378.77386 I Sh93c 1866 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ^HAKTKK or 0HUKTLrrr I^OLLEOr^ An Act to Incorporate the Colleges therein named. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois^ represented in the General Assembly^ That Hub- bell Loomis, Benjamin F. Edwards, Stephen Griggs, George Smith, Enoch Long, Cyrus Edwards, and William Manning, and their successors, be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, to be styled and known by the name of “The Trustees of the Alton College of Illinois,” and by that style and name to remain and have perpetual succession. The said College shall remain located at or near Upper Alton, in the county of Madison. The number of Trustees shall not exceed fifteen, exclusive of the President, Principal, or presiding officer of the College, who shall, eX‘Officio, be a member of the Board of Trustees; no other instructor shall be a member of the Board of Trustees. For the present, the above named individuals shall constitute the Board of Trustees, who shall fill the remaining vacancies at their discre- tion. [Sections 2, 3 and 4, relate to the Incorporation of other Colleges.] 2 CHARTER. Sec. 5. — The object of said corporation shall be the promotion of the general interests of education, and to qualify young men to engage in the several em- ployments and professions of society, and to discharge honorably and usefully the various duties of life. Sec. 6. — The corporate powers hereby bestowed, shall be such only as are essential or useful in the attainment of said object, and such as are usually conferred on similar bodies corporate, viz: To have perpetual succession, to make contracts, to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, to grant and receive by its corporate name, and to do all other acts as natural persons may; to accept, acquire, purchase or sell property, real, personal and mixed, in all lawful ways; to use, employ, manage, and dispose of all such property, and all money belonging to said corporation, in such manner as shall seem to the Trustees best adapted to promote the objects afore- mentioned; to have a common seal, and to alter or change the same; to make such by-laws for its regu- lation as are not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this State; and to confer on such persons as may be considered worthy, such academical or honorary degrees as are usually conferred by similar institutions. Sec. 7.— The Trustees of the [said] corporation shall have authority, from time to time, to prescribe and regulate the course of studies to be pursued in said College, and in the preparatory department attached thereto; to fix the rate of tuition, room rent, and other College expenses; to appoint instructors and such other officers and agents as may be needed in manag- CHARTER. 3 ing the concerns of the institution; to define their powers, duties and employments; to fix their compen- sation; to displace and remove either of the instruc- tors, officers or agents, as said Trustees shall deem the interest of the said College shall require ; to fill all vacancies among said instructors, officers and agents ; to erect necessary buildings ; to purchase books, and chemical and philosophical apparatus, and other suit- able means of instruction ; to put in operation a system of manual labor, for the purpose of lessening the ex- penses of education and promoting the health of the students ; to make rules for the general management of the affairs of the College, and for the regulation of the conduct of the students; and to add, as the ability of the said corporation shall increase and the interests of the community shall require, additional departments for the study of any or all, of the liberal professions: Provided^ [Proviso repealed, Feb. 26 , 1841 .] Sec. 8. —If any Trustee shall be chosen President of the College, his former place as Trustee shall be considered as vacant, and his place filled by the re- maining Trustees. The Trustees, for the time being, shall have power to remove any Trustee from his office of Trustee for any dishonorable or criminal conduct: Provided^ That no such removal shall take place without giving to such Trustee notice of the charges exhibited against him, and an opportunity to defend himself before the Board, nor unless that two- thirds of the whole number of Trustees, for the time being shall concur in such removal. The Trustees, for the time being, in order to have perpetual success- 4 CHARTER. sion, shall have power, as often as a Trustee shall be removed from office, die, resign, or remove out of the State, to appoint a resident of this State to fill the vacancy in the Board of Trustees occasioned by such removal from office, death, resignation or removal from the State. A majority of the Trustees, for the time being, shall be a quorum to do business. Sec. 9. — The Trustees shall faithfully apply all funds by them collected, or hereafter collected, according to their best judgment, in erecting suitable buildings, in supporting the necessary instructors, officers and agents, in procuring books, maps, charts, globes, phi- losophical, chemical and other apparatus, necessary