US Army Corps of Engineers® Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory On-Site Method for Measuring Nitroaromatic and Nitramine Explosives in Soil and Groundwater Using GC-NPD Feasibility Study Alan D. Hewitt and Thomas F. Jenkins August 1999 Abstract: An on-site method has been developed for estimating concentrations of TNT, RDX, 2,4-DNT, and the two most commonly encountered environmental transformation products of TNT, 2-amino-4,6- dinitrotoluene and 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene, in soil and groundwater using gas chromatography and the nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD). Soil samples (20 g) are extracted by shaking with 20 ml of acetone, and extracts are filtered through a Mlllex SR (0.5-pm) filter. Groundwater samples (1 L) were passed through SDB-RPS extraction disks that were subsequently ex¬ tracted with 5 ml of acetone. A 1 -|irL volume of a soil or water extract is manually injected into a field-transport¬ able gas chromatograph equipped with a NPD and a heated injection port. Separations are conducted on a Restek Crossbond 100% dimethyl polysiloxane column, 6 m X 0.53-mm i.d., 1.5 mm, using nitrogen carrier gas at 9.5 mlVmin. Retention times range from 3.0 min. for 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) to 5.6 min. for 2-amino-4,6- dinitrotoluene. Method detection limits were less than 0.16 mg/kg for soil and less than 1.0 |Lig/L for groundwater. One of the major advantages of this method, over cur¬ rently available colorimetric and enzyme immunoassay on-site methods, is the ability to quantify individual target analytes that often coexist in soils and groundwater con¬ taminated with explosive residues. This method will be particularly useful at military antitank firing ranges where it is necessary to quantify residual concentrations of RDX in the presence of high concentrations of HMX, and when the transformation products of TNT need to be identified. How to get copies of CRREL technical publications: Department of Defense personnel and contractors may order reports through the Defense Technical Information Center: DTIC-BR SUITE 0944 8725 JOHN J KINGMAN RD FT BELVOIRVA 22060-6218 Telephone 1 800 225 3842 E-mail WWW All others may order reports through the National Technical Information Service: NTIS 5285 PORT ROYAL RD SPRINGFIELD VA 22161 Telephone 1 800 553 6847 or 1 703 605 6000 1 703 487 4639 (TDD for the hearing-impaired) E-mail WWW http://w\ A complete list of all CRREL technical publications is available from: USACRREL (CEERD-IM-HL) 72 LYME RD HANOVER NH 03755-1290 Telephone 1 603 646 4338 E-mail For information on all aspects of the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, visit our jA^Lsite: http://\ -- — - WMRC L IB RARY » V . ■nnni*9 •I ^.fi}v»* ?!»' tr Hifit M iLVii fl . ' J Special Report 99-9 US Army Corps of Engineers® Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory On-Site Method for Measuring Nitroaromatic and Nitramine Explosives in Soil and Groundwater Using GC-NPD Feasibility Study Alan D. Hewitt and Thomas F. Jenkins August 1999 Prepared for OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS and U.S. ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER SFIM-AEC-ET-CR-99044 Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited. !9M^ - bnfi'i I PREFACE This report was prepared by Alan D. Hewitt, Research Physical Scientist, and Dr. Thomas F. Jenkins, Research Chemist, Geological Sciences Division, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. Funding for this work was provided by the U.S. Army Environmental Center, Martin H. Stutz, Project Monitor, and from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers In¬ stallation Restoration Program, Work Unit AF25-CT-006, Dr. M. John Cullinane, Program Manager. The authors thank Dr. C.L. Grant and Dr. PH. Miyares for tech¬ nical review of the text. This publication reflects the view of the author and does not suggest or reflect policy, practices, programs, or doctrine of the U.S. Army or of the Government of the United States. I ft 11 CONTENTS Preface. ii Introduction. 1 Deficiencies with current methods and objectives of this study. 2 Experimental methods. 3 Calibration standards. 3 Instrumentation and separations. 3 RP-HPLC analyses. 4 Sample preparation—soil. 4 Sample preparation—water. 4 Miscellaneous variables. 