Otfe.SVO S64vn5 ft o y THE NORMAL SCHOOL BULLETIN EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CHARLESTON OCTOBER FIRST, 1914 NUMBER 46 MATERIAL ON GEOGRAPHY which may be obtained free or at small cost by MARY JOSEPHINE BOOTH, A.B., B.L.S. Librarian, Eastern Illinois State Normal School Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library TTTE NORMAL SCHOOL BULLETIN Published By The Eastern Illinois State Normal School Entered March 5. 1902. as second-class matter, at the post office at Charleston. Illineta Act of CongTess. July 16. 1894. CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 1, 1914 No. 46 MATERIAL ON GEOGRAPHY which may be obtained free or at small cost by MARY JOSEPHINE BOOTH A.B., Beloit College; B.L.S., University of Illinois, Librarian, Eastern Illinois State Normal School EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CHARLESTON 1914 $6 4 >vv S C of* f TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 5 List of abbreviations 7 General list 9 Industries and commercial products 45 Miscellaneous 51 Educational exhibits 54 PREFACE Publications of this description are usually issued in the form of well illustrated pamphlets and will supplement with lit- tle expense the books on geography used in the class room. They come from several sources, the United States government, the different state governments, railroads, steamship lines, manufac- turing firms, and chambers of commerce of cities and towns. To find out where material of this sort may be obtained re- quires both time and effort. Each month consult the Monthly catalogue of United States public documents, and the Monthly list of state publications, both published by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. G. Read the advertisements of railroads and of steamship companies appearing in magazines and newspapers, which often offer to send free or for postage descriptive booklets. These advertisements change with the seasons and in the course of a year will include almost all parts of the world. In the columns of Public Libraries, The Library Journal, The Wisconsin Library Bulletin, and other periodicals are often found items giving the names of recent pamphlets. Write to your congressman for any desired pamphlets pub- lished by the United States government. If he has copies at his disposal, he will send them free, but if not, the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, will supply them for the price stated in this list. The publications of the Pan American Union may also be obtained free from your congressman. Address the proper department for the state publications, enclosing postage. Write to railroads and steamship lines giving the names of the pamph- lets desired and enclose postage. If you want to obtain the most recent material write for a list of publications and choose the ones needed, for new booklets are being frequently issued. Be- cause of the ephemeral nature of many of these publications certain titles given in this list may even now be out of print. Frequently new booklets will be issued to replace them and on this account it is usually better, when writing for a certain title, to add a request for “other similar publications.” Some of the European railroads, trans-atlantic steamship lines, and tourist agencies will be unable to supply all the titles listed because of the war in Europe. Their addresses have been given with the expectation that they will be of use in the future. Those titles issued by these agencies, which are definitely known to be avail- able, are so designated. County and city superintendents of schools may be able to obtain several copies of the material in this list and keep it in a convenient place for the use of teachers under their direction. The first edition of this list was published in the Wisconsin Library Bulletin for January-February, 1912. A revised list was published in the Journal of Geography, January, 1914, a number of the new titles having been suggested by Miss Adelaide R. Hasse, Chief, Public Documents Department, New York Public Library. It was reprinted by the American Library Association Publishing Board, 78 East Washington Street, Chicago. The new titles in this list are largely pamphlets issued by commercial clubs and chambers of commerce. List op Abbreviations The usual abbreviations of states and months are used, agric. — agriculture Lond. — London, England Amer. — American ass’n — association ave. — avenue bldg — building Bost — Boston, Mass, bull. — bulletin bur. — bureau c. — cent, copyright Chic. — Chicago, 111. circ. — circular Minn. — Minneapolis, Minn. n. d. — no date no. — number N. Y.— New York, N. Y. Phil. — Philadelphia, Penn. pt — part R. R. — railroad, railway rep’t — report S. S. — steamship ser. — series cm. — centimeter co. — company cong. — congress d. — penny, pence=2c. dep’t — department div. — division doc. — document ed. — edition educ, — education sess. — session st. — street Sup’t of doc. — Superintendent of docu ments s. — shilling=25c. univ. — university v. — volume Wash. — Washington, D. G. GENERAL LIST Bibliography Commercial and agricultural organizations of the United States. 1913. Miscellaneous ser. 8. Foreign and domestic com- merce bur. Wash. Senate doc. 1109. 62nd cong. 3rd sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Commercial organizations in southern and western cities by G. W. Doonan. 1914. Special agents ser. 79. Foreign and do- mestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. These two lists of commercial organizations are useful in obtaining names and addresses of chambers of commerce and commercial clubs. They do not list publications. Geography, in Frederick K. Noyes, Teaching material in govern- ment publications, pp. 32-44. 1913. Bull. 1913, no. 47. Bur. of educ. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Includes physical, political and commercial geography and maps. Geography and explorations; list of United States government publications. 1911. Sup’t of doc. Wash. Maps published by the United States government. 1913. Sup’t of doc. Wash. Periodicals Agwi steamship news, monthly. Agwi steamship news, 165 Broadway, N. Y. The earth, monthly. The earth, 1118 Railway exchange, Chic. 25c. a year. K. G. S. current events, an industrial and agricultural magazine, quarterly. Kansas City southern R. R. Kansas City, Mo. North German Lloyd bulletin, monthly. North German Lloyd bulletin, 5 Broadway, N. Y. 24c. a year. 10 Africa, East East Africa protectorate. 1908. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 6d. Africa, South, see South Africa. Africa, West Colonial west Africa (with map). 1912. Elder Dempster and co. lid, Colonial house, Liverpool, England, or, 6 St Sacrament st. Monlreal, Can. Is. Also other publications. Handbook of information for passengers of the Deutsche Ost- Afrika-linie. 1914. Tourist office, Hamburg-Amer. line, N. Y. or, Ellis, Kislingbury and co. 4 St Mary Axe E. C. Lond. Notes on the West African colonies. 1911. Emigrants’ informa- tion office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 6d. Alabama Alabama. 1911. State dep’t of immigration, Montgomery. Also olher publications. Jefferson county and Birmingham, Alabama. 1911. Chamber of commerce, Birmingham. Also other publications. Mobile, Alabama, n. d. Chamber of commerce and business league, Mobile. Also other publications. Alaska Alaska fisheries and fur industries in 1913. (annual) 1914. Doc. 797. Bur. of fisheries, Wash. Alaska, glaciers and ice fields, (latest ed.) Alaska S. S. co. Seattle, Wash. Also other publications. Alaska mining industry in 1911 and railway routes in Alaska by A. H. Brooks. 1912. Bull. 520 A. Geological survey, Wash, or Sup’t of doc. Wash. 20c. Alaska, our frontier wonderland. 1914. Alaska bur. Seattle chamber of commerce, Seattle, Wash. 10c. Coastal glaciers of Prince William sound and Kenai peninsula by U. S. Grant and D. F. Higgins. 1913. Bull. 526. Geologi- cal survey, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 30c. Commerce and industries of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippine islands. 1913. Special agents ser. 67. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Data relating to Alaska, resources, and progress. 1912. Senate doc. 882. 62nd cong. 2nd sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. 11 General information regarding Alaska. 1914. Interior dep’t, Wash. Possible agricultural development in Alaska by Levi Ghubbuck. 1914. Bull. 50. Div. of publications, Dep’t of agric. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Bibliography Alaska territory, list of public documents for sale by Sup’t of doc. 1914. Sup’t of doc. Wash. Alberta Official handbook of Alberta, (latest ed.) Dep’t of agric. Ed- monton. Also other publications. Argentine Republic Argentine international trade. 1913. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Argentine Republic. 1908. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 2d. Argentine Republic; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. The Argentine Republic in 1912. 1912. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Commerce of Argentine Republic, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. General description of Argentine Republic. 1913. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Trade development in Argentina by J. D. Whelpley. 1911. House doc. 1032, 61st cong. 3rd sess. Wash. Also Special agents ser. 43. Manufactures bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Arizona Arizona, the newest state, n. d. Santa Fe, 1119 Railway ex- change, Chic. Also other publications. Glendale, Arizona, n. d. Board of trade, Glendale. The new Arizona, (latest ed.) Southern Pacific R. R., Chic. Phoenix, Arizona, city of progress. 1913. Board of trade, Phoe- nix. Also other publications. Arizona, see also Casa Grande, Grand canyon of the Colorado. Arkansas Arkansas homes and harvests, n. d. Cotton belt route, St Louis, Mo. Also other publications. 12 Arkansas, the home of double crops. 1911. Rock Island lines, Chic. Also other publications. Biennial rep’t. (latest ed.) Bur. of mines and manufactures and agric. Little Rock. General information regarding the Hot Springs of Arkansas. 1912. Dep’t of the interior, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Missouri and Arkansas Ozarks. n. d. Frisco lines, St Louis, Mo. The Ozark mountain region, (latest ed.) Kansas City southern R. R. Kansas City, Mo. Southeastern Arkansas, n. d. Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain R. R. St Louis, Mo. Also other publications describing dif- ferent sections of the state. Australia Australia, its resources, industries, and trade. 1911. Special consular rep’ts 47. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. The Australian commonwealth; its resources and production. 1912. Commonwealth bur. of census and statistics, Mel- bourne. Austria Austria, n. d. Canadian Pacific R. R. Montreal, Can. The South railway in Austria-Hungary, n. d., published by the South R. R. Vienna. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Also other publications. Sport, fishing in Alpine Austria, n. d. edited by the I. and R. board of agric. Vienna. