V* THE SYLVAN CABIN The One Hundred-Thirteenth Anniversary—School Edition .Tl . ^ -J ^ < ■V E P.W A R.^iS M YTH JONES ■ > • . ■A>" 'V' #:< > », I ; 6^- LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URCANA-CHAjV;PAIGN I EDWARD SMYTH JONES THE SYLVAN CABIN A Centenary Ode on The Birth of Lincoln By EDWARD SMYTH TONES With an Introduction taken froni The New York Times CHICAGO Published by I'HK EDW ARD SMY I'M JONES PUBLISHING COMPANY 1922 Copyright, 1915 By Edward Smyth Jones All Rights Reserved 301 . V'.)../?- IN THE WORDS OK LINCOLN Ail that I arn and eter hope to I oive to niy sainted ni other: I DEDICATE THESE VERSES TO MINE .. ■■■i' ■ i-m %r> 4 • # -'A^isSy' ■-»r*: fi *ri* *1 J -> ^ . .r. . ’ •# .< -i • '•«.’ -‘y. •“» ■ ■ . .• ‘ . 7 '* * ^ ^ '»r .^v'' ' ■' fVs-' ..'- '' '■; '.■ ^ V.:"’ /v -.1 ,.‘.0 .l, ’♦♦■ ^ ’' 'f- ¥ ' t , • * ■ ' ’ ', - V. /. !; V>f \<^ . 1 ■ ^ '/ !t ^ ; . # >• y- 'm'-- i'’-' •‘V.- .. V .'.'■ !?■'■ ^ ■ ’ '’t t ,, * •: . I A# V l‘;. <. 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' 11 ■ \i;ri4y■:77-77£y . y?' ■: ^ :^: v. . • . ■■ - ■ . ■ ,1'/- V, ': .> ,.• ■■<> '• ■ ^ 7 *.. ,., ,...^ : ^;, ;,£* • .;^,-._i ’« . ■'- ‘J ■'■/ '-.-i' .. C'- -.y ■‘ v'^'-' Wit'< ,Kn ■ y. -t /■‘l:.’" iHB®.-''v.-' H' >'ri '•.'■..jf ; ,.;^f ... Preface w HEX Lincoln said: “A house divided against it¬ self cannot stand; the Union cannot long con¬ tinue half slave and half free,” he restated an immortal truth. Whether the slavery be chattel, mental, moral, material, or spiritual, the truth re¬ mains unchanged. The Emancipation Proclamation not only liberated the Negro, but the poor rchites as well; for as long as they had to eompete with Negro slave labor, they flowed continually into that broad stream of the oppressed, known as “poor white trash.” Lincoln s pen broke the shackles from black and white alike, giving them the opportunity to earn and eat the bread of the sweat of. their brows. That was physical freedom. They are now held bij the most inexorable tyrant, IGNORANCE, from whose regime they must be freed. The prime need of the Emancipated is MORE AND BET¬ TER EDUCATION. Th e new Lincoln must emancipate the mind. May he soon appear! Since publication of “The Sylvan Cabin and Other Verse,” in 1011, the Lin¬ coln Ode has elicited such favorable men¬ tion, that I have decided to issue it sepa¬ rately, in the present form, with the hope that it may have a wider circulation among PREPACK the people; that the true Avierican spirit, 'which found its highest manifestation in Lincoln, the same spirit of which: Our tongues most gladly sing thy praise, And from it ne'er shall cease — till all The land he free! may become thoroughly disseminated throughout the land; that all the people, white and black, may “catch one note of thy immortal song that fills the air,” and therewith become so imhued that: So must thy spirit fill the hearts Of all Columbia's youth, as once It filled old Honest Abe," thy son. Thy pride — the first-born of thy LOVE! For when each lowly lad well hnoies That ever uptvards he may soar. Beyond vain tyrants' galling sway To fairer climes tvhere Freedom reigns: Then ivill the shadozv of thy wnng For aye to them a shelter be! may become a living reality. San Francisco, Jidy Jfth, 1015 AUTHOl? IntroduSiion T wo CHARACTERISTICS of tills long poem that strike the reader on first reading are eoherenev and sincerity. He tells his lofty story Avithout disgression, and lauds his nohle hero A\ithout hypoc¬ risy. The third characteristic is imagina¬ tion. It is no ordinary mind that says in connection Avith Lincoln’s birthplace: Tliese gloomy woods^ whose blackness stands Up hard against horizon’s slope; Grim^ spectral^ dreaded^ and untrod^ Save monsters great of savage mien^ That prowled or crouched upon their prey; Sent forth a vicious roar that shook Old Svlva far and near, from vale Tlirough crag to mountain peak! Upon this spot the Redskin oft Has danced his “War Dance” and his “Feast,” His face a reddish hue aglow— I.ong locks with eaglets’ plumes bedecked; H is bow and never-failing dart^ And scalper dangling at his side! Wore brightly gleamed his wary eye^ As braves the war-whoop loudly yelled— A sight more like the fiery fiends From Pluto’s ghastly shore returned Than human blood and bone! They all have gone and left no tale But woe which hurled them ever hence To that shore whence no bark returns. Old Cabin^ thou^ the temple art^ Where Freedom’s spirit dwells! The felloAA’ is AAorth Avhile. He maA’^ not he tlie best AA aiter that Avaits in tlie EaeultA' Clnl), hut