PREFATORY REMARKS In the course of the study of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, the first century of which has been rounded out, it became neces- sary to prepare a card index of Latin and English titles of the several editions. The last edition has necessitated the addi- tion thereto of synonyms. No sooner was this completed than it became apparent that a like index of the items of the several editions of the National Formulary was equally desirable. The preparation of this card catalog of names and synonyms of the U. S. P. and N. F. items was undertaken primarily as a preparatory study to that of the different groups of prepara- tions, drugs, and chemicals. As soon as this task had been completed it became apparent that the index would prove valuable even before the individual monographs were pre- pared. Moreover, the usefulness of the index in teaching pharmacy soon attracted attention. With the aid of cards, the pharmacopoeial life history of the individual ical preparation, etc., and of groups could readily be traced. In the case of chemicals, the information thus compiled re- vealed the changes in nomenclature, which in turn the general changes in chemical theories concerning the con- stitution of chemical units. The interrelationshia between U. S. P. and N. F. also found more concrete expression. SiNt was thought, therefore, that teachers of pharmacy, also students and others, might find such a compilation useful. In order tck economize space, the card ^ an was displaced by the tabular page form. In this circular a beginning is made with the letter “A”. The numbers at the top of the columns indicate the date of decennial revision. The date of impression is not used since this is needlessly confusing without affording any particular advantage. Hence the year of the Convention for the Revision of the U. S. P. is given. In the case of the 1830 conventions, the number with the asterisk indicates the Pharmacopoeia published by the New York Convention, the other that of the Philadelphia Convention. The capitals in the columns stand for Latin title (L), Eng- lish title (E), synonym (S), and official abbreviation (A). The principal order of the primes is the alphabetical order of the Latin titles of the latest edition in which the particular title (not necessarily item) is official. Thus, e. g. Ace turn distilla- tum was replaced by Acidnm aceticum dilutum in 1880. The Latin titles are followed by the English titles and synonyms, these in turn by the official abbreviation introduced into the last edition of the U. S. P. Changes in the official Latin titles, also interchanges be- tween the U. S. P. and N. F., are recorded in the footnotes. Having adopted the convention year as a means of identifying the pharmacopoeial revision, it seemed best to indicate th* National Formulary in like manner, since the N. F. is above all intended as a supplement to the Pharmacopoeia. Its re- vision has practically been contemporaneous with that of the Pharmacopoeia, though the dates of publication of the two works are not necessarily the same. The Director. 