'^'^1 ANTENNA LABORATORY Technical Report No. 58 I JNo Ll^A«,y UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS ON INCREASING THE EFFECTIVE APERTURE OF ANTENNAS BY DATA PROCESSING by Robert H. MacPhie Contract No. AF33(657)-8460 Project No. 6278, Task No. 40572 JULY 1962 Sponsored by AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS DIVISION WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OHIO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH LABORATORY ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS Antenna Laboratory Technical Report No. 58 ON INCREASING THE EFFECTIVE APERTURE OF ANTENNAS BY DATA PROCESSING by Robert Ho MacPhie Contract AF33(657)-8460 Project No. 6278^ Task No. 40572 July 1962 Sponsored by AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS DIVISION WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OHIO Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois rt ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to acknowledge the many helpful discussions he has had with Professor Deschamps. Some comments of Professor Lo also proved helpful. A special debt of gratitude is owed to Mr. Fred Wise who wrote the programs for the problem which were used on the University of Illinois digital computer, ILLIAC A special program written by Dr. R. L. Carrel was of considerable help in the section on error analysis . CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 2. The Antenna as a Filter of Spatial Frequencies 5 2.1 The Voltage Description 5 2.2 The Power Description 11 3= Properties of the Temperature Distribution T(u) and its Spatial Frequency Spectrum t(x) 21 3»1 The Temperature Distribution - T(u) 21 3.2 The Spatial Frequency Spectrum - t(x) 22 3.3 Direct Measurement of the Spatial Frequency Spectrum 25 3.4 Analytic Continuation 27 4. Fourier Polynomial Approximation 28 4.1 Fourier Polynomial Approximation to t(x) 28 4.2 The Least Square Formulation 32 4.3 Critical Value of N = N 34 4.4 Case of N Larger than the Critical Value 35 5. The Properties of the Coefficient Matrix for N > N 37 o 5.1 The Gramian as a Measure of Independence of the Approximating Functions 37 5 .2 The Inverse Matrix S 39 6. Error Analysis for Ill-Conditioned Matrices 43 7. An Example of the Increased Resolution of an Antenna as a Result of the Data Processing 55 8. Conclusions 57 References 58 Appendix 6 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/onincreasingeffe58macp ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Number Page 1 Coordinate System of a Linear Antenna 6 2 The Relation between u and 9 8 3 Fourier Transform Pairs for the Voltage Description of the Antenna as a Filter of Spatial Frequencies 12 4 Conventional Antenna System Employing Square Law Detection and Low Pass Filtering 13 5 Compound Interferometer System 18 6 Fourier Transform Pairs for the Power De- scription of the Antenna as a Filter of Spatial Frequencies 20 7 Cross-correlation Interferometer 26 8a Partitioning of Temperature Distribution Into N Sections 31 8b Delta Function Representation of Tempera- ture Distribution 31 9 Value of Gramian T as a Function of Aperture Size in Wavelengths ~L/\ } for the Case of Normalized Effective Aperture A = N/N =2 40 o 10 Value of Gramian T as a Function of the Normalized Effective Aperture A with Actual Aperture in Wavelengths as a Parameter 41 11 Spatial Frequency Spectrum of a Uniform Temperature Distribution with the Standard Deviation of the Measurement Error Indicated by the Width of the Shaded Area About the Curve 49 12 Normalized Standard Deviation in the Elements of the Calculated T* 8 / Vector as a Function of the Normalized Standard Deviation in the Measured Data for L = \ } N = 8, A = 2 52 13 Ratio of Calculation Error to Measurement Error as a Function of the Normalized Effective Aperture with the Actual Aperture in Wavelengths as a Parameter 53 1. INTRODUCTION In recent years the concept of an antenna as a filter of spatial frequen- cies has come to play a central role in antenna theory in general and in Radio Astronomy in particular ' . Given an antenna of finite size, its output as it scans the sky with its more or less narrow main beam and smaller sidelobes will be a smoothed version of the true source distribution of the sky . This smoothing property is possessed by all finite antennas . In par- ticular,, if the antenna is linear (e.g., an array whose elements lie on a straight line in space), there is an exact one dimensional Fourier transform relation between the aperture weighting distribution a(x), where x is the aper- ture coordinate in meters, and the field strength pattern A(u), where u = (3 sin (3 is the phase constant in radians per meter and 9 is the polar radiation angle. Consequently a(x) is the spatial frequency spectrum of A(u), and is non-zero only over the finite interval -L/2 < x < L/2 where L is the length of the antenna in meters. This interval, centered at x = 0, is the spatial fre- quency bandwidth of the antenna and indicates that the antenna acts as a low-pass filter, i.e., a smoothing device, 4 A similar situation obtains in the case of the planar antenna . The aper- ture coordinates x and y correspond to pattern coordinates u = (3 sin 8 sin ^ and v = (3 sin cos

L/2 and we can write ju t v(u ,t) = Re A(u-u ) e ° (4) o o where the field strength pattern 00 L/2 A(u) = a(x)e" JUX dx - J a(x)e" JUX dx (5) -00 -L/2 is the Fourier transform o f a(x), the aperture weighting function. Mathematically, the location of the point source in the u domain can be specified by the Dirac delta function, 6(u -u) and the. terminal voltage of the antenna can be written as PROJECTION OFjQ ONTO U AXIS U = /3sin0 Figure 2. The Relation between u and P JU, o t / 6(u,-u) A(u -u ) du e U 1 1 o 1 v(u ,t) = R e / 6(u ,-u) A(u -u ) due (6) o a(u : o o Re 6(u_-u)* A(u )e ° (7) where * is the symbol for convolution. Here we have defined A(u) = A(-u) (8) Thus the point source or delta function response of the antenna is the reverse of its field strength pattern. In the majority of practical cases the pattern is an even function and the point source response and the pattern are identical. Now in general there is not one source but a distribution of sources . The instantaneous field strength at the phase center of the antenna due to a plane wave from the source in the u direction at time t can be written as j°° t e(u,t) = Re£(u,t) e ° (9) >or C*(u,t where the complex phasor C*(u,t) represents the amplitude and phase of the narrow band envelope of the carrier at frequency to . The total output voltage of the antenna is the integral of all such plane waves weighted by the pattern v function A(u -u) . o ju t v(u ,t) = ReV(u ,t) e ° (10) o' o P jco t !■■> 'Li., I ! 1(U -U) L/2 it is clear from Equation (13) that the voltage spec- trum of the output is also zero in these regions. If the modulus of a(x) is greater than zero for all values of x in the aperture then from Equation (13) we define 6 (x,t) = * < X > t} 7 \x\ < L/2 (14) a(x) > L/2 whose Fourier transform is ■L/2 L/2 e (u , t) = P ^ile' JV dx (15) O o o' i) \/ This last function is known as the principal solution. It is a smoothed version of the true source distribution with no spatial frequencies greater in absolute value than L/2 . However the frequency components which are present are identical to those of the true source distribution CL (u ,t). From Equation (13) it is clear that the Weighting function ^a(x), in general, distorts the source distribution's spectrum as "seen" at the antenna output in the form of aa (x,t). But, if the antenna aperture is uniformly weighted 11 with a(x) = 1 for I x I < L/2, then «w (x,t) = L (x,t) in that interval and the output as the antenna scans will be the principal solutionc (u ,t) . If a(x) is not uniform,, the principal solution can still be recovered by measuring V(u ,t) and using Equations (13) and (15). Figure 3 is a table of the various pairs of Fourier transforms which have been derived above. The RF carrier factor has been suppressed. 2.2 The Power Description In many applications it is not the instantaneous signal from a remote source that is of interest but simply its average power. The fields of radio astronomy, radiometry, radio direction finding, and radar are all more or less concerned with measuring the average power radiated or reflected by the remote sources . A diagram of the conventional system for measuring such power is shown in Figure 4. The terminal voltage of the antenna is fed into a square law device whose output is 2 *> V Ju) t 2 v (u ,t) = [ReF(u ,t)* A(u ) e ] (16) o' ^ o o V 2 J2u) t = 1/2 Re [£(u ,t) * A(u )] e o o + 1/2 Re § (u ,t) .