5 Results and discussion. 5 GC separations. 5 Response factors. 7 MDL tests. 8 Comparison of results for GC-NPD vs. RP-HPLC for field-contaminated soils. 10 Miscellaneous variables. 11 Summary. 12 Literature cited. 12 Abstract. 13 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Chromatogram of 2.4-DNT, TNT, RDX, 4ADNT, 2ADNT, and HMX by GC-NPD analysis. 6 2. Chromatogram of 2,4-DNT, TNT, RDX, 4ADNT, and 2ADNT by GC-ECD analysis. 6 3. Calibration curve obtained for RDX by GC-NPD analysis. 8 4. Calibration curve obtained for RDX by GC-ECD analysis. 9 5. Comparison of target analyte concentrations established by HPLC and GC-NPD analysis of field samples. 11 TABLES Table 1. Concentration ranges for the working standards of TNT, 2,4-DNT, RDX, 2ADNT, and 4ADNT prepared for the evaluation of the nitrogen-phosphorus (NP) and electron capture (EC) detectors. 4 2. Response factors for the GC-NPD, based on the average of triplicate measurements of both peak area and height. 7 3. Response factors for GC-EC detector, based on the average of duplicate measurements. 7 4. Response factors for RP-HPLC analysis, based on duplicate measurements 8 i-,> *1 *. ;■ < li*. ’tlf > • ‘t « •lf®» V •.♦ i ,••«.. I),. ,_.r . .' t . ■ , ^ •m till • <. ■• * %tMtS9M^ Jit"! J V 5. Method detection limit study of blank soil spiked with five target analytes and analyzed by GC-NPD. 9 6. MDL study of 1-L reagent grade water samples fortified with five target analytes and analyzed by solid phase extraction and GC-NPD. 10 7. Comparison between GC-NPD and RP-HPLC results for the solvent extracts of field-contaminated soil samples. 10 8. Assessment of the effect of soil moisture on GC-NPD response. 11 9. Retention times for explosives using different oven temperature programs for NPD and ECD. 12 IV <. w.-*< # (■*ip'|Im :.. .♦ ^‘->1 %ttei 1000 >-- *# J ^ **;4 twx -‘‘i f .J’ i’'-''^»« •-s-m . • > t. 4 « .♦ ■• f 1 * ■ 'W» .’ *r\W9t )' ■• ' 1 ■««tl^ 1 1 tftJl t |U>< v-»wl! f . 1 f 1 r f.>ilA • 1 k aiftl 1 -^n - m4» iHL- . v«( ii Mtai •* kW fWlT' ^ I n he/ih/ffl • r‘ " I '■ >:• :wrr« ■d. » » * V ' I »• » '. ■v6i^ ►.‘ *4 S "tw i • U re. rtf I ' • itfl ter are summarized by Crockett et al. (in press). Currently available on-site methods for explosives residues in water and soil generally can inexpen¬ sively provide reliable estimates for the concen¬ trations of TNT and RDX. To our knowledge no on-site methods for explosives analytes other than TNT or RDX have been reported except colorimet¬ ric-based methods for 2,4 DNT (Jenkins and Walsh 1992) and ammonium picrate (Thorne and Jenkins 1995): the RDX colorimetric method has been used to estimate octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-l,3,5,7- tetrazocine (HMX) concentrations at antitank fir¬ ing ranges where the concentration of HMX was several orders of magnitude higher than that of RDX (Jenkins et al. 1997, 1998). Therefore, no on¬ site methods currently provide comprehensive data for the suite of other manufacturing impuri¬ ties and environmental transformation products that are often present at explosives-contaminated sites (Walsh et al. 1993). In addition, for antitank ranges, neither colorimetric nor immunoassay- based methods are capable of estimating concen¬ trations of RDX when HMX is present at equal or higher concentrations Qenkins et al. 1998). Simi¬ larly, the concentration of TNT cannot be estimated accurately using these methods when DNT, TNB or 2,4,6- trinitrophenylnitramine (tetryl) is present. Moreover, no currently available on-site method provides for the determination of the major biotransformation products of TNT, 4-amino-2,6- dinitrotoluene (4ADNT) and 2-amino-4,6- dinitrotoluene (2ADNT), which are sometimes present at higher concentrations than TNT itself Qenkins et al. 1998). Thus there is a need for an on-site analytical method that can provide simul¬ taneous estimates of the entire suite of analytes that are commonly present at explosives-contami¬ nated sites. Gas chromatography has been used extensively for many years in on-site methods to identify and quantify specific target chemicals associated with fuels and solvents (U.S. ERA 1997). The availabil¬ ity of the nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD) and the electron capture detector (ECD) on field trans¬ portable instruments provides selective detectors for nitrogen containing organic