1SITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY r 3ANA-CHAMPAIGN HIST. SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/onehundredyearsoOOstri FOUNDER OF MOUNT PULASKI JABEZ CAPPS Born Sept. 9, 1796 Died April 1, 1896 . FIRST GIRL BORN IN MOUNT PULASKI MRS. PRUDENCE ANN CAPPS BEIDLER Born Dec. 18, 1841 Died Dec. 7, 1926 °7 / /. :> 3 ' 100 l]edrs of Tllourit Pulaski By LAWRENCE B. STRINGER s The hill upon which Mount Pulaski is situated was the product \>f the glacial age. Eons ago, when crystalline fleets from the arctic were carrying rich cargoes of soil to what is now central Illinois, ice-formed crafts deposited their loads of silt in isolated places. One of these places, being on the fortieth degree of latitude, north, and near the nintieth degree of longitude, west, was the "mount" of Mount Pulaski. ..... LOCATION The surface of the country around and about Mount Pulaski is an undulating prairie. To the north, about two miles, it is the main channel of Salt creek, a tributary of the Sangamon river. About seven miles to the south is the Lake fork of Salt Creek. In prehistoric days, Salt creek was a considerable stream. Ferdinand Ernst, a Hanoverian traveler, who saw it in 1819 and wrote about it, called it a "navigable stream." The Kickapoo Indi- ans called it the "Onaquispasippi" or "the river of the shell-bark hickories." In the same days, the Lake fork of Salt creek was a veritable lake, covering thousands of acres at high water. At low tide, its bordering lands were marshy moors, where dee r and wild fowl held high carnival. The earliest settlers were wont to hug to the timbered banks of streams, where water and wood were handily accessible. They considered the prairies, by reason of wild-grass and wind-swept fires, together with lack of shade and shelter, as negligibly habit- able. THE ABORIGINES When Illinois was admitted into the Union as a sovereign state in 1818, there were no white settlements in what is now Logan county. The lands in the Salt creek valley were, and for more than \0 a century had been, inhabited by roving bands of the Kickapoo tribe, in whom possessory title was vested. Civilization came into the Sangamon and Salt creek valley by way of an old Indian trail which left the Mississippi near the present site of Alton and wound out and into the heart of what is now Illi- nois, past the present sites of Edwardsville, Carlinville, Springfield and Lincoln and on to Lake Peoria. During the war of 1812, Gov. Edwards, of the then territory of Illinois, led a band of mounted rangers along this ancient trail, from the Mississippi to the Illinois river, past Elkhart hill and across Salt creek in what is now Logan county and the trail thereafter be- came known as "the Edwards' trace." On July 30, 1819, the Kickapoo chieftains, more or less under duress, relinquished all their right and title to the lands in the Sangamon and Salt creek valleys to the United States for a trifling consideration which was never met in whole. FIRST COUNTY SETTLEMENTS Anticipating the Kickapoo treaty and the opening to settlers of the Kickapoo land, James Latham and family, coming from Ken- tucky in part by way of the Edwards' trace, located at Elkhart hill in the spring of 1819. In the fall of the same year, Robert Musick and family located on Sugar creek, northwest of the present side of Lincoln. The La- tham and Musick settlements were the first white settlements in what is now Logan county. Events followed. Official proclamation of the Kickapoo treaty was made in 1821. In the same year, Sangamon county was created, including therein all of what is now Logan county. The then new settlement of Springfield became the county seat. The government land office was opened for formal entries of land in a double log cabin in Springfield, November third, 1823. First entry of present Logan county lands was made by James La- tham, November nineteenth, 1824. Robert Musick entered the next day. Nine days later, James Turley entered. Official dates of entries in land office records, however, are only approximately indicative of dates of actual settlement. Formal entries required cash in hand. Settlers did not always have it. First locating, they then held by occupation until able to meet re- quirements. Possessory claims were often sold but never "jumped." EARLY TRAILS An early pioneer trail left the old Edwards' trace at Spring- field in a northeasterly direction. It entered present Logan county near present Cornland thence to the hill where Mount Pulaski now stands, thence to Salt Creek following that stream to the present Logan-Dewitt county line. Another trail also left the trace at Springfield, ran near present llliopolis and wandered across the Lake fork proper, meeting the former trail at the hill of present Mount Pulaski. Later, both trails became established roads. Early settlers, following these trails, established two general groups of settlements in the vicinity of present Mount Pulaski, one to the north, known as the "Salt creek country", the other on lands adjacent to the Lake fork, known as the "Lake fork country." Later, they became political precincts. THE LAKE FORK COUNTRY The first settlements in the vicinity of present Mount Pulaski were in the Lake fork country. To this locality, soon after the La- tham settlement at Elkhart hill, came three adventurous spirits, Jeremiah Birks, Robert Buckles and James Turley, and their respec- tive families. The Birks and Buckles came together, Mary, the daughter of Jeremiah Birks, being the wife of Robert Buckles. With Robert Buckles, came his three sons, Jeremiah, William R., and John. Later his parents, John, and Anna Buckles, joined the settlement. With Jeremiah Birks and wife, Elizabeth, came eight children. In all, he was the father of fourteen children, five of whom, Roland, Rial, Isom, David and Richard, later entered lands for themselves. The Steenbergen cemetery, in which Jeremiah Birks is buried, was laid out on his farm. James Turley and wife, Agnes, located near present Lake Fork station. He was the father of fourteen children, among them Char- les and George W., who, with their respective families, located near their father's location. James Turley was an arbitrator for the re- maining Indians, who called him "Big Chief." George W. Turley, son of James, was one of the founders of Mount Pulaski and, as a justice of the peace, presided at law suits in which Abraham Lincoln participated. He laid out the embryo town of "Georgetown", which appears on many early maps of the state, but which was superseded by Mount Pulaski. Robert Buckles was an early commissioner of Logan county. He died in 1866. His wife, Mary, otherwise known as "Polly", at her death in 1888, was the ancestor of 287 descendants, mostly living. . . . . THE SALT CREEK COMPANY The first permanent settlement in the Salt creek country, in the vicinity of present Mount Pulaski, was made by Robert Down- ing. With him, came his wife, Jane Morrow Downing, and his par- ents, John and Hannah Downing. Also about the same time, came his brother and wife, James and Ruth Downing. Robert Downing was the father of nine children, his sons being John, Lorenzo, Alexander, Henry and Robert. John Downing enter- ed land near his father's location. Robert Downing was a Black Hawk war veteran and member of the first board of commissioners of Logan county. He died in 1887, aged ninety-three years. Shortly following the Downing settlement, the Vandeventers, John, William, Abraham and James, among others, came to the Salt creek bottoms. John Vandeventer's mill was well known to the pioneers. Other early land entrants of this period were Charles Brady, Andrew Lee, Samuel Evans and Preston and Champion Pend- leton. Closely following the Vandeventer settlements and of an equal permanent character were those made by Eli Fletcher, Nicholas Moore, the Shoups, John, Thomas, Jacob and James, the Laugherys, David and Nathan, James Morrow and Samuel Martin. Eli Fletcher and wife, Marion, were the parents of five children, Moses, Martin, Ann, Mary and Sarah. Zachariah Fletcher was also an early land entrant. The Laugherys were a well known pioneer family. James Morrow and wife, Jane, were the parents of six child- ren, and Samuel Martin and wife, Nancy, were the parents of one son, John D. John Shoup, above named, was an early captain of militia, was one of the first board of commissioners of the county and lat- er an assistant associate justice of the county court. The original organization meeting of Logan county was held at his house on the north side of Salt creek. THE FIRST DECADE Following the early settlements already noted, and within the period of the first decade of county history, I 820 to I 830, inclu- sive, permanent locations in the Lake fork country were made by John Turner, Abraham LuGas, Michael Mann, Thomas R. Skinner, George Girtman, Carter Scroggin, William Everly, John and Wil- liam Copeland, Anthony Ridgeway, John Voshall and James Wade. Other land entries, as shown by the government records, dur- ing the decade or there-abouts, included Lewis, Lucien and Char- les Barney, Larkin and John Johnson, Solomon and Barnabas Blue, Thomas Suddeth, Landon Key, John McGee, Robert Cass, Cornelius Dunham and Benjamin and Isaac Constant. During the decade, many of the old trails were re-marked as Sangamon county roads by the county commissioners. James Tur- ley was frequently appointed "road viewer" and road district superintendents included George W. Turley, Oraneal Clark and John Lucas. A precinct election was held at the house of John Buckles in 1827. PIONEER FAMILIES Carter Scroggin came to the Lake fork country with his wife, Phoebe, and his sons, Leonard K., Thomas J., Russell and Humphrey. About the same time came John Scroggin, who was a Black Hawk war veteran. Carter Scroggin was the father of ten children. He died in 1859 and his wife in 1876. Leonard K., son of Carter Scroggin, married Levina Buckles and, after her death, Rhoda, daughter of George Girtman. He was the parent! of thirteen children. He was closely identified with the com- munity life of Mount Pulaski, built substantial brick structures in the town and, at his death, was one of the most extensive landowners in the state. Thomas J., also son of Carter Scroggin, entered land in pre- sent Elkhart township, near the Mount Pulaski township line, in which according to the government report, a postoffice was established at an early date, named "Scroggin", with Thomas J. as postmaster. Abraham Lucas came to the Lake fork country in the later twenties, with his wife, Marcy, and several children. Among his children were John, Joseph, Thomas, Jesse K., James and Jabez. Several of these entered lands for themselves in the Lake fork sec- tion. John Lucas, son of Abraham, was one of the most prominent men in public service. Elected Justice of the Peace when just of age, he was later chosen Sheriff of the county and, still later, a member of the State Legislature. Joseph Lucas assisted in the building of the first state house in Springfield, now the county court house. A further Lake fork settlement was made by George B. Lucas, who was the first Coroner of Logan county. Michael Mann, a Baptist minister, aTso the first Probate Justice of Logan county, came to the Lake fork in 1828, with his wife, Eliza- beth, his sons, Abraham, John L., Jacob, Henry and Philip and sev- en daughters. He founded at Big Grove, near present Atlanta, one of the first churches in the county. The Copeland family, represented by John D. William, Isaac and Abraham, made settlement in the southernmost portion of pre sent Mount Pulaski township, south of Lake fork, in the section now marked by the church and school which bears the family name. Thomas R. Skinner, named above, was the first Surveyor of Lo- gan county and surveyed Mount Pulaski. He was elected County Judge in 1849, when that office was first created, and continued as such until his death in 1857. He was the son of Washington Skinner. . THE DEEP SNOW One of the most outstanding events in the early history of the Sangamon and Salt creek valleys occurred in the winter of 1830-31- It was known as "the deep snow." So pronounced was the event that occurrences were afterwards dated as being either before or after the deep snow* Snow began to fall in the latter part of November and contin- ued, with brief intervals, until it reached a level of four feet by Feb- ruary following. Winds formed mountain drifts, obliterating trails and covering cabins. Occasional rains made a crust of ice over the snow. Corn, ungathered, was inaccessible. Wood supplies were bur- ied. Stock froze or starved. Settlers, penned in their rude cabins, had short rations; in instances, none. Mills could not operate. Suf- fering from cold and hunger was prevalent. Prior to the "deep snow", cotton had been a staple crop. There were numerous cotton mills along the Sangamon. The "deep snow" changed the climate and thereafter cotton raising was abandoned. In, all the years following the "deep snow", the pioneers, who had survived the same were known ; as "snow birds" and were given posts of honor at all pioneer gatherings and reunions. THE SUDDEN FREEZE Another remarkable climatic event, known as the "sudden freeze", followed the "deep snow" six years later- Like the "deep snow," it has not been paralleled since. It occurred December twentieth, 1836. A warm rain had been falling, when suddenly a cyclonic gale swept from the north at a rate of seventy miles an hour. The ther- mometer marking is said to have dropped forty degrees in a few seconds and continued to drop until it reached forty degrees be- low zero. Cattle, hogs and chickens froze in their tracks. Stock perished. Men on horseback on the prairies barely escaped with rheir lives. A local illustration was the case of James Harvey Hildreth of the Salt creek country. Hildreth and a companion were on their way to Chicago when the change came. They saved their lives by killing one of the horses, disembowelling it and then crawling into the inviscerated carcass of the animal. Even then, Hildreth's toes and fingers were so frozen as to necessitate amputation of all, and, still later, his left leg. He con- tinued a cripple to his death, which occurred in Mount Pulaski in 1858. PIONEER LIFE At the time of the "deep snow" and for many years thereafter, the only habitations of the pioneers were log cabins, some single, others double. The latter were marks of distinction. Cabin roofs were of "shakes," often held down by weighted poles. The interstic- es between the logs were clay-mortared. Cabin floors, when not of split logs, called "puncheons", were of bare earth. Single split-stick chimneys were held together with mud. Doors were clapboards, secured to wooden hinges by wooden pins. Wooden latches were operated by strips of buckskin. First cabins knew neither nails nor glass. Windows were aper- tures cut in the logs and covered with oil papper. Tallow dips furn- ished light at night. Cooking was done in open fire-places and corn meal, dried pumpkins and "hog-meat" constituted the bill of fare. Furniture was home-made and crude. Bedsteads were located in corners with single posts and side poles therefrom inserted be- tween the outside logs- Ropes, woven back and forth, supported mattresses of straw or corn-husks. Tables and chairs were of split slabs. Clothing was homespun and woven. Spindle and loom were the factories- Wool was carded by hand. Jeans and 'lindseys', made from flax, were colored by the walnut bark. Going barefoot was varied in winter by the use of buckskin moccasins. Quiltings, husking "bees" and barn dances constituted the so- cialities- Wells,, where dug, were operated by pivoted sweeps. Cav- es were refrigerators. Fire came from steel and flint. Coffee was charred corn and sugar came from maple sap or wild honey. PIONEER FARMING Pioneer agriculture was necessarily crude. Plows were of wood, rendered soil-penetrable to a short depth by bar-shares of iron attached- They were more back-breaking than soil-breaking! Scour- ing was done by wooden paddles. Seed was hand-dropped; wheat cut by sickle and cradle and threshed by alternate flails. Corn was shelled by hand. Wagons were home made, the wheels being sliced from the ends of rounding logs. Their irregular rotations emitted squeaks that could be heard great distances. Tops of trees were used for