* A(.u ) ■ £ (u ,t) * A " (u ) (17) The first term on the right side of Equation (17) is the double frequency component and has a zero average value. The second term is the low frequency component which along contributes to the low pass filter output. Thus, if we assume that the filter response is that of an ideal averager, then the system output after a suitably long integration time approaches R(u ) = E \ i Re f (u ,t)* A(u ) • <^*(u ,t)* A*(u ' ) } (18) o [2 ^ o o ^ o o J ( f( VJ where the superscript * indicates the complex conjugate and E the statistical expectation of f(u ). Here it is assumed that time and statistical averaging are equivalent (the sources are ergodic) . Equation (18) can be rewritten as 12 o w iz; !?! tf O & H H ffi H « O U w j§ < & h A OS W Eh Eh CO Eh a II >< o K W 'hJ CO O z co o Dh H CO [Zj w « O H< CO M CO o Iz; co w o U o ?H co o 13 J i *K/ ^APERTURE ' / | L/2 V(u 0t t) L/2 SQUARE LAW DETECTOR 1 r v 2 ( "of) LOW PASS FILTER (INTEGRATOR) R(u ) = T(u )*P(u ) Figure 4. Conventional Antenna System Employing Square Law Detection and Low Pass Filtering 14 P P R(u o )= i Re J J E pV^^V 5 ] -ft -ft V J A(u -u ) A(u -u ) du du (19) ■P -P In a wide range of applications the following statistical properties of the phasor (^ (u,t) obtain: If then Cu,t) = C 1 (u,t) - j ^(u,t) (20) (21) E[S 1 (u,t)J = B^ a (u,t)J = eJ^Cu,!)^^^)/ =0 and 2EJ^ i 2 (u,t) = 2Ei£ 2 2 (u,t) = E | i £(u,t) I 2 1 = T(u) (22) The real and imaginary parts of Q,(u,t) have zero means and are statistically independent. Their variances are equal to 1/2 T(u), where the real number T(u) is the variance of (£, (u,t) and is a measure of the temperature bright - ness of the source in the direction u. Usually the source in one direction is time-wise independent of the sources in all other directions and so one can write EV£( Ul ,t)£* (u 2 ,t)j = T(u x ) 6 Cu 1 -u 2 ) (23) Substituting this, result back into Equation (19) gives R(u ) = i Re f T(u ) A (u -u, ) A*(u -u, ) du, O 2 J 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 T(u )* I A(u ) I 2 (25) 2 o o 15 or if we let i I A(u ) I 2 = P(u ) (26) 2 o o then V R(u ) = T(u ) *P(u ) (27) is the time-averaged response of the antenna as a function of the scan "angle'' u . Again we can take the inverse Fourier transform of this result and by the convolution theorem we have r(x) = t(x) p(x) (28) V where r(x), t(x) and p (x) are the inverse Fourier transforms of R(u ), T(u ) and P(u ) respectively. In particular, p(x) is the transform of —I A(u ) I o 2 o (Equation 26) , and again by invoking the convolution theorem one obtains the following relation between the power spectrum of spatial frequencies p(x) and the voltage spectrum a(x) for the antenna. p(x) = |"t(x)* a*(-x) = | a(-x)* a*(x) (29) Since a(x) "= for I x I > — it follows from the properties of the convolution operation that p(x) = for I x I > L. For example^ if a(x) were uniform in the interval I x I < — then p(x) would be triangular in the interval I x I < L. Thus the band-width of power spatial frequencies is twice that for the corres- ponding voltage frequencies . This doubling effect also occurs in the time 12 domain. Since p(x) = for I x I > L we know that R(u ) contains no spatial fre- quencies for I x I > L and those for I x I < L will be related to the spatial 16 frequencies of the brightness distribution T(u) by Equation (28) . Just as in the voltage case the principal solution T (u) can be obtained <> Thus we o define t ( X ) = £<*>, I x I < L (30) = , ! x I > L and V P V (x) T q (u) = , -L Indeed the term principal solution was first applied to this type of power distribution by Bracewell and Roberts rather than to the instantaneous voltage distribution of Equation (15) „ T (u) is a smoothed version of T(u)j its frequency components for I x I < L are identical to those of T(u) and are equal to zero for I x I > L. It would be convenient if the antenna power spectrum p(x) were uniform. Then r(x) would be equal to t (x) (except possibly for a constant factor) o and the antenna output R(u ) would be the desired principal solution. Al- o though in the voltage case this can be accomplished with little difficulty by letting a(x) = 1 for I x I < — , it is impossible in the power case when a single antenna and a square-law detection are used. No aperture function a(x) exists which leads to a uniform power spectrum p(x) = 1, through the convolution operation of Equation (29) „ However, if the terminal voltages 13 of two antennas are cross-correlated it can be shown that the power pattern that results is P 2 (u) = ^ Re A(u) B*(u) e jiu (32) where A(u) is the pattern of the first antenna, B(u) is the pattern of the second jiu and e is an interferometer-type pattern resulting from the spacing of I 17 meters between the antennas . If we let B i (u) = B(u) e jiU (33) Equation (32) can be written as P 2 (u) = i Re A(u) B i *(u) V 1 v V * P 2 (u) =-Re A(u) B (u) (34) The associated spatial frequency spectrum is P 2 (x) = j [a(x)* b (x) + a*(x)* t^ (x) ] (35) Now if the correlation system is in the form of a Compound Interfero- 14 v meter, then the spectrum p„(x) will be uniform and the system output will be the principal solution T (u ) . A diagram of this system is shown in ° ° L Figure 5. The two antennas are a uniformly weighted aperture of length — L l meters adjacent to a simple interferometer also of length — meters . Thus we let a(x) =2, -— < x < < 36 > = otherwise, b (x) = 26(x) + 26(x-|) (37) Substituting these functions into Equation (35) gives p (x) = 1 I x I < L (38) = otherwise 18 UNIFORMLY WEIGHTED APERTURE^ L/2 % SIMPLE INTERFEROMETER L/2 CORRELATOR 1 T (u )*T(u )* Si " LU » Lu o J Figure 5. Compound Interferometer System 19 and p( u)= L^f^ (39) 2 Lu the correlator output is sin Lu R(u ) = T (u ).= T(u )* L — (40) o o o o Lu A table of the various Fourier transform pairs for the power description is given in Figure 6. Like all Fourier transform relations these results are linear (in average power in this case) . This very fortunate property is due to the assumption that sources in different directions are statistically independent in time. Because of the rather startling fact that an antenna is a perfect low- pass filter of both the voltage and power spatial frequencies of a source distribution it has generally been concluded that the principal solution is the most one can hope for and that no information about the higher spatial frequencies is available at the terminals of the antenna. In the next chapter it will be shown that this is not the case. 20 1 u os g 5 5 3 VI A * ' ^ X ^>* CB X ? >a * X X * U & X ^ X ^v o X X ^ xx r> X «H n ^^ +-> w * WW O +-> >cfl rt M>& cS O ii rH|^ rH|^ -H|CM X n ii II II + II >a X /■> r> X ~ X fn X I X ^ -~' a CM +-> [aw a ! ^ ^ 3 CO. 3 s * A 3 ■* «i ^-v — ■ >ft CQ ^^ 3 3 3 * v^ ■ 3 r-v < ft ^-x fc •^ 3 3 O 3 < Vr^ -H| (M II w ^ ^\ II O ft 3 3 *■> 3 H OS ft pa •z S5 pa O O o J < H PS pa < m < jz; ^ 5 S H t3 CO eg » H OS Eh § OS ft o S5 < O fe g 5 Pd < 55 ca J H H i— i i— i pa ft co o fti m pa ft ^ ° £ Eh ft jD M Eh Eh O pa H Eh 55 R S Oh H co O OS ^g* OS iz. < os <2 ft HH (J < pa iz; ta CO Eh os o 8 hH OS CO o ft CO o o ft ft Q a h CO o 21 3. PROPERTIES OF THE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION T(u) AND ITS SPATIAL FREQUENCY SPECTRUM t(x) In this chapter mathematical models of the temperature distribution T(u) and of its Fourier transform t(x) will be derived from some general assumptions about the physical nature of the sources whose radio waves are intercepted by the receiving antenna. Indeed, in the remainder of this report we will be concerned only with the time-averaged functions T(u) and t(x) rather than with their instantaneous counterparts 0(u,t) and e(x,t). This is partly for convenience and partly for historical reasons since most of the early work dealt with the former functions . 