LOUISVILLE ILSTIWL. JULY lOth, 11th, 12th and 13th, 1877. OFFICERS: J. J. FISCHER .... A„ ARMBRUST, . . G. S. SCHUHMANN ROB’T MANSFELD . J. B. WURACH . . . .• President. Vize Prest. Cor. Sec’y. Rec. Sec’y. Treasurer. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. LOUIS. DAEUBLE, W. EHRMAN, L. ECKSTENKEMPER, G. BANDE, M. DRACH, JACOB LANG, JR., O. STUTZ, G. WERNER, “Ecce quam bonum Bonum et jucundum Habitare fratres in unum.” I Ben. F. Avery, Esq. Hon. Ben. H. Bristow. M. Lewis Clark, Jr. Esq. D. P. Faulds, Esq. Kev. Dr. J. H. Heywood. Hon. E. D. Standiford, Julius von Borries, Esq. A. F. Coldewey, Esq. J. L. Deppen, Esq. Jos. Haxthausen, Esq. Wm. Reinecke, Esq, C. Stege, Esq. J. A. Gerst, Vice-President. M. A. Sachs. J. H. Wrampelmeier. Gottlieb Layer. A, Fabel. John Zeller. Wm. Plato, Secretary. Paul Eitel. Geo S. Schuhmann. HONORARY COMMITTEE. Hon. CHARLES D. JACOB, Mayor. Hon. Bland Ballard. Hon. Horatio W. Bruce. Chas. Cobb, Esq. Hon. James Harlan. Hon. John Watts Kearney, Hon. J. H. Stites. Nathan Bloom, Esq. Theophile Conrad, Esq. Henry C. Fink. Esq* Jacob Krieger, Esq. Frank P Schmitt, Esq. H Verhoeff, Jr., Esq. .Tas. S. Barrett, Esq. Hon. Isaac Caldwell. B. DuPont, Esq. Hon. J. M. Harlan R. A. Robinson. Esq. Jos. 'I'. Tompkins. Adolphus Brandeis, Esq. Henry Deppen, Esq. D. Hallenberg, Esq. Francis Reidhar, Esq. Theodore Schwartz, Esq. Julius Winter, Esq. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. FRANK VON BORRIES, President. E. C. Bohne, Secretary. J. B. Wurach. J. J. Fischer. Wm. Ehrmann. C. C. Rufer. Julius Barkhouse. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC. LOUIS HAST, President. Geo Zoeller, Otto Schueler. Chas. Weiss. W. Kohnhorst. J. M. Roemele. Fred Leib, Treasurer. F. W. Merz. J. C. Baumberger. Frank Fehr.. Phil. Schiliinger. COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION. Wm. G. Meier. C. C. RUFER, President. Frank P. Schmidt. C. Stege. J. B. Wurach. Julius Barkhouse. Jos. Haxthausen. Fred. Leib. * A. Fabel. F. W. Merz, Henry Watterson. Geo. S.‘Schuhmann. F. Byers. E. C. Bohne. PRESS COMMITTEE. M. A. SACHS, President. Geo. P. Doern. Wm. Krippenstapel. R. M. Kelley. H. U. Frankel. E. F. Madden. Frank von Borries. COMMITTEE ON PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. E. C. Bohne. ‘ Frank von Borries. Geo. S. Schuhmann. COMMITTEE ON QUARTERS. LOUIS DAEUBLE, President. J. G. Ruckstuhl John Helmus, J. B. Wurracli. J. W. Spoehr. Louis Leib. COMMITTEE ON HALL. J. H. Wrampelmeier. F. W. Merz. J. B. Wurach. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. J, C. BAUMBERGER, President. Fred. Keisker. Zach. Birchler. C. A. Kollmann. F. Leib. Oscar Stutz. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. JULIUS WINTER, Chairman. C. Grau, Secretary. G. A. Lippold. John Kulibauch. J. H. Doerr. H. Bobzien. Joseph Simon. Jacob Lohr. Adolph von Borries. C. Grau. Chas. L. Sauer. O. Engeler. Otto von Borries. Jacob Kappeler. C. G. Rosenplanter. Chas. Long. Max Selliger. Louis Wolf. F. Jaeger. George Keim. Ernest Koch. Chas. Winkler. Frank B. Seiler. H. A. Pfingst. Fred. Kraft. Chas. Jost. E H. Baumgart. Julius von Borries, H. Waller. Max Harten. Wm. von Borries. J. B. Jaeger. Wm. Geissel. H. U. Frankel. Henry Hofer. Louis Tachau. M. Sachs. LI. Freese. H. Meier. Julius Winter, Jr. M. Stu her. Jacob Lang. Oscar Stutz. A. Armbrust. Theodore Schwartz, Fred. Wulkop. Max Drach. L. A. Reese. H. Strater. J. Russeuberger. Geo. Schad. Geo. Gunther. Alfred Brandeis. M. Stern. E. Dolfinger. N. IT, Rehkopf T. B. Gerst, E. C. Bohne. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J. J. Fischer. F. Leib. J. B. Wurach. Geo. S. Schuhmann. H iff M H g g - ni t€>TZ *s a LU A FIRST CONCERT —TUESDAY. PAUL EITEL, Director. PART I. 1. Overture—“Oberon“.Weber ORCHESTRA. 2 , “Wilkommengruss”.Isemann Chor us of Male Voices and Orchestra. «WEIiCOj3E TO THE SOG¬ ERS” [From his German original by Fred. Albert Schmitt.] Be greeted with our brightest accents, Which ring to heaven most cheerfully, j Into the notes of joy shall mingle j The blissful song of harmony. • In all the hearts the same desire, The same affection true and strong: i This is our love within our bosom V For German art and German song. Accept our hands for cheerful union, Our very hearts beside our hand ! You come with cheerful strains of music From hilly States and from the plain, Our “welcome” hear, our hearty greetings, Within this unpretending strain. Still the old oaks are green and thriving, In liberty’s most noble land : Accept our hands for cheerful union, Our very hearts beside our hand. Oration by his Honor, the Mayor of Louisville, and sur¬ render of the Flag of the Saengerbund to. the President of theEestival at Louisville. 4, March from “Tannhaeuser”.Wagner Grand Chorus of Female and Male Vocies and Orchestra. TAltf ISHAUSER MARCH. [By Richard Wagner.] Ye singers by the fair Ohio Yow touch the strings most full and sweet, And pay the toll of German music To our new country which we greet. Ye singers here from all directions, From East and West, from near and far, We greet you with the best of greetings, United by our song we are. Still in these realms does grow and flourish Germania’s strong and noble tiee, And thrive it will, grow strong and tower Up into heaven’s canopy. Whenever in some festive union The Germans are so free and gay, For their beloved country’s manners AVill sound their songs and will they pray. You come with cheerful strains of music From many a State with speedy feet, Our “welcome” hear, beloved comers, With which we gladly, brothers greet. Still the old oaks are green and thriving In liberty’s most nob'e land : J Hail bright abode where song the heart rejoices, May lays of peace within thee never fail, Long rmay we sing with loyal voices Prince of Thuringia Landgraf Hermann Hail! - PART II. 5. ,‘Die Macht ber Musik' 1 .Koenig Tenor Solo, Grand Chorus of Male Voices and Orchestra. THE POWER OF MUSIC. [By Helen, Countess of Orleans.] [Translated by J. A. Schmitt.] Who lonely stands within life’s changeful circle, -’‘W And who lost all that makes life bright and dear, How beats his heart, when a dear song is striking From distant days of youth his listening ear. Ye welcome sounds the breath of your flight, Awakes a sleeping world of thought, pin¬ ions and light, Eyes, dim with tears, again have smiles and lustre, The shadowed forehead soon again grows bright. The zephyrs, which in charming scents of flowers Of the far East have hovered to and fro, Spread even a breath of balm in any re¬ gions, When withered lies the blossom lone and low. Thus leaves, e’en if the dream of bliss is vanished, Remembrance in the breath of every strain, A little song from those bright better hours Will bring us the old happiness again. O music, mighty one, before thee fleeeth The most expressive word of speech away ; -Why should we tell what our full heart is feeling, If all our soul is sounding in thy lay ? The words of friendship often are deceiv¬ ing* And love betrays by eloquence and arts, But music never has deceived her chil¬ dren, Though she has gladdened many thou¬ sand hearts. 6. Soprano Solo—“Gnaclenarie,“ from Roberta.Meyerbeer Mme. Eugenie Pappenheini and Orchestra. ROBERT ILK RIARLE. [Cavatina, by Meyerbeer ] Ere now thou didst implore me, ( \ But now I call on thee, j Heaven its pardon grant, Its pardon grant to thee; And mercy and mercy, 'Mercy gently fall on me, Pardon to thee, mercy on me. By the love that once did move thee, Dearest! do now reprove me, But hear thou my prayer, And see my despair, Ah ! Heaven its pardon grant, Its pardon grant to thee, And mercy, and mercy Gently fall on me. Mercy, mercy, mercy, Mercy on me. 7. “Rhapsodic IIongroise”....\.Liszt O It CUES Tit A. 8 . Barytone Solo—“Die beiden Grena- diere”.Schumann Mr. Franz Rernvnerlz atul Orchestra. THE CiREMMERS. [By R. Schumann.] Oh ! Robert, Idol of my heart! Our mutual vows it were death to part, Ah me ! what grieve and care Now rack me with despair. Heaven its pardon grants, Its pardon grant to thee, A od mercy gently fall on me. Mercy on me, mercy on me, Pardon to thee, Mercy on me, on me. Many vows we fondly cherished, Hopes of bliss, have they thus untimely perish’d ? To France passed onward two grenadiers, Two captives from Russia returning. But as they came to German frontiers, Despair in their hearts was burning ; For there sounded forth desolation and woe : The glory of France all had vanish’d, The brave had been slain by hand of the foe, And the Emp’ror the Emp’ror was ban¬ ished. They wept then together these grenadiers, The joy in their freedom departed. Alas! Said one, “the wound of years Are fresh as when first they smarted !’’ Fhe other said, “We’re all too late ! And death I’d gladly cherish, But wife and child at home await, Without me they will perish!” Ah ! what are wife and child to me, Since glory from Fiance now has van¬ ished ? Let them go and beg if it so must be ! My emp’ror, my emp’ror is banished ! My brother grant me tlrs last prayer, When death shall have me in keeping. To France my remains wilt thou surely bear, For in her loved soil I’d be sleeping, FIRST CONCERT. The cross of honor which I wear Place on my heart most surely, My gun I’d have in hand when there, And gird my sword securely. Then I shall lie ’neath my quiet mound, Ever on watch like a sentry, Until I hear loud the cannon resound And steeds to the conflict make entry ; As over my grave, then the Emp’ror shall ride, H is sword the bright sun reflecting, I’ll rise ready armed and what e’er may betide The emp’ror, the emp’ror protecting ! 9. Finale of the first act of the uncom¬ pleted Opera, “Loreley”... Mendelssohn Solo by M’me Eugene Fappenheim. Grand Chorus of Female and Male Voices and Orchestra. SECOND CONCERT—WEDNESDAY. CARL BARUS, Director. PART I. 1. Overture—“Fidelio” No. 4m E..Beethoven ORCHESTRA. 2. Ostara aus der “Edda”.Hiller Tenor Solo, Grand Chorus of Male Voices and Orchestra. OSTA M A . [From the “Edda.”] Ostara rises in the dome of heaven, Crowned by the wreath of purple morn¬ ing-beams, She comes and kisses, kind to all creation, Awake the life which still did rest in dreams. The world then opens her bright eyes, “Ostara” it rings toward the skies. “Ostara comes,” she sends mild dew of heaven, And charming spring with all his scent and bloom ; Then all the buds are bursting their green covets, The golden beetle rises from its tomb. “Ostara” sounds the world in glee And all is song and harmony. Ostara triumphs, with her bright eye- luster, The spirit of all people she enlights ; It dawns, and all the woilcl at once em¬ bracing, Eternal truth steps forward from dark nights. “Ostara,” it’s ringing with spirit’s perfec¬ tion— For Easter day brings resurrection. Lo ! all the fires are glowing around From all the German mountains bright. “Ostara comes!” Let also us togetirer in one flame of thy spirit glow ! “Ostara,” then all people sing This is the nation’s hallowed spring. 3. Soprano Solo—Arie aus Mignon “Ah per Stassera.Thomas Miss Clara Seinmann and Orchestra. All PER OTASSERA. [From Mignon.] Yes, for this eve I shall reign of the fairies, Observe ye here my sceptre bright, And behold my num’rous trophies. I’m fair Titania, g ad and gay, Thro’ the world unfetter’d now I b’ithe’y stray. With jocund heart and happy mien, I cheer.y dance, I cheerly dance the hours away, Like the bird that freely wings its flight. Ah ! Fairies dance around me Elin sprites on nimble toe Around me gaily dance. I’m fair Titania. Both night and day. My attendants ever sing, The achievements of the God of love ! On the wave’s white foam, ’Mid the twilight grey, ’Mid hedges, ’mid flowers, I blithe'y do dance ! Yes ! the fair Titania am I, etc., etc. 6 SECOND CONCERT. 