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Traveling routes in Austria, n. d. issued by the I. R. Austrian state R. R. Vienna. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broad- way, N. Y. Belgium Belgium, n. d. Red star line, 9 Broadway, N. Y. Available. Holidays abroad. 1912. Great eastern R. R. 261 Broadway, N. Y. Bolivia Bolivia; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Commerce of Bolivia, (annual) Pan Amer. union. Wash. 13 Brazil Brazil ; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Brazil in 1912. (annual) by J. G. Oakenfull. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Commerce of Brazil, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Economic protection of the India rubber. 1912. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. British Columbia BanfT, Field, Glacier, etc. 2-10c. Soo line, Chic. Also other publications. Canada’s western heritage, British Columbia. 1912. Dep’t of the interior, Ottawa, Can. Handbook of British Columbia. 1913. Bur. of provincial infor- mation, Victoria. Also other publications. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. 1911. Grand trunk Pacific R. R. Montreal, Gan. California California. 1910. Rock Island lines, Chic. California for the tourist. 1910. Southern Pacific R. R. Chic. Also other publications. The California lemon industry by G. H. Powell and F. 0. Wall- schlaeger. Bull. 9. Citrus protective league of California, Los Angeles. California, resources and possibilities, (annual) California de- velopment board, San Francisco. California south of Tehachapi. (latest ed.) Southern Pacific R. R. Chic. The climate and weather of San Diego, California. 1913. Cham- ber of commerce, San Diego. Climate of San Francisco by A. G. McAdie. 1913. Bull. 44. Weather bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Harbor development of San Francisco. 1913. Berkeley civic bull. v. 2, no. 5. 15 Dec. ’13. City club of Berkeley, 1923 Dwight Way, Berkeley. Los Angeles, city and county. 1913. Chamber of commerce, Los Angeles. Also other publications. Oakland, (latest ed.) Chamber of commerce, Oakland. Pasadena, n. d. Special no. of The Arrowhead, monthly pub- 14 lished by Industrial dep’t, San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake R. R. Los Angeles. Pasadena, California, n. d. Board of trade, Pasadena. Rep’t. (latest ed.) State agric. society, Sacramento. Rep’t on Richmond harbor project by Haviland and Tibbetts. 1912. Haviland and Tibbetts, Alaska commercial bldg, San Francisco. Also other publications. Sacramento valley, (latest ed.) Southern Pacific R. R. Chic. Sacramento valley, California, n. d. Sunset magazine home- seekers’ bur. San Francisco. Not the same as the preceding entry. San Diego, California, n. d. Board of supervisors of San Diego county, or, Chamber of commerce of San Diego county, San Diego. San Francisco. 1913. Chamber of commerce, San Francisco. Also other publications. San Joaquin valley of California, n. d. Santa Fe, 1119 Railway exchange, Chic. Also other publications. San Jose, Santa Clara county, n. d. Chamber of commerce, San Jose. California, see also General Grant national park, Sequoia na- tional park, Yosemite national park. Canada Annual rep’t. (latest ed.) Dep’t of the interior, Ottawa. Also other publications. Canada, (annual) Emigrants’ information office. 34 Broad- way, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. Commerce and industries of Canada and Newfoundland by A. G. Robinson. 1913. Special agents ser. 76. Foreign and domestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Fur-farming in Canada by J. W. Jones. 1913. Commission of conservation, Ottawa. 50c. Geography of the Dominion of Canada, n. d. Dep’t of the in- terior, Ottawa. Guide books. 1913. Geological survey, Ottawa. No. 1. Eastern Quebec and the maritime provinces. 2 pts. No. 2. Eastern townships of Quebec and the eastern part of Ontario. No. 3. Neighborhood of Montreal and Ottawa. No. 4. Southwestern Ontario. 15 No. 5. Western peninsula of Ontario and Manitoulin island. No. 6. Vicinity of Toronto, Muskota and Madoc. No. 7. Sudbury, Cobalt and Porcupine. No. 8. Toronto to Victoria and return via Canadian Pa- cific and Canadian Northern railways. 3 pts. No. 9. Toronto to Victoria and return via Canadian Pa- cific, Grand Trunk Pacific and National trans-con- tinental railways. No. 10. Northern British Columbia and Yukon territory and along the north Pacific coast. The material is largely geological hut some parts are of general interest. Land, a living, and wealth, n. d. Grand trunk Pacific R. R. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sea fisheries of eastern Canada. 1912. Commission of conserva- tion. Ottawa. Casa Grande General information regarding the Casa Grande ruin, Arizona. 1913. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Central America General information relating to Central and South America, in- cluding a summary of consular rep’ts. 1912. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 4d. Jamaica, Panama canal, Central and South America. 1912. United fruit co. 17 Battery place, N. Y. Latin American foreign trade in 1912. 1914. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Map showing railroads of Latin America in operation and under construction, 16 by 21 inches. 1913. Pan Amer. union, W 7 ash. Ceylon Ceylon, general information for intending settlers. . 1912. Emi- grants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. Chile Chile; an account of its wealth and progress by Julia P. Canto. 1912. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Chile; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. 16 Chile, its position, resources, climate, mining, fruit growing and farming by Chile-Foreign office, n. d. Distributed by the Pan Amer. union, Wash. Commerce of Chile, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. The groat nilrate fields of Chile. 1909. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Opportunities for foreign trade in Chile by Chile-Foreign office. 1913. Dislributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Santiago de Chile. 1909. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Views of the Chilean nilrate works and ports, n. d. Chilean nitrate propaganda, 25 Madison ave. N. Y. China China, n. d. Canadian Pacific R. R. co. Pacific S. S. lines, Mon- treal, Canada. Some roads towards peace by Charles W. Eliot. 1914. Carnegie endowment for international peace, 2 Jackson place, Wash. Colombia Colombia; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Commerce of Colombia, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Colorado Around the circle. cl907. Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. Colorado, n. d. Burlington route, Chic. Also other publica- tions. Colorado, n. d. Denver, northwestern and Pacific R. R. Denver. Colorado, America’s roof garden, n. d. Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain R. R. St Louis, Mo. Colorado climatology by R. E. Tremble. 1912. Bull. 182. Agri- cultural experiment station, Fort Collins. Colorado for the tourist. 1913. Union Pacific R. R. Omaha, Neb. Also other publications. A Colorado summer. 1913. Santa Fe, 1119 Railway exchange, Chic. Also other publications. Denver to-day; descriptive, statistical, pictorial. 1914. Chamber of commerce, Denver. Fertile lands of Colorado and northern New Mexico. cl909. Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. Map of Colorado showing all railroads, 56 by 44 cm. n. d. Rail- road commission, Denver. Picturesque Colorado. 1911. Colorado and southern R. R. Den- ver. 17 Thru the Rockies, n. d. Colorado midland R. R. Denver. Tourists’ handbook, (latest ed.) Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. Under the turquoise sky. cl910. Rock Island lines, Chic. Also other publications. With nature in Colorado, n. d. Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. Colorado, see also Mesa Verde national park. Connecticut Connecticut, industrial, agricultural, historical, and other facts concerning a progressive state. 1914. State board of trade. Board of trade, Hartford. Made in Hartford; handbook and reports of the Board of trade. 1912. Board of trade, Hartford. New Haven, Conn. n. d. Chamber of commerce, New Haven. Costa Rica Commerce of Costa Rica, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Commercial monograph of Costa Rica, no. 1. 1913. Dun’s in- ternational review. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Costa Rica; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Crater Lake National Park General information regarding Crater lake national park, (an- imal) Interior dep’t. Wash. Geological history of Crater lake. 1912. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Panoramic view of Crater lake nalional park by J. H. Renshawe. 1914. Geological survey, Wash. 25c. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. I 6 V 2 by 18 inches; scale 1 mile to the inch. Cuba Commerce of Cuba, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Cuba, a pamphlet descriptive of the island of Cuba. 1910. Dep’t of agric. Havana. Cuba; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. A few facts and figures in regard to Cuba by Cuba — Dep’t of agric. n. d. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Future farming in Cuba by Forbes Lindsay. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. 18 La republique de Cuba. n. d. Distributed by Pan Amer. union. Wash. In French and English. A winter paradise. cl912. United R. R. of Havana, 52 Broad- way, N. Y. Delaware Delaware the diamond state. 1911. State board of agric. Dover. Wilmington as a manufacturing center. 1911. Board of trade, Wilmington. Denmark Copenhagen and its environs, n. d. Published by the Danish tourists’ ass’n. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Notes on agricultural conditions in Denmark. 1913. 62nd cong. 3rd sess. Senate doc. 992. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. District op Columbia Guide to the national capital. 1912. Pennsylvania lines, Pitts- burgh, Penn. The new Washington by George H. Gall, cl 913. Chamber of commerce, Wash. Washington, old and new by Barry Bulkley. cl913. Distributed by G. F. Schutt, The new Ebbitt, Wash. Dominican Republic Commerce of the Dominican Republic, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Development of Dominican Republic by Charles H. Albrecht and Frank A. Henry. 1914. Special consular rep’t 65. For- eign and domestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Dominican Republic; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Santo Domingo, (latest ed.) Clyde S. S. co. Pier 36, North River, N. Y. Also other publications. The East (U. S.) Mountain and lake resorts. 1913. Lackawanna R. R. 90 West st. N. Y. 10c. Also other publications. Summer excursion book. 1913. Pennsylvania R. R. N. Y. East Africa, see Africa, East. 19 Ecuador Commerce of Ecuador, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Ecuador; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Egypt Mediterranean cruises. 1913. Royal mail steam packet co. Ad- dress Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. To the Levant and the land of the Pharaohs, n. d. North Ger- man Lloyd S. S. co. 5 Broadway, N. Y. Available. England Cathedral route from London. 