c. f£uWco The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN m osm UNIVEI ILLINOIS AT URBAN, ST JUH 8 W89 .JAN 1 9 m FEB JAN 2 MAYO SEP 1 EEBO 7 1997 9 1997 12 1997 5 1997 51997 4 2607 JAN 1 9 ft) 3 0CF2 7 J993 L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/collegeofenginee1619univ ink LIBRARY Of THE WEtfSITY OF II! < o g 2 w w g £ 0) L a, r ^ ^ w 'a 5 1 O rt • •£ W * rt .£ ^ 'c 5 § a -52 *C 'o r5 3 £ « cfl ^ o 2? -< C a «* «)•- o .§ | b So S «: 0) >— i (b Z, 5 ^ C a> c H <£ -5 A 1 1919 THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE v UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A PICTORIAL DESCRIPTION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Vol. XVI January 6, 1919 No. 19 Entered as second-class matter December 11, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of Auimi«i 24. 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section I 103. Act of October 3. 1917. authorized July 31, 1918. URBANA, ILLINOIS THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THIS pictorial description of the buildings, laboratories and other facilities for the instruction of students of engineering and for engineering research afforded by the College of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Sta- tion has been prepared to mark the Fiftieth Anniversary of the founding of the University of Illinois and the Fifteenth Anniversary of the organization of the Engineering Ex- periment Station. It is presented for the information of those who are interested in the progress of engineer- ing education, and of young men who aspire to become engineers. The half century which has passed since the opening of the University of Illinois has been one of marvelous achieve- ments in engineering and science, and in their application to the development of modern industry. During this period engineering has been advanced from an art to a science. It is now recognized as a profession which is in- dispensable to the maintenance and development of mod- ern civilization. Fifty years ago few institutions in America offered instruc- tion in engineering. Some progress had then been made in the education of civil engineers, and many of the colleges gave courses in surveying and drawing in addition to their regular work in mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects which are fundamental to the training of engi- neers. The organization of the "Land Grant Colleges," — of which the University of Illinois is one — under the provi- sions of the Morrill Act of 1862, provided instruction in agriculture and the mechanic arts ' ' in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in 7 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING the several pursuits and professions of life." The estab- lishment of these state institutions under federal aid marked the beginning of a really effective effort to train men for the practice of engineering. From its beginning, the University of Illinois provided instruction in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and architectural construction. Because of the increasing knowledge of pure and applied science and of the greater demands for men having highly specialized training, the work of the College of Engineering has been gradually extended and strengthened until now it includes twelve four-year curriculums, each of which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science. These are in architecture, architec- tural engineering, ceramic engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engi- neering, municipal and sanitary engineering, general engi- neering physics, railway civil engineering, railway electrical engineering and railway mechanical engineering. As now organized, the College includes ten departments, as follows: THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE The Department of Architecture offers two curriculums, one in architecture and the other in architectural engineer- ing. The former deals principally with the questions of artistic design and the latter with those of technical design involving safe construction and the mechanical equipment of buildings and engineering structures. Instruction is given in free-hand drawing and water-color work; in archi- tectural design and decoration; in the preparation of work- ing drawings; in the design of structures and buildings, including those of stone, concrete and steel; in plumbing, heating and ventilation, and in the general equipment of buildings. The department has a large collection of casts from fa- mous statuary and from historic buildings, together with an 8 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION unusual collection of lantern slides illustrating the history of the architecture of all nations. The Ricker Library of Architecture, located in and operated by the department, contains one of the best collections of books on architecture and related subjects to be found in America. THE DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING Ceramic engineering is concerned with the technology of the industries engaged in the manufacture of