to aid in the promotion of sound learning in their [said] institution: Provided^ That in case any donation, devise or bequest shall be made for particular purposes, ac- cordant with the objects of the institution, and the Trustees shall accept the same, every such donation, devise, or bequest, shall be applied in conformity with the expressed condition of the donor or devisor: Provided^ also^ That lands donated or devised as aforesaid, shall be sold or disposed of as required by the twelfth section of this Act. Sec. 10. — The Treasurer of said College always, and all other agents, when required by the Trustees, before entering upon the duties of their appointments, shall give bonds for the security of the corporation, in such penal sum and with such securities as the Board of Trustees shall approve ; and all process, against the said corporation, shall be by summons, and service of the same shall be by leaving an attested copy with the Treasurer of the College, at least thirty days before the return day thereof. CHARTER. 5 Sec. 11. The said College and their preparatory departments, shall be open to all denominations of Christians, and the profession of any particular religious faith, shall not be required of those who become students ; all persons however, may be sus- pended or expelled from said institution whose habits are idle or vicious, or whose moral character is bad. Sec. 12. [The whole Section repealed, February 26, 1841.] Approved— February 9, 1835. ^^MXNDMKNTS to THT ifHAKTTK^ act to Antenaan AotentUtea ‘.n^Aet to Incorporate tl>e Colleges herein Section l.-Be it enacted hy the People College of Alton, Illinois^ Approved— January U, l»^o- -•.o:- ,n„ “An Act to incorporate the colleges therein named,” an. An Act to amend An Act t^^eto. S^,,rioN l.-Be it enacted by the pmnois, college therein named,” approved February 9, 1835, and th AMENDMENTS. 7 several Acts amendatory thereto, be and the same are so amended that the number of Trustees of ^^Shurtletf College,” denominated in said Act ^'Alton College of Illinois,” may be increased to thirty-one: 'Provided^ That not less than seven, under the By-Taws of said College, form a quorum for the transaction of business. This Act to take eifect from its passage. Approved — February 14, 1851. :o: An Act to amend an “Act to Incorporate the Colleges therein named,” and the Acts amendatory thereto. l.— Be it enacted hy the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Colleges therein named,” approved Feburary 9, 1835, and the several acts amendatory thereto, he, and the same are iereby amended as follows, to-wit : That no Gambling Establishment, Liquor or Beer Saloon, or any place )f any kind for the sale of Malt or Spiritous Liquors IS a bevera,„e, nor house of ill fame shall be allowed vithin the distance of one mile from the college •uildings at Upper Alton, known as Shurtleff College ; rovided. That this act shall not be so construed as to xtend into the city limits of the City of Alton. ^ Sec. 2. Any person who shall open or keep, or be 1 any way connected with such establishments dthin the limits hereby provided, shall be liable to iction before a Justice’s Court, upon complaint of any fhree members of the Board of Trustees of said l^ollege, and upon conviction shall be fined twenty- 8 amendments. five dollars for the first offence, with costs of suit; and for every subsequent offence, fifty dollars and costs ; for every su q imprisoned nor more than ninety days, at the discretion of the Court, said fines when collected to be over to the Treasurer of the College, to he used for the current expenses of the College. Approved.— rehruary 20, 1861. -;o:- joint Resolution of Instruction to the Secretary of State. Baolved b) the Senate, the Berne af Bepraentatwes eo^nZ ■ That the Secretary ot State be .Mtructed i„ ihi. State, a copy of the law* and the Jonrnals eacli House. f)Y-^§AWS^ ARTICLE I, — ORaANiZATioN. Section 1.— The Officers of the Board shall be a President, a Eecording and Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Auditor; to be elected annually by ballot. Sec. 2.— Meetings of the Board shall be opened with prayer. Sec. 3. The President has authority, always, to call special meetings ; but the Executive Committee can call special meetings, in the absence or refusal of the President; and in the absence of the President and a majority of the Executive Committee, any two mem- bers of the Board can call a special meeting. Meetings of the Board upon its own appointment, and adjourn- ment, are always in order. In calling special meetings, a written or printed notice, stating the object of the meeting, shall be sent to the residence or the Post- office of each member who resides within fifty miles of the College, at least five days previous to the one on which the meeting is appointed, unless it is known that the member is absent from the State. absence of the President, the Trustees 10 BY-LAWS. shall choose a President, jpro tempore^ whose authority shall be equal, in all respects, to that of the standing President, during his absence. The places of other officers, during their absence, may be supplied pro tempore; but if an officer of the Board is expected to be absent six months or more, his office shall be considered as vacated, and be immediately filled by another member. ARTICLE II.