THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ^S.5.3343 itAJUj: t-A-tL IV-'v<6 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 THIS RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK Yinte, Sttflwsttotts, anU ^Yriria, BEFORE THE JOURNEY, ON THE JOURNEY, AFTER THE- JOURNEY. LONDON : LOCKWOOD AND CO., STATIONERS* HALL COURT. 1862. LONDON : T. HAEEILE, p 7 **, SHOE LANE, FLEET STREET, 385 . 7?IS2. CONTENTS. Few Pkeliminaey Remakes % BEFORE THE JOURNEY. PAGE 1 Business Travellers 3 Conveyance to the Station 37 Pleasure-seekers 4 Arrival at the Station 41 Health-seekers 5 Choice of Route 43 | Season-ticket Holders 8 Choice of Train 45 Travellers in General 9 Railway Privileges . 47 Railway Guides 10 Railway Insurance . 49 Preparation for the Jour- Choice of Class 52 ney — Packing, etc. 13 Choice of Carriage . 57 Travelling Equipage 17 Choice of Seat 60 Fixing the Time of De- Sending Females and Chil- parture 20 dren by Railway unac- Letters of Advice, etc. 22 companied . 61 Eve of Departure 23 Retaining Seat * , 63 Be in Time . . , 28 Procuring Ticket 67 Travelling Costume 32 Signal for Starting . 70 Supply of Etceteras . 34 ON THE JOURNEY. Settling Down . , , Stowing away Hand Lug- gage .... Materials for Comfort — Rug, Cap, and Cushion Conversation. . 72 Reading .... Chess-playing and Card- 80 72 playing 82 Smoking .... 83 73 Musing, etc. 83 75 Sleep .... 84 61 3193 IV CONTENTS. PAGE Refreshment ... 86 Marking Carriage for Re- cognition ... 89 Changing Carriages . . 90 Care of Railway Ticket . 91 Looking-out for Station . 91 Ventilation and Draughts 92 Caution against Looking out of Window . . 93 Caution against Standing by the Door . . 93 Caution in Passing through Tunnels ... 93 Asking Information . 94 Branch Lines and Junc- tions .... 94 Crossing the Rails . . 94 Entering and Leaving Car- riage while in Motion . 97 PAGE Up Line and Down Line 98 Railway Signals . . 99 Signalling Guard in Emer- gencies . . . 101 How to Act in Cases of Threatened Accidents . 102 Treatment of Railway Ser- vants .... 105 Economy in Companion- ship .... 107 Treatment of Unpleasant Travelling Companions 108 Bye-laws and Regula- tions .... 112 Peculiar Regulations and Characteristics of various Railways . . .115 Liability and Non-liability of Railway Companies . 118 Collecting Baggage . Meeting Friends Engaging Cab . Disposal of Ladies and Children Looking after Luggage Reclaiming Lost Luggage Sending Intimation of Safe Arrival Despatching Telegraphic Messages Hiring Porter . Leaving Articles at the Station . . . 128 Forwarding Parcels by Company’s Express . 130 Noting time of Departure of Return Trains . . 130 Position of the Station . 130 Reaching across Country and Out - of - the - way Places . . . 131 Whiling away the time at the Stopping Stations . 132 Rates of Telegrams . . 133 Accommodation for Rail- way Travellers . . 135 Excursion Guide . . 137 AFTER THE JOURNEY. 121 121 122 123 124 124 126 127 128 THE BAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK, A HEW PRELIMINARY REMARKS. The extension and ramification of railroads through- out the habitable globe, together with the daily increase of railway traffic, are matters of notoriety. Most persons undertake a journey at least once in the course of the year, and it is no exaggeration to state that every man, woman, and child may be ranked as a railway traveller. Nay, more, there are those who pass the greater part of their lives in a railway carriage, flitting incessantly from one station to another, and only breaking off their travels at night, to resume them on the morrow. If, therefore, rail- way travelling be so general, and railway travellers form so numerous a class, it may be reasonably an- ticipated that a work touching upon the comforts and discomforts, the conveniences and inconveniences of locomotion, will meet with universal acceptance and approval. Especially when it is considered how valu- able is even one of these practical hints or suggestions, of which some hundreds will be found in this little volume. B 2 TIIE BAILWAY TRAVELLER’S IIANDY BOOK. In order to render the work more easy of reference, it is divided into three periods : Beeobe the Jour- ney — -On the Journey — Alter the Journey. This arrangement will admit of any special item of information being lighted on at once ; while the natural order which the various items take will render the manual a never-failing remembrancer and referee, from the moment the railway traveller con- ceives the idea of his journey until he has accom- plished it. At the outset of our task we are desirous of bespeaking the special attention of the various classes of railway travellers, by a few remarks which may prove individually applicable, and favourably dis- pose each class towards the objects of general interest which follow. BEFORE THE JOURNEY. « BUSINESS TRAYELLEES. Commercial travellers, and others ^who pass a great portion of their time on railways, would succeed in deriving much valuable information during their progress by dint of observation and inquiry. There are certain ins and outs of railway travelling which do not appear on the surface, but which are nevertheless intimately connected with its working. These matters, although of little moment to the occasional traveller, are worthy of being ascertained and treasured up by him whose movements in life may be said to be re- gulated by a railway time-table. It is impossible to define what we mean more intelligibly than by calling them wrinkles. Eor example, some one train may be more comfortable to travel by than the others : it may be less crowded, and carry a better class of company than ordinarily ; or the carriages and general accommo- dation may be of a superior kind. Innumerable hints of a similar nature may be gleaned, and chiefly by placing one’s self in communication with station- masters, guards, porters, and others connected with the 4 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS IIANLY BOOK. line. Through the same medium much local informa- tion may be obtained, which will serve as some sort of guide to commercial operations. Tor instance, a traveller arrives at a place he has not hitherto visited, he wishes to find out a certain class of traders in the town, "but he is totally ignorant of their names, addresses, or extent of business. The railway officials connected with the station have probably resided in the neighbourhood for many years, and in a few mo- ments they could furnish every particular. In doing this they need betray no confidence, nor step aside from the straight path of duty, while the alighting passenger would be materially benefited by these few minutes’ colloquy. There are numerous other sugges- tions tending to the economizing of time and money, the avoiding of inconvenience, and the enhancing of personal comfort. These may be gained by the busi- ness traveller making up his mind not to miss a single opportunity of inquiry and observation, and not to be backward in reducing them to practice. PLEASURE-SEEKERS. AVe will suppose a person about to start on an excursion, unpledged to any particular route, and solicitous only of obtaining the greatest amount of pleasure for his outlay. In such cases, it would be an excellent plan to collect the various excursion schemes put forth by the railway companies. To compare the advantages offered one with the other, to note the several stopping-places on the route, and if these be not familiar, to glean, by aid of guide-book BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 5 or gazetteer, some knowledge of the places themselves, together with the objects of iuterest by which they are surrounded. Thus, the cost of the trip, and the privileges to be enjoyed, may be ascertained with something like reasonable certainty. With regard to pleasure seeking, it may be observed that each person has his peculiar notion of what pleasure is. Most of us plead guilty to a hobby, and nearly every man has a predilection for some sport, amusement, or pursuit, which he follows at every opportunity, and enjoys with greater zest than all others. The geologist with his hammer, the entomologist with his hand-net, the botanist with his microscope, the angler with his rod, and the sportsman with his gun — each presses forward with an ardour unaccountable to his neighbour, and in the prosecution of his particular enterprise finds an enjoyment which he would neither forego nor ex- change. The opportunities for indulging in any special diversion will be found to favour particular localities. These facts are duly recorded in topogra- phical works, may be readily referred to, and will thus put the pleasure-seeker in possession of a certain amount of capital to start with. In like manner the mere sight-seer may ferret out in what direction are to be found the largest store of curiosities and mar- vels, on which to feast his wondering eyes. IlEALTH-SEEKEBS. Lord Byron declared that the most exquisite of human enjoyments consisted in being borne swiftly through the air on horseback. Dr. Johnson, when G THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’ S HANDY ROOK, being whisked along the highroad rapidly in a post- chaise, turned to his travelling companion, Boswell, and exclaimed with a jubilant air, “ Sir, there are few things in life better than this!” Following up this theory of sensation, we are tempted to declare that the being whirled through space at the rate of thirty or forty miles an hour is most pleasurable in its effects. To the over-wrought brain, or the over- strained mental faculties, to the toiler who has sunk into a state of exhaustion, this rapid locomotion acts as a most agreeable fillip. Hor is this to be found alone in the journey itself ; the bustle of the station, the incidents 'of the platform and waiting-room, the chance chat in the railway carriage, all tend to arouse the faculties, and to impart to them a freshness which they lose in silent and persistent labour. But there is a possibility of carrying this beyond due limits, as the following incident will show 7 : — A gentleman in a delicate state of health was recom- mended by his physician to reside by the seaside. Having business in London which required his fre- quent attention, he determined upon selecting Brighton as his residence, so as to be within easy reach of the metropolis. The South Coast Bailway runs a train to and from Brighton and London — a distance of fifty miles — in an hour and a quarter. Of this train the gentleman referred to arranged to avail himself twice a- week. After a few days’ sojourning at Brighton, his health became greatly improved. On the first occasion of his going to towm, however, he was seized with a violent headache, which grew w r orse as the day wore on, and which, after his journey down, BEE0EE THE JOUENEY. 7 left him in such a state of pain and prostration, that he was obliged to seek his bed immediately on his arrival at home. The next morning he had partially recovered, and in two or three days he regained his former improved condition of health. On his se- cond visit to town, he was tormented with the same kind of violent headache, succeeded by an equal amount of prostration. Nature and the beneficent sea breezes once more revived him, when on the third occasion of a journey to London, he was attacked by precisely the same symptoms as on the two previous occasions. He now thought it time to make known these facts to his medical adviser, who was not slow in discovering the peculiar relation in this instance between cause and effect. The simple truth was, that the performance of a journey of a hundred miles within so short a space of time, and at such a rapid pace, had too greatly excited the nervous system, and had otherwise disturbed the functions of a delicate organization and a. debilitated frame ; and the force "of this conclusion was afterwards made apparent by a cessation of the headaches with a discontinuance of the journeys. To the jaded and toilworn, therefore, we would say, close your books, leave the desk, fly the study, hasten to the nearest railway station, and take a return ticket for some twelve or fifteen miles. On arriving at your destination, scud down the green lanes and across the fields, setting out at a brisk pace and maintaining it until your return to the departure station in a couple of hours’ time. The journey home- ward will appropriately cap the achievement ; which, although we do not vaunt as a panacea for all the ills 8 THE ItAILWAY TBAYELLEk’s HANDY BOOK. of life, we nevertheless declare, from experience, to be one of the very best repairers of health and restorers of spirits. SEASON-TICKET HOLDERS. When a person makes np his mind to reside at some place accessible by railway, there are several circumstances — supposing him to be a man of business and a frequent traveller— which it would be important for him to investigate. In the first place he should ascertain upon what terms a season-ticket can be pro- cured, for virtually the railway fare is a part of the rent, and therefore ought to enter into the calculation of the probable cost when taking a house under these conditions. Secondly, he should learn the times of arrival and departure, so as to make sure that they are conformable both with his commercial and domestic arrangements. Next, he should glean whether the trains are habitually punctual or unpunctual. To a man of business the arrival of a train even a few minutes behind time is apt to prove of serious conse- quence. In most Government offices the employes are compelled to “ sign on,” as it is called, when they arrive in the morning ; and as the hour strikes, a line is drawn across the book of entry, thus obliging all who come after to place their signatures below this line. By this simple arrangement the names of late comers can be gathered at a glance. When this occurs a few times only, and at distant intervals, it is usually visited with a fine or a mild reproof, but a fre- quent repetition of late arrival brings down upon the BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 9 head of the offender condign punishment, and some- times results in dismissal. In ordinary employments, this want of punctuality in commencing the duties of the day is regarded as one of the worst traits in the character of a man of business, and greatly tends to shake the confidence of the employer. Even in cases where a person is responsible only to himself, this detention is always provocative of annoyance, and is frequently attended with loss. Another consideration is, the distance at which the place of business is situated from one terminus, and the place of residence from the other. Eor if the interval between these two points is protracted, it follows that the getting to one from the station will occupy more time than is consumed by the journey itself. Nor is the distance alone to be regarded ; the means of conveyance should be inquired into, both as regards the cost and the de- pendence that can be placed upon them. Einally, it would not be amiss to ascertain whether, upon extra- ordinary occasions, the company would be disposed to accord the privilege of a special train, as when, for instance, a party was made up to visit the theatre, or other entertainment terminating after the time of departure of the last ordinary train. TRAVELLERS IN GENERAL. But whatever be the motive which impels a per- son to undertake a journey, whether it be love, law, business, pleasure, politics, or pelf, all render them- selves for the time being amenable to the same regu- lations, subject to the same wants, and susceptible to 10 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S IIANDY BOOK. the same ameliorations. Glancing at these in their natural order, and assuming the intending traveller to be sitting in his room a day or two previous to his departure, turning his future movements over in his mind, the first things which will commend them- selves to his attention are those useful publications known a3 RAILWAY GUIDES. Of these, there are two in common use — the ABC and Bradshaw . Both are published on the first of each month, and both contain the latest alte- rations in the fares, times, etc., up to the moment of going to press. Generally speaking, these alterations are not material, and the guide for one month might in the majority of cases be made to do duty for an- other. Still the possibility exists of a change having been made ; to be prepared for which it is as well to possess the publication of the current month. And, by the by, when the purchase is made, the date on the cover should be referred to, in order that a guide of the time past may not be bought in mistake for one of the time present. The ABC Bailway Guide is, as its title imports, a work easy of reference, the names of the places being alphabetically arranged, and the times of departure and arrival, the fares, etc., being so clearly given as to prevent the possibility of a mistake. It is, however, chiefly adapted for the use of persons who have only to proceed direct from one point to another, without being doomed to thread the labyrinth of branch lines, junctions, etc. Bradshaw — the well- known Bradshaw is the other guide taken into the EEFOItE TTIE JOURNEY. 11 railway traveller’s confidence. This work contains a mass of information compressed into the very smallest compass, but on that account, and by reason of various signs and symbols having to be made use of, it is not so easy of interpretation as it might be. This fact has given rise to innumerable witticisms on its unintelli- gibility. And Tve must confess, that although we are acquainted with a few of the initiated to whom Brad- shaw is as easy as A B C, we have never yet met with a lady who did not regard it as a literary puzzle, while the majority of the sterner sex have failed to master its intricacies. Knowing by experience the great value of this vcide mecum , and desirous that others may equally appreciate it, we will endeavour to furnish a key to some of the most prominent difficulties, in a few brief suggestions which may be collectively termed “How to read Bradshaw.” 1. When you are search- ing for the name of a place, refer to the alphabetical index at the commencement of the guide, and you will be directed to the appropriate page. 2. To ascer- tain the time of departure from, or arrival at, any place, run your eye along the figures w r hich cross the page in a line with the name of the station. 3. When a train passes a station without stopping, it is indicated by two dots, thus * • 4. When a train stops at some given point without proceeding further, it is notified by a thick black line «■, or by the word “ Stop.” If any train be shown below in the same column, it is an independent one. 5. The course of the main line is denoted by thick marks down the right hand side of the station columns ; deviations or branches are indicated by thin lines. 6. A thin line in the middle 12 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HAKDY ROOK. of trains, thus v^, represents a shunt, and is intended to show the continuous route of the traveller. 7. Wave lines, thus ~ — have a twofold use ; first, to direct the eye into the next train, and, second, to show that passengers do not travel past the stations opposite to which the wave line appears. 8. The various let- ters, as a , b, c, etc., occasionally met with in the tables usually refer to explanatory notes at the foot of the page. 9. Through routes, steamboat, omnibus, and coach communication in connection with the trains, will be found towards the end of the guide, after the tables of the ordinary lines. Tinally, beware of mis- taking the up-trains for the down-trains, or vice versa. Be quite certain that you have learnt the proper time of arrival or departure, and refer a second time to prevent the possibility of error. Ascertain beyond doubt that the train you intend going by stops at the station for which you are bound ; all sorts of excep- tional cases are mixed up with many intermediate stations, and the ordinary routine is departed from in reference to market-days, and other local exigencies. Much valuable information respecting hotels, board- ing-houses, apartments, etc., in the various towns in the United Kingdom, will be found scattered through the latter portion of the guide. The glowing terms in which nearly every proprietor speaks of his esta- blishment must not, of course, be interpreted literally. Nevertheless it is something to ascertain the names and whereabouts of these temporary homesteads ; and and in these days of extortion and anti- extortion such notifications as the following are worthy of being treasured in the memory; for example, “ No charge BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. 13 for candles at this hotel.” “ A fixed charge for at- tendance.” “ A list of refreshments exhibited in the coffee-room.” “ Visitors are not expected to take wine,” etc. etc. PREPARATION EOR THE JOURNEY.— PACKING-, ETC. Most persons appear to have an instinctive horror of “ packing-up.” Some are happily in a position to depute the business to others, but by nearly all the process is avoided until the very last moment. The consequence is, that things are hastily thrown to- gether pell-mell, without any attempt at order or arrangement ; dresses are rumpled, coats are creased, linen soiled, rough articles are brought into unseemly contact with the delicate, the dirty associated with the clean, to say nothing of tricklings of ink, and streams of oil, which are apt to escape from their ill- secured receptacles. Our first piece of advice is, that railway travellers should confine their luggage within as narrow limits as possible, not encumbering them- selves with a number of useless articles, or with such as may be obtained at the point of destination as readily as at home ; to take, in point of fact, only the necessary and the indispensable. The Romans gave the name of impedimenta to their baggage — a word which pretty clearly interprets both ancient and modern opinion. The gallant General Sir Charles Napier declared that the only equipment required by an Indian officer comprised a second shirt, two pairs of socks, and a tooth-brush. But although few would be inclined to subscribe to the latter scanty outfit, 14 TIIE BAIL WAY TllAYELLEll’s HANEY BOOK. there cannot be a doubt that the traveller who is able to carry bis luggagein bis band is a comparatively free man, while be who has many packages to look after is, for the time being, a slave. It should be also borne in mind that extra luggage entails extra ex- pense ; every trunk, portmanteau, or bandbox, carries with it a certain charge, and can scarcely be touched by the tips of strange fingers without having an im- post levied upon it. There are numerous instances, however, where large quantities of luggage cannot be escaped. In such cases it would be advisable to adopt the following course : Classify the articles in such a manner that the same sorts shall have separate boxes or distinct places assigned them. Thus, pack all the heavy articles by themselves, or dispose them in the bottoms of the boxes, etc. Place all the articles not required for immediate use by themselves, and those that are so required by themselves. Carry the articles which you will need when you reach your journey’s end, such as night-dress, brushes and combs, etc., in a travelling-bag, so that you may be spared the pain and labour of uncording and unpacking at a moment when it goes sorely against the grain. Attach to the inner side of the lid of -each package a list of the various articles which such package contains ; then number each package, and finally make a memorandum of these lots, with their corresponding numbers, in your pocket-book, so that when at any time you require a particular article, you can, by referring, at once determine where such article is to be found. If you are solicitous about the exterior of your luggage, envelop it in canvas, the pulling and hauling, the BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 15 pitching and tossing, the friction and jostling, which packages are subjected to in travel, to say nothing of the paste-brush which the railway porter impartially applies to the effects of patrician and plebeian, are not calculated to improve the appearance of polish or paint. When packages are corded, they should be corded tightly and securely ; in such cases, the cord- age is regarded as the legitimate medium for lifting and carrying ; therefore, if it be loose, or the knot in- securely fastened, prepare yourself to see your package lying smashed on the ground, its contents strewn in every direction, and the porter gazing at you with the cord in his hand, and a reproachful look on his features, for having supplied him with so treacherous a holding. The directing of luggage is a matter of no small importance, carelessness in this particular frequently causing the miscarriage of packages. The name and address should be written legibly, and in a bold hand. Observe, also, that the name of the place should be in larger letters than the name of the person ; and however much this may offend our self- esteem, it must be borne in mind that in the hurry and bustle of departure, the destination is what is first required to be known, the owner being a secondary consideration. When address labels are attached by tying, they should be of leather, parchment, or some such untearable material. One may frequently note a strip of writing paper, with the superscription traced on it in microscopic characters, the said strip partially strangled with twine or thread, and tenderly attached to the handle of a package ; an arrangement that may answer the purpose of indicating the birth-place of 10 THE BAIL WAY TEAVELLEE’S HAKDY LOOK. the embryo lupine in a garden plot, but ill adapted for the rough usage of the railway station and the exi- gencies of the luggage van. Cards of address, fastened on by tacks, are not to be recommended, for the cards are apt to be torn away by contact with other pack- ages, leaving the tacks standing alone as monuments to the memory of the departed. The best plan is to paste the labels on to the luggage, as they will thus more certainly retain their position ; for this purpose adhesive labels are prepared and sold, which have only to be wetted and applied in the same way as postage stamps. To avoid confusion, and to prevent things being mis-sent, it is advisable to remove the labels having reference to previous journeys. As a crown- ing precaution, it would be as well to place the name and destination of the owner of the luggage inside as well as outside, so that in the event of the latter being destroyed, a clue to the claimant may be furnished. The number of articles which are constantly travelling out of their legitimate course, through carelessness in the matter of address, exceed belief. Some curious stories could be told of railway travellers and their luggage chasing each other half over the United King- dom ; by some unhappy mischance, never happening to reach the same place together; so that the “Adven- tures of Japhetin Search of his Father ,” or “ Coelebs in Search of a Wifef are but tame and uninteresting narratives compared with “ Tomkins in Quest of his Trunk,” BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. 17 TRAVELLING- EQUIPAGE. There are, perhaps, few things upon which human ingenuity has been brought to bear with such force as travelling conveniences. The distant traveller and the tourist, the family man and the bachelor, he whose means and desires are unlimited, and he whose re- sources are circumscribed, and whose requirements are few, has each been considered. Many of us can remember the clumsy and cum- brous trunks and boxes of a bygone period, rendered clumsier and heavier still by outworks of brass-headed nails and bands of iron. Also those extraordinary carpet-bags, in which nothing could lie flat, and from which everything emerged in a dreadfully dilapidated state. Metis nous avons change tout cela, and now travelling trunks, portmanteaus, bags, etc., may be had in every conceivable variety of make, shape, and size. For family purposes, a species of large trunk has been invented, which, when its outer covering is removed, resembles a chest of drawers, partaking, indeed, of all the convenience of that well-known article of household furniture without its cumbrous- ness. Trunks there are, also, of a smaller size, divided into compartments, affording facilities for arranging the wardrobe, and for separately placing away each article of dress. Of portmanteaus there exist a great variety, some on a large scale, and substantially made, so as to approach nearly the genus trunk, others with collapsing propensities, enabling the capacity of the receptacle to be considerably extended when occasion requires, and materially diminishing the bulk when 18 THE HAILWAY TEAYELLElt’s HANEY BOOK. not in use, by which means it becomes a large or a small portmanteau according to the contents. Another portmanteau is made of a size to admit of its being placed under the railway seat, and has the handle placed in such a manner that it may be easily carried by the owner. An equal amount of ingenuity has been displayed in connection with travelling bags. There is one of a hybrid nature, being a travelling bag upwards and a portmanteau downwards, proving as convenient as the latter, and as portable as the former. Another kind of bag is made to open square, enabling the articles to be placed in on a firm basis, and not coaxed or jammed in sideways, as in the ordinary bag. As travelling bags are put into requisition more generally than any other kind of travelling gear, it will not be amiss to describe a bag recently intro- duced, which is made to contain the various toilet requisites, as well as articles of attire, and which possesses the combined advantages of compactness and portability. This bag is constructed to open in such a manner as to present the whole of the fittings standing erect in the centre, leaving the sides free. By a simple contrivance it is further made to open at the bottom. On two boards or standards are dis- played the fittings ; the boards, being supplied with a long hinge and handle, may be lifted out of the bag, and made to stand firmly on a table ; the sides then lying fiat, are in a convenient position for packing. The inner parts of the sides are provided with strong flaps, and also strong elastics and fasteners, to confine any article packed under them. One side of the bag can be opened to the bottom, leaving the other side BEFORE THE JOUltHEY. 