MW, Librjfy if Utc lloimily JIccUng cf fcicnis /Y % 4oR PHILADErk'ilt\,J ^ I hW,D AT CHERItJ SJKEET, ■No. t# - All books borrowed from this Library, must be returned or renewed within two weeks, or a fine will be incurred. No book to be renewed or taken out a se¬ cond time by the same individual, until six months shall have eiap-ed Irom the time of it* introduction into the Library ; neither can it be transferred to another member of the same family, whilst other applicants are waiting for it. Introduced mo. 18 mmx f. r $ ik* ■ * i * j % I B R_ A FLY OF THE U N I VER.5 ITY Of ILLINOIS y a.4 8" Pile WIND'S..HISTnpFPAl SURVEY J V, ClOnU^L C/L. ^<^*/C4frusr . '/ <^ SALUT.AT 10 N . To The BRIT AIN S, To call them From the Many Things, to the One Thing needful, for the Saving cf their Souls . ESPECIALLY, To the poor Unlearned Tradcfmen, Plowmen and Shepherds, thole that are of a low Degree like myfell, this, in Order to direft you to know God and Chrift, the only wife .Godjf 5 ' which is Life eternal, and to learn of him, that you may become vvjfer than your Teachers, Bv ELLIS PUGH. * Tran Hated from the Britijb Language by Howland Ellis , revis’d and corrected by David Lloyd. The Second Edition. They have for fake h me the Fountain of living Waters , and he-wed them out Cijfenis , broken Cifterns that can hold no Water. Jer. ii. 13. ^————— — nima ——tw mm . ——■a —■ mi LONDON: Printed and Sold by the Affigns 0 f J. Sowle, at the Bible in Geerge-Tard Lombard - fireeu 1739* V / - • • \ ( 111 ) T3& A N account OF THE L f; AUTHOR. \f To the Reader, |t? L L IS PUGH was born in the r. Pari ft of Dogelle, . in the County of Merionith, and Dominion of Wales, in . the 6 th Month 1656. his Parents were religious People , and he was left Fa • therhfs and Motherlefs, like a Spar¬ row alone upon the Houl’e-top. His Father died before he was born , and his Mother a few Days after : And when he was in his Touth, going with the Multitude into Folly, it pleafed God by his Judgment, to ftand in his Way, and caufed hits to confider the Things that belonged to his Soul’s everlafting A 2 Peace. ( iv ) Peace And in the eighteenth Tear cf his Age , the Lord vfited him more emi¬ nently, kindling a Zeel in him to ferve his Creator more diligently, 1674, when having keen alfo reached by Tcflimony of John ap iecution. J ohn » one °J the People called Quakers. God, who promifed to be a Father to the Fatherlefs, took care of him , and end-ted him with his Grace ; and about- the Tear 1680, gave him a Fart of the Alinillry of the Gofpel of Cbrifi (not¬ withstanding he was not one of the Wife of this World , nor had human Learning ) yet he was made a profitable Injhument to turn Divers from Vanity , and to exhort and ftr eng then many in their fpiritual Journey in his native Land , and alfo in t bis Country, where he finifh- ed his Courfe. In the Tear 1686, he and his Family, with divers of his Acquaintance began their Journey to Penfilvania, and whi.'Jl they fayed for a Ship to be ready, there came great Trouble and Exercife upon him, fo that he was fick for fame v - - , Days •, n Jjyr ( V ) ■ and in that Strait the Lori Jbrvced unto him, that trey Jhould rneer with Troubies and Exercifes in their Journey . and -that he bad a Work for him in that Country , and that he mu[i return there again . A ter they failed, they met with Storms , Straits and Troubles *, and having been upon the tempoftuous Sea all Winter , they arri¬ ved in the for ft Month at Barbadoes, where they were joyfully and lovingly received by their Friends , and the Sum¬ mer following , in the Tear 1687, arrived in Penfil Vania. After he hud lived there till the Tear 17 c6,a Con¬ cern remained upon him to vifit the Inhabitants cf his native Country 9 ac¬ cording to what the Ford revealed unto him , before he came prom the rice. And after he had performed that Service , which was beneficial end acceptable to many . he returned to his Family in the Tear 1708 ^ and a Concern came upon him to write the following Book , to di- ref} the unlearned Biirains of low JV- grce> to know God and Ckrifo , the Life A 3 eternal • ( vi ) . m eternal •, which he wrote for the mojl Part in his laft Sicknejs. His Cor.dutl in his Tamily, in his Neighbourhood , and in the Church, was meek , loving , and peaceable, andtohdi- ftcation, and his Convcrfation innocent, chafe , and coupled, with the Tear of God, honourable among his Triends , of good Report among all People generally and being patient in his tedious Sicknefs, contented to wait the Lord y s Time, he flept with his Tathers' on the %d Day of the iorh Month, 1718, in Tavour with God, giving him the Glory . t Courteous Reader, Thou hajl here fome Account concern - ing the Author, who was a Man fearing God, and ejchewing Evil. Read without Prejudice , confider impartially , and God dire Pi thee in the Way that pleafeth him , that thou may’ll: in the End obtain the Crown of Life, which the Lord the righteous Judge will give to all that love his Appearance, 2 Tim. iv- 2. Tare well- t[be TESTIMONY of the Monthly-Meeting at Gwynedd, in the County of Philadelphia, in Penfilvania, concerning our Friend, ELLIS PUGH, /h Author of the following ‘T'reatife. T HE Lord, out of his great Mercy hath long forbore, and often called aiter us, and in fome meafure opened our Eyes, to fee the Emptinefs and Y»- jf nity which we followed, and at that time in a Concern for our Souls, endea¬ voured to feek the Way to pleafe God. And in the beginning of our Aflembling together in thisCondition to wait upon the Lord, it pleated him to prepare our Friend and Countryman, Ellis Pugh, to be a ferviceab’e Inltrument in his Hand, to cheviih and inftruft us in Meekneis and Tenderncls, to obey that which God made known unto us of his Will, and to follow and underftand the Ope¬ ration of his Spirit, difcovertng to us ! A 4 tha the Snares of tire Enemy of oar Souls, his good will and 1 ving Care "among others that were lilted for the lame Service) hath been a more profitable Means in the Hand of the Lord, to¬ wards dirt-ding and edifying of us in the Way of Truth, than the Miniftry we had been under from our Youth •, for by the Tendernefs and Influence which came as Dew upon our Souls, while we fat under his Miniltry, we’ believed his Doftrine was of God. He continued with the fame Diligence in his Service, until he found in his Heart to vifit his country People in his na¬ tive Land. We believe his Vifit was acceptable, where there was an open Door to re¬ ceive ir. After his Return, his Ser¬ vice and often Vifits to us were profi¬ table. It is with us to make Lome Mention of (he Lord’s Dealings with him, con¬ cerning which we haw obferved, that the Lord was near unto him in theTime of his Trial. After his Return Home, three I ( ix' ) , three of his Children, in the Flower cf their Age, dyed within one Month, who from their \outh walked ordeily and hopeful. He mourned not as one without Hope. Strength was given him to bear his Affliction. He faid, ij he could bear his Ajjhffton acceptable in the Sight oj God , it would be as Marrow -to his Bettes*. Which Teftimony was publick, to theComfort of theHearers, and in a publick Meeting, among leveral other 1 hings, which was to Edification. His Refidence was then nearer to us than before, which rendei’d his Life and Convention more confpicuous, and his Fellowship more known unto us. He was of a meek and quiet Spirit, con- fiderate and lolid in his Judgment, ci few Words, and his Inclination was to fuoport Love and Unity amongft ail, more efpecially in the Houihouid ot Faith *, honeft and careful in his Cal¬ ling, left he fhould give juft Caufe to make anv uneafie, which induced le- ve a - to (peak of the Good they re¬ ceived by his chafte Conversation ^ a^d A 5 ’ 'tts r * j his loving and comfortable Exprefilons while he was among them, in their fcveral Families, his Memory will not loon wear our. At the Time we had Notice of the Departure (out of this Life) of our Friend Griffith Owcr,, (a Man worthy of being remembred in the Church and Country, whofe Name is of good Savour in the publick Place where he lived, becaufe of his religious Behaviour in his Calling among the People of every Rank) at that Time he was taken fick, which by degrees proved hisdyingSick- nefs. This Sicknefs continued about a Year and threeMonths, fo that he was not well able to follow his Calling. In the mean Time, his natural Life grew weaker ; but his Candle (to wit , the Light of hisSoul) (Lined brighter, as the impartial Reader may fee, and feel his Love and Good-will in the following Treatife, as his laft Will, and loving Salutation to his Country-People the Britaint, in his native Country, which he with his own Hand wrote in his own Language, \ * •( xi ; Language, in the Time of his long Sick- nefs ; when the Object of his View was towards that which pertains to Eterni¬ ty ^ more efpecialiy to tliofe, or for the Sake of thole to whom the Salutation ' of his Life reached over Sea and Land, for the Encouragement and Inftrudtion of them that were Peeking the Way to Sion , the new lerufalem, the City of the great King , tmboje Walls and Bulwarks fire Salvation. There are many among the Proreliors of Chriftianity, that fpeak and write concerning her Glory by Study and Pre¬ meditation, to gather thro the Strength of human Learning and Wifdom, to hold forth the Beauty and Excellency of her, even the Lamb s Wife. Thou (halt fee, if thou readeft impartially, what be tafted and felt of the good Word of ' Life, and of the Way that leads to the Father, in which (we believe) he refted, and laid down his Head in Peace. In the Time of his Sicknefs, while he could walkabout, near his End, he vi- litedus, towit , the laft Meeting he was A 6 among I •( xii ) % -among us, weak in Body, but fervent in Spirit, with a great deal of Love and 'lendernefs, as one taking his laft Leave, faying, that the Lord granted him his Defire to come and vifit us once more often putting us in Mind to keep in Love and Unity, and to keep out from amongft us, as much as we could, all Strife and Difcord ; and when any Thing appeared, which had a Tendency there¬ unto, that Hands Ihould be laid with¬ out delay, to end it. And that none Ihould depend upon his ownftand, Eye, or Ballance in Judgment. He was fitted to counfel others, be- caufe his Life and Converfation was an! werable to his Teitimony, amonglt his family tender and careful to coun¬ fel them to live in the Fear of God. We looked upon him, and our Thoughts were concerning him, that he was as one who had finifhed his Work •, and that theTime of hisDiflolutiondrew nigh : And that he might fay, in the Words cf Paul, according to his Mea- fure, I have fought a good Fight , I have ( xiii ) finifhed m\Courfe, 1 havf kept the Faith’ Henceforth there is ' laid up for me a Crown of Right eoufnefs, which the Lord, the righteous Judge (hail give me at that Day: And not to me only, but unto all them a/fo that love bis Appearance. 1 Signed in the Behalf of the faid Meeti >y John Hugh, Edward Eoulk•, John Humphry , Edward Robert , Hugh Griffith, Meredith David. Thomas Pugh, Rowland Ellis, David Meredith , Thomas Evan, Robert Evan, Owen Evan , Cadvoalader Evan, Robert Jones, Evan Evans, John Evans . , * ‘ . » > ' i , • ' . T' 1 ' ) . ' ' r . . 4 . ) (I) --- ■ ■ -— ■ - - — SALUTATION T O T H E BRIT JINS, &c. CHAP. I. Concerning the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Mankind. I I N the Peginning God created all Things according to his own Plea- fure, and Man after his owh I- mage (fu peri or to all the Crea¬ tures) in a pure State, fit to ferve and glorify his Creator: But the Serpent, the envious fubtil Spirit, deceived Eve , and {he faw that the foibidden Fruit was a defirable Thing fo Adam and * ( 2 ) and Eve broke the Command, by yield¬ ing Obedience to the wicked One, and Difobedience to God $ foSin andT anf- - grcffion took hold upon Mankind : But their merciful Father vifited them in the Cool of the Day, to chaftife and take Care of them, faying. That the Seed of the Women JhaU bruife the Ser¬ pent's Head . So a Stream of Corruption, Sin and Difobedience followed the Children of Men like a Leproiy : But the Seed of the Woman was the Help and Defence God gave them, to the End they might overcome Satan, which Seed is Chrift, the fame that fby Corruption in the Hearts of People) was j,lain from the Foundation of the World, and was or¬ dained alfo, in the Fulnefs of Time, to lay down his Body to redeem People, and to bring them Home and reconcile them to the Father. For he was given as a Light to the Gentiles, and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, Ifa. xlix. 6 . And altho’ Satan and Corruption made People unfit, and not able of themfelves to perform any acceptable Service I (?) Service to their Creator, yet by the All ft rice of the eternal Word, and Light to' ich en/ighteneth every ere tb<:t cemtih into the World , the holy Men of God in former Ages, wm (hipped God according to his Will. And the Religion which the Lord commanded was Job's Reli¬ gion ; for he laid unto Satan, Hajl thou - fet thy Heart on , or ccrftdered my Ser¬ vant Job, that there is none like him in the Earth , a perfetf and upright Man , one that fearetb God and efcht v eth Evil , Job. i. 8. And as the wifeMrn faid (the Conclufem cf the whole Matter that hath been heard is, Fear G d and keep hrs Commandnents , for this is the whole Duty of Wan. Feel. x ; i. 13. But all Manner of Sms and Iniquities grew up among People, when at the fame Time they acknowledged there was feme Service due to the Lord, re¬ quired at their Hands, and Srtan taught them to invent fome Form, fome Image of Service and Worfhip, fome after one Manner, and fome after another, feeking to pleafe God, not in his Fear, r.or yielding Obedience to him, all fet- ting ( 4 ) ting up tneir own Idols, and bowing thereunto : So the World was filled with Superftidons and Opinions; and tnus the Devi 1 did fet People at work to hate one another, and to make War, and to ihed the Blood one of another ; fb Le made the lVorld a Wildernels and Darknefs ruled therein: Therefore he was called the Prince of this World , John xiv. 30. alfo the Prince of the Power of the Air, the Spirit that voorli¬ ke tb m the Children of Dfobedience. fchp. ji. 2. ' s * . 1 f ,r ■ And as Satan brake into every Vineyard, fo the Lord by his Prophet, complained againft the Children of ljrael' faying, they have forJalien me the fountain of living Waters, and hewed them out broken Ci(terns that can hold no Water. Jer. ii. 15, For Men m the State of Nature did, and vet do, rather love their own filthv Waters than the Water of Life, which Chrift is giving to thofe that come unto him, which Water wafhes and heals the Soul; but the Enemy fets People at work, to Q'g for dead and poifonous Waters, which / H ^ \ ) / which he makes fweet and defita- hle to the Concupifence of Hefh and Blood. ’ . , . But for all this, God continued in his Love and Mercy towards the Work- • manfhip of his Hands, lending his Pro¬ phets, rifing up early, to cad and in¬ vite them, caufing the Covenants of Peace to be made known unto them, if they would return to him from their evil Ways as may be feen, i, 2, 6, 7, 8. Ho ! every one that thirftcth, come ye to the Waters ! He that hath no Money, come ye, buy and. eat, yea, come buy Wive and Milk, with' out Money and without Price. W here - fore do ye Spend Money for that which is not Bread, and your Labour for that which fatisfieth not l Hearken diligent¬ ly unto me, and eat yc that which is good, and let your Soul delight itfelf in Fatnejs. Incline your Ear, and come untome : Hear and your Soul Jhall live , and I will make an everlafling Covenant with you . even the Jure Mercies cf David. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near (6 ) 7 ,ii ' h ', “ kci f l'„y !■ (■ unngot eous Mnn his Thru oh/, und la ])■)), return unto the Lord * & A l ’ g 7 b r. M T? rf « if/:/ v/uhtTi/n ^y-rm u .h„, ,be Lord. 1 •'*>“*> (mb Phets d ireM ft ord,e S 1 ?k e tl i!.: r, ’, ePr0 ‘ u P Gn the fime Conditions: «n, o»» ,be U^bm Falft - their ,,T b ' the,r cw n Wavs, t) r , 0Wn Th °ughts, and their own rather J han the Lords - Be- Woes and £ 10p “ ets P roi] ounced their sl, ‘°" 0 J d 3inlt them ikp j , rA r H0Llid nor return to L nr ,, , Lp eir e 'ii Converfation /Lt rhe Prophets- cried Peace re’ the Unpod!v fivvi-n- ; nvwnp i us ft -^oscl thr cv y * , W/lJ not co ™€ upon u s . the bveerd and the Famine - n 1 , ’ This Land. " d 7101 bc ,n Bloc!d to k!i is n2t “ ral for F ^ and f, od t0 Relieve the beft of them- elves, and the wo,It of thofe that • fptak ( / ) {peak againft them, therefore they hated arid pet (ecu ted the true Pro¬ phets, by putting them to Death as lalfe Prophets. So it was in the Djvs of Abab : The Children of Ifrae /, alter they had forfaken the Covenant cf the Lord, 'and thrown down his Al¬ tars, and liain his Prophets with the Swoid, and heaped unto thetrilelves Companies of falfe Prophets, fo not without Caufe the Lord complained, faying. Hear, 0 Heavens, and give Ear, 0 Earth ■, jor ibe Lord barb fpoken , 1 have nounjbed and brought up Chil¬ dren , and they have rebelled again ft me. The Ox knoweth his Owner, and the Afs his Mafters Crib but Ifrael doth not know, my Feop/e doth not conftder, Ifa. i. 2, 2. Neverthelefs, God (flow to Anger, and of great Kindneis) fent his only •begotten Son to the rebellious Vine- drefiors to be killed •, he was willing to die for Sinners, to redeem them from their Captivity •, who when he was born at Bethlehem Judea, the Lord fent his Angel to inform the It Tv Shep- ( 8 ) Shepherds ; not the wife and learned, lull of their own Righteoufnefs * but to the poor, mean, illiterate, and thofe of low Degree i fuch as were keeping Watch over their Flock by Night. And lo the Angel of the Lord came up¬ on them, and the G lory of the Lord Jhone round about them, and they were'Jore afraid. And the AngelJatd unto them , fear not , for behold, I bring you good Tidings of great Joy , which Jhall be to nil People •, f or unto you is born this Day in the City of David, a Saviour , which is Chrifl the Lord. This Jhall be a Sign unto you ye Jhall Jind the Babe far ape d in j wad ling Clothes lying in a Manger •, and fuddenly there was with the Angel, a Multitude of the heavenly Hojl, praiftng God, and faying. Glory to God in the Higheft, and on Earth , Peace, good Will towards Men. And as the Angels were gone away into Hea¬ ven, the Shepherds /aid one to another, Let us go even unto Bethlehem, and fee this Thing that is come to pafs which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came voitb hajle, and they found Mary ( 9 ) Mary and Jofeph and the Babe lying in a Manger. And when they had feen it, they made known abroad, the Saying that was told them, concerning this Child •, and all they that heard it, won- dr ed at thofe Things which were told them by the Shepherds : But Mary kept all the/e Things, and pond red them in her Heart. And the. Shepherds return¬ ed, glorifying and praifing God for all the Things that they had heard and feen , as it was told unto them. Luke ii. 8, 9, to 21. Thefe are fuch People as preached Chrift at his Birth, to the Admiration of their Hearers: Thefe believed and re¬ ceived the heavenly Meffage, and made hafte to fee him ; when they faw him they believed in him, and returned glo¬ rifying and praifing God. The Shep¬ herds were not offended at his Appear¬ ance, notwithftanding it was low 5 lay¬ ing in the Manger, in fwadling Clothes, but that was not fuch a King as the wife and great Men fought for. When the Time came for Jefus to fulfil his Miniftry, to preach and work Miracles ( 10 ) the World could neither Way was not his Way. But who re¬ ceived him > The poor illiterate Fifh- .ers and Men of low Degree. Thefe alfo he hath chofen to be his Difciples: Thele were not filled with Self righte- oufnels, nor high Thoughts of them- ielves, nor ot their own Religion : They had Place to receive God’s King¬ dom, therefore they left all, and fol¬ lowed Chrift, who came to put an End to the many Offerings, Sacrifices and Traditions, which were Shadows and Signs of his Coming, who is the great everlafting Sacrifice which put an End to all, fulfilling the fame by the one Sacrifice of himfelf, with which he bought all Mankind, by bringing in the new Covenant, and a more heavenly and more fpiritual Miniftry. And although the High Pricfis and Scribes and Phanfees were reading and waiting lor the Coming of Chrift, yet ' they did not know him, nor receive him, nor believe, becaufe he did not pleafe ( II ) pleafe them, for he teftified a gain'll: them, and their faife Wdys ; and tho’ he wrought heavenly Miracles among them, as healing all Manner of Di- eafes, and railing the Dead, yet his Word had no Place in them, for they were full of human and earthly Wil- dom $ they would not come unto him, that they might have Life, but more and more hated him, and became his Enemies: And in Truth, this is the Stone which the Builders, in eveiy Age, have rcjeQed : This is the Word that was trade Flefh , and dwelt among us (that is, the poor unlearned Fifhers of low Degree) and we beheld his Glory , the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father , full of Grace and Truth. John 1» T zj-* But fome will fay, How came thele unlearned Men to know Chrift, and the learned Men not know him ? The Anfwer is, becaufe the Filhermen were poor in their Spirits: Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven was to be theirs 5 the Poor that know a Hun¬ ger and Tbirfl after Righteoufnefs (the v ' B Pro* ' ’ ' ( 12 ) Vromife is to them) they /hall be fil¬ led. Mat. v. 5. 6. Thele know their Saviour, by his Grace, Virtue and hea¬ venly inl'piration for God revealed himfelf unto them : For when Peter faid, Thou art Chnfi, the Son of the living God ■, fief us anfwered, Flejh avd Blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven. Mat. xvi. 17. Thefe were empty, and in a Senfe of their Want and Thirft of their Souls, they were ready to come to the Foun¬ tain, and drink of the living Water, which was fweet unto them : And therefore they loved Chrift, and ad¬ hered unto him, and he alfo knew and perceived who wereSick and who want¬ ed a Phyfician : Therefore he called them * and after they knew the Preci- oufnefs of him, they would fay. To whom Jhall we go ? Thou haft the Words of eternal Life. John vi. 68. v But the wife Men and Learned, they were full, and had no room to re¬ ceive j they were whole and wanted not a Phyfician * nekher did they en¬ quire ( 11 ) ‘ , quire for fo mean a Thing, and fo contemptible as Chrift was in their Sight ; therefore becaufe his outward Appearance was not more glorious to anivver their Minds, they rejected him who was the Stone that is as to be the Head of the Corner , and uas the Foun¬ tain of living Water , and the Fight of Life. Pfal. cxviii. 