clay, glass, cement, lime, gypsum, enameled ware and related products. The technical instruction given in the department includes studies of the chemical and physical properties of clay and all other ceramic materials, and of their manufacture and use. It deals also with the design, construction and operation of plants for the manufacture of ceramic products. The department is located in a new building containing unusually well equipped laboratories and other facilities for instruction and research. The Kiln House contains a vari- ety of clay working machinery and several types of coal, gas and oil fired kilns. THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING The curriculum in civil engineering affords specialized training in the construction and maintenance of high- ways, in irrigation, drainage and the reclamation of land, and gives general consideration to hydro-economics. It emphasizes structural engineering, including the theory, design and construction of masonry, reinforced concrete and steel bridges, viaducts, buildings and other structures. The department embraces Cement and Highway Labora- tories which afford opportunities for the study of the var- ious materials employed in the construction of roads and pavements. It maintains a large equipment of surveying and other instruments essential to the profession. 9 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING The work of this department includes instruction in the design, care and maintenance of electrical apparatus of all kinds, the generation and distribution of electrical energy, and its application in the development of power, in lighting, and in telegraphy, telephony and wireless signaling. The department has well appointed laboratories and a large equipment of generators, motors, transformers, measuring instruments, and other electrical apparatus essential for instruction and for scientific research. THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ENGINEERING DRAWING This department is organized to provide instruction in mechanical drawing, descriptive geometry and blue-printing which are required of all engineering students during their freshman year. It endeavors to familiarize the student with the use of drafting instruments in the execution of drawings demanding skill in their use and in free-hand lettering, together with a knowledge of tracing and blue- printing. The department occupies the whole of the third floor of the Transportation Building. It is provided with a number of large and well appointed drawing rooms, lecture rooms and offices, a blue-printing room equipped with an elec- tric blue-printing machine, washing trays and drying racks, and a printing room containing a complete printing plant. THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mechanical engineering deals with problems connected with the generation and transmission of power, with the design, construction, operation and testing of machinery of all kinds, and with the application of power and machines 10 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION to the varied requirements of modern industry. Special- ized instruction is given in steam and gas power engineer- ing, mechanical refrigeration, machine design, heating and ventilation, power transmission, the manufacture of ma- chines and the management of manufacturing and other industrial plants. The designing rooms, shop laboratories and power lab- oratory a^re well suited to the needs of the department; they are comparable with the best of similar laboratories in other institutions. THE DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING The Department of Mining Engineering prepares stu- dents for work in the mining, preparation and treatment of coal and ores of all kinds, in the design and operation of metallurgical and mining plants and mining machinery, and in the field examination and prospecting of ore, coal and oil lands. In addition, attention is given to mine surveying, to the use of explosives, and to the problems connected with quarrying, timbering, tunneling and shaft sinking. Because of its excellent laboratory equipment and of the proximity of extensive mines, quarries, smelters, steel works and other metallurgical establishments in Illinois, this department affords unusual opportunities for the training of mining and metallurgical engineers. THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERING The curriculum in municipal and sanitary engineering affords training in the design, construction and operation of municipal public works, and considers generally the needs of city and community development. The department is concerned with the solution of engi- 11 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING neering problems affecting the public health and welfare, as the supply and distribution of potable water, the con- struction of means for furnishing a water supply, including wells, impounding reservoirs and lake intakes, and the building of water purification works, the disposal and treat- ment of the sewage of a city and the drainage of streets. Instruction is given in the design and construction of pave- ments, walks, bridges, viaducts and the several means of providing for public safety and health. The laboratories of the department are provided with facilities for experimentation, research and instruction, some of which activities are conducted at convenient places outside the campus. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS A knowledge of physics is fundamental to the training of the engineer. He must be familiar with the laws of me- chanics, heat, sound, light, electricity and magnetism. The department is organized for the instruction of students and for research work in pure and applied physics. The cur- riculum in general engineering physics is planned to prepare men as teachers in the engineering colleges, or for research work in the laboratories of industrial corporations. The department occupies a new, well-designed building, which has unsurpassed facilities for instruction and research in several branches of physics. THE DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAY ENGINEERING This department administers three curriculums: one in railway civil engineering, one in railway electrical engi- neering, and one in railway mechanical engineering. While these curriculums are not dissimilar from the regular cur- riculums in civil, electrical and mechanical engineering respectively, they are planned to emphasize particularly the problems connected with the design, construction, 12 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION maintenance and operation of all kinds of railway equip- ment and structures. The department occupies a portion of the Transportation Building. It is provided with a Locomotive Testing Laboratory which is superior to any similar laboratory in the world. It possesses a dynamometer car for the study of train resistance, and an electric railway test car for the investigation of electric traction. THE DEPARTMENT OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS All students of engineering are given instruction in mechanics, the science which deals with the forces and deformations which must be considered in the design and construction of bridges, buildings, machines and other engineering structures, the materials of engineering and the motions set up in machines. The work of this department also includes instruction in hydraulics, which deals with the flow of water through pipes, canals, channels and conduits, and the problems to be solved in the development of water power. The laboratory of Applied Mechanics is well equipped with materials-testing machinery for both instruction and research. The Hydraulics Laboratory has a variety of equipment to illustrate the laws governing the flow of water. Full information concerning the requirements for admis- sion to the University and for graduation from the College of Engineering, together with descriptions of the several curriculums, the various courses of study, and the list of fees, is contained in the Annual Register of the University, copies of which will be mailed free upon request to the Registrar of the University, or the Dean of the College of Engineering. 13 THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION THE Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois is an organization within the College of Engineering. It was created by an act of the Board of Trustees on December 8, 1903, to stimulate and to elevate engineering education and to investigate problems of spec- ial importance to professional engineers and to the man- ufacturing, railway, mining and other industrial interests of the State and of the country. The knowledge thus obtained is made available through the publication of bulletins presenting the results of original research, and of circulars containing compilations of important infor- mation not otherwise readily accessible to the interests to be served. The control of the Station is vested in an Executive Staff composed of the Director and his Assistant, the Heads of the several departments of the College of Engineering and the Professor of Industrial Chemistry. This staff is respon- sible for the establishment of general policies governing the work of the Station, including the approval of mater- ial presented for publication. While all members of the teaching staff of the College are encouraged to engage in scientific research, it is conducted chiefly by the Research Corps composed of full-time research assistants, research graduate assistants and special investigators. Those em- ployed for special investigations are engaged for a limited time on a single problem. The University of Illinois now maintains fourteen Research Graduate Assistantships in the Engineering 14 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Experiment Station. In addition, two Research Graduate Assistantships in Gas Engineering have been established under the patronage of the Illinois Gas Association. These Assistantships are open to graduates of approved American and foreign universities and technical schools who are pre- pared to undertake graduate study in engineering, physics