19 still upright. The bag can be used without the fittings, the whole interior being then available for packing besides the flaps. It is also supplied wdth a new form of handle, the ends of which slide in grooves, thereby- allowing it to lie quite flat on the top of the frame. From bags we come to a species of knapsack, which is generally strapped on to the back, but being fitted with a handle on the top it may, when not used as a knapsack, form a convenient substitute for a travelling bag. Haversacks and wallets come next in order, these are made to contain a change of linen, toilet requisites, etc., and are slung across the shoulder by a strap. For persons who are going short jour- neys, or who intend to pedestrianize, this is, perhaps, the best kind of travelling appendage that can be conceived ; it renders its wearer at once independent and easy. He can go from place to place without being importuned by touts and tag-rag. He enters an inn, and leaves it without any of that parade or sensation which even the smallest of travelling bags appears to engender, and he can always have what- ever he requires ready at hand, and soon becomes so accustomed to his general burden, as to be scarcely aware that he is carrying anything at all. Dressing- cases are designed of every form and variety, and in keeping with the utilitarian spirit of the age, are also made to combine with the customary portmanteau or travelling bag, the articles being so disposed as to fill up vacancies which would otherwise remain unappro- priated. Another convenient form of dressing-case is that where the toilet requisites are spread, if we may so term it, on a strip of leather, and are then 20 THE It AIL WAY TRAVELLERS HANDY BOOK. capable of being rolled up into a small compass. Nor have ladies been forgotten in the matter of travelling equipages. There are ladies’ wardrobes, ladies’ port- manteaus, ladies’ compendiums, ladies’ bonnet trunks, etc., each admirably adapted for the various purposes to which it will be put. The travelling receptacles chosen, and the luggage packed, the next considera- tion is — FIXING- THE TIME OE DEPARTURE. In answer to the question whether it is better to travel by day or by night, we should say that much depends on the constitution and temperament of the traveller. It is decidedly imprudent for a delicate person to expose himself to the night air, which to some extent he must do, however securely the doors and windows of the carriage may be closed. Nor can the deprivation of the usual night’s rest be conducive to health. For although, in some exceptional cases, there are travellers who can sleep as soundly on the railroad as in their beds, the majority of travellers, in spite of every effort, fail on procuring any slumber beyond that homeopathic amount familiarly known as “ forty winks.” But setting aside the drawback of broken rest, some persons maintain that there are certain recommendations which render night travelling pre- ferable to travelling by day ; one is, that people are, generally speaking, more sociable, the darkness and stillness of night appear to dispel that distrust and shyness with which English travellers habitually re- gard each other by day, so that the journey is made BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. 21 agreeable by conversation and tbe interchange of courtesies. To the very timid, another recommenda- tion is that there is less chance of collision, the line being comparatively clear, and extra precaution being taken to prevent the possibility of accident. Some persons prefer starting by the last train at night to the first train in the morning, because the excitement attendant on the journey, and the dread of oversleep- ing themselves, entirely breaks up their night’s rest, and renders them in a very unfit state to set out upon their travels. If the day be chosen, the hour of departure should be regulated, to some extent, by the time of arrival. It is very awkward, for instance, to invade the domicile of a country friend in the middle of the night, and owing to the absence of suitable arrange- ments it may prove equally unpleasant to the invader. In cases where the traveller is bound for some across country place, and has to depend upon a public con- veyance to transport him to his final destination, he should assure himself that the omnibus, coach, or fly, will be at the station to meet the train he travels by ; and on extraordinary occasions he may secure the attendance of a conveyance by a polite request, either by post or telegraph, being forwarded to the superin- tendent of the station at which he intends to alight. # # This put3 us in mind of a certain incident which occurred to us in one of our journeys. We arrived at dusk at a little sequestered station, and determined upon walking to our place of destination. Shortly after we set out, however, the darkness of night came on suddenly, and we thought we should now rather prefer riding. Just at that moment we met “ a weary plough- man plodding his homeward way;” we hailed with “ I say, my 22 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY ROOK. LETTERS OF ADVICE, ETC. When the traveller is about to visit an hotel or lodging-house, he will insure a comfortable reception by writing a letter, a few days prior to his departure, to the proprietor of the house he intends staying at, instructing him to prepare certain rooms, and make such other arrangements as may be necessary, it would be as well if the letter were posted in sufficient time for an answer to be received before the day of starting, so that the traveller may be assured of his arrangements being carried out, or in the event of it being impossible to comply with his request, that he may be made acquainted with the fact. Even when the visit is about to be paid to a friend, where there is always a welcome, the proposed visit should be notified, to save inconvenience to all parties. There are very few people who like to be taken by surprise, and the usual exclamation of, “ If I had only known that you had been coming,” is sufficiently indicative of the disappointment felt. Should you require a ladies’ carriage, a horse-box, or a carriage-truck, write to the station-master a day or tw^o previously, as they are not always to be had at the moment. In cases of invalids, or decrepit persons, it would also be as well man, we want to go to , can you tell us if there are any vehicles about here.” To which he replied, “ I don’t know nothink about wehicles, but there’s a great big pond in the next field, and if you don’t look out you’ll tumble into it.” Moral . — A traveller arriving late at an out-of-the-way place, without any previous arrangement or intimation, is more likely to find ponds than “ wehicles” to receive him. BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 23 to write to the station-master, or other authority, beforehand, to endeavour to secure such conveniences and comforts most favourable to the sufferer’s infirmi- ties. At the same time it should be borne in mind, that although there is every disposition on the part of the different railway companies to be as considerate as possible, still they cannot be expected to confer special advantages on individuals, to the detriment of the public interest and the general working of the establishment. EYE OF DEPARTURE. We have now arrived at a period within a few hours of starting on the intended journey, say the night before. At this juncture the traveller, like a wary general, reviews his forces, and places his baggage in order, ascertaining that the addresses are all properly affixed, the locks secured, and the straps and cords fastened. If the intention be to start very early in the morning, a vehicle should be engaged overnight, and the driver instructed to be at the door in ample time for the removal of the luggage and the getting to the station. But by the time the vehicle arrives, you yourself should be ready to step into it. To this end, it will be necessary to ask a policeman, or some person whose duty takes him abroad at night, to call you at the proper hour. In some country towns the people who have to attend the markets are in the habit of chalking opposite to their doors overnight, the hour at which they wish to be aroused the next morning. Thus the policeman 24 THE RAILWAY aUlAVELLEtt’S HANDY 1300K. reads his instructions as he walks his beat, and awakens the inmates accordingly. This hint might be acted upon by railway travellers ; for the person who had been spoken to, might forget the number of the house, the hour at which he was to call, or pos- sibly lose sight of the circumstance altogether, unless thus reminded. Again, some persons sleep so soundly that the noise of the door-bell or knocker fails to im- press their auditory nerves. In many of the manu- facturing districts of England, the factory hands em- ploy a watchman, who is paid by subscription, and whose especial duty it is to arouse at certain hours those by whom he is employed. Eor this purpose he is armed with a long cane or wand, and the habita- tions of the factory people being for the most part low built, he is enabled to tap at the bedroom win- dows, and this he does in every case until he receives a response from within. It is well known that no sound from without sooner startles a sleeping person than a noise against the window. Acting upon this hint, the person who arouses the railway traveller might discharge against the window of his bed- chamber a little gravel, or a few small shot, following this up by a vigorous ring of the bell ; the one sound effectually breaking in upon slumber, and the other acting as a reminder. But the best plan of all to insure being in time for an early train, is to sleep the night previously at an hotel adjoining, or adjacent to, the departure sta- tion. Here there will be little fear of awakening as the bustle in the passages and various bedrooms of other early travellers will, generally speaking, be suf- BEEOEE THE JOUENEY. 25 ficient to awaken the heaviest sleeper. To avoid, how- ever, the possibility of miscarriage, order the “ boots” to call you at the required time in the morning. It happens, in numerous instances, that virtuous resolves are made overnight with respect to early rising, which resolves, when put to the test, are doomed only to be broken. Some years ago a clergy- man, who had occasion to visit the West of England on very important business, took up his quarters, late at night, at a certain hotel adjacent to a railway, with a view of starting by the early train on the following morning. Previous to retiring to rest, he called the “ boots ” to him, told him that he wished to be called for the early train, and said that it was of the utmost importance that he should not oversleep himself. The reverend gentleman at the same time confessed that he was a very heavy sleeper, and as there would be probably the greatest difficulty in awakening him, he (the “ boots ”) was to resort to any means he thought proper in order to effect his object. And, further, that if the business were effectually accomplished, the fee should be a liberal one. The preliminaries being thus settled, the clergyman sought his couch, and “ boots ” left the room with the air of a determined man. At a quarter to five on the following morning, “ boots ” walked straight to “ No. Twenty-three,” and com- menced a vigorous rattling and hammering at the door, but the only answer he received was “ All right !” uttered in a very faint and drowsy tone. Eive minutes later, “ boots ” approached the door, placed his ear at the keyhole, and detecting no other sound than a most unearthly snore, he uncere- 26 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY LOOK. moniously entered tlie room, and laying his brawny hands upon the prostrate form of the sleeper, shook him violently and long. This attack was replied to by a testy observation that he “ knew all about it, and there was not the least occasion to shake one so.” “ Boots ” thereupon left the room, but somewhat doubtingly, and only to return a few minutes after- wards and find the Rev. Mr. as sound asleep as ever. This time the clothes were stripped off, and a species of baptismal process was adopted, familiarly known as “ cold pig.” At this assault the enraged gentleman sat bolt upright in bed, and with much other bitter remark, denounced “ boots ” as a bar- barous fellow. An explanation was then come to, and the drowsy man professed he understood it all, and was about to arise. But the gentleman who officiated at the hotel, having had some experience in these matters, placed no reliance upon the promise he had just received, and shortly visited “ No. Twenty-three” again. There he found that the occupant certainly had got up, but it was only to replace the bed-clothes and to lie down again. “ Boots ” now felt convinced that this was one of those cases which required prompt and vigorous handling, and without more ado, therefore, he again stripped off the upper clothing, and seizing hold of the under sheet, he dragged its deposi- tory bodily from off the bed. The sleeping man, sen- sible of the unusual motion, and dreamily beholding a stalwart form bent over him, became impressed with the idea that a personal attack was being made upon him, probably with a view to robbery and murder. Under this conviction, he, in his descent, grasped BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. 27 “ boots ” firmly by the throat, the result being that both bodies thus came to the floor with a crash. Here the two rolled about for some seconds in all the agonies of a death-struggle, until the unwonted noise and the cries of the assailants brought several persons from all parts of the hotel, and, they, seeing two men rolling frantically about in each other’s arms, and with the hand of each grasping the other’s throat, rushed in and separated them. An explana- tion was of course soon given. The son of the church was effectually awakened, he rewarded the “ boots,” and went off by the train. Fortune subsequently smiled upon “ boots,” and in the course of time he became proprietor of a first- rate hotel. In the interval the Eev. Mr. had risen from a humble curate to the grade of a dean. Having occasion to visit the town of , he put up at the house of the ex-boots. The two men saw and recognized each other, and the affair of the early train reverted to the memory of both. “ It was a most fortunate circumstance,” said the dean, “that I did not oversleep myself on that morning, for from the memorable journey that followed, I date my ad- vancement in the Church. But,” he continued, with an expression that betokened some tender recollection, “ if I ever should require you to wake me for an early train again, would you mind placing a mattress or feather-bed on the floor ?” 28 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY HOOK. BE IN TIME. This will not be an inappropriate place to impress upon the railway traveller the importance of punctu- ality. The old adage of “ Time and tide wait for no man ” may be applied in this direction, only for the word tide read “trains.” The time of departure stated in the table is no fiction ; the strictest regu- larity is observed, and indeed must necessarily be, to prevent the terrible consequences that might other- wise ensue. Therefore passengers, to insure being booked, should be at the station five minutes earlier than the advertised time of departure. The doors of the booking-office are usually closed at the time fixed for the departure of the train, after which no person can be admitted. It should here be observed that the clocks at the various railway stations are universally set and regulated by “ London time.” Lor instance, most of our readers are aware that when it is twelve o’clock in the metropolis, it is either earlier or later than that hour elsewhere, according to the distance from London, and the direction of the compass. Thus the clocks of a provincial town may point at five minutes to twelve, whereas it has already struck twelve in London, and the train appointed for depar- ture at that hour has started, when the unmindful traveller thinks that he has still a few minutes to spare. Bearing this fact in mind, it will be wise, upon alighting at a provincial station, to note the difference between the time registered there and the London time, so that the discrepancy may be duly allowed for in the traveller’s subsequent movements. Beware of BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 29 placing too great a reliance upon the domestic clock ; these are generally eccentric in their movements, and by some sort of fatality, when most relied on, most mislead. The reason why persons are late for the train, generally arises from an overweening con- fidence in there being “ plenty of time;” the interval between starting for the station and arriving at it is too finely calculated, or too short a time is allowed for the performance of certain things. We hope that we shall not be accused of a want of gallantry when we declare that when there are ladies in the case, it is absolutely necessary to allow a wider margin for the preparations for departure than is ordinarily assigned. The fair sex must com- plete their toilet to their entire satisfaction, whatever the consequences may be. It should also be remem- bered that they do not enter into the spirit of the straight-laced punctuality observed by the railway authorities, and if the time-table sets down the de- parture at 1.20, they instinctively read 1.45. In such cases, it is absolutely necessary to adopt some strate- gem to insure being in time for the train ; the precise modus operandi is left to the ingenuity of the tra- veller, and the opportunities that may present them- selves. Perhaps the following anecdote may furnish a hint on this head : — A gentleman, engaged in commerce, had for a wife a lady possessed of every charm and nearly every virtue ; there was one defect in her com- position, however, which negatived many of her good qualities, and went far to disturb the domestic bliss which should have otherwise reigned — namely, an 30 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANEY BOOK. utter disregard of punctuality in the regulation of her domestic duties. Many were the cold looks, the harsh rebukes, the bitter rejoinders, and the sulky in- tervals which this one fault gave rise to. In due course of time the father of the lady departed this life, and among other heirlooms that reverted to her, was a clock which had literally served its time in the family. In the days of her early childhood, she who was now an unpunctual wife, had been led to regard this clock as a monitor who was to be implicitly obeyed. Her going to and returning from school ? her bed-time, her play-time, her meal-time, were duly regarded as they were duly recorded. And she would no more have thought of questioning the fidelity of this Time’s chronicler, than she would the word of her parents themselves. How, when this clock once more made its appearance among the house- hold gods, the old feeling of veneration and regard re- turned, and asserted its supremacy as strongly in the bosom of the matron as it had reigned in the breast of the child. Forthwith every household duty was performed and regulated by this faithful indicator. The husband was not long in noting this new-born love of punctuality, nor slow in tracing the cause of it. He determined on profiting by it to the furthest extent, to compensate himself for many terrible dis- appointments hitherto experienced, and to make pro- vision for any future relapse. He accordingly hit upon the expedient of privately putting on the clock a quarter of an hour, and keeping it thus in advance without his wife’s knowledge in perpetuity. This he successfully accomplished; and although occasional 33EEORE THE JOURHEY. 31 droppers-in sometimes ventured to hint that the clock was a little fast, and although every other time-piece far and near appeared by comparison to be slow, the good lady remained true to her horological faith, and to the latest day of her existence held the belief that of all the clocks in the universe, hers only was right, and every other wrong. It is needless to re- mark on the advantage which was not only reaped by the husband, but which accrued to the parties con- cerned by this harmless ruse. To resume the thread of our remarks, there cer- tainly cannot be exhibited a more ludicrous sight than that presented by a man vainly endeavouring to catch the train. If he be burdened by many pack- ages, and accompanied by a wife and a numerous family of young children, the picture is considerably heightened. Under any circumstance, it is galling enough to make that frantic rush amidst the clatter- ing of wheels, the barking of dogs, the jeers of b} r - standers, and the grim smiles of railway officials, and all this with no other result than to see the train you have made such desperate exertions to save, quietly steaming out of the station, to say nothing of the irksomeness of being imprisoned, perhaps, at some out-of-the-way station, for two or three hours, and the humiliation of being regarded and alluded to as “ the party that was too late for the last train.’ ’ Even supposing that by a happy chance the train is just saved, the traveller is huddled into the first vacant seat without being allowed to exercise choice. He is very hot, flurried, and certainly not in the most amiable of moods. The probabilities are that he has 32 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANDY ROOK. lost or left something behind, or if he has not, he is under that impression, and is in a state of con- siderable agitation accordingly. Therefore we say, if you wish to start on a journey comfortably, or, indeed, if you desire to start at all — Be in time . TRAVELLING COSTUME. The dress which a person wears when travelling by railway, need not be an object of solicitude so far as fashion is concerned ; the end to be achieved is comfort and ease. Tor gentlemen, the best costume is one of those suits now so commonly worn, made of the same material, fashioned in such a manner as to leave the body and limbs free and unconstrained, and the colour light, so as not to show the dust, nor re- quire constant brushing; moreover, liberally furnished with pockets for books, newspapers, sandwiches, pocket-flask, etc. One of the most sensible articles of travelling attire is a shirt of flannel, which is much warmer than the linen or cotton shirt ordinarily worn, and does away with the necessity of frequent change of garment, which entails upon the traveller considerable expense and inconvenience. It will also be found a good plan in many cases to wear patent leather boots instead of the ordinary leather ones : they can be cleaned by the wearer himself with a little oil or milk, and are always at hand. A cap is preferable to a hat ; but if the traveller be wedded to the chimney- pot style of head- covering, he had better provide him- self with a “ gibus,” or compressible hat, which admits of being easily stowed away when not in use. It would BEEOEE T1IE JOTJIiNEY. 33 be as well for the traveller to provide himself with an over-coat, no matter what the season, the weight of the garment being regulated accordingly. In our variable climate sunshine may at any moment be in- terrupted by rain ; and even in the height of summer keen blasts and cold winds sometimes make them- selves felt. To meet these contingencies, the secret, therefore, is to have an over-coat which is not heavy to carry either on the back or in the hand, serving its purpose when required, and not proving burdensome when no longer needed. Over-coats possessing these qualifications are made in great variety. It is of the utmost importance to keep the feet warm ; this may be accomplished by a pair of lamb’s-wool socks and thick-soled boots, a pair of extra socks drawn over the ordinary ones, cork soles cr strips of flannel placed within the boots. Tor effectually protecting the body against cold there is nothing better than a maud or shepherd’s plaid. P or keeping away draughts from the legs a railway rug or wrapper will answer the desired end. *We shall perhaps be excused for calling attention to a new material for wearing apparel which will possibly prove of service to the railway traveller ; we allude to paper. There are now being advertised paper collars, paper shirt-fronts, paper waistcoats, etc. The novelty is perhaps too startling to meet with general and immediate adoption ; and besides the material is generally regarded as too fra- gile to be depended on. A gentleman presenting himself at the dinner-table with a white paper waistcoat washed into a pulp, would cut a rather ignominious figure ; a shirt-front torn in the centre l) 34 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY LOOK. would somewhat awkwardly reveal the secrets of the bosom, and there would he something extremely un- dignified in dog-eared wristbands. In the matter of collars, however, there is not so much to object to. They will doubtless serve their purpose for the day, and inasmuch as their cost is not greater than the charge for washing linen ones, they will be found more convenient and equally as economical. The tra- veller thus provided with these, and with the flannel shirts previously referred to, may travel from place to place without being irritated by that somewhat un- certain and exacting class — the laundresses. As regards ladies’ attire, we dare scarcely enter within that penetralia. Ve may, however, be excused for recommending the use of a veil for protecting the face and eyes ; and a general regard for comfort and con- venience rather than appearances. SUPPLY OP ETCETEEAS. It has been said that with a shilling, a piece of string, and a pocket-knife a man is prepared for any emergency. Without bounding our view within this narrow limit, we are of opinion that the possession of a few articles, comparatively trifling in themselves, is calculated to enhance the comfort and convenience of the railway traveller. Supposing the railway traveller to be provided — as we trust every railway traveller is — with a liberal supply of cash, there is even here a consideration as to its most available form. If the sum required be not very large, we strongly advise that it should be in hard cash, for this is readily trails- BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. 35 mittable. If notes must be necessarily taken, they should be of the smallest amount, as great difficulty and even expense is sometimes incurred in procuring change for larger notes. And even where the change can be given, it is in many cases withheld, because there exists a lurking suspicion that all is not right. Neither should a supply of small change be wanting, half-crowns, shillings, sixpences, fourpenny pieces, etc., ready for all calls and claims. "When a traveller is unprovided with this comparatively trifling material, it is astonishing how liable he renders him- self to overcharges and impositions ; and frequently, rather than be put to annoyance and delay, he has to pay four or five times the value of an article or for trifling services performed. Before starting on a journey, therefore, we would advise that change be sent for, and a portion of it, comprising every variety of coin, placed loose in the pocket for instant disburse- ment. Every person of ordinary thought and ob- servation should carry with him a pocket memorandum book ; many incidents may occur well worthy of note, many items of information may present themselves which should in no case pass by unrecorded. And here we would impress upon the reader not to he afraid or ashamed of using such a book, and not to trust too implicitly to memory to retain all that is seen and heard. If in an ordinary railway journey,, say from London to York, a passenger were to jot down actual observations, and passing impressions, he could not fail to be surprised and pleased hereafter with the fund of profit and pleasure he had thus stored up. No person should travel by railway without SO TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S 1IAKDY ROOK. haying his card of address about him, setting aside the painful catastrophe of an accident, there are nu- merous emergencies when this simple voucher of respectability and personal identity is calculated to play an important part, and in the absence of which, it is just possible for a person to be regarded with suspicion, treated with indignity, and, for a time, even deprived of his liberty. The most immaculate of railway travellers may bear an unfortunate resem- blance to an accomplished swindler who once came by the same route, or be the very counterpart of some notorious offender, “wanted,” in the Hue and Cry. 'True, the possession of a card of address would not be ; in itself sufficient evidence of innocence and respecta- bility, but this would go far to establish the truth, .‘and, taken in connection with corroborative testimony, would probably clear up all doubts. Occasion fre- quently arises for despatching a written communi- cation at some point of the journey, or before the traveller is fairly established in his quarters. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult, and some- times impossible, to procure writing materials, postage stamps, etc. As a provision against such emer- gencies, it is to be recommended that the tra- veller carry in his pocket-book three or four sheets of note-paper folded within as many envelopes, and with postage stamps affixed ; these, with a pocket-pen and a small inkstand so constructed as not to allow the ink to escape, will place it in the possessor’s power to write a note at any moment, and to despatch it through the next post-office arrived at. When it is borne in mind how frequently such emergencies as BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 37 these arise, how important it is that they should ho immediately attended to, how small the hulk of the articles mentioned, how easily procured, and how handy at all times and all places, we need offer no further apology for laying some stress on this matter. CONVEYANCE TO THE STATION. The railway traveller will seldom experience any difficulty in meeting with a conveyance to take him to the station. Omnibusses, cabs, flys, etc., custom- arily journey stationwards conformably with the depar- ture and arrival of the various trains, while in the streets of London, and other large cities, a vehicle is always within hail. If a person has little or no luggage, a seat in an omnibus will answer his purpose, but if his packages are numerous, then it will be necessary to have a cab or a fly. The squabbles between drivers and their fares upon alighting are matters of notoriety, and generally follow as a matter of course. But this is especially the case when a person is con- veyed to a railway station, for the cabman well knows that ninety-nine persons out of a hundred prefer pay- ing the excess of fare to missing the train, which they are likely to do by contending against the overcharge. The most satisfactory plan is to bargain with the driver before setting out, telling him exactly how many persons and packages there are, so that he may have no pretext for claiming extra fare. But if this be not done, it should be known that at most stations there is exhibited a table of fares, calculated from several points, and if this fail in affording the desired 38 THE BAILWAY TEAVELLEE’S HANEY BOOK. information, the policeman, or head porter on duty, will generally be able to throw a light on the matter. In any case, be prepared with the exact amount of the fare, for cabmen resemble, in this particular, Gold- smith’s Village Preacher, who where no regular vehicle can be obtained to convey him to the station, and this contretemp is aggravated when the time of departure happens to be early in the morning ; in such a dilemma, a mail-cart, a market- cart, or some such conveyance, may come to the traveller’s rescue. And this knowledge may be ga- thered at the village ale-house, the grocer’s, the post- office, etc. Captain B , a man of restless energy and adventurous spirit, emerged early one morning from a hovel in a distant village, where from stress of weather he had been compelled to pass the night. It was just dawn of day, and within an hour the train he wished to go by would start from the station, about six miles distant. He had with him a portmanteau, which it would be impossible for him to carry within the prescribed time, but which he could not very well leave behind. Pondering on what he should do, his eye lighted on a likely-looking horse grazing in a field hard by, while in the next field there was a line ex- tended between two posts, for the purpose of drying clothes on. The sight of these objects soon suggested the plan for him to adopt. In an instant he detached the line, and then taking a piece of bread from his 40 THE BAILWAY TBAYELLEB’S HANDY BOOK. pocket, coaxed the animal to approach him. Captain E was an adept in the management of horses, and as a rough-rider, perhaps, had no equal. In a few seconds lie had, by the aid of a portion of the line, arranged his portmanteau pannier-wise across the horse’s back, and forming a bridle with the remaining portion of the line ; he led his steed into the lane, and sprang upon his back. The horse rather relished the trip than otherwise, and what with the unaccustomed burden, and the consciousness that he was being steered by a knowing hand, he sped onwards at a terrific pace. While in mid career, one of the mounted police espied the captain coming along the road at a distance ; recognizing the horse, but not knowing the rider, and noticing also the portmanteau, and the uncouth equipment, this rural guardian of the peace at once came to the conclusion that this was a case of robbery and horse-stealing ; as the captain neared him, he endeavoured to stop him, and stretched forth his hand to seize theimprovized bridle, but the gallant equestrian laughed to scorn this impotent attempt, and shook him off, and shot by him. Thus foiled, the policeman had nothing to do than to give chase ; so turning his horse’s head he followed in lull cry. The clatter and shouts of pursuer and pursued brought forth the inhabitants of the cottages they passed, and many of these joined in the chase. Never since Turpin’s ride to York, or Johnny Gilpin’s ride to Edmonton, had there been such a commotion caused by an equestrian performance. To make a long story short, the captain reached the station in ample time ; an explanation ensued ; a handsomo apology was BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 41 tendered to the patrol, and a present equally hand- some was forwarded, together with the abstracted property, to the joint owner of the horse and the clothes-line. ARRIVAL AT TIIE STATION. Supposing you to arrive at the station in a cab, you will there find a porter ready to remove the lug- gage on to his truck ; superintend this removal, see that you have all your packages, give a glance inside the cab to ascertain that nothing is left behind, and as a further precaution note the number of the driver in case anything should have escaped your notice. If you are accompanied by any persons, conduct them to the w T aiting-room, there to remain until you come for them after having settled the preliminaries of the journey. Although the railway company have now charge of your luggage, you are still expected to exer- cise supervision over it to prevent its being mislaid or missent. Therefore, after having conducted your travelling companions to the waiting-room, you return to look after the luggage which is in the hall, or may have been in the meantime wheeled on to the station. When you recognize the truck upon which your effects are deposited, you call the attention of one of the porters to it, and he will wheel the things to the pro- per department, where a printed label of the name of the place you are destined for will be affixed upon each package. This process is an important one, and ought to be personally superintended by every owner of luggage. While this is being done, you may select 42 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S IIAKDY ROOK. the smaller articles or those yon may wish to have with you in the carriage. The next duty is to see your luggage stowed away, making a memorandum of the number of the van in which or upon which the luggage is placed; while to facilitate your lighting upon the van at the end of the journey without hesitation, it would be as well to remark its relative position from the engine ; and thus note it in your me- morandum book, “ Luggage in van No. , the — th carriage from the engine.” We have now to notice the quantity of luggage which each person is entitled to carry with him free of charge. In this particular there is a slight variation between the different Lines ; those which run their trains to commercial and manu- facturing districts are more liberal in their allowance than those lines which convey chiefly pleasure seekers; for instance, the Great Northern allows first class, 112 lbs. ; second class, 100 lbs.; third class, 56 lbs. ; while the South Eastern stipulates for first class, 100 lbs. ; second class, 60 lbs. ; third class, 56 lbs. The average quantity of luggage allowed on the various railroads may be calculated to be between these two extreme rates. It will here be seen what an advan- tage the light leather travelling equipage of modern days possess over the heavy and lumbering trunks of a former age. The truth is, that owing to the difficulties and expenses of travelling, our forefathers were more settled in their habits than we are ; they contented themselves with a journey perhaps once in seven years ; w T e, on the contrary, deem it not exces- sive to take seven journeys in one year. If a lynx- eyed railway porter suspects that a railway traveller BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 43 has a larger amount of luggage than lie ought to have, he settles his suspicions by an appeal to the weighing machine, and for every pound of luggage in excess a charge is made at a certain rate. This excess the owner has the option of taking with him by the same train, or of sending by a “ goods train,” which is cheaper than an ordinary passenger train. If, how- ever, his luggage is comprised in one large package, he must perforce take it with him, and submit to pay the higher rate. It is an excellent plan, where a person has a much greater extent of luggage than he knows he can take with him, to send the quantity in excess a day or two previously by a goods tram, directing it to be left at the station till called for, or sending it to some friend or acquaintance to take charge of for a few days. On some lines, passengers by express trains are not permitted to carry the same weight of luggage as passengers by ordinary trains, on other lines no such distinction is made ; but this point should be clearly ascertained by the traveller before- hand. Travellers by ordinary excursion trains are not allowed to take with them luggage, properly so called, what they may take being restricted to such sized packages as can be conveniently stowed away in the carriage by which they travel. CHOICE OF KOUTE. Many places may be reached by three or four routes, the competition among the various com- panies prompting them to annex such and such towns to their line at whatever cost or sacrifice. These bids 44 TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY ROOK. for the patronage' of railway travellers exercise ail appreciable influence on the comfort and conve- nience offered, and the rate of fares charged. The various routes also afford passengers an agreeable change, and give them the opportunity of judging which is the most desirable line to travel by. When, therefore, a person is about to proceed to a certain place, he should ascertain whether it is accessible by more routes than one, and if it be so, he should com- pare the several fares charged, the relative distances, the time occupied in the journey, the number of sta- tions stopped at, etc. Some regard is also to be had to the direct or indirect nature of the route. .For although the fare in one case may be lower than the other, yet there may be involved change of carriage, halting at junctions, and other disagreeable hitches, which are more exacting than the mere disbursement of a few extra shillings. Excursionists who are not bound to any particular place, but to whom all points of the compass are alike, will do well to study atten • lively the excursion schemes put forth by the various companies, for by exercising this selection a more pleasurable excursion at a much less cost may be de- vised than could be obtained by hasty adoption. An- other consideration in the choice of lines is the proxi- mity of the terminus to the town. In the one case the station may be situated in the very centre of the place ; in the other it may be some miles distant. The time lost, and the extra expense in the latter case forming important considerations. BEFORE TILE JOURNEY. 45 CHOICE OF TRAIN. On every railroad there are trains running at cer- tain rates, and distinguished by some speciality. First in importance is the special train ; and although this does not apply to the public generally, still it is as well to know that on great emergencies, and in matters of life and death, a train may be despatched to any point, and placed entirely at the disposal of the person or persons demanding the convenience ; they, of course, defraying the extraordinary charge, which is necessarily a heavy one. When a special train is required, the usual method is to apply to the station-master, who will at once put the matter in hand. The express train takes second rank as a class of conveyance. The speed at which this train goes is very great ; thirty, forty, and sometimes fifty miles an hour being attained. Very few stations are called at, the object being to perform the journey as quickly and with as few interruptions as possible. The express has seldom a third class attached to it, and in some cases consists of first class only. There is usually some limit with regard to luggage, and the fare is higher than by ordinary train, ranging from an eighth to a fourth more. This train is well adapted for business persons, or for those bent on any pressing errand. The times of departure are usually between nine and ten in the morning, and between four and five in the afternoon. At the first blush it would appear that a train travelling at the tremendous pace indicated is peculiarly liable to meet with accident, whereas the uxact reverse is the case. The engine selected for the 46 TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANEY BOOK. express train, the carriages the most secure, and the employes the most intelligent and trustworthy which the management can select. Then every precaution is taken to avoid collision with other trains, and the advent of the express is signalled from station to sta- tion along the whole route. [Finally, the extraordi- nary momentum which is attained, enables the train to dash through interposing obstacles without com- municating scarcely any shock to the passengers, whereas an ordinary train under the same circum- stances would experience a concussion, resulting in all probability in the loss of life and limb. But to many persons the excessive vibration felt when tra- velling by express is most disagreeable, and when it is remembered how violently the body is thrown from side to side, and every now and then pitched in an opposite direction, and this incessantly for perhaps three or four hours, it is not to be wondered at that the delicate and ailing who have been subjected to such a process should feel shaky for some days after- wards. The mail train is preferred by many persons travelling on business, for inasmuch as it is employed in the postal service, its movements are necessarily regulated by the most scrupulous punctuality. The mere idea of travelling by the same train as the mail imparts a kind of confidence in the superior efficiency of the locomotive arrangements. The drawback with regard to the train is that it travels by night, gene- rally departing at nine o’clock in the evening, and arriving at its destination in the u small hours.” The parliamentary train, so called because, according to act of Parliament, every line is compelled to despatch BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. 47 a train at least once daily, by which passengers shall travel at the rate of one penny per mile. It need scarcely be stated that as this is the cheapest, so is it the slowest mode of railway conveyance. Its maxi- mum rate of speed is seldom greater than twenty miles an hour, and in some instances considerably less. It stops at all the stations. The time of departure is usually early in the morning, so that a person having a distance of more than a hundred miles to go may calculate upon passing the best part of the day on the rail. Although the parliamentary train is obviously tedious to many persons, yet there are others for whom it has its advantages. The slow pace and the frequent stoppages adapt themselves to the exigencies of invalids, and tend to quiet the apprehensions of the timid. Excursion trains, although a great boon to the humbler classes and the economically inclined, are not best calculated for the ordinary traveller. The confusion and bustle, the irregular times of de- parture and arrival, and the boisterous company into which one is thrown, although of very little moment to the person who has only a travelling bag, and who sets out for a few days 5 jaunt, are ill-calculated for the railway traveller who has a sober journey to perform, and is burdened with its attendant responsibilities and cares. RAILWAY PRIVILEGES. Every inducement to travel, in the form of fares and accommodation, is held out by the various rail- way companies. Eirst of all we have the return- ticket, enabling the traveller to accomplish the double 48 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S IIAKDY BOOK. journey at the rate of about a fare and a-half. These tickets are in some cases limited to use on the day on which they are issued ; while in other instances an interval of two or three days is allowed. The season- ticket or annual-ticket, payable monthly or quarterly, acts as a great encouragement for persons to become permanent residents in country places accessible by rail. The rate at which this privilege can be secured, is probably one-half or one-third less than would be paid in the ordinary way. It permits the person to travel as often as he pleases by any train, and to or from any part of the line. It also obviates the incon- venience and delay occasionally experienced in pro- curing the ticket, the holder of the season-ticket having nothing more to do than to make straight for the carriage. Ve may here remind season-ticket holders to re- new their privilege when the current term has ex- pired ,* the omitting to do this, either by accident or design, and still travelling on the line, has before now led to awkward exposures and unpleasant con- sequences. Through-tickets are issued to enable tra- vellers to take a certain route from one point to another, and to stop at various intermediate places. Before such ticket is taken, the intending railway traveller should make sure that he will be entitled to stop at those places he desires to visit, and he should also explicitly understand what interval of time is allowed him at each halting -place. Excursion-tickets are of varied kind and character ; the leading idea is, however, to afford an opportunity of enjoying the greatest amount of pleasure at the- BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 40 smallest possible cost. Sometimes there are certain restrictions which excursionists are expected to pay attention to and abide by. As, for instance, a limit in the quantity of luggage ; not being allowed to stop at intermediate stations ; being obliged to travel by certain trains, and none others, etc, RAILWAY INSURANCE. There is a certain amount of hazard in railway travelling, and although the number of accidents are few, when taken in connection with the immense amount of traffic, nevertheless, there are such un- fortunate occurrences, and they may visit any person at any period. One person may take long journeys, day after day, and year after year, and escape for a time on the principle that “ the pitcher that goes often to the well is broken at last.” Another person may perhaps venture on a railway for the first time in his life, and meet with an untimely end. One of the characteristics of railway accidents is that the injuries sustained are for the most part severe, and when not fatal, frequently incapacitating the sufferer from pursuing any active business during the re- mainder of his life-time. Sometimes the accident is of so peculiar a nature, that although there is no ex- ternal appearance of injury, yet the shock given to the system has been so violent as to interrupt the functions of the brain, disturb the equilibrium of the mind, and even to suspend vitality itself. To meet such catastrophes as these, there exists a Railway Passengers’ Assurance Company, which undertakes 50 TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HAFDY ROOK. to pay compensation in cases of accident or death, upon the following principles : — Insurances may be effected for a single or a double journey, for periods of time from one to twelve months ; for terms of five or ten years ; for the whole term of life. The system of insuring for each journey is conducted at nearly all railway stations, by the traveller taking an insurance ticket of the booking clerk at the time of taking the railway journey-ticket. The addition to the railway fare is very trifling, namely, one penny for the third class, twopence for the second class, and threepence for the first-class, whatever may be the length of the journey. The sums insured for these payments are £1000 to a first-class passenger ; £500 to a second- class passenger ; and £200 to a third-class passenger. These amounts are paid in case of death, and propor- tionate compensation allowed in cases of personal injury. The same amounts can be insured for a double or return journey, and for excursion trains, at corresponding rates of premiums. Insurances for periods of time may be also effected at the various railway stations, securing compensation for death or accident occurring on any railway in the United King- dom, or on the Continent of Europe, namely, to in- sure £1000, a premium of £5 for one month ; £10 for three months ; £16 for six months ; £20 for twelve months. Annual insurance may be effected by the payment of a small premium yearly ; and insur- ance for a term of years by a single payment at a proportionally low rate. The easy and ready manner in which these insur- ances may be effected, leaves no excuse for the rail- I3EE0RE THE J0UENEY. 51 way traveller neglecting to take so wise a precaution. All that has to be done is to place the insurance fee along with the railway fare on the pay-counter, and to receive the insurance-ticket with the railway- ticket. Against this mode of insurance as against others, some weak-minded persons are prejudiced, because they fear that the very catastrophe against which they are providing will be all the more likely to occur ; an illogical and unfounded mode of reason- ing unworthy alike of argument or refutation. One important feature of railway-insurance is, that com- pensation paid by the insurance company does] not invalidate any claim that may be made on the rail- way company ; and in the event of an action being brought, the payment of such compensation cannot be pleaded in mitigation of damages. Supposing the railway traveller to have insured for the journey he is about to take, the next consideration is the disposal of the insurance -ticket. It is not safe for him to retain it about his person, because in the event of an accident the ticket may be destroyed, or may fall out of the pocket and be lost ; thus precluding either the sufferer or his survivors reaping the contemplated benefit. The best plan is, therefore, for the railway traveller to take with him an envelope stamped and addressed to his wife, or nearest and dearest friend, to insert the ticket in this envelope, and to post it either at the station, or at an office in the immediate locality. Or if he be accompanied by a friend, he may hand the ticket over to him without any further trouble. But if these little matters are objected to as distracting the attention and harassing the mind 52 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S IIANDY BOOK. of the traveller at the important moment of starting, then let him insure by the year or for a term, thus becoming a policy-holder, as in the case of ordinary life insurance. CHOICE OF CLASS. The three classes of railway travelling may be said to correspond with the degrees of comparison, positive, comparative, superlative. He who regards economy as of paramount importance, he who aims at com- bining respectability with moderate charge, or he who is indifferent to cost, and studies his comfort only, is duly catered and cared for. At the time when lot- teries were in vogue, a person of low estate purchased a ticket ; on the day when a list of the prizes was posted up at the lottery-office, he proceeded thither to ascertain his fate, and to his great joy and astonish- ment beheld the number of his ticket adjudged a £20'000 prize. To calm the agitation of his mind, produced by this event, he determined upon taking a walk round St. Paul’s, and during that short prome- nade, he settled within himself the manner in which he should expend his newly-acquired fortune. His walk ended, he thought he would just go to the lottery- office again, to feast his eyes on the agreeable an- nouncement. But, oh, horror ! on reading over the list, he found that his ticket was no longer included among the fortunate numbers. In a state of bewil- derment bordering on distraction, he entered the lottery-office to inquire into the discrepancy ; the matter was soon explained : by a slip of the pen one BE3T0UE THE JOUHNEY. 53 little figure had been substituted for another, thus entirely altering the context, and raising false hopes. The victim of this blunder was often heard to declare, that the ten minutes of ecstasy which he enjoyed under the impression that he was a man of fortune, more than compensated for years of actual poverty, and to the day of his death he persisted in declaring he had once been worth £20,000. The relevancy of this anecdote is, that the meanest of mankind may, as a railway traveller, taste for once in his life the luxury and ease supposed to be the peculiar privilege of the rich and great, and, providing he occupy the compart- ment alone, he may boast in after life that he once rode in his own carriage. Let us now glance at the comparative cost and com- fort of the three classes. The fare of the first class is usually one-third more than that of the second class, and double that of the third class. But the superior accommodation is more than commensurate with the excess of fare. The carriage is unexceptionably fitted up, and the occupants polite and well conducted. It is said that a greater amount of respect is accorded to the occupants of first class carriages than to others ; and Punch once presented to his readers a kind of gamut or scale of railway civility, as thus : Collector of tickets {to first class passengers'), “ May I trouble you for your tickets ?” ( To second class), “ Tickets, please.” (To third class), “Now then! tickets.” We, however, who have always found railway servants uniformly civil and obliging, have no complaint to urge on this score. First class travelling is undoubtedly most suitable for ladies, and for delicate or sickly 54 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANEY BOOK. persons. In the latter case, especially, it should be borne in mind that the excess of fare is trifling as compared with the probable doctor’s charges, conse- quent upon a cold caught by an invalid journeying in second or third class. Another recommendation of the first class is, that the carriages are never over- crowded, and even if they have their complement of passengers, there is still ample sitting room, without any of that crowding, jostling, or edging, which are so peculiarly irritating. Tor the enjoyment of ease and comfort in the highest degree, we would commend the traveller to what are termed the saloon carriages, for in these a person may recline with perfect freedom and may shift his position as often as he pleases, without incommoding Gr annoying his fellow-traveller. The second class fare is usually one-fourth less than the first class, but the difference in comfort is im- mense. The seats and backs of the ordinary second class carriage are of wood, and the travelling with these surroundings, for any length of time, is of the most unpleasant description. There is, in point of fact, but little distinction between second and third class, the main difference being in the quality of the company. It is to be observed, however, that on some lines the second class carriages do not answer to the general description ; an attempt is made to render them comfortable, and the seats are partially cushioned. Eut even this occasional concession would appear to be a matter of caprice, for some trains run the better sort of carriages, while other tyains, even on the same line, adhere to the inferior kind. The far-seeing and provident traveller, therefore, will do well if, pre- BEFORE TIIE JOURNEY. viously to taking liis ticket, lie run his eye along the departing train, and ascertain whether the possibility exists of his having something approximating to first class comfort at second class fare. The discomforts and inconveniences of the third class are too notorious to need much dwelling upon. Of course, the lowness of fare is the grand recommendation, but even in this particular, a return journey can be performed at a cheaper rate by second class than by third, inasmuch as return-tickets are not generally issued for the latter. Some persons, attracted by the lowness of fare, and unacquainted with the attendant drawbacks, have an inclination to ride by third class. Under such circumstances they may be destined to pass the next few hours of their existence tightly compressed between two rough specimens of humanity. They may be doomed to semi-suffocation, to partial extinc- tion of vision, and total deprivation of motive power by several large bundles, boxes, or baskets, which every other passenger insists upon carrying, and which no amount of force or persuasion can apparently induce them to relinquish. It may be that the shoulders, shins, toes, or other parts of the body, will from time to time be brought into contact with angularities or cubes. Let us be understood as not deriding third class passengers, but as merely pointing out that these little rubs, which are patiently borne by the humbler and more enduring portion of the community, may prove a source of great disquiet and pain to him who is unaccustomed to be thus tried. To sum up the respective merits of the various modes of railway travelling, we should say, let all persons who 56 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANEY BOOK. can afford it travel first class, and let even those who imagine they cannot do so, and who have a long dis- tance to go, expend a few extra shillings in this direction, and economize them in some other. For short journeys, however, the second class may be ridden by without any material sacrifice of comfort, and for very short journeys, where a person wishes to view the country, enjoy the breeze, and indulge in a cigar, the third class will answer the purpose suffi- ciently well. The assertion may appear a startling one, that a person cannot always travel by the class he would wish, but is compelled, by that regard for appearances which influences society at large, to ride by the dearer class, when his means are better suited to an inferior class. This is an important considera- tion for persons who are about to take season-tickets, and who will, in all probability, have occasion to travel frequently in company with those with whom they are associated by commercial or social ties, and when to travel by an inferior class would argue either poverty or meanness. Here is a case in point : a London merchant resided a few miles from the City? in an elegant mansion, to and from which he journeyed daily, and invariably by third class. It happened that one of the clerks in his employ lived in a cottage accessible by the same line of railway, but he always travelled first class ; the same train thus presenting the anomaly of the master being in that place which one would naturally assign to the man, and the man appearing to usurp the position of the master. One day these two alighted at the terminus in full view of each other. “ "Well,” said Mr. E , in that tone of BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 57 banter which a superior so frequently thinks it be- coming to adopt. “ I don’t know how you manage to ride first class, when in these hard times I find third class fare as much as I can afford.” “ Sir,” replied the clerk, “ you, who are known to be a person of wealth and position, may adopt the most economical mode of travelling at no worse risk than being thought eccentric, and even with the applause of some for your manifest absence of pride. But, as for myself, I cannot afford to indulge in such irregularities. Among the persons I travel with I am reported to be a well-paid employe, and am respected accordingly ; to maintain this reputation I am compelled to travel in the same manner as they do, and were I to adopt an inferior mode, it would be attributed to some serious falling off of income; a circumstance which would occasion me not only loss of consideration among my quondam fellow-travellers, but one which, upon coming to the ears of my butcher, baker, and grocer, might seriously injure my credit with those highly respectable, but certainly worldly-minded, tradesmen.” Mr. B was not slow in recognizing the full force of this argument, more particularly as the question of his own liberality was involved, nor did he hesitate to give it a practical application by im- mediately increasing the salary of his clerk, not only to the amount of a first class season-ticket, but some- thing over. CHOICE OF CARRIAGE. In the selection of his carriage, the railway tra- veller has to take into consideration both comfort and 58 TIIE HAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY DOOR. security. The old stager is fully alive to this, and makes his choice with as much deliberation as an alderman would select his port. His decision being influenced by actual experience, as follows: — The middle of the train is the safest, because in the event of being run into from behind, or meeting a train in front, the force of the concussion would, in either case, be considerably expended before the centre part were reached. The carriages nearest the engine are re- garded as dangerous in case of an accident occurring to the engine itself, or in the event of its running off the line, when it usually manages to drag the next two or three carriages with it. The tail of the train is not liked, because it moves — in summer-time espe- cially — in a perpetual cloud of dust, which is not cal- culated to improve the attire or benefit the lungs. The oscillation, jerking, and other eccentric move- ments of the train are also felt with greater force at the end than in any other portion ; and it does some- times happen that the last carriage or two, by the severance of the coupling-irons, become separated from their travelling companions, and are left stand- ing stock-still on the line, while the forward portion of the train speeds on its way unconscious of, and therefore unheeding, the catastrophe. Observe that the first-class carriages lined with cloth are warmer than those lined with leather or horsehair ; therefore, in winter the former are the most comfortable ; in summer the latter are coolest. If you wish to recline at full length, and have reason to believe that the carriage will not fill, one having no division of seats may be selected, but under ordinary BEFOEE TELE JOUENEY. 