iQ.630,7 Il6c no. 1092 cop. 5 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANACHAMPAIGN AGRICULTURE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign UWVtRSITY OF lUINOli unim iiit 1 CIRCULATING COPY BWOMkTIiniT MiffAfft ♦ ♦ <#> ♦ fj m Cooking With Soybeans ♦ <$> Donna C. Mueller Barbara P. Klein X Frances O. Van Duyne University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Human Resources and Family Studies College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Circular 1092 GREEN SOYBEANS Chinese-style Soybeans with Pork 5 Creamed Shrimp and Soybeans 6 Soybean Succotash 7 Green Soybean Salad 7 Molded Green Soybean Salad 8 DRY SOYBEANS Boston Baked Soybeans 10 Chinese Meatballs 11 Creole Beans 12 Illinois Beans and Rice 13 Four Bean Salad 14 Salted Soybeans 15 Soybean Chili 16 Soybean Fritters 17 Soybean Sandwich Filling 18 Stuffed Peppers ' 19 Tomato-Soybean Soup 20 SOY FLOUR Banana Bread 22 Pumpkin Bread 23 Yeast Bread 24 Yeast Rolls 25 Whole Wheat Soy Bread 26 Brownies 27 Peanut Butter Cookies 28 Sugar Jumbles 29 Chocolate Cake 30 Spice Cake 31 Refrigerator Cookies 32 ♦ Using soybeans and soybean products is a good way to lower the T cost of serving flavorful, nutritious meals and to provide variety in <%> your menus. Soybeans provide high-quality protein and supplement ♦ the nutrients in other foods when served with other menu items or «§, mixed with various ingredients. They supply more protein than other dry beans, as well as appreciable amounts of B vitamins, calcium, <$> phosphorus, and iron. All of these nutrients are furnished at a rea- ♦ sonable price. ? Technological developments in recent years have resulted in new <#> soybean-based products. Currently, two main types of textured soy X proteins are manufactured. One type is made by spinning the fibers, <#> and then flavoring, coloring, and forming them into shapes which resemble pieces of fish, meat, and poultry. The second type of tex- tured soy protein is made by cooking soy flour and other ingredients and forcing the mixture through small holes into a chamber of lower temperature and pressure. Granules of these expanded materials are available in both colored or uncolored and flavored or unflavored forms. Both kinds of soy-based protein can be used alone, but they usually are combined with other foods. Soy flour enriches bread and X macaroni and serves as an extender or binder in sausage and other meat products. The recipes in this circular show how green soybeans, dry soy- beans, and soy flour can be used in the home kitchen. Hopefully, they will encourage you to experiment and to modify some of your <£> favorite recipes to include soybeans and soy products. I <# ♦ I (Jreen Soybeans X Green soybeans are very attractive served hot as a vegetable, like ? <$> peas or corn. Because they are bright green and firm, they are excel- <#> j lent in salads. Soybeans also combine well with other vegetables and x <$> with meat or fish in casseroles or creamed dishes. Since green soybeans <#> are not sold on the market, they must be grown in home gardens. <#> There are several edible soybean varieties available from seed com- <$> 4> panies, including Kanrich, Prize, and Peterson Jade. <#> The steps in preparation of green soybeans are described below. ♦ 3£ Shelling. Blanch green soybeans by placing the pods in boiling <$, water for 5 minutes, using 2 quarts of water to 1 pound of beans. <#> Count the time from the moment the beans are put into the water. ^ 4> Drain and cool the beans thoroughly in cold, running water. Break <#> the pods and squeeze out the beans. ? a, Cooking. Add 2 cups shelled beans to 1 cup boiling water con- <#> ♦ taining % teaspoon salt. Cook, covered, for 15 to 20 minutes after ^ water returns to boiling. Drain beans and season, or use as directed <$> 4> in recipes. Do not overcook. The soybeans will be bright green and 3£ have a firm, nut-like texture. <$> <#> Freezing. After blanching and shelling the soybeans, pack them T in containers suitable for freezing. Seal. Freeze immediately. <$> 4> Cooking Frozen Green Soybeans. Add 2 cups frozen beans to % cup boiling water containing % teaspoon salt. Cook, covered, for 10 ^ 4> to 12 minutes after water returns to boiling. These beans may be used <#> ♦ in the same recipes as cooked green soybeans. x 4b ♦ #> #> ♦ t t ♦ CHINESE-STYLE SOYBEANS WITH PORK Makes 3 servings 1 green onion V2 pound lean pork 1 medium green pepper 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 