or applied chemistry. Each assistantship carries a stipend of live hundred dollars and freedom from tuition, incidental and laboratory fees. Appointment to these positions must be accepted for two consecutive collegiate years, at the expiration of w r hich period, if all requirements have been met, the degree of Master of Science will be conferred. Not more than half of the time of these assistants, during ten months of each year, is required in connection with the work of the department to which they are assigned; the remainder is available for graduate study. Information concerning the opportunities for graduate study in engineering will be found in the circular of the Graduate School, which may be obtained upon request to the Dean of the Graduate School. Further details regard- ing appointment to the Research Graduate Assistantships will be supplied upon request by the Director of the Engi- neering Experiment Station. The Station has already published one hundred and ten bulletins and eight circulars. All these publications are re- garded as contributions to the literature of engineering, and many of them present important additions to the science of engineering. All publications are distributed free to those persons who are on the regular mailing list of the Station, and to others upon request. After the number of copies of a particular bulletin, however, has been reduced to an established limit, a small charge is made for each of those remaining for distribution. A charge is also made for duplicate copies of a particular bulletin when these are requested by an individual, unless in special cases it is deemed advantageous to the Station to furnish such dupli- 15 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING cates free. When ordered in large quantities, a special rate for bulletins may be made by the Director. Upon request to the Director, the name of any person who desires to receive the publications of the Engineering Experiment Station, as they are issued, will be added to the regular mailing list. A complete list of the publications will be sent to any one who may desire it. 16 ►J < ■n « > fa O 6 w a O fa o w g 3 fa o w o w Hi o O w H fa O fa l-H Senior Drafting Room Fourth Floor Engineering Hall Architectural Design Senior Work DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Studio for Freehand Drawing Engineering Hall Charcoal Drawing Student Work Pencil Drawing Student Work DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE o < Q ■MIKMJIIHillllMilllWH 2 t> &H o H in o x < z H Q •■■■■. §11 .m "sa^zisia UHlfffl : im-r li-n rr^ m m H!h- h- -- rT Eff II Jill Jj MTL W.W. JOHN5TON. Working Drawings and Construction for a Dwelling Sophomore Work DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE H 7/ ffll «-j^-^. , Engineering Design for a Seventeen Story Office Building Architectural Engineering Senior Work DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Brick Making Equipment Grinding Machinery and Presses Pottery Laboratory DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING ■■■IMi^^^B A Corner IX THE Museum tssffa - i 1 *J Electric Furnace IN THE w EL i II • High Temperature j-rn- - . ;, •, ■■ .■« Laboratory A Research Laboratory 1 \ * M fe 3«a r fi 1 r~ So^ - .. r> BT2E DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING View in the Cement Testing Laboratory Students testing the various kinds of commercial cements View in the Road Materials Testing Laboratory Students examining the materials used in road building DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING i. He^/^m /— ^^ IdBSt 4 v!i / -pJSKJP * ' X Students Using an Engineer's Level Students make topo- graphical surveys using similar instruments and the same methods as em- ployed by the United States Geological Survey. Classwork with a Plane Table A group of tran- sits, levels and plane tables with th eir ac- cessories. Instruments for Use in Surveying DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Study of elevation ON Roads ■mssi mmm Opening a small defect- ive spot to determine the cause of failure. Repair on Brick Road The instrument gives a continuous record of the tem- perature in and un- der the pavement and also of the air. HI ~ : >WI Road Thermograph DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING P< w I— I o < o I— I o w o < w Q o to w a. »>• > o w M 04 ^ g « o 1 ^ J o *S rt ^ v< X O 04 < O go O w w o O g 2 i — i o < O (— i H O o Eh S H Q Storage ^ Battery Testing Laboratory Switch Board Apparatus Used for Testing , Incandescent Lamps DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING O s w X 33 d M d a o o3 £ r" W) >— 1 O H TJ (^ d w < w O « £ o3 CD w 2 o 1-3 .5 £ .3 w £ cd h3 o 13 <: Ph o *d d oj < fe d w o o o rt i) w o o 4J S J pq fo g d o << CD « £ tSJ *d d CD > W S s CD -o H d 03 ■-/. P4 H u o d 03 CD Oh Q cd T3 (H d o o3 £) .. ^ d c/) +3 o3 ffl i- H Furnace Testing Plant A Corner of the Power Laboratory This view shows, in the foreground, the electric and hydraulic dynamometers for testing high speed gasoline engines and, in the background, the experimental boiler plant including a 210 horse- power boiler with chain grates, an economizer, induced draft fan and n superheater. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING First Floor of Power Laboratory On this floor is located the various auxiliary power equipment including steam condensers, flumes for measuring water and the freezing tank and brine coolers for the refrigerating machines. SffiTl Heating and Ventilation Equipment in the Power Laboratory DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Exterior View of THE Wood Shop AND Foundry Building Interior View of the Pattern Shop This shop is equipped with all power machinery and hand tools necessary for general wood working and pattern making. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Exterior Vi&to of Machine Shop Biilding Interior View of the Machine Shop This shop is equipped for quantity production and the students manufac- ture an eight-horse-power gasoline motor on a basis comparable to commercial production. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ri S ,y <0 C3UC "o 3 £ ri 8 "o 3 a 2 r a <+-i p- T3 rt ri rri y X! ««- £ 11 ° x ri <£ CD C O -r, 0) ^ ri ~ g -ri vh £ o 5 w o •^•^ ° £ 2 ri cj Machinery for Crushing of Ore, Coal, and Rock It is necessary to crush raw material received from the mines before it can be subjected to the various cleaning and metal- lurgical processes necessary to extract the metal from the ore. L \ is>,!r» ill m^^SSi IsV 1 !^ ■* 1 ,|j ^s*flflnanB ill 3 St i«f % T |r i : ~* /^ ffBlS ii _■ m iaiBff Wm i S 30 ^ "^-"Sl B-i- ' ill ■■^^^ — 3^~" The Electric Railway Test Car This car, owned by the Railway Engineering Department, is used for instruction and research. In it are two machines which make con- tinuous graphical records of all the data needed for tests of power con- sumption, rail bonds, etc. By the courtesy of the Illinois Traction Sys- tem and the Kankakee and Urbana Traction Co. this car is operated on their lines. WHWMBE'-i The Railway Test Car This dynamometer car is owned jointly by the Railway Engineering Department and the Illinois Central Railroad, and is used in instruction and research. The apparatus within it makes fifteen continuous graphical records of locomotive draw-bar pull, speed, time, and other data needed in making train resistance, tonnage rating, and locomotive tests. DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAY ENGINEERING '!."■■ Drop Testing Machine The 1640-pound weight drops from various heights upon a steel rail, car coupler, axle, draft gear, or other piece of equipment for the purpose of determining the strength of the material. Tests may be planned to simulate se- vere service conditions such as re- sult in destruction of equipment. The Railway Test Car in Use This car is being used in making tonnage rating and locomotive tests. The front end of the locomotive is arranged for taking indicator cards. This car is usually operated on the Illinois Central Railroad, but on numerous occasions it has been used on other roads. It is here shown on the Chicago Great Western Railroad. Road tests of a locomotive can be made in a more thorough and satisfactory man- ner when a dvnamometer car is used. The Locomotive Laboratory and The Electric Railway Test Car A locomotive is shown entering the laboratory for a series of tests. DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAY ENGINEERING ./:>"■-■ ■■'--. Vn w - ol one end of the laboratory showing several universal testing machines used for determining the strength in tension, compres- sion, or bonding of building materials such as iron, steel, timber, brick, or concrete. Materials Testing Laboratory A steel beam from a rail- road bridge is being tested in bending. The testing machine is a huge screw-power press fitted with a massive plat- form scale for weighing the load applied. The screws which exert pressure can be seen in the cut. Load is applied and weighed until the beam collapses, and the deflection is measured by means of a micrometer dial shown at the middle of the beam. Test of a Large Steel Beam The beam is being tested in cross-bending. Delicate mi- crometers are used to meas- ure the stretch along the under side and the compres- sion along the upper side. Test of a Reinforced Concrete Beam MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY Reinforced Concrete Column View showing a concrete column with vertical steel rods after failure. The top of the column is covered with an iron plate imbedded in plaster of Paris to insure an even bearing. A load of 400,000 pounds produced failure. Test of a Concrete Column The column is 12 inches in diameter and 20 feet long, reinforced with spiral steel wire hooping. Its top is not visi- ble. The testing machine has a capacity of 600,000 pounds and can be used for testing in either tension or compression. Ml Am 1 IF ' X 11 lb H 1 IrM HJai Test of a Steel Column Failure of a built-up steel column made from angles and plates. This type of column is usually imbedded in concrete to give stiffness, and also for fire-proofing purposes. Test of Bond Between Concrete and Steel The bond is determined