103:0;-^/. ^ yo j-x. <,oi^o ^ Snepheardes Calender^ .Conteirmg tmluc^^bgues propor^ tionable to- tbetvvelcie MonefhL ' TQ .THE NO&L'E'AND VER- 'tuous^ Gemtemrtn rnoit'worthieof all titles y h&thoflearmngand chiualry, Maiftcr.Philip ;.. Sidney^ ,': Imprinted at London by John Wolfe for JohnHarrtfon thef9ngfry^vfeUw£ in Tater noftei Roc,at thefignc of the Anker, 1586. m t--\^ ^ ^ Q ^i O ^ M((MMim)>jjjjj.yy .- '//////mmmm ;- ii\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\y' iiniuiuuiuiiiuiniiuiiiiiTl iHiHHiiiiiyiiiiiimir TQ HIS BOOK E. Gpe little booke: thy fclfcpr^cnt, As childc whbfc parentis vnkent; Tp him that is the prelident. Of noblcncHc and of chcualree: And if that Enuie barkc at thee, Asfureit will,for fuccour flee . Vnder thefhadow of his wingi And asked, who theeforth did tSing, A (hepheardes fwa^ne fay did thee (ing. All as his ftraying flocke he fcdde: And when his honmir has theeteddc, Graue pardon for my hardy-heUde . But if that any aske thy name, ■Say thou wert bafe begot with blame: For thy thereof thou takcft (hame« And when thou art pafticopardee, Go|ne tell me> what was faid of mec, And I will fend more after thee. Jmme^tii IvftitiC IJf To the mojl eMellent and learned hoth Orator and Poet, Maiftcr Gabriel Haruey,his very IpccialUnd finSuUr good friend E.Kcommcadeth the good liking of this his gasd hbour,and the patronage of the news Vo€f» i.. """""THrfil ^^'^f^^ Vnkifle, Sayde the oldc famous Poet ChauctY: vvhon^f jyCi:^^^J^35^53|ft for his cxcellcncie and wonderful! skill m making, his fcholler ^^ '^^ Ltdg^te , a worthy fcholler of fo excellent a mafter, callerh the Loadeftarrc of our language: and whom our fdm Clout lahxs Acglofjuc callcth Tityrus the God of Oepheards, comparng him to theworthinefle of the Romane Tityrus Virgil, Whichpro- uerbc, mine owne good friend M. llaruey, as in that good olde Poet it ferued well ■p'i'w^rw purpofe, for the bolftcring of his baudy brocage, fo very well takcth place in this our newe Pocr» who forthr.theisvneouthe (asi'aydc CA^/wr^rJ isvnkift, and/n- knowen to mof\ men, is regarded bat of fcwe. But I doubt not/o foone as his name fliall jcome into the knowledge ofmcn, and his wortliincflc be founded in the tiump of Fame,but that heflialibe notoaclykiftjbutaHbbclouedof all,cmbraccdofthemoft,tnd wondredat of thebeft. Ko lefle I thinke,dereructh his wittinefle in deuifing, hi- pithinelTein vttcring* Tiiscomplaintes oflouc fo loucly,his difcouiTcs of pleafurefo plcafantly,his paftorallnidc- neiTc, his morallwifencffe, hisduc obferuingof Z).-fo>««^ieucywhtce, inpeifonages, in feafonsjin matter, 'u\ fpeach, and generally in all feemely fimplicitieof hand'.inrg his matter, ind framing his wordes : thewhrch of many things which in him be ftraunge,! knowc will fcerr.e the ftraun^rt* thcwor.{es thcmfclues beinglo ancient, the knitting ot them folhorc and intricate, and the whole Period and compaflTe of fpeach fo dehghtfome for the round- •ne(re,aadfo grau« fortheftrwngeneffe. Asd firltofthc wordestolpeake, Igrauncthevbc fomcthin« hard, and ofmoftmen vnufpd, yet both Englifh, and alfov'.ed of modcxcellenc AucuourJ'andmollfamou* Poets.Inwhomwhcnasthisour Pocthath bene much traueiled andthroughlvrcad»how couldirbe, ra^rh:itworthyOrarourrayd)buc that walkin" in the fjnne,although for other caufehcwalkedjvctneedes hemcuightbc funburnc, and luuing the found of chofe auacientP9s:s Ibil ringing in hiscares,hcmought needes infinginghic Out lomeoftheirtunes. But whether hevfeth them by fuchcaiualtie andcuftome,orof fct purpoteandchovfe,as thinking them fittelt for fuch ruiicall rudenefleof (hepheard>,eychec For that their rough loundcwouldmakc his rimes more ra^^ged andrufticall,orelfcbecaufe fcteh olde and oboletewordes aremoft vfedofcountrcy folke. furelthinke, andthinkel thinke notamifle, that th^v bring g'-eat grH.ce,and as one would fay,auchoritie to the veifc, Por al be amongft many other fanltcs it fpecially be obieaed of ValLx a^ainft Liuie^ and of o- ihcr againft W«//, that with ouer much Iludic they affcd antiquitie, as concting theteby credence and honour of elder yceres, yet I am of opinion, and ekethc bcftlcirncdare of the like, that thofe aunci^nt folemnc \t«>rdes are a greatoniament both in thcone ind ia the other: the one labouring to fet forth inhis worke aneternallimage.df antiquitie, and the other carcf-tllydiicourfing matters •fgraui tic and importance, Forif nw memory faiic not, r^/ifin-that booke,whcrcin he cndcuourcthtofet lorthtliepaterneofjipcrfedli Ora- Cour,fayth that ofttimes ah aua cicnt word makeihthe ftyle fceme graue^and as it vyere reue- rcnd: no othei wife tten we honour and reuerence gray hi;ires foracertaiae religious re- gard.which we haue of old age. Yet neither euery where muft old words be ftuftedin^noe the common Dialedc and maner of fpeakingfo corrupted thcrcby,tUat as in old buildings it kerne difordcrly and ruinous. But all .is in moftexquiluepichires they vfe to bla7e and portr'avVnotonelythedaintie lineaments of bcautic, but alfoiounde-bouticto Ihadowc the tude thickets and craggy clifts,thit by thebaieneffeof fuch parts,more excellency may accrcw to. the principal! : tor oftentimes we findc ourfelacs, lknownothovv,fing«la ly de- liglttcd with the flicw of fochnat«raIlruden€fl"e,andcakeereatplcafure inibat Jifordcrly order. Epiftle. •rdcr.EiJcnfo do thofc thofcrongh andharlh termcs Cnlumi'nc and rnakemore clearely to appearcthcb/ightneir«^f biaiic and glorious wordes. So oftentimes a jiifcord in Mufike wakctK a comely concordance : fo great delight tookc the worthy p©ct Alceus to behold a blemifli in rhci«ynt of a well fhapcd body. Butif any will lilhly blame fuch his purpofe in ehoyfe ©f old and vnwomcd words, hhr. may Imorc iultly blamcAnd condemne,or ofwic- Icfl'c headincfle in iudgin j»,or of hcedeleflc hardtneffe in condemning : for not marking tbc compaflcof his bcnt,hcwill iudgcot thelengthofhiscaft : for inroy opinion it is one fpe« ciallpraife,of many which are due to thi'ipoec, that he hath laboured to refto re, as to their fightiull heritage fuch good and natural! Englifb wordes, as haue beene long time out of ▼leand almoftcieanedifhcrited. TVhichis the oncIvcaufejUiat our Mother tongue,whjcU truely of it felfc isboth full enough for profe, and ftately enough for vcrle, hathlong time bene coun ted moft bare and barren o£ both. Which default when as fomeendeuoured to Jaluc and recure.ihcy patched vpthe holes with pieces and i ags of other languagcs,borow- inghereof theFrench,thereoftheItalian,euerywhcveofchcLatin,notweighiughoweill, thofe tongues accord with thcmfelues,but much worfc with ours : So now they haue made ourEngliThtongue,agailimaufrey or hodgepodge of ail otherfpeachcs, Other fome notfo well (cene in the Englrih tongue as perhaps in other languages, if they happen to hearean old word albeit veiynaturall and (ignificai»t,cry out ftraightway,thar we fpeake noRnglifh, bntgibberifti, or rather fuch, as in olde time Euanders mother fpakc: whofeiirftfhameis* that they arc notafhamed,in their ownemother tongue.ftiangers to be counted and aliens* The (econd flume no IciTc iheo the firft, that what lo they vndcrftand not, they ftraightway ^cemetobefenfcreflc, and not at all to be vnderftoode. Much like to the Mole in Aefeps fdble,that being blindc her felfe, wouldeinno wife be pcrfwaded, that any beaft could lee. The laft more fhamchiU then both, that of their ownecountreyand nacurall fpcach,which" together with their Nourcesmilke theyfuckcd, they haue fo bafe regard and baftard iudgc- meatjthatchcywil notonelytbemfelues notlabortogarr,i(liandbeautifieJr,butalforepine9 thatoforheritfliouldbc embelliihed. Liketothedogge intberaaunger, that himfelfe can «atc nohay, and yetbarkcth atthehungry"bullocke, that fofaine Would feede: whofe cur- rifli kinde tho ugh it cannot be kept from barking, yet I conne them thank that ihey refraine irombyting. > ^ Now for the knitting of fentcnces, which they call the ioynts and members thereof, and for all the compafle of the ipeach,it is round without roughncfTe.and learned without hard- nefle, fuchinaeedcasmaybepcrceincdof the Icart, vnderftoode of the moft, butiudged onelyohhe learned. Por^whatinmoftEnglifh wiiters vfcthtobeloolc, and as it were vn- righr, in this Author iiwell^roundcd,firJcly framed,and Itrongly trufT^d vp together. In re- gard whereof, I fcorne and Ipue out the rakehelly route of t>ur ragged rymers ( for fo thenv ftlues vfe to hunt the letter) which without learniagboaftjwithout iud^ementianglc,with- out rcafon rage and fomc,as if fome inftinfl of poetical fpirithad newly rauifhed them abnue the meanencfl'e of common capacitie. Andbeinginthe middeft of all their brauery,rodenly eythevfor vvantofmattcr,or of lymCjOrhauiug forgotten their former conceipt,the.vfeeme to befo pained and trauailedin their remembrance. as it were awoman inchildebir^h,or as thntran^€i>ythia,vvhcntii^traun<;ecamevpon her. Osrakdurnferaconladomas.f^c. Nethleffe Ie« them a Gods name feedu on their owne-folly,fo they fceke pot to darken the beamec of others glory. As for Cto whom 1 haue both in rerpea ot yonr wo ihinclfc generally, and othcrwjie vpon feme particular andfpcciall conhdcraticns TQwedthii mylabour,andthcmaydenheadof thirourcommoa friendcs Poeiric, ^ .}^ hauing already in the beginning dedicated it to the Noble and worthy Gentleman, the right Worlhipfull M.Philip Sidney, a fpcciall fauourer and maintainerofall kinde of learning. WhofccaufcIprayyouSir, if Eauye (hall fturrevp any wrcngfuU accufatior,defendwith your mightieRneto rick and otheryour raregifte$oflcarning,as youcan, sndftiieldewith your good vvill,asyoh oughr,ngainft the mahcc and outrage of fo many enenn'.e»,as Iknow wil be feton fire with the fparkei of his kindled glory. Awd thus recommending the Author •vntoyo*u,a$ vnto his moft fpcciall good friend, and my feltcvnto you both, a^ oii'r making , /ingular account of two foveiy good and rochoyfctriendes, I bid you both ncolt haitily farwell,and comniityou and your moit co«imcndablc ftudies to the tuition of the gieatcft, 7our mrfie ajfuredly to be commaunded £.i(. Toft fcr. "J^Ow I tvuflM.Harucy,that vpon fight ofyour fpcciall friendcs and fellow Poets doings, i^orelsforenuyeoffomany vnvvorthye Quidams, which catch atthe garland, which to you alone isdue. you will be perfwadedtoplucke out of the hatcfiiU daikeneHe, thofelo many excellent Englifh poemes of yours, which lie hid, and bring them forth toctcraall light. Truflme you do both them great wrongjio dcpriuing them ofth« defiredfunnc, and alfoyourfelfe, inrmoothcriBgyourdcfcruedpraifcs,and all men generally, in withholding from them fo diuine pleafares,which they might coBceiue j^f your gallant F.nglifh vt rfcs, as theyhaiiealrcadydc>ncofyourlatine Poemes, which in my opinion both fiMinucnu'on ;nd ' Elocution are very delicate, and fupercxcellent. And thus againe, I take my Icaae of my good M Haruey, From my lodging at London tkis lo of Aprill. 1575?. .:>J]lic! The gencrall Argument ot the whole boo ke. Itle I ho^e , medeth mee at large ta difccurfc tht firft Origin ail of\^€glogues , hduing 4lreadie touched the fame. Bat for the mrd AegtogHes 1 kmn> is vnknorvne to mojl, and alfo mjiaken of fome the heft learned (as thejihmke) Imllfaie fomeivhat thereof, ieing notatMJmfertmcntJomype^^ purpofe. -. ■■n-..'^-.ui -^^.^^^^^^^ They were frft^f the Greekes the inuentorsofthein called Aeglog^s as it were Aegon, or Aegiaomon logv^that isGote^ heardes tales. For although in ^k^A and others thej^eake'rsh mojl fl^eepheardes, ^ GoteheardeSjyetT[\toa:msin whom is more ground of authority, then in Yk^\\^thisjj^eciallyfrom that deriuing, as from thefrjl head and Wfljpring the whole Inuen- tion of this Aegloguesy maketh Goteheardes theperfons ahdau^ ihors of his tales. This heing^who feeth not thegrofenesoffuch ashy colour of learning woulde makevsbelieue that they arc mere rightly termed Edog;aiy as they would faie^extraordinarie difcourfes of ynneceffarie matter :which defnition alhe infub- Jlance and meaning it agree with the nature of the thing,yet na whit anfwereth with /^^Analy fis S* interpretation of the wcrd^ For they be not termed Eclogues , but Aeglogues^ which fentenct - this author very well ^bferuing, vpongoodiudgement, though in deedefew Goteheards haue to doe herein, neuerthelefje doub' . teth not to call them by the vfedandbejl knowne name. Other curiom difcourfes hereof I refer ue to greater occafton.Thefe xij, Aeglogues euerie where aunjwering to thefeafons of the xij.mo- nethes maj be well deuided into three formes or ramkes. For ei- ther they be Plai-itiueiAs thefirfl^thefixt^the ekuenthjmdthe • twdthyOr recreatiucyfuch as allthofe be, which conteim matter ^floue ♦The Argument^ of hue , or comendatio?i Qfj^eciallpcrfonages^or M or all: which for the mofi fart bee t^ixtd with JomeSatyrieAllblttertieJJiy nAmely^thojecondofreueYmce due toddenge^ theffth ofco^ Ivurcdducift^thepttemh nnd ninth ofdijjolutejhefheards cjr FaforSythetemh of contempt of Poet rie arid fkajant wits. And to this diuiftonmay euery thing' herein be reafonably applied: Afm onlie ikcept^whofe fpecial/pf^rpcfi:apdhreaning J am not friuie to. And thus much generally ^:Phefi kif.Aeglogues. Now wilhveffeahpartii^itidrly ofaliyndj^ftof^h^firfl. Which he callethbythefrfimoi^nhesnmitUnttkrm hherein tofomehe 7nayfeemtf^iittohamfAulted\in'thaiyeejrroM^ neth wtthtJ^atmonethyWhickheginnethnot the y ear e. For it is well knmrit^ and^jhdtUt^mdmAyneci- withftrong reafins of the leArnedjflut^^e^Ke^i^nkneih i^ March for then the Sun renueth hisfnipedwtirfeyand the fea finable jpring refrefjeth the earth ^and the fUapunce thirircf hetng buried in thefad^ pesoftkl'd^AdWinternoj^worneaway^relitieth. \^'his opinion maintaine tHe "olde CAjlrologers (jr Philofo- phm^nanielie ihe renerend Anddo , and tjMacrobim in his holydaies of Saturneywhich ^account dfo wasgeneralli^ obferucd both of Grecians and Romaincs* Butjauing the leaue of fie h learned heades , wee maintaine a cuHome of count inge the feafim from the moneih lanuarie vpon a morefpeciall ca/^p, then the heathen Fhilofaphers euer coulde conceiue j that iSy fir the incarnation of our wight ie Sauiour and eternall Ke^ deemer the Lord Chrijle y who as then renewing the fl ate of the decayed worlde i and returninge the compaffe of expired yeares to their former date and fir si commencement , Icfie to vs his heires Ormemoriall of hii birth in the ende of the Lisi yeare and beginning of the nexte v. Which rcckcning^ hcfide that eternall monument of our faluatkn , leaneth aJfo vpon good proofs off^eciali iudgement. For albeit that in eU der TheiArgymj^tit, der times ^when ^'jet the coumft oft he year e xva4 notferfe^ed, its aftenvarde it rvA; by Iiditu: Cxfarythey began to tell the ma- net hes from Marches beginningyand according ta thefame God {asisfaid inScrifture) cOmmaundcdthefeofle of the lervesto count th^ monethAhil, that which we cM March^for thefrU monethjn remembrance that in that moneth hee brought them outof the land of Megypt :yet amrMng totradition of latter times it hath ben-Hhrmfiobferuedihothirkgiuerrimen^ oft he church, &r^le^^f^^htie^,M,ealmc^k J^i\im7LV o\XK^iii\\Sy,who was the father of ^l the Romane Ceremonies and Religion , feeing that reckoning to agree neither with thecpurfe QftheSun^nor oftheMooneytherer 'unto added two tnonethesylanuarie and Februarieywhet^eih it feemethy that wife king minded 'Vpon good reafon to beginne the year eat lanuariCyOf him therefore fo (r4//i?^canqaain lanua anni the gate and entrance oftheyeareyOr of the name of the god l2r vmS'^to which God for that the old Paynims attributed the birth and beginning ofail creatures new comming into the worlde, it fee?neth that he therefore to him afignedthe beginning &firfl entrance of the y ear e. Which account for the mofl fart hath he- therto continued, Tiotwithftanding that theEgipihns begir$ ' their year e at Sepemheryfor that according to the opinion oft he bejl RsihhinSy and very purpofi of theScripture it felfyOod made the world in that Moneth^t hat is called ofthemTiCn.And there fire he commaunded them,to keepe thefeajl of Pauitions in the ende lanuarie. i tnde oftheyeare^ in the xv. dale of the v^..moneth, n^hkh he^ fore that time wa4 theJirH, But oHr Author refpeBmg neither thefkhtilty of the Qne fart nor the an-* tiqufty of the other, thiriketh itfittefi according to the fimflictty ofcomon vnderftanding^to begin ^ith lanuary, Vi>efiwgit perhaps no decoru that ShepheardsjliouUbeJeen in matter offo deepe injight, orcanuafe a cafe (f fo doubtfuUiudgement^ So therefore heginneth he^crndfo continneth hce throHghoHt^ Tanuarie* I i^egloga Prima. ARGVMENT. •>r this ftrfl. jitiUiut Colin C'aote < fht^herrits boit cowj'Itmitth hitnjelfe of hit "VH fortunate hnf, Itt- _ rng but nevlie (as feeme;h) enamcured of a lotrntrii l^Jfe cetlled RoraTinric: leith which Jiieiig^ afi'eBian heivg JL-veriefore trAUXiled.hee compareth htsr^tfKilcaet^thepddefftifon of tf>t )firty to the froflie pound^(0the frefen i-ees.attdto l-xsQV»ewinterbt*tntfinrt;e. ^h<{ Ufil), finditifi hyvtftlft rtbbtd of tdl formtr fleaftunc e^id dtliz^t,he brtuktth his Tipt in l*tcts,Md cafitth himfclfe to the g^otmd. Colin Cloute. ^fiep^car^cs bo)?e(no better doc ^m tnW) iDben Mmferstoadful fptgtt U?as almoft fpft> 2X1 in a fupt«H)ine tsar,a0 uto befall, ilEt) fcjtij ^is flcck,(l?at fjao bene long vp^nf . ^0 faint tfje^ looj:e,an^ feeble m tlje folDc, SD^at nolu ii^nnet^cjei tgetr fi^ete ^oulo t^em ijp^olo m\ lanuarie. ^11 ai{ f Ije &ljecp0, fiici^ Uw tl)c febcpc^earog loo fee, i'o;^ p.ile ano teannc \}cz toas, (ahi5 tljc \»!)ilc,) ^ai? fecme Ijec !obo,o j el£5 fome care t)ec tooke : ^t|[)at pitts Uncr^; patne^ (3If an^ goiDS t&e painc of louers pitie :) iLooke from aboue,tDl)ere i[>ou in to^c5 rematne, ^no boll) rour cares; t)Hto mi? oolefuU t)tttte. BllnD Pan t^ou (l^eepel^carDfi (lDoD,tgat onceDtoQ loue, ^itiz tiie patne0;ttiat tfjou tdi? fclfe Diod p;oue. 2:i)ou barratnc groun5,lDl)om Ujmtcrs to^atl^ l)atl) toattctf^ ^rt mace a m^^r^our.to beboloe mp plt$bt : Mijtlome f bt frefl^ fp^tng floU);D,ano after b^ttcD SLb^ fommer p?otoDe toitb 2Daffabilltei5 btgbt* ^nD notD ifi come tb^ Pointers Qo^mte Me, SCbr mantle marti,tDberetn tbou maf-ke^ft late, ^ucb rage as U)mterfi,raignetb in m^ bart, £^^ lif e blouD friefrng toitb tjnfeinDl^ colo : ^ucli Uomit ttoures do b;teet)c m^ baleful! fmarf i, asifm^ ^eareioereU)aftjanbUJcri.'noli^ j^nD vet alas, but noto m^ fp^ing begonn^ l^no ^et alas^it te alreati^ Donne. ^m nafeeD tree^.tioljore fl^auie leaueji are loff, ^bcrctn tbe birds U^ere Uiont to butib tbetr bol0;e : ; Bl n^ noU) are clotbo U)ttb mofTe ano boarte froC^, 3n aeeDc;of blcffbmes,U)bcrelJoitb tcur bans bib flotoac: ; 3 fee ^our teare0,tbat from r our bougbCiJ 2ioe ratne, Mi^ofe o;op0 in o^erie ^licles rematne« ^U fo m^ luftfuU leafe is tsnz anb Cere, ^U timely buD5 \i)it^ toa^Iing all are loaSeD : SDbe blo(Ibme,\23btcb mi? b;^auncb of ^outb bio bearc> lani) lanuarie. Z ant) from mme e^esfteMjHngtearesDcfcen^, ason i^our bougies tl)e rrtclcscepcnD. SD&ou feble floche,tol)ore fleece w rousi ano rent, miW^'kms arc toeahe tb;:ousl) fail ano eutll fare : ^aiS UDitneire.tDeU bi? 11)^ ill souernment, sE^V matftcrs minoe w cuef come toitl) cariJ. ffbautoeaUCjBl loanne Uljou Uane,3qmtefo^lo^ne: sanity mourning pine 3l,t»0tttmt& pining mourne. a tiioafanD mi^cB 31 curfe t^af carefuU ^oloer, Wb^rein 3| longD tbe netgbbonr toU3ne to fee: ano tiiz tenne fboufanu fitted 3 bleCTe t|ie O^ourey ^beretn 3 fatae To fairt a (iglK, nB O^ee* Retail fo2 naugbt: fuc J figbt batb b^eo mi? bane. ^^ ®oD,t^at lone (^oulD b^eeo bot^ io^ ano paine. 