tablespoon soy sauce Va teaspoon powdered ginger 1 cup cooked green soybeans V2 teaspoon salt Slice the green onion thinly. Trim fat from pork and cut meat into V^-inch cubes. Cut pepper into pieces about Vi inch by 1 inch. Heat the oil in a heavy skillet until very hot. Add green onion, pork, soy sauce, and ginger. Stir and cook until meat loses its pink color and turns grey, about 1 to 2 minutes. Remove meat and add soybeans, salt, and green pepper to skillet. Stir and cook over medium heat for 1 minute. Return meat to skillet and cook for 1 minute longer. Serve immediately. <#> CREAMED SHRIMP AND SOYBEANS Makes 4 servings ♦ V* cup chopped onion 3 tablespoons butter or margarine <$> 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt <$> V4 teaspoon dry mustard T Vs teaspoon pepper <#> 1 V2 cups milk ^ 1 cup cooked shrimp, halved ♦ 1 cup cooked green soybeans

Saute onion in butter or margarine until soft. Stir in flour, salt, mus- tard, and pepper. Remove from the heat and add the milk. Return the mixture to the heat and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. <$, Add the shrimp, soybeans, and eggs to the mixture and heat thor- <#> oughly. Serve over rice or toast. ^ ♦ <#> <#> ♦ ♦ SOYBEAN SUCCOTASH <$> Makes 5 servings 1 cup cooked green soybeans 1 V2 cups cooked corn Combine ingredients and heat thoroughly. Season with butter or margarine, salt, and pepper. I GREEN SOYBEAN SALAD ^ Makes 4 servings 2 cups cooked green soybeans, cooled 1 tablespoon finely chopped pimiento 1 tablespoon chopped parsley V2 cup chopped celery <#> 1 tablespoon finely chopped green onion ? V4 cup mayonnaise #> <%> Combine ingredients and chill. Serve on salad greens. ♦ <#> «#> ♦ MOLDED GREEN SOYBEAN SALAD $ Makes 9 servings T X 1 3-ounce package lemon-flavored gelatin ^ 1 cup boiling water ♦ % cup cold water 2 tablespoons white vinegar V4 teaspoon salt <$> 1 cup cooked green soybeans T 1 cup grated carrot 4> 1 cup chopped celery ^ 2 tablespoons sliced green onion <#> Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Stir in cold water, vinegar, and salt. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in soybeans, carrots, celery, and green onion, and pour into a 9 x 9 x 2-inch pan. Chill until firm. I Dry Soybeans ♦ Soybeans left on the vine to mature and dry, and then harvested <£> and shelled, can be used in recipes like other dry beans. Dry soybeans ♦ are very versatile. They can be deep-fat fried for a snack or used in ? hors d'oeuvres, soups, salads, and main dishes. ? The steps in preparation of dry soybeans are described below. <#> Soaking. Dry soybeans must be soaked before cooking. Sort the beans, discarding any broken ones, and rinse to remove dirt. Add 3 <%> cups of water for each cup of beans. Cover the container and let stand in the refrigerator overnight. If necessary, the soaking time <$> may be shortened by boiling the beans in the water for 2 minutes, removing from the heat, covering, and letting them stand at room ^ temperature for 1 hour. <#> Cooking. Remove any loose hulls, and put beans and soaking water 1£ into a large kettle. If necessary, add more water to cover beans 1 <#> inch. Add 1 teaspoon of salt for each cup of dry beans. To reduce T foaming during cooking, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Bring <#> beans to boiling. Lower the heat and simmer, covered, for 1 hour 15 minutes to 3 hours or until the beans are tender. One cup of dry 4> soybeans will yield approximately 2Vi cups cooked beans. For more flavorful cooked beans, add !4 cup chopped onion, l A <$> cup chopped celery, 1 bay leaf, and Vw teaspoon ground black pepper <$> for each cup of dry beans in addition to the salt and oil before cook- ing the beans. These flavored soybeans can be used in any recipe ^ which requires cooked soybeans. ♦ ♦#♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ <#> BOSTON BAKED SOYBEANS I Makes 4 servings <$> <#> 3 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained <#> Va pound bacon, diced $ V% cup chopped onion 4> 2 tablespoons molasses <*> V2 cup catsup Y V2 teaspoon dry mustard <$> % teaspoon Worcestershire sauce V2 teaspoon salt <$ V4 teaspoon pepper T V4 cup liquid (use cooking water from soybeans) <#> Combine all of the ingredients in a lH-quart casserole. Cover and bake at 325° F. for 30 minutes. Stir and then bake, uncovered, for <$> 30 minutes longer. Y Bacon may be omitted and l A cup bacon flavored soybits added just 2> before serving. ♦ 10 CHINESE MEATBALLS $ ♦ Makes 15-20 balls f x % cup mashed, cooked dry soybeans T ♦ ! /a pound ground pork ♦ <$> 1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger root <$> ♦ 2 tablespoons chopped green onion 1 tablespoon soy sauce a Vs teaspoon pepper A V2 cup salad oil <#> ♦ i Mix together all the ingredients except the salad oil. Shape the mix- 4> ture in small balls about 1 inch in diameter. Heat the oil in a frying T pan and fry the meatballs until they are crisp and brown. <#> t ♦ 11 CREOLE BEANS Makes 4 servings V2 medium onion, chopped Va cup chopped celery Va cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons oil 1 Vi teaspoons flour 1 teaspoon seasoned salt Va teaspoon salt Ve teaspoon pepper 1 % 1 1 Va 2 teaspoon prepared mustard teaspoon Worcestershire sauce tablespoon brown sugar cup canned tomatoes, chopped cup water cups cooked dry soybeans, drained Saute the onion, celery, and green pepper in oil in a skillet until onions are golden and the other vegetables are tender. Blend in the flour, salt, pepper, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and brown sugar, and add the tomatoes and water. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Add the soybeans and heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Garnish with cooked crumbled bacon, bacon flavored soybits, or chopped parsley, if desired. 12 <#> ♦ ♦ <#> ♦ ILLINOIS BEANS AND RICE Makes 5 servings 1 cup dry soybeans Vs 3 slices bacon, diced Vb f /a cup chopped onion iy 2 5 cups water Vb 1 clove garlic, minced 1 V4 - V2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce teaspoon thyme teaspoon rosemary teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper cup uncooked rice Soak the soybeans overnight in 3 cups of water. In a large kettle, fry the bacon until it is crisp, and then remove and reserve the bacon bits. Add the onion to the bacon fat and cook until the onion is soft. Add the water, garlic, pepper sauce, thyme, rosemary, salt, and pepper to the onion, and bring the mixture to boiling. Drain the soaked soybeans and add them to the boiling mixture. Lower the heat and simmer, partially covered, for 2 hours. Add the rice and cook, covered, for 30 minutes more or until the soy- beans and rice are tender. If necessary, add more water. Just before serving, stir in bacon bits and add additional salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with fresh chopped tomato and chopped parsley, if desired. <#> ♦<#><#>«#*#><#><#><#><$><#><#^<#><#><*^^ 13 , FOUR BEAN SALAD Makes 8 servings 1 1 -pound can red kidney beans, drained 1 1 -pound can cut wax beans, drained 1 1 -pound can cut green beans, drained 2 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained 1 medium green pepper, chopped 1 medium onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings Vi cup sugar V2 cup vinegar V2 cup salad oil 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon salt V2 teaspoon dry mustard V2 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves, crushed V2 teaspoon dried basil leaves, crushed Combine soybeans, pepper, and onion in a bowl. In a separate bowl, thoroughly mix together the sugar, vinegar, oil, parsley, salt, mus- tard, tarragon, and basil. Pour this dressing mixture over the vege- tables and stir. Cover the salad and chill thoroughly. Stir the salad occasionally during chilling. Just before serving, stir again. Drain. 14 r, ♦♦♦♦♦♦»»#»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» » »#»»4»»»»#»»»»»»»#»»»»##»»»»»»' SALTED SOYBEANS Soak dry soybeans overnight using 3 cups of water per cup of beans. Drain and dry beans between towels. Fry beans a few at a time in hot oil (350 F.) for 5 to 8 minutes. Vary time with size of beans. When beans are slightly brown and crisp, drain and salt. After soaking and draining, soybeans may be blanched in boiling water for 15 minutes before frying. * 15 SOYBEAN CHILI Makes 6 servings % pound ground beef 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2-3 teaspoons chili powder 3V2 cups canned tomatoes, chopped 1 6-ounce can tomato paste 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained Brown the meat with the salt in a large saucepan. Add the onion, chili powder, tomatoes, tomato paste, and sugar. Cook, uncovered, over low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add soybeans and cook for 15 minutes. Chili may be made by omitting meat and adding % cup dry textured vegetable protein hydrated with % cup boiling water. ♦ 16 <#> ♦ <#> ♦ <#> <#> ♦ ♦ t SOYBEAN