59 circumstances tlie carriages having divisions are the most comfortable, as they afford a great support to the body when in a sitting position, and effectually prevent persons monopolizing an undue share of space. If there are two kinds of second-class carriages, the one having ample window-room, and the other with a small opening on each side resembling port-holes, avoid the latter as you would the plague, especially if the weather be hot, unless you wish to realize to yourself what the terrible position might have been of those unfortunate occupants of the Black Hole of Calcutta. When you are going on a long journey, bring the principles of Lavater to your aid, and scan the fea- tures of the persons already in possession of the car- riage, with a view of ascertaining whether they are likely to prove pleasant travelling companions or the contrary. Life is so short, that even a few hours miserably or happily spent are objects of consequence. Do not select a carriage which is obviously already in the possession of a party, the forming “ one too many” is anything but agreeable. A conversation carried on across you and behind you, and upon topics in which you are in no way concerned, is apt to prove uninteresting. Then there is that system of private telegraphing from one to the other, which might be interpreted thus, “ What a nuisance, this man coming in our carriage !” “ If he had any sense he might have known that he wasn’t wanted here.” “ Did ever you see such a guy — I wonder who and what he is,” and so on. So if a party wish to travel in perfect comfort, and to keep together, they should engage a carriage for their exclusive occupation, and GO TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER^ HANDY ROOK. this might bo done by sending word to the station- master a day or two previously, and to insure atten- tion, forwarding at the same time the amount of fare. CHOICE OF SEAT. The most comfortable seat in a railway carriage is a corner one, and if you desire to be undisturbed and at the same time to have an opportunity of viewing the country, the corner furthest from the door at which the passengers enter, is the best. If, however, you have not far to go, or wish to witness the bustle and commotion of the platform, then take up your station at the corner nearest the entrance door. It is generally acknowledged that sitting with the back to the engine prevents the motion of the carriage being felt in a great degree, but to some persons this makes no difference. Certainly, in sitting with the back towards the engine, one escapes the dust and ashes which are constantly flying about. The centre com- partment of a first-class carriage is said to be safest in the event of a collision, because this portion of the carriage is more substantially built, and consequently better calculated to resist the shock. In second and third-class carriages avoid sitting near the doorway ; the constant opening and shutting of the door subject those near it to cold and draughts, and the incessant passing to and fro, with the usual accompaniments of shoulder-grasping and toe- crush- ing, is more than sufficient to test the best of tempers. It also frequently happens that one of the passengers, a “ navvy,” for instance, is ever and anon thrusting BEFORE THE JOURNEY. G1 liis head out the window, thus favouring you with an uninterrupted view of his substantial but by no means picturesque proportions, and at the same time beating time on your shins with his hob-nailed and iron-shod high-lows. SENDING- FEMALES AND CHILDREN BY RAILWAY UNACCOMPANIED. It frequently happens that a female is compelled to undertake a journey by railway unaccompanied. She can generally contrive, however, to secure the services of her husband, brother, or other male rela- tive to see her off by the train ; and as the departure is the most harassing part of the journey, she will then not have much to dread. In such a case we would advise the person who has charge of the lady, to put her into a carriage where there are others of her own sex, especially those of matronly appearance, and with family surroundings ; they might be asked in a respectful manner if they were going as far as the unaccompanied female. Any woman of ordinary shrewdness and kindly feeling would understand the question, and determine within her own mind to extend the required protection. But a person of tact could manage this matter in a better way. He might enter into conversation with the ladies, and inciden- tally mention that her companion w'as compelled to travel alone ; then after a few other remarks he might claim their protection, and having thus established a sort of introduction, leave the future fellow-travel- lers to improve the occasion. If a female is obliged 62 THE RAILWAY TEAYELLER’S HANDY ROOK. not only to travel alone, but to go to tbe station alone, she should place herself under the care of one of the policemen or guards, of whom she will find many, and he will see her luggage stowed away, assist her in pro- curing a ticket, in selecting a seat, etc. In some extreme cases it is necessary to send a child of tender years by railway without a protector. There was an account in the newspapers some time since of a little boy, seven years of age, being de- spatched alone from York to London, a label, inscribed with his name and address and destination, was attached to his clothes, with no further direction than that he was to wait at the terminus till called for. The account goes on to state that this strange living package was conveyed “ with care,” and that he arrived at the place to which he was sent in perfect safety. We do not altogether advocate such a mode of despatch as this, but we would advise a person having to send a child unaccompanied by railway, to place him in a carriage where there is a family party, so that he will stand a chance not only of being pro- tected but amused in company with those of his own age. Under any circumstances, the bare mention of such a fact to even the most inexorable of bachelors, would prove a sufficient claim on his sympathies, and induce him to treat his little travelling companion with kindness and consideration. The attention of the guard might be also drawn to the circumstance, who would see every now and then how Master Half- price was getting on, and thus the journey would be accomplished in safety. J3EF0RE THE JOURNEY. 63 RETAINING SEAT. So soon as the railway traveller is admitted to the platform, he should hasten to the train drawn along- side, and having first ascertained that it is the train he is to proceed by, at once select his carriage and seat according to the hints previously given. If he have companions, then the choice must be made with a view to the comfort of all ; if he has only himself to please, the task is extremely simple. There is a cer- tain etiquette in connection with the retaining of seats which it is considered both rude and unjust to disregard. Thus, the placing of a coat, a book, a news- paper, or any other article, on the seat of a carriage, is intended as a token that such place is engaged. This principle is to be acted on in the retaining of seats, and, whatever the number you require, should have deposited conspicuously upon them anything that comes to hand. This system of occupation by proxy refers, however, more especially to the first class. With the majority of travellers by second and third class this delicate intimation does not appear to be understood, or, if understood, not recognized. In such cases it would be necessary to place some article of size and bulk in the place where you wish to sit, as a portmanteau or box, which some persons would be too timid, and others too idle, to remove. But where there is a party of some three or four, one of the company should see after the luggage and tickets, while the others sit wide, and thus retain between them a seat for their absent companion. If a person finds that he will not be able to arrive at the station 64 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY ROOK. until the very last moment, he should send his ser- vant, or some one upon whom he could depend, to procure the ticket, retain the seat, etc. And if he have any business to transact, such as the posting of the railway accident insurance ticket, he should re- tain his seat at the earliest possible moment to afford ample time for the performance. Under any circum- stances the number of the carriage and its position should be noted ; otherwise, and especially if the gage de seance has been removed or accidentally displaced, the “unseated member” will be rushing from car- riage to carriage in a state of bewilderment, and will be at last compelled to settle down anywhere, and take the chance of regaining his missing articles either during or at the close of the journey. Supposing you to have companions in the waiting-room, you will, after having selected seats for them, hasten to where you have left them, and escort them to the train ; and this being off your mind, you will be enabled to see to the stowing away of the luggage — if this be not already done — or to perform any other office you de- sire. Occasionally an ill-bred person is to be met with, who will unceremoniously remove articles from a seat, disputiug the right of pre-occupation, and ap- propriating the coveted place to himself. Such per- sons should be mildly remonstrated with, and if this fail, then an appeal should be made to the station- master or the guard, who will possibly be able to prevail upon the usurper to abdicate. But if he still persists in holding out, avoid anything like collision (ominous term on railways !), leave him to triumph in an un gentlemanly action, and seek a place in soma EEFOBE THE JO VUZLY. C 5 other portion of the train. We ho] cl that altercations under such circumstances are not only useless, but unpleasant in their results. Here is an example : — “ Excuse me, sir, but you have taken my seat.” “ Your seat, sir ! nothing of the kind. Possession is nine points of the law, and you see I have it.” “ But, sir, I placed my travelling bag upon the seat ten minutes since.” “ And supposing you did, what then ?” “ What then ! why, sir, you surely cannot be ignorant of the custom among railway travellers of securing seats by depositing articles upon them.” “ I recognize no such custom ; when I find a seat with nobody on it, I take it. I have taken this ; and I mean to keep it.” “ Well, sir, all I can say is that you are no gentleman.” “ Perhaps not, sir; and on that account I should advise you to be civil.” “ What, sir, do you dare to threaten me ? What do you mean?” “ Pooh ! pooh! don’t bother me; go away and sit down.” “ But I’ll let you know, sir, that ” At this moment the familiar face of the guard appears at the carriage window, the door is closed, the whistle is blown, and the train starts, the claimant of the appropriated seat is obliged to find another where best he can, and the antagonists perform the journey either in open conflict, by talking at each other, or by silently looking daggers drawn, to the amusement, the annoyance, or both, of the other passengers, but to the decided chagrin, humiliation, and discomfort of him who has been worsted in the contest. We may perhaps he allowed to put in a word in favour of this custom of retaining seats. We consider, then, that there is nothing unfair in it, inasmuch as the oppor- v GG THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK. tunity is open to all, and on the universally recog- nized principle of “first come, first served,” the earliest comers at a station are certainly entitled to a choice of places. The book, the bag, the newspaper, or other representative article ought to be respected, for this shows (or at least in nine instances out ten) that the person himself has been there, and it is some- what exacting on the part of others to require a tra- veller to coop himself up in a close station a quarter of an hour previous to starting, in order that he may the more effectually defend his right against ill-bred and wrong-headed pretenders. When a train passes through the station from which the railway traveller departs, it is obviously impossible for him to retain a seat, unless some sort of influence be brought to bear upon the station-master or the guard in charge of the train, or the good offices of some friend or acquaint- ance at the starting-point are put into requisition. Nevertheless, we would advise the intending traveller to take up his station on the platform, in such a posi- tion as will enable him to observe the interior of the carriages as they flit by him, so that when the train pulls up, he will be enabled if not to fix upon a parti- cular seat, at least to select a carriage that is not overcrowded, or the occupants of which appear most congenial to his desires. ¥e also suggest that a person thus waiting for a train to pass through, should post himself on the platform a few yards in advance of the station, and not absolutely within it, for it is here that the crowd mostly congregate, and from this point a certain amount of squeezing and hustling is brought to bear, which it is as well to avoid. Also, BEFOEE TIIE JOUENEY. 67 generally speaking, the engine and foremost portion of the train shoots beyond the station, so that a person placed as we have indicated may take his seat leisurely and quietly in a half-filled carriage, while persons lower down are struggling to possess the vacant seats of carriages already over-crowded. PROCURING- TICKET. The place where the tickets are issued is usually not open until within about a quarter of an hour of the departure of the train. Supposing, therefore, a passenger to have arrived at the station previously, he can employ the interval in looking after his luggage, selecting his seat, etc., and thus have nothing to attend to but the procuring his ticket. This process is usually so well managed that there is little crowd- ing or confusion, each person taking his turn in re- gular order. In this comparatively trifling matter, as in every other, there is a right way and a wrong way of proceeding. All preliminary words are not only a waste of time, but quite unnecessary ; the clerk sits at the counter for the purpose of ascertaining the place you are bound for, the class you wish to travel by, and the nature of the journey, whether single or double. The readiest way, therefore, of making your- self understood, is to apply for your ticket somewhat after this manner, “ Bath — first-class — return,” or whatever it may be. ¥e have previously alluded to the necessity of having a supply of change, and this applies with espe- cial force to the procuring of the ticket. If you G8 THE BAIL WAY TKAVELLEli’s 1IANDY LOOK. know what the fare is, have the exact amount ready in your hand, and if you do not know it, have the money so handy that you may make up the sum with- out hesitation. By doing this you will not only save your own time, hut that of your neighbour. Perhaps some of our readers may he able to call to mind some such scene as the following, which is, indeed, one of the incidents of almost every depart- ing train : An elderly lady presents herself at the ticket-counter, and expresses a wish to go to some place at a short distance, say Putney. She first of all inquires what is the fare first, second, and third class ; upon being told that, she hesitates a few seconds, and then thinks she will travel first-class. Being asked whether she requires a single or return- ticket, she appears to be astounded at the proposition, ejaculates, “ Eh ! oh ! ah !” at wide intervals, and finally decides upon a single ticket, giving at the same time her reasons for doing so. Having been informed that the fare is ninepence, she dives for her purse into some apparently unfathomable chasm connected with her dress, and after considerable rummaging, accompanied by a gingling of keys and the production in succession of a pocket-handker- chief, smelling-bottle, a pair of mittens, spectacle-case, a fan, and an Abernethy biscuit, she at length suc- ceeds in drawing forth an article which resembles an attenuated eel. Thrusting her long bony fingers into this receptacle, she draws out what she conceives to be a shilling, but on nearer inspection she discovers it to be a sovereign. She makes another dive and pro- duces a half-crown, as [she supposes, but this proves BEFOEE THE JO U EKE V. GO to be only a penny-piece : finally, she manages to fish out sixpence, and connecting tin’s xvitli the penny- piece, and vaguely wondering whether she can find twopence more to make up the required amount, but without arriving at any satisfactory conclusion, she is at length constrained to give over further search, and to lay down the sovereign. Upon receiving her change, she examines each piece leisurely to ascertain if it be genuine ; satisfied on this point, she counts her change over, repeating the process some four or five times, and on each occasion arriving at a different result. At length she makes out the matter to her satisfaction, then having carefully stowed away her change in such a manner that the first pickpocket may abstract it, she looks about her to see that she has left nothing behind, and after remarking how wonderfully the clerk resembles her nephew who has gone to the Indies, she somewhat reluctantly makes way for the next person. This is no overcharged picture, and we have no doubt that every one of our readers has in his time had his patience tried by some obstructive old lady bound for Putney or elsewhere. When you have received your ticket, put it in some place where it is not likely to be disturbed, but wdiere it may be readily lighted on. If you deposit it in a pocket with other articles the chances are that in withdrawing any of these, the ticket may bear them company, and so be lost. This is a serious affair, since the ticket is a voucher that the traveller has paid his fare, and its non-production at the end of the journey entails the necessity of paying a second time. When you receive your ticket, ascertain that 70 THE 11 AIL WAY TRAVELLER,’ S HAEDY BOOK. it is correct as regards the place you have boohed for, the class you wish to travel by, and whether it be single or return ; any error of this kind discovered immediately is soon rectified, but if allowed to pass, it cannot be so easily remedied afterwards, if at all. Elderly or infirm persons, to avoid the inconveni- ence attending the procuring of the ticket, should ask one of the porters to perform that office for them, or prevail upon some person to obtain the ticket at the same time they do their own. When there are several persons belonging to the same party, one person will be sufficient to secure the tickets for the whole. Children under twelve years of age travel at half- price ; when an adult, therefore, takes a ticket for himself and child, he asks for a “ ticket and a-half for every additional child under the limited age calcu- lating a half-ticket. Persons should be cautioned not to tamper with the tickets in any way, and especially not to make use of or purchase passes which are not transferable ; the detection of these irregularities i3 productive of the most awkward and humiliating con- sequences. SIGUSTAL POE STAETINGr. About five minutes before a train starts a bell is rung as a signal to the passengers to prepare for starting. Persons unaccustomed to travel by railway connect the ringing of the bell with the instant de- parture of the train, and it is most amusing to watch the novices running helter-skelter along the platform, tumbling over everything and everybody in their BEFORE THE JOURNEY. 71 eagerness to catch the train which they believe is about to go without them. At the same time the seasoned traveller, who understands the intention of the bell, stands by the carriage door coolly surveying the panic-stricken multitude, or walks leisurely along the platform with the consciousness of being in ample time. The signal for the actual starting of the train is a whistle sounded by the guard, and when that is heard the journey commences in earnest. ON THE JOURNEY. f SETTLING DOWN. The carriage and seat selected, all that lias now to be done is to dispose yourself and your hand-luggage as comfortably and conveniently as possible. Any tra- velling bags, hat-cases, or small parcels which you take into the carriage with you, you will, of course, place beneath and above the seat at the point where you are sitting. It need be scarcely suggested that these arrangements should be made so as to inconve- nience your fellow-passengers as little as possible. STOWING AWAY HAND-LUGGAGE. In placing articles in the net-work above the seats of the first-class carriages, care should be taken to lodge them securely, otherwise the motion of the car- riage is apt to shake them from their position. "We were once travelling in a carriage opposite to a lady and gentleman, above whose heads was a large square bonnet-box, a very small portion of which rested against the back of the carriage, and the remainder tilted over the edge in a most dangerous and threat- ening manner. After having our nerves excited to the very highest degree by the continual motion of the box and its imminent chance of falling, we took OX THE JOUltSEY. 73 the liberty of calling the attention of the gentleman to it ; but instead of expressing his thanks or remedy- ing the defect, he tossed his head in a most offensive manner, as much as to say, “ Impertinent fellow ! mind your own business.” Finding this to be the case, we removed our seat to another part of the car- riage, and we had scarcely done so, when down came the box upon the heads of those immediately beneath. The lady and gentleman sharing the damages between them ; the bonnet which the lady had on her head was crushed and torn in such a manner as to render her quite a figure ; as for the gentleman, we failed to catch sight of his expressive countenance for an interval of at least two minutes, inasmuch as the box had completely forced his hat over his eyes, nose, and chin, and he had to make use of frantic efforts to release his interesting features from their mask. And when he did succeed in freeing himself his whole air was so woe-begone, and his hat so battered as to cause him to present a most woful appearance. True, no blood was spilt, and no bones broken ; but both lady and gentleman were terribly frightened, much shaken, and visited apparently with some afflic- tion of the brain, which rendered them gloomy and cross for the remainder of the journey. MATERIALS FOR COMFORT-RUG-, CAP, AND CUSHION. If the season be cold, you will of course be pro- vided with a railway rug. Before sitting down, wrap this securely round your legs, and sit upon it so 74 TIIE BAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK. as to keep it in its place. A rug is certainly one of the greatest comforts of a railway traveller, and none should be without it. Not only does it keep the legs warm, but on emergencies it may be made to perform the part of a cloak, a counterpane, a cushion to sit upon, or a wrapper for fragile articles. When it is not required it is very little in the way, and if neatly rolled up, and confined by a strap, may be easily transported from place to place with the other lug- gage without entailing much extra weight or bulk. Another mode of increasiug the comfort of travelling is to have something to rest the feet upon, as a tra- velling bag, a small portmanteau, large parcel , etc. By this arrangement, not only is the draught from under- neath the carriage-door avoided, but the lower portion of the body is more rested by this elevation of the legs. When the journey is a long one, and under- taken by night, great comfort will be found in a cap made to fit the head, and with lappets to draw over the ears. Having no projecting edges, the head may be thus leant back, without pain to the head itself or injury to its covering. The cold night air is also effec- tually excluded, and those painful visitants known as tooth-ache, ear-ache, and face-ache receive their conge . If the carriage travelled in be a second or third class, the hardness of the seats may be considerably modi- fied by the use of an air-cushion ; which, when not in use, is simply a roll of caoutchouc, but when inflated for use has all the appearance and effectiveness of an ordinary cushion. A species of green or black spec- tacles, known as eye-preservers, are excellent things for a railway traveller to carry with him, for if he be ON THE JOUllNEY. 75 compelled to sit near the window, and opposite to the engine, he will find that by wearing these, the eyes will be preserved from the dust and ashes which are ever and anon intruding, and from the draughts of cold air which rush in at the window. A person in a railway carriage may be likened to a prisoner of state, who is permitted to indulge in any relaxation and amusement to while away the time, but is denied that essential ingredient to human happiness, personal liberty. He is, in fact, confined to a certain space for so many hours, and cannot well remove from his allotted durance without annoying his fellow- passengers. The materials for railway amusement and relaxation embrace conversation, reading, card-play- ing, chess-playing, smoking, musing, and sleeping. CONVERSATION. With regard to conversation, the English are noto- riously deficient in this art. Generally speaking, the occupants of a railway carriage perform the whole of the journey in silence ; but if one passenger be more loquaciously inclined than the rest, he is soon silenced by abrupt or tart replies, or by a species of grunt ex- pressive of dissent or dissatisfaction. Sometimes a conversation is got up, but it is of a spasmodic and ephemeral nature, lasts for about the first five minutes of the journey, and then relapses into solemn silence, never again to be broken. This is most unnatural and unreasonable. Why should half a dozen persons, each with minds to think, and tongues to express those thoughts, sit looking at each other mumchance, 76 TIIB IIAILWAY Til AYE LLE It’s HANDY BOOK. as tliougli they were afraid of employing tlie faculty of speech ? Why should an Englishman ever be like a ghost, in not speaking until he is spoken to ? Some fanciful philosophers have asserted that monkeys might speak if they chose, only they are fearful that if they did, they would he compelled to work. This is not an Englishman’s case, for surely he works hard enough, and has no penalty to escape. However, sup- posing Englishmen to so far forget themselves as to engage in conversation, let us insert a few words of advice on this head. Eirstly, do not engage in discus- sions either political or theological ; there is no know- ing what tender chord may be touched, or what pain we may give to others in maintaining some pet theory or dogma. Besides, the utter inutility of all argument of this nature is notorious. Two men will argue for hours, each strong in his own opinion, and each bring- ing forward what he conceives to be irrefragable proofs of the soundness of his doctrine, and yet at the ter- mination of the discussion, each disputant, in ninety- nine cases out of a hundred, is not only unshaken in his opinion, but clings to it more firmly than if he had never heard the other side of the case put at all. Besides, in conducting arguments of this kind there is sometimes danger of unwittingly working mischief to ourselves which w r e may afterwards repent. Here is a case in point : Two gentlemen, sitting opposite each other in a railway carriage, got into political argument; one was elderly and a stanch Conserva- tive, the other was young and an ultra-Badical. It may be readily conceived that as the argument went on, the abuse became fast and furious; all sorts of un- ON THE JOUliNEV. 