OF THE Warsaw Free Public Library OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS -AND THE- LIBRARY REGULATIONS. WARSAW, ILLINOIS! THE BULLETIN PRINT, 1903. I \ (A V 04 GocA £»b e~ ( O ulT Tt* o v» U? BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Board of Directors OF THE WARSAW FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. First. —The Board of Directors shall have control of all the books, maps, plats, and other property of the Library, subject to the law under which it is organized. Second. —The regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the first Tuesday in each month at seven-thirty o’clock p. m. at such place as the President or Directors may designate. Meetings may also be held at any time on the call of the President or a majority of the Directors. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Third. —The annual meeting of the Board for the election of officers and of Librarian shall be the first regular meeting after the first day of July in each year. 4 . Fourth. —The officers of the Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and such others as may be found necessary from time to time; all of whom shall be elected by tiallot, unless otherwise directed by a majority of the Board at the time of such election. The officers shall serve for one year, or until their successors are chosen and qualified. Vacancies may be filled at any meeting of the Board in the same manner as prescribed for the annual election. Fifth. —It shall be the duty of the President, (or in his absence the Vice President,) to preside at all meetings of the Board, sign all warrants drawn on the treasurer by order of the Board, and appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. He shall also sign war¬ rants to pay the regular expense of the Library in the event of the Board failing to hold its regular meeting, and may sign warrants to pay necessary expenses in the interval between meetings of the Board, but shall report his action to the Board at its next regular meeting. Sixth. —It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings; to issue and countersign all warrants as authorized; conduct the correspondence, and report monthly to the Board. Seventh.— It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys; pay all warrants drawn on him when signed by the Presi¬ dent and countersigned by the Secretary; keep a regular account of the financial condition of the Board; and make quarterly reports to the Board. Eighth. —TheLibrarian, under control of the Board of Directors, shall have charge of the rooms, and shall be responsible for the care and safety of the books and other public property contained therein, and for the preservation of order in the rooms. It shall be the duty ©f the Librarian to label, catalogue and arrange the books on the shelves; to record in the ledger the names of persons to whom books are issued, also the title, catalogue number, and the date of issue and return; to impose fines for the detention or injury of books, and collect the same; to deposit monthly with the Treasurer all moneys received; to notify persons keeping books over time by mail or in person, and collect the expense of notification in addition to the fine; to make report monthly of the condition of the Library, showing the number of visitors, the number of cards issued, the number of books kept over time, and the number of notices sent, and any other infor¬ mation that should be known to the Board; to make an examination of the Library immediately after the last Library day in May, and make full report of the business of the year then ending, and to 5 . observe the rules and regulations that may from time to time be made by the Board of Directors. Ninth. —The standing committees of the Board shall be a Finance Committee, a Committee on Administration, and a Committee o» Books and Donations, each committee consisting of three Directors. The Finance Committee shall have supervision of the following matters: In matters relating to the accounts, to the revenues, to salaries, and to the expenditures of the Board. They shall examine the Librarian’s books, accounts and reports, and report to the Board upon the correctness of the same; and as to matters under their supervision shall report to the Board at the last meeting in May. The Committee on Administration shall have supervision in the following matters: In matters relating to the arrangement for the circulation and use of books and periodicals, and for the needful examination of the library; they shall provide (under instructions of the Board) the necessary labels, stationery, books, etc., for the use of the Librarian, have a general oversight of the Library room, and see that the rules and regulations of the Board are enforced; and as to matters under their supervision shall report to the Board at the last meeting in May. The Committee on Books and Donations shall have supervision in the following matters: In matters relating to the purchase., exchange and binding of books and periodicals; to pass upon the fit- ness of any book for circulation; the preparation and printing of catalogues—provided that no book shall be purchased without the approval of the Board of Directors. All donations of books or other property shall be referred to them for their action, and they shall have the power to accept or reject all donations, and they shall report monthly to the Board. And as to matters under their super¬ vision shall report to the Board at the last meeting in May. -x- ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1st. Call to order, when a quorum is present. 2d. Reading minutes of last meeting. 3d. Reading of letters and other communications. 4th. Reports of officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer. 5th. Report of Librarian. 6th. Reports of standing committees: Finance, Administration, Books and Donations; Special Committees. 7th. Unfinished business. 8th. Bills. 9th. New business, election of officers, &c. 10th. Miscellaneous matters. 11th. Adjournment. 6 . LIBRARY REGULATIONS. Any resident of Warsaw may draw books from the Library by registering his or her name, if known by the Librarian to be a resi¬ dent. If not so known, by giving security as follows: Warsaw, III.,.19.. I, the subscriber, hereby certify that.. is a fit person to enjoy the privileges of the Warsaw Free Public Library, and that I will be responsible for the observance by .of the regulations of the Library; and will make good any injury or loss the Library may sustain from the permission to draw books that may be given in consequence of this certificate. Signed. N. B.—The privileges granted, in consequence of this certificate, may be revoked, at pleasure, by the Library or the signer. Each person entitled to draw books from the Library will be supplied with a card inscribed with his or her name and register number. This card must be produced whenever a book is taken, returned or renewed. Books may be retained tw'o weeks, and may be once renewed for the same period; but new books, for six months after being placed in the Library, can only be retained one week and cannot be renewed. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other books of reference, and such others as may be unsuited for general circulation, can be used only in the building. Any person who detains books longer than the regulations per¬ mit, shall be fined fifteen cents per week for each volume, and two .cents for each mail notice. No book shall be lent to any person who has fines or penalties unsettled, and no book shall be transferred from one person to another. Writing in books is prohibited, and all injuries to books, beyond reasonable wear, and all losses shall be promptly adjusted to the satisfaction of the Librarian. Delinquents will be notified through the mail on the first day after their delinquency has occurred; and one week thereafter if the book is not returned. If the book is not returned one month after serving the first notice, the Librarian shall notify the Board at the first meeting thereafter. Books are supposed to be in good condition when issued, and the last borrower will be held responsible for any mutilation or deface¬ ment discovered, unless the same w r as reported when the book was borrowed. When a book is lost while in the hands of a borrower, he or she shall be required to pay to the Librarian the full price of the volume, or of the set if the volume be one of a set. The Library shall be open Saturday of each week from 1 to 5:30 p. m., and every evening, except Sunday, from 6:30 to 9 o’clock p. m. Legal holidays excepted. ART. Adams, W. H. H. Davenport—Buried Cities of the Campania of Ancient Greece and Rome; Temples, Tombs and Monuments. Antiquities of Athens...James Stuart Architecture—Classic.F. Roger Smith and John Slater Ecclesiastical.Wm. Wallace Martin For General Readers.H. H. Stratham Gothic...Charles H. Moore Gothic and Renaissance.F. Roger Smith History of.A. D. F. Hamlin Ariadne Florentina.John Ruskin Beginnings of Art.Ernst Grosse, Ph. D. Buried Cities of the Campania of Ancient Greece and Rome.. .W. H. H. Davenport Adams Cathedral Builders.Mrs. Oliphant Churches and Castles of Mediseval France.. Walter Cranston Larned Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine—Handbook of Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Engravers; Naples, the City of the Parthenope. Column and the Arch, The.....Wm. P. P. Longfellow Dante.Mrs. Oliphant Egypt 3300 Years Ago.F. De Lanoye Elements of Drawing, &c, vol. 9 .John Ruskin Florence, Its History, the Medici, the Humanists and Arts.... . Charles Yriarte Great Artists, The—Landseer, Sir Edwin.Frederick G. Stevens Raffaelo, Sanzio Da Urbino.N. D’Anvers Reynolds, Sir Joshua.F. S. Pulling, M. A. Rubens, Sir Peter Paul. .Charles W. Kett, M. A. 8 . Handbook of Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Engravers.. .Mrs. Clement History of Art, 2 vols.Lubke History of Painting, 2 vols.Woltman and Woerman Italy, Florence and Venice.H. Taine Jamison, Mrs.