4. “Rheinsage“.Otto | Grand Chorus of Male Voices and, Orchestra. A LEGEUfB OF THE RHINE [By W. J. Price.] The Rhineland, River Rhine! So mild there is the night; There lie the hills of vine In moonbeams’ golden light. There flits a noble shade, A lofty mien he bears, In royal purple clad, A crown of gold he wears. The Kaiser, Karl the Great, ITe who with mighty hand Long since enthroned sate, The Monarch of the land. ’Risen from his resting place, His tomb at Aachen there, He comes to bless the vines, He breathes the odorous air. Grand March : As the people appear on the scene. CHORUS OF THE PEOPLE. We hail thee, hail thee, glorious day! Disgrace has fled before thy ray! The powerful chords of the organ are heard, announc¬ ing the conclusion of the conclave. The large doors are opened, and from the church emanate the peace-mes¬ sengers, all clad in white, a green palm-branch in the right hand. They walk in solemn procession over the scene. CHORUS OF THE PEACE-MESSENGERS. Awake from sleep ye, far and near, The joyous tiding now to hear, That Roma’s fame-dishonored star New light received through heavens grace. See how he shines so bright and clear, With glor} r beams his golden rays. Disgrace and shame sinks into night, To glorious day dawns freedom’s light. (The peace-messengers pursue their way, traveling through all Italy, proclaiming the peace.) Rienzi, escorted by the Nobili, come from the church. As soon as the people perceive him, they burst into loud rejoicings. CHORUS OF THE PEOPLE. Rienzi comes ! his fame we praise ! Hail thee, Redeemer, from disgrace! At Rudersheim the moon The stream so brightly gilds, And over the green Rhine A golden bridge it builds. The Kaiser goes o’er, And slowly takes his way, In ev’ry spot by the stream A blessing doth he say. To Aachen he returns And sleeps he another year ; Until awakened by The grape-scented atmosphere. But we the goblets fill; This golden juice inspires The German heart with strength, And kindles heroic fires. r. Finale aus ‘‘Rienzi'’ - Wagner Solo b v Mug one Papenlieim,. Quartette and G rand Chorus of Female and Male Voices of the Cincinnati “ Vest - ( hor” and Orchestra . FIN ALE FROM “RIENZI.” [By Richard Wagner.] Scene : Large piazza with flowers in front of the Lat¬ eral! in Rome. The populace awaits the decision of council, which have assembled in the interior of the church. Rienzi (steps solemnly forward on the fliers). Arise, fair Rome, to liberty! Be tiee, and ev’ry Roman free ! CHORUS OF THE PEOPLE. Free Rome! ev’ry Roman free ! RIENZI. Rome’s liberty shall be the law, Subject thereto be ev’ry Roman ! Punished shall be usurper’s aim, And ev’ry robber’s wicked deed!” Closed be henceforth, as now it is, Rome’s gates to tyrant’s vile intrusion ; But welcome he who peace conveys, Who to the law obedience swears ! Your wrath descend upon the heads Of ev’ry foe to Roman peace. The pilgrim free may wend his step, In peace the shepherd watch his flock ! Then swear that ye’ll protect the law ! Free Romans swear this holy oath ! CHORUS OF THE PEOPLE. Protector, savior, hero great, Rienzi ! hear, oh hear our oath ! (The people sink to their knees, with uplifted hands). We swear to thee, so gr^at and free As ancient Rome shall Rome become ! From serfdom free and tyranny ! Our life-blood shall protect our home ! SECOND CONCERT. 7 Death and destruction we proclaim. To the transgressors of our fame ! — A new-born people now shall rise, With glory crown our country’s name ! (The populace brings homage to the Rienzi. Irene crowns him with a laurel wreath.) IRENE. Rienzi, praise to thee, Praise to thy glorious name ! To far posterity May brightly shine thy fame ! So Jong as Rome shall stand, Unto the end of time, Will beam through all the land Rienzi’s fame sublime ! Orsini, Colonna and the chorus of Noboli (who in se¬ cret have plotted the fall of Rienzi. Aside). Ha ! thus to be disgraced ! My pride thus put to shame ! Oh, were these arms unbraced To crush the tyrant’s aim ! Barocelli and Cecco (Rienzi’s friends, who suspicion the plot.of the Nobili. Aside.) Soon treachery again This haughty band will plot; Our victory will be vain ; Naught avails us but their b ood. CHORUS OF THE PEOPLE. Rienzi, praise to thee ! Praise to thy glorious name ! To far posterity May brightly shine thy fame ! So long as Pome shall stand, Unto the end of time, Will beam through all the land Rienzi’s fame sublime ! [The curtain falls.] End of the second act. PART II. 6, Soprano Solo—“Aus dem Hohen Liede Salomo’s,”.Dr. L. Damrosch M’nie Eugene Pappenhehn SULAMITH’S [After the German Translation of G. F. Daumer, by Fred. Albert Schmitt.] For Soprano Solo and Orchestra Composed by Dr. L. Damrosch and Dedicated to Mad Eugenie Pappenheim. Bathed and embalmed with sweet myrths I was dripping Of a most precious and of balmy scent. I waited for my lover in the night; Alas, it was in vain, and fell asleep. Hark! There it knocks! My friend’s sweet voice is heard : “Open to me, beloved, kindred soul “Open to me, my dove, my tender dove! 6 ‘My head is wet and dripping are my curls From dew of night—oh, do not tarry, open!” Bereft am I of sense with pure delight By this sweet voices sound, and loudly beats My heart and quickly toward its happi¬ ness. I fly and quickly draw the bolts away And look affrighted in the empty night; He has escaped and lost is every trace Of my sweet bliss—I call—and no one hears! — I wrap myself within my mantle then, I walk along through many a dark, love street, I dare to step into the open field, I look for my dear friend and seek in vain. But there the watchmen find we who are walking Around the city; they take hold of me. They tear my mantle from me and they beat me, They beat me sick and sore with their rough fists. Then I awake and find it is a dream, An evil dream !—Oh, I beseech you, daughters, Ye maids of Zion, if you meet my friend Then tell him I am faint and sick of love, And tell him how my soul is suffering, Beseech him as I do beseech you now To hasten, come, and kiss me well again! 7. “Forty-second Psalm”. -• Mendelssohn Solo by Miss Clara Jteintnann. Quartette and Grand Chor us of Female and Male Foices and Orchestra. FOKT ¥-SEF0;M1> PSALM. As the heart panteth after the water- brooks so panteth my soul after thee, 0 God. 2. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God : When shall I come and ap¬ pear before God ? 3. My tears have been my meat day and night, while thee continually say unto me: Where is thy God? ( SECOND CONCERT. 4. When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me : for I had gone with the multitude; I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holy day. 5. Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God : For I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. 6. O my God, my soul is cast down within me: Therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar. 7. Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterpouts: All thy waves and thy billows are gone after me. 8. Yet the Lord will command his lov¬ ing kindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me and my prayer unto the God of my liife. 9. I will say unto God my rock: Why hast thou forgotten me? Why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy ? 10.,Aswitha word in my bones my enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me : Where is thy God ? 11. Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? And why art thou disquieted with¬ in me ? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my coun¬ tenance, and my God. • 8 . Inflamatus from “Stabet Mater”....Rossini Solo by 31’me Mugene Pappenheim. Grand Chorus of Female atul 3Iale Yoices and, Orchestra. IWFJLA.MHATUS, [From Stabat Mater by Rossini.] AIR AND CHORUS—SOPRANO SOLO. To thy holy care elected, Virgin let me be protected, On judgment day. CHORUS. On the dreadful judgment day ! SOLO. Thro’ the lov’d Redeemer’s dying, Let me fondly still relying, For sweet grace and mercy pray. CHORUS. Thro’ the lov’d Redeemer’s dying, Let me fondly still relying, For sweet grace and mercy pray. • THURSDAY—MATINEE. M-A.1TITE E - . PART I. 1. Overture—“Rienzi”...Wagner ORCHESTRA. 2. Soprano Solo—Scene and Aria from “Der Freischuetz”.C, M. von Weber 31 IIS. SKILL31 AN AND ORCHESTRA. ( Choral-ft“Hallelujah .Traetorius 3. •] ‘'Fruehlingslied”. Abt ( “Vaterland”. Becker Ry the Pupils of the Advanced. Classes of the Public Schools of Louisville, and Orchestra. 4. Soprano Solo—“Das Wald Voeglein.Lachner 3Irs. Kunz Mueller of Cincinnati, and Cello Obligato. PART II. c. “Svmphonie No. c.“. Beethoven ORCUESTA. 6. Soprano Solo—Theme and Variations.Proch 31iss Katie Elliott and Orchestra. « 7. Piano Concert—' “ 79”...C. M. von Weber Prof. Ernst Zoeller and Orchestra, { “Hushed are the words”.. .H. Isaacs “See the conquering Hero comes 11 . Handel “Gute Nacht”.Abt lly the Pupils af the Advanced Classes of the Public Schools of Louisville, and Orchestra. 9, Overture—“Aladin”. Horneman ORCHESTRA. THIRD CONCERT — THURSDAY. PART I. 1. 0 verture—-‘‘Rosamunde”.Schuberth ORCHESTRA. MICHAEL BRAND, Director. 2. “Die Himmel ruehmen“.Bethoven Grand Chorus of Male Voices and Orchestra. OTTO SCHUELER, Director. 3. Contralto Solo—“Oh' rendini,“ from Mitrane.Rossi Miss Louisa Rollwaqed and Orchestra. 4. “Ossian”. Beschnitt Tenor and Basso Solos and Chorus of Male Voices. OTTO SCHUELER, Director. THE OVERTURE. [Translated by W. J. Price.] From clays of old to us it comes, The hero’s easy tread and sure. 0, song of Cona Ossian, Enchanting are thy notes, and pure. 5. Soprano Solo—Pagen Arie aus den Hugenotten. . .Meyerbeer Miss Clara Reinrnann and Orchestra. 6. Symphonic Poem—“Dance Macabre“ .Saint Seans ORCHESTRA. MICHAEL BRANDT, Director. BAXCE MACABRE. 'Dance of Death,” Poem Vymphonique, by Saint Saens.] . OSSIAN. 0, song of Cona Ossian, Enchanting are thy notes and warm; How glorious breaks thy song its way Through biilows mad and raging storm, In mail, like warrior clad if comes, From sea to sea it rushing flies, A clang of arms in every note, Tis sped like meteor of the skies. ir It wraps itse’f in misty shroud, It speeds o’er plain and leas, It rings by cups of wine outpoured— Inspiring notes to warrior these. It is a note so mi'd and sweet, As played by maiden hand it sounds 4 As shied and sword together beat, Like war’s loud murmurs it resounds. Zig, Zig, Zig—grim death, in cadence, Striking with his heel a tomb, Death at midnight plays a dance tune, Zig, Zig, Zig, upon the viol. The winter wind, blows and the night is all dark, Moans are heard in the linden trees , Through the gloom the white skeletons pas$, Running and leaping in their shrouds. Zig, Zig, Zig, each one is frisking, The bone 3 of the dancers are heard to crack. * * * * ^ % But hist! of a sudden they quit the round ; They push forward, they fly, the cock has crowed. —[Poem by Henri Cazalis. 10 THIRD CONCERT. PART II. Tile Fable of tl|e FaifesT jVfelit^ir\b, Translated into English by Prof. Geo. Boyle. HANS BALATKA, Director. MELUSINA..M’ME EUGENIE PAPPENHEIM CLOTHILDE .MISS LOUISE ROLLWAGEN COUNT RAYMUND.MR. FRANZ REMMERTZ SINTRAM.MR. OTTO SCHUELER KING OF WATER SPIRITS.MR. C. KOLLROS I. Prologue — Chorus. In the depth of Bresilia’s forest shade, In the flower enameled verdant glade Lies hidden a fountain so cool and clear, Where lindens are whispering all the year. The roe of the forest so timid and coy Here tastes a repose it can seldom enjoy, The little birds sing on the linden tree, And its flagrant flower are the spoil of the bee! And the waters that ripple with murmur- • ing sound, Alone break the silence. But lovelier still is that tranquil scene When the fountain is cheer’d with the smile of its queen ! When the naiads she joins in their sport¬ ive game The fairest of all, Melusina is her name. Melusina — Chorus of the Water Nymphs. Arise, arise, apace! From hollows so dreary, From clefts chill and weary, In swift merry race Sparkling and brightly The waters flow lightly, Rise to the view Must we water nymphs, too, Fair is the day That now can gainsay. From treetops glancing, On mountains dancing, On meadows glowing, Delight bestowing. It tempts us to stray On the humid way. In its radiance to hover, The earth’s verdant plains. But when rays fiercely burning, Earth’s children molesting Forbid longer resting, To the dear fount returning We’ll plunge in the flow, There so merrily living In the flow, in the flow, For the flood is life giving; Death, death comes with the glow. Melusina . You, sisters, love in cooling depths to wander, When on the earth the burning sunbeams fall, But of these scenes my captive heart grows fonder Since it has proved the sweetest bliss of all The Nymphs. O Melusina, watchful be! What bliss can earth accord to thee When every tie is rudely rent With thine own sacred element? No more flitting where living: The bright water flow ; For the flood is life-giving, Death, death comes with the glow! THIRD CONCERT. ' ll Melusincc. It is love, that is life-giving And life it is glow ! The Nymphs. Melusina, why pin’st thou? For what mortal resign’st Thou the home in the deep, Thou should’st treasure and keep ? Melusina. It is Count Raymond, Since you thus implore me. Vainly I endeavour Peace to recall that’s fled forever. II. — Melusina. Where’er I come his image flits Before me, when’ever in dreams I see a form ’tis his. And oft the sad and painful thought, Steals o’er me, he thinks not of me ’Twere too great a bliss. His eyes unite the gentle blue of heaven AVith the soft brilliance of the fountain clear, To charm with every look to him is given, My conscious heart says he will soon ap¬ pear. AVhere’er I come his image Flits before me, when’er in dreams, I see a form, ’tis his. The Nymphs. By humid paths let’s fly, let’s fly, No mortal dare us nymphs espy ! Melusina. Here sisters, by the forest’s side, Is space in bush, and tree to hide. Count Raimondi , With his Hunting Train. Chorus of the Hunters. Sweet love I must be going, AVhere the purple heath is blowing, Into the fair, green wood. All thought of love effacing, The stag I must be chasing AVhen rings the horn so good, Hussa ! With hussa horido, hiahho, With hussa, with hussa and haiha. AVhat joy till evening’s shadow Sinks down on wood aiid meadow To chase the stay so fleet. But at eve nought shall belate me, In the garden may’st await me, A kiss is doublv sweet, hussa, AVith hussa horido haiahho, With hussa, with hussa and haiha! Raymond. Now to your sports, good friends, away, Leave me a brief space here, I pray. Need I your aid, my horn’s sharp sound AVill warn you where I may be found. Chorus of Hunters. ’Tis sweet by woodland fountain, On heath or sloping mountain, The nimble game to start, But sweet, too, is the pleasure Oh ! rapture without measure ! To win a maiden’s heart. III. Raymond's Song. The lindens whisper, the fount prattles fonder, As though some soft secret to mortals dis¬ closing. In this magic spot I must constantly wan¬ der From my home in the vale, where the herds are reposing. Here the loveliest maiden has taught me to know The sweetest of bliss, and the keenest of woe. The bliss when so loving the name she i imparted AVith which I might call her in waking or dreaming, The pang when too boldly approaching she started And fled her light robe through the forest shade gleaming. And now the big teardrops my pallid cheeks wet. Melusina, my loved one, thine anger for¬ get! IV. Duett Raymond and MeliLsina — Raymond. 