Municipal Charters Selected List gMgJtf y > u ^. v&tM :, ! "*' ' A; Detroit Public Library 1 OKs'ZSl, Charters and Ordinances of Detroit 1-0 Bylaws and ordinances of the city of Detroit. 1831. And Revised charter, 1827. j^ylaws and ordinances of city of Detroit, revised by recorder. 1836. Ordinance of city of Detroit revised by Common Council. Charter and amendments. 1842. Revised charter and ordinance of city of Detroit. 1848. Revised charter and ordinance of city of Detroit. 1855. Revised charter and ordinance of city of Detroit. 1857. Ordinance and bylaws of city of Detroit. 1859. Charter of city of Detroit amended and acts of legislature relating to city. 1861. Ordinances of city of Detroit. 1864. Charter of city of Detroit as amended and acts of legislature. 1867. Amendments to city charter, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1873. Revised ordinance of city of Detroit. 1871. Charter of city of Detroit as amended and acts of legislature relating to city. 1874. Revised ordinances of city of Detroit. 1878. Charter of city of Detroit and acts of legislature relating to city. 1880. Charter of city of Detroit and acts of legislature relating to boards, commissions, courts. 1883. Revised ordinances. 1884. Charter of city of Detroit and acts of legislature, etc. 1886. Revised ordinances for 1890. Charter of city of Detroit and acts of legislature, etc. 1893. Revised ordinances of city. 1895. Charter of city of Detroit. 1904. Addenda Laws enacted by the Legislatures, 1905 and 1907, and 1907 Special session affecting the municipality of Detroit. State constitution of 1909. (Public acts of the Legislature of Michigan, 1909, Home rule bill, No. 279, p. 497). Charters of Other Cities Cambridge, Mass. Charter. 1891. Cambridge, Mass. Proposed charter. 1911. Denver. Charter and ordinances of Denver, Col. Grand Rapids, Mich. Charter, last revision. 352.744C14 352.744C14a 1898. 352.7881 « 352.0774G7a Los Angeles, Cal. Charter. Charter of the city of Los Angeles as adopted January, 1889, amended Jan- p uary, 1903, amended January, 1905, amended February, 1907, and amended February, 1909. 1909. 352.794L9 Minneapolis. Charter and ordinances, etc. 1887. 352.0776M6a New York city. The Greater New York charter as enacted in 1897 and amended in 1901, as further amended by subsequent acts, down to and includ- ing the year 1906. 1906. 352.0747N4c St. Louis. Charter of city of St. Louis as submitted by Board of Freeholders. 1910. 352.7781C4 References in Books Beard, C. A. American government and politics. 1910. 353 B38a Beard, C. A. Digest of short ballot charters, rev. ed. 1912. 352 B381 Bemis, E. W. Municipal monopolies. 1899. 352 B43 Book of American municipalities. 1910. 352 L47a Bradford, E. F. Commission government in Amer- ican cities. 1911. 352 B72c Bruere, H. New city government. 1912. 352 B83m 2 References in Books Bryce, James American commonwealth, rev. ed. 2 v. 1910. 342.73 B84ad Chicago Municipal library Catalogue. 1908. C1.C434 Chicago Public Library f Check list of books and pamphlets on municipal government in the Public Library of Chicago. 1911. 016.352C43 Civic League of St. Louis Abstract of provisions of the old and new charters of St. Louis with explanatory comment. 1911. 352.7781C4a Coler, B. S. Municipal government. 1900. 352 C6 Deming, H. E. Government of American cities. 1909. 352 D4 Detroit Municipal manual. 1912-13. 352.0774D5d Eaton, D. B. Government of municipalities. 1899. 352 E13 Fairlie, J. A. Essays in municipal administra- tion. 1908. 352 F15b Farmer, S. History of Detroit. Chronological digest of city charters, amend- ments and special laws. 1887. 977.41 F2 Fiske, J. Civil government in the United States. 1904. 353 F4c Garner, J. W. Government in the United States. 1911. 353 G19g Giesecke, Albert A. Questions in municipal civics. 1911. 352 G36q Goodnow, Frank J. City government in the United States. 1904. 352 G62b 3 References in Books Goodnow, Frank J. Goodnow, Frank J. Hamilton, J. J. Hatton, Augustus R., ed. Howe, F. C. James, E. J. King, C. L. Robbins, E. C. Rowe, L. B. Schaffner, M. A. Wilcox, Delos F. Wilcox, Delos F. Wilcox, Delos F. Municipal home rule. 1895. 352 G62 Municipal problems. 1897. 352 G62a Dethronement of the city boss. 1910. 352 H18d Digest of city charters. 1906. 352.C43d The city the hope of democracy. 1906. 352 H85 Charters of the city of Chicago. 3 pts. 352.7731CJ History of the government of Den- ver. 1911. 352 K58h Commission plan of municipal gov- ernment. 