DIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY KH URBANA-CHAMPAIGN AGRICULTURE CIRCULATING COPY Costs and Benefits from SOIL CONSERVATION in Northeastern Illinois AGRICULTURE LIBRARY SEP 2 6 1990 By E. L. SAUER, J. L. McGURK, and L. J. NORTON Bulletin 540 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS In cooperation with SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, U. S. Department of Agriculture CONTENTS PAGE Three Main Soil Groups in the Area 565 Data Obtained From Six Counties 567 Comparison of High- and Low-Conservation Farms 568 Effect of Soil Type on Income and Farm Organization 571 Effect of Proportion of Land in Hay and Pasture 574 Comparison of High- and Low-Livestock Farms 575 Costs of Conservation Farming 577 Financing Conservation Plans 583 Study of a Livestock Farm and a Grain Farm 588 Conclusions About Conservation Farming 591 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The writers acknowledge their indebtedness to A. G. Mueller for the use of materials included in his master's thesis, Farming Problems and the Use oj Capital on Clarence-Rowe Soils in Northeastern Illinois (1947), which served as a basis for the section in this bulletin entitled "Financing Conservation Plans." They are also indebted to R. T. Odell, of the Agronomy Depart- ment, for his constructive suggestions on the discussion of the slowly permeable soils, and to E. D. Walker and W. F. Purnell, of the same department, for their critical review of the manu- script. A number of the photographs were supplied by Mr. Purnell. Urbana, Illinois June, 1950 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station ' Costs and Benefits of SOIL CONSERVATION IN NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS By E. L. SAUER, J. L. McGtiRK, and L. J. NORTON* "X TORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS has approximately 2y 2 mil- -i-N lion acres of slowly permeable or, as they are sometimes called, "tight soils." These soils are found in parts of eighteen counties, as shown in the map on the next page. The slowness with which water moves through these soils makes farming prob- lems in this area more serious than they are in regions of similar topography where more permeable soils predominate. Even on gentle slopes, erosion is a serious problem. Drainage of level areas is difficult because water moves into tile only slowly in some areas moderately slowly and in some areas very slowly. On many farms surface ditches must be used to provide drainage. Spring- planting is often delayed because the soils stay wet abnormally long. Most of these problem soils are worth saving for agricultural production. If, however, the land is to remain productive and in condition to provide a reasonable level of living for those who farm it, practices must be used that will conserve the topsoil and increase its productivity. Many of the present farming pro- grams need to be changed, and the necessary changes usually require the outlay of some capital. Are the benefits from conservation programs in this area worth the trouble and expense involved in establishing them? Can farmers on these soils afford to reduce acreages in grain and increase hay and pasture acreages in order to maintain or in- crease soil productivity? How much does it cost to establish a complete conservation program? Would livestock farming be as profitable as grain farming? If livestock are necessary in a good 1 E. L. SAUER, Research Project Supervisor, U.S. Soil Conservation Service; J. L. McGuKK, formerly Assistant in Agricultural Economics; and L. J. NORTON, Professor of Agricultural Eco- nomics and Marketing. 563 564 BULLETIN Xo. 54U [June, LAKE ELLIOTT-ASHKUM SOILS. Dark colored, moderately slowly permeable to water, de- veloped from thin loess on calcareous silty clay loam till. BLOUNT and EYLAR SOILS. Light colored, slowly to very slowly permeable to water, developed from thin loess on calcareous silty clay loam to clay drift. CLARENCE-ROWE and SWYGERT-BRYCE SOILS. Dark colored, slowly to very slowly <-,.< v? permeable to water, developed from thin ; 5^'v':>-. " .-Hi .67 $ 426 267 957 1 017 Livestock Total $7.34 $ 1.91 .45 11.28 2.19 $2 067 $ 386 92 2 280 442 $10 $ 1 11. 4 28 88 77 : 18 $2 818 $ 381 156 2 296 846 $11 $ 1 1 8 3 29 .78 ,52 .23 ,70 $3 118 $ 331 283 1 531 689 $ 9 $ 1 10 3 , o co to C<1 IN coco t~OS CO CO CD CO OS OS 00 00 t-^ CO 00 IN CNIN I IO 00 00 CN o co t-co i- -N t-00 CO CO CO CO 1 'S'S S ^ OS 1 i ^< CO CN S 8^ 6* * 99 9 ** 9 99 99 "o'o ,53 11 *s u u o o o O o, d _o_o g 2, : : -O o <*- 33 iO c -o-c o c c PH 0) . - cw QJ -*^* CO CD 1 S *"3 03 ci 1 3 ' ' ~5 '. '. s 5 O G^ i i C O 3 C^2 o - _ c 02 o IO1O OSCS . i i cfi o -t3 * IS i i i y 13 .S c 3 ' a .s - Q) -J C t. S s| = - IM LH rr = V 3 till g H c] O 8 -t> ill CO Si l|||s| .X O B|9M4 O H I B"O 2 1 If CB CL CB J2 'foco V o S o " S g O O < O tc c s 5 8 EH < o M >StH < fi 1-1 I-I M>H 19501 COSTS AND BENEFITS OF SOIL CONSERVATION 587 Using the same procedure as for Farm 1, a schedule for disburse- ments and