— Order of Business. Section 1. — After organization, and reading of the records of the preceding meeting, the order of pro- ceedings of the Board shall be as follows : 1. Special references from prior meetings. 2. Unfinished business in general. 3. Communications from the Secretaries, Treasurer and Auditor. 4. New business in general. Sec. 2. — All questions moved and seconded, and reduced to writing, shall be open for discussion, and subject to amendment, commitment, to be laid on the table, postponed, or decided, unless withdrawn by the mover, before action takes place. Sec. 3. — The yeas and nays shall be entered upon the records on the request of any two members of the Board ; and any member shall have leave to record his protest as dissenting from any act of the Board. ARTICLE III.— Duties of the Officers. Section 1. — The President shall preside after the BY-LAWS. 11 usual manner in all deliberative bodies — shall be entitled to vote as Trustee, and if there is an even vote, the question shall be considered as decided in the negative. The President shall state the question, decide points of order, subject to an appeal to the Board; and he may debate any subject before the Board, by placing some other member in the chair. Sec. 2.— The Eecording Secretary shall Peep true records of all acts and doings of the Trustees, with , a list of all donors’ names, and the amount given by each to the Institution. For these purposes, he shall be provided with two blank books ; one for reeording the business of the Board, the other to register these accounts. The Treasurer, and all Agents and Col- lectors, shall report to the Eecording Secretary, at leist quarterly, the names of all donors, with the amount of each donation. The names of the Trustees present at each meeting shall be recorded, and the records shall be subject to the inspection of any Trustee at any time. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Board. Sec. 3.— The Treasurer shall he provided with a set of books, so kept as to show the general expenses and each special trust fund separately. He shall give such security to the corporation as the Trustees deem ■ample for the safety of the title deeds, notes, money and other property that may be in his hands; which security may be increased whenever the Trustees judge necessary. He shall report the funds on hand, the state of the finances, and the amount of orders presented and not paid, at each regular meeting of the Trustees. He shall pay out funds only on order of 12 BY-LAWS. the President of the Board, and countersigned by the Eecording Secretary. But the act of the Board or of the Executive Committee, duly certified by their respective Secretaries, fixing the salaries of Professors and Teachers, or Agents, shall be accepted by the Treasurer as a standing order for the quarterly pay- ment of their salaries. Sec. 4. -The Auditor shall examine and audit the Treasurer’s books and accounts, and those of the Executive Committee, by comparing the items with the vouchers and other evidences of debt, and certify to their correctness, at least before each annual meet- ing, and oftener if necessary. He shall certify to the condition of the finances, and to the manner in which the books and accounts are kept. Sec. 5. — There shall be a Standing Committee ap- pointed by the Board, consisting of three persons, one of whom shall be the Treasurer, called “ The Trust I * Fund Committee,” whose duty it shall be to invest, in the most safe and profitable manner that may be practicable, the Trust Funds of the College, not otherwise especially provided for, and collect the interest accruing therefrom, and pay it over to the Treasurer. ARTICLE IV.— Fiscal Arbangements. The funds of the College shall be divided into the following branches : Section 1. — All receipts, contributions, bequests, legacies and donations, either in money or property, without any special designation on the part of the BY-LAWS. 13 donors, shall constitute the “ General Fund, ” the ac- counts of which shall he kept in the General Fund Book to be appropriated by the Trustees at their discretion. Sec. 2. All donations and bequests given for the special purpose of erecting buildings or finishing rooms, shall be denominated the ‘^Building Fund," and shall be appropriated only for the purposes desig- nated by the donor. Sec. 3. All donations and bequests given for the special purpose of endowing the Presidency, shall be denominated the “ President’s Fund;’’ its income to be applied only to the support of the incumbent. Sec. 4. — All donations and bequests given for the endowment or the support of either of the Professors, shall be kept separate, and be called the “ Professor’s Fund,’’ and shall be appropriated only to the specific purpose designated by the donors. Sec. 5. — ^All donations and bequests given for the special purpose of sustaining beneficiary students, ihall be called the ^^Beneficiary Fund,’’ and shall be exclusively appropriated for that purpose. Sec. 6.