1859-78. 20 v. *Congregational Review (Boston), 1867-70. v. 7-so. “'Congregational Review (London), 1887-88. 2 v. *Congregationalist, 1872-86. 15 v. Connecticut Common School Journal, 1854-60. v. 9, 10, 12, 14, 15. '^Contemporary Review, 1868-90 -J- 58 v. Continent, 1882-85. 5 v. 3 12 PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. ^Continental Monthly, 1862-64. 6 v. *Cornhill Magazine, 1860-90 62 v. Cosmopolitan, 1S86-90-|- 9 V. Cottage Gardener, 1849-58. 20 v. Crayon, 1855-61. 8 v. '"'Critic, 1883-90 -J- v. 3. N. S. v. 1-14. Curio, The, 1887-88. v. 1. Current, 1884-88. 10 v. Current Literature, 1890 v. 4, 5. Daheim, 1865-73. 9 v. Inhalts-Verzeichniss, 1864-89. Dansk Maanedsskrift, 1857-68. v. 5-28. Dansk Tidsskrift, 1847-51. 5 V. Dansk Ugeskrift, 1832-36, 1842-46. 16 v. *Danville Review, 1862-64. v. 2-4. *Dark Blue, 1871-73. 4 v. *De Bow’s Review, 1846-70. 41 v. (Incomplete). ^Democratic Review, 1838-59. v. 1-38, 40-43. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Magazin, 1886-87. v - l - Deutsche Dichtung, 1887-90 -|- 8 v. Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1880-90 -|- 11 v. Deutsche Revue, 1878-90 +52 v. Deutsche Romanzeitung, 1865, 1S89-90 -|- 7 v. Deutsche Rundschau, 1874-90 -|- 65 v. Register, 1882. Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1873, 1874. 2 v Deutsche Theaterchronik, 1875. 1 v. Deutsche Volksblatter, 1861-62. 2 v. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft, 1889-90 -{- 4 v. Deutsches Familienblatt. See Schorex’s Familien- blatt. Deutschland, 1870-71. 2 v. *Dial (Boston), 1842-43. v. 3, 4. *Dial (Chicago), 1881-90 -(- 10 v. Dial of the Old South Clock, 1877. Dingler’s Polytechnisches Journal, 1820-90 278V. Index, v. 1-198. 4 v. Diplomatic Review and Supplement, 1855-1881. 26 v. (v. 1-2.R 4814). Divadelni listy, 1880-83. 4 v * Donahoe’s Magazine, 1880-90 -|- v. 3-24. Domaci Ivrb, 1882-83. v. 2, 3. ^Dublin Review, 1836-90 -j- 107 v. ^Dublin University Magazine, 1833-S0. 96 v. Duffy’s Hibernian Magazine, 1862-64. 5 v. Dwight’s Journal of Music, 1873-81. v. 33, 35-41. Dzienswiety, 1886. v. 4. Echo des Feuilletons, 1872. v. 32. ^Eclectic Magazine, 1844-90 -J- 115 V. Index, v. 1-96. ^Eclectic Museum, 1843. 3 v - *Eclectic Review, 1805-1867. v. 1-46, 49, 55, 56, 59-!26. Economist (Chicago), 1889-90 -j- v. 3, 4. Economist (London), 1874-90 -|- v. 32-48. ^Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 1826-64. 76 v. * Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 1819-26. 14 v. ^Edinburgh Review, 1802-90-J- 172 V. Index, v. 1-140. 5 v. Edinburgh Review, Selections from, London, 1833. 4 v. *Edinburgh Review, Selections from, Paris, 1835-6. 6 v. Edinburgh, Royal Physical Society of. See Royal Physical Society. Edinburgh, Royal Scottish Society of Arts. See Royal Scottish Society of Arts. ^Education, 1881-90 -J- 10 v. Electrical Engineer, 1889-90 -|- v. 8-9. Electrical Review, 1887-90-)- v. 9-15. Electrician, 1889-90 -J- v. 23-25. Elk wat Wills, 1872. 2 v. Engineer, 1856-90 -j- 70 v. Engineering, 1866-90 -J- 50 v. Engineering and Building Record, 1889-90 -J- v. 19-22. Engineering and Mining Journal, 1873-90 -j- v. 15-17, 20-50. Engineering News, 1876-77. v. 3, 4. Engineering News and American Railway Journal, 1889-90 -j- v. 21-24. Engineering Record, 1890 -f- v. 22. "English Historical Review, 1886-90 -|- 5 V. *English Illustrated Magazine, 1883-90 -)- 7 v. English Mechanic and World of Science, 1865-90 -J- 52 v. English Review, 1844-53. 18 v. ^English Woman’s Domestic Magazine, 1860-64. 9 V * Entomologist, 1870-79. v. 5-12. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 1864-87. 24 V. Epoch, 1887-90 -j- 7 v. Essex Institute, Bulletins, 1870-86. 20 v. Historical Collections, 1859-87. 24 V. Proceedings, 1848-68. 6 v. Ethical Record, 1SS7-90. 3 v. Europa, 1S66, 1873-85. 16 v. Europa-Chronik, 1874, 1875. 2 v - Evangelical Magazine, 1847-58. v. 25-36. *Evangelical Quarterly Rev. 1866-70. v. 17-19,21. *Every Saturday, 1866-74. 17 v. Expositor, 1875-90 -f- 18 v. (Incomplete). Index, v. 1-12. Factory and Farm, 1879. v. 5. Faith’s Record ; Chicago Foundlings’ Home, 1S74- 79 * v - 4 > 5 , 7 , 9 - Farmer’s Review, 1882-90 -j- v. 8-12, 14-21. i PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. Field, 1889-90-}- v. 73-76. Financial Review, 1875, 1879, 1880. 3 v. Financier, 1874. v. 5, 6. *Fine Arts Quarterly Review, 1863-67. 5 v. Fire Lands Pioneer, 1858-78. 13 v. Fliegende Blatter, 1845-90 -[- v. 1-64, 66-93. Flora, 1867, 1868. 2 v. Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l’Europe, 1845- 80. 23 v. Florist and Pomologist, 1862-74. 13 v. Folio, 1875-85. v. 12-28. Folk-Lore Journal, 1883-89. 7 v.L 2566 Folk-Lore Record, 1878-82. 5 V.L 2567 Folkebladet, 1890 -J- Fonetic Techer, 1880-82. 3 v. For Ide og Wirkelighed, 1869, 1870, 1873. 3 v. ^Foreign Evangelical Review, 1852-88. v. 1-27, 29 - 37 - ^Foreign Quarterly Review, 1827-46. 37 v. ^Foreign Review, 1828-30. 5 v. ^Forestry, 1877-86. 11 v. ^Fortnightly Review, 1865-90 -(- 54 v. Index, v. 1-30. Fortschritt der Zeit, 1882-84, 1886, 1887. 5 v. *Forum, 1886-90 9 V. Fra alle Eande, 1865-83. 37 v. Frank Leslie’s Boys’ and Girls’ Weekly, 1872-3. v. 12, 14. Illustrated Newspaper, 1855, 1 858—65. iS v. Ladies’ Magazine, 1873-75. v. 3 2 > 34 , 3 6 , 37 - Popular Monthly, 1876-90 -f- 30 v. ^Franklin Institute, Journal of, 1826-90 v. 1- 84, 87-114, 117-130. Index, 1826-1885. ^Fraser’s Magazine, 1830-82. 106 v. Free Press. See Diplomatic Review. Freemason’s Magazine, 1849-59. v. 8-18. Friend, The, 1880-90 -f- v. 53-63. Friend of India, 1874, 1876. v. 18, 42. Friends’ Review, 1873. v - 2 6. Gaea, 1865-90 -}- 26 v. ^Galaxy, 1866-77. 2 4 v - Garden, The, 1876. v. 9, 10. Garden and Forest, 1888-90 -f- 3 V. Gardener’s Chronicle, 1841-71. 31 v. Gardener’s Magazine, 1874-90-}- v. 17-33. Gardener’s Magazine, (Loudon’s) 1835-43. 9 v. Gardener’s Monthly, 1876-79. v. 18-21. Gartenlaube, 1856-90.4-36 v. Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1859-88 -f- 63 v. Index, 1859-68. 2 v. Gegenwart, 1873-90 -f- v. 3-22, 25-38. Geillustreerd Guldens-Tijdschrift, 1861-62. v. 2. Geillustreerd Stuivers-Magazijn, 1861. 1 v. 313 Gem of the West, 1873. Genealogist, 1877-86. 10 v. Genius of Universal Emancipation, 1825-27. ^Gentleman’s Magazine, 1731-1890-}- 266 v. Index, 1731-1818. 5 v. Gentleman’s Magazine, Curious Articles from. 4 v. ^Geographical Magazine, 1875-78. 5 v. Geological Magazine, 1864-90. 27 v. Gerichtssaal, Der, 1849-90 -f- 44 V. Index, v. 1-27. Gewerbehalle, 1885. Gids, De, 1888-90 -}- 12 v. Globe, The, 1888-90 -}- v. 1. Globus, 1860-90 -f- v. 4-47, 49-58. *Godey’s Lady’s Book, 1843-76. 36 V. (Incomplete). Good Health, 1879-90 -}- v. 12-16. Good Housekeeping, 1SS9 T~ v. 10. Good Things, 1873-77. 7 v - *Good Words, 1860-90 -(- 31 v. Good Words for the Young, 1869-71. 3 v. Graham’s Magazine, 1842-53. v. 21-30, 36-43. ^Granite Monthly, 1877-90 -}- 13 v. Graphic, 1879-90 -(- 42 v. Graphischen Kiinste, 1879-90 -}- 13 v. Great Republic Monthly, 1859. v - r - Grenzboten, 1S50-71, 1873-90-}- 101 v. Halcyon Luminary, 1812-13. 2 v. Hall’s Journal of Health, 1873-90 -(- 14 y. (In¬ complete). Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 1803-1890 -f- 348 v. Index, 1882-87. v. Hardwicke’s Science Gossip, 1865-90 26 v. Harper’s Bazar, 1873. v. 6. ^Harper’s Magazine, 1850-90 -J- 81 v. Index, v. 1-50. The same, v. 1-60. The same, v. 1-70. Harper’s Weekly, 1857-90-}- 34 V. Index, 1857-87.R 1231 Harper’s Young People, 1880-90 -(- 11 v. Harvard Register, 1880-81. 3 v. Hausfreund, 1873. Health Reformer. See Good Health. Hearth and Home, 1873. v - 5 - Hebraica, 18S6-90 -}- v. 3-6. Heimath und Fremde, 1866. Herald and Genealogist, 1863-67. 4 v. Herald of Peace, 1852-71. v. 2-10, 12. Heraldic Journal, 1S65-68. 4 V. Hermes, 1873-75. v - 7 ~ 9 - ' x 'Hesperian, 1838-39. 3 V. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 1866-88. v. 1-16, 18-20.K 1102 PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. 3 H ^Historical Magazine, 1857-74. 23 V Historisch politische Blatter, 1879. v. 83, 84. Historische Zeitschrift (Sybel’s) 1873-90 -|- v. 29- 64. Register, v. 1-56. Historisches Taschenbuch, 1830-91 4 - 59 v. Historisk Archiv, 1869-83. 29 v. '^Hogg's Instructor, 1851-56. v. 6-15. *Hogg’s Weekly Instructor, 1845-47. 5 v. *Home and Foreign Review, 1862-64. 4 v. Horological Journal, 1859-69. v. 1-7, 11—13. Horticultural Society of London, Transactions, 1812-48. 10 v.R 4410 Horticulturist, 1874-75. v - 2 9 > 3 °- *Hours at Home, 1865-70. 11 v. ^Household Words, 1850-59. 19 v. Hovey’s Magazine of Horticulture. See Magazine of Horticulture. *Howitt’s Journal, 1847-48. 3 V. Howitt’s and People’s Journal. See People’s Journal. Humane Journal, 1887-90-]- v. 15-18. Humboldt, 1889-90 v. 8, 9. ^Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine, 1847-70. 63 V. Illinois Teacher, 1856-70. v. 2-5, 7—11, 13-16. Illuminated Magazine, 1843-45. 4 v. Illustrated American, 1890-]- 3 v. Illustrated Catholic American, 1880-81, 18S6. v. 1-4, 14. Illustrated Christian Weekly, 1873-76. v. 3-6. Illustrated London News, 1842-90 -f- 97 v. Illustrated Navy and Military Magazine, 1884-90 -j- 15 v. Illustrated Polytechnic Review, 1843. v - 1 • Illustrated Travels, v. 5. Illustrated Wood Worker, 1879. v. 1. Illustration, L’, 18S0-81. v. 75-78. Illustrazione popolare, 1872-73. v. 7. Illustreret Familieblad, 1879. v - l - Illustreret Tidende, 1875. v - 16. Illustrirte Chronik der Zeit, 1873. Illustrirte Monatshefte fiir die Interessen des Juden- thums, 1865-66. Illustrirte Schweiz, 1873, 1874. 2 v. Illustrirte Zeitung, 1843-90 -|- 89 v. Im Familienkreise, 1886. v. 9. Im Neuen Reich, 1871, 1873-81. 20 v. Imperial Magazine, 1819-34. 16 v. Independent, 1873—90 —]— v. 25-42. Index, 1870-76. v. 1-4, 6, 7. Indian Antiquary, 1874. v. 3. Indicator (Amherst), 1848-50. 2 v. Indicator (Chicago), 1884-85. v. 4-6. Industri-Tidenden, 1874. v. 10. Industrial Monthly, 1873-74. v. 4, 5* Industrielle Humorist, Der, 1868-71. 4 v. Inland Architect and News Record, 1886-90 -4- v. 7-16. Inland Printer, 1884-90 -|- v. 2, 7. Institution of Civil Engineers, Proc., 1837-90 -]“ 104 v. Index, v. 1-30. 2 v. The same, v. 1-58. Institution of Engineers in Scotland, Transactions, 1858—80. v. 1-14, 16-23.K 750 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings, 1847-90 -f- 40 v. Index, 1847-73. Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, 1860-61. 2 v. Intellectual Observer, 1862-68. 12 v. Internal Revenue Record, 1886-88. v. 32-34. International Chess Magazine, 1885-90 -f- 6 v. International Magazine of Christian Science, 1888. ^International Monthly Magazine, 1850-52. 5 v. ^International Review, 1874-82. 13 v. Interstate Commerce Reports, 1887-90 -f- 2 v. . Investor’s Monthly Manual, 1874-90 -f- v. 4-20. *Irish Monthly, 1874-90 -f- 18 v. *Irish Quarterly Review, 1851-59. 9 v. Iron, 1873-90 -f 36 v. Iron Age, 1889-90 -|- v. 43-46. Iron and Steel Institute, Journal of, 1879-90 23 v. Subject Index, 1882-89. Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 1863-90 -f- 55 v. Supplemente, 1878-89. 16 v. Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft, 1880-90 + 11 v. Jahresbericht uber Chemie, 1878. 3 V. Jahresbericht iiber Chemische Technologie (Wag¬ ner’s), 1856-89 -f 35 v. Index, v. 1-10, 21-30. Jary vek, 1883-85. 3 v. Jenaer Literatur Zeitung, 1874-79. 6 v. Jerrold’s Shilling Magazine. See Shilling Magazine. Journal de l’lnstruction publique (Montreal), 1S63- 64. v. 7, 8. Journal des Economistes, 1842-90 -}- 185 v. Table des Matieres, 1841-65 . Journal fiir ppktische Chemie, 1873-74. v. 7, 8. Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology, 1891. v. I. Journal of American Folk*Lore, 1888-90 -|- 3 V. Journal of Bath and West of England Society. See Bath and West of England Society. ^Journal of Christian Philosophy, 1882-84. 3 v. Journal of Education, 1876-90 -j- v. 3-30. 3i5 PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES Journal of Education, Lower Canada, 1863-64. v. 7, 8. Journal of Education, Upper Canada, 1863. v. 16. Journal of Forestry. See Forestrv. Journal of the Franklin Institute. See Franklin Institute. Journal of Gas Lighting, 1874. v. 23, 24. Journal of Prison Discipline, 1845-65. 17 v. (In¬ complete). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. See Royal Microscopical Society, Journal. "Journal of Sacred Literature (Kitto’s), 1848-68. 40 v. ♦Journal of Science, 1864-85. 22 v. * Journal of Social Science, 1870-87. v. 1-3, 5-23. Journal of the Society of Arts. See Society of Arts, Journal of. * Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1867-87 -j- 2iv. Journal of the Statistical Society. See Statistical Society, London. Journal of United Service. See Royal United Service Journal. Judy, 1867-76. 19 v. Jiidische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Leben, 1862-75. 11 v. ♦Kansas City Review, 1877-85. 9 v. Ivatholik, Der, 1879. 2 v - Katholischer Jugendfreund, 1884-86. v. 8-10. Ivilto’s Journal of Sacred Literature. See Journal of Sacred Literature. K1 ad derad atsch, 1848-81. 23 v. ♦Knickerbocker Magazine, 1833-62. v. 1-2, 4-60. Knight’s Penny Magazine, 1846. 2 v. Knight’s Quarterly Magazine, 1823-24. 3 v. Knights of Labor, 1886-87. v. 1. ♦Knowledge; a Magazine of Science, 1882-90 -f i 3 v. Kunst und Gewerbe, 1878-88. 21 v. Kunsthandwerk, 1875-76. 2 v. Kunstkronik, 1878-79. 2 v. ICvety, 1879-90 + v . 2-25. Ladies’ Repository, 1865-68. v. 25-28. ♦Lakeside Monthly, 1869-74. u v . Lamp, 1 he, 1879- 9 ® + v * 17—39. Lancet (London), 1842-90 + 67 v. (Incomplete). Land and Water, 1874-88. v. 17—46. ♦Land we Love, The, 1866-68. v. 1, 3-5 Landowner, 1873. v. 4, 5. Legal Adviser, 1880-90 -f- 11 v . ♦Leisure Hour, 1852-90 -j- 39 v . Lens, The, 1872-73. 2 v. Lese-Stubchen, Das, 1863-66. 3 v. Leitres et les Arts, 1887. 4 v. Librarian, The, 1808-9. 3 v. Library, The, 1889-90+ 2 v. ♦Library Chronicle, 1884-88. 5 v. ♦Library Journal, 1877-90 -f 15 v . Liebig s Annalen der Chemie. See Annalen der Chemie. Life, 1883-90 + 15 v . ♦Lippincott’s Magazine, 1868-90 + 46 v. Index, v. 1-26. Listy prumyslove, 1880-83. v. 7-9. Literarisches Centralblatt, 1875-90 + 16 v. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 1845-89 + v. 2-4, 6-25, 27-29, 31-43.L 2295 Index, 1840-71. ♦Literary and Theological Review, 1834-39. 6 v. Literary Life, 1886. v. 5, 6. Literary News, 1880-90+ v. 1-2, 4-11. Literary Union, The, 1849-50. 4 v . ••Literary World (Boston), 1874-90 + v. 5-21. Literary World (London), 1839-40. 3 v. Literary World (New York), 1846-52. v. 1-4, 7-10. Littell s Living Age. See Living Age. Littell’s Museum of Foreign Literature. See Mu¬ seum of Foreign Literature. ♦Living Age (Littell’s), 1844-90 + 187 v. Index, v. 37-148. Livre, Le, 1880-89. 20 v. Livre moderne, Le,i890 + 2 v. London and Paris Ladies’ Magazine of Fashion, 1874-76. v. 47, 50. London Christian Instructor. See Congregational Magazine. London Chronicle, The, 1757-1761. 3 v .. .R4216 ♦London Magazine, 1820-26. 16 v. “London Quarterly Review, 1853-90 + 74 v. ♦London Society, 1862-90 + 58 v. ♦Longman’s Magazine, 1883-90+ 16 v. Loudon’s Magazine of Gardening. See Gardener’s Magazine. Lumber Trade Journal, 1885-90 + v. 6, 8-10, 13-18. Lumberman’s Gazette, 1877-79. v. 9 , 11, 12. Lumiere Electrique, La, 1879-90 + 38 v. Table generate, 1879-83. Lumir, 1856, 73-87. 20 v. ♦Lutheran Quarterly Review, 1871-90 + 20 v. Lyceum, The, 1888-90+ 3 V. ♦Macmillan’s Magazine, 1859-90 + 62 v. Magazin for Naturkundskab, 1873-75. Magazin Pittoresque, 1833-90 + 58 v. -Magazine of American History, 1877-90+ 24 V. Magazine of Art, 1878-90 + 13 v. Magazine of Horticulture (Ilovey’s), 1835-68. 34V. Magazine of Poetry, 1889-90 + 2 v. ♦Magazine of Western History, 1885-90 + 12 v. jx6 PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, 1884- 85. 2 v. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Memoirs, 1879-90 -f- 8 v. (Incomplete). Proceedings, 1877-90 -f- v. 16-28. ♦Manhattan, 1883-84. v. 2, 3. Manhattan Monthly, 1876. v. 14, 15. Manifesto, 1886-90 -j- v. 16-20. Manufacturer and Builder, 1870-90 -}- v. 2, 5 ~ 22 - Masonic Review, 1855-60. v. 13-20, 22, 23. ♦Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 1848-50. 3 V. ♦Mathematical Monthly, 1859-61. 3 v. Mechanics’Magazine (London), 1823-72. 97 v * Mechanics’Magazine (New York), 1833-36. 8 v. Mechanical World, 1889-90 -j- v, 5 _ 8. Melusine, 1878-89 -j- 4 V. Memento, The, 1867-68. x. 7, S. ♦Methodist Magazine (London), 1795-1871. 94V. Methodist Magazine. See American Methodist Magazine. ♦Methodist Quarterly Review (Methodist Review), 1841-90 -f- 50 v. Index, 1841-81. Metropolitan, The, 1830, 1839. 3 v - ♦Metropolitan, The, 1853-58* 6 v. Michigan Journal of Education and Teachers’ Mag¬ azine, 1854-60. 7 v. Microscopical Monthly Journal, 1869-77. 18 v. Miller’s Journal, 1879-86. v. 12-24. ♦Mind, 1876-90-)- 15 v. Mind in Nature, 1885-86. 2 v. Mining Record, 1879-85. v. 5-18. Mining Review, 1879-86. v. 2-12, 15, 16. Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, 1823-43. 42 v. Missionary Herald, 1822-90-}- v. 18—86. Missionary Review, 1882-90 -}- v. 5 -I 3 - Modern Language Notes, 1887. v. 2. ^Modern Review, 1880-85. 5 v « ♦Monitor, 1879. 2 v * ♦Month, The, 1864-90 -}- 70 v. Monthly Anthology, 1804-11. 10 v. Monthly Magazine, 1821, v. 51. Monthly Microscopical Journal, See Microscopical Monthly Journal. ^Monthly Religious Magazine, 1851-74. v. 8-51. (Incomplete). ♦Monthly Review, 1790-1844. 246 v. Index, v. 1-81. 2 v. Mothers’ Journal, The, 1857-58. v. 22, 23. ♦Murray’s Magazine, 1887-90-}- 8 v. ♦Museum of FQreign Literature and Science, 1822- 42. v. 1, 2, 8-44, Music Trade Review, 1876-78. v. 3-6. Musical Bulletin, 1880-81. 2 v. Musical World, 1873-91. v. 51, 53-71. Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbericht, 1875-1876. Nar och Fjerran, 1874-75. Narragansett Historical Register, 1883-89 -j- 7 v. ♦Nation, The, 1865-90 -}- 5 1 v - Index, v. 1-40. 2 v. Nation, Die, 1886-90 -j- v. 4-7. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Transactions, 1859-84. 26 v. . L 900 National Car and Locomotive Builder, 1887-90 -f- v. 17-21. National Conference of Charities, Proceedings, 1876-90-}- v. 3-17...L 917 National Live Stock Journal (Monthly Ed.), 1870^ 88. 19 v. National Live Stock Journal (Weekly Ed.), 1884- 88. 4 v. ♦National Magazine (American), 1852-58. 13 v. National Magazine (British), 1857-59. 6 v. National Normal, 1868. National Preacher, 1826-38. 12 v.M 2121 ♦National Quarterly Review, 1860-80. 41 v. ♦National Review, 1855-64. 19 v. ♦National Review, 1883-90 -}- 16 v. National Scientific Journal, 1881-82. v. I. National Sunday School Teacher, 1870, 1881. v. 5, 16. National Teachers’ Association, Proceedings, 1870- 71. v. 1. Natur, Die, 1873, 1876-90 -}- v. 22, 25-39. Natural History Review, 1861-65. 5 v. ♦Nature, 1870-90 -}- 41 v. Natuur, De, i860. Nautical Gazette, 1874. v. 6, 7. Nautical Magazine, 1832-76. 35 V. (Incomplete). ♦Naval Magazine, 1836-37. 2 v. Neue Gesellschaft, 1877-80. 2 v. Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik. See Zeitschrift fiir Musik. Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographic, 1856-86. 31V. New Church Messenger, 1873-90 -}- v. 25-27, 29 48, 50-59. New Covenant, 1878-79. v. 31,32. ♦New Eclectic, 1868-70. 7 v. ♦New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-90 -}- 36 v. (Incomplete). New England Journal of Education. See Journal of Education. ♦New England Magazine, 1831-35. 9 v. New England Magazine, 1886-90-}- 6 v. ♦New Englander, 1843-90 -}- 53 v. ♦Nev/Era, 1870-76. 6 v. New Ideal Magazine, 1889-90 -}- v. 2, 3. PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. New Jerusalem Messenger, senger. New Monthly Magazine. Monthly Magazine. *New Princeton Review, 1886-88. 6 v. *New Quarterly Review, 1852-61. 10 v. *New Review, 1889-90 -j- 3 V. New World, 1841. v. 2, 3. New York Farmer, 1833. v. 6. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 1870-90-j- 22 V. New York Mirror, 1828-41. v. 6, 12, 14, 19. *New York Review, 1837-42. 10 v. New York Teacher, 1857-58. v. 7. *Niles Weekly Register, 1811-45. 68 v. Index, v. 1-12. *Ninetenth Century, 1877-90-j- 28 v. Nittende Aarhundrede, Det, 1874-77. 6 v. Nord og Syd, 1848-59. 33 v. Nord und Slid, 1877-90 -j- 55 v. Nordisk Tidsskrift, 1876-81. 8 v. Norsk Familje Blad, 1879-80. v.i. *North American Review, 1815-90 -{- 151 v. Index, v. 1-25. The same, v. 1-125. *North British Review, 1844-71. 53 v. North End Mission Magazine, 1872-75. 4 V. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1853-88. 37 V. Index, v. 1—17. Northwest Review, 1883. Northwestern Review, 1873-74. v. 8-10. ^Norton’s Literary Letter, 1857-60. *0 646 Norton's Literary Register, 1853,1854. 2v.*0 647 Notes and Queries, 1849-90 -f- 82 v. Indexes, v. 1-72. 6 v. Notre Dame Scholastic, 1877-79. v - 11—13. Nouvelle Revue, 1879-90 -|- 67 v. Nuova Antologia, 1884-90 -f- v. 73-114. Ny Illustrerad Tidning, 1873, i8 75 - v. 9, 11. Ny Ulustreret Tidende, 1874. Nyt dansk Maanedsskrift, 1877-78. 4 v. Nyt Tidsskrift, 1884-87. 4 'v. Oberlin Quarterly Review, 1845-47. 2 v. Observatory, 1880-90 v. 3-13. Occident, 1843-54. 12 v. Odd Fellow’s Union, 1866. v. 1. Ohio Journal of Education, 1853-58. v. 2-7. * 01 d and New, 1870-75. 11 v. * 01 den Time, The (Craig’s Reprint), 1846-47. 2V .. 1282 Omnibus (Dutch), 1871. *Once a Week, 1859—75. 31 v. Open Court, The, 1887-90 -J- 4 V. Osveta, 1871-90 -f v. 1, 3-21. Our Continent. See Continent. Our Monthly, 1870-71. 3 v. Our Living and our Dead, 1874-76. 3 v. Our Young Folks, 1865-73. 9 v . *Outing, 1884-90 -j- v. 3-16. *Overland Monthly, 1883-90 -|- 31 v. Paedagogium, 1880. v. 2. Palecek, 1873-85. 12 v. (Incomplete). ^Pamphleteer, 1813-28. 29 v. Panorama of Life and Literature (Littell’s), 1855- 57 - 5 v - Paper and Printing Trades’ Journal, 1883 -90 -(- 8v. Paris, Academie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus de, 1 865-9° + v. 60-69, 9 °~ l 11 • Pasquino, 1873, 1874. 2 v. Path, The, 1886-90 -j- 4 V. Patrician, The, 1846-48. 6 v. Paxton’s Magazine of Botany, 1834-45. 12 v. *Penn Monthly, 1870-82. 14 v. ^Pennsylvania Magazine, 1877-90-j- 14 v. Pennsylvania School Journal, 1855-56. v. 4, 5. *Penny Magazine, 1832-45. 14 v. *People’s Journal, 1846-1851. n v. Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 1880-82. 3 v. Petermann’s Geographische Mittheilungen, 1855— 9°+ 36 v . Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1855-64. Petermann’s Erganzungshefte, 1860-90-]- 20 v. Philatelic Journal of America, 1888-90 -[- v. 3-6. Philomathean Review, 1881-84. v. 2-4. Philosophical Society of Washington, Bulletins, 1871-87. 10 v. Phonographic Monthly (Browne’s), 1884-90 -J- v. 9-15. Phrenological Journal (Edinburgh), 1824-47. 20v. Phrenological Journal (N. Y.), 1866-90 -j- v. 43- 49, 82-91. ^Pioneer, The; or, California Monthly Magazine, 1854-55. v. 1-4. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie. See Annalen der Physik, etc. * Political Science Quarterly, 1886-90 -{- 4 V. Polyanthos, The, 1812-13. 4 v. Polybiblion j Revue bibliographique universelle, 1868-90 -f- 58 v. Polytechnic Review, 1876-78. 6 v. *Popular Science Monthly, 1872-90 -|- 37 v. Index, v. 1-20. ^Popular Science Monthly, Supplement, 1878-79. 4V. Popular Science News and Boston Journal of Chemistry, 1883-90 -j- v. 14-24. *Popular Science Review, 1862-81. 20 v. *Port Folio (Dennie’s), 1806-16. 22 v. See New Church Mes- See Colburn’s New PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. 318 ^Portfolio, 1872-90 -f- 19 v. *Potter’s American Monthly, 1875-81. v. 4 -I 9 * Poultry World, 1872-73. 2 v. ^Practical Magazine, 1873-77. v. 2-7. Practical Teacher, 1884-85. v. S. Prairie Farmer, The, 1888-90 -f- v. $9-61. Prazke hospodarske noviny, 1878-87. v. 1, 2, 4-10. Presbyterian and Theological Review. See Amer¬ ican Presbyterian Review. Presbyterian Monthly Record, 1877-9- v * 2 8 - 3 °- Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review, 1872-7. 6v. Presbyterian Quarterly Review. See American Presbyterian Review. ^Presbyterian Review, 1880-90 -J- II v. Preussisches Handelsarchiv, 1873. * Princeton Review, 1834-1884. v. 6-43. New Ser. v. 1-14 Index, 1825-68. Printer’s Circular, 1874-80. v.9-15. Prophetic Times, 1863-70. 8 v. ^Prospective Review, 1845-54* 10 v. Public Opinion, (London), 1861-90 -f- 58 v. Public Opinion (Washington), 1887-90 -J- v. 3-9. Publishers’ Circular, 1837-47. 10 v. Publishers’ Weekly, 1872-90-f- 3 8 v * Punch, 1841-90 -f- 50 v. * Putnam’s Monthly, 1853-70. 16 v, ^Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1886-90-)- 4 V. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1875- 9° T v * I 5 - 3 I * (Quarterly Journal of Prophecy, 1859. v. 11. Quarterly Journal of Science. See Journal of Science. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and Art, 1817-30. 29 v. Index, v. 1-20. Quarterly Magazine. ISee Knight’s Quarterly Mag¬ azine. ^Quarterly Review, 1809-90 -J- 171 v. Index, v. 1-160. 8 v. Quarterly Review of Evangelical Lutheran Church. S‘?e Lutheran Quarterly Review. Queen, 1874-88. v. 54-71, 77-84. *Radical, 1866-72. 10 v. Radical Review. See Alliance. ^Radical Review, 1877-78. v. 1. Railroad and Engineering Journal, 1887-90 -j- 4 V. Railroad Gazette, 1873-76. v. 5-8. Railway Age, 1889-90 -f- v. 14, 15. Railway Monitor, 1873-74. 2 v. Railway Review (Chicago), 1877-90-j- v. 17-30. Railway World, 1876-77. v. 2, 3. Real-Estate and Building Journal, 1887-90 -{- • v. 29-31. *Recreative Science, 1860-62. 3 v Rectangular Review, 1871. *Reformed Quarterly Review, 1881-90 -)- v. 28-37. Religious Magazine, 1833-35. 2 v. Religious Magazine and Monthly Review, 1873. v. 5 °, 51 * *Reliquary, 1860-90 -J- 30 v. ■^Retrospective Review, 1820-54. 18 v. Review of Reviews, 1890 -|- 2 v. Revista contemporanea, 1891 -j- v. 81. Revolution, 1868-70. 5 v. Revue critique, 1866-89 T v * Revue de Famille, 1891 -j- 3 v. Revue des deux Mondes, 1831-1890 -}- 308 v. Table generale, 1831-74. Index, 1875-83. Revue des Traditions populaires, 1889. v. 4. Revue generale de 1 ’Architecture, 1840-87. 44 v. Index, v. 1-30. Revue historique, 1876-90 -f- 44 v. Revue internationale, 1889-90. v. 21-28. Revue universelle des Mines, 1857-89 -}- 67 v. Rivista Europea, 1872-74. 8 v. Royal Asiatic Society, Journal, 1834-63. 20 v. Royal Astronomical Society, Memoirs, 1822-90 -)- 50 v...V 418 Index, v. 1-38. Monthly Notices, 1831-90-)- v. 1, 2, 8-26, 29-50.K 2068 Royal Geographical Society, Journal, 1831-77. 46V. Index, v. 1-30. Proceedings, 1857-90 -)- 34 v. *Royal Historical Society, Transactions, 1873-86. 13V. Royal Institute of British Architects, Papers, 1873— 78. 5 v. Royal Institution, Proceedings, 1851—89 —|— v. 1-3, 5-12.K 2817 Royal Institution of Cornwall, Journal, 1866-72. 3V. Reports, 1839-72. 6 v. Royal Microscopical Society, Journal, 1878-90 -{- 21 v. Royal Physical Society, Proceedings, 1854-66. 3 v. Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Transactions, 1841- 86. 11 v. Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, 1666- 1888 -)- 191 v. Index, v. 1-120. 2 v. Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Trans¬ actions, 1883-90 -f- 8 v. Royal United Service Institution, Journal, 1858-72. D v * Russkaya Meesl, 1889-90 -(- 12 v. PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. 319 Siingerhalle, Die, 1874. v. 14. *St. James’s Magazine, 1861-81. 49 V. St. James’s Magazine (Burke’s), 1850. 2 v. St. Louis Academy of Science, Transactions, 1878- 82. v. 3, 4.K 7174 St. Nicholas, 1874-90 17 v. x 'St. Paul’s Magazine, 1868-74. 14 v. St. Petersburgh, Academie des Sciences, Bulletins, 1S60-87 + 32 v. • Memoires, 1859-69. 13 v. Salon, Der, 1868-90 -f- 46 v. Samfundet, 1889. Sanitary Engineer, 1882-86. v. 7, n, 13. Sanitary Era, 1886-90 -(- 3 V. Sartain’s Union Magazine, 1850. v. 6, 7. Saturday Magazine (Boston), 1879. 2 v * Saturday Magazine (London). 1833-44. 25 v. “'Saturday Review, 1856-90 -J- 70 v. Schachzeitung der Berliner Schachgesellschaft, 1846-75. 30 v. Schilling’s Journal fur Gasbelei.chtung und Was- serversorgung, 1886-87. v. 29, 30. Schorer’s Familienblatt, 1880-85. 6 v. Schorer’s Familienblatt (Salon Ausgabe), 1SS5- 90 -f- 11 v. ^Science (Cambridge), 1883-90 -f- 16 v. Science (New York), 1880. v. 1. Science Gossip. See Hardwicke’s Science Gossip. Scientific American, 1844-90 -(- 77 v. Scientific American Supplement, 1878-90-f- 30V. Catalogue of Papers in...*R 1061 Scientific American, Architects’ and Builders’ Edi¬ tion, 1S85-90 -j- 10 v. Scientific Canadian. See Canadian Magazine of Science and Arts. Scientific Review, 1873-83. v. 8-18. ^'Scottish Review, 1882-90 -|^ 16 v. Scribner’s Monthly, 1872-81. 22 v. Index, v. 1-10. *Scribner’s Magazine, 1887-90 -|- 8 v. ^Select Journal of Foreign Periodical Literature, I 833 - 34 - 4 v. Serapeum, 1840-70. 31 v. Register, v. 1-36. *Sharpe’s London Magazine, 1846-56. 24 v. Shilling Magazine (Douglas Jerrold’s), 1845-48. yv. Short-Hand News, 1883. v. 2. Short-Hand Writer, 1885-90-)- v. 4-9. ^Sidereal Messenger, 1882-90 -f- v. 1, 2, 4-9. Signs of the Times, 1886-90 -J- v. 12-16. Silliman’s Journal. See American Journal of Science and Arts. Skilling Magazine, 1874-90-f v. 54, 58-72, 83-86. Skvia, 1875-78. 4 v. Slovansky Sbornik, 1884-87. v. 3-6. Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge, 1848-90 26 v. Miscellaneous Collections, 1862-88 -J- 33 V. Reports, 1849-89 -J- 44 v. Society Magazine, 1888. v. 1. Society of Arts, Journal, 1853-69. 17 v. Transactions, 1783-1847. 56 V. .Society of Biblical Archaeology, Proceedings, 1878- 90 -|- 12 v. Transactions, 1872-85. 8 v. Society of Engineers, Transactions, 1860-89-)- 28v. Index, 1861-89. Sokol, 1875-85. v. 5, 6, 8, 10, 11. Song Messenger, 1874. v. 12. Sonntagsblatt, 1863-71. 9 V. Sonntagsblatt fiir Hessen, 1877. v. 1. ^Southern Bivouac, 1883-86. v. 2-4. Southern Historical Monthly, 1876-77. 1 v. -Southern Historical Society, Papers, ’76-90 -f- 18 v. Transactions, 1874. v. 1. "Southern Literary Jonrnal, 1835, 1837. v. 1,4. '^Southern Literary Messenger, 1834-64. 36 v. ^Southern Magazine, 1871-75. v. 8-17. ^Southern Quarterly Review, 1842-55. v. 1-18, 25-28. ^Southern Review, 1828-30. v. 2, 3, 5, 6. ‘"Southern Review, 1867-78. 24 v. Speaker, The, 1890 -J- 2 v. ^Spectator, 1875-90-)- v. 47-65. Spirit of the Lakes, 1849. v. 1. ^Spirit of the Pilgrims, 1828-33. 6 v. Spirit of the Times, 1874-76. v. 88-90. Staatsarchiv, Das, 1861-89. 49 v. General-Register, 1861-77. 2 v. Stationer and Printer, 1880-90 -)- v. 2-7, 9-21. ^'Statistical Society (London), Journal, 1839-90 -f- 53 v. Index, v. 1-50. 2 v. * Stemmen uit de vrije hollandsche Gemeente, 1886-88. 3 v. Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, 1879. v. 16, 17. Street Railway Gazette, 1886-90 -J- 5 V. *Student and Intellectual Observer, 1868-71. 5V. Sunday at Home, 1871, 1889-90-)- 3 v. *Sunday Magazine, 1870, 1875-90-)- 20 v. Sunday School Teacher, 1866. ' v. 1. Svanda Dudak, 1886-87. v. 5, 6. Svetozor, 1872-88. 13 v. (Incomplete). Switchmen’s Journal, 1887-90 -f- 4 V. Tablet, 1874-90 -J- v. 43-76. *Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1832-58. 29 v. Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, 1872-* 73. v. 1. 3 2 ° PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. *Temple Bar, 1861-90 -)- 90 v. Textile Recorder, 1886-87. v. 4. ^Theatre (London), 1878-90 -)- 25 v. Theatre (New York), 1886-90 -f~ 7 v. ^Theological and Literary Journal (Lord’s), 1S4S- 61 13 v. ^Theological Eclectic, 1863-70. 7 v. ^Theological Review, 1864-79. 16 v. Thistleton’s Jolly Giant, 1880. v. 12, 13. Tijdspiegel, De, 1867-69. 6 v. Tilskueren, 1890 -|- v. 7. ^Tinsley’s Magazine, 1867-90-}- 45 v. *To-Day (London), 1884-89. 11 v. To-Day; a Boston Literary Journal, 1852. v. 1, 2. Tomahawk, The, 1867-70. 6 v. Tour du Monde, Le, 1860-90 -}- 30 v. Transatlantic, 1873. v. 1. Trubner’s American and Oriental Literary Record, 1865-90 -j-10 v. Truth (London), 1891 -}- v. 29, 30. Truth (New York), 1887-88. v 1,2, 4. Ueber Land und Meer, 1863-90 -}- v. 9-64. Undergraduate, The. See University Quarterly. ^Unitarian Review, 1874-90-}- 34 V. United Service, The, 1889-90 ^|- 4 v. United Service Journal, (Colburn’s), 1837-90 -}- 153 v - ♦United States Catholic Magazine, 1844-48. v. 3, 5 - 7 - United States Catholic Miscellany, 1824-25. v. 3-5. United States Cavalry Association, Journal of, 1888-90 -}- 3 v. ^United States Literary Gazette, 1825-27. v. 2-5. United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, 1875— 90 -f- 16 v. Index, v. 1—15. United States Official Postal Guide, 1874-90 -}- 12 v. United States Review, 1877. "'United States Service Magazine, 1864-66. 5 v. Unity, 1S79-90-}- v. 4-11, 13-26. Universal Review, 188S-90. 8 v. *Universalist Quarterly, 1844-90 -)- v. 1-20, 46, 47. ^University Quarterly, 1860-61 4 v * Unsere Zeit, 1857-90 -\- 59 v. Unt'erhaltung am hauslichen Herd, 1853-64. I2v. Urbankuv vestnik bibliograficky, 1880. v. 1. Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1869-86. 35 v - Vesmir, 1874-75. v. 3, 4. Victoria Institute, Journal of the Transactions of, 1867-90-}- 23 V. ^Victoria Magazine, 1863-80. 36 V. Vidar, 1888-89. 2 v - Vierteljahrschrift fiir Litteraturgeschichte, 1888- 9 ° + 3 v - Voice of Masonry, 1873-79. v - XI > I 3 _I 7 - Vom Fels zum Meer, 1881-90 -}- 17 v. Wagner’s Jahresbericht. See Jahresbericht fiber Chemische Technologie. Waldie’s Select Circulating Library, 1832-37. 8v. Weekly Magazine, 1883-84. v. 7. Weekly Register, 1882-90 -}- v. 65-82. Welthandel, Der, 1869-78. 10 v. Wesleyan Methodist Magazine. See Methodist Magazine. Wesleyan Missionary Society Reports, 1818-71. 16 v. (Incomplete). West Shore, The, 1883-91. v. 9, 11-17. Westermann’s Monatshefte, 1857-90 -}- 68 v. Index, v. 1-50. ^Western, The, 1875-81. 7 v. Western Agriculturist (Columbus), 1851. v. 1. Western Agriculturist (Quincy), 1875-90-}- v. 7-22. *W£stern Journal and Civilian, 1848-55. 14 v. ^Western Law Journal, 1844-53. v - IO - * Western Literary Journal, 1836. v. 1. Western Magazine and Review, 1827. v. 1. Western Manufacturer, 1876-82. v. 3-5, 7-10. Western Miscellany, The, 1849. v - I - ^Western Monthly Magazine, 1833-35. 4 v. *Wcstern Monthly Review, 1828-30. 3 v. Western Philatelist, 1887. v. 1. Western Postal Record, 1873. v. 6. ■^Western Review, 1S46. v. 1. Western Review of Science and Industry. See Kansas City Review. Western Rural, 18S5-90 -\- v. 23-28. Western Shoe and Leather Review, 1877-78. v.1-3. Western Stationer and Printer. See Stationer and Printer. Western Trade Journal, 1881. v. 8. ^Westminster Review, 1S24-90 -\- 134 v. Wheelman, The, 1882-84. v. 1, 2. Wide Awake, 1S85. v. 20. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Transactions, 1S70-S1. 5 v. ^Worcester Magazine, 1786, 1787, 1S25, 1S26. 5 V. Work; an illustrated Magazine, 1889-90-)- v. 1. Workshop, The, 1868-84. l 7 v - Writer, The, 1S87-90 -f- 4 V. Yale Literary Magazine, 1841. v. 6. Young Folks’ Monthly, 1875. Young Folks’ Rural, 1878-79. v. 5, 6. Youth’s Instructor, 1880. v. 28. Zabavne Listy, 1S80-S6. v. 2-8. Zeichen der Zeit, 1869. v. 1. Zeitgeist, Der, 1880-82. 3 v. BOUND PERIODICALS. 321 Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesell- schaft, 1847-90 -f- 44 v. Register, v. 1-40. 3 v. Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht, 1846-79. 2v. Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Geschichte, 1884-87. v. 1-4. Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie (Fresenius), 1862-90 -|- 29 v. Register, v. 11-20. Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Politik, 1888. Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden, 1887-90-f 4 v. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 1870. Zeitschrift fur Musik, Neue, 1873-90-f- v. 69, 71-86. Zeitschrift fur praktische Baukunst (Rombere’s), 1873- 74. 2 v. Zeitung des deutschen Lehrervereins, 1849-66. 8v. Zemepisny Sbornik, 1886-87. 2v. Zickel’s deutsch-amerikanische Familienblatter, 1874. Zickel’s deutsch-amerikanische Volks-Bibliothek, 18 74- v. 3, 4. Zlata Praha, 1884-88. 5 v. *Zoist, 1844-56. 13 v. Zoologist, 1843-76. 34 v. BOUND PERIODICALS IN THE CIRCULATING DEPARTMENT. All the Year Round, 1859-73. v. 1, 2, 29_S 1 Appleton’s Journal, 1873. v. 1.S 5 Atlantic Monthly, 1858-88. v. 1-22, 25-26, 31-38, 51-62. S 7 Belgravia, 1873. v. 21.S 10 Blackwood’s Magazine, 1873. v. 113, 114.. .S 11 Book Chat, 1887-90. v. 2-5.S 12 Cassell’s Magazine, 1873. v. 8.S 13 Century, 1881-91. v. 1-19.S 15 Chambers’s Journal, 1864. v. 41.S 16 Contemporary Review, 1866-1873. v. 2, 22..S 17 Cornhiil Magazine, 1873. v. 28.S 19 Cosmopolitan, 1890. v. 9...s 20 Divadelni Listy, 1880. v. 1.S 21 English Illustrated Magazine. 1883-85.S 24 Every Boy’s Annual, 1868-88.S 25 Fine Arts Quarterly Review, 1863-65. v. I-3.S 26 Fortnightly Review, 1873. v. 13-14.S 27 Forum, 1890-91. v. 9, 10.S 28 Fraser’s Magazine, 1873. v. 87,88 .S 29 Galaxy, 1868-1876. v. 6,8, 13, 15, 17-22...S 35 Harper’s Magazine, 1852-1891. v. 4, 5, 15-17, 20, 21, 24, 27, 32, 41, 51, 61, 62, 65-68, 7 °- 82 .S 40 Harper’s Young People, 1885. v. 6.S 41 Household Words, 1854. v. 8.S 42 Kvety, 1881. v. 7.S 44 Leisure Hour, 1863-81. v. 12-17, 20, 22 pt. 2, 2 3 - 3 °.. 46 Lippincott’s Magazine, 1868-90. v. 2, 12, 43- r 3 46 . 48 London Society, 1873. v. 24.S 49 Longman’s Magazine, 1882-83. v. 1.S 47 MacMillan’s Magazine, 1873-74. v. 29.S 50 Magazine of American History, 1886. v. 16..S52 North American Review, 1888-90. v. 146-151 .S 55 Old and New, 1873. v. 7-8.S 60 Once a Week, 1873. v. 29.S 62 Our Young Folks, 1865-73. v. 1-9.S 61 Outing, 1883. v. 9.S 63 Overland Monthly, 1873-75. v - IO-12, 14, 15 Pt- 1 . 64 Popular .Science Monthly, 1872-74,1890. v. 2, 4 > 37 . 69 Revue des deux Mondes, 1867-75. v. 67, 68, 75 > 77 — 79 > 97-120.S 73 St. Nicholas, 1S80-89. v - 7 pt 2, 8 pt 2, 9 pt 1, r 5 pt 2, 16. s 75 Schorer’s Familienblatt, 1887. v. 5.S 78 Scribner’s Magazine, 1887-1890. v. 1-8.S 76 Scribner’s Monthly, 1880-81. v. 20, 21.S 77 Temple Bar, 1873, 1874. v. 39, 40.S 79 Victoria Magazine, 1873, i8 74 - v. 21, 23.S 85 Vom Fels zum Meer, 1885. 88-89. v. 8 , 14-16, S 90 322 BOUND NEWSPAPERS. BOUND NEWSPAPERS- Albany Gazette, 1829, 1832-41. Allgemeine Zeitung (Augsburg; Munich), 1S75 90 -R Baltimore, American Advertiser, 1873. Bombay, Times of India, 1874-76. Boston, Daily Advertiser, 1873. Evening Transcript, 1873. Gazette and Country Journal, March 12, 1776. Der Pionier, 1862-71, 1876. Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, 1S73. Chicago Abendpost, 1890 -R Daily Democratic Press, 1854-56. Daily News (Morning issue), 1885-90 -R Evening Journal, 1873-90 -R Evening Mail, 1872. Evening Post, 1890 -R Evening Telegraph, 1876. Freie Presse, 1873, 1891 -R Globe, 1888-90 -R Hejmdal, 1874-76. Herald, 1886-91 -R Sunday Herald, 1885-6. Illinois Staats-Zeitung, 1873-90 -R Inter-Ocean, 1873-1891 -R Post and Mail, 1874, 1875-78. Standard, 1875-6. Svornost, 1875-90 -R Times, 1873-91 -R Tribune, 1861-91 -R (exc. May-Dec., 1870, Jan.-April, 1871). Union, 1873. Vorbote, 1874-88. Westen, Der, 1880-90 -R Cincinnati Commercial, 1860-64, 1873. Gazette, 1873. Cologne, Kblnische Zeitung, 1873. Dublin, Nation, 1873. Indianapolis Journal, 1873. London, Mark Lane Express, 1873, 1876-89 -R Pall Mall Budget, 1885-90 -R Pall Mall Gazette, 1873-89 -R St. James’s Gazette, 1880-90 -R Times, 1873-91 -R Index, 1873-90 -R Melbourne, Australasian, 1869-90 -R Mexico, Deutsche Zeitung von Mexiko, 1883-4. Mobile, Daily Register, 1873. New Orleans, Picayune, 1841, 1844, 1855. New York, American 1823-25, 1831-34. Belletristisches Journal, 1882-85. Courrier des Etats-Unis, 1873. Daily Graphic, 1873. Evening Post, 1853-54, 1873. Independent, 1862-65. New Yorker, 1834-36. Observer, 1843-53 (Incomplete). Staats-Zeitung, 1873. Times, 1856-58, 1873, 1883-89. Tribune, 1841-54, 1859-66, 1873, 1885-6 (In¬ complete). Index, 1876-8, 1880-89..R 1224 Voice, The, 1884-88. World, 1873, 1885-6. Lincoln, A., Newspapers relating to Death of, April-May, 1865. Paris, Galignani’s Messenger, 1873. Journal des Debats, 1873. Philadelphia, Dollar Newspaper, 1848-51. Family Newspaper, 1848-50. Federal Gazette, Nov.-Dee. 1793. Gazette of United States, 1789-1791. Press, 1873. Providence, Rhode Island Country Journal, 1859 -60. Richmond, Enquirer, 1873. St. Louis, Democrat, 1873. • Mssoiui Republican, 1852-3, 1873. Springfield, Ill., Journal, 1873. Springfield, Mass., Republican, 1873. Vienna, Neue Freie Presse, 1873. Washington, Daily Globe, 1872-3. National Intelligencer, 1838-54. Chicago Fire, Newspapers relating to, Oct., 1871. Washington’s Inauguration, Centennial Celebration, Newspapers relating to, April 30, May 1, 1889. R 1223 FINDING LIST SEVENTH EDITION. Fine Arts. Practical Arts. Natural Sciences. CH ICAGO: LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL. September, 1892. INDEX INDEX TO ARTS Acids. Acoustics. Adulteration of Foods... Aerostatics. Agriculture. Algoe.. Algebra. Alloys. Amusements, Indoor...., Angling. Animals. Antiquities.. Aquarium. Archceology. Archery. Arches. Architecture. Arithmetic... Arms and Armor. Art in the House. Arts, Fine.... Practical. Assaying. Astronomy. Athletics. Autographs. Balloons. Baseball. Bees and Bee-Keeping. ... Beer. Bells. Billiards.. Biology. - Birds.’’ Blasting. Bleaching. Boats. Boating... Boilers, Steam. Book-Binding. Botany. Boxing. Brass Founding. Brewing . Brick and Bricklaying. Bridges. AND SCIENCES. . 377 .418 . 390 . 4 r 9 . 393 . 43 i . 4 i 3 .* 354 . 39 ° . 397 . 438 . 335 . 45 ° . 335 ... • • . 393 . 367 . 339 . 4 i 3 .-. 375 . 386 .. 323 . 349 . 355 . 435 .. 392 . 385 . 419 . 393 . 407 . 378 . 346 . 39 2 .. 445 . 447 . 356 . 379 . 376 . 395 . 3 61 • • • . . 386 . 43i . 39 2 . 356 .. 378 . 368 . 367 Building and Building Materials Butter. Cabinet Making . Calico Printing. Camping Out. Canal and River Engineering o O * * * Canals. Candles. Canoeing. Cantatas.. Card Games. Caricature. Carpentry. Carriage Painting. Carriages. Casting. Cathedrals. Cattle. Caves. Cement . Ceramics. Champagne. Cheese. Chemical Technology. Chemistry. Chess. China Painting. Civil Engineering. Climate. Clocks . Coaches. Coaching. Coal and Coal Mining. Coal Gas. Coffee. Coins. Colors . Conchology. Conic Sections. Cookery and Cook Books.. Coral. ' .. Cotton. Cotton Manufacture . Cricket. Cutlery. Cycling. Dairy Farming.. .. 368 . . 406 381 •• 379 • - 395 ..^65 •• 366 •• 378 395 •• 347 39 1 335 • 369 • 379 • 381 • 356 • 339 • 405 • 429 • 368 • 380 . 404 . 406 • 377 . 421 - 392 . 380 • 3 6 2 . 426 • 381 - 381 • 393 • 355 • 355 ■ 404 • 338 323 ■ 45° 413 388 438 405 38 i 393 381 393 406 IT INDEX. Dancing. Decoration and Decorative Arts Designing. Diamonds. Distilling. Dog, The . Domestic Economy. Drainage, Farm. House. . Draughts.. Drawing. Dress . Dry Goods. Dyefng. Dynamo, The.. Earthquakes.. Electric batteries.. Bells .. Lighting.. Railways. Telegraph. Electrical Engineering. Electricity .. Electro-Metallurgy. Elevators, Hydraulic. Embroidery. Engraving. Entomology. Etching. Ethnology. Evolution. Exhibitions. Explosives. Fairs.. Falconry. Farm Drainage... Farming. Fats. Fencing. Ferns.*.. Field Sports. Fine Arts. Galleries and Periodicals.. Fire Engines and Fires. Fire-Works. Fishes and Fish Culture. Fishing. Flags. Flax. Floriculture ... Flour Mills. Foods. Football. Forestry.;. 390 334 431 378 408 386 400 364 39 2 SO* 387 381 379 37 o 425 37o 37o 373 366 372 370 420 355 3^5 382 330 446 330 443 445 35i 378 35i 395 400 39 s .378 392 434 395 323 331 361 378 449 397 377 405 400 359 39° 393 402 Founding, Brass and Iron. Fret-Sawing. Fruit Culture. Fuel. Fungi..... Furni'.ure .. Games, Indoor. Gardening. Gas, Gas Lighting and Heating Gas, Natural . Gas Works. Gastronomy.... ’.. Gems... Geological Surveys. Geology. . .... Geometry. Glass and Glass Painting. Glue. Gold Mining.... Goldsmith’s Work. Grape Culture... Graphics. Grasses. Gunnery. Gymnastics. Harbors... Hardware.. Heat. Heating .. Hogs. Hops. Horology. Horse, The. Horse-Racing. . Horsemanship.. Horticulture. House, Art in the.. House Drainage. House Painting. House Plans. Household Management. Housekeeping... Hunting. Hydraulic Elevators. Engineering... Hymn Books with Music. Ichthyology. Illumination. Illustrated Books. India Rubber. Indoor Games. *... Industrial Arts. Industrial Exhibitions.. Insects . . . 356 359 403 35<> 431 38 i 39° 400 355 356 355 388 43 i 429 427 4 i 3 379 378 353 380 404 362 43 i 375 392 366 3 S 1 419 369 405 405 381 407 393 408 400 3 6 4 379 339 387 356 395 365 365 346 449 3S5 331 4C5 39° 349 35i INDEX. iii Interior Decoration. Inventions. Iron Founling. Iran W>rk, Ornamental, Irrigation. Jewels. , Jewelry, Joinery. Lace... Landscape Gardening. Lathe, The. Leather. Light. Lighthouses. Wg.369 and Lightning Conductors. Lime. Lithography.[.. Tocomotives. Machinery and Machines Magnetism. Malt. Man. Manufactures . ft^anuscripts, Illuminated . Masonry. Materials, Strength of . Mathematics . Meat and Meat Production . Mechanical Engineering. Mechanics... Medals.;. Metal Work. Metals. Metallurgy . . Meteorology. Microscopy. Military Science. Milk .. Mills and Mill-Work. Mineralogy. Mines and Mining. Monograms. , . 333 and Monuments. Mortar. .. Moulding. Mountains. Music. 333 35 i 356 334 400 43i 380 369 382 402 359 379 419 366 373 372 368 385 360 357 420 378 443 349 385 368 362 4i3 406 357 357 JJ 8 35 ^ 354 354 426 423 373 406 359 430 353 385 34 3 368 356 424 343 346 356 Natural History. 43 g Natural Philosophy. Natural Science. Naval Architecture. Musical Instruments. Natural Gas. . 375 .377 .375 .382 . 338 . 425 .356 and 378 . 347 . 419 ....... 347 Naval Science. Navies and Naval Ordnance. Navigation. Needlework. Numismatics. Ocean, The.. Oil.. Operas. Optics. Oratorios. Ordnance . ^75 Organ, The. ^ Ornament. ^33 Ornamental Design. Ornamental Iron Work. Ornithology. Ostriches. Outdoor Sports. Painters and Painting. Painting, Carriage. o 7 I China.. Glass. House... Palaeography. < 3 ^ Palaeontology. Paper. Parks.. Patent Reports. Pattern-Making... ^ ^ Pavements.. Peat,. 334 447 406 393 323 380 379 379 427 386 402 35 i 367 .56 Penmanship. . Perfumery. ^ 7 g Petroleum. Photography. Physical Culture. Physical Geography. » Physics. Piano-forte.. Pigeons. Planing Mills. Plants, . Plumbing...' ^ Pomology. . Pottery. Poultry. Practical Arts. Precious Stones. Printing. . 385 8 356 383 392 424 416 346 406 359 43 i 403 380 406 349 43 i 383 Pumps Early Specimens of. 3 3^5 Quarrying. 6 Railroads. ^ River and Canal Engineering. 3 5c IV INDEX. Rivers. Roads and Roadbuilding. Roofs. Saddlery. Sanitary Engineering. Saw Mills.... Sculpture. Sea, The. Sea-Side Studies. Sea Weeds. Seamanship. Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Sheep. . . Shells. Ships and Shipbuilding. Shooting. Signals. Silk Manufacture. Silversmith’s Work. Skating. Soap. •....*.. Song Books with Music. Sound. Spectrum Analysis. Sports, Field. Outdoor. Stair Building. Statics. Steam and Steam Engines.... Steam Boilers. Strength of Materials.. Sugar. Surveys, Geological. Surveying, Land and Marine.. Swimming. Tactics, Military. . . ... Naval. Tanning........ Tapestry. Taxidermy . Tea. Technology, Chemical. Telegraph, Electric. Telephone, The. Tennis ...393 Textile Fabrics. ^81 Tiles.368 Timber. Tobacco. * .. Toilet, The. Tombs. Tools. Torpedoes. Trades, Miscellaneous Training, Physical... Trapping. 395 Trees. 402 Tunneling. 356 Typography... 383 U. S. Geological Surveys. 429 U. S. Weather Bureau. 427 Varnish.*. 378 Vegetables. 401 Ventilation...,. 369 Vinegar. 378 Vineyards. 404 Violin, The. 346 Volcanoes... 425 Wagons. 381 War, Art of.... 373 Warming. 369 Watches... 381 Water. 418 Water Works. 365 Weather.*.. 426 Weather Bureau, U. S. 427 Wells. 365 Wheels. 3 Whist. 391 Wine. 404 Wood-Carving . 359 Wood-Engraving... 33 c Wood-Working and Turning . . 359 Working in Metals.. 356 Writing. 385 Yachting. 395 Zincography. 330 Zoology....43 & 424 367 367 379 3 6 4 359 323 425 45° 43i 375 3 6 4 405 45° 376 395 377 381 380 393 378 346 418 423 395 393 369 362 36° 361 362 404 429 363 393 373 377 379 381 443 404 377 372 372 FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. FINE ARTS. GENERAL WORKS. —PAINTING.—SCULP¬ TURE. Abbott. Outlines for the Study of Art_K 3798 About. Salon de 1864. q 4015 Salon de 1866.. C 4Ql6 Adeline. Art Dictionary.K 3559 The same .“R 4045 Aderholdt. Ueber Goethe’s Farbenlehre D 3014 Agincourt. History of Art by its Monu- ments ----.*P 991 Alberti. Della Pittura e della Statua..C 9500,34 Alcock. Art Industries in Japan.K 187 Allston. Lectures on Art and Poems.K 95 Anderson. Pictorial Arts of Japan.*p 896 Appell. Early Christian Art.K 3513 Armitage. Lectures on Painting.K 3380 Arsenne. Peintre et Sculpteur.C 6513,114 Artistic Amusements. r 3440 Artists’ Repository; Encyclopaedia of the Fine Arts - 4v..*K 3522 Arts, Les, aux Etats-Unis. q 4088 Attwell. The Italian Masters.K 3527 Aldsle\ . Ornamental Arts of Japan. 2v.*P 895 Bacon. Parisian Art and Artists.K 3358 Bancroft. Philosophy of Permanent Colours. 2 v . K 6193 Band. Unsere Kunst in Wort und Bild . ..*V 958 Barnard. Drawing from Nature.*V 30 Landscape Painting in Water Colors.. ,*K 106 Barry. Lectures on Painting.I 327, Bartholdi. Statue of Liberty. k 3437 Bascom. ^Esthetics. r 3341 Bayliss. The Enchanted Island, and other Studies in Art. K 35 o 5 Higher Life in Art. K 3346 Becker. Deutsche Maler.D 6688 Benjamin. Art in America. r I04 Contemporary Art in Europe.K 121 Our American Artists. r 243 Berjeau. Varieties of Dogs found in old Sculptures.. 8362 Berlin, Fiihrer durch die Koniglichen Museen.D 6690 Jubilaums-Ausstellung, Illustrirter ICata- lo S.. 6689 Beul£. Causeries sur l’Art. C 4159 Beyle. Histoire de la Peinture en Italie,.. .C 4270 Bezold. Farbenlehre. p> Bigot. Raffaelle and the Villa Farnesina. ,*P 840 Blanc. History of Painters. #y 5^7 L’GEuvre complet de Rembrandt.*C 4249 Peintres francais au igme Siecle.C 4227 Blanchard. Manuel du Coloriste.C 6513,173 Bolton. Famous European Artists.C10164 Boot. Trees and how to paint them in Water CoIors .-.*K 3469 Bracquemond. Dessin et Couleur.C12009 Brandes. /Esthetiske Studier.C 7061 Den franske ^Esthetik.c 7061 Braun, E. Study of Art-Mythology.*p 1613 Braun, J. Geschichte der Kunst.D 6691 Brinkmann. Kunst und HancJVerk in Japan.* V 983 British Painters of 18th and 19th Centuries .*R 4163 Brockhaus. Kunst in den Athos-Klostem.*R 4145 Brown. The Fine Arts. k 3547 Bruf.cke. Bildende Kiinste.;.0415,28 Brulliot. Dictionnaire des Monogrammes des Peintres. 3 v.*R 4097 Brunn. Geschichte der griechischen KiinstlerD 4252 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers*R 490 The same; new ed. 2v.*R 491 Brydali.. Art in Scotland.K 3558 324 FINE ARTS. Brydges, E. Catalogue of Portraits.*0 640 Buchanan. Memoirs of Painting. 2 v... .K 3549 Burckhardt. Art Guide for Italy.K 105 Cicerone; Kunstwerke Italiens. 3 v...D 465 Renaissance in Italien.D 466 Burn. Roman Literature in relation to 3484 Burnet. Composition in Pictures.K 3340 Education of the Eye in Painting.*V 1796 Hints on Colour in Painting.*V 885 Hints on Portrait Painting.*V 44 Landscape Painting in Oil.*V 43 Light and Shade in Painting .*V 41 A Painter in the 19th Century.K 3391* Rembrandt and his Works.*P 505 Treatise on Painting .*V 49 The same. 3 V.*V 1797 Burrow. Elgin Marbles.K 28 Burtin. Knowledge necessary to Amateurs in Pictures.Iv 3514 Busch. Naturgeschichte der Kunst . D 4244 Buxton and Koehler. English and Amer¬ ican Painters.Iv 3363’ and Poynter. German, Flemish and Dutch Painting.. . .Iv 3319 Carmichael. Marine Painting in Water Colors.Iv 3781 Carr. Essays on Art.Iv 3307 Carriere. yEsthetik. 2v.D 458 Kunst- und Kulturentwicklung. 5 v. . . .D 459 Catalogue de l’Exposition de Gravures, 1881.*P 776 Catalogue of Books on Art. 3 v. *0 33 Catalogue of Reproductions of Objects of Art *R 4056 Cave. On Color.Iv 64 Cawse. Art of Painting in Oil Colours.... Iv 3465 Cennini. Treatise on Painting.Iv 3314 Champlin and Perkins. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. 4 V.*R 485 The same. 4v.*P 88 Cheney. Gleanings in Art.K 3302 Chesneau. Education of the Artist.K 3479 English School of Painting.K 3408 Chevreul. On Color.I 3258 Child. Art and Criticism.*V 1740 Church. Chemistry of Paints and Painting.K 3504 Colour; an Elementary Manual.K 3492 Cincinnati, Women’s Art Museum Association, Loan Exhibition.Iv 342 Clairambault. Inventaire de la Collection Clairambault.C 5287 Clarac. Musee de Sculpture. 5 V. in6...*P 651 Plates. 6 v.*.. *P 2241 Clayton. English Female Artists. 2 v...C 1319 Cleghorn. Ancient and Modern Art. 2v.K 3364 Clement,C. Michel-Ange,deVinci,Raphael.C 4361 Clement, C. E. History of Art.K 3456 Handbook of Christian Symbols.K 3446 Legendary and Mythological Art.K 58 Outline History of Painting.K 3374 Outline History of Sculpture.K 3435 Painters, Sculptors, Architects.*R 484 Stories of Art and Artists.K 3443 and Hutton. Artists of 19th Century. 2 v.* R 481 The same; new ed.*R 482 Collier. Manual of Oil Painting.K 3451 Collignon. Mythology in Relation to Greek Art.K 3506 Collingwood. Art Teaching of Ruskin.. .Iv 3794 Condit. Painting and Painters’ Materials. .Iv 3416 Conti. Two Dialogues on Art.C 3285 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kensington Iv 3401 Conway, W. M. Artistic Development of Reynolds and Gainsborough.Iv 3483 Dawn of Art.K 3654 Early Flemish Artists.K 3445 Cook, C. Art and Artists of our Time. 3v.*P 726 Cook, D. Art in England.K 164 Cook, E. Hand-Book to the National Gallery Iv 3498 Cook, E. T. Studies in Ruskin.K 3348 Copley, J. S. Life and Paintings; by Amory. C 1792 List of Paintings.E 743,2 Coquerel. Les Beaux Arts en Italie.C 4363 Fine Arts in Italy.;.K 99 Couture. Conversation on Art Methods .. .K 172 Crane. Art and Formation of Taste.Iv 3373 Crocker. Crayon Portraiture.K 3461 Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Early Flemish Painters.*K 118 History of Painting in Italy. 3 v.Iv 100 The same. 3 V. t ..*K 100 Painting in Northern Italy. 2 v.*K 101 Crowninshield. Mural Painting.K 3419 Cunningham. Eminent British Painters. 3v.I 2976 The same. 5 v.I 3663 Curtis. Works of Velazquez and Murillo. *R 4076 D’ Anvers. Elementary History of Art... .K 3316 Davidson, E. A. Pretty Arts for Leisure Hours.Iv 3351 Davidson, T. Parthenon Frieze, and other Essays ..K 3377 Davis. Thoughts on Great Painters.K 3362 Day, H. M. Science of ^Esthetics.K 69 Day, L. F. Every-Day Art.K 3388 The same; new ed.K 3553 Deforest. Short History of Art........Iv 3317 DELAMOTTE. Sketching from Nature.*P 741 Deutsche Kunst und Kiinstler der Gegenwart*P 781 Dilke. Art in the Modern State.K 3532 GENERAL WORKS—PAINTING—SCULPTURE. 325 Dohme. Kunst und Kiinstler. 8 v.*R 4506 Doremus. Lightsin Sculpture and Painting.K 242 Dossie. Handmaid td the Arts.K 4309 Dresser. Japan; its Architecture, Art, etc..*'K 3383 Duffield. Art of Flower Painting.K 3335 Dumas, A. L’Art au Salon de 1859 .C 4604 Italiens et Flamands .C 4677 Dumas, F. G. Livret au Musee du Luxem¬ bourg. . .C 4570 Dumas’ Art Annual, 1882. .. K 3371 Dunlap. History of the Arts of Design. 2v.*K 3394 Dupr£ . Thoughts on Art.C 3286 DuSommerard. Les Arts au Moyen Age. 5 v.*P 644 Atlas. 6 v.*P 953 Dyer. Imitative Art. K 3404 Eagles. The Sketcher.Iv 75 Eastlake. Contributions to Fine Arts. 2v. .K 83 Five Great Painters. 2v.C 3294 The Louvre and Brera Galleries.Iv 3365 Pictures in the Old Pinakothek at Munich. Iv 3471 Eaton. Greek and Roman Sculpture .... K 3429 Eidlitz. Nature and Function of Art.Iv 3315 Ellet. Women Artists. .. C 150 Ellis, S. S. The Beautiful in Art and Nature Iv 2751, T. J. Sketching from Nature.Iv 3372 The same; new ed.Iv 3458 Emerson. Masks, Faces and Heads.Iv 3436 English Painters of the Georgian Era.*R 4164 Ersch. Literatur der schonen Kiinste.. . .*0 664 Everitt. English Caricaturists and Humor¬ ists.*V 807 Eye und Falke. Kunst und Leben der Vorzeit. 2 v.*P 698 Fagan. Art of Michel Angelo in the British Museum..*R 4489 Fairholt. Dictionary of Terms i:i Art.. .*R 4046 Homes and Works of English Artists. .*K 226 Homes of Foreign Artists.*K 227 Rambles of an Artist.Iv 3519 Falke. Aus dem weiten Reiche der Kunst.D 6700 Gesch. des modernen Geschmacks.D 430 Falkener. Daedalus; Greek Sculpture.... Iv 3790 Les Artistes celebres.*V 1066 Lcs Princes de l’Art.C 4860 Farrar. Art Topics. .... Iv 3554 Sculpture, Painting, Architecture.K 3318 Field. Chromatics.*V 48 Chromatography..Iv 134 The same; ed. by Salter.Iv 3466 Grammar of Coloring. .Iv 1370 The same; ed. by Davidson.Iv 1371 Fielding. Painting in Oil and Water Colors. *V 5 7 Flaxman. Lectures 4290 Hughes. Harmonies of Tones and Colors.*V 700 Huish. Japan and its Art.K 3510 The Year’s Art, 1881-92. 12 v.K 3303 Hulme. Symbolism in Christian Art.K 3797 Humphreys. Ten Centuries of Art.*y 1 Hunt. Talks on Art. 2v. k 53 Inventaire general des Richesses d’Art: Paris. Monuments religieux. *V 1129 Monuments civils. *V i no Inventaire general des Richesses d’Art: Province. Monuments civils.V II3l Archives du Musee francais.*y 1132 Ilistoire des Musees d’Angers.*y H33 Jahrbuch der koniglich preussischen Ivunst- sammlungen. n v.*p j6oi James. Italian Schools of Painting.’... K 3538 Flemish, Dutch and German Schools of Paillt ing .. 3537 Jameson. Early Italian Painters.C 132 History of our Lord. 2v.*K 43 Legends of the Madonna.K 41 The same, illustrated.*K 44 Legends of the Monastic Orders.K 42 The same, illustrated.*K 51 Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 v.K 40 The same, illustrated. 2v.*K 45 Janmot. L’Opinion d’un Artiste sur l’Art. .C 5325 Jarves. Art-Hints. k 74 Art-Idea. Art-Thoughts. r g ^ Glimpse at the Art of Japan.K 86 Jer\ is. Painting and Celebrated Paintings. 2 v .K 3328 Johnson. The Studio Arts . ; . K 145 Keane. Early Teutonic, Italian and French Masters .‘ .*y 364 Keddie (S. Tytler). Modern Painters.K 1*^ Old Masters .K 122 Kempt. Pencil and Palette.K 3345 Kestner. Romische Studien .D 417 King. Gnostics and their Remains. K 85 Knight. Symbolical Language of Ancient Art • • . A 2387 Knox. Manual of Artistic Anatomy. K 3767 Koehler. U. S. Art Directory, 1882 . K 3420 Kraus. Die christliche Kunst .D 4325 IvUGLER. Handbook of Painting, Italian School; ed. by Eastlake. 2 v.K 3478 The same; revised by Layard. 2v.*IC 78 Dutch School. 2 v. *K 79 Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen. 3 v.*P 1156 Kurtz (Ed.). National Academy Notes. 3 v.K 3427 Labarte. Arts of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance.*K 88 Histoire des Arts au Moyen Age. 4 v.,*P 1605 Album. 2 v . r .*P 1605,5-6 Lacroix. Arts in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.*R 4174 XVIIe Siecle; Institutions, Usages, Cos¬ tumes .*p 685 XYIIIe Siecle; Institutions, Usages, etc.*R 4178 Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages.•. ,*R 4176 GENERAL WORKS—PAINTING—SCULPTURE. 32 / Lacroix. Science and Literature in the Mid¬ dle Ages.*R 4175 Lamborn. Mexican Painting and Painters.*K 3800 Lami. Sculpteurs de l’Antiquite.C 5649 Lange. Om Ivunstvserdi...C 7364 Sergei og Thorvaldsen.C14880 Lanigan. Theory of Fine Arts.K 80 Lan'ZI. History of Painting. 3 V.I 3047 Lectures on Art, by R. S. Poole and others.K 3353 Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget. Leitch. Tainting in Neutral Tint.*K 3310 Course of Sepia Painting.*K 3311 Course of Water-Color Painting.*K 3312 Leland. Minor Arts. . .. .K 3352 Lemcke. Populare ZEsthetik.. D 420 Leslie. Hand-Book for Painters.K 3390 Hints to young Painters..*.K 137 Lessing. Laocoon; tr. by Beasley.I 2988 The same; tr. by P’nillimore.K 18 Laokoon (in German)...D 2069,5 Lester. Artists of America.C 3465 Lievre. CLuvres d'Art d’apres les Originaux*R 4896 Lilienfeld. Die antike Kunst.D 4300 Lindsay. History of Christian Art. 2V...K 3477 London, Ironmongers’ Hall, Catalogue of Worksof Art exhibited at, 1861. 2v.*P 1182 Long. Art and its Laws.K 22 Loomis. Art Study in Europe.*R 4044 The same. I 653 Lorck. Die graphischen Kiinste.D 4301 Lossing. History of Fine Arts.I 3734 Lotze. /Esthetik in Deutschland.D 4302 Louisville Exposition, Art Catalogues, 1883, 1884.K 3376 Luebke. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany . . *K 167 Gesch. der deutschen Kunst.D 6715 Gesch. der deutschen Renaissance.. ..*D 472 Gesch. der franzosischen Renaissance .*D 473 Gesch. der italienischen Malerei. 2v.. ,*D 467 Geschichtc der Plastik. 2v.*D 470 Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte.* 1 ) 474 History of Art; tr. by Bunnett. 2v.. .*R 4150 The same; ed. by Cook. 2 v.K 3306 History of Sculpture; tr. by Bunnett. 2v*. R 4151 Kunsthistorien .*C 7361 Studium der kirchlichen Kunst.*D 471 Macarthur and Moore. Figure Painting in Water Colors.*K 3332 Marchese. Painters of the Order of St. Dominic. 2v.C 1471 iy armottan. Les Statues de Paris.C12786 Maroi.les. Livre des Peintres et Graveurs.Ci3o65 Marshall. Anatomy for Artists.*V 726 Maskell. Dyce and Forster Collections...K 3571 Maskei.l. Ivories; Ancient and Mediaeval.K 386 Russian Art.K 3570 Matthaey. Studium des Malers, nut Atlas. 2 v. D 4309 May. Marine Painting... .*K 3487 Memes. History of Art.I 3524 MENGS, A. R. Works. 3 v. in 2.K 3523 Merrifield. Portrait Painting in Water Colors.Iv 3782 Treatises on Arts of Painting. 2 v.K 3499 Merritt. Art Criticism and Romance. 2v.K 3305 Dirt and Pictures separated.Iv 3468 Mesnard. Merveilles de l’Art et de l’lndus- trie.*R 4255 Michaelis. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain..*R 4166 Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, Catalogue, 1883.K 3434 Mitchell. History of Ancient Sculpture. 2v.Iv 3528 The same. *R 4159 Supplement (20 Plates) .*P 1162 Mollett. Diet, of Art and Archaeology. .*R 4052 Monkhouse. Earlier English Water-Colour Painters.*R 4165 Morelli. Italian Masters in German Galleries K 3454 Morris. Hopes and Fears for Art .Iv 3322 Mueller, F. Kunstler aller Zeiten u. Volker. 4 v. *R 501 Mueller, H. A. Biographisches Kiinstler- Lexikon.*R 3824 Lexikon der bildenden Kiinste.*R 3815 Mueller, Iv. O. Archaeologie der Kunst. .D • 452 Mulready, W. Masterpieces and Memorials *P 733 Muntz. Life and Works of Raphael. *C 3828 Murray. History of Greek Sculpture. 2v..Iv 3323 Naftel. Flowers and how to paint them.*K 3462 Nagler. Kunstler Lexicon. 22 v.*R 488 New England Institute, Art Catalogue, 1883 *V 661 Art Year Book, 1884.*V 670 New Orleans Exhibition, 1884-5, Collec¬ tion .Iv 3415 New York Historical Society, Catalogue of Museum and Gallery of Art.Iv 346 New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cata¬ logue of Pictures.*Iv 7170 Nisbet. Lessons in Art.Iv 3791 Life and Nature Studies. .Iv 3534 Ollier. Our British Portrait Painters. *P 737 Popular History of Sacred Art .*P 558 O’Neil. Lectures on Painting . Iv 108 Opie. Lectures on Painting .I 3273 Ortwein. Deutsche Renaissance. 9 v...*P 537 Otti.ey. Dictionary of Painters and Engrav¬ ers . *R 493 328 FINE ARTS. Overbeck. Geschichte der griechischen Plas- tik. 2 v....D ^21 Owen. Art Schools of Mediaeval Christen- dom ...K 3539 Paget (Vernon Lee). Belcaro; ^Ksthetical " Questions. . Euphorion; Studies of the Antique.K 3552 Juvenilia; ^Esthetical Questions.K 3459 Palgrave. Essays on Art. k 32 Palmer. Early Christian Symbolism.K 98 Paris. Manual of Ancient Sculpture.K 3530 Parry. Ministry of Fine Art to Happiness of . K 3515 Passavant. Tour of a German Artist in En S land .. 3531 Pater. The Renaissance. Studies in History of the Renaissance.K 71 Pattison. Renaissance of Art in France. 2 v.K 174 Pauli. Bildende Kunste. D 4I Peachey. Wax Pdower Modelling.K 3350 Pecht. Deutsche Kunstler. 3 V.D 4174 Penley. English School of Painting in Water , CoIors . *P 989 Sketching from Nature in Water Colors. *P 602 System of Water Color Painting. K 3->36 The same." .' K 3337 Perkins. Handbook of Italian Sculpture.. K 3385 Italian Sculptors. 4l6 ^ Tuscan Sculptors. 2 v. 4I gg Perrot and Chipiez. Art in Ancient Egypt. 2V . 3384 'Art in Chaldea and Assyria. 2 v... ,*K 3386 Art in Persia!.* K ^ Art in Phoenicia. 2 v.*47 0474 Art in Phrygia.*K 3785 Art in Sardinia, Judea, etc. 2 v.*K 3535 Pfau. Kunstund Kritik. Bd. 1,2, 4, 6. 4 v.D 4370 Phillips. History and Principles of Painting. K 81 Pilkington. , Dictionary of Painters.*R 489 Planch£. Etudes sur l’Ecole fran^aise... .C 6188 Platt. Art Culture. • . K 2g Poole. Art of the Saracen in Egypt.K 3578 Portal. Symbolic Colors.*y gi Poynter. Ten Lectures on Art.K 241 and Buxton. German, Flemish and Dutch Painting..K 3319 and Head. Classic and Italian Painting K 3320 Price. On the Picturesque. ^ Prout. Lights and Shadows. *y y Ql Prout’s Microcosm . *R 4321 QuatremIcre de Quincy. Canova et ses 0uvra 2 es .. 6299 Destination de l’Art. 6 . qo Enlevement de l’Art antique.C 6301 QuATREMfeRE de Quincy. Ideal dans les Arts du Dessin. C 6302 Imitation dans les Beaux-Arts.C, 6303 Notices sur les Beaux-Arts. 2 v.C 6304 Ouvrages d’Art antiques restitues..*R 4274 Restitution de la Mi-nerve de Phidias. .*R 4262 Vie et Ouvrages de Michel-Ange.C 6305 Vie et Ouvrages de Raphael.c 6307 Quieter. First Principles of Art. K 3453 Radcliffe. Schools and Masters of Painting. K ^112 Rahn. Geschichte der b'ildenden Kunste in der Schweiz. D 4294 Reber. History of Ancient Art.K 33S1 History of Mediaeval Art . r 34^.3 Redford. Art Sales; Sales of Pictures, 1628- l88 7 - 2v.* P 6lI Manual of Sculpture.j' Redgrave, R. and S. Century of Painters. 2v.K 107 Redgrave, S. Catalogue of Water Colour Paintings in South Kensington Mu- seum .. 3555 Diet, of Artists of the English School.. *R 486 Reily. The Artist and his Mission.K 3342 Retberg. Niirnberg’s Kunstleben.D 421 Reynolds, Sir J. Discourses. . .3579 Literary Works. 2v...I 3068 Notes and Observations on Pictures .. .. K 3517 Ribbach. Geschichte der bildenden Kunste*D 476 Richardson and others. Sketches in Water Colors . 891 Richter. Vorschule der ^Ksthetik.. .D 2170,18-19 Rigollot. Histoire des Arts du Dessin. 2 v.C 6472 Atlas . 1075 Rimmer. Art Anatomy. *p Rio. ^ L’Art chretien. 4 v. . 6i ^ Epilogue a l’Art chretien. 2 v.C 6490 Poetry of Christian Art.K 3512 Robert. Charcoal Drawing. Robert et De Valicourt. Mouleur.. .C 6513,^47 Robertson. Painters of Christendom_*V 554 Robins. Temple of Solomon; Ethics of Art. K 3480 Robinson. Catalogue of Italian Sculpture in South Kensington Museum.*K 3410 Rogers. Opie and his Works. k 3472 Rood. Modern Chromatics. gg Moderne Farbenlehre.D415.41 Rosenberg. Die Miinchener Malerschule. X P 736 Rossetti. Fine Arts.. k 62 Rouaix. Les Styles. 433^ Rowbotham. Art of Landscape Painting.. K 132 Landscape Painting in Water Colors.. . .K 3783 Sketching from Nature. k 141 Royal Academy of Arts, Catalogues, 1835-59, 1867-77. 34 v. in 7*.*V 695 GENERAL WORKS—PAINTING—SCULPTURE. 329 Ruskin. Aratra Pentelici..K 9b Architecture and Painting.K 15 Arrows of the Chace.K 3304 Art of England.K 3544 Art Technicalities from Works of; ed. by Platt.K 2 9 Bibliotheca Pastorum. v. I, 2, 4 -- ... .K 3542 Crown of Wild Olives. ,. .. K 12 Deucalion. 127 Eagle’s Nest. 5 Ethics of the Dust. ,. .. K 17 Fors Glavigera. 3 V. 124 Frondes Agrestes. .. ..K 123 Laws of Fesole. v. 1. % ,... K 354 i Lectures on Art. .. .K 14 The same. .. .*P 168 Modern Painters. 4 V. .. . K 1 The same; London ed. 5 v... .. .*P 182 Mornings in Florence. ... K 128 The same. 246 On the Old Road. 2 v. in 3 . . .K 3543 Pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts at Venice.... 3545 Pleasures of England. . . .K 3428 Political Economy of Art. . . . .. .K 8 Pre-Raphaelitism.;.. . . .K 9 Principal Pictures in the Royal Acad- emy..... 125 Queen of the Air.K 10 St. Mark’s Rest, etc.K 3525 Sesame and the Lilies.K 11 Stones of Venice. 3 v.K 2 The same; London ed. 3 V.*P 184 Bibliography of; by Shepherd .*0 265 Salon de 1879-89, Catalogue illustre. nv.*P 642 Samson. Elements of Art Criticism.K 103 Sandby. History of the Royal Academy of Arts. 2 v.K 3400 Schack. Meine Gemaldesammlung.I) 453 Schadow. Kunstwerke und Ansichten.. . .D 421 Schaefer. Gemalde Gallerie zu Dresden. 3 v - iii 2.D 423 Schassler. Geschichte der /Esthetik. 2v.D 581 Schnaase. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste. 8v ... 454 Schultz. Kunst und Kunstgeschichte. 2v.. D 6737 Science of Taste; by G. L.K 3357 Scott. Renaissance of Art in Italy.*V 694 •Sculpture, Renaissance and Modern.. . .K 3442 Seubert. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon. 3V. in 2..'.*R 502 Shedd. Famous Painters and Paintings ...C 1578 Shepherd. Briti«h Schools of Painting.... K 3321 Smith, G. W. Painting, Spanish and French K 3339 Smith, J. Catalogue raisonne of Works of Eminent Painters. 9 V.*P 346 Smith, R. M. Persian Ait.K 390 The same. .K 380,6 Smith, W. Art Education.. .K 50 Snell. Enamel Painting.K 113 Someren. Bibliographic de la Peinture et Gravure. *0 133 South Kensington Art Directory, 1871-2 . . .. K 358 Catalogues, 1867-72.K 359 Catalogue of Art Division, 1868.K 355 Inventory of Art Objects, 1852-67 .. . .K 353 Ornamental Casts.K no Reproductions of Objects of Art.*R 4056 Works of Art. 2v.*R 4232 Spence. Polymetis; Roman Poets and An¬ cient Artists.*R 105 Spooner. Biographical History of Fine Arts. 2 v.*R 492 The same. 2v.*V 407 Stahr. Torso; Kunst der Alterthums. 2V.D4363 Stanley. Painters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools.I 3283 Stephens. Artists at Home.*P 1210 Flemish and French Pictures.*V 1829 Masterpieces of Mulready.*P 733 Stilling. Smaa Historier om Konstnere. .. C 7567 Stirling-Maxwell. Annals of the Artists of Spain. 4 v.*K 3556 Velasquez and his Works.K 114 Stokes. Early Christian Art in Ireland .... Iv 3495 Stothert. French and Spanish Painters. *V 1830 Stranahan. History of French Painting .. K 3494 Sully. Hints to Young Painters.K 76 Sutter. Esthetique generale et appliquee.*V 401 Symington. The Beautiful in Nature, Art and Life. 2v. K 130 Symonds. Renaissance of the Fine Arts in Italy.A 1990.3 Taine. Art in.Greece...K 35 L’Ideal dans l’Art.C 6866 Ideal in Art.K 3482 Lectures on Art. 2v.K 34 Philosophic de P Art.C 6867 Philosophic de l’Art dans lesPays-Bas. ..C 6868 Philosophic de l’Art en Grece.C 6869 Philosophic de l’Art en Italie.C 6879 Tayler. Studies in Animal Painting.#K 3470 Taylor. Fine Arts in Great Britain. 2 v.K 39 Theophilus. De diversis Artibus.K 3392 Thomson. The Barbizon .School of Painters. *P 743 Thornbury. From Hogarth to Turner. 2v.C 114 Tiffin. Gossip about Portraits.Iv 3326 Ti rebuck. Great Minds in Art.C10144 330 FINE ARTS. 300 O 20 < 2 5 Toepffer. Reflexions d’un Peintre.C 6919 Torrey. Theory of Fine Art. k 23 Tuckerman. Artist-Life....,.. K 34I ^ Book of the Artists.* C j 6o9 Tuer. Bartolozzi and his Works. 2 v... *V 660 Turner. Short History of Art. k 3460 Tuthill. Success in Life; the Artist.K 37 Twining, H. Philosophy of Painting.*R 3475 Picturesque Scenery. j- Tu ining, L. Symbols and Emblems of Christian Art.. K 3507 T\ rw Hi i r. Christian Art and Symbolism.. K 48 Greek and Gothic. 3331 Handbook of Pictorial Art. T\tler, S., pseud. See Reddie. Urbino and Day. Art Recreations.K Urlichs. Glyptothek Ludwig I jj Valentin. Ueber Kunst. D 6"'" Valpy. National Gallery of Painting. R 33S9 Van Dyke. How to judge of a Picture.... R 3500 Principles of Art . K 3449 Vasari. Painters, Sculptors and Architects.5 v. I 308S Pittori, Scultori, e Architetti. i6v.C 9500,126-141 "V ERESTCHAGIN. Descriptive Catalogue of Works. Progress in Art.* K 6 Realism. ^ ^ ^ iardot. Merveilles de la Peinture.C 4206 Merveilles de la Sculpture.. 4207 Wonders of European Art. K 2614 Wonders of Italian Art.. R 261 - Wonders of Sculpture. . . R 26-0 nnd others. History of Painters. .. . . *R* 14- Vinci. Treatise on Painting. . . ..I 3^93 Trattato della Pittura.. .V.C 95^,33 Viollet-le-Duc. L’Art russe. 416'’ J496 *Ci3 3 o7 Visconti, E. Q. The Elgin Marbles .R CEuvres. 19 v. Vitet. Etudessurl’Histoiredel’Art. 4 v. in 2.C 6951 Waagen. Art-Treasures in England. 3V.*R 223 Galleries of Art in England. *k 224 Waddy. Cartoon Portraits. *y Waldstein. Essays on the Art of Pheidias . *R 4492 Walker. Beauty in Woman. *p -,g 0 Wallace. Art in Europe. jp ° 56 Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting 15 v R Tn -> Ware. Lectures on Allston_ K ..I Waring. Art-Treasures, Manchester Exhibi- tion ’ i8 57.* P 54S Record of my Artistic Life. K Warren. The Human Figure. r 33^4 Washburn. Spanish Painters. k -407 V atin. Art du Peintre. C13368 Walters. Flemish School of Painting.... R 3409 V edmore. Masters of Genre Painting. R ^29 Weekes. Lectures on Art. R 3 M- Veigall. Art of Figure Drawing.K 3369 Weigel. Runstcatalog. 35V. in 5.*q 2 - 2 Die Werke der Maler in ihren Handzeich- nungen .. 498 V ESTMACOTT. Handbook of Sculpture_R 3430 Whitman, S.W. The Making of Pictures..R 3441 Whitman, S. Fetish Worship in Fine Arts. R 3455 V ilkins. Art Impressions of Dresden, Berlin, and Antwerp.'.R 35iS Connoisseurship; Anatomy of a Picture.R 3473 Wilkinson. Color and Taste. k 65 Williams. Landscape Painting in Oil.R 133 V inckelmann. Ancient Art. 4 v.*y 4Q ^ The same. 2 W erke iiber Runst. 2 v.*y 908 WTnkler. Rennis en Runst. *. .1161 V oermann. Runst und Natur-Skizzen_D 3954 Natursinn der Alten.. 4-5 Wolff. Museen d. Vaticans u. d. Capitols.D 426 W OLTMANK. Niederlandische Runst.D 457 and \\ oermann. History of Painting. 2 v.K 3529 The same. 2 v.4^5 W ood. \ atican Museum of Sculpture. ... R 3370 Wornum. Art Library in Marlborough House R 361 Catalogue of the National Gallery.R 82 Epochs of Painting. jp j j r Holbein; his Life and V T orks.*y 3 Wyatt. Fine Art; its History, Theory, etc.R 52 ^ n island during XYIth Centur y. . 1721 Zerffi. Historical Development of Art.K 144 ENGRAVING AND ETCHING. Andresen u. Weigel. Der d-eutsche Peintre- Graveur. 5 v. in 4 .*R 479 Audsley. Art of Chromolithography._ *p 1174 Baker. American Engravers .K 167 c? Origin and Antiquity of Engraving... .*R 1671 W m. Sharp, Engraver .jp 93 Lari sch. Anleitung zur Rupferstichkunde . D 4246 Le Peintre Graveur. 22 v. in 15 .*R 303 Atlas. *v Basan. Dictionnaire des Graveurs. 3 v..*R 506 Berthiau. Imprimeur de Taille-douce.C 6513.211 Blanc. Grammar of Engraving and Painting. R 310 Boeck. Zincography .. k 6116 British Museum, Catalogue of Early Italian Prints; by Fisher . *0 697 Early Italian Prints. *p IOII German Prints. *p 1012 ENGRAVING AND ETCHING—GALLERIES, ETC. 33i British Museum, Handbook to Prints and Draw¬ ings ; by Fagan. *0 698 Italian Prints. 2v.*P 1010 Brown. Wood Engraving.K 1296 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers* R 490 The same; new ed. 2 v....*R 491 Marks and Monograms of Engravers . .*R 4063 Catalogue de l’Exposition de Gravures, i88i*P 776 Chattock. Notes on Etching.K 3423 Cohen. Guide de PAmateur de Livres a Gravures du XVIIIe Siecle. *0 125 Conway. Woodcutters of the Netherlands in XVth Century.K 3526 Davenport. Engraving.K 801,8 Delaborde. Engraving; its origin, etc....K 3444 Duerer. Kleine Passion; Kupferstiche .. .*R 4482 Dasselbe.*D 4298,8 Duplessis. Merveilles de la Gravure.. ..C 4171 Wonders of Engraving.K 2616 Emerson. Handbook of Wood Engraving.K 3309 Engravers’ Specimen Book of Crests.*R 110 Engravings on Wood . *P 1263 Ephrussi. A. Diirer et ses Dessins.. . . .*P 845 Evelyn. Sculptura; History of Chalcography K 3438 Fielding. Art of Engraving. . ..-. K 3421 Geymet. Traite de Gravure et Impression sur Zinc ..C12465 Haden. About Etching . *R 4238 Hamerton. Etcher’s Handbook.K 936 Etching and Etchers.*R 4061 Unknown River; Etcher’s Voyage.Iv 25 Heraldry of Crests.*I< 322 Herkomer. Etching and Mezzotint Engrav¬ ing.*P 1614 Hippert u. Linnig. Le Peintre-Graveur, hol- landais et beige. 4 V. in 2.*R 504 Hitchcock. Etching in America.K 3439 Hodson. Art Illustration in Books . *1^3425 Holbein. Dance of Death and Bible Cuts.. I 3115 Dance of Death; by^Deuchar . *K 3424 Holt. Allegorical Engravings of A. Diirer. K 3521 Hullmandel. Art of Drawing on Stone. *V 869 Humphreys. Masterpieces of Early Printers and Engravers . *P 593 Jackson. History of Wood Engraving.. .. *K 4143 Koehler. Etching; its Processes and History*!’ 1083 Lacroix. Iconographie Molieresque .*R 1362 Lalanne. Treatise on Etching.K 3324 Landseer. The Art of Engraving . K 3546 Leech. Etchings. *R 4490 Liebhaber Bibliothek alter Illustratoren. 13V.D 4298 Lietze. Modern Heliographic Processes.. .K 5999 Linton. Hints on Wood-Engraving . K 3524 Wood Engraving in America . *P 748 Lippmann (Ed.). Engravings and Woodcuts by Old Masters. 3 V.*P 974 Marshall. Handbook of Engravers.K 96 Muther. Die deutschen Biicherillustrationen, 1460-1530.*P 536 OTTLEY. Dictionary of Painters and En¬ gravers . *R 493 Facsimiles of Scarce Prints.*P 545 Perrot. Graveur.C 6513,119 Reid. Facsimiles of Early Italian Engravers*P 1224 Retberg. Diirer’s Kupferstiche.D 417 Niirnberg’s Kunstleben.D 421 Richter. 202 Holzschnitte.*R 4496 Ruskin. Ariadne Florentina.K 126 Lectures on Engraving..K 126 Schnauss. Collotype and Photo-Lithography Iv 3533 Scott. Albert Diirer and his Works.Iv 19 Strutt. Biographical Dictionary of En¬ gravers. 2 v.*R 480 Tyrwhitt. Handbook of Pictorial Art.. ,*K 3330 Waldow. Die graphischen Iviinste.*R 872 Wedmore. Four Masters of Etching.*P 744 Willshire. Ancient Prints. 2v.*K 866 Wood. Modern Methods of Ullustrating Books J 1444 YYoodberry. History of Wood-Engraving.. Iv 3422 GALLERIES. — ILLUSTRATED BGOKS . — PERIODICALS. Agge and Brooks. Marblehead Sketches.*R 4304 Agincourt. History of Art by its Monu¬ ments.*P 991 American Art Review, 1880-81. 2 v. *Ser. Annales du Musee et de l’Ecole moderne des Beaux-Arts. 38 V .*P 641 Art, 1875. v. 5. *Ser. Art, L’, 1875-90. 47 v . *Ser. Art and Letters, 1888-89. S v.*P 673 Art and Letters; ed. by Carr, 1882-83. 2v. . *Ser. Art Journal, 1849-91. 42 v. *Ser. Art Year Book of the New England Institute, 1884.*V 670 Artiste, L’, 1873-4. 3 V . *Ser. Audsley. Sermon on the Mount, illuminated*P 1269 Avenarius. Historischer Feslzug bei der Kolner Dom Feier.*P 1240 Barnard, F. Character Sketches from Dick¬ ens.*P 941 The same. 3 v .*P 1264 Barnard, G. Switzerland .*P 1021 Berlin and its Treasures. 2 v .*P 1609 Birch. Heads of Illustrious Persons. *R 4346 Boisseree Galerie .*P 1046 332 FINE ARTS. Bouillon. Musee des Antiques. 3 v.*p British Museum, Ancient Marbles in. 6 v. .*P Brockedon. Passes of the Alps. 2 v... ,*P Byron. Illustrations of Childe Harold ,*p Canova. Works in Sculpture. Carr. 988 583 702 507 3 ' v .*R 4140 Examples m Contemporary Art...*P 97c Carr. Story of Richard Whittington. *R 4272 Carter. Ancient Sculpture and Painting in England. g 9 g Catalogue illustre du Salon, 1879-89. 11 V .*P 642 Catlin. North American Indian Portfolio.*P 1008 Centennial Art Journal, 1876. *Ser. Claude le Lorraine, Liber Veritatis. 3V.*P 928 Clolet. Three Hundred French Portraits. 2 v ..*R 4849 Cundall. Life and Genius of Rembrandt.*P 506 Dafforne. T he Albert Memorial.*P Pictures by Sir A. W. Calcott.*p 643 797 730 728 Pictures by Sir E. Landseer. 2v..*p 732 Pictures by Daniel Maclise.*p Pictures by J. Phillip.*p Pictures by Masters of French, Dutch and Flemish Schools.*y Daniell. Oriental Scenery. 3 V .*p Deutsches Kunstler-Album, 1867.*P Dor£, G., Illustrator. Cervantes. Don Q uixote .. 4508 1087 73 i 729 864 838 1611 1086 799 539 528 563 Dante. Vision of Hell.*p Purgatory and Paradise.*p Davillier. Spain.*p Gallery of Engravings.*p Henne am Rhyn. Die Kreuzziige.... *p Jerrold. London.*p La Fontaine. Ctrnactero bajek.*V n g 4 Michaud. The Crusades. 2v.*p 2081 Milton. Paradise Lost.*p IIOO Poe. The Raveni.*p 1202 La Sainte Bible. 2 v.*p ^3 - Dresden Gallery. 3 V. *p Dusseldorfer Ktinstler-Album. 16 v. in 8 ,*P 1610 Du Sommerard. Les Arts au Moyen Age. 5 v .. 644 Plates. 6v.*-p 9C; ^ Elliot. Wild Animals; illus. by Wolf...*R 4236 Tilhol et Lavall£e. Galerie du Musee Napoleon, iiv .*p 5-.^ Fine Arts Quarterly Review, 1863-7. 5 v_* Ser. Flaxman. Illustrations to yEschylus’ Trage- * dies .*P 1157 Illustrations of Dante.*p 3^ Illustrations to Hesiod’s Works and Days *P 1158 Illustrations to Homer’s Iliad.*p IIC ; 9 Illustrations to Homer's Odyssey.*p x 1 ^ Q Florence Gallery. 4 v.*p a lorence, Reale Galleria di Firenze illustrata. *3 v .. Formby. Ancient Rome. *p Foerster. Denkmale italienischer Malerei. 4 v ...*P ir8i Froissart . Illuminated Illustrations of. .. *p 743 Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1859-51. 68 v. *Ser. Index, 1859-68. 2 v. Gibson, J. Engravings from Original Com¬ positions ... Gillray, J. Works.*p I(jz6 Text to same; by Wright and Evans *P 252 Gorks; with Life by Wright.*y jgg Go- the. Faust; illus. von Seibertz.*p 1084 Graphisuhen Kiinste, 1879-90. 13 v . *Ser. Haas (Ed.). Galerie de Vienne. 4v. in 2.*P 1612 Haghe. Sketches in Belgium and Germany. 3 v - • .... 990 Hall. National Gallery; Vernon Collection. ^ d v .. 1093 Royal Gallery of Art. 2v. *p ^gg Heaton. Masterpieces of Flemish Art.. . *R 4432 IIiRTH. Kulturgeschichtliches Bilderbuch. 6 V. - r, .. 2001 Hogarth, W. Works.*P 1028 Holbein. Portraits of Court of Henry VIII.*P 544 Holst. Thorvaldsen Museum.*p Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlung 11 v. 530 en. .*P 1601 Jamitzer. Entwiirfe zu Prachtgefassen.. .*p 777 Johnston. Original Portraits of George Wash¬ es 1011 .. 604 Jones. Psalms of David illuminated.*p io 82 and Warren. Joseph and his Brethren.*P 785 Kaulbach and others. Schiller-Gallery.. .*p 1201 Konevvka. Illustrations in Silhouette.*V 811 Illustrations to Falstaff and his Com- P anions .. 1308 Illustrations to Faust. *y 4 _g Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen. 5 v. *p n'(j Kunstkronik, 1878-9. 2 v. !.* Landseer, Sir E. Pictures. 2 v. *p Landseer, T. Engravings of Lions, Ti¬ gers, etc. Lawson, Scotland delineated. Lettres et les Arts, 18S7. 4 V., Lie\ re. CEuvresd Art d’apres les Originaux*R 4896 Linton. Pictures by British Artists.*p Locella. Dante in der deutschen Kunst .*P Louandre. Les Artssomptuaires. 4v. in3.*P Lovett. London Pictures . *y Macbean. Sketches in Constantinople.. . *p Macian. Clans of the Scottish Highlands. 2v.*P 2 v. 73 2 *R 4234 •* p 956 .*P 672 Maci.ise. The Norman Conquest 740 1223 1606 1485 948 591 *R 4420 DECORATION—ORNAMENT. 333 Magazine of Art, 1878-91. 14 v. *Ser. Maynard. Publications of Arundel Society. 2 v .*P 10S1 Michael Angelo. Drawings and Studies of *R 4075 Outlines from Works of.*P 585 Mitchell. Selections from Ancient Sculp¬ ture....*p 1162 Montgomery. American Art and Art Col¬ lections. 2 v.*P 614 Mulready. Masterpieces and Memorials . *P 733 Munich Gallery. 2 v.*P 962 Murray. British Schools of Art. 2 v....*P 739 Musee francais. 4 v.*P 942 Musee royal. 2 v.*p 943 Mother. Die deutschen Biicherillustrationen, 1460-1530...*P 536 Naples, Real Museo Borbonico. 16 v.*P 681 National Gallery of Pictures. 2 v.*R 4488 Ollier. Our British Portrait Painters.*P 737 Ottley. Early Florentine School.*P 971 Italian School of Design .*P 977 Paris dans sa Splendeur. 3 V.*R 4866 Pecht. Lessing-Galerie.*R 4351 and Ramberg. Goethe-Galerie.*R 4350 Schiller-Galerie.*R 4425 Penley. English School of Painting in Water Colors..*P 989 Sketching from Nature in Water-Colors *P 602 Piranesi. Veduti di Roma .•. *P 964 Pistolesi. II Vaticano illustrato. 8 v. ...*P 1180 Portfolio, 1872-91, 21 v. *Ser. Raffaelle Sanzio. Drawings and Studies.*R 4074 Reed (Ed.). Masterpieces of Modern Painting. 2 v. *P 887 Rehbf.rg. Lady Hamilton’s Attitudes .. ,*V 705 Rembrandt. L’CEuvre complet; decrit par Dutuit. 2 v.*p 890 Le meme. 4 V .*p 891 Roberts. Egypt and Nubia. 2v . *P 1042 Holy Land. 2 v.*p 1041 Sketches in Spain.*p 947 Rogers. Italy; illustrated by Turner and Stothard.*p 258 Poems; illustrated . *p 259 Rome dans sa Grandeur. 3 V.*p 931 Rosini. Storia della Pittura italiana. jv. .*P 645 Plates. 4 v. in 2 . *p 944 Rossini. Le Antichita Romane.*p 963 Sandhurst and Stothert. Masterpieces of European Art.*p 388 Scott. Gems of Modern Belgian Art. *p 508 Murillo and the Spanish School.*p 735 Pictures of Venetian Painters. *p 734 Scottish Art Review, 1888 - 9 . 2 v. *Ser. Shakspere. Romeo and Juliet; illus. by Dicksee.*p io 85 Sheldon. Recent Ideals of American Art. *P 889 Societe d’Aquarellistes franjais; Ouvrage d’Art.*p 933 Sowerby and Lear. Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles, drawn from Life.*P 543 Stirling-Maxwell. Antwerp delivered. ,*P 1272 Procession of Pope Clement VII.*p 1271 Turner. Views in England and Wales. 2 v.*P 701 Van Dyck. Sketches; engr. by Mitchell.*R 4242 Virgil. Eneide; Dessins d’apres Ademollo.'*P 1018 W Alton. Chefs-d’cEuvre de PExposition Universelle de Paris, 1889 .*P 888 Waring. Art Treasures of the United King¬ dom.*p 348 Masterpieces of Art and Sculpture. 3 v.*P 985 Wey. Rome; with 345 Engravings.*P 798 Wheeler. Beautiful in Nature.*P 1278 Woodward. Drawings of Ten Masters. . .*B 4475 Wordsworth. Greece.*p 330 Wyatt. Arts of the Nineteenth Century. 2 v.*P 992 Zurlauben. Tableaux de la Suisse. 5V. in 4 .*P 1023 DECORATION.—ORNAMENT. Adam. Architecture, Decoration and Furni¬ ture .*R 4893 Audsley. Polychromatic Decoration.*P 562 Ornamental Arts of Japan. 2v.*P 895 Outlines of Ornament.*P 1173 Batley. Etched Studies for Interior Decora¬ tion .*R 4841 Bielefield. Papier Mache in Interior Decora¬ tion . *R 4319 Billings. Form in Geometric Tracery....K 3432 Blackburne. Decorative Painting applied to English Architecture.*p uoi Blanc. Art in Ornament and Dress.K 57 Boutowsky. L’Ornement russe du Xe au »XVIe Siecle. 2v . *p 1205 Brunner and Tryon. Interior Decoration .*V 840 Claesen. Motifs de Decoration.*P 1168 Colling. Art Foliage for Sculpture and Decoration. *y 888 English Mediaeval Foliage and Decora¬ tion. *V 887 Conway. Travels in South Kensington .. .. K 3401 Cutler. Grammar of Japanese Ornament and Design .*p 1094 Dai.y. Decorations interieures peintes.. . *P2224,3 Day. Anatomy of Pattern .K 3491 Dearborn. Scrolls, Monograms, etc.. <, ..K 913 334 FINE ARTS. Dresser. Art of Decorative Design.*K 3493 Studies in Design.*P 559 Elliott. Book of American Interiors.*P mo Ewald. Farbige Decorationen alter und neuer Zeit .*P 1256 Gerlach. Allegorien und Embleme. 2v.*P 937 Das Gewerbe-Monogramm.*P 546 Gruner. Fresco Decorations in Italy.*P 982 Frescoes of Raphael in the Vatican.. .. *P 1262 Ornamental Art.*P 957 Text to same; by Braun.*P 605 Vorbilder ornamentaler Kunst.*P 1261 Gurlitt. Barock-una Rococo Ornament. ,*P 1233 Halfpenny. Gothic Ornaments in York Cathedral. *V 345 Hay. Original Geometrical Designs.*V 500 Herdtle und Biermann. Schule des Muster- zeichnens.*R 4270 Hulme. Principles of Ornamental Art... .*R 4484 Suggestions in Floral Design.*P 593 and others. Art Studies applied to Design. K 3379 Hymans. Compositions decoratives et allego- riques. *P 1171 Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. 2 v.*V 607 Jacobsthal. Siid-italienische Friesen-Orna- mente .*P 1227 Jones. Designs for Mosaic Pavements.. . .*R 3872 Examples of Chinese Ornament.*P 796 Grammar of Ornament.*R 4217 One Thousand and one Initial Letters. .*P 554 Lepautre. Ornamentale Entwiirfe.*P 1161 Leslie. Polychromatic Decoration.*R 4430 Lessing. Bauornamente Berlins.*P 1238 Bauornamente der Neuzeit. 2v....*P 1259 Marx. La Decoration et l’Art.*V 1695 Mayeux. Decorative Composition.K 3488 Menard. Histoire des Arts decoratifs. 2v.C 5806 Meyer. Handbuch der Ornamentik.... *D 6740,1 Modeles de Bois. ..*P 1004 Morin. Motifs de Decorations.*R 4848 Neckelmann. Ornamentale Phantasien. .*P 1226 Nicolai. Ornament der italienischen Kunst des I5ten Jahrhunderts.*P 1257 Ortwein. Deutsche Renaissance. 9V.... *P 537 Prisse d’Avennes. L’Art Arabe .*P 1604 Plates. 3V. in 2.*P 999 Pugin. Floriated Ornament.*I< 3880 Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume.*P 582 Racinet. Polychromatic Ornament. 2 v.*P 551 Redgrave. Manual of Design.K 388 Rhenius. Eingelegte Holzornamente ... .*P 1228 Richardson. Studies of Ornamental Design-P 969 Rimmer. Elements of Design. . . . , .K3735 Robinson. Treasury of Ornamental Art. .*R 4133 Rouaix. Les Styles.. ...... ,*R 4339 Ruprich-Robert. Flore Ornementale .. .*V. 400 Saward. Decorative Painting.K 3412 Science of Taste.K 3357 Shaw. Specimens of Tile Pavements.*R 4289 Smith. Ornamental Interiors.*K 3490 Studies for Decorative Figure Panels . .*V 1242 UmL L’Art decoratif. *P 1170 Vacher. Fifteenth Century Italian Ornament* P 1268 Waring. Ornament and Architecture. ... *R 38 6 Weale. Monograms, Architectural Ornament and Alphabets. *R 4269 Whichcord. Polychromatic Decoration in the Middle Ages.*V 31,2 Wilkinson. Taste in Ornamental Design..K 65 Wornum. Analysis of Ornament.K 109 The same; new ed....K 3413 Catalogue of Ornamental Casts.K no Wyatt. Geometrical Mosaics of the Middle Ages.*P 934 ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK. Clarkson. Ironwork of the 13th Century.*R 3867 Fryer. Architectural IronWork.K 782 Giraud. Les Arts du Metal.*P 1273 Meyer. Die Schmiedekunst.*D 6740,2 Pugin. Designs for Iron and Brass Work.*R 4467 Schmiedekunst, Die, nach Originalen des XV.- XVIII. Jahrhunderts. *P 1225 Shaw. Ornamental Metal Work.*R 4450 Yapp. Art Industry; Metal Work.*R 4313 DRAWING. x Allain. Dessin lineaire.06513,236 Atlas.*V 1081 Andre. Plan and Map Drawing.*K 3701 Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of Drawing.*R 1051 Armengaud. Practical Draughtsman .... *V 296 Barnard. Drawing from Nature.*V 5c. Bartholomew. Guide to Drawing-books. •K 1653 Linear Perspective explained.K 1656 Birch. Early Drawings and Illuminations.. K 3359 Boutereau. Dessinateur.C 6513,180-181 Bracquemond. Dessin et Couleur.C12009 Brown. Practical Perspective.*V 696 Building and Machine Draughtsman.K 3766 Burn. Drawing-Book for Architects.K 245 Illustrated Drawing-Book for Schools.. .K 258 Ornamental Drawing.K 246 Carter. Drawing in Black and White.... K 3368 335 DRAWING—ARCHAEOLOGY AND COLLECTIONS. Cav£. Drawing from Memory.K 252 Clarke. Drawing in Public Schools.K 3726 Collins. Drawing in Perspective.K 259 Decker. Industrial Drawing for Carpenters. K 3765 Dresser. Studies in Design.*p 559 Engineer arid Machinist’s Drawing-Book .. .*V 1745 Fock. Symmetry of pleasing Proportions.. *R 3864 Gwilt. Sciography; Examples of Shadows*V 1789 Harding. Lessons on Art . *y 156 Lessons on Trees . *y IIay. Beauty in the Human Figure.K 3396 Geometric Beauty in the Human Figure *V 503 Geometrical Designs . *y coo Harmony of Form . . *y 501 Proportion . *y ^ Q2 Proportions of the Human Head .*V 504 Science of Beauty in Nature and Art. . .K 3344 Symmetrical Beauty. K 61 IIayter. Introduction to Drawing.K 3706 Howard. Imitative Art. K 261 Industrial Drawing for Beginners. K 1651 Krusi. Drawing for Teachers. Iv 1654 Principles of Perspective. K 1655 M acCord. Practical Hints for Draughtsmen *V 434 Mahan. Industrial Drawing. 2v. K 247 Meyer. Gewerbezeichnenschulen.D 382,5 Minifie. Text Book of Geometrical Draw- in §. ,.K 5000 The same; abridged ed .....K 5001 Perry. Drawing in the Grammar Schools *L 1431,1 Pyne. Perspective for Beginners.K 1550 Practical Rules on Drawing... . ,*y 360 Redgrave. Manual of Design.K 388 Ribbans. An Essay on Perspective.K 3727 Rigollot. Histoire des Arts du Dessin. 2v.C 6472 Atlas.*V 1075 Rimmer. Art Anatomy. ; .-xp 34^ Robert. Charcoal Drawing.R 392 Rowbotham. Sketching from Nature. K 141 Ruskin. Elements of Drawing and Perspect¬ ive.. 139 Elements of Perspective.K 4 Sebald. Zeichnen Schule.I> 671 Smith. Free-Hand Drawing.K 1650 Linear Perspective.K 249 Topographical Drawing... .. K , 248 The same^newed.K 5548 SMITH. Industrial Drawing in the Public Schools.*L 1431,1 Th£not. Practical Perspective.K 3333 Trobridge. Principles of Perspective . K 3702 Tuthill. Lessons in Architectural Drawing *V 1790 Tyrwhitt. Handbook of Pictorial Art... *K 3330 Vergnaud. Perspective.C 6513,214 Viollet-le-Duc. Comment on devient Des- sinateur . . 6947 Histoire d’un Dessinateur . C 6992 Learning to draw . k 395 Walker, A. Beauty in Woman . *p 380 Walker, W. Handbook of Drawing . K 393 Warren, H. The Human Figure . K 3334 Warren, S. E. Drafting Instruments . IC 533 Elementary Projection Drawing . K 1652 Free-hand Drawing . 251 Geometrical Drawing .. . . K 256 Linear Perspective . K 250 Perspective Drawing . k 2^3 Weigall. Art of Figure Drawing . K 3369 Williams. Manual of Model Drawing.... K 257 Woodward. Drawings of Ten Masters.. *R 4475 Wright. Architectural Perspective . *V 1791 CARICATURE. Beaconsfield, Earl, Cartoons from Punch on.*P 485 Berleux. La Caricature politique en France, 1 870-7 1 . C 11929 Bismarck-Album des Ivladderadatsch . *V 1385 Champfleury. Histoire de la Caricature. 5V.C12126 Confederate War Caricatures .#p 2242 Everitt. English Caricaturists of the 19th Century..*y Gillray, J. Works. x-p 1026 Text; by Wright and Evans. . ..*P 252 Works; with Life by Wright .*V ig8 Grego. Rowlandson, the Caricaturist. 2v.*V 539 Grose. Rule for Drawing Caricatures.K 3464 Hogarth, W. Works . *p I02 S Works; with Life by Ireland and Nichols. 3 v-.-. ; .K 3540 Parton. Caricature and Comic Art ..... ..K 117 Vanity Fair Album. 3 V. *V 379 Waddy. Cartoon Portraits...... . *V 7 Trusler. Hogarth moralized. K 3520 W right. Caricature History of the Georges. C 1633 Caricature and Grotesque in Art . K 115 ARC IDEOLOGY AND COLLECTIONS. Abbott. Primitive Industry. K 3585 Adams. Buried Cities of the Campania.... A 142 Famous Caves and Catacombs.K 3642 American Antiquarian, 1878-91. 13 v..... . *Ser. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, 1813-88. 13 v.B 4 Index, 1813-1880. Transactions,. 1830-74. 6 v.B 5 FINE ARTS. 336 American Journal of Archeology, 1885-90. 6 .. *Ser. Anderson, J. Scotland in Pagan Times. 2v.K 3630 Scotland in Early Christian Times. 2v. .K 3631 Anderson, J. C. Roman City of Uriconium. K 3587 Anthon. Roman Antiquities . A 114 Antiquary, The, 1880-91. 23 v .- *Ser. Antiquary (Fortnightly Medium of Intercom¬ munication), 1871-73* 4 v . *Ser. Archseologia, 1779-1887. 50 v . -Ser. Index, v. 1-30. 2 v. Archeological Institute of America, Reports, 1879-85 . *. *K 3626 Papers of American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 4V...,. K 3624 Archeological Journal, 1845-9°* 47 v . * Ser. Index, v. 1-25. Aug£. Sept Merveilles du Monde . C 4043 Les Tombeaux. C 4021 Babelon. Manual of Oriental Antiquities. . K 3619 Babington. Lecture on Archeology . K 3597 Bandelier. Archeological Tour in Mexico.K 3625 Barre et Roux. Herculaneum et Pompei. 8 v.f. *P 34 ° Battely. Antiquitates Rutupine . K 354 Bateman. Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills...A 3174 Baumeister u. andere. Denkmaler des klas- sischen Alterthums. 3 v. *R 4137 Bingham. Antiquities of the Christian Church. 2 . .T.*V 177 Bojesen. Grecian and Roman Antiquities.. A 95 Book of the Dead; Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum . *P 9 ^° Borlase. Nenia Cornubie...K 377 Bouillon. Musee des Antiques. 3 v -*P 988 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Monuments an- ciens du Mexique, avec Atlas. 2 v.*R 4846 Brand. Antiquities of Great Britain . E 871 The same. 3 v . I 3343 Brash. Ogam inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil. K 3636 British Museum, Ancient Marbles. 6 v. . . . *P 5^3 Ancient Terracottas.. *V 392 Catalogue of Photographs. K 341 Catalogue of Vases. 2v. *K 356 Catalogue of Maps, MSS., etc. 2v...*K 350 Christie Collection.-.K 363 Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. 2 v. ... I 3551 Greek Papyri.*V 391 Handybook of; by Nichols. K 36 Memories of; by Cowtan.K 38 Papyri in Hieratic Character.*P 978 Townley Gallery. 2 v.. .1 355 2 Bruce. The Roman Wall.K 3637 Buckman and Newmarch. Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester.*V 232 Burn. Old Rome and the Campagna . ... .*V 363 Epitome of the same...I 909 Burton. Antiquities of Rome.I 906 Carderera. Iconografia espanola. 2v...*P 1245 Carr. Mounds of Mississippi.*V 718 Catacombs, The. See Travels, p. 183. Cesnola. Cyprus.*R 4106 Champoli.ion. Monuments de l’Egypte et de la Nubie. 4 V.*P 1043 Chlingensperg-Berg. Das Graberfeld von Reichenhall in Oberbayern .*P 822 Cole. Ancient Buildings of Kashmir.*P 521 Collignon. Manual of Greek Archaeology.K 3627 Conway. Dawn of Art in the Ancient World.K 3654 Conwell. Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla.K 359° Cooper. Archaic Dictionary.*R 226 Cope. Bone Cave in the Island of Anguilla.. *Doc. Delafield. Antiquities of America.*V 4S2 Didron. Christian Iconography. I3 111 Donaldson. Architectural Medals of Antiq¬ uity . *K 3595 Drummond. Herculanensia; or, Archaeolog¬ ical Dissertations . *V 389 Dyer. Ancient Rome.A 146 History and Antiquities of Pompeii.A 143 The same.I 2981 Egypt Exploration Fund Publications: Naville. The Store-City of Pithom. . ,*V 1802 Petrie and others. Tanis. 2 pts . *V 1803 Nebesheh and Defenneh . *V 1803 Naukratis. 2 pts.. *V 1804 Naville. Saft el Henrreh, and Land of Goshen . *V 1805 Hieroglyphic Papyri from Tanis. *V 1806 Griffith. Antiq. of Tell el Yahudiyeh. .*V 1807 Naville. Mound of the Jew .*V 1807 Bubastis. 1B0S Engei.hardt. Denmark in the Early Iron Age. *R 4 2 3 1 Essenwein. Denkmale des Germanischen National-Museums. *R 4 2 4 ° Evans. Ancient Bronze Implements. K 358b Ancient Stone Implements. K 2902 FairHolt. Lord Londesborough’s Antiq¬ uities.*R 4233 Rambles of an Archaeologist. K 3519 Falkener. Ephesus and Temple of Diana. ' :: 'R 4084 Museum of Classical Antiquities. *K 3617 Remains in Crete. K 3°4 Ferguson. The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland. K 3620 Fergusson. Rock-Cut Temples of India..*P 3°6 ARCHAEOLOGY AND COLLECTIONS. 337 Fergusson. Rude Stone Monuments.Iv 162 Topography of Jerusalem.*V 58 Tree and Serpent Worship in India.. . ,*R 3875 and Burgess. Cave Temples of India. *V 1490 Formby . Ancient Rome.*P 797 Forsyth. Antiquary’s Portfolio. 2v.A 686 Fosbroke. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. 3 v . *R 4504 Foreign Topography; Ancient Remains*R 4503 Fuss. Roman Antiquities. A 115 Gastaldi. Prehistoric Remains in Italy.. .. K 371 Gell and Gandy. Pompeiana.*A 141 Ginsburg. The Moabite Stone .*V 602 Gomme. Archaeology. 2v.£3145,5-6 Romano-British Remains. 2 v.£3145,7-8 Gorringe. Egyptian Obelisks.*R 4284 Greenvvell. British Barrows; Sepulchral Mounds.K 3618 Haacke. Gr^echische und romische Alter- thiimer.D 17 Hanotaux. Les Villes retrouvees.C 5198 Haven. Archaeology of the United States.. . *Doc. Heck. Iconographic Encyclopaedia, with Plates. 6 v.*R 74 Hill. Antiquities of America.B 670 Hodgetts. Older England; Anglo-Saxon Antiquities in British Museum.K 3607 Humann and Pechstein. Kleinasien und Nordsyrien. 2 v. *P >—< CO Cn Hume. Ancient Meols of Cheshire. .Iv 357 Iconographic Cyclopaedia. 6 v. *R 76 Jackson. Our Ancient Monuments. .K 3588 [ahn. Alterthumswissenschaft . .D 480 James. Plans and Photographs of Stonehenge' *V 603 JEWITT. Among English Antiquities. . . . . K 3622 Grave Mounds. K 3623 Jones. Antiquities of the Southern Indians B 2 5 Monumental Remains of Georgia . 0 .B 16S6 Journal of American Ethnology and Arche¬ ology, 1891. v. 1.. . *Ser. Kaszony. Alterthumskuiide.I) 561 Keller. Lake Dwellings of Switzerland .. K 2941 Kemble. Horae Ferales; Archeology of Northern Nations. *V 1801 Kennett. Antiquities of Rome.A 156 Kenrick. Archeology and History.K 3591 King. Cleopatra’s Needle.K 3651 Laing. Pre-historic Remains of Caithness.. K 3598 Layard. Monuments of Ninevah. 2 v.. ,*P 987 Leemans. Boro-Boedoer op bet Eiland Java. *P 336 Plates. 4 v.*P 1030 Plates to Text.*P 1031 Lepsius. Denkmiiler aus /Egypten. 12 v. x P 1044 Text. *P 1045 Lesbazeilles. Colossesancienset modernes.C 5732 Linton. Colossal Vestiges of Older Nations. Iv 3629 Lloyd. Xanthian Marbles.K 3645 Long. Egyptian Antiquities. 2 v.I 3558 McCaul. Britanno-Roman Inscriptions.. . Iv 3600 Christian Epitaphs.K 3638 Maclagan. Hill Forts and Stone Circles of Ancient Scotland.*R 4329 McPherson. Antiquities of Kertch.*R 3865 Mallet. Northern Antiquities.I 3357 The same. 2v.A 1845 Marsden. Lectures on Archaeology.K 3628 Martin. Lake Dwellings of Ireland.K 7845 Maspero. Egyptian Archaeology.K 3634 Guide du Visiteur au Musee de Boulaq. .C12770 Mercer. The Lenape Stone.K 3641 Merk. Excavations at Ivesslerloch .K 3639 ^Ierriam. Inscriptions on the Obelisk-Crab K 3594 Ancient Marbles in Great Britain*R 4166 Middleton. Remains of Ancient Rome. 2 v.K 3658 Mitchell. The Past in the Present.Iv 3601 Moldenke. The New York Obelisk; Cleo¬ patra’s Needle.K 3655 Mollett. Diet, of Art and Archaeology. . *R 4052 Monnier. Wonders of Pompeii.K 2612 Montfaucon. Antiquity explained. . *R 122 Moore. Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland .Iv 3635 Moorehead. Fort Ancient; Prehistoric Earthwork.]} 4260 Moses. Collection of Antique Vases, Al¬ tars, etc. *p 7-8 The same . K 345 Mueller, A. Vorgeschichtliche Steingerathe bei Basel.*V 40 Mueller, K.O. Ancient Art and its Remains.K 373 Archaeologie der Ivunst . D 452 Muratori. Antiquitates Italicae. 6 v.. . . *R 123 Murray. Handbook of Greek Archaeology.K 36^7 National Institute, 349 New York Historical Society’s Museum and Gallery of Art, Catalogue of.K 346 State Museum, Reports, 1867-72. 6 v ..'*Doc. Newton. Art and Archaeology.. Iv 1657 Nissen. Pompeii. £382,2 Overbeck. Pompeji in seinen Gebauden ,*V 998 Palestine Exploration Fund: Survey of Western Palestine. 11 v... .*V 944 Quarterly Statements, 1875-81. 3 v....I 7925 Parker. Archaeology of Rome. 10 v... *A 2711 Pastoral Life and Manufacture of the 6021 Paton and Hicks. Inscriptions of Cos.. . . K 3656 Pennington. Barrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire.K 372 Petrie. Historical Scarabs . *Iv 3644 338 FINE ARTS. Pfahler. Deutsche Alterthiimer.D 5684 Pierotti. Jerusalem Explored. 2 v....*R 4332 Pistolesi. Herculaneum and Pompeii.. ..*P 601 Pompeii; its Past and Present. 2v.I 3564 Pyramids, The. See Travels, p. 201. QuatremUre de Quincy. Ouvrages d’Art antiques restitues.,.*R 4274 Rafn. Antiquitates Americans.*V 47 Reiss and Stuebel. Necropolis of Ancon in Peru. 3 v...*P 892 Renard. Album archaeologique, 5 v... .*P 1167 Riano. Industrial Arts in Spain.K 3653 Rimmer. Ancient Stone Crosses of England. K 3589 Saalschuetz. Archceologie der Plebraer. . D 4326 SCHLIEMANN. UioS.*R 4112 Mycenae...*R 4113 Tiryns.*R 4131 Troy and its Remains.*R 4104 Trojanische Alterthiimer.D 475 Atlas des Antiquites troyennes.. .*R 119 Schmidt, Stone Sculptures of Copan.*R 4858 Schuchhardt. Schliemann’s Excavations. K 3646 Seyffartii. Entdeckungen in der Archae- ologie.D 214 Seyffert. Dictionary of Classical Antiq¬ uities.*R 220 Sharpe, The Rosetta Stone.K 3632 Smith. Greek and Roman Antiquities. . *R 456 The same; new ed. 2v .*R 461 The same; ed. by Anthon.*R 239 and Cheetham. Dictionary of Christian • Antiquities. 2v.*R 459 Smyth. Antiquity of Intellectual Man.K 375 Society of Biblical Archaeology, Proceedings, 1878-90. 12 v. *Ser. Transactions, 1872-85. 8 v. *Ser. Stephens. Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England. 3 V.*P 1115 Steuart. Ancient Monuments in Lydia.. .*P 1003 Stevens. Flint Chips.K 3621 Strebel. Alt-Mexico. 2v.*P 821 Strutt. Antiquities of England.*P 683 Stuart and*R evett. Antiquities of Athens. 3 v .. : .*P 945 Thruston. Antiquities of Tennesssee ... . B 4402 Universal Art Inventory: Mosaics and Stained Glass.K 360 Vetusta monumenta rerum Britannicarum. 7v.*P 958 Vors. Bibelots and Curios.K 565 Walcott. Diet, of Sacred Archaeology.. *R 1568 Waring. Ceramic Art in remote Ages... .*P 597 Stone Monuments of remote Ages.*R 4328 W estropp. Hand-book of Archaeology. ... K 366 The same . I 3166 Westropf. Pre-historic Phases.K 3640 Wilde. Catalogue of Antiquities in the Royal h cadem\. 3 v - in 2 .*K 3599 Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus.*R 412c Wood, R. Ruins of Balbec. *R 4810 Ruins of Palmyra.. - *R 481S W orlidge. Collection of Drawings from Antique Gems. 2v.“R 4091 Worsaae. Antiquities of Denmark.,K 378 W right. Essays on Archaeological Subjects. 2 v .. K 365. NUMISMATICS.' Akerman. Ancient Coins.F 3583 Ancient and Modern Coins.K 370 Catalogue of Roman Coins. 2 v.*L 3685 Coins of the Romans relating to«Britain.K 3584 American Journal of Numismatics, 1866-87.21 v*Ser. Billing. Science of Coins, Gems and Jewels *K 9^2. Buhle. Uebersicht der iiblichsten Miinzcn , D 2639 Burn. London Tokens current in the XVIIth Century . K 35S1 Camps. Selectora Numismata.K 3580 Cardwell. Greek and Roman Coinage.. .K 35S2 Carter. Medals of the British Army... ,*A 320^ Charvet. Les Monnaies francaises..... ,*V 1843 Clarke, F. W. Money, Weights and Meas¬ ures of all Nations. . .*R 855 Clarke, W. Roman, Saxon and English Goins. *V 724 Dickeson. American Numismatic Manual *R 4442 Doughty. Cents of the United States.L 370S Eckfeldt and Du Bois. Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations.*R 444 \ New Gold and Silver Coins.L 1032 Edwards. Greek and Roman Coins in Vale College... *.*R 4422 English Silver Coins from the Conquest to Henry VIII .' .;*y 725 Folkes. English Silver and Gold Coinage.* V 729 Hawkins. Silver Coins of England.*L 3687 Henfrey. Numismata Cromwelliana.*V 953 Henry. English Silver Coins . L 3683 Hill, J. L. Coins and Medals from Collection °f. *E 2014 Hobler. Records of History on Roman Coins. 2 v. *y 865 Howorth. Coins and Tokens of the English. Colonies. L 3707 Humphreys. Ancient Coins and Medals. .*L 3693 Coin Collector’s Manual. 2 v . .I 3269 Coins of England . L 3686 NUMISMATICS—ARCHITECTURE. 339 Humphreys. Coinageof the British Empire.*L 3704 Kenyon. Gold Coins of England.L 3691 King. Early Christian Numismatics.^K 3596 Lavoix. Catalogue des Monnaies m'usul- manes.*V 456 Lee. Photographs of Roman Coins.*V 672 Liang Shih-Cheng. Chinese Coins (in Chin¬ ese). 4 v.*P 364 Liverpool, Earl of. Coins of the Realm. . L 3681 Loubat. Medallic History of the U. S. 2 v.*P 1098 Madden. Jewish Coinage.L 3684 Medallic History of Napoleon, 1796-1815 . . *P 678 Michels. Current Gold and Silver Coins .*R 4224 Montagu. Copper, Tin and Bronze Coinage from Elizabeth to Victoria.L 3702 Morris. Coins of the Twelve Caesars .. . .*V 634 Mudie. National Medals.. 730 Nicholson. Coinage and our Monetary System.v. *L 972 Poole (Ed.). Coins and Medals in History and Art.K 3643 Poste. Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins.L 3706 Vindication of same.L 3709 Prime. Coins, Medals and Seals.*R 4426 Robertson. Coinage of Scotland.*L 3695 Ruding. Coinage of Britain. 4 V.#V 117 Sealy. Coins, Currency and Banking. 2v. .L 1013 Simon. Irish Coins.*V 427 Smith. Gold and Silver Coins of the World.*R 874 Snowden. Ancient and Modern Coins in U. S. Mint.*L 3692 Coins of the Bible.L 3705 Medals of Washington in U. S. Mint. .*R 4427 Stickel. Orientalisches Munzcabinetzu Jena*V 965 Thomas. Coins of the Kings of Ghazni. . ..L 3689 Vattemare. Monnaies de PAmerique . . .*C 6938 Walsh. Ancient Coins, Medals and Gems.L 3688 ARCHITECTURE. Ackermann. History of Westminster Abbey. • 2 v.*P 584 Adam. Architecture, Decoration and Fur¬ niture.*R 4893 Adamy. Architektonik der Rbmcr.I) 451 Allen, C. B. Cottage Building.K 1231 Allen, F. H. Great Cathedrals of the World. 2 v.*P 1179 Allen, L. F. Rural Architecture. K 148 American Architect and Building News, 1876- 91. 31 v. *Ser. Index to Illustrations, 1876-85.*R 1225 American Builder, The. See Builder and Woodworker. American Institute of Architects, Proceedings, 1867-75, 1881-88. 16 v. in 4.*\fc 782. Architect, The, 1869-91. 46 v. *Ser. Architectural and Building Monthly, 1890-91. 2 v. *Ser. Architectural Societies, Report on, 1850....K 219 Archives de la Commission des* Monuments historiques. 5 v .*P 2406 Armengaud. Practical Draughtsman.... W 296 Atwood. Country and Suburban Houses..K 149 Modern American Homesteads^ . K 147 Auge. Les Tombeaux.C 4021 Sept Merveilles du Monde.C 4043 Babcock. Elementary Architecture...... *V 436 Bardwell. Ancient and Modern Temples. K 3666 Barnard. School Architecture.K 153 Barry. Lectures on Architecture.K 3674 Bartoli. Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio.. . *P 1275 Colonna Traiano.*P 1274 Bataille. Constructionen moderne.... C 6513,179 Atlas . *V ic86 Baumeister. ArchitektonischeFormenlehre*V 990 Berlin und seine Bauten.*R 4094 Bicknell. Public Buildings.*V 378 Billings. Antiquities of Scotland. 4v..*P 80 Birkmire. Architectural Iron and Steel...K 3749 Bishop. Pictorial Architecture.*V 172a Boid. Concise History of Architecture.K 3661 Bose. Dictionnaire d’Architecture. 4 v. ,.*R 3961 Boxer. Architects’ Price Book. 2 v ... . K 184 Plates.*V 263 Brandon. Gothic Architecture. 2 v....*V 679 Brandt. Eisen-Constructionen.D 6814 Breymann. Allgemeine Bau-Constructions- Lehre. 4 v .*V 994 Britton. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 5 v.*V 408 Dictionary of Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages.*R 3967 Essay on Redcliffe Church, Bristol. . . .*R 4069 History of Canterbury Cathedral.*R 4455 History of Fonthill Abbey.*R 4454 History of Lichfield Cathedral.*R 4453 History of Oxford Cathedral Church. . *R 4452 History of Peterborough Cathedral.. . ,*R 4456 and Pugin. Public Buildings of London. 2 v.*K 3664 Brooks. Erection of Dwelling Houses.K 1297 Brown, G. B. From Schola to Cathedral..K 3721 Brown, R. Domestic Architecture.*V 411 Brunner. Cottages.K 3695 Bryan. Architectural Proportion.*V 1792 Buckler. Churches of Essex.K 3663 Builder and Woodworker, 1874-90, v 10-26. *Ser 340 FINE ARTS. Building Draughtsman.X. 3766 Bullock. American Cottage Builder.K 151 Architecture and Building.K 152 Burges. Architectural Designs.*y 907 Cacheux. Construction des Creches, Salles ^ A.sil.6 ct Ecoles. C12123 Planche s.*R 4966 Canina. L’Architettura romana. 2v_*R 4864 Carter. Ancient Architecture of England.*P 897 Cathedral Churches of England'and Wales.*V 715 Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal, 1837- 60 • 30 v. Clark. Mediaeval Military Architecture. 2v.K 3716 Cleaveland. Village and Farm Cottages. K 160 Clutton. Domestic Architecture of France. *P Cole. Ancient Buildings in Kashmir. Coste. Architecture arabe. *p Cresy and Taylor. Architecture of Middle Ages in Italy. *p Cuitt. Ruins of the Olden Time.*p Cummings. Architectural Details; Designs and Illustrations. *r 4325 Daly. L’ Architecture privee au XIXe Siecle. ,*P 2224 553 521 983 io 95 1204 G^eat Buildings of London.. .*K 3675 3 v. D’Anvers. Dean. Designs for Country Residences.. ,*R 3869 Deforest. Indian Domestic Architecture. *P 1121 Didsworth. Cathedral of Salisbury.*y Dohme (Her.). Barock-und Rococo-Archi tektur. 3 v. *p Downing. Cottage Residences.R Dwyer. Immigrant Builder. r Easi lake. The Gothic Revival.R Ellw anger. Story of my House.• • • ■ r Essenwein. Architecture.;. *r Eveleth. School House Architecture. .. .*V Fergusson . History of Architecture. 4 v. K The same; new ed.; Ancient. 2v. . *R Indian and Eastern. 2 v. .. *R Modern. 2 v. *r Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem.I 7936 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus restored..*V 844 Palaces of Xinevah and Persepolis re stored The Parthenon. Principles of Beauty in Architecture. Temples of the Jews.*y Field. City Architecture. r Foerster. Denkmale deutscher Baukunst. 12 v. in 6 Fowler. A Home for All., r Freeman. Architectural Sketches.R Cathedral Church of Wells.R History of Architecture.R 935 899 192 210 161 3760 76,4 266 j 59 3746 3747 3748 re- 00 10 #y *V 1 793 *V 530 K 170 ist. *p 775 3688 .K 171 221 K r 57 Friedmann. Construction of Markets, Ware¬ houses, etc..*R 4838 Fritsch (Her.). Denkmaler deutscher Re¬ naissance. 4 v. *p I ryer. Architectural IronWork. R F uller. Artistic Homes. *y Gabriely. Grundzuge der Baukunst.D Galton. Construction of Hospitals. R Healthy Dwellings. r Garbett. Design in Architecture .R 1385 Gardner. Common Sense in Church-Build- s 198 *54 3691 156 1236 900 782 499 43 i 212 229 mg Homes and how to make them. R House that Jill built. ... r Illustrated Homes. r Garnier. L’Habitation humaine.*p Le nouvel Opera de Paris. 2 v.*p 2243 . Planches. 2v.*P 2403 Garnsey. Glossary of Architectural Terms. K The same. *r 3723 10S3 Gi Geymueller. Die urspriinglichen Entwiirfe fiir St. Peter in Rom . *p 2084 ^^ as ...*P 2404 ibson. Convenient Houses; with Fifty PlansK 3715 Goodwin. Domestic Architecture.*y Gordon. Grecian Architecture.R Griffith. Ancient Gothic Churches.*y Gruner. Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy. . . *p Gwilt. Cyclopaedia of Architecture.*R 3946 Rudiments of Architecture.R 1 ~ 9 Hall. Baronial Halls of England. 2 v. ,.*P IIarne\. Barns, Outbuildings, Fences.. .*V Hawkins. Origin and Establishment of Gothic Architecture. r Hay. Beauty of the Parthenon.R Harmonic Law of Nature. r 3^5 Heinzerling. Hochbauten mit eisernen Dachern. *y Hemming. Designs for Villas, etc.*R IIittenkofer. Architektonische Formen- lehre. *y Hobbs. Architecture of Villas, etc..R Hole. Homes for the Working Classes_R Hope. Historical Essay on Architecture. 2 v R Horton. Architecture for general Students. K Huggins. Course and Current of Architec¬ ture. 2 v.. R Hunt. Exemplars of Tudor Architecture .*V Hussey. National Cottage Architecture. *y Ixkersley. Architecture in France.R 3708 Inland Architect and News Record, 1886-91. v * 7 -i 7 .. Jacques. The House. r 205 583 I 4°3 323 619 592 264 3713 3396 985 3868 989 j 85 1S8 3670 203 3671 581 262 ARCHITECTURE. Japan, Map of the Tokukawa’s Palaces... . *P 363 Jeep. Das Eisen beim Hochbau.D 6813 Jenkins and Raymond. Architect’s Legal Handbook.N 4859 Jewitt and Hall. Stately Homes of England. 2 v. Iv 3665 Johonnot. Country School Houses.K 206 Jones. Plans and Details of the Alhambra. 2 v.*P 950 Kerr. The Consulting Architect.K 3728 How to plan English Residences.*K 165 Small Country House.K 169 Kidder. Architect’s and Builder’s Pocket- Book .K 3734 King, D. W. Homes for Home-Builders ..K 3705 King, R. J. Cathedrals of England. 6v.. A 3250 Cathedrals of Wales.A 3251 King, T. H. Mediaeval Architecture and Art. 4 v .*P nit) Klasen. Hochbau Constructionen in Me- tallen. . .*V 992 IIolz und Holzeisen Constructionen des Hochbaues.*V 993 Klette. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Archi- tektur . D 4295 Knauff. Ivrankenhaus in Heidelberg. . . *P 1014 Knight. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy to the 15 th Century. 2 v.*P 1260 Koditek. Repertorium der Zeitschriften des Hochbauwesens. *0 583 Kcenig. Entwiirfe zu Wohngebauden.. .. *V 1038 Kugler. Geschichte der Baukunst. 3V..D4299 Leeds. Rudimentary Architecture.K 1506 Lefevre. Merveilles de 1 ’Architecture_C 4182 Wonders of Architecture.K 2617 Lesbazeilles. Colosses anciensetmodernes.C 5732 Letarouilly. Le Vatican. 2 v. ..*P 2405 Lockington. American Architecture.... *R 76,4 London Royal Institution of British Architects, Sessional. Papers, 1873-78. 5 V. *Ser. Longman. St. Paul’s in London.K 135 Loudon. Encyclopaedia of Architecture. .*R 3945 Luebke. Baustyle des Alterthums.*D 468 Geschichte der Architektur. 2 v. *D 469 Macgibbon. Architecture of Provence and the Riviera.Iv 3717 Maffei. History of Amphitheatres .*K 202 Marcotte. Building Safe-Guide . K 3689 Milizia. Celebrated Architects. 2.v .C 154 Mitchell. Manual of Architecture. K 218 Stepping-Stone to Architecture. K 3709 Moellinger. Elemente des Spitzbogenstiles*V 1042 Moore. Development of Gothic Architecture. K 3725 Morin. Etudes sur l’Architecture. *V 1139 Morison. Palaces and Hunting Seats of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha . *P 1016 Morris, R. Defense of Ancient Architec¬ ture ..*V 284 Morris, T. A House for the Suburbs.. .. .K 3718 Morse. Japanese Homes.K 3700 Mothes. Baukunst des Mittelalters .... *D 464 Illustrirtes Bau-Lexikon. 4 V. . *R 3965 Moule. Roman Villas in the Augustan Age.K 3679 Narjoux. An Architect in N. W. Europe.. I 591 Nash. Mansions in England in Olden Time. 4 v. in 2 . *P 566 Neckei.mann u. Meldahl. Denkmaler der Renaissance in Doenemark .*P 1231 Nesfif.ld. Specimens of Mediaeval Archi¬ tecture . *P 561 Nicholson. Encyclopaedia of Architecture. 2 v.. .. *R 4428 Norton. Church-Building in Middle Ages.K 204 Oakey. Building a Home . K 3678 Ogden. Mercantile Architecture . *V 300 Ongania. Basilica di San Marco. 19 v. . ,*P 2085 Ortwein u. Scheffler. Deutsche Renais¬ sance. 9 v. *P 537 Paine. Solomon’s Temple . * P 603 Palliser. Model Homes . K 3704 Papworth. Rural Residences . *K 3719 Parker, C. Villa Rustica; Buildings near Rome . *V 572 Parker, F. J. Church Building . K 3710 Parker, J.H. A B C of Gothic Architecture. K 3711 Concise Glossary of Terms used in Archi¬ tecture . K 3712 Glossary of Architectural Terms. 2v. in 3 . K 73 Introduction to Gothic Architecture .... K 228 Parvii.l^e. Architecture et Decoration tur- ques au XVe Siecle.*P 1165 Penrose. Athenian Architecture.*P 1276 Percier et Fontaine. Palais, etc., dessines a Rome. *R 4888 Petit. Remarks on Church Architecture. 2v.K 3745 Petrie. Ecclesiastical Architecture in Ire¬ land.*V 155 Philadelphia, Public Buildings in Penn Square..K 3676 Pinches. Abbey Church of Melrose illus¬ trated .*P 1015 Piranesi. Veduta di Roma.*..*P 964 Poole, G. A. History of Ecclesiastical Archi¬ tecture.!.K 3680 and Hugall. Vork Cathedral. *W 686 Poole, W. F. Construction of Library Build¬ ings.*J 1465 A Pote. History of Windsor Castle.*R 40SS 34 : FINE ARTS. Pugin. Antient Timber Houses.*R 4461 Architecture of Normandy.*V 175 Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts.*V 687 Examples of Gothic Architecture. 3 v.*V 160 Ornamental Timber Gables . ..*R 3877 Principles of Pointed Architecture.*V 265 Revival of Christian Architecture.*V 265 Quatremere de Quincy. L’Architecture egyptienne.C 629S Dictionnaire d’Architecture. 2 v . .. .*R 3966 Vie et Ouvrages des Architectes. 2v... .C 6306 Le meme. 2v.C 6308 Quincy. Moderate Ileuses and Means_K 207 Ram Raz. Architecture of the Hindus .. . *V 1265 Ramee. Histoire de 1 ’Architecture. 2 v.. .C 6407 Reed. Cottage Houses..K 3692 Dwellings for Village and Country.... *V 779 Iloiae Plans for everybody.K 3690 Relton. Sketches of Churches.*V 404 Revue PArchitecture, 1840-87.44V. *Ser. Index, 1-30. Richardson, C. J. Designs for Mansions, etc.K 163 Englishman’s House.. . *R 166 Old English Mansions. 4 V .*P 2401 Richardson, T. A. Architectural Modelling in Paper.K 1570 Rickman. Styles of Architecture.K 3720 432 Ringhofer. Lehre vom Hochbau.D Robinson. Rural Architecture. *V Robson, E. R. School Architecture. *R Robson, G. Modern Domestic Building Construction.*R Rosengarten. Architectural Styles.. ... .K Architektonische Stylarten.*D Ross. Ruined Abbeys of Great Britain. . .. *P Royal Institute of British Architects, Papers, 267 182 4898 183 455 1209 1873-78. 5 v. *Ser. RUSKIN. Lectures on Architecture and Paint- ing. T C Poetry of Architecture. 1 3 n J Seven Lamps of Architecture. . . .K 7 Stones of Venice. 3 v. 2 he same. 3 v . . 184 Rutter. Fonthill and its Abbey. . *R 4286 Schmitt. Architecte des Monuments reli- S eux .C 6513, 226-227 Scientific American, Architects’ and Builders’ Ed., 1885-91. 12 v. Scott. English Church Architecture.*V Rise of Mediaeval Architecture. 2 v... K Secular and Domestic Architecture.. .„.R Serlio. Von der Architektur (1608).*p Sharpe. Seven Periods of English Architec¬ ture.. 3969 5 H 3669 46 885 819 297 298 191 299 1578 3672 3673 1222 1 795 519 Shoppell’s Modern Houses. . .#y Sloan. City and Suburban Architecture. .*V Constructive Architecture.*V Homestead Architecture.K Model Architect. 2 v.*y Smith. Acoustics in relation to Architecture. K Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance.. K and Slater. Architecture, Classic and Early Christian .K Statz and Ungewitter. Gothic Model- P°ok.*R 4320 Stephens. Normandy; its Architecture and History.K 3714 Stevens and Cobb. American Domestic Architecture..*y 1750 Stevenson. House Architecture. 2V....K3668 Stokes. Early Christian Architecture in Ire¬ land .*V 922 Strack. Baudenkmaler des alten Rom . ,*P 1229 Baudenkmaler Roms des 15.-19. Jahr- hunderts.*p 1230 Ziegelbauwerke des Mittelalters.*P 1248 Street. Brick and Marble in Middle Ages. *R 173 Sutter. Thurmbuch.*p Tabor. Modern Homes; Practical Designs. *V Tattersall. Sporting Architecture.*V Taylor and Cresy. Architectural Antiquities of Rome.*R 4876 Technology Architectural Review, 1887-90. 3 v . *Ser. 1 exier and Pullan. Byzantine Architecture*P 1206 Thorp. Architect’s Sketch Book.*R 4247 Fissandjer. The Eiffel Tower.K 3741 Toussaint. Architecture.C 6513, 77-78 Tuckerman. Short History of Architecture. K 3722 Turner. Architecture of England in the Middle Ages. 4 V.K 220 Tuthill. Architectural Drawing.*y 1790 Ungewitter. Land-und Stadtkirchen. . ,*R 4890 Entwurfe zu Stadt-und Landhausern.. ^R 4890 Van Rensselaer. Richardson and his Works* P 921 Vaux. Villas and Cottages.K Viollet-le-Duc. Dictionnaire de 1 ’Architec¬ ture. 10 v. Discourses on Architecture. 2 v.*K Habitations of Man in all Ages.K Histoire d’une Maison.C 6991 How to build a House.K 3662 On Restoration.R ^70^ Story of a House.R 194 Vitruvius. Architecture...R 1615 Vogdes. Architect’s Companion.R 209 Waring. Architecture and Ornament_*R 3866 Arts connected with Architecture.*P 996 208 3962 196 J 93 ARCHITECTURE—MONUMENTS—MUSIC. 343 Warton and others. Essays on Gothic Archi¬ tecture .K 230 Washington Monument, by Searle.*K 876.2 Watts. Seats of the Nobility in England.*V 677 Weale. Dictionary of Terms in Architec¬ ture, etc. . *R 4042 Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 4v.*V 31 Weichardt. 4 stadthaus und Villa.*V 1039 Wheatley. Cathedrals and Abbeys in Great Britain.*P 1203 Wheeler. Choice of a Dwelling.K 214 Homes for the People.K 211 Rural Houses.. .K 215 White. Improved Dwellings for the Work¬ ing Classes .K 3744 Wickes. Spires and Towers of Mediaeval Churches . *P 994 Widmore. History of Westminster Abbey. *R 4068 Wigh’t. Architecture and Underwriting. .*K 7170 Wightwick. Palace of Architecture.*V 628 and Guillaume. Hints to Architects.K 1625 Wild. History of Lincoln Cathedral. # .. ,*R 4463 Willis, B. Survey of Cathedrals. 3 v.in2.*V 736 Willis, R. Church of the Holy Sepulchre.K 232 Winkles. English Cathedrals. 3 v.*V 405 French Cathedrals.*V 402 Wood. Twenty Styles of Architecture... .*V 580 Woodward. Cottages and Farm Houses. .K 197 Country Homes .K 200 Suburban and Country Houses.K 199 Woollett. Villas and Cottages.*V 301 Wren, C., his Family and Times; by Philli- more.C 3091 Wright. Architectural Perspective.*V 1791 Wyatt. Architect’s Note-Book in Spain. .*R 3968 WYATVILLE. Illustrations of Windsor Castle.*V 1019 Zeitschriftfur praktische Baukunst, 1873-74.2v. *Ser. ZENETTI. Architectonische Details.*R 4904 MONUMENTS. Aug£. Les Tombeaux.C 4021 Blore. Monumental Remains of Great Britain. *V 571 BOUTELL. Christian Monuments in England.K 379 Monumental Brasses of England.*K 3485 Carter. Christian Grave-Stones; with Work¬ ing Drawing.K 3724 Gibes. Designs for Gothic Monuments. .. .*V 548 Hinton. Designs for Monuments.*V 857 Kraft. Ausgeflihrte Grabdenkmaler.*P 1237 Macklin. Monumental Brasses. '. . . K 3740 Malipiiant. Sepulchral Monuments.*V 544 Markland. Sepulchral Memorials.K 3667 Trollope. Sepulchral Memorials.K 3411 MUSIC.—GENERAL WORKS. Albrechtsberger. Harmony and Composi¬ tion. 2 v.K 3969 Alsi.eben. Lichtpunkte in der Musik.D 569 Ambros. Geschichte der Musik. 4 V.D 435 Bach. Art of Singing.K 3823 Musical Education.K 3926 Principles of Singing.K 3936 ' Badke. Italienische Volkslieder.D 2556 Baker. Musik der nordamerikanischen Wil- den..D 4242 Balatka (Ed.). Condensed History of Music K 3973 Banister. Music. , .K 3897 Lectures on Musical Analysis.K 3960 Barnard. Bach and Beethoven.K 309 Handel and Haydn.K 308 Mozart and Mendelssohn.K 307 Barrett. English Glees and Part-Songs . .K 3991 Belcher. Historical Sketches of Hymns . . K 291 Biddle. The Musical Scale.K 3977 Bingley. Musical Biography.C 3305 Bird. Gleanings from History of Music.. .. K 3912 Blaserna. Der Schall.0415,24 Sound in relation to Music.K 323 Bosanquet. Musical Intervals.K 324 Brendel. Geschichte der Musik.D 434 Briard. Le Comique en Musique.C12104 Brooks. Old-Time Music.K 3958 Brown, Dictionary of Musicians.*R 636 Burgh. Anecdotes of Music. 3 V. K 3983 Burney- H .del Festival, 1784.K 3S90 Hist *y of Music 4 V.55 Busby. Anecdot^o* Music and Musicians.3V.I? 3982 General H \ory of Music. 2v.K 3984 Butterworth. The Great Composers_C 1662 Cazalet. Royal Academy of Music . K 3885 Chali.oner. History of Music.K 283 Champlin and Apthorp. Cyclopaedia of Music and IMusicians. 3 V.*P 612 Chappell. History of Music.K 3974 Music of the Olden Time. 2 v.K 273 Cherubini. Counterpoint and Fugue.K 3986 Chicago Musical Directory, 1884-5.K 3895 Chicago Musical Festival, 1882.Iv 3941 Chorley. Modern German Music. 2 v. . .Iv 322 National Music of the World .Iv 3887 Churchill (Ed.). Birthday Book of Musi¬ cians and Composers.K 4015 Clarke. Harmony on Inductive Method .. Iv 3884 Clayton. Queens of Song. 2v .C 23 Clement. Les Musiciens celebres . *V 1151 Colomb. La Musique ...■ . C12156 Cornwall. Music as it was and is. K 303 % 344 FINE ARTS. Cutler. 4052 3987 436 395 i Cox. Musical Recollections. 2v. r 277 Crotch. Elements of Musical Composition *V 512 Crowest, F.J. Book of Musical Anecdote. 2v.K 3886 Musical England. K Musical Groundwork. r 3827 The Great Tone Poets. (3 1^26 Cirwrn. The Boy’s Voice; Training for Choirs ’ etc .. 4056 Law of Musical and Dramatic Copy- r ^^ lt .*.•.N 5067 - D’Anvers. Elementary History of Music.. K 3935 Davenport. Elements of Harmony and Counterpoint.. K 3953 Davis. Studies in Musical History.R 3940 Delde\ ez. L’Art de Chef d’Orchestre.... C12294 Donovan. Fiom Lyre to Music.R Music and Action. ' . ' r Dorn. Musikalische Skizzen. p) Dow. Artistic Singing. r Dlerenberg. Beethoven’s Symphonien. . .D 436 Dwight’s Journal of Music, 1873-81. v. 33,35-41 *Ser. Dvckerhoff. Compositions-Schule. 2v..D 437 Edwards. The Prima Donna from the 17th to the 19th Century. 2v.c 2360 Ehlert. Briefe liber Musik.. jy Letters on Music ... r Ehrlich. Aus alien Tonarten. p) Ella. Musical Sketches.. R Elson. Theory of Music. *' r Curiosities of Music. r History of German Song. r Engel. The Literature of National Music. K Music of Ancient Nations. r Musical Myths and Facts. r Study of National Music. r E\ rel. Menschliche Tonbildung. F) 2443 Fay. Musical Studies in Germany. R Fetis. Biographie des Musiciens. 8v... *R Ilistoire generate de la Musique. 5v. . .C 488" Music Explained. R 400? Finck. Chopin, and other Musical Essays.K 3978 Fink. Musikalischer Hausschatz.*y 1020 Flint. Influence of Music. r 2 6 $ Forkel. Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik. 2V •••; . .*V 996 Fichs. L’Opera et le Drame musical.C 4868 Gardiner. Music and Friends. 3V.X 3920 Music of Nature.. r „ 1 j Gates. Musical Mosaics. r ^ OI1 Gervinus. Handel und Shakespere.D 4280 Gilson. Music Typography. *y Gleich. Bilder aus der Tonkunst.D 56S Goddard. Philosophy of Music.R 4ol0 Goodrich. Complete Musical Analysis _ X 4002 487 4010 4352 3}7 3994 4000 3996 3962 3955 3959 3956 3889 601 Goss. Harmony and Thorough-Bass.*y 5^3 Gould. Church Music in America.X 3861 Graedener. Xunst, vorzugsweise Musik..D Griepenkerl. Die Oper der Gegenvvart. . I) Grove. Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 5 v. 4:- T > Gl mprecht. Musikal. Charakterbilder. 2v.P) 43AI Gurney. Power of Sound. .. .x 3922 IIaberl. Bausteine fiir Musikgeschichte.. D 6707 Hand. ^Esthetics of Musical Art.X IIanslick. The Beautiful in Music . , 479 440 C'k ^ 3927 ... X 4059 Die moderne Oper.p> Musikalische Stationen...p) 4346 Suite; Aufsiitze iiber Musik.D 4343 Harvey. Musical Studies at Home.X 4013 Haweis. Music and Morals.R My Musical Life. 2v. My Musical Memories. Hawkins. History of Music. *r Helmholtz. Sensations of Tone.R Tonempfindungen.. py Henderson. Preludes and Studies; Musical Themes . r Story of Music. r Hentl. Tonkunst und Tonkiinstler.D Hiller. Tonleben unserer Zeit.D Hogarth. Musical History and Biography. X The same. 2v. r Hood. History of Music in New England.. X Hoppin. Boston Jubilee Days .*y 3 00 C 2709 C10925 623 270 444 Horsley. Hueffer. 3825 3985 439 57 i 264 2 74 39 1 5 5 i Text-book of Harmony.X 3923 Music in England, 1837-87 .... X Musical Studies. r ^ 9I § 398 i 319 Wagner and the Music of the Future.. . .X Hullah. History of Modern Music.X 272 Music in the House . r 3,^1 y Third Period of Musical History.R 271 A ilhelm’s Method of Sinsum? K ->-Q O O . . J 1 o Hunt. Concise History of Music.R 3SS8 Jaeger. Gallery of German Composers . *P 1103 Jahn. Aufsatze liber Musik.D 4353 Janicke. Das deutsche Xriegslied.D 2^57 Jepson. Elementary Music Reader.X 236 Jones (Ed.). American Music and Musicians634 Jousse. Music epitomized . r 3961 Xeddie (Tytler). Musical Composers.X 304 Xiesewetter. Geschichte der Musik_*V 1007 Modern Music of Western Europe.X 3944 Xingston. Music and Manners. 2v.X 3963 Xoehler. Allgemeine Musiklehre.D 4347 Xoestlin. Geschichte der Musik.D 4S5 Xofler. Old Italian School of Singing.. . .X 3950 Xrehbiel. Studies in the Wagnerian Drama.X 4020 Xrueger. Musikalische Briefe.D 456 MUSIC—GENERAL WORKS. 345 Kuerschner. Richard Wagner-Jahrbuch. .D 2564 Kuester. Ueber musikalisches Urtheil. 4V. Latham. The Renaissance of Music.K 4°54 Lillie. Story of Music and Musicians.K 3937 Lindner. Zur Tonkunst.D 574 Lipsius (La Mara). Musikalische Studien- kopfe. 5 v. in 3.D 6092 Liszt. Des Bohemiens et de leur Musique. .C 570 Lobe. Consonanzen und Dissonanzen.D 486 Logier. Science of Music.699 Love. Scottish Church Music.K 4 OI 7 Macfarren. Counterpoint.*V 1725 Musical History.K 3930 McGregor. Eastern Music.K 269 Marx. Allgemeine Musiklehre.L) 435 1 Musik des ipten Jahrhunderts.D 442 Universal School of Music.K 3957 Mason, L. Musical Letters from Europe . .K 320 Mathews. How to understand Music. 2v.. K 3 ^ 9 2 ioo Years of Music in America .K 4009 Popular History ofyMusic.K 3995 Matthew. Manual of Musical History . . .K 4058 Popular History of Music.K 3975 Mendel. Musikalisches Lexikon. nv..*R 604 Erganzungsband . . .' X 'R 604,12 Merz. Music and Culture.K 3998 Moore. Encyclopaedia of Music.*R 628 Appendix.*R 629 Morris. Famous Musical Composers.C10150 Moscheles. Recent Music and Musicians .K 275 Music Trade Review, 1876-8. v. 3-6.* Ser . Musical Bulletin, 1880-81. 2v. *Ser. Musical World, 1873-91. v. 51-71. *Ser. Musikalisch-Literarischer Monatsbericht, 1875-6 *Ser. Mver. Truths to Vocalists.K 3906 Naumann. Deutsche Tondichter.D 482 History of Music. 2v.K 3946 Die Tonkunst.D 445 Nava. The Baritone Voice.K 395 2 Nietzsche. Der Fall Wagner.D 6839 Nohl. Geist der Tonkunst.D 570 Letters of Distinguished Musicians.C 1441 Musiker-Briefe.D 6061 North-American Sanger-Bund Festival, 1881K 3942 OCSELE-Y. Counterpoint, Canon, Fugue .. . . K 3925 The same.*P n8 Treatise on Harmony. *P 120 Parke. Musical Memoirs, 1784-7830.K 397 1 Parry. Great Composers ...: .C 3764 Pole. Philosophy of Music . K 3919 Polko. Musical Sketches . K 321 Musikalische M'archen. 3 v.D 8019 Vom Gesange.D 573 Reissmann. Musiklehre.D 445 Gesehichte der deutschen Musik.D 481 Die Hausmusik.D 4349 Rice, G. L. Lectures on Musical Culture.. K 3916 Rice, J. L. What is Music?.. . K 267 Richter. Manual of Harmony .K 3934 Riehl. Musikalische 2.D 4348 Riemann. Musik-Lexikon.*R 3818 Dasselbe; 3te Auflage.*R 607 Ritter. History of Music. 2v.K 301 Manual of Musical History..K 3933 Music in America.K 3913 Music in England.K 3914 Student’s History of Music.K 39 2 9 Rockstro. General History of Music.K 3938 Rousseau. Dictionnaire de Musique. .C6517, 13-14 Rowbotham. History of Music. 3 v.K 3939 Rubinstein. Conversation on Music.K 4057 Saint-Saens. Harmonie et Melodie.C 6547 Sauzay. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven; Etude sur le Quatuor...C 6638 Schmidt. Gesang und Oper.D 575 Schucht. Tonkunst...D 419 Schumann. Music and Musicians. ... .. ..K 282 The same.K 39 21 Schur£. Le Drame musical. 2 v.C 6682 Seidl. Vom Musikalisch Erhabenen.D 4254 Sering. Kunst des Gesanges...D 484 Song Messenger, 1874. v. 12. % Ser. Spencer. Treatise on Music.K 15S6 Spinola and Vernevil. Grammar of Har¬ mony . K 3928 Stafford. History of Music.I 3533 Stainer. Theory of Harmony.K 3822 and Barrett. Dictionary of Musical Terms. .“R 620 Stenhouse. Lyric Poetry and Music of Scotland.K 39 11 Stern. Die Musik in der deutschen Dichtung.D 5 ° 7 I Stone. Sound and Music..876,1 Tansur. Musical Grammar and Dictionary. . K 3945 Tapper. Chats with Music Students.K 4012 Tappert. Musikalische Studien.D 483 Taylor. Science of Music.K 313 Sound and Music. K 3 1 4 System of Sight-Singing.K 3992 Thibaut. Purity in Musical Art.K 3924 ToTTMANN. Abriss derMusikgeschichte. 2v.D 4255 T-ytler, S. pseud. See Keddie. Upton. Woman in Music. K 3 & 9 1 The same; 2nd ed.K 3896 Urbino. Musical Composers.C 10163 Vaii.le. Vocal Science.K 4 °°S VlNlNG. Whys and Wherefores of Music. ..R 4°°7 FINE ARTS. W ackernagel. Bibliographie des deutschen Kirchenliedes. *q 6g 0 Wagner, R. Art Life and Theories.K 279 Schriften und Dichtungen. io v. D 2277 W ALDERSEE (Her.). Sammlung musikalischer Vortrage. 5 v. in 3 . D 434.2 alker, B. My Musical Experiences.K 4018 Ward. The Singing Voice and its reser¬ - v . .. 4016 W eber. Musical Composition. 2v.R 31 M hite. National Hymns. jr Wieck. Piano and Song. R illard. Music of Hindoostan. r Wilson (Ed.). Musical Year-Book of the w United States, 1887-91. 4 v. r 397o W olfsohn’s Piano-Recitals, Programmes.R V oodbury. Musical Composition.R Vv\lde. Music in its Art Mysteries .R 00 598 4003 3943 6 5i3n52 576 4005 300 296 a979 Zeitschrift fiir Musik, 1873-po. v. 69, 71-86.. *SVr. .K 3907 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Allen. A iolin-making as it was and is.. Armellino. Accordeur.. r ir . c- 0313,129 Runst des Klavierstimmens.... rg^ Becket. Treatise on Bells i 2 f 6 Bluethner. Lehrbuch des Pianofortebaues D cS Atlas. ^ a a 7 B:™ he ^“°T UteS - ::;:; - K 3965 WERKEKTH.N. Die Lehre vom K.avietspieL ! D 6 7 Y BR..NSMKAD, History of the Pianoforte....K -1002 White and Blake. White’s Srhool L ' 5 Christiani. Pianoforte Playing . R Clarke, H. Manual of Orchestration. r Clarke, W. H. Construction of Organ. Lukis. Account of Church Bells r , q . Lyon and Healy. Catalogue of old Violins. K 3993 Mandel. Instrumentation of Military Bands. *V — i Maugin et Maigne. Luthier. (3 Mettenleiter. Das Harmonium-Spiel.. . .D Vicholson. The Organ Manual.R Otto. ^ Structure and Preservation of the Violin .... ir Parent. Study of the Piano. r 4Qo6 Peters. Eclectic Pianoforte School.*y 6"' Phipson. Celebrated Violinists ..c 1-2 Rimballt. Musical Instruments . KSoi.ri The Piano, its Origin and Construction..*V 846 Sandys and Forster. History of the Violin K 3934 Schmitt. Manuel de POrganiste.C 6513 c-6 Schubert. Die Violine. * 72 Spencer. Playing the Pianoforte.R 1385 Spillane. The American Pianoforte.R 4011 Taylor. Primer of Pianoforte Playing.R 286 Tottmann. Fiihrer durch den Violin-Unter- . . .. 