CHARTER OF The Marine C OIF KCAM/EI) AS .A. IR, C H 14, 1836; AND KKORGANI/KD A The Murine Eompapy of f)hiKK AC: ! RY 21, l86l. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. CHIC A GO . 1874. 1861. An Act to Incorporate the Chicago Jtfarine and Fire Insurance Company. SEC. i. Beit enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represe7ited in the General Assembly, That there shall be established in changjdto MarineCom- the town of Chicago, an insurance company, J^ by^r- to be called the " Chicago Marine & Fire Insurance Company." SEC. 2. All such persons as shall hereaf- ter be stockholders of said Company, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, a body cor- porate and politic, by the name and style of the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance Company, and to continue for thirty years from and after the passage of this act, and by that name and Act of 1861. style shall be competent to contract and be contracted with, and be capable in law and equity to sue and be sued, to plead and be ' HAS impleaded, answer and he answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts and places and in all matters whatsoever. SEC. 3. The said corporation may have and use a common seal, which they may alter, change or break at pleasure, and mar also make and establish, and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall, in their opinion, be necessary for the good government of said corporation, and the pru- dent and efficient management of its affairs ; no by-laws, ordinances and regulations of the same shall be in anywise contrary to the con- stitution and laws of this State or of the United States. The capital stock of said Company shall be one hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, to be paid in such installments as the Directors chosen under this act. may from time to time direct, under such penalties as the President 1861. and Directors may in their discretion, ap- 7 ' point and order. The said capital stock may MAklNK COMPANY Ol- CHICAGO. 3 hereafter be increased to an amount not ex- ceeding five hundred thousand dollars, in the discretion of a majority of the Directors of said incorporation, to be subscribed for and taken under the direction and superintendence of the President and Directors aforesaid, or a majority of the said Directors, by any person whomsoever, in the same manner as is pro- vided for the subscription to the original capital stock. The stock of said corporation shall be assignable and transferable accord- ing to such rules as shall be adopted, in that behalf, by the by-laws and ordinances thereof. SEC. 5. The corporation hereby created shall have power and authority to make ma- rine insurance upon vessels, goods and mer- chandise, freight-moneys, bottomry, respon- dentia, interest, and all marine risks, and inland navigation and transportation, and against all losses by fire, of any buildings or houses whatsoever, and vessels on the stocks ; (and also to receive moneys on deposit, and See Act of to loan the same on bottomry and responden- 1861. tia, or otherwise, at such rates of interest as i HARM K in. iv now be done by the existing l;uvs of this State) ; and they may aNo cause themselves to be re-insured against any maritime risks upon which they have made insurance, and upon the interest which they may have in any jls, goods or merchandise, or houses, in virtue of any such loans, whether on bottomry and respondentia, or otherwise, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties, and to fix the premiums and terms of payment. SEC. 6. All policies of insurance by them made shall be subscribed by the President, or, in case of his death or absence, by the Vice- i 'resident, and countersigned and sealed by 1861. the Secretary of said Company; and all losses arising under any policy, so subscribed and d, may be adjusted and settled by the ident and Hoard of Directors. ;id corporation shall not take any risk, nor subscribe any policy, by virtue of this act, until one-fourth part of the capital stock thereof shall have been actually paid in. MARINE COMPANY <>l i UK AGO. 5 SEC. 8. The said Company shall not, directly or indirectly, deal or trade in buying or sell- ing any goods, wares or merchandise what- ever ; but the President and Directors may, at their option, vest the capital stock of said corporation in the capital stock of any incor- See Act of porated bank, trust company, or public funds l86z - of the United States, or any State in the the Union. They shall have power also to loan to any citizen of this State any portion of their capital stock, not exceeding ten thou- sand dollars to one individual, on bottomry, bond, mortgage of real estate, or other satis- factory security, at their discretion. SEC. 9. The said corporation may pur- chase and hold such real estate as may be deemed necessary for the transaction of its business, and to an amount at any one time not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and to take and hold any real estate, as securities, mortgaged or pledged to the said corporation, to secure the payment of any debt due, or that may become due to it, and also to pur- chase on sale made by virtue of any judg- ment at law, or any decree of a court of equity, or otherwise, to take and receive any real estate in payment, or towards satisfaction of any debt previously contracted, or due to said corporation, and to hold the same until they can conveniently and advantageously sell and convert the same into money, or other personal property, and to sell and con- vey said real estate, or any part thereof. 