22. Mat. xxi. 42. Rev. vii. 17. Nevertheiefs Chrift had Followers, whom from their fpiritual Poverty (as above-mentioned) he made Choice of, and they made Choice of him. Unto fuch he taught the Law of the new Co¬ venant, which exceeds that of Mofcs y preaching unto them the Gofpel of God’s Kingdom, fetcing himfelf forth to be a Way, a Light, a Spirit, a Life, a Lea¬ der, a Fotsntain, a Vine and a Shepherd, to them, in fuch a Way as the World could not, nor can receive him \ but rather reje£t and gaini'ay him, as may be feen at this Day among the Profeflors of Chriftianity. B 2 CH AP. ( 14 ) CHAP. II. Concerning the Scriptures, and our Saviour’/ fpiritual Appearance . C HRIST fa id, 1 am the Way, the Truth and the Life : No Man com - et b to the Lather , hut by me. John xiv. 6 . But lbme fay, the Scripture is the Way which leadeth us to the Father, and the Scripture is the Truth, which is to teach and guide us, and to declare unto us the Will and Commands of God, and fo we hope to have Life. But what Scriptures tell us that Life ftands in the Treatife, or in the Writing ? Do not the Scriptures dire£t and call People to Chrilt, and he calls to himfelf: He faid unto the jews that ftrove againft him, Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think to have eternal Life they are they that tejlfy of me, and ye will not come to me that ye may have Life. Tohn v. 39, 40. And V ’ ' ( . And are net the Profeffors of our Age exaflly of the lame Mind with t’nofe Profeffors > They would : ave Life in the Scr proves, but they will net have Chuff- who is the Life. Jeju > Lid, J am the Light of the World \ be ib it fnllcweth me Jh /'l not welk in Lark- tirfs, but /I:al! have the Light of Life. John viii. 12. But they fay, the Scrip¬ ture is the belt Light which every one ought to follow, which (they fay) is fufScient to bring People to Salvation. Is not this Darknefs, Blafphemy and Er¬ ror, that is, to put the Scriptures be¬ fore and above Chiiff and render it more fufBcient to lead to Salvation ? Which they cannot make out, forChrift was given a Head to the Church above every thing. But hear with me to expoftulatea little in the Defence of Truth, in Scrip¬ ture Words. In the firft Place, I do be¬ lieve there is none will deny but every one that is undertheName of Chriftiar, mutt acknowledge Chrift is the Word that zoas made Flejh , and dwelt amongJ} his Apoftles? What then ? Was not this B 5 the ( ) the Word which was from the Begin¬ ning with God , John i. 14. And God was the Word •, all Things were made by him. In him was Life , and the Lije teas the Light of Men. There was a Man fent from God , whofe Kerne was John, the f ane came to bear witnefs oj the Light. Jtie was not that Light, but zoos jer.t 10 bear witnefs of ihat Light , John i. 1, 3, 4, to 12. But why may it not be laid in like Manner, the Scriptures were fent from God to bear witnefs of the LLht ? But o the Scripture is not the Light; but it was fent, that it might bear witnels of that Light but he was the true Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World : Which cannot be faid of the Scriptures, for there is but a fmall Part of the World that received the Scriptures, and many of thofe have not as yet received the true Light which lighteth every Man , (Inning in theDaik- nefs of Men’s Hearts, and the Dark- nefs, not comprehending it. The World knew him not, nor received him ^ but as many as received him, to them gave he r , ' ( »7 ) , v he Power to become the Sorts of God, even to them that believe in his Name ■, but Experience tells us, thatPeople may receive the Scriptures, and read them, and not receive Power to become the Sons of God ; for the Power and LHe is in Chiiif, who is the true Light, and thole that receive this Light and walk therein, they have Fellowship one, with another, and the blood of Jcfus Chrifl his Son cleanfeth than from every Sin. _ But the Profeffors of Chriftianity, who in Contentions one againft another fet up theScriptures aboveChrift, they alio forlake the Fountain where they may be wafhed. Is not this he whom the World hates ? And this is the Con¬ demnation, that Light is come into the World , and Men loved Lar^nefs rather than Light , becaufe their Leeds were evil \ for every one that doth Evil hateth the Light , neither cometh to the Light , leaf his Leeds fhould be reproved : But he that doth Truth comcth to tie Light , that his Leeds maybe made m.mifeft that they are wrought in God, John iii.-ip, 20, »i. B4 Here ( IS ) Here the Reafon is manifeft why Men loveDarknefs, becaufe it is eafier for them to ftn in Darknefs ^ and thev hate theLight. becaufe it makes mani¬ feft all their evil Deeds, and reproveth them in their own Hearts 5 and in as much as they neither know it nor its .. Virtues, any further than fomething re¬ proving them, and that they do not in¬ tend lu return at the Reproof thereof, but to gather Reafons to fay and plead againft it, that it is nothing but a na¬ tural Light, and that it is not fufficient to lead to Salvation. But of a Truth, if Chrift, as he is God, and hath all Power in him, and as he is the eternal Word, the holy Spirit; the Life, and the Light, and all true Wifdcm and Knowledge rreafured up in him, is not fufficient to lead to Salvation, 1 know not what is fuffi- cienr, if he is not : The Spirit that guides into all Truth, concerning whom Chrift laid, the Spirit of Truth whom the World cannot receive , becaufe it jeethhim not, neither knoweth him, but (~I 9 ) ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and Jhall be in you : 1 will not leave you comfortlejs, 1 will come unto you •, at that Day you Jhall know that I am in the Father , and you in me, and 1 in you, John xiv. 17. 20. But the ProfefTors of this Age, will not have Chrift to be in his People •, how then are they Chrift’s ? JVow if any Man hath not the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of his ; and if Chrift be in you, the Body is dead becaufe of Sin, but the Spirit is Life becaufe of Right eoufiitfs. Rom. viii. 9, 10. For when Chrift comes to take Pofteffion in the Hearts cf People, he fets up his Kingdom* Law and Government \ that is, the Law of the Spirit of Life, which fets free from the Law of Sin and Death j then the Devil lofeth his Kingdom, and lofetii his Subjefis and Government in the Hearts of People, when Chrift com- eth to caft him out, and take the Pol- feffion. Therefore the old fubtle Enemy fets all his Craft to work to keep the Chil - B 5 dren ( 20 ) dren of the World in his dark Kingdom, granting them all outward Means to deck- themlelves to appear religious, and make them hold and confident of their being in the Way : They may have as many Church Traditions and Cuftoms as they pleafe, they may read the^ Scriptures, and what Books they will, and they may talk of Chrift that he died for them, and rofe and attended into Heaven, and that hefits at the right Hand ofthemoftH : gh-, for Satan is ful¬ ly allured, that all this is not fufficient to carry his Servants out of his Hands, therefore hewill allow them every thing hut the Knowledge of Chrift within, . the Hope of Glorv. The Apcftle laid, Examine your- Selves zibet her you be in the Faith, prove your oven feives , know you not your oven feives, that Jcfus Cbrijl is in you, except ye be Reprobates. 2 Cor. xtii. 5. Satan knows this,'but he is not willing his Subje&s Ihould know- it, therefore People “will reckon them- felves to be in the Faith, and accepta¬ ble i 2T )' ble enough, tho’ they know not Chrift' in themielves, a Light to fhine upon them, and to (how them their Con¬ dition ^ as he is the Spirit of Truth, to guide them into all Truth; as he is Life eternal, to quicken and heal the Souls that are wounded, weary and heavy laden, and to remove them from the Kingdom of Darkneis into his own Kingdom, to be under his Govern¬ ment, that fo he may dwell in them, and they in him : Here Satan lofeth the Field, and his Subtilties come to be manifefted. For if a Man had all Books and all Knowledge that may be in the World, and knew the Principles of every Pro- feffion, and treafured them up in his Head, yet except Chrift takes Hold and Poffeffion of his Heart, there will be for all that, room for Satan to make his a- bode, and to work and keep Poflefiion ; for where Chrift hath not Place to work on the Hearts of People, ir is moft cer¬ tain that Satan works there ; for he is theSo’rit that works in the Children ef Difo- : ( 22 ) obedience, and he leads them into ail Wicked nefs. • But the Rule which Chrift promifed t0 §' ve b* !S Followers to walk by, and to be with them to the End of the World, washis own Spirit: Lolwillbe vnh you to the End, 1 will pray the Father, c '-y u he fhan give you another Comforter, i vat he way abide with you for ever, even the Spirit of Truth. John xiv. 16, 17. .who was to a bide with them and-to be in them $ the Comforter, the holy Spi¬ rit, who was to teach and guide them into aL Truth. Is not this the one Thing needful, without which, it is in vain ibi Man to think that he can do any thing towards the Work of his Salva¬ tion. He is alfo fufficient cf himfelf to lead his Followers in the Paths of Life ; he giveth them Power to be Sons of God, for whofoever are lei by the Spirit of God, thrfe are Children of God, Rom. viii. 14. But the dark People will fay, Whofoever are led by the Scripture, are Children of God. Again, ( 23 ) Again, if ye through the Spirit do Mor¬ tify the Deeds of the Body , ye /hall live. Rom. viii. 13. But they lay, that thro’ theScripture the Deeds of the Body are moitify’d$ but God thro’ his Spirit did reveal to his People, what Eye hath not fcen, nor Ear heard , neither hath it en- tred into the Heart of Man , the Things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Cor. ii. 9. So the Things of God no Man knoweth, but the Spi¬ rit of God. Therefore there are too many of the Profeffors of Chriftianity, becaufe they will not receive the Spirit of God, they neither know nor underftand the Scriptures, nor the Things which he hath prepared for them that love him: But , faith theAopoftle, we received not the Spirit of the World , but the Spirit which is of God , that we might know the Things that are freely given us of God. But the natural Man received not the Things of the Spirit of God , for they are Foolijfmefs unto him $ neither can he know them, becaufe they are Spiritu* tually C 24 ) tually difcerned. 1 Cor. ii. 12. 14. And as Chrift faid. It is the Spirit that quickneth , and it is Life eternal to know the Father and the Son. John vi. 65. xvii. 3. And how is he to be known, but by the Revelation of his own Spirit in the inward Man ? For his Saints and Followers know him in¬ wardly, to be a Light to enlighten their Paths, and Life to their Souls, a Fountain oj living Water , Springing up to' everlafling Life. John iv. 14. to drink thereof, that they may never thirft: And inwardly he refrelheth and comfotteth the Souls that are weary and faint in the Way of their Pilgri¬ mage. This is the Life eternal, which is freely given to as many as open the Doors of their Hearts, to take in the King of Glory. This living Water, is to be freely given to the poor unlearned Tradefmen and Ploughmen, Shepherds and Fiflier- men, if they but turn their Minds in¬ wards and there humble themfelves be¬ fore their God, in a Senfe of his Mer¬ cies and Deliverance, his Love and long- SufFering \ C 2? ) Suffering towards them, even waiting to be gracious unto them: For theLord is near to them that feek him while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near. Therefore is not the Pri- viledge of knowing the Founrain of li¬ ving Waters in ourfelves made fure to us, the Shepherds and poorTradefmen, ra¬ ther than to the Men of Learning (who have filled themfelves with the Know'- ledge that puffeth up) or to the great Men ? For it is a great Work for them to come down fo low, to be taught by that which is fo little in their Sight, as is the Seed of God’s Kingdom : For it is too common in them the leaft of all Seeds. So it is pofiible for the Shepherd following his Flock, and the Tradef- man at his Calling, to come to this Fountain, and drink thereof, to com¬ fort and refrefh their thirfty Souls 5 for the Lord fiUetk the Hungry with good Things, and the Rich he Jends empty away. Luke i. y?. But to the poor and contrite Spirit will he look, and God dwells with him that is of a contrite (2 6 ) contrite and humble Spirit, to revive the Spirit of the humble and to revive the^ heart of the contrite Ones. Ifa. lvii. 15. So the Prayer of the poor Publican went up to the Lord with more Acceptance than that of the Pha¬ risee. Of a Truth, when thofe Poor come to be acquainted withfpiritual Viiitaci¬ ons in their Hearts, their Souls come to be revived and renewed, and have a godly Zeal kindled in them to ferve * the Lord j thefe come to know Chrift within, to give Life to their Souls; thefe can be true Witneffes that in hirn there is Life, and as John thebeloved Difciple Paid, He that believeth on the Son of God , hath the Witnefs in him - felf , he that believeth not God , hath made him a Liar , becaufe he believeth not the Record God gave of his Son , and this is the Record that God hath given to us , eternal Life, and this Life is in his Son. 1 John v. 10, 11, 12. Therefore they who hold Life eternal to be in the Scriptures, and in the Sa¬ craments j ' ( 27) craments, thefe do not believe God's Re¬ cord of his Son, but feek to make him a Lyar =, becaufe they do not believe that Life eternal is in his Son : Again, He I that bath the Son hath Life, and be that hub not the Sen of God bath not lAje. See here the Apoftle did not mention any Thing to be put with Chrift to make up the Life •, but he that hath the Son hath Life becaufe every thing neceffary to Life and Salvation is trea- fured up in the Son. Again, He that hath not the Son of God hath not Life. And of a Truth, thofe that are with¬ out Life, they are yet dead in TrefpaJJ'es and Sins, without being made alive with Chrift. Whatfoever they have, they are but dead Things to them, this agrees well with the old Britifh Proverb, Heb dduvo heb Ddint, ond Duw a digov : But fome poor ignorant People will fay, we know nothing, we muft believe what learned Men tell us, becaufe thev read and know •, but that is not the Way for thee to become one ofChrift’s Sheep, becaufe if theFifhermen and un¬ learned / ( ?3 ) learned in the Days of old had believed the learned Men, they had never be¬ lieved in Chrift, nor became his Fol¬ lowers. And although there are Teachers in this Age, who do profefs that they believe in Chriff yet if thou follow their Do£fr;ne, thou wilt never come to feek the Spirit of God to lead thee, that thou become a Child of God, nor ever receive Jefus the Light of Life, who gives Power to luch as receive him to become the Sons of God, by being born not of Blood, nor of the Will of the F/eJh , nor of the ft ’ iU of Man , but of God. John i. 12, 13. There¬ fore it is much better for thee to take the Apoftle’s Advice, If any of )ou lack Wifdom , let him ask of God that giveth to all Men liberally , and up- braiieth not, and it Jhall be given him : Every good Gift , and every perfecf Gift , is from above , and cometh down from the Father of Lights, w th whom is no Va¬ riable r.efs nor Shadow of Turning. Jam- i. 5, 17. But ( 29 ) But when the Lord begins his Work on the Hearts of People, Ihewing their finful States, and railing Fear in Them concerning their Souls, and a Defire to know the Way to get Peace with God in theirConfcience, divers will incline to advife with their Teachers, or fuch as they look upon to be wile and able to give them Counfei, and it is very rare but they meet with a Remedy much worfe than theDifeale, for want of the Phyfician s knowing the Work of God upon their ownSouls^ they will belike to advife them to Ihun melancholly Thoughts, left Satan tempt them to Difpair, and to lole themielvesj per- luading them they need not be afraid of their Souls, if they live like their Neighbours * or elfe to invite them to take the Sacramenr, and cry Peace to them, and throw fome Water to quench that Fire which God hath begun ro kin¬ dle by his Judgments againftSin in their Hearts. For Sion JhaU be redeemed with Judgment. But what fhall a Man do, when he comes to be afraid of hisSalvatior, and his . ( ?0 ) his Sin becomes a Burden to him, dnd knows not how to get Eafe > But was it not upon fuch that Chrift himfeifc tiled ? faying, Come unto me all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I nil give you Ref! ■, take my Yoke upon you and learn ef me, for 1 am meek and low ; > in Heart, and ye [hall find Y eft to your Souls. Mat. xi. 28, 29. And thofe that know Chrift by the Spirit of his Grace, teaching and guiding them into all Truth, thefe know that there is no Teacher like unro him, for he is the Anointing, to whofe Teaching alone the Apoftle direfled the Saints, at the Time when there were many Antichrifts gone forth to deceive and beguile the true Chriftians. 1 John it. 20. Therefore he faid unto them, Ye have an Unffion from the holy One, and ye know all things. If that which ye have heard from the Begin - ring , fhall remain in you, ye alfo /ball continue in the Son, and in the Father, Ver.- 24. And to eftablifh them on the immove¬ able Rock, that they might be able to withftand all Tempefts, Winds and . Floods, V I ( V ) I Floods, and alio re-mind them of their ltrong Tower and rortrefs, he faid, The Anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any Alan teach you, but as the fame Anoint¬ ing teacheth you alt things, and is Truth, and no Lie 5 and even as it taught you,ye j.hall abide in him. Ver. 27. So the Uhf'ti- on remains in the true Chriftians, and they in him, and thereby continue in the Son, and in the Father. Thefearethe Branches which are grafted in the true' Vine, to whom he l'aith. Abide in me, and I in you : the Branch cannot bear Fruit of itfelf, except it abide in the Vine, no more can ye except ye abide in me. John xv. 4. We fee here how needful it is for every true Chriftian to know himfelf grafted in Chrift the true Vine, and after he is fo grafted, to abide in him, (that is) in his Grace, Spirit and Infpira- tion, in his pure Nature, Virtue, Love and Fellowlhip in the inward Man. This is the living Sap that the Vine is full of, which afeends up to the Branches, cau- fing them to grow, fiourifh and bring forth \ ' . ( 32 ) foith fweet Fruit, well pleafing to the Husbandman, which naturally fprings forth from the incorruptible Root. Such Fruits no Man can bring forth, altho’ he makes Ufe of all his Undeittanding and Strength, endeavouring to form his Actions to anfwer the Scriptures, and break off his Sins that naturally fprout from the Root of the wild Vine, which will fpring out through the Branches, letMan do what he will, un¬ till he be cutoff from the wild Vine, and be grafted in the true Vine. But after fome Men ftrive and labour againft Sin, and fail to get Vi&ory, they are forced to yield, and drop An¬ chor in the Quickfand, and Place of Difpair, believing there is no Power to be obtained to overcome Sin-, but that the Saints and People of God mdlt live in it all the Days of their Lives ; and this Miftake is by reafon of their not coming to Chrift in themfelves, to have his Spirit that leads unto all Truth, which will be a Rudder and a Compafs for them to fleer the Courfe of their Pilgri- , ' ( 33 ) Pilgrimage, for thofe that are led by him, he brings them to their defired Port, where he gives them Eafe and Reft, that is, in himfelf, who is the true vine, of whom it was laid, Whofo- ever abideth in him, finnetb not . I John iii. 6 . . And again, he faith, lam the Vine, ye are the Branches ; be that abidetb in me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much Fruit, for without me ye can do no¬ thing. John xv. 5. But is it not Pity that this Do&rine muft not go into the Pulpits in Chriftian Churches, to enlighten People and fhew them the Way of Salvation ? But the Devil is careful to keep it out, left he fhould lofe his Kingdom and Govern¬ ment 5 for as the Lord faid by his Pro¬ phet, If the Prophets had flood in my Counfel, and had caufed my People to hear my Words, then they fhould have turned them from their evil Way, and from the Evil of their Doings. Jer. xxiii. 