1913. Great eastern R. R. of England, 261 Broadway, N. Y. Available. The Garden of England and the home of Dickens. 1912. South- eastern and Chatham R. R. of England, 334 Fifth ave. N. Y. In the track of the Mayflower, n. d. London and southwestern R. R. 281 Fifth ave. N. Y. Also other publications. The official guide to St Albans, (latest ed.) E. J. Burrow and co. ltd. Cheltenham, England. 3d. Wonderful Wessex. 1913. Great western R. R. of England, 501 Fifth ave. N. Y. 20c. Also other publications. Available. Federated Malay states, see Malay States, Federated. Florida The everglades and other essays relating to southern Florida by John Gifford. cl912. Everglades sugar and land co. Miami. Guide to Florida, (latest ed.) State bur. of information, Jack- sonville. Jacksonville, n. d. Distributed by Board of trade, Jacksonville. Also other publications. Lee county, Florida; the borderland of the tropics. Board of county commissioners, Fort Myers, Florida. Pictures and pointers about Pensacola. 1911. Commercial ass’n, Pensacola. Also publishes monthly bull. Greater Pensa- cola and other publications. Semi-tropic Florida development year book. 1914. Tampa tribune, Tampa. 25c. Southern Georgia and northern Florida, n. d. Georgia south- ern and Florida R. R. Macon, Ga. Tampa, for health, wealth, and happiness. 1911-12. Board of trade, Tampa. 20 Wood using industries; the kudzu vine; citrus grove, its location and cultivation; pecan culture in Florida; cane grinding and syrup making. 1913. Dcp’t of agric. Tallahassee. France Pyrenees and Basque coast. French state railways bur. 2 Ree- fer st. N. Y. Also other publicalions. Available. The valley of the Rhone, n. d. Paris, Lyon. Mediterranee R. R. 281 Fifth ave. N. Y. Also other publications. General Grant National Park General information regarding Sequoia and General Grant na- tional parks, (annual) Interior dep’t, Wash. Georgia Advantages of Georgia, (latest ed.) Dep’t of agric. Atlanta. Atlanta, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Atlanta. Also other pub- lications. Georgia, n. d. Southern R. R. Wash. Savannah, municipal, financial, commercial, industrial, agri- cultural, residential, and historical. 1911. Chamber of com- merce, Savannah. Southern Georgia and northern Florida, n. d. Georgia southern and Florida R. R., Macon. Germany Economic conditions in Germany by J. G. Schmidlapp. 1914. Senate doc. 367. 63rd cong. 2nd sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Glacier National Park General information regarding Glacier national park, (annual) Interior dep’t, Wash. Giaou r national park. n. d. Great mrlhern R. R. St Paul, Minn. Three other booklets 4c. each. Glaciers of Glacier national park by W. G. Alden. 1914. In- terior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Origin of scenic features of Glacier national park by Marius R. Campbell. 1914. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Panoramic view of Glacier national park prepared by John H. Renshawe. 1914. Geological survey, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. 21 by 23 inches. Scale 3 miles to the inch. 21 Some lakes of Glacier national park. 1912. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Topographic map of Glacier national park. Geological survey, Wash. 30c. Size 32 by 28 1 /2 inches. Scale 2 miles to the inch. Grand Canyon op the Colorado Titan of chasms, n. d. Santa Fe R. R. 1119 Railway exchange. Chic. Guatemala Commerce of Guatemala, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Guatemala; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Map of Guatemala by Guatemalan central R. R. lines, n. d. Dis- tributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Haiti Commerce of Haiti, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Haiti; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Hawaii Annual rep’t. (latest ed.) Honolulu chamber of commerce, Hon- olulu. Commerce and industries of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands. 1913. Special agents scr. G7, Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Hawaii by F. H. Newell. 1909. 60th cong. 2nd sess. Senate doc. 668. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Rep’t of governor. 1912. Dep’t of the interior, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 20c. Rep’t on Hawaii. 1910. Bur. of labor, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 30c. Published every five years. Holland, see Netherlands. Honduras Commerce of Honduras, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Honduras; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Hungary The South railway in Austria-Hungary, n. d. published by the 22 South R. R. Vienna. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. The r i Yans-Danubian district, Croatia and the Hungarian coast, (latest ed.) Royal Hungarian state R. R. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Idaho Boise, Idaho, n. d. Commercial club, Boise. Eastern Washington and northern Idaho, n. d. Northern Pa- cific R. R. St Paul, Minn. Great facts about a great region, n. d. Idaho-Washington de- velopment league, Lewiston. Idaho, the dawn of plenty. 1912. 7th biennial rep’t of Bur. of immigration, labor, and statistics, Boise. Pacific northwest. 1910. Northwestern R. R. Chic. Scenic Idaho, n. d. Oregon short line R. R. Salt Lake City, Utah. Also other publications. The Twin Falls country, southern Idaho, n. d. Commercial club, Twin Falls. Also other publications. Idaho, see also Yellowstone national park. Illinois Chicago, n. d. Wabash R. R. Chic. Chicago. cl912. Ass’n of commerce, 10 S. LaSalle st. Chic. 25c. (?) Also other publications. Geography, history, and civics of Woodford county, Til. Ed. by Roy L. Moore, County sup’t of schools. Woodford county teachers’ ass’n, Eureka. The great middle west, the world’s center of production and consumption; Peoria the central city. cl912. Ass’n of com- merce, Peoria. 25c. Also other publications. Greater Springfield. 1912. Commercial ass’n, Springfield. Hamilton, Illinois, n. d. Wabash R. R. Chic. Quincy, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Quincy. Also other pub- lications. Rockford. 1912. Chamber of commerce, Rockford. Also other publications. Indiana Fort Wayne; a presentation of her resources, achievements, and possibilities. 1913. Commercial club, Fort Wayne. Gary. n. d. Commercial club, Gary. 15c. 23 Official program and souvenir; encampment Indiana dep’t Grand army of the republic. 1912. Distributed by Chamber of commerce, South Bend. Contains description and illustration of the town. Iowa Davenport. Iowa; a city in which to live. n. d. Greater Daven- port committee. 10c. Also other publications. Des Moines, the city of certainties, n. d. Greater Des Moines committee, Des Moines. Ireland Southern Ireland; its lakes and landscapes, (latest ed.) Great western R. R. of England, 501 Fifth ave., N. Y. 10c. Avail- able. Italy How to ascend Vesuvius, n. d. Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broad- way, N. Y. How to see Italy, n. d. North German Lloyd S. S. co. 5 Broad- way, N. Y. Available. The Italian lemon industry by G. H. Powell and F. 0. Wall- schlaeger. 1913. Bull. 10, Citrus protective league of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Gal. Italy, n. d. Italian state R. R. 281 Fifth ave. N. Y. Available. Mediterranean cruises, n. d. White star line, 9 Broadway, N. Y. Available. Japan Japan, n. d. Canadian Pacific R. R. co. Pacific S. S. lines, Montreal, Can. Japanese characteristics by Charles W. Eliot. 1913. No. 71. Amer. ass’n for international conciliation, 407 W. 117th st. N. Y. The rural life of Japan. 1910. Bur. for local affairs, Home dep’t, Tokyo, Japan. Some roads towards peace by Charles W. Eliot. 1914. Carnegie endowment for international peace, 2 Jackson place, Wash. Kansas Biennial rep’t. (latest ed.) State dep’t of agric. Topeka. Kansas, a small story of a great state, n. d. Santa Fe, 1119 Rail- way exchange, Chic. 24 Kansas, resources, population, industries, opportunities, and cli- mate. 1909. Union Pacific R. R., Omaha, Neb. Kansas, the bountiful. 1912. Rock Island-Frisco lines. Chic. Kansas City is a manufacturing city. n. d. Commercial club, Kansas City. Some of the publications of the Commercial club include material on Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas. Wichita the city of opportunities, n. d. Business ass’n, Wichita. Also other publications. Kentucky Kentucky, n. d. Southern R. R., Wash. Louisville today, n. d. Commercial club, Louisville. Louisiana Agricultural resources and possibilities of Louisiana, n. d. Southern Pacific R. R. New Orleans. Handbook of Louisiana. 1912. Stale board of agric. and im- migration, Baton Rouge. Also other publications. Louisiana, n. d. Joint immigration bur. 207 Missouri Pacific bldg, St Louis, Mo. Louisiana, everyman’s land. 1910. Rock Island lines. Chic. Louisiana, nature’s garden spot. n. d. Industrial and immigra- tion commissioner, 111. central R. R. Chic. Also other pub- lications. Map of Louisiana. 1913. Apply Dep’t agric. and immigration. Baton Rouge. A phyto-geographic map showing principal vegetation areas, all principal commercial points, town population and rail- way distances. New Orleans for the tourist. 1909. 111. central R. R. Chic. New Orleans, what to see and how to see it. n. d. Ass’n of commerce, New Orleans. Also other publications. Northwest Louisiana, n. d. Kansas City southern R. R. Kansas City, Mo. On to Dixie, n. d. Cotton belt route, St Louis, Mo. The wet lands of southern Louisiana and their drainage by Charles W. Okey. Dep’t bull. 71, Agric. dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Winter in New' Orleans. 1912. Southern Pacific R. R. New Orleans. 25 Maine In the Maine woods, (latest ed.) Bangor and Aroostook R. R. Bangor. 15c. Tourists’ handbook of Portland, Maine. cl912. Board of trade. Portland. Malay States, Federated Federated Malay States, with a chapter on the Straits Settlements. 1912. Emmigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, West- minster, S. W. Lond. 6d. Mining in the Federated Malay States by D. G. Alexander, jr 1912. Special agents ser. 59. Bur. of manufactures, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Manitoba Manitoba a forest province by R. H. Campbell. 1913. Girc. 7. Forestry branch, Ottawa, Gan. Nibigami (country of lakes), n. d. Grand trunk Pacific, Mon- treal, Gan. Maryland The Baltimore book. cl914. Address Wilbur F. Coyle, City library, City hall, Baltimore. Maryland, annual rep’t. (latest ed.) Bur. of statistics and in- formation, 100 Equitable bldg, Baltimore. State of Maryland, (latest ed.) Board of public works, Balti- more. Massachusetts Boston, a guide book. 1912. Chamber of commerce, Bost. 10c. Boston as a manufacturing center, n. d. Publicity and infor- mation bur. Bost. Also publishes a large map of Boston. Boston’s story in inscriptions, n. d. Worcester slipper co. Wor- cester. Buzzard’s bay. n. d. New York, New Haven, and Hartford R. R. Bost. Also other publications. Progressive Springfield. cl914. George S. Graves, 21 Besse place, Springfield. 