harrows. The first pioneers made corn-meal by grating the corn on tin perforated graters. Grain was also cracked and pounded in crude wooden pestles and mortars. Handmills, with two discs of stone im- pinged upon each other, came a little later- Grists or band mills were an improvement. They had wheels at- tached to crude grinders, operated by horses or oxen pawing treads or walking around in a circle. Water mills at eligible points finally took their places and farmers with grain waited their turns for grinding, often for days at a time, camping out the meanwhile. IN THE THIRTIES The incident of the "deep snow" rather retarded settlement for about a year, but settlement and entries of land began anew in 1833- Many entries were made by land speculators from other points with a view to future profits. Among those who made permanent locations in the Lake fork section, following the "deep snow" and prior to the founding of Mount Pulaski were: Baldwin and Samuel Harper, David Sims, John and Andrew Huston, Drury Martin, Squire Foster, Hugh Collins, Elijah Friend, John England, James Powers, Stephen Lloyd, Benjamin Davis, James and Thomas Gardner, Ninian Cass, Samuel Fleming, John Gillett, John C. Laughlin, Elisha Parks, Joshua Day, Riley Barber and Alex- ander Rigdon. Surnames of other Lake fork entrants during this period also in- clude Hedrick, Myers, Starr, Price, Brown, Lynn, St. Clair, Hitchkiss, Trent, Mitchell, White, Steele, Armstrong, Gillis, Stillman, Fenner, Reynolds, Adams, Galoway and others. Among those making settlements in the Salt creek section in the above mentioned period were: Alfred, John and Sampson Sams, William Hackney, James, Brooks and Willoughby Randolph, Henry Dement, John P. Wiley, William Mason, David Witter, Asa French, John Klein, Moses, Washington and Granville Patterson, James and Joshua Bell, Wil- liam Frakes and Theodore and John Lawrence. In 1835, the Lake Fork and Salt creek sections became definite election precincts of Sangamon county. The first election that year in Lake fork precinct was held at the house of Jeremiah Buckles, with Jeremiah Birks, William Copeland and Robert Buckles as elec- tion judges- In the same year, George Girtman, John Lucas and Thomas L. Scroggin were appointed road viewers and John Vandeventer was qranted a license to erect a mill dam on Salt creek in present Ches- ter township. THE TOWNSITE CRAZE The year 1836 was noted in early central Illinois history as the year of the "townsite craze." The rapid rise of Chicago and the re- sulting profits in town lots precipitated the "craze." New townsites were laid out in all directions, most of which were never more than paper towns- Among these embryo towns which did not survive was one called "Madison," laid out in April of 1836 by one William Car- penter in present Chester township, near present Pleasant Grove school. Thomas Neale was the surveyor and the chain carriers were Alexander Morrow and William Vandeventer. James Randolph later laid out the unsurviving town of London in present Aetna township, along Salt creek- The town of Postville, westward on Salt creek, was also laid out in 1836. Likewise, in the same year, came into existence the town of Mount Pulaski. JABEZCAPPS The story of the founding of Mount Pulaski begins with the early history of Jabez Capps, who came to America from England in 1817 and three years later located in Calhoun, the early Sanga- mon county town which began and became part of Springfield. He first followed the profession of school teaching, taught the first school in Sangamon county on the south fork of the Sangamon river and later taught the first school established in Springfield. Still later, he opened one of the first general stores in Spring- field in a log building which housed the first postoffice of Spring- field. He also established a branch store at Vandalia, then the capi- tal of Illinois. His first contact with Abraham Lincoln, who was his lifetime friend, was on the occasion of a dinner given in honor of the first steamboat which tried to navigate the Sangamon. Mr. Lincoln had navigated the boat and the dinner was held at Mr. Capps' place. Mr. Capps was united in marriage in 1829 to Prudence Ann Stafford. Four sons blessed the union, three of whom survived to maturity, Charles S., Ebeneezer S., and Oliver T. After the death of his first wife, he married Elizabeth Baker, to which union ten other children were born. THE BEGINNING Residing at the home of Mr. Capps in Springfield, was one Dr. Alexander Shields, who had located in 1835 for the practice of his profession. In the spring of the next year, he married Ann, wi- dow of William Salisch, a sister of Mr. Capps. tin mi 3° "° In the spring of l#36, Dr. Shields was called on a professional visit to the home of Nicholas Moore at "Hurricane Point", in the Salt creek settlement, northeast of present Mount Pulaski. Journey- ing by horseback, he noted the hill upon which Mount Pulaski is located as being an eligible site for a town. On his return to Springfield, Dr. Shields communicated his discovery to Mr. Capps. Dr. Barton Robinson, physician from Buffalo Grove, heard the conversation and became interested. Soon after, Capps and Robinson visited the site in company with George W. Turley. The visit resulted in the formation of a sort of townsite com- pany, composed primarify of Jabez Capps, Barton Robinson, James T. Robinson, George W. Turley, J. F« Davis, Alexander Lindsay, James Scott, George McDaniels and George Rice, who were later named as proprietors of the new iownsite. DEDICATION As agent for the above named persons, Barton Robinson, on July fifth, 1836, entered four hundred acres of land in section four- teen, township eighteen, range two west, one hundred and forty acres of which was to constitute the new townsite. On July twentieth following, Thomas R. Skinner, an assistant coun- ty surveyor of Sangamon county, co-worker with Abraham Lincoln and a settler in the Lake fork country, surveyed the proposed town- site and certified to same- The chain carriers were Samuel Wade COUNT PULASKI Casimir Pulaski was born in Po- land March 4, 1747. He was a military genius who was com- pelled to flee from his country during a civil and religious war- fare. He joined the staff of Gen- eral George Washington in 1777. His unselfish devotion to the Am- erican cause of liberty will for- ever enshrine him as one of the most lovable and heroic figures of the Revolutionary period. Gen- eral Pulaski died October I I , 1779 from a mortal wound re- ceived in the battle of Savannah. Mount Pulaski residents well be proud of this hero point to his life pride. can and with justifiable and D. F. Kinney. The townsite included forty-five blocks, block twen- ty-three of same being set apart as a "public square." On the twenty-second of July, Barton Robinson, in his own name and in the name of the aforesaid proprietors, made dedica- tion of the townsite before Thomas Moffett, justice of the peace, which was officially recorded August seventeenth, 1836. In the dedication of July twenty-second, the new townsite was given the name it has borne for a century and still bears, the name of Mount Pulaski. It is said to have been named for Count Pulaski of Revolutionary tame. Subsequently, in December of 1836, the lands entered by Bar- ton Robinson, including the blocks and lots in the townsite, were deeded to separate ownership and the proprietorship company then ceased to be. CAPPS HEADQUARTERS Immediately after the laying out of the new townsite, Jabez Capps began preparations to remove from Springfield to Mount Pulaski. It is stated upon his own authority that in disposing of his real estate in Springfield, he actually traded the land upon which the present state house is located for a cook stove and a lot on the public square for a side-saddle. Bringing his family and his store goods with him, Jabez Capps became the first resident of Mount Pulaski. A log structure obtained from the adjoining farm of Jeremiah Birks was located on the west side of the square and converted into a residence and store. A sand-hole on the square itself, which had been a wolfs den, was made to do service as a kitchen. Population filtered into the new town slowly at first but settle- ment around and about it rapidly increased. Settlements following the year 1 836 were so numerous as to render enumeration herein too voluminous. Capps' store, otherwise known as "Capps* Headquarters," be- came a popular mart for settlers in all directions and in 1838 Mr. Capps replaced the original cabin with a two-stories frame struc- ture, store below and residence above, which structure remained until razed in 1867. Jabez Capps retired from the mercantile store business in 1858 and, with his son, Charles, established an orchard nursery. At his death in I 896, he lacked three months of being a century old and had known the town he established full sixty years. FIRST ARRIVALS Jabez Capps, George W. Turley and Barton Robinson were the definite originators of Mount Pulaski. Turley and Robinson followed Capps in establishing residences in the new town. The latter moved to Kansas in 1858 and the former died in Mount Pulaski in 1865. In a legal deposition in the county files, Horace B. Rowe de- signates himself as "the fourth man in Mount Pulaski." He establish- ed a carpenter business. The Danners, Christian and Andrew, mov- ed in and established a blacksmith shop. Frank Schick opened up a shoe making shop about the same time. Others took up residence in the town in and about 1837- The second store buiiding in the town was erected by Benjamin Davis. Jefferson Scroggin built a residence where he accomodated tran- sients. The incoming population warranted Shields and Capps in lay- ing out an addition to the town on the south, which they did in 1837. LOGAN COUNTY By 1839, the territory now comprised in Logan county, then part of Sangamon county, had attained a population of about two thousand. For a number ot years previous, a movement had been organized looking to the division of extensive Sangamon county. Abraham Lincoln was chairman of the committee on counties in the Illinois Legislature that year -and from his committee carre a bill creating three new counties from territory carved from old Sang- amon. The bill became a law February twenty-eighth, 1839. One of the new counties thus created was Logan county. It was named for Dr. John Logan, of Murphysboro, a co-member of the Legislature with Mr. Lincoln, who had assisted Mr. Lincoln in getting the state capital moved from Vandalia to Springfield- Dr. Logan was the father of Gen. John A. Logan, the latter being twelve years of age when the county was named. On June third, 1839, the three commissioners named in the bill to select a county seat for the new county, met and selected Postville, a town of about one hundred population, which had been laid out in 1836. One of the commissioners, Charles E. Emmerson, of Decatur, who favored Mount Pulaski, dissented of record. The new county was divided into two political precincts, named respectively, the Postville and Mount Pulaski precincts. The first election judges chosen for Mount Pulaski precinct were George W. Turley, William Copeland and John Turner. At the first county election in 1839, most of the county offices went to residents of Mount Pulaski precinct and included Michael Mann for Probate Justice, Jabez Capps for Recorder, Thomas R. Skinner for Surveyor, William Hackney for School Commissioner, George B- Lucas for Coroner and John Shoup and Robert Down- ing as two. of the three County Commissioners. POSTOFFICE The Mount Pulaski postoffice was established March second, 1839, at "Capps Headquarters", with Jabez Capps as Postmaster. He continued in that office until January seventh, 1854, when he was succeeded by J. L. Ream. Capps was both County Recorder and Postmaster from 1839 to 1843. Succeeding Postmasters of Mount Pulaski up to the time of the Civil war included Ezekial Bowman, John Clark, N. M. Whitaker and S. Linn Beidler, the latter a son-in-law of Jabez Capps. The early mail was carried in stage coaches, which also car- ried passengers over rather rough roads. A stage line ran from Springfield, by way of Middletown and Postville, to Mount Pulaski and thence to Clinton- John L. Clough was the mail carrier on this route. EARLY SCHOOLS The first schools in pioneer days were subscription schools, held at residences. The first school house built in the county was er- ected on the land of John Turner in the Lake fork section. A fam- ous pioneer school house, built in the Downing neighborhood on Salt creek about 1836, was colloquially called "Brush College." "Brush College" as described by Charles Capps, who attend- ed it, was a log structure, clapboard roof held down by weight poles, wooden hinges and lock, greased paper windows, split-log desks and seats and a huge mud-chinked chimney, with a fireplace capable of holding a quarter cord of wood. William Hackney taught this school and his pupils came from the Capps, Downing, Patterson, Parks, Fletcher, Morrow, Allen, Jackson, Harry and Laughery families, as same were remembered by Mr. Capps. Another early school conducted on the Turley lands in 1841, with Alexander Rigdon.James Wad-e and Thomas J. Scroggin as school directors, was taught by Silas Alexander and, as shown by a schedule, included pupils from the Sims, Mason, Turley, Cartmell, Cass, Key, Matthews, Scroggin, Foster, Wade and Rigdon families. A later school in the Lake fork section in I 845 was located on the lands of John Huston, with J. M- Mcintosh and Clark Provin as teachers in succession, and included pupils from the Huston, Mann, Turner, Robinson, Vanderman, Friend, Dyer, Provin, Martin, Sims and Lucas families. FIRST MOUNT PULASKI SCHOOL The first school house in Mount Pulaski, also log-built, was er- ected in 1 844, in the eastern portion of the town. The teacher for that year was Michael Finfrock and the school directors were N. M. Whitaker, George Snyder and William Friedrich. The pupils re- gistered that year were: Richard, Mary and Elizabeth Turley, James and John Sims, Sar- ah, Amelia, Margaret, David and Abraham Bunn, Samuel, Morgan, Oster, Brunson, Emily and Harriet Dement, Ebeneezer and Oliver Capps, Charles, George, Benjamin and Alexander Snyder, Mary, Harriet and Caroline Whitaker, Samuel and Nancy Morgan, John Christopher and Robert Laughlin, John Tomlinson, Charles Friedrich, Mary Wright, Henrietta Krieg, Martha Allen, Sarah Scroggins and William Baker. The same school in 1845 was taught by David P. Bunn, with ad- ditions to the scholars above named of Findlay -and Dewitt Whitak- er, Alexander Dement, Robert Tomlinson, Herbert, James and Cath- erine Robinson, Hardin Morgan, Sarah and Mary Bunn, Mahala and Mary Friedrich, William Krieg, Lewis, Emily and Mono Mitchell, Mary Snyder, John and Charles Capps, Sarah Carlock, Margaret Clark and Mary Crockett. . . IN THE FORTIES Settlements around Mount Pulaski became more numerous dur- ing the early forties, stimulating the growth of the town. Thomas P. Lushbaugh erected the third brick store building in 1846. Barton Robinson followed with another brick store structure. Tanneries were important functions in pioneer days, Carter Scrog- gin having early conducted one on his farm. In the forties Frank Schick established one in the town. He also opened a general store. A Methodist church society, first in the town, was organized in 1841 at the home of Dr. John Clark. The first regular hotel, known as the Mount Pulaski hotel, a brick structure, was built in 1843 by Alexander Morgan, who con- ducted it until 1848, when D. B. Wright took over its management. Later, it was conducted by Ninian R. Cass and, still later, by N. M Whitaker, who purchased it of Mr. Morgan. . COUNTY SEAT TO MOUNT PULASKI By the year 1847, Mount Pulaski had a population over three hundred, exceeding that of Postville (then officially known as Cam- den), the county seat. A movement was inaugurated to bring the county seat from Camden to Mount Pulaski. Pursuant to this movement, Michael Swing, State Representa- tive, on February twenty-third, 1847, secured the passage of a legis- lative law submitting to the voters of Logan county, at an election to be held on the first Monday of April, 1848, the proposition of the removal of the county seat to Mount Pulaski. At the April election, a substantial majority voted