10. Peter Pruyne, James Grant, James Whitlock, George W. Dole, and Francis Sherman, are hereby appointed Commission- ers for superintending subscriptions to said capital stock ; and the said Commissioners, or a majority of them, shall open one or more subscription books for said stock, on the <1 Monday of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- six, in the town of Chicago, and the sum of two dollars on each share subscribed for. shall id to said Commissioners at the time of making such subscriptions. The books may be closed whenever the whole of said stock ibed : and whenever a Board of MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. 7 Directors shall be duly elected, the said Com- missioners shall deliver over to the said Board of Directors said books, and shall pay over to said Board the whole amount of money by them respectively, or jointly received, except so much as shall be retained for the expenses incurred by them in execu- ting the duties imposed on them by this act ; Provided, however, that if the books for the subscription of stock shall not be opened at the time herein required, the said Commis- sioners may open the books at any time there- after, upon giving twenty days' notice in all the newspapers printed in Chicago, of the time and place of opening the same. SEC. ii. In case of the death, resignation or absence of any of the Commissioners named in this act of incorporation, it shall and may be lawful for any three of them to form a quorum, and proceed to business, whose duties shall be the same in the prem- ises, as those prescribed to the whole of said Commissioners, by this act of incorporation named, and their acts as such shall be legal. 8 CH ' i n v SEC. 12. The stock, property and con- cerns of said incorporation, shall be managed and conducted by nine Directors, who shall Amended. 8e i86? f n ld their offices for one year, and until Sec. i. others shall be chosen, and no longer, and shall, at the time of their election, be citizens of this State, and holders, respectively, of not less than ten shares of the capital stock of said Company. SEC. 13. The first election of Directors under this act shall be held at such time and place in the town of Chicago as shall be directed by the said Commissioners, or a ma- jority of them, who, or a majority thereof, are hereby appointed inspectors of said election ; and the persons thus selected as Directors shall hold their offices until the first Monday in May, in the year one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-seven, and until others are elected in their stead. . 14. The Directors for every subse- quent year shall be elected on the first Mon- day of May, in each year, at such time of the MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. day, and at such place within the the town of Chicago, and under the direction of such - . - . r , See Act of persons as a majority of the Directors lor the i8 49 . time being shall appoint by a resolution, to be entered on their minutes. SEC. 15. All elections shall be by ballot, allowing one vote to each share of the capital stock, and the nine persons who shall have the greatest number of votes shall be Direc- tors ; and if at any election two or more per- sons shall have an equal number of votes, so as to leave their election undecided, then the Directors who have been duly elected, shall proceed by ballot, and by a plurality determine which of said persons, so having an equal number of votes, shall be Director or Direc- tors, so as to complete the whole number; and whenever any vacancy shall happen for the office of President, or Vice-President, or Directors, from death or other cause, such vacancy shall be filled, for the remainder of the year in which it shall happen, by the Di- rectors, for the time being, or a majority of them ; the said Commissioners shall certify 10 CHARTER Ol I M I under their hands and seals, the persons elected, and deliver such certificate to the persons selec Led, or to some one of them ; and if, through any unavoidable accident, Kieciu>nof said Directors should not be chosen on the first Monday as aforesaid, it shall be lawful to choose them on any other day in the manner herein provided. i f>. The I hrectors, when chosen, shall meet as soon as may be after every election, and shall choose out of their number a i dent, who shall be sworn or affirmed faithfully to discharge the duties of the office, and shall preside for one year, and until another person >hall be chosen in his stead; and also a Vice- I 'resident for the same term ; they shall have power to appoint a Secretary and all subor- dinate officers of said corporation, fix their sation, define their powers, and pre- scribe their duties-- -\\ ho shall give such bond, and in such penal sums, with such conditions, and with such securities, as the Directors MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. II shall prescribe, and hold their seveml offices during the pleasure of a majority of said Directors. SEC. 17. The President and Vice-Presi- dent, and four of the Directors, shall be a Amended. Board competent to the transaction of busi- Se ^ 8 ^ t tof ness, and all questions shall be decided by a majority of votes. SEC. 1 8. The President and Directors of said Company shall, previous to subscribing any policy, and once in every year after, pub- lish in two of the newspapers printed in this Repealed. See Act of State, the amount of their capital stock, sicfs. against what risks they mean to insure, and the largest sum they mean to take on any risk. SEC. 19. The Legislature of this State shall never pass any law retarding or obstruc- ting, or in any wise suspending the collection of any debt or debts due said corporation. SEC. 20. The expenses incurred by the commissioners in executing any duties re- quired by this act, shall be paid out of the I r CHARTER Ol I monies received by them from the subscri- bers out of the capital stock, and may be re- tained by them for such purposes. SEC. 21. It shall be the duty of th. rectors of said Company, at such times as the by-laws thereof prescribe, to make dividends of so much of their interest, arising from the Dividends, capital stock, and the profits of said Com- pany, as to them shall appear advisable, but the money received and notes taken for premiums, or risks, which shall be undetermined or outstanding at the time of making such divi- dends, shall not be considered as a part of the profits of said Company. And in case of any loss or losses, whereby the capital stock of said Company shall be lessened, before all the installments are paid, each proprietor's or stockholder's estate shall be held accountable for the installments that may remain unpaid on his share or shares, at the lime of surh loss or losses taking place, and no subsequent dividend shall be made, until the sum arising from the profits of the business of the said Company, MAR1NK COMPANY OF CHICAGO. 