10c. Also other publications. Mesa Verde National Park Antiquities of the Mesa Verde national park; cliff palace by J. W. Fewkes. 1911. Bull. 51. Bur. of Amer. ethnology, Wash, or, House doc. 991. 61st cong. 2nd sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 45c. 26 Antiquities of the Mesa Verde national park; spruce tree house by J. W. Fewkes. 1909. Bull. 41. Bur. of Amer. ethnology, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 40c. General information regarding Mesa Verde national park, (an- nual) Interior dep’t, Wash. Mexico Commerce of Mexico, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Facts and figures about Mexico. 1911. National railways of Mexico, Chic. Available. Mexico; general descriptive data. Special ed. 1914. Pan Amer. union, Wash. New commercial atlas map of Mexico published by Rand, Mc- Nally co. Chic. 1914. Distributed by Pan Amer. union, Wash. Michigan Alpena, Michigan; a city and county of opportunities, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Alpena. Also other publications. The city beautiful, Detroit, n. d. Wabash R. R. Chic. Detroit, a city of to-day. n. d. Convention and tourists’ bur. Detroit. Detroit. 1913. Board of commerce, Detroit. Also other publi- cations. Facts about Battle Creek, Michigan, n. d. Post land co. Battle Creek. Facts about Michigan. 1913. Boyne City, Gaylord and Alpena R. R. Boyne City. Grand Rapids, beautiful, industrial, commercial, n. d. Board of trade, Grand Rapids. Also other publications. Grand Traverse region, n. d. Committee of 21, Traverse City. Greater Saginaw. 1912. Saginaw daily news. Distributed by Board of trade, Saginaw. The lure of Kalamazoo. 1912. Commercial club, Kalamazoo. Michigan, agricultural, horticultural, and industrial advantages. 1914. Bull. 3. Immigration commission, Lansing. Michigan agriculture; its present status and wonderful possi- bilities by R. S. Shaw. 1914. Special bull. 70. Michigan agric. experiment station, East Lansing. Western Michigan, n. d. Western Michigan development bur. Traverse City. Also other publications. Where to go and what about Saulte Ste Marie, n. d. Soo busi- 27 ness men’s ass’n, Saulte Ste Marie. Also other publications. Minnesota A competence from 40 acres in northern Minnesota, n. d. Soo line, Minn. Duluth. 1913. Commercial club, Duluth. Also other publica- tions. Map of Minnesota. 1914. State auditor, St Paul. Also other publications. Contains descriptive material on back. Minneapolis, the city of lakes and gardens, n. d. Civic and commerce ass’n, Minn. Also other publications. Minnesota, n. d. Great northern R. R. St Paul. Also other pub- lications. Minnesota, (latest ed.) Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul. Minnesota, a land of opportunity, n. d. State board of immigra- tion, St Paul. Also other publications. Minnesota, the state of opportunities. 1912. Minn, state agric. society, Hamline. Saint Paul, the gateway to the great northwest, n. d. Ass’n of commerce, St Paul. Also other publications. Mississippi . Jackson, Mississippi. 1913. Board of trade, Jackson. Also other publications. Mississippi. 1912. Southern R. R. Wash. Mississippi, a wonderful agricultural state, n. d. Industrial and immigration commissioner, 111. central R. R. Chic. Also other publications. Share Mississippi’s opportunities. 1913. Dep’t of agric. Jack- son. Missouri Between trains in Kansas City. n. d . Commercial club of Kan- sas City; Also other publications. Some of the publications of the commercial club include material on Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas. Geography of Missouri. 1912. Missouri univ. bull. Educ. ser. v. 1, no. 4. Univ. of Missouri, Columbia. Industrial information, labor resources, advantages, opportuni- ties. 1912. Bur. of labor statistics, Jefferson City. Also other publications. 28 Jefferson City, Missouri, n. d. Distributed by Commercial club, Jefferson City. Also other publications. Joplin, Missouri. 1913. Commercial club, Joplin. Also other publications. Missouri. 1911. Rock Island lines, Chic. Missouri and Arkansas Ozarks. n. d. Frisco lines, St Louis. Municipal institutions of St Louis, where to go and what to see. 1914. City plan commission, St Louis. The Ozark mountain region, n. d. Kansas City southern R. R. Kansas City, Mo. St Joseph, n. d. Commerce club, St Joseph. Also other publi- cations. Southeast Missouri valley and ridge, n. d. Cotton belt route, St Louis. Special Saint Louis number. Agents’ bull. v. 6, no. 9, Nov. 1913. Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain R. R. St Louis. Trade and commerce of St Louis (latest rep’t) Merchant’s ex- change, St Louis. Gives description of industries and statistics. Vacation days in St Louis, n. d. Business men’s league, St Louis. Also other publications. Montana Butte, the wonder city of the west. 1912. Chamber of commerce, Butte. The Deer Lodge valley, n. d. Chic. Milwaukee and St Paul R. R. Chic. Also other publications. Great Falls leader; development edition, v. 26, no. 25. 1913. Leader co. Great Falls. 25c. Montana. 1912. Bur. of agric. labor, and industry. Helena. Montana, the treasure state, n. d. Great northern R. R. St Paul. Montana, the treasure state. 1912. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul. Not the same as preceding entry. The resources and opportunities of Montana. 1914. Dep’t of agric. and publicity, Helena. Western Montana. 1913. Distributed by Chamber of commerce, Missoula. Montana, see also Glacier national park, Yellowstone national park. 29 Mount Rainier National Park General information regarding Mount Rainier national park, (annual) Interior dep’t, Wash. Mount Rainier and its glaciers by F. E. Matthes. 1914. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. The mountain of the great snow. n. d. Chic. Milwaukee and St Paul R. R. (Puget Sound lines), Seattle, Wash. Nebraska Beautiful Lincoln, Nebraska’s capital city. n. d. Commercial club, Lincoln. Also other publications. Nebraska, resources, population, industries, opportunities, and climate. 1909. Union Pacific R. R. Omaha. Omaha, the best city of its size in the United States, n. d. Com- mercial club, Omaha. Also other publications. Resources of Nebraska. 1913. Bull. 27. State bur. of labor and industrial statistics, Lincoln. Western Nebraska, (latest ed.) Bur. of statistics, Lincoln. Netherlands Holland, the home of peace. cl913. Holland-America line, 39 Broadway, N. Y. Also other publications. Through Holland, n. d. Netherland state R. R. and Flushing royal mail route, 334 Fifth ave. N. Y. Also other publications. Nevada Agricultural Nevada, n. d. Dep’t of industry, agric. and irri- gation. Carson City. Also other publications. New Brunswick New Brunswick. 1912. Interior dep’t, Ottawa, Can. St John, the city of the loyalists. 1913. Canadian government R. R. Halifax, Nova Scotia. New England Scenic and historic trips from Boston. Boston and Maine R. R. Bost. New Hampshire City of Manchester. cl912. Chamber of commerce, Manchester. Concord, the capital of New Hampshire, 1909. Commercial club, Concord. New Hampshire farms for summer homes, (latest ed.) State board of agric. Concord. 30 White mountains of New Hampshire. cl912. Boston and Maine R. R. Bost. New Jersey Along the shore and in the foothills, n. d. New Jersey central, Newark. 4c. Also other publications. Industrial exposition. 1913. Board of trade, Elizabeth. Newark in the public schools of Newark. 1911. Board of edu- cation, Newark. Course of study on Newark. New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1912. Commerce club, Albuquerque. Fertile lands of Colorado and northern New Mexico. cl907. Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. Land of sunshine, (latest ed.) Bur. of immigration, Albuquer- que. Also other publications. New Mexico the land of sunshine, (latest ed.) Rock Island lines, Chic. New Mexico the sunshine state, n. d. Santa Fe, 1119 Railway exchange, Chic. Also other publications. Old-new Santa Fe and round about, n. d. Santa Fe, Topeka, Kan. Santa Fe, New Mexico ; nature’s leading sanitarium, n. d. Cham- ber of commerce, Santa Fe. Also other publications, includ- ing map of Santa Fe. Tourists’ handbook, (latest ed.) Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. New South Wales New South Wales, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. New York Above the clouds and old New York by H. Addington Bruce. cl913. F. W. Woolworth co., Woolworth bldg, N. Y. Printed for distribution to visitors, but sometimes sent by mail. Albany, N. Y. n. d. Chamber of commerce, Albany. The Catskill mountains. 1913. Ulster and Delaware R. R. Kingston. The commercial development of Niagara, 1805-1913. 1913. In- dustrial agent, Niagara Falls. 31 Farms for sale or rent in New York, (latest ed.) Bur. of sta- tistics and farm lands, Albany. The heart of the empire state, cl 913. Distributed by Chamber of commerce, Utica. Also other publications. The Hudson river, n. d. N. Y. central lines, N. Y. Niagara Falls, n. d. N. Y. central lines, N. Y. Also other publi- cations. Oswego, the industrial and commercial city. 1913. Oswego daily times, Oswego. Preservation of Niagara falls. 1911. Doc. 246, 62nd cong. 2nd sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 20c. Queensborough, being a description and illustrated book of the borough of Queens. 1913. Chamber of commerce, Queens- borough. Rate of recession of Niagara falls by G. K. Gilbert. 1907. Bull. 306, Geological survey, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Rochester, N. Y. the city of varied industries. 1912. Chamber of commerce, Rochester. 5c. Also other publications. The Woolworth building. 1913. Atlantic Terra Gotta co. 1170 Broadway, N. Y. Yearbook (latest). Chamber of commerce, Syracuse. Contains statistics of city. New Zealand Information relative to the port of Wellington, N. Z. Yearbook 1913-14. Wellington harbour board, Wellington. New Zealand. Dep’t of tourist and health resorts. Wellington. New Zealand handbook, (annual). Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. New Zealand, its resources, industries, and trade by H. D. Baker. 1912. Special consular rep’t 57. Bur. of foreign and domes- tic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Newfoundland Commerce and industries of Canada and Newfoundland by A. G. Robinson. 1913. Special agents’ ser. 76. Foreign and do- mestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Newfoundland. 1908. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broad- way, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. Newfoundland and Labrador, n. d. Reid Newfoundland co. St John’s. 32 Nicaragua Commerce of Nicaragua, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Nicaragua; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union. Wash. North Carolina Asheville, America’s beauty spot. n. d. Board of trade, Ashe- ville. Charlotte, North Carolina. 1913. Greater Charlotte club, Char- lotte. Cotton culture in North Carolina. 1912. Dep’t of agric, Raleigh. A day in Raleigh, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Raleigh. Also other publications. The land of the sky. n. d . Southern R. R. Wash. Also other publications. Sketch of North Carolina, (latest ed.) Dep’t of agric. Raleigh. Some facts and figures about North Carolina and her natural re- sources. 