—Characteristics of Women; Diary of an Ennuyee; Legends of the Madonna; Legends of the Monastic Orders; Loves of the Poets; Memoirs of Early Italian Painters; Sacred and Legendary Art; Sketches of Art; Studies, Stories and Memoirs. Landseer, Sir Edwin.Frederick G. Stevens Lectures on Art, vol. 8.John Ruskin Legends of the Madonna.Mrs. Jamison Legends of the Monastic Orders. “ Library of Wonders—Sculpture.Louis Viardot Temples and Monuments... W. H. H. D. Adams Wonders of Pompeii.Marc. Monnier Loves of the Poets.Mrs. Jamison Makers of Venice.Mrs. Oliphant Memoirs of Early Italian Painters.Mrs. Jamison Michelangelo Buonarroti, Life of, 2 vols.J. A. Symonds Modern Painters.John Ruskin Monnier, Marc—Pompeii and the Pompeiians; Wonders of Pompeii. Naples, The City of the Parthenope.Mrs. Clement Oliphant, Mrs.—Makers of Florence, 4 vols.: Vol. 1, Dante; Vol. 2, Cathedral Builders; Vol. 3, Savonarola; Vol. 4, Piagnoni Painters; Makers of Venice. Piagnoni Painters.Mrs. Oliphant Pompeii and the Pompeiians.Marc. Monnier Radcliffe, A. G.—Schools and Masters of Painting; Schools and Masters of Sculpture. Raffaello, Sanzio Da Urbino.N. D’Anvers Reminiscences of a Portrait Painter.G. P. A. Healy Renaissance of Art in Italy.Leader Scott Rex Regum, Likeness of Christ.Sir Wyke Bayliss Reynolds, Sir Joshua...F. S. Pulling, M. A. Rubens, Sir Peter Paul.Charles W. Kett, M. A. Ruskin, John—Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, Modern Painters; Vol. 5, Stones of Venice, 2 vols. in 1; Vol. 6, Stones of Venice, 2 vols. in 1; Vol. 7, Seven Lamps of Architecture; Vol. 8, Two Paths of Architecture—Lectures on Art; Vol. 9, Elements of Drawing, Etc; Vol. 10, Ariadne Florentina; Vol. 11, Sesame and Lilies, three lectures; Vol. 12, Time and Tide—Laws of Work, Etc: Queen of the Air. Sacred and Legendary Art.Mrs. Jamison 9 . Savonarola..Mrs. Oliphant Schools and Masters of Painting.A. G. Radcliffe Schools and Masters of Sculpture. “ “ Scott, Leader—Renaissance of Art in Italy; Sculpture, Renaissance and Modern. Sculpture.Louis Viardot Sculpture, Renaissance and Modern.Leader Scott Sesame and Lilies, three lectures.John Ruskin Seven Lamps of Architecture. “ Short History of the Renaissance in Italy.J. A. Symonds Sketches of Art.Mrs. Jamison Smith, F. Rogers—Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance; Classic Architecture, (Smith and Slater). Stones of Venice, 4 vols.John Ruskin Studies, Stories and Memoirs.Mrs. Jamison Symonds, J. A.—Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, 2 vols; Shelley, Percy Bysshe; Short History of the Renaissance in Italy; Sidney, Sir Philip. Three Lectures.John Ruskin Time and Tide. “ Turrets, Towers and Temples.Esther Singleton Two Paths on Architecture.John Ruskin Vasari’s Lives of the Painters, 4 vols. Wonders of Art and Archaeology— Egypt 3300 Years Ago.F. De Lanoye Pompeii and the Pompeiians.Marc. Monnier Wonders of Glass Making.A. Sanzay Wonders of Glass Making. “ Wonders of Pompeii.Marc. Monnier BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. Adams, John—Life and Works, 10 vols. .Edited by Charles Francis Adams Adams, John (American Statesman).John T. Morse, Jr. Adams, John Quincy (American Statesman). “ “ Adams, Samuel (American Statesman).J. Hosmer Addison, Joseph (Eng. Men of Letters).W. J. Courthope Alcott, Louise M., Life, Letters and Journal.«, Alexander First, History and Memoirs.Choiseul Gouffier Alexander the Great.Jacob Abbott Alfred the Great. “ Alton Locke, Autobiography.Charles Kingsley 10 . Amand, Imbert de St.—Court of Second Empire; Duchess of Angou- leme, and the two Restorations; France and Italy; Louis Na¬ poleon and Mile, de Montijo; Women of the Valois Court; Youth of the Duchesse de’Angouleme, The. American Biography, 3 vols.Jeremy Belknap American Explorers, Young Folks Book of.T. W. Higginson American Men of Letters, edited by Ch. Dudley Warner— George Ripley.O. B. Frothingham Henry D. Thoreau.Sanborn Margaret Fuller Ossoli.T. W. Higginson Noah Webster.Horace E. Scudder Ralph Waldo Emerson.O. W. Holmes American Statesmen, edited by John T. Morse, Jr.— Adams, John.John T. Morse, Jr. Adams, John Quincy. “ “ Adams, Samuel..James K. Hosmer Calhoun, John C...Dr. H. von Holst Gallatin, Albert.John Austin Stevens Hamilton, Alexander.H. Cabot Lodge Jackson, Andrew.Wm. Graham Sumner Lincoln, Abraham, 2 vols.John T. Morse, Jr. Madison, James.Sidney Howard Gay Marshall, John.Allan B. Magruder Randolph, John.Henry Adams Anderson, Mary, a Few Memories. Angelo, Micheal, 2 vols.J. A. Symonds Angouleme, Duchess D’, The Two Restorations. .Imbert de St. Amand Arc, Jeanne D’.Mrs. Oliphant Arnold, Thomas, Life and Letters.Arthur P. Stanley Arnold, Thomas and Mathew.Sir. Joseph Fitch Arnold of Rugby, His School Life and Contributions to Edu¬ cation.J. J. Findlay, M. A. Audubon and His Journals, 2 vols.W. R. Audubon Bacon, Francis.R. W. Church Barneveld, John of, 2 vols.J. L. Motley Beaumarchais and his Times, 2 copies.Louis DeLomenie Beethoven, Life of.Louis Nohl Bennett, James Gordon, Memoirs. ....By a Journalist Bentley, Richard.R. C. Jebb, M. A. L. L. D. Best of All Good Company..Blanchard Jerrold Bismarck, Life of. Bismarck in the Franco-German War.Busch Bismarck, Prince.Charles Lowe Bismarck, The Man and the Statesman, Autobiography. 11 . Book of Golden Deeds.Charlotte M. Yonge Boone, Daniel.J. S. C. Abbott Boone, Daniel, American Pioneer. “ “ Boyhood of Great Men. Bourgogne, Sergeant, Memoirs of, 1812-1813.Paul Cottin Brant and Red Jacket..George Cary Eggleston Brontes, The, Fact and Fiction.Agnes M. MacKay Buckle, Thomas, Life of..A. H. Hutli Buchanan, James, Life of.G. T. Curtis Bunyan, John.James Anthony Froude Burke, Edmund.....John Morley Burns, Robert.Principal Shairp Byron, George Gordon.John Nichol Caesar, Julius, The Foundation of the Roman Imperial Sys¬ tem .*.W. Ward Fowler Caesar, Life of.Anthony Trollope Calhoun, John C..Dr. H. Van Holst Carlyle, Thomas.John Nichol Chapters From a Life.Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Charles XII, Heroes of the Nations..R. Nisbet Bain Chaucer, Geoffrey..Adolphus Wm. Ward Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic.J. L. S. Davidson Cicero and His Friends.Gaston Boissier Cid, The, Heroes of the Nations.H. Butler Clarke Clay, Henry. Clay, Henry, Life and Speeches. Clay, Henry, Life of, Statesman and Patriot. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.Jacob Abbott Coleridge, Samuel Taylor..H. D. Traill Coleridge, Sara.By her Daughter Coles, Edward, Second Governor of Illinois, Sketches of. .E. B. Washburn Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde.Archibald Forbes Columbus, Christopher.John S. C. Abbott Columbus, Christopher, Life and Voyages, 3 vols. .Washington Irving Colvin, Sidney—Lives of John Keats and Walter S. Landor. Court of the Second Empire.Imbert de St. Amand Cowper, William.Goldwin Smith Cromwell, Oliver.George H. Clarke Cromwell, Oliver, and Letters, 2 vols.Carlyle Cyprian, Life, Times and Work.Edward White Benson Cyrus the Great.Jacob Abbot Dalton, John.Sir Henry E. Roscoe Dalzell, Private, Autobiography, Poems, Etc. 12 . Darius the Great.Jacob Abbott Davidson, Margaret, Memoirs.W. Irving Davis, Rear Admiral, Charles Henry.C. H. Davis Defoe, Daniel.William Minto De Medici, Lorenzo.Sir Henry E. Roscoe De Quincy, Thomas.David Masson De Stael, Madam, 2 vols.Abel Stevens, L. L. D. Dickens, Charles.Adolphus Wm. Ward Dick, Robert.Samuel Smiles- Dix, John A., Memoirs, 2 vols.Morgan Dix Dreyfus, Alfred, Five Years of My Life, 1894-1899... Dryden, John.G. Saintsbury Duchess of Angouleme, and the Two Restorations. ...Imbert de St. Amand Duchesse D’Orleans. Marques De H Edward III.Rev. W. Warburton, M. A. Elizabeth Barrett Browning.Lilian Whiting Emerson, Ralph Waldo.O. W. Holmes Eminent Americans.Benson J. Lossing Eminent Men, Lives of, 3 vols. Eminent Novelists and Dramatists.Sir W. Scott English Men of Letters, edited by John Morley— Vol. 1—Milton.Mark Pattison Gibbon.James Cotter Morrison Shelley.John Addington Symonds Vol. 2—Southey.Edward Dowden Byron.John Nichol Defoe.... Wm. Minto Vol. 3—Dryden.G. Saintsbury Pope.Leslie Stephen Sidney.J. A. Symonds Vol. 4—Bentley.R. C. Jebb, M. A. L. L. D. Cowper.Goldwin Smith Landor.Sidney Colvin, M. A. Vol. 5—Burke, 2 copies.John Morley Macaulay.J. Cotter Morrison Fielding.Austin Dobson Vol. 6—Bunyan.James Anthony Froude Johnson.Leslie Stephen Bacon, 2 copies.R. W. Church Vol. 7—Scott, 2 copies.Richard H. Hutton Dickins..Adolphus Wm. Ward Spenser.R. W. Church 13 . Vol. 8—Sterne. Swift. Hume... Vol. 9—Chaucer. Lamb. De Quincy. Vol. 10—Coleridge. Wordsworth. Burns. Vol. 11—Locke. Goldsmith, 2 copies. Gray. Vol. 12—Thackery, 2 copies. Addison. Sheridan. Vol. 13—Keats. Hawthorne, 2 copies. Carlyle. Erasmus, Life and Letters of. Evelyn’s Diary. Famous Leaders Among Men. Farragut, Admiral, Life and Letters.... Farragut. Field, Cyrus W. Field, David Dudley. Fielding, Henry. Franklin, Benjamin, Autobiography..., Franklin, Benjamin, The True. Frederick the Great. Frederick the Great, 3 vols. Gallatin, Albert. Garfield, Canal-boy to President_ Genghis, Khan... Gibbon, Edward. Giddings, Joshua R. Gladstone, W. E., A Study From Life.. Goethe, Autobiography. Goethe, Life of. Goldsmith, Oliver, 2 copies. Goldsmith, Oliver. Grant, TJ. S., Personal Memoirs, 2 vols Grant, U. S., Heroes of the Nations_ Gray, Thomas. Greene, General Francis Marion. Greene, General. .H. D. Traill ..Leslie Stephen .Prof. Huxley .A. Wm. Ward .Alfred Ainger .David Masson .H. D. Traill .T. W. H. Myers .Principal Shairp .Thomas Fowler .Wm. Black .Edmund W. Gosse .Anthony Trollope .W. J. Courthope .Mrs. Oliphant .Sidney Colvin .Henry James, Jr. .John Nichol ..James Anthony Froude ... .Edited by Wm. Bray .Sarah K. Bolton .By his Son .A. T. Mahan ... .Isabelle Field Judson .H. M. Field .Austin Dobson ..Bigelow ...George Sidney Fisher ..T. B. Macaulay .Carlyle .J. A. Stevens .Horatio Alger, Jr. ...Jacob Abbott .. .James Cotter Morrison .George W. Julian .Henry W. Lucy Edited by John Oxenford .Heinrich Duntzer .Wm. Black .Washington Irving .W. C. Church Edmund W. Gosse .F. V. Greene 14 . Greville, Memoirs.R. H. Stoddard Gustavus, Adolphus.C. R. L. Fletcher Hamilton, Alexander.H. C. Lodge Hancock, Winfield Scott, Reminiscences.By his Wife Hannibal, The Carthagenian.Jacob Abbott Hastings, Warren.Sir Charles Lossing Hawthorne, Nathaniel.Henry James, Jr. Hawthorne, Personal Recollections.H. Bridge Hawthorne’s First Diary.Samuel T. Pickard Haydn...Louis Nohl Henry IV, King of France.John S. C. Abbott Henry of Navarre.P. F. Willert Henry, Patrick.William Wirt Henrietta, My Sister.Ernest Renan Hernando, Cortez.John S. C. Abbott Heroes of the Nations—Arc, Jean D’.Mrs. Oliphant Charles XII.R. Nisbet Bain Cicero...J. L. S. Davidson Cid, The...H. Butler Clark Grant, U. S..W. C. Church Gustavus, Adolphus.C. R. L. Fletcher Henry of Navarre.P. F. Willert Julius Caesar.Wm. Ward Fowler Lincoln.