THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MUNICIPAL • v.£r£R£HCfc Digitized by the Interfiet Archive in 2015 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF COVINGTON, AMENDMENTS THERETO UP TO THE YEAR 1864, AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO UP TO THE SAME DATE. COVINGTON, KY. PUBLISHED BY OBDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. 1864. MOOEE, WILSTACH & BALDWIN, Pkinters, 26 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. 2) 5r OF THE CITY OF COVINGTON, VIDE SESSION ACTS KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE 1849-50, PAGE 239, APPROVED 3IARCH 3, 1850. ^ AN ACT to amend and reduce into one the several acts concerning the city of Covington. \ ARTICLE ONE. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Boundaries of the Cojnmompealth of Kentucky, That the present J corporate boundaries of said city, and the additional ^territory included in the following boundary, to wit : Beginning on the Ohio river at the western corpora- , tion line, the foot of Main street; thence down said ; river, to a point where a line drawn parallel to and .'-four hundred feet w^est of the principal part of Wright ^street, in Ludlow's sub-division, will intersect; thence ""with said line continued southwardly until it shall '^intersect Spring street in said sub-division; thence i) with Spring street to the old line of the Ludlow farm; {I thence to Quarry street, in Kennedy and Casey's sub- ^ division ; thence with said street to Lewis street, in p Lewis' sub-division ; thence to Montague's street in f said sub-division ; thence south, thirty degrees east to 2 the Covington and Lexington turnpike road; thence (£ eastwardly, with the south line of said turnpike to gthe most south-eastwardly part of the elbow" of the Proad, at the point of the hill; thence eastwardly to gthe south-west corner of the Linden cemetery; thence southw^ardly to Willow street, at a point thirty poles west of the old Bank Lick road; thence eastwardly 389741 4 CHARTER OF THE with Willow street to Bank Lick road; thence with said road to Wallace's northern line ; thence with the same to Licking river; thence down the Licking to the present corporate limits at the foot of Twelfth street — shall hereafter constitute the corporate limits of the city of Covington ; and the inhabitants thereof are hereby created a body corporate and politic, with perpetual succession, by the name and style of the city of Covington; and in that name may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, in all courts and places, whatsoever; and may have and use a cor- porate seal, and the same to alter and renew at plea- sure ; and the said corporation shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the State of Kentucky over the waters of the Ohio, and concurrent jurisdiction with the county of Campbell over the waters of Licking opposite thereto: Provided^ the lands of Richard Southgate, thus included, shall not be taxed for city purposes, until after the expiration of two years from the passage of this act. Corporate Sec. 2. The said city shall have, and is hereby •wneger*^ vested with all the rights, titles, interests, privileges, power and authorit}', which were vested in, possessed and held by the original Trustees of Covington, and their successors, the yi^yov and Councilmen, Presi- dent and Common Council of said city, and said town or city; but the said rights shall be held for the pur- pose, and subject to the same trusts, as heretofore ; that all the streets, roads, lanes, alle^^s, commons, market spaces, public squares and grounds, and pub- lic landings, in said city, be and the same are hereby vested in the city; and where the owner of any land, within said corporation, shall lay out any street, lane, alley, or any ground for public use, and so dedicate the same, it shall immediately vest in the city, and the authorities thereof shall have exclusive control over the same for the public use and good. City offi- Sec. 3. The officers of said corporation shall be as follows : Two members of the City Council from each ward ; a President of the Council from the city at large ; one Trustee of Common Schools from each ward; a Mayor, Marshal, Assessor, Treasurer, and City Attorney, all of whom shall be elected at the charter election by the qualified voters of said city ; CITY OF COVINGTON. 5 and shall also consist of a City Clerk, and such other officers as the City Council shall, from time to time, create or establish ; and the Clerk and all officers whose offices are created by ordinance, shall be filled by appointment of the Council. The officers elected or appointed shall be subject to removal by the Coun- cil, whenever they shall deem the interest of the city requires it: Provided, members of the Council, Presi- dent of the Council, Trustees of Schools, and Mayor, shall not be removed. The City Council shall have coundi to power, by appointment, to fill all vacancies that shall cSs?'"