6893 ine Violin, Howto Master it. r -, q g Violin Playing; by a Professional Player J.... R 3900 Voigtman. Das kirchliche Orgelspiel_D 448 \\ asielewski. Das Violoncell und seine Ge- schichte. -r>. .... u 0^30 Welch. History of the Boehm Flute.R 3905 the Pipe 3931 3968 Reed T7 ... 4004 De Swert. The Violoncello. *r 41-’-’ Dickson. Practical Organ-Building.. r r ~~ Dubourg. The Violin. . Eckhardt. 35 Uebungsstucke fur Piano.. D 440 Edwards. Organs and Organ Building.. ..R o QOI llacombe. Belfries, Ringers and Chiming. R 6161 Engel. Early History of the Violin Family. R 3864 Musical Instruments. R Ferris. Great Pianists and Violinists .....C 1^6 Fillmore. Pianoforte Music. r , q Fleming. Old Violins and their Makers R Gatty. The Bell; L T ses Gresswell. Hamel. its Origin, History and 39°4 How to Play the Fiddle.I Facteur d’Orgues. (3 Atlas ... K 6160 5988 Lite’s School for the Grgan. *y j--,- Wieck. Piano and-Song.. K 4003 Zln del. Complete Melodeon Instructor. ,*V 8 34 SOXG AND HYMN BOOKS WITH MUSIC. Bacon and Allen. Luther's Hymns. R g 86 z Baker and Southard. Boston Melodeon..R 3858 and Woodbury. The Choral. *r 3 g 50 B ALLAN TYNE. One Hundred Songs, with ° ° . Melodies . . Barnwell, breath of Gems. r 3 86g Berggreen. Danske Folke-Sange....... *v Ssorske P olke Sange... *y Svenska Folk-SSnger. *y Bliss and Sankey. Gospel Hymns. R Bradbury. Devotional Hymn and Tune 7 1 72 73 268 *V Hart. The Violin and its Music . r ^ *°^ n ’ its Makers and Imitators. R Musical Instruments. *p The Organ. R Len2 . Pianoforte Virtuosen. jy Hipkins. Hopkins. 6 5t3,5456 1078 3966 289 926 284 44i Golden Censer for Sabbath Schools.. The Jubilee .. 3833 New Golden Shower • lv o 5 o 9 -Sew Golden Trio; Sabbath School Mel- ~ odies .... New York Glee Book Sabbath School Melodies •*K 3851 Young Melodist; Collection of Son^s. . .K ^8 12 MUSIC—SONG AND HYMN BOOKS. 347 BUTLER. The Silver Bells; Songs and Hymns. Iv 3839 Cheney. Wood Notes Wild; Notations of Bird Music.K 8516 Clark. The National Anthem, God save the King.Iv 3972 Counsel. Melodies of Erin.*V 1736 Curtis and Bourne. SchoolSinger.*K 3870 Cup.wen. Studies in Worship Music.K 3980 Dahn und Reinecke. Allgemeines Reichs- Commersbuch.D 6185 Day. Sight Singing Manual.K 276 Deems and Perkins. Coronation Hymns.. K 3S71 Dennis (Ed.). Carminia Princetonia.K 299 Elliot (Ed.). Songs of Yale.Iv 294 Elliott. Mother Goose set to Music.K 3828 Evans. Baptist Hymn and Tune Book....K 3838 Fenner and Rathbun. Cabin and Plantation Songs.Iv 3826 Fillmore, A. D. Harp of Zion . K 3880 Violet; Music and Hymns.Iv 3881 and Skene. Christian Psaltery . *Iv 3860 Fillmore, J. H. Songs of Gratitude . Iv 3882 Fink. Musikalischer Hausschatz . *V 1020 Franklin Square Song Collection. 8 v . K 3824 Giffe. The Song Clarion . .Iv 3845 and Rosecrans. The Helping 3872 Hailmann. Songs, Games and Rhymes. .*V 1700 Hall and Lasar. The Evangelical Hymnal*E 743,2 Hammond and Bentley. Armor Bearer. .Iv 3883 Hastings. Church Melodies. K 240 Psalms and Hymns.*K 3852 Hatton (Ed.). Songs of England. 2 v. . .*P 461 and Molloy. Songs of Ireland.*P 464 Hauptner. 150 Studentenlieder.*V 979 Hayden. Christian Hymn Book.Iv 3863 Hills (Comp.). Students’ Songs. Iv 3829 Hugg and Armstrong. 3873 Exalted Praise.Iv 3849 Hullah. Song Book.E 209 Hutchins. Sunday School Hymnal . K 3868 The same, with Music.Iv 3874 Hymns and Hebrew Anthems.K 305 Janicke. Das deutsche Kriegslied.D 2557 Johnson, A. N. American Anthem Book. .Iv 3844 Johnson, H. K. Our Familiar Songs. . . . *R 626 Kaade. Luther-Codex.D 443 Kappey(E d.). Songs of Eastern Europe. . *P 460 Songs of Germany. *P 463 Songs of Scandinavia .*P 466 Lowry and Doane. Good as Gold.Iv 3875 McCabe and Macfarlan. Winnowed Hymns .*K 3831 Mason, L. Cantica Laudis . *K 3856 The Choir; Church Music . *Iv 3864 Mason, L. Mason’s Sacred Harp. 2 v.. 3855 Modern Psalmist. *K 3853 New Carmina Sacra. *K 3854 Mason, L. W. First Music Reader.. . . .. .Iv 235 National Music Reader.K 238 • Mueller and Blackman. School Songs. .Iv 3867 Mulley and Tabram. Songs and Games. .Iv 4055 Our War Songs; North and South.*R 627 Palmer. Sabbath School Songs.^ 3835 Parsons. Calisthenic Songs illustrated.... Iv 237 Perkins. Anthem Book.Iv 3841 The Church Bell..*K 3865 The Temple; for Classes and Choirs.. . .K 3840 Pittman and Brown (Ed.). Songs of Scot¬ land .*P 467 Richards (Eds). Songs of Wales .*P 468 Robinson. Hymns and Tunes.K 3876 Romberg. Vocal Score of Schiller’s Song of the Bell.*P 479 Root. First Years in Song-Land.K 3848 The Prize; Collection of Songs.Iv 234 Schieffelin. People’s Hymn Book.Iv 3846 Schubert. Classische Volkslieder. 4 v...D 447 Seward. The Temple Choir.K 3847 Smith. Music of the Waters.Iv 3976 Through Romany Song-Land.E 8455 Song Messenger, 1874. v. 12. *Ser. Songs of France.*P 462 Songs of Italy.*P 465 Staples. Sacred Melodies.. . .Iv 3830 Stevens. College Song Books.K 239 and Macdonald. American Hymn Book.E 513 Straub. Good Cheer for Singing Classes. .Iv 3877 Singing Teacher’s Helper.Iv 3947 Song Magic.Iv 3842 Temperance Battle Songs.Iv 3843 Tenney and Hoffman. Beacon Light... .Iv 3878 Tourj£e. Tribute of Praise.K 295 Towne. Choir Anthems.Iv 3948 Valline och Lindholm. SEng-Album.. .C 16129 White. National Hymns.E 598 Whittemore and Blackman. Singers. 3 v.Iv 233 Woodbury. The Dulcimer.*K 3857 Zeuner. Ancient Lyre.*K 3866 THE OPERA.—ORATORIOS. Alexander. The Opera-Glass; or 100 Pop¬ ular Operas.Iv 3900 Auber. Diamants de la Couronne.*P 394 Domino noir.*P 395 Fra Diavolo.*P 39 ^ The same. K 4021 fine arts. 34 8 Auber. Masaniello. * . r 402^ The same .*p ^97 Bach. The Passion of our Lord.*p 398 The same .*K 4024 Baife. Bohemian Girl. r ^02 The same ..*p ^gg Satanella.*p 400 Siege of Rochelle.*p 401 Barnett. Mountain Sylph.*p 404 Beethoven. Engedi; a Sacred Drama.. ,*p 406 Fidelio .*P 405 Mass in C.*p The same. *R 4026 Bellini. Norma.*p 4Q g I Puritani. *p ^ The sa me....K 4025 La Sonnambula.#p 40( ^ Benedict. Lily of Killarney.*p 4 j D Bulthaupt. Dramaturgic der Oper.D 425:5 Cagnoni. Porter of PIavre.*p 4I2 Carlton. Operas; their Writers and Plots.K 3893 Cherubini. The Water Carrier...*p 4I4 Clement et Larousse. Dictionnaire des Operas. ;.*R 630 Donizetti. Don Pasquale. r 281 The same...,...*p 4I g L’Elisir d’Amore..*p 4I y La Favorita.’. *p 4I g La Figlia del Reggimento.*p 4I g Lucia di Lammermoor. r 280 The same.’.*p 420 Lucrezia Borgia. r 278 The same .K 4028 The same.*p 42I Duerenberg. Beethoven’s Symphonien...D 436 Edwards. History of the Opera. 2v.K 312 Lyrical Drama. 2 v. r 3910 Flotow. Martha. r 285 The same.*p 424 Fuchs. L Opera et le Drame musical.C 4868 Gade. The Erl-King’s Daughter, Cantata. *IC 4033 Psyche; a Dramatic Poem, Cantata.. ,*K 4032 Gatty (Ed.). Boosey’sGuide to the Opera. K 3894 Gilbert. Comic Operas.E 9287 Gounod. Faust. #p 42 6 Messe Solennelle.*p *P 427 Haendel. Messiah Samson. Saul. Mirella The Mock Doctor. *p 42 8 Griepenkerl. L)ie Oper der Gegenwart..D 440 Haendel. Acis and Galatea. *p 4 8 i Handel Festival, 1871..*p 4 -, 4 J e P ht ha. . 4?0 Joshua... 4 g Q Judas Maccabaeus .*p ..*P 471 ■*P 472 .*P 473 Hanslick. Die moderne Oper.p> 4 ->-> Haydn. The Creation . *p 4 ^ The Seasons. *p ^ Herold Le Pre-aux-Clercs.*p 4 tq Zampa.*p Hogarth. Memoirs of the Opera. 2v_K 263 Musical Drama. 2 v. r 2 62 Lecocq. La Fille de Madame Angot ,*P 434 Lumley. Reminiscences of the Opera_IC 316 Maretzek. Crotchets and Quavers. C 2321 Marx. Gluck und die Oper. 2 v. D 4077 Mendelssohn. Athalie._ #p 473 Come let us sing (95th Psalm) . *R 4035 Lauda Sion.*p Lorele y. . '.*k 4034 St. Paul; an Oratorio. *p Son and Stranger.*p 4 ~^ Walpurgis-Night.*p 4 _g The same: .*K 4036 Meyerbeer. Dinorah. r 290 The same.. ^6 Roberto il Diavolo .... *-p 4 -,g The same.'.... K T Gli Ugonotti. K 4037 The same. 4 ^ Mozart. Don Giovanni. r 4040 The same . 292 The same.. ^ II Flauto Magico. r 2 g8 Thesame . ...' .*P 440 Le Nozze di Figaro.. 293 Thesame. *p 44I Requiem Mass.. Nohl. Das moderne Musikdrama.D 4345 Offenbach. La Grande Duchesse .*p 44 ^ Operas performed in the King’s Theater, 1771 _ * 7 86 .. 9561 Pardon. Book of the Operas. e 1291 Riemann. Opern-Handbuch..*R 6 0 g Rossini. II Barbiere. *p 44 ^ Guglielmo Tell....R 4 o 5o The same.*p ^ Semiramide. *p 44 g Stabat Mater. *p AAn Saixt-Saens. Christmas Oratorio.*R 4043 Schmidt (Her.). Gesang und Oper.D 575 Tanner. Ethelena; an Operetta.*y 783 Upton. Standard Cantatas. r 3899 Standard Operas. r 3932 Standard Oratorios. R 3808 Standard Symphonies.R 3967 PRACTICAL ARTS. 349 Verdi. Un Ballo in Maschera.*P 454 Requiem. 4°45 Rigoletto.^ The same.... .. *P 45 ° La Traviata. *P 45 2 II Trovatore. 453 Wagner. II Vascello Fantasma.*P 456 Lohengrin.*P 455 The same.*K 4046 Selections from.K 4047 Tannhauser.*P 457 Weber. Der Freischiitz.*P 458 PRACTICAL ARTS. GENERAL WORKS.—MANUFACTURES. Aitken. Birmingham Trades.K 801,3 Alund. Uppfinningarnas Bok. 7 v.C 7698 Amateur Work Illustrated. 9 V.K 6221 American Institute, Reports, 1859? 1870,1871 *Doc. Annual Record of Science and Industry, 1871- 78. 7 ..R 91S Ansiaux. Technologie.C 6513,121 AUTENHEIMER. Gewerbliche Fortbildung..D 612 Bakewell. Great Facts; Inventions.K 644 Banfield. Industry of the Rhine .K 435 ° Bayerische Gewerbe-Zeitung, 1888-89. 2 v - • •*NSV;\ Beckmann. History of Inventions. 2 v. . . .1 3003 Bevan (Ed.). British Mf’g Industries. 14 v.K Soi Industrial Statistics.K 801,13-14 Bigelow. Useful Arts. 2 v.K 889 Birdwood. Industrial Arts of India.K 3561 Bishop. History of American Manufactures. j V .k Q 2 I Blatter fur Kunstgewerbe, 1873-76. v. 2, 3, 5 .*Ser. Bluemner. Technologie der Gewerbe. 4 v. in 2.L 6764 Booth. Improvements in Chemical Arts.. .K 872 Boulart. Les Animaux utiles a lTndustrie.C 4253 Bourdeau. Forces de l’lndustrie.C 12088 Boy’s Book of Trades.K 4263 Boy’s Workshop.K 6223 Bradbury. Encyclopaedia of Practical In¬ formation . *K 9^5 Brande. Dictionary of Science and Art..*R 1123 The same; new ed. 3 v.*R 1109 Brelow und Hoyer. Lexikon fiir Technolo¬ gie und Maschinenkunde.*R 3805 Bremner. Industries of Scotland.K 874 Brinkmann. Kunst u. Handwerk in Japan. *V 983 Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe, etc. 6 v. . . 1 ) 494 Buchanan. Dictionary of Science and Tech¬ nical Terms. *R 1086 Burges. Art Applied to Industry . K 3313 Burn. Object Teaching. L 1158 Plates .*R 4834 Burnley. Romance of Invention . K 4345 Romance of Life Preservation.Iv 4349 Romance of Modern Industry.K 4348 Burty. Industrial Arts.K 3402 Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, 1853-70. 15 v. *Ser. Chabaud. Marseille et ses Industries.C 4600 Chaumette. Decouvertes et Inventions. .*V 1064 Chicago Manufacturers’ Directory, 1888-89.*R 1795 Cooley. Cyclopaedia of Receipts. 2 v. . .*R 977 Crabb. Dictionary of General Knowledge.*R 1105 Croy. Technologie de la Jeunesse. C 12210 Cunningham. English Industry and Com¬ merce . .L* 486 Daly. Glimpses of Irish Industries.K 4351 Dick. Cyclopaedia of practical Receipts . .*R 986 Dingier*s Polytechnisches Journal, 1820-91 282 v. *Ser. Index, v. 1-198. 4 v. Dodd. Dictionary of Manufactures.*R 867 Dossie. Handmaid to the Arts.K 4309 Elm. Der deutsche Handfertigkeitsunter- richt.D 622 Everybody’s Pocket Cyclopaedia . *R 3 ^ 5 2 Exner. Gesch. der Gewerbe Oesterreichs. .D 460 Factory and Farm, 1879. v - 5 . *Ser. Figuier. Les grandes Inventions.C 4906 Merveilles de l’lndustrie. 4 v . *V 1106 Fleischmann. Erwerbszweige der Vereinigten Staaten. D 4 2 7 ° Fournier. Le Vieux-Neuf. 3 V.C 4974 Francis. Dictionary of Practical Receipts.-R 969 Freedley. Leading Pursuits of Men . K 927 Philadelphia and its Manufactures in 1857K 4341 Great Britain, Correspondence on Industrial Questions . '"Doc. Great Industries of Great Britain. 3 v .*V 623 The same. 3 V.K 4347 Greeley. Gi eat Industries of the U. S. .. .K 922 Hatin. Renaudot ct ses Inventions. C 5 1 93 Hazen. Popular Technology. 2 v.I 3755 Hildebrand. Industrial Artsof Scandinavia K 3569 35° • PRACTICAL ARTS Hopkins (Ed.). Scientific American Cyclopaedia i Riano of Receipts. 987 The same. A 'J C Industri-Tidenden, 1874. . tJO/ * Ser. Industrial Arts . . Industrial Chicago. 2 v J 497 Industrial Monthly, 1873-4. v. 4 5 *SV/-. Japp. Industrial Curiosities 6222 Journal of the Franklin Institute, 1826-91 *Ser. ‘ Index, 1826-85. Kent. Modern Seven Wonders of the WorldK 4336 Kerkwijk. Openbare Werken in Nederland.D 9371 Klein. Den nyere Kunstindustri.C 734- Knight. Knowledge is Power.1 3272 Koerner. Industrie- und Handelsge- schichte.*.D 4793 Kreplin. 1000 Erwerbsquellen. r 303 Kunst und GewerBe, 1878-88. 21 v. *Ser. Kunsthandwerk, 1875-7^- 2 v. *Ser Labarte. Historic des Arts industries. 4 v.*P 1605 Album. 2 v...* P 1605,5-6 Laborde. L’Union des Arts et de PIndustrie. 2 v .,*V 1691 Labouche. Les Arts et Metiers.C 5642 Lankester. Animals in relation to Industry. K S80 Gardner. Museum of Science and Art. I2v ' in6 . 260 Luetken. Opfindelsernes Bog. 5 v.C 7366 Mangin. Merveilles de PIndustrie.C 5915 Manufacturer and Builder, 1870-91. v. 2,5-23 Manufacturers and Inventors of the U. S.. .*V 896 Manufactures of the Ancients. R 6021 Massachusetts, Annual Statistics of Manu¬ factures, 1886-89. * Doc Mechanics’ Magazine (London) 1823-72. 97 v. *Ser. Mechanics’ Magazine (New York), 1833-36. 8v. *Ser. Merchants and Manuf. of Chicago, 1873..*R 106 .Metcalfe. Cost of Manufactures.K 4342 JVIetz et Gemen. L’Industrie de Luxembourg, i8 39-89 .*V 4 Meyer. Die Liebhaberkunste.. *D 6740,5 Muyden und Frauberger. Die neuesten Erfindungen. r 6i ~ Napier. Ancient Manufacturing Arts_K 4262 Neubrunn. Mein Receptbuch.R 326 Ohio Mechanics’Institute, Scientific Proc.2v.*R 4901 Perrot. Inventions utiles. C6156 Poire. Premieres Notions sur PIndustrie.. . C 6283 Polytechnic Review, 1876-78. 6 v. *Ser. Practical Magazine 1873-77. v. 2-7. *Ser c Rehlen. Geschichte der Gewerbe........R 517 Rein. Industries of Japan.K 4423 Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur, 1823-87. 21 v. in 10.*0 580 Industrial Arts in Spain.R 3653 Riedenauer. Geschichte des antiken Hand- werks .. 4350 Routledge. Discoveries of the 19th Centur y. 4301 Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Trans., 1841-86 11 v . *Ser. Sadtler. Industrial Organic Chemistry .. .R 4379 Scientific American, 1844-91. 79 V. *Ser Supplement, 1878-91. 32 V. -Ser. Catalogue of Papers in.*R 1061 Simmonds. ’Waste Products.R 4360 Smiles. Men of Invention and Industry.. . .C 1556 Society of Arts, Journal, 1853-69. 17 v. *Ser. Transactions, 1783-1847. 56 v. *Ser. Somerset. Century of Inventions (1663).. .C 943 South Kensington Science Lectures. 2 v.. .R 380 Spon’s Encyclopaedia of Industrial Arts. 5 V .*R 1033 Workshop Receipts, Ser. 1-4. 4 v .R 4358 The same; new ed. 4 V.*R 961 Taylor. History of the Factory System . . R 4344 I HOMas. Denkwiirdigste Erfindungen 2 v.D 673 Timbs. Inventors and Discoverers. R Wonderful Inventions. r \ earbook of Facts. 34 v . The same; extra volume, 1851.*1 The same; extra volume, 1862.*1 Timmens. Industrial History of Birming- ham .. 916 Tomlinson. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts.3v.*R 764 Illustrations of Trades. *y 7 o seful Arts of Great Britain. 2v.R 6^2 Towle. Heroes and Martyrs of Invention. C 10180 Trade Statistics from Newcastle. R ~ 0 6 Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines - 2V --- .. 925 The same, with Supplement. 4 v.*R 1030 Philosophy of Manufactures.I 3201 Vegetable Substances used in Manufactures.. I 3-77 Vors. Bibelots and Curios. r 565 W'atson. Manufactures of the People of In- dia * 7 *..*P 837 Watt. Scientific Industries explained.R 4302 We ale. Dictionary of Terms.R ^20 The same.*R 4042 Western Industries of America.*R lI2 Western Manufacturer, 1876-82. v. 3-5, y-io*Ser. W hite. New Century of Inventions.*V 9x9 Wilkie. Great Inventions.K 4343 Work; an illustrated Magazine, 1889-90. *Ser. Workshop, The, 1868-84. 17 v. * Ser W T orld of Wonders. *y W orsaae. Industrial Arts of Denmark.... R 3577 Book of Trades. r g ~ 0 576 614 5800 3801 3802 PATENTS—EXHIBITIONS. 35i PATENTS. ABBOTT. Patent Laws of all Nations. 2 v. Agnew. Laws of Patents (British). British Patents, Specifications and Drawings, 1617- 1889. 2085 v. Indexes, Chronological and Descriptive, 1617- 1871. 14 v. Patents and Patentees, 1854-69, 1873. Patentees and Applicants, 1617-1869, 1871-74, 1876, 1878-87. 15 v. Reference Index, 1617-1852. Subject-Matter Index, 1617-1870, 1877-87, 1890. 28 v. Abridgments, 1617-1883. 15 1 v. Illustrated Journal, 1884-91. 22 v. Index, v. 1, 2. Journal of Commissioners, 1854-84. Official Journal, 1884-91. 18 v. Index, 1887-91. 5 v - Patent Office Library Catalogue. 2 v. Reports of Cases, 1884-91. 7 v - Campin'. Law of Patents for Inventions (Brit¬ ish) ....' . K 1317 Canadian Patent Office Record, 1873-91. 19 v. List of Patents, 1824-69. Carpmael. Patent Laws of the World. 2 v. Discussions on the Abolition of Patents (in Europe). The same . K 4261 Duryf.e. Assignment of Patent Rights (Amer¬ ican), Egan. English and French Patent Laws. AV 39,4 French Patents, Brevets d’lnvention, 1791 — » 1888. 335 v. in 245. Table generale, 1791-1860. 6 v. Subject-Matter Index, 1791-1876. German Patents, Ausziige aus den Patentschriften, 1880-91. 12 v. in 13. Register u. Hauptverzeichniss, 1877-89. 2 v. Patentblatt, 1877-91. 15 v. in 16. Anzeigen Beilage zu dem Patent¬ blatt, 18S5-91. 7 v. Patentliste, 1879-82. 4 v. Verzeichniss der Patente, 1879. Hart. Patent Law of Great Britain and Ire¬ land. The same .K 1319 Haselden (Comp.). Patents, Designs and Trade-Marks Act, 1889, (New Zealand). Higgins and Jones. Law and Practice of Let¬ ters Patent for Inventions (British). Howson. Our Country’s Debt to Patents (American). Italian Patents, Subject-Matter Index, 1848-82. Johnson. Patentee’s Manual (British). Macfie. Patents and Copyright for Inven¬ tions (British). 2 v.N 5°S6 Merwin. Patentability of Inventions (Ameri¬ can). Myer. Federal Decisions; Patents, Copyrights, etc. Perry. Defense of the U. S. Patent System. Queensland, Letters of Registration granted for Inventions, 1860-1878. 6 v. in 3. Robinson. Law of Patents (American). 3 v. Simonds. Digest of Patent Cases, 1789-1888 (American). Thompson. Patent Laws of all Countries. The same..N 4867 U. S. Patent Office Reports, Specifications and Drawings, 1847-91. 396" v. List of Patents, 1790-1836. Index, 1790-1873. 3 v. 1872-1890. 19 v. Official Gazette, 1872-91 57 v. in 60. Decisions of Commissioners of Patents, 1869-87. 15 v. Index of Patents relating to Electricity, 1881-90. 9 v. in 3. Arguments in favor of Patent Laws. 2 v. U. S. Patent Office, Fire in ,-r.. “ V 691,2 Library Catalogue, 1878. *0 2121 Additions to, 1888. 2 v. *0 2122 Rules of Practice in. Walker. Patent Laws of the U. S. Whitman. Patent, Copyright and Trade- Mark Laws WHITNEY. Relation of Patent Laws to Ameri¬ can Arts and Industries.*K 815,4 EXHIBITIONS. Chicago Industrial Exposition: 1873. Official Art Catalogue.*K 344 1874, 1876-85, ’87. Art Catalogue. ..*K 332 1883. Sketch Book of.*V 605 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition: 1869. Textile Fabrics; by Maxwell.... K 934 1870, 1871, 1872, 1879. Reports-*K 935 Colmont. Histoire des Expositions de Hn- dustrie frangaise.C12212 Geddes. Industrial Exhibitions.K 4435 Gindriez and Hart. International Exhibi¬ tions...36 1 ^ Langdon. Catalogue of Chinese Collection, 1843.E 44 22 1871. 1886. London Exhibition: 1851. Art Journal Industrial Catalogued Crystal Palace and Exhibition; by Tallis and Co.*y Industrial Arts; by Wyatt. 2 v. ,*P Official Catalogue. 4 V.*R 3722 Reports by Juries.*R 37 gj Timb’s Year-Book of Facts_ Ironmongers’ Hall Exhibition.2v*P 1182 Catalogue of Indian Departments 3 40 Industrial Art; by Waring. 3 v.*P 985 Machinery of; by Clarke.*V 252 Timb’s Year-Book of Facts.*1 3802 Catalogue of Indian Departments 338 Indian Educational Collection.. *K 339 Colonial and Indian Exhibition; by Cundall.*y 1734 Louisville Exposition, Art Catalogue, 1883-84K 3376 Manchester Exhibition: 1857. Art Treasures; by Waring.*p Melbourne Exhibition: 1S80. Public Works of France.*K Milwaukee Industrial Exposition, 1881 .K New Orleans Exposition: 1 884-5. Educational Exhibits and Con¬ ventions . The same . *Doc. Catalogue of Art Collection... .K 3415 New York, 1853-4. Art and Industry at Crystal Palace; by Greeley. r 55 Norton. World’s Fairs from 1851 to 1893.IC 4427 Paris Exhibition: 1 855. Catalogue officiel.*C 6316 1867. Catalogue of the Indian Depart- . ment .. 348 Etudes sur; par La Croix. 4v.in3*C 6147 L’Exposition universelle i!lustree*R 4316 Notes and Sketches; by Sala.. .K 27 Ores from Colorado; by Whitney. . .*y 454 Precis des Operations et listes des Collaborateurs.*y i ^ 2 The same.*C 6148 Rapports du Jury international. 13 v .. 6312 Recollections of; by Rimmel.. .. K 26 Reports of U. S. Commissioners. 548 1664 3602 ;6o8 6 v. .K 337 24 Souvenirs de; par Rimmel.K Steam Engineering; by Auchin - closs. Yineland; Rapport presente au J ur y.*v 691,2 Wunder der; von Ebeling.D 3735 728 Paris Exhibition: J 878 . L Album de l’Exposition; par GIm i .. 1252 Catalogue beige. . 6lJO c u Ministere del’Instruc- tion publique.Q 6151 de Norvege.C 4305 of the British Colonies*K 3604 of the British Section. 2 v .*K 3603 Conferences du Palais duTrocadero. 3 v .*C 6315 Congres du Palais du Trocadero. 16 v. . .. .. 6314 L Exposition de Paris; ed. par Bi- tard .. 4317 Handbook to British Indian Sec- *Iv 3605 tion.. Rapport administrate. 2 v.. ..*V 1693 Reports of the U. S. Commission- 1889. ers. 5 v K 3606 Autour du Monde; par Hue.C 6319 Catalogue de la Republique Argen- . tine .. 4436 Chefs d CEuvre de l’Exposition; par Walton .* .. ggg Chicago Public Library Exhi- . 1253 Constructions elevees au Champ de Mars; par Gamier et Jourdain*P 1236 Decoration ct l’Art industriel; par Marx V. . 1695 L Exposition du Centenaire; par V °S U6 ••••• . C 6318 L Exposition universelle; par Par- ville . 6317 Memoire sur les Mines, la Metal- lurgie, etc., dans la Republique Argentine.*y 1696 Official Catalogue U. S. Exhibit.K 4426 Lniversal Exposition, 1889; Jef- f er y.. Philadelphia Exhibition: 1876. 4425 Official Catalogue. *j£ Catalogue of the British Section. K of the German SectionK of the Japanese SectionK of the Mexican SectionK of the New South Wales Section.K of the Portugese Sec¬ tion. k* of the Products of Michi¬ gan .K 740 33 i 328 329 327 325 333 330 EXHIBITIONS—MINES AND MINING. 353 Philadelphia Exhibition: 1876. Briefe aus Philadelphia; von Reu- leaux.D 463 Centennial Exposition described; by Ingram. . . .K 3614 French View of; by Simonin.... K 3612 Gems of the Centennial.*V 1694 Illinois Board of Managers’ Re¬ port.K 326 Illustrated History of; by Mc¬ Cabe. K 3613 its Organization, etc. *E 743,2 Nederlandsche Afdeeling .D 9370 Newspaper Exhibition. IV 3611 Ontario Educational Exhibit.. ..K 336 Report of U. S. Commissioners. 9 v ...K 3610 The same. *Doc. What B. Beverly saw at the Expo¬ sition; by Dale.K 4424 1 he World’s Fair; by Walker.. .K 4428 San Francisco Mechanics’ Institute, Industrial Exposition, Reports, 1882, 1884-89. 7 v .K 4421 Vienna Exposition: 1 873. General Catalogue.D 462 Catalog der Lander Oesterreichs.D 461 Die graphischen Kiinste; von L° r ck.D 4301 Officieller Ausstellings-Bericht. 9 v . D 4795 Ornamentaie Ivunst auf der; von Bucher.*D 382,9 Reports of U. S. Commissioners. 4 v .K 335 MINES AND MINING. Abel. Mining Accidents and their Preven- tion .. 4682 American Institute of Mining Engineers, Trans¬ actions, 1873-90. 19 v. *R 770 Index, v. 1 - 10. The same, v. 1 — 15 . Anderson. Prospector’s Handbook.K 4703 Andr£. Treatise on Mining Machinery. 2v*V 277 Atkinson. Friction of Air in Mines _ K 686,14 Gases in Mines.R 686,13 Bartlett. Mines of Maine.K 4645 Bevan. Metallic Mining and Collieries... K 801,13 Blanc. Exploitation des Mines.C 6513,75-76 Howie. Hydraulic Mining in California.. .IC 4689 Brough. Mine-Surveying. r 5566 Callon. Lectures on Mining 2 v .K 768 Plates 2 v.*y 2 g 2 Charleton. Tin Mining .Iv 4690 Collins. Mining and Quarrying.R 1323 Principles of Metal Mining.K 2895 Copp. American Mining Code. N 4856 Cornwall, its Mines and Miners.I 4000,23 Dewey. Bonanza Mines of Nevada.*R 815,3 Emmons. Mining Industry of Leadville... *Doc. AtIas .«.*R 4861 Engineering and Mining Journal, 1873-91. v. 15-17, 20-52.. *Ser. Faller. Metallbergbau in Oberungarn.. .D 533 * Schemnitzer Bergbau.D 533 Foster. Mineral Resources of Ill. C. R. R.*K 876,1 Min. Wealth and R. R. Development.*R 876,1 Hague. Mining Industry; with Atlas. 2 v.. -Doc. Hittell. Mining in the Pacific States.K 4629 Hodgson. Chemistry of the Mine.K 4647 Hollister. Mines in Colorado.K 779 Hoskold. Engineer’s Valuing Assistant. . .Iv 5509 Ihlseng. Manuel of Mining .K 4760 Ingham. Digging Gold in the Rockies_K 4648 Jones. Treasures of the Earth.K 2860 Lintern. Mineral Surveyor and Valuer’s Cuide.K 150S Lock, A. G. Gold; its Occurrence and Ex¬ traction .*R 4633 Lock, C. G. W. Mining and Ore-Dressing Machinery.;....*V 17: a Maigne. Sauvetage.C 6513,162 Merivale. Notes and Formulae for Mining Students.R 4704 Michell. Mine Drainage.R 5603 Mineral Wealth of Alabama, Illustrated ... . I 5264 Mines and Mineral Statistics of N. South Waleslv 772 Mining Record, 1879-85. v. 5-18. *Str Mining Review, 1S79-86. v. 2-12, 15, 16.. . *Ser. Morgans. Mining Tools.R 1528 Atlas...*V 294 Murgue. Centrifugal Ventilating MachinesK 7562 North of England Institute of Mining Engin¬ eers^ Trans., 1853-88. 37 v. *Ser. Index, v. 1—17. Orton. Underground Treasures.R 9525 Osborn. Manual of Minerals, Mines and Mining. R 4686 Randall. Quartz Operator’s Hand-book..Iv 769 Raymond. Mines of the West.*R 780 Mining West of the Rocky Mountains.*K 786 Revue universelle des Mines, 1857-89. 67 v... *Ser. Sawyer. Accidents in Mines.*R 4627 Schoolcraft. Lead Mines in Missouri... .B 1558 Shinn. Land Laws in Mining Districts. ..L 3201,2 354 PRACTICAL ARTS. Silliman. Report on the Mariposa Estate*K 560 Simonin. Le Monde souterrain. C 4201 Underground Life.*V 342 Skinner. Mining Directory, 1877.*R 1090 Smyth, R. B. Gold Fields of Victoria.. . ,*V 805 Smyth, W. W. Metallic Mining.K 801,2 Swineford. Mineral Resources of Lake Su¬ perior. ..K 4654 Ure. Diet, of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 4 v...... ©.*R 1030 Veith. Deutsches Bergworterbuch.*R 2116 Vuillaume ( Helene ). Les Galeries souter- raines.C 4216 Wade. American Mining Law.N 4857 Wallace. Deposition of Lead Ore in Veins. K 4666 Whitney. Metallic Wealth of the United States.K 788 Whittlesey. Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior . *Doc. Mineral Resources of the Cordilleras of North America.K 2542 Wilson, C. S. Mining Laws of the U. S...N 4868 Wilson, E. B. Mine Ventilation.K 4636 Wright. History of the Big Bonanza.K 4646 METALLURGY, METALS AND ALLOYS. Armour. Iron and Heat...K 1251 ] Power in Motion..... K 1252 ] Barry. Russian Metallurgical Works.K 875 Bauerman. Metallurgy of Iron.K 610 The same; new ed .. ..K 1281 Bell. Manufacture of Iron and Steel.K 4663 Bloxam. Metals, their Properties, etc.K 2703 BRANNT(Ed-). Metallic Alloys.K 4665 Bruell. Resisting Properties of Iron and Steel. K 4632 Charleton. Tin; Mining, Dressing and Smelting..K 4690 Davies. Earthy and other Minerals and Min¬ ing . K 4693 Metalliferous Minerals and Mining.K 4692 Ede. Management of Steel.K 612 Egleston. Metallurgy of Silver, Gold and Mercury. 2 v. K 4659 Eissler. Metallurgy of Gold.K 4667 Metallurgy of Silver .K 4668 Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead.K 4669 Flower. History of the Trade in Tin.K 4653 Francis. Copper-Smelting in Swansea ...K4651 Garnier. Le Fer.C 4215 Gore. Electrolytic Separation of Metals...K 4707 Graham. Brass, Tin and Zinc.K 801,1 Greenwood. Manual of Metallurgy. 2 v.K 604 Steel and Iron,..K 4661 Griffiths. Iron and Steel Manufacturers.*R 3759 Gruener. Manufacture of Steel.... . ... . K 4664 Gruner. Blast Furnace Phenomena.K 619 Guettier. Manuf. of Metallic Alloys.K 4649 Herv£. Alliages metalliques.C 6513,247 IIiorns. Mixed Metals; or Metallic Alloys.K 4741 Howe. Metallurgy of Steel, v. 1.*V 1749 Iron, 1873-91. 38 V. *Ser. Iron Age, 1889-91. v. 43-47. *Ser. Iron and Coal in Mexico .*K ^743 Iron and Steel Institute, Journal of, 1879-91. 24 v. *Ser. Index, 1869-81. Subject-Matter Index, 1882-89. Jeans. Steel; its History and Manufacture.*K 4671 Jones. Iron and Steel.*K 815.3 Kerl. Treatise on Metallurgy. 3 v.K 785 Kohn. Iron and Steel Manufacture.*V 290 Kunhardt. Ore Dressing in Europe.K 4625 Lamborn. Metallurgy of Copper.K 1490 Metallurgy of Silver and Lead.K 1491 Landrin. Maitre de Forges.C 6513,82-83 Lutschaunig. Alloy Tables.*K 4650 Makins. Manual of Metallurgy.K 4652 Mushet. Papers on Iron and Steel.K 599 Napier. Ancient Workers in Metal.K 783 O’Driscoll. Treatment of Gold Ores.K 4679 Osborn. Metallurgy of Iron and Steel.... K 600 The same .*R 1113 Overman. Manufacture of Iron.K 4662 Manufacture of Steel.K 603 Pepper. Playbook of Metals.K 2804 Percy. Metallurgy.K 794 Metallurgy of Lead.K 800 Metallurgy of Silver and Gold.Iv 4631 Peters. American Methods of Copper Smelt¬ ing . K 4660 Phillips. Copper...K 801,1 Treatise on Ore Deposits.K 4634 Elements of Metallurgy. ...Iv 796 and Darlington. Mining and Metal¬ lurgy.K 792 PULSlFER(Ed.). Notes for a History of Lead. K 4684 Richards. Aluminium.K 4656 Aluminium, its History, etc.K 4687 Scoffern. Useful Metals and their Alloys. K 601 Simonin. L ’Or et 1 ’Argent...C 6774 Stetefeldt. Lixiviation of Silver-Ores...K 4698 Styffe. Elasticity and Strength of Iron .. . K 4670 Swank. Hist, of Manufacture of Iron.K 4626 Thurston. Brasses, Bronzes and other Al¬ loys .K 4699 ASSAYING—ELECTRO-METALLURGY—COAL MINING. 355 Truran. Iron Manufacture of Gr. Britain.*V 344 TunneR. Roll-Turning for Manuf. of Iron.K 774 Atlas to same...4882 U. S. Report on Iron, Steel, etc., 1878. *Doc. Urbin. Puddling Iron and Steel.K 4632 Vivian. Copper Smelting.K 4710 Williams. Chemistry of Iron and Steel Mak¬ ing.K 4683 Iron and Steel.... .K 801,1 Wright. Metals and their Applications.. .K 799 ASSAYING. ATTWOOD. Practical Blowpipe Assaying.. .K 4622 Bolley. Manual of Technical Analysis.. . .1 3244 Brown. Manual of Assaying.K 4624 The same; new ed.K 4658 Brush. Mineralogy and Blow-Pipe AnalysisK 797 Cornwall. Manual of Blow-Pipe Analysis.K 4623 Cramer. Art of Assaying Metals, 1741...K 789 DeKoninck. Chemical Analysis and Assay¬ ing.K 773 Goodyear. Assaying of Lead, Copper, etc.K 790 Kerl. The Assayer’s Manual.K 4621 Mitchell. Practical Assaying.K 791 The same; new ed.K 475 ° North. Practical Assayer.K 793 Plattner. Blowpipe Analysis.K 795 Plympton. The Blowpipe; a Guide to its useK 4685 Ricketts. Notes on Assaying..... .K 798 ELECTRO-METALLURGY. BONNEY. Electro-Platers’ Handbook.K 4730 Brandely. Galvanoplastie. C 6513,3-4 Desbouliez et Fink. Bronzage.C 6513,193 Fontaine. Electrolysis, Nickeling, Copper¬ ing, etc.. .... K 4709 Gore. Art of Electro-Metallurgy.K 4295 Electro-Deposition...K 4706 Electrolytic Separation of Metals.K 4707 Langbein. Electro-Deposition of Metals. . .K 4697 McMillan. Treatise on Electro-MetallurgyK 4708 Maigne. • Dorure et Argenture.C 6513,206 Napier. Manual of Electro-Metallurgy.. ..K 784 Smee. Elements of Electro-Metallurgy.. ..K 4289 Urquhart. Electro-Plating.K 4291 Electro-Typing...K 4290 Wahl. Galvanoplastie Manipulations, .. .*K 4297 Watt. Electro-Deposition of Metals.K 43 12 Electro-Metallurgy.K 1618 COAL AND COAL MINING. Andr£. Practical Treatise on Coal Mining. 2 v.*V 279 Atkinson. Gases in Coal Mines.K 686,13 Barr. Combustion of Coal.K 764 Blanc. La Houille.C 6513,75 Bowen. Coal and Coal Oil...K 2862 Boyd. Coal Mines Inspection.K 4637 Daddow and Bannon. Coal, Iron and Oil. K 787 Danvers. Coal.K 4639 Fairley. Ventilation of Coal Mines.K 686,58 Gali.etly, Coal.K 801,2 Graham. Gas Coals and Cannals. K 4892 Greene. Coal and the Coal Mines.K 4695 Hale. Coal and Iron Counties of North Carolina .K 4635 Hull. Coal-Fields of Great Britain.K 4644 Hunt. Coal and Iron in Southern Ohio.. .K 4642 Leifchild. Coal at Home and Abroad .. . K 4638 Macfarlane. Coal-Regions of America.. .K 4641 Meade. Coal and Iron Industries of Great Britain ..Iv 4643 Our Coal and Coal Pits.I 4000,23 Pamely. Colliery Manager’s Handbook.. .K 4705 Riley. Coal and Iron of the Great Vein. .*K 876,1 Saward. The Coal Trade. 2 v.... .K 4640 Smyth. Coal and Coal-mining.K 1580 The same; new ed.K 1581 Collieries.K 801,2 Tissandier. La Plouille.C 4204 Williams. Combustion of Coal.K 4840 The same.Iv 1626 COAL GAS. BOURNE. Examples of Gas Engine.*R 4228 BowditcH. Analysis, etc., of Coal-Gas...Iv 761 Bunsen. Gasometry; Properties of Gas. . .. Iv 2358 Burns. Illuminating and Heating Gas.Iv 4891 Clegg. Treatise on Coal-Gas.*V 595 Clerk. The Gas Engine.Iv 4905 Theory of the Gas Engine.K 686,62 Colyer. Gas-Works; their Construction and Machinery. .*K 4841 Gas Consumers’ Guide.K 631 Holmes. Management of Gas-Works.K 762 Hughes. Treatise on Gas-Works.K 1465 and Richards. The same; new ed .. .K 1468 Journal of Gas Lighting, 1874. v. 23,24. *Ser. Knapp. Geschichte der Gasbeleuchtung.2v.*V 986 Magnier. Manuel de Gaz . C 6513,63-64 Newbigging. Gas Manager’s Hand-book. . K 763 The same; new ed . K 489° King’s Treatise on Coal-Gas. 3 v.*V 241 356 PRACTICAL ARTS. Patterson. Gas and Lighting.K 801,4 Richards. Treatise on Coal-Gas . *y 240 Robinson. Gas and Petroleum Engines...K 4965 Schilling. Steinkohlengas-Beleuchtung.2v.*V 986 MOULDING AND WORKING IN METALS. Barba. L'se of Steel for Constructive Pur¬ poses.K 4677 Blinn. Tin and Copper-plate Worker.K 605 Brannt. Metal Worker’s Handy-Book. .. .K 4949 Clarkson. Ironwork of the 13th Century*R 3867 Compton, first Lessons in Metal-Working. K 4711 Crane. The Smithy and the Forge . K 1331 Desormeaux. Armurier et FourbisseurC6513,84-85 Gillot. Fondeur de Fer et de CuivreC6513,101-102 Giraud. Les Arts du Metal.*P 1273 Graham. Brass Founders’Manual.K 1405 Griffiths. Iron and Steel Trades Journal, 1888 . ' .*R 3759 Hasluck. Metal Turner’s Handy Book_K 4934 The same . K 4936 Holi.and. Manufactures in Metal. 3 v. . .1 3868 Juiten et Valerio. Chaudronnier.06513,153-154 Kittredge. Metal Workers’ Patterns.. . *V 640 Landrin. Manuel du Maitre de ForgesC6513,82-83 Larkin. Brass and Iron Founders’ Guide. .K 4304 Macfarlane. Notes on Tipe Founding. .. K 4676 Meyer. Handbuch der Schmiedekunst.. D 6740,2 Mullin. Modern Moulding and Fatternmak- ing . K 4673 Napier. Ancient Metal Workers . K 783 Overman. Moulders’ and Founders’ GuideK 602 Rich. Artistic Horse-Shoeing . K 433S Richardson (Ed.). Practical Blacksmithing. 4 V . K 4337 Rodman. Experiments in IMctal for Cannons*V 376 Rowell. Instructions in Hard-Soldering. . .K 4724 Shaw. Ornamental Work . *R 4450 Spretson. Casting and Founding .K 781 Vaile. Galvanized Iron Cornice-Worker’s Manual . *y 1764 Warn. Sheet Metal Worker’s Instructor.. .K 4678 West. American Foundry Practice. .... .K 4672 Moulders’ Text Book. IC 4674 Wyatt. Metal-Work. *p I2 67 Wylie. Iron and Steel Founding. K 4675 Yapp. Art Industry; Metal W 7 ork.*R 4313 BLASTING, QUARRYING AND TUNNELING. Andr£. Rock Blasting.Iv 4636 Bird. Hoosac Tunnel. .*R 677 Buck. Construction of Large Tunnel ShaftsK 5602 Burgoyne. Blasting and Quarrying.K 1303 Burr. Hudson River Tunnel. *y yg G Davies. Slate and Slate Quarrying.K 4691 Drinker. Tunneling, Explosive Compounds, and Rock Drills.*y 1752 Figuier. Grands Tunnels.*y 1071,2 Foster. Submarine Blasting. . *y 260 McMaster. Tunnel and Bridge Centres. K 686,20 Simms. Practical Tunnelling . *y 2S0 Storrow. Report on European Tunnels. . .. *Doc. Tunnels of Chicago.p> 1373 Vuillaume. Galeries souterraines.C 4216 Les Nouvelles Routes du Globe.C13302 WAlker. The Severn Tunnel.*K 5604 FUEL. IIodgetts. Liquid Fuel. r 4831 Johnson. Peat and its Uses.K 1215 Leavitt. Peat as Fuel. r -55 Mari6 del’Isle. Bois et Charbons.C65i3,i86 Mills and Rowan. Fuel and its Applica¬ te 0113 .*R 769,1 Noeggerath. Der Torf. 0382,10 Phillips. Fuels; Solid, Liquid and GaseousIC 4835 Po.wer. Smoke and its Prevention.*R 560 Trideaux. Economy of Fuel.R 1548 Ronalds and Richardson. Fuel and its Applications. r 2349 Ross. Air as Fuel. r 4830 Schwackhofer. Fuel and W T ater. R 5347 Siemens. Fuel. R 686,9 Smoke Abatement Committee, Report, 18S2.K 7542 Steinmann. Die neuesten Fortschritte der Gasfeuerungen.jy 6887 Svedelius. Charcoal Burning.R 4839 Wti.liams. Combustion of Coal.K 4840 The same .R jG 2 6 Wormald. Artificial Fuel.K 686,9 PETROLEUM—NATURAL GAS. Crew. Practical Treatise on Petroleum ... v R 4655 Henry. History of Petroleum.R 767 Hoefer. Das Erdol und seine Verwandten.I) 6709 Hunt’s Map of Venango Oil Regions.*R 3734 Magnier. Huiles minerales.C 6513,239 Marvin. The Coming Oil Age.R 4681 Morris. Derrick and Drill; Discovery of Petroleum.R 4680 Orton. Petroleum and Natural Gas.R 4657 Redwood. Petroleum; its Production and Use .K 686,92 MECHANICS AND MACHINERY—TOOLS. 357 MECHANICS AND MACHINERY—TOOLS. Abel. Principles of Machinery .K 1230 Atlas.*V 292 Amateur Work Illustrated. 10 v.K 6221 American Artisan (Chicago), 1884-91. v. 7-21 *Ser. American Artisan (New York), 1864-75. v. 1-16,19. *Ser. American Engineer, 1882-91. v. 3-22. *Ser. American Machinist, 1889-91. v. 12-14. *Ser. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions, 1880-90. nv. *Ser. Anderson. Conversion of Heat into Work.K 4906 Appleby. Hand-book of Machinery'and Iron Work.K 655 Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of Applied Mechanics. 2 v.*R 1049 The same; new ed. 2 v.*R 1050 Artizan (London), 1843-53. II v. *Scr. Atkinson. Dynamic and Mechanic Teach¬ ing . * E 1395 Babbage. Economy o^ Machinery. K 639 Baker. Statics and Dynamics. K 1278 Elements of Practical Mechanism. Iv 1280 Bale. Steam and Machinery Management. K 1283 Stone-Working Machinery. K 4955 Ball. Experimental Mechanics . K 627 Barber. Engineer’s Sketch-Book of Mechan¬ ical Movements ...Iv 4973 Barnard. Analysis of Rotary Motion. . . K 686,90 Bernoulli. Mecanique pratique . C 6513,127 Besant. Treatise on Hydromechanics.Iv 676 Blakelee. Simple Mechanics.K 6225 Bottomley. Dynamics . K 2870 Bower. Science applied to Work.K 7260 Bowser. Treatise on Analytic Mechanics. .K 4974 Treatise on Hydromechanics.K 4975 Brelow und IIoyer. Lexikon fiir mecha- nische Technologie.*R 3S05 Brown, A. B. Engineering Facts and Figures, 1863-67. 3 v...K 735 Brown, H. T. 507 Mechanical MovementsK 628 Burgh. Link-Motion and Expansion-Gear.*K 4912 Burn. Handbook of Mechanical Arts.K 3684 Working Drawings and Designs of Me¬ chanical Engineering ...*R 4852 Byrne. American Engineers’ Assistant. ..*V 285 The Apprentice .K 564 Dictionary of Mechanics.*R 1052 Hand-book for Mechanics .Iv 620 Practical Model Calculator .Iv 642 Camus. Treatise on Teeth of Wheels.Iv 647 Canadian Magazine of Science and Industrial Arts, 1873-90. 18 v . *Ser. Carpenter. Mechanical Philosophy.I 3254 Cassell’s Technical Educator. 4 V.*Y 622 Chretien. Machines-Outils.C 6513,23-24 Atlas.*V 1090 Clark. Exhibited Machinery of 1862. .. .*V 252 Rules for Mechanical Engineers.*K 598 Collignon. Les Machines.C 4167 Coi.yer. Lifting Machinery.Iv 4923 Cooley. Cyclopaedia of Receipts. 2 v...*R 977 Cooper. Belting for Transmission of PowerK 4908 CoTTERiLL. Applied Mechanics.Iv 4971 Cromwell. Treatise on Toothed Gearing.K 4933 Treatise on Belts and Pulleys.Iv 4903 Cullen. Construction of Water-Wheels.. .K 657 Dana. Elementary Mechanics.K 4919 Davidson. Boy Joiner and Model Maker..K 3683 Dingey. Machinery Pattern-Making.Iv 4719 Dircks. Perpetuum Mobile. 2 v.Iv 689 Donaldson. Construction of Water-WheelsK 586 Du Boys. Elements of Graphical Statics. 2 v.K 691 Earle and Congdon (Ed.). General Society of Mechanics of New York.*V 600 Eddy. Researches in Graphical Statics..Iv 4979 Thermodynamics.Iv 686,45 Engineer, 1856-91. 72 V. *Ser. Engineer and Machinist’s Drawing-Book. . .*V 1745 Engineering, 1866-91. 52 v. *Ser. Engineering and Building Record, 1889-91. v. 19-24. *Ser. Engineering News, 1876-77. v.3,4. *Ser. Engineering News and American Railway Jour¬ nal, 1889-91. v. 21-26 . *Ser. Engineering Record, 1890-91. v. 22-24 •••• *Ser. English Mechanic, 1865-91. 53 v . *Ser. Every Man his own Mechanic.Iv 3693 Fairbairn. Principles of Mechanism.K 778 Useful Information for Engineers. 3 v. .Iv 777 Ferguson. Lectures on Mechanics, etc.2v.Iv 674 Foley. Mechanical Engineer’s Reference Book.*R 4318 Foucaud. Illustrious Mechanics. ...K 634 Fustegueras ct Hergot. Traite de Meca¬ nique. 2 v.C 5000 Galloupe. Index to Engineering Periodicals, 1883-87.*R 1226 General Machinist, The .K 4964 Gi.YNN. Construction of Cranes.K 1395 Goodeve. Elements of Mechanism.K 2704 Manual of Mechanics.K 4904 Gregory. Treatise cf Mechanics. 3 v...K 673 Grier. Mechanic’s Pocket Dictionary. . . .*R 1041 Grimshaw. Applied Mechanics . *R 7^,6 Hints to Power Users . K 495 ^ i58 PRACTICAL ARTS. Gkimshaw. Saws; their History..K 4932 Harrison. The Mechanic’s Tool Book. .. K 4939 IlASLUCK. Mechanic's Workshop HandybookK 4935 Haswell. Engineer’s and Mechanic’s Pocket- Book ...K 723 Mechanics’ Tables.K 4918 Hebert. Engineer’s and Mechanic’s Encyclo¬ paedia. 2 v . . . '.*R 1047 Hercules Ice Making and Refrigerating Ma¬ chinery .K 4998 Hobson. Mechanic’s practical Hand-book. K 678 Hodgetts. Liquid for Mechanical PurposesK 483/. Hole. Essay on Mechanics’ Institutions.. .K 643 Hutton. Works’ Manager’s Hand-Book..K 4962 Institution of Engineers in Scotland, Transac¬ tions, 1858-80. v. 1-14,16-23 .. .K 750 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceed¬ ings, 1847-90. 40 v. *Ser. Index, 1847-73. Isherwood. Engineering Precedents fcr Steam Machinery.Iv 736 Janvier. Mecanique appliquee.C 6513,276 Joynson. Mechanics’ and Students’ Guide.K 652 Kater and Lardner. Mechanics.I 3848 Kennedy. Kinematics of Machinery.. ..K 686,54 Mechanics of Machinery.K 4913 Knight, C. Mechanician and Constructor*V 250 Knight, E. H. American Mechanical Dic¬ tionary. 3 v.*R 1059 Supplement.*R 1060 Lanza. Applied Mechanics.K 4916 Ledoux. Ice-making Machines.K 686,46 Loney. Elements of Statics and Dynamics. 2 v.K 5007 Lukin. Amongst Machines.K 561 Amateur Mechanic’s Workshop.K 566 Boy Engineers .K 563 MacCord. Practical Hints for Draughtsmen*V 434 McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Cata¬ logue, 1890..•..K 4999 Mach. Die Mechanik.D 415,59 Machine Draughtsman.K 3766 Magnus. Lessons in elementary MechanicsK 562 Marin. Maschinenlehre.D 509 Portefeuille fiir Ingenieure. . . .D 510 Martin. Screw-Cutting Tables.K 666 Maxton. Engineering Drawing.K 1520 Mechanics’ Magazine (London), 1823-72. 97V. *Ser. Mechanics’ Magazine (New York), 1833-36.Sv. *Ser. Mechanical World, 1889-91. v. 5-10. *Ser. Moseley. Illustrations of Mechanics .I 3769 Mechanical Principles of Engineering. . . K 710 Muirhead. Mechanical Inventions of James Watt. 3 v. ,... . K 4346 Netoliczka. Mechanik.D 363 Nicholson. Mechanics’ Companion.K 618 The same.K 658 Operative Mechanic. 2 v.K 4950 Treatise on Files and Rasps.„*V 278 Parkinson. Elementary Mechanics.K 626 Peck. Treatise on Mechanics.K 489 Perry. Practical Mechanics.K 4917 Practical Treatise on Pattern-Making. K 4722 Price. Turners’ Handbook on Screw-Cutting, etc.K 4938 Rankine. Cyclopaedia of Machines and Hand- Tools. *R 4292 Manual of Applied Mechanism.K 629 Manual of Machinery and Millwork.. . .Iv 662 Useful Rules and Tables.K 665 and Bamber. Mechanical Text-Book. .Iv 4921 Reiche. Die Maschinenfabrication;mit Atlas-V 991 Reuleaux. Kinematics of Machinery.Iv 4910 Richards. Manual of Machine Construction*Iv 4940 Ripper. Machine Drawing and Design.. ,*V 1763 Ritter. Technische Mechanik.D 6857 Robinson. Teeth of Wheels.Iv686,24 Roentgen. Der Werkzeug-Fabrikant.. . .*D 4248 Atlas.*V 1049 Rose. Complete practical Machinist.Iv 4922 Modern Machine-Shop Practice. 2v.. .*R 4265 Mechanical Drawing self-taught.K 4915 Pattern-Maker’s Assistant.K 4930 RoSsiter. Applied Mechanics.K 2871 Theoretical Mechanics.Iv 2872 Sang. Theory of Teeth of Wheels.K 640 Schemmel. How to make Money out of In¬ ventions . Iv 4990 Scholl. Fiihrer des Maschinisten.D 6S08 See. Extracts from Chordal’s Letters.Iv 4951 Shaw. Mechanical Integrators.K686,83 Shelley. Workshop Appliances.*K 656 Smith, A. W. Elementary Treatise on Me¬ chanics.K 4970 Smith, R. H. Cutting Tools.K 4928 Graphics; Mechanical Engineering.Iv 5601 Atlas of Diagrams.*V 1765 Society of Engineers, Transactions 1860-89.28v. *S cr * Index, 1861-89. Spoil’s Dictionary of Engineering. 3v... *R 1055 Supplement.*R 1056 Mechanics’ Own Book.K 4914 Workshop Receipts. 4V.*R 961 The same. 4V.K 4358 Stone. Providence Mechanics’ Festival..*K 677 Tait. Sketch of Thermodynamics.K 2869 Templeton and Hutton. Workshop Com¬ panion. K 4963 WOOD-WORKING—MILLS, ETC. 3S9 Terquem. Mecanique.C 6513,143 Thompson. How to make Inventions.K 499 1 Thurston. Friction in Machinery.K 4926 TodhuNTER. Mechanics for Beginners.... K 616 Tomkins. Machine Construction.. . .K 2894 Tomlinson. Experimental Essays.K 1605 Mechanics.K 1606 Trowbridge. Turbine Wheels.K686,44 Twisden. Introduction to Practical Mechan¬ ics.K 672 Tychsen. Mechanikens Grundsaetninger . .C 7604 Undeutsch. Einfuhrungin die Mechanik.D 506 Unwin. Elements of Machine Design.K 679 The same; new ed.K 4927 Van Cleve. English and American Me¬ chanic.K 49^9 Warren. Machine Construction and Draw¬ ing. 2v.K 4960 Watson. Practice of American Machinists.K 4961 Weisbach. Die Mechanik. 4V.D 6907 Manual of Engineering.K 660 • v. 1. Theoretical Machanics. 2. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. 3. Heat, Steam and Steam Engines. 4. Mechanics of the Machinery of Transmission. Werkturgkunde. 95 2 3 W 7 hite. New Century of Inventions, 1822.*V 919 Whitham. Steam Engine Design.K 5375 Whitworth. Mechanical Subjects.K 584 Vv'IECKE. Mechanik.414 Willis. Principles of Mechanism. ........K 637 Winton. Workshop Practice.K 1628 and Millar. Engineer’s Encyclopaedia. IC 5367 Wood. Elements of Analytical Mechanics. .K 4920 Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, and Re¬ frigerating Machines.K 49°9 Workshop, The, 1868-84. 17V. *Ser. WorSSAM. Mechanical Saws.K 582 Wrightson. Agricultural Machinery... . K 801,10 WUST. Landwirthschaftliche Maschinen- kunde. " .^ 54 1 WOOD-WORKING AND TURNING. Bale. Wood-Working Machinery. . .K 49 2 9 Bemrose. Fret Cutting and Carving.*V 63 Manual of Buhl-Work and Marquetry.*V 874 Manual of Wood Carving.*K 915 Campin. Hand-Turning in Wood, etc.K 912 COLLINGS. Circular Work in Carpentry .. . . K 1324 Elphinstone. Patterns for Turning.k 5301 Goss. Bench Work in Wood.K 5317 Hasluck. Lathe-Work . K 4931 Pattern Maker’s Handybook. Pc 4322 Wood Turner’s Handybook.K 5323 The same.K 4936 Holtzapffel. Catalogue of Woods . K 5310 Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. 5v . *K 911 Hope. Sorrento and Inlaid Work. .. K 578 The same . 813 Ibbetson. Eccentric Circular Turning .K 53 ° 2 Illustrated Wood Worker, 1879. v. I . “ Ser . Lacombe. Sculpture sur Bois . C 6513,171 Leland. Manual of Wood Carving .K 355 ° Lessing Holzschnitzereien des I5ten un d i6ten Jahrhunderts . *P 1232 Lukin. The Lathe and its Uses. K 653 Turning Lathes.K 4723 Miller. W 7 ood-Carving . K 5322 Modeles de Bois . ’"P 1004 Northcott. Lathes and Turning . K 53 2 4 Rhenius. Eingelegte Ilolzorhamente ."P 1228 Richards. Wood-Working Machines ... . K 53*8 Rogers. Art of Wood Carving .K 580 Sanders. Carved Oak Wood work. *R 4^99 Savory. Geometric Turning.*K 53°4 Sawyer. Fret-Sawing and Wood-Carving. .K 907 Schauermann. Wood Carving applied to Home Arts . . K 355 1 Sickei.s. Exercises in Wood-Working .K 53 2 5 Valicourt. Manuel du Tourneur .... C6513,27-29 Atlas .*V 1089 Williams, H. T. Hand-Bock of Fret-Saw¬ ing .P- 5 ^ r Williams, R. F. Sculpture in Wood . lv 5321 Wood-Working Tools; how to use them .K 53 2 ° Wood Carving for Amateurs .K 53 x 9 MILLS AND MILLWORK. An'TOR. Encyclopedia fur Muller.D 491 Bale. Saw Mills.K 4941 Box. Practical Mill-Gearing.K 590 Bresse. Water Wheels.K 5^7 Buchanan. Mill-Work and Machinery 3v.K 593 Craik. American Millwright.K 585 Cullen. Construction of Water-Wheels. .. K 657 Donaldson. Construction cf Water-Wheels. K 586 Evans Millwright and Miller’s Guide....K 625 Examples of Machinery and Mill-Work... .W 251 Fairbairn. Water-Wheels.39>^ Treatise on Mill Work.K 59 1 Hughes. Miller and Millwright. K 630 Kick. Flour Manufacture . K 4942 36 b PRACTICAL ARTS. Kreuter. Die Oesterreichische Hochmiil- * ler ei. . .. D 669 Miller’s Journal, 1879-86. v. 12-24 . *Ser. Rankine. Manual of Millwork..K 662 Templeton. Millwright’s Pocket Compan- i° n . 5522 Tompkins. History of the Planing-Mill_K 4943 Trowbridge. Turbine Wheels.K686.44 Wolff. The Windmill as a Prime Mover.. K 4902 STEAM—STEAM ENGINE—LOCOMOTIVES. Alban. High-Pressure Steam Engine.K 726 Arago. Dampfmaschinen.p) 381,5 Auchincloss. Application of Slide Valve.K 727 Report on Steam Engineering of Paris Ex¬ hibition, 1867.. ...k 728 Baker. Theory of the Steam Engine.K 1279 Bale. How to manage a Steam-Engine_K 5349 Catechism of the Steam Engine.. K 608 Bourne. Hand-book of the Steam Engine K 6l I m8 607 Improvements in the Steam Engine.... K 688 Steam, Air, and Gas Engines.*R 4228 Treatise on the Screw Propeller.*y 257 Treatise on the Steam Engine.*y 67 Brewer. Elementary Engineering.K 5368 Buel. Safety-Valves . K 686^21 Bureau. La Vapeur.C 4076 Burgh. Condensation of Steam.K 734 Indicator Diagram. r 5343 Modern Land and Marine Engines.. ..*R 4S07 Modern Marine Engineering.*y 255 Modern Screw Propulsion.*y Proportions of Engines and Boilers.K ine Engines and Steam Ves¬ sels . R Clark. Steam and the Steam Engine o • The Steam Engine. 4 V. Clerk. The Gas Engine. r 4905 Colburn. Locomotive Engine.R 621 Locomotive Engineering. 2 v.*R 4290 and Clark. Locomotive Engine . . ..*R 4310 Coulthard. Blast Engines. *r 4837 Craddock. Chemistry of Steam Engine.. K 738 Dempsey. Treatise on Locomotive Engine. Iv 13-7 Edwards. American Marine Engineer_K 5403 American Steam Engineer.R 5372 Catechism of the Marine Steam Engine.K 5370 Modern American Locomotive Engines K 5379 Modern American Marine Engines . . ,*V 230 Practical Steam Engineer’s Guide.R 5371 Eldridge. Engineer’s Guide for Hot Water Apparatus.R 4924 Erwood. Short Talks by an Engineer R 4907 L o .K 1322 K 5401 E\ ers. Steam and Locomotive Engine. .R 2S90 Steam and Steam Engine. r 606 Forney. Catechism of the Locomotive_K 5344 Locomotives and Locomotive- Building.*V 705 Galloway. Steam Engine. r ^ ro Goodeve. TexGBook on the Steam Engine. K 749 Grimshaw. Hints to Power Users .R 49:6 Guii.lemin. Steam Engine Catechism. R 5350,1 Supplement...R 5339 2 La Vapeur.C 417S Halsey. Slide Valve Gears. r 339- PIasluck. Model Engineer’s Hamdy book.. Iv 5366 Hemenway. Indicator Practice and Steam Engine Economy. r 3334 Henthorn. The Corliss Engine.R -3^3 Holmes. Steam Engine,.... r 3338 Hutton. Practical Engineer’s Hand-book. K 5405 Isherwood. Steam Engineering. 2 v. . .*V 256 Janvier. Machines a Vapeur appliquees a la Marine. n tt , JULLIEN. Machines locomotives.C 6513,200 ^■6as.*V 1085 King. Lessons on Steam Engines.R 729 Lardner. 1 he Steam Engine.R 1496 Le \ an. Safety-Valves.R 5394 Steam Engine and the Indicator.R 3377 Steam Engine Indicator . R 686,78 M’Carthy. Engineer’s Guide to the Navies. K 1510 MacCord. Movement of Slide Valves.. . *V 281 Main and Brown. Marine Steam Engine.K 739 Mallett. Compound Engines .R 686,10 Marks. Proportions of the Steam Engine..K 5346 The same; new ed .. . K -~.*r / •*••• . . . y j / Meyer. Steam Towing on Rivers and Canals! Murray. Marine Engines. r x - Nystrom. Treatise on Steam Engineering K 742 Pambour. Theory of the Steam Engine .. . K 667 Peabody. Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine . R 5376 Pochet. Steam Injectors.R 686,29 Porter. Richards’ Steam Engine Indicator. K 743 Pray. Twenty Years with the Indicator.. .K 5400 Prideaux. Economy of Fuel.R 134S Rankine. Manual of the Steam Engine. . . Iv 663 Read, D. Nathan Read and his InventionsK 751 Reynolds. Engine-Driving Life . R ^345 Engineman’s Pocket Companion . R 5357 Locomotive Engine Driving.R 1366 1 he Model Locomotive Engineer.K 5373 Stationary Engine Driving . R 1567 Kigg. Treatise on the Steam Engine.*V 242 Robinson. Gas and Petroleum Engines. . . Iv 4965 Roper. Catechism of the High-Pressure Steam Engine . r / S 2 ^30 361 ENGINES—LOCOMOTIVES—BOILERS—FI RE-ENGINES. Roper. Engineer’s Handy-Book. K 5384 Hand-book of the Locomotive.. . K 732 Instructions for Engineers and Firemen.K 5391 Land and Marine Engines .K 5383 Questions and Answers for Engineers... K 5390 Young Engineer’s Own Book. : K 5382 Rose. Modern Steam Engines...*V 781 The Slide Valve practically explained. .K 5387 Schwackhofer. Fuel and Water.K 5347 Seaton. Manual of Marine Engineering..K 5369 Sennett. Marine Steam Engine.K 5374 Sinclair. Locomotive Engine Running...K 5353 Smith, C. A. Steam Making.K 5348 Smith, D. M. Manual of Engineers’ Calcula¬ tions. .K 5364 Stephenson. Practical Test for Steam Engi¬ neers .K 5411 Templeton. Practical Examinator on SteamK 671 Steam and Steam Engine.K 609 Thorn. Reed’s Engineer’s Handbook.... K 5378 Tliurber. Management of the Corliss EngineK 5395 Thurston. Die Dampfmaschine.... D 415,43-44 Engineer and Boiler Trials.K 5380 History of the Steam Engine.K 730 Stationary Steam Engines.K 5352 Tredgold. On the Steam Engines. *V 66 v. 1. Locomotive Engines. 2. Marine Engines. 2 pts. 3. Stationary Engines. Appendixes.*V 66,5 Plates.*R 4828 Trevithick, F. Inventions of R. TrevithickC 3070 Turnbull. Compound Steam Engines...K 686,8 UHLANDand Tolhausen. Corliss Engines. *R 4220 Atlas. *R 4832 Slide and Piston-Valve geared Engines. ,*R 4220 Atlas.*R 4914 Walker. Notes on Screw Propulsion.K 675 Wansbrough. The Portable Engine.K 5408 Ward. Steam for the Million.K 744 Watson. How to run Engines and Boilers.K 5413 Whitham. The^Portable Engine.K 5407 Steam-Engine Design.K 5375 Wicksteed. Cornish, Bolton and Watt En¬ gines.-_ *V 254 W illiams. Combustion of Coal and Preven¬ tion of Smoke.K 1626 The same.K 4840 Heat in relation to Water and Steam.. . K 2649 W inton and Millar. Engineer’s Encyclo¬ pedia . K 5367 Modern Steam Practice, Engineering and Electricity. 4 v .K 5356 Young. Economy of Steam Power.K 669 Zeuner. Distribution par Tiroirs dans les Machines a Vapeur.C 6958 Treatise on Valve Gears.K 733 STEAM BOILERS. • Armstrong. Chimneys for Steam Boilers.. K 681 Steam Boilers.K 1257 Barr. High Pressure Steam Boilers . K 680 Bartol. Marine Boilers of the U. S.K 5342 Colburn. Steam Boiler Explosions.K 682 and Holley. Coal-Burning Locomotive Boilers.*y 259 Courtney. Boilermaker’s Assistant.Iv 1328 Boilermaker’s Ready-Reckoner . Iv 1329 Davis. Steam Boiler Incrustation . K 5351 Foden. Boiler Makers’ and Iron Ship-builders’ Companion. K 645 Ford. Boiler Making for Boiler Makers. . .Iv 5362 Head. Stokers and Pokers.K 617 Hotchkiss. How to keep Boilers clean _ K 5341 Hutton. Steam Boiler Construction . Iv 5406 Marin. Wartung der Dampfkessel . D 509 Martin. Steam Boiler Explosions.. . Iv 5365 Nicholls. Boiler Maker, and Engineers’ Reference Book. K 5361 Reiche. Betrieb der Dampfkessel. D 6853 Roper. Steam-Boiler; its Care and Manage¬ ment.K 5381 Use and Abuse of the Steam-Boiler. . .. K 5385 Rose. Steam Boilers; Construction and Exam¬ ination .K 5386 Rowan. Boiler Incrustation. K 684 Shock. Steam Boilers.*V 243 Thurston. Handbook of Boiler Trials. ... Iv 5380 Manual of Steam-Boilers . K 5363 Steam Boiler Explosions .K 5360 Tower. Things to know about Steam BoilersK 5355 Wilson. Treatise on Steam Boilers . Iv 668 FIRES AND FIRE-ENGINES. American Fireman.K 615 Bird. Protection against Fire.K 624 Dana. Fire Departments of the U. S.K 6205 Kernan. Fire Departments of N. Y. and Brooklyn.B 3967 Little. The Fireman’s Own Book.K 6206 Moore. Fires; Causes and Preventions.... K 882 Petit. Les Grands Incendies. C 6145 Prince. Fire Protection of Hospitals for the Insane.K 6207 Roter. Steam Fire-Engines. Iv 6204 362 PRACTICAL ARTS. Sapeur-Pompier...C 6513,203 Shaw. Fire Protection of London..K 864 Sheldon. Volunteer Department of New York...B 3975 Woodbury. Fire Protection of Mills.K 6210 Young. Fires, Fire Engines and Brigades..K 670 CIVIL ENGINEERING—GRAPHICS—STATICS —STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Abbott. Testing Machines.K686,74 Allan. Strength of Beams.K.686,19 Theory of Arches.K686,11 American Society of Civil Engineers, Trans¬ actions, 1872-90. 22v.. *Ser. Anderson. Strength of Materials.K 2702 Andre. Plan and Map Drawing.*K 3701 Baker, B. Strength of Beams, Columns, and Arches. K 695 Actual Lateral Pressure of Earthwork. .K686,56 Baker, T. Statics and Dynamics.K 1278 Barlow. Strength of Materials.Iv 694 Barnard. Iron for Defensive Purposes.... *Doc. North Sea Canal of Holland. *Doc. Beaton. Quantities and Measurements.. ..K 1285 Billidor. La Science des Ingenieurs.*V 1055 Blunt and Stephenson. Civil Engineer and Machinist.*Y 579 Plates.*R 485c Bow. Treatise on Bracing.Iv 5503 Brewer. Elementary Engineering.K 536S Britton. Dry Rot in Timber.K 5506 Brown (Ed.). Engineering Facts and Figures, 1863-67. 3 V. K 7 35 Byrne. American Engineer’s Assistant...*V 2S5 Chicago Board of Public Works, Reports, 1862- 91. 30V. *Doc. Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal, 1S37- 60. 30V. *Ser. Civil Engineers’ Club of the Northwest, Pro- ceedings, 1878-9. v. 4.. *Ser. Clarke. Elements of Graphic Statics... . .K 5514 Principles of Graphic Statics. ..*V 73 1 Cole. Permanent-Way Material. . .K 5749 Cremona. Graphical Statics. . .Iv 4114 Creosoting Timber; Process of Seelev. . . . , . . "Iv 560 Cresy. Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering*R 1044 Delaistre. Science de l’lngenieur; avec Atlas. 3 v. . . *V 1054 Dobson. Pioneer Engineering . . .It 5573 Duane. Manual for Engineer Troops. . . . . .K 7*9 Du Bois. Elements of Graphical Statics with Plates. 2 v..... . .K 691 DuBois. 4978 Strains in Framed Structures.*V 941 Eddy. Graphical Statics. .K 4979 Engineer, The, 1856-91. 72V. *Ser. Engineering, 1866-91. 52V. *Ser. Engineering and Building Record, 1889-91. v. 19-24. *Ser. Engineering and Mining Journal, 1873-91. v. 15-17, 20-52.. *Ser. Engineering News, 1876-77. v. 3, 4. *Ser. Etienne et Masson. Terrassiers. C 6513,134-135 Fairbairn. Useful Information for Engi¬ neers. 3 v. K 777 Application of Iron to Building PurposesK 776 Francis. Strength of Cast Iron Pillars... .Iv 5505 Galloupe. Index to Engineering Periodicals, 1883-87.*R 1226 Gaudard. Foundations.i.K.686,34 Gillmore. Compressive Resistance of Free¬ stone, Brick Piers, etc.K 5^33 Greene. Graphics for Engineers. 3 v ... Iv 5510 Gurley. 55 ^° Haldane. Civil and Mechanical Engineer¬ ing . L 5557 Harcourt. Achievements in Engineering.K 5607 Haswell. Engineers’ Pocket-Book.K 723 Hatfield. Theory of Transverse Strains..K J 77 Henck. 57^5 Heusinger yon Waldegg. Vorarbeiten; mit Atlas. 2 v . 9^7 Hoare. Slide-Rule .Iv 1460 Holtzapffel. Scales of Equal Parts.K 699 Horton. Complete Measurer .Iv 1461 Hoskold. Engineer’s Valuing Assistant ... K 55°9 Humber. Calculation of Strains in Girders.K 55 11 (Ed.). Progress of Modern Engineering, 1863-66. 4v.. *R 43 11 Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, 12 Audage. D 6810 Dasselbe, 13 Auflage. *D 6809 Institution of Civil Engineers, Proc., 1837-91. Index, v. 1-30. 2v. The same, v. 1-58. Institution of Engineers in Scotland, Trans., 1858-80. v. 1-14, 16-23 .K 75° Jackson. Aid to Engineering Solution... K 5577 Kent. Strength of Materials. K686,4i Kirkwood. Filtration of River Waters.. .*V 286 Knight. Mechanician and Constructor for Engineers. .. . 250 Lane. Adjustments of the Compass, Transit and Level.L 5553 Laslett. Timber and Timber Trees.K 697 CIVIL ENGINEERING—SURVEYING. 363 708 1513 510 152° Law. Civil Engineering.K 1500 The same; ed. by Clarke.K 1503 Loney. Elements of Statics.K 5007 McDermott. Civil Engineer’s Manual. ..K 690 MacMaster. High Masonry Dams.Iv 686,22 MacWilljam. Essay on Dry Rot.*V 584 Mahan. Treatise on Civil Engineering. ...K Maitland. Building Estates.K Marin. Portefeuille fur Ingenieure.D Maxton. Engineering Drawing.K Merriman. Retaining Walls and Masonry Dams.K 5612 Minchin. Treatise on Statics. 2v.K 7196 Molesworth. Formulae for Engineers... .K 709 Morin. Resistance des Materiaux. 2V...C5945 Moseley. Engineering and Architecture. .K 710 Newman. Earthwoik Slips and SubsidencesK 5599 Scamping Tricks.K 5650 Nipher. Magnetic Measurements..., . ...K 5551 Paget. Testing of Chain Cables.K 5512 Perrot. Dessin des Cartes geographiques. C6513,270 Pettit. Graphic Processes.K 686,76 Philbrick. Beams and Girders.K 686,88 Plympton, How to become an Engineer. K686,100 Powell. Foundations.K 3694 Pullen and Chandler. Excavation and Embankment Tables.K 804 Rankine. Manual of Civil Engineering.... K 661 Recollections of English Engineers.C 160 Richardson. Timber Freight-Book .K 1569 Rickman. Life and Labors of Telford.. .*V 131 Plates.*R 4826 Robertson. Engineering Notes.K 771 Roos. Linkages.Iv 686,47 Royal Engineers, Tapers of, 1837-47. 9v.in7*V 247 Scott, F. J. Nafional Works.*K 7170 Scott, J. Draining and Embanking.K 1595 Shields. Engineering Construction.Iv 765 Shunk. Field Engineering.K 5544 Simms. Public Works of Great Britain_*R 4825 Smiles. Lives of Engineers. 4 V. C 34 Smith. Topographical Drawing . K 5548 Society of Engineers, Trans., 1860-89. 28 v.. *Ser. Index, 1861-89. Spangenberg. Fatigue of Metals.Iv 686,23 Spon’s Dictionary of Engineering. 3 v.. . .*R 1055 Supplement.*R 2056 Stahl. Transmission of Power bv Wire Ropes.Iv 686,28 Stevenson. Civil Engineering in North America.R i 59 o Stonf.Y. I heory of Strain in Girders, etc.. Iv 753 S1 u art, B. How to become an Engineer. . Iv 5561 Stuart, C. B. Civil and Military EngineersC 1593 Tate. Retaining Walls.K 686,7 Strength of Materials.K 696 Tests of Materials for Industrial Purposes. 2 v. *Doc. i hurston. Materials of Construction.K 5595 Materials of Engineering.K 5502 v. 1. Non-Metallic Materials. 2. Iron and Steel. 3. Non-Ferrous Metals and their Allovs. j Todhunter. Analytical Statics.K 446 Strength of Materials. t R 7199 Trautwine. Engineers’ Pocket-book.K 721 The same; new ed.K 5562 Cubic Contents of Excavations.Iv 75Q The same; new ed.K 5564 Laying out Circular Curves.Iv 760 The same; new ed.K 5563 Twining. Technical Training.I< 1883 U. S. Corps of Engineers, Papers. 4 v. *Doc. Unwin. Testing of Materials of ConstructionK 5569 Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1869-86. 35 v. *Ser. Vose. Manual for Railroad Engineers. . . ..K 59 6 Weale. Quarterly Papers on Engineering. 6 v. 39 Weyrauch. Strength of Structures .. .K 693 WlLME. Hand-book for Mapping. . • • • . .*V 702 Wood. Resistance of Materials.... . . .K 756 Zahner. Transmission of Power by com- pressed Air. .Iv 686,40 Zimmerman. Excavations and Embank- ments.. 664 SURVEYING. Arman. Admeasurement of Land.K 1240 Ready Reckoner for Admeasurement of Land.K 1242 Baker, I. O. Leveling; Barometric, Trigono¬ metric, and Spirit.K 686,91 Baker, T. Land Engineering.K 1275 Mensuration and Measuring.K 1276 Bauernfeind. Vermessungskunde.D 6762 Brough. Mine-Surveying.K 5566 Carhart. Treatise on Plane Surveying. . .Iv 5565 Carpenter. Geographical Surteying.. .K 686,37 Clevenger. On Government Surveying.. .K 5542 Davies. Elements of Surveying.Iv 716 The same; new ed.Iv 717 Dix. Treatise on Land-Surveying.K 5543 Dorr. The Surveyor’s Guide.. .K 5549 Fenwick and Baker. Subterraneous Survey¬ ing. . ...K 1367 PRACTICAL ARTS. 364 Gillespie. Land Surveying.K 700 and STALEY. Treatise on Surveying.. .K 5552 Griffith. Instructions to Valuators and Sur¬ veyors.E 5597 Gurley. Instruments used in Surveying.. .E 5560 Hawes. Manual of U. S. Surveying.K 5547 Heather. Surveying Instruments .K 1448,3 Tackson. Aid to Survey-Practice.K 5574 Johnson. Theory and Practice of SurveyingK 5554 Lacroix. Arpentage .C 6513,13° Lane. Adjustments of the Compass, Transit and Level .E 5553 Lebossu. Toiseur efi Batiments.C 651 3 ,1 5 —1 ^ LENDY. Military Surveying.*V 741 Lintern. Mineral Surveyor and Valuer’s Guide.E I 5°8 Mendell. Military Surveying . E 5610 Merrett. Land and Engineering SurveyingK 5541 Phelps. Practical Marine Surveying.K 5609 Plane-Table in Surveying.E 5559 Reed. Photography applied to Surveying.. *V 892 Robinson, H. N. Surveying and NavigationK 511 Robinson, J. L. Treatise on Marine Survey¬ ing . E 5545 SCHUYLER. Surveying and Navigation.... K 424 Scott. Agricultural Surveying. ...K 1571 Specht. Topographical Surveying.K 686,72 U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Alaska, 1877, Map.*R 496 i Charts of the Gulf of Mexico.. .Map Case. Usill. Practical Surveying.E 557 2 Winslow. Stadia Surveying.K 686,77 SANITARY ENGINEERING—PLUMBING. Adams. Sewers and Drains.E 687 Baumeister. The Cleaning and Sewerage of Cities.. .. . .K 5°45 Bayles. House Drainage.E 5526 Birch. Sewage Irrigation. E 558° Blake. Sewage Poisoning.E 55^9 The same.E 447 Boulnois. Municipal and Sanitary Engi¬ neer’s Handbook ..E 5539 Brown, G. Healthy.Foundations for HousesK686,8o Brown, G. P. Sewer Gas and its Dangers. K 559 2 Browne. ‘Water Meters.E 686,81 Buchan. Plumbing and House Drainage..K 1299 Buckland. Pollution of Rivers.K 5537 Buckton. Health in the House.N 363 Burk. Utilization of Sewage.,...N 445 Burn. Utilization of Town Sewage.K 1309.5 Corfield. Sanitary Dwelling Houses.. .K 686,5a Sewerage and Sewage Ltilization... .K 686,18 Treatment of Sewage.N 45a Crimp. Sewage Disposal Works.K 559 & Davies. Standard Practical Plumbing.K 55 2 ^ Dempsey. Drainage of Districts and LandsK 1335 Drainage of Lands, Towns and BuildingsK 1338- Drainage of Towns and Buildings.K 1335 Denton. Household Sanitation.E 55 ^ 1 Dye. Hot Water Supply.E 49 2 5 Eassif.. Healthy Houses, Drainage, etc.. .N 36a Sanitary Dwellings..N 361 Galton. Healthy Dwellings.E 229 Gerhard. Disposal of Household W astes.K 6 S 6,97 Drainage and Sewerage of Dwellings. ..K 5596 House Drainage .K686,63 Sanitary Drainage of Buildings.K 6 S 6,93 Green. Water Pollution.*ESi5,2 Hartshorne. Our Homes.N' 440,8 Hellyer. The Plumber and Sanitary HousesK 5593 House, The, and its Surroundings.N 412 Hozier. Agricultural Drainage.E 1128 Jenkin. Healthy Houses. 7 s 353 Klippart. Land Drainage.E 1214 Krepp. The Sewage.N 430 Latham. Sanitary Engineering.K 747 Maguire. Sanitary Drainage and PlumbingK 5600 Manning. Sanitary Works abroad.K 5584 Philbrick. American Sanitary EngineeringK 55 2 9 Defects in House Drainage.N 359 Plunkett. Women, Plumbers, Doctors... N 479 Putnam. Improved Plumbing Appliances.. K 559 ° Principles of House Drainage. K 5517 Robinson. Sewage Disposal. 4 • *E 55^7 and Melliss. Water-Carried Sewage. .N 446 Rowan. Disease and Putrescent Air . K 5582 Sanitary Engineer, 1882-86. v. 7,11,13 . *Ser. Sanitary Era, 1886-91. 4 v. -Scr. Sanitary Science Club; Home Sanitation.. . .K 5591 Slagg. Sanitary Work in Villages.K 1577 The same.E 431 Smith. Pneumatic Drainage.E 55^5 Staley and Pierson. Separate System of Sewerage.E 5588 Stanger. House Sanitation . K 5583 Te;ale. Sanitary Defects.N 467 Thwaite. Factories, Workshops, WarehousesK 3696 Tidy. Treatment of Sewage . K.686,94 Tracy. Sanitary Information.N i °5 Varona. Sewer Gases . .E686,55 Waring. Plow to drain a House.E 5527 Sanitary Condition of Houses.K686,3i Sanitary Drainage.E 449 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. 365 Waring. Drainage for Profit and Health.. K 1146 Sewerage and Land-Drainage. *V 1762 Wheeler. Drainage of Fens and LowlandsK 1232 Williams. Pullman Sewerage.*R 876,3 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. Ansted. Water apd Water .Supply.K 5520 Bale. Pumps and Pumping.K 4948 Beardmore. Manual of Hydrology.K 588 Bell. Cincinnati Water Works.K 5523 Water Supply of the World.K 5524 Beloe. Catch-Water Reservoirs.K 592 Biston. Pompes.C65i3,i 45 Bjorling. Pump Construction.K 4945 Bodmer. Hydraulic Motors.K 4072 Boston Water W T orks.. . ..g io 65 Bowie. Hydraulic Mining . K 4689 Box. Practical Hydraulics . K 589 Bresse. Water-Wheels; Hydraulic 587 Brisse and Rotrou. Draining of Lake Fu- cino . *R 4214 Plates . *R 4 g 20 Brown. Water Supply of South Africa _ K 5621 Browne, J. H. B. Water Supply. K 5519 Browne, R. E. Water Meters . K686,8i Burnell. Hydraulic Engineering.K 1313 Chicago, Tunnel and Water System of.B 1373 Church. Mechanics of Engineering; Hy¬ draulics and Pneumatics.K 5579 Colyer. Pumps and Pumping Machinery. 2v “•; ... k 4947 Cooley. Lakes and Gulf W T aterway.*y 1746 Corfield. Water and Water Supply.K686,17 Corthell. Jetties of the Mississippi.K 5501 Craig. Fluid Motion.1:686,43,49 Cullen. Construction of Water Wheels.. .K 657 Donaldson. Construction of Water WheelsK 586 Ellet. Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.R 757 Ewbank. Plydraulic Machines.K 595 Fanning. Water Supply Engineering.K 5531 Flynn. Flow of Water in open Channels. K686,84 Hydraulic Tables.K686Y7 Fontaine. Hydraulic Engineering . *¥691,1 Francis. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments.*V 283 Frisi. Rivers and Torrents . . . K 1378 Ganguillet and Kutter. Flow of Water in Rivers, etc . r 55^5 Gleason and Bailey Mfg. Co., Catalogue of Pum P s . 4946 Glynn. Power of Water .K 1396 Hale. Standard Hydraulic Elevators_*V 778 Hartmann. Harcourt. Control and Improvement of Rivers - 2V.K 5575 Die Purnpen.D 6812 Heinemann. Hydraulik.]j ^94 Hett. Rural Water Supply.K 5568 Hewson. Embanking River Lands.R ^532 Hughes. Treatise on Water-Works.R 1466 Humber. YV ater Supply of Cities and Towns*R 4282 Humphreys and Abbot. Physics and Hy¬ draulics of the Mississippi River. *Doc. Review of; by Abbot . *R 677 Jacob. Retaining Walls.R 686,3 Storage Reservoirs.R 686,6 Janvier. Hydraulique.C6513,276 Ring. Croton Aqueduct.*y 244 Rnapp. Hydraulic Truisms.*R8i5,4 La Hodde. Drainage . C6513,223 Lamb. Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids. k 5580 Leffel. Construction of Mill Dams.R 583 Liais. Hydrographie du Haut San Francisco*P 954 Mann. River Bars; their Formation, etc.. .R 5608 Manual of American Water-Works, 1888.. .R 5576 Marzy. L’Hydraulique . C 4188 Matthews. Hydraulia; Water Works of Lon- don . 594 Meissner. Hydraulik und hydraulische Mo- toren. 2 v. in 3 . D 4523 Dasselbe. d 6837 Merriman. Treatise on Hydraulics . K 5641 Michell. Mine Drainage . R 5603 Neville. Hydraulic Tables.R 5521 Nichols. Water Supply. r 5525 Nicollet. Hydrographical Basin of the Mis¬ sissippi . R 2837 Prague, Bericht der Wasserversorgungs-Rom- mission .. *y ^5 2 Pullen and Chandler. Excavation and Embankment Tables . R 804 Rance. Water Supply of England and WalesR 5516 R£vy. Hydraulics of Great Rivers.*R 4308 Robinson. Hydraulic Power and MachineryR 5640 Slagg. Water Engineering.R 5578 Smith. Hydraulics; Flow of Water through Pipes. *V 1760 Spon. Sinking and Boring Wells.R 5518 Stevenson. Canal and River Engineering.R 5508 Swindell. Well-Sinking . r 1593 1 HOM. Shaw’s Water Scheme . *L3205,12 W EISBACH. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Mo¬ tors.\R 660,2 Wells. Water Power of Maine.B 949 Y\ IGGINS. Embanking Lands from the Sea. R 1624 * '■ 3 66 PRACTICAL ARTS. Zimmerman. Tables for Excavations and Embankments.*K 664 CANALS, HARBORS AND LIGHTHOUSES. Adams. Lighthouses and Lightships.K 2621 Barnard. North Sea Canal of Holland. .. . *Doc. Domke und Beyer. Verzeichniss der See- leuchten der Erde, 1872.*R 3765 Edwards. Our Seamarks, Lighthouses, etc.K 5905 Erie and Champlain Canals. 2 v. *Doc. Findlay. Lighthouses and Coast Fog Signals of the World, 1885. . ... .K 5781 Fitzgerald. Suez Canal. 2v.I 1687 Harcourt. Harbors and Docks. 2 v.... Iv 5546 Treatise on Rivers and Canals. 2 v... .K 5575 Heap. Ancient and Modern Light-Houses.K 5785 Inter-Oceanic Canal of Nicaragua, History and Prospects.*V 1720 Jeans. Waterways and Water Transport.. . K 5605 Johnson. Modern Light-PIouse Service.... *Doc. Keefer. Canals of Canada .K 5902 Kingsford. The Canadian Canals.K 5904 Lesseps. The Suez Canal. I 8605 The Isthmus of Suez Question.I 1782 Nourse. Maritime Canal of Suez.*K 876,1 Renard. Les Phares.C 4197 Ring WALT. Development of Canals.*V 937 Stevenson, A. Skerryvore Lighthouse.. ,*V 226 Stevenson, D. Canal and River Engineer¬ ing .K 5508 Stevenson, T. Construction of Harbours. .K 5555 Stuart. Naval Dry Docks of the U. S. . ,*V 288 Tanner. Canals and Railroads of the U.S.K 59°3 Vuillaume (Maxime Helene ). Routes du Globe.Cl 3302 RAILROADS. Acworth. Railways and the Traders.L 3878 Railways of England.K 5757 Adams, C. F. Railroad Accidents.K 597 Railroads: their Origin and Problems.. .K 725 Adams, W. B. Roads and Rails.K 5758 Alexander. Railway Practice.Iv 5773 Barry. Railway Appliances. Iv 701 Brees. Railway Practice; Plans...*R 4894 Chattaway. Railways, Capitals and Divi¬ dends .K 1320 Chevalier. Voies de Communication aux Etats-Unis, avec Atlas. 2 v.*V 373 Clark. Railways and Tramways. K8oi,io Tramways; their Construction, etc.K 575 ° Clarke and others. The American RailvvayK 5756 Cole. Permanent-Way Material.K 5749 Cooke and Beggs. Railway and Steamship Supplies.*R 3751 Crosby and Bell. Electric Railway.Iv 5769 Dabney. Public Regulations of Railways.. L 3829 Dorsey. English and American Railroads. Iv 5759 Dredge. Pennsylvania Railroad.*R ill Easton. Street Railways.K 714 Engineering News and American Railway Journal, 1889-91. v. 21-25 . *Ser. Findlay. Management of an English Rail¬ way.K 5755 Fink. Railroad Problem and its Solution.*K 5743 Fleming. Narrow Gauge Railways.Iv 748 Flint. Statistics of Railroads of the U. S. .L 1654 Francis. The English Railway, 1820-45.2v.K 5760 George. Forty Years on the Rail.Iv 5768 Goodeve. Railway Passengers and Com¬ panies.N 4810 Guillemin. Les Chemins de Fer.C 4177 Hadley. Railroad Transportation.K 5770 Hall. Car Lubrication.K 5745 Hamilton. Information for R. R. Men.. .K 698 Henck. Field-Book for Railroad EngineersK 5765 Holley. American and European Railway Practice.*V 261 and Colburn. Permanent Way of Euro¬ pean Railroads..*V 259 Hudson. The Railways and the Republic.K 5771 Huntington. Roadmaster’s Assistant.... Iv 5766 Jervis. Construction and Management of Railroads.K 613 Kennedy. Wonders of the Railway.K 5763 Kirkman. Railway Disbursements.K 857 Railway Rates and Government Control.L 3879 Railway Revenue.K 858 Kohlfuerst. Elektrische Einrichtungen der Eisenbahnen.D429,12 Kraemer. Die elektrische Eisenbahn ...0429,17 Lardner. Railway Economy.K 722 Lee. Bibliography of the B. and O. R. R .*0 137 Letters on a Ship Railway.*Iv 876 Miller. Trussed Platforms for R. R. Cars K 5744 Morgan. Railway Problem in the U. S.. .L 3815 NationalCar and Locomotive Builder, 1887-91. v. 17-22. *Ser. Northern Pacific Railroad; its History, etc. .*1 5445 Pacific Railroad Explorations.. *Doc. Paine. Elements of Railroading.Iv 5764 Parsloe. Our Railways.K 802 Peet. Ashtabula Disaster.B 1316 Pike. Railway Adventures.Iv 5767 RAILROADS—ROADS—PAY Poor. Directory of Railway Officials, i886*R 3743 The First International Railway.K 5776 Railroad Manual of the U. S., 1873-74. 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891.’ ? v ...*R 3742 Prindle. The Electric Railway.K 5753 Railroad and Engineering Journal, 1887-90. 4V . . Railroad Gazette, 1873-76. v. 5-8. *Ser. Railroads in Relation to the Public.*K 7170 Railway Age, 1889-91. v. 14-16. *Ser. Railway Monitor, 1873-74. 2 v. *Ser. Railway Review (Chicago), 1877-91. v.17-31 . *Ser. Railway World, 1876-77. v. 2,3.* Ser. Rapid Transit, Report on.5743 Records of National Ticket Agents’ Ass’n.. .K 803 Re\nolds. Continuous Railway Brakes. . .K 5741 Robinson. Railroad Economics.K686,59 Roebling. Railway Bridges.4874 Schweiger. Das eiserne Jahrhundert_D 608 Scott. Texas and Pacific Railway.*K 7170 Smalley. History of the Northern Pacific c R ' R .. 5762 bMiTH, J. B. Rope Traction on Street Rail- 0 WayS .;.K 575I Smith, W. P. History of B. and O. R. R..K 812 Spencer. Railway Morals and Policy.. .1 4000,25 Spooner. Narrow Gauge Railways.K 5742 Statistics of R. R., Grain and Produce, 1882-3L 1583 Stephenson. Railway Construction.K 1588 Stimson. History of the Express Business.K 5800 Street Railway Gazette, 1886-90. 5 V. *Ser Stretton. Safe Railway Working.K 5754 Stcckle. Chemin de Fer de Tehuantepec*K 677 Swann. Investor’s Notes on American Rail- roads . 5772 Switchmen’s Journal, 1887-91. 5 . *Ser. transportation of Ships on Railways.*K 7170 Trautwine. Circular Curves for RailroadsIC 760 The same; new ed.. I re\ ert. Electric Railway Engineering. . K* 7714 \ alue of Railroad Securities, 1877-81.R 3646 Vernon. American Railroad Manual, 1873-4. 2V .. . V ose. Manual for Railroad Engineers.K 596 Waring. State-Purchase of Railways.L 3310 Wellington. Location of Railways.K 5774 Western Railroads, Proceedings, 1878.K 5748 Whipple. The Electric Railway.K 5747 Williams. The Midland Railway.K ^75j Chemins de Fer.C6513,20-21 With. Atlas. Wright. .. 6513,22 American Street Railways.K 5752 EMENTS—BRIDGES—ETC. 367 ROADS AND ROAD BUILDING-PAVEMENTS. Burgoyne. Construction of Roads.K 1304 Burke. Brick for Street Pavements.K 5647 Codrington. Maintenance of Macadamised r R ° ads .. 5648 Gillmore. Roads, Pavements, etc.K 775 Law and Clark. Construction of Roads and ^ treets ..K 1505 Maudslay. Highvvays and Horses.K 5567 Move for Better Roads; Road Making and Road Laws. K 5606 Parnell. Treatise on Roads.K 5507 Potter. The Road and Roadside .K 5556 Shaw. Specimens of Tile Pavements.*R 4289 Stow Foundation Pavement.560 Street Re-alignment of London, Essays on. .K 5540 Streets and Highways in Foreign Countries. .K 5646 BRIDGES.—ARCHES.—ROOFS. Album of Designs of Bridges, Roofs, etc.. .*R 4856 Allan. Theory of Arches.K686,11 Baker. Long-Span Railway Bridges.K 5830 Barlow. The New Tay Bridge.*y r 7^ r Bender. Pins used in Bridges.K 686,4 Treatise on Continuous Bridges.K 683 Bland. Construction of Arches, etc.K 1290 Boller. Iron Highway Bridges.K 707 Brandon. Timber Roofs of the Middle ■^•§ es . 4462 Burr. Stresses in Bridge and Roof 5504 Cain. Stresses in Framed Bridges .K686,38 Practical Theory of Voussior Arches.. .K686,i2 Solid and Braced Elastic Arches.K686,48 Voussoir Arches for Bridges.K686,42 Campin. Iron applied to Bridges.K 1316 Morison. Kansas Cooper. Crehore. Chant te and morison. Kansas City Brid S e .*V 246 Clark. Britannia and Conway Bridges. 2v.Iv 692 American Railroad Bridges.K 5S29 Mechanics of the Girder.K 5^70 Culi.ey. Helicoidal Oblique Arches.K686,87 Dempsey . Tubular and Iron girded Bridgeslv 1336 Du Bois. Strains in Railway Bridge Trusses*V 942 Ellis. Iron Bridge over Connecticut River*K 677 I 1 idler. Treatise on Bridge Construction.. K 5831 Foster. Wooden Trestle Bridges .*V 1776 Gayffier. Ponts et Chaussees.C6513,25-26 Greene. Graphics for Engineers.I< 5510 v. 1. Roof-Trusses. 2. Bridge-Trusses. 3- Arches in Wood, Stone and Iron. Haupt. Bridge Construction .K 704 368 ' . PRACTICAL ARTS. , Heinzerlixg. Brucken- und Hochbau-Con- structionen.D 6815 Hochbauten mit eisernen Dachern... .*V 985 Henrici. Skeleton Structures. K 713 Hildebrand. Cable-Making for Suspension Bridges.K686.32 Hiroi. Plate Girder Construction.K686,95 Hughes and others. Construction of Roofs.K 1467 Humber. Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges*R 4298 Hutton. Washington Bridge over Harlem River.*V 1747 Hyde. Skew Arches.K686,15 Iron Railroad Bridges.*K 677 McMaster. Bridge and Tunnel Centers. . K686,20 Maynard. Viaduct Works’ Handbook.... K 5825 Menzel. Das Dach.D 6838 Merrill. Iron Truss Bridges for Railroads'""V 245 Merriman. Continuous Bridges.K686.25 Kandeler. Graphics of Bridge Trusses. .*K876.2 Narjoux. Histoire d’un Pont..., .C 6009 New York and Brooklyn Bridge-, Opening Ceremonies.B 3973 Report on.B 3974 Pendred. Iron Bridges.K 1539 Robinson. Strength of Wrought Iron Bridges. K6S6,6o Roebling. Long and short Span Bridges.*R 4S74 Romain. Ponts et Chaussees.C65i3,283 Schaeffer u. Sonne. DerBriickenbau. 2v.*V 988 Shreye. Strength of Bridges and Roofs.. .K 705 Unwin. Iron Bridges and Roofs.K 712 Vose. Bridge Disasters in America .K 5571 Weale. Theory and Practice of Bridges. 4 v. in 3..•.*K 715 Supplement; by Burnell.*K 715.5 Whipple. Bridge Building.. K 720 Wood. Construction of Bridges and Roofs.K 755 BUILDING AND BUILDING MATERIALS. American Builder. See Builder and Wood¬ worker. Ardenni et Fontenelle. Poeiier-FumisteC65i3, 137 Austin. Limes and Cements.K 5534 Baker. Masonry Construction..K 5594 Bale. Stone-Working Machinery. K 4955 Bataille. Construction moderne. C65i3,i79 Atlas.:. . .*V 1086 Beckett. Book on Building.K 1287 Bf.hse. Arbeiten des Maurers und Stein; hauers .D 584 Atlas.*V 10^^ Berg. Safe Building; Rules for Construction of Buildings.K 3729 Bernhardi. Kalkziegeifabrikation....... D 394 Bevan. Building Stones.K8oi,i3 Blackall. Builders’Hardware.K 3750 Booth. Marble Worker’s Manual.K 635 Bousfield. Timber Merchant and Builder’s Vade Mecum.K 3732 Brandt. Eisen Constructionen.D 6814 Breymann. Allgemeine Bau-Constructions- lehre. 4 V.*V 994 Brooks. Erection of Dwelling Houses.... K 1297 Builder, The, 1843-91. 61 v..._ . *Ser. Builder and Woodworker, 1874-90. v. 10-26 *Ser. Builders’and Contractors’Price Book.K 1300 Building, 1889-90. v. 10, II. *Ser. Building and Machine Draughtsman.K 3766 Building News, 1873-91. v. 24-61. *Ser. Bunch. My House. r .E 2001 Burn. Building Construction; Brick. 2V..K2875 Building Construction; Timber. 2 v. . .K 2876 Handbook of Mechanical Arts.K 3684 Masonry, Bricklaying and Plastering. . *V 920 Burnell. Limes, Cements, etc.K 1312 Burnham. Limestones and Marbles.K 9378 Cameron. Plasterer’s Manual.K 6233 Clark. Building Superintendence.Iv 3698 Clavering. Construction and Building of Chimneys.K 3707 Crary. 60 Years a Brickmaker . Iv 6246 Davis. Brick, Tiles and Terra-Cotta.Iv 4294 Dobson. Art of Building.K 1345 Bricks and Tiles.Iv 1346 Foundation and Concrete Work.K 1347 Masonry and Stone-cutting.K 1344 Eckstein. Treatise on Chimneys.K 3731 Edwards. Our Domestic P'ire-Places.K 2680 Smoky Chimneys.Iv 3687 Engineering and Building Record, 1889-91. v. 19-23. *Ser. Gillm®re. Coignet-Betcn and other Artificial / 0 Stones.K 745 Limes, Hydraulic Cements and Mortars. K 746 Grandy. Timber Importer’s and Builder’s Guide.K 1407 Halsted. Barns and Outbuildings.Iv 3681 Hammond. Brickcutting and Setting.K 1434 •Practical Bricklaying.K 1433 Harres. Schule des Steinmetzen.D 628 Heinzerling. Hochbauten mit eisernen Dachern.*V 985 Heuze. Manual des Constructions agri¬ coles.C65i3,i5i BUILDING—WARMING—VENTILATING—CARPENTRY. 369 3734 992 993 Heuze. Construction Agricoles; Atlas. *V 1087 Hodgson. Builder’s Guide and Estimator’s Price Book . K 3752 Hoskings. Regulations for Buildings in Towns. K 181 How to Build, Furnish and Decorate.*R 3878 Hull. Building and Ornamental Stones...K 2553 Building Stones.K 801,2 Hyatt. Portland Cement Concrete. *V 524 Jeep. Das Eisen beim Hochbau.D 6813 Jones. Asbestos; its Properties and Uses...K 4361 Kerr. The Consulting Architect.K 3728 Kidder. Builder’s Pocket-Book.K Klasen. Hochbau Constructional in Metal- len. *y Holz und Holzeisen Constructionen des Hochbaues. . .*y Lebossu. Manuel du Toiseur en Bati- men ts.C 6513,15-16 Lee. Marble and Marble Workers.K 4323 Magnier. Chaufournier . C6513,225 Maitland. Building Estates . K 1513 Malepeyre. Briquetier . ( ^ 6 5 I 3 , 93-94 Manufacturer and Builder, 1870-91. v.2,5-23 *Ser. Marcotte. Building Safe-Guide .K 3689 Merrill. Stones for Budding and Decora- ^ on . K 2556 New Practical Builder and Workman’s Com¬ panion. 2 v.*y 35 j Newman. Notes on and Works in Con- crete ..K 5558 Notes on Building Construction. 3 V.K 201 Pasley. Limes, Cements, Mortars, etc_K 5535 Real Estate and Building Journal, 1887-91. v - 2 9-33 .*SVr. Reid. Practical Treatise on Concrete.K 5536 Manufacture of Portland Cement.K 5530 Robson. Domestic Building Construction..*R 4898 Seddon. Builder’s \\ ork and Building TradesK 3730 Simon. House-Owner’s Estimator.K 189 Stonemason and Bricklayer .K 6245 Tarn. Science of Building. k ^26 Totten. 5533 Toussaint, C. J. Coupe des Pierres_C65i3,207 A tlas. ‘ .*V 1080 Toussaint, G. A. Ma^on, Couvreur, etc. C6513,219 Ungewitter. Ziegel- und Steinarbeiten. ,*R 4342 Vicat. Treatise on Mortars and Cements. .K 5538 Wahl. Constructive Arts. .. ,*R 76^ Walker. Treatise on Brickwork . K 1617 Wightwick and Guillaume. Hints to Young Architects . K 1625 WiLLCOX. Hints to those who build .*K WARMING.—VENTILATION.—LIGHTING. Ardenni et Fontenelle. Poelier-FumisteC6513,137 Arnott. On the Smokeless Fire-Place. ... K 146 Baker. Artificial Warmth and \ entilation.K 207 Baldwin. Hot-Water Heating and Fitting.K 7557 Steam Heating for Buildings. K 7549 The same; new ed.K 7548 Bernan. Ventilation and Wanning. 2V..K2719 Bernhardi. Die Luftcirculationsheizung. .D 2449 Bernstein. Praktische Heizung.0383,14-15 Billings. Ventilation and Heating.K 7552 Briggs. Steam Heating.K686,68 Buchan. Ventilation of Buildings.K 1302 Butler. Ventilation of Buildings .Iv 686,5 Drysdale and Hayward. Health in House Building; Ventilation with Warm Air..K 7558 Edwards. \ entilation of Dwelling Houses.K 7559 Eldridge. Hot Water Apparatus.K 4924 Fawkes. Hot Water Heating.K 7547 Figuier. Eclairage.*Yi 105,4 Gouge. New System of Ventilation.N 474 Hood. Warming and Ventilation.K 2767 The same; new ed .Iv 2578 Kittredge (Ed.). The Metal Worker; Essay on House Heating.K 7^56 Leeds. Treatise on Ventilation. 2 v.K 27^9 Mills. Heat; Warming and Ventilation of Buildings. 2v.!..K 7565 Morin. Etudes sur la Ventilation. 2 v.. ,.C 5944 Morrison. Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings.K 7555 Power. Heating, Ventilation, etc.*K 560 Putnam. The open Fire-place in all Ages.. Iv 7550 Rafter, Mechanics of Ventilation.K6S6,33 Reid. Illustrations of Ventilation.K 7551 Romain. Chauffage et Ventilation.C6513,279 Ruehlmann. Handbuch der mechanischen Warmetheorie. 2 v.D 6861 Schumann. Heating and Ventilation ....Iv 7546 South Kensington, Heating, Lighting and Ven¬ tilation of.K 351 Steavenson. Ventilating Machines.Iv 7562 Tomlinson. Warming and Ventilation_Iv 1609 Whipple. Municipal Lighting.Iv 7709 Wolpert. Ventilation und Heizung.D 6912 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY,—STAIR BUILDING. Behse. Arbeiten des Zimmermanns.D 585 Atlas.*V 1036 559 Bell. Carpentry made easy.K 150 370 PRACTICAL ARTS. Biston. Charpentier.06513,79-80 Atlas. *06513,81 Boutereau. Escaliers en Bois.06513,140 Atlas. *V 1084 Bouzique. Menuiserie.06513,165 Burn. New Guide to Carpentry .*V 229 Collings. Treatise on Handrailing and Stairbuilding.K 1298 Circular Work in Carpentry.. . K 1324 Cupper. Universal Stair-Builder.*R 4324 Davidson. Amateur House Carpenter.... K 3677 Boy Joiner and Model Maker.K 3683 Decker. Industrial Drawing for CarpentersK 3765 D£sormeaux. Treillageur.C6513,156 Every Man his own Mechanic.K* 3693 Fink. Der Bautischler.D 624 Gould. American Stair-Builder’s Guide...K 3686 Carpenter’s Assistant.K 178 Hatfield. American House Carpenter.. ,.K 180 The same, .K 3685 Hertel. A B C des Zimmermann’s.D 560 Hodgson. Carpenters’ Steel Square and its Uses.K 3751 Monckton. National Builder.*V 268 National Stair-Builder.*V 269 Nosban. Menuisier en Batiments.06513,1-2 Riddell. Modern Carpenter and Builder.*V 1757 Simon. House-Owner’s Estimator....K 189 Stoeckel. Bau-Kunst- und MobelschreinerD 556 Atlas.*V 1032 Tarbuck. Encyclopaedia of Practical Car¬ pentry .*V 545 Tredgold. Principles of Carpentry..K 3682 Carpentry and Joinery.K 1611 Atlas. *V 289 See also Architecture, page 339. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Allsop. Electric Bell Construction . K 7667 Practical Electric Bell Fitting.K 7695 American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Trans., 1884-90. v. 1,2,5-7. *Ser. Atkinson. Elements of Dynamic ElectricityK 7672 Elements of Static Electricity.K 7630 Ayrton. Practical Electricity. K 7628 Badt. Bell-Hangers’ Hand-Book.K 7644 Dynamo-Tenders’ Hand-Book.K 7635 Electro Transmission Hand-Book.K 7688 Incandescent Wiring Hand-Book.K 7653 and Carhart. Electrical Units.K 7661 Benjamin. Age of Electricity.K 7620 Berly. Electrical Directory, 1883.*R 1121 Biggs. First Principles of Electrical Engi¬ neering . K 7692 Blakesley. Alternating Currents.K 7659 Bottone. The Dynamo; how made and how used.K 7655 Electric Bells. K 7654 Electrical Instrument Maker .K 7645 Brackett. Electricity in Daily Life.K 7664 Carhart. Primary Batteries .K 7691 Crofts. How to make a Dynamo.K 7639 Cumming. Electricity treated experimentallyK 7658 Day. Electrical Measurement.K 7721 DeCew. Magneto- and Dynamo-Electric Ma¬ chines .K 7631 Desmond. Electricity for Engineers.K 7662 Du Moncel. Applications de l’Electricite. 5 v. C 4749 et Geraldy. L’Electricite comme Force motrice.C 5943 Electricity as a Motive Power.K 7593 Dyer. Induction Coils.K.686,53 Electrical Conference at Philadelphia, 1884.K 7642 Electrical Engineer, 1888-91. v. 8-12. *Ser. Electrical Review, 1887-91. v. 9-18. *Ser. Electrician, 1889-91. v. 23-27. *Ser. Elektro-technische Bibliothek.D 429 v. 1. Glaser-DeCew. Magnet-und dy- namoelektrische Maschinen. 2. Japing. Elektrische Kraftubertrag- ung. 3. Urbanitzky. Das elektrische Licht. 4. Hauck. Galvanische Batterien. 5. Sack. Verkehrs-Telegraphie. 6. Schwartze. Telephon, Mikro- phon und Radiophon. 7. Japing. Elektrolyse, Galvanoplas- tik, etc. 8. Wilke. Elektrische Instrumente. 9. Hauck. Grundlehren der Elek- tricitat. 10. Zech. Elektrisches Formelbuch. 11. Urbanitzky. Elektrische Beleucht- ung. 12. Kohlfuerst. Elektrische Einrich- tungen der Eisenbahnen. 13. Tobler. Elektrische Uhren und Feuerwehr-Telegraphie. 14. Canter. Hans- und Hotel-Tele- graphie. 15. Waechter. Elektricitat fiir milita¬ rise he Zwecke. 16. Zacharias. Elektrische Leitungen. 17. Kraemer. Elektrische Eisenbahn. 18. Lewandowski. Elektrotechnik in der Heilkunde. 19. Zenger. Spannungs-Elektricitat. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Eiektro-technische Bibliothek.D v. 20. May. Weltliteratur der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. Schwartze. Motoren der elektri¬ schen Maschinen. Wallentin. Generatoren hoch- gespannter Elektricitat. Tumlirz. Das Potential. Zacharias. Unterhaltung der elek- trischen Leitungen. Granfeld. Die Mehrfach-Telegra- phie. Juellig. Die Kabeltelegraphie. Fodor. Das Gluhlicht. Albrecht. Geschichte der Elek¬ tricitat. Urbanitzky. Blitz und Blitzschutz- vorrichtungen. Schaschl. Die Galvanostegie. Wietlisbach. Die Technik des Fernsprechwesens. Krues. Die eiektro-technische Pho- tometrie. Neumayer. Die Laboratorien der EJektro-Technik. Urbanitzky. Elektricitat und Mag¬ netismus im Alterthume. Gessmann. Magnetismus und Hypnotism us. Gerland. Elektricitat bei registri- renden Apparaten. Hoh. Elektricitat als kosmotellu- rische Kraft. Auerbach. Die Wirkungsgesetze elektrischer Maschinen. Fodor. Kostenvoranschlage elek¬ trischer Lichtanlagen. Tiedler. Die Zeittelegraphen und die elektrischen Uhren. Fodor. Die elektrischen Motoren. Zacharias. Die Gliihlampe. Fodor. Die elektrischen brauchsmesser. Fodor. Elektrische und Lothung. Electricity in Theory and Practice..K 7612 Alternate Current Transformer . K 7657 Lectures to Electrical Artisans. . . . K 7621 School Electricity.X 7623 Gray, A. Measurements in Electricity. . . . K 7610 Gray, J. Electrical Influence Machines... K 7668 Recent Wonders in Electricity_ K 7600 Galvanometer and its Uses. K 761- Hering. Dynamo Electric Machines. K 76-6 21. 22. 23 - 24. 1 25 - 26. 27 - 28. 29. 3 °- 31. 32 . 33 - 34 - 35 - 4 2 9 | Hering. Universal Higgs. 37 - 38 . 39 - 40. 41. 42. 43 - 44 - Fiske. Fleming Gordon. Greer Haskins. Ver- Schweissung 371 Wiring Computer.K 7711 Winding Magnets for Dynamos. .K 7656 is. Electric Transmission of Power.. .. K 7592 Hobbs. Arithmetic of Electrical Measure- „ , ments .. 7693 Hopkinson. Dynamic Electricity.K686,7i Hospitalier. Applications of Electricity. 2 v ..K 7595 Domestic Electricity. K 75^ Houston. Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms and Phrases. II20 Index of U. S. Patents relating to Electricity, 1881-90. 9 v. in 3. Pat. Dept. Kapp. Alternate-Current Machinery___ K686,96 Electric Transmission of Energy.K 7626 Kempe. Electrical Engineer’s Pocket-Book.K 7673 Handbook of Electrical Testing.K 7589 Kennelly and Wilkinson. Notes for Elec¬ trical Students.7720 Kimball. The Dynamo; how to make and uss ^. 7686 Kir wan. Easy Lessons in Electricity.K 7618 Modern Electricity. 7643 Lefevre. Dictionnaire d’Electricite et Mag- netisme.*R 111^ Lockwood Electrical Measurement.K 7690 Martin and Wetzler. The Electric Motor*V 876 Maycock. Electrical Notes and DefinitionsK 7706 Meadowcroft. A B C of Electricity.. . .K 2873 Merrell. Dynamo Electric Machines.. .*K 815,1 Munro. Electricity and its Uses. .K 7704 and Jamieson. Electrical Rules and TabIes .. v .IC 7611 Niaudet. Electric Batteries .K 7614 Parkhurst. Electric Motor Construction for Amateurs.. 773^ Plant£. Storage of Electrical Energy_IC 7660 Practical Electrics; Handy-Book of Electrical Matters .. 7651 Prescott. Dynamo Electricity.K 7604 Prindi.e. Treatise on the Electric Railway.K 5753 Schellen. Magneto Electric and Dynamo- ' Electric Machines. ,.]c 7609 Slingo and Brooker. Electrical Engineer- lllg • • .. 7678 Sloane. Arithmetic of Electricity.K 7674 Electric 1 oy Making for Amateurs.K 7694 Electricity simplified. k 7682 Sprague. Theory and Applications of Elec- tricit y. 7605 Thompson. Dynamo-Electric Machinery..K 7603 The same .K686,66 The same; new ed.K 7727 Dynamo-Electric Machines.K686,75 372 PRACTICAL ARTS. Thompson. The Electromagnet.K 7701 Lectures on the Electromagnet..K 7666 Thurston. Steam Engines for Electric Lighting.K 5352 Treyert. Dynamos and Electric Motors..K 7670 Electric Railway Engineering.K 7714 Electricity and its Applications.K 7671 Everybody’s Hand-Book of Electricity. .K 7687 Experimental Electricity.K 7649 How to make Electric Batteries at HomeK 7685 Tunzelmann. Electricity in Modern Life.. K 77°5 Urbanitzky. Electricity in the Service of Man.K 7622 Urquhart. Dynamo Construction.K 77°3 Electric Light Fitting.K 7665 Electro-Motors. K 7587 Verity. Electricity for Light, Power and Traction.K 7699 Walker, F. Practical Dynamo-Building for Amateurs.K686,98 Walker, S. F. Electricity in our Homes.. K 7669 Watson. Hand-Book of Wiring Tables.. .K 77 1 3 Webb. Testing Insulated Wires and CablesK 7683 See also Electricity and Magnetism. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Abernethy. Commercial and Railway Tele¬ graphy .K 5969 American Rapid Telegraph Company.*K 7170 Arago. Der elektrische Telegraph.D38L5 Beechey. Electro-Telegraphy.K 641 Bond. Hand-book of the Telegraph.K 1295 Briggs and Maverick. Story of the Tele¬ graph .K 5977 Culley. Hand-book of Telegraphy.K 2803 Day. Plan for Electric Telegraph, 1818 .*£5041,5 Dickerson. Henry and the Magnetic Tele¬ graph .K 5976 Dyer. Induction Coils. K.686,53 Fahie. Electric Telegraphy to 1 S37.K 5974 Fiedler. Zeittelegraphen u. die elektrischen Uhren.£429,40 Field. History of the Atlantic Telegraph..K 5971 Fischer. Postund Telegraphie.D 4708 Galvanized Iron Wire for Telegraph.K 5950 Granfeld. Mehrfach-Telegraphie.£429,25 History of the Atlantic Telegraph.K 5973 Hoski.^er. Electric Telegraph Cables.K 5955 Juellig. Die Kabeltelegraphie.£429,26 Lockwood. Electric Telegraphy.K 7601 Loring. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph.K 685 Mangin. Les Telegraphes.C 5879 Maver and Davis. The Quadruplex.K 5978 Mullaly. The Ocean Telegraph.K 5975 Ocean Telegraphy, 25th Anniversary, 1879. *K 5972 Parkinson. Ocean Telegraph to India....I 1512 Plum. Military Telegraph in the War. 2 v.B 606 Pope. Modern Electric Telegraph, 1874.. .K 2742 The same, 1891.K2742 d Preece and Sivewright. Telegraphy_K 2852 Prescott. Electric Telegraph.K 636 Electricity and Telegraph.Iv 2851 Reid. The Telegraph in America.Iv 5979 Romain. Telegraphie electrique.06513,280 Russell. The Atlantic Telegraph... ,..*V 598 Sabine. The Electric Telegraph.K 1573 Telegraphy.K801,10 Sack. Die Verkehrs-Telegraphie.D 429,5 Sauer. The Telegraph in Europe.*K 654 Schwendler. Instructions for Testing Tele¬ graph Lines.K 5967 Shaffner. Telegraph Manual.K 5970 Swift. Practical Telegrapher.K 5968 Taylor. Henry on the Telegraph.Iv 577 Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, . 1872-3. v. 1. *Ser. Tern ant. Les Telegraphes.C13206 Veredarius. Post und Telegraphie .*V 899 Walker. Telegraphie electrique .C6513,157 Wells. Relations of the Government to the Telegraph .L 3528 Williams. Manual of Telegraphy.K 5980 Wilson. Electricity and Telegraph.I 4000,24 See also Electricity and Magnetism. THE TELEPHONE. Allsop. Telephones; their Construction and Fitting.K 5964 Dolbear. The Telephone.K 2641 Du Moncel. The Telephone ..K 574 Figuier. Le Telephone.C 4921 Galvanized Iron Wire for Telephone.K 5951 Lockwood. Practical Information for Tele¬ phonists .K 59^5 Poole. Telephone Handbook.K 7712 Preece and Maier. The Telephone.Iv 5966 Prescott. Bell’s Speaking Telephone....K 7608 Speaking Telephone and Novelties.K 567 The same; new ed.Iv 569 Thompson. P. Reis, Inventor of the Tele¬ phone . Iv 5963 Wietlisbach. Die Technik des Fernsprech- wesens. £429,31 LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. Anderson. Lightning Conductors. K 7594 Lightning Conductors.. K 888 ELECTRIC LIGHTING—MILITARY SCIENCE 373 Molloy. Lightning Conductois.117232,14 Parnell. The Action of Lightning.K 7741 Spang. Lightning Protection.K 7615 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Alglave and Bollard. Electric Light. ...K 7599 Anderson. Dangers of Electric Lighting.*K 5743 Atkinson. Electric Lighting.K 7637 Badt. Incandescent Wiring Hand-Book . .K. 7653 Bernstein. Die elektrische Beleuchtung. . D 4406 Bottone. Guide to Electric Light .K 7710 Crompton. Electric Light.K 7586 Cunynghame. Law of Electric Lighting.. Iv 7702 Day. Electric Light Arithmetic.K 7697 Dredge. Electric Illumination. 2 v.*V 574 Du Moncel. L’Eclairage electrique. 2 v.C 5942 Electric Lighting-'..K 7700 and Preece. Incandescent Electric Li S hts .K686,57 Edison Electric Light Co., Bulletins. 2 v..*Iv 7581 Electric Lighting; its Present Condition.K 7619 Farmer. On the Electric Light.*K 560 Fodor. Das Gluhlicht.0429,27 Fontaine. Electric Lighting .K 571 Foote. Electric Light and Power.K 7638 Gordon, J. E. H. Electric Lighting.K 7607 Gordon, Mrs. J. E. H. Decorative ElectricityK 7676 Hammond. Electric Light in Homes.K 7597 Hedges. Central Station Electric Lighting.K 7641 Continental Electric Light Stations. ,*V 1777 Hickenlooper. Edison’s Incandescent LightK 7624 Holmes. Electric Lighting.K 7598 Latimer. Incandescent Electric Lighting..K 7663 Lumiere £lecfrique, La, 1879-91. 42 v. *Ser. Maier. Arc and Glow Lamps.K 7625 Molloy. Electric Light.K7232,12 Morton and Anderson. Electric Lighting and Underwriters’ Requirements ....K 7708 Pope. Evolution of the Incandescent LampK 7648 Prescott. Electric Light.K 567 The same; new ed.K 569 Reynier. The Voltaic Accumulator.K 7681 Russell. Electric Light Cables.K 7696 Salomons. Electric Light Installations.. . .K 7652 Management of Accumulators.K 7633 Sawyer. Electric Lighting.K 7585 Schilling. Condition of Electric Lighting.K 7632 Slingo and Brooker. Engineering for Elec¬ tric Light Artisans.K 7678 Sprague. Electric Lighting.j< 575 Stephen. Wrinkles in Electric Lighting.. .K 769S Swinton. Principles of Electric Lighting. .K 7679 Thurston. Steam Engines for Electric I.ight- in ? .K 535 2 Urbanitzky Elektrische Beleuchtung. . .. D 504 Dasselbe .D 429,11 Das elektrische Licht. d 429,3 Urquhart. Electric Light.K 7582 The same; new ed.K 7677 Electric Light Fitting. k 7665 Electricity for Light. K 7699 Hand Book of Wiring Tables. ...K 7713 Whipple. Municipal Lighting..K 7709 Woodbury. Electric Lighting in Mills. ..*K 815,1 Zacharias- Die Gliihlampe.D 429,42 Verity. Watson. MILITARY SCIENCE. Abbot. Defense of the Sea-Coast..K 5899 Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences. 3 V. *Iv 840 Anderson. Victories and Defeats.K 5884 Army and Navy Journal, 1873-4, 1879-91. v - I L17-28. Azibert. Sieges celebres.*y 1424 Barrington. England on the Defensive. .K 5869 BarthSlemy. Avantla Bataille...C12020 L’Ennemi chez lui.... .C12021 Berneck. Die Welt in Waffen. 4 v. in 2 . . D 5566 Blunt. Firing Regulations for Small Arms.K 823 Boguslawski. Tactical Deductions from War of 1870-71. K 5895 Brackenbury. Foreign Armies and Home Reserves...K 5865 Brackett. History of the U. S. Cavalry. .B 2607 British Army, Revised Regulations, 1868,1870. 2V .. 848 Brix. Waffenubungen d. oesterr. Heeres. .D 530 Cai.iff. Military Science and Art of War. .Iv 5500 Cai.lan. Military Laws of the United StatesK 5886 Carter. Curiosities of War and Military Studies.K 5885 Casey. Infantry Tactics, 1863. 3 V.K 839 Castner. Militar-Lexikon.*R 3810 Chaffee-Reece Magazine Arm.*R 876,2 Chesney. Waterloo Lectures.K 836 and Reeve. Military Resources of Prussia and France.K 5881 Clark. Mediaeval Military Architecture.2v.Iv 3716 Clarke. Fortification. k 5484 Clausewitz. On War. k 5872 Clery. Minor Tactics.K 5480 Cooke. Cavalry Tactics, 1862. 2v.Iv 835 Dally. La France militaire illustree.C12260 Decker. The Three Arms; Divisional Tac- tics .. 5878 Delafield. Art of War in Europe . *Doc. Denison. Modern Cavalry.K 5870 Df.rr£cacaix. Modern War. 3 v..K 5483 Drtaille. L’Armee frangaise. 2v .*P 1246 374 PRACTICAL ARTS. Douglas. Modern System of Fortification.K 5888 Duckett. Military Dictionary, German, Eng¬ lish, French .* R 3 8 9 ^ Dussieux. L’Armee en France. 3 V.C 47 Si Dymond. War and Christianity ......... K 824 Elphinstone. Siege of Sebastopol. 4v..*P 801 Ernst. Practical Military Engineering.. . .K 5490 Europa in Waffen.W 1018 Farrer. Military Manners and Customs..K 5864 Farrow. Pack Mules and Packing . K 5892 Mountain Scouting . E 5891 Military Encyclopsedia. 3 v. * R 39°3 Military Gymnastics .-. E * 9 2 3 Fickelscherer. Das Kriegswesen der AltenD 6790 Forbes. Life Studies of the Great Army, 1862-65 . *P 1 281 Fortifications of To-Day . -Doc. Fortifications, or other Defenses. 2 v. *Doc. Gall. Modern Tactics. 2v.E 5482 Gardner. Diet, of the United States Army*R 3889 Gilchrist. Manual for Infantry Officers..K 5879 Gillmore. Siege and Reduction of Ft. Pu¬ laski, Ga .. . K 547 8 Gleig. Old Colonel and the old Corps. . . .E 113° Goltz. The Nation in Arms. R 5495 Das Volk in Waffen. L) 4 2 8 i Graham. History of the Art of War. K 5861 Military Ends and Moral Means. E 5883 Grant. Report of the U. S. Army, 1864-5B 502 Great Sieges . A 3°5 Griffiths. English Army. R 5 8 ^6 Hacklaender. Vie militaire en Prusse -C 5189 Halleck. Military Art and Science . R 841 Hamersly. Army and Navy Register, 1776- 1887 . * R 3 8 99 Complete Army Register, 1779-1879 . .^R 3 8 97 Hamley. Operations of War.R 5 8 ^ 2 Hart. Annual Army List, 1881,1888,1891. 3 .. * R 39 ° 1 Hazen. School and Army in Germany and .R 825 France Head. Defenceless State of Great Britain..K 5871 Royal Engineer.R 8 4 2 Heitman. Register of U. S. Army, 1789- 1889.* R 39 ° 2 HenneberT. Les Armees modernes.C 5221 L’ Europe sous les Armes .C 5223 HOHENLOHE-lNGELFINGEN. Letters on Cav¬ alry .R 5487 Letters on Infantry.R 5488 Holland and Hozier. Expedition of Abys¬ sinia. 3 ..* R 800 Home. Precis of Modern Tactics.R 5896 Ignotus. Sketches of Military Subjects.. ..R 5 8 /o Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine, 1884-90. 15 v. *Ser. Jerrold. The French under Arms.R 5874 Jomini. Art of War.R 827 Campaign of Waterloo.R 845 Karcher. Les Ecrivains militaires de la France .C 5444 Kennon. Manual of Guard Duty.R 549 ^ King. Trials of a Staff-Officer.R 549 8 Knollys. Field Fortification.R 1485 Koettschau. Coming Franco-German WarK 5882 LaBarre-Duparcq. Military Art and His¬ tory .R 549 r Larroque. De la Guerre.C 5670 Lendy. Course of Military Surveying. . . .*V 741 Leveson. England rendered Impregnable.K 847 Livermore. The American Kriegsspiel..*R 5 88 9 Tables and Plates.*V 719 Manoeuvres for Infantry.K 838 Lyman. Tactical Studies.R 830 Mabille. La Guerre; ses Lois, etc.C 5808 McClellan. Military Systems in Europe.. R 828 Mahan. Fortification and Stone-Cutting. . .R 7 02 Malleson. Ambushes and Surprises.R 5 8 77 Maude. On Tactics and Organization.R 549 2 Maurice. War, with an Essay on Military Literature . R 5499 Mendell. Treatise on Military Survey¬ ing.. .R 56 10 Mercur. Elements of the Art of War....K 5494 Mismer. Dix Ans Soldat; la Vie militaire.. C12898 * Oborski. Colors and Color Guard.*E 743 j 4 Oman. Art of War in the Middle Ages. . ..R 5 8 97 Ordonnance sur le Service des Armees .C 6103 Petit. Les Sieges celebres.. ...C 6146 Pohler. Bibliotheca historica-militaris. 2 v .*0 629 Quinteau. Guerre de Surprises et d’Embus- cades. .. C 6310 Regan. Manual of Guard Duty. E 5 8 9 ° Roemer. Cavalry; its History, Management and Lses .E 5 8 5 2 Root. Infantry Tactics. R 1818 School Amusements; Military Exercises.R 1817 Royal United Service Institution, Journal, 1858-72. 15 v. *Ser. Schalk. Summary of the Art of War . R 829 Schmidt. Kriegswissenschaft. D 521 Scott, H. L. Military Dictionary. *R 3 8 95 Scott, Sir S. D. The British Army. E 5 8 7^ Scott, W. Infantry Tactics, 1857* 3 v...E 837 Smith. Drill and Manoeuvres of Cavalry. .E 5893 Soady. Lessons of War. R 5 8 5 ° Straith. Fortification and Artillery.E 843 Plans . * R 487 1 ORDNANCE—GUNNERY—ARMS—ARMOR—NAVIGATION. 375 a Commis- .K 5867 Troyte. Through the Ranks to si on. United Service, The, 1889-91. 6 v. *Ser. United Service Journal (Colburn’s), 1837-91. * 5 6v . . United States Army, Cavalry Drill, 1891 .. .K 5477 Infantry Drill Regulations, 1891..K 5479 Infantry Tactics, 1861.K 831 Register, 1863-92.*R 3882 Regulations, 1861.K 826 Regulations, 1889. *r 3883 Regulations for Uniform, 1888..*P 1217 United States Cavalry Association, Journal of, 1888-90. 3 v . . United States Service Magazine, 1864-66. 5 \*Ser. Upton. Armies of Asia and Europe.K 834 Infantry Tactics, 1878.. ...K 833 Vergnaud. Art militaire.C65i3,i68 Viollet-le-Duc. Annals of a Fortress.... K 195 Vogt. Die europaischen Heere der Gegen- wart .. 6900 Waffeniibungen der K. Bay. Infanterie.D 530 Wilkinson. The Brain of an Army.K 5493 Citizen Soldiers. r 5868 Wilson. U. S. Infantry Tactics, 1861.K 831 Wisser. Minor Tactics and Strategy.K 5893 Wolseley. Soldiers’ Pocket-Book for Field Service . K 5875 Wyld. Maps and Plans of Battles and Sieges *" of British Army, 1808-14.*R 4801 Zogbaum. Horse, Foot and Dragoons.K 5894 Hoffbauer. German Artillery in Battles nearMetz .A 1912 Jacques. Heavy Ordnance for National De- fence .. Modern Armor for National Defence.. .L326o,2 Jervis. Our Engines of War. k 6634 McLean and Coloney. Peace-Makers.. .*V 673 Mangin. Les Feux du Guerre. Q 5879 Norton. American Breech-Loading Small Arms . ,. 295 Small Arms and Heavy Ordnance... .*V 518 Quellen zur Geschichte der Feuerwaffen. ,. . *V 1754 Springfield Rifle, Description of.K 850 STELLEand Harrison. Gunsmith’s ManualK 4325 Straith. Treatise on Artillery.K 843 PIans .*R 4871 Taubert. Field Artillery.R 1603 Tennent. Story of the Guns. R 6632 U. S. Army, Reports of Chief of Ordnance, i 8 73» 1877.. g 49 ORDNANCE—GUNNERY. * Abbot. Siege Artillery in Campaigns against Richmond.'.. Bartlett. Some Weapons of War .K 66^ Bashforth. Motion of Projectiles, with Supplement.. r 54 g 5 Benton. Ordnance and Gunnery. R 622 Birkhimer. History of the U. S. Artillery. K 5863 Blunt. Firing Regulations for Small Arms K 823 Browne and Majendie. Ammunition. 2v.K 846 Chesney. Observations on Fire-Arms. K 932 Ede. Guns and Gun Material. R 6620 Gould (R . Greenwood). Modern American Rifles .. 6619 Greener. Choke-Bore Guns. R 6631 The Gun and its Development. R 6630 Gunnery in 1858 .R 623 Modern Breech-Loaders. R 832 Modern Shot Guns. K 6718 ARMS AND ARMOR. Burton. Book of the Sword.*y 720 Demmin. History of Arms and Armour.I 2978 Desormeaux. Armurier et FourbisseurC65 13,84-85 Hewitt. Ancient Armour and Weapons. 3V.K 5880 Lacombe. Arms and Armours. R 2623 Les Armes et les Armures.C 4179 Memoirs on Swords. R 1518 Antient Armour. 3 v.*p 617 Specht. Geschichte der Waffen. 3 v....D 4361 Marey. Meyrick. NAVAL SCIENCE—NAVIGATION. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, i8 S 5 - 94 - 39 v . . Arago. Die Schifffahrt.D381 5 Awful Calamities; Shipwrecks of Dec. i839.*K 876,1 Bassett. Legends and Superstitions of the ^ ea .. 5915 Beschereli.e. Histoire des Marins illustres.C 12060 Bow'ditch. Practical Navigator.R 336 Tables for Navigators.R 337 Brady. ICedge-Anchor; Young Sailor’s As- sistant .. 5924 Brommy und Littrow. Die Marine.D 4311 Brooks. Story of the American Sailor_IC 5952 Chauvenet. Navigation. R 886 Colden. \ indication of the Steam-Boat Ri g ht . K 5919 Collet. Traite des Compas.C 4582 37 ° PRACTICAL ARTS. Dana. Seaman’s Friend.K 904 Seaman’s Manual...K 897 Davies. Surveying and Navigation.K 716 Deviation of the Compass.K 2802 Duro. Disquisiciones Nauticas ..C 9604 Ellms. Tragedy of the Seas.I 9670 Evers. Nautical Astronomy.K 2879 Navigation.K 2877 Folleville. Tragedies de la Mer.*V 1068 Frazar. Practical Boat-Sailing . K 6702 Gilly. Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy. ... A 502 Gilmore. Storm Warriors; Life-Boat WorkK 5793 Giquel. Navigation . C6513,191 Greenwood. Navigation.K 1415 Guerin. Hist. Maritime de France. 2 v,.C SH 1 Les N.avigateurs fran$ais.C12522 Hall. American Navigation.*K 876,2 History of Shipwrecks. 2v.I 3547 Huet. Navigation of the Ancients.L 3831 International Marine Conference, Washington, 1889. 3 v. *Doc. Janvier. Machines a Vapeur appliquees a la Marine.C65i3,ii5 Jenkins. Ships’ Compasses .K 888 Jones. Ships, Sailors and the Sea.K 5945 Jurien de la Graviere. La Marine des Anciens.C 5143 La Marine des Ptolemees. 2 v.C 5576 Les Marins du XVe et XVIe Siecles. 2v.C 5142 Kemp. Yacht and Boat Sailing.*V 597 The same; new ed.*K 5914 Knight. Sailing.K 6703 La Landelle. Tableau de la Mer. 2V...C5653 Lane. Adjustments of the Compass . K 5553 Laurie. Catalogue of Charts and Nautical Works.K 5781 Lecky. Wrinkles in Practical Navigation. .K 5786 Lewis. The Life-Boat and its Work.K 859 Littrow. Finding Time at Sea.K 888 Lloyd. Steam-Boat Directory and DisastersK 5920 Luce. Seamanship.*K 5923 Marshall. Navigation made easy. K 887 Martin (Ed.). Navigation and Nautical As¬ tronomy.K 5 79 2 Meyer. Steam Towing on Rivers and CanalsK 75? Nares. Seamanship.K 5925 Naufrages celebres, Les.C 5865 Nautical Almanac, 1863-71,1877-85. 18 v.K 2001 Nautical Gazette, 1874. v. 6,7. *Ser. Nautical Magazine, 1832-76.35V.(Incomplete). *Ser. Naval Anecdotes.E 4686 Naval Magazine, 1836-37. 2 v. *Ser. Navigation on St. Lawrence River, Report. .K 758 Parish. Sea Officers’Manual . K 5917 Payn. In Peril and Privation; Marine Dis¬ asters . I2117 Piddington. Horn-Book for Storms.K 7468 Priestley. Navigable Rivers and Canals of Great Britain.K 5901 Pryde. Navigation.K 894 Qualtrough. Boat Sailer’s Manual.K 5948 Sailor’s Ftandy Book and Yachtman’s Manual. K 593 ° Reehorst. Mariner’s Friend; Technical Dic¬ tionary.*K 5926 Renard. L’Art naval.C 4196 Robertson. Elements of Navigation.K 896 Robinson. Surveying and Navigation.K 511 Rowe. Jack Afloat and Ashore.K 5916 Schuyler. Surveying and Navigation.Iv 424 Smyth. Sailor’s Word-Book.*R 3893 Stackpole. Gates of the Rivers.*K 876,2 The World’s Navigation.*K 560 Todd and Whall. Practical Seamanship.K 5788 United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, 1 875-90. 16 v.. *Ser. Index, v. 1—15. Verdier. Marine. ^6513,57-58 Walton. Model Yachts and Sailing.K 5934 Woodcroft. Steam Navigation.K 5918 Young, J. R. Navigation and Nautical As¬ tronomy .K 1641 Tables.K 1642 Young, L. Elements of Navigation.K 5798 Zurcher et MargollS. Les Naufrages celebres.C 4211 SHIPS AND SHIPBUILDING. Barnaby. Marine Propellers. K 5794 Bates. American Ships..*K 677 Bland. Ships and Boats.K 1291 Boats of the World.K 5935 Book of Knots.”..K 59 2 ^ Brady. Kedge-Anchor.K 59 2 4 Burgess. English and American Yachts..*R 4285 Cartault. La Triere athenienne.C 4583 Chadwick and others. Ocean Steamships.K 5790 Cotsell. Ships’ Anchors.K 1325 Daryl. Le Yacht.*V 1850 Fairbairn. Treatise on Iron Ship Building K 59 10 Finch am. History of Naval Architecture.. K 59 11 Masting and Mast-making.K 59 12 Plates... .. *R 4854 Folkard. The Sailing Boat. .K 5933 Forbes. New Rig for Steamers.*V69i,2 Grantham. Iron Ship Building.K 1408 Atlas .*V 287 NAVIES NAVAL ORDNANCE-TORPEDOES-FLAGS. 377 Grosvenor. Model Yachts and Boats.'.. .IC 5931 Hall. Ship-Building ia the U. S.*^4533,8 Hicks. Yachts, Boats and Canoes.K 5944 Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, 1860-61. 2 v. Kipping. Masting and Rigging.K 1476 Sails and Sail-making. .. r 1477 Kunhardt. Small Yachts. *r 4901 Steam Yachts and Launches.... .K 5782 Lloyd. Steamboat Directory, 1856.K 5920 Mackrow. Naval Architect’s Pocket-Book K 5789 Marett. Yachts and Yacht Building.K 5908 Neison. Practical Boat Building. r The same. r Parker. Fleets of the World 5942 5953 the Galley Period .. 5787 Peake. Naval Architecture. K 1540 Pim. Ship-building. K801 Pollock. Modern Shipbuilding. r Prescott. The Sailing-Boat. r Rogers. Magnetism of Iron Vessels. 10 59°9 1 777 K686,3 o Russell. System of Naval Architecture.3 V.*P 939 Sommerfeldt. Construction of Ships . K 1582 Atlas . __ . V 293 Stephens. Boat and Canoe Building _ *R 59^6 Steinitz. The Ship; its Origin and Progress*V 950 Stuart. Naval Dry Docks of the U, S.. .*V 288 Thearle. Naval Architecture . K 213 Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel . K 5943 Plates .*1^5943,2. Chain Cables and Chains. *R 4263 Air and Moisture on Shipboard.*K 560 Manual of Naval Architecture.. . .K 5913 Elgar. The Royal Navy. *y j-.- Forster. In a Conning Tower. r 3703 Griffin. Our Sea-Coast Defences.K 5887 Hamersly. U. S. Army and Navy Register 1 776-1887 . *R 3899 U. S. Navy Register, 1782-1882. *R 3898 Henk. Kriegfuhrung zur See. D 5601; Hennebert. Les Torpilles.. . . .C 5224 Hill. Explosives in Torpedo Warfare_ *K8i3 1 Howell. War-Galleys of the Ancients... IC 5906 Illustrated Navy and Military Magazine, 1884- 9°- 15 v . Jal. Du Quesne et la Marine du son Temps. .*6Vr. 2 v. Traill. Turner White. NAY IES—NAVAL ORDNANCE—TORPEDOES. Abbot. Defence of the Sea-Coas't of the United States. . 5 g Report upon Submarine Mines. *Doc Bartlett. Some Weapons of War_ K 6633 Brassey. The British Navy. 5 v.,......K 5939 The Naval Annual, 1886-87, 1890-91. _ . . 4V .. 5947 British Navy List, 1878-81. 4 v .* R .ggg Brommy und Littrow. Die Marine ... ’.D 4311 Bucknill. Submarine Mines and TorpedoesK 5486 Busk. Navies of the World. r g 44 Chadwick. Training Systems of England and France.... #7-, . * IJoc. Colomb. Naval Warfare. . Cooke- Naval Ordnance and Gunnery_K 3481 Dislere. Les Croiseurs. q 4433 La Guerre d’Escadre . r . . 4435 .. 5312 J aques. Ericsson’s Destroyer and Submarine y G y Un ...L 3 260,2 .lean. Royal Navy List, 1891. *r 3 gg 7 McCarthy. Naval Engineers’ Guide.R 1510 Miles. Royal Naval Service of England K 5949 Naval Models, South Kensington Museum. .IC 362 Navy Scientific Papers . r ggg Noel. Gun, Ram and Torpedo; Tactics of a Naval Battle . K 5900 Reed. Our Iron Clad Ships . r 711 and Simpson. Modern Ships of War. . IC 5946 Report of Committee on Ordnance and War Shi P s . . . Smith. Our War-Ships . r 3941 Soley. Foreign Systems of Naval Education. Torpedo Experiment at £ey West, 1874.. .*K 876,3 Uuited States Naval Institute, Proceedings, I ^ 75 ~ 9 °- Index, v. 1-15. 16v. ...*Ser. Navy Register, 1866, 1873, 1875, 1879-92. *5 v . . 3881 Very. Navies of the World . K 5940 Wilmot. The Development of Navies. . . .IC 5796 FLAGS. k lag of the United States.2168 Flags of Maritime Nations. *Doc Griffin. National and Mercantile Flags.. IC 5929 Hamilton. Flag of the United States. B 101 Hounsell. Flags and Signals of all Nations*R 4910 Jackson. International Code of Signals.. .L 3838 Macgeorge. History and Uses of Flags.. . A 2129 Preble. Flag of the United States.B 771 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY’.—ACIDS. Andreae. Tintenbuch. d 314 Arnold. Ammonia and Ammonium Com¬ pounds .IC 9146 37 § PRACTICAL ARTS. Brannt and Wahl. Techno-Chemical Re¬ ceipt Book.K 4314 Carbonated Drinks, 1877-8. v. I. *Ser. Champour et Malepeyre. Encres et Ci- rage. C65i3,i92 Church. Acids and Alkalies.K 801,4 Dammer. Lexikon fur chemische Technolo¬ gic .*R 3808 Jahresbericht iiber chemische Technologie (Wagner’s), 1856-89. 35 v. *Ser. Index, v. 1-10, 21-30 Kingzett. The Alkali Trade.K 9123 Knapp. Chemical Technology. 3 V.K 2283 The same. v. 1, 2.K 2326 Lomas. Manual of the Alkali Trade.K 6247 Lunge. Coal-Tar and Ammonia.K 4362 and Hurter. Alkali-Makers’ Pocket- Book. . .K 4378 Payen. Precis de Chimie industrielle. 3 V. C 6176 Richardson and Watts. Acids, Alkalies and Salts. 3 V.K 2327 Rouget de Lisle. Eaux de Boissons Ga- zeuses. C65i3,26i Sulz. Treatise on Beverages. 4374 Trimble. The Tannins; History, Preparation, etc.K 437 1 Wagner. Handbuch der chemischen Tech¬ nologie .D 4377 Handbook of Chemical Technology. . ..K 2286 See also Chemistry. Deite and others. Manufacture of Perfum¬ ery.K 4369 Dussauce. Guide for the Perfumer.*K 883 Parfiimeur, Der. .D 625 Pi esse. Art of Perfumery.K 6240 Pradal. Parfumeur.C65I3 ,i84 Rimmell. Book of Perfumes.K 933 EXPLOSIVES.—FIRE-WORKS. Anderson. Gunpowder Manufacture at Isha- pore.*V 107 Berthelot. Explosive Materials.K686,7o Be van. Explosive Compounds. K8oi,I3 Browne. Practical Firework-Making.K 62 35 Drinker. Explosive Compounds .*Y 1 75 2 Dussauce. Fabrication of Matches, Gun Cotton, etc;.K 4283 Eissler. Modern High Explosives.K 4306 Kentish. Pyrotechnist’s Treasury.K 6236 Loden. Lustfeuerwerker.. . .. .D 508 Longridge. Smokeless Powder.K 5497 Maigne. Briquets, Allumettes.C6513,267 VergnaUD. Manuel de P Artificier .. ..C65i3,258 Williams. Explosive Compounds.K 801,2 Wisser. Compressed Gun Cotton.K686,89 SOAP.-OIL.-VARNISH.-GLUE.— FATS CANDLES. Andres. Varnishes, Lacquers and Sealing Waxes ..IC 4266 Brannt. Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils.*K 9127 Manufacture of Soap and Candles ... .K 4339 Cameron (Ed.). Soaps.and Candles.K 4330 Cristiani. Treatise on Soap and Candles *K 4298 Dawidowsky. Glue, Gelatine, Cements..K 4293 Dussauce. Manufacture of Soap.K 917 The same.*R 973 Engelhardt. Praktische Kerzenfabrika- tion .D 4262 Fontenelle et Malepeyre. Huilesvegetales et animales..C5513,111-112 Lenormant. Chandelier et Cirier.. .C6513,88-89 Malepeyre. Bougies steariques.C6513,13-14 Colies .C65i3,263 Ott. Soap and Candles.K 879 Riffault. Couleurs et Vernis.C6513,86-87 Schlegel. Die Leimfabrikation.D 623 Tingry. Treatise on Varnishes .K 3406 Watt. Art of Soap-Making .K 4292 Williams. Oils and Candles. K 801,4 PERFUMERY. Askinson. Perfumes and their PreparationK 4368 Cristiani. Treatise on Perfumery.K 6241 Cooley. Handbook of Perfumes.K 4303 BREWING AND DISTILLING.— VINEGAR. Bickerdyke. Curiosities of Ale and Beer..K 4328 Bierbrauer, Der, 1873. v. 4 . *Ser . Black. Practical Treatise on Brewing .K 6230 Brannt. Manufacture of Vinegar and Ace¬ tates . R 4334 Treatise on Alcohol... K 43°5 Braumeister, Der, 1 887-9 ^ 4 v . *Ser. Brewer, Distiller and Wine Manufacturer.. .K 4275 Brewer’s Guardian, 1879, 1886-90. v.9,i6-20.*S>r. Byrn. Practical Brewer. K 892 Practical Distiller. K 891 Cartuyvels et Stammer. Fabrication de la Biere. C 4 2 97 Cassian. Die Dampf-Brauerei .D 6767 Dubief. Fabrication des Liqueurs. . ..C 4774 Duplais. Treatise on Alcoholic Liquors. . *K 4276 BLEACHING—DYEING—CALICO PRINTING. 379 Dussauce. Manufacture of Vinegar.K 4267 Fontenelle. Vinaigrieret Moutardier.<36513,262 Gardner (Ed.). Acetic Acid and Vinegar. K 4377 Graeger. Die Kellerwirthschaft.D 6807 Hourier et Malepeyre. Eau-de-Vie. .C6513,237 Keene. Handbook of Practical Guaging. ..K 4282 Lebeaud. Distillateur Liquoriste.06513,224 Lebeuf. Amelioration des Liquides ...06513,252 Malepeyre. Alcoometrie.06513,217 Brasseur .06513,107-108 Distillation des Grains.C6513,256-257 Distillation des Vins.06513,158 , Levure .£6513,175 Matthews and Lott. The Microscope in the Brewery.K 4373 Mills. Destructive Distillation.K 4285 Monzert. Practical Distiller... . . . K 4326 Pastel r. Etude sur la Biere. (3 De la Fermentation. q Studies on Fermentation. r Piesse. Chemistry in the Brewing-Room Pooley. Brewing and Distilling.K801,12 Rosenthal. Bier und Branntwein.D 502 Ruedinger. Bierbrauerei u. Maltzextract.D 592 Scamell. Breweries and Malting.K 893 Schranka. Ein Buch vom Bier.D 6525 Siebel. Communications of the Zymotech- nic Institute.. 2359 Stopes. Malt and Malting. r 4327 Thausing. Malt and Fabrication of Beer.*Iv 4277 Trowbridge. Cider-Makers’ Hand-book Wetherill. Manufacture of Vinegar W right . Handbook for Young Brewers Quadrat. Farberei und Zeugdruck.D 515 Reimann. Aniline and its Derivatives. K 2269 Riffault, Manufacture of Colors. *r 4^10 Romain. Teinturier.C65,3,97-98 oIms. Dyeing and Bleaching.K 8oi 6 Slater. Manual of Colors and Dye WaresK 6194 Smith. Instruction in Dyeing.... Practical Dyer’s Guide. Spirk. Farberei und Druckerei. j) 920 6196 59i 6164 6162 4286 K 9190 •K 4340 ..Iv 4329 • K 4313 HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. Arlot. Guide for Coach Painters. R 4271 Badenoch. Letter Painting made easy...K 1264 Blrg. Imitation of Woods and Marbles.. *R 4880 Davidson. Manual of House-Painting. . . .K 1332 Gardner. Everybody’s Paint-Book.K 4272 How to paint . K 42;4 The Painters’ Encyclopaedia . R 6242 Hagdorn. Dergrundlich lehrende Anstrei- cher. ... . jj 2 Masury. House and Carriage Painting _ R 4273 Painter, Gilder and Varnisher’s Companion R 90 Riffault . Peintre en Batiments.C6513,196 Rossiter and Wright. House Painting. .*V 374 Schriber. Carriage and Wagon Painter.. R 6238 Stevens. Art of House-Painting . r Tingry. Painter and Varnisher . R 3406 BLEACHING.—DYEING.—CALICO PRINTING. Bancroft. Permanent Colours. 2v_K 6193 Benedikt. Chemistry of Coal Tar Colours.R 6192 Capron. Indigo.C65i 3 ,i 7 o Chateau. Couleurs d’Aniline.C6513,109-110 Crookes. Dyeing and Calico Printing.. .. R 6191 Dole. Blues and Carmines of Indigo... .R 924 Fesquet. Chemistry of Coal-Tar Colors . . . R 919 Figuier. La Teinture. *Viio6 2 Fontenelle. Blanchiment.£6513,50-51 Guichard. Grammaire de la Couleur. 3 v.*P 482 Hummel. Dyeing of Textile Fabrics.R 4311 Jordan. Das Anilin und die Anilin-FarbenD 6811 Lenormand. Etoffes imprimees et papiers P e * nts . * .£6513,277 Nagel. Der Farbensinn . . 382,4 Napier. Chemistry applied to Dyeing . R 919 Dyeing and Dyeing Receipts . *R 6190 O’Neill. Calico Printing and Dyeing . .. . R 6195 Davis. Figuier. Fitzgerald. LEATHER.—SADDLERY.—TANNING. Collins. Hides and Leather. R8oi,9 Manufacture of Leather.. ..*R 429 6 Les Cuirs et les Peaux.*Vi 106,2 Harness Makers’ Manual... R 4307 FONTENELLE. Arts of Tanning.K 43 19 et d’Artois. Chamoiseur.C65 13,204 et Malepeyre. Tanneur.£6513,253 Lebrun. Bourrelier et Sellier.C65i3,i2o Procter. Text-Book of Tanning. R 437o Schlueteru. Rausch. Sattler und ReimerD ^ estern Shoe and Leather Review, 1877—78. 3 v. * 559 ' 5 er. GLASS.—GLASS PAINTING. Barff. Glass and Silicates. . .r 801,7 Callingham. Sign Writing and Glass Era- bossin g.. 6239 Silber und Quecksilber Spiegel. .D 4257 Devtlle. I.’Art de la Verrerie dans l’Anti- 9 ui te.. 1 642 Cremer. 380 PRACTICAL ARTS. Dunlop. Glass in the Old World.K 3481 Elis u. Andree. Die Mosaik - und Glasma- lerei .*06740,8 Fontenelle et Malepeyre. Verrier.C65i3,11-12 Franks. Ornamental Glazing Quarries. . .*K 3486 Fromberg. Painting on Glass.K 1380 Gessert. Art of Glass-Staining . K 1388 Harvey. Painted Windows . K 3452 Jarves. Glass-Making. K 931 Nesbitt. Glass .K 3573 Pellatt. Curiosities of Glass-making .K 810 Porter. -Manufacture of Glass. I 3869 Powell. Glassmaking. K 4287 Sauzay. Merveilles de la Verrerie.C 4200 Wonders of Glass-Making. K 2618 Shaw. Booke of Draughtes for Glasiers. ,*K 3447 Shenstone. Methods of Glass Blowing... K 4316 Slade, F. , Catalogue of the Glass Collection of.*P 1117 Snell. Enamel Painting on Glass.Iv 113 South Kensington Museum, Mosaics and Stained Glass in Europe before 1800.K 360 Waller. Painted or Stained Glass .*V 31,4 Winston. Art of Glass Painting. *K 3405 Styles of Glass Painting. 2 v.*K 3403 CERAMICS.—POTTERY.—CHINA PAINTING. Arnoux. Pottery.K 801,7 Audsley and Bowes. KSramic Art of Ja¬ pan .*R 4146 Beard. Painting on China. ^*3349 Beckwith. Majolica and Fayence.K 906 Binns. Century of Potting in Worcester. .K 908 Birch. History of Ancient Pottery.*K 347 Bohn ( Ed.). Pottery, Porcelain and Ob¬ jects of Vertu.I 3149 Bowes. Decorated Pottery of Japan.K 6064 Japanese Marks and Seals.*V 663 Chaffers. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain.*K 6062 Cock. Treatise on China Clay.K 3503 Earle. China Collecting in America.K 6065 Elliott. Pottery and Porcelain.K 6063 Figuier. Les Poteries. *Viio6,i Fortnum. Maiolica. K 385 Frackelton. Tried by Fire; China Paint- in g.*V 745 Franks. Japanese Pottery.K 3567 Garnier. Soft Porcelain of Sevres.*P 2402 Gasnault and Garnier. Trench Pottery.K 3568 Genick. Griechische Keramic. *P 1249 Graesse. Amateur de Porcelaines.C 5132 Haslem. Old Derby China Factory.*V 833 Hooper. Marks on Pottery and Porcelain.K 884 Jacquemard. La Ceramique. 3 V.C 4217 History of Ceramic Art.*R 4126 Jaennicke. Grundri^s der Keramik. 2v. 3 *P 514 Tanvier. Practical Keramics.K 80S 1 *' Jewitt. Ceramic Arts of Great Britain. 2v.*R 4110 Kolbe. Porcellan-Manufactur in Berlin...D 421 Litchfield. Pottery and Porcelain.K 396 Lockwood. Handbook of Ceramic Art...K 806 McLaughlin. China Painting.K 142 Pottery Decoration. ...Iv 391 Suggestions to China Painters.Iv 3393 Magnier. Porcelainier ... .•.-.016513,40-41 M£ly. La Ceramique italienne.C 5S66 Meteyard. Life of Josiah Wedgwood.. .. C 972 The Younger Wedgwoods.C 987 Wedgwood Handbook.K 3502 Nichols. Pottery; how it is made.K 909 Palliser. China Collector's Companion... K 97 Piton. China Painting in America.Iv 244 Plates. 2 v.*R 4916 Porter. Manufactures in Porcelain.I 3S69 Slosson. China-Hunter’s Club.K 805 Solon. Art of the Old English Potter ... .K 6061 Treadwell. Pottery and Porcelain.K 929 Waring. Ceramic Art in Remote Ages.. .-P 597 Wedgwood. Catalogue of Wedgwood’s Manufactures.K 501 Westropp. Pottery and Porcelain... K 394 Whiteford.- Guide to Porcelain Painting. K 138 Young. Ceramic Art.*K 807 JEWELRY.—GOLD AND SILVERSMITH’S WORK. Barrera. Gems and Jewels. Iv 9539 Beaumont. Jewel Art Studies. *R 4493 Boutell. Gold Working. K8oi,ii Buck. Old Plate; its Makers and Marks.. .K 3489 Chaffers. Gilda Aurifabrorum; English Goldsmiths. K 4317 Cripps. College and Corporation Plate.. .. K 3565 Old English Plate.. K 3360 Fontenelle. Bijoutier.06513,95-96 Garnier. Ciseleur.C6513, 1 60 Gee. The Goldsmith’s Handbook. K 13S6 Hall-Marking of Jewellery. K 3361 The Silversmith’s Handbook. K 1387 Giraud. Les Arts du Metal . *P 1273 IIaslope. Repousse Work for Amateurs.. K 4321 King. Antique Gems and Rings. 2 v.. .*R 4090 Lasteyrie. L’Orfevrerie. C 4219 CLOCKS AND WATCHES—CUTLERY—ETC. 381 Luthmer. Gold und Silber.*06740,3 Ornamental Jewelry of the Renaissance*R 3871 Pattern Book for Jewellers and Goldsmiths *R 3873 Pollen. Gold and Silver-smiths’ Work.. ..K 3574 Pugin. Designs for Gold and Silversmiths.*R 4444 Sommerville. Engraved Gems.*P 818 Wallis. Jewellery . K8oi,ii WoRLlDGE. Drawings from Antique Gems. 2 v. . .*R 4091 CLOCKS AND WATCHES. ' Beckett. Clocks, Watches and Bells. ...K 1286 Benson. Time and Time-Tellers.K 6152 Booth. Clock and Watchmaker’s Manual.K 633 Britten. Watches and Clocks. K8oi,ii Carpenter. Horology and Astronomy.... I 3254 Clockmakers’ Company of London.*K 6150 Eiffe. Improvements of Chronometers. *Doc. Fiedler. Die elektrische Uhren. 0429,40 Glasgow. Watch and Clock Making.K 6237 Hasluck. Clock Jobber’s Handybook.... K 6153 Watch Jobber’s Handybook.K 6151 Horological Journal, 1859-69. v. 1-7,11-13. *Ser. Jerome, C., The American Clock Business and Life of.C 3909 Kemlo. Watch-Repairer’s Hand-Book_K 6156 Knight. Clocks and Watches at the Paris Exposition, 1878.K36o6,4 Lenormant. Manuel de l’Horloger. ^6513,42-43 Nelthropp. Treatise on Watch-Work.... K 6231 Saunter. Treatise on Modern Horology. .*V 806 Tobler. Die elektrischen Uhren..0429,13 Wood. Curiosities of Clocks and Watches.K 910 CUTLERY AND HARDWARE. Blackall. Builders’Hardware.K 3750 Callis. Cutlery. K8 oi,3,ji D£sormeaux. Serrurier.C6513,221 Hobbs. Locks^and Safes.K 1458 Landrin. Coutelier.C6513,197 Markley, Ailing & Co.’s Catalogue of Hard¬ ware, 1887. *R 3724 FURNITURE.—CABINET MAKING. Bielefield. Use of Papier Mache in Fur¬ niture . .*R 4319 Braund. Illustrations of Furniture.*R 4900 Charles. Cabinet Maker’s Book of Designs*R 3870 Chippendale. Vorbilder fur Kunst- und Moebeltischler.*p 1234 Denning. Cabinet-Making.K 5328 Ehman and Simon Mfg. Co. Wood Mantels*V 1756 Fink. Der Bautischler oder Bauschreiner.. D 624 French Polisher’s Manual.K 4269 Gurlitt. Moebel deutscher Fiirstensitze. *P 1235 Hasluck. Cabinet Worker’s Handybook. .K 5326 Havard. Dictionnaire de l’Ameublement. 4 v .*P 2003 Hints for Cabinet-Makers.K 6234 Jacquemart. History of Furniture.*R 4127 Louandre. Les Arts somptuaires. 4V. in 3.*P i6o6‘ Lyon. Colonial Furniture of New England*V 1741 Moreland. Practical Decorative UpholsteryK 6462 Nosban et Maigne. Ebeniste.C6513,243 Peacock. English Church Furniture.K 186 Pollen. Furniture and Woodwork.Iv 387 Furniture and Woodwork.K 801,7 Portefeuille de l’Ameublement moderne. . ,*R 4264 Prignot. L’Ameublement moderne.*P 1169 Pugin. Gothic Furniture.*R 4434 Richardson. Studies from Old English Mansions. 4 V,.*P 2401 Roubo. Traite d’Ebenisterie; Texte.C 6515 Planches.*R 4920 Shaw. Specimens of Ancient Furniture.. .*V 1727 Small. Ancient and Modern Furniture. ..*R 4229 Smith. Cabinet-Maker’s and Upholsterer’s Guide.*V 770 Spofford. Art Decoration applied to Furni¬ ture.*K 120 Stokes. Cabinetmaker’s Companion.K 885 Viollet-le-Duc. Dictionnaire du Mobilier francaise. 6 v..*P 92 Yapp. Art Industry; Furniture, etc.*R 4314 COACHES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Adams. English Pleasure Carriages.K 4365 Burgess. Treatise on Coach-Budding.K 1307 Farr and Thrupp. Coach Trimming.K 6244 Felton. Treatise on Carriages. 2 v.K 4308 Rausch. Wagenfabrikation.I) 631 Atlas.*V 1041 Richardson. Practical Carriage Building.K 4366 Thrupp. History of Coaches.K 4270 TEXTILE FABRICS.—TAPESTRY. Alcan. Travail des Laines. v. 2.K 877 Atlas.*V 396 Archer. Wool Manufactures.K 801,5 Ashenhurst. Design in Textile Fabrics.. K 6025 Baines. Cotton Manufacture in Great BritainK 868 Baird. The American Cotton Spinner.. . .K 6038 Barlow. History and Principles of WeavingK 1882 Beaumont. Woollen Cloth Manufacture. Bevan. Textiles and Clothing.K'801,14 Bischoff. History of Woollen Manufactures. 2 v.K 870 Blodget. Textile Industriesof Philadelphia*V 639 Boitard. Cordier.C6513J215 Bonnet. Fabricant de Draps.C65 13,250 Bramwell. Wool Carders’ Vacle Mecum..K 6039 Brockett. Silk Industry in America.Iv 869 Brooks. Cotton Manufacturing. K 6027 Burel. Tissage mecanique.C6513,235 Burnley. Wool and Woolcombing.K 6037 Castel. Les Tapisseries. C 4213 Champeau. Tapestry.K 3562 Chapman. Treatise on Ropemaking.K 4264 Charley. Flax and its Products in IrelandK 6043 Cobb. Silk Manufacture.K 801,5 Cole. Dictionary of Dry Goods.Iv 6053 Devilliers. Manuel de la Soierie.C6513,65 Atlas.*C65i3,66 Drapier. Filature de Coton.C6513,141 Dresser. Carpets.Iv 801,6 Dupont-Auberville. Ornamental Textile Fabrics. *R 4340 Fontenelle. Chapeaux.C6513,238 FOWKE. Bayeux Tapestry reproduced in Autotype Plates.*p 1106 Gilroy. Art of Weaving.Iv 6036 Guiffrey. Histoire de la Tapisserie.*P 7S0 Holmes. Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru . B 2025 Hyde. Baumwollspinnerei.D 499 Jubb. History of the Shoddy-Trade.Iv 6054 Kendrick and Clifford’s Carpet and Upholstery Directory, 1886. *R 3755 Kimball. International Cotton Exhibition at Atlanta, 1881. .Iv 3609 Leblanc. Bonnetier.C65i3,i94 Leroux. Manufacture of Worsted and Carded Yarns.K 6051 Lessing. Ancient Oriental Carpet Patterns*R 4S70 McMurtrie. Report upon Examination of Wools. *Doc. Manufactures of the Ancients.K 6021 Marsden. Cotton Spinning.K 6026 Maxwell. Textile Fabrics, Cincinnati Expo¬ sition, 1869.K 934 Muentz. Short History of Tapestry.K 6033 Pasteur. Maladie des Vers a Soie. 2 v. . K 903 Reports on Manufactures of India.K 901 Riley. The Silk-Worm.K 6S96 Rock. Textile Fabrics. r 389 Sharp. Flax, Tow', and Jute Spinning_K 6034 Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and other Fibrous Substances.K 6024 Silk Association of America, Report, 1880. . K 6050 Simmonds. Fibres and Cordage. K.801,9 Textile Recorder, 1886-87. v.4. *Ser. Thii.i.aye. Fabricants d’lndienne_C65i3,i99 Phomson, J. Treatise on Hat-Making and Felting.K 6243 Thomson, W. The Sizing of Cotton GoodsK 6052 Tomlinson. Textile Fabrics. .Iv 632,1 Toustain. Tissus.C6513,209-210 Atlas .*V 1082 L re. Cotton Manufacture. 2 v.I 3290 Warden. Linbn Trade, ancient and modernK 6022 Waring (Ed.). Examples pf Weaving and Embroidery.*p 1172 Watson, J. Theory and Practice of Weav¬ ing.K 878 W atson, J. F. Textile Manufactures of the People of India. ,.*P 837 W t atts. Cotton Manufacture.K 801,5 Wyckoff. American Silk Goods Directory, 1880.K 6050 Silk Goods of America.Iv 6050 I 3S70 Porter. Silk Manufacture . .... Posselt. The Jacquard Machine analysed'"' V 1768 Technology of Textile Design . *V 1 76c LACE. — EMBROIDERY. - NEEDLEW’ORIv. Alford. Needlework as Art.6040 Art Needlework; Manual of Embroidery.. .*R 4498 Beebe. Lace, ancient and modern.Iv 6030 Bellezze de recami et dessegni.*P 655 Caulfeild and Saward. Dictionary of Needlework. *R 4499 Celnart. Broderie.C6513,231-232 Church. The Home Needle.K 1676 Ciotti, Prima parte de’fiori.*P 654 Felkin. Hosiery and Lace Manufacture.*K 871 Hosiery and Lace.Iv 801,6 Fischbach. Lace Album illustrated.*P 1090 Froehlich. Neue farbige Kreuzstichmuster*P 1218 Gi.aister. Needlework.K 1707 Goubaud. Pillow Lace Patterns.Iv 603/ Hailstone. Designs for Lace Making.. .*R 4244 Hawkins. Old Point Lace.K 6032 IIiggin. Handbook of Embroidery.K 6029 Lef£bure. Embroidery and Lace.K 6041 Mee. Knitting, Netting and Crochet.Iv 1677 Needle-Craft; Artistic and Practical.K 6428 Nouveaux portraicts de point coupe.*P 653 PHOTOGRAPHY—PRINTING-ETC. 383 Owen. Book of Needlework.K 1678 Palliser. Catalogue of Lace and Embroidery at Kensington Museum..K 352 History of Lace.K 602 "• Parasole. 1 eatro delle nobili donne. *P 1122 Raymond. Lecons de Couture.C 6421 iSiBMACHER. Stick und Spitzenmusterbuch*P 656 Neues Stick und Spitzenmusterbuch.. .*P 657 Stanley. Needlework and Cutting Out.. .K 6028 Treadwine. Antique Point and Honiton Pace .K 6042 ^ ecellio. Corona delle nobili donne.