1913. Geological survey, Raleigh. Winston-Salem, city of industry. 1914. Board of trade, Wins- ton-Salem. Also other publications. North Dakota Bismarck and Burleigh county, n. d. Distributed by Commer- cial club, Bismarck. Also other publications. Facts about Grand Forks, n. d. Commercial club, Grand Forks. Also other publications. Fargo, the gateway to North Dakota, n. d. Commercial club. Fargo. North Dakota, n. d. Great northern R. R. St Paul, Minn. North Dakota and her magnificent resources, n. d. Dep’t of agric. Bismarck. Physiography of the Devil’s-Stump lake region, N. D. by Howard E. Simpson in State geological survey. Biennial rep’t, v. 6, 1912. State geological survey, Bismarck. Western North Dakota, n. d. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul, Minn. What North Dakota offers, n. d. Soo line, Minn. The Northwest Along the scenic highway, n. d. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul, Minn. Also other publications. The land that lures, summer in the Pacific northwest, (latest ed.) Oregon-Washington R. R. and navigation co. Portland, Ore. 33 North Pacific coast country. 1907. Chic. Milwaukee and St Paul R. R. Chic. The Northwest, Canadian Canada west, the last best west. 1913. Interior dep’t, Ottawa, Canada. Also other publications. The western provinces of Canada, n. d. Canadian Pacific R. R. Calgary, Alberta. Norway Norway, nature’s wonderland, n. d. Norwegian America line, 8-10 Bridge st. N. Y. Also other publications. To the midnight sun. cl913. Hamberg Amer. line, 41-45 Broad- way, N. Y. Nova Scotia Nova Scotia. 1912. Interior dep’t, Ottawa, Can. Storied Halifax. 1913. Canadian government R. R. Halifax. Nyasaland Nyasaland protectorate. 1911. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 6d. Ohio Akron, the city of opportunity, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Akron. Cincinnati an old city made new. cl913. Chamber of commerce, Cincinnati. Also other publications. Columbus, Ohio. n. d. Board of trade, Columbus. Toledo for transportation. 1913. Commerce club, Toledo. Oklahoma Agricultural resources of eastern Oklahoma, n. d. Eastern Ok- lahoma agric. ass’n, Barnes bldg, Muskogee. Eastern Oklahoma, n. d. Kansas City southern R. R. Kansas City, Mo. The good state of Oklahoma, n. d. Santa Fe, 1119 Railway ex- change, Chic. Greater Muskogee. 1914. Commercial club, Muskogee. Also other publications. This is a monthly magazine but numbers are sent on request. Guthrie, the manufacturing center of Oklahoma, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Guthrie. 34 Oklahoma the twentieth century state. 1911. Rock Island lines, Chic. The resources of Oklahoma in a pocket book by G. W. Shannon. 1912. Geological survey, Norman. Tulsa; annual statement compiled by the auditing dep’t, 1912-13. City auditor, Tulsa. Gives material on commercial and industrial Tulsa. Ontario Hamilton, Canada; its history, commerce, industries, resources. 1913. City council, Hamilton; apply to H. M. Marsh, Commissioner of industries, Hamilton. Improved Ontario farms for old country farmers. 1912. Interior dep’t, Ottawa. Also other publications. Ottawa, Canada. 1912. Publicity and industrial bur. Ottawa. Rep’t. (annual) Bur. of mines, Toronto. v. 21, pt 1, 1912, contains article on Mines of Ontario, v. 21, pt 2, 1912. Rep’ts on the district of Patricia, recently added to the province of Ontario. Toronto, a city of opportunities. 1912. Toronto harbor com- missioners, Toronto. Oregon Astoria and Clatsop county, Oregon, n. d. Chamber of com- merce, Astoria. Greswell, Oregon, n. d. Greswell development league, Greswell. The economic geological resources of Oregon. 1912. State bur. of mines, Corvallis. The mineral resources of Oregon, monthly. Oregon bur. of mines and geology, Corvallis. Morrow county, Oregon, n. d. Morrow county booster club, Heppner. Oregon, n. d. Great northern R. R. St Paul, Minn. Oregon for the homeseeker. n. d. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul, Minn. Also other publications. Oregon, the land of opportunity. cl911. Chamber of commerce, Portland. Also other publications. Pacific northwest. 1910. Northwestern R. R. Chic. Portland, Oregon, n. d. Oregon-Washington R. R. and naviga- tion co. Portland. Also other publications. Portland, Oregon, n. d. Soo line, Chic. Salem, Oregon, n. d. Board of trade, Salem. 35 The state of Oregon, resources and opportunities. 1912. State immigration commission, Portland. Sutherlin, Oregon, n. d. Commercial club, Sutherlin. Tillanook county, Oregon, n. d. Southern Pacific R. R. Port- land. Also other publications. Oregon, see also Grater Lake national park. Panama Commerce of Panama, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Panama; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Panama and the West Indies, n. d. Royal mail steam packet co. 22 State st. N. Y. Paraguay Commerce of Paraguay, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Paraguay; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Pennsylvania Birds eye view map of Philadelphia. Merchants’ and manufac- ers’ ass’n, N. E. cor 13th and Market sts, Phil. Consider Harrisburg, the heart of distribution, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania and its manifold activities. 1912. Permanent in- ternational ass’n of navigation congresses, Rooms 348, 351, The Bourse, Phil. Also other publications. See Pittsburgh first. 1914. Chamber of commerce, Pittsburgh. Also other publications. Where business centers. 1913. Pittsburgh industrial develop- ment commission, Pittsburgh. Also other publications. Peru Commerce of Peru, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Peru; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Philippine Islands Commerce and industries of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands. 1913. Special agents ser. 67. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Commercial geography; the materials of commerce for the Philippines by Hugo H. Miller. 1911. Bur. of educ. Manila. T 36 Lumbering industry of Philippines by John R. Arnold. 1914. Special agents ser. 88. Foreign and domestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Philippine coconut industry by 0. W. Barrett. 1913. Bur. of agric. Manila. The Philippine Islands. 1913. Insular affairs bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Porto Rico Commerce and industries of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands. 1913. Special agents ser. 67. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Porto Rico, the island of enchantment, n. d. N. Y. and Porto Rico S. S. co. 11 Broadway, N. Y. Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island. 1912. Interior dep’t, Ottawa, Can. Prince Edward Island, the garden of the gulf. 1913. Canadian government R. R. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Quebec Montreal, n. d. Business men’s league, 1651 Notre Dame st. Montreal. Montreal for tourists, (latest ed.) Delaware and Hudson R. R. N. Y. Quebec, the ancient capital. 1913. Canadian government R. R. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Queensland Queensland, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. Russia Russia, a handbook on commercial and industrial conditions by John H. Snodgrass and others. 1913. Special consular re- ports 61, Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 50c. Russian-America line. n. d. Russian- America line, 27 Broad- way, N. Y. Sahara Desert The great Sahara, a hot desert by Marion Weller. 1912. v. 9, no. 4. Bull. Northern 111. state normal school, DeKalb, 111. 37 Salvador Commerce of Salvador, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Salvador; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Scotland Scotland for the holidays, (latest ed.) London and northwest- ern R. R. Address Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Tours in Scotland. 1913. Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Sequoia National Park General information regarding Sequoia and General Grant na- tional parks, (annual) Interior dep’t, Wash. South Africa Union of South Africa, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. id. South America Commercial traveler in South America. 1914. Pan Amer. union, Wash. General information relating to Central and South America; in- cluding a summary of consular rep’ts. 1912. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 4d. Latin American foreign trade in 1912. 1914. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Map showing railroads of Latin America in operation and under construction. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Size 16 by 21 inches. South America. 1912. Lamport and Holt line, 301 Produce ex- change, N. Y. South America as an export field by Otto Wilson. 1914. Spe- cial agents ser. 81. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. Gives a brief description of the industrial and commercial geography of the different countries of South America. South American meat industry by A. D. Melvin. 1914. (from U. S. agric. dep’t Year book, 1913). Year book separate 629. Div. of publications, Dep’t of agric. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. World race for rich South American trade by G. L. Chandler. 38 1913. Senate doc. 208, 63rd cong. 1st. sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Bibliography Publications on South America, brief review of information available to manufacturers and exporters in bulletins issued by the Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce. 1913. Mis- cellaneous ser. 12. Foreign and domestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. South Australia Official year book of South Australia. 1913. South Australian government, 85 Gracechurch st. Lond. E. G. Also other publications. South Australia, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Charleston. Handbook of South Carolina, (latest ed.) Dep’t of agric. com- merce, and industries, Columbia. Also other publications. South Carolina, n. d. Southern R. R. Wash. South Dakota Black Hills, South Dakota. 1912. Northwestern R. R. Chic. Mitchell, the corn palace of the world, n. d. Commercial club, Mitchell. Sioux Falls, n. d. Commercial club, Sioux Falls. South Dakota, (latest ed.) Dep’t of immigration, Huron. Spain Glimpses of Spain and Morocco. cl910. North German Lloyd S. S. co. 5 Broadway, N. Y. Tours in Spain and Morocco, n. d. Thos. Cook and son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Trips through Spain. French state railways bur. 2 Rector st. N. Y. Straits Settlements Federated Malay States; with a chapter on the Straits Settle- ments. 1912. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 6d. 39 Sweden Tours in Sweden, n. d. Scandinavian-Amer. line, 1 Broadway, N. Y. Available. Switzerland Switzerland. 1909. Swiss Federal R. R. 241 Fifth ave. N. Y. Also other publications. Available. Tasmania Tasmania, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broad- way, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. Tennessee Chattanooga, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Chattanooga. Also other publications. Facts about Tennessee. 