0 Melusina, again I behold thee. 12 THIRD CONCERT Melusina. Melusina. Thou call’st, I come, and now unfold me What thou desir’st! — Raimond. Thyself, sweet maid. Melusina. A bold demand. Raymond. Of nought is he afraid Who seeks the highest price. Thou can’st believe me to die, My hopes attain’d, would little grieve me, To the world’s end - I’d follow t hee, Undaunted, nor know repose til) thou My pray’r hads’t granted, or drunk the Kiss—that should of life bereave me. Melusina . Impetuous man ! Cans’t trace Ought in my face That bodes thee sorrow That threats thy morrow ? Within thine eye thy heart I trace Though folded like the tender rose ; Raymond and Melusina. While loving trust still stronger grows And binds our souls in soft embrace, Within thine eye thy heart I trace, Though folded like the tender rose. Raymond. Thou’lt hear a lover’s ardent prayer? Melusina. I will, if constancy thou’lt swear. Raimond. I swear! Melusina. I take thee as my spouse forever, And wed with thee, no more to sever. Six days in every week I’m thine, With warmest love and purest feeling, The seventh I claim as wholly mine, From thy dear presei ce softly stealing. Ne’er from the path of duty straying Will I do aught to cause thee shame, But love witli constancy repaying, I swear no wrong shall stain thy name. Now in thy turn thou’lt promise me, Each seventh morn thy fears allaying Thou ask’st not, seek’st not where I be. Raymond. Sweet maid, my promise here is giv’n, I pledge my word, my hopes of heav’n. Melusina. Oh ! keep thine oath, dear Raymond, Or too late thou’lt learn What evils perjury await; ’Twould bring thee ruin Shoulds’t thou break it. Raymond. ; If false, I’ll die, then let me take it. Melusina. So am .I thine. Raymond. Let all my mercy huntsmen, who Breathe the green woods cheering air, Approach and see a happy pair! The Nymphs. His tongue has sworn the oath ; Now pledg’d and bound are both ; But love it is frighted by sorrow and care! Melusina, beware, Melusina, beware. Hunters’ Chorus.. Not yet! come, sisters, quick appear ! To Raymond’s solemn vow give ear.— V. Finale — Nymphs. We come at the calling, But evils be falling ; Thy nymph, sisters spurning, For Raymond thou’rt burning ! But love it is frighted By sorrow and care, Melusina, beware! But sweet, too is the pleasure, Oh! rapture without measure ! j To win a maiden’s heart, hussa ! With hussa, horido, hiahho ! With hussa, with hussa and hi —ah ! Raymond. Salute your mistress here my lovely bride, And witness all, that i with kiss and ring As mv lawful spouse have taken. Greet Melusina cheerly by my side, And me your joyous gratulations bring That w 7 e are join’d for age in faith un¬ shaken. THIRD CONCERT. Chorus of the Hunters. Hail, Melusina, hail! Count -Raymond, hail, hail, hail! Clotilda. Who is she then ? Sintram. Raymond. A bridal train, then to the castle lightly We’ll trip in measure brisk and sprightly. There shalt thou reign, my happy home adorning. Melusina. Oh thee I’ll serve with love and faith un¬ ceasing. Raymond. Abide with us this happy morning My noble dames our joyfulness increas¬ ing. Nymphs. We come at thy calling, But evils befalling. Melusina and Raymond. I love of thee, I seem awaking To bliss unknown, to raptures rare. Undreamed of joys with thee pataking, My life without thee darkness were. Nymphs. Melusina, beware! Chorus of the Nymphs and Hunters. To the castle ! Horns are ringing, Arm in arm we’ll wander singing, Mercy couples homewards wending, Bride and bridegroom all attending Murmuring fount lindens whispering While the forest slumbered Heard fond lovers sweet words lisping Peaceful days he theirs unnumbered. Peace and blessing beyond telling, Circle Raymond’s happy dwelling ! To the cattle ! Horns are ringing, wedded lovers ! All hail! All hail! SECOND PART. VI. Clotilda. That none can trace. Clotilda. What is her wealth ? Sintram. A pretty face. Clotilda. And he, a son of noble fathers, must Such a woman’s consort be ! Hast seen this worthless wretch to day ? Sintram. Each seventh morn, no mortal sees her, Nor human converse then can please her. But in some darksome spot unknown ’Tis said she meets the tiend alone. The people threat, on every side, Death to th’ accursed demond bride. VII. Chorus of the People. The foul witch bring out ? From her comes our need, Let death be her meed The foul witch biing out The castle about! Our labor is bootless Flocks die, fields are fruitless And famine comes on, With her mien pale and wan, The foul witch bring out From her comes our need While yet life we cherish Let the demon bride perish The foul witch bring out, From.her comes our need, Let dbath be her meed, VIII. TRIO. Clotilda. Oh, son what ills ? what woe! what strife ! Since Melusina is thy wife ! Why on thy brow does sadness hover? Of Raymond’s bride can’st naught discov¬ er. Sintram. With some accursed, magic art She has entrapp’d his guileless heart! Raymond. My life she has with rapture crown’d. And ev’ry care in transport drown’d. Sintram. In demons’ pact companion meet. 14 THIRD CONCERT. Raymond. Such baseless slanders why repeat ? Who dares accuse here ? I’ll maintain No angel is more free from slain. Clotilda. Her stolen absence is not blameless, Nor her resolve, that shall be nameless. The house and race from while she springs. Raymond. But true love slights such paltry Things, nor values races long descended. Sintram. The witch is with the people’s curse at¬ tended. Who cry their homes are desolate Through Melusina’s magic skill And seek’ascure for every ill Her death the witch’s righteous fate. Chorus. The foul witch bring out! From her comes the need, Let death be her meed. Sintram. How fearful is this unchain’d flood. Clotilda. Soon will they ask thy own heart’s blood If thou refusest them thy wife. Raymond. For nothing do I count my life, Meiusina higher stands For me than life than fame, than lands. Sintram and Chorus. He’s charm’d and bound, I see it well lie’s charm’d and bound By her infernal magic spell. Chorus. c While yet life we cherish Let the demon bride perish. Clotilda. The madden’d crowd for vengeance call Oh save my son, this ancient hall. Sintram. That she each seventh day thy side Avoids, can ne’er consist with right, Nor can’st thou banish just suspicion Till openly, without condition Thou nam’st the spot, tell’st the way In which she spends each seventh day. Raymond. To my dear spouse my word is given On this day to abstain from seeking Where she may wander Under the heaven! Chorus. The foul witch bring out! Up the castle about! Let death be her meed ; From her comes our need, The foul witch bring out! Clotilda and Sintram. Thou hear’st the furious people shrieking This day, Meiusina seeking Thou must discover if thy bride Has no forbidden arts to hide! Raymond. Since you demand it, be it so, My spouse will pardon me, I know if I this web of lying wonder With one bold effort tear asunder. I guess the spot where in devotion She rests till lengthening shadows fall; ’Tis where the fountain’s rippling motion I’ve behind a lofty wall; Thus piously the spot inclosing Where life, new life, awoke lor me; There will I seek my spouse, disclosing This mystery what’er it be! IX. Meiusina and Water Nymphs in the Baths —Chorus of Water Nymphs. Bubble up brightly, Waters flow lightly, Freshness diffusing To life giving birth! Fainting and dying All beings were lying, But for the moisture That’s wed to the earth ! Joy to us ! gliding, hov’ring, abiding. Where the pure crystal brings constant delight! Spouting and bounding, With coolness surrounding; Sunbeams ne’er reach us Nor dazzle our sight! Meiusina. Your lot to vaunt and price, I grant you’ve reason, THIRD CONCERT. 15 But still mine own to envy might give birth ; Oh, joy to me! It were the foulest trea¬ son Did I repine by Raymonds cheerful hearth! The Nymphs. But love it is frighted by sorrow and care, Melusina, beware! Melusina. Fainting and dying all beings were lying, But tor the moisture that’s wed to the earth. XI. Finale— Nymphs. Hark, hark ! Who has care To watch and to ware That none finds the path To the nymphs secret bath? Ah, treason and wrath. Oh, nothing fear, dear sisters, he is true ! And truth makes love with every morrow new ! Oh could I with a word express the bliss 1 feel, bliss without measure! You can ne’er know, you ne’er can guess Of faithful love the priceless treasure. Till now I’ve lived but in a dream, And like the flower, unsouled benighted. But soul and sense awakened seem Since to my Kaymond faith I plighted. The purest wish a woman forms. To yield her spouse her full devotion, My steadfast bosom fills and warms, And life is love, in sweet commotion! Yet one thing grieves me, Raymond’s fer¬ tile land, Is visited with threatened death and brand ; The cattle die, the earth fruits shrink and wither, Oh, sisters, with our aid let’s hasten thith¬ er. Assist me with the gentle power you wield, field! Till once again shall laugh each happy field! Let rills the land rejoice, from fountains flowing, ’Twill learn to bliss these gifts of your bestowing. O send us rain, dear heaven, And be thy blessing given to Raymond’s suffering land. Streams like my teardrops flowing on plain, And meadow glowing bestow with boun¬ teous hand. 'Nymphs. Bubble up brightly, Waters flow lightly, Freshness diffusing, to life giving birth Melusina. Raymond, Raymond ! Raymond. O Melusina, dread surprise ! What fish like from arrests my frighted eyes ? Melusina. My doom is spoken ! O Raymond. Raymond. Oh Melusina! Hear me ! Melusina. O Raymond! Raymond. Hear me! Melusina. 0 Raymond! Raymond. O hear me ! Melusina. My doom is spoken! Raymond. O hear me ! Hear me! Melusina ! Melusina. My doom is spoken ! Raymond. My doom is spoken, o hear me. The Nymphs. His oath is broken, His doom is spoken, His eye profanes our secret bath ! The spirit king, so stern and strong, We’ll summon to avenge this wrong. Melusina. Raymond, O, my doom is spoken. Oh joy and pleasure how are you fled Ah, why did I wed ? Ah, this is my meed ? 16 THIRD CONCERT. Loving so kindly Oli rash, rash deed, I trusted so blindly, The promise he spoke And he, his vow he broke! Chorus of the Water /Spirits. We’ve heard sobs and wailing, We come never failing, In curbless career From the depths we are here, His doom is spoken ! Tutti — The nymphs. You seethe wretch, whose eye the naiad’s bath So treach’rously profaned hath, And who is vow has broken, His doom is spoken. He was saved by the flow, When the clear fountain rushing, With blessing came gushing, But what was our meed ? That traitorous deed ! The rage he shall know Of the water will flow, In its depths let him lie, In foam Jet him die ! His vow be forgot, Let death be his lot. Melusina. Oh spare him ! Misery unending Mast be my fate if justice is unbending. Be mercy, brothers, sisters shown, And think in love he was my own. The King of the Water Spirits to JR ay- j mond. Her voice is raised in accents saving Thy life, despite thy perjury craving. Then life ! If still thou lov’st the dav ; But Melusina must away To dwell on ocean waves forever with us. The union here v T e sever. Come Melusina, come and fly From this unholy spot and hie To the crystal halls in the depths of the I sea; There shall thy heart from sorrow be free. j Raymond. O, Melusina, wilTst thou not forgive ? I feel that far from thee I may not live Nought from this love-sick heart shall e’er efface • Thee, oh, er$ we part let me embrace thee. Melusina and Raymond. Come, then ! My love, the first and best, Come in my arms, come to my breast. In love of thee I seem awaking To bliss unknown, to raptures rare. Undreamed of joys with thee partaking; My life without thee darkness were. Nymphs. Melusina, beware ! Melusina, beware ! Raymond. Mv fondest wish has then been granted %J o In thy embrace I die blest and undaunt¬ ed. Melusina. Ah me ! he dies, he dies! Nymphs. In thy warm kiss destruction lies, For the flood is life-giving, Heath comes with the glow ! Melusina. Raymond, Raymond, could I stay To die with thee, my spouse, this day ? Farewell, farewell, I must away. Water Nymphs. Under the earth we will swiftly glide, Hence to the rolling, ocean’s tide, There, amid the wild waters flow Melusina, forget with the d’wellers on earth all earthly woe. Epilogue— Chorus. From that fatal spot now the nymphs have withdrawn, The fountain still prattles pleasingly on ; The waters come gushing, both cool and clear, ’Mid whispering lindens all through the year, But mingled at times with their mur¬ muring flow, Is .a wailing that comes from the deep¬ ness below, And when they glide softly by Ray¬ mond’s tomb A sighing is heard as through the gloom, Melusina wail’d from some secret grot! O Raymond, beloved one, forget me not! (The <§rand (Piano used at the (Louisville (Festival of the $orth-American §aengerbund are from the (Knabe (Manufactory.