lKmjv: s v. V*W: ffllW" #J i ■ttNK y-> #># *v w/ 1 xBjh^M^M ii 'V*v? ^*ffi ■ w LI B RARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS Sp 3s 1511 •UgBOQK WW UK BOCK » T H Sheplieards Calender. o C53.0 Con iehung twelue Aeglovues proper* tun die to tbt iwclue Monetka. E NT IT V LED, To the noble and vertuoiis Gen- tleman mofc worthic of all titles, both of learning and chiuairyjviai- iter Phihp Sidney, riM • *M §^'^ _y :> -\, — Sfe ■L^l ^^S? -vl *- y^ ♦ |> 2£ ; c ^7 Q ^°Vh ours : So now they hane made thole tongues accord with *'m ke „£ , c firll ^ iSf but gibberift* or rather huh as in olde "^ Ett «« x * Xan" w to be counted and aliens. thatLyarenota(W,m^ The iccond (hame no leffe then the inft, ™l™i™g ^S likc to chc Mole in Acfopi deeme to be lenfelcffe, and not at all to bee ^ £^ any bca ft could fee. faUvkat beingblinde her felfc > f * 1 ^ natural fpeech , which The laftmorc lhamefullthcn both , W" ™™^ haw to b { ic icfL „d and baftardiudge- togither with their Nources ^S^S^S^^^^kSf £** alfo repine, Soffi^^ from by ting. r(int , BfW wKIcli thev call the ioynts and members thercof,and Now for **«W«^Sj5g SSSrc%Weu"e,and learned without hard- er al the compafo of '^"J 1 ^ of the moft , but iudged nC "f ' W le fned C tK£^ be loofe, and as it were vu- rh^-nrhl C Au hour is w c Wounckd,finel? framed, and ftrongly trnflcdvp together. In re- right,™ 1 this Auchou wi ^rou , . f d ^^ (for f d card wh £ r ^ f h > */^ without learnyng boaft,withont Judgement iangle,w,th. lclues vie to hunt tncicttcr>yuic» ... rt c r ' £ a i fnirithad newlv iaui lied them abouC out reafon rage and iome ja s M™*^* 2 SSS brauery,fodenly ef initfaulterh , 01 tolowingtnc«*H pi . r f . t and homely for the vn an er,it the fad th:s kindc of wri:yng,being .both to b ^J^^^ t ^l t oFdJ neaft, by litic firft to trye tluyr habilicio : and as young byidcsj hat be ' J^^P^^^,^, as yon «^p™^^^ TheEpiitic. and alfo diner* otter excellent both Italian and French PoCK, whole footing this Avxho cuerie weer e followcch,yet fo as ; rcw,butthey be well fenced can trace him out. So final fiyeth this our new roct as a bud, whofe pnnqpals be icatfe grownc o»t,bttt yet as oneS inciMeniallbcabletokeepciivingwxthchcbcft. Now auouchine the o C „ C ra I ldr ft ,r purpofe of his Acglogucs ,Iminde net to fay mucfa,himfclfcUboiui B |to concede it Chi tmsappeareth thtthis vnita.ed youth had long wandered in the comon Labirinthof Lou in which time to mitigate and allaye the hcn cc of hi* pamW*or els to warm: fas he S5S3 to haucl added a ctftoefeb or icholion \l^ ^n^^^^ pkrafcs.whichmanncr of glofing andcommenting.welll wot.willfecmefbaunoe aid rar in our tongue: yet :for ■fo much a, I knew many excellent and proper dcuifes both in Wotde' and matter, would paffcjn the fpeedy couric of reading.either as vnknotrnc, or as not m« Iced, and that «n this in other we might be equall to the learned of o^her nations 1 thought good to take the pames vpon me.thc rather for that by meanes of feme fanSae miamtance 1 was made priuie to his counfel and fterttWaniitg in them, as alio in fZr L o therworkes of his. Which albeit I know he nothing fo much hatcth, as to p -omul" ate va thus mucn haue I aduenturcd vpon his frendfhip,ln m felfe being for Ion- time farrc llhln ged, hoping that this mil the : rather occafionhim , to F ut forth SSSg^S3 workes or his, which flecpe m filencc,as his Dreames 5 his legends, his court of C Uhl an fonune others.wbcfe commendations to fet out,wcre veric vaiie, the thinges rho/eh wor thie ot mamcyet being knowneto fcw.Thcfe my prefent P aincs if to any thfy be pleS'nrTbS or profitable, be you mdge, mine owne good M. whom I haue both iSeft c 3 your worthmeffe gcnerally.and otherwile vpon fome particular and fpec.all confSv? 5 hauing already in the begmningdcdicatedit to the Noble and wonhie °cntkman tlTtlt worfhipfullM. Philip Sidney, a fpeciall fauourer and maintainer c ! afl kfode of tr » Whole caufc I P ray youSir if Enuy /hall itirre vp any wrongfnll accufati on defend S your mighty Rhctonck & other your rare gifts of learning,a?you can and fhidd 1 h EH good will > as you ought.againft the malicelnd outrage of fo many eajmfc. iflZfj rl §c fct on fire with the fparkes of his kindled glory. Andthus.eLmSing the Au"hT« vnto you,as vnto his moft f, cciallgood fnend,and my felfc vnto you both! as one maW jin-ulai ^account otwro .fo very good andfochoile£rien«i$,I bid you both moft hzLZiZ* well and commit you and your moft commendable ftudies to the tuition of the grcate <\ Tour owe Affureyly t» NChrltniftM.Haruey,^ fellow p «s doincei or els tor enuy of fo many vn worthy Quidams, which catch atthe-arland *h ?£ ? ' yonaloneisdueyouwUlbepcrfwaded/optuckeoutofchehatef^ TrSw " 71 h P hT CS ° f y° urswh,ch \ e hid » ™* bring them forth to c SSall \\£fc Trn.i m you doc both them great mon 3)l „ depnuing them of the dtfi.ed iunnc, aid f lfo Jhern (« F* ft*""* *^«t?^ al1 mcn generally, in withhohiino f ro ,n them fe diumepleafures.which tney might conceme of your gallant En elifh verfes aS haue ah eady done of your Latin Poemes, which in hw opinion bo Xfo?inSon « W y tion are very delycate, and f upetcaccllent. And th B , agayne I Ske m JSi i" M, Haraey. From my lodging at Loudon thia ,o. of Apa 1. % ,7 5 yg °°* The gencrall Argument of the whole bookc. ifrSgygsSfft ltlelhope,needetb meeat large to difcourfe the ^#SM fir ft Original/ of Jeglogues, halting alread'e t ca- ched the fame . But for thew:rde Aegloguesl kncwisvnknownetomoft , and alfo mjfitkenof , fimethebeflearneJ(astheylhinke) I witlfaye SSlbereof, beingnot at all impertinent to myprefent ' Th'y werefrfi of the Greekes theinuentours of them called Aeglogas as it were, Acgon,*r Aeginomon \o % x,that ts Gote- beard* tales. Tor although in Virgil and others the fpeakers bemonepheardes,&Goteheardes,yetT^o^tnwhomis m ore e roundofautboritie,thenin Virgil, ths fpeaally from that deriL^sfromtbefirftbeadaniwelfprmg thewhole tnuenUon c f this Ae Agues, maketh Goteheards the perfons *»if h9 "» of his tales. Thisbeing,who feeth not the grofnejfeoffuch as by colour cf -learning would make vsbelieue that theyaremore ri/htly temedEclogzi, as' they woulde faye , extraordmarie ' itcourfes of vnneceffarie matter: which difinition all be mjub. (lance and meaning it agreewiththe nature of the thing, yet no whit anfwereth with the Analyfis and interpretation of the wcrd.FortheybencttermedEclogue^eglogues^htchfentence . thisauihour verie wellobferuing.vpon good iudgement .though indeedefewGoteheardi haueto doe herein, muerthelefle doub- ■ tcthnottocaUthemby thevfed and best knownename Other. curio* dtfcourfeshereflreferue to greater occaflon J hefe twelue jezlorueseuerie where anfwermg to the feafons of the twelue Jneihes may bewell deuihdinto three formes or ranch. Force th*rtheybe platntwe.asthefrftjheftxt.tbeeleuent*, and the ■ twelth orrecreatiuefuchasallthofebe } whi:h conteme matter '" > " ojlouc The Argument. of lone > orcormnendxtion offpeciallperfcnages, or {JMoralhwhici for the mo fl fort be mtxedwitbfcme Satyricali bitt ernes 5 namel lyjbe fecondofreuerence due to oldage,thefftcf coloured deceit x • thefeuentb and ninth of diffolute fljepbeardes and Pallors , the ■ tenth of contempt ofPoetrie andpleafant wits. And to this dL uifenmay cuery tbinghcrein be reasonably applycd ': J few oncly ft cake particularly cf attend firfl of "the first 5 which he calleth by thefirftmonethsname^ Ianuarie : wherein tofome he may feen e foivly to hatie faulted, in that he erron/oufy begin neth with that moneth^whtchbeginnetbnottheyeare. For it is well known e, and stoutly maintained xvitb strong reafonsofthe learned } t bat the yearebeginnethin Marbch fir then thefunne renueth his fn:- fcedcourfe^nd the feafonable firing refrejhetb the earth, and the pleafaunce thereof being buried in the fadnes of the dead Winter now wome awayseliueth. This opinion maintaine the olde i^ffwlogers ejr Philofc- fhers, namely the reuerend Andalo , And (JMacrobius in bis holydayes of Saturne ^ which account alfo was generally ohfer- ued both of Grecians and Romaines . But failing the leaue of fuch learned heades 7 wee maintaine a cuflcme of counting the feafons from the meneth Januarie iilions in the ende Ianuarie. I ende of the ye are, w the xv. date c f the vjjfmwetb, which before that time was the fir (I. But cur Anthour rejecting neither thefkbtiftie of the one part nor the antiquitie of the other fhinketh itfitteft according to thefimphcitie of com- mon vnderjianding , to begin ne \X>tth January , weningit perhaps no de- corum that Shepheardrjhonld be feme in m-ttKr offi deep-infight^or can- uafe a cafe offo doubtfulliudgemem.Sg therefore begtnneth he^andfo con- immth he throughout. Aegt logo, Prima. ARGVMENT.' 1J^ thitfrfi ^eglogus Colin Clout afbepheards boy , cornplaineth himfelfe of bis unfortunate loue % being but newly {as feemeth) enamoured of a Countrie laffe called Kofalin^c : with which flrong pf- fection being very fore travailed , -hee r compareth bis carefullccfi to t'oe fzdfeafon oftheycere. ? , totha , ftoftie ground^ to the frofen trees ^and to bis ovrtee winter beaten flocke. ^t»dUftfy-,findiHg himfelfe robbed of all former fleapincc and delight Jhe bietdyth bisTipe inpteces^ndcaftetk bim/elfe tcthe grpund. Colin Clout. ^fcepljear&s bo^e(no better do fjim call) sMl>m Uriniers toaftfnl fpfgfjt toasralmctt fpenf, Hill in a fanfyinc ca^as did befall, ileu fo;f& 6te flochCjtjjat fcafc been long ppenf . &o faint t&ep tootcano feeble in ffce Colo, Stftat noto Annettes ffeeir ftctc couia t&em tpfeol^ „v a an * Ianuarie. i^er mantle blacKe f fttougb bcauen gan ouetfrafle. zmbify feene,tbc pcnflpe bos balfe in Defptgbt 2rofe,anD bometo§rD D.:ouc bis funnel) fljeepe, Mbofc banging beaos Dfo feeme bfe careftid cafe to focepe» Cojins Emblcmc. Anchorafpeme. GLOSSE, l^ingOKfeilC . . . ' f*/i* tott, is a n ame SOt greatly, vfed, and yethaue I fcenc-a poefie of ^S^r/A** vnde* that title.But indccdc the wordc ofiolin is Frcnch,andvfcd of the French Poet^m) if he be worthie of the name of a Ppet)in a tcrtairie Aeglogue. Vnder Which name this Poct-fe^ ,-Cretly fhadoweth himfcjffe,as fometime did ^irgz/vnder the name of Tv>yr»vhmking h mue& fitter,thenfuch Latin narnes,foi f *he great vniikelihoo.d of the language, -' .ft £>«//js,commethofthe verbe ^»»f^thatis,to know or to hauc skill.,As well interpreted* theiame theworthie Sir his booke ofgouernmeriuvvheroT f hauc a peffect co- ^pie in writing,lentme by his kinfman, and my verie fingular good friend, M.Gaknl Harney; • as alfo of fomc other his moft graueond excellent writings. SyiheytimcNeighkour toxtnejkk next towjicj exposing the Latin,/^/*^. Stourt^&t, Sew, .withe red. His clownifh giftMmitatetSa Visits verft. Tty&icus es Corydonjtti khun&ia£ur&t Ah xw. : . ; O fl 1 CKi Hohbinol. is a fained country name, whereby, it betingfo common and vfuall, feemeth tQ be hidden the perfoa of fome his verie efpeciall and moll familiar friend, whome he entirely and extraordinarily bcloued, as peraduenturc fhali bee more largely declared hereafter. In this place feemeth to be fome fauor of disorderly louc^vhich the learned call 7> in defence of.exccrableand horrible fins of forbidden and vnlawfull flcfhlineife.Wh.ofe abhominab'le error is fully confuted of Pm'a. nitii> and others. - t> - lloue y a pretieEponorihofis in thefe two vcrfes , and wtthail a Paronomafia or playing with the word, where he faj th .(/ /y?:va t which of .tame is fupppied to bs Juha, the Emperonr ^ugttflut his daugbter^and wife to ^gtvppa. So doth ^LruntmsSttiU eucrie whcrecall his Lady Jtlfertf and lanthes , albeit it is weli fcnowne chat her right name was PiolantilU : as witnefleth Stu- uus in his EpithaUmium. And fo the famous Paragon of/faly, Madonna (fa?//rf in her letters cnuelopeth her felfe vnderthc name of Zand , and Trtronaviidcr the name ot Beilocbia. And this generally hath been a.common.cuitotnc of couatcrfaiting the names of fecretepcrfo nages. *^^/,brine dowuie., B Emblsme.. Ianuarie. 5 * Embleme. Ou(rh*ik 3 &rvfrt oner* His Embleme or Poefie is heerevnder added in Italian, \Aochora Jpextii'xhe meaning whereof is, that notwithftanding his extrecmepafcionand lucklcficlouc , yctlcauingoa hope,bc is fomewhat recomforted. Februarie. Aegloga Seunda* ^Argument* T f His Aeglogue is rathermoratl and generally then bent to ante fecret or particular purpofe. It fpe daily containeth adifcourfe of olde age y in the per Jon of Thenot anolde Shepheard^ who for his crookedneffe and vnkfineffe 3 is fecrned of Cuddie,, wvnhappie Heardmans boye. "The matter verie well acccrdeth with the fcafon oft he mo net h 3 the je are new drooping 3 and as it were 3 drawing to his lafl age. For as in this time of year e y fo then in our bodies there is a drie and withering colde , whiche ccm^ealeth the crudled bloud^ andfriefeth the weather beaten fefie 5 with flormes of Fortune 3 and ho are frost es of Care.. A 3 To Februarie. To which purpofe theolde man telleth a tale of the Oakeandthe Bryer ^ foliuely and fo feelingly > as if the thing were Jet foorth in fome Figure before our eyes y more plainly could not appeare, Cuddic. Thenot. A ^ hi pitte,tetl! rancfee mint ex* rage, **2Dbefe bttter blatte* neuer gut taffloage * 2Lbe bene colD blotoes tfeougb my beaten bioe, 2WI as 3 toere tb;ougb t be boote grioe, £©1? ragged rontes all ftiuer ano (babe, 0s ooen btgb ffiofoers tn an eartbqnabe : SDbet? tomnt in tbe nrinoe inagge tbetr Haggle tailed, per he as a jaeacocbe ; but noU) it auatles, Thenot. HefoDlE complained ebon lacOe lab&e, £Df Winters fojacbe fo ; making t&ee faDDc, ^uft not tbe toojlo foeno to bis common courfe ^rom g©D to bao,ano frombao to tootfe, ifrom fioo;fe bnfo tljat ts foojff of all, 3tab tben retnrne to bis former fa 11 * Wi\)o tDill not faffer tbe ftojmte time, Wfflwct totii be lute till tbe Inttte p?foie * J&elfe bane 3 toojne oat tfctfe tbirtte peares* &ome tn mucb to?,mant> tn uian^ teare* ; ^et nener complameo of colo no; §wt, £>f foramen* flame,no; of tointers t&jeaf : $e ener toad to itajtune foe man, i3ut gently to>be,tbaf fcngentl? came. Hino ener my flocbe teas mp cbiefe care, Winter oj J&ommer f^^ tnottgbt toell fare. Cuddie. #o marnetle Theno t,tf tbon can beare CberefallB tbe tranter* tDjafftftiU cbeare, ifo; age ano totnter accojo full me, SD bfa cbtlLtbat colo , tbts cccobeo, tbat to;te. ano as tbe loto;tng loetber tobc* ootone, Februarie. a ^o fccmcff (bon lihe gcoo fricat? to fro tone. 2&ut mp flouring poutb tg foe to froff, $£e fyip tmtoont in tto;mes to be toll . Thenot. E 6c foueraigne of feas be blames in tame, SCfeat once Tea-beat, toill to feaagaine. £>o lowering line ecu litle bear&grosmes, keeping i?our beads in tbe buDDco bjamies* 8no foben tbe twining funne laugbetb once, pon &eemen,tbe &p;ing i* come attonce. &%o ginne ?ou,fonD flics, tbe coin to fco;ne» K no crotomg in pipes itiabe of grant cojne. |0ou tbinken to be ilo;tis of tbe ^eare, J5ut ef t , toben yt count ?ou frees from feare. Comes tbe b;eme toinf er tottt) djamfreo bjotoes, JF nil o f to^inefctes and froftie furrctoes ; Wittily ftmting bis ttojmie Dart, ta&bitb cruo&les tbe blatant) pafefes tbe barfc £Lbcn is four carelelTe courage acco^co, pom carefull bearoes tottb coin be annoyed. SLben pa^ ?ou tbe paice of sour furquetyie* Qttitb toeegin&ano toailing,am) mtferie. Cuddie. Kb faliOj olDc ntan,3 fcojtie V& ftflt S£bat toouloett me,ms fpjingtng soutb to fpilK 3 &eeme,tb? baaine emperiffjea bee SCb;ougb ruftie elae,tbat batb rotted ty®. £>a Ocfccr tyi beat) tier ie tottie i& % fro on tbi? co:bc ftoulocr it leanes amide, ^oUi tbr ftlfe bafl loft botb lopp ant) topp, £ls mp butting baauncb tjjou tooaioeft crepp : SBut toere tbp Ear cs greene,as note bene mine. 2Eo otber oeligbtes tbcp toculo cncline. &bo toouloctt tbou learne to carcli ef iloac, 9no ber? tut tb bimnes tbp laffes gloue. Cbo toouloeft tbou pipe of Phillis p^aile t %5ut Phiilis t* mine fo; manic Daies* 3toem£ _ Febru.^rie. 3 foounc ber toief) a gtrolc cf gelt, ^muoQ; iJPtty bucgSe about ttic bcif» &uc^anonc(ftep^rBe0tDoulo make full fame: _ &ut\) m one tooulo make fytz ^ounjj againe. Thenot. SCbon art a fon,of tfa loue to boff, 011 tfjat i5 lent to loue bill be lott. Cuddie, &>£ff,feoto b?ag ^ono 15ulloc&e beared &o fmtrlJc,ro fmootk&to pjtefceo sarcs? l^ts bo; ncs bene as b;aoe,as raineboto benf > l^ts oetoelap as IptbMs lade of &cnt. $b& goto be Uentetb into tSje toinoe, CTaneU of loue is not gtsminDe* <&&metb tbp flocfee t^ cotmfcit can, ^o lutticCTc bene tbej?,fo toeafte, fo toan, Clctbeo Uritb coloc,ano Ijoaric toif b froflf, 2CBe floclies fatfjer ftfe courage bat b loft; 2DbB fl£toes,tbat foont to bane blotone bap, lltfee foailefull toioootoes bangen tbeir crags: ffibe ratljcr lambes bene ftaruea toitb coloe, Sill fo; tbetr maitter is luHleOe ano aloe- Thenot. Cuddie,^ toot tbou fcenft little goto, £>a Daniel^ to abuance tyy bealedc boo. ifoj ^nougb is a bubble blofcme Dp tuttlj bjeaf b, Mbofe Untie is itseafcencfTe, fobofetoage is oeatb, Mbofe u>a^ is lDi!oernciTc,U)bofe pane penaunce, ano ff oopegallaunt age tbe boafl; of ^muauncc . 315ut Q)all 3 tell tW a tale of fruetb, Wfcbify 31 cono of rityrns in m^ putb, keeping bis lljeepe on tbe Ww of menl? Cuddie* ffio nougbt mo^e Thenot,m^ minoe is bent, SCben to beare nouels of bis oeuife: %Jm bene Co toell f betao* ano fo toife, Sffl&at euer t&at goo oto man befpeafce. Thenot. Februaric. 5 Thenot, qpame mktc talcs of youtb oto &e mate, Hlno fomc of loue,ano feme of cljcualrte : J5ut none fitter tljen tyis to applie. $oto itUen a toijilcano Ijcarfcen t&c eno. T^ere grefo an ageD SDree on tye greenc, gcDDi? aDafcc f omerime ban it bane, Mttb armea fnl ttrong ano lergelte Dtfplaioc, 15ut of f&ef r leaner ttyy it»cre otfaratoe : St)c boote biggcanD mtgfjf Hit ptgljt, 2L (j: ougfc Itc r © tco,anD of foonoerous (jigfjf : U3 tit lome fjao bene tfic feing of t&e fielo, K no mocfcel matt to t&e fjuCbano did ptclo, 0no tutt^ bis nuts laraco mante fimne. 