compounds and electron deficient compounds, respectively. Both detectors are selective and sensitive for the most commonly encountered explosives such as TNT, RDX and tetryl, as well as their manufacturing impurities and environmental transformation products. Recently, Walsh and Ranney (1998) dem¬ onstrated that gas chromatography with a fused silica macrobore column (0.53 mm) provides ad¬ equate separation for the suite of analytes com¬ monly encountered at explosives-contaminated sites. Gas chromatography has not received wide use for these analytes because of their thermal in¬ stability, but this analysis is possible by using a deactivated injection port and setting high linear velocities for the carrier gas with short fused silica macrobore columns. It was the intent of this work to evaluate the potential for using a field-transportable gas chro¬ matograph (GC) equipped with NP and EC de¬ tectors for on-site determination of individual ex- plosives-related analytes. In particular an emphasis was placed on the ability to determine (1) RDX in the presence of HMX for use at anti¬ tank firing ranges, (2) the biotransformation prod¬ ucts of TNT, which are 2ADNT and 4ADNT, and (3) simultaneous estimates for the suite of analytes commonly encountered at explosive-contami¬ nated sites, since no currently available on-site method can perform these three tasks. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Calibration standards Analytical standards of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4- DNT), TNT, RDX, 4ADNT, 2ADNT, and HMX were prepared from standard analytical reference materials (SARMs) obtained from the U.S. Army Environmental Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. A primary stock standard of approxi¬ mately 1000 mg/L for each analyte was prepared by transferring a weighed amount into acetone and diluting to 100 mL in a glass volumetric flask. Combined analyte secondary stock standards ranging from approximately 0.25 to 200 mg/L were prepared by transferring up to 1.00 mL of each primary stock standard with either glass sy¬ ringes or glass pipettes into prepared bottles and volumetric flasks containing acetone. Both the primary and secondary stock standards were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C and removed only for brief periods while in use. Moreover, because of the instability of some of these compounds at low concentrations, working standards for the lev¬ els shown in Table 1 were prepared daily (Walsh and Ranney 1998). Henceforth 2,4-DNT, TNT, RDX, 4ADNT, and 2ADNT will be collectively called target analytes. Instrumentation and separations A field-transportable SRI model 8610 gas chro¬ matograph, equipped with a heated on-column 3 .»r*% \ ll. r* t . • f ^ r - I f . iw^j bni iw •> I • .-.(•i' f , . ■>. V '< v-l. /,• if ,■• • '.! L - , . ; j I • • Jff 1 I xdiitf • t* • ( • < K»'Ull A' ,1 '• "iTi. l•y0Uf I ■ '■ 1 Cl : i w.( m '• nlirf' rfj ' .<»Mi riQ ■Mj0ik >} 1^ 'ji • -r., -r ■t (■ J /I ) ' 'll. 1 "I riiftvt < 'Jf nB%f« ’.“ < •'» tj«if (U^tM f’ ..fc, 'i.-\ltd'll t *< MOMB^II .1' ■'. o' . • T, » -»uiii4i|{i • ''f hmrjW ' ■'^v i*t MmlI ■ >% V Wi - - I» li ' t *«iii . "V ad ' ,• 1 r spiking solution was prepared by combining the appropriate volumes of individual aqueous stock standards after verifying their concentrations by RP-HPLC analysis (Grant et al. 1993). One-millili¬ ter aliquots of this solution were then diluted up to 1.00 L, to make seven 1-L water samples. The resulting analyte concentrations in these 1-L samples ranged from 2.08 to 2.71 |ig/L. These samples were preconcentrated (200 fold) using membrane solid phase extraction (SPE, [Empore 3M, SDB-RPS, 47 mm]) and eluted with 5 mL of acetone, following the procedure outlined by Jenkins et al. (1994). For this study an apparatus was used that con¬ sisted of three filtering funnels attached to a common manifold. The manifold allowed three samples to be prepared simultaneously and all the filtrate to be collected in a 2-L vacuum flask. Briefly, after rinsing the extraction funnels (Kontes), collection vessels, and tongs with acetone, 47-mm membrane disks was placed on each support screen and wetted with acetone before centering each funnel and clamping in place. Each membrane was precleaned with two 10-mL aliquots of acetone. Prior to the sec¬ ond aliquot being pulled completely through the