°l$y& 6rftc$ Goitcert—Sieuftai}* 1 ;pten|fafl, ben 10 . £unt. ©m^fang ber ©afie an ben SBafmbofen unb bent Banbunggplafce unb ©dettung berfetben nacb bem ftaiiptquartier ber Bieberlrangl>atle. SBegrufjunq berfelben burd; ben SSorfifeer beg ©mtofanag* (Eomiteg, Slnroeifung ber Quartiere. 9? ad) m i 111 a g § 2 Ul;r: erfte ©eneral^robe fitr bag am 2bbenb ftattfinbenbe crfte Concert. ^'aul Gttcl. t .^effsSHvfgcnt, 1. Duberture „Dberon".SSeber 2. SBiHfommen=©rufi.gfemanrt fiouisoiflfr $cftd)or. SStQfommcitgru^* @ebtd;t non g. 21. ©cfjmitt. 3Jlufif non gfemann. ©eib ung gegrlipt mit fyellem ©cfjglle, ©er jubelnb aitf gum £>immel giefyt, Unb in ben ©ang ber greubefyalte, ©er bolben ©intrant fiipeS Bieb ! 3n alien §ergen gleicfye ©riebe, 3n alien Bergen gletc^er ©rang. Siod; faofynt in unfrer SSruft bte Biebe $ur beutfdjen .ft'unft unb gum ©efang, gfyr ©anger am Df;io ©tranbe, ©reift in bie ©aiten ftarl unb bod. Unb gafylt bem neuen §ehnatl;lanbe ©eg beutfdjen Siebeg eblen 3bd • ^sf?r ©anger all’ aug Oft unb SBeften s ©on Seal) unb gern, bon Slorb unb ©itb, SBir bringen ©ud; ber ©riifge beften, Ung ein't mit ©ud; bag beutfcfye Bieb ! Slod; blti^et aud) in biefen SJlarfen ©er beutfd;en ©itte ebler 93aum, Unb itberall toirb er erftarfen Unb toad;fen in ben £immelgraum. SBo je bereint gum frozen gefte, §ier ©eutfd;e neben ©eutfd;en ftefy’n, (Silt ©eutfd;tl;um bir ber SBeifenbefte Unb beinem 2Bol;l bag fyeifge glefy’n. g(;r nafyt mit beden SBanberfangen Slug mancfyem ©taat mit flinfem gujj, SBidfommen fyort aug biefen Ivldrtgen ©ud; alien gilt ber Srubeggrufg! Slod; griinen frifd; bie aiten ©id;en Slud; in ber greifyeit fdjmnem Banb ! Baj$t ©ud; bie £)anb gum S3unbe reid;en Unb unfer §erg mit unfrer §anb ! 3§r nafyt mit bellen SBanberfangen Slug flad;cm Banb, bon SBergegfujg SBillfommen l;ort aug biefen SUdrtgen ©ud) alien gilt ber S3rubergruf$! S?od; griinen frifd; bie alien ©id)en, 1 er beutfcfyen ©reue Unterpfanb, Bajjt ©ud) bie §anb gum S3unbe reid;en Unb unfer §erg mit unfrer §anb ! aSegriifjintg bet- ©afte burd; ben 2ttai;or ber Stabt. Ueber* gabe ber SJunbedfa^ne an ben 2}unbe34$rafibenten, «rn. 3 . gf. §ifd;er. 4 Stfarfd; aug „©annl)dufer".SBagner. &mtnf>dufer SSJarfcJu greubig begriijen tuir bie eble §atle, S s 3o dtunft unb griebe immer nur berioeil’, SBo lange nocl) ber fro^e Sluf erfcl)alle: ©l;uringen’g giirften, Sanbgraf Hermann, $eil! ^)eil! §eil! 3. 2J2ac^t ber SRufif.ftonig Stovbantertfanifdjer Sangerbiuifc. ■ Srenor=©olift: Qof. ©imon§. S?ic 9 S»acf)t J>cr ©Juftf. ©ebicf)t con §elene 0 . Orleans. 3JJufif non itonig. SBer einfam fte^t im bunten Sebengfreife Unb ioag bag Sebcn tfyeuer mact)t, Oerlor, SBie bebt fein §erg, trifft eine liebe SBeife Slug ferner gugenbgeit fein l)ord;enb Dbr. SBillfomm’ne ©one, eureg §uud)eg gad;eln SBedt eine fc^lummernbe ©ebanfentoelt. SSertneinte Slugen lernen toieber ldd?e;rt ©ie biift’re ©tirn ift loieber auf^ellt. gef)l;ir, ber in reic^en S3lumenbuften ©eg Drientg fid; l;in unb l;ergeioiegt. SSerbreitet S3alfantl;aud) nocl) in ben Bitften SBenn fd;on bie ^3lume ioel! am S3oben liegt. 2 (SrfteS Sonccrt* ©o lebt, ift aud; ber Sir aunt be§ ©Iitd'3 enU fd;munbett Grinnerung int §aud;e ber fftuftf. Gin fleineS Sieb in jenen beffern ©iunben SSringt un§ bie alte ©eligfeit guritd. fJtufif bu 9Jidd)tige, nor bir ber jdHo inbet T)er armen ©pracfye ausbrudbollftes 2Sort ! SBarum aud) fagen, ma§ baS §erg empfinbet, £bnt bod; in bir bie gauge ©eele fort. S)er greunbfdjmft SBorte fyaben oft gelogen, G3 tdufcfyt bie £iebe burd) stferebtfamfeit, fftufif aflein, l;at nie ein §erg betrogen. Hub biele taufenb Bergen I;oc^ erfreut. 5. 2lrie au§ Robert ber Teufel".SWefyerbeer. 3J£ab. @ugenfe ^Jappcnl)etm uub ©rctjefter. Robert &cr ©cufcl. (Sacatina. SDtufif con SJietjerbecr. Robert Robert, mein ©eUebter ! SJtein §erg lebt nur, lebt aflein burd; 3) id; ! ®u fieljft meine Ifngft ! ©nabe ©nabe fur bid; felber, Unb ©nabe, ©nabe fitr mid; ! 2Bie bein §erg b>at bergeffen ? 2Ba§ bu fyeife fcfymurft einft mir, 2Ba§ bu fcfymurft ? Ginft fyaft bu mir gefyulbigt v 3u gufjen lieg’ id; bir, 3u giijgen bir, gu giijjen bir ! ©nabe, ©nabe fitr bid; felber, Unb ©nabe, ©nabe fitr mid; ! 21(f) ! fftein Robert, ben id; liebe, S) ir gefyoren meinen SIrtebe, T) u fiefyft meine 2lngft, 211; ! ©nabe, ©nabe fitr bid; fei ber, Unb ©nabe, ©nabe fur mid; ! 6. 3iI;a£fobie <£>ongroi)*e.Sifgt. Ordjefler. 7. „©ie betben ©renabiere". ©djmmann •£evr 3fraitj Slemntcrfc. ©is ©tcita&icrc. non 3t. ©e£>umann. %id; granfreid; gogen gtoei ©renabier’, 25ie maren in Utufglanb gefangen, Unb alS fie famen in’3 beutfd;e Duartier, ©ie liejjen bie $bpfe l;angen. S)a l;brten fie beibe bie traurige fftdfyr, ®af$ granfreid; berloren gegangen, 23efiegt unb gefd;lagen bas tapfre igeer Unb ber .H'aiier, ber Jailer gefangen ! S)a meinten gufammen bie ©renabier’, 2Bcf;l ob ber fldgltcfyen $unbe. T er Gine tyrad;. 2$ie mef; ; mirb mir’, 2Bie brennt meine alte 2Bunbe. „2)er 2lnbre tyrad; ; S)a§ Sieb ift au§, s ilud; id; mod;t’ mit bir fterben, T)od; bab’ id; 2Beib unb $inb gu §au§, S) ie ol;ne mid; berberben. ©a§ fd;ert mid; 2Beib, ma§ fd;ert mid) $inb, gd; trage toeit beffre§ SBerlattgen, Saf 3 fie betteln gel;n, menu fie l;ungrig finb, file in itaifer, mein $taifer gefangen ! ©emdbr’ mir Gruber, eine 23itt ? .* 2Bemt id; jefgt fterben merbe, ©o nimnt meine £etd)e nacb granfreid; mit, 23egrab’ mid; in granfreid)^ Grbe. $Da3 Gftrenfreug am rotben 33anb, ©ollft STu auf’3 ,§erg mir legen ; T) ie glinte gieb mir in bie -Spanb Unb gitrt’ mir tint ben ®egen. ©o mill id; liegen unb l;ord;en ftid, 2®ie eine ©cbifbmad;’ im ©rabe, 2ii§ einft id; f;bre Kanonengebriid Unb miel;ernber Uioffe ©etrabe. T)ann reitet'mein ilaifer iooftl itber mein ©rab, SStel ©ebtoerter flirren unb bli^en, T)amt fteig’ id; getoaffnet l;eroor au§ bem ©rab T)en ^Taifer, ben $aifer gu fcbii|en ! 8. ginale be§ erften 2tfte§ au§ ber unooltenbeten D^'er „l p orelel; ,/ .9J?enbcl§fof)n Souiot>tHe ^yef|d>lu• un& SOlab. (Sag. ^appeut)cint. con SJlenbelfoljn 33artr;otbxj. (3it)et giige fornmen con cerfd^iebenen ©eiten.) ©rfter Qug. 2Bober, mot)er, am bttnfeln Uif)ein ? ^tceiter 8ug. 23om ©rad;enfel§, bom 2Bot!enftein. Unb gl;r mol;er ? ©rfter ^ u g. Som 23obenfee, 2Bir finb nod; fiil;l bom ©letfd;erfdmee, SKoden un§ mdrrnen in luftigen ©djtbdrmen 3m fliid)tigen ^auf ; Slie bort unten toeden mir auf, b){f)eingcfd;led;t t;erauf, l;erauf, l)erauf! Scnor unb )8a^. 3n be§ ©tromeS gelfennifd;cn 9tul;en mir an fr^ftaU’nen iTi)d;en. ©oprano unb 2Uto. 2fuf, auf unb lafgt ben ©trubel gifd;cn. 1 i Scitor unb 23afj. inb ! Sebe, rebe, bag ift bein Segebr! Seonore. Sergeltung ! Sadie! giir meine Siebe bat er mid) gertreten, Skit id) ibnt a lies gab, bdud)t id) il)nt Sid)tg ! Sadje an ibm, an feinent ©efd)tcd)t! Slbgen fie fill) ten ben §oljn ber Siebe, Der ©ebnfud)t getter, bie Dual beg £ergeng, Dag fid) Oergebrt! G^or. Sacbe, Sad)e fd)affen bir bir ! Seonore. ©ebt mir ©dj5nbeit, Planner Derbtenbenbe! ©ebt mir bie ©timme, fit ft gum Serberben ! ©ebt ntir tbbtlidje Stebeggebalt! G E) o r. ©d)onf)eit, ©d)5nbeit, Siebeggebalt | ©oHft bu empfangen, Sad)e febaffen bir bir! Seonore. 2Bobl auf benn, il)r furdjtbaren Sufer, Sennt ben $reig ntir beg bunflen SSerfeg, gorbert, begebrt! $3ag id) bin, bar, gd) l)abe, icb bring bar! G I; o r. ©orift bein f erg gum Sol)n ung geben, ©elbft ung obfern beine Siebe, Sraut beg Sbeineg foUft bu berben, Sraut beg am ge ! fenfd)loft. Seonore. ©g fei! ©g fei! 2Sie icb ben ©ddeier l)ier gerriffen, fo fei gerriffen meine Siebe! glattre fie bb in ben Sitftenl Dent 2Binb, bent ©turmbinb bermad)’ id) fie. Stein berg berfteine, bie btefer gelfen, fitbdog ftarrenb! Dir, o ©trorn, Oerlob’ id) mtd) an. s lSenn fief) bag Skrf ber Sadie bollenbet, bin id) betn, ge= bbr’ id) bir an, bin id) bein, ja bein, unb gel)br’ td) bir an. G^or, 2$ie bu ben ©cfjleier ^ter gerriffen, ©o fei gerriffen beine Siebe glattre fie bin in ben Sliften. Seonore. Simm l)in gum $fanbe, nimnt bin ben Srautring, 4 Dir o ©trom, bir Oerlob’ id) mid) an! StucitcS Gonccrt* 4 G t) o r. §eif, §eit ber mdcbtigen ©terblid)en, §eil, §eil ber ©cbbnbeit oerberblid;en! §eil I §eil! £ e o n o r e. Dir o ©trom, braufenber, falter, gum $reiS Der SSergettung lob’ id) mid) an ! ©enn fid) baS ©erf ber diad)e Oodenbet, 2?in id) bein ttnb gebbr' id) bir an! 9’tacbe, 9tad)e gelobet mir ! G l) o r u 3. 9fad)e, 9tadje geloben toir btr ! 9iacbe! 9tad)e! bat 11. ^uft. )pttnlt 10 UI)r SSormittagS—©eneraE^>cobe. ^Gc^mittagS—2lu§fliige. 2lbenb§— gtoetteS Concert. Sari S5aru$.??cf^®trtgent. 1. DuOerture—,,fytbelio'' 9?o.4 in E... 2SeetI)00en 2. Dftara au§ ber ©bba. filter SJJorbam. ©dngcvlnmb unb -^crr fiittbau. &ftara. SJtufif con gerb. filler. Dftara fd)tnebt em^or am §immelSbogen, ©efrbnt Dorn ©trablenfrang ber ©orgen= glut!) — ©>ie nal)’t unb fiiffet Sltlen bolbgefoogen baS Seben toad),— Da§ nod) im ©d)lummer ruf)t. 2Xuf fd)lagt bie ©elt ibr Sluge bann „Dftara" jaucbgt fie §immel an ! Dftara nal)t! fie tl)auet milb bternieber DeS Sugenb jriiblingS fiijgen gauberbuft; Da ftorengt erloft bie StnoSb’ ibr grimed ©ieber, Der golbene heifer fteigt auS feiner ©ruft „Dftara" tont’S in fu($em &lang, Unb SllleS, Sides toirb ©efang. Dftara fiegt, fie fiegt, 23ei i£)reS SlugeS ©trable Durd)gudt’S ben ©eift ber Golfer tounber= bar ©§ tagt unb after ©elt mit einem ©ale, ©irb eto’ge ©af)r^eit leud)tenb offenbar. Dftara raufd)t eS im ©eifte6ioel;en Unb Dftern fommt baS Sluferfteb’n. ©iel) beine geuerflammen ringSum $on alien beutjd)ea Bergen fd)on : Dftara fomm Un§ aud) laj$ all’ gufammen in GincS beineS ©eifteS ©lutl)enlobn. Dftara jaud)get Sides bann: ©o brid)t ber Golfer gambling an. 3. 2lrie auS SJtignon.£boma§ ftrciul. data Sfetmuauu. 4. 3U;einfage..Dtto 9forbammFamfd)cr Sangerbunb. 5?l)cinfagc* # con Grn. (Setbel. SJlufif con Jjul. Dtto. 21m dtf)oiu, am gritnen 2’tbeine, Da id fo milb bie 21ad)t; Die 2iebenl)ugel liegen 3n golbner ©onbei©rad)t. Unb an ben £>iigeln toanbelt ©in l)ober ©fatten l)er, ©it ©d)toert unb $ur!purmantef. Die Slron Don ©otbe fd)toer. DaS ift ber ibarl ber Uaifer, Der mit getoaltiger £anb,— 2Sor toielen l;unbert gabren, ©eberr)d)t im beutfcben £anb. ©r ift l;erauf geftiegen 3u Slacken auS ber ©ruft, Unb fegnet feine Steben, Unb atljmet Draubenbuft. 23et SUtbeSbeim, ba funfelt Der ©onb in’S ©affer f)inein.... Unb baut eine golbene 23riide, ©ol;l liber ben griinen 9it;ein. Der ^aifer get)t biuiiber • Unb fd;reitet langfam fort, Unb fegnet larrgft bem ©trome Die 9teben an jebem Drt. Dann fe£)rt er beim nad) 2lad;en Unb fcbddft in feiner ©ruft, 23iS il;n im neuen ©rtoedt ber Drauben Duft. ©ir aber fallen bie Corner, Unb trinfen im golbenett ©aft UnS beuti'cbeS §elbenfeuer Unb beutfcbe ^eltenfraft. 3tt)citeS Concert, 5 5. finale ^tenji".SBagner | SDlafc. <$. fPappcttfyeim unli Cincinnati f$\ ftd) t>v. ©rofjtP fyiitalc and ber ©per ,,9licnjU“ STOuftl non 3t. SBagner. ©efungen corn »ycfitrf)or and Cincinnati, nntsr giitis ger SEftitnUrfung oon «yrau ©tigente ipappenljctm. (Scene: ©rofser ipiaft mlt greitreppe nor ber £ateran= 5tircfje in IKotn. Sad SSolf Iiarvt ber Gntfcbeibung bed 3 las tijed, ber fid), im gnnern ber Jvirdte nerfammelt I)at. ©roffer SSJtrfrfd), tnafjrenb bent Slufsuge bed 33olfed. © i) o r b e 3 23 o l F e 3. ©egritfet, gegriift fei bofyer ©ag. ©ie ©tunbe nabt, toorbei bie ©cbmad) ! 9Jian bbrt bie raufdjenben 2lfforbe ber Drgel im P^nnern ber .Slirdfe, rneld)e bad Gnbe bed Gonclaned nerfiinben. Sic mad)tigen gliigeltfjuren bffnen fid) unb Ijeraud fd)rei= ten bie griebendboten, alle mtf rneiffen ©etnanbern beflei= bet, etnen griinen ^almjtneig in ber 3fed)ten tragenb. Sie fdjreiten feierlid) iifter bie Scene. (S f; o r ber §rteben3boteit. ©rtoadjt, tbr ©d)lafer nab unb fern Unb bort bie froFje ^Potfcbaft an : ©aft ffiotna'3 fd)mad)erlofd)ner ©tern 23ont §immel nette3 2id)t getoann. ©ebt, lute er ftrafylt unb fonnengleidj Sn feme fftadjmelt ftegenb brid;t! $ur 9tad)t finft ©d)tnad) fo tobtenbleicb, 3um SBonnetag fteigt JvreitieitsUdd. (Sie griebend&otcn aietjen fingenb non batmen burd) gang ^fatten bett grieb'en oerfiinbigenb.) 9t i e n ji, in 33eglcitung ber 9? o b i t i, tritt and ber .Rircfje nnter bie SDienge. )Bei feinent Stnblid 6 rid)t bad SSolf in lantern Qubcl and. © F; or b e § S3 o F F e 3. fRten^i, fftienji, F;a ! SUenjt bod)! ©er better nabt, fcorbet bie ©d)mad)! 