5 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Absinthium L L L L L LE LE 1 W ormwood E E E E S S E L E Abstractum Belladonna e L A hat.rn.rf. of'n/i. E Abstract f!nnii L A nf Gnnium E Abstractum Digitalis. L A hafrart, nf Digitalis E Abstractum Hyoscyami L Abstract of Hyoscyamus E Abstractum Tgnatiae L Abstract of Iqnatia E Abstractum Jalapae L A bst.ra.ct nf J a, lap E Abstractum Nucis Vomicae L Abstract of A r ux Vomica E Abstractum Podophylli L A hafrart. nf Podophyllum. E Abstractum Senegae L Abstract of Senega E • • .i Abstractum Valerianae L . Abstract of Valerian E ... Acacia L |L JE L L LE LE LE LE Gum Arabic is IL 4 E E E E E E S S Acaciae Gummi L L Acacia Gum Acac A Achillea L L A iV arrow E E ... Acetanilidum L L L Acetanilide r E S Acetanilid E E Antifebrih. S Phenylacemmide S Acetanil. A Acetonum L L Acetone ... . E E Dimethyl-ketone S Aceton A Acetphenetidinum L L Acetphenetidin E E Phenacetin S Acetphen A Acetum L L L L L L L Vinegar E E E E E E E Acetum Colchici L L L L L Vinegar of Colchicum E E E Vinegar of Meadow Saffron E E Acetum Distillatum L L L L L L 2 2 2 2 Distilled Vinegar E E E E E E Acetum Lobeliae L L L 3 3 Vinegar of Lobelia E E E x See Absinthium N. F. IV. 2 Replaced by Acidum Aceticum Dilutum. *See Acetum Lobeliae N. F. II and N. F. III. J 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Acetum Opii L L L L L L L L L L 4 Vinegar of Opium E E E E E E E E E E Black Drop S S S S S s S Impure A cetate of Morphine s Acetum Sanguinariae L L L 5 5 Vinegar of Sanguinaria E Vinegar of Blood Root E E Acetum Scillae L L L L L L L L L L L Vinegar of Squill E E E E E E E E E E E Acet Scill A Acidum Aceticum L L L I, L L L L L Acetic Acid E E E E E E E E E Acidum Aceticum Forte L Strong Acetic Acid E Acid. Acet A Acidum Aceticum Dilutum 6 L L L L L L L L L L Diluted Acetic Acid E E E E E E E E E E Acid. Acet. Dil A Acidum Aceticum Empyrheu- maticum L L \ Pyroligneous Acid E Acidum Aceticum Glaciale L L L L Glacial Acetic Acid E E E E Acid. Acet. Glac A Aciduia Benzoicum L L L L L L L L L L L Benzoic} Acid E E E E E E E E E E E Acid. Benz. A Acidum Bpricum L L L L Boric Acid . E E E E Boracic Acid S s S Acid. Bor. . A Acidum Camphoricum L Camphori c Add . . E Acidum Carbolicum Crudum L L L Crude Carbolic Acid E E VLf . . . ... M Acidum Carbonicum. . -0^ Carbonic Acid E L E ... Acidum Citricum L % L L L L L i L L L Citric Acid E E •E; E E E E £ E E E Acid. Cit A Acidum Gallicum L L L L L L L Gallic Acid E E E E E E E Acid. Gallic A Acidum Hydriodicum Dilutum. . . L L L Diluted Hydriodic Acid E E E Add. Hydriod. Dil A Acidum Hydrobromicum Dilutum L L L L Diluted Hydrobromic Acid E E E E Acid. Hydrobrom. Dil A Acidum Hydro chloricum L L L L Hydrocl hric Acid E E E E Muriatic Acid E E E E E E E s Acidum Muriaticum L L L L L L L Acid Hydrochl A Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum I, L L L Diluted Hydrochloric Acid E E E E Diluted Muriatic Add E E E E s Acidum Muriaticum Dilutum .... L L L L Acid. Hydrochl. Dil A 4 See Acetum Opii N. F. IV. B See Acetum Sanguinariae N. F. II and N. F. III. ®See Acetum Distillatum. 