31f iifif not Hobbinol^toljerefoje 3 plaine, Blbee mi^ (one bee fee&e U)ttb oa^2^ fuit : ^isi cloU3nt(^ giftd ano curtlie^s 31 Dtfoainet ^i0htO0e0>btiE(crackneUe£;,anD bt0earl^ fruit .* ^l) fffllitb Hobbinol,tbT> giftcbbene bacne : Colin t^emgiue£ito Roialindagaine. 3 !oue tljilke raffe, (alais to^i^^oe 3 loue i) ano am fojlo^ne,Xalas toljp am 3 lo;ne ^) :&bie beignes not m^ gooo ijuill,but Dotb rep;oue, ano of mi? rurall muQck boloetb fco^^ne. ^b^pt)^aroB oeutre'0^e batetb a^t tbe fnalte > ^m laugljes ttie fonge0,tl)at CoUn Clout Dotlimafee^ Mbcrefo^em^ pipe,albee rune Pan tfjou pleafe, ^et fo; tbou pleafeft not,ljDberc moft 3 tooulo : ano tbou t)nluct?te ^ure,tbat iDonta to eafe ^p muSng mtnoe,pet cantt not, toben tbou O^outo : ^dt^ pipe ano qpure,lball fo^e tbe toWe abpe: ^0 b^ol^e l)iB ^aten pi?pe,ano bolnne oib l^e. 1B^ tbat, tfjt tD elkeo Phoebus gan abaile, ^is Iwearie ti)aine,anD noU)e t&e froffie Night a 2. l^er lanuaric. ^^r maintle blaclke tl^^aus^ bcaben gan onerbaiie* Wi)tc^ (eene,t^e ptnMz bof ^lf( in Defptgbt 0rore,atid t^ometoarD D;oue bts Cutineo i^eepe, S9KS)9fe l)angin£i)$«oe0 oio Ceeme bi^ carefuU ca(0 to toe^fe^ ColinsEmbleme* Anchorafpeme^ GLOSSE. fo^t* Ctotae^h a name not gready vfcc), and yet haue I fcen a paefic of-V.Si^*/««ij vnrf«* Aat tJtlc.Butindecdcihe wordcofC#4(«isPrenchc, and vfed ofthcFrenchPoet-^d!rof(if he be worthy of the nameofaPoct) in acertaine Aeglogue. Vndcr which name rhis Poet ftcretly fhadowdhhimfe^fciats-fomctime did1//r^//vnderthe name of Ti/yrtt/,. thinking ic much fittcr,ihcn{uch Latin slsuticj, for the great vnlikclihoodc of the language* Couthexommtxh of the vcrbe Cd««?,thatis,to know or to haue skill. As wcllinterprctctfl thefame the worthy Sir T/;p,5»:'ir/j in his hookcofgeucrnement: whereof Ihaue a perfeA copie inwritingjientmcby hiskinfman,and ray veric fiia gular good friend, ./H.<7«i^w/li4lb j»y,as alfo of feme other his molt graue and excellent writin^es. Sythe^txa\c, Neighbour tovt^neyihc ntsttownci exprefsiu g the Latin 1/«^i:«<*^l . Stoure,i Rtte, ^Jere, withered. Hisclowni(hgifies,imftatcth1''ir27/jvcrre, , 'J^^icus($C^^oiiyfiecr»u»eractirar Alexis, Hohhinoly is afained countrcy name^wheieby, itbeein^ fo common and vftiall, .&emcd^ te be hidden the perfon of foroc his veric fpeciall and moft familiar friend, whome hcc en- tirely and extraordinarily beloued^ as peraducnture fliall be more larj;ely declared heere* after. In this place fcemcth to beforaefauour of diforderlylouCj whiche the learned eaU T^iera/iiceibutitis gathered befide his meaning.For who thathath reziTlato hisDialogue called ^Icybiades^XenophfmznAMaxirr.ui'Xyrius o^ Socrates opinions, may cafilyperccauc, that fuch loue is much lo be allowed &nA lyked of,f|iccialIy fa mcant,as Socrates vied ft:wh» fai'hjthat indeedehcloued^/9'iw7/^/^oug!)m^ beaten l)tor, • ail ajs J h^ere CijjGugb tl)e boo^ gdoe, 9^t ragget) roitteiei alli^tuer am ^alte, Sis Docn liigb CotjDer5 m an eartS^quabe : Clje^ luoont in t^e tofjioe toagge tbeir W^tggle ta^k0» jaerhe as a penf ocfeei but noU) ie aoattes. Thenot* iletoDl^ fompIaineC t!)ou laefie IaW)e, ^J ©f ra^inCers to^acke foi making tjiee faDOe* ^uH notice Uio^zloe loenD inflis common coarfe jf rom goot) to bat^o^ano from baooe to iDoafe, if rom \^o;(z tinto tljat is too^tt of aU» 0u^ tljcn retuvne to Ijis former fall^ Mi\)Q Ml not fuffer tl)C (!o;mie time, CSl^cre luiil lie liuc till ttie lutiie p^ime^ ^elfe yauc 'i loo jne out tfciCc tljirtie ^eeres, ^ome inmuc^io\?,man\>ittman^teares: ^et neuer cemplaiiieti of colo no^ Ideate, ^f^ommersflamcjno^ofa^inters t&^eate: ^e euer tDas to ifoztunefoeman, '^ut gentlp tcoke, tliat bngentlg cam$. anft euer m^ flockc Iwas m^ ciiiefe care, Minter o^ ^ommcr tjje? m6ugl)t tnell fare* Cuddie* \ ^0 marueileThenot,tftl)ouxanbearc Cl)erefulli^ tJie OTlinters tozatbfull cljeare; iFo.j age ainotjjtnter acco.:D full nie, %l)i l^ecptng tour bealtes in t^e buiDtet) b^oometi: ^no U)Ben tt)e fining funne Iaugt)et{) once, |^ou ocemen.tije ^p;ing t£ixome attonce. SDt)o ginne tou.font) atcs^tbe colD to Cco^ne, ^no crolDtng in p^pes ma^ic of greene co}ne> J^ou t^inben to be £.o;oe£; of tl)e i?eare: ^at eft^tpgen ^e count \?ou f reeo from feare« Come0 ti)e b^eme iDtnter iDit^ cl)amfreo b;otoei3) ifull of l)D;incklcj$anDfrottiefurrotx)e0; SD^eril^ oboofing t)t$(toamie darte. CUbtct) cruUDles! t^e bIouo,ant p;ichi8 i\t tiarte- Stjen 16 iPonr cavelefiTe courage accoi^eo^ $?onr carefull (learDes U)tti) ce(e be anno)?eD. 2Dt)cn pa^ ^o" tbe pnce of i^our furqueu^ie, WMq tueeping,ano U)atltng,anD miCene. Cuddie, 5tt) fooling oloe manj fco^ne t^p ffeill, 2D^at iDoulDei me,mi> rp;:i»gtng i^outl) to fptlK 31 Deemc,tl)^b:aineemperi(]^cD be SC^iougb rullie elDe,t|)at ^attj rctteo tl^ce. ^;^ ficfeer tlji? b^ao berie to ttic i0, ^0 on tf)^ co;bc l^oulDcr it Uanc^f amtilie. ^otD tt)^ felfe bafi loll botb lopp ano fopp, ^\t m^ buDtiing b;^auncb tbou Uiouloeft cropp: liBut iDcre t|)^ peered greene.as noto bene vmt, SDo ot|)er ocUgbtss tbe^ tooulD encline. ffibo U)oulo:(!; tbou learne to caroU of iloue, 3Cnt) bcri? tuitlj blimneu tb^ laffeg gloue. SCbo tDouloeft tl)ou pi^pe of Philiis p;aife; ^ut Phiiiis iP mine fo; manpar 00; iltocnnr FebruariCt 31 tDoittte ber totti^ a gtHle of geie, Cmbofl: Ijpitt) buegU about tbe belt. &ucb an one tbcpb^arDcs IjdouIo mal^e full faine: S^ncli an one looute xmkt tf^t roung aptne* Thcnot. X^ou art a fon,of fb^ loue to koEt, ail tiiatt0 lent to loae.tBtU be loff • Cuddic* ?»ztQAt\x> b;ag ^ond ^nllodte be^re^. ^0 rmtrftcro ftnootbe, bts p;tdseD earesf 1^1)0 bo;nc£;benea5 b^oade^aisKamcbotobent, i^» betoelap a0 l^tbejS? lafiTe of l&ent* ^ee boUi tie bentetb tnto t|e Urmo^' @2H[een00^ of loue td not tn mmbe? ^eemetb tbn floche tbp countell catT^ ^0 Iufl[le!ie bene t|^i?, fo loeabe fo Uiam Clotbeo tptt^ colD.ano boarte liittb frofl^. E^b? flocked fatber W courage batli loH: SDb^ (£t23e£;>tl)at Ipoont to b^ue blotone bags, ilt^e toatlefull totddoloe^ b^ngen tbe^^ crac;^: SDbe ratber lambed bene Sarueo tortd colo, M fo; t^etr spatter k luitief e ano olo* Thcnot, Cuddie.j toote tbou Itenft Ittle gooD, ^otiKne!^ to aoaauocelb? bi^abMe booD* ifo;^nougb td a bubble blotonebp taitbbaeatf), ratjofe n)ttte 10 ioeakeneire,tDbofe loage t0 Deat^, ili^bof^ tjoai? is tDiloerneire,lobore ^nm penaunce» 0nD Hoopegallaunt SiQt t\iz boail of €^recuaunce« S5ut (^all Bl tell tbeea tale of truetbi Wljicb 3 cono of ricyrus in mp i!Out|i, iiteeptng bt£( ^eepe on tbe btlte0 of ]i^ent^ Cuddle* 3Co nougbt mo je Thenot,m^ minDc t0 bent, SCI^en to beate nouelld of bis oeutfc.' SCf)e^ bene To loell tbetoeb^anb fo tDtfe, Wb^t euer ts)at gooD olo man befpea^e* rhcnot. h FebruaricA THENOT. . ,, , ^an^ Hteete talts of ^outtj oio ^ee mato, ano fome of loue,ano fome of cfteuairie : 3i5at none fitter tW t!)fe to applte. ^o\x) liten a tpt)tle,ano Ijearhen t&e eno. Tl^ere gretoe an aget) SDrd^ on tl)e greenC) 2&gooDi^)^akefom0ttmetiaD it bene, ' mail armes full ftrong anD largely DtfplaijUi SBnt of tl^eir leaner; t^tt ^^f ^ Oifara^De : %^t. boDte btgge,ant) mtgljttl^ ptgb t> %feougbl^ rootecano of toonoeroug IjigW ♦ W^tlome BaD bene t^e htng of t^e fieloe, Sim nioctiell matt to tbe liuroanbe bio |ieloe> ;ano iDit^ bi^ nut£( laroeD man^ riioine^ 16nt notD tbe gra^ niolfe marreo })is vim, ^t0 bareo boug^eti loere beaten luitb HomtSt ^iB toppe \x>aa balt),anD iDaHeo loit^ Ijoo^me^^ ^t£( bononr ^tmn^yW b^urtct^e^Cere* ^aro b^ bfe fioe gretoe a.b^aggingb^ere, Wtncb p^ottidl^ t^iixfi mto SC^element, dno feemeD to tb^eat tbe iFtrmament. 3t Ijoas embelU^t tottb bloflTome^ fatrc> Sno thereto ape iJOonneD to repap^e SCbe Cbep^earD0 Dangb^^^^to gatber Cioto^e^, %o patnte tbetr gtrlonos; luttb btie^ calowetf. flno tn bis fmall bnlbe^ t^feo to (]^;oU)De SCbe rixieete jf^tg|tingale ilngtng fo loUaOe : Mibtcb maoe tbu; fooittb W}txt Wxtto bolD> SDbatonatimebeccattbimtofcolo, --^ - '- j^. Qni)rnebbetbegooDi)ahe,fo;tbeetDajaibIo* ^ m^^ fJtama tbere (quotb) tbou bMi^ blocker j^o^ fo^ frutt,no; fo; (baootoe femes t^p Clocke: j^aed^botP fre^ mi^ fiolBeriii bene fp^eboe, )3>i?eb in l.tlli^ tobtte, anb Cretnlin rebbe« TOttbiLeaues engratneb tn ludte greene, Colours mt^tz to clotj^e a mai^DmStrnm- Februaric. S{)r foaac btgneie; bnt combers t!)e grocno, 2n6 DirUs t^z beantte of m^ blolTonieti ronno. ^ye moulDte mo0re,U)ljtcb tbee arcloi^etbt ^^ ^tnamon (iiicU too muc(i anno^etii. Tiiaocreto^c foone 31 reoe tt^ce bence retnoottet^ Heaa tbou tbe p;uc of m^ Difplcafare p;ooner ^ofpabe ti)i5boiD115;^eretDttbgreatbt(batng.* ilittlc btm auiUlD^rtD tbe ^ahcagatite, )i^qe i^celocD,tDttb l^amc ano grtefe aDatoeD, SQ^bat of a ^ecoe b^^ ^^^ onercratoeb. Bit cbaanceo after bpoit a Ba^, Sbe buTbanoman felfe to cometbat toai^^ ^t cultome fo^ to itxm^t bts 0ronni)0^ dnb U^ tixzB of Hate tn compaifferonnoe. Iguu U)bcn tbcfpigbt^fuU ^;ere bao efpi^et^^, CaudelTe compIa^^ncD^anb lotiabli? crped 50[nto bi^ ilo^Ojftirrtiig bp ttcritc ffrtfe : iIDm^licfieiio;D,tbc€^ooofmriire^: : pleadttb T!on ponocr ^our &app!tatm#|)Iapf; CaufcD of tJD>ong,ano cruell conttramt, t^lbtcb 31 ^ouv poo;e vj^atfall i^i>lt0 enbur^ : 0no bnt ^our gooDncs tbe famt recure, ^mlt&e fo^ Oefpcrate ooolctodte, Sb^ougb felonouis fo^e of intnc emmte. CrcattT! agaH tottb tbtiet piteous plea, i|>im retteb tbe gooo-man cti tbe Ii^a, ano babDe tbe )i6;crein biiS^pleftrt piroceeb^ - - ; Mttb painteb lDo;}Des tbVg^n tbtiet |(^jyuib]^|di^^% ^ (HijEimoftbrenambrttousfofte:): ' - '-1.3^ l^ts coloured crtmetuitb craft to tMJ^; ab m^foueratgrje^iLoibofCreatari^^att, STbouplacerofplahtsbotb baiwbteanttaU, OTas not 3 planteb of tbmc etbuc baribe^ %o bee tbe jb^jimrofe of a!t t br lahbev "; * ' ^itb flolD^mg bloffomes, tofurntl^ tit p^un^r^ ^ • -^ 0nbfcarIet berries in &omm'ertitiieY -'.- j Igoteefallsit jbcrijtbaf ibii^faoeo;£)aHc> ; Fetruatk. : € OTjofc botite fe few, tJDljofe biauntfretf biiokci OTftofe nakcD Slrmcs ttrctd) tjnto t^e f]?;e, TElJito fuel) ti?;annic Dotb aC^ire : !^inDerihg U)it& t)ts ftaDe m^ereluttbm^ frc(^ jfiotD;et5benebefalt iFo; tbt5,anD titanic moiefucb outrage. Crauuig: ipcur soooli>bcaOe to alTljDage %\)e rancbo;3a0 rigour of liuimtgbt ^ ^ougbt affee 3, but onel]? to bol^c nip rrgbf t Submitting tnce to tour gooo fuffierautuef dno p;d^tng to be garoeo from gretuauna. SEott)tstt)i5i)a^e cad^tmtoreplie Meil as bee ccutf) : but bt0 enemia ^ao ^tnoleis fuc^ colc^ of oifplcafure, S^t)at tbc gduo man nculDe ffat lius leatitre. ^ut i}6me t)nn baO:ei) toiti; furious beate, CncreaQng bts U);atb tottb maup a tb:eate» 1^15 barmefuU t^atcbct be bent in banD> (^idsy tbat it fo reaue ibouloe (!anD) ^no to tbe fielce alone bee fpeeoetb. (are iittlt belp to barntc tbere mttitt\)} ^nger noulo let btm fpeakc to tbe tree» tBUiUnter ^is rage mougbt coolcD bee : }15ut to tbe rootc bent ^is lIurDte If rohef tbe fenfeleSe t^on Dio fearet ^; to lv;ong lioln elQ bt1)to;beare. FeBruaric. JFo,: It 5aD bene m auitcfenf tree, ^acreo tpttb inanp a mifferee> j^m often croCt luttl) t^e p^iedc^ rretoe, 9ni5 often ^allotocu UJttlb t)oI^ tuatirr cetoe. 5l5utrihefanlie0 loerenfoolcae, Snd b^ous^ten ttiiB Dake to tljtsei ntirerie* if o; noug|)t moag^t ttiei? qnttten ^(m front oecaq^: ;f o^f!ercel^t&efiooDmanatt)tmtiiDlai^e. '^ ' -*^^"^ Stie blocbe oft groneo tnoer tf^e bIotD» 0nD OgtieD to fee b<0 neere ouert^;oU). 3n 6ne tbe fi^eele iaDfrferceo ^'0 ptt^> :Sbot)olDne to t^e eartg Ijee fell fo^tfjtoitlg: ^t0 tponoerou0 toetg^t maoe tl)e gronnD to qttake, S^beart^ O^^onhe bnoer litm.ano Teemeo to flj^abef %ktvt l^zt^ttit iS)a&e,pttteD of none* ^otD (fanDis ttie )lB;ere like a ILo;o alofne, puffeo tp tDitb pzroe anD batne plcafaunce s 16n t all t§t0 glee bao no contmuaunce* iFo.j eft fcnea TO inter gan to appjoc^e, %^t blu0f rtng HSomB oto encrocj^e, Hndbeatel)pontl)e folttarte^^ere : ifo; notoe no fuccour loas feene ^hn neere. ^oU) gan tee repent fttspjioe too late : jfo^nafetDleft anDDifconfoiate; Cf)e bating frolf ntpt tfeffaltre oeane, 2D^e toatric tjuette toeigbcD uotonebw fteace, J^no IjeapeD fnotoe burcncD bimto fo;e, C&at notoe bp;tgbt bee can ttano no mo^e : j^nD being DotDne,t£i trobe in tbe Dnrt M eattell, anD b.^cuj eo, mtb fojeln b«rt.' &ucb m& tbentje of tbi£5 ainbitiotisip^tre, ; ifo;fco;mngaii?,, CVDDiF.. ^oljD 31 p;a)? tbee ^ljepbearo,teU it np t fo;itIi. : 1gei:ei0aloHgtale,anolittletoO}tJ* ■'' Jbo long JaueJ liffenctito tlj^fpectie, 2L&at graffcD (o tfee grounu is m^ bjet^c : ^^ f)earC Wooli ts tDtlnigf) frojne a feele, jano mt galage grotonefadto m^ tjeele : ^ut Itttle eafe of ti)i? lelDDe talo Bl faaeo, Ipu t^ce liome ^i)ep$earD^ t^t oaig ut ntg() U^aSeo* Thcnots Emblcmc^ Iddio fere he e vecchioj Fa/fiOf aljito ejfempo , Cuddies Emblcmc. GLOSSE, 'KjiUy fliarpe. ' aiiD clcUiDte mmin clearer^. W%c. $>^ft not tl)im0ifame^atot6oane8aboe, ^otbe b jagli? tC begtnnmo butoe, ano btter Jte tenoer l&eaoe r . Floraf notoe caUetpfo^tljectieflotDer, ;anDbtDi9imafeereabie Maias botoer, %W netoe te tp^i?a from W^* sn^oC^aHtoecrpo^tentnttaigWj ^'^^ 3nD learne toitb ilcttice to toere UsW? SDbatfco^nefuili? looker afftmitfC^: ' SDljdtoilltoec little Houeati^al^e, , ,^ ^ , , ^^.^ saDDatnotPeflcepetlrfttL^elahej^^v' V^^«^ ^^T;?^^^ '^ y^^ janopjai?t)ito!ea0ek(J\^',\ - jFo> Inftie ilouc Cill m»m not/ ^ ;^ ^ ^„,_;. ^, il5«tidab;oau^«|M6i5a«i^ a- ;^^^ ^^^^^-- ^^ ^otoe ftetite tjoki, i^ai^i^ aioobe^ ' ^ •o' 'AS\ Mficrcb^ b^ ctiaunce Bllbtm fenettj. Willyc. SEbomaltmtiane no care fo; t{)^, ^p felfe iDtll gaue a Double ei?e, ^Ithe to m^ flocbe and tgfne: iFo; ala£i at tittne 3l tjaue a f^;e, ^ ftepDame elte ajs tiote ass ff ^e. 2Dt)at ceU)ls aoa^e0 counts mine* Thomaliti. ^ap,but tbi? feemg Id ill not ferae, ^is t^eepe fo^ tljat ma^ cbaunce to ftoerue, 0nD fall into fome mifc|^iefe« ^0^ at^eniet w but tbe tl)irD mo;otpe, SDliat 31 cljauna to faill a aeepe iDtt^ fo^roto, a no toaheo againe toit^ griefe: ^be V»bile t&tllte fame tmt)appie (^Ijoe, ti2a:i)of0 clouteo legge fjer burt ootb fi^etoe, jl?elll)eaDIonsintoatiell. anu tti^re t^nio^nteo botl) ber bones: ^pougbt ber nech bene iot?nteo atfone^, 6>be l^ouloe baiie neeue no mo^e fpell. Cbelfe U)a£i fo tonton anD fo tuooo, (^ut noto 3 trotoe can better gooD) ^be mougbt ne gang on t^z grecne. Willyc. lief be.afi mat? b0,tbat is patt: K^at is to comeJet be fo^ecalf . ii^oU) tell bs, tobat tbou battfeenr, C Thomalin* ;i March. Thomalin* Wi\^m C^cpliearoc^ groomeis ^micmt to pUi?} BIcofltOGoal^oottng. ILong U)ano;mg tip anD Dolone tl^2 lan^i Wtti) boU) anD bolts tn either banc, if o; btrDc0 in but^Ciei tootinj^ Sit length) iJDttbm tbe ^uie tot)i>e (^Dbcre (b;oluDcD toaB tt^e little <^6ti) 3 ttearo a buUc bnSling. 31 bent mi! bolt againU tl^e buH^, Winning if ante t^ing Dio ruil^> But tben liearo no mo;e ruHlttis. %\)o peeping clofe into tbe tl^icke> ^ig|)t fee t^z mouing of fome quic^e> ^tiofc iT^ape appeared not: HBnt tuere it facrte,feenD, o;^ fnaltc, ^^ courage earno it to aloaKe, 0nD manfully tljereat l^otte* ^itl) tl)at fp;ang fo^tb a nafeoD ftoat^ne, Mitlj fpotteo Iptnges Ithe peacocbis trai;ne> ^nt) laugbiitg lope to a tree. I^i0 gi^loen qamv at ^is bacfee, iino fttuer boU)e,U)!)t(|) taas ^ut Hacfee: ^liicb ltgl)tl^ i)e bent at me. SCijat feeing 3, leuelo againe, Sim ii^otte at ijim ^itl) mig?)t anD maine, jas tbiclte, aei it [?aD l)aileo« ^0 long 3! i^ott,tl)at all toa£i fpent : Sl;3 pumie a:one0 3 ijadl^ Ijent, ^m tS;j0toe:but nougbt auai^Iel>: ^z U)aei Co ljuimb!e,ano fo toigbt^ ^com bougS to bouglj l)e leppeo ligftt, ano oft t'^e pumieis latclieo* ffi^ereluitb afifraD 3 ranne atua^: 3l5ut b2,tbat cara feemeo but to pfa)?, ^ t^aft in eamefl; fnatelied^ ICnD March. lo SCnu Ijitmc runmirgirttjcljecle: ifo; then J little fmart m feele; ^ut foone it fo;:e increafeo. ariD nolu it rancl^lctl) mo;:e anO mo^e, flino iiitoari3l^ it feCrct^ fo;c, ipc Ujotc 3!,tiou) to ccalc it. Willye* jCl)omaliit,3I piftiet&ig pligjt, pemtc tBtt^ lone t^ou oiODcS (fsl)t: BlhnolD^imb^atol^em ifo J once 3 tjcaro m^ father fai^, l^otD ^e t)tm canstit tpon a Da)^. (^gcreof tie tDill be iD^ohen) CntangleDin afolDltngnet, M^iic^tiefo; carrion CrolPc^^aDfeti ^ti^ttn our|Bearetree^unteD* Ctio (aio, l^e Ijoais a iDtngcD f ao, ^ut boUie ano O^aftcfs as t\)zt\ none fiaD; (iDlstiaD i;e to^e be DaunteD. )15ut fee tt?e l^eltsin tfitclifi apace* ;anD4!ouping Phoebus ffecpes U^ face: ^td time to IjaHe 1)0 tiometparo. WillyesEmblcme. To he wife and eke to loue, Isgraunted fcarce toGodahoue. Thomalins Emblemc. Ofhony andofgaule in lone there isftore>, Th^ hony is muchjbut thegaule is more. GLOSSE, This Aeglogue rccmcrhfomcwhat to rcfcmblc that fame ofTheatrhUf, wherein the boy likewifetellingtheoldcman, thathcchadfhotcat^wingcdboyinatrcc, wasby hym warned, to beware ofmilchiefc to come. C % Oner March, euerwm.outr^one, , ./?