25ut noto tbe grate moire marreo &ts rme, \§is bare* boug&es lucre beaten fott& Coynes, l^is top toas balo,a no toaffeo toitt) too;mes, 1^10 bono; nccateD ? bts baaunctjes fere, $?aro b? I) is (toe greto a b;aggingb;ere, M|)tc^p;ontiIi!t^utttnto ffijelcmcnt, JC no foiiieD to tfceaf tbe jf trmamenf, 3t foa* embelltfyt trnttj bloffomcs faire, £ no thereto a^e Uionnco to repairs SEfje fljepfeear ds &aug&ters,to gather flofo;e0, 2Co pamte tfejeir girlonos tottb bis colours. H no m bis fmal buffjes tofeo to OfeotoDe &be ftoeet $tg&fingale Gngtng fo lotooe : SMfytb maoe ! b'ts fortify b:cre toepe fo boto, JOiaf on a time &e cat! (jim to fcolo, _ ^no fnebbe tlje gooD £Dafee,fo^ be teas olo» WXty ffanas tftere(quotb) tboubjuttO) blocfee i fwi fo; frutf ,no; fo; QjauoU) femes t^ fioche ; ^eett,boto frefft m 2 flo toers ben fp:co, Dieo in lilly t»Jite,ano Cremfin reo, XMxty lleaues engraineo in luff te greene, Colours meet to clothe a ma^oen £lm cne. "»~~ flHis Februariei %fa toaffebigncsbut cumbers tbe ground/ 2nd otrkes tlje beautte of mp bloffomcs round. S#e moulote moffcfo&fcb tb&accloietb, $pp feiuamon fmell to mucb annopct b- Mberefo;e fo fpaffce tyiz bold iBjere tottb great oifoaine^ iltttle bim anftocred tbe £Dafee agaf ne* 15ut ^eeloeo, imtb (bame and grtcfe adafoed, SDgat of a toeede be teas ouercratoeb. gt cbaunceo after bpon a .bap, SDbe bufbanoman felfe to come tbaf foap, S>f cu&ome to to fcruetoe bts ground, 0nD bis trdes of date tn compare round. i£im toben tbe fpttefull »ere bad efppeU* Caufeleffe complatned,and loudlp crpco mnto bis it o^a , etrring bp Heme firife: 2) mp liege no;b,tbc <35ad of mp life, pleafetb pou pond pour Suppliants plaint,, Caufed of fojong, and cruel conffratnf, SKUbicb J pour paje tiaaflTaii oaplp endure: 0no but pour godneffe tbe fame reeure, Sim like foj aefperate dale to ope, SD&Jougb fetonous toce of mine cnimicc ©reatlp agaff foitb fl)is piteous pteu l£im reffeo tbe g©d* man on tbe lea, 3no bao t^z mm in bis plaint pjoceede, Witb painted foojdeatbo gan tbis p;ouo to&be* ($ils moft bfcn Ambitious Mkti) ^is coloured crime ftritb craft to tlofee, Hib mp foueraigne, llojo of Creatures all, SCbou placer of plants botb bumble and tall* Mas not Hi planted of tbine otone band,, SCo be t^z p;imrofe of all tijp land. IMt b flotojing bJofltoneg,to turnip i^t pjfoifc Hind fcarlet berries in jammer time? ^m falls it tfyn, tut tbis faded £>aUe, m&te Februarie, mWt naked Mimics Vtnttfy tanto tfje fire, ZHnto facb t^annie Dotg afprre : hindering toitb bis fiiaoe mi? louelp Ifgbf , 3no robbing me of tt»c f tuectc funnel Cgtjt * &o bcafc bis olde bougljes mg tender Goe, SEfjat ofe tbe blond fpjingetb from toeu no es fc ioc ; tM tmelj? my Goitres forced t fall, 2Lbat bene Cge honour of go ur Co;onall > MnD oft be let* fjte cancfcer too;wes ligbt tfljpon ms b*auncbes,to foojfce me nio^e fpigbt • 2Cno of bis boarie lochs dofcme cot b call, tHljerelmtb mg frcflj jFlofouets bene defaff. ^o; ttjts.ano mang moje factj outrage} Craning gout* godlg be*& to aflfaagc &be rancfeo jous rigour of bfe migbt> #ougbt affee 3, but onelg to bolo mg rig&fc Submitting me to gour gcno fafferaunce, and p;a\ung to be garoeb from greeuaunce. &o tbis,tbte 3Dafte cad btm to replie Mtell as b? coutb : but bts enemie i£ad kindled fucb coles of oifpleafore, %W tbe gob man nouloe &ag Ijis lea Cure, 23u£ borne btm batted tottb furious beat, CncreaOng bis fcojatb toitb mang a f b;eaf, 1$i8 barmefuli l^at cbet be bent in band, (*Uas,tbat it fo reaoie Ujoulo ffandj Hind to tbe 6cla alone be fpcctietb* (3ge litle belpe f o Ijarme tbere needefb) anger noulo let btm fpeafee to tU free, C nauntcr ^i& rage mougbt coko bee : 5i5ut to tbe rote bent bis tturdie ffroafce, Kino mabe manp ftcmndes in tbe toade j&afte* S^be ares edge did oft turne agatne, i Sis balfe annulling to cut tty graine : &eemed,tbe fenfeleGe^onoidfeare, ®l to tojong bolg eld did fo;beare. Fcbruaric. If o: tt&atj bene an auncient tree, $acreo tutt^ many a mittens. *Cnt> often croff imtlj t^e p^ieff s trefoe, Hno often ballofoeo toitb bolie tuater octoe. 2£ut fifee fanfies toeren folerie, ^no b^ougbten tbts £>a&e to tbte tniferte. if o* noug&t mougbt tw qnitten Ijtm from Derate * if oj fierce^ tbe gab man at t)tm did late. ffl&e block oft groneo tonber tbe bloto, 2 no figbeo to fee bis neare onertfcoto. 3 n fine t be Bale bab pierceo bis pttb, SCbo ootunc to m cavt&&efellfo;t&toft&: l$i* foonberon* toetgb* mabe f be grounb to quafee, SCbeartb aconite tmoer ijtm,ano fomeb to fyabe* Sbere lietb t¥ 3Dafee,pitieb of none. jj>ofo tf anos t^z Ww* like a !Lo;o alone, p> uff cd tip toitb pjtae and batne pleafaunce ; SBnt alt tbte giee bao no continuance. if o) eftfame* Winter gan to app; oclje, 2Dbe blnttrtng liao^ead bib encroclje, Hints beat tipon t^c foltfaru : if o; noto no fuccour teas feene bim noeerc* &oto gan be repent bid p;toe f cd late ; $>oj nafceb left anb oifeonfolate, S£be biting fr oft nipt W Salfce beab, SEbe lx>atr:s foet toetg^eD boltm b*s beab, #no beapeb fnoto bnroneb bim fo fee, SDljat nolo fopjigbt be can ttano no moje : Kino being DoU)ne,i0 trooe in tbe Durf, SDf cattell,anbb30u$eo,ano fojeli? bwf. Jfcucb toas tbende of tljte ambitious X5;ere ? if o; fanning @l&. Cuddic $oto 3 p*as tf)* &bepbearo,feU it not fo;t&: fere is a long tale^no litie too^tb. Februaric. y fro lottg&aue 3 liffcnsu to tt)£ rpccbc SDgaf graffco to tfje ground is mp bjecfje : fl^ tjeart blouO to toclnigt) frojne HI feeU, 2no mp galage grotonc faff to mp fitf lc : 23n t li tie cafe of t §y ietooe tale 3 tafteD, 3£« t W &ome £>&epi)carD,t &c oas is mgf) tuattcfc* ThenotsEmbleme. Jddtoperche e vecchio; Fdfnoi alfao ejjempio. Cuddies Emblems %{jutJO vecchio, Spaventa Iddto* GLOSSE. Jfrte, fliarpe* Gridt, perced : an oldc word much vfed tfLidgve, but not founde (that I know of) in Chaucer. Ifynt s,yoon° bullockes. Wrack*, mine or violence, whence commeth fliipwraeke : and not wreake,that is ven- geance or wrath* Jffi,daunted and confounded* Trees efjlatexzllcr trees fit for timber wood. Sterne ftrife>bid Chaucer f.fcll and fturdy. my liege, A maner of fupplication,whercin is kindly coloured the affe&ioq ani fpeach of ambitious ncn* CoroftaH, Garland. Tloureti, young bloffomes. • Tfo:Pw»/*/e,ThecVuefeandworthieit. Nakeiarmes, metaphorically ment of thC;bare4>oughes,{poiled ofleaue»#' This co» lourably he fpeaketh,as adiudging him to the fire. The btoodfyeken of a blocke,a$ it were of a liuing creature,figuratiuely,and (as they (ay) Ufa? et^afmon» Hoatie /*^«,metaphorically for withered leaues. Hent> caught* N««W>f®r would not. „#*> encrmore* Wowtdes y %%Qies t £«<*»««•, leaft that. Tbeprieftei ere*, holy water pot, wherewith the popifla pricft vfed to fprinkele and hal- low the trees from mifchancc. Such blindnes was in thofe times, which the Poet fuppoicth to hauebeenethe finall decav of thisauncient Oakc* The bloc^eoftgrsned^z linely figure,which giueth fence and feeling to vnfenfiblc Creatures* as Virgil alfo faith: Saxagemuntgrauido.&c. "Bmasy The Northrnc wind,that bringeth the moft ftormic weather.' Glee, chcare andiollity. fox finning E/d, And minding (as fhould fecme) to haue made rime to tht former vcrfc GaUge* a ftartup or cUwnifh fhoe* UniBkme* This embleme is fpuken of The net y as a morall of his former tale:namely,that Ged, which • is himfelfe moft aged,being before all ages,and without beginning,maketh thofe whom he . loueth,like to himfelfe, in heaping yeares vnto their dayes,and blefliug them with long life* For the bleffing of age is not giuento all, but vnto,whom God willfo bleffc,and albeit that many euil men reach vnto fuch fulnes of yearcs,and fome alfo waxe old in miferie and thral- dome, yet therefore is notageeuertheleffcblefsing. For euen to fuch cuil men fuch number of yeares is addcd,that they may in their laft dayes repent, and come to their firft home* So theoldeman checketh thc|raw-headedboye, for defpifing his gray and freftic haires* Whom Cuddie dothcounterbufle with a bytingand bitter prouerbc, fpoken in deede ae the firft in contempt ofold-age generally. Foritwas anolde opinion,and yetis continned infbme mens conceite,that men of yeares Jiaue nofeareof God at all, or not fo much as yonger folke, Forthat being ripsaed with long experience, and hauing pafled manye bitter brunts and blades of vengeance, they dread no flormcs of Fortune, nor wrath of Gods,nor danger of men, as being either by long and ripe wifedome armed againft all mifchances and aduerfitie, or with much trouble hardened againft all troublefome tides: like vnto the Ape, of which is faxde in Aefops fables, that oftentimes meeting the Lion, hec was at firft fore agaft and difmaide at the grimnefle and auftcritic of his countenance, but at laft being acquainted with hislookes,hewasfofarre from fearing him, thathe woold familiarly gybe and ieaft with him: Such long experience bercdeth in fome men fecuritie* Although itplcafeErafmtt5,agreatclarkc and good old father>moie fatherly and fauourabiy to Fcbruarie. 8 «s conftfue It in his Adages for his owne behoofe . Thatby the prouerbe, \$mo%enexrne- tuit louem^ is not meant, that olde men haue no fearc of God at all, b*t that they bee farre from fupetttition and Idolatrous regardc of falfe Gods : asis Iupiter. But his great learniag notwithftanding, it is roo plamc to be gainefaide, that olde men are much more enclincd t» foch fond foolerics,then younger heades*. March. yEgloga Tertia. Argument. \7{jhis Aegloguetveo fhepheards boyes taking occafion of the x feafon y beginne to make purpofe of lone and other flea- faunce, which to ff ring-time , is mo ft agreeable . The fpe- cia/l meaning hereof is to giue certaine markes and tokens^ to knowe Cupid the Poets Godofloue. But more par iicu- larly I tbinke, in the perfon of Thomalin is meant fome fe- wtfriend,. who f corned lout and his knightesfo long , till atleugth. Marche. at length himfelfe was entangled,andvnwarc$ wounded with the dart offome beaut if ull regard ', which is Cuf ids arrow. Willye* Thomalitn '« v Tl£omalm,tD!w fxiten toe foe, His lucre oaertocnt toify tooe, tipon To faire a ntojoto * SDtjc iopons time nolo ntgfied falf , SDfcat fljall alegge tfjis bitter blalf , Hlno daae the Wnfer fojoto. !Thomalin # picker tcTt!l|?,tbou toarneff tocll ; ifoj Winters to;at& begins to quell, Hi no pleafant fp jmg appeared. SC &e grade nolo gtnnes to be r ef reffjf : SLbe ^iDallotD peeper out of &er neff> j3no dottiote MlelKin cleared Willye. §>ceff not tgtlke tame iiPatortmnetluOBe, i^oto b?aglg tf begins to buooe, 3no totter Ub tenner beat) * Flora nou> calletfj fctft ec&e flower, 0tiO bios matte r eamc Maias bo toer, % bat ne to is tqp?ff from beD . Efjo (bail toe fpo;ten in Delight, 2tno learne tottti JLettice to toere Itg&f, SL&at fcojnfullp t©!* cs affcaunce ; SDbo toill toe Ittlc ilone atoake, SCtjat noto Geepet& in Lethe lake, a no p?ag t)tm leaoen cur oaunce. 7~h but ftappils 31 bnn fptDe, &tt)ere tn a butt) be DID bun bfoc, ©3ttb foinses of purple anD bletor . £nD tore not, tbat mp tycepe foculo tfrap £ be p^tatc mattes a toouloe bebWE, ^J&erebs bp cbaunce % b»m fenefc). Willye. JEJomalin , bane no care f o; t&& $$y felfe Ml fjauc a Double epe, #lifee to m? floefcc anD tbtne: Jfo; a to at dome 3 baue a fy;e, 2v ffepoame eke as bote as fpae, Stjaf Detoty aoape counts mine. Thomtlin. i^a&buf tfo feeing Ml not feme, Spy fyeepe fo; tfiat map cbunce to fooerue, £no fall into fome imfc&tefg. if 0: fitbens i* but f be tbtrD mo:otoe, Kbat 31 cbaunfl to fall a deep* tottf) fo;roto, 2Cno toafceD agatne Mb gricfe: SCbe tootle tbtlfee tome fcnjjappte <£ foe, OTbofe clouteD lepge ber bur t Dotb fl&etej iFellbeaDlonginfoaDell. KnDtberetjniopnfeDbctb ber bones: SJ9ougbt tjer necfe bene to^ntcD at tones, &>bc fljoulDe bane neeoe no mo?e fpell, SLbelfe foas to toanfon anD fo Ukdd, (H5ut noto 3 trotoe can better Sod) &be moug&t ne gang on tbe greens Willyc. Het be, as map be, tbat is pad: %hat is to come, let be fo;eca(f . #oto fell fcs, tobat f bou bad tene, c Thomalin March* Thomalin. Wen tyepbearDcs grames Ijan leaue to pla& 3 cos to go a looting. 5Long toanojing t3p ano ootone f &e lano, Wit& bcto anD bolts in cither Ijano, if o,: birDes in bu^es toting: sfi t iengty toitljin t&c ^uic toDDe (Stbere Qjotoroeo teas tbe little ) 31 6earD a buQc bullling. 31 bent m^ bolt againff t be baft, SLiftning tf ante t bing did rufy, 15ut tfjen Ijearo no mojc ruffling, SCbo peeping clofe into t&e t§u fce, $j&igljt fee ttje moning of fotne quiche, W&ofe fl&ape appeareD not: JIBut tore it faerie, feeno, oj faafec, $32 courage earno it to atoalse, 0nD manfully t&ereat fljotte. Wity t&at fpjangfojtl) a nafeeoftoatme, ^&tf & fpotteo toinges Ufcc p eaeoc&a trarne^ Mno laugbing lope to a tr&. teis gpioen quiuer at fjts bacfte, ;3nD aiuer bofoe, toftc& foas but flacfeet ti&aincb ligbt l^ be bent at me* SCbat feeing 3 > lenelD again e ? #no G&otte at bim tottft mig&f anD main** Mis t ijicfce, ad it fiao bailed &o long 3 ftott, t&at all teas fpent: SDbo pnmie (tones J feaU!^ ijent: Kino tfeefoe: but nong&t aua$UD: l£e U)2j3 fo foimble, ana fo toigbf , jfroin bougi) to boug&be leppeD !ig&f> Hlno oft t&c punnet lafc&eD. SD&ere teity affrao 3 ranne atoa^t S5ut be, tbat earft feemeD but to pla?> S fl&aft in ear mtf fnatctjes, March, U 0tiD Ut me running fa fte bee le: if o^ t&en 31 little (mart did feele: J5u t fame tt fo;e tncreafco. HI no noU) tt ranefeletb moje ano moje, Sine fatoar Dig tt fell rctb fo> e, $e tote 3 j tiotu to ceafe tt. Willye. SC&omaltn, 3 ptf tie tfe pUgbf > JDerDte left & (one tyott DtooeS ffeftf * 3 hnoU) bun bp a token. ir 03 once 3 besro nig father fay, t^oto lie (tm caugb t fcpon a oa& (OTfocreof be brill be to j often) (SntangleDtaafoteltngnet, OTbtcb be foj carrion Crotoe* &a& fcf, SDbat in our pearetreebaunteD. &i)o fato, be fca* a uungeo lao, 25ut botoe ana Ojaftesast&ennone bad: CIs bao be fee be Daunts Butfee tbe W&tMn tyitks apace, atno ff ouptng Phoebus (fopes {ji* face: |Ptt time to batte b0 bometoa »*d . Willyes Emblcmc. T* fo ij^? ^ ^ to lone, Isgraumedfcarccto Godabouf. Thomalins Embleme* Of bony andofgauleinloue there is ft ore. The honj is much, but thegauleis more: GLOSSE, C * _, ~ C**r March* CuerMHt 9 witxzone t -*l*lt% to leffea or affiragey T* *«*//, to a bate* W*%», the skie. IheftvaUwi Which bird vfeth to be counted the meflenger, and as it were, the forerun- ner of C. lino, FUra> the Goddefle ©f flowres, but in/teedc(as faith Taciturn famous harlot, which with the abufe of her body hauing gotten great riches , made the people of K ome her hoyre: -who in rcmembraunce off© great beneficence , appoynted a yeerely feaft for the mcmoriall of her, calling her, notasfhewas, nor as fome doe thinke, ^Indroniea^ but Flora : making her theGoddeffe ©fall flowres, and doing yeerely to her folemne facrifict* Maias borne, that is the pleafaunt fielde, or rather the Mayebufties. Maia is a Goddefle and the mother of Mercune, in honour ©fwhonic themoaethof Mayeisofheraamcfo cal- led , as fayth Macrolius* - Lettkij the name of fome country laflc. t 4fcaunce i as kewe or afquintv ? or %* therefore* Lethe, is a lake in hell, which the poets call the lake of forgetfulnefTc. For LetheGgniG* eth forgetfulnefle. Wherein the foules being dipped, dyd forgette the cares ©f this former life. So that by our deeping in Lethe lacke, he meaneth hee was almoft forgotten and out of knowledge, by reafon of Winters hardnefle when all pleafures as it were, fleepe and wcare out of minde. Jf?tte 9 f&otc. , v , I • , • . Hw>»*ter,TobreakeLoues ilomber, t© exerclfc the dehghtesofLouc and wantoa plearurcs. Winges &p?urple>fo is he faigned of thePoetes. F«r<»/j,heifflitatethVirgilsverfc. ■ ' £& mihinamque domipatet*, eft iniufta.W*tYC*&C* jidelh a hole in the ground. . r „ r • Spell, is a kinde of verfe or charare, that in elder times .they vied often t© lay ouercuery thing that they would haue prelerucd, as the Nightfpell for thecHCs, and the Weodfpeli Andherehence I thinke is named the ©odsfp«Uorworde. And f© faith Chaucer, lattc- acthLordingestomyfpell, w-uik •* "i «-• 6Vat« oricketh'as a forked arrow. He is faidealfot© haue fijaftes, fome leaden,fome golden:that ,fs both plcafure for the gratious and lotted, and forrowe for the loue that is difdaincd or fcrfaken. But who lift more at large t© behold Cupids colours and furniture, let hym read cwkcr-Trqetrius, or Jdafchus his i^/% v o£ wingdung loue. being now moft excellently traaflated into Latine by the fingular learned man ^ngelus Voltttanus : Which workcl haae feeneamoageft other of this Poctesdoinges* very well tranflated alf© into Eaglifh Ryraes. ^^/c^rfa'^w,QHickcanddeliuer. , , • In the heelers veryc Poetically fpoken,a»d not without fpccial ludgement. For I remem- ber thatinH^cntisfaideofT^m, that (bee tooke her young >a&e Uchtlles bcyngnow- lv boine, and-holding him by the heclc, dipped him in the Ryuer of Styx, The vertue where- of if to defend and keepe the bodyeswafhed therein from any mortall wound So Uchtlles b'ey'no wafcedall ©uer,fcmc ©nety his heele, by which his mother held, was in the reft muuluerablc: therefore by "Parts was feyned to bee fhotte with a poyfoned arrowe in the heele, whiles he was bufie about the marying oiVa&xen* in the temple o$ Apollo. Which mvfticall fable Eufiathius vnfolding, faith: that by wounding the heele, is meant luftfull loue, For from the heelc(as fay the beft phifitions; to the priute partes there paflc certaine veines and {lender finncwes, as alfo the like c©me from the head, and are carried like little ' pypes behinde theearcs; f« that (as iayth Mypocmtes) if thofe veines there bee cat a /under thipartie ftraight becorometh cold and vafruitfull, Wbich reafon our Poet well weighing ., March. 12 tuketh this ftiepheardes boy of pirpefe to fee wounded by loue in tncheele* iMcbed) caught. Wrofyn, reuenged. Terence., In this tale is fetteoutthe fimpHcitieof fhepheartlej opinion of Lone* Storing Tfjaebus, Is a Periphrafis of the funae fetting. E«nblcmc» Hereby is meant, that all the dclightes of Lone, wherein wanton youthe walUweth, bee but follyemixte with bitterneffe, and fori owe fawced with repencaunce . For befides that the verie affe&ionof Lone it felfe tormenteth the minde , and rexeth the bodie many wayes, with vnrcftfulnefife all night, and wearineflc all day , feeking for that wee can- not haue, and finding that wee wculde not haue: euen the felfe thinges which befi before vs liked, in courfe of time, and chaunge of riper yeeres, which alfe therewithall chaungeth our woonted liking and former fantafies , will then feeme lothefome and breede vs annoy- auace,when youthes flower is withered, and wecfiade our bodyes and wittes annfwerc not to fuck vaiac iollitie and luflfull pleafaunce. Cj AeglogA. A prill* Aegloga Quarta. Argument* THis &>4eglogue is purpofely intended to the honour and prayfi of out moft gracious foueraigne y Queene Elizabeth* The fee aker there- in be Hobbinoll andThtnot* tVpojhepheardes: the which Hob- binoll being before mentioned, greatly to haue loued Colin,*/ herefetti forth more largely , complaining him of that boyes great mifaduenturein Loue, whereby his minde Was alienate and Veith drawne not onely front him* Who mo ft loued him > but alfbfrom all former delightes andftudtes as vp ell in pie afaunt piping) as cunning ryming andfinging 9 and other hys laudable exer rifts. Whereby he takgth occafionfor proofs his more excel- lence and skill in poetrie y to recorde afong, which they fay d Colin feme* time made in honor of her sJMaieftie, "whom* abruptly he termeth EUfa* Thenot, Hobbinoll. T<£ll me fi©tj Hobbin oil, fofcaf garrea t&ee greefe? Wtjafr fcafij form OTolfe Vn tenoer IianAe* ytomi $)l is t *m Bagpipe luofc, tjjat founded to Curate ? &>} m r&ou of tfo ioneo lafife fbjlojnc* fife bene fgm tm attempt c& to tgc #arc, ^nenefcatg Aprill. lz SXucnctjtng t&e gafpfng furretoes tbirff tottb ratines Uttie *i pnll ft oto^e, Co Hi eame0 tbe frtchitng tearca 2lootone t to cb&Iie, to quencb t to tljirUtc paine. Hobbinoll. $o; tin's , no? tfrnt, fo mucb ootb make me mourne, 25ut fo^ tbe Inooc, tobomc long 31 lotted To oeare> $oto Ioue0 a laffe, t|iat all lite loue Dotti fco?ne: l£e plungeo in patne, \>to trefleD locfces ootb tear e. £>bepbcarocs beiigbt be Doty tbem all fo?f toearc, 1£ to pleafaun t pipe, totstc^ maoe to nterunent* ige toilfnllg ftatft b?ofte, anbbotb fo?beare Jg to toomteo Conge*, toberem Ije all onttoent . Thenot, Wat to be fo? a tlawie, sou fo lament* 3?