it AA’ouhl he interesting to knoAA’ hoAA’ many better poets eat tliere. INTRODUCTION Of course, if he were never going to write any more poetry, his ease would be very simple. Peoj^le could buy his “Sylvan Cabin” and he could collect the royalty. But it is not so easy as this. He says that he must write, that ideas come into his head, and he simply must put them down, black on white. Of poems that he now has in manuscript, especial notice should be taken of his “Sea-Queen: A Poem in IMemory of the Ill-starred Titanic.” It is dedicated “To the Heroes Who Fell Asleep on the Titanic, INIonday Morning, Ajn’il 15, 1912,” and is the longest, and in some plaees the best thing he has yet done. So things rotate in this world. A house that was formerly given over to the needs of the mindless is now the refectory for the especially sane and teachers of sanity. It seems, indeed, that nothing is constant but change. And the things these men of mind feed on are brought to them by a poet with his “eye in a fine frenzy rolling.” Blind is the man who fails to see the eter¬ nal return of the same, and unwise is he Avho does not believe in the relathdty of all things.— The New York Times, Sunday, February 16, 1913. rHE SYLVAN CABIN *‘So must thy spirit Jill the hearts Of all Columbia's youth, as once It filled old ‘Honest Abe/ thy son. Thy pride—the first-born of thy love!" The Sylvan Cabin A CEXTENARY ODE OX THE DIRTH OF lAXCOI.X O FAIREST Dame of sylvan glades, We come to pay thee homage due, Embrace thee softly and to kiss Thy lovely, long-forsaken cheeks; To smooth thj" flowing silver locks And bind around thy snowy neck A necklace golden studded fidl AVith rarest gems and shining pearls. Our eyes though sometimes dimmed with tears In purer lustre sparkle forth AVhene’er they fall agaze on thee! Our ears attuned to thy sweet lay Catch every flowing cadent note And hear it ever safe within Our joyous hearts, which gladly leap AVhene’er thy name is called! Deep in our souls the quenchless fire Of love still brightly burns upon The sacred altar, set apart. For spirit commune and sacrifice; AA’^hose high-])riest tends with loving care. And unto thee sweet incense bums. Our tongues most gladly sing thy praise, And from it ne’er shall eease—till all The land be free! II F ull eentury lonely hast thou dwelt Here all forsaken and forgot! All men failed to visit thee save Some idle lover of sylvan haunts Who trod, perchance, this hallowed spot. And cast a pensive eye upon This lovely glade, thy sole abode (Full lost in these continuous woods), And brooding o’er thy lowly lot. Oft thus did muse:— “This cabin lone Here stands to tell the tale of him, Backwoodsman brave, who having scaled The mystic mountains ne’er returned To them, though loved yet left behind; But here he chose his last abode. These gloomy woods whose blackness stands Up hard against horizon’s slope; Grim, spectral, dreaded and untrod Sav^ monsters great of savage mien, That prowled, or crouched upon their prey; Sent forth a vicious roar that shook Old Sylva far and near, from vale Through crag to mountain peak! Upon this spot the Redskin oft Has danced his ‘War Dance’ and his ‘Feast,’ His face a reddish hue aglow I jong locks with eaglets’ plumes bedecked; His bow and never-failing dart, And sealper dangling at his side! jMore brightly gleamed his wary eye, As braves the war-whoop loudly yelled — A sight more like the fiery fiends From Pinto’s ghastly shore returned Than human blood and bone! They all have gone and left no tale But woe which hurled them ever hence To that shore whence no bark returns. Old Cabin, thou, the temple art, AVhere Freedom’s spirit dwells!” Ill T hus has time passed vatli naught more said; For man in his pedantic art Soars far in feeble flights of song From Nature’s heart, and thus he fails With Nature’s God to hold commune! The bard has slept, dreamed many a dream. But failed to dream one dream of thee. High hangs his lyre on willow reed. And sitting beneath yon shady nook. He fails to catch one note of thv Immortal song that fills the air. Awake, O bard, from slumber deep! Attune thy lyre; let Nature breathe In her inspiring breath of song; Then wilt thou sing a song most sweet. The song by Nature’s vesper choir. Through all the countless ages sung — And still is singing day by day. Then all the world will ioin thv sweet • / • Befrain in praise and ardent love Of this fair forest Dame! IV T PIE nations all their day shall have; Yet each in turn shall rise and fall, As falls the dark-brown autumn leaf; Or