22. But the Voice of Chrift and his Pro¬ phets and Apoftles runs confonant and agreeable ( 54 ) ' agreeable the fame Way like a Stream but the Voice of the World is in itfelf full of Confufion, and quite contrary to the Voice of the trueShephevd ; buc it is rhe Voice of a Stranger, therefore the Sheep run away from it, becaufe they know not the Voice of Strangers. John % S> He is the Door of the Sheep; they that enter in by him, (hall have Life, but fuch as climb up another Way they are Thieves and Robbers. And he faid, My Sheep hear myVoice, aril I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal Life. .. - Is not this the Sum of the Religion of a trueChriftian, and theSubftance ot Salvation, the one Thing needful? That is to know the Voice of Chrift within, who is the true Shepherd, and follow bim in all Things, and have of him eter~ nJl Life- This is alfo the Grace that appeared, even the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation to all Men, teaching us to denyGngoilinefs and worldly Luffs, and to live foberly, righteoufly , and god¬ ly in this prefent World. Tit. ii.ii* y- ( 55 ) , We fee that this was he that taught the Apoltles. It may he alfo leen, that fuch as take upon them to learn by the Scriptures, are not able to deny Ungcdlineis and Worldly Lulls: They alio confefs their Lives and Conver- fations are not like the Lives of the Holy Men of Old, cf whom the Scrip¬ tures tell us, that they were led by the Spirit and Grace of God$ but the Keafon of that is, the Want of their Coming to accept of being led by the lame Spirit, and taught by the fame Grace •, for the fame Sap in the true Vine caufeth the Branches to bear the fame good Fruit. There is the fame Virtue in the Grace to teach a godly Life, and the fame Power in the holy Spirit to guide into all Truth. And it is given to the Sons of God, to be with them to the End. But great is the Deceit of the old fubtle Enemy, to keep People in his dark Kingdom, by making them be¬ lieve, that the Spirit of God is not to be had, to lead his People in thefe Ages, Therefore, what may he ; ' C thought ( 86 ) thought of that ? If the Spirit of God does not lead any in theie Days, then God hath no People nor Children upon the Earth : It is true enough, that the Devil would have it fo. For if the Spirit of God doth not lead a Man, he will be led by his own flelhly Lull, a id the Spirit of this World, that is the Spirit of Satan, which leads into all Falfhood and Iniquities 5 for the Spi¬ rit of Man is fubje£t to be led by fome Spirit, and there are but two Spirits, and two Natures, to wit, Good and Evil , to govern the Hearts of People. Therefore the Enemy knows, that there is nothing draws a Man out of his Reach but the Spirit of God, for which Caufe he darkens and bewitches the Inhabitants of the Earth, who are made drunk with the Wine of Babylon's Fornication, by putring Examples be¬ fore them, of other Ways to be Chil¬ dren of God, befides being led by his Spirit: But thefe Ways are fo void of , the Crofs, that after a Man comes at them, he may fin as much as he will, to i'atisfy bis liefhly Luft, and to ferve ( 37 ) the Devil: And although lie allows them to have the Sciipture to read, vet he will never grant them to come to that which the Scripture calls them un¬ to : For the Scripture fas was Ibid be¬ fore; calls to Chrilt, and to the Know¬ ledge of him, as he is to his Saints, a Spirit, Life, Light, Grace, Fountain, Vine, Shepherd, to work the new Birth. It is true', that the Scriptures were given forth by the infpiration of God, and fprung from his Spirit, which was in the holy Men and Prophets, Chriit himfelf, and his Apoftles, who were in the Spirit, and through the Spirit gave them forth, and their Teltimonies are true and profitable for Counfel and Comforr, and Edification to every Tra¬ veller that hath his Face towards New Jertrjkfem: But it is poffible, that a Man, in a State of Nature, who is for fulfilling his Lulls, may fin at hisPlea- fure, notwithftandinghe has the Bible, which he could not do, if Chrilt, by his Spirit, had taken hold and Poffefli- on of his Heart and Soul. C s But ( ?8 ) But feme may fay, if the Scripture had taken hold of the Heart of Man, jr might help him to forbear Sinning. Yet, who will open the Heart to re¬ ceive the Scripture, if not the Lord > He opened the Heart of Lydia to re¬ ceive what was fpoken by Paul. In him alone is Power to open People’s Hearts. For where Satan keeps Pof* feflion, no good Thing Ihall come in, until he come that is ifronger than he, to call him out and take Pofieflion, and open the Heart to receive in all the Goodnefs which God is pleafed to vouchfafe to his People for their Edi¬ fication. For of a Truth, when Chrift, by the Spirit of his Grace, takes hold on the Hearts of People, the Fear of God comes to take Place in them, o#hfing them to tremble, and cry for Help to depart from Iniquity. And the Lord is near and ready to Hand by them, a- gainft the Temptations of Satan: And as they Hand faithful, he diftributes to them of the Spirit of his Grace, to leaven, change, and make them new Creatures Creatures. Thefe come more and more to be Partakers of the divine Nature which is in the true Vine, to change their Nature and Atfettions, teaching them to love God, and love all Good, and love all Men, love their Enemies, • and pray for them, and do good to all Men. He likewife teacheth them to hate all Evil, and flee from it, as from a mortal Enemy, who is for breaking their Peace with the Lord which Peace they value above all other things. Unto f'uch the Crofs of Chrift is eafie, and his Burden light; and it is eafier for them to keep God’s Commandments than break them ; for to break them is to break their Peace. And of a Truth, this is the Religion which the God of Heaven did and doth command, and highly own, as hath been Paid before. Haft thou confiderecl my Servant Job, that there is none like him in the Earth , a perfeff and an upright Mm, one that fcareth God and efcheweth Evil. Is not this the Con- clufion of all that was heard, and the C 3 whole (40; whole Duty of Man ? And he that hath this Religion, what Part foever of the World he may dwell in, of what Lan¬ guage, Tribe or Kindred foever, or of what Profeffion foever he. may be, this is the Man whole Lamp will fhine at his latter End, and will find the Door of the Kingdom open. But the Man that neither feareth God, nor keepeth his Commandments, nor efcheweth Evil, though he makes high Profeffion of Chrilitanity, and- boafts of his Faith, Belief, Religion, and Works, with great Boldnels and Prefumption, when he looks Death in the Face, his Lamp will be out, and IPs Confidence will fail, for the Sting of Death torments him, and Sin gnaws the Confcience, and his Robe is filthy and not wafhed, nor made clean in the Blood of the L.mb, Rev. viii. 14. that fo the Soul might have been fit to Hand before the Throne, with the Saints in white Raiment. But now O finful Man, it is lamen¬ table for thee to remember thy W ays and Works, and alfo to remember how Jefus ( 41 ) Jefus hath been knocking at the Door of thy Heut, while the Dav of thy Vi¬ bration lafted, calling for Repentance and Amendment of Life, and thou did ft net hearken unto him, but fol¬ lowed thy lafeivious Defires, which drown thy Soul in the bottomlefs Pit. CHAP. III. Shewing what is Saving Faith. ERILY great is the Prefumption which Satan works in the moft abominable Sinners, making them be¬ lieve they are in the right Way, and in the true Chu r ch, where there is no Danger cf Idling Salvation : Therefore we may hear the Drunkards, Adulte¬ rers, and all manner of Evil-doers, boafting of their Religion, and boldly pleading for it, though they have no Religion at all. It is very common, the more erro¬ neous. the more is their Prefumption, and ( 42 ) and falfe Confidence; for the more iinful, the more blind they are ; lei's is- their Love to their Fellow Creatures, and the more fevere are their Cenfures againft all other Profeffions, and with¬ out Mercy i'acrificing all but themlelves to Hell Fire. This is very apparent in the Mem¬ bers of the Church of Rome, and by corrupted Nature creeps into other Profefhons, making Sinners infolent-, for though there are too many People un^generated, yet neverthelefs they will pretend to have Religion, and fet up fome Stru£fure, under which they fhelter and promife Heaven to them- felves, though they are Servants to Corruption, lulling themfelvestofleep, eaiie in Sin and Iniquity. Therefore, fome will boldly fay, We have Faith in Chi if , who died jor vs, and bought its by fufferivg on the Crofs, and he took our Sins upon hint - Je/f, and they were reckoned Sins to him who was i without Sin. So it uiU be counted , that we JhaU be Partakers of ( 43 ) his Righteoufnefs, though there is no Righteoufnefs in us. Is nor this a Dodlrine full of Pre- fumption, to make People more bold and confident to multiply their Sins freely at the Lord’s Charge, throwing all their Filth and abominable Sins upon Chrift, who died for Sinners, to deliver them, and to w’alh and cleanfe them from their Sins? For he is the Fountain that fprungup to the Houle of Judah , and to the Inhabitants of Jerufalem , to wafli away Sin and Ini¬ quity. But by this DoHrine Chrift did not come to wafh People from their Sins, but rather to juftify them therein*, that fo they may fin as much as they will with Boldnefs, and without Fear, and caft it upon Chrift, who faid to Peter , If I waft) thee not , thou haft no Part in me : Yet it is poffible a Man may be ready to fay, though I am an unclean Sinner, vet I believe in Chrift, and that he was conceived by the Ho¬ ly Ghcft, born of the pure Virgin, his Miracles, and Sufferings, his Ke- C 5 furre&i ri, (45 ; furrection, and Afcenfion into Heaven, to fit at the Right Hand of the Mj jelly cn high. Ail rhefe Things are real Truths in themlelves, and the Follow ers of Ch rift enjoy the Salvation which he hath prepared through his Sufferings; but Satan knows all this, and the Devils did confels that he was the Son of God, though they had no Part in him, ’outfought to fly from him. Mat. viii, ■ op. Rut the Man will fay, I believe Chrift hath ranfomed me by his Death, and paid the Price for me: It is true enough, that the Heavenly King did buy all Mankind, and paid for them, to the End they might he made free from Sins, and drawn from the King¬ dom of Satan, and out of his Chains, and tranfFred into his own Kingdom, that they may be there under his Ban¬ ner, Law and Government. But what Portion haft thou in this King, or his Kingdom, whilft thou liveff in Difobedience to him, and his Government, any more than the Pa- (44; guv, Indian, or Barbarian , purchafed with the fame Blood, and paid for? But he will foon anfwer, I have heard, or read of my Redemption, and how Chrift Buffered for me, and believe it all. Then I may alfo fay, I have heard there is a King in France , in Authority, governing and putting forth Laws a-, mongft his Subjeds, and they fight un¬ der his Banner, in Obedience to the King and his Commands: But though I believe all this to be true, yet I have no Mind ever to be one of his Subjeds, nor to come under his Banner, to be obedient to him: Therefore what right have I in that King, or in his Kingdom Laws or Government, becaufe I am en¬ gaged under another King, who (poifi- bly) may be his greateft Enemy ? And therefore I have no Part nor Portion in that King, nor in his Kingdom, nor Government. But the Man may fay, the Scripture faith, He that believeth , and is baptized,, Jhall be faved : Therefore I do believe* Is not this feme Part of the Work of c o my '(40 my Salvation ? To believe Chrift in re¬ ality, is the true laving Faith and Ground-work of Salvation, to which the true Baptifm is joined. If thou doll believe in Chrift, thou mutt give Credit to Chrift ^ otherwife how canft th ou lay that thou believed in him ? For when he preached on the Mount, letting forth the Law of the new Co¬ venant, which was to be a Law to every true Chnitian, and alfo the fpiritual Fruits they were to bring forth, fo that ail (hould be known by their Fruits; for Fruits did and do diftinguifh between the true and falfe Chriltian. There were falfe Chiiftians, falfe Prophets, and falfe Teachers, to come in among the true Chriftians * there¬ fore he made appear how to diftinguifh them Te /hall know them by their Fruits: T)o Aim gather Grapes of Thoms , or Figs of Th; files ? So every good Tree brivgeth forth good Fruit, but a corrupt Tree bringeth forth evil Fruit : And to corroborate, and confirm the Teftimc- ny, he fa id again, A good Tree cannot b/ing forth evil Fruit, neither can a cor¬ rupt ( 47 ) rupt Tree bring forth good Fruit: Eve¬ ry Tree that bringeth not forth god Fruit, is hewn down and caji into the Fire, Mat. vii. t 6 , 17, 18, 19 21. But what will the irreligious Man (that talks of believing in Chtift) lay to thefe Things ? If thou doft believe in him, thou muft alfo believe in thefe Things-j and if thou believelt thefe Things, thou muft come to an Amend¬ ment of Life, and pray to God for Grace to break off thy Sins, and bring forth Fruit meet for Repentance, with¬ out which there is here no Promife, but to hew thee down, and caft thee into the Fire, where the Devil and his Angels are. See here farther, what Chrift faith, Not every one that faith unto me Lord, Lord, Jhall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven ; but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven : And towards the Conclufion of his Sermon, after he had let forth his Heavenly Law, he faid unto them, Every one that heareth thefe Sayings of mine, and doth them not , Jhall be likened unto a foolijh , ' ( 48 ) foolijh Man, who built his Uoufe upon the Sand, which Houfe feU when the. Wind and Storm came : Thus will the Hope of the Ungodly fail in the moft needful Time. When mortal Sick- nefs, Oppreffion a d Hardfhip come, then they will call upon him, Lord, Lord , have not we confejjed thy Name ? but this will be the Anfwer, 1 never knew ye, depart from me ye that work Iniquity, Mat. vii. 23. But of a Truth, thofe that truly believe in Chrift, have chofen him to be to them a God, a Father, a Prince and Shepherd •, a God to be feared, and to be honoured, and to be bowed before, and to give him the Glory, Re¬ verence and Obedience, and to love him with all the Heart, with all the Soul, and with all the Mind * for this is the greateft Commandment: There fuch a one can believe in the Lord, and truft in him, and depend upon his Mercies, that he will hear his Prayer in the Day of Diftrefs, and keep him from the Hour of Temptation, which (hall come upon all the World, to try them ( 4 ? ) them that dwell upon the Earth, Rev. iii. ic And he is unto them a Father, and takes Care of them, and makes them to partake of all Things neceffary for their Bodies and Souls; and they as obedient Children do receive thofe Mercies from his Hand with Humili¬ ty and Thankfulnefs, accepting the fame as Obligations upon them, to bids his great Name for all his Mer¬ cies. i He is unto them a Prince, to put on them the fpiritual Armour, even the Word ofGodj which is the Sword of the Spirit, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, that they may overcome the Devil, and all his Wiles. The Lord alfo goes with them to eve¬ ry Battle ^ and thefe, by fighting under his Banner, do receive Faith and Belief of their Conqueft and eternal Reward. Thefe are Servants under their Ma- lier, ears efilv purpofing to be obedient and faithful in their Seivice to him, that he may older and govern them and put every one upon his appointed Bufinefs; ( 50 ) Bufinefs*, and they keep their Places* they believe and depend upon their Lord, that he will plentifully reward them beyond their Delerts. And they take him to be their Shep¬ herd, to hearken unto his Voice, and follow him, deparring from all their carnal Defhes, and choofe to bear the Crofs: Fo- thcfe that believed in him, left all Things to follow him. Is it notin vain for the ungodly Man to make mention of his Faith in Chrift, and yet re'ufe Thrift to be his Lord, and yet rebel daily 3 gainft him, choof- ing to ferve the Devil > For Faith is wrought bv Love, and Love by keeping God’s Command¬ ments, as Thrift faid, If ye love me , keep my Commandments : He that hath my Commandments-, and keepeth them , be it is that lovetb me •, and be that lovcth me , Jl-ali be loved of my Father, and I to ill love him, and I will mani- feft my felf unto him : If a Man love me, be will keep my Words , and my Fa¬ ther uiU love him , and voe will come unto him, and make our Abode with him, John , ' ( 51 ) John xiv. 15, 2r, 2?. So all the Ser¬ vants of Chrift do love Chrift, by keeping his Commandments s, and he loveth them, and giveth them Faith and Strength for a fpiritual Armour, whereby they may withftand their car¬ nal Defiles, and the Temptations of Satan. But the Man that makes a Talk of his Faith, Belief and Chriftianity, but does not come under the Law of the New Covenant, all is in vain to him * and as the Apoftle faith concerning thofe of the Circumcifion, how they were bound to keep the Law, but if thou be a Breaker of the haw, thy Cir- cumcifion is XJncircumcifion , Rom- ii. 2£. So it may be Laid to the irreligious Man, if thou art a Tranfgreffor of Chrift’s Law, thy Chriftianity is be¬ come Antichriftian. Again, if the Ur- circumcifed therefore keep the Righte- oufnefs of the Law, (hall not his Un- circumcifion be accounted for Circum¬ cifion > So the Nations who have had little or no Knowledge by Reading, or Preach¬ ing ( 52 ) ing, and yet know God writing his Law in their Hearts, and by the AfliR.ince of his Grace come to lead a godly Life, will nor their Unchrittianiry he counted. Chriftianity ? But feme Profeflors of cf Chriftianitv will not grant that any can be Partakers ofthe Salvation which Chrift hath prepared for them, but fuch as have heard,of his Sufferings: How then came all People through all the Corners of the World, to be made Par¬ takers of the Death which came by Adam, who never had any Knowledge of Adam, nor his Fall ? The Serpentine Seed went forth to bruife and to Wound, but the Seed of the Woman, (even Jesus Chris t) was given to heal and relieve; and ma¬ ny were healed in former Ages, before he appeared in the Flefh, and became Partakers of the Salvation which he prepared for them through bis Suf¬ ferings. Job knew that his Redeemer lived, and that he fhould ftand at the latter Day upon the Earth. Job xix. 27. and fo he bemoaned himfelf in the time of his AfRidtion, concerning the Days that ( 53 ) that were paft, faying, 0 ! I were as in Months paft, as in the Days when God preserved me, when his Candle finned upon my Head, and when by his Light 1 walked t rough Darkncfs. As I was in the Days of my Youth, when the Se- cret of God was upon my Tabernacle\ when the Almighty was yet with me , Job xxix. 2, 3,4,5. So Job had Faith in Chrift, whom he knew to be his Re¬ deemer, and a Light fhining upon him , to enlighten his Ways, that he might walk through Darknefs, and alfo know him to be a Rock, which poured him out Rivers of Oil. Job xxix. 6. This is the Rock of Ages, of whom David fpoke, 0 Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer, Pfal. xix. 14. It was A- brabam’s great Joy, to fee the Day of Chrift-, and he Jaw it, and was glad, John viii. 56. And of a Truth, the Godly in all Ages, and in every Corner of the World, were, and are made Par¬ takers of Chrift $ for they are walked from their Sins, and do receive the Be¬ nefit of what he did for them, in that they witnefs him in themfelves, to be rB a Light ( 54 ) a Light to enlighten their Paths •, Life to quicken their S )u!s * Grace, to teach them to live Godly ; and a Fountain of living Water, fi r the in¬ ward Man to diink, and to wafh their Garments. By thefe Means, Thoufands were made Par rakers of the Benefit of Chrift and his Sufferings, and Redemption, before he appeared in the Flefh to per¬ form what his Father had ordained him that is, To offer hirolelf a Sacrifice for all Mankind, and to reveal his own fpiritual Miniftry the more clear,' blight 3 nd (Tuning, drawing ir from un¬ der the Shadows and Types which figu¬ red out his Coming to fee up the Law of the New Covenant, and to write it in the Hearts of People, and to teach them himfelf. But it is true, that the fame Light isto enlighten •, the fame Spirit to lead and to quicken them ; the Grace ro teach them ; the fame Fountain to drink of-, and the fame Faith that A- braharn ( the Father of the Faithful) had, i ■J •; '( 55 ) had, which he received from God for his Faithfulnefs and Obedience, when he was yet uncircumcifed. So Chrift had Sheep in all Ages and Corners of the World, yet not gathered to the one Fold *neverthelefs they knew his Voice leading them into the Waters here and there in the World, and they hear the Shepherd’s Voice leading them to be waihed. _ For John faw in Heaven a great Mul¬ titude wbicb no Man could nutnber, of all Nations, Kindreds, People and Tongues , /landing before the Throne, and before the Lamb , cloatbed with white Robes, and Palms in their Hands, glorifying God and the Lamb, Revel vii. 9 And one of the Elders j'aid to John, thefe are they that came out of great Tribulation, and have wafhed their Robes, and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb-, therefore are they before the Throne of God, and ferve him Day and Night , in his Temple, and he that fitteth on the Throne Jhall dwell among them , Verf. 13,15. Let ( 5 ^ ) - , . * Let ns obferve here the Rea ion why theie were come to obtain fo high a Dignity as to Hand be ore the Throne; Was it not becaufe they had waihed and made white their Robes in the Blood of the Lamb > For this Walhing makes a Man a Chriftian, giving him a Part in Chrift, and making him fit to praife God for ever. Therefore lec every Soul be humbled before God, and put his Mouth in the Dull j let him lay alide all Prefumption : See that thou art fearing God and efchewing Evil, and that thy Heart and Soul become fubjeO: to his Law, fo that thou can¬ not commit Evil which difpleafes him, and breaks the Peace of thy own Con- fcience; This was the Law that bound Jofepb to be the Servant of God> and could not give way to gratifV finful Lulls, to do the Devil’s Will, and of¬ fend his heavenly Father, when his Matter’s Wife, upon all Occafions, im¬ portun’d him to lie with her, which jfofepb look’d upon to be Death to his : Soul $ therefore faid, How can I do this great Wickednefs , and fin ag iinji God , Gen. xxxix. 9. ( 57 ) 0 , let us obfer-ve how much JoJepb exceeded the Profeffors of Chriftianity in this Age ? For many of them would be glad of luch an "Opportunity to commit Evil, and to gratify their car¬ nal Defires, without much Thought of the Soul; nor fear to offend the Al¬ mighty, who daily feeds them with his many Mercies, by nourifhing and preferving them. But indeed, the un¬ regenerate State is the broad Way that leadeth to Deflru&ion, let People pro- fefswhat they will: And as the Apo- flle faid. Of a Truth , I perceive that God is no Refpetferof Ter Jons \ but in every Nation he that feareth him , and voorkcth Righteoujnejs, is accepted with him , A£fs x. 34, So by the Means here before mentioned, our Re¬ demption comes to be compleat Salva¬ tion to us : This alfo is the Cup of Sal¬ vation which is offered ; whofoever drinketh not of this Cup cannot beheal- ed ; butthe Man that hath thefe things, hath Chrift , and the ldme can truly fay$ I am my Beloved’s, and my Belo¬ ved is mine. CHAP. ( 58 ) ■— n i CHAP. IV. Shewing a Remedy againft SIN. P URE and Holy is the Almighty God, who hath no Tleafure in Wicked nefs, neither (hail Evil abide with him , who hateth all the Workers of Iniquity , Pfal. v. 4. Who jhall afcend into tbe Hill of the Lord , and who Jhall fit in his holy Place ? He that hath clean Hands and a pure Heart , Pfal. xxiv. 3? 4. Therefore he calls for Purity, Ser¬ vice, Obedience, from his People; af¬ fording them Ability to perform that which he requireth at their Hands •, who is making his Children new Crea¬ tures, by purifying of, and deftroying in them the Work of the Enemy, which is Sin, even the only Caule of. Sepa¬ ration between Mankind and their Cre¬ ator. t But there are many that love Sin, and delight to live in it, and do not feek {'59 ) feek Help from God to overcome it. Smre others would tight with it in their own Strength, and lb fail of overcom¬ ing it ; Therefore the greateft Part fail into one Judgment, 1 hat there is no Vi£lory to be had over Sin •, but that the Saints and true People of God muff be Si nners all the Days of their Lives : Rut this is r.o evangelical Doctrine, but the Evidence of Sinners.