7 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Acidum Hydro cyanicum Dilutum Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid L L L L L L L E E E E E E E Diluted Prussic Acid S Prussic A cid E S E S g s Acidum Hydrocyanicum L L Acidum Prussicum L S L Hydrocyanic Acid E S E • Cyanohydric Acid S Acid. Hydrocyan Dil A Acidum Hypophosphorosum L L Hypophosphorous Acid E E Acid. Hypophos A Acidum Hypophosphorosum Dilutum 7 L L L Diluted Hypophosphorous Acid . . E E E Acid. Hypophos. Dil A Acidum Lacticum L L L L L L Lactic Acid E E E E E E Acid. Lact A Acidum Nitricum L L L L L L L L L L L A Nitric Acid E E E E E E E E E E • ■ i M Aqua Fortis S Acid Nitric A rA Acidum Nitricum Dilutum L L L L L L L Diluted Nitric Acid E E E E E : E Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum. . . L L E L Nitrohydrochloric Acid E E Nitromuriatic Acid E E E E s S Acidum Nitromuriaticum L L L L A Acid Nitrohydrochl : A ^icidurn Nitrohydrochloricum \ Dilutum i L L L Diluted Nitrohydrochloric Acid. . . E E E E Diluted'fNitromuriatic Acid E E S S Acidum Nitromuriaticum Dilutum L L Acid. Nitrohydrochl. Dil A Acidum Oleicum ... L L L L Oleic Acid . . . .\ > E E E E Acid. Oleic ft ..... . A Acidum Oxalicum L Oxalic Acid E Acidum Phenylcinchoninicum . . . . L Phenylcinchonininic A cid E Phenyl-quinoline-carhoxylic-acid . . S Acid. Phenylcinch. A Acidum Phosphoricum L L L L Phosphoric Acid E E E E Acid. Phos A Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum . . L L L L L L Diluted Phosphoric Acid E E E E E E Acid. Phos. Dil A Acidum Phosphoricum Glaciale . . L L Glacial Phosphoric Acid E E Acidum Salicylicum L L L L Salicylic Acid E E E E T See Acidum Hypophosphorosum Dilutum N. F. I & N. F. II. 8 20 30 30 : 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Acid. Salicyl Acidum Stearicum Stearic Acid Acid. St ear Acidum Sulphuricum Sulphuric Acid Oil of Vitriol Acid. Sulphuric Acidum Sulphuricum Aromaticum Aromatic Sulphuric Acid Elixir of Vitriol Elixir Vitrioli Acid. Sulph. Arom Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum . Diluted Sulphuric Acid Acid. Sulph. Dil Acidum Sulphurosum Sulphurous Acid Acidum Tannicum Tannic Acid ' GaUptannic Acid Tannin Digallfc Acid Acid. Turin Acidum Tartaricum Tartaric yfcid ; Acid. Tart. Acidum Trfchloraceticum Trichloracetic. Acid Acid. Trichtomcet Acidum Valerianicum Valerianic A dpt Aconitina Aconitine. . . Aconitia. . . LrtpLjftf Aconitin Aconitum Aconite f. . . . Aconite Root Monkshood Aconite Tuber P. I. Aconiti Radix Aconit Aconiti Folia Aconite Leaves Aconiti Folium Aconite Leaf Aconitum Aconite Adeps Lard Hog's Lard Adeps Benzoinatus. Benzoinated Lard . . Adeps Benz E LE LE LE ,E E L L E E 8 See Tinctura Acidi Sulphuric!. 00 $ 9 20 Unguentum Benzoini Ointment of Benzoin Adeps Lanae Wool-Fat Anhydrous Lanolin Adeps Lan Adeps Lanae Hydrosus Hydrous Wool-Fat Lanolin Adeps Lan. Hyd Aether Ether A ether Sulphuricus Sulphuric Ether Aether Ether Aether Fortior Stronger Ether Aether Aceticus Acetic Ether Acetate of Ethyl Aether Sulphuricus Rectificatus. Rectified Sulphuric Ether Aethylis Carbamas Ethyl Carbamate Aethyl. Carbarn Aethylis Chloridum Ethyl Chloride Aethyl. Chlor Aethylmorphinae Hydro