77 pleasant phrases and epithets were bandied about, personalities were freely indulged in, and the other passengers were absolutely compelled to interfere to prevent a fracas. At the end of the journey, the dis- putants parted in mutual disgust, and looking un- utterable things. It so happened that the young man had a letter of introduction to an influential person in the neighbourhood respecting a legal ap- pointment which was then vacant, which the young man desired to obtain, and which the elderly gentle- man had the power to secure. The young petitioner, first going to his hotel, and making himself present- able, sallied forth on his errand. ITe reached the noble mansion of the person to whom his letter of introduction was addressed, was ushered into an ante-room, and there awaited with mingled hope and fear the all-important interview. After a few minutes the door opened, and, oh horrible to relate ! he who entered was the young man’s travelling opponent, and thus the antagonists of an hour since stood face to face. The confusion and humiliation on the one side, and the hauteur and coldness cn the other, may be readily imagined. Sir Edward C , however — for such he was — although he instantly recognized his recent antagonist, was too well-bred to make any allusion to the transaction. He took the letter of introduction in silence, read it, folded it up, and returned it to the presenter with a bitter smile, and the following speech: “ Sir, I am infinitely obliged to my friend Mr. for recommending to my notice a gentleman whom he conceives to he so w^ell fitted for the vacant pest as yourself ; hut permit me 78 THE RAILWAY TRAYELLER’S HANDY BOOK. to say that inasmuch as the office you are desirous to fill exists upon a purely Conservative tenure, and can only he appropriately administered by a person of Conservative tendency, I could not think of doing such violence to your well-known political principles as to recommend you for the post in question.” With these words, and another smile more grim than before, Sir Edward C bowed the chapfallen petitioner out, and he quickly took his way to the railway station, secretly vowing never again to enter into political argument with an unknown railway traveller. Another inappropriate theme of railway conversa- tion is, any accident that may chance to have occurred recently. We have ivatched the countenancee, and observed the movements of old ladies, when listening to some graphic description of a railway accident which occurred only last week. We have expected those elderly matrons to faint every moment, and we have heard a suppressed groan or a faint shriek, when the train has bounced over a point, and given some idea to the uninitiated of something being amiss. Ee it also observed, that unless it is otherwise mutually desired, the acquaintance begotten in the railway carriage ceases with the journey, and although you may have conversed as freely with a person as though you had known him twenty years, you would not be justified in accosting him in the street subsequently. We insert this little item of railway etiquette, because it may perchance prove useful, and without wishing to tire the reader, illustrate the position by the fol- lowing incident ; — ON THE JOURNEY. 79 Lord B , a member of one of the oldest families of tbe aristocracy, and Mr. Gr •, a London trades- man, happened to meet at the little island of Sark. The amusements of that remote and sea-girt place are few, and the number of visitors extremely limited. Thus these two men, although by birth, education, and habits, totally opposed to each other, were drawn into the bonds of association from a species of neces- sity. They boated, they fished, and they shot to- gether. They dined at the same table, and took wine out of the same decanter; in short, for the whole period of their residence on the island, their several movements were a source of interest to each other, aud they were seldom alone. When their time of stay was up, they travelled to London together, and at the terminus bade each other farewell. But poor Gr was somewhat chagrined by his lordship’s manner, which perceptibly cooled as they neared the metropolis, and although he pressed Lord B over and over again to come and see him at his villa at Clapton, Lord B neither responded to the invita- tion, nor did he invite his quondam companion in re- turn. Some months rolled on, and the London season became at its height, when one day Mr. Gr , walk- ing down Bond Street, espied, on the opposite side of the way, Lord B coming along between two aris- tocratic-looking companions. Delighted at the idea of being able to show to the passers-by what a high- bred connection he could boast of, Gr crossed over and familiarly accosted his lordship, proffering his hand, and making kind inquiries as to the state of SO THE BAILWAY TEAVELLlHl’s HANDY BOOB. liis health. But Lord B , instead of appreciating these marks of friendship, drew himself up to his full height, and gazing intently through his glass, ex- claimed, “ Aw — to what happy circumstance am I indebted for the honour of your recognition ? Weally, I have not the pleasure of knowing you.” “ Not know me ?” shouted the astonished and outraged London tradesman. “ "Why, surely, my lord, you cannot have forgotten the pleasant time you and I had of it at Sark, last summer — my name is G .” “ Ob, ah, Mr. Gr ; Sark — yes,” responded his lordship. “Well, I have some faint recollection of something of the kind, and if ever we should meet at SarTc again, I shall he happy to renew our acquaint- ance.^ So saying, his lordship bowed and passed on, leaving poor G- to reflections not very pleasant, on the instability of human friendship in general, and that of noble lords in particular. READING-. Beading is an exhaustless fund of recreation. Ample provision is made on every book-stall along the line, of literature in every variety of form, so that “he who rails may read.” It is always as well to prov ide one’s self with a book or a newspaper, for if it is not used, you know you possess it, and can at any time fly to it by way of relief. It also forms an excellent weapon of defence against bores, that im- pertinent, intrusive, and inquisitive race, who can only be silenced by levelling a volume or a journal at their heads. If two or three persons in the same ON THE JOURNEY. 81 carriage purchase a newspaper, it is not a bad plan for each to select a different one, so that one may be exchanged for the other, and a variety of information obtained for the same outlay. In selecting a book for railway reading, care should be taken that the type is large and clear, otherwise the eyes are tried too severely to do them any good. When reading in a railway carriage, the printed lines are apt to present the curious appear- ance of running into one another, and utterly defeat- ing all attempts at perusal. One of the best means of preventing this is to place a strip of card just two or three lines below the one which is being read, and gradually move it down the page as perusal progresses. Reading at night by the aid of the ordinary railway lamp is a task difficult, if not impossible, to accom- plish. A lamp has been invented which obviates this difficulty. It is of small size, readily lighted, extin- guished, and trimmed, and furnished with a reflector which throws the light on the page. The lamp may of course be used for other than the special purpose for which it is constructed, and thus in more ways than one prove serviceable to the railway traveller. It has been asserted that reading when travelling by railway proves injurious to the sight, and so it may be like everything else when carried to excess, and the reader will soon be warned of this by pain and weariness in the eyes. Certain it is, that out of every train that starts of two hundred passengers, one hundred at least may be noticed perusing a book or newspaper, and we are not aware of the existence of any national ophthalmic disease. a 82 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY ROOK. Let us now point out the best method of reading in railway carriages. In order to prevent the vibra- tion of the carriages to the arms and book, do not rest the elbows on solid parts of the carriage, but hold the book or paper in both hands, and support it by muscular power. The arms thus disposed will im- part an elasticity and aplomb to the volume, while the head, by being balanced on the neck, or at least not pressed or rested against the solid sides of the compartment, is equally free from communicating vibration to the frame. CHESS -PLAYING- AND CAED -PLAYING. Chess-playing is a pleasant contrivance for whiling away* the tedium of the journey, with those who are fond of the diversion. But the danger is in becom- ing too much absorbed in the game, as in the case of two players who intended to alight at Bath, but travelled onto Exeter. Card-playing, although some- what difficult of accomplishment, is a pleasant pas- time among friends, but beware of entering into this amusement with strangers. It is well known that a class of swindlers, known as card-sharpers, exist, who live by travelling in railway carriages and taking in the unwary. When, therefore, you are pressed to take a hand, or to select a card, or play a part in the performance of some sleight-of-hand business, have nothing to do with it; you are sure to be swindled out of your money, and have no remedy. ON TIIE JOUItNEY. 83 SMOKING. Although smoking is prohibited ordinarily upon railways, some lines have certain smoking carriages provided, where the enjoyment may be indulged in without giving offence to others ; he, therefore, who is inconsolable on the journey in the absence of his beloved weed, should take care to acquaint himself with the fact whether there are smoking carriages or not. We believe that on certain occasions the strin- gency of the prohibition is relaxed, and we were once present at the arrival of a train from Doncaster, during race-time, which train had more the odour of a divan than anything else, and every other passenger who alighted therefrom, held between his lips a partially consumed cigar. MUSING, Etc. Railway travelling affords a favourable opportunity for musing and reflecting, combined with that delight- ful occupation known as “ building castles in the air.” Trivial as it may appear, we yet think it worth re- cording, that the noise made by the train in its journey will accommodate itself to any tune, whether lively or sad, so that if a passenger choose to hum any of his favourite airs, he will find an accompani- ment ready made. Another source of amusement is reckoning the distance performed with the time occupied in the per- formance. To ascertain the distance travelled, the posts and gradients placed along the line must be 84 THE 11 AIL WAY TBAYELLER’S HAKDY BOOK. observed ; these are situated at intervals of a quarter of a mile from each other. Those on the left-hand side to the country show the mileage from the metro- polis ; those on the right-hand side, the distance from the provincial terminus. SLEEP. Sleep, the last resource of the tired and the weary, readily visits the eyes of some railway travellers, while to others it comes not, woo it as they may. The head reclines, the lids are closed, the body is disposed in the most favourable manner, but the attempt to obtain slumber is totally unsuccessful. Some persons, on the other hand, appear to sleep as well in the com- partment of a railway carriage as they would on their own domestic couch. We were once travelling by the mail- train from London to Manchester ; the train was on the point of starting, and we had made up our mind that we should have to perform the journey alone. At that moment a tall bulky person entered, and without looking either to the right or left, made for the further corner of the carriage. By the aid of a portmanteau and sundry packages he raised a struc- ture between the two seats of the same height as the seats themselves. He then swathed his body with a capacious shepherd’s plaid ; after that he removed his hat, and placed on his head a cap which fitted close to the skull and came down over the ears ; then he took his seat, or rather assumed a recumbent position across the two seats, and finally he tucked himself with sundry rugs, and so fell asleep. Prom that mo- ON THE JOTTBNEY. 85 mcnt we saw nothing more of our fellow-traveller than the tip of his nose ; from that moment we heard no other sound than a bassoon-like accompaniment to the rattling of the train, in fact, a continuous and sus- tained snore. When we arrived within a few miles of Man- chester, the sleeper awoke as if by instinct, shook himself together, removed his rugs and plaid and cap, collected his parcels, and looked at us. W e hereupon ventured to remark that he had had a nice nap, to which he replied that he always made a practice of enjoying his night’s rest on the railway, and whenever it w r as practicable he preferred travelling by night, firstly, because he thereby gained time ; secondty, because he thereby saved the expense of a bed at an hotel ; and thirdly, because he stood one chance the less of being crippled or killed by the agency of a pair of damp sheets. We then ventured to ask what secret means he employed to insure such an uninter- rupted slumber such as we had w-itnessed. lie stared at us for a few seconds in astonishment, and then said, “ Sir, I make up my mind to it ; and let me tell you that it is as easy to make up your mind and to sleep, accordingly, as it is to determine upon eating your dinner, and to eat it. Halloo ! here we are.” With these words he cut short the colloquy, gathered up his packages and vanished. We set this remarkable man down as a travelling member of a philosophical society, or a political economist at least ; but we afterwards learned that he was the representative of a highly respectable “ button house.” Binns, in his entertaining work on sleep, gives a 8G THE BAIL WAY TBAVELLEB’S HAKDY BOOK. recipe bv which sleep may be procured at will, and which is somewhat to the following effect : — Dispose yourself comfortably on your right side, and place your hand beneath your head, shut your eyes, take a long inspiration, and then exhale the breath gradually, repeat this several times, and all the time you are doing so, imagine that you see a spiral wreath of smoke ascending towards the ceiling ; if you can abstract your mind effectually, and continue it for a few minutes, you will fall asleep. This extraordinary plan has been adopted, it appears, by many persons of eminence, and has been approved by them. Another method of producing sleep is to close the eyes and repeat some simple piece of poetry, or count a certain number, say from 1 to 1000. We mention these matters here, because a few hours’ sleep frequently prove a great boon to the railway traveller, and if we can suggest any method by which that boon may be secured, these lines will not have been written in vain. BEEKESHMENT. On a long journey refreshment will be needed, and this can be either obtained on the road, or the tra- veller may be his own purveyor, and take it with him. The rule generally is for the train to stop five or ten minutes for the purpose of taking refreshment; in such cases, especially with anything like a heavy train, a rush of passengers is made simultaneously to- wards the refreshment-room, and the counter is be- sieged by hungry and thirsty applicants, urging their ON THE JOURNEY. 87 various requests for sandwiches, buns, biscuits, wine, brandy, ale, etc. But inasmuch as there are usually some two or three hundred persons requiring refresh- ments, and only about a dozen hands to supply them, it stands to reason that the task of serving out the viands is no easy one, and many are the disappoint- ments accordingly. Let the traveller remember that he has only the short space of five or ten minutes to gain the refreshment counter, to obtain the refreshment, to pay and perhaps receive change, to perform the operation of eating and drinking, and regain the seat in the carriage. It is obvious, there- fore, that a person must exercise his utmost ingenuity and energy in order to accomplish this edible feat. Now, in this, as in everything else, a certain amount of tact is necessary to insure the desired end. When the train is on the point of stopping, mark well the place where the words “ Befreshment-Boom ” are written up, so that directly the train stops, you may make at once for this place without wasting your time in looking about for it. Walk straight to that part of the counter where one of the attendants is stationed, and having, in parliamentary phraseology, “ caught her eye,” declare your wants. Butin doing this, be quick and concise. If you desire a basin of soup, never mind the words “ a basin of,” but simply utter the mono- syllable “ soup so with a cup of tea, content your- self with calling out the latter word ; a bottle of ale, “ale,” etc. Call out distinctly and in aloud voice, have the precise sum ready, if you know what it will be, or at any rate tender a small coin. Beware of taking hot refreshments ; whether it be 88 TI1E KAILWAY TRAVELLERS EAKDY BOOK. by accident or design we lmow not, but certainly tlie fluids supplied are so excessively hot, and so long in forthcoming, that it is utterly impossible for a person to swallow them, unless his throat be sheathed with iron. Observe, also, that you should repair to the refreshment-room either immediately the train stops, or just before it starts again, for during the mid- interval the counter is literally besieged with a crowd of eager applicants, and a person standing behind these and endeavouring to make his wants known through the din of voices and the clatter of plates and cups and saucers, has but a very indifferent chance. On the whole, we should advise the railway traveller to take his refreshment w r ith him ; a few ham and beef sandwiches, together w r ith a little cold wine or brandy and water will answer every purpose. And by this means a double advantage will be secured, for a person may partake of his refreshment at any moment he pleases, without being obliged to eat and drink at a particular moment dictated by the railway company ; he will also obtain his refreshment at a much more moderate charge, and, further, he will have the interval to stretch his legs in, and to breathe a little fresh air, which he will find far more advan- tageous than being huddled and pushed about amidst a hungry and impatient crowd. Every person who is about to travel a long dis- tance, and is desirous of setting out with a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, should take care to provide suitably for tkew r ants of the “ inner man.” And this is especially to be observed if the hour of departure be early in the morning, and that morning a cold and ON THE JOURNEY. 89 raw one. In the ordinary course of life every one recognizes the advisability of “ laying a good found- ation,” as it is familiarly termed, or, in other words, making a breakfast so hearty and substantial as shall not only afford nourishment to the frame for some hours, but shall form an appropriate basis for the various kinds of sustenance introduced into the stomach during the subsequent portions of the day. This is a precaution which railway travellers neglect more than any other. The coming journey produces with many persons a state of nervousness and anxiety which deprives them of their appetite, so that after swallowing two or three mouthfuls of food, and half a cup of tea, they quit the table, and with this meagre provision they start for the station. By the time a few miles of the journey are accomplished, the appetite recovers itself, and the slighted repast is recalled to the mind with feelings of regret and vain desire. Under such circumstances, persons should force themselves to make a vigorous attack on the viands, and as, according to the Trench proverb, “ the appetite comes in eating,” the meal commenced with indifference may be continued with relish, and ended with gratification. At whatever time of the day the journey is to be accomplished, the traveller will be doing a wise thing to take some refreshment just pre- vious to starting. MARKING CARRIAGE FOR RECOGNITION. When you leave a carriage during the journey, it is essential that you should be able to recognize it 90 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY ROOK. again on the instant. To facilitate this, every carriage door has the number placed on the inside of it, but although this assists a person to find his carriage, it is not all that is required. We suggest that a rug or shawl of red, or some other conspicuous colour, should be thrown across the carriage door, so that it may be seen at the distance, and may be at once regained with- out rushing from carriage to carriage to ascertain the number, or to take mental photographs of the pas- sengers. CHANGING- CARRIAGES. If the carriage in which you are is from any cause uncomfortable, you should get out of it at the first station, and enter another. This is sometimes abso- lutely necessary owing to the misconduct of other passengers, and it is infinitely better to leave them to themselves than to attempt to argue the matter with them. If you wish to change from an inferior to a superior class, the plan is to speak to the guard, and he will have your ticket changed at the station, and the excess of fare will be charged for from the new starting-point ; but if you change your class without consulting the guard, you will be charged the excess of fare for the whole journey. While we are upon this subject, we may observe that persons are some- times placed by the railway servants in a superior class carriage, when they have a ticket for an inferior one. In such a case it will be well to direct the attention of the occupants of the carriage to the fact, OK THE JOURNEY. 91 so that you may be spared the annoyance and the overcharge which will be asked for on arriving at the terminus. CARE OE RAILWAY TICKET. The railway ticket should be guarded with care, as it is demanded at the end of the journey, and those who cannot produce it are compelled to pay again. It is useless to asseverate that you have paid and have lost your ticket. Such an assertion will not be heeded in the least ; the simple fact of your not being able to produce it is regarded as the most certain sign of your not having paid, and therefore pay you must. A ticket may be also demanded during any part of the journey. The object, therefore, is to have it always safe and always handy ; a portemonnaie, or pocket-book, is perhaps the best receptacle, or the inside of the left-hand glove ; the worst place is cer- tainly the pocket, where money and other things are ordinarily kept, on withdrawing which the ticket may be withdrawn too, and thus be lost. LOOKING OUT FOR STATION. If it is your intention to alight at some interme- diate station, you must keep a sharp look-out to pre- vent being carried beyond it. Observe that the name of the station appears just before you reach it, and just after you pass it ; not at the station itself. When a train is about to stop, there is a perceptible lessen- ing of speed, so that it is always easy enough to direct your eye to the left side of the line, and note the 02 TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’ S HANDY ROOK. name of the station. True, the porters sometimes call out the name of the place, hut this they do so hurriedly, and in such a curious and varied dialect, that it is next to impossible to gather their meaning. .For instance, when the train stops at Bochdale, you will hear the name called out as Bachdal, Kushdal, Hooch dal, Eouchdal, and anything but what accords with your preconceived notion of the pronunciation of the name of the place. And thus it is with numerous other places, the name being pronounced in accordance with the patois of the place itself, and not agreeably to the rules of Walker. VENTILATION AND DRAUGHTS. In regulating the atmosphere of the railway car- riage, the two main objects, of course, are to secure good ventilation, and to prevent draughts. This is easily done in first-class carriages, but not so easily in the inferior classes. The doors of the carriages are usually fitted with a sort of slide which may be closed or opened as occasion demands, and which in winter- time will be found to admit sufficient air without necessitating the opening of the window. But in summer-time, when it is considered necessary to open the windows, one only should be opened, and the one opposite the quarter in which the wind blows ; the opening of both windows occasions a draught, which even in the warmest weather is apt to give persons colds, sore throats, stiff necks, etc. In passing through tunnels the windows should always be closed, as the air there is of the worst description. O N THE JOURNEY. 93 When persons will insist upon having both windows down, the best plan is to leave that carriage and enter another ; but if this cannot be done, then keep the head, throat, and mouth covered, the only measures that can well be taken. CAUTION AGAINST LOOKING OUT OF WINDOW. Some persons, when travelling by railway, have a knack of continually thrusting their heads out of window. Nothing can be more dangerous than this, and numerous are the accidents that have resulted in consequence. The proper place for the head is inside, not outside the carriage, and so long as it is kept there, the chances are that it will remain whole. CAUTION AGAINST STANDING BY THE DOOR. Children of all ages are frequently suffered by their parents to lounge against the door, w r hich, if not properly fastened, is liable to give way to the pressure, and hurl the child foremost on the rails. Generally speaking, the door is fastened securely, but occa- sionally it is not, and this happening occasionally is sufficient evidence of insecurity. CAUTION IN PASSING THROUGH TUNNELS. Male passengers have sometimes been assaulted and robbed, and females insulted, in passing through tunnels. And this has been most frequently the case when there have been only two occupants in the car- 94 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HAHDY BOOK. riage. In going through a tunnel, therefore, it is always as well to have the hands and arms ready dis- posed for defence, so that in the event of an attack, the assailant may be instantly beaten back or re- strained. ASKING INFORMATION. "When a railway traveller wishes to glean any information, he should not be afraid of asking his fellow-passengers. Among the occupants of the car- riage there is sure to be at least one person who can answer the question put, and persons from whom in- formation is sought usually feel complimented rather than annoyed. And yet there are persons of that reticent disposition who would rather run the risk of passing the station they desire to alight at, than ask any one respecting it. BRANCH LINES AND JUNCTIONS. "When a traveller sets out for a place which in- volves a change of carriage at a branch line or junction, he should take care previous to starting to ascertain all about it; and, when the branch line or junction is arrived at, must exercise great caution in order to avoid getting on to the wrong line, and not enter a carriage without first making sure that he is right. CROSSING THE RAILS. "When in passing from the up to the down station, or vice versa , it is obligatory to cross the rails, it OX THE J0U11NEY. 95 should be done with the utmost caution. Sometimes the order is not to cross the line unless accompanied by one of the company’s servants. On other lines, per- sons are absolutely forbidden to cross the rails, and are directed to pass by the bridge erected close by. These injunctions should be obeyed in each instance. It touches one’s amour propre to be called to account before a crowd of persons, while the passing over the bridge does not involve much labour, and is frequently more than repaid by the view which this eminence affords of the surrounding country. It may sometimes happen for a person to be on the line when a train is approaching, and when death appears imminent ; this is one of the most awful predicaments which a human being can be placed in. In such a case the strongest brain may reel, and the stoutest heart quail. The men who work upon the railroad, and especially in tunnels, ordinarily adopt what may appear a most startling alternative to escape danger. When a train comes suddenly upon them, and does not allow of sufficient time to escape by flight, they are in the habit of throwing themselves flat on the ground, in the space between the up line and down line. Two trains have been known to pass a man in this position without injuring him in the slightest degree. But this requires great presence of mind, or rather that species of confidence inspired by known immunity from danger. The least motion to the right or the left, or upwards, might bring about certain and immediate death. The men who adopt this expedient are duly impressed with this fact, and while the engine and train are rattling over their heads with a fearful din, 96 TI1E RAILWAY TRAYELLEIl’S HANDY ROOK. they lie as still as a child asleep in its cradle. There is another consideration for a person who finds him- self in dangerous proximity of a train when crossing the line. Waterton, the celebrated traveller, in his “ Wanderings/’ gives a graphic account of an escape from a boa constrictor, the gist of which is, that a person if he wishes to make good his retreat under such circumstances, should, instead of running straight forward, merely step on one aside, and the end is achieved. On the same principle, if in the majority of instances when threatened to be run down by an approaching train, the person in danger were to step backwards, instead of making forwards, fatal conse- quences would frequently be avoided. We were once witnesses of a most melancholy occurrence of this kind. A working man with a basket of tools slung over his shoulder, suddenly jumped from the up plat- form, and before any one could stop him was half across the line ; at this moment a train suddenly darted round an adjacent curve on the down line, and was coming onwards at full speed. It may be imagined that the greatest excitement prevailed among the persons on each side of the platform, and various and conflicting were the directions shouted from every mouth. The poor fellow in a state of bewilderment, and quite unconscious of what he was doing, made a ' forward movement, but before he could clear the rails, the train was upon him, and a fearful groan and a mangled mass but too truly told the story. Now, if instead of hastening forwards, the poor fellow had made a retrograde motion of only a yard, he could have accomplished it in far less time, and would have ON THE JOUENEY. 