9i i e n 3 i, (fdjreitet feierlid) auf bie grofte Steppe nor): ©rftebe, F)oF)e s Jtoma, neu ! ©ei frei, fei jebem Corner fret! © b o r b e 3 23 o F! e 3. grei fRonta! jeber Corner frei! 3t i e it § i. ©ie §reif;eit 9ftom J 3 fei ba3 ©efeij, 8bm unlert^att fei jeber Corner! 23eftraft fei ftreng ©etoalt unb 3Raub Unb jeber dauber Stomal ^einb. Rkrfcbloffen fei, trie je^t e3 ift, ©en lleberntutF/gen -Rom a’3 ©b°o. SBiUfotmnen fei, tuer grieben bringt, 2Ser bent ©efet} ©eborfam febtuort. ©ie geinbe treffe (Suer ©rimnt, 23ernid;tet fei ber 3’^bler ©d;aar! 2ctB frob unb frei ber ^)iFger jieF)’, ©efd)u£t ber Jpirt-ber §eerbe folg’! ©o fd)mort, gu febirmen ba3 ©efet), ©d)U)ovt freier Corner f^eiTgen ©detour! ©F)° r be§ 23 o l f e f. 23efreier, better, F)ober JpeFb, SUen^i! F)bre unfern ©d)iuur! (Sad SSolf finft in bie jtnie, bie ^taitbe er^oben.) 3Bir fd)h)5ren bir, fo grof unb frei ©oil dtoma fein, foie s Jioma foar; ^or f)Uebrig!eit unb ^t;vannei ©ie unfer le^te§ 23Iut beiuaF;r’! 2^ob unb i^erberben fd^tnoren loir ®em g-rebler an ber Corner (SF;r’!— ©in netted 23oF! erftebe bir, 2©ie feine 2FF)nen grof unb f;ef;r! (Sad SSolf bringt EUiengi feine ^ulbiguttg bar. befrattjf tint mit bent Sorbeerfran-j.) 8 r e n e. SRien^i, bir fei $rei§, ®ein dtatne F;od;geeF;rt, 5Did§ febmiide £orbeerrei§; ©efegnet fei bein §eerb! ©o Fang al§ 9toma fteF)t/ 2ln’a! biefer ©nabe ©cfnnad) firbriidt mein ftotge^ ^)erg! rddte balb ein "Xag ©er ©dtanbe blut’gen ©dnner§. 93arocelli uttb Gecco (Dticnji’d greunbe, toelc^e ben SSerratl) ber 9iobili aljnen): 23alb* fdimort 23erratF) aufI 9teu’ ©ie ftolje Stduberbrut. SCer bant auf ibre ©reu’ ? Un§ frommt aFFein i£;r 23Iut! © b o r b e § 23 o l F e 3. SUenji, bir fei 23rei§, ©ein 9tame F)od;geebrt; ©id) febmiide Sorbeerrei§, ©efegnet fei bein $eerb! ©o Fang al§ fJioma ftebt, 2ln’S ©nbe abler 2£elt, ©ein s Jtame nie Dergebt, ©u F;ober griebensbelb! ©nbe b e § § to e i t e n 2F! t e 3. 6 SroeiteS Eoncert. Sadler XI) nl 6. ©oprarto toolo— • (in beutfdjer Ue&ei'tragung non ©. %. Saunter.) g-iiv Sopratt ©oio tit it Segte thing be§ DrdjcfterS compos ntrt non Si'. Seopotb S a m r o f cfj. SOlafe. (Sugcnte iJJappcttljetm gcnufcmet. ©ebabet unb gefalbt bon 9Jh;rrbe troff id;, SSofl tbftlid;en, balfamifcben ©entd)d; 3d) barrte bed ©eliebten in ber 9Ead;t, 3d; l;arrte Dergeblid) unb cntfd;lief. Sa pod;t ed, l;ord;!—bed greunbed ©timme! tout: „Sf;u’ auf, o meine traute ©cfjtoefterfeele, „Sf)u’ auf, o meine garte Saube mir ! „geud;t iff mein §au!|)t, ed trduft bie Sode, mir „33om Sf;au ber s Jtad;t; o fdume niebt unb [ offne !" — Seraubt ber ©inne bin id; bor ©ntgiiden Db biefer ©timme Hlang; ed fd;ldgt mein §«rj ?Jtit lantern ©cblage feinem ©lud entgegen ; 3d; fliege, reijge ben bHieget rafd; gurltd Unb ©dl;’ crfd;roden in bie leere dtadd, ©ntioidien ift, berfd;immben obne ©bur 3Jlein fitted §eil. 3$ rufe—dtiemanb l;brt! —3d; fyulle mid; in meinen 9)tantel ein, 3d; made mand;e bitnfle ©traffe bin, 3d; tbage mid; in’s freie ©efilb l;inaud, 3d; fuebe meinen greunb unb fud;’ umfonfi. Sa finben mid; bie 28dd;tcr, bie bie Sliauern Ser ©tabt umibanbeln ; fie ergreifeu mid;, ©ie reifgen mir ben OJiantel ab, fie fd;lagen OJiid; fuel; unb tbunb mit il;rer raul;en gauft —©a load;’ id) auf unb merf, ed ift ein Sraum, ©in bbfer Sraum.—D icb befd;iuor’ end;, Sod; ter gerufalemd, begegnet euefy mein greunb, ©ag t ©m, baf 3 , id; bor Siebe matt unb franf, Sfyu’t il;m bte Seiben meiner ©eele funb, 33efd;U)brt i£?n, fo mie id; cud; befd;U>bre: ©r eile, tomme, fi'tffe mid; gefunb! 7. 42. ^3falm.9)ienbeldfol;n Sri. (Slava 9?einmann unb Scf* s @I)£>re. - ?L 2 icv ^fahsu 1. 2Bie ber §irf$ fd;reh nad; frifd;em Laf¬ fer, fo fd;reit meine ©eele, ©ott gu Sir. 2. bDieine ©eele biirftet nad; ©ott, nad) bem lebenbigen ©ott. 3Bann toerbe id) ba= bin lommen, bafg id; ©otted 2lngefid;t fd;aue ? 3. bDEeirte Sbrdnen ftnb meine ©beife Sag unb 9Ead;t, ioeil man tdglid; gu mir fagt: „2Bo ift nun bcin ©oi t ?" 4. 2Benn id; bann bed inne foerbe, fo fdiitte id) mein §erg fyeraud bei mir felbft; benn id; iuollte gerne bin geben mit bem £>aufen, unb mit iljnen to a lien gum §aufe ©otted, mit grol;loden unb T anlen, unter bem §aufen, bie ba feiern. 5. 22 ad betriibft u bid) meine ©eele unb bift fo unrul;ig in mir? §arre auf ©ott; benn id; toerbe ©m nod; banfen, bafj er mir l;ilft mit feinem 2lngefid;t. 6. 2)iein ©ott, betriibt ift meine ©eele in mir; barum gebenfe icb an Sicb, im Sanbe am 3orban unb §ermonim, auf bem fleinen ^3erge. 7. T eine glut^en raufeben bal;er, bab F>ier * eine Siefe unb ba eine Siefe braufen ; a lie beine SBaffertoogen unb 3Bellen ge= l;en fiber mid;. 8. Ser §err bat bed Saged ferbeiben feine ©iite unb bed s 3tad;td finge id; il;m unb bete gu ©ott meined Sebend. 9. 3cl; fage gu ©ott, meinen geld : 2Barum baft Sai meiner Oergeffert? 9Saruui mub id; fo traurig geben, iuenn mein geinb mid; brdngt ? 10. ©d ift aid cin 5Jiorb in meinen 23einen, bab mid) meine geinbe fd;mdl;en, toenn fie tdglid; gu mir fagen: 2Bo ift nun bein ©ott? 11. 2Bad betriibft bit bi© meine ©eele unb bift fo unrul;ig in mir? garre auf ©ott, benn id; ioerbe il;m nod; ban= ten, baf; or meined 2lngefid;td §iilfe unb mein ©ott ift! „^sreid fei bem §errn bon nun an bid in ©toigfeit." 8. gnflamatud and ©tabat -Oiater.3tofini ScftsGIjprc unt SJlttnc. ©ngenir ^appeubetm. ®vitte§ Concert. 7 ^outtcrftag, bon 12. S3ormittag§ punft 10 Upr—©enerah'pro&e. 31 acpmi 11 a g § s Dcatinee. M-AJXXILTIB ZE3. (Softer ^peif. 1. Dubertuie—„3tiengi".•.SBagner Ordjcfter. 2. Soprano Solo—Scene unb 2lrie— „2>er greifcputj"..C. 2)1. yon SBeber Srau Sfillmamt unb Ordjcficr. f Cporal—^Jpaftelujjap"..;$ratoriu§ 3. \ „grupling§lieb" ...•..9lbt ( „i:Baterlanb" ..*■...Seder Sdjiilcr ber Ijbljcrcn ©laffen bet* bffentlidjeu Sdntlcn oon fiouiSotllc, unb Ordjcftcr, 4. (Soprano Solo — ,, Sa$ 2Balb Soglein".:9acpner Srau 5Icva Slun^SDluller oon Cincinnati, unb Cello obligato. 2. $lktf. 5. „Sintpponie 31o. 5".ScetpoOen ©rcljefter. 6. Soprano Solo—Sterna unb Sariationen. $j3rocp Sri. Static CUiot unb Ordjcfter. 7. ^iano Concert—„Dpu§ 79"....©. 2)1. bon SBe&er $$rof. Cruft Socllcr unb Ordjcftcr. f ,,Hushed are the words“...*.§. 3f aflC § 8. < „See the conquerring Hero comes.fQCUlbel 1 „@ute 3fad)t".2lbt Sdjtiler ber Ijoljcrcn ©laffen ber offentlidjen Sdjuleu oon SouiSoille unb Ordjcftcr. 9. Overture—„2llabin".*...*.§crneman Ordjcftcr: i\ 0 cnb 5 —grilles wnb feljfcs goitccvf. Segeifternb an ber $rteger Dpr. ©3 ift ein tftlang fo fiifj unb milb, fefltr E$^iL 1. Overture— #l 9tofamunbe".Scpubcrip SSJbidjael SSranbt, 35treftor. 2. „£ie Sjbtmmel rupmen".*.Seeipoben SiorbamcrtCantfdjer Sangcrbunb. Otto fediueler, Direfter. 3. Contralto Solo-— ,,Oh Rendine" Oon 3)iitrane .3ioffi Sri. fiouife Slolltoagen unb Ordjcftcr. 4. „Cffian". Sefcpnitt SJtorbamerifanifdjcr Sdngcrbuub. Offtan. oon 25 . Sunder. 2 Jtuflf oon $. S 8 cfd>nitt. D Sang Don (Eona Offtan, ©ie ift bein Steb fo rein unb fcpou, 2Bie briept e§ glocreid) feme 93apn, Surd) ©ogenbrang unb Sturmesiuepm ©eparnifept fd)reitet e§ baper, ©in ©affenflang ift jeber Son Unb braufenb fliegt’§ Don ©eer git ©eer, ©leicp bDtetet^ren ift © entflopn. 3m Dlebel pit lit e§ gran fid) ein Unb fepreitet itber £aib unb 9Jtoor, Unb tonenb flingt e3 beirn deeper ©ein, ©te einer Sungfrau Spiel ©3 ift ein Slang, trie Scptueri unb Scptlb, ©s ift ein $lang trie Sd)lad)tgch)upl. 2lu§ fernen ^eiten fommt’§ peran 3n leieptem Scpritt, trie §elbett gep’n. D Sang Don ©ona Dffian, 2Bie ift bein Sieb fo rein unb fd)5n. 5. Soprano-Solo—‘pagen 2lrte au§ben IpugenoMen.SJleperbeer Sri. ©lava Dtcinmamt unb Ordjeftca. 6. Spntpponie—„Sobtentang".Saint SainS SOlidjacl Srattb, director. Xobtcnian^ StjmpfjonifdfjeS ©ebiefjt oon (Saint SaivtS. 3ig, gig, gig —mit gratifen Gotten Spielt ber Sob unb mit bet gerfe Stampft er auf ba§ ©rab gum Sange — 3^9^ jig, gig,—erflingt bie gibel. ©^ brauft ber SBintertoinb, fepluarg ift bie Sftacpt, Sic SBBinbe ftopnen flagettb in ben Shtben, ©ritteS Concert. 8 Itnb burd; bag Tunfcl bufctjen bie ©felette llnb fpringen, laufen in ben Seicfyentiicfyern. 3*0/ M'm —einjjeber fmbfet— T ie ©ebeine ber danger flaf>bern. Sod) bufd)! nnb blbtUid; b?dlt ein bieStunbe, ©ie brangen, fie fliegen, fie eilen gu ©runbe Ser\ .^atm fmt geirafyt.- tteBerfe^t non 21. ©dfjmitt. $&WtUtv XfytiL © a $ 9 )i a v d) c n Don Dcr fdjthtcn SRclufttte, S'?on Hofmann. It liter ber JDircftion non «£an§ Salatfa. - - ++> - Sftctuff.ne.SDlfcme (Sugente ^Jappcnljetm ©Oloti)tl&e.$ii. Soujfe Stollroagcn (Braf Jiaymnnfc... $ctv «$fran$ ^fentmera <2>tntram.«£>err Otto ©djuder Srbnig ber 2®affergetfter.SloUroS ?5eft=(Sl)brc. Prolog: . gnmitten beg SBa'beg toon 93 refitiart Sluf S 3 lumen burcfymirftem SBietenplan, Sa fprubelt ein S 3 runnen gar ftifyl unb flar, Sion Sinben umraufd;et bag ganje ^sator. Siiel Ssoglein fingen in S 3 ufd; unb ©e^meig, SSalboienen umfummen bie Sittitfyen fo reid;, Unb eg plaubern Die SSellen beg Skunneng baju, Slnmutl;ig belebenb bie SSatbegral;. Sod; fd)toner beiebt fid; bie frieblid;e Slu, SBeun am Sirunnen fid; geigt bie ijolbjeligfte grau. SJiit ben SUEengefpielinnen §anb in §anb, , Sie §errin beg Horn’s, SJielufine genannt. I. Sftelufine unb ©b or ber Si igen. §erauf! §erauf! §erauf! Slug fd;aurigen ©d;luftcn. Slug fallen Uliiften 3 m luftigen Sauf. ©prubeln bie bellen filbcrnen SBefien, fallen im ( 51 ;or Slud; mir Siigen ernpor. ©d)on ift’g im Sid)t!. SBer Htfylet eg nid;t! Slug SSalbegmiipfeln, S 3 on S 3 ergengipfe!n, Slug S 3 lutbenauen, ©o loonnig §u fd;auen ; SBobl lodt eg ung an Sluf feud;ter S3 aim 3m Sid;te 311 gleiten, lleber ber ©rbe begriinete fEreiten. Sod; menu fengenbe ©<§toiile. Sen iUnbern ber ©rbe ©d;afft arge S3efcbtoerbe, Sann §ur labenben 5Utl;le 3n ben Siefen ber glutf), 3 iel;t’g ung 511 fd&toeben; Senn bie glut!; ift bag Seben, Sod; ben Sob bring! bie ©lull). SJi e t u f i n e: 3 l;r ©cbmeftern, mod)tet in bie Siefe eilen, SBenit and; bie ©lull; ber ©ommerfonne brennt; 3 d; aber mbcbt’ auf emig oben toeilen, ©eitbem mein £er§ ber SBonne reinfte fennt. St i 1 e n: 0 SJtelufine fyute Sein ! SSag fonnte Sir bie ©rbe fein, SBenn ftetg Su lebteft abgetrennt, S3on unferm l;ciligen (Element? Unb burfteft nid)t fd;toeben, ©leid) ung, auf ber glutb ? Senn bie glutb ift bag Seben Sod; ben Sob bring! bie ©lull)! SJi e l u f i n e: 3n ber Siebe ift bag Seben, Unb bag Seben ift bie ©lull;. Si i £ e n : SJielufine, iuen liebft Su ? greunbin, toem giebft Su bein l;errlicf)eg ©ut 3 u entfagen ber glutt;? SJi e l u f i n e: @g ift ©raf Slaimunb, lajjt eg mid; geftel/n, Sid; feit id; if)n gefe^’n, 3 ft eg um meine Stul/ gefd;eb’n. II. SJt e I u f i n e: ©ein S3ilb umfcl)ioebt mid), SSo id; gel;e, ob mad; ob trdumenb, Sen! id; fein allein, Unb filler im §er^en ©in unfagbar 5Sel;e, Sarf id; nid;t l;offen, ©r and; benfe mein. ®rittc$ Eoncert* 3n feincn Stugen \vax be§ §imtnel3 33Iaue 3Rit feud;tem ©lanj ber glutfyen l;olb v>er= eint. Slug if;ren ©tralden leucfytenb, f!prad; bie ©rate, 9J?etn abnenb £>er§ fagt, bafj er balb erfd;eint. ©ein 53ilb umfd;iuebt mid; SSo id; gel;e, ob toad;, Ob trdumenb, ben! id; fcirt allein. 9t i jc e it: Sluf feudjten $faben entfliefyt, ^3ct>or ein 9)lenfd;enaug’ un§ fiebt. 5)1 e l u f i n e: SSerbergt aid; bier am SBalbegfaum, 3f;r ©d;toeftern, Winter S3ufd; unb 33aum. III. 91 a i m u n b mit 3 a 9 b g e f o l g e. 61 ; o t b e r 3 a g e r: geinslieb id; muf nun fd;eiben, SRid; field’s gur breiten §aiben, 2Bo£;l in ben griinen SB a lb ; 3d; faun nid;t bei bir bleiben, SBenn’g gilt bag SBilb treiben, Hub laut bag §orn erfd;adt! 9)tit fyuffa, Ijoribo, l;ai abo ! 3)iit l;uffa, mit fyuffa bai a! D Suft, im griinen $agen, Sen gangen ©agen gu jagen, 9Jtit frifd;em 3 dgermutl;! ©od; Slbenbg fannft im ©arten, geinglieb, bu mid; erloarten, ©g fiifjt fid; boppelt gut Scad; fyuffa, fyoribo, l;aiaf;o, 9tad; tyuffa, nad; b;uffa r baia! 9t a i m it n b : gerftreut end; nun im 3 agbret>ier, Unb lajjt allein mid; bleiben l;ier, 23ebarf id; (Suer, rufet fd;nell, SJlein §orn end; toieberum §ur ©tell’. 6 f; o r ber Sager: ©g jagt fid; fd;on im SBalbe, ©d;bn auf beg S3ergeg §albe, SBie auf ber breiten §aib, ©od; loiffen mit 33el;agen, SBir Snger and; $u jagen ©ag £erg ber jungen 9Jiaib. IV. 9t a i nt u n b ’ g S i e b: ©ie Sinben raufd;en, eg plaubert bie 9Belle SUg ob fie ein f;olbeg ©el;eimnif 3 berUtnbe; 9 Sntmer ^iefyt’g mid; gur trauten ©telle Slug bem ©d;loj 3 in ban ©f;al burd; beg SBalbeg ©ritnbe. £>ier gab mir bie allerl;olbfeligfte 9Jlaib ©ie fiifeefte Suft, line bag bitterfte Seib, ©ie fiifjefte Suft, alg ben Seamen fie fagte, 9Jtit bem id; fie ruf: ob id; toad; ober traume, ©ag bitterfte Seib, alg 3 it nal;en id; il;r toagte Unb jd fie Oerfd;ioanb, in bem ©d;atten ber S3dttme. 9Utn rinnt mein ©£;ran’ tyier am raufc^enben 53orn, SJMufine, ©eliebte, toergifj beincn 3 orn. V. ©uett— 9taimunb unb SJielufine: 91 a i m u n b : 3 d; fef;’ bid; ioieber, fefye SMufinen ! 9Ji e l it f i n e: Sluf beinen SRuf bin id; erfcfyienen; SBag lounfd;eft ©u ? 