* icue Cucb ptnebing patne to tbern, t bat p?ouee Slno batb be Hull to make Co excellent* Ptt batb fo little f bill to bjfole lone* Hobbinoll. Colin tboa feenff , tbe &o utberne ftep&caroea bo^e? i£im Hone batb toounoeo tottb a beaols Dart. 3fflftbtlome on btm toao all mg care ano toge, if ojdng tottb giftes to toinne bto toanton beart* SBnt noto from me bto ma&otag mtnoe to Hart, 0n& tooes tbe gfflttODo toe* oangbter of tbe glenne : £>o nolo fag?e Rofalinde batb b?ebe bto (mart, £o noto Ij to frieno to c&aungeo fo? a frenne, Thcnot. JBnt if b? * btttte* be fo trimly otgW, 31 P?ag ty& Hobbinoll, reco?befome one, SLb* tobile* our flocked Doe gaje about in fig&f^ gnu toe clofe 0[);otoceD m tbt* ft aoe alone. Hobbinoll, Contenteb J: tben totll 3 Gng bt* lage ©ffaB?eEhfa,&u«neof&bepbearoe*aII: «®bicb once be maoe, as bp a fpjing be lage* 2t no turneb it unto fyz to ater* fall. Aprill. Y<& tomtit $t>mp&cs, tfjat in tljts bleffea SBjate uoebattje^ourb;ett, if o;f afee soar toatne boto^es, ano Ijei&er Icofce, atmsrequeff. 0T , HitiD chc gon tmirgtns, tbat noTarnafle Dtoell, Whence flotoctfj Helicon tfjetearneo toll, ^elpcmc toblaje ^erfoojtl^p^apfc, $&!ncfj in ijcr im oot& all txctll • UDf fa^e Elifa be pour fitaer fong, tbat bieOeD totgfjt; SD&e Goto.: e of aairgin*, mag u> flojifi) long, gn p;micel£ plight. 5Fo; ftce 10 Syrinx Daugljfier ixjtf tjtmt fpotfe: OTijiclj Pan t&e ffjcp&earoea <2>oo ofger begotte £>ofpaong tier grace SDfbeauentyrace, #o motfall blemitye ma^ fjer blotfe. £>#, togere ffje fits Upon tfce graffie greeny (fl> feemelBiig&t) ^ clao in £>car!ot like a mag&en ©u« ne, $no (Eremineafoljife, tHpon ber &eaD a Cremoff n coronet, ^tit&Damaffee rofesano 3>affao«to fet: 315epleauesb0tlneen0, Hino^tmrofeagrriene Cmbellity t&e f Uwcfe Violet Cell me, bane $e feene tier angelifee face, Itifee Phoebe fa^e* ^er beanenty baneonr, Ber p^incelg grace can ^ou tDcIl compare* ffibe Keaoe rofe meuleD tottf) t&e »!nfe ^fere, aneit&er e&afteoepeintfenliaelE c&ere, l£ er mocca ege, iper ^aieftie, Were liaue ro« f*ne Qe Itfce, bat t&ere* a Apiill. 31 fate Phoebus ffmiff out tts golocn £cd, fcponbertogaje: 15ut toben be fato ,&oto bjoab ber beamed Did fpjes, it did bimamaje. l£e bluftt to fee another &unnc belofo, #e But *tt againe tits fine face oat ftoU) : =LcCfjtm,tffjcDarc, 6 w tetg^tneffg compare tMify ljers,to l;aue tijc oucrtfeoto. ^ijclo t^ rclfe Cy nthia toitb t bs filucr rates, anD be not abaft t: CClben ft c t be bcames of ber bcantte Dtfplatc0 4 £DboU) art tbou Daft t* 13ut 3 Urill not mat cb ber toitb Latonacs feeDe, £>ucb foUic great fojrott) to Niobe did b^ccoe, ^oto ftc is a ff one, ^inomabestjatl^monc, Earning all otber to take b&De . Pan mas be pjotoDe,tbat ewer be begot fucbaXSellibone, 2no Syrinx reiogce,tbat eucr toas fjcr lot fobearefctcbanone* £>©ne as m? younglings crgen foj tfje Dam, So ber totll 31 offer a miifce tobtte Harnb ; £>b# is mg goODeCTe platne, MnD 31 ber ftepbearos ftoainc, £ Ibee fo;ftooncK anD fo;f toatt 31 am. 31 fee Calliope fp&o ber to t^z place, to berc mg Oo&dcHe ftines : 2CnD after ber tbe otber agufes trace, mity tbctr aiolines. S5ene tbep not 3i6aB-b2ancbes,tobfcb tbe^oo beare, Sill fo^ EHfa in ber bano to toeare i ^oftoeetelgtbegpla^: and Gng ail tbe ioa^ C&atita&eanenfetoijcare. S? 3lO April!, 3Lo boto finely f be graces can it fate tatbsSnitrumcnt: JEbcu oauncen aem^ano Gngen tofc> in tbcfrmerinienf. Want's not a fourtb graced o make tfjc Daunce cuen f SLet tfyat ro&me to mg llaoie be geuen ^ ^Ijeeffjalbeagrace, 2Do fill t&e four tb place, 2Bno ratgnc tmt b tbe red in fymm . #nt> toiler renne* t&isi beme of liable* bjtg&f * raungeoinarotoe* JE&ei/ bene alt liaoie* of Cfjc lake bebigftt, tbafbntobergoe. Ghlores,tbat is tbe cbiefeff $i?mpbof all, fl)f sKDItue bjauncfjes bearer a Cojonall ; £DIfoe0 bene foj peace, Wben tearres Oo furceafe : &ucb fo j a p^tneede bene principal!. J?e (bepbearbfr&augbtenMfct DWI on tbe gnsne* biepoutbere apace: Jlef none come t{jere,btrt t&at virgins bene, to aoojneber grace* 3 no tjoben pou conic,&b£reas 11} c ts in place, &ee,f bat gonr ruoeneffeao not $on Difgracc : Mnoe^oar fillets faff, 2#nD giro in pour toatt. Jfojmoje finetre,tDitba tatob;te lace. SWng beafber tbe pincfee ano purple Cullambine, uutb^ellifloures: S5;mg Coronations^ nfc&opsin toine, too;ne of paramourcs. fefroto me tbe grpuno Mtfy 3>affa&ot»mullte0, $no Col»atp0,ano l&ingcap^anoloueo iliUies r Clje poetic j^aUince, anotbzCben&mte* ^b*H matcb isitb tbe faire floure Splice, $oto Aprill. ^otorff^ijpElirajtjectoasi^ou art, in recall ara^ : 2Gno noto pe oatntte SDamfela ma^ Depart ecljeonctjcrUjap. 31 fcarc, 33 Ijaue troubled renr troupes tm Ions:" Jltf uanie Blifa ttiauhc r?oa fo; fcer fotig. Mnu tf^du tome beater, - mfym 2>amfine5 3 scatter, 3 frill part tftem all among. Thenot. ^antstoas tfnlfce fame fong of Colins olone maWng i 2ij fcDliH) l)Qtf,tljat is &ifB lone pblent : (Sreat ptttte is,ijc be in fuel) taking, if 0; naug&t caren,t&si bene fo leluolu bznt. Hobbinoll, £>(efcer 3i.I10lb.btm , fo; a greater fon, SDtiat lotus tjje t(jtng,t)e cannot purcfjafe; 5i5ut let tos ijomctoarD fo; m'gftf D;atoetl) otr, #nD ttofacfeiing ttarres t Ije oatlrgtjt ijente tfjafe. Thenots Embleme. O gwtfw tt memorem virgo ? Hobbinols Emblems Q(ie4certt> U Aprill. OLOSSE. Gars thee greete, caufeth thee weepe and cpmplaine> ' Torlorne y left and foi Taken." ^Attempted to theyeere , agreeable to the feafon of the yeere , that is Aprill, which moneth i« molt bent to fhowres and lealonable rainc : to quench, : , to delay die drought, caufeji through dnneflc of March wiodes. YheMdt, Colin Clcur, Thelajfe y Rofalinda. Trejftd leches, withered and curled. IsbeforalaJde, A ftraunge maner offpeaking.f.wh3tauner of Lad is hei • TofK*\e, to rime and verfifie. For in this word,making»our olde Englifh Poets were wonc to comprehend all the skil of Poetrie,accordingto the Greek word Tottinjo make, whence commeth the name of Poets. Cohn thou kynjl> knoweft.Seemeth heereby that Colin perteincth to ftrme Southerne noble man, and perhaps in Surrey or Kent, the rathei; became hee fo often nanieth the Kcntifh, downes,and before^ sfythe^dshffe of Kent. . - The vaidowes , Hce calleth RofaliirdtheWfdowes daughter of the glenne, that is, ofa Countrey Hamlet or borough,which I ihinke is rather fayde to colour and conceale the per- 'he is •of!' Her made knowneby his verfes , nor Hobbivollbe grieued, that (office fhould be commended to immortalitic for her rare and finguler vermes : Specially deftruing it no lefle ,. thcn,eith«r Myrto the moil excellent Poet Tbeecrituihis dearlrog , or Laurett* the diuinePetraehes Gbd- deffe, orHiwwttitheworthie Poee &*//<&»•»* his Idole : Vpon whemeheisfaidfo much po bauedoted, thatinregerd ofhere^cellencie, he fcorned andwroteagainfttbe beautieof Helena. For which hisprefumptuous and vnheedie hardineflcjheisfayd by vengeance of the Gods,thereat being ofFen/led,to haue loft both his eyes. Frenne, a ftraunger.The word I thinkc was firil : poetically put, and afterward vfed in com- jnoncuttomcoffpeechforfowennei • Dight, adorned. . £*?:nx,is thename of a Nympheo'f Arcadie,whomwhen Pan being inlouepurfued die fly- ing from him , of the Gods was turned in o sl rcede. So that Pan catching at therecdesia fteede of the Damofd.and p*UfFtn2 hard (for he was almoft out of winde)with his breath made the reed<.s to pipe > which he feeing tookt ofthem,and in remembrance ofhisloftloue,madc him a pipe thereof. But here by Pan and SyriRx is not to be thought,that the fhepheard (im- ply meant thofe Po; ticall Gods : but rather fuppofing the Moo ne, whom the Poets faine to be filler vnto P hoebus^that is the Sunne* Medici^ mingled. + Tfere, together. By the mingling of the Redde rofe and the White, is ment the vniting ofthe two principall houfes of LancaSer and of Yorkc : by whofc long difcorde and deadly debate, this Realme many yeares was (ore trauailed,andalmoftcIeane decayed. Till the famous Henry the feuenth, ofthe line of LancaJter, taking to wife the raoft vertuous PrincelTe Elizabeth, daughter to the fourth Edwarde ofthe houfe of Yorke, begat the moft royall Henry the Eight aforclaide,in whom was the firft vnion of the Whitcrofe, and the Iteddc. . QaMitfe, one ofthe nyne Mufes: to whom they afltgne the honour of all Poeticall jn- uention,and the fii ft glory ofthe Her oicallverfe,other lay, that fheistheGoddefle of Re- thorick: butby Virgillitis mamftft, that they miftake thekinj. For therein his E^i- grams,that arte feemeth to be attributed to Polymnia,faymg: Signat cunSfa wanujoquiturqut Polymnia geftu. Which feemeth fpecially to be meant of Action and:elocution, both fpeciall partes of Kheto- ricke: befide that her name>which(asfomeconftrucit)irnporteth great remembraece, con« taineth another part. ButI hold rather with them,which call her Polymnia, or Polyhym- nia of her good ringing. BayTSrciunchestbcxhcGgncof honour and vi&ory, and therefore of roigbtrie Conquc* rors worne in their trmmphes,and eke of famous Poets, as faith Petrareh in his Sonets, i/frbor vittoriofatrtHmphatCj Honor dImperadori& di Poeti y &c* . Tie Graces, bee three fifters.the danghters of Jupiter, (whofe nifties are ./fjp&M/r&f- HdyEupbroJyne: and Homer onely addeta a fourth.f.Pa/fr 6«<»)otherwifc called C^ites, that is thankes. Whom the poets fained to bee Goddeffcs of all beautieandcomelinefle, wt>ich therefore (as faith theodontiui) they make three,to weete,thac men firft ought to be gracious and bountiful to other freely, then to receiue benefits at other mens hands cuiteoufly : and thirdly to requite them thankfully: which are three fuadry aftions in liberality. An dBoccace £aith,that they be painted naked, (as they were in deed on the toumbe of C, Iulius Carter; theonehauingher backe towardevs,andherfac« fromwarde,as proceeding from ys: the o- ther two towarde vs, noting double tbanke to bee due to vs for the benefit wee haue done. Defjty, finely and nimlly. # Stote % fweete* Meriment, mirth* . 'Beute, Abcautie of Ladics,is fpoken figuratiuely for a company or a troupe, the term* is taken of Larkcs* For they faya beaic oflarkes,euen as a Couey of Patridges, oran eye ofPheafants. Ladia oft be Lttfa bee Nvmphes. Forit was an olde opinion among the auncient Hea- then, that of eueriefpring and fountaine was a godneiTe the Soueraigne. Which opinion ftockeiHthcmindesofmennotraanyyearesfithence, by meanes of certaine fine fablers^ aodlowdlycrs^Hchas were the autheurs of king Arthurc the great,andfuch like who tell: D I many April!. many an vnlawfull leafing of the La fits ofthe Lake, that is>thc Nymphes* For]thewor 6r a Bonnibelldiomelyfpokenfot a faice maideor BonilafTe. Trorfvcottc^e y an |/w/!*vr*,oucrlabourcd and funnebwrnt* Ifmv Tfabut, the funne: \ fcncible narration, and a prevent view of thething mentioned, which they call Paronfu, • Qvttbia, the Moone,for ailed of Cinthtis ahill,where fhe was honoured. Latc-Aats feed y was ^ij'ello^ind Diana. Whom when as Nwi« the wife of Jimphnn fcorned, in re(pe& ofthe noble fruit of her wombe.namely herfeuen fonnes, and fo many daughters, Latonx being therewith difpleafed,commanded her fonne Vhcebutta flay all the fonnes, and Ditna all the daugtars; whereat thevnfortunatc Wide being fore di(maied,and lamenting out 6f meafure,was rained ofthe Poets to be turned into a (tone vpom the Sepulchre of her chil- dren, for which.cauCe the ihepheard faith,he will not compare her to them, forfearc «f miifortone. Now rift^is the coBcluGon. Forhauing fo decked her w!th praifes and comparifoat, he rc- turneth allthethanke ©f his labour to the excellencic of her Maiel'tiic* pishen X>anfms, A bale rewarde of a clownifh giucr« Xeknti Y,« a Peccicall addition>blenkblinded» 'Embleme, Yhis Pocfic is taken out of /^Vgtfand there of hitnfilfe vfed in the perfon ©f ^tenets to his mother ^etfa^appearing to him in likeneife ofone of Dianes damofels: being there mod di- ninery fet forth* To which fimilitude of dminitic Hobbiwll comparing the exellency of£fypi* and being through the worthinefle of Cslms long, as it were.ouercome with thehagenefTee of hivimagi»ation,burfteth outin great admiration, (Oquam to wmoremvirgo I ) being other- wifevnable, thenbyfodainefilence, tocxpreffetheworthinefTeofhis conceitc . Whom T//.?» not tfnihe t\)t mcrte monetb of s^ap, Wen louc law maffeen in freft ara^ i? cu) failcs it t&en ; toe no merrier becne, g4Ue as others, girt tti gatooie greens £>ur blanket liucrics bene all to faooe, ifo; t&tlfce fame feafon,to&en all is Edaoae OTUtb pleafance; t&e grotmo tottti graflfe,tbe OTtobs, ^Uttl) greene leaues,tl>e budjes umlj blodeming X5art>*> ^ougjtftw folae noU> floefcen in enerie tuijerc, 2Co gather spa^-buffcets ano fmeliing IBjere: SGno tjome tW baton tfje pottes to Dtgbt, aino all tlje iiiirfce pillows eare oas Itgftt, Wkify batotbojne buoos>anoftoeete (Eglantine, jam* gtrlanofi cf Hofcs ano feopsin totne. j&ucb merie make ftol^ &aintes&Qti)qaeme, Wut toz ijerc 6«cn as bjofono in a ojemc. PIERS. Jf cj ^onnhers Palinode fucb follies fifte, 3@ut toe ttoag bene men of elder toittt. palinode; dicker f bis me*oto,no lenger agoe, 3faU?aftoleofC&cp8earDsoutgoc, mify fingtng, ano tyouttng,anD iollie c&ere: ffiefoie ttjem uotie a luttie SDabjere, SDW to tljemantca Ijojne p^pe plaice, OTjereto tlm oanncen ecb one toitb fy* maioe. SDo fee tbofe folfees mafec fuel) iou pfaunce, ©aoem^Sart after t&e pipe to Daoncc Cbo to tbe greene TOcdd tfcp fpfcBen tbcm all , 2Lo fetcben Some spas Uritj) tbeir muftcall; 3no bonis tbeg b;ingen in a rogatl t&one, Crotoneo as king:ano bis &n&ne attone Mas liaoie Flora,on inborn did attend 2# fatre flocfee of jF aeries,ano a frety bend. fl>f Maye. 17 SDf louelp #tmpbes-6£> tbat 31 lucre tfjerc SEo ftelpcn tbe ilaoies Cijetr Q^apbuH) tears- ) 3t) Piersbcne not tfyy ftet$oVi cOge,to fl>tnkc, l£ofo great fpo;t f bep gap nen tnttb lit Ie ffoinfee. Piers* pcrtDtc to favrc am 3 from enute, SDbat ctJctr fononelfe inlp 3 pitie. SD^ofe favours ktlc regaroen tbetr cbarge, rattle tijep letting t&ct r Ojape runne at large, patten tbetr ttme,tbat fl^cuio be fparelp fpenf, 3n luffibeoe ano ftanton merimenf. SDtjtme fame bene tbepfjearos foj tbe omels ff eo&e* ECbat plapen 3 tu bt le tbeir flocked be fcnfetfce* Well it t0 &ne,tbetr flj&pe be not fftetr otone, SE^at letten tbem runne at ranuon alone* 315ut tbepbene bire&foj Ittlc pap £>f oiber,tbat carcn as litle as tbep> SZ&baf fallen tbe flocfee, to tyzy ban tyty fleece, #no get all tbe gatne, paptng but a peece. 3 mufe,tobat accompt botb tbefe tntli ma&e, SDbe one to 1 tbe btre,fobicb be ootb take, 2flno tbotber foj leaning bis Hojos taffee, E&ben greao Pan account of fyepbearos fljoulo af&e< Palinode* picker noto 3 fe tbou fpeafeett of fptgfrt, XII foz tbon iacUcll fomoele tbeir oeligbt. S(as 3 am)bao ratber be enmeo, Kill foere it of mp foe,tben fonlp pit tea : Kno pet if neeoe toere,pttieo toouto be, ttatber,tban otber fgculo fco? ne at me : if o; pitieo is mifl)ap,tbat nas remeate, l&ixt fco;neo bene o^ocs of font) fcolerte* H&bat rijouloen fljepbearos otber tbmgs teno, SDben fit b tbetr d3oD Us gcoo noes tbem feno, Keapen tbe fruit tbcreof,Ibat is pleafure, &be tobtle tbcu bere liuen,at eafe ano leafure i if o; toben tbep bene ocao,tb«r goo is pgoe, Maye. 3£&tB A* P* n fa rcft,focl 1 a* o tber raoe# SDOo toitb t^m lucnD^,lD&at t^c^ fpcnt in cott* 315 ut toljat t j)CB left belrinoc tyem ,ts lott. €>©& 15 no gltfee,a£f men of tbe late : Mttb tbem it fits to care to* tfjetr betre, ©naunrcr tbeir heritage do tmpaire ,♦♦. SC^e^ mud pjoufoe fo; meane* of matnf enance> 2QnD to continue tbeir toont countenance* SBut fljepbearo mud foalfce anotber toas, $s>ibz toojl&li? fanenancs be mnff fojefas. SCbe fonne of bis iotnes to&p befl&oulo regard SCo leaae enticbeo toitb t&at be batb fpara t ^Ijoolti -not tftflfce c^ did fcgpe. Well ^tois toa0 ft tottb tbepbearos tboe : $oagtjt baumg,noagbt fearec t&eg to fo;goe> if o; Pan fttmfelfe teas f Ijctr inberitance, HIhd little f bem ferueb fo 2 tbeir maintenance 2£be Ibepbearog fcubo can connfell a titrate foule, . OTft& patience to fo;beare #e offixo botole r « 2 jl&ut Maye. !5at of all burbens,tbat a man can bearc, ^poU t0,afo3lcs talfce to beare anp to beare. . 3 toeenc t&e geaunt bas not ftulj a toeigb* , SDbat beares on &ts tyouiaera tbe -fyiaaen* ggi'gbt, SDtiou finoeft fa«lt,U)()cre 1^5 tobe fotmD, Kino butioeil ft rong toarfce bpon a tocahc groanti -?■ JCftou ratleff on rigbt toitbout reafon, 111 no blamed tjem mucb,fo£ Qnall cncbeafon, ^oto toouloen Cbepbcaro* [m y if not To i WfaA $ 0U ' D t&B puncn in patne ano tooe ; $a\> fatf> 3 tbereto,bs m? bears baaroto, 3f 31 mas reft ,5 toill line in fo^oto, im^ ^o^roto ne neeoe be bafteneb on : ^o; Ijc totll come toitbout calling anon, iutnle times emmren of tranquilitie, Wen toe freely our felicitie. IF OJ totien appjocben tbe ft ojmie ttotoje*, fli&e niougbt too our fljouloe usbsar of tbe fljarp Qotoje & Hnb latb to fasne^noiigbt feemetb (the ftrife, ;; TO *j3 1 - ffi&at ttjeptjearbs fo toitenecbe others life, 3no ia^en tjer faulted Vgz too^lo befojne, SDbe tootle tbeir foes pone ccb of bem fco;ne* Mt none mi&iiu of tjjat mas not be amen&eD, &o contccft fcone bj? concoao inougbt be enoco- $>bcpbearb,3f lift no acco^ance make OTttb (bcpbearD,tbat does t&e rigbt toa^ fojfake- SI no of tbe ttoaine,tf cboife toere to me, l|ab leuer ms foe,tbefi mi? friernvfepbe. ^o^ tobat conco;D ban Itgbt anb oarfee fam f ffl); tobat peace toas tbe Itimi jpftb $be ilambt^ : g>acb faito^Sjtoben tbetr farffebeartsbenebt^ : Mill Do, a* tito t&e if ore bp tbe feb. Palinode. $oto Piers.of fellotofl)ip,t$ll bs f&at facing & i i £o; t^z JLao can fceep brtbeur ftKKes from Cra^ng. T Maye. Ip Piers. ^iilit fame fttbbe(as 3 can tnell oeaife) l^ias to beriefottflj ano tintotfe. If oj on a time m &ommcr fcafon, ffibe (©ate ber Dame,tbat bao gart reafon. J3oce fojtb afeoao bnf tbe graene tocoo, 2Eq b;ou$e, c: pla?> 0; tob^t Qje ttjougtjtgccS. X3ut fo.: fbe bao a motfterlte care fflf ber soung fonne,an& Ictt to befoare, ^befet ber rcunglmg before ber fcna:, E bat iuas botb frelb ano loue!$ to fee, HI no full offcu3ur,asftt:iDe mongftfbe: igts elelaetbeao began to $ot out, £no Jjis to^etcbeb bo;ncs gan netolg fpjoat: 2Dbe bloffomes of lutt to buo otD bcgtnnc, HnD fpnngfojtb rancfels bnber bi« cbinnc. q^E fonne(quotb (be) ano tottb tbat gan toeepe? if 0^ carefull t&oug&t* in ber bar 1 to creepe) (©oD bleHc tbe pane £>>pbane,as be mougbt mc, Hino feno t&e m of tbg tollttee Ebs father (tbat too;o fte fpafee fottlj paine: iw a figbbab mgb rent ber ftart in ttoaine) , SLbE fatbcr,bao be lined find bar, Eo fee tbe bimc'gcs of bis boos atfpla?, i£o to tooulo be bane togeb at t bis ftueet Cgbte i5ut ab falfe fortune fucb top did bun fpigbf > 3toD cut of bis Da^es trntb bnttmclp inoe, 313e tracing bim tin to tbe trainee of bis foe* #oto 3 a toailefull uriooio bebigbt* £>f mi? olD age bate tijfe one oeltgbt, SCo fo tyee fucfeebe in tbp fathers (lease, 2no floaO) tnfloltjcrs of Indie beaoe. iro? enen fo tbs fatber bis beabtopbelo, Hno Co b^ bautie bo;ncs bio be toelo. SDbo marking t)tm tottb melting egos, a tbiriing t feobbe from bet bart did artfe, anbinterrupteo aU&er ot&erfpac&, <6 5- vzsieii Mayc. EStf b tome otoe fo > ofo f gat maae a ncfo b jeaefj: £>#meDO)efate in (tjie tfounglmgs fate SDbe otoe lineaments of bis fatUer£5 grace, St lad fjer foleme Glence 0)e b;ofce. Jinn gan bis ncte buDDeo bearo to ttro&e iuDme(quotb l^e) t&ou kenG tbe great care, 31 banc of tbp bcalt b ano f bB teclfare, TObicb manic toil be beaffes liggen in teaif e, if o; to entrap in f bP tenner Sate: 15ut mod tbe if ore,maiGer eff coltaGon: if o; be bias fcoteeo tbs latt confuGon, . if o; t(re bie ttiotrie be ruloebg mc, Hlno neuer giue trull to bis trecberos: Hlno if be cbance come,toben J ant ab:oab, feperre tbe pate fad fo; feare of frattfce, &z fo; all bis too;tf,no; fo; Us belt fi>pen tbe oo;e at bi* requeG. ^ofcboleo tbe ©ate berfoanfofonne, SDfjat anftoereo bis motber, ail Qoato be Done* SDbo teent tbe penGue 3>ame ont of Do;e, 2tno cbaunff to Humble at t^t tfeetboto flo;e: l&er Gambling Gep fometobat bcr amajeo, (if o; fucb)as Ggncs of illiucfee tjene oifp;aifeb) pet fo;tb Gje vote tbereat balfe agaft, Hi no ftiooie tbe oo;e fperreo after ber fafi . 