3.1 The Temperature Distribution - T(u) It will be recalled (Chapter 2,1) that the variable u is related to the physical direction by Equation (2) u = p sin Thus T(u) is the projection on a line parallel to the antenna axis of the actual brightness distribution T (9) and hence is a distorted version of it. There is no difficulty, however, in correcting for this distortion. Given T(u), there are two values of 9 corresponding to say u = u , = sin u /p ii * and =77-0 and hence T A (9 l /) + T A (e x * ) = T(u 1 ) (41a) If the antenna is located on a ground plane, then the source at and image at 77 - are always identical and we get a unique relation between a source in the upper half space and its projection, i.e., T A (0) = T A (sin _1 p = \ T Any mathematical model of a source distribution must necessarily be rather general and incomplete because if one knew exactly the properties of the temperature- distribution it would not be necessary to ever build 22 devices to measure them. In a wide range of application the sources possess the following properties: 1. they are stationary (with respect to their time statistics), 2. they are remote from the receiving antenna and fixed in space for the duration of the time of observation^ 3. a source in one direction is statistically independent (in the time domain) of a source in any other direction. Indeed these three properties have been used to derive Equation (27) for the time-averaged response of the antenna. The function T(u) is a measure of the temperature brightness of the remote sources and is the expected value of the absolute square of the field phasor £ (u,t) {i £(u,t)i 2 j T(u) = E | I C (u,t) I J (42) Sometimes it is written as, kT(u) where k is Boltzmann's constant and hence is a measure of the energy being radiated by the sources toward the antenna system. Consequently, T(u) is non-negative since it is assumed that the average energy flow from the sources cannot be negative. It has also been assumed that the sources are remote. This means that they are in the so- called visible range of the antenna which requires the angle 9 to be real. I I * As a result the sources all lie in the range for which I u I < (3 . Outside this range the source distribution is identically zero. Indeed the word "distribution" is a better description of the sources in space than the word function' . This is because in some applications it is convenient to re- present remote sources as "point" sources whose mathematical description is in terms of delta "functions" which of course are distributions. In summary the model of the temperature distribution T(u) has the following properties: 1. T(u) is non-negative and real, 2, T(u) = for I u I > (3 ., (compact support) 3.2 The Spatial Frequency Spectrum - t(x) The inverse Fourier transform of T(u) is by definition oo 5 I- t(x) = — \ T(u) e u du (43) The source distribution T(u) has a compact support. 23 But since T(u) - for I u I > (3 we can write (3 i t(x) = ^r J T(u) e JUX du (44) This is the inverse Fourier transform of a real function and hence possesses complex symmetry,, i.e., if t(x) = t 1 (x) + j t 2 (x) (45) then t 1 (x) = t 1 (-x), t 2 (x) = -t 2 (-x] (46) t(x) = t*(-x) (47) Physically, t(x) is a function which depends on the field at one point x , with the field at another point x , where x = x - x . In complex nota- tion it is given by half of the expected value of the Hermitian product of the field phasors at the two points i r ; X ) = -e ; e(x^t) e (x 2 , t(x)=-E<' e( X;L ,t) e (x 2 ,t)| (48) This function is therefore measurable, at least for some finite values of its arguments Since it is the Fourier transform of a distribution which is identically zero for I u I > (3 (compact support), it follows from the 5 Paley-Wiener theorem that it is a band-limited analytic function and never becomes identically zero over any finite interval of x. However, t(x) must satisfy the energy condition (Parseval's theorem) A°° f 3 J I t(x) I 2 dx = J I T(u) ! 2 du (49) By band limited function we mean one whose Fourier transform has a compact support . 24 and since it is assumed that the sources radiate a finite amount of energy towards the antenna the integral on the right exists. Consequently, in order that the improper integral of I t(x) I converge we must have l+£ lim lt(x)l 2 = or (-) ] (50) " x x »°o where 0(— ) means "of order at most — " and 6 > » 15 The function t(x) is related to the complex degree of coherence between the field at the two points x and x which is given by 1 2 E^e ( X;L ,t) e r (x 2 ,t-T)J e[I e ( X]L ,t) I 2 J 1/2 E [l e (x~t) I 2 J Y 12 (T) " -7T-- " ,2,1/2 r, I ; „,2, 1/2 (51) This function also depends on the time delay t. When t = the numerator reduces to 2t(x) and in the case of remote sources the denominator reduces to 2t(o). Hence we can write \ 2 <°> - Hiy (52) which is the normalized spatial frequency spectrum and is valid when all sources are remote. To summarize, the spatial frequency spectrum t(x) has the following properties : * 1. t(x) = t (-x), (complex symmetry) 2. t(x) = 1/2 e{ 6 (jc,,t) e (x t)l with x -x = x, (measurability) 3. t(x) is analytic, 4. t(x) is band-limited, 5. lim I t(x) I 2 = 0[(-) 1 ^ 6 ], e > (finite energy) I x I > °o 25 In the next part it will be shown that t(x), or rather a finite section of it, can be measured directly by means of a correlation interferometer. 3.3 Direct Measurement of the Spatial Frequency Spectrum In Chapter 2,2 it was shown that by analyzing the output of an antenna of length L one could deduce the spatial frequency spectrum of the source distribution that was passed by the antenna „ This spectrum, t (x) ? is a truncated version of the true spectrum, being equal to t(x) for I x I < L and identically zero for I x I > L„ It is also possible to measure directly t (x) by means of one of the simplest of antennas . o Consider a two-element interferometer in which the terminal voltages of the two isotropic elements are cross-correlated as is shown in Figure 7. The phase shifter in the feed line from the right-hand element can be used for scanning but if it is set at zero and if the element spacing is x meters, then the system output due to a source distribution T(u) is ^(x) =^ J T(u) cos ux du (53) The limits +_ (3 on the integral are due to our assuming that all sources are in the visible range . If the phase shifter is set at 7T/2 radians, the output is p :x > - w S T] the inverse Fourier transform of T(u) . In practice the interferometer element spacing x cannot exceed some maximum value, say L meters . Hence the function which we measure is t (x) = t(x) for ! x I < L (57) =. for ! x I > L The value of t (x) for negative x has been deduced from the complex symmetry property of t (x), i.e,, t (-x) = t (x) . Thus, by varying the element spacing of a correlation interferometer we can measure directly the complex spatial frequency power spectrum of the distance sources on the interval I x I <_ L . 3.4 Analytic Continuation Perhaps the most important property of t(x) is its analyticity. It is well known that if an analytic function is specified exactly over any finite region its value at any point outside the region can be deduced by the pro- 1 fi cess of analytic continuation = Since t(x) is analytic for all values of x and its values for I x I < L can be measured, it is theoretically possible to calculate t(x) for any x, This would yield the complete spatial frequency spectrum t(x) for -°o < x < °o and the true temperature brightness distribution T(u) could be obtained by taking its Fourier transform. Of course this. assumes that t(x) can be measured exactly. For such an idealized situation it is interesting to note that the size oi the measure- ment interval is of no importance. As long as t(x) is measured with no error an aperture of one wavelength is "equivalent" to one of a thousand wavelengths'. However, error is unavoidable and in its presence the amount of meaningful extrapolation of t(x) will be shown, later in this report, to be very limited. In practice, therefore, the large aperture is still preferable to the small aperture. The problem is to find a suitable method for performing the extrapo- ' lation. In Chapter 4 a method which takes into account the Fourier and band-limited aspects of t(x) will be described, 28 FOURIER POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION Having obtained by measurement the real empirical curves t (x) and t (x) tor -L _<__ x -_ L, it is necessary to express them analytically by means of mathematical functions, Since t(x) = t (x) + jt (x) is known to be the Fourier transform of the unknown source distribution T(u), it is natural to approach the problem with the methods of Fourier analysis. We will use a Fourier polynomial to obtain a least square approximation to t(x) on the interval -L < x < L. Then by increasing both the degree N and the period L of the polynomial we will attempt to increase the least square fit on the interval to the point where it cont inues to approximate the function t(x) for points just outside the interval. This continuation is predicated on the fact that t(x) is analytic, 4,1 Fourier Polynomial Approximation to t(x) By definition we have (x) - A- J T(u) e- (58) If the visible range -(3 ^_ u <_ (3 is divided into N equal regions } the kth of which is centered at then we