*P 632 Waring. Examples of Embroidery. *P 1172 Warren and Pui.lan. Needlework.. K 867 M ilcockson. Embroidery; its History... . K 1673 PHOTOGRAPHY. Abney. Treatise on Photography . K C72 Ayres. How to paint Photographs. K 92 Burton and Pringle. Processes of Fine Photography . K 59S8 Dawson. Manual of Photography. k 5^ Duchochois. Photographic Reproduction Processes ‘ . . 5986 Eder. Modern Dry Plates. * r 6001 Foster. Photography.K 801,8 IIeinlein. Photographicon.p> ^ 0 g Hepworth. Book of the Lantern.K 5998 Photography for Amateurs.K 6003 Hope. Amateur Photographer’s Eland BookK 5985 Huberson. Photographie.13^281 Johnson. Retouching Photographic Nega- tives .‘.5984 Latreili.e. Photographie.*. C6513,195 T ea. Manual of Photography. 648 Lietz. Modern Heliographic Processes. . . K 5999 Malley. Micro-Photography . K 2?6 i Mei.dola. Chemistry of Photography.K 9^39 Monckhoven. Photographic Optics.K 2812 I rice. How to make Pictures. K 6002 Reed. Photography applied to Surveying.*V 892 Robinson. Picture-Making by PhotographyK 5983 Root. Camera and Pencil. K 5981 Schiendl. Geschichte der Photographie .. .1) 4327 Schnauss. Photo-Lithography and CollotypeK 3533 Photographisches Lexikon. j) 323 Simpson. Swan’s Pigmentdruck. d 394 Siernberg. Photo-Micrographs . K 2362 Sutton and Dawson. Dictionary of Photog¬ raphy Tapley. Amateur Photography.. K .*R 1087 6005 Taylor. The Optics of Photography.K 5987 Tissandier. Handbook of Photography.. .K 6000 La Photographie. C 4205 La Photographie en Ballon.C13218 \ alicourt. Manuel de Photographie.C6513,36-37 Vogel. Chemistry of Light and PhotographyK 2658 Fortschritt der Photographie.D 4375 Licht und Photographie.I) 415,5 Lichtbilder nach derNatur.D 4614 Photographer’s Pocket Reference-Book.K 59S2 Waldack. Almanac of Photography, 1864 K 573 Wallace. Amateur Photographer.K 6004 PRINTING. Adams. Typographia; or, the Printer’s In¬ structor .K 6111 Ames. Typographical Antiquities .*V 608 Ascham. Toxophilus, 1545; ed. by Arber .. K 6621 Author’s Printing and Publishing Assistant. .K 860 Authorship and Publication.K 6102 Bigmore and Wyman. Bibliography of Printing. 3 V . *0 600 Blades. How to tell a Caxton . *0 635 Life and Typography of Caxton. 2 v.*P 1608 The Pentateuch of Printing.*V 1744 Bodemann. Xylographische und topogra- phische Incunabeln. *P 843 Bouchot. The Printed Book; its History .. K 6126 Bowyer. Origin of Printing.K 6124 Brown. The Venetian Printing Press..., ,*K 6138 Buli.en. Caxton Celebration, 1877 . *0 633 Delon. Histoire d’ un Livre .C 4767 De Vinne. Invention of Printing.*R 1115 Dickson. Introduction of Printing into Scot¬ land . K 6120 Dobson. The Bassandyne Bible; Early Print¬ ing of Edinburgh . K 6141 Farmer, Little and Co.’s Printing Types .. ,*R 4471 Faui.mann. Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst. *D 4265 Frey. Typographic . C6513,46-47 Goebel. Friedrich Koenig u. die Schnell- presse. *V 1392 Gould. Letter-Press Printer. K 6115 Great Western Type Foundry Specimens.. . *R 3758 Gresswell. Early Parisian Greek Press. 2 v.K 6136 Parisian Typography .K 6109 Hansard. Art of Printing .K 6121 Typographia .K 895 Hart. Amateur Printer .K 6112 Hatton. Printing . K8oi,8 3 S 4 PRACTICAL ARTS. Hessels. Gutenberg; was he the Inventor of Printing?.*K 6106 Hildeburn. Issues of the Press in Pennsyl¬ vania, 1685-1784. 2 v...*0 94 Hoe. Literature of Printing. *0 601 IIume. Learned Societies and Printing Clubs .... ... *0 13 PI UM PH keys. History of the Art of Printing*P 587 Masterpieces of Early Printers. ..*P 595 Inland Printer, 1884-91. v. 2/7-8 . *Ser. ] ACOBi. The Printer’s Handbook.K 6127 The Printer’s Vocabulary .K 6134 \ Johnson. Typographia. 2v.K 6110 Jungblut, Henricks, and Co.’s Specimens of Electrotypes.*V 270 Kerr. U. S. Government Printing Office. .K 6101- Knight. Old Printer and Modem Press. . .K 811 Lacroix. Histoire de P Imprimerie.*V 842 Lamartine. Gutenberg.C 5635 Linde. Erfindungen der Buchdruckkunst. 3 v .*V 883 Invention of Printing by Coster.K 6107 Lockwood. Directory of Printing Trades, 1884 .*. *R 3753 Lorck. Druckkunst und Buchhandel in Leipzig . D 2536 Die Graphischen Kiinste.D 4301 Herstellung von Druckwerken.D 4303 Luckombe. History and Art of Printing. . .K 6119 MacKellar. American Printer . K 6114 MacKellar, Smith and Jordan’s Printing Types.R 375 2 Marshall. Invention of Printing.*V 810 Middleton. Origin of Printing in Eng¬ land.*V 435 Needham. List of Caxton Reproductions. *K 876,3 New Hampshire Publishers’Association.. . .*K 6104 Origin and Progress of Printing.*K 865 Ottley. Invention of Printing.*V 238 Palmer. General History of Printing, I733*K 6122 Pearson. Art of Printing.K 899 Gutenberg and Art of Printing.K 809 Printer’s Circular, 1874-80. v. 9-15. ,*Ser. Rand, McNally & Co., Specimens of PrintingK 6129 Reed. Old English Letter Foundries.K 6133 Ringwalt. American Encyclopaedia of Print¬ ing . *R 1129 Savage. Art of Printing. *K 900 Skeen. Early Typography .K 6108 Sotheby. Principia Typographica; the Block Books. 3 v .*P 841 Typography of the XVth Century. *P 842 Southward. Practical Printing. 2 v. . . . K 6128 Specimens of Types and Letters of the 15th Century.*p ~g 0 Stark. Printing; its Origin and Results.I 4000,25 Stationer and Printer, 1880-91. v 2-7,9-23.. *Ser. Stevens. Bibles in Caxton Exhibition, 1877*0 634 Stower. 1 he Printer's Grammar .K 6123 Sylvester. Lachrimae Lachrimarum... . *P 377 Thomas. History of Printing in the U. S.. B 5,5-6 Timperley. Diet, of Printers and Printing.*R 1116 Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typograph¬ ical Anecdote.*R 1117 Printer’s Manual.. K6113 Torrey. Practical Typewriter.K 6137 Waldow. Encyklopadie der graphischen Kiinste.*R 872 Die Buchdruckerkunst 3 v.*V 1030 Weigel u. Zestermann. Die Anfange der Buchdruckerkunst. 2 v.*P 1183 Weller. Die falschen und fingirten Druck- orte.. ...*0 666 Katalog unter falscher Firma erschienener Schriften. *0 667 Willems. Les Elzevier. *0 661 Willett. Memoir on the Origin of Printing.K 6125 Wilson. Stereotyping and Electrotyping.. K 6132 Typographic Printing Machines.K 6131 866 864 794 876 795 878 542 SPECIMENS OF EARLY PRINTING. Acta Eruditorum, 16S3. *P Ars Moriendi, 1470.*P The same; Fac-simile, 1450.*P Augustine, St. Liber de consensu quatuor Evangelistarum, 1470.*P Berners. Treatyse on Fysshynge, 1496...*P Biblia Latina, 1479.*P Biblia Pauperum (in Fac-simile).*P Boethius. De Consolatione Philosophiae; cum Commentario Thomae de Aquino, 1476.*P 879 Caxton. Arte to knowe well to dye. *V 601 Dictes and Sayings of Philosophers, I477*P 793 The fifteen O's, and other Prayers, I490*M 3410 Game of Chesse.*V 359 Statutes of Henry VII., 1489.*P 792 Dissertationum Ludicrarum Scriptores varii, 1638.*P 869 Guillf.rmi. Sermones tempore et de Sanctis, 1492.*P 880 Hus, J. Postylla svate pameti.*P 872 Schedel. Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493...*P 1221 Speculum Humanse Salvationis.*P 791 Voragine. Aurce Legenda, 1482.*P 877 LITHOGRAPHY—WRITING—MONOGRAMS—ETC. 385 LITHOGRAPHY. Audsley. Chromolithography .*P H 74 Boeck. Zincography..K 6116 De la Motte. Anastatic Printing and Papyro- graphy.K 3431 Geymet. Traite de Gravure et Impression sur Zinc.C12465 Hullmandel. Art of Drawing on Stone..*V 869 Lietze. Modern Heliographic Processes.. .K 5999 Richmond. Grammar of Lithography . ...K4288 Schnauss. Collotype and Photo-LithographyK 3533 Senefelder. Course of Lithography... .*V 619 Straker. Art of Lithography.K 3497 WRITING.—PALEOGRAPHY.-MONOGRAMS. Astle. Origin and Progress of Writing. . .*R 4465 Bickham. Universal Penman.*R 113 Birch. History of the Utrecht Psalter . .. .K 6130 Brueckner. Englische und deutsche Hand- schriften.D 497 Brulliot. Dictionnaire des Monogra.mmes. 3 v . *R 4097 Calligraphic ... C6513,278 Carstairs. The Art of Writing . K 6135 Chabot. Handwriting of Junius. *V 934 Cr£pieux-Jamin. Traite pratique de Grapho- logie. .C12209 Delisle. Melanges de Paleographie. *0 121 Atlas...*R 4908 Faulmann. Ulustrirte Geschichte der SchriftD 2530 Gaskell. Penman’s Hand-Book .*R 1236 Gerlach. Das Gewerbe-Monogramm.. . .'"'P 546 Humphreys. Origin and Progress of Writ¬ ing. *R 4086 Laurie. Standard Copy-Book.. T 2405 Lumley. Handwriting and Style.*R 1417 Michon. Systeme de Graphologie.. C 12845 Mueller. Rundschrift.*K 6105 Payson. Manual of Penmanship . K 6117 Renoir. Monograms and Ciphers.*P 749 Silvestre. Universal Palaeography. 2 v.*P 1266 Text; tr. by Madden. 2 v .*P 779 Spencer. Key to Practical Penmanship.. ..L 1190 Sympson. New Book of Cyphers .*R 4049 Theory and Art of Penmanship .L 1191 Theory of Spencerian Penmanship.K 61 iS Thompson and Bowlers. Penmanship. .. L 1192 Weale. Monograms and Alphabets.*R 4269 Westwood. Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria.*P 746 Wright. Court-Hand restored . *V 658 Wuttke. Entstehung der Schrift. D 2627 AUTOGRAPHS. Boettcher. Deutsche Dichterhelden .... *R 4424 Collection of Autograph Letters.*R 4301 Netherclift and Sims. Autograph Souve¬ nir ." :: 'R 4299 Hand-Book to Autographs.*R 1354 Nichols. Autographs of Royal Person age s*R 4300 Phillips. Autographic Album.*R 1353 Scott and Davey. Guide to the Collec¬ tor . “R 1352 SoTHEBY. The Autograph of Milton. ...*P 1112 Thane. British Autography. 3 v.*P 1607 ILLUMINATION. Birch. Early Drawings and Illuminations.. Iv 3359 Bou.TOWSKY. L’Ornement russe. 2v....*P 1205 Bradley. Dictionary of Illuminators, Copy¬ ists, etc. 3 v.*R 4098 and Goodwin. Art of Illumination.... Iv 176 Copley. Alphabets..*V 86 Dearborn. Ornaments, Scrolls, etc . ...*K 913 Text Book for Letters ... .‘“'Iv 914 Denis. L’Ornementation des Manuscrits. .*V 809 Froissart, Illuminated Illustrations from. ,*P 745 Gray. Elegy in a Country Churchyard illum¬ inated by Jones. .*P 7^3 Hand-book of Illuminated Initial Letters, 6th- 18th Centuries.*R 4470 Harrison. Suggestions for Illuminating; with Alphabets. *P 695 Hasselmann. Initial Letters and Alphabets of the 15th—17th Centuries . *P 596 Humphreys and Jones. Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages . 1096 Jewitt. Illuminated and Missal Painting.. K 3476 Jones, iooi Initial Letters.*P 554 Joseph and his Brethren; ilium, by Jcr.cs and Warren . W P 7^5 Lara. Art of Illuminating. K 33^6 Schmit. Decorateur-Ornementiste.C6513,273 Atlas .*V 1083 Sermon on the Mount; ilium, by Audsley. .*P 1269 Shaw. Art of Illumination in the Middle Ages. *P 691 Hand-book of Mediaeval Alphabets. . .*R 4101 Illuminated Ornaments from Manuscripts and Books, 16th—17th Centuries... .*R 45 02 Tymms and Wyatt. Art of Illuminating.*K 651 Weale. Alphabets and Monograms.*R 4269 Westwood. Fac-similes of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts.*P 1000 Wyatt. Illuminated Manuscripts. *V 1722 3 S6 PRACTICAL ARTS. TAPER. American Stationer, 1S80-91. v. 8-29. *Ser. Archer. Paper.K 801,8 Bielefield. Use of Papier Mache.*R 4319 Davis. Manufacture of Taper.K 4315 Dunbar. Practical Paper-maker.K 4265 Fjchtenberg. Papier de Far.taisie._06513,266 Fontenelle. Marchand Papetier.C6513,251 Herring. Paper and Paper-making.K 930 Varieties and Values of Taper.*R 4303 Hofmann. Manufacture of Taper.*v 620 Hoyer. Das Papier.p) Lebrun. Cartonnier.06513,125 Lenormand. Papiers.C6513,17-18 Atlas.A ....... 7 Trrn~^*C 65 13,19 LlNDgA¥T^Papier-Mache.^.JC 801,3 Lockwood. Directory of Paper, Stationery and Printing Trades, 1884.*R 3753 Mueller. Fabrication des Papiers.D 4310 Munsell. Chronology of Paper-Making.. .K 1881 Murray. Remarks on Modern Paper.K 4318 Paper and Printing Trades Journal i883~S8.6v.*5Vr. Parkinson. Treatise on Paper..K 4324 Proteaux. Manufacture of Paper and BoardsK 4385 Richardson. Architectural Modeling in Paper.K 1570 Watt. Art of Paper-Making.K 6139 Wehrs. Vorn Papier und SchreibmaterialienD 6841 Barfuss. Kunst des Bottchers. 2v.D 674 Bartley. Toys .K 801,8 Bore. Invention of Steel Pens.K 6250 Brockmann. Handbuch fiir Korb und Stroh- flechter.*D 4247 Atlas.*v 1048 Celnart. Fleuriste artificiel. ... C6513,131 D£sormeaux. Tonnelier et Boisselier . .06513,118 Tonnelier et Jaugeage.06513,274 Herzberg. History of the Sewing MachineK 659 Klemm. Traite de l’Habillement. 2 v.. .*V 1149 Labouche. Les Arts et Metiers.C 5642 •Laundry Management; Handbook for Laundry Work ...'. K4333 Leno. Art of Boot and Shoemaking.K 1509 Luedicke. Kunst- und Bauschlosser.D 555 Lukin. Toys and Toymaking.K 6224 Marbrier.€6513,259 Atlas. *V IO S8 Minton. Catalogue of Tile Patterns.*R 4288 Pattern-Making; a Practical Treatise.K 4722 St. Victor. Cadres.06513,222 Screws and Screw-Making. K 4721 Smith. Treatise upon Wire.K 4720 Squrdon. Fleuriste artificiel.€6513,255 TOMASEK. Die Tfeifen-Industrie.D 6890 Toussaint. Coupe des Pierres.06513,207 Atlas. *y io 8o BOOK-BINDING. Adam. Der Bucheinband.*D 6740,6 Arnett. Ancient Books and Bookbinding.K 6232 Bookbinder, The, 1888-90. 3 V. *Ser. Crane. Bookbinding for Amateurs.K 4384 Lenormand. Relieur.06513,230 Maul und Friedel. Deutsche Bucheinbande derNeuzeit.*p 894 Michei.. La Reliure fran^aise.*p 747 Nicholson. Art of Book-Binding.K 898 Quaritch. Books in Historical Bindings *0 80 The same. *0 78,7 Sanborn. Book Binders’ Machinery.*R 3774 Stockbauer. Abbildungen von Musterein- Wallis. Examples of Book Binders’ Art of the XVI. and XVII. Centuries_*P 2082 Wood. Bookbinding. K801 8 WOOLNOUGH. Art of Marbling.*K 4300 Zaehnsdorf. Art of Bookbinding.K 4299 MISCELLANEOUS TRADES. Aitkf.n. The Birmingham Trades.K 801.3 Arrowsmith. The Paper-Hanger’s Com¬ panion . K 6226 DOMESTIC ECONOMY—ART IN THE HOUSE. Adam. Architecture, Decoration and Furni¬ ture.*R 4 g 95 Barker. Bedroom and Boudoir.K 1719 Batley. Interior Decoration.*R 4841 Bazar Book cf the Household.K 952 Beard. American Girl’s Handy Book.K 1876 Beecher. All around the House.K 1695 Domestic Economy.K 977 Housekeeper and Plealthkeeper.K 978 and Stowe. American Woman’s Book.K 1037 Domestic Science.K 1696 Cardon. L’Art au Foyer domestique.C 4589 Carpets and Art Decoration of Floors.K 6461 Cassell’s Domestic Dictionary.*R 982 Charles. Designs for Window-Draperies.*R 4840 Chase. Recipes; or, Information for Every¬ body .*R 963 Church. How to Furnish a Home.K 1714 Cook. The House Beautiful.*R 4082 Cooley. Cyclopaedia of practical Receipts. 2V .*R 977 Cooper. Art of Furnishing.K 1715 Corner Cupboard.E 973 Davidis. Die Hausfrau.D 605 DOMESTIC ECONOMY—DRESS AND TOILET_ETC. 387 Dewing. Beauty in the Household .K 1674 Dick. Cyclopaedia of practical Receipts. .*R 986 Donovan. Domestic Economy. 2 v.I 3867 Eastlake. Hints on Household Taste.... K 63 Edis. Decoration and Furniture of Town • Houses.IC 1675 Egleston. Home and its Surroundings.. .K 6384 icLLiOTT. Bock of American Interiors....*P 1110 Everybody’s Pocket Cyclopedia.*R 3852 Every-day Facts for every-day Life.K 954 Facey. Bractical House Decoration.K 1369 Falke. Die Kunst im Hause.D 428 Family Cyclopedia of Useful Information. ..K 6399 Gardner. Homes and all about them_K 3697 Home Interiors.K 1689 Garrett. House Decoration.K 1690 Girl’s Room, A.X 6422 Goodholme. Domestic Cyclopedia.*R 984 Good Housekeeping, 1SS9-91. v. 10-13. *Ser. EIarrison. Woman’s Handiwork in HomesK 1713 Hartshorne. Household Cyclopaedia.. .*R 983 Haweis, II. R. Art of Decoration.K 1672 Haweis, M. E. Beautiful Houses.K 3699 Hirth. Das deutsche Zimmer der Renais¬ sance. .#V 1017 Housekeepers’ Guide and Indian Doctor.. ,*R 1760 Housekeepers’ Handy Book.K 6405 How to Build, Furnish and Decorate .*R 3878 Leland. Minor Arts.K 2^;2 Loftie. Art in the House. K 1691 Michael. Vemiinftige Gedanken einer Haus- • mutter.. D 2962 Ormsbee. The House Comfortable.K 6465 Orrinsmith. The Drawing Room.K 1711 Our Homes; How to Beautify them.K 6424 Banton. Homes of Taste.K 6463 Peters (Ed.). Girl’s own Indoor Book.. . .K 6426 Girl’s Own Outdoor Book.K 6455 Practical Housewife and Medical Guide.. K 975 Rees. Home Decoration.K 1716 Home Occupations. R i6j() Salis. Floral Decorations.K 6464 Spofford. Art applied to Furniture.*R 120 Stevens. Domestic Economy for Girls. 3v.K 1698 Times. Lady Bountiful’s Legacy.E 15S4 Wagner. Bibliothek der Hausfrau. i8v.D 525 Willard. Primers of Domestic Science.2v.K 1720 Yapp. Furniture, House Fittings, etc.*R 4314 Youmanns. Household Science.R 974 Ballin. Banze. DRESS AND TOILET. Science of Dress. Zauber des Fleisses. Barnett. Common-sense Clothing.L 4330 Beaumont. Dialogue on Beauty.*P624,36 Beck. Gloves; their Annals and Associations!. 4331 Blanc. Art in Dress and Ornament .K 57 Brinton and Napheys. Personal Beauty.. E 881 Capsadei.l. Women’s Secrets; how to be Beautiful . . e 906 Catalogue of Loan Exhibition of Fans, South Kensington Museum . R 343 Cazenave. Female Beauty . E 931 Hygiene de la Beaute .. . C 4597 Cooley. The Toilet and Cosmetic Arts...K 4331 Coupland. Personal Appearance . N 414 Dean. How to be Beautiful; Nature un¬ masked . r 4332 Dowie. The Foct and its Covering . L 4328 Peydeau. Art of rieasing.E 931 Gale. Hints on Dress . E 1122 Haweis. Art of Beauty . R 1709 Art of Dress ;. R i 7i 8 Jaeger. Normalkleidung . D 2496 Ki.emm. Traite pratique de PHabillement. 2 v . *V 1149 Lady’s Maid; her Duties . R 1694 Maubach. De Rationeele SchoonheidskunstD 9521 Miller. Physical Beauty . E 4589 Oakey. Beauty in Dress . ,R 1708 Oliphant. Dress . R 1710 Robida. Yester-Yeac; 10 Centuries cf Toi- ,ette . .L4337 Staffe. My Lady’s Dressing Room . E 5792 Stevens and Smith.. Health and Beauty. .L 4362 Ugly Girl Papers; Hints for the Toilet . E 1593 Villaret. Coiffeur . C65i3,i46 Violette. L’Artdela Toilette . C13360 Wagner. Weibliche Schonheit . D 525,13 ...N 628 ...D 490 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. Alcott. Young Housekeeper..R 970 Babcock. Household Hints.. R 1712 Beecher. Talks with Young HousekeepersK 1039 Beeton. Household Management.K 973 Behandeling van Dienstbaren.D 9072 Beleze. Livre des Menages .C12052 Bi.ake. Twenty-six Hours a Day.K 1739 Blanchard. Dinners and Diners.K 6453 Byford. Philosophy of Domestic Life.E 901 Paddy. Household Organization.K 1717 Campbell. Easiest Way in Housekeeping K G382 Cei.nart. Domestiques. C65i3,i77 Cobbett. Cottage Economy.K 1061 Davidis. Die Hausfrau.D 605 388 PRACTICAL ARTS.' Dora’s Housekeeping. r 1697 Dufaux Maitres et domestiques.C 4566 Elget. Guide pratique des Menages.C 4804 Fabre. Le Menage.C 4843 . Finchley Manuals of Industry.K 1756 Gladden. Art of Living.E 1127 Harris (AT. Ledyard). Plain Talks with Home Makers..x 6429 Hausfrau, Gattin und Mutter, Die.D -5028 Herrick. Housekeeping made easy..K 6425 Home-Making and Housekeeping.K 6440 House Manager; Guide to IJousekeeping... .K 1463 Household Conveniences.K 6421 James. Family Monitor.E 1262 Kir wan. Host and Guest; Dinners, Wines and Desserts.K 6402 Klencke. Die gebildete Hausfrau.D 600 Lamb. Servants and Service.K 6431 Maigne. Sommelier. 06513,163 Malinowsky. Die erfahrene Hausfrau... D 3027 Martixeau. Household Education.K 972 Morgenstern. Ueber Hauswirthschaft.. . D 597 Murphy. Healthy Homes.K 6381 Owen. Culture and Cooking.K 1705 Ten Dollars enough ..K 6398 Gentle Breadwinners.X 6413 Pariset. Maitresse de Maison.06513,161 Parkes. Domestic Duties.K 1721 Power, Anna Maria’s House-Keeping. ... K 1752 Raymond. La bonne Menagere.C 6418 Richards. Chemistry of Cooking and Clean¬ ing .K 2340 Robinson. How to live.K 6383 Schwarz. Hi us- und Kitchen-Brevier.... D 603 Southgate. Things a Lady would like to know . K 16S0 Spofford. The Servant Girl Question.L 551 Spon’s Household Manual. 967 Stowe. PTouse and Home Papers.E 1543 Sydow. Buch der Hausfrau.D 607 Terhune ( Harland ). 'Common Sense in the Nl1 .rsery.K 1759 Warren. My Lady-Help.K 1693 Webster. A Housewife’s Opinions.K 1683 Worthington (G. A. Nicholas). Biddy Club; the Servant Question.K 6408 COOKERY.— GASTRONOMY. Abel. Sanitary and Economic Cooking.. ..K 6447 Acton. English Bread-Book.K 1732 All About Eggs; 150 Ways of Cooking.K 6415 Almanach Manuel dela bonne Cuisine.C11965 Am£ro. Les Classiques de la Table. 2 v. .C 4060 Baker. Cocoa and Chocolate.K 6397 Barrows. Eggs; Facts and Fancies about them .. 6439 Beecher. Domestic Receipt-Book ...... X 6411 Beeton. Every-Day Cookery.X 967 Bellows. Philosophy of Eating.X 2778 Bliss. Practical Cook-Book.X 976 Blot. Hand-book of Cookery.X 966 Breakfast, Dinner and Tea.X 969 Breakfast, Dinner, Tea, viewed classically. .X 951 Brillat-Savarin. Gastronomy...X 1688 Hand-book of Dining.x 968 Physiologie du Gout.C4060,1 Brisse. La Cuisine des Bourgeois.C12105 Brown. Mrs. Gilpin’s Frugalities. ...X 1735 Burger. Le Pain. q 4051 Campbell. Housekeeping and Cocking.. X 6382 Cardelli. Conhscur et Chocolatier.. .. C6513,248 Chautard et Fontenelle. Manuel du Li- monadier.C65i3,i78 Chevrier. Maitre d’Hotel.C65i3,ii7 Child, L. M. American Frugal HousewifeK 1745 Child, T. Delicate Feasting . K 6438 Clarke. Ideal Cookery Book .X 6435 Cooke. Three Meals a Day . X 6409 Corson. Family Living on $500 a Year...X 6423 Cust. Invalid’s own Book; Collection of Rec¬ ipes .K 6414 Dayidis. Praktisches Kochbuch. D 6773 Davidson. Entrees and Table Dainties... X 6418 Deliee. Franco-American Cookery . X 1751 Demelius. Die Zuckerwarenfabrikation.. .D 6775 De Voe. Market Assistant.X 961 Market Book.x 949 Dods. Cook and Housewife’s Manual. X 960 Doran. Table Traits. x 1687 Dubois. Cosmopolitan Cookery. *X 1750 Dumek. 810 Ivartoffelspeisen. D 522 Dupertuis. Recettesdema Tante.C 4747 Eckhardt. Der hiiuslicheHerd; XochbuchD 488 Ewing. Cooking and Castle-Building.X 1700 Cookery Manuals. . x 1731 v. 1. Soup and Soup-Making. 2. Bread and Bread-Making. 0 3. Salad and Salad-Making. 4. Vegetables and Vegetable Cooking. Family Save-all .. x 971 FiliPpini. One Hundred Ways of Cooking E gg s . K 6511 The Table; how to buy, cook and serve Food . . 6436 Fin-Bec, pseud. See Jerrold. COOKERY—GASTRONOMY. 389 Fontenelle etM alepeyre. BoulangerC6513,38-39 Francatelli. Royal Confectioner........K 957 Frye. Housewife’s Candy Maker.K 6427 G^abrielle. La Cuisiniere modele.C 5016 German Cookery for English Kitchens.K 16S2 Gillette. The White House Cook Book..K 6434 Gcuff£. Royal Book of Pastry and Confec¬ tionery .*K 6400 Hale. Ladies’Book of Cookery.K 6412 New Cook-Book. K 980 Harland, Marion. See Terhune. Hazlitt. Old Cookery Books.K 6395 Henderson. Diet forthe Sick.K 1754 Practical Cooking.K 1692 Herrick. Liberal Living upon Narrow Means.K 6450 W hat to eat, and how to serve it .K 6458 Home Cook-Book... .K 1 Hooper. Cookery for Invalids.‘.K 1725 Housekeepers’ Handy Book.K 6405 Every-Day Meals.K 1726 Little Dinners.1727 Huth. Handbuch der Kochkunst.D 489 Ice-Cream and Cakes; by an American.K 1724 Jeaffreson. Book about the Table.E 1264 Jerrold {Fin-Bee). Cupboard Papers.... K 1749 Book of Menus.....K 1743 Jewry. Every-Day Cookery.K 962 Kitchener. The Cook’s Oracle.K 1728 Kraft und Nelken. Wiener Ivochin.D 500 Kuss. Norddeutsche Kiiche.D 599 Lablanc. Patissier. C65i3,i49 Leslie. New Cook-Book.K 979 Lincoln. Carving and Serving.K 6401 School Kitchen Text-Book.K 6407 Loughead. Quick Cooking; Culinary Here- s * es .. 6419 Miller. In the Kitchen.K 1734 Mcrrey. Book of Entrees.K 6396 Breakfast Dainties... ]y 1 -_j_g Fifty Soups.K 1747 Salads and Sauces.47 Neubrunn. Mein Receptbuch.D 526 Nicol. 366 Dinners (Menus).K 6521 Owen. Choice Cookery.K 6430 Molly Bishop’s Family.K 6416 New Cook Book.K 6388 Progressive Housekeeping.K 6420 Oyster Epicure, The .K 1742 Pan [pseud). Dinnerology; Experiments in Diet .. 6432 Parloa. Camp Cookery. k 1733 Kitchen Companion.K ’640.1. New Cook-Book...K 6387 Paul. Cookery from Experience . K 956 Payne. Choice Dishes at small Cost . K 1738 Perigord. Tresor de la Cuisiniere.C 6158 Perini. Der Schweizerzuckerbacker.D 524 Poole, H. M. Fruits and how to use them.K 6443 Poole, W. II. Cookery for the Diabetic. . .K 6509 Power. Fruit Pastes, Syrups, Preserves. . .K 6394 Practical Housekeeping. K 1737 Rorer. Canning and Preserving . K 6385 Hot Weather Dishes ..K 6442 Philadelphia Cook Book.K 6441 Rytz. Neues Berner Ivochbuch.D 590 Drinks a la mode.K 6510 Scheibler. Kiichen-Zettel Buch.D 6881 Schmidt. The Flowing Bowl . K 6508 Schwarz. Haus- und Kiichen-Brevier _ D 603 Sherwood. The Art of Entertaining . K 6520 Shillaber. Mrs. Shillaber’s Cook-Book. . . K 6406 Souchay et Lebroc. Le bon Cuisinier illus- tr6 : . : .C6835 Soyer. I* ood and its Preparation . K 955 Culinary Campaign in Crimean War _ A 964 Gastronomic Regenerator . K 944 Modern Housewife . K 958 Statesmen’s Dishes and how to Cook them.. K 6452 Strohm. Universal Cookery Book. K 6403 Sugg. Art of Cooking by Gas . K 6431 Suez. Treatise on Beverages .*K 4374 Swett. New England Breakfast Breads and Biscuits .K 6449 Sz., Frau yon. Neueste gute SchnellkUcheD 527 d erhune (M. Harland). Dinner Year-BookK 1702 Breakfast, Luncheon, Tea .K 965 Common Sense in the Household .K 964 Cookery for Beginners . K 1753 Cottage Kitchen . K 1736 Thwaites. Fish Cookery.. K 1740 Trall. New Hydropathic Cook-Book. K 1729 Tyson. Queen of the Kitchen . K 959 Veit. Der Ilaus-Conditor. D525,i2 Yicaire. Bibliographic gastronomique. .. *0 258 Wagner. Bibliothek der Hausfrau . D 525 v. 1. Mehlspeisen. 2. Getriinke. 3. Recepte. 4. Kartoffel-Kiiche. 5. Diat. 6. Fisch. 7. Fremdwbrterbuch. 8. Aufbewahren der Friichte und Gem use. Die Pastetenbackerin. Gartenbuch. I laus Conditor. 9 - io 11. 12. 39° PRACTICAL ARTS. Wagner. Bibliothek der Hausfrau.U 525 V. 13. Weibliche Schonheit. 14. Fleischspeisen. 15- Zubereitung der Gemiise. 16. Wildpretkiiche. i 7 - Geflugelkiiche. 18. Der festlich gedeckte Tisch. Washington Unrivalled Cook-Book.... •K 1757 Weatherley. Art of Boiling Sugar. • K 6437 Weilshauser. Yegetarianisches KochbuchD 501 Wells. Bread and Biscuit Baker.K 6460 Modern Flour Confectioner .K 6501 Ornamental Confectionery.K 6502 Pastry Cook and Confectioner’s Guide. .K 6457 White, P. A. Kentucky House-Wife ....K 175S White, S. J. Cookery in the Public SchoolsK 6448 Whitehead. The Steward’s Handbook and Party Catering.K 6433 Whitney. Just how; Key to Cook-Books. .K 16S4 Williams, Mrs. H. I.. Ices and Ice-CreamK 6454 Williams, W. M. Chemistry of Cookery. .K 1755 FOODS.—ADULTERATION. Battershall. Food Adulteration and its Detection.K 6410 Beard. Eating and Drinking.N 378 Stimulants and Narcotics.N 376 Bell - . Analysis cf Foods. 2v.K 3560 Bevan. Food.KS01,14 Blyth. Foods.K 1723 Boddy. History cf Salt .K 16S1 Brown. Food cf the People .K 2712 Church. Food-Grains cf India*. ..K 6444 Food; its Sources, Constituents and UsesK 381 Dammer. Lexikon dcr Lebensmittel-Yer- falschungen.*R 980 Dayies. Foods for the Fat; Corpulency and its Cure.K 6446 Dinnerology; Experiments in Diet.K 6432 Doebereiner. Nahrangsmittellehrc.D 2930 Drewry and Bartlett. Cap and riatter.K 1722 Dun. American Food and Farming.K 6862 Estaile. Natural History cf Feed.K 7983 Falck. Das Fleisch.D 606 Fisher. Food Supplies of Western Europe.K 1187 Food, Adulteration of, Report from Committee on. *Doc. Goodfellow. Value of Bread.K 6529 H.ABERKORN. Nahrwerth unserer Speisen . .D 2511 Hall. Lucullus; or, Palatable Essays.K 1685 Hammarsten. Om Fodoamnena.C7S65 ,i Hassali.. Food and its Adulterations.K 2643 Lankestf.r. Vegetable Substances for FoodI 3557 The same.I 3746 The same.K 2170 Lefebvre. Le Sel.C 5721 Letheby. Lectures on Food.K 1701 Liebig. Chemistry of Food..K 6530 Macdonald, Food from the Far West....K 1189 Maigne. Conserves alimentaires.C65i3,i90 Manley. Preservation of Food.K8 oi,I2 Moleschott. Physiologie der Nahrungs- mittel.D 247 Morin. Amidonnier et Vermicellier.,.. C6513,113 Mullaly. Milk Trade in New York.K 1741 Nagel. Das Fleischessen.D 2444 Ranke. Ernahrung der Menschen.0416,19 Richards. Food and Adulterations.K 6386 Rittmann. Ueber Nahrungsmittel.D 2930 Schleiden. Das Salz.D 408 Simmonds. Animal-Food Resources.K 6445 Smith. Foods.K 1699 Nahrungsmittel.0415,6-7 Thompson. Food and Feeding.K 1730 The same; new ed.K 6456 Wanklyn. Milk Analysis.K 1704 Tea, Coffee and Cocoa Analysis.K 1706 What shall we eat?.K 963 INDOOR GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Baf,tlett. Games for Parlor and Lawn. ..K 1767 Beard. What to do and how to doit.K 1766 Bkllew, Mrs. C. Merry Circle . K 1858 Bei.lew, F. Art of Amusing. K 990 Bishop. Second Sight explained . K 1867 Boehme. Geschichte des Tanzes.D 6763 Bohn. Hand-book of Games.Iv 1018 The same...». I 3 2 ^3 Bi.asis. Code of Terpsichore; Dancing-K 1865 Burlingame. Leaves from Conjurors’ Scrap Books. K 1959 Campbell. American Girl’sWork and Play Iv 1870 Cassell’s Book of In-door Amusements....K 1762 Celi.arius. Fashionable Dancing.K 6797 Celnart. Jeux de Societe.C6513.218 Champlin and Bostwick. Cyclopaedia of Games and Sports .K 6582 Cremer. Magic no mystery.K 1779 The Secret out; Tricks.K 1859 Gambling Games of the Chinese.. K 6580 Czerwinski. Brevier der Tanzkunst.D 492 Dalton. Evening Amusements.K 177^ Denier. Parlor Tableaux.K 1788 . Shadow Pantomimes.K 1 7^7 INDOOR GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS—CARD GAMES. 39i Dick. Parlor Exhibitions.K 1768 What shall we do tonight?.E 1371 Dodgson. The Game of Logic.K 1904 Dodvvorth. Dancing.K 1866 Domino. Das Spielund die Spielerwelt.. ..D 6460 Dumont. Jetix d’Adresse.06513,242 Elliott. Book of Games.K 995 Endless Amusement; 400 Experiments.K 1875 Frost. Book of Tableaux, etc. K 1812 Garenne. Art of Modern Conjuring. K 1S69 619 Warner. Tired Church Members ... ... K 1789 Wilkinson. Dance of Modern Society....K 6795 Wilson. English Country Dancing. K 6794 Georgens. Illustrates Spiel Buch.D German, The; how to dance it.;.K IIale. Fagots for the Fireside; Games_K Hayden. Amusements. K IIenshaw. Amusements for Invalids.E 1801 1950 1790 1203 Book of the Magic Lantern..K 5998 Dance of Death.E 1198 IIepworth. Herman. Hermon. Hellerism; Second-Sight MysteryK 1864 Hii.lgrove. Guide to Art of Dancing.K 1877 Holbrook. How? or, Spare Hours for Boys and Girls.K 1873 Hutchison. Boy’s Own Book of Indoor . K 1951 Jacoby-Harms. Ulustrirte Zauber-Soiree. .D 2959 Kessler. Was fangen wir heute an?. I) 516 Lasserre et autres. Jeux . C6513,264 Lewis {Prof. Hoffmann). Magic at Home. K 1954 More Magic .'. K 1948 Modern Magic; Conjuring . K 1780 Parlor Amusements . K 1783 Merriman. Socials.I£ Newell. Games and Songs of American Children.K Noverre. Uebcr Tanzkunst.D Ponsin. Sorcellerie.C651 Proctor. Chance and Luck.K 6581 Richard. Manuel des Jeux.C6513,61-62 Richardson. Martelle.*K 559 Robert IIoudin. Confidences d’un Frestidi- gitateur. 2v.C 6498 Secrets of Conjuring.K 1782 Rothe Teufel im Salon, Der..p 550 Round Games for all Parties . K 1763 Sachs. Sleight of Hand; Manual of Leger¬ demain . K 1949 Schuster. Das Spiel. d 3419 Sherwood. Home Amusements . K 1786 Smith. Games and Amusements . I 3668 Steinmetz. GamingTabJe. 2v . E 1540 Tissandier. Popular Scientific Recreations. K 7178 Tromhoi.t. Hundert Schnurrpfeifereien . . D 6534 Voss. Ueber Tanz und Ballet . D 549 Wallner. Geseilschafts Spiele .. D 2983 1944 1775 549 3,183 CARD GAMES. Amman. Kartenspielbuch.'^4298,2 Baldwin. Laws of Short Whist..K 996 The same; new ed.*K 1916 Blyth. The Whist-Player.K 1791 Bohn. Handbook of W T hist.K 1018 Boiteau. LesCartes a jouer.C 12344 British Museum, Catalogue of Playing Cards in. ..*0 696 Chatto. Facts, etc., on Flaying Cards..K 1800 Clay. Treatise on Whist.*K 1916 Collier. Essay upon Gaming.*P 623,8 Conventional Whist Leads; by H. B. T.... K 6585 Dick. American Hoyle.K 1810 Games of Patience.K 1854 Law’s of short Whist.K 1815 Florence. Gentleman’s Hand-Book on Poker.K 6579 Frere. Hoyle’sGames.K 1811 Hoyle. Games.K 1014 Jones {Cavendish). Card Essays.Iv 1814 Laws and Principles of Whist.Iv 1913 The same.*K 1916 Whist Developments... .. Iv 6588 Whist, with and without Perception ..Iv 6587 Keller. The Game of Euchre... .Iv 1907 Laws of American Whist, revised and cor¬ rected. K 6586 Leeds and Dwight. The Laws of Euchre K 1905 Lewis (Prof- Hoffmanii). Baccarat, fair and foul.Iv 1955 Card and Table Games.Iv 1952 Tricks with Cards.Iv 1784 Linderfelt. Game of Preference; Swed¬ ish Whist.*Iv 1910 McIntosh. The Laws of Whist.Iv 6590 Pardon {Crawley'). Card Players’ Manual Iv 1773 Hoyle’s Games modernized.Iv 992 Pembridge. Whist or Bumblepuppy?.... Iv 1772 Pettes. American Whist.K 1915 American Whist, illustrated.K 6589 W T hist in Diagrams.Iv 6584 Whist Universal.K 1908 Pole. Philosophy of Whist.K 1914 The same.*K 1916 Theory of Whist.K 1816 Posert. Zweiundsiebzig Kartenspiele-D 598 Proctor. Howto play Whist.K 1911 392 PRACTICAL ARTS. Rheinhardt. Whist Scores and Card Ta¬ ble Talk...K 1918 Rouse. Doctrine of Chances; Theory of Gaming.K 1920 Skat; the German Game of Cards.K 1906 Taylor. History of Playing Cards.K 1909 Tenace, pseud. Handbook of Whist.... K 1917 Van Rensselaer. The Devil’s Picture- Books; Playing-Cards .*K 1885 Walker, A. C. How to play Whist.K 1912 Walker, G. Cribbage made Easy.K 1919 Whist Triad, The.*K 1916 BILLIARDS. Bohn. Hand-book of Billiards .K 1018 Collender. Modern Billiards.K 6638 Dufton. Practical Billiards ..K 6639 Pardon (Crawley). Billiard Book.Iv 1019 Phelan. ■ Game of Billiards .Iv 1020 Roberts. On Billiards.K 1021 1 CHESS.—DRAUGHTS. Allen, G., Catalogue of the Chess Collec¬ tion of.*0 361,1 Anderson. Game of Draughts .Iv 1895 Backgammon; its History and Practice. . . ,Iv 1769 Barker. American Checker-Player.K 1903 Bird. Chess Openings.K 1802 Bohn. Handbook of Draughts.K 1018 Breda. Schachbuchlein .D 496 Carrera. Treatise on the Game cf Chess K 1900 Canton. GameofChesse. *V 359 Chess Hand-book .Iv 938 Cook, E. B., and others. American Chess- Nuts.Iv 1796 Cook, W. Synopsis of Chess Openings... Iv 1891 Cumming. Caissa’s Ghost; 100 Chess Prob¬ lems .Iv 6609 Danican ( Philidor ). Chess rendered fa¬ miliar.Iv 1892 The Game of Chess.Iv 6615 Studies of Chess.Iv 6612 Dufresne. Schachturnierbuch.D 621 Falkener. Games, Ancient and Oriental Iv 6608 Forbes. History of Chess.K 1797 Franz, R., Katalog der Schach-Biblio- thek von.*0 361,5 Gilberg. 5th American Chess Congress.. Iv 1798 Gossip. Chess-Player's Manual.K 1890 Theory of the Chess Openings .Iv 6611 Gould. Game of Draughts.K 1894 Hoffer. Chess... . Iv 6616 International Chess Congress, 1876; ed. by Sayen.K 853 International Chess Magazine, 1885-91. 7 v. *Ser. Kempelen.' Automaton Chess-Player.... K 1774 Kenny. Practical Chess Grammar.K 6610 Kling anp Horwitz (Ed.). The Chess Player.K 1901 Longman. Chess Openings.K 1893 Meyer. Guide to Game of Chess.K 1785 Morphy, P. Triumphs in Europe.C 442 Games of Chess; ed. by Lowenthal . . .1 3278 Rio. Incomparable Game of Chess.Iv 1896 Robertson. Guide to theGame of Draughts K 6591 Sarratt. Damiano, Ruy-Lopez and Sal- vio on Chess.Iv 6613 The Game of Chess.Iv 1889 Schachzeitung der Berliner Schachgesell- schaft, 1846-75. 30 v. *Ser- Spayth. Game of Draughts.K 1899 Stamma. The Game of Chess.K 6614 Staunton. American Chess-Player.K 1813 Chess-Player’s Companion.I 3286 Chess-Player’s Hand-book.I 3284 Chess-Praxis.I 3285 Chess Tournament of 1851.1 3287 Laws and Practice of Chess.Iv 1898 Steinitz. Modern Chess Instructor, pt. i . Jv 1S86 Sturges. Guide to the Game of Draughts K 1887 Verney. Chess Eccentricities... .Iv 1902 Walker. Games of Chess played by A. M’Donnell. K 1888 Wood. Chess Souvenirs. K 1897 ATHLETICS. —GYMNASTICS.— FENCING. • Alexander. Healthful Exercises for Girls IC 1931 Modern Gymnastic Exercises. 2 V....K 1930 Amoros. Gymnastique.C 6513, 72-73 Atlas.*C 6513,74 Angerstein and Eckler (Ed.). Home Gymnastics.K 1933 Armstrong. Wrestling.K 6801 Athletic Sports for Boys.Iv 1016 Bardeen. Home Exercises for Health and Cure.K 1937 Beecher. Calisthenic Exercises.N 162 Bell (Ed.). Handbook of Athletic Sports. 6 v.I 3380 Bisseli.. Physical Development and Exer¬ cise for Women.K 6786 Blaikie. How to get strong.K 1805 Sound Bodies.... ..Iv 1921 Bowlers’ Handbook.Iv 6709 Boxiana , Antient and Modern Pugilism. . . *V 1841 GYMNASTICS—FENCING— OUTDOOR SPORTS. 393 CHECKLEY. Natural Method of Physical Training.K 1936 Coleineau. La Gymnastique.C 12160 Depping. Bodily Strength and Skill .K 2611 La Force et l’Adresse.C 4214 Donnelly. Self-Defence; Boxing.K 1922 Dowd. Physical Culture for Home and School.K 1943 Dunn. Fencing...K 6600 Edwards. Art of Boxing.K 1928 Euler. Geschichte des Turnunterrichts.. D 3391, S Parrow. Military Gymnastics.K 1923 Guttmann. /Esthetic Physical Culture. . .K 1868 Hartelius. Home Gymnastics.K 1776 Hergesell. Die Fechtkunst.D 4285 Hoole. Science and Art of Training.K 1932 Howard. Gymnasts and Gymnastics.K 986 Hunt. Hand-book of Light Gymnastics.. . K 1793 Hurd. Yale Athletics, 1840-1888 . K 1946 Hutton. Cold Steel; Treatise on the Sabre .K 6775 The Swordsman; a Manual of Fence. . .K 6774 Janssen (Ed.). American Athletics and Aquatics, 1829-88 .. K 6707 Jenkin. Gymnastics . K 6804 Keller. Turnen am Zimmer-Turnapparat . D 3349 Klemm. Gymnastique de Chambre . C 5512 LAFAUGfeRE. Escrime . C 6513,269 Lang. Turntafeln.*p uy6 Keulenschwingen.D 6820 Lasb£e. Elements of Bodily Culture.K 1792 Le Favre. Delsartean Physical Culture. . .K 6788 Le Roux and Garnier. Acrobats and Mountebanks.K 6796 Lewis. New Gymnastics..K 991 Lion. Ordnungs- und Freiubungen.D 609 Maclaren. System of Physical Education L 1126 The same.*p 2 oo Training in Theoiy and Practice.K 1017 Manuel de Gymnastique. 2v.C 5903 Martelli. System of Fencing.K 6782 Mason. Gymnastic Exercises.K 1048 Metzner. Geschichte des Turner-Bundes.D 2921 Michell. Boxing. k 6750 Michod. Athletic Training . K 1862 Miles. History of British Boxing. 3 v.. .*. K 6661 Mitchell. Manual of Bowl-Playing . K 6670 Nissen. Swedish System of Educational Gymnastics .K 1942 NlTZSCHE. Heilung durch Gymnastik _ D 2510 Neue Gymnastik . D ^ Ix O’Reilly. Athletics and Manly Sport. . .. K 1939 Ethics of Boxing and Manly Sport . K 1929 Oswald. Physical Education . N 183 Palmer and others. Athletic Sports in America...K 6783 Parsons. CalisthenicSongs, illustrated_K 237 Pollock and others. Fencing.K 6750 Posse. Hand-book of School-Gymnastics. .IC i960 Swedish System of Educational Gym¬ nastics... Iv 1940 Proctor. Strength; how to get Strong_K 1935 Strength and Happiness.K 6781 Ravenstein. The Gymnasium.K 928 Gymnastics and Athletics. K 1004 Roland, G. Course of Fencing.K 1924 Art of Fencing.K 1925 Roland, J. Art of Sword Defence.IC 1927 Roth. Physical Education.L 1089 Roux. Die Hiebfechtkunst. D 6860 Russell. Yawning. jc 1941 Shearman. Athletics and Football.K 6746 Smart. Gymnastics and Dumb-Bells.IC 1821 Stebbins. Society Gymnastics and Voice Culture .K 1934 Thimm. Bibliography of Fence, Duelling, etc. *0 593 Thornton. Trainingfor Health, Speed,etc. K 1938 Tours de Physique.c 6854 Trall. Family Gymnasium.IC 1006 Walker. Manly Exercises.K 1830 The same.j 3161 Westhall. Training for Running, Walk¬ ing* etc .IC 6784 Wheelwright. Indian Club Exercise. . . .IC 822 Winn. Boxing.K 6601 Wood. Athletic Sports for Boys.K 993 Zenz. Schulturnwesen in Deutschland .. .D 3352 OUTDOOR SPORTS. V Adams. Skating.K 6802 Ascham. Toxophilus; Shooting with the Bow .j 9.2 The same; ed. by Arber.K 6621 Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes; ed. by Duke of Beaufort: Beaufort and Morris. Hunting.K 6741 Pennell. Fishing. 2v.K 6742 Walsingham and Gallwey. Shooting. 2v. IC 6743 Suffolk and Coventry. Racing and Stee¬ ple-chasing.K 6744 Keppel and Hillier. Cycling. IC 6745 Shearman. Athletics and Football.. . IC 6746 Woodgate. Boating.K 6747 Steel and Lyttelton. Cricket..:.K 6748 Beaufort. Driving.K 6749 Pollock. Fencing, Boxing andWrestling K 6750 394 PRACTICAL ARTS. Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes: Heathcote and others. Lawn Tennis..K 6751 Weir and others. Riding.K 6752 Brown. Polo..K 6752 Heathcote and Tebbutt. Skating.K 6753 Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, 1860-91. 56 v. *Ser. Baudry de Saunier. Histoire de la Veloci- pedie.C 12357 Beers. Lacrosse, the Game of Canada.. K 1765 Bell (Ed.). Hand-book of Athletic Sports. I 3380 v. 1. Cricket; Lawn Tennis; Tennis; Rackets; Fives; Golf; Hockey. 2. Rowing and Sculling; Sailing; Swimming. 3. Boxing;Wrestling; Fencing; Broad Sword; j Single Stick. 4. Rugby Football; Association Football; [ Baseball; Rounders; Quoits; Bowls; Skittles; Curling. 5. Athletics; Cycling; Skating. 6. Practical Horsemanship and Riding for Ladies. Bernard. Les Fetes celebres.C 12054 j Black. Horse-Racingin France.K 7133 Blaine. Encyclopoedia of Rural Sports. . *R 1209 Bouverie. Rackets . k 6751 Bayard. Gardes-Champetres .C 6513,155 } Camp. American Football. K 6785 | Cassell’s Book of Sports and Pastimes.K 1761 Champlin. Cyclopaedia of Sports and Games K 6582 Chandler. Bicycle Tour in England ... 1 741 Channel-Stane; or, Sweeping frae the Rinks. K 6731 Corbett. An Old Coachman’s Chatter... K 6740 Craig. Tally Ho! Coaching through Chi¬ cago’s Parks. *R 4093 Curzon. The Blue Ribbon of the Turf; a Chronicle of the Derby.K 7096 : Day. The Racehorse in Training. K 7102 Reminiscences of the Turf.K 6760 Desormeaux. Patinage.C 6^13,213 Dwight. Lawn-Tennis. k 1871 Eberhardt. Das Wagenpferd und die Fahrkunst.]j 6782 Field, 1889-91. v. 73-77. * Sen Ford. Theory and Practice of Archery.. .K 6623 Gale. Modern English Sports.K 669S Ceorgens. Illustrirtes Sport-Buch. D 618 Griffin. Cycles and Cycling. k 6803 Hall. Scottish Sports and Pastimes. K 6693 J Hansard. Book of Archery. *r 1799 Hargrove. Anecdotes of Archery.K 6697 Harrington. A Few Words on Swimming *1^559 Harris. The Coaching Age.R 6678 Harris. Old Coaching Days. r 6662 Haworth. Road Scrapings. r 656 c> Hissey. On the Box Seat.j 6266 Hore. History of Newmarket. \ 3120 Horse Racing; History and Early Records. .R 7122 Hutchinson. Famous Golf Links.R 6761 Ivron. Ten Thousand Miles on a Bicycle. .1 5169 Krueger. Reitunterricht. Leahy. Swimming in the Eton Style.R i860 Lennox. Coaching, with Anecdotes.E 4241 Lillywhite. Hand-book of Cricket.R 1853 Linskill. Golf. '.’. .R6706 Lupton. The Pedestrian’s Record.R 6787 Lyttelton. Cricket. r 6805 Macgregor. Pastimes and Players.R 1770 Maudslay. Highways and Horses.R 5567 Miller. Bicycles Tactics.R 6708 Moseley. Essay on Archery.R 6694 Outing and Wheelman, 1883-91. 18 v..... *Ser. Peile. Lawn Tennis; a Came of Skill.R 6668 Pownall. Origin of Horse-Racing and Ep¬ som Races.A 3168 Pratt. The American Bicycler.R 568 Pycroft. History of Cricket.R 6770 Reynardson. Down the Road.R 6739 Rice. History of the British Turf. 2v_ K7110 Roberts. English Bowman; Archery.R 1795 Royal Toxophilite Society.R 177! Seen T. Cycling Art, Energy and Locomo- t* on .. 6766 Selkirk. Guide to the Cricket Ground... R 1794 Siebe. Conquest of the Sea; Diving.R 5550 South Carolina Jockey Club.R 1013 Steedman. Manual of Swimming.........K 1S63 Stevens. Around the World onaBicyle2v. I 9655 Strutt. Sports of the English. .R 984 Taylor. Curling, the Scottish Game.K 1855 Thom. Pedestrianism.R 6640 Thompson (Ed.). Boy’s Book of Sports.... R 1872 How to train in Archery.R 819 Witchery of Archery.R 821 Thrupp. History of Coaches.R 4270 1 ristram. Coaching Days and Coaching Wfys . *V 93 i Vandervell and Witham. Figure SkatingR 6636 \ ass all. Toot-Ball; the Rugby Came. . . .R 6800 Ward. Base-Ball; how to become a Player. R 1945 Watson. Race-course and Covert Side_R 6667 \\ H 1 TEHURST. Tally ho; Hunting, Coaching, etc. R 1857 Wheelman, The, 1883-84. 3 V. *Ser. W ilberforce. Lawn Tennis; with a Chapter for Ladies.R 6705 boating-field sports-shooting-etc. Av^ l RLE l- JV i m , r0dJ ' Roild > Turf > Chase.K "Wilson. Swimming Instructor. r 1861 "Wood. Boy’s Own Treasury of Sports.K 994 BOATING.—YACHTING.—CANOEING. Bagot. Shooting and Yachting in the Medi¬ Bishop. Voyage of the Paper Canoe...I T Burgess. English and American Yachts *R 4 ->Sr Coffin. The America’s Cup... K ' „ Cooper (Vanderdecken). The Yacht Sailoi-K totS Bar ™ Yachts and YnrBG.w. „ How I became a Sportsman. K Baikie. International Dictionar men. ry for Sports- .*R . .K ’s Guide.. .K 395 816 6658 1724 1804 1042 achts and Yachting. K , Cozzens. Yachts and Yachting.K 5907 Daryl. Le Yacht. * y Dames. Boat-Sailing for Amateurs.K 3027 Fellows. BoatingTrips.. Field. Canvas Canoes. j- 6 Fitzgerald. Boat-Sailing and Racing.'.'.' .K 5032 Frazar. Practical Boat-Sailing. Grosvenor. HrcKs, Kemp. aker. Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. Barber. Crack Shot; Rifleman Barnard. Sport in Norway. T . Barrows. Shaybacks in Camp'. K * Barry. Moorland and Stream.. . K 6687 Erfaringer fra Jagten. C g 2 ! Optegnelser fra mit Jaegerliv. \ . C Batty. How to Hunt and Trap.’ K Beaufort and Morris. Knight. Marett. • Morgan. Boats and Model Yachts .. .K 5931 . Yachts, Boats and Canoes.R 5944 Y acht and Boat-Sailing.*y The same; new ed. - Sailing... Tr , Xunhardt. Small Yachts. * R ' , Steam Yachts. Manuel du Canotier r-r ^ „ v ;;;.^6513,216 Yachts and Yacht-Building.R 5908 University Oars. K o Neid 6. The Canoe Aurora; from the Adi- rondacks to the Gulf. t 6 Neison and others. Boat-Sailing*.. r * ° Qualtrough. Boa. Sailer’s Manual... '! ]* 5948 Yachtsman’s Manual. r Rowing and Sailing. ^ 59 ^° STEF.’p RE 'r ATraversi ’ A '-*ique..::::::t 6705 Steele. Canoe and Camera. K lSl Paddle and Portage. . y s 9 Stephens. Canoe and Boat-Buiidi'ng.'.'' '*]< 1 iphys (pseud .). Practical Canoeing K Treherne and Goldie. 1 §- 1 3i5i ’s Table. Iv 6663 *033 5784 ing University Boat Races, 1829-83. . T , , Vaux. Canoe Handling. Walton. Model Yachts and SailingTT k J9 £ Warren. On Deck; Advice to a Corinthian Vachtsmar.. Winn. The Boating Man’s Vade-Mecum .' . K 676k Woodgate. Boating. Iv 6*' Rowing and Sculling .' .' .' ii |'' R FIELD SPORTS-SHOOTING-CAMPING OUT. Abbott. Ardenmohr among the Hills.K Anderson. Lion and ihe Elephant.... T K I85I 988 00 820 - Hunting. R 6 7/IT Beckford. Thoughts upon Hunting... *R Jr x Blaine. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. *R 1200 Bogardus. Field and Trap Shooting.R I045 Bombonnel. Le Tueur des Pantheres... .C ,209 Bovard. Chasseur...(:6 3 ,.,26S e asserot. GardesChampetres. .C6513 icc Brown. Shikar Sketches; Notes on Indian Field Sports. r „ Q Bumstead. On the Wing.* K „ 2 Burgess. Sporting Fire-Arms.... r J°* Campbell, J. Modern Falconry. r Campbell, W. Old Forest Ranger.R 814 Carleton. Recreations in ShootiiR Clarke. Crumbs from a Sportsman 2 v. Cleveland. Hints to Riflemen. r Colquhoun. Moor and Loch. 2 v.R l8 Sporting Days.Y ". IC 6645 The Wilderness Cure.. ^ Tiger-Shooting and Life in India R 6724 Cross. Fifty Years with Gun and Rod....K ,829 Gumming. Hunter’s Life in South Africa 2vl 17c 7 Daniel. Rural Sport. 4 v. * K 'g Davies. Mountain, Meadow and Mere.... K 6641 I Dead-Shot; or, Sportsman’s Guide. K Diane Chasseresse (pseud.). Sporting Sketches. r , Dougai.l. Shooting simplified. r JJ Shooting; its Appliances and Practice. . .R 662 Drayson. Tales at the Outspan; S. Africa.K Dykes. All Round Sport.... r Elmhirst. Best Season on Record.R 6671 r- Cream of Leice stershire.R 6659 field, 1S89-91. v. 73-77. * Sey Fitt. Covert-Side Sketches. r i852 I- itzpatrick. Irish Sport and Sportsmen.. R 1839 h lack. Hunter in the Southern States.... R 6633 Forsyth. Sporting Rifle. r ^ P ortf.scue. Stag-Hunting on Exmoor_R 6721 Gale. Modern English Sports.R 6698 Cook. Cookson. 946 0 1826 PRACTICAL ARTS. 39 6 Gallwey. Book of Duck Decoys.K 6624 Fowler in Ireland.E 6665 Letters to Young Shooters .K 6736 Georgens. Illustrirtes Sport-Buch.D 61S GfeRARD. Hunting and Sporting in Algeria K 6726 Gibson. American Trapper. K 852 Camp Life and Tricks of Trapping. .. .K 6644 Gillmore. Accessible Field Sports.K 1001 [ All round the World.-.I 2234 Encounter with Wild Beasts.E *^38 Gun, Rod and Saddle.H 1046 Hunter in the Great West.K 1040 The Hunter’s Arcadia.R 6722 Prairie and Forest.E 10 44 - Gordon. Camping in Colorado.I 54 6 7 Gould, How to camp out.I 345 Green. Recollections o~ Natural History and Sport... ... R 8070 Greener. Choke-Boi^fe Guns.R 6631 The Gun and its Development.R 6630 I.Modern Shot ..R 6718 Greenwood. Wild Sports.R 1015 Grimble. Deer-Stalking.R 6637 Hall. Scottish Sports and Pastimes.R 6693 Hallock. Sportman’s Gazetteer and Guide K 6656 Hammond. Hills, Lakes and Forest Streams K 942 Wild Northern Scenes.R 943 Hardy. Sporting Adventures in the New W 7 orld. 2 v.R 1874 Harris. Wild Sports of Southern Africa .*1 1731 Harting. Essays on Sport and Natural History.R 6652 Hints on Shore Shooting.E 6653 Hawker. Instructions to Sportsmen.K 1824 Haworth. Silver Greyhound.K 1844 Henderson. Practical Hints on Camping.K 6650 Herbert {Frank Forrester). Amer. Garne.K 1010 Field Sports. 2 v. E 1009 Manual for young Sportsmen .E 1011 Sporting Scenes. 2 v.E 1047 The same; newed. 2v.E 6642 Horlock {Scrutator). Hunting and Sports E 1003 Science of Fox Hunting... ..E 1005 Hunter’s Handbook, The.E 6676 Jacob. Rifle Practice.*E876 ,i Jefferies. The Amateur Poacher.E 6714 The Gamekeeper at Home.E 6715 Red Deer. E 8033 Jester. Die Eleine Jagd.D 4485 Johnson. Sportsman’s Cyclopaedia.E 6622 Kellogg. Hunting in the Jungle.R 6725 Kennedy. Sport and Adventure in New¬ foundland.I 5 o6 5 Elemm. Fragmente zum Deutschen Schutz enwesen.- • • . ..D 496 Knox. Hunting Adventures. 2v.K 1835 Kobell. W’ildanger; Jagdskizzen.D 4489 Krider. Sporting. Anecdotes. K 6730 La Ferriere. Les Grandes Chesses au XVIe Siecle. C 5622 Laidley. Instruction in Rifle Firing .K 81S Leffingwell [Horace). Wild Fowl Shoot¬ ing. E 6627 Shooting on Upland, Marsh and Stream. E 6733 Lennox. Recreations of a Sportsman. 2 v.E 985 Leveson {Old Shekarry). Forest and Field E 987 Wrinkles; Hints to Sportsmen.E 855 Lewis. American Sportsman .E 1012 Lloyd. Field Sports of North of Europe. .E 6674 Logan (Glomi). Breech Loaders.E 945 Long. American Wild Fowl Shooting.E 981 Lord. At Home in the Wilderness.K 6646 Macrae. Handbook of Deer-Stalking-E 1827 Manley. Game and Game Shooting. E 1843 Margueritte. Chasses de l’Algerie.. .. C 5876 Maxwell. W 7 ild Sports.-.E 1043 Mayer. Sport with Gun and Rod.'"E 6672 Meunier. Les grandes Chasses.C 4 I 9 ° Great Hunting Grounds.E 2620 Morris. Hibernia Venatica.E 1840 Triviata; Irish Hunting History.K 1842 Murphy. American Game Bird Shooting.E 6649 Sporting Adventures in the West.E 1809 New all. The Eastern Hunters. .E 66 99 Hog-Hunting.E 999 Scottish Moors and Indian 6732 Newhouse. Trapper’s Guide.E 941 Pai.liser. Rambles of a Hunter in the Prairies. . • E 6692 Parloa. How to live in Camp.K 1733 Pease. The Cleveland Hounds.E 6723 Teel. A Highland Gathering.K 6679 Phillipps-Woi.ley. Sport in the Crimea I 7851 Practical Hints on Shooting; by 20-bore-E 6717 Retemeyer. Schutzenwesen undJagerei.D 519 RivoiL. Chasses dansl’Amerique duNord *V 1063 Les grandes Chasses.C 6471 blunter in America.E 6664 Reynardson. Sports and Anecdotes of Bygone Days. K 6720 Rhodes. Tents and Tent-Life.E 1850 Rice. Indian Game (from Quail to Tiger-). K 6727 Riesenthal. Jagd-Lexikon.*R 3819 Rooper. Flood, Field and Forest.K 1007 Roosevelt. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman.E 6675 Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. .*V 1245 CAMPING OUT—FISHING. 397 Salvin ancl Brodrick. Falconry in British Isles . .*V 923 Schwatka. Nimrod in the North. .I 2099 Sears (A T essmuk). Woodcraft.... .K 6737 Shields (Coquina). Big Game of North America. .K 6738 Simson. Sport in Eastern Bengal. .*V 867 Speedy. Sport in the Highlands .K 6673 Sterndale. Camp Life on the Satpura Range . .K 6657 Street. Woods and Waters. .K 1823 Stretton. Sport and Sportsmen. .K 1820 Thorpe. Mysteries of the Backwoods ... . K 1822 Thrasher. Hunter and Trapper.K 947 Trumbull. Birds which interest Gunners.. Iv 8488 Turf, Field and Farm, 1889-91. v. 48—53. *Ser. Up de Graff. Bodines; Camping on the Lycoming.K 817 Van Dyke. Flirtation Camp..K 6643 The Still-Hunter.K 6648 Waldersee. Der Jager.*V 905 Walmsley. Wild Sports in Zululand.I 1828 W alsh ( Stonehenge ). Shot-Gun and Rifle.K 6626 Walsingham and Gallwey. Shboting.2 vK 6743 Warner. In the Wilderness.K 1828 Warren. Shooting, Boating and Fishing..Iv 1022 Watson. Sportsman’sParadise; Lake Lands of Canada.K 6629 Webber. Hunter-Naturalist.K 1051 Wells. City Boys in the Woods. 1 C 1947 Weston. Rifle Club and Range.K 1803 Whitehurst. On the Grampian Hills,.. .K 6666 Hark away; Hunting, etc.K 1856 Tally ho; Hunting, Coaching, etc.K 1857 Wilcox. Rifles and Rifle Practice.K 1032 Wildfonvler (pseud .).Modern WildfowlingK 1837 Shooting and Fishing Trips. 2 v.K 6647 Willoughby. East Africa and its Big Game K 6735 Wingate. Manual for Rifle Practice.K 851 Wolf-Hunting in Lower Brittany.K 6654 Young Sportsman’s Manual. I 3151 FISHING. Alexander. Salmon Fishing in Canada.. K 6700 American Fish, and how to catch them.K 8561 Anglers’ Evenings. 2v.K 6696 Anglers' Garland.K 926 Badham. Ancient and Modern Fish Tat¬ tle. K 8542 Berners. Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle.*P 795 | Bickerdyke. The Book of the All-Round Angler .IC 6712 . / Bishop. Fish and Men of Maine Islands. . .1 5102 Blacker. Art of Fly-making, Angling, etc.. K 1S41 Blakey. Angling Literature of all Nations K 1S78 Brown. American Angler’s Guide.K 1833 Buckland. Log-Book of a Fisherman....K 2969 Cliffe. Angler in Wales.I 752 Conway. Among Salmon and Deer.K 1023 Davies. Angling Idylls..K 6680 Davy, J. The Angler in the Lake District.K 1025 The Angler and his Friend. 1 C 1041 Davy, Sir H. Salmonia; Days of Fly-FishingK 997 The same.J 47,9 Dennys. Secrets of Angling.*P 624,43 Dykes ( Rockwood ). Sport with Fish, f'ur and Feather. 1 C 6716 Ehrenkreutz. Angelfischerei.D 505 P'oster and Harris. Scientific Angler.. .K 1849 Francis. Book on Angling. 1 C 6710 Gi.enfin. The Fishing-Rod.K 6688 Goode. Game and Food Fishes of North America.K 8545 Green. Home Fishing and Home Waters. 1 C 8544 IIallock. Fishing Tourist.K 1026 The Salmon Fisher.K 6777 Hamilton. Recollections of Fly Fishing. . 1 C 6681 Harris. Angler’s Guide Book. 1 C 6686 Henderson. My Life as an Angler.K 1847 Henshall. Book of the Black Bass.K 8554 More about the Black Bass.K 8563 Herbert. Fish and Fishing in the U. S. . 1 C icoS I-Ioldsworth. Deep Sea Fishing. 1 C 854 Sea Fisheries .IC 8553 International-Fisheries Exhibition Literature, 14 v.K 8541 Jackson. Practical Fly-Fisher.IC 6689 ICeene. Fishing Tackle.. IC 6711 Fly-Fishing and Fly-Making. 1 C 6691 King. Fishing on the Nipigon.*IC 876,2 Trouting on the Brule River.K 1807 Lambert, O. Angling Literature in Eng¬ land.K 1845 Lambert, St. A. Techeur-praticien. . .C 6513,272 Lang. Angling Sketches.K 6780 Lanman. An Angler in Canada.IC 1034 MacVine. Sixty-three Years’ Angling.IC 6776 Meunier. Les grandes Teches.C 4191 Norris. American Angler’s Book.K 940 Oliver. Recollections of Fly-Fishing.IC 1806 Pennell. Angler-Naturalist.IC 8555 Book of the Pike.K 8557 Fishing. 2v.K 6742 Fishing Tackle and Fish-Hooks.K 6778 Phillips. True Enjoyment of Angling.. . .K 1879 398 PRACTICAL ARTS. Phillpotts. Folly and Fresh Air.K 6773 Procter. Fishermen’s Memorial Book of Gloucester.K 5921 Pulman. Fly-Fishing for Trout.K 1038 Rau. Prehistoric Fishing. *Doc. R£voil. Grande Peches aux Etats-Unis. . .C 6469 Ronalds. Fly-Fisher’s Entomology.K 8556 Rooper. Thames and Tweed.K 1848 Roosevelt. Fish Hatching and Fish Catch¬ ing ..K 1832 Game Fish of the Northern States.K 8558 Superior Fishing.K 6685 Roscoe. Rambles with a Fishing Rod .. .. K 6683 Russel. The Salmon.K 856 Samuels. With Fly-Rod and Camera....K 6713 Scott. Fishing in American Waters.K 1028 Senior. By Stream and Sea.K 6682 Simeon. Notes on Fishing...K 6729 Stevens. Fly-Fishing in Maine Lakes.. .. K 1834 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler.. K 939 The same.I 3162 The same.K 1880 Wells. American Salmon Fisherman.K 6690 Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle.K 6684 Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca Piscatoria. *0 615 Wilcocks. Sea-Fisherman. K 8552 Young. Salmon Fisheries.K 8553 See also Fishes. AGRICULTURE. - -FARMING. Agricultural Gazette, 1876. v. 3,4. *Ser. Agricultural Statistics of the United States, 1889*Doc. Allen. New American Farm Book.K 1205 American Agriculturist, 1857-91. v. 16-50... *Ser. American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, 1845-47. 6 v. •Ser. Andrews. Agricultural Engineering , t .. K 1235 Annals of Agriculture; ed. by A. Young, 1786— 1805. 43 v. *Ser. Arendt. Land- und Gartenbau.D 367 Atwater. Middletown, Conn., Agricultural Experiment Station.. .. .. K 6861 Baker. Record of the Seasons.L 3480 Balcke. Geschichte der deutschen Land- wirthschaft. 3 v. in 2 .. ..D 543 Barral. Agriculture et Horticulture.C 4027 Bath and West of England Society Journal, 1 853—79. 25 v. (Incomplete). *Ser. Index, v. 1-16. Beecher. Fruit, Flowers and Farming.. ..K 1062 BeeveR. Daily Life of our Farm.K 1202 Blacker. Improvement of Small Farms*E 5041,6 Blake. Lessons in Modern Farming.K 6821 Boussingault. Economic rurale. 2 v,...C 4246 Boydell. Treatise on Landed Property... K 6904 Buckman. Farm Cultivation.K 6979 Buerger. Rentabilitat der Landgiiter.D 495 Burn. Implement Department at Falmouth*K 560 Landed Estates Management .K 1310 Outlines of Farm Management .K 1311 Outlines of Modern Farming. .K 1309 v. 1. Soils, Manures and Crops. 2. Farming Economy. 3. Cattle, Sheep and Horses. 4. The Dairy; Pigs; Poultry. 5. Miscellaneous. Systematic Small Farming.K 6900 Burton. My Home Farm.K 6894 Butler. Mennonite. Grass-Burner.*E 2014 Caird. Prairie Farming in America.K 1066 Canada Agricultural Reports, 1875-82. 8 v. in 5 .*K 6881 Canada Farmer, 1876. v. 13. *Ser. Celnart. Habitants de la Campagne.. C6513,260 Church. Food^Grains of India.K 6444 Clifford. Agricultural Lock-Out, 1874.. .K 6891 Cobbett. Cottage Economy.K 1061 Colcord. Preserving Green Forage without Heat.K 6974 Cole. The New Agriculture.K 6922 Colman. European Agriculture.K 1144 • The same.K 1145 Co-operation in Land Tillage; by M. A.K 6S78 Copeland. Handbook of Agriculture ... . Iv 1133 Copland. Agriculture, ancient and modern. 2 v. ...*V 307 Crescenzi. Trattato della Agricoltura C9500,22-24 Crozif.r and Henderson. How the Farm Pays.K 6893 Curtis. Farm Insects injurious to the Crops.,.*K 8398 Darwin. Phytologia; Philosophy of Agri¬ culture.*V 728 Davy. Agricultural Chemistry......K 2299 Chimie agricole. C6513,201 Dean. Construction of Farm Buildings.. .*Y 543 Management of Landed Estates.K 1228 Donaldson. British Agriculture.*Y 596 Clay Lands and Loamy Soils .K 1357 Downing. Rural Essays.K 1114 Draper and Croffut. Helping Hand for Town and. Country.K 6929 Duckham. Farming of Herefordshire... ,*K 1100 Dun. American Farming and Food..K 6S62 Du Val de Beaulieu. Decouvertes de Pas¬ teur .C 4799 AGRICULTURE—FARMING. 399 ELLIOTT. American Farms; their Condition and Future.I, 3515 Elwood. Grain Tables.K 1135 Emerson and Flint. Manual of Agricul¬ ture .K 1168 Emmons. Agriculture of New York. 4 v. in 5 . * Doc. Enklaar. Bearbeiding van den Grond...D 9419 Voeder; Besproeijing.D 9419 Wat de Fandjeugd behoeft. .D 9236 Farm Conveniences . .K 6889 Farmers’Almanac, 1857-74. 4v.. ...K 1127 Farmers’Review, 1S82-91. v. 8-12,14-22 .. *Ser. Fence Question in the Southern States. *R 876,3 Fitzherbert. Book of Husbandry. ..... .*J 1278 Flint (Ed.). The American Farmer. 2 v.*V 431 Frankland. Agricultural Chemical Anal- y sis . 2347 Fuller. Propagation of Plants .. K 6966 Gasparin. Cours d’Agriculture. 5 V . C 5060 Principes de l’Agronomie.C 5061 Gai cheron. Mes Veillees au Village.C 5069 Gillmore. Prairie Farms and Folks. 1097 Greeley. What I know about Farming. .. R 1070 Griffiths. Treatise on Manures.. .K 6934 Guerangf.r. Chimie appliquees a l’Agricul- ture ‘ '; . 5 G 5 Haldane. Subtropical Cultivations and Cli- mates . 6S39 Halsted. Barn Plans and Outbuildings.. .K 36S1 Hamm. Naturkrafte u. LancTwirthschaft.. 1)416,20 Hand-Book of Husbandry . 47 1113 f Iarrison. How to Get Rich in the South. K 6967 Hayes. Resources of the United States. .. K 1195 Henderson. Garden and Farm Topics_K 6892 Heuze. Constructions agricolcs .C6513.151 . 1087 Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 1866-88. v. 1-16,18-20 . K 1102 Hilgard. Alkali Lands in California. *Doc. How I found it North and South... R 1145 How we saved the old Farm . k 1162 Johnson. Agricultural Chemistry .R 1105 Calendar for Young Farmers . R 1105 Cottage Farmer’s Assistant.R II0 5 Gypsum as a Fertilizer . k 1 104 How Crops Grow. 4; z IQ . Increasiug the Depth of Soils.R 1104 Manures . 1104 Saltpetre and Nitrate of Soda.R 1 I04 Killebrew. Agricultural Wealth of Tennes¬ . K 1190 Oil Regions of Tennessee. k j r () , Resources of Tennessee. k 1193 Wheat Culture of Tennessee. R n Q2 ivi.iPPART. W heat Plant; its Culture, etc... K 21-2 Rnop. Rreislauf des Stoffs . D 4186 ivOrn und Peters. Landvvirthschaftliche Jahrbucher, 1871-73. d 542 Landrin. Engrais .C6513,116 Large. Secrets of Farming.47 68S7 Latzina. L’Agriculture dans la Republique Argentine . ...* V 1S60 Leland. Farm Homes.47 ii _ 8 Lepinois. Fermier ... C6513 \n~> Liebig. Natural Laws of Husbandry.R 1050 Loebe. Hand-Lexikon der Landwirthschaft*R 1201 Long. Farming in a small Way.R 6866 Loring. Farm Yard Club of Jotham.R 1176 Loudon. Cyclopaedia of Farm Agriculture*R 1204 Macdonald. Estate Management.R 6865 Martin, G. A. Farm Appliances.R 6931 Fences, Gates and Bridges.R 693c Martin, W. Lefcren der Landwirthschaft.D 611 Landwirthschaftliches Lesebuch.D 610 I Masters. Plant Life on the Farm.R 8939 Mechi. How to Farm Profitably.R 6898 Memoires de la Soc. d’Agriculture, 1785 .R u 42 Meyer. Landwirthschaft.p> ^ I2 Mitchell. My Farm at Edgewood . R 1072 Rural Studies . .. 47 I07 ^ Moll et Gayot. Encyclopedic de l’Agricul- teur - r 3 v .*R 1212 Morris. Farming for Boys. r I22 g How to get a Farm...]<; Ten Acres enough.. ]<; Morton. Cyclopaedia of Agriculture. 2 v.*R 119S Munkittrick. Farming;illus. by Frost. . . R 6823 Nasse. Agriculture of the Middle Ages. . . R 1132 Nesbit. Properties of Natural Guanos _ R 6SsO New York Farmer, 1833. v. 6. *Ser. Norton. Scientific Agriculture . R 1068 Pabor. Colorado as an Agricultural State. .R 6875 Porter. Tropical Agriculturalist .R 6S63 Prairie Farmer, The, 1888-91. v. 59-63 .... *Scr. Prothero. English Farming.R 6978 Rendu. Agriculture. C 6513,132 Report on Trial of Plows, 1867.R 1 IO i Riley. Locust Plague. 1137 Potato Pests. 47 l and others. Report on the Rocky Mount¬ ain Locust . . . * DoC ' Robbins. Rescue of 411 Old Place . R 6825 Rogers. History of Agriculture and Prices in England, 1259-1793. 6v .*P 304 Roland. Farming for Pleasure and Profit..K 1180 v. 1. Dairy Farming. 2. Poultry Keeping. 3. Tree Planting - . io 75 1160 400 PRACTICAL ARTS. Roland. Farming for Pleasure and Profit..K 1180 v. 4. Stock Keeping and Cattle Rearing. 5. Drainage of Land; Manures. 6. Root-Growing; Hops. 7. Management of Grass Land. 8. Market-Garden; by Abiett. RUGGLES. Agricultural Progress of the United States ...: .........*V 343 Sanborn. Adopting an abandoned Farm..K 6822 Scott. Agricultural Surveying.K 1571 Barn Implements and Machines .K 1594 Farm Buildings.K 1596 Farm Roads, Fences and Gates.K 1597 Field Implements and Machines.K 1572 Seller, Physiology at the Farm.K 1071 Settegast. Landwirthschaftliche Futterungs- lehre.--D 539 Simmonds. Tropical Agriculture.K 6838 Skinner. Farmer’s Library...*.K 1106 Smith. Diseases of Crops.K 6895 Starr. Farm Echoes.K 1225 Stebler and Schroeter. Best Forage Plants.*V 1773 Stephens. Book of the Farm.K 1112 The same; new ed. 2 v ..K 1224 STORER. Agriculture in Relation to Chemis¬ try. 2 v. K 6919 Talmont. Dans la Ferme. 20 v. in 4.... C 6839 Tanner. Abbots Farm.K 6885 Holt Castle.K 6886 Thaer. Principles of Agriculture. 2 v-K 1110 Wetenschappelijken Landbouw. 4 v.. D 9826 Thi£baut. Cultivateur fran§ais .C 6513.,265 Thomas. Farm Implements.K 1147 Rural affairs, 185 5 — 7 ^* 8 v .K 1107 Thurber. Silos and Ensilage.K 7035 Todd. Young Farmer’s Manual. 2v.K 1129 Tusser. 500 Points of Good Husbandry... K 6965 Ville. Artificial Manures.K 6S83 Lectures on Agriculture.K 1111 The Perplexed Farmer.K 7036 Wahnschaffe. Scientific Examination . of Soils. -K 6851 Waring. Elements of Agriculture.K 1058 Handy-Book of Husbandry .. .lv 1113 Warington. Chemistry of the Farm.K 2343 Washington. Letters on Agriculture.K 6SS2 Weed and others. A B C of Agriculture.. . lv 6932 Western Agriculturist (Columbus), 1851. v. 1. *Ser. Western Agriculturist (Quincy), 1875-91. v. 7-23. *Ser. Western Rural, 18S5-91. v. 23-29. *Ser. Wilckens. Nordamerikanische Landwirth- schaft.D 7107 Wilder. History of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture.*K 876,2 Wilson. Rural Cyclopaedia. 4 v..*R 1194 Winslow. Principles cf Agriculture.K 6824 Wrightson. Agricultural Machinery... K8oi,ic Wuest. Landwirthschaftliche Maschinen- kunde.D 541 Young. Farmer’s Calendar.K 6872 Yvart. Assolement, Jachere, etc.... C6513,33-35 For State Agricultural Reports see Public Documents. IRRIGATION AND FARM DRAINAGE. Andrews. Agricultural Engineering.K 1235 Barois. Irrigation in Egypt. *Doc. Birch. Sewage Irrigation by Farmers.K 5586 Cleveland. Farm Drainage.*.K 815,1 Cole. The New Agriculture.K 6922 French. Farm Drainage.K 1201 Greely. Arid Regions of the U. S. and Irrigation. *Doc. Hall. Irrigation and the Irrigation Ques¬ tion. 2 v. *Doc. Hinton. Report on Irrigation in the U. S., 1891. *Dcc. Hosier. Agricultural Drainage.K 1128 Klippart. Land Drainage. lv 1214 Pareto. Irrigation.C 6513,103-106 Atlas'....*V 1079 Roland. Drainage of Land, Irrigation, 1180,5 Scott. Draining and Embanking.K 1595 Farm Engineering. ..K 6933 Irrigation and Water-Supply ..K 1598 Smith, Italian Irrigation. 2v.K 6880 Plans.*R 4296 Stewart. Irrigation for Farm, Garden and Orchard.K 6976 Waring. Draining.K 1146 GARDENING.— HORTICULTURE. L’Art de cultiver les Jardins.C 6513,202 Barnes. Ueber Gartnerei.D 367 Blomfield and Thomas. The Formal Gar¬ den in England.K 6845 Boitard. Amateur de Roses.C 6513,205 Bon Jardinier, 1876. 3 v. in 2.C 4233 Boussingault. Economic rurale. 2 v.. . .C 4246 Bridgeman. American Gardener’s Assistant K 1056 Bright. A Year in a Lancashire Garden... K 2162 Burbidge. Domestic Floriculture.K 8892 Horticulture . K 6S79 Orchids and how to grow them.K 8974 GARDENING—HORTICULTURE. 4-OI Church. Home Garden.K 1207 Cottage Gardener, 1849-58. 20 v. *Ser. Ellwanger. The Garden's Story.K 6840 Falke. Der Garten. . .*V 968 Fawkes. Horticultural Buildings....K 6921 Field. The Green-House as a Winter-Gar¬ den .K 8927 Floral World and Garden Guide.K 8893 Flore des Serres et des Jardins de 1 ’Europe, 1845-80. 23 v. *Ser. Florist and Pomologist, 1862-74. 13 x, .... *Ser. f RIEND. Flowers and Flower Lore.K 8935 Garden, The, 1872-86. 29 v. *Ser. Garden and Forest, 1S8S-91. 4 V. *Ser. Gardener’s Chronicle, 1841-71. 31 v . *Ser. Gardener’s Magazine, 1S74-91. v. 17-34.. *Ser. Gardener’s Magazine (Loudon’s), 1828-43. 19V. *Ser. Gardener’s Monthly, 1876-79. v. 18-21... *Ser. Gerdolle. Nothlage der Landwirthschaft D 4720 Glenny. Culture of Flowers and Plants. .. K 6954 Culture of Fruits and Vegetables.K 6955 Gardeners’ Every-Day Book.K 6956 Flower-Garden and Greenhouse.K 6957 A Year’s Work in Garden and Green.- house.K 6958 Harris. Gardening for Young and Old. ..K 7029 Hassard. Floral Decorations. K 1125 Hazlitt. Old Garden Literature .K 6917 Heath. My Garden Wild.K 8912 Henderson. Gardening for Pleasure.K 1059 Practical Floriculture.K 2140 Hibberd. Amateur’s Greenhouse and Con¬ servatory.K 8917 Amateur’s Rose Book.K 9012 Rustic Adornments ..K 1123 History of Massachusetts Horticultural Society K 1186 Hogg. Culture of the Carnation. K 9005 Horticultural Society of London, Transac¬ tions, 1812-1848. 10 v .*R 4410 Horticulturist, 1874-5. v - 29-30. •• • • *Ser. Illinois State Horticultural Society, Transac¬ tions, 1868-91. 24 V. *Doc. Jaeger. Zimmer-und Hausgartnerei..... .1) 534 Johnson, C. W. Our House and Garden..K 1099 Johnson, E. A. Winter Greeneries at Home, K 1177 Johnson, G. W. Gardeners’ Dictionary. .*R 12 19 Karr. Tour round my Garden.K 2206 Kemp. How to lay out a Garden .K 1122 Lawson. New Orchard and Garden (1626) K 1183 Lindley. Practical Horticulture.K 1116 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of Garden¬ ing .*R 1206 Encyclopaedia of Plants.*R 1760 Horticulturist .K 1136 Loudon, Mrs. J. C. Gardening for Ladies K 6964 McIntosh. Book of the Garden. 2v.K 1137 Magazine of Horticulture (Hovey’s), 1835-68. 34 v.. .'. *Sei | Manuel de 1 ’Horticulture.C 5804 May. Greenhouse Management for Ama¬ teurs . K 6959 Mitchell. Out-of-Town Places.K 6890 Mollison.- Practical Window Gardener... K 8950 Moore. Epitome of Gardening.K 6884 Neumann. Kunst der rflanzenvermehrung D 565 Nicholson. Dictionary of Gardening. 3 v.*R 119c Perring. Lexikon fur Gartenbau. und Blu- menzucht. *R -2816 K/ Pratt. Flowers and their Associations_K 6963 Rand. Flowers for the Parlor and Garden.. K 2128 Orchid Culture .K 1179 Popular Flowers and how to cultivate them ... .•? .K 2125 Treatise on Bulbs.K 2150 Window Gardener. ..K 2136 Randolph. Parlor Gardener..K 8965 Rexford. Home Floriculture.K S988 Robinson. Culture of Alpine Flowers.K 2142 English Flower Garden.K 8966 Gleanings from French Gardens.K 1055 Subtropical Garden.K 2160 Wild Garden.: .. . K 2161 Roe. The Home Acre.K 7033 Schenck. Gardener’s Text-Book.K 1181 Schmidt und Herzog. Gartenfreund .. .. D 371 Smee. My Garden...*K 1065 Thomson. Book of the Flower Garden. . .. K 2165 Watson, A. American Home Garden.... K 1093 Watson, F. Flowers and Gardens.K 2129 Watson, W. and Bean. Orchid Culture..K 9004 Williams, B. S. Greenhouse Flowering Plants.K 2211 The same; new ed.K 9001 Greenhouse Ornamented-Leaved Plants.K 2212 The same; new ed.K 9002 Orchid Grower’s Manual.K 2215 Williams, II. T. Window Gardening.... K 1117 Wilson. Chronicles of a Garden.K 6977 Wood. Good Gardening.K 7034 Woodward. Horticultural Buildings and Graperies....K 1081 Wredow. Gartenfreund. D 6847 MARKET-GARDENING. ABLETT. Market Garden Husbandry.K 6842 The same.K 1180,8 Barnard. Gardening for Money. K 1063 4C2 PRACTICAL ARTS. Burr. Vegetables of America .K 2180 Coulton. Our Farm of Four Acres.K 1161 Davidis. Kiichen-und Blumengarten.D 604 Garden, The; its Preparation and Manage¬ ment . K 6843 Gautier. Les Champignons.*C 5076 Glenny. Kitchen Gardening made easy.. K 1392 Gregory. How to raise Onions. . . *K Hartwig. Gemiisetreiberei.D Dc-r illustrirte I laustrartner.D Der Kuchentrarten .D 1100 587 535 532 Henderson. Gardening for Profit.\K 1060 The same; new ed .K 6963 FIibberd. Amateur’s Kitchen Garden .... K 1221 Culture of Vegetables.K 7030 Profitable Gardening.K 6876 Jardins.C 6513,202 Jones. Peanut Plant.K 6949 McLaurin. Model Potato.K 7028 Main. Cottage Gardening.*E 5041.7 Meyer. Gemiise-Saamenzucht .D 371 Morris. Ten Acres enough.K 1160 Oemler. Truck-Farming at the South .... K 7031 Pink. Potatoes; how to grow them.K 6947 1064 1053 1130 1131 Quinn. Money in the Garden.K Robinson. Mushroom Culture. K Roe. riay and Profit in my Garden.K Roosevelt. Five Acres too much. K Sarti. Le Jardin Potager et la Basse-Cour.C 6645 Smee. Potato Plant .Iv 6948 Vilmorin-AndriEUX. The Vegetable Gar¬ den .K 6960 Warner. My Summer in a Garden. K 1049 White. Gardening for the South.K 7032 Wood, M. G. Gardening for the Cottage.. K mi Wood, S. Guide to Good Gardening.K 7034 LANDSCAPE GARDENING.—PARKS. Alphand. Promenades de Paris. 2 v,. *P 968 Boitard. Jardins .C 6513,187-188 Cleveland. Landscape Architecture.IC 1124 Parks for Minneapolis.*K 876,2 Rural Cemeteries.*K 7170 Cole. Royal Parks and Gardens of LondonK 7080 Copeland. Landscape Gardening. K 1135 D£sormeaux. Treillageur.C 6513,156 Ernouf et Alphand. L’Art des Jardins. .*V 1156 Der Garten.*V 968 Famous Parks and Gardens of the World .. ,*V 555 Hampel. Die moderne Teppichgartnerei. *V 956 Hartwig. Der Parkgarten .*R 4295 Hobday. Villa Gardening. K 690^ Jaeger. Der Hausgarten.*V 961 Jaeger. Lehrbuch der Gartenkunst...D 601 Kern. Landscape Gardening...K 111S Lefevre. Les Tares et les Jardins.C 4183 Long. Ornamental Gardening.K 7CS1 Loudon. Villa Gardener..... .K 1109 Marshall. Planting and Rural Ornament. 2 v .Iv 110S Meyer. Lehrbuch deirschonen Gartenkunst*V 959 Milner. Art of Landscape Gardening.. ,*V 1771 Oakey. Home Grounds . K 120S Parsons. Landscape Gardening.K 6844. Repton. Landscape Gardening.K 1119 Robbins. Rescue of an Old Place.K 6825 Robinson. God’s Acre Beautiful.K 7090 Gleanings from French Gardens.K 1055 Parks and Promenades of Paris.K 1054 Sargent. Landscape Gardening.K 1120 Scott. Suburban Home Grounds.. K 1121 Seeding. Garden-Craft, old and new.K 7079 Siebeck. Die bildende Gartenkunst.D 4297 Atlas.*V 960 Smith. Parks and Pleasure Grounds .K 6975 Warder. Hedges and Evergreens.K 2132 Weidenmann. Beautifying Country Homes*R 3874 FORESTRY.—TREES.—TIMBER. Ablett. English Trees and Tree-Planting. Iv 6981 American Forestry Congress, Proceedings, 1882.*K 876,2 Andersson. North American Willows... K 6980 Balfour. Timber and Trees of India.K 7018 Blenkarn. British Timber Trees.Iv 7089 Boitard. Cultivateur-forestier.C 6513,99-100 Boulger. Familiar Trees. 2v... .*K 7001 Boulton. Preservation of Tirriber.K 686,82 Bousfiei.d. Timber Merchant’s Vade Mecum.K 3732 Brisbin. Trees and Tree-Planting.Iv 7016 Brown, James. The Forester; Forest Treeslv 6983 Brown, John. Finland; its Forests.K 7008 Forests and Forestry in Poland.Iv 7012 Forests in England in by-gone Times. . .Iv 7007 Forests of Northern Russia.K 7010 Forestry in Norway.Iv 7011 Forestry of the Ural Mountains.Iv 6998 French Forest Ordinance of 1669.Iv 7014 Modern Forest Economy.K 7015 Pine Plantations on Sand-Wastes of France. Iv 7005 Reboisement in France .Iv 7006 School of Forest Engineers in Spain ... K 7013 Schools of Forestry in Germany.K 7009 Browne. Trees of America.K 2176 FORESTRY— TREES—TIMBER—FRUIT CULTURE. Bryant. Culture of Forest Trees.K 1087 Chaloner and Fleming. The Mahogany Tree ...K 7019 Cleghorn. Forests and Gardens of South India ..... Tr Cleveland. Culture of Native Forests. .*IC 876.3 Coleman. Our Woodlands, Heaths and Hed S ei >.. 2216. Cooper. Forest Culture. iig^ Crinon. Forestier-praticien.C 6513,1:9 Dyson. Stories of the Trees. k 70S2 Egleston. Tree-Planting.6989 Emerson. Trees and Shrubs of Massachu- . setts - 2V . 2222 English Forests and Forest Trees.K 6991 Evelyn. Silva; Discourse of Forest-Trees. *P 86 Forestry, 1877-86. 11 v. * Ser Forstliches Cotta-Album. j) Fuller. Practical Forestry.K 6990 Gilpin. Forest Scenery. 698}. Grandy. Timber Importer’s Guide.K Greenwood. Grigor. 403 Michie. The Larch; its Culture.... K Mongredien. Trees and Shrubs for English 69S6 Plantations Moody. Murray. K 7 7092 s 945 7017 Peck. Phipps. 1407 Tree-Lifter.K 69S5 Arboriculture. K 6995 Hale. Woods and Timbers of N rth C lina. Hartig. a ro- IC 6996 Timbers and how to know them . . K 7094 Harvey. Trees and their Nature. K 70c- Heath. Autumnal Leaves. X 700 j. Burnham Beeches. .. j' $g 2 o Gur Woodland Trees. K 2169 Sylvan Winter. K 8944 Tree Gossip. K 6997 Hemsley. Hardy Trees and Plants.K IIoopes.^ Book of Evergreens.. ]v Hope. Gardens and Woodlands. ..K 8921 Hough. Elements of Forestry.. . . ,K 69S2 Report upon Forestry.K 1185 Jenkinson. Preservation of New Forest. ,*A 295 Johns. Forest Trees of Great Britain.K 6992 Johnson. Forest Leaves; Management of Trees Laslett. Lauche. 1134 2148 6999 697 Timber and Trees. . . . K Deutsche Dendrologie.I) 4505 Lesbazeilles. Forets. q Loudon. Arboretum 5733 Britan- ,*R 1761 et Fruticetum nicum. 8 v... . . Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain . K 2122 Lumber Trade Journal, 1885-91. v. 6,8-10, I 3 ~ 2 ° . . Lumberman’s Gazette, 1877-79. v. 9,11,12. *Ser. McWilliam. Essay on the Dry Rot .*V 584 Main. Forest Planter . K 6994 Michaux and Nuttai f. North American s y ]va - 5v . *p 5IO The Palm Tree . pp Pines and Firs of Japan. p^ Nelson {Senilis), rinacae; Handbook of Firs and Pines . K Newhall. Trees of Northeastern America.Iv 7093 Nbwtom. Growth of Timber Trees . K 1091 ’ Y ’ state Forest Commission, Reports, 1883 1886. ........ *Doc Ohio State Forestry Bureau, Report, 1886. * i i *Doc. Peaslee. Trees and Tree-Planting.*K 815 4 The Black Spruce. 7l y c Report on Forests. ‘ .6987 Rattray and Mill. Forestry and Forest Produets...K 7020 \Eeves.. Sap; does it rise from the Roots?. Iv 8987 Remarkable Trees of Scotland. Iv 2186 Reports on Woods and Forests. k 6993 Richardson. Timber Merchant’s Freight- Book ,,, Robinson. Our Trees . y Q g- Roland. Tree Planting *. *. . K Il8 o 3 Rossmaessler. Der Wald . D ’ Sargent. Woods of the United States _ K 5513 SchligH. Manual of Forestry. 2 v . K 7083 Selby. History of the British Forest-Trees. K 7084 Simmonds. Timber and Ornamental Trees*E504i, 7 Steuart. Planter’s Guide; Transplanting Trees, etc... .. K 6988 Strutt. Sylva Britannica . *p> Tarb6. 4822 Poids et Mesures a l’usage des Mar chandsde Bois.C 6513,169 Monographic des Greffes ...C 6513,249 The Oak . K 7086 1 imber and some of its Diseases..K 7091 Wood. The Tree Planter . K 1634 TreePruner . K 1635 Thouin Ward. FRUIT CULTURE. American Pomological Society, Catalogue of Fruits, 1889.*v 1767 Bailey. Field Notes on Apple Culture_K 7024 Baker. Fruit Culture.. IC 3g Barry. Pruit Garden.1084 Bliss. Fruit-Grower’s Instructor.K 1086 Coates. Small Fruits and Poultry.K 6971 Coxe. Cultivation of Fruit Trees.K Cuthill. Fruit and Vegetable Manual. De Bavay. IC 7023 1229 ouo. Arbres fruitiers.C 651 Downing. Fruit-Trees of America. 2 v..K 2178 Du Breuil. Culture of Fruit Trees.Iv 1 35S 4°4 PRACTICAL ARTS. Elliott. Fruit Book.K 1219 Hand-book for Fruit Growers... K 1057 Field. Pear Culture.K 1094 Florist and Pomologist, 1862-74. 13 v. *Ser. Fuller. Small Fruit Culturist.K 1095 Fulton. Peach Culture.K 6874 Glenny. Culture of Fruits.K 6955 Gregg. How to raise Fruit.K 1175 Harcourt. Florida Fruits.K 6962 Hibberd. Culture of Fruits.K 7030 Hills. Small Fruits.K 6961 Hooper. Western Fruit-Book.K 1090 Major. Insects on Fruit Trees.K 1085 Marvin. The Olive; its Culture.K 7026 Meech. Quince Culture.K 6970 Meltzl. Obstbaumzucht.D 544 Michigan Pomological Society, Reports, 1870- 80. 10 v.-. *Doc. Moore. Orange Culture.K 1227 Pardee. Strawberry Culture.K 1096 Pearson. Orchard-Houses.K 692*5 Roe. Culture of Small Fruits.K 1173 Success with Small Fruits. Iv 1172 Saunders. Insects injurious to Fruits.Iv 8399 Strong. Fruit Culture.K 1216 Thomas. Fruit Culturist. .R 1174 The same; new ed.K 7022 Thomson. Culture of the Pine- Apple... .K 1182 Fruit Culture under Glass.K 1218 Warder. American Pomology.K 1092 White. Cranberry Culture.K 1217 WlCKSON. California Fruits.Tv 7027 WlLLKOMM. Siidfriichte ..0382,2 GRAPE CULTURE.—WINE ACCUM. Vins de Fruits. C 6513,123 Allen. Culture of the Grape Vine .K 6972 Babo. Der Weinbau.D 596 Braun-Wiesbaden. Champagner.D 579 Buchanan. Grape Culture.K 1083 Busby. Vineyards of France and Spain. . . K 1169 Bush. Catalogue of American Grapes, 1875, 1883. 2 v.K 1170 Chasselas de Fountainebleau.C 6513,229 Culture of the Vine.*E 5041,12 Denman. What should we drink?.E 1012 The Vine and its Fruit.K 1079 Dornfei.d. Weinbauschule . . D 594 Du Breuil. Vineyard Culture.K 1089 Ellis. Wine Question ..K 6392 Flagg. European Vineyards.K 1080 Graeger. Die Kellerwirthschaft .D 6807 Hamm. Das Weinbuch.D 520 Henderson. History of Ancient and Modem Wines. .*V 1770 Hoare. Cultivation of the Grape Vine.... K 6952 Husmann. Grape Culture and Wine Making. K 6973 Lebeuf. Culture de la Vigne.C 6513,139 Maigne. Sommelier de Vins.C 6513,163 Mareck. Der rationelle Weinbau.D 586 - Atlas.. . ,.*V 1040 Meredith. Treatise on the Grape Vine. . .K 1220 My Vineyard at Lake View.Iv 1082 Phin. Open-Air Grape Culture.. ..Iv 1171 Rayon et Malepeyre. Eau-de-Vie. .C 6513,128 Redding. History and Description of Wines.I 3152 Rixford. Wine Press and Cellar.Iv 6393 Rosenthal. Bier und Branntwein.D 502 Roth. Chemie der Rothweine.D 4567 Scribner. Fungus Diseases of the Grape Vine... *Doc. Shaw. Wine, the Vine and the Cellar....K 6389 Sheen. Wines and Liquors.E 1493 Soderini. Coltivazione delle Viti.C 9500,152 Thi£baut de Berneaud. Vigneron..C 6513,185 Thu dichum and Dupre. Treatise on Wine.K 6391 Tovey. Champagne; its History, Manufac¬ ture, etc.Iv 6417 Wine and Wine Countries. .K 6390 Vizetelly. History of Champagne.*V 665 Wait. Wines and Vines of California.K 6459 Wine and Wine Making.K 4275 Woodward. Graperies.K 1081 TEA.—COFFEE. - SUGAR.—TOBACCO. Arnold. Coffee; its Cultivation and Profit.K 6924 Baker. Cocoa and Chocolate.K 6397 Ball. Cultivation of Tea ..Iv 1115 Basset. Guide du Fabricant de Sucre. 3 v.C 4131 Billings. Tobacco; History, Varieties, Cul¬ ture, etc.L 636 Bragge. Bibliotheca Nicotiana. *0 668 Collier. Sorghum.. K 6944 Crookes. Manufacture of Beet Root SugarK 4320 De Man. Beet-Root-Sugar Question.Iv 1126 Demelius. Die Zuckerwarenfabrikation. . .D 6775 Dunning. Tobacco. .• .K 801,9 Foster. Evaporation of Saccharine Liquid K 4376 Frankel. Manufacture of Starch, Glucose, etc.K 4279 Fries. Anbau und Trocknung desTobaks.D 602 Gill. Sugar Refining .Iv 801,12 Haarsma. Der Tabaksbau in Deli.*V 1238 Hedges. Sugar Canes and their Products. .Iv 1196 Hewitt. Coffee; its History and CultivationK 2210 Insects Injurious to Sugar-Cane. *Doc. COTTON—HOPS—INDIA RUBBER, ETC. 405 jennings. Treatise on Tobacco...K 6951 Koffij, De.D 9895 -Laerne. Coffee Culture in Brazil and Java.I 503 Laselles. Cultivation of Coffee.K 6946 Lees. Tea Cultivation in India.K 6945 Lock. Coffee; its Culture and Commerce. .K 6969 Tobacco Growing and Manufacturing. .K 7025 and others. Sugar Growing and RefiningR 4278 McMurtrie. Culture of Beet Sugar. *Doc. Money. Cultivation of Tea. K 6942 Olcott. Sorgho and Imphee.K 1199 Prescott. Tobacco.K 6950 Roth. Literature of Sugar.*0 563 Saunders. Tea-Culture as a probable American Industry. *Doc. Schwarzkopf. Der Kaffee.D 4585 Soames. Manufacture of Cane Sugar. . .K 4280 Sorgo Handbook.. .*K 7170 Spencer. Hand-Book for Sugar Manufac- turers .;•• •.K 4335 Stammer. Fabrication du Sucre.C 6788 Steinmetz. Tobacco; its History, Cultiva¬ tion, etc. L 924 Stewart. Sorghum and its Products.K 1198 Sugar from Maize and Sorghum .K 6923 Patham. Culture and Commerce of TobaccoK 1194 Tea Blending, Art of.R 6941 Tea Cyclopaedia.K 6943 Thurber. Coffee.K I744 Tucker. Manual of Sugar Analysis.K 4281 Vivien. Fabrication du Sucre .*C 6957 V anklyn. Tea, Coffee and Cocoa AnalysisK 1706 Ware. The Sugar-Beet.K 1197 Weatherley. Art of Boiling Sugar.K 6437 Weber and Scovell. Sugar from Sorghum^K 876,3 W iechmann. Sugar Analysis.K 4375 ZofGA. Sucre.C 6513,136 COTTON.—HOPS.—INDIA RUBBER, ETC. Baines. Cotton Manufacture.K 868 Baird. American Cotton Spinner.K 6038 Brooks. Cotton Manufacturing.R 6027 Charley. Flax and Linen.K 801.5 Collins. Gutta-Percha and India-Rubber. K 801,9 Comstock. Report upon Cotton Insects.. .K 8390 Cotton Production in the United States.*R 4533,5-6 Devilliers. Soierie.C 6513,65-66 AtIas -* -.C 6513,66 Flax Culture and Manufacture.*R 876,3 Gibbs. Cotton Cultivation.K 6869 Gutierrez. El Algodonero. * Doc. Hancock. Caoutchouc, or India-Rubber Manufacture .r 4390 Hoffer. Caoutchouc and Gutta Percha. . .R 4284 Katoen, Het. *. ...D 9895 Kimball. Atlanta Cotton Exhibtion, 1881. R 3609 I.auer. Treatise on Hops. *R 5^9 Lyman. Cotton Culture . R 6868 Maigne. Caoutchouc . C 6513,69 Markham. Peruvian Bark in India.K 6870 Marsden. Cotton Spinning . R 6026 Nissenson. India Rubber; its Manufacture and Use.R 43 gi Pasteur. Maladie des Vers a Soie. 2 v..C 6165 The same. 2 v.R 903 Riley. The Cotton Worm. *Doc. The Silk Worm. R 6896 Roland,. Cultivation of Hops.R 1180,6 Royi.e. Fibrous Plants of India .. R 2184 Simmonds. Hops; Cultivation and Uses. ... R 6871 Squier. Tropical Fibres . R 873 Ure. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain. 2 v .. . . «■. I 3290 Warnes. Cultivation of Flax . R 6877 Watts. Cotton. .. R 801,5 Whitman. Flax Culture in the United States K 6968 CATTLE.—SHEEP.—HOGS. Allen, L. F. American Cattle . R 1204 Allen, R. L. Domestic Animals . R 1206 American Berkshire Record . R 6909 American Fat Stock Show, Report, 1885 . . .. R 6906 American Sheep Breeder and Wool Grower, 1886-89. v. 6-9. . *Ser. American Stock Breeders’ Directory, 1888. .*R 1216 Armsby. Manual of Cattle-Feeding . R 1222 Breeder’s Gazette, 1889-91. v. 15-20 . *Ser. Brisbin. The Beef Bonanza . R 1188 Brown. Sheep-Scab .R 6910 Carr. History of Shorthorns . R 3097 Clarke. Cattle Problems explained.R 1210 Clater. Cattle Doctor. ...R 6902 Cleeve. Diseases of Sheep .*E 5041,7 Coates’s Herd Book, 1876-90. v. 21-37. .*K 6927 Coleman. Cattle, Sheep and Pigs of Great Britain. R 6915 Dadd. American Cattle Doctor . R 3094 Diseases among Swine and other Animals... *Doc. Elsner. Die Schafzucht Schlesiens. 2v. .D 536 Gamgee. Reports of Cattle Plague . R 3095 Hayes. The Angora Goat. R 6873 Sheep Husbandry and Wool Manufac¬ ture.R 1195 Heatley. Sheep-Farming.R 6913 Jacques. Cattle, Horse and Sheep Hus¬ bandry . R 1209 406 PRACTICAL ART Low. Domesticated Animals.K 3147 Lyman. Contagious Diseases of Cattle.... *Doc. M’Combie. Cattle and Cattle-Breeders....K 6916 McCoy. Cattle Trade of the West.K 1213 MacDonald, D. G. F. Cattle, Sheep and Deer. K 1067 Macdonald, J. and J. Sinclair. History of Polled Cattle.K 6926 Martin. Hog-Raising and Pork-Making. .K 6912 Miles. Stock-Breeding..K 1155 Moore. Cattle Treated by Homoeopathy. ,*K 560 National Live Stock Journal (Monthly ed.), 1870-88. 19 v. *Ser. National Live Stock Journal (Weekly ed.), 1884—88. 4^. *.SVr. New York State Agricultural Society, Report on the Rinderpest.K 6936 Peglar. Book of the Goat.K 6911 Powers. The American Merino.K 6914 Randall. Sheep Husbandry.K 881 Reports on Diseases of U. S. Cattle, 1869.. . K 3200 Richardson. Corn and Cattle Districts of France.K 1139 Richthofen. Cattle-Raising on the Plains. K 6907 Roland. Stock Keeping and Cattle Rear¬ ing . K 1180,4 Scott, C. Practice of Sheep-Farming.K 6928 Scott, J. and C. Blackfaced Sheep..K 6935 Settegast. Die Thierzucht.D 538 Sheep-Husbandry in the U. S. *Doc. Shepherd. Prairie Experiences in Cattle and Sheep . K 6908 Spooner. Structure an'd Diseases of Sheep. K 15S7 Stewart. Shepherd’s Manual .K 1159 Storer. Wild Cattle of Great Britain.K 6901 Youatt and Bcrn. Complete Grazier. ...K 6903 and Martin. Cattle; Breed, etc... .K 3096 The Hog..K 3098 The Sheep.K 3092 MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTION. Berthoud. La Chafcuterie pratique. . ..C 12036 Boucherie Taxee.C 6513,245 Ewart. Meat Production. K 1301 Falck. Das Fleisch.D 606 Fisher. Where shall we get Meat?.K 1187 Lebrun et Maigne. Charcutier, Boucher, etc .;.^ 6513,244 Macdonald. American Beef in Great Brit¬ ain.K 1189 Nagel. Das Fleischessen. D 2444 Salkowski. Fleisch als Nahrungsmittel. . D 3S2.9 Simmonds. Animal Products.K 3576 Walley. Meat Inspection...K 6531 DAIRY FARMING. Brannt. Artificial Butter.*K 9127 Buschbauer. . Die Milchwirthschaft.D 6761 Cattle and Dairy Farming. *Doc. Evans, G. Dairyman’s Manual.K 1211 Evans, M. Butter and Cheese.K 801,12 Flint. Milch Cows and Dairy Farms .K 1077 Gamgee. Dairy Stock..K 1167 Guenon. On Milch Cows.K 7062 Zucht der Milchkiihe.D 512 Keeping one Cow; practical Experience... . K 1203 Long. British Dairy-Farming.K 6937 Magne. How to choose a good Cow.K 1078 Morton. Meierei-Wirthschaft.D 512 Mott. Artificial Butter.K 1166 Mullaly. Milk Trade in New York.K 1741 Nefflen. Yield of the Milch-Cow.K 1212 I Sheldon. Dairy Farming.*V 239 I Stewart. The Dairyman’s Manual ..K 6938 Wanklyn. Milk-Analysis ..K 1704 Willard. Practical Butter-Book.K 1076 Practical Dairy Husbandry.K 7061 POULTRY.—PIGEONS.—OSTRICHES. American Standard of Excellence. ..K 7046 Beale. Profitable Poultry Keeping.K 7057 Bement. American Poulterer’s Companion.K 1165 B£nion. Elevage des Animaux de Basse- Cour...C 12053 Burnham. China Fowl.1^*7050 History of the Hen Fever.E 2004 Christy. Hydro-Incubation.K 7058 Dickson. Poultry.. K 1163 Douglass. Ostrich Fanning in S. Africa..K 6S67 Eaton. Treatise on Fancy Pigeons.*K 7053 Felcii. Poultry Culture.K 7048 Fulton. Illustrated Book of Pigeons.*V 334 GayoT. Le Pigeon.C 5047 Haig. Common Sense in the Poultry Yard. K 7045 Hamm. Zucht der Hiihner.D 362 Lewis. Practical Poultry Book.K 1036 Lucas. Pleasures of a Pigeon-Fancier.K 7065 Lyell. Fancy Tigeons.K 7052 Mosenthal and Halting. Ostriches and Ostrich-Farming ..K 8490 Neumeister. Taubenzucht.*D 589 Oettel. Der Hiihner-oder Gefliigelhof.. D 545 Ostriches and Ostrich Farming.*K 876,2 Ostrich Farming in the U. S.. *Doc. Piper. Pigeons.Iv 7055 BEES AND BEE-KEEPING—THE HORSE. 407 Piper. Poultry.K 7054 Pleasures of our Poultry Farm.K 7056 Poultry Chronicle, 1854-5.K 7060 Poultry World, 1872-73. 2 v. *Ser Profits in Poultry. ;.... K 7063 Raising and Management of Poultry.IC 7049 Roland. Poultry Keeping.'.K 1180,2 Sarti. Jardin Potager et Basse-Cour_ C 6645 Selby. Natural History of Pigeons.K 3153.5 Stoddard. An Egg Farm.K 7047 Tegetmeier. Pheasants.*..*v 591 Pigeons.*V 56 Poultry Book.*y 224 (Jre. Our Fancy Pigeons. /. . Iv 7064 Voelschau. Illustrirtcs Huhnerbuch.*V 972 Wright. Brahma Fowls .K 7051 Illustrated Book of Poultry.*V 333 Practical Pigeon Keeper.K 7059 Practical Poultry Keeper..K 1164 BEES AND BEE-KEEPING. Berlepsch. Die Biene und ihre Zucht. . . .D 558 ^heshire. Bees and Bee-Keeping. 2v. ..K 7638 Claus. Der Bienenstaat.....D 382,8 Gumming.. Bee-Keeping.K 7043 Frari£re. Les Abeillcs et V Apiculture... C 4930 Girard. Les Abeilles.C 12497 Hunter. Manual of Bee-Keeping. K 7039 Ilgen. Rationnelle Ilienenzucht.D 531 Kirsten. Handbuch der Ilienenzucht.D 546 Langstroth. Hive and Honey Bee.K 3110 Nutt. Humanity to Bees.K 8388 Management of Bees.K 7041 Pagden. $350 a Year by Bees.K 6897 Quinby. Bee-Keeping explained.K 1074 New Bee-Keeping; ed. by Root.K 1052 Radouan. Abeilles..'06513,4445 Robinson. British Bee Farming.K 7040 Root. ABC cf Bee Culture.K 7044 Rusbridge. Bee Keeping.L 70^2 Samuei.son and others. Honey-Bee.K 3233 Simmins. A Modern Bee-Farm.K 7057 Wood. Bees; Habits and Management. . . .K 3142 THE HORSE. Ai.ken. Beauties and Defects in the Horse.K 7104 Anderson. Vice in tlie Horse; Horses and Riding.K 7135 Berjeau. Horses of Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. .. *y g Q Blunt. Arabian Horses. I j_p8 Bruce. American Stud-Book. 2v .K 3214 Cecil. Stud Farm; Hints on Breeding _ K 7105 Chawner. Diseases of the Horse.K 3212 Clarke. Horses’Teeth . K 7116 Dadd. American Reformed Horse Book. . K 3080- Daumas. Horses of the Sahara . K 7101 Day. The Horse; how to breed and rear . K 7099 - Racehorse in Training . K 7102 Douglas. Horse-shoeing as it should be. . . K 4268 Eberhardt. Das Wagenpferd und die Fahrkunst. d 6782 Every Horse-Owner's Cyclopcedia.K 7106 FisheR. Through Stable and Saddle-Room. K 7071 Fitzwygram. Horses and Stables.K 7139 Fleming. Horse Shoes and Shoeing.K 890 Practical Horse-Keeper.K 7130 Practical Horse Shoeing.K 646- Flower. The Horse. .K 7073 Forrester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert. Gleason, O. R. How to Handle Horses. .K 712S Gleason, O. W. Veterinary Hand-Book and Horse Taming.K 7140 Glenview Stud Farm, Trotting Stock, 1879. .K 3263 Goubaux et Barrier. Exterieur du Cheval C 5126 Exterior of the Horse.K 7087 Hawkins. Artistic Anatomy of the Horse.K 3211 Heatley. Every Man his own Vet . K 7132 Heinze. Pferd und Fahrer.D 616 Helm. American Roadsters and Trotting Horses . K 7088 Herbert. Hints to Horsekeepers.K 3084. The Horse and Horsemanship. 2v. . . K 3077 Hoffmann. Lexikon der Pferdekunde .. .. D 567 Horses and Roads; by Free Lance.K 7105 Howden. The Horse; how to buy and sell. K 7109 Horse Warranty.K 3087 Huth. Works on Horses and Equitation.. *0 636 Kendall. The Horse and his Diseases. .. K 3264. Kirby. Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.. K 7131 Law. Farmer’s Veterinary Adviser . K 6864 Leb^ud. Veterinaine.C 65’3,220 Lehndorff. Horse-Breeding Recollections. K 7137 Loeffler. Das Pferd. .D 548 Magner. Taming and Educating the IIorsfe*K 7126 Martin. The Family Horse; its Stabling. K 7138 Marvin. Training the Trotting Horse . K 7098 Maudslay. Highways and Horses . K 5567 Mayhew. Illustrated Horse Doctor. K 3218 Illustrated Horse Management. K 3219 Miles. Horse’s Foot; how to keep it sound K 30S6 Mortgf.ns* Enthiillte Geheimnisse der Pferdehandler.D 6494 Mueller. Der Landmann als Thierarzt.. .D 554 Murray. The Perfect Horse.K 3079 408 PRACTICAL ARTS. Percivall. Anatomy of the Horse.K 7112 Phillips. Horse and Man.K 7119 Powis. Stable Directory, 1814.*E 5041,3 Nevile. Horses and Riding.K 3256 RArey. Art of'l'aming Horses.K 7 I2 3 Reynolds. Management of Draught Horses.K 7136 Rice. History of the British Turf. 2v.K 7110 Rich. Artistic Horse-Shoeing.K 4338 Riley. The Mule..,.K 1069 Sanders. Horse-Breeding.K 7 I2 5 Percheron-Norman Stud Book.K 3265 Sewell. Black Beauty.H 2308 Sidney. Book of the Horse.*V 927 Simpson. Horse-Portraiture.Iv 31,27 Smith. Natural History of the Horse.*Iv 3152,12 South Carolina Jockey Club.Iv 1013 SfEVyART. Stable Book.K 3085 * - o .*• £ Stillman. The Horse in Motion.*V 228 Stonehenge, £seud. See Walsh. Stable Directory, 1796. 2 V....K 3083 Taylor. Recollections of a Horse Dealer.K 7117 Teen^tra. Paarden, Ezels, enz .D 9419 Upton. Newmarket and Arabia .K 3266 Wallace. American Stud-Book.....K 3078 American Trotting Register. 4V.*Iv 3076 Walsh. Horse in Stable and Field.Iv 3221 and Lupton. The Horse .K 3230 Wilder. New System of Horse Training*K 559 Wood. Horse and Man.K 7127 Woodruff. Trotting Horse of America... Iv 3122 You ATT. The Horse.K 3081 * Treatment and Diseases of the Horse.. .K 3082 HORSEMANSHIP. Allen. Riding for Ladies and Gentlemen. 3 v.K 7114 Anderson. Modern Horsemanship.K 7100 On Horseback.K 7107 Vice in the Horse; Horses and Riding... K7135 Barroil. L’Art equestre.C 12015 Battersby. Bridle Bits; Treatise on Horse¬ manship .K 7 I2 9 Bauquenne. L’Euyere. ,..C 12071 Browne. In the Riding-School.K 7°97 Cesaresco. The Functions of the Hands in Riding.. .. K 7072 Clarke. Ladies’Equestrian Guide.*V 606 De Bussigny. Handbook for Horsewomen.K 7118 De Hurst. How Women should ride.Iv 7074 Dodge. Patroclusand Penelope; a Chat in the Saddle. * .Iv 7121 Dwyer. Seats, Saddles and Bits.Iv 3222 Hayes. Riding on the Flat and across Country..K 71 n Heinze. Pferd und Reiter...D 617 Karr. American Horsewoman. K 7115 Kerr. Practical Horsemanship, and Riding for Ladies. I 3380,6 Krueger. Reitunterricht.D 505 Mead. Horsemanship for Women .Iv 7134 Melville. Riding Recollections. G 1115 O’Donoghue. Ladies on Horseback ....Iv 7113 Saddle Horse; Guide for Riding.K 7108 Struss. Ring-Riding. Iv 7095 Vergnaud. Equitation...,.C 6513,142 Wayte. Equestrian’s Manual .K 1831 Young Lauy’s Equestrian Manual.Iv 7120 THE DOG. Ashmont. Dogs; their Management.K 8351 Barbou. Le Chien.C 4258 Berjeau. Varieties of Dogs found in old Sculptures, Pictures, etc.*K 8362 Berkeley. Hydrophobia and Distemper. .K 1002 Blaine. Canine Pathology.K 8341 Chien, Le; Description des Races.C 12142 Dalziel. The Fox Terrier.Iv 8356 The Greyhound; its History, Points, etc.K 8353 The St. Bernard; its History, Breeding, etc. .. K 8354 Fitzinger. DerHund..:.,.1)4451 Fleming. Rabies and Hydrophobia.Iv 8345 Gelert. Guide to the Hounds of England.K 8350 Haworth. The Silver Greyhound.K 1844 Heatley. Dogs and their Diseases .K 8347 Hill. Management and Diseases of the Dog..• • K 3267 Hutchinson. Dog Breaking.K 8342 Jesse, E. Anecdotes of Dogs.I 3119 Jesse, G. R. History of the British Dog. 2 v.. . K 8360 Juranville. Voyage au Pays des Caniches.C 5359 Lee. The Fox Terrier.K 8355 Mayhew. Dogs; their Management.K 8348 Mercer. The Spaniel and its Training. ,K 8361 Mills. The Dog in Health and Disease.. .K 8367 Oswald. Der Vorsteh-Hund.D 4535 Pearce (Ed.). Kennel Club Stud Book, 1859-73, 1875-86 12 V.Iv 8346 Pease. The Cleveland Hounds.K 6723 Shaw. Illustrated Book of the Dog .*V 224 Shields (Coquina). American Book of the Dog. • .K 8366 Simpson. Dogs of other Days.K 8344 Smith. Natural History of the Dog*K 3152,9,10 NATURAL SCIENCES. 409 Stables. Our Friend, the Dog. K 8349 Steel. Diseases of the Dog.K 8357 Walsh ( Stonehenge ). Dogs of the British Islands. K 8352 NATURAL GENERAL WORKS.—SOCIETIES.— PERIODICALS. Agrippa. Vanity of Arts and Sciences.. .*K 7183 Allen.' Common Sense Science.K 7253 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs, 1833-46. 2v.*V 386 Proceedings, 1846-60. 4V.K 2646 American Association for Advancement of Science, Proceedings, 1848-91. 40 v. K 2811 American Journal of Science and Arts, 1818- 1892. 136 v . *Ser. Index, v. 1-49 American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, »843 . K 7175 Transactions, 1786-1818 . *V 692 Index to Proceedings and Trans . *V 693 Annals of Science, 1853. v. I . . . . *Ser. Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1856-57, 1869. 3 v.K 2682 Annual Record of Science,- 1871-78. 8 v. ,K 918 Arago, F. Werke. 16 v.D 381 Bach. Studien aus der Natur. 2 v.D 4409 Baeblich. Die Archive der Vorwelt.D 4403 Baird. The .Student’s Natural History.. .*R 1725 Barnard, F. A. P. Address before Ameri¬ can Association of Science, 1868....*E 5081 Barnard, H. Lessons in Natural Science.L 1179 Becker. Scientific London.K 2810 Beckett. Origin of the Laws of Nature.. .K 7148 Bernstein. Naturkraft u. Geisteswalten.. D 4413 Popular Books on Natural Science.K 2723 Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbucher.2lv.D 383 Bert. First Year of Scientific Knowledge. .K 7236 Billing. Scientific Materialism.K 7149 Blatchford. Address at the Chicago Acad¬ emy of Sciences, 1878.*B 1397 Boehner. Kosmos; Buch der Natur. 2 v.D 4424 Bolton, II. C. Catalogue of Scientific Period¬ icals, 1665-1882 .*() 605 Bolton, S. K. Famous Men of Science. .C10122 Boniface (Saintine). Science enfantine...C 6713 Diet, universel des Sciences. ,*R 1126 Boyle. Tracts on Scientific Subjects..... .K 7145 Walsh {Stonehenge). The Greyhound in 1864.K 8343 Dog in Health and Diseases.K 3220 Williams. Dogs and their ways.K 3140 You att. The Dog.. # k 3091 SCIENCES. Bradley. Philosophical Account of Works of Nature.*y 182 Brande and Cox. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art.*R 1123 The same; new ed. 3 V.*R 1109 Brewster. Letters on Natural Magic_K 7184 Bridgewater Treatises: Babbage. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise..L 1909 Bell. The Hand.1 3245 Buckland. Geology and Mineralogy.2 v.I 3251 Chalmers. Adaptation of Nature to the Moral Constitution of Man.I 3249 Kidd. Adaptation of Nature to the Physical Condition of Man.I 3247 Kirby. History and Instincts of Ani¬ mals. 2 v . ...I 3246 Prout. Chemistry, Meteorology, Digestion I 3250 Roget. Animal and Vegetable Physi¬ ology. 2 v.I 3252 Whewell. Astronomy and Physics. . .. I 3248 British Association Reports, 1831-91. 60 v. . *Ser. Index, 1831-60. Brougham. Science and Literature.I 3768 Brown (Ed.). Science for all. 5 V.*V 655 Brunton. The Bible and Science.K 7166 Buchanan. Dictionary of Science and Tech¬ nical Terms. *R 1086 Buckley. Fairy-Land of Science.K 2570 Moral Teachings of Science.K 7267 Through Magic Glasses.K 2570 Buechnf.r. Natur und Wissenschaft. 2 v.D 3124 Buffon. CEuvres completes.C 4261 v. 1-11. Theorie de la Terre. 12. Ilistoire des Animaux. 13-15. Ilistoire naturelle de 1’Homme. 16-29. Les Mammiferes. 30-40. Les Oiseaux. Burn. Object Teaching.L 1158 Plates.*.. *R 4834 Butler. Governmental Patronage of Knowl¬ edge.*E 2014 California Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1854-57^873-77, 1881. *Ser. 410 NATURAL SCIENCES. Campagne. Metamorphoses de la Matiere.Ci2i2i Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, 1853-70. 15 v. *Ser. Canadian Magazine of .Science and Arts, 1873-90. 18 v . *Ser. Candolle. Histoire des Sciences.C 4439 Chambers, R. Natural History of Crea¬ tion.K 2858 Chambers, W. and R. Information for the People. 2 v.*R 1290 Clifford. Seeing and Thinking.K 2587 Cooke, J. P. Scientific Culture and other Essays. K 7152 Cooke, M. C. Ponds and Ditches...K 7944 Woodlands..... K 8896 Cornelius. Entstehung der Welt.D 4426 Cotta. Briefe iiber Humboldt’s Kosmos. 4 v . D 356 Crabb. Dictionary of General Know ledge*R 1105 Craik. Pursuit of Knowdedge.I 3108 The same. 2 v.I 3548 The same. 2 v.I 3719 Cuvier. Histoire des Sciences naturelles. 5 v. in 2.K 2670 Les Revolutions du Globe.C 4390 Revolutions of the Globe. .K 2517 Cyclopaedia of Nature Teachings.K 7266 D’anvers. Science Ladders.K 7245 v. I. Forms of Land and Water. 2. Story of early Exploration. 3. Vegetable Life. 4. Flowerless Plants. 5. Low Forms of Water Animals. 6. Lowly Armor-Wearers. Deleveau. La Matiere et ses Transforma¬ tions.C 4573 Dexter. Kingdoms of Nature.K 7239 Dick. Diffusion of Knowdedge. I 3699 The same.... J 48,1 Diderot et D’Alembert. Encyclopedic des Sciences. 45 v.*R 68 Draper, J. C. Year-book of Nature and Science.K 2692 j Draper, J. W. Conflict of Religion and Science. '..... L 2066 Religion und Wissenschaft.0415,13 Scientific Memoirs.K 2577 Dunman. Talks about Science.K 7248 Duns. Science and Christian Thought.. . .K 2698 Dutens. Modern Discoveries. K 2652 Earl. Laboratory Work; Course of Natural Science.K 7230 1 Estaile. Contributions to Natural History.K 7983 Estes. Half-Hours in Popular Science. ... K 2706 Falb. Umw r alzungen im Weltall.*..D 4450 Figuier. L’Annee scientifique et industrielle, 1856-90. 33 v... .C 4901 Tables decennales, 1857-77. 2v_C 4902 Nouvelles Conquetes de la Science. 4 v .*V 1071 Scenes et Tableaux de la Nature.C 4946 Vies des Savants. 4 v.C 4917 Flammarion. Dieu dans la Nature.C 4965 Contemplations scientifiques.C 4964 Recits de l’lnfini. .C 4968 Fi.entje. DasLeben und die todte Natur. .D 4459 Folkard. Potable Waters. • .K686,6i Ford. Outlines of Natural Science.*K 876,2 Fullom. Marvels of Science.K 2679 Galton. English Men of Science.K 2648 Garrison. Lecture on Absence of Design in Nature.*K 876,2 Garrod. Scientific Papers .K 8018 Gave. The World’s Lumber Room.K 7249 Giberne. The World’s Foundations.K 2548 Goodrich. Youth’s-Library of Science. .. H 434 v. 1. Glance at the Sciences. 2. Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom. 3. Literature, Ancient and Modern. 4. Wonders of Geology. 5. Glance at Philosophy. 6. Enterprise of Man. 7. The World and its Inhabitants. Gray. Natural Science and Religion.K 3275 Grimes. Geonomy.K 7186 Haeckel. Science and Teaching.K 2566 Half-hours with Modern Scientists. 2 v.K 2696 Hardvvicke’s Science Gossip, 1865-91. 27 V.. *Ser. Helmholtz. Populare Vortrage.D 409 Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen.D 394 Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 2 V....K 2677 H£ment. Menus propos sur les Sciences.. C 5209 Heraclitus. Fragments of Work on Na¬ ture.L 3087 Heraud. Jeux et Recreations scientifiques.C 5218 Herschel. Lectures on Scientific Subjects. K 2693 The same.K 2694 Hooker. Child’s Book of Nature.K 3068 Housman. Story of our Museum .K 7982 Humboldt. Ansichten der Natur. 2 v. . .D 354 Cosmos; Sketch of the Universe. 5 v.. . .1 3266 The same. 4V.K 2654 Kosmos. 5 v .D Views of Nature.K The same. I Humboldt Library, Nos. 73-84. 2 v.E Humboldt Library of Popular Science Litera¬ ture. 14 v..K 7232 355 2656 3268 3390 GENERAL WORKS. —SOCIETIES.—PERIODICALS. 411 Hunt. Poetry of Science. I 3270 Huxley. Science and Culture. Iv 7169 Jackman. Nature Study for Schools .K 7264 James. Guesses at Purposes in Nature.. ; .K 7246 Johnson. Scientific Class book .K 7155 Jordan. Science Sketches.K 7254 Journal of Science, 1864-85. 22 v. *Ser. Joyce. Scientific Dialogues.X 3271 Keddie. Footprints; Nature on its Human K 7243 Side, Kiesenwetter. Der Naturaliensammler. .D 4487 Knowledge; a Magazine of Science, 1882-91. *4 v . *ser. Lacroix. Science and Literature in the Middle Ages .. .*R 4I75 Lankester. 7259 Lesbazeilles. Merveillesdu Monde polaire.C 5734 Marvels of the Polar World . K 7235 L£vy. Curiosites scientifiques . C 5694 Lewis. Heroes of Science; Mechanicians.C 3932 Leyden University, Annales Academici, 1851- 6 7 - 12 v . *v 4 q 3 Littr£. La Science., . (3 3716 Loudun. Decouvertes de la Science sans Dieu . .C 5746 Lubbock. Fifty Years of Science. K 7157 Scientific Lectures . x 2584 Main. Manual of Scientific Inquiry . K 7159 Manchester Science Lectures, 1876-77 _ K 7233 Mangin. Delassements instructifs . C 5879 Mantell. Museum of Sussex Scientific In- stitution . K8111 Marlas. Cent Merveilles des Sciences. . . .C 5829 Martin. Illustrirte Naturgeschichte. 4V..D4526 Masius. Studies from Nature.K ^ 2 yj Maugeret. La Science a travers Champs..C 5873 Maunder. Treasury of Knowledge. *r 136! Treasury of Science.. I0 g 4 Merriman. Figure of the Earth.K 7172 Mill. Realm of Nature.K 7265 Mueller. Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine Deutschlands. *q ^ 0 6 Napier. Nature and Man.. .• .K 7247 National Academy of Sciences, Memoirs. . .*V 387 National Scientific Journal, 1881-82. v. 1. . *Ser. Natur, Die, 1873, 1876-91. v. 22, 25-40.... *Ser. Nature, 1870-91. 44 v . ’ ’ * Sn . Natuur, De, i860... * Ser Nel mayer und Andere. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf Reisen .D 4261 Nuttall. Dictionary of Scientific Terms.. *R 1085 Oken. Physiophilosophy . r 2o6() Paris, Academie des Sciences, Comptes Ren- dusde, 1865-91. v. 60-69, 90-112. . . * Ser. Paulsen. Naturkrafterne. 3 v.C 7485 Pepper. Boy’s Play-book of Science.K 2808 Cyclopaedic Science simplified.K 2805 Scientific Amusements.K 2809 The same.K 2660 Peterson. Familiar Science.K 2660 Phillipps. Science in England from Eliza¬ beth to Charles II. k 7216 Phillips. Life on the Earth. k 7238 Phipson. Mysteries of Nature.K 7164 Poesche. Leben der Natur.l) 4344 Popular Science Monthly, v. 1-8, 18, 19, 23. K 7301 Popular Science Monthly, 1872-91. 40 v _ *Ser. Index, v. 1-20. Supplement, 1878-79. 4 v. Popular Science Review, 1862-81. 20 v. * Ser. Porter. Science and Sentiment.K 7143 Potter. Science applied to Arts.K 2684 Pouchet. The Universe.;.x 7240 Proctor. Borderland of Science.K 2676 Familiar Science Studies.K 71*71 Light Science for Leisure Hours.K 2675 Nature Studies.x 7180 Pleasant Ways in Science.K 2629 Rough Ways made smooth.K 26^9 Science By-ways. * .K 2674 Radcliffe. New Chapter in the Story of Nature .. 7252 erta^e einesNaturforschers.D 3869 Rau. Evangelium der Naturgeschichte_D 4573 Rebau. Naturgeschichte.p> 4374 Recreative Science, 1860-62. 3 v . *Ser Reimann. Naturleber. des Vaterlandes _ D 2920 Reitlinger. Freie Blicke.p) 4373 Renan. L’Avenir de la Science..C 6433 The Future of Science. . . .x 7262 Ribeiro. Estabelecimerftos Scientificos de • Portugal. 9 v . . . K 259Q Roberts. Figure of the Earth.. K686,79 Rodwell. Dictionary of Science.*R IriI Roi.leston, G. Scientific Papers and Ad¬ dresses. 2 v.K 7202 Routlf.dge. Popular History of Science. .K 7165 Royal Institute of Great Britain, Proceedings, 1851-89. v. 1-3, 5-12 .*K 2817 History of; by Jones.K 2814 Royal Physical Society, Proceedings, 1854-66. 3 v ;. *S>. Royal Society, Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-83. 9 V. . 337 History of; by Weld. 2 v . K 2819 Philosophical Transactions, 1665-90.193 v *Ser. Index, v. 1-120. 2 v. Proceedings, 1854-89. v. 7-45 . *Ser. 412 NATURAL SCIENCES. Rumford, Count. See Thompson. Russ. Durch Feld und Wald.D 4572 St. Louis Academy of Science, Transactions, 1878-82. v. 3, 4.*K 7174 St. Petersburg, Academie des Sciences, Bul¬ letins, 1860-91. 34 V . *Ser. Memoires, 1859-69. 13 v... *Ser. St. Pierre. Studies in Nature. 2 v .J 245 Schele de Vere. Stray Leaves from Na¬ ture. K 2686 Schleiden. Bedeutung der Juden fur die Wissenschaften im Mittelalter.D 410 Studien; populare Vortrage.D 390 Schmal. Hemel en Aarde.D 9751 Schoedlf.r. Boek der Natuur. 2v..D 9740 Book of Nature.Iv 2754 Buch der Natur. 2v.D 4587 Naturens Bog .C 8408 Schoonheden der Schepping.D 9750 Schouw. Earth, Plants and Man.I 3281 Schubert. Natuur in hare Wonderen. 3 vD 9748 Science (Cambridge), 1883-90. 16 v. *Ser. Science (New York), 1880. v 1. *Ser. Science Lectures for the People.K 7192 Science Primers; ed. by Huxley and others.K 2685 v. 1. Introductory; by Huxley. 2. Roscoe. Chemistry. 3. Stewart. Physics. 4. Geikie. Physical Geography. 5. Geology. 6. Foster. • Physiology. 7. Lockyer. Astronomy. 8. Hooker. Botany. 9. Jevons. Political Economy . L 421 10. Spencer. Inventional Geometry. . K 480 11. Taylor. Pianoforte Playing . K 286 12. Patton. Natural Resources of U S. Scientific Illustrations and Symbols.K 7255 Scientific Review, 1873-83. v. 8-18. *Ser. Scoffern. Stray Leaves of Science . K 2683 Scudder. Catalogue of Scientific Serials .*0 603 Seaman. Views of Nature.K 2592 Shields. Order of the Sciences.K 7147 Short Studies from Nature.K 7250 Siemens, W. Scientific Works; Papers and Discussions. 3 v .K 7211 Sloane. Home Experiments in Science... K 7215 Smith. Science in Manchester . ...K 7144 Smithson, J. Scientific Writings.C 953 Smithsonian Institution, Account of; by Rhees . K 2748 Contributions to Knowledge. 26 v. *Doc. History of; by Rhees ... K 2589 The same . -Doc. Smithsonian Institution Institutions in Corres¬ pondence with, 1872.*0 2117 Miscellaneous Collections. 33 V. *Doc. Reports, 1849-90. 42 v. *Doc. South Kensington Museum, Science Confer ences at. K 3575 v. 1. Physics and Mechanics. 2. Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, etc. Science Lectures. 2 v.K 380 Scientific Apparatus. K 382 Spf.cht. Entwickelungs-Geschichted. WeltD 4590 Spencer. Classification of the Sciences . .. K 2657 Thompson {Count Rumford). Works.J 272 Thomson, Sir W. Popular Lectures and Addresses. 2v.K 7231 Tidy. Story of a Tinder-Box.K 7217 Timbs. Curiosities of Science. 2v.E 6002 Knowledge for the Time.E 6004 Tissandier. Causeries sur la Science. .7 .. C 6858 Popular Scientific Recreations.K 7178 Recreations scientifiques.C 6909 Tomlinson. The Frozen Stream.K 7173 Treat. Home Studies in Nature.K 8029 Tribune Popular Science.K 2691 Ule. Ausder Natur.D 2985 Die Natur .D 4600 Vignoli. Myth and Science.L 2156 Mythus und Wissenschaft.. .0415,47 Virchow und Holtzendorff. Wissen- schaftliche Vortrage, 1866-91. 26 v. .D 382 Vogt. Kohlerglaube und Wissenschaft. . .. D 4625 Natiirliche Geschichte der Schopfung., .D 4626 Vroi.ik. Naturlijke Geschiedenis..D 9688 Washington Philosophical Soc. Bulletins. 3 vK 7177 Wells. Science of Common Things.K 2572 Whewell. Hist, of Inductive Science. 2 v .K 2745 The same. 3 *v.K 2746 Philosophy of Inductive Science. 2 v...K 2747 Scientific Ideas. 2v.K 7209 White, Warfare of Science...K 2583 Wiener. Grundziige der Weltordnung... .D 4631 Williams. Science in Short Chapters.K 7179 Scientific Aspects of Familiar Things. . .£3390,2 Wilson. Glimpses of Nature.K 8074 Leisure Time Studies.K 7785 Winchell. Sketches of Creation.K 3274 Reconciliation of Science and Religion..K 2642 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Transactions, 1870-81. 5 v. .. *Ser. Wonders and Beauties of Creation.K 7242 World of Wonders; Marvels in Nature.K 7241 Wright, C. R. A. The Threshold of Science.K 7261 MATHEMATICS. Wright, T Science written during the Middle Ages .K 7256 Wylde. Circle of the Sciences. qv. in2.*R 1131 Year-Book of Scientific Societies of Great Brit¬ ain and Ireland, 1884-S9. 6 v.*R 1103 Zaborowski. Nouvelles scientifiques.C 6960 ZETTEL. Die Urzeit.0416,8-9 * MATHEMATICS. Adams. New Arithmetic.K 470 Airy. Treatise on Trigonometry.K 490 Alings. De Superficierum Curvatura... ,*V 382 Angel. Plane and Solid Geometry.K 2886 Archimedes. Opera mathematica. 3 v....L 5587 Archiv der Mathematik, 1873-77. v. 55-59.. *Ser. Babbage. Calculating Engines.*V 1766 Table of Logarithms. *R 4061 Baily. Doctrine of Interest...*V 1604 Baker. Mensuration and Measuring.K 1276 Ball. History of Mathematics.K 4100 Barnard. Metric System; an Address_K 415 Barrow, I. Mathematical Works.K 541 Bartholomew. Linear Perspective.K 1656 Beasley. Plane Trigonometry.K 500 Belfield. Little Folks’Arithmetic.K 519 Bellows. Plane and .Spherical Trigonome- tr > r .K . 526 Bierens de IIaan. Tables d’lntegrales de- finies . *V 324 Blackburn. Plane Trigonometry........K 497 Blakslee. Trigonometry. K 4110 Blater. Table of Quarter-Squares,.*V 932 Bledsoe. Philosophy of Mathematics.K 549 Boetius. Ars geometria .L 5692 Boole. Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences.K 4113 Treatise on Differential Equations.K 4112 Bourdon. Elements d’Algebre.C12004 Bowditch. Tables for Navigators.I* 537 Bowser. Analytic Geometry..K 4120 Differential and Integral Calculus.K 4121 Plane and Solid Geometry.K 4122 Bradbury. Elementary Geometry.K 4085 Brainard. The Sextant and other Mathe¬ matical Instruments.K686,101 Breban. Interest Tables.*R 4062 Bridge. Treatise on Conic Sections.K 472 Bryant and Stratton. Arithmetic.K 404 and Packard. Interest Tables.*V 1748 Buckingham. New Arithmetic.K 4103 Byrne. Tables of Dual Logarithms.*V 831 The Young Dual Arithmetician.K 4102 Cain. Symbolic Algebra.K686,73 4*3 Callet. Tables de Logarithmes.K 4070 Chasles. Progres de la Geometrie..K 539 Chauvenet. Elements of Geometry.K 469 • Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.R 527 Chisholm. Weighing and Measuring.K 418 Church. Descriptive Geometry.K 534 Plates to same. r 534,2 Cirodde. Lemons d’Arithmetique.C12215 Clifford. Common Sense of the Exact Sciences.. K Cocker. Arithmetick (1721). *r 538 Colenso. Arithmetic for Schools.K 413 Elements of Algebra.K 431 Colin. Universal Metric System.K 416 Comte. Philosophy of Mathematics.K 535 Corbaux. Compound Interest.K 525 Cox. Integral Calculus. r 1330 Craig. Linear Differential Equations. . . ;K 4123 Crosby. First Lessons in Geometry.K 4067 Davies, C. Algebra, on Basis of Bourdon.K 540 Descriptive Geometry.K 467 Geometry and Trigonometry.K 481 Logic of Mathematics.K 546 Metric System... r 483 Nature and Utility of Mathematics....K 484 New Elementary Algebra.K 482 Outlines of Maihematical Science.K 485 University Arithmetic... r ^ and Peck. Mathematical Dictionary .*R mg Davies, T. E. and Fenwick. Mathemati- cian. 3 v.. K 502 Deghu£e. Aufgaben zum Rechnen. 3 v.D 3381 De Morgan. Arithmetical Books.K 4064 Differential and Integral Calculus.K 456 Essay on Probabilities.j 3844 Diesterweg. Geometrie. .p) 4 0 Unterricht in der Geometrie.D 406 Dittmar. Chemical Arithmetic.K 4107 Doty. Methods of Instruction in Arithme¬ tic . *Doc. Drew. Solutions to Conic Sections.K 479 Treatise on Conic Sections. r 443 Encyclopaedia of Pure Mathematics.*R U33 Euclid. Elementa. 5 v. in 3. l 5618 Elements; ed. by Law. r 1501 Elements of Geometry; ed. by Potts. . .K 465 The same; ed. by Todhunter.R 492 The same; School edition.R 477 Evans. Elements of Geometry.K 4068 Felter. New Practical Arithmetic.R 542 Introduction to Arithmetical Analysis. . „K 427 Ferrei.. Ratio between the Diameter and the Circumference of a Circle. *£>oc. Perrers. Trihnear Co-ordinates . K 503 4 X 4 NATURAL SCIENCES. Fish. Complete Arithmetic.K 4079 The same. 2 v.K 517 First Book in Arithmetic.K 516 Forsyth. Differential Equations.K 4125 Gow. Short History of Greek MathematicsK 4095 Greenleaf. Elementary Arithmetic.K 407 Gregory. Mathematics for Practical Men. K 547 Gugler. Geometrie, mit Kupfertafeln. 2 v D 407 Hackley. Treatise on Algebra .K 430 Haddon. Differential Calculus .K 1431 Elements of Algebra; with Key. 2 v,.K 1428 Rudimentary Arithmetic; with Key. ..K 1429 Hagar. Dictation Problems in Arithmetic. K 437 Primary Lessons in Numbers. K 436 Hall. Differential and Integral Calculus. .K 4134 Hamilton. Elements of Quaternions.K 530 HamPSON. Romance of Mathematics.K 4101 Hann. Analytical Geometry.K 1435 Integral Calculus...K 1436 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry .... K 1437 Hardy. Elements of Quaternions.K 501 Imaginary Quantities.K686,52 Harper’s Graded Arithmetics, 1st and 2nd. .Iv 4080 Hathaway, iooi Questions on ArithmeticK 4091 Hatton. System of Arithmetic.K 412 Hayter. Perspective, Practical Geometry. K 37°6 Heather. Descriptive Geometry.Iv 1446 Mathematical Instruments.Iv 531 The same; new ed.Iv 1447 The same. 3V.Iv 1448 v. I. Drawing and Measuring Instruments. 2. Optical Instruments. 3. Surveying and Astronomical Instru¬ ments. Practical Plane Geometry.K 1449 Hemming. Differ, and Integral Calculus.. K 461 Higgs. Algebra self-taught.K 532 Hill. Geometry and Faith.K 458 First Lessons in Geometry. K 457 Second Book in Geometry.Iv 460 Hind. Elements of Algebra.K 493 Principles and Practice of Arithmetic. .K 494 Hipsley. Equational Arithmetic.K 1455 Hobson. Treatise on 4111 How to become Quick at Figures.Iv 4074 Howard. Art of Computation.Iv 406 Howison. Analytic Geometry. Iv 425 The same.Iv 475 Hunter. Elements of Plane Geometry.... K 468 Hutton. Course of Mathematics .Iv 548 Johnson. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.1.l v 4 I2 4 Kapteijn. Der Meetkunst. ...D 9407 IviRKand Belfield. Elementary Arithmetic K 518 Kirkman. Geometry, Algebra,Trigonometry Iv 1480 Knisely. Arithmetical Questions.K 558 Lardner. Treatise on Arithmetic.I 3850 Treatise on Geometry...I 3851 Laurie. Arithmetical Examples.K 400 Manual of Arithmetic.Iv 401 Law. Logarithms..Iv 1502 Mathematical Tables.K 1504 Layton. Instant Reckoner.. K 4065 Legendre. Elements de Geometrie.K 473 Geometry and Trigonometry.Iv 471 Loomis. Geometry and Conic Sections.. . .K 4086 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.... K 504 Treatise on Algebra.K 4090 M’Clelland. Geometry of the Circle.. • •K 4 U 3 Mac£. Arithmetique du Grand-Papa.C 5773 Mahan. Geometry applied to Stone CuttingK 702 Mathematical Monthly. 1859-61. 3v. *Ser. Meetkunst.L> 9523 Milne. First Lessons in Arithmetic.K 417 Mohammed Ben Musa. Algebra.*V 1288 Montag. Geometrie.D 412 Morehouse. Table of Wages.K 528 Muir. Theory of Determinants .K 4130 Newcomb. Algebra for Schools and Col¬ leges .K 498 Elements of Geometry.K 499 Logarithmic and other Mathematical Tables.K 4131 Newton. Newton’s Principia.Iv 2791 Nicomachus. Introductionis Arithmetics libri II.L 5649 O’Gorman Intuitive Calculations.K 1538 Olney. Elements of Arithmetic.Iv 4098 Geometry and Calculus.K 524 Key to complete Algebra.K 522 Primary Arithmetic.Iv 521 Trigonometry.K 523 Ottley. Integral Calculus. K 463 Ozanam. Recreations in Mathematics. 4 vK 459 Peck. Analytical Geometry.K 487 Practical Arithmetic.K 486 Treatise on Calculus.K 488 Pike. Complete -'System of Arithmetick. . .Iv 464 Pocket Logarithms ..K686,65 Price. Treatise on Infinitesimal Calculus. 4 v.. *P 158 Proclus. In primum Euclidis elementorum librum commentarii.L 5665 Prydf.. Chambers’s Mathematical Tables.Iv 4063 Quackenbos. Elementary Arithmetic... .Iv 434 Mental Arithmetic.K 432 Primary Arithmetic. K 433 MATHEMATICS. RaN'KINE. Rules and Tables relating to Mensuration. K 665 Ray. Algebra, pt. 2d, with Key. 2 v.K 421 The same. 2v.K 420 Arithmetic, Books 2, 3. 2 v. K 40S7 Arithmetic, pt. 3 .K 496 Higher Arithmetic.K 419 Rudiments cf Arithmetic.Iv 426 Ready Reckoner .K 1565 Reffelt. Exempelbuch fiir Rechnen. 12 vD 3384 Exempelbuch fiir Kopfrechnen. 2 v..D 3382 Rechncnbuch fiir deutsche Schulen. 3 vD 3383 Rekenkunde.D 9688 Richard. Mathematiques appliquees..C6513,167 Robinson. Conic Sections.Iv 507 Elementary Treatise on Algebra . Iv 4072 Elements of Arithmetic . K 512 Elements of Geometry .. Iv 466 Key to Geometry, etc. Iv 515 New Differential and Integral Calculus. Iv 508 New Elementary Algebra. K 4089 New University Algebra. Iv 510 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.... K 509 Practical Arithmetic with Key. 2 v. . .Iv 506 Progressive Intellectual Arithmetic .... K 514 Rudiments of Written Arithmetic ....Iv 513 Sadler and Nugent. 505 Salmon. Treatise on Conic Sections. K 4094 Sanford. Higher Analytical Arithmetic.. Iv 399 Intermediate Arithmetic. K 398 Primary Arithmetic . Iv 397 Sang. Elementary Arithmetic . Iv 408 Higher Arithmetic.Iv 409 Life-Valuations.Iv 544 Table of Seven-place Logarithms.Iv 543 Schroen. Siebenstellige Logarithmen. . . *K 4071 Schulze. Mathematische Tafeln. 2 v.\ .*D 413 Schuyler. Elements of Geometry. K 476 Scott. Tables of Logarithms.*K 545 Searle. Elements of Geometry.K 478 Seayer and Walton. Franklin Elementary Arithmetic.Iv 4084 Franklin Primary Arithmetic.K 4083 Franklin Written Arithmetic.K 4082 Mental Arithmetic.Iv 4078 Smii h, C. Examples on Conic Sections. .. K 4096 Smith, J. B. Arithmetic in Theory and Practice .K 402 Smith, J. C. Questions in Mathematics. .. K 4141 Smith, W. B. Elementary Co-ordinate Geometry .K 4075 Speer. Lessons for the Study of Number.. K 4092 Spencer. Inventional Geometry.K 4S0 Spieker. Lehrbuch der ebenen Geometrie. L) 4339 415 Stewart. Plane and Solid Geometry ... IT 4117 Stoddard. Intellectual Arithmetic. K 4081 Juvenile Mental Arithmetic IT 551 Key to Practical Arithmetic . IT 554 Key to Pract. and Complete Arithmetic IT 557 Primary Arithmetic.. . . K 55 2 Rudiments of Arithmetic . IT 553 and Kenki.e. University Algebra . . .. IT 555 Key to Elementary Algebra IT 556 Swarthout and -Farnham. Examples in Arithmetic, 1st and 2nd Books IT 4077 Tait. Treatise on Quaternions .K 4069 Tappan. Geometry and Trigonometry.... Iv 422 Plane and Solid Geometry.K 423 Taylor. First Principles of Euclid . Iv 4076 Terri^re. Calculates.C65i3,i48 Thoman. Compound Interest and AnnuitiesK 1604 Thomson. Higher Arithmetic.K 403 New Mental Arithmetic.K 428 New Rudiments of Arithmetic.Iv 429 Todhunter. Analytical Statics.K 446 Algebra for Beginners.K 438 Key to the same . K 440 Algebra for Colleges.K 439 Key to the same ..K 441 Calculus of Variations.K 443 Conic Sections. ; K 447 Differential Calculus.K 445 Examples of Analytical Geometry. . . . K 449 Functions of Laplace, Lame and BesselK 454 Mensuration for Beginners.K 452 Plane Trigonometry.K 451 Spherical Trigonometry.K 450 Theory of Equations . IT 442 The Theory of Probability.K 453 Treatise on Integral Calculus. K 444 Trigonometry for Beginilers. K 495 Totten. Treatise on Algebra.. Iv 474 Tower. Intellectual Algebra . K 4^5 Vega. Logarithmisch-trigonometrischcs Iland- buch. D 6748 Venema. Ooderwijzinge in de Algebra. . .D 9875 Versluys. Leerboek der Rekenkunde. ... I) 885 Vose. Algebraic Problems .K686,i6 Walton. Arithmetic for Schools . Iv 4088 Intellectual Arithmetic . K 520 and Cogswell. Problems; with Key.K 414 Warren. Elements of Descriptive Geometry. 2 v . K 4129 Linear Perspective in Form and ShadowK 253 Primary Geometry.K 4132 Problems in Descriptive Geometry. .. . .K 4128 Problems in Plane Geometry. K 529 Problems in Stone Cutting. K 754 416 NATURAL SCIENCES. Warren. Problems of Shades.K 4126 Wentworth. College Algebra.K 4093 Whewell. The Doctrine of Limits.K 4097 White. Intermediate Arithmetic.K 411 Wich. Geometrischer Formelnschatz.D 411 Wiecke. Mathematik.D 414 Williamson. Differential Calculus.K 4135 Treatise on the Integral Calculus.K 4136 Wintering. Rekenkundige Opgaven.. .. D 9939 Wood. Elements of Algebra . .K 435 Woolhouse. Differential Calculus. ..K 1632 Wrigley. Examples in ‘Mathematics. ,.. .K 4066 Young. Arithmetic; with Ley. 2v.K 1640 Elements of Differential Calculus.K 462 PHYSICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Abbott. Force.K 2735 Adams. Circle of the Year.K 2753 Everyday Objects. K 2681 Allen, C. R. Elementary Physics.K 7270 Allen, Z. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature.K 2796 Solar Light and Heat.K 2053 Annalen der Physik und Chemie (Poggen- dorff’s), 1873-81. v. 148-159. New Series, v. 1-14. *Ser. Namen-Register, v. 1-150. Sachregister, v. 1-160. Arnot. The Present World. E 788 Arnott. Elements of Physics.K 2640 Avery. Elements of Natural Philosophy.. .K 7 1 9 ^ Baeblich. Buch der Physik.D 4405 Bartlett. Elements of Natural Philo¬ sophy .K 2576 Basset. Hydrodynamics and Sound.K 7228 Battye. What is Vital Force?.K 2861 Bell.- Phenomena of Nature.I 35 °^ Berghaus. Aardrijksbeschrijving. 2 v...D 9041 Bixby. Similarities of Physical and Religious Knowledge. .. K 2678 Blackwell.. Physical Basis of Immortality.K 2647 Blikken in het Leven der Natuur.D 9064,5 Boer. Natuurkundig Leerboek. 2v.. ..D 9076 Bower. Science applied to Work.K 7260 Science of Everyday Life.K 7263 Brettner. Physik.D 392 Brewster. Letters on Natural Magic.I 3683 The same.I 35^6 Bryant. The World-Energy and its Self- Conservation.K 7220 Bucke. Beauties of Nature.I 375 1 Buckley. History of Natural Science. ... K 2645 Burg. Grondbeginselen der Natuurkunde. D 9110 Burmeister. Geschichte der Schopfung..D 352 Caillard. Invisible Powers of Nature ...K 7207 Calleja. Universal Physiology.K 7234 Campbell. Thermography.K 7553 Carpenter. Energy in Nature.K 7185 Cazin. Les Forces physiques.C 4166 Chambers, R. Vestiges of Creation.K 7146 Chambers, W. Questions with Answers. . .K 2708 Child. Benedicite; or, Song of the Three Children. 2 v.'..K 7258 Comstock. Natural Philosophy.K 7187 System of Natural Philosophy.K 2574 The same.K 7 I 5 ° Cooley. Experiment in Physical Science. .K 2690 Natural Philosophy for Schools.K 2794 New Text Book of Physics.K 7151 Text Book of Natural Philosophy.K 2782 Crueger. Schule der Physik.D 4427 Cutler. Essentials of Physics and Chemistry.K 9138 Cyclopsedia of Experimental Philosophy.. . .*R 1134 Daniell. Principles of Physics.K 7191 Dawson. Nature and the Bible.K 2981 DESCHANF.L. Natural Philosophy.K 2798 Dick. Christian Philosopher.J 48,2 Diesterweg. Heelal en zijne Wonderen..D 9188 Dolbear. Art of Projecting.K 7188 Matter, Ether and Motion.K 7268 Dorner. Grundziige der Physik.D 4260 Earnshaw. Treatise on Motion.. 4 .K 2667 Eckardt. Physics in Pictures.*V 575 Eisenlohr. Lehrbuch der Physik.D 393 Emsman. Handworterbuch der Physik. . .*R 785 Euler. Letters on Natural Philosophy. 2 v.I 3687 Everett. Illustrations of the C. G. S. Sys¬ tem of Units.K 7229 Faraday. Experimental Physics.K 2348 Forces of Nature.K 2739 Fer£. Sensation et Mouvement.C 4884 Figuier. Alchimie et les Alchimistes.C 4900 Histoire du Merveilleux. 4V.C 4904 Merveilles de la Science. 4 V.*V 1105 Le Savant du Foyer.C 4914 The World before the Deluge.K 2825 Fisher. Physics of the Earth’s Crust.K 7210 Flammarion. L’Atmosphere. .*V 1117 Fonvielle. Le Monde invisible. C 4174 Frick. Physical Technics.K 2651 Gage. Physical Laboratory Manual. K 7272 Text-Book on Elements of Physics.K 7269 Ganot. Natural Philosophy for Schools... K 2596 Traite de Physique.C12455 Treatise on Physics .K 2666 and Rolfe. Natural Philosophy for Schools.L 7*97 PHYSICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 4‘7 Good. Book of Nature.K 2752 Gore. Art of Scientific Discovery.K 7153 Gravesande. Natural Philosophy. 2 v,.K 2781 Green. Value of Physical Science. *L 1089 Grove. Correlation of Forces.K 2736 and others. Correlation of Forces. . . .K 2737 Grund. Elements of Natural Philosophy.. K 7181 Guillaud. Physique appliquee. C 6513, 124 J , Guillemin. Forces of Nature.K 2709 Applications of Physical Forces.K 2848 Le Monde physique. *V 1148 v. 1. Pesanteur et Gravitation; le Son. 2. La Lumiere. 3. Le Magnetisme et PElectricite. 4. La Chaleur. 5- La Meteorologie; la Physique moleculaire. Phenomenes de la Physique.*V 1108 Guthrie. First Book of Knowledge.. ...K 7154' Hamilton. All Matter tends to Rotation..K 7212 Handleiding tot Kennis van den Aardbol... .D 9317 Handleiding tot de Kennis der Natuur.D 9316 Hartley. Air; its Relation to Life.K 2653 Hartwig. Aerial World.K 2847 Harmonies of Nature.K 2755 Gott in der Natur.D 4470 Die Unterwelt.D 4472 Subterranean World.. ...K 2818 Haughton. Least Action in Nature.*K 2797 Herschel. Natural Philosophy.I 3846 HlCKOK. Rational Cosmology.K 2650 Higgins. The Earth; its Physical Condition and Phenomena. I 3711 Hogg. Natural Philosophy.;.I 3264 Hopkins. Experimental Science; Physics. .K 7214 Hutchison. Unexplained Phenomena.. . .K 7158 Huxley. Physiography.K 2580 Index to Treatises on Natural Philosophy. ,*K 7141 Johnson. The One Great-Force .K 2586 Johnston. Natural Philosophy.K 2588 Joyce. Introduction to Arts and Sciences..K 2705 Kidd. Adaptation of Nature to Man. I 3247 Kimball. Physical Properties of Gases... .K 7219 Koerner. Die Luft.D 4491 Kohlrausch. Physical Measurements.... K 2813 Krause ( C. Sterne). Werden und Vergehen.D 4594 Krebs. Erhaltung der Energie. D 416, 25 La Landelle. Dans les Airs .C 5641 Lanoye. The Sublime in Nature.K 2603 Lardner. Natural Philosophy.K 2707 The same.K 2806 Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. I 3849 Levy. Curiosites scientifiques.C 5694 Lloyd. Papers on Physical Science.K 7189 Locke. Elements of Natural Philosophy. .J 178, 3 Locke. Elements of Natural Philosophy. . I 3048,2 Loewenthal. Fifty Laws relating to Spher¬ ical Movements. . ..K 2718 Lommel. Lexikon der Physik und Meteor¬ ologie.*R 3814 Loney. Elements of Statics and Dynamics. 2 v .K 5007 Loomis. Elements of Natural Philosophy. .K 2581 Lotze. Mikrokosmus. 3 V.D 4514 Dasselbe. 3 v. in 2.D 6712 McCosh. Typical Form of Creation.K 2992 Mangin. L’ Air et le Monde aerien.*V 1136 The Desert World.K 2841 Les Deserts.C 5909 Le Monde de PAir.C 5917 Le Monde marin...C 5919 Les Phenomenes de PAir.C 5916 Marsh. Earth modified by Human Action. K 2839 Man and Nature. .. .K 2840 Marshall. Spaziergange eines Natur- forschers.D 4532 Martin. Philosophia Britannica. 3 V....K 2783 Martinet. Katechismus der Natuur. 4V.D9518 Maxwell. Matter and Motion.K686, 36 Michelet. Poetry of Earth and Sea.K 2750 Milner. Gallery of Nature.*V 350 Minchin. Treatise on Statics. 2v.Iv 7196 Mohr. Geschichte der Erde.D 376 Moitessier. L’Air. C 4222 Mudie. Guide to Observation of Nature... I 3546 The same. I 3688 Mystery of Matter.E3390, 2 Natuurkunde.•.D 9523 Netoliczka. Physik, Chemie u. Mechanik.D 363 Physik fur Tochterschulen.D 397 Newton. Mathematical Principle of Natural Philosophy.K 2791 Nichol. Cyclopaedia of Physical Sciences. *R 1106 Nichols. Fireside Science .K 2276 Nielson. Natur ogAand.C 7423 Norton. Elements of Natural Philosophy.K 2792 Nuttall. Dictionary of Scientific Terms.*R 1085 Ohm. Dreieinigkeit der Kraft.D 389 Olmsted. Natural Philosophy, v. 1.K 7203 Orr. Circle of the Sciences... ,K 2695 v. 1. Organic Nature. 2. Botany. 3. Zoology. 4. Inorganic Nature. 5. Navigation. 6. 'Chemistry, Light, etc. 7. Practical Chemistry. 8. Mathematical Sciences. 9. Mechanical Philosophy. 4iS NATURAL SCIENCES. Ozanam. Natural Philosophy. 4 V.K 459 Paris. Philosophy in Spon.K 7163 Parker. Natural Philosophy.K 2790 Paterson. Studies in Life.K 7788 The Universe..717° Peirce. Ideality in the Physical Sciences. .K 7142 Pepper. Pneumatics and Acoustics.K 2849 Phelps. Natural Philosophy for Beginners.K 2579 Pickering. Elements of Physical Manipula¬ tion. 2 v.K 7193 Plank. Das Princip der Erhaltung der Energie. : .D 6510 Potter. Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 2 v.K 7201 Pouillet. Fhysik und Meteorologie. 2 v.D 396 Powell. History of the Physical Sciences. .1 3854 Unity of Worlds and of Nature. . .K 7244 Prins. Dampkringskunde.D 9662 Quackenbos. Natural Philosophy.K 2593 Reis. Lehrbuch der Physik.D 4569 Richard. Jeux ensergnant la Science.C 6513,61-62 Rolfe and Gillet. Hand-book of Natural Philosophy. ..K 2595 The same, for school and home use.K 2784 Saffray. Elements des Sciences physiques. C 6633 Saint-Venant. Elastical Researches.K 7221 Schucht. Iiandbuch der Physik .D 562 Sedgwick. Force as an Entity. , c .K 7225 Siegmund. Untergegangene Welten.D 4366 Wunder der Physik u. Chemie.D 4365 Siemens. Conservation of Solar Energy.. .K 7194 Silliman. Principles of Physics. .' .K 266S Smith. Natural Philosophy for Schools.... K 7156 Somerville. Physical Sciences.K 2710 Spiller. Grundriss der Physik.D 4593 Stallo. Theories of Modern Physics.K 7168 Matiere et Physique moderne.C 6791 Steele. Answers in Natural Philosophy. . .K 2321 14 Weeks in Natural Philosophy .K 2597 14 Weeks in Fhysics.K 2598 Chatauqua Course in Physics ..K 7257 Stewart. Conservation of Energy.K 2699 Erhaltung der Energie.D415, 9 Lessons in Elementary Physics.K 7162 Primer of Physics.K2685, 3 and Gee. Elementary Physics. 2 v...K 7204 Physics for Schools.K 7205 Tait. Advances in Physical Science.K 2638 and Steele. Dynamics of a Particle..K 7218 Thomson and Tait. Natural Philosophy. 2 v. '. . K 7190 Todhunter. Theory of Elasticity.K 7199 Tomlinson. Natural Philosophy.K 1607 Pneumatics for Beginners. K 1608 Tyndall. Advancement of Science. K 2721 Faraday as a Discoverer.K 2672 Floating-Matter in the Air.K 7176 Fragments of Science. K 2673 The same; new ed. 2 v.K 2636 Molecular Physics.K 2689 Ule und Hummel. Physikalische und che- mische Unterhaltung.D 4599 Universal Powers of Nature Revealed .K 2722 Ward. Constitution of the Earth.K 7200 Weinhold. Experimental Physics.K 7161 Wells. Hand-book of Natural Philosophy. 3 v. .... K 2786 Wesley. Natural Philosophy. 3 V.I 3605 Williamson andTARLETON. Treatise on Dy¬ namics .K 5006 Winslow. Force and Nature.K 7195 Wuellner. Lehrbuch der Experimental- physik. 4 v.D 4635 WATER. Blair. Analysis of Potable Waters.K 9151 Catlow. Drops of Water...K 3182 Chapman and Wanklyn. Water-Analysis.N 443 Church. Plain Words about Water.K 3563 Folkard. Potable Water. K686, 61 Kirkwood. Filtration of River Waters. . .*V 286 Macdonald. Examination of Drinking Water. N 442 Mosher. Water and its Impurities.K 2717 Parry. Water; its Composition, etc.N 444 Pfaff. . Das Wasser..D416, 4 PRUDDEN. Drinking Water and Ice Sup¬ plies.N 655 Tissandier. L’Eau.C 4203 Wonders of Water.K 2633 Tyndall. Forms of Water.K 2687 Das Wasser.D415, I Watt. Composition of Water.Iv 7160 SOUND AND ACOUSTICS. AIRY. Sound and Atmospheric-Vibrations. Iv 2644 Arago. Geschwindigkeit des Schalles... . D381,15 Bartlett. Acoustics and Optics.K 2576 Basset. Elementary Treatise on Sound... K 7228 Blaserna. Der Schall.0415,24 Brewer. Sound and its Phenomena.K 2669 Gurney. Power of Sound.K 3922 Helmholtz. Sensations of Tone.K 270 Tonempfindungen.D 444 Henry. Researches in Sound .. . .K 2599 Lees. Acoustics, Light and Heat. K 2880 Mayer. Sound; Series of Experiments... K 2585 LIGHT AND OPTICS.-—HEAT. 419 Melde. Akustik.134155 56 Pepper. Acoustics and Pneumatics.K 2849 Radau. L’Acoustique ... . C 4195 Der Schall...D416, 1 Wonders of Acoustics.K 2607 Smith. Acoustics in Buildings.K 1578 Strutt, Lord Rayleigh. Theory of Sound.. K 7750 Tyndall. On Sound. k 267 r Wuellner. Allgemeine Physik und Akus- tlk .D4635, 1 See also Music. LIGHT AND OPTICS. Abbott. Light.x 2733 Airy. Undulatory Theory of Optics.K 7501 Arago. Polarisation des Lichtes .*0381, 10 Ueber des Licht.L381, 7 Awdry, Easy Lessons in LightK 7502 Bartlett. Elements of Optics. > _K 2576 Brewster. The Kaleidoscope.K 2662 °P tics . I 3843 L’Optique . C6513, 48-49 The Stereoscope . X 2 66 i Buechner. Licht und Leben . D 4419 Electric Light. See Electric Light, p. 373. Gerland. Licht und Warme . D 6703 Glazebrook. Physical Optics .K 7504 Goblet. Theory of Sight . K 2663 Guillemin. La Lumiere.*¥1148 2 PIeather. Optical Instruments.K1448, 2 Hunt. Researches on Light.K 2761 Le Conte. Sight.X 177 Lommel. Nature of Light.K 2701 Wesen des Lichtes.D415, 8 Marion. L’Optique. C 4186 Wonders of Optics. K 2605 Moitessier. La Lumiere.