- They like- wife fry, that the Works of the Saints are Sin. Buc it belongs to us here, in the fitffc Place, f erioufly to confider what is Sin, and from what Root, Spirit and Nature it fprings, and is brought forth : Mull not Sin be fome Evil ? If it is not Evil, how can it he called Sin ? But if it is an Evil, it mult fpring from an evil Root, Spiiit and Nature, and is in fome Mea- fure, theFruitsof theDevilsKingdom, which are all unacceptable to God. What then muft we think of this DoChine? to wit, that thb beft Work of the Saints and People of God, are Sin : By this, their beft Deeds muft be Evil * 1 ' D this • (6c) . this is a Dc&rine unfcriptural, fenfual, dark and hurtful. They throw Dirt on the Gofpel, to defile the Work of God, and the heavenly Fruits of his Kingdom, which fprung out through his Saints, Prophets and Apoftles, and all the god¬ ly, and thofe that were -grafted in the Vine, to wit, Chrift, and their Words and Actions fpringing from the Root and Spirit of divine Nature ^ fo that their Waters were clean, iffuing out of the Rock where there is no Impu¬ rity. • - But it is pofiible they will confefs, that the Words and Works of the Pro¬ phets and Apoftles, and holy Men of old, did proceed from the Spirit ofGod, and pure Root : And if they will ac¬ knowledge, that when I (hall fay, is not God the fame to his People ? Is not Chrift the.fame, the Rock of Ages? The Water out of the Rock is the fame j the Vine and the Sap thereof is the fame, and the fame Spirit to lead into all Truth, which is to be with the Follow¬ ers of Chrift to the End of the World .• r Alfo AlfoChrift's Sheen are the fame, and the fame Shepherd they follow : The lame God teacheth his People himfelr under the new Covenant, and is to be with them to the End that they may know him from the lealt to tbegreateli, a God and Teacher to them, j hr. xxxi. 34 * Therefore I demand, how can the belt Works of the Saints be Sin, fince they muff fpring out of the fame Rock and fame Fountain ? But perhaps fome may fay, all the Things of God are good in themfelves, but weare corrupt, and our Veffels turn the Tafte of the good 1 hings poured thereinto, and make them cor¬ rupt and finful. This may be granted, as to the old dirty Veffels, the unregt- neratedMen,who are yet in the State of Nature, without being born again-, but Chrift makes his Saints and Followers Veffels ft to receive and keep the new Wine of the Kingdom of Gcd; for faid he, No Man putetb new Wine into old. Bottles, elfe the new Wine doth bn/ft the Bottles, and the Wine is fpilled, a/ d the Bottles will be marredbut new Wive D 2 muft (6 2 ) . . muff be put into new Bottles. Mark iu 22... AC pN* ■ But of a Truth, thofe that plead for Sin (which is theDevil’sService and the f ruits of hisKingdomJ muft drop their Anchor in his Dodrine, which Do&rine hath darkened the chriftian World, and madedrunkthe Inhabitants of the Earth, by making them believe, that the Spirit of God in thefeDays, doth not lead the Children of God, and that Chrift is not in his Saints, nor have they his Spirit ; and that it will not avail People to wait for the Knowledge of Chrift in themfelves, a Life to quicken them, and a Light to enlighten them, a Lea¬ der to guide them into all Truth, nor a Fountain to walhand refrelh their Souls * therefore here is no Help for People, but to live in Sin all the Days of their Lives. The End andDefign of the Devil, by this Dodrine or Sermon, is to wafh C.hriftians away from off the Earth, and to (hut out Chrift and hisKingdom, and Reign and Government, from amongft and ' . ' ( 6 - J and out of the Hearts of People, that f > he may fet up himfelf, and eftabiifh his own dark Kingdom, Reign and Go¬ vernment, in theHearts of People. And indeed he has carried on his Work to a large Degree, in the Night oi Daiknefs which he brought in over theProfeffors ofChrifti :nity, by making them Strang¬ ers to Chrilt, and to his Work in their own Souls: teaching them to dig Wells for dead Waters •, delpifing and neg- ledling the Fountain of living Waters, and fowing among them all manner ol falfe Dodtrine s making them believe that they muftferve him (that is Satan) and live in Sin all the Days of their Lives, promifing them Heaven after Death. So fome will alledge, that it is the Will of God, that Sin remain in the Saints, to keep them humble : This is not only unfcriptural, but clear contra¬ ry to the Nature of God, and again ft all good Rsafon ; for Sin is the only thing that maketh Separation between Men and their Creator •, and God th .ough all the Scriptures calls his People our of D 3 Sin, / ■y 64 ; - Si.i, to Hoiinefs, Pene&ion, Cleannefs d is pure and holy, hating all manner of Iniquity, Sin and Tranfgreffion, which cannot dwell with him : How then is it that God defireth that Sin Ihould dwell with him in his Saints > Is it not the Will of God to fan£fify his People? 1 Tbcf. iv. 2. Boc the Will of the Devil is to keep People Sinners, vvhilft they are upon the Earth, for every Sin is Pome Degree cfService to him, and inclines to pleafe him ; and fo far it is again!! God, and tends to make him angry and dilpleafed. But is it not a great Miftake, that is, to take the Will of the Devil, inftead of the Will of God ? Thefe do manifeft themfelres to be Strangers to God and his divine Na¬ ture, who is of purer Eyes than to be¬ hold Iniquity \ and where God dwells, his Prefence is a confuming Fire to .deltroy all the Drofs and Filth .* For , I t ( *5 ) . he'fits as a Refiner of Silver in the Hearts of his Saints, to purify and to w ]fh them irom all Sin. And the De¬ bate is not, i nut Sin is in me , or, that Sin is in thee , but t he Caufe of it is, for want of Chrift s bavins his petfeff vVoik in USj whole Blood deanfeth from all • Si n. • But where they fay, It is necejfary for the Saints that Sin be in them , to keep them low and humble : This is but Ignorance *, for it is contrary to all Reafon that S ins make People fit for the Kingdom of God ; and it is a poor Defence, to put one Sin to help out of another Sin. But Purely it is the cir- cumcifing Spirit of Cftrift, that teaches his People ro deny themfelves, and bear his Crofs. And the nearer they are to the Spirit and Nature of Chrift in ihemfelves, the more humble they are, the more mild, the leffer m iheir own Sight, to do any thing cf them¬ felves*, for they know' it will not avail them to drive in their own Strength a- gainft the Power of Iniquity to break off D 4 their ( / /■ c o ) their Sin?, without they have Chrift with them a preienc Help,and becloath- ed with bis Spirit ai d heavenlv Armour, itit they may withltand the Snares of the Devil, And as they are taught by Chrift, who faid, Take my Toke upon you , and learn of me, jor lam meek and lovely in Heart, and ye fail fnd Ref to your Souls. Mat. xi. 29. So he teacheth his Followers to walk humbly,denying themlelves,mak¬ ing them little and low in rheir own Eyes. But Sin and Satan make or teach People to be proud, to be high and lofty in their own Sight, great and better than any Body elfe. Again, where they fay^ The Saints and true Children and People of God dai¬ ly fin in Thought, Word and Deed 5 it would be well for fuch to confider what Hope, what Promifes, what Security they have, that they are Gods Chil¬ dren, further than they prefume to call themfelves fo. How can thefe rhink they love God, or gain his Love to their Souls, while they are daily finning a- gainft him, in Thought, Word and Deed ? For ( ^7 ) For where Sin daily bieaks out in Word and Deed, that Man always forves the Devil, and he cannot love God, nor - keep his Commandments, becaufe none can fetve God and Mammon ^ Chrift fa id, If ye love me , keep my Command- memhe that hath my Commandments and keepelh them, he it is that loveth me •, and he that loveth me, Jhall lie loved, of nry Father , and 1 will love him, and will man:fed myjelf to him. John xiv. 1 5 21 . We fee here the Mark which Chrilt put on his Sheep : So it is Life eternal to know him and hear his Voice, iollow him, love him and keep his Command¬ ments, and theMan that comes to know thefe Things to be carried on in his Hearr, he comes to have Aflurance cd his Inheritance. Was not this theHope I 'the Saints had in the primitive Church, as John the beloved" Difciple laid ? Hereby we do know that we knew him , if tee keep his Commandment s : He tbet faith, [ know him, and keepeth not h:s Commandments, is a Liar and the.}ruth is not in him - 3 but whofo keepeth his Word, D 5 in (6 Z ) ' * in him verily is the Word of God perfect - ed •, hereby know zee that we ore in him. i John ii. 3, 4, 7. But how can a Man thinkjre is in God, or the Love of God in him, or that he is his Child or Ser¬ vant, while he ferveth Satan (the Ene¬ my of Chrift,and theEnemyofallGood) and linneth daily againlt the Lord in Thought, Word and Deed. And Chriff laid again, If a Man love me he will keep my Words , and my Father tcili love him ; zee will come unto him , and will make cur Abode with him. John xiv. 23. We fee herefrom the Truth’s own Mouth, that thofe who love-him mult keep his Word and Commandments. Then there is a comfortable Promile to fuch a One, that he fhall obtain the Love of God to him, and that God and Chrift will come to abide with him in his Heart; and when the Father and the Son come to dwell in the Heart of the true Ch iltian, how can the Devil have room there ? He muft turn out, be- caufe a ftrenger than he hath taken PofTelTion, and is come to govern the Heart. % Then ( & 9 -) Then the Child of God comes to he led by the Spirit of God, who leads none to do evil, nor to fin againft him, but 'guides them to all Truth, fetting them at liberty from being Servants to Sin. John vii. 32. Therefore they know they are of God, becaufe he hath given them of his Spirit, that works Hatred in them againft all Manner of Wickednefs (which is the Work of Satan) and teaches them to love God, and love one another, and defire theGood of all, en¬ gaging them to lerve their heavenly Father, and keep his Commandments. Therefore the Apoftle faid, He that keepelb his Ccmmnadmcnts , dvcelleth in him : And hereby we /enow that he ahid- cth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. 1 John iii. 24. So the true Children of God that are born of his Spirit, he abideth in them and they in him ; that is, in his Spirit, in his Grace, in the undefiled Condition, and pure Nature of his heavenly Fa¬ ther. And while the true Chriftian remains in his fpiritual State, ,his Words and D 6 Actions C 70 ) •Aliens are begotten in that good Con¬ dition and Nature, and are carried forth by the Leading of God’s Spirit^ and of a Truth, none of thele are Sin, but thefeare the good Fruits, which every good Tree and every Branch of the Vine are to bear, under the Pain of being cut off; tor, a good Tieecur.not bring forth evil Fruit , neither cun a corrupt Tree bring forth good Fruit. Either make the Tree goof and his Fruit good , or elfe make the Tree corrupt , and his Fruit corrupt , for the Tree is known by its Fruit. Mat. vii. 18. xii. 3?. Therefore God's Trees (that is, his Children) bear good Fruit. What then ? Is not here a fit Place for the Reader to enquire, Do not Go ds Cold j en fin at all ? Or doth he cut them off when they fin ? Indeed it murt be granted that the Children fometimes do fin, and their Father doth not cart them away.* For to fin at fometimes upon Provocation, which comes furpriiingly, and to an unfavourv Purpofe fuddenly breaking out inWord, or Adion, this difpleufts the Father, and wounds their 0 w n \ (70 own Conditions : But thele are not the Children’s beft Works, but their worft Works ; and indeed there is great Dif¬ ference between this and finning daily in Thought, Word and Aftion, and that their belt Works are Sin. For where are thofe Children, tho they dwell in their Fathers Houle, and in his Service, but at fome time and in fome things, they difpleafe their Fa¬ ther, and receive the Reproof of In- ftru&ion to make them the more careful not to do fo again ? So the Children of God learn daily of God, and they grow in Grace, Knowledge and fpiri- tual Gifts, and they go further and further from Sin, and nearer and nearer unto God, by witneffing the Blood of Jefus Chtift the Son, to cleanfe them from all Sin. Butfuch as do plead, ard hold that the beft Works of the Saints are Sin, they endeavour to come to the Scrip¬ tures to verifie their Dcdrine by bring¬ ing the Words of the Prophet IfaiaK when he was praying for the Sons of c 72; Jfrael, and as it is common, when God’s Servants are praying for the Congrega¬ tion, to put themielves with them in interceeding for them, tho’they are yet Sinners; eras thole People were, when they had departed from theLord, there¬ fore he complained, We are all as an un~- clean Thing, and all our Rig ' teOafnefs are as filthy Rags, and we all do fade as a Leaf, and our Iniquities like the Wind, have taken us away. Ifa. lxiv. 6 . See here, how thefe were fallen, and their Iniquities had carried them away from theLord. There is none that calleth upon thy Tame, that Jlirreth up bin/fie If to take hold of thee, - for thou haft hid thy Face from us. and haft conjumed us, becauje of our Iniquities. Ver. 7. So their Sins difpleafed God, and made him hide his Face from them and their Righseoufnefs, which wereas filthy as Rags; and the Lord was weary with them, fuch were their Offerings and Sacrifices, their New Moons and Sab¬ baths, their appointed Fealls and out¬ ward Ceremonies, by which they thought that . ('?? ) ■ that they pleafed the Lord, heaping un¬ to themfelves Offerings without Obe¬ dience, upon which he would not look, but rather weary of bearing them, and complaining againit them, as may be leen by the fame Prophet, faying, To ivbat Purpofe is the Multitude of your Sa¬ crifices unto me, faith the Lord? lam full of the Burnt-Offerings of Rants, and the Fat of fed Beajfs, and I delight not tn the Blood of Bullocks, or of Lambs, or of He Goats : When ye come to ap¬ pear before me. Who hath required this at your Hand, to tread my Courts ? Bring no more vain Oblations \ Incenfe is an Abomination unto me, the Niw Moons and Sabbaths, the Calling'of Assemblies, I cannot away with it is Iniquity, even the folemn Meeting. Tour New Moons and your appointed Feafs my Soul hateth, they are a Trouble unto me, lam weary to , bear them : And when ye fpread forth your Hands, I will hide mine Eyes from you yea , when you make many Prayers, I will not hear , your Hands are full of Blood. Ifa. i. n, 12, 1 3, 14, 15. I ^ m '' Are C 74 )' Are not thefe the Righteoufneffes which were, and are in the Sight of the Lord as filthy Rags, abominable and un- favoury, upon whom he does not look > Thole People intended to pleafe the Lord with their Traditions and outward Ceremonies, which they accounted Ser¬ vice to him, and their Duties to per¬ form : But becaufe they were a finful Generation, a People laden with Iniqui¬ ties, and had backflidden, and refuted the Lord, and grieved the holy One of lfrael■, therefore the Lord did not look favourably upon, nor accept of their Offerings, but rather hated them, and was weary to bear them. And tho 3 thefe were their beft Works, and the Righteoufneffes which they trufted in, yet none of them were ac¬ ceptable with God .• Therefore he hid his Face from thole People, for that their Iniquities had carried them away from him, to rebel againlthim, and to difpleafe him daily lo when they pray¬ ed much, he did not hearken unto them * for their Hearts were evil, and their Hands full olBlood: But what are thefe Righ- i ( 75 ) RlghtecufnefTes to be likened to the Kighteoufi.eis of Chi id, who juftihts his followers under the new Covenant, hv walking, deanfing. purifying and fai.dhying of them by his Grace and Spirit, and fitting them to ferve Gcd in Newrrefs of Life ? Alfo, ^hat are the bed Works of the Children of the New Birth, Sheep ar,d Lambs of Chrift. Branches of the true Vine, which bear fpiiitual Fiuir, fpringing from the fweet Root, pure and uncorrupted, fuch as Chriit by his Spirit leads into all Truth? . , But they have another Objection which they think is If rong, and rmpcfli- bleto anfw er, ard that from the Words of the Apoflle John, who fpoke the mod and the cleared ot all the Saints (whole Tefti monies we have) ag3indSin, Jj we fay that toe have no Sin, we deceive cutjelve s, and the Truth is not in us. i John i. 8. But whit of that ? Did not the Apodle in this Place put 1 irolelr among others, even all thefe who bad : received the Chiifiian Faith ? And it is ! very poffible that divers of them were young . ( 7 * ) young and weak, and did not know their Sins, nor Were not come to ac¬ knowledge them : Therefore he laid. If we conjefs cur Sins , he is faithful andjufl to forgive us our Sins , and to cieanfe us from oil Unright eoujnej s. I John i. 9. So the Defign of the Apoflie was to bring them to confefs their Sins by Re¬ pentance, that the Lord mighc forgive them, and cieanfe them therefrom, and not live therein all their Days ; as he laid before. If we walk in the Light , a s be¬ ts in the. Lig ht , we have Fellowfkip one wit h another , and the Blood of JefusCbr ifl his Son , cleanfeth us from all Sin. Verf. 7* So he was for ha'ing them walked, cleanfed, and puiified and fan fbined. Therefore I cannot lee any Reafon to grant John, the beloved Difciple, to be a Sinner, any more t ran James was a Curfer, notwithftanding he did put himfelf among others, when he fpoke concerning theTongues, Therewith blefs weGod , even the Father-, and therewith curfe we Men, which are made after the Similitude f 77 ) ' Similitude of God : Out oj thefiante Sleuth proceedetb bltjfngs and Ctofings. Jam. •ii. 9, io. My Brethren, theie Things ought not fo to be. Therefore who can think otherwife, but James was clear of that Sir whjcn he was Judging in his Brethren ? And. without Doubt John was walked and eleanfed from his Sins, though they, unto whom he wrote, were not then thoroughly purged; fome in a large De¬ gree eleanfed, others in a lefs Meafure, fome being young and weak, beginning their Pilgrimage; therefore be faid, the Biood of Jefus Chrift his Son deanfeth us. Sohegoeson in thefecondChapter, My little Children , thefe Things write I unto you, that ye fin not : And if any one fin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the Righteous. I John ii. i. We may fee here,-what wrong Ufe People make of Johns Words, that he wrote to 1 is Friends, to petfwade them againft finning, which thefe take for an Occafion to live in Sin, and plead for it but if anv through Temptation finned, he i ( 78 ) he hath (hewed them the Help and Pre* fervation which they might have*, even to walk in the Light, that the Blood of Jefiis Chrift cleanie them from all Sin : So he goespn, Whfiocver committih Sm tranfgrtJfetb afo theLaiv •, for Sin is the Tranfgrejfion of the Law. i John iii. a. By this it is plain, and who can deny that Sin breaks not theLaw of God that he writes in the Hearts of his People? which every true Chriftian is hound to keep and perform, under the Penalty of being cut off. And ye know , that he was manifiejled. to take away our Sins , and in him is no Sin. Verf 5. So that this is the End of Chrift’s Appearance in the Flefh, and alfo, by his Spirit in the Hearts of his People, even to take away their Sins, and deliver them there-from, and to make them in their Mealures to be like himlelf, in whom there is no Sin. Again, Whofoever abidet^ in him, fin - neth not, whofoeverfinnethhath notfieen him , neither know bun. Ver. 6. That is, whiltt a Man abides in the Spirit of Chrift ■ . (79) - • , Chrift, even in the good Condition and Nature, he finneth not; but thofethat are contenting themfelves to abide daily in Sin, rhele do not know, nor come unto him, who is to wafh them : 0 fit- lie Children, let no Man deceive you • he that doth Righteou/nefs is righteous , even as he is righteous. Ver. 7. He that committeth Stn, is oj the Devil , for the Devil finneth from the Beginning. Bor this Furpo/e , the Son of God was mani- fefted , that he might defray the Works of the Devil , Ver. 8. So as Satan finneth daily from his Beginning to his End, and the People that do fo, are like him, to whom they are Servants and SubjeQs $ but the Work of Chrift is to deftroy his Works, and to fet People free from his Prifons and Servitude. Whofoever is born of God , doth not commit Sin , for his Seed remaineth in him y and he cannot fin , becaufe he is born of God , Ver. 9. \ So every true Chriftian is in fome Meafure born of God, and the Seed 1 S’ ‘ of L 1 I ( So ) of God remains in him, and he in God and whilft a Man remaineth in him, he cannot fin, as Chi lit himlelf faith. He that doth Truth cometh to the Light, that his Deeds may he made man if eft that they are wrought in God. John iii. 21. And the Works that are wrought in God, they are all pure •, for no E- vil can be brought forth in him } therefore a Chriftian in the Spirit, and in the Power and Nature of God, can* not fin. But inafmuch as there ate many of feveral different Opinions, and all Societies in general, conclude them- felves the true Church, and every Bo* dy elfe in Darknefs and Error; and that the Ordinances and Traditions of [their] Churc-h only, is the true Ser¬ vice and Duties which pleafe God, therefore they are ready to fay, Be- caufe we the Saints and People of God do fail of getting Vi [lory over Sin , it is vain for all others to fpeak of Per• feUion. And fome are fo bold and fhamelefs, as r • . ( si ) as to fay, None were ever perfeCt upon Earth. Thofe do inconfderately give God the Lie, who faid concerning Job, that ho teas a perfetl Man. Ard if Job was perfect, as without Doubt he was, and divers others, before Chrift came in the Flefli, how much more therefore doth the God of Heaven call for and ex¬ pert Perfection under the New Cove¬ nant, when he pours forth of his Spirit more plentifully into the Hearts of his ^People, and writes his Law there? How then is Perfection become im- pofiible under the New Covenant ? Shall we fay, That Chrift lays upon his Followers Burthens impofiible for them to bear, who faid, My Joke is eajy t and my Burthen is light. Mat. xi. 30. So he commanded them, Be ye therefore perfeff , even as your Father which is in heaven is perfeff. Mat. v. 48. So that Perfection is poflible forthe Children of God to attain in this Life, Becaufe , greater is he that is in them , than he that is in the World. 