9i a i m it n b : ^id; felbft, bu bolbe 9Jlatb. e l it} i n e: $Du forberft !ii^n. — 9i a i m u n b : SBer fid^ bem £ 6 d;ften loei^t, Hennt fein ^erjagen, SBenn id; felbft aud; ftmfjte, ®aj id; fur mein SSerlangen fterben mii^te, 3 d; folgte ®ir bi§ an ber SBelten (Snbe, Unb ru^te nid;t, bi§ id; @rl;brung fanbe, Dber ben £ob Don beinen Si^en fitjte. , 3JI e 1 u f i n e: ungeftiimer dJtann ©iel;’ mid; bod; an, Db SDeinem Seben 3 d) Seib fann geben. ©ein Singe ldf 3 t bein §er *3 mid; fc^auen, ©a§ loie bie 9iofe ficl; erfd;liej 3 t. 91 a i m unb: ©ein Sluge lafgt bein §erg micf; fd;auen, ©a^ ioie bie 9tofe fid; erfdjliejjt. 9JI e l u f i n e: Unb gtoifdjen ©eel’ unb ©eele f^riejst. 91 a i m u n b : Unb ^uifd;en ©eel’ unb ©eele fpriefjt. 10 ®ritte$ Eonccrt. 3taimunb unb 9Relttfine: Un§ ^olbumranlenb, baS 33ertrauen ©ein 2luge Idftt bein $erg mid) flatten, ©a§ n>ie bie 9tofe fid; erfd;lieftt. bH a i m unb: ©u toillft’ mein SiebeSfleb’n erf;oren? §0t e I u f i n e: 3$ VoiEC’S, bocl; rnuftt ©u ©reue febtooren. Sftaintunb: 3d; fd;Voor’.—- 501 e luf in e: §alt ein, Oor Beugen rnuftt ©u febiooren. 3§r ©cbfneftern lommt, beS ©rafen ©d;tour - . < gu f)bren. VI. Sfotale- 91 i £ e n: 9Sir fommen, Voir fommen, ^Dod; toirb eS bir frontmen ? ©u lo ill ft im'§ entrinnen, ©en ©rafen gu ntinnen; ©od) baS nid;t bie Siebe baS Seib bir entfad^t, 9Jtetufine, bub’ ! 50? e I u f i n e: ^um ©atten Void id; bid; eriodfylen, Unb mid; auf etoig bir Oermd^Ien. ©ecftS SSocftentage bin id; bein, ^Jtit meinent ©enfen unb ©tnftfinben, ©er leftte ©ag ber 2Sod)’ ift mein, , Unb Idfgt mid) beinem 23ticf entfd)ft>inben. 9Jie loerb’ id; meine ©d;ritte lenten Bit einem ©bun, baS bir unb mir ©eS 9lamen3 ©bre fonnte freinfen. -2fuS tiefftem §ergen fc£)iodr id;’S bir 9?un fd;ioor’ and; bu, baft bu nad; mir — 3fn jenem ©age nie toillft fragen, • 9?od; fud;en mid;, too eS and; fei. - 9t a i m u n b: 3$ fd)ft>or’ eS bir, bu ftolbe 59taib, 23ei meiner ©eelen ©eeligfeit. 501 e t u f i n e: D l;alt ben ©djtour, o 3taimunb, l;alt if;n treu, 2Benn bu iftn brad;ft, bir ftitlfe teine 9?eu, ©r brdcfyte §lud; bir unb SBerberbcn. - • 91 a i m u n b: 2Bei)n id; il;n bred;e, toill id; fterben. 501 e I ti f ine: ©o nimm mid; bin. 9t a t m u n b: ©od; nun laft’ meine 3 ugbgenoffen, ©ie jageit bier im grtinen ipain, ©ie Bingen meineS ©litdeS fein. 91 i £ e n: ©efd;tooren bat fein 90iunb, ©efd;loffen toirb ber s 13unb; ©od; baft nid;t bie Siebe baS Seib bir entfad;t, 59?elufine, l;ab’ 9ld;t! ©bor ber 3 dger: ©ocb toiffen mit Sebugeit 2 Bir 3 dger and; gu jagen, ©aS §erg ber jungen 9Jtaib, 501tt buffa boriba, baiat;o, 501it buffa, mit buffa unb bui a ! 501 e l u f i n e: Segrtiftet cure §errin, meine SBraut! 3i;r feib mir Beugen, baft mit $uft unb 9?ing 3 d; feierlid; gur ©attin fie ertodbto. 9tuft Dielufinen $eil mit 3 ubeltaut Unb toiinfd;t mir ©litd, baft id; ibr 2Bort emftfing, ©er id; mid; nun auf etoig f;ier Oermdl;le. ©bor ber 3 uger: §eil, 9Relufinen §eil! ©em ©rafen 9taimunb §eil! §eil 501etufinen unb 9taimuttb £>eil! 9? a i m it n b! Saftt unferit B u g gum Sraut^ug fieft ge> fialtcn, ©Sir giet/n auf’S ©d;lof 3 , barin alS §errin fd;alten ©u fortait fodft, ba§ ^eben mir gu tronen. 501 e l u f i n e: 3 d; null birnur inSieb’ unb ©emutb bieneit. 9t a i m u n b. §e!ft unfer §od;geitSfeft Oerfd;bnen, Isiel eble ^raulein, folget 50telufinen. 91 i j e n: ©Sir fommen, bod; Voirb eS bir frontmen? 501 elitfine unb 9taimunb: 3 n bciner Sieb’, id; fubl», ift mir baS Seben Bu neuer ©eeligfeit erioad;t. ©u buft mir §erg unb ©eele erft gegeben, Unb of;ne bid; toeilt’ id; in 9iad;t, 9iijen: 9Jielufinen bub’ 9ld;t! ©bor ber 91 i£en unb 3ugcr; ©luf gum ©d;loft ! ©ie Corner tlingen. 5Dritte8 Concert. 11 Safi un§ sftrm in 2trm berfd;lingen, ©ajf gefmart gu beiben ©eiten Sraut unb Srdut’gam mir geleiten. Buettenmurmeln, Sinbenraufdben #alf itn ftitten SKalbrebier !>erg itm £erg bem $dare taufd;en, ©ei ifm griebe ftetS befd;ieben. f^rieb’ unb §eil auf alien 2Begen, Utelufin’ unb Sftaimunb ©egen! 2Xuf gum ©cfylof! DUt Corner flingen, * * Safjt fie un§ gum ©d; Ioffe bringen. grieb unb §eil! grieb unb §eil! H l o t 1; i l b e: 2Ba§ funben beine triiben Utienen? 2Ba3 fyorteft bit bon 2Mujtnen? © i n t r a m: 3Ulit teuflifd; bofer gauberfunft ©eioann fie Heines ©ol;ne§ ©uuft. Hlotbilbe: 2Ber ift fie benn ? © i n t r a tn: ■JHan toeijg e§ nidi. Ill o 11; i l b e: 2Ba8 brad;t’ fie mil? ©intram: (Sin glatt ©efid;t. H l o 11; i l b e: Hub er, ein ©pvojj erlaud;ter 2Ibnen, 3Jluj$ folcfen 2$eibe§ ©atte fein ! ©prid;’, fab’ft ©u bie 33erft>orfene f;eut? © i n t r a m: ©u tueift e§ ja, ’§ ift ©amftag l^eute, Unb ©amftag meibet fie bie Seute, DJian fagt, baf fie an biefern ©ag ©em Sbfett nur geforen mag;— ©ebon murrt ba§ 33olf unb forbert laut ©en ©ob ber argen ©eufelsbraut.. ©bor be§ S5olfe§: ©ie §e£e ferau§! 33on il;r fommt bie -Jlotb, 3b r Sofn fei ber ©ob, Suf fturmt ba§ §au§ §olt bie §e£e l;erau§! 9iid;t grud;t giebt bie (Srbe, §in fied;t un§ bie §eerbe, Unb §unger bebrol;t unS 5Rit grdf'ltdier 9totl;; ©ie §e^e feraug. . Son ibr fommt bie 9?otl;, 3b r Sobn fei ber ©ob, 3luf fturmt ba§ £au§, ^oIt bie £e£e l;erau§! ©1;’ felbft mir berberben, ©oil bie ©eufel§braut fterben, 2luf fturmet ba§ §aug>, . . ©ie £>ej;e berau3! IX. H1 o t b i l b e D ©obn, ©u baft nur bitt!re§ Seib 3Jtit 3Mufinen ©ir gefreit. 3ft a i m u n b : ©ie bat ba§ Seben mir gemeibt 3u reinfter 2Bonn’ unb ©eeligfeit. © i n t r a m: ©ie ftebt in bofen ©eufelS Sunb. 3ft a i m u n b : ©u leibft ber Sitge beinen Diunb, 2Ber fann fie einer Siige geib'n ? Sbr §erg ift mabrlid; engelre in. HIotbi lbe: 3br b)etrnlid; ©reiben geugt bon ©iinben, 2Bie ibre SBeig’rung un§ gu funben, 2Be§ UrfbrungS unb ©e[(bled;t fie fei. dt a i m it it b : 2)ie toabre Siebe toablet frei, Unb fraget niebt nacb duferem Slbel. • © i n t r a m: SDocb fd^oer trifft bid; be§ 33olfe§ SiTabet. ©§ fiebt bie Urfacb’ feiner 9Zotb 3n beiuer ©attin gang allein Unb ibren bofen ^auberei’n, Unb forbert lftelufinen’3 ^Tob. ^ 33 o If: Sluf fturmet ba§ ^au§, ©ie §eje bcrauS! 3>on,ib r fommt bie fftotb; Sbr Sobn fei ber ©ob ! 2luf fturmet ba§ ^pau§, ©ie §eje b^rau§! © i n t r a m: / ©r gitt’re bor be§ 33olfe§ 3Sutb! H1 o t b i l b e: ©§ forbert balb ©ein etgene§ Slut, ©iebft ©u gur ©itbne nid;t ©ein 2Beib. a i m u n b: gitr nid)t§ ad;t’ id; ben eigenen Seib, 9Jtelufine ift mir mel;r, s ill3 Seib unb Seben, ©ut unb ©b*\. 12 25ritte8 Concert © in tram : . ©r ift berftridt in ii;rcm 33ann, ©ie ijnt mit bem gauber an. ©JLor b e§ 33 o I f eS: ©b’ felbft loir berberben, ©od bier^eufelebraut fterben! • ^ I o 11; i I b e: 5Du tjorft be§ 33oIfe§ toilbe§ ®rob’n, - 33ebenf be§ §aufe3 $eil, mein ©ol)n. .6 i n^t r a m : 3)a$ fie fid) ©amftag'§ nie Idfd feb’n ^'ann mit bent 9ted)te nid)t beftef)n, * Unb jeber gei^t fie arger ©itnben, ^annft'2)u nid)t gdem 33olf berfiinben, 3Ba§‘fie anf leijlen 2Bod)entag 0tet§ im‘©et)eimen ireiben mag. V- ■ 93 a im un b: .* 3d) gab mein 2Bort bent bolben SBeibe, 0ie nie an biefem £ag‘ §rt fucben, 93od) je §ti fragen, toas fie treibe. ' © f; b r b e § 33 o l f e 3 : 2Xuf ftiirmet ba§ #au§, $olt bie §eje berau§ ! $ t o t b ijb e it n b 0 i n t r a m: 2)u f)brfUbc§ 33olfe§ £)rol)’n unb gludten, 5Du mufd bietBattin trente fucben, Su .feb’n, ob il;re £)eimlid)f'cit 93id)t bojem treiben ift getoeibt. 93 a i nt unb: SBofylan, ib>r tpodt’3, fo frit e§ fein, Unb 93£eutfinentoirb ber§eibX 3Benn §u gerreifjen ful)n id; ftrebe SDer Siigen jdidnblicbe^ ©etocbe. 3d) abne, too'bie bolbe 9teine Serborgen i.brer 3Inbad)t !pflegt, ©eit id) ben Binbenbaunt im §ainc 9flit. 3D3auern' fromm bab’ einget)egt, 2>cn Drt umfriebenb, too mein Seben Sum toabren Btben erft getoeibt, 2)ori fud)’ id) fie, mit ©ott §u beben S)en 0d)teier U)rer -f?eimlid)feit. X. 933elufine unb bie 93ijen im 33abe. • © b o r b e r 93 i £ e n : ©brubelt, if)r beden filberncn SBeden, Seben §u geben unb Babfal ber 2Belt; ^eine§ ber SBefen tbnnte genefen, SBare nid)t §eud)te ber ©rbe gefedt;— §eit un£, toir leben, 9Beben unb fd)toeben. ©ditoeftern, im toonnigften SBettelcment, .ftbnnen im 53uf)len ©5pteleit unb fiiblen, 9timmer bie ©cbtoiile, 2) ie fenget unb brennt. 933 e I u f in e: 3Bot)l b^bt ibr 93ed)t, end) biefe£ ©litd§ §u freuert; 2)od) mir and) lad)i ein &oo§ beneibenetoertb, Unb §eil mir! 93immer -braitcb’^ id) §u bereu’n, 0ab id) al3 §errin toalt’ an" 93aimunb’§ §eerb. 93 i i e it: * ©od) baf] nid)t bie Siebe ba§ Beib bir ent= ' . . fad)t, 9P3eIufine, bnb’ 9Id)t ! • 933 e l u f i it e: D furd)tet nid)t?, ibr ©d)toeftern, er ift treu; Unb 2neu.e macbt bie Siebe tdglid) neu. D’ fount icb faffen in ein 2Bort bie fe!’ge SufU SDie icb embfinbe! 3b r . flb nt riicbt, tocfd)en reicben §ort in be§ ©eficbten Sieb’ id) finbe. fjuOor im Sraume lebt’ id) bin 2Bie eine 331ume, b^lb befeelet; • Sodium ift atle§ ©eei unb ©inn, ©eit id) bem ©alien bin Derm ablet, 0ee 2Beibecd)er§eit reinfte Suft, ©eliebtem 93iann fid) I)in§ugeben, Surd^ftromt gfubenb mir bie 33ruft. Unb Sieb’ atfeinuft ad mein £eben ! 9iur ein<§ betritbt mid): 933eine§ ©atten Sanb Sft b e fntgefud)t, bon b^i^nt ©onnenbranb, 33ie ©aaten toelfen, ©ied)tbum fd)ldgt bie §eerben ; D liebe ©d)toefiern, tafjt c§ anber§ toerben, Unb ftebt mir bei mit eurer mi (ben 93(ad)t, ®aji 33aimunb’g Banb bon neuem grunt unb Iad)t Safd Ouedett riefeln auf feinen gduren, 3}aj3 frob ba§ 33olf fief)t eure§ ©egcn§ ©buren. D §immef gieb un§ 9\egett Unb fenbe beinen ©egen 2luf Diaimunb’g glur unb Slu ; 2Bie meine ^b r nnen ffie^en, l^af3 §immel fid) ergie^en 3) er ©nabe mifben ^b au - 93 i i e n : • ©brubelt ibr f)ede;t, filberncn SBeden, ®ritte§ Concert. . 13 Seben §u geben unb Sabfal ber Sffielt. .fteineg ber 2Befcn, Connie genefen, 2Bare nid;t geud;te ber (Srbe gefedt. XI. finale* * m W i£ e n : §ord;! §o.rd;! ipabet 2Id;t! . fBer biitet ber 2S>acbt! ©af} 9tiemanb ung rtapt, Su fep’n ung im 23ab?? §a ! fcbnober 23 err at I). 9)t e I u f i n e: fftaimunb ! 9taimunb! 31 atm unb: D 9Mufxrie, ©u mein 2Beib> gifd; d!;nlid; !;icr mit einem 3cti*en(eib? elufiner 3d; bin berloren! 9t a inutnb: §bre mict)! D Sdielxtfine. 3Ji e! u f i n e: D 9taimunb, id; bin berloren ! . 9t a i m unb: fpore mid;! SDtelufine. 9)t e l u f i n e: D Sftaimunb. 3t a i m u n b : §bre mid;! 3R elufine: gd; bin berloren! 9t a i m unb: D bore mid) ! SDtelufine. 9Tc e l u f i n e: 3d) bin berloren! a i m unb: 3d; bin berloren, o pore mid;. 91 i £ e n : (Sr brad;, ioag er gefd;tooren, (Sntfe'tdicper 23erratl;! (Sr bat ung xtberrafcpt im 23ab ! ©en ©eifterfbnig ruft perbei. ©a$ er beg grebelg 9tdd;er fei. 3)1 e l u f i n e: D ©litd unb 2£onne . 203o fetb it;r pin ? 3ft ba§ mein ©eiuinn ' 3ft bag mein Sopn ? . < D fd;nbber fpopn !- * 2luf fein 2Bort bauenb, ©er Siebe bertrauenb,” - $olgt id; ipm nacp llnb ben ©d;it>ur er mir brad;. . *(Sporber2Baffergetfter: 2Bir baben’g bernommen, 2Bir fommert, ft>i:r4ommen 3n paftigem Sauf • Slug ben ©iefen peraxtf. 9H £ e n : 3f;r fep’t ben grebler, ber dm 9Usenbah- ©«tbt t;at ben fd;maplicpbn 23 er rail;, (Sr brad;, toag er befcpiuorem &v ift berloren, er ift berloTeri. §eil brad;’ if;nt bie glutp! . 3pnt raitfd;te ber ©egen 23otn 23runnen entgegen, - ©od; gab er §um £opn ling Unban! unb $6pn. 9tun treff it;n bie UButp empbrenber ^lutp, ©ap im ioirbdnben ©ifcpt ©ein Seben er(ifd;t! ' * (Sr bract) bag 23erbot! ©’rum gebt ipm ben ©ob.;. . 3JZ e l u i in e: f ’ D fd;onet fein geliebteg £eben*. 2Cenn 3P* mir nicpt toollt eto'gen 3 airim er geben p D 23ritber, ©cptoeftern, fd;onetjein Unb benft er tear in Siebe mein. ‘ . -■ ©er^onig b.er SBaffetgeiftcr , (§-U' 3t aim unb:)„ 3pr 2Bort f)at Stettung ®ir gegeben, ©ro^ $Deineg grebelg fodfUSDu !eben, 3Benn ®id; ®ein elenb Seben freut. ©)od; SOielufine ift bon peut 2luf eiuig ©einem 23lid ent^ogen, Unb lebt mit ung aitf 9Jteereg)oogen! on biefem fitnb!;aft cntincif)ten Drt; 3m crpftadenen ©d;loft, 2Xuf bem 9Jteereggrunb 23abe bag £er^ ©ir tuicber gcfunb. 91 a i m unb: D 9JteIufine, tannft ©u mtr bergeify’n? 14 ®rittc$ ©oncert. 3J? e I u f i n e: gd; fuel’s id) fann nicfyt obne ©id; mef)r fein. D lajj ein eirp-g 3Jial in ©einen 2frmen,. 9Jtid; nod; an ©einern Jhijj ertoarmeti. 9Jtelufin'e: ©o forntn, ©it bennod; rneine Suft, 3n meinen s 2frm, an metne 53ruft. ©bo r—©enor unb s ©aff: ©te toiffen nid;t toag if;nen brobt, ©enn bicfdr Shtff ift SWaimunb’g ©ob. 9Jt e l u f i n e unb 9i a i m tt n b: gn ©einer Sieb’ tft mir bag Seben 3 u neuer ©eeligfeit ern>ad;t, §aft l;od;fteg ©litd mtr erft gegeben Unb ot;ne ©id; toeilt’ id; in 9cad;t! — 91 i e e n : 9Mufine,' b;ab’ S(d;t! 9t a i nt u n b : ©u lafgt mid; f;bd;[teg §eit ertoerben, D ©eeligfeit in beincm Huff p fierbcn. • e I u f i n e: SBel; 7 mir! ©r ftirbt! ©r ftirbt! 6 f)ov ber 92i£en it. 2B a f f e r g e i ft e r. 2 In ©einern $uff er Oerbirbt, gn ber. gdutf> ift bag Seben, D fKaimnnb toef;’, gcliebter 9Jiamt! ©aff id; nid;t mit ©ir fterben fann ! ©d;Iaf tuof;l, fd;laf tool;l, id) muff bon bann. © f) o r u § : Unter ber ©rbe attf feud;ter 33af)n £afft ting inallen pm Dcean. ©ort im 9teid;e ber SBellen unenbfi^ roeit, ■JJielufine bergijf mit ben 9Jienfd;en ber ©rbe ©ag 9Jtenfd;enleib ! © b if o g. ©ie 3tijen berlieffen ben fd;aurigen Drt, ©er Srttnnen im SBalbe raufd;t fort unb fort, 2Bof;l fyrubeln bie 2BeIlen nod) ful;l unb flar, SSon Sinben umraufd;et bag gan§e Sa^r ! ©od; flinget tf;r dlturmeln bent f)ord;enben Df;r 2 £ie ©ddud^en, bag bringt aug ber ©iefe f)erbor, 3Benn fie befeud;ten ©raf dtaimunb’g ©ruft ©o feufgt eg, alg loemt aug gdfeimer ©d;Iuft ©ie liebenbe 9Jtelufine fpricfyt: 9Jiein Staimunb, ©eliebter, 33ergijf mein nicbt! ©od; ben ©ob bringt bie ©lutf; ! ©mtncrffag—bcm (Concert ^atfefjug imdj §td. ^teller fag—©fveitag, belt 13. £uft. 23ormittag& 9 Ubr — SBunbegf idling im Sjbaubtquartier. 9iad;ntittagg 1 U§r—SBerfammlung ber ©anger in ber £ieber!rati$aUe unb 2lugmarfd; nad; SQBooblanb ©arten. S3oIfgfeft ju ©bren ber ©afte. 21 b e it b g: ©in^ebSortrage border bafitr angemelbeter 23ereiite im ©oncert=©aa(e be§ 9Boobtanb=©arien. gtalienifd;e 2tad;t. - - V-:- . - " giunfter f ag—Sautffag, ben 14. $ult, f-ecurfton ttad) g&amutotli-gaue. ©iefer gug mirb ant Slbenb-gur geit beg 2(bgangg bftlid; unb tr eft ltd; gel;enber 3^0 e guriidfebren. Iltitgltei)cr=fifte kr Undue unit bcrcn ©uavtiere 15 $3il an u cr d) o t—g> n t> i a it a p oU $♦ SoutSbille <£otel,'5Qiainfti*aj3e, nal)e 6ter.

