f s « UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY U^RANA-CHAMPAIQI^ IQKj w Ko It CEDAR HOLLOW J 750-1 900 Vi GENERAL VIEW CEDAR HOLLOW LIME COMPANY’S STONE CRUSHER AND EAST KILNS. THE STORY OF CEDAR HOLLOW 1 750- 1 900 Issued by CHARLES WARNER COMPANY Philadelphia New York Wilmington. The John M. Rogers Press, WILMINGTON, DEL. THE STORY OF CEDAR HOLLOW. pEDx\R HOELOW LIME is older than the Revolu- ^ tion itself. Valley Forge, the one historic spot of Revolutionary times that has withstood the warfare of the vandal, preserved, sanctified and hallowed, an everlasting monument to the courage, patriotism and sacrifice of our fathers, is proof of the antiquity, dur- ability and everlasting qualities of Ckdar Hottow Lime. Washington’s headquarters, wherein was quar- tered the Father of his Country during the memorable winter of 1777-1778, is still held intact with mortar made from Cedar Hoeeow Lime. This ancient building, visited by thousands every year, is as erect ^ to-day as when built more than a century and' a quar- ter ago; its walls are white and their surface as smooth ^ as if built yesterday. Only Cedar Hoeeow Lime Of) WAS USED IN ITS CONSTRUCTION. Cedar Hollow, from whence our Lime derives its name, is located in the eastern section of Chester County, about three miles from Valley Forge. It is the oldest and most famous lime section in this part of the country, and is the cradle of the lime manufactur- ing industry in the United States. The oldest buildings in Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware and Chester Counties, the first .settlements in Pennsyl- vania, are as firm to-day as when built over a century ago. Oney Cedar Hoeeow Lime was used in THEIR construction. What better showing than a century and a half of strong substantial work. Many sought its output. Cedar Hollow Lime only used. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads. STONE CRUSHER, lOOO TONS CAPACITY DAILY. Every Pound of our Crushed Stone could be used to Manufacture our best Lime. CHARLES WARNER COMPANY, SALES AGENT. O Long before the independence of the colonies, the good qualities of Cedar Hollow Lime were known. There were other lime sections in Eastern Pennsyl- vania, but none of them produced the same quality of lime as that which came from Cedar Hollow. The best of every thing being none too good for the early builders, they naturally sought the very best lime that could be had and demanded Cedar Hollow Lime. More than a score of manufacturers either purchased land or obtained leases of parts of the several proper- ties now owned by the Cedar Hollow Lime Com- pany, and began the manufacture of lime. They erected kilns upon the premises and opened quarries. Their manufactured product was carted away to every section of Eastern Pennsylvania and to the surround- ing States of Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware, no other lime being able to compete with it in yield, purity and durability. In 1856, several capitalists of Philadelphia, seeing the great future that presented itself in the further and wider development of the lime industry, pur- chased ninety acres of the land upon which the kilns and quarries of the several owners or lessees at Cedar Hollow were located, and immediately began the erec- tion of a railroad leading from the kilns to the Chester Valley Railroad, a distance of two miles. The new owners organized themselves into a corporation under the name of the Cedar Hollow Lime Company. Until 1898 the company remained under the same management and in the control of the same parties who had taken charge forty-two years before. Cedar Hollow Lime indispensable to good work. Early consolidation that lead to forty years of success- ful manufacture and a constantly improving product. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads. WEST KILNS. CAPACITY 1500 BUSHELS DAILY HIGHEST GRADE WOOD BURNED LIME. CHARLES WARNER COMPANY, SALES AGENT. 