membrane, a 30-mL aliquot of organic- free water was added to a funnel. Near the completion of filtering this aliquot of water, a sec¬ ond 30 mL aliquot was added. With a small vol¬ ume remaining from the second water rinse, a 1-L fortified water sample was added to the funnel. A small vacuum was applied throughout these cleaning and rinsing cycles, then adjusted during a sample preconcentration step so that the solu¬ tion passed through the membrane at approxi¬ mately 100 mL/min. After the sample had com¬ pletely passed through a membrane the vacuum remained on for an additional 10 minutes to help remove all of the water. Once dried, the entire funnel and membrane support was removed from the manifold and wa¬ ter drops were removed from the tip of the drain tube with a clean acetone wetted towel. Before returning a funnel and membrane support to the manifold, a 25- x 200-mm test tube was positioned to collect any further solution passing through a membrane in the filter assembly. Then 5 mL of acetone was poured over the interior surface of a funnel and allowed to cover the membrane for three minutes before applying a small vacuum and slowly pulling through. The volume of acetone recovered during a membrane extraction step was 4.2±0.2mL. Miscellaneous variables For many soils, the use of acetone and vigor¬ ous agitation (hand shaking) results in near-quan¬ titative recovery of explosive compounds within 3 minutes Genkins 1990, Walsh and Jenkins 1991). Noted exceptions, however, are heavy clays or high organic soils, which have demonstrated slow extraction kinetics. For this reason, extraction time for a given soil must be verified at each location Genkins and Walsh 1998). Initially, when devel¬ oping field screening methodologies, a 20-g soil sample (undried) was extracted with 100 mL of acetone at a soil to solvent ratio 1:5, so as to en¬ sure that the water content of the final extract was not too high for the colorimetric based methods of determination. Subsequent studies with this field screening method determined that the water content in the acetone extract was not an issue. Therefore, to maximize delectability in soil, a sample weight (g) to acetone volume (mL) ratio of 1:1 could be used. Following the same logic, sample preparation for the on-site analyses of explosive residues by GC also used a 1:1 ratio. To assess if soil moisture would affect instrumental responses, solutions were prepared to simulate the extracts that would be obtained when a 1:1 ratio of sample weight to acetone volume was used with soils of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50% moisture by dry weight. Furthermore, to assess the range of application of the method and potential use of non-reagent-grade acetone, the following experiments were performed to (1) determine the detectability and retention times of other common explosives, (2) estimate the upper limit of linearity for the target analytes, and (3) examine the feasibility of using hardware-store grade acetone for sample extraction. The addi¬ tional explosives determined were nitrobenzene; ortho-, para-, and meta- nitrotoluene; 1,3-dini¬ trobenzene; 2,6-dinitrotoluene; 1,3,5-trinitro- benzene; and methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl nitramine (tetryl). Acetone-based standards of these analytes were prepared from archived stock standards. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION GC separations The GC and its configuration was selected based on the works of Walsh and Ranney (1998). Here, we strived to meet the following goals; easy field implementation, minimal consumable sup¬ port, and rapid analysis time (less than 15 min.). PROPERTY OF WMRC LIBRARY ■ -ttAi *V ' ' < ■ <»V'- t • .; ' .0 \ • ■ -X-i* >} « ■ -•V • 'tiiu«t«u|y)6 ’' • 1. 1 In the study by Walsh and Ranney (1998), they injected solvent extracts into the heated injection port of a Hewlett-Packard 5890 GC equipped with an ECD and a 6-m, 0.53-mni-i.d. polydimethyl- siloxane column. They established that responses for analytes with low vapor pressures were en¬ hanced by increasing the linear velocity of the car¬ rier gas and the injection port temperature. Fol¬ lowing their lead, we chose on-column injections into a heated injector and a carrier gas flow rate of 9.5 mL/min that produced a linear velocity of 70 cm/sec. The two detectors used different chro¬ matographic conditions because, while tempera¬ ture programming was feasible with the NPD, excessive baseline drift limited the ECD to isother¬ mal operation during the elution of the target analytes. Typical chromatograms of the target analytes for the NP and EC detectors, are shown in Figures Time (min) Figure I. Chromatogram of 2,4-DNT, TNT. RDX, 4ADNT 2ADNT and HMX by GC-NPD analysis. Chromatogram is of one of the MDL samples (approxi¬ mately 0.5 mg/kg). 