for the change. The submission act had provided that in the event of relo- cation the citizens of Mount Pulaski, as a condition thereto, were to erect on the public square of the town" a good and sufficient court house." Upon the favorable vote, the citizens of Mount Pulaski and vi- cinity raised the sum of $2700, which was supplemented by a coun- ty appropriation of $300. The court house, still standing intact to- day, was then erected and equipped. The court house was ready for occupancy in the spring of 1848, when the county records were loaded into wagons at Post- ville and moved to the new quarters. County officials, lawyers and politicians followed to a new home. Subsequently a two-stories brick jail was built at a cost of $1000, which contained what was then a legal provision, namely, a debtor's cell. Debtor's cells are no longer in vogue in any state. THE MOUNT PULASKI COURT At the time of the change of the county seat, Logan county was a part of the old Eighth Judicial district, made famous by the circuit itinerary of Abraham Lincoln, the lawyer. Judge David Dav- is, of Bloomington, was the sole judge of, and David B. Campbell the Prosecuting Attorney for the district. There were two terms of the circuit court each year, beginning the last Thursdays of May and October respectively. The early court terms lasted but a few days, rarely more than three. Abraham Lincoln was present practically at every term of the Mount Pulaski court. Other lawyers from Springfield and other adjacent points al- so attended the Mount Pulaski court. They usually stopped at the Mount Pulaski hotel, which was a busy place in court terms. Mr. Lin- coln, however, was more frequently a guest at the home of Jabez Capps. The two leading resident licensed lawyers at the Mount Pul- aski court were Lionel P. Lacey and Samuel C. Parks. Parks came to Mount Pulaski from Springfield and was a tentative local law asso- ciate of Abraham Lincoln. Parks rounded up the cases and Lincoln tried them at law terms. Parks was elected to the Legislature when a resident of Mount Pulaski. Moving to Lincoln in 1856, he was a delegate to the Chi- cago convention in I860, at which Lincoln was nominated for Presi- dent. President Lincoln appointed him federal judge in Idaho. He was a member of the state constitutional convention of I 870. Lacey came to Mount Pulaski from southern Illinois in the early forties and was the towns first licensed lawyer. He introduced Douglas to an audience in Lincoln during the Lincoln-Douglas con- test for United States Senator. He died in 1866. William H. Young v/as also a member of the Mount Pulaski bar. as was also A. J. Turley. Among others who appeared in jus- tice courts were Ezekiel Bowman, Horace Ballou and N. M. Whit- ake\ Bowman was twice elected Sheriff of the county, once County Treasurer and was an early School Commissioner. Judge David Davis, who always presided over the Mount Pu- laski circuit court, was appointed by President Lincoln to the Su- preme Court of the United States and was later U. S. Senator and acting Vice President of the United States. Judge Thomas R. Skin- ner was continuously County Judge ar Mount Pulaski. INCIDENTS Under the law in force in Mount Pulaski county seat days, ail "free white males" between the ages of eighteen and forty-five were required to equip themselves with a "good musket, fuzee or rifle" and enroll in the state militia. Annual militia musters took place in April of each year and these were gala occasions. Capt. John Shoup was the commander of ihe company at Mount Pulaski. Voters at elections were required to "first announce their own names " to the election officers "and then the names of the persons for whom they wish tc vote." bxpense records show that the court house at Mount Pulaski was lighted at night, when light was required, by tallow candles. Ihe "horologica! cradle" case so famous in Lincoln biography was tried at Mount Pulaski before Judge Davis, Abraham Lincoln being attorney for the plaintiff. IN THE FIFTIES About the beginning of the fifties, George Meister established a brick and tile works in the town and George and John Mayer opened a general store. In 1851, Samuel C. Beam, established a saw mill, which later developed into a flouring mill. Many new stores and residences were built. The first church building in the town was erected by the Metho- dist society in 1851, the trustees being John Clark, John Harry, Norman Norton, James Snyder and John M. Downing. All Methodist societies then in the county, some fifteen in number, were included in the Mount Pulaski circuit. In 1852, the society of the First Lutheran Zion church erected a house of worship, it being the first Lutheran church building in the county. Fred Dittus and William and Christian Rupp, among others, were instrumental in the organization of the society. . COUNTY SEAT REMOVAL In 1852, the Alton & Sangamon railroad (now the Chicago & Alton) extended its line from Springfield, through Logan county, to Bloonnington. A town site was laid out in 1853 on the extension right of way, one mile from old Postville. Its proprietors named it Lincoln, in honor of their attorney, Abraham Lincoln. In February of 1853, the said proprietors secured the passage of a legislative bill submitting to the voters of Logan county the proposition of again changing the county seat, this time from Mount Pulaski to the new railroad townsite. At the ensuing election in November of 1853, a majority voted for the change, whereupon George W. Turley and others secured trom Circuit Judge Davis an injunction restraining the erection of county buildings in Lincoln, based on alleged irregularities in the passage of the submission bill. Later, Judge Davis dissolved this injunction on the ground that the irregularities had been removed by later legislative action. The case then went to the State Suoreme Court, which, at its Decem- ber 1855 session, sustained the dissolution of the injunction. . ACTUAL TRANSFER IN 1855 While the election transferring the county seat occurred in November of 1853, actual transfer did not take place until the rendering of the Supreme Court decision, which was handed down subsequent to the second Monday in December of 1855. The county records were destroyed by a court house fire in Lincoln, April 15, 1857, but a transcript of the probate of the will of Stephen Jones, filed after the fire, shows that probate took place in the County Court in Mount Pulaski, November 17th, 1855. Another will transcript, filed after the fire, shows probate at Lincoln, February fourth, 1856. The actual transfer therefore took place between the said dates and after the December 1855 deci- sion, or probably in the latter part of December, 1855. AFTER TRANSFER The removal of the county seat, while disconcerting, did not affect the progress of Mount Pulaski as much as anticipated. The population lost by the change of residence of county officials and lawyers was more than offset by the incoming of others. The government census reports show that the population of Mount Pulaski in 1850, when it was a county seat, was 350 but that in I860, after county seat removal, the population of the town had nearly doubled and was 634. The Evangelical Association society, organized in 1855, built a house of worship in 1861, services before that year having been held in the Universalist church which had been erected in the later fifties. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic parish, organized in 1857, pur- chased the Evangelical church building in 1 867 and held service therein until 1884, when the Catholic parish built a more modern church. . EARLY BUSINESS DIRECTORY The first wall map of Logan county, printed in the early sixties, gives the following business directory of Mount Pulaski: General merchants, George Mayer & Co., John H. Capps, Philip Schweikert, Frank Schick, Samuel Turley; druggist, S. Linn Beidler; tailors, Jacob Danner, John Krieg; undertakers, G. A. Robinson, Clark & Gideon; shoemakers, Jacob Ebinger, Gotlieb Seyter; nursery, J. Capps & Son; steam mill, S. C. Beam; cabinet makers, John Zimmerman, C. C. Mason; brick manufacturer, Geor- ge Meister; blacksmiths, W. A. Schafer, John M. Litterly; brewery, Adam Bierlein; wagonmaker, M. Feuerbacher. To the above list were added professional names as follows: physicians, John Clark, J. M. Pumpelly, E. T. Savage, G. Fain; at- torney, N. M. Whitaker. Henry Shriver was the hotel keeper. THE CIVIL WAR In the Civil war of the sixties, Logan county furnished 2,160 soldiers. All were volunteers. There was no draft in Logan county. Every quota called for was promptly filled. Mount Puaski and vicinity did full part in the Civil war. With the close association of the community with Abraham Lincoln fresh in mind, his presidential calls for troops to save the Union met a ready response. Mendret Wemple early organized a cavalry company which saw service at Shiloh and on other famous battlefields of the war. Wemple was later made major of the Second Battalion. Company D of the 1 06th infantry regiment was composed al- most entirely ot men from Mount Pulaski and vicinity. It was offic- ered as follows: Captain (later promoted major) David Vanhise; lieutenants, John Everly, Monroe Shoup, Joseph Ream; sergeants, W. W. Mar- tin, A. J. Snyder, William Vandeventer, Thomas C. Shreve; corpor- als, J. G. Chalfant, Robert Laughlin, Joseph Galoway, Reuben Bow- ers, Alfred Tomlinson, Abner Jackson, James Bowers, Samuel Hunt- er, John Dement, J. G. Bates. George Dement of company D was promoted sergeant major and D. L. Bnaucher quarter master-sergeant. William Frakes was cap tain of company B, 32nd infantry and William Hackney, captain of company H, seventh infantry. Citizens of Mount Pulaski and vicinity in considerable numbers were affiliated with other regiments and many gave up their lives in service. Among the first war fatalities was that of John H. Duff, killed at Shiloh. . TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION Following the Civil war, the movement, first inaugurated in 1858, reached final achievement in 1865. By it, county government by three commissioners gave way to government by .a board of su- pervisors. Under township organization, Mount Pulaski township as now existent was created. The first election for township officers, held April second, i 867, resulted as follows: Supervisor, Alexander Fisher; Town clerk, Charles S. Capps; assessor, George W. Howe; collector, Henry Vonderleith; justices ot the peace, John Weckel, J. N. Pumpelly. RAILROADS Prior to 1871, Mount Pulaski was an inland town, being without railroads. In 1867, the Peoria, Lincoln & Decatur railroad was in- corporated, with proposed right of way through Mount Pulaski. The incorporation contemplated a county bond issue of $300,000. The bond issue was twice defeated at special elections but was finally approved in 1869. Litigation, however, resulted which cost the county $20,000 but a compromise was effected on the basis of a bond issue of $160,000. The building of the road began in November 1869 and was completed to Decatur in October of 1871. The name of the road was changed in 1879 to the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville and the road was later absorbed by the Illinois Central. In 1867, the Gilman, Clinton & Springfield road was incorpor- ated with right of way through Mount Pulaski. Building began in 1870 and was completed in December of 1871. It is now the Spring- field division of the Illinois Central. . IN THE SEVENTIES The coming of the railroads brought greater prosperity to Mount Pulaski. The value of building improvement the next two years amounted to over forty thousand dollars. The first bank in the town, the Scroggin bank, opened its doors in 1872. The Christian church society, organized in 1 868, erected a church building in 1870 and the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church society, also organized in 1868, followed with a church building in 1873. In 1875, the Schick brick building was erected and in 1876 a music hall. In 1878, the building and equipment of the Scroggin hotel, opera house and bank building made a distinct improvement to the town. Three additions were laid out to the town, Mason's in 1871 and Beam's and Turley's in 1 872. The population of Mount Pulaski reached 1,125 in 1880. NEWSPAPERS The first newspaper published in Mount Pulaski was the Sentin- el, established by Francis M. Dalton in 1870. Having later changed its name to the Star, it ceased twinkling in 1876. Various other papers, by different publishers, appeared sub- sequently for short periods of time until the Republican was estab- lished by T. H. Smedly in 1884 and taken over in 1886 by S. Linn Beidler. Otto Bekemeyer established the Times in 1882. Following the death of Mr. Beidler, his sons, Rell C. and Paul E. changed the name of the Republican to that of the News, which combined with the Times, is now published as the Times-News by Harry J. Wible. OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION An important event in 1873 was the organization of the old settlers' association, with David W. Clark as president and S. Linn Beidler as secretary. The first reunion occurred in the public square in Mount Pulaski on October first of that year. These reunions continued annually until 1910, most of the meetings being held at Mount Pulaski. They attracted great crowds from all over central Illinois. A barbecue reunion in 1882, at which seven beeves, twelve hogs and thirteen sheep, steamcooked, furnish- ed provender, was said to have been attended by 15,000 people. THE GRADE SCHOOL By an act of the Legislature, passed in 1857, the Mount Pulaski court house building was "donated" to the town "for school pur- poses," Henry Vonderlieth, George W. Turley and Jabez Capps be- ing named as trustees for two years. The fact further provided that, at the expiration of the two years, control of the building was to pass to the directors of the Mount Pulaski school district. The courthouse thus became the school build ing of the town. Referring to the school conducted in the court house, County Superintendent Chalfant, in his official report of 1869, reported the school as being "conducted with efficiency and success by Mrs. Nellie Shoup in the higher department and Mrs. Hattie Mills in the primary department." In 1877, a change was made from the former school system to a grade system under a town board of education. A bond is- sue provided $20,000 for the erection and equipment of a new school building, which was built and ready for occupancy in Jan- uary of 1878. The court house being no longer used for school purposes was turned over to the town auhtorities for community uses. For a num- ber of years it has housed the government post-office. . VILLAGE ORGANIZATION Mount Pulaski was originally organized as a town at an early date under the general law then existing. The records being non- existent and the boundaries being in doubt, reorganization as a village was effected in 1876. At a special election held that year, village organization was approved. The first village board consisted of Uriah Snyder, Char- les S. Capps, William A Schafer, Alexander Fisher, John Krieg and John W. Seyfer. . IN THE EIGHTIES The first telephone exchange in Mount Pulaski was installed in 1881. In the same year, C. E. Snyder established a fence and barrel factory. The Meister building was erected in 1882 and the Jenner building in 1884. The Methodist church society erected a new church edifice in 1884 and the Catholic parish of St. Thomas Aquinas' built a house of worship in 1886. In 1887, the First National bank was established. The Mount Pulaski mill and elevator was built in 1881. There were three grain elevators in the village in 1882. Several additions to the village were laid out in the early eighties. In 1882 a coal mining company was organized and a shaft sunk the following year. After passing into various hands at different times, the shaft was abandoned about 1910. FIRE DEPARTMENT The burning of the McFarlin & Woods elevator in 1880, re- built in 1882, and the destruction by fire of the Mount Pulaski mill in 1885, at a loss of some $40,000, suggested the organization of a volunteer fire department. Thereupon, on March 13, 1885, the Phoenix fire department was organized with eighteen charter members, with W. H. Stafford as fire chief. The