97 been entirely removed from danger. As a general injunction it should be laid down that no one should attempt to pass the line if a train be in sight. The eye is apt to be greatly deceived in the distance, and the relative pace at which the train is travelling. And even under the most favourable circumstances, a person knowing the danger he is running, is apt to become nervous and irresolute ; his foot may slip at the most critical juncture, and he may be thus hurled prostrate across the line, and be unable to recover himself, before the train has performed its mission of destruction. ENTERING- AND LEAYING THE CARRIAGE WHILE IN MOTION. Numerous accidents have arisen to railway tra- vellers from their folly in persisting to enter or leave a carriage while in motion. There is an express law against this, and the misdemeanour is punished with a fine of forty shillings, which, in addition to any personal injury that may have been sustained, is pay- ing rather dearly for one’s obstinacy. At the end of a journey everybody is naturally anxious to quit the train as soon as possible, and hence the impatience manifested, and the foolish leaps made. Few persons are experienced in the rate of railway travelling, and when the train is moving at the rate of twenty miles an hour, it appears not to be travelling faster than five or six miles an hour, and with this miscalcu- lation it is easy to understand that a false step may be made, and the body thrown off its equilibrium. ii 08 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK. After all, the time saved in getting ont of the train before it absolutely stops, is about the tenth part of a minute. If any person near you should be rash enough to attempt leaving the train before it stops, do not try to prevent him ; for being thus baulked, he is almost sure to stumble, and the consequences may be fearful. UP LINE AND DOWN LINE. In nautical language the terms “ starboard” and “ larboard” are employed to express the right and left sides of the ship. And among whips, “ off side” and “ near side” are used to denote the same relative positions. The custom with regard to the latter has been well expressed in the following verse : — The rule of the road is a paradox quite, As you’ll find when you’re driving along ; If you keep to the left you are sure to be right, And if you go right, you go wrong.”. In accordance with this principle, the trains in their onward progress invariably keep on the left side of the line, the passengers getting in and out on the same side. The word “ up” signifies towards London, or any other large city or important terminus. The term “ down” means from London, etc., to provincial towns or places of lesser note. These words are so familiar to the ears of railway officials, that w 7 hen a person is asking information respecting the trains, lie must adopt these technicalities if he desires to make himself intelligible. This up and down business is apt to bewilder inexperienced and unthinking* persons ON TIIE JOURNEY. 09 If they alight at a station on one side of the line, they cannot understand why, when departing from the station, they have to cross to the other side. We have already pointed out why this is so, and, there- fore, when a person is about to return to the place whence \e came, he must look out for the sign-post, which is generally near, pointing to the up trains, or the down trains, as the case may be. For if he have but a few minutes to spare, and goes to the wrong station, the chances are that while he is running round to the other, the train w r ill be off. KAILWAY SIGNALS. A knowledge of the meaning and intention of the various signals may, in many cases, prove useful to the railway traveller. There are three principal signals in use, which are shown differently by day and night — “Danger” to stop ; “ Caution ” to go slowly ; “ All right” to go on. Fixed Signals are placed at stations, tunnels, junctions, level crossings, and other places where caution is required. Fixed Day Sig- nals. — Danger , to stop , is shown by turning the cross bar of the mast signal full upon the line, so that it can be well seen from the approaching train, and by a red board pointing to the rails. Caution , to go slowly , is shown by a green board pointing from the rails. All right , to go on , is shown by turning the disc of the mast signal full upon the line, so that it can be well seen from the approaching train. Fixed Night Signals. — Danger , to stop , is shown by a red ight fixed upon a pole being turned full upon the 100 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANDY DOOIC. line, so that it can be seen from the approaching train. Caution , to go slowly , is shown in the same manner by a green light. All right , to go cn , is shown in the same way by a white light. Post Signals. — The signal posts are furnished with two arms, one moving out on one side to give signals to trains on the down line of rails, and another moving out on the other side of the signal post to give signals on the up line of rails. The signal is invariably made on the left-hand side of the post, as seen by the approach- ing engine-driver. The position of the arm on the right- hand side is consequently a signal to trains rnnning in a contrary direction. The all right signal is shown by the left-hand side of the signal post, as seen by an approaching engine-driver, being clear. The caution signal, to slacken speed , is shown by the arm on the left-hand side being raised half way to the horizontal position. The danger signal , to stop , is shown by the arm on the left-hand side being raised to the hori- zontal position ; when both arms are raised both lines are blocked. Plag Signals. — "When the line is clear, and nothing to impede the progress of the train, the policeman, or other person on duty, stands erect with a white flag in his hand. If it be necessary to proceed with caution, from another engine having passed on the same line within ten minutes, a green flag is selected and held towards the approaching train. If there be any defect in the rails, the green flag is depressed, the points touching the ground. If required to stop, the red flag is shown and waved to and fro. Hand Sig- nals, by Day. — Danger , to stop , is shown by raising both arms above the head. Caution , to go slowly , is ON THE JOURNEY. 101 shown by holding the right arm above the head. All rig}d , to go on , is shown by extending the arm straight out, and pointing across the rails. Hand Signals by Night are made by hand lamps with different coloured lights, thus : Danger , to stop , by a red light shown steadily towards the approaching train. Caution , to go slowly , by a green light held towards the train. All right , to go on , by a white light held towards the train. Whistle Signals. — On approaching each station and level crossing, and on entering a tunnel, the engine-driver gives one long whistle. Two short whistles denote that the engine-driver considers cau- tion necessary, and is a signal for the guard to be on the outlook. Three short, sharp whistles denote that danger is apprehended, and is a signal for the guards instantly to put on the breaks. SIGNALLING GUARD IN EMERGENCIES. The difficulty of communicating with the guard of a train is one of those defects in railway management which cannot apparently be overcome. But on emer- gencies, signals can be improvised by a passenger in a carriage, sufficiently conspicuous to arrest the atten- tion of the guard. It may be necessary to do this in the event of the carriage catching fire, a passenger being taken ill, or any other emergency, and the best plan is to tie a coloured handkerchief on to the end of a stick, and hold it out as far beyond the carriage as possible. But will the guard understand this and stop the train accordingly ? We think he will, and are led to suppose so from the following incident : — 102 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS IIAKDY BOOK. We were once in a carriage with a farmer, who, on passing a village, took ont his handkerchief and waved it to and fro several times to some person seated at the window of a house; this signalling lasted several seconds, and in a short time the train stopped, and the guard came to the carriage to know if anything was amiss. The matter was soon ex- plained, and the guard pointed out that had he not stopped the train, and had there been anything amiss, he should have considered that he had been guilty of culpable neglect. HOW TO ACT IN CASES OE THREATENED ACCIDENTS. Presence of mind is essentially demanded in all the accidents of life, but in none more so than acci- dents by railway. Also, when accidents are imminent, but do not actually occur, coolness and judgment are necessary. When the train comes to a sudden stand- still at an unaccustomed stopping-place, it is usually a sign that there is something amiss ; but this some- thing may be of very trivial moment. At all events, do not vex yourself with the idea incessantly that ca- tastrophes are about to occur, nor pester the guard with questions only to receive ambiguous and evasive replies. If an absolute stoppage takes place, the best plan is to quit the carriage, and then whatever may occur you will be safe. In cases where the carriages are felt to be overturning, there is but one method, and that is to jump from the upper side as the carriages go over, and in taking this jump the feet OK TIIE JOUHKEY. 103 should be placed close together, the arms held close to the side, and the body inclined forwards. Many concussions give no warning of their ap- proach, while others do, the usually premonitory symptoms being a kind of bouncing or leaping of the train. It is well to know that the bottom of the carriage is the safest place, and therefore, when a per- son has reason to anticipate a concussion, he should, without hesitation, throw himself on the door of the carriage. It was by this means that Lord Guillamore saved his own life and that of his fellow-passengers some years since, when a concussion took place on one of the Irish railways. His lordship feeling a shock, which he knew was the forerunner of a concussion, without more ado, sprang upon the two persons sitting opposite him, and dragged them with him to the bottom of the carriage ; the astonished persons at first imagined that they had been set upon by a maniac, and commenced struggling for their liberty, but in a few seconds they but too well under- stood the nature of the case ; the concussion came, and the upper part of the carriage in which Lord Guillamore and the other two persons were was shattered to pieces, while the floor was untouched, and thus left them lying in safety ; while the other carriages of the train presented nothing but a ghastly spectacle of dead and wounded. If a person be buried among the debris of the carriages, and is still in possession of life and limb, he should endea- vour to make his way out of his perilous position in an upward direction, and in the event of the windows being blocked up, force a passage in the best 101 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANDY LOOK. maimer lie can by the aid of a stick or umbrella. If the accident occur in an open part of the line, a person on escaping from the carriage should remove himself as far from the scene as possible, until all immediate danger is over, and he is permitted to re- turn and assist his fellow-passengers in distress. If the accident occur in a tunnel, then a person should grope his way along by the side of the wall, feeling with his hand, and keeping his body as close to the brickwork as possible. In numerous cases of concussion, severe and fatal wounds have been caused to the heads of passengers by the hard, sharp brim of the ordinary hat, which, when impelled forward, would appear to cut like a knife ; this hint is worth attending to. On the same principle, it is obvious that the softer the body a person has to oppose, the greater are his chances of escape, and bearing this in mind, a seat in a first class carriage, opposite one that is unoccupied, is the safest, because the body is then opposed to the padded back of the carriage, and, under these circum- stances, seldom sustains serious injury. Although it is perhaps easier to lay down rules of conduct in such cases than to follow them, yet the following incident will show that foresight and presence of mind, as in the case of Lord Guillamore, work to the greatest advantage : — In the terrible accident that occurred on the North London line, at Camden Town, one of the passengers at the moment of concussion spread out his arms and inclosed with them as many passengers as he could. A mass being thus welded together offered substantial resistance to the shock, and the ON TIIE JOTJ11NEY. 105 whole of those persons escaped with only a few slight bruises, while others around them were killed or severely injured. Bailway accidents are rendered less terrible by the presence of lamps. On some lines the second and third classes are unprovided with lamps, but on all lines lamps are provided for first-class passengers ; if, therefore, a person on entering a carriage find there is no lamp, he should call the attention of the guard to the omission, and insist on its being rectified pre- vious to starting. TREATMENT OF RAILWAY SERVANTS. At every station there is an officer, termed a station- master, or superintendent, who has under his control all matters connected with both the passenger and goods traffic at that particular point of the line. To him all communications should be made in reference to any special arrangements that a person desires to make. To him, also, representations should be made of any irregularities, shortcomings, or neglect on the part of his subordinates. The porters at the various stations have to take charge of the luggage of pas- sengers arriving and departing, and to render such other assistance as may be required. These porters are usually attired in a suit of dark-coloured corduroy, and will always be found in and about the station. When a passenger desires to have his luggage removed or conveyed from one place to another, he has only to mention his wish to one of these men, and it will be instantly attended to. In order to insure their 10G TIIE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK. prompt attention, care should be taken to address a porter who is disengaged, not one busied in loading or wheeling baggage, or otherwise obviously preoccu- pied. The guards are those men who are specially appointed to certain trains, and who have a train under their charge from the moment it commences taking in its freight of passengers and luggage, until it arrives and is cleared at the terminus. They usually wear a uniform of blue or green cloth, and are distin- guished by a small whistle hanging at their breast The guard is the proper person to make inquiries of respecting the train previous to starting, or to pre- fer any complaints to during the journey. In addi- tion to their strictly defined duties, they will under- take such other little offices on behalf of passengers or their friends as will not interfere with the usual routine. Every railway servant has a distinctive number affixed either to the collar of his coat or to his cap, so that when a complaint is made of any of them, this number should be stated. All representations of mis- conduct or neglect of duty, which are made in writ- ing, should bear the name and address of the accuser. An anonymous communication only serves to raise a vague kind of prejudice against the accused person, while it is inoperative in redressing the particular grievance to which attention is called. While we are on this point we think it right to impress upon the railway traveller how essential it is that he should be not only charitable but circumspect in preferring complaints. Some persons are exacting, and require too much to be done ; others are hasty, and demand ON THE JOEENEY. 107 prompt attention to tlieir desires ; others again are captious, and imagine rudeness and incivility where none has been intended. Added to these special fault-finders, there are a number of grumblers and objectors who are continually giving vent to inco- herent utterances depreciatory of all persons and all things. As a rule, the various railway employes are civil, intelligent, and obliging, and in this spirit any request courteously and distinctly made will be duly responded to. All railway servants are strictly pro- hibited from taking any fee or reward, and persons who act in contravention of this wholesome regulation lay the foundation of an incalculable amount of mis- chief. Another foolish custom is the treating the guards with drink while on the journey ; this is usually done, from ostentatious motives, by those who consider it a fine thing to take railway guards under their patronage in the matter of brandy-and-water. To such a mischievous extent was this pernicious custom carried on a certain railway, that a terrible accident was clearly traceable to the inebriety of the person in charge of the train, and the inebriety was occasioned by drink with which he had been plied by some of the passengers in the course of the journey. ECONOMY IN COMPANIONSHIP. Individual charges are considerably lessened when they are divided between two or more persons. A cab or fly for two is little more expensive than for one. The same candles and firing will equally as well 10S THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOH. serve a company as a solitary individual. Two persons may call for a pint of wine between them at an hotel without being considered mean ; whereas one person ordering half a pint would be regarded as stingy. A double-bedded room is much cheaper in proportion than two single ones, especially if accommodation be scarce ; and so on through the whole catalogue of travelling charges. From these remarks it is obvious, that, where practicable, it is not only a great saving, but considerably more pleasant to travel in company than alone. But companions are sometimes not ready- made. We saw an advertisement in the Times a short time since, where a gentleman advertised for another to accompany him to the Continent, on the share and share alike principle. And although we do not counsel the cultivation of acquaintanceship with strangers except with the utmost discretion, yet, from a casual meeting on the road, many companionships are undoubtedly formed which prove mutually advan- tageous and economical. TREATMENT OF UNPLEASANT TRAVELLING COMPANIONS. Bail way travellers are occasionally thrown into company with persons who know not how to behave themselves, or rather those who consider it the height of manliness and propriety to insult inoffensive and quietly-disposed passengers. These monsters are espe- cially fond of molesting females, well-knowing that for the time being the unfortunate objects of their persecution are in their absolute power. A few words ON TIIE JOUJiNET. 109 decidedly and firmly addressed to such individuals will sometimes have the desired effect, but this only seldom. Another method is to lodge a complaint to the guard, and insist on the offender being removed ; but inasmuch as the officials frequently exhibit great tenderness on behalf of the culprit, and are apt to imagine that the other passengers are over- squeamish, the guard usually contents himself with administer- ing a few words of mild reproof, without attempting removal. A case of this kind once occurred on the Eastern Counties line. A big hulking fellow, with bully written on his face, took his seat in a second- class carriage, and forthwith commenced insulting everybody by his words and gestures. He was asked to desist, but only responded with language more abusive. The guard was then appealed to, who told him to mind what he was about, shut the door, and cried, “ all right.” Thus encouraged, the miscreant continued his disgraceful conduct, and became every moment more outrageous. In one part of the car- riage there were four farmers sitting who all came from the same neighbourhood, and to whom every part along the line was well known. One of these wrote on a slip of paper these words, “Let us souse him in Chuckley Slough.” This paper was handed from one to the other, and each nodded assent. How, Chuckley Slough was a pond near one of the railway stations, not very deep, but the waters of which were black, muddy, and somewhat repellant to the olfactory nerves. The station was neared and arrived at ; in the mean- time Bully’s conduct became worse and worse. As they emerged from the station, one of the farmers aforesaid HO THE 11 AIL WAY THAVELLElt’S HANEY HOOK. said to tlie fellow, “ Now, will you be quiet ?” “ No, I won’t,” was the answer. u You won’t, won’t you ?” asked a second farmer. “You are determined you won’t ?” inquired a third. “ You are certain you won’t ?” asked the fourth. To all of which queries the response was in negatives, with certain inelegant expletives added thereto. “ Then,” said the four farmers speaking as one man, and rising in a body, “ out you go.” So saying, they seized the giant frame of the wretch, who struggled hard to escape but to no purpose; they forced him to the window, and while the train was still travelling at a slow pace, and Chuckley Slough appeared to view, they without more ado thrust the huge carcass through the window, and propelling it forward with some force, landed it exactly in the centre of the black filthy slough. The mingled cries and oaths of the man were something fearful to hear ; his attempts at extrication and incessant slipping still deeper in the mire, something ludicrous to witness ; all the passengers watched him with feelings of grati- fied revenge, and the last that was seen of him was a huge black mass, having no traces of humanity about it, crawling up the bank in a state of utter prostration. In this instance the remedy was rather a violent one ; but less active measures had been found to fail, and there can be little doubt that this man took care ever afterwards not to run the risk of a similar punishment by indulging in conduct of a like nature. On start- ing for a journey, do not enter a carriage where you observe rough and noisy company, and if you are already seated, and a disorderly character attempts to enter, try to keep him out. There are other passen- ON THE JOUKNEY. Ill gers who are not absolutely offensive, and yet dis- agreeable to travel with. There is the fidgetty traveller, who is continually shifting his body into every variety of position, and shuffling about his legs and feet without the slightest regard for the legs and feet of other people. The best plan is to remove from the vicinity of such irritating persons. Or if you cannot do that, a slightly angular projection of the knee or elbow may have a quieting effect. There is the inquisitive passenger, who wishes to know more respecting yourself than you care to reveal to a stranger. When you recognize such an individual, take up a book or newspaper, and commence an atten- tive perusal of it. If this will not answer the pur- pose, go off into a sound sleep, and respond to his interrogations by a loud snore. Then there is the prosy traveller, who inflicts upon you a series of narra- tives of most immaterial and inconsequential incidents which are neither interesting, amusing, nor enlighten- ing ; to such twaddlers you may appear to be atten- tively listening — that is all they require — while in reality your mind is busily occupied with affairs of real moment and interest. There is the staring tra- veller, who, in the rudest manner possible, deliberately fixes his eye upon you, and never removes it until he has scanned your person, features, and costume to his entire satisfaction. We said never removes his eye, but that is the case with timid persons and those of the softer sex, who feel abashed under the circum- stances, and let fall their eyelids. The way to meet this piece of insolence and vulgarity is to return stare for stare, tolix your eye upon the offender at the same 112 THE BAIL WAY TRAVELLER’S HAN1)Y ROOK. moment and in the same manner that he fixes it on you, and, our word for it, he will feel the reproof and withdraw from the contest. There are other classes of unpleasant travelling companions whose bare men- tion would only tend to needlessly burden these pages. Of whatever kind and degree, avoid them altogether if you can ; if that be not possible, quit their company at the first opportunity ; and if this be impracticable, bring your ingenuity and philosophy to bear to lighten the infliction. BYE-LAWS AND REGULATIONS. The several railway companies have powers and authorities vested in them by Act of Parliament, which passengers are bound to abide by. In some instances there are special rules made to meet exceptional circumstances ; but the bye-law r s and regulations, relating to passenger traffic generally on all the lines, are in substance as follows : — 1. Ho passenger will be allowed to enter or travel in any carriage used on the railway without having first paid his fare, and obtained a ticket. Each passenger, on payment of his fare, will be furnished with a ticket, specifying the class of carriage, and the distance for which the fare has been paid ; which ticket such passenger is to show when required by the guard in charge of the train, or other servant of the company duly authorized to take tickets, and to deliver up before leaving the company’s pre- mises. Any passenger not producing or delivering up his ticket, will bo required to pay the fare from he place where the train originally skirted, or, in 0 N TI1E JOUKNEY. 97 been entirely removed from danger. As a general injunction it should be laid down that no one should attempt to pass the line if a train be in sight. The eye is apt to be greatly deceived in the distance, and the relative pace at which the train is travelling. And even under the most favourable circumstances, a person knowing the danger he is running, is apt to become nervous and irresolute ; his foot may slip at the most critical juncture, and he may be thus hurled prostrate across the line, and be unable to recover himself, before the train has performed its mission of destruction. ENTERING AND LEAVING THE CARRIAGE WHILE IN MOTION. Numerous accidents have arisen to railway tra- vellers from their folly in persisting to enter or leave a carriage while in motion. There is an express law against this, and the misdemeanour is punished with a fine of forty shillings, which, in addition to any personal injury that may have been sustained, is pay- ing rather dearly for one’s obstinacy. At the end of a journey everybody is naturally anxious to quit the train as soon as possible, and hence the impatience manifested, and the foolish leaps made. Tew persons are experienced in the rate of railway travelling, and when the train is moving at the rate of twenty miles an hour, it appears not to be travelling faster than five or six miles an hour, and with this miscalcu- lation it is easy to understand that a false step may be made, and the body thrown off its equilibrium. n 08 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY HOOK. After all, the time saved in getting out of the train before it absolutely stops, is about the tenth part of a minute. If any person near you should be rash enough to attempt leaving the train before it stops, do not try to prevent him ; for being thus baulked, he is almost sure to stumble, and the consequences may be fearful. UP LINE AND DOWN LINE. In nautical language the terms “ starboard” and “ larboard” are employed to express the right and left sides of the ship. And among whips, “ off side” and “ near side” are used to denote the same relative positions. The custom with regard to the latter has been well expressed in the following verse : — u The rule of the road is a paradox quite, As you’ 13 find when you’re driving along ; If you keep to the left you are sure to be right, And if you go right, you go wrong.” In accordance with this principle, the trains in their onward progress invariably keep on the left side of the line, the passengers getting in and out on the same side. The word “ up” signifies towards London, or any other large city or important terminus. The term “ down” means from London, etc., to provincial towns or places of lesser note. These words are so familiar to the ears of railway officials, that when a person is asking information respecting the trains, he must adopt these technicalities if he desires to make himself intelligible. This up and down business is apt to bewilder inexperienced and unthinking persons ON TIIE JOTTBNEY. 00 If they alight at a station on one side of the line, they cannot understand why, when departing from the station, they have to cross to the other side. AV c have already pointed out why this is so, and, there- fore, when a person is about to return to the place whence he came, he must look out for the sign-post, which is generally near, pointing to the up trains, or the down trains, as the case may be. If or if he have hut a few minutes to spare, and goes to the wrong Station, the chances are that while he is running round to the other, the train will be off. RAILWAY SIGNALS. A knowledge of the meaning and intention of the various signals may, in many cases, prove useful to the railway traveller. There are three principal signals in use, which are shown differently by day and night — “Danger” to stop ; “ Caution” to go slowly ; “ All right” to go on. Fixed Signals are placed at stations, tunnels, junctions, level crossings, and other places where caution is required. Fixed Day Sig- nals. — Danger , to stop , is shown by turning the cross bar of the mast signal full upon the line, so that it can be well seen from the approaching train, and by a red board pointing to the rails. Caution , to go slowly , is shown by a green board pointing from the rails. All right , to go on , is shown by turning the disc of the mast signal full upon the line, so that it can be well seen from the approaching train. Fixed Night Signals. — Danger , to stop, is showm by a red igbt fixed upon a pole being turned full upon the 100 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S 1IANDY LOOK. line, so that it can be seen from the approaching train. Caution , to go slowly, is shown in the same manner by a green light. All right , to go cn , is shown in the same way by a white light. Post Signals. — The signal posts are furnished with two arms, one moving out on one side to give signals to trains on the down line of rails, and another moving out on the other side of the signal post to give signals on the up line of rails. The signal is invariably made on the left-hand side of the post, as seen by the approach- ing engine-driver. The position of the arm on the right- hand side is consequently a signal to trains running in a contrary direction. The all right signal is shown by the left-hand side of the signal post, as seen by an approaching engine-driver, being clear. The caution signal, to slacken speed , is shown by the arm on the left-hand side being raised half way to the horizontal position. The danger signal , to stop, is shown by the arm on the left-hand side being raised to the hori- zontal position ; when both arms are raised both lines are blocked. Plag Signals. — When the line is clear, and nothing to impede the progress of the train, the policeman, or other person on duty, stands erect with a white flag in his hand. If it be necessary to proceed with caution, from another engine having passed on the same line within ten minutes, a green flag is selected and held towards the approaching train. If there be any defect in the rails, the green flag is depressed, the points touching the ground. If required to stop, the red flag is shown and waved to and fro. Hand Sig- nals, by Day. — Danger , to stop , is shown by raising both arms above the head. Caution , to go slowly, is ON THE JOURNEY. 