1 John iv. 4. Greater N I ( 82 ) Greater and Wronger is the Power of God, who helps his Children and Peo¬ ple to overcome all Sin 3nd Iniquitv, and to give them Ability to follow and ferve him in Obedience, Perfection, San Cfifi- cation and Cleannefs of Hands, than is the Power of the Devil, who leads and brings his Followers into Sin and Iniquitv. , C'Xt i , f r]| But People by pleading for Sin, that they mull remain in it ("which is the Enemy’s Work, and the Flelh’s Lull, wherehy they rebel againft God, and fin againft their own Souls.) they clearly deny the Covenant, which they came under at their Baptifm; where theMan promifeth to deny the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanity of this wicked World, and all the finful Lulls of the Flefh, and keep God’s holy Will and Commandments, and walk in the fame all the Days of his Life. Is not this thehigheu Degree of Per¬ fection that any fpeak of ? And for the Confirmation of the Matter, the Man fays, By God's help I will do fo: ' • Through ( 8 ? ) Through his Help, it is pcflible for thee 5 but without that, it is impofh- ble: But why doth thy Faith now fail, and the Hope of gaining the B-ttle a- gainft the Enemy of thy Soul, come to an End? Art thou doubting that Gcd cannot help thee to keep his Com¬ mandments, and to deny the Devil, and thy worldly Lulls > Indeed the ten¬ der and merciful Father puts no Com¬ mandments nor Burdens upon his Chil¬ dren, or Sen-ants, but what they can eafily perform by taking his Help, for he will do the Work in them, which they cannot do, nor no other, but he alone. Doft thou not fay in thy Catechifm, That the inward Spiritual Grace , is a Death unto 57/t, and a new Birth unto Righteoufnefs ? O that People would keep to the true Principles, and ear- neftly feek Grace from God to break off, and flay their Sins. But becaufe the Profeffors in this Age, do not know Chrift through the Spirit of his Grace, and divine Authority, to lit upon his Throne in their Hearts, to judge Sin : l £ to s r 34 ) -• to Death, therefore Fiefh fits on the judgment Seat, and laves Sin and pleads •tor it. B at when Man comes to hearken to his Conlcience, he will feel that Sin breaks his Peace, and the fame Witnefs is within informing of him, that the Grace of God is able to help him to for* fake all Sin and'Wickednels: This good Belief the Poet had, who laid by way- of Prayer; ’Rvoi'n bvcriadu, rbag dt gas, Ond caeldy Rds im helpu. Lie bum i yn pechu am gwar yn Sytb , j Xa vonelw yf bytb ond bynny. V JV/’x gallai ddim o’m rhanfybun Ond fely Mochyn eil-voaitb , Tmdroi’n y dom, Duw g wared ji , 0 bob drygioni Diffaitb. I do intend, thro’ awful Dread, If with thy Grace thou’It me reftore. Where I ftiff neck’d have film’d, to tread Thofe Paths of Wickednefs no more. But ( 2 > ) But of tnyfelf, noGood I do, Swine-like, my Feet return to Mire ; God cleanfe my Heart, thv Wavs to view, ^ / That from foul S ms, I may retire. So this Man believed, if he had God’s Grace to help him, it was pofli- ble for him to overcome Sin, ar t] for¬ bear committing Iniqu ty again : and likewife he could do nothing of himlelf but backflide daily, unlefs the Lord would deliver him out of all Wick¬ ed nefs. But there are fome People th3t feem Religious, by fetting themfelves at work to lop the Tree of Iniquity, en¬ deavouring to cut away the Branches as they grow: This is the hopelefsLab >ur and Striving which they efteem profita¬ ble for them to be at all their Days, and leave the Tree alive, and to bear Blan¬ ches, that they may be daily employed to lop them. „■ What then ? Do they think if the Tree dies, that they have no more to do toward the Work of their Salvation > E 2 _ But ( 86 ) But of a Truth, the Salvation of the Soul, is to know the inward Ipiritual Grace to mortify the Tree, by killing the Root of it, fo there may be Room for the Tree of Life, even the Truth, Chrilt within, to grow in the Soul,and to bring forth his own good Fruits. Therefore let every trueChriftian lay down his own Ax, and pray to God for Grace to mortify and flay all his fmful Lufts, and to give him Victory over the Devil, and all his Temptations. Sin and Iniquity \ but I believe that fome Peo¬ ple have fought Help from God againft all Iniquity and finful Lufts, and that he heard them, and diftributed unto them a Meafute of his Grace and Spirit, fo that their Words and Aftions, in Degree, fprungfrom the Spirit of God, and from a good State and Condition. But for all that, their Principles o- blige them to account all their Attions (let them be bad or good ) altogether Sin j and in that they wrong the Lord, and injure themfelves 5 becaufe their Rudiments do not allow them to make a Diffe* (^ 7 ; a Difference between Bad and Good, and become as the Mouth of the Lord : For when a Child of God offends, he foon knows Chaftiiement from his Father, as a Cloud coming over him, with Guilt and Trouble, hecaufe his Father hides his Face $ but when he does well, his bather fmiles upon him, rewarding him with Confolation and Joy, and Ipeak- ing Peace to him ; fo the Child knows that tt was not Sin he committed at that Time. C H A P. V. Concerning BAPTISM. C HRIST faid to Ktcodemus , Verily, verily , I Jay unto ihee , Except a Man be born again , be cannot fee the Kingdom of Heaven ; for God it a Spirit , therefore the Children of God muft be born of the Spirit $ that which is born of the Flejh is Flejh, and that which is born E 3 of of t’e. Spirit is Spirit \ marvel not that l fay unto thee , Je mu ft be born as, am. John iii. 2 . 6, j. But this is the Birth which People, in a State of Nature, cannot knew, or comprehend, no m re than l\':codcmus t until the Lord Leg’ ns to work in their own Souis: For by Fpiritual Mean?, God works the New Birth in the Hearts of his People. Yea, as he is the eter* ' nal Word, fo he is a Fire and a Ham¬ mer to break and open the hard Hearts, and to molify them. • He is alfo the Fountain of living Waters, which Peo¬ ple rejedt *. and the Virtue or that Wa¬ ter, is to wafh and to heal. But thefe Things the natural Man cannot comprehend, becaufe they are fpimfally difeerned. And Flefh has no Room to fet itfelfat work. Therefore unconverted People mu ft have all Things carnal and outward, that Flefh and Blood may comprehend them, and with Con¬ jectures and human Reafon, debate and labour in them. But the Lord, in Condefcenfion to his own People, the Children of IJfrael, de- > livered / ( 89 ) ' liverea to them divers Ordinances and Ufjges-, to wir, Walhings, Purification, Offerings and Sacrifices, which were outward Things, to fignify the Sub- ftance, which was to be revealed in the Fulnefs of Time. And thcfe Shadows and Signs, wese to remain to the Re¬ iteration, that is, till Chrift came to fet up a more fuMtamiai and fpiritu- al Miniitry a nd Won (hip : And their W a firings went under the Name of Baptifm. But next afer all thcfeSignsar.dSha- dow9, the Lord, for p-eparing the Way to Chrift, fent John to bant'Ze the Peo- • pie in Jordan, coritefilng their Sins; and then John faid I indeed baptize you with Water unto Repevtever, bid ke that com- et.h aft-er me, is mightier than /, whofe Shoes lam vot worthy to bear , be fkall baptize you ni h the Holy Ghojl and with Fre. Matt. iii. r t. ■ So them was a Difference between th Bap' ifm of Chrift, and the B iptifm c John , becaufe they were got of one Na¬ ture, nor of one Matter. For the one •E -4 baptized ( 90 ) baptized with outward Water, and the other baptized with the Holy Ghoft and with fpiritual Fire } the one walk¬ ed the Body, the other wafhed the Soul. So Chrift commanded his Difci- ples, That they ftauId not depart from jerufalem, but tea it for the Promtfe of the Father, vehteb, laid he, ye have heard of me : For John truly baptized. ■Kith Water , but ye Jhall be baptized with the holy Ghoft, not many Days hence A&s i. 4, y. Thefe two Teftimonies do well agree with each other, and both make the Baptilm of Chrift, and theBaptifm of John, to be twoBaptifms. TheBaptifm of John was an outward Shadow figni- iving, but the Baptifm of Chrift was the Subftance, and faving. The Baptifm of John and his Miniitry, flood only in Force at the Time when Chrift walk' ed upon the Earth ; therefore Chrift wenr to his Baptifm lor the fulfilling of his Miniftry : But John endeavoured to hinder him, faying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comefl thou to me ? And JeJus a nf veering, /aid unto him, . Suffer ( 91 ) Safer it to be jo now \ for thus it be - cometb us to fulfil nil RighteoufneJ's. Then John fuffered bint. Matt. iii. 1 4i 1 5 • _ And as John and .his Miniitry and Baptifm was to decreafe, and pafs by, fo Chrift and his Baprifm and Miniftry was to increafe, and to be fet up, and ftand to the End. So that the Baptifm ofChvjft, was the only Baptifm, which did and doth deliver and fave the Soul ; therefore the Apoftle faid. One Lord , one Faith , one Baptifm. Eph. iv. 5. And fince there was but one Baptifm to remain, no more than one Lord, and one Faith, and one God, doubtlefs it is, that Chtift’s Baptifm was that one Baptifm. But Jefus fuffereth his Difciples to baptize withWater,toaccomplifh Adminiftration until the Time came to baptize with the holy Spirit; and as the Difciples loved John , and- efteemed his Adminiftration, and being natural to it bv the Jewijh Ordinances, fo they made Ufe thereof in their Freedom a? mong thofe that believed * but they E 5 knew C 92 ) knew it was not the Baptifm of the Holy Gholt, as Peter obfierved, when he preached at the Houfe of Cornelius , and the Holy Gholt fell upon the Peo¬ ple ^ faying Then remembred ItheWord of the Lord , how that he /aid , John in¬ deed baptized with Water , hut ye /all be baptized with the Holy Ghojh A£ts xi. i 5 . ■ ' But when Daiknefs tame in among the Chriftians, and they loft Sight of Chtift within, and the Baptifm of the Hclv Ghoft, then there was nothing but extolling the Sign inftead of the Sub- ftance, and fet it up as the Horn of Sal¬ vation, and gave it a great Namein the Church, accounting it to be the Means by which Man is made a Chriftian. But feme ufe the Way of Water-Bnptifm as the Apoftles did, without depending thereon, but to fulfil ir, becaufe they think it their incumbent Duty : I do not judge fuch. But the Hurt is, when People fet up feme outward Tradition, depending upon it for Salvation, their Zeal goes , " ' much \ * * ( n ) much for it, and the more their Zeal is, the more they make it their Idol, and then they cannot bear-fo much as to ask from whence it came, and what Scrip¬ ture is for it: There is in this dark Zeal, Gail, Blood and Revenge ; and fuch Zeal as this, has been the Caufe for the M irtyts of Jehus, frequently to lofe their Blood * becaufe the Meflage of the Ambaffadors which God lent, was to bear Teftimony againftall Manner of Idols. j . And when Chriftians came to be fully perfuaded, that, ■ Water-Bapt’rfm was nece’ffary to Salvation, they judged it needful to baptize little Children, left theyfhould die before they hadBaptil'm, a:id be damned : But when they frw it Was hurtful for little Children to be dipt Over Head in Water, then they in¬ vented another Way to baptize, which is corrupt and unfcnptural. And although the 'Proteflants have tcftified, that Water-Baptifm was ‘ not neceftary to Salvation, and as the friend¬ ly and confidefate People of the Chinch E 6 ' of ( 94 ) of England will acknowledge, that Wa- ter-Baptifm does nothing for the Soul, yet the fame, inthelike corrupt Way,has crept in among them from the Church of Rome fo far, that the dark People a- mongft the Protejhnts are of the fame Tone as the Fapijls : Oh ! Oh ! The Holv Baptifm : Oh ! Make the Man a Chiiltian ; fo that when a Child is born into the World, they muft make hafte to go with him fas they fay) to make him a Chriftian. Now therefore, O thou unconfiderate M an, canft thou bear us to take a View of, and handle this Matter a little, to fee if there is Life in it, and fee how far it isagreeable with theSciiptures. They fav. That Chtift ordained two Sacra¬ ments in his Church, when we do not read that Chritt ever fpoke of a Sacra¬ ment; nor is there any fuch Word as Sa¬ crament in all the Scripture: But they fav, The Thing does not confift in the Name, but what we mean by this Sa¬ crament, is Baptifm ; What then ? Is this the Way of Baptifm.which we now . ~ fpeak ••( 9 ») fpeak of, more agreeable to the Scrip¬ tures, than the Word Srcrement ? That is not yet made our. Again, they will lay. We are all by Nature born Children of Wrath, and by Baptifm are made Children of Grace ; I utterly deny that little Children new¬ born, are Children of Wrath * and alfo, that by fuch Baptifm ("which we are fpeaking of) any are made Children of Grace. Are not new-born Children with¬ out Sin > Truly before Sin came, God look’d on all that he had made, and the fame was good in his Sight: But they fay when Ai^zztranfgrefTed, he brought in Sin upon all his Off-fpring, and they are Partakers of his Tranfgrefiion, and that the Children of Adam are by Na¬ ture become Sinners. That is granted, but that they are born Children of Wrath, and that God imputeth Sin to them before they do fin, That is de* nyed.-' ; For the Apcftle faid, Where no Law it, there is noTranfgreffion. Rom ix. i?. Since that the States of new-born Chil¬ dren '.( 96 ) dren do not apprehend, nor can they reach to come -at any Law, therefore Iniquity is not laid to their Charge, For Sin is not imputed where there is no Low. Rom. v. n. So where there is neither Tranfgrefiion norSin, how can we rhink there is Damnation ? But thofe that hold forth the Damnation of little Chil¬ dren, they imagine they have a foun¬ dation for it from the Words of the Prophet, who Laid, I was fhjpev in In¬ anity-, and in Sin did my Mother conceive me. Pfal. li. 5- Is not this Sin rather to be imputed to the Parents than the Child? For he doth not fay, my Mo- oonceived me a Sinner \ but in S.n did my Mother conceive me. <\nd the Scripture faith, The Soul that finneth it JhaU die: The Son/hall not bear 'the Iniquity of the Father, neither frail the Father bear the Iniquity of the Sort, Ezek. xviii. 20. But for the Iniquity the Man himfelf commits, he fhall die- 0, I would think that Chrift’s cfm Words are fufficient to give SatisfadVion to every confiderate and impartial Mian; . : ( '97 ) and put this Controverfy out of all Doubt, who extolleth the State of lit¬ tle Children, faying to his Difciples, Except ye be converted, and become as little Children, ye Jhall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt, xviii. 3, 10. • ' We may fee here, how Chrift owns the State of little Children above the States of his Difciples, when they in¬ quired who (hould be the greatelf in the Kingdom of Heaven. And he having called unto him a little Child, and jetting him in the Mid jl of them, he further laid, voboflever t berefiire jhaU humble him ftelf as this littleChild , the fame is the great- eft in the Kingdom of Heaven ; take heed that ye d'fpfe not one of thefe little Ones , for I Jay unto you, that in Heaven their Angels do always behold the Face of my Father which is in Heaven . Here is the Judgment of the King, who knows better than Men, who is fit to enter in_to his Kingdom. -■ He alfo is theDoor of the Sheep, and heknoweth his own, and thofe that go in by him: If any be fo ignorant, to think (93 ) think that thofeChildren whom Chrift fo much owned, were baptized, there was no baptizing of little Children in thole Times ; and there is no Caul’e to think, that the Condition of little C hil- dren is worfe now, than in thole Times: So the Commandment of Chrift was. Take heed that ye de/pi/e r.ot one of the/e little Ones , vohofe Angels behold God's Face. ' > But daik People take little Notice of what Chrift laid * but the Rudiments which they have received by Tradition, from the Leaders of their Churches, thofethev believe, and will have to be Truth: Therefore they are not afraid to difefteem the State of little Children* who are newly come into the World, from under the Hand of their perfett Creator, who made all Things good, and according to his own Pleafure 5 but they reckon the Child a Jew, or fome unacceptable Stranger, ’till they go with him to the Prieft, to be made judge) a Chriftian, and ac- ■ f And (as thev ceptable. C 99 ) ( ■ And if the Child dies before he be baptized, they efteem it not fit to bury him like a Chriftian, after the Order of the Church; but when the Child hath been under the Prieft sHands, if he hap¬ pen to die before he finneth, these is no Doubt of his Sal vation : What then fhail be thought of thefe Things? Did. not God know how, or was he not able to make the Child according to his own Mind ? But the Prieft does know how, and is able to make him according to the Lord’s Mind ? fo that *tis time to go with the Child to the Prieft, where Sureties muit be had, to engage for him: Firft, That he Jhould deny the Devil, and ail his Works, the Pomp and Vanity of this wicked World, and all the finfulLufis of the Flefh. Secondly, That he Jhould believe aU the Points of the Chrifiian Faith. Thirdly, That he Jhould keep the bleffed Will of God, and his Command¬ ments, and walk in the fame all the Days of his L fe. And altho’they themfelves judge that they are not able to perform thefe Pro- mi fes, * t '* ) | •» x in , ( TOO ) mifes, yet it iseafieto get thofe Sureties? but if they were to be bound by Promi¬ les concerning Things of this World, they would take more Care before they became engaged, how they might per¬ form their Promises. So after having a little Water, the Prieft goes and prays to God, that he would fan&ify that Water, fo that it may waih away Sin •, then the finfui Man goes to wafh the Innocent from his Sins : But what is this good for ? There is no Reafcn, nor Scripture, nor any Proof, but Part of the dead Tradi¬ tions of the Romijh Church, for fuch a Thing. Then the Prieft calls the People to be Witnefles how that the fan e Child is made a New Creature, and tb r he is grafted into the Body rf theChurth of Chi Ut, and fo give Thanks to God for the Child, thaThe is born again Hy the Holy Ghoft, and received to be his own Child by Adoption ; and then they pro- fefs, that the Child henceforth is made a Member cf Chrift, a Child of God, and ( ICT ) and an Inheritor of rhe Kingdom of Heaven. But this is a great Work, if it were bur done indeed, where there is a Ne- ceflity for a Change, and a Newnefs of Life : Bet this may be allowed, towir, that the Child at hi ft, is a Member of Chrift, a Child of Go'd, and an Inheri¬ tor of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that he is yet no worfe, nor in a Stare to be made better: But if neither the People nor the Prieft know no better than thefe Things, the Lord enlighten them. But I do believe, there are many of them know all this is but the Ufe, Cuftom and Trdd’liC!: of tbs Church, and therefore they do judge it a Duty upon them to perform: But the Tradi¬ tion and outward Cuftcms become cor¬ rupt in the Ufing, as the Apoftle Raul Laid to the Coir,J]i,ins , Wherefore if ye be dead with Chrift from the Rudiments of ji e World , why, as though living in the Wtrld , are ye fubjeff ioOrdinances (which all at e to peri ft) with the Ufing) after the Commandner.ts and. Dccirines of Men ? ( 102 ) . . • which Things indeed have a Shew of Wifdcm in WiU-Worfhip. Col. ii. 20. 22 , 2 ^. What then > Is not this Wiy of bap¬ tizing little Children not only corrupt with the Ufing, hut alio form’d in the Dark, and let up after the Command- meins and Di (Shines of Men, and carri¬ ed on in Will-Worlhip, after the Ordi¬ nances and Rudiments of this World, and not after Chrift > Now therefore (hall we confidera lit¬ tle, whatNecefftty there is for outward Water in the Baptifm ? But thofe that are for John's Bapiifm they have need ofWarer to dip the People-, but as ma¬ ny as come to Chrift to be baptized by him, he baptizeth with theH-dy Ghoft: For the Baptifm of Chrift, is • he Bao- tifm of the Holy Ghoft, which, is the Subftance : But the Ba ptifm of John (to wit, Water-Baptifm} was the Figure or Shadow thereof. But there are many in thcfe Days, that would tie theBaptifm of C hrift and jfohn's Baptifm together, and make them one Baptifm, faying, the outward Wa¬ ter ( 103 ) ' J y * ter, which is the Shadow, is one Part, and the fpiritual Grace within, is the other Part, which is knit to it. Is not this Way cunningly devifed to beguile the Ignorant of the Salvation of their Souls ? For it muff be believed, if they but receive, or have the Shadow, they alio have the Subftance, even the Bap- tifm of the Holy Ghoft, tho’ they know not how, but only believe they are knit together. So of a Truth, all this is but to pleale the Flefh, and Self-Knd of Man, who hath been afferting that he had a Part in Chrift, though he lived in the Fleih, where none can pleafe God, and in fuch Pomp wherein he cannot receive the Spirit of Truth : And where they fay, That the Subltance is tied to the Sha¬ dow ; the Face of the prefent World is as Clouds of WitnefTes to the contrary, feeing that the Life and Converfation of Thoufands of thofe who profefs Chrift, and have been baptized with i Water, are worfe than the Lives and Converfations of Turks , Indians or Pa- gant> ( Ic 4 ) - gens, who were not baptized with Water. By which we may fee, that the un¬ godly and irreligious Profefil us have not yet been baptized into the Baptifm of Chrift, which is the Baptifm of the Holy Ghoft, that cleanfeth from dead Works, and makes a Man a New Crea¬ ture, to live a godly Life-, whereby it is evident enough, that the Baptifm of the Holy Ghoft, and the Baptifm of Water are two diftinfl Things. So that it is poffible for a natural Man to be baptized with Water, and know nothing of theBaptilm of theHo- ly Spirit: But the followers of Cirri!!, are baptized by him with the Baptifm of the HolySpirit, without elementary Water and yet fome will fay. That the Baptifm of John was to follow the Baptifm of the Holy Spirit, becaufe the Apoftles baptized with Water, and that Chrift had given it them in Com¬ mand. That the Apoftles baptized with Wa¬ ter, is granted. But that Chrift gave it them ( Jor ) . ' them in Command, is not yet made out : But they are ready to "fav. Hath not Chrift commanded his Apoftles ? Go ye therefore, teach all Rations, bap - tising t hem in the Rome of the Father , and of the Son , and of the H<>ly Ghujr. Matt, xxyiii. 19 But I would think', that inafmuch as there is no mention of Wa ter, we have Room to examine what One did Chrift command ? Was it his own Baptifm, which was the Baptifm of the Holy Ghoft, or was it the Bap¬ tifm of John, which was Water-Bap- tifm > And inalmuch as then was the very Time, wherein the Ipiritual Miniftry of Chrift was to be fet up in Authority, being taken from under the Shadows and Signs $ that to baptize with the Holy Ghoft, was the Work of Chrift, ind that he at that Time was to pour forth of his Spirit on his Minifters, to end them on his own Work : What ileafon therefore will tell us, that he fet Iris Minifters upon John's Work (which ;as not but an outward Shadow palTing by; 1 ’ ^ ( ic6 ) by) inftead of fending them on his own fpiritual Work, after he had filled them with his Spirit, and cloathed them with Power from on high, fit for performing that Ipiritual Work. But the Oppoler will fay, It was the Work of Chrift only to babtize with the Spirit, and the Apoftles could not do it, becaufe they were but Men. It is true enough, that it is the Work of Chrilt to baptize with the Holy Spi¬ rit ; What then > Was it impoffible for Chrift’s Servants to do any of his Works notwithftanding they received of the Spirit of Chrift, even the Holy Ghoft, which did baptize ? Bat without Doubt the Servants of Chrift did his Work, by his being co-working with them j for when they taught and preached where the Lord had lent them, they were Inftruments in his Hand to do a great Work ; that is, to turn People from Darknefs to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, through his Co-working to open the Hearts of the People. And ( 107 ) And for this End Paul was fenr, and not to baptize with Water, as we read when the Lord was converting arid cal¬ ling him, he faid unto him, Pi e, and ft and upon thy Feet ; fcr 1 have appear¬ ed unto thee for this purpofe, to make thee a Mimfler and a Witnefs kith of tbefe Things which thou haji feen, and of thoje Things in the which I mil ap¬ pear unto thee, delivering thee from the People, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now 1 fend thee , to open their Eyes, and to turn them from Dot hr' fs to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, that they may receive I or give- nefs of Sins, and Inheritance among them which are fa net ifed by Faith which is in me, Aftsxxvi. 