repayments was calculated (Table 12). Again the cost would exceed the increase in income for the first three years, but the fourth year a payment of $874 could be made on the interest and principal, and in six years the loan could be repaid. Both farms how capital could be used. The expected returns from investment in land improvements on these farms appear to make long-term loans a safe risk. After three years, payment could be made on the principal. Total principal and interest could be repaid in nine years on Farm 1 and six years on Farm 2. These farmers would have to wait for several years to benefit directly from the new r income, but while they were repaying the loans they would be increasing their net worth by improving the productivity, and hence the value, of their farms. No attempt was made to estimate the increase in income to be ex- pected from livestock enterprises made possible by the larger amounts and better quality of hay and pasture produced. Nor was the cost of buying additional roughage-consuming livestock or of improving build- ings for more livestock considered. Additional capital might have to be advanced by lenders for these purposes. On farms where the buildings are not adequate for intensive livestock farming, adjustments might be made in the amount and class of livestock kept. Feeder or beef cattle could be kept in buildings not suitable for dairy cattle. Another alternative would be to borrow capital for buildings needed and repay it from the income from the livestock enterprise. These plans are for owner-operated farms, and income estimates are based on crop production on the entire farm. On farms rented on crop shares a problem arises in charging the costs of and assessing the benefits from an improved farm plan. Normally the landlord makes most capital improvements, but he gets only half of the new income. If part of the increase is derived from livestock, the landlord might receive even less than half the increase unless a livestock-share lease was used. Methods can be worked out, however, for each individual farm that will divide the costs and benefits of a conservation plan equitably between the landlord and the tenant. 1 1 The Illinois livestock-share farm lease and the Illinois crop-share cash farm lease, developed at the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, will be use- ful in making these adjustments. Information concerning these lease forms can be obtained from your local farm adviser or by writing to the College of Agriculture, Urbana, Illinois. 588 BULLETIN Xo. 540 [June, Study of a Livestock Farm and a Grain Farm Since conservation farming in northeastern Illinois usually means planting fewer acres to corn and soybeans and using more for hay and pasture, a comparison has been made between two actual farms, one operated for many years as a grain farm and the other as a live- stock farm. These farms are both located on predominantly Clarence- Rowe soils in Vermilion county. Records on land use, yields, and income are shown in Figs. 10 to 12 on the following pages. Farm A (the livestock farm) consists of 186 acres, 157 tillable and the rest is permanent pasture. Farm B (the grain farm) has 160 acres, 144 of which are tillable. The livestock farm was probably better managed during the period it was being studied. However, the grain farm has a higher soil-productivity rating. Land use. On the livestock farm half the tillable land, as an aver- age, was planted to corn and soybeans each year from 1935 to 1947; on the grain farm 57 percent was so planted (Fig. 10) . On both farms a good land-use program would require that less land be used for soil- depleting crops. On the livestock farm a larger proportion of the corn crop was fed to cattle and hogs than on the grain farm. The livestock farm had an average of 23 percent of its tillable land in soil-building legumes, whereas only 14 percent was in legumes on the grain farm (Fig. 10). This greater amount of hay and pasture on the livestock farm was utilized as roughage for livestock. Crop yields. Corn yields averaged 56 bushels an acre on Farm A, only 40 bushels on Farm B. While average soybean yields for the thirteen years were the same on both farms 22 bushels an acre the livestock farm had 10 bushels a year more of oats. The trends in corn, soybean, and oat yields are shown in Fig. 11. The advantage of Farm A in corn and oat yields has become greater with the passing of time, indicating that soil productivity has been better maintained on this farm. Crop yields on Farm A compare favorably with those for Vermilion county farm account keepers, who averaged 56 bushels of corn, 40 bushels of oats, and 24 bushels of soybeans during the same years. Capital expenditures for land improvements. For the entire thir- teen years $3,819, or $20.53 an acre, was spent on the livestock farm for land improvements; whereas $2,511, or $15.69 an acre, was spent on the grain farm. On the livestock farm $7.22 an acre was spent for limestone and phosphate, on the grain farm $5.44 an acre was spent for this purpose. 