■ Bonn H ■mo wu H I ■ HI IbMmShhBbcbi Mi 1 HH HH 1 rati wa Hi HI Bra ■ HSi$ll Hflf HBS B8HS BBSS U8H ■ HHKGa ■ raraftgfi ■ 88888 m HII EBSSyB 31 Moth ralWI* HRDIffiiffi ra KB&HSHlSBflliBQi HUH Ml LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510.84 no.5U-5l€> cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/graphstructuretr514schw UIUCDCS-R-T2-51^ COO-2118-0031 A GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION MODEL FOR PICTURE PARSING By John C. Schwebel May 1972 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN • URBANA, ILLINOIS THE LIBRARY OF. XHB SEP 5 1972 UNIVr^SITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAN A-CHAMPAIGM The oerson charging this material is re- ,s l" or its Return to the library from S it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mu.ilotion, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary act.on and may "'«. in dismissal from .he Univers.fy. „„,,.,, i.RRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY L161 — O-1096 COO-2118-0031 UIUCDCS-R-72-51 1 + A GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION MODEL FOR PICTURE PARSING By John C. Schwebel May 1972 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois This work was supported by Contract AT(ll-l)-21l8 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. A GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION MODEL FOR PICTURE PARSING BY JOHN CHARLES SCHWEBEL B.Math., University of Minnesota, 1964 M.S., University of Illinois, 1966 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1972 Urbana, Illinois A GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION MODEL FOR PICTURE PARSING John Charles Schwebel, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1972 This paper develops a graph-structure model for global level picture representation and picture parsing. Parsing procedures are viewed as series of graph transforma- tions which operate on the graph-structure representation. Graph structures and graph-structure transformations are defined as having properties to facilitate their applica- tion to picture parsing. Reversibility and information loss are defined for transformations. Some representative graph transformations are presented after an enumeration of the basic graphs on which they operate. Simple embeddings (of a transformed graph within the original graph structure) using branches (relations) between a node outside and nodes within the transformed graph are considered. Embedding types are defined as logical functions of branches. Then, composite embeddings between transformed graphs under composite-forming transformations are studied. Composite embedding types are used to infer relations between objects from relations between sub-objects. Implications between embedding types are shown. Picture processing examples are also given. Next, transformations which consist of operations on structured sets are considered. An application here is the merging or partitioning of objects in picture processing, where composite-forming transformations whose root operations are unions or intersections of set elements are employed. To obtain the necessary structure, the sets are assumed to be lattices. Relations between lattice elements are characterized by the way they act when the lattice is transformed. This is done by defining lattice operational properties of a relation. Relationships between the general embedding types and the lattice operational properties are shown. The application of transformations for structural inference of simple descriptions is demonstrated. A Structure Operation Language, SOL, is defined for the computer implementation of the graph structure model. The language is intended to provide a small number of root operations in order to simply express structure transformations on multi-relational graph structures, and to provide a means for experimentation with heuristic scene segmentation strategies. The generality of the presented model allows the expression of structural inference techniques on multi-graph representations, which will undoubtedly have utility beyond the immediate application to scene analysis. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author expresses his sincere appreciation to his thesis advisor, Professor Bruce H. McCormick, for his constant aid, encouragement, and his ready availability as a source of dynamic ideas, many of which are in this paper. Lasting gratitude is also due to my wife, Carolyn, for typing the thesis and especially for needed encouragement during the past year, both of which were necessary for the completion of this thesis. She may now anticipate being repaid in kind as she undertakes a similar folly. Special thanks go to Mr. Stanley Zundo for a rush job in preparing the drawings. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1 . 1 Nature of the Problem 1 1.2 Scope of this Research 5 1 . 3 Related Work 8 1.3.1 Preliminary Remarks 8 1.3.2 Picture Representation , 9 1.3.3 Descriptive Pattern Analysis.... 11 1.3.^ Processing Languages 14 1.3.5 Non-Pictorial Applications 15 2. GRAPH STRUCTURES AND GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATIONS 1 6 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2 Basic Definitions 16 2.2.1 Graph-Structure Representation.... 16 2.2.2 Graph-Structure Transformations 18 2.2.3 Reversibility of Graph Transformations.. 24 2.3 Logical Study of Graph-Structure Transformations 26 2.3.1 Representative Transformations 26 2.3.2 Embedding Types and Root Transformations 34 3. PROPERTIES OF COMPOSITE-FORMING TRANSFORMATIONS 40 3 . 1 Introduction 40 3 . 2 Composite Embedding Types 42 V Page 3.2.1 Preliminary Remarks 42 3.2.2 Definition of Composite Embedding Types ^3 3.2.3 Implications Between Embedding Types 45 3.3 Lattice Operational Characterization of a Relation 50 3.3.1 Introduction 50 3.3.2 Lattice Preliminaries 50 3.3.3 Systems 52 3.3«4 Types of Transformations Considered 56 3.3.5 Definition of Properties , 57 3.3.6 Enumeration of Possible Combinations of Properties 62 3.4 Combined Properties 71 3.4.1 Embedding Types and Lattice Operational Properties 71 3.4.2 Lattice Operation Root Transformations 73 4. APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS 77 4 . 1 Preliminary Remarks 77 4.2 Domain Choice for Application of Transformations 78 4.3 Model Aspects and Optimality 78 4.4 Example Application 80 5. STRUCTURE OPERATION LANGUAGE 86 5.1 Introduction 86 vi Page 5.2 Language Requirements and Related Work 88 5.2.1 Requirements for a Graph-Structure Language 88 5.2.2 Related Work 88 5.3 Definition of SOL 90 5.3.1 SOL Statements 90 5.3.2 Basic Structure Elements 90 5.3.3 Declarations 91 5.3.4 Names and References to Elements 92 5.3.5 Associations 93 5.3.6 Data-Operation 94 5.3.7 Loop-Control 95 5.3.8 Other Operations 96 5.3.9 Pointer-Operation 97 5.3.10 Higher-Level Graph Operations 98 5 . 4 SOL Syntax 1 01 5.5 Example Program Segments 104 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 105 6.1 Discussion of Results 105 6.2 Suggestions for Further Research 106 LIST OF REFERENCES 108 VITA 116 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 . Generators of the Group Z 26 2. Theorem Relating Embedding Types 47 3. Embedding Types for Picture Processing Relations 49 4 . System Operators 53 5. Operator Composition. . • 5^ 6. System Operators Applied to A. 55 7. System Operators Applied to Properties 60 8. Theorems 63 9. System Operators Applied to Theorems 64 10. Reduction of Set of Possible Consistent Values of Twelve Properties 68 11. Minimum Set of 33 Generators of 136 Cases 70 12. Implications Between Embedding Types and Lattice Operational Properties 72 13. Lattice Operational Properties Compared to Lattice Operation Root Transformations 75 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. A Transformation Which Maps Nodes and Branches into a Branch 20 2. Three Different Transformations Between Identical Graphs 21 3. Illustration of Transformation Balloons and Memory 23 4. Example of Reversible and Irreversible Transformations 25 5 . Basic Graphs 28 6. Three Representative Transformations and Generated Transformations 32 7. Simple Embedding Types 35 8. Representative Transformations 37 9. Generated Root Transformations 37 10. Implications Between Root Transformations 39 11. Illustration for Composite Embedding Types 42 12. Implications Between Composite Embedding Types..... 46 13. Composite Embeddings Implied by Simple Embedding Types 48 14. Basic Operational Transformations 57 15. Implication Graph for Twelve Properties 66 16. Lattice Root Transformations 74 17. A Transformation Which Infers a New Model from a Valid Example and a Near-Miss 82 18. Basic Transformations on Compared Models 84 19. Example Declarations 92 20. SOL Subgraph Operations 100 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 .1 Nature of the Problem Our long range goal can be viewed as this: to design a system which can infer the syntactic and semantic structure of its visual environment from selected instances of objects and scenes from the environment. Implicit here is the prior existence of parallel processes for scene segmentation. We identify three subareas of the global recognition problem: Picture Representation, Descriptive Pattern Analysis, and Processing Languages. As asserted above, our exclusive concern will be with global aspects of processing, i.e. some preprocessing is assumed on the picture before it is treated by this model. These processes typically consist of opera- tions which can abstract low-level primitive objects as well as find relations between objects of the scene. Fundamental to the problem of developing higher level picture processing procedures is the necessity to find a suitable picture representation for algorithms and data. This representation must both represent the hierarchical structures of elements with attributes and interrelate these by binary relations. Basic to our model are a graph-structured data representation and graph-transformational parsing procedures. Perhaps one of the most important criteria for any successful picture processing system is flexibility. It is relatively easy to specify a standard grammar to recognize, for example, a "house." But a successful system must be able to recognize "houses" of widely varying types. It is also desirable that the recognition of varying forms of one object be achieved by progressing down a nearly identical path of procedural steps. Flexibility also means the ability to handle objects which may be incompletely specified. The graph- structural representation model has the following features which facilitate flexibility: Subgraphs may be expressions of topological relations which permit a deformable model. Attribute values associated with each object may be used to tie down the model to concrete instances. Interaction or propagation of information between parsing levels, which is needed to identify objects in context, is readily expressible. Descriptive pattern analysis attempts to build descriptions of patterns. We refer to the procedures which form the core of this analysis as parsing procedures. The central problems attacked by these procedures are the location, isolation, and identification of objects in a picture. These problems have been referred to as the "pattern recognition problem"; however, we believe that they can be better delineated as the problems of segmenting, clustering, and parsing objects in a picture. The current lack of computational sophistication in attacking these problems is attested to by the seemingly elementary (by human standards) image processing that systems today are able to perform. In our efforts to develop parsing procedures, we have tried to find techniques applicable to the largest class of pictures first, and specialize to other procedures only when forced to do so. As a result we divide clustering procedures into two categories: first, the lower-level seg- mentation and clustering procedures for object isolation, and second, higher-level parsing procedures utilizing class-specific rules to identify objects within the global stuctural model. The first catgory includes classical uni-relational graph-theoretic clustering techniques as well as the newer methods of multi-relational clustering, subgraph replacement, and graph transformational rules. The second category involves heuristic search and global inference techniques applied to the graph structure. These seek to identify where to dynamically modify the structure and to locate optimum sites for object identifica- tion. The goal here is to select first for identification those composite structures most likely to be valid objects. The abstract labeled and directed graph, whose nodes represent objects and whose edges represent arbitrary binary relations between objects allows recognition procedures based on graph transformations . The recognition process can then be viewed as replacement rules operating on graphs. An important class of procedures forms composites from objects in a "name-independent" manner, i.e. without having to match each element to an explicitly named prototype. These procedures can choose appropriate graph transformations given relevant properties of the relations between items. This class of procedures may be used in the lower levels of analysis in order to increase the efficiency over a model- driven analyzer. Set-replacement rules used to build up structure are generalizations of grammatical productions. Predicates may be used to specify when a rule may be applied. This process is called "composite formation." A replacement rule forms a composite element from subelements of the graph. The new graph formed by new composite elements and new rela- tions involving these elements is then the candidate for further composite formation. For successful recognition, this process should tend toward a "recognizable graph," i.e. a graph which has somehow been specified as an acceptable goal. The general structure transformation schema can now be specified by an ordered production system whose entry points correspond to root graph operations. For example the root operation of creating a branch, or merging two elements , which may be dictated by the current picture segmentation strategy, specifies an entry point into the production schema and thus determines possible graph transformations. These graph transformations can then specify actions calling for other root operations. The development of processing languages is considered a necessary part of this problem. Currently, adequate languages exist to express algorithms which operate on the array representation of pictures as "binary valued elements with neighborhood connectivity relationships. The next and most natural abstraction from the array representa- tion is a graph structure, by means of which many scene seg- mentation algorithms can be simply expressed. We seek to develop theory for the level of picture processing operations which can be represented as structure transformations. A structure operational language is a helpful tool for precisely specifying and for experimenting with heuristic scene segmen- tation strategies, In summary, the problem dealt with here is to develop representations and parsing procedures for global level picture processing. The model to be developed should allow the inference of structural models from examples and counter- examples and permit relational inference to choose candidates for composite formation, and to embed or extend relations to newly formed elements. Successful strategies for structural inference using multi-graph scene representation are undoubtedly techniques which will have utility beyond their immediate application to scene analysis. 