16, 17, rS. Let us therefore fee the great Wc k which Paul was lent to labour in, whi< h was the Work of the Salvation of thi Souls of People, and the Thing he vtas employed about, even to turn them from Darkcefs to Lighr, and from the Power of Satan unto God, to obtain Forgivenefs of Sins, and a Portion a- mongft thofe that are fan&ihed. Here F is ( io8 ) is the Work of the New Birth, even Chrift’s Work upon the Souis of Men : Here alfo is the Baptifm of the Holy Ghoft. And as the Apoftle Paul was an In- ftrument in the Hand of the Lord, fent upon this Work * fo by preaching of the true Gofpel, he performed the Com¬ mandment, by baptizing them into the Name of the Father, who is theftrong Tower, and turning them unto him who is the Light, and baptizing them into the Name of the Son, who is the Rock of Ages, Jefus the Saviour, Chrift the Anointed, the Fountain of living Waters •, which Water doth wafh away Sin and Iniquity, that they may re¬ ceive Forgivenefs of Sins, by baptizing them into the Name of the holy Ghoft, who fanftifieth and giveth them Faith in Chrift Jefus. So Paul taught the Gentile r, and they were baptized with the holy Ghoft under his Teftimony. After this man¬ ner was the Commandment fulfill’d, Go, teach all Nations, baptizing them into i he Name of t he Fat her , and the ( IC9 ) Son, and the Holy Ghoft. And this A- poiUe that was lent to turn the Nati¬ ons, was not fent to baptize with Wa¬ ter/ as he himfelf teftified when he favv that the Corinthians were corrupt¬ ed, by making a wrong life of Water- Baptifm, and that Contentions were among them-, and as it may be fuppo- fed, lome faid, I am owned by the Man that baptized me, and, I am own¬ ed by the Man that baptized me, which gave the Apoftle Occafion to fay, I thank God that 1 baptized none of you but Crifpus and Gaius, left any Jhould fay that I had baptized in mine own 'Name-, and I baptized alfo the Houfhold of Stephanus, befides I know not whether 1 baptized any other -, for Chriftfrnt me not to baptize, but to preach the Gofpel, i Cor. i. 14, 16, 17. And inafmuch as this was the Apo* file that was moft abfolutely fent to teach and convert the Nations, and was not fent to baptize with Water; and that Commandment faid, Go ye and teach all Nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father , Son and. F z Holy ( no ) HolyGboft, therefore it was not out¬ ward Water that was here commanded to go with the Teftimonies of the A- putties, but the Living W 7 ater and Eter¬ nal Word, which is the Sword of the Spirit, that is as a Fire, and as a Ham¬ mer, to break/m pieces the hard Hearts. Thus Life and Virtue w-ent along with their Preachings Therefore whe¬ ther God works upon the Hearts of People by Inftruments, or without In- ffruments, the Work is the Lord’s * and fuch as know this Work to be car¬ ried on in their own Souls, they fee no Neceflity for Signs and Shadows, that were to pals away, or do perrfh with the Ufing. So that God’s Work upon the Saul of Man is the Baptifm of the Holy Ghoft, which makes a Man a true Chriftian. CHAP. Concerning the Communion or Nour- ifhment of the Soul. F ORafmuch as the Work of God up- ^ on the Souls of Men, is the Work or Regeneration and it belongs to eve¬ ry Birth to have Nourifhment fuitable to its Condition and Nature, fo it be¬ longs to the Children of the new Birth, thatare born of the Spirit, to havefpi- ritual Food to nourifh their Souls, as the natural Body is fed with outward Food : This fpiritual Food the Chil¬ dren of Adam\r\ the Fall cannot know . ir or apprehend, nor be Partakers of, till the Lord in feme Meafure lays hold on their Hearts, and enlightens them, and . lets them fee their Conditions, and makes them fenfible of rhe Neceflitv -• and Want of their Souls, and Jets a Man fee how he is gone from home, as F 3 ■ the ( h2 ; the Prodigal Son, into a far Country, a Stranger to his Father’s Houfe, where is Bread enough, and he ready to die for Hunger : Then the poor Soul, hav¬ ing a Sight of his Condition, cries for h s Father’s Houfe, becaufe he is got into a Belief that there is Bread enough to feed his hungry Soul, left he ihould die for ever. So the Soul that comes to hunger and thiift after Righteoulnefs, the Pro- mi fe is, That fucb Jhall be filled, Mat. v. 6 . For the Lord prepares pleafant Dainties for the Poor in Spirir, that turns to him with his whole Heart, and waits upon him in Tiuth. So when a Man comes to witnefs thefe Things, he is in fome Degree to be counted a Child of the new Birth, becaufe he cries for Food, and Focfl belongs to him, and he is ready to open unto Chrift, who knocks at the Door, laying. If any Man bear my Voice, and open the Door, I uill come into him, and Kill fup ivith him, and he veilb me. Rev. iii. 20 So that Chrift is ready to communi- nicate, and the hungry Soul ready to receive ( I 12 'I receive Noutifhment: And this is the Supper that gives Life, Nutriment and Growth to the Souls of the Children or the new Birth: Therefore what fort of SappersfoeverMen may make without opening unto Chrift, and receiving him into their Hearts to iup with him, their Supper is not Chrift’s Supper, nor of any Benefit to their Souls; for nets the Breed of Life w'ich comes dozen from Heaven, and gives Life to the World , Johnvi. 33. This is the Food which God commu¬ nicates to his Children, who are boin of the immortal Seed thro his Word, and have received the Holy Ghoft to lead them into all Truth; which con- folates and makes glad, andgivesNou- lifnment and Increalb to the afflifted and letuming Souls. _ Therefore thofe that have opened their Hears, and re¬ ceived Chtift to take Poffeffion, and grvern in them with Power, fuch as thefe come to be grafted into the true Vine, and their Souls are fed with the Fruit of the Vine, which is the lame Thing as the Bread of Life which com- F 4. cth ( 1*4 ) erh -down fiom Heaven, that he who taietn therect may live ior ever, Joljtt Vi. 71 . - • The Fruit of this Vine is a3fo the fpi'iuul Wine, or living Water, or Heaveniy Blood, Which the Branches diink &i ; fo that the fpiritual Birth may gr=w and increafe, by feeding up¬ oni Chi ft, and dwelling in him, who laid, Aly Flejh is Meat indeed , and my Bio ad is Dr in A indeedlie that eatcih n:y Flejh , and drjnkeib my Blood , dvcel- leihm me , and 1 in him. John vi 57, 56. Let us fee here, thole that leed on Chrift, they dwell in him, and he in them. Not in his Body, but in his Spirit, and his Spirit in them 5 and the Lnitv and Communion between Chrift and his Followers, not in outward Things, as he laid to his Difcipleswho were offended at the Hearing of fpiri¬ tual Thingsj but he interpreted it to them. It is the Spirit that quickneth y the Flejh profiteth nothing 5 the Words font I J peak uni 0 you-, they are Spirit, and they are Lijc , John vi. 65. So they that dwell in the Vine, the Fruit and ( ) and Virtue of the Vine is Life and Sup¬ port to them. . S'"> he likewife Lid, As the living Father Jent we, and 1 live by the ba¬ ther \ fo he that eateth me, even he fhall live by me. And as the earthly Part nourifheth itfelf on earthly Food,, out¬ ward and perifhing,. fo the ipiritual Part is fed with Ipiritual Food, even the hidden Alannn, invifible and eter¬ nal; and fuch as feed upon it, know where they obtain it; not in any thing that is outward, but in a fpiritual Lel- lowfhip with the Father and with the Son Jefus Chrift, knowing their Savi¬ our to be their Shepherd, to lead them into the fruitful Paftures, by. the Hill Waters, out of the World in them- felves, and out of all carnal Reafon- ionings and Conje&ures of He(h and Blood. He is alfo the Daily Bread, which is a Support to the true Chriftian, and the living Soul cannot be one Day without it, but he will feel a Hunger, and it is not enough for him to receive outward Bread and Wine once a ^ ear, |f|. o : ■ F 5 initeaci v ( H6 ) inftead of Life to his Soul, and fpiri¬ tual Food, which comes down from Heaven, Day by Day, to the hungry and thirfty Souls of thole that wait up- on him: So the poor in Spirit fecretly receives it, when there is none but he and the Lord. But luch as fpend their Money for that which is not Bread, and their La- bourfor that which fatisfieth not, they come to the Pr;eff, to eat every one a Bit of Bread that perifheth, and every one a Sup of Wine, and their Princi¬ ples oblige them to believe, that by taking fo much, their Souls are fed, though they know not how. O, how eafily do People fuffer themfelves to be deceived concerning their Souls E- ternal Life, which is to know the Fa¬ ther and the Sou to dwell in the Hearr, and to have gain’d the Man to love God, fo as to be as Meat and Drink to do his Will. For to do the Will of God is the on¬ ly Thing that makes up the Peace, and works the Unity and Communion be¬ tween the true Chriftian and Chriltthe Beloved ( II? ) Beloved of his Soul, So they that ore looted to the loot'd eye one Spiytt^ r Cor. vi. 17. And this is the Communion which makes the Saints to be one Bread and one Body, by being Parta¬ kers of that one Bread, 1 Coy. x. 17* which the Eating of Bread and Wine cannot do ; -For People eat it before, thev go to fpill one anothers Blood. So alfo great has been the Strifes, and going into Parties, which broke out into Malice and Revenge, Wars, and fpilling of Blood, amongll Profef- fors of Chriftianity, about the Bread and Wine, how to order it, and when to take it. Here was the cunning De¬ vice of Satan, even to drive People to kill one another, about a dead Tradi¬ tion j for thereby he drew them fa¬ ther and further from God-,, into h s own dark Kingdom, alienating them more and more from the Life and Sub- ftance, even the Bread from Heavea, whichgiveth hife to the Uo/dd, John vi. 13. . r n* But the wife Men hunting alter U- oinions concerning thefe dead Things, v F 6 and ' ( ri8 ) and never could agree, becaufe they were Strangers to the Spirit and Hea¬ venly Life 5 they judge, that by re¬ ceiving the Bread and Wine they nruft eat the flelh of Chrift corporally, even he that was born of Mary , and fuffered upon the Crofs, and was railed again, and afcended into Heaven, to lit on the Right Hand of Majefty. But as to that, they broke out into three Opinions. The hrft is that of the Papifts , who fay concerning the Bread and Wine, That after the Prieft confecrates them (as they call it) the fame is no more Bread nor Wine, but the Flelh and Blood of Chrift, in the Suhftance which was crucified by the Jews. Here is a grievous Error, Men taking upon them to make Chrift cor¬ porally upon Earth out of corruptible Matter, and give People the fame to eat for their Money. See R, Barclay’s Apology, p. 498. The fecond Opinion is that of the laitberans , who fay, .That the Sub* ftance of the Bread remains after it is confecrared, but that alfo that Body is V ( H9 ) is in the Bread, and with it, or under it-, fo that there is in the Subftance of the Bread, and the Flefh and Blood of Chrift are mixed together, to be given the People to eat for their Money. The Difference here is. That the firft take upon them to make Chrift bodi¬ ly upon Earth, out of Bread and Wine, that is perifhable ; the others take up¬ on them to bring him down from Hea¬ ven to be mixed with the Bread and Wine. The third Opinion is that of the Calvinifls , who deny both the former, laying, That Chrift is not corporally in the Bread and Wine * but yet the Faithful receive him by taking of the Bread and Wine .- But how, or which Way he is there, thev know not, nor can they tell, but only we muft believe he is there, yet fo that it is properly in Heaven, (Birc/a/s Apology, p. 498) but of a Truth, though this' Opinion may in fome Things be born with, yet it is very uncertain : It is nothing, but we muft believe. . \ 4 • ( 1 J * T .1 • % I * i | S f I . And ( 120 j And if we muft believe that our Souls are fed with the Bread of Life, and that we are Partakers ofChrift’sSupper, though we do not know him come into our Hearts, to fup with us, and we to fnp with him, this is the Way for us to deceive our felves; this is alio a Sign of Death : For the living Souls know, tike David, when they receive the Joy of their Salvation, and when the Lord by his free Spirit upholds them, and their Sauls are by the Holy Ghoft comforted, and they can fet their Seal to the Words of the Apoftle, Do not err , my beloved Brethren , every good Gift , and every perfeft Gift is from above , and cometh down from the Father (If lights , with whom is no Variablencf r, neither Shadow of Turning , James i. 16, 17. But in the Night of Darknefs, where Satan wrought amongit the Profeflors of Chriftianitv, his Work and Cunning hath been, and is, to deceive People, and t ) fet them at Work to deceive one another, to the End and Purpofe to keep them in Ignorance, and wholly Strangers ( 121 ) • ✓ Strangers to the true Shepherd, who gives Eternal Life to his own Sheep, who know and follow him. When he was with his Difciples eat¬ ing that Supper, or the laft Paflover before he was betrayed, he Laid unto them. With Defire 1 have defred to eat this Pdf'over with you before I fuffer •, jor I fay unto you, I void not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God , Luke xxii. is* 1 6. The fulfilling that Paffover, and that which it fignified, together with other Signs, was the Coming of the King¬ dom of God, that is, God to dwell in his People, to teach them himfelf. For the Kingdom of God is within, and Chrift within, a Comforter, flipping with, and nourilhing the Souls of the Children of the new Birth. And when he took the Cup and gave Thanks, he faid, Take this and divide it among ycur felves for 1 fay unto you , I vid not drink of t he Fruit of the Vine until the Kingdom of GodJhaU come, Luke xxii. 17, 18. And the Kingdom of God is nor Meat and Drink, but Righteoufnefs C 122 ) Rightcoufnrfs , and Fence , and Joy in the Holy Gkoft, Rom. xiv. 17. And be took the Bread and gave Thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, faying. This is my Body uhich is given for you, this do in Remembrance of me, Lukexxii. 19. Chrift, by doing this, was (hewing his D'fciples that he was going togive his Body to buffer fer them, and that they, when they did eat and drink, were to remember him. And the Apo- ftle Paul fa id fu ther, Do this, as often as ye do it, in Remembrance of me ; for as often as ye eat this Bread, and drink tlh Cup, ye do [hew the Lord's Death till he con e , 1 Cor. ix. 2 6. So all that can be gathered from thefe Things is, that when the Difciples fhould come together to break Bread, they were to think of, and remember Chrift and his Death, and his Depar¬ ture from them that Night, and this in Reverence to his Name, until the Kingdom cfGod came to be enlarged in their Hearts, and the King to (it in his Kingdom, after a fpirituul manner, ( 12 ? ) to fup, and give himfelfto be Life and Nourifhment to .their Souls. We read alfo concerning the Apo- files, h ow ihey continued daily with one Accord in the Temple, and break¬ ing Bread from Houfe to Fioufe, eat¬ ing their Meat with Gladnefs and Sin- glenefs of Heart; and they eat in a re¬ ligious Way, having made a joint Pre¬ paration for coming to eat together 5 and this did figeify their Unity and Love one to another : They alfo did eat to fatisfy their bodilv Wants •, what then ? Did not the Apoftles, when they came together in that Love and Unity, find the Lord near unto them, to com¬ fort them, and make them rejoice, and edify their Souls ? Yet it was not in the Meat that they found the Lord, but in their drawing near in their Spirits to his Spirit, and to one another in his Love. This Way of Tradition was foon corrupted in the Uie of it bv Men, as may be leen in the Church of Corinth., where rhe Apoftle complains againft them, When they cme together 10 eat that ( 124 ) thffit Supper which they called the Lord's Supper , in ft end of performing it unto the Lord in an acceptable M inner, they were m danger of eating and drinking Damnation to themfclves , i Cor. xi. 17, 18. ' v ‘ So they that met together for the worfe, did not attain to the Know¬ ledge of the Spiritual and invifible Food which comes from Heaven, to renew and comfort the Souls of the Saims in their Meetings together $ neither did they accomplish that Supper outward¬ ly, but in a corrupt Manner: And as Corruption came into the Churches, the People went mQre and more after outward Traditions, making of them more and more corruot, by letting them up inftead of the Subftance, and inftead of the Kingdom of God; the Coming of which was to put an End to them. ) CHAP- ( 125 ) C II A P. VII. * , / * • * Concerning Reprobation. i T H E Mercy of Gcd Almighty hath been, and is, in a great and large Meafure extended towards the Children of Men, by fending his Mefc fengers to offer unto them Covenants of Peace, though they daily rebel a- gainft him: And the Meffage which he did put into the Mouth of his Pro¬ phet, was, As / live , faith the Lord God, I have noFleafure in the Dealhof the Wicked, but that the Wicked turn from his Way and live 5 Turn ye, turn ye Jrom your evil Ways, for why will ye die, 0 Houfe of Ifrael, Ezek. xxxiii. 1 I. For God fo loved the World , that he gave bis only begotten Son, that who- Joever believeth in him fhould not perifh, but have everlafting Life. For Godfent not his Son into the World to condemn the J ( 126 ) 0 - ^ the World, but that the World through him might bef.ivcd, J hn iii. 16, 17. So the Apoftleshad received theMi- niftiy of Reconciliation, teltitying, 2 hat God was ir. Chriji r econo long the World untohimfelfnot imputing their Trefpafjits unto them and hath commit¬ ted unto us the Word oj Reconciliation : Wow then ire are Ambaffadors for Chriji, as though God did befeech you by us, we ■pray you in Chr ill’s Stead, be ye recon¬ ciled to God, 2 Cor. v. 19, 20. But contrary to theft Things, there are fome hold forth. That God ordain¬ ed the moll: Part of Mankind to Dam¬ nation, and the other Part to Salvati¬ on, even from the Beginning, or be¬ fore the Creation $ fa that there is no' Pofi'bility for any one of them to he loft, that are fo fecured, nor any one of thofe that are fo left, (ball ever be faved. If this were true, it would overturn all the Protnifes and Covenants of Peace which God fent his Mefiengers to publifh throughout all the Scrip¬ tures, and would deny the Reconcilia- ( 127 ) tion which God offers unto the World through (Thrift: This intimates alfo, that God harh not fent his Son into the World to fave the World, but to damn it. This aifo .renders God unmerciful, ( whole Mercies excel ail his Works) if he ordained the molt Part of Man¬ kind to be damned, not giving them one Talent, nor any G^ace, nor Day of Vifitation ; but ordai ;ed them to fin, and wotk all Uririghteoufnefs, that he may punilh them eternally for doing that which he ordained them to do. - By this there is no Room to extend Mercy to the greateli Part of Mankind. This is contrary to all the Prorniles, Invitations and Counfels, which the Scriptures are full of, from the Begin¬ ning to the End, by calling People to he converted, and return to God from their evil Ways, and that under fare •Promifes, that a Door is opened lor them in Chrift their Redeemer, who died for all: But they fay, Chrift died not but for the Elect, that is, thofe few - ( 128 ) that were ordained to be faved from the Beginning. This con traditts theScriptures which declare, that Chiilt died for every one, as may be feen, to wit. That God will have all Men to be faved, and to come unto the Knowledge of the Truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator be¬ tween God and Men, the Man thrift Jefus : Who gave himfelf a Ranfom for all, to be teftified in due Time, inhere un¬ to I am ( fa id Paul) ordained a Preacher and an Apoftle, i Tim. ii. 4, 5, 6 t 7 - So the fame Apoftle faith, That Chrift died for all, and tafted Death for every Man , Hebrews ii. 9. And is the Propitiation for our Sins , and not for ours only , but alfo for the Sins of the whole World, 1 John ii. 2. So Likewife the Angels proclaimed to the Shep¬ herds, the Coming of Chrift to be good Tidings of great Joy , which fhall be to all People 5 and there was with the An¬ gel a Multitude of the heavenly Ho ft, praifing God , and faying , Glory to God in the high eft, and on Earth Peace, good Will IO, 12, ( 129 ) Will towards Men, Luke ii. 14. - And trul y, my Paper is too Ihort to contain but few of the many Calls and Invitations which God tenders to Sin¬ ners, Come unto mead ye that labour and. are heavy laden , and 1 will give you Reft, Matthew x». 