chloridum Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride . . Ethylmorphine Chloride . ethylmorph. Hydrochl Ajgar Agar-Ag^r Alcohol . Alcohol Amylicum Amylic Alcohol Fusel Oil. . v . Alcohol Dehydratum Dehydrated Alcohol. Alcohol Absolutum Absolute Alcohol Alcohol Dehyd Alcohol Deodoratum Deodorized Alcohol Alcohol Dilutum Diluted Alcohol Alcohol Dil Alcohol Fortius Stronger Alcohol Aletris Star-Grass Aletris Radix ELE] 30 30 LEL 40 50 60 ELEL EL L E S 70 80 EL L E S . . . EL 90 00 10 ELEL L E A L E A L E S A L E EL 9 See Aether Aceticus N. F. IV. 10 See Amyl Alcohol-Reagents U. S. P. u See Absolute Alcohol — Reagents U. S. P. 12 See Aletris, N. F. IV. 10 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Allium L L L L L L L L Garlic E E E E E E E E 13 Allii Radix L Garlick E Aloe L L L L 14 L L L A loes E E E E E E E Aloe Barbadensis S I, L L Barbadoes Aloes S E E E Aloe Socotrina s L L L Socotrine Aloes . s E E E Aloe Capensis L L Gape Aloes E E Aloe Purificata L I, L L L Purified Aloes E E E E E Aloes Hepaticae Extractum L L Extract of Hepatica or Barbadoes A loes E E 15 15 15 Aloes Spicatae Extractum L 15 15 15 Extract of Socotorine Aloes E 15 15 15 iAloinum L L L Alpin E E E A lorn. A A Ithaea L L L LE LE LE LE Marshmallow . E E E S S Althaeae Flores L Marshniallo w Flowers E Althaeae Folia et Radix L 16 The Leavesabnd Root of the Marshmallow E Althaeae Radix L s Marshmallow Root E Alumen ! L L L L L L L L L L L A Alum .1 E E E E E E E E E E E Alum ‘a A Alumen Exsiccatum Exsiccated Alum Wi . 1, L L L L L L L Lj »v E L E Dried A him v . . . w E 1 Nfi E E E E E F i E s S Alumen Ustum. . ‘.W. S Burnt Alum s s Alum. Exsic A Aluminae et Ammoniae Sulphas Sulphate of Alumina and Am- monium L 17 E Aluminii et Potassii Sulphas 18 L E Sulphate of Aluminum and Potas- sium Potassa Alum S Alumini Hydroxidum L L Aluminum Hydroxide s E E Alumini Hydras L Aluminii Hydras , L Aluminum Hydrate E Hydrated Alumina S S Hydrate of Aluminum E Alum Hydrox A I3 See Allium N. F. IV. 14 See Aloes Socrotrina. 15 See Extractum Aloe. 16 See Altheae Folia N. F. IV. 17 See Alumen. ls See Alumen. 11 20 30 30* 1 40 50 60 70 80 Alumini Sulphas Aluminii Sulphas L Aluminum Sulphate E Aluminae Sulphas L Sulphate of Aluminum E Ammoniacum L L L L L L L L Ammoniac E E E E E E E Gum Ammoniac E Ammoniae et Ferri Murias L Muriate of Ammonia and Iron . . . Ammoniae Hydro sulphur etum . . E L L E E Ammonii Benzoas L L Ammonium Benzoate A mm.on Benz. Benzoate of Ammonium E E Ammonii Bromidum. ... . L L Ammonium Bromide Bromide of Ammonium. . . E E Ammon. Brom Ammonii Carbonas L L Ammonium Carbonate Carbonate of Ammonium E E E E E Ammoniae Carbonas L L L L L L Carbonate of Ammonia E E E Ammon. Carb Ammonii Chloridum L L Ammonium Chloride Chloride of Ammonium E E A mmoniae Murias L L L L L L TjLuriate of Ammonia E E E E E E S ::i Chlorhydrate of Ammonia S S A Sal Ammoniac S S S i Sal Ammnniacus S Ammon. CtUor Ammonii Ctilo^idum Purificatum . L Purified Chloride of Ammonium . . E Ammonii Iodidum ... L L Ammonium Iodide Iodide of Ammonium E E Ammon. Iod Ammonii Nitras L L Ammonium Nitrate Nitrate of Ammonium E E Ammonii Phosphas L Phosphate of Ammonium E Ammonii