* occur in any of the offices over which they have the power of removal ; and, when vacancies shall occur in any of the other offices, the Council shall order an election to fill the vacancy. Sec. 4. The charter election of said city shall be Annual held on the first Saturday in January in each y ear. tions, wlien At the first election after the passage of this act, all t^^^^^^^- the elective officers shall be elected, and the free white male citizens of the State, of the age of 21 years or upwards, who have resided in the corporation of said city one year, and in the ward where he shall offer to vote one week next preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote at said election. The officers shall hold their offices as follows : The members of the Terms oi City Council and President thereof. Marshal and ^J^J^^.^^ ^'^J' Assessor, two years; Mayor, four years; Trustees of schools, one year; City Clerk, one year; Treasurer and City Attorney, one year. Of the members of the Council elected at the first election, one from each ward shall serve for one year only — which of the two shall be determined by lot — so that at the annual charter election, onl}^ one member of the City Coun- cil shall be elected from each ward ; no person shall be eligible to a seat as member of the City Council until he shall have arrived at the age of twenty-five years, be a citizen of the State, and shall have resided in said city for three years, and ward two months next preceding the election (and be the bona fide Repealed, owner of real estate in said city). if aimnai Sec. 5. If from any cause the charter election shall election aoe8 1 •Tr»o T -r 1 take not be held on the said lirst Saturday m January, the place on corporation shall not thereby be dissolved, but the fhe^'^cmmdi Council in office shall order an election, to be held at iLTiom CHARTER OF THE such time as they shall deem proper, as soon after the regular day as circumstances will admit. The charter election shall be on the same day in all the wards, and the Council shall prescribe the hours between which it shall be holden, and the place; and appoint two or Inspectors morc iuspcctors, in each ward, to superintend the elections, who shall be qualified voters, and shall, under oath, make their returns to the City Clerk, who shall lay the same before the Council, and care- fully preserve the said returns as records in his office. City coun- The Couucll shall be the exclusive judges of the of qLiificI- ^.salifications of all the officers, candidates, and JI^^.'^^jJ'/'*^" returns of the inspectors; and if from any cause, the officers returned elected, shall not be deemed elected or eligible, or an election shall fail of any particular officer, the Council may order a new one to fill the vacancy, as provided in section 3d. All elections shall be determined by a plurality of votes ; and all officers elected or appointed for any ward shall reside in it, and a removal from it shall vacate their office ; and those elected by the city at large shall vacate their office by removal from the city, or three months continued absence. City may Qec. 6. That tlic citv shall have power to purchase, hold and sell hold, sell aud convey real estate, within or without stoJksfetc.' the corporate limits, such as shall be deemed neces- sary for city purposes ; also personal property and stock in corporate companies : and may receive con- veyances of ground for the purpose of opening, widening, or extending any street, lane, alley, com- mon, space, square, wharf or landing, or for any other purpose ; and donations and subscriptions in money or property to be applied for such purposes. May bor- Sec. 7. Said corporatlou may borrow money on the Ind p?edg7 credit thereof, and pledge any revenue for the pay- city'eTc ''^ nient of the interest, and any and all property, rights and credits, for the redemption of the loan, and may issue certificates of stock therefor: Provided^ no loan shall be made until the voters of the city shall have consented thereto, or a majority of those voting on the question : And, provided further, that the interest shall not exceed six per centum per annum, nor the indebtedness of the city, at any one time, the sum of 1250,000. CITY OF COVINGTON. 