department celebrated its semi-centennial of con- tinuous existence in 1935. The Phoenix fire department won numerous state champion- ship tokens and race prizes in its early history. It has been affiliated with the state volunteer firemen's organization since 1889, of which M. J. Myers, formerly president, is now vice president. CITY ORGANIZATION By a vote of its citizens, January third, 1893, village organiza- tion in Mount Pulaski was superseded in that year by city govern- ment under the general law. The city was divided into three wards. The first city officials were: Mayor, A. G. Jones; Clerk, Frank Fiegenshuh; treasurer, Geor- ge W. Vonderlieth; aldermen, Jacob Jenner, George W. Connelly, M. T. Vaughn, Jonathan Combs, P. H. Oyler, J. M. Whitney. FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS Following city organization and the creation of the fire depart- ment, a water works system, equipped with wells, hydrants and a reservois of sixty thousand gallons capacity, was established in 1 895 at a cost of $30,000. In 1899, a city hall, with fire engine room, was built east of the public square. A city library was established in 1896. Priorly, in 1890, an electric lighting plant had been established. The Mount Pulaski windmill company was organized in 1902 and a building and loan association in 1904. In 1902, the Catholic parish built a new church edifice, an Episcopal church was erected in 1904 and in 1907, the Methodist church society erected their third house of worship on the old site. MODERN SCHOOLS A disastrous fire occurred in September of 191 I, when the combined grade and high school building was destroyed. A bond issue was voted for rebuilding and a new school structure erected at an original cost of $30,000. In the reorganization, the grade school was divorced from the high school, in contemplation of a proposed township high school. A township high school, the first in the county, was built in 1913 and dedicated January 30th, 1934. In 1929, improvements and additions were made to the town- ship high school, including modern gymnasium, at a further cost of $50,000. Mount Pulaski enjoys the distinction of having public school facilities equal, and in many respects superior, to those of any city of its size in the state. They have excelled along both educational and athletic lines. WORLD WAR One of the most outstanding events of late history was the World War, still fresh in the public mind. In that struggle, nearly two thousand Logan county men were registered and accepted in- to the military service of the country. In this world-wide contest, Mount Pulaski, as in all former wars since its establishment a century ago, furnished its full quota of soldiers and these gave loyal support to the country, its institutions and the flag. A thriving post of the American Legion, named in honor of Dr. H. D. Ryman and Zachary Fuiten, who gave up their lives in ac- tion, perpetuate the tradition of the Nation. Post-humous decora- tion for bravery was accorded the memory of Dr. Ryman. MODERN EVENTS In the past decade, improvements in business, public and resi- dential properties, as well as in civic movements, have kept apace of the advancing times. Few localities in the country weathered the "depression" more successfully than did Mount Pulaski. No bartk or business failures marked the economic struggle. A concrete state highway, constructed in 1934, connects Mount Pulaski with Decatur and all points east and likewise Lincoln, Ha- vana, Peoria and points west. A similar highway to Springfield is in prospect. An improved road to Elkhart is now a reality. COURT HOUSE AGAIN No event is of greater importance to Mount Pulaski and the country in general than the recent taking over by the state of Illi- nois, with local reservations, of the old court house and grounds as a historic shrine. Restored to former appointments, reminiscent as the building is of pioneer and Abraham Lincoln days, the ancient structure and park in which located, will prove a Mecca of patriotic pilgrimage for years to come. CONCLUSION The above events, more or less briefly noted, constitute a cen- tury of Mount Pulaski. What does the next century hold in store? No mortal can answer. . . courthouse restored to original appearance '■ - • •• ; . •'""- vh Courthouse As It Looked When Used For Postoffice Building. 1936 Census"Mount Pulaski A Abel, Mrs, Charles (Robert, Margaret, Minnie, Carl, Georgia) North Park. Aitchison, Robert D.— Lulu (Robert S.) Merchant; 108 North Vine Allen, Robert — Maude (Willard, Ruby, Delbert, Leo, Glendora) labor- er; West Wayne. Allen, Ross — Sophia; laborer; 208 North Washington Allison, Otto— Hazel; tavern; 310 North Washington Allspach, Albert — Helen; retired farmer; 209 North Vine Anderson, Delia M.; stenographer; 405 West Morgan. Anderson, Dewey — Madge (Loren) merchant; 407 West Cooke Anderson, Mrs. Harriet; 200 North Marion Anderson, Kelsey M. — Helen (Harold) 402 East Jefferson Anstine, Frank and James — Eva and Melissa, sisters; retired; 410 North Washington. Arnold, Lloyd, stenographer, North Park Arnold, William J. — Lillie (Mary, Virgil); painter; North Park Ayers, Raymond — Verna (Edward, Frances, Loren) auto mechanic; 404 South Marion Ayies worth, Mrs. Ida; housekeeper; 503 North Marion Aylesworth, Roy — Geneva (Louise, Dorothy, Betty, Buddy, Richard) truck driver: 415 West Cooke street. B Bailey, Dwight — Amelia (William); Clerk; 220 East Monroe Bailey, James — Fern; contractor; 519 North Washington Baker, Mrs. Carrie (Charlotte, Inas, Charles); North Garden Barlow, Mrs. James; 314 North Marlon Barton, John — Lila (Elton, Woodrow); elevator manager; 309 East Jefferson. Baumann, Carl — Josephine; retired; farmer, 101 North Vine street. Banmann, Mrs. Elizabeth (Amelia) 306 South Lafayette Street Beckers, William — Nettie; retired farmer; 306 North Garden street Beldler, Everett — Esther (Delores Ann, Donna Marie); radio repair; 107 South Marion street. Beldler, Mrs. Josephine (Barbara Ann) 207 North Lafayette Beidler, Paul E. — Ethel; printer; 120 North Lafayette street Beldler, Roll C— Etta; retired, printer; 101 South Marion street Bellatti, Robert M. — Martha; retired farmer; 203 North Scott Bender, Mrs. Katherine (George); 319 North Belmont Bertoni, Renaldo — Pauline (Sam, Marie, Renaldo, Waldo) merchant; 119 North Marion. Bertrang, Walter — Nelia (Helen, Irma, Lillian, Iva, Dean, Byron); laborer; 102 East German. Biesemeier, John — Helen (Joan); 110 South Garden Binder, William F. — Amelia; wagon maker; 400 South Lafayette Birks, W. E.— retired farmer; 420 North Lafayette street Blackford, Dan — Pearl; truck driver; 620 South Spring Blackford, Henry — Lorena; bookkeeper; 620 South Spring Blanford, Mrs. Amanda Jane; West McDonald Stanford, Edward — Bertha (Gayford Wills, stepson); I. C. section foreman; 302 South Lafayette. Blickenstaff, James — Kitty; 610 South Spring Bloye, Mrs. Kate, 303 North Vine street. Bobell, Ferd (Wayne) 510 South Vine Srannan, William; laborer; 200 North Marion Bredenstiner, Ellis; laborer; 412 North Marion Bressmer, Fred A. — Gertrude (Glen Tutwiler, grandson) truck driver, 500 East Cooke. Brooker, Charles — Emma (Everett K., and Carlton Drake Jr., grand- son) retired farmer; 202 North Vine. Brooker, Mrs. Fredericka; 302 North Lafayette Brown, S. L. — Harriet (Arline, Wendell, James); gas station; 416 South Lafayette. Buckles, Charles F. (Ora) North Garden Buckles, Claude — Constance; garage; 100 North Park Buckles, Frank (Rose); retired; 200 North Marion Buckles, Harry — Ida; West Side Square Buckles, Mrs. Jennie, 420 North Lafayette Buckles, John A., 401 North Belmont Buckles, P. W., painter; 100 North Park Buckles, Robert — Sadie; 625 North Vine Billiard, Mrs. Kate; 215 South Vine Capps, Harry B., nursery; 617 North Washington Capps, William B.; nurseryman; 120 North Lafayette Carter, Constance; 305 East Jefferson Carty, William — Christie (Edna May, Sylvia, Joseph, Susie, Jack, Lawrence, Hattie); laborer; Obermiller Heights. Cass, Lincoln — Frances; stockman; 104 North Vine Casto, Mrs. Dora; 506 North Washington Cheek, David — Carrie; retired; 301 South Garden Christmann, John A.; retired; 503 West Jefferson Chris tmann, Louis, barber; 412 South Washington Clare, Mrs. Thelma (William, Lois, Margaret); North Spring Clark, Miss Meta; 317 N. Washington Clear, Gene C. — Louise; merchant; 407 North Lafayette Clements, Roy — Lucille (Larry, Carol Elaine) farmer; 208 South Garden. Clifton, Misses Grace and Sue; dressmakers; 219 North Washington Clobes, William C. — Eva; blacksmith; 215 South Vine Combs, August S. — Anna; retired; 316 East Chestnut Conaway, Mrs. Martha (Ralph, Orville, sons; Russell Green, Eugene Conaway, grandsons; 305 North Spring. Conaway, Tom — Catherine; gas station; 400 South Vine. Connelly, Dr. George S.— Ada (John H., George S.); physician; 107 North Lafayette. Connolley, Eugene K. — Pearl (Franklin, Richard, Kenneth) druggist; 319 North Vine. Connolley, Laura; telephone operator; 216 North Lafayette Connolley, Virgil G. — Margaret; druggist; 317 West Cooke Cook, Mrs. Fern (Mary, Alice) 209 East Jefferson Copeland, Frank — Laura; retired; 405 East Cooke Copeland, Mrs. Jennie E.; 421 North Lafayette Cowan, Wallace— Helen (Darwin L., Donald W.) truck driver; 402 North Spring. Crane, Mrs. M. A. (Flossie) 318 North Vine Crowe, Mrs. Alvada; 211 North Marion Crowe, Mrs. Clarabelle; 206 North Lafayette Crull, Charles W. — Emma; 306 North Belmont street Cryan Mrs. Anna; 403 South Spring Curtis, Fern; beauty shop; 907 South Spring Curtis, Mrs. Grace (Barbara, Mary June Barnes); merchant; 111 South Marion. Curtis, John — Naomi (Dorothy) grade school janitor; 319 East Cooke Curtis, Russell S. — Mary; North Garden Curtis, Shelby — Dollie; gas station; 800 South Spring. Danner, Chris; retired farmer; 609 South Spring Banner, Jacob — Anna; South Lafayette Danner, John R. 'Boley' retired; 211% South Washington Danner, Mrs. Margaret; Obermiller Heights. Davis, Bert; truck driver; 506 North Washington Davis, Lon — Bernice; teacher; 305 South Washington Davis, Paul — Dorothy (Joseph, Robert); laborer; 516 North Garden Dawson, Mrs. Eliza; 402 East Jefferson. Deavers, Miss Sadie; 409 West Jefferson Deibert, George (Alberta, Loretta, Mabel) Elkhart road Deibert, Harry G.; clerk; 103 Jefferson Deibert, Mrs. Joseph; 116 North Spring Deibert, Morrell — Delia; electrician; 406 East Jefferson Dickey, Jacob A. — Frona (Oscar); laborer; North Scott Dillsaver, Albert F. — Agnes (John); barber; 206 South Vine Dittus, George F. — Sophia; retired farmer; 221 North Lafayette Doty, William — Katherine ( laborer. Downing, Clarence W. — Lena (Darwin) auto mechanic; 507 South Lafayette. Downing, Ennis A. — Retta (Julian) ; banker; 519 North Vine Downing, Harry — May; plumbing; 201 North Belmont Downing, John T. — Anna (Dorothy Ann); clerk; 515 North Lafayette Drobisch, Albert — Anna; clerk; 207 South Marion Drobisch, Christian F. — Louise; sexton; 110 North Marion Drobisch, Gustav — Emma (Viola) ; coal dealer; 300 South Vine Drobisch, Louis H.; barber; 400 South Vine Drobisch, Walter M. — Letha (Miller, Alvira) waterworks supt; 600 North Washington. Duboce, Herman and Rodman; painters; 203 North Marion Duboce, Mrs. Lila; Duff, J. T.— Kittie; retired; 313 North Scott Dunkel, Carl; auto mechanic; 305 S. Washington Durchholz, Fred — Barbara; retired farmer; 503 North Belmont Earles, Samuel — Gertrude; section foreman; 317 East Morgan Edwards, Carl — Louise (Allen) telegrapher, 305 South Lafayette Edwards, Ernest — Minnie (Earl, Mary, Ruth, Richard); carpenter; Obermiller Heights. Ellenburg, James S., laborer; 420 South Garden Ellenberg, John ; laborer; 420 South Garden Ellis, Dan W. — Anna (Lucy Jane); carpenter; 201 North Washington Ely, Ben W.; banker; 301 South Garden Emery, Louis — Jessie (Wilna, Reva) farmer; 302 South Spring Eminger, Mrs. Anna E.; secretary; 204 North Spring England, Mrs. Tillie (John) ; 220 West Jefferson English, Mrs. Lulu (Wyle); housework; 309 North Spring Epting, Andrew — Kate (Fred) retired; 721 South Spring Ey, Charles A. — Louise (Carl, Louise); baker; South Lafayette Ey, Otto — Pauline; teacher; 119 West Harry Ey, Vincent-— Virginia (Richard); clerk; 407 North Lafayette Fant, Charles (Gwendolyn) tailoring; East McDonald Fant, Mrs. Katherine (Fred) East McDonald Felts, Mrs. Anna; 421 West Morgan Felts, Edwin — Emma; retired merchant; 302 North Belmont Feuerbacher, Mrs. Emily; 403 East Cooke Field, Mrs. Ida (Cordie Starr, nephew); 305 North Marion Foster, Dean — Marjorie (Virginia) mail carrier; 409 East Cooke Frazier, C. L. — Goldie (Clarence, Gene, Lyle) telegrapher; 312 West Jefferson. Froschauer, Edward — Hazel (Edward) ; farmer; 404 West Jefferson Fryer, Miss Cosetta; 291 North Lafayette Fryer, Mrs. Mary V.; 291 North Lafayette Fuhrer, Mrs. Caroline (Anna, Joseph); 114 Vine. Fuhrer, Dan J. — Helen (Dale, Paul); service station; 208 North Vine Fultz, William — Jennie; section worker; 225 South Spring G Gasaway, Mrs. Elizabeth; 404 West Jefferson Gasaway, Lee— Mattie (Walter, Hoy, Dale) laborer; 523 West Jeffer- son. Gieseke, Mrs. Christina; 209 North Spring Girtman, Miss Mamie; 118 West Harry Glick, Walter— Georgian; 206 North Vine Glose, Chauncey E. — Pearl (Cerese, Dorothy Wanda) mail carrier; 306 North Vine. Goben, Ellis — Hester (Anna Marie; Jimmy Wheeler, grandson) pen- sioner; 320 South Lafayette. Goddard, Edward — Carrie (Harry, Bill, J. CL); teacher; 403 South Marion. Goodman, James — Catherine (Virginia Dorothy, Joe; laborer 307 North Spring. Goodman, James Sr. — Olive (Carl, Chester, Sheldon, Hazel) laborer; 401 South Lafayette. Goodpaster, Mrs. Emily; 305 South Washington Goodpaster, Ernest — Pearl (Wayne, Don, Edwin, Carol) janitor; 516 West Jefferson. Gordon, Charles M. — Hattie; 210 North Mason Gordon, Harvey F. — Clara; retired; 402 North Washington Graham, Edward — Kate; (Patricia Kelly, grand niece) laborer; 515 N. Marion. Griffin, Byri — June (Mary Jean, Jack, Joan) section worker; East McDonald. Gruber, Henry C. — Sadie (Frank) newsstand; 214 South Washington Gruber, Paul A. — Mino (Helen Shull, niece) ; painter; 520 East Cooke Gulso, Mrs. Henry (Rose; and Charles Gulso, grandson;) 307 South Washington. Gulso, Mrs. Minnie (Robert, Dale, Dorothy); 411 North Washing- ton. Gun tern, Frank — Christina; retired; 115 N. Spring H Hagenbuch, Mrs. Louis (Nora, Emma) ; 405 West Cook Hagenbuch, Walter — Ruby (Junior) ; truck driver; 307 North Lafay- ette. Hahn, Boyd — Clara (Herschel, Boyd, Helena, Doris, Lois, Leota, Har- ry) railroad fireman; 409 West Jefferson. Hahn, Fred H. — Doris (Billie, Jean); deputy circuit clerk; 210 North Washington. Hahn, Herman — Margaret (Lola) 215 West Cooke Hahn, Misses Lottie and Emma; 113 North Lafayette Hahn, Mrs. Lottie (Jerry, John) 205 North Park Hahn, Raymond — Mildred (Mary Lee); drug clerk; 603 North La- fayette. Hahn, William S. — Emma (Mildred); retired; 521 North Lafayette Hanslow, Charles — Bessie (Emma, Charles, Ray, Lillian, Forrest); janitor; 302 North Garden. Hanson, Mil ford — Dorothy (Joanna Lee) teacher; 411 North Lafay- ette. Haggis, Lloyd L. — Helen (Robert, Gerard, Barbara Ellen); high school principal; 420 West Cooke. H&rgrave, Harold — Alma; carpenter; 416 West Cooke Harper, Mrs. Almeda; 121 North Washington Harper, Richard T. — Clara (Loren); retired; 214 North Washington Harper, Ward — Helen (Rae); auto salesman; 600 South Washington Harrison, Perry H.— Dora, 903 South Spring street Harrison, Mrs. Sarah (Katie) ; 119 North Park Hassett, Misses Jennie and Mamie; 219 South Garden Hatfield, Guy — Gladys (Verna Mae, Richard, Leonard); mechanic; West Morgan. Heiserman, Mrs. Lena; 112 North Washington Heller, August F. — Cordelia; retired painter; 313 North Washington Henry, Miss Anna; 415 North Lafayette Hershey, John T.