1 .2 Scope of this Research In the present work we have first attempted to define the theoretical framework in which transformations on graphs of related objects are applied. Chapter Two defines graph structures and graph structure transformations, which are general mappings between structures. Necessary properties of the transformations are developed. Reversibilty and information loss are defined for transformations. A logical study of graph transformations is begun by enumerating basic graphs which may be candidates for a transformation and by defining their representative graph transformations. Later in Chapter Two, simple types of relation embeddings (which specify how exterior branches are moved under a transformation) between one node outside, to nodes within the graph being transformed are defined. Assuming a simple embedding type, root transformations are used to imply more complex transformations. Implications between transformations are also considered. Chapter Three restricts attention to composite- forming graph transformations: those which are used to parse a structure. Composite embedding types of relations (between nodes within different graphs being transformed) are defined. Implications between embedding types are shown. Then transformations which consist of operations on structured sets are considered. An application here is the merging or partitioning of objects in picture processing, where composite-forming transformations whose root operations are unions or intersections of set elements are employed. To obtain the necessary structure, the sets are assumed to be lattices. Relations between lattice elements are character- ized by the way they act when the lattice is transformed. This is done by defining lattice operational properties of a relation. Finally relationships between the general embedding types and the lattice operational properties are considered. Chapter Four treats questions concerning the applica- tion of series of graph transformations which attempt to obtain a simple structured description of an object. In Chapter Five we have specified a Structure Operation Language, SOL, in order to simply and conveniently express operations on multi-relational graph structures which allow an arbitrary number of variables to be associated with any structure element. The language has a small number of root operations which are sufficient for expressing structure transformations, and has been specified with the goal of embedding it in a higher-level procedural language. Chapter Six contains conclusions and suggestions for further possibly fruitful research. 8 1 .3 Related Work 1,3.1 Preliminary Remarks This brief survey is divided to reflect the three main (and unavoidably overlapping) parts of our problem » I icture Representation , Descriptive Pattern Analysis , and Processing; Languages . Thus, a syntactical description may represent a class of pictures, which is analyzed by means of a processing language or by a syntax-directed processor keyed to the description. Section 1.3.2 emphasizes the representation used; section 1.3.3 the method of analysis; and section 1.3.^ available processing languages. Only recognition languages fall in the processing area; descriptive languages have been placed in the representation area. We are exclusively concerned with global level picture processing/ which encompasses concepts important to both pattern recognition and computer graphics ) , Low-level representations, modes of analysis and associated languages (such as analyzing an array of picture points by local opera- tion using a plane-parallel processing language) are not included in this survey. For a general survey of picture processing see Rosenfeld (l). Also, for surveys primarily on unstructured feature extraction techniques, see Nagy (2) and levine (3). 1.3.2 Picture Representation The representations used to describe and process pictures range from unstructured models and implied relational linguistic models, which implicitly assume relations between objects, to explicit relational graph models. Unstructured models use some type of attribute, object, value triplets to describe objects, as in Paul (**•). This is a useful concept, used also in nonpictorial data-base models as in Hsiao and Harary (5)» but is inadequate for structured descriptions. Many picture processing systems whose chief compo- nent is a language for describing pictures have been reported in the literature. Most of these linguistic models deal with lines as terminal elements and use specialized cases of general set-replacement rules. The systems of Anderson (6), Evans (7), Feder (8, 9) and Shaw (10) are the most generally comprehen- sive in this class and fit the general two-level model in the survey by Miller and Shaw (11 ). Pictures are described by a low level primitive (terminal element) description, supplemented by a hierarchic description which describes how primitives are grouped into higher level structures. Semantic components, such as variables, may be associated with a primitive or a hierarchic description. The hierarchic description is defined by a generative grammar which may be used to parse a given picture. 10 Limitations of the descriptive capability of these systems are a line pattern orientation and a lack of ability to express relationships between objects. Inefficiency is also present due to the fact that the set-replacement rules are implemented by top-down exhaustive set-partitioning techniques which are inherently slow. Other surveys of linguistic models are given by Feder (12), Swain and Fu (13). and Narasimhan (14, 15). In this class the paper of Kirsch (16) is of historical interest,, while Chang (17,18) and Knoke and Wiley (19) consider structure more explicitly. Lastly, in the same class, there is a body of work which has a higher emphasis on pictorial relation- ships: from Londe and Simons (20), Inselberg and Kline (21) and Inselberg (22), to Clowes (23) and Barrow and Popplestone (24). Models which consider relations on sets and which use explicit graph representations of the relations have become, during the course of this research, generally acknow- ledged as necessary for picture description. In order to characterize types of relations (which can be expressed in a graph structure), we have defined and enumerated basic formal properties of binary relations in McCormick and Schwebel (25). Raphael (26) and Childs (27, 28) employ set-theoretic data structures with set operations j in addition Elliot (29) uses explicit properties of binary relations in a fact retrieval system. However, all three treat relations as sets 11 rather than as graphs. Eastman (30, 31) finds a need for a better spatial relationship descriptive capability. Relational networks, i.e. where a graph expresses the relations, are used in Savitt, Love, and Troop (32) and are considered as constraints for picture processing in Montanari (33)» Finally, surveys of data structures for computer graphics can be found in Williams (3*0 and Gray (35). 1.3.3 Descriptive Pattern Analysis Here we consider the methods of analysis which attempt to modify the initial picture representation so as to obtain the (usually reduced) desired description. This is the heart of the pattern recognition problem. In this class we will first consider heuristic object-formation techniques and model-driven analyzers. Then we consider graph-theoretic, graph-grammatical, graph-transformational, and structural inference techniques which have more pertinence to the present work. Surveys will be found in Evans (36), Duda and Hart (37) » and Lipkin, Watt, and Kirsch (38). The programs of Guzman (39» *+0) demonstrated the feasibility of what we have called name-independent parsing of objects. Heuristics involving two-dimensional vertices were used to merge planar regions into three-dimensional objects using an abstract graph representation. We have been able to show that Guzman's work is conveniently expressible in our proposed model. In this case, planar faces form basic cells, 12 and vertex types imply relationships between cells. The composite (object) formation process of cell merging can be implemented by simple graph transformations with two classes of relations. Falk (4l) considers an analysis similar to Guzman's, but with imperfect data. Huffman (42, 43) is able to express more semantics in his interesting application of analogous vertex rules which are used to form polyhedra. Brice and Fennema (44) apply region-merging heuristics. Decomposition in terms of mathematically-defined entities can be found in Pavlidis (45, 46) where primary sets are used to generate polygons, and in Michalski and McCormick (4?), Michalski (48) and Raulefs (49) where interval covers are considered. Model-oriented analyzers attempt to match a prototype to an instance of a picture. In Guzman (50, 51 ) i rigid prototypes and models are used. More flexibility is obtained in Freparata and Ray (52) by using confidence measures of plausibility between the picture and the model. The structure and pattern matching techniques considered in Salton and Sussenguth (53) and Freeman and Gardner (54) are of interest for the prototype-instance match. Graph-theoretic clustering techniques operate on relational graphs, attempting to merge nodes according to the relations between pairs of nodes. Matula (55) and Zahn (56) consider clustering on graphs using simple values (weights) 13 associated with unirelational graphs. Graph-grammatical formulations consist of grammatical rewriting rules on labeled graphs. In Pflantz (57)» convexity of graphs is considered as a preliminary to formulating web grammars in Pflantz and Rosenfeld (58). Montanari (59) considers contextual conditions to decide if a web -grammatical rule can be applied. A simple case of the embedding of a relation during application of a web rule is defined. Pavlidis (60) develops further theoretical results on graph grammars. Graph grammars are of great interest since they are a natural generalization of string grammars and offer hope that analogies to theoretical results of language theory can be shown. Analysis techniques to infer or determine structure are considered in Kirsch (6l) and Evans (62, 63). For this analysis multirelational graph structures are needed. Winston (64) shows how a structured description may be inferred from examples. Explicit studies of graph transformations appear necessary for structural inference. Transformations on program graphs are considered in Cooper (65) and Basu (66). Our work in this area was initiated by McCormick (67) by presenting illustrative transformations and his emphasis upon the concept of reversibility. These ideas were further considered in Schwebel (68, 69) and led to definitions of properties of relations for composite formation in Schwebel and McCormick (70). 14 1.3.4 Processing; Languages Languages to implement picture processing algorithms are divided into two categories: descriptive graphic languages and graph or graph-structure processing languages. Descriptive graphic languages have tended to be display-oriented and of limited use in recognition of pictures. In this class are the systems and languages of Herzog (71), Kulsrud (72) and Williams (73). In Schwebel ( 7M , we presented criteria for graphic languages and defined a language, ICON, to meet these criteria. Still, the primary usefulness of ICON is for picture description. Graph or graph-structure processing languages may be distinguished by the presence of operations which allow analysis of descriptions. Chase (75) uses a system for graph manipula- tion. Graph-structures of greater generality can be treated with languages given in Pratt and Friedman (76), Earley (77)» Lieberman (78), Wolf berg (79) , and Crespi-Reghizzi and I^orpurgo (80). These languages are considered further in Chapter Five when we define our Structure Operation Language, SOL. Associated with processing languages is the study of the transformations done on semantic information during processing. Means of propagating attribute values during application of processing rules are treated extensively in Knuth (81, 82) and considered in Milgram and Rosenfeld (83). 15 1.3.5 Non-Pictorial Appli cat ions Graph structure representation and procedures are adequately general for immediate use in many applications outside of picture processing. We give only a few of them here. Formulations of goal-directed general problem solving as in Ernst and Newell (84) and the generalized means-end analysis of Siklossy (85) can be expressed in a graph structure transformational framework. Heuristic theorem proving applications that deal with structure can be found in Holden and Johnson (86), Slagle and Bursky (87), and Winston (88). In medical diagnosis by sequential diagnosis of symptoms, Gorry (89) and Gorry and Barnett (90) implicitly use properties of attribute disease mappings between spaces for constructing disease patterns. 16 2. GRAPH STRUCTURES AND GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATIONS • 1 intro duction In this chaDter we first give the basic definitions o r a graph structure and of a graph-structure transformation. -iome properties of transformations, including reversibility, are also defined. Examples are given to justify the definitions. Then we undertake a logical study of graph transforma- tions. . ome simple graphs are enumerated to enable us to choose representative graph transformations. Simple embedding tvpes of a relation under a transformation are defined and are then used to generate representative transformations from a root transformation. Finally, logical implications between transformations are shown. 2.2 Basic Definitions 2.2.1 Gr aph -Structure Representation We first give the definition of a graph structure ; The elements of a graph structure, GS, are represented by a sixtuple GS = ()t , il t ,.J,& t C? = £ Si » S 2 » • • »g a 3 is a set of directed labeled graphs, &£j.t with the property that if g. ■ £n. , B.3 then N. contains all the nodes of the branches in B. . <•?. = i a i » a p» • • ,a v S i s a s e"t of attributes for nodes, branches, sets, or graphs. ^L- Y)] , 1 c. r and a branch b. = (n., u, , n, ) exists if and only if (n.,n, )«R 1 J K J- ^ k In this case each relation corresponds to a directed graph . Or, we may expand the idea of a relation by associating a weight, w € I3^L» with each branch. Then we consider R to be a function, R i )7x/) — » w', with a value from the set consisting of weights w and a null weight % , w' = w U 7-> . Each relation corresponds to a set of weighted branches of a digraph. The null weight represents a missing branch. Definition* g. is a subgraph of g . if and only if g.G< r^) = n, HEADt B -» ft f HEAD(n.., u k » r^) = r^ 18 LABEL: Q>-> Ct , LABEL(n., IK, iu) = u R NODES t *$.