(3 5905 Nugent. Treatise on Optics. .. . c .K 7509 Parkinson. Treatise on Optics.K 2664 Phipson. Phosphorescence .K 2816 Pisko. Licht und Farbe.D416 2 Potter. Treatise on Optics. 2v . K 7^10 Physical Optics. 2 v. X 7511 Preston. Theory of Light .X 7519 Spottiswoode. Polarisation of Light....K 2659 Stokes. On Light..X 7508 Tait. Light . K 7507 Tarn. Light; Introduction to Optics . X 1542 Tyndall. Lectures on Light . X 2726 Light and Electricity . . X 2727 Van Monckhoven. Photographic Optics. .K 2812 Vogel. Chemistry of Light*.. X 2658 Chemische Wirkungen des Lichtes .... D41 5. 5 V right. Light; Experimental Optics. .. . Optical Projection; Use of the Lantern. Wuellner. Die Lehre vom Licht. • K 7503 • K 7505 D4635> 2 HEAT. Abbott. Heat . K 2732 Anderson . Conversion of Heat into Work . K 4906 Bouant. Les Merveilles du Feu . C12094 Box. Treatise on Heat . K 2724 Campbell. Frost and Fire. 2v . X 2730 Cazin. La Chaleur. .. . .. q 4165 Wonders of Heat . K 2609 Die Warme . D 4 i6, 3 Clausius. Mechanical Theory of Heat. .. .K 7543 Coole\ . Mechanical Action of Radiation.*K 7170 Everett. Deep-sunk Thermometer . *Doc. Fourier. Analytical Theory of Heat.K 7544 Guillemin. La Chaleur . ‘^1148,4 Irving. Short Manual of Heat . X 2731 Larden. School Course an Heat . X 7560 Lardner. Treatise on Heat . 1 3852 MacCulloch. Mechanical Theory of Heat.K 741 Maxwell. Theory of Heat . X 2700 Metcalfe. Caloric. 2v . x 2720 Roentgen. Thermodynamics .. K 4911 Seguin. Family Thermometry . X 2757 Ser. Chaleur. 2 v. ... q 6678 Stewart. Elementary Treatise on Heat. .K2729 The same. * . *p 242 1 hurston. Heahas a Form of Energy. .. K 7561 Trowbridge. Heat a Source of Power .... K 2728 Tyndall. Heat a Mode of Motion . X 2725 The same; new edition . X 7541 On Radiation . -X 2688 Die Warme .. D 4602 Williams, C. W. Combustion of Coal. . .. K 1626 The same; new edition. . . .. X 4840 Heat in Relation to Water and Steam. .K 2649 Williams, W. M. Simple Treatise on Heat ---. K 7545 Wuellner. Die Lehre von der Warme .. D4635, 3 BALLOONS AND AEROSTATICS. Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, Reports, 1866—71.K 2749 Arago. Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten_0381,9 Coxvvell. My Life and Balloon Experi¬ ences.X 7484 Dupuis-Delcourt. Aerostation.C 6513, 144 Fi.ammarion. Mes Voyages aeriens.C 4991 Fonvielle. Adventures in the Air .K 7485 Glaisher. Travels in the Air...K 2756 Goupil. La Locomotion aerienne.C12459 420 NATURAL SCIENCES. Grilleau. Les Aerostats dirigeables.C12467 La Landelle. Dans les Airs.C 5641 Mansfield. Aerial Navigation.K 749 ° Marion. Les Ballons.C 4185 Wonderful Balloon Ascents.K 2606 May. Ballooning; its History and Princi¬ ples.E 749 1 Tissandier. Les Ballons dirigeables.C13217 Histoire de mes Ascensions.C 6913 Histoire des Ballons et des Aejonautes. - ^ 1053 La Photographic en Ballon.C1321S Souvenirs d’un aerostier militaire.*V 1851 Turnor. Astra Castra; Ballooning .*V 159 Zurcher et MargollL Les Ascensions celebres. C 4208 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Albrecht. Geschichte der Elektricitat. ^429,28 Angell. Magnetism and'Electricity. Iv 2874 Arago. Die Elektricitat..D381,4,15 Geber Magnetismus. 0381,4 Baille. L’Electricite .C 4162 Wonders cf Electricity. E 2632 Baker. Magnetism and Electricity.K 7616 Belot. Les Secrets du Magnetisme.C12051 Blakesley. Alternating Currents.Iv 7659 Brennan. Exposition cf Electricity.K 7606 Caillard. Electricity.E 7675 Carl. Elektrische Naturkrafte.K 416,6 Cavendish. Electrical Researches, 1771 81 K 77 1 5 Cazin. L’Pltincelle electrique.C12130 Gumming. Theory of Electricity.K 7717 Davis. Manual of Magnetism.K 2799 De La Rive. Treatise on Electricity. 3 v. .K 2795 Du Moncel. Electro-Magnets.K686,64 DUNMAN. Electricity and Magnetism.K 7725 Epitome of Electricity and Galvanism .K 7602 Faraday. Researches in Electricity. 3V.K7629 Ferguson. Electricity.E 27S9 The same; new ed.E 7588 Figuier. L’Electricite.1071,1 Fiske. Electricity.E 7612 Fleming. Alternate Current Transformer.K 7657 Forbes. Lectures on Electricity.Iv 7634 Gladstone and Tribe. Chemistry of the Secondary Batteries.E 77°7 Gordon. Electricity and Magnetism. 2 v.IC 7583 The same; new ed. 2v.E 7680 School Electricity.. .. • • ■ .E 7623 Static Electric Induction.E 7584 Greer. Wonders in Electricity.E 7600 Guillemin. Electricity and Magnetism. .*E 7684 Guthrie. Magnetism and Electricity.E 2854 Harris. Rudimentary Electricity.E 1440 Rudimentary Magnetism. Iv 1442 Treatise on Galvanism.E 1441 Harti.eben. Neueste literarische Erschei nungen iiber Elektricitat. *0 643 Hobbs. Arithmetic of Electrical Measure¬ ments.E 7693 Hopkins. Experimental Physics.E 7214 Houston. Dictionary of Electrical Terms-R 1120 The same. E 7728 Jamieson. Magnetism and Electricity.... E 7723 Jenkin. Electricity and Magnetism.E 2801 Eirwan. Electricity; what it is.....Iv 7618 Larden. Electricity for Schools and Col¬ leges.E 7716 Lardner. Electricity and Magnetism ... .E 2806 Electricity and Magnetism, 2v.I 3853 Lfvander. Questions on Magnetism and • Electricity.-.Iv 7718 Lockwood. Electricity and Magnetism. . .Iv 7601 Lodge. Modern Views of Electricity.E 7646 Magnetism of Ships, and Compass Devia¬ tion . Iv 2802 Mascart and Joubert. Electricity and Magnetism. 2 v .Iv 7650 Maxwell. Elementary' Treatise on Elec¬ tricity.K 759° Electricity and Magnetism. 2 v.Iv 2788 Maycock. First Book of Electricity and Magnetism.Iv 7689 Mendenhall. A Century of Electricity. .Iv 7627 Metcalfe. Terrestrial Magnetism.Iv 2807 Miller. Electricity and Magnetism.K 2743 Murdock. Electricity and Magnetism ...E 7596 Murray. Electricite atmospherique. ..C65i3,i64 Niaudet. Treatise on Electric Batteries.. .E 7614 Noad. Text-Book of Electricity.. ..Iv 2738 Manual of Electricity.E 2740 Ohm. The Galvanic Circuit.E6S6,102 Pepper. Electricity.Iv 2850 Poyser. Magnetism and Electricity.E 7726 Prescott. Electricity and the Telegraph. .Iv 2851 Radau. Le Magnetisme.C 4223 Reichenbach. Magnetism and ElectricityK 2800 Ronalds. Books relating to Electricity.. *0 256 Rust. Electricity.Iv 7722 Sprague. Electricity.E 7605 Stewart and Gee. Electricity and Mag¬ netism . E7204,* The same for School.E 7205,1 Sturgeon. Electricity and Magnetism. . .*V 258 Tarn. Magnetism and Electricity.Iv 7719 Thompson. Electricity and Magnetism... E 7591 Thomson. Electrostatics and Magnetism.. E 2787 CHEMISTRY. 421 Trevert. Hand-Book of Electricity.X 7687 Tyndall. Diamagnetism and Magne-Crys- tallic Action.Iv 7640 Light and Electricity .K 2727 United States Patents on Electricity, Index, 1881-90. 9 V. in 3... Pat. Dept. Vaschy. Traite d’Electricite et de Magne- tisme. 2 v.C13304 Walker. Magnetism.K 2744 Watson and Burbury. Mathematical The¬ ory of Electricity. 2v.K 7647 Wilson. Howto magnetise.K 2582 WoRMEli. Magnetism and Electricity... .K 7724 CHEMISTRY. Allen. Commercial Organic Analysis. 2V.K9126 Annalen der Chemie (Liebig’s), 1877-91. v. 185-266 (Incomplete). *Ser. Appleton. Chemistry. .K 2351 Attfield. Chemistry.K 2241 Auerbach. Anthracen.K 9122 Baer. Chemie despraktischen Lebens. 2v.D 401 Chemie fur Schule und Haus.D 4407 Beilstein. Qualitative Analysis.K 2888 Berr. Anfangsgriinde der Chemie.D 402 Berthelot. Chemische Synthese.D415, 25 Blair, A. A. Chemical Analysis of Iron... K 9150 Blair, J..A. Analysis of Potable Waters. .K 9151 Bloxam. Laboratory Teaching.K 2245 Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.K 2291 Bolton. Literature of Manganese.*K 2559 Students’Quantitative Analysis.* K 2342 Booth and Morfit. Improvementsin Chem¬ ical Arts.K' 872 Bowman. Practical Chemistry.K 2252 Brande and Taylor. Chemistry.K 2336 Brodie. Ideal Chemistry. K 9147 Chemical News, 1874-91. v. 29-65. *Ser. Church. The Laboratory Guide.K 9153 Clarke. Elements of Chemistry.K 2353 Specific Gravity Tables.K 2793 Classen. Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis.K 9129 Clowes. Treatise on Practical Chemistry.. K 2333 COmstock. Elements of Chemistry.K 2256 Cooke. Chemie der Gegenwart. . ..D415, 16 Elements of Chemical Physics.K 2271 New Chemistry.K 22^ 1 Principles of Chemical Philosophy.K 2273 Religion and Chemistry.K 2272 Cooley. Text-book of Chemistry.K 2280 Crafts. Qualitative Analysis.K 2296 Crookes. Chemical Analysis.K 9132 Cross. Elementary Chemical Technics... .K 9131 Cutler. Essentials of Chemistry.K 9138 Dammer. Lexikon der Chemie.*R 3807 Lexikon fiir chemische Technologie.. ,*R 3808 Daubeny. Introduction to Atomic Theory. K 2281 Davy. Agricultural Chemistry.K 2299 The same.J47, 7-8 Elements of Chemical Philosophy.J 47,4 Researches in Nitrous Oxide, etc.J 47, 3 Deherrypon. La Chimie.C 4169 De Koninck. Chemical Analysis.K 773 Dittmar. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. K 9155 Donovan. Chemistry.I 3845 Beginselen der Scheikunde.D 9197 Dragendorff. Plant Analysis.K 9128 Drechsel. Study of Chemical Reactions. .K 2338 Duplais. Treatise on Alcoholic Liquors. . *K 4276 Eliot and Storer, Manual of Chemistry.K 2316 The same; new ed.K 9163 Encyclopaedia of Chemistry. 2 v. .*R 761 Enklaar. Anorganische Scheikunde. 2v.D 9238 Faraday. Chemical History of a Candle.. K 2305 Chemical Manipulation. K 2297 Lectures on Non-metallic Elements... K 2304 Researches in Chemistry.K 2348 Fehling. Worterbuch der Chemie. 5 v.*R 780 Fittig. Wohler’s Organic Chemistry . K 2323 Fleck. Chemie und Gesundheitspflege. .. . D 4453 Fownes. Rudimentary Chemistry.K 1375 Elementary Chemistry.K 2301 Fox. Ozone and Antozone. ...K 9181 Foye. Chemical Problems.K686, 69 Frankland, E. How to teach Chemistry.K 2247 Lecture Notes for Students.K 2330 Frankland, P. F. Agricultural Chemical Analysis.K 2347 Fresenius. Qualitative Analysis. .. t ..... K 2307 Qualitative chemische Analyse.D 4454 Quantitative Analysis ....'. .Iv 2306 Quantitative chemische Analyse.D 4455 Galloway. Manual of Qualitative Anal¬ ysis.K 224S Principles of Chemistry.K 9133 Gerhardt. Traite de Chimie organique. 4VC5102 Gilardin. Algemeene Scheikunde.D 9662 Glauber. Works; tr by Packe.*V 1761 Gmelin. Hand-book of Chemistry. 2310 Gorup-Besanez. Lehrbuch d. Chemie. 3 v.D 4463 Grabfield and Burns. Chemical Problems. K 9134 Graham. Elements of Chemistry. 2 v. ..K 2261 Chemical and Physical Researches.Iv 2311 Gray. Elements of Chemistry.K 2243 The same; new ed.K 2258 Griffin. Chemical Handicraft.K 2346 422 NATURAL SCIENCES. Griffin. Non-metallic Elements.K 2257 Groves and Thorp. Chemical Technology.*R 769 Gu£ranger. Lecons de Chimie.C 5135 Hamm. Chemie des taglichen Lebens.D494, 5 Harcourt and Madan. Exercises in Practi¬ cal Chemistry.. _ K 2334 Hardwich. Photographic Chemistry.K 6006 Hardy. Principes de Chimie biologique. . .C 5190 Hempel. Methods of Gas Analysis.K 9156 Hoff. Chemistry in Space.K 9148 Hoffmann. Manual of Chemical Analysis.N 76 Hofmann, A. W. Life-Work of Liebig. ..K 2314 Modern Chemistry.K 2250 Hofmann, K. B. Lehrbuch der Zoochemie.D 4482 Howard. Practical Chemistry ...K 2892 Jago. Chemistry of Flour and Bread.K 9149 Jahresbericht liber Chemie, 1878. 3 V . *Ssr. Jahresbericht liber chemische Technologie (Wagner’s), 1856-91. 3 . *Ser. Index, v. 1-10,21-30. Johnson. Agricultural Chemistry.K 1105 Johnston, J. Manual of Chemistry.K 9125 Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry. K 2278 Chemistry of Common Life. 2v.K 2274 Hvardagslifvets Chemi. C 7848 Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry.. .. K 2279 Scheikunde.D 9393 Journal fiir praktische Chemie, 1873-74. *Ser. Kane. Elements of Chemistry.K 2246 Kemshead. Inorganic Chemistry.. K 2887 Kingzett. Alkali Trade.K 9123 Animal Chemistry.K 2344 Knapp. Chemical Technology. 3 V .K 2283 The same, v. 1, 2.K 2326 Knop. Kreislauf des Stoffs.. .. D 4486 Landolt. Hand-book of the Polariscope.. K 2350 Lapa. Chimica agricola.K 2277 LIEBIG. Animal Chemistry.K 2268 Chemische Briefe.D 399 Complete Works on Chemistry.K 2293 Thier-Chemie.D 400 Lock. Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid.K 2354 Lomas. The Alkali Trade. ..K 6247 Lorm£. Produits chimiques.C 6513, 7-10 Atlas.*V 1091 Macadam. Practical Chemistry.K 2266 Maly. Grundziige der modernenChemie. .D 4521 Mansfield. Theory of Salts.'_K 2328 Meldola. Chemistry of Photography.K 9139 Mendel£eff. Principles of Chemistry. 2v.K 9161 Meyer. Modern Theories of Chemistry. .. K 9136 Moderne Theorien der Chemie.D 4528 Miller. Elements of Chemistry. 2 v. ... K 2289 The same. 3 v .K 2290 j Miller. Study of Inorganic Chemistry.. .. K 2357 Muspratt. Chemistry. 2v. ,*R 768 Naquet. Legal Chemistry.K 2322 Naumann. Grundlehren der Chemie.D 4530 Nesbit. Application of Chemistry to Agri¬ culture.*£5041, 2 Noad. Chemical Manipulation.K 2249 Outlines of Chemistry.K 2331 Practical Chemistry for Medical Stu¬ dents.K 2337 Orfila. Practical Chemistry....K 2287 Ostwald. Outlines of General Chemistry. K 9144 Solutions in Chemistry.K 9180 Payen. Industrial Chemistry.K 2341 Precis de Chimie industrielle. 3 V.C 6176 Padroni. Souffleur a la Lampe et au Chalu- meau ..C 6513, 254 Pelouze et Fr£my. Traite de Chimie. 7v*C 6175 Perkins. Qualitative Analysis.K 2303 Phelps. Chemistry for Beginners.K 2242 Phillips. Engineering Chemistry v .K 9154 Picton. Story of Chemistry.K 9152 Piesse. Chemistry in the Brewing-Room,. .K 9190 Pinner. Study of Organic Chemistry.K 2345 Popular Science News and Boston Journal of Chemistry, 1883-91. v. 14-25. *Ser. Porter. Chemistry of the Arts. 2v.K 2265 Principles of Chemistry.K 2262 Prescott and Johnson. Qualitative Chem¬ ical Analysis.K 9137 Prout. Treatise on Chemistry.I 3250 Rammelsberg. Quantitative Chemical Anal¬ ysis. K 2325 Rand. Elements of Medical Chemistry. . .. N 74 Regnault. Elements de Chimie. K 2282 Elements of Chemistry. 2v . K 2255 Reimann. Aniline and its Derivatives. K 2269 Remsen. Compounds of Carbon. K 2355 Reynolds. Experimental Chemistry for Stu¬ dents. 4 v.> .K 9135 Richards. Chemistry of Cooking and Clean- * in S. K 2340 Richardson and Watts. Treatise on Acids, Alkalis and Salts. 3 v. K 2327 Riche. Chimie medicale. C 6481 Richter. Chemie der Kohlenstoff Verbin- dungen.. D 4578 Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds... K 9141 Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. K 9140 Rolfe and Gillet. Hand-Book of Chem¬ istry.;. K 2254 Chemistry and Electricity. K 2244 Ronalds and Richardson. Fuel. 2 v. ..K 2349 Roscoe. Elementary Chemistry. K 2298 SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 4 2 3 Roscoe. Primer of Chemistry. ... K2685, 2 and Schorlemmer. Chemistry. 9 v. . .K 2317 Ross, W. A. The Blowpipe in Chemistry. .K 9175 Pyrology; Fire Chemistry.K 2315 Sadtler. Industrial Organic Chemistry. ..K 4379 Schorlemmer. Chemistry of Carbon Com¬ pounds .K 2329 Schroder. Chymical Dispensatory.*V 609 Schroder v. d. Kolk. Calore Fluidorum*V 383 Calore Telluris .*V 385 Schuetzenberger. Chimie generate. 4V.C 6737 Garungserscheinungen.D415, 23 On Fermentation.K 2637 Scott. Chemical Theory.K 9162 SlEBEL. Communications of the Zymotechnic Institute, Chicago.Iv 2359 Mtttheilungen des Zymotechnischen In- stituts.D 4586 Silliman. Principles of Chemistry.. .Iv 2264 Simon. Manual of Chemistry.K 2352 Smith. Electro-Chemical Analysis.K 9145 Steele. 14 Weeks in Chemistry.K 2318 Stoddard. Qualitative Analysis for Begin¬ ners.9130 Stoeckhardt. Chemistry of Agriculture.. I 3289 Principles of Chemistry.K 2270 The same; ed. by Heaton.I 3288 Scheikunde.D 9798 Schule der Chemie..D 4595 Strecker. Text-book of Organic Chem¬ istry. K 2339 Sutton. Volumetric Analysis.K 2324 Thomson, R. D. Cyclopeedia of Chem¬ istry.*R 790 Thomson, T. System of Chemistry. 4V..K2253 Thorpe. Inorganic Chemistry.K 2300 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. 2 v. K 2285 and others. Dictionary of Applied Chem¬ istry. 2 v.*R 774 Thudichum. Chemical Medicine. 2 v...K 9124 Tilden. Chemical Philosophy.K 2313 Ule und Hummel. Chemische Unterhal- tungen.D 4599 Valentiner. Chemische Diagnostik.D 2483 Vergnaud. Chimie. C65i3,i26 Chimie amusante.C6513,241 Wagner. Chemical Technology.K 2286 Ward. Compend of Chemistry.K 2356 Warington. Chemistry of the Farm.K 2343 Watt. Composition of Water.K 7160 Watts, H. Dictionary of Chemistry. 5 v.*R 776 Supplement. 4 V.*R 777 Dictionary of Chemistry, new ed. 3 v.*R 778 Watts, H. Physical and Inorganic Chemis- tr y.K 9121 Watts, W. M. Organic Chemistry for Stu¬ dents.K 2883. Wheeler. Medical Chemistry .K 2319- Modern Organic Chemistry .K 2320 Will et autres. Chimie analytique.. .C6513, 59-60 Williams. Chemistry of Cookery.K 1755 Williamson. Chemistry for Students....K 2335 Worthington. Physical Laboratory Prac¬ tice. k 7206 Wurtz. Die atomische Theorie.0415,37 The Atomic Theory.'.K 2332 Dictionnaire de Chimie. 6 v. in 8. .. . *R 773 Elements in Modern Chemistry.Iv 2312 Histoire des Doctrines chimiques.C13383 History of the Chemical Theory.Iv 2292 Lemons de Chimie moderne.C13378 Youmans. Class-book of Chemistry.K 2267 The same; new ed.K 2260 Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie (Fresenius), 1862-91. 30 v. *Ser> Register, v. 11-20. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. Bernstein. Spektralanalyse.. 0383,21 Hoppe-Seyler.. Spectralanalyse.D 382,3 Kirchhoff. Researches on the Solar Spec¬ trum.*y 412 Lockyer. Chemistry of the Sun.K 1967 The Spectroscope.K 2302 Studies in Spectrum Analysis.K 2309 Studien zur Spectralanalyse.D415.35 Roscoe. Lectures on Spectrum Analysis..K 2295 Schellen. Spectralanalyse.D 398 Spectrum Analysis. K 2284 Smyth. Madeira Spectroscope.*V 573 Micrometrical Measures of Gaseous Spec¬ tra .*y 777 Vogel. Die Spectra der Planeten.D 4613 Zech. Spektrum und Spektralanalyss .. . .0416,15 MICROSCOPY. American Journal of Microscopy, 1879-Si. v. 4-6 .. .. *Ser. Badcock. Vignettes from Invisible Life... K 2384 Beale. IIow to work the Microscope.K 2373 Beck. Achromatic Microscopes . ..K2376 Behrens. The Microscope in Botany.K 2379 BROCKLESBY. Amateur Microscopist. . . . .K 2390 Buckley { Mrs . Fisher ). Through Magic Glasses.. .K 1984 4 2 4 NATURAL SCIENCES. Carpenter. The Microscope.K 2367 The same; 6th ed.,.Iv 2366 The same; new ed.K 2386 Catlow. Drops of Water.K 3182 Chevalier. L’Etudiant micrographe.C 4400 Church. Plain Words about Water.K 3563 Clarke. Objects for the Microscope.K 2363 Cooke. Microscopic Fungi.K 2214 Davis. Practical Microscopy.K 2369 Dujardin. Microscope. .C 6513, 233 Atlas.C 6513,234 Fonvielle. Le Monde invisible.. ..:.C 4174 Frey. The Microscope.K 2368 Friedl^endf.r. Microscopical Technology..K 2365 Gir.ard. Chambre noire et Microscope... .C 5105 Gosse. Evenings at the Microscope.K 2392 Griffith. Text-book of Microscopy.K 2374 and HENFREY. Micrographic Diction¬ ary. *R 1093 The same; new edition.*R 1094 Hogg. The Microscope.K 2372 Lankester. Half-Hours with the Micro¬ scope.K 2396 Lens, The, 1S72-73. 2 v. *Ser. Manton. Beginning with the Microscope. .K 2391 Martin. Microscopic Objects Figured....K 2383 Matthews and Lott. Microscope in the Brewery . %.Iv 4373 Merkel. Das Mikroskop.D416, 14 Microscopical Monthly Journal, 1869-77. 18 v... *Ser. The same, v. 1, 3-5.K 2375 Naegeli and Schwexdener. The Micro¬ scope in Theory and Practice.Iv 2382 Parker. Microscopical Science.*K 2797 Pritchard and Goring. Microscopic Illus¬ trations of Living Objects.K 2381 Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1 875-9 1 • v * J 5 ~ 3 2 . .. *Ser. Quekett. Use of the Microscope.K 2389 Quekett Microscopical Club, Journal of, 1868- 71. 2 v.Iv 2388 Index, v. 1-6. Royal Microscopical Society, Journal, 1878— 91. 22 v. . . *Ser. Somerville. Microscopic Science. 2 v...K 2370 Sternberg. Photo-Micrographs and how to make them. Iv 2362 Stokes. Microscopy for Beginners .K 2364 Ward. The Microscope. K 2400 Wiesner. Technischc Mikroskopie .D 4632 WlLLKOMM. Wunder dcs Mikroskops. D 404 .Wood. Objects for the Microscope .Iv 2371 Wythes. Curiosities of the Microscope.... Iv 2378 Wythes. The Microscopist. K 2377 The same; new ed. k 2401 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. MOUNTAINS. RIVERS. VALLEYS. Abbott. Water and Land . . k 2734 Ansted. Physical Geography.K 2764 Aughey. Physical Geography and Geology of Nebraska.K 2521 Balbi. Erdbeschreibung. 2 v.D 292 Barrow. Mountain Ascents.I 6245 Blanc. Geschichte der Erde. 3 V . D 294 Campagne. Les Fleuves .C12122 Dove. Ivreislauf des Wassers .D 382,1 Dupaigne. Les Montagnes.C 4548 Figuier. Les Six Parties du Monde.C 4919 La Terre et les Mers.C 4916 and Adams. Earth and Sea.K 7421 Fitch. Physical Geography.K 2766 Forbes. Norway and its Glaciers.I 1091 Theory of Glaciers.K 2844 Foster. Physical Geography of the Miss¬ issippi Valley . I 240 Frisi. Rivers and Torrents .. . ...K 1378 Frith. Ascents and Adventures. . .I 2127 Geikie. Physical Geography.Iv2685,4 Gibson. Great Waterfalls, Cataracts and Gey¬ sers . K 7439 Green. Among the Selkirk Glaciers.I 5070 Greenwood. Rivers and Rain.K 9376 Grimes. Geonomy; Creations of ContinentsK 7186 Guyot. Earth and Man. K 2938 Physical Geography. *V 786 Headley. Mountain Adventures. K 2622 Huxley. Physiog.raphie. D415,63 Jakob. Unsere Erde. .. .D 4481 Johnston. Physical Atlas of Natural Phe¬ nomena. *R 4824 Joly. • Geographie physique. C 5349 Kennis van der Aardbol. D 9331 Kinahan. Valleys and their relation to Fis¬ sures . K 9405 Landrin. Les Inondations.. . .C 5738 Liais. Hydrographie . du Haut San Fran¬ cisco. *P 954 Macturk. Physical Geography. K 2891 Mangin. Les Deserts.C 5909 Mann. River Bars; their Formation and Treatment. Iv 5608 Meunier. L’Ecorce terrestre .C 5868 Michelet. La Montagne .C12888 The Mountain. K 9381 Millet. Fleuves et Ruisseaux .C 4192 THE OCEAN.—VOLCANOES.—EARTHQUAKES. 425 Morrell. Scientific Guide to Switzerland. Iv 2838 Nicollet. Hydrographical Basin of the Mississippi.K 2837 Nicols. Physical History of the Earth ...K 9373 Peschel. Erd«und Yolkerkunde. .D 4551 Pfaff. Naturkrafte in den Alpen.0416,24 Proctor. Elementary Physical GeographyK 2635 Reclus. The Earth, 2 v.K 2456 History of a Mountain.Iv 7440 Physical Geography. 2 v.... .*R 699 La Terre. *V 1121 Rendu. Glaciers of Savoy.... K 9371 Ritter. Erdkunde. 20 v. in 21.D 3884 Einleitung zur Erdkunde.D 3886 Geographical Studies.I 2175 Geschichte der*^Erdkunde... .. D 3885 Schlagintweit. Physische Geographic der Alpen. *V 900 Schwarz. Ueber Fels und Firn .D 3929 Shaler. Aspects of the Earth.K 9424 Somerville. Physical Geography.I 2180 Taylor. Mountain and Moor.K 9391 Thornton. Elementary Physiography... K 9435 Advanced Physiography.K 9436 VlOLLET-LE-DUC. Mont Blanc.Iv 2573 Whitney. Physical Geography of the U. S. I 5185 Worms. The Earth and its Mechanism... K 9425 Young. Physical Geography.K 2765 Zsigmondy. Im Hochgebirge.*D 5917 Zurcher et Margoll£. Les Glaciers.. . ,C 4209 See also Geology. THE OCEAN. Agassiz. Three Cruises of the “Blake.” 2 v.K 7391 Arago. Ph'anomene des Meeres.0381,9 Ballantyne. The Ocean and its Wonders. K 7385 Bassett. Legends and Superstitions of the Sea.K 5915 Buel. Sea and Land.K 8130 Chambers. Changes in the Level of the Sea and Land.K 9368 Cooke. Toilers in the Sea..K 8066 Damon. Ocean Wonders....*.K 2575 Figuier. The Ocean World.K 2829 Fraser. Sea-Side Divinity.K 2824 Gosse. The Ocean.K 2830 Haeckel. Leben des Meeres .0382,5 Harper. Glimpses of Ocean Life.K 7389 Hartwig. Denizens of the Deep.K 7392 Leben des Meeres. . D 4471 Sea-Birds and Sea-Monsters.K 7387 The Sea and its Living Wonders.K 2842 Ingersoll. Old Ocean.K 7384 Jones. The Water World .K 7388 Jordan. The Ocean and its Tides.K 2845 Treatise on the Ocean.K 2826 Kirby. The Sea and its Wonders...K 2831 Kohl. Geschichte des Golfstrom.D 6710 Landrin. Les Monstres marins.C 4180 Mangin. Mysteiies of the Ocean .K 2820 Le Monde marin.(3 5919 Marshall. Die Tiefsee und ihr Leben.. .D 4533 Maury. Physical Geography of the Sea. . .K 2828 Michelet. La Mer.C 5887 Mudie. The Sea.K 2856 Reclus. The Ocean and the Atmosphere.K 2823 Schei.e de Vere. Wonders of the Deep..K 2821 Schleiden. Das Meer... *V 902 Sea and the Sea-Shore.K 8582 Sonrel. Bottom of the Sea.K 2604 Le Fond de la Mer.C 4202 Souvestre. Chroniques de la Mer.C 6581 Taber. Ocean Currents . K 7466 Tandon. World of the Sea . K 7386 Thomson. The Depths of the Sea . K 2833 Whitley. Temperature of the Sea. . . ,*K 2797 Whymper. The Sea; its Story. 4 V. ...*V 197 Wild. Thalassa; Essay on the Ocean.K 7390 Wraxall. Life in the Sea.K 2822 VOLCANOES—EARTHQUAKES. Beroldingen. Die Yulkane alterer und neu- erer Zeiten.D 4517 Boscowitz. Earthquakes..K 9399 Comes. Die Laven des Vesuv.0382,24 Dana. Characteristics of Volcanoes.K 9423 Daubeny. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, etc...K 2775 Fuchs. Vulkane und Erdbeben.0415,17 Guillaume. Les Entrailles de la Terre... .C 5054 Hartwig. Volcanoes and Earthquakes.... K 9395 Hull. Volcanoes, Past and Present.K 9422 Judd. Volcanoes.K 7430 Kneeland. Volcanoes and Earthquakes.. .K 9394 Lobley. Mount Vesuvius.K 9400 Milne. Earthquakes; Earth Movements. . .K 9387 Moehl. Erdbeben un Vulkane.D382.9 Palmif.ri. Eruption of Vesuvius in 1872..K 2545 Pfaff. Vulkanische Erscheinungen.D 416,7 Phillips. Vesuvius.K 9396 The same.*p 270 Rath. Der Vesuv. 0382,8 Reyer. Fysik der Eruptionen.D 4568 Rodwell. Etna and its Eruptions.K 2546 Scrope. Volcanoes; their Phenomena, etc K 2474 Symons. Eruption of Krakatoa.*V 940 Zurcher and Margoli.£. Les Volcans.. .C 4212 Volcanoes and Earthquakes.K 2762 See also Physical Geography. 426 NAUTURAL SCIENCES. METEOROLOGY. Abercromby. Seas and Skies; or, In Search of Weather. K 7457 Exposition of Weather Changes.K 7479 Andrews. Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs of Great Britain. K 7460 Aneroid Barometer. . Iv686,35 Arago. Fragen aus der Meteorologie . 0381,9 Meteorological Essays. R 2771 Hervorsage des Wetters . 0381,8 Ueber das Gewitter . 0381,4 Barnard. Talks about the Weather .K 7472 Bassler. Guide to the Weather. K 7461 Birnbaum. Reich der Wolken . O 384 Blanford. Climates of India . K 7495 Blasius. Storms; their Nature, etc . K 2715 Blodget. Climatology of the U. S . *V 354 Bouant. Les grands Froids. C12083 Brocklesby. Elements of Meteorology.. .K 2774 Brown. Forests and Moisture.. .K 2859 Butler. Atmospheric System . K 2768 Philosophy of the Weather.Iv 2772 Clark. Sanative Influence of Climate.... N 612 CROLL. Climate and Cosmology . K 7473 Climate in Relation to Geology.K 2448 Davis. Whirlwinds and Tornadoes. K 7463 Davy. Mouvements de 1 ’Atmosphere et les Variations du Temps. C 4782 Denham. Proverbs, and Popular Sayings Re¬ lating to the Weather . *Ji147,20 Denison. Moisture and Dryness. Iv 7475 Dick. The Atmosphere . J 48,2 Espy. Philosophy of Storms. K 7464 Fassig (Ed.) Bibliography of Meteorology .*0 2133 Ferrel. Movements of the Atmosphere. *Doc. Popular Treatise on the Winds . Iv 7458 Recent Advances in Meteorology . *Doc. Temperature of the Atmosphere. *Doc. Fitzroy. The Weather Book . Iv 7465 Flammarion. L’Atmosphere . *V 1117 The Atmosphere . Iv 2758 Das Reich der Luft.. .. D 4458 Foissac. Meteorologie. D 388 Fonvielle. Eclairs et Tonnerre. C 4173 Thunder and Lightning. K 2601 Forry. Climate of the United States.... *V 141 Fritz. Meteorologie und Kosmologie ... .0415,68 Gibb. Odd Showers of Fishes, Insects, etc.K 2716 Giberne. The Ocean of Air; Meteorology. .K 7498 Greely. American Weather.K 7480 Climatology of the Arid Regions of the United States. *Doc. Guillemin. La Meteorologie.*¥1148,5 Hartwig. Das Leben des Luftmeers.D 4469 Hayden. Great Storm, March 11-14, 1888. *Doc. Hazen. The Tornado.K 7487 Herschel. Meteorology .K 2779 Howard. Climate of London. 2 v.K 7459 Modification of the Clouds. .*V 424 Instructions for Voluntary Observers of the Signal Service, U. S. Army, 1882_K 7478 Jordan. The Winds and their Story of the World.K 7208 Koerner. Die Luft. D 4491 Lardner and Walker. Manual of Meteor¬ ology. 2 v.I 3853 Le Hon. La Meteorologie.C 5543 Liljencrantz. America’s Climate.*K 7462 Lommel. Lexikon der Meteorologie . . .*R 3814 Wind und Wetter . % .D4i6,io Loomis. Treatise on Meteorology.K 2770 Storms in 1836.* Doc. Maury. Explanations to Wind and Current Charts. 2 v.*y 789 Meteorography; Weather Almanac.Iv 2594 Meteorological Papers, 1861-73. 2v.K 2776 Moitessier. L’Air.c 4222 Negretti and Zambra. Catalogue of Me¬ teorological Instruments.*R 3768 Perley. Historic Storms of New England.B 3737 Fiddington. Horn-Book for Storms.K 7468 Powers. War and the Weather.K 7456 Prince. Climate of Crowborough Hill....K 7470 Quarterly Weather Reports, 1869-71. 2 v. . .*Doc. Ramsay. Bibliography of Climate.K 7474 Ramsey. Atmospheric Motion.*K 7170 Reid. Law of Storms.R 2713 Roettger. Das Wetter und die Erde ... D 4628 Rowell. Cause of Rain and its allied Phe¬ nomena .K 7455 Royal Society, Meteorological Reports of, 1867-72.;.K 2777 Sargeaunt. Climate of the Earth.K 7471 Scott. Elementare Meteorologie. D 415, 61 Smith. Air and Rain. ...K 7554 Steinmetz. Manual of Weathercasts.K 7477 Sunshine and Showers.K 7476 Taber. Great Winds and Ocean Currents.Iv 7466 Thom. Nature and Course of Storms. K 7469 Tice. Weather Forecasts and American Al¬ manac, 1880. *R 3776 Tissandier. L’Ocean aerien.C 6859 Wells. Essay on Dew.K 2697 Wenley. The Weather.Iv 2863 Whitley. Temperature of the Sea.*Iv 2797 Whymper. How to use the Aneroid Barome¬ ter .K 7467 Wiener Meteorologen Congress, 1873 . ..*K 815,2 GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. 427 Williamson. Climate of America .K 2785 Woeikof. Die Klimate dcr Erde.D 4629 Zurcher et Margoll&, Trombes et Cy¬ clones .C 13398 UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU AND SIGNAL SERVICE PUBLICATIONS. Doc. Average Daily Cloudiness. Charts of Isobars, Isotherms and Winds, 1871—73. Charts of Velocity and Direction of the Wind. Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley. Climate of Nebraska. Climate of Nebraska in Reference to Temperature and Rainfall. Climate of Oregon and Washington. Daily Bulletin of Signal Service, 1872-3, 1877. Depth of Evaporation in the United States. Diurnal Fluctuation of Atmospheric Pressure; by Greely. Floods in Middle Atlantic States, 1889. Instruction to Rainfall Observers. International Meteorological Observations, 1884-87. International Scientific Co-operation in Meteorology. Mean Temperatures; by McAdie. Measurement of Wind Velocity. Monthly Weather Review, 1879-92. New Method for Magnetic Observations. Official Danger, Distress and Storm Signal Codes. Relations of Soil to Climate. Report of Chief of Weather Bureau, 1891. Signal Service Reports, 1872-90. Soils in Relations to Moisture and Crop Distribution. Tri-Daily Meteorological Record, 1878. Tri-Daily Weather Maps, 1883-92. Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Ob¬ servations, 1846-88. 29 v. Weekly Weather Chronicle, 1873-81. GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Agassiz. Geological Sketches. 2v.K 2475 American Geological Society, Bulletin, 1890- 9 1 • 2v. ¥. Ser . American Geologists and Naturalists, Reports, 1 840-42.*K 9361 Ansted. Ancient World.K 2462 Elementary Geology and Mineralogy.. .K 2461 Geological Gossip.K 2465 Geologists’s Text-book.K 2478 Geology. 2v.K 2460 Geology applied to Arts.K 2477 Baeblich. Archive der Vorwelt.D 4403 Balfour. Palaeontological Botany.K 9019 Ball. Cause of an Ice Age. k 9442 Beaumont. Progres de la Stratigraphie.. .K 2491 Becker. Geology of Quicksilver Deposits of Pacific Slope. *Doc. Atlas . 4869 Bischof. Chemical and Physical Geology. 3 V . 2441 Blanford, Geology and Zoology of Abys- _ sinia Q • .. K 9432 Bloede. Gebirgsformation in Polen.D 4414 Bronn. Gestaltungsgesetze.p> ^77 Browne, A. J. Building the British Isles. . .1 3295 Handbook of Historical Geology.I 3294 Browne, G. F. Ice Caves. . k 2467 Buckland. Geology and Mineralogy. 2V..I3251 Reliquiae Diluvianae; Universal Deluge.*V 231 Burmeister. Geologische Bilder. D 375 Catlin. Lifted Rocks of America.K 2470 Chambers. Ancient Sea-Margins.K 9368 Cole. Aids in Practical Geology.K 9407 Comstock. Elements of Geology.K 2444 Cook. Geology of New Jersey.. *Doc. Cotta. Geologie der Gegenwart.D 4428 Geology and History...K 2481 Croll. Climate in relation to Geology .. .K 2448 Cuvier. Les Revolutions du Globe .C 4390 Revolutions of the Globe.K 2517 Theory of the Earth. k 2518 Dana. Geological Story briefly told.K 2452 Manual of Geology. 2453 Text-book of Geology.2471 Darwin. Geological Observations.K 9409 Geology and Natural History.K 2454 Davis. First Book of Geology...K 2882 Dawson. Acadian Geology.K 9367 Geological History of Plants.K 9393 Life’s Dawn on Earth.K 9446 Modern Science in Bible Lands.K 9398 Story of the Earth and Man...K 2466 Donnelly. Ragnarok; Age of Fire and < 3 rave ^. 9372 Drayson. Last Glacial Epoch.K 9370 Eley. Geology in the Garden.K 9364 Emmons. Manual of Geology.K 2443 Figuier. La Terre avant le Deluge.C 4915 The World before the Deluge.K 2825 Forbes. Norway and its Glaciers.I 1091 Geikie, A. Class-book of Geology.IC 9386 Geological Sketches.K 9365 Geology of Scotland.K 2523 The same; new ed.K 2522 Story of a Boulder .. K 9410 Text-book of Geology.K 9366 Geikie, J. Great Ice Age.K 2524 NA'IURAL SCIENCES. 428 Geikie, J. Pre-historic Europe.K 9379 Primer of Geology.K2685, 5 Geological Magazine, 1864-91. 28v. Geological Society of America, Bulletins, 1890- 91. .. *Ser. Giberne. The World's Foundations.K 2548 Gibson. Chips from the Earth’s Crust... . K 9392 Gosse. Omphalos; Geological Knot untied.K 9375 Greenwood. Rain and Rivers.K 9376 Hager. Marbles of Vermont.*C 1698 Hall. Palaeontology of New "York. 5 v. . . .*Doc. Hammargren. Jordklotets Utvetlingshis- toria. C 7842 Harrison. Creation and Physical Structure of the Earth.-K 9426 Hartt. Geology of Brazil.K 2516 Hartwig. Die Unterwelt.D 4472 Hayden. Geological Essays.K 2501 Heer. Primeval World of Switzerland. 9380 Herrick. The Earth in Past Ages.K 9397 Hitchcock. Elementary Geology.K 2445 The same; new ed.K 2457 Religion of Geology.K 2479 Hughes. Geological Notes of Ireland.K 9369 Hull. Geology and Geography of Ireland.K 9431 Humble. Dictionary of Geology and Miner¬ alogy.*R 1099 Hunt. Geological and Chemical Essays.. .K 2472 HUTCHINSON. Autobiography of the Earth.K 9427 Story of the Hills.K 9404 Irving. *Metamorphism of Rocks.K 944 1 Jackson. Cabinet of the Earth unlocked. .K 2476 Jakob. Unsere Erde.D 4481 Jukes. Student’s Manual of Geology.K 2458 Kingsley. Town Geology.K 2529 Koerner. Die Erde. 2v.D 4490 Krecke. Algemeenen Aardrijkskunde.... D 9438 Le Conte. Compend of Geology.K 2554 Elements of Geology.K 2539 The same; new ed.K 9406 Lee, C. A. Elements of Geology.I 3767 Lee, J. E. Amateur Geologist.K 2442 Ludwig. Buch der Geologie.D 4516 Lyell. Elements of Geology.K 93S9 The same; new ed.K 2451 Principles of Geology. 2v.K 2450 Student’s Elements of Geology.K 2455 McCausland. Sermons in Stones.K 2490 MacFarlane. Antidote againt Geology. ..K 2525 Principles of Modern Geology.K 2485 Mackie. First Traces of Life on Earth... .K 2449 Mantei.l. Geological Excursions .I 324 Medals of Creation; Geology. 2v.I 3275 Petrifactions and their Teachings.I 3276 Mantell. Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Re¬ mains.*V 181 Wonders of Geology. 2v.I 3277 Miller. Cruise of the Betsey .K 2530 Footprints of the Creator.K 2528 Old Red Sandstone.K 2473 Popular Geology.K 2459 Testimony of the Rocks. ...K 2527 Mohr. Geschichte der Erde.D 376 Molloy. Geology and Revelation.M 1370 Mossman. Origin of the Seasons.K 2464 Murchison. Siluria; History of Rocks...K 2498 Nicholson. Manual of Palaeontology. 2v.K 9420 Text-Book of Geology.K 2469 Nicol. Geology of North of Scotland.K 9385 Nicols. The Puzzle of Life. . . .K 9384 Osborn. Field Notes of Geology.K 2544 Owen. Palaeontology .K 2486 British Fossil Mammals and Birds.K 8110 Page. Advanced Text-Book of Geology.. .K 2487 Chips for young Geologists.K 2259 Economic Geology.K 2547 Geology for general Readers.K 2488 Hand-Book of Geological Terms.K 2489 Introductory Text-Book of Geology .. . . K 2482 Past and Present Life of the Globe.. . .K 2484 Palaeontographical Society of London, Publica¬ tions, 1848-91. 45 v.*V 444 Peschel. Geschichte der Erdkunde.D 3863 Phillips. Manual of Geology. 2v.K 9408 Treatise on Geology. 2 v... .I 3856 Ponton. Beginning; its when and how.. .K 2519 Prestwich. Geology. 2v.K 9388 Reclus. The Earth. 2v... .K 2456 La Terre.*V 1121 Richardson. Introduction to Geolog)'.. . .1 3280 Ritchie. The Creation.K 9374 Rogers. Geology of the Virginias.*K 9377 Rossmaessler. Geschichte der Erde.D 366 Scepticism in Geology; by Verifier.K 2552 Scrope. Geology of France. .K 2468 Senft. Classification der Felsarten.D 4589 Felsund Erdboden.D 416, 17 Shaler. Aspects of the Earth .K 9424 First Book in Geology.K 9363 Nature and Man in America .K 9443 SlEGMUND. Untergegangene Welten.D 4366 Smith. Geology and Scripture.I 3282 Steei.e. 14 Weeks in Popular Geology.. ..K 2551 Tate. Rudimentary Treatise on Geology. .K 1600 Taylor. Geological Stories.K 2483 Tenney. Geology for Classes and Teachers. K 2463 Tissandier. Les Fossiles.C 6880 Vogt. Grundriss der Geologie.D 4622 CAVES.—GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. 429 Vogt. Lehrbuch der Geologie. 2v.D 4621 Ward. Elementary Geology.K 2531 Watt. History of a Lump of Chalk.K 9382 History of a Lump of Coal.K 9383 Wells. First principles of Geology.K 2541 Winch ell. Geological Studies.K 9414 Shall we teach Geology?.Iv 9415 Sketches of Creation.K 3274 Sparks from a Geologist’s Hammer....Iv 9411 Walks in Geological Fields.K 9413 World-Life; Comparative Geology....K 9412 Woodward. Geology of England and WalesK 9362 Wright. The Ice Age in North America..K 2537 Man and the Glacial Period.K 9450 Zaborowski. Les Mondes disparus .C13385 Zincken. Fortschritte der Geologie. . . ,. D 4636 Zurcher et Margoll£. Les Glaciers. ... C 4209 CAVES. Adams. Famous Caves.K 3642 Badin. Grottes et Cavernes ..C 4161 Binkerd. Mammoth Cave and its Den¬ izens .*B 775, 4 Cook. The Jenolan Caves in Australia . I 9245 Davidson. Excursion to Mammoth Cave. ..I 5285 Hovey. Celebrated American Caverns. . . .K 2549 Martin. Guide to Mammoth Cave . B 1581 Peck. Mammoth Cave . I 5191 Rambles in Mammoth Cave .I 5286’ GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. Arkansas, 1857-60. 2 v. Canada, 1849-57. 8 v. in 2. Annual Reports, 1885-89. 6 v.- Exploration geologique, 1857. Connecticut, 1842; by Percival. 1837; by Shepard.K 9430 Georgia; by Stephenson .K 2497 Great Britain. 3 v. in 4. Illinois, with Maps; by Worthen. 8 v. Economical Geology. 3 v. India, Trigonometrical Survey. 14 v. Indiana; by Cox. 11 v. Iowa, 1857; by Hall and Whitney. 2 v. 1870; by White. 2 v. Kentucky; by Owen. 4 v. Maine, 1838-9; by Jackson. 2v. Massachusetts; by Hitchcock. Michigan, 1869-80. 4 v. Atlas.. *R 4804 Minnesota, 1872-84. 12 v. Mississippi, Agriculture and Geology of; by Wailes. Geology and Agriculture of; by Harper. Missouri, 1855; by Swallow. 1874, with Atlas; by Broadhead Newfoundland; by Murray and Howley. .K 2506 New Jersey, 1840; by Rogers. 1868; by Cook. 1880. New York, 1837-9, ’43. 2 v. . 1842-3. 4 v. North Carolina, 1875; by Kerr. Ohio, with maps, 1837-84. 9 v. Pennsylvania, with Maps; by Rogers. 4 v. Lancaster County, with Maps; by Rogers. 3 v. Russia and the Ural; by Murchison. 2 v. ,*V 446 Tennessee; by Safford.K 2511 Vermont; by Hitchcock and Hager. 3 v. Wisconsin, 1873-79. 4 v. Atlas.*R 4805 Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, 1852; by Owen. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. Emory. Mexican Boundary Survey. 3 v. Featherstonhaugh. Missouri and the Red River. Washington to Ccteau de Prairie. K 2513 Foster and Whitney. Lake Superior Land LHstrict. 2 v. Hayden. Geological Surveys: Colorado, 1873. Colorado and Adjacent Territories, with Maps, 1874-76. Colorado and New Mexico, 1869. Idaho and Wyoming, 1877-78. 4 v. Montana and Adjacent Territories, 1871. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, 1872. Nebraska, 1867. Wyoming, 1868. - Wyoming and Contiguous Territories, 1870. Miscellaneous Publications. Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9-12. 1874-81. v. 1. Elevations West of Mississippi River; by Garnett. 3. Birds of the Northwest; by Coues. 5. Photographs of the U. S. Geo¬ logical Survey of Territories, 1869-75. 7. Hidatsa Indians; by Matthews. 9. Photographs of North American Indians. 10. Invertebrate Paleontology; by White and Nicholson. 11. Birds of Colorado Valley, pt. 1; by Coues. 430 NATURAL SCIENCES. Hayden. Miscellaneous Publications: v. 12. N. A. Pinnipedes; by Allen. Territories, v. 1-3, 5-13. 1873-79. I2v - v. I. Extinct Fauna; by Leidy. 2-3. Vertebrata of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Formation'; by Cope. 5. Acridadae of North America; by Thomas. 6-8. Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossil Flora; by Lesquereux. 9. Invertebrate Cretaceous and Ter¬ tiary Fossils; by Meek. 10. Geometrid Moths; by Packard. 11. North American Rodentia; by Coues and Allen. 12. Fresh-Water Rhizopods; by Leidy. 13. Tertiary Insects; by Scudder. KING. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, 1871-80. 7v. Atlas.*P 940 v. 1. Systematic Geology; by King. 2. Descriptive Geology; by Hague and Emmons! 3. Mining Industry; b/j D. Hague. Atlas.*R 4812 4. Paleontology; by Meek. Ornithology; by Ridgway. 5. Botany; by Watson. 6. Microscopical Petrography; by Zirkel. 7. Odontornithes; by Marsh. POWELL. Annual Reports, 1880-90. iov. Black Hills; by Newton and Jenny. Bulletins, 1883-91. Colorado River and the West. Henry Mountains; by Gilbert. High Plateaus of Utah; by Dutton. Atlas.*P 940 Lands of the Arid Region. Mineral Resources of the U. S., 1882-90. 9 v. Monographs, 1882-89. 16 v. v. I. Lake Bonneville; by Gilbert. 2. Grand Canon District; by Dut¬ ton. Atlas.*R 4860 3. Comstock Lode; by Becker. Atlas ..*R 4868 4. Comstock Mining and Mines; by Lord. 5. Copper-Bearing Rocks of Lake Superior; by Irving. 6. Older Mesozoic 'Flora of Vir¬ ginia; by Fontaine. Powell. Monographs: v. 7. Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka; by Curtis. 8. Paleontology of the Eureka Dis¬ trict; by Walcott. 9. Rariton Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey; by Whit¬ field. 10. Dinocerata; by Marsh. 11. Lake Lahontan; by Russell. 12. Mining Industries of Leadville; by Emmons. Atlas.*R 4861 13. Quicksilver Deposits of the Pa¬ cific Slope; by Becker. Atlas.,.*R 4869 14. Fossil Fishes and Plants of New Jersey; by Newberry. 15. Potomac Mesozoic Flora; by Fontaine. 2 v. 16. Paleozoic Fishes of North Amer¬ ica; by Newberry. Rocky Mountain Region. 4 v. Uinta Mountains, with Atlas. Wheeler. Survey West of the 100th Meridi¬ an, 1875-81. 7 v. v. 2. Astronomy and Barometric Hyp- sometry. 3. Geology; and Supplement. .4. Paleontology. 5. Zoology. 6. Botany. 7. Archaeology. Atlas.*P 954 Explorations and Surveys in Nevada and Arizona, 1871. Winchell. Black Hills. MINERALOGY. Anderson. The Prospector’s Handbook..K 4703 Ansted. In'Search of Minerals.K 9521 Elementary Course of Mineralogy.K 2461 Atlas des Mineralreichs .D 373 Bauerman. Descriptive Mineralogy.K 9524 Systematic Mineralogy.K 9523 Beck. Mineralogy of New York. *Doc. Brush. Determinative Mineralogy.K 797 Collins. First Book of Mineralogy.K 28S1 Mineralogy. 2v.K 9526 Comstock. Introduction to Mineralogy... K 2560 Dana. Manual of Mineralogy.K 2866 Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology... K 2446 System of Mineralogy; 6th ed.*K 2440 Thesame; 5th ed.,with appendix. 2v. K 2447 PRECIOUS STONES. —PLANTS—BOTANY. 43 i Davies. Treatise on Minerals.*. ..K 4692 Erni. Mineralogy simplified.K 9527 Foye. Handbook of Mineralogy...K 686,86 Francis. Beach Rambles for Pebbles.K 2540 Guide to Collection of Minerals.K 3025 Hartwig. 1 he Subterranean World . . .K 2818 Hatch. Mineralogy.K 9529 Hitchcock. Sandstone of Connecticut Val¬ ley.*V 451 Hull. Building and Ornamental Stones. .• .K 2553 Humble. Dictionary of Mineralogy.*R 1099 Hunt. Systematic Mineralogy.K 9528 Hyatt. About Pebbles.K 2555 Jacob. Production of Precious Metals. 2 v.K 2536 Jones. Mines, Minerals and Metals.K 2860 Kobell. Gesc’nichte der Mineralogie.D 4494 Kolenati. Mineralien Mahrens und Schle- siens.D 364 Miller. Treatise on Chrystallography.... K 9530 Moore. Ancient Mineralogy .K 2534 Netoliczka. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie .. D 364 Orton. Underground Treasures . K 9525 Osborn. Manual of Minerals . K 4686 Phillips. Introduction to Mineralogy .. . K 2864 Outlines of Mineralogy . K 2532 Ramsay. Rudiments of Mineralogy . K 1560 Reynaud. Histoire des Mineraux . C 4199 Rutley. Study of Rocks.K 2550 Smith. Rocks, Minerals and Stocks.K 9522 Stephenson. Mineralogy and Geology of Georgia.K 2497 Swineford. Mineral Resources of Lake Superior.K 4654 Whitney. Colorado Ores at Paris Exposi¬ tion, 1867. .*V 454 Whitney. Metallic Wealth of the U. S. K 788 Whittlesey. Mineral Resources of the Cor¬ dilleras . K 2542 PRECIOUS STONES. Barrera. Gems and Jewels. K 9539 Billing. Gems, Jewels, Coins, Medals. ..*K 9542 Boyle. Diamond Fields of South Africa... I 1763 Burnham. Precious Stones in Nature, Art and Literature .K 9547 Castei.lani. Gems; Notes and Extracts... K 9549 Church. Precious Stones . K 3564 Dieulafait. Diamants et Pierres precieuses.C 4170 Diamonds and Precious Stones . K 2533 Emanuel. Diamonds and Precious Stones. K 2535 Feuchtwanger. Treatise on Gems.K 2868 Groth. Grundriss der Edelsteinkunde. . .. D 4282 Hamlin. The Tourmaline . K 2741 Hare. Leisure Hours among Gems.K 9546 Hornsby. Diamond Fields of S. Africa_I 1801 Jeffries. Diamonds and Pearls.. .. . K 9544 Tones. History of Precious Stones.K 9541 King. Antique Gems and Rings. 2v...*R 4090 Natural History of Gems.K 2538 Natural History of Precious Stones. I 3120 Kleefeld. Der Diamant.....D 382, 11 Die Edelsteine. r ^g 2 I2 Die Halbedelsteine.p) gg 2) Kunz. Gems and Precious Stones of North America .. 4129 Orpen. Famous Precious Stones.K 9537 Rothschild. Handbook of Precious Stones. K 9538 Sommerville. Engraved Gems.*p 818 Streeter. Great Diamonds of the World.K 9545 . Pearls and Pearling Life.R 9550 Precious Stones and Gems.K 9543 The same; new ed.K 9548 Westropp. Precious Stones and Gems_K 9540 Y\ orlidge. Drawings from Antique Gems. 2 v .. 4091 PLANTS—BOTANY. Adair. Ornamental Plants in Ireland.. .. K 8973 Aitkin. Elementary Botany.K 8991 Allen. Colin Clout’s Calendar.K 8883 Colors of Flowers. r 8884 Flowers and their Pedigrees. R 8881 Allnutt. Cactus and 2123 Anders. House Plants as Sanitary Agents.Iv 8933 Areschoug. Vaxtens Bygnad och Lif.. .C 7865, r Atlas des Pflanzenreichs. ]j 374 Av£-Lallemant. Pflanzenwelt d. Tropen.D 4401 AVELING. Introduction to Study of Botany.K 8992 Babington. Manual of British Botany. . . R 2179 Badham. Esculent Funguses of England .. R 8885 Bailf.y, L. H. Talks about Plants .R 8882 Bailey, W. W. Botanical Collector’s Hand¬ book.K 8886 Baillon. Natural History of Plants. 7 v..*R 2239 Balfour. Manual of Botany.R 2121 Paleontological Botany.R 9019 Physiology of Plants.R 2878 and Sadler. Flora of Edinburgh_R 8958 Barton. Elements of Botany.R 2174 The same; new ed.R 2182 k lora of North America. 3 V.*V 144 and Castle. British Flora Medica_K 8889 Bastin. College Botany.R 8949 Beal. Grasses of North America.R 6918 Behrens. Microscope in Botany.K 2379 Beisly. Shakspere’s Garden.E 9719 432 NATURAL SCIENCES. Bellairs. Wayside Flora towards Rome..K 8887 Bennett (Ed.). Alpine Plants. 4.V.*P 319 and Murray. Cryptogamic Botany.. .K 8956 Bentham. Handbook of the British Flora.K 8891 and Mueller. Flora Australiensis. 7 v*K 8888 Berkeley. Cryptogamic Botany.Iv 2229 Ressey. Botany for High Schools.K 2238 Bigelow. Florida Bostoniensis.K 2220 Blytt. Norges Flora. 3 v. in 2.C 8217 Bocquillon. Le Vie des Plantes.C 4164 Boitard. Amateur de Roses.C 6513,205 Bonavia. Notes on Botanical Subjects ...K 9010 BONNAT. Le Jeune Botaniste.C 4042 Botanical Gazette, 1883. v. 8.. .*Ser. Boulger. The Uses of Plants. K 6841 Braithwaite. The Sphagnacere; or, Peat- Mosses.*K 9020 Bright. Year in a Lancashire Garden....K 2162 Britten and Holland. English Plant Names. *J I2 7 2 Brown. Manual of Botany.,.K 2240 Budgen. May Flowers. K 3190 March Winds and April Showers.K 3189 Burbidge. The Narcissus.*K 8890 Cameron. Gaelic Names of Plants.K 2146 Candolle, A. Origin of cultivated Plants.K 8895 Ursprung der Culturpflanzen.D 415,64 Candolle, A. P. Vegetable .Organography. 2 ..K 2171 Carpenter. Vegetable Physiology.T 3255 Catlow. Popular Field Botany.K 2207 Popular Greenhouse Botany.K 2205 Chapman. Flora of the Southern U. S....K 2153 Cohn. Die Pflanze...D 4423 Coleman. Our Heaths and Hedges.K 2216 Colvin. Winter Fauna of Mt. Marcy-*K 7 I 7 ° Comstock. Study of Botany.K 2149 Cooke. Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life.K 8S99 Fungi; ed. by Berkeley.K 2185 Hand-book of British Fungi. 2v.K 2191 Manual of Botanic Terms.K 8897 Manual of Structural Botany.K 2175 Plain Account of British Fungi.K 8898 Rust, Smut, Mildew, Mould.K 2214 Cooper. Botany for Children.K 9009 Coster. Plantenkunde. D 9662 Coultas. The Plant. K 8901 Darlington. American Weeds.K 2158 Florida Cestrica.K 2218 Darwin. Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species.K 2227 Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom.K 2225 Insectivorous Plants. K 2221 Movements of Climbing Plants.K 2224 Darwin. Orchids fertilized by Insects.K 2226 Power of Movement in Plants.K 2228 Daubeny. Plants of the Old World.K 2215 Dawson. Geological History of Plants... .K 9393 Dragendorff. Plant Analysis.K 9128 Dresser. Unity in Variety.K 2231 Drury. Useful Plants of India.K 8936 Dubois. Les Vegetaux dans les Bois ... .C 4775 Dyer. Folk-Lore of Plants.K 8978 Earle. English Plant Names.K 2167 Eaton and Wright. North American Botany. K 8937 Ellacombe. Plant-Lore of Shakspere.E 9663 Ellwanger. The Rose.K 8905 Embury. American Wild Flowers.*K 8904 Emerson and Emmons. Report on Herba¬ ceous Plants of Massachusetts.K 2223 Farlow. Marine Algae of New England. .K 8910 Figuier. Histoire des Plantes.C 4907 The Vegetable World.K 2181 Fish. The Chrysanthemum.K 8931 Flint. Grasses and Forage Plants.K 2154 Flora; Blatter fur Unterhaltung, 1867-8. 2 v.:. *Ser. Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l’Europe, 1845-80. 23 v. *Ser. Folkard. riant Lore, Legends and Lyrics.K 8929 Fontaine. The Potomac Flora. 2 v. *Doc. Fraser. Ornamental Conifers.K 8911 Friend. Flower and Flower Lore.K 8935 Fuller. Propagation of Plants.K 6966 Gatty. British Sea-Weeds. 2v.*K *8907 Girard. Les Plantes.C 4176 Goadby. Vegetable and Animal Physiology K 3119 Gordon. Pinetum...K 2147 Gray. Botanical Text book.K 2203 Botany of Northern United States.K 2194 Field, Forest and Garden Botany.K 8906 How Plants Behave.K 2202 How Plants Grow.K 2204 Introduction to Systematic Botany.K 2196 School and Field-Book of Botany.K 2200 Scientific Papers; ed. by Sargent. 2 v..K 8985 Greenhouse Favorites.*K 8915 Grindron. Shakspere Flora.E 9769 Hackel. The True Grasses.K 8959 Hale. Flora's Interpreter.K 2134 Hamerton. Sylvan Year.K 49 Harvey. ■ History of British Sea Weeds. 4 v.*P 308 Haslinger. Botanisches Excursionsbuch..D 372 Hay. Text-book of British Fungi.K 8955 Heath. Sylvan Spring.K 8916 Hehn. Pflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem Uebergang nach Europa.D 4477 - PLANTS—BOTANY. 433 Hehn. Wanderings of Plants.K 8028 Hein. Trocknen und Farben der Blumen. .D 553 Henderson. Handbook of Plants.*K 8914 Henfrey and Masters. Elementary Course of Botany. . ..R 8993 Henslow, G. Botany for Children.K 8923 Origin of Floral Structure.R 8952 Henslow, J. S. Descriptive and Physio¬ logical Botany. I 3^55 Herrick. Chapters on Plant Life.K 8894 Wonders of Plant Life.R 8900 Hervey. Sea Mosses.. ...K 2183 Heucher. Magic Plants.*P 624,4 Hibberd. Beautiful Leaved Plants.*K 8977 Familiar Garden Flowers. 5 v .*R ^ 97 2 Field Flowers.R 8924 Rose Book.R 2198 Sea-Weed Collector.R 2141 HiGi.EYand Raddin. Flora of Cook Co., Ill. K 9022 Hippel. Aesthetik der Pflanzenwelt.D 368 History of the Rose . R 8964 Hobbs. Botanical Handbook of Names...*K 2275 Hole. Book about Roses. R 2131 Hooker, J. D. Primer of Botany. K 2685, 8 Student’s Flora of Great Britain. K 2144 Hooker, W. J. British Flora, v. 1 . K 2145 Flora Scotica . R 2143 Niger Flora . R 8928 Hoopes. Book of Evergreens. K 2148 Hope. Gardens and Woodlands .K 8921 Hulme. Familiar Wild Flowers. 5 v - • • **R 8922 Ingram. Flora Symbolica.*R 1 374 Jackson. Literature of Botany. *0 57°>8 Vegetable Technology.... .*Q 57 °> 11 Jessen. Botanik.D 4480 Johns. Flowers of the Field.R 8903 Gleanings from Field and Garden.K 2168 Johnson, C. British Poisonous Plants.K 8926 Johnson, C. P. and Sowerby. Useful Plants of Great Britain.. .. K 2234 Johnstone. Nature-printed Sea-Weeds. 4 V **R 2189 Jones. Plants of India. J 1 55 Karr. Tour round my Garden. K 2206 Ketchum. Botany for Academies and Col¬ leges. R 8948 Landsborough. British Sea-Weeds.K 3171 Language of Flowers .• .E 261 Lankester. Vegetable Substances for Food. K 2170 The same ... . I 3557 The same .I 374-6 Lee. Trees, Plants and Flowers. K 8930 Lees. Affinities of Plants . *E 5041,12 Leighton. Lichen-Flora of Great Britain. .K 8981 LeMaout and Decaisne. System of Botany*R 2236 Leunis. Botanik...*. . . E 5^6 Leitfaden fur Botanik . D 4634 Lindley. “ Ladies’ Botany. 2v.K 2126 Natural System of Botany .K 2127 and Hutton. Fossil Flora of Great Britain. 3 v.' .*K 2124 and Paxton. The Flower Garden. 3 v.*V 621 Lindsay. History of British Lichens.K 8954 Linnaeus. Species Plantarum. 5 v. in 10...K 2219 View of Writings of; by Pulteney.*V 187 Loudon. Encyclopaedia of Plants.*R 1760 Lowe. Natural History of Grasses.~P 3 11 and Howard. Beautiful Leaved Plants*? 310 Lubbock. Flowers, Fruits and Leaves. . . .Iv 8932 M’Alpine. Botanical Atlas. 2 v.*R 497 1 Macfadyen. Flora of Jamaica.K 8941 Macloskie. Elementary Botany . .. .. K 8940 MacMillan. Alpine Plants.R 2164 Footnotes from Nature; Vegetation... .K 8957 Macoun. Catalogue of Canadian Plants, 3 pts .-Doc. Marion. Merveilles de la Vegetation.C 4*87 Wonders of Vegetation.R 2631 Masters. Plant Life on the Farm.K 8939 Mathews. The Flora of Algeria.K 9018 Maugeret. La Science a travers Champs. .C 5873 Maund. The Botanic Garden. 6v.*K 8953 Meehan. Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. istSer. 2v.*P The same; 2nd Ser. 2 v.*P Meredith. Some of my Bush Friends in Tasmania.1214 Michaux. Flora Boreali-Americana . K 8942 Miller. Common Wayside Flowers.K 8943 Miner. Orchids, the Royal Family of Plants *P nil®® Missouri Botanical Garden, 1890-92. 3v.K 8960 Moore. Elements of Botany . R 2133 Mueller, F. Das illustrirte Krauterbuch . .D 2513 Mueller, H. Fertilisation of Flowers- K 8951 Mueller, K. Buch der Pflanzenwelt.D 370 Mueller, N. J. C. Handbuch der Botanik.D 4525 Nathorst. Forntidens Vaxtverld.C 7865,2 Nave. Fresh Water and Marine Algae.K 2166 Netoliczka. Lehrbuch der Botanik.D 3^5 Pflanzen-Physiologie.D 3 6 4 | Neumann. Kunst der Pflanzenvermehrung..D 565 Nuttall. Systematic Botany.R 2137 Parkman. Book of Roses . R 2130 Parnell. Grasses of Scotland and Britain.K 8984 Parsons. The Rose.R 2I 3 ^ Paul. The Rose Garden. . *R 8968J Paxton. Magazine of Botany, i 834 ' 45 - 12 v. **Siw| Perger. Deutsche Pflanzensagen. D 454c Pflanzenleben und Pflanzenbau. U 416,1: Phelps. Botany for Beginners. K 893! 434 NATURAL SCIENCES. Phelps. Familiar Lectures on Botany.K 2235 The same; new ed.x 8934 Pickering. Chronological History of Pla«ts*V 349 PluES. Rambles in Search of Flowerless j| Plants. X 8967 Prantl. Lehrbuch der Botanik.D 4541 Pratt. Flowers and their Associations_K 8963 Flowering Plants of Great Britain. 6 v.*K 2199 Haunts of Wild Flowers.X 2201 Poisonous Plants.X 8962 Prior. On Popular Names of British Plants. K 8982 Rand. Rhododendron and American Plants.K 2131 Rawton. Les Plantes .C 6415 Reeves. Sap; does it rise from the Roots?. .K 8987 Reinke. Lehrbuch der Botanik.D 4576 Reling u. Bohnhorst. Unsere Pflanzen..D 3042 Ren£. Jahreszeit-Blumen.p) Rhind. History of Vegetable Kingdom... K 8970 Rivers. Rose-Amateurs’ Guide.X 8969 Roberts. Voices from the Woodlands_K 2193 Rossmaessler. Flora im Winterkleide. .. .D 380 Die vier Jahreszeiten.p) ^yS Der Wald. p) Rousseau. LaBotanique. ’... C 6517,11 Royle. Fibrous Plants of India.X 2184 Ruskin. Proserpina; Studies of Wayside Flow- ers .. 129 Sachs. History of Botany (1530-1860)_K 8989 Physiology of Plants. . . .K 8971 Text Book of Botany.X 2237 Saporta und Marion. Die Kryptogamen.D415,54 Schlechtendal. Flora von Deutschland. 3 1 v .. 4581 . Schleiden. Die Pflanzen und ihr Leben. .D 385 Die Rose.D 386 SchlickUm. Exkursionsflora fur Deutsch- land . D 4582 , Schmidlin. Populare Botanik. 2 v.D 4583 Seemann. History of the Palms.X 2195 ulSlNCLAlR, Mrs. F., Jr. Indigenous Flowers of Hawaiian Islands.*p I2l 3 j Sinclair, G. Hortus Gramineus.X 2192 Smith. Domestic Botany.X 8975 Names of Plants.X 8946 Sowerby, J. English Botany. 36 V. in i8.*P 649 Sowerby, J. E. and Johnson. British Wild Flowers. * K 2233 Sprague. Wild Flowers of America.*R 3876 Squier. Tropical Fibres.X 873 Stark. British Mosses . X 9015 Stebler and Schroter. Best Forage Plants*V 1773 |Step. Plant-Life. X 8902 jStrantz. Blumen in Sage u. Geschichte. .D 4596 Strasburger. Practical Botany.X 8990 Sweet and Don. Ornamental Flower Gar- j den. 4 v.*X 8976 Taylor. Sagacity of Plants.x 8979 Thayer. Wild Flowers of the Rocky Moun- tains . 1772 Theophrastus. Historian) plantarum. L 5676, 1-2 Thome. Pflanzenbau-und Leben.D 416,12 Thornton. The Family Herbal.X 8947 Torrey. Botany of New York. 2v. *Doc. Trelease. Species of Epilobium North- of Mexico . 9021 Species of Rumex North of Mexico. . . .IC 9017 Tripp. British Mosses. 2 v.*x 8013 Tuckerman. North American Liehens_K 8980 Twining. Natural Orders of Plants.'2 v.*X 2232 Tyas. Language of Flowers.*R 1^2 Uilkens. De IIeide v ..D 9 g 6( 5 Vegetable Materials for Manufacturers.I 3571 Vegetable Substances used in the Arts.I 3572 The same. K 2172 Wallace. Palm-Trees of the Amazon... . .K 2177 Ward. Diseases of Plants. x 8986 Ware. Flowers and Plants .x 2230 Wheldon, J. Botanical Catalogue, 1886.*0 322 Williams. Greenhouse Plants.X 2211 The same; new ed .X 9001 Orchid Grower’s Manual.x 2213 Ornamental-leaved Plants. X 2212 The same; newed.X 9002 Wimmer und Grabowski. Flora Silesiae. 3V. D 4630 Witte. Plantenkunde .p> 9751 Wolle. Fresh-Water Algae of the United States. 2 v. . 8045 Wood, A. American Botanist and Florist. .K 9003 Wood, H. C. Fresh-Water Algae of North America . . Woods. Tourist’s Flora. Iv 2188 Wooster. Alpine Plants. 2 v .*p 320 Youmans. First Book of Botany.X 2208 Second Book of Botany .X 2209 Zeller. Wild Flowers of the Holy Land.*K 8983 See also Horticulture, p. 400. FERNS. Beddome. Ferns of India . x 9014 Eaton. Ferns of North America. 2v...*R 3879 Fern Manual; British Ferns.X 8908 Francis. Analysis of British Ferns.K 8909 Heath. Fern Paradise.x 2139 Where to find Ferns.K 8919 Hibberd. Fern Garden.x 8918 Hooker. Century of Ferns.*y 74 Second Century of Ferns.*V 75 and Baker. Synopsis of Ferns.K 2190 ASTRONOMY. 435 Lowe. Ferns, British and Exotic. 8 v.. .*K New and Rare Ferns.*P Our Native Ferns. 2v.*K Luerssen. Pflanzengruppe derFarne. . . .*D Lyell. Handbook of all known Ferns... .K Meehan. Native Ferns of the U. S. ist Ser. 2 V .*P The same, 2nd Ser. 2 v.*P Moore. Popular History of British Ferns. .K The same, abridged. K Newsham. Facts and Fancies about Ferns. K Pratt. Ferns of Great Britain.: .. . .K Robinson. Ferns in their Homes and ours.K Underwood. Our Native Ferns.K 2187 3 1 2173 382,9 2163 3 H 3 i 5 2197 2135 2217 8961 2159 2155 ASTRONOMY. Adams, J. Q. Oration before the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, 1843.K 2076 Airy. Popular Astronomy . K 2003 Theory of Errors of Observation . K 2118 American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1855-94. 39 v . * Doc ‘ Andr£. Astronomie pratique. 5 v. C 4073 Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, 1871-91. 2iv . *R 3846 Arago. Astronomie populaire. 4 v . C 4081 Das Nordlicht . D 381,4 Populare Astronomie . D 381,11-14 Popular Astronomy. 2 v . K 2004 Astronomical Register, 1863-86. 24 V . * Ser. Baebi.ich. Buch der Astronomie . D 4404 Ball. Elements of Astronomy.K 2100 In Starry Realms .K 8638 Star-Land; Wonders of the Heavens. . .K 8639 Story of the Heavens.K 2117 Time and Tide; a Romance of the MoonK 1981 Bassnett. True Theory of the Sun.K 8640 Beckett. Astronomy without MathematicsK 1972 Bernstein Boven Lucht en Wolken . D 9045 Sternschnuppen und Kometen . D 383,20 Bigelow. The Solar Corona....*V 1759 Blake. Astronomical Myths. ...K 2037 Blunt. Beauty of the Heavens . *K 1965 Bogulawski. Sternschnuppen und ihre Be- ziehungen zu den Kometen.*D 382 9 Bond. Donati’s Comet of 1858 .*Y 691,1 Brainard. The Sextant and other Reflecting Instruments.K 6S6 ,ioi Brewster. More Worlds than one . K 2021 Brocklesby. Common School Astronomy.K 2059 Elements of Astronomy . K 2017 Broszus. Theorie der Sonnenflecken . D 4768 Bruennow. Tables of Iris . *V 682 Bruno. Reformation des Himmels . D 6692 Burnham. Catalogue of 300 new Double Stars, 1871-4 . K 2002 Double Star Observations, 1877-78 ..*V 410 Double Star Observations, 1879-80 .. .*V 388 Double Stars, discovered by Clark .. .*K 2081 Report on the Lick Observatory . *K 2081 Burr, Ecce Ccelum . K 2011 Burritt. Geography of the Heavens. K 2084 Carpenter. Astronomy and Horology.. . .T 3254 Carrington. Spots on the Sun . .*V 248 Challis. Astronomy and Astronomical In¬ struments . K 1979 Chalmers. Christian Revelation and Modern Astronomy . . ;. K 2038 Chambers. Descriptive Astronomy . K 2039 The same; new ed . 3V . K 1977 Pictorial Astronomy . K 1985 Champlin. Young-Folks’ Astronomy ... K 2101 Chauvenet. Practical Astronomy. 2v.K 2042 Nautical Astronomy . K 888 CHEYNE. Treatise on the Planetary Theory.K 2094 Chicago Astronomical Society Reports, 1874, 1881-85 . *K 2081 Cincinnati Observatory, Pub. of, 1875-80. 2 v*K 2055 Clerke. Popular History of Astronomy. . .K 1961 System of the Stars . K 8634 Croll. Stellar Evolution and Geological Time . K 8628 Davis. Elements of Astronomy . K 2026 Science of Astronomy . *K 2081 De Morgan. Book of the Almanacs . K 1973 Denison. Astronomy without MathematicsK 2030 Dick. Celestial Scenery.I 3715 The same . J 48, 2 Practical Astronomer . J 48, 2 Sidereal Heavens . I 3722 The same . J 48, 2 Solar System . J 48, 2 Diesterweg. Heelalen zijne Wonderen. ...D 9188 Populare Himmelskunde. D 4431 Doeli.en. Portable Transit Instrument ...K 2073 Drayson, A. W. Untrodden Ground in As¬ tronomy . K 1986 Drayson, W. W. Motion of Fixed Stars.K 2095 Dudley Observatory, Annals of. 2 v . K 2093 Statement of. K 2106 Dunkin. The Midnight Sky .*V 3 Dunn. Introduc. to Practical Astronomy .. ,K 2046 Durham. Astronomy .K 8636 Edinburgh, Astronomical Observations. 10 v.*V 419 Elkin. Group of the Pleiades.*V498 ,i Time-Keeping in London.*K876,2 Time-Keeping in Paris .*K876,2 Ennis. Origin of the Stars.K 2058 436 NATURAL SCIENCES. Evers. Nautical Astronomy.K 2879 Flammarion. Astronomie populaire . ...*V 1780 Histoire du Ciel.*V m6 Pluralite des Mondes habites.C 4955 Les Mondes imaginaires et reels.C 4967 Merveilles celestes.C 4172 RecitsdeP Infini..:.C 4968 Stories of Infinity.E mo Les Terres du Ciel.C 4969 Urani.F 3581 Wonders of the Heavens.K 2600 et Dien. Atlas celeste.*R 4923 Flight. Chapter in the History of MeteoritesK 8633 Fonvielle. Histoire de la Lune... .C 4856 Forbes. Transit of Venus.K 2041 Fritz. Das Polarlicht....0415,29 Gauss. Bevvegung der Himmelskorper.. .*V 1002 Giberne. Sun, Moon and Stars.K 2088 Gillet and Rolfe. Astronomy forSchoolsK 1963 Ginzel. Ueber Veranderungen am Fixstern- himmel.D 382,21 Godfray. Astronomy for Colleges.K 2052 Lunar Theory. K 2019 Gore, J. E. Planetary and Stellar Studies. K 1980 Scenery of the Heavens. K 1982 Gore, J. H. Geodesy.K 5611 Grant. Physical Astronomy.K 2022 Greeley. List of Auroras, 1870-79. *Doc. Green. Early Northern Lights in New Eng¬ land.*6775,6 Greenwich Observations, 1839-69. *Doc. Extracts from the same. * Doc. Reduc. of Observ’ns of the Moon. 3 v... *Doc. Reductions of Observations of Planets... *Doc. Gretschel. Lexikon fiir Astronomie .. *R 3811 Grollet. Le Ciel et ses Merveilles...C 5161 Guillemin. The Heavens. K 2050 The Sun.K 2020 The same.K 2602 Wonders of the Moon.K 2634 World of Comets.K 2051 Hall. The Orbit of Titan.^498,2 Hanna. Celestial Dynamics . *K 2081 Hansen. Tables de la Lune.. *Doc. Harley. Lunar Science. K 2120 Moon Lore.K 8632 Harvard College Observatory, Annals of. 3v.*V 747 Heather. Astronomical Instruments .. . .K.1448,3 Herschel. Astronomy.I 3847 Observ. at Cape of Good Hope, 1834-8*V 249 Outlines of Astronomy.K 2054 The same.K 2087 The Telescope.K 2665 Hevelius. Method of Mounting TelescopesK 2102 Hill. The Stars and the Earth.K 2099 Hind. The Comets... k 1970 Introduction to Astronomy.I 3265 Holden. Astronomical Bibliography_*0 2108 Handbook of the Lick Observatory.. ..K 1974 Progress of Astronomy in 1881.*K 2081 Telescopes as Night Glasses.*K 2081 and Hastings. Synopsis of Writings of W. Herschel.*R 2081 Houzeau et Lancaster. Bibliographic de 1 ’Astronomie. 2v. *0 197 Howe. Solutions of Kepler’s Problems.. .*K 2081 James. The Stars and the Lick ObservatoryK 1971 Jeans. Hand-book for the Stars.K 1969 Johnston. Cosmographic Atlas of Astron¬ omy'- .*R 4925 Julius. Loopbaan derKomeet 1863. vi.. . .D 9077 Kedzie. Solar Heat, Gravitation and Sun Spots.K 2119 Keith. Use of Globes.K 2056 Kendall. Uranography; a Description of the Heavens.K 8635 Atlas .*0635,2 Kiddle. Short Course in Astronomy.K 2082 Kirkwood. 1 he Asteroids; or, Minor PlanetsK 8629 Klein. Star Atlas.*y Knapp and others. Astronomical Etiology. K 2074 Langley. The New Astronomy.K 8625 Laplace. System of the World. 2 v .K 2089 Traite de Mecanique celeste. 5 v . . .*Y 1094 Treatise of Celestial Mechanics.*V 167 Ledger. The Sun; its Planets and SatellitesK 2112 Le Hon. L Astronomie, la Meteorologie et la Geologie. C 5543 Leitch. God's Glory in the Heavens.K 2016 Lewis. Astronomy of the Ancients.*K 1975 Littrow. Wunder des Himmels. 2 v.D 4432 Locke. The Moon Hoax.K 1978 Lockyer. Chemistry of the Sun.K 1967 Contributions to Solar Physics.K 2025 Elements of Astronomy.K 2009 The Meteoritic Hypothesis.K 1983 Primer of Astronomy.K 2685,7 Staigazing, past and present.K 2043 Loomis. Elements of Astronomy.K 2075 Practical Astronomy .K 2044 Progress of Astronomy.K 2070 McLear. Verification of LaCaille’s Arc of Meridian. 2 v. *Doc. Maedler. Himmelskunde.D 387 Main. Practical and Spherical Astronomy.K 2104 Rudimentary Astronomy.K 1512 Mattison. Primary Astronomy.K 2086 Meyer. Die Konigen desTages .D 4527 ASTRONOMY. 437 Meyer. Das Reich der Sterne..-D 45 2 9 Milner. Heavens and the Earth.K 2036 Mitchel. Astronomy of the Bible.K 2023 Orbs of Heaven.K 211 3 Planetary and Stellar Worlds.K 2024 Mudie. The Heavens.K 2855 Narrien. Origin and Progress of AstronomyK 1968 Nasmyth and Carpenter. The Moon..*K 1962 Nautical Almanac, 1863-71, 1877-85. 18 v.K 2001 Neison. The Moon.K- 2 ° 7 I Newcomb. Astronomy for Schools.K 2072 Popular Astronomy.K 2069 The same; nevved.K 2097 NlCHOL. Architecture of the Heavens-K 2035 Contemplations on the Solar System... K 2065 Planet Neptune.K 2066 System of the World. . .K 2067 Noble. Hours with a three-inch Telescope K 1966 Nolan. The Telescope. .. K 686,51 Norton. Treatise on Astronomy . 2018 Observatory, 1880-91. v. 3~ x 4 . *Ser. Ohm. Vorlesungen iiber Himmels-u.-Erd kunde.D 3^9 Oliver and others. Astronomy for AmateursK 8626 Olmsted. Introduction to Astronomy. . .. .K 2116 Letters on Astronomy . K 201 3 Compendium of Astronomy . K 2014 Parker. Familiar Talks on Astronomy..K 8627 Parkes. Unfinished Worlds; a Study in As¬ tronomy .K 8630 Peck, W. Hand-book and Atlas of Astron¬ omy ... 1 7 & 1 Peck, W. G. Popular Astronomy .K 2105 Phipson. Meteors.K 2773 Plummer. Astronomy.K 2S89 Pope. Solar Enginery.5743 Proctor. Easy Star Lessons.K 2092 Essays on Astronomy.K 2049 Expanse of Heaven.K 2010 Flowers of the Sky.K 2045 Half-Hours with the Stars . * v 423 Half-Hours with the Telescope . K 2032 Hand-book of the Stars . K 2028 Lessons in Elementary Astronomy . K 2063 The Moon . K 2o0 7 The same; new ed .. .. K 2047 Mysteries of Time and Space . U 8621 Myths and Marvels of Astronomy . K 2061 Orbs around us.K 2027 Other Worlds than Ours . K 2008 Our Place among Infinities .2064 Poetry of Astronomy.K 2091 Saturn and its System.K 2048 Star Atlas . 4*3 Proctor. Stars and the Earth...K 2090 The Sun.K 2062 Sun-Views of the Earth.*V 414 Transits of Venus.K 2029 Universe of Suns.K 8622 Rambosson. Astronomy.K 2077 Ranyard. Total Solar Eclipse, July, i878.*V 496 Rey. Himmel und Erde.D 4577 Richardson. Catalogue of Stars at Paramatta.*ZW. Robinson. Elementary Astronomy.K 2079 RoLFEand Gillet. Hand-book of theStars.K 2005 Elements of Astronomy.K 2083 Rollwyn. Astronomy simplified .K 2078 Royal Astronomical Society, Memoirs, 1822- 90. 49 V. 4 j 8 * Index, v. 1-38. Monthly Notices, 1831-91. v. 1,2,8-26, 29-51... *Se r. Sang. Solar and Sidereal Time Tables.. ..K 2034 Schmal. Hemel en Aarde .D 975 1 Schubert. Tables of Eunomia.-.. *Doc. Secchi. Die Sonne ..D 39 1 Die Sterne .■.I) 4 I 5>34 Seiss. The Gospel in the Stars.K 2096 The same; new ed.K 2114 Serviss. Astronomy with an Opera Glass. .K 8631 Sharpless and Philips. Astronomy for Schools. i .K 2098 Sidereal Messenger, 1882-91. v.1,2,4-10.... *Ser. Siegmund. Durch die Sternenwelt.D 4584 Simms. Achromatic Telescope.K 2107 Smith and Stone. Transit of Venus-*V 691,2 Smyth, C. P. Teneriffe; an Astronomer’s Ex¬ periment.K 20 3 I Smyth, W. H. Cycle of Celestial Objects*K 2108 The same, continued.166 Sidereal Chromatics. . 375 Spoor. Electro-Astronomical Atlas. *V 138 Stark. De Loopbaan van de Planeet Hecate.D 9077 Steele. 14 Weeks in Astronomy.K 2085 Story of the Stars. -K 2115 Stone. Extra Meridian Determination of Time.2081 Sun, The, Solar Eclipse, July 29, 1878, Ob¬ servations at Denver, Col. . .*K 2081 Total Eclipse, Jan. 1, 1889, Observations at Norman, Cal.1782 Tate. The Sun; its Constitution. *K 7170 Townsend. The Arena an the Throne.. K 2006 Tuxen. Stjerneverdenen. 0 7601 Ule. Wunder der Sternenwelt.D 4597 U. S. Naval Observatory, Observations. *Doc. Solar Eclipses, July, 1878 and Jan., 1880 *Doc. Valentia, Ireland, Longitude of . *Doc. 438 NATURAL SCIENCES. Vaughan. Popular Physical Astronomy... K 1964 Vogel. Die Spectra der Planeten.D 4613 Walsh. Astronomy and Geology.K 2040 Ward. The Telescope.K 2033 Warren. Recreations in Astronomy .K 2080 Washburn Observatory, Publications of. 5 v.*K 2103 Washington Astronomical Observations, 1846- 88. 29 V. *Doc. Y\ ebb. Celestial Objects for Telescopes.... K 2015 The same; new ed.K 2109 Whewell. Astronomy, Physics and Natural Theology.I 3248 Plurality of Worlds. K 2060 Williams, J. Chinese Observations of Com- CtS ... . t Williams, W. M. Fuel of the Sun _ ; .K 2012 Wilson. Lost Solar System discovered. 2V.K2057 Winthrop. Lectures on Comets.K 2111 Wolf. Geschichte der Astronomie.. .D 6704,16 Vale University, Astronomical Observatory, Transactions. 2 v.V # 498 Young. Die Sonne.D 415,58 The Sun.K 2110 Text-Book of General Astronomy.K 1976 Zech. Himmel und Erde.D 416,5 Zi rcher et MargollS. Les Meteores.. .. C 4210 W 7 onders of Meteors.x 2624 NATURAL HISTORY.—ZOOLOGY. Abbott. Days out of Doors.K 8056 Naturalist’s Rambles. k S005 Outings at Odd Times. x 8068 Recent Rambles.X 8105 Upland and Meadow ..K 8037 W’aste-Land Wanderings.K 8041 Adolph. Simplicity of Creation.K 2966 ^Elianus. De Natura animalium. 2 V....L 5574 Agassiz. Biliographia Zoologiae. 4 v ...*0 7 Classification in Natural History.K 3000 Methods of Study in Natural History. .K 3062 Natural History of the U. S. 4v....*V 441 Structure of Animal Life.K 3117 and Gould. Comparative Physiology. .1 3240 Principles of Zoology.x 3058 Ahlers. Notabilitaten der Thierwelt_D 4402 American Naturalist, 1868-91. 25 v. *Ser. Angell. Animal Physiology.x 2884 Animal Locomotion; Muybridge Work at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania.x 8050 Ashton. Curious Creatures in Zoology_X 8121 Atkinson. Natural History. x 8006 Sketches in Natural History... m x 3223 Audubon and Bachman. Quadrupeds of North America. 3 V. *p - t g Baer. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. 2 v • . 4410 Baird. Student’s Natural History.*R 1725 Baker. Wild Beasts and their Ways.K 8067 Beard. Humor in Animals.X 8009 Beaugrand. Walks of Two Young Natural- ists . 8072 Beddard. Animal Coloration.X 8126 Bell, A. N. Knowledge of Living Things.K 3053 Bell, T. History of British Reptiles.X 7954 Bennett. Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society delineated. 2 v.. .K 2 q 67 Berge. Complete Natural History .K 8118 Berkeley. Facts against Fiction. 2 v.. .K 1002 Bernard. The Apodidae . 8113 Bibliotheca Zoologica. 5 v *0 2 54 Blake. Zoology for Students.. .. 3253 Boate and others. Natural History of Ire- land .. 2991 Boitard en Jan in. Diergaarde te Parijs. .D 9080 Bolles. Land of the Lingering Snow. I 5372 Boner. Forest Creatures. - .X 3070 Boston Society of Natural History, Memoirs *V 442 Bolrotte. Protection envers les Animaux.Ci2095 Bowerbank. British Spongiadae. 4 v. . .K 8221 Brady. British Copepoda. 3 v.:.X 3280 Bree. Lower Forms of Life.K 7848 Brehm. Krybdyrenes og Paddernes, Fisk- enes .*C 7074 Patteayrenes Liv. *C 7075 Thierleben. 10 v.*R 1729 1 hierleben fur Volk und Schule. 3 v... D 4421 Brightwen. Wild Nature won by Kind¬ ness. 9 . .K 8119 Broderip. Note Book of a Naturalist.K 3194 Zoological Recreations.X 3057 Brooks. The Oyster.x 8548 Elementary Course of Natural History.. K 3227 Handbook of Invertebrate Zodlogy... .K 7990 Brown. Anecdotes of the Animal King- dom .,. K 3134 . Anecdotes of Animals and Birds. K 3158 Habits of Animals and Birds . X 3159 Popular Natural History. X 3160 Zoologist’s Text-book. 2v . X 3177 Buckland. Animal Life. X 7994 Curiosities of Natural History. 4 v_ K 3191 The same. 2 v. X 2972 Buckley. Life and her Children. K 7953 Winners in Life’s Race. X 7948 Buechner. Geistesleben der Thiere .D 4417 Liebes-Leben der Thierwelt .D 4418 Buel. Sea and Land. X 8130 Buffon. CEuvres choises. C 4260 NATURAL HISTORY.—ZOOLOGY 439 Buffon. CEuvres completes. 40 v.C 4261 Histoire naturelle. 32 v.K 3006 Supplement, iov.K 3°°7 Campbell. Story of Creation. K 2865 Carpenter. Animal Thysiolcgy . I 3256 Zoology. 2 v.I 3253 Cassino (Ed.). Naturalist’s Directory for 1880.*R 1723 Catesby. Natural History of the Carolinas. 2 v. . >P 858 Catlow. Scripture Zoology . K 3132 Caton. Antelope and Deer of America... K 1825 Chadbourne. Lectures on Natural His¬ tory . K 3004 Chambers. Elements of Zoology. K 3121 Champfleury. The Cat, past and present.K 8034 Chauveneau. Anatomy of Domestic Ani¬ mals .. K 3118 Clarke. Mind in Nature. K 3128 Claus. Grundziige der Zoologie. 2 v...,D 4422 Text-Book of Zoology. 2v . K 8017 Clermont. Quadrupeds and Reptiles of Europe . lv 7941 Cooke. Our Reptiles . K 3170 Ponds and Ditches ... K 7944 The Woodlands . K 8896 Cooper. Animal Life on the Sea and on Land ...K 3008 Couch. Cornish Fauna.K 3213 Illustrations of Instinct in Animals. K 7986 Coues. Fur-Bearing Animals. *Doc. Cunningham. Natural History of the Straits of Magellan . K 2974 Cuvier. Animal Kingdom; ed. by Carpenter and Westwood .. . . . K 3180 The same; ed. by Griffith. 16 v.*K 3240 The same; ed. by M’Murtrie.K 8010 Histoire des Sciences naturelles. 5 v. in 2 . K 2670 Dallas and others. Studies of Animated Nature.E 3390, 2 Dana. Coral and Coral Islands.K 3104 Darwin. Animals under Domestication. 2 v.K 3064 Naturalist’s Voyage around the World.. K. 3050 Vegetable Mould and Worms.K 7956 Dawson. Nature and the Bible.K 2981 Delattre. Les Betes savantes.C 4538 Delon. Reeits d’Histoire naturelle.C 4766 A travers nos Campagnes.C 47C8 Denton. Collector’s Rambles in Australia.K 8069 Donovan. Repository of Exotic Natural History. 2 v.*K 8071 DRUMMOND. Lkige Game of South Africa. K 2984 Dubois. Au Bord d’une Mare.*V 1069 Duemling. Illustrirtes Thierleben. 2 v...D 4435 Dupuis. A la Recherche d’une Menagerie.C 4760 Edwards. Manual of Zoology.K 3003 Elliot. Wild Animals; i 11 us. by Wolf. . . . *R 4236- Elliott. Seal Islands of Alaska. *Doc. Emerson and Emmons. Quadrupeds of Mas¬ sachusetts . K 2223. Enderes. Thierwelt . D 4441 Estaile. Contributions to Natural History.K 7983. Eyton. Oysters and Oyster Fisheries . K 3277 Fabre. Zoologie.C 4845 Figuier. Les Mam.niferes.C 4910 Mammalia.K 3156 Les Poissons, Reptiles, Oiseaux.C. 4912 Reptiles and Birds...K 3155 Vie et Moeurs des Animaux.C 49i& Flagg. Studies in Field and Forest.K 2156- Fleming. Animal Plagues.K 8115 Flower. Osteology of Mammalia.K 3175 and Lydekker. Study of Mammals..K 8087' Forbes. British Starfishes.K 8546- Fournier. Les Animaux historiques.C 4989. Garner. Speech of Monkeys.K 8101 Garrod, A. H. Scientific Papers of.K 8018- Gegf.NBAUR. Comparative Anatomy.K 7950* Vergleichende Anatomie.D 2459- Gibson, J. Science Gleanings . K 803a Gibson, W. H. Sharp Eyes; Walks among Birds, Insects, etc . .K 8076 Strolls by Starlight and Sunshine.K 8073 Giebel. Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs. 5 v . D 360 Gill. Mammals, Fishes and Mollusca . K 3246- Girard, C. Herpetology; with Atlas. *Doc. Girard, M. Zoologie .C 5124 Glazier. Report on Trichinae and Trichin¬ osis. ... *Doc. Goadby. Vegetable and Animal Physiol¬ ogy . • . K 3 11 9 ‘ Godman. American Natural History. 3 v.K 2970 Goldsmith. Animated Nature. 4 v. in 2.K 2990- Goodrich and Winchell. Johnson’s Nat¬ ural History. 2 v . *K 8020 Gosch. Zoologiens Studium. 3 V . C 7197 Gosse. British Sea- Anemones . *K 8062 Canadian Naturalist. K 2973 Letters from Alabama.K 3198 Life in Higher and Lower Forms . K 2993. Natural History of Mammalia . K 3 2 °7 Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica . K 2987 Romance of Natural History. 2 v. K 2977 Text book of Zoology. K 2979. Gould, A. A. Invertebrata of Massachusetts. K 3 2 3 * 440 NATURAL SCIENCE. Gould, C. Mythical Monsters.K 8026 Gratiolet. Anatomie de rHippopotame.*V 316 Gravenhorst. Seethiere bei Triest.D 4466 Green. Collections of Natural History. .. .K 8070 Gubernatis. Zoological Mythology. 2 v, .K 3002 Guerrier de Haupt. Clef des Champs.. .C 5003 Protection des Animaux.C 5015 Gunning. Life History of our Planet.K 2857 Haeckel. Arabische Korallen.*V 1004 Hamerton. Chapters on Animals....... .K 3123 Hamilton. The River-Side Naturalist... ,K 8108 Hamley. Our Poor Relations.E 1173 Harbison. Elements of Zoology.K 2885 Harlan. Fauna Americana...K 7997 Harting. British Extinct Animals.K 7995 Natural History and Sport. K 6652 Hartmann. Anthropoid Apes.K 8008 Menschenahnliche Affen.*. D 415,60 Hartwig. Die Tropenwelt ...D3770 Wild Animals of the Tropics.K 8054 Winged Life in the Tropics.K 8053 Hehn. Wanderings of Plants and Animals.K 8028 Heilprin. Distribution of Animals.K 8015 Henty. Those other Animals.K 8127 Hess. Wegweiser in die Zoologie.D 561 Hickson. Naturalist in North Celebes....Iv 8085 Higgins. Ophidians; Zoological Arrangement of Genera.K S046 Hinton. Life in Nature.K 3061 Holder. Elements of Zoology.K 8003 The Ivory King; History of the ElephantK 8040 Living Lights; Phosphorescent Animals and Plants.K 8044 Marvels of Animal Life.K 8036 Hood. The King’s Windows.K 8042 Hooker. Natural History for Schools .. .Iv 3056 Child’s Book of Nature.K 3068 Hopley. Snakes.K 7985 Houghton. Country Walks.Iv 2834 Natural History of the Ancients.Iv 3247 Howorth. The Mammoth and the Flood.Iv 8019 Hudson. The Naturalist in La Plata.Iv 8109 Huidekoper. Age of the Domestic AnimalsK 8128 Huizinga. Dierkunde voor EerstbeginnendenD 9356 Hulme. Wayside Sketches.K 8057 Hunter. (Ed.). Curiosities in National Insti¬ tute.K 356 Huxley. Anatomy of Vertebrated AnimalsK 3116 Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. .. .Iv 7959 Classification of Animals.K 2998 The Crayfish.K 3269 Der Krebs...D415,48 Illinois Museum of Natural History, Bulletins. *Dc?c. Illustrated Sketches of Natural History. 2 v.K 3069 Ingersoll. Country Cousins.K 8002 Friends worth knowing.K 7960 Habits of Animals.K 8122 Jackson. Monkeys, Oppossums, etc.I 3554 Jacolliot. Les Animaux sauvages.*V 1070 Jaeger, B. Class Book of Zoology.Iv 3072 Jaeger, G. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 4 v,D 3201 Jardine. Naturalist’s Library: Entomology. 7 v.*K 3150 Ichthyology. 6 v.*K 3151 Mammalia. 13 v. *K 3152 Ornithology. 14 v. *K 3153 Jenyns. Observations in Natural History. . K 3184 Jesse. Gleanings in Natural History. 3 v..K 2975 Scenes of Country Life; Natural HistoryK 8051 Jones, J. M. Naturalist in Bermuda.K 7958 Jones, T. R. Animal Creation. . . .K 3126 Natural History of Animals. 2 v.K 2985 Outline of the Animal Kingdom.K 2986 Jordan. Vertebrates of Northern United States.K 3245 Kemp. Indications of Instinct.I 4000,24 Natural History of Creation.I 4000,24 Kent. Manual of Infusoria. 3 v.*K 7979 Iviesenwetter. Naturaliensammler.D 4487 King. Naturalist in Canada. *R 1731 Kingsley. Natural History. 6 v .*K 8021 Naturalist’s Assistant.K 7987 Kingston. Natural History in the Western World.K 3176 Kipling. Beast and Man in India.K 8125 Kirby. On the History of Animals. 2 v. .1 3246 Knight. Idylls of the Field.K 8530 By Leafy Ways; Studies from Nature. .Iv 8055 Koch. The Missourium; or, Missouri Levia¬ than .IC 81 i 1 Krause, E. (C. Sterne). Werden und Ver- gehen.D 4594 Land of the Lions; Wild Animals of Africa.Iv 6728 Landsborough. British Zoophytes.K 3169 Langlebert. Historie naturelle.C 5648 Lee. Anecdotes of Animals.K 3066 Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles, etc.Iv 3067 Leroy. Intelligence of Animals.K 3224 Lindsay. Mind in the Lower Animals. 2 vK 3261 Linntean Society of N. Y. Transactions. 2 v.K 8023 Lord. Crab, Shrimp and Lobster Lore.. .K 7991 Loudon. Entertaining Naturalist.I 3127 Low. Domesticated Animals. K 3147 Lubbock. Beauties of Nature. ... .K 8103 Instincts and Intelligence of Animals..K 8025 Die Sinne und das Leben der Thiere.D 415,67 Luetkf.n. Skildringer af Dyrelivet.C 7367 Lunt. Across Lots.K 80152 NATURAL HISTORY.—ZOOLOGY. 44 1 Macalister. Zoology of the Vertebrates.K 3 2 4 2 M’ Alpine. Zoological Atlas. 2 v . 497 ° MacCosh. Typical Form of Creation.K 2992 Mangin. Le Monde de l’Air.C 5917 Marcy. Natural History of the Red River of Louisiana.K 799 ^ Marey. Animal Mechanism.K 2853 Marshall. Spaziergange eines Naturfor- schers.^ 453 2 Martin, P. L. Illustrirte Naturgeschichte. 2 v. in 4. D 45 2 6 Leben der Hauskatze.D 45 22 Martin, W. C. L. Natural History of Mam- mifera...K. 3 I 74 Maskell. Four Feet, Wings and Fins... .K 795 2 Maugeret. La Science a travers Champs.C 5873 Maunder. Treasury of Natural History. ,*R 17 21 Mayou. Natural History of Shakspere... .E 9^77 Menault. Intelligence des Animaux.... C 4^9 Intelligence of Animals. K 2619 Amour maternal des Animaux.C 4 221 Meredith. Tasmanian Friends; Feathered, Furred and Finned.K 8086 MeUNIER. Le Monde animal.C 5867 Miller. Queer Pets and their Doings.. . .K 7973 Mivart. The Cat.K 7962 Morgan, C. L. Animal Life and IntelligenceK 8124 Morgan, L. H. American Beaver.K 3093 Morse. First Book of Zoology.K 3236 Morwood. Facts of Animal Life.K 7947 Moseley. Notes by a Naturalist.K 8107 Muenter. Corrallenthiere.D 382,7 Muybridge. Animal Locomotion.*P 1243 Napier. Lakes and Rivers.K 7945 Natural History Review, 181-65. Jv.*SVr. Nelson. Natural History Collections made in Alaska. . *Doc. Netoliczka. Illustrirte Naturgeschichte... D 364 Katechismus der Naturgeschichte.D 365 Lehrbuch der Zoologie.D 363 New York State, Natural History of. *Doc. De Kay. Zoology. 5 v. Torrey. Botany. 2 v. Beck. Mineralogy. Mather and others. Geology. 4 v. Hall. Palaeontology. 5 v. Emmons. Agriculture. 5 v. Nicholson, E. B. Rights of an Animal.. .K 7963 Nicholson, H. A. Manual of Zoology.. .K 7966 Text-book of Zoology. .-K 3060 Nicols. Natural History of Carnivora. . . .K 8016 Nott. Wild Animals photographed and de¬ scribed . K 8058 Ogilvie. Master Builder’s Plan.K 2995 Orbigny. Diet. d’Histoire naturelle. i3v.*P 571 Atlas. 3 v...*P 57 2 Orton. Comparative Zoology.K 79^4 Oswald. Zoological Sketches. .K 7974 Owen. Aims of a National Museum of Nat¬ ural History.-K 3 22 5 Classification of Mammalia.K 3206 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 ..K 3197 Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates.K 3181 Odontography; Anatomy of Teeth. 2 v*K 8024 Packard. Zoology for High Schools.K 7967 Page. Animal Anecdotes.Iv 8049 Pasteur. Maladie des Vers a Soie. 2 v..,.C 6165 The same. 2v.K 903 Pettigrew. Animal Locomotion.K 3120 Ortsbewegung der Thiere.D 415,10 Phipson, E. Animal Lore of Shakspere’s Time.E 9691 Phipson, T. L. Utilization of Minute Life.K 7998 Pliny Secundus. Historic naturalis. 11 v.*L 2782 Naturall Historie, 1635.*P 882 Natural History. 6 v.I 3217 Poulton. The Colours of Animals.K 8123 Pritchard. History of Infusoria.K 3185 The same; new ed. ...*K 3256 Quadrupeds described. 3 V .^ 35 ^° Ratzel. Wandertage eines NaturforschersD 3869 Rebau. Naturgeschichte.D 4574 Redares. Kaninchenzucht.D 547 Reid. The Naturalist in Siluria.. .K 8048 Reimann. Naturleben des Vaterlandes.. .D 2920 Rennie. Natural History of the Elephant .1 3742 The same... 1 35 ^°’ 2 Natural History of Quadrupeds.I 3725 RfcvoiL. Les Animaux historiques. 3 v.. C 6468 Roche. Les Martyrs du Travail. C 6512 Rodwell. The Rat; its History and HabitsK 3203 Roget. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 2 ..I 3 2 5 2 Rolleston. Forms of Animal Life.K 2997 The same.... .*P 166 Scientific Papers and Addresses. 2 v..K 7202 Romanes. Animal Intelligence.K 7968 Mental Evolution in Animals.K 7992 Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, etc.*K 8061 Rossmaessler . Fur freie Stunden...-D 4565 Russ. Durch Feld und Wald.D 4572 Schmarda. Zoologie. 2 v.D 4580 Schmidt. Mammalia in Primeval Times...K 8012 Saugethiere der Vorwelt.D 4 1 5,^5 Scripture Natural History.K 3073 Semper Animal Life.K 7955 Existenzbedingungen der Thiere..D 415,39-40 4+' natural science. Simeon. Natural History. ^ 6729 Smellie . Philosophy of Natural History.. K 7969 Smith. Benderloch; Notes from the West Highlands.... K8o3I Smithsonian Institution, Catalogue of North American Reptiles in. k 3 04 g Sowerby and Lear. Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles..;. *p ^ Stables. Cats. K 8004 Steele. Fur, Feathers and Fuzz .K 8120 Stewart. Nether Lochabar. k 8032 StillmXn. The Horse in Motion.*y 228 Swainson. Animals in Menageries.I 3857 Bibliography of Zoology.j 3865 Classification of Animals.j 3859 Natural History of Quadrupeds .I 3862 Study of Natural History.j 3864 Swedenborg. The Animal Kingdom. 2 v.K 8011 Taylor, J. Curiosities in Natural History.K 7942 Iaylor, J. E. Nature’s Byepaths.K 8001 The Playtime Naturalist . k 8047 Tennent. Natural History of Ceylon_K 3260 The Wild Elephant. 3137 Tenney. Manual of Zoology. ..K 3051 Natural History of Animals.K 3059 Pictures and Stories of Animals. 6 v in2K 8043 Thompson, E. P. Passions of Animals.*. .K 8014 Thompson, W. Natural History of Ireland. 4 v ..*K 2988 Note-book of a Naturalist. k 3232 Thomson. Outlines of Zoology.K 8117 Study of Animal Life. .8116 Timbs. Eccentricities of Animal Creation.K 7957 Torrey. The Foot-Path Way. k 8104 A Rambler’s Lease.£ g OI5 Treat. Studies in Nature.ic 8029 Tristram. Natural History of the Bible. .K 3055 Tropical Nature.K 8000 Trouessart. Microbes, Ferments and MouIds ... 8013 Tschudi. Dyrelivet i Alperne.C 7602 Thierleben der Alpenwelt...*p) 4598 Tugwell. Manual of Sea-Anemones.K 8064 Turner. Natural History of Alaska . *Doc, \an Beneden. Schmarotzer des Thier- reichs .. 415,18 Vasey. Bulls, Bisons and Buffaloes.Iv 7981 ^ ignoli. Intelligenz im Thierreiche.... D 415,36 Vogt. Aus Thier-und Menschenleben_ D 4619 Bilder aus dem Thierleben. D 4620 Vorlesungen uber Thiere. d 4624 Zoologische Briefe. 2v. d 4627 Vagner. Naturskildringar for Ungdom..C 7805 WALLACE. Essays on Natural Selection.. .K 3052 V ALLACE. Geographical Distribution of Ani- mals - 2V .. 3258 Island Life; Faunas and Floras.K 7976 Tropical Nature. K ? y? Walton. The Camel; its Anatomy, etc. .*R 4821 Ware. Philosophy of Natural History. .. .K 7970 Waterhouse. Natural History of Mam- malia - 2V ..K 8022 Waterton. Essays in Natural History .Iv 2994 Watkins. Natural History of the AncientsK 8027 Watson. Reasoning Power in Animals_K 7965 Veir. Our Cats and all about them.K 8075 Wheeler. Animated Nature.*p I27 8 White, A. Heads and Tails. k 3165 Popular History of Mammalia.K 3228 White, G. Natural History of Selborne.. .K 3054 Thesame .I 3528 ™ esame ... Thesame.I 3^4 Wilckens. Naturgeschichteder HausthiereD 4633 Williams. Field-Farings.8106 Wilson. Glimpses of Nature.. k 8074 Wood, J. G. Bible Animals. k 3133 Animal Traits and Characteristics.K 3143 The Branch-Builders.8060 Common Objects of the Country .K 3141 Domestic Animals of the Bible.K 8059 Homes without Hands . k ^ 146 Illustrated Natural History. 3 V.Iv 3168 Lane and Field. K 7946 Man and Beast here and hereafter.K 3167 My Back-Yard Zoo. 8038 Natural History for the Young. K 7972 Nature’s Teachings. . Petland revisited. 8035 Popular Natural History. k 7971 Sketches and Anecdotes of Animals.. .IC 3144 Strange Dwellings. K 3111 Trespassers. . 3I7 , Wood, S. Dwellers in our Gardens.K 7975 Wood, T. Nature and her Servants.IC 7251 Wright. Animal Life. . 79 g 0 Zimmermann. Wunder der Urwelt. D 358 Zoologist, 1843-76. 34 v... COLLECTIONS OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of British Worms...2996 Lepidopterous Insects. 32 v. .K 3009 Hymenopterous Insects. 7 v..IC 3010 Fossorial Hvmenoptera.IC 3011 Neuropterous Insects.K 3012 Pulmonata. k 3013 Fishes and Mollusca.K 30I4 NATURAL HISTORY—TAXIDERMY—ETHNOLOGY. 443 Catalogue of Lophobranchiata.,K 3015 Species Entozoa.,-....K 3016 Blattariaj. 5 v.K 3017 Batrachia.K 3018 Mammalia.K 3019 Hispidae.K 3020 Ruminant Mammalia.K 3021 Seals and Whales. 2 v.K 3022 Amphipodous Crustaceae . K 3023 Apodal Fishes. . ; .K 3024 Coleopterous Insects . K 3026 Blattariae . , ,K 3027 Mollusca.K 3028 Lithophytes.K 3029 1 Acanthopterygian Fishes. 8v.K 3030 Diurnal Lepidoptera.K 3031 British Birds.K 3034 i British Birds. 3 v.K 3035 » Bones of Mammalia . .K 3036 Carnivorous Mammalia . K 3037 Monkeys, Lemurs and Bats.. ,K 3038 1 Diurnal Lepidoptera . K 3039 Coleoptera . Iv 3040 Halticidae ... K 3041 Phaneropneumona . K 3042 Coleoptera . K 3043 Shells of the Canaries . K 3044 Old Bones . K 3045 Mollusca . K 3046 Lycaenidae . *V 393 Orthopterous Insects . *V 394 Shield Reptiles . *V 390 TAXIDERMY. Batty. Practical Taxidermy.K 7951 Boitard. Naturaliste preparateur.. C 6513,70-71 Brown, T. Taxidermist’s Manual. K 3202 BROWNE, M. Practical Taxidermy.K 8080 Coues. Field Ornithology.K 3130 Hornaday. Taxidermy and Zoological Col¬ lecting.K 8079 Maynard. Manual of Taxidermy. K 7989 Naturalists’ Guide in Preserving.K 7988 Swainson . Taxidermy.I 3865 Ward. Collecting, Preserving and Setting up Trophies.K 8078 ETHNOLOGY.—MAN. ^LBANfcs, D’ et Fath. Les Nains celebres.C 4049 American Anthropologist, 1888-91, 4 V. *Ser. American Ethnological Society, Transactions, 1845*48. 2 v . *Ser. Andree. Ethnographische Parallelen.D 6681 Anthropological Review, 1863-69. 7 v. *Ser. Anthropological Society of London, Memoirs, 1863-66. 2 v .*K 7812 Anthropological Society of Washington, Trans¬ actions, 1882... *Doc. Argyll, Duke of '. Primeval Man.K 2952 Bastian. Geographische und ethnologische Bilder.D 4408 Volker des ostlichen Asiens. 2 v.D 295 Beddoe. Races of Britain. .K 7834 Bellew. The Races of Afghanistan.K 7890 Berghaus. Die Volker des Erdballs. 2 v,.D 6687 Bernstein. Leben d. Menschen. 4 v. D 383,10-13 Bertillon. Ethnographie moderne; les Ra¬ ces sauvages.'. .C 12002 Blumenbach. Anthropological Treatises..K 2931 Bonwick. Our Nationalities.K 7820 Brace. Races of the old World.Iv 2928 Bray. Manual of Anthropology.K 2947 Brinton. The American Race. B 2024 Races and Peoples.K 7857 Brown, J. A. Palaeolithic Man in MiddlesexK 7833 Brown, R. Races.of Mankind. 4 V. in 2.K 7801 Buechner. Der Mensch u. seine Stellung.D 4411 Buffon. Histoirede PHomme. 3 v. C 4261,13-15 Burge. Pre-Glacial Man and the Aryan Race.K 7838 Caspari. Urgeschichte der Menschheit. 2 v.D 32 Clark. Races of European Turkey.Iv 7829 Clodd. Childhood of the World.K 2571 Combe. Constitution of Man.K 2956 Conant. Vanished Races in Mississippi Val- le y.K 2563 Dall. Remains of later Pre-historic Man .. .*Doc m Dawkins. Cave Hunting.Iv 2949 Early Man in Britain ..K 7808 Dawson. Australian Aborigines.*V 220 Fossil Men and their Representatives. ..K 7807 Earl. Races of Indian Archipelago.I 1577 Elliot. Races of the Northwestern Provin¬ ces of India, 2 v.Iv 7891 Ethnological Researches of the North-West Coast of America.‘ X ‘R 4872 FlGUIER. L’Homme primitif...C 4908 Human Race.Iv 2925 Primitive Man.K 2912 Les Races humaines. C 4913 Flower. Fashion in Deformity.K 7810 Fontaine. How the World was peopled.. Iv 2942 Fritsch. Die Eingeborenen Sud-Afrikas. 2v*P 1619 Garnier. Les Nains et les Geants.C 5008 Geiger. 7802 Geikie. Great Ice Age and Antiquity of Man.K 2524 NATURAL SCIENCE. 444 Giebel. Der Mensch.D 361 Gobineau. Diversity of Races.K 7798 Inegalite des Races humaines. 2 v.. . C 5001 Guyot. Earth and Man.K 2938 Harris. Constitution of Man primeval... ,K 2940 Pre-Adamite Earth.K 2948 Hartmann. Die Volker Afrikas..D 415,38 Hawkins. Anglo-Saxon Race.K 7819 Hellwald. Naturgeschichte des Menschen. 2 v.D 4478 Hildebrande. ForhistoriskaFolken i EuropaC 7833 Home ( Lord Koines ) . History of Man. 3 v.K 2913 Hopkins. Outline Study of Man.K 2950 Huxley. More Criticisms on Darwin.K 2934 Origin of Species.K 2920 Jacolliot. Histoire de l’Humanite. 2 v.C 5309 Toly. Man before Metals.K 7811 Der Mensch vor der Zeit der Metalle.D 415,46 Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeol¬ ogy, 1891. v. I . *Ser. Keller. Lake Dwellings of Switzerland. .K 2941 KlNMOT. Natural History of Man..K 7879 Knox. Races of Men .K 2943 Lankester. Longevity of Man. . Iv 2924 Lanoye. L’Homme sauvage.C 4218 LATHAM. Descriptive Ethnology. 2 V....K 2898 Ethnology of the British Islands.K 2899 Ethnology of the British Colonies.K 7813 Nationalities of Europe. 2v.K 2922 Native Races of Russia.K 2918 Russian and Turk.K 7809 Lesley. Man’s Origin and Destiny.K 7805 Lubbock. Pre-historic Times.K 2900 Origin of Civilization. K 2944 Lyell. Alter des Menschengeschlechts-D 4552 Antiquity of Man.K 2923 McCausland. Adam and the Adamite. ..K 2911 Builders of Babel.I 1489 McCosh. Development of Hypothesis.K 2962 Maclean. Manual of Antiquity of Man.. .K 3268 Mastodon, Mammoth and Man.K 2561 Mound Builders of Butler Co., O.Iv 2562 Massy. Analytical Ethnology.Iv 2954 Miller. Little People of Asia.I 1446 Moorehead. Primitive Man in Ohio.B 4261 Morris, C. The Aryan Race.K 7S44 Morris, J. The New Nation. 5 v...K 7847 Morton. Crania Americana.*V 302 Mueller. Facts for Darwin.K 2907 Nadaillac. Prehistoric Peoples.K 7877 Natuurlijke Geschiedenis van den Mensch. .D 9688 Nilsson. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandina¬ via.K 2999 Nott and Gliddon. Indigenous Races.. .*V 346 Types of Mankind.*K 7797 Page. Man; where, whence and whither?.K 2901 Paterson. Studies in Life.K 7788 Perkins. Pre-historic Man.*K 876,2 Peschel. Erd-und Voikerkunde.D 4551 Races of Man.K 7806 Pickering. History of the Races of Man.. .1 3143 Poole (Ed.). Genesis of the Earth and Man.M 2037 Pouchet. Plurality of the Human Race.. .K 2955 Powell. Contributions to North American Ethnology. 6 v.. ,*Doc. Prichard. Natural History of Man. 2 v..K 2953 Physical History of Mankind. 5 v... .*K 7796 and Latham. Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations.K 2567 Quatrefages. The Human Species.K 2568 Das Menschengeschlecht.D 415,30-31 Natural History of Man.K 2960 The Prussian Race.K 7875 Les Pygmees... 7 . .C 6324 Ratzel. Vorgesch. d. europ. Menschen.D 416,11 Rau. Early Man in Europe.K 2951 R£clus. Primitive Folk.K 7876 Redfield. Comparative Physiognomy.... K 2930 Retzius. Menneskets Tilvoerelse.C 7234 Rialle. Nos Ancetres.C 6464 Rouegemont. De Mensch en de Aao.D 9434 Le Peuple primitif. 3 V..C 6535 Rydberg. Om Menniskans Forut-Tillvaro. C 8003 Shaler. Nature and Man in America... .K 9443 Sharpe. Cause of Color among Races.K 2569 The same; new ed.Iv 7803 Smith. Complexion and Figure.K 7816 Smyth. Antiquity of Man.K 375 Southall. Epoch of the Mammoth .K 2983 Man’s Age in the World.K 2963 Recent Origin of Man.K 2958 Starcke. Die primitive Familie.D 415,66 Steffens. Anthropologie. 2 v.D 4591 Naturphilosophie. D 4592 Talbot. Infant Development.*K 815,2 Thoms. Human Longevity.K 2906 Topinard. Anthropology.K 7878 Tylor. Anthropology; Study of Man.K 7804 United States Bureau of Ethnology, Reports. 6 v.. *Doc. Vogt. Lectures on Man. K 7853 Vorlesungen uberden Menschen.D 4623 Waitz. Anthropologie der Naturvolker. 6v.D 403 Introduction to Anthropology.K 2929 Wake. Chapters on Man. .K 788c Wallace. Numbers of Mankind.K 7814 EVOLUTION AND BIOLOGY. 445 Wanley. History of Man. 2v.K 7815 Wietersheim. Geschichte der Volkerwan- derung. 2v...D 5757 Williams. Negro Race in America. 2 v.B 332 Winchell. Adamites and Pre-Adamites. *K 5743 Pre-Adamites.K 3273 Wilson. Pre-Historic Man. 2v.K 7800 Wimmer. Adam und sein Geschlecht ... .D 3663 Wood. Giants and Dwarfs.K 2927 Man and Beast here and hereafter.K 3167 Natural History of Man. 2 v.K 3166 Wright. The Ice Age and Antiquity of ManK 2537 Man and the Glacial Period.. . .K 9450 Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 1869-91. 23 v_ *Ser. Supplemente, 1871-85. 6 v. in 3. ZlMMERMANN. Der Mensch. 2 v.... .D 357 See also Archaeology, p. 335. EVOLUTION AND BIOLOGY. Adams, M. The Continuous Creation ... .K 7852 Adams, R. C. Evolution; Summary of Evi¬ dence.K 7821 Allen. Evolutionist at large.K 7783 Anti-Darwin.K 7825 Bastian. Evolution and Origin of Life...K 7781 Origin of Lowest Organisms.K 7782 Bateman. Darwinism tested by LanguageK 7789 Beale. Life Theories.M 1597 Protoplasm; or, Matter and Life.. L 2047 Bell. Anatomy of Expression.K 2908 The same. * .I 3292 The same.*K 2909 Bergen. Development Theory.K 7824 Primer of Darwinism.K 7855 Billing. Scientific Materialism.K 7149 Bree. Fallacies in Hypothesis of Darwin.K 2945 Broca. Hybridity in Gertus Homo.K 2939 Brooks. Law of Heredity.. K 7823 Buechner. Darwinische Theorie....D4416 Man; past, present and future.K 2926 Butler. Evolution, old and new.K 7784 Life and Habit.K 2564 Luck, or Cunning, as Means of Organic Modification?.K 7842 Carneri. Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus.. .1) 3127 Chambers. Natural Plistory of Creation..IC 2858 Chapin. Creation and Early Development of Society. K 7799 Chapman. Evolution of Life.K 2932 Clodd . Story of Creation; Account of Evolu¬ tion.K 7841 Cohn. Ueber Bacteria.D 382,7 Conn. Evolution of To-day.K 7827 The Living World.K 7870 Cook. Biology. . 2203 Heredit y.. 2206 Cope . Origin of the Fittest; Evolution.... X 7830 Theology of Evolution.K 7831 Cox. Protoplasm and Life;*Biological EssaysK 7858 Darwin. Animals and Plants under Domes- • tication. 2v.K 3064 Descent of Man, 2 v.K 2915. Entstehung der Arten. d 3^ Expressions of Emotions in Man and Anim£ ds.. 2916 Origin of Species. k 2917 Dawson. Chain of Life in Geological TimeK 7846 Denton. Is Darwin right?.K 7828 Desprf.z. L’Evolution naturaliste.C 4776 Dolley . Technology of Bacteria InvestigationK 8063 Dreher. Der Darwinismus...D 4434 Durham. Evolution, Antiquity of Man, etc. K 7856 Eimer . Organic Evolution.K 7862 Elam. Winds of Doctrine; Evolution.K 7787 Evolution in Science, Philosophy and Art.. .K 7863 Ferris. Theory of Origin of Species. K 7817 Fiske. Cosmic Philosophy. 2v.L 2057 Darwinism. E j j Q g Destiny of Man. ; .K 7818 Excursions of an Evolutionist.E 1107 Force. Pre-Historic Man; Darwinism... .K 2937 Galton. Hereditary Genius .L 21 87 The Human Faculty and its DevelopmentL 2181 Natural Inheritance.L 2316 Geddes and Thomson. Evolution of Sex.K 7854 Girard. Principes de Biologie.C 5107 La Vie au point de vue physique.C 5106 Graham. Creed of Science.L 1849 Gray. Darwiniana.. . K 2961 Gresswell. Wonderland of Evolution.. . ,K 7826 Grindon. Life; its Nature.K 2896 Grove. Synopsis of the Bacteria.K 7993 Haeckel. Anthropogenic . D 4473 Evolution of Man. 2 v . K 2565 Freedom of Science and Teaching. 2 v.K'2566 History of Creation. 2 v . K 2957 Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte. .*.. . .D 4474 Hall. Problem of Human Life.K 7835 Hartmann. Darwinismus.D 416,16 Heilprin. Geological Evidences of Evolu¬ tion. k 7840 Henslow. Evolution of Living Things. . .K 2914 Hodge. What is Darwinism?.K 2935 Huxley. Man’s Place in Nature.K 2921 Origin of Species. ;. K 2920 and Martin. Course in Practical BiologyK 7839 Elementary Biology . K 2959 Johnson. Life; what do we know about it?K 2897 NATURAL SCIENCE. 446 Eoelliker . Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen.^ 2441 Kuhl. Anfange des Menschengeschlechts. .D 153 Lavater. Essays on Physiognomy.L 2358 LeConte. Evolution and Religious ThoughtK 7 8 43 Letourneau. Biology. K 2 9 6 4 Lotze. Mikrokosmus. 3 V.D 4514 Dasselbe. 3 v. in 2. D 6 7 12 McGinley . Introduction to Biology.K 2903 Magnin. The Bacteria. K 79 61 Mitchell. The Evolution of Life..K 7861 MlVART. Genesis of Species.K 3065 Man and Apes. K 779 ° Morley. A Song of Life. K 7860 Nicholson. Introduction to Biology.K 2910 NlSBET. Marriage and Heredity.L 4175 O’Neill. Refutation of Darwinism.K 7786 Parker, T. J. Lesson in Elementary BiologyK 7859 Parker, W. K. On Mammalian Descent.K 7849 Pasteur. Fermentation. 0 6162 Studies on Fermentation.K 4286 POWELL. Our Heredity from God.K 7837 Preyer. Biologische Zeitfragen.D 6730 Quatrefages. Darwin et ses Precurseurs frangais.^ ^ 3 2 3 Rauch. Einheit desMenschengechlechtes.D 4555 Ribot. Heredity. L 21 99 Ritchie. Darwinism and Politics.K 7 88 5 Romanes. Darwin and after Darwin.K 7864 JMental Evolution in Animals.K 799 2 Mental Evolution in Man.B 5 2 5 8 Organic Evolution.-. K 779 1 Schmid. Theories of Darwin. K 7793 Schmidt. Descendenzlehre.L> 415,2 Descent and Darwinism.. K 2 933 Schuetzenberger. On Iermentation... .R 2637 Schurman. Ethical Import of Darwinism.K 7 8 3 ^ Sheppard. Darwinism.•. K 7822 Spencer . Factors of Organic Evolution...K 7832 Principles of Biology. 2v.R 2 9°4 • The same. 2 v . K 2 9°5 Spengel. Darwinsche Theorie.1 Stebbing. On Darwinism. K 2919 Stevenson. Boys and Girls in Biology... H 675 Student’s Dream, The. K 7795 Trouessart, Microbes, lerments and Moulds... K 8oI 3 Varigny. Experimental Evolution.K 7 8 ^5 Wallace.' Darwinism; Theory of Natural Selection.^ 7 8 5 ° Essays on Natural Selection.E 3 ° 5 2 WEISMANN. Heredity and kindred Biological . Problems. 2 v .. .• • 7 8 5 * Studies in Theorv of Descent 2 v.E 797 8 Wilson. Chapters on Evolution.K 779 2 Studies chiefly Biological.K 77 8 5 Winchell. Doctrine of Evolution.L 2084 Wright. Life; its true Genesis.E 3 001 Wythe. Science of Life.E 2 ^55 Yorke. Evolution and Christianity.M 2116 Zerffi. Evolution in History, Language and Science.E 339 °» r INSECTS.—ENTOMOLOGY. American Entomologist, 18S0. v. 3. *Scr. Ballard. Insect Lives. E 3 2 57 Among the Moths and Butterflies.R 8437 Bamford. Up and down the Brooks.E 8065 Bergf. Schmetterlings- Buch.*P 7^2 Bergsoe. Fra Mark og Skov. C 7029 Brown. Butterflies, Sphinges and Moths. 3V.I 3545 Buckler. Larvce of British Butterflies. 4 v.*E 8442 Buckton. British Aphides.E 3281 Budgen. Episodes of Insect Life. 3 • • -E 3 2 43 Cameron . British Phytophagous Hymenop- tera. 3 ... 8451 Catlow. British Entomology.E 3 i8 3 Church. Flyers and Crawlers . R 8 3 8 9 Comstock. Report upon Cotton Insects.. .E 839° Cowan . Curious Facts about Insects.E 3112 Curtis. Genera of British Lepidoptera. .*E 8393 Insects injurious to Crops. *E 8398 Dallas. Elements.of Entomology.E 3 r 9 2 Insects of China.*B 75 2 Donovan. Insects of India. .*P 75 * Dragon Flies vs. Mosquitoes. K 8387 Drury Illustrations of Exotic Entomology. . .*P 755 Dubois. Insectes et Oiseaux... c 454 ^ Duncan. Transformations of Insects.E jio6 East Indian Company Museum; Catalogue of Lepidoptera. 1 7 2 7 Eberhart. Economic Entomology.E 8 4°5 Some Curious Insects.E 8404 Edwards. Butterflies of North America.3V *P 5*9 EmertoN. Structure and Habits of SpidersE 8392 Entomologist, 1870-79. v. 5-12. *Ser. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 1864-87 24 .. Figuier. The Insect World.E 3*^4 Les Insectes. C 4 9°9 Fitch. Insects of New York State. 2 v.. .E 3 22 9 French. Butterflies of the Eastern United States. K 8443 GlEBEL. Naturgeschichte der Insekten.. .D 360,4 Girard. Metamorphoses des Insectes ....C 4*75 Graber. Insekten. 4 i6 > 2I " *Ser. 22 INSECTS.—ENTOMOLOGY. 447 Harris. Entomological Correspondence.. K 8400 Insects Injurious to Vegetation.K. 3 10 ^ Hook. Little People and their Homes-H 1534 Hubbard. Insects affecting the Orange. *Doc. Huber, F. Natural History of Bees. K 3 210 Huber, P. Natural History of Ants.K 8403 Humphreys. Butterfly-Vivarium.K 8444 Janson. British Beetles; illus. by Curtis. .*P 767 Jaeger. Life of North American Insects..K 3 I0 9 Jardlne. Entomology (Naturalist’s Library). 7 ..*K 3150 Juranvii.le. Voyage au Pays des Merveilles*\ 1058 Kane. European Butterflies.K 8446 Kirby, W., and Spence. Entomology-K 3149 Kirby, W. F. Butterflies and Moths.*V 626 Elementary Entomology...K 8384 Koellar. Injurious Insects.K 3135 Lang. Butterflies of Europe. 2v.*K 8445 Le Baron. Reports on Insects of Illinois .. *Doc. Leven van eenige Insecten.D 9579 Life of an Insect.K 3 IX 3 Loew. Diptera of North America, pt. 3.... K 3 2 5 2 Lovell. Nature’s Wonder-Workers: Insect World.K 8386 Lubbock. Ameisen, Bienei.und Wespen.D 415,57 Ants, Bees and Wasps. . .K 8397 Metamorphoses of Insects.K 3193 McCook. Agricultural Ant of Texas.K 3278 Honey Ants and Occident Ants.K 7964 Tenants of an Old Farm.K 8401 Major. Insects most prevalent on Fruit- Trees.K 1085 Mangin. Le Monde de’l Air.C 5917 Melsheimer. Catalogue of Coleoptera of the United States.K 3047 Michael. British Oribatidse. 2 v.K 8450 Michelet. L’lnsecte. .C 5886 Moggridge. Ants and Trapdoor Spiders. .K 3237 Morris. History of British Butterflies... *K 8440 Natural History of British Moths. 4 v.*K 8438 Murray. Economic Entomology; Aptera..K 35 7 2 Natural History of Insects. 2 v.I 3577 The same. 2 v.I 3^55 Newman. British Butterflies and Moths... .K 8439 Natural History of Insects.K 3239 Packard. Collecting Insects.K 3248 Guide to Study of' Insects.;.K 3107 The same; new ed.K 3164 Half Hours with Insects.K 3249 Insects injurious to Trees. *Doc. Our Common Insects.K 3114 Patterson. Insects in Plays of ShakespereE 9720 Rennie. Insects. 3 v.I 3508 The same; edited by Wood. ... .I 3 1 53 Riley. The Cotton Worm. . *Doc. Locust Plague. K 1157 Potato Pests. K 1158 and others. Report on Rocky Mountain Locusts. *Doc. Rocky Mountain Locust in Minnesota... .*K 1195 Ronalds. Fly-Fisher’s Entomology.K 8556 Rye. British Beetles.K 8394 Samuelson. Earthworm and Housefly.. . .K 3205 Saunders. Insects injurious to Fruit.K 8399 Say. Entomology of North America. 2 v.K 3196 Schmidt-Goebel. Insekten.D 4588 « Tafeln. *R 49°6 Scudder. Butterflies; their Structure, etc.K 8441 Butterflies in the Eastern United States and Canada. 3 V.*P 761 ShuckarD. British Bees.K 8395 Staveley. British Insects...K 8396 British Spiders.K 2 9^>7 Swainson. Natural History of Insects.I 3866 Swammerdam. History of Insects.*R 103 Taylor. The House Fly.*K 876,2 Treat. Injurious Insects of the Farm.K 8391 Ullerich. Japanesische Eichenspinner. . . .D 362 Van Beneden. Animal Parasites.K 3251 Schmarotzer des Thierreichs.D 415, 18 Weed. Insects and Insecticides.K 8385 Westwood. Arcana Entomologica. 2 v.*P 765 Modern Classification of Insects. 2 v. .K 3195 and Humphreys. British Butterflies. .*P 759 British Moths. 2v.*P 75 § White. Ants and their Ways .K 8402 Wood, J. G. Natural History of Insects.*K3168,3 Our Garden Friends and Foes.K 3115 Insects abroad.K 3 2 7 2 Insects at Home.K 3 io 5 Wood, S. Dwellers in our Gardens.K 7975 Wood, W. Index Entomologicus.*P 766 BIRDS. —ORNITHOLOGY. Adams. Humming Birds. K3131 Nests and Eggs of Birds.K 8461 Our Feathered Families.K 3157 Altum. Der Vogel und sein Leben.,D 362 Arnold. Bird-Life in England.K 8520 Atkinson. British Birds’ Eggs and Nests.K 3148 Audubon. Birds of America. .*P 5 X 7 Ornithological Biography...K 8462 Baily. Our own Birds.K 3 I2 4 The same; new ed.K 3 2I 5 Baird. American Birds in Smithsonian Insti¬ tution.K 3 2 5 ° and others. North American Birds. 3v.IC 3125 Water Birds of North America. 2 v-*V 681 448 NATURAL Bechstein. Cage Birds; tr. by Adams.I 3103 The same; tr. by Shuckard.K 3100 Naturgeschichte der Stubenvogel .D 4412 Bendire. N. A. Birds and their Eggs. *Doc. Bewick. British Birds. 2 v..... .K 3090 Blakston and Wiener. Canaries and Cage Birds.*V 592 Boner. Forest Creatures.K 3070 Brandner. Der Harzer Kanarienvogel... D 4461 Bree. History of the Birds of Europe. 5 v*K 8479 Brehm. Bird-Life.*K 3255 Fuglenes Liv.*C 7073 Das Leben der Vogel.D 4420 Gefangene Vogel. 2 v.*V 901 Brevans. Migration des Oiseaux.C12103 Buckland. Birds and Bird-Life.K 3188 Buffon. Histone des Oiseaux. 12 v.K 3005 Le meme. ...C 4261,30-40 Burroughs. Wake-Robin. K 3089 Signs and Seasons.K 8039 Canary Birds; Manual for Bird Keepers... .K 8465 CASSIN. Ornithology; Wilkes’ Exploring Ex¬ pedition.*R 4844 Chamberlain. Ornithology of the United States and Canada. 2 v..K 8526 Chapman. Bird-Life of the Borders.K 8524 Cheney. Wood Notes Wild.K 8516 Church. Birds and their Ways.K 8467 COUES. Birds of the Northwest. *Doc. Key to North American Birds........ *V 52 The same; new ed., 1884.K 8464 The same; new ed., 1887.*K 8463 Davie. Nests and Eggs of American- Birds.K 8522 DlXON. Dovecote and Aviary.K 3217 Rural Bird Life.K 3279 Our rarer Birds.K 8521 Stray Feathers from many Birds.K 8525 Dubois. Oiseaux et Insectes.C 4546 Eyton. History of rarer British Birds.K 8483 Figuier. Les Oiseaux.C 4911 Flagg. Birds and Seasons of New Eng¬ land ...K 3216 Fowler. Tales of the Birds.K 8492 A Year with the Birds.K 8500 Gentry. Nests and Eggs of Birds of the United States.*P 613 Giraud. Birds of Long Island.K 8469 Giebel. Naturgeschichte der Vogel.0360,2 Goei.ler. Der Wellenfittich...D 4464 Der Prachtfinkei Zucht u. Pflege.D 4462 Goss. Birds of Kansas.K 8527 Gosse. Birds of Jamaica.K 8470 Grant. Our Common Birds.K 8528 SCIENCE. Gray. Catalogue of Birds in British Museum.K 3034 Genera and Species of Birds in British Museum. 3 v.K 3035 Greene. Birds I have kept.K 8523 Parrots in Captivity. 3 v.*K 8477 Gurney. The House Sparrow.K 8485 Naturalist in Egypt.K 8471 Harting, E. Ornithology of Shakespere.. E 676 Harting, J. E. Our Summer Migrants...K 8473 Sketches of Bird-Life.K 8472 Hartwig. Winged Life in the Tropics.. . .K 8053 Holden. Book on Birds.K 3208 Canaries and Cage-Birds.K 8476 Holub. Ornithologie Siidafrikas.D 4484 Homeyer. Ornithologische Briefe.D 4483 Horsfield. Birds of East India.K 3102 In the Woods;.K 7943 Ingersoll. Bird’s-Nesting .. , 9 .K 8474 Jardine. Naturalist’s Library; Ornithology. 14 v.*K 3153 Jasper. Birds of North America.*P 1108 Ornithology; or, Science of Birds.*P 1109 Johns. British Birds in their Haunts.K 3088 Jones. Cassell’s Book of Birds. 4 v in 2.*K 8487 Natural History of Birds.K 3178 Kingsley. Natural History of Birds.. .*K 8021,4 Kj^rbolling. Skandinaviens Fugle.C 7339 Laishley. British Birds’ Eggs .K 3172 Langille. Our Birds in their Haunts.K 8491 Lauder and Brown. Parrots.K 8529 Lawrence. Birds of Mexico... *Doc. Layard. Birds of South Africa.K 8499 Lee. Habits and Instincts of Birds.K 3067 Lewin. Birds of New South Wales.*R 4306 Llyod. Game Birds of Sweden.K 3179 Mangin. Le Monde de l’Air.C 5917 Manuel de l’Oiseleur.C 6513, 122 Martin. DasVogelhaus.D 4524 Merriam. Birds through an Opera Glass. .K 8495 Michelet. The Bird.K 8484 L’Oiseau.C 5888 De Vogel.D 9540 Miller. Bird-Ways.K 8503 In Nesting Time.K 8486 Little Brothers of the Air..K 8506 Minot. Land and Game Birds of New Eng¬ land.K 3262 Montagu and Newman. British Birds.. .K 8482 Morant. Game and Bird Preservers.K 8489 Morris. British Game Birds.*V 538 History of British Birds. 6 v.*K 8480 Nests and Eggs of British Birds. 3 v.*K 8481 • Mudie. British Birds. 2 v.I 3137 FISHES.—ICHTHYOLOGY. 449 Nuttall. Ornithology of the United States and Canada.. *K 2980 v. 1. Land Birds. 2. Water Birds. The same; ed. by Chamberlain. 2v.K 8526 Nuttall Ornithological Club, Bulletins. 8 v. in 4.*K 8478 Reid. The Naturalist in Siluria.K 8048 Rennie. Architecture of Birds .I 3565 Domestic Habits of Birds.I 3566 Faculties of Birds.I 3567 Natural History of Birds.I 3721 Ridgway. Birds of Guadalupe Island. .. ,*K 815,2 Manual of North American Birds.*K 8511 Nomenclature of North American Birds. *Doc. Russ. Bilder aus der Vogelstube.D 4564 Die sprechenden Papageien.D 4579 Speaking Parrots.K 8475 Handbuch fiir Vogelliebhaber. 2 v_D 4566 Samuels, Birds of New England.K 3103 Northern and Eastern Birds.K 8498 Saxby. Birds of Shetland.K 8504 Schmitt. Eleveur d’Oiseaux.C 6513,282 Sharpe. Birds in Nature. .*V 1775 Shelley. Birds of Egypt.*K 8496 Monograph of the Sun-Birds.*V 1246 Shufeldt. Myology of the Raven.K 8505 Smith. The Canary... K 8466 Stanley. Familiar History of Birds.;... ,K 3234 Stearns. New England Bird Life. 2 v. .K 8497 Swainson, C. Folk-Lore of British Birds.*L 2575 Svvainson, W. Natural History of Birds. 2v.I 3860 Swaysland. Familiar Wild Birds. 4 v. .*K 8494 Thompson. By-Ways and Bird Notes.K 8468 Torrey. Birds in the Bush.K 8502 Trumbull. Names and Portraits of Birds.K 8488 Turnbull. Birds of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.K 8501 Tyas. Beautiful Birds described. 3 v.,,.K 8493 Vennor. Our Birds of Prey; Eagles, Hawks and Owls.*V 916 Wilson and Bonaparte. American Orni¬ thology. 4 v.I 3542 The same. 3 V.*K 8510 Plates. *R 4283 Wood. Natural History of Birds..,K 3168,1 See also Poultry, page 406. FISHES.—ICHTHYOLOGY. Agassiz. Anatomy of Astrangia Danoe.. . *V 1774 and Baird. North American Fresh-Water Fishes-.*V 1774 American Fish, and how to catch them .K 8561 Badham. Fish Tattle .K 8542 Beale. The Sperm Whale.K 8566 Bennett. Fishes of Ceylon.*V 89 Bertram. Harvest of the Sea.K 3049 Boll. Elektrische Fische.*D 382,9 Buckland. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist.K 2969 Couch. Fishes of the British Islands. 4 v*K 8550 Devviiurst. Natural History of Whales . .IC 8567 Figuier. The Ocean World.K 2829 Poissons, Reptiles, Oiseaux.C 4916 Gill. Families of Fishes .K 3242 Fishes of the Pacific Coast . *Doc. Goode. American Fishes.K 8545 Gosse. Wonders of the Great Deep.K 2976 Guenther. Introduction to the Study of Fishes.K 8565 Hartwig. Denizens of the Deep.K 7392 Henshall. Book of the Black Bass.K 8554 More about the Black Bass. K 8563 Herbert. Fish and Fishing in the United States. k 1008 Houghton. British Fresh-Water Fishes..*P 1211 International Fisheries Exhibition Liter¬ ature. 14 v.K 8541 Jardine. Naturalist’s Library; Ichthyology. 6 v. *k 3151 Meunier. Les grandes Peches.C 4191 Mitchell. The Herring.Iv 3270 Newberry. Paleozoic Fishes of North Amer¬ ica. *Doc. Pennell. British Fresh-Water Fish.K 8555 Roosevelt. Game Fish of the Northern States.'.K 8558 Russel. The Salmon.K 856 Seeley. Fresh-Water Fishes of Europe.. .K 8559 Slack. Marvels of Pond-Life.K 3276 Smith. Fishes of Massachusetts.K 8560 Swainson. Fishes and Reptiles. 2 v.I 3858 Traherne. Habits of the Salmon.IC 8564 Van Doren. Fishes of the Atlantic Coast.K 8562 Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca Pis- catoria.*0 615 Wood. Natural History of Fishes..IC 3168,3 Yarrell. History of British Fishes. 2 v.K 3241 See also Fishing, page 397. FISH CULTURE. Buckland. Fish Hatching. K 1027 Pollution of Rivers; its Effects upon Fish- eries .K 5537 Campbell. Book of the Running Brook... K 8543 Capel. Trout Culture. K 8547 Eyton. Oysters and Oyster Fisheries. K 3277 Francis. Fish-Culture; a practical Guide.K 948 45° NATURAL SCIENCES. Garlick. Artificial Propagation of Fish ..K 1031 Goode and others. Fish Commission, Fisher¬ ies, and Fishing Industries of U. S. 6 \*Doc. Green. Treatise on Fish Culture .K 8544 Trout Culture.K 998 Norris. American Fish Culture.K 1030 Roosevelt and Green. Fish Hatching and Catching.K 1832 Slack. Trout Culture.K 1029 Stone. Domesticated Trout..K 1035 United States Fisheries, Reports on. *Doc. THE AQUARIUM. Bateman. Fresh-Water Aquaria.K 8575 Butler. Family Aquarium.K 3074 Gosse. The Aquarium.*K 8587 Marine Aquarium.K 3199 Hess. Bilder aus dem Aquarium. 2 v .. .D 4479 Humphreys. Ocean Gardens; the Marine Aquarium.K 8583 Jaeger. Aquarium u. Leben im Wasser. . .D 359 Jones. Aquarian Naturalist.K 3226 Lee. Aquarium Notes. K 3271 Sowerby. History of the Aquarium .... K 3187 Wood. The Fresh and Salt-Water AquariumK. 3139 SEA-SIDE STUDIES. Agassiz. Sea-Side Studies. K 2965 Cooke. Toilers in the Sea.K 8066 Duncan. The Sea-Shore.K 8585 EvIerton. Life on the Sea-Shore.K 2836 Forbes. British Starfishes.K 8546 Francis. Beech Rambles.K 2540 Fraser. Sea-Side Divinity.K 2824 Sea-Side Naturalist.K 2843 Gosse. British Sea-Anemones.*K 8062 Marine Zoology for the British Isles. . . .K 8591 Tenby; Sea-Side Holiday .K 8588 Year at the Shore..,..K 3161 Gravenhorst. Seethiere bei Triest.D 4466 Harvey Sea-Side Book. K 2827 Heilprin. Animal Life on our Sea-Shore.K 8590 Houghton. Sea-Side Walks of a Naturalist. K 2835 Kingsley. Wonders of the Shore.K 2832 Pratt. Common Things of the Sea-Coast.K 8584 Romanes. Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, etc.K 8061 Sea and Sea-Shore.K 8582 Taylor. Half-hours at the Sea-Side.K 8586 Tugwell. Manual of the Sea-Anemones.. K 8064 Wood. Common Objects of the Sea-Shore. K 3145 SHELLS.—CONCHOLOGY. Adams. Beautiful Shells. K 8602 Brown. Conchologist’s Text-Book.K 8600 Elements of Fossil Conchology. K 8601 Land and Fresh Water Conchology... .K 3254 Recent Conchology of Great Britain .*P 526 Calkins. Shells of La Salle County, I 11 .*K 2797 Carpenter. Mollusks of the West.K 3244 Catlow. Conchologist’s Nomenclature.. .K 3138 Cuvier. Mollusca and Radiata.K 3240,12 Donovan. British Shells. 5 v.*K 8605 Forbes and Hanley. British Mollusca. 4V.K 3209 Giebel. Muscheln. D 360,5 Gill. Arrangement of Mollusca.K 3246 Gosse. Natural History of Mollusca.K 3071 Hanley. Conchologia Indica.*V 590 Lovell. Edible Mollusks.K 8604 MacGillivray. Conchologist’s Text-Book. K 3129 Mayo. Lessons on Shells.IC 3238 Muenter. Muscheln. t .D 382,11 Perry. Conchology.*p 560 Rimmer. Shells of Great Britain... .K 8607 Roberts. Popular History of Mollusca.. .. K 3163 Say. Writings on Conchology.K 8608 Sowerby. Conchological Manual.*K 3235 Popular British Conchology. .K 3186 Stearns. Marine Shells of Florida.*K 815,2 Fossil Shells from Colorado Desert.. . *K 815,2 Swainson. Shells and Shell-Fish.I 3863 1 horpe. British Marine Conchology.,-K 2989 Tryon. Conchology. 3 v.K 8610 Shells of North America. *Doc. Turton. Bivalve Shells of British Islands*V 455 Land and Fresh Water Shells.K 3136 White. History of British Crustacea.K 3162 Woodward and .Tate. Mollusca.K 1630 FINDING LIST « OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY SEVENTH EDITION. POLITICAL SCIENCE. SOCIAL SCIENCE. EDUCATION. CHICAGO: LIBRARY ROOMS, CITY HALL. December, 1893. ■v>*. g. I INDEX TO Abolition of Slavery. Almanacs. American Government. Anarchism.. Annuities. Banks and Banking.-.. Blind, Education of the. Book Keeping. British Government. Building and Loan Associations Business. Capital and Labor. Capital Punishment. Charities. Civilization. Clubs and Club Life.. Colleges .. Colonies and Immigration. Commerce .. Commercial Correspondence. .. Communism. Co-operation. Costume. Crime and Punishment. Currency.. 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PAGE Manual Training . 5*8 Marriage Customs. 497 Measures and Weights. 4^4 Methods of Instruction. 5*8 Metric System. 4&4 Money. 475 Mormonism. 5°6 Narcotics. 499 Negro, The. 5° 2 Nihilism. 4^9 Normal Schools. S 1 ^ Odd Fellowship. 5 ° 6 . Opium Habit. 499 Parliamentary Practice.. • • * 4^3 Pauperism. 49 ° Pestalozzian System. 5 J 8 Philanthrophy. 49 ° Police. 49 2 Political Economy—General Works. 4^4 Political Science. 45 1 Politics—American. 455 British. 4^1 Continental Europe. 45 1 Poor, The. 49 ° Population. 4^5 Prisons and Police. 49 2 Profit Sharing. 475 Prohibition. 499 Property. 47 ° Protection.. 4^8 PAGE Punishment... 49 1 Quincy Methods. 5*8 Rules of Order . 4^3 Schools and Colleges... 5*6 Secret Societies. 5 °^ Slavery. 5 02 Slojd. 5 i 8 Smoking. 499 Social Science—General Works. 485 Socialism. 489 Statistics. . 5°8 Stimulants. 499 Strikes and Lockouts . 47 2 Suffrage, Woman. 493 Tariff—Protection—Free Trade. 468 Taxation.*. 47 ° Technical Education. 5 I 8 Temperance. 499 Tobacco Habit. 499 Trade . 479 Trades Unions. 47 2 Traditions. 5 °° U. S. Government. 455 Universities. 5 1( ^ University Extension. 5*8 Wages... 47 2 Weights and Measures. 484 Woman. 493 Woman Suffrage. 493 Working Classes. 47 2 FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. % * ,i POLITICAL SCIENCE. GOVERNMENT.—GENERAL WORKS. CONTINENTAL EUROPE. &DAMS and Cunningham. The Swiss Con¬ federation .A 4240 Aiken, J. F. History of Liberty.L 3276 Aiken, P. F. Constitutions of Great Britain and theU. S. compared.L 3174 Allies. Church and State.M 1846 Ames. Influence of Democracy.L 3267 Amos. Political and Legal Remedies for War L 2 Science of Politics.L 287 Annales de l’Ecole libre des Sciences politi- ques, 1886-91. 6 v. *Ser. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1890-92. 3V... *Ser. Anthony. Popular Sovereignty.L 5 Aristotle. Constitution of Athens; ed. by Kenyon (Greek Text) .T. 2916 Politics of; tr. by Jowett. 2 v.L 2897 Politics of; tr. by Newman. 2 v.L 2915 Politics and Economics; tr. by Walford.I 3182 Politik; iibers. von Garve. 2 v.D 4641 Arnold. Roman Provincial AdministrationL 3 Ascham. Confusions of Government.L 8 Bagehot. Physics and Politics.L 95 Ursprung der Nationen.D 415*4 Bamberg. Die orientalische Angelegenheit*D 5798 Barlow. Advice to Privileged Orders...*L 370 Political Writings.L 392 Baumbach. Staats-Lexikon.*R 3802 Bavei.ier. Le Droit d’Election.C 41.16 Bentham. A Fragment on Government. ..L 3361 'Legislation civile et penale. 3 V..C 4152 Bernard, G. S. Civil Service Reform.... I. 3179 Bernard, M. On Diplomacy.L 45 Berryer. Discours parlementaires. 5 V..C4124 BlANCHi. Politique de Cavour, 1852-1861 .C12034 Bismarck. Ausgewahlte Reden. 6 V....D 4642 Politische Briefe, 1849-92. 4 V.D 5984 Zwolf Jahre deutscher Politik.D 4763 Bisset. On the Strength of Nations.L 282 Bjornson. Af mine Foredrag omRepublikenC 8226 Blakey. History of Political Literature... .J 1475 Block. L’Administration de notre Pays. 3v.C 4087 Dictionnaire de 1 ’Administration fran- $aise..*R 4001 Dictionnaire general de la Politique. 2v*R 1677 L’ Europe politique et sociale.C12081 Praatjes over Volkshuishouding.D 9069 Bluntschli. Geschichte der neueren Staats- wissenschaft.D 6996 Theory of the State. L 3255 und Brater. Deutsches Staatsworter- buch. 11 v.*R 1675 Borgeaud. Histoire du Plebiscite.C12651 Bornhak. Preussisches Staatsrecht. 3 v.D 7004 Bowker and Iles. Reader’s Guide in Politi¬ cal Science.*L 3444,3 The same. *0 564 Bowles. Maritime Warfare.N 4914 Bristed. Interference Theory of Govern¬ ment.L 259 Bulmerincq. Volkerrecht.*R7277 ,i Burgess. Political Science and Constitu¬ tional Law. 2 v.L 3391 Buxton. Politics and Finance. 2 v.L 3737 Cadwalader. Opinions on International Law.N 5039 Cairnes. Political Essays.L 11 Capen. History of Democracy.L 3343 Catalogue of Works on Law of Nations and Diplomacy. *0 2110 Challeton. Cent ans d’Elections. 3V..C12219 Chase. Civil Government.L 3254 451 452 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Chateaubriand. Essays on Revolutions. .L 3253 Monarchy according to the Charter... .L 388 Chenevix. Essay upon National Charac¬ ter. 2 v.L 286 Cherbuliez. L’Allemagne politique.C 4346 L’Espagne politique, 1868—73.C 4348 Class Interests; their Relation to each other and to the Government.L 3251 Claviere and de Warville. France and the United States.L 3816 Condorcet. Politique.Ci2207,i 1-12 Conrad und Andere. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 4 V.*R 1679 Coulanges. Institutions politiques de l’an- cienne France.C 4385 Courcelle-Seneuil. La Societe moderne C12247 Cousin. Discours politiques.C 4368 Coxe. Right of Detention, Visit and Search in Time of Peace.*1^4850,2 Crane and Moses. Comparative Constitu¬ tional Law.L 323 Cree. Direct Legislation by the People. . .L 3369 Curry. Constitutional Government in Spain A 1781 Curti. Schweizerische Volksgesetzgebung D 3979 Dangers of Europe from Power of France, 1702. *L 3289 Davis. International Law .N 5030 Debidour. Histoire diplomatique de P Eu¬ rope, 1814—78. 2 v.C12329 DeBurgh. Maritime International Law...N 4927 Delbrueck. Historische Aufsatze.D 5690 Demombynes. Les Constitutions europeen- nes. 2 v...C12331 Despaze. Les Cinq Hommes.L 3219 Dilke. European Politics in 1887 .L 3279 Diplomatic Review and Supplement, 1855-81. 26 v. *Ser. Diplomatic Review, Publications of. 3 v. .*L 346 Diplomatic Sketches.L 372 Donisthorpe. Individualism; a System of Politics.L 3381 Dove. Theory of Human Progression.L 3370 Dreyfuss. L’Arbitrage international.C12333 Droysen. Geschichte der preussischen Poli- tik. 5 v. in 11.D 52 Duff. Studies in European Politics.L 44 Political Survey.L 208 Dunsany. Gaul or Teuton? . L 179 Dupriez. Les Ministres dans les pays d’Eu- rope et d’Amerique. 2 v.C12323 Dupont-White. L’lndividu et l’Etat.C 4751 Ellero. La Riforma civile.C 9173 Elyot. Boke named The Governour; ed. by Croft. 2 v.L 2296 Faber. L’Administration de l’Enregistre- ment du Luxembourg, 1839—89....*V 4,1 Fate of Republics.L 10 Ferguson. Principles of Political Science. 2 v.*V 1966 Ferrand. Les Pays libres.C 4879 Fischer. Die auswartige Politik im Refor- mationszeitalter.D 7017 Flassan. Histoire de la diplomatic fran^aise. 7 v...C12402 Fletcher. Bentham’s Theory.L 240 Foncin. Le Ministere de Turgot.C12379 Foulke. Slav or Saxon; Russian Civiliza¬ tion.L 3305 Frary. Handbuch des Demagogen ... D 4765 Die National-Gefahr (in Frankreich).. .D 4766 Frederick the Great. Politische Corres- pondenz. 19 v.D 5682 Freeman. Comparative Politics.A 12 Greater Greece and Greater Britain.... L 3285 History of Federal Government...L 180 Freytag. Politische Aufsatze.03031,1 Gallaudet. International Law.N 4922 Gambetta. Discours politiques, 1868-82. 10 v.C 5042 Gardner. Institutes of International Law. N 5023 Geffcken. Church and State. 2v.M 454 Politische Federzeichnungen..... .D 4673 Godwin. Political Justice.L 339 Greg. Political Science. 2v. L 608 Grimke, F. Works.L 303 Grossmith. Government upon first Princi¬ ples. .L 3322 Grote. Letters on Switzerland, 1847.L 181 Grotius. De jure belli et pads; with tr. by Whewell. 3 V. N 4912 On the Rights of War and Peace; tr. by Whewell.N 4913 The same; tr. by Evats.*V 274 Guizot. Democracy in France.^.L 182 Representative Government..I 3027 Haas. Administration de la France. 4 v..C 5191 Halleck. International Law.N 4923 Harcourt. Questions of International Law.N 4924 Harrington. Oceana, and other Works.*V 136 Harrison. Order and Progress.L 385 Hart. Study of Federal Government-L3362.2 Hazard. Politics and Economics.L 3496 Heffter. Daseuropaische Volkerrecht.. .D 34 2 7 Dasselbe; neue Ausgabe.D 3420 Heinzen. Deutscher Radicalismus. 2V..D2887 H£lie. Les Constitutions de la France... .C12618 Helper. Oddments of Andean Diplomacy.L 3 2 59 Helps. Thoughts on Government.L 26 GOVERNMENT—GENERAL WORKS. 453 Hetzer. Deutscher Auslieferungsvertrage.D 3422 Hildreth. Theory of Politics.L 3208 Hill. Liberty and Law.L 88 Hilty. Die Neutralist der Schweiz.D 4788 Holtzendorff. Handbuch des Volker- rechts. 4 v. in 3.D 7253 Oeffentliche Meinung. D 2972 Prinzipien der Politik. . .D 4649 Horn. Spinoza’s Staatslehre.D 4672 Hosack. Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations.N 4853 Hosmer, G. W. People and Politics.L 321 Hosmer, J. K. History of Anglo-Saxon Free¬ dom.L 3395 Huellmann. Staatsverfassung der Israeli- ten.D 5603 Stadtewesen des Mittelalters. 4 V.D 5610 Humboldt. Sphere and Duties of Govern¬ ment.L 37 Janet. Histoire de la Science politique. 2vC 5320 Janssen. Kirche und Staat .D 3626 Japan, Constitution of the Empire of.L 3328 Jarvis. The Republican; Principles and Policy of Free States.L 3341 Jellinek. Gesetz und Verordnung.D 7030 Jephson. The Platform; its Rise and Prog¬ ress* 2 v .L 3397 Johnson, D. Political Comedy of Europe. .E 9379 Johnson, M. Free Government.L 393 Junkin. Political Fallacies.L 3244 Kirchenheim. Einfuhrung in das Verwal- tungsrecht.D 7037 Kent. Commentary on International Law..N 4878 Kriegk. Deutsches Biirgerthum im Mittel- alter. 2v.D 3993 Laband. Das Staatsrecht des deutschen Reichs.*07277,2 Laboulaye. L’Etat et ses Limites.C 5607 Lettres politiques.C 5611 Lacy. Liberty and Law.L 3313 Lalor (Ed.). Cyclopaedia of Political Sci¬ ence. 3 v.*R 1678 Lamartine. Memoires politiques.... C5639,37-40 Past, Present and Future of the Republic (France)...L 235 Lanfrey. Etudes et Portraits politiques.. .C 5660 Histoire politique des Papes.C 5662 Lassalle. Ueber Verfassungswesen.D 4644 Laveleye. Le Gouvernement dans la demo¬ cratic. 2 v.C12721 Lawrence. Commentairessur le Droit inter¬ national de Wheaton. 3 v.N 4925 Leber. Histoire critique du Pouvoir munici¬ pal.C 5588 Lebon. Etudes sur l’Allemagne politique. .C12685 Lecky. Political Value of History. L 3231 Leroy-Beaulieu. L’Etat moderne et ses fonctions.C 5595 Letourneau. L’Evolution politique dans les races humaines.C 5536 Levi. International Law.N 5085 Lewis. Use and Abuse of Political Terms.L 353 Lieber. Civil Liberty and Self GovernmentL 175 Contributions to Political Science.£4261,2 Manual of Political Ethics. 2 v.L 174 Lilly. A Century of Revolution. L 3332 Lockwood. Constitutional History of France A 1709 Lowell. Essays on Government... . L 3334 Lubomirski. Histoire politique de l’Europe 4 v . C12736 Luxembourg, Les Etats provinciaux de, 1816- 1830. *£>oc. Les Lois et Reglements de. *Doc. Macchiavelli. Le Prince .C 5778 The Prince, and other Pieces.L 322 Writings. 4 v.J 189 Maine. History of Early Institutions.L 53 International Law.N 5088 Popular Government.L 3202 Village Communities, East and West.. .L 43 Mann. Ancient and Mediaeval Republics. .A 2440 Marliani. Histoire politique de l’Espagne moderne. 2v....C12776 Marquardsen (Her.). Handbuch des offent- lichen Rechts. 13 v. in 5.*D 7277 Martens. Vdlkerrecht; das Internationale Recht ..D 3433 Martin. Verfassung des deutschen ReichsD 3415 Mas Latrie. Traites avec les Arabes. 2 v*V 371 Massie. International Sympathies.*L 169 Maurer. Dorfverfassung in Deutschland. 2V .D 3976 Hofe und Hofverfassung. 4V.D 5673 Markenverfassung in Deutschland.D 3975 Stadteverfassung in Deutschland. 4 v.D 3977 Maurice. Military Power in Europe.L 3280 May. Democracy in Europe. 2v.A 314 Mayer. Die Rechte der Israeliten.D 3411 Mill. On Liberty .L 426 Personal Representation.*L 373 Representative Government.L 195 Milner and Petermann. Atlas of Political Geography, 1851.*R 4959 Mirabeau. Speeches in the National As¬ sembly. 2 v.L 3287 Mohl. Staatswissenschaft. 3 V.D 4658 Molinari. L’Evolution politique. C 5907 Mollat. Rechts- u. Staatswissenschaften *0 339,1 454 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Monnet. Histoire de 1 ’ Administration en France.C12851 Monroe. View of Foreign Affairs, 1794-6.L 111 Montague. Limits of Individual Liberty. .L 348 Montesquieu. Esprit des Lois.C 5930 The Spirit of Laws. 2 v. I 2994 The same. 2v.L 2031 Morin. Histoire politique de la Suisse. 5VC12855 Morley. On Compromise.L 133 Muehlbrecht. Staats- und rechtswissen- schaftliche Literatur. 25 v. in 12 ..*0 257 Mueller. Politische Geschichte der Gegen- wart. 25 v. in 14. 1 .... .D 5674 Murray. Embassies and Foreign Courts.. L 3387 National Life and Thought of the Various Na- . tions. L 3386 Necker. Du Pouvoir executif. 2 v.C 6012 Neumann. Volk und Nation; eine Studie.D 4780 Nicol. Political Life of our Time. 2 v.. .L 3333 Nys. Papacy in Relation to International Law.N 5031 Ouvry. Stein and his Reforms.L 350 Paine. Common Sense.*L .370 Political Works.M 1175 The same, and Trial.L 142 Partridge. On Democracy.L 185 Pernice. Labeo; das romische Privatrecht. 3 v. in 2.D 3439 PERRENS. La Democratic en France au Moyen Age. 2 v.C 6163 Philosophical Emperor, The; a Political Ex¬ periment.L 3366 Plato. The Republic; tr. by Davies.L 232 The same; tr. by Jowett.L 2849 Political Pamphlets. 14 v.*L 3 2 °5 Political Science Quarterly, 1886-92. 6 v... *Ser. Pollock. History of the Science of PoliticsL 3392 Pontich. Administration de Paris.C 6284 Price. On Nature of Civil Liberty.L 176 Additional observations on Civil LibertyL 177 Probyn. Local Government.L 57 National Self Government. L 220 Raumer. Recht, Staat und Politik.D 4652 Reemelin. Politics as a Science.L 72 Register of Politics and Literature, 1827... .1 35 1 4 Reich. Der Staat der Zukunft.D 4653 Reinhold. Das deutsche Volksthum und seine Zukunft..'.D 4663 Remmer. Russland und die europaische Lage.D 4782 Renan. Constitutional Monarchy of FranceL 31 Richter. Staatsrecht der franzosischen Re¬ volution. 2 v.D 196 Rights of Nations, The ..L 3352 Ritchie. Darwinism and Politics.K 7885 Rocquain. Esprit revolutionnaire, 1715— 1789.C 6493 Roessner. Soil d. Staat Industrie betreibenD 4654 Roger etSoRD. Codeset Lois de la France^R 4002 Rousseau. Nature of the Social Contract..L 281 Ruppert. Le Gouvernement de Luxem¬ bourg.*V 4 Luxembourg dans ses Relations interna- tionales. C 6347 St. Maur (Duke of Somerset ). Monarchy and Democracy.L 89 Sarwey. Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht.*D7277,i Savigny. Droit romain au Moyen Age. 4V in 3.C 6734 Scaduto. Stato e Chiesa. C 9517 Schmidt-Warneck. Die Volksseele und politische Erziehung.D 4727 Schmoller. Recht und Volkswirthschaft.D 4756 Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche For- schungen. 9 V.D 4785 Zur Social- und Gewerbepolitik der Ge- genwart.D 7082 Schoemann. Assemblies of Athenians.... L 38 Schoen. Die Staatswissenschaft.D 4656 Schulze. Lehrbuch des deutschen Staats- rechtes. 2v.D 7°87 Seaman. Progress of Nations. 2v.L 75 Secret an, E. Essai sur la Feodalite.C 6634 Secretan, P. Reflexions sur les Gouverne- mens.C 6628 Sergeant. Government Year Book, 1888.L 15 7 ° Seyfferth. Staatswissenschaftliche Abhand- lungen.D 4646 Sidgwick. The Elements of Politics.L 3368 Sidney.. Discourses concerning Govern¬ ment.*V 131 Simon. La Liberte civile.C 6773 La Liberte de Conscience.C 6766 Smith. Local Self-Government.L 223 Spencer. The Man versus the State.L 3203 Political Institutions.L 285 Social Statics.L 79 1 The same.L 792 The same abridged.L 3890 Spender. The State and Pensions in Old Age.L 4229 Spinoza. Ueber Politik.