Salicylas Ammonium Salicylate Ammon. Salicyl Ammonii Sulphas L L Sulphate of Ammonium E E E Ammoniae Sulphas L Ammonii Valeras Ammonium Valerate Ammonii Valerianas L L 18 See Aluminii Sulphas N. F. IV. “See Ammonium Sulphide T. S. U. S. P. n See Ammonium Nitrate T. S. U. S. P. “See Ammonii Phosphas N. F. IV. “See Ammonium Sulphate, Reagents U. S. P. 10 L E A 23 23 12 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Ammonium Valerianate E S Valerianate of Ammonium E E E Ammoniae Valerianas L Ammon. Valer A Amygdala Amara L L L L L L L L Bitter Almond E E E E E E E E Amygdala L L Almonds E E Amygdala Dulcis L L L L L L L L L Sweet Almonds E E E E E E E E E Amygdala L L Almonds E E Amylis Nitris L L Amyl Nitrite E E E Amyl Nitris L L Nitrite of Amyl E Amyl. Nitris A Amylum L L L L L L L L Starch E E E E E E E E Corn Starch S s Amyl. A Amylum Io datum L Iodized Starch E Anchusae Tinctoriae Radix . . L Alkanet Root E Angelica LE LE LE LE LE LE Angustuira LE L L L LE LE Angustura Bark E E E Anisum. . L L L L L L L L L L Anise .... %flk E E E E E E E E E E Aniseed . . . '1 S A Anis.. A Anthemidis Cotulae Flores L Mayweed E ■ • a . . . Anthemis L L L L L L LE LE LE Chamomile E E E E E SJ S Camomile E M Anthemidis Flores k L Chamomile Flowers >'E Antimonii et Potassii Tartras . . . L L L L L Antimony and Potassium Tartrate Tartar Emetic E E E S S S S S S S s S Tartarated Antimony S 8 Antimonyl Potassium Tartrate S Tartrate of Antimony and Potassi Antimonii et Potassae Tartras um E E i „ I, L I, L Tartrate of Antimony and Potassa Antimonium Tartarizatum . E E E E E L S s Tartarum Emeticum Tartarized Antimony E s s S Emetic Tartar . Antim. et Pot. Tart A Antimonii Murias I, Muriate of Antimony E 1 20 30 30* : 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Antimonii Oxidum L L L L L 24 Antimony Oxide E Antimony Trioxide S Oxide of Antimony E E E E Crocus of Antimony S Antomonii Oxidum Vitrificatum . L Vitrified Oxide of Antimony E Glass Antimony S Antimonii Oxidum Vitrificatum c. Cera L Vitrified Oxide of Antimony with W ox E Cerated Glass of Antimony S Antimonii Oxysulphuretum L L Oxy sulphuret of Antimony • E E Kermes Mineral S Antimonii Sulphidum L L Antimony Sulphide . . E Antimony Trisulphide . . S Sulphide of Antimony E Antimonii Sulphur etum L L L L I, L L Sulphuret of Antimony E E E E E E E . Antimonii Sulphidum Purificatum Purified Antimony Sulphide L L 25 A ’ E Purified Antimony Trisulphide . . S Purified Sulphide of Antimony . . . E Antimonii Sulphuretum Praecinitatum L L L L L Precipitated Sulphuret of Antimony yj "sulphur Auratum Antimonii E E E E E S . .4 Wjolden Sulphur of Antimony S s S ■ 1 Antimonii Sulphuretum Pre- H paratum. L L L 1 PrepareeLjSulphuret of Antimony . Antimonium E E E . . . 