7 It shipped most of its product to Philadelphia, method where it always commanded a ready sale and higher of transportation, price than any other lime. All shipments were made over the Che.ster Valley and Philadelphia & Reading Railroads, the cars being transported over the com- pany’s siding horses to the Chester Valley Railroad and delivered by the latter to the Philadelphia & Read- ing Railroad at Bridgeport. In the Spring of 1898, by reason of the death of Purchase by the owner of more than one-half of the stock of the management company and the advanced age of his associates, all and additional of its real and personal estate was sold and the new property secured, purchasers continued the business under the old name. An adjoining property, comprising one hundred and twenty-eight acres, all underlaid with a rich deposit of limestone was added to the original tract, so that at the present time the Cedar Hollow Lime Company ^ , 7 Carbonate ot is the owner of two hundred and eighteen acres of the Magnesia, richest magnesia limestone deposit in the United States. On the one side, facing the northeast, is a vein of ninety feet in height and twelve hundred and fifty feet in breadth; while on the other side, facing the south- west, is a vein of equal height and eleven hundred feet Extent of the in length. The former vein extends fully three-fourths Quarries, of a mile to the southwest, and the latter a quarter of a mile to the northeast. The top soil covering these veins varies from one to four feet. The supply of stone which they contain irrespective of the depth to which they can be sunk, is practically inexhaust- able. Use Cedar Hollow Stone for Telford and Macadam Roads. 8 CEDAR HOEEOW LIME COMPANY, PRODUCER. Improvements and additions. Since 1898 vast improvements have been made upon the property. The old horse railroad has been replaced by a substantial siding, over which cars are transported b}^ locomotives; patent kilns, with a daily capacity of fifteen hundred bushels of lime, have been erected; a stone crusher, capable of crushing 'one thousand tons of stone per day ; ever}^ pound of which could be used in the manufacture of our best lime. New houses for the employes and stables for the live stock, have been built. Present capacity of patent kiln and wood-burnt lime only. The company has seven other patent kilns in operation, which, with the new ones recently erected, give it a capacity of three thousand bushels of lime in ever)^ twenty- four hours. Wood is the fuel used in its manufacture, and the most modern kilns and methods have been introduced. Perpetual Charter. The Company has recently been granted a perpetual charter under the laws of Pennsylvania. In connection with this, we have issued a book- let “On Macadam and Telford Roads,” and will be pleased to forward same to }^ou upon receipt of your request for a copy of the work. Every pound of our crushed stone could be used in the manufacture of the celebrated Cedar Hollow lime with its purity of less than 1 % silica. Use Cedar Hollow Stone for Telford and Macadam Roads. NORTH QUARRY. FACE, 90 FEET DEEP, HOO FEET LONG. 10 CEDAR HOLLOW LIME COMPANY, PRODUCER. Analysis, Freedom from Silica, High percentage Magnesia desirable for Sulphite mills. BOOTH, GARRETT & BRAIR, Chemical and Metallurgical Department, 406 Locust Street. Philadelphia, Pa., July 11th, 1900. Cedar Hollow Lime Co., Wilmington, Del. Gentle7uen : — The samples taken by us at the Cedar Hollow Lime Quarry on the 1st inst. , marked as below, contained: “west.” “south.” Silicious Matter, 0.82% . . 0.69% Oxideof Iron and Alumina, . 0.41% . , 0.83% Carbonate of Lime, . . . . 53.64% . . 53.68% Carbonate of Magnesia, . . . 45.44% . . 46.17% 100.31% 100.87% Yours respectfully. Booth, Garrett & Blair. The small percentage of Silica contained in this lime makes it the most desirable offered for Finishing and General Building Purposes where a Magnesia lime is required, while for Sulphite mills and other chemical uses requiring a high percentage of Magnesia, the especial desirability of Cedar Hollow Lime is manifest by noting the analysis made by Messrs. Booth, Garrett & Blair of average samples taken by their representative at our quarries. The smaller the percentage of Silica in a lime, the greater will be its bulk when slacked out, and therefore its greater sand carrying capacity and increased value per unit of weight as compared with a high silica or impure lime. We invite tests to prove this. CHARLES WARNER COMPANY, SALES AGENT, Philadelphia, New York, Wilmington, 1109 LAND TITLE BLDG. 66 M A I D E N LA N E. DELAWARE. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads. CHARIvES WARNER COMPANY, SALES AGENT. 11 LABORATORIES OF booth, GARRETT & BLAIR, 404 and 406 Locust Street. Philadelphia, Pa., July 30th, 1900. Report of Crushing Tests oe Samples Limestone, Granite and Trap Rock. Samples were marked as below : Crushing Strength, lbs. per Specimen Marked. Size. sq. in. Trap Rock, 1 in. cube, . 