28. This is the Meffage which God doth, and did, in all Ages fend his Minifters upon, to call Sin¬ ners to be reconciled to him through Chrift, who is the Light which light- eth every one that cometh into the World, and tailed Death for every Man, and he was given to be a Light to the Gentiles, and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth. - Here is the Door of Salvation open¬ ed to all Mankind, thofe who ask, and feek, and knock, they fhall come in, and be received with Joy : Alfo the Grace of God, which bringeth Salvati¬ on, hath appeared unto all Men. By thefe Things we may believe, that a Day of Vilitation from God, through his Grace and Light, is or¬ dained to all Mankind upon the Face of r i3o) of the whole Earth : For there is no Man lb far in any Corner of the World, but God is near unto him, if he will feek him •, and where is there any Sin¬ ner that knows not at Times the Re¬ provings from the Light in his own Heart and Confcience, calling for Re- pentanceand Amendment of Life, al- • luring Peace to him, if he will do good, and likewife threatning fome Punifh- ment for his Wickednefs ? * Yea, whilft the Light (bines, and Grace appears, and God by his Spirit ftrives with the Sinner, it is poffible he may be faved, and that by the Lord, and through his great Mercy ? For Grace and Light is all-fufficient to lave and deliver every Man that yields Obedience thereunto, whatever out waif Knowledge he wants, The Grace that bringetb Sulvation tcacbeth every bis whole Duty , Tit. ii.. 12. For by Grace are ye faved, Eph. ii. 8. Alfo the Light , which is Cbrift, light- neth every JWan that cotneth into the World 5 as he himlelf Laid, I am the Light of the World j he that followctb ( ni ) me, Jhall not walk in Darknefs, but Jhall have the Light of Life. Juhn viii. 12. He is all-lufficient to lead untoSalvatl- on every one that hearkeneth to him while he knocks, and thole that turn at his Reproof, he prrmiied to give them of hisSpirit, and mukeknown his Words unto them. But thofe that rejed the Vifitations, the Lord leaveth them, and their Blood is upon their own Heads. Becauje I have called (laid Wiidom) and ye refuf- ed, I have fir etched out my Hand, and no Man regarded. Prov. i. 24. Therefore the Lord gives up Sinners to take their own Ways * then the Day of their Vifi- tation pafleth over their Heads, and the Lord leaves them, and fo there is none that will deliver them in the Day of Diftrefs. This is agreeable to the Words of the ApoltleB/#/, in the Place where thoie that plead for Reprobation would fallen fomething, What if God willing to Jhcw his Wrath , and make his Power known , endured with much Long-foffering, the Veffels of Wrath fitted to Defiruffion ? G Rom, ( 132 ) Rom. ix. 22. The Word (Long-fuffer- ing) (hews that they had a Day of Vifi- tation, but they reje&ed it ; wherefore Chrift wept over Jerufalem , faying, That Jbe was to be defrayed , and laid even with the (around , becaufe (faid he) thou kneweft not the Time of thy Y/Jitati- on, Luke xix. 44. Therefore Man’s Deftru&ion is of himfelf, but his Salvation is from the Lord: In Chrift does the Ele&ion ftand, and Juch as are grafted in the Vine, and overcome the IVorld, and Satan and his Temptations , they JhaU eat of the hidden Manna, and a white Stonefball be given them, and in the Stone a Kew Name written, which no Man knoweth, favir.g he that receiveth it. Rev. ii. 17. here is the heavenly Infcription, and the Karnes of the Elett, which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Rev. xxi. 27 - Are not People prefumtuous and felfilh? Nothing takes more hold on them, than what they received from their own Church by Tradition, let it be as erroneous as may be 5 they will have it ('m ) it to be a Gofpei Truth, let God, Chrift and the Scripture, fay what they v/ili *, but the Thing faid by the Churchmen and Society, which the Man owns, he will believe and follow, and judge it erroneous in all others, if they believe not the lame Things, as may be feen by divers wrong Rudiments, which crept in amongft Chriftians in the Night o? Obfcurity, when the Church went into the WiWernefs, and the falfe Church, even the Whore of Babylon , fat upon the People. So in this Cafe, God faith, 1 have no Pleafure in the Death of him that dieth , Ezek. xviii. 32. But thele Men fay, that God hath willed and or¬ dained the greateft Part of Mankind to fin and die for ever. God calls the Wicked, faying, Turn ye, turn ye> ruby will ye die , return therefore and. live. Ezek. xxxiii. 11. But they fay, that God holds the Wicked under his Order of Reprobation, that they can do no lefs than fin to their Damna¬ tion. G 2 The r i?4) The Apoftle faith, God would have all Men 10 be faved , and come to the Know¬ ledge of the Truth. Tim. ii. 4. But they fay, God would have, yea he willed, and made the mod Part to Dtftru&ion, and that he wich-holdeth from them all true Knowledge, and all Means of Sal¬ vation, fo that they may not lay hold thereon. If I were to go on after this Manner, I might gather a great Part of the Scrip¬ tures, to fhew how oppofite this Dec¬ line is againft God, againft his Mercies and Love and Good-will towards all Mankind ^ it is alfo againft Chrift, by making his Coming, his Death and Re¬ demption, unprofitable to the greateft Part of Mankind, but rather adds to their Damnation. This denies theReconciliation, which God offers unto the World, through Chrift: It denies the Gofpel, which is glad Tidings of great Joy to all People: It makes Men of Opinion, that it is in vain to ask, to feek and knock, in con- tradition to the Words of Chrift, when he ( 135 ) he preached to the Multitude. Mji'. vii. 7, 8. rf> Thefe alfo fay, That Sin cannot be a Means to lole anv ot thole that are elected, and that the Reprobate cannot; do any thing that may be a Means to fave them : By this it is in vain for Man to mention Religion *. Oh 1 How crcfs this is to the Words ol the Lord, by his Prophet in the Chapter before mentioned, from the Beginning to the End, Behold all Sou’s are mine, the Soul that Jlnneth it Jhall die ^ the Righteouj- nefs of the Righteous (hall, he upon him. Ezek. xviii. 4 See from the twenti¬ eth Verfe to the End of the Chapter, clofe to the fame purpofe; and alfo in Chap, xxxiii. from the eleventh Verfe to the Nineteenth, where it plainly appears, that Sin feparates between People and their Creator, and their Return to him makes the Reconcilia¬ tion. Let it be our Belief therefore, that it is pohible for the ungodly Man through. Mercy, to return unco the Lord, whilft he calls, invites and preffeth, (hewing forth ( n6 ; forth his Hands, and knocking at the Door of the Heart. Here is the Law that was given to Cain in the Morning oi rhe Creation, ]f thou doji well , Jhalt thou not be accepted ? And tj thou doji not well. Sin herb at the Door. Gen. iv. 7. Thefe Terms follow through the Scriptures, from the Beginning to the End. The Spirit and the Bride Jay, come. And let him that heareth fay, come. And let him that is a thirji , come. And vcho- f° ever will , let him take the Water of Life freely. Rev. xxii. 17. Therefore let us truft in the Lord, and believe his Promifes, hope in his Mercies, depending upon Chrift and his Offering, who hath redeemed us, and paid the Ranfom for us, by giving him- felf a Propitiation for rhe Sins of the whole World ; alfo let us yield Obedi¬ ence to the Grace and Light which is given us, for a Manifeflation to lead us into that Salvation which he hath pre¬ pared for us by redeeming us. Furthermore thefe hold forth, that the Lord ordained Adam to fall, and it is ( i?7 ) is he that chives and caufeth the Wick¬ ed to iin, and keeps them in their Sins, that he may have i a It Caufe to punilii them eternally for their Sins, and alio that God ordained all Things that come to pafs. We may here fee, that thele make God the Author of all Wickednefs * and alfo more unjuft, cruel and unmercilul than the crueleft of Men as ever we heard oft For where is, or has been any King or Ptince, who would hind his People with Chains of Iron in dark Pri- fons, before they did any Thing to dif- pleafe him, and there keep them under inch Locks and Bolts, that it would never be poftible for them to come forth, yet come at Times, and call them into the Field to work his Harveft, and be- caufe they come net forth, then chaftife them with the meft cruel Punifhment ? O. who would impute this to God, who is flow to Anger, and great in Mercy, and repenteth ox the Evil.. Where then dees this erroneous Dodtrine allow the Devil to have any ( 193 ) any Hand in the Deftrudion of People, feeing that he cannot deceive, nor gain any, but fiich as God hath ordained and p epired for him ? What (hall we f: to this ? Did not Frier know what h laid, or was the Devil foolifh and mad, mho was jo bujy, like a rowing Fyon , walKing about, Jet king 1 whom he might de¬ vour. i Pet. v. 8. Bin Satan, no doubt, is well allured, that God does nor make People on Pur- pole for him •, and that he has none, but fitch as he catches in his Snares and Nets, by his Deceit and Baits •, he is the Enemy of Men, and the Enemy of Truth; he fowed the Tares in the Field ; he deceives and corrupts People, mak¬ ing them Children of the wicked One, as Chrifi; faid, But the Tares are the Children of the zeieked One. The Enemy mho / owed them is the Devil. Matt. xiii. 38, 39. This Enemy deceived People at firft, to fin againlt the Will of God, and his Commandments, and he works in the Children of Difobedicnce, and holds / CD C 139 ) holds Sinners captive at his Will, in his dark Prifons. But Chrift was fent by the Father, and anointed to preach good Tidings un¬ to the Meek , to bind up the broken heart¬ ed , to proclaim Liberty to the Captives , and the opening oj the Prifon to them that arc bound. Iia. xli. i. Luke iv. i 3 . Satan is gone out to deceive the Nations , which are in the four Corners of the Earth , Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the Number of whom is as the Sand of the Sea. Rev. xx. tf. But Chrifl was given for a Light to the Gentiles , and Salvation to the Ends oj the Earth. Ifa. xlix. 6 . To open the blind Eyes, to bring out the Prifoners from the Prifon, and them that ft in Lari - nefs , out of ihe Prifon houje. Ifa. xlii. 7. To reconcile God and Men, to de- itrov the Works of .the Devil, which made the Separation. This is the general Salvation which Chrift hath purchafed to all Mankind, bv his own precious Blood, and the Help which he gave them, when he pioprifed, that thejleed 0! the Wcma a G 7 fhcul^ ( I4°0 fhould bruife the Serpent’s Head, and as the deadly Wound came by the Sin and Difobedience ofand over-ran the whole and every Part of the World; fo through Chrift and his Sacrifice, who was ordained to die from the Beginning of the Creation, he is the Phyfician that ■was given to heal the Wound fo far as it is gone. To the eternal God, whofe Mercies are over all his Works, be Honour and Obedience, Reverence and Glory, who is worthy for ever and for ever¬ more. ■- ' ■ There is another Branch of the fame Dofhine, where they fay, that thole who once received Grace from God, it is impoffible for them to fall from Grace, or lofe their Salvation. This is likewife contrary to the fore- mentioned Scriptures, where it is laid at large, that when the Righteous turn- eth away from his Righteoufnel's, and committeth Iniquity, his Righteouf- nefs (hall be no more remembred to him, but for the Sin he hath cammitted he (hall - ( 141 ) (hall die : Alfo Chrift himfelf faith. That he is the true Vine, and his Father is the Husbandman, every Branch in him that beareth not Fruit, he taketh away. John xv. i, 2. And fays Chrift, If a Man abide not in me, he is caft jorJ h as a Branch, and is withered, and Men gather them, and caft them into tbs hire, and they are burned, Ver. 7. So it is poffibie, that Branches once grafted in the Vine, may becutorr, oe- caufe of Unfaithfulnefs: This is like- wife truly anfwerable to the Apoltle s Words, when he was writing to tho(e whom he accounted the Ele€T, and were grafted into the true Vine •, he warns them faying. Behold the Goodnefs and Severity of God : On them which fell,. Severity : But towards thee, Goodnefs, if thou continue in his Goodnefs : Othti * wife, thou alfo fhalt be cut off. Rom. Xl 2 2 • This runs agreeable with the Stream of Scriptures* to warn the Chriftian to keep on his Watch, left in any wife as the Serpent beguiled Eve, he himfelt I v might ( H 2 ) might be deceived ; for the fame Apo- ftle faith, For it is tmpojjible for thofe who were once enlightened, and hove ta fed of the heavenly Gift , and were made Far takers of the Holy Gbofl, and have tafed the good Word of God , and the Powers of the World to come, if they fhall fall away , to renew them again un¬ to P.epentance , feeing they crucify unto themfelves the Son of God afrefh. Heh. vi. 4, 5, 6. See Chap. x. 2 6. Therefoie he admonifheth the Saints among the Galatians , faying, Standfaji therefore in the Liberty wherewith Chnji hath made us free, and be not entangled with the Take of Bondage. Gal. v. r. And the Apoftle Peter, fully teftifies to the fame Purpofe. i Pet. ii. 20, 21, 22. I do not fee any great Occafion to col¬ led many Scriptures to prove that it is- poflible for People to flip and fall away from a State of Grace, and after they are wafhed, to wallow in the Mire, inafmuch as I know not any Scripture faith or verifies that the fame is im- pofiible. For ( H? ) For fome of the Angels fell, having left their Habitation. Adam fell, and many Thoufands of the Pilgrims fell in¬ to the Snares of Satan, after they had the Knowledge of the Spirit of God to lead and enlighten them. 2 Tet. ii. 4* Jade i. 6 . This is a Warning for all God’s Servants to be careful, faithful and watchful, left when their Lord cometh, he find them a fleep, and their Work undone. CHAP. VIII. I » Concerning Perfecution. ■ • O F a Truth, great is the Myftery of Ungodlinefs, which hath wrought, and is working in the Darknefs of Mens Hearts, in all Ages of the World, the old Satan, the crafty and dark Spirit, which worketh in the Night, turning many Vineyards which God had plant¬ ed, to bear four Grapes: And he began to work in the Church in the Morning of I ( *44 ■) / , r i I ' V , ’ of Chriftianity, appearing like an Angel of Light : And as Chrift fent his Apo- flles, lo Satan alfo fent Apoftles, who transformed themfelves to be Apoftles of Chrift, and Minilters of Righteouf- nefs •, yet for all that, God carried on his Work, and the true Church and Minifters profpered and Chriftians mul¬ tiplied. ' "H K y& Therefore the Devil envied, and ap¬ peared again in his own Colour, a de¬ vouring Lyon, and entered into the Heart of Am>, to pevfecute and impri- fon, to kill, to burn, and ftone the Lambs and Sheep of Chrift ; and for all this, the Blood of the Chriftians was the Seed of the Church ; though many were martyr’d, yet the Chriftians mul¬ tiplied • fo there followed ten heavy Perfecutions, under the Pagan Roman Emperors, and yet they increafed in Number. But the Way Satan overcame moft, was by cooling of Love, and buffering People to receive a Profeffion of Chrift and Chriftianity, and from Age to Age Darknefs thickned, Iniquity encreafed, Schifms ( 145 ) Schifms and Contentions coming in 5 lefs of the Spirit and of the Grace, and of divine Infpiration $ but Ordinan¬ ces and Cuftoms were more and more fet up, and more Strefs laid upon them, and then fell out concerning them, how to ufe and order them, fome would have one Way, and fome another Way ; then they broke out into Forks and Branches, in divers Schifms and Opinions, deftrudtive He- refies. Fighting and fpilling one ano¬ ther’s Blood, perfecuting and killing Chriftians about Religion. There Satan got the Viflory, by making Chriftendom Darknefs and a Wildernefs, and the Church a falfe Church, that is, a Whore to fit in Au¬ thority upon People, and Multitudes, and Nations, and Tongues •, file alfo fat upon the Beafi: having Heads and Horns, that is, the Earthly Power, which was an Enemy to the True Church, And the Woman was arrayed in Purple and Scarlet Colour , and decked with Gold and precicus Stones , and Pearls, ( 14 ^ ) Pearls, having a Golden Cup in her Hand full of Abominations and Filthi- nefs of her Fornication , Revelations xvii. 4. Thus the Whore was decked wirh outward Traditions and Cuftoms, and Church Ordinances, being transformed glorioully in the View of the People upon whom fhe fat, and deceiving them, holding forth a Golden Cup, that is, a Profeffion of Chriftianity, aud every falfe Appearance, Deceit and Diffmularion, but all Fihhinefs within: And yet John five upon her Forehead a Kame written , Myftery Babylon the grear, the Mother of Harlots , and A- bominations oj the Earth \ and he favo the Woman drunken with the Blood of the Saints , and with the Blood of the Mirtyrs of Jefus , and he wondred with great Admiration , Rev. xvii. 5, 6. The Spirit of E nmity, which was in the Pagans in perfecuting Chrift and his Church, entered into the People that held a of Chiiftianity •, fo the Church of Rome became bloody and perfecuting, to kill, to burn, and . to ( HI ) to martyr them whom the Lord fent unto them, cr railed amorglt them, to bear Teftimony a gain ft their Cor¬ ruption, evil Conterlaiions and Super- ftitions. Alter they had thus left the Ttuth, and loll Sight of Chrift, who was the Head of the true Church, and Gover¬ nor in his Saints and Followers, the Bilhop of Rome was fet up to be Head of the falfe Church, and then it was not what Chrift faid was to be taken Notice of, but what the Pope and the Church faid ; the Lord of the Ffarveft laid to his Servants, pull not the Tares, let them grow together with the Wheat until the Time of Harveft * but the Pope and the Whore, who call the Wheat (to wit, the Children of Grace) Tares, fay, pull them all up $ fo Satan would root up Truth and pure Religi¬ on from among Men. , . The Spirit of Perfecution is a dark, angry, revengeful and unchriftian Spi¬ rit, in what Man or People fcever it appears; it is an Enemy to Truth, and of that ftubborn curbed Nature, which began ( 148 ) began toappear in the Time of Cain: And that great City, to wit, Babylon , began to lay her Foundation in the Hearts of People in the Morning of the Creation; for it was faid of her, that in her was found the Bl >od of the Pro¬ phets and Saints, and of all thac were llain upon the Earth. . So the evil Spirit and Nature were the Caufe of killing of the Prophets, and of perfecutingof the Righteous in every Age-, fo there was, and is, an Enmity in the Serpentine Spirit againft Chrift and his Saints : So the Lord fenr his Meffengers as Lambs amongfl Wolves, to be perfecuted and brought before Judgment-Seats to be killed, to be martyred for his Name-fake, whom the World hated. Therefore rhe Devil, the old Ene¬ my of all Good, moves his Servants to perfecu.te the Innocent 5 and it be¬ longs to Perfecutors to have two ' Things to fit them for Perfecution ; their Eyes muft be hoodwinked vvi r h thick Darknefs, fo that they may not fee what they are doing-, for Chrift faid ( H9 ) faid to hisDifciples, They (ball put you ! out of the Synagogues, yea , the Time cometh , that vehojeever /allot hyou, vaU think that he doth God Service , John xvi. 2. It belongs to them alfo to have their feared with an hoc Iron, left (he (hould grieve and bleed when they kill and butcher the Inno¬ cent Lambs. But in this Blindnefs and Cruelty, the Perfecutors confute together, come, we the Lambs and Sheep of Chrift, let us deftrey the Wolves. Where did we hear that Sheep killed Wolves? There is neither Scripture, Example nor Rea- lon, that will tell us any fuch Thing; but Perfecutors (hew themfelves to be Wolves, and thofe they perfecute to be the Martyrs of Jefus. So Blindnefs, Ignorance, Cruelty, Malice, Envy and Hatred of ail Good- r.efs, will (it Judges in Babylon s Tribu¬ nals, when the Followers of Jefus are judged to fuffer for his Name : And in thefe Courts it is to no Purpofe to ask. What Evil hath this Pilgrim commit¬ ted ? But away with fuch a one, hang, burn. C 150 ) burn, crucifie him! This was the Treatment Chtift himfelf had in the Eabylonifh Tribunal ; it was in vain for Pilate in his own Court to atgue for Jefus •, rheir Complaint againlt him was, that he perverted the People, and was reaching through all Judea , there¬ fore thev would have him crucified. But Pi Lite fa id, I Jin d no Fault in this Alan, and argued again, that he had examined him. And Herod having examined him, and bad found no Fault in him , nor any Thing worthy of Deaths he would therefore chaffife him , and let him go : Then the whok Multitude cried out at -once, away with this Alan, and releafe unto us Bara has, who for Mur¬ der was caft into Prifon: Pilate there¬ fore willing to releaf e Jefus, fpoke again to them, but they cried out, faying, crucifie, crucifie him : But Pilate rea- Joned , faying , Why, what Evil hath he done? I have found no Caufe of Tenth in him, I void therefore chaftife him and let him go : And they wore ivftant with loud Cries, requiring that he might be crucified. I ( I?I ) crucified,, and the Voices of them, and jf the High Enefis prevailed, Luke xxiii. Th is is the Treatment the Matter had. who left Foottteps for his Saints and Martyrs, (hewing them divine and evangelical Examples, how to follow him through Perfecution, by demon- ftrating his Do&rine and pure Nature in his Sufferings, who Laid, Love your Enemies, blcfs them that curfe you , do Good to them that hate you, and pray for them which difpitefully ufe you , and pcr- fecute you. Mat. v. 44. So when he was led to be crucified, and his cruel Enemies drove Nails thro’ his Flett), he pitied them : Here is the Heavenly Nature that is in- the Lamb, and the Evangelical Spirit which he makes his Followers Partakers of in their Sufferings •, Then he prayed for them, faying, 0 God forgive them •, for they know not what they do. And the firft that followed his Ma¬ tter in Martyrdom was Stephen, who had received of the fame Spirit, Grace and Virtue, to fit him to fuffer for his ( 152 ) his Teftimony. When the People were cruel and devililh, (toning him to Death, be kneeled, down , and cried with a loud Voice , Lord, lay not this Sin to their Charge , A They alfo call the People of the Lord out of Babylon, that they be not Partakers of her Sins, and receive not of her Plagues $ inviting ah to the Waters, to buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price. Satan ( 1 )) ) Satan is difturbed at this, left he iofeth his Subjects, and he moves the Inhabitants of the Earth, who have been made drunk with the Wine of the great City’s Fornication ; as aifo her Merchants, left they lcle their Gam ■, and her great Men who lived deliciouf- lv in her, feeding their Lufts; thefe will agree to war againft the Lamb, and againft his Saints; but the Wea¬ pons of the Warfare of Chriti’s Ser¬ vants are not carnal, but fpiritual^ and in the meek Spirit (after they have known the Fear of God) they perfuade others, exhorting them in Love and good Will to their Bodies and Souls, befeeching them to be reconciled to God, fhewing them good Converfation and Examples, Patience and Forbear¬ ance, in order to gain them, as the A- poftle James faid, Who is a wje Man, and endued With Knowledge among you ? Lei him fhew out of a good Converjation his Works with Meeknejs of Wifdom but if ye have bitter Envying and Strife in your Hearts, glory not, and he not againft the Truth \ this Wifdomdcfcend - H etb ( *s6 ) etb not from above , but is earthly, Jen - fual and devi/ijh : iw wta/v Envying and Strife is, there is Confufton and every evil Work ■, but the Wifdom that is from above, is fir ft pure , /be/? peace¬ able, gentle and eft'y to be entreated t full of Mercy and good Fruits, with¬ out Partiality, and without bypocrify , James iii. 13, 14, i5> 16, 17. This is the Wifdom that gains upon the Hearts of People, in order to turn them to God-, not to drive them by Oppref- fton and Strength of Arm, and carnal Weapons. f ' ; “ It is very poffible, that Numbers of the true Church may be deceived by Satan, to hold forth fome erroneous Points which the Church cannot bear » what therefore (hall be done to fuch, but after Perfuafion and Advice, if they cannot be gained, then turn them out of the Unity of the Church, and there leave them amongft the reft of Man¬ kind, to ftand or fall to their own Mailer? But what if the Church is in Authority, and the Rulers and Officers are Members thereof? Is it net then lawful r ‘I??) lawful for the Officers to ufe Chaf- tifement, as Fines and Imprifonmenr, in order to turn the Erroneous into the Wav > ' ' ' Of a Truth, it is not Perfecution (that is, to rob and imprifon) will ever bring People to love the Religion of thole that persecute them but it gives them an Advantage to confirm and ftrengthen them in their Way, and count themfelves fuffering Perlecution for the Sake of Chrift and their Con¬ ference, looking upon their Perfecutors to be cruel and unmerciful; for Per¬ fecution is heinous in the Sight of all that fuffer under it: But it is natural, and too often happens among the Pro- feffors of Chriftianitv, when they get into Power, to raife Perfecution againft thofe that cannot join with them in Religion. This is alfo contrary to the Nature of Chrift and his Command¬ ments, Law, and heavenly Kingdom, which is not cf this World, neither are his Servants to war for it with car¬ nal Weapons, as may be feen by r. is Doftrine, when the Village of the H 2 mdritans ( 158*) f mantans would nor receive him and his Difciples. James and John feeing it, they f iid. Lord , to ill thou toe com¬ mand Fire to come down from Heaven and confume them, even as Elias did ? But be turned and rebuked them , and /aid, Te know not what manner of Spi¬ rit ye are of, for the Son of Man is not come to deftroy Men's Lives , but to five them, Luke ix. 54, 55, 56. Let us obferve how far it was from Jefus to return any Revenge, though Power was in his Hand 5 and how he reproved that Spirit in his Difciples, and utterly difowned it, as a Thing contrary to his Nature, Kingdom and Gofpel. And fince it is unlawful, and contrary to the Way of Chrift to call for Fire from Heaven to deftroy thofe that would not receive him, how much more unlawful is it to kindle a Fire on Earth to deftroy fuch as believe in him, becaufe they cannot for Confci- ence fake pin their Religion exa&ly to the Sleeves of the Magiftrates, and be¬ lieve and fay every Thing like them ? And if People mutt follow the Religion ' of I ( ) of thole that are in Authority, it is in vain for them to learch the Scriptures, and endeavour to try what is good, in order to follow ic, becaufe they mult receive the Migiftrates Religion, or leave the Country, or elfe relolve to die for their Religion. The Perfecutors, by carrying on and pleading for their Woik, do juftify all the cruel and curfed Perfecutors, who in all Ages afflicted God’s People .