13 equal to such diminution, shall have been ad- ded to the capital stock ; and once in every three years, and oftener if required by a ma- jority of the votes of the stockholders, the directors shall lay before the stockholders, at a general meeting, an exact and particular statement of the profits, if any there be, after deducting losses and dividends. SEC. 22. This act is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall take effect from and r i i 11 i TI 11 Public Act. aftex its passage, and shall be liberally con- strued for every purpose herein contained. SEC. 23. This charter shall be void and of no effect, unless the stock shall be subscribed, and the Company shall commence operations agreeably to the provisions thereof, within two years after the passage of this act. SEC. 24. Nothing in this act contained . , .... Repealed; shall confer on said corporation banking; pow- see Act of 1861 ers, or authorize it to issue notes in the simili- Sec ' 8- tude of bank notes, to be used as a circula- ting medium, in lieu of money. 5- That in case of ;my loss or losses taking place, which shall he e<|iial to the amount of tin: ca])ital stock of said Company, and the President and Directors, after know- ing of such loss or losses having taken place, *hall subscribe to any policy of insurance, their estates jointly and severally shall be ac- countable for any and every loss which shall take place under policies so subscribed : and the estates of stockholders as aforesaid shall be liable for any losses equal to the amount of said capital stock subscribed, and not a< - tually paid in, in all cases of losses exceeding the means of said Company, whether they con- sist of stock paid in, or profits not divided. \pproved Januarv i.^th. i \t a meeting of the stockholders of the " Chii Marine and Fire Insurance Com- pany," held at the office of J. Young Scam- inon. ' eet, in the City of Chi- . on Monday (first Monday) the jnd MARINE COMPANY OK CHICAGO. 15 day of April, 1849, J. Young Scammon was called to the chair, and Edward A. Rucker, appointed Secretary. A certified copy of an act passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor February roth, 1849 entitled : " An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance Company " was presented and read when it was voted : That the said act be accepted by- the Company. The said act is as follows : SEC. i. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General . Issembly, That an election of directors un- der and by authority of " an Act to incorpo- rate the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance Company," approved January 13, 1836, may be held on the first Monday of April next, anything in the fourteenth section of the act herein recited to the contrary notwithstand- ing. HARTER Ol Mil-. SEC. 2. That said act shall continue and be in force until the year of our Lord 1870. Approved February 12, 1849. At a meeting of the Directors of the Chi- cago Marine and Fire Insurance Company, held at the office of the Company, February 21, 1862, present J. Young Scammon, Presi- dent, Hugh T. Dickey, Vire President, and Mark Skinner, Horatio C.. Loomis, Benjamin \V. Raymond, Ikickner S. Morris, and Frank- lin Scammon, Directors, on motion of Judge Dickey, unanimously voted, That tru entitled " An act amendatory of the act to incorporate the Chicago Marine and Fire In- surance Company," approved Feb. 21, 1861, be accepted by the Diiv. tors and Company. The said act is as follows : An act amendatory of tl; to incor- porate the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. 17 SEC. i. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That, hereafter, a majority of the directors of the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance Company shall constitute a quorum in force to do business ; and the Board of Directors of "' l86l< said Company shall hereafter consist of such number as shall be determined upon, from time to time, by the stockholders of said Company present at any annual election. SEC. 2. The President, Secretary or Treas- urer of said Company shall, when re- quired by any person making a deposit in the Savings Savings Department of said Company, issue ^ ep n a t rt ~ certificates of deposit for the same ; and all such sums of money as shall be deposited in the savings department of said Company, shall be held in trust for said depositors, and shall not be mingled with the general funds of said Company, but shall be kept, used and in- vested by said Company, as a distinct fund, the principal thereof belonging, in equity, to such depositors respectively, and not to said Company, so that in no event shall such fund CHA] PHI be jeopardized by the other transaction^ business of said Company ; but said Compa- ny shall not, under any pretense whatever, issue a certificate of deposit for any sum not actually deposited in said Company. SEC. 3. Besides the manner pointed out in the act to which this is an amendment, for the investing or loaning the funds of said Com- pany, the said Company may loan the same, at the rate of interest now or hereafter allow- ed to other persons or corporations in this State, upon any commercial paper, whether payable in this State, or in any other state, kingdom or country, and may invest the same How Funds irSned^r m or ^ oan tne same upon the stock of any in- corporated company, or deposit any portion thereof with any corporation or individuals it may think proper, and use the same in such manner as may seem most for the interest of ^aicl Company in facilitating exchanges, and do and perform all such acts and ihii- may be requisite in all such transactions, and for the best interests of said Company. Said Company may also issue letters of credit and Circular letters to travelers. MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. 