-.Noah Brooks Louis XIV.Arthur Hassal Napoleon.Wm. O’Connor Morris Nelson.W. Clarke Russell Pericles.Evelyn Abbott Philip Sidney.Fox-Bourne Theodoric, the Goth.Thomas Hodgkin Heroic Women of History.H. C. Watson Higginson, T. W.—American Explorers, Young Folks Book; Cheer¬ ful Yesterdays-; Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Historic Americans.Theodore Parker Historic Girls.E. S. Brooks Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Life and Letters, 2 vols..John Morse, Jr. Hortense, Daughter of Josephine, Queen of Holland, Mother of Napoleon III.John S. C. Abbott Hume, David.Prof. Huxley Iron Head, Charles XII, King of Sweden.Franz Hoffman Jackson, Andrew, Life.Alexander Walker Jackson, Andrew.Anon Jackson, Andrew, as a Public Man.W. S. Sumner Jackson, General.James Parton Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall), Life and Campaigns. Prof. R. L. Dabney 15 . James Gordon Bennett.By a Journalist Jefferson, Joseph, Autobiography, 2 copies. Jefferson, Thomas, Life of. James Parton Jefferson, Thomas, Life and Works, vols. 3 to 8. .H. A. Washington Joan of Arc, From the French of.Michelet Joan of Arc, Personal Recollections of.Mark Twain Johnson, Samuel, Life of.James Boswell Johnson, Samuel, Life of..Leslie Stephen Johnston, General.Robert M. Hughes Jones, Paul.John S. C. Abbott Joseph Bonaparte.John S. C. Abbott Josephine, Empress. “ “ Journal in Richmond.Ely Judsons, Lives of the three Mrs.C. B. Hartley Julius Caesar.Jacob Abbott Keats, John.Sidney Colvin. Keene, Laura..John Graham King Charles the First.Jacob Abbott King Charles the Second... “ King Philip, Sovereign Chief of the Wampanoags. ..John S. C. Abbott King Richard the First.Jacob Abbott King Richard the Second. “ King Richard the Third of England. “ Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson.J. C. Jeafferson Lafayette, General, Life.Mack Lafayette, Life.* Anon Lafayette, Life. “ La Fayette, Marquis De, in the American Revolution, 2 vols.. .Charlemaigne Tower Lamb, Charles...Alfred Ainger Lamb, Charles, Works, and Sketch of Life.Talfourd Landor, Walter Savage.Sidney Colvin Landseer, Edward.Frederick G. Stevens Larcum, Lucy, Life, Letters and Diary.D. D. Addison Lee, General R. E.Fitz Hugh Lee Li Hung Chang.Robert K. Douglas Lincoln, Abraham, 10 vols..Nicolay and Hay Lincoln, Abraham..John T. Morse Lincoln, Abraham.Noah Brooks Lincoln, Abraham.Isaac N. Arnold Lincoln, Abraham, 3 vols.Wm. Herndon Lincoln, Abraham, Boyhood of.Butterworth Lincoln, Abraham, and his Administration.L. E. Chittenden Lincoln, Abraham, Man of the People.Norman Hapgood 16 . Lincoln, Abraham, Recollections of.Ward H. Lamon Lincoln and Seward.Gideon Wells Lincoln, A Study.Carl Schurz Liszt.Louis Nohl Lives of the Painters, 4 vols., Edited by E. H. and E. W. Blashfield..Vasari Living Officers of the U. S. Army, Records.Hammersley Livingston, Mrs. Edward, Letters, &c.L. L. Hunt Locke, John.Thomas Fowler Louis XIV, and the Zenith of French Monarchy.Carlyle Louis XIV.John S. C. Abbott Louis Napoleon and Madame De Montijo.Imbert De St. Amand Louis Napoleon, Life.Samuel M. Schmucker Louis Phillipe, King of the French.John S. C. Abbott Macaulay, Thomas Babington.J. Cotter Morrison Macaulay, Thomas, Life and Letters.Trevelyan Macready’s Reminiscences. Madame Roland.John S. C. Abbott Madison, James, (Amer. Statesmen).S. H. Gay Magellan, The Story of.H. Butterworth Mahomet and His Successors, 2 vols...W. Irving Maitland, Sir Thomas.Walter Frewen Lord Manning, Cardinal, vol. 1, As Angelican.E. S. Purcell Manning, Cardinal, vol. 2, As Catholic. “ “ Margaret of Anjou.Jacob Abbott Marie Antoinette.John S. C. Abbott Marie Antoinette, the Story of.....Anna L. Bicknell Marshall, John.Allan B. Magruder Martyrdom of an Empress, Elizabeth of Austria. .By a Member of the Royal Household Mary, Queen of Scotts.Jacob Abbott Memoirs of William Wirt, 2 vols.John P. Kennedy Memorial Addresses—Barbour, John S., 1893; Bogy, Louis Y., (2) 1878; Burnside, Ambrose E., 1882; Carpenter, Matthew H., 1882; Chandler, Zachariah, 1880; Clark', Rush, 1879; Cooke, Edward D., 1897-9; Craig, Alexander K., 1892-3; Douglas, Beverly B., 1879; Farr, Evart W., 1880; Ford, Melbourne H., 1892-3; Gamble, John R., 1892; Gear, John Henry, 1901; Gibson, Randall Lee, 1893-4; Hartridge, Julian, 1879; Hearst, George, 1892-4; Hoyne, Thomas; Houston, George S., 1880; Kendall, John W., 1893; Kenna, John Edward, 1893; Leonard, John Edwards, 1878; McDonald, Edward F., 1893; Morton, Oliver P., 1878; Mutchler, William, 1893-4; Parsons, Edward Y., 1876, 2 copies; Quinn, Terrence J., 1879; Spinola, Francis B., 1892-3; Stackhouse, Eli Thomas, 1893; Stanford, Leland, 17 . 1893-4; Warwick, John G., 1893; Webster, Daniel, 1900; Welch, Frank, 1879; Williams, Alpheus S., 1879; Wood, Fernando, 1881; John Stark and Daniel Webster. Mill, John Stuart, Autobiography. Milton, John.Mark Pattison Mogul Emperors of Hindustan.E. S. Golden Montezuma.Edward Eggleston Morgan, General Daniel. Morley, John—Burke, Edmund, 2 copies; English Men of Letters, 13 vols. Morse, John T.—Abraham Lincoln, 2 vols.; Adams, John; Adams, John Quincy: American Statesmen, series; Holmes, O. W., Life and Letters, 2 vols. Mozart.Louis Nohl Napoleon Bonaparte, Memoirs of, 2 vols_L. A. F. De Bourriene Napoleon Bonaparte.John S. C. Abbott Napoleon, The Little.Victor Hugo Napoleon, Memoirs of, 2 vols.Duchess D’Abrantes Napoleon, His Army and Generals.Anon Napoleon, Warrior and Ruler.Wm. O’Connor Morris Napoleon Bonaparte, Short Life of.Ida M. Tarbell Napoleon’s Military Career.Montgomery B. Gibbs Nero.Jacob Abbott Nohl, Louis—Biographies of Musicians: Beethoven, Haydn, Liszt, Mozart and Wagner. Ogilvey, Margaret.By her son, J. M. Barrie Orators of the Age. Osceola, Chief of the Seminoles.Col. H. R. Gordon Ossoli, Margaret Fuller.T. J. Higginson Parker, Theodore, Life of.O. B. Frothingham Paul of Tarsus. Penn, William, Life of. Penn, William, The True.Sidney George Fisher Pepys, Memoirs and Diaries. Pericles.Evelyn Abbott Personal Recollections of Distinguished Generals. ...H. A. Washington Perry, Mathew Galbraith.William E. Griffis Peter the Great... Peter the Great, Translation from the French, Lady Mary Loyd, .By K. Waliszewski Phillips, Wendell.Geo. Lowell Austin Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men, 3 vols. Pocahontas.Edward Eggleston Poets, British Female. 18 . Prescott, W. H., Life of.Ticknor Prince Consort, Life of the, 5 vols.Martin Public Men, Anecdotes of.John W. Forney Pyrrhus.Jacob Abbott Queens of France, Memoirs of the.Mrs. Bush Queens, Famous, Girls Book of.Lydia H. Farmer Queens and Princesses, Tudor.Sarah Tytler Queen Elizabeth_*..Jacob Abbott Queen Elizabeth.Mendell Creighton Queen Elizabeth, The Courtships of.Martin A. S. Hume Queen Victoria, Private Life of.Member of Household Raleigh, Sir Walter.Martin A. S. Hume Randolph, John.Henry Aams Randolph, John, Life of...Garland Raphael, (The Great Artists)...N. D’Anvers Recollections of a Life Time.Goodrich Red Eagle.George Cary Eggleston Renan, Ernest, Life of.Madam James Darmesterter Reynolds, Joshua, (The Great Artists).F. S. Pulling, M. A. Ripley, George..O. B. Frothingham Roland, Madam.Ida M. Tarbell Roland, Madam, Private Memoirs of.E. J. Johnston Romulus.Jacob Abbott Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Recollections of.T. Hall Caine Rubens, Peter Paul, (The Great Artists).Ch. W. Kett, M. A. Rulers of the Mediteranian.Richard Harding Davis Sages and Heroes of the Revolution..L. Carroll Judson Salamon, Monsignor De, Memories of, 1790-1801.Abbie Bridier Savonarola, His Life and Times.William Clark Savonarola.Mrs. Oliphant Schiller, Life of.Carlyle Schuyler, Catherine, Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times..Mary Humphrey Scotch Naturalist, A.Samuel Smiles Scott, Winfield, Autobiography, 2 vols.. Scott, General.Gen. Marquis J. 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Caleb West, Master Diver..F. Hopkinson Smith Cameron Pride.Mary J. Holmes Camp of Refuge.Chas. Macfarlane Captains Courageous...Kipling Captain of the Gray Horse Troop.Hamlin Garland Captain of the Janizaries.James Ludlow Captain Ravenshaw.R. N. Stephens Captain Shays, A Populist of 1786.Geo. R. R. Rivers Cardigan.Robert W. Chambers Cardinal’s Musketeer, The.M. Imlay Taylor Cartagena, or The Lost Brigade.Charles W. Hall Casa Braccio, 2 vols.F. Marfon Crawford Castle Inn, The...Stanley J. Weyman Castle, Egerton, and Mrs. Castle—Consequences; Light of Scarthey, The; Pride of Jennico; Secret Orchard, The. Cat and the Cherub, The, and Other Stories.Charles B. Fernald Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, works—Lady of Fort St. John; Lazarre; Old Kaskaskia; Romance of Dollard, The; Spirit of An Illinois Town, The; Story of Tonty, The; White Islander, The.