£3335,4 Staatsarchiv, Das, 1861-91. 56 v. in 50. *Ser. General-Register, 1861-77. 2 v. Statesman’s Year Book, 1868-77, 1879-93.*L 1602 Stein. Handbuch der Verwaltungslehre. 3v. in 2.D 7085 Stephen. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.. .L 823 GOVERNMENT—AMERICAN. 455 Stoerck. Handbuch der deutsch.VerfassungD 5728 Strachey. Hebrew Politics.L 15 Sturdy. Individual Rights.L 3294 Thompson. European Questions.L 326 Thoughts on Political Conscience.*L 170 Townsend. Analysis of Civil Government.L 77 Shorter Course in Civil Government.... L 33 Tremenheere. Principles of Government.L 374 Turner. The Germanic Constitution.L 3311 Twesten. Politischen Ideen der asiatischen • Culturvolker .D 4775 Twiss. Law^f Nations.. 2v.N 5033 Ulrich. Representative Democracy.*L 373 Ussel. La Democratic .C 6862 Vacherot. La Democratic liberale.C13299 Van Ornum. Why Government at all?.... L 3329 Vattel. Law of Nations.N 5051 Volney. Ruins; Revolutions of Empires..L 241 Waitz. Grundziige der Politik.D 4650 Walcker. Kritik der deutschen Parteien. .D 4781 Walesrode. Demokratische Studien. 2v.D 4651 Waring. State-Purchase of Railways. .. .L 3310 Washburn. Political Evolution.L 334 Wharton. Digest of International Law.3 v*N 5034 Wheaton. Elements du droit international. 3 v.N 4925 White. European Schools of Politics... .*L320i,5 Wiermann. Der deutsche Reichstag .D 4762 Wigmore. The Australian Ballot System. .L 3326 Wilson. The State; Historical and Practical Politics.L 3380 Woodhull. Origin of Government.L 3273 Woolsey. International Law.N 4920 The same; 5th ed.N 4921 The same; 6th ed.N 5064 Political Science. 2 v.L 66 Wortman. Political Enquiry and Liberty of the Press.L 3272 Yeaman. Study of Government.L 18 Zeller. Staat und Kirche.D 7280 Zorn. Staatsrecht d. deutschen Reiches. 2v.D 7116 GOVERNMENT—AMERICAN. Adams, C. F., and others. Genesis of the Massachusetts Town..L 3372 Adams, H. New England Federalism, 1800- 15.L 194 Adams, H. C. Relation of the State to Indus¬ trial Action.L3516,1 Adams, J. Defense of Constitutions of the United States. 3 v.L 3323 Works; ed. by C. F. Adams. 10 v. . . .J 5 and Leonard. Novanglus and Massa- chusettensis.L 1 Adams, J. Q. Fisheries and the Mississippi. L 255 Alden. Citizen’s Manual of Government.. L 6 Science of Government. L 227 Allinson and Pfnrose. Philadelphia, 1681- 1887; Municipal Development. L3200,2 American Remembrances, The, 1795. 3 v..L 254 Atkinson. Study of Politics .L 3315 Austin. Constitutional Republicanism_L 9 Baker, A. J. Annotated Constitution of the United States.L 3374 Baker, J. F. The Federal Constitution.. ..L 3269 Bailey (E. Alton). Among the Law-MakersL 3265 Balch. Patriotism in the Public Schools. ..L 1466 Bancroft, G. History of the United States Constitution. 2 v.B 774 Plea for the U. S. Constitution.L 3249 Bancroft, H. H. Popular Tribunals in Cali- fornia . 81775,31-32 Barclay. Digest of Rules of Congress.... L 253 Barnard. Reform in Presidential Elections*L3205,6 Barrett. Evolution of the Ordinance of ■787.L 3378 Bellows. Church and State.. .*Mi488,3 Bemis. R. Johnson; Alabama Negotiations*L 168 Benton, J. H., Jr. The Veto Power in the United States. L 3325 Benton, T. H. Thirty Years in the Senate, 1820-50. 2 v.L 245 Bernard. Civil Service Reform vs. the Spoils System.L 3179 Bishop, J. P. The Electoral Count.*L3205 ,i Bishop, P. P. American Patriotism.L 3266 Blaine, J. G. Twenty Years of Congress, 1861-81. 2 v.B 818 Blanchard. Political Parties in the U. S.L 310 Bolton. Patiiotism.E 2024 Boon. Catalogue of Political Pamphlets*L3205,10 Border States in present Condition, 1861. ..*B 775,3 Bowker. Civil Service Examinations...*L3444,2 Primer for Political Education.*1.3444,2 Boyd. Building and Ruling a Republic. .. .L 3302 Bradford. History of the Federal Govern¬ ment, 1789-1839.L 13 Brown, A. G. Speeches, Messages, etc. ..L 3224 Brown, C. K. Governmentof Michigan...L 12 The same; new ed.L 14 Brown, E., and Strauss. Dictionary of American Politics.L 3312 Brown, W. Civil Service Reform in the New York Custom House.*L3205,8 Brownson. American Republic.L 207 Brucker. Political Parties in the U. S... .L 243 Zwei Hauptparteien in den Vereinigten Staaten.D 4661 45 6 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Bryce. The American Commonwealth. 2v.L 3306 Buchanan, J., President. Messages.L 3317 Buckalew. Proportional Representations.L 3175 Bugbee. City Government of Boston... .*1.3201,5 Burnap. Democracy in America.*B 1643 Butler, B. F. Letter to E. R. Hoar.*L 471 Byrdsall. History of the Loco-Foco PartyL 3250 Cable. The Silent South.L 309 Calhoun, J. C. Works. 6 v.J 36 and Buchanan. Claim of the United States to Oregon.L 3261 California Convention, 1849, Debates.. *Doc. Camp. Democracy.I 3696 Campaign of i860; Speeches of Lincoln, Seward, and others.L 312 Carey. The Olive Branch.L 594 The Olive Branch, No. 3.L 419 Carnegie. Le Triomphe de la Democratic C12157 Triumphant Democracy .I 5165 Carpenter, S. D. Logic of History.L 333 Carpenter, T. The American Senator. 2v.L 3173 Chamberlin. Struggle of ’72.L 3242 Chambrun. Executive Power in the U. S.L 261 Chandler, Z. Last Speech, October, 1879*8 1368 Chase. History of the Polk AdministrationB 803 Christie. Ballot and Corruption at ElectionL 212 Cipher Dispatches in 1876.L 93 Citizen’s Law and Order League of the U. S.N 4845 Civil Service Record, 1881-92. 11 v. *Ser. Clarke. Civil Service Law; a Defense. ..L 3309 Clason. Seven Conventions.L 3308 Clay, H. Life, Correspondence and Speeches. 6 v.J 101 Cleveland, G. President’s Message, 1887L 3500 Principles and Purposes of Government.L 3371 Cluskey. Political Text-book, 1857.L 102 The same, i860.L 108 Cobbett. Porcupine’s Works on the United States. 12 v.J 44 Cocker. Government of the United States.L 3340 Cohn. Study of the Constitution.L3200,11 Coles. History of the Ordinance of 1787.*L 139 Comstock. Civil Service in the U. S.L 318 Constitutional History of the United States. .B 2171 Conway. Republican Superstitions.L 90 Cooper, J. F. History of the United States Navy to 1853.B 107 The American Democrat.L 184 Cooper, P. Science of Good Government.L 3204 Cooper, T. V. and Fenton. American Poli¬ tics to 1885 .L 290 Cox, S. S. Eight Years in the United States Congress, 185 7-65.L 114 Three Decades of Federal Legislation. .L 3221 Crawford. Credit Mobilier of America..L 366 Cross. Modern Ulysses; Political Record.. L 101 Cudmore. Civil Government of the U. S.L 23 Grant and Political Rings.E 7045 Curtis, G. T. History of the Constitution of the United States. 2v..*B 805 Curtis, G. W. Year of Civil Service Re¬ form.*L 471 The American Scholar in Politics... .^3205,4 Curtis, W. E. The United States and Foreign Powers.L 3364 Cushing, C. Treaty of WashingUO.L 361 Cushing, L. S. Reports on controverted Elec¬ tions in Massachusetts, 1780-1852.... *Doc . Cushing, M. Story .of our Post-Office. ... L 3235 Daily News Almanac and Political Register, 1885-93.L 1573 The same.*R 3849 Dainese. Mr. Seward’s Pet in Egypt... .*E 1330 Davenport. Election Frauds in New York City, 1863-70.L 234 Davis, H. American Constitutions.L320i,3 Davis, H. W. Speeches and Addresses.. .L 3222 Davis, W. J. Political Conventions in Cali¬ fornia, 1849-1892 .L 3176 Dawes. How we are Governed.L 336 Dawson. Correspondence with Jay on the Federalist. L 19S Declaration of Independence and Constitution in German, French and English....L 3338 Democratic National Convention, St. Louis, 1876; Proceedings.L 3300 Democratic Party, National Platforms, 1856— 1880.^3205,3 Democratic Party, Record of, 1860-65 .. . .*B 775,8 Denslow. Reforms in Courts of Illinois. .*L 139 The same.N 4862 Responsible Government.*L 471 Devens, C. Orations and Addresses.L 3229 Dickinson, J. Political Writings. 2v ...L 124 Diplomacy of the United States, 1778-1814. L 308 Dix, J. A. Speeches and Addresses. 2 v.L 158 Dix, W. G. American State and StatesmenL 64 Dodge. A Living Issue.*L 139 Doehn. Politische Parteien in Amerika. . .D 4666 Douglas. Political Condition of the South*L 373 Draper. Civil Policy of America.L 40 Dwight. History of Hartford Convention.L -233 Eaton. Secret Sessions of the Senate.L 3316 Elder. Schulden der Ver. Staaten.D 4730 Electoral College, Rules for Casting BallotS*L 3207 Electoral Reform.^3444,3 Elliot. American Diplomatic Code, 1778- 1834. 2 v .L 276 GOVERNMENT—AMERICAN. 457 England, Bishop. Discourse in House of Representatives, 1826.*E 1431 Farrington.' The Centennial of a Revolu¬ tion.L 3330 Field, D. D. Electoral Votes of 1876_*1^3205,3 Speeches, Arguments, etc. 3 v.L 3211 Fisher. Trial of the Constitution.L 71 Fiske. Civil Government in the U. S.L 3390 American Political Ideas.L 320 Flanders. Exposition of U. S. ConstitutionL 258 Flower. History of the Republican Party .L 278 Foot. Republican Form of Government..*L 169 Ford, P. L. (Ed.). Pamphlets on the Con¬ stitution of the United States.L 3324 Ford, W. C. American Citizen’s Manual 2v.L 289 Fortune. Black and White.L 315 Foster. References to the Constitution of the United States.*1.3444,3 Presidential Administrations! 789-1885*1.3444,2 Foulke. Civil Service Reform.*1.3:144,3 Franklin, B. Political and Miscellaneous Pieces.*JL 304 Works; ed. by Bigelow. 10 v.*J 59 61 156 143 373 70 733 94 279 The same; ed. by W, T. Franklin. 6vJ The same; ed. by Sparks. 10 v... J Frothingham. Rise of the Republic.B Gallatin, A. Writings; ed. by Adams. 3V.L Garfield. Future of the Republic.*L Works; ed. by Hinsdale. 2 v.J Getchell. Our Nation’s Executives.*V Gibbs. Administrations of Washington and John Adams. 2 v.L Gibson. Political Crime; Fraud of 1876..L Giffin. Civics for Young Americans.L 3358 Gillet. Democracy in the United States. .B 124 Federal Government.L 3241 Godwin. Political Essays...-..L 34 Goodwin. Real Issues of the Canvass, 1876*1. 167 National History of Secession.L 284 Gordon. Relation of the State to I788 . L 3339 Waller. Defense of Municipal Authority*N 4845 Walsh. Appeal concerning United States. L 47 Ward, E. Speeches in House of Representa¬ tives.L 160 Washington, G. Writings; ed. by Ford. *3 v...*J 97 Writings; ed. by Sparks. I2v.J 280 Webster, D. Diplomatic Papers.L 123 Great Speeches; ed. by Whipple.L 128 Remarks on the Pre-emption Bill.*L 164 Speeches on Public Lands.L 127 Works; with Memoir. 6 v.J 285 Webster, P. Law of Citizenship in the United States.N 5070 GOVERNMENT—BRITISH. 461 Wells. Relation of the Government to the Telegraph.L 3528 Wentworth. Congressional Reminiscen¬ ces.21353,24 Wheeler. History of Congress.L 247 Whiting. War Claims against the U. S..*L 168 War Powers under the Constitution.L 70 Whitney. Defense of the American PolicyL 332 Whitridge. The Caucus System.*1^3444,1 Who Counts the Electoral Vote?.*1.3205,3 Willard. Legislative Handbook relating to Statutes. L 3388 Williams, E. Statesman’s Manual. 4 v..L 28 Williams, G. S. Constitution of the U. S.L 3337 Willoughby. Supreme Court of the U. S.*L32oo, 7 Wilson. Congressional Government.L 329 Wood. Suppressed History of John Adams’s Administration.B 237 Woodbury, L. Writings. 3 v. .J 300 Woodward. Secret Service of the Post-Office Department. L 3811 Worthington. Politics and Property.L 3542 Wortman. Political Enquiry .L 3272 Wright. Citizenship Sovereignty.L 178 Reply to Loring’s “Reconstruction.”L 2S0 Yates. Secret Debates of Convention of 1787L 3210 Young. American Statesman.L 19 First Book on Civil Government.L 22 Introduction to Science of Government.L 226 Science of Government...L 230 GOVERNMENT—BRITISH. Allen. Royal Prerogative.L 3320 Amos. English Constitution, 1830-80.1. 224 Primer of the English Constitution... .L 3181 Anderson. Scenes in the Commons .L 351 Anson. Law and Custom of the ConstitutionN 4839 v. I. Parliament. 2. The Crown. Argyll, Duke of. The New British Consti- tution .L 3349 Arnold. Church and State.*p 8 Atcheson. American Encroachments on British Rights. l 3335 Bagehot. English Constitution. L 202 Parliamentary Reform .L 342 Baily. Proportional Representation.*L 170 Ball. On Ballots .L 213 Legislative Systems in Ireland.A 1414 Baring. Causes and Consequences of Orders in Council.......L 3836 Baxter. English Parties and Conservatism L 4 Beaconsfield, Earl of. Speeches. 2 v..L 3237 Bentham. Plan of Parliamentary Reform.L 3360 Bentley. Politics made easy.L 7 Bernard. Neutrality of Great Britain.L 20 Blackstone. The Great Charter.*V 203 Bourinot. Constitutional History of Canada. L 3301 Federal Government in Canada.L320i,7 Boutmy. The English Constitution.L 3396 Bright, J. Public Addresses.L 347 Speeches on the American Question. .. .L 121 Speeches on Public Policy. 2v.L 120 The same. 2 v .*p 248 Brett. Statesmen of the iSth Century in England.L 3216 Brodrick. Political Studies.L 149 Brougham. British Constitution. .., J 14,11 Speeches. 4 V . .L 134 Burke, E. Letter to Duke of Portland. . .*L 3219 * Speeches on the American War.L 3228 Burrows. Imperial England.L 236 Buxpon, C. Ideas of the Day on Policy.. .L 337 Buxton, S. C. Political Questions of the DayL 391 Cairnes, J. E. Political Essays.L 11 Canning, G. Speeches; with Memoir. 6 v.L 154 Cavendish. Debates on the Government of Canada, 1774. L 395 Chalmers. Local Government.L 189,3 Child. Church and State under the TudorsM 2875 Churchill, Lord. Speeches, 1880-88. 2v.L 3227 Clode. Military Forces of the Crown. 2 v.L 216 Cobden, R. Political Writings. 2v.L 50 Questions of Public Policy.L 3213 Recollections, and Anti-Corn Law League; by Ashworth.L 3486 Coleridge. Church and State....J 45,6 Statesman’s Manual.J 45^ Colomb. Defense of Great and Greater Britain,.L 369 Contrasts for Rate-Payers of London.L 3973 Cory. Shadows of Coming Events.L 86 Cowen. Foreign Policy of England .*L 167 Craik. The State in Education..L 189,6 Creasy. English Constitution..,L 210 Cunningham. Politics and Economics.... L 3499 Dallas. Letters from London, 1856-60. 2v.L 48 Daly. The Dawn of Radicalism.L 3398 Dean. British Constitution.L 387 Dicey, A. V . Law of the Constitution_N 4838 Letters on Unionist Delusions ..L 3277 Dicey, E. England and Egypt.L 380 Dilke. Problems of Greater Britain.L 3348 Discretionary Power of the Crown .*L 170 Duff. Foreign Policy.L 188 Eaton. Civil Service in Great Britain.L 21 The same. *Doc. 462 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Elcho. Military Organization.L 217 English Citizen, The.L 189 v. I. Central Government; by Traill. 2. Electorate and Legislature; by Wal¬ pole. 3. Local Government; by Chalmers. 4. Justice and Police; by Ilbert. 5. National Income; by Wilson. 6. The State and Education; by Craik. 7. Poor Laws; byFowle. 8. The State and Trade; by Farrer. 9. The State and Labor; by Jevons. 10. The State and Land; by Pollock. 11. The State and the Church; by Elliot. 12. Foreign Relations; by Walpole. 13. India; by Cotton. 14. Colonies and Dependencies; by Payne. Erskine. "View of the War with France, 1797L 3219 Essays on Reform.L 67 Ewald. The Crown and its Advisers.L 27 Representative Statesmen. 2 v. . .L 29 Ewing. Parliamentary Constituencies_*A 295 Extraordinary Black Book (Great Britain)... A 481 Extraordinary Red Book.A 651 Farrer. The State in Relation to Trade. .L 189,8 Fawcett, H. Speeches on Political Ques- tions .. 151 Featherstonhaugh. Treaty of Washing- ton > l8 42 . L 354 Fifty Years in the House of Lords.L 378 Firth. Municipal London.A 3172 FlTZWlLLlAM. San Juan Water Boundary.L 256 Fonblanque. How we are governed .L 204 Ford. Criminal History of the British Em¬ pire.*L 619 Forster. Political Presentments.L 371 Fortescue. The Governance of England.L 3304 Foster. Members of Parliament from Scot¬ land, 1357-1882.*v 722 Fox, C. J. Speeches in Commons.L 119 F ranqueville. The English Parliament.. A 758 Gouvernement et Parlement britan- niques. 3 V.C 4929 Freeman. Growth of the English Constitu¬ te 011 .. 211 Fry. England, China and Opium.L 3880 Gallenga. Democracy across the ChannelL 341 Gladstone. Church-and State. 2v.L 80 Country and Government.*L 373 Reform Speeches, 186b..j, ^ Speeches, 1840-71.£, l 2 s > Speeches, 1888-91.E 3152 Speeches in Scotland, 1879-80. 2 v.. .L 3225 Speeches on Great Questions.L 3236 Gneist. English Parliament In its Trans¬ formations. A Das englische Verwaltungsrecht.D 7251 History of the English Constitution. 2 v.A 3101 Government Year Book; ed. by Sergeant, l888. T , .*• •••••.. , 1 ^ y C Grant, J. Recollections of the House of Lords - .. 7 .L 228 Recollections of the House of CommonsL 229 Grattan, H. Speeches; ed. by Madden. .L 137 Speeches; ed. by his son. 4 V.L 3238 Greg. Political Problems. l 35 Grego. Parliamentary Elections and Elec¬ tioneering. A 3I33 Hallam. Constitutional History of Eng- land - 3 v. A 3 8 5 The same; Student’s ed.A 386 . Hamley. National Defense. l 3363 Hare. Election of Representatives. L 3234 Harris. Radical Party in Parliament... .A 736 Harwood. The Coming Democracy.L 376 Hearn. The.Government of England.L 3400 Heaton. Three Reforms of Parliament.. .A 3110 Herbert. A Politician in Trouble.L 3218 Hertslet. Treaties between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. 12 v.*L 3367 Hill, Sir R. and History of Penny Postage; by Hill. 2 v. C 2645 Hutton. Studies in Parliament.L 3185 Hobart, Lord. Political Essays.L 136 Huskisson, W. Speeches; with Memoir. 3v.L 152 Hyde. The Royal Mail. l 3 8o6 Ingram. Union of Great Britain and Ireland A 1342 Jevons. The State in Relation to Labor. .L 189,9 Joyce. Civil Power and the Church.L 209 Junius, pseud. Letters. See p. 241. Kent. The Gladstone Government.L 3186 Laing. \\hence the Monarch’s Right? ...L 172 Latchford. Wit and \\ isdom of ParliamentL 368 Lewins. Her Majesty’s Mails.219 Loring. England’s Liability. *l 168 Lubbock, Sir J. Addresses. l 338 Representation. 3233 Lytton, Lord E. Speeches; with Mem- °^ r ’ 2 v . 155 Macaulay, T. B. Speeches. 2v.L 150 MacColl. The Eastern Question.L 148 Three Years of the Eastern Question.. .L 147 Maddyn. Chiefs of Parties. 2v.L 83 Marwin, Our Public Offices.L 367 Maurice. Workman and the Franchise.. .L 808 May, T. History of the Long Parliament, ld 4 °.A 549 The same. ....*P 112 GOVERMENT—BRITISH. 463 May, T. E. Treatise on Parliament.L 358 Constitutional History of England. 2 v. .A 387 Meagher. Legislative Independence of Ire¬ land. ..L 135 Men and Manners in Parliament.L 377 Mongredien. England’s Foreign Policy..L 237 Munro. Constitution of Canada.L 3344 Murdoch. Constitutional Reform in Great Britain and Ireland.A 3125 Noel. Union of Church and State.M 986 Nye. Relations with China and Japan.L 25 O’Connor. Gladstone’s House of CommonsA 3104 O’Grady. Toryism and the Tory DemocracyL 3292 Palgrave. House of Commons.L 203 Palmerston, Lord, Opinions and Policy of .L 390 Parkin. Imperial Federation.L 3356 Partridge. From Feudal to Federal.L 344 Pascoe. Handbook to Professions.L 340 Peel, Sir R. Speeches. 4 V.L 156 Phases of Party. L 345 Pitt, W. Speeches. 4 v.L 352 Plunkett, Lord. Speeches.L 122 Political Portraits reprinted from “The Daily News” ..L 3187 Practical Politics.L 188 Prentice. History of the Anti-Corn-Law League. 2 v.L 3485 Principles of Parliamentary Reform.*L3205,I2 Raleigh. Prerogative of Parliaments ...*L 3288 Rammohun Roy. Judicial and Revenue Systems of India.L 239 Ransome. Constitutional Government in England.L 343 Reid. Politicians of To-Day. 2v.L 82 Richard and Williams. DisestablishmentL 3230 Rogers. The British Citizen .L 3256 Cobden and Political Opinion.L 62 Round Table; Crowning the King.L 300 Russell, Earl. Speeches and Dispatches. 2v.L 146 History of the English Government.... L 211 Saintsbury (Ed.). Political Pamphlets... L 3393 Sergeant. England’s Policy.L 381 Sheridan. Rise and Powers of ParliamentsA 1322 Skottowe. Short History of Parliament.. A 3115 Smith. Liberty and Liberalism.L 3182 Spottiswoode. Church and State of Scot¬ land.*V 1990 Stanley. Church and State .M 835 Stubbs. Constitutional History of Eng¬ land. 3 v.A 469 Select Charters of Constitutional History A 456 The same.*P 263 Sullivan. Stray Shots; t Political, etc.L 3282 Taswell-Langmead. English Constitutional History.A 396 Taylor. The English Constitution.L 3350 Thomson. Magna Charta of King John. ..A 581 Todd. Parliamentary Government in Eng¬ land. 2 v.L 173 Turner. British Opium Policy.L 238 Urquhart. Political Pamphlets. 6v...*L 69 Vine. English Municipal Institutions.L 3299 Walpole. The Electorate and the Legis¬ lature.L 189,2 Young. Imperial Federation of Great Britain...L 81 PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. Bentham. Tactique des Assemblies legisla¬ tives. 2 v.C 415a Crocker. Procedure in Deliberative BodiesL 3327 Cushing. Law of Legislative Assemblies. .N 4905 Manual of Parliamentary Practice.L 360 Fish. American Manual of Parliamentary Law.L 359 Guide to the Conduct of Meetings.L 3318 Jefferson. Manual of ParliamentaryPracticeL 46 The same.... .L 51 McKee. Manual of Congressional Practice. L 3399 Matthias. Rules for Business Meetings ..L 215 May. Proceedings and Usage of ParliamentL 358 Mell. Manual of Parliamentary Practice.. L 363 Reynaert. Histoire de la Discipline parle- mentaire. 2 v.C 6437 Robert. Manual of Rules of Order.L 362 Robinson. Manual of Parliamentary Prac¬ tice.L 364 Spofford. Manual of Parliamentary RulesL 356 Waples. Parliamentary Practice.L 357 COLONIES AND IMMIGRATION. Barron. Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity.*V 1432 Barrows. Expulsion of the Chinese_^3205,11 Beaumont. Indian and Chinese Emigration to British Guiana.*L 170 Bromwell. Immigration into the United States, 1819-55.L 1635 Byrne. Catholic Colonization in the South¬ west. *l 619 Caldecott. English Colonization.L 3908 Chinese in California.*L frig Chinese Immigration, by one who knows.. .*L 373 Congressional Investigation on. *Doc. Effects of.*L 619 Chinese Question.*L 373 POLITICAL SCIENCE. 4.64 Colonial Policy of Great Britain.L 3335 Conwell. Why the Chinese emigrate.L 1633 Cotton and Payne. Colonies and Depend¬ encies .1.189,13 Dawes. Speech on Chinese Immigration.*1.3205,9 Dilke. Problems of Greater Britain.L 3348 Emigrant Aid Company.*1 236,7 Emigration Commission of Great Britain, Re¬ ports, 1852-73. 4 v. *Doc. Emigration Commissioner’s Report, 1845. (London). *Doc. Fabri. Bedarf Deutschland der Colonien?.D 4711 Fiinf Jahre deutscher Kolonialpolitik. ..D 7013 Gerbie. Le Canada et l’Emigration fran- 9&ise.C12491 Gibson. Chinaman or White Man? .*L 619 The Chinese in America.L 618 Grey. Lord Russell’s Colonial Policy. 2 v.L 214 Hale. Letters on Irish Emigration.*L 619 Hill. Immigration to Boston.*L 169 Hints to Emigrants.K 1360 Howison. European Colonies. 2 v.I 9740 Hughes. Rugby.I 5291 Immigration into the U. S., 1820-88.L 1692 Irish Catholic Colonization Association Report, 1882.*L 619 Jenkins. The Coolie.L 750 Jung. Deutsche Kolonien.D 4712 Kapp. Immigration into the State of N. Y.L 1634 Lang. Colonization and Transportation. . .L 3812 Leroy-Beaulieu. La colonisation chez les peuples modernes.C 5599 Lewis. Government of Dependencies.L 3382 Memorial of the Six Chinese Companies... .*L 619 Payne. Colonies and Dependencies.Li89,i4 European Colonies.L 3183 Powell. New Homes for the Old Country.I 1896 Pownall. Administration of British ColoniesL 218 Rambaud. La France coloniale.C 6369 Ritchie. To Canada with Emigrants.I 5051 Roscher. Kolonien, Kolonialpolitik und Auswanderung.D 4665 und Jannasch. Dasselbe; neue Aufl.D 4682 Roskoschny. Europas Kolonien. 5 v.,.*V 1484 Salter. The Asiatic in England.L 4054 Sanderson. Foreign Immigration.L 3275 Seeley. Expansion of England.A 672 Seward. Chinese Immigration.L 915 Shay. Effect of Chinese Immigration.L 3987 Smith. Emigration and Immigration.L 3953 Thornton. Anglo-American Colonization.B 1970 Townsend. Chinese Problem.L 620 U. S. Treaty with China; how observed... .*L 619 Wedderburn. British Colonial Policy_L 188 White. Destitute Alien in Great Britain; Pauper Immigration.L 3354 Whitney. The Chinese Question.L 3952 Young. Report on Immigration. *Doc. POLITICAL ECONOMY.—GENERAL WORKS. About. Hand-book of Social Economy.. .L 795 American Economic Association Publications. v - 1-6.*L 3516 Andrews. Institutes of Economics.L 3621 Annuaire de l’Economie politique, 1844-47, 1854-59. 10 v.*C 4080 Argyll, Duke of. Unseen Foundations of Society.L 3610 Ashby. Riddle of the Sphinx.L 4192 Ashley. English Economic History. 2 v.L 3493 Bagehot. Postulates of Political Economy.L 3438 Bastable. Commerce of Nations.L 3570 Bastiat. Economic Sophisms.L 446 Essays on Political Economy.L 448 Harmonies of Political Economy. 2 v. . L 447 CEuvres completes. ...C 4135 v. 1. Correspondance; Melanges. 2. Le Libre-Exchange. • 3. Cobden et la Ligue. 4-5. Sophismes economiques. 6. Harmonies economiques, 7. Essais; Ebauches; Correspondance. Baudrillart. Economic politique populaireCl2059 Blanqui. Histoire de l’economie politique. C 4129 History of Political Economy.L 397 Block. Praatjes ovei Volkshuishouding.. .D 9069 LesProgres de la Science economique. 2v.Ci 1998 Boeckh. Public Economy of the AtheniansL 405 Bohn’s Political Cyclopaedia. 4 V.*R 1680 Bolles. Chapters on Political Economy... L 439 Bowen. American Political Economy.L 440 Bowker. Economics for the People.L 3451 and Iles. Reader’s Guide in Economic and Political Science.*^3444,3 Burton. Political and Social Economy ... ,L 478 Cairnes. Character of Political Economy ..L 451 Essays on Political Economy..L 443 Leading Principles of Political EconomyL 444 Canadian Economics.L 3481 Carey, H. C. Harmony of Interests.L 3474 Miscellaneous Works. 2 v.L 3479 Past, Present and Future.L 442 Principles of Social Science. 3 V.L 595 The same; condensed.L 4104 Public Debt.*L 169 Carey, M. Essays on Political Economy. ..L 452 The New Olive Branch .L 596 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 465 Carey, M. The Olive Branch.L 594 Olive Branch, No. 3.L 419 Carruthers. Communal and Commercial Economy.L 3415 Chalmers. Political Economy in relation to the Moral State of Society.L 407 Champlin. Lessons in Political Economy. .L 3427 Chapin. Principles of Political Economy. .L 3619 Cherbuliez. Precis de la science econo¬ mise. 2 v.C12228 Chevalier. Economic politique. 3V....C4357 Clark. Philosophy of Wealth.L 3678 Clarke. Speculation from Political Econ¬ omy.L 3461 Cobbett. Political Works. 6 v.L 3359 Cobden. Political Writings. 2 v .L 50 Questions of Public Policy...L 3213 Recollections, and Anti-Corn-Law League; by Ashworth.L 3486 Russia, Turkey, England.L 54 Cobden Club Publications: Essays, 1872.L 55 Proceedings at Dinner, June, 1873.L 56 Cohn. System der Nationalokonomie. 2V.D3450 Volkswirthschaftliche Aufsatze.D 4779 Collection des principaux Economistes; par Blanqui et autres. 15 v. in 16.*Ci2205 v. 1. Economistes-financiers du i8esiecle. 2. Physiocrates. 3-4. Turgot. CEuvres. 5-6. Smith, A. La richesse des nations. 7. Malthus, T. R. Principe de popula¬ tion. 8. Economic politique. 9-12. Say, J. B. CEuvres. 13. Ricardo, D. CEuvres completes. 14-15. Melanges d’economie politique. Colton. Public Economy of the U. S.L 3409 Condorcet. Economie politique... C12207, 7-10 Connell. Economic Revolution of India. .L 3442 Conrad und Andere. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaft. 4 V.*R 1679 CoquzTIn et Guillaumin. Dictionnaire de l’Economie politique. 2 v.*R 1676 Cossa. Guide to Political Economy.L 408 Cotton. That’s the Talk.L 301 Cournot. Theorie des richesses .C12664 Courtois. Political Economy in One Les¬ son.^3444,1 Crump. New Departure in Political EconomyL 464 Cunningham. Politics and Economics.... L 3499 Dabos. Etalon invariable de la Valeur... .C 4401 Theorie de la Valeur. .C 4402 Danson. Wealth of Households.L 3452 Denslow. Principles of the Economic Phil¬ osophy . L 3489 De Quincey. Logic of Political Economy.E 1027 Devas. Groundwork of Economics.L 3456 Political Economy.L 3533 Dillon. The Dismal Science.L 485 Donnell, Outlines of a New Science. . .. L 3497 Duehring. National und Socialokonomie.. D 4741 Nationalokonomie und Socialismus.D 4773 Economic Monographs, Nos. 1, 3-19.,*L 469 No. I. Wells. Why and how we trade. 3. White. Tariff Question. 4. Moore. Sermons to Protectionist Manufacturers of the U. S. 5. Earle. Our Revenue System and Civil Service. 6. Codman. Free Ships. 7. Sterne. Suffrage in Cities. 8. Sumner. Protection and Revenue. 9. France and the U. S.; Commer¬ cial Relations. 10. Hawley. EsSay on Free Trade. 11. Schurz. Honest Money and Labor. 12. Scudder. National Banking. 13. Sterne. Hindrances to Prosperity. 14. Squibb. Proposed Legislation on the Adulteration of Food. i 5 - Putnam. International Copyright. 16. Brace. Free Trade as promoting Peace and Good Will. 17. McCulloch. Bi-Metallism. 18. Powers. Labor-making Machinery. 19. Royall. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States. Economic Review, 1891-92. 2 v. *Ser. Economic Tracts, Nos. 2, 4-31. 3 v.*L 3444 No. 2. Bibliography of Political Economy and Political Science. 4. The Usury Question, with Bibliog¬ raphy. 5. Courtois. Political Economy in One Lesson. 6. White, II. Money and its Substi¬ tutes. 7. White, A. D. Paper-Money In¬ flation in France. 8. Whitridge. The Caucus System. 9. Canfield. Taxation. 10. Bowker. Of Work and Wealth. 11. Green. Repudiation. 12. Shepard. The Work of a Social Teacher. 13. Ford. Standard Silver Dollar and Law of 1878. I 466 POLITICAL ECONOMY. Economic Tracts.*L 3444 No. 14. Shepard. Competitive Test and Civil Service. 15. Richardson. The Standard Dollar. 16. Giffen. Progress of the Working Classes. 17. Foster. Presidential] Administra¬ tions. 18. Hall. Patriotism and National Defense. 19. Atkinson. The Railway, the Farmer and the Public. 20. Weeks. Labor Differences and their Settlement. 21. Bowker Primer for Political Edu¬ cation. 22. Civil Service Examinations. 23. Bayles The Shop Council. 24. Williams Labor i£>0 Years ago. 25. Electoral Reform. 26. lies. The Liquor Question in Politics. 27. Bibliography of Political Economy and Political Science. 28. Questions for Debate in Politics and Economics. 29. Foster. References to the Consti¬ tution of the United States. 30. Smith. Prison Science. 31. Foulke. Civil Service Reform. Economist (Chicago), 1889-93. v. 3-9. *Ser. Economist (London), 1874-92. v. 32-50 ...*Ser. Eisenhart. Geschichte der Nationalokono- mik.D 7173 Elder. Political Economy.L 3488 Questions of the Dav .L 36 Schulden und Hulfsquellen der Vereinig- ten Staaten....... '..... D 4730 Ely. Introduction to Political Economy... .L 3508 Past and Present of Political Economy. L3201,2 Eras. Jahrbuch der Volkswirthschaft.D 4671 Zwangstaat und Deutsche Sozialisten.. .D 4672 Farquhar. Economic and Industrial De¬ lusions.L 3544 Fawcett, H. Manual of Political EconomyL 413 Essays and Lectures.L 411 Fawcett, M. G. Political Economy for Be¬ ginners.L 3625 Tales in Political Economy.L 414 Frederiksen. Den Politiske Oekonomis Be- greber. C 7168 Den Politiske Oekonomis Udvikling .... C 7168 Garnier. Traite d’economie politique. .. .C 5058 Gerdolle. Nothlage der LandwirthschaftD 4720 Gide. Principes d’economie politique.C12434 Gladden. Tools and the Man..L 361k Greeley. On Political Economy.....L 438 Gregory. New Political Economy.L 340^ Halbert. Exposition of Economic Science.L 956 Hamilton. Resources of a Nation.L 3430 Hazard. Economics and Politics.L 3496 Hearn. Plutology.L 488 Herrmann. Moderne Volkswirthschaft.. .D 7026 Hershey. Science of National Life .L 325 Hibernicus, pseud. Economical Subjects.L 3454 Hill, N. P. Speeches and Papers on Eco¬ nomic Questions.L 3527 Hine. Political and Social Economy. L 4459 Hodgson. On the Study of Economic Sci¬ ence.*E 1205 Howe. Monetary and Industrial Fallacies.L 465 Political Economy.L 466 Hoyle. Our National Resources Wasted..L 417 Hubbard. The Coming Climax.L 3918 Ingram. History of Political Economy.... L 3490 Jahrbiicher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 1863-92. 57 v. *Ser. Supplemente, 1878-89. 16 v. *Ser. Jeans. England’s Supremacy.L 3482 Jevons. Theory of Political Economy.L 420 Primer of Political Economy.L 421 Jones. Remains on Political Economy.... L 429 Jordan. Standard of Value.L 3736 Jourdan. Epargne et Capital.C 5350 Journal des Economistes, 1842-93. 193 v. . . *Ser. Junqua. Justice dans la Propriete. 2V....C 5357 Sagesse dans la Production .C 5358 Kautz. Geschichte der Nationalokonomik. 2 v . *D 3406 Kettell. Southern Wealth and Northern Profits.L 3453 Keynes. Political Economy.L 3524 Knies. Politische Oekonomie vom geschicht- lichen Standpunkte.D 4684 Koeppe. Lehre vom Besitz.D 4672 Lalor. Cyclopaedia of Political Economy. 3 v. *R 1678 Lamprecht. Deutsches Wirthschaftsleben im Mittelalter. 3 v. in 4 .D 7041 Laughlin. Elements of Political EconomyL 3529 Study of Political Economy.L 3435 Laveleye. Elements d’economie politi¬ que.C 5659 Elements of Political Economy.L 3422 Luxury.L 3896 Lavergne. Economistes fra^aise du i8me Siecle.C 5684 Sozialpolitische Studien.D 3191 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 467 Leroy-Beaulieu. Precis d’economie poli¬ tique.C 5552 Recherches economiques sur les Guerres contemporaines.C 5553 Leser. Geschichte der Nationalokonomie.D 4645 Leslie. Essays in Political Philosophy.... E 1322 Leverson. Common Sense; First Steps in Political Economy # .L 457 List. NationaQSystem'of Political Economy L 410 Lunt. Present Condition of Economic Sci¬ ence.L 3491 McCulloch. Literature of Political Econ¬ omy .*0 287 Principles of Political Economy.L 402 The same; new ed.L 3627 MACLEOD. Economics for Beginners.L 3628 Elements of Economics. 2 v.L 427 Dictionary of Political Economy.*R 1674 Principles of Economic Philosophy.L 423 Science of Economics . *Lio28,2 Mac vane. Political Economy.L 3531 Malthus. Definitions in Political EconomyL 3406 Principles of Political Economy.L 489 Marcet. Conversations on Political Econ¬ omy.L 3414 Marriott. Grammar of Political EconomyL 458 Marshall. Economics .L 3624 Economics of Industry.L 454 Principles of Economics. .L 3521 Martineau. Illustrations of Political Econ¬ omy. 10 v.F 1151 Mason and Lalor. Primer of Political Economy.L 453 Maurus. Volkswirthschaftslehre.D 4731 Menier. L’Avenir economique. 2 v.C 5807 Meyer. Ursachen der amerikanischen Con- currenz. D4710 Mill, J. Elements of Political Economy.. L 490 Mill, J: S. Principles of Political Econ¬ omy. 2 v. .L 424 The same. 2v. #J .L 425 The same; abridged by Laughlin. .L 3418 Unsettled Questions of Political EconomyL 479 Moffat. Economy of Consumption.L 449 Musgrave. Studies in Political Economy.L 460 Neumann-Spallart. Uebersichten der Welt- wirthschaft.D 4783 Newcomb. Principles of Political EconomyL 3437 Patten. Premises of Political Economy.. L 3522 Patton. Political Economy..,.L 3530 Perry. Elements of Political Economy ...L 432 Introduction to Political Economy.L 459 Principles of Political Economy .L 3523 Pimentel. Economia Politica en Mexico. .C 9606 Porter. Progress of the Nation.L 418 Potter. Political Economy.I 3771 Price. Practical Political Economy.L 3626 Proudhon. Contradictions economiques..C 6280 Economical Contradictions.L 3622 What is Property? .L 4067 Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1886-92. 6v. *Ser. Questions for Debate in Economics.^3444,3 Rand. Economic History....L 3494 Ricardo. Principles of Political Economy.L 3487 Works on Political Economy.L 428 Richmond. Christian Economics.L 3492 Robertson. Fallacy of Saving; EconomicsL 3615 Roessner. Soil der Staat Industrie Betrei- ben?. d 4654 Rogers. Economic Interpretations of His- toI 7 .. .. L 3483 Manual of Political Economy. 2 v. . .. *P 234 Social Economy .L 4023 Roscher. Englische VolkswirthschaftslehreD 4664 National Oekpnomie in Deutschland . .06704,14 Principles of Political Economy. 2 v.. .L 468 System der Volkswirthschaft. 4 V.D 7067 Rossi. Cours d’economie politique. 4 v... .C 6344 RUSKIN. Four Essays on Political EconomyK 13 Munera Pulveris. .K 140 Time and Tide.K 16 Samter. Gesellschaftlichesund Privat-Eigen- thum.D 4747 Sargant. Recent Political Economy.L 3402 Say. Treatise on Political Economy.L 435 Schaeffle. Gesammelte Aufsatze.D 7072 System der Menschlichen Wirthschaft. 2 v -.D 4749 Theorie der ausschliessenden Absatzver- haltnisse.D 4750 Schmidt ( Stirner ). Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum.D 3330 Schmoller. Social- und Gevverbe-Politik.D 7082 Ueber Recht und Volkswirthschaft.D 4756 Schof.n. Staatswissenschaft.D 4656 Schoenberg. Politische Oekonomie. 3 v..D 7076 Scrope. Political Economy for Plain PeopleL 3404 Seebohm. International Reform.L 430 Seneuil. Traite d’economie politique. 2 v.C 6760 Senior. Political Economy... L 455 Introductory Lectures on Political Econ¬ omy.L 3623 Seyfferth. Staatswirthschaftliche Abhand- 1 ungen.D 4646 Shadwell. System of Political Economy. .L 461 Political Economy for the People.L 484 Shirres. Analysis of Economics...L 3629 Sidgwick. Principles of Political EconomyL 431 468 POLITICAL ECONOMY. Sidgwick. Scope of Economic Science... .L 3449 SlMONDE DE Sismonde Nouveaux principes d’economie politique. 2 v.C13169 Smart. Theory of Value ..L 3550 Smith, A. Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations (Bohn ed.). 2 v.I 2930 The same; (Oxford ed.). 2v....*P 290 The same; ed. by McCulloch.L 416 The same; ed. by Rogers. 2 v...L 3457 Smith, A. M. System of Political EconomyL 3518 Smith, E. P. Manual of Political Econ¬ omy.L 436 Steele. Political Economy.L 3620 Stein. Lehrbuch der Nationaldkonomie.. .D 7086 Steuart. Political Economy. 2 v .*V 291 Stewart. Lectures on Political Economyj261,8-9 Sturtevant. Economics.L 463 Sumner. Problems in Political Economy.. L 3616 Books on Political Economy..*L3444 ,i Syme. Outlines of Industrial Sciences.L 462 Thompson, R. E. Elements of Political Economy.L 467 Thompson, W. Distribution of Wealth... .L 778 Torrens. Production of Wealth.L 482 Tufferd. Essai d’economie sociale.C 6924 Vethake. Principles of Political Economy. L 3431 Villeneuve-Bargemont. Histoire d’econo¬ mie politique. 2 v.C13277 Wagner. Rede liber die sociale Frage_D 7099 und Andere. Lehr- und Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie. 3 V.D 7100 Wakefield. England and America; a Com¬ parison.L 4163 Walker, A. Science of Wealth.L 998 The same; abridged.L 999 Walker, F. A. Political Economy.L 487 First Lessons in Political Economy . .. .L 3618 Walras. Theorie de la richesse sociale... .C13303 Ware. Notes on Political Economy.L 3429 Wayland. Elements of Political Economy. L 434 The same; ed. by Chapin.L 433 Wells, D. A. Practical Economics.L 3439 Recent Economic Changes.L 3511 Wells, J. S. Condensed Political Econ¬ omy.*L 139 Whately. Lectures on Political Economy.L 483 The same; new ed.L 472 White. Political Economy.L 3617 Wirth. National-Oekonomie. D 4685 Wood. Natural Law in the Business World.L 3458 Worms. Economic politique.C 6983 Wright. Political Economy and the Labor Question.L 473 THE TARIFF.—PROTECTION.—FREE TRADE. Aldrich. Revision of the Tariff.*L 167 Allen. The Tariff and its Evils.L 3505 Am£. Etude sur les tarifs. 2v.C11912 Ashworth. Cobden and Anti-Corn-Law Lea S ue . 3486 Baines. Moral Influence of Free Trade. .*E 3776 Barley and Malt Duty Question.*L 167 Bastiat. Sophismes economiques.C4i35,4~5. Sophisms of Protectionists .L 445 Battle of Coney Island; Free Trade overthrownL 3407 Beck, J. B. Speech on the Tariff.*1^3205,9 Beer. Gefahren der Differenzial Zolle_D 3404 Bienengraeber. Zoll Statistik, 1 842-46..D 4721 Bigelow. Tariff Policy. l 396 Blair. Unwise Laws.L 3450 Both Sides of the Tariff Question; by Leading • L 3539 Men, Brace. Free Trade. *L 469,3 Buchanan. Industry of Canada with the United States. 34o8 . Burchard, H. C. Speech on the Tariff .*^3203,9 Butts. Protection and Free Trade. L 398 Buxton. A B C of Free Trade.*L 68,1 Byles. Sophisms of Free Trade.L 3498 Carey. Harmony of Interests.L 3474 Carlisle. Tariff and Internal Revenue L aws .*1.3205,9 Chamberlain, J. French Treaty and Reci- p rocit y. 68,2 Chamberlain, N. H. What’s the Matter? Tariff and Taxes. l 3519 Chevalier. Le systeme commerciale connu sons le nom de systeme protecture... .C12661 Chisholm. Handbook of Commercial Geog- ra P h y. 3863- Codman. Free Ships.^469,1 Cooper, Tariff to Protect American Labor*L 171 Cox, S. S. Free Land and Free Trade. L 399 Speech on the Tariff .^3205,9 Cross. Imports, Exports and the French Treat y. 68,2 Denslow. Freedom in Trade.*L 471 Derby. American Statesmanship and Mar¬ kets. 169 Treaty of Reciprocity.*R 169 Dixwell. Bastiat’s Sophisms of Protec¬ ts. 480 Premises of Free Trade examined. L 476 Donnell. Outlines of a New Science.L 3497 Protection and Slavery.*L 471 Tariff Monopolies.L3260,1 Dresser. United States Tariff, 1872.L 1637 TARIFF—PROTECTION—FREE TRADE. 469 Dunckley. Charter of the Nations; Free Trade...L 412 Dunnell. Tariff Commission.*11.3205,9 Earle. Our Revenue System.*L 469,1 Elder. Dream of a Free Trade Paradise.*E 1330 Ely. Problems of To day; Protective TariffsL 3469 Evans. Import-Duties, 1867-83. *Doc. Parquhar. The Case for Protection.L 3544 Farrer. Free Trade versus Fair Trade.. .L 3503 The State in Relation to Trade.L 189 Fawcett. Free Trade and Protection.. . .L 3502 Free Trade and European Treaties.L 63 Free Traders’ National Conference, 1885.. .L 3447 Furber, H. W. (Ed.). Which? Protection or Free Trade .L 3602 George. Protection or Free Trade.L 3448 Gill. Free Trade.L 3501 Given. The Tariff Riddle.L 3538 Grosvenor. Does Protection protect?.'_L 441 Guyot. French Corn Laws.L 3484 Hall, Henry. American Navigation_*K 876,2 Hall, Hubert. Customs Revenue in Eng¬ land. 2 v.L 3823 Hartshorn. Wages, Living and the TariffL 3446 Hawley. # Essay on Free Trade.^469,2 Hervey. Trade Policy of Imperial Federa- tion . 3569 Hewes and McKinley. What are the Facts? Protection and Reciprocity.L 3554 Heyl. U. S. Duties on Imports, 1886.N 4866 Hill. Our Merchant Marine.L 971 Hinton. Workingmen and the Tariff... .^3205,1 Hoyt. Protection versus Free Trade.L 3441 James. Wine Duties.L 3471 Kelley, J. D. J. The Question of Ships. .L 3810 Kelley, W. D. Speeches, Addresses and Letters.. l 3432 Lee. Report of Committee opposed to increase of Duties, 1827 .L 3507 Lieb. Protective Tariff; what it does for usL 3462 London Free Trade Association, Address of*L 169 McKee and Curry (Ed.). Protection EchoesL 3614 Mallett. Free Exchange.L 3543 Reciprocity.*L 68,2 Medley. England under Free Trade_*L 68,1 The Reciprocity Craze.*L 68,2 MongrEdien. Free Trade and English Commerce.*L 68,1 Free Trade in England.L 403 Pleas for Protection examined.*L 68,1 Moore. The Champion Tariff Swindle of the Wor l d . .L 3500 Protectionist Manufacturers of U. S . .*L 469,1 Noble. Fiscal Legislation, 1842-65.L 3551 Patten. Economic Basis of Protection... .L 3541 Peffer. The Farmer’s Side.L 3547 Phear. Relation between Exports and Im¬ ports.L 477 Phelan. The Tariff.^3205,9 Philpott. Free Trade vs. Protection.. .^3205,1 Tariff Chats.L 3500 Poor. Twenty-two Years of Protection... .L 3601 Powell. Protection and Bad Times.L 404 State Aid and State Interference.L 3416 Present Tariff Law and the Mills Bill, 1888.L 3298 Rathbone. Protection and Communism. .L3260,1 Roberts. Government Revenue.L 3410 Rogers. Cobden and Modern Opinion ...L 62 Roscher. Ueber Kornhandel und Theue- rungspolitik.D 7066 Rosewater. No more Free Rides.L 474 Scanlan. Why Ireland is Poor.L 3504 Schoenhof. Destructive Influence of the Tariff.L326 o,i Shaw. The National Revenues.L 3464 Sheldon and Co., Tariff and Free List, Oc¬ tober 1, 1890.L 3520 Slagg. Free Trade and Tariffs.*L 68,1 Spanish Treaty opposed to Tariff Reform.. .L326o,2 Springer. Tariff Reform.L 3536 Stebbins. American Protectionists’ ManualL 3403 Strange. The Farmer’s Tariff Manual... .L 3553 Stuart. Free Trade in Tuscany.L 58 Substance of Booth’s Pamphlet on Free Trade.*L3205,i2 Sullivan. Protection to Native Industry.. L 415 The same; new ed.I, 3463 Sumner. History of Protection in the U. S.L 3559 Protection and Revenue in 1877.^469,1 Protectionism.L 3436 The Tariff.L 470 Taussig. History of the Tariff, 1860-83. • • L 3424 Protection to young Industries.. .L 437 State Papers and Speeches on the TariffL 3545 Tariff History of the U. S., 1789-1888..L 3476 Taylor. Is Protection a Benefit?.L 3465 Tennent. Tax on Wine..L 3470 Terrell. Appeal to the American People.L 3468 Thompson, R. E. Protection to Home In¬ dustry. 3477 Thompson, R. W. Protective Tariff Laws..L 3478 Thompson, T. O. The Tariff.*L 139 Troup. Future Work of Free Trade.L 3411 Trumbull. American Lesson of the Free Trade Struggle in England.L 3419 History of Free Trade Struggle in Eng¬ land.L 406 Walter. What is Free Trade?.L 475 470 POLITICAL ECONOMY. Webber. The Tariff. *l 139 Weinhagen. Gewerbe- und Wcchselstempel- steuer.D 3405 Wells. Decay of Our Merchant Marine.. .L 1045 Primer of Tariff Reform.*L 68,3 Relation of the Tariff to Wages.L 3500 Sugar Industry and the Tariff.*1.3205,8 Why we Trade.*1.469,1 White. Tariff Question.*L 469,1 Williams. Facts for Philosophers; Free Trade. L 3506 Wise. Modern Protection..L 3603 TAXATION. Adams. Taxation in the U. S., 1789-1816.1.3201,2 Ames. Taxation of Personal Property... .*N 4841 Anthony. Law of Taxation .*N 4841 Atkinson. Taxation and Work.L 3535 Attempt to substitute Income Tax for Present Taxes.L 3472 Baxter. Taxation of the United KingdomL 222 Berthon. Reflexions sur lTmpot.C 4148 Bonnet. La Question des Impots .C 4158 Boutwell. Tax System of the U. S... „ . L 3443 Buchanan. Taxation Policy of Great BritainL 3009 Canfield. Taxation..^3444,1 Cossa. Taxation; its Principles and Methodsl. 3466 Dowell. Taxation and Taxesin England. 4V.L 3473 Ely and Finley. Taxation in American States and Cities..L 3467 Emerson. Internal Revenue Guide.*L 74 Ensley. The Tax Question.‘^3205,2 Foster. Taxation of Elevated Railroads in New York.L3260.1 Frederiksen. Formue-og Indkomstskat. .C 7167 Goschen. Local Taxation.L 221 Guyot. LTmpot sur le revenu .C12550 Hall. Who pays your Taxes?.I. 3537 Held. Die Einkommensteuer.D 7027 Hock. Oeffentliche Abgaben und SchuldenD 7023 Jones. Federal Taxes and State Expenses.L 3558 Kaizl. Ueberwalzung der Steuern.D 7035 Levi. On Taxation.I. 3549 McCulloch. Taxation and Funding SystemL 401 Martin. Taxation of the British Empire.. L 3613 Menier. Theorie et application de lTmpot sur le capital.C12871 Meyer. Principien der gerechten Besteu- erung.D 7042 Meynard. Speech against a direct Tax in New York.*L 164 Minot. Taxation in Massachusetts.I. 3612 Noble. Local Taxation.L 3637 The Queen’s Taxes.L 3638 Ohio Board of Equalization, Proceedings.... *Doc. Palgrave. taxation of Great Britain and Ireland..L 3639 Parieu. Histoire des impots generaux. .. .C 6336 Traite des impots. 4V .C 6089 Peto. On Taxation.L 400 Probyn. Local Government and Taxation. L 57 Redfield. Handbook of U. S. Tax Law, i86 3.L 3548 Ricardo. Principles of Taxation.L 3487 Sargant. Taxation, Past, Present and Future. L 3608 Say. La Question des Impots. 2v.C 6639 Schaeffle. Grundsatze der Steuerpolitik.D 7071 Schanz. Die Steuern der Schweiz. 5v. in3.D 7074 Schwab, New York Property Tax.L35i6,5 Sherman, J. Taxation and Finance, 1859-78L 1038 United States Internal Revenue Law, 1864.. . *Doc. Internal Revenue Manual, 1888 . *Doc. Vesselovsky. LTmpot sur le Revenue Mo- bilier en Italie.*V m2 Vignes. Traite des Impots en France. 2 v.C 6948 Vocke. Die Abgaben, Auflagen und die Steuer.D 7091 Gesch. d. Steuern d. britischen Reichs-:. D 7092 Weinhagen. Gewerbe- und Wechselstempel- steuer.D 3405 Weyl and others. Equitable Taxation.L 3552 Wilson. The National Budget; Taxes and Rates.L 189,5 Wright and Hobhouse. Taxation and Gov¬ ernment in England.L 3607 LAND AND RENT. Andrews. The Old English Manor.L3200,i2 Arnold. Free Land.L 384 Banfield. Great Landlords of London.... L 3942 Bateman. The Ac re-oc racy* of England.. .L 3582 Bernhardi. Grundeigenthum. D 6990 Birkbeck. Distribution of Land in EnglancfL 3290 Blacker. Claims of Landed Interests to Legislative Protection...L 3587 Blackie. The Land Laws and the Scottish Highlanders.L 3283 Boon. Home Colonization.*E 1085 Brodrick. English Land and Landlords.. L 389 Buerger. Rentibilitat der Landgiiter.D 495 Caird. Prairie Farming in America.K 1066 Clark. Man’s Birthright; Law of Property. L 3460 Comte. Traite de la propriete. 2 v.C12273 Cox. Free Land and Free Trade.L 399 Crosbie. Emancipation of Industry.L 3534 Cusack (.Nun of Kenmare). Anti-Poverty and Progress .L 4105 Dawson. The Unearned Increment. Digby. Law of Real Property. Distribution of Land in England. Dixwell. Doctrines of Henry George... Donaldson. The Public Domain.. Effertz. Arbeit und Boden. Egleston. Land System of the New Eng¬ land Colonies.L320l,4 Eueberg. Agrarische Zustande in Italien.D 7008 Elliott. American Farms.L 35 1 5 Fisher. Land-Holding in England.1^7232,3 Foville. Etudes sur la propriete... C12418 George. Irish Land Question.L 132 Progress and Poverty.L 780 Gibbons. Tenure and Toil; or, Property and Labor.L 394 ° Godwin. Political justice; Essay on PropertyL 3912 Gomme. The Village Community.L 4188 Healy. Why there is an Irish Land QuestionL 3286 PIill. Our Common Land.L 4490 Homes wanting for Britons.*L 170 Howard. The Tenant Farmer.L 188 Impey. Three Acres and a Cow.L 3284 Jaeger. Die Agrarfrage der Gegenwart. 3V.D 4713 Jones. Distribution of Wealth.L 481 Kay. Free Trade in Land .L 3574 Kebbel. The Agricultural Labourer.L 3586 Kinnear. Principles of Property in Land. .L 3577 Laboulaye. Histoire du droit de propriete fonciereen Occident.C12715 Lafargue. Evolution of Property....... L 3903 Laveleye. Primitive Property.L 52 La Propriete et ses formes primitives.. .C12722 Lavergne. Rural Economy of England, Scotland and Ireland.L 3584 Lsfevre. Freedom of Land..L 188 Letourneau. L’Evolution de la ProprieteC 5534 Property; its Origin and Development. .L 3579 Levy. Land Question .. . .- .L 3583 Lieber. Property and Labour.I 3752 Low. Landed Property.L 3585 Macdevitt. Land Law Act of 1881.L 349 Macdonnell. Land Question in England L 383 Maine. Early History of Institutions.L 53 Maitland. Building Estates.K 1513 Mallock. Property and Progress.L 4034 Mayer. Ground Rents in Maryland.L 3572 Meyer. Heimstatten und andere Wirth- schaftsgesetze. . . . D 3431 Mill. Irish Land Question. L 130 Miller. Progress and Robbery; Answer to Henry George.L 3297 Moffat. Henry George, the “Orthodox ”L 4066 Moffatt. Land and Work.L 3941 471 Montgomery. Land Tenure in Ireland. ..L 3578 Moody. Land and Labor in the U. S....L 386 Morris. Land Question of Ireland.L 141 Nasse. Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages. K 1132 Nicholson. Tenant’s Gain not Landlord’s Loss.L 3576 Norman. Bodyke; Irish Landlordism.L 3291 Onslow. Landlords and Allotments.L 3937 Ouvry. Stein and his Reforms in Prussia. .L 350 Phillips. Land, Labor and Law.. .L 4033 Pollock. The Land Laws . Li89,io Probyn (Ed.). Land Tenure in various Coun¬ tries . L 60 The same; new ed.L 61 Prothero. Pioneers and Progress of Eng¬ lish Farming. K 6978 Proudhon. What is Property?.L 4067 Reitzenstein. Agrarische Zustande in Frankreich und England.D 7060 Remedy for Landlordism; Free Land TenureL 3939 Richey. The Irish Land Laws.A 1303 Rogers. History of Agriculture and Prices, 1259-1793. 6 v.*P 304 Ross. Land-Holding among the Germans.L 3573 Rutherford. Henry George vs. Henry George. L 4063 Samuelson. Land and Tenantry of IrelandL 131 Sato. Land Question in the U. S.L32 oi,4 Scrutton. Land in Fetters.N 5105 Seebohm. The English Village CommunityL 3257 Shinn. Land Laws in Mining Districts. . . .L320i,2 Stein. Die drei Fragen des Grundbesitzes.D 4655 Stubbs. The Land and the Labourers.L 3899 Tallerman. Agricultural Distress.L 3571 Thackeray. The Land and the CommunityL 3938 Thiers. De la Propriete.. .C13195 Thornton. Peasant Proprietors.L 3581 Torrens. Transfer of Land by RegistrationL 3580 U. S. Laws relating to the Public Domain .*B 822 Laws relating to the Public Lands. 2 v.*B 821 Wagner. Die Abschaffung des privaten Grundeigenthums.D 7101 Walker. Land and its Rent.L 3405 Wallace. Land Nationalisation.L 3575 White. Laws relating to Concessions of Lands in Colonies. 2 v. *Doc. Winn. Property in Land.L 4106 Worthington. Property and Politics. ... L 3542 Young. Southern Counties of England and Wales.I 6204 Through the East of England. 4 v. . . .1 6307 Through the North of England. 4 v. . .1 6203 Travels in France, 1787-89. 2 v.I 2966 LAND AND RENT. L 3904 N 4928 E339°>2 .L 658 *B 823 D 7009 472 POLITICAL ECONOMY. CAPITAL—LABOR—WAGES—TRADES UNIONS. ABOUT. A B C du Travailleur.C 4001 Handbook of Social Economy.L 795 Amalgamated Society of Carpenters, ReportsL 919 Amman. Stande und Handwerker.*04298,7 Applegarth. Trades’ Unions.L 820 Atkinson. Distribution of Products.L 3423 The Industrial Progress of the Nation. .L 3512 Labor and Capital Allies.L 4070 Margin of Profits .L 4059 Bain. Merchant and Craft Gilds.L 3860 Baker. Record of Seasons, Prices, etc... .L 3480 Barhydt. Industrial Exchanges.L 3426 Barns (Ed.). The Labor Problem.L 4036 Barrau. Ccnseils aux Ouvriers.C12044 Bayles. The Shop Council.*L3444,2 Bayly. Workmen and their Difficulties.... L 4445 Bentley. Wealth; how to get it.L 7 Big Wages and how to earn them; by aForemanL 4069 Bilgram. Involuntary Idleness.L 3557 Bitzer. Arbeit und Kapital.D 4734 Blanc. Organisation du Travail.C 4239 Boehm-Bauwerk. Capital and Interest.. .L 3710 Geschichte und Kritik der Kapitalzins- Theorie.D 7003 Kapital und Kapitalzins.D 7003 Theory of Capital.L 3525 Boehmert. DieGewinnbetheiligung.2v.0415,32-33 Bolles. Conflict of Labor and Capital....L 784 Bowker. Work and Wealth.*L3444 ,i Brassey. British Seamen. ...L 613 Foreign Work and English Wages.L 4510 The Labor Question .L 4443 Work and Wages .L 816 Brentano. Arbeitergilden der Gegenwart.D 4735 Guilds and Trades-Unions.L 817 Relation of Labor to the Law.L 4194 Brewster. Work, and howto do it.L 818 Brown, L. Rights of Labor.*L 373 Brown, W. The Labour Question.L 3556 Buecher. Aufstande der unfreien Arbeiter, 143-129 v. Chr.D 5575 Carr. Patrons of Husbandry on the Pacific Coast.L 4608 Cassagnac. History of Working Classes.. L 3982 Causes of Distress amongst Workmen.*E 1085 Chamberlin. Sovereigns of Industry.L 4449 Chevalier. Lettres sur l’Organisation du Travail...C12660 Chevallier. Les Salaires au XIXe SiecleCi2i94 Clark. Capital and its Earnings .L35i6,i Clayden. The Revolt of the Field; Agri¬ cultural Laborer’s Union.L 3955 Collens. Eden of Labor. L 3428 Colston. The Guildry of Edinburgh.L 3861 Cook, J. Labor.E 2208 Cook, W. W. The Corporation Problem..L 3905 Cope. Distribution of Wealth.L 3930 Corbet. Wealth of Individuals.L 3425 Crompton. Industrial Conciliation.L 623 Crouzel. Etude sur les coalitions et les greves dans l’industrie.C12653. Dacus. Great Strikes in the United States in 1877.L 4477 Dareste. Histoire des Classes agricoles en France.C 4417 Davis. The Labor Laws (of England).... N 4844 Dawson. The Unearned Increment.L 3904 Defense of Trades Unions.*E 1085 Donnell. Industrial Depression .L3260,1 Donoil. HistoiredesClassesruralesenFranceCi2299 Duehring. Capital und Arbeit.D 4740 Effertz. Arbeit und Boden.D 7009 Ely. Labor Movement in America.L 4038 Engels. Working Class in England.L 4062 Englaender. Franzosische Arbeiter Asso- ciationen. 4 V. in 2.D 4742 Ernest. The Internationale; Word to the Working Classes.*L 170 Fall. Employers’ Liability for Personal In¬ juries to Employees.L 4140 Fawcett. The British Labourer.L 60 Felix. Arbeiter und die Gesellschaft.D 4743 Fougerousse. Patrons et Ouvriers deParisC 4975 Garvey. The Silent Revolution; Steam and Electricity. L 4466 Geeslin. Exposition of the Grange.L 4581 George. The Condition of Labor.L 3917 Gibbons. Tenure and Toil.L 3940 Giffen. Growth of Capital.L 3517 Progress of the Working Classes.L326o,2 The same .*T 3 T 1 1 > T Gladden. Workingmen and Employers... L 779 Grashof. Wandffingen des Arbeitsvermo- gens.D382, T2 Greg. Mistaken Aims of the Artizan Class. L 638 Gross, C. The Gild Merchant; British Muni¬ cipal History. 2 v.L 3859 Gross, G. Die Lehre vom Unternehmerge- winn. * .D 4723 Gunton. Wealth and Progress; the Labor Problem.L 4073 Hake and Wesslau. Free Trade in CapitalL 3540 Hale. Workingmen’s Homes.E 1160 Hartshorn. Wages, Living and Tariff...L 3446 Hasbach. Das englische Arbeiterversicher- ungswesen.D 7024 CAPITAL AND LABOR. 473 Headley. Sketches of the Great Riots....L 4061 Heath. Labor and Finance Revolution.. .L 3780 Held. Deutsche Arbeiterpresse.D 4738 Herbert. The Twelve Great Livery Com¬ panies of London. 2 v..L 4080 Hiernaux. Organisation du Credit au Tra¬ vail.C 5226 Hints to Working Classes on Trades Unions*L3205,12 Hole. Organization of Labor.L 812 Hopper. Rights of Workingmen.*E 1085 Howell. Conflict of Capital and Labor.. .L 911 The same; new ed.L 3931 Trade Unionism, new and old.L 4473 Hubbard. The Coming Climax.L 3918 Huber. Genossenschaften der Arbeitenden Classen.D 4745 Hubert-Valleroux. Les Corporations d’arts et metiers et les syndicatsprofessionnelsC 12622 Hunt. Worth and Wealth.L 987 Irvine. Problem of Distressed Labor.L 4051 Jacobson. Higher Ground; Settling Labor Troubles .L 4071 Jaeger. Die menschliche ArbeitskraftD4i6,26-27 Jelley. The Voice of Labor. L4111 Jevons. The State in Relation to Labor.. .L 189,9 Karoly. Dilemmas of Labor and EducationL 4114 Kebbel. The Agricultural Labourer.L 3586 Kelley, O. H. Patrons of Husbandry in the United States, 1866-73.L 4193 Kelley, W. D. Speech on Labor and Capital.*L3205,9 Kellogg. Labor and other Capital.L 3433 Kretschmann. Alterversorgung der Arbei- ter in Deutschland.D 4695 Labor Problem in the United States.*L3205 ,ii Labor Reports of various States. *Doc. Connecticut, 1885-91. Illinois, 1879-90. Indiana, 1879-90. Maine, 1887-92. Maryland, 1884-91. Massachusetts, 1871-91. Michigan, 1884-90. Minnesota, 1889-92. Missouri, 1891-92. Nebraska, 1889-92. New York, 1888-90. North Carolina, 1887-91. North Dakota, 1889-92. Ohio, 1889-90. Pennsylvania, 1890-91. Rhode Island, 1889-92. United States, 1885-92. Wisconsin, 1885-92. Lambert. 2000 Years of Gild Life.L 3888 Lange. Die Arbeiterfrage.D 4689 Lavoll£e. Les Classes ouvrieres en Eu¬ rope. 2 v.C 5678 Le Play. Organization of Labor.L 644 Les Ouvriers europeens. 6 v.C12686 Leroy-Beaulieu. Etat moral et intellectuel des populations ouvrieres.C 5525 La Question ouvriere.C 5744 Le Travail des Femmes.C 5745 Letters to our Working Party; by E. W.... L 4090 Levasseur. Les Classes ouvrieres en France. 4 v.C 5532 Levi. Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes.L 4474 Lieber. Labor and Property.I 3752 Lloyd. Strike of Millionaires against MinersL 3934 McCulloch. Rates of Wages.L 793 McDonnell. Various Theories of Wages.. L 4475 Machinists’ and Blacksmiths’ Union, Ritual.L 4581 Mackelcan. Labor and Capital.*L 171 Mackie. Merchants’Company of EdinburghL 3510 Makepeace. Capital and Labor.L 4112 Marlo. Organisation der Arbeit. 4 v in 2.D 7043 Martin. The Grange Movement.L 4611 Marx. Capital. 2v.L 3459 Das Kapital. 2v.D 4739 Maurice. The Workman and the FranchiseL 808 Meininghaus. Die socialen Aufgaben der industriellen Arbeitgeber.D 7044 Meyer. Die Emancipationskampf des vier- ten Standes.D 4732 Miller, J. B. Trade Organizations.L 3297 Miller, M. Lectures on Work and Wages*E 1085 Minton. Capital and Wages.L 3947 Moffat. Economy of Consumption.L 449 Principles of a Time Policy.L 450 Mongredien. Wealth-Creation.L 491 Moody. Labor and Land in the U. S.L 386 Morrison. Essay on Labor and Capital.. .L 751 Murray. History of Usury Laws........ N 4938 Nadaud. Classes ouvrieres en Angleterre. .C 5999 Nash. Capital and Labor...*L 171 Newcomb. Talk on the Labor Question.. ,L 4044 Paris, Comte de. Les Associations ouvrieres en Angleterre.C 6329 De la Situation des Ouvriers en Angle¬ terre . C 6110 Trades’ Unions of England.L 918 Philip. The Function of Labor in the Pro¬ duction of Wealth.L 4446 Phillips. Labor, Land and Law .L 4033 Phipson. The Redemption of Labour.L 4197 Pidgeon. Old World Questions. . . I 5154 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 474 Plener. English Factory Legislation. ... L 657 Porter. Bread-Winners Abroad.L 4045 Powderly. Thirty Years of Labor, 1859-89L 4198 Powers. Labor-Making Machinery.*L 469 Price. Industrial Peace.L 4/178 Proceedings of Bureaus of Statistics of Labor in the United States, 1886-89.L 4172 Rees. From Poverty to Plenty.L 4452 Reich. Arbeit und Lebensnoth.D 4761 Reinaud. Les Syndicats professionnels... .C 6345 Renault. Histoire des Greves.C 63S0 Report of the Committee of the U. S. Senate on Labor and Capital. 4 V. *Doc. Rice. Black Death (Standard Oil Com¬ pany).*L 619 Richardson. Large Fortunes; Christianity and Labor Problem.L 4109 Riehl. Deutsche Arbeit.D 4692 Rights of Labor, 1886-87. v * 1. *Ser. Robertson. Eight Hour Question.L 4488 Robinson. Early Factory Labor in New England.*L 4140 Roesler. Lehre vora Arbeitslohn.D 7064 Rogers. Eight Chapters on Work and Wages.L 3897 Six Centuries of Work and Wages . .. . L 4020 Rowe. How our Working People Live.... I. 3993 Ruskin. Crown of Wild Olives.K 12 Fors Clavigera. 9 V. K 124 Time and Tide.K 16 Ryan. Arbitration between Labor and Capital. L 4031 Samuelson. German Working-Men.L 821 Sanial. Protect Labor.*1.3205,4 Schaeffle. Kapitalismus und SocialismusD 4751 Schellwien. Die Arbeit und ihr Recht.. . D 4691 Schloss. Methods of Industrial Remunera¬ tion.L 3919 Schoenhof. The Economy of High WagesL 3555 The Industrial Situation.L 4118 Wages and Trade in Manufacturing In¬ dustries. .*1.3205,4 Schui.tze-Delitzsch. Capitel zu einem deutschen Arbeiterkatechismus.D 4706 Scudder. Labor-Value Fallacy.L 3412 Seligman. Mediaeval Guilds of England. .L35 i6,2 Shaler. Intellectual Property.L 635 Simon. L’Ouvriere.C 6767 Simonds and McEnnis. The Story of LaborL 4110 Smith, H. L. and Nash. The Dockers’ Strike .L 4476 Smith, J. Hard Times.*.L 3670 Smith, L. Les Coalitions et les Greves . ... C 6833 Solly. Working Men’s Social Clubs.L 4441 Somers. The Trade Unions.L 3889 Stubbs. Village Politics; the Labor QuestionL 622 Studnitz. Nordamerikanische Arbeiterver- haltnisse.p) 3907 Tait. Die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung in den Vereinigten Staaten.D 7080 Taylor. History of the Factory System. ..K 4344 Modern Factory System.L 4227 Thierry. L’Histoire du tiers etat.C13263 Thompson, H. M. Theory of Wages and other Labour Problems .L 4472 Thompson, P. The Politics of Labor.L 3296 Thornton. Die Arbeit .D 4690 On Labor ..L 810 Thurlow. Trade Unions Abroad .L 4447 Ioynbee. Industrial Revolution in EnglandL 3434 Trades’ Societies and Strikes. L 920 Trant. Trade Unions.L 4021 1 RUMBULL. The Labor Question. * L 3933 Signing the Document.L 3420 Tuckett. History of the Labouring Popu- la tion. ...L 4480 United States Consular Reports. *Doc. Labor in America, Asia, Africa, Aus¬ tralia and Polynesia. Labor in Europe. 2 v. Trade Guilds of Europe. Depression in Labor and Business. *Doc. Labor Bureau, Commissioners’ Reports, I- 5 ..L 4173 v. 1. Industrial Depressions, 18S6. 2. Convict Labor, 1886. 3. Strikes and Lockouts, 1887. 4. Working Women in Large Cities, 1888. 5. Railroad Labor, 1889. Labor Laws, : 892.* Doc. Usury Question, The.'..n.3444,1 Villey. La Question des Salaires.C13280 Walcker. Die Arbeiterfrage.D 4693 Walford. Gilds; their Origin, Constitution, etc . 3847 Walker. The Wages Question.L 799 Ward, C. O. Ancient Working People.... L 4185 Ward, J. Workmen and Wages.L 4448 Weber, Aus der Welt der Arbeit.D 2961 Weeden. Social Law of Labor.L 926 Weeks. Labor Differences.^3444,2 Statistics of Wages . *Doc. Weinhold. Geschichte der Arbeit.D 4694 Wells, D. A. Relation of the Tariff to Wages.L 3500 V\ ells, J. G., and others. The Grange illus¬ trated.L 4191 % CO-OPERATION—PROFIT SHARING. 475 West. Price of Corn and Wages.L 3417 Whitehead. Agricultural Labourers.L 4171 Wilda. Das Gildenwesen im Mittelalter. .D 4729 Williams. Labor 100 Years Ago.*1.3444,3 Willoughby and Graffenried. Child-La¬ bor..L35i6,5 Winship. The Shop.L 3946 Wood, H. Natural Law in the Business World. ; .L 345 8 Wood, S. Theory of Wages. 1 _. 3 516,4 Working Men and Women.L 646 Working Men of Great Britain.*E 1085 Wright, C. D. Art in Industry.*L 4141 Factory System. *Doc. Food Consumption .*L 4141 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration*L 4141 The Labor Question.L 473 Uniform Hours of Labor .*L 4140 Wages, Prices and Cost of Living., . .. .L 3959 Working Girls of Boston.*L 4140 Wright, H. B. Practical Treatise on LaborL 814 Wright, T. Our New Masters.. L 801 Habits and Customs of the Working Classes .L 800 Young. Labor in Europe and America... .L 4108 CO-OPERATION—PROFIT SHARING — BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO¬ CIATIONS. Acland and Jones. Working Men Co-oper¬ ators. L 3995 Ansell. Treatise on Friendly Societies... L 4085 Applebee. Co-operation the Hope of Labor*L 619 Baernreither. English Associations of Working Men.L 3868 Barnard. Co-operation as a Business.L 925 Bemis and others. Co-operation in the United States.L32 oi,6 Bentley. Wealth; how to get it.L 7 Boehmert. Die Gewinnbetheiligung..0415,32-33 Co-operation in Land-Tillage; by M. A.K 6878 Davis. Building Societies; their Manage¬ ment, etc.L 3845 Dexter. Co-operative Savings and Loan Associations .L 3869 Dolge. Just Distribution of Earnings....*V 1883 Endlich. Law of Building Associations. .*N 5050 Gilman. Profit Sharing. ...,L 3943 •Groni.und. Co-operative Commonwealth.. L 4046 Hale. How they Lived in Hampton.E 3352 Hennell. Social Systems on the Principle of Co-operation.L 637 History of Co-operation in the U. S. L32oi,6 Holyoake. Co-operative Movement of To- Day .L 4469 History of Co-operation. 2 v.L 843 Self-Help a Hundred Years ago.L 4117 Hubert—Valleroux. Les Associations co¬ operatives en France.C 5271 Hughes and Neale. Manual for Co-oper¬ ators. l 3972 James. Benefit Building Societies.L 3874 Friendly Societies ... . .L 3876 Peirce. Co-operative Housekeeping.L 3967 Potter. The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain... .L 3875 Richter. Co-operative Stores.L 745 Rosenthal. Manual for Building and Loan Associations.L 4088 Schaeffle. Der korporative Hulfskassen- zwang .D 4760 Scratchley. Treatise on Building SocietiesL 3870 Further Treatise on Building Societies. .L 3871 Treatise on Friendly Societies. L 4083 Stubbs. The Land and the Labourers; Co¬ operative Agriculture.L 3899 Taylor. Profit-Sharing..L 3421 The same..£3390,2 Thompson. Treatise on Building Associa¬ tions. N 510S White. Law of Friendly Societies.K 1622 Wilkinson. The Friendly Society MovementL 3630 Wolff. People’s Banks.L 3631 Wright. Co-operative Distribution in Great Britain.*L 4141 Manual of Distributive Co-operation. ,*L 4141 Profit Sharing.*L 4141 MONEY—FINANCE—BANKING. Adams. Public Debts: Science of Finance.L 3723 Albrecht. Geschichte der Reichsmiinz- statten. D 17 American Bankers’ Association, Proceedings, 1878-81, 1885.*L 3647 American Bond Detector.*R 4421 Andrews. An Honest Dollar.L3516,1 Ansell. The Royal Mint . . *V 1742 Appleton. Currency and Banking.*£3205,4 . Art of Investing; by a New York Broker. . . . L 3698 Backus. Contraction of the Currency.. . .*Lio28, 1 Bagehot. Depreciation of Silver.L 3774 Lombard Street. L 990 Plan for a Universal Money.L 3790 Bank of England, History of.L 3726 Bank of the United States, Exhibit of Losses. L 3750 Pamphlets on .*L 164am! *L 165 476 POLITICAL ECONOMY. Bank Taxation. „ ...*p i 7 i Bankers’ Almanac; ed. by Homans, 1869, i8 74 .*L 997 Bankers’ Magazine (London), 1844-93. 54 v. *Ser. Bankers’ Magazine (New York), 1847-92. 46 v.*Ser. Bankers’ Monthly, 1889. v - 6,7. *Ser. Banking in Australasia.p 3754 Banquiers, Les, a Liege avant 1468.C 4231 Bastable. Public Finance.L 3713 Baxter. National Debts.L 3764 Panic of 1866. ... L 3766 Bell. Philosophy of Joint Stock Banking.. L 965 The same; new ed.L 3720 Bergius. Finanzwissenschaft.D 4686 Berkeley. Our National Trade Policy_L 3475 Binney. Money.p 996 Blodget. Commercial Strength of the U. S.*L 171 Bolles. Bank Officers; their Authority, Duty and Liability.L 3715 Financial History of the United States, 1774-1885. 3 v. L 1029 Law relating to Banks.L 3679 The National Bank Act.L 3745 Practical Banking.L 3662 Bourne. Surplus Revenue of 1837 .L 3675 Bousquet. La Banque de France.C12111 Boyard. La Bourse etses Speculations.06513,240 Brevoort. Early Spanish and Portuguese Coinage in America .L 3771 Brown. The Money Question in the U. S.*L368o, 1 Bubbles of Finance; by a City Man.L 1009 Buhle. Uebersicht der iiblichsten Munzen.D 2639 Burke. Federal Finances; Income of the United States.L 3752 Burnham. American Counterfeits .L 4137 Buxton. Finance and Politics, 1783— l8S 5 * 2 v .L 3737 Calhoun. Remarks on Treasury Notes .*L 164 Campbell. American Finance.*L 972 Carey. Credit System in France, England and the United States ..L 957 Financial Crises.1.3479,1 Casabianca. Des Finances fran9aises_ C 4301 Cernuschi. Le Bimetallisme en AngleterreC 4309 La Diplomatic monetaire en 1878.C 4307 Nomisma; Legal Tender.L 3666 Or et Argent.C 4308 Chase and Allen. Banking; a Short His¬ tory. 432 Cheap-Money Experiments .L 3787 Chevalier. Cours d’economie politique; la monnaie .C 4 357>3 Probable Value of Gold.L 980 Clare. A B C of the Foreign Exchanges. .L 3788 Clark. Philosophy of Wealth....L 3678 Clarke and Hall. History of the Bank of the United States.L 955 Cleaveland. Banking System of the State of New York.L 3769 Clewes. Twenty-eight years in Wall StreetL 3700 Coe. Resumption, Currency and Banks. .*L 171 v_offin. Hand-Book for Bank Officers.... L 3747 HandrBook for National Bank Share- hoIder s. 3748 Coins. See Numismatics p. 338. Collins. Banking in Ireland.L 3755 Cooper and others. Currency.*1,3680,1 Cornwallis. Gold Room and New York Stock Exchange .p g^ Courcelle—Seneuil. Traite des operations de banque.C12246 Courtois. Histoire des banques en France.C12665 Cowperthwait. Money, Silver and Fi¬ nance.L 3761 Crump. Great Fall in Prices.L 3944 English Manual of Banking.L 3789 Stock Exchange Speculation.L 966 Cunningham. Use and Abuse of Money. .L 3526 Currency, Self-regulating and Elastic.L 961 Dabos. Etalon invariable de la Valeur_C 4401 Dean. Banking and Banks, 1171-1883. ..*V 799 Del Mar. History of Money in Ancient Countries.p 3727 History of Precious Metals.... L 3658 Money and Civilization. L 3782 Science of Money.p 3728 Derby. Finance, Currency, Commerce.. .*L 169 Domett. The Bank of New York, 1784- i88 4 . 3661 Dunbar. History of Banking.L 3753 Laws of the United States relating to Currency, 1789-1891.p 3777 Dye. Coin Cyclopaedia.p ^76 Ehrich. The Question of Silver.L 3762 Evans. Commercial Crisis of 1847-48.P 3759 Commercial Crisis of 1857-8-9.L 3760 Notes on Speculation.p 3772 Favarel. Theorie du Credit. 3 v.C 4850 Fawcett, H. Indian Finance.p 3763 Fawcett, W. L. Gold and Debt.P 1022 Felt. Account of Massachusetts Currency. L 3694 Financial Pamphlets.*p 3680 Financial Reform Advocate, 1878, i88o-92*L 1592 Financial Review, 1875, l % 79 > 1880. 3 V _ *Ser. Financier, 1874. v. 5,6. *Ser. Ford. Standard Silver Dollar.^3444,1 Fournier de Flaix. Traite des institutions financiers.C12416 MONEY—FINANCE. 4-77 Fowler. Ten Years in Wall Street.L 960 Francis. Chronicles of Stock Exchange.. .L 1003 History of the Bank of England. 2 v. .L 953 Franke. Silver Question.*Li028,2 Future Currencies of the United States.. .*Lio28,i Gamborg. Seddelbanken.C 8281 Garfield. Suspension and Resumption .*Lio28,i and others. Speeches for honest Money. *Lio28, 1 Geschichte van de Rotterdamsche Bank... .D 9615 Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York..L 992 Gibbons, R. Physics and Metaphysics of Money...L326 o,2 Gibbs and Grenfell. Bimetallic Contro¬ versy.L 3718 Gibson. Stock Exchanges of London, Paris and New York.L 3735 Giffen. Essays in Finance. 2 v.L 1040 Stock Exchange Securities.L 3677 Gilbart. History of Banking. 2 v.I 3298 Logic of Banking. L 1006 Practical Treatise upon Banking.L 1002 The same, London ed. 2 v.L 1005 Gladstone. Financial Statements, 1853, 1860-63 .L 986 Goadby and Watt. Depression in Trade, i88 5.L 3765 Goddard. Prominent Banks of Europe... L 3696 Gold and Silver Commission. *Doc. Goschen. Theory of Foreign Exchanges..L 1027 Gouge. Fiscal History of Texas.L 3697 Paper Money and Banking in the U. S.L 1031 Graham. The One Pound Note in Scotland and England .L 3699 Hall. Antiquities of the Exchequer.L 3751 Hallock. Refusing its own Coin...... .L 3649 Halstead. The Silver Question.*L368o, 1 Hamilton. Money and Value .L 1037 Hankey. Principles of Banking.L 3746 Hardcastle. Banks and Bankers.L 3732 Haupt. Monetary Question in 1892.L 3783 Hawes. Suggestions on Silver Question. *Lio28,i Heath, B. S. Finance Revolution and La¬ bor. L 3780 Heath, L. Government Counterfeit Detec¬ tor.*L 3682 Hertzberg. Om Kredit.C 8300 Seddelbanken.C 8300 Hewins. English Trade and Finance.L 3785 Hickcox. Bills of Credit of New York, 1709- 8 9 . B 1214 HiernaUX. Organisation du Credit au Tra¬ vail .C 5226 Hildebrand. Theorie des Geldes.D 7029 Hildreth. Banks and Paper Currencies. .L 3660 Hill, E. Principles of Currency.L 3733 Hill, T. E. Money found.L 3633 Hock. Die Finanzen der Ver. Staaten. .. .D 4789 Honest Money League Publications.*L 1039 Horn. La Liberte des banques.C12609 Horton. Bank-Note Currencv in Great Britain and in the United States... .*L 1016 Law in the Doctrine of Money. *Lio28,2 Silver and Gold.*L 1016 The same; new ed...' .L 1018 Silver Bill in Congress..*1. 1019 Silver in Europe.L 3742 Silver Question .*Lio28,2 Howe. Common Sense of Money.L 959 Monetary and Industrial Fallacies ....L 465 Mono-Metalism and Bi-Metalism.L 1026 Political Economy in the Use of Money.L 466 Hubbard. Bank Directory of the World, 1882-4. 3 v .*0 212 Huebner. Die Banken.D 7028 Hughes. Currency Question.L 1023 Hunt. Worth and Wealth.L 987 Huskisson. Depreciation of our Currency .L 958 Hutchison. Practice of Banking.L 3650 International Monetary Conference, Brussels, 1892. *Doc. International Monetary Conference, Paris, i8 7 8 .L 3744 Investor’s Monthly Manual, 1874-92. v. 4-22.. *Ser. Jackson. Present and Future of Silver. .*L 1028,1 Jacob. Production and Consumption of Pre¬ cious Metals. 2 v.K 2536 Jannet. Le Capital, la speculation et la finance au XIXe siecle .C 5317 Jevons. Currency and Finance.L 3784 Geld und Geldverkehr.D4i5,2i Match Tax; Problem in Finance.L 995 Money, and Mechanism of Exchange...L 993 Jones, C. Letter to Charles Wood (on Money).L 3740 Jordan. The Standard of Value.L 3736 Jourdan. Epargne et Capital.C 5350 Juglar. Panics in the United States.L 3757 Kearny. Sketch of American Finances, 1 7 8 9 _x8 35 .L 3725 Kelley. Causes of Financial Depression.*1.3205,2 Silver as Money.*1.3680,1 Kellogg. New Monetary System.L 964 Kerr, A. Monetary Topics..L 3641 Kerr, A. W. Banking in Scotland.L 3634 Keyes. Savings Banks iii the United States, 1816-1874. 2 v .L 3779 Kiaer. Om Seddelbanker.C 8333 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 478 Kinley, D. The Independent Treasury of the United States.L 3767 Kline. Democratic Party and Currency .*Lio28, 1 Knies. Geld und Credit.D 7039 Knox, J. J. Address at Bankers’ Conven¬ tion, 1879.*L 171 United States Notes.L 3659 Korosi. Finances des grandes Villes, 1877— 1878. C 5519 Lalor. Money and Morals.. .... L 3734 Laughlin. History of Bimetallism in U. S.L 3672 Laveleye. International Bimetallism.. .*Lio28,2 Le Marche monetaire et ses crises.C12723 Law. National Circulating Medium in U. S.*L 165 Lawson. The Bank of England.L 3721 History of Banking.L 984 Leroy-Beaulieu. Traite des Finances. 2v.C 5703 The same; new ed. 2v.C 5554 Lester. Chicago Securities; a Manual for Investors. . . L 3701 Le Tr£sor de la Rocque. Finances de la Republique.C 5719 Lewins. Savings Banks in Great Britain. .L 1004 LlNDERMAN. Money and Legal Tender in the United States. ...L 1033 Lumry. National Suicide and its PreventionL 3703 MacAdam. Alphabet in Finance.L 1010 M’Arthur. Financial and Political Facts..L 3781 McCulloch. Bimetallism .L 469,3 Exchange, Interest, Money.L 982 Macla'ren. History of Currency.L 1011 Macleod. Elements of Banking.L 1012 Theory and Practice of Banking. 2 v..L 1001 Theory of Credit. 2 v.L 3513 Mann. Paper Money of the United States.L 3664 Mannequin. Le Probleme monetaire.C 5770 Martin. 21 Years in Boston Stock Market.L 3669 Marzano. Compendio di Scienza delle Fi- nanze.... .C 9346 Maverick National Bank, Manual of.L 3724 Mayo. Commercial and Revenue Systems of the United States.*V 748,1 The Treasury Department.*V 748,2 Medbery. Mysteries of Wall Street.L 994 Mendelssohn. Ueber Zettelbanken_*L368 o,i Mercantile Failures. L 981 Meyer. Monetary System of the World... .*Doc. Mills. Currency and Banking.L 3635 Mongredien. Trade Depression..L 3797 Moran. Money.L 988 Morse. Law relating to Banks and BankingN 5084 National Currency.*L 972 National Greenback Party, Treasonable Docu¬ ments of.. *Lio28,i Necker. Finances de la France. 3 v... C 6013 New System of Limiting Issues of Money*E504i, 10 Nichol. Fiat Money; or, Resumption. .*Lio28,I Honest Money; Redeemable Currency*Li028,1 Nicholson, J. S. Money and Monetary Problems.L 373 r Nicholson, N. A. Coinage.*L 972 Science of Exchanges.L 3667 Noble. National Finance in England.L 3651 Norman. Guide to Metal Monetary SystemsL 3786 Northcote. Financial Policy, 1842-61...L 3652 Opdyke. Report on Currency.*L 972 Overstone. Metallic and Paper Currency. L 3719 Paine. English System of Finance.*L 370 Palgrave. Notes on Banking.L 3648 Paper Question; Letters to S. Colfax .*L 167 Parnell. Paper Money and Banking.L 3722 Patten. Methods of Practical Banking... L 3749 Patterson. Economy of Capital.L 985 The New Golden Age. 2 v .L 3644 Pereire. Principes de la constitution des banques.C 6342 Perils of Pearl Street .L 1015 Phillips. History of American Paper Cur¬ rency and Continental Money. 2 v..L 1034 Pinkerton. Bankers; their Vaults and the Burglars. *E 5081 Pinto. Ye Outside Fools! Glimpses inside the Stock Exchange...L 3730 Platt. Money...L 3738 Playford. Hints for investing Money. . . .K 1545 Pleasant Art of Money-Catching, 1737. . . . *L 366S Pomeroy. American Finance..L 3674 Poor. Money and its Laws.L 3776 Potter, G. A. Manual of Currency.L 3665 Potter, E. R., and Rider. Paper Money of Rhode Island, 1710-1786.*64374,8 Price, B. Currency and Banking.L 1007 Principles of Currency.L 1008 Price, F. G. H. Handbook of London Bankers. L 3739 Probyn (Ed.). Budgets of Various Coun¬ tries.*L 68,2 PURDY. London Banking Life.L 991 Rae. The Country Banker.L 3676 Randolph. Money and Currency. *Lio28,i Rationale of Market Fluctuations.L 3656 Reeves. The Rothschilds. C 3802 Report of Committee on Bank Taxation... *L368o, I Review of Jackson’s Veto of the Bank Bill.*L 164 Review of Veto Message on Bank of U. S. . *L 165 Richardson. National Banks. ..L3778 Paper Money.. .... L 3671 Standard Dollar.*L3444 ,i MONEY—FINANCE. 479 Ridgeway. Origin of Metallic Currency..L 3714 Robinson, Story of Savings Banks.*L 972 Rogers. First Years of the Bank of EnglandL 3741 Rothwell. Universal Bimetallism.L 3632 Royall. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States.L 469,3 Schuckers. The Currency Conflict.*1.3680,1 Schulze-Delitsch. People’s Banks of Ger- . .L 3655 Vorschuss und Credit-Vereine als Volks- banken.D 7079 Schurz. Honest Money and Labor.L 469,3 Scott, F. J. National Money,. *Lio28,i Scott, W. A. Repudiation of State Debts.L 3768 Scudder. Congested Prices.L 3413 National Banking.L 469,3 Sealy. Coins, Currency, Banking. 2V....L 1013 Seligman. Finance Statistics..L1568,1 Seyd Bimetallism in 1886.L 3717 Reform of the Bank of England Note Issue.L 3758 Sherman. Finance and Taxation.L 1038 Sherwood. History and Theory of MoneyL 3775 Silver in the 51st Congress.L 3743 Silver Question, Pamphlets on.*L 1019 Simonin. L’Or et I’Argent.C 6774 Smith, J. Hard Times; Suggestions to Workers.L 3670 Smith, M. H. Bulls and Bears of New YorkL 962 Smith, S. The Bi-Metallic Question.L 3712 Somers. Scotch Banks and System of IssueL 3756 Spaulding. History of Legal Tender Paper Money.L 3673 Legal Tender Paper Money.*L368 o,i 100 Years of Banking.*L 171 Spooner. Our Financiers.*L368 o,i Stein. Finanzwissenschaft. 4 v. in 3 ...D 4776 Storrs. Shall we resume?.*V 559 Stourm. Des Finances de l’Ancien Regime. 2 v .C 6837 Studnitz. Standard of Gold.L 3657 Suess. Die Zukunft des Silbers.D 6739 Sumner. History of American Currency.. L 1000 Taussig. Silver Situation in the U. S.L 3791 Taylor. American Currency.L 1014 Mystery of Money explained.L 3643 Tennant. Organization of Credit in Eng¬ land .2729 Terriere. Manual du Capitaliste.C65i3,i98 Thiers. Ilistoire de Law et son Systeme de Finances.C13214 Tooke. Inquiry into the Currency PrincipleL 3653 Torrens. Sir Robert Peel’s Act of 1844. ..L 3716 Train. Young America in Wall Street_L 3642 United States Banks in 1855 and 1861. *Doc. Currency Reports . *Doc. Finance Reports. .*Doc. Silver Commissioners’ Report, 1877. *Doc. Vermont Bank Commissioners’ Report. *Doc. Vuitry. Le Regime financier avant 1789. .C 6954 Walker, A. National Currency.£791,1 Walker, F. A. Money. l 1036 Money in Relation to Trade.L 1035 Walker, J. H. Money, Trade and Banking. L 1043 Ward. Treatise on Investments..L 3654 Warner. Appreciation of Money.L 3645 Unlimited Coinage of Silver.*L368o, 1 Webster. Speech on Veto of Bank Bill. .*L 165 Week in Wall Street, A. l 3792 Wells. Robinson Crusoe’s Money...L 1025 Wharton. Small Coinage. ...*L 972 White, A. D. Paper Money Inflation in France .L 1021 The same.*£3444,1 WHITE, H. The Silver Question.L 1020 Money and its Substitutes.*L 619 The same..*£3444,1 Willey. Dawn of a New Era in Finance. ,L 3711 Williams. Remarks on Banks and Cur¬ rency.*£3680,1 Willson. Currency . l 1044 Wilson, A. J. Banking Reform.L 952 Wilson, J. Capital, Currency, Banking...L 989 Wirth. Geschichte der Handelskrisen. ... D 4683 Wolowski. La Monnaie.C13274 L’Or et 1 ’Argent . C13397 La Question des Banques.C13272 La Question monetaire.C13400 Woodward, ioo Years of the Hartford Bank ..- L 3773 Worthington. Finances of PennsylvaniaL3516,2 Yates. Currency and Circulation.L 3636 See also Numismatics, p. 338. COMMERCE—TRADE—BUSINESS. Abbott. Howto succeed. l 1075 Acworth. The Railways and the Traders. L 3878 Railways of England.K 5757 Adams. Chapters of Erie.£ 730 Notes on Railroad Accidents.K 597 Railroads; their Origins and Problems.. K 725 Adress-Buch deutscher Export-Firmen. 4 v.*R 4209 Alexander. Railway Practice.K 5773 Allen. Ambassadors of Commerce. L 3842 American Express Company Shipping GuideL 3800 American Philatelist, 1892. v. 6. *Srr. Anderson. Origin of Commerce. 4 v.. Y 0.1.3 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 480 Andree. Geographic des Welthandels. 3 v. in 4.D 5804 Anvers, Societe commerciale, Rapport, 1878, 1890.C 4078 Atkinson. The Railway, the Farmer and the Public.1.3444,2 Baily. General Average.I. 3827 Baker, C. W. Monopolies and the People.L 3509 Baker, T. H. Records of the Seasons; Prices of Produce in the British Isles. .L 3480 Banks. Reminiscences of Smuggling.L 3808 Baring. Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council.L 3836 Bastable. Commerce of Nations .L 3570 Theory of International Trade.L 3495 Bienengraeber. Statistik des deutschen Zollvereins, 1842-64.D 4721 Bisbee and Simonds. Board of Trade and Produce Exchange.. .N 4803 Bithell. Counting House Dictionary.. .*R 858 Black. Storage and Transportation in New York.L3260,1 Blanchard. Regulation of Inter-State Com¬ merce. L 3825 Blau. Commercielle Zustande Persiens...D 4722 Bliss. Historical Memoir of the Western Railroad.I. 3833 Blodget. Commercial and Financial Strength of the United States .*L 171 Bohn. Handelswissenschaft.D 493 Bonham. Industrial Liberty.L 4113 Railway Secrecy and Trusts.L 3832 Bonwick. Romance of the Wool Trade.. .L 1074 Bourne. English Merchants. 2 v.C 97 Romance of Trade.L 1030 Trade, Population and Food.L 1051 BOYLAND. Panama Canal and Hygiene... *L 373 Bree. Correspondance commerciale.C12101 Brissot de Warville. Commerce of America with Europe. L 1053 Brooks (Ed.). Quaint and Curious Advertise¬ ments.B 860,4 Brown. ' Revenue Stamps of Italy.L 1049 Buckley. Oats or Wild Oats?.L 3853 Burn. Catalogue of London Trade TokensK 3581 Butterfield. United States and Mexican Steamship Line.L 1069 C-apper. Port and Trade of London.A 569 Carr. Business; by a Merchant.L 3849 Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1887. v. 6 . . *Ser. Chamberlain. French Treaty and Reci¬ procity.*L 68 Chattaway. Railways; Capitals and Divi¬ dends.K 1320 Chester. Chronicles of the Customs De¬ partment.L 3809 Chevalier. Voies de Communication aux Etats-Unis. 2 v.*V 373 Atlas. *R 4842 Chicago Trade and Commerce, Reports, 1858— 64, 1871-92. *Doc. Chisholm. Handbook of Commercial Geog¬ raphy.L 3863 Church. Money-Making for Ladies .L 1047 Cincinnati, Chamber of Commerce, Reports, 1871-90.L 1665 Clark, A. J. Successful Business Houses of New York.*R 3766 Clark, F. E. Our Business Boys.L 3852 Clark, S. S. Text-Book of Commercial LawN 4831 Clarke, J. B. and Giddings. Modern Dis¬ tributive Process.L 4098 Clarke, T. C. The American Railway. ..K 5756 Colange. American Dictionary of Com¬ merce. 2 v . *R 841 Collins. The Advertiser’s Guardian.L 3862 Commercial Chronicle, 1874-5, 1881. v. 18, 19* 33 . *Ser. Commercial Directory of Latin America.I 5852 Commercial Traveling in the United States.*L 171 Cook. Trusts; Combinations in Trade .. L 3846 Crawford. Credit Mobilier of America... L 366 Cronau. Das Buch der Reklame.D 6770 Cross. Imports, Exports and the French Treaty .*L 68 Cunningham. English Industry and Com¬ merce. 2 v.L 486 Curtis. Trade between United States and Spanish America.L 3828 Dabney. Public Regulations of Railways..L 3829 Davies. How to make and keep Money.. . L 967 Denslow. Freedom in Trade...*L 471 Derby. Treaty of Reciprocity.*L 169 Dorn. Seehafen des Weltverkehrs. 2 v..D 5827 Dorsey. English and American Railways.K 5759 Dos Passos. Inter-State Commerce Act.. .L 3813 Dowell. History of Stamp Duties.L 3804 Dupin. Mercantilisches Worterbuch.D 2639 Ear£e. Album Weeds; how to detect Forged Stamps .L 1078 Earling. Whom to Trust; Mercantile Credits.L 3858 East India Company’s Charter, Debates on. 2 v.....L 3822 Eggleston. How to make a Living.L 968 Ellison. Handbook of the Cotton Trade.K 902 Emery. Every-Day Business; Practical De¬ tails.L 3856 COMMERCE—TRADE— BUSINESS. 481 "Engel. Eisenbahnreform .D 7012 Evans, C. H. Imports, Duties from 1867 to 1883.. *Doc. Evans, D. L. Facts, Failures, Frauds....L 1048 Evans, E. B. The Philatelic Handbook... L 1077 Fargo, Dakota, Commerce, Report, 1880-1 ,.*Doc. Farrer. The State in its relation to Trade L 189,8 Feller. New Mercantile Correspondence .L 3921 Findlay. Management of an English RailwyK 5755 Fink. Railroad Problem.*K 5743 Fischer. Post undTelegraphie.. ..;.D 4708 Flint. Railroads of the United States.L 1654 Foreign Commerce of the American RepublicsL 3877 Fournier. Hist, des Enseignes de Paris..C 4988 Foville. Les Transformation des moyens de transport.Cl 2417 Fowler. About Advertising and Printing.L 3855 Building Business.L 3796 Franco-American Commercial Treaty.L 252 Frederiksen. Den fri Konkurrence.C 7170 Freedi.ey. Common Sense in Business.... L 1024 Leading Pursuits and Men.K 927 Opportunities for Industry.L 1041 Practical Treatise on Business.L 983 Freshman. Advertisers’ Manual.*R 3757 Fyfe. Merchant Enterprise.L 979 Gallas. Commerce, Banque, etc ... .C6513,52-53 Gambaro. Lessons in Commerce.L 3839 Geistbecic. Der Weltverkehr.D 6801 Gilbart. Ancient Commerce.E 3130 Gibbins. History of Commerce in Europe.L 3867 Gilpin. The Cosmopolitan Railway.L 3834 Gindele. Canal Question (Chicago).*L 471 Grant. Home Politics; Growth of Trade.L 3819 Gregg. Commerce of the Prairies. 2 v...I 16 Grierson. Railway Rates .L 3799 Griffiths. Live Stock and Produce, 1877.L 1052 Hadley. Railroad Transportation.K 5770 Hall. Custom-Revenue in,England. 2V.L3823 Hanway. British Trade over Caspian Sea*V 61 Hazard. Credit Mobilier of America.L 84 Helper and others. The Three Americas Railway.L 3840 Hervey. Trade Policy of Imperial Federa¬ tion.L 3569 Hewins English Trade and Finance in 17th Century .L 3785 Heyd. Levanthandel im Mittelalter. 2 v..D 3970 Heyl. U. S. Duties on Imports, 1877, 1886N 4866 Hill, C. S. Our Merchant Marine.L 971 Hill, Sir R., and Penny Postage; by Hill. 2 v.C 2645 Hirsch. Danzig’s Handels- und Gewerbs- geschichte.*V 1400 Hittell. Commerce and Industries of the Pacific Coast.*V 717 Homans. Cyclopcedia of Commerce. 2 v.*R 844 Hopkins. Handbook of Average .L 3824 How ’tis done; Swindling Canvassers.E 1233 How to do Business.L 3851 Hudson. The Railways and the Republic.K 5771 Huet. Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients. L 3831 Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine, 1847-70. 63 v. *Ser. Hyde. The Royal Mail .L 3806 Indianapolis Trade and Commerce, Reports. .*Doc. Internal Revenue Record, 1886-88. v. 32-34. *Ser. International American Conference, 1889.. .L 3385 The same. *Doc. International American Congress, 1889. . ..*P 499 International Revenue Record, 18S6-88. v. 32-34 . *Ser. Interstate Commerce Commission, Reports, ist-4th... *Doc. Interstate Commerce Law .L 3814 Interstate Commerce Reports, 18S7-91. 3 v,*^r. Interstate Commerce, Testimony before Senate Committee on. *Doc. Jackson. International Code of Signals.. .L 3838 Jeans. Railway Problems .L 3798 Waterways and Water Transportation. .K 5605 Jevons. The Coal Trade... ..L 422 Johnston. Geographical Distribution of Ma¬ terial Wealth.... .L 3510 Juglar. Les Crises commerciale.C 5386 Jung. Lexikon der Handelsgeographie.. .*R 3812 Kansas City, Trade and Commerce of. '.*Doc. Keith. Crimes of Commerce...*L 619 Kelley. Question of Ships.L 3810 Kirkland. Cyclopaedia of Commercial An¬ ecdotes. 2 v.*R 1299 Kirkman. Railway Disbursements .Iv 857 Railway Rates and Government ControlL 3879 Railway Revenue.K 858 Koenig. Geschichte der deutschen Post. ..D 7040 Koerner. Industrie- und Handelsge- schichte ..D 4793 Krap. Gesch. van Nederland’s KoophandelD 9615 Lachmann. Waarenkunde.... i. ... D 507 Land. Chicago; her Trade and Commerce*V 593 Larwood and Hotten. History of Sign¬ boards.K 116 Levi. British Commerce, 1763-1878.L 1050 Lewins. Her Majesty’s Mails.L 219 Lewis. National Consolidation of Railways of the United States.L 3891 Lindeman. Der Norddeutsche Lloyd.D 6825 Lindsay. History of Merchant Shipping. 4V.L 977 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 482 Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Ship¬ ping, Annals.L 3S26 Lobner. Lexikon der Handels- und Gewerbe- rechts.*R 3813 McCullagh. Industrial History of Free Nations.A 8 M’Culloch. Dictionary of Commerce, 1834, 1871.*R 850 Supplements, 1875-1880.*R 851 Macgregor. Commercial Statistics. 5 v* L 3821 Commercial and Financial Legislation. .L 3567 Macnair. Self-Instruction in Business Quali¬ fications. *V 1605 Macpherson. Annals of Commerce to 1801. 4 v.*V 478 Maher. On the Road to Riches. L 973 Maier-Rothschild. Handelswissenschaf- ten. 2 v.D 580 Mallet. Reciprocity .*L 68 Manson. Choosing an Occupation.L 3857 Martindale. Commercial and Legal Guide, 1883 . *R 3996 Law and Collection Association, i88o.*R 3997 Meagher. Commercial Agency System ex¬ posed.L 3843 Medley. Reciprocity Craze....,.*L 68 Meidinger. Die deutscheStrome. 4V. in2.D 4792 Milwaukee Trade and Commerce, Reports, 1877, 1879. 2v .L 1669 Morgan. The People and the Railways.. .L 3815 Mortimer. Dictionary of Trade and Com¬ merce, 1766. 2 v .*R 4254 Mulhai.l. History of Prices since 1850. . .L 3455 National Board of Trade, Proceedings, 1868- 76, 1879-80, 1882. 13 v.L 974 National Commercial Convention, Proceedings, 1868.L 963 Neumann-Spallart. Uebersichten der Welt- wirthschaft.D 4783 New York Chamber of Commerce, Reports, 1877-8 .L 1663 Produce Exchange, Reports. *Doc. Produce Exchange, Statistical Report, 1884 . *Doc. Nimmo. American Inter-Oceanic Canal...L 1068 Nitobe (Ota)'. Intercourse between United States and Japan.L3200,8 Noble. Fiscal Legislation, 1842-65. L 3551 Ormsbee. Pro Bono Publico; Windy Wonder of the West.L 4153 Osiander. Handelsverkehr der Volker.. .D 4790 Parsons. Laws of Business.N 4909 Pascoe. Handbook to the Principal Profes¬ sions.L 340 Patten. Stability of Prices..*L3516,3 Patterson. Economy of Capital; or, Gold and Trade.L 985 Peoria, Ill., Trade and Commerce, Reports.. *Doc. P£rigot. Histoire du commerce francaise..C 6159 Phear. International Trade.L 477 Philadelphia Commercial Exchange, 27th Re¬ port.L 1662 Philatelic Journal of America, 1888-92. v. 3-8. *Ser. Pigeonneau. Histoire du commerce de la France. 2 v.C 6086 Pitkin. Statistics of Commerce of United States, 1816.L 1054 Platt. Business.L 3854 Poor. Railway Manual of the U. S., 1873-4, 1881, 1885, 1887, 18S9-93. 9 v . .*R 3742 Porter. Progress of the Nation. L 418 Postlethwayt. Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 1766. 2 v.*R 98 Price. Signs of Old Lombard Street.*L 3848 Publicity; Essay on Advertising.J 1823 Purdy. City Life; its Trade and Finance.. L 1046 Quaker City Philatelist, 1890-1. v. 5,6. *Ser . Quincy, Ill., its Trade and Commerce.*L 619 Railroads in Relation to the Public.*K 7170 Reagan, J. A. Speech on Inter-State Com¬ merce.^3205,9 Reports on Cotton Wool in India.K 901 Rhoads. Business Ethics. *L 471 Rice. Small Talk about Business.L 3794 Richelot. De la reforme commerciale en Angleterre. 2 v. C 6378 Ringyvalt. Transportation Systems in the United States.*V 937 Rodrigues. The Panama Canal.L 3807 Rogers. History of Prices in England. 6v.*P 304 Rothschild. Histoire de la poste aux lettres et du timbre-poste. 2v. . ... C 6349 St. Louis Trade and Commerce, Reports. *Doc. Sampson. History of Advertising.*R 861 Scherer. Geschichte der Welthandels. 2v.D 4791 Schraut. System der Handelsvertrage... D 622 Scott. Trade and Letters.L 3817 Shore. Smuggling Days.L 3793 Simmonds. Animal Products.K 3576 Commercial Products of the Sea.L 1063 Commercial Dictionary of Trade Prod¬ ucts ... .•.*R 864 Science and Commerce.L 1073 Slater. Law relating to Trade Marks.. ..N 4809 Smalley. The Northern Pacific Railway..K 5762 Smith, J. Chronicon Rusticum-Commer- ciale. 2 v...L 3802 Smith, J. L. Inter-Oceanic Canal.*L 373 COMMERCE—BOOK-KEEPING. Smith, R. H. Science of Business.L 3805 Smith, W. Advertise; how? when? where?L 3841 Sonndorfer. Technik des Welthandels..D 4786 South Sea Bubble, The.L 3844 Spanish American Manual; ed. by Savage.. L 3830 Spooner. Law of Prices.L 3680,1 Statistics of R. R., Grain and Produce, 1882-3L 1583 Stephen, G. Commerce and Commercial Law.L 978 Stephen, J. War in Disguise; Frauds of Neutral Flags.L 3835 Stevens, H. British Trade to East Indies L 3820 Stevens, J. A. Colonial Record of the New York Chamber of Commerce.L 1070 Stickney. The Railway Problem.L 3837 Stimson. History of the Express Business.K 5800 Stirling. Philosophy of Trade.L 3818 Swann. Investor’s Notes on American Rail¬ roads.K 5772 Terry. How to keep a Store.L 3850 Thayer. Tact, Push and Principle. L 1042 Toledo, O., Trade and Commerce, Reports. ,*Doc. Tooke. High and Low Prices of the Last Thirty Years.L 3514 History of Prices, 1793-1847. 4 v.. ,*P 284 Townsend. Analysis of Letter-Writing... L 3923 Trade of Great Britain with the U. S., 1791 .L 1079 Turner. Commerce and Banking .L 3866 Ulrich. Das Eisenbahntarifwesen. D 7094 United States Commerce and Navigation, Re¬ ports. *Doc. Commercial Relations, Reports. * Doc. Official Postal Guide, 1874-92. *Ser. Reports of Consuls. *Doc. Value of Railroad Securities, 1877-81.L 3646 Veredarius. Das Buch von der Weltpost*V 899 Vernon. American Railroad Manual, 1873- 74 * 2 v.*R 3740 Vivarttas. America at Sea .*L 619 Walford. Fairs, past and present.L 3801 Wallace. Bad Times.L 3445 Waring. State Purchase of Railways.L 3310 Waterston. Manual of Commerce.L 1609 Weber. Nationalist und EisenbahnpolitikD 7103 Privat- Staats- und Reichsbahnen.D 7105 Webster. Trade of the World.L 1064 Weinhagen. Deutsches HandelsgesetzbuchD 3401 Preussisches Handelsrecht.D 3404 Wells. Our Merchant Marine.L 1045 Why and how we trade.1.469,1 Western Philatelist, 1887. v. 1.. *Ser. Western Postal Record, 1873. v. 6. *Ser. Western Trade Journal, 1881. v. 8. *Ser. White. Trade of Montreal, 1876.L 1071 483 Wilson. Resources of Modern Countries. 2v.L 1062 Wirth. Geschichte der Handelskrisen... .D 4683 Wood. Natural Law of the Business WorldL 3458 Woodward. Secret Service of the Post- Office Department .L 3811 \eats. Golden Gates of Trade .L 3864 Growth and Vicissitudes of Commerce, 1500-1789. L 1058 The same; new ed. to 1885.L 3795 Manual of Commerce, 1789-1872.L 1059 Map Studies of the Mercantile World.. L 3865 Natural History of Raw Materials.L 1060 Technical History of. Commerce.L 1061 BOOK-KEEPING—COMMERCIAL CORRES¬ PONDENCE-FORMS. American Form Book.N 4864 Anderson. Mercantile Correspondence...E 779 Baker. Foreign Commercial CoriespondentL 3922 Beadle. American Form-Book.N 4885 Beigel. Kaufmannische Buchhaltung. . . . D 593 Br£e. Traite de Correspondance com- merciale.C12101 Bryant and Stratton. Common-School Book-keeping.K 4247 The same.*R 1102 Counting-house Book-keeping.K 861 The same.noo New High School Book-keeping.K 4248 The same. IIO i Campe, Briefsteller.p> 2829 Davidson. The Correspondent.E 2367 Duff, C. P. Common School Book-keepingK 4250 Duff, P. Book-keeping. k 862 Feller. New Mercantile Correspondence.L 3921 Form Book, The.N 4884 Gaskell. Compendium of Forms. . *R 1257 Goodwin. Book-keeping and Business Man- ual . 4254 Haddon. Commercial Book-keeping.K 1430 I Iill. Manual of Social and Business FormsL 3924 The same.*R 1258 Kantoor. Administrate en Boekhouding.D 9615 Letter-Writer, The .p 4350 Marsh. Bank Book-keeping.*y jgg Single-Entry Book-keeping.K 4253 Double-Entry Book-keeping.K 4244 Matthern. Seven Account System. 2 v.*K 4245 Mayhew. Practical Book-keeping.K 550 The same; new ed . K 4246 Nichols. Practical Book-keeping . K 491 Odermann. Anleitung zur Buchhaltung. . D 4340 Rammler. Universal-Briefsteller.D 2828 Dazu; neue Ausgabe.D 6521 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 484 Reess-Lestienne et Tr£mery. Corres- pondance commerciale .€6513,246 Roberts. History of Letter-Writing.J 1482 Scholl and others. Phraseological Dic¬ tionary. ..842 Soul£. Book-keeping . K 4 2 55 Stiehler. Kleiner Briefsteller.D 6647 Townsend. Analysis of Letter-Writing.. ..L 39 2 3 Tr£mery. Teneur de Livres.€6513,166 Vogel. German Commercial Correspondent} 1001 Vogelsang. Contorwissenschaft.D 528 Wagner. Englische Handels - Correspon- denz.D 2692 Franzosische Handels Correspondenz.. D 2693 Woolley. Practical Book-keeping.K 4243 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Adams. Report on Metric System, 1821..K 483 Alexander. Weights and Measures. ...*R 852 American Metric Bureau, Bulletins, 1876— 78. 3 v.L 3885 Bagilet. Poids et Mesures.€6513,212 Barnard. Metric System.K 415 The same; new ed .L 3881 Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Report on Metric System, 1876.*K876,2 Bowring. Decimal System.L 3690 Buhle. Miinzen, Gewichte und Maasse.. D 2639 Chisholm. Weighing and Measuring.K 418 Clarke. Money, Weights and Measures of all Nations. *R 855 COLIN. Universal Metric System.K 416 Davies. Metric System.K 483 Frazer. Substitution of the Metric System.L 3886 Horton. The Complete Measurer.K 1461 Karsten. Maass und Gewicht.D 382 6 Metric Primer.L 3883 Northrop. The Metric System.L 3886 Nouhen. Poids et Mesures. 5 v. in 2.C6513,67-68 Oldberg. Manual of Weights and MeasuresL 3887 Putnam. Metric System.*R 847 The same. L 3882 Ravon. Fabrication des Poids et MesuresC6513,182 Sawyer. Metric Manual for Schools.L 3884 Tarb£. Poids et Mesures.C6513,169 Thompson. Metric System.L 3886 Woolhouse. Measures, Weights, Money.K 1633 INSURANCE-ANNUITIES —ENDOWMENTS. Baily. Interest and Annuities .1604 Bunyon. Laws of Fire Insurance.N 4942 Laws of Life Insurance.N 4943 Bush. Our Widows’ and Orphans’ Endow¬ ments.L 4082 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., Mor¬ tality Experience.*V 683 Davies. Treatise on Annuities.L 4151 Fire Underwriters’ Association of the North¬ west, Proceedings, 1871-77. 2 v.L 3873 Francis. Annals of Life Insurance.L 826 Hale. Friendly Societies, for Assurance, In¬ vestment, etc. L 3876 Henry. Hand-Book for Life AssurersL 4089 Hine. Fire Insurance: Instructions for the use of Agents.K 863 Hopkins. Hand-Book of Average .L 3824 Insurance Blue Book, 1876-7.*V 542 Insurance Reports of various States. *Doc. California, i 875 » 1878, 1880-83, 1887-92. Connecticut, 1878-87, 1889-91. Illinois, 1871-92. Iowa, 1886-7, 1889-92. Kentucky, 1870, 1875, 1881-87, 1889-92. Maine, 1875, 1890. Massachusetts, 1869-92. Michigan, 1870-92. Minnesota, 1883, 1885-92. Missouri, 1873-92. New Jersey, 1877-92. New York, 1830-63, 1868, 1871-82, 1884-92. Ohio, 1869-72, 1874-76, 1878-90. Pennsylvania, 1873-90. Rhode Island, 1875, 1891-92. Tennessee, 1886-91. Vermont, 1868-70, 1873-76, 1885-90. West Virginia, 1887-88. Wisconsin, 1885-90. Insurance Year Book, 1874, 1878, i88o-92*L 1582 James. Treatise on l.ife and Fire AssuranceL 4087 Jones. Annuities and Reversionary Pay¬ ments. 2 v.*L 4152 Martin. History of Marine Insurance... .L 3803 Maserf.s. Principles of Life-Annuities.. .*V 227 Milne. Valuation of Annuities. 2 v.L 38 2 Morgan. Assurances, Annuities and Re¬ versions . L 4150 Morton and Anderson. Electric Lighting and Underwriters’ Standard Require¬ ments.K 7708 , New York State Life Insurance, Report, 1868 *Doc. Philadelphia Franklin Insurance Co., Semi- Centennial.*R 3754 - Rellstab. Der Staat und das Versicherungs- wesen.D 3111 Schaeffle. Der Korporative Hiilfskassen- zwang.D 4760 SOCIAL SCIENCE—GENERAL WORKS. 485 Smith. Life Insurance; Legal Net Values.*L3205,2 Tabor. Three Systems of Life Insurance..L 4086 Tyler. National Bureau of Insurance.. .*1^,3205,1 Walford. Insurance Cyclopaedia, v. i~ 5*R 1673 Washington Life Insurance Co., Statistics. . *V 1603 Willey. Instruction Book for Life Insurance Agents.L 4154 Willey. Principles and Practice of Life Insur- ance .L 4155 Wing. Mortality Experience of the Provident Trust Company.L 4084 Wright, E. Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance. l 827 Wright. W. C. Life Insurance in the United States .*Li568,i SOCIAL SCIENCE. SOCIAL SCIENCE—GENERAL WORKS. Alison. Improvement of Society .L 4161 Philosophy and History of Civilisation..L 4178 Principles of Population. 2v.L 624 Balmforth. The new Reformation.M 3353 Baltisch. Eigenthum und Vielkinderei... D 4687 Barracand. Un Village au I2e Siecle et au 19c.C 4046 Barrett. Life and Work among the NavviesL 4055 Bascom. Sociology.L 4052 Bastian. Rechtsverhaltnisse bei Volkern.D 4643 Batchelor. Social Equilibrium and other Problems.E 1967 Baudrillart. Le Famille et l’Education.C 4143 Bellamy. The Way Out; Social Reforms L 4093 Beneke. Von unehrlichen Leuten.D 4696 Berkowitz. Judaism on the Social QuestionL 4092 Berry. Social Life in England and France. 2 v.L 717 Bertheau. Essai sur les lois de la popula¬ tion...C12645 Blackmore. London by Moonlight MissionL 935 Blakiston. Modern Society.L 907 Blanqui. Critique sociale. 2v.C12040 Bleibtreu. Zur Psychologie der Zukunft.D 3103 Block. L’Europe politique et sociale.C12081 Bolton. Social Studies in England.L 4018 Bonar, J. Malthus and his Work .C 2833 Bonnem^re. Histoire des Paysans. 3 v.. .C11997 Booth, C. (Ed.). Labour and Life of the People (London). 4v.L 3916 Booth, W. In Darkest England.L 3928 Bourne. Population, Trade an^ Food.L 1051 Boussingault. Economic rurale. 2V....C4246. Brace. Gesta Christi; History of Humane Progress.L 3961 Brahazon. Social Arrows.L 4096 Bray. Philosophy of Necessity. 2v.L 1843 Brisbane. Social Destiny of Man.L 4022 and Fourier. Social Science. 2 v...L 3981 Brown. Life of Society. l 4019 Brunnhofer. Culturwandel und Volkerver- kehr .. 3098 Bryce. Social Institutions of the U. S_L 3894 Buckle. History of Civilization. 3 v....A 460 Burgh. Dignity of Human Nature.L 4102 Byeways of two Cities; London and EdinburghL 951 Campbell. Darkness and Daylight..L 4465 Caro. Problems de Morale sociale.C12129 Carpenter. Civilisation; Cause and CureL 4187 England’s Ideal . j J 3^ Carriere. Die sittliche Weltordnung.D 3105 Cassagnac. Working Classes and the Burgher Classes. L 3982 Chadwick. Health of Nations; ed. by Rich¬ ardson. 2 v.L 4101 Chleborad. Kampf um den Besitz.D 4770 Civilization; is its Cause Natural or Super¬ natural? .M 1885 Clapperton. Scientific Meliorism. „.L 4074 Colbert. Humanity in its Origin and Growth.L 3892 Comstock. Traps for the Young.L 3980 Considerant. Destinee sociale. 3 v. in2.C 4389 Corbaux. Natural Laws of Population.. .. I, 4017 Cotton. More about our Coffee-Room.. ..L 656 Courcelle-Seneuil. Etudes sur la science sociale...C12663 La Societe moderne.C12247 Crapsey. Nether Side of New York.L 854 Crooker. Problems in American Society; Social Studies.I. 4169 CROZIER. Civilization and Progress.L 4065 Cunningham. Social Well-being.L 630 Daniell. Aldershot; Mrs. Daniell’s Work amongst Soldiers.L 931 Darestf.. Histoire des Classes agricoles en France .C 4417 Darkest England Social Scheme, First Year’s Work.L 3920 4 86 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Davis Civilization in its Final State ... *L32C>5,11 Dean, A. History of Civilization. 7 v-L 773 Dean, G. A. Fallacies of the Age.L 640 Denslow. Modern Thinkers upon Social Science.L 633 Devas. Studies of Family Life.L 404S Dickinson. A Paying Investment.L 912 DONIOL. Histoire des Classes rurales en France.C12299 Doubleday. True Law of Population ...L 621 Ducoudray. Histoire de Civilisation.C 4533 History of Modern Civilization .L 3893 Duehring. Die Judenfrage.D 49 Nationalokonomie und Socialismus.. . .D 4773 National-und Social Oekonomie.D 4741 Dutton. Streets and Lanes of a City.L 941 Eaton. Illiteracy and its Social Effects.. .*L 471 EglestON. The Home and its SurroundingsK 6384 Ehrlich. Lebenskunst und Kunstleben.. .D 3030 Eliot. Home Life and Influence.L * 555 Ellero. La Questione sociale.C 9174 Ellis, J. B. Free Love and its Votaries. .*L 575 Ellis, Mrs. Prevention better than Cure. .L 789 Ely. Social Aspects of Christianity.M 3550 Farrer. Primitive Manners and Customs.. L 905 Fauconnier. La Question sociale.C 4841 Faulmann. Illustrirte Culturgeschichte. ,*D 4764 Featherman. Social History of the Races of Mankind. 5 V -* ..L 670 v. 1. Nigritians. 2. Papuo and Malayo Melanesians. 3. Chiapo-Guarano-Maranonians. 4. Dravido - Turanians, Turco-Tatar Turanians, Ugrio-Turanians. 5. Aramaeans. Ferguson. Philosophy of Civilization.L -4174 Fisher. Harvest of the City.L 4025 Flint. In Potiphar’s House .L 4176 Fluersheim. Losung der socialen Frage. .D 4714 Fonblanque. Rights and Wrongs.L 782 Fouill£e. La Science sociale contem- poraine.C12406 Fourier. CEuvres completes. 6v.C 4973 Social Science. 2 v.L 3981 P"rance. Les Va-Nu-Pieds de Londres... .C 4998 Franck. Reformateurs de l’Europe, XVIIe Siecle.C 4931 Franklin. La Vie privee d’autrefois. 2 v.C 4880 Frauenst/EDT. Das sittliche Leben.D 3179 Garnier. Du Principe de Population.C12533 Garvey. The Silent Revolution; Steam and Electricity. L 4466 GaUME. Histoire de la Societe domes- tique. 2 v.C12456 Geiger. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit.D 3183 George. Social Problems.L 3979 Gesellschaftswissenschaft.D 4670 Gibbins. English Social Reformers.L 4481 Gilbert. The City (London).L 614 Gisborne. Duties of Man. 2v.L 600 Gladden. Applied Christianity.L 4040 Godin. Solutions sociales. . .C12481 Godwin. Of Population.L 3996 Graham. The Social Problem.... .L 4078 Grandhantz-Loiseau. Societes de Sauve- tage humanitaires.C 5162 Gray. The Social System.L 4103 Greeley. Hints toward Reforms.L 4024 Greenwood. Seven Curses of London.. .L 710 Greg. Political and Social Science. 2 v.... L 608 Rocks ahead (in England).L 612 Guizot. Civilisation en Europe. C 5148 Civilisation en France. 4 v....’ .C 5149 Civilization in Europe.L 770 Civilization in Europe and in France. 3v..I 3029 Gummere. Germanic Origins.♦.. .. A 4149 Gunn. Physiology of New York Boarding- Houses.I 317 Gunton. Principles of Social Economics.. I. 4195 Guyau. Education et Heredite.C12541 L’lrreligion de l’avenir; etude sociolo- gique.Ci 2543 Guyot. Principles of Social Economy. .. .L 4166 Hale. Workingmen’s Homes.E 1160 Hall. Aspects of German Culture.L 914 Hamerton. French and English; a Com¬ parison .L 4167 Hamilton. Social Science.L 4482 Harris, G. Civilization as a Science .L 950 Harris, J. Patriarchy; or, the Family....M 1957 Harris, W. T. Method of Study in Social Science.*L 171 Harrison, F. Order and Progress.L 385 Harrison,G.L. Chapters on Social Science*L 909 Harrison, J. B. Dangerous American Ten¬ dencies. L 617 Hausner. Das menschliche Elend.D 4758 Haussonville, D’. Etudes sociales.C 5279 Hawley. Population and Capital.L 928 Hearn. The Aryan Household.L 3962 Heath. English Peasantry . L 625 FIellwald. Culturgeschichte.D 4698 Helps. Social Pressure.L 788 Henne-Am Rhyn. Culturgeschichte. 3 v..D 4700 Hennell. Social Systems and Communities.L 637 Hertzka. Die Gesetze der sozialen Ent- wicklung.D 4787 SOCIAL SCIENCE—GENERAL WORKS. 487 Heuston. Rice-Mills of Port Mystery.. . .L 3546 Hewetson. Influence of Joy upon the Workman.*V 1684 Hill. Our Common Land.L 4490 Hittell. Brief History of Culture.L 771 Hole. Lectures on Social Science..L 812 Honegger. Allgemeine Kulturgeschichte. 2 ..D 5659 Culturgeschichte der neuesten Zeit. 5 v. in 3 .D 5658 Katechismus der Kulturgeschichte.D 5669 Hoyns. Die alte Welt in ihren Bildungs- gange .D 118 Hughes. Treatise on Sociology.L 3986 H'JGONIN. Philosophic du Droit social. .. .C 5272 Humane Journal, 1887—92. v. 15*20. *Ser. Huxley. Social Diseases and Worse Reme¬ dies .L 3925 Illinois Humane Society Reports, 1884, ’91 ~^.*Doc. Indiana Social Science Association, Proceed¬ ings, 1882.*L 619 Ingalls. Social Wealth.L 4030 Janet. La Famille.C 5321 Jannet. Les Institutions sociales a Sparte.C 5316 Jarrold. Reply to Malthus.L 4000 Jenkins. Ginx’s Baby .G 277 The same.E 1269 Gaoi Cradle; who rocks it?.L 631 Glances at Inner England.L 632 Jerroi.d. Signals of Distress.L 783 J evons. Methods of Social Reform.L 3969 Jewell. Among our Sailors.L 603 Johnson. Rudimentary Society among Boys.:...L320i,2 Journal of Social Science, 1870-87. v. 1-3, 5-23.* Ser. KauFMANN. Utopias; Social Improvement. L 942 PlAUTSKY. Einfluss der Volksvermehrung. . D 4736 Kay. Social Condition in England.L 607 Kendall. Kinship of Men; Genealogy of a Science. L 3950 Kerr. Essays on Castism and Sectism. . . . L 3963 Klemm. Culturwissenschaft.D 4701 Knighton. Struggles for Life.L 4116 Kolb. Culturgeschichte. D 4702 Condition of Nations .*L 1580 Menniskoslagtets Kulturhistoria. 2V..C 7862 Kremer. Culturgeschichte des Orients. 2v.D 4000 Laing. Observations in Europe, 1848 9.. L 806 Lassalle. Bastiat-Schulze von Delitzsch..D 4706 Laugei.. England, Political and Social. .. .L 805 Laurent. Etudes sur l’Histoire de 1 ’IIu- manite. 18 v.C 5561 Le Bon. La Civilisation des Arabes.*P 820 Leffingwell. Illegitimacy; Studies in De¬ mography.L 4228 Lehnhardt. Antisemitische Bewegung in Deutschland.D 4768 Lenormant. Die Aufange der Cultur.D 5620 Leroy-Beaulieu, A. La Papaute, le Social- isme, et la Democratic.C 5555 Papacy, Socialism and Democracy ...L 3532 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. Le Collectivisme . .C 5550 La Repartition des Richesses .C 5551 Lessons on Social Science.L 1469 Letourneau. L’Evolution du Mariage et de la Famille. 5535 Evolution of Marriage . .L 4253 L’Evolution de la Morale. .C 5533 L’Evolution de la Propriete. . . . .C 5534 Sociology based on 'Ethnography .I. 663 Letters from a Chimney Corner. .L 4016 Lippert. Geschichte der Familie.. . .D 4716 Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit. 2 v. D 5667 Loch. Gen. Booth’s Social Scheme. .L 4471 London, Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals, Reports, 1865 .L 841 Sailors’ Home, Reports. * Doc. Lorimer. Studies in Social Life.L 4039 Lovett. Social and Political Morality. .. .L 797 Lubbock. Origin of Civilization.K 2944 Macdonald. Humanitism; Solution of the Social Problem.L 3935 MACKINNON. History of Civilization. 2 v.L 768 Mackintosh. Civilization in Scotland. 2 v.A 1144 McLennan. The Patriarchal Theory.L 4254 Magoon. Westward Empire. .....A 2104 Mallock Social Equality.L 652 Malthus. Principle of Population. 2 v..L 606 Man and the State; Applied Sociology.L 4460 Mantegazza. Das heuchlerische Jahrhun- dert..D 4798 I.ebensweisheit fur die Jugend.D 4796 Marshall. International Vanities.I. 661 Martin. Great Riots.L 639 Maurer. Hofe und Hofverfassung. 4 v..D 5673 Maurice. Learning and Working.L 811 Social Morality.L 813 Maurus. Volkswirthschaftslehre .D 4731 Mayr. Gesetzmassigkeit im Gesellschafts- leben.0416,23 Meininghaus. Die socialen Aufgaben der industrielle Arbeitgeber.D 7044 M£ric. Les Erreurs sociales.C 5821 Meyer, B. Family Government.L 1412 Michelet. Le Pretre, la Femme et la FamilleC 12890 Millar. Origin of Ranks. L 616 Miller. Readings in Social Economy.... L 3960 4 S 8 social science. Mitchell. Past in the Present; What is Civ¬ ilization? ,. ..K 3601 Mivart. Contemporary Evolution.. ..L 781 Moreau-Christophe. Probleme de la Mi- sere. 3 v.C 5941 Morgan. Ancient Society. L 769 Morris, C. Civilization; an Historical Re¬ view. 2 v. *... .L 4177 Morris, W. Signs of Change; Seven Lectures.L4131 National Association for the Promotion of So¬ cial Science, Trans., 1859-84. 26v.*L 900 Neumann. Geschichte der Bevolkerung in Deutschland. 4V. in 2 .D 7048 Newton. Social Studies.L 4050 Nicoll. Great Movements.L 645 Noir£. Das Werkzeugund seine Bedeutung.D 4697 Nordau. Conventional Lies.L 324 Die conventionellen Liigen .D 4709 Old Brewery and New Mission House.L 838 O'Reilly. True Men as we need them.. .E 5001 Ozanam. Civilization in the 5th Century. 2v.L 747 Passy. L’Histoire etles Sciences sociales..C 6171 Peek. Social Wreckage.L 4043 Philanthropy and Social Progress.L 4483 Pike. Pity for the Perishing.L 3997 Playfair. Subjects of Social Welfare... .L 4186 Plener. English Factory Legislation.L 657 Ploss. Das Kind. 2v.D 4550 Prittwitz. Fortschritte und Civilization .D 155 Pulszky [Dr. Juris). Law and Ci vil SocietyL 4461 Quack. Studien op Sociaal Gebied.D 9677 Rambaud. Civilisation contemporaine en France. C 6363 Raynard. Missing Link; Bible-Women in London.L 913 Rathbone. Social Duties.L 3994 Raumer. Familienleben des niedern Volkes.D 4746 Reade. Martyrdom of Man.L 4099 Reich. Bevolkerung.D 2499 History of Civilization.L 4162 Studien iiber die Volksseele.D 2502 Report of the Centennial Congress of LiberalsL 902 Reybaud. Reformateurs modernes..C 6475 Riehl. Culturstudien.,D 4705 Rus. Children of the Poor.L 4451 How the other half lives.L 3929 Ritchie. Days and Nights in London.L 3970 Night-Side of London .L 815 Robert. Les Signes d’infamie au moyen age.C 6373 Robert. Vie et moeurs de Londres.C 6514 Robertson. Modern Humanists.L 4458 Roscher. Englische Volkswirthschaftslehre.D 4664 Rossbach. Geschichte der Gesellschaft. 8v. in 4 .D 4715 Roussel. Catholic and Protestant Nations compared.L 4056 Sadler. The Law of Population. 2 v. . . .L 3949 Sale of Bad Meat in Boston. L 842 Salter. Future of the Family.^3205,n Sampson. The Ways of Man.L 777 Samter. Social Lehre.D 4747 Sargent. Social Innovators. L 609 Richard Owen and his Social Philosophy. L 610 Sauriac. Systeme d’Organisation sociale..C 6735 Schaeffle. Aussichtslosigkeit der Social- demokratie.D 4769 Bau des socialen Korpers. 4 V.D 4752 Das gesellschaftliche System. 2 v.D 4749 Scherr. Deutsche Culturgeschichte.D 4703 Schmoller. Recht und Volkswirthschaft.D 4756 Schueren. Zur Losung der socialen Frage.D 4771 Schulze-Gaevernitz. Zum socialen FriedenD7o8i Schuster. Die Social-Demokratie.D 4719 Seignobos. Histoire de la Civilisation... .C 6677 Sketches of Popular Tumults.L 4076 Slocum. Revolution in our Social System.*L 171 Smith. Cry of Children in Brickyards.L 602 Sociale Fragen und Antworten.D 4753 Sparkes. Man, Social and Moral.L 601 Spencer. Ceremonial Institutions.L 776,2 Descriptive Sociology. 8 v.*R 4889 Ecclesiastical Institutions.L 4032 Man vs. the State...L 3203 On the Americans .L 665 Principles of Sociology. 2v.L 776 Social Statics.L 791 The same. L 792 Social Statics abridged.L 3890 Studium der Sociologie.D415, 14-15 Study of Sociology.L 790 Spender. The State and Pensions in Old Age.L 4229 Stamm. Erlosung der Menschheit..D 4757 Stanley. Clubs for Working-Girls.L 3936 and Smith. Work about the Five Dials. L 649 Starcke. Die primitive Familie.0415,66 The Primitive Family; its Origin and De¬ velopment.L 4146 Statham. Social Growths in the 19th Cen- tur y.L 4453 Stoepel. Die freie Gesellschaft.D 4647 Stratton. Hops and Hop-pickers....... L 4170 Strong. Our Country.M 4098 Sumner. What Social Classes owe to each other. L 3965 Swift. Problems of the New Life.L 4190 Sydney. England in the 18th Century. 2v.L 3907 Tallack. Humanity.,.L 615 SOCIALISM—COMMUNISM—ANARCHISM. 489 Taylor. Natural History of Society. 2 v.L 949 Thompson (Count Rumford). Essays. 3 v.J 273 Thompson, H. M. The Purse and the Con¬ science .E 39 °° Thompson, R. E. Social Science.L 79 ^ Divine Order of Human Society.L 4189 Thomson. Social Problems.L 3990 THORNTON. Over-Population and itsRemedyL 4495 Thwing. The Family; an Historical Study. L 4049 Tolstoi. What to do?. L 4 ° 5 S TREITSCHKE. Gesellschaftswissenschaft. . . D 4O09 Tufferd. Essai d’Economie sociale.C 6924 TYLOR. Early History of Mankind.L 746 Primitive Culture. 2v.E 77 2 Vaughan. Age of Great Cities.L 3983 V£ron. Ohe! Vitrier!.C13317 Verschoyle. Ancient Civilization.A 2389 Vigano. • La Fraternite humaine.*V 1111 Wall und Hirsch. Haus und Gesellschaft in England. E> 3933 Wallace. Numbers of Mankind. ....K 7814 Ward. Dynamic Sociology. 2v.L 666 Wikoff. Four Civilizations of the World.. L 774 Wilson. Prehistoric Man; Origin of Civiliza¬ tion. 2 .. K7800 Woods. English Social Movements.L 3915 Wright, R. J. Principia or Basis of Social Science.E 44§7 Wright, T. The Great Unwashed.L 819 Wynter. Peeps into the Human Hive. 2 v.L 79 -* Ziegler. Diesoziale Frage einesittliche FrageD 3400 SOCIALISM—COMMUNISM—ANARCHISM. Barnett. Practical Socialism.L 3958 Bauer. Naturalismus, Nihilismus, Idealis- mus in der russischen Literature.D 6561 Bax. Ethics of Socialism. .. . .L 3910 Outlooks from a New Standpoint.L 4462 The Religion of Socialism.L 4168 Behrends. Socialism and Christianity... .L 4^0 7 Bellamy. Looking Backward.F 2620 BlERBOWER. Socialism of Christ .L 4199 Block. Socialisme de la chaire..C 4229 Boehmert. Sozialismus und Arbeiterfrage.D 47 o 4 Booth. Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism. .L 611 Bourdeau. Le Socialism allemand et le ni- hilisme ...12649 Brewster. Theories of Anarchy and Law.L 4 ° 9 I Brown. Studies in Modern Socialism ... .E 4 °o 5 Carpenter. England’s Ideal.I> 39°9 Chicago Anarchists’ Cases in Supreme Court of Illinois: Abstract of Record. 2v.*V 849 Briefs and Arguments. 7 v. in 3.*N 5 ° 9 ° Colonie Icarienne aux Etats-Unis.C 43 2 8 Cook. Socialism.E 2209 Courtois. Anarchisme theorique .C12183 Dalseme. Mysteres de l’Internationale... .C 59 ^° Dawson. Bismarck and State Socialism.. ,L 39 11 German Socialism and F. Lassalle.. . .L 39^2 Denslow. The Socialists and the Profit-Ma¬ ker.*1-3205,4 Donisthorpe. Individualism.L 3381 Drumann. Arbeiter und Communisten in Griechenland und Rom . ..... D 46S8 Eichthal. Socialisme, Communisme et Col- lectivisme.E 4 & 3 2 Ely. French and German Socialism.L 3966 Recent American Socialism.L3201,3 Eras. Der Zwangstaat und die deutschen Sozialisten.E 4 ^ 7 2 Ernest. The Internationale.*L 17° Fairman. Socialism made plain.L 395 1 Felix. Socialism und die Gesellschaft... .D 4744 Fluersheim. Losung der socialen Frage. .D 4714 Gilman. Socialism and the American Spirit.L 4468- .Graham. Socialism new and old.L 4200 Gronlund. The Co-operative Common¬ wealth .E 4 ° 4 ^ Our Destiny; the Influence of Socialism.L 3895 Held. Socialismus und Socialpolitik.D 7031 Hitchcock. Socialism. L 626 Hughes. Treatise on Sociology.L 3989 Hyndman. Historical Basis of Socialism .. .L 3999 and Morris. Principles of Socialism. .L 4484 James. Communism in America ..L 906 Jehan-Pr£val. Anarchie et Nihilisme. . . C 5355 Junqua. Sagesse dans la Production; ou le Communisme de l’avenir..E 535 & Kambli. Die sozialen Parteien.D 4777 Karlowitsch. Entwicklung des Nihilismus.D 4759 ' KAUFMANN. Christian Socialism.L 4470 Socialism and Communism.L 3964 Socialism; its Nature,- Dangers and Rem¬ edies.E 4°75 Utopias; Schemes for Social Improve¬ ment.E 94 2 Kempner. Common Sense Socialism.L 4°57 Kirkup. History of Socialism.E 4467 Inquiry into Socialism.E 4100 KRArOTKiN. Paroles d’un Revolte.C 55 2 ^ KuPCZANKO. Der russische Nihilismus.... D 4718 Laveleye. Socialism of To-Day.L 4027 Le Socialisme contemporain.E 565S Lavigne. Histoire du Nihilisme russe.C 568a Le Play. La reforme sociale. *3 v.C12687 Leroy-Beaulieu. Le Collectivisme.E 5550 Essai sur la Repartition des Richesses.. .C 5551 490 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Libloy. Socialismus und die Internationale.D 4774 Lilienfeld. Socialwissenschaft der Zukunft. 5 v - in 3 .D 3236 Mack ay. Plea for Liberty .L 4196 Malon. Histoire du Socialisme.C 5785 Martiis. Socialismo antico.C 9343 Martin. History of the Great Riots.L 639 Marx and Engels. Manifesto of the Com¬ munist Party.L 4479 Mazzini. Democracy in Europe.C 3654 Meyer. Emancipation des Vierten Standes. 2 v .D 4732 Auszug aus demselben. ...D 4733 Morris. Art and Socialism..L 4454 Signs of Change.L 4131 Most. Die Kleinbiirger und die Socialdemo- kratie .*D 4772 Losung der socialen Frage .*D 4772 Naquet. Collectivism and Socialism.L 4457 Socialisme collectiviste et liberal.C 6064 Nordhoff. Communistic Societies of the United States.L 7 ^ 4 Noyes. History of American Socialisms... .L 807 P£rin. Le Socialisme chretien.C 6172 Quack. Die Socialisten. 3 v. in 4.D 9675 Rae. Contemporary Socialism.L 3988 Rathbone. Communism and Protection.. L3260,1 Rational Communism; by a Capitalist.L 4029 Reybaud. Reformateurs ou Socialistes mod- ernes.C 6475 Rylance. Communism not the best Remedy*L3205,1 Sargant. Richard Owen and his Social Phi¬ losophy. .L 610 Say. Le Socialisme d’Etat.C 6640 Schaack. Anarchy and Anarchism in Ameri- ca .. 3165 Schaeffle. Aussichtslosigkeit der Social- demokratie.D 4769 Kapitalismus und Sozialismus.D 4751 Quintessence of Socialism.L 3913 Quintessenz des Sozialismus. D 7073 Scheel. Die Theorie der sozialen Frage.. D 7078 Schmoller. Grundfragen des Rechts... D 7075 Schuster. Die Social-Demokratie.D 4719 Shaw, A. Icaria; Communism .L 3989 Shaw, G. B. Fabian Essays in Socialism. .L 3932 Slocum. Revolution; Reorganization of the Social System.171 Stein. Der Socialismus in Frankreich.... D 7084 Stoepel. Die freie Gesellschaft .D 4647 Testut. Die Internationale.D 4707 Treitschke. Der Socialismus und seine Conner.D 7088 Villetard. History of the International. .L 4119 Waltershausen. Der moderne Sozialismus in den Vereinigten Staaten .D 4794 Webb. Socialism in England. L 3914 Winterer. The Social Danger; Socialism. L 4047 Woolsey. Communism and Socialism. L 628 Wyzewa. Le Mouvement socialiste en Eu- ro P e ..... C13 2 71 Zacher. The Red International. L 4120 Die rothe Internationale. D 4767 THE POOR—PAUPERISM—CHARITIES. Adams. Literature of Charities.L32 oi,5 Andrews. Pauperism in Sweden and Norway*L6i9 Aschrott. English Poor Law System.L 4499 Association for the Blind, Reports, 1862-71. L 839 Banks. White Slaves; Oppression of the Poor .L 3906 Barlee. Our Homeless Poor .L 4444 Bartley. Seven Ages of a Village Pauper.L 629 Bayly. Ragged Homes; how to mend them.I. 3971 Booth. Pauperism and Endowment of Old A § e .. 4442 Brownlow. Chronicles of the Foundling Hos P ita l.L 4081 History of Foundling Hospitals.L 835 Buffet. Hospice central d’Ettelbruck.. .*V 4 Cacheux. L’Economiste pratique; Creches, Salles d’Asile, etc.C12123 Planches .*R 4966 Cammann and Camp. Charities of New York, Brooklyn and Staten Island. . . . L 908 Campbell. Prisoners of Poverty.L 4053 Prisoners of Poverty abroad... .L 4165 Problem of the Poor. l 3974 Charities’ Review, 1891-2. v.i. Chicago Foundlings’ Record; or, Faith’s Rec¬ ord, v. 4, 5, 7, 9. 1874-9. *Ser. Chicago Relief and Aid Society, Reports, 1874* Doc. Conference of Charities, Proceedings, 1876-93. 20 v. in 16.917 Dayton, O., National Home, History of . ..L 910 Ducamp. La Charite privee a Paris.C 4^39 Elliott. A Look at Life in the Poor House of New England. l 836 Fawcett. Pauperism. l 4485 Fields. How to help the Poor.,.L 3968 Fowle. The Poor Law. Li89,7 Ireudenthal. Sonderlinge u. Vagabonden.D 7589 Gossot. Salles d’Asile en France.C 5049 Grandhantz. Societes de Sauvetage human¬ ities.C 5621 Great Britain, Poor Laws, Reports, 1833-71 .. * Doc. Index, 1835-48.. *Doc. THE POOR—CHARITIES—CRIME. 491 Gurteen. Charity Organization.L 929 Charity Organization; What is it?. . . .*£3205,14 Handbook for Friendly Visitors among the Poor.L 4464 Handbook for Hospitals.N 482 Handbook of Chicago’s Charities.B 3188 Hill, F. Children of the State. .L 4500 Hill, O. Homes of the London Poor.L 626 Hobhouse. The Dead Hand.L 648 Hobson. Problems of Poverty.L 4501 Hood. Peerage of Poverty.L 825 HORSFORD. Philanthropy.L 775 Houstoun. The Poor of the Period. 2 v.L 4026 Howard. Principal Lazarettos in E?urope.*V 856 Illinois, Public Charities, Reports. *Doc. Indoor Paupers; by one of them.L 3957 Ivory. Pauperism and the Poor Laws ... L 4028 Jones. In the Slums.L 4212 Kennedy. Effects of Poor Laws.*£3205,13 Laurent. Le Pauperisme. 2v.C12728 Liddell. Other Half of the World.L 3978 Liefde. Among the Charities of Europe. 2 V.L4181 Romance of Charity.L 861 Loch. Charity Organisation.L 3898 Low. Handbook to the Charities of London, 1882.L 947 Lowell. Public and Private Charity.L 3998 Luther. Book of Vagabonds and Beggars. L 4014 Mackay. The English Poor.L 3956 Massachusetts Public Charities, Reports. *Doc. Plistory of; by Sanborn . *Doc. Mayhew. London Labor and the London Poor. 3 v .L 803 Mills. Poverty and the State.L 4107 Moggridge. Method in Almsgiving.L 3991 Monnifr. Histoire'de Passistance publiqueCi2S52 Moreau-Christophe. Du Probleme de la Misere. 3 v.C 5941 New York Public Charities, Reports.* Doc. Statistics of Pauperism, Reports. *Doc. Nicholls. History of the English Poor Law. 2 v. L 641 History of the Irish Poor Law.L 642 History of the Scotch Poor Law.L 643 Nihill. Sisters of the Poor.L 4180 North Carolina, Public Charities, Reports. . .. *Doc. Nystrom. Om Aktenskapet och Pauperism.C 8118 Packard. Insane Asylums unveiled.L 858 Pretyman. Dispauperization.L 3992 Rausch Das Problem der Armuth.D 3288 Relief of the Distressed Classes.*£5041,9 Remarks on the Poor Laws.*£5041,7 Report on Soup-Kitchens and Dinner-Ta- bles .3975 Riis. The Children of the Poor.. .L 4451 Roth. Das Beneficialwesen.D 5705 Ruggles. History of the Poor , .. .*V 873 Salter. The Problem of Poverty..... *£3205,11 Senior. Provision for the Poor..L 456 Sims. How the Poor live.*V 704 Smedley. Boarding-out and Pauper Schools. L 946 Smith. Vagabondiana; Mendicant Wander- ers . .*R 4494 Stallard. London Pauperism..L 715 Stephen. Service of the Poor.L 824 Turner. Vagrants and Beggars. L 4094 Twining. Workhouse Visiting.L 3977 Uhlhorn. Christian Charity in the Ancient Church.M 2096 Ulrik. Ved hvilke Midler bor Fattigdom- men modarbejdes?.C 7639 Wernher. Armen-und Kraukenpflege in friiherer Zeit. *0382,9 Wright. Experiences of a Charity Organiza¬ tion^. .L 938 CRIME AND. PUNISHMENT. Allaman. Des Alienes criminels. C119I1 Andrews. Punishments in the Olden Time.N 5011 The same; enlarged; ed . L 4156 Archer. Pauper, Thief and Convict.L 4009 Archives de 1 ’Anthropologie criminelle. 6 v.. . *Ser. Aschrott. Aus dem Strafen-und Gefang- nisswesen Nordamerikas.*£382,24 Strafensystem und Gefangnisswesen in England.D 3435 Baker. War with Crime. L 3948 Beccaria. Ueber Verbrechen und Strafen. D 4754 Bentham. Theorie des Peines et des Recom¬ penses. 2 v . . C4151 Bertillon. Identification of Criminals.... L 4125 Bovee. Capital Punishment.L 809 Brace. Dangerous Classes of New York.. L 853 Brooks. Strange and Curious Punishments.B860,5 Buenger. Vorstellung, Wille und IlandlungD 6447 Buxton. Present System of Prison DisciplineL 4222 Byrnes. Professional Criminals of America.*V 868 Carpenter. Juvenile Delinquents .L 849 Our Convicts.L 850 Schools for Juvenile Delinquents.I. 848 Carson. Capital Punishment .I. 4115 Ci£RE. Populations dangereuses .C12137 Cheever. Defence of Capital Punishment.L 4184 Punishment by Death.L 865 Cox. Principles of Punishment.. L 828 Du Cane. Punishment and Prevention of Crime.L1S9,14 492 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Dugdale. The Jukes; a Study in Crime. .L 4003 Ellis. The Criminal..L 4147 Farley. Criminals of America.*L 4139 Farrer. Crimes and Punishments...N 4879 Ford. Criminal History of the British Empire*L 619 Fr^gier. Des Classes dangereuses. 2 v...C 4981 Goos. Den danske Straffere^. 2v.C 7192 Great Britain, Defects in Criminal Administra¬ tion in. L 852 Green. Crime; its Nature, Treatment and Prevention.L 4142 Hammond. Insanity and Crime.L 845 Hartshorne. Hanging in Chains.L 4160 Heryey. Some Records of Crime. 2 v.. .L 4489 Hill and Cornwallis. Prize Essays on Ju venile Delinquency. L 868 Hoyle. Crime in England in the 19th CenturyL 3954 Hull. Remarks on Capital Punishment.*£5041,11 International Congress to prevent Crime. *Doc. J’kNKiNS. Gaol Cradle.L 631 Joseph. Memoirs of Convicted Prisoners.. L 4133 Kitz. Das Princip der Strafe.D 3437 Lang. Transportation and Colonization... L 3812 Laurent. Les Habitues des Prisons de Paris.C 5562 Loiseleur. Les Crimes et les Peines.. . .C 5729 Lombroso. L’Anthropologie criminelle... .C 5527 Meredith. Book about Criminals .L 653 Meyer. Das Strafrecht. ...0415,29 Mittermaier. Capital Punishment.L 787 Morrison. Crime and its Causes...L 3901 Mudie. Felonry of New South Wales.L 4143 Palm. The Death Penalty.L 4179 Peirce. Juvenile Delinquents.L 860 Pelham. Chronicles of Crime. 2v.L 4012 Pfotenhauer. Die Todesstrafe.D 4754 Phillips. Capital Punishment.L 786 Pike. History of Crime in England. 2V..L 844 Proal. Le Crime et la Peine .C 6340 Punishment of Death; from Morning Herald. 2 v. L 927 Redfield. Homicides, North and South..L 939 Riboud. Irresponsabilite des Alienes.C 6504 Romilly. Punishment of Death .L 4060 Rylands. Crime; its Causes and Remedy.L 4138 Schrader und Berthold. Geheime Ver- brechen. 2v.D 2438 Spear. Punishment of Death ..L 4005 Tai.lack. Penological and Preventive Princi¬ ples.L 4225 Tread Mill for Employment of Prisoners... L 4127 Waechter. Geschichte des deutschen Straf- rechts, 1845 .D 34 2 9 Deutsches Strafrecht, 1881.D 7270 Westall. Strange Crimes.L 4144 Whately. Secondary Punishment.L 822 Wilson. Science and Crime.£7238,8 Yvorsley, Juvenile Depravity .L 846 Wright. Juvenile Criminals..,L 869 PRISONS AND POLICE. Adshead. Prisons and Prisoners.L 4130 Altgeld. Our Penal Machinery.N 4836 Av£-Lai.lemant. Physiologie der deutschen Polizei.D 4660 Beaumont and Tocqueville. Penitentiary System in the United States.L 4010 Bernard. Dix Ans de Prison.C12359 Boies. Prisoners and Paupers.L 4463 Brayer. Manuel de Police administrative et judiciaire.C12360 Browning. England’s Exiles; Penal Colo- nies.L 4077 Cavanagh. Scotland Y T ard past and presentL 4521 Chesterton. Revelations of Prison Life L 4129 Chicago Reform School, Reports. *Doc. Clarkson and Richardson. Police!.L 4159 Clay. The Prison Chaplain; Memoir of Rev. J. Clay.L 4136 Colquhoun. Police of the Metropolis.L 4128 Connecticut State Prison Reports. *Doc. Convict Life; by aTicket-of-Leave Man... ,L 933 Costello. Police of New York City.L 4011 Davitt. Leaves from a Prison Diary. 2V.L4008 Detroit, House of Correction, Reports. *Doc. Dixon. The London Prisons.L 4121 Dostoieffsky. Prison Life in Siberia. .... L 4122 Dyer. History of Albany Penitentiary... .L 857 Eighteen Months’ Imprisonment.L 4006 Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain. 3 v.L 867 Falkner. Die Arbeit in den Gefangnissen.. D 7014 Prison Statistics of the U. S., 1888.. . . L1568,1 Felton. Prison Labor.*£3205,11 Field. Prison Discipline. 2v .L 4001 Finley. Memorials of Prison Life..L 866 Five Years’Penal Servitude.L 934 Fletcher. 12 Months in an English Prison.L 2469 Flinn and Wilkie. Chicago Police.B 3176 Grandpr£. Prisoners of St.-Lazare.L 862 Griffiths. Chronicles of Newgate. 2V..L4007 Memorials of Millbank Prison. 2 v ... L 647 Gross. Wanderung durch Irlandische Ge- fangnisse.*D 382,3 Gurney. Prisons in Scotland.L 4132 Hale. Police and Prison Cyclopaedia.L 4221 Hawthorne (Ed.). Confessions of a Con¬ vict .L 4486 PRISONS AND POLICE—WOMAN. 493 Haynes. Massachusetts State Prison.L 856 Held. Preussische Polizei-Verwaltung... ,D 3407 Her Majesty’s Prisons. 2v.L 654 Holtzendorff und Jagemann. Handbuch de Gefangnisswesens. 2v. . D 344 ° Horr and Bemis. Municipal Police Ordi¬ nances.N 5071 Horsley. Jottings from Jail .L 4123 Howard. State of Prisons in England and .Wales.*V 1881 Illinois State Penitentiary, Reports. *Doc. International Penitentiary Congress, Report, 1872; ed. by Wines. *Doc. Transactions, 1872; ed. by Pears...L 829 JOSEPH. Memoirs of Convicted Prisoners..L 4133 Journal of Prison Discipline, 1845-65. 17 v. . *Ser. Kansas, State Penitentiary, Reports. *Doc. Kingsmill. Chapters on Prisons and PrisonersL4o68 Krapotkin, Prince . In Russian and French Prisons.L 4015 Lindsley. Prison Discipline.L 869 Livet i et Dansk Fsengset.C 7357 Luckey. Life in Sing-Sing Prison.L 863 Macgill. Remarks on Prisons.*£3205,13 McWatters. Detectives in Europe and America.L 4004 Maitland. Police and Justice.L 189,4 Mayhew and Binny. Criminal Prisons of London.L 859 Melville. Australasia and Prison Discipline.I 2023 National Prison Association Proceedings, 1884, 1885.L 4013 National Prison Reform Congress, 1874.* Doc. New York State, Criminal Statistics, Reports. *Doc. Juvenile Delinquents, Reports. *Doc. Prison Association, Reports.* Doc . Prison Inspector’s Reports. *Doc. Oelckers. Aus deni Gefangnissleben.... D 4165 Paine. Six years in a Georgia Prison.L 748 Pears (Ed.). Prisons and Reformatories at Home and Abroad.L 829 Pennsylvania State Penitentiaries, Reports.... *Doc. Perry. Considerations on Prison Labor. . .L 930 Phelps. Newgate of Connecticut.-L 4135 Powell. The American Siberia.L 4157 Prison Discipline Society, Report, 1830.. . .*L 741 Reports, 1827-52. 27 v. in 4.*L 659 Randall. 4th International Prison Congress, St. Petersburg.L 4223 Reeve. The Prison Question.L 4149 Robinson, Female Life in Prison. 2 v...L 831 Memoirs of Jane Cameron. 