ORDER OF EXERCISES FOR THE DEDICATION OF THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION BUILDING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. SUNDAY. OCTOBER FOURTH. IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD. ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHT Morning Program NINE O’CLOCK ASSOCIATION HALL PRESIDING OFFICER. R. F. LITTLE PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION SONG . . . . . SONG ..... SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER . . REV. JAMES M. DUER SONG ..... QUIET HOUR SERVICE . I. E. BROWN State Sec'y Ii.l. Young Men’s Christian Association BENEDICTION .... c ■} THE NEW BUILDING Afternoon Program TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM PRESIDING OFFICER PRESIDENT EDMUND ]. lAMES SONG INVOCATION HYMN—-CORONAnON” READING OF THE SCRIPTURES SONG PRAYER ADDRESS DEDICATORY ADDRESS—“THE UNIVERSITY REV. S. W. FINDLEY REV. G. C. MOOR ASSOCIATION QUARTET REV. S. E. FISHER HON. WM. B. McKinley AND THE ASSOCIATION” HON. FRANK O. LOWDEN SONG ..... BENEDICTION . REV. H. C. GIBBS BRIEF SERVICE OF FORMAL DEDICATION AT THE ASSOCIATION HALL IN CHARGE OF MR. I. E. BROWN DEDICATORY PRAYER—BISHOP WM. F. McDOWELL LOBBY /■ - I } K LOUNGING ROOM Evening Program SEVEN-THIRTY O’CLOCK UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM PRESIDING OFFICER DR. T. ]. BURRILL, CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS SONG INVOCATION SONG READING OF THE SCRIPTURES SONG PRAYER SERMON SONG BENEDICTION CONGREGATION REV. ). A. HOLMES . CONGREGATION REV. JOSEPH VAN CLEVE ASSOCIATION QUARTET REV. J. C. BAKER BISHOP WM. F. McDowell ASSOCIATION QUARTET BISHOP McDowell LIBRARY AND WRITING ROOM FACTS ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION 1907 -1908 It IS the only distinctively religious interdenominational organization in the University. 780 members. 1026 enrolled in Croup Bible Classes. 159 men were helped to secure employment. Reported earnings $8,452.88. The Association fosters a wholesome social life. 25 general social events were held last year. Budget of expenses $4,500.00. Average attendance at religious meetings 207. A strong New Student campaign: 2000 men assisted during opening days: 40 trains were met: hundreds of men assisted in finding rooms. It brings together in Christian fellowship men of all classes, stations and interests and stands for clean manhood. FACTS ABOUT THE NEW BUILDINC Total length 154 feet. Total width 84 feet. Built of brick and stone and has three stories and a basement. BASEMENT: Barber shop, restaurant, lunch room, smoking room, bowling alley. FIRST FLOOR: Lobby, game room, lounging room, check room, ladies room, office, audi¬ torium, library and writing room, board of directors room. SECOND FLOOR: 8 organization rooms; 14 dormitory rooms; 2 guest rooms. THIRD FLOOR: 28 dormitory rooms in three sections, each section provided with shower baths, linen closets and trunk room. FURNISHINCS: Mission style with fumed finish throughout, with exception of ladies which has fibre-rush finishings. room FACTS ABOUT THE BUILDING FUND Cost of Building • $78,000.00 Cost of Site . 12,000.00 Cost of Furnishings . . 12,500.00 Additional Expenses . . 5.000.00 Total • • $107,500.00 Wm. B. McKinley’s subscription . . $30,000.00 Other citizens • . 18,100.00 Proceeds from sale of lots . . 14.760.00 Student subscriptions . . . 19,300.00 Faculty subscriptions • . 8,300.00 Alumni subscriptions . • . . 10,300.00 $100,760.00 NEEDS OF THE ASSOCIATION To complete building fund . . $7,000.00 Kitchen and barber shop equipment - . 2.500.00 Cost of connections with University system . . 4,500.00 $14,000.00 An endowment fund of (The present endowment amounts to $20,000.00.) $100,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BUILDING COMMITTEE Dr. T. J. Burnll Prof. S. W. Parr Prof. Ira O. Baker Dean T. A. Clark Prof. J. C. Thorpe F. H. Boggs S. K. Hughes R. F. Little C. L. Harkness L. F. Nickell O. E. Pence T. W. Walton Dean E. J. Townsend John W. Stipes Hon. Wm. B. McKinley Dr. T. J. Burnll Prof. S. W. Parr R. S. Mattis OFFICERS R. F. Little J. E. Ackert Bryant Bannister J. C. Thorpe W. A. McKnight E. L. Hall . President Vice-President Recording Secretary Treasurer General Secretary Assistant Secretary Mrs. S. T. Busey Prof. J. C. Thorpe Dr. F. R. Watson R. F. Little Miss Mary Patchin Miss Frances Clark CAME ROOM