FRITTERS ♦ Makes 20-25 one-inch fritters i egg 2 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained 1 clove garlic T ♦ 2 teaspoons chopped parsley ♦ £ Va teaspoon salt A. ♦ Va teaspoon baking powder <£> Va cup flour 4> ♦ f <#> Blend the egg and soybeans, Vi cup at a time, in an electric blender ^ until the soybeans are coarsely chopped. If necessary, cooking liquid ♦ from the beans may be added to the mixture to aid in blending. Add the garlic and parsley to the mixture in the blender and blend 1 to 2 X minutes or until the mixture is pureed. t 2> Mix together the salt, baking powder, and flour in a bowl and add j£ the pureed mixture. Stir until the ingredients are well mixed. Drop teaspoons of this mixture into hot oil (360° F.) and fry until golden brown, about 3 to 4 minutes. Drain on absorbent paper and serve 5 warm. 17 » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+»*♦♦»»♦♦»»♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦»♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ► ♦ SOYBEAN SANDWICH FILLING Makes 4 sandwiches 1 cup chopped, cooked dry soybeans Va cup chopped olives or pickles 1 teaspoon chopped green onion Va teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons mayonnaise Mix all ingredients together. Use as a sandwich filling. 18 to 30 minutes or until peppers are soft. ♦ <*> STUFFED PEPPERS <$> Makes 4 servings f4 green peppers 2 cups mashed, cooked dry soybeans <#> ♦ V2 teaspoon salt X £ l/l* teaspoon pepper i> J Vz cup finely diced celery <£, <*> ! /a cup chopped tomato ♦ T 1 teaspoon minced onion <$ <#> Buttered bread crumbs I ! Remove the seeds and inner portions from the green peppers. Par- ? <*> boil the peppers for 3 minutes in water containing 1 teaspoon salt 4> per quart. Mix the mashed soybeans, salt, pepper, celery, tomato, <$> <#> and onion together. Fill the peppers with the mixture and sprinkle the tops with buttered 4> crumbs. Place in a greased baking dish and bake at 375 F. for 25 ♦ 19 1 cup dry soybeans 1 teaspoon salt V4 cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon oil '/« cup chopped celery 2 cups tomato juice 1 bay leaf Chopped parsley y 8 teaspoon pepper ♦ TOMATO-SOYBEAN SOUP ♦ Makes 4 servings T ♦ ♦ f <#> <#> Soak the soybeans overnight in 3 cups of water. Place the beans <$> in a saucepan. Add the onion, celery, bay leaf, pepper, salt, oil, and enough water to cover the beans 1 inch. Bring the beans to boiling. <$> Simmer, covered, for VA to 2 hours or until beans are tender. Add the tomato juice to the undrained, cooked soybeans and heat to boiling. <#> Season to taste with salt and pepper and garnish with chopped parsley. $ Beef-soy Soup. Substitute 2 cups beef broth for tomato juice. <#> Chicken-soy Soup. Substitute 2 cups chicken broth for tomato juice. <#> <#> Cream of Soybean Soup. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a sauce- pan. Stir in 2 tablespoons of flour and cook 1 minute, stirring con- <$> stantly. Add 2 cups of milk and heat until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Substitute this white sauce for tomato juice. <#> 20 ♦ <#> <#> <%> <#> <#> ♦ ♦ <#> §oyTlour <|> Soy flour can be used to replace part of the wheat flour in bread, rolls, cakes, and cookies. Because it has different properties than <£> wheat flour, it cannot be substituted for all of the flour in a recipe. <$> If you would like to try adding soy flour to your own recipes, begin <#> by substituting it for one-fourth of the total amount of flour. <#> ! ! <#> t <#> ♦ <#> * ♦ ♦ ♦ <#> ♦ ♦ <#> ♦ ♦ ♦ 21 <#> <#» | BANANA BREAD | £ Makes 1 loaf $ <£> 1 cup + 2 tablespoons sifted soy flour <$> 1 Va cups sifted all-purpose flour f2 3 A teaspoons baking powder <#> Va teaspoon baking soda T <#> % teaspoon salt <#> £ % cup sugar ? ♦ Va cup nonfat dry milk solids ♦ <*> V4 cup shortening <£> 1 egg ^ V3 cup water <*> 1 cup mashed banana (about 2 medium bananas) X <#> tSift and measure soy flour and all-purpose flour. Measure other dry ^ ingredients and sift together with flours. Cut the shortening into the <*> dry ingredients. Add egg, water, and bananas, and mix just until <$> ingredients are moistened. Batter will be very thick. <*> Spread batter into a greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Cut through 2, the batter several times with a spatula to get rid of large air bubbles. <*> Bake at 350° F. for 50 minutes. Remove loaf from pan immediately <*> and cool on a wire rack. <*> ♦ <#> ♦ <#> 22 ♦ PUMPKIN BREAD Makes 1 loaf % cup