1 L Antimony . '.V, E Antimonium Sulphuratum L L L L 26 26 Sulphurated Antimony E E E E K p rm ps Min fir n l , S S Antipyrina L l’ Antipyrine E E Phenazone S Antipyr A Apocynii Androsaemifolium . L L L L L Apocynii Androsaemifolii Radix . L Dog's Bane E E E E E E . . . I Apocynum L LE LE S LE 27 Canadian Hemp S Apocynum Cannobinum L L L L L Indian Hemp E E E E E Dog's Bane E Apomorphinae Hydrochloridum . . L L Apomorphine Hydrochloride I E E S Apomorphine Chloride 1 Apomorphinae Hydrochloras | • • -1 L L 24 See Antimonii Oxidum N. F. TV. 25 See Antimonii Sulphidum Purificatum N. F. IV. 28 See Antimonium Sulphuratum N. F. Ill & N. F. IV. ^See Apocynum N. F. IV. 14 20 30 30 * 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Apomorphine Hydrochlorate ... . Hydrochlorate of Apomorphine . Apomorph. Hydrochl Aqua Water Aqua Acidi Carbolici Carbolic Acid Water Aqua Acidi Carbonici Carbonic Acid Water Seltzer Water Aqua Ammoniae Ammonia Water Water of Ammonia Solution of Ammonia Aq. Ammon Aqua Ammoniae Carbonatis . . . Water of Ammonium Carbonate Aqua Ammoniae Fortior Stronger Ammonia Water Stronger Water of Ammonia. . . . Ammon. Fort Aqua Amygdalae Amarae Bitter Almond Water Aq. JLmygd. Amar Aqua Anisi Anise Wjater Aq. Anisi Aqua Aurantii Corticis Water of Orange Peel Aqua Aurantii Florum Orange FlowenWater Aq. Aurant. Flor Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior . . Stronger Orange Flower Water . . Triple Orange Flower Water. Aqua Aurantii Florum^. ... A. . Orange Flower Water Aq. Aurant. Flor. Fort Aqua Calcis Lime Water Aqua Camphorae Camphor Water Aq. Camph Aqua Chlori Chlorine Water Aqua Chlorini Aqua Chloroformi Chloroform Water Aq. Chi or of Aqua Cinnamomi Cinnamon Water Aq. Cinnam Aqua Creosoti Creosote Water Aq. Creosot E E L L E E E ... i 28 See Aqua Phenolis N. F. IV. “See Liquor Ammoniae. 3() See Liquor Ammoniae Carbonatis. sl See Liquor Ammoniae Fortior . 32 See Liquor Calcis. 33 Replaced by Liquor Chlori Compositus. s4 See Chlorine T. S. U. S. P. S8 See Aqua Chloroformi N. F. I. 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Aqua Distillata L L L L L L L L L L L Distilled Water E E E E E E E E E E E Aq. Dist A Aqua Distillata Sterilizata L Sterilized Distilled Water E Aq. Dist. Steril A Aqua Foeniculi L L L L L L L L Fennel Water E E E E E E E E Aq. Foenic A Aqua Hamamelidis 36 36 L L Hamamelis Water E E Witch Hazel Water S Distilled, Extract of Witch Hazel. . S Aq. Hamam A Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxidi L L Solution of Hydrogen Dioxide. . . . E E Solution of H ydrogen Peroxide . . . S Aqua Magnesiae Supercarbonata Supercarbonate of Magnesia Water Aqua Magnesiae L E L Magnesia Water E Liquid Magnesia S S Aqua Menthae Piperitae L L L L L L L L L L X Peppermint Water E E E E E E E E E E i m Aq. Menth. Pip Aqua Menthae Viridis L L L L L L L L L A, L Spearmint Water E E E E E E E E E E Aq. Menth. Vir A Aqua Potassae L A Solution of Potass E 'Aqua Rosae • i fi, L L ihose Water 1 E E E Aqua Rosarum Aq. Ros. . . A Aqua Rosae Fortior L L L Stronger nM^e Water E E E Triple RoseWater L L E L S Aqua Rosae . L L L L L Rose Water E E E E E E E Aqua Rosarum L L Aq. Ros. Fort A Aqua Sodae Super-Carbonata. . . . L Supercarbonated Soda Water E Aqua Sodae L Soda Water E Aquae Aromaticae L Aromatic Waters E Aquae L Waters E Medicated Waters S Aralia Nudicaulis L L L L L L Araliae Nudicaulis Radix L False Sarsaparilla E E E E E E Root of False Sarsaparilla E i *«See Aqua Hamamellis N. F. I & N. F. II. * 7 See Liquor Hydrogenii Dioxidi. 