-*2 , NODES (s^ = B, f\ )l BRANCHES t^-»2°, BRANCHES (s.) = s. A P A graph structure is, thus, a set of nodes and labeled branches, with identifiable (sets of ) graphs, subgraphs, and sets of nodes and branches. There is also a set of associ- ated attributes which map from a set of graph-structure elements of a given type into a set of values. Graph-structured data representation and graph- transformational-based parsing procedures are basic to our model. In our picture processing applications, a graph structure has the following semantics. Nodes represent primi- tives and higher level derived composite elements. Labeled branches represent binary relations between objects. Graphs and subgraphs usually represent the local domain or context of a transformation. Sets of nodes and branches may represent regions, paths, cut sets, etc. Much of the semantics of a particular application is carried in the attributes of nodes, branches, graphs, or sets. For example, a primitive node can be associated with the physical picture data which it repre- sents . 2.2.2 Gr aph-Structure Transformations A graph-structure transformation, T, between two structures L 1 and L 2 is a relation T c g • x g 2 ' where g* - gVl* 19 g 1 e G , g 2 € G 2 . Here we assume an element,^*-, called the empty element , which is associated with each graph, g. An element of g 1 , mapped into %~ only, is said to be deleted by the trans- formation, and an element of g« which is the image of 7-. only, is said to be created by the transformation. The inverse of a graph-structure transformation T is denoted T and is the inverse of the relation. That is, T" 1 = {(y, x) | (x, y) « T}. Note . Delete is the inverse of create. A graph-structure transformation will also be repre- sented by the rule g 1 = :i g 2 which specifies that the structure g 2 will replace the structure g. . The relation T may either be implicitly understood or explicitly stated. Below we give some properties of transformations and the reasons for defining graph transformations with these properties. A graph transformation is a relation . Transformations specify a change in a graph structure to produce a new graph structure. In general, we want to allow contracting ( |g-i | > |g 2 P and expanding ( Igol^l^iP transformations. Many- to-one as well as one-to-many transformations can occur. For example, even in a composite-forming (usually many-to-cne) transformation in picture processing, an edge may be subdivided between two legions. Because we wish to allow contextual elements to be included in the domain or range of the 20 transformation, the relation need not be everywhere-defined or onto. We also wish the inverse of a transformation to be a well-defined transformation. Transformations act on a graph (nodes and branches) and -produce a graph (nodes and branches). We wish the domain to be a related set, in effect a substructur e specified by a graph and its associated semantics. A transformation could be restricted to map nodes into nodes, or nodes and branches into nodes. These restrictions are not adhered to here, since the former choice neglects the information contained in the rela- tions, and the latter produces a non-invertable transformation which also neglects relations in the produced graph structure. Figure 1 gives an example of a transformation in which a branch has both nodes and branches in the inverse image. © ® H = head, B = base, S = supports, P = parallel to. L = left brace R = right brace, T(H) = H, T(B) = B, T(L) = T(R) = f((L, P, R)) = (B, S, H) Figure j . A Transformation Which Maps Nodes and Branches into a Branch 21 Transformations map elements of a graph to elements of a graph . This allows us to associate elements differently- even though the graphs g. and g 2 are the same. Thus in Figure 2, the three transformations T. , T,,, T~ relate different elements of the graph g^ • to the graph g 2 '. ShKD x - T,: Figure 2 . Three Different Transformations Between Identical Graphs 22 ueletions and creations of elements may be specified. The empty element, X, is introduced for this purpose. We could have defined unmapped elements to be deleted, but that would have eliminated the possibility of having elements in the graph which are present only to establish context and which are not mapped or deleted. The element mapping and the presence of the empty element in a transformation also allow us to define the memory of an element in the range of a transformation. This is a useful concept to have when considering conditions for performing the inverse transformation and to simplify the rep- resentation of a series of graph transformations. The memory, denoted M(e), of an element e which is in the range of the transformation T. is the inverse image of e under T., that is, 2 , which contains the range of T, and the history of the transformation, rep- resented by the memory of the elements of g 2 : M(e) for e^g 2 , e ^^2* This simplifies the representation of g 2 , which will then be the domain for further transformations. The memory of the emr>ty element is defined to be empty, M(JL) = 0. Thus, no history is maintained for deleted elements. For example, in Figure 2 under transformation T. , d has three elements in its memory due to T^ i "(d) = £ a, (a,u,b) ,bj". Under T~, d has an empty memory. 23 Figure 3 shows a transformation between structures L. and L 2# The graphs, g. and g 2 »are encircled and are referred to as the domain balloon and the range (or transformed ) balloon , respectively, of T. Branches A and B cut the balloon boundaries. The element h and the memory of h, M(h), are shown cross-hatched in the figure. l, Figure 3 . Illustration of Transformation Balloons and Memory Consider a graph transformation T as a grammatical rewriting rule for graph structures. Here T will be specified in terms of variables in Hi and 8 e.g. T 2 (A, B, a, b, c) where 2k A, B e$ and a, b, c •/] . We will be concerned with the case in which the rewriting rules are used to reduce a graph structure to a simpler form. These rules will be applied in graph- structure parsing procedures. Thus, we generally want |gj > |g 2 | ( In many cases, T will be single-valued and will not create new elements, T: gi — ^ gg' . 2.2.3 Reversibility of Graph Transformations An application of a transformation is valid if the resulting graph structure is valid. This will depend upon the logical definitions of the system. For example, if composites represent unions of set elements, and branches represent binary relations between elements, then the validity of the transfor- mation depends upon the validity of the relations created by the transformation. When the transformation contains variables for nodes, branches, or attributes, we will say that the trans- formation is valid ovar some set of variable values. Assuming a set of values for the variables in a transformation , we will say that T is reversible if and only if T is valid and T is valid, given the memory of T. A rever- sible transformation will be said to be information lossless . A reversible transformation is one which can be validly inverted assuming the memory of the transformation is available. In parsing an initial graph structure, information lossless transformations are plausible choices to use in order to infer composites. In general, this criterion can be expanded 25 so that each transformation may have a degree of reversibility associated with it. A transformation with a high degree of reversibility can produce a structure close (in the sense of "near-miss," see Chapter Four) to the given structure. Example : Figure 4 shows transformations S and T, A = a. U a 2 , B = b t U b 2 , 1 = a 1 U \> 1 and 2 = a 2 U b 2 . From the properties of the relations, "Above" and "Inside," we can conclude that T is reversible, while S is not reversible, for any variables aj and b. from the Boolean algebra of picture j subparts. a i b, A bl ® 1NSIDE - @ © ABOVE ABOVE \ ' ® INSIDE • Q T ABOVE © INS '° E ■ © © Figure 4 . Example of Reversible and Irreversible Transformations 26 2 . 3 Logical Study of Graph-Structure Transformations 2.3.1 Representative Transformations Operators on Relational Systems In general, we may consider graph structures as relational systems, S = £R 5» on one set or between sets, R 5 ^ x N. We define a group Z of operators, z, which act on relational systems to generate other relational systems, denoted z(S). The operators also generate statements about z(S) from statements about S. The first operators considered form inverses of the relations. Then, when a lattice structure is assumed on the sets, duality operators are introduced. Thus, while consider- ing and proving statements about a system S, the operators, z^Z, allow us to imply similar statements about systems with inverse relations and/or dual sets. First v/e consider a set of relations )r ,R , . . ,R $ . u l u 2 u r In this case, an inverse operator is defined for each u. The group Z of operators is generated by composition of the inverse operators defined in Table 1 where z is an operator in Z and A is a logical expression in the system such as a graph or trans- formation. Table 1 . Generators of the Group Z z(A) u A with R replaced by R u * J u I I ...I u l u 2 u r -1 27 The group Z is a commutative group with 2 r elements obtained from r different options of the inverse operators. In studying root transformations, we will restrict our attention to the case where r = 2 and CL = £u., , u o^t where the four operators in Z are t E, L, I 2 , I Here, I = I^^* Enumeration of Basic Graphs In order to choose some representative labeled graphs as operands for the domain and range of transformations, we will enumerate graphs with up to four points, two relations, and four edges, i.e. m < 4, r < 2, p£^i (i) Graphs which are isomorphic, i.e. identical except for a renaming of labels and points, are considered equivalent in the enumeration, (ii) Graphs with reflexive loops will not be considered. Thus, edges will be exhibited between distinct points only and m > 2. (iii) Multiple relations between two points will be treated as defining a new relation. Accordingly, graphs with multiple edges will not be enumerated, (iv) Disconnected graphs are treated by considering their disconnected components only and are omitted in the enumeration. Figure 5 displays the enumerated graphs. Each row 28 Figure 5a. Basic Graphs m r P E I| h I 2 1 1 l 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 *A 2 \ r f 3 2 3 1 1 - 1 1 w 1 2 1 2 V 2 N 2 V] 2 M l 2 V 4 2 3 1 1. _ 1 i fc ^ 1 2 /I 1 ^ 2 /I . 1 2 / 1 * 2 y 2 J> 2 y 2 / 2 1 r X 1 1 / ^ 1 1 fc 2 2 * 1 1 2 ■J I 2 1 f — J 1 1 1 ALL T sT E«I| E-I E-I, Ifl E^l2 29 4 2 3 2 I 2 I 4 2 4 I I 2 2 2 2 A A 2 2 U V 1 J - I ALL 1 i — n r — i i 2 1 2 1 2 1 F L 3f I J l r l 2 i — r ]i 2 2 2 2 2 2 ALL i — ~ r l r 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 I * — I a — n r — i 2 2 2 2 2 2 J L !f I J E*I I.* I E*I r j 1 2 I 'j 1 2 1 L i 1 2 ' 1 "I L l r l 2 2 2 2 Figure 5b. Basic Graphs 30 contains a graph, L, and all the inverse graphs I.,(L), I 2 (L), I(L). Isomorphisms may exist between graphs in the same row only. A list of isomorphic graphs in a row, or the word ALL is given on the same line to the right of the row. Thus, for example, all of the 2, 1, 1 graphs are isomorphic! in the first row of the 3» 2, 3 graphs, E is isomorphic to I. , and I is isomorphic to Ip. Except for the 2, 1, 1 case, graphs with r = 1 are not listed, since they are special cases of graphs with r = 2 which are listed. For m = 2 or 3 and r = 2, a graph with any possible value of p is equivalent to one of the listed graphs. For m = 4 and r = 2, the ^, 2,1 and 4, 2, 2 graphs are disconnected. All k, 2, 3 graphs are listed. Additional k, 2 t h graphs may be obtained by adding an edge to any corner of the 3> 2, 3 graphs. These graphs are not listed since transformations will be applied to their 3, 2, 3 subgraphs. Similarly, other more complex graphs will be handled by a series of transformations on simpler subgraphs, 2c3.1.3 Definition of Representative Transformations We choose three representative composite-forming transformations which use graphs in Figure 5 as operands. One graph is selected for each p = 2, 3, k. The graphs chosen from Figure 5 are then generalized so that the branches may designate more than two relations. Instead of the two branch labelsi u^, u 2 , we now use up to four labels: A, B, C, D. 31 The branch label E is used for the resulting branch. For descriptive purposes, when no ambiguity is possible, we some- times use the branch label to denote a branch. Thus u, may be used to denote the branch (n. 9 u,, n-i ) • We also assume that the operator I. acts on R. and R„, and that the operator I ? acts on Rg, Rp, and R„. This will allow more generality in this section while keeping the operator group simple. The choice of the A, D, and B, C, E groupings, under I. and I 2 , respectively, is justified later, in connection with feasible root transformations. Figure 6 displays the three transfor- mations Q2, Q3, Q4 and also z(Q2), z(Q3), z(Qb) for the four z in Z . There are a total of seven non-isomorphic transforma- tions generated by Q2, Q3, and Q^. The transformation Q2 is specified so that the branch B is deleted and the branch E is created, while a, A, and b are all mapped into the node e. The memory of e is then available, along with the transformed graph, for the application of further transformations. Q3 and Q4 are defined similarly. The transformation mappings are given below: Q2(a) = Q2(b) = Q2(A) = e, Q2U) =A 2 , Q2(c) = c, Q2(^ t ) = E, thus K(e) = £a, A , b J , M(E) = 0, M(c) - c. Q3(a) = Q3(A) = Q3(b) = e, Q3(C) = Q3(B) =^ 2 , Q3(c) = c, Q3(A' 1 ) = E. 32 (Q) ^ Q2 • Q3 Q4 n 1 A h ( a n^ A h < i a - A * ■ 1 E a ^ B =:: E X B =:; E C 8 =:: E t \ c < r c c -W^ J a-fi-fcb a I, B =:: E Q3 04 1 T ! f C 1 >% ^ it" 1 i I 2 B =:: E KQ3) Q4 C < « I a »j B = :: i E \ b =:: I i E Q4 c : c \ C : c • Figure 6. Three Representative Transformations and Generated Transformations 33 Qif(a) = Q4(A) = QMb) - e, QMd) = QMD) = QMc) ■ f, Q4(C) = Q4(B) =^ 2 , Q4( ^) - E. The basic criteria for the choice of transformations were simplicity and plausibility of composite formation. It is assumed that simple transformations, such as Q2, will occur most frequently and will be basic to any application procedure. More complex transformations are selected if one of the ways in which composites could be chosen appears intuitively most reasonable. For example, of the two basic 3t 2, 3 graphs in Figure 5 , the one selected for Q3 gives an obvious choice of composite formation assuming that a relation can be extended to a composite if it holds with all parts of the composite. 