7 OF THE COTOCIL. ARTICLE TWO. Section 1. The legislative power and authority of Legislative said corporation, together with the municipal and fiscal pai author- concerns and afiairs thereof, shall be vested in the Yeste"i7e^c"' President and members of the Council, who shall meet together and form one Board under the denomi- nation of the City Council, and their proceedings shall be distinguished as that of "the City Council of Covington;" a majority of all the members, including the President, shall constitute a quorum to do busi- ness ; and in the election or appointment of officers, passing ordinances, removing ofiicers, and appropri- ating money, a majority of the whole Board shall concur. They shall hold their regular meetings once in two weeks, or at such other times as the President, or in his absence or inability, any four members may call or to which they may have adjourned in some public place provided for that purpose, and their deliberations shall be public. Sec. 2. The Council shall keep a journal of their coimdi to proceedings ; determine their own rules ; compel the or pioceed- attendance of members ; may punish them for disor- i"gs, etc. derl}^ conduct, and expel a member by a vote of two- thirds of all the members elect, after five days' notice, specifying the charges, and allowing him an opportu- nity of being heard in defense. Sec. 3. That the addition hereby incorporated in Addition said city, shall, for the time beino:, constitute the 6th to city de- i^^i T • -I. ' T 1 ^ A111 Glared to be and 7th wards of the city, divided thus : All that por- cth and Tth tion of the territory thus added, situated east of the turnpike leading towards Lexington, shall constitute the 6th ward ; and that portion west of said pike, the 7th ward; and the Council shall, so soon as may be, after the passage of this act, direct an election for two members of the Council, to be held in each of said wards, the candidates and voters possessing the same qualifications herein before prescribed ; except the residence shall be within the territory embraced, instead of the city as heretofore bounded. Sec. 4. The Council shall enter into office, and 8 CHARTER OF THE comiirto l^^giJi the discharge of their duties on the Thursday their offices ^ucceeding the first Saturday in January, in the year ^^eir o ces, ^yj^j^.}-^ ^]^gy shall be elected, and before they shall commence the duties of their office, shall each be Shall take sworn to support the Constitution of the United an oath. {Statcs, thc Constitutiou of Kentucky, and the charter of the city of Covington, and that they will well and truly discharge the duties of their respective offices as members of the Council of said city, which oath may be administered by the Mayor of said city, or by any other person having lawful authority by the laws of the Commonwealth to administer oaths; and a record shall be made on the records of the Council, that it has been duly administered. Shall re- ^EC. 5. It shall bc the duty of the Council to re- equStThe ^^^^^^g^ cquallze the wards whenever and as often wards, etc. as shall bc deemed necessary: Provided, an enumera- tion of the inhabitants shall precede any change in the boundaries of the wards : Aiid, provided f urther, that the wards shall always be as equal in population as practicable. May pass Sec. 6. The Couucll shall have power to pass all ordinances,*^ uccdful by-laws and ordinances, for the due and «tc. effectual administration of right and justice in said city, within the jurisdiction of the Mayor's Court, and for the better government thereof. They may legislate upon all subjects which the good govern- ment of said city shall require, unless restrained by the terms of the charter, or the Constitution of this State, notwithstanding the Legislature may have enacted laws relating to the same ; they may affix such penalties for a violation of such ordinances, not exceeding fifty dollars, as they may deem the good Ordinances ordcr and welfare of the city shall require. All ordi- ushed.^"^' nances passed by the Council, and all their proceedings in Council, shall be printed in a newspaper in said city, or otherwise, and circulated. May have Sec. 7. Thc Couucil shall have full power and leysfeV,^" ^^thorlty to causc and procure all the streets and graded knd allcys, Hiarkct spaces and lanes, in said city, to be ^^"^^ ' graded and paved, MacAdamized or tarnpiked, at the expense and cost of the owners of lots fronting such streets or alleys; and a petition in writing to the said Council, of the owner or owners of the larger part of CITY OF COVINGTON. 