by measuring the force and the slip as the steel rod is pulled out of the concrete. MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY Test of Car Wheel The car wheels are mounted on an axle which is supported on pedestals resting on the weighing platform of the testing machine. The load is applied through steel beams and short pieces of rail bearing on the top of the wheels. Concrete Test Specimens A view of the concrete laboratory where concrete and reinforced concrete specimens are made and cured. Concrete columns 12 inches in diameter and up to 20 feet long are shown in the rear and small beams and slabs in the foreground. MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY Measuring Flow of Water in a Pipe Line A thin plate with a hole in it is clamped between the flanges of two pieces of pipe. The drop in pressure at the plate and the amount of water flowing per minute are measured. The orifice plate, as it is called, is thus made a meter for the amount of water flowing. In this experiment pressure gages are also used. Pump Testing Platform Centrifugal pumps up to 12 inches in size can be tested on this platform for capacity and power required for operation. The power to operate a pump under test is supplied by a 100 horse-power steam engine. Two centrifugal pumps can be seen in the picture. MATERIALS TESTING AND HYDRAULICS WORK Transmission of Pressure Through Sand and Gravel The load is applied to the gravel bed through a railroad tie by means of a screw jack. At various points in the gravel bed small metal boxes are buried, and these are con- nected with the dials shown projecting from the gravel bed at various points. The pressures in the gravel bed are trans- mitted to these boxes, and are indicated by the dials. Measuring Flow of Water by Means of a Vertical Jet The amount of water flowing through a pipe may be determined if it is allowed to discharge into the air in a vertical direction through a plate with a circular hole in it. The height to which the jet rises is a measure of the quantity of water passing. MATERIALS TESTING AND HYDRAULICS WORK Main Library of The University of Illinois ... Armory Used for Housing Equipment and for Training Quarters for the University Cadet Corps During the war this building was used by the United States Army; at first for training Aviators, and later for the Students' Army Training Corps. o O & o 13 4J tA ciS 1 — I o V, T3 p < w CD W r ^ _w fa cd o w "> p CD fa .cf S •< o CD X c H 0) P O CD X 4-3 w w CD H a « £ o ,0 w SjC a 2 s £l W w H ' en > § Service Flag of The University The picture was taken before the close of the war and the number on the flag representing students, graduates, and faculty does not give the total number who went into service. Y. M. C. A. Quarters of The University of Illinois This building was formerly occupied by the Presidjnt of the University as his residence but during the war it was released to the Y. M. C. A. which in turn released its own building to the United States Government to be used as a barracks for Aviators in training. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE STATE UNIVERSITY Urbana Edmund J. James, Ph.D., LL.D., President THE UNIVERSITY INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: The Graduate School The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures; History, Economics, Political Science, Sociology; Philosophy, Psychology, Education; Mathematics; Astronomy; Geology; Physics; Chemis- try; Botany, Zoology, Entomology; Physiology; Art and Design) The College of Commerce and Business Administration (General Business, Bank- ing, Insurance, Accountancy, Railway Administration, Foreign Commerce; Courses for Commercial Teachers and Commercial and Civic Secretaries) The College of Engineering (Architecture; Architectural, Ceramic, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining, Municipal and Sanitary, and Railway Engineering) The College of Agriculture (Agronomy; Animal Husbandry; Dairy Husbandry; Horticulture and Landscape Gardening; Agricultural Extension; Teachers' Course; Household Science) The College of Law (three years' course) The School of Education The Course in Journalism The Courses in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering The School of Railway Engineering and Administration The School of Music (four years' course) The School of Library Science (two years' course) The College of Medicine (in Chicago) The College of Dentistry (in Chicago) The School of Pharmacy (in Chicago; Ph. G. and Ph. C. courses) The Summer Session (eight weeks) Experiment Stations and Scientific Bureaus: U. S. Agricultural Experiment Station; Engineering Experiment Station; State Laboratory of Natural His- tory; State Entomologist's Office; Biological Experiment Station on Illinois River; State Water Survey; State Geological Survey; U. S. Bureau of Mines Experiment Station. The library collections contain (November 1, 1918) 437,949 volumes and 108,289 pamphlets. For catalogs and information address THE REGISTRAR Urbana, Illinois 1 I UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 000502697