1911. Dep’t of agric. Nashville. Also other publications. Knoxville, the exposition city. 1913. Distributed by Board of commerce, Knoxville. Also other publications. Map of Tennessee. 1913. Dep’t of agric. and bur. of immigra- tion, Nashville. Showing agricultural resources, counties, railways, post offices, public highways, rivers, soil formation, location of coal, phosphate, copper, and other minerals. Memphis district, n. d. Business men’s club, Memphis. Also other publications. Plant an industry in Nashville, Tennessee and watch it grow, n. d. Industrial bur. Nashville. Also other publications. The resources of Tennessee, (quarterly) State geological sur- vey, Nashville. 8c a year. Texas Beaumont, a gateway to the marts of the world. 1910. Chamber of commerce, Beaumont. Also other publications. Coming south? n. d. Chamber of commerce, Austin. Also pub- lishes Austin progress, monthly. Dallas, the city of the hour. n. d. Chamber of commerce, Dallas. Also other publications. East-Southeast Texas. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Houston. El Paso, what it is and why. cl914. Chamber of commerce, El Paso. Galveston, n. d. Missouri, Kansas and Texas lines, St Louis, Mo Houston, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Houston. 40 Profitable products of east Texas, n. d. Cotton belt route, St Louis, Mo. Also other publications. Southwest Texas, n. d. Sunset route, Houston. Also other publications. Texas, a southwest empire. 1910. Rock Island lines, Chic. Under sapphire skies in San Antonio, Texas. cl910. Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain R. R. St Louis, Mo. Also other pub- lications. Where to go in Galveston, n. d. Commercial ass’n, Galveston. Also other publications. Uganda Uganda protectorate, (latest ed.) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Loud. 6d. United States Agricultural opportunities. 7 pamphlets. 1912. Immigration bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c each. “The seven pamphlets, taken together, cover the whole coun- try, including Alaska and Hawaii.” Supplements to the Abstract of the thirteenth census of the United States, 1910. 1914. Census bur. Wash. These supplements give the statistics of each of the 48 states except Maine, and for the District of Columbia. Uruguay Commerce of Uruguay, (annual) Pan Amer. union, Wash. Uruguay; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Utah Biennial rep’t. 1913. Utah conservation commission, Salt Lake City. Glimpse of Utah. cl907. Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. Logan City by G. Merle Taylor. 1911. Commercial boosters’ club, Logan. Also other publications. Ogden canyon, n. d. Publicity bur. Ogden. Also other publi- cations. Resources of the state of Utah. 1911. Union Pacific R. R. Omaha Neb. Also other publications. Salt Lake City and the state of Utah. n. d. Commercial club publicity bur. Salt Lake City. Tourists’ handbook, (latest ed. ) Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Chic. 41 Venezuela Commerce of Venezuela, (annuaP Pan Amer. union. Wash. Venezuela; general descriptive data. 1913. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Vermont Burlington on Lake Champlain, n. d. Merchants’ ass’n, Burl- ington. Vermont, the land of Green Mountains. Bur. of publicity, office of the Sec’y of state, Essex Junction. Also other publica- tions. Victoria Victoria, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broad- way, Westminster, S. W. Lond. Id. Victorian year book, (latest ed.) Government statist, Melbourne. Virginia The beautiful caverns of Luray. Luray caverns corporation, Luray. Country life in Virginia. 1912. Chesapeake and Ohio R. R. Richmond. Handbook of Virginia. 1911. Dep’t of agric. and immigration, Richmond. Norfolk, Virginia. 1914. Industrial commission, Norfolk. Also other publications. Richmond, Virginia, yesterday and to-day. 1914. Chamber of commerce, Richmond. Scenes and places of interest along the Norfolk and Western R. R. n. d. Norfolk and Western R. R. Roanoke. Also other publications. Wales North Wales, the British Tyrol, (latest ed.) Great western R. R. of England. 501 Fifth ave. N. Y. 10c. Available. Washington Annual rep’t. (latest) Port of Seattle commission, Seattle. The beauties and wonders of Puget sound, n. d. International S. S. co. Colman dock, Seattle. Gentralia, the hub city of southwestern Washington, n. d. Com- mercial club, Gentralia. Also other publications. 42 Climate of western part of Puget sound basin by E. J. Saunders. 1912. Soils bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Homeseekers’ guide to the state of Washington by Harry F. Giles. 1914. Bur. of statistics and immigration, Olympia. Also other publications. Kennewick, Washington, n. d. Commercial club, Kennewick. Olympia, a capital capital, industries, resources, attractions, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Olympia. Also other publications. Pacific northwest. 1910. Northwestern R. R. Chic. Seattle, manufactures and commerce, n. d. Oregon-Washing- ton R. R. and navigation co. Seattle. Also other publica- tions. Seattle, Washington, n. d. Exploitation and industrial bur. New chamber of commerce, Seattle. Also other publications. Snohomish, Washington, n. d. Commercial club, Snohomish. Southwestern Washington. 1911. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul, Minn. Also other publications. Spokane, ’midst nature’s summer home. n. d. Chamber of com- merce, Spokane. Also other publications. Spokane, Washington, (latest ed.) Soo line, Chic. 4c. Sunnyside, Washington, n. d. Chamber of commerce, Sunny- side. The Tacoma primer, n. d. Commercial club and chamber of commerce, Tacoma. Walla Walla valley, Washington, n. d. Commercial club, Walla Walla. Washington, n. d. Great northern R. R. St Paul, Minn. Also other publications. Wenatchee, the gateway. cl910. Commercial club, Wenatchee. Western Washington, n. d. Chic. Milwaukee and St Paul R. R. Chic. Also other publications. Yakima valley, Washington, n. d. Yakima commercial club, North Yakima. Washington, see also Mount Rainier national park. The West Booklets and folders on Arizona, California, Utah, etc. Sunset magazine information bur. San Francisco, Cal. Sent for express charges. West Africa, see Africa, West. 43 West Indies Panama and the West Indies, n. d. Royal mail steam packet co. 22 State st. N. Y. West Indies. 1911. Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. 6d. West Virginia Agricultural resources and possibilities, (latest ed.) State board of agric. Charleston. Illustrated and descriptive Charleston, West Virginia, n. d. Dis- tributed by Chamber of commerce, Charleston. Also other publications. The real Wheeling. 1913. Board of trade, Wheeling. Also other publications. Western Australia Western Australia, (annual) Emigrants’ information office, 34 Broadway, Westminster, S. W. Lond. id. Wisconsin Annual rep’t (latest) Chamber of commerce, Milwaukee. 25c Gives statistics of trade and commerce. Annual rep’t of the city statistician of Superior, Wisconsin. 1912 City statistician, Superior. The climate of Wisconsin and its relation to agriculture by A. R Whitson and 0. E. Baker. 1912. Bull. 223. Agric. experi- ment station, Madison. Commercial Milwaukee. 1914. Merchants’ and manufacturers’ ass’n, Milwaukee. Garden of Eden. n. d. Soo line, Minn. Geography and industries of Wisconsin by R. H. Whitbeck. 1913. Geological and natural history survey, Madison. Also other publications. Greater Racine. 1911. Distributed by Commercial club, Racine. North Wisconsin farm edition of the Superior telegram. Dis- tributed by Commercial club, Superior. Also other publi- cations. Opportunities for profitable farming in northern Wisconsin by E. J. Delwiche. 1913. Bull. 196. Agric. experiment station Madison. Wisconsin and its opportunities, n. d. Soo line, Minn. 44 Wisconsin opportunities. Commissioner of immigration, Madi- son. Also other publications. Wyoming The Big Horn basin, n. d. Burlington route, Chic. The Cheyenne of (o-day. n. d. Industrial club, Cheyenne. Wonderful Wyoming, (latest ed.) State board of immigration, Cheyenne. Also other publications. Wyoming and its attractions, n. d. Union Pacific R. R. Chic. Wyoming, see also Yellowstone national park. Yellowstone National Park The Cody road into Yellowstone park. n. d. Burlington route, Chic. Also other publications. Fossil forests of the Yellowstone national park by F. H. Knowl- ton. 1914. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. General information regarding Yellowstone national park, (an- nual) Interior dep’t, Wash. Geological history of the Yellowstone national park. 1912. In- terior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Map of Yellowstone national park. Sup’t of doc. Wash. 40c. 28 % by 32 inches ; scale 2 miles to the inch. Through wonderland. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul, Minn. 6c. Also other publications. Where gush the geysers, cl 9 13. Oregon shcrt line, Chic. Yellowstone national park. cl913. Northern Pacific R. R. St Paul, Minn. Also other publications. Yellowstone national park. n. d. Chic. Milwaukee, and St Paul R. R. Chic. Yosemite National Park General information regarding Yosemite national park, (an- nual) Interior dep’t, Wash. Panoramic view of Yosemite national park prepared by J. H. Renshaw. 1914. Geological survey, Wash. 25c. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. 18% by 18 inches; scale 3 miles to the inch. Other maps may be obtained from Sup’t of doc. Wash, one 28% by 27 inches; scale 2 miles to the inch. 50c; another 35 by 15% inches; scale 2000 feet to the inch. 20c. 45 Sketch of Yosemite national park. 1912. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS Asphalt Trinidad and Bermudez asphalts and their use in highway con- struction by Clifford Richardson, reprinted from Popular science monthly, July-August, 1912. Distributed by Barber asphalt paving co. Phil. Also other publications. Binder Twine Binder twine industry. c!912. International harvester co. of New Jersey. Agric. extension dep’t, Harvester bldg, Chic. 20c. Also other publications. Books The biography of a book. n. d. Harper and brothers. N. Y. The story of the making of a book. cl914. Charles Scribner’s sons, N. Y. Bread Story of bread. 1911. International harvester co. of New Jer- sey, inc. Agric. extension dep’t, Harvester bldg, Chic. 3c. Story of the staff of life. n. d. National ass’n of master bakers, Phil. Carborundum The man who didn’t know when he had failed by F. W. Haskell. c!911. Carborundum co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Also other publications. Cement and Concrete Concrete construction about the home and on the farm. 1909. Atlas Portland cement co. N. Y. Also other publications. Concrete pavements, sidewalks, curb, and gutter. cl913. Uni- versal Portland cement co. 208 S. LaSalle st. Chic. Also other publications. To schools offering courses in agriculture a set of published lectures is supplied; charts and sets of lantern slides, illus- trating the lectures, are loaned. Handy cement book, (latest ed.) German-Ameriean Portland cement works. Chic. Also other publications. 