. Gmmericb.©riebel, Seffcn=©. SBm. Shibcl.£>effen=©armftabt Dra ipierfon.Sportlanb, SJlaiite SXlbert Until.2llte Dceuftabt, 2)lagbeb. Sluguft Drs-badf.Seittcberg, b. 31. 6. 33. Sigiu^.granffurt a. 3)1. < 0 . 91otbfd>ilb.2i3pettbaufett, .Hurl;. Gl)a3 91ucfer3felb .iporta, SBeftp. 2eon jailer..S3elfort, grattfreid; ©ottfrieb Slcder..Gupett, iprcufscit Slug. 23enncrf c^eit.©bin Seopolb ©traufi.flrortberg, 9ilietn-^f. GfjaS. Frau'S.'.©tuttgart SPaul ,Sirau§. ,, ©beo. gell . .33ibrad), SBurtcnberg • SBilbelm Sliemeier.33remcn ©am. SJlorrifon.gnbiauapolilS gobn ip. grenget, jr. gnbiattapoliS Slugnft 2)1. $ufjn... .2BoIIme§I)eim, 31bcimipf. greb Dleij.©cdotfjuvn, ©dfraeig Souis SJlebger.gnbianapolis, gnb Gba3 G. Gmmericb.Goblettg a. 3H;ciit SDlap Secftter,.finite b. ipofcrt ipaul 23abr.Goslitt, ip o mm era g rt. Siggie 33auer.gnbianapolis, gnb „ SJlarp 33auer. ,, ,, ,, 2)larcia SBillarb. ,, „ „ ©opbie ©ipp. SouiSoille, ilp. „ Gmrna Steiffner.gnbianapolis, gnb. „ Gmma Safe. „ „ gofepbine gofe. •• n ,, ,, ipbilipine S3ennerfd;eibt.Gupett, 1)3. „ Souife 3trug.'.. ..©unjenbaufen, 23atern „ 2)larp StiiderSfelb_iporta, 2\3eftp»f;alen ,, Souifa Slentfcb...SBertber ,, ^tggte flcttenbacb_gnbianapolis, gnb. grau GfjaS jlraufj.©olcbo, D. grt. Grnilic .SIlifter.©epmour, gnb. ,, gba fliifter.Gincinnati, £>. „ Glara Cornells .Slidjmonb, gnb. grau ©eorge Sieger. ..Slleiu .'geubad) a. 91bein n Robert .Siipp . flX^feba, SCeftpljalen ?5rl. Slugufta Sietrid;. ,, ,, „ Souifa 7yren3el .Qnbiauapolib, $nb. ,, 33ert^a ^reuset. ,, „ „ ©retebeu f?ride. ,, „ „ Slmanba Gonlort. ,, • „ f^rau Spatd;ell.Hamilton, D. lyrau G. Corner.Qnbianapoli^, Qub. §rl. 21nna SBcinbevger... ,, ,, n Garvtc jiiftner. ,, ,, fvrau 21. 3JI. 31ul;n. . ,, „ grl. 9tettie SDietric^>§. „ ,, ,, Gtrtma 33ogt. ,, ,, ^•rau §attie 33armeter... ,, n §rl. 21itgufta Sieinmaiut. ,, „ ,, -Dtaria ©rafenftein.. ,, ,, ,, ©. ©rafenftein. „ „ ,, 5tatie ©et)l . ,, ,, ,, ^Barbara ©ef»C. ,, ,, $rau 33. ^cfling.Gupett, Spreufcn ^dmtcrdior*. (Cincinnati ©alt ©cbneiber.Gincinnati 2. 95afj—fienrp ©eburntann .Joamtooer Dtto SBinfelmann.fbiinben, San. 21. ©. Siittt . r . 2Bien S. G. 9ieufj. tiffin gen, 33apern 3acob Sarbung .©dnuebingen, SBab. Siobert ilirft . £eipgia 21. ©. ©rafer, 33i3e=5prttf.©cbmeis 2. 33af|—©. 2£. 9ioettger . Gincinnati grift ©dfurmann..' . Sartnouer £>. ^annegiefer.TiBreufen Siubotpb sprung ..'. “ Slbolpb S a Bi er .©dtraen go bn SBolf, gin. Sefr . “ S3, fbieper, ©efr.Hamburg jV c ft dj or ♦—(C iHcimi a ti. ©alt §oufe, 3Jtains unb (Srfter (Strafe. ip. Sdjmale, fft. iDlinten, 2. ©leicb, 2JI. Sermatt, G. »otb, ©, Sarri§, 21. Padman, 2 . Deblgoi, (Soprano. 33. 23ot)m, g. Sceinbarbt, 2Ji. groblidb, g. Gloe, ©. ©teid;, ©. gipperlcn, 2)1. SJleper, 2. diotl;. St. 33rciling, G. SJteininger, G. SarriS, * 2J1. ^rufe, 21. 23ocbm, 31. ©roll, 21. 23renbell, 3». ©d;eib, 2. ©ollar, G. 21ooer, 2. ^euner, D. ©litfofio'jfp, 2)tarp ©pcifer, 2)1. ©dfrober, 2. ©ebraarb, 21. SBiftler, 2)1..Setter, „ 2. iffierner, 21. GpperS, ’ 23. GpperS, G. 2Binter§, 231. ©pcifer, 21. SBiganb, ' JS. 2Beif, G. ©brr, 2. G. ©affenfebmibt, G. Sodjftrafser, 2. ©affenfebmibt, 3llto. 3)1. Scbeib, S3.33af5, - 2)1. 2JlcHmann, Gl. ©djrnibt, G. ©lab,. 2)l.-23robbec£, 21. non 2Boobragen, g. Sportune, G. Gloe, St. Sarbt, G. Sleinbarbt, S* ^ftei 231. ipfeifer, G. gorner, 2. ©obar, 2)1. ipfiftner, 2t"23obltng, G.23orger 21. 2Berner, G. 23robbecf, 2H. ©iebel, 33. 2lbren§, 2. 2Bieman, Gl. Gmegetu graugionett. bettor. granf ©d)utb, Gb. .Slctuub/ Gb. Singe rt, G. Sftemler, 21 . Sittitett, G. ilopricatt, S- g. ©cbenl, 2 . §abn, DlTaBiegter, g. ©ebroen, g. 91. ©cbmalle, SB. greeb, G. ©ottbeim, G. SBerner, SB. Sefterlein, Gb- gviebbof, S. soffmattn, 21. G. ©afel, g. ©orner, g. 3. fPattermann. 2)lid). 3lird;cr, 2. Stebel, 21. SDlulIer, g. Dbtroein, Settarb goffe. »af?. Gb. 2Uerfle, g. S3 it fd; miller, SB. SJleper, SB. Sc+omertb, £. ©iebel, 31. ^lubnert, SB. SRftffer, g. 2obman, S- ©• ©erolb, Sngo ©tabl, .21. Spitton. g. G. 33anpet, G. ©d)toier§, S. 2oitoe, 2)1. ©turn, 21. 2ot§, ip. JlroU, ipl;il. ipittott. 16 ptitgliciicr^iftc Per lUtoiuc inti) bcrcn ©narticre. $rcicr SJldmterdjov,—©t, 2oiti3, ©t. ©loub ijbotel, 2te unb £>effer[on ©tr. ipartenpeimer, £)ir—.2Balbbocfelpeim, ER^einp. 1 . 5£en.—^ernt. G.'iioepler. 2 llfelb, .^annocer. ©eorg2l.2Pep.© 04 , Sacpfcns2ft. Cart Struebiitg ....S ei 'fort, SBeftppalen Sffim. .'petcr 9ieniter, tpreif.Cincinnati Aranf grkbrief), 2Sije=iprai.Cincinnati Souib Schuler, prot. Sefr. . ^oblingen, ftlabeit ©paries Subartb, Jyiit. Sefr.Siiffelborf 2Bm. ifleemann, S^apnt.SetbeSbeint pfreb. Scpneiber, 25if>l.2Beftpoffen, GlfaS ©eorg Saag.Him, iffiurt. ipeter Saag. " Tir. 23urfparbt .Cannftabt 9t. Sabermaitn. 9teio 23ronmfelS, SeraS ?vranf 9tubolpp. •• 3- ®otf, . Cincinnati •m'trnf Safncr.©runftabt, Dilicinb. Afeb “ . " n S»to. " . // // ©eo. ©berlein, .ipaffan, 23ap. Srnibcn 0dt)^crd)t>r, — Cincinnati, ©att §oufe, s Diain unb ©rfter. Jf a r I 23 a r u §, Sir. 93reSIau 1. Sen.—Seinricp Scpaufert.Socpftettcn, Dtpeinb. ©eo. Sahmann.2ftelfungen, .Eurp. ©eorg 3ftiiUer.Cincinnati, D. if art 23ccfer.St. SouiS, 2fto. Qacob pimtiterntann.Dtappenau, Sab. pgnai Sbrg.9iotpenburg, 2Burt. 2Bm. Aenfterntacper, S. ®., 2fteifenpeim, S. S- fyriebricp 2lbler .iliel, Solftein 2. fJen.—rlnbreaS 2fteper..Serg, iPpeinb. f^riebr. Eftitller.ifufel, “ 2fticpa4 if raft. .Cincinnati ©eo. Scpmittpeimer .... Sergjabern, 9ipcinb. ©rnft Sange_Senjtien, 2ft'eflenburg=Scpio. 2Bm. ifreup .Cincinnati gerbinanb 2toril..•©ein§peim, 9tpeinb. ©riftao Seitel^pacper.Stuttgarb 1. 33afj—Seinr. 2ftunbpenf.Dsnabriicf ifarl Siener.ipirmafenS, SPpeinb. Seiitr. gtmmcrmaitit. Sarmftabt 2Sm. 2fteper.;.Srauitfcpiueig 9ieinpolb 2ftulfer.ippilabelppia ifarl Sellmutp.Saalfelb, Sacpf. 2ft. §ricbf. Soffmann.^ranffurt a. 2Ji. 2fticpael ifitpit ..Attgenpeim, Dipeinb. 2. iSaff —Salcittin Soffmann.granffurt a. 2ft. ^acob ifupit.^ltgenpeim, 9ipeinb. 2Bm. iftottger. Cincinnati. §ranj Ulfanter...®iftelpaufen, ftiab. Cpriftian 2Beftenfamp.Dbnabrikf CLia^ ©utparo, tpreif.23orfcn, iiur. Seinr. Soffmann, SBije^fpr... ^ranffurt, a. 2ft. ifarl getbpanfep, Sef.33upbacp, S e ff. duiicrd)L?r,—Cohintbud, &, Sdejauber §°uje. 7. unb 9JJar!tftra^e. ip pi I. S’ 23ru cf, Sirigent. GoluntbuS, D. 1. Xcit.—Seinricp Sippert.2ftainj Carl © if ft e in .2Bag§purft, 23b. ^op. s poppenpacger.GaffeC Carl fy. ©erpolb. " 2. Xcn,—2ftatp. gaffig.^rcilauberSpeim, Sarmft. Arieoricp Scpuler.Caffel Saniet .ifrumm, .ColumbuS, D. D'jcar Scpaab. " ©uft. 23lefcp .Columbus, D. 1. 25af?— 2Bilpelnt 23acp, fircif.2Bie3baben Gomel 3 . ^affig . Columbus, D. 2ller. 2B. itrumin. " ®peobor Saubien.ifbnigSbcvg, 23r. Carl GpaUtol. Caffel 2. 35a#—©buarb 23acp.2Bie§baben Gprift. Sei'tenftein.griefenpeim, iQab. Sermann 23uepl.ColumbuS Seinricp ff^Pf. " 23licpael §ranf.Scproabpaufen, 58b. ©armal. Siott,.©uernfep Co., D. $erb. fy. Subioig.Gibing, fpr. ©mil 58a4, _ifireppeim, a. b. Serf, Scpio. Seinricp Stuart. .2lltona, Sot. Sicber^can^,—Coium&u^, ©♦ ©t. 9Ud;o(a§ §otcl, 6te ©trajie. 23ernparb ifaifer, Sirigent .2ftiincpen 1. Xm.- 1 Sranj g-affig, ipriif.. .‘greilaubcrSpeim, 9tpnp. 9t. S. Spraber..Golumbud, D. Gprift. 23a4.2iU'3peim, Slpeinp. Stopn Scpaab.Dberbiepp, Ct. 23cnt, Scpto. 4op.it farmer .^rpeim, 'Pfal. 2. Sen.—Grncft Seifert... .. Sweuatb SBurtj Soui^ ^urntf;, prot. Sefr.. .SinbolSpeim, 23ab. 1. 33aff— GparleS Scpioab.Cincinnati 4utiu^ Scpbitfclb.... Sangcrleiber, Sacpf. 21. 2fticpacl Sufcp.2egel3purft, ilia be n 2. 35af,—©eo. 2ftiiplpcim.9ftencppofen,Glfafi. • Cpa§. 2Biefel.Saalfelb, Sacpf. 2)t. ©eorg 33ranb .23ifcpoffingert, 23ab. SpontaS ifocp, corr. Sefr.Coin a Iftpeiit PUtglickr=£iltc tier Undue uni) berett (Quitritcre 17 @t. (Cecilia SDlanitcrd)or—(^tnci’tt* SBtUarb §otc(, Genter unb ^efferfonftra^e. ip r o f. !q. S r u f f c l b a d>, Sing... Spopelslborf, spr. 1. Sett,—28. ©dbubeler, ©cbatptt.2lmfterbam, .' 00 U. Speobor Sufcple.. ........... Cincinnati, D. 21. g. 2Bubboltittg, Cor. Sef.2tlfL;aufeit, imn. 3 . Sett.— 55 . 2 . ©leumer.Scbapen, §ait. 21. Simon.gulba, Purpeffeu gobtt ©dfubeler.Cincinnati, O. g. ©. ©rimmetSman.Cincinnati, D. 1 . ®a# —£ 1 . it. Goers, Spriifibent.Cincinnati, D. grieb. Sftole .— ,, goban i>etb.granffurt am 9Raitt gog. Sietnau . 2 Ufl;attfen, Soattoper 3. 33a# —S. Slom .Cincinnati, D. 28. isettid)... " 21. 21. SRotnbacp iprot. Sef. ,, 91. Sicfman. „ 51* 51* Plannerd)or-Cincinnati* SBiHarb igotel. g. §. 83rueffelbacp Sirigent. 1. Sett.—Gpr. Seder.Sorbett, SSatt. 4j. Seder . „ „ ©eo. Depltoeitt.fteffen Sarmftabt 28m. ©iintper..'Claustljal, .ban. 28m. Suitfmanit.Cincinnati 2 ouis Suufmantt. ,, SouiS Peper, fr.ibleflenburg 3. Sett.—2oui3 Peper, jr.gihftenau, 23. DSn. i>er. Stodmaitit.Dsnabritcf ®an. Spedn.Cincinnati, D. £>ieb. Prufe.Ued)te, S>amtooer 1. 33a#—greb Still.Cincinnati, D. Gpas. ©cpmibt..Cincinnati, D. Gijas. Peper.Cincinnati, D. itenrpginfe. Siiepliolj, i>att, C. Dtepberger.Cincinnati, 0. 3. 33a#—greb. 21ufbembrinfe.Sieppols, San. greb. Sgemattn. .Cincinnati, D. 2i$m. Sartp,.ijottigoen, 9!ausiau, ©du. g. 28ellingborft, sprot. toef.IWenolage, D. Jparugari SGTdmicrdjot— (Siiicin’ti, SBiUarb SQotel. i>. Srueffelba d;, Sirigent. 1. Sett.—2luguft Dleiitbarb..... .Spreufifcp DJliubctt 28tUiant Sedman gin. ©ef,.. .Cincinnati, D. 21$m. ©iintber. .Plaustbal, §annooer 28illiam i>armann.Sengerid), 2 Beftpl;. 2 Billiam Poof..spree p in ijoltftein gopn 21 $bUner. ©rabo DRedlenburg g-ratij 2 Bollner.©ercifstualb, Pomerania guliud Spofjr..gellerfelb am .Soars 3. Sett.—C. Prarner.Cincinnati,' D. gofepp Simberger.Stofafdt, spreufjen ©eorge Sdjneiber.Sant! erg, Saiern grip Seife..spaberSteben, Sc^le#toig=^». gopn Piefcr.’..Cincinnati, Opto Glia3. ©olbfd>mibt.ParlSrupe, Sabett Ctto spfeiffer. 2 Bcllenbingeit, Siottroeil PouiS Sdnmpf..Cincinnati, D 9)iidtael .fraud. ,, 1 . ®a# —Otto oon Sargen, Sprafibent..Soantburg 2B. 2Balbrecbt, Sprot. Sef...Cincinnati, D. 21 ug. S. Sc^aaf.fiemgo, tpreufjen £u).\ 21. Scbaaf.Sefcrn, tpreujjen Soni§ Seije..fraberSlebett, Scl)lefju?ig =.•<>. gofepb §eilmai)er..©autensborf, Sffiiett ©ottlieb gaecfb.Salittgen, 2 Bitrtcml)erg go^n spfetffer.2Sellenbingcn, Slio.t.o. 21uguft gromm. Cinannati, D 3. 33a#.—21. Scbeibemamt, Sd;abm..Gaffe! 21. Wulfinger.Sdtioebifcb frail, 2Biirt ^oenrpfoofTman.granffurt am fDiaitt C. SBei#, Sisefrpraf.Sdtnecberg S., SoniS Sd,ols.Cincinnati, D ©eorge ©ols...... 2 Balbmid)clbad;, b>effen=S. harmonic—Detroit* ©alt ^oufe. g. 21 b e I, Sirigent.Sanbau, 9il)eins'pfals 1. Sett.—Subtoig ganfen.'2BefeI am sllijeiit go‘3. Salabin._ @rettingen, Sd)tueis G. Seder,.:..,_ipofen S. Panter .'..Serlitt 2 Bnt. SricfUer..gnfterburg, spr. Carl ^eaoettricb.Samberg, Saiern gulirtl Sroof... 21 bbeffin SDloffat.Detroit Sul. i'obmantt..v‘. 2 ferlitt S. g. 2»toro5.•.Detroit Gb. Sudert. Detroit 2Ubert Ginftein.§ocf)berg, 2Bartenberg 3. Sett. Grnft Sanger... .Cljrbruff, Sad;fen g. 21. C. Seper.^sof, Saiern g-erb ^ollanb.©ottingen G. C. ©ore..T.Sottbon, Gttg. Gfjr. Paint.Diiebeioalb S. b e pn.9leufjau3, franoper ©. £>eptt.•....^ebbtbaufett, 'oattooer D. £. bersog.TSctroit ©eo. 28. Diice. D^iocgo, 91. g. S. g. Sriscom.r.Detroit. 1. 33a#—2lles 21. Sanger, Scfr .Cl;rbrnff, Sadjfen Grnti Scpobcr.Glberfelb, spr. Cart 2Beibner..frofgeiSmar, beffett ^er. Gid)ijoft. , .Gatleitburg, ^an. ©. 21. .pointer .Chicago g. PttittioeiS,- fun.®etroit • Gijas. gadlin .Detroit 3. 33a#—21. be 28iplcben, Sisc^Spr.Sausum, grattce £. Sd)imtttcl..$agen, 2Beftpbalen Diic. giitnette... .Dleuerburg Gttgen SDii.Uettborff.Sreslatt 21 uguft freibenreidb.:.Setroit 21$. 21. 28anslebctt.Crefelb, Spr. CvpfjeuS ^ditftcrbunt—^out^* Sllejanber §oufe, 7. unb 9Jiarft. Carl grot) lidt, Sirigent. ... I. Sett.—iter man Siefmattn..... .9ieub‘3burg ^olfieitt Grnft Peisfer,. SDiffett Gbao. Pniippel.—'..Glberfelb Gbo g. lledc'.. Dlorbett SJabib DJlattbel. 1 .Paiferslautent ,fr. Diuppclt.Dieibcttberg, Sd)te^roig G. 28albeda,.Serlitt Gtuift 25$i#mattn.SDlett^lage 3. Sett.—2Bnt. Srun§. . Stffett gacob Cottrab. ,©t. Soui§, 9)io. Gtttil Gbcrte .Serlitt 28m. Stolmtanti.Stiffen Dittbolph ifrobmann. Stiffen Sieb. Dlade..’