3t teas not long, after tbe teas gone, S5ut tbe falfe if ore came f o t^z &o;e auone, I iptot as a ^ope,fo; tben be baa be feeno, 15ut all as a p©;e pe&ler ftcum toeno, bearing a tcuOe of triflles at bisba&c, Sis bells,ano babes,ano glades in #s pacfee, Hi 315iggen be bat) got about tys b;aine> if o; in ty* beaop&ce be felt a fo;e paine. ipis binder bee Ic teas te; apt in a clout, • JFo; \s)it^ great colo be baa got tbe gout* SDbcre at tbe oo;e be cad me ootenc bis paefee, ^uo latoe fjtm ootene,an& grcn$&;#lacfc 5 $ lack m Mayc. 20 3b Deare HojD>anb ftocet &aint ccfiartfe, SEbat feme geoD booy tooulo once pitte tn&. tfiSlril bcaro iAioocc all t&w fo;e conftratnf , 0nD lengfc to anoU) tbe caufe of bis complaint : £ t>o creeping dofe befynbe t&e TOicfcets dtuc&, p: tutlp ^ peepeD out tb:ougb a cbincfe: Pet not fo p>iuilp,but tbe jf ore &tm fpucD; iffoj Decctptfull meaning ts Double eyeD. % b goo song maiffer (tben gan be crye) 3cfus bieOTe that ftoeet face 3 efpye, 2no heepe pur co:pfe from tbe carefull tf outtDs ffitiat in my carrion carhas abounds SLfje ftione pitting bis IjeautneGe affcea tfte caufe of bis great DiGreffe, flno alfo U)6o,anD tofymt tfjat tie lucre, SDbo bct&at bao toed yeonD &ts lere, S&bus meoleD fits talbe to tt b man? a teare, £>icke.(Kke,alas,a little iscke of oeaD, 3S5ut 3 be relteueD by pour beattly beao. 31 am a poje (beepe,albe my colour Donne: Jr 02 toitb long trauatle 3 am b;ent in tbe fonne^ flnD if tbat my ©ranDSre me faiDe,be true, dicker 3 am bery fybbe to you: £>o be your goolybeab do not bitoaine, %\)c bafe ftinreD of fo ample ftoatne. £Df mercy ano faaour tben 3 you p;ay, Witb your aioe to fojeff all my neere Decay. 2Ll)o out of bis paefte a glalTe !)e tcofee : CSHberein frile fttooie bntoares Dio tofte: l£e toas fo enamoureD foitb t&e ncfocll, SD&at nougbt be DeemeDDeare fo? tbe jetoelU SDbo openeD be tbe Doje,ano in came SDbe falfe jf ore, as be tocre llarfce lame. !£is taile be clapt bettottf bis legs t toame, . Hed be fboulo be Defcneo by bis traine. Being tottbin 5 tbe fttaoe maoe J^im g©0 glee, . All fo? t'm tone of t&e glaffe lie did fo , Mayc. After l)i3 efjeare t&e $ebler can cbat , *Hnt) tell mans ieOngs of tbtMnb tbat: Hint) bofo lie coulb Ojefco manic a fine knack, SDfjo IIjcIdcd bis toare,anb openeb fctB paeUc, 2QU fane a bclUfobtcb be tjab left bebinoe 3n tbc baffeet foj tbc ftiooc to finae. ^bicb toben tge iuo&e ffoupeb Dotone to eatcb, ^e popt bun m,anb bte baf feet did latcb, 0t fia^cb be oncctbe boje to make fad, X5ut ranne atoag fcottb b»n in all tjaff . !£omc loben tbc Doubtful SDame bab bcr l)toe, S>be mougbt fee t&e boje ffanb open fence. 2C II agaff ,lofobl£ (be gan to call l^er iitbbe: but be noulo anftuere at all SCbo on tbe flo^e (be fato tbc marcbanbife, £Df tobtct) be r fonne gab fet to scare a p?ice» mba t bclpcf ber fttDOe (be feneio foell to gone: &be toeepeb ano tbatleo^nb mabe great mone. o £ucb enci bab f be tm>De,fo? be noulo toarneb be fiDf craft coloureb imtb ffmplicttie: 3nt) fucb eno perbte does all |ii»i rematne, SE&at of fucb falfers f rtenbtyip bene fame. Palinode. Sfruelg PIers,tbou art beffoe f bp toff, ^urtbed fro f be marfectoeening ft to &tf 3 i^oto 3 p;a$ t|ee, let me tl&y tale bojroto ^o; our fir 3Eobn,to fap to mo;roto, Sit tbc mcrfec,lnben it is boltDag : if oz toell be meanes,but little can far, SButano tf jforesbene focraftte,as fo, ^ucb n&sztb all fl&epbearbs btm to feuoto. Piers. fflf tbeir falfgcDD mo:e coulb ■■ J recount, 3i5ut nolo tbe bjigbt fonne ginnetb to ctfotount; 3nb fo; tbe Deatotc nfgbt nolo Dotij n^e, 3 bold it belt foj bs Ijome to bge. *l Palinode, Palinodes Emblemc Par men apijtos apiftci. Piers his Embleme, Tis d'arapiftis apifio. GLOSSE, "TMSfotWs famctnoneth. It is applied to the feafon of the moneth, when all men dc. fight rhemfelues with pleafaunce of fieldes, andgardens and garments. 'Blanket liueries, gray coatcs. Tc lad, arrayed, Y, redoundcth, as before. In euety where, a ftrange, yet proper kinde of fpesking. Busk^ts. a diminutiueX. little bufhes of haucfeorne. J{j r k e i Church. Quer?ie y pleafe, lAJfole, a multitude, taken offifte, whereof fomc going in great companyes, are fayde to fwirome in a {hole. Tode i went. Inus,( now Tbamus was the name ©fan Aegyptiaa, which was Pyloceot the fiiip, ) who giuingearetothe eric, was bidden, when hce came to Palodes , to tell that the gre«t Pan was dead : which heedoubtin° to d«e,yet forthatwhen hce eame to P*lodes t there fodainely was fuch acalmeof winde,that • thefhipftoodeftyllinthe feavnmoeued,hc was forced to eric alowde , thatP<*# was dead: ' wheiewithall there was heard fuch piteous ouccryes and dreadfull flanking, as hath not benethelike. By which P<*», though of fome bee vnderftoode the great Satanas, whofe kingdoine at that rime was by Chrift conquered, the gates of hell broken vp, and death' by death deliuered t© etemall death, ( for at that rime, as hee fayth, all Oracles furceafed, and enchaunted fprirites, that were wont to delude the peoplc,thcnceforch held their peace) an«l alio atthedemaundoftheEmpcrourT^erw, who that Pah (hould bee, anfwerc was made him by the wifeft and beftlcamed, that it was the fonne e£Mercune and Pene/ope,yct I tliinke it more properly mentofthc death of Chrift, the onely and very Pan, then fufferinc for his fiockc. b fas I am, feemeth to imitate the common proucrb. Malm Inui&ere mihi omnes quam mifc ere/cere, OVjtS) isafynco9e,fornehas,©rhasnot : as noold, for would not. Thervuhihem, doth imitate theEpitaphe ofthe ryotous king Sardanapalus, which cau- fed to bs written on his tombe in Greeke : which vcrfesbe thus tranflatcd by Tulli. „ Hoc habui quxidiy qu&quc exaturata libido „ Hiufit, at ularmaiient mtdta ac prxclara re/tlfa. which may thus bee turntd intoEnglifh. M A'lthat I eate did I ioy, and all that I greedily gorged: „ A&forthofe many goodly matters left I for others. • Muchalttf th« Epitaph of a good olde Earle of Peu*nfhire, which though much more ?• wifedomc May. • tnf.dorr.e be wrayeth, then Sajrdanapalus,ycthach a Griacke of his fcnfuall; dclightcs a»4 bcaftiituf!'e,the cymes bethefe: „ Ho, Ho, who lyes here? „ IthcgoocJEtleofDcuondiirfl, ,, And Maulde my wyfe. thatn as full deare» >t Wee lyucd together lv.yeare. j, That wee (pent, wee had: j, That wee gaue, wee h.-mc: ,, That wee left, wee loft. ^Algrlm, the name of a fliephcard. Mzntftht Lay, lay meift Ena:*»ter> leaft that %pimaunce^ remembrance* M//cm^*?,difpaire-oi>mifbelie.fc. (,'heuifaunce, fometime of Chaucer vfed for gaine: fometime of other for fpoyle, or bootlfi • r cntcrprife, andfemetirr.c forchicfedome. Tan himfelfe, God, according as is faid inDeutronomie, that "in diuifTon of the land of Canaan* to the tribe of Leuie, no portion of heritage fhould bee allotted, forGodhimfclfe: was their inheritaunce. Somegan, mentof the Popc,and his Antichiiflian prelates t T.'hichvrurpatyrannicaIl do- minion in the Church, and with Peters counterfaitkeyes^open a wide gate 10 all wickednes. and iafolent gouernment. Nought here fpeken,as ofpurpofe to denie fatherly rule and gouernauncefasfomcmalitioufly of late hane done to the great vnreft and hinderauncc of the Church) but to difpiay th« prids and diforderof fuch, as in ftcede of feeding their •(heepe indeede feede of their frieepe. Sour/e, welfpring and originall. larrwe, pledge or fuertie, TkeGiaufit, is the great Atlas, whom the Poets fayneto be a huge Giaunt, that bearethv Heauen onhisftoulders : being indeede a maruaylous high mountaine in Mautania,that •bow is Barbarie, which to mans fceming perceth, the doudes, andfeemcthtotou.chethe heauens. Other thinke, and they not amifle, that this fable was ment of one Atlas klng.afthe famecountrey, (who as the GreekesfayJ did firftfindc out the hidden courfes oftheilarrcs,, by anexcellent imagination, wherefoie the Poetsfayned, that hce fuflayned tht firmament ©n his fhoulders: Many other coniect-ures needeleflTe be tolde hereofl ^ War\e, Worke. hncjgsAfon, caufe, occafion» 'Deareborow, that is our Sauiour, the common.plcdgc of all mens debts to death* Wyt en- blame. Nought Jeemetb, is vnfeemly." C°* tec K> ftrifc, contention. 1 Her, their, as vfeth Chaucer. Han, forhaue. Sam, together . - This tale is much like to that in Aefops fables, but the CarafiropheandendisfarredifTe* rent . By the Kidde may bee vrderftoode the fimr le forte cf the faithfull and true Chriftians. ■%y his damme Chrift, that hath alreadie with carefull warch-words (as here doth the gotc) warned her little ones, to beware of fuch doubling deceit. By the Foxe, the falfeaad faith - ^lefTe Papiftes,to whom is no credit to be giuen,nor ftllowihip to be vfed. The fate ,ihc Gote: Northeinly fpoken, to turne O into A» Tod?, went, aforefayd. Shee"fet, A figure called Fi3io, which vlcth to attribute reafonablc actions, and fpeaches to vnveafonable creatures. : ■TAeb/oofmes ofluH, be the youngand mofly hayres, which then begin tofproucand JhootQ forth, when luftfull heatc beginneth to kindle. ^Andmtk, a very poeticall Tatdos. Qrj,'MHe y a youngling or pupill, tbatneedeth atutororgouernour* 7%A/'»0r(/e,.apacheticallparenthefis,to encrcatc a carcfuli Hypcibaton*. ■The braunih, of the fathers body, is the childe. Foreuenfo, alluded to the dying otAndromache to Afcanius in Virgil. Sic oculas,fic ille manus^pc oraferbat* *A thrilling thoh,z pearcing fithe. Liggcn,\yt, MaifitrofcoUuftwh fc coloured guile> be caufe the Foxe of all beailcs is moff'vrily *»4 Ctaftye. i;«w tktyw t re* TVIaye. ii Tbrfuch, tneGotesftombling is here noted asaoCRillfigne. The like to bee marked ia allhiftories-.aad that netthelcaftof die Lorde Haftinges in king Kicharde the tlindcu.g dayekFor befide his daungerousdremc( which was aftirtwde prophe(Icoffcismi!h3p,thac followed^ it is fayd,thas in the morning riding to ward the towre of London, there to fit vp- on matters of counfell, his horfe ftomolcd twife or thrife by the way : w hich of fome,thac ridiagwithhiminhis company, were piiuietohisnccrcdeiteny was fecretly marked, -and afterward noted for memorie of his great miihap, thatcnicwcd. For being then asmtricas nun might bee, and leaft doubting any mortalldaunger, hee was within two ho, wres, after, of the tyraunt put to a Siamefull death, +4sbelUs* by fuch trifles are noted, the reliquesand ragges ©fpopift* fnperftition, which put no fmalt religion ia Belles, an3 Babies.f, Idoles, and £laifes,f;Paxcs,aiid fuch like trura* pedes. Great co!de,for they boaft much of their outwatde patience, and voluntarie, fufferauncc as a worke of merice and holy humbleneffe. SyreeteStChan'tie, the Catholiques common othe, and ©nelyfpeache,tohaue charity al- ways ia their couth, andfometimc ia their outward A&ions, but ncuer inwardly, ia fayth He . godJy zcale# CLncke^ key hole. Whofe diminutiue is clicket, vfed of Chaucer for a key. Stoit'ideSy fates: aforcfaide. Ha /ere, his lefon* Medltd, mingled. Beachhead, a greeting to the perfon of a beaft. SMe, of kynoe* Hen ell, anew things To fore/tall, to prcuent, (?&/, cheare: aforcfavd. Dcare * price, his lyfe, which hee loft for thofe toyes. Sucbend, is an Epiphonema, or rather the morall of the whole tale, whofepurpofe isto . warnc the proteftanc beware, how hee geueth ereditc to the YnfaithfullCatholiquc; where- of wee haucdayly proofes fuft'icknt, bus one moll famous of all,.pra#ifedof late yecresby Charles the nynth. F a y ne > gladdeordefirous. Our fir lob/, a Popifh prieft , A faying fit for the grofeneO* ©fa foepheard, but fpoken to traunte vnlearned Prieftes* Dtfnwmt) defcend or let* JQe, draweth acere» Emblem?. BotkthefeEmblemesmake one whole Hcxametre. The fiift fpoken of Palinodfe, at in reproche of them, that bee difiiuftfiill, is a pcecc ofThcognis vcrfe, intending, that who ooth molt miftruftis moft falfe. For fuch experience in falfehood breedeth miitruft in the minde, thinking no lelfe guile to lurke in others, then in himfelfe. But Piers thereto ftrrngly repliethwithaa other pecce of the fame verfe, faying as in his former fable, whatfaidi then ises fcafy toeanD mp tuanO;tng minbe, %t\\ mee, totjat toants nice bcrc, to too;fee Delight? SLbe fimpls at>;e, tfje gentle toarbiing wince, £>o calme, fo coole, as no tofjere eife 3 fince: 2£be graffie grounbe Untb Datntte Suites ot'g&f, SDbe 15;amb!e buu), tobere S5g;D*0 of eaer^femoe SCo f &e toaters fall tlietr tunes attemper rigljt. COLLIN, 3D bappte Hobbinoll, 3 blefFe fyy ffate, SC&at paraoire baft founbe Vuljtc^ Adam loff, ^ere foanber map t&y Cocke earlp 0; lafe, OTitijouten o:eao ef £Ho!ucs to bene pf off : 2LI)£ louelp lares bere maiff tljou freely boffe- 25u 1 3 bnbappte man, lobom craeil fate, Km angrte ©ods purfue from coffe to coffe, Can no to &ere fince, to tyonber mp lucfclcffe pater HOBBINOLL. SE&en tfbp mee thou {iff abnifeb bae 9 5Fo;facfce tbefople, tfjat fo ootb t&ee betoifr&s JLeaue mee tbofe billet todere barbjougb nte fo ffc ■ $c; jolp-bulb, no; b;ere, no; tombing tuitclj. 211 no to tjje bales refo;f 3 toberetyepbearos ritcb, 2ino f rmtfull flocks bene euers toljere f to. I^ere no nigbt Mauen lobge mo;e black f ben pft #, . $0; elutty gljoffs, no; gaff lt> Stoles boe fl». $5ut frinblp Laertes, mtt toify mans ©races* 3nb Itgbtfarfe #pmpbes can cbafe tbe lingring nftff , W&ify ^epbeguges, ano trimlg troboen traces, %Mtji\a Offers npne, tobich c toll on Pernafle big&f , JDoe make f Ijeui mufick } fo: tbetr mo;e beligbt: gno Pan femtfelfe to kiffe tbetr c&tffall faces. IKSill pppeano bannce,tobenPhcebe fttnetybjigifc £»uc[j pier USfe pleafares ijaue free in tfccfe places* if 3. COX* lime, COLLIN, flnb 3, to&nH* lWb,ano ccnrft of earelcfle pares, S>- d let mee tuaitse i» it Jjcn ten lincfcs of louc, 3n fuel) Deltgljts did top amongtt rnp pceres: •3!5tif rpper age fuefjpleafares ootfc rep;ame» £$p fanfie cItc from former follies mane SCo Bapco ttcps foi time in pairing toeares (as garments ooen, tobicb teeren oloe abouc) 3fnD oaatoety netoe aelia&ts l»if b tpoacie beares. SDbo coucf) 31 ffngofione, ana funemp pppe Unto mp plaint me picas in twrfes maoe: SLbo fcooulo 3 feefte fo; Slneene-applestonrppe, SEo giue mp Rofalind , ano in &ommer ibase SDigb* gausie CDirlonos, toas mp common trace, %o crotone ber goloen lofts, but peeres moje rppe, ano loflfe of ber, tobofe loue as Ipfe 3 toapbe, SCljQfe fosarp foanton topes atoap oio foppe* HOBBINOLL. Colin, toljeare tbprpmes anor ounbe lapes, TOmb tbou tosre toont ontoaffefnll t tiles to Qng, 3J rnoze oeligbt, tben larfce in ^ommcr oaprs: Sftlbofe Cccbo maoe t'oe ncigljbour groaes to ring, 2ino taugbt tbe bpjoes, tobicb in t be lotoer fp jing 3>io fljjoabe in i^acp leaaes from funnp rapes, ^rame to tty fangs t beir cb&refnll djertping, £d* tic [dc tbesr peace, fo; fyame of t&p Ctocc te lape& 31 fatoe Calliope tettf) &9ufes moc, ffcame as tlje £>a ten pppe began to founbe, ■% beir puc; p Unttes ano SDtmburins fojgoe: 0no from t be fenntaine, tobere tbep fat aroanoe, IXzmt after fjattelp tbp filucr founoc y&vA toben tbep came, tobere tftoti tljp f kill Dibit C&ofoe, SDbep bjatoe abaefce, as balfe toitb flbame confeun ce, ^jjepbearo to fee, tym in t&eir art out-gc^ COL- lime. 24 COLLIN. £Df®ufcsHobbinolI,3 connenoflaft, ifo: tbeg bene Daughters of t&e bigeftloue, Sins ftolocn fco:ne of bomety fyepbearos quill, Jroj fitb 3 IjearD, tbat Pan tottf) Phoebus fircue* cCI Ijic!) btm to muclj r cbufce ano SDaunger D;oue» 3! neucr lift p^efame to Parnatfe pi\\, i5ut pvptng loto in Ibacc of lotolie grouc, 31 plate to plcafe m? fclfe, all bee it til. ^onglrf fcoetgb 3, to^om? feng bot& pjaife oj Mame, ft ttrmc to totnnes, renofeme.oj paffe the red : tsitt b ft* epbcarD fittes not, follotoe filing fame: 25uf faDe bis Goche in fielDes, tuijerc falls gem beff* 3 tocte m? r^mes bene rougb, anD ruDel^ Djeff, £Ct)c fitter tbcp, mp carefull cafe to frame: C *oug& 1 me? to paint oat m^ bnrctt, ^ino ponre mp piteous platntes out in t&e fame; SDbc H na tell bs merrs tales, to ketpe bs tea&e, SL&e fo&ile our fl&eepe about tts fafcl^ fcDDe 5 $ofoe &ea& b& is, anD l^etb fojapf in leaD, (2D tobs fljculD oeatb on bim fucb out rage fl& otoeO 2CnD all bis pairing ffciii toitb bim is fleDDe, 2Cb* fame t»b* reof oof b tactic greater grotoe- 25utif on met fome little D;ops foculD Seine, £)f tbat tbe fpjing toas in bis learneD beDDe, 3 fane tooulD fearne tbcfe Ijoqqds, to toaile mp fece 3Suof eac&e t&e tr^tgeir trtcfeling feares to fljeDbe, Iune. %\>m Ojoulo mr plm'nfes, caufoe of Dtfctirf efec* His meffcngers of m? platnefall pltgbf, if lp to m? iouc, tuyere cucr ttjat fljee bee, rtno pierce ^er IjcarC lottf) poynt of toojtbn foigbf ; Hs tyee Deferue^tljat Uuongtjt fo oeaDfe fpig&t. HnDt^ouMcnalcas, tbatbp tremens SDtoft bnoerfong m^ (aire, to foare fo light, £>&ouloelt foell be ftnotoae fo; fucb $2 Dillanee. S5u t fince J am not, as 31 fm$e 3 foere, ^ee gentle fyep tjeartis, tobicb WW flocks Doe f&De, Wbcf ber on belles, 0; Dales, 0; otber fobere, 35eare totfneire all of tbis fo toicfeeDDeeoe: »no fell* belalfotobofe flotore is fowea focesc, SBnD fault leCTe fatfb, is farneD fo fail blefle feere, SCfjat Qee tbe trueH tbep bears* beart maDe bleesc, SDJat Ipeson eartb* anD loneD ber mod Deere* HOBBINOLL. £D carofull Colin, 31 lament tbs eafe, ■%\w teares tooulD make tyt baraettflint to flofoe, Hlb faitbleffe Rofalind, anD fco^De of grace, ■%W art m rate of all tW rutbfull tooe. 315at nolD ts time, 31 seffe, JometearD fo goe: SDben rife nee bleffeD flocks, anD borne apace, Ileal* nigbt toif b Healing tteppes Doe son fojfloe, JJnDtoetf rourferuwllambs, tbat bn nfignifieth a Garden of plcafutCor place of dch'ghtes.So he Compared chc f oyle, wherein Hobbinottxnzdc his abode, to that earthly Paradife, in Scripture called EtLn , wherein ~*tUm in his firft creation was placed . Which'of the mofie learned is thought to be in Mefipot tmta , the molt fertile and plcafant countrey in the world(as may ap~ £eare by Diodoruts 4K«/#*deicription of it,in the hiitory of Alexanders conquclt thereof) lying etwetne the two famous Riucrs (which are fayd in Scripture to flow out of Paradiit) Jygm and £a/>/tfv»/«,whereof it is fo denominate* For/tye the fiyle. This is no Poeticail fiction, but vnfeynedly fpoken of the Poet felfc, who for fpeciaj occafion of priuate affayres(as I hauc been partly of himfclfe informed) and for his n. ore prefcrment,icmoued out of the Northpartes came into the South,as HobbinoJin dc«d aduifedhiaipriuately. Theft /.7#w,ihat is in the North country.where he dwelt. Nis, is not. The dales. The South parts, where he now abidcth, which though they bee full ofhils and Ivoods (for Kent is ve^ y hilly and woody, and therefore fo dfl led : for %a*tjb in the Saxons toong fignincth woody ) yet in refpedt of the Northparts they bee called dales. For indeed the North is counted the higher country. Wjght 7{aueHs>& c. By fuch hateful byrdfj he meancth al misfortuncs(wh«reof they be to- kens (flying cuery where. Fuendly £*eries , the opinion of Facryes and Elfes is very olde , and yet ftickerh rery reli* tioufly in the myndes of fome. But to roote that rancke opinion of Elfes out of menncs cartes the truth is, that there be no fuchthmges, noryetthefhadowes of the thinees but •nely by a forte of balde Fryers and knauifti fhauclynges fo faigned , wliiche as in ail other thynges, fo in that, fought to noufell the common people inignoraunce, leaftbeeyn<» once acquaynted with the frueth of thynges , they woulde in tyme fmel out theyr vncrneth • of theyr packed pelfe and MaiTe-peny religion. But the foothe is , that when all Italy was diftrccce into the Factions of the Guelfes and the Gibalyns, beeyngtwo famous houfes in Florence, the namebeganne through theyr great raifchiefes and manye outrages, tj bee fo odyousor rather drcadfull in the peoples eares , that if theyr Chyldren at anye tyme were frowarde and wanton, they woulde faye to them that the Guelfe or the Gibelynecame Whiche woordes nowe from them (as many thynges elfe) bee come into our vfage,and for Guelfes and Gtbelynes, we fay Elfes and Goblyns. No ctherwife then the Frenchmen \{ed tofayof that valiaunt captayne, the very fcourge ef Fraunce, theLordeofThalbot, after- s warde Earle ofShrewsbury, whole Reblcneffc bred (uch a terror in the hearts of the French j. that oft tymes euen great armyes were defai&ed and put to flight at the onely hearing of his ■>. name. In fo much that the French women, to affray their children, would tell them that the Talbot commeth. M*ny Graces, though there bee in deedc but three Graces or Charites fas afore is fay d)or atthevtmoftbutfoure, yet in refpeSof manygiftesof bountie, there may be layd more. And fo Mufams fayth,that in Heroes eyther eye there fat a hundred Graces. And by that aa- s thontye , this fame Poette in hys Pageanntes faycth. An hundred Graces on her cvclidde fat.