%/•, to lelTcn or aflWage, To ^uell, to ibztc. > I'f^'ei ki»-,^hci>kic. yhef»>.tloive:Whi ch biid vfcch to be counted the me'flcngcr, and as icwere, the forerun- Jierorfpring. , -_ ^' F/or^,the Goddefie of flo wrcsjbiit indcede(as faith Tacitui) a famous bailor, whiclt with thcabufe of her body hauing gottengrcat riches, made the people of Rome her hcyrcr whoinremembraunce offo great benericcnce,appointed ayccrely feaft for the memorial other,cillingher,not as (he was,nor as fome doethinke, ^».lromcay butFA»r)aue fhaftes, fome leaden, fome golden-.that is,both plealurefor the gratious aYidloued, andforioWcfor the loue that is difdainedor . forfaken. But who lift more at large to behold Cupids colours and furniture, let hym read cyther7-'/'c/;em«^,or Mofchushis rr/)'^/oKofwandringloue,being new mod excellently tranflatedinto Latine by ihe finguler learned man ^ngelus TeliUanus : whiche worke I hauc feeneamongeft other of thss Poetes doingefj verye well tranflatcd alfo into Eng- li ih Rymes, Wimble anirvighte, Quickeand deliuer. Intl:e hee/e^is verie Poetically tpsokenjand not without fpecial iudgement.For I remem- ber, that in //o;«f>' it is faydcofT/)p?M,thatflieeti^poUo> Whiche myfticall fable Eujiathius vnfolding , faith: that by woundingthehcele, ismeantluftfull loue.ForfrGmthehaelefasfaythcbeftphifitions) to tliepriuie partes there paffe certaine veines and {lender finncwes, as alfo the like come from the head, and are carried hke little pypes behindc the eares: fo th at (as fayth Hipocrates) if thofe veines there bee cut a funder, ike.|>arci€ftraightbcconuncth cold and vnfruitfwU, Which rcafoB our Poet well weighing, March^ iz malcctK this niepKeaidcs^oy* ofpurpofe ro be .wounded by Louc in the heeJe. Z.T:r/W,caught. - ]Vrol{c»,vcueni^c t^iit all t)ts lone Dotl) Cco^ne: ^e plungeo in paincjt)i0 trefeo locfees uctlj tearc, ^' Jioai ^|)epl)earDeie; Delist^ ^t Dot^ tljem all fo;2rtpeare« lpt0 pleafaunt ptpe.totitcf^ maDe t)£; mertntent ^ l^eUnlfallpt)atl)b;^obe3,ai)Dj)pttJfo^beare ; ^w iDounteD fonfie5,te6f^etn Ije aUouttDerit Thcnot, ©I9[ftat is Jefo; aHaweiTcit fo famenff i^£i loue fuel) pinct)mgpatneto tbem^t^at p^ouef ^nt) t)at^ tje Ct^tU to ma^e To ercellent^ pet !)at() To little (btU to b^iole ioue^ Hobbinoll/ Colin tgou hen(!,tl)e ^outberne il^e|t)earDe£i bo^e: l^tm lloue t)atl) toounoeo ijottt) a Deabl^ oarte* tsiUbtlomeon btm lua$ all ih]^ care ano to^e^ if o^ctng iDtti) sifted to lotnne lji0 loattton beart. 3B5utnotDfromme!)ismaDDingmmi30t£8 If arte, ano Ujocs tbe TOiCDoloes oaujsbter of tfte glenne: J^o noto fap;e Rofalinde ^atlj b^eooe W Cmart, ^0 notD W fneriD i$ c^autigco fo; a frenne. Ihcnor, %\xi if Ijis Ditties be fo trimly bis^t, 3 p;ai? t!)ee Hobbinoli,reco;5e fome one: %^t U^biles cur flocbes Doe gaje about in O0i)t^ ^nD Ijoe clofe l^;oU)Dei) in t!)t0 O^aDe alone. Hobbinoll, Contenteb 3I:tf)en toill 3 fing bis ia^e ®ffar:eBlira,^aecneof&t)epbearDe£ian: Mbic^ once ^e mabe^as bp a fpnng be (are^ dno turneb it bnto t^6 toateri^ f^ttt April! 1-'^ ifo^falje rowrtoatrirbo\jD;c£i,anD Jetlierloohe, atmprrquett: ^nD cfee peu eiir:gm&,t()af on Pamaffc DtocU, tU^mcttio\x)zti Helicon tj^e (earneD tuell, raWcti in tjer (txt Dottj all well. £Df faK?>c Elifa fag ^otir Cluer fowg, t^aefalcffeoijuifltjf: ai^e floto;c of 51ltrgirwi,ma8 flii^Mim&* iFo J l^a fe Syrinx oaug^te^ twi^|)Out Cpotfe, ^mijwlj Pan t()0 ^pSearDei ©oD of Jer begotfe; ^ofpaongfier grace ^f&eau0nl]?race, jjio mo^tall btomfl^e mag fter Wo«0* ^^,tDbere H^cSfi^^^pon tfjogram'e greene> (^fecmel^ag^) "^ ^clao in Scarlet like a im^itn Stmrnt, ^m€xcmimB\s)^itt. tmpon fccr Ijeau a CremoKii ca^once, Mitl) SDamaffee rofb am^ S>affaDil Jfejs feC s ll5ai?Ieaue06efiDcene, anD|3.>tmrsfe0greene ©mbcUtaij t&e f toeete triolet fell me,!jaue ^e fcene Jcr angelifee face, 3lte Phoebe fa^;^0f l^er Ijeauenl^ liaueour.iierp^mcelp grace can pu toll comparer . %^z a^eODe rofe meoleo toit^ tde M^ite ^fere, 3ln eif [jer c&eefee oepetncten UmiQ t|ere, i^ermoueffege, ^er^aiellie^ W&ere liaug sou feenc (&e l(6e>buttijere.* u t^n. Aprill. 151 a fatoePhcebas tl)mfto«tf)tego!OCtt!)0t^e, tjponbertoga^c )i5ut tD^eti pz ratp,t)olo b;oaDe W beamed oto fp;et)Dei l^ee bluC^e tofeeanotljcr ^unnebelolDe^ ^e turn againe t)t5 6rte face oat fl^oU» : ILettiun,tf {^eeoarc, l^u(b;tQ|)tneCfe compare Mttij^erSjto^aaet^e ouert^^toe* ^|^tDet{)^relfieCynthiaU)tt^t^^mner rm^t anDbenotaba(^t: Wf^n H^ce ttft beameis of ^er beantte Otfplai?e0, S> &olD art tbon DaO^t i ^ut 3 iDtll not mated i^ertottbLatonaes Ceeoe; ^nCi) folltc great fo^oto to Niohe Dio b;eeOe> i^oto^eeuaHone, ^nD mal(e0 DarUe mono, QSHarntng all otber to take be^oe. Pan ma^ bee p^o^De,tbat euer bee begot racbs^Utbcne» attD Syrinx reioi>ce,ttiat eoer toad fter lot tobearefnc|ianDne« ^mnt as nvi i^oangltnge^ cr^n fo;^ tbe tiam» So ber iDtU 3 offer a milk tobtteHamb : ^bee iB mp goDDedie plainer i^no 3 ber l^rpl^caroes CUmi^ne, Slbee fo^CtDoncb ana fo^ripatt 3 am, 3 fee Calliope (peeoe ^er to tbe place, tDbcre m^ Coooetfe (btnes : anb after ber tbe otbcr9|;afe0 trace, OT[itbtbeir(iatoline5. 3i5ene tbe? not )i5a?-b;aoncbe«>tDbtt5fteBboebeare, M fo2 Elif a ia ber bano to toeare i ^oftoettclietbeiiplac: anofing all tbe tPa^, E^liat it a t^nen 10 to beare. 3Lo ^oib grrelj^ tlic graceis can it foDte tot{)esnftrum0ne: %it^ DausicciiBe(ni?,anD(tnsenlbote> mttietrmcrmtciU. Want0nota!ourt^grace,to ma^etlieimnncc tumi ^t»ee(^aibeagrace, ^o6Utl;efonrti)p!ace> Sltta ratjgue \x>it^ i^t red in ^cattem Sim tut)tt[}er vmnts^ t|ite beme of iMkt^ ^^(9% raungeDtnarolDCf SD^e^ bene all ILai^^esotttia late beiitglie^ tt)atbnto|)ergoe. Chlores^ ttiat i^ t^ c^iefeli p^tnfifi of all^ . £)f ^ltueb;auncl)es bcare£iaCo^onaU ; ^Un0£ibcncfo^peace^ i^t^enlDarr00Doerurceare : ^uct) to; a p^tncelTe bene p;tncipail. ^e^ (l^epbeart)0 nm&^tcti^itl^at oiuiU onCbe sreene> b^e^outtiereaparc: iMt none come tl)ere> but t^^at MtQitiB bene, . to aoo^neber grace, ^no tDi)en ^ou come, tul)ereai£i ll^ee i$ in place, ^ee,tbat^our ruoenefreooenot^ouoirgraces SStnbe tour fillets fade , lano giro m tour lJDa0e, Sto; mo^e finelTe^Uittb a t^ tuoate Uce« ^;tng b^atber tbe )BtncUe ano purple CuUambtne^ ^ lDteb(SeUtflotDae£(: IB^ing Coronations, ano &op£i in tioine, iuoane of )Baramourc£;. $9trotoe mee tbe^^ounoe toilb S>afifabob3nttilIteie?, ^no CotoOipd^anD l^ingcupi^j anliloueo Mim : 2Dbep^etie^atDnce, HinotbeCbcui(aunce* ^^all matc^ tDitl; tbe facje (lot)o;e ^^lice, Aprill H ^oto ryfe t)p Elifa, Decker as tftott art, tnro\)allara^: HUnn nolo tt^c oatnttc S^amrellist mn^ ocpart 3 fcarc, 3 t)auc troableo i^owttoupts too Ions : %tt Dame Blifa tt)anl^e ^ou foa Her Cong. ^nu if ^cu come beatfjer, ^l^n JDamSnes 31 getter, gtotUpart t^ail among. Thenot. Sinn ts}ai$ t^ilk (ante Tens of Colins otvne mabingf 8i^ tooli^ i3o^, t^at ts tDitD toue rblent : <£?rcat pittit is,ljee tee tn fuct taking, ' if o; uaagt)t caren4[?at bene (b lelDDl^ bent. Hobbinoll. ^tcber 3 to^oe ^rni, fo; a greater foil, %\^&tiauiB t^et^tng.tiee cannot pnrcliafe* j^ttt iet t)s tiomeU^aro fo? ntgtjt baatoetlj on, ;ano ttDinekling ftarre0 1^ Da^Ugbt tience c^fi. Thenots Emblcme* O ijHam te mtmorem vtrgo f Hobbinolls £inblcm^> O deacme. S> ^ i-itiuvici AptilU GLOSSE. iBsrsthetgreeti, catifeth thee weepe and complaync, Forlome, left and forCtke*. ^/temired to the yetre , agreeable to the icalon of the yeere, diat is Aprill, which mo- BCthismoftbent toHioures and feaibnable raync : to quench, that is , to delay the drought,cau(edihrough drindfe t)f March wyndos* jZ>f/*^, Colin Clout. tht Ujfe^^olzlinAz, Tr^-^i/ M"> *^cthcrcd and curled. li hte ftr A{idde, Aftraunge mancr of fpeaking.r.what mancrof Lad is hee ^ To mal{tyio r'itte awd verftfie. V or in this worde, nuking-, our olde Englifhe Poetis were wont to comprehend all ihefkillof Poecric, according tothcGrcckc wordPf Ji^/then cythet Mynoxhz molt excellent Poet r/!?e«:r;>«j his dearling,or Lauretta. thc- »* . . DigA/, adorned. Lbr«(yH€ : and H«»»fr onely addcth a fourth, f. PtfyJ>/jM)otherwife Qi\kd Chantes , that isthankes. W^homthcPoetsfayncdtobecGoddencs of anbdun;yandcomehncfie,whiCh therefore (as faythTAr die naming tff the City of Athens , Ncp:unc ftriking the grounde with his Mace, caiifed a horf c to come forth, that importethwarre , but at Mineruacs ftroke fpr«ng oucanOliuc, to note chatij Jhould beaNurfc of learningjandfuchpeaceableftudic-i. ' 'B^ndeyow^ fpoken rudely, anrd accordmg to flicpheardes (tmplicity . 'Bting, allthcfe be names of flowers. Sops in wine a flower in colour much like to aCa- ronation,bat differing in fmell and quantity.Flowrc dclice, chat which th :y vfc to raiftcrmc, Flowrc dclucc, being in Latine called Vlos diltttarum, ^Bellibafu, ora Bonnibcll,homcly fpoken fotafairemaydc or Bonilartc» ForJivo}tcf{, and/or l^jt J ouerlaboured andfunneburnt. I/atve Phoe'iuSi the fiiriric. A fcnlible Narratio.i»and prcfentviewc of the thing inendo- »ed,which they call T'^roa*/;*. 'QfHtbia, the Moonefo called of CywW a hyll, where die was honoured, Latanaes fiedi, Wjii^poUofind Diana, Whom when as ^<9^e thcwifeof^w/'/»i<>*rfcor- xiedjin relpcft of the noble fruit of herwombe,namelyherfeuen fonnes, & fomany^tugh* ters,L/i*9«rfbeing therewith dilpleafed»commaunded her fonne Vheehut so flea all the fonnes» and Dm«<< all the daughters : whereat the vnfortunate^iiift* being fore difmayed, and lamentingout ofmeafare, was faynedof the Poets c« bee turned intoa ilone vpon the Scs pulchrebf herchildrcn, for whichcattfccheihcpheardtaych,hce will notco.npare her ^o them,forfearc of miffoixunc. ^ow nfe^ is the conclufion, Forbauing fo decked her with praifes and comparifons^ hee rcturneth all the thanke of his labour to the excellencieof acr Maieflie* WoenDxmfiHSy Abafc reward of a clownifhc oiucr» jbUnt^iyis a pocti(;a!l addition, b^ent blia4cir> Bmblemc* This Poefie is taken out of ;>^;''|»4and there of hlti rfed in the peifon oiydeneas to his ni«- ther f^ewuf, appearing to him intikcnertc of one of Dunst damofells : faciiig there moft di- uinely fct forth, to which (imilitude o£diuinity HobbiHoll comparing the excellencie of e-. l£jic __._ . ..„_,^ Ti.-^,.. ^ .^— wliomr^ffw^autifwcrcthwithanoti^rpartof the like verfe.as confirming byhisgfaun* and appro uaunce, that £/y/* is tto whit ittfcciour w chcMaicftic of hcr,of whom tac Poet raiK>ldlypron»uncc(ii dsA ctrte. t6 May^ M^ogci Quinta. Argument. < IN this frUJeglogue y vnder theperfons of trvo floepheardes ^ Piei'i and Palinode,^^ reprefented two formes offashures or MtniBers.or theProteJiantand the Cat holt que: rvhofe chiefe tdlkeftandeth in reafoningy whether the life of the one muji bee like the other yWith whom hauingjhewedy that it is daungerotis to maintaim anj fellowship yorgiue too much credit to their co- lourable andfayr^edgood'Willyhe tellethhim a tale of the FoxCy, that bjfuch a counterpoint of craft ines deceiuedand deuomed the credtdotakiddc. Palincae May. Palinode. Piers. I$& not tbtlket^emeri^motut^or^ai?, m^tn loue laOd maften tn ftztt) nra^ i ^oUi falUs 'it tt)en)Uiee no merrier bjeenei #l^e 30 oti)eri$,strt tngalnov gr^ne i £)ur bloncHet Ituerted bene all to faooe, |f oi t!)tlhe fame reafonrtol^en all \b ^claooc wtt&plea(an:e:tbegronnoUittb gralTe^ittie Mc05 d^tt^ greene ieaue^, t^e bnfl^ed luttb btormmg )SuO0> ^ongbtb^^fotte noUi tlocken in euer^ U)bere> 2Do gatber 9pai?-bn(ket0 am fmcUing )l5^ere i Hnb borne tbe^ batten V^z poller to bigbt* anb all tbel&trke piUoord eare da^ itgbt> (Haitb t^atDtbo^tne bnb0,and (toette <£glantme» HnDgtrIo»D0of Uo(e0 ano^oppe^ in toine. $^ucb mertmafce bol^ ^atnt0 Dotb 4ueme> . l&vA tnee b$re atten a0 o^oUmoe ixk a o;eme* PIERS. ifo; ^ounfeer0 Palinode fucb feUtes fitte, ^ut tuee tl»as bene mzn of eloer Ivitte. PALINODE. picker tbus mo;(otDC,no tenger agoc, 31 Talne a ^ole of (bepbearDeiS outgoes t Witb Gngtngtanb Ibouting, an!:i tolli? c^ere * S5efo;e tbem i^ooe a luUte IIDeib;cre, SCbat to tbemani^al^omeprpeplai^be, Wbereto tbei? nauncen ecbe one toitb W m^.'^'t^z* SDo fee t^ofe folbe^ maUe fucb ioai^faume, ^aoe mis beart after tbe p^pe to oaunce. S^bo to tbe greene WooMbe^ rpeeoen bem all, SDo fetcben borne ^a^ loitb tbeir muficall : laino borne tbe^b^ingen in aropll tb^one, Croloneb asi l^ing : anb bt^flueene attone TOaiS ILaOt) Flora, on tjobom bib attcnb Si fmt &oeke of ^aerieieijanb a fred^ benb. £>t Maye, . %o belpcn tlje ILaDics t|)cir fi^a^buH^ beare) as /iers ,bcnc net tti^ ittt^ on tOfie,to tbtnhe, l^olP great fpo;t tljer sarnen Imttj little flomcfc. Piers* ' pcrbie b farre am Bl fVom enuie, St^at t^tix fononecre tnl]? 31 pitte> SC^fe fa^tonr0 little regaroen tgei^) charge* tli^t)tle tbe]? letting tt}etr l^eepe runne at large^ palen tbeir time>tl)at ^om be fparelj? fpent, Jn luttiljeDe ano U^anton mcrigment, SCt)ilbe fame bene d^ept^earoeisfo^tbe benill^ffem, S^^at pla)^en^ iDbile t^eir fiothcB be bnfeime* ^ell it is fceue^tbeir l^eepe be not tfteir otone, SCIiat letten t^em rnnne at ranoon alon^. 5S5ut t^er bene bi?;eD fox little pa^ ^fotber,tbatcaren as little a0 t(e$, Mbat fallen tbe flcc2se,(b tlie^ (an ti)e^ fleece^ Hlno get all tbe gaincpai^ing but a peece. 31 mnre^lobat acrompt botb t^efe Uitll mahe^ SLl)e one fo; t^e bire>tDt)ieb l^e botti take, 3no tbotber fo^ leaning bis Hoabegtaf&e* lE^^en greaD Pan account of t^epliearoeB (l^oulo d(be* Palinode, Richer noto 31 fee tb^u fpeakett of fptgtjt, SLll fo; t^ou lacked lomnele t^etr (elig^t* 3(ac J am)bab ratljer be enuieD, ^a \jDcre it of m^ foc.tl^en fonl^ pitieb: Sltiry ^et if neece luere^piticD tooulo be, KatbccttjanotfjerrgculD fco^ne at me: , jpo; pitticD i0 mi(bap,tl)at nas r emebie, ^ut rco:neb bene oecoe^ of fonb folerte* XM\^at (bouloen l^epljcaroes otj^r tbinges teno, ^bcn fitb tlieir CE^oo bis goooboe^ tbem fenb, Hcapen f be fruitc tljereofjt&at is pleafure, %\\z tol/ile tbc^ bere liuen,at eafe ano leafuref ^0.: tppcn t^e^ bene oeao>tt)eir gooo is rgoe, e flufie^ 17 c. SC^o U)tt[) t^cm U)cn05,U»i)at t^ei? Tpcnt tn co(!> 35ttt ljDl)at t^t^ left bel)nttie t^cm^ts lod* <1D©D 10 no gQ)0,but tf it be fpunb : * .. ^ j,^, d&oo gtuctl) G(DDfO(i none pti)er eno* Piers, Hit) Palinode,f tiou art a feo^loefi 0\ttt OT{)o f oucl)c$ pttc^ mougb! neeos^be Oefiioe. )15ut Utiepl^earDd (wa i9ilgrtnD Dfeo to fai?.) ^ougt)t not If ue i^ltbM^incn of tbe la^e : mit^ tbem tt dtd to carefo; tlietr bcke, Cnannter tl^ix ^erttage Oco tmpatre : Cb^pmud p^outoefb;^ meaner of imtntenamc^. ano to tontinuelbtirloont countenance. ^<. s 25nt fljep!)carD mixU toalfee anotfjer toa^, & jIiC iDo^lDlp fauenance be muft fo;cfav\ SElie Tonne of i^t^ louie0 iobp &e (boulb rcgatD So Icaue cnrtcbcii lottb t^at be bat^ fparo i ^boulo not tbil^e C^oo^tbat gaue bi»i tbat qdod^ Cke cbcrt(^ bis cbtlo^if m \iw \miesi be acoo i ifo; tf be mtfltne tn Im^ntis anb Ind, ^little ba)f es all tbe Ujcaltb anb tbe truff , ffibat bis fatber left b^ tnbcrrtancc : All luiU be fione^alleo toitb mifgcucrnance. I^ut t[)^oufiti tbfe,anb otb'r tbetr wiicveance, Cf)c^ maken man^ a to; one c&cuifance, Reaping bp Ijoaucs of Ivealtb ano tDoe, Kr^t flouOB lobcreof (ball tbcm cucrSoUt &i^e mens folKe 3 cannot compare li5etterrtbcn to t\jt iSpcs fojltll^ care^ ilLbat t0 To enamourets of bcr ^oung one, (HI no yizt ^ob tootcfucf) caufe titit^ ^(z mm) '^\}M lajitbb^ fc^r& bolo.aub araigbt cnjb;acmg> f3}i)^ tloppetb tbe bzratj) of ber ^^oungiing. ©0 often timciB,tDben ac; gtoo is meant, ©ttiU fnfuetft of to;jong entente ffitje ti\m\i>u once^anb mav againe rtfo^ne , Maye, (iFoi t)n0!)(mn^tjappm, fl)att)atl)ben0bcfo;ne) Wi^m l!)cp;)carDc3 ^o mm itil^txitatxnce, ijic oflanD,nojfeetnr«afTcrauncc: ai3utto6atmigljtanrcofti)e bareH^ccpe, (255Ierc it mo;0 o; im)\}yW\^ t^t^ m fe^cpe. ZMzW ^^jais l»a0 it tuit!) i^epljcarDC;? ti)oc: /fioug^t ^auing,nougl)t fcareO t^ev? to fo;goe, ^0^ Pan ^imfelfcluast&elrinlierttattncc, ^no little tt)emrcruc6 fo; tf)e^; ttia^ntenaunce* S^tje (]^cp^ear9C0 <^aD Co toell t^cm guiocOf E^^at of itouflW tljer tuere tjnpjouf 000, 515utt0r 0nouslj,t)onn?,niilk0,ano toja^, 0no tb0^a flock0$ Qe0C0is t|i0m to axa^z. )^ut tract of ttme^anD longp^ofperttie; SCliat nource of bice,ti)i£ of inCoIencief ^ull0O tije l]^0]p^carDC2i in fuel) fccurittc, ^^at not content It^itb lo^all obe^faunce, ^om0 gan to gape fo; gr0eDie gouernauncei SLnn matcb tficmrelfe luitf) miQ\)tit potentatCi?^ Iloners of ILo^ot^tp ano troublers of ilat00; Sbo gan (^0pl)caroc£! fU^aines to loo^e aloft, ^no I0au0 to liuc l)arO)anD iearne to ligge foft: SCbo bnoer colour of ^tiepbear^e^^fomeljuIjAe SDb^re crept in ^oiueiSjulloffrauoanD guile j %^t often oeuouri^D tOeir otune D^eepej ^no often tbe C^epl^caioe^; t^at oio ^im heepc. niB loag t^eSrlt fourfe of ^bepl^earoeiei foaoto^ %^at notp nill be quitt tpttl) baile^no^ bo;ot9* Palinode* . SCljjee tfjinges to bcare,bene ber^ burbenoau, ^nt tbe fourtlj to fo^tbeare.ijs; outragton5, cMemen tbat of ilouc^ longing once luft, liparDlp fo;bcarcn,but baue it tjjes mutt; c J^o to^an rboler 10 inflameo mtb rage, iWantingreuenge^tEij^aro to adtoagc: ( Sno iD^o can counfell a t^irltte foule, 1 Wttl) ptience to fo^beare tbe olfreo bofolcf e 2 ' )l5uf iS Mayc. 215ue of al! barl5cw0, tftat amm can beare, 9^Qfi i0.a foolcs talke to beare an^to bearc. 