1 and 2, respectively. Analysis of samples with high concentration of HMX confirmed that the latest eluting peak(s) (retention time > 7.5 min) was in¬ dicative of this compound (Fig. 1). However, ei¬ ther the low vapor pressure of HMX caused it to rapidly condense once leaving the column, or it was thermally degraded, and consequently these late eluting peaks could only be used to qualita¬ tively identify its presence. The GC manufacturer suggested that upgrading the NP detector to one with a heater would eliminate this quantitation problem. We have not yet verified this possibility. HMX was not detected by the ECD. Here a long metal transfer line exists between the column and detector, and HMX compound is known to be very reactive with hot metal surfaces (Walsh and Ranney 1998). More work is underway to find a way to include HMX determination in this method. Time (min) Figure 2. Chromatogram of 2,4-DNT TNT, RDX. 4ADNT, and 2ADNT by GC-ECD analysis. Analyte concentrations approximately 0.5 mg/kg. 6 Table 2. Response factors for the GC-NPD, based on the average of triplicate measurements of both peak area and height. A. Peak area response factors (SRI integrator peak area divided by mg/L concentration). Response factors (x 10^) Concentration - (mg/L) 2.4-DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 10 6.13 5.29 23.3 8.72 11.0 5 6.21 5.18 23.6 8.74 11.1 1 5.32 4.61 21.3 8.28 10.5 0.5 4.57 4,46 19.8 8.35 10.1 0.25 5.13 3.85 17.4 9.34 11.1 B. Peak height response factors (SRI integrator peak height divided by nig/L concentration). Response factors (x lOf) Concentration (mg/L) 2.4-DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 10 5.67 5.51 24.5 9.45 10.1 5 6.04 5.35 25.1 9.67 10.3 1 5.60 4.77 22.7 9.08 9.55 0.5 5.18 4.43 20.0 8.70 8.69 0.25 4.94 3.82 18.0 9.03 9.19 Response factors Tables 2 and 3 show the response factors ob¬ tained for the five target analytes on the NP and EC detectors, respectively, over the concentrations shown in Table 1. The response factors for the ECD systematically decreased with increasing concen¬ tration for all of the target analytes (Table 3) while the opposite trend, to smaller extent, was observed for the NPD for three of the five analytes (Table 2). To rule out the possibility that the slight increase in response factor seen for the NPD over this con¬ centration range, which is unusual, was not due to incorrectly prepared standards, the standards were also analyzed by RP-HPLC. The response factors shown in Table 4 for RP-HPLC analysis failed to show any relationship to concentration, and resulted in much lower relative standard de¬ viations (RSDs). The superior precision of RP- HPLC is due to a combination of variables: better sensitivity, an automated lOO-pL sample injection volume, greater analyte peak symmetry, and bet¬ ter peak resolution. Figure 3 and 4 show the re¬ sponses of these two detection systems to RDX. Because the response of the ECD is more nonlin- Table 3. Response factors (SRI integrator peak height divided by mg/L concentration) for GC-EC detector, based on the aver¬ age of duplicate meaurements. Response factors (x i(fi) Concentration (mg/L) 2.4-DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 1 1.14 1.13 0.748 0.789 0.832 0.5 1.93 1.83 1.05 1.07 1.14 0.25 2.82 2.48 1.27 1.31 1.39 0.1 4.37 3.84 1.56 1.42 1.46 0.05 5,31 4.78 1.70 1.35 1.41 0.025 6.17 5.08 1.75 1.49 1.39 0.01 7.29 5.64 1.86 ND‘ ND ‘Not measured by integrator. 