19 SEC. 4. The charter of said Company shall be so construed as to authorize said Com- pany to exercise all the powers of a Loan and Loan and Trust Company, or such as are usually exer- Trust Com- pany. cised by such Companies, and all powers con- ferred upon any other Loan or Trust Compa- Annuities, ny in this State, and to grant, purchase and Insurance. sell annuities, and to do all kinds of insurance, and to reimburse themselves against all risks By whom business they may have insured against ; and all losses condu< sustained by said Company may be adjusted and settled, and its business conducted in such manner and by such persons as the Board of Directors may, from time to time, direct. SEC. 5. The Board of Directors of said Company is hereby authorized to increase the Capital Stock of said Company, from time to time, as they shall see fit, and to issue certifi- . Capita! cates of stock therefor to the persons or cor- bf^cre'ase to any porations to whom they may assign the same ; amount, but upon all such increase of capital, the cash shall be paid in, in full, before any certificates of stock shall be issued therefor : Provided > 1 1 A K I I . K that nothing in this section contained shall prevent the actual profits of said Company being divided in stock, in case the Dir shall vote to increase the capital. SEC. 6. The time limited for the expira- tion of the corporate powers of said Company, extend r ed r toas now fixed by law, is hereby extended for A. I). 1900 thirty years, from the time so fixed or limited, and said corporation shall have existence and succession so long as may be necessary, after the expiration of its charter, to wind up its affairs, collect its debts, and divide its and for such purposes only, not exceeding three years. Si i . 7. The capital stock of said Compa- ny is personal property, for the value of which, pt so much or such parts thereof as is or may be invested in other stock or property Taxation* which is taxed, said Company, and not its stockholders, shall be taxed. Said capital stock shall be divided into shares of fifty dol- lars each, and shall be assignable upon the books of said Company, at its office, in Chi- .MAK1NK COMI' \NV OF CHICAGO. 21 cago, but not elsewhere ; but no assignment of stock shall be valid, as against said Com- pany, without the consent of the Directors thereof, so long as the assignor shall be in- debted or liable to said Company. And said Company shall have a lien upon the stock Lien of Company. owned by or standing in the name of any person or corporation indebted or liable to said Company, to the extent of such indebt- edness or liability. SEC. 8. Sections eighteen (18) and twen- ty-four (24) of the act to which this is amen- datory, are hereby repealed ; and said Com- pany is hereby authorized to change its name, Chan e of Name. by resolution, to be adopted by said Board of Directors, to that of " The Marine Company of Chicago"; and by that name shall be liable, to the same extent and in the same manner to all persons for the acts and lia- bilities of said Company under its original name, as though its name had not been changed. r HAklF.R )l 1 UK of Stock- SEC. ') All power and authority in rela- tion to interest for loans made by this Com- pany in any act heretofore passed in relation thereto, inconsistent with the provisions of Rate of this act in relation to the rate of interi Interest. hereby repealed, so far as relates to future contracts. SEC. 10. The stockholders in this corpo- ration shall, as to all funds deposited as vings, and in trust with said corporation, while Savings 5 [ O nd tne y are stockholders, be individually liable Trust Funds to the extent of their stock, and shall so con- tinue for six months after transfer of the same. notwithstanding such transfer. SEC. ii. Mothing in this act contained, or in the original charter of the said Company, shall authori/e it to issue notes, in the simili- tude of bank notes, to be issued as a circula- ting medium, in lieu of money. Stc. 12. This act shall take effect and be in force as soon as the same shall be accepted MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. 23 by the majority of the Directors of said Com- pany, at any meeting of said Directors, and not before. * Approved February 21, 1861. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance Com- pany, held at the office of said Company in Chicago, on the second day of April, 1863, present J. Young Scammon, President, Hugh T. Dickey, Vice President, Horatio G. Loomis, Mark Skinner, Benjamin Carver, Franklin Scammon, Benjamin W. Raymond, John M. Underwood, and Buckner S. Morris, Directors, the following Resolution was unani- mously adopted : Resolved, That the name of this Compa- ny be, and is hereby changed to The Marine Company of Chicago, in pursuance of the au- M \KIM. < n Ml'.\N\ n| i HI' thority conferred upon said Company l>y the 8th Section of an Act amend;) tory of the " Act to incorporate the Chicago Marine and Fire Insurance Company." Approved Feb- ruary 21, 1 86 1. KFX If/3 ,5