3^ ,3,2 Embedding Types and Root Transformations Simple Embedding Types We first consider general rules for embedding a graph g~, which has resulted from a transformation T c g • x g 2 ' , into the graph structure of g 1 . These rules are considered as properties of relations for arbitrary transformations, and are called simple embedding types of the relation. The embedding rules determine only whether a branch (n, u, m), where n is outside of and m is within the domain balloon, implies a new branch (n, u, t) where t is within the transformed balloon. The decision as to whether a branch exists depends upon the inverse image, T (t), of the resulting element. Three logical embedding types are defined below. Assume n,m € /) , n e g., mCg u «U., t e T(m) , t ^>. Simple Embedding Type OR (n,u, m) For any m e T -1 (t) =^ (n, u, t) AND (n, u,m) For all m « T" 1 (t) NOT (n, u,m) For no m € T" 1 (t) (n, u, t) (n, u, t) Thus, embedding types allow us to determine connections from an element outside the domain balloon to the elements within the transformed balloon as logical functions of the elements of the inverse image of the new element. 35 Let NODES(T" 1 (t)) = £11^, m 2 , . . .m^ and b ■ (n, u, t), b. = (n, u, nu), as shown in Figure 7 , Let f. be a predicate which is true if and only if branch b. exists; similarly, f is a predicate which is true if and only if the branch b exists. Then the embedding types, OR, AND, and NOT are expressed in terms of predicates as given below. OR AND NOT Vf =^f 1 A f i =* f 1 -i(V/f i )=*>f Figure 7 . Simple Embedding Types 36 Root Transformations We wish to study the application of a set of simple root transformations in order to findt -when a set of simple transformations and associated embedding types implies more complex transformations. -the set of transformations which may be generated by a root set. Consider again the simple transformations Q2, Q3 t Q^ of Figure 6. First assume a root transformation RT 1 : -Ja, (a, A, b), bT > e. Thus, RT. maps two nodes and a branch between them into a single node. Now we wish to apply RT.. to the domain of Q2, Q3, Q4 in order to effect these transformations. It is necessary to specify the embedding of the branches connecting a and b. The conditions for implementing Q2, Q3» and Q4 by means of root transformations, RT , specifying an OR type embedding for all the branches, are shown in Figure 8. The condition for Q2 to be implemented by RT is that R E = Rg. If this condi- tion holds, we call the transformation a new basic root trans- formation RQ2. Similarly for Q3 and Q4, if R £ = R f\ R fi then we have basic root transformations RQ3 and RQ4. Figure 9 shows RQ2, RQ3 and RQ4. The conditions are now expressed in the graphs by having the same branch label, B, wherever B, C, or E appeared in Q2, Q3,and Q^. 37 a -»■ b B R E = R B t ? c R e = R c aR b f R E = R c r\R B Figure 8. Representative Transformations B RQ2 B RQ3 B RQ4 Figure 9. Generated Root Transformations 38 2„3»2.3 Implications Between Transformations In order to aid in the establishment of sufficient conditions for the validity of transformations, we will first derive implications between the transformations RQ2, RQ3» and RQ*l. The group of operators, Z, will be used to simplify the derivation. In particular, a logical statement, A, implies a transformation, Q, if and only if z(A) implies z(Q), where z is an operator in Z . Again it is necessary to specify embeddings. Since deletion of branches not named in the transformation may eliminate necessary constraints, we will assume an OR type embedding for branches so that the maximum information is maintained. The following implications then hold: RQ2 =£ RQ3 I 1 (RQ2) =£ RQ3 RQ2 a KRQ3) =^ RQ^ if R n = r a Firure 10 shows diagrams to establish these implications. The variables of a transformation may be explicitly stated by a parenthesized list following the transformation name. The variables may be omitted if they range over all possible values in the set. Let RQ2(A, B, a, b, C), RQ3(A,B,a,b,c, and RQ4(A, 3, D, a, b, c, d) be standard orders for representing the variables in the transformations of Fjgure 9 . If a variable is omitted commas may be left out at the right end of the string. With this notation we may specify a less strict condition for RQ^: RQ2(A, B)a I(RQ3(D, B)) =^RQ4(A, B, D) 39 RQ2 Ii(RQ2) 1 t c B RQ2=* RQ3 l!(RQ2)=» RQ3 RQ2 KRQ3) RQ2A I(RQ3) if R D = R A RQ4 Figure 10. Implications Between Root Transformations 3. PROPERTIES OF COMPOSITE-FORMING TRANSFORMATIONS 3.1 Introduction In this chapter we consider composite-forming graph transformations. We wish, eventually, to consider a series of transformations which reduce graphs to single nodes. Chapter Two considered simple embeddings between only one node and its transformed environment. When the nodes of the original graph are "oartitioned and coalesced into more than one node, we want to infer relations between composite nodes from the previously defined relations between the member nodes, which belonged to different inverse graphs of the new composites. This latter type of embedding is called a composite embedding type. Composite embedding types are defined in section 3.2. In that section results are exhibited only for series of transformations which can be expressed equivalently as a pair of transformations, each producing one node. This assures that the transformations are composite-forming and allows us to develop implications between simple embedding types and composite embedding types. It is obvious that the concept of correspondences (binary relations) between two sets is very general and can be employed practically in algorithms only when specialized cases are considered. We will specialize in two ways. First the sets considered will be assumed to have some structure. An 41 example of this structure is the Boolean algebra of picture parts formed by the relationship "is a subpart of." Secondly, the binary relations between the sets will be categorized with respect to their invariance under composite-forming transformations. For example, the image processing relation "above", between picture subparts, can be extended to composite picture elements which are formed by the union of the subparts. The composite formation property used here is the following! a "above" b and a "above" c implies a "above" (b union c), where a, b, and c are arbitrary picture elements. This implication gives a (partial) formal characterization of the binary relation "above"- by defining one of its properties under composite formation. Section 3.3 imposes conditions on the transformations to develop more properties of relations in specific transforma- tion systems. The structure of the sets is here defined to be a lattice, and systems consisting of relations between lattices are defined; the composite-forming properties defined are called lattice operational properties. Here the transformations are restricted to mappings which can be expressed by lattice opera- tions, for example, as the join of a pair of elements. The restriction of transformations will aid in the description and decomposition of a series of T's, studied in Chapter Four. In Section 3»^» the simple embedding types, composite embedding types, and lattice operational properties are consid- ered together. Root transformations, RQ's, as defined in Chapter Two, are now specialized to lattice operations and called LRQ's. h2 The relationships between the LRQ ' s and the lattice operational properties are shown. 3.2 Composite Embedding Types 3.2.1 Preliminary Remark s We wish to consider the result of a series of trans- formations which map a graph with nodes £a, ^ into a single node a and a graph with nodes £ b."£ into a single node b. In general, j we wish to be able to determine the relations between a and b from the relations among the a,'s and b.'s. Figure 11 shows the domain and range of the transfor- mation T. In general T will be a series of functional, i.e. single-valued, transformations, T = Tp,...T 2 • T. . We assume that each T. is functional and also that T is functional so that T'^a) n T'^b) = (Zf. -1 T _1 (b) -i T _1 (a) bij T V a b Figure 11 .Illustration for Composite Embedding Types ^3 We want to use the relation embedding types which were defined for a single transformation to imply the existence of aR b from the instances of a.R b.. u i u o* For a series of transformations the order of applica- tion will be important. However, the restriction to functional transformations has eliminated the interaction between T" 1 ( a) and T~ (b) so that we may assume T ■ T L . T R or T R . T where T L = VV \ " nd T " = \-'\ ' \- T L a0t * «™ T" 1 (a) and T R acts on T -1 (b). In some cases, to prove implications about the com- posite embeddings ,aR u b, f rom the simple embedding types of R , one order, T R . T L or T L . T R will be preferred. T R will use the simple embedding type of R y , and T L will use the simple embedding type of R ~ to determine intermediate embeddings. After defining some composite embedding types, CET's, for a relation R , we will show which of them can be implied by the _i embedding types of R and R . t. of u u 3.2.2 Definition of Composite Embedding Types Definition . R has Composite Embedding Type K . denoted CET K, if and only if a.R b. for all (i,j)e ^v^ 3 ^ b » where A, £ I x J. 1 U J JC U 1C Thus, CET K is defined by specifying^,. Hk Below we specify A,^ 2 ,4_,^.,^ c .i and A , to specify six basic composite embedding types CET 1"ANY ' i.e . there exists a.R b. - 1 — 1 u o CET 2 "ALL-TAILS" ^ ^ {_( i, ,i( i) ) |¥i5 i.e . for all i there exists j(i) such that a.R b . / . N CET 3 "ALL-HEADS " A o s£(i(j)»j)|¥ jl ife . for all j there exists i(,j) such that a. / . nR b . CET 4 "ALL-ONE" A^.Ixj. C ET 5 "ONE-ALL" ^ 5 - l -o x J CET 6 "ALL" A^ = I x J i.e . for some j , a.R b. for all i P i u ,■) i.e . for some i , a. R b. for all i P i p u j i*e . a.R b. for all i and j i u .i d Let f. . be a predicate which is true if and only if branch b ii = ^ a i* u * " D * ^ exists t and let f be a predicate which is true if and only if the branch aR b exists. Then we can define u the composite embedding types in terms of the branch predicates as given below. ^5 CET ANY V f . . ALL-TAILS /\(Vf..) =$> f i 3 13 ALL-HEADS A (V f . . ) ^ f ALL-ONE V(Af. .) . . n ONE-ALL V/(Af- .) . . n ALL A (f H ) ^ t 3.2.3 Implications Between Embedding Types Figure 12 shows implications between the composite embedding types by an implication lattice. The downward direction means "implies." The lattice is completed by taking logical "and's" and "or's" of the five basic types. For example, CET 2 & 3 could be defined by: 2 & 3: (A(Vf, .)) A (A(Vf..)) =4 f i j 13 j i 1J Also, we can see from the figure that: CET i =^ CET 2 =* CET 4 =^ CET 6, and CET 1 "=^ CET 3 =£ CET 5 =^ CET 6. 46 ALL-HEADS ONE-ALL ALL-TAILS ALL-ONE Figure 12. Implications Between Composite Embedding Types *7 The next theorem states implications between the simple embedding; types of a relation R and R and the composite embedding type of the relation R . The theorem is expressed by Table 2 given below. For example, the table states that if R has embedding type "OR" and R has embedding type "AND," then R has composite embedding type "ALL-TAILS." .e 2 . Theorem Relating Embedding Types R has embedding type U j OR OR AND AND — ana ■ R " has embedding type OR AND OR AND R has composite embedding U type ANY ALL- TAILS ALL- HEADS ALL Since we are considering the case where T is expressible as two independent transformations, T = T,. • T R = T R • T T , the proof of the theorem is obvious by just consider- ing the simple embedding type of R when performing T Rf and the simple embedding type of R, " when performing T T . U Li We illustrate by a picture processing example shown in Figure 13 . At the top of the figure is an abstract graph and a possible two-dimensional picture corresponding to the graph. Also shown are the transformations T L and T R which form the composites a and b. 48 bi a± © b 2 \ v ©===© Figure 13. Composite Embedding Implied by Simple Embedding Types 49 Table 3 shows the simple embedding types and composite embedding type implied by the theorem for the relations used in the example. Table 3 . relation R, -1 Embedding Types for Picture Processing Relations simple description embedding type touches touches OR OR implied composite embedding type ANY ANY R. V - R C Ri R L~ ~ R R inside of contains left of right of OR AND AND AND ALL-TAILS ALL-HEADS ALL ALL The implied composite embedding types allow us to conclude that a touches b and that a is inside of b. This can be justified by applying simple embedding types to T R and T, . It is interesting to note that if we had applied T L first and then T R , the composite embedding would not have been implied by the simple types at each step. However, since T R • T, = T L • T R the theorem is still true. 50 3 . "3 Lattice Operational Characterization of a Relation 3.3.1 Introduction In the previous sections we considered embedding types and composite embedding types of a relation, R , for a transformation, T. In this section, we consider similar properties for a single relation defined between lattices, for special cases of transformations. These transformations perform lattice operations on their domains. The properties will be called lattice operational properties of the relation. After some lattice preliminaries, systems composed of lattices M, N, and relation H are formally defined. Here we define a group of system transformations to simplify later proofs. The lattice operational properties of systems are then defined. All possible consistent combinations of property values are established by the use of reduction theorems and by the construction of example systems. Using twelve independent properties there are exactly 136 possible combinations of proper- ty values. This set can be generated from a minimum set of thirty-three values by the group of system transformations. 3.3.2 Lattice Preliminaries Notation In the following, assume M and N are lattices on X and Y with the defining operations meet, (\ , and join, U , W = (X, U , fl ) , N = (Y, U , ) . The basic principles of lattices 51 used in this paper may be found in Chapter One of Birkhoff (91) or in Chapters One and Two of Szasz (92). Lattice Duality The dual of a lattice theoretical proposition involving the operational symbols f\ and U is obtained by interchanging fl and 1/ everywhere in the proposition. Denote the dual of a proposition P by D(P). By the lattice duality principle, P is true if and only if D(P) is true, i.e., P 4=^.D(P). Given a lattice NL = (X, U^HJ we can define a new lattice M 2 *= (X, l/ 2 , fl 2 ) by a /^b ■ a U 2 b a i) t b = a fl 2 b for all a, b e X. The lattice duality principle shows that NU is a lattice. M 2 is called the dual of NL , NU = D(NL). The ordering of N! 2 is reversed from that of NL , We use less than or equal, < , and greater than or equal, > , to represent the lattice ordering. Since a < b ^ a U b = b and a > b ^ a H b = b D(a f b) = a > b. Clearly D(D(M))= M. If D(M) is lattice isomorphic to M then we say M is self -dual . A lattice isomorphism is a one-to-one and onto mapping which preserves both lattice operations. We will represent finite lattices by diagrams. The upward direction in the diagram corresponds to "greater than." 52 If point a is higher than point b in the diagram, and if points a and b are connected by a branch, then a ^ b. The diagram of the dual lattice may be obtained by inverting the diagram of the lattice. 