7 lu.: jKi ■ Table 4. Response factors (HP integrator peak height divided by mg /L concentration) for RP-HPLC analysis, based on duplicate measurements. Response factors (x ICP) Concentration - (mg/L) 2.4-DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 10 11.8 16.3 13.6 4.11 6.16 5 11.5 15.8 13.3 4.30 6.02 1 11.9 16.0 13.7 4.19 6.34 0.5 11.8 16.4 13.7 4.14 6.35 0.25 11.6 16.3 13.0 4.37 6.02 Mean 11.7 16.1 13.5 4.22 6.18 Std. Dev. 0.16 0.29 0.30 0.110 0 163 RSD 1.37% 1.79% 2.25% 2.60% 2.64% ear than that of the NPD for RDX, and likewise for the other target analytes, the NPD was deemed more practical for field applications. Moreover, the small nonlinearity for the NPD causes only a slight underestimation of the low analyte concentrations (less than 1 mg/L or mg/kg). For these reasons only the NPD detector was evaluated during the subsequent studies. MDL tests Table 5 shows the results of the soil MDL study for the target analytes at concentrations ranging between 0.39 and 0.51 mg/kg. The MDLs obtained from this study ranged from 0.087 mg/kg for 4ADNT to 0.15 mg/kg for 2,4-DNT, and recover¬ ies ranged from 94.7 to 113%. Table 6 shows the MDL results for aqueous solutions spiked at con¬ centrations ranging from 2.08 to 2.71 pg/L for the five target analytes. The MDLs for these aqueous samples ranged from 0.32 to 0.82 pg/L. The analyte recoveries by this method SPE were lower than expected (61% to 71%) and will require fur¬ ther investigation. Possible explanations for these low recoveries are (1) differences in performance Figure 3. Calibration curve obtained for RDX by GC-NPD analysis. 8 # Concentration (mg/L) Figure 4. Calibration curve obtained for RDX by GC-ECD analysis. Table 5. Method detection limit (MDL) study of blank soil spiked with five target analytes and analyzed by GC-NPD. Found concentration (mg/kg) Rep. 2.4- DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 1 0.429 0.451 0.510 0.438 0.461 2 0.281 0.499 0.486 0.506 0.503 3 0.359 0.493 0.548 0.477 0.498 4 0.388 0.532 0.558 0 532 0.532 5 0.411 0.538 0.478 0.499 0.521 6 0.363 0.508 0.486 0.486 0.529 7 0.327 0.456 0.558 0.484 0.444 Theoretical* 0.386 0.497 0.505 0.454 0.442 Mean 0.365 0.497 0.518 0.489 0.498 Std. dev. 0.0505 0.0338 0.0361 00289 0.0340 MDL 0.15 0.10 0.11 0.087 0.10 Recovery 94.5% 100% 103% 108% 113% ‘Expected analyte concentration. 9 J 'i ,fj * Table 6. MDL study of 1-L reagent grade water samples fortified with five target analytes and analyzed by solid phase extraction and GC-NPD. Found concentration (\ig/L) Rep. 2.4-DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 1 1.55 2.11 2.08 2.33 1.83 2 1.66 1.98 1.73 1.91 1.57 3 1.88 2.16 1.82 2.11 1.74 4 1.61 1.74 1.72 1.82 1.51 5 1.67 1.82 2.02 1.68 1.42 6 1.65 1.91 1.91 1.66 1.43 7 1.74 1.68 2.08 2.27 1.88 Mean 1.68 1.91 1.91 1.97 1.63 Std. dev. 0.106 0.181 0.156 0.273 0.190 MDL 0.32 0.54 0.47 0.82 0.57 between batches of the extraction disks, or (2) a need to reduce the flow of the aqueous solutions through these membranes. Compeu'ison of results for GC-NPD vs. RP-HPLC for field-contaminated soils A method comparison was performed by ana¬ lyzing the same acetone extracts of field-contami¬ nated soil samples by both RP-HPLC and GC- NPD. To obtain determinations for all of the analytes of interest, two RP-HPLC analyses were performed. With the exception of HMX, the com¬ pounds were quantified by RP-HPLC analysis using a C8 column. The RP-HPLC determination of HMX was performed using a CN column. The results in Table 7 show that there was usually very good agreement between these two methods of analysis, particularly for TNT and RDX. The highly significant correlation (r^ = 0,998) between these instrumental methods for all explosive analytes is also shown in Figure 5. In a few cases, there was poor agreement between the methods and the failure of the GC-NPD analysis to iden¬ tify a compound that was determined by RP- HPLC analysis. This occurred for 2ADNT and 4ADNT when HMX was present at some two to four orders of magnitude higher in concentration, and therefore they were not completely resolved Table 7. Comparison between GC-NPD and RP-HPLC results for the solvent extracts of field-contaminated soil samples. Found concentration (mg/kg) Sample 2.4 DNT GC/HPLC TNT GC/HPLC RDX GC/HPLC 4ADNT GC/HPLC 2ADNT GC/HPLC HMX GC/HPLC E BDLt/ 0.027 1.3/0.72 0.50/0.43 ND / 0.43 0.38 / 0.45 NQ / 3000t F BDL / 0.032 2.4 / 2.1 0.25/0.22 ND/0.52 0.27 / 0.53 NQ / 2800t K BDL / 0.045 28t / 25t 0.48/0.30 0.52 / 0.39 ND /0.31 NQ / 1500t M 5.5/45 140t / 150t 13t / 10 ND/0.34 ND / 0.43 ND/NA N 1.3 / 2.0 250t / 300t 1201 / 130t ND / 1.4 ND / 3.5 ND/NA O 2.5 / 2.8 440t / 540t 1.7 / 2.1 2.7/0.93 2.5 / 1.6 ND / NA T 0.92 / 1.2 0.39 / 0.68 0.28/0.30 ND /0.16 ND /0.19 NQ / 1800t U 1.6 / 1.7 0.43 / 0.28 0.10 / 0.085* ND/0.11 ND /O il NQ / 1100 ‘Below GC-NPD detection level, t Above calibration curve. ND Not detected. NA Not analyzed. NQ Not quantitated. 