sifted soy flour % teaspoon salt 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour Va cup shortening Va teaspoon baking powder 1% cups sugar 3 A teaspoon baking soda 2 eggs, well beaten 1 V2 teaspoons cinnamon 3 A cup pumpkin, canned teaspoon ground cloves teaspoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons water Sift and measure soy flour and all-purpose flour. Measure other dry ingredients except sugar, and sift together with flours. Set aside. Cream shortening and add sugar gradually, creaming well. Add eggs and beat until light. Blend in pumpkin and water. Add dry ingre- dients in two portions, blending well after each addition. Pour batter into a greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Bake at 350 F. for 65 to 70 minutes. Remove loaf from pan immediately and cool on a wire rack. * 23 1 YEAST BREAD t ♦ Makes 1 loaf 1 tablespoon shortening 1 Vi teaspoons salt X 2V2 tablespoons sugar T 1 cup scalded milk ♦ 1 package active dry yeast $ V* cup lukewarm water 2 72 cups all-purpose flour V2 cup soy flour ♦ 4> Combine shortening, salt, sugar, and scalded milk. Cool to lukewarm. ♦ T Add yeast softened in lukewarm water. Combine flours and add to $ <#> the mixture gradually, beating well. Turn the dough onto a floured 4> X board and knead until smooth (6 to 8 minutes). Place the dough in ^ a greased bowl, cover, and let rise until double in bulk (172 to 2 <£, hours) in a warm place (about 80° F.). <$> ♦ Shape and let rise in a greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan until double $ in bulk (about 1 hour). Bake at 400 F. for 35 to 40 minutes. To prevent the crust from becoming too brown, cover loosely with foil <$, after 15 minutes of baking. Remove bread from the oven and brush £ J with melted butter or margarine. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»# ♦ ♦»♦♦♦ »»» ^ »»»»»»» » »»»»»» » »»»»»♦ 24 YEAST ROLLS Makes 2 dozen Vs cup nonfat dry milk solids V4 cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 7 /b cup hot water 1 package active dry yeast V4 cup lukewarm water 1 egg, beaten 2% cups all-purpose flour V2 cup soy flour Combine nonfat dry milk solids, shortening, salt, and sugar in a bowl and add hot water. Cool to lukewarm. Add yeast softened in lukewarm water and beaten egg. Measure and combine flours. Stir in flour to form a soft dough which is easy to handle. Knead until smooth (6 to 8 minutes). Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise until double in bulk (about V/i hours) in a warm place (about 80 F.). Turn the dough out on a floured board and shape rolls. Place rolls on a lightly greased cookie sheet and brush with melted butter or margarine. Allow the rolls to double in bulk (about 45 minutes). Bake at 400° F. for 12 to 15 minutes, depending on size and shape. Remove from oven and brush with melted butter or margarine. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^♦♦ ♦♦ ■♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »♦ ♦#♦+♦♦ 25 WHOLE WHEAT SOY BREAD Makes 1 loaf 3 tablespoons molasses 1 cup lukewarm water 1 package active dry yeast 2 cups whole wheat flour Vi cup white flour V2 cup soy flour V2 cup nonfat dry milk solids 1 tablespoon salt 3 tablespoons oil 1 egg, slightly beaten Sesame seed <#> Mix molasses with lukewarm water and soften yeast in the mixture. Combine all the flours. Add half of the flour mixture and all of the milk solids to the molasses mixture and beat until smooth. Add the salt, oil, and remaining flour or enough flour to make dough easy to handle. Turn dough onto a floured board and knead until smooth (8 to 10 minutes). Place dough in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise until double in bulk (1% to 2 hours) in a warm place (about 80 F.). Turn dough onto a floured board and shape into a loaf. Place in a greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Brush the loaf with egg and sprinkle with sesame seed. Let rise until double in bulk (about 1 hour). Bake at 375 F. for 40 to 50 minutes. 26 ♦ t I i 4> BROWNIES Makes 16 two-inch squares 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate V 3 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs % teaspoon vanilla v 3 cup all-purpose flour y 3 cup soy flour y 2 teaspoon baking powder y 2 teaspoon salt y 2 cup chopped nuts Melt chocolate and shortening in large saucepan over low heat. Re- move from heat and cool slightly. Mix in sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Sift the dry ingredients together twice and then add to the mixture. Mix well. Add nuts, if desired. Spread the batter in a greased 8 x 8 x 2-inch pan. Bake at 350° F. for 30 minutes. Cool slightly before cutting. 