101 shown by holding the right arm above the head. All right, to go on, is shown by extending the arm straight out, and pointing across the rails. Hand Signals et Night are made by hand lamps with different coloured lights, thus : Danger, to stop, by a red light shown steadily towards the approaching train. Caution, to go slowly, by a green light held towards the train. All right , to go on, by a white light held towards the train. Whistle Signals. — On approaching eacli station and level crossing, and on entering a tunnel, the engine-driver gives one long whistle. Two short whistles denote that the engine-driver considers cau- tion necessary, and is a signal for the guard to be on the outlook. Three short, sharp whistles denote that danger is apprehended, and is a signal for the guards instantly to put on the breaks. SIGNALLING- GUAM) IN EMERGENCIES. The difficulty of communicating with the guard of a train is one of those defects in railway management which cannot apparently be overcome. But on emer- gencies, signals can be improvised by a passenger in a carriage, sufficiently conspicuous to arrest the atten- tion of the guard. It may be necessary to do this in the event of the carriage catching fire, a passenger being taken ill, or any other emergency, and the best plan is to tie a coloured handkerchief on to the end of a stick, and hold it out as far beyond the carriage as possible. But will the guard understand this and stop the train accordingly ? We think he will, and are led to suppose so from the following incident : — 102 THE EAT L WAY TRAVELLER’S IIANDY BOOK. We were once in a carriage with a farmer, who, on passing a village, took out his handkerchief and waved it to and fro several times to some person seated at the window of a house; this signalling lasted several seconds, and in a short time the train stopped, and the guard came to the carriage to know if anything was amiss. The matter was soon ex- plained, and the guard pointed out that had he not stopped the train, and had there been anything amiss, he should have considered that he had been guilty of culpable neglect. HOW TO ACT IN CASES OF THREATENED ACCIDENTS. Presence of mind is essentially demanded in all the accidents of life, but in none more so than acci- dents by railway. Also, when accidents are imminent, but do not actually occur, coolness and judgment are necessary. When the train comes to a sudden stand- still at an unaccustomed stopping-place, it is usually a sign that there is something amiss ; but this some- thing may be of very trivial moment. At all events, do not vex yourself with the idea incessantly that ca- tastrophes are about to occur, nor pester the guard with questions only to receive ambiguous and evasive replies. If an absolute stoppage takes place, the best plan is to quit the carriage, and then whatever may occur you will be safe. In cases where the carriages are felt to be overturning, there is but one method, and that is to jump from the upper side as the carriages go over, and in taking this jump the feet ON THE JOURNEY. 103 should be placed close together, the arms held close to the side, and the body inclined forwards. Many concussions give no warning of their ap- proach, while others do, the usually premonitory symptoms being a kind of bouncing or leaping of the train. It is well to know that the bottom of the carriage is the safest place, and therefore, when a per- son has reason to anticipate a concussion, he should, without hesitation, throw himself on the floor of the carriage. It was by this means that Lord Guillamore saved his own life and that of his fellow-passengers some years since, when a concussion took place on one of the Irish railways. His lordship feeling a shock, which he knew was the forerunner of a concussion, without more ado, sprang upon the two persons sitting opposite him, and dragged them with him to the bottom of the carriage ; the astonished persons at first imagined that they had been set upon by a maniac, and commenced struggling for their liberty, but in a few seconds they but too well under- stood the nature of the case ; the concussion came, and the upper part of the carriage in which Lord Guillamore and the other two persons were was shattered to pieces, while the floor was untouched, and thus left them lying in safety ; while the other carriages of the train presented nothing but a ghastly spectacle of dead and wounded. If a person be buried among the debris of the carriages, and is still in possession of life and limb, he should endea- vour to make his way out of his perilous position in an upward direction, and in the event of the windows being blocked up, force a passage in the best 10 Ji THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANDY ROOK. manner he can by the aid of a stick or umbrella. If the accident occur in an open part of the line, a person on escaping from the carriage should remove himself as far from the scene as possible, until all immediate danger is over, and he is permitted to re- turn and assist his fellow-passengers in distress. If the accident occur in a tunnel, then a person should grope his way along by the side of the wall, feeling with his hand, and keeping his body as close to the brickwork as possible. In numerous cases of concussion, severe and fatal wounds have been caused to the heads of passengers by the hard, .sharp brim of the ordinary hat, which, when impelled forward, would appear to cut like a knife ; this hint is worth attending to. On the same principle, it is obvious that the softer the body a person has to oppose, the greater are his chances of escape, and bearing this in mind, a seat in a first class carriage, opposite one that is unoccupied, is the safest, because the body is then opposed to the padded back of the carriage, and, under these circum- stances, seldom sustains serious injury. Although it is perhaps easier to lay down rules of conduct in such cases than to follow them, yet the following incident will show that foresight and presence of mind, as in the case of Lord Guillamore, work to the greatest advantage : — In the terrible accident that occurred on the North London line, at Camden Town, one of the passengers at the moment of concussion spread out his arms and inclosed with them as many passengers as he could. A mass being thus welded together offered substantial resistance to the shock, and the ON TIIE JOURNEY. 105 whole of those persons escaped with only a few slight bruises, while others around them were killed or severely injured. Railway accidents are rendered less terrible by the presence of lamps. Od some lines the second and third classes are unprovided with lamps, but on all lines lamps are provided for first-class passengers ; if, therefore, a person on entering a carriage find there is no lamp, he should call the attention of the guard to the omission, and insist on its being rectified pre- vious to starting. TREATMENT OE RAILWAY SERVANTS. At every station there is an officer, termed a station- master, or superintendent, who has under his control all matters connected with both the passenger and goods traffic at that particular point of the line. To him all communications should be made in reference to any special arrangements that a person desires to make. To him, also, representations should be made of any irregularities, shortcomings, or neglect on the part of his subordinates. The porters at the various stations have to take charge of the luggage of pas- sengers arriving and departing, and to render such other assistance as may be required. These porters are usually attired in a suit of dark-coloured corduroy, and will always be found in and about the station. "When a passenger desires to have his luggage removed or conveyed from one place to another, he has only to mention his wish to one of these men, and it will be instantly attended to. In order to insure their 10G THE KAILWAY TEAYELLEK’s HANDY BOOK. prompt attention, care should be taken to address a porter who is disengaged, not one busied in loading or wheeling baggage, or otherwise obviously preoccu- pied. The guards are those men who are specially appointed to certain trains, and who have a train under their charge from the moment it commences taking in its freight of passengers and luggage, until it arrives and is cleared at the terminus. They usually wear a uniform of blue or green clotb, and are distin- guished by a small whistle hanging at their breast The guard is the proper person to make inquiries of respecting the train previous to starting, or to pre- fer any complaints to during the journey. In addi- tion to their strictly defined duties, they will under- take such other little offices on behalf of passengers or their friends as will not interfere with the usual routine. Every railway servant has a distinctive number affixed either to the collar of his coat or to his cap, so that when a complaint is made of any of them, this number should be stated. All representations of mis- conduct or neglect of duty, which are made in writ- ing, should bear the name and address of the accuser. An anonymous communication only serves to raise a vague kind of prejudice against the accused person, while it is inoperative in redressing the particular grievance to which attention is called. "While we are on this point we think it right to impress upon the railway traveller how essential it is that he should be not only charitable but circumspect in preferring complaints. Some persons are exacting, and require too much to be done; others are hasty, and demand OK THE JOURNEY. 107 prompt attention to their desires ; others again are captious, and imagine rudeness and incivility where none has been intended. Added to these special fault-finders, there are a number of grumblers and objectors who are continually giving vent to inco- herent utterances depreciatory of all persons and all things. As a rule, the various railway employes are civil, intelligent, and obliging, and in this spirit any request courteously and distinctly made will be duly responded to. All railway servants are strictly pro- hibited from taking any fee or reward, and persons who act in contravention of this wholesome regulation lay the foundation of an incalculable amount of mis- chief. Another foolish custom is the treating the guards with drink while on the journey ; this is usually done, from ostentatious motives, by those who consider it a fine thing to take railway guards under their patronage in the matter of brandy-and-water. To such a mischievous extent w T as this pernicious custom carried on a certain railway, that a terrible accident was clearly traceable to the inebriety of the person in charge of the train, and the inebriety w^as occasioned by drink with which he had been plied by some of the passengers in the course of the journey. ECONOMY IN COMPANIONSHIP. Individual charges are considerably lessened when they are divided between two or more persons. A cab or fly for two is little more expensive than for one. The same candles and firing will equally as well 10S THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER^ HANDY BOOK. serve a company as a solitary individual. Two persons may call for a pint of wine between them at an hotel without being considered mean ; whereas one person ordering half a pint would be regarded as stingy. A double-bedded room is much cheaper in proportion than two single ones, especially if accommodation be scarce ; and so on through the whole catalogue of travelling charges. From these remarks it is obvious, that, where practicable, it is not only a great saving, but considerably more pleasant to travel in company than alone. But companions are sometimes not ready- made. We saw an advertisement in the Times a short time since, where a gentleman advertised for another to accompany him to the Continent, on the share and share alike principle. And although we do not counsel the cultivation of acquaintanceship with strangers except with the utmost discretion, yet, from a casual meeting on the road, many companionships are undoubtedly formed which prove mutually advan- tageous and economical. TREATMENT OE UNPLEASANT TRAVELLING- COMPANIONS. Railway travellers are occasionally thrown into company with persons who know not how to behave themselves, or rather those who consider it the height of manliness and propriety to insult inoffensive and quietly-disposed passengers. These monsters are espe- cially fond of molesting females, well-knowing that for the time being the unfortunate objects of their persecution are in their absolute power. A few words ON TI1E JOUJ1NEY. 109 decidedly and firmly addressed to sucli individuals will sometimes have the desired effect, hut this only seldom. Another method is to lodge a complaint to the guard, and insist on the offender being removed ; but inasmuch as the officials frequently exhibit great tenderness on behalf of the culprit, and are apt to imagine that the other passengers are over-squeamish, the guard usually contents himself with administer- ing a few words of mild reproof, without attempting removal. A case of this kind once occurred on the Eastern Counties line. A big hulking fellow, with bully written on his face, took his seat in a second- class carriage, and forthwith commenced insulting everybody by his words and gestures. He was asked to desist, but only responded with language more abusive. The guard was then appealed to, who told him to mind what he was about, shut the door, and cried, “ all right.’ * Thus encouraged, the miscreant continued his disgraceful conduct, and became every moment more outrageous. In one part of the car- riage there were four farmers sitting who all came from the same neighbourhood, and to whom every part along the line was well known. One of these wrote on a slip of paper these words, “ Let us souse him in Chuckley Slough.” This paper was handed from one to the other, and each nodded assent. How, Chuckley Slough was a pond near one of the railway stations, not very deep, but the waters of which were black, muddy, and somewhat repellant to the olfactory nerves. The station was neared and arrived at ; in the mean- time Bully’s conduct became worse and worse. As they emerged from the station, one of the farmers aforesaid 110 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANEY BOOK. said to the fellow, “ Now, will you be quiet ?” “ No, I won’t,” was the answer. “ You won’t, won’t you ?” asked a second farmer. “ You are determined you won’t ?” inquired a third. “ You are certain you won’t?” asked the fourth. To all of which queries the response was in negatives, with certain inelegant expletives added thereto. “ Then,” said the four farmers speaking as one man, and rising in a body, “ out you go.” So saying, they seized the giant frame of the wretch, who struggled hard to escape but to no purpose; they forced him to the window, and while the train was still travelling at a slow pace, and Chuckley Slough appeared to view, they without more ado thrust the huge carcass through the window, and propelling it forward with some force, landed it exactly in the centre of the black filthy slough. The mingled cries and oaths of the man were something fearful to hear ; his attempts at extrication and incessant slipping still deeper in the mire, something ludicrous to witness ; all the passengers watched him with feelings of grati- fied revenge, and the last that was seen of him was a huge black mass, having no traces of humanity about it, crawling up the bank in a state of utter prostration. In this instance the remedy was rather a violent one ; but less active measures had been found to fail, and there can be little doubt that this man took care ever afterwards not to run the risk of a similar punishment by indulging in conduct of a like nature. On start- ing for a journey, do not enter a carriage where you observe rough and noisy company, and if you are already seated, and a disorderly character attempts to enter, try to keep him out. There are other passen- OK THE JOURNEY. Ill gers who are not absolutely offensive, and yet dis- agreeable to travel with. There is the fidgetty traveller, who is continually shifting his body into every variety of position, and shuffling about his legs and feet without the slightest regard for the legs and feet of other people. The best plan is to remove from the vicinity of such irritating persons. Or if you cannot do that, a slightly angular projection of the knee or elbow may have a quieting effect. There is the inquisitive passenger, who wishes to know more respecting yourself than you care to reveal to a stranger. "When you recognize such an individual, take up a book or newspaper, and commence an atten- tive perusal of it. If this will not answer the pur- pose, go off into a sound sleep, and respond to his interrogations by a loud snore. Then there is the prosy traveller, who inflicts upon you a series of narra- tives of most immaterial and inconsequential incidents which are neither interesting, amusing, nor enlighten- ing ; to such twaddlers you may appear to be atten- tively listening — that is all they require — -while in reality your mind is busily occupied w r ith affairs of real moment and interest. There is the staring tra- veller, who, in the rudest manner possible, deliberately fixes his eye upon you, and never removes it until he has scanned your person, features, and costume to his entire satisfaction. We said never removes his eye, but that is the case with timid persons and those of the softer sex, who feel abashed under the circum- stances, and let fall their eyelids. The way to meet this piece of insolence and vulgarity is to return stare for stare, to fix your eye upon the offender at the same 112 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HAKDY E00JC. moment and in the same manner that he fixes it on you, and, our word for it, lie will feel the reproof and withdraw from the contest. There are other classes of unpleasant travelling companions whose bare men- tion would only tend to needlessly burden these pages. Of whatever hind and degree, avoid them altogether if you can ; if that be not possible, quit their company at the first opportunity ; and if this be impracticable, bring your ingenuity and philosophy to bear to lighten the infliction. BYE-LAWS AND REGULATIONS. The several railway companies have powers and authorities vested in them by Act of Parliament, w hich passengers are bound to abide by. In some instances there are special rules made to meet exceptional circumstances ; but the bye-law T s and regulations, relating to passenger traffic generally on all the lines, are in substance as follows : — 1. No passenger will be allowed to enter or travel in any carriage used on the railway without having first paid his fare, and obtained a ticket. Each passenger, on payment of his fare, will be furnished with a ticket, specifying the class of carriage, and the distance for which the fare has been paid ; which ticket such passenger is to show when required by the guard in charge of the train, or other servant of the company duly authorized to take tickets, and to deliver up before leaving the company’s pre- mises. Any passenger not producing or delivering up his ticket, will be required to pay the fare from he place where the train originally started, or, in AFTER THE JOURNEY. 129 your luggage than with it. Or if you are going to stay at an hotel, you may select at your leisure the house at which you would prefer to stop, without being forced to put up at any particular hostelry, through the cajolery of the fly-driver and the perti- nacity of the landlord. Frequently the fly-driving and hotel interest work into each other’s hands, the fly- driver receiving from the landlord so much per head for every customer brought. When, therefore a per- son arrives at a town he has not hitherto visited, and places himself and his luggage in a fly, intent upon putting up at an hotel, but without any knowledge of which is the best, it is a common thing enough to appeal to the fly-driver, and he, as in duty bound, drives you straight off to his employer for the purpose of receiving his reward. It need scarcely be remarked that the proprietors of hotels who descend to this system of bribery have ordinarily not the best of houses, their larder and cellar being alike indifferent, and their accommodation execrable. But there are a variety of circumstances which render the leaving of luggage preferable to carrying it about. The stay in the place may only be a short one, perhaps not more than a few hours. When, therefore, the passenger arriving, wishes to leave his luggage, he should have it conveyed to the office set apart for that purpose, paying a small fee of some 2d. or 3d ., and receiving a ticket in return. The production of the ticket will be sufficient to insure the delivery of the articles, so that the owner need not trouble to go for them him- self if he does not feel so disposed. K 130 TIIE HAILWAY TEAYELLEB’S HAKDY BOOK. FOE WARDING PARCELS DY COMPANY’S EXPRESS. At almost every terminus, parcels will be taken charge of and forwarded by what is termed the Com- pany’s Express, carts and other vehicles being em- ployed for that purpose, and a great deal of trouble being thus taken off the hands of the traveller who is saddled with packages to be delivered at various places. The rates charged are moderate, and safety and speedy delivery are insured. NOTING TIME OF DEPARTURE OF RETURN TRAINS. When a person alights at a station, from which he intends returning the same day, he of course ought to know the times of departure. If he is not provided with a railway guide, this information will be gained on consulting the time-table which is usually hung up near the entrance of the station, and if there be no time-table, or there be any difficulty in understanding it, the necessary information may be obtained from the porter who takes the ticket at the gate. In such cases memory is not to be trusted, and a memoran- dum of the times should be taken. NOTING THE POSITION OF THE STATION. When a person is about to return to the station at which he alights, and will in all probability have to do so in a hurry, in order to catch the train that is passing through, he should observe the relative posi- AFTER THE JOURNEY. 131 tion of the station in connection with the other buildings by which it is surrounded, and the turnings right and left which lead from it to the town. So that on coming back, the station may be reached without difficulty without inquiring the way, which consumes time, and without going in a wrong direc- tion, which is worse than all. Should the traveller be at a loss, let him look about him for the telegraph wires and posts, running his eye along these till he recognizes the top of the station, and then following up the clue. BEACHING- ACROSS COUNTRY AND OUT-OF-THE- WAY PLACES. A railway traveller is destined occasionally to alight at a station which is removed some seven, eight, or ten miles from the place he wishes to reach. Possibly no cab, fly, or omnibus is to be had ; he can- not walk it ; what then is he to do ? The best plan in such a dilemma is to repair to the nearest] inn, and make inquiries for any vehicle under a post-chaise and four. Generally speaking, the landlord k has a pony and gig with which he goe3] u to ^ the nearest market, or a four-wheeled chaise that he drives his wife and daughters in to the next town. Or if he has not one, he knows some neighbour who has, and if it even be a tax-cart, it is preferable being conveyed by that, to passing the best part of the day in some dreary and desolate hamlet. 132 TIIE BAILWAY TRAVELLER’ S HANDY BOOK. WHILING AWAY THE TIME AT STOPPING STATIONS. It sometimes happens that a person has to wait the arrival of the train at the station of some little country town. Under such circumstances, time hangs most heavily, and an hour appears as long as a day. The amusements within reach are of the most meagre description. The two or three persons who wander in and out of the station may have no marked pecu- liarities, and they are but two or three after all. There may be a few cocks and hens in the adjacent poultry-yard, but they are probably lazy or replete, and their movements are of the most commonplace and uninteresting description. As to the town itself, the chances are that it has little worth seeing, and a peregrination of its utmost limits can be accom- plished in ten minutes. To while away the time under such unpromising aspects is somewhat of an art. If a person have a book with him, he need look no fur- ther for recreation. If not, let him procure three or four sheets of writing paper, a pen, and a bottle of ink, bring them back to the waiting-room, and sit down to write two or three letters to as many friends. It is astonishing how quickly time flies with those who are using the pen. If the thoughts come with difficulty, then much time is consumed in bringing them to bear ; if thoughts come readily, then the noting them down consumes time also. Another end is accomplished, since time is economized and put to a good use, which would be otherwise frittered away. AFTEE TIIE J0UENEY. 133 EATES OF TE LEGE AMS. The rates for forwarding telegraphic messages vary with the different railway companies ; the follow- ing scale will, however, be found to approach the general charges as nearly as possible : For 25 miles, Is., 50 miles Is. 6d ., beyond 50 miles 2s., for messages not exceeding 20 words. Half these rates are charged for every 10 words, or portion of 10 words, not ex- ceeding 20 words. Cypher communications sent accord- ing to same rates, four cypher or private signals being considered equal to 20 words. Each word underlined, in Italics, or within parenthesis, or between inverted commas, will be counted and charged as two words. Messengers are despatched immediately on arrival of message. The charge, if within 3 miles, 6d. per mile on foot, or Is. per mile by cab, horse, etc., if beyond 3 miles Is. per mile by the readiest available means. Ho porterage is charged if the distance be within half a mile. For distances within 10 miles, if sent by rail only 6d. per mile is charged ; and porterage in London is charged 6d. per mile for the first 3 miles, and 6d. for every half mile beyond 3 miles, Is, per mile if by cab. As the charge for telegraphic mes- sages is regulated by the number of words, it is obviously essential to make the message sent as con- cise as possible, pruning it of all redundant words and tautologies; but while aiming at brevity, care must be taken not to relapse into ambiguity, as illustrated by the following anecdote. The husband of a lady of rank, residing at Edinburgh, engaged the services of 134 THE BAILWAY TBAVELLEB’S HANDY BOOK. an eminent London practitioner for his wife’s approach- ing accouchement. About the time the auspicious event was expected to occur, Dr. received the following message : “ Don’t come too late ;” and in obedience to this summons he immediately set out for the North. Arrived at the mansion, he was received by the husband with an air of astonishment, and an inquiry as to whether the telegraphic message had been received. Dr. replied that he certainly had received such message, and that was the immediate cause of his appearance in Edinburgh. “ God bless me !” said the husband, “ that is very extraordinary, for I should have thought the message would have had the effect of preventing your coming, as, indeed, was the intention, for, to tell you the truth, the little stranger had already come to light when the message was sent, and as that was the case, word was sent to you not to come, as it was too late.” “'Well,” said the doctor, “you may have meant such a message to have reached me, but the one I received was, 6 Don’t come too late,’ and thinking that the event was momentarily expected, I did not hesitate a moment to place myself in the train, and here I am.” “ I see it all,” said the husband, “it is simply an error in punctuation, the message as sent being, ‘Don't come — too late ,’ so that although the same words were trans- mitted, their meaning was widely different.” Similar misunderstandings, equally as ludicrous as this, have occurred over and over a^ain, arising, in nearly every case, from a want of explicitness. AFTER THE JOURNEY. 