- 32 . Cavalier, The.Geo. W. Cable Oaxtons, The.Bulwer Celebrity.Winston Churchill Chainbearer, The.J. F. Cooper Chalmetti.Clinton Ross Chambers, Robert W., works—Cardigan; Conspirators, The; Maker of Moons, The; Mystery of Choice, The.. Chance Acquaintance, A.W. D. Howells Changeling, The.Besant Chantry House.C. M. Yonge Chaplet of Pearls, The, 2 copies... “ “ Chapter From a Life.Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Characteristics.S. Weir Mitchell Charles O’Malley.Charles Lever Chevalier D’Auriac.S. Levett Yeats Children of the Abbey.Roche Children of Gibeon.Besant Children of the Ghetto.I. Zanwill Children of the King.F. Marion Crawford Children of the Sea.J. Conrad Children of the Mist.Eden Philpotts Choir Invisible, The.James Lane Allen Christmas Books and Sketches, 2 copies.Dickens Christian, The. Hall Caine Christian’s Mistake.Mulock Christine of the Hills.Max Pemberton Chronicles of Carlingford.Mrs. Oliphant Chronicles of the Cannongate. Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotter Family. Chronicles of Count Antonio.Anthony Hope Churchill, Winston, works—Celebrity, The; Crisis, The; Richard Carvel, 2 copies. Circumstances.S. Weir Mitchell City of Refuge, The.Besant Clarence.Bret Harte Clash of Arms.B. Burton Cleg Kelley.S. R. Crockett Cliff Dwellers.Henry B. Fuller Cloister and the Hearth, The.Charles Reade Coast of Bohemia, 2 copies.Howells Coeur D. Alene.*.Mary Hallock Foote Colonel Carter of Carterville.F. Hopkinson Smith Colonel’s Christmas Dinner, The.Captain King Colonel’s Daughter, The... Colonial Wooing, A.C. C. Abbott 33 . Collins, Wilkie, works—After Dark; Antonina; Armadale; Basil; Dead Secret, The; Hide and Seek; Law and the Lady, The; Man and Wife; Moonstone, The; My Miscellanies; New Magdalene; No Name; Poor Miss Finch; Queen of Hearts; Two Destinies; Woman in White, The.. Comedies of Courtship...Anthony Hope Condensed Novels, 2 copies...Bret Harte Connor, Ralph—Black Rock, A Tale of the Selkirks; Man From Glengarry, The; Sky Pilot, The: A Tale of the Foothills. Conqueror, The...Gertrude Atherton Conquering and to Conquer.Author of Sclionberg-Cotta Consequences..Egerton Castle Conspirators, The..R. W. Chambers Conrad, Joseph—Children of the Sea; Tales of Unrest. Converse, Florence—Burden of Christopher, The; Diana Victrix... Cooper, J. Fennimore—Afloat and Ashore, 2 vols.; Bravo; Chain- bearer, The; Crater, The; Deerslayer, The; Headsman, The; Heidenmauer, The; Home as Found; Homeward Bound; Jack Tier; Lionel Lincoln; Mercedes of Castile; Miles Wallingford; Monikins, The; Ned Myers; Oak Openings; Pathfinder, The; Pilot, The; Pioneers, The; Prairie, The; Precaution; Red Rover; Red Skins; Satanstoe; Sea Lions, The; Traveling' Bachelor; Two Admirals, The; Waterwitch; Wept of Wish- ton-Wish; Wing and Wing; Wyandotte. Corelli, Marie—Boy, A Sketch; Master Christian, The; Modern Marriage Market, The; Ziska. Corinne.Madame De Stael Corleone, 2 vols.F. M. Crawford Cornford, L. Cope—Master Beggars; Sons of Adversity. Couch, L. Quiller—Adventures in Criticism; Dead Man’s Rock; Delectable Duchy; Noughts and Crosses; Ship of Stars; Spanish Maid, A; Splendid Spur, The; Troy Town; Wander¬ ing Heath. Count’s Snuff Box, The.Geo. R. R. Rivers Count of Nideck, The.Ralph B. Fiske Count Robert of Paris.Sir W. Scott Country of the Pointed Firs, The.S. Orne Jewett Cousin Mona.Rosa N. Carey Crane, Stephen—Little Regiment, The; Open Boat, The; Red Badge of Courage, The; Third Violet, The. Crawford, F. Marion—An American Politician; Ave Roma, 2 vols.; Casa Braccio, 2 vols.; Children of the King; Constatinople; Corleone, 2 vols.; Don Orsino, 2 copies; Dr. Claudius; Greifenstein; In the Palace of the King; Katherine Lauder¬ dale, 2 vols.; Khaled, A Tale of Arabia; Love in Idleness; Marietta, A Maid of Venice; Marion Darche; Marzio’s Cruci¬ fix: Mr. Isaacs; Paul Patoff; Pietro Ghisleri; Ralstons, The, 2 vols.; Roman Singer, A; Rose of Yesterday* A; Sant Ilario; Saracinesca: Tale of a Lonely Parish, A; Taquisara, 2 vols.; Three Pates, The; To Leeward; Via Crucis; Witch of Prague, The: With the Immortals. Crayon Miscellany..W. Irving Crater, The.J. F. Cooper Creoles of Louisiana, The.G. W. Cable Crisis, The...W. Churchill Crockett, S. R.—Cleg Kelly; Firebrand, The; Galloway Herd, The; Gray Man, The; Lilac Sunbonnet, The; Red Axe, The; Stand¬ ard Bearer, The; Stickit Minister, The. Crook of the Bough.Menie Muriel Dowie Crowninshield, Mrs. Schuyler—Latitude 19 0 ; Where the Trade Wind Blows. Cumberland Vendetti, A..John Pox, Jr. Curtis, George William—Howadji in Syria; Lotus Eating; Nile, Notes of a Howadji; Potipher Papers; Prue and I; Trumps... Cyphers...Ellen Olney Kirk Dally.Maria Louise Pool Damnation of Theron Ware, The.Harold Frederick Daniel Deronda, 2 vols....‘...George Eliot Dariel.R. D. Blackmore Daudet, Alphonse—Head of the Family; Kings in Exile; Nabob, The, 2 vols.; Tartarin on the Alps. Daughter of the Tenements.Edward W. Townsend Daughter of the West.Evelyn Raymond David Elginbrod.George Macdonald David Balfour.R. L. Stevenson David Copperfield...Charles Dickens David Harum, 2 copies.Edward N. Westcott Davis, Rebecca Harding—Dr. Warrick’s Daughters; Silhouettes of American Lives. Davis, Richard Harding—About Paris; Gallagher and Other Stories; Kings Jackal, The; Rulers of the Mediteranean, The; Soldiers of Fortune; Three Gringoes in Venezuela and Central America; West, From a Car Window, The. Davis, VaYina Anne Jefferson—Romance of Summer Seas, A; Veiled Doctor, The... Days of Auld Lang Syne.....Ian Maclaren Days of Bruce... .Grace Aguilar Days Work, The.*.Kipling Dead Man’s Rock.Quiller-Couch Dead Men Tell No Tales...E. W. Hornung Dead Secret...W. Collins Dead Selves.....Julia Magruder * Dear Irish Girl.Katherine Tynan Deborah..James Ludlow Deemster, The... .Hall Caine Deer Slayer, The...J. F. Cooper Deland, Margaret—Philip and His Wife; Wisdom of Fools. Delectable Duchy...Quiller-Couch Deluge, The, 2 vols.Henryk Sienkiewicz Desert Drama, The.Conan Doyle Destroyer, The.Benjamin Swift Devil’s Pool, The.George Sand Devereux....E. L. Bulwer Diana Victrix.Florence Converse Diary of a Pilgrimage.Jerome K. Jerome Dickinson, Anna E.—Ragged Register; - What Answer. Dickens, Charles—Barnaby Rudge, Hard Times, &c, 2 copies; Christmas Books and Sketches, 2 copies; David Copperfield, 2 copies; Dombey and Son, 2 copies; Great Expectations, and Miscellanies, 2 copies; Little Dorritt, 2 copies; Martin Cliuzzle- wit, 2 copies; Mystery of Edwin Drood, 2 copies; Nicholas Nickleby, 2 copies; Old Curiosity Shop, 2 copies; Old Lamps for New Ones; Oliver Twist, 2 copies; Our Mutual Friend, 2 copies; Pickwick Papers, 2 copies; Tale of Two Cities, 2 copies; Uncommercial Traveler, 2 copies....:. Dionysius the Weaver’s Heart’s Dearest... Blanche Willis Howard Disowned, The."..Bulwer Disaster, The.Paul and Victor Marguerite Dix, Beulah Maria—Hugh Gweyth, A Round Head Cavalier; Soldier Rigdale. Dr. Breen’s Practice..W. D. Howells Doctor Claudius.F. M. Crawford Doctor Johns.Donald G. Mitchell Doctor Sevier.Geo. W. Cable Doctor Warrick’s Daughters.Rebecca H. Davis Dombey and Son.Dickens Donald Marcy.E. S. Phelps Don Orsino, 2 copies..F. M. Crawford Don Quixote..Cervantes Doreen...Edna Lyell Dorothy, and Other Italian Stories..C. F. Woolson Dorothy Vernon of HaddonHall...Charles Major Double Thread, A.,.E. T. Fowler Dove in the Eagle’s Nest, The.C. M. Yonge Doyle, A. Conan—Desert Drama, A; Duet, A; Exploits of Brigadier Gerard; Micah Clarke; Refugees, The: Round the Red Lamp; Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of; Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of: Stark Munroe Letters; Uncle Bernac. Dread and Fear of Kings.J. B. Ellis Dream of Empire, A.William H. Venable Dreamers, The.John Kendrick Bangs Dream Life.Donald G. Mitchell Dreams...Olive Schreiner D'ri and I, 1812....Irving Bachellor Drone’s Honey.Sophie May Drones Must Die, The.Max Nordau Drysdale, William—Cadet Standish of the St. Louis; Treasury Club, The; Young Consul, The. Duenna c*f a Genius, The.M. E. Francis Duet, A.A. Conan Doyle Duffles.Edward Eggleston Dumb Fox Glove.Annie T. Slosson Dumas, • Alexander—Count of Monte Cristo; Three Musketeers; Twenty Years After; Vicomte De Brageloune, 2 vols. DuMaurier—Martian, The; Trilby. Dynevor Terrace.C. M. Yonge Earth Trembled, The.E. P. Roe East Angels..C. F. Woolson Eben Holden, A Tale of the North Country.Irving Bachellor Ebers, George—An Egyptian Princess, 2 vols.; Burgomasters Wife, The; Emperor,The, 2 vols.; Fire of the Forge, 2 vols.; Homo Sum; Lorenz, Alma Tadema; Question, A; Serapis; Sisters, The; Thorny Path, A, 2 vols.; Uarda, 2 vols.; Word, Only a Word, A. Edith, or the Golden House.Charles Dudley Warner Eggleston, Edward—Beginnings of a Nation; Duffles; End of the World; Faith Doctor, The; Graysons, The; Hoosier School Boy; Montezuma; Mystery of Metropolisville; Pocahontas; Schoolmasters Stories; Tecumseh. Elective infinities, Sorrows of Werther, Travels in Italy, &c, ..Goethe Eliot, George—Adam Bede; Daniel Deronda, 2 vols.; Essays, Leaves From a Note Book; Felix Holt; Middlemarch, 2 vols.; Mill on the Floss, The; Poems; Romolo; Scenes From the Clerical Life of Silas Marner; Theophrastus Such. Elizabeth and Her German Garden.Anon Elsie Venner.O. W. Holmes •Emperor, The, 2 vols.Ebers End of An Era.John S. Wise End of the World...Eggleston English Note Book.Hawthorne Enoch, The Philistine.Leroy Hooker Equality.Edward Bellamy Eternal City, The.Hall Caine Ernest