9 the ground between the points to be improved, front- ing on an}^ street or alley, public square, etc., shall be sufficient to authorize the Council to contract for the grading and paving and MacAdamizing or turn- piking the same : Provided, that the said Council, by a vote of all the members elect, may cause any street or alley, public ground or square in said city, to be ^^^^^^^ ' graded and paved, or turnpiked at the cost and lots to pay expense of the owners of the lots, or parts of lots, paving, et'i?' fronting on such street or alley, etc., without petition or consent ; and when the grading, paving, or turn- piking shall be completed, the Council shall appor- tion the cost and expense equally on the lot owners, according to the feet fi^ont. And a lien is hereby given on the lots, or parts of lots, for the same ; which costs and expenses may be listed and collected, as other taxes are, by the city Collector, or any special collector, who shall have authority to sell and convey the lots or parts of lots for the same, according to such by-laws and regulations as shall be adopted by the Council : Provided, however, that the owner of any Lots soui lots, or parts of lots, sold for the payment of the pj^'^^JI-^ costs and expenses of such grading and paving, Mac- redeemed, Adamizing or turnpiking, as aforesaid, who has not ^ ^' consented in writing for that purpose, shall be allowed five years to redeem the same, by paying to the pur- chaser of said lot or part of a lot, so sold as aforesaid, the purchase money with fifty per centum interest per annum, and ten per centum interest on all the taxes and levies that may have subsequently accrued ; and those who may have consented in writing may redeem at any time within one year, on payment of the like interest: Provided, that infants, femes covert, Proviso in and persons of unsound mind, shall have one year to Snts, feml" redeem on like terms, after their respective disabilities ^^^^^t' shall be removed: Provided, the Council shall, by a Council vote of two -thirds, have power to pay for the grading grSing and - of the streets out of the city Treasury. paving. Sec. 8. The Council shall have power and authority side-waiks to cause and procure the sidewalks in said city to be IndpS?'^ graded, curbed, and paved, with stone or brick, and to apportion the cost and expenses among the owners of lots fronting or binding thereon; and a lien is hereby given on the said lots to secure the payment 10 CHAETER OF THE of said costs and expenses, to attach from the time the work is ordered to be put under contract, provided the owners do not have said work done in the man- May fill ner and within the time prescribed. The Council streetsTai- shall have the like power to cause and procure the leys, etc. strccts and alleys, now established, or hereafter to be established, within said city, to be filled, leveled, and graded, for the purpose of carrying off the water, or preparatory to paving or turnpiking, at the costs and expense of the owners of the lots fronting or bound- owners of ing thcrcou; and a like lien is hereby given and pay'on prop- allowcd ou sald lots and parts of lots, to secure the 8oid,*etcf payment of said costs and expenses, and the costs and expenses accruing under the provisions of this section, shall be listed and collected in like as those for paving and turnpiking; and the collectors shall have like authority to sell and convey the same, as is provided May be re- for lu thc forcgolug scctlou ; and the said lots or parts deemed, etc. shall bc liable to redemption in one year from the day of sale, with fifty per centum interest per annum thereon, securing to infants, femes covert, and persons of unsound mind, the right respectively to redeem within one year after the removal of their several disabilities. May order Sec. 9. Whcuever at any time the streets, alleys, or Itreets, etc. sldewalks of tlic Said city shall be out of repair, the said Council shall have power to order and direct the same to be repaired at the expense of owners of lots opposite the places where the repairs shall be neces- sary ; and the same lien shall attach ; the costs and expenses thereof shall be collected in like manner as is provided in the foregoing section. May pre- Couucil shall havc power to prescribe, sjrj^be^duties by ordiuancc, thc duties of the ofiicers appointed by etc. ^ ^' them, requiring bond and security for the faithful performance of their duties, from such of them as they may think proper. And all ofiicers of their appointment shall be removable at their pleasure for good cause. May pass Sec. 11. The Councll shall have power to pass such fo^prStec-^ ordinances as may be necessary to protect the city diseas^e^'e"? ^^^^ malignant and contagious diseases, and may, ' for that purpose appoint a Board of Health, and con- fer on it all necessary power, whenever in their judg- CITY OF COVINGTON. 