&c. ' HayJeguies, A country daunceor round. The conceiptis,thatthe Graces and Nymphes do daunce vnto the Mufes,and Pan his mufickc all night by*Moonclight.To figmfie the plea* fantnefTe of the foyle. Teeres. Equals and fellow fhepheards. gueene- apples vnrife, imitatin° Vir- gil* verfe. ° fpfe ego cana legam tetter* lanugine mala. neighbour gr«»«,a ftraungc phrafc in Englifh,but word for word exprefsing the Latin vki* tia nemora. Sp r *"i-> not ofwater.butof young trees fpringiag. ftti^i, a fore&yd* This ftarre is full of very poeticail muention. Tambtaincs&tk olde kjude of inrtrument, which of fome is (uppofed to be the Clarion* 9 ?<** lune. T** with P5aiw,tfce tateis wettknowne,how that Pan and Apollo ftriuing for erccII not ffjilta fame a gotcljcarD p;oto)0, tbat fits en j>ontter bancke : W&ofc drawing bcaro tbemfelf Doty tyjofobe emong tbe baftcs rancfce* Morrell, WW &o,tbou tolls fl)cpbearos Ctoaine ; cometoptbe&illtomee: 5i5ctter is,t&cn ttje to to lr plains, ate fo; t bs flochcano tbee, Thomalin/ ^t6<5oD tb«lo,man,t'(jat 3 fyoulo clime, an&learne to lofce aloft: SLfcts reeoe is rtfe,tbat of Centime great ctymbtrc fail fenfoff. 3Jn bumble Bal C0 is footing fad, ^etrooe to not (o trickle: SJno tbougb one fall tfoougb b&Dleffe (aft, set is bis mtffe not mtcklc. #ns nolo t be fun tiatfi rcarco bp, bisfieriefootci) tenie, Rafting bis urn >> bettoeenc t|)e Cup, ano golocn SDiaoeme : SDfcc rampant ii^on bunts Jje faff, toitb tioages of nopfome u^catlj, ©CI &ofc baleiull barking brings in baff, pine.plagucs.ano Djeerie ueatb- SOgatnli bi0 cruell fobbing beat lobere tboubatf couerfure* SL be ttmfffall b tls bnto bis tfecat is a platne cucrfurc. S5nt if t bee luff , to boloen that fcritb feelD Ibepb^aros ftoaine, Come ootone^ano learne tfje little tobat* tbat Thomalin can fame Morrell. £>$$er 5 tbous but a laeffe loo^D, ano refces mucb of tbr ftoinke, SC&at toif b fono terme^ano tottteCTe Uws to Mere mine eges ooeft tbinbe, 3|n suit! bonre tbou bentft in bono tbusbolgbtlstoblame* Jfo; facreo bnto faints fbe^ ffono, ano of l bem ban tbctr name* ^.^picbels mount tobo Does not fenoto, tbat toar&es tbe Wefferne coaQ i 2tno of %>, Begets bofoje 3 trofo, ■ all Bent can rigbtlp boaff : 2B no tbep tbat con of spufes f Mil, fame molt fobaf ,tbat fycy Dtoell (3s gotebearos U>onf)bpon a bill, befioe a learneo toelU 2fim m Iuly. Untj foonncco not tty great Ooo Pan, Upon t&e mount Oliuet: jfeeoing tlje bleffeo flocfce of Dan, to ijub Dio btmfeife begets Thomalin, 3D blefffcb tbeepe, £D tyepbearb great, tfjat bougbt bts flocfee fo Dears: flua tijem mo fane ttutlj bicucp f foeat from MoIuzb ttjat tooulo t£icm teare. Morrcll. JBcfioe, as tjolp fathers fame, tfjereisabotyplace: Q&bert Titan nfetb from tljis tmyw, torenbwDaflgrace, t2Epon tobofe top tyz ttarrcs bene fta?eo, auo all tbe f feie Doty leane, SC^ere ts tbe cauctoijere Phoebe la^eD, t&e tyepbearD long to D;eame. SMbHome t&ere tofeo fcepebearos all to feotbeir flocks at iuill, SLtlt b? bis follp one Dto fall, i tbat all tbe reft Diofptll, 0nD fit bens tyepbearos bene fo; cfat'D from places of Deltgbt: Jf o; tb^ 3 foane tbou be afrafo, tocltmetbtsbtllesbetgbt* *Df Sy nah can 3 tell tbee rno:e anD of our ILames boU^e: S5nt little n&Des to ttroto mr ffo?e, fufftcetbtsbellofour. J£ere ban tbe t>ol^ Faunes rcrourfe, anoSyluanes baunten ratbe. l^erc bas tbe fait qpcotoap bis fottrfe, tubtrcin tbe j^^mpbes Doe batfce. Sbe fait $geDtoa£,tbat ff i ickling aremts $Doten* t£c oaks of f&ent: © 3 ffilB IulyC %i II fo/ib #0 ClDer blotter Themis* iSjisteatfufttoaucsbcnictint i^erc groups Melampode cuerie tobere, anD Teribinth gcoD fo* cDoCcb: SDbc one,mg maootng tuooes to (mere* tlje next to bealc ttjctr tb;oates, i^creto/Jjc btUcs bene nigber beaiien, anD tbence tlje parage etbe* 300 foell can pjone tbe piercing lemn, tbat feloome fates b^neatb. Thomalin. £l?feer f bon fpeafeea Utce a lefoD Io;clL ofi^eauentooemenfo: fgoto be a am bnt rune ants bojelt, ^et nearer toaico 3 bnoto. SDo Bcrfcc tfie narrcfrom ©od mojc farre, bas bene an olo fato fatoe, o BCnobe tbat Criucs to toncb tbe Carre*, * oft (fumbles at a ftrato, Slfoine mas (fcepbearoa climbe to ffetfc tbat leases m lotol^ Dales. SiB ©ctebero p;ono tbat fitting bie, fcpon tlje mo untamc fatles. £$V tels (beepe like toell beloto, j tbe^ naoe not Melampode: Jfo; tbes bene bale cnoagb>3 txo% ano liken tbetrabofce* ■ffint if tbes toitb tbs ti&ote* (bonte sebc, ttyv tone nrigbt be cojrapteb: £>; like not ofttje froteie feDe, o: toitb tbe toceDe* be glntteo. SLb'c bill w tobere DfoelleD bolE fainter 3 reucrence anD aooje: j^ot fo; tbemfelfe,but fo; tbe fatnef 0, U)bicb ban bene oeaoofwe. $no noU) tbc^ bene to beatten fo)ttofflif> tjeirgoo tetoitbtbemBoe; %%t\t fample o nrtp to bs lent, t^at als toe mougbt to Toe. £>bcpbeart>s t&cp foeren of tbe beff* an&liucD in lototo leas.- 2SnD fitb tbctr fou!cs bene nolo at rcff , tobE Done toe tfeem Difeafcf frutfy one be tea*, (as 3 tauc beard olo iClgrino often fapne) Stbat tobtlome toas tbefirff fljepbcarD, ano ItucD toitb little game: 9no mefce be toas,as mefce mougbt be ; Omple,as ample (beep, % x umble,anD like in ecbe Degree tbe flocfc e tobtcb be did tope. £Dftenbet)feDofbts&ecpe a facrtfee f bnng, $oio tottb a &tooe, note foitb a Q&P tbc altars ballolctng: £>o louteo be bnf te llo;&, fu cb fauour coutb be fines, SLbat ncucr Ot bens fcoas abbojD, tbe finiple (bepbearos fcinoe. Hlno fucb 3 toeene tbe bjctb;eft toere, tbat came from Canaan: SDbe b>c tbjen t toeluc,tbat fecpt gfere tbeflockesofmtsbticPan. S5ut notbtng fucb t&t !fcc (bepbearD tas 5 OTbom Ida bill did bearc, SDbat left Ijf 2 flocfecf fef cb a laflfe, tobofe Icue be bougbt to oeare: 5f o: be teas p*opD,t&s t til toas paioc, (no fucb mougbt fljcpbearDa be) 0no tottb letoo lutt toss ouerlafoe* ttnap t binges ooen ill agree: ItBut ftepbearos mongbt be m&hc ana mtlte tall e^to,ag Argus toa*> (SSttb fletbte follies bnoeale^ Inly* ana Bout as ff&be of bjaGe. &icfce one (fato Algrin)Mofes toas, t&at fato !it0 makers face, i|N* f-'icc moje cleare,t(jen clmffall gUift, ano fpakc to htm m place. SD&fe&ao a b;o£b£T,(bis name 3 ftneto) t&effrffofail bis cote. Si tyep&earo f rne^et not fo (rue, astjct&atearftSbofe. W&tlomeall tfcefe lucre ioto.ans life, ano toned tgetr flocks to feetie, JCfeep neuer Kronen to be cbtefe, ano fimple u>as tfytiv toeeoe. JBut no to (t&aniieo be ®oo t^crcfo^c) t&e too^lD is toeli amenft. SCiiere toaocs bene not Co m'gljip fooje, facb GmpleUe mongbt tfcem OjenD: ££&£]? bene gclaa in pnrple ano pall, fo iatff tfecir CDoo tbem blttt, 3£&eg ratgne ano rnlen ouer all, ano &o;otf, as t&cg lift: pQVit tottb bcifles of glitter anD goto, (mouafjt tbeg ga>0 tyepebearos bene) %tyix pan tbetr Ojepe to tbem bas fo Id, 9 fag as feme baue feene. Jf o; Palinode (if tboa btm fcen) gooe late on pilgrimage SCo Home, (if facb be ftome)anb tfym befatotbt&emifafagc. jfo* $cpbearos(fato be) tbere Doen leaD, as Hoboes ooen ot^ertobere ; :. SLbetr fljeep ban crnffs,ano tbep tbe tycac: 5 tbe cWppes,ano tbeftbecbeere: : Wm^m tyt fleece,ano eke tbe fle8)> (jfl) felp fljape tbe to&ile) SD^c co:ne is tfjeirs,Iet ot&er tljjeflk s&eir iian&s t&e^ ma^ not file* Inly. C* JC&cb Ian great ffo;c 5 ana tbjtftie ffecfce$, great frieniDES ano feeble foes : CEIfjat ndese 6cm caren fo; tbeirftocfceSj tbeir bores can loifcc to t&ofe* . Sbefe UrirarDB icelf re in toealf fja foane*, pamp:co in plcafures Deepc : 2Cbes t)^n fat ft ernc*,anD leans ftnaue0 5 tbeir faffing Roches to ftcepe. <&ifte miller men bene alt mifgonc, tbes beapen bibs of toaatb : ^ifte f^ite ftepbearbs ban toe none, tljesfcecpenallibepatb. Morrell. ^ere to a great oeale of gaD matter, loftfo;lacfcc of telling: #ototfcker 3 Tee tbouooeft but clatter: . banne mag come of melltng. SDbou meolett mo:e,tban ft all fjaue tf)anfte 5 to tetten ft cpljearos tocaltfj : Mben false benefat,ana rubes ranfte ; it is a figne of bealtfj. SBnt fa^ me,lt)!jat is Algrin &e, (gat is fo ofe bpnempt* Thomalin. ©e is a ft cp&ear d great in gr&, but batb bene long spent, One Das N fat fepon a bill) (as note f ijcu tooulDctf nice : 315ut 3 am taugbt bs Algrins ill, to louetbeloU) Degree.) Jr o; fitting fo toitj) bareD (calpe, an (Eagle fojeDljic: SEbat toecning bis tobif e teas toas c&al&e* aftellfiftrolunsletQic. £b*c tueuD tbe ft ell dft f o bauc bjofte* [but tbereteitb biu&z \)i& bjalne : ^o noli) atfonieo toitb tfce ffrofcc, fcc lies in imgringpaine, © MorreB.. Iuly. MorrelU fl% gab Algria ,f)w t^p toa* ill* but Ojall be better in time : $o& faretoell 0)ep&earD,Gt& tljfe fitll t&ou dad fnc^ Doubt to cltme- Palinodes Emblemc In medio virtus* Morrells Emblemc. Infpimmofalicius* GLOSSE/ \A Goteheard, by Go tes in fcripture be represented the wicked and reprobate, whole Pa* Sour alio matt needes be fuch, Bxncke* is the feaee of honour. Straying heard^hlch wander out of the way of truth. *Als, for alfo. ChmbcffoYitn of Ambition* Great climbers^ according to Seneca his verfa. Decidunt ce/fa grauiore lapfu. Mickjejawxch. The funne, A reafon,why he refufeth to dwell on Mountaines,becaufe there is no flicker a gainft the fcorching funne, accordyng to the time of the yeare, which is the kottcft moncth of all. The Cup and Diademe , bee two fignesin the Firm ament,thro ugh which the fuone makcth his courfe in the monetk of Iuly* Liwt, this is Poetically fpoken , as if the funne did hunt a Lion whh one Dogge. The meanyng whereof is, that in Iuly the funne is in Leo. At which time the Dogge ftar, which is called Syrius or Canicularcigncth, with immoderate hcatecaufing Peftilencc, drougth,and many difcafes* Ouerture, an open place : the word is borrowed of the French, and vfed in good writers* To holdenchat) to talkc and prate* *A lootde y was wont among the olde Britons to fignifie a Lord. An4 therefore the Danes, that long time vlurpcd their tyrannie here in Britany , were called for more dread then dig- . niue,Lurdanes. f.Lord danes. At which time it is (ayd,that the in folencie and pride of that na- tion was fooutragious in this Realme,that if it fortuned a Briton tot>c going ouer a bridge, and faw the Dane fet foote vpon the faa.e, he muft rcturne backe, till the Dane were cleanc •uer,or els abide the price of his difpleafure, which was no leflfe then preient death.Btit be- ing afterward expelled,the name of Lurdane became fo odious vnto the people, whome they had long opprefled , that cucn at this day they vfe for more reproche , to call the Quartane Agne the Feuer Lurdane* J^ecl{s much of 'thy fivinc^e ', countes much of thy paines* Weetek^not vnderftood. * SMicaels mounts isat>romontoriein the Welt pare of England. ./f //*//, Parnafiusaforefayd. Tan,Chri&, D*»,one trybe is put for the whole nation per Synecdocben. WljereTytan, the funne. Which flory is to bee redde in Diodorus Syc« of the hill Ida, from whence hee faith,all night time is to be fcene a mighty fire, as if theskie burned, which toward mornyng beginnech to gather a roundc foiifce, and therof rifeth the funne,whom the Poets call Vyt3n» Tliejhejthwdi is Endymion,whom the Poets faine to luuc been fo bcloucd of Phabc*G tlie MooBf f that he was by her kept a fleepc in a caue by the fpace of thirty fcarcs,for to en- toy his company . rhere^xhsLt is in Paradife,where through errour of fhepheards vndcrftandyng, hee fayth, that all fhepheards did vfe to ftede theyr flockcs,tillone, (chat is) Adam by his folly and.dif- ©bedicncc,made all the reft of his Ofspryng be debarred and fhuc out from thence* • Synab, a hill in Arabia,where God appeared. Our Ladies borvre, a place of pleafure to called, t'aaneSiOr Sylu&nesjzz of Poets fayned to be Gods of the Wood* . MH»«and of rhother, Theocritus. Termintijtu trttioim eikjtton acrer/ior.'iAy tjigher heauen^ note the/bepheards fu»pleneifc,.which fuppofeth that from the hilles is nearer way to heauen, Leum, Lightnyng.which he taketh for an argument, to proue the nighnefle to heauen, becaufe the lightnyng doth commonly light on high mouataines,accordyng to the fayia° of the Poet, VeriunqtuefummosfuiminA montes, Lorrelly A Idfell. *A borrell, a plaine fell© vv. "NarrejciCMcr. //a^jfor hole. Tede,got. Froveje t mufty or moffie* Ofyare^ long ago* Yorenvent .gone afore, * t JLj 3 -The firft jhepbeard, was Abtll the righteous.who fas Scripture fai«h)bent his mind to kee-^2 : pjng-offheep€,as did his brother Cainc to tillyng the ground. 'mL His {{eepe,hit charge.f.his flocke. -Lcrvfed^id honor £nd reuerence. J/ The brethren jht twelue fonnes of Iacob,which»werc fheepmaifters 3 and liued only there- upon, Wuom Tda^ Paris which being the fonnc of Priamus kyng of Troy, for his mother Hecu- ba* drcame, which beyng with childc of him, dreamed fhee brought forth a firebrand, that fetall thetowreofIirumonfi/e,was cart forth on the hill Ida,r;hcre being foftercd of fhep- hcards, hee eke in time became a fhephcard , and laftly came to the knowledge of his pa- rentage, ^/^//t,He!cnathe wife of Menelaus kyng of Lacedemonia ; was by Venus for th.' golden Apple tj hergiucn,then promitedto Paris,who thereupon with a fort of Jufry Trcyans,ftole fecr out of Laccdemonici, and kept her in Troy , which was the caufe of the ten yeares war in Troy.and the moit famous citic of" all A fia, lamentably facked and defaced. ^rgui) was of the Poets'deuifed to be full of cyes,and therefore to bins was committed the keeping of the transformed Cow Io : So called, becaufe that in the print of a Ccwes fbotc, there is figured an I in the middefl of an O. Hisnamejnt meanech Aaron : whofe name for more Decorurxfhz fhepheard he hath forgot , leafthis remembrance and skill in antiquities of holy writ fhould feeme to exceeds the meaneneffe of the perfon. Not fo true, for Aaron in the abfenee of MoCes flarted afide, snd ccwwnitted Idolatry. In purple, Spoken of the Popes and Cardinalis , which vie fuch tyrannicail colours and pompous paynting, Hefts, Girdles, . Chtttrand, glittering, a Participle vfed fometime in Chaucer,butaltogither in I.Gcore v Their Tan, that is the Pope,whom they count theyr God and grcateft fhepheard. Tafaode, A fnepheard,ofwhofe report hcleemeth to fpeake all this. Wiftrds^vczt learned heads. Welter, wallow, j(«r«?,a Churlc or Farmer. S*V tiujtermeny&eh kinde of men, hurfy, {lately and prowde. -Me&^medling. 2fctt, better. 3ynenipt:, named, G reefot degree, Mrtin, the name of a fhepheard aforefayd , whofe mifhap -hee alludeth to the ehaunce •iaJhappent-d to die Poet *4efibylitf, thu was brained with a fheilfifh. H % imb'eme. .Inly. Emblemed By this Poefle Yhomalin eonfirmeth that , which inhis former fpeech by fundryreafons he had prooued, forbeeyng po:U hirnfclfe fequcftred from all ambiuon,aad aKo abhorring it in others of his eote,he uketh occafion to prayfethe mcane and lowly ftate,as that wherein is fafetic without f :are,and quiet witho ut daunger,aecordy ng to the faying of olde Philofo- phers,that vertue dwellech in the mydft,beyng cnuironed with two contrary vices : wkerto Morrel replycth with continuance or the fame Philofoohcrs opinion, that albeit allbonntie dwclleth in medioa itic^et perfect felicity dwelleth in iupremacy .For they fay,and moft true itis, thathappineficis placed in the highett degree, foas ifany thyng be higher or better, then that {height way ceafcth to bee perfect happinefle* Much lyke to that which once I heard allcagcd in defence of humilitie out of a great do&or % Smrum C'hn/tus bumtttimus-.whick faying a gentle man in the company tikyng at the rebound, beatc backc againc with a lyke faying of another D octor,as he fayd, Quorum deus *b'tjjimu$ % a. Auguft. Aegloga O&aua. Argument. IT^jhis tALglogue is fet forth a de 'lettable contronerfie^ made in imita- tion of that in Theocritus: thereto alfo Virgil fafhioned his third and < fiuenth ts£glougeJThey choofifor Vmpere of their ft rife ,Cuddy a neat* beards boy , who hatting ended their catife recitetb al[o himfelfc a proper fmg % thereof Coltn hefatthwas lAnthoitr. Willie* Perigot. Cuddie. T<£U mee Perigot, totjat fi&all be tftc game, Zft\ tjerefo;e tottj) mine f&ou bare tijp muMe mafclK £D; bene t\% loagptpes renne farre out of frame? ©; ftatl? t tie Crampe tftr fof nf benetnb totty ac& ? Perigot. 2Cb Willie, fo&en t&e bart fe i\\ aflfafoe, 5£o to can 3i5agptpe,o? totttfs be tocll apatae? Willie. Sftljat tfte foule cutU ljat& tl)& fo beffeab* Statjtlom t bou leas peregall to flic betf, 5dno toont to mate t&e tollp fyep&carDs qlab ' prptng ano baunctng>ato paftc t&e reff. ^ 3 Perigot. Auguft. Per, <$g fli&pe ofo Icaue ttjctr fewnfeb fo>D* Will. begb°folg$#P*> Per. #no gape on tier, as tbeg foere to©*, Will. racno as b*> f bat bid tljcm feeepe. Per. 38s t\)Z bottilaffe paffeb bg, Will. bsgbabomlaffe, Per. J&be rcuoe at me tariff) glauncing cge, Will. as cleare as tbe cfetlrall glaffe: Per. 311 as tbe &unng beame To bjtgttf* Will. beg bo tbe gftinne beame, Per. CDlauncetbfroin Phoebus face fo^bjtgb^ Will. Co loue info mg tprt did drcame: Per. 2)2 as tlje ttnmoer cleaues t£?e clouocs, Will. fyegbo tbe tbunoer, Per. TOberem tbe ligbtfcme Icatn Arouses* Will. fo deaaes tbg roule afunser: Per. ®i as SDame Cynthias liter ras Will. beg bo tbe Sgomc ligbt, r . Per . t8Ip?n tbe glittering toaae Doll; pla^s Will. fncb P&g is a pitteous pi igbf . Per. 3Ebe glaunce into mg b^ r t bio glioa. Will. beg bo t be glgoer, Per. SD&eretottb mg fojule toas fljarpelg grg&e* . Will. fuel) toouaoesTcDne loejcen tanner. Per. Rafting to .rauncfitircarroto out, r* will. ftesboperigot, Per. a left tbe beao in mg barf rcof: Will- it toas a Defperateftot. Per. Cb^re it rancletlj age twe ana mojc,* Will. begbotbearrola, Per. ^ecati 3 SnDefalirefojmgfoje: Will. ious is a eareles Iwoto. Per. aino tbougb mg bale loitb oeatb 31 bougbf, Will. beg bo beauie cbeere, Per, ^et^oulDtbilfeelalTe not from mgtbousWJ Will. • fe gou mag bugs goloeta Deere ' Sat- - A Auguft." ft Per. \5ai foljetycr tn pa^nefuil loue 3f pune* Will, tyy bo ptncbing panne, Pen ®i ttyiuz in luealtb*, ?e l^albe mine, Will. buttftboacanberobtame. Per. j3n& tffo^ gtaceleffe gricfe 3 D$e, Will, ^ fjo graceleffc grtsfc, Per. S&UtncCTe, (be flue me tot! & fcer e^c Will. let t^ foil? be tye pjuft. Per. fins rou, t&at fatoe it, fiwpic (Ijtfpc, Will. Ike bo tfcc fa£2e floehe, Per. jf oi p;tefe tbercof,mt? Qcafl) (T)al to&ps, Will. ano raoitc toity many? a niocfce. Per. &o iearno 3 leue on a tjollg cue, Will* bapbobGl^oa^ Per. %%:\ euer Once ms fceart did grcue. WilL nolo cnoetj) cur roun*la$« Cuddie. &sd:c r fil« a rounfclenener bears % none. Utttle lacfeeib Perigot of tbe beff. 2i na Willy e is not greatly cuergone, fro tocren Ijis tinder fonges toell aoo;eC VVillye. i£car&grcme,3! f care mc,t £ou baae a fqumt e^e grace topjigitfr, Ip^o bas tbe ttcto;to Cuddie, JFae4 of m? foulc, 3 Deeme ec&e &ane gatneb, ifo* tbp let tf;c llambc be VVillye tjis oUme; *t«D fo; Perigot fo toeil batb (gin papneD, So ^iui be t be tojoug&f en majcr alone* Perigot, Perigot is tocll pleafcD lintb t§e brcitie: $e can VVillye totte tbe toft eleffe ftearoarame VVjllye, j£eaer uempt mo?e rtg[jt of beaut it 3 iBdcne. SLfce Qepbcaro cflda, tbat tuOgebcaitfte£j£u£ne. Cuddie. 