16 ' 20 30 * o CO 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 Aralia Spinosa L L L L L L Angelica Tree Bark E E E Aralia E Aralia Spinosa Cortex L Bark of the Angelica Tree E Aralia Bark E Angelica Tree E Argentum L L L L L L L Silver E E E E E E E Argenti Cyanidum L L L L L Silver Cyanide E E Cyanide of Silver E E E A rgenti Cyanuretum, L L Cyanuret of Silver E E Argenti Todidum L L Silver Iodide E Iodide of Silver E Argenti Nitras L L L L L L L L L L L Silver Nitrate E E E Nitrate of Silver E E E E E E E E Lunar Caustic S s Ara. Nit A Argenti Nitras Fusus L L L L L Moulded Silver Nitrate E E E Lunwf Caustic S s Moulded Nitrate of Silver E S Argenti Nitras Fusa L L L Fused Nitrate of Silver E E E Arg. Nil.%Fus A Argenti Nitras Mitigatis L Mitigated Silver Nitrate E Argenti Nitrats Dilutus L L L Diluted Silver Nitrate E E Mitigated Caustic S s Diluted Nitrate of Silver E Argenti Oxidum L L L L "L L L Silver Oxide E E E Oxide of Silver E E E jfe Arg. Oxid A Armoracia L L L L Horse-radish E E E E Armor aciae Radix L Horse-radish Root E Arnica L L L L LE L LE LE Arnicae Flores L L Arnica Flowers E E E s Leopard's Bane E E E E E Arnica Montana L Arnic A Arnicae Radix L L Arnica Root E E Arum L L L L L Indian Turnip S s S E Dragon-root E E s' E E Ari Triphylli Radix L 17 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 E Arseni Todidiim L L L E E E S L E E E E L L L A Arseni Trioxidum L L S E E E S S S S S S S S s L 4 ridum. A rseniosum L L L L L L L L E E E E E E E E S Arsen. Triox A Arsenir.nm L L L E E E Asafnetida L L L L A safetida E E E E Gum Asafetida SJ A ssaf oetida L L E L L L L Assafetida E E E E E E Assafoetidae Gummi Resina L Asafoet ... A Asarum L L L L L L 38_ Wild Ginger S s' S S E E Canada Snake-root E E E E E A Asari Canadensis Radix L Asclepias L LE ... LE 39 Pluerisy Root S S A sctepias Tuber osa L L L L L Butterfly-meed E E e E E f/ E Asclepiadis jjTuberosae Radix V Asclepias Incarnata L L L L L Flesh Coloured msclepias E E- ! L . . . E E E Asclepias Syriaca L L L L Common Silk-weed • 1 E E E E E Asclepiadis Syriacae Radix L Silkweed E Aspidium LE LE LE LE Male Fern E E S S S Filix Mas L L Aspidosperma LE LE Quebracho S s Aspidosp A Atropina L L L L Atropine E E E E Atropia LE LE Atrop A Atropinae Sulphas L L L L Atropine Sulphate E E E Sulphate of Atropine E ^See Asarum N. F. IV. “See Asclepias N. F. IV. 18 3 0112 105352097 ' v '• 20 30 30* 40 50 60 70 80 9C 00 10 Atropiae Sulphas L L Sulphate of Atropia E E Atrop. Sulph A Aurantii Amari Cortex L L L L L L Bitter Orange Peel E E E E E E Auranti Cortex L L L L Orange Peel E E E Bitter or Seville Orange Peel S E Aurant. Amar. Cort A Aurantii Dulcis Cortex L L L L L L Sweet Orange Peel E E E E E E Auranti Cortex L L L Orange Peel E E E Aurant. Cort. Dulc A Aurantii Flores L L L Orange Flowers E E E Aurum L L Gold E E 40 Auri et Sodii Chloridum I, L L L Gold and Sodium Chloride E E E Chloride of Gold and Sodium S E Jiurium Murias L L wLuriate of Gold E E Aur. et Sod. Chlor A Avenae Farina L L L L L L L Oatmeal E E E E E E E Azedarach LE LE E LE LE LE LE LE Azedaretch Radicis Cortex L Pride of India S *°See Gold, Reagents U. S. P. !l:l