3.3.3 Systems Definition of a System We consider a class of systems it where S 6 *t is a system in *f . Let X, Y be arbitrary sets, H a binary relation from XtoY, H_c_XxY, and M and N be lattices on the sets X and Y respectively, M = (X, V ,t) ), N = (Y, 1/ ,fl ). Then S M if and only if S = (H,M,N) for some X, Y, H, M and N. Group of Operators on a System Given a system S tf *"¥ , we can derive other systems S' €• Y by taking dual lattices and inverse relations. This will simplify the study of properties of a relation H in a system S, and the enumeration of all possible relations H with a set of properties. Thus, we will define a group of operators, Z, which may be applied to a system S, or to a logical proposition, A, about S. If z C Z then z applied to S yields a well-defined system S', i.e. z(S) = S' or z(H,M,N) = (H'.M'.N'). z applied to a logical proposition A about S yields a well-defined logical proposition A' about S'. Furthermore, A is true if and only if A' is true. 53 The new systems will be obtained by all possibilities of dualizing the lattices M and N, or inverting the relation H. The group G of operators can be generated by composition of a dual operator and inverse operator. The group consists of eight operators defined in Table i+. Table b . System Operators Let S = (H,M,N) , S e f , where H _CT X x Y f M = (X.V.rt) . . N = (Y t U,0). z(H,M,N) = (H , ,M , ,N , ) f z * Z, z(S) = S^S 9 ^^ . T H» M' N' Identity E H M N Dual D H D(M) D(N) Left Dual D L H D(M) N Right Dual D R H M D(N) Inverse I H" 1 N M Inverse Dual ID H" x D(N) D(M) Inverse Left Dual ID L H"* 1 N D(M) Inverse Right Dual ID P H" 1 D(N) M H M H D(M) H D(M) H H- 1 M N H" 1 H" 1 D(N) N H" 1 D(N) The group operation is composition of operators. Let z. , z 2 » z- * Z.. We denote z,,(z 2 (S)) as z.z^S), and the composition of operators z 2 and then z 1 as Z..2; Operation composition is associative, i.e. z.Cz^z-) = (z.z^z- = z..z 2 z« which means apply z~, z 2 , z* in that order. The last three operators in the table are designated as compo- sitions. For example, ID is the composition of D and I. We display Table 5 of operator composition to show that it is a group with identity element E. 5* Table 5 . Operator Compositi on \ 2 z. z 2 \ E D D L D R I ID ID L ID R E E D D L D R I ID ID L ID R D D E D R D L ID I ID R ID L D L D L D R E D ID R ID L ID I D R D R D L D E ID L ID R I ID I .L ID ID L ID R E D D L D R ID ID ID L R ID ID ID L R I ID ID, R ID I ID R ID ] ID I D D T E D n D E E D Note that all elements have order 2 except ID, and ID R which have order k and the group is not commutative, since (e.g. ) id l = V * V- : The grour> G is isomorphic to the group of symmetries of a square. This can be seen by taking I to be a reflection through the line y = x and D L to be reflection in the Y axis. Given a system S = (H,M,N), S €r s\ , Z (S) = S' is a well-defined element of *V for all z 6z, This follows from the definition of z and the fact that H" 1 = £ (y,x) (x,y) & Hj is a well-defined binary relation between Y and X, D(M) is a well-defined lattice on X, and D(N) is a well-defined lattice on Y. 55 Now assume that we have a logical statement, A, about a system, S, involving the lattice operations in M and N, the relation H, variables, and expressions of logic. Then for all z in Z we can form a statement z(A) = A* about S 1 as shown in Table 6. Table 6. System Operators Applied to A z(A) E D, A with lattice operations in M replaced by their dual operations. A with lattice operations in N replaced by their dual operations. A with H replaced by H . The other operators in Z are compositions of the operators shown in Table 6. For example, if A = ((x, yi U y 2 ) e-H), 1(A) = ((x, yi U y 2 ) e^ 1 ) - (( Yl U y 2 ,x) € H) D R (A) = ((x, yi n y 2 ) ^ H) ID R (A) = ((x, yi f) y^eH' 1 ) - (( yi /| y 2 ,x) <£ H), D R I(A) = (( yi U y 2 ,x) e H). By the definition of H , the lattice theoretical duality principle, and the fact that S* always exists and is well-defined, z cnanges true statements about S = (H, M, N) to true statements about S 1 = (H*, M* f N 1 ). Thus, a logical statement concerning S is true if and only if the transformed statement A' = z(A) concerning S' ■ z(S) is true. That is,A<#z(A). 56 3.3.^ Types of Transformations Considered The transformations oonsidered in the definition of the lattice operational properties of a relation, H, are of the three basic types given below. T : b 1 — > b where b = T(b.) > b. or b = T(b x ) < b t T 2 :^b 1 , b 2 ^-> b where b = T £b x , bg5 ■ h ± (/ to \ H b 2 2 or ■ b. ft b. T :{a lt a 2 ^—> a and ^ , b^ -> where a = T £ a.. , a 2 5 = a. U a 2 or a. /) a 2 and b = T {h 1 , b 2 5 = b 1 f b 2 or b. (\ b 2 The basic transformations as well as the context considered for the properties of H are illustrated in Figure 14 . 57 Fl : b > b t P2 : b < b t P3: b t U b 2 P^t b x /I b 2 P5« a t ^ a 2 P6j aj U a 2 P7« a 1 ^ a 2 P6 t a x n a 2 Figure 14 . Basic Operational Transformations b l ^ b 2 \ t 2 b^b. 3.3.5 Definition of Properties We will now define properties of a relation H in a system S £ ^V , S = (H, M, N). The properties considered involve the preservation of the lattice operations t meet, join, less than or equal, and greater than or equal, in one or both lattices. A property P is a logical statement about S and thus 58 z(F), z 6 Z, is a statement about z(S). We will define twelve properties which are closed under operations in Z. The prop- erties are logically independent and imply all lattice operational properties of a system S. The properties will be denoted: PI, Pi" 1 , P2, P2" 1 , P3, P3" 1 , P*+, P4" 1 , P5, P6, P7, P6"' In some cases the P will be omitted. I(P) is denoted by P unless I(P) = P in which case P is a symmetric property, P5 and F7 are symmetric properties. The properties are defined below, where a's and b's are used as variables in M and N, respectively. Recall, according to the definition, that I(P) is formed by replacing H by H in P. For consistency in the definition of P , we also interchange a and b variables. This is only a notational convenience so that a's and b's still refer to variables in M and N, respectively, since H goes between M and N in S. For example, the definition of P3~ is obtained from the definition of P3 as follows! P3» aHb t & aHb 2 ^ aH^ b 2 ) ,-1 r -l -1 r -l I(P3) = P3 i aH" 1 ^ & aH" 1 b 2 ^ aH" 1 (b 1 ¥ b £ ) ^ b^a & b 2 Ha (b x b 2 ) Ha changing notation t -1 P3 : a 1 Hb & a 2 Hb (a x V a 2 )Hb Definition of Propertie s ; PI s Propagates Images Up aHb 1 & b 2 > b 1 ^> aHb ; 59 Pi" : Propagates Inverse Images Up a 1 Hb & a 2 ^ a i *^ a^Hb P2» Propagates Images Down aHb 1 & b 2 < ^ -^ aHb. P2~ : Propagates Inverse Images Down a-Hb & a 2 ^ a. ^ a 2 Hb P3« Joins Images aHb x & aHb 2 -^ aH(b t U b £ ) P3~ : Joins Inverse Images a x Hb & a 2 Hb ^ (a 1 V a 2 )Hb P4t Meets Images aH^ & aHb 2 ^ aHfbj A b 2 ) P4" : Meets Inverse Images auHb & a 2 Hb ^ (a. a 2 ) Hb P5* Preserves Joins a 1 Hb 1 & a £ Hb 2 ^ (a^ a 2 )H(b 1 V b 2 ) P6: Dualizes Joins a 1 Hb 1 & a 2 Hb 2 ^- (a x (/ a 2 )H(b 1 A bg) P6 : Dualizes Meets a 1 Hb 1 & a 2 Hb 2 =^ (a^ fl a 2 )H(b 1 ^ b 2 ) 60 p7« Preserves Meets a 1 Hb 1 & a 2 Hb 2 ^ (^ fS a 2 )H(b 1 /) b £ ) Other properties can be defined which are logical combinations of the twelve independent properties. We show four such properties below. Preserves Less Than Preserves Greater Than Dualizes Less Than Dualizes Greater Than P2 & P2" 1 : PI & PI ~ 1 : P2" 1 & PI : Pi" 1 & P2: Table 7 shows z(P) for all twelve properties P and all z in Z. Since each z(P) is a permutation of the properties P, we can determine the true or false values of the properties z(P) of the system z(S), given the properties P of S. Tab] -e 7 . System Operators Applj .ed to Properties \ T> z(P) ££ 1 1- 1 2 2" 1 3 3" 1 4 *- J 5 6 7 6- 1 D 2 2- 1 1 I" 1 k k' 1 3 3- 1 7 6- 1 5 6 D L 1 2 i 2 I" 1 3 4" 1 4 3- 1 6" 1 7 6 5 D R 2 I" 1 1 2" 1 k 3" 1 3 4- 1 6 5 6- 1 7 T I" 1 1 2- 1 2 3" 1 3 T 1 ^ 5 6- 1 7 6 ID 2" 1 2 I" 1 1 4" 1 /j. 3" 1 3 7 6 5 6- 1 ID L I" 1 2 2" 1 1 3-1 4 4" 1 3 6 7 6- 1 5 1 | ,,-1 1 I" 1 2 zr* 3 3- 1 ' 6 " 5 6 7 61 Table 7 also shows that the twelve properties are partitioned into three sets of four properties such that each set is closed under all z in Z . These three sets are separated by double lines in Table 7 , and will be referred to in the following as the PI set, the P3 set, and the P5 set. Any combination of values of the twelve properties will be referred to by an index, (i, j, k) , where i, j, k are indices of the values of the properties in the PI, P3> and P5 set respectively. The values of the indices i, j, k are determined by partitioning the sixteen possible true or false values of four properties into the following six sets, with indices 0, 1, 2, ..., 5* Index Set 0000 1 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000 2 1010, 0101 3 0011, 0110, 1001, 1100 k 1110, 1101, 1011, 0111 5 1111 Each of these six sets of property values is closed under all z in Z , and each element of each set is a generator of the set under z in Z, Thus the index, (i, j, k) of any value combination of the twelve properties does not change under z in Z. That is, if values P are indexed by (i, j, k), the values z(P) are also indexed by (i, j, k) . These facts will allow us to easily derive a minimum set of generators for all consistent cases of properties. This derivation will be carried out after proving theorems interrelating the twelve properties in the next section. 62 3.3.6 Enumeration of Possible Combinations of Properties Preliminary Remarks We now wish to determine all logically consistent combinations of the twelve properties P of a relation H in a system S = (H, M, N). This section reduces the number of possibly consistent value combinations by proving and applying theorems which interrelate the twelve properties. In Schwebel and McCormick (70), the proof that this set of theorems is complete is given by constructing examples of systems having all value combinations in the reduced set. We will prove theorems involving properties P and expressions of logic. Corresponding to a theorem, A, are eight theorems z(A), z€Z, which may or may not be independent of A, which are obtained by replacing p by z(P) for all P involved in A. Since z(P) ^^- P, and the properties involve arbitrary system S, it follows directly that z(A) ^ A. That is, a proof of A implies a proof of z(A). This will considerably simplify the proofs to establish all consistent cases. Theorems Relating Properties In Table 8 we list twenty independent theorems, numbered one through twenty, and a diagrammatic representation of the theorems in a form which will make the application of the theorems in the reduction process readily apparent. 63 Table 8 , Theorems Theorem 1 i- 1 2 2" 1 3 Dia; r 1 ?ram V 1 5 6 ? 6" 1 ^ V *w "V 1. 1 =^ 3 -1 -1 j— 2. 1 x =^ 3 3. 2 =^ 4 4. 2~ 1 => k" 1 ^ > i t f ^ I y 5. 5 =^ 3 6. 5 =* 3- 1 7. 6 ^ 3" 1 8. 6 ■=> k 9. 7-^4 10. 7 —^ T 1 11. 6" 1 =^ 3 12. 6" 1 ^JT 1 / • — • ■-■-# v. s t V • / f \ t K < 13. 1& 3" 1 =^ 5 14. l& T 1 ^ 6" 1 15. l" 1 * 3 -*5 16. 1 -1 & 4 =^ 6 17. 2 & 3~ 1 =* 6 18. 2 & 4-1=^7 19. 2-1& 3 =^ 6" 1 20. 2" 1 & 4 =£7 X \ ♦-J f J #—• # -> _^ > w" 9 « + 4 s ^ # r ^" t r ^ w 7 I w - # > 64 Table 9 shows that transformations, z, applied to Theorems 1, 5t and 13 generate all twenty theorems, and that these twenty theorems are closed under z in Z , Table System Operators Applied to Theorems \a 8(A) z\ 1 1 5 13 D L 1 11 14 I 2 6 15 ID L 2 7 16 D R 3 8 1? D 3 9 18 ID R 4 12 19 ID 4 10 20 Below we give proofs of theorems 1, 5» and 13t thus implying proofs of all twenty theorems. Thm. 1 PI =^ P3 Proof: aHb x & aHb 2 a^ (by PI and ^ (/ b 2 > ^ or ^ V b 2 > b 2 ) ■*<*! ° V Q.E.D. Thm. 5 Proof: P5 -=£P3 aH^ & aHb 2 ^ (by P5) (aUa)H(b 1 1/ b 2 ) =^ aK(b 1 (/ b 2 ) Q.E.D. 65 Thm. 13 PI & P3" 1 =^> P5 Proofi slH^ & a 2 Ht> 2 =£ (by (b x U b 2 ) > b x and (b t U b g ) > b 2 and PI) a 1 H(b 1 (; b 2 ) & a 2 H(b 1 ^ b £ ) ^ (by P3" 1 ) (a 1 V a 2 )H(b 1 *> b 2 ) Q.E.D. Figure l»5 represents all of the twenty theorems by an implication graph whose nodes represent the twelve properties. The following symmetries of the properties and implications are apparent from Figure 15 * The transformation D R corresponds to reflection about a line through nodes 1~ and 2" . D L corresponds to reflection about a line through nodes 3 and 4. D(P) corresponds to reflection through the center of the diagram on a line through node P, for any property P. Reduction of Possible Consistent Cases 1 2 There are 2 = 4-096 possible combinations of binary values of the twelve properties. By applying the twenty theorems, the number of possible consistent combinations is reduced to 136. Further, the set of values, V, where V = £v J , is partitioned into subsets, called blocks, by the equivalence relation: v is equivalent to v' if and only if v = z(v*) for some z in Z . Every element in each block is a generator of the block under z in Z . We will show that there are thirty- three consistent blocks and, therefore, thirty-three generators can generate all consistent cases. 66 SYMMETRY SYMMETRY Figure 15. Implication Graph for Twelve Properties 67 The reduction process and derivation of a minimum set of generators is illustrated in Table 10 , Each combination is indexed by (i, j, k) as explained in the previous section. We will refer to a value, v, by v -i v 2 v v where v. is the k bit value of the PI set of properties, v 2 of the P3 set and v~ of the P5 set. In the derivation, for each j = 0, 1, 2, 3» ^ all possible consistent values of v. and of v~ are listed for one possible value of v 2 . For j = 5» since v 2 has only one value, all possible consistent values of v~ are listed for one value of v. for each i = 1, 2, 3» ^* For i *= f j = 5» one value of v~ is listed for each k = 0, 1, 2, 3t ^t 5» It is easily seen that the values in Table 10 are generators for all possible consistent values. For any consistent value v.. v 2 v~, with index (i, j, k) , we can always find a z such that z(v 1 v 2 v.,) = v. • , v 2 ', v~', and v l ' ' v 2* * v 1* ^ s ^ n TalDle 1° • There are three cases* l) j=0»l»2, 3, 4 and z is the transformation which takes v 2 into the v 2 ' used in the table. 2) j=5t i=l, 2, 3, 4. and z takes v. into the v- • used in the table. 3) j = 5i i = and z takes v_ into the v.