— All donations and bequests given for any ither specific object within the limits of the charter, ihall be appropriated exclusively according to the lirection of the donor, and to no other purpose; and dl funds received for any of these specific purposes, all be sacredly used only for the purpose designated. Sec. 7.— Each and every trust fund hereafter re- ceived, including those heretofore received, shall be :ept separate on the books of the Treasurer. 14 by-laws. g_ receipts for Term-bills and Incidentals, shall be kept in a separate book, and shall be applied solely to the support of the Instructors and the con- tingent expenses of the several departments. This book under the supervision of the Executive Com- mittee, may he kept by one of the Instructors, who shall account for and pay over to the Treasurer the money received, and make a report at least six days before the regular quarterly meetings of the Board. Sec. 9.-— It shall he the duty of the Trustees to provide special funds to pay the interest, semi-annually, on all the special trust funds invested in the building, or that may have been loaned for any general purpose. Sec. 10.— All bonds, deeds, notes and obligations whatever, drawn pursuant to the orders of the Board, shall he in the name of “ The Trustees of Shurtleff College of Illinois f and signed by the President. All orders drawn by the Board upon the Treasurer, and signed by the President, and countersigned by the Eecording Secretary, shall be hona fide evidences of debt’ against the corporation ; and the following shall be the form of the order or evidence of debt: .. No. |100. ^ ia Shubtleff Coleege, Illinois, , lo • E M Treasurer of Shurtleff College of Illinois. Pay to A B , one hundkeb dollabs, from the Fund, and place the same to the charge of the Trustees, By order of the Board of Trustees, C D , Jh^esident, E F , Recording Secretary, Sec. 11. — All indebtedness to Professors and Teach-: BY-LAWS. 15 ers for salaries overdue, shall draw interest at six per cent, per annum. ARTICLE V. — Executive Committee. Section 1. There shall be elected annually a Stand- ing Committee of three members of the Board, to be denominated an ^‘Executive Committee;' whose business It shall be to carry into execution all the acts of the Trustees, not otherwise provided for by the Board; to supervise the buildings and, other property, and pre- serve them from waste and decay ; make such repairs IS may be necessarj^, in the interim of the sessions )f the Board; sell or lease such real estate, and on inch terms, as the Board may direct ; adjust and settle iccounts of incidental expenses, and with all contract- ors and laborers ; [and] plan and direct all improve- nents on the land. Sec. 2.— The Executive Committee shall keep a ook of records, and no act of theirs shall be valid ill recorded; and said book shall be exhibited to the ’rustees at each meeting, and shall be open to the ispection of any Trustee. Sec. 3.— The power of appointing one or more gents to act for the College, shall be left entirely ith the Executive Committee, who shall have full bwer to appoint and remove the same, and to whom »e Agents shall report progress and apply for in- ructions. It shall be the duty of the Executive pmmittee to report fully to the Board, at every gular meeting, their own proceedings and also those their Agents for the quarter preceding. / 16 by-laws. C A The Executive Committee may call on the for incidental expen P shaU be authorized IV, Sec. 10. article VL-Agenoies. Section 1.— Each traveling agent corporation to /^‘"“^BxTcutWe Com^^^^ shall give such security ^ may require, conditione ^ count of funds receiv , tlie payment :?:n s; “sL“”h traveling agent .hall «POrt« the Bxecntive SrpartWar. as may amount Moeived, and mch other pa te reqnlredln hi, ln.trnc«dB^^^^^^ all money m his hands, q President, anc Execntlve committee, mgne^ „ rorrtoretrh"la.y*eachgnarter. ] AnTTOLE VII.— Miscellaneous. SnmoN l.-A.nitable room ehaUbe * J^ the Trustee, and their officers, where the bool BY-LAWS. 17 of the Secretary, and all papers and books belonging I to the Trustees, shall be kept. Sec. 2. — JSTo alterations shall be made in these By- ( Laws, unless such amendment has been proposed at a previous quarterly meeting, and adopted by two- thirds of the members present. ro:- I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true jcopy of the By-Laws, as revised and adopted by the tiTrustees, at the meeting held September 24th, 1852. j Attest : r J. M. PECK, Scride. September 21 th^ 1852. ^ il^ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true 'copy of the By-Laws, as above attested, with amend, ioaents adopted regularly by the Trustees, at the meetings held September 23, 1857, and September 12 ^1866. ‘ Attest : J MELVIN JAMESON, Secretary. f . ■ /• ‘u r.f^■ S*' / ' ! r I 1 y . : ; V '• ‘ ^rr-yi'V'r f V / The Annual Meeting of the Board oOciirs on the Wednesday immediately preceding the 2nd Thursday in June, at 10 o’clock A. M. The Eegular Quarterly Meetings of the Board occur on the second Wednesdays in September, De- cember and March, at 2 'o’clock p. m. 1 \ I