27 I t | PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES | Makes 3 dozen % cup shortening ^ V2 cup sugar ♦ V2 cup brown sugar <*> % cup peanut butter J 1 egg 4 1 teaspoon vanilla T 1 cup all-purpose flour & % cup soy flour T % teaspoon salt 4> Vi teaspoon baking soda <$> Cream shortening and sugars together. Add peanut butter and mix <#> well. Add egg and vanilla and beat until smooth. Sift dry ingredients X together twice and add to the shortening mixture. Mix well. Shape 4> portions of dough into small balls and place 2 inches apart on a ? lightly greased cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork. Bake at 400 F. for ♦ 6 to 10 minutes. <*> <#> ♦ 4> 28 ♦ ♦ I SUGAR JUMBLES Makes 2 dozen Vt cup butter or margarine V2 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup all-purpose flour Va cup soy flour Va teaspoon baking soda V2 teaspoon salt Cream butter or margarine and sugar. Add egg and vanilla. Mix well. Sift dry ingredients together twice and add to the butter mix- ture. Mix well. Drop rounded teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375° F. for 8 to 10 minutes. Coconut Jumbles. Mix 1 cup shredded coconut into the dough. Nut Jumbles. Mix 1 cup chopped nuts into the dough. 29 <#> CHOCOLATE CAKE | Makes 2 eight-inch layers <£, 1 V4 cups cake flour <{> % cup soy flour V4 teaspoon baking soda <#> 2 teaspoons baking powder T V2 teaspoon salt Va cup shortening 1 cup sugar ♦ 2 eggs, beaten <$> 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate % cup milk <$> % teaspoon vanilla T <#> Sift the dry ingredients except the sugar together twice and set aside. <|> Cream the shortening. Add the sugar gradually to the shortening, creaming well. Add the eggs, vanilla, and melted chocolate and mix <%> until blended. Add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk in three portions. Mix well after each addition. <#> Pour into 2 greased 8 x l^-inch round pans lined with wax paper. Bake at 350° F. for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before re- moving from pans. 30 ♦ <#> 4> SPICE CAKE Makes 2 eight-inch layers 2 cups cake flour V4 cup soy flour 2V2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Va teaspoon cloves Va teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon allspice V2 cup shortening 1 V2 cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla <#> I <#> <#> <#> #> <#> <#> Sift the dry ingredients except the sugar together twice and set aside. Cream the shortening. Add the sugar gradually to the shortening, creaming well. Add the eggs and vanilla and mix until blended. Add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk in three portions. Mix well after each addition. Pour into 2 greased 8 x lV^-inch round pans lined with wax paper. Bake at 350° F. for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans. 31 REFRIGERATOR COOKIES Makes 2 V2 dozen V2 cup shortening Va cup sugar Va cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon cinnamon or 1 V2 teaspoons vanilla % cup a purpose flour Va cup soy flour V4 teaspoon baking soda V2 teaspoon salt Cream shortening and sugars together. Add the egg and vanilla. Mix well. Sift dry ingredients together twice and add to shortening mix- ture. Mix well. Mold dough into a smooth roll about 2V2 inches in diameter. Wrap the roll in wax paper and chill overnight or until firm. Cut dough into slices V& inch thick and place slices on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 400° F. for 6 to 8 minutes. Nut Cookies. Mix !4 cup chopped nuts into the dough. Date-nut Cookies. Use both cinnamon and vanilla in the recipe. Mix l A cup chopped nuts and l A cup finely cut dates into the dough. <$> Orange-almond Cookies. Omit cinnamon. Add 1 tablespoon <%> grated orange rind to the shortening mixture and mix l A cup chopped X almonds into the completed dough. *f <#> <#> <$> Chocolate Cookies. Omit cinnamon and blend 1 ounce unsweet- <$> J ened chocolate, melted and cooled, into the shortening mixture. 32 THE ILLINOIS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE PROVIDES EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN PROGRAMS AND EMPLOYMENT. Urbana, Illinois May, 1974 Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. JOHN B. CLAAR, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 12M — 5-74 — 27588