Maltravers.Bulwer Eugene Aram. “ Expatriates, The.Lilian Bell Experiences of a Barrister, &c.Samuel C. Warren Exploits of Brigadier Gerard.A. Conan Doyle Express Messenger, and Stories of the Rail.Cy Warman Eye of Istar, The./.Wm. LeDuex Ezekiel’s Sin.J. H. Pearce Fair Maid of Perth.Scott Faith Doctor, The.Edward Eggleston Faith Gartney’s Girlhood.A. D. T. Whitney Fair God, The.Lew Wallace Fanshawe, Dolliver, Romance, &c.Hawthorne Far From the Madding Crowd.Thomas Ha rdy Far in the Forest....S. W. Mitchell Faringdons, The...E. T. Fowler Fearful Responsability, A.W. D. Howells Federal Judge, The.Charles K. Lush Felix Holt..George Eliot Fellowe and His Wife, A.Blanche Willis Howard Fight With Fate, A.Mrs. Alexander Firebrand, The.S. R. Crockett First Christmas Tree, The.Henry Van Dyke First Families of the Sierras.Joaquin Miller First Violin...Jesse Fothergili Flint, His Faults, Friendships and Fortunes.M. D. Goodwin Flotsam.H. S. Merriman Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces, 2 vols.Richter Flute and Violin, and Other Kentucky Tales.James Lane Allen Foes in Ambush..Captain King Fools Errand, A.A. W. Tourgee Ford, Paul Leicester—Honorable Peter Stirling, The; Janice Mere¬ dith; Story of An Untold Love, The; True George Washing¬ ton , The. For Cross or Crescent, Days of Richard the Lion Hearted.... .Gordon Stables Foregone Conclusion, A.Howells Forest Lovers, The.Maurice Hewlitt For Faith and Freedom.Besant For Love of Country.S. T. Brady Fortunes of Nigel.Scott 38 . For the White Rose of Arno.Owen Roscommon Foul Play...Charles Reade Fountain Sealed, A.Besant Four Leaved Clover..Maxwell Gray Fourth Generation, The.Besant Fowler, Ellen Thornycroft—A Double Thread; The Faringdons. Francois the Waif.George Sand Frederick, Harold—Damnation of Theron Ware; The Market Place. Friendship and Folly.M. L. Pool From a Girl’s Point of View.Lilian Bell From Kingdom to Colony.Mary D. Reux From One Generation to Another.H. S. Merriman Fuller, Henry B.—Clift' Dwellers; The Last Refuge. Gabriel Conroy.Bret Harte Gallagher, and Other Stories.R. H. Davis Galloway Herd, A.S. R. Crockett Garden of Eden, The.Blanchhe Willis Howard Garrison Tangle, A.Captain King- Garland, Hamlin—Boy Life on the Prairie; Captain of the Gray Horse Troop; Rose of Dutcher’s Cooly; Wayside Courtships. Gateless Barrier, The.Lucas Malet Gates Between, The.E. S. Phelps Gayworthy’s, The.A. D. T. Whitney Geber, A Tale of the Reign of Haroun the Calif_Kate A. Benton General’s Double, The.Captain King General Manager’s Story, The.H. E. Hamblin Gentleman From Indiana, A.Booth Tarkington Gentleman of France, Memoirs of.Stanley J. Weyman Genuine Girl, A.Jeanie Gould Lincoln Geoffrey Hamlyn, 2 vols.Henry Kingsley Gerald, Mrs.M. L. Pool Ghosts I Have Met.John K. Bangs Girl at Cobhurst, The.F. R. Stockton Girl and the Guardsman, The.Alexander Black Girls of a Feather.Amelia E. Barr Gissing, George—Charles Dickens, A Critical Study; Town Traveller, The. Godolphin.Bulwer Gold.Annie Linden Golden Gossip, A.A. D. T. Whitney Golden Sorrow, A.M. L. Pool Golden Crocodile, The.F. Mortimer Trimmer Golden Galleon, The.Robert Leighton Goldsmith’s Daughter, The.Anon Goldsmith, Oliver—Poems; Vicar of Wakefield, 2 copies. 39 . ■Good Americans...Mrs. Burton Harrison Good Stories...Charles Reade Goodbye Sweetheart..Rhoda Broughton Gould, S. Baring—Bladys of the Stewpone} r ; Broom Squire, The; Curious Myths of the Middle Ages; History of Germany; Perpetua, A Tale of Nimes in A. D. 213. Governor’s Garden, The.Geo. R. R. Rivers Grace O’Malley, Princess and Pirate.Robert Machray Grandissemes, The.Geo. W. Cable Grant, Robert—Art of Living; Bachelor’s Christmas; Opinions of a Philosopher; Reflections of a Married Man; Search Light Letters; Unleavened Bread. Gras, Felix—The Terror; The White Terror. Gray House of the Quarries.Mary Harriet Norris Gray Man, The.S. R. Crockett Gray, Maxwell—Four Leaved Clover; House of Hidden Treasure; Ribstone Pippins. Graysons, The.Edward Eggleston Greater Glory, The.Maarten Maartens Great Expectations.Dickens Great Love, A...Clara Louise Burnham Great Match, A...No Name Series Green, Anna Katherine—Doctor, His Wife, and the Clock, The; Miss Hurd, An Enigma. Greifenstein.F. M. Crawford Grenadier, The, Story of the Empire...James E. Farmer Griffith Gaunt, or Jealousy.Charles Reade Grip of Honor. S. T. Brady Ground Arms.Von Sutner Guardian Angel.O. W. Holmes Guenn.Edna Lyell Guy Mannering, 2 copies.Scott Habberton—Barton Experiment, The; Brief Hours; Jericho Road.. Haggard, H. Rider—Heart of the World; Joan Haste; Lysbeth; The Wizard. Hamblen, Herbert Elliott—General Manager’s Story; On Many Seas... Hannah.Mulock Handsome Humes.Wm. Black Hard Cash.Charles Reade Hardy Norseman, A.Edna Lyell Hardy, Thomas—Far From the Madding Crowd; Mayor of Caster- bridge, The; Pair of Blue Eyes, A; Well Beloved, The. Harold...Bulwer Harrison, Mrs. Burton—An Errant Wooing; Bachelor Maid, A; Good Americans. 40 . Harte, Bret—Clarence; Condensed Novels, 2 copies: Gabriel Conroy; Luck of Roaring Camp, &c; Mrs. Skaggs’ Husbands; Poems, Dramatic; Stories in Light and Shadow; Tales of the Argo- nauts, 2 copies; Three Partners. Hassan, A Fellah, Romance of Palestine.Henry Gilman Haworth’s.Mrs. F. H. Burnett Hawthorne, Nathaniel—American Notebook; English Notebook; Fansliawe, Dolliver, Romance, &c; French and Italian Note¬ books; House of Seven Gables, Snow Image; Marble Faun, The; Mosses From an Old Manse; Scarlet Letter, The; Septi- mius Felton; Tanglewood Tales; Tanglewood Tales and Bio¬ graphical Stories; True Stories; Twice Told Tales; Wonder Book and Grandfather’s Chair; Wonder Book for Boys and Girls... Hazard of New Fortunes, A, 2 vols.Howells Head of the Family, The.Mulock Head of the Family, The.Daudet Headsman, The.J. F. Cooper Heartsease, or the Brother’s Wife.C. M. Yonge Hearts’ Highway, The.Mary E. Wilkins Heart of Midlothian, The.Scott Heart of Toil, The.Octave Thanet Heart of Princess Osra, The.Anthony Hope Heart of the World, The.H. R. Haggard Heather and Snow.„.George Macdonald He Fell in Love With His Wife...E. P. Roe Heidenmauer. J. F. Cooper Heir of Redclylfe, The..C. M. Yonge Helbeck of Bannisdale, 2 vols.Mrs. Humphrey Ward Helpers, The.Francis Lynde Henry Bourland, The Passing of the Cavalier.A. E. Hancock Henry Esmond.W. M. Thackery Henry the Eighth. .Muhlbach Henry Worthington, Idealist.Margaret Sherwood Hepsworth Millions, The.Christian Lys Herald of the West.J. A. Altsheler Hereward.Charies Kingsley Her Lovers.Sue H. Clagget Her Memory.Maarten Maartens Hero, A, &c.Mulock Hero in Homespun, A.Wm. E. Barton Hide and Seek.Wilkie Collins Highland Cousins.Wm. Black His Father’s Son. Brander Matthews His Grace of Osmonde,.F. H. Burnette 41 . His Little Mother, &c.Mulock His Somber Rivals.E. P. Roe History of a Crime, The...Victor Hugo History of Pendennis.Wm. M. Thackery History of the Lady Betty Stair.Mollie Elliott Seawell Hitherto. ....A. D. T. Whitney Hohenzollern.S. T. Brady Holland, J. G.—Essays—Lessons in Life; Pleasant Talks; Fiction— Bay Path; Miss Gilbert’s Career; Seven Oaks; Poetry— Bittersweet; Kathrina; Mistress of the Manse. Holy War...John Bunyan Holmes, Mary J.—Cameron Pride; Meadow Brook; Tempest and Sunshine; Tracy Diamonds. Holmes, Oliver Wendell—Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Elsie Venner; Guardian Angel, The; Over the Teacups; Poems, Complete; Poet at the Breakfast Table, The; Professor at the Breakfast Table, The. Home as Found.J. F. Cooper Home Influence.Grace Aguilar Home Scenes. “ Homespun Yarns. ..A. D. T. Whitney Homo Sum.George Ebers Homeward Bound.J. F. Cooper Honorable Peter Stirling, The.P. L. Ford Hope, Anthony—Comedies of Courtship; Chronicles of Count An¬ tonio; Heart of Princess Osra, The; Kings Mirror, The; Prisoner of Zenda, The; Rupert of Hentzau; Simon Dale; Tristram of Blent.,. Hopes and Fears. C. M. Yonge Hope the Hermit...Edna Lyell Horace Chase.C. T. Wool son Horseshoe Robinson.J. P. Kennedy Hornung, E. W.—Bride From the Bush, A; Dead Men Tell no Tales; My Lord Duke; Some Persons Unknown. Hosts of the Lord.Mrs. F. A. Steel Household of Bouverie.Anon House in Bloomsbury.Mrs. Oliphant House of Egremont, The..Mollie Elliott Seawell House of Hidden Treasure..Maxwell Gray House of Seven Gables.Hawthorne House of the Wizard.M. Imlay Taylor House of the Wolf..Stanley J. Weyman Howard, Blanche Willis—Aulnay Tower; Dionysius, the Weaver’s Heart’s Dearest; Fellowe and His Wife, A; Garden of Eden, The; Guenn; No Heroes; Open Door, The; Seven on the Highway. 42 . Howells, W. D.—Annie Kilburn; An Open Eyed Conspiracy: April Hopes; Boy’s Town, A; Chance Acquaintance, A; Coast of Bohemia, 2 copies; Dr. Breen’s Practice; Fearful Responsi¬ bility, A; Foregone Conclusion, A; Hazard of New Fortunes, A, 2 vols; Indian Summer; Italian Journeys; Lady of the Aroostook, The; Landlord at Lionshead, The; Minister’s Charge, The; Modern Instance, A; Quality of Mercy, The; Rise of Silas Lapham, The: Shadow of a Dream, A; Story of a Play, The; Their Silver Wedding Journey; Their Wedding Journey; Traveler From Altruria, A; Undiscovered Country; Venetian Life; World of Chance. Huckleberry Finn.Mark Twain Hugh Gwyeth.Beulah Marie Dix Hugh Wynne, The Free Quaker, 2 vols.S. W. Mitchell Hugo, Victor—Vol. 1, Notre Dame; Vol. 2, Les Miserables, 2 copies; Vol. 3, Toilers of the Sea; Vol. 4, By Order of the King; Vol. 5, Ninety Three, 2 copies; Vol. 6, History of a Crime. Hungarian Exiles.Benjamin Cowell Hungarian Nabob, The.Maurice Jokai Hypatia.Charles Kingsley I Am the King..Sheppard Stevens Idiot, The.J. K. Bangs Idle Thoughts of An Idle Fellow.J. K. Jerome Impudent Comedian and Others.F. Frankfort Moore In a Dike Shanty.M. L. Pool In Buff and Blue.•..Geo. B. Rodney In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim.F. H. Burnett Indian Summer...W. D. Howells In Hampton Roads.Bangs and Cooke In Kedar’s Tent.H. S. Merriman In King’s Houses.Julia C. R. Dorr Initial s, The..Baroness Tautpheous In Old Virginia.Thomas Nelson Page Instinct of Stepfatherhood, The.Lilian Bell In the Cage.Henry James In the Camargue.Emily Bowles In the First Person.M. L. Pool In the Midst of Alarms.Robert Barr In the Palace of the King.F. M. Crawford In the Permanent Wav.Mrs. F. A. Steel In the Saragossa Sea.Thomas A. Janvier In the Shadow of the Pyramids.Richard H. Savage In the Tideway.Mrs. F. A. Steele Into an Unknown World...John Strange Winters Intruders, The.L. B. Walford 43 . In War Time.S. Weir Mitchell Irving-, Washington—Biography and History—Columbus, Life and Voyages, 3 vols.; Conquest of Grenada; History of New York; Mohammet and His Successors, 2 vols.; Oliver Goldsmith; Washington, Life of, 5 vols.; Fiction—Alhambra; Astoria; Bonneville’s Adventures; Bracebridge Hall; Crayon Miscel¬ lanies; Sketch Book; Tales of a Traveler.. Island, The.Richard Whiting Isle of Unrest, The.H. S. Merriman Is That All.Anon It is Never Too Late to Mend.Charles Reade Ivanhoe.Scott Ivar, the Viking, 2 copies.Du Chaillu Jack Tier.J. F. Cooper Jamisons, The.Mary E. Wilkins James, Henry—In the Cage; Little Tour in France; Spoils of Poyn- ton; What Maisie Knew. Jane Eyre, 2 copies.Charlotte Bronte Jane Field.Mary E. Wilkins Janice Meredith.P. L. Ford Jealousies of a Country Town.Balzac Jerome, a Poor Man.Mary E. Wilkins Jerome, Jerome K.—Diary of a Pilgrimage; Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; Novel Notes; Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow; Stageland; Three Men in a Boat; Told After Supper. Jericho Road.Anon Jerry.Sarah B. Elliott Jessamy Bride, A.F. Frankfort Moore Jewett, Sarah Orne—Country of the Pointed Firs, The; Tale of New England; The Queen’s Twin, and Other Tales. Joan Haste.H. R. Haggard John Eax, and Mamelon. Anon John Forsythe’s Aunts.Eliza O. White John Gilbert, Yoeman.R. G. Soans John Godfrey’s Fortunes.... .Bayard Taylor John Halifax.Mulock John March, Southerner.Geo. W. Cable John Marmaduke, A Romance.Samuel Hardin Church Johnson, William Henry—King’s Henchman, A Chronicle of 16th Century; King or Knave, An Old Tale of Huguenot Days. Johnston, Mary—Audrey; Prisoners of Hope; To Have and to Hold. Jokai, Maurice—Hungarian Nabob, A; Lion of Janina, The; Name¬ less Castle, The; Poor Plutocrats. Joseph the Second.Muhlbach Journey in Other Worlds, A.John Jacob Astor 44 . Kalistratus.A. H. Giikes Kate Carnegie.Ian Maclaren Katherine Lauderdale, 2 vols.F. M. Crawford Kenelm Chillingley.E. L. Bulwer Kenilworth.Scott Kentucky Cardinal.James Lane Allen Kentucky Colonel, A.Opie Read Ker, David—O’er Tartar Deserts; Wizard King, The. Khaled, A Tale of Arabia...F. M. Crawford Kidnapped..R. L. Stevenson King Arthur.Mulock King, Captain Charles—An Army Wife; Between the Lines; Cadet Days; Colonel’s Christmas Dinner, The; Colonel’s Daughter, The; Foes in Ambush; Garrison Tangle, A; General’s Double, The; Kitty’s Conquest; Marion’s Faith; Ray’s Daughter; Sol¬ dier’s Secret, A; Starlight Ranch, 2 copies; Sunset Pass; Trooper Ross; Wartime Wooing.. King or Knave... ..Wm. Henry Johnson Kings in Exile.Daudet King’s Henchman.Wm. H. Johnson King’s Highway, The.Amelia E. Barr King’s Jackal.Richard H. Davis Kingsley, Charles—Alton Locke; Hereward; Hypatia; Two Years Ago; Westward Ho; Yeast, A Problem. Kingsley, Henry—Austin Elliott; Geoffrey Hamlyn, 2 vols.; Raven- slioe, 2 vols.. King’s Messenger, The..Suzanne Antrobus King’s Mirror, The.Anthony Hope King of the Town.Ellen Mackubin King’s Rivals, The.E. N. Barrow Kinship of Souls, The.Reuen Thomas Kipling, Rudyard—Captain’s Courageous; Days Work, A: Jungle Book; Many Inventions; Second Jungle Book; Ballads, Ballads and Barrack-room Ballads; Seven Seas, The. Kit, and Kitty, 2 copies.R. D. Blackmore Kitty’s Conquest.Captain King Knights of the Cross, 2 vols.Heinrvk Seinkiewicz Knight Errant, A.Edna Lyell Knight of the 19th Century, A.E. P. Roe Kronstadt.Max Pemberton Ladder of Fortune, The.Francis C. Baylor Lady of Aroostook, The.Howells Lady of Ft. St. John.M. H. Catherwood Lady Hester.C. M. Yonge Lady of Lynn, The.Besant Lady of Quality, A.F. H. Burnett Lakeville.Miss Healey Landlord at Lionshead, The.Howells Land of the Sun, The.Christian Reid Last Days of Pompeii.Bulwer Last of the Barons, The.< Bulwer Last Three Soldiers, The.Wm. Henry Shelton Last of the Mohicans.J. F. Cooper Last Refuge, The.H. B. Fuller La timers, The, A Tale of the Western Insurrection, 1794. .H. C. McCook Latitude 19 c .Mrs. S. Crowriinshield Launching- of a Man, The.Stanley Waterloo Law and the Lady, The.Wilkie Collins Lazarre.Mary H. Catherwood Leddy Marget.L. B. Walford Leg-acy, A...Mulock Leila Calderon and Pilgrims of the Rhine, &c.Bulwer Leslie Goldthwaite.A. D. T. Whitney Les Miserables, 2 copies.Victor Hugo Let Us Follow Him.Heinryk Seinkiewicz Life in Danbury.James N. Bailey Light of Scarthey.Egerton Castle Lilac Sunbonnet.S. R. Crockett Lilith...George Macdonald Little Classics—Intellect; Exile. Little Dorritt.Dickens Little Journey in the World, A.C. D. Warner Little Minister, The..J. M. Barrie Little Regiment, The.-.Stephen Crane Little Sister to the Wilderness.Lilian Bell Little Book of Profitable Tales.Eugene Field Lincoln, Jeanie Gould—An Unwilling Maid; Genuine Girl, A; Pretty Tory, A. Lin McLean.Owen Wister Lionel Lincoln.J. F. Cooper Lion of Janina, The.Maurice Jokai Lion’s Whelp, The.Amelia E. Barr Longfellow’s Prose Works, 2 vols.H. W. Longfellow Looking Backward, 2,000 to 1887.Edward Bellamy Lord of Lowedale, The.R. D. Chetwoode Lords of the World, Fall of Carthage and Corinth.. .Alfred Church Lorley and Reinhard.Auerbach Lost Canyon of theToltecs, Central America.. Chas. Sumner Seeley 46 . Lorna Doone.R. D. Blackmore Lourdes, 2 vols.Emile Zola Louisa of Prussia.Muhlbach Lovable Crank, A.Barbara Yechton Love Affair of a Bibliomaniac.Eugene Field Love in a Cloud.Arlo Bates Love in Friendship.Translated by H. P. Du Bois Love in Idleness.F. M. Crawford Love Me Little, Love Me Long.Charles Reade Love in Old Clothes.H. C. Bunner Love and Life.C. M. Yonge Loves of the Lady Arabella.Mollie Elliott Seawell Lovers Revolt, A.J. W. De Forrest Lover of Truth, A.Eliza O. White Ludlow, James—Captain of the Janizaries; Deborah. Luck of Roaring Camp.Bret Hart Lucretia.Bulwer Lyell, Edna—Doreen: Guenn; Hardy Norseman, A; Hope the Hermit; Knight Errant, A; Peculiar; To Right the Wrong; Wayfaring Men; We Two. Lying Prophets.Eden Philpotts Lysbeth, Romance of Holland.H. R. Haggard Maartens, Maarten—Greater Glory, The; Her Memory; My Lady Nobody. Macaria.Augusta Evans Wilson Macdonald, George—Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood; David Elginbrod; Heather and Snow; Lilith; Malcolm; Marquis of Lossie; Mary Marston; Portent, The; Salted With Fire; Sea¬ board Parish; Sir Gibbie; Thomas Wingfold, Curate; Vicar’s Daughter, The. Maclaren, Ian—Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush; Days of Auld Lang Syne; Kate Carnegie. Macleod of Dare.Wm. Black Madame Delphine.Geo. W. Cable Madelon.Mary E. Wilkins Maids, Wives and Bachelors.Amelia E. Barr Magruder, Julia—Dead Selves; Princess Sonia, The; Violet, The.. Magnum Bonum.C. M. Yonge Major, Charles—Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall: When Knight¬ hood Was in Flower. Maker of Moons.Robert W. Chambers Malcolm. .George Macdonald Malet, Lucas—Gateless Barrier: Wages of Sin. Man and a Woman, A.Stanley Waterloo Man at Arms, The.Clinton Scollard 47 . Man and Wife.Wilkie Collins Man From Glengarry.Ralph Connor Man Who Wins, The.Robert Herrick Manxman, The..Hall Caine Marjorie Daw and Other People.T. B. Aldrich Margaret Thorpe’s Trial.Lucy C. Lillie Marietta, A Maid of Venice.F. M. Crawford Marion Darche.. .F. M. Crawford Marion’s Faith.Captain King Market Place, The.H. Frederick Mark Twain, (Samuel L. Clemens)—Adventures of Huckelberry Finn: American Claimant, The: Following the Equator: Inno¬ cents Abroad: Life on the Mississippi, 2 copies: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc: Prince and the Pauper, The: Puddenhead Wilson: Roughing It: Tom Sawyer Abroad: Tramp Abroad, A: Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. Marquis of Lossie.George Macdonald Martian, The.Du Maurier Marie Antoinette, and Her Son.Muhlbach Mary Paget. Minna Smith Martin Chuzzlewit.Dickens Mary Marston.George Macdonald Marzio’s Crucifix.F. M. Crawford Master, The.I. Zangwill Master Beggars.L. C. Cornford Master Christian, The.Marie Corelli Master Craftsman, The. Besant Master of Ballantrae. R. L. Stevenson Master Skylark, Story of Shakespere’s Time.J. Burnett Master of the Magicians.... .E. S. Phelps Maternity of Harriet Wicken, The.Mrs. H. Dudeney Matthews, Brander—His Father’s Son: Outlines in Local Color: Tom Paulding, 2 copies: Essays—Parts of Speech.* Mayflower, The.Mrs. H. B. Stowe Mayor of Casterbridge, The.Thomas Hardy McLouglilin, and Old Oregon.Eva Emory Dye Meadowbrook.Mary J. Holmes Meloon Farm, The.M. L. Pool Memory Street.Martha B. Dunn Memoirs of a Minister of France.Stanley J. Weyman Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes.Conan Doyle Mercedes of Castile.J. F. Cooper Merchant of Berlin.Muhlbach Mercy Philbrick’s Choice.Anon Merriman, Henry Seton—Flotsam: From One Generation to An- 48 . other: In Kedar's Tents: Isle of Unrest: Sowers, The: Velvet Glove, The: With Edged Tools: Young Mistley. Metropolitans, The.Jeanie Drake Micah Clarke.A. Conan Doyle Middlemarcli, 2 vols.