3 toeciu t^z geaunt bas not ftw^ a toeigbt, SEbat bcares on bw (loul^er^ tbe ijeawn0 ^ctgj^f, s:bou ftnoett fauIt^lD^ere n^B to befbuno, ;9no builDca drong toarbe bpon a tocake grouhb: aDbou ra^Iea on ngbt toitfiouf reafon, anb blameft bem mucf),fo;j final! encbeafon^ ipotDfl^oulDen ftep|^arbe«ltae,trnotroe mn^aU Cbonlb tbei? p^nen ^jne ec^ of ^ fco;ne. |.et none mtflfte of tj^t ntft^ not beamenocD, m eontecb foone brcoiic0;o mcugiit been!)eo. ^f)epliearb,3 UQ naacco^bancemafte Mitb (l^epbeart),t6at Doe« tberifiW toa^ fo;fafefc ano of tfte ttoatne, if cjoife toere to me, lj?ao leuer mi? foe,tben m^ frrenbbe be. iFo; tol)at conco;^o &a»lt§|taBRiom^fec fani^ i)^ Uibat peace toas tj^t Jticsi toit&tbe llambc-* fetic^fatto^0,toben tlje?: falfe beartja bene btW tiil3iillooe,asbiot|)eiForebyt^Siibog, Palinode^ ^oto Piers of fellotoa)ip,teri bs mt faF'ng: 5o; t!)^ a^aoxan fteep m\} our ftycftes from fi raping, i Piers* Maye. 1 9 Piers. Ti^tll^e ram0)&tODe(a£i3l canlDellDemfe) Uais too ber^ fooUi^ aiio ttitDife, ^o; on a ttmem ^omrner feafon, %})t d&ate l)tx oame,tgat t^aD gooD reafon. ^ooe fo :t{) ab^oao bnto ^z greene toooo, Slo b^oufe.o^ pla^yo; tobat G)t t^ougt^t gooD. 15at fo; t^e ^ao a ntot|)erit care £)f ber ^oungronne^ano U)tt to betoare, ^^e ret ber i^oungltng befo;e bcr bncct SD^at luajs botb frefl^ ano louel)? to (ee, jSnofuIlof fauour^a^iitDoe moug^t be: \§iB mzM beao began to tl^oote out> HnD bt0 lP.:etcbeb bo;ne£( gan mM^ fp^out; a&b( blodomes of luti to bao oto begtnne> ^nD rp;tng foi^ti) ranchl^ bnoer U^ cbtnne. ^)^ Conne (quotb (^e)ano iDttf) tbat gan toeepe: J^o^ carefull tbougbtesm bcrbeart bio creepe) bao be Itueo tbi^ ta^, SCo fee tbe biaunebe of ^is boo^ Dtfplai^e, ^ol9 tDculo 1)0 liaue tot^eo at ti)i5 fljoeete UqW ^Qtatifaireifoatunerucbto^ otDbtmrptg^t^, j3no cut of bt5 oa^e0 loitb Untmtel)? looc^ JlBetrai^mg biin tjnto tbe tra^ncs of bis foe. ^oU3 3 a loatlefull iDtnoiDe b€bigbt> Mm^ olDe age i)ane t^is one telig^t> SCO fee tbee facceebe in t^'Q fathers lleaDe> aab flourtib w floto^es of luttp l&eaD. ^ ^oa euen Co tbp fatber \)is bcab bptje toj ^nt) to btje; l)aut]? b^^nes oio !)e iDelo* 2Dbo marking bi^ti tottb melting t^tBf 3 tb2tUtng tb;obbe from ber beaer Dioarire^ SMo tnterruptco all t^r ott)er Cpreii^r) . V ' Maye, tSZHifljfoitie o!oe fo;o%)0,tliaf maoeanctofccacljc: &eemcD Oje fato tn(tl)ein)urigimge0 face %t)c oloe Itneamenf C£i of bus fat^er^t srace> iat laU tjer foleiucfilencc f^e teoke. anD gan [5t£! ttcVu bu^oeo be aro to ff rohe i^iDDtc(quoe!)l]&c)tt)onhcaatbe great care; 31 t)au0oftl)i^beaUl)ahotbl>U)dfarc, Mi)tcbmant!U)tloe beaded Itggcn m \x)H% ifoj to entrap in tlj^ tenner ffate: ^ut mod tt)2 iForc,matller of coUufion: 5f 0^ l?e loas tolDco t[)^ latt confufton, ifo^tl)^mT? iliiooie beralocb^? me, ^nD neuer gtue trud to |)t£i trcttieree. Sitit) tf t)e clMunce conie,lul)sn 3 ^vn ab.:oaoe$ ^perre tjie jjate fall fo^ feare of frauoe, 0c fo5 all l;i0 tijo^ff.noj fo; W b^? ji)pen t^e Do^e at i^tii rcqueCI^. ^0 fctiooleo ti)e <&ate ^er luanton tonne, SCiiataunfu^ereo !)i0 mother, alt H^oulD be Done* %^o ^mt tbe pendue SDamme out of tio^e, 0no c^aunft to domble at t{)^ td^ed^olD fio:e: iper ClomblmgllepperomeUibatt)^ ama^eo, (if 0^ fuel), a0 (Igneff of til lucke bene DtTp^aifeo) l^et fojtlji n^e Piioc tbereat tjalfeaofaft, ^m ^mk tl)c Do^eXpeitcD after i)erfatt . Jt Ijuas not long,after Oje toas gone, 15ut t^z falfe Jf ore came to t&e oo;re anone, il^ot as a if ore, fo^ tberrijc ^ati be lieno, ^ut all as a poo^e peolcr i;e Dio loeno, ^Bearing a truHe of trtsles at i^is baclje, 30 bell0,anD babe0,anD glafes in l^& pacfte, U WiQ^cn l)c Ijao got about Ijis b jaine, iFo^tn^ts^eaDpeaeebcfcUaro^epaine, . ^13 \iimtv ^k\c h)^B U);apt in a clout, $0^ ljD-:tl; great colD !;e ^ao got ti)e gout. SD&ere at tije D3;e l;e catt me Dolone ^w pacfe janD lapo {Jim DoU)ne.anD gro«ieD.,aiacfe,aiacfe. SLiiat Come gosliboD^^oulD once ptttemec. C^ellbearoiiiODreaU tt)t5 fo;« conHraint, Sim Icngo to fenoto t&c caufc of &w complamt: 2C^o creeping clofe be j)tnDe tlje OTlichets clmcft,^ P2imli>ljepapeDouttbjcu6!) a cbmck: i^et not fo puuil^, but tbe if ore Wm fp^eo: jf o; DeceitfuU meaning is Double erep. aij gooo Toung maifter ( tben gan tje erne) SjefuB blelTe tf)at ftoeete face, 3 efpte, 2ilno beepc ^ourco;iprcfromtljccarefuUflounDeB*. SLbat in m^ carrion carcas abounw. SLbe i^io D pttti^tng [)iB l)eautneCC^> flfheD tbe caufeof t)i0 great DittrelTe, ;ano alCb lJDi)o,anD tu^ence t^at it toere, CIjo t)e,ti)at b^D iDell ^cono [)i0 lere^ s:t}us ttieclcD biff taltve toitb mang a teare, ^iche,(Kche,ala0,anp.littIelackeofbeao> 315ut 3 be relieued bs ^cur beatt!i>beaD« 31 am a poo;e ^beepe.albe mi^ colour oonnc: Jo; U:itb long trauaile 3| am b^ent in tin fonne. ;^no if tb^t m^ di^ranoQrc me faib.b^ true, picker 31 amtjcrg f^bbe to i?au: ^0 be i?our gool^bcao Doe not Dtfoaine SDfjc bafe feinreo of fo fimple ftuaine. £)f merc^ ano fauour tbcn g! ^ou p;a^« liHit^ tour aipoe to fojedall mp ntere occai». s:b3 out of bi5 pache a glalTe be toohe: tl^b^rtin labile ^iODie tJiilDares Dio loohe: i^etoasfo enamoureo U)itbtbenelDe!I, Eb«it nougbt be oeemeo oeare fu;^tbe Jeijoeiu SDbo openeo be tbe Do;e,anD in came SCbc falfc iForc,a« b^ Ujere ffarhe lame. 1^15 ta\;le be clapt bctloir t bis legs tU)a\?n0, 5lea b^ nijoulD be Dcfcrieo b? bis tra^ne. BanglMitbinjtbe^^iDOemaoe bim gooDglee, au fo; tf)z (pueof t^eglaCTe f)e Dio fee, ^MU ma zo after Ijig (i^ert t60 l^^ler trni cjafe ^ nn fell maiip lcCnge£i of t5it0,anii tjjat: ^ntjbolutic coulDl^eU)maii]?aftnekwa*, S^fto Iftetoct) bis toare, ano opened ^iis pacfee, Bll fau: a bell,lo5ici) fte ftao left bet)im)g 3^1 1!)2 bafbet fo; tfte J^iddc fo finoe. pl&JCij tojen tt>c faioDe aoupeti ootune to catcj, i^e popt \iim in,anD l^tf bafhet oil> latcj, iIieaa^cDl)0once,fije l>o;jtfa tmfecfaflE, )i5ae ranne aluar tottb t)tm in all tjatt. gome toljeH tlje DoitbtfuIISDamme imiitv ^m, ^Oemoug^tfeet^cDo^edano opewtwdiJ. m agaft,(oUiulg D^c can to call l^er i^iooe:biit be noulD autiftoereat alL abo on m am l^e fato tfte merttauttOife, m tobicb ber f onne ftab fette to Deere a pjife, Mfiat t^elpcf ber miooe Ifte feneUi Uiell tB gonet gije ioeepeo ano lDa^leD,ano waoe great mone. ^ucb eno l)ao tlje J&tDDe,fo^ be wotila twrneo fee a)f craft,coIoarco toit^ empfticitie: ano fucb eno peroteooe^ all btm remaine, aijatof fuc^ falfersf frienon^ip bene fai»ne. Palinode. ECruel^ Piers,t()on art beCioe ^^ tot, ^urtljed fro tlje marbe^Uieemng it to btt, iPolu 3! p:ai? tl)ee,tet me tlj^ t^ic bo^oios iro; our fir jo^n, to fap tamozoloe. at tbe !^erfee,toben it te bolioay: if oz toell be mcanw^but little can fa^ 3l5ut ano if jFojces bene fo craftie,as fo, ^ucji neeoetSi all fl^epjearoeg iiim to fenoto* Piers, ^ft)mfa\if)oo^ mo^ecouloej recount, )5ut nsu) tbe bjigljt ^unne g^nnetb to mfinount: ano foi tlic oeatote nigbt nolo ootlj nre, 3 bolo it beif fo^ t30,ljome to ^^e. Palinodes, May. 21 Palinodes Emblemc* n^as men apiftos aptficu Piers his Embleme, , Tis a* ara ftftis apifio , GLOSSE. Thilhjfy this fame moneth. Itisaf^iHcdto thcfeafon of thcmoncth, wh^nallmcndc* light thcmfclucswichplcafannccof fieldes,andgar7>r'/;tfrf, a ftraungcycc proper kindc of {peaking. Busl{itsy aDiininutiue.l.littlcbufliesof hattthornc* J^'r^f* Church* ^uemcy pkafe. , ^Jhofe, a multitude, taken of fidie, whereof foiiie going In grcac companit s^arc faydc to fu immc in a {hole, Tode, went» Uuj>jfaunce,lojCt 5mw/^r, labour. /»^, entirely. P.rj'teurfy vagabond?. _ Great Pa», is Chiift,che :veiyGod ofallfhephcardc?, which calleth himfclfc the great and good {hcphcard. Ifac.iiameis moft rightly (me thinkes) applyed to him,for Ta» ligni- fiethalijoromnipetenrjwhichisonclytheLord lefus. And bythat name (as Iremembetj he is called of Eufebisu in his fifihbooke De Treparat» Emnge. who thereof tellcth apro- perftoiie to that parpofe. Which ftory is Srft recorded of P//iffiirf/;5, inhfsbookcot the ceafingof Oracle?,aadof Lauatere tranflated, in his bookeof walking fprights. Who Tayth, that about the farre time, that our Lordefuffered hismo{lbittcrpar'.iOn,forthe re- ademption of man, certaine paffengers f-iyling from Iistfy to ()^rft!/,ahd pafling by*crt^inc '3lescalled?rfx.T,heardavoycccaIlinga"ovvde Than/us^rfyamut^ (now T/;a;?««j was the name of an Acgypdan, which was Pylote of the {hipO who gcuing eare to the ciic, was bidden, when hec came to Valodesyto tell that thcgreatP<» was dead : which hee doubting to whichthough much mere F. wifcdomc May, VftCe^oKt bewrayeth , then Sar^aaapalus, yec hatha imacke of his fe&fuaU ddightci and btaftlincrte, the rymes be thcfc : »} Ho,V{o,who lyes here * ,1 I the good Irlc of Dcuonfhirc^ ft And Maulde my wyfe, chat was full jcarc,- i> Wcc IvHcH together Iv. yearc. u- That weefpentyweehadi n. That wee gauejweehaue: », That wcc left, wccloft. ^Igrnn^ dicnameof afticphcard," MtHd/thtLgft Laymen.- Efuuititer , Icaft that. Smenaunce t temcvnhts^xncc^ Aiiyc»'«4»»« > difpairc ormifbcliefc* ^ Cheuifaunce , fotneome of Chaucer vfed for gainc : fomciiinc of other for fpoyle, or bo*« tic, or cnterorifc, and fometimc for «hiefedoine* ToH himjeife , God, according as is fayd in Deute ronoinic , that in diuifion of the land o( Q^aan^ to the tribe o£LeMe, no portion of heritage (hould bee allotted, for God himfelf was thcirinheritaunce. SomegaHt ment of the Popc,and his AnttchrilEb'anprelateswhichvfurpatyrahnicairdo- minion in the Church,and with Peters countcrfait keycs,open a wide gate to all ivickednes anduxfolent gouernment. Nought here fpokcn, as of purpofc to dcnie fatherly rule and goucrnauncc (as fonae maliuoufly of late hauc done to the great vnreft and hinderaunce ■ of the Churchjbut todifplay' the pride and djforderof fuch,a$inftccdc of feeding their' ihecpe, in dccdefecde of their flicepc. Saurfit vvclfpring and origiaall, Bormre ^ pledge or fuertic* The 6iaut7te^ isthegrcat Atlas, whom the xsectsfayne to be ahugcGiaunt,that bearetk Heauenon his (Koulde «t^ being in dee.le a meraaylout high mountain^ iii' Mauritania, thatnow is Barbaric, which to manS feemingperceth the cloudes,and ieemeth to touchfe thehcauens. Other think,and they notamiflc,that this f«ble was ment of one Atlas kin» of thefajne countrey, (who as the Greekeifay > did firft finde out the hidden courfes of the ltarres,by an excellent imagination, wherefore the joets fayned, that hc'eruftaynedthe fir4r.amentonhisfliOHlder$:Many other conicftures ncedele(fe be toldc hereof. ' VVarl'e , wOtkc* . Emheafon , caufe , occafion. Dearehrcw y thatis our Sauiour, the common pledgeotallmcns debts todeath, Wp rriyhlaxtiC, ^T^cughtjeemetkyiiynfcctricly* Co/»wfi^, ftrife.conteniien. ^ //£r,,their,as tieth Chaucer. //4«, for hauc. iViw, together. This talc is muchlike to.thatin Acfops fables, but the Cntaftrophe and end is* farrc. dif- ferent. By theKiddc naaybccynderftoodc the fimplcforte of the faithfull and true Cbri- fiians.By his damme Chri{l,thathathalreadicwiihcarerullwat6h-Vvords (ai here doth the go te)\yarned her little ones, to be ware of fmsh doubling deceit. ByihcFoxcthe falfeac4 faiihlcffc Pariftes,to whom isno credit to b^ giujcn»nor fellowlhip to bc'vlid.' Tin ga(f, the Gotc v. Norihcirnly fpoken,toturnc O iato A. 7«ie,wcnt,aforefayd. Sheefctj A figure called P/^w, which vfcihioattr&utcrcafonablc anions, and fpeaches JO vnrcafon able creature; Tkeblaofmesoflujiy he the-youngand molfy hayrcs,which then begin to (proutand fhoote fonh^ whcnluftfull fieate bcginncthto kindled (jh'l>haney a youngling or pupill, that needeth a tutor or gonemour;- That vpardty a pathctjcall p arenthcfisjto encreafc acarcfuU Hyperbaton, - -^' 7»(fi7-fl««c/j,pf the fathers body, i» the childc. Tor eutft yS, »Uuded to the favingof Andromache to Afcarbut onemoftfamoHs of all>praftifcdof laccyccrcsbr Charles the nynth. F^"*^, gladde or deflrous. Ourjir-Iohn, a P opifh priefi, A faying 6t for the grofendTc of a fhcpheard, but fpoken t« aijuite rnlearned Priettes. PifmwHh dcfccndorfec. ^'> drawcdmeerC' Emblem^ SoditheTeEmUemesnakeonewhoIeHexametre. Thefid^fp^kenof PaI|no4i«, asia reprocheof them, that bee diftruftfull, is apeece of TheognisTerfe, intending, that wb* dodimottmiftroftismoftfalfc* For fuch experience in falfehood breedeth miitruft in die ninde,thinking noleffe guile to lurke in other$,then inhimfelfc. But Piers thereto ilrongs ly replicrfi with an other pcece of the fame vcrfe, faying asin his former fable , what faytk then is there in the faythle^e. Ferif faythbethegrounde of religion, which faith they daj- ly faIIe)W|iacb«ld then is thereof chehr religioar And this is all thx cbeyfay* F 2 Iane« lune. a Sexta. Argument. THis K^eghgue is rvhoHie *vorved to the comfUjninge ef Colins illfuccejfe in his Ique . Tor being (as is a- forefayde) enamored of a Countrjc lajje Rofalind . and^a-' mng {as feemeth ) founde place in her heart ^heehmenteth to his dearefriende Hobbinoll, that hee is mm forfahen 'vnfaythftdly , and in hisfieede Menalc^s another jlnfheard receiued dtjloyallie. And this is the whole Argument of.this Aeno I-fobbinoll lunc. 2? . Hobbinoll. Colin Clout. ><- ^' ^ /", L£D Colin, tjeret^e place, totorepUraimftigW '' ^10 otbcr l^ategljat&tocanomi? tuano;tingmtnOt SDeil niee,U3{ja( toanti^ mee l)cre,f o U)05hc DcUgW • SDlje fimpU at?2e,tte gentle toarbling to(noe, ^0 (aIme>focooU>asnolDl}erc clfcBSfinoe : SDbc graCTte gwun^e Inif b Daintie S>a^(ies tV3?)t, %^t li5;anible bnO^, to^ere HS^^Dcg oUum Hmoe 2Dot!)<^ttJater£5faUtl)eir tuius attemper rigljt* COLLIN, £^'bWC Hobbinoll, J blilTe tb^ Cat 0, SDb^it p^araoiC? &aC founDc,\JDbicb Aclam loff, %re U»anDer ma^ t j>T? teche carl^ o^ late, tSUitftoutenDjeaticffiSIcluestobeHepfott : SCt)^ loael^ larcc t>erc maiS tijcu freely bofte» JBat 3 bnbappie man, lobom cruell fate, ^nn angrie luc^Ude pate. HOBBINOLL. SDf)en tf b^ mec tgou ltd aDutfet) bee, If o^fabe tije fo^ieytijat fo Dotl) tjiec bctDttcb : l^eaae mcc tbofe ljill0£^)tobcre barbaoagb ras to fee, ^o; bol^-but)^,no? b;^cie,no; toin&ing tuitcb . aino to tpt Dales reCo^t; U)l}cre O^cpbearos ritrb> ^nD fruitful! flochie bene cuttyi l»^cre to fee. i^ere no nigbt Uauen loogc mo;e blacU tlen pttclj, f^di eluil^ gl)^^tti5,no; gaaii? £>tole;ei coc fice. 515ut frienalv' iFacries,met feitb mani? (S^raceiP, 0n!5lifib^fcotei^rmpi)cscancb^fe tbe [ingring r«fe|t, Wtp ii^crOcgupe5, ani) trimi]? trotDen traces, MijilH fiOers nrne,U^ljicb tJtoell on Pemafle bi'g{jt, E)oemahctijemiHuri((k,fo>tl)eirmo;etieIigJ»t : ano Pan Ijtmff Ife (c kilTe tbi^ir cfoittall faces, Wiiil p|?pc ano Daunce, luben Phoebe l^inetf) b;igl)t : ^4Kl) pterlelTepIeafurci? j^ue toeeiw t^cfe places. if i COL- Tunc. COLLIN, il^ttt) %iM^vVi T!out^,anD comtz of caxtMt tttm B>to let mee loalke tDtt|}ou(en Itnc^ of Idue, 3?n fuc^ oelts[)t0 OtD toi? amongd ms peered : )!5ut rtiper age fnc!) pleafqre^ Dotb rep)CDtte# ^11 fanQe eke from former folltes ma>ue ^0 l&i^D (lep£; fo^ f tme tn patTtng locareis (^0 sarmcnt0 Doen.U)t)tcb iDeiren oloe aboue) ^no 0;atDett)nctDeD$ltgbt£iU)tt& boarteljeare^. %^o cont^ 3 fing of lone, ano f uite m^ pi^pe tlnto m^ platntine plea0 tn berCe^ maoe : SL^o ijDonlD Bl (eekefo^^ueene-appleti \>nciiptj %o gine m^ Rofalind,ano tn ^oinmer fl^aoe JS>iQ^t ganote (IDtrIonO0> inaB mi! common trat)e» 3Do crotDne t)er goloen Ioc^d,bcst peered mo;e rj^pe^ j3no iQtk of ^er,tD!)ore lone as l^fe 3( Uia^oe, SDIiofe iDean^ toanton to^s aloatoto toppe* HOBBINOLL. Colin,to ^eare t^^ rentes and ronnDela? e^^ 0i)teb ttion toere toont on todefuU Wts to fingej 3 mo;e Deltg^t,t!)ealark&m&ommer oa^esi.* Mt^ofed&cctiomaoe t^ netg|)bonrgroue0tortng9 Hno taugl)t t^e b^^des^lDljtci tn tbe lotoer Qi^ing JDto (l|i;(ouoetn l^a^^ leaue0from fnnn^ra^eSs iframetotbiPffonge t^etr c!ieerefullcl)ertptng, ®; ^loe tS)etr peace> fo^ d^me of t\^^ ftoe^te lai^es. 31 fatoe Calliope iottl ^nfes moe^ ^oone un t^e £)aten pi^pebegan to fonnoe^ %^tit ^no^^ ILutteg ano Xambnrtns fo^goe^ iHlno from t^e fonnCatnet toiiere t|ie)? lat aronnoe, 3^enne ^ter tiatteli? tl)? filoer (onnoe. 3But iD^en tl)e^ came > tolere tl^on tbi? (btll otDB fl^oio^ %^f o^etoe abacke>a0 l)alft tott^ ^ame confonnoe, fsi^^tn to f^^it^em in tNr arte ont-goe* COL. lune. H COLLIN. £>f ^(tB HobbinoU, 31 coitne no tkill t ifo; tftcig bcneoaugljtersof tje Wg^eft louc, ;anD ^oloen rco;ne of Iremdi? t^ep^earDs quill. iPo;t fitii 3 ^earD,t!)at Pan \juit^ Phcebus ttrouc, m^ic^ t)tm to mucl^ rebuke auD SDaunseri^^oue t 3|neuerltllp.:erumeto Parnaflc bttt^ ^ut piping lolu m^aoe of lotDlte groney 31 plate to pleafem^ felfe^all tie it ilL i^oug^t ijotiq^ t^s^ ^? bng dotb p^atfe o^ blamCf i^e firiue to U3tnne renou^ne^o; paGte t|ic xtft : mit^ (^epl)earD 6tte£i not, follolDe flying fan» : ^Qt feeoe ^is fiotUin flelDe0^U)^re falls {;embe(fr 3|iDote m^ rimesbene rougl^and ruDeln c^eH; S^tie fitter t^t^.m^ cavefull cafe to frame : Cnougb iB mee to paint out mr t^nreCt^ jan^pouretni^ pitcoui9plainte0out iHti)eram$, S!)e dDob of C^epl)earD0 Ticyr us t£( beatr, m^o taugbt mee bomel^,a0 3l can,to ma^e. l^ee,ljDt)tl(l dee liueo^lnaB tge foueraigne tjeaD i^f f^epbeartst alUbat bene loitt) loue ^taHe : OTellcoutb bc^Uiaile ^siuoe^.anolislitltnake %^t flame£iyU)^ict) Ioue)i}itbmi)td b^art bai) b^cobc^ ^no tell bs merri! talc0> to heepi^ bs toahe^ 2^t)e lo|)tle our f^eepe about b5 fafeli^feotie. i^oispe BeaD bee t0>anb Ii^etl) tD^apt in lead* (i) tjDb^ (boulo tieatb on btm fucb outrage Q^oli^e f) ^no alt bi0 palling Cltill Ijoitgi btm io SeODe, Zbottg^ fo ocaolj? fpigt^N :ant) tfjou Mcnalcas, tfjat bp f rcc&crec SDitJd tjrtDerforig m^ lalTe^to tuf r? fo Uobt, ^lioulDea luell be ftnotone fo; fuclj f [)^ tjiilanee. But 0nce 31 am not, as 3 ijoid&e 3 toere, l^ee gentle Cl^epbearD5,tol|icb i?ottr flac!«isbeffeeDe, TO^etber on WIcsm balea^o; oebcriDbgrc, Beare tDifitelfe all of tbw fo toickeD Decbe : aiiD tell tbe la(re,tobofeflo\3D;e fetoorea toeeoe, ano fauItleCTe mitb,te turneo to fattbleffe feerc, SDbat rbee tbe truett fl^epbearos beart mabe bleeoe, %^tit l^wtB on eartb» ano loueb Ijer moU oeere. HOBBINOLL, ^ carefttH Colin,! lament tb^ cafe, ffib^ teareg iDoulb mafee tbe barbeftflmt to flotoe^ Jib faitblelTe Rofalind, um tw^be of grace, Cbat art tbe roote of all tljis rutbfull tooe. )i5ut noto {3 tmi0,3[ geCTeJjometDarD to goe .