15nt fell me i^epbearoes, fljoulo it not fflfena ^our rounoel* frcty, to beare a oolefuii iuvf g Allgtlffir fl)f Rofalind (toijo Imofocs not Rofalind?) $L£at Collin maoc, ^lUc can 3 pit rctjcarfc- Perigoc. $oto fa)? ft Cuddie, a^ tfjou art a lab&e: Mif & merg tiling its gcno to nmlt facoe. VVillye. IFa^tb of m^ foule, t&ou tyalt j?crouneb 6c gn Colin s ffeeoe, tf tbou tljte fang areeoe: iFo; ncucr tbtng on carry fo pleafctb me> 3s trim to fjearc, oj matter of fjis DccDe. Cuddie STften Itaenctl) edj touo mp beanie la^e, ^Ino tune pur pspe* as rntijtWl, a* see ma^ YcSe foaff cfull tomties beare imtneffe of m^ fooc ? CMjerem mp plaints mo oftentimes relouube: ^ee careleffe b^os arc pamte to m^ cries* ^l&tclj in gour fongs iners tomnt to make a part: SDbcu pleafaunt fpnng baft Into nice off a Clecpe, CTijof c ftreasms ms trickling tcares oio oft augment Kcfo;t of people Dotb mp griefes augment, SDbe baited totones ooe too;fce mp greater tooet- SDfjefo^ett toiocts fitter to refouno %\)t bollctoti&tt&o of m^ tarefull cries, 31 bate tfie Ijoufe, fince tljence m$ loue bib part mibofe toailefull teanf Debars mine m$ from fleepr met ftrcmes of feares fuppty tlje place of flcepe: llet all ttyt ftoecte,is tio^D: ana all t&at mag augment S0E cole tsjaiue neere. spoje meete to toatlemg tooe, 315ene tbe fcotloc tocot?0 m^ fojotes to refouno, SDben beo, no? boto?c, botf) topics 31 fill tottb cries*. f$ficn 31 tfjem fee fo Ura8c,ano finite no part. ffi pleafure paff, ^ere toill 3i ofocll apart 3n ga&fulf groue tfterefoje, till m^ laflfc deep E>& clofe.tnme e^es: fo Qgll % not augment Mttb figbt of fucfj as cbaunge m^reaieffe tooe: Igelp me^eebanefullb^^ tutiofe flj;iefcing fount) 3s fifine of weerB beat& mg oeaoin cries, Auguft. 34 Spoil raftf ullt! to turn- 3tu> as mp crscs (Z&tyth of mp fooe cannot bcto*a£ lead part) l^ou fceare all nigbt, to&en nature crauetb fleep, gnereafe, fo let pottr gjtifome relies augment* STbnsallt&cntstjtestnplatnresj^eDa^c m fooe 3 botoen [jauc to toatf e, till fafe ant) founa £ee bomc refarne, totjofe feoyees filuer fauna S£o cbcercfull Conges can djaunge m? c&eerclelfe crte0* l^ence luitg tfje #igfctingale Unit 3 t4fee part, SLimt blcCTcD b^o, f tiat fpenoes tier time of fleepe 31 n fongc$ an& plantiue pleas, f &e mo; e taugmenf 2L&e memojie of &is mtfoeeoe, ttjat b^eao tier tooe; *i no rou t&at feele no tooe, foljen as tije fauna £>f tijcfe mr ntg Wife cries re Scare apart, Jlet bjeafte gonr founder fleepe ano pitte augment. Perigot, fl) Colin, Colin, t&e fyep&earDes tope, ^oto HI arnnire ec& turning of t&r tierfe: Ml no Cuddie, freflje Cud die tlje Uefeft bop, l^oto Dolefully bis Dole thou oioft reijcar fc, Cuddie* Erjen bloto roure pppes tycpiiearDe*, till pou be at &omfl S&e nig&t Wstiett) faff, r ts time to be gone. Perigot his Embleme. Vincentigloria vitti^ Willyes Emblcmc. VintomnvittQ) Caddies Embleme, Augufli, GLOSSE. Be/tadite, difpofed, ordered, Terega!f, eqtull. VMiilom^ oncft, R*fte 3 bereft, dcpiiucd* Af j/u e»/, gone aftrayc* lllrr.ay, accordin g to Virgil, I'lfttixofemperouisj/ecust lAm&icr, So alfo doe-Theecritus and Virgil fergne pledges of theyrftrifc. £#ctayVi,eFigraucn.Such prcttie difCiiptions cuery where vftth Theocritus, to bryngia- his Idyllia. Ft>r which fpcciall caufe in deede he by that name terrneth his Aeglogues, for I- dyllion inGreeke fianifiech the ftiape orpi&ureof any thing, whereof his boo ke is full. And uocaslhaueheard fomciondly guefle, that they becallcdnot Idyllia, but Ksdilia.o&hc Cotehcardesin thsm. EntraibeJ, wrr -.ugh t betwec nc. JHaruefi ghtesne, The mantr ofcouatric folkc in harucft time*. Pca^/V, l\afe. :fte hjetf-vjoft, Pciigarmalethhis fongin praife of his loue, to whome Willye aunfwerethe uene vnder v«.rIe,'.By Peryg'ot who is rnent, I cannot vpiightly fay; but if it be. who i$ fuppo- sfed his louc delcructh no leile prayfc,then he gcueth her* Greete. weeping and Complaint, Chapiet^ a kind e of Garland lykc aerowne* L«uen ,.l ighlhii ig* Cymh w, was 1 ayd to bee the Moone* Grj'de.r/erced. Tut if, not vnkiTc*. Squint eye, partfall iudgement, Eclte baus, fo fayth Virgil* Bt -vitala tit d'gnusy & kic &c, Sobyemcrchaungeofgiitts Cuddicpkafeth both partes*. Deonte, iudgement* Dempt y for deemed, judged.. • Witetke ivitcltffe, blame the blameleiTe,. The Jbcfbeardof Idaywas fayd to be Paris. Bcautia Queene t Venus* to whomc. Paris adiat'ged the golden Apdlc, as the price of hie sjeautic* Ernblcme*. the meaning hereof is verie ambiguous : for Peri got byiiis poefie claming the conquefV and Wii!ye.m>t ycclding,Cuddie the arbiter of theyr caufe. and Patron of his owne,itemeth to challenge iti as his- due, faying, that, hcis happie which can, fo abruptly ending buthee mcanethcytherhim,thatcanwintfa«beil,or moderate iii.mlelfc becyng beft, aaalcaucof September. yEglogaNona, Argument. Y TEerem Bigon Dauie isdeuifedto he a sheapbeard, that in -*• *hope of more gaine^droue his flotepe into afarre countrey. The abufes whereof y andhofeHuwg of Popiflipr elates ^ by o ccajian cfHobbinols demaund h he difcourjethat large.. Hobbinolt DiggonDauie* DIggon Dauie, % bit) %tt (E5o& Oag: ^jDiggon feer is, o; J mulai?. Diggon. ^tt teas, fjcr fofjile it luas oa^ Itg^f, 25ut nott>e fter is a moft U>;etc$eo feugf#; ^oj oap, tljat teas, is toi$tl? paG, 31 no nolo at ear u ity mu ntgtjf Dct& |aff» Hobbmoii; September. { j&ttter Bj tottt fyce in fo p©;c a plight. OT&ere is tbefavac flocuc, tyotttoa* tuoonf fo leader $>; bene t Jjcb cbaffrcD:? o; at mifcbiefe oeac; Diggon, ^ *Cb fo: louc of tbat, » to t^ee mofl iecfc, Hobbinoll, j| pjayj t&cc gall not mp oloe grecfe: £tfce queffton rtppetb bp caufc of neto teoe, Jfo; one openeouiotebnfolo mans moe- Hobbinoll. $ap, but fc;rofo tlcfe ff^oaoea tn fjeart, 3 hnotoe, to fteeprw a burocnous fmarf. <£cb tftfng tmpar ieo to mo;e eatb f o beare: ratjen t(e ra^ne 10 fallen, tbe clouoes foapen clears 2*!nD note Oiljence 3 fafo % ^eao laff, ■SDb;tfe tbns spines bene fulls fpent ana pal!: j^ince tofjen tfton baff mesfureb mucb grouno. Mm> toano;eD toeeleaboat t&e too; to rouno, £>o as tbou can mans tbtnges relate, 315ut tell me firtt of tjre flocte eilate* Diggon. $92 Kj&pe bene foaflea, (fooe te me f f>erefo;e) SDbc tolls fyepbearo tbat toaa of so jc, 30 nolo no; toil?, no; ftepbearo aio;e. 3 n fojrcme coded men faso, toaa plentfe: Snofotbcre 10 but all of mtferte. 3 oempt tbere mucb to baue eebeDm? tto;c, 95nt fuel) eclung batb mabe ms beart fo;e, 3u tbo countries, fobereaa 3 banc bene, iflo beetng fo; f bofe, tbat trueis mene* , i( , - 25ut fo; fucb, a0 of gutle ma ken game, $ fucb country as tbere to rematne. SDbes fettcn tofale tbes; ftops of tyame, Snomafcena ^artoftbepjgooname. SCbe ftepbeartieB tbere robben one ano* b^» flnb lasen bastes to beguile ber b;otber. ®; tbes U>iII buf e tys tyeepe out of tbe cote, #J t Jej.tuill caruen tbe fyep bearoe* t&;ot& aiS A 4 September* 36 %\t $epfjsaraes ttm?m son cannot fcnllfeen, Wut it t)c bp Ins p.noc, from overmen: £L[)cp locben t igge as Ii5uilc0, tbat bene bate, *Uno bcaren tbe cragge fo didc anD fo date, 2t a Cocfee on gits bnngbill, crototng cranefcs Hobbinoll- Diggon, 3 am Co firiffe. anD fo dancfc, SDbat tinetf) mar 3) ft anD anr mo jc: Snt) ncU) tt)e ££iedernc totnDe blotoef b foje, SD&at noto ts in W cfeicfe foueraignf ee, Seating tbe UntbereD (eafe from tfjc tr*. £>ttte toe ootone bcere bnoer tije tylk Ebomastoctalfcc, anotdlen our fill, Sm> mafee a mocfee at tlje buffering bla#, $oto (a^ on Diggon, tobat euer tyou &atf >- Diggon, Hobbin, ab Hobbin, 3 curfe i&ee ffonnbe, Sbat ener 31 call to &aue lo?ns tbte gnmnbe t 3££cl-atoa? t&e Intjtle 3 ttms Co fonb, SDo leane tbe g©D,tt)at 3 bao tn bona, g n bope of better, tbat toa0 bneoutjj: ^0 loft tbe Sogge tbe fled) tn bts moutfj, Sppfeelt? tycepef as feele fljecpe) %$dX berebp there 3 totjtlome bfoe to fteepe s Hill toere tjjeg Indie, as tfjou bibbeft fee, 25ene all fterneb fodb psne anb pennree, t^atDls mn felfe efcapeb tbtlfte patne, J2D;tuen fo; neebe to come borne agatne- Hobbinoli. a&fon, nolo b? tin? lode art taugftf, % bat felbome cbaunge f fjc better bjougfjf , Content tobo hues tottb trpeo date, $eebe feare no cbaunge of froUmtng fates %\xi tobo IxitU feefeefo; tntmotone ga^ne, fi)ft liues b^ lode, anb leaues fcottb pagne* Diggon. % toote ne Hobbin &oto 3 toas beUntc&i September. QtSt'ft) bape tieffre, ann |>ope to be cnrtc&f . S5ut Ocfeer to tt is, as tlje b:tgbt tfarre feoemctb a^e greater, \u%ct\ it t* farre : 3 t&ougbt ttje fople tooulo tjaue maoe m* ricfc 3i5ut noto 31 loote, it is noting ficlj, 5?o; ertftcr tljp fbepbearoe* bene ?oie ana (Fill, SnD Ico&eof tfjepj ty&pe, icbat leap t fcer Mil; fi>3 t^e^bene falfe, ant) full of coucttfe, 5C no caCen to com paffe ma np liuonge cmpjtfe: 315ut t&e mo;e bene fratgbt tottfi frauo anu fpfgbf , x*o r ^etng©Dno:ciCoDncfitabcnDeltfit)t; SBnt feinclc coalcs of contecfe ano fjc MlijcreUntb t bej> fet all tbe toojlo on fire: »btcb toben tbep t Otnken againe to quench OTttb Ijol^ toater, (bet? ooen ijcm all fcjencji. SDbeg fa^e f bep con to beaucn tbe btgb toat>, JiBut bs m^ foule 31 uare bnDerfap, %$zv neuer fctte forte in tbat fame froabe, 13ut balke tbe rtgljt toas, ano Orapcn ab;oaD, 2Lbeg boafi tbei? ban tlje Dcutll at commaunot J5ut aftte bent tberefoje, tobat f bej? ban pattno. $0arrte tbat great Fan bougbt toify oeare boj rofo, £Lo quite tt from tbe blacke bofco:c of ferouj. S5ttt £&c\? ban folo tbillte fame long egee; if 02 tb^ toonloen Dzatu totfcb bent man^ moc. 313ut let bem gange alone a ®gm name: 26 tbes ban b^etueo, fo let bero beare blame. Hobbinoll. Diggon, 3 pjape f Ijce fpeafee not fo Otrke 9 £>ucb matter facing me fcemetb to mirfce. Diggon %tyn plainly fo fpcafce of &ljcp!jcarDes moffe tobaf; -JBaaoc is tyc bctt(£ijte cnglii&ie flat. ) £Di)ttr til bauiour garret men miffa?, !5otb of t Ije^ Doctrine, ana tb*& to* SDbeg l*apne t^c Uio;io til irnutj tear t ben it front, SSII fo? feer $epj>earos* bene tefilg ano blont ^ — JE&at September. ?? £>fya fape,buf 6oti>e ruelp 3f not e, 2d 11 fo; tfces bolDen G&:unc of tbetr cote. J&ome fiic he not to fap, (tjofc cole on (jer tongoc SEtjat Che mifebtefe graretb £em cmong, HI II fo* tftet? caffen to huic& of toojlDe* care? SCo oeche &er 2Dame,ano tmitb &er beire : if o; fucb encbcafon,3Ef ^ou goe me, if etee cljimnics rabing pou 0?all efpfe :• SLbe fat 2D*e,f &at leant ligge m tbe Kail, 3s noU) fad ttalleo m &er crumenall. SDbus c batten tfje people m t&etr deaD*, pUke as a SgonSer of manp bcacs. %5ut tbep tfeat flfjaif en nsrett f &e p:tcfce, ^anne,ott)er tbe fat from tbeir bearos ooen Itcfce iFoa big 115«Hes of 3i5afan b^ace bem about, SC&af toirt) tljett bonnes batten tbe moje ff out : %3u t tlie leane foules f reaDen tmocr fate, 24n& to feebe reDjede mougbt ittle bote : 3* o; lifter bene t&es f o pluefee atoap moje, SDbcn oug&t oftfte gotten g©D fo redone, if o; t&e^ bene lifee fo tole toagmoires ouergrad, Sbatiftljpgalage once (ticket fad, SLtje nwe to torn d e it out tbou DoeH ffotncfc, SD&ou moagbt a^e Deeper ano Deeper dnc&. pet better leaue of foitfj a lit le lode, SD&en b^mucl) iwdlmg fo leefe tbe grode. Hobbinoll. $oto Diggon,3( fee t jjott fpeafeed to ptaine : better ft toer^a Ittle to feme, ano cleanly couer,tba t cannot be curco, %>nfy tll,as is fo;ceD,moug[)t nceoes be enDureD. But of fifce pa&oure* goto Done t &e flocks creepe i I Diggon. ^ ike as tfje d)epbearD*,a&e bene &er $eepe, jf o; tt)CB mil liden to tbe tyep&earD* twice, 3!5ut if be call bern at t&etr goo cboice, SL&e toanoer at ttuIUno Ba; at picafure, September. 2Cn& to tfjrir folos ml* at tbeir otone Icafurc i ^5ut tfce* baa be better come at tbeir call ; $oi tiianp ban ttttq mifebtcfe fall . 21 no bene of rauenouo OTtoluc* ^enf , #11 fo; ttjci? noulo be bwome ano bent. HobbmoU* $ it on tljee Diggon,ano all tin? foulc leafing; Well id knotone tbat fitb tbe ^apon bins, fetter teas Wolfe fane, mans noi fome, jpo; fn aiment,no; in Ctoittenoome : * 25ut f befetoer $&olues(tb* fa&tb to fatne,) %bc mo;e bene t|e ifojees tbat ftere remains Diggon. &w,b\xt t&cr gang isi mo;e fecret totfe, flno tuttb fbeepeo clothing Docn bem Dtfgatfe SDbeutoalfee not totoete as tfte^ toere toont* $<& feare of raungers,ano t^z great bnnt ; S5ut pjtuelE polling to ano f roe , ffinaunter tije^ mougbt be tnl? tooted Hobbinoll, SDj ptfuie o* pert ifans bin, We ban great banoogo toil feare f bcir Run* Digger. 3jn beebe fbB ball te a bolo big car, SitD coulo make a iolty bole to tbeir far. 2Bat not g©o oog* tym neeoeth to cbace, S5ut ijceote tyepbearoa to oifcerne tbeir face, •3fo; all tbeir craft te in tbeir countenance* eric %be ben fo grane ano full of maintenance,. $5ut (ball 31 fell tljee l^bat m felfe knotae* Cbaunceo to ftoffin not long ugoe t Hobbinoll. fa*w£ it oulDiggon,\Bbateuer if bigbf, $ K not but toll mougbt bim bctigbt. %e is fo meeke,toife,nnD merciable, *i no tottb U* too jo bio too^he is comtenabi* Coiia CloutJ toanebe.&te felfe boxe, (JBft September. 38 (31) fo j Colin fie fobtl ome m £ tope) fb&ep&earDs Cc^oa mougbt bs mans fcnb, SDbat coen f c carefully tftctr flacks tcno. Diggon, SDtnlte fame ftep&earo mcug&t 3 toell marhe : i^e bas a Do age to bite 0; Co bar fee, jpcuer baa jfr Tjcptjeara fo fceene a tour, SEbat iuafeetrj,anD if bat a Icafc ftttr. Mbtlome tljrre toonneo a toicfeeo ft&olfe, £Ll)at tutttj mans? a Lambe S»aD gluttco &ts gulfe. Sno euer at nigbt U)ont to repaire tlntc tbc flocisc,fo|jcn tbt ECUUun ftonc faire. f^dao in doting of feels ft ecpe, SXlben t rje g©D oloe man ttfeo to fleepe. SDbo at mtomgbt be IdouId barhe ana ball, (if 0; lie bao eft learneo a eurres call,) 3ta if a ££lolte toerc emong tfje fteepe. ©3it& trjat tbe ft ep^earc tooulo bjeafee bts flcepr r ^no fend out iiotooer (foj fo bts bog Ijote) SLo raange tbe fielos fcutfj totoe open ty;ote» SDbo torjen as ilotoocr toas far atoap, SEtjts Wolutft fteepe fooulo ca tetjen bis p;SB> Hi lLambe,o; a Itio.o^ a foeanell toad ; CS3ttlj trjat to t&c fcDcoD tooulo fje fpee&e btm fall • ILong time rjc bfeo t^ts flipper? p;ancfe, Cre ttoflr coulo fo; bts labour fjim tfjancfe f€t cnD the ftepijearb f?ts p;acttfe fpteo, ( jfoj ftoffg is totfe,anD as Argus eieb) HinD toben at euen t# came to tfje floefce, ifatt in tbctr foloes be bio tbem tocfee, anntmbeouttbe Molfe in Ins counterfeit cofe, a no let out tfje fteepes blouo at rjis tteote. HobbinolK q9arn? Diggon,fo&at OjoulD &tm affrate, £0 take bts otone to&ere euer it late i if 0; ftau bis toefanb bene a litle toiooer, t@e tooulo tiaue oeuoureo botij biooer ano ft toner . Jk * Diggom September. DJggon. gpffcfjiefe Itgbt on btm,anb (Sous great curfe, JC© soot) fo; bint ban bene a great oeale too;fe; ifo^ tt toad a perilous beaft aboue ail, Kino efee &ab tjc cono t&e ft epbearoa call : #m> oft tn tbe ntgbt came to tbe fteepeote, 3no called !Lotober>foft& a feollolo tb;otc, Sis tf tt tfje oloe man. Rife baa beene, 2Ebc bogge bfe mailfera botee Dtp tt foecne, 3?et balfe tn boubt,be opencb tbe oo;e, £no ranne out, as be tuas toon t of ^e« jp o fooner toaa out, but ftotfter t&en tbougb £ t ; if att bs tbe btoe tbe »tolfe ILofooer caught; 3Bn& bab not Kofffe renne to t^e ffeacn, 310 tooer IjaD be flame fttlfee fame euen* Hobbinoll* ® ob ft tclo man^e ft oulo fo til bane f & tue, Hill fo; be did ty* Denote beltue. 3jf fifes bene ®Gtoluee,a6 tbou bad tolo, §oto mougbt toe Diggon, bem befiolo^ Diggon. ^oir ,buf tottft b&ae ana toaf c&fulneflfe, JFo;&allen bem of tftetr totlineffe* $ o; tyy Untb ft epbearo fitter not plap, £>; Oeepe,a* fome oocn, all tbe long Dag : 315ut euer ttggen m foaicb anb toaro, if rom fe&atne fo;ce tbetr flock* fo; to garb, HobbinolL 9ft Diggon jtfettfee fame rule toere too ff ratgftf* 311 t^z cold feafon to ujafeb an&toait, TOe bene of fleft,men as otber bee, Wfyy ftonlo toe be bouno to facb mtferee e Mtjaf euer tbtng latfeetbcbaungeable red, SjBoug&t mm* Deca?,toben tt ts at befl-. Diggon* 0b but Hobbinoll ,ali tbts Jong tale, #ougt)t eafetb t&c. care,t{wt botlj me fo;&aflc. September, jp Spy piteous pltg&t ano loffc to ameno* ^t goD Hobbinol^mougtit 31 t^a pjar> ©r atoe o; counfell in mi? oecape, Hobbinoll. ^otob^ m^ Coulc Diggon J lament SL^e6apleiTemifcl)iefc,t^attjastf)fieJ)cnf, #et&eleffe ttjou feed m? lotolB faile, Ebat frotoaro fortune Dotl) cuer auaile. Wnt toere H obbinoli } as ® oo mcagbt pleafe, Diggon (^opId fame finoe fauour anD eafe. ^5ut if to m^ cotage ttroa tPtlt £>o a* 31 can>3 toili ttjee comfoate; SDberc maiil tfcou ligge in a tetcfn? bcc, flDUl fairer ^o;tune cbcln fojtfj &te &ea& Diggon. Kfj Hobbinoll,CDoD mougitf it fy& requite, Diggon on fcto fact) fncnoes mo euerltte. Diggons Embleme. Inopem mc cofia fecit. GLOSSE, The Dialed andphrafe offpeech in this Dialogue, feemeth fomewhat to differ from the common. The caufc whereof ii fuppofed to bc,by ©ccafion of the partie herein ment, who being verie friend t© the Anthouf hercof.had beeac long in forraine. countries , and there feene many diforders, which he here recounteth to Hobbinoll. "Bidde her, Biide good morow. For to bidders to p'ray,whercof commcth beads for prai- ers, and To they fay,T© biddc his beadesX to fay his prayers. Wtghtly, quickly,orfodainly. Ckaffred, foldej Dead at mijcbiefe, anvnufuall fpcech, but much vfurped of Lidgate, and fomcrime ©f Chaucer. Ltefe, Deare. Ethe, caiie. Tbefe three Moottes, ninemoneth.s. Me** fared, fortraueiled* Wae, woe, Northeinly. Eefyd, enereafed. Caruen % .cm.u Xenne^ know. (r*2&, neck* State, ftoutly Standi weary or faint. ^iHdnerq, heapplyethittothetiBjeoftheyearc»whiehisintheendof harueft,whicli they call the fal of the lcafe: at wh ich time the Wefternc windc bcarctb moft fw aye. *A moc\e, Imitating Hoi ace, Debes ludebrium vent is. Zer**, left. Soote y Cwecte. Vnceuth t vnktiGwnc. Hereby jthere^ here and there* . jLi thebrtght, translated oat of Maatuan. Emmfe % for cntcrprifc . Per Syncopea. Q»*«k*. ftrife. W, path. M^»«to^^^irlpul«,«hichl VW «.<^W«r«ir". C™W<,p.i'fe. Brace, compare. JK-tfti/Sa. o«afio«. 