2v.C 681 Prison Characters.L 4134 The same. 2v.L 936 Roe (Ed.). Our Police; Cincinnati Police Force.L 4148 Rossa. O’Donovan Rossa’s Prison Life. . .L 4124 Rules for the Government of Gaols and Peni¬ tentiaries.L 4127 Savage. Police Records and Recollections.B 1046 Six Months in a House of Correction.E 1509 Smith. Prison Science.*£3444,3 Sutton. The New York Tombs.*L 932 Tallack. Prison Systems of the United States and Great Britain.*V 357 Thompson. Prison Life and Reflections.. .L 667 Vaux. History of Pennsylvania State Peni¬ tentiary...L 864 Vermont, Reform School Reports.* Doc. Walling. Recollections of a New York Chief of Police.L 4126 Western. Prison Discipline.*£5041,8 Whitecross and the Bench.L 4002 Wines, E. C. Oscar I. and Penitentiary Question.'..*L 619 Prisons and Child-saving Institutions.. .L 940 Wines, F. H. American Prisons in Tenth United States Census.L 3500 Winter. New York State Reformatory.. .L 4158 Wrench. Visits to Female Prisoners.L 851 WOMAN. Adams. Woman s Work and Worth.L 492 Alexander. History of Women. 2v...*V 1882 Alger. Friendships of Women.. L 540 Ames. Sex in Industry.L 497 Anderson. Model Women.L 565 Andlaw. Frauen in der Geschichte.D 4680 Anthony. Dependence of Women.L 539 Asztalos. An die denkenden Frauen.D 6442 Bachofen. Das Mutterrecht der alten Welt*V 1010 Backer. La Femme dans l’antiquite et le moyen age. C12339 Ballou. Notable Thoughts about Women.L 562 Beecher. Remedy for Woman’s Wrongs. .L 521 Woman Suffrage and Woman’s ProfessionL 557 Bellairs. Gossips with Girls and Maidens.L 4406 Bennett. Pligten der Vrouw.D 9062 Blake. Medical Women.L 4408 Brackett. Education of American Girls. .L 1123 Woman and the Higher Education.L 1718 Brinton. Behold the Woman.L 509 Browne. What Girls can do.L 537 Buechner. Die Frauen und ihr Beruf . . .D 4674 Bunsen. E. Fry an die deutschen Frauen.D 4678 Bushnell. Women’s Suffrage.L 520 Butler. Woman’s Work and Culture.L 531 494 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Campbell. Women Wage-Workers.L 4053 Caplin. Women in the Reign of Victoria. .L 533 Charles. Women of Christendom.C 1327 Chester, E. pseud. See Paine. Church. Money-making for Ladies.L 1047 Ci.aflin. The Rights of Woman.L 503 Cobbe. Duties of Women.L 493 Pursuits of Women.L 518 Congres francais et international du droit des Femmes, 1889.*\ 1879 Craig. Women of the World.E 2186 Craik. Woman’s Thoughts about Women.G 127 Creswell. Woman and her Work..L 513 Cusack (Nun of Kenmare). Woman’s Work. L 514 Advice to Irish Girls in America.L 519 Dali College, Market and Court.L 501 Woman’s Right to Labor. «....L 563 Dantier. Les Femmes dans la societe chre- tienne. 2 v.*V 1880 Davis. National Woman's Rights MovementL 4418 Diaz. The Domestic Problem.L 538 Only a Flock of Women.L 4423 DiETHOFF. Frauen der Reformation.D 4052 Dii.KE. Women's Suffrage.L 4419 Dix. Calling of a Christian Woman.L 568 Dobell. Versus a Woman; pro Women. . .E 995 Dodge (Gail Hamilton ). Woman's Wrongs.. L 517 Woman’s Worth and Worthlessness....L 515 Dohm. Der Frauen Natur und Recht.D 4679 Duentzer. Frauenbilder aus Goethe’s LebenD 262 Dupanloup. Studious Women.L 564 Eliot. Home Life and Influence .L 555 Ellet. Women Artists in all Ages.C 150 Ellis. Daughters of England.E 1076 Education of the Heart; Women’s Best Work.L 1286 Wives of England.E 1077 Women of England .L 505 Emerson. Woman in America.L 529 English Matrons and their Profession.L 4411 Essai sur la Condition des Femmes.C 4839 F£nelon. Education of Girls.L 1477 Fernald. The New Womanhood.L 4420 Fokke. De Vrouw is de Baas.D 9268 Fowler. Woman on the American Frontier.B 2011 Froiseth. Women of Mbrnaonism.L 573 Fuller, M. See Ossoli. Fullom. History of Woman.L 532 Fulton. Woman vs. Ballot.^3205,11 Gage. Woman, Church and State .L 4422 Garnett. The Women of Turkey. 2 v. ,L 4425 Genna. Irresponsible Philanthropists; Em¬ ployment of Women.L 664 Gide. La Condition privee de la Femme. .C12496 Giraud. Droits publics et politiques des Femmes. .C12495 Gleanings; a Gift to the Women of the WorldL 4421 Gloeckler. Schwabische Frauen.D 266 Goltz. Zur Characteristik der Frauen.. . .D 2873 Gourdault. La Femme dans tous les Pays. C 516S Grand Carteret. LaFemmeen AllemagneCi2503 Graves. Woman in America.I 3744 Gr£ard. L’Education des Femmes par les Femmes.C12474. Grey. Education of Women . ...L 1133 Hale. Woman’s Record.*R 431 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge. Hankins. Women of New York..L 516 Hardy. Five Talents of Woman.L 4410 Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune. Hart Woman’s Suffrage and National Dan- • ger. L 3353 Hausfrau, Gattin und Mutter, Die.D 3028 Higginson. Common Sense about Women.L 554 Women and Men.E 1251 Hippel. Biirgerliche Verbesserung d. Wei- ber.02037,6 Hodgson. Education of girls and Employment of Women.L 1122 Holtzendorff. Verbesserungen in der Stel- lung der Frauen.*0382,2 Homberg. Die heutige Frauenfrage.D 2895 Hooker. Womanhood.L 525 Houghton. Women of the Orient .L 494 Jackson. Women Wealth-Winners .L 4414 Jameson. Characteristics of Women.L 535 The same.L 536 Sisters of Charity; Social Employments of Women. L 4450 Jessup. Women of the Arabs. .L 502 Johnson. True Womanhood.L 556 Kavanagh. English Women of Letters... G 293 French Women of Letters.G 294 Kayserling. Jiidische Frauen.D 4114 Landels. Position and Power of Woman.L 500 Landriot. The Valiant Woman.L 507 Lange. Higher Education of Women in Europe.L 1560 Legouv£. Plistoire morale des Femmes...C 5682 Leroy-Beaulieu. Le Travail des Femmes.C 5745 Lewis. Our Girls.E 1339 Linton. Ourselves; Essay on Women_L 524 Livermore. \\ hat to do with our DaughtersL 499 Mann. Powers and Duties of Woman.L 569 Manson. Work for Women.L 498 Mason. Women of the French Salons_*V 1430 Mayo. Women in the Educational Move¬ ment in the South.L 1694 WOMAN—COSTUME. 495 Meyer(Ed.). Woman’s Work in America. .L 4412 Michelet. La Femme.C 5883 Woman.E 1374 Mill, J. S. Subjection of Women.L 510 Mill, Mrs. J. S. Enfranchisement of WomenL 213 Miller. The Woman’s Club..L 4413 Morgan. Woman and her Master. 2 v. ..L 4407 Morgenstern. Die Frauen des I9ten Jahr- hunderts. 3 V.D 6150 Mueller. Historische Frauen.D 4157 Napheys. Physical Life of Woman.N 372 Newton. Womanhood; Woman’s Work.. .L 511 O’Reilly. Mirror of True Womanhood.. .L 546 Orton. Liberal Education of Women.L 1271 Ossoli. Woman in the 19th Century. J 224 Ostrogorski. La Femme, au point de vue du droit public .C 6085 Pachi.ek. Die erste Frau.D 8005 Paine (E. Chester). Chats with Girls.E 2246 Girls and Women.;.L 4409 The Unmarried Woman . . .E 2245 Parkes. Essay on Woman’s Work.L 526 Penny. Employments of Women.L 523 How Women can make Money.L 4404 Think and Act.L 4405 Pfeiffer. Women and Work.L 506 Pilz. Bilder aus dem Mutterleben.D 3370 Polko. Schone Frauen .D 2892 Preis. Ausstattung fiir junge Damen.D 2895 Proffatt. Woman before the Law.L 528 Rainneville. La Femme dans l’Antiquite.C 6408 Ramabai. The High-Caste Hindu Woman.L 4402 Reaney. English Girls. ..L 547 Our Daughters..L 567 Reich. Studien iiber die Frauen.D 4677 Reid. Woman; Education and Influence..L 548 Remy. Das jiidische Weib.......... .D 3289 Robinson. Massachusetts Woman Suffrage.L 552 Roe. Occupations for Women.L 512 Rudolph 1. Gemalde weiblicher Erzieh- un g.D 3375 Ruskin. Sesame and the Lilies.K 11 Ryder. Go right on, Girls! .E 5461 Salaman. Woman—through a Man's Eye¬ glass.E 5841 Sanborn. Wit of Women.E 5729 Scherr. Geschichte der deutschen Frauen- welt....D 4676 Schweiger. Das Frauenleben der Erde. ..D 4675 Segur. Women; Condition and Influence. 3vL 544 Seidler. Bestimmung der Jungfrau.D 2942 Simon. L’Ouvriere.C 6767 Smith, E. O. Woman and her Needs.L 549 Spofford. Servant-Girl Question.L 551 Staegemann, Erinnerungen fiir edle FrauenD 2953 Stahr. Goethe’s Frauengestalten.D 2679 Stammler. Stellung der Frauen im alten deutschen Recht.*0382,12 Stanley.^ Clubs for Working Girls.L 3936 Stanton, E. C. History of Woman Suffrage. 3 v .L 541 Stanton, T. Woman Question in Europe. .L 496 Starrett. Future of Educated Women. ..L 495 Letters to a Daughter.E 5752 Letters to a Little Girl .L 4380 Letters to Elder Daughters.L 508 Stowe. Woman in Sacred History.*V 566 Strutt. Feminine Soul.L 550 Terhune (M. Harland). Eve’s Daughters. ,L 566 Our Daughters.L 534 Thuli£. La Femme.C13243 Tonna. Wrongs of Woman. L 558 The same. J 275,2 Tracy. Mother and her Offspring .L 545 Upton. Woman in Music.K 3891 The same; new ed.K 3896 Watson. Heroic Women of History.C 1640 Wessely. Kunstiibende Frauen.*V 975 White [Alex.). As it should be.L 522 Willard, How to Win; a Book for Girls. .L 504 Woman and Temperance .L 4283 Woman in the Pulpit.L 4403 and Livermore. A Woman of the Cen¬ tury.*R 432 Woman’s Freedom, when?.*L 1980 Women, Congress of, Papers read at, 1875 . .L 542 Women of Persia.*V 1295 Women’s Christian Association, Conferences, 1877, 1879.*L 543 Woolson. Woman in American Society.. .L 530 Woolstonecraft. Rights of Women_L 553 Worcester. Womanhood; Sermons.M 2174 Wright. Womankind in Western Europe..*L 527 Yonge. Womankind.G 833 The same.L 561 Yorke. Ways of Women..L 4401 COSTUME. Amman. Frauen-Trachtenbuch.*04298,1 Gynaeceum; Theatre of Women, 1586.. L 4324 Atkinson. Representation of Russians.. .*R 104 Avenarius. Historischer Festzug bei der Kolner Dom Feier. *P 1240 Ballin. Science of Dress. N C28 Beck. Gloves.L 4331 Bertrand de Moleville. Costumes of Austria.*P 721 49 6 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Blanc. Art in Dress and Ornament.K 57 Bloch. Biihnen-Costume.*P 579 Bloxam. Ecclesiastical Vestments.K 3737 Book of Costume.... .L 4321 Bruyn. Costumes du XVIe Siecle.......*P 7°7 Challamel. History of Fashion in France*L 4322 Clans of Scotland.C 3539 Costume of Turkey.*P 7 22 Costumes fran§ais de 1200 a 1700.L 43 2 3 Detaille. L’Armee fran$aise. 2v -*P 1246 Dowie. The Foot and its Covering.L 43 2 8 Dress and Manners of the English .*P 693 Eye und Falke. Kunst und Leben der Vor- zeit. 2 ..*P 698 Fairholt. Costume in England.. . .K 225 Falke. Costumgeschichte der Culrurvolker.*V 967 Ferrario. II Costume antico e moderno.34v*P 650 Forbes. Life Studies of the Great Army, 1861-5.*P 1128 Gale. Hints on Dress.E 1122 Godey’s Lady’s Book, 1843-93. (Incomplete). *Ser. Guillaumot. Costumes du XVIIIe Siecle.*P 7 10 Harding. Costumes of the Russian Empire*P 5 8 9 Haweis. Art of Dress.K. 1718 Hefner-Alterneck. Trachten, Kunstwerke und Gerathschaften bis zum XVIII. Jahrhundert. 10 v. in 5.*P 7 °^ Helyot et Bullot. Costumes monastiques, religieux et militaires. 8 v.*V 197* Heyden. Trachtenkunde.*06740,4 Blatter fur Kostiimkunde. 4 v.*P 7 X 4 Holt. Fancy Dresses described. *04326 Gentlemen’s Fancy Dress.L 43 2 9 Hope. Costume of the Ancients. 2v...*P 690 Hottenroth. Trachten und Gerathschaften derVolker. ..*P 7 12 Jacquemin. Iconographie du costume duIVe- XlXe Siecle.*P 2222 Jullien. Histoire du Costume au Theatre*V 1152 Koehler. Trachten der Volker.*D 427 Kretschmer. Deutsche Volkstrachten. .*P 5 81 and Rohrbach. Costumes of all Na¬ tions .* P 5 8 ° Lacroix. Manners and Dress during the Middle Ages. 4 r 77 Lechevallier-Chevignard et Duplessis. Costumes historiques des XVIe-XVIIIe Siecles. 2 ..*P 7°9 Linati. Costumes et Moeurs de Mexique.*P 699 London and Paris Ladies’ Magazine of Fash¬ ion, 1874-76. v. 47, 50. *Ser. Louandre. Les Arts somptuaires. 4 3*P 1606 Luard. Dress of the British Soldier... .*L 43 2 7 Maaskamp. Dresses of Holland.*P 694 MacIan. Clans of the Scottish Highlands. 2 v. .*P 59 1 Malliot et Martin. Costumes, Moeurs et Usages des anciens Peuples. 3 v. . .*P 688 Malpi^RE. Moeurs et Costumes de la Chine. 2 ..*P 1216 Marriott. Vestiarium Christianum ... .*M 387 Martin. Civil Costume of England.*R 4230 Matf.jko. Vbiory w Polsce (Costumes of Poland) 1200-1795.*P 965 Melton. Hints on Hats. E 1372 Mercuri et Bonnard. Costume historiques des Xlle-XVe Siecles. 3 v.*P 708 Meyrick and Smith. Costumes of the Brit¬ ish Islands.*P 1102 Mobisson. Costumes of the Modern Stage*P 7 ! 3 Oakey. Beauty in Dress .K 1708 Oliphant. Dress.K 1710 Oxford University, Costume of the Members*P 391 Pauquet. English and Foreign Costumes.*P 686 Modes et Costumes historiques francais. *P 684 Petrovits. Oesterreichische Nationaltrach- ten.*P 35 2 Phelps. What to wear.E 1436 Picart. Ceremonies et Coutumes religieuses. 4 ..*P 9 2 9 Planch^. Cyclopaedia of Costume. 2 v.*P 687 History of British Costume.I 35^3 Pugin. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume.*P 5 ^ 2 Queen, The, 1874-88. v. 54-7L 77-84 . * s * r - Quincke. Katechismus der Kostiimkunde.D 6850 Racinet. Le Costume historique. 6v...*P 353 Rehberg. Lady Hamilton’s Attitudes.. ,*V 705 Robida. Yester Year; 10 Centuries of Toil¬ ette .E 4337 Season, The, 1891-92. v. 7-8. *Ser. Shaw. Dresses and Decorations of the Mid¬ dle Ages. 2 v.*P 689 Smith, C. H. Ancient Costume of Great Britain. 433 ° Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek Female Cos¬ tume. 3382 Strutt. Dress and Habits of the People of England. 2 v.*P 682 Tuer. Follies and Fashions of our Grand¬ fathers (1807).L 4336 United States Army, Uniform of .*P 1217 Uzanne. The Fan.*P 658 The Sunshade—the Glove—the Muff. .*P 659 Vecellio. Costumes anciens et modernes. 2 .. * p 6 9 6 Vigneron. Costumes de la Suisse . *P 692 ViLLERMONT. La Coiffure feminine.*V 1940 CUSTOMS. 497 Viollet-le-Duc. Dictionnaire du Mobilier fran^aise. 6 v. .*P 9 2 Wahlen. Moeurs, Usages, et Costumes du Monde. 4 V. . *P 697 v. 1. Afrique—Amerique. 2. Asie. 3 - Europe. 4 - Oceanie. Walker. Dress of the Irish .. .*V 105 W^iss. Kostiimkunde. 2 v.D 4323 Weldon. Fancy Costumes for Balls and Tab¬ leaux.L 4325 Wingfield. Civil Costume in England...*P 711 Yosy. Dress and Manners of the Swiss. 2v*A 1929 CUSTOMS. Alcott. Courtship and Marriage. E 765 Andree. Ethnographische Parallelen.D 6681 Andrews. Old Church Lore.L 2589 Bernard. Les Fetes celebres.C12054 Bertin. Manages dans l’ancienne Societe frangaise.C1205 7 Beumer. Das Buch der Toaste.D 2839 Bluett. Duelling and the Laws of Honour. E 1974 Brand. Popular Antiquities.E 871 The same. 3 v.I 3343 Burton. Rush-Bearing.A 3276 Caldwell. Vice of Gambling.E 908 Carlyle. Duelling 250 Years Ago.£914,6 Cassel. Weihnachten; Urspriinge, etc. ..D 2842 Chambers. Book of Days, 2v.*R 209 Cobb. Cremation and Earth-Burial.N 669 Cockburn. History of Duels.*P623,25 Cook. Marriage .E 2207 Cooper. Flagellation and Flagellants. ...L 660 Culin. Gambling Games of the Chinese.. ,K 6580 Dick. Book of Toasts.E 2366 Domino. Das Spiel und die Spielerwelt.. .D 6460 Doran. Habits and Men.E 1067 History of Court Fools.E 1065 Douglas. Duelling Days in the Army... .E 1973 Drumont. Les Fetes nationales a Paris. ,*P 1186 Dyer. British Popular Customs.I 3368 Earle. Customs of Old New England ... .B 3740 Eassie. History of Cremation.N 539 Edwards. History of Finger-Rings.E 2612 Fernand-Michel. Story of the Stick.L 4262 Ferrall. On the Duel.*£5041,8 Fowler. Matrimony.L 560 French. History of Toasting.L 4256 Fyfe. Christmas Customs.E 2910 Gilchrist. History of Ordeals, Trials by Battle, etc.E 3135 Goltz. Eheund Ehestands-Candidaten.. ,D 2864 Gomme. Customs of Foreign Countries and Peo P le s.£3145,4 Manners and Customs.£3145,1 Goodrich. Manners and Customs of the Principal Nations.. . . H 432 Goppelsroeder. Ueber Feuerbestattung..D 4800 Grand-Cartaret. Les Moeurs et la Carica¬ ture en Allemagne.*V 1641 Haweis. Ashes to Ashes.E 1157 IIayn. Bibliotheca Germanorum Nuptialis *0 314 Hervey. Book of Christmas.E 3346 Hergsell. Duell-Codex...D 7025 Hindley. Cries of London, Ancient and Modern.L 4259 Hippel. Ueber die Ehe. 02037,5 Hone. Every-day Book. 2v.E 1214 Hornstein. La Cremation devant 1 ’HistoireC 5236 Huth. Index to Books and Papers on Mar¬ riage between near Kin.*0570,4 Marriage of Near Kin.L 4145 Interment in Cities, Dangers of.L 840 Jeaffreson. Brides and Bridals. 2V....L 599 Joest. Tatowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Kor- perbemalen .*P 1208 Jones. Finger-Ring Lore..E 3801 Keyser. Private Life of the Old Northmen A 1853 Lehmann. Verlobung und Hochzeit nach nord-germanischen Rechten.D 4699 Lennox. Fashion then and now. 2 v... .E 4242 Letourneau. L’Evolution du Mariage...C 5535 The Evolution of Marriage.L 4253 Lilly. On Shibboleths.L 4220 McCaskey. Christmas in Song and Story .*V 1738 MacLennan. The Patriarchal Theory.. . .L 4254 Primitive Marriage.. .... L 767 Madden. Shrines and Sepulchres; Funeral Customs. 2 v.L 4260 Mahaffy. Old Greek Life.A 230 Social Life in Greece.A 68 Marriage and Divorce.L 944 Millingen. History of Duelling. 2v .. E 1394 Morley. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair.. .E 1387 Mueller. Civilehe und Trauung.*D 3633 Neii.son. Trial by Combat .L 4246 Nichols. Marriage in all Ages and Na¬ tions.L 4252 Opinions concerning Bible Law of Marriage.L 943 Poole. Christmas Festivities.E 5094 Rastell. Pastime of the People, 1529.. .*V 1445 Richard. Marriage and Divorce.L 4182 Roberts and Porter. Cups and their Cus¬ toms . L 4263 Rogers. Social Life in Scotland. 3 V.... A 1154 SOCIAL SCIENCE. 498 Romain. Gambling; or, Fortuna, her Temple and Shrine.L 4248 Royal Toast Master, The.E 5498 Sabine. Notes on Duels and Duelling.E 1480 Sandys. Christmastide; its History, Festivi¬ ties, etc.E 5743 Schuster. Das Spiel*.D 3419 Sepp. Volkerbrauch bei Hochzeit, Geburt und Tod..D 6522 Sharman. Cursory History of Swearing.. .L 4241 Smith, J. T. Cries of London.*R 4448 Vagabondiana.*R 4494 Smith, W. R. Kinship and Marriage in Arabia..L 4250 Steinmetz. The Gaming Table. 2 V....E 1540 Stone. God’s Acre.L 4041 Strutt. Sports and Pastimes of People of England.;.K 984 Tamura. Japanese Bride .L 4255 Tavernier. L’ Art du Duel.C13200 Tegg (Ed.). The Knot Tied; Marriage Cere¬ monies.L 4251 Last Act; Funeral Rites.L 945 Meetings and Greetings.L 4352 Thimm." Bibliography of Duelling. *0 593 Truman. History of the Field of Honor. .E 6043 Trumbull. The Blood Covenant.L 4242 Tyler. Oaths; their Origin, Nature and His¬ tory.L 4243 Tyson. Evils of the Lottery System...... E 1581 Vandam. We two at Monte Carlo.L 4247 Vaux. Les Duels celebres.C13305 Vincent. Better not; Certain Customs... .L 4361 Walker. Gatherings from Grave Yards..N 519 Wallner. Das Buch der Toaste.D 6540 Warren. Duelling.£6418,2 W^stermarck. History of Human Mar¬ riage.L 4183 Wickes. Sepulture; its History and Meth- • ods.N 233 Williams. Cremation.L 4042 Wood. The Wedding Day in all Ages. ...L 597 The same. 2 v.L 598 Yarrow. Mortuary Customs among North American Indians. *Doc. ETIQUETTE. American Code of Manners .E 782 Aster. Etiquette of the best Society. L 4360 Bassanville. Almanach du Savoir-Vivre. C 4033 Bunce. Don’t; Manual of Mistakes.L 4346 Carroll. Wedding Etiquette.E 904 Chesterfield. Principles of Politeness.. .E 938 Colin and French-Sheldon. Everybody’s Book of Correct Conduct .L 4368 Conkling ( H . Lunettes ). Gentleman’s Guide to Politeness.L 4375 Conway. Washington’s Rules of Civility. .L 4370 Dahlgren. Etiquette'in Washington.E 1002 Dufaux. Le Savoir-Vivre.C 4746 Duffey. Our Behavior.E 1069 Galanthomme, Der.D 2829 Gaskell. Compendium of Forms. *Ri257 Glass of Fashion; Handbook of Etiquette.. .L 4347 Good Form in England; by an American . . .L 4357 Good Manners ..L 4363 Gow. Primer of Politeness.L 4345 Habits of Good Society .. .*.E 3324 Hale. Manners; or, Happy Homes .E 1163 Hall. Correct Thing in Good Society.L 4359 Social Customs.L 4355 Hartley, C. B. Gentlemen’s Etiquette.. .E 1182 Hartley, F. Etiquette for Ladies ......E 1183 Hervey. Principles of Courtesy.E 1189 Hill. Social and Business Forms .*R 1258 The same . . .L 3924 Juranville. Savoir-Faire et Savoir-Vi¬ vre. C 5363 Kirkland. Speech and Manners.L 4349 Ladies’ Handbook of Courtesy.. ...E 1311 Letter Writer of Modern Society.L 4350 Lloyd. Principles for the Conduct of Life..;.L 4348 Lockwood. The P. G.; or, Perfect Gentle¬ man.L 4354 Longstreet. Good Form; Cards, their Sig¬ nificance and Uses.L 4364 Good Form; Dinners.L 4365 Social Etiquette of New York.E 1526 Mahaffy. The Art of Conversation.L 4356 Manners; a Handbook of Social Customs.. .L 4358 Manners and Rules of Good Society.L 4378 Manners and Tone of Good Society.E 4528 Manual of Politeness.E 4606 Martine. Hand-book of Etiquette.E 4529 Moore [Ward). Sensible Etiquette.E 1599 Social Ethics and Society Duties...,.L 4379 Perfect Gentleman, The .E 1440 Polite Instructor..E 1446 Savoir-Vivre et la Politesse.C 6643 Sedgwick. Morals and Manners.E i486 Sherwood. Art of Entertaining.IC 6520 Manners and Social Usages..L 4351 The same; new ed.L 4353 Society Small Talk.E 5746 Stevens and Smith. Etiquette, Health and Beauty. L 4362 CLUBS.—TEMPERANCE. 499 CLUBS AND CLUB LIFE. Arnold. Sublime Society of Beef Steaks. .E 1827 Bellows. Union League Club, New York.L 903 Black. The Jockey Club and its Founders. K 6759 Chicago Club, Articles and By-Laws. *Doc. Germania Mannerchor, 1893 .D 7005 Illinois Club, By-Laws and Rules. *Doc. Union Club, Constitution, 1880-81. 2 v. *Doc. Union League Club.B 3182 Club-Almanach; Annuaire International des Cercles, 1884.*R 3845 Fairfield. New York Clubs and Club LifeL 901 Hatton. London and Provincial Clubland*V 1895 Hay. Club and Drawing-Room. 2v.E 1188 Ivey. Clubs of the World.L 662 Strang. Glasgow and its Clubs...,.A 1158 Timbs. Club Life in London. 2v.E 1586 TEMPERANCE AND INTEMPERANCE- NARCOTICS. American Temperance Society Documents. .L 4288 Reports, 1831-36.L 757 Anstey. Uses of Wine.N 613 Armstrong. Temperance Reformation.. .L 4282 Babylonian Cups. L 655 Baer. Der Alcoholismus.D 2442 Barrie. My Lady Nicotine.. .. .L 4265 Beaumont. Lecture on Ardent Spirits.. .*E 3776 Beecher, L. Lectures on Intemperance...J 4,1 Billings. Tobacco; History, Culture, etc .L 636 Blair. The Temperance Movement.L 4319 Bragge. Bibliotheca Nicotiana. .. *0 668 Bridgett. Discipline of Drink.M 493 Bucknill. Habitual Drunkenness.L 4293 Burns. Bases of Temperance Reform.L 755 Chase. Tobacco, its Influence.E 951 Clubb. Maine Liquor Law .L 4296 Clum. Inebriety; its Causes, Results and Remedy.N 608 Cold-Water-Man.L 762 Colman. Juvenile Temperance Manual...L 756 Conference on Temperance Legislation, 1886L 4304 Cook. Alcohol and the Human Brain... . *L 1 7 1 Couling. Temperance Movement in Great Britain .L 4317 Crafts. What the Temperance Century has made certain.L 4299 Crosby. Moderation vs. Total Abstinence.L 948 Cyclopaedia of Temperance and Prohibi¬ tion. *R 1630 Daniels. Temperance Reform.L 752 Davis. Intemperance and Crime.*L 171 Day. Opium Habit.E 1006 Delavan. Temperance Essays.L 759 The same; new ed.L 760 DeQuincey. Confessions of an Opium EaterE 1026 Bekenntnisse eines Opiumessers.D 3001 Note Book of an English Opium Eater.E 1023 Dewar. Liquor Laws for Scotland.N 5036 Dorchester. Liquor Problem in all Ages.L 4278 Doyle. Letter on Temperance Societies..*E 1171 Dunlop. Drinking Usage in Great Britain. L 4310 Extent and Remedy of Intemperance*L3205,14 National Intemperance.^3205,14 Wine System of Great Britain.^3205,14 Eddy. Alcohol in History; Intemperance in all Ages.L 4313 Ellis. Pure Wine—Fermented Wine_*L 619 Wine Question.K 6392 Review of. .L 4284 Evans. Tobacco.K8i5,4 Fairholt. Tobacco; its History and Associa¬ tions .L 604 Fernald. Economics of Prohibition.L 4275 Fiske. Tobacco and Alcohol.E 1108 Fowler. Impeachment of Alcohol.*M 1841 French. Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England.L 4277 Gough. Orations on Temperance.L 4297 Platform Echoes.L 4302 Greenfield. Alcohol; its Use and Abuse..N 411 Grindrod. Bacchus; an Essay.L 922 The Nation’s Vice ....L 4309 Griscom. Use of Tobacco.N 647 Gustafson. Foundation of Death.L 4294 Guthrie. Temperance Physiology .N 199 Hand-Book of Temperance History.L 4320 Hargreaves. Our Wasted Resources.L 758 Hartley. Intemperance in Cities.L 761 Henry. Account of the Drunken Sea... ,*E 1171 Letter to the Temperance Society.*E 1171 Hubbard. Opium Habit and Alcoholism.N 47 Iles. Liquor Question in Politics.*L 3444 Ireland , Archbishop. Liquor Traffic..,.*L 619 Intemperance; a Lecture.*L 619 Intemperance and Law .*L 619 James I., King. Counter-Blaste to Tobacco* P624,29 James. Wine Duties. l 3471 Jenkins. The Devil’s Chain.E 1273 Jennings. Treatise on Tobacco.K 6951 Jewett, C. Speeches and Poems on Temper¬ ance...,.L 763 Jutkins. Handbook of Prohibition.L 4295 Kane. Drugs that enslave.N 49 Opium Smoking in America and China.N 55 Lander. Tobacco Problem.L 4301 Leavitt. Liquor Legislation.*1.3705,4 500 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Lees and Burns. Temperance Bible Com¬ mentary . M 40 Levi. Reports on Liquor Trades.*L 170 Lewis. The Drink Traffic in the 19th Cen¬ tury .L 4298 Prohibition a Failure.L 764 Livermore and others. Anti-Tobacco . ..L4300 McCarthy. Prohibitory Legislation in the United States .L 765 McDoUGALL. The Liquor Question in the Ohio Campaign of 1883.L 4292 Macnish. Anatomy of Drunkenness.L 4286 Marsh. The Temperance Speaker.J 2459 Miller. Alcohol; its Place and Power. .. .N 43 Mitchell, IC. The Drink Question .L 4276 Mitchell, W. Value of Total Abstinence*L 165 Morewood. History of Inebriating LiquorsL 4281 NationalTemperanceConvention, Proc., 1881L 923 National Temperance League’s Annual, 1882L 43 2 ° National Woman’s Christian Temperance Un¬ ion, Minutes, 1874-92. 9 V.L 4311 Reports of Dept. Superintendents, 1892.L 4274 Nott. Lectures on Temperance.L 4291 Oswald. Poison Problem; Intemperance..L 4305 Parrish. Alcoholic Inebriety.. .N 337 Intemperance and Disease...N 387 Parton. Smoking and Drinking.E 1420 Payson. Maine Law in the Balance.*L 171 Pitman. Alcohol and the State.L 754 Powell. Bacchus dethroned.L 753 Prescott. Strong Drink and Tobacco... .K 2867 Pritchett. Smokiana .*L 4266 Reade, A. A. Study and Stimulants.L 4285 Reade, H. L. Alcohol and its Effects_.L 4314 Richardson. Action of Alcohol.*N 198 Lectures on Alcohol.*N 198 Moderate Drinking. *L 171 Roberts and Porter. Cups and their Cus¬ toms . .... L 4263 Samuelson. History of Drink.L 749 Shaw. Temperance Reforms of the 19th Century.L 4308 Shearer. Opium Smoking and Eating. .. .N 119 Sheen. Wines and other Fermented Liquors.E 1493 Smith. Reformation of the Intemperate... L . 681 Steinmetz. Smoker’s Guide. L 4264 Tobacco; its History, etc.L 924 Straub. Temperance Battle Songs. K 3843 Temperance Magazine and Review, 1832, 1833.*L3205,i 4 Temperance Pamphlets.*L 4306 Tennent. Wine; its Use and Taxation. . .L 3470 Thomann. Colonial Liquor Laws.L 4318 Inebriety and Crimes .L 4279 Thomann. International Temperance Meet¬ ing, 1885.L 4316 Liquor Laws of the United States .L 4307 Real and Imaginary Effects of Intemper¬ ance .L 4303 System of High Licenses.L 4316 Thwing. Facts about Tobacco.L 605 Tobacco Talk and Smokers’ Gossip..E 5993 Usher. Alcoholism and its Treatment. .. .N 697 Voice, The, 1884-88. 5 V. *Ser. Ward. Fallacies of Teetotalism.L 4315 Weeden. Morality of Prohibitory Laws.. .L 766 Wheeler, E. J. Prohibition .L 4280' Wheeler, H. Methodism and TemperanceL 4290^ Wilkins. Curse of the World; Narcotics. .L 4312 Willard. Woman and Temperance.L 4285 Wilson. Drunkenness ..L 4273 Wittenmeyer. History of Woman’s Cru¬ sade.L 4287 Yale. Temperance Reader. L 4289 FOLK-LORE. Alcott. Nativity; its Facts and Fancies, Leg¬ ends and Lore.*R 4491 Allen. Korean Tales.F 2375 Allies. Folk-Lore of Worcestershire.L 2588 Andree. Die Flutsagen.D 6443 Andrews. Old Church Lore.L 2589 Archivio Tradizioni popolari, 1882-92. II \..*Ser. Axon. Stray Chapters in Folk-Lore.E 1839 Bassett. Sea Phantoms.K 5915 Bechstein. Altdeutsche Marchen, Sagen und Legenden.D 620 Bible Folk-Lore. M 2247 Blake. Astronomical Myths.K 2037 Bleek. Reynard the Fox in South Africa. .L 2594 Bolton. Counting-Out Rhymes of Children*V 1682 Brinton. Myths of the New World.B 193 Busch. Deutscher Volksglaube.D 2821 Busk. Folk-Lore of Rome.F 2632 Cameron. Gaelic Names of Plants.K 2146 Choice Notes from “Notes and Queries”. . . . E 966 Christensen. Afro-American Folk Lore. .L 2556 Clodd. Myths and Dreams.L 2440 Clouston. Popular Tales and Fictions. 2 vL 2530 Conway. The Wandering Jew.L 2443 CROKER. Irish Fairy Legends.I 3601 The same.F 2900 Curtin. Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland. .L 2527 Myths and Folk-Tales of the Russians. .L 2532 Day. Folk-Talcs of Bengal.F 2927 Dyer. Domestic Folk-Lore.L 2447 English Folk-Lore.L 2446 FOLK-LORE. 5oi Dyer. Folk-Lore of Plants.K 8978 Folk-Lore of Shakespere.E 9771 Dykes. English Proverbs.J 893 Fiske. Myths and Myth-Makers.E 1106 Folk-Lore, 1890-92. 3 V. *Ser. Folk-Lore Journal, 1883-89. 7 v.*L 2566 Folk-Lore Record, 1878-82. 5 V.*L 2567 *Folk-Lore Society Publications: No. I. Folk-Lore Record, v. i . ..^2567,1 2. Folk-Lore of Northern Counties 3 - Folk-Lore Record, v. 2 ... . .T.2567,2 4 - Aubrey’s Remaines of Gentilisme; ed. by Britten . .. .L 2569 5 - Folk-Lore Record, v 3, pt. 1X2567,3 6. Folk-Lore Record, v. 3, pt. 2X2567,3 7 - Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland; by Gregor. ...L 2570 8. Folk-Lore Record, v. 4.... . .L 2567,4 9 - Book of Sindibad; by Camparetti. —Portuguese Folk-Tales; by Pedroso. ...L 2571 10. Folk-Lore Record, v. 5 . . . . . .1-2567,5 11. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 1 . .. . .1.2566,1 12. Folk Medicine; by W. G. BlackL 2572 I 3 * Magyar Folk-Tales; by Jones and Kropf. ••.L 2573 14. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 2 ... I 5 * Religious System of the Amazulu; by Callaway. . ..L 2574 16. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 3 .... ..L2566,3 17. Folk-Lore and Names of British Birds; by Swainson. •••L 2575 18. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 4... 19. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 5 . .. ..L2566,5 20. Hand-book of Folk-Lore.. .L 2576 21. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 6.. . . . . 1.2566,6 22. Aino Folk Tales; by Chamber- lain. 23 - Legends of the Holy Grail; by Nutt. 24. Folk-Lore Journal, v. 7 .. .. . .1.2566,7 25 - Gaelic Folk-Tales; ed. by Mac- Innes. • 26. Exempla of Jacques de Vitry; ed. by Crane. 27. Folk Lore, v. 1. . *Ser. 28. Folk Lore, v. 2. 29. The Denham Tracts. 30. Folk Lore, v. 3. . *Ser. 3 1 * Cinderella, 345 variants; by CoxL 2582 Folkard. Plant Lore. .. . K 8929 Friend. Flower and Flower Lore .K 8935 Garratt. Myths and Medicine.N 553 Gesta Romanorum; tr. by Swan.I 2984 Gill. Myths from the South Pacific.I 1941 Gomme. Dialect, Proverbsand Word Lore.£3145,2 English Traditional Lore.£3145,4 Ethnology in Folklore.L 2557 Folk-Lore Relics of Early Village Life..L 3984 Gould. Myths of the Middle Ages.E 818 Strange Survivals.L 2596 Gover. Folk-Songs of Southern India.J 2303 Griffis. Japan, in History, Folk-Lore and Art...A 4600 Grimm. Deutsche Sagen.D 2866 Grindon. Shakspere Flora.E 9769 Grinnell. Blackfoot Lodge Tales.B 2034 PawneL Hero Stories and Folk-Tales.. .B 2017 Hahn. Folk-Lore of Modern Greece.L 2558 Hardwick. Traditions and Folk-Lore of North of England.L 2524 Harley. Moon Lore.K 8632 Harrison. Myths of the Odyssey.L 3066 Hartland. Science of Fairy Tales.L 2534 Hartmann. Volkslieder in Bayern, Tirol und ' Salzburg.D 4344 Hazlitt. English Proverbs.J 934 Tales and Legends of England.L 2555 Helbig. Sage vom evvigen Juden.*0382,9 Henderson. Folk-Lore of England.L 2448 Henne-Am Rhyn. Die deutsche Volkssage.D 2884 HlGGENS. Hebrew Idolatry and Superstition in Folk-Lore.L 2586 Hofberg. Swedish Folk-Lore......L 2554 Hoffman. Chronicles of Cartaphilus. 3 v.E 3355 Hulmf.. Myth-Land...*E 3374 Ingram. Flora Symbolica....*R 1374 Inwards. Weather Lore.L 2595 Jagerbrevier.D 6480 John Cheap; the Chapman’s Library. 3 v. .*E 2201 Jones. Finger-Ring Lore .E 3801 Journal of American Folk-Lore, 1888-92. 5V. ,*Ser. Kalakaua, King. Legends and Myths of Hawaii. L 2526 Kelly. Indo-European Tradition and Folk-. Lore. L 2445 Kennedy. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts.F 1009 Kingscote and Natesa SAstri. Tales of the Sun; Folk-Lore of India .L 2597 Kingsford. * Dreams and Dream Stories.. .L 2550 Kirchmayer. Un-Natural History; Myths of Ancient Science.*P 623,15 Laistner. Nebelsagen.D 3211 Lang. Myth and Custom.L 2439 Myth, Ritual and Religion. 2 v.M 3805 Language of Flowers . E 261 502 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Leland. Etruscan Roman Remains in Popu¬ lar Tradition .*V 1885 Lloyd. Peasant Life in Sweden.I 1086 Loaring. Common Sayings.E 1345 Maass. Das deutsche Marchen.*0382,21 Maclagan. Scottish Myths.L 2533 Mannhardt. Wald und Feldkulte.D 3613 Martinengo-Cesaresco. Study of Folk- Songs. E 7926 Masson. Legends of the Afghan Countries.E 7948 Melusine, 1878-87. 4 v. in 2. *Ser. Menzies Legendary Tales of the Ancient Britons.F 5287 Mijatovies. Serbian Folk-Lore.L 2591 Monteiro. Legends of the Basque People. L 2529 Napier. Folk-Lore of the West of Scot¬ land.I- 2521 Neubaur. Die Sage vom ewigen Juden .... D 622 Newell. Games and Songs of American Children.K 1775 Nork. Mythologie der Volkssagen.D 2960,9 Northall. English Folk-Rhymes.*R 1389 Parkinson. Yorkshire Legends and Tradi-* tions.L 2587 Perger. Deutsche Pflanzensagen.D 4540 Portal. Symbolic Colors .*V 31,3 Proctor. Myths and Marvels of AstronomyK 2061 Proehle. Deutsche Sagen.D 2893 Proverbs. See p. 274. Ralston. Russian Folk-Tales.E 1465 Reling und BOHNHORST. Unsere Pflanzen in Mythologie. . .D 3042 Revue des Traditions populaires, 1886-9. 4 v *Ser. Reyes. El Folk-Lore filipino.C 9680 Ritson. Fairy Tales.L 2531 Rovers. Legenden in Levensbeelden.D 9715 Schlegel. Romantische Sagen..D 2718 Schwebel. Die Sagen der Hohenzollern. .D 5738 Scoffern. Stray Leaves of Folk-Lore .... K 2683 S£billot. Traditions et Superstitions de la Boulangerie.C13146 Segerstedt. My Lady Legend; Folk Tales from the North.H 2280 Sellers. Tales from the Lands of Nuts and Grapes; Spanish and Portuguese Folk¬ lore. . .L 2593 Simrock. Geschichtliche deutsche Sagen.. D 818 Strantz. Die Blumen in Sage.D 4596 Swainson. Weather Folk-Lore.L 2522 Theal. Kaffir Folk-Lore.L 2590 Trog. Rheinlands Wunderhorn. 15V....D2978 Tyas. Language of Flowers.*R 1372 Vernaleken. In the Land of Marvels; Folk- Tales from Austria and Bohemia.L 2592 Vernaleken. Mythen und Brauche des Volkes in Oesterreich.D 2979 Wilde. Legends and Superstitions of Ireland. 2 v..A 1340 Wilson. The Pitman’s Pay., .*E 1664 Wratislaw (Tr.). Folk-Tales from Slavonic Sources.... L 2528 GIPSIES. Borrow. English Gipsy Language.J 844 The Zincali; or, Gipsies of Spain.I 6924 Crabb. The Gipsie’s Advocate.L 3976 Grellmann. Historischer Versuch uber die Zigeuner.D 3007 Groome. In Gypsy Tents.L 650 Hoyland. Historical Survey of Gypsies...A 16 Leland, C. G. The Gypsies.L 651 Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling.. .*V 1884 Liebich. Die Zigeuner in ihrem Wesen.. .D 5621 Liszt. Des Bohemiens et de leur Musique..C 5713 Die Zigeuner und ihre Musik.D2o7i,6 MacRitchie. Accounts of Gypsies in India. L 4270 Norwood. Our Gipsies in City, Tent and Van.L 4064 Pennell. To Gipsyland.I 7449 SlMSON. History of the Gipsies . . . . A 464 Smart and Crofton. Dialect of English Gipsies.J 938 Smith, G. Gipsy Life .L 634 Smith, L. A. Through Romany Songland.E 8445 WLISLOCKI. Vom wandernden ZigeunervolkeD 3075 SLAVERY AND THE NEGRO. Abolition a Sedition.L 738 Abolition Societies, Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1796.*L488i,2 Adams. South-Side View of Slavery.L 725 African Mission School Society, Proceedings*L 741 African Repository, 1845-62. 17 v. *Ser. Alden. The Emancipator and the Liberator*L4850,3 American Anti-Slavery Society, Annual Re¬ port, 1861.*L 4893 Platform, 1855...^4850,4 American Colonization Society: Address of Managers, 1832.*L 741 and Colony at Liberia.*L 741 Reports, 1830-33.*L 741 Semi-Centenial, 1867. ..L 4884 Appeal to Pharaoh; the Negro Problem. .. .L 4902 Armistead. Tribute for the Negro.L 4896 Armstrong, G. D. Christian Doctrine of Slavery .L 685 SLAVERY AND THE NEGRO. 503 Armstrong, S. C. Emigration to Liberia*L4850,2 Aughey. Iron Furnace of Slavery. ...... .L 686 Babington. Influence of Christianity on Sla¬ very.L 570 Bacon. Slavery discussed.L 4870 Ball. Slavery in the United States.L 4863 Barber. The Amistad Captives.*B 862,2 Barnes. The Church and Slavery.L 687 Scriptural Views of Slavery.L 688 Bei.L. Debt to Africa; Hope of Liberia. .*64850,1 Berlioux. Slave Trade in Africa in 1872. .L 4904 Blair, F. P. Acquisition of Territory for Ne¬ groes.*L4850,2 Blair, I.. H. Prosperity of the South and Elevation of the Negro.L 4898 Blake. Slavery and the Slave Trade.L 4860 Blanchard and Rice. Debate on Slavery, 1845.L 4907 Bledsoe. Liberty and Slavery.L 671 Blyden. Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race.M 3338 Boston, Equal School Rights in.*64850,4 Botume. First Days amongst the Contra¬ bands.L 4892 Brackett. The Negro in Maryland.63200,6 Progress of the Negro in Maryland. . .*63201,8 Brown, W. H. Early Movement in Illinc ; s for Slavery. *61353,4 Brown, W. W. Anti-Slavery Harp.*64850,4 Brownlow and Pryne. Ought American Slavery to be perpetuated?. L 4854 Bruce. The Plantation Negro as a Freeman.L 4897 Burwell. Our Black Peasantry.*Mi488,2 Buxton. American Slave Trade.L 668 Cable. The Negro Question.L 4899 The Silent South.L 309 Cairnes. Slave Power; its Character.L 714 Carey. Letters on Colonization Society. .*L 741 The same .*64850,2 The Slave Trade.L 672 Chains of Slavery; Despotism disclosed .... *V 361 Chambers. American Slavery.L 716 Channing’s Slavery, Remarks on .L 681 Chapman. Right and Wrong in Massachu¬ setts.*L4850,4 Chase, H. and Sanborn. North and So*’.th.L 690 Chase, L. B. English Serfdom and Ameri¬ can Slavery.L 689 Cheever. God against Slavery.L 691 Guilt of Slavery.L 692 Child. Anecdotes of American Slavery.. *64850,4 Appeal for Africans.L 693 Correspondence with Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason.*64850,4 Child. The Freedmen's Book.E 950 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.. . .C 413 Right Way the Safe Way.*64850,3 Clarke, J. F. Anti-Slavery Days.L 4856 Clarke, R. F. (Ed.). Cardinal Lavigerieand the Slave Trade.L 4905 Clarkson. Essay on Slavery ..L 673 The same.L 694 Abolition of African Slave Trade.L 736 Impolicy of African Slave Trade.L 673 Clowes. Black America.L 4900 Cobb. Historical Sketch of Slavery.L 712 Cochin. Results of Slavery.L 720 Results of Emancipation.L 721 Colomb. Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean. I 1317 Colonization Society of Connecticut Address of. *L 741 Report of, 1832.*L 741 Colton. Colonization and Abolition... .*1.4850,1 Condorcet. Reflexions sur l’Esclavage des Negres.Ci2207,7 Cooper. Slavery in Africa.L 683 Coxe. Detention in Time of Peace .*64850,2 Crandall, R., Trial of, for circulating Anti- Slavery Tracts. .6 681 Crummell. Future of Africa.L 695 De WiNTTON. Freedom and Slavery.*L 731 Donnell. Slavery and Protection.*L 471 Douglas, S. Political Record on Slavery Question...*M 1488,2 Ebony Idol.L 696 Elliott, C. Sinfulness of American Slavery. 2v.L 4843 Elliott, E. N. Cotton is King; Pro-Slavery Arguments.L 4871 Ellison. Slavery and Secession in AmericaL 4889 Emancipation in Disguise.L 379 English Pamphlets on Slavery.*L 4881 v. I. Horrors of Negro Slavery, 1805. Memoranda respecting French Slave Trade, 1820. A Word to the Sons of Africa, 1822. Address on the Slave Trade, by Friends, 1822. Wilberforce. Appeal in behalf of Slaves, 1823. Hodgson. Letter on Free and Slave Labor, 1823. Cropper. Relief of West Indian Distress, 1823. East and West India Sugar, 1823. Gurney. Speech on British Colo¬ nial Slavery, 1824. 5°4 SOCIAL SCIENCE. English Pamphlets on Slavery..*L 4881 v. 1. Illinois, Injurious Effects of Slave Labor in, 1824. Clarkson. Improving Condition of Slaves, 1824. Negro Slavery in the United States and the West Indies, 1824. Cooper. Condition of Slaves, 1824. and Hibbert. Correspond¬ ence, 1824. Address from Leicester Anti-Slavery Society, 1824. 2. Benezet. Caution to Great Britain, 1784. Thoughts on Slavery, 1785. Agutter. Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1788. Scripture the Friend of Freedom, 1789. Notes on Jamaica Reports, 1789. Burgess. Abolition of Slavery, 1789. Observations on Abolition, 1790. Thoughts on the Evil of Slavery. Wadstrom. Observations on Slave Trade, 1789. Minutes of Convention of Abolition Societies, 1796. Equal Suffrage; an Address.*L 731 Estes. Defence of Negro Slavery.L 4877 Fairbank. During Slavery Times.L 4903 Fischer. Ueber die menschliche Freiheit. .D 3033 Fitzgerald. Slavery and Abolition... .*£5041,11 Fletcher. Studies on Slavery.L 4841 Foard. North America and Africa.*£4850,1 Fortune. Black and White; Labor and Poli¬ tics in the South.L 315 Freeman. Yaradee; Plea for Africa .L 697 French. Slavery in South Carolina.L 4847 Fuller and Wayland. Correspondence on Domestic Slavery.L 698 Garrison. No Compromise with Slavery .*£4850,3 Germantown Friends’ Protest against Slavery, 1688 (fac-simile).*R 4275 Godwin. Lectures on Slavery.L 4864 Goodell. American Slave Code.L 4845 Goodwin. Southern Slavery.L 679 Governing Race, The.L 732 Greeley. History of Slavery Struggle.... L 669 Gregoire, Literature of Negroes.*L 699 Griesinger. Freiheit und Sclaverei. 2 v. .D 3758 Griffiths. Autographs for Freedom. 2 v.E 1152 Grimk£, A. E. Letters on Slavery.L 4880 GROSVENOR. Review of the Correspondence of Fuller and Wayland.£ 4858 Gurowski. Slavery in History./. ..L 680 FTagood. The Colored Man in the Methodist Episcopal Church.M 3657 Hall. Two-fold Slavery.L 4859 Hamilton. Slave Power. *l 731 Harper and others. Pro-Slavery ArgumentL 4865 Hartzell. The Negro Exodus.*Mi488,2 Haven Sermons and Speeches on Slavery.L 4888 Helper. Negroes in Negroland. L 4853 Heyrick. Immediate Abolition.*£4850,4 Hildreth Despotism in America.L 700 Hodgman. Nation’s Sin and Punishment. .L 701 Hopkins, D. C. True Cause of Contention.L 702 Hopkins, J. H. Scriptural View of SlaveryL 678 Hosmer. Slavery and the Church .L 703 Howard, O. O., Charges against .*1.4850,1 Howe. African Colonization.*£4850,2 Humphrey. The Color Question.*£4850,2 Jay, W., and Movement for Abolition of Slavery; byTuckerman.L 4908 Colonization and Abolition Societies... .L 704 Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery. L 734 Federal Government and Slavery.L 4885 Letter on Webster’s Speech on Slavery*L485o,4 Jeremie. Colonial Slavery.377& Johnston. History of a Slave . L 4901 Justice and Jurisprudence; 13th—15th Amend¬ ments.L 3346 Kapp. Geschic'nte der Sklaverei.D 4737 Keefer. Slavery.£ 4874 Langston. The Exodus .*£4850,2 Latrobe and Gurley. American Coloniza¬ tion Society.*£4850,1 Liberty; Anti-Slavery Speeches.*£4850,4 Liberty Bell; by Friends of Freedom. L 4894 Livermore. Negroes as Citizens and SoldiersL 705 The same.Bio3i,6 Lord. Slavery and the Constitution .*L 731 Lounsbury. Pro-slavery overthrown.£ 727 Mann, II. Letters and Speeches on SlaveryL 4842 Marshall. The Exodus.*£48502 MATLACK. Anti-Slavery Struggle in the M. E. Church. l 743 Matthews. J. F. W. Ware and his Work.*L 4 85o,2 May. Recollections of Anti-Slavery Conflict.L 730 Mayer. Capt. Canot; 20 Years a Slaver.. .L 4851 Moore. Slavery in Massachusetts. L 737 Additional Notes onthesame .*£3205,11 Morris. Address to Slave States .*L 731 Mott. Sketches of Persons of Color.C 1663 National Conference of Colored Men, 1879.*£4850,1 Negro Pew; Distinction on account of Color.L 4862 Negro Slavery in the United States and the West Indies.*£4881,1 SLAVERY AND THE NEGRO. 5°5 Nell. Colored Patriots of the American Rev¬ olution... .B 313 New England Anti-Slavery Convention, Pro¬ ceedings, 1836.L 681 New Reign of Terror, 1859-60.*1.4850,3 Northup. Twelve Years a Slave.L 4873 The same.„.F 1246 Nctt. Slavery and its Remedy.L 4872 O’Connell. Letters on American Slavery*L485o,2 Ohio Anti-Slavery Convention, Proceedings, 1835.L 681 Ordinance for the Police of Slaves in St. Landry.L 729 Oyven. Wrong of Slavery.L 677 Paine. Six Years in a Georgia Prison.L 748 Papers relative to Restriction of Slavery. . . .*L 741 Parsons. Inside View of Slavery.L 706 Patton. Gilgal of the Colored Race... .^4850,2 Paxton. Letters on Slavery.L 707 Perry. Twelve Years among the Colored People. M 1817 Phillips. The Constitution a Pro-Slavery Compact.L 4883 Pierpont. Anti-Slavery Poems.^4850,4 Pillsbury. Acts of the Anti-Slavery ApostlesL 4855 Platform of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1855 .*L485o,4 Pollard. Black Diamonds.I 5311 Poole. Anti-Slavery Opinions before 1800.L 722 Priest. Slavery.L 4879 Pro-Slavery Argument .L 4865 Providential Aspect of the Crisis.L 726 Redpath. Talks with Slaves.L 739 Reeder. Colored Population of Maryland*L485o, 1 Relation of the White and African Races in the United States.^4850,2 Report on Mail Steamships to Liberia.^4850,1 Results of Emancipation.*L 731 Revolution the only Remedy.*1.4850,4 Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Convention, Pro¬ ceedings, 1836.L 681 Robinson. Slavery and Anti-Slavery.L 740 Ross, A. M. Recollections of an Abolitionist.L 4857 Ross, F. A. Slavery ordained of God.L 676 Sanborn. Emancipation of the West Indies*L 171 Sawyer. Southern Institutes.L 4848 Scott. Appeal to the Methodist Episcopal Church. . .. . 4 . L 4882 SEABURY. American Slavery justified. ...L 744 SHANAFELT. End of Slavery Controversy .*L 731 Shannon. Domestic Slavery.*1,4850,2 Sharp. Just Limitation of Slavery.L 4852 Shipherd. Oberlin-Wellington Rescue...L 735 Shufei.dt. Liberia. *1.4850,2 Slave Songs of the South.K 4039 Slavery and Freedom.*L 731 Slavery indispensable to African Civiliza¬ tion.*L485 o,i SMITH, J. Is Slavery Sinful?.L 4866 SMITH, W. A. Lectures on Slavery.L 4868 Some Thoughts on Domestic Slavery.L 733 South, The, vindicated from Treason .L 724 ‘Stanley. Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa...L 4891 Stanton. Remarks on Slavery.*1,4850,4 Stearns, C. The Black Man of the South..L 4886 Stearns, E. J. Notes on Uncle Tom’s CabinL 674 "Stebbins. American Colonization Society. L 4844 Stephen. Anti Slavery Recollections.L 684 Stevens. Anthony Burns..B 3487 Steward. Twenty-two Years a Slave.L 4869 Stewart, A. Writings on Slavery.L 708 Stiles. Modern Reform in Slavery.L 709 Still. Underground Railroad.L 742 Stowe. Edmondson Family.L 4861 Uncle Tom’s Cabin.F 1732 Key to the same.F 1735 The same.L 4895 Stringfellow. Slavery; its Origin, History*L 171 Sugenheim. Aufhebung d. Leibeigenschaft.D 4657 Sulivan. Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters.I 1658 Theory of Miscegenation.L 785 Thome and Kimball. Emancipation in the West Indies.L 4887 Thompson. Lectures on Slavery.L 682 Thoreau. Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers.L 4906 Thornton. History of Slavery .L 4876 Thurin. Arbitrary Arrests.L 711 Tourmagne. Histoire de l’Esclavage.C 6910 Histoire du Servage.C 6911 Tower. Slavery unmasked.L 713 Tracts on Slavery.L 719 Tracts on Slavery, and other Papers.L 681 Tucker. Slavery in Virginia, 1796.L 728 Turnbull. Travels in Cuba; with Notices of the Slave Trade...., .I 388 Van Buren, T. B. Speech against Slavery.*L 731 Van Dyke. Character and Influence of Abo¬ litionism .*1.4850,2 Van Evrie. Negroes and Slavery.L 4867 White Supremacy and Negro Subordina¬ tion .L 4849 Walker, J., Trial of, for aiding Slaves.L 4875 Walker, R. J. American Slavery and Fi¬ nance.L 675. Mississippi Slave Question.^4850,2 Wallon. Histoire de l’Esclavage dans l’An- tiquite. 3 v.C13369 5 o6 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Weston. Progress of Slavery in the U. S.. I. 4S46 The same.*1.4850,1 Wigham. Anti-Slavery and its Martyrs.. . L 4878 Willey. History of Anti-Slavery Cause... I. 4890 Williams. Negro Race in America. 2 v..B 332 Negro Troops in the Rebellion. ......B 2583 Wilson, H. History of Anti-Slavery Meas¬ ures ...L 723 Rise and Fall of the Slave Power. 3 v.B 102 WILSON, J. T. Black Phalanx; Negro Soldiers of the United States, 1775-1865.B 2521 MORMONISM. Beadle. Brigham’s Destroying Angel; Hick¬ man.C 337 Life in Utah....L 581 and Hollister. Polygamy or Mormon- ism.L 574 Beers. Mormon Puzzle; how to solve it.. .L 4208 Belisle. Prophets; Mormonism unveiled..L 580 Bennett. History of the Mormons.L 584 Bon wick. Mormons and the Silver Mines.. I 188 Book of Mormon; by J. Smith.M 1167 Burton. City of the Saints.I 547 Busch. - * Geschichte der Mormonen.D 3538 Caswall. Rise and Progress of Mormonism. L 4204 Chandless. Visit to Salt Lake, 1857. 1 281 Codman. The Mormon Country.I 5529 Solution of the Mormon Problem.L326o,2 Dai.l. Letters from Utah.I 5424 Dickenson. New Light on Mormonism ..L 559 Dixon. Seelenbraute. 2v.D 3521 Spiritual Wives. G 184 Dunn. How to solve the Mormon Problem*L 373 Duplessis. Les Mormons; un Roman.C 4750 Ferris, B. G. Mormons at Home.L 585 Ferris, Mrs. B. G. Utah and the Mormons L 583 Fifteen Years’ Residence with the Mormons.L 578 Froiseth. Women of Mormonism.. .L 573 Fuller. Mormon Wives .F 624 Green. Mormonism; its rise and Progress. .L 593 Gunnison. Mormons; or, Latter-Day Saints.L 586 Handbook on Mormonism. .*L3205,11 Howe. History of Mormonism . L 4214 Hyde. Leaders and Designs of MormonismL 587 Kane. Discourse on the Mormons.. .L 572 Kennedy. Early Days of Mormonism.L 4213 Kidder. Mormonism and the Mormons. . .L 4209 Lamb. Golden Bible; or, Book of Mormon. L 4210 Lyford. The Mormon Problem .L 4211 Mayhew. The Mormons. L 589 M£rim£e. Les Mormons .C 5817 Mormonism; from Edinburgh Review. . t . .14000,25 Mormons; or, Latter Day Saints .L 576 Musser. Fruits of Mormonism.*L 171 Noble. The Mormon Iniquity.*L3205 ,ii Parsons. Mormon Fanaticism exposed... L 4203 Pratt, O. Pamphlets on Mormonism.L 4202 Pratt, P. P. Voice of Warning; MormonismM 2050 Rae. Westward, and a Visit to the Mormons.I 125 The same.G 794 R£my. Voyage au Pays des Mormons.C 6438 Robinson. Sinners and Saints.I 5531 Schlagintweit. Die Mormonen.D 4755 Smith, J. Book of Doctrine and CovenantsM 4114 Spaulding, S., Manuscript Story of.L 4205 Stenhouse. Expose of Polygamy in Utah. L 579 Rocky Mountain Saints; Mormons.L 582 Tell it all; Mormonism.L 588 Tayi.der. The Mormon’s Own Book .L 4206 Tracts on Mormonism.M 2051 Tucker. Origin and Progress 'of Mormon¬ ism. • .. .L 577 Turner. Mormonism in all Ages.L 571 Waite. Life among the Mormons.I 5442 Mormon Prophet and his Harem.C 573 Ward, A. N. Male Life among the Mor¬ mons .L 590 Ward, M. Female Life among the Mor¬ mons .' • • *.L 591 The Mormon Wife.L 592 Woodward. Catalogue of Works on Mor¬ monism .*0 626 Young. Wife No. 19; Expose of MormonismL 4207 SECRET SOCIETIES—FREEMASONRY. Adam. De Geheimen der Vrijmetselarij. . .D 9263 Adams. Letters on Freemasonry.L 4569 Addison. The Knights Templars.L 898 The same; enlarged by Macoy. 1 . 899 Adoptive Freemasonry illustrated.L 4571 Allyn. Ritual of Freemasonry.L 4584 Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Constitutions and Regulations of the Supreme Coun¬ cil . *Doc. Lodge of Sorrow; In Memory of S. W. Robinson. *Doc. Proceedings, 1781-1862, 1867-80. 17 w^'joc. Proceedings of New York Council of De¬ liberation, 1877, 1878, 1880. *Doc. Proceedings of Ohio Council, 1882.L 4562 Tableau of Members, 1875. *Doc. Anti-Masonic Convention, April 16, 1830..*L 165 Anti-Mason’s Scrap Book.L 4579 Armstrong, L. Masonry a Work of Dark- *L 4578 ness SECRET SOCIETIES.—FREEMASONRY. 507 Armstrong, R. Reasons why a Christian should not be a Freemason.*L 4578 Baird. American College Fraternities.L 1217 Beard. K. K. K. Sketches; Humorous and Didactic.L 4607 Bernard. Light on Masonry.L 4568 Reminiscences of Morgan Times.*L 4570 Blake. Realities of Freemasonry.L 897 Blanchard. Grand Lodge Masonry. .. .*L 4578 Freemasonry a Fourfold Conspiracy.. .*L 4578 Odd-Fellowship illustrated.L 4576 Bourse. Etudes sur la Franc-Maconnerie..Ci235i Brockmann. Oddfellowship examined.. ..L 4574 Brueck. Geheime Gesellschaften in Span- ien. D 10 Carlile. Manual of Freemasonry.L 8S0 Carnahan. Pythian Knighthood, its History and Literature.L 4567 Carson. Address on Secret Societies.*L 4578 Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books, i 852....*0 628 Cook. The Mystic Tie. L 4579 Cross. Sermon on Secretism.*L 4578 Dewees. The Molly Maguires.L ^04 Doesburg. Freemasonry illustrated.L 4577 Donaldson (Ed ). Odd-Fellows’ Offering for 1847. E 1052 Dow. Sermon on Secret Societies.*L 4578 Drane. Knights of St.John.... .A 267 Drury. Secrecy in relation to the Family. *L 4578 Dupanloup. Study of Freemasonry.M 850 Finney. Character of Freemasonry.L 872 The same.L 4582 Freemason’s Monthly Magazine, 1849-59. II v . *Ser. Freemasonry contrary to Christian Religion.*L 4578 Freemasonry on Trial.L 4579 Frost. Secret Societies of the European Rev¬ olution.L 892 Gegenwart und Zukunft der Freimauerei... D 4662 George. Church and Secret Societies... ,*L 4578 Good .Templarism illustrated.L 4581 Gould. History of Freemasonry.' 3 v.. .*V 838 Grand Army of the Republic, Ritual of.... L 4581 Green. Broken Seal; Morgan Abduction..F 693 Grosh. Odd-Fellows’ Manual .L 874 Haye. Persecutions of the Knights Temp¬ lars.L 4566 Heckethorn. Secret Societies. 2v.L 889 Hinman. Masonic Outrages.*1.3205,11 Iluishoudelijk Reglement van de Loge West- Friesland.D 9263 Huntington. History of Wm. Morgan... . L 888 Hyneman. Freemasonry in England.L 890 Masonic Library of.*0361,7 Illinois Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows, Journal, 1838-80. 6 v. L 877 5th Digest of Laws; by Willard.L 876 Iowa Grand Chapter of Freemasons, Transac¬ tions, 1854-72. 2 v.L 887 Grand Lodge of Freemasons, Proceed¬ ings, 1844-93.L 885 Jennings. The Rosicrucians.L 871 The same; new ed. 2 v.I. 4601 Keightley. Secret Societies of the Middle A s es . 13569 Kellogg. College Secret Societies.L 4572 Kloss. Bibliographic der Freimaurerei.. .*0 644 Knight Templarism illustrated. L 4580 Knights of Honor, Proceedings of Supreme Lodge, 1878-85. 4 v. *L 4565 Knights of Pythias, Digest of the Laws of the Supreme Lodge.L 4606 Knights of Pythias illustrated .L 4581 Knights Templars of Illinois, History of, 1857- 18S1.... L 4563 La Hodde. Secret Societies of France.... A 1560 Lindner. Die Verne.D 5639 Loth. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite*R 4486 Macdill and others. Secret Societies.L 4575 Mackey. Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. .*R 1635 Lexicon of Freemasonry.L 873 M’Nary. Sermon on Masonry.*L 4578 Masonic Review, 1855-60. v. 13-20, 22, 23. *Ser. Memento, The, 1867-8. v. 7,8. *Ser. Minnesota, Grand Lodge of Freemasons, Pro¬ ceedings, 1853-69 .L 881 G. R. A. Chapter, Proceedings, 1859-7 iL 882 Morgan, W. Freemasonry exposed..... ..L 884 Illustrations of Freemasonry.*L 4570 Kidnapping and Murder of. .*L 4570 Morris. Freemasonry in the Holy Land. .L 4561 National Christian Association, History of. . . L 4573 Nebraska Grand Lodge of Masons, Proceed¬ ings, 1882. L 886 Nederlandsch Jaarboekje voor Viijmetselaren. 3 v. in 2.D 9908 Odd-Fellow’s Union, 1866. v. 1. *Ser. Odd-Fellowship illustrated.L 4581 Paine. Oaths and Penalties of Freemasonry*L 4570 Payson. Dangerous Tendency of IlluminismL 4603 Phelps. Secret Societies.L 4572 Porter. Knights of Malta. 2v.L 870 The same; new ed .. L 4605 Post. Are Masonic Oaths binding?.*L 4578 Preston. Illustrations of Masonry.L 4586 Prutz. Der Tempelherrenorden. 1 ) 5704 Ragon. Orthodoxie magonnique.C 6366 Rituel de l’Apprenli macon .C 6367 5°8 SOCIAL SCIENCE. Raynouard. LesTempliers.C 6414 Revised Odd-Fellowship illustrated.L 4579 Royal Arcanum, Proceedings of Supreme Coun¬ cil, 1877-91. 14 v. in 7.*L 4609 Rush. Two Letters on Freemasonry.*L 165 Sarver. Sermon on Odd-Fellowship.*L 4578 Secret Societies illustrated .L 4571 Secret Societies of the South of Italy.A 1975 Secret Warfare of Freemasonry.L 891 Semple. Secret Oath Bound Societies.L 4579 Stearns. Inquiry into Freemasonry . ...L4583 Sutherland. Knights of M^lta. 2v. 1 3539 Taaffe. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem. 4 v. in 2.L 4604 Tableau des F. F.: quicomposent la R. L.: de Saint-Antoine. Cl 3184 Temple of Honor illustrated.L 4571 Texas Knights Templars, Transactions, 1878.L 893 Tombeau de Jacques Molai; Histoire des Temp- liers.C13199 Townsend, F. Calendar of Knights.L 883 Townsend, G. F. Sea-Kings of the Mediter¬ ranean.A 276 United States Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows, Proceedings, 1821-1886. 11 v.L 878 Digest of Laws to 1870; by White.L 875 Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, Proceedings, 1871, 1883. 2 v.L 879 Valance. Murder of Wm. Morgan.*L 457 ° VEECKENS. De Ritualen bij de Ordeder Vrij- metselaren in Nederland.D 9263 VERTOT. History of the Knights of Malta. 2 ..*R 4219 Voice of Masonry, 1873-79. v. 11, 13-17. *Ser. Vrijmetselarij in tien Vragen en Antwoorden.D 9263 Waite. Real History of the Rosicrucians. .L 4602 Washington opposed to Secret Societies.L 4579 Whiting. Speculative Freemasonry.*L 165 Whitney, D. H., Defense of, before Illinois Grand Lodge .L 4579 Whittemore. History of Masonry in North America, 1730-1800.L 4587 Whymper. Religion of Freemasonry.L 4585 Wilkinson. Friendly Society Movement; Af¬ filiated Orders .L 3630 Willard. History of Fort Dearborn Lodge, I. O. O. F.*61363,2 The same.*L 619 Williams. Sermon on Masonry.*L 4578 Woodhouse. Military Religious Orders.. ..L 4564 STATISTICS. Alabama Manual, 1875. L 1594 Albany Evening Journal Almanac, 1865-67, 1873. L 1596 Almanach de Gotha, i860, 1871, 1873-76, 1878-93.*R 3840 Supplemente, Annuaire diplomatique et consulaire, 1882, 1883.*R 3842 Alta California Almanac; ed. by Hittell, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881.L 1588 American Almanac, 1830-61.*L 1603 American Almanac; ed. by Spofford, 1878— 1889.*R 3847 American Geographical and Statistical Society, Bulletins, 1852-56. 2 v. *Ser. American Statistical Association, Publications. 2 v. *L 1568 American Year Book; ed. by Camp, 1869.. .L 1600 Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, 1871- 1893. *R 3846 Argus Almanac, 1875-77.L 1579 Atlantic Almanac, 1868-74. *Ser. Ayer’s Almanac, 1889 (in 21 languages)....L 1574 Barker’s Facts and Figures; ed. by Whittaker, 1891. L 1571 Bevan. Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland and Ireland, 1882.*R 4935 Boothby. Statistical Sketch of South Aus¬ tralia, 1876.L 1670 Bourne. Trade, Population and Food .. ..L 1051 British Almanac, 1828-92.*L 1607 Bureaus of Statistics of Labor of the United States, National Convention, 1886-89.L 4 1 7 2 Byrne. Irish Emigration to U. S., 1S74.. .L 1650 The same, 1879.L 1639 Catholic Directory, 1889-90, 1893.*R 1567 Chicago Almanac, 1876.L 1595 Daily News Almanac and Political Regis¬ ter, 1885-93.L 1573 The same .*R 3849 Trade and Commerce Reports.*L 1666 Church Almanac, 1884.L 1578 Clergy Directory and Parish Guide, i885..*R 1574 Club-Almanach, 1884.*R 3845 Congregational Year-Book, 1880, 1881, 1885, 1887.*L 1584 Crockford. Clerical Directory, 1877, i 889*R 1548 Debrett’s Illustrated House of Commons and Judicial Bench, 1877..'..L 1591 Foedrelandet og Emigrantens norske Almanak, 1880 .*R 3859 Farmer’s Almanack; ed. by Thomas, 1825, 1827-29. *Doc. Financial Reform Almanack, 1878,1880-93.*L 1592 Fisher. Statistical Gazetteer of the United States, 1853.*R 691 L STATISTICS. 509 .Fisher and Colby. American Statistical Annual, 1854.L 1575 Fletcher. Moral Statistics of England.. .L 1561 Flint. Statistics of U. S. Railroads, 1868..L 1654 Frantz. Handbuchder Statistik.D 4724 Gassette. Illinois Year Book, 1879....*L 1 5^5 Hanford. Texas Register, 1877.L 1577 Hassel. Schvveden; statist.—finanz. Skizze..D 4728 Haverty’s Irish American Almanac, 1872-4..L 1615 Hazell’s Annual Cyclopaedia, 1886-92.*R 3 ^ 5 ° Hoffmann's Catholic Directory, 1891.*R 1 5^5 Homans. Banker’s Almanac, 1869, 1874..L 997 Hook. Church Directory, 1871.*R 1566 Illustrated Catholic Family Annual, 1880, 1882.L 1590 Incorporated Law Society Calendar and Di¬ rectory, 1881, 1882, 1888.L 1587 Insurance Blue Book, 1876-7.*V 542 Insurance YearBook, 1874, 1878, 1880, 1889, 1891-92.*L 1582 Jahrbiicher fur Nationalokonomie und Statis¬ tik, 1863-92. 57 v. *Ser. Supplemente, 1878-89. 16 v. *Ser. Kane. Industrial Resources of Ireland, 1844.L 1651 Knight. Hand-book for Pacific States, 1863.L 1601 Kolb. Handbuch der Statistik.D 4725 Condition of Nations to 1880.*L 1580 Living Church Annual, 1882.*L 1597 London Statistical Society, Journal, 1839-92. 55 v . *£"'• Index, v. 1-50. 2 v. Longstaff. Studies in Statistics.L 1562 McCarty (Ed.). Annual Statistician, 1880-91. 11 v.*L 1576 Martin. Statesman’s Year-book, 1868-77, 1879-93.*L 1602 Mayer. International Almanac, 1890. .. ,*R 3848 Meitzen. History of Statistics.L 1565 Mulhall. Balance-Sheet of the World, 1870-80.L 3926 Dictionary of Statistics, 1884.L 1581 The same, 1892.*R 881 Progress of the World in the 19th CenturyL 3927 Natal Almanac, Directory and Register, 1890L 1572 National Almanac, 1863-64.*L 1604 New Church Almanac, 1889.M 1709 New York Evening Express Almanac, 1879... .*Doc. Observer, Year Book and Almanac, 1871 ..*Doc. Tribijne Almanac, 1838-92.*L 1605 World Almanac, 1870-73.L 1593 New York State Civil List; ed. by Hutchins.. .*YW. Manual for Legislature, 1871. *Dot. Elements of Vital Statistics..L 1564 Ouseley. Statistics of the U. S., 1832.L 1691 Philadelphia Public Ledger Almanac, 1870-73, 1877-78.L 1606 Phisterer. Statistical Record of the United Stales Armies.B 587,13 Pidgin. Practical Statistics, 1888.L 1567 Poor. Directory of Railway Officials, 1886, 1892.*R 3743 Manual of U. S. Railroads, 1873, 1874, 1881, 1885, 1887, i889-’93 __*R 3742 Reden. Cultur-Statistik Europas.D 4726 Rummel. Hand-book for Illinois, 1870, 1871.L i6i’6 Sadlier’s Catholic Directory, 1874, 1893... .L 1614 Scott. Statistical Vindication of London..L 1646 Scribner’s Statistical Atlas of the United States, 1883 .*R 4928 Sergeant (Ed.). Government Year Book, 1888.L 1570 Seybert. Statistical Annals of the United States, 1818.*V 143 Ehoe and Leather Reporter Almanac, 1879.* R 375 6 .Smith. Statistics and Economics.L35i6,3 Spaulding. Statistics of the U. S., 1874..L 1617 Statistical Account of Banffshire.L 1566 Statisticsof Jews of the United States, 1880.L 1619 Statistics of Railroads, Grain, Produce, etc., 1882, 1883.*L 1583 Stow. Railway Annual, 1859.*L 1611 Taylor. Statistics of Coal to 1854.L 1613 Tice. American Almanac, 1880.*R 3776 Tucker. Progress of the U. S. in 50 Years.L 1690 United States, Agricultural Statistics, 1889.. *Doc. Blue Book, 1841, ’64, ’67, ’75, ’76....*L 1598 The same, 1867.*R 3991 Census, 1880. 22v. *R 4533 v. I. Population. 2. Manufactures. 3. Agriculture. 4. Agencies of Transportation. 5, 6. Cotton Production. 2 pts. 7. Valuation, Taxation, Public In¬ debtedness. 2 pts. 8. Newspaper and Periodical Press; Seal Islands of Alaska; Ship- Building. 9. Forests of North America; with Maps. 10. Petroleum, Coke and Building Stones. 11-12. Mortality and Vital Statistics, with Plates. 2 pts. 13. Statistics and Technology of Pre¬ cious Metals. EDUCATION. 510 United States Census, 1SS0.*R 4533 v. 14. United States, States and Terri¬ torial Mining Laws. 15. Mining Industries of the United States. 16-17. Water Power of the United States. 2 pts. 18. Social Statistics of Cities, pt. I: New England and Middle States. 19. Social Statistics of Cities, pt. 2: Southern and Western States. 20. Statistics of Wages; Prices of Necessaries of Life; Trades Societies, Strikes and Lock-outs. 21. Defective, Dependent and Delin¬ quent Classes. 22. Power and Machinery Employed in Manufactures and the Ice In¬ dustry. Compendium. 2v ..*R 4534 United States Census, 1890. *Doc, Bulletins. Mineral Industries. Population and Resources of Alaska. Public Debt, pt. 1. Compendium, pt. 1. Population. Merchant Vessels, List of, 1875, 1883 .. .*Doc, Official Register of Officers and Agents, 1887, 1889, 1891.*R 4006 Vernon. American Railroad Manual, 1873, 1874.*R 3740 Walford. Famines of the World.L 1563 Watterston. Manual of Commerce.L 1609 Wenger. Ungliicks-Chronik.D 3032 Westergaard. Mortalitat und Morbilitat.D 4681 Theorie der Statistik.D 7104 Whitaker’s Almanac, 1872, ’73, ’75, ’78~93*L 1612 Wright. Statistics in Colleges.; ... .*03516,3 For Official Statistics of the United States and the several States. See Documents. » EDUCATION. GENERAL WORKS—TEACHING. ABBOTT, E. A. Hints on Home Teaching. L i486 Abbott, J. The Teacher.L 1135 Gentle Measures in Education.L 1140 Adams, C. F. A College Fetich.L 1308 Adams, F. Elementary Schoo! Contest in England.L 1408 Free School System of the U. S.L 1081 Adler. Moral Instruction of Children.L 1707 Akron, O., Education Reports.* Doc. Albany, N. Y., Education Reports .* Doc. Alcott. Confessions of a Schoolmaster. ... L 1082 Slate and Black Board Exercise.L 1471 American Annals of Education, 1882. v. 2 . . *Ser. American Educational Monthly, 1864-74. II v. Ser. American Institute of Instruction, Lectures, 1831-92. (Incomplete).*L 1310 American Journal of Education (Barnard’s) 1855-71. 22v .* Ser. Ann Aibor, Mich., Education Reports. *Doc. Annuaire de l’lnstruction publique, 1891. *Doc. Arey. Home and School Training.L 1334 Arnold. Popular Education in France. . . .L 1085 Reports on Elementary Schools, 1852-82L 1546 Ascham. The Schoolmaster.L 1333 Atkinson. Dynamic and Mechanic Teach¬ ing. E 1395 Auburn, N. Y., Education Reports. *Doc. Australia, South, Education Repcrts. *Doc . Bache. Education in Europe.L 1296 Bain. Education as a Science.L 1086 « Erziehung als Wissenschaft. ..D 415,45 Practical Essays.L 1329 Baldwin. Art of School Management... .L 1205 Psychology and Education.L 1509 Psychology applied to Teaching.L 5313 Baltimore, Md., Education Reports. *Doc. Barnard. National Education in Europe. .L 1128 Bartley. Schools for the People.L 1257 Bates. Methods of Teachers’ Institutes.. ..L 1180 Lectures on Mental and Moral Science L 1181 Baudrillart. La Famille et PEducation..C 4143 Beaussire. Liberte d’Enseignement.C12050 B£esau. Spirit of Education.L 1206 Benecke. Erziehungslehre.D 3347 Bennett. National Education.*L 1185 Bent. Hints on Language.L 1416 Bigelow. Limits of Education .*L 1089 Blake. Visit to American Schools.L 1255 Blakiston. Hints on School Management. L 1485 Blouet ( Max O' Re//).- Drat the Boys. .. .L 1510 Boone. Education in the United States.. . L 1542 Boston, Report of Committee on Drawing . .. .*Doc. School Reports. *Doc. Truancy and Compulsory Education in.. *Doc. Boullet. L’ Education a notre epoque.... C 4262 GENERAL WORKS—TEACHING. 5ii Bourne. New York Public School Society..L 1311 Bowen. English Literature Teaching in Schools.. L 1445 Brackett. Education of American Girls. .L 1123 Brockett ( Pkilobiblius). History and Prog¬ ress of Education.L 1138 Brownell. Teacher’s Guide.L 1176 Browning. History of Educational Theories.L 1247 Bruckbach. Wegweiser in Padagogik.D 562 Bryant. Educational Ends.L 5274 ( Buckham. Handbook for Young Teachers. .L 1282 Buffalo, N. Y., Education Reports. *Doc. BuiSSON. Rapport sur l’lnstruction primaireC 4264 Burke. Law of Public Schools .L 1204 Burton. The District School as it was .. L 1087 The same, and other Writings.L 1202 Culture of the Observing Faculties.L 1084 Butler. Defense of Classical Studies... . *E 2014 Incentives to Teachers.*E 2014 Calderwood. Teaching.L 1137 California, Education Reports. *Doc. School Law.*.. , .*Doc. Carpenter. School Hygiene.N 629 Cerruti. Storia della Pedagogia in Italia.C 9163 Chamberlain. Education and Schools.. .*L 1267 Chautauquan, The, 1880-93. 17 v.. *Ser. Chavasse. Mental Culture of a Child.L 1269 Chicago Public Schools, Course of Instruction in 1866, 1869, 1872. *Doc. Examination Papers at Vienna Exhibition, 1874. 4 v. *P 860 Historical Sketch of; by S. Johnston. *Doc. Manual for Teachers, 1872. .*Doc. Proceedings of the Board. *Doc. Reports. *Doc. School Census, 1882, 1883, 1890... *Doc. Cincinnati, School Reports.* Doc . Bible in Public Schools.L 1090 Opinion of the Supreme Court.L 1091 Clarke, E. H. Building of a Brain.L 1117 Sex in Education.L 1120 Clarke, J. F. Self Culture....L 1274 Cleveland, Educational Reports. *Doc. Cobb. Evils of Corporal Punishment.L 1139 Combe. Education; its Principles and PracticeL 1395 Lectures on Popular Education.L 1092 Com emus. The OrbisPictus.L 1541 School of Infancy. . . L 1130 Compayr£. L’Education en France. 2V..C12217 1 listory of Pedagogy.... . .... L 1534 Lectures on Pedagogy.L 1536 Condorcet. Sur l’lnstruction publique. .Ci2207,7 Connecticut Common School Journal, 1854-60. v. 9, 10, 12, 14, 15. *Ser. Cotterill. Reforms in Public Schools.... L 1525 Cowdery. Elementary Moral Lessons....L 1175 Craik. The State in its Relation to EducationLi89,6 Crandal. Three Hours School a Day.L 1182 Crawley. Handbook of Competitive Exam¬ inations . . L 1456 Currie. Common School Education.L 1488 Early and Infant-School Education.L 1489 Curtmann. Lehrbuch der Erziehung.D 3350 Lehrbuch des Unterrichts.D 3351 Davidson. Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideals. Ct044i Dayton, Educational Reports. *Doc. De Graff. Development Lessons for Teach¬ ers. L 1363 School-Room Guide.L 1328 Denzel. Opvoeding en Onderwijs. 2V...D9182 Detroit, Education Reports. *Doc. De Wahl. Training of Girls at School.. . .L 1708 Dick. Mental and Moral Improvement.... J 48,1 The same.K 2763 Diesterweg. Wegweiser fiir deutsche Leh- rer.D 3364 The same; new ed .D 2570 Dittes. Geschichte der Erziehung.D 3366 Schule der Padagogik.D 3363 Dodge. Our Common School System.L 1136 Donaldson. Education in Prussia and Eng¬ land . .L 1285 Doty. Classification of Geography.*L 1248 Rules and Hints on Teaching.*L 1248 Drane. Christian Schools and Scholars...L 1262 Drawing in Public Schools. *L 1248 Duffey. No Sex in Education.L 1119 Dui.on. Amerikanische Schulen.D 4666 Duncan. The Examiner.L 1162 Dupanloup. The Child.I. 1098 De FEducation. 3 v.C 4745 Dwight, B. W. Higher Christian EducationL 1108 Dwight, T. Decisions of Questions in Yale College.E 1072 Early Education and Nursery Discipline....L 1518 Eaton. Education of our Girls. ,*L 1185 Edgeworth. Professional Education.L 1093 Essays on Practical Education. 2 V....L 1407 Education (Boston), 1881-92. 12 v. *Ser. Education (London), 1890. v. 1, 2. *Ser. Educational Exhibits at New Orleans Exposi¬ tion, 1884-5.*K 3608 Educational Pamphlets. 2v.*L 1431 Educational Review, 1891-3. 5 v. *Ser. Egger. Le Developpement de 1 ’Intelligence.C 4805 Eggleston. How to educate yourself.L 1102 Eliot. Complete System of Education. . ,*L 1185 512 EDUCATION. Ellis, S. S. Education of the Heart.L 1286 Ellis, W. De Opvoeding.D 9235 Encyklopadie der Padagogik.*R 143 Eneroth. Landstingen och Folkskolan.. .C 7842 Erzieherin, Die, 1845-50. D 3397 Eschricht. Schlechte Erziehung.D 3354 Eve and others. Lectures on Education.... L 1302 Everett. Importance of Education.L 1105 Examination Papers for Science Schools and Classes. *Doc. Exercises for the Senses for Children.L 1487 Farnham. Sentence Method of Teaching..L 1381 Farrar. Essays on Liberal Education.... L 1104 Fearon. School Inspection.L 1398 Fenelon. Education of a Daughter.L 1141 L’Education des Filles.. .C 4925 Education of Girls .L 1477 Ferneuil. Reforme de l’Enseignement pub¬ lic en France.C 4863 Fitch. Lectures on Teaching.L 1277 Fitzgerald (Ed.). School Life and BoyhoodL 1434 Foerster. Das erste Schuljahr.D 3345 Foote. Schools of Cincinnati.B 1308 Forester, The, published by Lake Forest Col¬ lege, 1892.L 1714 Fouillee. Education from a National Stand¬ point. L 1695 Fowle. Hints to Young Teachers.L 1183 Froehlich. Piidagogische Bausteine.D 3353 Neue padagogische Bausteine.D 3353 Die Schulorganisation. D 3355 Volksschule der Zukunft...D 3355 Garvey. Manual of Human Culture.L 1402 Gaume. Du Catholicisme dans PEducation.C 5072 Genlis. Lettres sur PEducation. 2v.C 5097 Giffin. How not to Teach.L 1352 Gill. Art of Teaching.L 1482 Text-Book to School Education.L 1483 Gneist. Selbstverwaltung d. Volksschule. .D 3378 Goldammer. Das Buch vom Kinde.D 3346 Goltz. Bildung und die Gebildeten.D 2869 Buch der Kindheit.D 2995 Grasberger. Erziehung im Alterthum. 3 v. in 2 .:.D 3377 Grasby. Teaching in Three Continents.. ..L 1443 Gr£ard. L’Education des Femmes.C12474 Legislation de l’lnstruction primaire en France. 3 V.*R 1638 Great Britain, Reports on Education. *Doc. British and Foreign School Reports. *Doc. Green, S. S. School Histories.E 1133 Green, W. H. Physical Science in Education*L 1089 Greenwood. Principles of Education.... L 1502 Grey. Education of Women.L 1133 GuedemanN. Erziehungswesen und Cultur der Juden...D 5654 Gurney. Education of Girls.L 170 Guyau. Education and Heredity.L 1478 Education et Heredite.C12541 Hahn, Unterrichtswesen in Frankreich... .D 3379 Hailman. History of Pedagogy.L 1347 Hall, B. H. College Words and Customs. L 1218 Hall, B. R. Teaching aJScience.L 1186 Harris. Study of Latin and Greek.*L 1185 Hart. In the School Room.L 1107 Hartmann, Reform des Schulwesens... .D 3380 Hathaway, iooi Questions on Teaching.. L 1530 Havet. Le Frangais enseigne par la pratiqueC 5206 Hazlitt. Schools, School-Books, and School¬ masters.L 1523 FLead. What is Liberal Education?.*L 1267 Hecker, I. T. Agreeing on the School Ques¬ tion.*L 1267 Hecker, J. Scientific Basis of Education. .L 1125 Henderson. Thomas Jefferson’s Views on Public Education.L 1550 Herbart. Text-Book in Psychology.L 5314 Hertel. Overpressure in Schools.L 1378 Hewett. Treatise on Pedagogy.L 1327 Hill, F. National Education. L 1095 Hill, T. True Order of Studies.L 1097 Hinsdale. Schools and Studies.L 1336 Hints on Early Education..L J518 Hodgson. Education of Girls.L 1122 Hoffman. Science of Mind applied to Teaching. L 1406 Holbrook. Methods of Teaching.L 1150 School Management.L 1172 Hole. Education in Leeds.L 1245 Holenshade. Educational Compendium.. L 1232 Hood. Self-Education; Chapters for Young Thinkers.L 1467 Hoose. Method of Teaching.L 1357 Hopkins. Educational Psychology.L 1429 Spirit of the New Education .L 1700 What shall my child be taught?.L 1484 Howe. Sex and Education.L 1121 Howland. Hints for Teachers of Public Schools.L 1548 Hudson, Pt. N. English in Schools.L 1273 Hudson, J. W. History of Adult Education.L 1549 Hughes, J. L. How to secure Attention.. .L 1369 Hughes, T. Educational System of the Jesuits.C10442 Humane Education for Prevention of Cruelty*L 619 Illinois Baptist Educational Society, 29th-30th Session.*L 1248 Illinois School Reports. *Doc. GENERAL WORKS—TEACHING. 5i3 Illinois Teacher, 1856-70. v. 2-5, 7-11,13-16 *Ser. Teachers’Association, Proceedings, 1869L 1346 Indiana School Journal.'. *Doc. School Laws. *Doc. Indianapolis, Public Schools, Manual. *Doc. Reports. *Doc. Industrial Drawing necessary in Schools.... *L 1248 Jacobi. Notes on Primary Education and Study of Language.L 1528 Japan, Educational Reports (Japanese Lan¬ guage), 1874, 1875.*R 3780 Outline History of Education in ..*L 1099 Text-Books used in the Schools of.*P 362 Jevvei.l. School Government.L 1146 Jewett. First Steps in Natural Science... .L 1719 Johonnot. Principles of Teaching. L 1149 Jolly. Vocation of the Teacher.L 1088 Jones, Popular Education.*Li431,1 Journal of Education, 1876-93. v. 3-36. *Ser. Journal of Education, Lower Canada, 1863. v.7 *Ser. Journal of Education, Upper Canada, 1863. .. .*Ser. Kansas, School Reports. *Doc. Kay, D. Education and Educators.L 1490 Kay, J. Education of the Poor in Europe. .L 1103 Kehr. Methodik des deutschen Volksunter- richts. 6 v. in 3.D 3391 und Schlimbach. Der deutsche Schul- unterricht im ersten Schuljahre.D 2748 Keller. Das deutsche Reich und die deutsche Schule.D 114 Kellogg. The New Education.L 1209 Kennedy. School and the Family.L 1134 Kiddle and Sciiem. Cyclopaedia of Educa¬ tion.*R 1641 Year-Book of Education, 1878, 1879..*R I ^> 4 2 and others. How to Teach.L 1187 Kilgore. Bible in the Public Schools... .*L 1248 Kingsley. Health and Education.L 1129 Klauwell. Das erste Schuljahr.D 3387 Klemm. Educational Topics of the Day.. .L 1522 European Schools.L 1544 Kussmaul. Das Seelenleben der Neugebo- renen. .D 3203 Ladreyt. LTnstruction publique en FranceC 5625 Lager onderwijs in Nederland.D 9276 Lai.or and others. The Educator; Prize Es¬ says.L 1455 Landon. School Management.L 1339 Lange. Higher Education of Women in Europe.L 1560 Largiader. Volksschulkunde.D 3348 Latham. Action of Examinations.L 1278 La Tour-Landry. Le Livre pour l’Enseigne- ment de ses Filles.C13059 Laurie. Primary Instruction.L 1491 Training of Teachers..L 1309 Lectures on Education at Royal Institution. .L 1118 Leitch. Practical Educationists .L 1403 Leopold. Opvoeding in School en Huis. ..D 9342 Lincoln and Carroll. School Hygiene.*L 1089 Lind. Teaching in Country Schools.L 1358 Locke. Thoughts concerning Education; ed. by Quick. L 1399 The same; ed. by St. John.L 1106 Lueben. Padagogischer Bericht, 1867-71..D 3357 M’Ilvaine. Address to promote Learning.*L 741 Maclochlin. Education.L 1404 Madison, Wis., Education Reports. *Doc. Mahaffy. Old Greek Education.L 1289 Maillet. Elements de Psychologie appliquee ala Pedagogie..C12798 Maine, School Reports. *Doc. Maintenon, Mme. Extraits des Lettres sur l’Education.C 5777 Mann. Reports on Education, 1867, 1B68..L 1351 Reply to Boston Schoolmasters.L 1387 Mansfield. American Education.L 1193 Manual for Grammar Schools.L 1383 Manual for Primary Schools.„.L 1382 Marshall, Mich., Education Reports. *Doc. Massachusetts, Education Reports . *Doc. Maurice. Has the Church or the State the Power of Education?.L 1177 Mayhew. Universal Education.L 1194 Mayo. Talks with Teachers.L 1371 Women in the Educational Movement in the South .L 1694 Meijboom. Wenken over Opvoeding.D 9525 Meyer. Aids to Family Government.L 1412 Metzner. Geschichte des Turner-Bundes. .D 2921 Michelet. Nos fils.C 12863 Michigan Journal of Education and Teachers’ Magazine, 1854-60. 7 v. *Ser, Public Instruction in. *Doc. School Laws. *Doc. School Reports..... *Doc. Miller. My Schools and Schoolmasters.. .C 857 Missouri School Reports. *Doc. Moncrieff {Hope). Book about Domi¬ nies.L 1240 Monumenta Germanise Paedagogica. 14 v. .D 3332 Morgan. Educational Mosaics.L 1507 Study in Pedagogy.L 1556 Morley. Struggle for National Education.L 1246 Mothers in Council.L 1335 Mueller. Public School Education.L 1096 Mulcaster. Positions.L 1476 Nairne. Sub-graduate Instruction.*L 1089 EDUCATION. 14 National Educational Association, Proceedings, 1870-77,1884, 1887. 10 v.L 1348 National Normal, 1868... *Ser. National Teachers’ Association, Proceedings, 1870-71. v. 1. *Ser. Necker de Saussure. L’Education.C 6004 New England Journal of Education. See Journal of Education. New Hampshire, School Reports. *Dec. New Jersey, Public School Reports. *Doc. New York City, Manual for Grammar SchoolsL 1383 Manual for Primary Schools...L 1382 New York City and County, Education Reports*ZUc. Examination Questions.L 1284 New York State, Education Reports. .*Doc. New York State Teacher, 1857-8. v. 8 . *Ser. Newark, N. J., Education Reports. *Doc. Newnham. Principles of Education. 2v.L 1127 Newsholme. School Hygiene.L 1446 Nohl. Unsere geistige Bildung.D 3257 Noir£. Padagogisches Skizzenbuch.D 3367 North Carolina, Education Reports. *Doc. Northend. Teacher and Parent.L 1196 Teachers’ Assistant..L 1195 Northrop. Education abroad .L 1171 Legal Prevention of Illiteracy..-.L 1512 Lessons from European Schools.L 3886 Ogden. Art of Teaching.L 1344 Science of Education.L 1114 Ohio, Education Reports. *Doc. Ohio Journal of Education, 1853-58. v. 2-7 *Ser. Orcutt. Hints to Teachers.L 1169 Parent’s Manual.L 1153 School-Keeping.L 1353 Teacher’s Manual.L 1154 Orton. Liberal Education of Women... L 1271 Our Children.L 1331 Paedagogium, 1880. v. 2. *Ser. Page. Theory and Practice of Teaching.. .L 1145 Painter. History of Education.L 1414 Luther on Education.L 1555 Palmer. The Science of Education.L 1514 Pamphlets on Education..*L 1267 Papers on Education. 1st Series.L 1512 Paris, Le Musee Pedagogique.C 5949 Paris Exposition, 1878: Catalogue de l’lnstruc- tion publique.C 6151 Parker. Notes and Talks on Teaching.. .L 1305 Paroz. Histoire de la Pedagogie.C 6149 Parsons. Prussian Schools.L 1458 Patton. Bible and Public Schools.*L 1267 Paulsen. Der gelehrte Unterricht.D 336S Payne, J. Science and Art of Education. .L 1272 Lecture on Education.L 1512 Payne, J. Visit to German Schools.L 1256 Payne, W. II. School Supervision.L 1168 Science of Education. L 1495 Short History of Education.L 1283 Peabody. Record of Alcott’s School.L 1235 Peabody Education Fund.L 1441 Proceedings of Trustees, 1867-92. qv. *L 1325 Peaslee. Moral and Literary Training . .*L 1267 Pennsylvania School Journal, 1855-6. v. 4,5 .*Ser. School Reports.. *Doc. Peoria, Ill., Education Reports.... *Doc. Perez. L’Education morale desleBerceau.Ci2979 First Three Years of Childhood.L 1379 Pestalozzi, H. Werke. 18 v.D 2110 Pfisterer. Padagogische Psychologie:.. .D 3369 Phelps, L. The Educator.L 1198 Fire-side Friend...L 1260 Phelps, W. F. Teacher’s Handbook. L 1359 Philadelphia, School Reports .. *Doc. Pickard. School Supervision.L 1553 PiLZ. Bilder aus dem Mutterleben.D 3370 Padagogische Bliithen...D 3371 Quintilianus; ein Lehrerleben.D 3370 Schulandachten.D 3371 Ploss. Das Kind in Brauch und Sitte. 2 v..D 4550 Das kleine Kind.D 4548 Popkin. Lectures on Liberal Education. ,*Li43i,2 Potter and Emerson. School and School¬ master . L 1164 Power of School Officers and Teachers.L 1338 Practical Teacher, 1884-5. v - 8. *Ser. Pratt. Annals of New York State Education, 1624-1746 . L 1422 Pressens£. Deux ans au Lycee.C 6225 Preussen, Das Volksschulwesen in, iS86...*V 980 Preyer. The Mind of the Child. 2 v,...L 1519 Die Seele des Kindes.D 4549 The Senses and the Will.L 1519 Soul of the Child.L 1543 Priestley. Observations on Education.. .L 1111 Prince. Courses and Methods .L 1711 Schools of Germany.L 1451 Providence, R. I., Education Reports. *Doc. Quain. Defects in Education.L 1101 Quick. Educational Reformers.L 1396 The same; newed .L 1559 Radestock. Habit and its Importance in Ed¬ ucation .L 1480 Randall. First Principles of popular Educa¬ tion .L 1100 Raub. Methods of Teaching.L 1360 Raumer. Geschichte der Padagogik. 4 v. in 2 .D 3374 Reid. Principles of Education. .L 1472 GENERAL WORKS—TEACHING. 5i5 Rhode Island, Education Reports. *Doc. School Manual. *Doc. Richmond, Va., Education Reports. *Doc. Richter. Levana; Doctrines of Education.L mo The same.I 2997 Levana; oder, Erziehungslehre.. .02170,22-23 Riecke. Erziehungslehre .D 337 2 Rigg. National Education .L 1094 Rijkens. Geneeskundige Opmerkingen.. . . D 9701 Robinson. Teacher’s Manual .L 1397 Rochester, N. Y., Education Reports. ... *Doc. Roemer. Opvoeding van het Kind.D 9707 Rooses. Die AntwerpscheSchilderschool..D 9704 Root. School Amusements.K 1817 Rosander. Den Ivunskapsrike Skolmas- taren.C 79S0 Rosenkranz. Philosophy of Education.. L 1498 Pedagogics as a System...L 1170 Roth. Plea for Compulsory Education.. .*L 1089 Rousseau. Emile; or, Education.L 1324 Emile; ou PEducation.C6517,3-5 Emil; oder iiber Erziehung.D 3373 Rudolphi. Gemalde weiblicher Erziehung.D 3375 Ruemelin. Volks-und Gelehrten Schulen.D 3361 Ryder. Hold up your Heads, Girls!.L 1417 St. Louis, Public Schools Reports. *Doc. San Francisco, Education Reports. *Doc. Sander. Lexikon der Padagogik.*R^3820 Sands. Philosophy of Teaching.L 1349 Schmid. Encyklopadie des Erziehungs-und Unterrichtswesens. 10 v.*R 1639 Schmidt, H. I. Education.I 3747 Schmidt, K. Geschichte der Padagogik. 4V.D 3360 School Hygiene, Lectures upon.L 1526 School Question; Catholics and Education.. .L 1178 Schrader. Erziehungs-u. UnterrichtslehreD 3396 SCHUHMANN. Eine Lehrerreise.D 3361 Schuricht. Deutsche Schulbestrebungen in Amerika.D 3386 Scofield. Organization of Educational Forces.*L 1185 Seguin. Report on Education.L 1384 Semmler. Aesthetische Erziehung.D 3354 Senior. Suggestions on Popular EducationL 1527 Sewell. Note-Book of a Lady.L 1330 Principles of Education.L 1116 Sharpless. English Education in Schools.L 1696 Sheldon. Manual of Elementary InstructionL 1155 Sheridan. British Education.L 1113 Shirreff. Intellectual Education.L 1159 Shuttleworth. Public Education.L 1312 SlDGWlCK. Form Discipline .L 1444 Smart. Indiana Schools.L 1342 Smith. Education in Michigan.L 1293 Soldan. Beneke’s Educational Psychology*L 11S5 The Century and the School.*L 1267 Culture and Facts.*L 1185 Landmarks in Education.*L 1089 Memory in Education.*L 1185 To Ruin is not to Reform.*L 1185 Sonnenschein’s Cyclopeedia of Education; ed. by Fletcher.*R 1640 Soui.SBY. A Home Art; or, Mothers and Daughters.L I 7°5 Spalding. Education and the Higher Life.L 1557 Spencer. Education.L 1156 Springfield, Ill., Education Reports. *Doc. SPURZHEIM. Elementary Principles of Edu¬ cation.L 1112 Steinthal. Elementary Education Act, 1891.L 1720 Stern. Hausliche Erziehung.D 3376 Stone. Elementary and Complete ExaminerL 1161 Stoy. Encyklopadie der Padagogik.D 3333 Strassburger. Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichts.D 3388 Struempell. Psychologische Padagogik..D 3385 Sully. Teacher’s Hand-book of PsychologyL 2239 Swett. Methods of Teaching.L 1356 Questions for Written Examinations... .L 1163 Symons. Plea for Schools. *£5041,2 Sypher. Art of Teaching School.L 1142 Syracuse, N. Y., Education Reports. *Doc. Tate. Philosophy of Education.L 1361 Taylor, I. Home Education.L 1287 Taylor, J. O. The District School.L 1373 Thamin. Education et Positivisme.C13189 Theiner. Geschichte der geistlichen Biidungs- anstalten.D 3658 Thirteen Essays on Education.L 1470 Thomas. British Education in India.L 1709 Thompson. Day-Dreams of a SchoolmasterL 1144 Wayside Thoughts on Education.L 1143 Turing. Theory and Practice of Teaching. L 1307 Todd. Student’s Manual.L 1199 TODHUNTER. Conflict of Studies.L 1131 Toledo, O., Brief History of Education. *Doc. U. S. Bureau of Education, Circulars. *Doc. Reports.* Doc. Work and History of; by Warren.*L 1267 Ussing. Erziehung und Romern bei GriechenD 3389 Utica, N. Y., Education Reports. *Doc. Venable. Let him first be a Man.L 1693 Vermont, Education Reports. *Doc. Veth. Onderwijs der Jeugd in Indie.D 9514 Wales. Minutes of Council of Education ... * Doc. Walker. The Bible in School.*L 1267 Walton. Schools of Norfolk County, Mass.L 1386 EDUCATION. 5i 6 Washington, D. C., School Reports. *Doc. Waterhouse. Educated Labor in Missouri*L 1267 Webster. Letters to a Young Gentleman. .L 1432 Welch. Object Lessons for Teachers.L 1200 Wells. Graded School; Course of InstructionL 1165 West. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools.Ci 0443 White. Education and Crime.*L 1248 W hitford. Education in Wisconsin.L 1423 Wickersham. School Economy.L 1147 Wightman. Boston Primary Schools.B 1044 W illson. Manual of Object Lessons.L 1167 Wisconsin, School Reports. *Doc. Worcester, Mass., Education Reports. *Doc. Wordsworth. Discourses on Public Educa¬ tion.L 1288 Wyman. Corporal Punishment.*L 1089 Zeitung des deutschen Lehrervereins, 1849-66. *Ser. Zenz. Schulturnwesen in Deutschland .... D 3352 ZlLLER. Allgemeine Padagogik.D 3390 Lehre vom erziehenden Unterricht.D 3395 SCHOOLS—COLLEGES—UNIVERSITIES. Ackermann. History of the University of Oxford. 2 v .*p 1104 Adams. History of Winchester College..L 1201 Alexander. Princeton College during the 18th Century.(3 34^1 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, 1832-82.*R 1644 American Normal Schools.. l 1268 Andover, Mass., Theological Seminary, Semi- Centennial of, 1858.L 1292 Annals of Christ’s Hospital, London .L 127; Arey. Girard College and its Founder.C 282 Arkansas, Industrial University, Reports_ *Doc. Armstrong and Ludlow. Hampton and its Students.L 1279 Arnold, F. Oxford and Cambridge; their Colleges. J28 Arnold, M. Higher Schools and Universi¬ ties in Germany.L 1213 Bagg. Four Years at Yale. l 1229 Bailey. Knox College. 1^48 Baird. American College Fraternities_ L 1217 Baker. History of St. John’s College. 2 v.L 1223 Baldwin. Annals of Yale College to 1838. L 1303 Beloit College, Codex issued February, 1S89.L 1545 Bethelehem, Penn., Seminary Souvenir, 1785- I 858... T j . „ Bibb. Normal Departments in State Universi- l * es . *L 1267 Bird. Higher Education in Germany and England. L I4II Blake. American Schools and Colleges.. .L 1255 Bower. University of Edinburgh. 2v_L 1244 Bressler. Stellung der deutschen Universi- taten zum Baseler Konzil.. .D 3489 Bristed. P ive \ ears in an English UniversityL 1225 Brown. Harvard in the Rebellion.*B 775,8 Bush. Harvard University.L 1426 Higher Education in Massachusetts.L 1717 Butterfield. History of Wisconsin Uni- versit y.,.L 1343 Capes. Fniversity Life in Ancient Athens..L 1208 Cass, L. Address before Alumni of Hamil¬ ton College. *l 165 Chase. Review of Jubilee College.*L 1248 Cleveland and Packard. Flistory of Bow- doin College.L 1301 College and the Church, The.L 1503 Columbia College, Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1754-1876.*L.R. Compayr£. P. Abailard and Early History of Universities.C10445 Concord, N. H., Memorials of St. Paul’s School.L 1447 Conrad, F. W. Plea for WittenbergCollege*L 1248 Conrad, J. German Universities.L 1436 Cooper. Athence Cantabrigienses. 2v...*R 376 Memorials of Cambridge. 3 V.L 1533 Cornell Lniversity, Inauguration of President Schurman, 1892. l 1726 Coubertin. Universites transatlantiques.. .C12252 Cox. Recollections of Oxford.L 1230 Cunningham. Phillips Exeter Academy.. .L 1306 Decrow. Yale and the City of Elms.L 1249 Denifle. Die Universitaten des Mittelalters bis 1400..j) 33^4 Dexter. Founding of Yale College_*L 1267 Graduates of Yale College, 1701-1745..C 1838 History of Yale University.L 1504 Influence of English Universities.*B 885 Drayson. Experiences of a Woolwich Pro¬ fessor. l 1521 Dulon. Amerikanische Schulen.D 4666 Durfee. History of Williams College.L 1214 Eaton. College Requirements in English Entrance Examinations.L 1721 Eliot. History of Harvard College.L 1222 Elliot. History of Omega Chapter.L 1340 Etoniana; History and Traditions of Eton.. .L 1532 Everett. On the Cam; Cambridge UniversityL 1243 Fairchild. History of Oberlin College... L 1424 Farrand. History of the University of Mich¬ igan..:.L 1326 P arrow. West Point and Military Academy.L 1238 PISHER. Church of Christ in Yale College*L 1298 SCHOOLS—COLLEGES—UNIVERSITIES. 5i7 Fitch. American Schools and Training Col¬ leges.L I 55 2 Forshall. Westminster School.L 1320 Foster. Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1886.*R 373 Fry. Our British Schools and Colleges.. .*R 1648 Goetze. Das Gymnasium zu Stendal.D 345 Goulburn. Book of Rugby.L 1535 Guild. History of the Brown University.. .L I 34 1 Gutierrez. Ensenanza publica superior in Buenos Aires, 1767-1821.*V 75 2 Hall. College Words and Customs.L 1218 Harrison. History of the Old College of Edinburgh .L 1508 Hart. German Universities.L 1228 Harvard Book;ed. by Vaille and Clark. 2v.*P 533 Harvard University Catalogues, 1856-93 (in¬ complete).*L. R. Reports, 1860-87. .*L. R. Necrology of, 1869-72.C 87 Quidquennial Catalogue, 1636-1890—,*L. R. 250th Anniversary, 1886.*. ..L 1500 IIertel. High Schools in Denmark.L 1378 Hill. Sketches of St. Louis University-L 1219 Hitchcock. Reminiscenes of Amherst L 1226 Hough. University of New York, 1784-188 \,*Doc. Huber. English Universities. 2 v.L 1220 Hurd. Yale Athletics, 1840-88.K 1946 Illinois University Reports. *Doc. Jefferson and Cabell. Early History of the University of Virginia.L 1299 Jesse. Celebrated Etonians. 2v.C 1426 Johnston. Yale in the Revolution..B 2370 Kellogg. College Secret Societies.L 4572 King. Harvard College.L 1321 Kingsley (Ed.). Yale College. 2v.....*P 534 Knight and Commons. Higher Education in Ohio.L 1716 Knox College, Galesburg, Report, 1861. . ,*L 1248 Rights of Congregationalists in.*L 1248 La Borde. History of S. Carolina College. ..L 1253 Laurie, A. Une Annee de College.C 5671 Laurie, S. S. Rise and Early Constitution of Universities.I- 1499 Sorbonne et College de France, 1860-84.C 5699 Leighton. Harvard Examination Papers. .L 1433 Liard. . Universites et Facultes.C 5559 Lord. Maynooth College Grant .L 1318 Lossing. Vassar College and its Founder. .L 1259 Lyte, History of Eton College, i440-1875 . L 1241 The University of Oxford to 153 °.^ ^S 1 McCabe. American Girl at College.L 1722 McLaughlin. Higher Education in Michi¬ gan.L 1715 Maclean. History of the College of New Jersey, 1746-1854. 2v.L 1 5 2 9 Mann, H. Dedication ^f Antioch College. L 1290 Mansfield. School Life at Winchester Col¬ lege.L 1227 Michigan, State University, Catalogue. *Doc. Reports. . *Doc. Moore. Sketch of Columbia College.L 1234 Morrison. Anniversary Address, Drury Col¬ lege. *L 1248 Mount Holyoke Seminary, Sketch of.L 1236 Mullinger. History of the University of Cambridge.L 1242 The same abridged.L 1475 Munimenta Academica; Life and Studies at Oxford. 2 v.A 1400 New Haven College for Colored Youths.. .*L 741 New Jersey College, 100th Anniversary of Cliosophic Society, 1865.L 1221 New York University Reports.>. ,*Doc. University Convocation, Proceedings. *Doc. Newman. The Idea of a University defined L 1216 Lectures on University Subjects.L 13 1 5 Office and Work of Universities.L 1316 Scope and Nature of University EducationL 1317 Northrop. High Schools.*L 1248 Ocagne, D’. Les Grandes j^coles de France.C 5116 Ochsenford. Muhlenberg College, 1867-92L 1725 Onahan, W. J. Address at Marquette Col¬ lege, 1880. *L 1248 Oration at University of Noire Dame, 1876. *L 1248 Our Public Schools; Eton, Harrow, etc.L 1332 Oxford (N. Y.) Academy Jubilee, 1854.L 1710 Oxford University, Catalogue of Graduates, 1659-1850 .*P 14° Costumes of Members of.*P 39 1 Register of Visitors, 1647-1658; ed. by Burrows.A 911 Undergraduate Twenty Years ago.L 1211 Paine, M., Bequest to Harvard College... L 1505 Palatinus. Heidelberg und seine UniversilatD 5683 PALMER. Necrology of Alumni of Harvard University, 1851-63.C 1528 Paravicini. History of BalloilCollege., . . 1 . 1706 Pascoe. Everyday Life at Eton, Harrow and Rugby.L 1266 Peabody. Harvard Graduates whom I have known.C10146 Harvard Reminiscences, 1776-1831... .C 2248 Peirce. History of Harvard University, 1636-1769.L 1258 Philadelphia, Haverford College; its Aims. .Li43i,2 Pitcairn. Harrow School.L 11 5 1 EDUCATION. Si8 Porter, J. A. Sketches of \ ale.L 1493 Porter, N. American Colleges and the Public. .. .L 1250 The same; new ed.1251 The Christian College.*L 1248 Potts. Liber Cantabrigiensis.L 1231 Scholarship in Cambridge University.. .L 1265 Princeton Book. 535 Pycroft. Oxford Memories. 2 v.C 2941 QUINCY. History of Harvard College. 2 v.L 1224 Raymond. Vassar College . "L 1248 Richards. Seven Years at Eton. . .. .. L 1427 Richardson and Clark (Ed.). College Book.^46 Sayce. Examination System of Oxford L ni- versity.E 1080 Scenes and Characters in Yale College.L 1439 SCHAFF. Germany; its Universities and The¬ ology.L I2 ?6 Sibley. Graduates of Harvard University, 1642-1677. 2 v.C 1573 Sketches of Universities and Colleges of the United States, 1883. *Doc. Smith, B. P. History of Dartmouth CollegeL 1237 Smith, J. History of Jefferson College.... L 1551 Soley. History of the L nited States Naval Academy.. • - .L 1215 Sprague. Discourse to the Alumni of \ ale College, i860.*L 1298 Staunton. Great Schools of England.. .. L 1148 Stedman. Oxford.L 1264 STEINER. University Education in Mary¬ land .*L320i, 9 Steven. Edinburgh High School.L 1322 Stevens (Ed.). Yale Examination Papers. .L 1304 Stow. History of Mount Holyoke SeminaryL 1501 Stubbs. Plistory of the University of Dublin.L 1473 Sturtevant. Denominational Colleges. .*L 1248 Ten Brook. American State Universities. . 1 . 1207 Thayer. Sketch of Harvard University. .*V 1890 Thornton. Harrow School .L 1428 Thwing. American Colleges. L 1252 Tillinghast. Statistics relating to Graduates of Harvard University.*L. R. Tomek. Geschichte der Prager Universitat.D 3393 Tomes. My College Days.L 1254 Trestrail. College Life in Bristol.L 1239 Trinity College, Dublin, 1591-1891.*V 1891 Tripp. Student Life at Harvard.L 1210 Tuckwell. Ancient Ways; Winchester Fifty Years Ago ..L 1723 Tulane University, H. S. Newcomb Memorial College.L 1698 Tyler. History of Amherst College, 1821-7 iL 15 11 Vaille and CLARK (Ed.). The Harvard Book. 2 v.*P 533 Van Amringe. Sketch of Columbia College.L 1442 Walcott. William of Wykeham and his Col¬ leges. . .J 3166 Wallace. Princeton Sketches.L 1724 Ward. Reminiscences cf Cheltenham CollegeL 1704 Wells, W. FI. Address at Normal School, Westfield, 1883.*L 1267 Westcott. Religious Office of Universities.L 1263 Whewell. English University Education. .L 1152 Wilkinson. Reminiscences of Eton (Keate’s Time) .L I 5 2 4 William and Mary College, 1660-1874.L 1 55 ^ Williard. Heidelberg College, Tiffin, O. .L 1233 Wisconsin State University, Reports . *Doc. Wood. Athenae Oxonienses. 4 v . *0 202 Woolsey. Discourse before \ ale Graduates, 1850. L 1294 Wooton. Guide to Degrees.L 1492 Wordsworth. Scholse Academicse; Studies in English Universities in XYIII CenturyL 1547 Yale College, Catalogue of Portraits and Busts in, 1892.C10192 Catalogues, 1864-93.*L. R. Class of 1850.C 1654 Class of 1861.*L. R. Commemorative Celebration, 1865....*L 1298 Graduates of, 1702-1827.*L 1298 Graduates of, 1701-1892.*L. R. Historical Sketches; by Kingsley. 2 v.*P 534 Pamphlets relating to.*L 1298 Sketches of.L 1295 Zarncke. Die deutschen Universitaten im Mittelalter.D 34^8 METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. American Institute of Mining Engineers, Dis¬ cussions on Technical Education.L 1132 American Normal Schools.L 126S Armitage. Education and Employment of the Blind...L 1 5 1 7 Barnard. Normal Schools.L 1174 Oral Training.L 1179 Papers on Froebel’s Kindergarten.L 1367 Barter. Manual Instruction; English SloydK 53 10 Bertrand. Le Travail manuel a l’Ecole..Ci 1956 Biber. Pestalozzi and his Plan of Education.C 377 1 Blackie. Self-Culture. IM 5 Boelte and Kraus. Kindergarten Guide..L 136S The Kindergarten. .L x 5 12 Bowen. Froebel and Education by Self-Ac¬ tivity . . . .C10444 METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. Books for the Blind. 5 v.:.^850-853 Brabazon. Prosperity or Pauperism? Indus¬ trial and Technical Training.L 1454 Bridgman, L. Life; by Lamson.C 1729 Remarkable History of .*C 1875 Brooks. Normal Methods of Teaching-L 1337 Burn. Handbook of Object Teaching.L 1158 Plates to same.*R 4^34 Calkins. Primary Object Lessons.L 1160 Manual of Object Teaching.L 1291 Carpenter. Mother’s and Kindergartner’s Friend. L 139 2 Croy. Technologie de la Jeunesse.......C12210 Curious Schools; by various Authors.L 1261 Curtmann. Lehrbuch des Unterrichts. .. .D 335 1 Deaf taught by Articulation in Clarke Insti¬ tute .„. *Doc . Diesterweg. WegweiserfiirLehrer.D 2570 Wegweiser fur deutsche Lehrer. ...D 3364 Discusssions on Technical Education.L 1132 Douai. The Kindergarten.. ..L 1366 Duncan and Millard. Education of the Feeble Minded.L 1297 Elm. Der deutsche HandfertigkritsunterrichtD 622 Farnham. Sentence Method of Teaching.L 1381 Foster. Seminary Method of Original Study.L 1540 Fremont. How to learn and earn.L 1280 Froebel, F. Education of Man.L 1437 and Education by Self-Activity. C10444 Leben; von Goldammer.D 4073 Leben; von Hanschmann .D 5952 Leben; von Hoffmann.D 6030 Letters; ed. by Heinemann.L 1713 Padagogische Schriften. 2 v.D 3358 Reminiscences of; by Biilow.C 3332 Frye. The Child and Nature; Sand Model¬ ling.L 1701 First Steps in Geography.L 1702 Gall. Literature for the Blind.L 1520 Gallaudet, E. M. and Bell. Education of Deaf Children.*V 1896 Gallaudet, T. H. Life; by Gallaudet... .C 2320 Tribute to; tr. by Barnard.C 284 Gilbert, E. M., and her Work for the Blind; by F. Martin. C 3079 Gill. Systems of Education.L 1481 Godard. G. Birkbeck; the Pioneer of Popu¬ lar Education.C 2678 Goldammer. Das Buch vom Kinde.D 3346 The Gifts of the Kindergarten.L 1712 Der Kindergarten. 4 v. in 2.D 3356 Grasby. Teaching in Three Continents; Ed¬ ucational Systems of the World.L 1443 519 Guilli£. Instruction and Amusement of the Blind.L 1453 Hailmann, E. L. Songs, Games and Rhymes for the Kindergarten.*V 1700 Hailmann, W. N. Four Lectures on Early Child-Culture.*L 1468 Kindergarten Culture.L 1173 Object Teaching.. L 1184 Primary Methods. L 1389 Ham. Manual Training.L 1134 Hopkins. Spirit of the New Education.. ..L 1700 Hughes. The Kindergarten.L 1512 James (Ed.). University Extension....... L 1761 Jewett. -First Steps in Natural Science.... L 1719 Johnson. Education by Doing .L 1354 Kehr. Methodik des deutschen Volksschul- unterrichts. 6 v. in 3.D 3391 Kenyon. The Coming School.L 1539 Kindergarten, The, and the School.L 1496 Kindergarten Normal Institute.*L 1267 King. Aids in Geography for the use of Teachers. .. I 9747 Koehler. Der Kindergarten.D 3359 Die Praxis des Kindergartens.D 3392 Laurie. Training of Teachers.L 1309 Lilienthal. Object Lessons.L 1189 Lyschinska. The Kindergarten Principle.L 1448 MacArthur. Education and Manual Indus¬ try.L 1323 Mackinder and Sadler. University Exten¬ sion . L 1474 Maclaren. Physical Education.L 1126 The same.*P 200 Magnus. Industrial Education. .L 1538 Marenholtz-Buelow. The Child.L 1188 Marwedel. Conscious Motherhood.L 1543 Meyer. Aids to Family Government.L 1412 An der Hand Froebels.D 3365 MuLLEYand Tabram. Songs and Games. .K 4055 National Conference on University Extension, Proceedings, 1891.L 1699 Object Teaching and Oral Lessons.L 1469 Orpen. Annals of the Deaf and Dumb....L 1459 Palmer. The New Education.L 1506 Parker. Talks on Teaching.L 1305 Patridge. The Quincy Methods.L 1319 Peabody. Guide to the Kindergarten.L 1364 Lectures for Kindergartners.L 1494 Pestalozzi. Leonard and Gertrude.L 1350 Life and Works; ed. by de Guimps.L 1 554 Life, Work and Influence; by Kriisi... .C 377 ° Plan of Education of; by Biber.C 3771 Idee der Elementarbildung.D2110,17 Der natiirliche Schulmeister.D2110,16 320 . EDUCATION. Pestalozzi. Wie Gertrude ihre Kinder lehrt.D2110,11 Porter. Educational Systems of Puritans and Jesuits.L 1212 Reiner. Lesson on Number and Form... .L 1374 Rice. Public School System of the United States.L 1732 Roberts. Eighteen Years of University Ex¬ tension . L 1697 Royal Commission on Technical Instruction, Reports, 1882-84. 5 V .,L 1457 Russell. Systematic Technical Education.!. 1313 Salomon. Hand-Book of Slojd.L 1452 Seidel. Industrial Instruction.L 1516 Seiss. Children of Silence; Story of the DeafL 1513 Sheldon. Lessons on Objects.L 1157 Shirreff. Claim of Froebel’s System. L 1512 Home Education in relation to the Kinder¬ garten.L 1703 The Kinder-Garten.L 1270 South Kensington Museum, Examination Pa- ' ' P ers . *Doc. Practical Art Department, Reports. *Doc. Science and Art Department, Reports_ *Doc. Stetson. Technical Education.L 1124 Stow. Training System and Normal Semin¬ ary. L 1109 Thompson. Modern Polytechnic School. ,*L 1267 Trainer. U. S. History by the Brace SystemL 1376 University Extension, 1891. v. 1. *Ser. University of Chicago, University Extension Lectures...L 1733 Walter. Die Froebelliteratur. *0 341 Welch. Object Lessons.L 1200 Wickersham. Methods of Instruction _L 1166 Widd. The Deaf and Dumb .L 1281 Wiebe. Guide to Kinder-Gartners.*V 327 Wiggin. The Kindergarten.L 1750 Woodward. The Manual Training SchoolL 1515 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. PHILOSOPHY. RELIGION. MEDICINE. LAW. INDEX. INDEX TO PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION, MEDI¬ CINE AND LAW. Affections . 529 Anatomy.; . 591 Anglo-Catholic Theology, Library of . 587 Animal Magnetism . 534 Ear > Th « . 592 Earth Burial . P « 9 Eastern and Non-Christian Religions . _ 53Q Ecclesiastical History . 3,^ Emotions . r -> 9 Epidemics .... Ante-Nicene Christian Library. 587 Apostles, The . . 549 Episcopal Church. 333 Apparitions. 532 „ . 5 2 7 Eye, The. Astrology. 532 Faith Cure. ... Bacteria . . . 589 Bampton Lectures . 586 Fathers, Library of the. 3SR Feelings. The ... . rm Baptist Church . 33c Bible, The . 538 Commentaries . 538 Foreign Missions . 3^ Friends, Society of. ... err Genius . Miscellanies... . 339 Ghosts . . e ->'t Old Testament . 342 Commentaries . 342 Hanserd Knollys Soc. Publications . 388 Happiness . r->^ Miscellanies . 343 Hay Fever . Pri ~, New Testament . 544 Commentaries . 343 Healing, Divine . 3-2 Health . P ^,» Miscellanies . 347 Brahminism . 339 Buddhism . cr 0 TT 59 2 Health Resorts . r^ Hebrew Religion . 33^ Heredity .... Burial, Earth . 380 Heresies . P ,„ Catholic Church . . 333 Hinduism . rr~ Cheirosophy . 332 Cholera . 3^3 Homoeopathy . Hospitals. tCa Christian Church . 333 Christian Missions . c 6 i Hot Springs. 594 Hygiene. Christian Science. 332 Christianity, History of. 3^9 Church History. 3^ Clairvoyance. Hymns and Hymn Writers. 3^3 Hypnotism. 3-^ Illusions, Supernatural. 3-2 Inebriety . Commentaries on the Bible . 538 Insane, The . Congregational Church . 333 Insanity . Pr ,-, Conscience . r27 Intellect, The . P ,,„ Consumption . r 0 i Interment . P s n Cremation . r8o International P „ P Demonology . 336 . 595 Islamism . rrg Diseases . r 0 2 lesuits. The. Dogmatic and Religious Miscellanies . 366 [esus Christ . r,,8 Dreams . r ?fl fewish Religion rp ._ Dreams, Signification of . 332 Tudaism . pPrt Druidism . rr 0 Koran. The e&n Drunkenness . cq2 Law . P ^ P Dyspepsia . 3^ . 595 Lectures and Sermons . 382 II INDEX. Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology. 587 Library of the Fathers. 5 88 Logic. 5 2 7 Longevity. 59 2 Lutheran Church. 555 Magic. 53 2 Magnetism, Animal. 534 Mahometanism. 559 Medicine—General Works. 5 8 9 Melancholy ...... 5 2 7 Memory.-. 5 2 9 Mental Healing. 53 2 Mental Science. 5 2 9 Mesmerism. 534 Metaphysics. 5 21 Methodist Episcopal Church. 555 Mind, The. 5 2 9 Mind Cure. 53 2 Mineral Springs. 594 Mineral Waters. 594 Missions. 5^3 Mohammedism. 559 Monasticism. 5 ^ 2 Moral Science..... 5 2 7 Moravian Church. 555 Mythology.». 53 ^ Non-Christian Religions . 559 Nursing. 5 8 9 Occult Science. 53 2 Oriental Religions. 559 Palmistry. 53 2 Parker Society Publications. 5 88 Passions, The. * . 5 2 9 Persecutions, Religious. 549 Philosophy. 5 21 Phrenology. 53 2 Physiognomy. 53 2 Physiology. 59 1 Presbyterian Church. * . 555 Protestant Church. 555 Protestant Episcopal Church. 555 Psychology. 5 2 9 Public Health. 59 2 Puritanism. 555 Quakers, The. 555 Reformation of 16th Century. 558 Religion. 538 Religious History.*.549 Religious Miscellanies. 566 Religious Orders. 562 Religious Persecutions. 549 Roman Catholic Church.*. 553 Sabbath, The.564 Saints, Lives of. 549 Sea-Sickness. 593 Senses, The. 529 Sermons and Lectures. 582 Shakers, The.555 Sleep.5 2 9 Smallpox. 593 Society of Jesus . 562 Sorcery.532 Soul, The. 59 2 Spas. 594 Spiritualism. 534 Spottiswoode Society Publications. 588 Springs, Hot.594 Mineral.594 Stammering... 59 1 Stuttering. 59 1 Suicide.5 2 7 Sunday Questions.5^4 Sunday Schools.5^4 Supernatural, The.53 2 Superstition.53 2 Surgery.592 Swedenborg. 579 Talmud, The.559 Teeth, The. 59 2 Theosophy.534 Unitarian Church. 555 Universalist Church.. 555 Vaccination.593 Vivisection. 59 2 Water Cure.594 Will, The.5 2 9 Witchcraft. 53^ Yellow Fever.593 FINDING LISTS Chicago Public Library. PHILOSOPHY. PHILOSOPHY—METAPHYSICS. Abbot. Scientific Theism.L 1880 Philosophy of Free Religion .M 3245 Adam. Theories of History.L 1931 Adams. Where is my Dog? or, Is Man alone Immortal?.L 5062 Alexander. Problems of Philosophy.L 1898 Alger. Doctrine of a Future Life.L 2040 Ampere. Philosophic. C 4070 Annee philosophique, L’, 1890,’91. 2 v.. *011910 Apelt. Geschichte der griechischen Philo¬ sophic.D 3086 Argyll, Duke of . Reign of Law.L 2042 Unity of Nature.L 1861 Aristoteles. See Ancient Classics, p. 276. Arnold. Death—and afterwards.L 1840 Arundale. The Idea of Re-Birth. L 5012 Bacon. Advancement of Learning; ed. by Wright.*p 206 Moral and Historical Works.I 3001 Neues Organon; fibers, von Kirchmann.D32o6,7 Novum Organum; ed. by Kitchm_*P 28 The same; tr. by Kitchin.*P 30 The same; tr. by Shaw.L 2008 Account of.*£5041,12 Works; ed. byDevey..I 3241 Works; ed. by Rawley. 2v.J u Works; ed. by Spedding. 7 v.*J 17 Bailey. Essays on Pursuit of Truth.L 2096 Formation and Publication of Opinions.L 2095 Balfour. Defense of Philosophic Doubt. .L 1989 Bai.MES. Criterion; how to arrive at Truth.L 1990 Fundamental Philosophy. 2v.L 1991 Banerjea. Hindu Philosophy.L 1832 Barratt. Physical Metempiric. L 1901 Barrett. Philosophy of Science.L 1842 Bascom. Historical Interpretation of Philos- °P h y. 5055 Problems in Philosophy.L 1879 Science, Philosophy and Religion.L 2046 Bauer. Geschichte der Philosophic.D 3138 Bax. History of Philosophy. .1 3257 Beale. Life Theories. ]\j 1597 Protoplasm; or, Matter and Life.L 2047 Beck. Theoretische Philosophie. D ^099 Begg. Development of Taste ..L 5002 Bf.nfey. Wegweiser in die Philosophie_ D 564 Benn. Greek Philosophers. 2v.L 1875 Berkeley, G., Bishop. Principles of Knowi¬ ng 6 .. 2011 Selections from; ed. by Fraser.L 5001 Works; ed. by Fraser. 3 V.*p 26 Biogen Series . 1938 v. 1. Coues. Biogen; Origin of Life. 2. The Dcemon of Darwin. 3. Olcott. Buddhist Catechism. Birks. Modern Physical Fatalism.L 1992 Blackie. Natural History of Atheism_ M SSq The Wise Men of Greece.L 19S8 Blackwell. Philosophy of Individuality. .L 5067 Studies in Science.p 2048 Boemler. Man; a Philosophical Treatise..L 5005 Boethius. De Consolatione Philosophise; cum CommetarioThomae de Aquino, 1476*? 879 The same; tr. by Chaucer ___ ,*J 1284 The same; tr. by Fox.I 3342 See also Ancient Classics, p. 276. Bosanquet. A History of /Esthetic.L 5060 Bose. Hindu Philosophy.p 1869 Bowen. Metaphysics and Ethics.L 2050 Modern Philosophy. p 1963 Bowne. Metaphysics .L 1964 Philosophy of Theism.L 1902 522 PHILOSOPHY—METAPHYSICS. Boyle, R. Philosophical Works. 3 V. ... L 2000 - Bradley. Appearance and Reality.L 5081 Brann. Curious Questions.L 2015 Brasch. Die Philosophic der Gegenvvart. .D 3096 Philosophic und Politik.D 6123 Bray. Philosophy of Necessity. 2v.L 1843 Brougham. Philosophers of the Time of George III. J 14,2 Bueciiner. Das kiinftige Leben und die mo- derne Wissenschaft .D 6693 Der Mensch und seine Stellung.D 4411 Force and Matter.L 2052 Kraft und Stoff...D 3125 Natur und Geist.D 3126 Natur und Wissenschaft.D 3124 Burnouf. La Vie et la Pensee.C12118 Burt. Modern Philosophy. 2 v.L 5026 Bushnell. Nature and Supernatural.L 2054 Butler. Ancient Philosophy. 2v.L 2024 Caird. Account of Philosophy of Kant ... L 1983 Critical Philosophy of Kant. 2 v..... .L 1835 Calderwood. Philosophy of Infinity.L 2018 Camerer. Die Lehre Spinoza’s.D 3139 Carey. Unity of Law.L 1957 Carneri. Der Moderne Mensch.D 4433 ' Caro. Etudes philosophiques.C 4298 Le Materialising et la Science.C 4300 Carpenter. Nature and Man; Essays ...L 1917 Carriere. iEsthetik. 2v.D 458 Carus. Fundamental Problems .L 1838 Primer of Philosophy...L 5045 Caspari. Zusammenhang der Dinge.D 3128 Cazelles. Outline of Evolution-Philosophy L 2055- Chaboseau. La Philosophic bouddhique.. C12657 Cpiarron. Of Wisdom. 3 v. in 2.L 1918 Church. Trial and Death of Socrates.... L 2086 Cicero. See Ancient Classics, p. 276. Collins. Synthetic Philosophy.L 5010 Comte. Appeal to Conservatives.L 5071 Catechism of Positive Religion.L 5070 Cours de Philosophic positive. 6 V....L 2023 General View of Positivism.L 1993 Philosophy of the Sciences.I 3260 Positive Philosophy...L 2037 Positive Spirit.L 5072 System of Positive Polity. 4 V.L 1972 Concord Lectures on Philosophy, 1882.L 1845 Conflict in Nature and Life.L 1853 Cook. Transcendentalism.E 2204 Courtney. Studies in Philosophy.L 5066 Cousin. Histoire de la Philosophic.C 4369 History of Modern Philosophy. 2 v. . .L 2010 Introduction a PHistoire de la Philo¬ sophic. C 4370 Cousin. Philosophy of Kant.L 1857 The True, the Beautiful and the Good.L 2056 Cudworth. The Intellectual System. 3v.L 1969 Curtis. Creation or Evolution.L 1897 Cyclopaedia of Experimental Philosophy. . ,*R 1134 Cyples. Process of Human Experience.. .L 1891 Dana. Optimism of Emerson.L 1888 Dean. Philosophy of Human Life.L 5008 Descartes, R. CEuvres.C 4426 Deutschland’s Denker seit Kant.D 3131 DeVere. Proteus and Amadeus.L 1961 Dewey. Liebnitz Essays concerning Human Understanding.L 1947 Dick. Philosophy of a Future State.J 48,1 The same.L 2016 Dieterich. Kant und Newton.D 3140 Doubter’s Doubts about Science and Re¬ ligion .:-L 5011 Draper. Conflict of Religion and Science.L 2066 Drummond. Philo-Judaeus. 2 v.L 1933 Duboc. Leben ohne Gott.D 3142 Optimismus als Weltanschauung.D 3143 Duehring. Cursus der Philosophic.I) 3147 Dutens. Origin of Modern Discoveries.. .K 2652 Edger. Problem of Life considered.L 1890 Edinburgh Speculative Society, History of. .L 2077 Engel. Der Philosoph fiir die Welt.... D2003,1-2 Philosophische Schriften. D2qo3,9-io English Philosophers; ed. by Muller: Smith; by Farrar.L 1921 Hamilton; by Monck .L 1922 Hartley and Mill; by Bower. L 1923 Shaftesbury and Hutcheson; by FowlerL 1924 Erdmann. History of Philosophy. 3 v., L 5004 Eucken. Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker ..D 3149 Modern Philosophic Thought.L 1984 Fechner. Life after Death.. .L 1881 Ueber die Seelenfrage.D 3168 Fenelon. La Vie des Philosophes.C12361 Lives of Ancient Philosophers....I 3748 Ferrier. Institutes of Metaphysics.! .L 2005 Lectures on Greek Philosophy. 2 v...L 1977 Philosophical Works. 3 v,..L 1999 Feuerbach. Gedanken und Thatsachen. .D 3171 Werke. 10 v. in 5.D 3170 Fichte, I. H. Fragen und Bedenken.D 3174 PTchte, J. G. Characteristics of the Present Age.L 1906 Destination of Man.L 1907 Popular Works; with Memoir.L 1979 . Sammtliche Werke. 11 v.D 3175 Science of Rights.L 2058 Figuier. Day after Death. L 2060 PHILOSOPHY—METAPHYSICS. 523 Figuer. Joys beyond the Threshold.L 5029 Le Lendemain de la Mort .C 4905 To-Morrow of Death.L 2061 Fischer. Franz Baco von Verulam. D 3161 Freiheit des menschlichen Willens.D 3171 Geschichte der neuern Philosophic. 6v. .D 3162 . History of Modern Philosophy....... L 1896 System der Logik und Metaphysik.D 3163 Ueber die menschliche Freiheit.D 3033 Fiske. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. 2v.L 2057 Fitzgerald. Philosophy of Self-Conscious¬ ness.L 1911 Protest against Agnosticism.L 5302 Flammarion. Lumen; Experiences in the Infinite.L 5061 Fluegel. Die Probleme der Philosophic. .D 7177 Foucher deGareil. Hegel et ShopenhauerC 4993 Frauensivedt. Intellectuelle Welt.D 3177 Materialismus.D 3181 Natiirliche Religion..D 3180 Naturwissenschaft und ihr Einfluss.D 3182 Schopenhauer-Lexicon. 2v.*R 1683 Schopenhauer’sche Philosophic.D 3178 Dassittliche Leben.D 3179 und Lindner. Schopenhauer.D 4219 Friese. Semitic Philosophy.L 1830 Frohschammer. Das neue Wissen und der neue Glaube. 1 ) 3554 Frothingham, E. L. and A. L. Christian Philosophy. 2 v.L 5017 Philosophy as Absolute Science.L 1978 Frothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism in New England.L 1996 Fullerton. Conception of the Infinite.. .L 1895 Funck-Brentano. Les Sophistes allemandsC 4878 Gabler. Hegelsche Philosophic.D 3171 Geiger. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Menschheit.D 3183 Gioberti. Essay on the Beautiful..L 5056 Glanvill. Essays on Philosophy and Re¬ ligion.*L 2430 Gospel Paganism.L 2063 G RACIAN. Iland-Orakel und Weltklugheit. D 2880 Graham. Idealism.L 5059 Green, J. H. Spiritual Philosophy. 2 v..L 2003 Green, T. H. Works; ed. by Nettleship. 3v.L 1831 Griffith. A B C of Philosophy.L 5053 ^ r >gg s ’ s Philosophical Classics; Morris: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason; by Mor¬ ris .L 1940 Schelling’s Transcendental Idealism; by Watson .L 1941 Fichte’s Science of Knowledge; by Ev¬ erett.L 1871 Griggs’s Philosophical Classics; ed. by Morris: Hegel’s Aesthetics; by Kedney.L 1942 Kant’s Ethics; by Porter.L 1943 Hegel’s Philosophy; by Morris.L 1946 Leibniz’s New Essays; by Dewey.L 1947 Hegel’s Logic; by Harris.L 1790 Grote. Aristotle.L 2088 Plato and other Companions of Socrates. 3 v .L 2089 Mill’s Hamilton’s Philosophy.I, 2065 Guthrie. Spencer’s Unification of Knowl¬ edge,....'..L 1867 Guyau. L’Art au pointde vue sociologique.Ci2540 Problemes de l’Esthelique.C 5163 Hagemann. Metaphysik. D 3191 Hagenbach. German Rationalism.L 1841 Haig. Symbolism; or, Mind, Matter, Lan¬ guage.L 2017 Hall. Glimpses of Great Fields.L 1919 Hallier. ^Esthetik der Natur.. D 4475 Hamberger. Lehre des Philosophen Bohme.D 3144 Hamilton. Lectures on Metaphysics. 2 v.L 2002 Philosophy; ed. by Wight . L 2021 Philosophy and Literature.L 2044 Hampden. Fathers of Greek Philosophy. .L 2001 Harfer. Metaphysics of the School. 2 v.L 1973 Harris, S. Philosophical Basis of Theism.L 1854 Harris, W. T. Study of Philosophy.L 1833 Hartmann, E. v. Neukantianismus.D 3136 Phanomenologie des sittlichen Bewusst- seins.D 3195 Die Philosophic der Gegenwart...... .D 3196 Philosophic des Schonen.D 3112 Philosophic des IJnbewussten.D 3134 Philosophy of the Unconscious. 3 v.. .L 1864 Religion de Geistes.D 3193 Das religiose Bewusstsein.D 3194 Schelling’s Positive Philosophic.D 3137 Selbstzersetzung des Christenthums... .D 3132 Studien und Aufsatze. D 3133 Das Unbewusste.D 3135 Hartmann, F. Doctrines of Boehme.L 5501 Harwood. From Within.L 1916 IIausner. Das menschliche Elend.I) 4758 Haven. History of Philosophy.L 1985 IlECKEL. Idea of Re-Birth.L 5012 Hegde. Atheism in Philosophy.L 1870 Hegel. History of Philosophy. 2v.L 5100 Werke, nebst Biographie. 19 v. in 20. D 3126 Heine. Religion and Philosophy in Ger¬ many.„.L 1966 Henry. Epitome of History of Philosophy. 2 v . I 375 ° 524 PHILOSOPHY—METAPHYSICS. Herbert. Realistic Assumptions of Modern Science.L 5028 Herder. Ausgewahlte Werke. 4 v.D 2040 Sammtliche Werke. 40 v. in 20.D 2049 Hickok. Creator and Creation.....L 2064 Humanity Immortal.L 2254 Hill. Elements of Philosophy.L 1994 Hinton. A New Era of Thought.L 1839 Hobbes, T. Works, in English. 11 v.J 112 Works, in Latin. 5 v.J 113 Hodgson. Philosophy of Reflection. 2 v.L 5 2 7 ° Time and Space; a Metaphysical Essay.L 5271 Hoffding. Einleitung in die Englische Phil¬ osophic.D 7187 Holland. Reign of the Stoics.L 1937 Holmes. Realistic Idealism in Philosophy. 2 v .L 1958 Horn. Platostudien.D 3199 Hume. Enquiry concerning Human Under¬ standing. L 5101 Philosophical Works. 4 v.L 2004 Treatise on Human Nature. 2v.L 1904 Hurst. History of Rationalism.L 2140 The same; new ed.L 2141 James. Substance and Shadow. t ... .L 2070 Society the Redeemed Form of Man.. M 1133 Janet. Final Causes.L 1844 Maitres de la Pensee moderne.C 5318 Traite de Philosophic.C 5319 Joel. Geschichte der Philosophie.D 3145 Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1867-88. 22 v... *Ser. Jouvin. Le Pessimisme.....C 5379 Kames, Lord. Elements of Criticism.L 2067 Kant. Critical Philosophy for English Read¬ ers. 2 v.L 1836 Critique de la Raison pure. 2 v.C 5420 Critique of Pure Reason.I 33 1 8 The same ; tr. by Muller. 2 v.. ..L 1846 Sammtliche Werke. 8 v.D 317 2 Kf.dney. The Beautiful and Sublime.L 2053 Kelley. Philosophy of Existence.L 1865 Kennedy. Thoughts on Being.L 2149 Kirchmann. Lehre vom Wissen.D 3204 Ueber die Unsterblichkeit.D 3 20 5 Kirkman. Philosophy without Assump¬ tions.L 1847 Klencke. Pessimismus.D 3111 Knauer. Die Hauptprobleme der Philoso¬ phie.D 3214 Knight, R. P. Principles of Taste.L 5058 Knight, W. Essays in Philosophy.L 5006 Four Essays on Spinoza.L 1935 Philosophy of the Beautiful.L 5014 Krauth and Fleming. Vocabulary of the Philosophical Sciences.*R 1686 Laban. Die Schopenhauer-Literatur..... .D 2608 Ladd. Introduction to Philosophy.L 1828 Laing. A Modern Zoroastrian.L 1956 Lange. History of Materialism. 3 v.L 1970 Geschichte des Materialismus. 2V....D 3 2 i 3 Lanigan. Science an(J Scepticism.L 2073 Lassalle. Philosophie Herakleitos des Dunk- len. 2 v.D 3212 Lazarus. Ideale Fragen.D 2899 Le Boys des Guays. Religions-PhilosophieD 3215 Lecky. Rationalism in Europe. 2v... .L 2145 Leibnitz. Opera Philosophica.D 3230 Leifchild. Higher Ministry of Nature.. .L 2072 Leigh. Story of Philosophy.L 1886 Leonard. Human Ignorance.L 1980 Lewes. Aristotle.L 2012 Biographical Hist, of Philosophy. 2 v,.L 2009 The same ; new ed. 2 v.L 2013 Geschichte der alten Philosophie.D 3235 Problems of Life and Mind. 5 v.. ,.. .L 2036 Liebmann. Analysis der Wirklichkeit.... D 3232 Lilly. The Great Enigma.L 5057 Lioy. Philosophy of Right. 2 v.L 5015 Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 1845-89. 26 v. . L 2295 Locke. Conduct of the Understanding.. .1 3762 Human Understanding. 2v.L 2006 Selections from ; by Emmens.K 1366 Philosophical Works. 2v.I 3048 Works. 10 v.T 178 Lotze. Metaphysics.L 1866 Microcosmus; Man and his Relation to the World. 2v.L 1915 Mikrokosmus. 3 v.D 4514 Dasselbe. 3 v. in 2.D 6712 Philosophy of Religion.L 5025 Maccall. Greek Sceptics.L 2165 McCosh. Examination of Mill’s Philosophy. L 2022 First and Fundamental Truths; Meta¬ physics.L 1936 Philosophical Series. 8 v. in 2.L 1939 Philosophy of Reality.L 5035 Prevailing Types of Philosophy.L 1827 Realistic Philosophy. 2v.L 1894 Scottish Philosophy..L 2038 McDonald. Vital Philosophy. L 2034 Mahaffy. Kant’s Critical Philosophy, v. i, 3L 1945 and Bernard. The same; new ed. 2 v.L 1836 Mahan. History of Philosophy. 2v.L 1878 Mainl/ENDER. Philosophie der Erlosung. .D 3241 Mai.lock. Atheism and Value of I.ife....L 1874 PHILOSOPHY—METAPHYSICS. I 525 Mallock. Is Life Worth Living ?.L 2079 Reply to the same; by Jacobi.L 2080 Mansel. Metaphysics.L 2007 MANTEGAZZA. Das heuchlerische Jahrhun- dert.-'D 4798 Lebensweisheit fiir die Jugend.D 479 ^ Marshall. Greek Philosophy.L 5007 Martensen. Jacob Boehme.L 55 °° Jacob Bohme (in German).D 5982 Martin. Evolution Hypothesis ; Cosmic Philosophy. L 5063 Martineau. Study of Spinoza.L 1848 Essays, Philosophical and Theological. 2 v,... ...L 2074 Masson. Recent British Philosophy.L 2028 Maurice. Mediaeval Philosophy.L 1997 Modern Philosophy.L 1998 Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 2 V. • m • • • ,*#.#, •••###••••• ••••••• L 2029 Maximus Tyrius , Dissertations of. 2 v.. L 5090 Mead. Philosophy of Carlyle.L 1976 Mendelssohn. Schriften zur Metaphysik und Ethik. 2 v.D 3 2 49 Menzel. Vorchristliche Unsterblichkeits- lehre. D 3 2 4 § Mill. Comte’s Positivism reviewed.L 2078 Examination of Hamilton’s Philosophy.L 2019 The same. 2v.L 2020 Utilitarianism.L 2081 Miller. Evolution of Love .L 5021 Mitchell. Greek Philosophy.L 5009 MivArt. On Truth; a Systematic Inquiry.. L 1837 Momerie. Personality the Beginning of Met¬ aphysics .L 1910 Morell. Speculative Philosophy in the 19th Century.L 2032 Morris. Hegel’s Philosophy of Church and History.L 1946 Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.L 1940 Mueller. Leben und Tod.D 2497 Mullens. Religious Aspects of Hindu Phil¬ osophy . L 5027 Nichols. Whence, what, where ? .L 1850 Nielsen. Religionsphilosophie.C 74 1 8 Noir£. Monistische Erkenntniss-Thcorie.. D 3260 Welt als Entwicklung des Geistes.D 3261 Nordau. Paradoxe. D3117 Oersted, H. C. Gesammelte Schriften. 4 v. in 2. D 3270 Open Court, The, 1887-93. 8 v. *Ser . Owen. Sceptics of the French Renaissance.L 5°77 Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance-L 5078 Paradoxical Philosophy.J.L 2041 Paulsen. Einleitung in die Philosophic.. .D 3278 Pearson. Ethic of Freethought. .L 1949 Perrin. Religion of Philosophy. .L 1873 Perty. Leben des Menschengeistes. D 3”9 Natur in philosophischer Anschauung. .D 3121 Seelenleben der Thiere. D 3122 Peters. Willenswelt und Weltwille. .D 3 2 79 Pfleiderer. Development of Theology. .L 5016 Philosophical Classics for English Readers ; ed. by Knight: Bacon ; by Nichol. 2 v. L 2131 Berkeley ; by Fraser. .L 2122 Butler ; by Collins. .L 2123 Descartes ; by Mahaffy. .L 2121 Fichte ; by Adamson. , .L 2124 Hamilton ; by Veitch. .L 2125 Hegel ; by Caird. ,. L 2126 Hobbes ; by Robertson. ..L 2128 Hume; by Knight. ,. L 2129 Kant ; by Wallace. ..L 1802 Leibnitz ; by Merz. ,.L 2127 Locke ; by Fraser. . .L 1801 Spinoza ; by Caird. .. L 2130 Vico ; by Flint . . .L M 00 0 Philosophical Review, 1892. v. 1. *Ser. Philosophic positive, La, 1867-83. 31 v. . *Ser. Philosophische Bibliothek; her. von Kirch- mann. 34 v .^ 3 2 °6 PiCAVET. Les Ideologues.C 6339 Plato. Talks with Socrates about Life...L 1887 See also Ancient Classics, p. 276. Platt. Life .L 5003 Plumacher. Kampf urns Unbewusste.... D 3282 Plumptre. History of Pantheism. 2V...L i860 Ponton. Freedom of Truth.L *£>56 Potter, A. Religious Philosophy.M 1132 Potter, J. P. Characteristics of Socrates and Plato. L 5023 Powell. Spirit of Inductive Philosophy. .. L 2033 Preger. Geschichte der deutschen Mystik. 2 ..D 3 * 3 ° Pressens£. Study of Origins...L 1S77 Proudhon. Gerechtigkeit in Revolution und Kirche.D 3281 Punjer. Christian Philosophy cf Religion.L 1934 Radenhausen. Isis; MenschundWelt. 3 v.D 3286 Rehmke. Pessimismus und Sittenlehre.. ..D 3296 Renan. Philosophische Dialoge.D 3287 Reymond. Laienbrevier des Hackelismus. D 4982 Ritchie. Darwin and Hegel.L 5069 Ritter. Geschichte der Philosophic. 12 v.D 3290 History of Ancient Philosophy. 4 v.. .L 1967 Philosophische Paradoxa.D 3291 Roberty. La Philosophic du Siecle.C 6346 Roeth. Abendlandische Philosophic. 2 v. D 3 2 93 0 526 PHILOSOPHY—METAPHYSICS. Rosenkranz. Hegel the National Philoso¬ pher of Germany.L 2035 Rosmini-Serbati. Origin of Ideas. 3 v,.L 1892 Philosophical System of.I, 1893 Royce. Religious Aspect of Philosophy.. .L 1872 Spirit of Modern Philosophy__L 5013 Ruge. Philosophic seit Lessing.D 2177,1 Philosophic und ihre Befreiung.1) 4194,4 Stellungen der Kritik der Zeit.. D 2177,4 Salter. First Steps in Philosophy.L 5054 Saltus. Anatomy of Negation.L 1899 Philosophy of Disenchantment. L 1882 Schelling. Sammtliche Werke. 14 v.. .D 3310 Schlegel. Philosophic des Lebens.D 3302 Philosophy of History.I 3075 Philosophy of Life and Language.I 3073 Philosophische Vorlesungen.D 3304 Schleiermacher. Werke ; iste Abth. v. 1- 8, 11 -13.D 3307 Werke ; 2te Abtheilung. 10 v. in 9.. .D 3308 Werke ; 3te Abtheilung. 9 V. in 8_D 3309 Schopenhauer. Counsels and Maxims...E 5796 Handschriftlicher Nachlass.D 3314 Le Monde comme Volonte. 2 v.C 6716 Reason and Will in Nature.I 3279 Religion and other Essays. E5797 Select Essays .L 1962 Studies in Pessimism.E 5798 Werke. 6 v.D 3313 Wisdom of Life.E 5799 World as Will and Idea. 3 V.I. 1859 Schuppe. Das menschliche Denken. __D 3325 Schyvegler. History of Philosophy.L 2083 The same ; new ed.... .L 1982 Seth and Haldane (Ed.). Philosophical Cri¬ ticism..L 1851 Shedd. Philosophy of History.L 2014 Shields. Philosophia Ultima. 2v.L 1914 Siebexlist. Schopenhauer’s Philosophic der Tragodie.D 3301 Spencer. Essays, Scientific and Specula¬ tive. 3 v.L 2085 The same; new ed. 3 v.L 5018 First Principles of Philosophy.L 2025 The same.L 2026 Recent Discussions. ....L 2090 See also Social Science p. 488. Spinoza. Leber Politik ; Leber Ausbildung des Verstandes.D 3335,4 Werke; fibers, von Auerbach. 5 v. in4.D 3335 Staehlin. Kant, Lotze and Ritschl. L 1829 Stempel. Stoff und Kraft.D 395 Stephen. An Agnostic’s Apology.L 5064 English Thought in 18th Century. 2v.L 1974 Stewart, D. Works, nv.j 261 Stirling. Secret of Hegel. 2v.L 2049 Stokes. The Objectivity of Truth.L 5041 Stuckenberg. Study of Philosophy.L 1912* Sully. Pessimism. l 1981 Swedenborg. Key to Natural and Spiritual Mysteries.L 1905 Taine. Les Philosophes du 19c Siecle.C 6876 Tait, J. Mind in Matter.L 1876 Tait, P. A. and Stewart. Unseen Uni¬ verse. t 9n rp . . . 20 j9 i aubert. Pessimismus.. D 3297 Taylor. Physical Theory of another Life..L 2059 Teichmueller. AristotleischeForschungen.D 2722 Tennf.mann. History of Philosophy.I 3321 Thompson. The Problem of Evil.L 1948 Thomson (Ed.). Dictionary of Philosophy.*R 1687 Tollemache. Stones of Stumbling.L 5065 T olstoi. Power and Liberty.L 1913 ....L 5050 Torrey. Philosophy of Descartes.L 5024 Tllloch. Theories in Philosophy and Re- .L 5068 Tyler, J. The Mystery of Being.L 5032 Tyler, S. Progress of Philosophy.L 1986 L eber die Wissenschaft der Idee.D 3338 Leberweg. History of Philosophy. 2 v..L 2027 Ulrici. Glauben und Wissen. .D 3347 Gott und der Mensch. 3 V.D 3336 Gott und die Natur. D 3334 Upham. Absolute Religion.L 2191 ^ eitch. Method and Principles of Des- cartes . .L 1795 Voltaire. Philosophic.c 6997,6 Dictionnaire philosophique.C 6997,7,8 Le meme .c 6945,16-19 Philosophical Dictionary . ..*R j68g The same. 2 v.L 2075 Walker. Re incarnation ; a Study of For¬ gotten Truth..L 1908 Wallace, E. Philosophy of Aristotle... .L 1855 Wallace, W. Epicureanism .L 1930 Logic of Hegel.L 1965 Walter. Perception of Space and Matter.L 2051 Watson. Kant and his English Critics_L 1971 Watts. The Reign of Causality .L 1885 Webb. Veil of Isis ; Essays on Idealism.. .L 1903 W egner. Ivantlexikon.D 3173 Weygoldt. Pessimismus neuester Zeit. ..D 3298 Wichert. Die ewigen Rathsel.D 7227 Wiener. Grundzfige der Weltordnung.. .D 4631 Wilkens. Erkjendelsens Problem.C 7678 Winchell. Evolution and Theism.L 2084 Windelband. History of Philosophy ...,L 5052 LOGIC—MORAL SCIENCE—ETHICS. 5 2 7 W in disc H M an x. Zoroastrische Studien.. D 3673 Wright. Philosophical Discussions.L 19S7 Wundt. Essays. D 7230 Die Menschen-und Thierseele. 2 v.. .D 3339 System der Philosophic.D 7 2 34 Wythe. Science and Revelation.L 2082 Zeising. Religion und Wissenschaft. D 3343 Zeller. Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy.L 1883 Friedrich der Grosse als Philosoph.D 6124 History of Greek Philoso 2 v.... L 1884 Philosophic der Griechen. 3 v. in 4.. .D 3340 Plaio and the Older Academy.L 2091 Stoics, Epicureans, Sceptics..L 2093 Strauss and Renan.L 2092 LOGIC. Atwater. Manual of Elementary Logic.. L 2099 Bailey. Theory of Reasoning.L 2097 Bain. Logic, Deductive and Inductive....L 2043 Balmes. Elements of Logic.L 2115 Barnes. An Outline of Rede-Craft.L 1950 Benecke. Lehrbuch der Logik. D 3101 Blakey. Historical Sketch of Logic.L 1815 Boole. Mathematical Analysis of Logic.. L 1819 Bosanquet. New System of Logic.L 1952 Chretien. Essay on Logical Method.L 1820 Coleman. Notes on Logic.L 2104 Condillac. Logic .L 1953 Coppee. Elements of Logic.L 2101 Davis. Elements of Deductive Logic.L 1824 Treatise of Deductive Logic.L 2112 Day. Elements of Logic .L 2100 Logical Praxis.L 2106 De Morgan. Formal Logic.L 2111 DevEY. Logic ; or, the Science of Inference.! 3319 Emmens. Logic, Pure and 1365 Fischer. Logik und Metaphysik .D 3163 Fowler. Elements of Deductive Logic...*P 212 Elements of Inductive Logic.*P 213 Gilbart. Logic for the Million.,...L 1955 Hagemann. Logik und Noetik.D 3191 Hamilton. Lectures on Logic.L 2002,2 Harris. Hegel’s Logic .L 1790 Hays. Every-day Reasoning .L 2198 JEVONS. Elementary Lessons in Logic.... L 2113 Principles of Science. 2 v.L 2107 The same ; new ed.L 2105 Pure Logic.L 2108 Pure Logic, and other Works.L 1825 Studies in Deductive Logic.L 2109 Substitution of Similars.L 2110 Jones. Elements of Logic. L 1817 Kant. Kleinere Schriften zur I,ogik...I) 3206,20 Kant. Logik.D 3206,18 Latham. Logic and Language.L 1954 Lotze. Logic; tr. by Bosanquet.L i960 McCosh. Tests of Truth; Applied Logic.. L 1826 Mill. System der Logik. 2 v.D 3245 System of Logic. 2 v.L 2114 Minto. Logic, Inductive and Deductive.. L 1816 Science of Thought. 2v.L 5245 Lectures on Science of Thought.L 5252 Neale. Analogy of Thought and Nature. .L 1818 Nielsen. Grundideernes Logik. 2v.C 7429 Read. Theory of Logic.L 2094 Schuyler. Principles of Logic.L 2118 Sibbern. Logik.C 7552 Sidgwick. Fallacies; a view of Logic._L 195 1 Smith. Culmination of the Science of Logic. L 1821 Thomson. Laws of Thought.L 2117 Venn. Logic of Chance. L 1822 Symbolic Logic. L 1823 Vera. Speculative Logic and Philosophy. .L 2098 Whately. Logic.L 2171 Elements of Logic. L 2102 The same.L 2103 Willcox. Logic Critically Treated.L 2119 Wilson. Treatise on Logic.L 2120 Wundt. Logik. 2v. I) 7233 Ziegler. Lehrbuch der Logik.L) 3342 MORAL SCIENCE —ETHICS. Abercrombie. Moral Feelings.. ..'.I 3698 Alexander, A. Outlines of Moral Science.L 2270 Theory of Conduct.L 2604 Alexander, S. Moral Order and Progress L 2606 Ethik ; iibers. von Garve. 2 v.D 3104 Arthur. Physical and Moral Law.L 1863 ATKINSON. International Morality.L 2283 Bain. Moral Science .L 2264 Barratt. Physical Ethics .L 1900 Bascom. Ethics ; or, Science of Duty.L 2045 Bierbower. The Virtues and their Reasons.L 5 2 57 Birks. First Principles of Moral Science. .L 2241 Bixby. The Crisis in Morals.I- 2612 Bi.ackie. Phases of Morals. ..I- 2260 Blakey. History of Moral Science.L 2289 Bradley. Ethical Studies.L 2247 Brown. Lectures on Ethics.L 2286 Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy ..L 2162 The same. 3 v .L 2161 The same ; ed. byShilleto. 3 v..*'L 2635 Caldervvood. Hand-book of Moral Philos¬ ophy .L 2272 Carneri. Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus... D 3127 528 MORAL SCIENCE-ETHICS. Etudes morales sur le temps present.C 4298 Carriere. Die sittliche Weltordnung.D 3105 Carus. The Ethical Problem.L 2608 Comegys. Primer of Ethics.L 2610 Cook. Conscience.E 2205 Coste. Conditions du Bonheur.C 4381 Courtney. Constructive Ethics.L 2310 Day. Science of Ethics.E 2274 Dennis. The Two Consciences .L 2242 Dorner. System of Christian Ethics.L 2312 Dreyfus. L’Arbitrage international.C12333 Dugard. La Culture morale.C12667 Dymond. Essays on Morality.L 2609 The same . I, 2256 Elyot. Boke named the Governour. 2 v.L 2296 Ethical Record, 1887-90. 3 V.. *.SVr. Faber. The Mind of Mencius.L 2624 Fairchild. Moral Philosophy.L 2249 b erguson. Moral and Political Science. 2 v*V 1966 Fletcher. Practical Ethics.L 2275 Fontana. La morale e il diritlo.C 9177 Fowler. Progressive Morality.L 2299 Garnier. La Morale dans l’Antiquite.C 5057 Garve. Versuche iiber Moral, etc. 3 v..D 3109 Gillett. Moral System.L 2255 Gizycki. Manual of Ethical Philosophy.. L 2605 Godwin. Active Principles ; Moral Science. L 2308 Green. Prolegomena to Ethics.L 2291 Gregory. Christian Ethics.L 2248 Grote. On Ethical Subjects., .,. .L 2294 Guthrie. Spencer’s Data of Ethics.L 1868 Guyau. Esquisse d’une Morale sans obliga¬ ti 00 .C12542 La Morafle anglaise contemporaine.C12521 La Morale d’Epicure.C12544 Haddon. The Larger Life ; Hinton’s Ethics. L 1834 Hampden. Lectures on Moral Philosophy. L 2071 Hartmann. Phanomenologie des sittlichen Bewusstseins.D 3195 Hill. Ethics; or, Moral Philosophy.L 1995 Hilty. Gluck...D 3198 Hoffdtng. Grundlaget for den humane Ethik.C 7287 Holmes. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. L 2252 Hopkins. Law of Love, and Love as a Law.L 2250 Lectures on Moral Science.L 2266 Hovey. Studies in Ethics and Religion... L 2614 Hume. Principles of Morals.L 5101 Selbstmord .D 3206,13 Huxley. Evolution and Ethics.L 2617 International Journal of Ethics, 1891-3. 3 V. *Ser. Janet. Elements of Morals.L 2298 Philosophic du Bonheur.C 5322 Janet. Theory of Morals.L 2292 Jevons. Systematic Morality. 2 v.L 2281 Koerner. Natur-Ethik. v. 2.D 3208 Lacroix. Outlines of Christian Ethics_M 1986 Laurie. Philosophy of Ethics.,.L 2263 Lecky. History of European Morals. 