* used in the table. Since there are thirty-two different (i, j, k) indices in Table 10 , and z does not alter the index of its operand, there are at least thirty-two consistent blocks. 68 Table 10a. Reduction of Set of Possible Consistent Values of Twelve Properties All possible values in all i, k sets are listed for one representative value in the j set, for j = 0,1,2,3,4. Index z Properties i j k -1 -1 1 1 L 2 2 L 3 3- 1 4 IT 1 5 6 7 6" 1 000 0000 0000 0000 010 0000 0001 0000 110 0001 0000 020 0000 1010 0000 120 0010 0000 120 D 1000 0000 220 1010 0000 030 0000 0011 0000 031 0000 0010 131 0001 0010 131 I 0010 0010 331 0011 0010 040 0000 1110 0000 04l 0000 0100 04l D R 0000 1000 043 0000 1100 141 0010 0100 143(1) 0010 1100 143(2) 0100 1100 343 0110 1100 141 D R D R 1000 1000 143(1) 1000 1100 243 1010 1100 343 D R 1100 1100 443 1110 1100 69 Table 10b. Reduction of Set of Possible Consistent Values of Twelve Properties All possible values for all k sets are listed for j=5 and for one representative value in the i set, for 1=1,2,3,4, 5. For i = 0, j = 5 one representative value is listed for each k ■ 0, 1 , 2, 3, k t $, Index z Properties i .i k 1 l" 1 2 2" 1 3 3" 1 4 4" 1 5 6 7 6" 1 050 051 052 053 054 055 0000 1111 0000 0001 1010 0011 1110 1111 153 15^ 15* 155 D R 0001 1111 0011 0111 1011 1111 255 35^ 355 1010 0011 1111 1111 1111 0111 1111 ^55 1110 1111 1111 555 1111 1111 1111 70 Table 11 Minimum Set of 33 Generat ors of 136 Cases Block Index i j k 1 l" 1 2 2" 1 3 3" 1 4 4" 1 5 6 7 6" 1 Order of Block 000 0000 0000 0000 1 010 0000 0001 0000 4 020 0000 1010 0000 2 030 0000 0011 0000 4 031 0000 0011 0010 4 04 0000 1110 0000 4 041 0000 1110 0100 8 043 0000 1110 1100 4 050 0000 1111 0000 1 051 0000 1111 0001 4 052 0000 1111 1010 2 053 0000 1111 0011 4 054 0000 1111 1110 4 055 0000 1111 1111 1 110 0001 0001 0000 4 120 0010 1010 0000 4 131 0001 0011 0010 8 141 0010 1110 0100 8 143(1) 0010 1110 1100 8 143(2) 0100 1110 1100 4 153 0001 1111 0011 4 15& 0001 1111 0111 8 155 0001 1111 1111 4 220 1010 1010 0000 2 243 1010 1110 1100 4 255 1010 1111 1111 2 331 0011 0011 0010 4 343 0110 1110 1100 8 354 0011 1111 0111 4 3-55 0011 1111 1111 4 443 1110 1110 1100 4 455 1110 1111 1111 4 555 1111 1111 1111 1 71 By applying transformations to the values in Table 10 , we see that there are at most thirty-three consistent blocks. The set indexed by (1, 4, 3) requires two generators, while the other consistent (i, j, k) sets require only one generator. We index the thirty-three possibly consistent blocks by (i, j, k) if (i, J, k) / (1, 4, 3), and by (1, 4, 3) (1) and (1, ^, 3) (2). Table 11 lists a set of thirty-three generators from the values of Table 10 , The values in Table 10 which are not used in Table 11 have an entry under column z specifying the transformation which generates them from the value in Table 11 in the same block. Table 11 also lists the number of elements in each block. All 136 values are listed in Schwebel and McCormick (70). 3.4 Combined Properties 3.^.1 Embedding Types and Lattice Operational Properties Since lattice operational properties are special types of embedding rules, they are implied by the simple embedding types and the composite embedding types defined earlier. Table 12 lists these implications. 72 Table 12 . Implications Between Embedding Types and Lattice Operational Properties IF: THEN it has the properties marked H has embedding type: -1 -1 11 i 22 33-1^-1 5676" 1 OR AND Ixlx xlxl Ixlx xlxl xxxx xxxx H~ has embedding type: OR AND xlxl xlxl xlxl xlxl xxxx xxxx H has composite embedding type: ANY 1111 1111 1111 ALL-TAILS 1111 1111 1111 ALL-HEADS 1111 1111 1111 ONE-ALL 1111 1111 xxxx ALL-ONE 1111 1111 xxxx ALL 1111 1111 xxxx Table 12 is easily derived from the transformation, T- 1 Tg, or T~, used to define the properties and the relations assumed on the domains. The lattice operational properties are not used. That is, referring to the notation of Figure \k the relationships between b and £b.^are not used, but only the context of the transformations shown in Figure 14 . Thus, we could define more general properties corresponding to the three transformations in Figure 1 4 and have implications corresponding to those shown in Table 12 For the case of lattice operational properties, we 73 can determine the logically consistent combinations of properties which can be implied from Table 12 by examining the consistent cases given in Table 12, This results in seventeen cases which are allowed assuming the embedding type OR or AND for H or H~ : namely, the cases generated by the 220, 243, 255, 443, ^55, and 555 blocks. Only one case is allowed assuming a composite embedding type for Hi namely, the case in the 555 block. The fact that only a small proportion, 17/136, of the cases of consistent properties are implied by the more general relation embedding types partially justifies the characteriza- tion of lattice operational properties. If these properties are important in a graph-transformational system, then the study of the structure of the sets is necessary. 3.4.2 Lattice Operation Root Transformations Suppose the root operations for composite-forming graph transformations are lattice operations. Then we want to investigate the relationship between the root transformations defined in Chapter Two and the lattice operational properties. We thus assume that the root binary operation forms the meet or join of two elements, £a, (a, A, b) »t>5"^aUb, e.g., RT. j S a, (a, A, b),b~^^ a^b. Then the root trans- formations RQ2, RQ3, and RQ4 become statements involving lattice operations. We will denote these transformations 7^ LRQ2, LRQ3, and LRQ4. They are illustrated in Figure 16. LRQ2 a -*- aub B LRQ3 a ub B aub B !l cud Figure 16. Lattice Root Transformations Now we can compare the root transformations with the lattice operational properties. Note that in some cases they are directly comparable, for instance t LRQ3 and P3 are related by: -1 F3 LRQ3(*, H, a. f a 2 » b) where a. , a 2 € M and b & N. ,-1 That is, if P3 x is true then LRQ3(A, H, a-, a,, h) is true 75 regardless of the branch (a..,A,a 2 ). Thus, the root lattice transformations have an additional constraint relation beyond their corresponding lattice operational properties. Similarly, the other properties on three elements are comparable to dual and inverse operators of the root transformation LRQ3j the other properties on four elements are comparable to dual and inverse operators on LRQ4. These relationships are shown in Table 13 . Using the operators, z, ;Ln Z we can obtain root trans- formations involving the dual and inverse operators: D, D L , D R , I, ID, ID L , ID R . Table 13. Lattice Operational Properties Compared to Lattice Operation Root Transformations Lattice operational property Equivalent transformation P3 = I (P3" 1 ) F3 l P^ = ID (P3" 1 ) P4" 1 = D (P3 _1 ) P5 P6 = D R (P5) P7 = D (P5) P6" 1 = D L (P5) Variable position (A. B, a. b. c) I (LRQ3(*, H, &1 LRQ3(*, H, &j ID(LRQ3(*, H, &] D (LRQ3(*, H, a, a 2 , b)) a 2 , b) a 2 , b)) a 9 , b)) (A. B, D. a, b, d. c) LRQM*, H, *, a 1§ a 2 , ^ , b 2 )) D R (LRQ4(*, H, *, &1 , a 2 , ^ , b 2 )) D (LRQM*. H, *, &1 , a 2 , ^ , b 2 )) D L (LRQ4(*, H, *, &1 , a 2 , ^ , b 2 )) = don't care 76 This concludes our study of the embedding types and lattice operational properties of relations involved in transformations. In the next chapter we examine other considerations important for the application of graph transformations . 77 fc. APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 Preliminary Remarks The basic problem of this work is to develop a methodology for the description of pictures. The means of obtaining these descriptions is by parsing, i.e applying graph-structure transformations selected from within a predefined production system. We have exhibited certain necessary properties of the transformations for a parse to be well-defined and possible. We have also shown these properties for logically simple transformations. We have preferred to employ both logically simple and information-lossless transformations. Now we will consider briefly how the graph-structure transformational framework meshes with the picture processing schema mentioned in Chapter One. The crucial question here is the choice of the domain for the transformation. In this connection interaction with unstructured classification techniques is required. We are also interested in the way that model information is represented in the graph-transforma- tional system, in contrast to model-directed systems. In addition, the criteria which may be used to judge the optimal- ity of transformations or of complete parses are of great interest. 78 k .2 Domain Choice for Application of Transformations In order to pick candidate graphs for transformations we have emphasized logical criteria such as the type of domain graph and the simplicity of application. Unstructured classification techniques on associa- ted attributes provide a first and major reduction of the candidate graphs. That is, attribute clustering techniques are applied first so that only graphs with valid ranges or intervals of attribute values remain as candidates. For example, if color is available as an attribute in the search for abnormal cells in a white blood cell differential, a large percentage of candidates are eliminated after attribute analysis is applied. b . 3 ft.odel Aspects and Optimality To determine if a parse is legal and optimal, information about the class of objects being described is necessary. One approach is to have a model or set of models of known objects. If the models are expressed by graph structures, then a parse would attempt to proceed from the initial graph structure to a model graph structure. Overall, this class of techniques can be called graph-matching techniques. Their main disadvantage is inefficiency due to the many compar- isons which must be attempted. It is also necessary to build flexibility into the models to allow recognition of a class of 79 objects larger than the number of models. Of course, the techniques used to increase flexibility can also improve the efficiency of searching. A model-directed parsing scheme may be inefficient because too much information is present in the model, i.e. in the description. The key point is that the simplest description has only that information which is necessary to distinguish the object in question from objects which are not in the class being described but still likely to be in the immediate environment. The graph-structure parsing system need use no explicit models. The parse attempts to achieve valid and logically simple descriptions of classes of objects. An optimal parse achieves the simplest description of an object necessary to distinguish it from objects not in its class. Information about a class of objects can best be provided by giving examples of objects in the class and objects not in the class. The class information is used to select allow- able graph transformations. Starting from an initial graph structure, transformations make simplifying changes in the description. The most important information is obtained from examples whose descriptions are logically close to, but outside of, the set of descriptions of objects valid to the class. These examples are called "near-miss" examples as in Winston (6*0. An example of a house picture, - from Winston, and a near-miss to the house is shown in Figure 1 7 of the next 80 section. Transformations which modify the structure so that it matches a near-miss structure are prohibited. This is analogous to the motive of the interval covering theory of Michalski and McCormick (4?) and Michalski (48) i descriptions are simplified by obtaining the lowest-cost cover of a class of objects. A simplification of a description usually increases the number of objects which it covers. In our case, the description (graph structure) is modified by transformations which expand the space of described objects without including any known near-misses. Transformations are selected which are simplifying and yet do not transform to near-miss structures i i.e. the allowable information loss is constrained by near-miss objects. 4.4 Example Application To illustrate the application of graph-structure transformations, we will reformulate the structural description learning system of Winston (64) using graph transformations to alter models and to construct a description. Winston's system involves: .obtaining networks to describe example scenes .using matching techniques to link nodes in two networks .obtaining a skeleton network common to the matched networks .comparing matched nodes by types of "comparison- notes" 81 .transforming the skeleton according to the type of comparison-notes to build up a model A comparison-note compares structure in a model to structure in a near-miss or in a valid example. It represents the difference between the model and the instance presented. We will formulate a comparison note as a graph, which is then the domain of a transformation which infers a new model. Our work aims to simplify the representation of structural and relational composites. The concepts which are fundamental to simplifying descriptions are also fundamental to learning descriptions. Winston has stated (64, p. 244): . . . more knowledge about the priorities of differences should lead to far better programs that do not use numbers at all... (to score differences between models and examples). The different types of comparison-notes and resulting model changes used by Winston can be expressed by a smaller number of graph-structure transformations. The priority of a difference can then be expressed by the degree of reversibi- lity of the transformation. A basic transformation forms a new model from the current model and a valid example of a near-miss. In Figure 17 a graph model for house which is linked to a graph model of a near miss is transformed into a new model for house. Here S = "has subpart," R = "supported by," W = wedge and B = brick. L links between matched nodes. If the near- miss had been a valid example instead, then the model for 82 HOUSE W B NEAR MISS B W L T MUST-BE-R Figure 17. A Transformation Which Infers a New Model from a Valid Example and a Near-Miss 83 house could have been simplified by deleting the relation R. We formulate this process in terms of a small number of graph transformations. Using properties of the binary relations and duality of the spaces of the transforma- tions reduces the size of the set of basic transformations. In this way, a simplifying description clarifies the problem. Figure 18 illustrates the basic transformations, used to infer a new model graph. Each case of the variables for relations or nodes, whose values are listed below the diagram, corresponds to a different graph (derived from a comparison-note of Winston) and associated transformation. In the example of Figure 17, the transformation T corresponds to the first transformation in Figure 18a, with RL = R, RR = not-R, and L = near-miss-to. In summary, this application attempts to derive a description which is logically optimal by generalizing an initial description, by means of graph transformations. Ri+ © RM © RL RR RM R not-R example-of R not-R near-miss-to must-be-R R must-be-R example-of R R must-not-be-R example-of contradiction 0— *— © RL © © RM © RL R R not-R not-R R R not-R not-R must-be-R example-of near-miss-to example-of near-miss-to.. example-of -1 -1 -1 near-miss-to example of near-miss-to example-of Figure 18a. Basic Transformations on Compared Models RM i must-be-R a must-not-be-R must-not-be-R must-be-R contradiction 85 ®-^s> © R RM ®— ci-® © CR a-kind-of -chain a-kind-of -chain a-kind-of example-of near-miss-to near-miss-to RM must-not-be-R must-be-R ©— -MS) example-of example-of near-miss-to near-miss-to RM R $ must-be-R must-not-be-R © RM © Figure 18b. Basic Transformations on Compared Models 86 5. STRUCTURE OPERATION LANGUAGE 5. 