0««rjf* owrgtowos wiihgraOe. ai^.lhoe. rh^fu the whole O.Rlja 10$ faying that there be Wolucs in England. * „ , rt » V nr«fr>nable • but indeed it Chn 5'« ( °/,«;E«cu.ingof lane, andiuftice. . j . *^*&»ffl . *hofe dpcciali good frind HobbinoH fa ith hews, or ■'^^l^^So^^i, frwe haue lately had a fufficient trial in diucr* ^; v ^^^fj^ c « Audley in Ef- £ m* and his lace €r*ul«mum VMimnfium which bo f«^2^iamc in print to her IS£ hee dedicated in writing to her Maicfty, a ^^Xrf sffide X lL fi»«dryc ! ;-Highnc(TeattheworlhipfullMaiftcrCapells in Mc " fo ^"; .f'JSp^y vn der coun. ''"Ih^o"^ know not. . , c r • i >W»w-, haunted. -WrfpS sk yc? aforcfaid, And(h i dder Mtc and ftice,Male and ^^^^^^awcanedyoungling. ^™£um [oSt Ycrfo tunfiatcd. Female. J^noyfc. *^.^ k fei^ J*** tf**UM« yc F^^dra^opdifttcirc. ^KofPcafcftraw. Embleme* face in the brooke,fcU in loue with his ownc 1im»««- *£ ™ c J mc mcanyng t hat much ga, zing had bereft him offence. But Diggoa i vict * was fallen into great penury e. many wayes.bad found the word, andtnro '**££"'? *. fu k like effca, as firft *hi« Pocfie I know,tohauc beac much Tfcdof the Autnaur,aaa co iu«» u tfarcuTusfpaluic. O&ober. O&ober. Aegloga Decima. Argument. T T^Cuddie isfet out theperfettpaterne of a Poet, which finding ■*■ no maint enounce of his fiat? and'fiudies , complainethtfthe contempt ofPoetrie.and the caufes thereof: Specially hauingbene in all ages ^ndetfenamougfi the tnofl barbarous dwaies efjingu- ■Har account and honour y and being in deedfo worthy and commm- '-dablean arte:or rather no artejout a diuinegift & heauely infiintt not to begotten by laboujc and learning y but adorned with both: ■ andpoureiinto the wit/ by a certaine (Kithoufiafinos)andl celefii- 9. all in/miration yos the Author here of els where at large difcourfeih 7 in his booke calledtheEnglifJ) Poetjvhich booke being lately, come *.tomyhandes,lminde alfo by Gods grace vpon further adu/fe- -ment to Publish. Piers. Cuddle. CVddiej foityam iwo top tytftamt fcead, a na to tecaC ttrif £ tD$at belig&t to c&ace : ■ Urn October :0tt& foearte t#sitwstt«®«ns Pban& mbioottig bafe; « #oto t&«s trt t& mj> pfifttfifl^WS W& ft« [P* reD &f» *et little sod &atb jot^ano ipucft Mb game. &dcb pleafance r^ato t Jc ©raftopper fapa);e, flno lijjse To .bteArten tointcr Doty fter ttrawe, ,-SC6e tapper Ditties t^at 31 toont bc* ^B*eWle0 fattf&ano tfre tta*i«ttfc £Sni A mt y^«tt« tw feat^^^^ * Cuddie^C p*atf*fe »»W%*|*fe a i >J* T . %ms #m m mm!) awter tjett tje game. ^^ % X Si'Mte ttittttfo^ Mty pteafanee of tta bams, W&ereto tftoalift tfteir traingD^iUes entice* f ffiSc&aro^at DiDtett66i« oame f 3 K ' PtoSbaWtoll SBotoje toUJjouten leawt - *~* Cuddie. . , ■feo pw^fen babes fte^ecocbsfpoteDtr^ne, • ©,faM8|un«nttt&6fi»jterbT>a0ra^«jj,! m % w ^ O&ober. 4* $>ikc pmte t0 fmohctbat 0) cDDctft in tfee Hue, £>ifce vro;o0 bene toinbe,ano toattcn foone in trafae. Piers. SJbanDon f fen tije bate anD btler clofone, ILtft tip t^ felfc out tftlic lolnl^ butt : 3nD fingof blooo? $gars,of toars,of gutfts, SDurne t ljec to tt)ofe,tbnt toclD f be alyfuli croiw ne, SDo Dcubteo hntgtjts^^ofe toounblefte armour ruffs* 2tlno belmcs fcnb;uf co toepen batty bjotone. SCfere map Qg apufe Dtfplap |>er fluttrtng imng, »nD ffretcb tjer fclfe at large from (Sad to SUett : mtytfax tbou lift in faire Elifa reft, £D? if t bee piafe in bigger notes to fiing, SlBnamc t Ije tootfbic fculjom d)e louetb beft, SLtjat fir ft tbe tobtte beare to ttje ftafce Oto b^'ng. SB nu inben tbe ffubbojne Broke of ftrong ffoanos, l^as fometobat ftackt t|>e tenoj of tty ft ring : fl)f loue ano luftijjeab tljo matff tbou Cmg, Kno carroil lotoocano leaoe tbe fillers rounbe, 2111 tore Elifa one of tbilfce fame ring, &o mougbc onr Cuddies name to l^eanen founts, Cuddie* SnbeeD tbe ftomtff) Tityms,j fteare, SCfeeugb bi« Mecocnas left bis SDaten reebe, SMibcrcon be earft bat) taugbt bis flocks to f eeDe, Sno laboureo lanoes to peelb tbe ttmelg care, it mens foil tes mote to ftuft to fame, 2d no roll lntt& reS tn r^mca of rrbau^te : 3D* as it fpjung,it tottijk muft again* : SDout piper mafces fes better melome. Piers* £D p&rdeffe poeffe,fobere i» f &en ftp place i Jf no; in princes pallace ttjou ooett Ot : (3nft pet is ponces pallace tye mod lit) Jfpte bjeft of bafer birtti ootb tbec embrace* s:t)en make tb& tDtngs of tbine afpiring tm'f, 2inD,tabence tljou camft,flie bacbe to feeauen apace, Cuddic. 3b Ferric it is all to toeafcean&foanne, &o btgb to foje ano mafee fo large a eigftf % Iper peeceo pineons bene not fo in pltg&f, $ot Colin fits fucb famous flrg&t to fcannc : 5|te,foere be not toit b loue fo til be&tg&t,' ffiffiouto mount as bigb,an& fing as fote as fy toanne Piers* £Cb loue Does teacfe btm cltmbe fo bfe, 3no lifts jnm bp out of t&e lotbfome mire : * £>ucb immo;tall mtrro;,a$ fit Dotfj ammre, ^TOoulbraifeones mtnbeabouetbe&arrgftu'e. '&m caufe a catftue courage to afptre, ^ jfo; joftte loue Dotb lotfte a lotolg etc, if 0; Bacchus fruit is frieno to Phoebus toife : Sno ic^en tottb mint tbe bjaine begins to tecat, SEtjc n ambers floU) as fait as (p; tng ootjj rife. Cbou 6en(S not Per cie goto tf>e rime ftoulo rage* £> tf my temples lucre Dittamo tottt) tome, flnt> girt in ©irlonas of iutloe |?me tiuine, l^oto 3 coalo reare ttytyvfiz on ffatety fiage* Kno tcactj rjer treao aloft in bof-kin fine, WStitb qucint Bellona in tier equipage* 55ut all ihb conrage ctole* ere it be toarme, 5fo? tt)E content rjs m t tjis tjumble ft aoe : CSHUcrc no rucf* troublous ttoes Jan ts aftatoe, ^er e toe onr Sender pipes mas fefelg c &armc. Piers, Snu totjen m^ (Safes ft all tjan f rjctr bellies lafoe s Cuddie ft all &aug a l&iooe to tfoje tj is fanne. Cuddies Embleme. is4gittIelomefometime. 0*ten r tides, Aucnar, Liggefo Uide, lye fo faint and vnluftie. Bappertfxc&c. Trye, n a b«lde Metaphore> fwcedfrom the fpawnyne fifces, for the multitude oiyoung ^JbbcttllcdtUFryc, Odtoben ■ T«» rejh/u»e r This place fecmeth to confpyre with Plato, who in hys firft booke de Legf* =fcus fayth,that the firftinuention ofPoetiy was of vof^vertuous intent For at what ryme an infinite number of youth yfually came to thcyr great folcmpne fcalks called P.incgyrica, which they vfed euery fiue ye.ire to holde,lome learned man betyngmore able then the reft, • or fpecial gifts of vvyt and Muficke, wouldtake vpon hym to fing fine vei fes to the pcop]e,in .prayfe eytttcrof vertue or ofvi6tory,or of immortalitie, or fucb lyke. At whofe wondcrfuli . gyftallmcn beyng alfonyed& as it were rauifhed with delight,thinkyng(as it was in deed). •that he was inipiredfromaboue,callcdhym Vatcm: which kynd of men afterward framvng theyr vcrfes to lighter mufickefas of Mufickebee many kindes, fome fadder, fome lighter, lome martialjfomc heroical : and fo diuerfly eke affect the mindes of men)fou$5d out lighter matter of Poefie alfo, fome plying with loue, fome Icornyng at men* fafhiuns, fomepowrc4 out in pleafure.s,and fo were called Poets or makers. Senfebereaue,wh*z the fecret workyng of mufickeis in the mindes of men, as wel eppca- reth hereby, that fome of the auntientPhylofophers, and thofe the molt wyle, as Plato and Pythagoras hclde for opinion , that the myndc was made of a ccrtaine harmony and mufical numbers,.for the great compafsion,andlykeneffeof affection in thone and the other, as alfo by that memorable hyitory of Alexander : to whome vvhen as Timotheus the great Mufitian .played the Phrygian melody ,it is fayd,thatheewas dtftraught with fuch vn wonted fury,that ftraightway ryfing from the table in great rage,he caufed himfelfe to bearmed^sieadytogo Co warre(for thatmufickeis very warlyke.) and immediately when as the Mufitian changed .hys ftrokc into the Lydianand Ioniqueharmony,hcewasfo farrefromwarryng,that he t*ite as ftyll,as if he had bene in matters of counfel. Such myghtis in Muficke. Wherefore Plata -and Ariftotle forbydthe Arabian Melody from children and .youth. For that beyng altogi- ^theronethc fifth and feuenth*one,it is of great force to m'olhfie and quench the kindly cou- ia°e, which vfeth to bin ne in yoong breftes. So.that it is not incredible which the Pcet here layth.thattheMuriekecanbereauetbefouleoffenfe. ■ The jbepheard that, Orpheus : of whom is fay J , that by hys excellent skij in muficke and Poetry,herecouered hys wife Eurydice from hell, .,.,,, • , Jirguseyes of Argus is beforefayd, thatluno to hym committed her husband Jupiter hys Paraxon Io , becaufehe had an hundred eyes: but afterward Mercury with hys Muhck lul- 4 V ng Arsus afleepcfluehym and brought Io away, whofe eyes it is fayd thatluno for hyse- *ernal memory placed in her byrd the Pee ©ekes tayle,for thofc coloured fpots indeed relenv ^bleeyes. , _ , , ' IVottndlefe artnour,rnw&ur\ded in war,doru{t through long peatc, Difblav, A poetical mctaphore,whereofthemeanyngis,thatrfthe Poet lift fhewhis skil. an matter of more dignity , then is the homely Aeglogue, good.occafion is hym offered of hy«her veyne and more Heroical argument v intheperlonof ouimoftgratiousfoueiaigne, ♦vhomfas before)hecalleth Eliff, Or if matter of knighthood and chiualry pieafehym better, that there be many noble and valbntmen,thatareboth worthy of hys paynem theyr defer- ucdpraifes,andalfofauourersofhi5skylandfaculae. . The warthyM meaneth(asl gueiTe) themoft honorable and rcnowmed the Earle of ley- cefter, whome by hys cognifance (although the fame be alio proper toother) rather tnenby fays n ame he bewrawtfa, beyng not likely, that the names of noble princes bee koownc t hbufa that is when thou chaungeft thy veils from {lately CQurfe,to matter otroorepica- fance and delight. , TAeM^n,akindeofdauncc, •^a&compapy.ofdauncers. . ■The Romjh Tityrui , well know noble Virgil, who by Ma;ca?nas meanes was brought m- . to tke fauour of the Emperour Auguftus,and by him mooued to write in loftier kjnde.then he Whereon* 'in thefethree verfes are the three feucrall worker of Virgil intended. For in ^achino his flocks to feeders meant his Aeglogues.In labouring of lands, is his Geor^qucs*. Ixi fingingof warrcs and deadly diead,is bis diuinc Aeneis figured. ^ O&ober. \y Iniening doy In manhood andcheualrie. Foreuer, Hefheweth thecaufe, why Poets were wont bee had infuch honour of noble men.that is that by them their worthineffc and valor fhould thiough their famous Pofies be commended to all polterities. Wherefore it is iaide,thac Acchilles hadneucr beene fofa- -raous,as he is,but for Homers iinmortall verJes.which is the onely aduantage,which he had -of Hector. And alfo that Alexander the great, comming to his tombe in Siohes with natarall teare* blcfled him,that euer it was his happe to be honoured with fo excdft nc a Poets worke < as forenowmed and ennobled onely by his meane . Which beeing de- clared in a moft eloquent Oratienof Tulhes, is of Petrarch no leile worthely fet foonh in afoqec* . Giuato jikxaitdro a la famofa tombx, Del fer* ^ichilL' fofarando dtffe Ofcrumato che ft chiaro tror/iba, Trouafliy&c. And that fuch account hath bene alwaies made of Poets, as well fheweth this that the j.worthie Scipio in all his warres againft Carthage and Numantia haddc euermore in his 3 company andthat in moft familiar forte the good olde PoetHnains, asalfothat Alexander .'deftroying Thebes, when hee was enformed that the famous lyrick Poet Pindarous was o. borne in that Citie, not onely commanded ftraightly, that no man fl.ould vpon paiue of 3.^eathdoean:e violeacetothathoufeor otherwjfe: but alfo fpecially fparedmofte, and j.fome highly rewarded, that were ©rhiskinne. So fanoured hee the onely name of a Poet j. which pi aift otherwife was in the fame man no lefTc famous, then when hee cam e to ranfac- a. king of king Darius coffers, whom hee lately had ouerthrowne,heefound in alittle coffer^ 3 of filuer the two bookesof Homers workes, as laide vp therefor fpeciall Iewclsand 3 . riches, which hee taking thence,put one of them dayly in his bofome, andthcother euerie j. night laide vndcr his pillowe . Such honour haue Poets alwaies found in the fight of o Princes and noble men, which this authour here verie well fheweth, as elfe where more ?. notably. ISut after, hee (hewcth the caufe of contempt of Poctrie to be idlencfle and bafenefle of minde. 7->*»/, fhut vp in flouthe,as in acoope or cage. Tom piper, Anlronicall Sarcafmus, fpokenin dirifion ofthefe rude wits, which make more account of a ryming rybaud , then of skill grounded v'pon learning and judge- ment. 6 Neb-eft, the meaner fort of men. Herpeecedpineow, vnperfect skill; Spoken with humble modeffic. ^isfioteas Swa»fte> The comparifon feeemeth to be ftraungc: for the fwanne hath euer wonncfmall commendation for her fweetfinging: but itisfaide of the learned, thatthc Swanne a little before her death,fingcth moll pleafantly, as prophecying by a fecixtinftincs- her neere deftinie. As well faun the Poet elfewhere in one ofhis fonets. The filuer Swan doth ling before her dying day As fheethatfeeles thedeepe delightthatisindedth.&c» IwHA vacant, immitateth Mantusns (zy'mZyVacuum curisdiuinactrabum TPofcit. l4»//&f«y;j,Refcmblcth the common vefc^ F^cundi calkesquem nonjecercdifertum. if my, Hefeemethhereto be rauifhed with a Poetical furie. Forfif one rightly marke) tV.e numbers rife fofull,and the verfe groweth fo bigge,that it fecmeth hee hath forgot the iresnencfTe of fhepheards ftate and fille. Wilde j*ti ,for ic is dedicated to Bacchus,and therefore itisfaide that the Mamades(thatis i I Bacchus O&ober. fcacchut frantick priefts; yfed in their facrificc Co car ric Thyrfos, whichVcrc' pointed ftauei ot lauelins.wrapped about with yuie. Jnbuskj** it was th« manner of Poets and Players in Tragedies to weare buskins, as alfo in Comedies to vfelcocks and light (hoes. So that the buskin in Poetry is fled ior tragicall maticr,asis (aide in Virgill, Soltbophocleotu* CdrmttuidiituicothurM. . And the like in Horace, Magnum loqut, nitiqut cotburno. -§lusmt % ilrange. Bcllona,thc geddefle of battaHc, that is Pallas, which may therefore welt be called queint,tor that (,« Lucianfairh) when Iupitcr her father was in trauell of her, hec cuufed his foane Vulcan with his axe to hew his bead. Out of which leaped forth luftely a valiant damfell armed at allpointes.whom Vulcan feeing fo faire and comely, lightly leaping to her,profcred her fome curecfie, which the Lady difdaining, fhat ed her fp care ac him, and chrcatned his faucineflc. Therefore luchftraungencfleis wellapplycd to her. .Aequipa^ordct. Tydes* feafons. Cbsrme, temper and order. For Charmes were wont to be made by rcrfes, as O uid faith siittjicarnutstbus* Imblcme. • Hereby is meant,is alfo in the whole course of thisleglogue, that Poetry is a diuine in- llin&andvnaatnrallragepaffingthereachofcommonrealoii. Whom Piers anfwerethli- piphoaematicos as admitting the excellence of the skill,whcftof in Cuddie hee had already Sudatail. November. 44 ^Egloga tndecima« Argument* N this xi. Aeglogue he bewailetb the death of feme maiden of great bloud whom he caSethDido. Theperfwagc isfecret, and tome altogether runknowne y albeit of himfelfe I often required the fame. This Aeglogne irmade in imitation oftJMarot his fongjWhichhemade vpon the death of Loyes the French ^ueene^ But farrepafsinghis reach > 3 and in mine opinion all other the Ae- Icguesofthis booke.. i Thenot, Collin COlin-m? ware, toljen fljall ft-pbaft t W fftrg, 0* tlpu toere tocnt fonges of fome toutfatmctf SWl? (JMife to tong fl'ombjc t& tsi forofomtt, iulteo a flaps t&;caa& lone* mtfgouernatshc*, Noucmber. $ofo fomctobaf Gncto&ofe enDleffe foucnaunce, Cmong tfjc fbepbearos ftoatnes may ate rcutainc, CT&ittjcr tftee lift t&y loacD laOe aDuance, &>; bono; Pan nnt t; timing of jjigljcr Dame. Colin* Thenot,noto nis fbe time of merimafee. $o; Pan to berie* noj toitb louc to plap: £>tfcc m^tl) in Spay is meet eft foj to mafee, •fi>; fommcr (^ aoe fencer tbe cocfeeo bar* I5ut nolo fao taint er toelfceo bat b tbe Dap* ana Phoebus toearie of bts rearelg taffce: i^ffablco iiatb l)tjs ffeeDes in iolulp lay, ana taken tip bts ^nne in if tfljes ftaf he, SDt)iltt follcn feafon father pligljt ootb af-fee: ^no loatbcn (the Deligbf0,as tbou ooeft p^atfe.- •SDtjc mojneful ^ufe in mirtb nolo lid ne maf-fce. 2fis ibc teas toont in youngtf) ano fommcr Dayes. •JlBut if tbou algate lad ligbt birelayes, ^InD Icofer fenges of louc to twoerfong Wbo but tby fetfe Dcferucs Qfce poets pjaife* Mclieue t\)v ®aten pypes,t|/at deepen long. Thenot. -SDbe #igWtngale is fouereigne of fong, 8BefQje>bun (its tfte SDitmoufe uient bee; 2no 3 fcnSt to tfcutt in ffeilfull tfeong, £boul& Colin make iubge bfthyftolens, $ap,betfer learne of ^tmA^t learneo bee, ^no ban bene toatef e& at tyz $$u&& tell: •SDbe ftmnl^ aeto o;ops from tbe biger tree, 2t!no tebsts tge little plants ttjat lotoiy btoell S5ut if fao totnfer to^atkano feafon cbill, acco^o not toitb fyy Spufes meriment: SDo fao times tbou maitt attune tbr quill, ' anu ftng 0? fojroto and seat bes Diriment. jFoj Deal? is Dido,oeaD alas ano Djent, Dido tbe great t^epecaro bis Daughter fy&m . ... %fy **i Noucmbefc %ty fa^tU £$&? ftee toas $at cucr toenf, $er ifee ftec baa not left bebinbe 3 fteene. anotf ttioo toilt betoa?le mp tocfull teene: 3 ft a ll t&ee giue f ono Coffet fo; tin? patne: K no if tbE rpies as rounDe ano ruefpll bccnc, £s tbofe tftat Did t^ Rofalind compla^ne, Sgucb greater gifts fo; gueroon tbon ftalt ga^iie, ffi ben ft to o; Coffet, tobicb 3 tbee b?nemp t : ffiben top 31 fa?, tljou toullv ft cpbsaro ftoaync ft e t not oi? (mall oemaanoe be fo contempt Colin. Thenot f o tfeat J c&ofe, f bon Doell mee tempt, SBnt ab to toell 3 taote m? bnmble toa?ne, 3n& bo toe m? rimes bene roggeo ano to nhempt: ^et as a conne, m? conning 3 totll ttra?ne. Vp t&en Melpomene tbemonrnefalffg&afeofmneo &acb caafe of mourning ncaer baoff afo;e; lip grtflie gbodes, ano top m? rnfnll rime, #atter of m#tb noto ftalt tboa bane no mo;e. $ 0; oeao ftee 10, tbaf m?;tb tbee maoe of ?oae, Dido m? oeare alas is oeao, 2>eat>, ano l?etb to;aptm leao: fi>&eatiieberfe, llet Breaming teares be poto;e& out in Oo;e: JDcarefoUberfe- ^bepbearos, tbat bf soar flecks on &enf {ft lotones ab^be, e&aile ?ee tbis tooefull toafte of natures toarke: $&aile toec tye toigbt, tobofc p;efence toas oar pjgbe; TOteileioee tbe toigbt, tobofc abfence is oar carke. SDbe fonne of all t^t too;lo is oimme ano oarUe: SL&e eattb nofo lacks ijer toonteb ligbt, ano all toce toe U in oeablf nigbf, flDfteauiebcrft* «;eabetoeour pipes, tbaf ^ilo as totDbe as HarSe, £>carcfulltoerfe. Houctuber. «fl&5 Doc fe* longer Itue, ( a& &&? ittie fee fc lone) tMbofe better Da^^car^jatftftut up in feocf 8L&e fa?;cft flofeje our gtrlono all e mong, gs&Deo qnite aui> into oaff tgoe. £>ing nofe fee ibep&aros Danglers, fing no woe SDfje fongs tljat Colin tnaoe in jjer pjaife. &ul into toeepiflg turne ^forfeanton lape& £D l)catuc fjcrfc, $otoe is time to Die. $a$ ttme toas long pgoe* ;©carefullt)erfe- OT^nce k tMtjat t&e flotojetof t&e fleto wtftfaw* flnD lj?et& burteo long mmitttmtmli: pet foone as fpaing^te manttte oatft fcifpla^ 3tflofeaet^fre^,a0ita)onloneu0ffe0e^ iimgei SBnt t&ing on eartlj t&at is of mottanaile* £s fcerttt*s b?ant$ ano ; tttaottathM* Mdituen not fo^apgp^. '* ^^anc^e once&eftfb w c cu<* uu u^os mini ntuttf , 2Dcarefull&erfe, £fc® feljiic Oje feas» (W toa* a fcdfull toojb to fame) •|TO beauties pjatfe ano pleafaunce 6ao no peerc: go feell tyee eopt& t&e ftey fef Og^pterf aine, «BM* cafees ano tratMm&mmit) ccuhtrep tfeerfc #eUoulo^edcoanetl)efimple tyepljearosffoaftei * iFo; fte feoplo caUufteuljenie ^no giue Ijim CutD wibuteo Creame. ^ptjeauie^erfe, Hits Colin cionte ffcefooufo .'not once irifoatne. 