can write N/2-1 27T k -N/2 $ W) f t(x) - S -^ T(u) e JUX du (59) k & k N We have for convenience chosen N even N, 2-1 t(x) = 2 (3/N ju, x 1 P ^ J vx _> - J T(v + u k ) e J dv e fc=-N/2 _p/ N 29 (60) N/2-1 2 T k CN) (x) e JU k X k^-N/2 (61) where T k (N) ( x) 1 (3/N jvx - j T(v + u k ) e^ dv (62) -(3/N If we expand the exponential in the integral as a power series in (jvx), the integral becomes k -(3/N JVX (vx)' dv (63) The leading term is clearly 2(3/N times the average value of T[v + u ] on the interval I v I < (3/N and if we assume that T(u) is continuous, then lim N >°o 2(3 P/N h S — V -(3/N N_ 2(3 J (3/N Tjv + u, ] dv k (64) ■(3/N T(v + u R ) 30 Thus we let (N) 6 N/2 ~ 1 (N) JU k X k=-N/2 which is a Fourier polynomial of N terms with a period L meters, given by L = g- = NX (66) o (3/N where X = 271/(3 is the wavelength of the signal in meters „ The real, constant (N) coefficient T, is the approximation to the average value of T(u) on the kth interval » The superscript N indicates the degree of the approximating poly- nomial o Figure 8a is a graph of a "typical" source distribution which has been partitioned into 10 sections (N = 10) „ In Figure 8b is shown a distri- 1 2B bution of 10 delta functions the kth of which is located at u, = (k + — )— {■; on, k 2 N and has a magnitude T k which is the approximation to the average value of T(u) on the kth interval. The distribution can be given mathematically by the formula N/2-1 T k |u - Uj T (N) (u) = S T W 6lu - u, ( (67) k=-N/2 Except for the constant factor — ^ the Fourier transform of T (U) is the approxi- (N) mating Fourier polynomial t (x) . We see that the approximation of t(x) by (N) t (x) has the effect of quantizing the distribution T(u) into the discrete (N) (N) set of delta functions T (u) „ We also note that the bandwidth of t (x) (N) I i is roughly the same as that of t (x), i a e., T (u) = for I u I > (3 • (N) Equation (66) indicates that t (x) v s period L , and its degree N, are linearly related and in the limit, L \ °o a s N 4-°°= But in such a o ' ^ situation 31 Figure 8a Partitioning of Temperature Distribution Into N Sections (N) T(u) .(N) -P Figure 8b. Delta Function Representation of Temperature Distribution 32 N >«"" k= _^ A , ^ ,,, 277 J ■P where we have let T k = T t( k+ |> Au] > T(u) u fe - (k + i) Au > u (69) and Au = 2(3/N ^ du Thus by formally going to the limit as N approaches infinity the approximating polynomial approaches the actual Fourier transform of the source distribution T(u). Of course, in practice this is impossible since only a finite number of coefficients can be determined . However for a given aperture it is reasonable to believe that by making N (and hence L ) suitably large, the polynomial that results will, to some extent, continue to approximate t(x) for I x I > L and hence increase the effective aperture of the antenna, 4,2 The Least Square Formulation (N) In the usual manner we require, when we approximate t(x) by t (x), that the average of the squared modulus of the error be a minimum: / I t(x) - t 00, v i 2 (x) I dx = min (70) / I t(x) . fi_ *V T «*> e JV ' 2 <* = *» ™ ™ k=-N/2 k 33 Then we require that 8A (N ,= for k = N 2 (72) This yields N normal equations which in matrix form can be written rs S _N _N S _N N 2' 2 2'~"2 + S N , N S N , N -V^~2 -2 +1 ^J fl _N N 2>~2 H 2 ^2 (N) ,(N) 1(N) 5-1 -I L 2 J ,(N) -N 2 (N) 0_N 2~ r (N) !Li 2 (73) S T (N) = T (N) o (74) (N) (N) where S is an N x N square matrix, and T and T are N dimensional column vectors; the matrix element in the kth row and i th column is ki sin (u - u ) L ( \- V L sin (k - f) -2| L (75) 34 (N) The kth element of T is given by L „ 00 TO M , x " JU k X T 0k =2? ■» * (X> e (76) ip VV where T (u ) is the value of the principal solution sampled at u = (k + 1/2) 2 (3/N. 4.3 Critical Value of N = N S) The formula for the T elements is quite similar to that for the o coefficients of an orthogonal Fourier series expansion of the complex func- tion t(x) on the interval -L < x < L. Indeed if the number of terms N of (N) our polynomial t (x) is four times the length of the aperture in wavelengths (N = N = 4L/\), then the matrix elements are given by where sin (k - i) V .. S ki = (k - i) 71 = 6 ki (?7) 6^ = 1 if k = I = if k ^ i is the Kronecker delta » In this case the approximating polynomial is the usual complex Fourier series whose individual functions are orthogonal on the measurement interval -L <. x < L, The matrix S has become an identity matrix I and from Equation (74) one can write See Equation (31). Chapter 2,2. 35 (N ) (N ) ._ M M \ ° =V ° f o rNo =iian dk = -§, . ...f-1 (78) (N ) 7TN p -jux T k ° = -=§> .1 * (x) e -L which of course is ( N ) TIN T o = ~£ T < u > k 2(3 o k (80) where T (u ) is the principal solution sampled at u = u . ok k It is easy to show for this critical case of N = N = 4L/X. that the o spacing between sample points u is that which is specified by the sampling theorem . The elements of the solution vector To are, except for a constant factor, the samples of the principal solution in the visible range. Using the sampling theorem one can write T <») - H ° 2 T (3 it will usually be a very good approximation to T (u), especially for large N . o o 4.4 Case of N Larger than the Critical Value If N, the degree of the approximating polynomial, is now increased beyond N to say 2 N which incidentally also doubles the period L of o o o 36 the polynomial, then the least squares fit to the function t(x) will clearly be improved on the measurement interval and, 'hopefully, we expect it to continue to fit the curve for values of x which lie just outside the inter- Val * (2N Q ) Physically, we can think of the 2N coefficients, T , as estimates of the average value of T(u) on the corresponding intervals of u. Since there are twice as many distinct intervals as before the effective resolution has been doubled. However the solution is not identical to that of the principal solution of an antenna which is twice as large. In the latter case the 2N = 4(2L/\) estimates are obtained by fitting the curve over its entire length of 4L whereas in the former the fitting is done over the original length of 2L, The result is a better fit on this interval but a worse fit on the [ L, 2L ] interval. From the practical viewpoint the increase of N beyond N causes the o coefficient matrix to revert to a general form and as a result the coefficients (N) T must be obtained by matrix inversion. T (N) = S -\ (N) (83) o (N) From Equation (76) we see that when N is increased the elements of T are obtained by merely taking more closely spaced samples of the principal solution T (u) in the visible range. But according to the sampling theorem, o for N > N these samples are no longer completely independent . This lack of o independence is indeed the reason why the coefficient matrix S has reverted to its general form and in the next section it will be shown that as N is increased beyond N ,S becomes more and more ill-conditioned as a result of this o reduction of independence. 37 5. THE PROPERTIES OF THE COEFFICIENT MATRIX FOR N > N o In this chapter it will be shown when N and hence L are increased (N) beyond their critical values that not only do the elements of the T vector lose some of their independence but that the individual functions, JUlrX e , of the approximating polynomial rapidly depart from their mutual orthogonality which occurs for N = N » A measure of the linear dependence 18 of these functions is the Gram determinant or Gramian which quickly re- duces to a very small value when N exceeds N . In this particular case o the Gramian is the determinant of S and it is well known that matrices 19 with very small determinants are usually ill-conditioned . As a result S possesses an inverse, S } whose elements are large in magnitude and (N) of alternating sign. This means that the solution vector T involves the differences of large and usually nearly equal numbers and hence is very sensitive to errors . 