- %l)m rife i?ee bleffeb flocks,ano bomeaoace, Head; nigbt loitb tf ealmg Ctcppes doe ^ou fo^lloe, anotoett^our tenber limnbSyt^ub^ rou trace. Colins Emblcme, GLpSSE, • 'iy^^finrttldn andplace. '. ..i. .1, <,;., P*r&i;'J, ATaradife inGrecke, (igni.ficthaGsrdenof pIe*ftirtf,vorplaeeof 4e1igiit««. Sohc corapsicd thcioilc, wheitin tkUutol made his abo4e, to'thar carthljrParadiff, in Scripture called E.'f«f,vrbeiein >ii4w irf hiffirft creation wai placed. Which ot die moftc - learned is thought tobcctn Me/ciiofaviia, the mott* fertile afodplcafaunt countricin cli« vrorld(asmavappearc by Diodorus Syculm dcfcription of;t,in thchiftorie oi Alexanders c6* quatthcreof) licng bctweenelhe^votamousRiuersCwhich are faid in Scripture to flowc one of Paradi(e) /y^rr^nd £«;v6r*A*5,wheFCofk is To denotninacc* ■ - Forfal{e thefv/le. This is no pocticall ficftion/but vnfcynedly fpokcn of the roct fclfc, who lorlpeciall occaiioti of jjriuatc aftayrcs(>is I haue bene partly -of himfehe infcrmcd)and for las more prefenrtent,"tt.mbued but-cy2ityZ/If;,thatisinthc North cjfMintfy, where he dwelt. ^,«,i$nor» :,,* ; \ Thedalet^ The South pirtcs,whcrehcn3wabideth, 'which though iheybec^llofkilles dind vrobdes (for kcntis verie hillie i«d woodie, andtKcPcforc fo called: Hjox'K^ntjhxn t^c ^axoiBs toongfigrafieth woodie^yet ift Tsfpeft of thcNett>hf«rte$. they be called dales. For indeciie the !S orth is counted the 14 J-JiCF country. ' > ' . ; . . v , !•:.,:.•)';>, '■Night ZRaue^f^,\rf luch hateiUirbyr4cs, he meancilhLalhTtiffoiioncs. (whereof they be tokens^flyengcucry where. Friendly jsfTUfyxkco^infoti of Faeries ?nd Elfes is verie olde, andyctftickcth vcryrcli- eiouflyinihemindcsof lomt»But to roote that ranckc opinion of feifesootofrncnncs nearte$,the tructh is.that there be no fiich thingcs, nor yet the fhadovves of the thingc8,but onely by a forte of baldc Fryers andknatiifhelhaQelingesfofaigncd.whicheas in ail other tkingc>> fain that, fought i^noufell the common people ia. ij^noraunce, leaft becyog ♦fice ac^jaiated with the trttctiiot thiftgcs,thcy\voulde :a tymefmcUouc theyr vntruta ©f iheyr packed pclft; and MafTe-pcaie rcUgipn. Dut the ibothe iT<> di^crwifc then the Frenchmen Vied to fay ofthatv.-uisuatcaptaincthcTtriefcoarg'i ofFrauoce, the Iordeotrhalbc.t,a^ter- ivardc Erie of Shrcwsburie,wh«fcfc nobldtc bred fuch* •'tcftx'u; in the hcartev ©f tJic frcnch, tkac oft ernes euen great af yiies were deluded. &plaij;o,iJfgKed^ th^onely hcariag of hys name. In ib mnckechat tkt FrCAchc nQinej|g,.tb^a/tr cJ^r .^d bylljat au- tboride, diis famePoec is hys Pao^auuip p»yt^i ^ ..J^ ^ndrcd Urjces oa her cyclidde f»cte.&c. " ^ i • ■-' -^t ■' ■ * Btrdef^tSy h.totiavit9 At^vinct orrounde.YKetovicdpt is, that the Graces & Nymphes decaauacevntotheMufeSjaod Puahys aioKciCb ail night by M»oncltghc» le figoihe the pleafauntncflc of the foyie. ?tf(7-tf/.Eqttalles apd fcliowc ftiephca Jcs. ^^cne'^tpphi vHri^e, iraicating Vir- gilsTcrfe* ^ ■ life ego cafut legum tenerA Umit^ne mdti^ U^eighlour groutSy a ftraunge phrafe in Engli&e, butword for worde cxprcfsing die La- SjyrmZiiX9t of water,but ofyoung trees fpriagiag. Calli«pe, aforefaide. This ftaftc js full of terie poecicali inuenci»«. Tamburms^ a« oldekinde of inftrument, wluch of fome is fuppofed co be the C Unt}n. 'PaHv/nh'PhofhuiyXixe tale is vrcllknownc,how that pan and Apollo flrlulng forexeelletH '•y Titynis is meant Chaucer, hath bene alreadie fufficichily lay dc, and by this more plaineappearech, that he iaith^hc toldc merrie tales. SucheasbehisCanterburie tdlesfwhome )x callech the God otthe Poctes forhi& exccllencic, fo as Tally caUcthLea* tuliis,7)f«»/i vii^ fudt r.thc God of his lifc» Toma^eftorerddc. Orvhy^ A pretie Epanerthofisorcorre^ion* £>^»>ry/.:hcmcanetk the UlTenefle of hij loner Rofalind^who forfaking himhaddc cho« fen another. . ; Toynt ofivorthywttey the prickc of dcferued blame. 'Mena/caiyxhc name of a inepheard in Virgil: but here is meant a perfoa yuknownc aai fecrcte, againft whomc he often bitterly iiiuayetb. 'L//M[?)yo»^^,vnderminde and dcceiue bv faUe fuggcfiioo. ' Ewblcmc, You remember, that thefirftAegloguc,C©lins Pofiewas yAncbort ^emt'.\ot that as thea there was hope offauo arte be found intime. Bittnowbeing clean* torlorne and rcicfte4 9fher, as whofe hope,that was,iscleane cxtingmihcdan.d turned into dc{payre,hejrenoun- ccth all comforc a&d hope of goodoeifcto come, whicHc u all the mcaaiBg of this £ni^ Wcinc. y. ■. ' .•,:.» JB^logafeptima. Argaicent* T^ His K^eglogne is made in the homur and comn^ndAtion of good jhef hear disband to thejhameanddijfraife of frond and ambitious Pajlors. Such as itorrell is here imagined to bd Thomalin. Morreli. 1^ not t!)tl!te fame a gotel^earo p^:oU)De» ttjat (ittes on ^onDer banclte, ^t)ore Graining t)earD ttlcmrclfeDotti (l^;oiooe cmong t^e tw^c0 ranc^f Morreli, W^W- bo, Cljcn tiiU^ tliep^eart^cg: (toain^ cometp tlje|)tUtome: S5etter u(,tt)en t^e lolDlp platne, al0 fo; i^^ flocke,ant» t^ce. Thomalin. V tj^tThomalincanfatne/ '^ ^l^keneifouiS but a fae0e loo;^,9y ano refecsmucbof tb^ ftemcft, SDbat t^tti) fona term0is(> aub tDttfeffe tooabeii to bleris mine ei?$0 Doeft tl)tnbe« < 3|n emUl^oure tljou Ijgnta in bono tbu0 Jol)? b^Hcs to blamej ; r Jf o; facreo tjnto faint^^ tbe^ ConD, . ano of tb^m ban tbetr name. ^. ^tclicl£i mount Mjo coed nothnoto^ tiiat liDarDefitl)e Melfeme roBee ESnt) of &.B;ige t0 bbto je 31 frol»> all l^ent can rigbtl^ boatl^: auD t^e^ tt^at con of ^ufeo fbill, (atne moflt tD^at,tt)at e^ei? otoelt \ (a$ gote()earbeKlt)ont)bpon atitlL bedtd^alearnebU^eU*. luly. 17 ant) ioonncD not f l)e great dPoD Pan, bpon mount Oiiuet: if ecotng tge blefTeD flocke of Dan, iD^icft oio tKmfdfe begctf Thomajin* 2> bUO^D tbeepc, ^ (^epbeard greaf > t^at bougbt l^t£iflocl;e To oeace* atiD t^em Dio fauc iDttg blont^i? ftoeat ftom Mlolui%tljat iDculo t^em tiare. MorrelU SBelide, a0 ^olrfattieris ra^n^> ttiere uiai)olt!pIace* ?lSliiere Titan rtfett) from ffje mar«e, torenne|;tj9iOapli?race« 'viilpon tetiofe toppe tbe Sarresbene Qa^eD> andalltbefbutiotliUane* Cfccrc isi t!)c caue, to^ere Phoebe lai^eo^ t^e (!)ep^earD long to D^eame* CiilHl^tlome tticrc bfco fi^cptiearbaet all to feeoe tbp; flocked at linll, Sill b^ !)i£( foll^ one tito fall, t^ataUtijerettotD fptll. ;ant) Qtt^etTd t^ep^aroess betre fo^:eratt) from places of oeligljt: if J tb^ a t»eene tljou be afra^D, to clime tbie(^lU$ ^ti^U iDt Synah can § tell t^ccmo^e, ano of cur llati^cie! feotee: ^ut little neeocis to ftroU) m^ Co;e, fufficetljiiSbillofoun l^erc t)an ei?e l;oI^ Fauncs rccourre^^^ ano Syluanes tjaunten rai^e. l^ere \)^b t\}t (alt ^eotoa^ t^is^ fourfe, tu^prein tl^e i^ump^cs Doe batbe* ja:!)efalt!^eDtDa^, ffjatfldclilinsfliremijl sim\mi t^e Dales onuinti ©3 ©11 Inly: SCtll Mth ^k tlm b^of l)er Themis* i$is blacking toaaeisb^ me^nt i^cre gco'7jpe0MeIampodecuer^tQbcr^» ano Teribinth gooD fo^ <^0USl Ct^ one,mt) maootng btooes; to fmere^ tbe mxt to beale ttje^; tb^oateti. ^mtOyt^z filled bene nt^jber beaaetti and tbence tbe paOage etbe. 00 \x)z\i can p:o9ue tb^pterctng lenin ^ tbatreioome fallen bi^neatb» Thomalin, ^pker f bon rpeabe^t Itke a !eU)D lo^relU of ^eauen to Demenfo: j^otD be i am but ruoe ano bo^reII> t^et nearer toate^ 3 EtnotDo. SDo ^erbe tbe narre,from ®oo mo^farrc/ |ia$ benean otoe fate Catne. Sino be tbat MazB to toncbe t^z fiarre^i oft0omble0at allraU)) 0iroone ma^ fl^epbearo dunbe to (Utt tbat leaoei m loMyi Dales;, ild (S^otebero p^oUio tbat Gtttns ^iz, Mpon tbe 9^ounta^ne fai^leo* ^^ feel^ ^eepe li^e toellbelotoey tbci^neede not Melampode: ifo; tbSfe' bene bale enousb* 3 trotoe, aaDl^bentbe)?^ abode. SBnt if tbe^ tottb tbi? 0^ tDttb tbe Uieeoe0 be glutteo* 2Dbe btUes.tob^re otseUeD boli^ faint^t 3lret!ercnceandaDo^e: i^Dt rojtbemfelfe,butfo^tbe fatnct^, lobtcb b^n bene Deao of i^o^e* 0nD noljo tbe^ bene to beauen fo^etoenff ' tbetr 0090 to iottb t^zm goe; luly. * 28 %f}eiv fample ottil]^ to b0 lenf , tr)at al5 toe tnou$t)t Doe foe. ^t)epl)eviroc0 tljep toer^n of t^e bcS^ anoltuetitniotDl^teas: SU\ti tm^ t^m ^uUs bene nolo at reS, tobipDonelDe t^tm Dtfeafef ^ucf) one trs U)a0>(aie( 31 b^ue ^aro oioaigrino often fa^ne) l^bat loiitlome loaB t|[e firil 0^ep!)earD4 ano ItueD tott^ Itttle game: ;anD meete be tDa0,a£i meebc moujjbi ba^ fimpM^C[<^pt^%eepe, ^nmble^ant) like in ecbe Degree tbi flocbe tDbt^b be ^i^^epe. £Dften be bfeo of bt£i keepe afacnflceto b;^tng, ^otD ^itii a hiDD^nolD tDtt| a ll^eep tbeaitar^bntlD^tng* ^0 lotnteD be t)nto biiet i.o;tD, fucb fationr coutb be finDe, S^bat neuer 6tbetui toad abboi^D, tbe fimple fl^epbearoe^ binoe. SnD fncb 31 U3eene tbe b;etb^en toere, tbat came from Canaan: SDbe b;etb;en tti^elue^tbat kept i^fere tbe fiockes of migbtie Pan . 3i3ut notbing fucb tbilke IbepbearD load, tobome Ida bill oiD beare> SCbat left bid fUicke> to fetcbe a lalTe, toboCe loue be bougbt to oeare: if 0^ be toad p;onD>tbat ill load pa^D« (no fucb mougbt H^pberoed be) janD U}itb letDD luS toad cuerlaio; tlna^ tbinged Doen ill agree: ffiut (bepbearo mougbt be meeke anb miloe* loell e^eO^ad Argus l»ad, Witb fleS^lC folli^ bnoeSieDi anr July- anD Ihttk ^t ficet>0 of bjatre* ^ifeeon0(fa^d Algrin) Motes ti)a5, tsatratoctjusmabcraiftice, ■ , , ^ ^is face mo^e cleare,t&en cft^iflaU fiiaw^f anufpafec to bimiii place. - ^ JC&ts liaD ab;ofl)er,(|ite name a hn^w/ tftefirttofall^tecotc, ai^0p'i)0artitme,^ctnotCbfrae, [ , as||gt!)atcara3!tiote. ^^ , ; OTJiilomc al tfjefc toere loto,anD Ucre, atm loacD ftci^a flotkc£J to fce^e, • ;i JC^ei? ncuer CroueR to be cjiefe, ano ftmple toag t|e«j to^eoe. S5ut noUj(t|jartfeeo be ©ou (^erefo^e) tbelDo^louilDeUameni), %^z^^ toeeuefi bene not fo nWt *wi;e* ftic9 Umpleire mousbt tljem Cbeno: SDbe^ bene ^clao in purple anB paH> fo tjatb tbe^j ©Ob tliem blia, ffibeu retgne anu rulen ouer all, anDlLo;^btt,a0tbe^lt&: Pmt SH& beltes of glitter anb soto* (mougbt tbeg goob H&epljearbca bene) %^zn i3antb^i?;ll^eepe totbcm fta^tfoWf Bjfapaefomebauefeene. . i-.^*^ If 0^ Palmode(irtb3u !)tm kei^ , l?o]5e late on laitgrimage- - ' • .SDo Uome,(if fttcb be Home)anb t^en 5e falue tbilfee mifufaae. _ ^ ;Joi t^cp'^earbeiS (fa^o bee)tlj0reDoenleab» agilo^oea bane otber tDljere: SCbeJr fl^eep ban crua^jan'i t^t^ tbcbjeab; tbe cbippe0,ano tbes tbecbeere: SDlje^ ban tbc fleece,ano efee tbe fle^, (i© feel^ Dbeepttbe tobtle) JElje come is tbe^^s.let otber tb^etb> t^eir b^nbj^is tbci? ma^ not file. :!rif::--V.'-.f!''T;' luly. ; 2p %l^t^ !)an great Gm, antj t^;ifttc ffocfec^, great frienDes anu feeble foei! : • - . ; : : C^iajat neeoe Ijem c aren fo: tljeir flortieiJ : t^er^ bores can loofee f o tl^ofe* SCtiefe iDiCartig loeltre in tDealt|^£i ioaueisti pantpaeo in pleafurc« ueepe, SSDije^ tan fat kernc0,antj lean^fen^eif/'^ ^ ^ ttieirfating flocfees to feeepc. ^ '^ " ^i^e miSer men bene all nufgone) ttie^t)eapen|ille£iof U3;att>; i «jh ' ^ihe fp;lie l^ieptjearDSf Ijan toe none, ttiei^tseepcnaUtbepatli. Morrell. }i^^OJl^ !^tftis a great Deale of gooD matter, lottfo^acke of telling, ^ato ficfeer Bjfee tt^oa ooell bnt clatter t l^arme mai! come of melltng^ %^on meolefi mQ^tji^m (^ali ^ane tj^anl^ to toiten ^ep JearD0 Urealtl) : , i, « i-t; imi^en foihe bene fat, mm ric^eiei ranch, itmaCgneof iiealtt}. ifdnt fai? mee, to^at i^ Algrin \i% ' ISiattgrboftbrwcmpt , .V Thomaliu* . i^ee ij5 aftej^aro great.in gree? bnt l^ati) bene long vpent» ^ne oar \in fat tpon a bill, (ajsnoto t|oo toouloeH mee t S3ttt 3 am taug!)t br Algrins ill, tfllouetiielctaeCcgrscO 5Fo^ Otting (o iDtei) bitreo rcalpi an€aglefo;eoftre, 2Df)at tocening t^js; tobite tieao toa^ cljalbe, a(^eUfll(^ooluneletfl^ei^ ^{jee toeeno t|)e l^ell firi^c to ^aue b^be, but tl)cretoitljb;uj^ IrtsbMrne, ^0 notu altonteD toitt) ttjc firo^e, |)ce l^e5 in lingring pa^ne. 1^^ Morrell, luly. MorrdU ja^goo^ Algtin, Iris l^aptpasill, but l^all be better tn ttme« /gtotD faretoell (^epbearo^ m^ t^ (rfU : tlKW jKilt fneSi oonbt ta-eltmbe« FiiIinodciEnibIcme« , In medio virtHSm MbrrcIlsEmblcmCi GLOSS E.: 'ynoU' ^€»tthtgfiy by Gotes in foiptsre-bcc rcjnrcfdiced the wicked ttd reprpbitejyrhole ]»«»' it^ur alfu muft necJcs be fuck. 'Sanck.t is the fcate o( honor. Strofmf he^trd, tvhich wandec^utof the^vajf of crudi. •AAf lor alfo* Clmb»t f pc4cen of Ambition* GrtatcHirhasy according %9 Swcca hil T6r/»»»r, A reafentvvhjkercfofetbtodwendn M^unMiaes>bccauiethereisaoflKlK^^ gaiaft theicettchingfonncaaccordinste cbctimc^itheyeare, whic^is the hoceflyiofie^ ofall.:i ■ - - , •' - •-* rbt Cup aMd7>Mdtmfy bee two figaes-iflrdic Firmamentathroogb fvhich die fiiiine fnattt^ Jiis courfe in the meneth oF luly. Itofty this is Poetically fpokeii> «sif the funne did hunt a Lion with encDogge* The aneaning whereof is, that in luJythe funnc is in Leo* Atwhich timctheDogge nar,whick is called Syritts or Caaicula rei|^eth»with immoderate heatc caulisg Peftikacerthat the infolencie and pride of that Aacon was fo outrdgipus in this Realme, that if it fortoned a Sritoii to bet going onerl bridge,and faw the Dane fee foote vpon the raiae,hee muft returne back, till the Dane were dcane ouenor els abide thepricc of his diipiealureiwhich was no Ictfe then ( relentdcath^ Bucbdng afterward expelled, the name olF. Lurdane b^;;«me^o odios^ vnto thrpeoplef, whom theyhadlong oppreffed.tbat euen at thi^day they Yfeforznorc rcprDch,to callthe Qnartane ague the Feuer Lurdane, l^ckj much ffthy fvtncl{y countes much of thy paynes. Wtettkjft-^ not vnderftbedc. S.Mtca«lsmoutUy is aprnmonturie in thcWeft part of England. ^hdly PatnaHus aforefayd. •, tt^n^ Chnft. 2>4», one trybc is pnrfbr the whole nation ftr SynecdocUn^ Where tjftariy thcfunne. Which ftoryistobec reddeinDiodorns Sy'c.of the hill Ida, from whence he faith,all night time is to be feene amighry fireaasit'the fkie burned, which toward moi ning bcginneth to gathers rouade forme , and thereof riieth the funne9vvhoni %\-iC Potts call Titan. T//«y^/i^4r-.>z. f Oi^Laefynhmrty a place of pleafure lb called- ' ■ ) v; irtuMes^trSyluMHts, be of Pocts fayncd to be Gods of the Woodc# ''^ v ^ ' , M«b*Aid, wa$AbcUthcrigbteou!,whor»sScript«refaitk) bent his »mndt«» keening of ihccpe,a$didhi» brother Cainc to tylling the ground. Hu l^etfe^s chaigcLhis flocke. Ltmti^ did honor and reucrencc, Ibe bretbrtUt tbctweluc fonnesof lacob.whick were Ihcepmaiftcrs.aod lined only tbcrt- mitm Ifentage« " . . . c l u ^Uf*, Kcleaa the wife of Mcnclaos king of Laccdemoma,wa»by Venus forthcgoldca Apple to her gcttcn,then praaiifed to Paris.who chereaj>pon witha fort of lu^c Troyaas, ftolcher outoi Lacedemoniai and kept her in Troy ,which was the caufeof xheteaycarcs trarr in xroy, and the nnoft famous city of all Afia lamentably fftcked and defaced* ^rgm.wiiof the poets dcaifcd to bee fell of eTe$,and therefore to him was committe* Ae keeping of the tranfformedC.wIo : So called bccaufc that in the print of a Cowcs footc,tnereisfiguredanli« thcnuddcftafanO. . u u 1. Hu HOTHCyhc mcaneth Aaron : whofe name for more 'Z>«rtrwK,the (bcpheard larth he hath forgotjleafthis lemembranccand f kill in antiquities of holy wtv Ihouldc fccmc to cx- ceedcUtemcaneneffeof thcperfon, :7^»if»truft for Aaron m the abfcnce of M«resftanedafidc, and committed rdolatty. UfttrpU^ Spoken of the Popes and Cardinalles.whichTfefuchtyraaEicall colours aa* : pompous painting. BeitSy Girdles* . GlaterantL, glittering aPaniciple rfed fo metimc in Cha ArguirMpnt. }2\(^ thif ^eghgut is fit forth a /ieU^dble co^royerfe^trade in imita- tion of that in Theaaitu^i wMi^^tA ^ifkVtrgtl fajimned his third and feuenth AeglogueJ'hey cho'ififor4yrfif€ve^6fxheir'.flrife^CHddie4m heards boy e, "mo hauingendied theiftaH{etttiUih,4djfe-hw4^fA^W fingcj^hereof Colin: hee fay fJ^^a's\y4iirJ3or, IV :t'; ^l:>^:^-IJ'-:0. » ' • ' <■ f Willie, Perigot. Cuddie* T(£U mae Perigot, lul)at lljalbe tlje game, wm^tufw U)ttt) mine i^ou pm jtl)^ tmsfii^m^Mjc i £D; bene tt)p i5agp?pe« rennefarre out i?f ft$«»\r^, S>;^ W^ tlje Crampe tfei? mnts benomD toitji ae^c ^ Perigot, ai^ Willie, to^en tlje ^rt i^ tl! atCa^De, l^fiU) tan Bagpipc,o; iQ^ntec be jy^ilUpai^oc i Willie. Mbat f fje foule eaill i)ati) tljee fo btdao / ^btlom fijou toag per cgall tft tl;e btlJ, 0nt) iDont to make tbe to|l|? (I^tjeai Oig giao Witj) prpmg ano oauncing^^loir psffe t^e rellv2v*^gw i> ;v ,) ri^ i^ 3* Peridot*' Auguft, Pcrigot. All Willye note I ^aae leatnn a netn Daanre; ^? oloe tna&c^ miro b^ a nein mtfcbannce* WiUyc. , (pifc^fefemaiig^t to tdatmiCcl^nticeliefally SC{)4e (3 l^ae^ rafe t)0 of our mctimmt ^ut reeoeme,t)D^af paitieootfi t^elb apallf 1^; loaeS t^u>o;beiie ttif i^onngUnied mtTln ct){f Pcrigot. JLoue bat^ mideobotli mg i^outigimgeMno mcs 31 pine fo; pa^ne> ano tdev ma? patne eo fee. Willye. peroteaHntoeUatoai^dtUl mn^ t^e^tj^^iae: ^eaer kneUi 3 loners D^eeps tn gooo pUg^u )i5utan0tf ittri^me0Uiitii me t^ou Qareartac[^ ^ac^ foit^ fantaSe^rfl^aU focifie tie put to fligl^t. SD^at (^all ] O0e,t|)ou3b moclell too^fe ftamt ^eaer fl^aU be (ai^oe t^at Pcrigot tea^ bareo * SCfien toe Perlgot t^e )aieD(se»iD|)k|i 31 pltgl^ amci|8rijto.zottgbtoft6e^apteloarre: Ca (^6'\v...uv\c'\^ W^emufoenc^feomartHafai^^e figW r. -r- d t&'y(;i(; n . 2)f)l5ereuano Ci^geWjti^atmafeenftera toarm o^^ tv) r,-^^ 0no oner tgem (p^eo a goool? tolloe Wim, CSntraileD toitf) a toantou ^ute tlpme. »-rv %^tttbt tis a Hambe iti t|e Moolue^ ia^ei?: 3Bnt ree,beUi fait rennet^ t^e ilep^earo CU)aine> 2Co fane tb( tmtoc0nt from t^e beaScs patn^s: ^nofyercloitbl^id (^eepelioo^e liat^ bimfla^net SCell mc/ncl^ a cup ^aS t^ott ener (emti WltW imuiit it befeeme an? barueft Ct netne. Pcrigot. SCtjercf tBitl 3 patone ?onber fpotttb Hambe^ ji)faUm? fiocketSierenialito another: :^o: 3 b^ousbt ^tm Up toittiont ti)e SDambe^ ]ieut Coliu a^uc raft« m of ^i0 b;otj)e;r^ ;?A/ ' Augufi. 