1912. 352 R54a Problems of city government. 1908. 352 R89 Municipal home rule charters. 1908. 352.S16m Great cities in America. 1910. 352 W63g Municipal franchises. 2 v. 1911. 352 W63m Study of city government. 1897. 352 W63 References in Periodicals Annulment of charters; Broadway R. R. Nation 42:252. Baltimore under its new charter. Ann. Am. Acad. 27:168-79. Ja. 1906. Chadwick, F. E. The Newport charter. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Proc. 1906:58-66. Charter making in America. Atlan. 103:628-39 My. 1909. 4 References in Periodicals Charter needs of great ities. B. S. Coler. No. Am. 170:850-6. 1900. Charter provisions, etc. N. E. A. 1905:204. Jdharter provisions as related to reorganization of school system. N. E. A. 1905:231-5. Charter situation in Minn. Nat. Conf. City Govt. 1901:119-23. Charter tendencies in recent years. Nat. Conf. of City Govt. 1908: 204-14. Charters as tools, not cure-alls. G. W. Beavers. Survey 27:1606-7. Ja. 20, 1912. Charters of cities. Nation 75:126. 1902. Chicago’s new charter. World today 8:70-3. Ja. 1905. Chicago’s new charter movement. Ann. Am. Acad. 31:639-48 My. 1908. City charters and the short ballot. H. S. Buttenheim. Am. City 7:339-43. O. 1912. Denver: Economic struggle in Colorado. Arena Sept., Oct., Nov., 1905. Des Moines plan of city government. S. B. Allen. Nat. Conf. City Govt. Proceedings 1907. p. 156-165. Digest of Des Moines charter. Chaut. 51:136-8. Je. 1908. Grand Rapids charter. Outlook 81:102-3. S.16, 1905. Home rule charter movements in Missouri. Ann. Am. Acad. 27:155-67. Ja. 1906. How charter is adopted in Des Moines plan of commission govt. Sec. 2, p. 10. How not to draft a charter. S. S. Wise. No. Am. 194:367-74. 1911. Kansas City’s charter campaign. Outlook 79:669-70. Mr. 18, 1905. Maltbie. City made charters. Yale review 13:380-417. 1905. Manila charter. C. C. Plahn. Munic. Affairs 5:800-1. 1901. References in Periodicals Massachusetts charter legislation. J. H. Beale. Nat. Conf. City Govt. 1902:231-45. Model charter of the Nat. Munic. League. H. De F. Baldwin. Munic. Aff. 3:3-17. 1899. i \) Model city charter for Los Angeles. Ind. 73:1326-8. Dec. 5, 1912. Model municipal charter: Berkeley. W. C. Jones. Ind. 71:575. 191 1A T Municipal affairs in San Francisco. J. R. Freud. Nat. Conf. City Govt. 1901:99-104. Municipal charter legislation in Wisconsin. C. E. Monroe. Nat. Conf. City Govt. 1901:152-7. Municipal code of Indianapolis. H. O. Stechan. Forum 37:286. O. 1905. Municipal constitution. Outlook 87:796-8. D.14, 1907. Municipal corporations in the colonies. J. A. Fairlie. Munic. Affairs 2:341-81. 1898. New charter for Boston. Nation 88:131-2. Feb. 11, 1909. New charter for greater New York. Munic. Affairs, 4:447-57. 1900. New York aldermen and the charter. Nation 72:170-1. 1901. New York; amendments to the charter. Harp. W. 45:402-3. 1901. New York: charities chapter of the charter. H. Folks. Am. J. Soc* 7:262-76. New York: Charter. F. J. Goodnow. Pol. Sci. Q. 17:1-23. 1902. New York: Charter revision. Outlook 65:198-201. Nation 71:439. 1900. New York: Charter revision commission report. Munic. Affairs 4:768-72. 1900. New York city charter. Outlook 99:6-7. 1911. 6 References in Periodicals New York city charter. G. L. Rives. No. Am. 173:454-63. 1901. Ohio city charter problems. Outlook 72:101. 1902. jpligarchic city charter. Outlook 98:923-5. 1911. Progress of home rule in cities. E. P. Oberholtzer. Nat. Conf. City Govt. 1904:168-80. Progress of municipal reform. C. R. Woodruff. Munic. Affairs 1 :301- 16. 1897. » Quebec: Municipal charters. F. H. McLean. Ann. Am. Acad. 19:496-7. 1902. Recent charter legislation in Pennsylvania. E. Z. Smith. Nat. Conf. of City Govt. 1901:133-51. Relation of charter forms to municipal improvements. Am. City 6:647-50. Ap. 1912. Revision of the New York charter. J. W. Pryor. Nat. Conf. City Govt. 1901:128. San Francisco: Acquisition of municipal monopolies under new charter. Munic. Affairs, 3:362-4. 1899. San Francisco charter of 1900. K. C. Babcock. Ann. Am. Acad. 19:150-2. 1902. Unifcrm municipal charters. Nation 81:293-4. O. 12, 1905. Wisconsin: Municipal charter legislation. Ann. Am. Acad. 18:352-4. 1901. Woodruff, C. R. American municipal situation. National municipal league. Proceedings. 1909. p. 87-103. f Woodruff, C.R. Charter-making in America. Atlantic 103:628-39. 1909. p Woodruff, C. R. National municipal league’s work for charter reform. Nat. Mun. League, Proc., 1909. * 7 1 3 4 «r 9