2 v.L 2262 The same ; new ed. 2v.L 2265 Letourneau. L’Evolution de la Morale..C 5533 Moralens Udviklingshistorie.C14SS3 Lilly. On Right and Wrong.L 2607 Lo\ e 1 t. Social and Political Morality.... L 797 Mackintosh. Progress of Ethical Philos¬ ophy.L 1920 Macnamara. Universal Peace.L 2261 Malot. Conscience.C12766 Marillier. La Liberte de Conscience... .C12775 Martensen. / Christian Ethics. 3 V.L 2601 Den christelige Ethik . Q 7^37 MartinEau, G. Outline Lessons in Morals.L 2285 Martineau, J. Types of Ethical Theory. 2 v .L 2314 Masaryk. Der Selbstmord.D 3115 Maude. Foundations of Ethics.L 2307 Maurice. Conscience.L 2253 Moral Philosophy. 2v .L 2029 Mendelssohn. Schriften zur Metaphysik und Ethik. 2v.D 3249 Mercier. Influence du Bien-Etre materiel sur la Moralite.L 2076 Morsf.lli. Der Selbstmord.D 41=7,50 Suicide.L 2223 Muirhead. Elements of Ethics.L 2613 Mushet. The Book of Symbols.L 2293 Oettingen. Die Moralstatistik. 4 V.D 3275 Die Moralstatistik..D 3276 Owgan. Manual of Ethics .L 2300 Paiey. Moral Philosophy ; ed. by Whately.L 2280 The same.M 1706,4 Peabody. Manual of Moral Philosophy... L 2267 Moral Philosophy.L 2305 Perez. L’Education morale des le berceau.Ci2979 Pfleiderer. Moral und Religion.D ^280 Porter. Elements of Moral Science.L 2297 Kant’s Ethics. ~ . \ J 1943 Ram. Philosophy of War .L 2269 Rehmke. Pessimismus u. Sittenlehre ....D ^296 Revell. Ethical Forecasts..L 2616 Robinson. Principles and Practice of Moral¬ ly .<.. . L 2315 Rod. Les Idees morales du temps present.C 6379 Salter. Ethical Movement .*L 619 Ethical Religion.. .. M 4099 Religion der Moral.D 3295 Schott, Menschliche Schwachen. D 2947 MENTAL SCIENCE—PSYCHOLOGY. 529 Schurman. Kantian Ethics and Ethics of Evolution.L 2620 Sidgwick. Outlines of the History of Ethics. L 2302 Methods of Ethics.L 2287 Simcox. Natural Law ; Essay in Ethics.. .L 2277 Simmel. Moralwissenschaft. 2 v.D 3326 Smith, A. Theory of Moral Sentiments... .1 3081 Smith, S. Sketches of Moral Philosophy. ,L 2282 Smyth. Christian Ethics.L 5330 . Sorley. Ethics of Naturalism.L 2309 Spencer. Data of Ethics.L 2273 The Principles of Ethics. 2 v.L 2611 Spinoza. Ethics.L 2278 Ethics; tr. by White.L 2290 Die Ethik..D 3335,3 L’Ethique.C 6789,2 Strahan. Suicide and Insanity.L 2630 Taylor. Morality of Nations. L 2318 Thornton. Old-fashioned Ethics.L 2276 Tracts on the Principles of Peace.L 2259 Tucker. Light of Nature pursued. 2 v..L 2284 Vis ron. La Morale.C 6916 Verplank. Morals and Learning.L 2257 Wake. Evolution of Morality. 2 v.L 2251 Wardlaw. Christian Ethics.M 1707,1 Watson. Gospels of Yesterday.L 2602 Wayland. Elements of Moral Science.... L 2268 Wedgwood. The Moral Idea.L 2603 WHEWELL. Elements of Morality. 2V...L2258 History of Moral Philosophy.L 2271 Williams. Systems of Ethics.L 2615 Winslow, F. Anatomy of Suicide....... .N 305 Winslow, H. Elements of Moral Philos¬ ophy .L 2279 WlXON. Right Living.L 2626 Wundt. Ethik; uber das sittliche Leben. .D 7231 Zurcher et Margoll£. L’^nergie morale. C13399 MENTAL SCIENCE—PSYCHOLOGY. Aber. Souls.L 5317 Abercrombie. Intellectual Powers.I 3677 Alexander. Dynamic Theory of Life and Mind. L 5298 Allen. The Colour-Sense .L 2217 Alternative, The ; Study in Psychology... .L 2219 American Journal of Psychology, 1887-93. 5 v. *Scr. Arundale. The Idea of Re-Birth.L 5012 Bailey. Formation of Opinions.L 2095 Bain. Emotions and the Will.L 2159 Geist und Korper.D 415,3 Mental Science.L 2160 Mind and Body; their Relation.L 2244 Bain. Senses and the Intellect. L 2245 The same .L 2246 Baldwin, J. Pyschology and Education.. .L 1509 Pyschology applied to Teaching.L 5313 Baldwin, J. M. Handbook of Psychology.L 5267 Bascom. Comparative Psychology.L 2139 Science of Mind.L 2142 Principles of Psychology.L 2222 Bastian. Brain as an Organ of Mind.N 147 Beneke. Lehrbuch der Psychologie.D 3102 Lehrbuch der pragmatischen Psychol¬ ogie .D 3097 Bernstein. Die fiinf Sinne. 0415,12 Binet. Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms. .L 5260 Blakey. Philosophy of Mind. 4 V.L 5253 Bleibtreu. Zur Psychologie der Zukunft.D 3103 Boole. The Message of Psychic Science.. .L 2365 Bouillier. Etudes de Psychologie.C12099 Bourget. Psychologie contemporaine. 2 V.C12119 Bourinot, Intellectual Development of the Canadians.L 2154 Bowne. Psychological Theory.L 2303 Bray. How to educate the Feelings.L 2344 Brittan. Man and his Relations.L 5304 Brodie. Psychological Inquiries.. .. .L 2068 Brown. Philosophy of the Human Mind. 4 v.L 2173 The same. 2 v..L 2204 Bryant. Educational Ends. ...L 5274 Buechner. Die Macht der Vererbung.... D 3111 Buenger. Vorstellung, Wille und Hand- lung. . .D 6447 Butler. Unconscious Memory.L 2152 Calderwood. Relations of Mind and Brain.L 5248 Carpenter. Mental Physiology.L 2163 Carus. Homilies of Science .L 5264 The Soul of Man.L 5268 Chadbourne. Instinct.L 2164 Chaignet. Psychologie des Grecs. 4V..C12263 Champlin. Text-Book in Intellectual Phi¬ losophy . L 2306 Chapone. Improvement of the Mind.L 2201 Cheney. An Apocalypse of Life.L 2669 Clifford. Seeing and Thinking.K 2587 Coleridge. Mental Science.L 2171 Cook, J. Heredity.E 2206 Cook, L. A. Geometrical Psychology. 1 . 5308 Cox. Mechanism of Man. 2v. L2151 Monograph on Sleep and Dream.L 2157 What am I? 2 v.L 2147 Cumberland. A Thought-Reader’s Tho’ts.L 5281 Delabarre. Ueber Bewegungsempfindung- en.D 6697 Df.NDY. Birth and Pilgrimage of Thought.L 5316 530 MENTAL SCIENCE—PSYCHOLOGY. Dewey. Psychology... V .L 1944 Diercks. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Geis- tes der Menschheit.D 7170 Draper. Geistige Entwickelung Europas..D 5582 History of Intellectual Development in Europe. 2 v.L 2166 The same. 2 v.I 2980 DuPrel. Philosophy of Mysticism. 2 v..L 5261 Evans. Memory Training.L 5266 Feinagle. New Art of Memory.L 2144 Fellows. Bibliography of Mnemonics.... I. 5255 Loisette’s System of Memory Exposed. ,L 5251 Fer£. Sensation et Mouvement.C 4884 Fernau. A und O der Vernuft.D 3165 Finck. Romantic Love and Personal Beauty. L 2311 Fischer. Freiheit des menschlichen Willens.D 3171 Flamank. Mind and Manner. E mi Fothergill. The Will Power.L 2304 Fourier. Passions of the Human Soul. 2 v.L 2150 Frauenstaedt. Intellectuelle Welt.D 3177 Fullom. The Human Mind. 2 v.L 2193 Galton. Hereditary Genius.L 2187 Human Faculty.L 2181 Natural Inheritance .L 2316 Godwin. Intellectual Principles : Mental Sci¬ ence. .L 5242 Goi/rz. Geschichten des deutschen Genius.D 2870 Gordy. Lessons in Psychology.L 5022 Gorton. Mental Hygiene .L 2168 Green. Memory.L 5301 Grey. Memoria Technica.L 2153 Grisenthwaite. On Genius.L 2148 Grung. Aandslaenker .C15440 Gumprecht. Modernes Seelenleben..D 3110 Hagemann. Psychologic.D 3191 Haig. Symbolism, Mind, Matter, Language.L 2017 Hakeyim. Book of Wisdom.L 2146 Hamerton. Human Intercourse.L 2205 Intellectual Life'.L 2196 Hamilton, D. H. Mental Science. L 2170 Hamilton, E. J. The Human Mind.L 2177 Hancock. Essay on Instinct .L 2238 Hartenbacii. Kunst, ein vorzugliches Ge- dachtniss zu erlangen.D 549 Haven. Mental Philosophy.L 2215 Hazard. Causation and Freedom in Will¬ ing. .L 5262 Freedom of Mind in Willing.L 5263 Heckel. The Idea of Re-Birth.L 5012 IIemstreet. Mind is Matter; Substance of the Soul..L 5269 Herbart. Text-Book in Psychology.L 5314 Hickok. Rational Psychology.L 2220 Empirical Psychology.L 2062 ! Hinton. Art of Thinking.L 2185, Mystery of Pain.L 1889 Hoffding. Outlines of Psychology.L 5275 Holbrook. How to Strengthen the Memory.L 2138 Holland. Rise of Intellectual Liberty.... L 2206 Hopkins, L. P. Educational Psychology.. .L 1429 Hopkins, M. Outline Study of Man.K 2950 Hudson. Law of Psychic Phenomena.L 5309 Ireland. Blot upon the Brain.L 2211 Through the Ivory Gate.L 5276 Jaeger. Entdeckung der Seele.D 3201,3 James. Principles of Psychology. 2 V....L 5265 Janes. Human Psychology.L 2240 Joly. L’lmagination.C 5348 Kay. Memory ; what it is and how to im¬ prove it. L 5256 Kirchmann. Drei Bucher iiber die Seele.D 3206,6 Koerner, F. Die Seele und ihre Thatig- keiten.D 4492 Koerner, H. J. A. Instinkt und freier Wille..D 3210 Thierseele und Menschengeist. .D 3209 Kussmaul. Das Seelenleben der Neugebor- enen.D 3203 Ladd. Physiological Psychology.L 5241 Psychology. L 5318 Lewes. Study of Psychology.L 2036,4 Lewis. Authority in Matters of Opinion.. .L 5249 Lombroso. Der geniale Mensch.D 3237 The Man of Genius..L 5305 Loomis. Mental and Social Culture.L 2189 McCosh. The Emotions.L 2227 Intuitions of the Mind.L 2226 Laws of Discursive Thought.L 2116 Psychology: v. 1. The Cognitive Powers.L 1932 2. The Motive Powers.L 2313 Mackay. Progress of the Intellect. 2V...L2235 Macnish. Philosophy of Sleep.N 355 The same.E 2272 Madden. Infirmities of Genius. 2v.E 1354 Phantasmata. 2 v.L 2183 Mahan. System of Mental Philosophy... .L 2175 Maillet. Elements de Psychologie ......C12798 Mantegazza. Physiologie des Genusses.. .D 3242 Die Physiologie des Hasses.D 3244 Physiologie des Liebe.D 3243 Marshall. Pain, Pleasure and .Esthetics.L 5287 Maudsley. Body and Mind.L 2230 Body and Will.. * . L 2233 Geisteskranke.D 415,11 Pathology of Mind. L 2231 Physiology of Mind ..L 2229 Physiology and Pathology of Mind.L 2228 MENTAL SCIENCE—PSYCHOLOGY. 53i Maudsley. Natural Causes and Supernatural Seemings.L 5247 Mendel. Die Manie. D 2495 Mendelssohn. Unkorperlichkeit der mensch- lichen Seele.D 3002 Meyer. Die Idee der Seelenwanderung,.. D 3204 Michelet. L’Amour.C 5881 Love.E 1370 Middleton. All about Mnemonics.L 2143 Memory Systems, new and old. L 5255 Miller, A. Mental Gymnastics ; Lessons on Memory.'.L 5246 Millingen. The Passions...L 2236 Mind, 1876-93. i8v. *Ser. MlVART. Lessons from Nature as manifested in Mind and Matter.L 5299 Moore. Body in relation to Mind.L 2232 Power of the Soul over the Body.L 2234 Moritz ur.d Maimon. Magazin zur Erfah- rungsseelenkunde. 10 v.D 3253 Murphy. Habit and Intelligence. 2 v...L 2174 Nairne. Psychological Lectures.L 2237 Neale. Analogy of Thought and Nature. .L 1818 Newnham. Influence of Body and Mind. .L 2243 Nichols. Psychology of Time.L 5019 Nisbet. The Insanity of Genius.L 5306 Heredity and Mairiage; Psychological Evolution.L 4175 Nohl. Geistige Bildung.D 3257 Noir£. Die Welt als Entwickelung des Geis- tes.D 3261* Oken. Elements of Physio-Philosophy_L 2069 Open Secret, The .L 2668 Otto. Freiheit des*Menschen.D 3277 Paine. Physiology of the Soul and InstinctL 2176 Parsons. The Infinite and the Finite . ...L2178 Paterson. Mental Science and Political Economy. L 5254 Perez. First Three Years of Childhood..L 1379 Perty. Leben des Menschengeistes. D 3119 Peters, Willenswelt und Weltwille. D 3279 Pfisterer. Padagogische Psychologie.... D 3369 Pinkerton. Sleep and its Phenomena... .N 156 Porter. Intellectual Science.L 5300 Human Intellect.L 2182 Preuss. Geist und Stoff.D 3283 Preyer. The Mind of the Child. 2 V....L 1519 Die Seele des Kindes. D 4549 Soul of the Child.L 1543 Priestley. Hartley’s Theory of the Mind.L 2172 Prince. Nature of Mind ....L 2209 Proctor. Illusions of the Senses.E 3390,2 Radestock. Pedagogical Psychology.I. 14S0 Raue. Elements of Psychology. L 2218 Reed. Growth of the Mind.L 2213 Reich. Studien fiber die Volksseele. D 2502 Reid. Power of the Human Mind. 3 v...L 2195 The same ; abridged by Walker.. .L 2197 Reynolds. Historic and Mental Imagery. .L 2184 Modern Scepticism.L 2186 Ribot. Diseases of Memory.L 2155 Diseases of Personality.E 5278 English Psychology_ * .L 2221 German Psychology of To-day.L 2212 Heredity; a Psychological Study.L 2199 Psychology of Attention. L 5277 Romanes. Animal Intelligence.K 7968 Mental Evolution in Animals.K 7992 Mental Evolution in Man . . L 5258 Rosmini-Serbati. Psychology. 3 V. L 5259 Rubinstein. Aus der Innenwelt.D 7217 Schindler. Das magische Geistesleben.. .D 3300 Schubert. Symbolik des Traumes. .D 3321 Schuppe. Das menschliche Denken.D 3325 Seafield. Literature of Dreams. 2 v_I, 2169 Sheppard. Dreams...L 2202 Shinn. Development of a Child... T .L 5320 Smart. Thought and Language.L 5243 Smee. Mind of Man.L 5244 Spencer. Principles of Psychology. 2 v..L 2224 The same. v. 1.L 2225 Splittgerber. Schlaf und Tod.D 3328 Steinitzer. Psychologische Wirkungen... D 4354 Sully. Dreams.;.K 7232,9 Hand book of Psychology .L 2239 The Human Mind ; Psychology. 2 v.,L 5303 Illusions.L 2158 Die Illusionen. D 415,62 Outlines of Psychology.L 2207 Sensation and Intuition.L 2216' Taine. De Plntelligence. 2v.C 6865 On Intelligence.L 2190 Taylor. Elements of Thought.L 2179 Thompson. System of Psychology. 2 v.. .L 5312 Turner. Wish and Will... .L 1959 Upham. Mental Philosophy. 2 v.L 2200 The same ; new ed. 2v.L 2192 Imperfect Mental Action.J 3723 Volkmann. Lehrbuch der Psychologie. 2 v.D 3331 Wake. Chapters on Man ; Comparative Psychology.K 7880 Walker. Re-incarnation.L 1908 Wall. Thought in its Practical Aspect_L 5289 Ward. Psychic Factors of Civilization_L 5319 Warner. Training the Mental Faculty_L 5290 Watts. Improvement of the Mind... . L 2194 Wayland. Intellectual Philosophy.L 2180 Williamson. Laws of Heredity.L 2317 53- MIND CURE—PHRENOLOGY. Wilson. The Right Hand : Left-Handed¬ ness. L 5315 Winslow. Intellectual Philosophy.L 2203 Wood. Ideal Suggestion through Mental Pho¬ tography.L 5293 Wundt. Menschen-und Thierseele. 2V..D3339 Physiologische Psychologie.D 7 2 3 2 Wyld. Physics of the Senses.L 2208 Zimmermann. On Solitude.L 2167 MIND CURE-CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Buckley. Faith-Healing, Christian Science.L 5297 Christian Metaphysician, 1887-89. 3 v. *Ser. Christian Science, 1888-90. 3 V. *Ser. Colville. Spiritual Therapeutics.L 2547 Eddy. Science and Health.L 5310 Unity of Good and Unreality of Evil.. .L 2548 Evans. Divine Law of Cure.L 2134 Esoteric Christianity and Mental Thera¬ peutics.L 2137 Healing by Faith.L 2133 The Mental Cure.L 2210 Mental Medicine.L 2136 Soul and Body ; Health and Disease.. .L 2135 Griswold. Out of Law into Gospel.F 8860 Hatch. Divine Life and Healing .L 5311 Hopkins. Lessons in Christian Science... L 5295 Who carry the Signs ?.L 5296 International Magazine of Christian Science, 1888, v. 3. ... *Ser. Kohaus. Between the Lines.L 5361 Lord. Christian Science Healing. . .L 5294 Marston. Essentials of Mental Healing..L 2132 Merriman. What shall make us whole ?. .L 5250 Stowe ( Eleve ). Life is worth living.L 5296 My Progress in Christian Science.L 5296 The Elixir of Life.L 5296 Titcomb. Mind-Cure on a Material Basis. .L 5292 Whipple. Philosophy of Mental Healing..L 5291 PHRENOLOGY—PHYSIOGNOMY. Bain. Study of Character.L 2325 Barry. What shall we do with our Children?L 2348 Bray. How to Educate the Feelings.L 2344 Cohen. Instructor in Phrenology.L 2343 Collyer. Manual of Phrenology..... L 2349 Combe. Elements of Phrenology.L 2350 System of Phrenology.L 2346 System of Phrenology. 2v.L 2345 and others. Moral and Intellectual Sci¬ ence . L 2351 Darwin. Expression of the Emotions... .K 2916 De Motte. Secret of Character Building.. L 2338 Fowler. Self Culture .E 1114 Self-Instructor in Phrenology.L 2331 The same ; new ed.L 2354 Frith. Character in Features, Forms and Faces.L 2334 Gautier. La Chirognomonie et la Phreno- logie.C 5044 Grimes. Mysteries of the Head explained.L 2347 Hedley. Craniognomy.L 2327 Hittell. New System of Phrenology... L 2356 Howerton. Talks on Character Building.L 2333 Lavater. Physiognomy.L 2358 Physiognomik.D 2065,3-4 Mantegazza. Physiognomy and ExpressionL 2332 The same.K 7232,12 Morgan. Phrenology; how to use it.L 2352 Notes on Noses.L 2341 Phrenological Journal (Edinburgh), 1824-47. 20 v.* Ser. Phrenological Journal (New York), 1866-93. v. 43-49, 82-85, 93-97. *Ser. Phrenology physiologically considered.*L 2464 Redfield. Comparative Physiognomy... .K 2930 Scott. Harmony of Phrenology with Scrip¬ ture.L 5030 Simms. Physiognomy illustrated ..L 2330 Sizer and Drayton. Heads and Faces.. .L 2342 Slade. Letters on Phrenology.L 2321 Spurzheim. Phrenology. 2v.L 2326 Stewart. Our Temperaments.L 2329 The same ; new ed.L 5286 Turnley. Language of the Eye.L 2337 Wells. Annual of Phrenology.L 2319 New Physiognomy. L 2320 Woolnoth. Facts and Faces.L 2328 OCCULT SCIENCE — SUPERSTITION — AS¬ TROLOGY-PALMISTRY — MAGIC. Adams. Curiosities of Superstition.L 2377 Dwellers on the Threshold. 2 v.L 2487 Witch, Warlock and Magician.L 2535 Alcott. Nativity; its Facts, Fancies, Leg¬ ends and Lore.*R 4491 Allen. Manual of Cheirosophy.L 2494 Practical Cheirosophy .L 2502 Assier, d’. Posthumous Humanity; a Study of Phantoms.L 2552 Barrett. The Magus; or, Celestial Intelli¬ gencer.*V 862 Baughan. Character indicated by Handwrit¬ ing.L 2336 Begbie. Supernatural Illusions.L 2514 OCCULT SCIENCE—SUPERSTITION. 533 Berthelot. Les Origines de l’Alchimie. .C12035 Bishop. Marrow of Astrology.*L 2374 Blumler. History of Amulets.*P 623,18 Brierre de Boismont. Hallucinations. . .L 2389 The same.L 2551 Campbell. Mysteries of the Hand revealed L 2537 Christian. Histoire de la Magie.C12148 Christmas. Cradle of the Twin Giants. 2 v .L 2454 Clodd. Myths and Dreams.L 2440 Coley. Clavis Astrologie Elimata.*L 2438 Collin. Dictionnaire infernal. 2v.*Ci22ii Collingwood. Astrology in the Apoca¬ lypse.M 2588 Colquhoun. History of Magic. 2 v.L 2456 Conway. Demonology and Devil-Lore. 2 v.L 2434 The Wandering Jew.L 2443 Cooke. Curiosities of Qccwfc Literature.. ,L 2598 Costello. Holidays with Hobgoblins. ...L 2486 Cotton. Palmistry and its Uses.L 2549 Craig. Your Luck’s in your Hand.L 2481 Crowe. Night-Side of Nature.L 2410 DeFoe. Secrets of the Invisible World... .L 2517 Dendy. Philosophy of Mystery..L 2431 Dorman. Primitive Superstitions.L 2437 Dyer. The Ghost World.L 2659 Elliott. Glimpses of the Supernatural.. .L 2395 Ennemoser. History of Magic. 2 v. I 3261 Erdan. La France mystique. 2 v.C 4807 Ferriar. Theory of Apparitions.L 2475 Piguier. Histoire du Merveilleux. 4 v..C 4904 Prith. Character in Handwriting.L 2335 Funfzig Zeugnisse von Traumen.D 2970 Galton. Finger-Prints.L 2675 Gautier. La Chirognomonie et la Phreno- l°g* e .C 5044 Glanvill. Blow at Modern Sadducism. .*L 2513 Sadducismus Triumphatus. *L 2426 Gomme (Ed.). Popular Superstitions.... E 3145,3 Grand Orient, pseud. Cartomancy, For¬ tune-telling, etc.L 2539 Grant. Mysteries of all Nations.L 2435 Gurney. Phantasms of the laving. 2 v. .L 2512 Hall. Pedigree of the Devil.L 2664 Hardwick. Superstitions, Folk-lore and Traditions. \ J 2524 Hartmann. Magic, White and Black.L 2536 Henderson. Guide to Palmistry.L 2515 Herv£. Le Pantheon et Temple des OraclesCi3051 Heucher. Magic Plants.*p 624,4 Higgens. Hebrew Idolatry and SuperstitionL 2586 Higgins. Anacalypsis. v.*V 94(5 History of Witches, Ghosts and Seers.L 2474 Horst. Zauber-Bibliothek. 6 v. in 3.D 3197 Howitt. History of the Supernatural. 2 v.L 2519 Imperial Dream Book; by an Aged DreamerL 5441 Insulanus. Second Sight, Dreams, etc...L 2378 Jacob. Curiosites des Sciencesoccultes. ,C Jones. Credulities, past and present.L 2449 Kingsford. Dreams and Dream Stories..L 2550 Kopp. Die Alchemie in alterer und neuerer Zeit .. 6484 Lang. Custom and Myth. l 2439 Lea. Superstition and Force.E 1^20 Lee. Glimpses in the Twilight.L 2553 Glimpses of the Supernatural.L 2425 Leland. Etruscan Roman Remains in Popu¬ lar Tradition.*y 1885. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. . ,*V 1884 Lenormant. Chaldean Magic.L 2460 Lethaby. Architecture, Mysticism and MvthL 2661 Light of Egypt; Science of the Soul and the Stars .>.L 2560' Lilly. Introduction to Astrology.L 2660 Lumley. Character judged by Hand writing*R 1417 Mai 1 land. Superstition and Science. ... L 2525 Manetho. Aus Ubersinnlicher Sphare_D 6493 Massey. Book of Beginnings. 2 v.. ,*V 1965 Maudsley. Supernatural Seemings.L 5247 Maury. La Magie dans l’Antiquite.C 5951 Mayo. Popular Superstitions.p 2485 Merlin. Grand Livre des Oracles.C 5862 Migne. Dictionnaire des Sciences occultes. *R 1699 Moncrieff. Scientific Structure of the Uni- verse .. 2364 Monroe. Dream Investigator. ..'L 2366 Morrison. Grammar of Astrology. . . l 252'’ Mountford. Miracles past and present. ..L 2408 Ollier. Fallacy of Ghosts, Dreams, OmensL 2444 Papus, pseud. The Tarot of the BohemiansL 2662 Pazig. Treatise on Magic Incantations. .^624,38 Perty. Mystiche Erscheinungen. 2 v,,..D 3120 Realitat magischer Krafte.D 3118 Sichtbare und unsichtbare Welt.D 3123 Pfleiderer. Theorie des Aberglaubens. .D 382,7 Platt. Philosophy of the Supernatural... M 3963 ROBACK. Mysteries of Astrology.L 248^ Rydberg. Magic of the Middle Ages.A 248 St. Hill. Grammar of Palmistry.L 2542 Sai.verte. Occult Sciences/ 2 v.L 2457 Savile. Apparitions .p 2385 Schele DE Vere. Modern Magic.E 15QI Schindler. Aberglaube des Mittelalters. .1) 193 Das magische Geistesleben.D 3300 Schubert. Symbolik des Traumes .D 3321 Scott. Ihe Existence of Evil Spirits.L 2433 Seaiield. Literature and Curiosities of Dreams. 2 v.L 2169 534 THEOSOPHY—SPIRITUALISM. StGOUiN. Mysteresde la Magie.C 6736 Serjeant. Astrologer’s Guide.L 2505 Sheppard. On Dreams . .L 2202 Sibly. Illustration of the Occult Sciences. 2 ..* v j 9 6 4 Sierke. Schwarmer und Schwindler. D 4204 Sikes. British Goblins.L 2450 Sinnett. The Occult World.L 2386 Smedlex and others. Occult Sciences.L 2188 Smith. Astrologer of the 19th Century ...L2478 Storrs. Recognition of the Supernatural*!, 2501,1 Strange and Wonderful History of Mother Shipton . 2543 Street. Hidden Way across the ThresholdL 2510 TlMBS. Predictions realized.L 2479 v, The same.E 6007 Mysteries of Life and Death.E 6005 Traumbiichlein.E 29/O Vogt. Kohlerglaube und Wissenschaft.. ..D 4625 Waite. Mysteries of Magic.L 254° Occult Sciences.L 2663 Wright. Narratives of Sorcery and Magic. E 1662 Wuttke. Der deutsche Volksaberglaube. .D 3000 Yardley. Supernatural in Romantic Fic¬ tion.E 2506 THEOSOPHY. Arundale. The Idea of Re-birth. L 5 012 Besant. Seven Principles of Man. L 55 ° 2 Blavatsky. Isis unveiled. 2v .L 2387 Key to Theosophy.L 2545 The Secret Doctrine. 2 v.L 2541 Collins. Light on the Path.L 2484 Colville. Spiritual Therapeutics.L 2547 Five Years of Theosophy.L 2497 Hartmann. Life and Doctrines of J. BoehmeL 55 01 Heckel. The Idea of Re-Birth.L 5012 Judge. Epitome of Theosophical Teachings.F 3 IQ 8 Kingsford. Clothed with the Sun .M 379 ° and Maitland. The Perfect Way.. .M 3764 Light*of Egypt.L 2560 Lucifer; a Theosophical Magazine, 18S7-93. 12 .. * Ser. Martensen. Jacob Boehme; Studies in The¬ osophy..L 5 5 00 Jacob Bohme (in German).D 5982 Mathers. Kabbala Denudata.L 2559 Mueller. Theosophy; or, Psychological Re¬ ligion....,.M 3237 Oi.cott. Theosophy, Religion and Occult Science.L 25c7 Path, The, 1S86-93. 7 v. *Ser. Pember. Earth’s Earliest Ages..M 2397 RAma PrasAd. The Science of Breath... ,L 2546 Sinnett. The Purpose of Theosophy.L 2544 . Theosophy and the Higher Life.L 2472 Walker. Re incarnation; Study of Forgot¬ ten Truth.. L 1908 What is Theosophy?.. ..L 2492 SPIRITUALISM — ANIMAL MAGNETISM — HYPNOTISM. Animal Magnetism, Pamphlets on.*L 2464 Ashburner. Animal Magnetism.L 2490 Assier, d’. Posthumous Humanity; a Study of Phantoms......L 2552 Av£-Lallamant. Der Magnetismus.D 3081 Mersener Bockreiter.D 3082 Azam. Hypnotisme, Double Conscience, etc.Cl 1994 Baldwin. The Witch of Endor and Modern Spiritism.'..*L 2501,1 Beecher. Spiritual Manifestations.L 2390 Review of Spiritual Manifestations.L 2453 B£lot. Les Secrets du Magnetisme.C12051 Bernheim. Nature and Uses of HypnotismN 666 Binet and F6 r£. Animal Magnetism- L2516 Bray. On Force; With Speculations on Spir¬ itualism.L 5494 Brittan. Man and his Relations.L 5304 Spiritual Telegraph. 8 v.L 2370 Britten. Nineteenth Century Miracles.. .L 2503 Brown. The Dervishes; or, Oriental Spirit¬ ualism.M 335 1 Brownson. Spirit-Rapper.L 2401 Burnett. Philosophy of Spirits .L 2476 Calmet. Phantom World; or, Philosophy of Spirits. 2v.L 549 ° Carpenter. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc.L 2394 Church ( Marryat ). There is no Death. .L 54^5 Coggeshall. Signs of the Times.L 2399 Colquhoun. Isis Revelata; Animal Magnet¬ ism. 2 v .L 2455 Confessions of a Medium.L 2398 Crowell. Primitive Christianity and Mod¬ ern Spiritualism.L 2411 Darby. 19th Century Sense; Spiritualism.L 2509 Davenport. Death-Blow to Spiritualism ; Story of the Fox Sisters.L 5481 Davis. Great Harmonia. 5 v .M 1376 Magic Staff.C 238 Penetralia.M 1366 Fhilosophy of Spiritual Intercourse... L 2423 Principles of Nature..L 2413 Deleuze. Le Magnetisme animal.C12332 Do the Dead return?.L 549 2 Dods. Six Lectures on Mesmerism.L 2488 SPIRIT UALIbM—AN IM AL MAGNETISM_H YPN O TISM 535 Edmonds and Dexter. Spiritualism.L 2403 Exposition of Spiritualism; by Sceptic.L 2375 Fahnestock. Artificial Somnambulism.. .L 2420 Farmer. New Basis of Belief.L 2363 Felkin. Hypnotism; or, Psycho-Therapeu¬ tics.. 2562 Fichte. Tagebuch fiber animalischen Mag- netismus.D 3175,11 Figuier. Les Tables tournantes.C 4904,4 Fischer. Der Lebens Magnetismus.D 3169 Fletcher, A. VV. The Other World and ' This.L 5488 Fletcher, S. W. Twelve Months in an Eng- ' lish Prison.L 2469 Fonvielle. Les Endormeurs..C 4864 Foveau de Cour-melles. Hypnotism,.. .L 2563 Fowler. New Testament and Modern Mir¬ acles. .. L 2391 Gasparin. Science vs. Spiritualism. 2 v.L 2417 Geest-Openbaring van een Materialist.D 9277 Geijerstam. Hypnotism och Religion_C16051 Gessmann. Magnetismus und HypnotismusD429,35 Gmeiner. Spirits of Darkness.L 2495 Godfrey. Table-Turning.L 2642 Gordon. Threefold Test of modern Spiritual- ism .. 2418 Grant. Spiritualism unveiled.L 2470 Gregory. Letters on Animal Magnetism. .L 2382 Gridley. Astounding Facts from the Spirit WorM. L 2466 Grimes. Mesmerism and Phrenology.L 2347 Gutberlet. Der Spiritismus.D 3111 Hammond. Spiritualism and Nervous De¬ rangement.L 2419 Hardinge. Modern American SpiritualismL 2405 Hare. Investigation of Spirit ManifestationsL 2467 Hart. Hypnotism, Mesmerism and the New Witchcraft.L 5321 Heidenhain. Hypnotism; or, Animal Mag¬ netism.L 2520 Heli.eberg. Book written by Spirits.L 2376 Home. Incidents of my Life. 2v.C 338 lights and Shadows of Spiritualism_L 2421 Hovey. Mind-Reading and Beyond.L 2482 Hugunin. Spirit Possession.L 2422 The same.2501 Ingram. Haunted Homes. L 2461 Irving. Lights from Spirit World.L 2361 Jung. Theorie der Geisterkunde.D 2224,6 Theory of Pneumatology.L 2442 Kiddle. Spiritual Communications.L 2392 Kraft-Ebing. Hypnotism.L 5322 Lee. Glimpses of the Supernatural.L 2425 More Glimpses of the World unseen... .L 2379 Lee. The Other World. 2 v. L 2473 Leger. Animal Magnetism.L 2458 Life of Greeley; by a Trance Medium.E 1330 Linton. Healing of the Nations. 2v_L 5484 Mac Walter. Table-Tapping. l 2477 Mahan. Modern Mysteries explained.. . L 2432 Phenomena of Spiritualism.L 2424 Marvin. Philosophy of Spiritualism .L 2415 Maskelyne. Modern Spiritualism........ L 2480 Maynard. Was Lincoln a Spiritualist?_L 5487 Mediums and their Dupes... l 2396 Mendel. Der Hypnotismus.0382,24 Mesmerism, Pamphlets on.2463 Mitchell. Key to Ghostism.L 2397 Moll. Hypnotism. j 2561 Morrison. Spiritualism and Necromancy.L 2393 Nason. History of Prehistoric Ages.L 2362 Newman. Fascination; or, Philosophy of Charming. . L 2491 Oliphant. Scientific Religion. M 3924 Owen. Boundary of another World.L 2406 Debatable Land. tt L 2416 Twenty-seven Years of Autobiography .C 455 Pamphlets on Spiritualism.*i, 2501 Peebles. Immortality and Employments. .L 2388 Pe'^i'ber. Earth’s Earliest Ages.M 2397 Perty. Blicke in das Leben des Menschen- g eis tes.D 3119 Die sichtbare und die unsichtbare Welt.D 3123 Prater. True and False Hypnotism.L 2564 Putnam. Light from Spirit-Land.L 2402 Ramsey. Spiritualism a Satanic Delusion. .L 2371 Reichenbach. Animal Magnetism.K 2800 Ribot. Hypnotism.K 7232,11 Richmond. The Soul; its Nature, Revela¬ tions, etc. .L 2518 Rogers. Automatic Powers of the Brain..L 2468 Philosophy of Mysterious Agents.L 2468 Samson. “To Daimonion;” or, Spiritual Medium. L 2511 Sandby. Mesmerism and its Opponents... L 2496 Sargent. Planchette; Despair of Science.L 2407 Scientific Basis of Spiritualism.L 2 380 Savage. Psychics; Facts and Theories_L 5486 Seybert. Commission to Investigate Spirit¬ ualism.L 2504 Sinnett. The Rationale of Mesmerism...L 5282 Sketches of Prominent Spiritualists.C 1307 The same . *£ 743,2 Society for Psychical Research, Proceedings, 1S82-93. 9 v.L 2493 Sficer. Sights and Sounds.I, 2409 Strange Things among us.E 1529 Spiritualism, Epitome of.L 2489 536 WITCHCRAFT—MYTHOLOGY. Spiritualist, The; Exposition of Psychology.L 2471 Spiritualistic Transactions at Stockwell.L 2369 Stone. Matthias and his Impostures.L 2436 Tiffany. Lectures on Spiritualism.L 2372 Underhill. Missing Link in Spiritualism. L 2459 Vacherot. Nouveau Spiritualisme.C13340 Vincent. Elements of Hypnotism.L 53 2 3 Wallace. Miracles of Modern Spiritualism.L 5483 Watson. Clock struck one.L 2404 Williamson. Modern Diabolism.L 2412 Wilson. How to magnetise.K 2582 Wolfe. Startling Facts in Spiritualism. .. .L 2400 Wood. Gates wide open.L 2414 Wyld. Clairvoyance.*L 2501 Zerffi. Spiritualism and Animal MagnetismL 2641 ZOELI.NER. Transcendental Physics.L 2381 WITCHCRAFT. Adams. Witch, Warlock and Magician.L 2535 Beard. Psychology of Salem Witchcraft.. L 2383 Beigel. Examination of Witches at Chelms¬ ford, 1566.*L 2500 Calef. More Wonders of the Invisible World.B 931,2-3 Conway. Demonology and Devil-Lore. 2 v.L 2434 Demoniacal Possessions a Reality.L 2373 Drake. Witchcraft in New England.B 932 Fairfax. Dremonologia.L 2451 Fowler (Ed.). Salem Witchcraft.B 1112 Giffard. Witches and Witchcraft.*J 1147,8 Glanvill. Blow at Modern Sadducism. ..*L 2513 Essays on Philosophy and Religion... .*L 2430 Sadducismus Triumphatus; Witchcraft and Apparitions . *L 2426 Goodell. Notes on Witchcraft.*B 775,2 Act of ...*B 775,2 Heaton. Afflictions of a little Boy.L 2368 Hopkins. Discovery of Witches, 1647. .*E 5°4L5 Horst. Zauber Bibliothek. 6 v. in3....D 3197 Hutchinson, F. Historical Essay on Witch¬ craft .*L 2427 Hutchinson, T. Witchcraft Delusion in 1692; ed. by Poole.B 936 Kimball. Witchcraft to be understood... B 3600 Legu£. Urbain Grandier et les Possedees de Loudun. C 5689 Linton. Witch Stories.L 2452 Mackay. Popular Delusions.E 1352 Mather, C. Wonders of the Invisible World.B 929 The same..B 931,1 Mather, T. Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcraft.B 929 Meinhold. Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch.L 2499 Michelet. La Sorciere.C12782 La Sorciere; Witch of Middle Ages.. .L 2538 Mitchell and Dickie. Witchcraft.L 2367 Mudge. Witch Hill.B 869 Nevins. Witchcraft in Salem.B 3599 Perkins. Cases of Conscience.'.M 2027 Pitts. Witchcraft and Devil-Lore in Channel Islands.L 249$ Poole. C. Mather and Salem Witchcraft.*B 917 Putnam. Witchcraft of New England ex¬ plained.L 2428 Salem Witchcraft, Woodward’s Records of. 2 v......... B 1088 Scott, J. 'M.« The Sorceress; Salem deliv¬ ered.*E 8483 Scott, W. Demonology and Witchcraft.. .1 3658 The same. .. I 3583 Existence of Evil Spirits proved.L 2433 Sharpe. Witchcraft in Scotland.L 2508 Sketches of Imposture and Credulity.I 3609 Soldan. Geschichte der Hexenprocesse. ..D 121 Spalding. Elizabethan Demonology.L 2441 Tryal of Witches, 1664.*E 5041,13 Upham. History of Salem Witchcraft. 2 v.B 1091 Lectures on Salem Witchcraft.B 1090 Wagstaffe. Witchcraft debated.*L 2462 Webster. Displaying supposed Witchcraft*V 153 Willard. Observations on Witchcraft.. .*L 2384 Williams. Superstitions of Witchcraft... .L 2429 Witchcraft of Margaret and Philip Flower.*L 2465 Witches, Ghosts, etc., History of. L 2474 Witches executed in County of Essex, i645*E 5041,5 MYTHOLOGY. Anderson. Norse Mythology.A i860 Baldwin. The Pantheon; Gods of Greece and Rome.A 2385 Barclay. Heathen Mythology and Holy Scripture.M 3366 Bell. New Pantheon.*V 338 Berens. Myths of Greece and Rome.A 93 Berry. Genealogia Antiqua; Mythological Tables.*V 1371 Bloch og Secher. Handbog i den Grreske og Romerske Mythologi.C14568 Boniface. La Mythologie du Rhin.C13133 Braun. Study of Art-Mythology.*P 1613 Brugsch. Religion und Mythologie der alten Aegypter...D 35*6 Bryant. Ancient Mythology. 6 v.A 2386 Bulfinch. Age of Fable.A 92, MYTHOLOGY. 537 Coleman. Mythology of the Hindus.*P 1640 Collignon. Mythology in Relation to Greek Art. .K 3506 Colshorn. Deutsche Mythologie. . . .D 36 Cox. Comparative Mythology. .A 2112 Manual of Mythology. .A 100 Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2 v.A IOI Tales of the Gods and Heroes.... .F 2904 Tales of Thebes and Argos. .F 2854 Dahn. Walhall, Germanische Gotter-und Heldensagen. D 2974 Davies. Mythology of British Druids.A 475 Demoustier. Lettres sur la Mythologie. 3v.C 4770 Dowson. Dictionary of Hindu Mythology. A 3720 Dwight. Grecian and Roman Mythology A 102 Dyer. Studies of the Gods in Greece.A 2560 Ely. Olympos; Gods of Greece and Rome.A 2561 Faulkner and Van Orden. Readers’ Ref¬ erence Hand-Book. *R 1367 Gayley (Ed.). Classic Myths in English Literature. J 1763 Gerlach. Der alten Griechen Gotterlehre*V 1013 Gladstone. JuventusMundi.A 104 Goell. Illustrirte Mythologie.D 2975 Goldziher. Mythology of the Hebrews. .A 215 Goodyear. Grammar of the Lotus. *P 1664 Grimm. Deutsche Mythologie. 3 v... ..D5596 Deutsche Sagen.D 2866 Teutonic Mythology. 4 v.A 1873 Grundtvig. Nordens Mythologi.C 7207 Gubernatis. Zoological Mythology. 2 v.K 3002 Hart. Greek and Roman Mythology (in Latin). .. A 98 Hartland. Fairy Mythology.L 2534 Heiberg. Nordische Mythologie.C 7249,8 Herrmanovsky. Die deutsche GotterlehreD 3625 Hillebrandt. Vedische Mythology.D 3605 Keary. Mythology of the Eddas........ A 1864 Tales from Northern Mythology.F 965 Keightley. Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. I 3233 The same .A 106 Kennedy. Ancient and Hindu Mythology*V 520 Klee. Die deutschen Heldensagen.D 2973 Knight. Symbolical Language of Ancient Mythology .A 2387 Koeppen. Einleitung in die nordische Myth¬ ology.D 3624 Lang. Myth and Custom.L 2439 Myth, Ritual and Religion. 2 v.M 3805 Larned. Tales from Grecian Mythology..H 1713 Lethaby. Myth, Mysticism and Architec¬ ture . L 2661 Massey. Book of Beginnings. 2 v.*V 1965 Mayo. New System of Mythology. 4 v,“A 2136 Moor. The Hindu Pantheon.*P 1641 Moritz. Mythologisk Haandbog.C 7388 Mueller, A. Mythologie der deutschen Hel- densage.... . .D 6495 Mueller, F. M. Essays on Mythology. 2 v.J 379 Mueller, K. O. Scientific System of Myth¬ ology.A 2135 Murray. Manual of Mythology.A 99 Mythology. See Biographie universelle*R 510,53-55 Noesselt, Greek and Roman Mythology..A 2545 Ovf.rbeck. Griechische Kunstmythologie*V * 995 Pai.udan-Mueller. Mythologiske Digte..C 7482 Petersen, H. Gottesdienst in der Heiden- zeit. D 3631 Petersen, N. M. Nordisk Mythologi.C 7490 Petiscus. Gods of Olympos.A 2563 Mythology der Olymp....D 189 Prichard. Egyptian Mythology.A 4474 Rydberg. Fadernas Gudasaga.C16114 Teutonic Mythology.A 4146 Scheinpflug. Mythologie der Griechen und Romer.D 221 Schrader. Germanische Mythologie.D 3651 Scull. Greek Mythology.A 72 Seemann. Mythologie der Griechen und Romer.D 3072 Mythology of Greece and Rome.A 2562 Sharpe. Egyptian Mythology.A 4485 Simrock. Deutsche Mythologie.D 202 Deutsche Sagen. .D 818 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology. 3 v.*R 458 Stephens. Studies on Northern MythologyA 4450 Strauss und Corney. Der altagyptische Gotterglaube. 2v. D 3662 Sund£n. Nordiska Mytologien. .....C 7963 Thorpe. Northern Mythology. 3 V.A 1862 Verrall and Harrison. Mythology of An¬ cient Athens.A 2551 ViGNOLf. Myth and Science.L 2156 Mythus und Wissenschaft.D 415,47 Vollbeding. Mythologisches Worterbuch.D 2703 Waegner. Unsere Vorzeit; Gotter und Hel- den. 2 v.D 2976 White. Students’ Mythology.A 96 Wilkins. Hindu Mythology.A 2388 Wilson (Ed.). The Vishnu Purana; Hindu Mythology.*V 1274 The same.J 291,6-10 Witt. Classic Mythology.A 91 Myths of Hellas.A 2564 538 RELIGION. THE BIBLE. Bible, The: Biblia Pauperum (in facsimile); by Berjeau .*P 542 Biblia Sacra polyglotta. 2v.*P 1092 in Arabic . M 2213 in Bengali Language.*V 611 in Bohemian.C16537 in Dutch.D 9999 in English (Genevan Version), London, 1599.*M 2202 The same, London, 1607 .*M 2201 in English, Phil., 1824 *V 1047 in English (1611 Version in facsimile), Oxford, 1833 . *P 176 in English (Coverdale’s), London, 1838.*V 938 in English, with marginal Readings, Phil., 1845.M 2215 in English (Wycliffe’s Version), Oxford, 1850. 4 v.*P 835 in English, London, 1856.M 2206 in English, New York, 1859 .M 2216 in English, tr. by Wellbeloved and others, v. 1, London, 1859.M 71 in English, New York, 1863 .M 2214 in English (Douay Version), New York, 1869.M 2 in English, with Commentary by Lange, New York, 1871-80. 25 V-*M 120-121 in English, with Commentary by Clarke, Cincinnati, 1871. 4 v.*M 118 in English (1611 Version) with Com¬ mentary; by Cook, 1873-82. 10 v.*M 9 in English, New York,. 1876.*R 15S2 in English (Smaller Biblia Pauperum), London, 1884 .*M 2203 in English (1611 Version), Oxford, 1885.M 2204 in English, with Comments, ed. by But¬ ler, New York, 1889. 5 v.M 2268 in English, London, n. d .M 2205 in English, arranged in Paragraphs and Sections, London, n. d .*V 450 in English (Oxford S. S. Teacher’s Bible), N. Y. n. d. .... M 2208 in French (Version de Ostervald). . .*R 118 in French (avec Dessinsde G. Dore) 2v*P 935 Bible, The: in Gaelic...M 2207 in German (Schullehrer-Bibel). 9 v..D 1997 in German (Bunsen). 9 V.,. D 3531 in German; her. von Lange. 35 v. in 15 . L) 3598 and 3599 in German.D 3514 in German, v. 1...D 3574 in Gothic-Latin (Ulfilas). 2 v.*V 1046 in Greek-Latin. 3 V.*L 3035 in Hebrew-English.M 103 in Hebrew-French. 18 v. in 9.C 4121 in Irish; ed. by Bhedel.M 1 in Irish; ed. by McHale, v. 1.*V 123 in Italian.C 9144 in Latin, 1479.*P 878 in Polish.M 2209 in Portuguese.M 2210 in Rarotonga.*M 2211 in Spanish.M 80 in Spanish.C 9640 in Swedish.C 7732 in Tamil.*V 951 BIBLE COMMENTARIES. Bede. Commentaries on the ScripturesM 1738,7-12 Bunsen. Bibelwerk. 9 V.D 3331 Butler. The Bible-Work. 5 V.M 2268 v. 1-3. Old Testament. 4-5. New Testament. Calvin. Commentaries on Genesis. 2 v..M 2321 on Last Books of Moses. 4 v.M 2322 on Joshua.M 2323 on the Psalms. 5 v.M 2324 on Isaiah. 4 v. M 2325 on Jeremiah. 5 v.M 2326 on Ezekiel. 2 v.M 2327 on Daniel. 2 v... .M 2328 on the Twelve Minor Prophets. 5 v...M 2329 on Matthew, Mark and Luke. 3 v.. .M 2330 on John. 2 v .M 2331 on the Acts. 2 v.M 2332 on the Romans.M 2333 The same .M 2334 on the Corinthians. 2v.M 2335 on Galatians and Ephesians.M 2336 RELIGION—BIBLE. 539 Calvin. Commentaries on Philippians, Co- lossians and Thessalonians.M 2337 on Timothy, Titus and Philemon.... M 2338 on the Hebrews.M 2339 on Catholic Epistles.M 2340 Clarke. Commentary and Notes. 4 v..*M 118 Colenso. New Bible Commentary.M 2250 Cook. Commentary on the Bible (Speak¬ er’^ Commentary). 10 v.*M 9 Da Costa. Bijbellezingen. 5 v.D 9167 Dinter. Schullehrer-Bibel. 9 V.D 1997 Keil und Delitzsch. Biblischer Commen- tar. 22 v. in 19 .D 3597 KlTTO. Illustrated Commentary on the Bible. 5 v.M 17 Lange. Bibelwerk; Altes Testament.D 3598 v. 1, Genesis; 2, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri;3,Deuteronomium;4,Josua; 5, Richter und Ruth; 6, Samuel; 7 > Konige; 8, Chronik; 9, Esra, Ne- hemia, Esther; 10, Job; 11, Psal¬ ter; 12, Spriiche Salomis; 13, Ho- helied u. Prediger; 14, Jesaja; 15, Jeremia; 16, Hesekiel; 17, Daniel; 18, Hosea, Joel, Amos; 19, Obad- jah, Jonah, Micha, Nahum, Haba- kuk, Zephanjah. Neues Testament.D 3599 v. 1, Matthaus; 2, Markus; 3, Lukas; 4, Johannes; 5, Apostel; 6, Rom- er; 7, Korinther; 8, Galater; 9, Epheser, Philipper, Kolosser; 10, Thessalonischer; 1 i,Pastoralbriefe; 12, Hebraer; 13, Brief des Jaco¬ bus; 14, Briefe Petri und Jiida; 15, 16, Johannes. Commentary on the Bible: Old Testament.*M 120 v. 1, Genesis; 2, Exodus, Leviticus; 3, Numbers, Deuteronomy; 4, Josh¬ ua, Judges, Ruth; 5, Samuel; 6, Kings; 7, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehe- miah, Esther; 8, Job; 9, Psalms; 10, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon; 11, Jeremiah and La¬ mentations; 12, Isaiah; 13, Ezekiel, Daniel; 14, Minor Proph¬ ets; 15, The Apocrypha of the Old Testament. New Testament.*M 121 v. 1, Matthew; 2, Mark, Luke; 3, John; 4, Acts; 5, Romans; 6, Cor¬ inthians; 7, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians. Colossians; 8, Thessa- Lange. Commentary on New Testament.*M 121 lonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews; 9, James, Peter, John, Jude; 10, Revelation of John, and Index. Lees and Burns. Temperance Bible-Com¬ mentary.M 40 Pool. Annotations upon the Bible. 3 v.*M 16 BIBLE MISCELLANIES. Adams. Creation of the Bible.M 2299 American Biblical Repository, 1831-50. 30 v. .*Ser. Anderson. Annals of the English Bible..M 19 Anglo-American Bible Revision.M 41 Angus. Handbook of the Bible.M 30 Arnold, J. M. The Bible and the Koran.M 3256 Arnold, M. Literature and Dogma. M 1049 Ayre. Treasury of Bible Knowledge.. ,*R 1584 Bagster. The Bible of every Land.*M 2217 Barclay. Heathen Mythology illustrative of Holy Scripture.M 3366 Barrows. Study of the Bible.M 247 Bartlett and Peters. Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian. 2 v .M 2239 Beecher. The Eden Tableau.M 1358 B£gin. Bible and the Rule of Faith.M 494 Bell. Night Scenes of the Bible. 2v ...M 2276 Bible in the Public Schools; Arguments ... L 1090 Decision...L 1091 Bible Folk-Lore.M 2247 Biblia; devoted to Biblical Archaeology, 1891- 1893. v. 4, 5. *Ser. Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer.*V 365 Birks. Bible and Modern Thought.M 1068 The same; new ed. .M 1065 BLUNT. Coincidences in the Old and New Testament.M 2259 Boardman. Bible in the Family.M 1415 Boonacker. Bijbelsche geschiedenis... . 1 ) 9567 Borrow. Bible in Spain. 3 v.I 876 Bowen. Layman’s Study of the Bible... .M 2234 Briggs. Authority of Holy Scripture.M 3349 The Bible, the Church and Reason ... M 3348 Biblical Study.M 2242 Browne. Chronology of the Bible.M 106 Brunton. The Bible and Science.K 7166 Buckingham. Bible in the Middle Ages.. A 247 Burr. Ad Fidem; or, Parish Evidences of the Bible.M 484 Buxton. Side Lights upon Bible History.M 2300 Cable. The Busy Man’s Bible.M 2274 Cal.vIET. Dictionary of the Bible.*V 1992 Chadwick. The Bible of To day.M 2253 540 BIBLE—RELIGION. Church. Stories from the Bible.H 1132 Clarke, D. Revision of the English VersionM 35 Clarke, S. The Christian’s Inheritance. .M 2252 Collingwood. The Bible and the Age.. .M 2266 Conant. Translation of the English Bible.M 20 Concordance to Canonical Books of Bible. .*R 1544 ConDit. History of the English Bible. .. .M 2223 Copinger. Incunabula Biblica.*P 1068 Cosin. Canon of the Holy Scripture....M 1465,3 Cotton. Editions of the Bible, 1505-1850*? 44 Cox. Female Scripture Biography.M 3457 Cruden. Concordance to the Bible.*R 1557 Curtis. The Human Element in InspirationM 1241 Cust. Addresses on Bible-Diffusion.M 2298 Davidson. Canon of the Bible..... .M 88 Davies. Ruins of Bible Cities.A 23 Dinter. Anweisungen zum Gebrauch der Bibel in Volksschulen.D 1997,1 Doane. Bible Myths. .M 3493 Dobson. History of the Bassandyne Bible.K 6141 Dodge. A Washington Bible-Class.M 3495 Dore. Old Bibles; Early English Versions.M 2267 Dunn. Liber librorum..”. INI 922 Duryea (Ed.). Selections from Scriptures for Responsive Reading.M 2251 Easton. Illustrated Bible Dictionary... ,*R 1573 Edgar. Bibles of England.M 2444 Ernesti. Principles of Interpretation... .M 2237 Evans and others. How shall we Revise?.M 3530 Evetts. New Light on the Bible.M 2296 Expositor’s Bible: Genesis; by Dods.M 2468 Exodus; by Dean of Armagh.M 2481 Leviticus; by Kellogg.M 2486 Joshua; by Blaikie.M 2496 Judges and Ruth; by Watson.M 2478 I. Samuel; by Blaikie.M 2469 II. Samuel; by Blaikie.M 2470 I. Kings; by Farrar.M 2493,1 II. Kings; by Farrar.M 2493,2 Chronicles; by Bennett.M 2500 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther; by Adeney.M 2495 Job; by Watson.M 2491 Psalms; by Maclaren. 2v.M 2489 Proverbs; by Horton.M 2485 Ecclesiastes; by Cox.M 2483 Isaiah, I.-XXXIX.; by Smith....M 2474,1 XL.-LXVI.; by Smith.M 2474,2 Jeremiah; by Ball.M 2479 St. Matthew; by Gibson.M 2480 St. Mark; by Dean of Armagh.M 2467 St. Luke; by Burton. M 2482 St. John; by Dods. 2 v.M 2487 Acts of the Apostles; by Stokes. 2 v.M 2488 Expositor’s Bible: Romans; by Moule.M 2498 I. Corinthians; by Dods.M 2476 II. Corinthians; by Denney. . M 2499 Galatians; by Findlay. M 2472 Ephesians; by Findlay.M 2492 Colossians; by Maclaren.M 2466 I. Thessalonians; by Denney.M 2490,1 II. Thessalonians; by Denney.M 2490,2 Pastoral Epistles; by Plummer.M 2473 Hebrews; by Edwards.M 2471 St. James and St. Jude; by PlummerM 2484 Epistles of St. Peter; by Lumby_M 2497 Epistles of St. John; by Alexander. .M 2477 Book of Revelation; by Milligan....M 2475 Finch. Bible of the Reformation reformedM 28 Fisher. Nature and Method of RevelationM 2270 Fleetwood. History of the Bible..... .M 245 Formby. Bible and Church History StoriesM 101 Fowler. Wines of the Bible.*1^205,4 Freeman. History of the English Bible. ..M 2231 Fulke. Defence of the Translations of the Holy Scriptures.M 1611 Garbett. Inspiration of Holy Scripture...M 932 Geikie. Hours with the Bible. 2v.M 2227 Gestefeld. A Chicago Bible Class ... M 3623 Gibbes. Dotted Words in the Hebrew BibleM 22S0 Gile«l Hebrew and Christian Records. 2 v.M 2224 Gilfillan. Bards of the Bible.M 179 Gl adden. Who wrote the Bible?.M 2275 Gladstone. Impregnable Rock of Holy Scriptures.M 2278 Gi.eig. History of the Bible. 2v.I 3659 Green. Bible Sketches. 3 V.M 1304 Haley. Discrepancies of the Bible.M 21 Hall. Who translated the Bible?.M 2226 Hamburger. Real-Encyclopadie fiir Bibel.D 3571 Harper. The Bible and Modern Discover¬ ies.M 2269 Hatherley. Continuity of Scripture.M*2220 Headley. Women of the Bible.M 29 Hecht. Biblical History for Israelitish Schools.M 34 Hesz. Geschied-Verhaalen des Bijbels... .D 9321 Hiffernan. Life Sketches from Scripture.M 572 Hood. Villages of the Bible.M 1309 Horne. Study of the Holy Scriptures. 4 v.M 69 Hume. Twelve obscure Texts illustrated..M 26 Ingraham. Why we believe the Bible... M 2233 Jacolliot. The Bible in India.M 1417 Jacox. Bible Music.M 1427 Jahn. Archseologia Biblica.M 39 Jelley. Great Men and Events in Bible Times.M 3743 BIBLE—RELIGION. 54i Keeler. Short History of the Bible.M 2228 Kilgore. The Bible in Public Schools.. ..*L 1248 Kitto. Commentary on Manners and Cus¬ toms in the Sacred Scriptures. 5 v..M 17 Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. 3 v*R 1542 The same. 2v .*R 1556 Kremer. Bible Gems.M 443 Kurtz. Manual of Sacred History.M 177 JLaan. De overeenkomst des Bijbels.D 9452 Ladd. Doctrine of Sacred Scripture. 2 v.M 2243 What is the Bible?.M 2254 Lanckisch. Deutsche, Hebraische und Grie- chische Concordantz-Bibel.*R 100 Leblois. Les Bibles et les Initiateurs reli- gieux de l’Humanite. 4 V.C 5714 Lee. Eventful Nights in Bible History...M 2248 Lelaxd. Divine Authority of the Bible. ..M 37 Looman. Gids voor den Bijbellezer.D 9496 McClintock and Strong. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. 10 v.*R 1537 Supplement. 2 v.*R 1538 McIlvaine. Wisdom of the Scriptures... .M 2244 Mackenzie. Evolution illuminating the Bi¬ ble.M 3833 Modern Science unlocking the Bible...M 3831 MaclachlaN. References and Quotations in the New Testament from the Old.... M 42 Mears. The Deathless Book.M 2255 Mercer, A. G. Bible Characters.M 2232 Mercer, L. P. The Bible; its true Charac¬ ter .M Merrill. Story of the Manuscripts.M Merz. Thesaurus Biblicus; tr. by Lambert*R Michelet. La Bible de l’Humanite.C 5882 The Bible of Humanity .M 3865 Miller. Divine Authority of Holy ScriptureM 2143 Milligan. Reason and Revelation.M 2006 Mitchell. Bible and the Republic.*M 628 Molenaar. Rijkdom des Bijbels.D 9325 Mombert. English Versions of the Bible..M 2230 Monell. Creation and the Scripture.M 2241 Moody. How to Study the Bible.*M 1488,7 The same.M 2271 Moulton. Literary Study of the Bible. ..M 2442 Munger. Chronology of Bible History.*M 1488,4 Nevin. Biblical Antiquities.....M 1318 Newth. Lectures on Bible Revision.M 2222 Newton, Sir I. Corruptions of Scripture.M 916 Newton, R. H. Use of the Bible.M 2245 Nissen. Samtaler over den bibelske HistorieC 7438 O’Callaghan. Editions of the Holy Scrip¬ tures printed in America before 1850*0 92 Ohnefalsch-Richter. Kypros, the Bible and Homer. 2 v.*P 1673 1137 2225 1560 O’Leary. Bible History.M 5 Oort and IIooykaas. Bible for Learners. M 94 v. 1-2. Old Testament. 3. New Testament. ^ Outlines of Bible Study.*M 1488,5 Palmer. Home-life in the Bible.I 1224 Pattison. History of the English Bible . . .M 2301 Pinson. Fraud and Falsity .M 3978 Pollard. The Bible and its Story. M 2221 Pratt and Newman. The Bible and Polyg¬ amy.M 2031 Prime. Fifteenth Century Bibles. *0 196 Quaritch. Catalogue of Bibles.*() 78,10 Rawlinson. Historical Evidences of the Bi¬ ble . M 485 Reade. Bible Characters.M 2258 Redford. Four Centuries of Silence.M 2404 Reed. The Bible triumphant.M 2046 Reeve (Tr.). History of the Bible.M 4 The same. M 2257 Rendell. Peculiarities of the Bible.M 75 Roberts. Oriental Illustrations of the Scrip¬ tures. M 2246 Rogers. Superhuman Origin of the Bible.M 25 Rule. -Oriental Records. 2v.M 2238 and Anderson. Biblical Monuments.*V 537 Savile. Truth of the Bible.M 988 Sayce. Ancient Monuments. M 2398 The Higher Criticism.M 2456 Schaff. Revision of the English Version*M 1488,1 Sharpe. Historical Notes on the Bible. . . .M 23 Shea. Catholic Bibles printed in the U. S.*0 612 Smith, G. V. Bible and Popular TheologyM 998 Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. 3 v.*R 1558 and Fuller. Dictionary of the Bible. 3 v. in 4 .*R 1559 Smyth. How we got our Bible.M 2235 Society of Biblical Archaeology, Proceedings, 1878-93. 15 v. *Ser. Transactions, 1872-93. 9 V. *Ser. Society of Biblical Literature, Journal of, 1881- 1891. 10 v. in 5.*M 1837 Stevens. Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877.*0 634 Stirling. Biblical Incidents for Travelers..I 1217 Stowe, C. E. Origin of the Books of the Bi¬ ble.M 249 Stowe, H. B. Woman in Sacred History.*V 566 Strauss. Lander der Heiligen Schrift.. ,*V 1506 Studia Biblica. 3 v.M 2277 Sunderland. What is the Bible?.M 14 TlSCHENDORF. Die Sinaibibel.D 3666 Trower. Similitudes used in the Bible... M 7 Twining. Types and Figures of the Bible. M 2295 54 2 OLD TESTAMENT. Walcott. Dictionary of Sacred Archaeol¬ ogy.*R 1568 Walker. The Bible in School.*L 1267 Ward. Errata of the Protestant Bible....M 885 Weigel. Historiae celebriores Veteris Testa- menti icinibus repraesentatae.*R 99 West. Analysis of the Bible_••* ...*M 123 Westwood. Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria.*P 746 Wilkinson. Personal Names in the Bible. M 74 Willson. Mosaics of Bible History. 2 v.M 2229 Wright, J. Early Bibles of America.M 2441 Wright, W. A. Bible Word-Book.*R 1576 Young. Analytical Concordance to the Bible* R 1522 OLD TESTAMENT. Old Testament, in English; tr. by Leeser...M 2426 in English; tr. by Sharpe. 3 V.M 15 in English; tr. by Wellbeloved and others. 3 V.M 71 in German (Genesis-Esther); libers. von de Wette..D 3574 in Greek (Greek Septuagint Version)... M 2417 in Greek and Latin (Didot’s Edi¬ tion) -.*L *3035,1-2 in Hebrew.M 133 in Hebrew.M 148 in Hebrew and Dutch. 2v.M 151 in Hebrew and English.M 103 in Hebrew and German. 3 v.D 3578 Pentateuch: in English; tr. byTyndale....M 2372 in Hebrew..M 150 in Hebrew.M 152 in Hebrew.M 157 in Hebrew and Dutch.M 146 in Hebrew and French.M 138 in Hebrew and Italian.M 140 »n Irish and English.*V 123 in Judao-German.M 158 Megilloth, etc., in Hebrew.M 136 Megilloth, etc., in Hebrew and GermanM 147 and Job in English. 2v .M 2415 Bissell. The Pentateuch; its Origin, etc..M 2375 Calvin. Commentary on the Four Last Books of Moses. 4 V.M 2322 Campbell. Lectures on the Pentateuch... .M 2370 Colenso. Pentateuch and Joshua examined. 7 v - >n 5 ..M 49 Faber. Horae Mosaicae. 2 v.M 2178 Graves. Lectures on the Pentateuch. 2 v.M 2416 Hengstenberg. Egypt and the Books of Moses.M 109 Genuineness of the Pentateuch. 2v..M 122 Michaelis. Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. 4 v..M 2413 Newton. Book of the Beginnings.M 2377 Norton. Pentateuch and later DispensationsM 914 Paterson. In Defence; the Earlier Scrip¬ tures.M 2410 Stebbins. Study of the Pentateuch.M 2386 Townsend. Spiritual Communication with God. 2 v.M 2415 Warington. When was the Pentateuch writ¬ ten?.M 2373 Hexateuch: in English: with Notes by Addis.M 243S Briggs. Higher Criticism of the HexateuchM 2443 Kuenen. Origin and Composition of the Hex¬ ateuch.M 2368 Genesis: Boardman. Studies in the Creative Week.M 78 Calvin. Commentaries on Genesis. 2 v..M 2321 Commentary (in Latin).M 48 Clark. Fundamental Questions.M 2381 Davies. Genesis disclosed.M 27 Domolo. II commento sul libro della crea- zione.C 9511 Gibson. The Ages before Moses. ... M 82 Lincoln. Typical Foreshadowing in Gen¬ esis.M 2371 Priaulx. Quaestiones Mosaicae.M 73 Smith. Chaldean Account of Genesis.M 62 Exodus: Birks. Exodus of Israel.M iiio Bush. Notes on Exodus.M 44 Leviticus: Chaps. 19 and 20, in Hebrew.. ,M 154 Deuteronomy, Sermons on; by Calvin.*Y 1991 Sermons on; by Parkinson.M 2401 Joshua, Judges and Ruth in Choctow.M 441 Samuel and Kings in Choctaw.M 441 Job: in English; tr. by Barham.M 127 in French; by Renan..C 6452 The same (in English).M 2429 Barnes. Notes on Job. 2v.M 53 Genung. Epic of the Inner Life; Book of Job.. .M 2273 Gilbert. Poetry of Job.M 2421 Kate, ten. Het boek Job.D 9S21 Latch. Indications of the Book of Job.. .M 2428 Fsalms: n Anglo-Saxon and Early English. 2 v*A 1026 in Dutch. D 9582 in English.M 2409 in English.M 2436 in English; ilium, by Jones.*P 1082 in English; tr. by Barham and Hare...M 126 BIBLE—RELIGION. Psalms: in English; Ir. by Cheyne, 1884.M 2394 The same, 1892.M 2437 in English; tr. by Coles.-..M 2411 in English; tr. by Conant.M 2396 in English; tr, by Merrick.M 2418 in English; tr. by Noyes.M 81 in English; tr. by Phayre.M 77 in Hebrew.*P 871 in Hebrew.M 162 in Hebrew and Dutch.M 155 in Hebrew and English.M 161 in Hebrew and German. M 160 Alexander. Notes on the Psalms. 2 v. .M 55 Witness of the Psalms to Christ..M 31CO Barnes. Notes on the Psalms. 3 V .M 167 Bei.larmine. Commentary on Psalms.... M 47 Cheyne. Origin and Contents of the PsalterM 3113 Geer. Psalm XIX. en Psalm XXV.D 9275 Glass. Story of the Psalters.M 2453 Hammer. Die Psalmen der Heiligen SchriftD 3573 Hengstenberg. Commentary. 3 v.M no Horne. Commentary. 2v.M 22 Maclaren. Life of David reflected in the Psalms.M 2012 S i'Oddart. Letters on the Psalms.M 729 Wither. Preparation to the Psalter.*V 1248 Proverbs: in English; tr. by Muenscher.M 2361 Abraham ben Ezra. Commentary (in He¬ brew).M 2407 Perry. Life Lessons from Proverbs.M 2402 Proverbs of Solomon classified.M 2392 Stuart. Commentary.M 32 Ecclesiastes: 9 in German.D 3611 Finlayson. Meditations and Maxims of Ivo- heleth.M 2414 Stuart. Commentary.M 46 Solomon: in French; by Renan.C 6447 in German.D 2054,6 in Hebrew and German.D 3564 Barham. Writings of Solomon.M 125 Farrar. Solomon; his Life and Times. ..M 2432 Fornelles. Le Cantique des Cantiques.. .C12370 Griffis. The Lily among Thorns; a Study of * the Song of Songs.M 2427 Songs of Solomon (Polyglot).C 9669 Stuart. The Song of Songs.M 2408 Weiss. The Song of Songs unveiled.M 2362 The Prophets: Calvin. Commentaries on twelve minor Prophets. 5 v.M 2329 543 Smith. Prophets of Israel.M 2385 Isaiah: . in English; tr. by Pauli.M 1223 Alexander. Isaiah tr. and explained. 2 v.M 54 Arnold. Isaiah of Jerusalem.M 2393 Barnes. Notes on Isaiah. 2v.M 52 Driver. Isaiah; his Life and dimes.M 2435 Jeremiah, Commentaries on; by Calvin. 5 v.M 2326 Ezekiel, Commentaries on; by Calvin. 2 v.M 2327 Daniel: Auberlen. De Profeet Daniel.D 9036 Calvin. Commentaries. 2 v.M 2328 Seiss. Voices from Babylon.M 156 Smith. Betragtninger over Daniels bog.. .Cl5092 Thoughts on the Book of Daniel.M 2391 Thurman. Is the Bible the Book of God?*Mi488,5 Hosea and Micah; tr. by Barham.M 128 Joel, Prophecy of; by Pearson.M 2450 Zachariah: Kimchi. Commentary.M 36 Laan. Godspraken van Zacharia.D 9454 Wr ght. Zechariah and his Prophecies... M 2290 Pseudegraphia: Deane. Account of Apocryphal Writings. .M 3510 OLD TESTAMENT MISCELLANIES. Atwater. History of the Tabernacle.... M 1081 Bassett. Search and See...M 1247 Baudissin. Das alttestamentliche Priester- thum.D 3507 Beecher. Bible Studies; the Old Testa¬ ment. . ..M 2451 Book of Jasher; tr. by Alcuin.*V 656 Briggs. Messianic Prophecy.M 3326 Brown. Assyriology in Old Testament... M 2399 Bryant. Plagues of the Egyptians..M 2365 Burge. Origin of the Hebrew Scriptures..M 2431 Butler. What Moses saw and heard.M 1811 Cheyne. Devout Study of Criticism.M 2446 Founders of Old Testament Criticism..M 2448 Job and Solomon; or, Wisdom of the Old Testament.M 2363 Davidson. Text of the Old Testament.... M 2403 Driver. Literature of the Old Testament.M 2439 Drummond. CEdipus Judaicus.M 2430 Dykes. Abraham, the Friend of God.M 2388 Eichorn. Study of the Old Testament...M 2434 Eyre. Prophecies relating to Restoration of the Jews. . M 630 Fuerst. Hebrew and Chaldean Lexicon of the Old Testament.*R 2070 Geiger. Urschrift und Uebersetzung der Bi- bel. D 3559 544 BIBLE—RELIGION. Geikie. Landmarks of Old Testament His¬ tory. M 2455 Gesenius. Hebrew and Chaldean Lexicon, Old Testament.*R 2072 The same.*R 2071 Gibbes. Dotted Words in the Hebrew BibleM 2280 The same..M 3606 Gibbon. Catechism of Old Testament His¬ tory. .M 2400 Gould. Old Testament Characters. 2 v.M 164 Legends of the Patriarchs. M 1195 Green. Moses and the Prophets.M 2383 Guthrie. Characters from the Old Testa¬ ment.M 45 Hamburger. Real-Encyclopadie fur Bibel und Talmud. ....D 3571 Hebrew Migration from Egypt .M 2700 Hecht. Biblical Israelitish History.M 34 Hengstenberg. Christology of the Old Tes¬ tament. 4 v . • M 124 Keli.og. Abraham, Joseph, and Moses in Egypt.M 2406 Kirkpatrick. Divine Library of the Old Testament.M 2447 Kurtz. History of the Old Covenant. 3 v.M 843 Lawson. Lectures on Joseph.M 2369 Millington. Signs and Wonders in the Land of Ham.M 2366 Moses, the Greatest of the Prophets.M 2374 Oeiiler. Theology of the Old Testa¬ ment.M 2389 Oldenberg and others. Philology, Psychol¬ ogy, and Old Testament History.... M 3923 Oosterzee. Moses; a Biblical Study.M 2454 Osburn. Ancient Egypt; her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible.M 2449 Paine. Solomon’s Temple.*P 603 Philippson. Israelitische Bibel. 3 v.D 3578 Piepenbring. Theology of the Old Testa¬ ment . M 2445 Pierson. Geschriften von Israels Profeten.D 9647 Rawlinson. Isaac and Jacob; their Lives and Times.M 2281 Moses; his Life and Times.M 2423 Roberts. Old Testament Revision.M 2387 Robinson. The Pharaohs of the Bondage and Exodus.M 2364 Schrader. Cuneiform Inscriptions. 2 v.M 2433 Shepheard. Traditions of Eden.M 2256 Smith, W. Old Testament History.M 72 Smith, W. R. Old Testament in the Jewish Church.M 2384 Stearns. Booksof the Old Testament... .M 2412 Strange. Legends of the Old Testament.M 43 Taylor. Ruth the Gleaner and Esther the Queen.M 2440 Thelwall. Old Testament Gospel.M 920 Thomson. The Great Argument.M 2395 Tomkins. Times of Abraham.M 2420 Walworth. Gentle Skeptic; Authenticity of the Old Testament.M 51 Wheeler. Analysis of the Old TestamentM 2382 NEW TESTAMENT. New Testament: in Chaldee.M in Chinese.*R in Dacotah.M in Dutch.D in English (English Hexapla).*R in English; tr. by Campbell and others.M in English; tr. by Wakefield. 2 v.M in English; tr. by Wiclif.*V in English; Newcome’s Version.M in English; tr. from the Latin Vulgate.M in English, with Engravings from Designs of Fra Angelico.*P in English, corrected by Committee of the American Bible Union.M in English; tr. by Sharpe.M in English, Authorized Version; rev. by Alford.M The same; ed. by Tischendorf. .G The same.M Revised Version, 1881, Oxford ed.M American ed.M Comparative ed.M The same.M in Fonetik Spelling.M in French.M in Gaelic.M in German.D in German-Jewish Jargon.M in German-Jewish Jargon.M in Greek.M in Greek; ed. by Alford. 4 V.M in Greek; ed. by Buttmann.M The same.L in Greek; ed. by Tischendorf.M in Greek; ed. by Westcott and Hort. 2 vM in Greek and English; ed. by ScholefieldM in Greek, Facsimile of Codex Alexandri- nus.*P in Hawaiian.M in Hebrew.M in Hebrew.M in Hebrew.M in Hebrew.M 134 1572 2590 9582 1540 2601 8 150 10 2533 782 2526 12 2537 457 2534 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2212 11 2513 137 135 141 2528 5683 2532 2527 13 936 2536 132 143 145 159 BIBLE—NEW TESTAMENT. 545 New Testament: in Japanese.*R 15 7 2 in Ojibwa.M 169 Commentaries: Alford. Commentary on the Greek New Testament. 4 V.M 2528 Bengel. Gnomon of the New Testament. 5v.M 2602 Campbellite Commentary on New TestamentM 2580 v. I. Matthew and Mark; by McGarvey. 2. Luke; by Lamar. 3. Hebrews; by Milligan. Olshausen. Commentary on New Testa¬ ment. 6 v.M 116 SCHAFF (Ed.). International Revision Com¬ mentary. M 2531 v. 1. Matthew. 2. Mark. 3. Luke. 4. John. 5. Acts of the Apostles. 6. Epistle to the Romans. Popular Commentary.M 2530 v. 1. Matthew, Mark, Luke. 2. John and Acts. 3. Epistles of Paul. 4. Catholic Epistles and Revelation. Gospels: in English, with Commentary by How.M 57 in French; tr. par Lamennais.C 5646 in Gothic-Anglo-Saxon.M 2538 in Gothic-Latin.*V 1045 in Greek-Latin, Bezae Codex Cantabrig- iensis; ed. by Scrivener.*M 2529 in Latin-Anglo-Saxon. 4 V.A 1037 Commentaries, etc.: Calvin. Commentary on the Gospels. 3 vM 2330 Thomas Aquinas, St. Commentary on the Gospels. 6 v.M 91 Augustine, St. Harmony of the Gospels, 1470. *P 876 Harmony of the Evangelists.M 1747 Barnes. Notes on the Gospels. 2 v.M 165 Barrows. Credibility of the Gospel Histories M2607 Bickersteth. Harmony of the Gospels..M 2620 Bruce. Kingdom of God.M 3344 Miraculous Elements of the Gospels. ...M 2547 Carpenter. The First Three Gospels... .M 2609 Gibson and Lewis. How the Codex was found.M 2452 Greenleaf. Testimony of the EvangelistsM 107 Haweis. Story of the Evangelists.M 624 Hinsdale. Genuineness of the Gospels. ,.M 2539 Huidekoper. Genuineness of the GospelsM 2548 Johnson. Four Gospels and One Christ. ..M 79 Lardner. Credibility of Gospel History.J 172,1-8 Merkel. Biblische Geschichten in Bildern*V 904 Norton. Genuineness of the Gospels. .. .M 475 Priestley. Harmony of the Gospels... ,*V 310 Renan. Les Evangiles.C 6458 Robinson. Harmony of the Four Gospels. M 38 Sadler. The Lost Gospel.M 2597 Stevens and Burton. Harmony of the Gos¬ pels.M 2587 Tischendorf. When were the Gospels writ¬ ten?. M 102 Trench. Studies in the Gospels.M 87 Westcott. Introduction to the Study of the Gospels.'.. M 490 Matthew: in Anglo-Saxon.*V 303 explained by Beausobre and Lenfant... M 6 Sermon on the Mount; ilium, by Auds- ley.*P 1269 Commentaries: Alexander. Gospel according, to Matthew explained.M 59 Ford. Gospel of St. Matthew illustrated..M 9$ Humphrey (Ed.). Commentary in Greek and Latin.M 89 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew. 3 v.M 1582 McGarvey. Commentaries on Matthew and Mark.. . .M 2580,1 Owen. Commentary on Matthew and MarkM 83 Riji.e. Evangelie van Mattheus.D 9702 Mark: in Anglo-Saxon; ed. by Skeat.*V 306 Ford. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Mark .M 06 ✓ Luke: in English, with Commentary; by FarrarM 2606 Commentaries: Costa. Evangelie van Lucas.D 9165 Ford. Gospel according to St. Luke.M. 97 Lamar. Commentary on Luke.M 2580,2 Owen. Commentary on Luke.M 84 Rijle. Evangelie van Lucas. 2 v.D 9703 Ball. Notes on Luke’s Gospel.M 2604 Maurice. Lectures on Gospel of Luke.. . M 117 John: in English; by Macdonald.M 131 Commentaries, etc.: Augustine, St. Commentary. 2 v.M 1571 Calvin. Commentary on John. 2v.M 2331 Ford. Gospel according to St. John.M 98 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on the Gospel of St. John. 2v.M 1586 546 BIBLE—NEW TESTAMENT. Owen. Commentary on John.M 85 Abbot. Authorship of St. John .M 2558 and others. The Fourth Gospel.M 2583 Eiriksson. Johannes—Evangeliet.C 7144 Koestlin. Der Lehrbegriff des Johannes .D 3593 Nonnus Panopolitanus. Paraphrasis S. Evangelie Joannei.L 5651 Oosterzee. Het Johannes-Evangelie.D 9610 Tayler. Character of the Fourth Gospel..M 2575 Acts of the Apostles; Commentaries, etc.: Alexander. Notes on the Acts. 2 V....M 56 Calvin. Commentary on the Acts. 2 v...M 2332 Du Veil. Commentary on the Acts.M 1765 Ford. Acts illustrated.M 99 Hackett. Commentary on the Acts.M 130 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on the Acts. 2 v.M 1587 Howson. Evidential Value of the Acts....M 2134 Parker. Apostolic Life as revealed in the Acts. 2 v.M 2574 Epistles of Paul: Annotations upon all the Epistles of Paul. ,*P 5 2 Barnes. Notes on Epistles of Paul.M 166 Knowling. Witness of the Epistles .M 2578 Whately. Difficulties in St. Paul’s Writ¬ ings. M 86 Romans: in Cherokee.M 2563 in Greek.M 63 in Greek-English.M 2561 Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on Romans.M 2333 The same.M 2334 Ford. St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans...M 100 Godet. Commentary on Romans.M 2562 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on Rom¬ ans ...» .M 1580 Lard. Commentary on Romans.M 2561 Stuart. Commentary on Romans.M 60 Corinthians: in Cherokee.M 2563 Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary. 2 v.M 2335 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on I. Corinthians. 2 v.M 1578 II. Corinthians.M 1585 Galatians: in Cherokee.M 2563 in Greek, with Commentary by Light- foot .M 67 Commentaries: Calvin. Commentaries on Galatians.M 2336 John Chrysostomus, St. St. Paul to the Galatians...M 1579 Ephesians—Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on Ephesians.M 2336 John Chrysostomus, St. St. Paul to the Ephesians.M 1579 Philippians; in Cherokee...M 2563 in Greek, with Commentary by Light- foot .M 68 Commentaries: Calvin. Commentaries on Philippians.... M 2337 John Chrysostomus, St. St. Paul to the Philippians.M 1584 Colossians—Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on the Colossians. .M 2337 John Chrysostomus, St. St. Paul to the Colossians.M 1584 Thessalonians—Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on the Thessalon ians.M 2337 John Chrysostomus, St. St. Paul to the Thessalonians.M 1584 Timothy—Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on Timothy.M 2338 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on Tim¬ othy.M 1583 Titus—Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on Titus ........ M 2338 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on Ti¬ tus. , .M 1583 Philemon—Commentaries: Calvin. Commentary on Philemon.M 2338 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on Phil¬ emon. M 1583 Plebrews—Commentaries, etc.: Calvin. Commentary on Hebrews.M 2339 John Chrysostomus, St. Homilies on Epis¬ tle to the Hebrews.M 1751 Milligan. Epistle to the Hebrews.M 2580,9 Stuart. Commentary on Hebrews.M 50 Maurice. Lectures on Epistle to the He¬ brews.M 747 Saphir. Lectures on Epistle to the Hebrew's. 2 ..M 2564 General Epistles: Calvin. Commentary on Catholic EpistlesM 2340 Peter, Epistles of: in Cherokee.M 2563 Leighton. Commentary on First Epistle. 2 . .M 18 John, Epistles of: in English, with Commentary by BarhamM 129 Augustine, St. Homilies on First Epistle. 2 ..M 1571 Maurice. Lectures on Epistles.M in BIBLE—NEW TESTAMENT. 547 Revelation: in Cherokee.•. M 2563 in English .M 131 Commentaries, etc.: Garratt. Commentary on Revelation....M 2553 Hengstenberg. Notes on Revelation. 2vM 119 Park. New Exposition of Revelation.M 33 Swedenborg. The Apocalypse revealed. 2 v.M 114 Trench. Epistle to Seven Churches.M 65 The same; new ed. M 64 Williams. The Apocalypse .M 24 Bleek. Lectures on the Apocalypse.M 2603 Collingwood. Astrology in the ApocalypseM 2588 Garland. Teaching of the Apocalypse. ..M 2549 Johnson. Vision of the Ages.M 2554 Lawyer. Revelation to St. John.M 894 Maurice. Lectures on Revelation.M 115 Smith. Thoughts on Revelation.M 2552 Vaughan. Lectures on Revelation. 2 v..M 731 Apocryphal Books: in English; by Cowper.M 168 in English; by Home.M 2540 in English;by Walker..M 1732 Gould. Lost and Hostile Gospels. M 445 NEW TESTAMENT MISCELLANIES. Alexander. New Testament Literature and History.M 224 Arnot. Parables of our Lord.M 31 Beckett. Should the Revised New Testa¬ ment be authorized?.M 2542 Bourdillon. Parables explained...M 554 Charteris. New Testament Scriptures... M 2544 Cone. The Gospel and its Earliest Interpre¬ tations.M 2550 Davidson. Study of the New Testament. 2 v.M 104 Du Bose. Soteriology of the New Testa¬ ment.M 2626 Ellicott. Revision of the New Testa¬ ment.M 105 Englishman’s Greek Concordance.*R 1550 Farmer. Demoniacs of the New TestamentM 1040 Farrar. Messages of the Books of the New Testament.M 2584 Geikie. NewTestament Hours.M 2586 Green, S. G. Grammar of the Greek Testa¬ ment. *R 1580 Green, T. S. Criticism of the New Testa- ment.M 2535 Guthrie. Parables in Light of the PresentM 90 Hall. Greek New Testament in America.M 2543 Hausrath. History of the New Testament Times. 2v.M 2585 Neutestamentliche Geschichte. 4 V....D 3569 Keble. Studia Sacra.M 2559 Kennedy. Lectures on the revised New Test- * ament.M 2541 Lewin. Fasti Sacri; Chronology of the New Testament.*R 1535 Lightfoot. On a Fresh Revision of the Eng¬ lish New Testament.M 66 and others. Revision of the English Ver¬ sion .M 112 Lisco. Parabeln Jesu.. D 3661 Litton. Miracles. M 58 Macdonald. Miracles of our Lord .M 1005 Maclachlan. References and Quotations in the New Testament, from the Old.. .M 42 Maurice. Unity of the New Testament. ..M 113 Milligan, R. Analysis of the New Testa¬ ment . M 2568 Milligan, W. Words of the New Testa¬ ment.M 163 Mitchell. Critical Hand-book of the Greek NewTestament.M 2570 Nork. Rabbinische Quellen....D 3618 Oosterzee. Theology of the New Testa¬ ment. .. M 2546 Reuss. History of the New Testament. 2 v.M 2545 Roberts. Companion to the Revised Ver¬ sion.M 2593 Robinson. Greek and English Lexicon.. *R 1546 Salmon. Study of the Books of the New Testament.M 2605 SCHAFF. Companion to the Greek Testa¬ ment. M 2571 Stowe. Canonical and Apocryphal Books of the Bible.M 249 Smith. NewTestament History.M 70 Thayer. Greek-English Lexicon of New Testament.*R 1533 Thoms. Concordance to Revised New Testa¬ ment.*R 1564 Toy. Quotations in the New Testament. .M 2572 Trench. Notes on Miracles .M 92 Notes on Parables...M 93 Synonyms of the New Testament.M 61 Vincent. Word Studies in the New Testa¬ ment. 3 v.M 2218 Weiss. Theology of the New Testament. 2 V.*.M 2551 Westcott. History of the Canon of the New Testament.M 489 WILSON. Method of explaining the New Testament.M 108 54§ JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST. Abbadie. The Deity of Christ.M 3009 Abbott. Life of Christ.M 588 Bade re. La Verite sur le Christ.C12046 Bascom. Words of Christ.M 3001 Batchelder. The Christ in Life.M 3329 Beecher. Life of Jesus the Christ.M 564 Bierbower. Morals of Christ .M 616 Boardman. The Divine Man .M 3007 Brooke. Jesus Christ in Modern Life.... M 527 Brooks. Influence of Jesus.M 3107 Bruce. Parabolic Teaching of Christ.M 609 Bunsen. Hidden Wisdom of Christ. 2 v.M 620 Bushnei.l. Character of Jesus.M 562 Christ and his Salvation.M 533 Butler. The Promised King.M 3013 Chadwick. The Man Jesus.M 575 Christ; his Nature and Work.M 547 Clodd. Jesus of Nazareth.M 565 Coleridge. Life of our Life. 2v.M 521 Public Life of Our Lord. 5 v.M 522 Cook. Christ and Modern Thought.M 563 Cooley. Emmanuel; the Story of the Mes¬ siah.M 3012 CotJLlN. Humanity of Jesus.M 566 Cox. Salvator Mundi.....M 544 De Liefde. Christuus in de Natuur.D 9618 Desjardin. Jesus de Nazareth.C12328 Didon. Jesus Christ (English ed.). 2 v.. .M 625 Jesus-Christ (French ed ). 2 v.C12305 Divine Humanity, The; its Origin, etc... M 3008 Edersheim. Life of Jesus. 2v.M 613 Prophecy and History in Relation to the Messiah.M 615 Ewald. Life of Jesus Christ.M 3016 Examination of Canon Liddon’s Divinity of Our Lord...,.M 1918 Fairbairn. Christ in Modern Theology. .M 3014 Studies in the Life of Christ.M 592 Farrar. Life of Christ. 2v.M 540 Witness of History to Jesus Christ.M 665 Farrer. Mission and Character of Christ.M 3076 Formby. Life of Jesus Christ.M 304 Fouard. Christ the Son of God. 2 v. .. M 3017 La Vie de Jesus-Christ. 2v.C12368 Garbett. Christ as Prophet, Priest and King. 2 v.M 3088 Geikie. Life and Words of Christ.M 569 Gladstone. Ecce Homo.M 539 Goodwin. Christ and Humanity.M 528 Divine Humanity of Christ.*M 627 Gore. Incarnation of the Son of God .... M 3115 Gunsaulus. Transfiguration of Christ... ,M 3003 Hahn. Das Leben Jesu.D 3670 Hanna. Last Day of Our Lord’s Passion. .M 552 Hase. Geschichte Jesu.D 3596,4 Haweis. Picture of Jesus, the Master_M 622 Haywood. Ecce Spiritus.M 584 Hervey. Genealogies of Jesus Christ.M 301 Hiffernan. Our Lord’s History.M 548 IIigginson. Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.M 541 Hitchcock. Christ the Spirit. 2v.M 536 Hofmann. Das Leben Jesu.... .D 3575 Hughes. Manliness of Christ.M 524 The same.... .*P 190 Huidekoper. Christ’s Mission to the Under¬ world.M 3004 Jameson and Easti.ake. History of Our Lord in Art. 2 v.*K 43 Jesus Christ; his Opinions and Character.. .M 598 Jesus the Messiah.M 53* Keim. History of Jesus of Nazara. 6v..M 542 Knapp. Verzoening in Jezus Ghristus.D 9435 Lacordaire. God and Man.M 551 Jesus Christ..M 553 Lange. Life of Christ. 6 v.M 557 Lechi.ek. Oude Test, en Redenen van Jezus.D 9271 Liddon. Divinity of Our Lord.M 535 Logan. Jesus in Modern Life.M 3010 Lorimer. Jesus the World’s Saviour.M 610 Macdonald. Miracles of Our Lord.M 1005 M’Neile. Sympathies, Sufferings and Resur¬ rection of Our Lord. . .. M 682 1 Matteson. Jesu Profetier.C14911 Meiners. Christus, Alles en in Allen. 2 vD 9524 Milligan. Ascension and Heavenly Priest¬ hood of Our Lord.M 3180 Resurrection of Our Lord.M 577 Monod. Het Kind Jezus.D 9746 Moorhouse. The Teaching of Christ.M 3874 Mozoomdar. The Oriental Christ.M 608 Mulholland. Prince and Saviour.H 554 Neander. Life of Jesus Christ.I 3060 Notovitch. Unknown Life of Christ from Buddhistic Records.M 3022 Nott. Resurrection of Jesus Christ.M 1012 Oosterzee. Leven van Jezus. 3 v. in 5 . ..D 9612 Oswald. Jesus der Kampfer fiir Menschen- rechte.D 3620 Palma. History of the Sacred Passion... .M 1303 Pape. Christus.D 3630 Parker. Ecce Deus .M 546 Patton. Jesus of Nazareth.M 561 Paynter. The Holy Death.M 3018 Pressens£. Jesus; his Life and Work.... M 559 Vie de Jesus-Christ.C 6217 PRESTON. Christ and the Church.M 532 APOSTLES—CHURCH HISTORY. 549 Rabbi Jeshua.M 571 Rabbi Jeschua, kaldet Jesus Kristus.C 75 2 9 Redcliffe. The Greatest of Miracles... .M 621 Renan. Life of Jesus.M 579 The same.. ..M 2907,1 La Vie de Jesus..C 6457 Leben Jesu.D 3645 Reville. Deity of Christ.M 1144 Rydberg. Bibelens Lara om Kristus.C 7999 Salter. Words of the Lord Jesus.M 3005 Savage. Jesus and Modern Life.M 2984 Talks about Jesus..M 594 Schaff. Christ and Christianity.M 618 The Person of Christ.M 526 and Roussel. Renan's Christ.M 543 SCHENKEI.. Charakterbild Jesu .D 3646 Character of Jesus; tr. by Furness. 2 v.M 525 The same; tr. by Klaassen.M 568 Schwalb. Christus und die Evangelien. . .D 3656 Schwartz. Werk van den Messias.D 9747 Scott. The Messiahship.M 573 Sears. Christ in the Life.M 3002 Seeley. Ecce Homo.M 545 Smith, I. G. Life of our Saviour.M 558 Smith, J. P. Scripture Testimony to the Mes¬ siah. 3 v..M 3006 Smyth and others. Divinity of Jesus Christ.M 3015 Smythe. True History of Jesus.M 537 Strauss. Das Leben Jesu.D 2239,3-4 The same.D 3668 Life of Jesus. 2v. M 582 Sturm. Geschiedenis van Jezus Lijden.. .D 9801 Talmage. From Manger to Throne.M 3020 Taylor. Life of Jesus Christ.J 269,1 Thompson. Jesus of Nazareth.M 549 Townsend. God-Man.M 550 True History of Jesus; dictated by himself. M 538 Van Dyke, The Christ-Child in Art.K 4186 Vaughan. Christ and Human Instincts. . .M 740 Lessons of the Cross and Passion.M 733 Veuillot. Life of Jesus Christ.M 523 Vie de Jesus-Christ.*P 90 Wallace. Boyhood of Christ.M 3011 Westcott. Christus Consummator.M 619 White, E. Life in Christ.M 607 White, E. G. Jesu Kristi Liv.C15174 Williams. Our Lord’s Passion.M 1225 Worcester. Divinity of the Son of God..E 6406 Young. Christ of History .M 529 THE APOSTLES. Aiton. St. Paul and his Localities.M 590 Baunard. Life of St. John .M 596 Baur. Paul the Apostle. 2v.M 611 Binney. St. Paul; his Life and Ministry..M 585 Clarke. Apostle Paul .M 612 Conybeare and Howson. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 v.M 566 Eiriksson. Paulus og Christus.C 7145 P'arrar. Life and Work of St. Paul. 2 v.M 567 Fouard. Saint Peter and First Years of Christianity.M 2642 Saint Pierre et les premieres Annees du Christianisme.C12369 Freppel. Les Peres apostoliques.C 4986 Haweis. Picture of Paul, the Disciple.. .. M 623 Story of the Four Evangelists.M 624. Hitchcock and Brown (Ed.). Twelve Apostles .M 2573' Hodder. Simon Peter.M 614 Howson. Companions of St. Paul.M 600 Metaphors of St. Paul.M 601 Scenes in Life of St. Paul.*V 335 Iverach. St. Paul; his Life and Times. ..M 2282 Lamennais. Les Evangiles.C 5646 Lechler. Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Times. 2v...M 2646 Lewin. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 v.M 570 Lightfoot. The Apostolic Fathers.M 2650 Lyttleton. Apostleship of St. Paul.M 583 Macdonald. Life of St. John.M 131 Macduff. St. Paul in Rome.M 589 Milman. Character and Conduct of the Apos¬ tles.M 3082 More. Life and Writings of St. Paul.J 195,4 Paul, St., of Tarsus.M 587 Pfleiderer. Influence of Paul.M 617 Pressens£. Le Siecle apostolique .C 6142 Rawes. John, the Beloved Disciple .M 469 Renan. The Apostles..M 580 The same.M 2907,2 Les Apotres .C 6445 Les Evangiles.C 6458 Saint Paul; ses Voyages ..C 6456 St. Paul .M 581 The same.M 2907,3 Rydberg. Sagner om Paulus och Petrus.. .C 7997 Smith. Voyage and Shipwreck of St. PaulM 2641 Spence. Life of St. Peter.C 1245 Stevens. The Pauline Theology.M 4121 Stoughton. Stars of the East.M 591 Taylor. Paul the Missionary.M 586 Whately. Writings of St. Paul .M 86 Yonge. Pupils of St. John.M 597 CHURCH HISTORY. Abbott. History of Christianity.M 440 Dealings with the Inquisition.... M 311 550 CHURCH HISTORY. Alexander. Notes on Ecclesiastical HistoryM 224 Allen. Christian History. 3 v.M 2722 Fragments of Christian History.M 1356 Allies. Church and State.M 1846 Formation of Christendom. 3 V.M 861 Alzog. Universal Church History. 3 v...M 322 Andrews. Fox’s Book of Martyrs. 2 v..M 2741 Athanasius, St., Abp. of Alexandria. Life; by Reynolds.M 2914,5 Aub£. Persecutions de l’Eglise, 2e Siecle. .Cl 1990 Backhouse and Scott. Martyr Scenes of the XVI. and XVII. Centuries.*V 1602 and Tylor. Early Church History...M 2872 Witnesses for Christ. 2v .M 2862 Badger. Nestorians and their Rituals. 2 v.I 1276 Barclay. Religious Societies of England.M 1848 Barrows (Ed.). World’s Parliament of Re¬ ligions. 2 v.M 337 ^ Baumgarten. History of Apostolic Church. 3 v.M 186 Baur. Church History of the First Three Centuries.M 2742 Beard, C. Port Royal; Religion and Litera¬ ture in France. 2 v.M 2868 Beard, J. R. Religious Thought in FranceM 254 Beaven. Life and Writings of St. IrenseusM 3379 Bede. Ecclesiastical History.I 3341 Historia Ecclesiastica .*P 268 BELANEY. Massacre at Carmes in 1792'.. .M 442 Benham. Dictionary of Religion.*R 1531 Bettany. The World’s Religions. 2 v..M 2904 Bettridge. History of the Church in Upper Canada.M 2798 Bingham. Antiquities of the Christian Church. 2 v.*V 177 Blackburn. History of the Christian Church.M 416 Blunt, J. H. Dictionaries of Sects, Here¬ sies, etc.*R I 53 2 Blunt, J. J. Christian Church in the first three Centuries.M 256 Boissier. La Religion romaine d’Auguste aux Antonins. 2 v.Cl 1979 BOUZIQUE. History of Christianity. 3V..M2696 Bowden. Lives of the Saints. 2v.C 1298 Brewster. Ecclesiastical History of England in the 18th Century.E 873 Bright. Early English Church History...M 438 Broglie . L’Eglise et l’Empire romain au IVe Siecle. 6 v. in 3.C 4250 Bunsen. Analecta Anti-Nicsena. 3 v.M 2804 Hyppolytus and his Age.M 1240 Ilyppolytus und seine Zeit. 2 v.D 3534 Burton. Heresies of the Apostolic Age. ..M 3083 Butler, A. Lives of the Saints. 12 v-C 1310 Butler, A. J. Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt. 2 v.M 2797 Caird. Evolution of Religion. 2v.M 3236 Canning. Thoughts on Religious History.M 3450 Carroll. Religious Forces of the United States.M 2940 Cave. First Ages of the Christian Church*V 149 Primitive Christianity.M 2690 Chandler. History of Persecution.M 315 Cheetham. Christian Church during first six Centuries.M 2918 Child, G. W. Church and State under the Tudors.M 2875 Child, L. M. Progressof Religious Ideas. 3VM 265 Church History Series. 5 V.M 2914 Church in the British Isles, The...M 2874 Clarke. Events in Religious History.M 448 Ten Great Religions. 2 v.M 277 Collier. Ecclesiastical History of Great Brit¬ ain. 9 V .M 463 Conversion of the West: Celts; by Maclear. M 1685 Continental Teutons; by Merivale.M 1684 The English; by Maclear.M 1681 Northmen; by Maclear.,.M 1682 Slavs; by Maclear.M 1683 Cox. Latin and Teutonic Christendom.... M 2871 Cranbrook. Founders of Christianity... .M 674 Cunningham. Churches of Asia in second Century...M 457 Cutts. Constantine the Great.C 3270 Turning Points in Church History.M 365 Darras et autres. Histoire generale de l’Eglise. 44 V .C12285 Deharbe. History of Religion.M 449 Dinwiddie. Times before the Reformation.M 417 Doellinger. First Age of Christianity.. .M 178 The same. 2v.M 258 Dorchester. Christianity in the United States.M 2830 Ellwood. Sacred History. 3 V .M 391 Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History.I 3331 Historise Ecclesiasticse (in Greek).M 435 The same.L 5621,4 Faber. Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses.M 2826 Faiths of the World.M 2685 Farrar. Early Days of Christianity. 2 v.M 2681 Felt. Ecclesiastical History of New Eng¬ land. 2 v.*M 392 Fisher. Beginnings of Christianity.M 336 History of the Christian Church.M 2807 Fitzgerald. Lectures on Ecclesiastical His¬ tory. 2 v.M 2790 Forbes. Pioneers of Christian Faith.M 1105 CHURCH HISTORY. Forlong. Rivers of Life; Sources of Faiths, with Chart. 3 V.*V 945 Foster. Index Ecclesiasticus.*R 1549 Fouard. St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity ..M 2642 St. Pierre et les premieres Annees de Christianisme.Cl 2369 F ox. Acts of the Martyrs.*P 927 Book of Martyrs. 3 v.M 378 Freppel. Apologistes chretiens au 2me Sie- cle. 2 v..C 49S5 Frothingham. Cradle of Christianity....M 337 Fuller. Church History of Britain; ed. by Brewer. 6 v...*P 58 The same; ed. by Nichols. 3 v.. ,M 296 Gardner. Faiths of the World, with Chart. 3 v.*R 1525 Garrido and Cayley. Political and Reli¬ gious Persecutions. 2 v.M 2833 Geddes. Church History of Ethiopia.M 2891 Geffcken. Church and State. 2v.M 454 Gieseler. Ecclesiastical Flistory. 5 v...M 385 Gordon, J. Spanish Inquisition.M 312 Gordon, J. F. S. Ecclesiastical Chronicles of Scotland. 4 v.*V 38 Gostwick. German Culture and Christianity, 1770-1880.M 3622 Gould. Lives of the Saints. 15 v.C 1309 Graham. Ecclesiastical Establishments...M 2739 Gr£groire. Histoire des Sectes religieuses. 6 v.C12445 Hagenbach. Church in the 18th and 19th Centuries. 2v.M 287 Hales. Primitive British Church.M 2733 Hammerich. Kirke-Historie. 3 V.C 7265 Hardwick. Christ and other Masters.... M 450 Hase. Kirchengeschichte.D 3596,1-2 Havet. Christianisme et ses Origines. 4 v.C 5205 Heard. The Russian Church.M 2799 Hefele. Christian Councils to A. D. 325. 3 v.M 2725 Hemans. Mediaeval Christianity. 2V....K3536 Herford. Story of Religion in England. .M 389 Herrick. Heretics of Yesterday.M 2765 Hinds. Rise and Progress of Christianity.M 1206 Histoire des Inquisitions. 2 v.C 5220 Hope. Apostles of Europe. 2v.M 362 Conversion of the Teutonic Race. 2 v.M 288 Howley. Ecclesiastical History of Newfound¬ land.M 2824 Hurst. History of the Christian Church..M 2905 Jarvis. History of the Church . M 246 Jennings. Manual of Church History. 2 vM 2835 Jervis. History of the Church of France. 2vM 221 Johnson. The Rise of Christendom.M 2S94 Joyce. England’s Sacred Councils and Syn¬ ods .M 2926 Killen. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 2 v.M 465 King. The Gnostics and their Remains...K 85 Kip. Early Conflicts of Christianity.M 352 Krasinski. Religious Flistory of the Slavonic Nations .M 2892 Lamson. Church of first three Centuries. .M 26S2 Lardner. History of the Heretics.J 172,8 Lauer. Church and State in New Eng¬ land ...*L 3201,10 Lea. History of the Inquisition. 3 v.M 2816 Religious History of Spain.M 2880 Studies in Church History...M 334 Leblois. Les Bibles et les Initiateurs reli- gieux. 4 v..C 5714 Le Neve. Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 3 v.*P 50 Lhomond. Histoire abregee de l’Eglise. 2 vC 5724 Limborch. History of the Inquisition ...M 2771 LlNGARD. Antiquity of the Anglo-Saxon Church.M 207 History of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 v.M 602 Lippert. Religionen der europaischen Cul- tur-Volker...D 3601 Llorente. History of the Inquisition of Spain.M 2864 Lorgion. Geschiedenis der Christelijke KerkD 9567 Loserth. Wiclif and Hus.M 2848 Lundy. Monumental Christianity.K 3809 McClintock and Strong. Cyclopaedia of Ecclesiastical Literature. 10 v.*R 1537 Supplement. 2 v.*R 1538 Mackay. Rise of Christianity.M 316 Maclear. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. .C 47 McNeile. Church and the Churches. 2 v.M 183 Maitland. Church in the Catacombs. .. .M 2726 Malan. History of the Georgian Church.M 2702 Traits de l’Histoire religieuse.C12779 Mansel. Gnostic Heresies.M 335 Marsden. History of Christian Churches. 2 vM 238 Martineau, A. Church History.M 218 Martyrologia; Records of Religious Persecu¬ tion. 3 v.M 2849 Mason. Persecution of Diocletian.M 331 Massey. Book of Beginnings; Myths and Mysteries. 2 v.*V 1965 Maurice. Ecclesiastical History.M 280 Merivale, C. Lectures on Early Church History.M 371 Merivale, L. A. Apostolic Age.M 468 MlI.MAN. History of Christianity. 3 v...M 237 History of Latin Christianity. 8 V....M 236 552 CHURCH HISTORY. Moeller. The Christian Church, A. D. i- 600.M 2913 Christian Church in Middle Ages ... .M 2915 Moi.loy. Faiths of the Peoples. 2 v.M 2906 Moran. Persecutions in Ireland.M 2766 Mosheim. Ecclesiastical History.M 2789 The same. 4 V.M 248 Mosley. Ancient British Church. M 216 Mouravieff. History of the Church of Rus¬ sia.M 437 Neale. History of the Eastern Church... M 2752 v. 1-2. Introduction. 3-4. Patriarchate of Alexandria. 5. Patriarchate of Antioch. Neander. History of the Christian Church. 10 v.I 3059 Memorials of Early Christian Life.I 3063 Planting of the Christian Church. 2 v..I 3061 Newman. Arians of the 4th Century.M 242 O’Hanlon. Lives of Irish Saints. 2V....C 1511 Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical History. 4 v.I 3361 O’Reilly. Martyrs of the Coliseum.M 500 Victims of the Mamertine.M 498 Oswald. Origin of the Christian Religion.M 2825 Overton. Evangelical Revival of the 18th Century.M 2895 Oxenham. Ecclesiastical History and Biog¬ raphy.M 3935 Palmer. Origines Liturgicae. 2v.M 2028 Petrie. Church and State in Maryland.*L 3201,10 Peyran. Defense of the Waldenses.M 459 Pfleiderer. Paulinism; History of Primitive Christian Theology. 2 v .M 3967 Philippson. Entwicklung der religiosen IdeeD 3632 Philostorgius. Ecclesiastical History.I 3334 Plummer. Church of the Early Fathers..M 2808 Post-Restoration Period of the Church in the British Isles.M 3161 Pratt. The Scandinavian Churches.M 2909 Pressens£. L’Ancien Monde et le Christian- isme.C 6218 Early Years of Christianity. 2v.M 240 Martyrs and Apologists.M 260 Le Siecle apostolique.C 6142 PuiGBLANCH. Inquisition unmasked. 2 v.M 2708 Pusey. Councils of the Church, A. D. 51- 381.M 2689 Ramsay. The Church in the Roman EmpireM 2890 Religious Systems of the World.M 2870 Renan. History of the Origins of Christian¬ ity.M 2907 v. 1. Life of Jesus. 2. The Apostles. Renan. History of the Origins of Christian¬ ity. . .M 2907 v. 3. Saint Paul. 4. The Anti-Christ. 5. The Gospels. 6. Reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius (A. D. 117-161). 7. Marcus-Aurelius. Nouvelles Etudes d’Histoire religieuse..C 6465 Studies in Religious History.M 2814 Rendall. Emperor Julian, Paganism and Christianity.M 2721 Reuter. Religidse Aufklarung. 2v ....D 181 Reville. La Religion a Rome sous les Se- veres. C 6478 Revival of Priestly Life in France.M 330 Riethmueller. Legends of the Early Church.M 1389 Rights of Latin and Greek Churches. 2 v.M 281 Roberts. Church Memorials.M 444 Robertson. The Christian Church from A. D. 64 to 1517. 8 v.M 2822 Sketch of Church History.M 212 Rogers. Church Systems of England.M 2745 Rule. History of the Inquisition. 2 v.... M 2709 Rupp. Religious Denominations in the U. S.M 414 Russell. Christianity in West of Europe..M 217 Schaff. Creeds of Christendom. 3 V....M 1277 History of the Apostolic Church.M 285 History of the Christian Church. 2 v.M 283 The same; new ed., v. 1-4, 6,7...M 2728 Religious Encyclopaedia. 3 v.*R 1523 Scherr. Geschichte der Religion. 3 v. in 2D 3650 Scottish Church to 1881..M 451 Sewell, History of the Early Church....M 214 Sismondi. Crusade against the Albigenses.M 2865 Smith, G. Religion of Ancient Britain....M 2858 Smith, P. Student’s Ecclesiastical History. 2 v.M 2776 Smith. R. T. The Church in Roman GaulM 2694 Smith, W. Scripture History.M 185 Soames. The Anglo-Saxon Church.M 1242 The Latin Church during Anglo-Saxon Times. .M 2903 Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical His¬ tory.I 3333 Sozomen. Ecclesiastical History.I 3334 Spottiswoode. Church and State of Scot¬ land.*V 1990 Stanley. Lectures on the Eastern ChurchM 230 Starr. Patron Saints. 2v.C 1267 Pilgrims and Shrines. 2 v.I 5922 Stebbing. History of the Church of Christ. 3 v. M 211 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 553 Stebbing. History of Church of Christ. 2 v.I 3829 Stewart. The Church of Scotland.M 2917 Stockdale. History of the Inquisition.. .*V 1963 Stokes. Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church.M 2867 Ireland and the Celtic Church.M 2876 Storrs. Divine Origin of Christianity ... .M 2757 Suberwick. Geheimnisse der Inquisition. .D 1045 Mysteres de l’lnquisition.*V 1050 Taylor. The Diegesis. M 2845 Theodoret and Evagrius. Ecclesiastical Histories.I 3335 Tolstoi. Romanism in Russia. 2 v.M 2889 Tootle. Church History of England. 5 v.M 361 Tregelles. Rise of the Jansenists .M 2697 Trench. Mediaeval Church History. M 383 Turner. Sacred History of the World. 3 v.I 3674 Vaughan, C. J. The Church of the First Days. 3 v .M 181 Vaughan, R. A. With the Mystics. 2 v.M 2810 Waddington. History of the Church.M 182 Waite. History of the Christian Religion.M 415 Walcott. Ancient Church of Scotland . .*V 366 Weeks. Church and State in N. Carolina*L 3201,10 Weninger. Lives of the Saints. 2v....*V no Werner. Vorchristliche Religionen. D 3671 Wharey. Sketches of Church History.... M 439 Whately. Rise of Christianity.M 202 Wilberforce. The Church and the Em¬ pires.M 2737 Wood. Ancient British Church.M 2820 Wordsworth. Church History to A. D. 325. 2 v.M 43 1 Hippolytus and Church of 3d Century.C 1275 Letters on the Church of Rome.M 1248 Wright. Early Christianity in Arabia...M 2774 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. (See also Church History, p. S 49 )- Addis and Arnold. Catholic Dictionary.*R 1552 Allies. Holy See and Wanderings of the Nations.M 2851 Amherst. History of Catholic Emancipa¬ tion. 2 v.M 2796 Artaud de Montor. Histoire du Pape Leon XII. 2 v.C11939 Histoire du Pape Pie VII. 2 v.C11938 Histoire du Pape Pie VIII.C11937 Bagshaw. The Faction begun at Wisbich.M 2878 Barrow. Supremacy of the Pope.M 273 Bayley. History of the Catholic Church of New York.M 270 Blumenstock. Der papstliche Schutz im Mittelalter.D12S43 Bower. History of the Popes. 7 V .*V 1961 Brenan. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 2 v.M 213 Bridgett. Blunders and Forgeries; Plistor- ical Essays.M 2869 Brosch. Geschichte des Kirchenstaates.. .D12812 Browne. History of the Tractarian Move¬ ment.M 2719 Buckley. Catechism of Council of Trent.M 846 Decrees of Council of Trent.M 845 History of the Council of Trent.M 294 Buergler. Geschichte der katholischen « Kirche Chicago’s.D 349 ° Bungener. History of the Council of TrentM 275 Rome and the Council in the 19th Cen¬ tury.M 2734 Businger. Christ in his Church.M 432 Catholic Directory, 1889-90, 1893-94.*Ri567 Catholic Review, 1876-93. v. 9-44. *Ser. Catholic World, 1865-93. 57 V . *Ser. Chantrel. Histoire des Papes. 5 v.C 4331 Church before the Reformation. 6 v.M 243 Clair. Les Papes en Exil. ... i.C 4599 Columbian Jubilee; or, Four Centuries of Cath¬ olicity in America. 2 v.M 2899 Cormenin. Popes of Rome.C 50 Courcy de Laroche Heron. Catholic Church in the United States.M 318 and Shea. The same; new cd.M 2749 Darras. L’Histoire de l’Eglise. 44 v.. ..C12285 History of the Catholic Church. 4 v..M 290 Diary of a Confessor of the Faith, 1793....M 517 Digby. Mores Catholici. 3 v.M 350 Doei.linger. Letters from Rome on the Coun¬ cil .M 309 Das Papstthum.I) 3530 Vatican Decrees, 1869 87.M 2902 und Reusch. Die Moralstreitigkeiten in der rom. kath. Kirche seit 1600.D 3527 Donosa Cort£s. Essays on Catholicism..M 873 Dupanloup. Papal Sovereignty.M 1437 Earle. Lives of the Popes.C 1336 Evans. Council of Trent.M 2914,4 Fleming. Rise and Fall of Rome Papal. ..M 310 Gahan. History of the Church of Christ.. M 284 Gattina. Rome and the Papacy.M 269 Gavazzi. Recollections of the last Four Popes.C 148 Gfroerer. Papst Gregorius VII. und sein Zeitalter. 8 v.D 6036 Gibbons, Cardinal. The Faith of our FathersM 3628 Gilt.. Papal Drama.M 372 Gossei.IN. Power of Popes in Middle Ages. 2 v.M 320 554 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Goulburn. Holy Catholic Church.M 250 Greenwood. Cathedra Petri; Latin Patri¬ archate. 5 v.M 2827 Gr£goire. Les Libertes de l’Eghse gallicaneCi2446 Gregorius. Urban VIII. im Widerspruch zu Spanien und dem Kaiser.D 6113 Griesinger. Mysteries of the Vatican. 2 v.M 313 Mysterien des Vatican. 2 v.D 3568 Guett£e. Papacy, its Origin and its Rela¬ tions.M 252 Haussonville. L’Eglise romaine et l’Em- pire, 1800-14. 5 v.C12586 Heyne. Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche Schlesiens. 2v.D 109,2-3 Hoffmann’s Catholic Directory, 1891.*R 1565 Howitt (Tr.). Religion of Rome.M 2760 Howley. Ecclesiastical History of New¬ foundland.M 2824 Hussey. Rise of the Papal Power.M 2850 Irish Faith in America.M 1510 Jaunay. Eveques et Archeveques de Paris. .C 5342 Keim. Rom und das Christenthum.D 3584 Killen. Old Catholic Church.M 466 Lanfrey. Histoire politique des Papes. ...C 5662 Langen. Geschichte der romischen KircheDi298i Lanigan. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 4 v .*M 323 Law. Jesuits and Seculars in Reign of Eliz¬ abeth.M 2878 Lea. Religious History of Spain.M 2880 Legge. Growth of the Papacy.M 306 Leith. Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart and James VI.M 2805 Liancourt and Manning. Pius IX.; First Year of his Pontificate. 2 v.M 348 Lindsey. Rome in Canada. .... .M 1039 Lives of the Popes. 2 v.C 9 Ludwig. The Popes from close of Middle Ages. 2 v.M 288S Madden. Penal Laws against Catholics...M 1380 Historical Notice of the same. M 1449 Maguire. Rome; its Ruler and its Institu¬ tions.M 262 Malone. Church History of Ireland.M 369 Memorial of 3d Plenary Council of BaltimoreM 2770 Mendham. Memoirs of the Council of TrentM 3856 Meyrick. The Church in Spain.M 289S Michel. Die romische Kirche und das deutsch Volk.D 3617 Milman. History of Latin Christianity. 8 v.M 236 Month, The, 1864-93. 79 v. *Ser. Montor. Lives and Times of the Popes. 2 v*V 45 Moran. Catholic Archbishops of Dublin..M 333 Persecutions in Ireland.M 2766 Morris (Ed.). Condition of Catholics under James I.A 472 Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers. 3 v .,.M 874 Mossman. Catholic Church to A. D. 150. M 2691 Mueller. Das Konklave Pius IV., 1559. .D 3622 Murphy. Chairof Peter.M 273S Murray. Catholic Church in the U. S. .. ,M 354 Catholic Heroes and Heroines of AmericaC 1562 Nightingale. Portraiture of the Catholic Religion- • .M 271 Noethen. History of the Catholic ChurchM 376 O’Connell. Catholicity in the Carolinas and Georgia.M 377 O’Reilly, A. J. Martyrs of the Coliseum.M 500 Victims of the Mamertine.M 498 O’Reilly, M. Memorials of Irish Martyrs. M 499 Pastor. Geschichte des Papste. 2v.D 3629 History of the Popes. 2 v.M 288S Payne. Old English Catholic Missions.... M 1803 Pennington. Epochs of the Papacy.M 2750 Pius VI., le Pape. Brefs et Instructions, 1790- 1796. 2 v...C13021 Pope. Council of the Vatican.M 272 Pope and the Council..M 274 Portalis. Discours surle Concordat de 1801C13023 Pradt. Les quatre Concordats. 3 V.C 6210 Pressens£. The Church and the French Rev¬ olution.M 2780 Puller. Primitive Saints of the See of Rome.M 2921 Ranke. History of the Popes. 3 V.M 303 Rau. Das Papstthum.D 210 Reichel. See of Rome in the Middle AgesM 176 Riddle. History of Papacy to the Reforma¬ tion. 2 v.M 314 Sadlier’s Catholic Directory, 1874, 1893... L 1614 Shea. Catholic Church in Colonial Days, 1521-1763.M 2813 Soames. The Latin Church during Anglo- Saxon Times.M 2903 Spalding. Early Catholic Missions of Ken¬ tucky.B 1586 Stokes. Ireland and the Celtic Church. ..M 2876 Stroehlin. L’Eglise catholique en Alle- magne. C 6701 Theiner. Clemens XIV. und Jesuiten....D 3669 Das Pontificat Clemens XIV. 2 v.D 6011 Geschichte der geistlichen Bildungsan- stalten.D 3658 Thompson.’ Church in Brittany during the Revolution.M 434 Trollope. Papal Conclaves....M 386 Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar.M 307 PROTESTANT CHURCH. 555 Ullathorne. Restoration of Catholic Hier¬ archy in England...M 368 United States Catholic Miscellany, 1824-25. Vatican Council; Official Documents.M 509 Walsh. History of the Irish Church.M 370 Ward. W. G. Ward and the Oxford Move¬ ment .M 4445 Waterworth. Church of St. Patrick... .M 374 England and Rome.M 373 Wattenbach. Geschichte des Papstthums.D 3674 Weber. Das Papstthum und die Papste. 3 v. in ..P 3675 Wiseman. Recollections of the last Four Popes.C 4^ PROTESTANT CHURCH. Abbey. The English Church and its Bishops. 2 ..M 2815 and Overton. The English Church in the 18th Century.M 2896 Adair. Presbyterian Church in Ireland .. .M 2727 AGNEW. Protestant Exiles from France. .*V 213 Allen, E. Maryland P. E. Church since 1783. M 342 Allen, S., and W. H. Pillsbury. Methodism in Maine.M 2883 American Presbyterian Quarterly Review, 1852-71. 20 v. *Ser. Anderson. Church of England in the Col¬ onies. 3 v.M 460 Applegarth. Quakers in Pennsylvania, 1682. 1776.*L 3201,10 Arnold. Our Bishops and Deans. 2 v...M 891 Atkinson. American Methodism .M 2754 Methodism in New Jersey.M 425 Backus. New England and the Baptists. 2 v*B 3724 Bacon. Genesis of New England ChurchesM 227 Baird, I. Religions of America.M 302 Baird, S. J. Judicatory of Presbyterian Church.M 173 Policy of Presbyterian Church.M 636 Ball. The Reformed Church of Ireland. .M 2839 Bangs. Methodist Episcopal Church. 4 v.M 2861 Baptist Quarterly, 1867-77. n v. *Ser. Baptist Review, 1879-92. 13 v. *Ser. Barclay. Faith of Quakers.M 1659 True Christian Divinity; Doctrines of Quakers.M 3347 Bates. Doctrines of Friends.M 1664 Batterson. American Episcopate.M 2746 Bayne. English Puritanism.M 380 Beard. Unitarianism exhibited.M 255 Religious Thought in France.M 254 Beardsley. Episcopal Church in Connecti¬ cut. 2 v...M 274° Benedict. History of the Baptist Denomina¬ tion . 2829 Bennett. Methodism in Virginia.M 424 Bernheim. German Settlements and Luth¬ eran Church in the Carolinas .M 2748 Besse. Sufferings of Quakers, 1650-89. 2v.*V 133 Biblical Institute; Doctrines of Seventh-Day Adventists.M 1863 Blake. History of Mendon Association. .B 916 Bogue and Bennett. History of Dissenters. 4 v.M 2731 Bost. History of Moravians .M 259 Boultbee. History of the Church of Eng¬ land . M 2698 Brady. English State Church in Ireland. .M 324 Irish Reformation. M 3 21 Brewer. Endowments of the Church of Eng¬ land.M 3328 Briggs. History of American Presbyterian¬ ism . 2758 Brown. Account of the Shakers.M 2712 Buchanan. Ten Years Conflict in the Church of Scotland. 2 v.M 455 Bunsen. Gottesdienst-Ordnung.D 3532 Heilige Leidensgeschichte.D 3536 Campbell. The Christian System.M 1872 Cardwell. Annals of Reformed Church of England. 2v.M 2744 Conferences on Book of Com. Prayer. .M 2743 Cassel. Geschichte der Mennoniten.D 3519 CATHCART(Ed-). Baptist Encyclopaedia. 2 v.*R 1528 Catholic Presbyterian, 1879-83. 10 v. *Ser. Chicago, First Congregational Church, Quar¬ ter-Centennial of.... ..M 344 First Presbyterian Church, 5°th Anniver¬ sary of.B 3161 Church. The Oxford Movement, 1833-45.M 2S97 Church Established in Ireland.M 215 Church of England, Constitutions and Canons of.M 1010 Documents relating to.M 3S0 Church of England Magazine, 1836-59. 47 v. in 25. *Ser. Clarke. Orthodox Congregationalism.... M 1078 Clarkson. Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 v.M 1663 Clary. History of Wisconsin Churches...M Clergy Directory and Parish Guide for Church of England, 1885.*R CoiT. Puritanism . M Condorcet. Les Protestants en France.C12207,5 Congregational Catechism.M 3422 Congregational Churches of New England..M 225 22 3 1574 406 556 PROTESTANT CHURCH. Congregational Magazine, 1818-45. 28 v... *Ser. Congregational Quarterly, 1859-78. 20 v.. . . *Ser. Congregational Review (Boston), 1887-90. 4 v. *Ser. Congregational Review (London), 1889-90 2 v. *Ser. Congregational Year-Book, 1880, 1881, 1885, 1887.L 1584 Congregationalism 1872-86. 15 v. *Ser. Cooke. Century of Puritanism. 2v.M 2688 Craighead. Scotch and Irish Seeds in Am¬ erican Soil. M 367 Cramp. Baptist History.M 208 Cranz. History of the Brethren .M 2944 Crockford ; s Clerical Directory, 1877, 1889.*R 1548 Czerwenka. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche inBohmen.D 3539 Davis. History of the Presbyterian Church of Deerfield, N. J.B 1225 Decanver. Works in Refutation of Method¬ ism.*0 609 Dexter. Congregationalism.M 234 Congregationalism of last 300 Years. . . M 418 Dissenters’ Chapels Bill, Debates on.M 1182 Dixon. History of the Church of England. 3 v.M 2846 Doctrine, Practice and Discipline of Western Friends’ Church.M 3494 Eddy. Universalism in America.M 2769 Edgar. Old Church Life in Scotland. 2 vM 2857 Emery. Illinois Congregational Churches.. ,*M 627 Episcopacy and Presbyterianism of ScotlandM 232 Evans, C. Friends in the 17th Century.. .M 351 Evans, F. W. Origin, History, etc., of Shak¬ ers.M 257 Evans, L. J. How shall we revise the West¬ minster Confession of Faith?.M 3530 Evans, T. Faith of Quakers.M 1150 Fathers of the English Church.M 1770 v. I. Tindal—Frith—Hamilton—Joy—Barnes. 2. Ridley—Latimer—Catechism of Edward IV. 3. Cranmer. 4. Ridley — Clement — Philpot — Rogers — Turner. 5. Bishop Hooper. 6. Bradford—Saunders. 7. Jewell. 8. Nowell’s Catechism, etc. Felice et Bonifas.' Les Protestants de France.C 12373 Finley. Sketches of Western Methodism.M 420 Fi. anigen. Methodism, old and new.M 397 Fletcher. History of Independency in Eng¬ land. 4 v. in 2 . .M 422 Ford. M. E. Church in the South....*M 1488,5 Fretwell. Three Centuries of Unitarian- •sm.*M 1488,4 Frothingham. Boston Unitarianism, 1820- 1850. M 3576 Frolde. Calvinism. M 263 Fuller. Appeal to the Records. M 473 Gilbert. Disestablishment of Church of Eng¬ land.M U55 Gillett. Presbyterian Church in the United States. 2 v .M 2703 Gorrie. M. E. Church in the U. S.M 452 Gough. History of the Quakers. 4 v... .M 2718 Green and Wells. View of the Millennial Church (Shakers). M 2747 Gurney. Religious Peculiarities of QuakersM 1661 Hagood. The Colored Man in the M t E. Church.M 3657 Hall. Puritans and their Principles.M 388 Halley. Lancashire; its Puritanism. 2 v.M 2724 Hallowell. Pioneer Quakers.B 3426 Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts.B 3485 Harsh a. Story of Iowa.M 2911 Haskett. Shakerism unmasked.M 3647 Hawks. * Ecclesiastical Contributions; P. E. Church in Virginia and Maryland. 2 vM 241 Hayden. Disciples in the Western ReserveM 453 Haynes. The Baptist Denomination.M 2855 Herrick. Heretics of Yesterday.. INI 2765 Herzog. Encyklopadie fiir protestantische Theologie. 18 v .*R 1521 IIetherington. History of the Westminster Assembly.M 2736 Hill. History of American PresbyterianismM 423 Hodge. Constitutional Historv of Presbvter- ian Church in the United States. 2 v.M 172 Hodgson. Friends in the 19th Century. 2 v.M 430 Hole and others. Church of England as an Established Church.M 2692 Holmes. History of the United Brethren. 2 v. M 328 Hopkins. Puritans and Queen Elizabeth. 3 v .M 293 Hoke. The Church in England from Wil¬ liam III. to Victoria. 2 v.M 2831 Jacobs. The Lutheran Movement in Eng¬ land . M 2884 JOHNSTON. Presbyterianism in Indiana.. .*B 880 Keith. Truth’s Defence; Principles of the Quakers. M 3603 Lamson. Among the Shakers.M 1985 Lawrence. New Hampshire Churches.. .M 233 LeNeve (Ed.). Calendar of Ecclesiastical Dignitaries to 1715. 3 v.*P 50 Leslie. Snake in the Grass: Quakers... ,*M 1151 PROTESTANT CHURCH. 557 Livermore. 25 Years of Western Unitarian Conference.*M 1488,1 Luckock. The Bishops in the Tower.M 2837 Lumby. History of the Creeds.M 2920 Lutheran Quarterly, 1878-93. 23 V. *Ser. McConnell. History of the American Episco- ' pal Church.M 2881 Maine Congregational Conference, 1880.. ..M 426 Marsden. History of the Early Puritans..M 2759 History of the Later Puritans.M 235 Martinet. Kerk Geschichte der WaldensesD 9517 Martyn. History of English Puritans.... M 2793 Massachusetts Diocese; Commemorative Dis¬ courses.M 2786 Mather, C. Magnalia; Ecclesiastical His¬ tory of New England. 2 v.B 928 Mather, S. Apology for the Churches of New England...M 427 Matlack. Anti-Slavery Struggle in M. E. Church.L 743 Methodist Episcopal Church, Doctrines and Discipline of.M 1161 Methodist Quarterly Review, 1841-93. 52 v. *Ser. Index, 1841-81. Miller. Duties of Ruling Elder in Presby¬ terian Church.M 3853 Molesworth. History of Church of Eng¬ land.M 2686 Monastier. History of Vaudois Church.. M 222 Moore. Digest of Presbyterian Church... ,M 174 Moravian Church, History of.M 187 Moss. Baptists and National Centenary.. . M 353 National Conferences of Unitarian Churches. 5 v.M 2015 Neal. History of the Puritans. 2v.M 175 Neumeister. Evang.-Luth. Kirche .D 3670 Nevin. Presbyterian Encyclopaedia.*R 1527 Norris. Early Friends in Maryland.*B 1643 Overton. The English Church, 1660-1714.M 2901 English Church in the 19thCentury... M 2948 Parsons. Religion and Philosophy of Swe¬ denborg.M 1557 Patton. Last Century of Congregationalism-M 628 Perry, G. G. History of the Church of Eng¬ land. 3 v.M 239 Perry, W. S. History of the American Epis¬ copal Church. 2 v.*V 716 History of the Episcopal Church in Massa¬ chusetts.*V 616 Post-Restoration Period of the Church in the British Isles.M 3161 Presbyterian Church, Constitution.M 1269 Minutes of General Assembly.M 170 Presbyterian Conflict; Patton vs. Swing ....M 809 Presbyterian Expositor, 1857-9. 2 v. *Ser. Presbyterian Monthly Record, 1877-9. 3 v - • *Ser. Presbyterian Reunion, Memorial Volume... M 171 Presbyterian Review, 1880-1889. 10 v. *Ser. Protestant Episcopal Church, Book of Common Prayer.*R 1578 The same. *V 1995 The same, in French.C 6088 The same, in Hebrew.M 139 The same.M 142 The same, in Indian Languages. . . M 1189 Report on, 1880.*V 638 Constitution of Diocese of Illinois. M 855 Convention, 1871.M 1162 Debates on, 1871.M 220 Digest of Canons, 1859 77 .M 1159 in Illinois, 25th Convention.M 364 in Massachusetts.M 2786 in Michigan. M 408 Providence, R. I., First Baptist Church... ,M 393 Punchard. History of Congregational ism.M 409 View of Congregationalism.M 3973 The same; new ed.M 419 Quakers, Addresses and Papers on.M 950 Collection of Testimonies of.M 1665 Doctrine and Practice of.M 904 Epistles from the Yearly Meetings, 1681- 1857- 2 v.M 1503 Memorials concerning. ...M 979 Ray. Baptist Succession.M 1074 Text Book of Campbellism ..M 936 Reed. Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 3v.M 291 Religious Republics; Congregationalism.. ..M 844 Richard and Williams. Disestablishment of Church of England. L 3230 Ri tter. Moravian Church in PhiladelphiaM 343 Robinson. History of the Shakers.M 2919 Rockwell. Sketches of the Presbyterian Church.M 2910 Roosen. Mennoniten Gemeinde zu Ham¬ burg. 2 v.D 3638 Sander. Rise of the Anglican Schism.... M 366 Saybrook and Cambridge Platforms of Church Discipline.M 18S8 Schaff. Creed Revision in Presbyterian Churches.M 4102 History of the 6th Conference of the Evan¬ gelical Alliance, 1873...M 30a Schwf.initz. History of the Unitas FratrumM 2785 Sewei.. History of Quakers. 2v.M 251 Shedd. Calvinism; Pure and. Mixed.M 2912 Shinn. Notable Episcopal Churches in the United States.M 2847 REFORMATION OF THE 16 TH CENTURY. 558 SHORT. Church of England to the Revolu¬ tion, 1688.M 2893' SMITH, G. History of Wesleyan Methodism. 3 ..M 282 Smith, H. Protestant Bishopric in Jerusa¬ lem.M 226 Smith, J. Catalogue of Friends’ Books. 2 v *0 292 Smithson. Methodist Pulpit South.M 1568 Society of Friends, Transactions.M 2788 Southey. Book of the Church. 2v.M 2836 Speakman. Divisions in the Society of Friends.M 1668 Sprague. Annals of the American Pulpit. 9 V .M 292 Stall (Ed.). Stall’s Lutheran Year Book, 1886-7.M 1708 Stanley. Lectures on Church of ScotlandM 340 Staunton. Ecclesiastical Dictionary... .*R 1562 Stevens. History of Methodism. 3 v ...M 261 History of the M. E. Church in the Uni¬ ted States. 4 V.M 231 Stoughton. Religion in England, 1702- 1800. 2 v.M 4104 Religion in England. 6 v.M 464 Stowell. History of the Puritans in Eng- _ land.M 2792 Stubbs. Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum. ,*P 262 Swedenborg, Gems from; by Prescott... .M 2024 Tallack. Fox, the Friends and the BaptistsC 2603 Taylor. Wesley and Methodism.M 229 Thrall. Methodism in Texas.M 421 Tonna. War with the Vaudois....,.M 2764 Tuke. Religion of Quakers.M 960 Turner. TheQuakers; a Study.M 4189 Unitarian Handbook Scriptural Illustrations.M 928 Unitarian Review, 1874-91. 36 v. *Ser. Verhandlungen des 2ten Altkatholischen Con¬ gresses.D 3582 Waddington. Congregational History, 1567- 1700..M 327 Walker. Congregationalism .M 2908 Waylen. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the Episcopal Church .M 2720 Webster, R. Presbyterian Church in Amer¬ ica.M 429 Webster, T. Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada.M 428 Whiting. Catalogue of Friends’ Books, 1708.*Q 293 Whittemore. History of Universalism.. .M 2699 Wight. History of Quakers in Ireland.. ..M 394 Wilberforce. History of American Protest¬ ant Episcopal Church.M 219 Willis. Servetus and Calvin.M 436 Wilson, J. Concessions of Trinitarians.. ..M 2098 Unitarian Principles .M 2099 Wilson, J. G. Protestant Episcopal Church in New York, 1785-1885.M 28S2 Wilson, W. History of Dissenting Churches. 4 v .M 407 Wise. Vindication of New England ChurchesM 2711 Wolf. The Lutherans in America.M 2879 Wood. Methodism .M 355 Wylie. History of Protestantism. 3 v...*V 615 REFORMATION OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Allen. Young Folks’ History of the Refor¬ mation. M 2812 Anderson. Women of the Reformation. 2 v.C 1040 Beard. Reformation of the 16th Century.M 2773 Luther and Reformation in Germany..M 2866 Bechstein. Manner der Reformation... ,*V 976 Bezold. Die Deutsche Reformation.*D 5796 Blunt. The Reformation.I 3592 Bonnet. Aonio Paleorio, and Italian Refor¬ mation ..*.M 210 Bressler. Stellung der deutschen Universi- taten zum.Baseler Konzil.D 3489 Bulkley. Merle d’Aubigne’s Martyrs of the Reformation.M 2723 Burke. Men and Women of the Reformation. 2 v . M 193 Burnet. Reformation of Church of England. 2 v.M 205 The same. 7 v...*P 38 Butler. Reformation in Sweden.M 2761 Calvin. Tracts relating to the Reformation. 3 v.M 2343 Cazenove. Aspects of the Reformation... M 196 Cobbett. Reformation in England and Ire¬ land. M 199 The same.M 197 Creighton. Papacy during the Reformation. 4 v .M 474 D’Aubigne. See Merle d’Aubigne. Dinwiddie. Times before the Reformation.M 417 Doeli.inger. Die Reformation. 3 v.D 5652 Droysen. Geschichte der Gegenreforma- tion.D12839 Fisher. The Reformation.M 194 Flathe. Vorlaufer der Reformation. 2 v.D 3557 Gaillard. History of the Reformation. ..M 191 Geikie. The English Reformation.M 379 Gili.ett. Huss; or, the Bohemian Refor¬ mation. 2 v .C10970 IIaeusser. Geschichte der Reformation.. D 106 EASTERN AND NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 559 Haeusser. Period of the Reformation. 2 v.M 195 Hagenbach. Reformation in Germany. 2 vM 2693 Heath. Reformation in France. 2 v.M 2914,2-3 Hervormingin Ierland.D 9325 Hurst. History of the Reformation.M 2763 Koltzof-Massalsky. Switzerland the Pio¬ neer of the Reformation. 2 v.M 2701 Krasinski. Reformation in Poland. 2 v.M 462 Krauth. Conservative Reformation.M 305 Lee. The Church under Queen Elizabeth. 2 v.M 461 Sketches of the Reformation.M 2772 Letters on the Reformation. 2 v.M 1623 M’Crie. Reformation in Italy.M 458 Reformation in Spain.M 458 Scottish Reformers.*V 367 Mayers. Reformation and its Assailants.. .M 204 Mead. Martin Luther; Study of the Refor¬ mation .C 3613 Merle d’Aubign£. History of the Refor-. mation. 5 v... .M 200 The same. 5 v. in 2 ..M 190 The same.*V 308 Reformation on the Continent.M 192 Reformation in the Time of Calvin. 5 v.M 206 Morison. Protestant Reformation.M 198 Pennington. Preludes to the Reforma¬ tion.M 2914,1 POCOCK. Records of the English Reformation. 2 v.*P 156 Reformers, The; Lectures.E 5422 Rule. Martyrs of the Reformation.M 2707 Schade. Satiren und Pasquillen aus der Re- formationszeit.D 2957 Seebohm. Era of Protestant Revolution.. .A 161 Seiss. Luther and the Reformation.C 3614 Souchay. Deutschland wahrend der Refor¬ mation.D13110 Spalding. Protestant Reformation. 2 v..M 189 Stebbing. History of the Reformation. 2 v.I 3830 Strype. Annals of the Reformation. 4 v. in 7 .*P 126 Ecclesiastical Memorials. 3 v. in 6.. ,*P 134 Swaine. Religious Revolution in 16th Cen¬ tury.M 2710 Tulloch. Luther and other Leaders of the Reformation.C 1594 ULLMANN. Reformers before the Reforma¬ tion. 2 v.M 201 Waddington. History of the Reformation. 3 v ..M 203 Waterworth. The Reformation.M 188 EASTERN AND NON - CHRISTIAN RELI¬ GIONS. Alabaster. Modern Buddhist.M 1163 Wheel of the Law; Buddhism illustratedM 1165 Ameer Ali. Life and Teachings of Moham¬ med .Ci 1315 Arnold. Ishmael; History of Islamism... M 433 The Koran and the Bible. .. .M 3256 Barclay. The Talmud.M 1850 Barth. Religions of India.M 2886 Beal. Buddhist Records of the Western World. 2 v.M 2821 Texts from Buddhist Canon.M 412 Benjamin. Confirmation Book for HebrewsM 1967 Bhagavata Purana; trad, par Burnouf. 3 v.*R 102 Bigandet. Life of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese.M 2817 Birrs. Exodus of Israel.M 1110 Bjornstjerna. Theogony of the HindoosM 1859 Blunt. Future of Islam.M 1696 Bon wick. Irish Druids.M 2929 Bose. Brahmoism.M 2756 Brodbeck. Zoroaster..D14121 Brown, G. W. Researches in Oriental His¬ tory.M 2900 Brown, J. P. The Dervishes; or, Oriental Spiritualism.M 3351 Brown, R. Great Dionysiak Myth. 2 v.M 2818 Brugsch. Religion und Mythology der alten Aegypter.D 3516 Bunsen. Islam; or, True Christianity... ,M 3339 Messiah of Buddhists, etc.M 1897 Burder. Oriental Customs. 2v.M 244 Burnouf. Commentaire sur le Ya^na... .*V 1100 Introduction a l’Histoire Buddhisme. . *V 1101 Lotus de la bonne Loi; Memoires relatifs au Buddhisme ..*V 1102 Caird. Evolution of Religion. 2 v.M 3236 Calman. Errors of Modern Judaism.M 109S Clodd. Childhood of Religions.M 921 Clough. Ritual of Buddhist Priesthood.*V 1286,2 Cook. Origins of Religion.M 3456 Copleston. Buddhism in Magadha and Cey¬ lon. M 2930 Crawford. History and Religion of the Hin¬ dus. 2 v .A 934 Crosby.. Bible View of the Jewish ChurchM 3420 Cunningham. The Bhilsa Topes; Buddhist Monuments.M 2887 Darmesteter. The Mahdi,past and presentM 2777 Davids. Buddhism.M 1693 Buddhist Birth Stories.J 2311 Origin and Growth of Religion.M 3041 Davies. British Druids.A 475 EASTERN AND NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 560 De Sola and Raphall. Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna.M 3483 Douglas. Confucianism and Taouism.... M 1690 Du Rose. The Dragon, Image and DemonM 2794 Dulaure. Les differens Cuites. 2v.C 4561 Dunn. Rise and Decay of Rule of Islam.. M 399 Dupuis. Origin of all Religious Worship. .M 3485 Edkins. Chinese Buddhism.M 405 Ellinwood. Oriental Religions and Chris¬ tianity.M 3166 Faber. Mysteries of the Cabiri. 2 v.... M 3569 Origin of Pagan Idolatry. 3 V.*V 433 Fergusson. Tree and Serpent Worship. ,*R 3875 Ferriere. Paganisme des Hebreux.C 4882 Forlong. Rivers of Life, with chart. 3 v.*V 945 Formby. Monotheism.M 2832 Forster. Mahometanism unveiled. 2V...M 402 Four Treatises concerning the Mahometans.M 1297 Framjee. The Parsees.A 927 Frazer. The Golden Bough. 2 v.M 3573 Totemism.M 3568 Fuerst. Christen und Juden.D 658 Gibson. Ages before Moses.M 82 Giles. Heathen Records .M 456 Gould. Origin of Religious Belief. 2 v., M 1058 Haines. Islam as a Missionary Religion..M 3658 Hamburger. Real-Encyklopadie fur Tal¬ mud.D 3571 Hardy. Eastern Monachism.M 2852 Legends and Theories of the Buddhists.M 2856 Manual of Buddhism.M 2714 Haug. Religion of the Parsis.M 413 Herbert. Essay on Neodruidic Heresy.*V 165 Hershon. Talmudic Miscellany.M 1226 Higgins. Anacalypsis. 2 v.*V 946 The Celtic Druids.*V 179 Hughes. Dictionary of Islam.*R 1554 Inman. Ancient Faiths and Modern. M 2778 Ancient Faiths in Ancient Names. 2 v.M 2779 Irving. Mohammed and his Successors. 2 v.J 140 Jacolliot. Bible in India.M 1417 Jaeger. Judaism and Christianity.M 842 James. Manual of Druidism.M 2782 I any Muhammed Asaad. Philosophy of the Muhammaden People.*Y 1304 Jennings. The Indian Religions.M 2877 Jewish Inquirer.M 1099 Jewish Prayer Book (Hebrew and German).M 153 Jewish Prayer Book, Daily Prayers.M 2422 Johnson. Oriental Religions; China.M 390 Oriental Religions; India.M 279 Oriental Religions; Persia.M 2751 Jost. Geschichte des Judenthums. 3 v..D 131 Karaka. Plistory of the Parsis. 2v.M 2791 Katz. Der wahre Talmudjude.D 3202 Kellogg. Light of Asia.M 2784 Keyser. Religion of the Northmen.M 2819 Klein. Das Judenthum.D 3592 Koelle. Mohammed and Mohammedism considered.M 3779 Kohut. Aruch Completum. 8 v. in4..*R 2076 Koran, The; tr. by Palmer.M 1801-6,9 The same; tr. by Rodwell.M 1446 The same; tr. by Sale.M 1436 The same. 2 v..M 1435 The same in German; by Ullmann.D 3586 Selections from; by Lane.M 3780 Kremer. Geschichte des Islams.D 3583 Kuenen. Religion of Israel. 3 V.M 2755 Lake. Islam; its Origin, Genius and MissionM 1697 Lamairesse. L’Inde avant Bouddha.C12708 La Vie du Bouddha.C12709 Lang. Myth, Ritual and Religion. 2 v.. .M3805 Legge. Chinese Notions concerning God .. M 3813 Life and Teachings of Confucius.C 1073 The same. C 1074 Sacred Books of China.M 1801,3 Translations from Confucius.L 2984 Religions of China.M 2376 Letourneau. L’Evolution religieuse.C 5528 Levy und Fleischer. Neuhebraisches und chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber dieTal- mudim. 4 v. in 3.*R 2073 Lewinson. Israel’s Truth (in Hebrew)....M 1991 Lillie. Buddha and Early Buddhism... M 1990 Buddha and his Parables.M 1713 Buddhism in Christendom.M 2840 Lowe. The Mishnah of the Palestinian Tal¬ mud.M 1695 McCal l. The Talmud tested by Scripture.M 1166 M’Neile. Prophecies relating to Jews.M 678 Maimonides. Guide of the Perplexed. 3 v.M 2405 Maitland. Islam and England.M 1123 Malan. Traits de l’Histoire religieuse.C12779 Martineau. Study of Religion. 2v.M 2828 Massey. Book of Beginnings; Myths and Mysteries. 2 v.. .*V 1965 Mathers. Kabbala Denudata.L 2559 Maurice. Religions of the World.M 278 Maury. Religions de la Grece. 3 v.C 6015 Merzbacher (Ed.). Order of Prayer for Divine Service (Jewish).M 2419 Millou£. Le Bouddhisme.C12752 Mills, C. History of Mohammedanism.. .M 401 Mills, C. D. B. The Indian Saint; BuddhaM 396 Mishna, The. 6 v. in 2.963 Mitchell and Muir. Two Old Faiths; Hin¬ dus and Mohammedans.M 2885 EASTERN AND NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. 561 Montefiore. Religion of the Ancient He¬ brews.M 3044 Moore. New Views of Buddhism.A 201 Moulvi. Life and Teachings of Mo¬ hammed ., .C 3651 Mozoomdar. The Oriental Christ.M 608 Mueller, A. Des Islam im Morgen-und Abendland. 2 v.*D 5788 Mueller, F. M. Buddhist Nihilism.M 1080 Origin and Growth of Religion.M 1121 (Ed.). Sacred Books of the East.M 1801 v. 1. The Upanishads, pt. 1. 2. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, pt. 1. 3. Sacred Books of China, pt. 1. 4. The Zend-Avesta, pt. 1. 5. Pahlavi Texts, pt. 1. 6. The Qur’an, pt. 1. 7. The Institutes of Vishnu. 8. The Bhagavadgita. 9. The Qur’an, pt. 2. 10. The Dhammapada—The Sutta-Nipata. 11. Buddhist Suttas. 12. The Satapatha-Brahmana, pt. 1. 13. Vinaya Texts, pt. 1. 14. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, pt. 2. 15. The Upanishads, pt. 2. 16. Sacred Books of China, pt. 2. 17. Vinaya Texts, pt. 2. 18. Pahlavi Texts, pt. 2. 19. The Fo Sho-Hing-Tsan-King. 20. Vinaya Texts, pt. 3. 21. The Saddharma-Pundarika. 2-2. Gaina Sutras, pt. 1. 23. The Zend-Avesta, pt. 2. 24. Pahlavi-Texts, pt. 3. 25. LawsofManu. 26. The Satapatha-Brahmana, pt. 2. 27-28. Sacred Books of China, pts. 3, 4. 29-30. The Grihya-Sutras, pts. I, 2. 31. The Zend-Avesta, pt. 3. 32. Vedic Hymns, pt. 1. 33. Minor Law-Books, pt. 1. 34. The Vedanta Sutras. 35. KingMilinda. 37. Contents of the Nasks. 39-40. Sacred Books of China, pts. 5, 6. 41. The Satapatha-Brahmana, pt. 3. 49. Buddhist Mahayana Texts, pt. 1. Muir. The Coran; its Teachings.M 1445 Mahomet and Islam.M 2767 Myers. Gems from the Talmud.. M 3909 Nash. Talisien; or, Bards and Druids of Brit¬ ain.J 1371 Neale, F. A. Islamism. 2 v.A 2081 Neale, W. H. Mohammedan System of The¬ ology.M 400 Neubauer. La Geographie du Talmud. . .C 6020 Olcott. A Buddhist Catechism.L 1938 Oldenburg. Buddha; Life, Doctrine, etc.M 1694 Buddha; sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde.D 3619 Orobio. Israel avenged.M 1199* Parks. His Star in the East; Aryan Reli¬ gions.M 3966 Plath. Religion der alten Chinesen.*V 1012 Ploxgeon. Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas. M 3965 Poole. Speeches and Table-Talk of Moham¬ med.E 5095 Studies in a Mosque.M 2039 Poston. The Parsees.M 2713 Priesthood of Buddha in China.*V 1287 Puferdorff. Dissertation upon Druids. .*P 624,7 Rawi.inson. Religions of the Ancient WorldM 2704 Reid. Doomed Religions.M 2775 Renan. Studies in Religious History.M 2814 Renouf. Religion of Ancient Egypt.M 404 Reville. Native Religions of Mexico and Peru.M 2717 Prolegomena of the History of ReligionsM 4044 Reynolds. Six Lectures on Jews.M 1440 Robertson. Early Religion of Israel.M 3182 Rockhill (Tr.). Life of Buddha.M 2844 Rule. Oriental Records. 2v.M 2238- Rust. Druidism Exhumed.M 2842. Saint-Yyes d’Alveydre. Mission des Juifs.C 6548 Sayce. Origin and Growth of Religion.. .M 2838 Schindler. Dissolving Views in History of Judaism.M 1810 Messianic Expectation and Modern Juda¬ ism . M 2092 ScHULTZE. Vedanta und Buddhismus. ..D 3639. Sell. Faith of Islam.M 606 Sinnett. Esoteric Buddhism..M 2068 Slater. Keshab Chandra Sen and the Bra¬ mah Samaj . % ..M 2079 Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammed¬ anism.M 403 Smith, W. R. Religion of the Semites.. .M 2863 SPRENGER. Mohammed und der Koran..D 382,24 Stanley. Lectures on History of the Jewish Church. 3 v.M 228- STEPHENS. Christianity and Islam..'M 605 Stobart. Islam and its Founder.M 1691 Strauss, F. Glory of the House of Israel.M 1284 Strauss,V. und Corney. Altagyptischer Got- ter-glaube. 2 v.D 3662. RELIGIOUS ORDERS AND MONASTICISM. 562 Swamy (Tr.). Dathavansa; Tooth Relic of Buddha.' M 4088 Syed Ahmed. Essays on Mohammed.C 3677 Talmud, Selections from; by Polano.M 2036 Tiele. History of Religion.M 348 Titcomb. Aryan Sun Myths.M 3 2 5 ° Toland. Celtic Religion; the Druids.M 2695 Tornauw. Das Moslemische Recht.D 3664 Toy. Christianity and Judaism.M 4179 Dm am (Tr.). The Mahavansi; Sacred Books of Ceylon. 3 v. ...M 1802 Wake. Serpent-Worship, and other EssaysM 2860 Ward. Religion of the Hindoos.A 956 Islam in America .M 1691 Weil. Mohammed der Prophet.D 279 Westropp. Primitive Symbolism.*M 2803 White, H. (Ed.). Sacred History to De¬ struction of Jerusalem.M 326 White, J. Mohammedism and ChristianityM 641 Williams, J. Bardo-Druidic System. 2 v.A 609 Williams, M. M. Brahmanism and Hindu¬ ism .M 2853 Buddhism.M 2854 Hinduism . M 1692 Indian Wisdom.A 995 Wilson, H. H. Religious-Sects of the Hin¬ dus.J 291,1-2 Wilson, J. The Parsi Religion.M 2800 Windischmann. Zoroastrische Studien. . D 3673 Wise. Divine Service for the Day of Atone¬ ment.M 2425 Divine Service for the New Year . M 2424 Wollaston. Half Hours with MuhammedM 2811 Zoroaster. Vendidad Sade; trad, par Bur- nouf.*R 107 RELIGIOUS ORDERS AND MONASTICISM. Annales Monastici. 5 v. *Doc. Archdall. Monasticon Hibernicum.*V 676 Arnould. Characteerbilleder af Jesuiter- livet. C 7008 Les Jesuites. 2v.*V 1051 Bartoli. Life and Institute of St. Ignatius. 2 v.C 1274 Battersby. Abbeys and Churches in Ire¬ land .M 346 Bert. La Morale des Jesuites.C12106 Boutrais. Monastery of the Grande Char¬ treuse.M 3358 Carayon. Bibliographic historique des Je¬ suites.*.*0 185 Cartwright. The Jesuits.M 358 Cloister Legends.M 1250 Curzon. Monasteries of the Levant.I 1748 Daurignac. History of the Jesuits. 276 Day. Monastic Institutions.M 2762 De Vere. Heroines of Charity...C 1330 Dugdale. Monasticon Anglicanum. 8 v.*P 616 English. Crowland and Burgh. 3 v.A 3351 Erinnerungen eines ehemaligen Jesuitenzog- lings.D 2844 FfivAL. The Jesuits.M 398 Five Years in a Protestant, and ten in a Cath- . olic Seminary.M 841 Foley. Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus. 7 v. in 8.M 447 Fosbroke. British Monachism .M 338 Fox. Monks and Monasteries.M 35S3 Gasquet. Henry VIII. and the English Mon¬ asteries. 2 v.M 2873 Goodman. Sisterhoods in Church of Eng¬ land. M 180 Griesinger. Geschichten der Jesuiten... .D 3567 The Jesuits. 2 v.M 2705 Gu£tt£e. Histoire des Jesuites. 3 v.C 5144 Harenberg. Geschichte der Jesuiten. 2 v..D 3602 Helyot et Bullot. Histoire des Ordres monastiques. 8 v.*V 1971 Hill. English Monasticism.M 184 Hoffmann. Geschichte der Jesuiten.D 3576 Huber. Lob und Schimpf der Jesuiten-Or- den.D 3579 Jesuiten-Orden.D 3580 Hughes. Educational System of the Jesuits.C10442 Jameson. Legends of Monastic Orders.. .K 42 The same illustrated.*K 51 Jesuits; their Foundations and History. 2 v.M 395 Kingsley. The Hermits.C 104 Kirkpatrick. Religious Orders of NorwichM 3766 Koeberle. Aufzeichnungen eines Jesuiten- zoglings. D 3589 Lacordaire. History of the Order of St. Dominic.M 345 Lange. Norske Klosteres Historic.C 8344 Leaves from Annals of Sisters of Mercy... .M 467 Lefroy. Ruined Abbeys of Yorkshire.. .*P 1676 Maynard. Teachings of Jesuits, 1750 73 .M 317 Meehan. Franciscan Monasteries .M 1390 Menzel. Geschichte der neuesten Jesuiten- umtriebe.D 168 Meynell. Poor Sisters of Nazareth.*V 1898 Michelet. Des Jesuites.C12885 Montalembert. Les Moines d’Occident. 5 vC 5921 Monks of the West. 7 v.M 384 Morton. Rules and Duties of Monastic Life.A 827 Murphy. Terra Incognita. ...M 363 MISSIONS. 563 Nicolini. History of the Jesuits.I 3139 Pise. Ignatius and his Companions.C 1269 Quinet. Les Jesuites.C’6332,2 Pascal. Provincial Letters.M 3981 Prat. La Compagnie de Jesus en France, 1564-1626. 5 v.C13016 Ram. Little Sisters of the Poor..M 4054 Seymour. Mornings among the Jesuits.. .M 997 Stanhope. Monastic London.M 2859 Steinmetz. History of the Jesuits. 3 v..M 382 Year among the English Jesuits.M 2071 Taylor. Loyola and Jesuitism.C 1152 Theiner. Clemens XIV. und die Jesuiten.D 3669 Tragett. History of the Jesuits, 1540-1773M 446 Walcott.. Scoti-Monasticon...*V 366 Weld. Suppression of the Jesuits.M 360 Wilson. The Christian Brothers.........M 2781 Woodhouse. Military Religious Orders.. .L 4564 Wright (Ed.). Suppression of Monasteries* A 796 Wyld. Religious Communities. *Ri525,3 Young. Monastic Institutions.M 511 Zirngiebl. Die Gesellschaft Jesu.D 3678 MISSIONS. American Board of Commissioners for For¬ eign Missions, Reports, 1812 93.. . .*M 1834 First Ten Reports.M 1835 Memorial Volume; by Anderson...... M 1530 Sermons, 1827-85. 4 V.M 1836 Badley. Indian Missionary Directory.... M 1823 Bliss. Encyclopaedia of Missions. 2 v..*R 1539 Blumenreich. The Missionary; his Trials.M 1506 Bonar, A. A. and M’Cheyne. Mission of Inquiry to the Jews. M 1546 Bonar, H. White Fields of France.L 937 Briggs. Mission Work in Madagascar .... M 1826 Brown. History of the Christian Missions. 3 v.M 1512 Browne. Chota Nagpore Mission.M 1513 Caddell. Missions in Japan and ParaguayM 1514 Campbell. Maritime Discovery and Chris¬ tian Missions.M 1821 Carlyle. South Africa and its Missions.. .1 8728 Centennial Memoir of Missions of CaliforniaM 1553 Charles. Early Christian Missions.M 3431 Charlevoix. Christianisme au Japon. 2v C 4332 Children’s Jewish Advocate, 1861-71. 11 v.M 1515 Choules and Smith. History of Missions. 2 v.*V 176 Christlieb. Protestant Missions.M 1527 Clayton. Mission Work in Belleville.M 1877 Collins. Missionary Enterprise in the East.I 1607 Conference pn Missions at Liverpool in 1860M 1525 706 1540 298 1555 Cust. Africa Rediviva; Christian MissionsM 1813 Notes on Missionary Subjects. .. .M 1819 Dablon. Missions des Jesuites, 1672.*B 62 Dean. China Missions and Missionaries.. M 1544 De Smet. Western Missions and Mission¬ aries. .B Duncan. Wesleyan Mission to Jamaica. ..M Ellis. Martyr Church of Madagascar.... M Eells. Indian Missions on Pacific Coast. .M Fisher. Harvest of the City; Missions... .L 4025 Forster. Heralds of the Cross.M 1827 Gill. Gems from the Coral Islands.I 9295 Gillespie. The Land of Sinim.I 8153 Goodell. Thirty Years in the East.I 1048 Gordon. An American Missionary in JapanM 1808 Gracey. Medical Work of Women’s Foreign Missions.M 1518 Grant. Extension of the Gospel by MissionsM 2191 Halsted. Our Missions.M 1552 Hawkins. Missions of the Church of Eng¬ land in North American Colonies.. ..M 1516 Hervey. Foreign Baptist Missions.M 1825 Holmes. Missions of the United Brethren.M 329 Hoole. Madras and South India...., ,.M 1537 Horsford. Voice from the West Indies. ..M 1550 Hough. Christianity in India. 5 v.M 2687 Hue. Christianity in China. 3 V.M 1534 Hunnewell. Voyage of “Missionary Packet” to Honolulu, 1826.*V 191 Hutcheon. Mission Home in India. ,M 1322 Hutton. Missionary Life in Southern Seas.I 2C03 Japp. Master-Missionaries.C 1423 Jewish Intelligencer, 1861-71. n v.M 1528 Johnston (Ed.). Protestant Missions of the World. 2 v. ...M 1816 Judson. Baptist Mission to Burma.M 1824 Kaye. Christianity in India.M 1545 Kip. Early Jesuit Missions in North AmericaB 56 Historical Scenes from old Jesuit Mis¬ sions.M 1536 Lansing. Egypt’s Princes; Missionary La¬ bor.M 1839 Laurie. Contribution of Foreign Missions to Science.M 1521 Lettres des Missions etrangeres. 26 v.C 5723 The same. v. 11.C 5722 Leupolt. Recollections of an Indian Mission- ary. 1533 Liggins. Foreign Missions. .M 1822 Lives of Missionaries, Greenland. .C 13 Lives of Missionaries, India. 2 v... • ••••• c 14 Lives of Missionaries, North America, . c 16 London Society Mission, Memorial. .. .M 1531 Reports, 1809-71. 10 v. 0....M 1529 564 THE SABBATH.—SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Loskiel. Indian Missions of United Breth¬ ren.*B 47 McCoy. History of Baptist Indian Missions.B 61 Macdonald. Light in Africa.I 8721 Marsh. English Hearts and English HandsM 1812 Marshall. Christian Missions. 2v.M 1543 The same; new ed. 2 v.M 1551 Mather. Nor’ard of the Dogger; Mission to Fishermen.M 1813 Mayhew. Observations on the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.M 1829 Meyer. Deaconesses; with Story of Chicago Training School.M 3871 Mission Stories of Many Lands.M 1832 Missionary Herald, 1822-93. v. 18-89.* Ser . Missionary Review, 1882-93. v. 5~ 1 5 . *Ser. Missionary Year Book, 1889-90.M 1814 Missions of the United Brethren. 6 v.*B 2012 Mitchell. In Southern India.I 8268 Moister. History of Wesleyan Missions..M 1539 Memorials of Missionary Labour.I 2260 Missionary Pioneers .C 26 Murray. Martyrs of Polynesia.M 1818 Newcomb. Cyclopaedia of Missions.M 1831 Parkman. Jesuits in North America.B 37 Payne. Old English Catholic Missions. ...M 1803 Perry. Twelve Years among the Colored People.M 1817 Pierson. Crisis of Missions.M 1830 Pike. Pity for the Perishing.L 3997 Reid. Missions of the M. E. Church. 2 v.M 2843 Relations des Jesuites dans la Nouvelle France, 1611-1672. 3 v.C 6430 Robinson. Hindu Pastors.M 1535 Ross. Colonization and Church Work in Vic¬ toria.M 1807 Rowley. Universities’ Mission to Central Africa.I 8708 Samuel. Wesleyan Mission to Jamaica... .M 1541 Shea. Catholic Missions among Indians. ..B 60 Perils of Early Missions.M 1504 Smith, L. E. Modern Missionary EnterpriseC 3908 Smith, T. History of Missionary Societies. 2 v,.. M 1508 Spalding. Early Catholic Missions in Ken¬ tucky.B 1586 'Stock. Story of the Fuh-Kien Mission . .M 1549 Sutton. Orissa and its Evangelisation.. ,.M 1547 Taylor. Christian Adventures in South Af¬ rica . I 8724 Self-supporting Missions in India.M 1494 TENNENT. Christianity in Ceylon.M 1542 Thompson. Foreign Missions; Lectures.. .M 3 I 5 I Moravian Missions. ..M 2089 Tracy. History of the American Board of Foreign Missions.M 1828 Vaughan. Forget thine own People; Appeal for Foreign Missions.M 1838 Walsh, J. J. Memorial of the Futtehgurh Mission.M 1833 Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the Mission FieldC 1615 Wesleyan Mission,Ceylon, Jubilee MemorialsM 1554 Jubilee Fund.M 1556 West. Missions in the Land of Ararat.... .1 1293 Widdicombe. Basutoland; African Mission Life.I 8726 Wilson. Newfoundland and Missionaries.M 1548 Yonge. Pioneers and Founders.C 45 Young. Light in Land of Darkness.M 1499 Modern Missions. M 1496 THE SABBATH. Andrews. History of the Sabbath.M 1847 Bacon. The Sabbath Question.M 1854 Baxter. Divine Appointment of the Lord’s Day.:.M 1701,13 Blakely. American Sunday Legislation. .M 3584 Brooks. Sunday in New England.B 860,3 Considerations upon Sabbath Legislation .^3205,14 Constitutional Amendment; or, the Sunday. M 1887 Cox. Literature of Sabbath Question. 2 v .