31 C^a( t^ ^nrt^afi of me tn ti^s plame ficlirt ^o;e agamlt sn^ U)tU loas 3i.fo;ft to lei^eio. WiUye. f^idm malte Kte account of (^mb^otl^er* ]i5nt tD^ (^ail iuoge ttie toai^er tQonne 0; loSf Pcrigot. SC^at (^ali roROer ^arogrome, ano none o^fi > C2^bu|) oner t^c ponffe tret^crU^aro ooti) pott- Willyc. 95af fo^ftit S^unnbeamefe fo;etiotbt)0beate, mm not b€tt^,to Q^nne t^e Cco^cbing lKate^ ©Kellagrce^ Wi%«:ftcn Ct tftce ootone-ftoaijnfj J^tt(eafonsncner ticarocQ tboa^bnt Colin Qng. >. Cuddi€# ®i?nnf ,tDgeni?e ltff,^e iolli? (I&epbeart)e» Vmtnti Per. ■fffifcUfepona^lfoIf ea0> WilU 1 bcp t)H6Roa)ge»^^ Per. TOben bol^fatbcrs toont fo t^^ktut t WilU noU) gtnnct^ tpi§ rounoela^. P^r. ^tttmg.bpon a bill Co bte^ WiiL b«i?bofbebtet)biU, .; f Per. SDbeUibtlcmi^fiocitebtDfcebefbcrcbp, Will. tbe tDbile tbe (l^cpbearD felfe bto fpUl: Per. 3^eaU)tbebounctn0)i5eilibone» Will.^ bci?boBonmbcll, Per. 2Eripping.oner ti}i^pn\e alone^ Will. (^ecantnpittjer^lDdl: Per. WitW oecbeo tn a frocbe of grar* Will. b^^ bo fit^Vt35 greet. Per. M!nbina!^u'tleofgreenefar^, Will. f be greene fo fo;^ ma^Dens mttUi Per. cbapelet on ber beao (^e tuo;c> Will. bci?bocbapelet, per. )DffU)ecce'viito!et0 therein tuajiSoae^ WiiK tbe ftoeeter tben ti^e miall, Per. ^^ Oidejj^&ftr icau^ t^tr UiattfMflil^^pi «(J Jx.(fa Vi ill. tei> bofeely Qi^pi^l ^ / : -r gm IQnJfise ub'fi Per. auD g ip on htr,as tl)c^tD#fe tuoone. Will. OTooDea«4i0,tl>at*m0tl|femKee|»c, - -^ Will. Nl? bo bomlaOe, .:Jo-i )S Per. &WMiJWatrmccWt^««4t«ngc^ :. Will. as c-lfiartd^d tl^0fc2r^ftmt ghCfe : Hii TiiiQ (hi. Per. mi 40 tlje S^unn^ bcamc to (rnaW, Will. l)09&W!^^J&t>ttlTeltJah!ei ^^:' -l^ r^ Per. ©Iteiir*l)Tari5mi>lif&;tiglif , ^ Will. fo loue mto m^ ^mttArtftttamt : Per a^wi^s^iii»rdeaag«^e-^cft)u0efii; ^ '^^W Will. W#tfit&e^Wfil) ; V ' ;?] ;f ;..^ni<« Per m^min t&c Iig^tfome leutrr ft:o«Oc0, Will. f«Jtliea«cJft!)i^fouleafonoerV > I'er. ®^ asED4me%d'thii$^firiiem^c--*^H=^^ -• i^Ji^ Will. be^&ot&e^oonelrabf, . . ,,. ,^ ^, Will. fiicbpla^i&apitteousiHf^ll'^-'^ i -^^^v Per. ^Dtie glaunce mto mp [jiart oiij^glioei T • ! ; Will. tcr&ot&eglrocr, ' '■ -^ '' Per SBDberetoitl) m? foulrWlif'&j fii^fe.^^ ■ Wilu fnci) tDonno^^ foone tbeic:^ lirtiter;' '^'"^i^ Per. I^atinglfaratmrij^eattottteoui; ^^-^ •''' Will. ^!,e^§?rp^^ - ^^^^^^' i'er, 3lcfttt>c|?0aDmftiVljeartf#e: Will. ittoasancfpcratcfl^ot Per. SCJerdt r^nthlet&ar^rii«^emibmb^t^ Will. W\lot^emo\i)el"']^' Per. i^c can J Gmt^Hoi iiiiM^ - \ r . . » Will. ioueisacareleirerb^rotDc. " . ^'" ^!ru ^f ^1°"^''^.^ tjale tuf?^ bearfj 3 bou0!)f, Will. j)£5 bi3 ^^^mt^tm^ * cl Will. f^l?oama^b«KgPi.fiei(^4l,g^^^ '^^: '^'" Sttf' Augoft. 33 P cr. JBuf fefjetl&cr iDpa^efoH loue 3 p^ne, Wil. je^tiopwlititfipasne. Pen iD; ttrfue in U)ealt^,)ge (l^albemine, Wih buttfttjoucaniierfibfeine* ^ihhnojj Per. jano if foj gracelel&griefea «>B^ ^i3r« f Wil» ^0sl)ograceleafefiriefe^ Per, ®iiittHeaie,l^efluemeiDttl^6ert^e; WU. let tij^ foil? be tje p^iefe. Per. janu ^uu^tftat fatoe it,(miple J&cepe* ;^;|^ Wil. |)ei?Jotl)efa^;e|!ocb, : Per. ifD; p^iefe tbereof,mi7 Sj^at&t^^n (oei^i Wil* ano mone toitbtttani? amof^fe,- j (iy, u- - j, - Per, $^0 learnt) J \mz on a ftoUg eii5,.ji t^ii^/u inm zm^ inU Wil. ie]?bo|&olpDai?. Per. 2DtateuerOncemi?!>eareotegr^»ei " '^- WiU notoeiioelb currouttUla^.^':*; ! • i'i;;C. picker (i(e a rounole neuer treani ationrf Jltttlelarliet^Pcrigotoftbebea. ^ntrWillye ui noe greatli; Qneroone, ^0 Iveren ^t0 tnoer (bnge^i tDcU aDO^eS. j|earogrome> 3 feare m^ tbouimtte a(igtiititts u ^reeoe t)p;t0^tl^,lo]^ b^ t|K t)i(to^i0^ Cjiddic^ if atitirof m^ roule,3l Deeme extie banc gaineOf if o; tbr l^t tbe llambe be Wiliye bte pt»ne;. 0nD fo^ Perigo t To toell batb bini panneb* ^0 bim be tbe tD^ougbten ttiajer alone. ,,: Perigott Perigot i$lm\\ pleafeo Untb tbe boomet ^e can Willy c unte t^t UuteleUe bearDgroome« VVillye. i^euer beinpt mm rtgbt of beautte 31 tDeene> %^z d^epb^cbof lda>tbat tubgeo beautteisi^ueetie^ Cuddic. 115ut teil me ll^ep^aroejef,(l^oulD it not t^dienti ^our ronnoeUfreO^^to ^careaooleMberre \", Auguft^ ^^ £Df Roralind (toffoWAiAjtil ndtRoraliodf) SCtjat Colin ttuDe,^lh0 can 3 ^oare^arfe. Pcrigot. ^otD fa^ it Cuddic^aij t^n art a lattc: Wiitt)mzv^ ttimgitsgootxfoutfdlefaDOe. Willyc, - if^. ' «U V ffiJenltttenetbecftlmeoiit^WaWMff^y- ^ n / .!i7/ ano tune ronr pw^0jw>i^tt*pi!ii*j3 ta Hia?, YC^e loaKefull tMitKH»kdr«%i9ttttcsfl:e of m^^^oe^ mifttmm^ plainticr^o^^eeiitittieis refdunoe t ^ec careUCTe b]?;O0 are pnuteto m^ crtett, Ml)tcl)intonr f^ttsis lioeri ttoainC to mafte a part: ILtiou pleafaunt fyim tK^fttiulo tttee oft a 0a^^ Mltjofe OreameB mi? t'C^icftUng teareis i^to oftattgmonft ^eCo^t of people oott^ mi? grtefeeumgrnetit, SD^e Umlleo totonet; ooe \3m>M mr greater tooe : SCbe fo^^eii^^lDioet^ litter to reCottm) Sn^ l)olloVD Ccctioof m^ c^efuH xrieifii, 31 f)ate tbc i)Oufe,ltnce tljence mploue hi^ part , mboCetDatlefiilMdSidtoebar^^mim ei^isifromfl&pe; %tt aremeti of tearef fttpplip tle^ace of aeepe : net all t^at ftoeete te^^o^.aiii) ali t^t ma^ augment a^^ oole,o;(al)3e neerf ; ^^e maete to iDaile m^ t9oe> Wztit t^ toilDe t6ooO0 m^ top^i^^B to refouno, Ct)en beD,noa bolo^4i<^^lx^icli3fiU liitit) me0;> W^en 3 t^eml^ (D totMiiDl^oe nopart 0f pleafnre pad-* Iperelmll Bl o)X)€U apart 3ln gaSfuU groue tberefo;etttll m^ lad aeep ^Qftctofe mtue t^z»:fo D^aliBl not augmettf Wiit^ Ggl^t of fuc^ ad cbaunge mBrellle^i U)oe : ^etp me pe bainefiUl b^^0,tii|iore Qi^teb'mgfotmi) 1$ 6sne of d;eerc oeat^ mi dcaotFa:ie0 Aagflfl f j4 (m^ich of mi? too0 cannot bcto;ta^ leaff part) ] ^ou ^ar^ all nigbt>U3|)cn nature crauet^ aeep/ Slncreafe, fo let conr ^^hCbme f ellee augment. 3 t)9tDeo lane to tDade) till faftano foonn ^pe liome retttrne>ti3!)ofe top^ted fituer (bund St c^eerefuU (isngeg can c^aunge m? c^eer elcffe (riei6(« l^ence tott^ t^e ipitgl^tmgale UhU 3 take patjt, %^t bleieo b^;o.tiat fpenoeit ^er time of aeepe 3n Ci9nge0 anD planttue pleas, tWtnm ^augment SDt^msmo^te of ^temtCoeeoe^t^ b^teaa^er l0oe: 0nD fon t^ut fede no U)oe> i to^en'aft tiie fonno ^f tbeCe ms mg^tlte crtes ! ^e j^eare apart, I.et b^ea^e i^onr founoer fleepe i anbpitte augment* Perigot. jD Colin,CoIlni t^e fl^ep|)earDe£(40^ ^oto 3 aomtre ecb turning of tb? berfe: ano CHddie,fre(^e Cuddie t[)c liefeft boi?e, ]^otD Doleftilli? hisf ooole tbou oioQ reiiearre. Caddie. Slien bloto ^our p^pcs a^ep^arDe£i>ttn.^oa be at l^omec %^ nig^t ^isWi t^Qy^tB time to be gone* Perigot his Emblcmc* Vincenti gloria vi^u Willyes Emblcme* F'into nonvitto^ Cuddies Emblcme, FcticccbifHo^ ^ GtOSSE. Auguft. GLOSSE* :i^tf/f«,brwf,gontfaftrayc ///»ti^, according taVkgtl* Inftlix fefMper ouispecus, ' ' ^tnayrySo alfo doc Thcpcritus and Virgil feignc pledges of thevr ftrifc- EHcbaJedy engrauen.Sucbprctticdifcriptionicucty where vfethTheo^critiK, t©bryi»g^ ia Us Id^Ilia.For which fpeciall caufcin dcede he by that name ccnreck his Acologues*.for I- 4y\\ion in Greeke fignihcth the fhapeor pi^uie ofanie thing, wl^ercot his bookc is fuli. And not,as I haite heard r«mc fondly guetTci that they be called net IdylUajbtitH«diiia,»£ the GoteheJtdesio them. £»rr<»^i,wrought becweene* Jixruefi ^tme^ The irfader of cotintfle folke inhtln^cfl thnc« jVtt^,PcaIe. . • '\'y ^^: ',:;; ;' : JtfeUvpcn^l^cngot inakctKhis fong ia pra»f« of his louc^ . to \yhomc Wilkc annfwetctE €• •eric vnder vcrle.By Petygwi who is mCrlt,I cannot vprighrly fay:'butifitoc,who ii fupjpo- fcdjhis louc defer ueth noiefle p'r jkyfcthcn be gcuttKhcr, . : r* . ' ' ' . ' ; . t ^* . Crr««/^weepin» and coimUmu^ -,.; ;;. ^>;4/». .-.v-'^-- 9mifi noe vnlcfl^ a ^M»e^«,(>^tiall iudgemenc« £c^Af»f,rp-%tb Virgil; ' •'■ "^< vituUtu 'di^usi& bi'c &'c.- ■ '■- . -r- , ^ . -^u So bf enterchaungc of giftes Caddie pleafcth both partes. Dwwf^udgement. Pe>»/)/,f Kno noU) at card tjye Dirhe ntg()t Dot[} i^alt. //obbinoll* I^iggon areei)(;tD^ W t¥% U^iiiU September. £>; bene t^z^ c^affrcwo j at mifciiicfe oeaOf Diggon. 0|)(b:^!oueoffi)aMiifto t^eemottleefe, Hobbinoll,] p;ai? t^ec gait not mi^ oloe greefe: &t^e quelhon nppetb t)p caufe of nelt) U)oe» ^o; one opened mote t3nroli);mani? tttoe» Hobbinoll. ^a)?ibnt ro;rotoclorell^;onoedm{Kart, 31 knoto^tokeepefi^aburDenou^rmart. Cc[) tiitng tmparten te mo je catl^ to beare: Wi^n tfte vwimiB falknyti^e clm^t^ toapen cleare. Sn9 nolo fitl^ence 3) fato tfy^ {KaD laQ, fl:b;^ire tb;ee ^oonts; bene fullf fpent anD pad: ^imt tu^en tjiotr 9^a(I meafureo ninctr grouno. ^no Uiand^eD loeele about tbe tt)o;lo rouno. ^ j&o ao tboa can man^ tl^tnged relat^: ^ttt tell me Qrd of tbi? Qoc&e^ edate. Diggott. ^^ n^cipeJbsne tDa(leD,(iooe ia me tfierefo^e) SbetoUp (lepbearo tbat U)a0 of ^o^e, BI0 nolo no; toKi^ino; d^epbearo mo^e. 3ln fo^eine coSeiS men fa^d , toao plentte: ^no fo tbere ioi,bnt all of mtfene. 31 Dempt tb^re mucb to {jaue ee^eo m^ fi^o^e, IBvLt fuel) zzkin$ batb ma^em^ b^art ro;e. Jn tbo countrteie{>tob^rea£i 31 baue bene> ]^o beeing fo; tbofe>tbat truel^ mene, ^at fo; Cncbias of gmle ma^en gaine, ipto Cucb countr?,a0 tbere to remaine. Cb^^fetten to Caletbe^; d^op^iof O^ame^ Mlno ma^en a ^art of ^e^; gooo name. SSbe il^epbearoc3 tbere r6bben one anotb^r^ Urn la^en bai^ted to beguile |)erb;otber. ^; tbe^ Ijotllbu^e btis l|eepe out of tbe cote» ^;tbe^ totllcaruentbe (l^ep^earoeiit!);ote« S^ September* j6 £{)e a^tpljtatUB ftoa^ne^^ou cannot tocU kgn, 1i5nt it t)e b^ W p;tDc,from otl^cr men: 2Dt)eH loohenbtggc a$ Bullc£()t^t bene bate> j^nDbearentliecraggero Hiff^anDfo fixate, Si0 Cocke on W DungtitlUcroUitng crancb» HobbinolU ^^ggon>3| am fo 0tffe,ano fo Samk, ^bat bnetb ma)? HI ^^no an^ mo;e: j^no notD t^z S^elterne tutnoe blotJDrti) (o;e> %^t noljD tis in f)U( ci^tefe foueratgntee, HBeattns tbe iottliereo ieafe fromttl^ tree* ^ttte toe Doh)ne lieere bniier t^e 6tU: 2Dbo mais Ijoe taUce^ ano tjeliett our fiU> j^no make a motite at tbe bUtfltertng blafl, ^oljD fais on i)iggon>tD|iat euer t!n)u tiad. 2)iggon. Hobbin,a|5 Hobbin,3i curfe ^tt &onntie> 2Cbat euer 3 cad to Ijaue lo;ne tbi^grounOt ^ei^atoai? t^e iD^tie 3 toa^ fo feno, SCo leaue t^e gooD>tbat 31 b«t) tn ^nD> 3|n bope of better^ t^at \dm tmcoutt^: ^0 loft tl)e 3)9g($e t^efiell^ in bt0 moutf). ^t feel^ (beepe(a£i feeli^^^eepe) ^l^t liereb^ tl^ere Bl tDbHome MCtt tai»epe> Sill teere tbe^ ludte^aa t^ou otODett fee, 115ene all Serueo \x>ith p^ne anb penuree» l^arolie ni^ felfe efcapeo ttnlke patne, ^;tuen fo; neebe toxomc i^ome agatne» HobbinolU 0b foR^noU) bi^ t^^ loOie art tauQ% WX^t felbome cbaunge t^e better him^lyt Content tD|)o ItuestDitbtn^eoffate, ^eebefeareno cbaungeof frotomngfate: ^ut U)^ totll feehe fo; bnhnolone gai^nc, £)ft lme5 bf lo(lie,anb leaner tott^ pai^ne* 2)iggoD, a ltoot( ne Hobbin fiotP 31 tpais belpttctit September, Witfj t)i!i?iie tjefire, ano bope f o be cnricbf . 3l5utOchcrri9 tet£(,adtbeM0bt ll^arre ^eemctli ape greater, toben it te farre: ^ a ti)3ujftt tfte fjgleU)3ul9 b'W5 J"^02 *nJ ri^^- ^ut notD 3 U)ote,it 10 nolbing Rcb> ifoj ei?tber tbe fb^Pbwroes bene pole ano lltU , anD leuoe of tbep^ (]^eepe,li3bat to^p tljcp torn: j2D; tbep bene felCe, ano full of couetife, ano callen to cumpaffe manp to^onge emp^ife: J15ut m mm bene fratgbt Uiitb frano ano fpisbW 0z in gooo no; gooone£i tateit oeltgbt: IBixt kinolc coales of contccfe ano p^e, Wberetoitb tbepfctall tbel»o^onfirr- mtUti to^en tbep tbinften agatne to qnencft Witb bolp toater,tbep ooen b«m all o^encb* JDbep fape tbep con to ^nen tbe ^i0wm liBut bp mp foule 31 iJare ^noerfep^, jCbep neucrfettcfoote intbatfatnetroaoe, mut bame tbe rrgbt toap, ano ttraigenab^oao, SCb^^boadtbep ban tbe oeuill at ipommatino: 315ut aChe bem Cbcrefo^e,to^at tbep ban panno. sparde tbat great Pan bougbt t»itb 5ff« owow* SDo quite it from t^z blacke bobJ^e of fo jroU). i5uC tbep ban folo tbil^e fame long egoe: iFoztbeptoouloeno^atolioitb bommanprnoe* J5ut let bcm gange alone a <3ot& name; jas tbep m b;eU)en,fo let bem beare blame ♦^ Hobbinoll* JDiggon,3 paapc tbee fpeafte not Co oirfte, ^ucb mgtter facing me femietb lo mirUe. SCben plainly to fpeafee of g^Jepbcaroe^ mmzwm$ Miat)0e i0 tbe beft(tbi6 cngUOb is flat.) ffibeir ill t)amour garr^s men miffap, 3l53tboftbepiOoctrine,anotbsp.^fape. . ©tJep fapne tbe too;lo is mucb luac t\)m it wont, aufo; ^iv ^U fo; t&e^ noulD be buirome anobeiit* HobbinoU. if te one tbee Diggon> and all tb? foule leafing i WUH 10 hnolDnc tbat Otb tfie ^ajcon bms, ^cuer lDa£i Moolfe Ceene man^ no^ fome) i^o; in all l^ent, no; tn Cb^t^enbome : ^ut tgefetoer Wolne0(tbe totb to taint,) %\^z mo;e bene tj)t jfoxMtW ti^re remaineio y^ Diggon^ - VtByhvAt^t^ gang inmo^ ferret toife, SinJ} lottb fl^0ep0dotblng boen bennrifgutfe SCtiei^ toalft not imoelf UBt^tn totn loont, iFo;feare9fraunger0> ano Qie great tiunt: 3i5ut p;mlii p;olltng tooano froe^ Snaunter tl^ei^niougbtbf inltknotei^ HobbinoU.' {£)^ p^tne o; pert iXmt bene, tK^e^an great banbog£! tDtl teare tl^etr fbtn« Diggon. 3ln t&tt tfit? ball to a bold b if 0? not bnt UieU mongiitlbtm betiglit. ^e iB fo meei^e,tutre,anD merciable, Hino toitl) biB too^b m ^o^ii i^cennenable CoIiaClout3|b»eenebel)ijsrelfebosej . September. }8 ( Kl) fb; Colin Jec tDjjtIome m^ ioi>e) %\^t oogn to carefuUi? ti^m ^oc^ t?nD. Diggon, Snijttfe tamt f^ep^earo moagW 3 feell marfee 4 !|ee ^ad a BDogge to b^Pte o? to tjdr^, ^euer Imi) ^t^epliearDc Co Ueeneir bar, S^t toahet^, ano if but a leafed^an m^tlome tbere Uionne^ a tBtcbeD ^olfe, %^at tDttt) matiD a !lambe ^at) glutted bu^gnlfe^ Hlno etier at ntgbt U)oont to repa^^e tHnto t^ (loclte,tDf)en t|^ iSHelbm fl^one far;e* ^claD m clotting of (kV^ (bttp4, XM^tn t^e gooD olce man t^feb to 0eepe. SCbo at mtomg^t bee tooulb barte ano ban, (if o;^ ^ee ^ao eft tear neo a cnrre^ tally) Sis tf a Moolfe toere emong tlet^epe. ililStt^tbat t^d^epl^earblDoalob^ealie \fWti(tpts Ht\n fenooutlLotoDer (fo;robt0bog|iiote) SDo rannge tbe fieloen U)ttb totbe open t|);ote. S:^o iBben as llotober toas far atoa]?, Xbti^ Wolatl^ D^eepe toouloe catclyen ^t0 p;ai;e, ;a[ ilambe.o^ a ^tb,o; a toeaneU toad : %min tbae to tbe t^ooo tDonlDliee.rpeebe l)im ^S* i.ong time fje bfcD tljic aippen? p;anc&r iBtz Ho£P^ coulDc fo^ W iabonre I^t t^ancfc at end tbe C^eptiearo f^is practice Q^^eb, (if o; Koflf? is iDife, ano as Argus e\?eD) ^nb lo^n at turn ^it came to tbeflocfse, ifaStn t^ei?; folDe0 ^ec tin tbem lac&e, 0nb toofee out tbe ^oolfetn bt^e^counterfetfe cofTr ano let out tbe ^eepe« blonbe at ivit^^Qte. HobbinoH, ^arr^ Diggon, tobat (l^oulo ^im afifra^e, £o ta^e bts olune tDljere etier tt lape i $0^ bab bt0 toetanb bene a little totbber, ^ee toonlbe ^aue iKuonreb botd ^Ober anb (fibber. fe i Diggon< September. Diggon, f^ik^ith Ugl)t on limt^ ano (£!oD0||reat corre, %Q0 gooD fo^ tmit ^0 bene a great oeale l)po;Ce i $0} it lDa0 a pertlou0 bead abonc all, ^noekel^aotiee condtbefii)[epbf;anN(caU: an^ oft in t^e ntgbt came to t^ fteepcote^ ^no calfeo liotDOer,l0ttb a ^UotP t$;otib SiB it it ttie oloeman felfe^aobene- SCiie Dogge ))u; matSer^ ^oice did it toeene^ ^et iialfe in oonb^liee openeo tit mtt ^nt raniie out^as bee toad toonttiC i^oie. iptofoonerloa0out,btttitnlfiter tl^nt^mUf ^att b]? tbe bi?t)e tbe Wolfe l^otoQer cang^ ; ^no bsQ not KCoff^ renne to t^ fteiient ilotDOei; bao beflame tbpefante eoen* HobblnolK €^ob (l^tflDnian,beelboali(b ill \^uttMm Si\i to; bee oto bis iieao^;e heliue* 3lf m bene MolueMell^t) |9 S)l actpe.as fome boen^all tbe l(mfi ba]^ i ^ut cuer liggen in toatcb ano toarb, if rem Cobaine fo;ce tbeir floetofik; to garb. Hobbinoll., 2b Diggon,tbilfee fame r,qle toere too (traifibf;^ au tbe coloe feafon to toatcb ano toatee> Mee bene of ae(^>meRaJ$ otber be^^ mx^^ Qoulo m be bounftto rncbmi&ree f tailbat cuer. tbing lacbetb cbaungcable reS, ^ougbt nceoeie; bccap,t]pi)enit is at belt . ab bttt Hobbinoll, all tbts long tale, ^ongbt cafttb tb8 care, tbat botb m« fo;l[aifev_ , -M^at Scptcmbcn 39 ^^ piteous pUst)t anD lode to ameno ^ jai^SOoD Hobbinoll ,ntoustit 3 ti;es f^^^ iDt a]^oe 0; ceunfell in mi^ oecai^c, Hobbinoll, ^otoc b)? mij fottle Diggon,3|Iamene SL^t |^pieaieini(ci^iefg,t[)dt ^ais t^e !^nt> ^ett^eleOf t|)ou feed mi? lotDli? fatle, SC{)at frotuatD fo:tnne toti) euer auatle. 3i5nt toere Hobbinolli 80 ^oD moug^t p!eab> Diggon D^oulD foone 6n9e fauour an) eafe* 3l5nt if to mi? cotase t^n totlt xtto^t, &9 a0 31 can,3l iDtU tl)ec comfort : Slicre mai^tt tl^u Itgge in a tetcfn? beo^ JCiUfa^^r ifo^tune l^eiuefo^ttj^iie; beao. Diggon, Si^ Hobbinoll,(I^oD mougl)t it tJ^tt ttquiU, Diggon on feUie fuel) f ri^noes did iner ltte« Diggons Emblcmc. f»opcm me eopia fecit » GLOSSE. The Dialed and phf afe of fp eech in this Dialogue, feemetH fomcwhat to differ from tfia common, the caufc whereof is fuppofed to be4>y occafion of thcpaitic herein ment,who being \ery friend to the Author hereofjhad bene long in forrainc countriei,and there Icene many difordcrsjwhich bee here receunceth to Hobbinoll, "Suideber, Bidde e«od morow. For tobidde, i$topraye,whereofcommeihbcade$ for ptayers,andfo ihey fay,To biddehis beades.f.tofay his prayers, Wightly^ quickly,orfodainly. Qinffred^ foldc DcMJatmiphifffi anvnufii- ail (pccche, but wuch vfurped of Lidgate, aad foractime of Chaueer. Leeffy dtare, Etb* » cafie. 7befe thn* Mootut^ sine moneihes, Mt^t. ftredy for traueiled. Waft wce,Northernly. Eel^eJy encreafed, Carutfty cuttc. J^emje, know. 0'''i&'9 neck, Sute^ ftontly, S/-«»fi^, wcaiic er faynte. ^ttlftiWy hc€ applyeth it to the ume of the yeere, which is in the end of harueft, which they call the fall of the leafe •. at which time the Wcfternc winde beareth moft fwayc, ^nmcke^ Imitating Horace,De^f J /udibriwn ventit, Ltf/*^left. Sofl/f, fwecre. ;^»fw^/-',Ynknownc. H^ffcy,/Afrf, here and there. w^j//?fin^/j.', tra^aicdoutof M*jiUiMJ» fw/r?/?, forcntcrprifc, Per Syncope©. Ctnuck, ftriie. September. - rrcdf, path. Mi^tm reeoes ben rent ano Uio^e : ano m^ poo;e ^nfe Jat|) (pent 5er fpareo (!o?e, ^et little gooD bat^ got,a;nD mucb IcGTe ga^ne* &ucb pleafannce matoB t^t d^ra^opper fo pooie^ ^no ligge to lasD, toS^en Winter ootb ^er araine« %iz Dapper hMtf^Mt 31 toont tienifei 2Do fetoe sonti^es fanflie^an) t^^e flocking fr)?^ S>e!tg^een mncb:Uibat 3 tbe bett fb| t^^i ff t>ei? ban t^e pleafiire,3( a fclenoer p^ift. 31 beate tbe bu(^e>tbe hmts to ttitm do flte: Wtiat gooo thereof to Cuddle can arito^ Piers. Cuddie,t^e p.:aife 10 better,t jen t6e p^tce> ! SLbe glo^B efee mnc^ greater tben tbe ga^ne: iS) tobat an bononr is it,to rellraine SDbe ln(( of lalDleffe ^^utb luit^ goob abnice/ ^; p;ickc tbem too^b l^ttb pleafannce of tbi^ bainei • ^^ercto t^ott lift t Jeir tratneo \x>iHts entice* ^oone as t^ou gi^nS to kttt t\^^ notes in fram^, S> botD tije rurall rontes to tbee do cleane i ^eemet^ t|io boeS tbei^a foule of fenfe ber^ane^ aw a$ m l^ep^earD,tbat DiD fetcb ii^ Dame if rom Plutoes balefnll botpze toittiouten leane: ^i» muSckei mtgW tiie mm liounb did tame, Cuddic, &o p^ai^fen babes t|)c pccocks rpotteo tra^ne, ano lD3aD;en at b;tgbt Argus bUfing epe: 3l5ut tobo reUjarbes bim ere t^e mo;efo^ t^^i fi); f eebes Jim 9mz tfte fuller b? a gra we# &ifc< ^t^e t)Do;OiS bene tDinoe^ann toaften Coonem liauie« Picts* Abandon t^tn t^t bafeand Diler cloiDne^ Jltft tp tb)? felfe oat of tbe lotol^ Duft : - H^no (ins of blooiv^ ^ar0,of t0ar0,of gut0^0* SCurne t^ee to t^Cie.tbat loelo t|)eatpfaU croti^nc. %o DonbteD &mgbt0> tDbo^s iDOunDlelTe armour 1 000^ . 5: KnObclme0t)nb;a$coUie]renDatiteb;oU3ne. .^^^j Su^ere ma^ tfi^ C^nfe bifplai? fjer flaftring tomg, SinD dretct) ber ^^^ at large from (Ead to mtfl : mbitber t'iion lift in fmt £iira reft, ^; tf tl^ee plafe in btgger note^s to 6ng, aoaannce t^ UJo;tb)2 to^om ll&ee buetb beffy He- * tn^- SD^t firS t^ fDbite beare to t^e dahe Did bmo* ' anb tDf^n t(^ Itabbo^ne Srolte of Wronger Cout^ f^aBfomelobataacht t^e teno;tof tbi^firing : ^f loue ano Indibean tbo mattf tbon 0ng, dno Carroll loUioe, ano leaDe tbe ^tUens rounor^ 011 toere Elifa one of ttitik fame ring* f^o mongtit our Cuddies name to ^^eanenfonnoc. Cuddi^* 3ln bcebc tfje Homtl^ Tityrus,3| l^ear^, S^b^ongb bi^ Mecoenas left ^is S>a,tm reebe, ^b^reon bee earft^D taugbt W S^cl^ to feeb^ Knb laboureo lanbs to ^eeloe tbe timeli? eare, Snb eft t>iXi Sng of iJoarreB ano beaolp b;eeDe» &o sa tbe \peauen0 bto quake l^is t)er(e to b^f ^« SBuf a|) Meccsnas nc; ^dab in cla)?e» 28no great Augullus long rsoc is ^atj" dno all tbe U)o;tbie5 Itggen l0^apt in leabc^ X^t matter mane fo; jBoetsi on to pla^e : #o; euer.tJDbo in berrtng boe tjoere bcab^, %^ loft^ Dcrfe of t)em l0a0 loueb ai^e. it* IBttt ; 7<^l Oaober. Wtxt afecr bertue gan fo^ age to aoupe, janO migtif ie man^ooD b;oagW a bcDHc of cafe: %^t tjaunting |^oct£J fount) nougl)t iDojtlj a peafe, SCO put in pjcace among ttie learneo troupe* 2D^o gan t{}e fittamtB of flolwing totttes to ceafc, janD.runnrt;lo|iere id tiren tt)^ platci 3|f no^ in ]0;ince£; pallace tt)Ou ooeft fit: (kno ^ett0 p;tnce£! pallace tt)emo& fit) ^0 b^ett of baferbirtt^Dotlit^ee embrace. ffbenmafeetjeetoingesoftbtnearpiringtoit, janOjtD^ence t^ou camMie baebe to l^auen apacev. Cuddicu ; QTJrr. at) Percy it ts aH to toeafee ano toanne, ^o|)tgt)to fo^e ano make rolargeaffigl)t: §er peeceo paeons bene not fo in pltgt)t, ^o; Colin fit0 fHCli famous atgbt to fcannet )^e,tDere ^e not tx)ttt) loue fo ill beoig^t, Mloulo mount a s Jbigt^r ano ling m tbote as ^toanne^ /"iers. ai) fon^ fo^ loue Does teaclje ^im climbe To ^ir, ano i^f tc$ |)im bp out of tl)elott)fomemp^e: ^uct) iniitto^t all mirro;,as i)e oot^ aomtrr, OToulora^fe onesminoeabouetljeftarriattieu. njossiv: '-^t!' > auD caufeaca^ttuecojagetoafpire, -' rnv? ^i ifi^-i A ?: ' if o; loftie loue ootl) loatf)e a loUil^ t^c, Cuddie* ail otliertDiti^ t^e Hate of poet 0:anbs, * i^o; lo^ol)? loue i$ fuc^ a t^;^anne fell: ) SD^at iPl^ere l^s^r ules^all poU)er !)e oot^ e^pel /> JCtje tjaunf eu ^tttz a tjacant beau Dcmattnueg, ^e \i3ont iDtt^ crabbed care t|)e ^q{z3 DtDcll, r mntDifei^ lueaue6, ttjattahe^ ttDoloebbesmtFano./ tSSH^o euer cades to compaGie toatg^te p^tfe, flno ttnnkesto t^jolpc cut t6ono;wg U)o;U0of tji^eaf . lief put0;e in lamfl^ cups and tl^ufttcbtttesofmeatey ^o; Bacchus frmf e is frieno to Phoebus tuife, ;ano tDiien tottti mine t^e b;atne begins to Ctoeat, SC^e numbers GoIjd as faft as fp^ing DotJ rife. [ %im benS not Percie l^to t^e rime 0^on!D rage, iD ifm^ temples toere DiCtaino Uiiti) b)int, ant) girt in ^irlonos of totloe puie tluine, ]^ID 31 conlo reare t[;e £^u(c on Itatelp Hage, Kno teacf) ^er treao aloft in but bin fine^ Mit^ queint Bellona in t)er equipage* SBnt ia| mi? courage cooles ere it be loarme* . if 0^ tbB content bs in ttiis bumble fl^aoe: Wi^trt no fucb troublous t^t>tB ban t)s ail^tt^be^ ^erelioe our fUnoer pipes mai^ fafels cbarme* Piers. Hno iDben mp ®ates Oiall ban tbei?; beUi?es la^o: Cuddle (ball baue a ^Hiooe to Go;e btsfarme* Cuddies Embleme. ji^itantt caUfcimHs iUo^^^-c, GLOS^SE, This Aeglogue is made in imitation of Theocritus his i^.Idilion,wherein he reproued the Tyrannc Hiero of Syracufe for his niggardife toward Po•'/)>«■» prctic. \ ' ;' ^Fr7?,is a bold ^e upbore, for ceil from ihc(l>awsing fiflies, tot tihcmultitnycofyou'i^* Cfh be called the fric. L I r* refiraiHt ^ October. To refirAtw^ This place feprneth to confpirc with Flat*^ who in his firft bookede Lc*i« , bus faith, chit the firftiaucncion of Toe trie was ofvcry vertuous intent. For at whattime tn infinite numbc r © f youth vfuslly came to thcyr great folempn* feaftcs called Tancgyrica, which they v(ed eucric.fiufe J'carc toholdjfome learned man being more able then the reft, or (pcciall gifces of wit and Mulicke > would take vpon him to ling fine vcrfes to the pcoi ' pie, in praile eythcr of vertucor of vidorie or of immortalicicorfuchlike.At who fe won- Werfoll gift all men being aftonicd an das it were cauifhed with delight, thinking (as it w«| ,,' ig deedcjthat he was i;ifpircd fiora abouc>callwd him Vacemtwhich kinde of mcaaftu:rwar4 framing thcirveribs to lighter muficke(as of Mulicke be ihanykindcs, fomefadder, fonte lighter, fome ma.rtiall,f0meheroicall: and fo diuerfly tkc affeft the mindes of men) foiindt out lighter matter of Poeiicalfo, fome playing with louc, fome fcorningatmcnsfiUhio*! iomc powrcd out in pLeafutCf , and fo w ere called Poets or makers. ' - Senfe bertaue^^'hiiX. ibc icfrct working of muficke is in the nnndcs of men, a(vveU:appea'* reth hcrtWy, that fome of the anntient Philofophcrs, and thofe the mofte wife, as Plato and Pychngoras held for opinion, 'that the minde was made of a certain e harmonic and muHcalF numbtrs, for the greatcompa{sion,andlikenerteof affiedioninthonc and the other.as alfb .. by that memorable hiftotic of Alexander:to.w Hotrcwhcn a* Timotheus the great Mufttiai% ,,playci the Phrygian mdo3ie,tt is faid^ iKathe wat diftrai^ht with fuchc vnwoorted furie» . that Ilreightwayjiiing from the fable in great rage,he caiifedhimf«.-lfctobe?rmed,a$readjp; , togoe to warre(forihac muficke is yericwarrelikc) Andimmediatcly when ai the Muficion -, chaungedbisftrokeintatbcLvdiinand- ]bnjqueharmonie,hce was (h furrc froiVi warring,* „ that he fatcas fUK, asifhchad^Bcnc in oiactcrs of counfcU. Such might is in Mufick.Whcr- , fore Plato and Ariftodc forbid the Arabian Melbdic from children audyouth.?or^at being altogither on the fifth andfeuenth" tonei,. it iipf great, force to-rooJlifie, and quenchc the -kindly courage, -whicbvfeth toi>urnrinyouitgl)fe£le*.So that it is ootincrodjiblc w^kh* "the Poet here layth, that the Mulicke can bcreaue the foulepfCcnfe. rhejhif heard thafy Orpheus: ofwhooaelsfaidc, that by his excellent's3^fll"ini nti£[«<^ej(/^ i«'>«o«r,vQ)youridcd iri j>;arTe,dp ruft through long peace. Di^iUy, A poeticall metaphore.>3yJbcreol: the meaning^jsjtbat if the Poet liA fhewe his skill in matter of more digniiie, then is thehomd.v Aeglogite, good occafion is him offered or higher veinc and more Heroicall argument, in thef erfon,of our mofte gratiousfoueraignc, ■whomeCas before)he callech E/ip. OnfmattefofJikaighch'-bode and chiualrie pleafe hym better, that there be many noble and voliaunt mea. that.arc, hoth wptthj^e of hyj payncin theyr defcrued prayfes^and alfo favourers of his skill and faculti'c. 7'//*H'or;^,hemeanech(as I gue{rc)chemofthono:urableand-reHowmed the Earlcof Ley- ceftcr,whome by hie cognifa unce(ahhough the ixnt b^alfoprop«r to other) rather then by his name he bswraycrfiybceii)^ not likely, that the names oT noble piinces bee knownc to cQuntryclowncs, . , ■. ^ ' r r 5/df/^, that iswheo^tfeottcliaungeft^thy v.ctfefromftately'cpurre, te ma tterot more plea- faunce and delights, ■_; '; ' ".'... ;.,■'';,".' '^' ' 'V!,'-' , ' The Milters, a kihde ofdaUnW. ' ^ X%, company ef, dannfers* -. t r^t;" 'i ' ^^ ul r i .« rhe.'J^iJh T;//r«i»welltno>vn o e Virgill, who by MaccaenasiiieaiieSwaftbreugtrtxa-i to the fawpur of the kmperour Auguftus, and byi^ym mooutd to write in loftier kinde, the* hcerfthaddone. ' * r • •« • j j c • }roerc£>», in thefe three verfcs are the three feacrallAvorkesof f^irgiu iminded. Fori* seaching his fiockcs to feede, is mcaqt hh Aeglogues. In labouring of lande$> is his Ccor- 0(5i:obet . ^^ 5 /v ifn-inrg thatiio manlbould vpponpayne oifi Aeathfedot an-ye vjokncetothat hoMleor other-wife: but alfofpeciaHyc.iparc and- fomejiighelyrcivarded, that were o{ his kinne. Sofauoured hec the oncly name fifa.Bofit^ which prsilcotherwifc was in the fame man no Icffe famous, then when became to ranfack- iRg ef king Darius coffers, whome he lately had ouerthrownej hec founde in a little cotter, ef filuer the two bookcs of Homers workcs, as layde vp there tor fpeciall ie wellcs and n- chdrc, whiche he taking thence, put one of them dayly in hys bolome, and the other tuery ■ight layde vader hys pillowe. Suche honour hauc Poctes alw ayes found in the light of Princes and noble menne, whiche this authourhctc Ycry wcllihewcih, as eile whercmore notably. But afcer, hcc ihcwcth the caufc ofcontcmpt of Poctrie to bee idleneflc and biTcnc/Te «f Biynde. Fenty fhut vp in flouthc,as in a coope or cage, Homjypcry An Ironicall Sarcafinus,fpokenin dcriiion of thefc rude withes, whiche m.ikc more account of a ryming rybaud, ihta of skill grounde«l vppwn Icarnyng and iudg?- aunt. J?^tf cr(f/?,tlic meaner forte of mta. Her petcedpinsoni^ vnperftdl skill: Spoken ■ with humble roodeftie. ^sfoote ti SvfAKneytht comffarifon feemcih to bee ftranngs-4br the fwanns hathc euer wonne fmall commendation forher.fwvetc fingingi but it is faydc cf the learned, iha: the fwanne a little before her dcathe, fingethmuAc pleafauucly, as prophecying by afccrttin* ftiaftbcrneeredeftinie,.Aswejrfayththc Poctclfewheieiuoncof hys fonets» The filuer fwanne doth lipg before her dyinj;-'4dy As flie that fetles the deepc delight thar is in death, &c. Immoriallmirrour^ Beautie, whiche is an CACtUcnt obiefic of t ccticall fpiriteSjas appea- yeth by the worthy pcnarchs faying. ^ Fiortrfaceua ilnuo dtliL tfJgsgno u4. Ufua tmbra^fi;' crtfcct ne gti afftinni^ ^ caytiut eorage^z bale and abie^ minde. fur lofhelme, i thinke this flaying with thelettcrtobe rather a fault then a figure, afwell '-- in our EngliOi toong, as it hath bene alwaies in the latine/alled Caco'^/e»» .^-y^CrfB/jimitattth Mantnanes hyin^yV acuum cutis diuma ctrfbrxmTefcit. LauiJhcuj's^T^tftmbhth the common vcrfe F^undt tahces ip*tm nanfecae difertnm, Oifmy^ Hcfeeraethhcretoberauifhed withaPoeticall furic.For Cifontrighrlymark) the numbers rile fo full,and thevcrfc groweihfb bigge, that itfttmcth he hath forgot^c tlie - »cantnelfe of thepheardes ftate and llile* WiUyiaey foritis dedicated to Bacchus and ihtreferc itis faiil that the Maenadcs (tbat is > 1 |. iiatclm*^- October. Bicckus francickpricft^; yfcd in their ficdficc to came ThyrfoSjWhich were pointed fla«et or lAuslin^, wrapped about with yuie» In bup{»n^ it W4«5thcminn:r ot rjcc* xni players in Trijediccto weare bafkins, asalf* ia Co.n;di«s to vfefockcs andl/'hc (hoes. So that thcbufkia in Poetry is vfcd for tragi- call mttter,as is Tayd in Virgill, SjUS)phxie» tuncarnunxdtgHaeothtdfno^ And the like in Ho- Mce, M.trHU^loquiyHituiut cothurnt. S^uHti Arange . Bell«na,the god dciCc of batcaile, that is PaIlas,whicS may therfbre wel be cailed qaeint,for chat(3$ L«ician (aith) when (upicer her father was in trouaile of her^he. caufed his tonne Vulcan with his axe co hewe hishead. Outof which leaped forth luiielf* valiant damxU arnivd acallpointes,whoim Vulcm fceinjj fo fairc and comely, lightly Ipaping to her, proferred her fomc curccfie, which the Ladydifdayning, fhakcdher fpe^re athlm^ ana threacacd his faucineife. Therefore fuch ftraungen eHe is well applied to her. ^eqcti^age^ order. Tydes^ feafons* Oijvrmt, temper and ordcci For Charmes were wont to bee made by verfes^as OuidTaith Enibleme. Hvrehf is meant, as aKb in the whole courfe of this Aegl ogue,tKat Poetry is a diiuneia* ftia^ and rnnaiurall rag^ parting the reach of co«naon reafoa. Whom r-iersanfwereth H- piphoasm jcicog as adnicting ch:: c.KCclleacic of the rkili,whereof in Cuddy hee bad already^ facade. Noucmbcr, JEglo^a Vndecima. Argument, T lathis xi.Aeglogue he betvayleth the deathe offomemayden of great hloudrvhome h€ calleth Bido.TheperJonageisfecret^ and to me altogether vnknowne^ albeit ofhimfelfe I often /c- quired the fame. This Acgloguc is made in imitation of Marot hisfongy which he made vfpon the death e ofLoyes thefrenche ^luetne. Butfarrepafsing hisreache^ and in mine opinion all other the Aeglogues of this hooke. Thenot, Colin* COIin mp&eare, to^cnt^all it plearcf()eefiiig* Hl£it!)outDere \oontfonge0 offometouifaunccf £D!)P ^ufe too lens flomb;ct^ in fo^roioing, jpLo^ Nouembcr. demons t^e^epligarois rioatnc^i mat? af c rcmaincy Wi^tt^tt t^ce Ita t^^ loueo laHe aouautice, £); Ijono; Pan ij^itii ptmne£( of |3tjQ;|ier t^ainc. Colin* ThcnotjtiQto ma t^e time of merfmake. #o; Pan to t)erte,no; tottlj lone to pla\? : ^tfee mi?.:t& iri spa^? td mcctctt fo^ to malie, Sf^ fonimer fljatje bnDer t^e xoc fec» [ja^. 15ut noloe faoDe minttr inelbeo tiatb t^e tmi?« tflnD Phoebus inearieof Ijis pearel^taf-Ue : ^KabUo t)at^ l)t£(aceoe0 in lolol^Iar, 0nD taben tjp |)te ^mt in Sfi^e^ Ijaf-fee. SD^tlk folletn reafonraUDcr pltg})t oott) a^^e .* SLu^ loat^et^ 6be Oelts^ta^aa t|K)u Doed p;ai^re : ffl^fje ma^nefull spnfetn mi?;t& noto !tff nemaPJte, Sis f^ec ijoaiS liDont in ^onngt^ and fommcr oa^e^t* 315nt if tt)ou aigate lad U^^ttitrela^es, ^no loofer fonga of lone to bnDerfong WHm^o but t^^ fclfe DeCernciS fine ^ottd pm(zi Keiieue t^s ^aten p^pe0> t^at Ocepen loiig« Thenoc, I ^^t i^igl)ttngale ieileueretgne of fong, ^efo^e \^im Ste; tbe SCitmonfe Slent bee : caD, anD I^etl? Vo;apt in leaD : £Dlieauiel)erre, net breaming teare5bepotjD^e^outtnSo;e: £Dfarefullt)erfe. &^epbcarD0,ttiae b^ ^our flocto on l&enttQ Dotones abj^De^ IS^atteiiee tf)t£(l0oefumJDaffe of natures ioarfee: i Watle ii^eetbe lmglbt>ljD[)ore p;eren(e load ottr pai^DO^ Maile Ijoee t^e Imo^tjtD^ofe abfence is our carke* %iic fonne of all tt)e u^o^lD tBDimme ano oarbe : %\jt tartly nob) lac^ der loonteo ligi^t^ ;anD all toee DtDell in Deaol^ ni^U £D^eaate^erfe. je;eafee Uje our pipeMftat ift^tto as lotoDeas Jtarke, | )©carefnllljerre* Nouember. ,^lf)^ Doe tD^ longer liuc, (a!) tofcT? \m toe fo long) Wi\}otc better Dai>c5Dcatt)t^dtt)l]^ut Dp in U}oe^ SD \)t faiP:ca dotu^^e our QtrlonD all cmong, |5 faoet) qmte ano into Dofit t^goe. ^tng Hou) rec Q^eptiearOB oeiugi)teri$> fina no moe £L8;e fonjjsi tljat Colin maDc in {jcr pjatfe. asut into toccping turne ^our toanton lait0, ^ icmU ^erfe, ^&U)c is time to tit. i^a^ time toa5 long i?ger, £) careful! t)erfe« . m^mtt i^itjtUt tiiefloto^etof tgeSelODotlifaoe^ anD l^etj^ bnrteo long in Wintcriibale : ^et (bone z$ fp^ing lite mantle Dttii oifpla^e, . B! t fioiD^eti) ftt%n% it fliioulD neuer fa^e^ ^ut t^ing on eartt) ti;at i£t of moQ auade, SiB t)crtue5baauct) anti beauties hu\)>, Kelieuen «iot f 0^ ani? gooo* i^beaute^erfe, %iz b^ancl) once ttan, tWbixn t^t i^r>t$ mnS quaflep )©carefullterre, ^ Je luMle Jlie tDa0,(t(iat toaij, a feofull 1iio;d to fatae) Mo^ beautieti paatfe anopleafannce tiao no peere : ^otoell^ee coutii tftelftepbearwentertaine, Wtti) cahe£( ano crac6nelt0, and fucii countre^ cf^eere. ^c iDonjo H^e fco^ne t^t 6mple d^eplnearo^ Ctuatne^ ifo^ l^e Uusola call often ^eme : ^nu giiie ?)im euros ano clouteo Creame, ^ tieautetierfe. Kite Colin Clou tc-J^c toulo not onceDifbatnCa iD careful! tjerfe, Wut note fifce ftapp^ cliare fo turnDe to 6eau^ cljaunce, ^uc^ pleafaunce noto oifplaa b^ oolo;£i ctnt : ail ^uGcfe flaepc0, tolierc oeatj) ootij leaoe t&e oaunce, ano l^cp&earos toonteD folace is txtixut. 23)eWetouiblacft,t|iefl«:eeneingra^ fotintt, Nouembcr^ 45 ffijje gautp cirloJ^WDcck iier graur, ^tjcaui0l)crfe, ©carcfulltjcrfc. fi) tljca great O^cpl^earo Lobbin,ljol» great is t\^^ gricfc Wi\iat btnt t Je nofega^es tfjatH^ce mgtjt fo;! t^ee : Sbe coloureD(6apIct0lt>;oug^t tjD!tt)act)ief0y SD^c bnotteB ru(^?tngts,anD gtlte 3$ofemar^? if oa ftce Dccmeo noting too Deer? fo^ tjice* a6,tl)Ci? bene all i^clat in cla^, < ? ^ne bitter blaS^ bleioe all atoa^ £D l)eaate Ijerfe, - SDtiereof nought rema^neiEt bnt t^ mano;e^* SDcarefuUberfe. 0l^e mee t^at b^eerie beat^ f^onlb Itrike fo nto^tall Qrobe^ %f^At can bnboeSDame natures btnbel]? courfe : SDbe fabeD locltes fall from tbe loftie ^hc, SDbe flouOB boe gafpejfo; b^i?eb fe tt}m tbnrfe, l9nbfioni)$ of teare£( floloein t^m ^^ebe perfo;ce« Cliemantleb tnebotDeitmoarne, SDbe^^ funbaie. colours bourne* ^ beauie Ijerfe, %l^z beauens boe melt in ttwtcB frnt^out remote* e> carefall berCe* SCbefceble flocks in fielbrefufet^Vlbjmerfoobe, i Slnb bang ttieir beabcs,as t^ep IdouId learne to toeepet ' £be beattes tn fo;re(l U)n)Ple as t^tv toere iDoooe, Crcept tt)e Molues,tbat cljafe tbe toanbaing tl^eepe ? i^otp O^ee i0 gon tbat fafel^ r^io tiem keepe, SD^ SDnrtle on tbe bareb b^annel); ILaments t^e U)ouKbc,t^at beat j) tnn latmc^, 0nb Phiiomcic ijer rongtott^fearesbo^ffeepe* jDcarefullberfe* ^ 2# %ie Noucmber. SCJetoatcr j^l?mp50,tfjaeijDanttjDitl) Jerto CnganD imuncc, ano fo; ^er girlono Mint bjattnctieg b^arc, j^olDc balefuU bougbcs of Ct)p:e£( Doen aDaaunce : %lt ^ufe0,tbat tuere tDont greeitrba^ to iDeftre> ^oijuc b^mgen bitter €te;e b}mntW fcare, SCpcfaeaUCftcrfiehe repent, ,^.