1 Introduction The Structure Operation Language, SOL, is a computer language designed to implement graph-structure representations and necessary operations for performing structure transforma- tions. SOL can thus be used as a picture processing language operating on graph-structured picture representations. Numerous other applications for SOL exist in areas where a graph or graph-structured representation is used. SOL may be described as a graph-structure processing language. It does not fall into the class of linguistic or syntactic-oriented picture processing models or descriptive graphic languages, which were included in the survey of Chapter 1 . In this work, we have no explicit picture description language for describing pictures independently of processing algorithms. Most current picture description languages do imply an associated processing method. It seems realistic to first define the structure requirements which are forced by processing algorithms, and not to fix (by description languages and recognition systems) a complete picture processing model. The initial design of the language will be done without an implementation-restricted memory structure or 87 data structure. The data structures and operations are first formally defined. However, the language will be designed with the idea of embedding it in a procedural language for the purpose of control and other standard operations. In this paper, PL/I IBM (93) is the language chosen. Thus, the major criterion of the syntax design has been compatibility with PL/l . Any syntactical element not defined in this description will by default be assumed to be compatible with the PL/I definition. We first illustrate some operations by referring to the physical representation corresponding to the abstract graph-structural entity. As an example, we consider the case in which each node represents a region of a picture or scene in two-dimensional space. Since the language allows any PL/l data structure to be associated with any element in the graph structure, physical data, such as a gray scale representation of a region, can be associated with a node. The procedural language also provides the capability of expressing mapping of attributes (which may represent structured data) of graph-structure elements during transfor- mations. After a brief listing of requirements and related work, the definition of SOL is given, followed by the syntax of SOL statements. 88 5.2 Language Requirements and Related Work 5.2.1 Requirements for a Graph- Structure Language We here specify requirements for a graph-structure operation language for our picture processing application. These requirements will be listed in two parts: first, the elements of the structure, and secondly, the requirements of the elements necessitated by the dynamic nature of the processing. Static Requirements Basic Elements Primitives (nodes) Relations (branches) between pairs of nodes Attributes and values for nodes Attributes and values for branches Sets of Elements Arbitrary sets of nodes and branches Graphs and subgraphs Graph-levels (explicit substructures) Pointers to elements Dynamic Requirements Add-Delete operations Functions on attribute values Pointer move operations Structure replacement operations 5.2.2 Related Work A number of graph manipulation languages and formalisms currently exist, but none of them has been found suitable for our purposes of simply and conveniently expressing operations on graph structures to satisfy the requirements listed in the preceding section. These graph processing languages and 89 systems include GASP of Chase (75), GRASPE of Pratt and Fried- man (76), V-graphs of Earley (77), RSVP of Lieberman (78), the systems of Wolfberg (79), and Crespi-Reghizzi and Morpurgo (80). GASP, the Graph Algorithm Software Package, is intended for basic operations on mathematical graphs (sets of nodes and edges) and is embedded in PL/l. We coded a region merging application quite simply, using GASP; it is well-suited for this type of problem, which does not require multiple labeled branches between nodes. Hypergraphs in GRASPE and V-graphs permit a higher gener- ality of branches. GRASPE includes basic operations to delete and create graph elements. However, SOL allows a greater com- plexity of branching and operation types. The Relational Structure Vertex Processor, RSVP, employs a general data structure and operations on the structure. The basic element of the data structure is the atom. Atoms contain pointers to and from other atoms and a pointer to associated data. Operations are available to create or free cells or pointers, find atoms, allocate storage, store and retrieve parts of atoms and search by jumping between atoms. Since RSVP has only one type of pointer, information about different relation types must be forced into the type field of the atoms. This seems to be an unnatural restriction for our purposes. RSVP has features similar to many list processing languages and the basic operation seems to be lower-level than we desire in a graph processing language. 90 5.3 Definition of SOL 5.3.1 SOL Statements The Structure Operation Language consists of statements called graph-structure statements which can be embedded in a PL/l program. SOL statements consist of declarations, associa- tions, and operations. Declarations declare the basic structure elements. Associations declare and associate any PL/l variable with the basic structure elements. Operations are performed on the declared structures and are capable of dynamically creating new structures. 5.3.2 Basic Structure Elements There are five basic structure elements which are designated by the attributes in a declaration. The elements are the pointer , set , node , branch . and graph . A pointer points to or designates any other basic element. A pointer can designate a graph, branch, node, set, or pointer. Thus, a pointer allows indirect reference to any element. A set designates a set of basic elements. It is a collection of pointers, each of which designates one element. Nodes and branches are elements of graphs. A node designates a set of branches which are called ad.iacent branches of the node. A branch designates a pair of nodes. An oriented branch designates an ordered pair of nodes, the tail and the head of the branch. An unoriented branch designates an unordered pair of nodes. 91 A graph is a set of nodes and branches with the property that if a branch belongs to a graph then its tail and head also belong to the graph. Graphs will be assumed to have oriented branches unless specifically declared otherwise. 5.3*3 Declarations The DECLARE statement is used to declare the five basic structure elements. An element is declared by an identi- fier followed by an attribute which specifies the type of element. Declaring an element creates a new data element with the name given by the identifier. A level hierarchy is assumed within a declaration such that any graph element declared is assumed to belong to the last declared element at a lower numbered level. The level numbers are assigned so that GR < ND = BN, Also, graphs will be assumed to be subgraphs of the first preceding graph declared in the same declaration. Thus, nodes and branches will always belong to the last declared graph . The attribute of a branch may be of the form BRANCH (N1,N2) where Nl and N2 are names for the tail and the head of the branch, respectively. This declaration will also declare the head and tail as nodes so that they need not be declared separately. The branch may also be declared without head and tail, which may be specified later, for example, by a LINK operation. Example declarations are given in Figure 19 . 92 DECLARE Gl GRAPH, Bl BRANCH(N1,N2), H GRAPH, B2 BRANCH(N2,N3), B3 BRANCH (N*+,N2), Bk BRANCH (N3,N4) j Gl< DCL G2 GR, N(4) ND, B(2) BN, B(l) BN(N(2),N(1)), B(l) BN (N(4) ,N( 3 ) ) , B(2) BN(N(1),N(3)), B(2) BN(N(2) ,N(£) ) | G2 N(l) N(2) B(l) O B(2) 0- Bl B(l) N(3) N(4) Figure 19 • Example Declarations 5.3.^ Names and References to Elements Names are not required for nodes and branches even though they are necessary in the DECLARE statement. Operations which dynamically modify a structure can result in the creation of a new unnamed element. Names need not be unique. For example, many branches can have the same name. Elements with non-unique names may be referenced uniquely, for instance by their position relative to other elements. By a reference to an element, we mean a unique way of referring to the element. An element can be referenced by its name when the name is unique within the current scope or context. An element can always be referenced by a pointer, 93 since a pointer always points to only one element. Names for pointers and sets are always references, i.e. unique within the current scope, so a pointer or a set can always be referenced by a name. Graphs, nodes, and branches, however, may have non- unique names. In this case, they may be referenced by a pointer, by a qualified name, or by other contextual means. A PL/l qualified name may be used for graphs, nodes, and branches using the level hierarchy assumed in the declare statement. A graph reference, for example, as used in a subgraph- operation, may explicitly list the elements of the subgraph. In this case, once the graph context is established, non-unique names may be used for references to nodes and branches. 5.3.5 Associations An associate statement allows PL/l variables to be declared and associated with any or all basic structure elements of a given type. The free statement nullifies the association. Thus, an association is a function which can be defined on any or all elements of one type and which has a value of the type specified within the PL/l declaration. The list of element-names specifies the elements to be associated with or freed from the variables which follow. If the element-name list is absent, all elements of the type specified are used. For example, given the example declaration of Figure 19, the associations: 94 BNASOC RELTYP BIN FIXED; NDASOC (N(l) N(2) N(4)) XP BIN FIXED, YP BIN FIXED; would associate a variable RELTYP of type fixed binary with all the branches of the graph G2 and would associate fixed binary variables XP and YP with the nodes N(l), N(2), and N(4). The statements BNFREE RELTYP; NDFREE XP, YP; would free the elements from the association. The value of a variable associated with an element is accessed by using the variable (or function) name followed by an element reference enclosed in parentheses. In the preceding example, XP(N(2)) would refer to the value of the variable XP associated with the node N(2). 5.3.6 Data- Operation Data-operations dynamically add or delete elements to or from previously declared graphs, subgraphs, and sets. A reference to the element being modified appears in parentheses following the operation name. The identifier and attributes which follow refer to new elements to be added or elements to be deleted. Deleting an element from a set does not destroy the element but only deletes the reference to the element contained in the set. Similarly, deleting a node or branch from a subgraph will not destroy the node or branch, since it will still be a member of some graph. Deleting an element from a graph which is not a subgraph of another graph, however, will delete the 95 reference to the graph element and remove the element from existence. For example, ADD(Gl) N5 NODE, B5 BRANCH (N5, N2 ) j will add one node and one branch to the graph Gl of the previous example. DEL(Gl) H; will delete the subgraph H from the graph Gl and remove all the nodes and branches of H from existence. ADD(G2) S3 GRAPH, BA1 BRANCH(N(2), NN), BA2 BRANCH(NN,N(3) ) ? will add a subgraph S3 with two new branches, BA1 , BA2, and one new node, NN, to graph G2. ADD(S) Pj where S is a set and P is a pointer to some element, will add that element to the set S. Deleting a node or a branch will also delete the node or branch from the sets which refer to it. 5.3.7 Loop-Control The loop-control statement allows execution of the statements between the FOR statement and the END statement iteratively. FOR (i,v,s) specifies that each iteration will have a different value of the variable v chosen from the set s. The variable i specifies the number of iterations to be per- formed. ANY is equivalent to 1, and ALL is equivalent to the cardinality of the set s. Changing the set s within the loop 96 can change the number of iterations performed. For example, if an element x is deleted from s before x is used as the value of the loop-control variable v, then x will not be used. 5.3.8 Other Operations Sets-set are binary operations on sets which return a set. The set returned is the union, intersection, difference, or symmetric difference of the given sets. Sets-Boolean return a Boolean value corresponding to the truth or falsity of the statements "s 1 equals s 2 i" "s 1 is a subset of s-," or "s. is a subgraph of s-." The functions MODES and BRANCHES operate on a graph or set and return the set of nodes or the set of branches of the graph or set. The INCBR, OUTBR, and ADJBR functions operate on a node and return the set of incoming, outgoing or adjacent branches of the node, respectively. The HEAD and TAIL functions operate on a branch and return the head and tail of the branch respectively. The CARD function operates on a set and returns an integer which is the cardinality of the set. The NAME function returns the name of the element referenced. If a pointer name is used as the reference, then the name returned is the name of the element pointed to by the pointer. The TYPE function returns the type of the element referenced. The type is *GR,' 'ND, • 'BN,' 'PT,' or 'ST.' 97 5.3.9 Pointer-operation Pointer-operations change the value of a pointer. They are primarily useful for moving a pointer to adjacent nodes and branches of the current element pointed to, or for moving a pointer anywhere on a graph without having to use names. The MOVE operation moves the pointer to an adjacent branch if it points to a node, or to an adjacent node if it points to a branch. If the branch (node) name is given, the pointer