135 ACCOMMODATION FOR RAILWAY TRAVELLERS. A few words on this subject may prove useful. If you intend staying at an hotel, and are a stranger to the place, make inquiries among your friends as to which is the best house to stop at. Under any cir- cumstances, never select a second or third-rate hotel, its accommodation is always inferior, and its charges usually exorbitant. If there exists the probability of an influx of visitors into the town, the precau- tion should be taken of pre-engaging a room by writing to the landlord a few days previously. Should the bustle and noise of an hotel be objected to, very good accommodation is to be met with at a boarding- house. If apartments are desired, and some difficulty is experienced in obtaining them, temporary quarters may be taken to afford time for looking out for the more permanent home. In some cases, neither hotel accommodation nor apartments are to be had. To remedy this want, a bed-room may be engaged at a private house, and the meals taken at an hotel. It should be borne in mind that where private apart- ments are occupied at an hotel, the charges are much dearer than when the ordinary accommodation of the coffee-room is accepted. The same remark applies to dinners, etc., specially ordered, instead of partaking of the fare provided for the common table. Some persons are desirous of securing the comforts of an hotel, without incurring the expense or the obliga- tion of taking intoxicating liquors. To meet this view, many towns have what are termed Temperance 136 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANEY BOOK. Hotels, where the desired end may he achieved. Finally, we w^ould warn travellers that in many in- stances they will have to put up with discomfort, and they will rarely meet with all the comforts of a home. Instead of chafing at these drawbacks, the best way is to be prepared for them, to treat them as lightly as possible, and as the French say, “ accept the situation.” Having thus brought the Eailway Traveller to the end of his journey, and seen him safely housed, we cannot do better than devote the few remaining pages of this little volume to items of information which cannot fail to prove generally useful, and especially so to the excursionist and to visitors from the country. EXCURSION GUIDE. 4 The following is a list of places which may be readily reached by any of the railways, and to which excursion trains run throughout the season : — Bath. — One of the most beautiful cities in Eng- land, containing many interesting buildings, and stand- ing in the midst of exquisite scenery. Great Wes- tern Railway. Distance, 106f miles. Average time of journey, four hours. Brighton. — One of the most delightful places out of London at which to pass a day or a few days. The air is particularly bracing and enjoyable. The Downs afford the best walking and riding, and the sea-bathing is unequalled. Brighton and South Coast Railway. Distance, 50J miles. Average time of journey, two hours. Cambridge. — Celebrated as the seat of one of our great English universities, and thus possessing considerable interest. The buildings in connection with the colleges are well worth seeing, and the coun- try around is remarkably picturesque. Eastern Counties Railway. Distance, 57 % miles. Average time of journey, two hours and a-half. Deal. — A small but interesting maritime town. .Near it are situated Walmer and San down Castles. The air is extremely salubrious, and the coast affords 138 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANDY BOOK. extensive views of France and the Kentish shore. South Eastern Kailway. Distance, 102 miles. Ave- rage time of journey, four hours. Dover. — Remarkable for its cliff, and for nume- rous interesting fortifications of various styles — Roman, Saxon, Norman, etc. The sea-bathing is ex- cellent, and the town capable of affording superior accommodation to visitors. South Eastern Railway. Distance, 88 miles. Average time of journey, three hours. Eastbourne. — A pretty little town in Sussex, situated close to the sea. Near this place is Beachy Head, one of the finest marine eminences in Eng- land, and the prospect from which is very striking. Brighton and South Coast Railway. Distance, 66 miles. Average time of journey, two hours and a-half. Gravesend. — A town in Kent, with an extensive river view, and possessing several interesting walks around it. On account of its easy access from Lon- don, it is greatly resorted to during the season. North Kent Railway, and London and Tilbury Railway. Distance, 23 miles. Average time of journey, one hour and a-half. Hampton Court. — An exceedingly interesting place, having a royal palace, picture gallery, and pleasure grounds. The walks in the neighbourhood are extremely pretty, especially that known as Bushy Park. South Western Railway. Distance, 15 miles. Average time of journey, three-quarters of an hour. Hastings. — A town of great antiquity, pleasantly situated in a vale, and facing the sea. The country abounds with pleasant walks and drives, and the sea- EXCURSION GUIDE. 139 bathing accommodation is of a superior description. Adjoining Hastings is St. Leonards -on- Sea, which has an air of quietude and retirement about it peculiarly agreeable to invalids. South Eastern Kail- way. Distance, 74 miles. Average time of journey, two hours and a-half. Herne Bay. — A favourite watering-place, situated in a beautiful bay, commanding an extensive prospect of ocean, and much resorted to for the purpose of sea- bathing, and enjoying its peculiarly healthy and bracing air. South Eastern Kailway. Distance, 84 miles. Average time of journey, three hours. Kew. — Celebrated for its botanical gardens, which are said to be the most extensive in the world. The walks around are charming. South Western Kail way. Distance, 9^ miles. Average time of journey, thirty- five minutes. Lewes. — A place situated on the margin of the South Downs, surrounded by high hills, from one of which may be obtained a prospect of thirty miles to the sea and forty miles inland to Surrey. Brighton and South Coast Kail way. Distance, 50 miles. Average time of journey, two hours. Margate. — A favourite bathing-place, on the north coast of Kent. Its air is remarkably salubrious, and the town has a variety of amusements to set be- fore the visitor, which render the place highly attrac- tive. South Eastern Kail way. Distance, 101 miles. Average time of journey, three hours and a-half. Oxford. — The situation of this city is one of surpassing beauty. It stands between the rivers Isis and Cherwell, and is surrounded by hills of gentle 140 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY ROOK. elevation. The city itself is rich in classic associa- tions, the university and various college buildings possessing "great interest for the visitor. Great "Western Railway. Distance, 63 J miles. Average time of journey, two hours and a-half. Portsmouth and Isle of Wight. — The princi- pal naval arsenal and fortress in England, possessing an unlimited amount of interest in connection with maritime affairs. Within a short sail of Portsmouth is the Isle of Wight, well known for its numerous beautiful spots, and celebrated for its excellent sea- bathing. South Western Railway, and Brighton and South Coast Railway. Distance, 74 miles. Average time of journey, three hours. Ramsgate. — A noted sea-bathing place, situated near Margate, and to which it is by many preferred, as being more retired and select. In addition to its excellent sea-bathing, there are some very pretty drives and walks in the neighbourhood, which render it on the whole, one of the most attractive places of resort. South Eastern Railway. Distance, 97 miles. Average time of journey, three hours and a-half. Reading. — A town of great antiquity, pleasantly situated on the river Kennet. It has many architec- tural features, which render it highly interesting. It also abounds in charming walks and drives. South Western Railway (36 miles), Great Western Rail- way and South Eastern Railway (67 miles). Richmond. — One of the most beautiful spots near the metropolis. The park is of a gently-undulating character, enriched by pieces of ornamental water, and is bet ween eight and nine miles in circumference. EXCURSION GUIDE. 141 The hill affords a magnificent and extensive pros- pect, and the scenery immediately at its foot is of unrivalled beauty. South Western Railway. Dis- tance, 9| miles. Average time of journey, forty minutes. Rye House.— A popular resort for summer ex- cursionists, and on account of the beauty of the gardens, and the various recreations provided for the visitors, few places are better adapted for a day’s excursion. There are historical associations con- nected with Rye House which render it still more interesting. Eastern Counties Railway. Distance, 20i miles. Average time of journey, one hour. Salisbury. — One of the most interesting cathe- dral towns of England. The sacred edifice itself presents one of the finest and most interesting speci- mens of Gothic architecture in the kingdom ; and the buildings by which this magnificent and venerable pile is surrounded, are in keeping with the structure itself. [In the immediate neighbourhood there are several mansions of noble proportions, and also a ruin of the palace of the great Clarendon. South Western Railway. Distance, 83i miles. Average time of journey, four hours. Southampton. — A large and pleasant town situ- ated on the banks of a broad expanse of water rendered particularly interesting by the assemblage of shipping, and other incidents of maritime traffic. The walks in the neighbourhood are varied and very beautiful. It also possesses many architectural fea- tures, and is especially celebrated for one of the most picturesque ruins in England, known as Netley 142 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER'S HANDY BOOH. Abbey. Altogether, the mildness and salubrity of the air, the beauty of its position, and the picturesque- ness of its scenery, render this town a delightful place of resort. South "Western Railway. Distance, 79 miles. Average time of journey, three hours. Southend. — A small but improving town, plea- santly situated on the Essex coast, and especially eligible for the Londoner, as being the nearest point from the metropolis where sea-bathing can be had. It has a pier stretching a mile and a-quarter in length, and is noted for the very pretty walks in the immediate locality. There is an air of calm and quiet about this little place, which renders it espe- cially suitable for the debilitated frame, and the harassed mind. London and Tilbury Railway. Dis- tance, 42| miles. Average time of journey, two hours and a-quarter. Virginia Water. — A very picturesque spot in the neighbourhood of Windsor. It is chiefly re- markable for a large sheet of artificial water, the cascade of which affords one of the most striking imitations of the great works of Mature ; the grounds by which it is surrounded are arranged upon the most imposing style of landscape gardening. South Western Railway. Distance, 23 miles. Average time of journey, one hour. Weymouth. — A watering-place, once extremely fashionable, and still much resorted to. It is plea- santly situated in a delightful bay of the English Channel. The esplanade is a feature of great beauty, and is nearly a mile long. The gradually shelving shore especially adapts it for sea-bathing. The air is EXCURSION GUIDE. 143 remarkable for its mildness and purity. South Wes- tern Kailway. Distance 147i miles. Average time of journey, six hours. Winchester. — A fine old city, rich in its associa- tions with English History, and still retaining the re- mains of former greatness. It is beautifully situated in the midst of swelling downs, and a river runs through the valley hard by. The architectural beau- ties are numerous, including Butter Cross, the County Hall, Wolverley Palace, William of Wykeham’s Col- lege, etc., all of which are well worthy of especial notice. South Western Railway. Distance 66^ miles. Average time of journey, two hour3 and a-half. Windsor. — A town deriving its chief importance from its being a favourite residence of the English monarchs. The Castle is famed for its architectural beauty ; and from the cliff on which it stands, a most magnificent and extensive prospect is to be obtained. The adjacent parks are beautifully laid out, and the College of Eton, on the outskirts of the town, will well repay a yisit. South Western Railway. Dis- tance, 25J- miles. Average time of journey, one hour and a-quarter. Worthing. — A pretty and retired watering-place in the vicinity of Brighton. It is remarkable for the mildness of its air ; and, owing to its sheltered posi- tion, for the facilities which it affords of sea-bathing, even in the winter months and in stormy weather. Brighton and South- Coast Railway. Distance, 61 miles. Average time of journey, two hours and a-half. 144 THE BAIL WAY TEAYELLEE’s HANDY BOOK. EXHIBITIONS (Admission on Payment.) Bueeoed’s Panoeama, Letoestee Squaee. — A large picture of Naples, together with views of Mes- sina, Straits of Faro, the Court of Venice, Borne, Calabria, Switzerland, etc. Open daily. Admission Is. Colosseum, Begent’s Paek. — A variety of en- tertainments and exhibitions, including Dioramas of London, Paris, and Lisbon. Open daily — morning twelve ; evening, seven. Admission Is. Ceystal Palace, Sydenham. — A variety of en- tertainments and exhibitions, including pictures, statuary, flowers, fountains, performances by an orchestral band and on the great organ, together with special amusements according to the season of the year. Open daily. Monday, nine ; other days, ten. Admission: — Saturday, 2s. 6^. ; other days, Is. Children half-price. Sunday, open at half-past one to shareholders, gratuitously by tickets. Kensington Educational Museum, South Kensington. — Works of decorative art, modern pic- tures, sculpture, and engravings ; architectural illus- trations, building materials, educational apparatus and books, illustrations of food and animal products. Open every day in the week. The Museum is open free on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. The students’ days are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, when the public are admitted on the payment of 6J. each person. The hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- nesday are from ten till four; on Thursday, Friday, and^Saturday, from ten till four, five, and^six, accord- ing to the season. EXCURSION GUIDE. 145 Polytechnic, Regent Street. — Musical enter- tainments, lectures, chemical and other experiments, dissolving views, etc. Open daily. Morning at twelve ; evening at seven. Admission Is. Madame Tussaud’s Waxwork. — A collection of life-like representations, modelled in wax and appro- priately dressed, of numerous eminent and notorious personages, together with relics of Napoleon, Wel- lington, etc. Open daily. Morning, ten ; evening, seven. Admission Is. Tower or London. — The principal objects of interest are the Chapel of St. John, the Council Chamber, the White Tower, the Armoury, and the Regalia. Tickets to be obtained at the entrance. A warder is in attendance every half-hour to conduct parties in waiting. Admission to the Armouries, 6d. 9 and to the Crown Jewels, 6d. Open daily, from half- past ten to four. Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park. — Con- taining a large and valuable collection of wild and domesticated animals. The gardens are extensive and are beautifully and tastefully laid out. Open daily. Admission, Is . ; Mondays, 6d. EXHIBITIONS AND, PLACES OE INTEREST. (Admission Free.) Bank of England. — Prom nine in the morning until three in the afternoon (except holidays), when strangers are at liberty to walk through. L 146 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLERS HANDY ROOK* Botanical Gardens (Chelsea). — May be seen by tickets, obtainable at Apothecaries’ Hall, "Water Lane, Blackfriars. British Museum. — Open to the public on Mon- days, "Wednesdays, and [Fridays; daily during the weeks of Easter, Whitsuntide, and Christmas ; and on Saturdays in the summer months after twelve o’clock. It is closed during the first week of January, May, and September. Buckingham Palace. — To be viewed only by special favour, and generally through the interest of some person connected with the Boyal Household. Chelsea Hospital. — An asylum for disabled and superannuated soldiers. The chapel may be seen for a trifling fee to the pensioner in charge of it, any , day except during Divine Service, on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Eridays. The Great Hall may also be seen when not in use. Admittance to the grounds from ten till dusk, except during Divine Service on Sunday morning. Christ’s Hospital, or Bluecoat School, Newgate Street. — Maintaining upwards of 1000 children. Admission by ticket, obtainable at the office attached to the school. Coal Exchange, Lower Thames Street. — Public admitted free to the Museum on the first Monday in each month, from twelve till four. College oe Surgeons, Lincoln’s Inn Eields, — Contains the collection of the celebrated anatomist, John Hunter. Admission by member’s ticket on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from twelve till four. EXCURSION GUIDE. 147 Dulwich G-allehy, Dulwich, Surrey. — About four miles from London. Comprises a splendid col- lection of pictures and other objects of interest. Open daily, from ten till five. Geological Museum, Jermyn Street, Kegent Street. — Open every day (Fridays excepted). Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, Kent. — About five miles from London ; accessible by rail or boat from London Bridge. The Painted Hall is open from about nine in the morning till dusk. Free after twelve o’clock, and by payment of 4 d. before that hour. On public holidays free the whole day. Gresham College, Basinghall Street, City. — Lectures on various subjects at various seasons of the year. Guildhall, King Street, Cheapside.— Public Hall open daily. The apartments to be seen by applying to the hall-keeper. Hampton Court. — A magnificent palace with gardens attached, situate at Hampton, fifteen miles from London, and accessible by steamboat and rail- way. The State apartments, containing a large col- lection of pictures, are open every day except Friday, from ten till six. On Sundays after two. Houses oe Parliament.— May be viewed on Saturdays from ten till four, by tickets to be obtained at the Lord Chamberlain’s office within the building. The Victoria Tower on Saturdays. India Museum, Whitehall Yard, Parlia- ment Street. — Open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from ten till four. Kew Gardens. — One of the most extensive and 148 THE RAILWAY TRAVELLER’S HANDY BOOK. interesting horticultural exhibitions in the country Open from one till dusk. Sundays after two. May be reached by rail, omnibus, or steamboat. National Gallery, Trafalgar Square. — Open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. National Portrait Gallery, 29 , Great George Street, Westminster. — Wednesdays and Saturdays, from twelve till four, between Michaelmas and Easter ; from Easter to Michaelmas, from twelve to five. Eoyal Botanic Society’s Gardens, Regent’s Park. — Admission by tickets from members. Royal Mint, Tower Hill. — Admission by order from the Master’s office, Little Tower Hill. St. Paul’s Cathedral. — Admission within the sacred edifice free ; to the whispering gallery and the two outside galleries, 6^. ; to the ball, Is. 6 d . ; to the library, great bell, and geometrical staircase and model rooms, 6d . ; to the clock and the crypt, 6d. Sir John Soane’s Museum, Lincoln’s Inn Eields. — Open every Thursday and Eriday in April, May, and June. Cards of admission on written application to the Curator at the museum. Society oe Arts, John Street, Adelphi. — By member’s ticket. Daily, except Mondays and Wednesdays. Thames Tunnel. — Best accessible by boat from London Bridge. United Service Museum, Scotland Yard, Parliament Street. — By member’s order. Westminster Abbey. — The vergers are in at- tendance from nine to six daily in summer, and from EXCURSION GUIDE. 149 eleven to half-past two in winter (Sundays excepted). A small fee is chargeable to view the chapel and choir. Westminster Hall. — F ree during the whole of the day, or any hour at which Parliament or the law courts are sitting. Windsor Castle. — Twenty-one miles from Lon- don by Great Western or South-Western Eailway. The State apartments are open at intervals to the public gratuitously, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Fridays. Tickets may be obtained of Messrs. Colnaghi, 14, Pall Mall East ; Mr. Mitchell, 33, Old Bond Street ; or Mr. Wright, 60, Pall Mall. Woolwich Arsenal, Dockyard, etc. — Admis- sion free to the Arsenal on Tuesdays and Fridays, by letter from the Under Secretary of War. Ad- mission to the Dockyard every day, from nine till eleven, and from one till four. INDEX, A B C Railway Guide, special use of, 10. < Accident, imminent, how to act in, 102 . Across country place, anecdote re- specting, 21. places, best method of reaching, 131. Address cards, necessity for carrying, Advice, letters of, to friends, hotel landlords, etc., 22. After the journey, 121. Air-cushion, convenience of, 74. American railways, capacities and regulations of, 118. Amusement, materials for, 75. Anecdote about vehicles, 21. of Captain B , 39. • of Chuckley Slough, 109. of family clock, 30. of Lord B and Mr. G , 79. • of Lord Guillamore, 103. of the Rev. Mr. , 25. of a season-ticket holder, 56. of Sir Edward C , 77. Argument with travelling companions, caution respecting, 76. Arrival at station, 41. * and departure, time of, to find in railway guide, 11. Articles left at station, directions con- cerning, 128. not immediately required, disposal of, 14. required for immediate use, disposal of, 14. Austrian railways, regulations and peculiarities of, 116. B AGGAGE, collecting, at end of journey, 121. Bags, travelling, various kinds of, 18. Before the journey, 2. Belgian railways, regulations, etc., of 116. Boots for travelling, best kind of, 33. Bradshaw’s Railway Guide, how to read it, 11. Branch lines, cautions respecting, 94. Business travellers, hints for, 3. Bye-laws and regulations, enumera- tion of, 112. C AB, hints for choice of, 38. engaging, at end of journey, 122 . taking number of, 126. fares, adjustment and settlement of, 37. Cap for travelling, best kind of, 32. Card-playing as a railway recreation, 82. Cards of address, best kind of, 16. Carriage, choice of, 57. changing, hints respecting, 90. — marking, for recognition, 89. noting number and position of, 64. truck to engage, 22. Caution respecting entering and leav- ing carriage, 97. against taking other people’s luggage, 128. against standing by door of carriage, 93. respecting crossing the rails, 94. on passing through tunnels, 93. respecting the difference in clacks, 28. against looking out of window of carriage, 93. for cases of threatened acci- dents, 102. Changing carriages, with a view of evading payment of proper fare, how punished, 114. 152 INDEX, Chess-playing as a railway recreation, 82. Children unaccompanied, to secure safe conduct for, 61. Choice of carriage, 57. of class, 52. of route, 43. of seat, 60. of train, 45. Class, choice of, in railway travelling, 52. Clocks, difference in, to he guarded against, 28, Comfort, materials for, 73. Commercial travellers, information for, how obtainable, 4. Companionship, economy of, 107. Complaints of misconduct, 107. Concussion, how to act in cases of, 104. Conversation, as a recreation in travel 75. Conveyance at terminus, to secure, to out-of-the-way stations, anecdote respecting, 37. to station, hints respect- ing, 37. to station, pre-engagement of, 23. Correspondence, epistolary, the best method of providing for, 36. Crossing the rails, caution respecting, 94. Et ceteras, supply of, 34. Eve of departure, things to be done on, 23. Excursion tickets, advantages and dis- advantages of, 48. trains, travelling by, con- sidered, 47. Excursions, hints for choice of, 4. Express trains, travelling by, consi- dered, 45. Eye-preservers, utility of, 74. 771 AMILY clock, anecdote of, 30. ij Fare, attempting to evade pay- ment of, how punished, 113. payment of, regulation concern- ing, 112. Fares, rate of, by various classes con- sidered, 54. Fees to railway servants, regulation concerning, 114. Feet, to rest commodiously, 74. Females, unaccompanied, to secure safe conduct for, 61. French railways, regulations and spe- cialities of, 115. ri ERMAN railways, regulations and VT peculiarities of, 115. Government employes, hints for, re- specting season-tickets, 8. Guillamore, Lord, anecdote respect- ing, 103. EFACING carriage, penalty for, 114. Departure and arrival, time of, to find in railway guide, 11. — — eve of, things to be done on, 23. time of, fixing, 20. Destination, arrival at, 21. Direction labels, best kind of, 15. Dogs, regulation concerning, 114. Down-line and up-line, explanation of, 98. Draughts in railway carriage, to avoid, 92. Dressing-cases, various kinds of, 19. Dutch railways, conspicuous features of, 116. E ARLY morning, to insure waking, 23. rising, anecdote respecting, 25. trains, to insure being in time for, 24, Entering and leaving carriage, caution respecting, 97. Equipage, travelling, hints respecting, H AND-luggage, stowing away, 72. Haversacks, convenience of, 19. Health-seekers, hints for, 5. Horse-box to engage, 22. Hotel, choice of, 129. Hotels, etc., information respecting I NFORMATION from travelling companions, to obtain, 94. Intimation of safe arrival, 126. Intoxicated passengers, how to be treated, 113. Invalids to secure railway accommo- dation for, 23. J UNCTIONS, caution respecting, 94. J^NAPSACKS, convenience of, 19. L ADIES and children, disposal of, 123. carriage, to engage, 22. INDEX. 153 Ladies’ disregard of punctuality, anec- dote respecting, 29. Lady travellers, to insure punctuality of, 29. Letters of advice, 22. Liability and non-liability of railway companies, 118. Local information, how obtainable, 4. Lodging accommodation, best method of securing, 22. ■ hints re- specting, 135. Looking out of window of carriage, caution against, 93. Luggage, care of, at station, 41. — careful disposal of, 73. caution against taking other people’s, 126. classification of, 14. cording, safest way of, 15. direction of. best method, 15. in excess, disposal of, 42. labelling inside of, 16. limit of, pointed out, 13. list of articles to be attached to the packages, 14. lost, to reclaim, 124. quantities allowed specified, 42. * to secure on arrival at des- tination, 124. M AIL-TRAIN, travelling by, con- sidered, 46. Main-line, course of, to trace in rail- way guide, 11. Meeting friends at end of journey, 121. Memorandum-bookforthe pocket, 35. Messages, telegraphic, despatching, 127. Money, small change, convenience of, 34. Musing as a railway pastime, 83. N AME of place, how to find, in rail- way guide, 11. Night travelling considered, 20. Notes, advisability of taking, 35. O BSERVATION and inquiry, ne- nessity of, 3. Obstructing company’s officers, pe- nalty for, 114. Omnibus conveyance to station, 38. On the journey, 72. Over-coat for travelling, best kind of, 33. P ACKAGES, exterior of, to pre- serve, 14. Packing-up, directions for, 13. Paper collars, etc., convenience of, 33. Parcels forwarded by railway express, 130. Parliamentary train, travelling by, considered, 46. Pedestrians, best kind of travelling equipage for, 19. Pleasure-seekers, hints for, 4. Porter, hiring, hints for, 128. Portmanteaus, different kinds of, 17. Preliminary remarks, 1. Preparation for the journey, 13. Property unclaimed, what becomes of it, 125. Punctuality, necessity of, 28. E AILWAY acquaintance, etiquette respecting, 78. guards, duties of, 106. guides, observations on, 10. insurance, explanation of, 49. insurance ticket, disposal of, - Passengers’ Insurance Com- 51. pany, rate of premium, etc., 50. privileges, examination of, 48. reading, best method of, 82. choice of books, 81. 81. reading-lamp, best kind of, — rug, comfort of, 73. servants, treatment of, 105. signals, explanation of, 99. station, noticing position of, 130. ticket, disposal and care of, 91. regulation concerning, 112 . - travelling in excess, anecdote respecting, 6. van for conveyance of lug- gage, 38. Railways, American, capacity and regulations of, 118. Austrian, regulations and peculiarities of, 116. Belgian, regulations and pe- culiarities of, 116. — Dutch, regulations, etc., of 116. French, regulations and spe- cial laws of, 115. German, regulations, etc., of, 115. Reading as a material for railway re- creation, 80. 154 INDEX. Recognition of strangers, mode of, 122 . Refreshment, best kind to partake of, 87. how to obtain, 86. previous to starting, ad- visability of, 88. Return trains, noting time of de- parture of, 130. Riding on roof, steps, etc., of car- riage, law concerning, 114. Route, choice of, 43. S AFE arrival, sending instruction of, 127. Season-ticket holders, class by, 56. hints for, 8. Season-tickets, advantages of, 48. Seat in railway carriage, choice of, 60. etiquette of retaining, 63. Se#,t, in passing train, to fix upon, 66. Settling down for journey, 72. Shunts to recognize in railway guide, 12 . Signalling guard in emergencies, 101. Sir Charles Napier's idea of travelling equipment, 13. Sleep, in railway travelling, best me- thod of procuring, 84. Smoking as a railway recreation, 83. in railway carriages, law re- lating to, 113. Standing against door of carriage, caution respecting, 93. Starting, signal for, 70. Station, looking out for, 91. Station-masters, etc., information de- rivable from, 3. Stopping stations, whiling away time at, 132. T elegrams, rates of, 133. Telegraphic message, to despatch, 127. Terminus, distance of, from place of residence or of business con- sidered, 9. Through-ticket, economy of, 48. Ticket, ascertaining the correctness of, 70. care of, 69. caution against tampering with, 70. — - — instruction for procuring, 67. Toilet requisites, portable receptacles for, 19. Too late for the train, 31. Train, choice of, considered, 45. passing station, to ascertain in railway guide, 11. stopping at station, to discover in railway guide, 11. Travellers in general, hints for, 9. Travelling bags, various kinds of, 18. cap, best kind of, 74. companions, securing seats for, 64. hints respect- ing, 59. unpleasant, treatment of, 108. costume, best kind of, 32. for ladies, 34. equipage, various kinds of, parties, to insure comfort Of, 60. Trunk for family use, best kind of, 17. Tunnels, passing through, caution re- specting, 93. U P line and down line, explanation of, 98. V ALUABLE effects, liability of rail- way company in connection with, 119. Ventilation of railway carriage, to regulate, 92. ^yALLETS, convenience of, 19. THE END. Thomas Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. POPULAR WORKS SOLD AT ALL RAILWAY STATIONS THE BOY’S OWN BOOK: a Complete Encyclopaedia of all the Diversions, Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth. With Many Hundred Woodcuts, and Ten Vignette Titles, beautifully Printed in Gold. Hew Edition, greatly Enlarged and Im- proved, price 8s. 6 d., handsomely bound in cloth. Abridged from the above, THE LITTLE BOY’S OWN BOOK OF SPORTS AND PASTIMES. With numerous Engravings. 16mo, price 3s. 6d, cloth. “MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY!” A Birthday Book. 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