1950} Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 COSTS AND BENEFITS OF SOIL CONSERVATION 589 TILLABLE LAND IN CORN AND SOYBEANS Mil FARM A 1935 60 50 40 30 20 10 '36 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 1947 TILLABLE LAND IN SOIL-BUILDING LEGUMES 1935 '36 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 1947 Percent of tillable land in corn and soybeans and in soil-building legumes on two Vermilion county farms during the years 1935 to 1947. Farm A is a livestock farm of 186 acres. Farm B is a grain farm of 160 acres. On both farms too many acres are used for corn and soybeans. (Fig- 10) Net income. The more desirable land-use program, the higher crop yields, and the greater capital expenditures on the livestock farm are reflected in the better income from this farm for the last six years as compared with the income from the grain farm (Fig. 12). For four of the first six years the grain farm had a higher net income per acre, but since 1942 the reverse has been true. Since 1935 the average yearly net income has been $5.80 an acre on the livestock farm and $4.17 on the grain farm. This long-time advantage in net income per acre and the increasing spread between the incomes from these two farms reflect the difference in the farming systems followed. 590 BULLETIN No. 540 [June, 1935 '36 '37 '38 39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 1947 40 30 20 10 SOYBEANS 1935 '36 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 1947 70 60 50 a: 40 30 m 20 10 OATS 1935 '36 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 1947 Corn, soybean, and oat yields on same farms as shown in Fig. 10. On the livestock farm (Farm A) these crops have averaged 56, 22, and 43 bushels respectively during these years. On the grain farm (Farm B) they have averaged 40, 22, and 32 bushels an acre. (Fig. 11) 19501 COSTS AND BENEFITS OF SOIL CONSERVATION 591 $20 16 NET INCOME PER ACRE 1935 '36 '37 '38 '39 '4O '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 1947 The net income per acre on these two Vermilion county farms has been steadily in favor of the livestock farm (Farm A) since 1942. (Fig. 12) Conclusions About Conservation Farming Practical and profitable. A study of more than 100 farms located on slowly permeable soils in northeastern Illinois indicates that con- servation measures are not only effective in maintaining soils for future use but they are also an important factor in increasing farm income. Investments to improve the land, such as those for limestone, phosphate, and mixed fertilizers, will pay off in larger crop yields and in hay and pasture of higher quality. The same total amount of grain can be produced on fewer acres, and thus more acres can be shifted to hay and pasture. This shift will allow livestock-minded operators to have more roughage-consuming livestock, which in turn will make it possible to still further build up the productivity of the soil. More expensive but brings greater returns. On the 20 high-con- servation farms on Clarence-Rowe soils, an average of 48 cents more an acre a year was spent for lime, phosphate, and mixed fertilizers during 1945-1947 than on the 20 low-conservation farms. In addition, 21 percent of the land on the high-conservation farms was in soil- building legumes, compared with 16 percent on the low-conservation farms. What were the results? Corn yielded 5 bushels more an acre on the high-conservation farms, though there was no difference in oat and soybean yields. More livestock and the higher corn yield caused the yearly net income to average $7.39 an acre higher on the high- conservation farms. On the 20 high-conservation farms located on Clarence-Rowe, Swygert-Bryce, Elliott-Ashkum, mixed slowly permeable soils, 75 cents more an acre a year was spent for lime, phosphate, and mixed fertilizer 592 BULLETIN No. 540 [June, than on the low-conservation farms. On the high-conservation farms 20 percent of the land was in soil-building legumes, compared with only 12 percent on the low-conservation farms. Corn and oats yielded 8 and 4 bushels more per acre. Soybean yields were about equal. Net income was $9.16 more an acre a year. Annual costs per acre for build- ings, for other land improvements, and for power and machinery were slightly higher, but labor costs were about the same. More livestock usually needed. To utilize the additional hay and pasture produced under a good conservation program, the number of roughage-consuming animals may need to be increased. The number and kind of livestock to be kept will depend, among other things, on the size and condition of present buildings, the funds or credit available for constructing new buildings, and the experience and preference of the operator. On the smaller farms, dairy cattle are the logical choice if the buildings are suitable and the operator has the ability to handle dairy cattle, for dairy cows normally produce more income per animal than do beef cows. However, the decision which to use