^.,^, i^er bitall tfoeoe fo foone toa^ fpent, a) beanie Jerft, ^o^ne notDe m^ #ure, noU) mo^ne tDttli {jcaus cliedre ffl)carefullberfe, '::;.: S> trnUIeCie flate of eartftl^ tiinfi5,anb fltpper^ope ^f mojtaUnien,tbat ftoimkeahbftDeate foj nougbt 0nD tl^ooting U)iDe>botb mi(& tbe m^rheo fcope : #oUje bane J learnw (a lellbn ^eei^el^ botigbO 9^bat nis on eartb aOnrannce to be fougtt ; ifoAubat mtfibt beein eart^^^ mouto, . £f bat t)iD ber burieb bob^ lioultt.^ slDbeaute!)erfe, ftt CatD Bl on tbe beare tol^n it U^anb^^ioiifgl^t ©carefuliSjWff. ,, . 5l5ut maugrebeatl^, anb b^eabeb fitters bcauir (jfi0i ■ ano gatei; of bell^anb fpnc furies fojicc : ^'beeb^tb tbcbonD^biohe pf eeemallntabty ^ ^er foule bnbobfeb of tbe burbeKous cojpfe. ®lbp tben toeepej; bobbin fo toitbout xzmo^tti j£) Lobb,tb^ loUc no longer laiitent, Dido nifi beaii,but into bcauen W\U a)bapp{sberfe> Ccafe noUirtvi?ipufg,nci» cearetft^To^rptoc^t fpurfc , jaDio^fuUberfc. CTlb^ icaile luee tben i Uib? toearie iu* tje ®cbs^ iiJitt) plainte^, ai£jiffoweeuilllDeretoberbctt0l)tf ^ ^bee raignes a goboeffe nolo emongtbe fi^tnte^, SDbat tobtlome tua^ tt)e fa^nt of ftepbearbjs Itgbt t anb 10 enffalleb notoe in &eauen)5 tjtgtit. Nouember. 47 Jfect^jiblctTcDroulcafee, Malb tn t lifian ficlocs fq frav i , > spigot J once come to tfje? («> tjjat 31 wigtjt) ^ , . , fl) torfuUtjerfe^---;- ^^^ .,,«.... ..^.^.u . taR&ife anD tojeicbeD men f o toeete to6at0 fij»0 ej, i"* Mec ncemc of Stfeatl) as ooome of til oefert : • v - - yiBut knetDC Uiee fooleiS^U) &^t it \}S hm^zB Dntill E>i?0 tooulo iDCt Da^lte, once tt to expert. ^0 Daunger t{)ere tlje l^epljearD can aCert : jfai?^efieloe£ianopIeataunt lai^eet^erebene, %tit fieloeg arefreC^jtJe grade are greesie : a)!)appieber(ej ^' "^nUiiAiu^- <^uht ^ail v^t HepticarOi?, tljetl^ to reuert, - ^topfUUtjerre; Dido ifj gone afoic7 to^ife tnrne ^aH be tl^ nerf i) 2C|}et^ ttues i|0e toit!^ tge bJe0:eti^oD0 tn M^ SDftcre D^incfes fl^e Ncft ar lr»itij Ambrcfi'a mirt? ano topes 0niope0,tljfat mo;>tall nrcn ooc nltCTei, * Sl)e fjonc; nol» of Ijigljett (I&otiB l^ce w, iLljat to^ifomelunc poo;c ClKp^earos p^tee s ^lt)tle t)ere oa cart^ ^ee Dto abiOe« n: 'a i: u#bappiet)erft^^_^,, ,,^, .^,,, V,, Ceaue noli) nip fong, m|? fooe nino foatTet) w, ^iOHfuU^erfe. Thenot.» ^pe fratick (l^epljtarOitjoto bene ttt? terfesinemt Cillitl) DoIcfuU pleafaunce, fc as 3 nc luotf e, iMtjett^er rtwpceo;jtocepeforsreatctjrtllraint e 2i:i)inebette CuolTctte.toU baft tl)Ou ttgotte. vEIp Colin ^p, pnong;t)tl)cumo^neO|iaft, ^oU3 ginncs to m^}'tMi ^^ bomciuaro fed* Colin s EiTiblemev ' ^^"^^^ l^:^ ',:/■:. : • i ' in ,. :n\y. NouemSer. GLOSSE. Weli^ed^ Ihortncdoreittpayrcd. As the Moonc being in* the waine ii ftyd of tid«»ate to pecl,whercin they vfcco cai^o-( /^/r«/.yM, alight kirt^ep,£;fong. . ; ' ,.' ' ;-' «,- v. ;r 'Bae wxtred, for itis ariymg of Poets, chat they ^aae drunk oTth^ Mufcs tVcilCailalw, whereof was before fufficiently fayd. Drerimtnt, dreery andhcauy chccrc. rhtj^reatjheplje*rd,h fon^c man of hie degree, apd'ixjt ai fomii vaynely. fuppofe God pan. The Perfnn both ofthefbephcard and of Didojsitftknowne and clofcly buried in tlie Au- thoursconccipcButoutof |iqubc I ani>it|i»ti&aaif jtofalindiajfomciniaginc; foxfae fpea- kechfoone after of her alfo. j* ^ • - Shettf thyrc and (biaiog. '^V' for nityde* T«*»onc afcer,N«y time was long agoc. tlouret , a diminutiue foe aliicle floure. rhis is a notable and fencencious comparifoa »A minor e ad m.itu,s, l T{e\iueH ttoty liue not againcf. »otin their earthly bodycs: foriahuucntlicy enioy theyc due reward. * -, ' J > r rhe brauHcby nee mcancth Dido»Mho being as it were the maihlibriO"*^now Vfi^ered> thebuddesthatisbeautie (a$heclaydifore)cau nonHjoreflourith.J^ ' -' ' Wah ca{es, fit for fhepheards bankets , Heame^ for bowe, after the Northern pro* nouncing rmSly dyedorftayned. The gauite^ the meaning is, that the things, which were the oraamcntes oJ herlyfe are made the honor of her fufierall,as is vfed in burialls. LfbbtHy the name of a&e^heard, which feenieii) co banc bene the loucr and ^ecrefriend of Dido. T^w/AViwg;/, agreeable for fudi baft gifts. Faitd /ocl{eiy dryedleaues. Ais if Nature her fclfebewayled the death of thciWaydtf. Sourfi, fpring. "■ Mcittled Hedotvef^ (orthcfundiyfipwtesarelikea MaatlcorCo- tterletwroughtwithnaanvcoIours. '/' . ThilomeUy tbc Nightingale^ Wb** ^e pocts faine once' to haue bene a Ladie of great bc.iutie,till being rauilhed bylber fiftcrs husband,lhe defired to be turn edinto a byrd of her name: whofe complaints be very well fee forth of Ma.GeorgeGafcoin a wittie gentleman, andrhev£rychiefe»f our late rimers, who andif fome parts af learning wanted not(alfaee icis wdlknownehee altogether wanted ngtleafivttig^ no doubt would haue attained ta the ejccellencie of thofc famous Poccs. For gifcsof wit and naturall.promptnes appearc in him abouudantly. €}frege^ y^td of «kc olde Paynims in the furnifhing of their funcrall Pomp e,and proper- ly the fignc of -all foupw and hcauinclTe. ^ ^, Nouember. 4S ThefatiiUjifierSt ClothoIachcSs andAtropos, daughters of Hercbus and the Nij^ht, whom ct.c Poets iainc to Ipin the life of man, as it were a long thred, which they dra*v out in ICngch, till his fatall howrc and timely death be come,butif by cthei cafualti* his dayes be abridged, then one of chem, that is Atropot^siayd to hauc cue chethrcd intwaine.Hcicof Commeth a common veifc. €lotkocolumbaiulatyLticbefistrdhit,>y4tropo{occat, Otru^lejfet a gallant exclamation moralized with gi eat wifedeme aad palHonatcTrith great affedion. 2?e4rf, aframe,whereonthey vfcto laythedeadcode, ^ Funes^ of Poets bee fayned to bee three, Pcrlcphone, Alefto andMegcra,>vhich are faid Co be the Authors of all eiull and mifchielc. Eteinalt night y isdcach or darknefle of hcll» Betight^ fcappcncd« jyif, Ahuely Icon,or repre(entationasif hecfawchermheautDprefent*' £/jfta» fieldesy be deuifed of Poets to b e a place ot plcafurc liJkc Paiadilc,whcre the bap- pit foules doe relt in peace and «ernall happineffe* 1>jc rvouldy the very cxprcifc faying of Plato in Phxdonc. ^jtarty befall vn wares. yie£l»r And^mbroftay bee fayued tobcc thcdrinkc andfoodcof the Cods : Ambrofia they liken to Manna in fcripturc, and NeSar to b« white like cremc, "wbcreef is a pi ©per takof Hebe,thatfpiltacup«>f ii,and ftayn€dthehtauens,asyetappcareih# But Ihauc al- ready difcourfed thai at large in my Conwnentaric rpon tljc dr e^cs •£ tlac fame Auihori. Mfj/f^ty Mingled, -^=^*»»^ -— ' Emblem* Whichis as much to fay,as death bytcth not, Fomlthough ly courfe of nature vrec bee borne to dye,ajiiid being ripened with agc,as with a timely harueft, wee muft bee gathered in time,or els of ear felues wee fall like rotted rype fruit* fro the tree : yet dcarh is not to bee counted foreuill,nor(asthei'oet fayd a little before, as doomeof illdefert.) For though the crvfpafle of the dtiX manbrought death into the world, as the guerdon of nnne,yet be* ing oaerconac by the death of one that died forall, it is how made (as Chaucer fay th) the greenepath way of lyfe. So that it agtecth well with that was fayd, that Death bytcth not Ctliat isjhuactik net at all. JB^OgA December; ■ J ^ >-l vptth A com- THiiAeglogue { euen^^dsthtfii^fibe^m plaint ofCdlin to QodBanimherew as. rveary vf his former : V paiesyhee frofortioneth his life to thefoayefeafonsofth^jearCy comparing his youth to the fpri'r^gtifTje J rvhenhee rvasfrejhand freifr^mlouesfollie. His manhoode to the fommerywhich hee faith ywas cofktned with great heate andexceffiue drouth caufed through a Comet or hlafwgflarre,bj which hee meaneth loue^ which pajpon is commonly compared to fiich flames (jr immode^ rate heate Mis riper yeres herefeMbleth to an vnfeafonable har- ueH wherein the fruites fall erf they h.trype. HU latter age to winters chill ^frosiy feafon novf drawing neere to hii lajl ende. Tl)z acntle%epl)2arD fat befirsc a fp^inge, aula ten)at50tDcof a baHiveB.aere, KXm Colin l)tgl)! ,toi)icft tof U coaloe p]?pe ano Crtgt, ifD2^rccf Tityrus IjisfcngesDiD lere. %^t\'t ag bse fattc i» fccrttJ^auc aionc, 2Dt;tt5 gan fjcc maluj of Icue W piteous mone- -** December. 4P wm^c^ of our ttrto^t l^anMins tar^eS hceps: 0nD \s)im our flochcB into mtfic^unce mougt)£ fall, ^oeft fane from mt&^tefe t\it t^nltuirte Q^eepe: ^is of tt^ir maidttxs Ijad no leOi^ resarii, %^tn of ttie fiock0,tDt)ic^ t|ou noett tDafcI) i foaro: 3 f^ee bedeec^eCro be ti)ou fiet^^ tofi^ar^; a^uoe Ditties tunoet0 lbepbeari)0£)^tienr(eDei iC; if 31 euer fonet fong fo cleare. Sis it U)itb pleafaunc^ mougl)t tt)^ fancie feet^e) l^arben a totitU from tbr greene rabinet^ %f^z laurcll fang pfxarefuUColiuet, . jq ^iJii, i^ Wbilomc in i?ont&>tol)en flohj^cB mj iopfull fpjmg, i^ifce CtpallolD ftDtft 3 iJoano^cD ^reiant) tjiere: ifo; ideate of tieeMtffe la(t me fo oto QtnQ, %i^t 31 of t)oubteD oannger I;ao no feare. 31 iDent tbe toaSefuli toooiied aria fo^refl^ loioe, Mitiputen o^eao of ^o!ne$ to benrefpieo. 3 toont to raunse amiDbe ti)e ma^ie ticket, ^no gatber nutter to make me €Uifimsis game: anoio^ei ofttofbac6tbetfemblin0P;icbct»...^4i.a->^i-. - ^^ bunt tbe bartleiTc bare^till l^e loere tame* Wi^at ts^eakeD ^ of Ijointrie agi$i t^aHe. %^Q t)eemei93jm?rpnns:U)Rulueuer laH. I^oto often baae 31 f; jiJcp tbc'cf^flsie £Dfe, Hlil to Didobge tbe Haueit of ber nelt: I^U) baue 3 tpearicQ ijDitb man^ a Qvobe, ^b^OateitMalnut rree>tbe fx3bt1e tbe reft mnoer tbe tree fell all fo;nuttei5 at ftrife: :r(oal?i^fj' ?;nii:: >; ifojiplifeetome.l^asltbcrtieand We. aiv^dyjsiimr :; anb ffl^ 31 toai5 in tbilfee fame looftrwrc^, (OTbctber tbe ^ttfe,ro te;tmgbt'me from m bp;t^, ^^ 31 to mucbbeleeuio mg lb^pbe4rb peered) ^omeoele ^bent to tthg ano muQ^Kes mirtb: Dec€;ntih?ri,_ , 'mit^ l^epljCiUDcrj fte^ii^to^aj. g^cr fet^in fields ^ -^ { /jj '^ ar.D if tijat Hot>bindlUis'gt iuogj^nent bare^a;] a^H- ur^^ ifo; if tljc flocbing j^\?itip$e£i tiofoUoio Pa% SBut aft fuel) p2iO0 ^t kttfitl^ Uws iff repa)?i5c, !EM (l^ept)earDe£i (jDo])(perDre^(I&ob load lie none) ip^ bartlcffe pUafaunce i)io mc lU bpb^ateei^ <*^"^ - ^'-^•♦^ '^ ^'^ ^^freDoinc lojnc,^^ lifcl^clefttanjsne* ^ . .„ ^^^.j lloue X^tt tiim.calUb,tijat gaiie me cfeeArndfc* ^.^ * . C{ioganmBloucl^fprfngbtome farpteUf ; j j^jj^no^^- g anDfoinmerfeatenTpebjfimtoliifplai? r)r,dft^tttQri;.i® (ifoj lotic tben in fbe H^ohs Ijoufc 6tb DtucH) ' ' ' j %^t raging fire,tbat MnDlci^ mm "^^ ^^^" ^' -^"^^ if a comet ftiro bp t^at bnftinbl)! bcate, 5n f^ SCftatreifinebCas^men faib)iu Venus ftate. if oatt) boais 3 UDiir,nct m^ toont afb;e, Mlben e&oife 3 baoto cfjoofem^ tuanojing iDa^i- i^n'^Ci ^tj^i %vX tobetber Inch ano loueis bnb;^tbJeo lo;c . .,,, ,, tf^t•»^ *^m' ?: Wcolo leau melb;ttb on ifancietfbilte to Wt^ : : !^^^ ^-^^^^ ^^«^^ Cbe bni^ m^ beo,tl;0 b^iamble toais m^ botoie; SC^eMoooeieicantottnedQ; manM^o^uIlHoU);^ Wi^ere 3 toa0;iDon t to r<^te %tom'e li5&r ^ OTo^fting ber foamall roUimes inMe^en frameii^ -^ ^^^^'l 4 . . SCt^e grieaie Sooeltoole grptone t^re mcngbt 3% -> rr r .^ ^^ ^ anoloatlieol^aiibocfee^Mifngontbcfame. ' / ^ '' ' ^ anDtDb^rett)ect)^ontingbiri)s lalo meafleepCf £heg{jaQleiS)tb(e|^rgr(euoii5 i;nnebotiii(0epe. December. 50 snijcn a5 tit fp^ing gmw jilace (a clDcr ttme, ;ano b;^tngett) fo;tE ttie frutte of rommers p^toe: an fo mp age nolp paCfeD r^utW^ p;ime, So tljinges of riper reafcn fclfc applieo. HlnD Icarno ofltg^cr timber cotes to frame, fs>ml} n^miQU fauc m^ ll^o^pB ano mc fro D^ame» 2Co mafee ff ne c^ges fo;^ flic j|iiu!jtinga!e, ano ^afbrts of balruC^es Was m^ iDont: ^do to entrap tbs ftl^ tn iDtnomg fale Wias better feene^o? l)urtfull bcaltes to j^ontf 3learneDalstt)eQgni8ofbeauentofen, , ^oUj Phoc be failcsf,toi)crf Y en u$ (|t5 anti to Jcti ano tri?eD time ^ef tan^f me gr*cater tfififge^, SL^e foDain rifing of t^e raging teas: SLbe footbc of b^.:Defi b^ beating of tjie?^ lx)inge£J, SC^e potD^e of berbe3,botb lubi(^(aii dart ano eafe: i^nDlJObicb belQDonttenragettle re(ll0/Gei^eepe# ^no tu^it^beioont^bo^l^e ^nf a6 bntDtfeaftb tcitielTe Colin Cloute, '' SDt)at b^Dlt tbe ^ttbt n htnoes of man^ a loeeoe: ^et ^^bd not ene to cure tbi? fo^e ^eart root) H^Hbofe ranchting trounb a^ ret 0000 rifely biasoei Wbr liuett tl)ou (Jiiltano )^t batltb^oeatbes ixyoumi WiW bH<^ tt)oafttU,anb^etatuie art founb^ SCbu£i i£i mil fommer ^om aU^ai? anb toa(!cbt Sbu0 iB mp baruelt baUcneo allto ratbe: %it eare tbat buoie&Mie^iieiljni'nt am blaflf eb, 0nb allm^ bop^o s^wic tei furneb to rfatbe« £Df all tbe fabe,tbat Ik m^^atlj toa^ fotune, Was nougbt b^tb;aUc0 afnb brambles to be motone^ ^r bougbes anb bloofmes tj^at crotoneb Iwere at firff , anb pjomifco of time!^ fruitc Vucb ffo^r, 2ftre left botb btW rntb barrdn nolo at er(J« ar^i flattering fniite is fallen to grounb befo;$t r'i:vt ^ a 0nb > .Deeetfabcr. Mnu rfleteo, ere t%ti^ Wvc IjaKe melloto rjpej' SLJ^efrngrane flolD;?eg,f!)af in megarijgn grgtce,' 5l5cne UjitljereMiEi tlijer ^ao bcnegatDcreD lung, ^bw roote0,ben(f D^reo 9p Co; laclt of Oetoe, ^et Deti^eo Vditl^ Mtt& tt^t^ t)an be euer among; abto^oJai6it»;flngfetm^Rofalindttiis fpig^ - >? SDo fptll tl)^ (lolD;eii,t^at l^otilD l)er girlono otg^fe ;3nD 3|,tl)at li){)ttottiel0ont to frame m$ p^pc, t^nto t^t d^iff tng of Ib^e llitp^earoes foote: ^tbefbllte^ nolo banebat|)ereoai$ too ripe^ :' jano catt f)em ott^a^ rotten ano tnfoote* 2Cbe)orerllaire|caftto|4edrenomo;tev > S>m tf 31 pleare>enoiig9 td me tfrerefo^e; Sinn ttti^of allm^ ^ttefl^'|^p^3||)ane ^ougftt reape5'b«f*Mil>te-erd(r of caret ^l^icb^tD Jen J Vim0 iaue t^etftt m ftoellmg Cocfeel fo; co;ne,attt^c9aiffe foj barley bare» {^tme g^oone ajGi t Je cbaffe (t)oulD tn tlje fan bef^nD> ail UwsbloUjne aloag of tje Doauering to^ntj. ^0 notD mxi ^mt D^atxMi^t te |[i'j$Iatter ts rme, ^p fp;mg is fpenem^foltismet burnt t^ ijuttr; Jf/J niacUj^ ^^ ^arweatiatteo to IHcre Dp Wnter 0ernej > anobtD0 Jtm clai^me loitt) rigorous rage gt£(rig|^iV^- J^'^' ^0 nolo l)e ff oamc£; U)tt{) mani> a ff urO)^ ttoure, ^0 note 6w blnllring bteff ecp 1^^ SDJe earcfull colD featl) nfp^ ^rrttggeftr^ii:^^ - anomm^faceoetpefurrotoesel^fiad^pigWr u $Pl? beaobefp^ent iuit&bQariefr#3|finoe, li !lc K^ iino bp m)^ne ei^it^etroU^e lb<^daU>0i)otb'^^ig|fff SDelrg^tiola^babeoOMnopIearurepaQ^ , 00 funn^ nodi 0^tneiei>clonDd 9an alt ouertaff^ ^oUj leaue ^e fl^epjeart^ boi^e^tour merttgl«y, ^S mnfe t0 t)oar(ljno\]tienrt$of t|^ij$&ouno;t Deceftiber, 51 pia0ttettctpi?pt of mbecitjfi^ttevfotino. mintttis come, tW biDloejs tire bttfcr hM, Sim after minttx mtm uatfi nots tjaH. ^aftjer re together m^ltftle flcrckc, i^l^ little flccl^e,fI)af])Da0 to me fo lufe : net me,a& lette me tn ^car folcesl ^ Idc^, Cre tl[^ b;eme Mmtcr b^^eede ^ou greater griefe* Winter in come,t[)at blotosi tt^e balefutl baeat!3:> auo ^^y^hKi%e;aj wril appcare:hby the-common working of them in our bodies, as alfobythe woond::rfuIl enchauntmentei aod forceiies «hac haue bene wrought by them, info macbe chatii; is (aid the Cir^e a famous foixerciie tur- ned men into fundry kindes oft»eaftesraQdint>n{l«Jrsi ^atid onely b^ herbes: a* the P oet fa vch ^dji, kne weft. ^^fj^f^cor;^,* ... Scatl^^ Iqffc, iundcraunce. £»fr4mo«^, Euerandanone. ,■' •■ • * « ' Tins ts my. The third part Whercdf^i^ ftc fdorthhis tipc.ycens ais an- ^i^ntimely "haroclVj^that bringeth little fruit. .^^ • V'?' ' " ,^i' ■ ^ ■ , The fragrant floivreiy fundric ftudfes dfid laudabl.^ parens o^eari^ngV yincreipTiow py f P^acjc 'sfecne, be they witnelle which are piiliiiie to KkhuSte-* -^ -iO ^ *; ,: .\i-- ' - ' ^''J-^ v 'i ,i; , So now tryyttre, xhe laft part, whertin is defaibed his age by comparifon of wintrie ftormes. - L ' -t"^ ^^ ' ! h ^are/«//c<»^forcareisfai4tocooIe the'^foBd.^^'^*'- - *^^^^^'<7/e?, myrtTi, Hoariefrofi, A metaphore of hoaiie haires fcatttted like to a gray fi olt. Br^ewfjlharpc and bitter. .... ^disrv dtUghtSyis a concUifion of all. Whcre-in fixe ^«rfes hce comprelicnd^th britflie a}l tliat waa touched in this booke. In the firll verfe his dtlightes of youth generally. In tho (e- cond, the loue pf '^ofalifldjin the third, the keepingof Sheip^,;vyti4ch \& t\ie argtjment of aH^ ""Aslogues. In the fourth bis cdniplaintes. And inihe, laft tvvM iiy^,profe»Jed hieadfliip^aod ^ood will to his good friend HobbinoU. ... , . ^^,j; . . tmblcmci. . '■ \ .;■, ■ i • , , -_ The meaning wKercof is,tHfitaIlf.iinges jwi lie and come to thEyr,Iaft.end,.bu:workes of learned wits andraontimentes'off'octnc abide for eu.r. And therefore Horace ol hys Ode;S a worke though ftiilin 4ecde of grtac wit and learning, yet of no fo great neight and importance boldly faith. ExegimonimimumxreperefiKiufy , -, i therefore let not be enuied, that thi . ^Ppct in i(is Ep^lpguc faytji hepJtK»*»c nvoe * Ca\ n-» der, that (hall endure as long as tirr.itsc. following tlic eaiample pf Horace laoiOwiH** tbcUkc../, ■v.. Grandeoifu.sexegiqHodnecUMiiranec'i^mtjf i 3^ec fsrrumjjoient mc ed-zxahokre "JctiijUs ^C* , Lot I hatpemadc a Cdendcr for eu^r') jeare^ . thatflcele infirengthyandtimfndtfifdn^^^ December* 51 And if 1 marked well thejlarres reuoiution^ Itjhall continue till the worldes dijjolution. To teach the ruder jhef heard how tofeedehisjheefe^ And from the faljers fraud hisfoldedflocke to hefe* Goe little Calender ^thou hajleafreefajfeforte, Goe hut a lowly gate amongejl the meaner jorte. Dare not to match thypype with Tytirus hisjlile^ Nor with the Pilgrim that theJPlcughmanplayda whiles But follow themfarre offhand their highjleps adore f Hhe better pleafe^the worje dcfpife, I aske no more, Merce non mercedc. If Imprinted at London by Thomas Eafl: /ot lolm Harrifon the younger ^ dlt>ellingin^ai ter nofter Roe.actheligncoftbe Anker, and are there to be fold, I 5 8 <5. T T 1 ■ MHI^IBIBB— IIM1»1 IIH IHII» ■■ ■> I II jFlir IBI II ^T-.;^*',**-^** a/n'i-iW^aiSJP^L