46 China Book on china. Onondaga pottery co. Syracuse, N. Y. The china book. cl912. Homer Laughlin china co. Newell, W. Va. Chocolate Cocoa and chocolate, (latest ed.) Walter Baker and co. Dor- chester, Mass. Also other publications. Food of the gods; a handbook on cocoa and chocolate. Huyler’s chocolate works, 18th st. and Irving place, N. Y. . Coal Mining Coal mining practice in Danville, 111. by S. 0. Andros. 1914. Bull. 2 of 111. coal mining investigation, Urbana, 111. Also other publications. Cocoa Cocoa. 1909. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Cocoa and chocolate, (latest ed.) Walter Baker and co. Dor- chester, Mass. Also other publications. Cocoa production and trade. 1912. Special consular reports 50. Bur. of manufactures, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc.. Wash. 5c. Food of the gods; a handbook on cocoa and chocolate. Huyler’s chocolate works, 18th st. and Irving place, N. Y. Cocoanut The Philippine cocoanut industry by 0. W. Barrett. 1913. Bull. 25. Bur. of agric. Manila, P. I. Coffee GofTee. 1909. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Coffee, production, trade, and consumption by countries, by H. C. Graham. 1912. Bull. 79 Bur. of statistics, Dep’t of agric. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Cork Cork; being the story of the origin of cork, the processes em- ployed in its manufacture, its various uses in the world to- day. 1909. Armstrong cork co. Pittsburgh, Penn. Cotton Cotton. 1909. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Cotton growing, (latest ed.) by D. A. Tompkins, Charlotte, N. G. Also other publications. 47 Cotton Manufacture City of Manchester, N. H. and the Amoskeag manufacturing co. cl912. Chamber of commerce, Manchester, N. H. Contains pictures of cotton and woolen manufacturing. Fishing Preparation of the cod and other salt fish for the market by A. W. Bitting. 1911. Bull. 133. Bur. of chemistry, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Flavoring Extracts Vanilla and other flavoring extracts, n. d. Joseph Burnett co. 36 India st. Bost. Flax Hints for flax growers. 1911. Bull. 24. Dep’t of agric. Regina, Saskatchewan. Flour Flour, (latest ed.) Pillsbury-Washburn flour mills co. Minn. Also other publications. The miller’s almanac, (annual) The northwestern miller, Minn. 50c. Largely statistics. Occident is no accident. cl909. Russell-Miller milling co. Minn. The wheat and flour primer. cl910. Washburn-Crosby co. Minn. Harvest and Harvesting Harvest scenes of the world. 1913. International harvester co. of New Jersey, inc. Agric. extension dep’t, Harvester bldg, Chic. 50c. Hemp Hemp by Lyster H. Dewey. 1914. (from Dep’t of agric. Year- book 1913). Yearbook separate 628. Div. of publications, Dep’t of agric. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Industries New England industries, n. d. Oxford print, 148 High st. Bost. Jute Linen, jute and hemp industries in the United Kingdom by W. A. G. Clark. 1913. Special agents ser. 74. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. 48 Kapok The kapok industry by M. M. Saleeby. 1913. Bull. 26. Bur. of agric. Manila, P. I. Limestone Indiana limestone, n. d. Indiana limestone quarrymen’s ass’n, Bedford, Ind. Will soon have for a loan a cinematographic film showing each and every stage in the process of preparing Indiana limestone ready to set building. Linen Linen, jute and hemp industries in the United Kingdom by W. A. G. Clark. 1913. Special agents ser. 74. Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. Lumber Industry Annual report, 1911. National lumber manufacturers’ ass’n, 1621 Otis bldg, Ghic. The pine cone, exposition number, May, 1914. The pine cone, 1014 Germania life bldg, St Paul, Minn. Timber land bonds analyzed as investments. cl913. Clark L. Poole and co. Ghic. Not intended for general distribution but libraries may pos- sibly obtain copies. Timber underwritings, n. d. Howard, Simmons and co. First national bank bldg, Ghic. Packing Industry Armour products and packing methods, (latest ed.) Armour co. Ghic. Also other publications. The evolution of a vast industry, (latest ed.) Swift and co. Ghic. Also other publications. The pictorial history of a steer. cl909. Morris and co. Ghic. Also other publications. Paper Crop plants for paper making by G. J. Brand. 1911. Girc. 82. Bur. of plant industry, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Pecan Opportunities in pecan culture by G. A. Reed. 1913. Girc. 112. Bur. of plant industry, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Pecan and hickory in Texas by E. J. Kyle. Dep’t of agric. Aus- tin, Texas. Pencils Pencil geography. cl904. Joseph Dixon crucible co. Jersey City, N. J. Pineapple. Pineapple growing in Porto Rico by H. G. Hendricksen and M. J. Irons. 1909. Div. of publications, Dep’t of agric. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Plate Glass The making of plate glass, n. d. Pittsburgh plate glass co. Pittsburgh, Penn. Potash Industry Potash industry, n. d. German Kali works, inc. McCormick bldg, Chic. Also other publications. Rice Rice and rice cookery by Miriam Birdseye. Cornell reading course, Jan. 1, 1914. Reprinted and distributed by The rice millers ass’n, room 209, Kyle bldg, Beaumont, Texas. Also other publications. Rice culture in the Philippines. 1912. Bull. 22. Bur. of agric. Manila, P. I. Rice growing the royal road to riches. 1910. Rock Island lines, Chic. Rise of rice in Arkansas, n. d. Cotton belt route, St Louis, Mo. Texas and Louisiana rice. n. d. Sunset route, Houston, Texas. Rubber Rubber and its relatives. 1909. Pan Amer. union, Wash. Rubber from forest to foot. cl913. United States rubber co. Broadway at 58th st, N. Y. Also other publications. Salmon Salmon data. 1913. Salmon canners ass’n, Seattle, Wash. Salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast. 1911. Fisheries bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Shears Pointed sharpness, n. d. J. Wiss and sons co. Newark, N. J. 50 Ship Building Aquitania, the making of a mammoth liner by E. K. Ghatterton. n. d. Gunard steamship co. ltd, 21-24 State st, N. Y. Shoes Goodyear welt shoes. cl909. United shoe manufacturing co. Bost. A short history of American shoemaking by Fred A. Gannon. cl912. Distributed by Sec’y, New England shoe and leather ass’n, 166 Essex st, Bost. Also other publications. Silk A short description of silk and silk manufacture, n. d. Cheney brothers, South Manchester, Conn. Silk culture and manufacturing shown progressively, n. d. Belding brothers, Rockville, Conn. The silk industry, from the worm to the wearer, n. d. M. Hem- inway and sons silk co. 890 Broadway, N. Y. Silk, its origin, culture and manufacture. 1911. Gorticelli silk mills, Florence, Mass. pap. 10c. cloth 24c. Soap The Larkin idea; its home. Larkin co. Buffalo, N. Y. Soup Franco-American soups; how they are made in a model estab- lishment. cl909. Franco-American food co. Jersey City Heights, N. J. Sugar The American beet sugar industry in 1910 and 1911. 1912. Bull. 260. Bur. of plant industry, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 25c. Some interesting facts about sugar. 1912. Distributed by Amer- ican sugar refining co. 117 Wall st. N. Y. Also other pub- lications. Sugar at a glance by T. G. Palmer. 1912. 62nd cong. 2nd sess. Senate doc. 890. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Sugar cane and sirup making by A. P. Spencer. 1913. Bull. 118. Agric. experiment station, Gainesville, Fla. Sugar industry, sugar cane and cane sugar in Louisiana. 1913. Miscellaneous ser. 9. Foreign and domestic commerce bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. 51 Tapioca The story of tapioca, n. d. Minute tapioca co. Orange, Mass. Tea Cultivation and manufacture of tea in the United States by G. F. Mitchell. 1912. Bull. 234. Bur. of plant industry, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Tobacco Tobacco. 1909. Pan. Amer. union, Wash. Vanilla About vanilla. cl900. Joseph Burnett co. 36 India st. Bost. Wood Using Industries Wood using industries of California by A. K. Armstrong. 1912. State board of forestry, Sacramento, Calif. Wood using industries of Iowa by H. Maxwell and J. T. Harris. 1913. Iowa state college of agric. Ames, Iowa. Wood using industries of New Hampshire by R. E. Simmons. 1912. State forester, Concord, N. H. Wood using industries of Ohio by C. W. Dunning. 1912. Ohio agric. experiment station, Wooster, Ohio. Wood using industries of Ontario by R. G. Lewis and W. G. H. Boyce. 1913. Forestry branch, Ottawa, Can. Wood using industries of South Carolina by Stanley L. Wolfe. 1913. Dep’t of agric. commerce and industries, Columbia, S. C. Wood using industries of Vermont by H. Maxwell. 1913. State board of agric. and forestry, Montpelier, Vt. Wood using industries of Virginia by R. E. Simmons. 1912. Dep’t of agric. and immigration, Richmond, Va. Woolen Manufacture City of Manchester, N. H. and the Amoskeag manufacturing company. cl912. Chamber of commerce, Manchester, N. H. Contains pictures of cotton and woolen manufacturing. From wool to cloth. cl911. Amer. woolen co. Bost. MISCELLANEOUS Antarctic Exploration Expedition to South pole by Roald Amundsen. 1913. Publica- tion 2224. Smithsonian institution, Wash. 52 Big Trees Big trees of California. Southern Pacific R. R. Chic. Secret of the big trees, Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant na- tional parks by Ellsworth Huntington. 1913. Interior dep’t, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Climate Fluctuating climate of North America by Ellsworth Huntington. Publication 2206. Smithsonian institution, Wash. Clouds Description of cloud forms. 1913. Weather bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Docks Rep’t on physical characteristics of European seaports by C. W. Stamford. Dep’t of docks and ferries, Pier A, North River, N. Y. Seaport studies by Charles E. Fowler in University extension journal, v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1914. Univ. of Wash. Seattle. Contains bibliography. Frost Notes on frost. Revised 1911. Farmers’ bull. 104. Agric. dep’t Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Geysers Geysers. 1912. Dep’t of the interior, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 10c. Imports and Exports Trade of the United States with the world, 1912-13, imports and exports of merchandise into and from the United States by countries and principal articles. 1914. Miscellaneous ser. 15. Foreign and domestic commerce bur. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 15c. Levees Great American levees by Haviland, Dozier, and Tibbetts. cl913. West Sacramento co. Sacramento, Calif. Meteorology Brief list of meteorological textbooks and reference books by C. F. Talman. 1913. Ed. 3. Weather bur. Wash. National Parks “Collection of 83 photographs of national parks, in color, of a size to cover a 250-foot wall space in single tier.” Loaned for exhibition purposes on payment of transportation charges. Office of the Secretary, Interior dep’t, Wash. Panama Canal Panama canal guide book. 1913. Panama R. R. co. Colon, Canal Zone. World race for the rich South American trade by C. L. Chandler. 