10 I i 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 HPLC (mg/kg) Figure 5. Comparison of target analyte concentrations (mg/kg) established by HPLC and GC-NPD analysis of Field samples. from this later eluting compound. On the other hand, excellent agreement between the methods was achieved for the determination or RDX at near-detection-limit concentrations even in the presence of high HMX concentrations. Miscellaneous variables The effect of soil moisture on GC-NPD response is shown in Table 8. TNT and 2,4-DNT do not ap¬ pear to be significantly affected by moisture over the range tested, but the other three, less volatile, analytes show suppressed responses at the high soil moisture contents (> 30% by dry weight). Per¬ haps upgrading the detector with a heater would overcome this apparent suppression. Table 9 shows that in addition to the five target analytes, several other compounds associated with the manufacturing and degradation of explosives can be detected by GC-NPD analysis. The only analytes not detected by the NPD were the ortho. Table 8. Assessment of the effect of soil moisture on GC-NPD response. Soil moisture* Percent average (h = 2) response (pkht) relative to standardf 2.4-DNT TNT RDX 4ADNT 2ADNT 5% 111 102 104 107 106 10% 102 100 96 104 100 20% 108 105 90 94 88 30% 102 98 81 89 84 40% 108 102 82 87 81 50% 105 100 72 83 77 *Dry weight basis. tRcspon.scs were corrected for a proportional, volumetric dilution of acetone by water. These corrected responses were divided by the re.sponse obtained for a standard that did not contain water. 11 A \ I» V* J j Table 9. Retention times for explosives using different oven temperature programs for NPD and ECD. Analyte NPD retention time (min) ECD retention time (min) NB 0.96 NA o-NT ND NA m-NT ND NA p-NT ND NA 1,3-DNB 2.4 NA 2,6-DNT 2.6 NA 2,4-DNT 3.0 0.97 TNB 3.9 NA TNT 4.1 1.7 RDX 4.7 2.7 4ADNT 5.3 4.2 2ADNT 5.6 5.1 Tetryl 6.1 NA HMX 7.9 ND NA Not analyzed. ND Not detected at 10 mg/L concentration. para and meta nitrotoluenes, which are among the least frequently encountered analytes found at sites contaminated with explosives. Therefore, this analytical method applies to most of the explo¬ sives cited by SW846 Method 8830, the standard laboratory method for explosives in water and soil. An assessment of the upper range of the NPD's linearity was performed using the standards con¬ taining the five target analytes. This experiment showed that the response of the NPD remains lin¬ ear up to 100 to 200 mg/L. Therefore, the range of linear response for these analytes is two to three orders of magnitude. Lastly, no impurities were detected by GC-NPD analysis of hardware-store grade acetone. Further¬ more, the analysis of a 1 -mg/L standard of the tar¬ get analytes prepared in both hardware-store and reagent-grade acetone resulted in identical re¬ sponses. This finding would eliminate the need to ship large quantities of acetone to the field. SUMMARY These preliminary findings indicate that a ro¬ bust and rapid field GC-NPD analytical method can be developed for the simultaneous identifica¬ tion and quantification of explosive residues in both soil and water matrices. When working with action levels for these analytes of 0.5 mg/kg and 2.0 pg/L, for soil and water, respectively, a field- transportable GC-NPD is a practical choice of in¬ strumentation, even though lower levels of detec¬ tion could probably be achieved by GC-ECD. The GC-NPD, coupled with the sample preparation methodologies described, offers the following fea¬ tures: • Simultaneous determination of multiple tar¬ get analytes, • Adequate sensitivity, • A linear range of response (except at concen¬ trations less than 1 mg/L or 1 mg/kg) that exceeds current field screening technologies, • Faster analytical runs than the currently rec¬ ommended laboratory LG or GC methods, • Compatibility with hardware-store grade ac¬ etone. One of the only limitations of this methodology is that the instrumentation does require a fair amount of support. In addition to a source of elec¬ trical power, the NPD requires independent sources of both hydrogen and nitrogen gas. Before recommending this methodology as an analytical approach for characterizing the extent and type of explosive contamination in soil and water, field trials need to be performed. Field veri¬ fication would further establish the robustness of this analytical method and provide insight as to the number of samples that could be processed daily and better define the logistical requirements. Knowledge of all of these parameters is needed before estimates of cost saving can be made. More¬ over, as with other methods based on chromatog¬ raphy, unanticipated interferences may be encoun¬ tered during field studies. 