— Anna; funeral director; 112 North Vine Hildreth, Dr. C. E. —Margaret (Charles, Shirley) physician; 215 So. Marion. Holler, Mrs. Jane (sons, Claude Holler and William Brooker) 207 North Washington. Holmes, Charles — Mary; retired; 317 South Marion Holmes, Edward — Irene (Roy Edward) mechanic; 107 North Vine Holmes, Fred— Hazel; garage; 203% South Washington Holmes, Lawrence — Lois (Alfred) carpenter; 202 North Park Holmes, William E. —Anna (Harry) ; garage owner; 206 North La- fayette. Holmes, Willis— Zellma (Willis, Richard, Donald) ; laborer; 201 South Lafayette. Horn, Frank— Lillie (Emmerson, Delbert, Dean); carpenter; East German. Horn, George; retired; 100 South Vine Horn, Henry— Louise (Nellie) retired; 915 South Spring Horn, Miss Lizzie; 209 South Vine street Horn, William; carpenter; 209 South Vine Hubbartt, James — Vera (Jerry, son; Lena, Beulah and Annabelle Dayhuffe, stepdaughters) laborer; 314 South Washington. Hughes, Chester G. — Lena; retired; 112 North Marion Hukill, Zolla — Opal; truck driver; 414 East Jasper Humble— Mrs. Helen (Walter, Harvey, Donald); 310 North Vine Hutchison, Frank— Ethel; dairyman; West German Hutter, Joseph F. — Lydia (Cornelius, Ralph, Howard, Pauline, Doris, Joseph, Margaret, Marilyn) trucker & buyer; 300 So. Lafay- ette. I Iselin, Charles — Mattie; laborer; 409 South Marion J Jackson, Clarence— Delia; laborer; 420 North Marion Jackson, Mrs. Ina (Ruth, Ruby, Richard, Lillie May) 300 North Spring. Jenner, Miss Katherine; 221 South Lafayette Jenner, William B. — Clara; clerk; 114 South Garden Jones, Robert N. — Delia; retired; 104 North Marion K Kautz, Chris J.; retired; 503 West Jefferson Kautz, Henry J. Jr. — Thema; express agent; 500 North Garden Kautz, Henry J. Sr. — Clara; retired; 310 South Garden Kautz, Miss Katie (James Kautz, nephew) ; 400 South Washington Kautz, Mike — Eva; grain dealer; 111 North Marion Kautz, Wallace — Opal (Wallace Jr.); 318 South Garden Kautz, Wilhelm G. — Elsie (Virginia) ; grain dealer; 109 North Spring Kautz, Willard — Norma; merchant; Bertoni apartments. Keil, Miss Kathryn; 304 East Wayne Keiser, Edward; tavern; 401 South Washington Kelling, William, Minnie, Anna; 518 South Lafayette Kemmer, Charles — Pearl; retired; 306 North Marion Kemmer, Fred W. — Carrie; retired; 301 North Washington Kennett, Mrs. Hermine (Donald Wayne) 211 North Marion Kent, H. B. — Mary; blacksmith; 410 South Lafayette Kerns, Edward J. and Sally; retired; 319 North Spring Kiick, Mrs. Anna; 120 North Washington Kinert, Mrs. Bessie (Mervin) ; 216 North Marion Kinert, Mrs. Delia; 402 East Jasper Kinert, Earl — Nola (Dale, Helen Jean, Earline) ; engineer; 413 South Washington Kipp, William — Ola; laborer; 102 North Washington Klotz, David — Irene (David S.) street commissioner; 290 South Washington. KJotz, Mrs. Henry; 220 North Washington Klotz, Miss Tillie; 409 West Cooke Klotz, Mrs, William; 220 East Monroe Knauer, Otto — Anna (Erwin) 200 East McDonald Kneebone, T. L. — Inez (William) minister; 203 North Vine Kolp, Arthur C. Sr. — Irene (Lois, Katherine, J. Norman); I. C. agt.; 402 North Belmont. Koltz, Miss Lucy; 418 North Vine Kratzer, Willard — Lydia; produce dealer; 401 West Cooke Krueger, Louis — Mabel (Alvin, Maxine) ; farmer; 412 West Jefferson L Lachenmyer, Mrs. Sarah (Florence); 103 North Scott Lane, Homer O. — Mary (Marion, Eloise, Bernadine) telegrapher; 309 South Vine. Lang, Miss Mary; 300 East McDonald Laramee, Ernest — Marie; laborer; East McDonald. Laramee, Ferdinand — Rosina (Ernest, Eli, Marguerite, Harold) lab- orer; 102 North Washington. Laughery, John H.; carpenter; 210 North Garden Laughery, Mrs. William; 317 North Washington Law, Edward — Margaret; merchant; 411 East Cooke Layman, Mrs. Hat tie (Russell, George, and granddaughter, Vera Mae Hammond) ; 506 North Washington. Leckbee, C. H. — Velma (Merwyn Dean); printer; 408 East Jefferson Lee, Ora — Arvilla (Ray); policeman; 207 North Vine Lee, Sidney — Ruth (Robert, David, Don); mechanic; 218 South Mar- ion. Lipp, Albert F. — Bertha (Frederick); insurance; 207 South Marion Lipp, Carl — Cora (Dorthalene) plumber; 420 E. Jasper Lipp, Mrs. Lorah Z.; 320 North Washington Utterly, George — Ella (Doris and Jean Litterly, granddaughters) retired; 514 North Washington. Loetterle, Miss Winifred; 306 North Lafayette Long, Harry; school teacher; 403 West Jefferson Long, Mrs. Ruth; 403 West Jefferson Lucas, Harry M. — Nell; teacher; 320 North Lafayette Lucas, Mrs. Martha; 119 North Spring Lucas, Mahlon— Mazzie (Merle); 204 North Vine Lucas, Mrs. Mary E.; 114 North Spring Ludwig, Frederick — Johanna; minister, 216 West Cooke M McCarthy, Glenn— Marguerite (Patricia Ann) contractor; 103 North Spring. McCollough, Mark — Margaret (Bernard, Joe, Nancy, John); school teacher; 404 North Vine. McOurry, Thomas — Eva (Henry, Thomas, Carl, George, Annis; lab- orer; 302 North Marion. McDonald, John — Grace; retired farmer; 414 North Vine McKellar, Mrs. Anna; 401 South Washington McVey, Allen — Emma (Walter, Edward, Noretta, Cecil, Orville, Bertha) ; laborer; 515 South Lafayette. Manes, Eugene—Harriett (Harry E., Marilyn L., Colleen); clerk; 617 North Washington. Manes, J. P. — Lizzie; laborer; 305 North Washington Mann, J. W. — Frances; tavern; South Washington Marshall, William — Anna (Lucille, Marjory) laborer; 307 North Scott. Martin, Orville E. — Marjella (John, Margaret); elevator mgr.; 318 E. Morgan. Mason, Mrs. J. O.; 215 North Washington Mattingly, Mrs. Josie (Woodrow, Charles, Homer, Anna Louise); 315 South Vine. Maxheimer, Henry C; retired; 105 North Vine Maxheimer, Miss Jane; 109 South Vine Mayer, Edward O. — Minnie; retired merchant; 503 North Lafayette Mayer, Fred G. Sr. — Nellie; telephone mgr.; 402 North Marion Mayer, Fred, Jr. — Ruth (Robert); telephone lineman; 401 North Lafayette. Mayer, George A. (Gayetta); painter; 211 North Washington Mayer, Henry J. — Ida (Louise, Bernice) cigar mfr.; 221 South Washington. Mayer, Mrs. Mary (Estella) 311 West Cooke Mayer, Oscar W. — Janie (Elizabeth) ; retired; 201 North Belmont Medford, Otis D. — Mattie; laborer; 409 West Cooke Meister, Elmer — Ruby (Elmer, Mary) ; electrician; 414 East Cooke Meister, Fred W. — Frances (Mary Frances) ; retired; 520 North Vine Merriman, Dr. C. M. — Nell (Billy, Richard); veterinary; 502 North Vine. Mier, John C. (Allen); retired; 221 North Belmont Millard, George — Rose; contractor; 408 East Chestnut Miller, Art — Koneta (Marion, Richard); railroad clerk; 618 South Spring. Miller, Hubert — Doris; laborer; 408 South Vine Milner, John — Daisy (Harry, Virginia); 213 North Mason Moll, Walter — Emma (Mary Ellen, Virginia); gardener; 602 North Washington. Moore, Miss Annie; 500 North Washington Moore, Frank — Mabel; 118 South Marion Moore, Mrs. Lillian (Dalton) 506 South Garden Moore, Louis — Flossie (Pauline, Albert, Harold, Junior, Doris, Betty, Colleen); tiling contractor; 500 South Marion Moore, Mrs. Myra; 500 North Washington Moore, Paul R. — Loretta (Paula Joan, Marcia Ann, Myra Kay) ad- vertising mgr.; 204 North Park. Moore, Rodney, Jr. — Helen Marie (Richard Lee, Lillian Etna, Anna Lorene, Helen Marie) Obermiller Heights. Moore, Mrs. Rodney, Sr.; Obermiller Heights. Moore, Mrs. T. W.; 118 South Marion Mueller, Charles E. — Minnie; tinner; 120 North Park Myers, Lee — Emma; retired; 414 West Cooke Myers, M J. — Sophia; merchant; 110 South Marion N Neal, William — Viola (Thomas Crawford) section laborer; 406 South Marion. Newton, Henry; retired; 800 South Spring Niedergesaess, Louis — Louise; retired; 119 South Vine Niekrenz, Edward — Emily (Rochelle, Mildred, Winfred) laborer; 104 North Garden. Nolan, Mrs. Margaret; 110 North Vine Obcamp, Mrs. Florence (Billy, Jimmy), 118 South Marion Obermiller, Mrs. Julia; 600 South Washington O'Brien, Lawrence — Mary (Nancy, Billy Joe) 204 South Vine O'Bryen, Raymer — Or teen (Roland, Dale); engineer; 421 West Mor- gan. O'Connor, Mrs. Mae; 307 North Marion Oglesby, Edward; retired; 116 North Washington Oglesby, Mrs. Emma; 214 North Marion Oglesby, Glenn; clerk; 211^ South Washington Passmore, Frank — Anita (Mary, Frank); upholsterer; 217 South Marion. Patterson, Levi — Fannie (Yvonna Price, niece) 501 North Washing- ton. Patterson, Roscoe — Telia (James, Roscoe W., Fern, Betty, Joseph); barber; 314 North Marion Peters, Harry — Ina (Thomas Edward) ; section laborer; East German Phillips, Carl — Matilda (Millard, Billy, Earl) theatre owner, 109 N. Marion. Phiuney, E. G. — Mary (Barbara) merchant; 411 South Washington Pinney, Mrs. Florence (Robert) teacher; 118 North Belmont Potter, Mrs. Lottie; 308 North Garden Potter, Omer— Irma (Shirley); oil dealer; 515 East Jefferson Purget, John — Kate (Emma); laborer; 102 North Vine Bandolph,Mrs. Eliza; 412 North Marion Ray, Mrs. Mary; 508 South Marion Ray, William; laborer; 508 South Marion Reese, Dr. L. O. — Edith (Patsy) dentist; south side square Regali, Miss Ilda; cook; 119 North Marion Reinders, Mrs. Alma M.; 100 North Marion Reinders, Dr. Fred W. — Hazel (Hazel Jean; Roy and Donald Beck- ers); dentist; 506 North Vine. Renner, Claude W. — Clara; farming; 618 North Marion Renner, Guy — Louise (Frances, Claude, Ferol); laborer; 605 North Washington. Rentmeister, Mrs. Mary; 305 North Garden Rentshler, Mrs. Diana — 116 North Spring Rentshler, Mrs. Lillie; 510 West Jefferson. Riedel, John — Pearl (John, Joseph); laborer; 308 South Vine Ridgeway, Leslie— Teania (Russell, Myrtle, Jennie, June, Charles); painter; 200 South Marion. Rigdon, Miss Annetta; 118 North Belmont Rinker, Jacob; laborer; 508 South Marion Bobbins, William and Irwin; poolroom; 210 North Marion Roberts, John, Etta, Georgia; 318 North Belmont Roberts, Mrs. Margaret (Joel) 313 South Marion Ronrer, Mrs. John; 612 South Lafayette Romer, Mrs. George; 501 North Scott Romer, Herman — Minnie; tavern; south side square. Romer, Jacob; retired; 221 South Lafayette Romer, Roman — Dorothy (Joan, Tommy, Jimmy, Robert); Sieb Hat- chery; East McDonald. Ross, Russell — Fayetta (Leslie, Paul, Donald, Lois); carpenter; 118 North Lafayette. Roth, Miss Anna; bookkeeper; 403 East Cooke Roth, Fred J. — Grace; clerk; Bertoni Apartments. Rothweli, Everett — Eula (Georgiabelle) ; salesman; 305 South Wash- ington. Rothwell, John M. — Clara (Keith, Grace); lumber dealer; 320 West Jefferson. Rothwell, Thomas L. — Ora (Jackie Rothwell, nephew) 112 North Spring. Rounsevel, Mrs. Ada; 515 North Marion Row, George — Pearl (Bernard) salesman; 414 North Vine Row, Walter — Jennie (Herbert W.); laborer; 418 South Garden Rule, Harry — Frances (George, Harriett) ; railroad signal repair- ing; 321 South Washington. Rupp, Mrs. Augusta; 209 North Vine Rupp, George — Emma (Mildred, Irma) ; banker; 205 North Vine Rupp, Mrs. Lida; 312 North Lafayette Rutledge, Orrin — Iva; shoe cobbler; 206 North Lafayette Ryan, Albert — Anna (Irma, Alberta, Clara, Amos, Robert); laborer; 113 North Mason. Ryan, Edward — Lillian; laborer; 219 South Marion Ryan, Harold — Ethel; laborer; 510 North Garden Ryan, Mrs. James T. (Errol) 115 North Marion Ryan, Wilford — Ida (June Ann, Wallace); laborer; 813 South Spring Sargeant, John; painter; 316 West Jefferson Sams, Louis F. — Hazel; Standard Oil mgr.; 216 North Lafayette Schafer, Miss Anna; 111 North Belmont Schafer, Fred A.— Lillie; 303 South Lafayette Schafer, J. Fred; merchant; 111 North Belmont Schafer, Henry W. —Margaret; merchant; 508 East Cook street Schafer, Mrs. Lena; 119 North Scott Schafer, Walter A. — Maynie; merchant; 419 North Vine Schaffenacker, Austin W. — Jessie (Rhoda, Jane); garage mgr.; 307 West Cooke. Schaffenacker, Mrs. Fannie; 302 North Washington Schaffenacker, Fred G.— Mary; retired; 210 South Garden Schahl, George E. — Julia; retired; 113 North Belmont Schahl, Gottlieb F.—Katherine (Frieda, Norma) ; 406 East Chestnut Schahl, Miss Regina; 503 North Vine Schahl, Wilbert H.; funeral director; 107 North Vine Schenck, Mrs. Ella; 204 North Spring Schick, Mike— Nora (Margaret) shoe repair shop; 110 South Vine Scnmitz, Charles — Anna; city clerk; 402 East Cooke Schroth, Mrs. Elizabeth; 312 North Lafayette Schultz, Charles — Bess (Dean, Doris); merchant; 301 South Vine Schwoerer, Wm. A. — Margaret (William, Barbara, Rose Mary, Louis) 300 East McDonald. Scroggin, Byron — Ella (Harold, Howard); gas station; Route 121. Scroggin, George L. — Ida (Betty) trucker; 404 North Marion. Scroggin, Mrs. Ida; 316 West Jefferson Scroggin, Oran O. — Lillie; 308 West Jefferson Scroggin, T. A. — Mary; banker; 216 South Vine Scroggin, Wilford — Lois (Thomas Arthur, Wilford) 301 West Cooke Scott, George; laborer; 505 South Vine Sellers, Harold; Kroger mgr.; 305 South Washington Seyfer, Miss Clara; 303 North Vine Shanle, Edward; laborer; 310 South Lafayette Sheridan, George; retired; 104% South Side Square. Shively, Mrs. Elizabeth; 413 North Spring Shively, Rolla — Herma (Margaret) butcher; 110 North Belmont Shoup, Frank — Myrtle; retired; 212 North Lafayette Shrader, James H. — Emma; barber; 401 North Washington Shull, Darrell — Kathryn (Tommy, Darven); laborer; 104% South Side Square. Shull, Hiram (Wilbur) laborer; 600 South Spring Shull, Richard — Helen (Mary, Rita); auto mechanic; 408 South Marion. Shull, Russell — Fern (Dorothy May); clerk; 514 East Cooke Sisk, Harry S. — Grace (William, Elwin, Harold, Don, Elizabeth, George, Mary Anne) mail carrier; 505 East Jefferson. Smith, Mrs. Clara; 515 East Jefferson Smith, Frank — Mary (Frank, Harris, Richard) 210 North Marion Smith, George J. — Bertha; lawyer; 106 Belmont Smith, Mrs. J. Will; 418 North Vine Snyder, Mrs. Angeline; 108 North Vine Snyder, Charles D. — 119 North Mason Snyder, Frank B. (John) ; contractor; 121 North Lafayette Snyder, George — Nora; carpenter; 120 North Garden Snyder, Willis W.; music store; 311 North Lafayette Spenler, Fred C. — Charlotte (Gilbert, Winnifred) trucker; 217 North Spring. Stafford, Mrs. W. H.; 120 North Lafayette Staley, J. Wayne — Veta (Darald, J. Wayne, Jr., Wendell) minister; 400 North Washington. Starr, George and Christina; 100 North Park Starr, John — Anna (Eva; grandson, Lester) 505 West Cooke Stockton, Earl — Charlotte (Phyllis Jean) ; 408 East Chestnut Stockton, William F.— Eliza (Lucille, Valeria, Gladys, Alice, Betty, Katherine); 410 North Marion. Stoll, John E.— Elizabeth (Wilbur); milk dealer; East McDonald Stoll, Mrs. Minnie; 115 North Scott Stratton, Mrs. James E. (Jessie, Benny, Norman, Wilma) ; 415 North Spring. Stratton, John—Emma (Dallas); laborer; 402 East Jasper Stuart, J. H. — Fern (Virginia, Gustavus); merchant; 405 South Marion. Soedmeier, George E. — Ada (Paul, Noel); policeman; 205 North La- fayette. Suedmeier, Henry J.; retired; 403 East Cooke Suedmeier, Mrs. Minnie; 315 South Washington S winner, J. C. — Eva (Lloyd); merchant; 308 South Washington. T Taimage, Frank — Helen (Richard) merchant; 417 North Lafayette Templeman, Miss Emma; 303 North Belmont Tendick, Mrs. Minnie; 211 North Marion Theobald; Frank; laborer; 401 South Washington Thomas, John; retired; West Morgan. Ttxickson, Carl — Ruth; barber; 211 North Marion Thrasher, Arthur — Opal (James) North Mason Tomlinson, Mrs. Frances (Joyce Ann) ; 305 North Garden Tribbett, Mrs. Beatrice (Johnny West, nephew) ; 208 North Spring Tribbett, Mrs. Christiann; 416 West Cooke Tribbett, Mrs. Georgia; 119 North Mason Tomer, Robert; laborer; 208 N. Washington Turner, Troll — Frances; barber; 411 South Washington Tutwiler, William U. — Lucinda; gardener; 408 North Garden Tyler, Burton A. — Kate; lawyer; 219 North Scott U Underbill, George — Irene (Jane, Virginia Robert) merchant; 51% North Washington. Inland, Clarence— Martha (John Lendell and Gordon Lee McCar- thery) Chevrolet dealer; 317 North Lafayette. Upp, Claude W. — Mary; railroad depot clerk; Bertoni Apartments Upp, Mrs. Susan (Etta) 215 North Lafayette Utterback, Chester — Margaret (Betty May, John Thomas) ; laborer- 400 South Vine. V Vaii, Mrs. Ethal (Wilma, Juanita) merchant; 306 North Garden Vaudeventer, Dave — Tillie (Hazel, Everett) North Spring Vandevender, Mrs. Emma (Howard, Nellie) 207 North Spring Vaa Hook, Dr. F. C. — Marie (Harry, Florence, Betty, Mildred); physician; 106 North Marion. Veail, Ira — Emma; retired; 604 North Vine Veech, Jasper — Mary (Emagene, Merle, Wayne, Rhoda) ; laborer; 516 North Marion. Vetter, John — Mary (Frances); retired; 103 North Spring Vogelsang, Andrew — Izora; merchant; west side square Voile, Mrs. Elizabeth (Louise, Everett, Esther, Ruth Ann) 411 North Vine. Voile, George A. — Florence (Dan, Frank) banker; 910 South Spring, Voile, Henry (Alberta, Henry); retired; 407 North Vine Voile, Misses Katie and Mary; 407 North Vine w Wacaser, Walter D.; postmaster; 501 North Washington. Waddell, Loren — Elsie (Jean) laborer; 420 West Jefferson Waddell, Mrs. Pearl (Page); 119 North Scott. Wagner, Mrs. Katherine (Florence) 107 North Belmont Wagner, Ottmar E. — Grace (Charles F.); mail carrier; 109 Belmont Walt, Dr. G. F. — Blanche (Edwin) dentist; 520 North Lafayette Walker, Mrs. Nell; 315 North Spring "Warren, William — Rosa (Betty, Alice, ) laborerSouth La- fayette. Washburn, Mrs. Hattie (Delia) 103 North Marion Weakley, Mrs, Elizabeth; 321 West Cooke Weidenbacher, Louis F. — Grace; barber; 408 West Jefferson Weidenbacher, Mrs. Matilda; 403 South Spring Weidenbacher, Mrs, Theresa — 216 S. Spring Weller, Charles — Carrie; retired; 108 North Belmont Weller, Chris — Sarah; retired; 304 North Vine Weller, George; coal dealer; 401 South Washington Weller, Kenneth; ice dealer; 108 North Belmont Wells, Harry — Dena, retired; 218 South Garden West, Clarence — Dollie; retired; 301 North Lafayette Wlble, H. J. — Mlargaret (Geraldine, Jean) publisher; 200 North La- fayette. Wlble, W. D. — Katherine (Donald Wayne); printer; 502 East Cooke William, Dr. Everett — Rebecca (Hilma, Carl, Merle); veterinarian; Obermiller Heights. Wilson, David — Bertha (Marcella) retired; South Mason Wilson, Miss Ida; 405 West Morgan Wilson, Reide C. — Letitia; brick mason; 207 North Washington Wlrth, Troy — Blanche (Elma Louise); North Garden Witt, Mrs. Mary; (Ambrose) ; 400 North Lafayette TOttrock, Rev. H. — Sophia (John, Arthur, Bernard) minister; 100 South Vine. Wolf, Miss Ella; 110 North Marion Wolfs, Mrs. Emma; 312 South Washington Wood, Herman — Mildred (Jo Ann, John H., Shirley) carpenter; 601 North Marion. Woodrum, Arthur — Grace; cafe; 316 West Jefferson Wright, Charles; painter; 401 South Washington Wynd, Mrs. Amanda (Florence) 310 North Marion Wynd, H. V— Daisy (Nina); banker; 506 North Lafayette Y Yoder, Carl — Pauline; carpenter; 210 South Marion z Zah, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret; 410 South Marion Zah, Gottlieb C. — Celia; custodian Lincoln shrine; 311 South Wash- ington. Zah, John — Emma; coal dealer; 601 South Spring Zimmerli, Samuel — Lucinda; retired; 303 South Marion Zlmmermann, Mrs. August; 220 South Lafayette Zimmermann, Mrs. Effie (Theron) ; 291 North Lafayette Zim merman n, Theodore — Marie (Frederick, Jack) carpenter; 523 North Vine. Zimmermann, Miss Zenobia; grade school principal; 220 South Lafay- ette. Centennial Pageant SPONSORED BY MOUNT PULASKI WOMAN'S CLUB MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1936 HIGH SCHOOL GYM 8:00 P. M* NARRATOR Gene C. Clear FOUR BOYS— Dick Talmage, Miller Drobisch, Harvey Humble, Wendell Staley. FOUNDING OF MOUNT PULASKI Jabez Capps Rev. J. Wayne Staley Barton Robinson Dr. L. O. Reese George W. Turley Oscar W. Mayer THE FIRST STORE Jabez Capps, Proprietor Rev. J. Wayne Staley Mrs. Capps Mrs. W. H. Stafford Prudence Capps Marilyn Manes John Capps Harry Eugene Manes Customers — Mrs. Clarence E. West and Mrs. Albert F. Dillsaver Andy Danner's Boy Buddy Veech John Buckles Henry Mayer Jeremiah Birks Oscar W. Mayer THE SCHOOL SCENE Lake Fork School representing Brush College on ' Salt Creek north of Mount Pulaski William Hackney, teacher Thomas A. Gupton Directors — Harta B. Tendick, William Carpenter, Roy Moore, Alex- ander Morrow, William Vandevender, Clyde Fetus. PUPILS Meredith Patterson Meredith Peterson Jean Laughery Jean Guffey Paul Fletcher Paul Coats Dorothy Capps , Dorothy Baumgardt Richard Downing Richard Laatsch Delia Mae Harry Delia Mae Koehler Patricia Morrow Patricia Guffey Wayne Parks Wayne Febus Ray Allen _ Ray Peterson Harold Lee Jackson Harold Lee Gaffney COURT ROOM SCENE Abraham Lincoln E. H. Lukenbill Judge David Davis B. A. Tyler William & Lawrence, lawyers — Henry W. Schafer, Wilbert H. Schahl Sheriff, Thomas J. Larison — Roy Moore Clerk, Samuel Emmett — Oscar Horn Spectators — William B. Capps, Harry B. Capps, John A. Christ- man, J.C. Swinney, George Rupp, Dr. G. S. Connelly, John T. Hershey, Dan J. Fuhrer, Harry Downing, T. A. Scroggin. SEMI-CENTENNIAL SCENE Semi-Centennial Committee S. Linn Beidler Paul E. Beidler T. H. Smedley Harry J. Wible C. F. Schafer Walter A. Schafer J. P. Fowler Paul R. Moore M. J. Reinheimer Omer Potter George Jenner Wilbur Stoll I. L. Donaldson Dr. G. S. Connelly W. M. Martin Harry Downing Quartet— Harry J. Wible, Paul R. Moore, Omer Potter, Wilbur Stoll Husking Bee and Quadrille — Mr. and Mrs. Ennis A. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rentshler, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Downing, Mrs. Os- wald Brooker, Albert F. Dillsaver. Accompanists — Mrs. Frank E. Turley, the Misses Ridgeway. THE GAY NINETIES Mount Pulaski Woman's Club Chorus Mrs. G. S. Connelly, director — Mrs. Frank E. Turley, Accompanist Virginia Reel — Township High School Students WORLD WAR SCENE Elmer Meister, Paul A. Gruber, Leroy Buckles, Orville E. Martin, Frank Talmage, George Meister, T. A. Gupton. Sailor Harold Hargrave Wounded Soldier Ben Ely Red Cross Nurse Mrs. L. O. Reese In Flanders Field Mrs. Virginia Ey Taps Harry J. Wible FINALE Count Pulaski Glenn Bowers Spirit of Future of Mount Pulaski Betty Van Hook Ensemble of past and present Mount Pulaskians Pageant Written and Directed by Gene C. Clear Mrs. G. S. Connelly, Assistant Director 1937 Picture of Mount Pulaski Mount Pulaski, Logan County, Illinois, second largest city in the county and at one time the county seat. Population 1400. Located 9 miles southeast of Lincoln; 23 miles northwest of Decatur; 30 miles, northeast of Springfield. Transportation: Serviced by two lines of the Illinois Central, railroad. Main line between Chicago and St. Louis offers excellent service with the Green Diamond, the last word in streamline trains, stopping here enroute to St. Louis at 7:34 p. m. Branch line from Peoria to Mattoon. On Route 121, Decatur to Peoria; $100,000 black top road connection with Route 4 at Elkhart 12 miles wesK fine year-round gravel and oil connection south to Route 10 (De* catur-Springfield). Entire township has gravel roads to every farm home. Adjoining townships also gravelled. City water supply system furnishes exceptionally good deep welt water; is up to the minute and fully paid for. Extensive water mains offer ample supply of water for fire protection. Fine high school building and splendid curriculum and fine teachers make it one of the outstanding schools of the state. Espe- cially noted for its fine basketball teams. Splendid grade school building and fine teachers. Churches — St. John's Lutheran, Zion Ev. Lutheran, Christian, Methodist, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic, and Church of God. Fire department which is well equipped, fully manned and uni- formed has won three state championships. Two banks whose ratings are exceptionally high, both weather- ing the rigid requirements of 1933. There has never been a banlc failure here. Mount Pulaski is the home of a Lincoln Memorial Shrine, one of the original courthouses in the state in which Lincoln held court and practiced law. The building which stands in the center of the city square is now in the process of being restored. Community is surrounded by one of the most thrifty farming sections and the best soil in the United States. Farms are practically all owned by their occupants. The community is termed a wealthy one. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT PULASKI CEMETERY . MOUNT PULASKI TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL MOUNT PULASKI GRADE SCHOOL o c ~D cz r~ > c/S 70 00 DO > 00 7\ m —I DO > > o o o CO —I > > I— on o Former Mount Pulaskians Mrs. F. G. Adams, 3429 Berry Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio Wm. P. Addle-man — 614 Third Ave., Joliet, Illinois Mrs. Brooks R. Aitchison (Irma Buckles) Dale, Brooks Jr., Urbana 111. Robert S. Aitchison, Firestone Co. employee, 4536 Forest Park Blvd., St. Louis, Mo., resident until 1936. Mrs. D. C. Anderson, 355 S. Columbia St., Union City, Ind. James H. Anderson, Orwisburg, Pa. 1879-1916. Mrs. Lucy Andrews, 240 N. Park Place, Decatur, Illinois Mrs. F. W. Arnold, 832 East Prairie, Decatur, Illinois B Harry T. Barnard, 4301 Ellis Avenue, Apt. B., Chicago, 111. D. L. Barr, 134 N. Adams St., Westmont, Illinois A. C. Bartels, Lincoln, Illinois F. A. Baumann, 1128 W. 49th St., Los Angeles, California Jake Baumann, 2750 N. Richards St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Mrs. Katie Baumann, 1407 8th St., Greely, Colorado Ernest Beck (Rose Herliska) Ernest Jr., Musician, Boxing Instr., Chicago, 111., 313 Stanley Terrace 1911-1930. John H. Beckers (M(ary A. Claus) Mary C. Beckers Attorney, Co. Judge, Kankakee, 111., 378 S. Evergreen Ave., 1880-1903. Earl Beebe (Doris Lachenmyer) Tommy, 805 19th St., San Marino, California. Donald C. Beidler, photographer, 22 Moro Court, Manhassett, L. I. N. P. Born in Mount Pulaski. George C. Beidler (Virgie) linotype operater Daily News, 6239 Black- stone Ave., Apt. 102, Chicago, 111. S. Lynn Beidler (Brownie Lawrence) Mary Lynn; 7528 Colfax Ave., So. Shore Station, Chicago, 111. Mrs. X. F. Beidler (Anna Martin) Secretary State School and Col- ony, Lincoln, Illinois. Born in Mount Pulaski. Walter Benzinger, 1112 N. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Katie Bentley, 508 W. Iona Street, Onawa, Iowa Chas. B. Bernard (Minnie Rhoads) Willard S. Bernard, Merchant Men's Furnishings, Main St., Cheney, Wash., 1869-1879. Wm. Bertrang — Hallie (Jean, Colleen) farmer, Kenney, Illinois. Born in Mount Pulaski. W. G. Bienefeldt (Cora L. Keys) Mrs. Hilda Bayne, Mrs. Mary Shaw, Mrs. Esther Schultz, William K., contracting painter, 3271 6th Ave., Sacremento, Calif., until 1926. C. A. Billington, Cisne, Illinois Mary Binder, 258 North Main, Decatur, Illinois Edward C. Birnbaum (Gladys C. Rupp) farmer, Lincoln, 111., R. 4 — ■ 1905-1920. Harry M. Blout (Emma Rowcliffe) 'George W., Homer G., Byron B., pastor M. E. Church, Roberts, Illinois — 1928-1935. Jessie Bowles, University Hospital, nurse, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Dave Brady, Marshall, Illinois Mrs. Joe Brown, Boulder Co. Box 144, Lafayette, Colorado Aaron Buckles, Webster City, Iowa Elias Buckles (Blanche Brothers) Eugene, Robert, Wholesale Auto Supply, 237 Reed St., Waterloo, la., 1895-1912. Bernard Buescher, 214 North Main Street, Edgerton, Wisconsin William Buescher, 155 N. Waverly, Orange, California Mrs. Charles Butler, 1023 Milton Ave., RR1, Springfield, Illinois C Allen Cain, Amboy, Indiana Mrs. Brooks Calver (Martha A. Hunt) Mrs. Alice M. Fisher, niece, Kansas City, Mo., Box 2282—1893-1922. Mrs. Helen Carter, 4115 Broadway, Chicago, Illinois Charles Campbell, Fairfield, Illinois George S. Capps (Anna Miller) Eleanor Capps, Printer, 4118 N. 26th St., Tacoma, Wash., 1870-1883. Miss Ida Capps, Vandalia, 111. Linn B. Capps (Lavinia M. Andrews) Decorator, 1612 S. Eye St., Tacoma, Wash.— 1874-1881. P. A. Capps (Maud C. Chesney) Claudia K. Rogers, Topeka, Kansas, 905 Madison St., 1876-1889. Walter Holden Capps ( Griffin) Custodian Scottish Rite 4307 Decatur, St., Omaha, Nebr., 1866-1883. James W. Carroll, 1934 Arkansas Avenue, Wichita, Kansas James Christian (Amy Adaline Huston) Chas Christian, patentright and M£g„ Fonda, Iowa; Fred Christian, policeman, East St. Louis, 111.; William Christian, contractor, Portland, Oregon; Carry Christian, San Bernadino, Calif., retired farmer, Esther- ville, Iowa, 1861-1903. Mrs. Claries Clark (Leona Zah) 1359 N. Maple, Decatur, Illinois Cletus Clobes, Arrick Engraving Co., Decatur, Illinois Mrs. Jean Cochran (Margaret Zimmermann) 1360% N. Morgan, Decatur, Illinois. Ralph Cook, Route 2, Chandlerville, Illinois W. T. Cowan, Allegree, Kentucky John Crane, Lincoln, 111., R. R. 4 Perlie Craft, projectionist Vogue Theatre, Lincoln, 111., 1921-1935. John Cravens, Williamsville, Illinois Mrs. George B. Croll, 433 Briar Place, Chicago, Illinois Mrs* Alma Cunningham (Alma Vonderlieth) bookkeeper, W. P. A. office, Carry, Penn. Mrs. C. J. Cunningham, 1713 North Madison, Peoria, Illinois Maude A. Cusick, 311 West Stanton Street, Streator, Illinois D Mrs. Walter Damarin, Williamsville, 111. William C. Danks (Tillie E. Lanham) Edna M. Latham, Willa E. Marschner, Josephine J. Donald, Raymond B. Danks, Fern L. Danks, Denver, Colo., 2230 Dexter, near Mt. P. 1893-1902. Mrs. Oscar Banner, Harold, 464 Moss Ave., Oakland, California, 1893-1903. Mrs. Chas. A. Dawson, 414 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove, California Creed H. Dawson (Rachel Brewer) Farmer, 1852-1883. Mrs. Gus Deckard, West Liberty, Illinois Arthur DeFrees, 4 Linden Place, Bergenfield, N. J. Mrs. Kay Demmitt, 3428 Polk Street, Chicago, Illinois George Dertinger (Florence Craig) George, Jr.. coach, Lewistown, 111. Mrs. Harry L. Diller (Goldie Mason) 451 E. King St., Decatur, Illi- nois. 1895-1920. Mrs. Bertha Donnon, 219-3rd St., Peoria, Illinois Dorsett, C. E., Lincoln, Illinois Floyd E. Downing (Lela Irving) Richard, Rural Mail Carrier, Illiopo- lis, 111., 1920-1933. Mrs. Frank Downing (Irene Clark) 529 W. First St., Long Beach, Calif. Richard Downing (Mary Lucille Rothwell) Firestone Mgr., 4232 Forrest Park Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. OUie E. Drake, 816 Broadway, Mattoon, Illinois Mrs. M. L. Drobisch, 5826 Erie, Chicago, Illinois G. A. Drum (Erma M r Ater) Harry R., Rex A., Donald, Bess Drum Haines, Publisher, Tolono, 111. — 1910-1929. Dick Duff, 310 Gilette Ave., Waukegan, 111. Thelma Ebert, former teacher, Washington, 111. Mrs. E. E. Edwards, Rural Route, Owen, Wisconsin Mrs. Lee G. Edwards, Butternut, Wisconsin Mrs. H. F. Ely, Niantic, Illinois Fercy Ely (Delia Moore) Mildred; Marshall Field & Co., 1133 George St., Chicago, Illinois. Charles E. Eminger (Blanche Berkley) Electrical Shop, Pasadena, Calif., 760 N. Walnut St., 1890-1911. Earle L. Eminger (Gladys Williams) June Ann Eminger Sinclair, Loren Wayne, Carol Jean, Express Agent, Maywood, 111., 1616 S. 6th Ave., 1890-1909. Enlow, Wm., Heyworth, Illinois Dr. Lawren R. Evans (Neva McCleary) Robert H. Phi Psi, North- western University, Evan William, dentist, Dixon, 111., 221 E. Fellows St. 1891-1913. F. W. Field, 833 South Third St., Springfield, Illinois Mrs. Emma French, 834 N. Ridgewood Place, Hollywood, California Mrs. W. E. Fry, 412 East Rafter St., Springfield, Illinois Boyd Frye, 2003 E. Taylor, Bloomington. Illinois F. W. Fuhrer, 700 West Barker St., Peoria, Illinois Mrs. Ella Gaffney, Dawson, Illinois J. W. Galloway, RR1. Woodward, Okla. Mrs. Mary Gasaway, 431 So. 7th, Springfield, 111. T. P. Gasaway, Annona, Texas Clarence Robert Gilchrist (Wilma Purviance) salesman, Lincoln, 111. 120 Park Place —1899-1922. Miss Mattie Gingry, 316 7th Ave., Peoria, Illinois F. R. Gobleman, Holcomb, Kansas Joyce Goodburn, Worthing, South Dakota J. H. Gordon, 3202 North 29th St., Tacoma, Washington Fred Grathwohl, Sr., (Johanna Schuldt) Fred Grathwohl Jr., janitor, Milwaukee, Wis., 1719 W. Keefe Ave., 1895-1920. Otto Green, Pleasant Plains, Illinois Mrs. Ray Gregory (Pauline Rupp) Feed and Fuel, 1922 Kelton Ave., West Los Angeles, Calif. — 1919. Herbert Greenslate (Fern Bailey) Decatur, Illinois, R. 1. Mrs. Fred Grover, 224 West Prairie St., Decatur, Illinois M. E. Gulso, Withee, Wisconsin H Mrs. Frida Hagland, 512 'Grand Street, Danville, Illinois Chester Haines (Bess Drum) Donald, druggist, 4562 Lexington, St. Louis, Missouri, 1910-1927. Mrs. M. E. Hall, Haines City, Florida Ova A. Harbert (Bettie Lea Litterly) Marcella Ruth, Jessie Eloise, Ralph Elias, farmer, Decatur, 111., RR3 — 1917-1932. Florence Harding, Rockwell City, Iowa Harry B. Harper (Louise DuBoce) Harry Jr., Foreman at IPL Gar- age, 812 W. Waggoner, Decatur, 111. — 1890-1916. Forrestine Harrison, 7353 N. Paulina Street, Roger Ok Sta., Chicago Glenn H. Harrison, 1127 South Grant, Denver, Colorado Mrs. Harley Haynes, Onawa, Iowa Bertha Heckler, 715 South Second St., Springfield, 111. Jodie Heller, 8137 Evans Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Lawrence Herget (Emma Schahl) Farming, Geneseo, 111. — 1899-1934 H. I. Hershey, 151 W. 190th, P. O. Station O., New York Minnie Hershey, 1243 W. Wood St., Decatur, Illinois Dr. Noel Hershey (Mary) medical; 424 N. 4th, Niles, Michigan. E. T. Heyne, Long Prairie, Minnesota Mrs. Harold Hickey, Williamsville, 111. F. E. Hill (Ailene Snyder) Lucre tia, druggist, Lander, Wyo. to 1924. Mrs. W. L, Hodson, 1024 Enos Ave., Springfield, 111. Rev. Wm. Hoffman (Amelia Roth) minister, Melbourne, Ky. 1885- 1904. Floyd F. Holler. Clerk, 1062 W. Packard St., Decatur, 111., 1883-1917. Earl E. Holmes, Beason, Illinois Mrs. Ernest Hoist, 1205 E. Johns St., Decatur, Illinois Louis M. Hopping (Helen Boutwell) Jean, Irene, George, William, Assistant U. S. Attorney, 11996 Indiana Ave., Detroit, Michi- gan, 1912-1923. Arthur Horn (Elizabeth Deibert, deceased) Govt. Clerk in General Accounting office, 1011-M. St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 1882-1905. Elizabeth Horn, MSlliner, 2518 Wilson Ave., Chicago, 111. Richard Willis Horn (Doris Alberta Lemon) Richard Kelly, Barbara Lou, Marilyn Zane, Lloyd Evan, Capt. CCC Camp, Milford, Utah, 1893-1916. Mrs. Henry Hornbeck, 6232 N. Mozart, Chicago, Illinois Oscar F. Huck (Rachel Hinrichsen) Merchant tailor, 706 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif., 1880-1905; 1915-1918. Eli Huston, 1553 North College Street, Decatur, 111. J Henry L. Jamison (Lois E. Clark) White Sulphur Springs, Montana. William O. Johnson, 615 Stoddard Ave., Wheaton, Illinois K B. H. Keck (Fannie Scroggin) Sheriff Logan County, Lincoln, 111. R. S. Keck (Amelia Buehler) Betty, Robert; Deputy Sheriff, Lincoln, 111. Fred Kemmer, 1516 West 45th St., Los Angeles, California Rev. W. N. King (Sara Belle Sutton) Minister, Fairview, 111., 1924- 1932. Mrs. C. H. Koehnle, 12732 Freud Ave., Apt. 14, Detroit, Michigan James C. Korkoskie (Louise Schmidt) Hotel Owner, 2 S. Locust St., Pana, Illinois— 1910-1924. Charles O. Kosischke (Caroline Danner) Karl D., Norman J., Dor- othea A., International Silverware Co., 102 S. Spring St., Meriden, Conn., 1888-1902. Kate M. Kusterer, Moorland, Iowa Mrs. Dan Kusterer, 1415 3rd Ave., North, Ft. Dodge, Iowa. L Mrs. L. E. Lamkin, 408 North Prairie St., Champaign, Illinois John H. Lassen (Fern E. Clem) Hilma, Dorothy, Mlarjorie, John Jr., Dallas, New Castle, Ind., 1209 S. 25th, carpenter 1914-1934. Roy Leapley, Shipping Clerk, 323 6th St., Peoria, HI. Arthur W. Leslie (R. Alma Lacey, deceased) Real Est. Broker, Los Angeles, Calif., 1545 N. Orange Grove, 1898-1918. Mrs. E. M. Lincoln, 4325 8th Ave., Rock Island, Illinois Roy Love, Broadwell, Illinois Earl Lucas, 1122 East 67th Street, Jackson Park Sta., Chicago, 111. George Lucas, Gorham, Illinois Mrs. W. T. Lushbaugh, 307 S. Gillet St., Tulsa, Okla. Helena Luther, former teacher at high school, Dundee, Illinois M Walter D. MacAllister (Mtedora Caroline Seyfer) Lois Katherine MacAllister Hinsey, secretary Arkansas City Savings Building and Loan, Arkansas City, Kans., 502 N. Second St., 1874-1894. Frank C. McElvain (Jessie Capps) proof reader on Topeka Daily Capital, 1020 Western Ave., Topeka, Kansas, 1872-1889. Mrs. A. E. McDonald, 715 Eleventh Street, Greeley, Colorado Mrs. J. H. McMath, 1205 No. Yakin, Lowell Apts. No. 3, Tacoma, Washington. Ed J. McNattin (Anna ) Cleaner and Dyer, 6411 N. Seminary, Galesburg, 111., descendants of Jabez Capps. Raymond McNattin, Electrician, 404 W. Vine St., Champaign, HI., descendant of Jabez Capps. Mrs. Robert Malone, Sims, Illinois W. M. Martin, 2931 North Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland Mrs. Alfred Maxey, 524 Hillsdale Street, Inglewood, California Mrs. Nancy Maxey (Amelia Rupp) 804 Fourth St., Santa Monica, Cal. Carl Maxheimer, Lanesville, Illinois W. A. Maxheimer, 3732 N. Monticello Ave., Chicago, 111. Everett W. Mayer, Box 3542, Santurce, Porto Rico Louis F. Mayer, 3224 Richmond Ave., Mattoon, Illinois Norman C. Mayer (Catherine Cryan) Statistician, Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois, Chicago, 111., 72 W. Adams St. Robert W. Mayer (Nelle De Atley) Nancy Catherine Mayer, Univer- sity Instructor, Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh University. Kussel Miles (Velma Vetter) Mary Elaine, 7722 Oglesby Ave., So. Shore Station, Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Carrie Miller (Carrie Rupp) 804 Fourth St., Santa Monica, Cal. Mrs. A. Moelhenry, 2632 Lakeview Ave., Chicago, Illinois Alex Morrow (Belle Wilson) Alsa Morrow, Mary Morrow Davies, Edna Mjorrow, Postal Service, Kansas City, Mo., 212 E. 74th St. 1884. Mrs. A. Muldoon, Decatur, Texas Mrs. Carrie Myers (Morris) 406 W. Oregon, Urbana, 111. Dr. Jacob Myers (Gertrude B. Myers) Joanne (Mrs. Noah Fabrienet) Jacob Jr., June, physician and surgeon, 5131 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, Illinois. 1890-1910. N D. F. Nickols (Edith Holland) Franklin Jr., Dorothy Diers, deceased, Supt. of City Schools, Lincoln, 111., 604 Peoria St., 1882-1904. Fred C. Null, Benton Harbor, Mich. O Margaret Ophardt, Lincoln, 111., 1118 E. Pekin St., 1880-1934. P Raymond Passmore, 4066 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Geo. A. Pattison, 921 S. Spring, Springfield, Illinois Sarah Popelle, 904 W. Main, Decatur, Illinois Renzi Potter, 1211 South 'Grant St., Denver, Colorado James Pugh, Kenney, Illinois Virgilia Parke Pumpelly, Massapequa, N. Y. R James Rainey (Mary Ralston) Mary Jeanette, Loans & Real Estate, Estherville, Iowa, 924 E. Main 1880-1904. Mrs. William Henry Ralston (Helen E. Lushbaugh) Bess Ralston, Cedar Rapids, la., 815-18th S. E.— 1856-1917. John O. Rames, 1272 Columbine Ave., Denver, Colorado S. R. Reynolds, R. R. No. 1, Decatur, Illinois T. N. Reynolds, U. S. S. Oklahoma, San Diego, California Elizabeth Richmond, 221 Bigelow St., Peoria, 111., 1872-1886. Mrs. Waldo A. Rigal, 2444 Van Buren Sta. D., Chicago, Illinois Anna Rinker, 504 S. Cuyler, Oak Park, Illinois Curtis Risk, Stockton, Calif. Mrs. C. K. Roberts, 1485 Chicago Blvd., Detroit, Michigan Edward Roth, Wellington, Ohio Jennie Rowe, Kenney, Illinois William Rupp (Helen Menke) Banking, Quincy, 111. 300 S. 12th St. Until 1899. Charles Rupp (Minnie Horn) Fresno, California Miss Effie Rupp, 804 Fourth St., Santa Monica, Cal. Mrs. Bernice Rutt, Maryland Hotel, Glendale, California s Katherine Sams, 247 West Division St., Decatur, Illinois Marie Sams, 3057 Washington Blvd. Chicago, Illinois A. F. Schiltz, 754 Citizens Bldg., Decatur, Illinois Mrs. Frances Binder Schmidt, Mildred Schmidt, Decatur, HI., 660 W. Wood St. Dewey Schroth, 1037 Laurel Ave., Hamilton, Ohio William Schultz (Emma Eschbaugh) Minnie Fox, Anna Reed, Lucille Stewart, Harry Schultz, Will Schultz, retired farmer, 7824 W. Madison St., Forest Park, 111. — 1880-1930. B. F. Scroggin (Arthilda Gasaway) Banker, Oak, Nebr., 1862-1887. Dr. G. T. Scroggins, 624 Moore Bldg., San Antonio, Texas Robert P. Seyfer (Marie A. Rockbud) Robert P. Seyfer, Jr., Account- ant, Fort Smith, Arkansas, 1200 N. 33rd St., 1872-1893. M. J. Shafer (Anna Bender) Owensville, Indiana, Highway Construc- tion work— 1902-1920. Herschel Shrader, Lincoln, Illinois Leslie Smith (Nona Hoist) Sonia Louise, Shirley Jean, Attorney, Forest Park, 111., 851 S. Lathrop Ave., 1908-1924. Mrs. Marvin Smith, 645 S. 21 Street, Maywood, Illinois Harold M. Snowden (Vera Horn) John Horn, Marion Sciota, Account- ant, 2518 Wilson Ave., Chicago, 111.— 1891-1921. D. A. Snyder, 330 11th St., Neenah, Wisconsin Joseph C. Snyder, 1452 Fargo Ave., Chicago, Illinois (until 1934) Mrs. J. J. Snyder, Rl, Box 171, Thorp, Wisconsin Lawrence O. Snyder, 302 N. 48th Street, Omaha, Nebr. W. Walter Snyder, 613 Liberty Street, Flint, Michigan Manley Sparks, 315% S. 5th Street, Springfield, HI. Mrs. Walter J. St. John, No. 3 Briarwood, Bloomington, Illinois Louis Stichler, Concordia, Kansas D. F. Stockton, 1121 South 21, New Castle, Indiana W. J. Stookey, retired, Box 173, Middletown, Calif., 1892-1901. Gustavus Stuart, teacher at H. S. Paw Paw, Illinois Mrs. L. Stuller, Thessalon, Route 2, Ontario, Canada W. E. Suedmeier, Rural Route 4, Mitchell, South Dakota Mrs. Susan Suttle, R. R. 1 Box 235, Placentia, California T Carl Tendick (Mary Holmes) Teddy, Carol; interior decorator, 1010 Sixth Ave., S. E., Rochester, Minn. A. H. Tomlinson, Jr., (Lorene Earles) Beth Elain, principal, Broad- well, Illinois — 1906-36. John Tomlinson, 13711 Graham Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio J. G. Toole, Route 3, Jackson, Mississippi Mrs. J. S. Treft, 520 S. Court St., Cleveland, Mississippi Elmer Turley, Greeneville, Mississippi U Henry C. Unkauf (Johana Brown) Stationary engineer (2609 St. Vin cent St.) Saint Louis, Mo. — 1898-1927. V Mrs. A. E. Van Hook, Tecusmeh, Michigan Major Henry Mitchell Van Hook (Dessa Scroggin) U. S. Army, Fort Sheridan, HI. Until 1917. Wesley Van Hook, 1521 E. Walnut, Decatur, Illinois Mrs. Margaret Voile (Margaret Horn) Springfield, 111., 628 E. Capi- tal Ave., 1924. M. E. Voile, Sec. & Treas., Champaign Production, Credit Ass'n. Champaign, 111., 123 S. Neil St., 1905-1930. Beva M. Voile, teacher, New Athens, 111. Henry L. Vonderlieth (Jane Lyster Splint) Adolph, Executive Vice President, Financial World, New York City, N. Y., 21 West St., 1881-1904. Leanore Vonderlieth (Vaughn De Leath) well known radio singer; 307 E. 44th St., New York City, N. Y. Julius E. Vonderlieth (Josephine Moser) Traffic Manager, Cleveland, Ohio— 1894-1918. Walter Vonderlieth; Financial World; 5 Mile Road, S. Norwalk, Conn. W Elmer B. Waddell (Frances M. Guntern) Dorothy C, Postoffice Clerk, Decatur, 111., 1358 N. Union St. Herbert L. Wagner (Lucia M. Hahn) Vernon H., Mona Louise, Mar- garet Emilie, Donna Lucia, New York State Gas & Elec. Corp., Lockport, N. Y., 515 Willow St. —1911. Floyd O. Weckel (Cordelia Devantier) Cleatus and Fern Weckel, Marjorie Weckel Haskins, Rock Island, 111., 602 Second St. Paul L. Weidenbacher (Catherine Yazell) Co. Rec. of Deeds, Spring- field, 111., 2548 S. 6th, 1903-1919. Mrs. William Welch, Route 6, Lincoln, Illinois Vivian Weller, Bovey, Minnesota E. D. Wendling, 1755 N. Main, Decatur, Illinois Leonard Werlich, 1106 Clinton Street, Lincoln, Illinois Amos N. West, Rock, Kansas Mrs. W. R. Wilcox, 2011 Pleasant St., Des Moines, Iowa Wayne Wisegarver (Kitty B. Turley) Norma June, Irma Lee, Jessie Mae, Farming, Deland, 111., 1895-1915. Tom Witt, 307 y 2 Lafayette, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mrs. Lillie Woelful (Lillie Rupp) 804 Fourth St., Santa Monica, Calif. O. E. Wolcott (Dora Obermiller) Eutana; Insurance, Box 3, Cap Hill Sta., Denver, Colorado. George Wolfs, 14414 Mansfield Avenue, Detroit, Michigan Frank Wood, Rural Route Three, Neillsville, Wisconsin Mrs. Tena Woods, 217% E. Adams St., Springfield, 111. William E. Wright (Maude E. Walker) Eugenia Wright McCullock, Attorney, Nevada City, Calif. — 1876-1896. Y Claude M. Yocum (Grace Wylder) Truman R. Yocum, Mrs. Robert McPheron, Stuart E. Yocum, farmer, Jerseyville, 111., R. R. 4, 1876-1903. Mrs. George W. Yocum (Laura Alice Young) Clyde H., Claude M., Mrs. Ross Chappell, farmer, Jerseyville, 111., 206 S. Arch. 1874-1903. Z A. G. Zelle (Kathryn Fryer) Mortician, Elkhart, Ind., 221 W. Lex- ington, 1892-1910. C. A. Zelle, Tolono, Illinois W. J. Zeiss, Mission, Texas . . CHRISTIAN CHURCH ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH . . ZION EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH / 4* ■ / METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD >- < Q O LU < Q/ O < o Organisations and Officers In the Centennial Year Boy Scout Troop No. 22 Scoutmaster: Gene Manes Assistants Harry Deibert and Harry Sisk. Troop Committee: President: Frank Talmage Sec.-Treas.: Ben Ely Members: Orville Mlartin, C. M. Merriman, Harry J. Wible Organized Dec. 7, 1936. Meet- ing 1 place at Grade School gym, Monday nights. Cemetery Association President: William Becker V. President: George Rupp Secretary: Anna E. Eminger Treasurer: H. Virgil Wynd Trustees: William Beckers, Geo Rupp, H. Virgil Wynd, Ed- ward O. Mayer, George J. Smith, Harry B. Capps. Centennial Glee Club President: Wilbur Stoll Sec.-Treas.: O. W. Mayer Bus. Mgr. : Harry J. Wible Organized 1934 CHURCHES Christian Church Pastor: J. Wayne Staley Elders: T. A. Scroggin, Henry Horn, R. T. Harper. Deacons and Deaconesses: O. W. Mayer, O. O. Scroggin, F. E. Turley, Charles Kemrner, E. A. Downing, Harry Down- ing, Dr. G. S. Connelly, Geo. Underhill, Eugene Downing, Mrs. J. M. Rothwell, Mrs. B. A. Tyler, Mrs. Harry Down- ing, Miss Sciota Horn. S. S. Supt: Dean Cull en Choir Director, Mrs. G. S. Con- nelly. Founded 1868. Church of God Pastor: Ben O. Williams Methodist Church Pastor: T. L. Kneebone Trustees: John T. Hershey, Wm. Beckers, Claude Upp, Albert Shellhammer, Albert Allspach. S. S. Supt. Harry Sisk Choir Director: Mrs. V. Con- nolley. Founded 1841 St. John's Lutheran Church Pastor: Frederick R. Ludwig Trustees: Gus Drobisch, Henry Schafer, Fred Meister. Deacons : Roy Aylesworth, John Downing, Walter Drobisch. Elders: W. B. Jenner, W. F. Binder, Page Waddell, Sr. S. S. Supt.: Mrs. F. Ludwig Choir Director: Mrs. F. Ludwig Founded October 26, 1868. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Pastor: J. W. McGinn Trustees: Frank Sams and Joe Fuhrer. Choir Director: Mrs. Lorah Z. Lipp. Founded 1860. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor: H. Wittrock Trustees: Geo. F. Dittus, W. S. Hahn, John H. Tendick. Chairman: Herbert E. Finke Treasurer: Raymond Hahn Secretary: A. H. Hahn S. S. Supt.: Arthur Wittrock Organist: Mrs. Emilie Feuer- bacher. Founded 1851 CLUBS LODGES Woman's Club President: Mrs. Paul E. Beidler V. Pres.: Sciota B. Horn Secretary: .Mrs. Otto Ey Treasurer: Mrs. Dan J. Fuhrer Directors: Mrs. Katie Bloye, Mrs. Harry Downing, Mrs. G. S. Connelly. Art Unit Mrs. Oswald Brooker, Chairman Garden Unit Mrs. John T. Downing, Chair- man. Music Unit Mrs. George S. Connelly, Chair- man. Junior Woman's Club President: Dorothy Bender V. Pres.: Virginia Kautz Secretary: Jean Wible Treasurer: Doris Schultz Household Science Club President: Mrs. Anna Eminger V. Pres.: Mrs. Russell Ross Secretary: Mrs. Chas. Schmitz Treasurer: Mrs. Lida Rupp Fire Department Fire Chief: O. W. Mayer Asst. Chief: Frank Snyder Treasurer: M. J. Myers Secretary: Claude Holler Steward: George Snyder Standing Committee: Chris J. Kautz, Frank B. Snyder, Walter M. Drobisch, William F. Binder, Charles Schultz. Truck Driver: Fred Holmes and Walter Drobisch. Horse Show Association President: George L. Meister V. President: Herbert Schaffeir acker. Secretary: Ed Dittus Directors : Mike Schlachter, Frank Rentschler, Frank Bueh- ler and Steve Patterson. Eastern Star Worthy Matron: Mrs. Florence Obcamp. Worthy Patron: Ben W. Ely A. Matron: Mrs. Irene Mat- thews. A. Patron: W. Glover Matthews Sec: Mrs. Lois Scroggin Treas.: Mrs. Kittie Duff Conductress : Miss Alberta Voile A. Conductress: Mrs. Ethel Downing. Chaplain: Mrs. Marie Van Hook Marshall: Mrs. Bertha Smith Organist: Mrs. Grace Waddell Adah: Mrs. Margaret Hildreth Ruth: Mrs. Eula Rothwell Esther: Miss Georgiabelle Roth- well. Martha: Mrs. Mino Allspach Electa: Mrs. Letha Drobisch Warder: Mrs. Amelia Binder Sentinel: F. W. Reinders Mount Pulaski Lodge No. 87 A. F. & A. M. Worshipful Master: E. L. Roth- well. Senior Warden: Morrel Deibert Junior Warden: C. E. Holmes Treasurer: C. E. West Secretary: E. A. Downing Senior Deacon: John R. Curtis Junior Deacon: H. V. Wynd Senior Steward: G. F. Wait Junior Steward: F. E. Turley Chaplain: E. K. Rothwell Marshall: A. W. Schaffenacker Tyler: E. T. Goddard Mount Pulaski Chapter No. 121 R. A. M. High Priest: G. F. Wait King: E. K. Rothwell Scribe: A. W. Schaffenacker Treasurer: C. E. West Secretary: E. A. Downing Chaplain: B. W. Ely Captain of Host — F. E. Turley R. A. Captain: E. L. Rothwell Principal Sojourner: C. W. Upp Master 3d V.: G. J. Smith Master 2d V.: H. V. Wynd Master 1st V.: Geo. Underhill Steward: W. B. Jenner Sentinel: E. T. Goddard Mount Pulaski Commandary No. 39 Knights Templar Commander: William G. Mat- thews. Generalissimo: E. L. Rothwell Captain General: B. N. Myrick Senior Warden: L. F. McCann Junior Warden: L. J. Oberry Prelate: Claude W. Upp Treasurer: C. E. West Recorder: E. A. Downing Standard Bearer: E. L. Kret- zinger. Sword Bearer: Geo. M. Under- bill. Warder: T. G. Bruce Color Bearer: A. F. Lipp Sentinel: E. T. Goddard Finance Board: J. M, Rothwell, chairman; G. A. Voile, C. M. Merriman, E. K. Rothwell, W. G. Matthews. Modern Woodmen Lodge Consul: Harrv Sisk Adviser: Chris Beck Banker: John Barton Escort: Elton Barton Clerk: Troll Turner Asst. Clerk: Eugene G. Phinney Watchman: Walter McVey Sentry: Otis D. Medford Managers: Henry W. Schafer, W. A. Schafer and Wm. B. Jen- ner. burn, deceased; Mrs. Harry Sisk, (filled vacancy). Vice Grand: Miss Nellie Vande- vender. Past Noble Grand: Mrs. Alma Hargrave. Rec. Secretary: Mrs. Lottie Hahn. Fin. Secretary: Mrs. Anna E. Eminger. Treasurer: Mrs. Mattie Med- ford. Deputy: Mrs. Emma Brooker Trustees: Mrs. Eliza Dawson, Mrs. Delia Kinert, Mrs. Mary Mier, Mrs. Ada Suedmeier, Mrs. Sarah Weller. Royal Neighbors Lodge Oracle: Mrs. Cecil Buckles Past Oracle: Mrs. John McDon- ald. Vice Oracle: M;rs. Russell Ross Chancellor: Mrs. Elmer Mier Recorder: Mrs. Lottie Hahn Receiver: Mrs. Arthur Wood- rum. Marshall: Mrs. Paul A. Gruber Inner Sentinel: Mrs. Edward Goddard. Outer Sentinel: Mrs. William E. Holmes. Musician: Mrs. Fern Cook Managers: Mprs. Carl Lipp and Mrs. Uriah Tendick. Odd Fellows Noble Grand: Harold Hargrave Vice Grand: Theo. Aderman Rec. Sec: Earl Kinert Fin. Sec: James Shrader Treasurer: M. J. Myers Warden: Lon Davis Conductor: Ellis Wood R. S. N. G.: John Davis L. S. N. G.: O. W. Mayer R. S. V. G.: Elmer Mier L. S. V. G.: Claude Bowles 0. G.: H. C. Gruber 1. G.: Arthur Woodrum Chaplain: Harry Sisk R. S. S.: Al O'Connor L. S. S. George Gieseke, Jr. Rebekah Lodge Noble Grand: Miss Lillian Wash OFFICIALS City Council Mayor: C. L. Frazier Members: John M. Rothwell, R. D. Aitchison, William Binder, Henry Voile, W. Edward Birks. City Clerk: Chas. Schmitz Supt. Water Works: Walter Drobisch. Street Com.: David Klotz Treasurer: Mrs. Fayetta Ross City Atty.: George J. Smith Police Mag.: Lloyd Arnold Township Officers Supervisor: Charles Brooker Clerk: Dan J. Fuhrer Com. of High.: George Sued- meier. Justices of the Peace: A. F. Dillsaver and Shelby Curtis. Constables: George E. Sued- meier and Charles E. Schultz Ryman-Fuiten American Legion Post No. 447 Commander: Thomas A. Gup- ton. Adjutant: Frank Talmage Chaplain: Wilhelm G. Kautz Sergeant-at-arms : Dean Foster Bugler: Ben W. Ely. Ladies' American Legion Auxiliary President: Mrs. Paul Gruber V. Pres.: Mrs. Frank Talmage V. Pres.: Mrs. T. W. Moore Secretary: Miss Lola Hahn Treasurer: Mrs. Beatrice Trib- bett. Sergeant-at-arms: Mrs. R. Ber- toni. Chaplain: Mrs. Herman Hahn War Mothers President: Mrs. Ora Rothwell V. President: Mrs. Delia Kinert Secretary: Mrs. Lida Rupp Treasurer: Mrs. Kittie Duff Chaplain: Mrs. Anna Holmes Rotary Club No. 4030 President: Harry J. Wible V. Pres.: E. Keith Rothwell Sec.-Treas.: H. Virgil Wynd Sergeant-at- arms: Ennis A. Downing. Board of Directors: Austin W. Schaffenacker, George J. Smith, Guy F. Wait, George L. Meister, Harry Wible, Keith Rothwell, Virgil Wynd, Organized November 13, 1936 Meeting place — Methodist Chu- rch every Thursday at 12:15. Membership thirty-five. SCHOOLS Mount Pulaski Township High School Superintendent: Lloyd L Hargis History and coaching: Dolph Stanley. Mathematics: Otto Ey Science: Harry Lucas Manual Training: Herbert Sti- vers. Music: Paul Merry English: Helen Moore Commercial: Martha Moore Home Economics: Alberta Voile Latin: Florence Wylder Janitors : Ernest Goodpaster and Charles Hanslow. Directors: Pres.: Wilhelm G. Kautz. Sec: H. Virgil Wynd Harry M]artin, Charles Ey, John T. Hershey, John Tendick, George Underhill. Mount Pulaski Grade School Principal: Zenobia Zimmermann Seventh: Lola Hahn Sixth: Milferd Hanson Fifth: Dorothy Ann Downing Fourth: Elizabeth Mayer Third: Grace Gehlbach Second: Barbara Barnes First: Florence Pinney Music and Phy. Ed. Ruth Peter- son. Janitor: John Curtis Board of Directors: president: Orville Martin. Secretary: C. M. Merriman Kelsey Anderson, G. S. Con- nelly, Theo. Zimmermann, George L. Meister. Zion Lutheran Parochial Teacher: Arthur Wittrock State Basketball Team (Pictured herein) Dolph Stanley, Coach George Connelly, Guard Merle Wilham, Forward Carl Wilham, Guard Franklin Connolley, Forward Harry Milner, Forward Junior Scroggin, Manager Boyd Hahn, Forward Earl Stockton, Forward Herschel Hahn, Center Harry Martin, Guard Darald Staley, Forward We Extend Our Sincere hanks To the thousands of customers we have served during our many years of service to the residents of Mount Pulaski and Community. it has been thru their loyal patron- age that this institution has pros- pered and grown. We pledge the same sincere and courteous treatment in the com- ing months and years. Curtis Filling Station A Community's Center of Trade is determined by Quality of Merchandise and Character of Service and we pledge our Best in Both to the residents of this community in the coming years. AITCHISON'S ESTABLISHED 1932 "SINCE 1903" We have been serving MOUNT PULASKI and COMMUNITY in the business of GRAIN BUYING as well as in furnishing LUMBER TO BUILD better and more mod- ern homes in this city and sur- rounding territory. Mount Pulaski Farmers Grain and Elevator Company ORVILLE MARTIN, Manager MOUNT PULASKI'S ONE HUNDRED YEARS The history of this city in the past can well be the inspiration for the future and is a goal for those of us carrying on today, to maintain and help make the coming years still greater for Mount Pulaski and Community. BROWN'S SERVICE STATION "Gas For Less" OILS GREASES TIRES ACCESSORIES ESTABLISHED 1935 We Dedicate THIS PAGE IN "ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF MOUNT PULASKI" TO THE FOUNDER OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT THE LATE C. R SCHAFER ONE OF THE EARLY PIONEERS WHO DID MUCH TO BUILD AND SHAPE THE DESTINIES OF THIS COMMUNITY C. F. SCHAFER HDWE. CO. ESTABLISHED 1864 A PIONEER BUSINESS IN A PIONEER COMMUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1922. THE OLDEST STATE ACCREDITED HATCHERY. We are proud of the community we operate in and confidently expect to continue to serve in the future as we have in the past. DEALERS FOR KELVINATOR ELECTROLUX AUTOMATIC COAL STOKER ZENITH RADIO BUPANE GAS TAPPAN RANGES 1922-1937 THE CHESTNUT HATCHERY "Capacity 160,000 Chicks" CHESTNUT MOUNT PULASKI Not 100 Years Old But- Old Enough to realize that we fine community in up our business. chose a mighty which to open May we be worthy of the fine heritage given us by the pioneers of this community, and do our part in keeping this progressive spirit alive. *•«. LAW'S 25c to $1 PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY... It has been a pleasure to have served the residents of this city and surrounding territory and to share in its activities and its growth. May the coming years be just as progressive and forward-looking — just as happy and friendly as have been those of the century past. SCHULTZ GROCERY MOUNT PULASKI and Its HOMES 1 00 years ago pioneers with a vision and the desire to found a city and build homes selected the site of Mount Pulaski. It has been our privilege to have played a part in the building life of this com- munity, aiding in the build- ing and acquiring of homes. J. M. ROTHWELL LUMBER COMPANY ALMOST A HALF CENTURY of SERVICE ESTABLISHED IN 1889 This firm has been a part of the community serving as the source of Men's and Boy's Clothing and Furnishings. Sharing in the growth and pro- gress of the past years, we hope the future justifies the spirit of the founders and builders of Mount Pulaski. MYERS BROS. Mount Pulaski Has Not Stood Still the Past 100 Years-- And we are proud of the fact that this little city has ever been on the move, going forward and keeping pace with the ever-changing world of today. May our service to this community always be as progressive and satisfactory. N F. G Pease & Co. j MOUNT PULASKI LATHAM r ESTABLISHED 1 904 A. F. LIPP INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ESTABLISHED 1915 A Personal Message To Our Customers This firm wishes to express its sincere thanks for the support and patron- age given us, since we have been a part of the business life of Mount Pulaski and Community. Dodge and Plymouth automo- biles are assets to any com- munity — we are proud to handle them. Community Garage AUSTIN SCHAFFENACKER, Proprietor MOUNT PULASKI GRAIN COMPANY MOUNT PULASKI, ILLINOIS For over forty five years this company has been an integral part of the business life of this community, assuming a share of all worthwhile community activities. At all times en- deavoring to perform an ef- ficient service in the merchan- dising of grain. ESTABLISHED 189 WE ARE GRATEFUL For the splendid patronage and for the many friendships that have come our way during our part of the past 100 years. May 1936-2036 be even more progressive and enjoyable. West Side Food Mart WILLARD and NORMA KAUTZ, Proprietors fSTABLISHED JAN. 1, 1922 This firm has endeavored to give the community a service worthy of the growth of this territory. May the next hundred years see as much advancement as has been made in the past. Connolley Drug Company NOT PIONEERS- BUT BOOSTERS For Mount Pulaski and community in helping to promote the good and welfare of all. We will help to make the next 100 years another period of pro- gress in this community — with PHILLIPS "66" QASOLINE BARNEY SCROGGIN FILLING STATION ON ROUTE 121 Our Customers Are the Best Friends We Have! Our progress has been built on the foundation laid by striving to give our customer.* the kind of service and court- eous treatment they have a right to expect. We appreciate their friend- ship as well as their patronage and we pledge our best to the community during the coming years. Vail's Food Market ESTABLISHED 1936 Pleasing People - - - is not so hard to do when you do the job the way you would want it done yourself. This is the simple but effec- tive formula, whether your needs be large or small, under which we operate. May we serve you in the fu- ture as we have during the past year. ZIMMERMANNTS CASH * CARRY ESTABLISHED 1936 All Eyes Are On Mount Pulaski This firm is proud of having contributed a small part to the growth of this commun- ity. Primarily, a business of serv- ice, our aim has always been to serve the community in ev- ery way possible to the best of our ability. Fred Holmes Garage It Has Been Our Privilege AND PLEASURE to have shared in the last twenty-five years of the growth and prosperity of Mount Pulaski, and we trust that the years of the second Centen- nial period will be more out- standing than those of the past One Hundred Years. We are grateful to a loyal community. CI ear's 1937 The Farmers Bank of Mount Pulaski has been closely associated with the growth of the community for the past 64 years. Established to give to the community a banking service commensurate with the expansion and growth of the community, it is ever our policy to foster and encourage further progress of any commendable nature. THE FARMERS BANK ESTABLISHED 1872 Congratulations TO THE PIONEERS OF YESTERDAY They have built a fine community, and we "YOUNGSTERS" will do our best to keep right on building it. omom m jiff ?! ; if| fclllllllll K m* 4 I WILBERT H. SCHAHL Director NORMA SCHAHL Lady Assistant SCHAHL FUNERAL HOME IN THE LIFE OF MOUNT PULASKI AND COMMUNITY Through its complete banking services to in- dividuals in all walks of life and to represen- tative local business concerns of every type . . . and by its whole-hearted participation in all constructive community activities . . . this Bank earnestly seeks to be an active force in the life of Mount Pulaski and community, and to contribute its full measure towards insur- ing another "Hundred Years of Progress." The First National Bank ESTABLISHED 1888 A PIONEER INDUSTRY of THIS COMMUNITY ESTABLISHED 1902 &££•■?, : 'V- ■■'.-■ ■ IflSKi Towers Tanks Tank Heaters Pumps Plumbing and Heating Pipe Fittings Officers: President Geo. Rupp V. President Carl Lipp Secretary- Treasurer A. F. Lipp Mount Pulaski Illinois. MOUNT PULASKI WIND MILL CO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE YANKEE WINDMILL with Automatic Pump Governor It Is A Wonderful Achievement to have attained the distinction of a Centennial City, for 100 years dates back to real Pioneer Days. Many changes have taken place but thru all these years the prin- ciple of forward-looking move- ments has prevailed and we are proud to have been a part of this progressive spirit for a por- tion of these 100 years. BUCKLES & LEE GARAGE SIDNEY LEE CLAUDE BUCKLES It Is Our Privilege To become a part of this community after a period of almost one hundred years. We feel that the inspiration afforded us by the pioneers of this community will show first in the growth of the com- munity. We pledge our support in any program to further this growth. The Mount Pulaski Theatre A Modern Garage fully equipped to render the fin- est in Service and Quality Workmanship is the contribu- tion of this firm to the progres- sive and up to the minute stand- ard of this community. Just as the pioneers found the horse and buggy the dependable mode of travel, so today their descendants find CHEVROLET the most dependable car. Unland Chevrolet Sales CLARENCE UNLAND, Proprietor 62 Years of Faithful Service Founded by R. S. Hershey in 1875 the Hershey Funeral Establishment has given the same courteous effi- cient service to the community for more than a half century. The present management has served the community since 1910. In that time weathering the financial, commercial and other vicissitudes that come with years of service. This firm was founded on the basis of faithful, honest service and is still able to withstand the storms of ev- eryday life and expects to serve you in the future on your approval. John T. Hershey FUNERAL SERVICE SIEB'S HATCHERY During the past nine years has furthered the interests of the community by giving a complete Poultry Service. It has been and will continue to be our policy to give to the community the utmost in Service. ROMAN ROMER, Mgr. FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY This establishment has served the community. One of the pioneers, we still approve the continued growth and expansion of the com- munity. W. F. BINDER WOODWORK WAGON WORK Established 1867 Serving the community for a number of years. It has been a privilege to contribute to its pros- perity. ALBERT F. DILLSAVER BARBER SHOP As the community prospers we shall continue to merit its patronage. KROGER STORES It has been our privilege to share in the growth of the community. J. H. SHRADER BARBER SHOP 1912-1937 25 Years of Service To this community. During which time we have seen many changes. May the community still prosper even more in the future. BERTONI'S CAFE R. BERTONI It Was Our Privilege to have been a part of the growth of this community and to share in its development for over thirty years. EY'S BAKERY ESTABLISHED 1904 THIS FIRM Has been a pioneer in Electrical and Radio Service in this territory and has managed numberless transactions to the advantage of all concerned as a part of their community service. Stall's Radio & Electric Shop Established 1933 Filling a Need I This community, primarily a farm center for the past one hundred years, has prospered as the surrounding community has prospered. Buy and Selling of Poultry, Eggs and Cream has been our part in the building of this community. Kratzer's Place ESTABLISHED 1927 1V37 Begins Another One Hundred Years We Delight In Presenting the NEW 1937 PONTIAC SERVING THE COMMUNITY AS DEALERS FOR G. M. C. TRUCKS ALUS CHALMERS NEW IDEA TRACTORS-COMBINES FARM MACHINERY BROOKER'S SUPER-SERVICE E. K. BROOKER Professional Men of Mount Pulaski DR. G.S.CONNELLY PHYSICIAN DR. C. E. HILDRETH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. F.W.REINDERS DENTIST DR. G. F. WAIT DENTIST DR. L O. REESE DENTIST DR.C. M.MERRIMAN VETERINARIAN MR. GEORGE J. SMITH ATTORN EY-AT-LAW MR. BURTON A. TYLER ATTORN EY-AT-LAW ESTABLISHED 1929 WOODRUM'S WIDE-A-WAKE CAFE JANE UNDERHILL BEAUTY SALON Jane E. Underhill, Proprietor West Side Square SERVICE COMBINED WITH QUALITY Makes An Ideal Combination in Any Generation! DAN J. FUHRER SERVICE STATION STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS UNDERHILL'S 1919 to 1937 Serving the community with a mo- dern up-to-date Meat Market for over eighteen years. May we con- tinue to merit your patronage in the future as we have in the past. Underhill s Meat Market LIGHTING As well as lightening the du- ties of the home and busi- ness houses in this progres- sive city has been the privi- lege and pleasure of this company for many years. ELECTRICITY is truly a "Modern Alladin" in a Hun- dred and One ways. It is Safe, Convenient and Most Economical, too. CENTRAL ILLINOIS ELECTRIC and GAS CO. MOUNT PULASKI TIMES-NEWS ON THE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST 1932 THE MOUNT PULASKI WEEKLY NEWS and THE MOUNT PULASKI TIMES were consolidated to form the Mount Pulaski Times-News which has since been selected as one of the best 50 weekly newspapers among the 675 in the state. Member of National Editorial Association Member of Illinois Press Association The Times-News has its own PHOTO- ENGRAVING PLANT which was installed in July 1935. PERSONNEL Harry J. Wible, Publisher and Editor Paul E. Beidler, City Editor Mrs. Harold Hargrave, Bookkeeper Paul R. Moore, Advertising Manager W. Donald Wible, Foreman Clifton H. Leckbee, Compositor Noretta McVey, Linotypist St