1913. Senate doc. 208, 63rd cong. 1st. sess. or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Panama canal and canal zone. Public documents for sale by Sup’t of doc. 1914. Sup’t of doc. Wash. Panama-Pacific International Exposition Information for visitors. cl913. Panama-Pacific international exposition, San Francisco, Calif. Also other publications. Panama-Pacific international exposition. cl913. Remington typewriter co. 327 Broadway, N. Y. Panama-Pacific international exposition, n. d. Santa Fe, 1119 Railway exchange, Chic. Physical Geography Course in meteorology and physical geography by W. N. Allen. 1911. Bull. 39. Weather bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 20c. Pictures Report of the committee on instruction by means of pictures. 1913. School doc. no. 6, 1913. Boston public schools, Bost. Time Time taking, time keeping, n. d. Elgin national watch co. Elgin, 111. Trans-Siberian Railroad Trans-Siberian R. R. and connections. 1913. International sleeping car co. 281 Fifth ave. N. Y. Water Power Electric power from the Mississippi, a description of the water- power development at Keokuk, Iowa. 1913. Mississippi river power co. Keokuk, Iowa. I 54 Weather Forecasts Forecasting the weather by George S. Bliss. 1913. Bull. 42. Weather bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. Winds Winds of the United States and their economic uses by P. G. Day, Weather bur. Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 5c. The World Atlas of the world. cl911. Gunard S. S. co. 21-24 State st. N. Y. Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual ser. issued by the For- eign office of Great Britain. Obtain list from Wyman and sons, ltd. Fetter Lane, E. G. Lond. Price ranges from y 2 d.- 6y>d. each. Gives trade returns from practically all countries. Valuable series. International map of the world. (Bost. including R. I. and portions of N. Y. Conn. Mass. N. H. Me. and N. S.) Sheet north K-19. Geological survey, Wash, or, Sup’t of doc. Wash. 40c. Other sheets have been issued as follows: North 0-30. Scotland, The Highlands. North 0-29. The Hebrides. (Europe). North K-35. Instambul (Constantinople). South H-34. Kenhardt (Africa). Address Edward Stan- ford, 12-14 Long Acre, W. G. Lond. 2s plus postage. EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS This list has been compiled from answers to letters sent out to practically all of the American firms listed in the following bibliographies, as well as to others not listed. A few of the ex- hibits cost too much for small schools but are included to make the list useful to large schools. Bibliography Address list for illustrative materials and laboratory supplies for instruction in household arts. 1912. Technical educ. Bull. 12. Teachers’ college, Columbia university, N. Y. 10c. Lists of exhibits, charts, booklets, etc., on foods, textile ma- terials and fabrics. Educational exhibits by Ellen B. McDonald in Normal instructor, 23:52, Dec. 1913. Educational exhibits, in Delia G. Ovitz. Course in reference work 55 and some bibliographies of special interest to teachers, p. 25. 1913. State normal school, Milwaukee, Wis. 10c. Illustrative materials for geography by W. M. Gregory, in Journal of geography, 11:19-20, Sept. 1912. Same article with one addition in School news, 26 :409, May, 1913. Manufacturers’ exhibits, in J. G. Dana. The school department room, p. 16. 1910. Elm tree press, Woodstock, Vermont. 35c. Asbestos H. W. Johns-Manville co. 201-231 Glybourn st. Milwaukee, Wis. Samples of crude asbestos, asbestos fiber and finished pro- duct. Free. Keasbey and Mattison co. Ambler, Pa. Samples of crude asbestos, carded fiber and finished product. Free. Baking Powder Royal baking powder co. Royal bldg. William and Fulton sts, N. Y. Illustrates the manufacture of cream of tartar. Free to schools in which domestic science is taught. Buttons German-American button co. Rochester, N. Y. Exhibit showing vegetable ivory nut and the processes of manufacture of buttons. 50c. Carborundum Carborundum co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Samples of crude carborundum and of finished product. Free. Cement (Portland) Atlas Portland cement co. 30 Broad st, N. Y. Samples of raw material, clinker and finished product. Free. German-American Portland cement works, 140 S. Dearborn st.. Chic. Four glass bottles showing the different stages in the manu- facture of Portland cement. Free to schools and educational institutions. Cereals Postum cereal co. ltd. Battle Greek, Mich. 56 Fourteen bottles showing the different stages in the process of manufacturing their products from wheat, corn, rice and barley. Free, charges prepaid. Cocoa and Chocolate Walter Baker and co. ltd. Milton, Mass. Free to schools. Hershey chocolate co. Hershey, Penn. Shows the process of cocoa manufacture from the bean in its natural state to the finished product. Free. Huyler’s, S. E. cor. 18th st, and Irving place, N. Y. Free. The Walter M. Lowney co. 486 Hanover st. Bost. Showing cocoa from the raw bean to the finished product. Free. Coffee G. F. Blanke tea and coffee co. 7th and Clark ave. St Louis, Mo. About 25 bottles showing the various stages that coffee passes through from the time it leaves the plantation until it is ready for use; contains also samples of different varieties of tea. $3.00, freight collect. Cork Armstrong cork co. Pittsburgh, Penn. Collection showing corkwood in various stages of manufac- ture. $1.00. Cotton Cambridge botanical supply co. Waverly, Mass. Entire cotton plant, products of cotton seed, etc. $4.50. Cotton, Spool Spool cotton co. 315 Fourth ave. cor. 24th st. N. Y. Limited number of spool cotton specimen cases, showing thread in various stages of manufacture. Free on applica- tion of principal. Fertilizers Swift and co. National stock yards, 111. Samples showing fertilizers made from by-products of the packing industry. Free. 57 Fibre International harvester co. of New Jersey. Agricultural exten- sion dep’t, Harvester bldg, Chic. Consists of samples of sisal and manila fibre with small sam- ple balls of twine and three booklets. 35c. Flax Linen thread co. 96-98 Franklin st. cor. Church. N. Y. Flax in different stages of manufacture from the raw material to the finished product. $3.00, express collect. James McGutcheon and co. Fifth ave. at 34th st. N. Y. Illustrates the various stages in the growth and manufacture of flax. Free to domestic departments of high schools and colleges; freight charges collect. Flour Hecker- Jones- Jewell milling co. Produce exchange, N. Y. Furnished only to schools in New York state. Pillsbury flour mills co. Minn. Consists of twelve samples showing the different stages of flour manufacture. Free, express charges to be guaranteed by applicant; weight about 18 lbs. Washburn-Crosby co. Minn. Supply of exhibits temporarily exhausted. Free to schools or educational institutions. Grain Commissioner of immigration, Winnipeg, Can. Samples of grain and grasses in straw and samples of threshed grain. Probably free. Grinding Stones Pike manufacturing co. Littleton, N. H. Shows the raw material and finished product. Free. Limestone Indiana quarries co. 112 W. Adams st. Chic. Samples of Bedford limestone. Free. Milk, Malted Horlick’s malted milk co. Racine, Wis. Exhibit shows wheat, flour, barley and barley malt. Free. Needles Spoon cotton co. 315 Fourth ave. cor 24th st. N. Y. 58 Limited number of needle specimen cases, showing needles in various stages of manufacture. Free on application of principal. Nitrate Industry Chilean nitrate propaganda, 25 Madison ave. N. Y. Limited number of lantern slides for distribution, which show the stages in the Chilean nitrate industry. Packing Industry Armour and co. Chic. Exhibit of by-products. $10.00. Morris and co. Chicago. Samples of tallow, glue fertilizers, showing by-products of packing industry. Free. Paint and Varnish Sherwin-Williams co. 601 Canal road N. W. Cleveland, Ohio. Shows raw material. Probably free. Pencils Joseph Dixon crucible co. 501 Victoria bldg, St Louis, Mo. From crude graphite and cedar strips to the finished product. Free to schools. Eberhard Faber, 37 Greenpoint ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Steps in the manufacture of a pencil from crude graphite and cedar strip to the finished product. Free. Pens Esterbrook steel pen mfg co. Camden, N. J. Shows by samples the steps in the manufacture of pens from the sheet steel to the finished product, 10c. Spencerian pen co. 349 Broadway, N. Y. 25c. Petroleum Standard oil co. 72 West Adams st. Chic. Samples of 21 petroleum products. Distributed only to large schools. Potash German Kali works. 1901 McCormick bldg, Chic. Sent only to institutions in which agriculture is taught. 59 Rubber United States Rubber co. Broadway at 58th st. N. Y. $ 10 . 00 . Salt. Diamond crystal salt co. St Glair, Mich. Contains samples of crude salt and of salt in different stages of manufacture. Free to schools on payment of express charges; in middle west charges amount to about 75c. Worcester salt co. 71-73 Murray st. N. Y. Samples of salt. Free to schools. Shears J. Wiss and sons co. Newark, N. J. Shows steps in the manufacture of shears. Free, express collect; in middle west charges amount to between 20 and 30c. Silk Belding bros. and co. 201 West Monroe st. Chic. Silk exhibit. $1.25. Gorticelli silk mills, Florence, Mass. Box of two cocoons, 5c; silk culture chart, 20c; silk culture cabinet, $1.25 if intended for educational exhibit in schools. M. Heminway and sons silk co. 890 Broadway, N. Y. Samples of silk cocoons, raw silk and silks in process of manu- facture. Free, express charges collect; in the middle west the charges amount to between 30 and 40c. T. A. Keleher, P. O. box 3203, Sta. F, Wash. D. G. Silk cocoon exhibit, 15c; other more comprehensive exhibits ranging in price from 50c to $1.00. Soap Larkin co. Buffalo, N. Y. Bottles showing ingredients of soap, its appearance at dif- ferent stages and the finished product. Free, express charges collect; in the middle west the charges will amount to be- tween 40 and 50c. Spices McCormick and co. Baltimore, Md. Soon to have for distribution a set of color plates showing the different varieties of commercial spices in various stages of their growth. Free. 60 Steel Illinois steel co. South Chicago, 111. Raw and finished material. Free to educational institutions. Sugar American sugar refining co. of New York, 117 Wall st. N. Y. Now preparing an exhibit. Tapioca Minute tapioca co. Orange, Mass. Samples of different tapioca products on the market; new exhibit in preparation which will be ready by the first of the year (1915). Free to teachers. Tea C. F. Blanke tea and coffee co. 7th and Clark ave. St Louis, Mo. See description of exhibit under coffee. $3.00. Varnish Berry bros. Detroit, Mich. Limited number of cases, showing specimens of fossil gums, etc. with samples of finished product. Sent on application from principal of school. Veneer Acme veneer and lumber co. Cincinnati, 0. Folder of veneer samples. 50c. Wood Finishing S. C. Johnson and son, Racine, Wis. Small wood panels finished in different ways. Free. Wool North star woolen mill co. Minn. Wool in natural state, with steps in manufacturing shown by samples. 25c.