is one to be made by each individual operator in light of his own resources. On seventy farms grouped by amount of livestock kept on each, those with the most livestock had the higher crop yields, a smaller per- centage of land in corn and soybeans, and substantially higher earn- ings. The advantage of increasing the amount of livestock in order to utilize the additional amounts of hay and pasture grown under con- servation farming is clearly indicated in these comparisons. Lease adjustments can be worked out. On rented farms, if live- stock are to be increased and grain acreages reduced, livestock-share leases may have to replace crop-share-cash leases in some instances. Landlords and tenants both would benefit by the use of a livestock- share lease. Certainly conservation practices can be more readily adopted under such a system, and landlords would be more willing to make necessary building improvements. Longer-term leases would also be desirable. When a tenant has made improvements, the lease should include specific provision for compensating him for the re- maining value of the improvements at the time he moves. Such a provision would make tenants more willing to invest in long-time im- provements. Time needed to realize benefits. Most farmers in the past appear to have invested too little in land improvements, and some may have put too much into machinery and buildings. The result is a 1950] COSTS AND BENEFITS OF SOIL CONSERVATION 593 partial depletion of fertility and lower incomes than if more adequate investments had been made to improve the land. Returns from land improvements are not realized as quickly as are the returns from certain other investments. In fact, the net cash income may actually decrease during the first two or three years of a conservation program. However, after the initial period the increase in returns usually more than justifies the initial outlay and the period of waiting. When borrowing is justified. Good farmers whose land has not been depleted and eroded beyond recovery can justify borrowing funds with which to make needed improvements in their farming plans. The terms and amount of each such loan need to be geared to fit the individual farm and the farm plan. Lending agencies should consider loans for this purpose a sound investment when they are made to competent operators on inherently productive farms, since their pur- pose is to maintain soil productivity and increase the net income. Because returns from these investments cannot be expected to ac- crue in one or two years, but to be realized over a period of years, lenders make a mistake if they try to place these loans on a strictly short-term basis. The best way is to budget the loan and advance the money for each purpose only as the money is needed. Repayment schedules should be set up to coincide approximately with the in- creases in returns to be expected from the investment. This means that the amounts of principal to be repaid during the first two or three years should be less than in the later years when there has been time for the plan to increase the productivity of the soil. The photographs on the following pages demonstrate still further the necessity for well-planned conservation farming on the tight soils in northeastern Illinois, and the dollar- and-cents benefits to be derived from it. Scenes similar to these can be found in any part of Illinois, but in no other area of this size do they represent so serious a condition. Here it is imperative that all the remaining topsoil be "kept at home," or the land will be permanently lost to agricul- tural production. 594 BULLETIN No. 540 [June, Valuable topsoil is being washed away from this field of soybeans planted up and down the slope. Grass in the natural waterway would have prevented some of the cutting erosion. Terracing and contour planting would have done the rest. The soil here is Swygert silt loam. (Fig. 13) 1950} COSTS AND BENEFITS OF SOIL CONSERVATION 595 When corn is planted up and down the slope on the slowly permeable soils in northeastern Illinois, the losses of topsoil are enormous. Note rills be- tween rows and piling up of silt in the foreground. (Fig. 14) Financial records show that contouring and terracing increase farm earn- ings on rolling land. They save soil and water, lower operating costs 5 to 10 percent, and increase crop yields 10 to 20 percent. These thriving soy- beans were planted on the contour on a terraced field. (Fig. 15) This wide grass waterway on Rowe silt loam not only helps control erosion, but has produced U/2 tons of hay an acre a year, as an average, since it was established. Thus we have two benefits for the price of one. (Fig. 16) A washed out tile line makes greater inroads each year into farm income. Crops and cropland are lost, and repair becomes more costly. A grass waterway in this natural drainageway would have prevented this gully. Tile seldom work in these slowly permeable soils. (Fig- 17) 15,0506-5043748 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA