ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE \ ANNUAL DINNER OF 1890 ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE OF THc. university ofiu-mots. AN ACCOUNT OF THE ANNUAL DINNER OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY, WHICH WAS ALSO THE INAUGURAL DINNER OF PRESIDENT SETH LOW, LL.D., TOGETHER WITH THE SPEECHES AND A LIST OF THOSE PRESENT. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE ASSOCIATION * un iv DINNER COMMITTEE OF 1890. 1867. George G. DeWitt, Jr., Chairman. 1862. William G. Lathrop, Jr. 1867. Nicholas Fish. 1872. John K. Rees. 1877. John B. Pine. 1886. Lincoln Cromwell. 1882. William S. Sloan, Secretary. ANNUAL DINNER OF THE ALUMNI OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. On Monday evening, February third, 1890, was held the largest and most successful dinner ever given by the Alumni of Columbia College. It was in all respects worthy of the Inauguration ceremonies of the morning at the Metropolitan Opera House. The large dining-hall of the Hotel Brunswick was every- where resplendent with the colors of Columbia. Broad stripes of blue and white material covered the walls in graceful folds, and garlands of blue and white formed a frieze, beneath which hung banners and flags, trophies of Saratoga and Henley, the Harlem and the Thames, en- circling the rooms. Banks of ferns and growing plants placed in front of the mirrors were surmounted by crossed flags and palm branches. Blue and white cloths covered the tables, and in front of each guest was a little volume, beautifully bound, containing the programme of the day, the list of speakers, and the menu . In addition to the number in the main hall nearly one hundred of th Alumni occupied the large corner room as an ann Frederic R. Coudert, ’50, President of the Ass presided, and upon his right were seated Preside Low, ’70, Provost William Pepper, President Cha Eliot, Professor Henry Drisler, ’39, Rev. Eugene man, S.T.D., Dean of the General Theological Sen General Alexander S. Webb, President of the City Cc Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, and Mr. James W. Alex, while upon his left were Bishop Potter, Chancellor C William Curtis, Mr. Charles S. Smith, President Chamber of Commerce, President Francis L. Patton, dent Charles K. Adams, Rev. Thos. S. Hastings, 5 6 ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI . President of the Union Theological Seminary, Rev. Dr. Fairbairn, Rev. H. P. Putnam, D.D., Dr. Markoe, Vice- President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pro- fessor Charles F. Chandler, Professor John W. Burgess. There were also seated on the Dais, William L. Boyd, ’32, John Jay, ’36, John J. Jenkins, ’38, F. Hughson, ’39, Abram S. Hewitt, ’42, Robert Jaffray, '42, Edward Cooper, '45, Morgan Dix, ’48, Elliot Sandford, ’64 L., Prof. J. S. New- berry, Prof. Wm. P. Trowbridge, Prof. Thomas