* But it is poflible they may fay, thofe in Times palt were wicked, and thofe whom they periecuted were good •, but it is not lo at this Time, becaufe we are the godly People who are in the Way, and we endeavour to bring them that are gone aftray to the Right, and to return to us. Is not this the Plea and Excufe by which all Perfecutors in Ages paft, did feek to excufe and Ihelrer themfelves, and jullify their Caufe? Therefore fince the Perlecutors of every Age have been of one Voice, how much greater Truth can he in thefe Excufes H 5 in ( i6e ; in the Mouths of latter Ferfecutors, more than in the former > It is in vain for them to fay, We are the Lambs, let us perftcute the Wolves $ becaufe till this Time of the World, the Lambs have fuffered, as the Apoftle faith, All that Kill live godly in Chr.jl Jefus Jhall fujfer Perfecution, 2 Tim. iii. 3 2. ft ttt When a trueChriftian is fully refol- ved to keep the Commandments of God, and the Magiftrates command the contrary, the Faithful mult fuffer for his Religion, let come what will c^rne, and fay, as Peter and John, Whether it be right in the Sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye, Afts iv. 19. Thefe lat¬ ter Ages verify the fame Things. It is reproachful to relate, how much the People called fjjhaktrs fuffere d in Eng¬ land and other Places, becaufe they c&u'd not fivear, for the fake of keep¬ ing the Command of Chrift, who faid Sw.'ar not at all g and yet they (the Magiftrates) faid ftp ear. But ( ICI ) But Chrift gave forth the Com* mandment fo clear and lull, that all the corrupted Sons of Adam cannot make it void. When Chrift was (hew¬ ing the Difference between his own Law, even the Law of the New Co¬ venant, and the Law of Mofes, he fxid, Te have heard that it hath been faid by them of old Time , Thou fhalt not for/wear thy J'elf, but (halt perform un¬ to the Lord thine OathsBut 1 fay un¬ to you, Swear not at all: Herein the fitft Place he forbids fwearing to the Lord, which under the old Law was commanded j yea further, A either by Heaven , for it is God's Throne, nor by the Earth , for it is his Footfool 5 nei¬ ther by Jerufalem, for it is the City of the great King •, neither Jhalt thou Jwear by thy Head, becaufe thou cayifl not make one Hair white or black but let your Communication be Tea , lea, Kay, Kay-, for what fever is more than thefe cameth of Evil. We fee here that Chrift -hath forbidden all manner of Oaths, and alfo commanded not to fwear at all. Mat. v. 33 , 34 . 3 $, 36, 37 - But ( 1 ^ 2 .<) But there are many of t'nofe that take upon rhem ro be good Chriftians in thefe Times, do not lee a Necefiity of keeping the Command of Chrift ^ therefore they it rive to gather many Reafons, feeking to caff down and a- boliih this Commandment and Doc¬ trine of Jeius 5 but the more a Man, that is wile in his own Sight, gathers for Arguments and Realons to oppofe Chrift, the more he makes himfelf an Enemy and Refifter of him.* For he is the Author of the New Covenant, the true Lawgiver, the great Prophet, whom every one is to hear under the Pain of being cut ofF; then where will a Man go to hunt for, or gather Ar¬ guments to ftand for his Aft of Swear¬ ing ? If he goes to the Law of Mofes , Chrift hath changed that 5 thou haft nothing there unlefs thcu wilt be a Jew. Bur if thou comeft to fearch the N ewTeftament, thou wilt find there the Apoftle James of the fame Mind with his Mafter, becaufe he gives a manifeft Command, that they fhould not ( ) ' not fwear, faying, But above all things, my Brethren , jzvear not , neither by hea¬ ven, neither by the Earth, neither by any other Oath •, but let your Tea be Tea, and your Kay, Kay, left ye fall into Condemnation, Ja mes v. 12. See here how both thele Teftimonies of Chrift and his Apcftle meet each other, fo agreeably to (hut out all manner of Swearing. This Apoftlealfo command¬ ed it above al! Things, becaufeit came from his great Mailer, even the Lord cf Lords, and King of Kings, and like- vvife under fuch Danger, left they Jhould fall into Condemnation. And yet People would hold forth, that neither Chrift: nor his Apoftle did forbid Swearing before Magistrates, in a Way of bearing "VVitnefs in Cauies.- But of a Truth, thefe Teftimonies of Chiift and his Apoftle are wrought in¬ to a Ring, fo intirely ftrong, that there is no room for Time or Caufe to break in upon them • But when any of thofe who are for obiervirg this Command, come before Magiflrates to be Wir- nefles in a Caufe, what will they an¬ ti 5 fwer? ( 1*4; fwer ? Hath not Chrift told them, and put Words into their Mouths, to wit, your Communication be Tea, Tea •, J\ay, ]\ay : Whatsoever, is more than ihe /\ cometh of Evil. And the Apo- ftlc likewile, Eet your Tea be Tea, and your Kaybe Kay, left you fall into Con■ demnahon. Of a Tr tub, great is the Difference between the Voice of the A pottle, and that of the prefent World, where he fays, Above all Things, Jvoear not at all but they fay, Above all things you mu ft fwear. They will not allow any to be a Minifter in the Church, without he is firft fworn, which is a Breach of the Command of Chrift 5 as if they deemed that a Mart is not fit for any Service in the World without he firi! fwears. It would be but reafonable for Peo¬ ple that confefs Chrift, if they could not forbear Swearing, to be eafie with thole that would forbear, becaufe of keeping the Commandment. 0 ever - lofting Father , Lord of Heaven and Earth, enlighten thou the Children of Men , draw them out of Babylon, that dark • ( ) dark City , where is Envy and Malice, Pride and Contention , Revenge, Wars, and fpilling of Blood •, remove them to the New Jerulalem, where there is Light , where there is Love, where there is Tranquility , { 7 / 7 /fy, ghiietnefs, an l Fellowfnip one with another, and with the F/ther, and the Lamb, among all the Citizens, CHAP. IX. Concerning Antichrill, the Fall of Babylon, the Beaft, and Falle Prophet. T HE Meflhge which the Servants of God received of him, and de¬ clared unto others, That God is Light , and in him is no Darknef s at all •, and the Work which God let them upon, was, to turn People from Darknefs to Light, and from the Power of Satan ting to God, even from the dark Kingdom^ (where the Devil, the dark Spirit doth H <5 govern) ( J66 ) govern) to the Kingdom of Light, whereof the Lord God is the Light, and to that City which hath no ]\eed of the Sun, neither of the Moon to fhine in it \ for the Glory of Gcd did lighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof, and the Nations of them that are faved, Jhab Walk in the Light of it, Revel, xxi. 2 3, 24. 7 be Sun /hall be no more thy Light by Day, neither for Brightnefs fhall the Moon give Light unto thee ; but the Lord fhall be unto thee an ever- laffmg Light, and thy God thy Glory , Jfa. lx. 19. This is the Work of the true Apo- liles, even to call People to God, who is Light, and hath enlightned every Man, and calls them to Chrift who is the Light of Life-, and this Light, (which is the Father and the Son) hath lighted every Man that came into the World; And this is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men loved Darknefs rather than Light, becaufe their Deeds were evil: For every one that doth Evil hatetb the Light , neither cometh to the Light, led ' , his 0 ( ) for Deeds jhoitld be reproved ; but he that doth Truth, cometh to the Light, that his Deeds may be made matt if eft that they are wrought in God , John iii. 19, 20, 21. ' So they that hate the Light in them- felves, they hate God, becaufe he re¬ proves them for their Sins •, and where they love Datknefs in themfelves, they love the Devil, who fpeaks Peace to them, though they walk after their own Hearts Lulls. Thus the Minifters which God and Chrilf fend, are Hated by the World, becaufe they fpeak a- gainft Evil in Men. Therefore Jefus comforted his Difciples, faying. If the Woild hate you, ye know it hated me be¬ fore it hated you : If ye were of the Wot 'Id, the World would, love his own $ but becaufe ye are not of the World, but I have chofen ye out of the World, there¬ fore the World hatethyou, John xv. 18, 19. : - And in as much as the Woild could not receive, nor be pleafed with fitch Minifters as Chrift fent $ therefore the World did and doth provide and ac¬ commodate ' ( t6 8 ; commodate themfelves with Minifters to their own Content, who will fay what may pleafe them .* So they, hav¬ ing itching Ears, heap unto themfelves Teachers, who will have their Verfons in Admiration becaufe of Advantage, Jude 16. The World fitteth its Mmi¬ llers by its own Spirit and Wifdom, and 3S John faid, They are ojthe World, therefore fpeak they of the World,, and the World heareth them. And as ye have heard that Antichriji /hall come , even novo are there many Antichri fts, whereby we know that it is the la ft Time : They went out from us, but they were •not of us, for if they had been of us , they would no doubt have continued with us •, but they went out, that they might be made manife/l that they were not of us, i John iv. y. ii. iS, 19. Thefe are the falfe Prophets of whom Chrift fpoke, that they were to come among them in Sheeps Cloath- ing, whom they were to he aware of, and know them by their Fruits, Mat. vii. 15. And thefe falfe Teachers crept into ( 1 69 ) into the Church in the'Days of the Apofiies, who bore their Teftimonies a gain ft them, as may be feen, 2 Cor. ix. 12, 1 J 14, ry. Jude 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 1 6, 19. and i'everal other Places. So Corruption grew among the Teach¬ ers of the Church : The Bifhops came to be g r eat and honourable in the World; then went to covet after Re¬ verence and Pieheminence, high Pla¬ ces, Authority and Dominion over the Church, and over one another: Then great Gain and Riches mull be had to fupport them in Honour, alfo they muft learn in the Schools Degrees, Languages, and human Wildom, ro fit them to be Minifters in the Church. So by this Corruption increafing from Age to Ag'e, thofe that were poor, il¬ literate and unlearned, have been de- barr’d from having any Share in the Miniftry : Then the Spirit of Jefus and his Authority was excluded and fhut out of the Church; but human Rule, Wifdom and Honour, were fet up in- ftead ( * 7 ° ) ftead thereof, prefuming Authority to make their Minifters according to their own Wills and Way, letting upon them the Riches and Glory of this World; then every one was to countenance his own VVay, and to look after his Gain from his Qjrarter and Place where it was oidered him. Lo here ! Such Watchmen as were of old Time, who were ignorant, yea , they were greedy Dogs which can never have enough , and they are Shepherds that cannot under - fiand , Ifa. lvi. 11. Thefe Sort of Shepherds God pro¬ claimed Woe a gain ft, Who fed them - felves and not the Flock, faying, ve eat the Fat , and ye cloath you with the Wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the Flock : The Difeafed have ye net ftrevgthened , neither have ye healed that which was fick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye fought that which ■ was loft but with Force and Cruelty have ye ruled them , Ezek. xxxiv. z, 4 - The ( l 7 ! ) % \ The fame Complaint was made by the Prophet Jeremiah agairift the Pro¬ phets of Jtrufalem, mho ftrengthcncd the Hands of Evil-doers, that none re¬ turned from their Wickednefs: They fay fill unto them that defpije me, the Lord hath fold ye JhaU have leace and they fay unto every one that icalketb after the Imagination of his own heatt, no EvilJhaU come unto you •, I have not fent thefe Ptopbets, yet they ran- I have not fpoken to them, yet they pro- phefied. But if they had flood in my Counfel, and caufed my People to hear my Words, then they ft ould have turned themfelves from their evil Way, and. from the Evil of their Doings: And. they caufe my People to err by their Lies, and by their Lightnefs ■, yet ^J ent them not, nor commanded them y there- jorc they Jhall not profit this People at all, faith the Lord, Jer. xxiii. I 7 » - J > 22, 2?- Alfo by the Prophet Micah, Thus faith the Lord concerning the Pro¬ phets that make my People err, that bite with their Teeth, and cry Peace, and he., that puteth not into their Aloutbs, they eve % ( 172 ) even prep,ire War a gain ft him. The Heads thereof judge for Reward, and the Priefts thereof preach for Hire, and the Prophets t hereof divine for Money: Tet they will lean upon the Lord, and fay. Is not the Lord among us ? None Evil can come upon us, Mic. iii. y, ir. And in Truth, though there he falfe Teachers in this latter Time, that are decked with the Whore’s Jewels, and although they hold the golden Cup, vet the fame Root brings forth the fame Fruit * and as Chrift marked them, They are ravening Wolves , ye jhauknow them by their Fruits, Matr. vii. 17,16. So did the Apoftle Peter let the lame Marks on the falfe Teach¬ ers, faying of them, They are to come among the Chriftians, And through Covetoujnefs fhdU they with feigned Wl rds make Merchandize of you, whofe Judgment now of a long Time hngreth not , and their damnation flumberetb not, having Eyes full of Adultery that cannot ceafe from Sin, beguiling utilla¬ ble Souls an Heart they have cxerciftd with covetous Pratt ices, curfed Chi /- dren ( 173 ) Jren, which have for fake n the right Way, end are gone aft ray, jolt owing the Way of Balaam, who loved the Fl 'ages of Unrighteoufnej r, 2 Pet. ii. ?, 14, i>. This co etous Spirit entred into the Hearts of lome in the Church of Co¬ rinth, which caufed the Apaftle to be fo ftrift, that he would take nothing from any of them to anfwer his Necefi- firies, left he fhould give them Occa- fion, as he teftifies at large, how he had been in Want whilft he preached to them the Gofpel of God freely, 2 Cor. ix. 9. 12, 13. And thole covetous Minifters he reckoned to be falfe Apo- ftles, deceitful Workers, being trans¬ formed into the Apofiles of Chrift. And of a Truth, great is the Difference between the Miniftry and Minifters of Chrift, and the Minifters anil Mini- ftrv of Antichrift i they are as unlike as Water is to Fire, or Light to Dark- nefs; Chrift called his Dii'ciples from unlearned Men, and fitted them by his Grace and Inspiration ; Bust Antichrift mull have Scholars fitted with human Wifdom. Chsift communicated freely to ( *74 ) to them ofhis fpiritual Goodnefs, com¬ manding them to give as they had re¬ ceived treelv •, but the Minifters of An- tichrift receive not freely .• It is great Pains and Labour to them, and Ex¬ pence of much Maney ; therefoie it is coftlytoany thit receive of them. The Meilengers of G ;d called People to Chrilt the Fountain of living Water, that they might drink of the Water of Life freelv, and buy Wine and Milk without Monev and without Price : But the Merchants >f B by Ion call eve¬ ry Body to their Shops after this man¬ ner, Come to us and buy, and if you do not buy , pay and if you do not pay 9 toe zv:ll make War again[i you. But the A- poftle Paul faith, / have covered no Alan’s Silver or Gold, or Ap parel: Tea you yourfelves know, that thefe Hands have minified to my Kece/Jitv , and to them that were with me , Afts xx. 33, 34. But thefe Merchants are too great to work with their Hands $ they will have Gold, or Silver, Corn, Wooland Lambs, with Part of the Increafe of Peoples Goods. The ( * 7 ? ) The Apoftle fa id, A Keceffity is laid upon me to preach the Gofpel, yea Woe is unto me if 1 do it not: But there is no Necefiity uponthefe to preach any • but where they have the moft Wages. The Apoftle did not bid them believe Men, but God ; laying, Do I feek to plo aft Men ? For if 1 pie a fed Men , I Jhould not be the Servant of Chrift , Gal. i. io. But thefe are for pleafing of Men* therefore they are not the Ser¬ vants of Chrift. Again, the fame A- poftle faith, I certifie you Brethren , that the Gofpel which ivas preached of me, is not after Manfor I neither re¬ ceived it of Man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jefus Chrift, Verf. ii, 12. But thefe preach Do- ftrine (which they call Gofpel) after they receive it, and learn it of Men, and not by the Revelation of Jefus Chrift ; for they deny fpiritual Reve¬ lation in thefe Days. Alfo the fame Apoftle faith. We have received not the Spirit of the World, but the Spirit which is of God-, that we might know the Things that are freely given us of God.-. Which ' ( J 70 Which Things alfo wefpeak, not in the Words which Alan’s Wifdom teacheih, but which the tidy Gbofl icucheth, I Cor, ii. 12, 12.. But thefe do not profefs that they have received the Spirit of God nor is what they preach freely given them of God •, neither do they fpeak the Words which the Holy Ghoit teach- eth, but thofe that Man’s Wifdom teacheth. Now it is high Time for People to be awakened out of Sleep, and endea¬ vour for their Lives to come out of Babylon : For a Voice from Heaven calls , Come out of her my People, that \e be not Partakers of her Sins , and that ye receive not of her Plagues : For her Sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembred her Iniquities : There¬ fore JhaU her Plagues come in one Day : Death, and Alourning and Famine , and fhe fhali be utterly burnt with Fire for ftrong is the Ford God who judgeth her. And the Kings of the Earth who have committed Fornication, and lived delicioufy ( *77 > delicioufly with her, (hall bewail her , and lament for her, when they Jhall fee the Smoke of her Burning fianding afar off, for the Fear of her Torment, faying, a- las , alas ! that great City Babylon, that mighty City ! For in one Hour is tby Judgment come: And the Merchants of the Earth Jhall weep and mourn over her ; for no Alan buyeth her Aler- chandize any more , the Merchandize of Gold, and Silver , and precious Stones , and of Pearls, Rev. xviii. 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. Here is the Gaity the Whore has been deck’d with, even by all manner of guilded Appearances, all the Shews of Religion, all Sorts of Shells and Husks, all manner of Traditions, Cu- ftoms and Ordinances, every Form of Worfhip, Service and Duties j as alfo by adorning her Minifters with Gold and Silver, Rewards, and great Gain, Honour, Preheminence and Au¬ thority to govern throughout all the Streets of the great City: Thus they were enriched by thefe Merchandizes. But ( ! 7 8 ) But of Truth, the Time is at hand, when the Lord will bring to pafs this Prophecy, to volt. The Downfal of Baby/on : And then thofe that trade in thele Things, and they that have been made rich by her, will ftind afar off from her, fearing her Torment, weep¬ ing and mourning;'and it will not be without Caufe that thefe fhall weep and mourn, but for lofing their Riches and Honour, and for that none will buy any more of their Merchandize •, and likewifefor Fear of her Torments and everlalting Burning, becaufe they have lived deliciouflv in her, and were Partakers of her Sins; therefore her Plagues are to fall upon them. But the Voice faith, rejoice concern¬ ing her, O Heaven, and you the holy Apoftles and Prophets, becaufe God is avenged of her for yourSakes? For when the Lamb opened the fifth Sea!, John faw under the Altar the Souls of them that were (lain for the Word of God , and for the TeJUtttony which they held , and t ! ey cried with a loud Voice, faying, how long ( *79 ) long, 0 Lord, holy and true, doji thou not judge and avenge our Blood-on them that dwell on the Earth ? And white Robes were given unto every one of them, and it was faid unto them, that they Jhould rejl yet for a little Seafon, until the Number of their fellow Servants and their Brethren that Jhould be killed as they were, jhould be fulfilled, Rev. vi. 9, 10, ii. And indeed the Saints in Heaven and upon the Earth, do jointly cry to him who fits upon the Throne, that he may haften on his Journey againft the Power of Darknefs, and overwhelm Babylon, the Beaft and falfe Prophet, and to ex¬ alt his great Name; and their Cry en¬ ters the Ears of the Almighty, and he makes ready to firetch forth and make bare his powerful Arm to avenge the Blood of his Saints and Prophets upon the great City, on her Inhabitants, her Merchants and great Men, who com¬ mitted Fornication with her, and thofe that dwell upon the Earth, and have been drunk with the Wine of her Whoredom. I Now ( i8o ) Now the Day begins to dawn, and the Lord fends, and hath fent his Mef- fengers to preach the true Gofpel; and tho’ there are many People that have been enlightned in a large Degree to behold the Pretence and Liken