5.1 The Gramian as a Measure of Independence of the Approximating Functions In a manner which is similar to that used for measuring the independence 18 of vectors one can calculate the Gramian or Gram determinant associated with the approximating functions ana the interval -L < x < L. We define the Hermitian scalar product ;ju k x -ju 3 e e ^ t . * f ^ 1 f JUkX " JU ^ h = Trr | e e dx sin (u - u ) L —7 ri — (84) (u k - u,) L and interpret it as the cosine of the ."angle" in Hilbert space between the functions e^x) = e JUkX and e i °° = ^^ ° The Gramian T is the determi- nant of the following matrix of such scalar products. r = det < e (x) e (x) > < e (x) e (x) > -N -N -N -N , — — _ —4-1 2 2 2 IT < e (x) e (x) > . -N . -N -N . -N _ 2+ 1 2 2 +1 2 +1 • * ' " ' ' <6 N_ (X) S N (X)> I" 1 2" 1 38 (85) But in this case we see from Equations (75) and (84) that r = det S (86) It will be recalled that for N = N the matrix S is an identity matrix and o T= det I = 1 (87) Consequently the approximating functions are all mutually orthogonal since the cosine of the "angle" between any distinct two of them is zero. Now as N increases beyond N to say 2N = 8L/\, the coefficient matrix o o becomes S = sin 77/2 77/2 sin 77/2 77/2 sin 77/2 77/2 sin 77/2 77/2 sin 377/2 377/2 sin 77/2 77/2 sin 377/2 377/2 (88) 39 20 For L = \/2 it will be truncated to N - 4 rows and columns; for L = \ there will be 8 and so on. It is of interest to note that it is a striped matrix since not only are all the elements of the main diagonal equal but all ele- ments of any off-diagonal are also equal, This is known as a Toeplitz f orrrT " . The gram determinants, as functions of the original measurement inter- vals in wavelengths L/\, are plotted in Figure 9. Note that there is a very rapid falling off as L increases. From the practical viewpoint this means that it will be easier to extrapolate by 100 percent from a small aperture than from a larger one. In Figure 10 the value ot the Gramian T is plotted as a function of the normalized effective aperture A = N/N = L /L with the o o original measurement aperture L/\ as a parameter. It can be seen that the Gramian rapidly falls from 1 at A = 1 (where N = N ) to very small values o as A increases . Again the value of T for a given A> 1 is much smaller for large L than for small . Since the smallness of T is a measure of the lack of independence of the functions e (x) on the interval, we see that any significant extrapolation that is performed with this method must be done with functions which are strongly dependent . 5.2 The Inverse Matrix S Matrices whose determinants are very small usually possess inverses whose elements are extremely large, The coefficient matrix S is no exception and for A» 1, S is very ill-conditioned, i.e., the elements of S are astronomical. For example if L = X and N = 8, A= 2 and the inverse of S is s" 1 . 93. -329. 648 1,205. -2,423 4,947 S is symmetric s 'i - C Jk kj -867. 834 3,296. -3,213, ■6,808. 6,710 9,468. -9,423, 9,468, -574. 265. -66. 2,242. -1,050. 265. -4,732. 2,242. -574. 6,710. -3,213. 834. -6,808. 3,296. -867. 4,947. -2,423. 648. 1,205. -329. (89) 93. 40 .C : bO II c C rH iz; <1> X > 55 aS & II c w ^ a) x< a S 3 lO _1 -p ^ > -H a, p if) < " Cl rH < 3 aS ^ fa S u rt o ■z. fc co in aS el en aJ a! •rH O s UJ ca Q_ Ph .£ < o -P hJ NVIlAlVdO 41 10 u io- 1 - < ' 1 \ io- 2 - T \ fe 10-3- I DETERMINANT 5 O ; M O V L. 1 X"4 u |0- 6 - - 1 \ < 1 1Q - 7 - CD <> 1 > I I0" 8 - • I 1 io- 9 - >" 2 . X 2 io- 10 1 1 1 1 1 NORMALIZED EFFECTIVE APERTURE Kj=A l\lo Figure 10. Value of Gramian T as a Function of the Normalized Effective Aperture A with Actual Aperture in Wavelengths as a Parameter 42 The smallest element (in magnitude ) is 66.00. ,. and the largest is 9,468.5.. This is none too good, but if N is then increased to 12 and L/\ is held fixed at 1, then A = 3 and the smallest and largest (in magnitude) elements of the 5 10 inverse matrix in this case are 4.89 x 10 and 3.39 x 10 respectively. However the size of the elements alone does not necessarily imply that the process is an ill-conditioned one. Of equal importance is the fact that the elements of S alternate in sign as can be seen in Equation (89) . Because of this the solution vector T W) = S"V N) (90) o involves the small differences of very large numbers. To preserve accuracy it will be necessary to specify the elements of both S and of T to a -1 ° large number of decimal places. This can easily be done for S since the elements of S are expressed by the exact formula of Equation (75). In prac- tice one can specify them to say twelve decimal places and then invert S on a high speed digital computer. The process of inversion will involve round at (N) off errors but in most cases the elements of S can be calculated to at least eight or nine decimal digits of accuracy. However the vector T is obtained from measurements of t(x) which can in most cases be performed with a maximum precision and accuracy of only about three or four decimal places . The weak point of the process is therefore the sensitivity of the solu- (N) (N) tion vector T to small errors in the measurement vector T . In the o next section a statistical analysis of the effect of measurement error is presented. 43 6. ERROR ANALYSIS FOR ILL-CONDITIONED MATRICES — (N) Let the data vector T in the matrix equation o be written as S 7 (N) = ? (N) (91) o T (N) - T (N) ♦ 6 T (N) (92) o o o (N) — (N) (N) where T is the exact value of T and 6 T is the unavoidable error o o o due to measurement . Then we can write M N) + 5T (N) ] =T (N) + 6T (I L J ° ° S +6 T Vi ' i + 6 T ^ (93) L where 6 T (N) - S" 1 6 T (N) (94) o (N) is the error in the calculated vector whose true value is T . Here we have assumed that we can obtain an inverse matrix S which is exact. In practice, of course, the process of inverting S will involve round-off errors. However, the elements of S can be specified to an arbitrarily large number of decimal places and if the inversion is done by a large digital * -1 computer with a capacity of 10 or 12 decimal digits, then the error in S -(N) is negligible compared to the error in T which is due to measurement and o which probably is no less than one part in ten thousand or 4 decimal digits accuracy. — (N) The T vector is not itself a measured quantity being obtained from the measured function t(x) by means of Equation (76) of Chapter 4.2. We can write the measured function as t(x) = t(x) + 8 t(x) (95) The University of Illinois Digital Computer, ILLIAC, was used in all numerical work. 44 where 6 t(x) is the unavoidable error in the measurement of the true spec- trum t(x). For simplicity, let us assume that the source distribution T(u) is uniform with T(u) = T , a positive real constant. In this case the measured function is t(x) = 2(3 T S1 ** P X + 8 t(x) (96) A px where 2(3 T — ° is the spatial frequency spectrum of T(u) = T . P x ( N) A The elements of the true T vector can be calculated by means of o the above mentioned equation. They are given (for N even) by > {[i + <* ♦ 1> f] pl] + si{ [i - (k + i) |] pi}] T ok } = V Sl ;|! "* ' "' -' pL ' Sl - • ' ' - '■ • where y Si(y) = \ ^^-^ dx P sin x J X is the sine integral. Now it is reasonable to assume that the error function, 8 t(x), in the measurement of t(x) has statistically independent real and imaginary parts whose means are zero. Thus if t(x) = t (x) + jt (x), E < 6 t GO o t (x)j = (98) | 6 t 1 (x)J = E J 6 t 2 (x)J = (99) We let the autocorrelation function for both 8 t (x) and 6 t (x) be given 1 2i by R g GO = E ( 5 W 6 W] = E { 6t 2 (X l } 6t 2 (X 2^ (1 ° 0) 45 If one makes the usual assumption that the error power spectrum is flat 2 (white noise) with a power per unit bandwidth of N /2 and a bandwidth of M o radians per meter, then the autocorrelation function of 6 t (x) and 6 t (x) is M N 2 o sin If* 6 277 Mx j 2 (101) t sin Mx 2 Mx where x = x - x . In what follows it will be assumed that the error spec- trum is much broader than the signal spectrum, M » (3 . In the appendix it is shown that the expected value of each element of (N) the error vector 6 T is zero, o ' [« C] ■ ° -N N for k =_...-- i (102) (N) (N) and the covariance of the elements 6 T- and 6 T . is f 6 t (n) L 0i 0i 0j U ~ 3) N \ 2 We see that 77L °"t,./M is the variance ol the individual elements of the error With this statistical information we can now derive expressions for the — (N) mean and variance of the error in the solution vector T P" - e s x 8 t^ n) £ o < io,n The average error is zero. To calculate the variance we write E r 6 T (N)T 6 T (N >7 . E I p6 lf\ T S-h T< N) ] (105) E i 6 T (N) r N/2-1 N/2-1 E J S S-J § T ( ^ } 2 S" 1 6 T (N) i=-N/2 ki 0i j=-N/2 k J ° J 46 where the superscript denotes the transpose of the vector, A typical element of the resulting sum is (106) N/2-1 N/2-1 s s i=-N/2 j=-N/2 kl- kj s:l s: 1 E 6 T (I ! ) 6 T (N) of oj where S is the kj element of the inverse matrix S = From Equation (103) we have 6 T (N)' N/2-1 N/2-1 77LO^ sin a_j)M^ s s s. „ s. i=-N/2 j=-N/2 ki kj M U J; N \ (107) But since E ( 6 r} = (N) we can write down the variance of 6 T as k (108) 8t (N) A e 2 kN t (109) This equation shows by how much the error in measurement is amplified to give the error in the calculated data. There is an A, >T for each element (N) ^ of the 6 T vector although only half are distinct due to the symmetry of the matrix . The total variance of the calculated error vector is the sum of the individual variances of its elements. 