as those dread sky-kissing tides, Which toss frail barks high upon Some ghastly, frowning storm-heat shore— Though slowly, yet quite surely ebb away. Aye! Egypt fair once spread tbe Xile, And green-bay-tree-like proudly flour¬ ished ; Her snowy sails seaports bedecked. And deeply ploughed the rolling main. Or clave the placid lakes, as does The gentle swan, when some soft breeze The bulrush stirs, flings its perfume Upon the rippling silver waves! Eair cities dotted here and there Her vast domain. Her roval line ft. Of Pharaohs held the sceptre gold Upon her all-emblazoned throne. Now Egypt fair is Avreck and ruin; For, as fled on the flight of years. The unrelenting Hand of Time Wiped her svA^eet Ausage off the globe! Naught save the grim, grey pyramid, Sublimest work of man, yet stands To greet the rosy morn, A\dth proud Uplifted head, expanded chest— A death defiant scoff at Time! Yet hoary Time in his A\ald rage Of AATeck and ruin, like Joa'c shall hurl His fiery bolts upon the head Of pyramid AAdth ire, and crush And raze it to its base AAoth scorn! N EiXT Greece, tlie fairest Xyin})li that trod This helted globe upon, once slione As sliines the IMorning Orb, long ere The Dawn the ])nrple East has kissed; High reared her sacred temples in Olympia’s shady groves, and built There flaming altars to her gods. Old Zens and Phoebus oft here sat In council with their fellow beings. And Homer, fiery hard, was first To smite the chords of Nature’s Ivre; Sweet sang he till the earth was filled IVith rarest strains of rapturous song! Then Art and Letters blew and blushed. The fairest flowers of ages past. Whose essence, spilled upon the breeze. Is M'afted still forever on; And man in calm delight inhales Quintessence of pure classic lore! But Greece is gone! Her statues fair Are mingled with the dust; each god Has flown some fairer clime to rule. Or, subdued, ^^■alks the dark abvss. VI T hen Rome, the gaudy Southern Queen, On seven nigged, roek-rihhed hills Securely built her throne. The world Then saw a mighty power rise In splendor great, as does the sun On some young, swift-winged morn of June. A brighter dawning seemed to break; Another life was lived—for through The Roman vein there coursed a blood A fiery burning blood of ire, That rose and conquered all the world. Great C^eesar led his legions forth From victory on to victory, And hung her royal pennons high In tower, palace-hall, and throne; The Roman sceptre swayed the globe. Soft music soothed her savage ear. Fine arts and sculpture were her toys. And glory was her “starry crown.” But now we read the “Fall of Rome,” The doleful lay that tells the tale Of all who thus have passed away. VII T O TIIFE, f air Dame, we thus relate The things which were but are no more; That thou mightest know the worldly way. And knowing, have no timid fear To ever stir thy peaceful breast, Xo fate like theirs awaits for thee; For fortune’s maid shall tend with care Thy every nod and beck—yes, place Upon thy queenly brow a crown. The glittering crown by Freedom worn! Xo flint rock ribs thy temple’s base, X^o stone its corner marks; for that What carest thou? For boasted pride? Its frame is of the sturdy oak. Inlaid with ribs of stately pine; The Prince and Princess twain are they Of all Columbia’s giant woods. The sylvan songsters sing thy praise From dawn till set of sun, and then The mockingbird, thy queen of song, In praise of thee pours forth lier lay Till evei’y mellow silver note. Far floating in the silent trees. Is taken hy an elfin choir. And chanted softly to the moon. The eagle her wee eaglets tells Of thee, that they may freedom love; Then soaring full beyond the clouds. She looks with vaunted pride on thee. So must thy spirit fill the hearts Of all Columbia’s youth, as once It filled old “Honest Abe,’’ thy son. Thy pride—the first-born of thy love! For when each lowlv lad well knows * That ever upwards he may soar. Beyond vain tyrants’ galling sway To fairer climes where Freedom rein'iis Then will the shadow of thv wino’ A For ave to them a shelter be! ft/ « ' > ■ ^Jr ' rr**'*' ■'m .■* T f' .«» ■> , ’I', t c-f. .‘ <*v A ‘ ^■ ^;, o:., • ' • ' ',. ,,..o .V t ,. -f i-.‘- *,. ■ 'fi .*, : rmw ,TifgM#^^3MiaK ? I* - ’ cilC'' C ' - ."f • ■' 'r'— f-Aiy >v‘'^L .■‘v 5 X' - ' .'Aff S:- . •» .^1 ^ **" '> ^’ C* * ' ‘ . • \ ■■-'', ^! r ■'* '"'iS. -i ' Xsm ::- ‘k'*ji ♦<■ • ■V . ? 2 <' '..'.r' ■'''■-' ;--..'.nv& .'* : . . ■ ■* - X. ■■; . *■ ■■ _ '. (..'t. i* *• Vjj' i-t'.'; ^ :••• (■;' i , r * if». 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