*.George Eliot Miles Wallingford.J. F. Cooper Mill on the Floss.George Eliot Minister’s Charge, The.Howells Minister’s Wooing. The.Mrs. H. B. Stowe Miss Archer Archer.Clara Louise Burnham Miss Bunkley’s Book, Escaped Novice.Josephine Bunkley Miss Gilbert’s Career.J. G. Holland Miss Hurd, An Enigma.Anna K. Green Miss Lou.E. P. Roe Miss Pritchard's Wedding Trip.C. L. Burnham Miss Tommy.Muloch Missionary Sheriff, The.Octave Thanet Mistress Joy, A Tale of Natchez, 1798.Cooke and McKinney Mistress Judith...Tytler Mistress and Maid...Muloch Mistress of the Ranch.F. T. Clark Mitchell, Donald G.—Bound Together: Dream Life: Dr. Johns: My Farm at Edgewood, 2 copies: Out of Town Places: Reveries of a Bachelor: Seven Stories, 2 copies: Wet Days at Edgewood: History—American Lands and Letters, 2 vols.: Mayflower to Rip Van Winkle: Leather Stocking to Poe’s Raven: English Lands, Letters and Kings, 4 vols.: From Celt to Tudor: From Elizabeth to Anne: Queen Anne and the Georges: The Later Georges to Victoria. Mitchell, S. Weir—Adventures of Francois: Characteristics: Cir¬ cumstances: Far in the Forest: Hugh Wynne, 2 vols.: In War Time: Poems: Roland Blake: When all the Woods are Green. Modern Classics, containing “The Man Without a Country”. Modern Daughters.Alexander Black Modern Instance, A.Howells Modern Marriage Market.Marie Corelli Modern Mephistopheles...Anon Mohammed Ali.Muhlbach Monastery, The.Sir Walter Scott Monnikins, The.J. F. Cooper Monk and Knight, Historical Study, 2 vols.F. W. Gunsaulus Monsieur Beaucaire.Booth Tarkington Monte Cristo, Count of.Dumas Moonstone, The.W. Collins Moore, F. Frakfort—Impudent Comedian and Others: Jessamy Bride, A.. 49 . Mosses from an Old Manse ...Hawthorne Mormon Prophet, The.Lily Dougal Mother Goose for Grown Folks.A. D. T. Whitney Mother’s Recompense.Grace Aguilar Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War.F. R. Dunne Mr. Isaacs.F. M. Crawford Mrs. Gerald.M. L. Pool Mrs. Jardine.Mulock Mrs. Keith’s Crime.Mrs. W. K. Clifford Mrs. Keats Bradford..M. L. Pool Mrs. Merriam’s Scholars.E. E. Hale Mrs. Skaggs’ Husbands.Bret Harte Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch.Alice Caldwell Hegan Muhlbach, L.—Andreas Hofer, Prince Eugene and Old Fritz: Frederick, His Court and His Family, Berlin and Sans Souci: Henry the Eighth, Mohammed Ali, Merchant of Berlin: Joseph the Second, Queen Hortense, Goethe and Schiller: Marie Antoinette and Her Son: Napoleon and Queen of Prussia, Louisa of Prussia, and Napoleon and Blucher. Mulock, Dinah M.—About Money and Other Things: Agatha’s Husband: An Unknown Country: Brave Lady, A, 2 copies: Christian’s Mistake: Fairy Tales: Hannah: Head of the Fam¬ ily, The: Hero, A: His Little Mother: John Halifax: King Arthur: Legacy, A, &c: Miss Tommy, &c: Mistress and Maid: Mrs. Jardine: My Mother and I: Noble Life, A: Ogilvies, The: Olive: Sermons Out of Church: Studies From Life: Two Marriages: Unkind Word, &c: Woman’s Thoughts About Women, A. Mutable Many.Robert Barr My Farm at Edgewood.D. G. Mitchell My Lady Nobody.Maartens My Lady Rotha.S. J. Weyman My Lord Duke.E. W. Hornung My Miscellanies.W. Collins My Mother and I.Mulock My Novel, 2 vols.Bulwer Mystery of Edwin Drood, 2 copies.Dickens Mystery of Choice.R. W. Chambers Mystery of Metropolisville.Edward Eggleston My Wife and I.Mrs. H. B. Stowe My Young Alcides.C. M. Yonge Nabob, The, 2 vols.Alphonse Daudet Nameless Castle, The.Maurice Jokai Name to Conjure With, A.John Strange Winters Nancy.Rhoda Broughton 50 . Naomi, or the Last Da vs of Jerusa lem.Mrs. J. B. Webb Napoleon and Queen of Prussia.Muhlbach Nature’s Serial Story, 2 copies.E. P. Roe Near to Nature’s Heart.E. P. Roe Ned Myers.J. F. Cooper Neighbor Jackwood.J. T. Trowbridge Newcomes, The, 2 copies.W. M. Thackery New England Nun, and Other Stories.M. E. Wilkins New Magdalen. W. Collins Night and Morning.Bulwer Nicholas Nickelby.Dickens Ninety Three, 2 cox>ies.Victor Hugo Noble Life, A.Mulock No. 5 John Street.John S. Whiting No Name. Wilkie Collins No Name Series—Great Match; Is That All; Mercy Pliilbrick’s Choice; Modern Mephistopheles. Norway Summer, A...Laura D. Nichols Norwood.H. W. Beecher Notre Dame.Victor Hugo Noughts and Crosses.L. Quiller-Couch Novel Notes.Jerome K. Jerome No Heroes.Blanche Willis Howard Oak Openings.J. F. Cooper Occupations of a Retired Life.Edward Garrett Oddities in Southern Life and Character.H. Watterson Odd or Even.A. D. T. Whitney O’er Tartar Deserts.David Ker Off the Skelligs.Jean Ingelow Ogilvies, The.Mulock Old Chelsea Bun Shop.Anon Old Creole Days.Geo. W. Cable Old Curiosity Shop.Dickens Old Curiosity Shop and Sketches.Dickens Old Kaskaskia.M. H. Catherwood Old Lamps for New Ones.Dickens Old Mortality, 2 copies.Sir W. Scott Old Town Folks.Mrs. H. B. Stowe Oliphant, Mrs.—Chronicles of Carlingford; House in Bloomsbury; Jeanne D’Arc; Makers of Florence, 4 vols.; Makers of Venice; Perpetual Curate; Unknown Country, An... Olive ..Mulock Oliver Twist, 2 copies.Dickens One Man Who Was Content.Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensalear On New Found River.Thomas Nelson Page 51 . On the Face of the Waters.Mrs. F. A. Steele On the Heighths, 2 vols., 2 copies.Auerbach On the Red Staircase.M. Imlary Taylor Open Boat, The...Stephen Crane Open Door, The.Blanche W. Howard Opening a Chestnut Bur, 2 copies.E. P. Roe Open Mystery, The.A. D. T. Whitney Opinions of a Philosopher...Robert Grant Orange Girl, The.Besant Original Belle, An.E. P. Roe Other Girls, The.A. D. T. Whitney Otto the Knight.Octave Thanet Our Parish.Anon Our Mutual Friend, 2 copies.Dickens Outlines in Local Color.Brander Matthews Out of Step.M. L. Pool Out of Town.Anon Out of Town Places..Donald G. Mitchell Page, Thomas Nelson—Burial of the Guns; In Old Virginia; Old South, The; On New Found River; Pastime Stories; Red Rock; Social Life in Old Virginia Before the War; Two Prisoners.. Pair of Blue Eyes, A.Thomas Hardy Pan Micheal.Heinryk Seinkiewicz Papa Bouchard.Molly E. Seawell Paris, 2 vols.Emile Zola Paris at Bay, Siege and Commune.Herbert Hayens Parisians, The.Bulwer Parker, Gilbert—An Adventurer of the North; Battle of the Strong; Pierre and His People; Romany of the Snows; Seats of the Mighty, 2 copies; The Right of Way; Trail of the Sword; Translation of a Savage; Trespasser, The. Pastels of Men.Paul Bourget Pastor Naudie’s Young Wife.Edward Rod Pastime Stories.T. Nelson Page Pathfinder, The.J. F. Cooper Patience Strong...Mrs. Whitney Paul Clifford.Bulwer Paul Patoff.F. M. Crawford Pearl of Orr’s Island.Mrs. H. B. Stowe Peculiar.Edna Lyall Pegg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, &c.Charles Reade Pelham.Bulwer Pemberton, Max—Christine of the Hills; Kronstadt; Phantom Army; Signors of the Night... Pembroke.Mary E. Wilkins 52 . Pendennis.Thackery People of Our Neighborhood.Thackery Perilous Secret, A......Charles Reade Perleycross.R. D. Blackmore Perpetua.S. Baring-Gould Perpetual Curate.Mrs. Oliphant Peter Carradene.Caroline Cheesbro Peveril of the Peak.Scott Phantom Army.Max Pemberton Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart—Chapters From a Life; Donald Marcy; Gates Between; Silent Partner; Master of the Magicians, (Phelps and Ward). Philip and His Wife.Margaret Deland Philip, Adventures of. Thackery Philip Nolan’s Friends.E. E. Hale Philip Winwood.S. N. Stephens Philpotts, Eden—Children of the Mist; Human Boy; Lying Prophets Phoenixiana.John Phoenix Pickwick Papers.Dickens Pierre and His People.Gilbert Parker Pietro Ghisleri.F. M. Crawford Pilgrims Progress.John Bunyan Pillars of the House, 2 vols.C. M. Yonge Pilot, The.J. F. Cooper Pioneers, The.J. F. Cooper Pilgrims of the Shrine.Ainslie Pirate, The, 2 copies. Scott Poe’s Tales.Edgar Allen Poe Poe, Edgar Allen—Poe’s Tales, 2 vols.; Poems. Poet at the Breakfast Table.O. W. Holmes Pogannuc People.Mrs. H. B. Stowe Potiphur Papers.George Wm. Curtis Pool, Maria Louise—Dally; Friendship and Folly; Golden Sorrow, A; In a Dike Shanty; In the First Person; Meloon Farm; Mrs. Gerald; Mrs. Keats Bradford; Out of Step; Roweny in Boston; Two Salomes.. Poor People.I. K. Friedman Poor Plutocrats.Maurice Jokai Poor Miss Finch.Wilkie Collins Portent, The.George Macdonald Porter, Jane—Scottish Chiefs; Thaddeus of Warsaw. Port of Missing Ships...John R. Spears Potentate, The.Frances Forbes Robertson Portion of Labor, The.Mary E. Wilkins Prairie, The.J. F. Cooper 53 . Precaution.J. P. Cooper Prelude and the Play, The.Rufus Mann Premier and the Painter, The..I. Zangwill Pretty Sister of Jose.Mrs. F. H. Burnett Pretty Tory, A.J. G. Lincoln Pride of Jennico.Egerton Castle Pride of the Mercers...C. C. DeLeon Primes and their Neighbors, The.Richard M. Johnstone Prince Eugene.Muhlbach Prince Fortunatus...Wm. Black Prince, Helen Choate—At the Sign of the Silver Crescent; Trans- Atlantic Chatelaine, A... Prince of the House of David.Rev. J. H. Ingraham Prince of India, 2 vols.Gen. Lew Wallace Prince Otto...R. L. Stevenson Princess Sonia.Julia Magruder Prisoners of Conscience.Amelia E. Barr Prisoners of Hope.Mary Johnston Prisoners of the Sea.Florence M. Kingsley Prisoner of Zenda.Anthony Hope Professor, The, 2 copies.Charlotte Bronte Professor at the Breakfast Table.O. W. Holmes Prudence Palfrey.T. B. Aldrich Prue and I.George Wm. Curtis Puddenhead Wilson.Mark Twain Puritans, The.Arlo Bates Put Yourself in His Place.Charles Reade Pursuit of the Houseboat.J. Kendrick Bangs Quaker Soldier.Anon Quality of Mercy, A.Howells Queen of Hearts..W. Collins Queen Hortense.