30,260 “Cedar Hollow” Hard Limestone, 1 in. cube, . 34,540 Crushing Granite 1 in. cube, . 40,250 Respectfully yours. Booth, Garrett & Blair. No ONE questions the importance of using reliable stone where concrete is to be introduced. The above tests by Messrs. Booth, Garrett & Blair, show the Cedar Hollow Stone to be more desirable than trap rock for concrete work, and in regard to its specific gravity, the}^ write : ^*The specific gravity of Cedar Hollow Stone was 2.85t showing it to be an unusually compact stone.’^ Specific Gravity. The specific gravity of trap rock is about three. This means five per cent, more volume in a ton of Cedar Hollow Stone than in trap rock, which insures a saving in transportation of about five per cent. , and adds correspondingly to the bulk per ton. For good roads its superior quality for cementation insures a more durable Telford or Macadam roadbed than can be constructed with either trap rock or granite. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads< 12 CEDAR HOEEOW LIME COMPANY, PRODUCER. C^DAR HOI/IyOW crush^;d stonb From a new and improved crusher, combining all desirable features to date, thereby insuring Uniform Size and Freedom from Dust. CAPACITY, 1000 TONS DAILY. Capacity. Any size shipped promptly on receipt of orders. Quotations f. o. b. cars at Works, Cedar Hoeeow, Pa. , or at any point on the lines of the Philadelphia & Reading and Pennsylvania R. R. systems. Screens are adjustable to the following sizes; Sizes. 3-inch Ring and Tailings, 2-inch, ll^-inch, 1-inch, ^-inch. Grits, or ^-inch. Dust (Top-dressing, Cement Pavements, etc.) Screenings (Grits and Dust, Mixed.) See Booklet on Macadam and Telford Roads ISSUED BY CHARLES WARNER GONFANY, General Agent, OFFICES; WILMIN&TON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, Delaware. 1109 Land Title Bldg. 66 Maiden Lane. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads* EAST KILNS. CAPACITY, I500 BUSHELS DAILY HIGHEST GRADE WOOD BURNED LIME. 14 CEDAR HOLLOW LIME COMPANY, PRODUCER. We own quarries. We dredge sand. We sell manufactured products. OUR CONCRETE Triple Alliance. gLAB OF CONCRETE 2 feet long by 10 inches wide, 4 inches thick, sawed from a block of con- crete made up of the following proportions: 1 part Nazareth Portland Cement. 2 parts Warner’s Bar Sand. 4 parts Cedar Hollow Screenings. 8 parts Cedar Hollow 1^-inch stone. CRUSHING TEST, 202 TONS PER SQUARE FOOT. Thirty Days Old. CHARLES WARNER COMPANY, GENERAL SALES AGENT. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads. SOUTH QUARRY. RACK, QO FEET DEEP, 1250 FEET EONG. 16 CEDAR HOEEOW DIME COMPANY, PRODUCER. Our Lines in Brief* Lime Carbonate Magnesia Stone Cement For Building, Plastering, Chemical and Agricultural purposes. Wrightsville, Hanover, F. F. L. Cedar Hollow and McCoy : Assorted sizes from Cedar Hollow Quarries for Walks. Road- making and Concreting. Run of quarry for Fluxing. Imported and Domestic, Rosendale and Portland. “ Naza- reth” brand our specialty. Sand Washed and Screened Bar Sand from our dredge, Phcenix. Daily capacit}^ 2,000 tons. Silver Sand and White Finishing Sand, in carload lots from Wil- mington and Philadelphia, Pa. Ivory Cement ^ Hard Wall Plaster. Superior for Strength, Hard- Plaster ness, Durability. Building Ma- Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Fire Brick and Tile, terial Mortar Colors, Marble Dust, Fire Clay, Terra Cotta Pipe Coal Coke Freight Information and Quota- tions Manufactured from the best Ohio River Fire Clay, all vitrified and salt glazed. Sectional Sewer Blocks, Flue Liners, Fire Proofing, Conduits and all P'ire Clay Products. Anthracite and Bituminous. Furnace, P'oundry and Crushed. Warner’s Wilmington and Philadelphia Freight Line sails 6 P. M. daily from Wilmington and Pier 9, South Wharves, Philadelphia. Through rates to all points. Information and quotations gladly furnished on any of the above lines. CHARLES WARNER COMPANY, General offices, Wilmington, Delaware. New York, Philadelphia, 66 Maiden Lane, Land Title Building, J. MAXWELL CARRERE, FRED. A. DABOLL, GENERAL MANAGER. MANAGER. Write for our Booklet on Telford and Macadam Roads. .'V.. ■ 'i'V” p' - . .,.■' ' .'vfe ' 4 - *■' s:;v ,s..y ■ . i, -A 5#^ :■ tfr*, ' i\. ", ;rj V. ; V* ,.V4^;V V‘.- , ■•.' I •/ f'l^- ; .0 " - ■< ■■i r: t ■ , : ..,- •■ f.vjjftss^^ T-. .-.’yicirA' j'V’ ,. ^« -,^v>; V 'U^s'.V-...' ■P'r- !;siy. ■ ; •11 'i t