.Sresbeit St). Dladoto.:.. .SDleflettburg c^erm. Spaefler...v. Sielefelb I. 33a #—\ .'oui‘j .So. So^meper.St. 8 ouiS, SDlo. Souio Sp. ®iebl.Q^^^^den Gf)a$ Gidfele. Sielefelb ftp. ©ro#enbeiber c .28erttier, b. Sielefelb iSermatt Pci^fer,.Stiffen ©. Pttn^emiiller. SDiffett .Son. Cinuetpetter.Dfierappeltt 21. g. SDlaltsafjm.©t. liouig, SDlo. £»p. SR. 2Reper. ,, ., ©prettger. . §effett 4 $f)d. ©tamm.§effen= 2 >armftabt Cljat). 21. ©todftrom.Dlbenburg gerb. G. ©d)ubbig.©t. Souig, SDlo. Sal. Son b x 2tu.igeffen=2)armft. 3 . 33 a#—gof»n Dlettpen.^effett gotjn Gttgelfe.\..^»ilbeif>eim grattf giffe.Ueffeln, spreupett G. 28. ^elfenftellen_.gnfierburg, Dft=Sp. Gug. 2C Sooljm_,.DbetsSdjlefien 2lb. Pleineae, Sprafibent.SRittben 2Bm. £>. Sabemann.Dlolircttfelb, b. D^tta. g. 2®. Sabemann. „ „ spbil. 28erber.©bttingen 18 piitglieDcr=f i|k bee Jfercine nub bnen fflunrtiere ©rpijeuS—©iitcimtatn ©alt eim, 23aben 1. Sen.—2lug. 23riiggcmann.Salg41feln, SMppesS. goptt Cuns .23illigpeim, 9ipeinpf. Gprift. Curt} .SBinnelen, 2Biirt. Heinrich Diaaf.SBoupoilleS, Glfas Gprift 23ergparbt ..Cincinnati gopn Lehman it, 2?ice=praf. .. .Dtufjbacp, pfalj 2. Sen.—2lbolpp Simon .Gfdierobe, ,6ait. ©eorg Strietmann.Gttgter, .f»ait. 2Iug. Simon .Gfcperobe, ,§an. £>. 28. DUtbocfer.2KeUe, £>an. 1. 33a#—Souis 23embentied . .. Gulrn an bet 28eicpfel gopn g. 23illigpeim, Scpapm.3tpeinpfal§ Gbuarb Cap.25obenfelber, £san. goel Steinberg.jQoUeitbacp p. Samuel granfcl.9fpeinpfalg grant G. Seiter .©ernSPacp, 23aben 2. 33a#—2Ibolpp .fliidiler, Sefr.tDtiiplpaufen in p. ©corge iPieoer, praf. .9Jteffingen, D.2I. 9i. 28. 2Bilpelnt Scpmibt,. . . .SUtcna, ip. Seopolb ©otp. 9iinspeim 23aben .frenrp gebermantt ... ©leiporbad), 9ipcinpf. SEBilpelm Sanger, gapnentrdger.... &rpf)eu3—(£lct>dan£>* giftb 2lt>enue -£>oiel. 9t. G. § e n n i n g e s, Sirigent. 1. Sen.—DSfar 23ccfer.23evlin prenffen Slbolpp 28. Seffart.Grefelb, ©eorge 3taifer.Grbpaufen, 9fegSP. SBieSb. 2lbam ^lingerie, .Dffftein, SHpeiitp. 2. Sen.—gerbinanb SlnteSberger.p f, ’ fA ’'' 23aiern Gbuarb 23etg. ppilippe burg, 23abeu itcurp iBopn ..tcnccbnrg^, 5nt>. Dtto SBrofym’S §otei. Gmit 21. Dioeptig, Sir.Sioerpool, D. 1. Sett.—Sopn Sorr, ipreif.Sammpcim, Dipeinp. gopn Sineniopl. Cincinnati Spomae 2ld;ibeS.Slrfee, 23aiern ©eo. Dtto .Cincinnati 2Jlicp. Straup .SeleSborff, 23aiern 2. Sen.—GpaS. Scpnell.Steimoeiler, IK’pnp. Qopn Scpneiber.Satorenceburgp grip 3lrieg .Sobfd^iip, Sacpfen=2Ut. Gpriftian 2Inbereg. ipittoburg, ipa. Gonrab 3‘tnbcr .Sroiftringen, ^>an. granf geberle .©amspurft, 23aben 1. 33a#—28 n. Ciefer.Gfcpbad), Siaffau ^opn Simentel, Sefr .Saiorenceburgp Seo Cupferfdjmib .28eilpeim, 28. gr. ipblimaitn .Saiorenceburgp 2. 33a#—CpaS. Sedjer . . Soprbacp, §eff. S GpaS. Sommel .9laffau GpaS 9fatjen .Saioreuccburg jfr. CleiitpauS .Springpaufeu, Curp. Gieo. 9iuppert.Dbcrgleeit, ^e|'ien=S)armft. harmonic.—©Icijciant', giftt) 2 loenue ^otel. 28m. £>epbler, Sirigent.Goburg, S. 1. Sen.—©co. 23led)er . . . Cber 9ioSbacp, Sarmftabt 3toepter. :.ipforgpeim, Stab. Gp. 23arner.Gleoelanb, O. gr. ipantan.iDlaplberg, 23a&. 3)1. §arm. greienSpetm'’, 'Pfalg 2. Sen.—g of. £ e p e r, 23rafibent — Srier, iprcupeii 21 lb. 9i a b b c , oefr. Scplaioe, “ S'. 23ecf.§irfd;berg, " gran 3 Scpoene.S c tbft, 2Inp. Seff. Sp. 23raant.fiiollanb 1. 33a#—28m. £>opn .2llfenSf tpfalg 21 . 28alborf. 2 Bacpcnpeim, ipfals @. Sd}uman. 9i. ,&opage.2llpe, ipr. S. ganfau.©enSbacp, 23aben D. 9lafd)fe.Sauenburg, fJJr. 2. 33a#— 2Btn. s Jfooille, .^ungen, Seffen^S. Qac. iHuller. ©unberspeim " 9t. Ggert .Dber=3< ; U> .ifurp. @eo. 28erner.Gleoelanb, D. 28tn. gromm .glein, 2 Burt. 28m. tfraufe.23erlin, ip. Sanacr&iutb—^cffctfoittullc, © e 0 . 91 a ft 0 II, Sirigcm.Sobenpeim 9ipein=pf. g. X. .item, tpreif,..Scprautberg 28. S. foenSler, Sige^'p.Segerfd)lacpt, 28iivt. 2lltoin 21. 33oit. Set.gefferfonoille, glib. ©.28. 33erenSpaufen, Sdutpiit....'ociligenft. p S', gormberg, Pibliotpefaiv...gbftein 9laffau 21. G. 2?oit, gapnentr — gefferfonoille, gnb. g. 9iaufd)cnberger.Untenoalbacp, 28. ipugo 2liben=gecp....28crbcn, Sait. gopn Scpulg.grauenborn, fturp. g. 33. 3tern... ..Scprautberg, 28. Dtto gimmermann,.Seibgig, Sadifcn G. g. Srabnicf. ^bung, pvoo. polen, p. G. 21. Sdiimpff.Speier, 9 ipeiit;pfal 5 GpaS. Sdiafer.pomerbp, C. GpaS. 23lip.Sdfutterjell, Sapr, 23aben ©uartctt=(?(ub— Stufec’s §otel. Gar I groeplicp, Sirigent,.Stuttgart 1. Sen.—Grit ft £. .fteiSfcr . Siffen, f»an. Gbo g. Secfc . 91orben, DftfrieSlanb 2. Sen.—CpaS. .ftititppel.Glberfelb 9Jiar 33ruitgeS. Siffen 1. 33a#—gofepp Safer.St. Souio ,elmu3_". 33oui3»ilIe, .Hi) Otto 43anm...'ger^bevg, preufjen ©tjas. Hod).Pab-2JSalbungen 92. 21. 75-raitfel.©pen a. b. 43upr Pal. Ut)iig.43eitsbeint, .freff.sS Paul 43ittbait.9teicbenbacb, Sdjtefien 3 . 43. pcager.2lragau, Sdjmeig 21. . l gaLfd)ef.9tbeine, 233eftpbalen 233. Saner..*.©Im, Murfjeffen Smith .ijjarrifon 60 . 311 b 2 p. ©fdjmann .Sd)ioerbe, 433eftpbalen Sari Stofen. 2 lltenburg, Saren 233. 3 °Pf c ^. 21 ltenburg, S pen ©has. 9ieimerj>.92etDs2)ori ©1 1 , ©has. l, jr.Oilmen ,ds G. 43ell..Dppenmeier, 43a t en ©bad. .sjcmpco.©rofjfteinbeim, i> 3 -. 2)2aier....Sunniitgeit, 2i>uitemb 3 . Siife.9teinteln a. b. SSefer . 3 ?. Sd)mantbau‘j.. Qsnabrud, ^aitnooer A. Hern ... Areb. Hraft. Aoo* 9iotb.92otf)enbad), 23 a tarn 21. 9tenau..fMgblanb, AUS I. Saf? —D. Stub.Areiburg, 43abeit 33. ©dftenfemper .Stelle, 'Pr. ©5. S. Sdmbman..i>brftein ©b. Springer.23acfnang, pjiirt. ©b. 92app.©Ijacb, 43aben A. Sd)ioeitf . 233igbaben, pr. 3 ul. ©ic^manit.. 21 . Sd)miebetned)t.. Sd)ioargbiirg=9{ubolfftabt 33. A aa s.Stielingen, 43abeit 33. 43ecfer.Dbcrbaufen, 9ibeinpfalg 0. 233eibler.0ole3, bei 3ieipjig 0 . f^infbetner.©ngclsberg, 413iirt. 33ocuenfon.Souistnlle, Hp. 2)2. ©mge. ^orftein, 43aiern 2)2. Srad).i>ctbelberg, 43aben £>. Stenbing .23Sisbabcn, 'pr. ' 0. 43irnftiel . 0ena Sbiiriiigen 0. ©. Pell..9leufreiftabt, 43at>eit ©b. post..Sarmftabt, Jgcffen A- p. Seiler.33oiii3DiUe, Hp. 1) . 233a!ier.©elle, £aunoocr ©3. 233afel)le.Obernbeim, 2Biirt. 92. 43anbe ..gbung^ bet pofeit, pr. S>. .Keister.Siife it, .franouer 0. Herbert .Holii, preupen $. 233aioefamp......33ouisoiUc, Hp. pipp... 2 ) 2 einingen.. 3. Sang.33oui£poille, Hp. ©1). Arid...33ouistuUe Sr. A- .Hlingman.^eibelberg, 43abeit Sd)aefer... 0 rcue. D. Bingen..92ero 2)orf 23aumgdrtitcr.Freiburg, P. 2. -A- A- Aiicber.Picbricb, pr. £ieffen=9iaff. A- A- Afert.©terfelb, 3turbeffen Sl)eo. 2lbrenS ..5santburg Areb. 2)2illcr.a)iiif>I£)airfen, 2Mrt. Aacob 33 > obr . .. ©incinnati Pentbarb ©rb . .Gaitton 21rgau, Sd)meij Julius 33ebnert.©uitbennen, pr. Ag. i>. 3ioren$, jr. Soui^tiiUe Paul ,Hrab .Sdtbnborf, 233iirt. 21. poblmann.GoUeba, preupen Areb. 92otbenburger.Pbiutigbeint, 233iirt. 2lbolf Sd)upber.Canton 33t}gern, Sd)io. ©. 21. 31'oilmann.iiameln, §an. ©brift. si>d)pd.©elle, " Act) 11 Sopit.. ‘ _33oui3oiIle Paul Strcbbuber.2Hiind)en, Paiern Otto non Porrieij.Peoenen, pr. fsermann 21ppel ..©iefen, i»effen Arib 33attbeu .St. 3ioui^,' 9J!o. 33ouis Prauning.©rfurt, preubeit 2Bm. A^tter..©aleo, 253iirt. ©b. tod)miebetued)t.©incinnat Gar! 233ei3 . 31ufel, 9ibeinbaiern 2llbert ftlutb . .33ouisoille inigo Pobjien . •• 6. 3tollro§... .Sasbacb am .Haiferftubt, Paiern Aol)it 21bler v ,.2)2aieit, ?)ibein=proo. 21. .irfd)born, Paben S. A- A l ^ e&cui ) c ' mer . ~..2llbattp, 92.2). ©3 a brie l 3ipi ) erle. . .'DJnlmsbeim, 233itrt. ‘A'l'aitf iterbert. . .Saffifcb, 9ibeiitproo. Garl 0rau . . ..Hurbeffen ©buarb 9iofen.Sacbfen Soprano unfc 2lIto. 21ugitfta ©elbaar ...-...3!ouis»ille, 3lp ©milia ©elbaar. „ 2lugufta 3loUmaitn. ,, 2lbele 94ii^el. „ Sopl)ie pitifer. ,, • 33ouife Sel)kr.. ,, Serminia Ouentin. „ ©mma Sd)iteiber. ,, ilatic ©ottfd)alf. ,, 3iouife plato _,. .• . „ Pertija Sd)ad. ,, 33ouife Stella. ,, ©mma 33eonbarb. ,, Pettie 3ieonl;arb.. ,, tgannab petfe. „ ©mma 2Bege. ,, Alorence llnbfcl. ,, Sora AaaS.. • ,, 92ebecca Plalj .. . ,, 3latie Plab. ,, Sofe £empf.. A . ,, Sora Sd)ioiitb. ,, Sopt)ie )peinig. ,, Aofepbine ^otberegger. „ AuliaSorenj.,, 2>larp 21lberbing., ,, 33isgie Pitter. p . ,, 2)2aggie Ubrig. ,, Arau 21..A- Sd)iUer. ,, Arau Aobuitiia A^ifekr. ,, Aobanna Sd)lange. ,, .Katie 9ieicbett.. . 1 ,, Carrie imbert . // Sola Solftnger.,. ,, Garrie pfiefter. ,, Abaisotopp. „ 5>ebmitt ©onrab. ,, 2lnnie Stienelneit. ,, ©life Scbmibiberger. ,, 9J2inttie 233efd). ,, 3, 'ouifa Pornfd)ein. ,, 3Jonifa Seibert. n 92ofiite s Pogel. n Aenitie Sd)iteiber. ,, paulinc pTeffer. n Caroline Sdjoct. ,, 3ttart) ©loll.. Souibtnlle, St;. Smart; SPfeffer. ,, Satie spaul. >> Xperefe SBleierS. n (Smelta Sttofel. n frannp fBiermann. n Sena dottfd;alf . n Xitba ffriebmann. >» ©ufan £>affeltt>anber . ,, llouife 9totpenbuvger. n Smart) &eottparb. >> ftannp Gortrab. ,, SDlaggie ©af). n '3etta ©cpmelj. <> ftrau 2. 3. ft-riebenpcimer. ,, 2ouife Sonig..23abcn Slugufta SDliUer. SWabifon, Snt> melanie £>einrid).smemppis, Pettit 2lbele «ang .9iodIanb, S)l.=2). Millie 'J'Hebman.'r.Sppilabelppia 3ba 9i it bo If.Spittoburg, 'Pa. Caroline miller.smabifon, 3nb. Caroline ©line . g-ort Sffiapne, .^nb. Caroline SHeibert.Smemppis, Xenn. spauline .fpolberveger.3 ur i$/ ©djtueij 5Xriou— *yort © t. 61 o it b Spotel, ©de 2 unb ^efferfon. 1. Xen.—91. 91. SOS e ll e it ft c iit, Sit - .. .Glbcrfelb, Sprcufj. 2Bm. iparfemper. 9il;eba, sffieftppal. SI. .fpevnefe.Sal,fitter, Spreuft. fr. ©ttebl;off.'*ratnfcpe, ipatt. 2. Xen.— Cfdottb). £>artung.. .2aitgeroiefen, ©cpto. ©onb. C. igu berlom.Jetsberg, £ief;en=Xarmft £>. 3u SDtueplen.'pprmont, stSaloecf C. dalltneper.f\ort 2Bapne, §nb. %. ftliegner.Spofctt, Spreufjen 1. 33a#—Cprift dvof;.^fort sfiJapitc deo. bonnet. ?$urt, 93apetn 21. Gruber.2t>albfird;, 93aben Cl;. Slpter.^ort 2Bapne (V- ©intrant— (^illicotfye, ©t. t d) o l a 3 . S. degner,.... .danfttngen, ipefjciusafiel 2lnbt; Xc Camp.Gpillicotpe, D. 1. 33a# —3ofepp 93aber.Gp.Uicotpe, D. 3otm Slid'. Sac. Srid. 3 . 93a 1. SDlitplidp.2ampertpeint, fiefferuX. 21. ©cpntieber. .diinblingcn, 93reifacp. 93. speter 2llbertp.ipeffeiuXannftabt 3. 33a# —2tbant SlUcbert.2ampertpeim, bpefjen=X. 2oui3 moltentopf.SPfaEingen, SBttit. $o£)n 93ogt.Ulm, SBiirttcmberg igeinricp ©dinars.Smotjpeitn, 9it>ein alg <£ d) it) ci^cr=Wanner d) or— ©iuciit’tu Du artier 6ei 2Bm. 23almer. 1. Xcn.—deorg £>ofer.draubiinbten, Sdjmeis §reb. ©aljmann. 93ern, “ 2. Xen. 2eonparb .frofer.'— draubiinbten, " Gtjrift. 93en3ing. Cincinnati SDi. Ciller. 23crlin, 4 fir. 1. 33a#—ip. ^utmattn .X^ttrgaii, ®d;t»ei 3 $aul SntU . 93erlirt, S^reufj. Dtto Sinner.2trgau, ©c^toeij 2.33a# 2lbolf ©taljl.S^rid), •• Xanib 3 mgdet - . “ n Qatob iputmann.Xburgau, " \ ©ermanias^)?*—Hamilton, Duartier—©alt §ou[e. 1. Xcn.—2Bitl;clm ©dntler.Hamilton, D. dottfrieb Xoeller. .Cincinnati Xan. Sflapft. Stlbistjeim, 'fifalj 2. Xcn.—Carl drebitcr. Cincinnati Sffim. mot;.Subloto, St). 3ol;n Sdfmenn.fitinsljeim, 93ab. 1. 33a# - Julius STluIler .fiiebemoerba, spr. ©acf)f. 3obn miiller.9iappolbbtoeiler, Cl fa# Qof. meper.Settler, 2Biirt. 2. 33a#—opcni't) printer.Unterpaufpn, 2i3itrt. Spt)il. Sraft.Simberg, SSbeinpfalj SSilbelm debrmann.Gffen, Dlbenburg Xt;eo. mepber.33ieberfelb, SSSiirttembevg deo. 9iei#—.duttemberg, n if ft n n X'ottid ©d)irtncper.Donabritd, ipan. Souid 9faftetter. 9laftatt, 93aben 2 . S 8 a#- 2 l. ©djbnbeitt.Sdjradbifcp dmiinb, 2 B. 9t>m. 21. 93of)n.Spl;ilabelpl)ia, 'pa. Cl;r. 2t3emingf)off.93ramfd)e, itan. 9iubolpl; 2i3emingpoff. ,, „ Cb. 9loll..gt. SBapne, Qttb. ©opran—§rau 2 tnna ^indmeifter. 9iero2Ubanp A-rl SSJlarp 3bder . §rau Caroline Snofel. ** ' SA-ratt 2 lnna dulip. %rl. Satparina " ,, llrfula dabient. „ ,, iiouife dabient. ,, ,, Clara SBunberlid;.galfenftein, @. ,, Gntilie Sffiuitbcrlicp. ,, ,. SPlagagaretp Sraft.9ieto 2llbattp „ Clife SBerner. „ ,, 9iettp 2Beber. „ „ 9Jlarp Cnbried. ,, 9iofine Cttbried. „ Smargarett) Xpprauf. ,, 2lnna Xpprauf. „ ,, Cmma Snofel. ,, ,, Clife ©cplageter. „ Sllto—?yrl. marp ^ippriatt. ,, ,, Souife Sraft. „ „ Saroline Siftner. ,, „ SDlart; Sd;tnibt.’. „ harmonic—Scbanoit, 21 ft o r §oufe, ^efferfon, gVuifcfcen 6ter u. 7ter. f?. spefotb, Xitigent.Gidfelb, ©acpfen;Smeittingen 1. Xcn.—Gpas. S)ieinparbt.3roenfau, ©adtfett Gb. SMlIer. ©t. Sfacob, S#§. S. C. SDloll.23bpingen, 93aben 2. Xen.- 3od. 93olb.SHenjingen, 93abtn S. 3- 9ieicpenbad;cr.§am, Sffieftppalen 3opn SH3igel.93iebefopf, .‘oeff. Xarmftabt 1. 33a#.—G. 3- 9teuter.SUaftatten, Diaffait 3uliud §offmamt.9teid;enberg, 93bptnen 3acob ^ammcl.Slein Sarlbad), 'Pfal; 2. 33a#.—ip.93acpinamt_Smeplbont, ©aepfett Gifenadt Gpr. Sfiiillt.Smelj, ©dptneij Jparmcuiia— ©t. © 1 0 u b ©de 2. unb ^efferfon. 21 u g it ft ©bet, Xirigent.Dbernfircpen, Surpeffen 1. Xcn.—Settrp 9iaui;..dermerbpeim, 9ipeinpfa4 ©amnel 3i'cetnattn.93erlitt SQJilpelm Delmamt...Xaptoti, O. 2. Xcn— Xtto Sffiilfe. 93etiin Gb. spaffe.Gaffel Gpr. 3't'omm, fen.Xeijifau, SOBiirttcmberg 1 . 33a#.—Gb. toanto) . Dedbad;, 93abett 21 . ©anto \ ’ Gb. Gu^ettpofer.'.Xapton, D 2. 33a#.—Gp. ©eifrieb..Xeijifatt, Sffiiintembeig Gp. 3romm, fr.Xe^ifau, Slburttemberg 93. SSBilfe.Berlin Spp. 'meplburger.Cbevnfivdjen, Siup.ffen v . --’/■ • ■ . ; <- ■_ s-f(' % '-Xif • •<• i • j- 1 - ■ J 1 ?.i' • ' ■ £ ■ v - 0Hi ■ k*- ’• •' vr ,■■vsw -ttwm ■ ■'•• ; r4; .;••=ft *• " y . 1 •* -V• •, Vr *. ':•• >■£