*....Muhlbach Queen of Sheba..T. B. Aldrich Queen’s Twin, and Other Stories...S. Orne Jewett Quentin Durward, 2 copies. Scott Question, A.Geo. Ebers Quo Yadis.Seinkiewicz Ragged Register, A...Anna E. Dickinson Ralston’s, The, 2 vols..F. M. Crawford Ravenshoe, 2 vols...Henry Kingsley Raymond, Evelyn—Among the Lindens; Boys and Girls of Bran- tham; Daughter of the West... Ray’s Daughter.Captain King Reade, Charles—Cloister and the Hearth; Foul Play; Good Stories; Griffith Gaunt, or Jealousy; Hard Cash; It Is Never Too Lit 3 54 . to Mend, 2 copies; Love Me Little, Love Me Long; Peg Woffington, Christie Johnston, &c; Perilous Secret, A; Put Yourself In His Place, 2 copies; Simpleton and the Wander¬ ing Heir; Terrible Temptation, A; White Lies; Woman Hater. Real Folks..Mrs. Whitney Rebel Queen, The.Besant Red Axe.S. R. Crockett Red Badge of Courage..Stephen Crane Redemption of David Corson.Charles F. Goss Red Gauntlet.Scott Red Men and White.Owen Wister Red Pottage.Mary Cholmondelay Red Rock.T. Nelson Page Red Rover.J. F. Cooper Red Skins.J. F. Cooper Reflections of a Married Man.Robert Grant Refugees, The..A. Conan Doyle Reign of Law.James Lane Allen Rembrandt.Walter C. Larned Reveries of a Bachelor.Donald G. Mitchell Richard Carvel, 2 copies.Winston Churchill Ribstone Pippins.Maxwell Gray Ridge, W. Pett—By Order of the Magistrate; Son of the State, A... Rienzi.Bulwer Right of Way, The.Gilbert Parker Rise and Fall of the Mustache.Robert J. Burdette Rise of Silas Lapham, The. Howells Rivers, George R. R.—Captain Shays, A Populist of 1786; Count’s Snuff Box; Governor’s Garden, The. Robert Tourney.William Sage Robespierre.Sardou-Galdmar Rob Roy.Scott Rock of the Lion.Molly Elliott Seawell Roe, E. P.—A Knight of the Nineteenth Century; Barriers Burned Away; Earth Trembled, The; He Fell in Love With His Wife; His Somber Rivals; Miss Lou; Nature’s Serial Story, 2 copies; Near to Nature’s Heart; Opening a Chestnut Bur, 2 copies; Original Belle, An. Roland Blake.S. Weir Mitchell Romance of Dollard.. .•.M. H. Catherwood Romance of Gilbert Holmes. .M. Munroe Kirklou Romance of a Mummy..Theophile Gautier Romance of Seas, A.V. Anne J. Davis Romance of a Zion Chapel..Richard Le Gallien Roman Siiiger, A.,..F. M. Crawford Romany of the Snows.Gilbert Parker Rome.Emile Zola Romola. .George Eliot Rose of Ducher’s Cooly.Hamlin Garland Rose Island.W. Clark Russell Rose of Yesterday, A..F. M. Crawford Round the Red Lamp.A. Conan Doyle Roweny in Boston.M. L. Pool Russell, W. Clark—Nelson and Naval Supremacy of England, (Heroes of Nations); Rose Island; Sea Queen, A; Three Stranded Yarn; Two Captains. Salted With Fire.George Macdonald Sand, George—Devil’s Pool, The; Francois the Waif; Snow Man, The. Sant Ilario.F. M. Crawford Saragossa.B. P. Galdos Saracinesca.F. M. Crawford Satanstoe.J. F. Cooper Saved.M. E. Winslow Saxe Holmes’ Stories.Anon Scapegoat, The.Hall Caine Scarlet Letter, The.Hawthorne Scenes of Clerical Life of Silas Marner.George Eliot Schonberg-Cotta Family...Mrs. Charles Scourge of God, The.Blomdelle Barton Schreiner, Olive—Dreams; Story of An African Farm. Silence, and Other Stories.Mary E. Wilkens Scott, Sir Walter—Abbot, The, 2 copies; Anne of Geirstein, 2 copies; Antiquary, The, 2 copies; Black Dwarf, and Old Mortality, 2 copies; Bride of Lammermoor and Legend of Montrose, 2 copies; Castle Dangerous; Chronicles of the Cannongate, &c, 2 copies; Count Robert of Paris, 2 copies; Fair Maid of Perth, 2 copies; Fortunes of Nigel; Guy Manner- ning, 2 copies; Heart of Midlothian, 2 copies; Ivanlioe; Kenil¬ worth, 2 copies; Monastery, The; Peveril of the Peak; Pirate, The, 2 copies; Quentin Durward, 2 copies: Red Gauntlet, 2 copies; Rob Roy, 2 copies; St. Ronan’s Well; Tales of a Grandfather; The Betrothed, 2 copies; The Talisman, 2 copies; Waverly, 2 copies; Woodstock, 2 copies; Biography—Lives of Eminent Novelists, and Poetical Works. Scottish Chiefs, 2 copies.Jane Porter Seaboard Parish.George Macdonald Sea Queen, The..W. Clark Russell Sea Lions, The.J. F. Cooper Seats of the Mighty, 2 copies.Gilbert Parker 56 . Seawell, Molly Elliott—House of Egremont; Lady Betty Stair, His¬ tory of; Loves of the Lady Arabella; Papa Bouchard; Rock of the Lion, The; Sprightly Romance of Marsac; Strange, Sad Comedy, A; Biography—Decatur and Somers; Little Jarvis; Midshipman Paulding; Paul Jones; Twelve Naval Captains.. Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow.J. K. Jerome Secret Orchard, The.Egerton Castle Sentimental Tommy.J. M. Barrie Septimius Felton...Hawthorne Serapis.George Ebers Set of Rogues, A.Frank Barrett Sevenoaks.J. G. Holland Seven on the Highway...B. W. Howard Seven Stories.Donald G. Mitchell Shadow of a Dream, A.Howells Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of..A. Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of.A. Conan Doyle Ship of Stars.L. Quiller-Couch Ships That Pass In the Night.Beatrice Harraden Shirley, 2 vols....Charlotte Bronte Shortline War.Merwin Webster Shrewsbury.S. J. Weyman Sidonie.Alphonse Daudet Sienkiewicz, Heinryk—Deluge, The, 2 vols., Sequel to With Fire and Sword; Knights of the Cross, 2 vols.; Let Us Follow Him; Pan Micheal, A Sequel to The Deluge; Quo Vadis; Sie- lanka. Sielanka.Sienkiewicz Sights and Insights, 2 vols.A. D. T Whitney Seignors of the Night.Max Pemberton Sign of the Prophet, The.James B. Naylor Silent Partner, The.E. S. Phelps Silhouettes of American Life.Rebecca Harding Davis Silverado Squatters.R. L. Stevenson Simon Dale.Anthony Hope Simpleton, A, and the Wandering Heir.Charles Reade Sir Gibbie.George Macdonald Sir George Tressady, 2 vols.Mrs. Humphrey Ward Sir Jefferson Nobodv...Effie W. Merriman Sister to Evangeline.Charles D. D. Roberts Sisters, The.George Ebers Sketch Book, The.W. Irving Sky Pilot, The.Ralph Connor Slain by the Doones.R. D. Blackmore Smith, F. Hopkinson—Caleb West, Master Diver; Colonel Carter of 57 . Cartersville; Tom Grogan; Travel—A Day at Laguerres, and Other Days; A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some Others; Gon¬ dola Days. Snow Man, The.George Sand Snow On the Headlight.Cy Warman Soldier Rigdale.Beulah M. Dix Soldiers of Fortune.Richard Harding Davis Soldier’s Secret, A.Captain King Solitary Summer, A.Author of Elis and German Garden Some Persons Unknown.E. W. Hornung Son of Perdition.Wm. A. Hammond Son of Ingar, A.Katharine Pearson Son of Israel.Rachel Penn Son of the State...Wm. Pet Ridge Sons of Adversity.L. Cope Cornford Sons of Ham, Tale of the New South.Louis Pendleton Sowers, The.Henry S. Merriman Spanish John.Wm. McLennan Spanish Maid, A.L. Quiller-Couch Spirit of an Illinois Town.M. H. Catherwood Splendid Porsenna.Mrs. Hugh Fraser Splendid Spur, The.L. Quiller-Couch Spoils of Poynton.H. R. James Springhaven. R. D. Blackmore Sprightly Romance of Marsac.Molly Elliott Seawell Spy, The.J. F. Cooper Square Pegs.A. D. T. Whitney Stables, Gordon—For Cross or Crescent; Twixt Day Dawn and Light. Stage Land... J. K. Jerome Standard Bearer, The.S. R. Crockett Standard, The.E. P. Dole Stark-Munroe Letters.A. Conan Doyle Starlight Ranche, 2 copies.Captain King Steele, Mrs. Flora Annie—Hosts of the Lord; In the Permanent Way; In the Tideway; On the Face of the Waters; Voices in the Night. Stepmother, The.Mrs. Alexander Stephens, Robert Neilson—Captain Ravenshaw; Philip Winwood... Stevens, Sheppard—I Am the King; Sword of Justice, The. Stevenson, Robert Louis—An Inland Voyage; David Balfour; Footnote to History; Kidnapped; Master of Ballantrae; New Arabian Nights; Prince Otto; Silverado Squatters; Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; St. Ives, 2 copies; Travels With a Donkey; Treasure Island; Wrecker, The, 2 copies.... 58 . St. Ives, 2 copies.R. L. Stevenson Stickitt Minister, The.S. R. Crockett Stillwater Tragedy.T. B. Aldrich St. Katharine’s by the Tower.Besant Stockton, Frank R.—Adventures of Captain Horn; Associate Hermits; Girl at Cobhurst, The; Jolly Fellowship, A; New Jersey, (American History Stories); Young Master of Hyson Hall. Story, (Treasure Trove Series).R. H. Stoddard Story of an African Farm.Olive Schreiner Story of an Untold Love.Paul Leicester Ford Story of Ab, a Tale of the Time of the Cave Man. .Stanley J. Waterloo Story of a Play.Howells Story of Bessie Costrell.Mrs. Humphrey Ward Story of Gosta Berling, (From the Swedish of Selma Lagerlof).... Story of Tonty.M. H. Catherwood Story of Western Life, A. Stories From Italy...G. S. Godkin Stories From the Rabbis.Abraham S. Isaacks Stories in Light and Shadow.Bret Harte Stories of Old and New Spain.Thomas A. Janvier Stories of a Western Town.Octave Thanet Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher—Agnes of Sorrento; Mayflower, The; Minister’s Wooing, The; My Wife and I; Old Town Folks; Pearl of Orr’s Island; Pogannuc People; We and Our Neigh¬ bors . Strange Sad Comedy. A.Molly Elliott Seawell Strange Story, A.Bulwer Strange Story of My Life.John Strange Winters Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.R. L. Stevenson St. Ronan’s Well.Scott Studies From Life.Mulock Subtle Adversary, A, 2 copies.Charles J. Schofield Summer in Arcady.James Lane Allen Summer Rest.Gail Hamilton Sunningwell.F. Marie Cornish Sunset Pass.Captain King Supreme Surrender, (Modern Life).Maurice Low Susan Fielding.Mrs. Edwards Swordmaker’s Son, The.Wm. O. Stoddard Taken by Seige.Jeannette L. Gilder Tale of a Lonely Parish, A.F. M. Crawford Tale of Two Cities, 2 copies.Dickens Talisman, The.Scott 59 . Tales of the Argonauts, 2 copies.Bret Harte Tales of the Cloister...Elizabeth Jordan Tales of a Grandfather.Scott Tales of a Traveler.W. Irving Tales of Unrest.J. Conrad Tales From Shakespere.Charles and Mary Lamb Tangle wood Tales.Hawthorne Tanglewood Tales and Biographical Stories.Hawthorne Taquisara, 2 vols.F. M. 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Winning of the West, 4 vols., by Theodore Roosevelt—Vol. 1, From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1709-76; Vol. 2, From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-83; Vol. 3, Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-90; Vol. 4, Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807, 2 copies. Who Invented the Reaper.McCormick Harvesting Co. Woman’s Club Movement in America, History of. .Mrs. Jennie June Croly EGYPT. Ancient Hebrew Tradition, The, as Illustrated by the Monu¬ ments.Dr. Fritz Hommel Ancient History From the Monuments of Egypt, Earliest Times to B. C. 300.S. Birch, L. L. D.