17 N/2-1 - N/2-1 a 6T (N) " \ "t (111) Geometrically we can think of the positive square root of the variance as the radius of a sphere of uncertainty centered at the tip of the true so- (N) lution vector T Parenthetically, we note from Equation (108) that the coefficients A depend inversely on the bandwidth M of the error power spectrum. This apparent anomaly is due to our defining the variance of the measurement 2 error as 0" which can also be written as M N 2 (T = - (112) t 7T and Equation (108) becomes N/2-1 N/2-1 sin[a-j)%7 ^ 9 r ^= 2 2 S" 1 S" 1 N / L N J (113) 6 T < N) i=-N/2 j=-N/2 W * (i-J)^^ in which it can be seen that the calculated variance is proportional to the 2 power per unit bandwidth N of the measurement error function. However, o Equation (108) is useful in showing how the calculation process acts as a filter which suppresses the high frequency components of the error spectrum. For example, if two measurements of t(x) are made, one of which oscillates 2 rapidly about the correct value with variance 0" and the other oscillates much more slowly about the correct value with the same variance, then the error in the calculated data will be much less for the first measurement Since the A in Equation (109) is not identical the actual shape of the uncertainty volume will be ellipsoidal » 48 than for the second . For a given measurement variance the calculated vari- ance is inversely proportional to the bandwidth of the measurement error power spectrum „ Now it is important to know by how much the effective aperture can be increased (by increasing N) before the radius of the sphere of uncertainty exceeds, far example, one percent of the length of the true solitLon vector. Clearly this depends on the relative magnitudes of the signal and error functions, t(x) and 6t(x)^ as well as the width of 6t(x)'s power spectrum. In Figure 11 is shown a graph of t(x) for the case of a uniform temperature distribution with a shaded area extending 0" units above and below the curve „ This indi- cates the size of the standard deviation which as a fraction of the value of t(x) at x = is / ° t ° '- 7^- (H4) t 2pT A For larger values of I x I it is always greater than this . From Equation (97) (N) we can calculate the value of the elements of the true data vector T and o then T (N > = S' 1 T W) (115) (N) is the value of the correct T vector. Then we let / a o T (N) , , (J = , x (116) 8T (N) I T (N) I -(N) be the normalized standard deviation of the calculated vector T about its true lengthy i.e., 0" i s the radius of the sphere of uncertainty as a 6T (N) fraction of the length of the solution vector T „ As mentioned previously the calculated variance depends on the bandwidth of the measured error power spectrum M which we assumed was much larger than (3° In all numerical calculations it was assumed that M = 10 (3 (117) 49 T3 +-) CD fl £3 cd ■H O ^H ■ H +J -d 01 a p ?h CD o Ih r M 3 ?H -t-> H CO CD U +-> > CD CI Sh a cu 3 S E o 0) fu H Sh CD 3 £ e co +-> fn cd O tt) +-> tH S 3 O fl CD -O ^ -P < cd cd «H CD CO a 0) co Q xj >> T3 +-> CJ U CI cd HH CD -a o 3 c a* cd X3 CD -p Sh CO T3 c*h ■rH Ss ■H £1 OS -P Q) •H X! -P -C cd +-> a >, CO 5 XJ 50 Admittedly this is rather arbitrary and in an actual application the value of M might be considerably dif f erent ■> However, if some estimate of the actual value of M is made^ then one can use Equation (108) to calculate 2 corrected value of the variance 0" , . ° For example, if the estimate of 2 &T Mwas20 (3, then since 0" ,. is inversely proportional to M (Equation 108) 5t ( } the actual variance is one half of that which is calculated for M = 10 (3 . In general, to obtain the actual variance corresponding to a value of M = W(3 one can use the following simple formula 8t (N-) = A° o- 2 w 6t (n) M=W(3 M=10(3 (118) and 8'T (N) M=10P is the variance obtained in all of the following calculations. As a typical example the case of L = X. and N = 8 will be considered in detail. The inverse of the coefficient matrix is given by Equation (89). (8) The variance of the kth element of St is 2 T 3 3 -1 _i sin «"J)f 2 2 S 1 S 1 - Cr 2 k£ kj U-J): (119) But from Equation (114) we substitute for v to obtain 2 277 3 3 -1 1 Sin (i -J } f 2 2 a 2 , x = fJL p L s S s * s" 1 - o- 2 t 2 ,(8) 5 K „ ~ .. , k£ °k.i v ?7 t A 8t *=-4 j=-4 M « (i-j)§ (120) This can be evaluated for the 8 values of k and for k = 1 one obtaii 51 ^(8,= ¥»••«•" >< 2T / '2 2 39,061.0 0" T t A (121) (8) By means of Equation (97) and (115) the value of T can be obtained and the normalized standard deviation of the solution error about its true value is a / 5T (8) 197.8 a /T a - = = 99,8 0" ' (122) 5t (8) - T (8) 1.9862 T A t UW This normalized error line is plotted in Figure 12 along with those of the other 7 elements of the vector. Note that only half are distinct. The graph shows that if the normalized standard deviation of the measurement error 0" is .01 the normalized standard deviation of the calculated error varies from .156 to as much as 1.955. Conversely if one wants, on the average, a certain accuracy in all of the calculated results the measurement accuracy must be about 200 times greater than the calculated accuracy. An error line for the vector T as a whole is also shown in Figure 12. It is the heavy line with a slope of 110.5. It indicates that if one requires that -(8) the normalized radius of the sphere of uncertainty of the calculated T vector be less than one percent then the measured data must have a normalized standard deviation of ( ,01/110.5) 100 = .00903 percent. Thus we see that even for the seemingly modest increase in effective aperture of from one to two wavelengths (A= 2) the method of processing the data is such that a one hundred fold increase in relative error is to be expected. This ratio of calculated error to measurement error is plotted in Figure 13 as a function of the effective aperture /\. with h/k } the original aperture size in wavelengths, as a parameter. It can be seen that not only does 0" /6 increase with increasing A. but it increases as the original 6t / 52 A=2, N=8, L=X, M = IO/3 2.0 - CO — JC \- 2 V s 1 {2 H Z < LJ > 2 1.5 IJ UJ / ^k=-l,0 UJ 1 1 Q »- Z <-> / ' ^ 2 > CO £ / c V 8>=|,0 ' 5a t'---->^ 1.0 — " Q "?" UJ ALIZ ATED k= -2,1— ~>^ / ^ ^^^ 2 _i O o ^^^/^^k =3,2 Z _l < 0.5 o — i- r 1 1 1 .002 .004 .006 .008 .01 .012 NORMALIZED STANDARD DEVIATION IN MEASURED DATA a}' Figure 12. Normalized Standard Deviation in the Elements of the Calculated T^ 8 ) Vector as a Function of the Normalized Standard Deviation in the Measured Data for L = \, N = 8, A=2. 53 1000 500 *200 en o ol 100 LU 50 20 10 i / , / 1 r ■) L _ 1 "2 A-, i / X "4 /L_ 1 /X" 8 i 1 i / / / / / / M = IO/3 i >i 1.5 2 NORMALIZED EFFECTIVE APERTURE 6 = A 10 Figure 13. Ratio of Calculation Error to Measurement Error as a Function of the Normalized Effective Aperture with the Actual Aperture in Wavelengths as a Parameter 54 aperture^ size increases. For example, if 4 is fixed at 2 the value of increases from 1*225 for L/\ = 1/4, to 4,41 for LA = 1/2, and to 110-5 for LA = 1. On the other hand, if one can accept a value of of 100, then the normalized effective aperture will range from aperture size : '*<»>/< incl and to IK o' lo' 6t (N) / * 6=6 for L/\ = 1/8 to about 1,3 for L/\ = 4, It is quite evident that such a process is of negligible practical value since for moderately large antennas (L/\ > 10) the amount of useful increase in effective aperture would be very small . For very small an- tennas (L/X. < 1/8) the process does cause a significant increase in effec- tive aperture and it is only in this area, i.e., very low frequency systems where the apertures are necessarily small in terms of wavelengths, that there might be a use for the process . 