can only be moved to a branch (node) with the given name. If the named branch (node) does not exist as an adjacent branch (node), the pointer is not changed. The OMOVE or "oriented move" operation is similar to MOVE except that moves will be made along branches only in the tail-to-head direction. The JUMP operation moves the pointer to any node or branch on the graph. JUMP will move only from a node to a node or a branch to a branch so that the type of element pointed to is not changed. If no name is present, an arbitrarily picked node (branch) is used. If a name is present and no node (branch) with that name exists in the graph, then the pointer is not changed. The M0VE2 operation is similar to two consecutive moves, so that a node pointer is moved to an adjacent node or a branch pointer is moved to an adjacent branch. M0VE2 is not equivalent to consecutive MOVE'S since the operation will be performed completely or not at all. Thus, for example, 98 M0VE2 PTR1 RIGHT PLANE; will move a pointer named PTR1 along a branch named RIGHT to a node named PLANE only if both the branch and the node exist. However, the sequence MOVE PTR1 RIGHT; MOVE PTR1 PLANE; can result in only moving the pointer to a branch named RIGHT. Assume a pointer named BUG points to a node. Then the operation: MOVE BUG BRANCH2; moves BUG to an adjacent branch named BRANCH2. MOVE BUG; moves BUG to an adjacent branch. M0VE2 BUG; moves BUG to an adjacent node. MOVE 2 BUG RIGHT; moves BUG along a branch named RIGHT to an adjacent node. 5.3.10 Higher-Level Graph Operations Node-operations and subgraph-operations both deal with subgraphs within a graph. Node-operations operate on a node and can partition a node into a subgraph or generate a subgraph sub-structure from a node. Subgraph-operations deal with a subgraph specified by a node set. The subgraph can be merged into one node, linked by "SUBPART" branches to one node, disconnected from all outside nodes, or be linked by a node chain. Figure 20 illustrates some of these operations. The MERGE operation operates on all nodes of a specified subgraph and results in a new node. The new node may be named or may be pointed to by assigning the result of the MERGE to a node identifier or to a pointer, respectively. The 99 following actions occur when nodes XI are merged into a node Xi 1. A new node, X, is created. 2. The node associations for X are the union of the associations for the set XI, and the value of each association is the same as the value for some arbitrary element of XI. 3. All branches between any element in XI and any element not in XI are changed to link between the same element not in XI and the new node X. **-. All nodes of the subgraph and all branches between nodes of the subgraph are deleted. The PARSE operation is similar to the MERGE operation except that the merged subgraph is not deleted and the merged nodes are linked to the new node by "SUBPART" branches. The PARTITION operation specifies a node and a partitioning of that node into nodes and branches. It is the inverse of the MERGE operation. The node specified is replaced by the subgraph and a procedure is necessary to specify the embedding (branches) between the subgraph and the graph. The GENERATE operation is similar to the PARTITION operation except that the partitioned node is retained. The nodes of the subgraph specified are linked to the node specified by "SUBPART" branches. The DISCONNECT operation disconnects all branches between any node outside and any node inside the set of nodes specified. If a branch name is specified, only branches with the given name are deleted. SINK and SOURCE operate like 100 DISCONNECT except that SINK does not disconnect branches directed into the node set, and SOURCE does not disconnect branches directed out of the node set. The LINK operation links all nodes into an arbi- trarily ordered chain by branches having the specified name. If no branch name is specified, unnamed branches are used. MERGE PARTITION DISCONNECT \ PARSE GENERATE Figure 20 . SOL Subgraph Operations 101 5.*+ SOL Syntax The syntax of SOL is given below in PL/l syntax notation. Any nonterminal beginning with "pll" is the same as the corresponding PL/l construct and is not defined here. sol-program : t= statement £ i statement "J ... statement t 1= declaration associate free operation if -statement pll ^statement declaration : := £ DCL j DECLARE i element-declaration L» element-declaration J . . • element-declaration n= identifier (pll -bound £ , pll -bound) . . . ) J element-attribute element-attribute t := f GR | GRAPH J £uN0RIENTED])| £nD | NODE"} J I BN j BRANCH 3 node-reference, node-reference )J | £PT I POINTER? £ST | SET 3 IF STATEMENT » : = IF pll -expression THEN statement Tj ELSE statement! associate : t= \ GRASOC | NDASOC BNASOC | PTASOC | STASOC 3r £( qualified-name...) pll -declaration-tail free : := £ GRFREE | NDFREE | BNFREE | PTFREE | STFREE ~$ |J[ qualified-name...)! identifier |, identifier] .. - 102 oneration i »= loop-control data-operation I sets-set sets-Boolean I graph-set ! node-set | branch-node I set-integer I element-string pointer-operation | node-operation subgraph-operation data-operation m= £ ADD | DELS ( graph-reference (set- reference) 2 element-declaration I element-reference "^ [", element-declaration | element-reference J .. . loop-control t«= FOR ( £ ANY | ALL | integer 3> identifier, set-reference) | END sets-set u= sets-set-mnemonic ( set-reference, set-reference) sets-set-mnemonic : *= UNION | INTER | DIFF | SYMDIFF sets-Boolean : := sets-Boolean-mnemonic ( set-reference, set-reference) sets-Boolean-mnemonic t := EQUALS | SUBSET | SUBGRAPH graph-set : »= graph-set-mnemonic ( graph-reference | set-reference] graph-set-mnemonic : »= NODES | BRANCHES node-set : := node-set-mnemonic ( node-reference) node-set-mnemonic : := INC BR | OUTBR | ADJBR branch-node : := branch-node-mnemonic ( branch-reference) branch-node-mnemonic t := HEAD | TAIL set-integer : := set-integer-mnemonic ( set-reference) 103 set-integer-mnemonic « i= CARD element-string t t= element-string-mnemonic (element-reference) element-string-mnemonic i »= NAME TYPE element-reference i »= graph-reference | set-reference [node-reference | branch-reference | pointer-reference graph-reference : := qualified-name | pointer-reference node-reference t i= branch-node | qualified-name (pointer-reference branch-reference »:= qualified-name | pointer-reference set-reference : t= sets-set | graph-set | node-set name pointer-reference pointer-reference : := name qualified-name « »= name _. name]... name 1 1= identifier £ (pll -subscript £, pll -subscript _ • • • )D pointer-operation : i= ^JUMP | MOVE | 0M0VE y pointer-reference [branch-reference | node-reference] |{M0VE2 | 0M0VE2^ pointer-reference jjbranch-ref erence [node-reference^] (node-reference branch-reference"] ~] node-operation ::= £ PARTITION GENERATE "£ node-reference graph-reference pll -procedure-call subgraph-operation : 1 = £ ?/!ERGE | PARSE | DISCONNECT | SINK | SOURCE | LINK J £ node-reference \ set-reference ^ . . . [branch-reference"] 104 5t 5 Example Program Segments Find the set S of all nodes in a given graph G which are linked to one node named N by incoming branches named BA » DECLARE B PT , S ST| F0R( ALL , B , INCBR(N) ) j IF NAME(B) = 'BA' THEN ADD(S) TAIL(B) i END { General pairwise merge of all linked nodes in a graph G under some condition D(B) until no further merges are possible! REL00F : N = CARD( NODES ( G ) ) | F0R( ALL , -B , BRANCHES ( G ) ) ; IF D(B) THEN MERGE TAILf B ) HEAD( B ) ; END ; IF CARD( NODES ( G ) )l «= N THEN GO TO RELOOP ? 105 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Discussion of Results The main results of this work aret the definition of a graph-structure transformation model, the development of formal types of embedding properties of a relation under a transformation, and the definition of a graph-structure operation language. The graph-structure model provides a framework in which to express multi-relational scene segmentation and structural inference techniques. The graph-structure representation and transformations are defined as having properties to facilitate their application to the parsing of pictures. Simple embedding concepts of relations have been considerably expanded so that relations among submembers of composite structures can infer relations between the composite structures. Picture processing applications of embedding types have been demonstrated. A structure operation language, SOL, has been defined to provide a means of experimenting with heuristic structure transformation procedures; in particular, SOL is intended to provide an implementation of the graph-structure model. 106 6.2 Suggestions for Further Research The study of the application of graph transformations to picture parsing involves the following areas, all open for investigation! Choice of domain for the transformations expression of the semantics of rules Properties of relations Optimality of a transformation or of a parse Heuristics to choose where to apply a transformation should include attribute classification techniques. Attributes will undoubtedly express the semantics of the structural rules which we have considered. The study of how attributes act under a transformation is indicated. The formal logical properties of binary relations (such as defined in McCormick and Schwebel (25)) could be employed in a methodology to infer or delete relations in a structure. The development of properties of relations to infer transformations is needed. Abstract embedding type properties could infer the relative stength of a relation with respect to a particular transformation. Negative embedding types, such as "NOT" which we considered, should be extended to composites. Particular picture-processing relations could be categorized with respect to the formal properties studied, and then applied. Criteria to determine optimality of a single trans- formation, or of a parse composed of a series of transforma- tions are needed. Such criteria should include: the shortest 107 series and the simplest transformations among those which obtain valid descriptions. The feasibility of structure transformation heuristic techniques for processing abstract graphs of simple scenes has been demonstrated by some simple programs. Further research should develop explicit algorithms for picture processing and for other related classes of structural inference problems: Common structure between graphs Common structure between sets of graphs Structural analogies Finally, the implementation of S0L f which is already underway in this Department, could be developed appropriately for its use at a graphics console for interactive experimenta- tion with the algorithms mentioned above. 108 LIST OF REFERENCES (1) A. Rosenfeld, Picture Processing by Computer . Academic Press, New York, 1969. (2) G. Nagy, "State of the art in pattern recognition," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol. 56, 1968, pp. 836-862. (3) M. D. Levine, "Feature extraction 1 a survey," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol. 57, no. 8, August, 1969, pp. 1391-1407. (4) R. Pau] , G. Falk, and J. A. Feldman, "The computer representation of simply described scenes," in M. Faiman and J. Nievergelt (Eds.), Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics . U. of I. 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He graduated from the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Mathe- matics degree in 1964. From 1964-1971, he was a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois, working on the Illiac III Computer Project. He received his Master of Science degree in Mathematics in 1966. Since September of 1971 » he has been with the Data Processing Division of Univac at Roseville, Minnesota. Mr. Schwebel is the co-author with Bruce H. McCormick of a paper entitled "Consistent Properties of Composite Formation Under a Binary Relation, H which evolved from his thesis research. Mr. Schwebel is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery and the Society of the Sigma Xi. FofmAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ,6/6 Sm UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT I See Instructions on Reverse Side ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-2118-0031 UIUCDCS-R-72-51 1 + 2. TITLE A GRAPH- STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION MODEL FOR PICTURE PARSING 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): Ef a - Scientific and technical report ^] b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): KX a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. ] b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. ] c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) John C. Schwebel Ph.D. Thesis Candidate Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature ^ £~7 C ^t-^-c-^^ Date May 8, 1972 FOR AEC USE ONLY ' AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: PATENT CLEARANCE: LJ a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. LJ c. Patent clearance not required. BLIOGRAPHIC DATA EET 1. Report No. C00-2118-0031 UIUCDCS-R-72-51 1 4 2. 3. Recipient's Accession No. Title and Subt [tie \ GRAPH-STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION MODEL FOR PICTURE PARSING 5. Report Date May, 1972 6. \uihor(s1 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. Illiac III irtment of Computer Science rersity of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign L'rbana, Illinois 6l801 11. Contract/Grant No. AT (11-1) -2118 iring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Ph.D. Thesis S. Atomic Energy Commission 14. Supplementary Notes This paper develops a model which defines graph structures as representations and graph-structure transformations as operations. The intended application is to picture analysis, and in particular to the inference of syntactic and semantic structure from instances of objects and scenes. Representative graph transforma- tions are defined. Necessary properties of transformations are developed, and reversibility and information loss are defined. In order to see how graph branches are inferred, simple and composite embedding types of binary relations under a transformation are studied. Lattice operational properties are defined to character- ize relations between lattice elements by the way they act when the lattice is transformed. The goal of using graph transformations to obtain a simplified ascription is discussed. A computer language, SOL, is defined to implement graph structures and graph-structure transformations. Keywords and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors ■ Identifiers Open-Ended Terms 5AT1 Field/Group Availability Statement Release Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 12U 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSI 22. Price M NTIS-35 1 10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P71 Of ,LLiNOt» U"»* N * ^fH r * Iff/ I ■ IB I BUM ^44 1 ■ m %t m m