R. Price, Prof. Richmond M. Smith, Prof. Munroe Smith, Prof. F. J. Goodnow, George H. Baker, and H. F. J. Porter. Besides the speakers, guests, and Alumni seated on the Dais, the following were present, the tables running parallel with the street, and table A being nearest to 27th Street : E Peter M. Pirnie, ’44 Henry A. Bogert, ’46 John M. Knox, ’38 Edward S. Renwick, ’39 C. A. Silliman, ’50 Edward M. Kellogg, ’46 Lea Luquer, ’51 Wm. H. Draper, ’51 Walter R. T. Jones, '50 A. F. Cushman, ’50 W. A. Johnson, '53 Wm. G. Farrington, ’53 Wm. Irving Clark, ’53 Charles S. Knox, ’62 Joseph Larocque, ’49 Harmon Hendricks, ’58 Marvin R. Vincent, ’54 S. L. Woodford, ’54 Benjamin L. Curtis, '55 Herbert B. Turner, ’55 Wm. A. Perry, '55 Charles M. DaCosta, ’55 Wm. G. Lathrop, Jr., ’62 D Hendricks, ’56 urry, ’60 Russell Stebbins, Jr., ’56 Abbott Brown, ’56 Mandeville Mower, '5 6 E. F. Browning, ’59 e Waddington, ’60 m A. Boyd, ’6i e Whitehouse, ’61 d Mitchell, ’61 Haight, ’61 t McNulty, ’6 1 Lydig, ’60 Cortlandt deP. Field, '59 Gouverneur Cruger, ’59 Charles A. Jackson, '59 John Duer, '59 John Crosby Brown, ’59 George W. Maynard, ’59 Wm. Lummis, ’59 !, Jr., '61 William L. Raymond, ’59 J. Howard Van Amringe, ’6o ANNUAL DINNER OF 1890. 7 D. S. Everson, ’64 F. B. Van Kleeck, ’63 R. Stuyvesant, '63 Walter Satterlee, ’63 James H. Aldrich, ’63 Henry Y. Satterlee, ’63 R. M. Henry, ’63 Wm. M. Martin, ’63 Wm. H. Willis, ’63 Charles W. Ogden, ’62 Charles D. Fuller, ’62 C. B. Mitchell, ’62 George G. Frederic W. Stevens, ’64 John N. Beekman, ’64 John F. Butterworth, '64 F. W. Jackson, ’64 Wm. H. Butterworth, ’64 Gerard Beekman, ’64 Charles S. Bull, ’64 William G. Low, ’65 James F. Maury, ’65 Abm. Van Santvoord, ’65 George G. Kip, ’65 DeWitt, Jr., ’67 George B. Johnson, ’67® James M. Bruce, ’66 A. C. Merriam, ’66 George P. Smith, ’66 A. Floyd Delafield, ’66 Julien T. Davies, ’66 Horace Stetson, ’66 M. D. Getty, ’66 Clarence Brainerd, ’66 James L. Wells, ’65 H. R. Beekman, ’65 George W. Folsom, ’67 Nicholas Julius Sachs, ’67 A. E. Vanderpoel, ’67 J. Henry Work, ’67 H. E. Pierrepont, ’67 John D. Quackenbos, ’68 Richard S. Bacon, ’59 B. H. Campbell, ’68 James P. Swain, ’68 William Mitchell, ’68 F. DeP. Foster, ’68 John McL. Nash, ’68 William M. Sloane, 68 Fish, ’67 Chalmers Wood, ’75 Walter Ogden, ’70 Deming B. Smith, ’70 F. D. Harmon, ’71 L. Arthur Ingraham, ’70 R. Fulton Cutting, ’71 Brander Matthews, ’71 Wm. M. Geer, ’69 Oscar S. Straus, ’71 Henry C. Sturges, ’69 Charles A. Peabody, Jr., ’69 W. Bayard Cutting, ’69 Robert. C. h; Thomas L. Ogden, ’60 John A. Smedberg, ’69 Ludlow Ogden, ’72 James B. Murray, ’75 L. Charles H. Knox, ’72 Dennistoun Wood, ’70 Frank D. Sturges, ’70 George L. Peabody, ’70 John C. O’Connor, ’70, L. C. DeR. Moore, ’73 G. M. Speir, Jr., ’73 Frank L. Henry, ’82 Robt Waller, Jr., ’71 Cornell, ’74 8 ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI. Charles E. Pellew, ’84 M. H. T. Vulte, ’81 M. Charles G. Curtis, ’8i M. Arthur H. Elliott, ’8i M. J. H. B. Browning, ’8o M. H. A. Robinson, ’8o M. H. H. Hendricks, ’80 M. A. L. Beebe, ’80 M. Elwyn Waller, ’70 M. F. R. Hutton, ’73 George E. Harding, ’67 M. H. S. Monroe, ’69 M. D. J. Leary, ’81 M. E. C. Fiallos, ’83 M. F. B. Crocker, ’82 M. A. R. Ledoux, ’74 M. J. G. Mattison, ’8o M. J. L. Greenleaf, ’8o M. N. L. Britton, ’79 M. J. B. Mackintosh, ’77 M. E. G. Love, ’76 M. S. B. Newberry, ’78 M. J. T. Williams, ’73 M. P. de P. Ricketts, ’71 M. F. Augustus Schermerhorn, ’68 M. N. Murray Butler, ’82 John B. Pine, ’77 Walter Howe, ’70 L. James W. Pryor, ’78 T. Monroe Davis, ’78 Frank Drisler, ’74 Spencer Aldrich, ’74 Alfred Meyer, ’74 Edward S. Rapallo, ’74 George C. Kobbe, ’74 Charles R. Buckley, ’74 Geo F. Butterworth, ’74 F. W. Hinrichs, ’74 John B Charles A. Clark, ’77 W. Van V. Powers, '77 Henry L. Bogert, ’78 Randolph Hurry, ’75 J. A. Browning, ’75 Lefferts Strebeigh, ’73 George N. Williamson, ’73 B. McE. Whitlock, ’73 A. B. Simonds, ’73 George Sherman, '75 H. R. Marshall, '75 Clarence R. Conger, '71 K. Rees, ’72 9 ANNUAL DINNER OF 189O. Richard T. Bang, '76 David Caiman, ’76 W. E. Page, ’76 P. Henry Dugro, ’76 Louis C. Raegener, ’76 Theodore F. Lozier, ’76 Isidore S. Korn, ’77 Marlborough Churchill, ’77 Wesley Harper, ’77 John Murray Mitchell, ’77 I. A. Sprague, ’76 I. N. Seligman, ’76 Jasper T. Sidney G. Ashmore, ’72 Richard Gottheil, ’81 Wm. C. Demorest, ’8i E. T. Roberts, ’81 R. A. Anthony, '81 Edward Riggs, ’81 Thos. D. Rambaut, ’81 Edward Hinman, ’81 F. Benedict Herzog, ’81 Wm. A. Dunning, ’81 Frank Rees, ’74 M. H. T. Peck, ’81 William Michael Pupin, ’83 F. E. Laimbeer, ’83 A. V. Williams Jackson, T G. F. Thomson, ’83 George B. Hussey, ’84 H. S. Hathaway, ’84 Joseph W. Cushman, ’84 F. E. Buckingham, ’84 M. C. Van V. Powers, ’82 M. S. B. Downes, ’82 M. J. H. Wainwright, ’82 M. Marshall ( I F. W. Holls, ’78 Jefferson Seligman, ’78 Mornay Williams, ’78 H. E. Gregory, ’78 B. Farquhar Curtis, '78 C. DeH. Brower, ’78 Wm. H. Russell, ’78 John L. Bogert, ’78 W. E. Verplanck, '76 N. P. Schenck, ’76 J. E. Hindon Hyde, ’76 Leighton Williams, ’76 Goodwin, ’76. A Charles A. O'Neill, '80 George E. Blackwell, '80 F. L. Marshall, '8o Sidney B. Stuart, '80 Wm. G. Bates, ’80 L. H. King, ’80 W. Harris Roome, ’8o H. A. Kingsbury, '79 E. R. A. Seligman, ’79 Stephen G. Williams, '81 Charles A. Moran, '81 Wm. Fellowes Morgan, '80 S. Sloan, ’82 M Edgar T. Levey, ’83 A. Gudeman, '83 I. H. Schmelzel, ’83 A. P. Quimby, '83 D. L. Gibbens, ’81 John Webber, Jr., ’82 Edwin J. Gillies, ’82 Louis D. Ray, ’82 Wm. O. Wiley, ’82 Chas. H. Simonds, ’82 E. de P. Livingston, ’82 Rowland P. Keasbey, '82 rme Wilson, ’82 IO ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI. 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