55 7. AN EXAMPLE OF THE INCREASED RESOLUTION OF AN ANTENNA AS A RESULT OF THE DATA PROCESSING Although it has been shown that the proposed process is too sensitive to errors in the measured data to be of much practical value, we will (for academic purposes) consider briefly the increased resolution that is obtained in the case of L = X. and A= N/N - 2. As shown in Chapter 6 the normalized o average solution error for this case is roughly one hundred times larger than the normalized average error in the measured data. Consequently, for the results that follow it has been assumed that the measurement accuracy was about one part in ten thousand. This leaves an average error in the calcu- lated data of about one percent. This corresponds to the usual accuracy of the graphical representation of radiation patterns in which form the results will be given. Thus in Figure 14 the dotted curve is the principal solution T (u) for a unit point source on the u = direction. The solid curve is that which (8) results when the elements of the solution vector T, are taken as the esti- mates of the average value of T(u) at intervals u = 2P/8 and a smooth curve is passed through these 8 points . We note that the main lobe of the latter pattern is about one half the width of the principal solution's main lobe. In Figure 15 are plotted the corresponding curves for the case of a point source located at u = P//\/2 . We note that the curve T (u)has a main lobe which is only about one third as wide as that of T (u) but has much larger o side lobes . Comparing the two cases of point sources at u = and u = P/V2 we see that T (u) is translation invariant, i.e., except for a translation to the right of P///2 units its shape is unchanged. T (u) is not transla- (8) tion invariant, however; T (u) for the point source at u = is not just a shifted version of T (u) for the same source at u = P/V~2~- Had the error sensitivity not vitiated the process to begin with this would have been another difficulty in any practical application. Finaly, we consider the case of two point sources of equal strength located at u = -P/4 and u = P/4 respectively. In Figure 16 is shown the principal solution T (u) for the one wavelength aperture together with the (8) ° A = 2 solution T (u). Although the two sources are far from being resolved by the single lobed principal solution, the A = 2 solution has two distinct peaks which show quite closely the locations oi the two sources whose true locations are represented by delta functions. 56 Figure 14. Principal Solution Pattern T (u) and A= 2 Pattern T (u) for a One Wavelength Aperture and a Point Source at u = - T (8) (u)^^ \ \ \ \ V-^^7 !-^A< ; M / / / \ / / / \ / / h A / — ► -$ o / k V2 Figure 15. Principal Solution Pattern T (u) and A= 2 Pattern T (u) for a One Wavelength Aperture and a Point Source at u = pA/2 ( o\ Figure 16. Principal Solution Pattern T (u) and A= 2 Pattern T (u) for a One Wavelength Aperture and Two Equal Point Sources at u = -[3/4 and u = (3/4 Respectively . 57 8. CONCLUSIONS In this report it has been established that although a finite antenna acts as a perfect low pass filter of the spatial frequency spectrum of re- mote sources, it is theoretically possible to deduce the entire frequency spectrum from the output of the antenna. To do this we noted that since the spectrum is a band-limited analytic function, its values for the fre- quencies outside the pass band could be obtained by a process. of analytic continuation of the function from within the band where it could be measured. However., in the presence of measurement error it has been shown that very little meaningful extrapolation is possible, at least with the method described in this report . The general lack of success of this and several 7 8 9 other proposed methods ' would indicate that although the analytic func- tion t(x) on the interval I x I < L contains an infinite amount of infor- mation (if it could be measured exactly), in practice it yields a negligible amount of information about its values outside the interval and it can be adequately described within the interval by N = 4L/\ numbers. This, inci- dentally, is the same number that is required by the Shannon Sampling Theorem but the result is obtained here by a different approach. It has also been shown that the process of expanding a function on a finite interval by an orthogonal Fourier series is not only very convenient (since S = I) but it is the only one of any practical value since the ex- pansion of the non-orthogonal series is accompanied by the extreme error sensitivity described in Chapters 5 and 6 of this report , Finally, we note the similarity between this problem and that of a supergain antenna and assert that although the data processing approach does not necessitate having antennas with relatively large reactive fields, it does have in common with supergain antennas an- extreme sensitivity to errors in the physical parameters of the system. Since these errors cannot be made arbitrarily small, the data processing system is inherently as unstable as the conventional supergain system. 58 REFERENCES 1. Bracewell, R.N., and Roberts, J.A,, "Aerial Smoothing in Radio Astro- nomy", Austral. J. of Phys,, Vol . 7, pp , 615-640, December, 1954. 2. Booker, H.G., and Clemmow, P,C, "The Concept of an Angular Spectrum of Plane Waves and its Relation to that of Polar Diagram and Aperture Distribution", Proc, IEE, Vol . 97, Pt. 3, pp. 11-17, January, 1950. 3. Bracewell, R.N,, "interf erometry and the Spectral Sensitivity Island Diagram", Trans, IRE, PGAP, Vol, AP-9, No. 1, pp. 59-67, January, 1961. 4. Bracewell, R.N,, "Two Dimensional Aerial Smoothing in Radio Astronomy," Austral. J. of Phys,, Vol, 9, pp . 297-314, September, 1956. 5. Paley, R,E.A,C, and Wiener, N«, "Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain", Am. Math. Soc, Colloq . Pub., Vol „ 19, 1934. 6. Wiener, N., "Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series, Wiley, 1949. 7. Ville, J, A., "Sur le Prolongement des Signaux a Spectre Borne," Cables et Transmissions, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp , 44-52, 1956. 8. Wolter, H,, "On Basic Analogies and Principal Differences between Opti- cal and Electronic Information", Progress in Optics, Vol I, pp. 157-209, Emil Wolf, Editor, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1961. 9. Slepian, D., and Pollak, H.O., "Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty, i", Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp, 43-63, January 1961. 10. Landau, H.J., and Pollak, H,0,, "Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty, II", Bell System Technical Journal, Vol, 40, No. 1, pp. 65-85, January, 1961, 11. Lo, Y.T., "On the Theoretical Limitation of a Radio Telescope in De- termining the Sky Temperature Distribution", J. Applied Phys., Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 2052-2054, October, 1961. 12. MacPhie, R.H., "Evaluation of Cross-Correlation Methods in the Utiliza- tion of Antenna Systems", Technical Report No. 49, January, 1961, An- tenna Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 13. Covington, A.E., and Broten, N.W., "An Interferometer for Radio Astro- nomy with a Single Lobed Radiation Pattern", Trans. IRE, PGAP, Vol. AP-5, No, 3, pp, 247-255, July, 1957, 59 14. Shannon, C,E,, Communication in the Presence of Noise , Proc. IRE, Vol, 37, No, 1, pp. 10-21, January 1949 . 15. Courant and Hilbert, "Methods of Mathematical Physics," Vol, 1, p. 62, Interscience, 1953, 16. Hildebrand, F .B ,, "introduction to Numerical Analysis/' p, 439, McGraw- Hill, 1956 = 17. Calderon, A., Spitzer, F„, and Widom, H „ , "inversion of Toeplitz Matrices", Illinois J. of Math,, Vol . 3, p. 490, 1959. 60 APPENDIX (N) STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ERROR VECTOR &T ' The kth element of the data error vector is given by *™ -J I W cos t (k + s>tf x i ] + 6t 2 (x i ) sin t (k + i )5 i x i ] where 6t(x) = 6t (x) + j 5 t 2 (x) (A-2) is a function representing the difference between the measured and the true value of t(x). We assume that E < 6t 1 (x) ' = E < 5 t 2 (x)i = E j 6t 1 (x 1> 5t 2 (X 2 ) = (A-3) The error has zero average and its real and imaginary parts are statistically independent . The autocorrelatic to be the same and are given by independent . The autocorrelation functions of St (x) and 6t (x) are assumed Cr 2 sin Mx B < VV 5t i (x 2>{ ■ E i W 6t 2 =— "Mx" (A " 5) where x = x -x and M » P„ The error spectrum is flat and much broader than the spectrum of t(x) =, Since the autocorrelation function is a function of x, the difference of the two sample points x and x , the measurement error pos- sesses the stationary property. For convenience we have suppressed the constant factor 7rN/(3 which would make Equation (Al) similar to Equation (76) (page 34). 