*0 617 Sabbath Laws and Duties.M 3405 Crafts. The Sabbath for Man.M 1920 Domville. The Sabbath of the Old Test¬ ament.M 3497 The Sabbath of the New Testament. ..'M 3498 Earle. Sabbath in Puritan New England.B 3736 Eight Studies on the Lord’s Day.M 1911 Five Years of Sabbath Reform, 1857-62 ... .INI 3562 Gilfillan. The Sabbath in the Light of Reason.M 3604 Hamilton. Our Rest Day; its Origin, etcM 3643 Hessey. Sunday; Origin, History, etc.... M 1069 Higgins. Horae Sabbaticae.M 3669 Humphrey. Essays upon the Sabbath... .M i486 Tones. The Sunday Question.*M 894 Lewis. History of Sunday Legislation....M 3803 Lord’s Day Society (London), Papers.M 1520 Reports. 2 v.M 1519 Patterson. The American Sabbath.M 629 Sabbath and Pure Christianity.*M 1488,7 Thurman. True Sabbath of God.*M 1488,1 SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Andrews. International Sunday-School Les¬ sons, 1891. M 3667 Ball. The Sunday Schools of Lake.M 3374 565 SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—HYMNS AND HYMN WRITERS. Coon. Hand Book for Sunday School Teach¬ ers. .M 3411 Design and Influence of Sunday Schools..*M 627 Dodge. A Washington Bible-Class.M 3495 Doherty and Hurlbut. Sunday School Lessons for 1893. M 3665 Eggleston. Manual of Sunday-School WorkL 1203 Gauthey. De Zondagsschool.D 9060 Gestefeld. A Chicago Bible Class.M 3623 Gilbert. Lesson System; its Origin and In¬ auguration .M 3608 Hood. The Day, the Book and the TeacherM 1959 Hurlbut. International Sunday School Les¬ sons for 1890.M 3665 International Lessons; Sunday School Com¬ mentary. v. 3-6 M 4382 Lessons for every Sunday in the Year .... .M 1027 National Sunday School Teacher, 1870, 1881. v. 5, 16. *Ser. Peloubet. Notes on International Lessons for 1890, 1893, 1894.M 3666 Senior Lesson Book for 1886 .M 4093 Sunday School Teacher, 1866. v. 1. *Ser. Sweet. Sparkling Jewels for S. S. ConcertsM 2080 Teacher Taught, The.,M 2085 Trumbull. The Sunday School; its Origin, Mission, etc. M 4175 Tyng. Forty Years in Sunday Schools.. . .M 1067 Vincent. The Modern Sunday-School.M 4383 Sunday-School Reader.M 630 and Hurlbut. Commentary on Lessons for 1885.M 4381 Watson. First Fifty Years of the Sunday School.M 4446 HYMNS AND HYMN WRITERS. Ancient Devotional Poetry.E 145 Bacon and Allen. Luther’s Hymns.K 3862 Baker and Woodbury. The Choral; Church Music.*K 3850 Baptist Harp.E 6896 Baynes (Ed.). Lyra Anglicana. .G 52 Belcher. Historical Sketches of Hymns..K 291 Bliss and Sankey. Gospel Hymns.K 268 Bonar. Hymns of Faith and Hope. 3 v..E 63 Book of Hymns for M. E. Church.M 2019 Bradbury. Hymn and Tune Book.K 3837 Golden Censer.K 3833 The Jubilee;Collection of Church Music*K 3859 The New Golden Trio; Sabbath School Melodies.K 3834 Sabbath School Melodies.K 3836 Buck. Baptist Hymn Book.E 6897 Cartwright. Missionary Hymns.E 115 Choctaw Hymn Book.J 2139 Christophers. Hymn-Writers and their Hymns...M 3427 Church Psalmist; or, Psalms and Hymns.. .E 309 Church Psalmody; Psalms and Hymns.M 1876 Davis (Ed.). Baptist Hymn Book.E 7140 Duffield. English Hymns.M 3482: Latin Hymn-Writers and their Hymns.M 3489 Evans (Ed.). Baptist Hymn and TuneBookK 3S3S Faber, F. W. Hymns.E 155 Fillmore. Harp of Zion.K 3880 Songs of Gratitude.K 38S2" and Skene. Christian Psaltery.*K 3860 Fuller and Jeter. The Psalmist; with Supple¬ ment. 2 v. E 7300 and others. Baptist Praise Book.E 7301 Furnivali. (Ed.). Hymns to the Virgin and Christ.*J 1193 Grosart. Songs of the Day and Night; Hymns.E 7398 Hall and Lasar. Evangelical Hymnal. *E 743,2 Harlow. The World’s Best Hymns.E 7470 Hastings. Church Melodies.K 240 Manhattan Collection of Hymns ... .*K 3852 Mother’s Hymn Book.E 742a Hatfield. Poets of the Church; Hymri- Writers.C 164 Hayden. Christian Hymn and Tune BookK 3863 Horder. The Hymn Lover.M 3710 Houston and Bellamy. Manual of HymnsE 7421 Hugg and Armstrong. Exalted Praise.. .K 3849 Hutchins. Sunday-School Hymnal.IC 386S The same; with Music.K 3874 Hymnes and Songs of the Church, 1623.*J 1057,32 Hymns for the Hospital Chapel.M 973 Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland. 2 v.*A 1444 Hymns of Jewish Society for promoting Chris¬ tianity.K 305 Jefferson (Ed.). National Book of Hymn Tunes. 3 V.*V 1621 Johnson. American Anthem Book.K 3844 Julian. Dictionary of Hymnology.*R 1288 Keble. The Christian Year.E 7641 The same .E 244 Ken. Christian Year; Hymns and Poems. .E 7651 Kennedy. Hymnologia Christiana; Psalms and Hymns. E 7660 . King. Anglican Hymnology.M 3785 Kirchliche Lobgesiinge.D 787 Latin Hymns; ed. with English Notes by March.L 2990 Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church.*A 1032 566 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. Longfellow and Johnson. BookofHymnsE 7802 Lyra Americana; Hymns.. . .. . .E 2S6 McCabe and MACFARLAN.WinnowedHymnsK 3831 Mason. The Choir; Church Music.*K 3864 Modern Psalmist; Church Music.*K 3853 New Carmina Sacra; Church Music..*K 3854 Sacred Harp; Church Music. 2 v . .*K 3855 and Webb. Cantica Laudis.*K 3856 Miller. Sketches of Hymn-Writers.C 122 Morgan. Hymns of the Latin Church ... E 8010 Muntere Lieder; Gesange fur Sonntagsschu- len.D 6225 Palgrave. Hymns.M 13 4 Palmer, H. R. Sabbath School Songs.... K 3835 Palmer, R. Book of Praise.E 348 The same.*P 122 Parker. Psalmody of the Church.M 3983 Perkins. Anthem Book.K 3841 The Church Bell.*K 3865 Pray. Boston Sunday School Hymn BookM 1169 Prescott. Christian Hymns and Writers.M 4020 Psalmer och S&nger.C 7970 Psalms and Hymns .M 1170 Robinson. Hymns for Social Devotion... .K 3876 Roth (Her.). Lateinische Hymnen des Mit- telalters. D 5070 Saunders. Evenings with the Sacred Poets E 8482 Schaff and Gilman. Library of Religious Poetry.. . *R 1287 Schieffelin. People’s Hymn Book .K 3846 Seven Hymns of the Mediaeval Church.... M 2053 Shipley (Ed.). Lyra Eucharistica.E 287 Spencer. American Union Hymn-Book.. .E 457 Staples. Fount of Blessing; Sacred MelodiesK 3830 Stevens and McDonald. American Hymn Book.E 513 Tileston. The Blessed Life; Favorite Hymns.E 8656 Sunshine in the Soul.E 8655 Sursum Corda.E 521 Totten. Hymns for Camp Meetings and Fu¬ nerals.E 8681 Tourj£e. Tribute of Prais^; 295 Union Hymns.E 8765 Wackernagel. Bibliographic des deutschen Kirchenliedes im XVI. Jahrhundert .*0 660 Willmott. English Sacred Poetry.E 8956 Wink worth. Christian Singers of GermanyC 124 Lyra Germanica.E 8936 Wither. Hallelujah; or, Britain's Second Remembrancer.E 8998 Hymns and Songs of the Church.E 8996 Zeuner. Ancient Lyre; Church Music ..*K 3866 See also Song and Hymn Books p. 346. DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. Abbott, E. A. Philomythus; an Antidote against Credulity.M 3249 Abbott, F. E. The Way out of AgnosticismM 3245 Abbott, L. The Evolution of ChristianityM 3253 Ackermann. Christian Element in Plato..L 1862 Adams, J. C. Christian Types of HeroismM 3246 Adams, M. Catharine.M 1135 Endless Punishment. M 971 Evenings with the Doctrines.M 1136 Adams, W. Sacred Allegories.G 1 Adamson (Ed.). Religious Anecdotes of Scot¬ land.M 3242 Adeney. The Hebrew Utopia.M 1843 Agnew. Theology of Consolation.*V 305 Aitchison. Signa Christi. M 3248 Alexander, A. Advice to a Young Chris¬ tian .M 3264 Evidences of Christianity .M 1895 Alexander, W. Primary Convictions... .M 3030 Alger. Sources of Consolation.M 3260 Al-Ghazzai,i. Alchemy of Happiness_M 1402 Allen, A. V. G. Christian Thought.M 1898 Allen, J. H. Liberal Movement in Theol¬ ogy .M 1845 Positive Religion.M 3247 Allen, J. R. Early Christian Symbolism..K 3615 Allies. Per Crucem ad Lucem. 2V....M I 3°5 Alphonso de Liguori, St. Christian Vir¬ tues. M 1648 Glories of Mary.M 1649 Mysteries of Faith; Eucharist.M 1650 'Incarnation. M 1651 Redemption.M 1652 Preparation for Death.M 1653 Alviella. Evolution of Religious Thought.. M 3241 L’Evolution religieuse contemporaine. ..C 4053 Amberley. Analysis of Religious Belief. 2 vM 890 Ames. Great Thoughts for Little ThinkersM 3244 Anderdon. Afternoons with the Saints... M 492 Christian/Esop. . M 875 Anderson. The Coming Prince.M 1844 Human Destiny.M 3243 Andrews. Old Church Lore.L 2589 Appeal to Unitarians.M 3 2 55 Archibald. Methodism and Literature... M 1842 Arminius, J. Works. 3 v.J 6 Arnold, I. N. The Layman’s Faith.*M 1841 Arnold, M. God and the Bible.M 1047 Last Essays on Religion.M 1056 Literature and Dogma..M 1049 St. Paul and Protestantism.M 892 Arnold, T. Fragment on the Church....*P 8 Fragment on the Church and State.. ..*P 8 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 567 Arnold, T. Miscellaneous Works.M 1055 The same .*P 14 Arthur. The Pope, Kings and People. 2 vM 359 Tongue of Fire.M 1258 Athenagoras; ed. by March .M 1566 Augustine, St. Confessions.M 1655 The same (in French).C11987 Works; ed. by Dods: Anti-Pelagian Writings. 3 v.M 1740 City of God. 2v. M 1741 Christian Doctrine ;Enchiridion,etc.M 1742 Confessions.M 1743 Donatist Controversy.M 1744 Letters. 2 v .M 1745 Manichaean Heresy.M 1746 Sermon on the Mount; Harmony of the Evangelists.M 1747 On the Trinity .M 1748 On St. John. 2 v.M 1749 Ayres. Phillips Brooks in Boston.M 3270 Bacon, Lord, Selections from.M 1347 Bagshawe. Credentials of Catholic ChurchM 1654 Baker, J. F. B. Influence of Christianity on War. M 3370 Baker, L. C. Mystery of Creation.M 2378 Baldeschi. Roman Ceremonial.M 862 Baldwin. Evidence of Christianity.*M 628 Balfour. Religion of Humanity .M 3336 Ballantyne. Christianity and Hindu Phi¬ losophy contrasted.M 903 Ballou, A. Christian Non-Resistance ... M 9S0 Ballou, II. Select Works. 5 V. .M 1489 BalmSs. Protestantism and Catholicity... M 1009 Balmforth (Laon Ramsey). The New Ref¬ ormation.M 3353 Baptism versus Regeneration .*M 627 Barclay. Apology for Principles of QuakersM 1174 Catechism for Quakers.M 1659 Inner Life of Religious Societies.M 1848 Views of Christian Doctrine. M 1858 Barker. Teachings of Experience.M 1014 Barnfs. Church and Slavery. L 687 Evidences of Christianity.M 480 Way of Salvation .M 2164 Barrett. Flowers and Festivals .. .M 3352 Barrow, I., Selections from.M 1349 Theological Works. 9V.J 12 Barrows, J. II. I Believe in God.M 3377 Barrows, S. J. Doom of Mankind.M 1868 Barrows, W. Purgatory.M 1866 Barthe. Litany-of the Blessed Virgin ...C 1277 Bartlett. Appeal for Ministers.*M 627 Bascom. Natural Theology .M 3324 Philosophy of Religion.M 3325 Bassett. Search and See......M 1247 Batchelder. Light of Life.M 18S0 Bather. Ministerial Duties.M 1849 Bautain. Le Chretien de nos Jours. C 4137 Baxter. Call to the Unconverted.M 1341 Reformed Pastor.M 1385 Practical Works. 4 V .M 1700 Works; with Life, by Orme. 23 v_M 1701 Bayne. Christian Life.M 1367 Beach. The Newer Religious Thinking..M 3378 Beaman. Swedenborg and the New Age.. M 1853 Beard. Manual of Christian Evidence.... M 935 Becon, T. Writings .M 1326 Bede, Venerable . Works in Latin; tr. by Giles. 12 v. M 1738 Beecher, C. The Eden Tableau.*..M 1358 Beecher, C. E. Religious Training of Chil¬ dren. *..M 1423 Beecher, E. Concord of Ages.M 1202 Conflict of Ages.M 1206 Scriptural Doctrine of Retribution.M 1033 Beecher, II. W. Evolution and Religion. 2 vM 3321 Life Thoughts. -...M 1196 Overture of Angels..M 1194 Beecher, L., Trial and Acquittal of.M 1851 Beever. The Parson’s Round of Parish DutyM 3330 Bell, A. J. Whence comes Man; from Nature or God?. M 3337 Bell, C. D. Our Daily Life.M 3380 Bell, W. Authority, Nature, etc., of the Communion.M 1862 Bell, W. S. Handbook of Freethought..M 3355 Bkllairs. Church and School.M 836 Bellows. Church and State in America*M 1488,3 Benson. Cathedral in Life of the Church.M 1283 (Ed,). The Lord’s Prayer in the principal Languages.M 3335 Bertram. Homiletic Encyclopaedia.*R 1295 Beveridge. Thoughts upon Religion.M 1852 Bickersteth. Rock of Ages.M 1148 Spirit of Life.M 1050 Binney. Church Life in Australia.M 487 Micah, the Priest-Maker.M 1359 Money.L 996 Birks. Bible and Modern Thought.M 1068 The same; new ed.M 1065 Exodus of Israel.M ruo Supernatural Revelation.M 1855 Bischoff. The New God.M 877 Bishop Martyr, The.M 1310 Bithei.l, R. Agnostic Problems.M 3342 Creed of a Modern Agnostic .M 1910 BlackiE. Natural IIistoiy of Atheism ...M 889 Blauvei.t. Present Religious Crisis. M 1856 5 68 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. Bloxam. Vestments in use in the Church.. K 3737 Blunt, J. H. Dictionary of Theology.. .*R 1571 Blunt, J. J. Right Use of Early Fathers..M 1739 Blyden. Christianity, Islam and Negro RaceM 3338 Boarpman, G. D. Studies in the creative Week.M 78 Studies in the Mountain Instruction... .M 1252 Boardman, II. A. Bible in the Family.. .M 1415 Boarpman, W. E. Higher Christian Life.M 1348 Boetius. De fide Catholica.L 5693 Bonnet. Inquiries Concerning Christianity.M 3331 Bossuet. [Eglises protestants. 3 v.C12011 Variations of Protestant Churches. 2 vM 286 Bottala. Infallibility of the Pope.M 516 Boupreaux. Happiness of Heaven.M 512 The same .M 3387 Bowdler. Practical Christianity.M 3386 Boyd. Common-Place Philosopher.M 1388 Changed Aspects of unchanged Truths.M 1262 Present-Day Thoughts.M 1411 Sunday at the Parish Church.M 1381 Thoughts of a Country Parson. 2 v... .E 860 Towards the Sunset.M 3354 Brace. Christianity.*M 628 The Unknown God.M 3345 Bradford, A. H. Spirit and Life ..... .M 3333 Bradford, J. Writings.M 1327 Bradlaugii. A few Words about the Devil.M 896 Braithwaite. Esse and Posse. M 1931 Brentius. Confessio Wirtembergensis, 1561. 2 v..*P 883 Brett. Liturgies used in Celebration of the Holy Eucharist.M 1867 Breviarum Romanum. 3 v.M 3322 Brewer. Dictionary of Miracles.*R 1570 Bridgett. Holy Eucharist in Great Britain. 2 v.M i860 Briggs. Authority of Holy Scripture.M 3349 The Bible, the Church and Reason....M 3348 Case against.M 3391 Defense of, Dec., 1892. ,'m 3390 Whither? a Theological Question.M 3343 Brigham. Religion and Health...N 263 Bright. Three Great Fathers.M 3350 Brooke. Faith and Freedom.M 755 Brown. Doctrine of Annihilation.M 1109 Browne. Religio Medici.I 3885 The same .13344,2 Browning (Ed.). The New Theology.. . .M 1038 Brownlow. Great Iron Wheel examined.M 1209 Brownson. The Convert.M 1428 Liberalism and the Church.M 1426 Works. 20 v.J 33 Bruce. Apologetics.M 3395 Bruce. The Kingdom of God.M 3344 Buck. Theological Dictionary.*R 1569 Buckley. Catechism of the Council of TrentM 846 Bull, Bishop. Works; ed. by Burton. 6 v.*P 34 Bunsen, C. C. J. God in History. 3 v. .. M 1177 Signs of the Times..'.M 1239 Bunsen, E. v. Keys of Saint Peter.M 3323 Die Ueberlieferung. 2v.D 3518 Bunyan. Pilgrim’s Progress...G 69 The same.F 196 The same, in dialogues.F 192 The same; facsimile of 1st edition*F 2681 The same, in Hebrew.M 149 Solomon’s Temple spiritualized.M 1969 Works. 4 v.*V 586 Burge. Aryas, Semites, Jews, Jehovah and the Christ.M 3340 Burgess. Essays. M 1861 Burgon. Pastoral Office.M 1114 Burnet. De Fide et Officiis ChristianorumM 1203 Burnett. Path to Roman Catholic ChurchM 1420 Why we should Believe in God.M 2043 Burnouf. Science of Religions. M 3393 Burr. Ad Fidem.M 484 Ecce Terra.M 1S69 Pater Mundi. 2v.M 482 Tempted to Unbelief.M 1857 Toward the Straight Gate.M 1342 Burritt. Voice from the back Pews.M 1S64 Bush, G. New Church Miscellanies.M 3346 Bush, J. S. Evidence of Faith.M 2171 Bushnell. Christian Nurture.NJ 1413 Forgiveness and Law.M 943 New Life.M 942 Vicarious Sacrifice. 2v.M 1265 Businger. Christ in His Church.M 432 Butler. Analogy of Religion.M 1024 The same.M 1028 The same. M 1030 The same.M 1032 The same.I 3005 Analogy and Sermons.M 1026 Works; ed. by Halifax. 2 v.*P 40 Works, with Life; by Kippis. 2v,.,, s M 3388 Byrne. The “Beggynhof;” or, City of the Single.M 3332 Cairns. Unbelief In the 18th Century.... M 1232 Calamy. Nonconformist’s Memorial. 2 v.M 2730 Calder. Coming Era.M 1865 Man of the Future.M 840 Caldwell. Cities of our Faith.’.M 3421 Calkins. Keystones of Faith. ,M 3412 Calvin. Institutes of Christian Religion..*V 35 The same. 3 v.M 234 t DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 569 Campbell, A. Christian Baptism.M 1870 Christian Baptist.M 1871 and Owen. Evidences of Christianity-M 1873 and Purcell. Roman Catholic ReligionM 1874 Campbell, J. M. Unto the Uttermost_M 3418 Camus. Spirit of St. Francis de Sales.M 1102 Capei.. Reply to Gladstone on Vatican De¬ crees.M 854 Capes. To Rome and back.M 1228 Carne. Realm of Truth.M 1311 Carroll, A. E. The Great American Battle. M 1408 Carroll, J. The Exposition Expounded.. M 1932 Catholic Question in Politics.M 1017 Caussin. The Holy Court.*V 64 Canton. The Fifteen O’s, and other Prayers, 1490.*M 3410 Chadbourne. Natural’Theology.M 992 Chadwick. Faith of Reason.M 1125 Chalmers, T. Posthumous Works. 9 v.. .J 42 Chandler. Appeal on behalf of the Church of England in America.M 1892 Reply to the same; byChauncy.M 1893 Chaney. Belief.M 3419 Channing, W. E. Complete Works.J 41 The same. 6 v. in 3. J 40 The Perfect Life. .M 1071 Charnock. On the Existence of God. 2 v.M 1235 Chateaubriand. Beauties of Christianity. 3 v.M 884 Genius of Christianity.M 1013 Cheever. River of the Water of Life....M 1879 CHENEY. What do Reformed Episcopalians believe?.M 3147 Child. Aspirations of the World.M 969 Chillingwortii. Religion of Protestants.M 1201 The same. 2v.M 978 Works. 3 v.*P 42 Chiniquy. Fifty Years in the Church of Rome.M 3413 Christian Diadem, 1854-55. 3 v. in 2. *Ser. Christian Disciples, 1819-23. 5 v. *Ser. Christian Manliness.M 1397 • Christianity and Agnosticism; a Controversy.M 3415 Christlieb. Christian Belief and Modern Doubt.M 741 Christmas. Echoes of the Universe.M 3401 Church. Seed-Truths; Mind, Morals and Religion.M 3468 Church Quarterly Review, 1875-93. 36 V... *Ser. Churches, Sects and Religious Parties.M 510 Clap. Churches of New England.*M 1488,7 Clark, D. Instruction to Christian ConvertsM 3414 Clark, E. I.. Fundamental Questions.... M 2381 Clark, F. E. Ways and Means; Christian Endeavor. M 3424 Clark, R. W. Work of Godin Great BritainM 1091 Clarke, J. F. Common Sense in ReligionM 1076 Doctrine of Prayer.M 924 Every-Day Religion.M 3404 Go up Higher; Religion in Common LifeM 3417 Steps in Belief.M 1092 Clarke, S. Christians’ Inheritance; Prom¬ ises of Scripture.M 2252 Classic Preachers of the English Church. 2 vM 3441 Clement, St., of Rome. Epistles.M 1118 Clere. Bethlehem’s three Mothers.M 1302 Cobb. Kiss of Peace.M 1046 Cobbe. Broken Lights.M 1191 A Faithless World.M 3403 Hopes of the Human Race.M 893 The Peak in Darien.M 1884 Religious Duty.M 1192 Cochin. Instructions on the Holy Mass.. .M 863 Cocker. Theistic Conception of the WorldM 1340 Coke. Creeds of the Day; Opinions of Rep¬ utable Thinkers. 2 v.M 3408 Cole. Fulfilment of Prophecy.*M 628 Coleridge. Church and State.J 45,6 Collette. Luther Vindicated.M 1919 Newman and his Religious Opinions.. .M 1883 Novelties of Romanism.M 267 The Roman Breviary.M 1886 Collier. Essence of Christianity.M 688 Colton. History of American Revivals...M 1917 Conant. Remarkable Conversions and Re¬ vivals.M 3470 Concili.o. Knowledge of Mary.M 519 Confessions of a Catholic Priest.M 1371 Conn. The Human Moral Problem.M 3423 Constant. I.ast Incarnation.*M 628 Conway. Earthward Pilgrimage.M 991 Sacred Anthology.M 989 Cook. The Fathers of Jesus. 2 v.M 3409 Cooke, J. P. Science and Faith.M 3416 Cooke, P. Divine Laws of Beneficence.. .M 1881 Copinger. Predestination, Election and Grace.M 3425 COPNER. The Veil removed.M 1882 Corbie. Threefold Conflict .M 507 CORNUBIENSIS. The Church .M 508 Cortes. Essays on Catholicism.M 873 CORVIN. Pfaffenspiegel.D 3524 Cotterill. Does Science aid Faith?.M 1899 Revealed Religion.M 1889 Cotton. Kingdom of Heaven.M 1896 Courtney. Ingersoll dissected.*M 1488,4 Cox, E. Y. Art of Garnishing Churches M 1S75 570 RELIGION Cox, S. The House and its Builder.M 3430 Coxe. Institutes of Christian History.M 2194 Crafts. Ten Points of Ingersolville. ..*M 1488,1 Cranmer, Bishop. Remains. 4 V.*P 72 and others. Writings..M 1328 Craven. A Year’s Meditations.M 1317 Cremer. Beyond the Grave...M 3402 Crichton. Converts from Infidelity. 2 v..I 3504 Crook. Design of Christianity.M 1662 Crozier. Religion of the Future .M 1890 Cumming. Fall of Babylon.M 1003 Great Consummation.M 1255 Great Tribulation. M 1256 Seventh Vial.M 1020 When shall these Things be?.M 1257 Cummings. Nature in Scripture.M 2249 Cunningham. Christian Civilization.M 1532 Cureton. Writings of St. Ignatius .M 1500 Curious Old Scottish Religious Books.M 1891 Cuknick. Catechism on Christian PerfectionM 3407 Current Discussions in Theology. 2v... . M 1894 Curteis. Dissent.M 1185 Cusack. Life inside the Church of Rome.M 3440 What Rome Teaches.M 3460 Cutts. Christmas Decoration of Churches.K 6466 Early Christian Art.M 3453 Cuyler. How to be a Pastor.M 3426 Dahl. Om Religionen og Religionerne.. .C 8282 Dale. Evangelical Revival. . ...M 1900 The Ten Commandments.M 1999 Daniels. Moody and his Work.M 1095 Darby. Man and his World.M 3488 Davies. Theology and Morality.M 3505 Dawson. Prayers; 1st and 2d Series. 2 v..M 3487 Declaration against the Antinomians.M 1907 Delaporte. The Devil;-does he exist?...M 869 Delitzsch. Messianic Prophecies.M 3491 Democracy of Christianity.M 1353 Deshon. Guide for Catholic Women.M 495 Dick. Philosophy of Religion.M 1094 Dickinson (Ed.). American National Preach¬ er. 12 v. in 6.M 2121 Dickson. Beauty for Ashes.M 1903 Didon. Science without God.M 1908 Didron. Christian Iconography. 2 v.I 3111 Digby. Compitum. 3 V .INI 1143 Dillard. Clifton’s Book of Selections .. M 1901 Diman. Theistic Argument.M 1230 Dimmick. Anna Clayton.M 1909 Dobney. Letters to the Perplexed.M 1275 Doddridge. Rise and Progress of ReligionM 1116 Doellinger. Fables of Popes in the Middle Ages . M 357 Prophecies in the Christian Era.M 356 Doellinger. Die Papst-Fabeln des Mittelal- ters .D 3529 Reunion of Churches.M 13 5 Domestic Altar, The; Family Prayers.M 3481 Donaldson, A. Christian Baptism.M 1978 Donaldson, J. Apostolic Fathers.M 849 Donne, J. Works; with Memoir. 6v....M 1487 Doran. Saints and Sinners. 2 v.M 1392 Dorchester. Religious Progress.M 1923 Douthit. The Creeds, or Christ?.*M 628 Drummond, H. The Greatest thing in the World..M 3504 Natural Law in the Spiritual World.. ,.M 1930 Drummond, J. The Jewish Messiah.. M 1904 Du Bose. The Dragon, Image and DemonM 2794 Dudley. Naology; Origin and Import of Sa¬ cred Structures.M 3486 Duffield. Burial of the Dead.’_M 1902 Dunlavy. Manifesto; Doctrines of ChurchM 1112 Durandus. Churches and Church Orna¬ ments. M 1906 Dwight. Theology explained. 5 v . ...M 212 Dymond. Accordancy of War with Chris¬ tianity. K 824 Eaton. Heart of the Creeds.M 3521 Ecce Episcopus; the Bishop of Souls.M 1912 Edward VI. and others. Writings.M 1330 Edwards. Freedom of the Will .M 1491 History of Redemption.M 972 Conversions in Northampton.M 1490 Religious Affections. M 1914 The same; new ed.M 3522 Scripture Oeconomy of Trinity.M 1183 Ely. Social Aspects of Christianity.M 3550 Enchiridion Theologicum Anti-Romanum. 3 *P 76 England, J. Bishop. Works. 5 v.J 58 Errett. Talks to Bereans.M 1915 Walks about Jerusalem.M 1916 Erskine. Brazen Serpent.M 1096 Escaped Nun; Disclosures of Convent Life. ... M 3540 Essays and Reviews; by Churchmen.G 201 The same; edited by Hedge.M 899 Evans, W. Sayings of Dying Quakers... .M 1345 Evans, W. F. Celestial Dawn .M 3531 Faber, F. W. Bethlehem.M 1418 Doctrinal and Scriptural Subjects. 2 v.M 1015 • Foot of the Cross. .... M 937 Growth in Holiness.M 938 Spiritual Conferences.M 3572 Faber, G. S. Difficulties of Romanism....M 1246 Doctrine of Justification.M 1929 Three Dispensations. 2 v .M 1007 Faber, T. C. Caste and Christianity.M 3566 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 57 i FAIRBAIRN, A. M. Religion in History and in Modern Life.M 3574 Fairbairn, P. Prophecy; its InterpretationM 1023 Family Prayers.M 1181 Farley. What is Unitarianism?.*M 627 Farrar. Mercy and Judgment .M 1921 Saintly Workers.M 1922 Farrer. Paganism and Christianity .s, .... M 3578 Faunce. The Christian in the World.M 1218 Fell. Lex Talionis, 1676.*M 3563 Felltham. Resolves, Divine, Moral, etc.M 1104 Fernald. New Age for the New Church. .M 4165 Fessler. True and False Infallibility .. .^..M 853 Festivals and Fasts of the Church.M 1422 Feuerbach. Essence of Christianity . ...M 1207 Field, H. Home for the Homeless .M 2000 Field, H. M., and R.G. Ingersoll. Faith or Agnosticism?...M 357 ° Finney. Lectures to Christians.M 1924 Revivals of Religion.M 1452 Views of Sanctification.M 1925 Fishback. Human Mind and Religion.. .M 1263 Fisher, G. P. Discussions in History and Theology.M 1139 Faith and Rationalism.M 1061 Manual of Christian Evidences.M 357 1 Manual of Natural Theology.M 3579 Supernatural Origin of Christianity.... M 1180 Theistic and Christian Belief.M 1928 Fiske. IdeaofGod.M 3561 Fitzsimon. Comfort to Catholics.C 2602 Five Years in a Protestant and Ten Years in a Catholic Convent. ....M 841 Fletcher. Family Devotion.*V 309 Footman. Reasonable Apprehensions and Re¬ assuring Hints..M 1983 Ford. Steps to the Sanctuary.M 1018 Fordyce. New Social Order.M 3567 Forsyth. Religion in Recent Art.M 3584 Fowle. Religion and Nature.M 1878 Religion and Science.M 1031 Fowler. Religion, Natural and Revealed.M 1300 Fox, G. Journal. 2v.M 15 02 Selections from Epistles of.M 15 01 Fox, J., Bale and Coverdai.e. Writings.M 1329 Francis de Sales, Si. Spiritual Letters. .M 1434 Franklin. Creed and modern Thought. ..M 1927 Freeman. Disestablishment and Disendow- ment.M 1339 Frey. Essays on Christian Baptism.M 3564 Frohschammer. Unfehlbarkeit des PapstesD 3555 Frothingham. Assailants of Christianity*M 1488,4 Creed and Conduct.M 975 Safest Creed.M 993 Frothingham. Religion of Humanity... .M 987 Froude. Nemesis of Faith.M 3565 Fuller, A. Principal Works.I 3° 2 4 Fuller, T. Good Thoughts in Bad Times.M 1405 Holy and Profane States...M 11 7 1 Selections from.M 135 1 Fulton. Witnessing for the Truth.*M 628 Furness. Story of Resurrection...M 1926 Fyfe. The Hereafter; Sheol, Hades and Hell . .M 3580 Gagarin. Russian Clergy. M 488 Gallaudet. Natural Theology.M 970 Scripture Biography. 2 v .M 1934 Garbett. God’s Word written...M 932 Soul’s Life .M 1286 Voices against modern Sacerdotalism.. M 1106 Garrett. Good News from Ireland.M 957 Gaume. Manual for Confessors.M 1937 Gerhard. Coming Creed of the World.. M 3610 Gerhart. Institutes of the Christian Reli¬ gion.M 3611 Gibbes. Origin of Sin.M 3606 Gibson. Foundations.M 604 Gifford. Glory of God in Man.M 780 Gilbert. Disestablishment.M 1155 Giles.* Perfect Prayer.M 1938 Gillespie. Moral Attributes of God.M 1212 Necessary Existence of God.M 1210 Gillett. God in Human Thought. 2 v..M 1179 Gladden. Burning Questions.M 3612 Christian League of Connecticut.M 1939 Parish Problems.M 3613 Things new and old.M 197 2 Gladstone. Church and State.L 80 Church Principles...M 856 Rome and newest Fashions in ReligionM 858 Vaticanism.M 857 and others. The Order of Creation... M 3614 Gleig. The Great Problem.M 1936 Glennie. In the Morningland.M 1492 Glover. Infant Baptism.*M 627 Gobinet. Instruction of Youth.:.M 876 God in His World; an Interpretation.M 3615 Golden Sands; Collection of Counsels.M 520 Goodwin, D. The Lord’s Table.M 1979 Goodwin, D. R. New Ritualistic Divinity. M 1344 Goodwin, T. A. Modeof Man's Immortality M 831 Gordon, A. J. In Christ.M 1016 Gordon, C. G. Reflections in Palestine..,M 3602 Gordon, G. A. Witness to Immortality...M 3624 Gordon, J. Nonconformity and Liberty..M 1130 Gore. Lux Mundi.M 3616 The Mission of the Church.M 3619 Roman Catholic Claims.M 36^ 572 RELIGION. Gostwick. German Culture and Christian¬ ity.M 3622 Goulburn. The Pursuit of Holiness.M 3626 Thoughts on Personal Religion.M 3625 Gould, N. D. Church Music in America..K 3861 Gould, S. B. Golden Gate.M 1057 Origin of Christian Belief. 2v.M 1058 Granger. Romanism.M 1261 Grant, A. H. Church Seasons illustrated. M 1374 The same; new ed. M 1940 Grant, B., and J. G. Holyoake. Christianity and Secularism. M 1942 Grant, J. Religious Tendencies of the Times.M 909 Graves. Biography of Satan.M 894 Gray, E. W. The New Religion; a Gospel of Love. M 3630 Gray, G. Z. Husband and Wife.M 1973 Green, T. L. Indulgences, Absolutions, etcM 1935 Green, W. H. The Hebrew Feasts.M 3601 Greenwell. Colloquia Crucis.M 1412 Greer. The Historical Christ, Moral Power of History.M 3170 Greg, P. Without God.M 1933 Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom.M 1035 Gregory, St. Dialogues.M 1498 Gregory. Evidences of Christian Religion..I 3026 Grumbine. Evolution and Christianity... M 3607 Gu£ranger. Sainte-Cecile.C 5125 Guinness. Approaching End of the Age.. .M 1941 Light for the Last Days.M 3605 Guizot. Christianity in Relation to Society.M 901 L’Etat actuel de la Religion.C 5151 Meditations on Christianity. 2 v.M 902 La Religion chretienne.C 5152 Gurney. Evidences of Christianity.M 3617 Guthrie. Man and the Gospel.M 915 Guyau. L’lrreligion de PAvenir.C12543 Guyot. Creation.M 2379 Hagenbach. History of Doctrines. 2 v..M 253 Haley. The Hereafter of Sin.M 1238 Hall, C. C. Into His Marvellous Light. .M 3659 Hali , J. Papers for Home Reading.M 1391 Questions of the Day.M 900 and Stuart. Moody and Sankey in Great Britain...M 1093 Hall, J., Bishop. Comfort for the AfflictedM 966 Meditations.;.M 1316 Works; ed. by Wynter. 10 v.*P 94 Hall, N. Closing Life of W. Gordon.M 1365 Hall, P. Fragmenta Liturgica. 7 v. in 3 . M 1961 Reliquiae Liturgicse. 5 v. in 2.M 1962 Hall, R. Miscellaneous Works.I 3036 Works; with Memoir. 4 V.J 72 I Hall, W. J. Sceptical Fallacies.M 1951 Haller. Conversion to Catholicism.*E 1431 Halliday. Winning Souls.M 1409 Halsey. McCormick Theological SeminaryM 3663 Hamilton, J. Arthur's Seat.M 1274 Life in Earnest.M 956 Truth and Error.M 1154 Hamilton, W. T. Infant Baptism.M 3651 Hammond. English Nonconformity... ,M 3668 FI arden. Truth of Dogmatic Christianity. M 3661 Hardwick, C. Christ and other Masters M 450 History of Articles of Religion.I 2986 PIare. Vindication of Luther.M 1950 Hark. Unity of the Truth in Christianity. M 3654 Harris, J. Mammon.M 1312 Patriarchy; or, the Family .M 1957 Harris, S. Self Revelation of God.M 3645 Zaccheus; Scripture Benevolence.M 1881 and others. Co operation in Christian Work .M 3653 Harris, T. L. Breath of God with Man..M 996 Millennial Age.M 982 Wisdom of Angels.M 1963 Harrison. Nature and Reality of ReligionM 1982 Hart. Autobiography of Judas Iscariot. . M 1943 Hartmann. Das religiose Bewusstsein der Menschheit.D 3194 Hatch. Influence of Greek Ideas upon the Christian Church.M 3656 Havergal. Royal Grace and Loyal Gifts.M 1947 Haweis. Winged Words; or, Truths retoldM 3644 Hay, Bishop. Works. 5 v.M 1493 Hayden. Light on Last Things .M 906 Haydn. Amusements in the Light of Scrip¬ tures. K 1790 Haynes. Attributes of God.M 1090 Heaton. Mode of Baptism.*M 1488,1 IIebberd. Secret of Christianity.. ... M 1059 IIecker. Aspirations of Nature.M 1424 The Church and the Age.M 3683 Questions of the Soul.M 1414 Hedge. The Primeval World and Hebrew Tradition.M 3681 Reason in Religion.M 1000 Ways of the Spirit.M 895 Heidelberg Catechism.M 1964 Heine. Religion and Philos, in Germany..L 1966 HennELL. Present Religion. 2 v.M 985 Thoughts in aid of Faith.M 1158 Henry VIII., Three Primers in Reign of. ,.*P 298 Formularies of Faith in Reign of.*P 54 Henry. Method of Prayer.M 1259 Henslow. Christian Beliefs.M 3684 Herder. Studium der Theologie.... I) 2049,9,12 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. Hereafter, The; Belief in a Life Hereafter. M 3652 Hergenrcether. Vindication of Holy See.M 872 Herron. The New Redemption.M 3694 Hervey. System of Christian Rhetoric...M 810 Heurtley. Harmonia Symbolica.*P 62 Hewit. King’s Highway.M 866 Problems of the Age.M 1416 Hicks. Critique of Design-Arguments. ...M 1958 Hildgard. Ingoldsby Letters on Revision of Book of Common Prayer. 2v.M 295 Hill. Social Influence of Christianity.... M 3655 Hinsdale. Ecclesiastical Tradition.M 1954 Hinton, I. T. History of Baptism.M 3650 HINTON, J. The Law-Breaker.M 3641 Man and his Dwelling Place.M 3682 Hitchcock. Religious Truth..,.M 1219 Hobart. Companion for Festivals and FastsM 3649 State of the Departed.M 3642 Hodge, A. A. Theological Themes.M 3648 Hodge, C. Systematic Theology. 3V...M 1160 Holcombe. Sexes here and hereafter.M 1946 Hoi.tzmann und Zopffel. Lexikon fiir The ologie und Kirchenwesen.*R 3822 Home. Successors of the Apostles.M 2809 Hood. The Day, Book and Teacher. M 1959 Villages of the Bible.M *1309 Vocation of the Preacher.M 3660 Hook. Church Dictionary.*R 1566 Hooker. Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity... ,*P 222 Works; ed. by Keble. 3 v.M 1569 The same. 3 v.*P 98 Hooper, J. Writings.,.M 1331 Hope. Worship in the Church of England.M 3646 Hopkins. Evidences of Christianity .M 479 Scriptural Idea of Man.M 1945 Hopps. Thoughts for the Heart.M 1387 Horder. Immortality.M 1944 Hovey. Religion and the State.M 1073 Howe, J. Works. 6 v.M 1495 Howell. Terms of Communion.M 1243 Howitt. History of Priestcraft .M 1956 Hughes, T. Old Church; what to do with itM 967 Religio Laid. M 1249 Hughes, Bishop. Works; ed. by Kehoe. 2 v.J 94 and Breckinridge. Discussion on the Catholic Religion. M 1019 Hughson. Religious Impostures .M 1949 HUGUNIN. Scrip and Staff.M i960 Symbolism in Christian Art.K 3797 Hunt, J. Religious Thought in England. 3 v.M 3700 Hunt, L. Religion of the Heart.M 940 HUNTER. Holy Eucharist and Auricular Con¬ fession. M 1041 Huntington. Gropings after the Truth. ..M 1595 573 Hurst. Bibliotheca Theologica. *0 616 Husenbeth. Faberism exposed.M 1953 Hutton. Anglican Ministry.M 130S Ingraham. PillarofFire.M 12S2 Prince of the House of David.M 1281 Throne of David.M 1280 Inheritance of the Saints.M 3985 Inspiration; a Clerical Symposium.M 1966 Institute Essays, 1879.M 1965 Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. 2 v.*V 607 Interior, The, 1892-3. v. 33>34 . *Ser. Irenveus, Sf. Adversus Hsereses. 2 V....M 1485 JACKSON, G. A. Fathers of the Third Cen¬ tury. M 1820 Post-Nicene Greek Fathers.M 1970 Post-Nicene Latin Fathers.M 1971 Jackson, T. Curiosities of the Pulpit.M 3747 Jacobson. Why I do not believe.M 1301 Jaeger. Mind and Heart in Religion... .,M 842 James. Logic of Christianity.M 1138 Secret of Swedenborg.M 1450 Society the Redeemed Form of Man. ..M 1133 Jamieson. Discussions on the Atonement.M 3742 Janssen. Kirche und Staat.D 3626 Jay. Morning Exercise for all the Year.. .M 374 * Jeaffreson. Book about the Clergy. 2 v.M 1053 Jelf. Ritualism, Romanism and the English Reformation. .M 1236 Jellett. Efficacy of Prayer.M 1974 Jewel, Bishop. Works; ed. by Ayre. 4 v.M 1620 Works; ed. by Jelf. 8 v.*P 100 Writings. .M 1332 Jewett. The Two-Wine Theory discussed.M 4190 Job Abbott; Reasons for embracing the Baptist Church.M 1271 Johnson, F. H. What is Reality?.M 3745 Johnson, H. Christianity’s Challenge... .M 1319 Johnson, J. Laws and Canons of Church of England. 2 v.M 1475 Theological Works. 2v.M 1474 Jordan. Review of Tradition.M 1977 JouiN. Evidences of Religion. .M 518 Joyce. Church in relation to Civil Power. .L 215 Judaism, Nethoboth Olom, in Hebrew.M 144 Judd. The Prayer of Faith.M 3740 Jukes. New Man.M 1975 Junkin. Oath a Divine Ordinance.M 1976 Kavanagh. Women of Christianity.M 1361 Kaye. On the Writings of Justin Martyr. .M 1703 Keary. Outlines of Primitive Belief.M 2683 Keble. Letters of Spiritual Counsel.M 939 Kedney. Christian Doctrine harmonized and vindicated. 2v.M 377 ° Keith. Evidences of Christianity.M 476 574 RELIGION. Kennedy. Divine Life.M 593 Rest under the Great Rock.E 1294 Work and Conflict.E 1295 Kenrick. Apostolic See vindicated.M 833 Kent. Pastor’s Note Book.M 983 Ker. Lectures on History of Preaching.. .M 3771 Kern. Mysteries of Godliness.M 1980 Kernel and the Husk; Spiritual Christianity.M 3763 Kidd. Eternal Life .*M 627 Kidder. Treatise on Homiletics.M 3762 Kimball. Awakened Sinner directed.. . .M 1117 KlMBER. Theology of Early Friends .... ,M 1667 King. Moab’s Patriarchal Stone ..M 2715 Kingsley. Out of the Deep.M 1406 Kinsley. Vexed Questions.M 1981 Kip. Double Witness of the Church.M 325 Kirchmann. Unsterblichkeit.D 3205 Knapp. Lectures on Christian Theology. 2 v.M 3761 Knox, J. Writings. M 1333 Koestlin. Luthers Theologie.D 3594 Krummacher. David, King of Israel.C 1081 lvUENEN. National and Universal ReligionsM 2684 Lacroix. Outline of Christian Ethics.M 1986 Ladd. Doctrine of Sacred Scripture. 2 v.M 2243 Principles of Church Polity.M 1988 Laforet. Why Men do not believe.M 1386 Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll.M 1984 Tactics of Infidels.M 3802 Lambert, Miss. Church Needleword.K 6044 Landels. Great Cloud of Witnesses .M 1251 Larcom, L. As it is in Heaven.M 3808 The Unseen Friend.M 3809 Larned. Analysis of Drummond’s Natural Law.*L 2501,1 Lasserre. Notre Dame de Lourdes.C 5674 Episodes miraculeux de Lourdes.C 5675 Our Lady of Lourdes.M 501 Lasteyrie. Auricular Confession. 2V...M 268 Lathbury. History of the Nonjurors.M 411 Law. Call to a Devout Life.M 948 Lawrence. Mission of the Church.M 1881 Lay Folks’ Mass Book, ioth-i5th Century; ed. by Simmons.1235 Lea. Sacerdotal Celibacy.M 2729 Lear. Weariness. M 19S7 Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Times. 2 v.M 2646 Lecoy de la Marche. La Chaire franyaise . au Moyen Age. C 5591 Leech. Reply to Robert Ingersoll.*M 628 Le GallIENNE. Religion of a Literary Man M 3811 Leibnitz. System of Theology.M 911 Leighton, C. C. Intimations of Eternal Life. M 3S10 Leighton, R. Abp ., Selections from.M 1352 Works, with Life. 4 V.J ifrj Lessing. Cambridge Free Thoughts.M 1197 Letter on the Reformed Protestant Church*M 627 Lewis, A. H. Paganism surviving in Chris¬ tianity.M 3815 Lewis, T. Six Days of Creation.M 1043 Lichtenberger. German Theology in XIXth Century.. 1.M 3807 Liddon. Present Church Troubles.M 3801 Some Elements of Religion.M 791 Lightfoot. Supernatural Religion.M 3806 Lilly. Ancient Religion and Modern ThoughtM 2016 Claims of Christianity .M 3821 Lindsay. History of Christian Art. 2 v. ,K 3477 (Ecumenicity in Relation to the Church of England.M 1992 Little. Sacerdotalism. M 3818 Locke. On Toleration.M ^05 Loomis. Letter to Baptist Friends .*M 627 Loraine. The Battle of Belief.M 3820 Lord. Theology, natural and revealed_M 1168 Lowe. An Essay on Mysteries.M 3804 Loyson (Pere Hyacinthe). Catholic Re- . form.M 698 Principes de la Reforme catholique.... C 5754 Lum. Spiritual Delusions .M 1008 Luther. Opera Omnia Latina. 4 V.*p 610 Werke. 10 v.D 3603 Table Talk; ed. by Hazlitt.I 3050 Tischreden, 1591.*p 8§^ Lynch. Rite of Ordinations .M 496 McCabe. Foreknowledge of God .M 1321 Maccai.l. Christian Legends .M 3842 Elements of Individualism.M 1995 McCausland. Latter Days of Jerusalem and R ome. m 1432 McClure (Ed.). Mistakes of Ingersoll and his Answers.M 200r Mistakes of Ingersoll on T. Paine_ *. M 3857 MacColl. Lawlessness, Sacerdotalism, Rit¬ ualism . M 2002 McCook. Women Friends of Jesus .M 3830 McCosh. Christianity and Positivism.M 1233 Method of Divine Government .M 1190 Religious Aspect of Evolution .M 3855 MacDonald. The Hope of the Gospel...M 3832 Macduff. Early Graves. M 1997 Palms of Elim .M 2003 McFarlane. Dr. Candlish’s Lectures ...M 1237 McGill. Our Faith the Victory.M 503 McIIale, Archbishop of Tuain . Letters..M 868 M’Ilvaine. Evidences of Christianity.M 481 Oxford Divinity .M 941 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 575 Mackay, R. W. The Tubingen School.. .M 2005 Mackay, W. P. Grace and Truth.M 1346 Macleod, N. Parish Papers.M 1404 and Guthrie. Winter-wafted Seed..M 1399 Macleod, X. D. Devotion to Virgin Mary in North America.M 319 Macmillan. Marriage in Cana.M 1994 Ministry of Nature..*.M 1264 Two Worlds are ours.M 3863 Macqueary. Evolution of Man and Chris¬ tianity.M 3864 McWhinney. Reason and Revelation.... M 3845 Magoon. Republican Christianity .M 1213 Maguire. Discussion with R T. P. Pope.M 883 Maistre. The Pope and the Church.M 878 Maitland, E. England and Islam.M 1123 Maitland, S. R. Eruvin.M 3904 Manford. Universal Salvation.M 1410 Manning, Cardinal. Characteristics from Writings; ed. by Lilly. M 1998 England and Christendom.M 886 Essays on Religion. 2 v.M 1085 Four Great Evils of the Day.M 1596 Fourfold Sovereignty of God.M 1430 Independence of the Holy See.M 1287 Miscellanies. 2v.... .M 851 Petri Privilegium.M 839 Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost. ..M 887 True Story of the Vatican Council.M 1288 Unity of the Church.M 3850 Vatican Council and its Definitions.... M 1431 Vatican Decrees and Civil Allegiance. .M 852 Manning, J. M. Half Truths and the TruthM 1084 M ANTON, T. Complete Works; with Memoir by Harris. 22 v.M 1699 March, D. Our Father’s House.M 1204 Marillier. La Liberte de Conscience-C12775 Marks. Characteristics of the Church -M 1217 Marriott. Testimony of the Catacombs.. .M 3&49 Vestiarium Christianum.*M 387 Marsh, J. B. Story of Harecourt.M 2768 Marshall, F. Comedy of Convocation.. .M 1383 Old Catholics at Cologne.M 1384 Marshall, T. My Clerical Friends.M 1599 Martineau. Christian Life. 2v.M 3841 Hours of Thought.M 1087 Modern Materialism.M 1101 Religion affected by Materialism.M 1083 Seat of Authority in Religion.M 3868 Studies of Christianity.M 1089 Maskell. Holy Baptism.M 2014 Liturgy of Church of England.M 3859 Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Angli- came. 3 V. ... .M 2004 Mather. Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry. .*P 39 a Maurice. Conflict of Good and Evil.M 1077 Theological Essays.M 1075 What is Revelation? 2 v.M 1063 Maynard. La Sainte Vierge.*R 4*84 Means (Ed.). Words of Hope.M 3851 Mediaeval and Modern Saints and Miracles.M 349 Meikle. Solitude Sweetened; Meditations.M 3866 Memminger. What is Religion?.M T393 Mercer. The New Birth.M 3852 Merson. Heroic Days of the Church.M 3905 Message, The, May-Dec., 1858. .....M 387° Methodist Publishing House Tracts.*M 3846 Miall, E. Bases of Belief....M 2008 Miall, J. G. Footsteps of our ForefathersM 595 Michelet. The Bible of Humanity.M 3865 Spiritual Direction. M 1224 Mill. Three Essays on Religion.M 1021 Millburn. Ten Years of Preacher Life. ..M 576 Miller, J. Christianum Organum.M 1146 Our Dispensation.M 912 Miller, J. R. Building of Character.M 3911 Miller, L. I. Destiny of Man and Infallibil¬ ity of the Catholic Church.M 505 Miller, M. R. Luminous Unity.M 1198 Milligan, R. Reason and Revelation.M 2006 The Scheme of Redemption.... .M 2007 Milligan, W. Ascension and Priesthood of our Lord.M 3180 Milner. End of Religious Controversy... M 266 Modern Unitarianism.M 3123 Moehler. Symbolism.M 763 Molloy. Geology and Revelation.M 1370 Momerie. The Basis of Religion.M 3860 Religion of the Future.M 3862 Monk, Maria. Awful Disclosures.M 1289 Awful Exposure of.M 3844 Further Disclosures.M 1291 Monod, A., Parting Words of.M 1290 Monrad. The World of Prayer. .T.M 3847 Montagu. The Sower and the Virgin-M 3858 Montgomery. Eternal Years.M 504 Moody, D. L., Anecdotes of ..M 1113 Mooke. Irish Gentleman in Search of a Re¬ ligion.M 308 Moorhouse, J. The Teaching of Christ..M 3874 Morel. Authority and Conscience.M 1394 Morgan. Trinity of Plato.M 1052 Morison. The Service of Man.M 3854 Morris, E. D. Ecclesiology; Church and Kingdom of God on Earth.M 1993 Morris, H. W. The Celestial Symbol Inter¬ preted .M 3869 576 RELIGION. Morris, H. W. Conflict of Science with the Christian Religion.M 3876 Natural Laws and Gospel Teachings...M 3877 Testimony of the Ages.M 3872 Work-Days of God.M 3873 Morrison. Great Poets as Religious Teach¬ ers.M 3843 Moule, H. C. G. Veni Creator.M 3835 Mountford. Euthanasy.M 1372 Mozi.f.y, J. B. Theory of Development.. ,M 2009 Mozley, T. The Creed; or, a PhilosophyM 3915 Letters from Rome, 1869-70. 2v... M 3875 Mozoomdar. Heart-Beats.M 3908 Spirit of God ..M 3907 Mueller, F. M. Science of Religion.M 1080 Introduction to Science of Religion.. ,.M 1079 Natural Religion. M 3878 Physical Religion.M 3879 Mueller, G. life of Trust.M 1373 Lord’s Dealings with ._.M 1292 Mueller, J. Christian Doctrine of Sin. 2 v.M 1124 Mueller, J. G. Amerikanische UrreligionenD 3610 Mueller, M. God, the Teacher. M 514 Mulford. Republic of God.M 2010 Munger. The Appeal to Life.M 3848 Freedom of Faith.M 2011 Lamps and Paths.M 1996 Murphy. Scientific Basis of Faith.M 897 Murray, A. With Christ in the School of Prayer.M 3867 Murray, N. Letters to Bishop Hughes.. .M 1278 Mystery of Miracles.M 1285 Napier. Flistory Rescued; the Wigtown Mar¬ tyrs.M 3890 Neale. Feasts and Fasts.M 3882 Neander. History of Christian Dogmas. 2 v. I 3062 Memorials of Christian Life. I 3063 Needham. Salvation Stories.M 3881 Nelson, D. Cause and Cure of Infidelity.. M 1064 Nelson, R. Companion for Festivals.M 1048 Neyin. St. Paul’s within the Walls.M 1029 New Church Almanac, 1889.M 1709 New Theology; or, Advanced Truths.M 1038 Newbolt. Speculum Sacerdotum.M 3892 Newbury. Baptism and Christian Missions*E 3776 Newman, F. W. The Soul; its Sorrows and Aspirations. M 951 Newman, Card. Anglican Difficulties_M 782 Apologia pro vita sua.M 953 Characteristics from Writings.E 1399 Development of Christian Doctrine... ,M 1037 The same; new ed.M 3886 Difficulties felt by Anglicans. 2 V....M 3887 Discussions and Arguments.M 2017 Newman, Card. Essays on Miracles.M 949 Grammar of Assent.M 1398 Letter to the Duke of Norfolk. M 852 Letter to Pusey on his Eirenicon ..M 959 Miscellanies. m 15^8 Prophetical Office of the Church.M 947 ^ ia Media of the Anglican Church....M 847 Newton. Church and Creed.M 3894 Nicholson. Catechism of Church of Eng¬ land.r.. m 1479 Nicoli.. The Key of the Grave.M 3899 Decorative Painting for Churches.P 2358 Nitzsch. System of Christian Doctrine.. .M 1126 Noble. Appeal for the New Church.M 990 Noel. Union of Church and State.M 986 Nordhoff. God and Future Life.M 2018 Northcote. Sanctuaries of the Madonna.M 1601 Oahspe; a New Bible.M 3933 Oakelky. Catholic Worship.M 879 Ceremonial of the Mass.M 880 Oates. Mystery of Iniquity.*P 624,35 O’Brien, J. History of the Mass. M 375 O'Brien, J. F. Nature of Faith.M 1176 O’Kane. Rubrics of Roman Ritual.M 515 Olden berg and others. Epitomes of Three Sciences.M 3923 Oliphant. Scientific Religion.M 3924 Olmstead. Lecture on Protestant Faith...*M 628 Olssen. Revelation, universal and special.M 2023 O’Mahoney. Roma semper eadem.M 513 Onderdonk, Bishops Trial of.*M 2020 Onesimus; Memoirs of a Disciple of St. PaulM 2021 Oosterzee. Christian Dogmatics. 2 v...M 1702 Orr. Theism.M 3927 Orsini. Hist, of Devotion to Blessed Virgin.C 1277 Life of the Virgin; tr. by Husenbeth..M 1441 The same; tr. by Sadlier.C 1277 Oryis. Ritualism dethroned. 2 v.M 2025 Oswald. The Bible of Nature.M 3930 Ouvaroff. Mysteries of Eleusis.M 2834 Owen. Evenings with the Skeptics. 2 v..M 2022 The Forgiveness of Sin.M 3921 Oxen ham. Catholic Doctrine of the Atone¬ ment. M 3922 Painter. Science a Stronghold of Belief..M 2026 Paley, F. A. Baptismal Fonts. M 2040 Paley, W. Evidences of Christianity, and Hone Paulinas. ... 958 The same; ed. bv Birks. .M 477 The same; ed. by Litton.... _M 478 The same; ed. by Potts. .M 299 Natural Theologv. 2v . . I 3720 The same. ' . .M 952 The same. 2 v. , .M 1221 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 577 Paley, W. Works; ed. by E. Paley. 8 v...M 1706 Palmer. Principles of Nature.M 2029 Parker, J. Ad Clerum.M I2 94 Apostolic Life. 2 ..M 2574 Parker, T. Experience as a Minister.M I 4 2 9 Prayers.• .^ 397 6 Pascal. Provincial Letters.M 39 ^ 1 Pauli. The Great Mystery.M 926 Peabody. Christian Belief and Life.M ion Christianity and Science. M II2 7 Religion of Nature.^ IO °^ Peacock. English Church Furniture.K 186 Pearsall. Public Worship . M HD Pearson. The Creed; ed. by Burton . *P 14 2 The same; ed. by Chevallier.M 1184 The same; ed. by Walford.I 3065 Vindicise Epistolarum S. Ignatii. 2 v. ..M 1481 Pease. The Christian Ministry.M 3993 Pendleton. Principles of Baptists.M 3980 Penn. No cross, no crown.M 1172 Perry, G. G. Christian Fathers .M 1363 Perry, J. T. Sixteen Saviours, or One?. .M 2030 Pfleiderer. Philosophy of Religion. 4 v.M 3964 Phelps. My Note-Book; Studies in TheologyM 3977 My Study and Other Essays.M 2087 Phillips. Seed of Abraham .*M 628 Philo Judaeus. Works; tr. by Yonge. 4 v.I 3332 Picart. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieu- Picton. Mystery of Matter. . . M 923 New Theories and the Old Faith.M 3979 Pierce. Free Seats in Churches.*M 627 Pierson. Evangelistic Work in Principle and Practice.M 39^3 Pike. Guide for Young Disciples.M 1267 Persuasives of Early Piety.M 1268 Pinson. Fraud and Falsity .M 397 ^ PlTRAT. Pagan Origin of Partialist Doc¬ trines..M 2078 Place. Thoughts on Life Science.M 1400 Plumer. Pastoral Theology . M 1054 Treatise on Providence.M 1070 Plumptre. Spirits in Prison ..M 2044 Ponton. Glimpses of Future Life.M 919 Poole, R. L. Medieval Thought in Theol¬ ogy .M 4 ®1o Poole, R. S. Genesis of the Earth and of Man .M 2037 Poole, S. L. Studies in a Mosque.M 2039 Pope or President? Startling Disclosures of Romanism.M 925 Porter. Mechanics and Faith.M 3961 Potter. Religious Philosophy.M 1132 Powell, B. Christianity without Judaism 31 907 Powell, B. Creation and its Records.M 3971 Order of Nature..M 898 Powell, T. Essay on Apostolic SuccessionM 2200 Powers. Through the Year. M 1108 Pratt and Newman. Bible and Polygamy.M 2031 Preachers, The; by a Monk.M 39 ^ Presbyter, pseud . Unfoldings of Christian Hope...M 3974 Prescott. Christianity made Science.... M 3975 Present to Youths and Young Men, A. 2 v.M 39^7 Pressense. L Ancien Monde et le Christian- isme.C 6218 The Ancient World and Christianity.. .M 2841 Heresy and Christian Doctrine.M 929 Preston. Lectures on Christian Unity... .M 1600 Price. Dissertations on Prayer.M 1060 Priest. Christian Millennium.M 3972 Priestley. Corruptions of Christianity...M 1245 Letters to Rev. E. Burn.M I 5°5 Tracts in Controversy with Horsley... .M 1507 Prime. The Holy Cross.M 1103 Princeton Review, Theological Essays from.M 2032 Procter. History of the Book of Common Prayer.M 1205 Progressive Orthodoxy.M 39 ^ 2 Protoplast; a Series of Papers.M 2038 Pugin. Ecclesiastical Ornament and Cos¬ tume.582 Pusey. An Eirenicon .M 86a First Letter to J. H. Newman.M 859. Pye. Religion of Common Sense.M 1147 Pynchon. Bishop Butler; a Religious Philos¬ opher.M 399 °' Quinet. Ultramontanism.M 2045. Rask. Longevity of Patriarchs.M 1270 Rawes. The Beloved Disciple.M 469 God in his Works.M 47 °' Great Truths.M 471 Homeward.M 47 2 Read. Palace of the Great King.M 1025 Redford. Prophecy.M 2048 Reed, A., and Matheson. Visit to American Churches. 2 v .M 1276' Reed, H. V. Earnest Words for Honest Scep¬ tics.M 2047’ Reed, J. Swedenborg and the New ChurchM 1443 Reed, Mrs. M. One Life; one Law.M 4049. Reed, R. T. Six Months in a Convent. 2 vM 961 Reid. Sorrow.M 1484 Religious Magazine, 1833 35. 2 v. *Ser. Religious Pamphlets. 7 v -*.» .1488 Religious Thought in Germany.M 1208 Rf.nan. L’Antechrist. C 6444 Der Antichrist.D 3644 578 RELIGION. Report on Conditional Immortality.*M 628 Reville. The Devil; his Origin, etc. ....M 4041 Doctrine of Deity of Christ.M 1144 Reynolds. The World to Come.M 4048 Rice. Messiah’s Kingdom.*M 894 Riddle. Manual of Christian Antiquities.M 4051 Ridley. Treatises and Letters.M 1338 Rio. Poetry of Christian Art.K 3512 Ripley, F. J. Ethianism..M 4053 Ripley, G. Letters on Infidelity.M 2049 Ripley, J. B. Six Soundings .M 968 Ritchie. Religious Life of London.M 12 n Roberts. Liberalism in Religion.M 4043 Robertson. Living Thoughts; by TupperM 1273 Robinson. Remembrancer and Recorder..M 1444 Rock. Hierurgia; or, the Mass. 2 v....*M 2795 Rogers. Eclipse of Faith.M 999 Defense of Eclipse of Faith.M 1004 Roman Breviary; transl. by the Marquess of Bute. 2 v.M 2041 Romanoff. Rites and Customs of Greco-Rus- sian Church.M 4045 Roth. Die Unfehlbaren.D 3620 Roussel. Protestant and Catholic Nations compared. L 4056 Routh. Reliquiae Sacrae.D 162 Row, C. A. Christian Theism.M 4046 Revelation and Modern Theology.M 4042 Rowan. Meditations on Life. M 1082 Meditations on Death.M 1266 Rump. Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes.D 3555 Ruskin. Lord’s Prayer and the Church...M 2042 Notes on Construction of Sheepfolds.M 4050 Russell. Consolatory Letters.M 1152 Ryle. Christian Leaders of the Last Century M 4052 Saint-Jure. Union with Christ. M 848 The Spiritual Man.M 1145 S ALDAN HA. The Truth.M 486 Salmon. The Infallibility of the Church. .M 4108 Salter. Ethical Religion. M 4099 Why Unitarianism does not Satisfy us*M 1488,1 Samuei.l. Seven, the Sacred Number.... M 4091 Sanderson. De Obligatione Conscientiae .M 1193 Sarum Missal in English.M 4110 Savage. Belief in God.M 1293 Beliefs about Man.M 2057 Christianity the Science of Manhood..M 1379 Evolution and Religion.,.M 2086 Modern Sphinx.M 2059 Morals of Evolution. M 2058 My Creed.M 4086 Schaff. Church and State in the U. S...M 2823 Progress of Religious Freedom.M 4100 Religious Encyclopaedia. 3 v.*R 1523 Schaff. Teaching of the Apostles.M 2084 Theological Propaedeutic.M 41 n Schenkel. Christliche Dogmatik. 2 v..D 3647 Schermerhorn (Ed.). Sacred Scriptures of the World.M 2219 Schmidt. Social Results of Early Chris¬ tianity.M 410L Schneck. Mercersburg Theology.M 1173 Scott. Foregleams of Christianity.M 4140 Scribner. Love for Souls.M 2061 Scripture Readers’Journal. 5 v .M 1438 Sears. Regeneration.M 2077 Secker. Lectures on the Catechism.M 918 Seeley. Natural Religion...M 2056 S£gur. Confession.M 870 Protestantism of to-day.M 871 Seifferth. Church Constitution of Bohe¬ mian Brethren.M 910 Seiss. Life after Death .*M 1488,4 Right Life; Talks on Vital Themes.... M 4082 Selborne, Lord. Liturgical History of the Reformed English Church. M 2054 Seventh Day Adventists, Tracts of. 2 v.... M 2158 Sewell. Night Lessons from Scripture.. .M 1314 Thoughts on Religion.M 1034 Shaffner. Wisp of Myrrh in a Bed of Spices. M 4094 Shairp. Culture and Religion.M 1022 Sharpe. Humanity and the Serpent of Gen¬ esis.M 4107 Shedd. Doctrine of Endless Punishment.M 4085 Dogmatic Theology. 2v.M 4096 History of the Christian Doctrine. 2 v.M 297 Homiletics and Pastoral Theology.... M 984 Sheldon. Hist, of Christian Doctrine. 2 v.M 2783 Sheppard. The Sincere Convert. M 2060 Shields. The Historic Episcopate.M 4129 Liturgia Expurgata.M 2067 Shiells. The Story of the Token.M 4130 Shipley (Ed.). Church and the World .. . M 834 Four Cardinal Virtues.M 817 Theory about Sin. M 2062 Shipman. Musings.M 1357 Simeon. Excellency of the Liturgy. ...M 4084 Smarius. Points of Controversy.M 865 Smith, G. Religion of Reason.M 1141 Smith, G. V. Bible and Popular TheologyM 998 Smith, H. B. Apologetics.M 1323 Faith and Philosophy.M 2052 Introduction to Christian Theology .. .. M 2065 Smith, I. G. Faith and Philosophy.M 1120 Smith, R. P. Prophecy; a Preparation.. .M 1260 Smith, S. Divine Government.M 1140 Smith, S. B. Ecclesiastical Law.M 1254 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 579 Smith, U. The Sanctuary. M 2o6 3 The U. S. in the Light of Prophecy. ,.M 2064 The same.^ I 4°7 Smith, W. and Cheetham (Ed.). Diction¬ ary of Christian Antiquities. 2 v... *R 459 and Wace. Dictionary of Christian Biog¬ raphy. 4 v.* R 46o Smith, W. H. Extempore Preaching-M 2170 Smyth. Christian Facts and Forces.M 4089 Dorner on the Future State.M 2 °55 Old Faiths in New Light. M 7 ° 8 Orthodox Theology of to-day.M 2066 Personal Creeds.^ 4 ir 5 Solace of an Invalid. M 2 °74 South, R., Selections from. M I 355 Southcott, J. Inspired Writings. 3 v..M 4120 Spalding, Abp. Miscellanea. 2v.J 252 Evidences of Catholicity.M 603 Religious Mission of the Irish People. .M 410 Spangenberg. Doctrine of United BrethrenM 1134 Spelman. History and Fate of Sacrilege. .M 4112 Spencer, H. and F. Harrison, Contro¬ versy between 5 with Notes and Appen¬ dix by d’Alviella.M 1982 The same; with Comments by Gail Hamilton. M 4081 Spiegel. Die Unfehltarlceit des Papstes. .*D 3633 Spirit of Popery. M 111 9 Spiritual Life; Studies of Devotion.M 4135 Spring. Old and New Church.M 1214 Spurgeon. Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith.. ^ 4°97 Gleanings among the Sheaves.M 1360 John Plowman’s Talk.... .M 1362 Metropolitan Tabernacle.M 4116 Stanley, A. P. Christian Institutions-M 1295 Church and State.M ^35 Thoughts that breathe.M 1045 Stanley, T. L. Future Religion.M 2716 Statham. Free-Thought and True-ThoughtM 4083 Staunton. Ecclesiastical Dictionary... .*R 1562 Stead. The Pope and the New Era.M 4103 Stearns. Faith of our Forefathers.M 2073 Steenstra. The Being of God as Unity and Trinity.M-4109 Sterrett. Studies in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion.....M 4105 Stevans. World’s Congress of Religions..M 4124 Stevens, G. B. The Pauline Theology.. .M 4121 Stevens, H. R. Scripture Speculations.. .M 1097 Stewart. Gospel of Law.M 2069 Stillingfleet. Grounds of Protestant Re¬ ligion. 2 ..M 2070 Origines Britannicae. 2T.*F 2 9 ^ Stokes. Natural Theology. 2v.M 3880 Storrs. Recognition of the Supernatural*M 1488 Stoughton. Golden Legends of the Olden Time.... M 4092 Straub. Consolation of Science.M 2072 Strauss, D. F. Der alte und der neue Glaube. E) 3667 Old Faith and the New.M 917 Strauss, F. Glory of the House of Israel.M 1284 Strong, A. H. Philosophy and Religion. M 4 IQ 6 Strong, J. Our Country; its Present CrisisM 4098 Strong, W. Civil Law and Church PolityM 1227 Strutt. Inductive Method of Christian In¬ quiry. M 1279 Stuart. The Three Marys.M 4087 Sturch. Intellectual Freedom.M 2075 Sturm. Morning Communings with God . I 3084 Sumner, G. H. Principles at Stake.M 1129 Sumner, J. B. Records of Creation. 2 v.M 1128 Sunday Evening Readings.M 1448 Supernatural Religion. 3v. .M 927 Suppliant Thoughts for private Devotion.. .M 1086 Swedenborg. Canons; or, Theology of the New Church.M 4165 Conjugal Love.M * 56 * Divine Love and Wisdom.M 1558 Divine Providence.M 1559 Four Leading Doctrines.M 1562 Heaven, * the World of Spirits.M 1563 Heavenly Arcana. 10 v.M 1560 Intercourse between Soul and Body..M 4113 Miscellaneous Works.M 1564 New Jerusalem .M 1442 On the Athanasian Creed.M 4090 Ontology.628 True Christian Religion.M 1565 Compendium of Writings .M 1567 Opera Minora (in Latin). 12 v.M 4146-51 Sweeney. The Pope and the Emperor.. ,M $06 Swing. Trial for Heresy.M Swing vs. Patton. Presbyterian Conflict.M 809 Syllabus for the People.M 853 Table of the Lord.M 4167 Talmage. Daily Thoughts.M 1343 Tayler. Religious Life of England.M 1421 Taylor, C. Apostolic Baptism; Mode of Christian Baptism.M 4180 Taylor, I. Fanaticism.M 20S1 Natural History of Enthusiasm.M 1244 Taylor, J. The Golden Grove.M 930 Enchiridion Theol. Anti-Romanum. 3 v*P 76 Moral Demonstration...M 976 Restoration of Belief.M 931 Rule of Holy Living .M 1377 5 8 o RELIGION. Taylor, J. Rule of Holy Living.M 1378 The same.*.I 3085 Works. 3 v.J 269 Taylor, W. Street Preaching in San Fran¬ cisco.M 4181 Taylor, W. M. Elijah, the Prophet.M 76 Joseph, the Prime Minister.M 4161 The Lost found.M 578 Ministry of the Word.M 1115 Moses, the Law Giver.M 1149 Paul, the Missionary.M 586 The Scottish Pulpit.M 2806 Teacher taught, The.M 2085 Tefft. Evolution and Christianity.M 2091 Tertullian. De Spectaculis, etc.M 1433 Thayer. Morning Star.M 945 Tli£baud. Gentilism.M 332 Theiner. Geschichte der geistlichen Bil- dungsanstalten.. ...D 3658 Theologischer Jahresbericht, v. 7.D 3660 Theophilus. Libritres ad Autolycum... .M 838 Thirlwall. Remains, Literary and Theo¬ logical. 3 v. J 270 Thomas AKempis, St. Christian TravelerM 502 Following of Christ.M 1364 The same; metrical translation.... E 544 Le Livre de l’Internelle Consolacion, pre¬ miere version fran$oise de 1 ’ImitationC 13092 L’lmitation de Jesus-Christ; trad, par Corneille.C 43 6 5>3 The same; publ. par Curmer. 2 v.*P 91 The same; trad. parDussance... ,*C 5304 The same; ed. par De Sacy.C 6626 Imitation of Christ.M 1375 The same; Fac simile of Autograph MS. in Royal Library at Brus¬ sels.*M 3765 The same; tr. by Benham ,.. A ... G 974 Authorship of; by Kettlewell.M 1368 Story of; by Wheatley.J 1434 Thompson, A. C. The Bitter Land.M 1425 Thompson, D. G. Religious Sentiments. .M 4168 Thompson, J. P. Church and State in the United States ..L. 201 Thompson, R. W. Papacy and Civil PowerM 347 Thomson, J. E. PI. Books which influenced our Lord... .. M 4184 Thomson, J. H. Cloud of Witnesses.M 2753 Thorold. Questions of Faith and Duty. .M 4173 Threshold of private Devotion.M 1320 Through deep Waters.M 1403 Thurman. The Way to God. M 2090 Thwing. The Working Church .. 4 ..M 4169 Tindal. Christianity as old as Creation..M 981 Titcomb. Cautions for Doubters.M 1216- Revelations in Progress .M 1215 Tolstoi, Count. My Confession.M 4166 My Religion.M 4170 “The Kingdom of God is within you.” .M 4171 What I believe.M 4162 Topping. Burden of Ill-Health....M 4201 Totten. Our Race; its Origin and Des¬ tiny. 12 v.M 4186 Townsend. Credo.M 1036 Outlines of Christian Theology.*M 1488,7 Religious Revivals.M 977 Sword and Garment.M 1044 Toy. Judaism and Christianity.M 4179 Tracts for Priests and People. 2 v .M 2082 Tracts for the Times. 6 v. in 5.M 2085 Tracy. The Great Awakening.M 4163. Trede. Das Heidenthum in der romischen Kirche. 4 v in 2. 1 ) 3657 Trevelyan. Christianity and Hinduism..M 4191 Triangle; Three Theological Points. .... ..M 122c Troubled Heart, A, and how it was com¬ forted.M 4164 Truth vindicated (Quakers).M 1660 Tsakni. La Russie sectaire.C 13185 Tuckley. Life’s Golden Morning.M 4185 Tulloch, J. Rational Theology in the 17th Century. 2 v.M 339 Religious Thoughts in Britain.M 27S7 Tulloch, P. Christian Doctrine of Sin. ..M 1107 Turner. The only Good Thing in all the Worlds.M 4188 Twining. Types and Figures of the BibleM 2295 Symbols and Emblems of Christian ArtK 3507 Tyler. Prayer for Colleges.M 1156 Tyndale, Frith, Barnes. Writings_M 1336 Tyndall and others. Prayer-gauge DebateM 1229 Tyng. Office and Duty of Pastors.M 1051 Tyrwhitt. Christian Art and SymbolismK 48 Uhlhorn. Christian Charity in the Ancient Church.M 2096 Conflict of Christianity with HeathenismM 381 Ullathorne. Endowments of Man.M 2095 Gladstone’s Expostulation.M 853 Unity and its Restoration.*M 628 Upham. The Wise Men.M 4250 Usher. Answer to a Jesuit.M 1186 Vaughan, C. J. Liturgy and Worship of Church of England.M 676 Vaughan, R. Corruption of Christianity. ,M 2100 Villemain. L’Eloquence chretienne r.u IVe Siecle.C 6933 Vinet. Homiletics; Theory of Preaching.M 1062 Wageman. Passion Flowers.M 4424 DOGMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS. 581 Walcott.D ictionary of Sacred Archgeology*R 1568 Wale. Closing Days of Christendom.M 2102 Walker, C. Faith explained.M 2104 Walker, J. B. Skepticism and Ultraism. .M 1315 Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation.. .M 944 Walworth and Burr. Doctrine of Hell.M 497 Warburton. Divine Legation of Moses. 3vM 1131 Ward, If. D. History of the Cross.M 1299 Ward, J. H. The Church in Modern So¬ ciety ..M 4441 Ward, W. G. Doctrinal Decisions.M 881 Nature and Grace. M 882 Ward, W. W. * Witnesses to the Unseen. .M 4443 Ware. Thoughts in my Garden .M 2112 Waring. Call to the Fountain.M 1666 Warner. Kingdom of Judah.M 1307 Warren. Paradise Found .M 2097 Waterbury. Book for the Sabbath.M 2106 Waterland. Critical History of the Athana- sian Creed.M 114 2 Doctrine of the Holy Trinity.M 1221 Works; with Life. 6 v.*P 294 Watts, I. Theological and Poetical Works. 6 ..M 1497 Wayland. Human Responsibility.M 1253 Salvation by Christ. M 994 Weber. Staat und Kirche.D 3672 Weethee. The Coming Age.M 4425 Weir, A. and Maclagan. Church and the Age.M 974 Weir, J. F. The Way; Nature and Means of Revelation.M 4430 Weninger. Photographic Views.M 867 Wesley, J. Works. 32 V .M 1705 Westbrook. Man—whence and whither?M 2107 Westcott, B. F. Historic Faith.M 2109 The Incarnation and Common Life. .. .M 443 1 Religious Thought in the West.M 4433 Westropp and Wake. Ancient Symbol Worship.M 933 Wharton. A Month with Moody.M 4490 Whately. Errors of Romanism.M 963 Christian Evidences for the Young-M 964 History of Religious Worship.M 965 Revelations concerning Future State.. M 962 Wheati.y. Illustration of the Book of Com¬ mon Prayer.M 1164 The same.I 3 ° 9 ° Where is the City?.M 1296 Whitby, D., Last Thoughts of.M 1272 Whitcher. Story of a Convert. M 864 White, E. Certainty in Religion.M 2113 Mystery of Growth. M 2114 White, E. G. Spirit of Prophecy. 3 v-M 2111 Whitefield, G. Works. 6 v.J 289 Whiton. Gospel of the Resurrection.M 1313 Whittle, D. W. Life, Warfare and VictoryM 4423 Whittle, J. L. Catholicism and the VaticanM 2110 Whole Duty of Man.M 934 Why I am what I am.M 445a Wickham. Synopsis of Baptism.M 2094 Wilberforce. The Trinity of Evil.M 4440 Willard. Woman in the Pulpit.L 4403 Williams. Spiritual Life and Health.... M 1222 The World of the Unseen.M 4451 Wilson, J. G. Scripture Doctrines.M 1298 Wilson, W. D. Foundations of Religious Belief.M 2108 Winans. One Religion, many Creeds M 2103- WlNER. Doctrines of Christendom.M 2706 Winthrop. Characteristics of Prophetic Symbols. .M 4426 Wiseman, Card. Catholics in England.. .M 837 Doctrines of the Catholic Church.M 823 The same. 2v. M 827 Essays. 6 v.M 829 Lectures on the Eucharist.M 825 Offices and Ceremonies of Holy Week.M 826 Science and Revealed Religion.M 824 The same. 2 v.. .M 828 Wood. God’s Image in Man .M 4452 Woodford. The Great Commission.M 4435 Woodward, H. Works.M 699 v. 1. Memoir, Essays, etc. 2. The Shunamite. 3. Sermons. Wooldridge. The Missing Sense.M 4422 Woolman, J., Life and Labors of.M 1401 Woolsey. Religion of Present and FutureM 1002 Word for the Day, The.M 4421 Wordsworth. Christian Institutes. 4 v..M 2115 Letters on the Church of Rome.M 1248 Wrangham. The Pleiad.I 3517 Wray. Honey in the Comb.M 4438 Light from the Old Lamp. M 4439 Wright. Logic of Christian Evidences.. .M 1354 Wycliffe, J., Catalogue of Works of....*P 302 Select Works; ed. by Arnold. 3 v....*P 300 Trialogus cum Suppl. Trialogi.*P 301 and others. Writings.M 1337 Yonge. Chimes for Mothers.M 4610 Yorke. Evolution and Christianity.M 2116 Young. Province of Reason.M 530 Life and Light of Men. .M 2118 Zeising. Religion and Wissenschaft.D 3343 Zeller. Staat und Kirche.D 7280 Zinzendorf. Maxims and Theological IdeasM 3609 Zschokke. Meditations. M2117 582 SERMONS AND LECTURES. SERMONS AND LECTURES. Abbott. Signs of Promise.M 3152 Alexander, J. W. Consolation.M 707 Discourses on Christian Faith.M 709 Faith.M 711 Alexander, W. Verbum Crucis; SermonsM 3164 Primary Convictions.M 3030 Alviella, G. d\ Conception of God... .M 3043 American National Preacher, 1826-38. 12 v.M 2121 Armstrong. Five Minute Sermons to Chil¬ dren ... M 3160 Arnold, T. Christian Life; its Course, etc M 646 The same.. - .*P 22 Christian Life; its Close.M 647 The same.*P 20 Sermons. 3 v.M 702 The same. 3 v.*P 18 Sermons on Interpretation of Scripture.*P 24 Baker, F. A. Sermons; with Memoir....M 805 Bancroft. Sermons . M 681 Banks. Common Folks’Religion.M 3207 Barnes. Way of Salvation..M 2164 Barrow. Eighteen Sermons.M 798 Bayley. Divine Word opened.M 742 Twelve Discourses.M 3334 Beecher. Lecture-Room Talk.M 830 Life Thoughts; ed. by Proctor.M 1196 Morning and Evening Exercises.M 804 Plymouth Pulpit; Sermons. 6 v in 5. .M 3143 Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit.M 75 ^ Sermons from 1868 to 1872. 9 V.M 822 Summer Parish Discourses..M 757 Yale Lectures on Preaching. 3 v.M 762 Benson, Archbp. Boy Life; its Trials, Strength, etc.M 2144 Fishers of Men.M 2987 Living Theology.M 3208 Berry. Vision and Duty..M 3209 Bevan. Sermons to Students.M 716 Binney. Practical Power of Faith.M 671 Sermons.M 672 Blackie. Lay Sermons.M 2123 Blair, H. Sermons; with Life.M 797 Blakesi.ey. Sermons preached at the Uni¬ versity of Cambridge.C 3178 Blanchard. Sermons and Addresses.M 3385 Boardman. The Ten Commandments...M 3108 Bolles. Anniversary Sermon.*M 627 Bossuet. Traite de la Concupiscence... .C 12014 VariationsdesEglises protestantes. 3 v.C 12011 Bourdaloue. Sermons and Discourses...M 683 Bowles. Cartoons of Raphael; Sermons. .M 2986 Boyd. Counsel and Comfort.M 7 T 7 From a Quiet Place.M 75 1 Brace. Sermons to News Boys.M 669 Sermons for all Sects.M 3144 Sermons for the Church.M 2980 Bransby. Sermons. 2 v.M 719 Brooks, P., Bishop. Addresses.M 3168 Candle of the Lord, etc.M 2124 Influence of Jesus.. ...M 3107 Lectures on Tolerence.M 3327 Sermons in English Churches.........M 2163 Sermons.M 648 Sermons..M 3177 Twenty Sermons.M 2193 Yale Lectures on Preaching.M 649 Burgess. Practical Duties of Life.M 2985 Burke, Father. Sermon and Lectures....M 712 Lectures on Faith and Fatherland.M 710 Burton. Yale Lectures on Preaching... .M 3341 Bush. Evidence of Faith.M 2171 Bushnell. Sermons for the New Life .. .M 752 Sermons on Living Subjects.M 753 Butler, G. Cheltenham College SermonsM 715 Butler, H. M. Harrow School Sermons.2 vM 713 Buxton. By Word and Deed. 2v.M 2981 The Master’s Message.M 3163 Caird. Evolution of Religion. 2v.M 3236 Calvin. Sermons on Idolatry.M 2337 Cappe. Discourses. M 792 Carpenter. The Burning Bush.M 2990 Carroll. Sermons and Addresses.M 774 Chadbourne. Strength of Men.M 670 Chapin. Church of the Living God.M 718 God’^ Requirements.M 720 Chase. Constitutional Loyalty; a SermonM 3406 Cheever. Lectures on Pilgrim’s Progress.M 1396 Cheney. What do Reformed Episcopalians believe?.M 3147 Christlieb. Method of treating InfidelityM 743 Modern Doubt and Christian Belief...M 741 Church, R. W. Gifts of Civilization.M 2127 Human Life.M 677 Sermons.M 703 Church Association Lectures. 3 v....... M 1523 Clark. Witnesses to Christ.M 3134 Clarke. Sermons preached in Boston... .M 1088 Classic Preachers of the English Church. 2 vM 3441 Clay. Power of the Keys, etc.M 723 Clerical Library.M 2128 Coghlan. Modern Pharisee.. M 2145 Colenso. Natal Sermons.M 673 Collyer, R. Life that now is.M 686 Nature and Life.M 687 Collyer, R. L. Essence of Christianity. .M 688 Congregational Lectures.M I7°7 v. 1. Wardlaw. Christian Ethics. SERMONS AND LECTURES. 583 Congregational Lectures.M 1707 v. 2. Vaughan. Corruption of Chris¬ tianity. 3. Gilbert. Christian Atonement. 4. Henderson. Divine Inspiration. 5. Redford. Holy Scripture verified. . 6. Smith. Scripture and Geology. 7. Alexander. Connection of Old and New Testaments. 8. Bennett. Theology of the Early Church. 9. Scott. Existence of Evil Spirits proved. 10. 15. Halley. Sacraments. 2 v. 11. Payne. Doctrine of Original Sin. 12. Hamilton. Rewards and Punish¬ ments. 13. Davidson. Ecclesiastical Polity of New Testament. 14. Stowell. Work of the Spirit. Cook. Boston Monday Lectures: Biology. E 2203 Conscience.E 2205 Current Religious Perils.E 2212 Heredity.E 2206 Labor.E 2208 Marriage. E 2207 Occident.E 2210 Orient.E 2211 Orthodoxy.E 2213 Socialism.E 2209 Transcendentalism.E 2204 Coxe. Institutes of Christian History.M 2194 Cranbrook. Founders of Christianity . .M 674 Crosby. The Christian Preacher.M 690 Cuyler. Stirring the Eagle’s Nest....Itf 3461 Dale. Lectures on Preaching.M 668 Dalton. Sermons to Naval Cadets.M 2139 Davids. Origin and Growth of Religion. .M 3041 Davidson. Theism.M 3196 Davies. Order and Growth.M 3210 Davison. Discourses on Prophecy.M 1905 Dawson. G. Three Books of God.M 2169 Dawson, W. J. The Threshold of Manhood.M 3154 De Koven. Sermons.M 700 Dwight. Theology explained. 5 v. M 2129 Dykes. Manifesto of the King.M 3484 Eads. Shaker Sermons.M 1913 The same; new ed.M 3122 Ellinwood. Oriental Religions and Chris¬ tianity.M 3166 Everett. School Sermons. M 2130 Eyton. The Lord’s Prayer; Sermons.M 2983 Farrar, A. S. Fall of Man, and other Ser- M 664 Farrar, F. W. Ephphatha.M 2132 Eternal Hope.M 675 Sermons and Addresses in America... M 2088 Witness of History to Christ.M 665 Voice from Sinai.M 3167 Finlayson." Meditations and Maxims of Koheleth.M 2414 Fish. Pulpit Eloquence of 19th Century. .M 812 Fisk. Manual of Preaching.M 2168 Flint. Theism.....M 3181 Ford. Twelve Sermons.M 693 Frothingham. Spirit of the New Faith..M 785 Fulton. The Chalcedonian Decree.M 3219 Galiavey. Lectures on Ritualism. 2V....M 815 Gifford. Glory of God in Man. t M 780 Goodwin. Hulsean Lectures.M 696 Goulburn. Everlasting Punishment.M 813 Principles of the Cathedral System .... M 694 Gould. Preacher’s Pocket.M 795 The Village Pulpit .M 2135 Gray. The Church's Certain Faith.M 3155 Greer. The Historical Christ.M 3170 Griffin. Lectures in Park Street Church.M 2140 Guillermus. Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis.*P 880 Hale. The Kingdom of God.M 730 Life in Common and other Sermons... M 746 Hall. Historic Passages in the Bible.M 1122 Homeward bound and other Sermons. .M 793 Sermons.M 705 Harris. Dignity of Man; Sermons.M 3150 Harvard Vespers; Addresses to Harvard Stu¬ dents, 1886-88.M 3142 Hatch, E. Memorials; Sermons.M 2982 Hayman. Sermons in Rugby Chapel.M 706 Hedge. Sermons.*.M 3162 PIepworth. Christ and his Church.M 714 Hervey. Christian Rhetoric.M 810 Higginson. Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.M 541 Hine. The.Highest Steeple; Lectures.M 3690 Hitchcock, E. Religious Truth.M 1219 Hitchcock, R. D. Eternal Atonement..M 3139 Hodge. Conference Papers.M 1952 Holland. Creed and Character.M 3127 Pleas and Claims for Christ. M 2989 God’s City and the Coming of the King¬ dom .M 2979 Hood. Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets.... M 748 Hopkins. Teachings and Counsels.M 2167 Hoppin. Homiletics.M 1955 Sermons upon Faith, Hope and Love.M 3201 Horsley. Sermons.M 802 Horton. Verbum Dei.M 3713 Howard. Sermon . . .*E 5081 raons 584 RELIGION. Howson. Acts of the Apostles.M 2134 Huntington, F. D. Christian Believing.M 692 Huntington, W.R.Conditional ImmortalityM 679 The Peace of the Church.M 3230 Hyacinthe, Father. See Loyson. Jackson, A. \V. The Immanent God, and other Sermons.M 3149 Jackson, T. Pulpit Literature.M 3747 James, H. Lectures and Miscellanies.M 1072 James, J. A. Pastoral Addresses.M 758 Jones and Small. Sermons.M 3148 Keble. Sermonsfor the Christian Year. 2 v.M 2147, Father. Sermons and Addresses.. M 4801 Kingsley. David; four Sermons.M 659 Discipline and other Sermons.M 650 Good News of God.M 652 Gospel of the Pentateuch.M 653 King of the Earth.M 658 ' National Sermons.M 657 Sermonsfor the Times.M 654 Town and Country Sermons. ..M 655 Twenty-five Village Sermons.M 651 Water of Life.M 656 Westminster Sermons.M 660 Kirkpatrick. Sermons on Various SubjectsM 3109 Latimer. Select Sermons.M 1334 Lectures in St. Ann’s.M 689 Lefroy. Agoniae Christi; Sermons.M 3169 L^ON XIII. Discours, 1878-1883.C 5695 Liddon. Elements of Religion.M 791 Sermons at Oxford University. 2 v. . ,M 2173 Sermons to the People. M2136 Living Voices of Living Men; Practical Ser¬ mons . M 3133 Lorimer. Isms old and new.M 2137 Loyson (Father Hyacinthe). Discourses. .. M 697 Catholic Reform.M 698 Lyne (Father Ignatius). Mission Sermons and Orations..M 2988 McCosh. Gospel Sermons.M 3146 M’Neil. Lectures on Jesus Christ.M 682 Prophecies relating to the Jews.M 678 Sermons.M 684 Mahaffy. Decay of Modern Preaching.. .M 2013 Mann. Life Problems.M 807 Manning. Sermons .M 888 Mason. Sermons and Essays.M 726 Massillon. Petit Careme Sermons.C12800 Sermons .M 783 Mathes. The Western Preacher.M 2141 Maurice. Epistles of St.John.M hi The Lord’s Prayer.M 745 Prophets and Kings.M 796 Milligan. Ascension of our Lord.M 3180 Miln. Last Words in the Pulpit.M 2138 Modern Unitarianism; Sermons.M 3123 Momerie. Agnosticism; Sermons.M 3136 The Basis of Religion.M 3860 Belief in God.jyi 3861 Church and Creed; Sermons.M 3110 Corruption of the Church.M 3202 Defects of Modern Christianity.M 3141 Origin of Evil, and other Sermons....M 3135 Preaching and Hearing.M 3137 Religion of the Future.M 3862 Montefiore. Origin and Growth of Reli¬ gion.M 3044 Moody and Sankey. Sermons.M 685 Moorhouse. Nature and Revelation.M 727 Jacob, three Sermons.M 721 Jesus Christ, four Sermons.M 772 Moses. On the Heights; Five Sermons.. ,M 3204 Mueller. Anthropological Religion. M 3235 Theosophy; or, Psychological Religion.M 3237 Mullois. The Clergy and the Pulpit... .M 769 Murray. Park Street Pulpit Sermons. 2 v.M 754 Newman, Cardinal. Discourses to Mixed Con¬ gregations.M 3131 Lectures on Justification .M 784 Parochial and Plain Sermons. 8 v.. .M 775 Selections for Seasons of the Ecclesias¬ tical Year.M 3156 Sermons.]\i yyy Newman, T. Sermons on Happiness.M 776 Newton. The Heath in the Wilderness; Ser¬ mons. m 3145 Papers on Preaching; by a Wykehamist_M 1153 Parker, J. The City Temple.M 2149 These Sayings of mine.M 722 Parker, T. Discourse of Religion.J 231 Ten Sermons of Religion.M 770 • Theism, Atheism and Theology.J 233 West Roxbury Sermons, 1837-48.M 3165 World of Matter and of Man....M 215c Patton. Inaugural Address.*M 627 Peabody. Baccalaureate Sermons.M 2172 King’s Chapel Sermons.M 3159 Phelps. Men and Books; Homiletics ..,. M 2033 My Portfolio.M 20^5 Theory of Preaching.M 2034 Pitts Street Chapel Lectures.M 77 t Pi.umptre. Movements in Religious Tho’t.M 2151 Porter. Fifteen Years in Chapel of Yale College, 1871-86.M 3969 Post-Restoration Period of the Church in the British Isles.M 3161 Potter. Sermons of the City.M 724 Practical Preacher; Select Discourses. 4 v..M 790 SERMONS AND LECTURES. 585 Preston. Christ and the Church. M 532 Lectures on Christian Unity. M 1600 Lectures on Reason and Revelation.. ..M Vicar of Christ .M .M 767 534 766 768 2 ..M 3126 Stanley, Dean. Priestley. Sermons- Punshon. Lectures and Sermons.M Pusey. Parochial Sermons. Reynolds. Lectures on the Jews..M 1440 Rhys, J. Origin and Growth of Religion.. M ^042 Ripley. Sacred Rhetoric .. M 6 9 l Roberts. Liberalism in Religion, and other Sermons. ^ 4°43 Robertson, F. W. Human Race.M 799 Lectures and Addresses. M 77 8 Sermons at Trinity Chapel. 2v. 779 The same. 4 v. in 2 ..• G 5 2 3 Robertson, J. Early Religion of Israel. .M 3182 Robinson. Lectures on Preaching.M 2152 Rutherford. Quaint Sermons. M 3 I2 9 Saurin. Sermons choisis. 4 V. M 794 Savage. Jesus and Modern Life.M 2984 and others. “Show us the Father.” . .;M 3140 Schenck. Valedictory Sermon.*E 5081 Schurman. Belief in God. M Scotch Sermons, 1880.^ * ? 28 Seabury. Discourses. 2 v Sears. Sermons and Songs Secker. Lectures on Catechism of Church of England.^ SEGNERI. Quaresimale; Lent Sermons. 3 v.M Sermons by Fathers of Society of Jesus. 2 v.M M 2160 M 913 Sermons by the Paulists. 3 M 918 786 787 661 Sermons on the New Testament.M 2128 Sermons to be read in all Churches.M 1178 Shedd. Sermons to the Natural Man.M 800 Shipley. Four Cardinal Virtues.M 817 Simpson, J. Sermons. M 7 88 Simpson, M ..Bishop. Sermons.M 2175 Smith, J. Select Discourses. M 8i 4 Smith, J. D. Merrion Hall Addresses-M 908 Smith, S. Sermons. 2v. M 2148 Smyth. Reality of Faith . M 2166 South. Sermons. . .. M 749 Spurgeon. Hands full of Honey.M 2159 Lectures to my Students.M 819 Messages to the Multitude . • M 3203 My Sermon Notes.M 3 * 3 8 Pleading for Prayer; Sermons.M 3128 Sermons. . ..M 820 Storm Signals; Sermons.M 3124 Types and Emblems.M 821 Stanley, Dean. Addresses and Sermons. .M 3® 2 5 Addresses and Sermons in the U. S-M 2093 Sermons during Tour in the East.M 750 Swing. Sermons on Special Occa¬ sions.M 2177 Stearns. Evidence of Christian ExperienceM 3158 Stoddard. Lectures on the Psalms.M 729 Stone. The Invitation heeded.M 765 Storrs. Preaching without Notes.M 7^4 Stuart. Children of God, and other Ser¬ mons.M 3220 Sermons.M 801 The same; new series.M 2153 Truths for To-day. 2 v.M 803 Talmage. Battle for Bread; Sermons-M 2192 Brooklyn Tabernacle Sermons.M 2176 Every-Day Religion..^ 759 Old Wells dug out.M 7 & l Ready! ay, Ready! and other AddressesAI 4 G 7 Sermons. 2 .. ^ 7 ^° Taylor. Contrary Winds...^ 2 *54 The Scottish Pulpit. 28 °^ Temple. Rugby Sermons, 1858-69. 3 v • • M 662 Thomas. Origin and Destiny of Man-M 789 Thompson. The World and the Man.M 3157 Thoroi.d. The Gospel of Work.M 3206 Trench. Hulsean Lectures.M 695 Sermons New and Old.M 3125 Tui.loch. Sundays at Balmoral; Sermons.M 3130 Tyng. Israel of God.M 2165 Vaughan. The Book and the Life.M 739 Christ satisfying Human Instincts.M 740 Epiphany, Lent, Easter.M 736 Foes of Faith.M 734 Harrow Sunday Sermons.M 738 Lectures on Revelation. 2 v. .M 73 * Lessons on the Cross and Passion.M 733 Lessons of Life and Godliness........M Liturgy of the Church of England .... M Notes for Confirmation Lectures.M Rest Awhile.M 2162 Wholesome Words of Christ .M 73 2 Words from the Gospels.M 735 Walker. Reason, Faith and Duty.M 816 Ware. Wrestling and Waiting.M 2161 Washburn. Sermons and Essays.M 3121 WATKINSON. The Transfigured Sackcloth.M 3205 Wayland. Ministry of the Gospel.M 680 Webb. Sermons. 2v.M 667 Wellman. Church Polity of the Pilgrims; a Sermon.^ Westcott. Christian Life.M The Victory of the Cross; Sermons- M Western Pulpit, The.M 806 Whitefiei.d, G. Sermons.M 666 Williams,E.G. Sermons on the Sunday. 2 v.M Williams, W. R. The Lord’s Prayer.M 737 676 954 701 7 2 5 3 1 53 808 744 5 86 RELIGION. Williston. Millennial Discourses.M 3132 Wilson. Theological Lectures.M 946 Wiseman. Presence of Jesus in the EucharistM 818 Sermons. M 832 Woodward. Sermons, Essays, etc. 3 v...M 699 Worcester. Womanhood; Sermons.M 2174 Wright. The World to come.M 1840 Zincke. Duty of extemporary Preaching.M 995 BAMPTON LECTURES. 1780. Bandinel. Divine Origin of Chris¬ tian Religion.M 2195 1782. Holmes. Prophecies of John the Baptist. M 3060 1784. White. Mahometism and Chris¬ tianity compared.M 641 1785. Churton. Prophecies respecting the Destruction of Jerusalem.M 3064 1786. Croft. Use and Abuse of Reason.M 3065 1787. Hawkins. Scripture Mysteries. . .M 3066 1789. Tatham. Chart and Scale of Truth. 2 v. M 2180 1790. IvETT. Primitive Christians.M 2181 1791. Morres. Eight Sermons.M 3068 1792. Eveleigh. Our Religion .M 2179 1794. WiNTLE. Christian Redemption.. M 3067 1798. Hall. Sermons.M 3069 1799. Barrow. Christian Revelation... M 3070 1800. Richards. Divine Origin of Proph¬ ecy.M 3071 1801. Faber. Credibility of the Penta¬ teuch. 2 v.M 2178 1802. Nott. Religious Enthusiasm . . .M 2146 1803. Darker. Mission and Character of Christ.M 3076 1804. Lawrence. Calvinistic Articles..M 1989 1805. Nares. Evidences of Christianity .M 3073 1807. Mesurier. Nature and Guilt of Schism.M 2182 1808. Penrose. Truth of Christianity... M 3077 1809. Carwithen. View of Brahminical Religion. M 3072 1810. Falconer. Evanson’s DissonanceM 2131 1 8 11 . Bidlake. Truth of Divine Revela¬ tion.M 2183 1812. Mant. Appeal to the Gospel.M 2184 1813. Collinson. Key to Writings of the Fathers.M. 2125 1814. Van Mildert. Scripture Interpre¬ tation.M 642 1815. Heber. Personality of the Christian Comforter.M 2185 1816. Spry. Christian Unity considered. M 2186 1817. Miller. Divine Authority of the Bible. M 2143 1819. Morgan. Religious Principles of the Age.M 3078 1820. Faussett. Claims of the Established Church.M 3074 1821. Jones. Moral Tendency of Divine Revelation.M 3075 1822. Whately. Party Feeling in Re¬ ligion.M 2156 1823. Goddard. Religious Evidence... .M 3081 1824. CONYBEARE. Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture .M 3079 1825. Chandler. Scheme of Divine Reve¬ lation.M 2126 1826. Vaux. Benefits of Baptism..M 3050 1827. Milman. Character of the ApostlesM 3082 1828. Horne. Necessity of the Reforma¬ tion. M 2133 1829. Burton. Heresies of the Apostolic Age.M 3083 1830. Soames. Doctrines of the Anglo- Saxon Church.M 764 1832. Hampden. Scholastic Philosophy and Christian Theology.M 3084 1836. Ogilvie. Divine Glory of our LordM 3085 1 837. Vogan. Objections against TrinityM 2187 1838. Woodgate. Authoritative Teaching of the Chuich. .... M 2188 1839. Conybeare. Writings of the Chris¬ tian Fathers.M 3087 1840. Hawkins. Christian Truth.M 30S6 1842. Garbett. Christ as Prophet, Priest and King. 2 v.M 3088 1843. Grant. Extension of the Gospel by Missions. M 2191 1844. Jelf. Inquiry into the Means of Grace. * .M 2190 1845. Heurtley. Justification.M 3089 1846. Short. Witness of the Spirit.M 2196 1847. Shirley. Supremacy of Holy Scrip¬ ture.M 3090 1848. Marsh. Doctrine of SanctificationM 2199 1849. Michei.l. Nature of Christian Evi¬ dences. M 2189 1850. GoULBURN. Resurrection of the BodyM 3091 1851. Wilson. Communion of Saints... ,M 3080 1852. Riddle. History of Infidelity .. .M 2155 1853. Thomson. Atoning Work of ChristM 3092 1854. Waldegrave. New Testament Mil- lennarianism.M 3093 1855. Bode. Formularies of Church of England.M 3094 1856. Litton. Mosaic Dispensation-M 3095 SERMONS AND LECTURES. 587 1857. Jelf. Christian Faith.M 305 1 1858. Mansel. Limits of Religious ThoughtM 1066 1859. Rawlinson. Historical Evidences of the Truth of Scripture. M 4 8 5 1860. Hessey. Sunday. M 1069 1861. Sandford. Church at Home.-M 2157 1862. Farrar. History of FreeThought.M 663 1863. Hannah. Divine and Human Ele¬ ments in Scripture. M 6 43 1864. Bernard. Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament...^ 2122 1865. Mozley. On Miracles. M 773 1866. Liddon. Divinity of Christ. M 535 1867. Garbett. Dogmatic Faith ... M 3096 1868. Moberly. Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. M 3 ° 5 2 i860. Smith. Prophecy a Preparation for Christ.M 3097 1870. Irons. Christianity as taught by St. Paul. M I 9 68 1871. Curteis. Dissent in Relation to Church of England. . M 3 ° 9 8 1872. Eaton. Permanence of ChristianityM 1234 1873. Smith. Christian Morality.M 3°99 1874. Leathes. Religion of Christ. .. .M 781 ! 875 . Jackson. Doctrine of Retribution.M 1157 1876. Alexander. Witness of the Psalms to Christ. ,. M 3 100 1877. Row. Christian Evidences in Rela¬ tion to Modern Thought.M 3053 1878. Wright. Zechariah and his Proph¬ ecies .^ 2390 1879. Wace. Foundations of Faith.*... .M 3101 1880. Hatch. Early Christian Churches.M 2197 1881. Wordsworth. The One ReligionM 3102 1882. Medd. The One Mediator.M 3103 1883. Fremantle. The World as the Sub¬ ject of Redemption.M 2I 9 8 1884. Temple. Religion and Science.. .M 3104 1885. Farrar. History of InterpretationM 3105 1886. Bigg. Christian Platonics of Alexan¬ dria.M 3106 1887. Carpenter. Permanent Elements of Religion.^ 3 111 1888. Bartlett. The Letter and the Spirit. M 3 112 1889. Cheyne. Origin and Contents of the Psalter.M 3"3 1890. Watkins. Modern Criticism.M 3114 1891. Gore. The Incarnation of the Son of God.M 3^5 1892. Barry. Lights of Science on the Faith. M 3"6 1893. Sanday. Inspiration.M 3 n 7 ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. Apostolic Fathers.^ I 7 21 Justin Martyr and Athenagoras.M 1722 Tatian,Theophilus,and the Clementine Recog¬ nitions. x 7 2 3 . Clement of Alexandria. 2v. M x 7 2 4 Irenaeus. ..^ I 7 2 5 Hippolytus of Portus. v 1.^ l 7 2 ^ The same. v2.M. 1 7 — 5 ’ 2 Tertullian against Marcion.M 1727 Cyprian. 2 ..^ T 7 28 Origen. 2 ..^ 1 7 2 9 Tertullian. 3 .. M I 73 ° Methodius; Peter of Alexandria; Alexander of Lycopolis, and Fragments. M 1 73 1 Apocryphal Gospels; Acts and Revelations..M Da 2 Clement of Rome; Homilies and Apostolic Constitutions. -...M 1733 Arnobius adversus Gentes...^ *734 Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dyonisius; Arche- laus. M *735 Lactantius. 2 .. M x 73 6 Early Liturgies and Documents.M 1737 LIBRARY OF ANGLO-CATHOLIC THEOL¬ OGY. ANDREWES. Sermons. 5 v.M 1453 Catechistical Doctrine.M 1454 Tortura Torti.^ *453 Minor Works, Life, Indexes.M 1456 Preces Privatse.M 1457 Responsio ad Bellarminum.M I 45 8 Opuscula Posthuma. Index.M 1459 Beveridge. Complete Works. 12 v.M 1460 Bramhall. Works, with Life. 5 v.M 1461 Bull. Harmony on Justification. 2 V....M 1462 Defense of the Nicene Creed. 2 v... .M 1463 Judgment of the Catholic Church.M 1464 Cosin. Complete Works. 5 v .^ * 4^5 CRAKANTHORP. Defensio Eccl. Angl.M 1466 Forbes. Considerations Modestae. 2 v..M 44^7 Frank. Sermons. 2 v.... .M *468 Gunning. Paschal; or, Lent Fast.M 1469 Hammond. Practical Catechism.M 1472 Miscellaneous Theological Works.M 1 47 1 Sermons. 2 v.M 1473 IIlCKES. Christian Priesthood. 3 V .M * 47 ° Johnson, J. Theological Works. 2 v,,..M 1474 English Canons. 2 v.. ..M 1 475 Laud. Complete Works. 6 v. in 8.M 1 47 ^ L’Estrange. Alliance of Divine Offices .. M 1477 Marshall. Penitential Discipline.M 147S Nicholson. Exposition of the Catechism.M 1479 588 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. V. Overall. Convocation Book, 1606.M 1480 Pearson. Vindicias Epistolarum S. Ignatii. 2 v.M 1481 Thorndike. Theological Works. 6 v. in 10.M 1482 Wilson, T. Complete Works, with Life. 7 v. in 8.....M 1483 LIBRARY OF THE FATHERS. Athanasius, St. Against Arians. 2 v.,.M 1575 Festal Epistles.M 1576 Historical Tracts.M 1577 Augustine, St. Confessions.M 1570 On St. John. 2v..M 1571 On Psalms. 6 v.*.M 1572 Sermons. 2v.M 1573 Seventeen Short Treatises.M 1574 Chrysostom, St. On 1st Corinthians. 2 v.M 1578 On Galatians.M 1579 On Hebrews.M 1751 On Romans.M 1580 On Statues.M 1581 On Matthew. 3 v.M 1582 On Timotheus, Titus, Philemon. M 1583 On Philippians.M 1584 On 2d Corinthians.M 1585 On St. John. 2 v.... .M 1586 On Acts of Apostles. 2v.M 1587 Cyprian, St. Treatises. 2v.M 1588 Cy’ril, St. Lectures .M 1589 On St. John, vi .M 1750 Ephrem, St. Select Works.M 1590 Gregory', St. Morals on Job. 4 V.M 1591 Iren^eus, St. On Heresies.M 1593 Justin, St. Works.M 1592 Pacian, St. Extant Works.M 1588,2 Tertullian. Works.M 1594 PARKER SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Ridley'. Works.M 1602 Sandy’. Sermons. M 1603 Pilkington. Works.M 1604 Hutchinson. Works.M 1605 Philpot. Examinations and Writings .... M 1606 Bull. Prayers and Meditations.M 1607 Zurich Letters in Reign of Elizabeth. 2 v.. M 1608 Grindal. Remains.M 1609 Becon. Early Works.M 1610 Fulke. Defence of Engl. Trans, of Bible.M 1611 Hooper. Early Writings...,.M 1612 Cranmer. Supper of the Lord.M 1613 Becon. Catechism and other Pieces.M 1614 Two Liturgies in Reign of Edward VI.M 1615 Coverdale. Writings and Translations... M Latimer. Sermons. M Becon. Prayers and other Pieces.M Latimer. Works.M Jewel. Works. 4 V. M Select Poetry of Reign of Elizabeth. 2 v. .M Coverdale. Remains. M Original Letters on English Reformation. 2 v.M Cranmer. Miscellaneous Writings.M Calfhill. Answer to Martiall.M Liturgies in Reign of Elizabeth.M Norden. Progress of Piety.M Bradford. Sermons, Meditations, etc....M Tyndale. Doctrinal Treatises. M Fulke. Answer to Stapleton and Martiall. M Whitaker. Disputation on Holy Scripture.M Bullinger. The Decades. 4 V.M Bale. Select Works.M IYndale. Notes on the Holy Scripture.. . M Answer to Sir Thomas More. M Cooper. Answer against Apology of Private Mass. M Private Prayers in Reign of Elizabeth.M Whitgift. Works. 3 V.M Woolton. Christian Manual.M Hooper. Later Writings.M Parker, M. Correspondence.M Bradford. Letters, Treatises,etc.M Rogers. Cath. Doctrine of English Church. M Nowell. Catechism; tr. by Norton.M General Index.M 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 HANSERD KNOLLYS SOCIETY PUBLICA¬ TIONS. Bloudy Tenent of Persecution; by Williams.M 1762 Records of a Church of Christ at BroadmeadM 1761 Separation from Church of Eng.; by Canne.M 1763 Martyrology of the Baptists; by Van Braght. 2 v.M 1764 Commentary on Acts; by Du Veil.M 1765 Tracts on Liberty of Conscience.M 1766 Confessions of Faith; ed. by Underhill ....M 1767 Records of Churches at Fenstanton.M 1768 Pilgrim’s Progress; by Bunyan.M 1769 SPOTTISWOODE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Keith. Affairs of Church in Scotland. 3 v.M 1775 Sage, J. Works; with Memoir. 3 v.M 1776 Spottiswoode Miscellany. 2 v.M 1777 Sermons on Death of P. Forbes.M 177S Sfottiswoode. History of the Church of Scotland. 3 V.M 1779 MEDICINE. 589 MEDICINE. GENERAL WORKS. Anderson. Medical Nursing.N 658 Anstie. Uses of Wines in Health and Dis¬ ease.'..N 613 Ballin. Science of Dress .N 62S Bartholow. Practice of Medicine.N 607 Beai.e. Slight Ailments. ..N 219 Beard. Eating and Drinking.N 378 Stimulants and Narcotics. N 376 and Rockwell. Medical and Surgical Electricity.N 377 Benxet. Nutrition in Health and Disease N 293 Berdoe. The Healing Art.N 721 Bernheim. Suggestive Therapeutics.N 666 Billings and Hurd. Hospitals, Dispen¬ saries, etc.N Bii.i.roth. Care of the Sick.N Die Krankenpflege.D 2457 Bi.YTH. Diet.of Hygiene and Public Health*R 1704 Boulnois. Dustbins and Sloppy Streets. .N 408 British Medical Journal, 1873-93. 36 v. -Ser. Brodie. Works, with Autobiography; ed. by Hawkins. 3 v.N Brown, A. M. Animal Alkaloids.N Brown, E. F. Sex and Life.*N Bruen. Management of Diet.N Buchan. Domestic Medicine.N Buck. Handbook of Medical Sciences. 9 v.*R 1703 Burke. Handbook of Sewage Utilization.N 445 Call. Power through Repose.N 737 654 709 6 59 678 649 21 60' Chavasse. Advice to a Mother.N 222 Advice to a Wife.N 223 Physical Training of Children.N 653 ClCCOLiNA. Deep Breathing. N 428 Clark. Sanative Influence of Climate-N 612 Clarke. Recollec of Medical Profession. .N 27 Clemens. Elektricitat als Heilmittel.D 2493 Ileilwirkungen der Elektricitat.D 2516 Coax. Ounces of Prevention.N Cobb. Earth-Burial and Cremation.N 669 Coe. Organic Medicines.N Collison. Cemetery Interment. X Combe. Management of Infancy.N 37 Cook. Wilderness Cure. Cooley. Compound of Medicines.N 126 Two Months in a London Hospital.. ..N 627 Corning. Pain. Curran. Sickness and Accidents.., ...N . . .N 669 ...N 53 .. N 433 ...N 370 . . ,N 407 ...N 126 ...N 627 ...N 748 764 Davis. Report on Medical Education, 1776- 1876. *Doc. Dibble. Vagaries of Sanitary Science... .N 693 Dixon. What is to be done?...•..N 335 Dobree. Manual of Home Nursing.N 575 Doty. Prompt Aid to the Injured.N 551 Drayton. Vacation Time with Hints on Summer Living.N 730 Dulles. Accidents and Emergencies.N 671 What to do first.N 639 Duncan. How to be plump.N 397 Durant. Hygiene of the Voice.N 149 Eassie. Cremation of the Dead.N 539 Ebstein. Corpulence and its Treatment. . .N 687 The New Christianity.N 630 Personal Experience of a Physician... .N 663 Evans. How to prolong Life. N 727 Everitt. Doctors and Doctors.N 557 First Help in Accidents and Sickness.N 382 Fitch. Invalid's Guide.N 225 Fletcher. Our Home Doctor.N 509 Flint. Medical Ethics and Ftiquette.N 436 Principles of Medicine.N 14 Fonssagrives. Mother’s Work with Sick Children.N 368 Foote. Medical Common Sense.N 25 Fothergii.l. The Town Dweller; his Needs and Wants.N 567 GaIRDNER. The Physician as Naturalist. ..N 57 1 Ga l.TON. Report on Herbert Hospital, 1859.*V 272 Gannal. Mort reelle et Mort apparente.. .C 5045 Garratt. Myths in Medicine.N 553 Gatchei.l. Doctor, what shall I eat?.N 644 Gerhard. Guide to Sanitary House-Inspec¬ tion .N 694 Gibb. Discoveries in Medical Science.N 388 Gilbert. The Home Physician.N 109 Gooding. Manual of Domestic Medicine..K 1400 Gould. Dictionary of Medicine.*R 1710 Graham. Science of Human Life.N 620 Griscom. Use of Tobacco.N 647 Gunn. New Family Physician.N 72 Hale. The Heart; how to take care of it. .N 214 Halford, Sir H. Essays and Orations... .N 696 Handbook for Hospitals.N 482 Handbook of Domestic Medicine.I 3262 Handbook of Nursing. N 365 Harvey. On Corpulence.N 217 590 MEDICINE—GENERAL WORKS. Hayes. Electricity in Facial Blemishes_N 636 Healing Art, The. 2v.X 531 Herrick. Cradle and Nursery.N 563 Hibbert. Theory and Practice of Medicine.N 22 Hoffmann. Manual of Chemical Analysis.N 76 Holmes, O. W. Medical Essays, 1842-1882.N 437 Holt. Care and Feeding of Children.N 752 Hooper. Medical Dictionary.N 50 Hope. Till the Doctor comes. N 380 IIornstein. La Cremation devant PHistoire C 5236 Howe. Winter Homes for Invalids.N 596 Humphry. Old Age.N 577 Hunt and Kenny. On Duty under a Trop¬ ical Sun.x 499 Imray. Cyclopaedia of Popular Medicine.*R 1708 Jackson. Howto treat the Sick.N 356 Johnson. Domestic Practice of Hydropathy.N 507 Kane. Drugs that enslave...N 49 Opium Smoking.x ^ Kean. Domestic Medical Lectures.N 61 Keating. Maternity, Infancy, Childhood.N 648 Kingsford. Health, Beauty and the Toilet. N 616 Perfect Way in Diet.N 599 Kinney. Conquest of Death.N 772 Krepp. Sewage Question.N 430 Lancet (London), 1842-93 (Incomplete). *Scr. Lawrie. The Roman or Turkish Bath... .N 661 Lebert. Handbuch der Medizin. 2V....D 2471 Le Fayre. Mother’s Help.N 583 Royal Road to Beauty and Health.N 680 Le Hardy. Home Nurses.N 366 Littre et Robin. Dictionnaire de Medecine*R 1700 Maci.agan. Germ Theory applied to DiseaseN 374 Mann. Medical Sketches of Campaigns of 1812-14-'.N 605 Manson. Treatise on the Action of QuinineN 196 Martin’s Druggists’ Directory of the U. S. and Canada, 1885, 1888-89.*R 1869 Mayne. Lexicon of Medical Terms.*R 1702 Medical History of the British Army in the Crimean War. 2v.*V 27} Meltzer. Lehrbuch der Naturheilkunde. .D 2464 Miller. Alcohol: its Place and Power... .N 4^ Mitchell, C. Manual of Urinary Analysis.N 311 Mitchell, S. W. Fat and Blood.N 339 Wear and Tear.X 6 2 2 Mohr and Redwood. Practical Pharmacy.N 130 Morin. Gardes-Malades.C 6513,174 Munro. Art of Nursing the Sick.N 213 Murrell. Massage as a Mode of TreatmentX 6S6 My Experience in a Lunatic Asylum.N 405 Napheys. Physical Life of Woman.N 372 Transmission of Life V Nichols. Eating to Live.X 6 4 6 Nightingale. Notes on Nursing.N 129 Oldberg and Long. Chemistry; Medical.N 692 Organization of Nursing.x 367 Ostrum. Massage and the Original Swedish Movements.x T 585 Oswald. Physical Education.x 183 Page. How we fed the Baby.x 626 Parry, E. G. Combat with Suffering.X 6S9 Parry, J. Water; its Composition.N 444 Parson. Vital Magnetism.x 63 Peck. Dress and Care of the Feet. X 338 Pedroni. Falsification des Drogues. . .C 6513,150 Pfoi.sprundt. Biindth-Ertznei, 1460....*D 24S8 Philip. Laws of Vital Function. X 340 Phin. What to do in case of Accident_X 651 Pinkerton. Sleep and its Phenomena.. . .X 156 Pleasanton. Influence of the Blue Ray. .X 185 Plunkett. Women, Plumbers and DoctorsN 479 Tope. Number One; Talks on Sanitary Sci- ence .. 125 Posner. Arznciverordnungslehre.D 2478 Trudden. Drinking-Water and Ice SuppliesN 655 Dust and its Dangers. x T 589 Story of the Bacteria. X 559 Radcliffe. Dynamics of Nerve and MuscleN 320 Rand. Medical Chemistry.X 74 Rathbone. History of District Nursing. .X 581 Rauch. Medical Education and Practice of Medicine.,.. 601 Reid. Philosophy o£» Death.N 673 Report on Improving Barracks and Hospitals*V 271 Richardson. Commonhealth.X 6 ' 1 t Riche. Chimie medicale et pharmaceutiqueC 6481 Ridge. Ourselves, our Food and our Physic.N 132 Rijkens. Geneeskundige Opmerkingen.. ,D 9701 RlTTMANN. Culturkrankheiten.D 24S0 Krankheitslehre. j) 2480 Reformation der Heilkunde.D 2479 Robinson. Purification of Sewage.N 446 Rohlfs. Gesch. der deutschen Medizin. 2 v.D 2503 Ruppricht. Der Arzt als Hausfreund.... D 2509 Sabarth. Das Chloroform.D 2454 Safford and Allen. Health for Girls.. .N 19 Saffray. Elements des Sciences physiquesC 6633 La Medecine ala Maison.C 6631 Moyens de vivre longtemps.C 6632 Schroder. Chymical Dispensatory.*V 609 Shearer. Opium Smoking and Eating.. .N 119 Shew. Water-Cure in Pregnancy and Child¬ birth . x 609 Shove. Life under Glass.X 398 Sibson. Collected Works; ed. by Ord. 4 v.l 256 Slagg. Sanitary Work in Towns.N 431 Smith. Manual for Officers of Health .... N 441 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 59i Smythe. Medical Heresies...N 57 Stevens. Revelations of a Physician.N 51 Storer. Is it I? a Book for Men.*E 1548 Sutton. Evolution and Disease.N 921 Szapary. Magnetotherapie.D 2460 Taussig. Roman Climate.N 400 Thomas, J. Complete Medical Dictionary*R 1707 Thompson, Sir H. Diet.N 634 Modern Cremation.N 690 Thompson, W. G. Training-School for Nurses. N 4^1 Thomson. London Dispensatory.N 54 Timbs. Doctors and Patients. 2v.N 357 Toner. Medical Men of the Revolution.. .N 641 Rocky Mountain Medical Association, Addresses.N 469 Tracy. Pland-Book of Sanitary InformationN 105 Tuer. Luxurious Bathing.N 537 Tyndall. Floating-Matter of the Air... .K 7 I 7 ^ United States Army, Medical Statistics of- *Doc. Marine Hospital Service, Reports. *Doc. Regulations.* Doc . Valentiner. Chemische Diagnostik.D 2483 Virchow. Hospitaler und Lazarette... .*D 382,3 Walker. Gatherings from Grave Yards. .N 519 Waring. Sanitary Drainage.N 449 Warner. Physical Expression.N 611 Watson. Science Teachings in Living Na¬ ture.N 406 Wendt. Hiilfe bei Vergiftungen.D 2490 Praktische Materia Medica.D 2492 Westland. The Wife and Mother.N 668 Wickes. Sepulture; its History, etc.N 233 Williams. Aero-Therapeutics.N 74I Wilson. Fever-Nursing.N 650 Winslow. Physic and Physicians. 2V....N 705 WlTTMAAK. llandbuch der Diatetik.D 2485 Rationelle Therapie.D 2484 Wood and Bache. Dispensatory of the United States, 1883.*R 1706 Woodhead. Bacteria and their Products.N 660 Worcester. Small Hospitals.N 758 Year-Book of Treatment, 1894.N 739 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Alcott. Physiology of Marriage.N 391 Angell. Elements of Animal Physiology.K 2884 Bastian. Das Gehirn. 0415,52-53 Brain a? an Organ of the Mind.N 147 Bayle and Holland. Manual of AnatomyN 98 Beecher. Physiology and Calisthenics... .N 162 Bell. The Hand; its Mechanism.N 142 The same.I 3 2 45 Bell. Nervous System of the Human BodyN 316 Bernstein. Die fiinf Sinne.D 415, 12 Blundell. Muscles and their Story.N 321 Bock. Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen.*R 4922 Boon. Ontleedkunde van den Mensch.... D 9082 Buechner. Physiologische Bilder. 2 V....D 2453 Carpenter. Animal Physiology.I 3256 Cloquet. System of Human Anatomy... .N 94 Clum. Men and Women.N 238 Combe. Principles of Physiology.I 37°7 Cunningham. Manual of Anatomy. 2 v..,N 756 Cutter. First Book of Anatomy . . .N 83 First Book of Analytic Anatomy.N 84 New Analytic Anatomy.N 82 Second Book of Analytic Anatomy.N 85 Treatise on Anatomy and Physiology. . .N 103 The same; new ed.N 102 Dalton. Human Physiology.N 140 Dieffenbach. Radical Cure of Stuttering. N 285 Draper. Human Physiology.N 148 Ellis. Man and Woman.N 766 Ferrier. Functions of the Brain.N 144 Fick. Muskelthatigkeit.D 415, 51 Figuif.r. Notions de Physiologie.C 4920 Foerster. Pathologische Anatomie.D 2456 Foster. Primer of Physiology.K 2685,6 Gavare. Anatomie und Physiologie.D 563 Griscom. Animal Mechanism.I 3716 Guthrie. Temperance Physiology.N 199 Hatfield. Physiology and Hygiene.N 631 Hinton. Physiology for practical Use....N 165 Holmes. Vocal Physiology and Hygiene..N 163 Hooker. Human Physiology.N 159 First Book in Physiology.N ill Hunt. Stammering and Stuttering.N 153 Hutchison. Physiology and Hygiene.N 151 Huxley. Lessons on elementary PhysiologyN 160 and Youmans. Physiology and HygieneN 154 Jarvis. Primary Physiology.N 155 Jones. Physiology of Body and Mind.N 143 Koelliker. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Menschen.D 2441 Kollman. Der menschliche Korper... . 1 ) 416, 13 Lagrange. Physiology of Bodily Exercise.N 565 Lardner. Handbook of Animal Physics.. K 1495 Lee. Human Physiology.N 478 Le PlLEUR. Le Corps humain.C 4194 Wonders of the Human Body.K 2608 Lewes. Physiology of Common Life.G 359 Lovett. Anatomy and Physiology.N 146 Luys. Das Gehirn.D 415, 26 Mac£. History of a Mouthful of Bread.. .K 2780 Histoire d’urie Bouchee de Pain.C 5775 Servants of the Stomach.N 290 592 SURGERY—EYE AND EAR. Mac£. Serviteurs de l’Estomac.C 5776 M’Kendrick and Snodgrass. Physiology of the Senses.N 922 Marshall, A. M. The Frog; Introduction to Anatomy. .N 325 Marshall, J. Description of the Human Body. 2v.*V 576 Meyer. Organs of Speech.N 291 Moleschott. Physiolog. Skizzenbuch.... D 2470 Physiologic der Nahrungsmittel. D 2472 Paulet. Anatomie appliquee.C 6157 Potter. Speech and its Defects.N 435 Reid. The Philosophy of Death.N 673 Rosenthal. Muskeln und Nerven.D 415, 27 Smith. Keep your Mouth Shut.N 688 Steele. 14 Weeks in Human Physiology.N 157 Stevenson. Physiology of Woman.N 218 Virchow. Die Cellularpathologie.D 4610 Vogt. Physiologische Briefe.D 2475 Waller. Human Physiology.N 665 Warren. Structure of the Cutis Vera.N 161 Winkler. Physiol. Arzneiwirkungen.D 2473 SURGERV. Adams. The Coward Science: Vivisection.N 127 Arthur. Treatment of the Teeth. N 204 Castle. Manual of Surgery. N 192 Cobbe. The Modern Rack: Vivisection... .N 569 Dehler. Briiche des Unterschenkels.D 2454 Gross. Manual of Military Surgery. N 114 Hill. Lectures on Eclectic Surgery. N 68 Landrin. Instruments de Chirurgie.. C 6513,228 Leffingwell. Vivisection.N 725 Macaulay and others. Vivisection.N 33 Meredith. Teeth, and how to save them.N 202 Roser. Anatomische Chirurgie.D 2481 Shaw, Tooth-ache; Causes and Cure.N 200 Smith. Minor Surgery.N 112 South. Memorials of the Craft of Surgery in England.N 523 THE EVE AND EAR. Angell. Care of our Eyes.N 181 Association for the Welfare of the Blind . . . . L 839 Bowen. Removal of Cataract.N 182 Bowman. Lectures on the Eye and RetinaN 174 Browning. How to use our Eyes.N 426 Burnett. Diseases and Injuries of the Ear.N 555 Carter. Defects of Vision.N 166 Eyesight, good and bad.N 427 Dalby. Diseases and Injuries of the Ear. .N 703 Fenner. Vision; its Optical Defects.N 167 Green. Colour-Blindness.N 675 Jeffries. Color-Blindness.N 171 Juengken. Augendiatetik.D 2483 Le Conte. Die Lehre vom Sehen .D 415, 55 Levy. Blindness and the Blind.N 211 Mackenzie. Diseases of the Eye.N 172 Phillips. Ophthalmic Surgery..N 210 Pilz. Lehrbuch der Augenheilkunde.D 2477 Run mann. Bericht iiber Augenkranke_D 2480 Sarcey. Gare a vos Yeux.C 6721 Mind your Eyes. 619 180 Williams. Care of our Eyes . Advances in Ophthalmic Science. .. . .N 179 HEALTH. American Health Primers.... 440 y. 1. Hearing, how to keep it; by Burnett. 2. Long Life; by Richardson. 3. Summer and its Diseases; by Wilson. 4. Eyesight; by Harlan. 5. Throat and the Voice; by Cohen. 6. Winter and its Dangers; by Osgood. 7. Mouth and Teeth; by White. 8. Our Homes; by Hartshorne. 9. Skin in Health and Disease; by Bulkley. 10. Brain Work and Overwork; by Wood. 11. Sea Air and Sea Bathing; by Packard. 12. School and Industrial Hygiene; by Lincoln. Amos. Contagious Diseases Acts.L 170 Baird. Management of Health.K 1269 Beecher. Health and Happiness.N 386 Beers. Jongelings droomen.D 9042 Bellows. Plow not to be sick.N 358 Black. Ten Laws of Health.N 503 Bi.aisdell. How to keep well.N 505 Bi.yth. Dictionary of Hygiene.*R 1704 Manual of Public Health.N 652 Bowditch. Public Hygiene in America.. .N 404 Brigham. Influence of Religion on Health.N 263 Buckton. Health in the House. N 363 Carpenter. School Hygiene. N 629 Chambers. Diet in Health and Disease. ..N 255 Collins. Secret of Long Life .E 2218 Coplin and Bevan. Practical Hygiene... .N 750 Corfiei.d. Health.N 402. On Sewage.N 450 Sanitary Dwelling Houses.K 686, 50 Sewerage and Sewage Utilization.. . K 686, 18 Corning. Brain-Rest.N 432 Davis. Hygiene for Girls.N 229 Denison. Rocky Mountain Plealth ResortsN 351 Donne. Change of Air and Scene... N 265 Dornbi.ueth. Schule der Gesundheit.... D 2455 Du Mesnil. L'Hygiene a Paris.C12307 Eassie. Healthy Houses, Drainage, etc...N 360 HEALTH—HYGIENE. 593 EaSSIE. Sanitary Dwellings.N 361 Fothergill. Maintenance of Health.N 67 Gardner. Longevity. N 3 8 3 Gezondheidsleer voor het Volk...D 9280 Good Health, 1877-81, 1885-93. Guernsey and Davis. Health at Home.. .N 107 Hahn. Buchlein vom Magen.D 2448 Hall. Fun better than Physic. E Health and Disease.N 352 Health and Good Living. ,...N 350 Sleep, Hygiene of the Night. N 354 Health at Home.FI 73 Hall’s Journal of Health, 1873, 1S7S-84, 1SS6- *1893. v. 20, 21, 25-31, 33-40 . *Ser. Health Primers: Exercise and Training.N 410 Alcohol; its Use and Abuse.N 411 The House and its Surroundings.N 412 Premature Death...Ftf 4 T 3 Personal Appearances.FI 4 T 4 Baths and Bathing.N 415 The Heart and its Functions.N 416 The Skin and its Troubles.N 420 Nervous System. FI 425 PIemenway. Healthful Womanhood and Childhood.FI 754 Hinton. Health and its Conditions.N 71 IIUFELAND. Art of prolonging Life.N 384 Tenkin. Healthy Houses.N 353 Kellogg. Household Monitor of Health. .N 674 Kingzett. Nature’s Hygiene.N 728 Kitchener. Art of Invigorating Life.N 385 Lewis. Chats with young Women.E 1335 In a Nutshell.FI 133 Our Girls.•. E x 339 Our Digestion. ....E 1334 McShf.RRY. Health;how to promote it.. . .N 349 Miers and Crosskey. The Soil in Relation to Health.N 744 Mitchell. Gentlewoman’s Book of IlygieneN 71 1 Morin. Hygiene.C 6513, 271 Mussey. Health; its Friends and Foes. . . .N 364 Niemeyer. Gesundheitslehre.D 416, 18 Pacific Health Journal, 1891-1892. v. 6, 7 ... *Ser. Pai.mberg. Treatise on Public Health.. . N 698 Parkes. Practical Hygiene. N 75 PHILBRICK. Amer. Sanitary Engineering..K 5529 Defects in House Drainage.N 359 Piper. Menschelijke Leven te verlengen. . D 9643 Rankin. Hygiene of Childhood.N 573 Reclam. Lebensregeln.D 2486 Richardson. Future of Sanitary Science..N 269 Health and Life.N 267 Hygeia, a City of Health.N 268 Richardson. Ministry of Health.N 348 Safeord and Allen. Health for. Girls ... N 19 Schat der Gezondheid.F) 973 ^ Sinclair. Code of Health and Longevity .N 53 Ski.arek. Gesundheitslehre.D 2482 Smith. Health; a Handbook .N 65 Stevenson and Murphy. Treatise on Hy- The Adirondacks as a Health Re¬ sort. FI ^*5 Sykes. Public Health Problems.N 677 Treves. Influence of Clothing on Plealth. .N 617 Wight. Maxims of Public Health.N 117 Williams. Climate of the South of FranceN 484 Wilson, G. Health and Healthy Homes..N 645 Hygiene and Sanitary Science.N 237 Wilson, J. Health and Health Resorts-N 401 Manual of Naval Hygiene.N 409 Yeo. Health Resorts and their Uses.N 439 DISEASES. Abercrombie. Diseases of the Stomach.. N 292 The same.N 296 Alvarenga. Maladies du Coeur.C 4055 Beard. American Nervousness.N 309 Hay Fever.FI 379 Nervous Exhaustion.N 317 Sea-Sickness.FI 657 Belden. Account of J. C. Rider, the Som¬ nambulist. N 591 *o- Both. Consumption and its Treatment... N 226 Smallpox.FI 344 Bouley. Hydrophobia.N 346 Bridger. Man and his Maladies.N 561 Brown, T. Pseudodoxia Epidemica, 1669*? 867 Bucknill. Care of the Insane.N 461 Chambers. Mad World.E 939 Chase. Cure of .Hernia.N 308 Clapp. Is Consumption Contagious?.N 261 Clum. Inebriety; itsCauses, Results,RemedyN 608 Corning. Brain Exhaustion. N 243. Creighton. History of Epidemics in BritainN C70 Day. Headaches. FI 676 Denison. Exercises for Pulmonary InvalidsN 723 Dewar. Dyspepsia.N 656 Du Val de Beaulieu. Decouvertes de L. Pasteur .... .C 4799” Duncan. Pulmonary Consumption.N 224 Edson. La Grippe and its Treatment.N 735 Edwards. Bright’s Disease .N 29 7 Dyspepsia; how to avoid it.N 197 Evans, Hand-Book of Phthisiology.N 543 Fox. Artificial Production of Tubercle.. .*V 369 594 DISEASES. Gorton. Mental Hygiene.L 2168 Granville. Care of the Insane.N 438 Guy. Factors of the Unsound Mind.N 691 Haig. Uric Acid in Causation of Disease. .N 760 Hale. Diseases of the Heart. ....N 215 Hall, F. de H. Diseases of the Nose and Throat.N 768 Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and Kindred Dis¬ eases.N Coughs and Colds..N Hambleton. Suppression of ConsumptionN Hammond. Insanity in its Medico-Legal Re¬ lations. N Nervous Derangement. N Hardaway. Essentials in Vaccination... .N Hecker. Epidemics of the Middle Ages.' .N Hitchcock. Dyspepsia.N Hudson. Sea-Sickness...N James. Sore Throat.N Jameson. Epidemic Cholera.N Jeffries. Diseases of the Skin.N 282 260 593 535 3i5 257 248 299 483 434 280 332 Johnson. Essays on Indigestion.N 300 259 323 643 Kellogg. Diphtheria..N Dyspepsia.N 231 Kitchen. Catarrh, Sore-Throat and Hoarse¬ ness.N Consumption, its Prevention and Cure. .N Kussmaul. Gebarmutter.D 2469 Learned. Imperfect Digestion.N 304 Letchworth. The Insane in Foreign Coun¬ tries.N Lewis. Talks about People’s Stomachs.. .N Weak Lungs. N Logan. Physics of Infectious Diseases ...N Lunt. Behind the Bars; Insanity.E Lyman. Insomnia and other Disorders of Sleep.N Mackenzie. Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble. N Maudsley. Zurechnungsfahig. des Geistes- kranken.. D 415,11 Mays.* Consumption—how to prevent it..N 642 Mercier. Sanity and Insanity.N 579 Mills. Nursing and Care of the Nervous and Insane. N 625 Moore. Diseases of Nose, Throat, Lungs.N 221 Morris. How we treat Wounds to-day ... N Murray. Cholera.N Nutt all. Hygienic Measures in Contagious Diseases.N Pacini. Colera Asiatico.C 9361 Parrish. Alcoholic Inebriety.N 337 Pasteur. Le Rage et le Vaccin charbonneux C 6128 Petenkofer. Verbreitung der Cholera....D 2487 667 294 232 329 830 123 54i 587 281 6 95 Philip. Indigestion and Organic Diseases.N 302 Pohl-Pincus. Vaccination.p> 2489 Rumbold. Hygiene and Treatment of Ca¬ tarrh . Russell. Sappington. Theory of Fevers. N 193 Scholz. Vortrage iiber Irrenpflege.D 2494 662 N 621 Epidemics, Plagues and Fevers.N 685 322 623 664 274 39 ° Sisley. Epidemic Influenza.N Small. Diseases of the Nervous System.. . N Still£. Cholera; its Origin, History, etc..N Strahan. Marriage and Disease.N Syme. Diseases of the Rectum.N Taylor. Movement Cure.N Tebb. Recrudescence of Leprosy.N 708 Ihomson. Materialism of the Nervous Sys¬ tem.N 679 Todd. Remarks on the Gout, etc.N 266 Toothaker. Diseases of the Skin.N 322 Tuke. Insanity and its Prevention.N 459 Usher. Alcoholism and its Treatment_N 697 Webster. History of Epidemics.N 247 Wendt. Die Lustseuche.D 2491 White. A Great Delusion; Vaccination. ..N 635 Wilson. Diseases of the Skin.N 330 Wood. Thermic Fever; or, Sunstroke_N Woodworth. Nomenclature of Diseases.N W right. Inebriism; a pathological Study. . N* Wynter. Borderlands of Insanity.N 342 45 610 465 Ziegler. Cholera zu iiberwinden.D 2485 HOMCEOPATHY. Becker. Consumption treated Homoeopathi- c a Uy.N 500 Bryant. Pocket Homoeopathic Manual. . .N 502 Ellis. Homoeopathic Family Guide.N 525 Grauvogl. Homoeopathic Law of Similarity N 521 Hahnemann. Materia Medica Pura.N 556 Henderson. Homoeopathy fairly represen¬ ted .n 514 Jahr. Manual of Materia Medica.N 536 Lutre. Homoeopathic Theory and PracticeN 570 Massy. New American Remedies.N 532 Mueller. Homceopathischer Hausarzt... D 2473 Pettet. N. American Homoeo. DirectoryN 597 Ruddock. Stepping Stone to HomoeopathyN 530 Ryan. Homoeopathic Infinitesimal Doses.N 506 Sharpe. Investigation of Homoeopathy. .N 508 Tarbell. Homoeopathy simplified.N 522 Thomas. Homoeopathic Materia Medica.N 504 MINERAL SPRINGS AND WATER CURES. Althaus. Spas of Europe.N 498 Austin. Water Analysis.N 638 MINERAL SPRINGS—LAW. 595 Braun. Baths and Waters; Spas of EuropeN 681 Burke. Mineral Springs of Virginia.N 61S Granville. Mineral Springs of \ichy.. .N 7 °^ Spas of England. 3 ..N 497 Spas of Germany..R 683 Gully. Water-Cure in Chronic Diseases. N 326 Gutmann. Watering Places of Germany. .N 295 Helfft. Handbuch der Balneotherapie.. D 2461 Irwin. Hydrotherapy at Saratoga.N 682 James. Guide aux Eaux Minerales.. ..C 53*5 Kneipp. The Water-Cure. R 6S4 Linn. Health Resorts of Europe.N 961 Macdonald. Exam, of Drinking Water. .N 442 McPherson. Baths and Wells of Europe.N 495 Madden. Spas of Europe.R 49 ^ Moorman. Mineral Springs of N. AmericaN 49 ° Schetelig. Homburg-Spa.R 73 2 Sheppard. Saratoga Chips and Carlsbad Wafers.R 477 Shew. Water-Cure for Ladies.N 3^9 Sparks. The Riviera; Health Resorts of the North Mediterranean.N 515 Steel. Congress Spring.N 494 Stickler. The Adirondacks as a Health Resort.R 615 Sutro. Lectures on German Mineral Waters.. N 486 TRx\ll. Water-Cure for the Million.N 327 Walton. Mineral Springs.N 492 Wanklyn and Chapman. Water AnalysisN 443 Wilson, E. Spas of Germany and BelgiumN 493 Wilson, W.S. The Ocean as a Health ResortN 184 Yeo. Health Resorts and their Uses.N 439 LAW. LAW. Abbott. Judge and Jury.R 4§S6 Travelling Law-School.N 4811 Altgeld. Our Penal Machinery.N 4836 American Bar Association, Reports, 1S82, 1883, 1885..- N 4851 American Form-Book and Legal Guide....N 4864 American Law Review, 1866-85. 19 v. *Ser. Index, v. 1-13* Ames. Taxation of Personal Property-*N 4841 Amos. An English Code.N 4848 Science of Law.R 49 11 Anarchists’ Cases, in Supreme Court of Illinois: Abstract of Record. 2 v.849 Briefs and Arguments. 7 v. in 3. .*N 5090 Andr£, J-, Trial of . ® 2 55 The same.W 84 Andrews. Punishments in the Olden 1 imeN 5 011 Anson. Law and Custom of the English Constitution. 2 ..R 4839 Anthony, E. Law of Taxation .*N 484 1 Anthony, S. B., Trial of, for Voting.N 4963 Argyll, Duke of. Reign of Law.L 2042 Arnold, B., Trial of.R 4994 Austin. Lectures on Jurisprudence. 2 v..N 4887 Bataille. Causes criminelles de 1883 .. .C 12048 Bay. Bench and Bar of Missouri. C 1293 Beadle. American Lawyer.N 4885 Beaman. Alabama Claims.R 4852 Beckett. Comic Blackstone. R 5 ° 5 ^ Beecher, H. W., Case of.R 49^4 Verbatim Report of Trial of. 2 v.R 5 01 ^ Bell. Bench and Bar of New Hampshire .C10371 Bench and Bar of St. Louis, and other Mis¬ souri Cities. 44 2 Benjamin. St. Albans Raid; Trial of B. II. Young. R 502 ° Benson. Book of Remarkable Trials.N 4827 Bentham. Codification and Public Instruc¬ tion.R 5 ° 9 2 Traite de Legislation. 3 v.C 415 2 Traite des Preuves judiciaires. 2 v.C 4153 Works. 11 ..J *8 Beyer. Legal Polity of the Roman States.*V 235 Bigelow. Bench and Bar.E 832 Bisbee and Simonds. Law of the Board of Trade. R 4803 Blackstone. Commentaries. 2 v.N 4903 Commentaries (English edition). 4 v.*N 4880 The Great Charter.*V 203 Bolles. Law relating to Banks.. L 3679 Bonney. Law Reform, and other Pamph¬ lets.* N 4845 Bouvier. Law Dictionary. 2 v. *R 4000 Bowker and Solberg. Copyright; its Law and Literature. R 4832 Bowles. Maritime Warfare. N 4914 Breck. Habeas Corpus and Martial Law.. N 4899 Britton, J. Laws of England; tr. by Nich¬ ols. 2 .. 66 Brown. The Forum; 40 Years’ Practice. 2 v.N 4897 Browne, G. I.. State Trials of the 19th Cen¬ tury. 2 .. R 4997 Browne, I. Law and Lawyers in LiteratureN 4805 596 LAW. Buchanan vs. Howland and Falser.*N 4987 Budge, H., Proceedings against.*N 4987 Review of Case of.*N 4993 Bun yon. Law of Fire Insurance.N 4942 Law of Life Insurance. N 4943 Burch, I. H., Divorce Case of.*N 4993 Burhans. Law of Municipal Bonds.N 5095 Burke, F. Law of Public Schools.L 1204 Romance of the Forum.N 4961 Burke, P. Celebrated Naval and Military Trials.N 5021 Burn. Ecclesiastical Law. 4 V .N 4823 Burr, A., Trial of. 2v.N 4955 Burt@N. Criminal Trials in Scotland. 2 v.N 4957 Butler. Argument in Case of Milligan. .*N 4845 Butterfield. Digest of Decisions in Office of 2d Controller.N 4861 Cadwalader (Ed.). Digest of Opinions of Attorneys General.N 5039 Calkins, A. C. vs. C. E. Cheney, Case of..N 4983 Campbell and Pollock. Decisions on Arid Region. N 5104 Carlile, R. Trial for blasphemous Libel . N 5002 Caroline, Queen, Trial of. 2v.N 4990 Carr&. Nos petitsProces.C 45S8 Carson. The Supreme Court of the U. S.*V 2004 Carter. Old Court House of Cincinnati. .N 4882 Causes celebres.N 4890 v. 1-3. Trial of Queen Caroline. 4-5. Trial of Aaron Burr. Causes celebres et interessantes. 16 v.N 4250 Caverno. Treatise on Divorce.N 5057 Celebrated Trials of all Countries.N 4986 Chandler. American Criminal Trials. 2 v..N 4995 Cherry. Growth of Criminal Law.N 5093 Chicago, Bench and Bar of.*R 441 Chicago, Laws and Ordinances, 1890.*R 4025 Chicago Law Times, 1887-89. 3 v. *Ser. Chicago Legal News, 1874-93. v.4-15, 17-25.. *Ser. Chicago Municipal Code, 1881.*I< 4024 Chicago University vs. Union Mutual Life In¬ surance Co. 2 V . N 4817 Chitty. Treatise on Pleading.N 4901 Churchill, G. C. vs. City of Utica........ N 4987 Clark, A. B. Fifty Law Lessons.N 4871 Clark, S. S. Text-Book of Commercial Law...N 4831 Clark, T. M. Architect, Owner and Builder before the Law.N 5112 Cobbett and Howell. State Trials, 1163- 1820, with Index. 34 V .N 4190 Cockburn. Charge in Case of the Queen vs. Nelson arid Brand.N 4949 The same.N 5109 Cockburn, Law relating to Subjects and Aliens.N 4974 Code Napoleon; or, French Civil Code.N 5089 Congress and Phelps, Dodge & Co.; an Ex¬ traordinary History.N 5102 Conyers. Marriage and Divorce in the U. S.N 5059 Copp, H. N. American Mining Code.N 4856 American Settlers’ Guide: United States Land System.N 5081 Cornulier. Du Droit de tester.C 4366 County Court Guide (British).K 1327 Couper. Trial of the Glasgow Bank DirectorsN 4818- Craik. English Causes celebres.N 4946 Crerar, J., Will of.*P 333 Criminal Trials. 2v.N 4959 Cunynghame. Law of Electric Lighting..K 7702 Curiosities of the Search Room; Wills.N 4998 Curran,*J. P. Speeches at the Bar... .*..N 4891 Cushing. Law and Practice of Legislative Assemblies in the United States.N 4905 Cutler. Musical and Dramatic Copyright.N 5067 Dale. Talks about Law.;N 5028 Dalton. Practice of Justices of the Peace, 1727.*V 69 Darby and Bosanquet. Statutes of Limita¬ tion.N 4937 Dartmouth College vs. Woodward ; by Farrar.N 4951 Davidge and Kimball. Compendium of In¬ ternal Revenue Laws.N 4869 Davis, G. B. Outlines of International LawN 5030 Davis, J. Digest of Legislative Enactments relating to Quakers. .. .N 4904 Davis, J. E. The Labor Laws (of England)N 4844 Dean. Commercial Laws.N 4910 DeBurgh. Maritime International Law.. .N 4927 Dewar. Liquor Laws of Scotland.N 5036 Dicey. Law of the Constitution (English).N 4838 Dickson. Analysis of Blackstone’s Commen¬ taries.*V 36 Digby. History of the Law of Real Estate.N 4928 Dillon. Laws of England and America.. .N 5076 DuBoys. Le Droit criminel de la France. 2V.C12337 Le Droit criminel des Peuples anciens •.C12335 Le Droit criminel des Peuples modernes. 4 v.C12336 Duer. Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States.N 4930 The same.I 3740 Dugdale. Origines Juridiciales; Memorials of English Laws.*V 2001 Dumas. Celebrated Crimes.N 4953 Edwards. Courts and Lawyers of N. Y. .N 4967 Endlich. Law of Building Associations..*N 5 ° 5 ° LAW. 597 Erskine.Zo^T. Speeches at the Bar. 5 v.N 4889 Evans and King. Speeches in the Wilkin- son-Tribune Libel Suit. n 4982 Farrer. Crimes and Punishments.N 4879 Feuerbach. Criminal Trials.N 4996 Field, C. R. New Excise Law, 1864.N 5103 Field, D. D. Outlines of an International ^ ode . N 5072 Finlason. Our Judicial System(British).. .N 4813 Martial Law. N 5I o 9 4,1 Fischer. Preussens kaufmannisches Recht.D 3423 Forbes, J., Trial of, for Riot.N 5012 Form-book of Conveyancing, etc... ‘.N 4884 Forsyth. History of Lawyers. N 4972 History of Trial by Jury.N 4971 Hortensius; Duties of an Advocate.N 5008 Fortescue. De Laudibus Legum Anglise; Laws of England.... .. N 4932 Foss. Memories of Westminster Hall. 2 v.N 4894 Fries, J., Two Trials of, for Treason_N 4950 Fuller. Noted French Trials.N 4807 Fulton. Laws of Marriage.N 4830 Gaius. Elements of Roman Law.*p 6c> Gallaudet. Manual of International LawN 4922 Gardner. Institutes of International Law.N 5023 Garrison, W. I.., Proceedings against.N 4991 Gaupp. Lex Francorum Chamavoruni. D 3410 Gewerbe-Ordnung fur Oesterreich.D 3421 Gibbons. Law of Contracts (British).K 1390 Giftmord-Prozess der Julie Ebergenyi.D 3424 Gilbert. Court of Common Pleas.N 4816 Gilman. Illinois Conveyancer. *Doc. Girard Will Case, Defendant’s Arguments. .N 4960 Gomme. Primitive Folk-Moots in Britain., N 4976 Goodeve. Railway Passengers and Compa¬ res.N 4810 Goodnow. Comparative Administrative Law. 2 v . .N 5074 Goudsmit. Pandects; Roman Law.N 5007 Grant. The Bench and Bar.N 4895 Green Bag, The, 1889-93. 5 V.*SV>-. Greene. Outlines of Roman Law.N 4820 Gross. Index to Illinois Laws, 1818-69. • .*R 4018 Grotius. De Jure Belli et Pacis. 3 V.N 4912 Rights of War and Peace.N 4913 The same.*y 274 Hackett. Geneva Award Acts.N 4855 Hadley. Introduction to Roman Laws.. .N 4918 Hagen. Reform de Notariats.D 3426 Haines. Laws of Illinois relating to Town¬ ship Organizations.N 5052 Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace and Constables.N 4865 Hall. Opinion on Habeas Corpus.N 4899 Halleck. Elements of International Law.N 4923 Hanson. Probate Legacy and Succession Duties.... N 4940 Harcourt. International Law.N 4924 Hare. American Constitutional Law. 2 v.*N 5061 Harris, M., Trial of; by Clephane.N 4992 Harrison. Legislation on Insanity.*N 4806 Hartmann. Das preussische Untersuchungs- Verfahren. D 342 g Hastings, W., Speeches in Trial of; ed. by Bond * 4v.N 4954 Hayes. Trial of Guiteau. q 1871 Heard. Curiosities of Law Reporters.N 4872 Oddities of the Law. N 4944 Heffter. Das europaische Volkerrecht... D 3427 Herbert. Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery.N 5096 Hetherington, J., Trial of, for Shooting G. G. Robinson. N 5114, Heyl. United States Duties on Imports. . .N 4866 Hill, F. P., Trial of.*74 4987 Hoar. Function of the American Lawyer in the Founding of States. ...*L 139 Holmes. Common Law..... .N 5035 Holst. Constitutional Law of the U. S.. .N 5082 Horr and Bemis. Municipal Police Ordi- ~ nances..N 5071 Hosack. Law of Nations.N 4853 Hotten. Literary Copyright.N 4929 Hubbell. Legal Directory for 1874-9. 6 v.*R 4015 Hudson. Law and the Clergy.N 4896 Ihering. The Struggle for Law.N 5083 Illinois Laws and Index. *Doc. Annotated Statutes; ed. by Starr and Curtis. 3 v. *r 4 qi6 Revised Statutes, 1874. *R 40 20 The same, 1880, 1889, 1891.*R 4021 Illinois State Bar Association, Proceedings, 5 v .N 4850 Inter-State Commerce Law, Light on.L 3814 James, C. Curiosities of Law and LawyersN 5005 James, E. Bankrupt Law of the U. S., 1867. N 4843 Jardine. Criminal Trials. 2v.I 3555 Use of Torture in England.N 4980 Jeaffreson. Book about Lawyers.N 4968 The same. n 4969 Jenkins and Raymond. Architects’ Legal Handbook. n 4859 Jerrold. English and Poreign Copyright.N 5009 Jevons. Remarks on Criminal Law.N 4945 Johnson. The Suspending Power and Writ of Habeas Corpus.N 4902 Jones, J. Forms of Writs and Processes.. .N 4812 Illinois Black Laws.N 4107 598 LAW. Jones, L. A. Forms in Conveyancing_N 4833 Index to Legal Periodical Literature. ,*R 3999 Jones, W. Law of Bailments..N 4846 Justinianus I. Corpus Juris Civilis; ed. by Kriegel. 3 v.*R 4004 Corpus Juris Civilis. 2 v..N 5062 Institutes of; tr. by Abdy and Walker.N 4825 Jurisprudents antejustinianse; ed. by Huschke.L 5718 Kant. Philosophy of Law.N 5098 Keller. Der romische Civilprozess.D 3436 Kent. Commentaries on American Law. 4 v.N 4900 International Law; edited by Abdy ... N 4878 Kerry and Varnals. Guide for Trade Mark Owners.N 5069 Kinney. Digest of United States Supreme Court Decisions. 2v.N 5101 Kneeland, A., Trial for Blasphemy.N 5003 Lake, Town of, Ordinances, 1882.*R 4028 Larwood. Forensic Anecdotes.N 4858 Lassalle. System der erworbenen Rechte. 2 v .D 3432 Law, The, 1890.. *Ser. Law and Lawyers. 2v.N 5038 Law of Nations, Reports on Reform of, 1881N 4854 Lawrence, T. J. Modern International LawN 5073 Lawrence, W. B. Commentaires sur le Droit International de Wheaton. 3 v.N 4925 Foreign Treaties in Conflict with State Laws relative to Real Estate.N 4926 vs. R. H. Dana, Jr., Case of.N 4984 Le Barrois d’Orgeval. Propriete litteraireC 5691 Lebre. Nos grands Avocats. C 5688 Lee. Elements of Law.N 5026 Legal Adviser, 1880 90. nv. *Ser. Legislative Enactments on Bankruptcy.K 1575 Lehmann. Verlobung und Hochzeit nach nordgermanischen Rechten. D 4699 Letourneau. L’Evolution juridique.C 5529 Levi. International Law.N 5085 Lewin. Law of Trusts.N 4935 Lightwood. Nature of Positive Law.N 4819 Lincoln. Alton Trials for Riot, Nov. 1837N 5001 Linder. Early Bench and Bar of Illinois.C 1446 Lislet and Carleton. Laws of the Las Siete Partidas in Louisiana. 2 v.*N 4835 Livingston. Penal Law for Louisiana.... N 4801 Lockwood. 1,000 Legal Don’ts.N 5042 Loeffler. Opfer mangelhafter Justiz. 3 v.D 3418 Long. Sales of Personal Property.N 4847 Lynch. Bench and Bar of Texas.C 2097 McCrary. American Law of Elections.. .N 4917 Macfie. Copyrights and Patents for Inven¬ tion. 2 v.N 5086 Mackenzie, A. S., Review of Court-Martial of; by Cooper..'.N 4956 Mackenzie, Lord T. Studies in Roman Law..N 4822 Mackey. The Hazen Court-Martial. ; N 5017 McNevin. Trials of Eminent Irishmen.. . N 4989 Maine. Ancient Law.N 4915 Early Law and Custom.N 5000 International Law. • .N 5088 Maritime Law...N 4899 Marquardsen (Her.). Handbuch des of- fentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart in Monographien. 13 v. in 5.*D 7277 Martens. Volkerrecht..D 3433 Martindale. Commercial and Legal Guide, 1883. *R 3996 Law and Collection Association, 1880.*R 3997 Unclaimed Money and Estates.N 5024 United States Law Directory, 1875-76^ 3998 Meredith. Maryland vs. Baltimore.*N 4987 Merrill. Newspaper Libel..N 5053 Metropolis Local Management Act.K 1523 Meyer, I. D. Origineet Progres des Institu¬ tions judiciaires. 6 v.C 5924 Meyer, R. Heimstatten Gesetze der Verein- igten Staaten.D 3431 Mielziner. Jewish Law of Marriage and Divorce..N 5027 Miller. Bench and Bar of Georgia. 2 v,,N 4893 Milton. Doctrine and Discipline of Di¬ vorce, 1644.*N 5043 Answer to same, 1644.*N 5044 Mr. Martin’s Law Suit. „...N 5113 Modderman. Bewijsleer in Strafzaken. ..D 9552 Monahan. Method of Law.N 4916 Moncrieff. Wit and Wisdom of the Bench.N 4873 Montesquieu. Geist der Gesetze. 12 v. in3.D 3250 Esprit des Lois.C 5930 Le meme.C 5932 Spirit of Laws .J 193,1,2 The same; tr. by Nugent. 2 v.L 2031 The same. v.I 2994 Moore. Extradition and Interstate Rendi¬ tion. 2 v.*N 5066 Morgan, H. D. Doctrine and Law of Mar¬ riage and Divorce. 2 v.N 5045 Morgan, J. A. Law of Literature. 2 v.. ,N 4888 Morse, A. P. Treatise on Citizenship... .N 4941 Morse, J. T. Famous Trials.N 5019 Law Relating to Banks and Banking.. .N 5084 Murray. History of Usury.N 4938 Naquet. Legal Chemistry.K 2322 Neely. Laws of Municipal Bonds.N 4837 New Almaden Mine, Case of.*N 4987 LAW Newberry Will Case, Arguments in...... .*0 1340 Briefs. *0 1341 Newgate Calendar. 4V.*P 114 Nicolas. Testamenta Vetusta; Wills.N 4999 Norfolk. Licensing Points.N 5087 Nys. The Papacy and International Law. .N 5031 O'Connor, A., Trial of, for Treason.N 5013 O’Flanagan. The Munster Circuit.N 4974 O’Neall. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. 2 v.C 2096 Ortolan. History of Roman Law.N 4821 Paget. Judicial Puzzles...N 4875 Palmer, A. Divorce Abolished.N 5049 Palmer, W., Trial for Murder.N 4948 Parker, Theodore, Trial of, 1865.N 5015 Parsons, T. Laws of Business.N 4909 Rights of a Citizen of the U. S .N 4802 Patent Laws. See Practical Arts, p. 351* Paterson. Liberty of Press, Speech, etc..N 4883 PaXon. Beecher-Tilton Case.N 5055 Pearce. History of the Inns of Court.N 5106 Peltier, J., Trial of, for Libel against Napo¬ leon Buonaparte.N 5°54 Pensions: who are entitled to them, etc.N 5025 Phalen. Criminal Cases.N 5097 Phear. Rights of Water.N 5111 Phillimore. Private Law of the Romans.N 4919 Supplement to Ecclesiastical Law.N 4824 Phillips, S. M. Famous Cases of Circum¬ stantial Evidence.N 4892 State Trials prior to 1688. 2 v.N 4826 Pickering. American Sanitary Law.N 404 Piper. Sharon-Hill Marriage Contract . ,.N 4829 Pomeroy. Constitutional Law of the United States.N 4815 Poore. Conspiracy Trial for Murder of Abraham Lincoln.N 4828 Prescott, J., Trial of, by Impeachment..N 4988 Probst, A., Trial of, for murder of the Dear- ing Family.N 4975 Proctor. Bench and Bar of New York..N 4898 Professional Recollections; by a Member of the Incorporated Law Society .. . .N 4808 Proffatt. Curiosities and Law of Wills.. N 4874 Woman before the Law.L 528 Puchta. Cursus der Institutionen. 2V....D3434 Pulling. Order of the Coif...N 5022 Putnam. The Question of Copyright.N 5065 Putzel and Bahr. Commercial PrecedentsN 4870 Quincy. Trials in Massachusetts, 1761-72.N 4981 Rapp. Digest of Bounty Laws.N 4863 Reed. Bench and Bar of Wisconsin.C 2182 Reeves. History of English Law; ed. by Finlason . N 4931 599 Robinson, B. C. Bench and Bar; Reminis¬ cences.N 5099 Robinson, L. J. Law of Husband and WifeN 5063 Roger et Sord. Codes et Lois usuelles de la France.*R 4002 Rogers. Law of the Road.N 4876 The same.N 4908 Law of Hotel Life.N 4877 Routledge. Popular Progress in EnglandN 4978 Ryder, Rev. W. H., Will of..*P 335 St. Germaine. Doctor and Student.N 4936 Sargent (Ed.). Maine Wills, 1640-1760..N 5046 Savigny.D roit romain au Moyen Age.4 3C 6734 Scarborough. Cincinnati Law Library As¬ sociation, .N 4977 Schmoller. Grundfragen des Rechts.. .. D 7075 Schneider. Eheliche Gutergemeinschaft. .D 3430 Schouler. Law of Domestic Relations...N 4842 Schoyen. Amerikanske Civil-og Privatret.C 8406 Scrutton. Land in Fetters...N 5105 Laws of Copyright. N 4804 Sei.fridge, T. O., Trial of, for Murder...N 5014 Sharswood. Professional Ethics.N 5040 Shirley. Dartmouth College Causes.... .N 4849 Slater. Law of Copyright and Trade Marks. N 4809 Smith, J. II., Trial of. .... .*N 5037 Smith, S. B. Elements of Ecclesiastical Law .,. M 1254 Smith, T. L. Elements of the Laws .N 4881 Snyder. Geography of Marriage; Legal Perplexities in the United States....N 5058 Great Speeches by Great Lawyers. ... N 5048 Somerset, Earl of, Trial of, for Poisoning Sir T. Overbury; by Amos. N 4965 Spencer. Hints from a Lawyer.N 5060 Spicer. Judicial Dramas.N 4962 Stanley, D. S., Arguments in the Trial of*N 4845 Stephen. History of Criminal Law of Eng¬ land. 3 v.N 5006 Stow. Probate Confiscation.N 4814 Tegg. Curious Wills.N 5029 Thompson, C. M. Treatise on Building As¬ sociations. N 5108 Thompson, W. P. Patent Law of all Coun¬ tries.N 4867 Thorpe. Ancient Laws of England. 2 v..N 4834 Tichborne Trial; Chief Justice’s Address. . . N 5018 Tower. Collection of American Colonial Laws.*V 1406 Townsend. Modern State Trials. 2 v....N 4979 Twiss. Law of Nations. 2v . .... N 5033 United States, Bank Law, 1863.N 4899 Bankrupt Law, 1867.N 4899 United States Public Land Laws.*B 822 Public Land Laws. 2 v.*B 821 Revised Statutes, 1873-74. *R40ii Statutes relating to District of Columbia*R 4012 Supreme Court Reports. 37 v.*N 5100 Urquhart. Restoration of Canon Law ,*L 69,3 Vallandigham, C. L., Trial of .N 4951 Vattel. The Law of Nations . N 5051 Wade. Manual of American Mining Law.N 4857 W^echter. Deutsches Strafrechts, 1845.D 3429 Deutsches Strafrechts, 1881. D 7270 Walker. Introduction to American Law..N 4907 Waller. Defense of Municipal Authority against State Interference.N 4845 Wandell, S. H. The Law of the Theater.N 5068 Warren, G. K., Court-Martial of.*N 4845 Warren, S. Duties of Attorneys.N 4970 Washburn. Judicial. History of Massachu¬ setts, 1630-1775.N 5004 Study and Practice of Law.N 4933 Webster, J. W., Trial of; by Bemis .N 4958 Webster, P. Law of Citizenship in tbeU. S.N 5070 Weinhagen. Deut. Handelsgesetzbuch... D 3401 Festungs-Rayon Gesetz. . .D 3403 Gewerbe-und Wechselstempelsteur. . . . D 3405 Preussisches Handelsrecht.D 3404 Recht der Aktiengesellschaften.D 3402 Wells. Eyerybody his own Lawyer.N 4973 Papers on Maritime Legislation. .N 5032 Wills and how not to make them . .N 5075 Western Law Journal, 1844-53. v - 1-8,10... *Ser. Wharton. Digest of International Law of the United States. 3 V . *N 5034 White. Law of Friendly Societies.K 1622 Whitecross and the Bench. . . .... L 4002 Willard. Law of Personal Rights.N 4906 Willems. Le Droit public romain ..C 6984 Williams. Forensic Facts and Fallacies.. .N 5041 Williamson, P., Case of; Proceedings on Habeas Corpus.N 4985 Willock. Legal Facetiae; Satirical and Hu¬ morous.N 5047 Wilson, A. K. History of Modern English Law. Wilson, C. S. Mining Laws. Wilson, J. B. Works. 3 v. Woolsey. Essay on Divorce . N 4934 > N 4868 N 5110 N 4966 N 4939 i 1 N 4920 N 4921 N 5064 Wright, J. A. How to get good Judges.. N 5107 Young. Historical Sketch of the French Bar... N 5019 Zcepfl. Deutsche Rechtsquellen.D 3425 Deutsche Rechtsinstitute.D 3425 y s UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBAN A 3 0112 084825402