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Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2, REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED August 1999 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE On-Site Method for Measuring Nitroaromatic and Nitramine Explosives in Soil and Groundwater Using GC-NPD: Feasibility Study 5. FUNDING NUMBERS WU: AF25-CT-006 6. AUTHORS Alan D. Hewitt and Thomas F. Jenkins 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 72 Lyme Road Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-1290 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Special Report 99-9 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) U.S. Army Environmental Center Office of the Chief of Aberdeen Proving Ground Engineers Maryland 21010-5401 Washington, DC 20314-1000 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER SFIM-AEC-ET-CR-99044 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Available from NTIS, Springfield, Virginia 22161 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) An on-site method has been developed for estimating concentrations of TNT, RDX, 2,4-DNT, and the two most commonly encountered environmental transformation products of TNT, 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene and 4-amino- 2,6-dinitrotoluene, in soil and groundwater using gas chromatography and the nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD). Soil samples (20 g) are extracted by shaking with 20 mL of acetone, and extracts are filtered through a Millex SR (0.5-|j,m) filter. Groundwater samples (1 L) were passed through SDB-RPS extraction disks that were subsequently extracted with 5 mL of acetone. A l-pL volume of a soil or water extract is manually injected into a field-transportable gas chromatograph equipped with a NPD and a heated injection port. Separations are con¬ ducted on a Restek Crossbond 100% dimethyl polysiloxane column, 6 m x 0.53-mm i.d., 1.5 mm, using nitrogen carrier gas at 9.5 mL/min. Retention times range from 3.0 min. for 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) to 5.6 min. for 2- amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene. Method detection limits were less than 0.16 mg/kg for soil and less than 1.0 pg/L for groundwater. One of the major advantages of this method, over currently available colorimetric and enzyme immunoassay on-site methods, is the ability to quantify individual target analytes that often coexist in soils and groundwater contaminated with explosive residues. This method will be particularly useful at military antitank firing ranges where it is necessary to quantify residual concentrations of RDX in the presence of high concentra¬ tions of HMX, and when the transformation products of TNT need to be identified. 14. SUBJECT TERMS Explosives On-site analysis Gas chromatography TNT Nitrogen-phosphorus detectors 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 22 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT UNCLASSIFIED 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE UNCLASSIFIED 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2 - 89 ) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 290-102 * •►'TrT-' ; * 4b»j# «kM . —»-*<■ fOA^ HOiTAT^< 3 ^ !J^ 0 a -■'irar*' ' ■. >'!•'-<■*'** "•It- <1 _•».»«« :”1 •iSlw .*Ti \ i . tt I'ftM ’lit ' t»^ ' '»ltV ‘ |^ftI♦^Ik t(A|t;. r<»'A • •m #1 ■««»iilM f'. bUj^Virn^Ht) r< - - ■■ .. 1111 — " '■ > >4fl »(• h,..(K1 ^ ( •■•I 1 ( 14 ( 1.1 '■ HI ,|tfl(>4lll)i««vy ^ i • < .. 1 -^ I, rr -•>3a(.i A i - .11 n»(i« ■»m •,* I 1TOM .^i ,--. jj- . > ■;.^ .- iitirio I innV' ■ .it *1 '’*▼> *M®W'‘i y>i 1 n»tv’. '♦njK ‘’.OT tniiliiiittU-'« ■ " ■ .__!■ i hj ' ■ (..» I' M. ra tnit^ ‘>1 H.'i W —f . -'.«*( T4i*r#nr< ‘ I-'it *•*■.'>.1'^^ ^-1 I luiAnriuji;, 'V'M^v UltAlip'^'* t><® '• it • ftflouw iKi • , lait /.‘Jtftiinr® • <^ . 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