61 (N) AVERAGE VALUE OF 6t ok The average or expected value of the error vector's kth element is cos [ (k + -) — x + E ^t 2 ( Xl )j sin r (k + |)2£ Xi j ^ (A-6) But since the average values of St (x) and 6t (x) are zero (Equation A-3) we have [<\ k - - f, . ' . .. ■ , f - 1 (4-7) (N) The average value of the error vector §T is zero. o CO VARIANCE OF THE ERROR VECTOR We now will determine the covariance of the elements St , and St . ok oi of the error in the data vector ( 6T ok } *«] = E )J ^W C ° S W 6t 2 (x i ) Sin Vl ] dX l ' " I ^ 6 t 1 (x 2 ) cos l^ 2 + 5 t 2 (x 2 ) sin l^ 2 ] dx 2 } 1 2(3 1 23 where k ± - (k + -)-£ and ^ = (i + -)-£ The above can be written as 62 {«*<]•]] B ( 6 w 6 w) E ] 5t_,/ 8t /( = / ;i E ^ 5t,(xJ 6t,(x„)f cos k x cos £ x + E { 5t (x ) 5t (x ) [ cos k x sin I x + E < 5t 1 (x 1 ) 6t l (X 2M Sln k l X l C ° S ^1 X 2 (A-9) { 6t 2 (x l ) 6t 2 (x 2 ) sin k Xj sin I x 2 dx dx 2 Due to the statistical independence of 6t (x) and St (x) the two middle terms of the integrand are zero and by Equations (A-4) and (A-5) we have L L JJ 1 ! 5T ok } 6T oi } \ : | V X > COS k i X ! COS V 2 dX l dX 2 L L JJ- + I I Rr(x) sin k x sin i x dx dx (A-10) After much algebraic manipulation and by noting that Rr(x) = R,(-x), the above pair of double integrals can be reduced to L (N) on) cos [(k r'i )L] + x J 4 W? *™] - l — (577751 — J v- E ) 6t:;/ 6t_/( = L- ~ J R R (x) [sin | x - sin k x] dx sin (k -i,)L W l J o* + L _ — rr I Rc(x) [cos i x + cos k xj dx (A-ll) 63 Then by substituting for Rg(x) from Equation (A-5) we get L „ 2 Mx 1 -i 1 )L / 2 Wh sin i n x - sin kxj dx Mx L 1 1 sin [L] /- L or 2 ,, (k-l\)L ^"^ tcos i x x , cos V ] cos [ (k -i,)L]+l 0" 2 ° L - 2^-i^L - :, ', + L k[ c it (M ^i )L ]- c i[< -C |(M-k 1 )L S +C. j (M+k 1 )L ( ] sin [(k-i )L] O 2 1 -, ". <> (M+i 1 )L j + S. (M-i 1 )LV 2(k -i )L 2M 4- S j (M+k 1 )L | + S < (M-k^ l| ] (A-13) where /cos y is the cosine integral* Now if M » $, then M » i = (i+1/2) 2^/N and M » k = (k+1/2) 2|3/N. The above expression then simplifies to Alt Li rr 2 I ok oi J (k-i)ifi 2 77 2M 2 77L Cr 2 sinl(k _ n ML t N \ . (A-14) M <->^ ANTENNA LABORATORY TECHNICAL REPORTS AND MEMORANDA ISSUED Contract AF33(616)-310 "Synthesis of Aperture Antennas," Tec hn ical Report No. 1 , C.T.A. Johnk, October, 1954 „* "A Synthesis Method for Broad-band Antenna Impedance Matching Networks," Technical Report No, 2, Nicholas Yaru, 1 February 1955,* AD 61049. "The Assymmetrically Excited Spherical Antenna," Technical Report No, 3 , Robert C, Hansen, 30 April 1955.* "Analysis of an Airborne Homing System," Technical Report Ho. 4 , Paul E. Mayes, 1 June 1955 (CONFIDENTIAL). "Coupling of Antenna Elements to a Circular Surface Waveguide," Technical Report No 5, H, E. King and R. H. DuHamel, 30 June 1955.* "Axially Excited Surface Wave Antennas," Technical Report No. 7 , D. E. Royal, 10 October 1955.* "Homing Antennas for the F-86F Aircraft (450-2500 mc)V ' Technical Report No. 8, P: E, Mayes, R, F. Hyneman, and R, C, Becker, 20 February 1957, (CONFIDENTIAL), "Ground Screen Pattern Range," Technical Memorandum No. 1 , Roger R. Trapp, 10 July 1955 o* Contract AF33(616)-3220 "Effective Permeability of Spheroidal Shells," Technical Report No. 9, E. J. Scott and R, H. DuHamel, 16 April 1956, "An Analytical Study of Spaced Loop ADF Antenna Systems," T echnical Report No. 10 , Do Go Berry and J, B. Kreer, 10 May 1956. AD 98615 "A Technique for Controlling the Radiation from Dielectric Rod Waveguides," Technical Report No. 11, J, W. Duncan and R, H. DuHamel, 15 July 1956.* "Directional Characteristics of a U-Shaped Slot Antenna," Technical Report No 12, Richard C Becker, 30 September 1956,** "impedance of Ferrite Loop Antennas," Technical Report No, 13 , V. H. Rumsey and W. L Weeks, 15 October 1956 AD 119780 "Closely Spaced Transverse Slots in Rectangular Waveguide," Technical Report No, 14, Richard F, Hyneman, 20 December 1956. "Distributed Coupling to Surface Wave Antennas >-," Te chnical Report No 15, Ralph Richard Hodges Jr , 5 January 1957 "The Characteristic Impedance of the Fin Antenna of Infinite Length," Tec hn ical Report No 16, Robert L Carrel, 15 January 1957, * "On the Estimation of Ferrite Loop Antenna Impedance," Technical R eport No, 1 7, Walter L Weeks. 10 April 1957 * AD 143989 "A Note Concerning a Mechanical Scanning System for a Flush Mounted Line Source Antenna," Technical Report No_ 18, Walter L Weeks, 20 April 1957, "Broadband Logarithmically Periodic Antenna Structures," Technical Repo rt No., 1 9, R t H, DuHamel and D, E Isbell, 1 May 1957 AD 140734 "Frequency Independent Antennas," Technical Report No, 20, V, H. Rumsey, 25 October 1957 ~~~ "The Equiangular Spiral Antenna," Technical Report No, 21, J. D, Dyson, 15 September 1957. AD 145019 "Experimental Investigation of the Conical Spiral Antenna," Technical Report No, 22, R, L, Carrel, 25 May 1957,** AD 144021 "Coupling between a Parallel Plate Waveguide and a Surface Waveguide," Technical Report No 23, E J, Scott, 10 August 1957, "Launching Efficiency of Wires and Slots for a Dielectric Rod Waveguide," Technic al Report No _ 24, J W Duncan and R, H, DuHamel, August 1957, "The Characteristic Impedance of an Infinite Biconical Antenna of Arbitrary Cross Section," Tec hnical Repoi , t_jJo I _25, Robert L, Carrel, August 1957. "Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas," Technical Report No. 26, R, J, rector, 30 October 1957 "Coupled Waveguide Excitation of Traveling Wave Slot Antennas," Technical Report No__27 i W L Weeks. 1 December 1957 "phase Velocities in Rectangular Waveguide Partially Filled with Dielectric," Technical Report No , 28, W= L Weeks, 20 December 1957 "Measuring the Capacitance per Unit Length of Biconical Structures of Arbitrary Cross Section," T echnical Report No 29, J D Dyson, 10 January 1958. "Non-Planar Logarithmically Periodic Antenna Structure," Technical Rep ort No 30, D E Isbell, 20 February 1958 AD 156203 "Electromagnetic Fields in Rectangular Slots," Technical Report No, 31, N, J, Kuhn and P E, Mast, 10 March 1958 "The Efficiency of Excitation of a Surface Wave on a Dielectric Cylinder, Technical Report No 32 J W Duncan, 25 May 1958 "A Unidirectional Equiangular Spiral Antenna" Technical Report No 33 , J D Dyson 10 July 1958 AD 201138 "Dielectric Coated Spheriodal Radiators," Technical Report No. 34 , W. L. Weeks, 12 September 1958 AD 204547 "A Theoretical Study of the Equiangular Spiral Antenna," Technical Report No 35, P E Mast, 12 September 1958 AD 204548 Contract AF33(616)-6079 "Use of Coupled Waveguides in a Traveling Wave Scanning Antenna," Technical Report No 36, R H MacPhie, 30 April 1959 AD 215558 "On the Solution of a Class of Wiener-Hopf Integral Equations in Finite and Infinite Ranges,," Technical Report No 37 „ Raj Mittra, 15 May 1959, "Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions for Electromagnetic Theory," Techn ic al Report No 38 , W L Weeks, 5 June 1959 "Log Periodic Dipole Arrays," Technical Repo rt No 39 ,, D E Isbell, 1 June 1959, AD 220651 ~~~ "A Study of the Coma-Corrected Zoned Mirror by Diffraction Theory," Technical Report No_ 40. S Dasgupta and Y T Lo„ 17 July 1959 "The Radiation Pattern of a Dipole on a Finite Dielectric Sheet/' Technical Report No 41 „ K G Balmain,, 1 August 1959 "The Finite Range Wiener-Hopf Integral Equation and a Boundary Value Problem in a Waveguide," Te c h nic a 1 Re po r t No 42, Raj Mittra, 1 October 1959, "impedance Properties of Complementary Multiterminal Planar Structures , V Technical Rep ort No 43, G A Deschamps, 11 November 1959 "On the Synthesis of Strip Sources,," Technical Report No 44 , Raj Mittra, 4 December 1959 ""Numerical Analysis of the Eigenvalue Problem of Waves in Cylindrical Waveguides," Technica 1 Report ' No_ 45 _ C H Tang and Y T Lo, 11 March 1960 "New Circularly Polarized Frequency Independent Antennas with Conical Beam or Omnidirectional Patterns," Technical Report No 46, J D Dyson and P E. Mayes, 20 June 1960 AD 241321 "Logarithmically Periodic Resonant-V Arrays," Technical Report No 47, P, E. Mayes and R L Carrel, 15 July 1960 AD 246302 "A Study of Chromatic Aberration of a Coma-Corrected Zoned Mirror, Technical Report No 48 , Y T Lo June 1960 "Evaluation of Cross-Correlation Methods in the Utilization of Antenna Systems," Technical Repor t No 49 . R H MacPhie, 25 January 1961 "Synthesis of Antenna Product Patterns Obtained from a Single Array," Technical Report No 50 R H MacPhie, 25 January 1961 "On the Solution of a Class of Dual Integral Equations/' Technical Report No 51 , R Mittra 1 October 1961 AD 264557 "Analysis and Design of the Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna/' Technical Report No 52 , Robert L Carrel 1 October 1961* AD 264558 "A Study of the Non-Uniform Convergence of the Inverse of a Doubly- Infinite Matrix Associated with a Boundary Value Problem in a Waveguide, ** Technical Report No, 53 s R ; Mittra, 1 October 1961, AD 264556 * Copies available for a three-week loan period, ** Copies no longer available . 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