2D carefull tjerftev • ;a . wind Brtnoto afee tmpp? c^eerc fefrir Htie fo^ti? *fiaun*& £>nc& pleafonnce note Dtfplaft b^tiatorf atnfc ail^uacfe (topes, fefeere *eat{) oof&leaDe tty Da'rmcc, »no Oiepljearos luonta fela^ii ejjfin^ - SCftt Noiiimbcir*. 4? %ty gataDp gtrlonDS beck tjer granc, SLbc fa&co flcto:es ber Co;fe cmb;auc £Dbeatueberfe, ; Sgjojne no to mp mufcno to mo;ne toit& f cares tefpjmr. gDcarefullberfe. ©t&ou great tfjepbearbLobbin, fcoto great is tfjs jjucfe, S»abere bene t&e nofega^es t&at ftee Dtgtjt fo; tbas SDbe coloured cbaplets to;ouglj£ iottti a cftiefe, SCbe ftnottcn rnft;tnges, ano gilt Hofemraetf if o; Qee oeemeo noting to Deere fo; tbee* #b, tbes bene all sclao in dag, SDnc bitter Waft bUfcoe all £> tjeaufe berfe, E hereof nougbt remakes but tit memo;& f £> carefull berfe. H^e mee tbat D^eerte Deaf f? ft ou Id ftrifse fo mo:f all If robe* SDbat can bnboe Dame natures btn&elg courfe; SEbe fabeo loches fall from tbe loftte ®kz . SCfje flouos doc gafpc, fo; DjpeD is t fe?; fourfe, #no aouos cftearcF flotoetn tbe^; ff&oeperfojce' SDije mantleo meoofoes mourne, %im funbaie colours tourne* 2D fceawe berfe, %ty beauens coe melt m feares tottljouf remote, ®carefull berfe. SS&e feeble floebs in fiela refafe f fceir fo;mer fmbe, 2Cno bang tbeir beaoes, as tbe? tooulo Iearne fo foeepe: ffibe bealles in ftureQ toaple as ttyy toere focoDe, epcept tbe OTolues, tbat cbafe tbe toamuing tymn $o\c Cbee is gone tbat fafelp did bem beepe, SLbe turtle on tbe bareD b^auncb. laments tbe toounoc, t&atDeatbtt'o laancfo £> bcautc Jierfc. 3Jnb Phiiomcic |er feng toity teares both ffeepe; fi>carefull berfe. v» arts Nouemben %%t toaf er $w$*> *$** toont toit * *** f0 flrt & an* tamtcfr 2C no to; W girlonb SDliue bjauncbes beare, jauUn; baief all bouses of Cppjea corn atmannce: IE be math** tjjat toer* tnont greene base* to toeare^ j£ o toe bjingen bitter <£lo?e bjauncbcfl feare, Sub* fatall fitters cfec repent, \§tt toitall t&jeoe lo (bone tea* (pent fl> beanie berfe, ^po;nc note mp spufe, nofo mojnc tottfi beans cpears carefuil toerfe. tf) truttlcffe ffafe of eartblp tfcfag*. and flipper fiope iSDf mo;tall men, tftat flutnefee anoftoeate foj nongbfo Sno ft ©ting toioe. soft miffe tbe raarfeeb fcope: j£otoe bane J learnoe (a lefibn beerels bongbQ SDtiat nis on earf b affarannce to be fought; jpojtDftatmigtitbee in earths moulD* SDbat m ber burieo boos boulo, ft beanie berfe, fet fata 3 on fte bears foben if teas b;oogftf S>carefttUt»rfe. 3Bnt mangre beatb, anb bzeabeb fillers beattfp fyf £&. gno gates of belt, anb fgjte furies fo;ce: $bee batb tbe bonbs bjofe e of cternall ntgjtf* 2tefcronle txnbooieo of tbe baroenous co^pfe- Wlfa ttjen toeepss Lobbin fo toitbout remo;fcf gD Lobb, ttj^ loCc no longer lament, Dido nis beab, but into beauen ^mU £D bappt e tyzxtey Ceafe moto mp S^nfe*, nofo ceafe tbp fojrotoe* ftur% £D topfull bcrfe* Mb? toaile toee tbenf tebP toearie tea tbe ©obs teftb ptatateft- 3s if tomeenttttere taber betigbte Jsbee ratgnes a gobteffe noto emongtbe fainter %W tobtlome boas tbe fa^nt of ft epbearcs ligbt: anoisenfiaUen nol»e in fceaaens btgbt, 31 Nouember. 47 31 fee tbee blclfco foutc, 3 fee, Ela 1ft m Eiifian 6cloe0 fo free. Sgtgbt 3 once come to tbe* (2) tbat H migbO iffiiotfaUfcerCe* fflnfoife atio fo;cf cbeD men to toeefe Irfta ts gaD 0; fll, Cdee Deems of Dcat b as Dome of til Defert: 35nt fenetoc toce f©l £0, tofeat tf bs binges fcnfill JDpe toculD foee Das lie, once it to erpert. Jfco Daunger tberc tbe ftepbearD can attcrt: i?ap;c fleloes ano pteafannt la^es tbere bene, %%t fielDes a^e freft, tbe graUc aye greene: 3Dbappieb«fe» ^pafce baft ^ee Qepbearo*, fyitytx it rcuerf , 3D topfull twrfe, Dido ts gone afoje (fobofe fume (ball be tbe ncjefr) SDbere lines ftee tutttj tbe bleffieD Coos tn bltflfc. SCbere Djinefes fte Nc&ar Untb Ambrofa mtjrt, 3nD to^es ento^es, tbat mortal! men Doe mtOc* SDtje t)ono j note of bigbeff Cods ftee w, SDbat tobilome leas po:e ftepbearD* pjtoe: TObt le ber c on eart b ft ee mo abifte, &>&appieberfe> CeaCTe no to bib feng, m? fooe note toaffcD i*. £DtogfalIbfrfe> Thenot. Ste franefe ft epb ear d, bo to bene f bf bcrfes metnf SMitfy Dolefall pleafattnce, fo as 3 ne tootte, W&bct ber re topee 0; toeepe fo; great conff rainte 5£bine be tbe Coffette, toed ba&tbon if gotfe* mp Colin tjp , ^nongb t&ou mo;neD ball, jpoto gi nneft to nri$te , b fe toee borne toar D fait . Colins Emblemc, M3 e&ffc Nonembetv GLQSSE. Iouyfaunte, myrth* S <>»;'#<**»«, rememberancc* Herle, honoor. We\ed, fhortned or empayred. A$ the Moonc being in the wainc is layd of Lidgate to wclk. In lowly lay, according to the fcafon of the moncth Nouember, when the funncdraweth • low in the South toward his Tropick or rcturne. /wj^wAtfi^f^the'fun'eraygned^hat is, in the fignc Pifccs all Nouember, a haska is a Wicked ped, wherein they vfc to carry e fifii- Virelayes, a light kindc. of fong. Beewatred, for it is a faying of Poets, thatthey hauc drunk of the Miifes Well Caftalia*> whereofwas before fuffjciently fayd. Drcriment. dreery and heauy checre. The great Jhepheard, is fome rnanof hie degree, and not as fome vayncly fuppofe God Pan- •Theperfonbothoftheftiepheaid and of Di Jo is vnknowne and clofcly buried in the au- thoursconccipt.ButoutofdoubtIam,thatis notKofalind, asfemeimaginc:for he ipca« - kethfoone after of her ajfo* ' Skene, fayreandfhining. Manformayde, Teefte^Corrovr. Guerdon, reward. TSynempt, bequeathed. Co/fet, a Iambe brought vp without the dam, y^rnpt, In eompti, Not corned, thatif t udc and vnhanfome. Malpomene* The fadde and wailefull Mufes vfed of Pcetes in honour of Tr agedies: as faith >Jirg il Melpomene tragicoprocUmatmaJia botm. f>^r^^/;tf//f } TheroaneroftragicallPoetes, to call for helpeof Furies and daraprte4 ghoites: fo is Hecuba of Euripides, and Tantalus brought in of Seneca* And the reft of the iclt. Herfe,\s the folempne ofefequiein fnneralles . Wafi of\ decay of fo beautifull a peece. Carfa care* *Ah why, an elegant Epanorthofis, as alfofoone after. Nay time was long agoe. flouret, a diminution for a little floure. This is a notable and fentcntious eomparifott •Aminoreadmaim. Rclluen nst y line not againe.f. not in their earthly bodyes: for in heauen they enioy theyr due «ward. The br.iunch, Hee meaneth Dido, who being as it were the maine braunch now withered) the buddes that is beauric (as hec fayd afore) can no more ffoutifh* W r *f/;c4^,n*cforfhcpheards bankets, Heame, for home, after the Northern prtf- jjonncing. T/«^dyedor ftayned. The gaudie, the meaning is, that the things, which weare the ornamentes of her lyfc arc made the honor »f her funerall, as is vfed in burialls* Lobbin, the name of a (hepheard, which feemeth to haue bene the leucr and dcere friend of ^' l t°j i' Rujhrings^ agreeable for fuch bafe gifts, Faded lec{e$, dryed leaues. as if Nature her felf e bewayled thedeath of the M ayde. Sourfe, fpring. Mantled Medowis, for the fundry flowres arc like a Aiantle or Couer-. -* ct wrought with many colours. r Pbilome(e, the Nightingale. Whom the Poets faine once ro haue bene a Ladie of great beautie, till being rauifhee by her fifters husband, fliec defired to be turned into a b yrd of her *»amc, whofe complaints be very wdl fee forth of Ma. George Gafconi awime gentleman, and the very chicfc of our late rimers, who and it fome parrs of learning wanted not(albceit is wellknownehcealtogctherwantcdnotleaining ) no doubt would haue attained to th€ excellence of choft famous Poets* Forgiftsof wit and naturcll promptnes appeareinhira aboundantly. Of'/Tu vfed of the olde Pay ntms in the furnifl» ing of their funerall Pompe, and properly &eh£ne ofail&rrowand heauincfl*. Tbt Nouembcr. 48 The fat all fillers* Qo&o tachelisaud Atropos, daughters efHerebus and the Night, *vhomthe Po«$ t^ine to fpin the life ofman, as it were along thred.whichthey draw out ia length, till bis fatall howre and timely death be come, but if by ether cafi»3l«e his dayes bee abridged, then one of them, thatis Atropos, is fayd to haue cut the thred in twainc. Hereof commeth a common yerfe. Qlatho cdum baiulat^ I ache fit t rah it, ^Atrqw occat, truftleflky a gallant exclamation moralized with great wifedome and paffienate with great affection. Beare , a frame, whereon they vfe to lay the deade corfc. ■ Futies, of Pocs bee fayned to beethrce, Perfephone, Ale&o and Megcra, which art faii to be the Authors of all euill and mifchiefe* JLternallmgbtj is death ordarkneffe ofhcU. "Bttight, happened. 1 fee, AliuclyIcon,or reprefentation as if hefaweber inheauea prefent, €tyftanfielde^beue y which pafjionis commonly compared to fuch flames ^immoderate beat*. His riper yeres he refembletbtoan vnfeafonoble harneji wherein the fruites fall ere they be rypt. His Utter age to winters chill &,frofiyfeafon now drawing neere to his loft endc. T^e gentle fyep&earo fatbeffocn fp;tnge, XU in tlje fljaootoe of a buQg H5^ere> SD&af Colin &tgt)f, foijiclj toll couloe pppe ana finge, jf 02 &ee of Tity r us fcts fonge* ufo lere. 2D jjere as &ce fatte in fecret tyafte alone, &tms gait &e mate of lone W p tteoos atone* December, 49 2> foueraigne Pan tljoa oo of (I) epbear w all, CZaa^tc|9 of oar tenser ilambhtns tafecit fceepe : Sno to&en our floches into mtfebanee mcug'j t fall* £>cefi faue from mtfcljiefe tfee bhtoarie fteepe. His of tjjetr maiffcre baft no IcCTcrcgarD, SDIjen of t{jefloc&s,to!>K& tljou Doed lnatcij % foar&* 3 f bi befetcl; (to be t&oa octgne to Scare, ftuoe uttf tcs tunoe to Ojepbcaros £2aten race, ©; if 31 *«*** fonet fong fo clcarc, Hs tt ttutb pleafauncc mougbt t&p fancte fo&e) i^arfcen a tootle from tl)y grane cabinet, 2D&e lanrell fong of carefull Colinet. ■cawiomc in pou t^tojen fioto #o mp topfull fpjfagt lithe ftoalloto ftDift,3 toanojcD bcre ano tfeerc ; >^oj deafe of bocDlcde iutt me fo oto Cling, %fyat 31 of Ooubteo oaunger bao no feare. 31 tocnt t&e tuafffall Ukd&s ano fo;refl fotoe, CCittfeouten o^eao of «olue$ to bene efptoe. 3 toont f o rattnge amio tge majie f Jicftef , £Cno gatber natter to mafee me Ctmfimas garnet ^dno io^eo oft fo c&ace tfce trembling P;icfcef, £>; bunt ttje [jar tic He bare, til I ft e tocrc tame* mw tojeafceo 31 of imntrp agss toad, atjo oameo 3 m? l&tng fowitfo euer laff. ^ oto often bane 3 fcalet) f be craggie ©fee, 311 to DiaoDge tlje J&men of ber neft i I^oUj bane 31 toearteo tot tb man? a ffrofte, %ty (lately Walnut tree, tbe to'gtlc t be red tenoer tbe f we fell all fo; nu ttes at tf r ife : ifo; tl^e f o me, toas libertie ano life* Jfint) fo; 31 toad in t bi itte fame lata ? aeres, (OT&ef ber tbe spufejo fo;oug&t me from mp birtj : m 31 to macb bclieneo mp fljepbearo pares) froiwoele {bent ft fong ano mnScfees mirt fr. $ $ga$ »-,«. December. & g&$ ol^fl)Cp!>eart>,Wrenock toa* fyw name,, sp he me bs arte mo;c cunning in t ije fame, If ro tbenec J turff in oerring to compare tatty fyepbearos fioaine,tDbat eucr tec in ficlo : 3noif ttjat Hobbinoll rigbt toogement bare. So Pan ()i0 oixmc felfe pppe J neeoe not ptclD. jfoj if tijt fiocfeing $i?mpb£0 oio foUoto Pan, %ty tutfer Spufes after Colin ran. 5$ul alj fuclj p.uDc at length toas ill rcpatoc, 32D&C fljepbearas ©od (per ore CDod toss tje none) ^E fjurtienre pleafaunce Did me ill bpbjaioe, 3J92 freeoome lojncms life be left to mone. iioue t&cp Ijim callco,t&af gsue me cbccfematc, IBut better mcugbt fyz g b*ue bebote bim lgat& SEbo gan m£ k ucty fpjing bio me faretoell, Kino fommer feafon fpeo btm to bifpla^ (if o j lone tben in tbe !L?on* bonfe oio bfoell) abe raging 6re,tbat ftin&lea at \)i& rap. S comet Giro top tfjat fenfeinolt> bcate, %W reigncb(a$ men fato)m Venus feate. JFotfl) load 3 !ed 9 not as 3 foont afo;e, WLtyn cboife 3 bat) to cljofe mp fcoaniwng toa^ ; 35nt to&etber Juefcc ano loneo Dnb;iDl to !o:e Woulo leao me fotfb on jfancies bit to pla?. %hz buty mp beo,tbe bramble foa* mp botw, SC&c WcdB£5 can toitneffe man? a toofuii Ootoje* Mbcrc 31 foas fjpont to fcehc f&e bong J&&, raojking Jjcr fo?roall rotomes in OTercn frame ; SDbe gricOie SDcaeftale grotone tbere mougbt 3 fee, $m> loatbeb pasooi to losing on t^t fame, flno tobere t^t cbaunting birbs lulo me a Ceepe, SCbe Bftattlu gPtole bcr grfeuoa* snne ootb tepe. December. ?$& JEfjcn as f (je fp^ms gates place Co elber timr, #no b^tngec^ fojtb tbe fruit cf fomnurs p^ioe : 811 fo nip ag: noto paHcD pcutblp pjime, Eo tjjings cf riper rcafon felfe appltoe. 0n3 iearna of lifter timber cotes to frame, S>uc& as migtjf faue my Ojecpe ano me fro Gjame, SUo make fine cages foj fftc $igljtingale, $no liSafbces of balraftes teas mp foont : ca be to entrap t&e 8$ in foincing fa le, mas better fane,oj &urttu!l beattes to fjonfc 3 learneo als t&e Ggnes of tieanen to feen, l3oto Phoebe failes,fo!jeve Venus (its ana tofcem Una f rieo time set faugljt me greater tgtn^j ffibe fooaine riling of tbe raging feas : SEbe fcotbecif bp>Dsbp beating of tbeir feings, SLfa poto;e of berbes,botbJtoincb can burt aao eafe: Hlno \s\)icg be inont tenrage tbe refUcGTe Ojape, HlnblDbicftbctoontto teojfeeclcrnallflape. S5ut a& bnfoife and totf leffe Colin Clout, &bat fcpa tbe ftiDOen fembes of man? a to&oe : |0et fe^ott not ene to core tbsfoje beartrof, £2Hbofe rancfcling toonno as set Does rifely bl&be. Vityy liueft tbon atI,ano ^cC bad tyy Deaths toounte M^ bfctt t tjcu ttill,ano ret alkie art fount) * JCbas is ins fommer too;ne afoas ana foaffeb, %Ws is mp barued baffencb all t® rat be : 2Ebe care tbat bu&oeD faire,is burnt ano blaffeb. 8no all hie fcopeo gaine is turned f o fcatbe. (D! all tbe feeoe.tbat in j»e j>cutb toas totoneS m.a& nougbt buc b;ahes t brambles to & motonc* S@t> boughs anb blafmes tbat croixmeb foere at firflf , *ino p:omifeo of firml? fruit facfj ffo^e : 3re left botb bare ano barrein noto aterff, %ty flattering fruit is fallen to grounb befo;e, . December. Stab rof f cd ,crc f fcv foerc &alfe niello to rtpe : §0^ ftaruett luai^ing (jope atea? did foipc. SDfje fragrant flo fojes, tbat tn mp gar&en grc toe* 3l5ene fcttbereMs tbes tiao bene gatbereb long : SLlietr rate* bmt Djtcc lip fo* lacfee of octoc, " J3£t Detoen iwttfj tear c0 1 jjcp ban be euer among. %% toljo (a* to;ougbt ing Rofalind tljtg fpig&f , SCo fptll H)z floto;e*,t&aC fcoulo tjcr girlono btg&f e 2n& 3,t jjaf tobilomc toon* to frame m^ pipe, mntotljz t&ifttng of tjje tbepbearos fate : &ikz follies nolo fcaae gathered as to rtpe, Sr.D caf! l)cm oaf,a0 rotten ano bnfeote . 2Dbe lofer Hade 3 eaft to pleafe no mojc, ®ne if 3 p!eafe,enoug& t* me t&crcfo^c* JCnb tfjus of all mp baruett hope 3 (jane j^ougijt reapeb but ameeotc crop of care : •4^btcb,toben a tbougbt batte tfeefl&t tn CtDtUtog fl&eau* Cocfeel fo; co;ne,ano c&afife foa baric? bare. &ronc a* tfje cbaffc ffyou to in tbe fan be fin&e, Mil teas Mottme atoap of tbc toauertng iuinoc. « &o note mp seare bjatoesfo fcte fetter ferme, $&V fpjing is fpent >mt> tommcr burnt bp quite:. $$V baruetl baSes to iltr bp tmnter fierne, Hno bios bim claime imf b rigorous rage bis rtgljf. g>o nofo be fi wnzs tattti man 2 a tturbp ffoure, &o noto bis bluffring blatt eclje coatt botb fecure, SC&e carefull coto fjat & nipt m$ ruggeb rtooe,, JfinD in my face ceepe furrotoe* t !0 batb ptgW * SPp fteaD befp v :ent foitb boarie frofr 3 fince, 2Cno b# mine e^et&e eroto #$ cfoine&ofb to;ig&fc, jBteligbt \b laioe abeo,an& plcafare pa$, 0o funnc nolo fytncs } ctoes ban all oaercaff ., $oto leane t?e fbepbearbsboyes ?our mern? glee, ^B mqfe i to jparr* and to.earfe. a f t&fc Sonnt ; l^erfc December. j] 1$m fotlt 31 Ijang m WW tpon t&te tr&, L£!as ncuer pppe of ree&e mo better founo. Mlintcr is come, t&at blotoe* t&s bitter Matt,. am> after Winter o;arfe csatlj Docs ijatt* ©atijer ^e together m? little flocfte, gp$ little fiocl$e,t&at teas to me fo life; Jtet me,aj let me m sour foloes se locfee, Cre t&e bjeme Winter bjeeo ecu greater griefe. Winter is come,tbat blotocs t&e balefull bjeatfr, a wo after Winter commetft timely oeat&. Jforctt acltg&fci, f ftat taUe& me a (tepe, 2iDiea m^ oear&fobofe loue 3 bought fo Deare ; KOieumg little llambes anu loaeo iljeeps, Sotett ^r CTfcoDs t&at oft m? luttncife lucre; Hioteu g©o Hobbinoll, tljat toad fo true, SfrU Rofalind^er Colin bios &cr aDtcu* Colins EmblemCi GLOSSE* j Tjtifus, hath beene oft CziHe. Ltm^iw, young lambes* . . *Ats of theyr ,feenaely to expreflc Virgils verfe » . Tan curat outs euiumque magifiros. Deign*, vouchfafe. C&binetyColmet, diminutraes* •Maijy For they be like to a maze whence it is hard to g«toi* againe* Teen, Fellowes and companions. JAufick^ that is Poetrie, as Terence faith, £$»iarter* tratt*Htmu[ic*mjLi eaking of Poeeii t>errbtg do, afortiaidc. Uomhoufe, Hecimagineth fimply thatCtipid, which it loue, had his abode in the hote figne Lecswhich is in midft offommer,a prertie allcgorie,whereof the meaning is,that louC in him wrought an extraordinary heat ©f luft, Hisray t which is Cupids beame of flames of loue. *A. Comet, ablan*ngftarre,meantof beautic,which was the eaufeofhis hote loue* Venusy the goddefle of beaucieor pleafare. Alfo a figne in hcaueu, a$ it is here rakea* S«heme.inahthatbeautic > wluchhathalwaies afpeftto Venus, was the caufe of all his vn- ^uiemefle in loue. Where Jrvas,z fine defcription of the chaunge of his life and liking,for all thinges now feemed to him to hawealtered thci r kindly courfe* Lo'diugi Spoken after the manner of Paddockes and Frogges fittting which is in. dee< lordly.not rencoouing nor looking onceafide,vnlcfTc they be ftirrci* Then at, The fecond par t,that is his manhood. December. Cotes. 5her>cotcs.for fuch be the excrci'cs of fhc^hcards* i>a'.t. or fallow a kmdc of wood hkc willo w,fi; to wreake and b.'nde in heapes to catch •fiOi witlull. r Tkxbe faites, The Edypfeof the Moonc,whichh alwaics in Cauda or Capice Draconis, rfignciin heauen. Vea»s.i. Venus ftarre.otherwife called Hefperus and Vefper and Lucifer, both becaufe hefccincta to be one of the biighteitifarrcs, and alio firft nlech and fctterhlalt. All which skill in ttarrcs beingxonucnicnt for fhephcards to know Theocticus and th« reft vfc. T(*gmgfat y The exufe of the (welling and ebbing of thefea, commeth of chc courfc of the Moone,lomccimeinciea(ing,fomitiine waning and dccrcaflng. Sooth of kirdesy A kindc of foothfaying vfed in the elder times, which they gathered by the flying of birdes : Firtt ( asisfaidej inuented by theThufcanes,and from them dcriucd to the domanes(who asic i> faidc in Leuie) were fo i'uperltici6u{ly rooted in thcfame.rhat they agreed that cuenc noble man (hould put his fonncto the Ihufcanes, by them to be brought vpintiiat knowledge. Ofberbes, That wondrous tbinges be wrought by herbe, as well appearcth by the com- mon working of them in ourbodies,as alfoby thewonderfull etichauntments andforcerie* chut hauebceac wrought by them, info much that it is faidc ":hj Circe a famous (orcereffe turned men into fundry kindes of beaftcs and monftcrs,and oncly by hcibesias the Poet laich D-.afetMfiotennbus herbts &c. Kjdfly kn^weft. Eare,o? cotne. tfcvif^loflcjiindcranec. Euer among) Euer and anonc. This is my y The third part wherein is fet foorth his ripe yearcs as an yntimcly harucft.that bringcth little fruit. ibe fragrant flowers, fundry ftudies and laudable partes of learning, wherein how o*r ' Poet is fecnCjbe they witnefle which are priuy to his ftudy. Sonowmyyztre* Thelaftpart, wherein is deicribedhis age by comparifon of wintry* {formes. • £'arefuttc$U i for care is faidc to coolc the blood. G/f*» *^ ~]^1 y » i ^ni^^^Bj . ■ '- - i •