11 ment the interest and safety of the inhabitants of the city may render it necessary and proper ; and they may, in their discretion, appoint a Health Officer for the city, and define his powers and duties by ordi- nance ; and they shall provide a pest house, in which they may have persons placed who are infected with said contagious and malignant diseases, subject to such regulations as they may prescribe. Sec. 12. The Council shall also have power to May organ - organize a fire department, for the extinguishment of partmJntf fires that may occur in the city ; to provide engines and other apparatus for that purpose, and suitable buildings for the safe keeping of the same ; to organ- ize and appoint fire companies of able-bodied and efficient men, not exceeding one hundred and fifty in each company or association, who shall be exempt from serving on juries, and from doing military ser- vice in time of peace, during the period they are attached to said companies or association; and to pass such by-laws and ordinances as may be neces- sary^ for the government and regulations of the same, as they may deem expedient; and the said Co Uncil May invest shall have power to invest the officers, members, orpJi-^^^w^* any portion of said fire companies, with police powers, e^^- to be exercised during fires, alarms of fire, or going to and returning therefrom; Provided, that the Coun- cil shall have power to disband any such companies, and deprive them of their engines, apparatus, build- ings, or other property, for proper cause. The Coun- Mayap- cil shall also have power to appoint a chief engineer eSe^J,^^^^ for said fire companies, for such time as they may think expedient, and discharge him at pleasure; and may prescribe his powers and duties. They may also • •/ t/ jVL£ty pun.- pass all necessary ordinances for the preservation of ishriots.etc the peace and safety of the city ; to punish all persons for disorderly, riotous or improper conduct, during times of fire, and to impose fines on such as may refuse, when called upon by the proper officers of the companies or associations, to render assistance in the extinguishment of fires: Provided, that when a fire- Firemen man shall have served faithfully for twelve years, and yea^s'^Tbe shall receive a certificate of faithful service, ordered thenexempt. by the company, they shall be exempt from serving etc. 12 CHARTER OF THE on juries, and from militia duty in time of peace for- ever. power over city prison May pro- Sec. 13. The Council shall also have power, with erecfioi%f the concurrence of three-fourths thereof, to prohibit wooden t]^e erection of buildino^s of wood, and to res:ulate the buildings, n ii'it • n -i etc. height ot such buildiugs m any part oi the city, if they shall be of opinion that danger would ensue by the construction of such buildings, to valuable and permanent improvements ; and they may pass ordi- nances to enforce the power given by this section, with suitable penalties. Shall have Sec. 14. Thc Couucil shall have power over and control of the c\ty prison, and shall regulate the gov- ernment thereof. The Council shall also have power, and it shall be their duty, to erect or procure a suita- Shall have ble building or buildings for a poor house, watch apoorhoiise. j^^^g^^ ^ work housc, a honse of correction, and a house of refuge, to be regulated and managed by suitable persons, to be appointed by the Council for that purpose; and in apartments distinct from those for the infirm and indigent, provision shall be' made May con- for coufiniug commou beggars, vagrants and such other persons as may be sentenced for short periods of confinement, by Justices of the Peace within the city, or by the Mayor's Court, for breach of the peace or other petty oftences ; where they shall be employed on such labor, and made to perform such tasks, as shall be directed by ordinances of the Council, in such cases made and provided, and which ordinances they shall have power to pass. Persons committed to the work house shall be sent there and received by virtue of warrants from the Mayors Court or Justice, as the case may be, and discharged by the Overseers of the work house at the expiration of the time for May ap- which they were sentenced: Provided, that the length feerf ofThe ^f tluic of Confinement shall be specified in the war- poor, rsint of commitment. Special Overseers of the poor may be appointed by the Council (and in default of their appointment a committee of the Council), who shall place the poor persons in the poor house at their discretion; but the whole establishment for the benefit of the poor shall be under the immediate care and control of, and subject to frecjuent visitation by, the Council. and vag- rants in poor house. CITY OF COVINGTON. 13 Sec. 15. The Council shall also have power, when- May pro- ever the public convenience and comfort require it, to JiniV'etSi prohibit hoo's, cattle, horses, and other animals, from f'?'" ™n- ■t . & ' ^ ' ' ' nmg at runnmg at large m the streets, lanes, alley's, commons, large, and other public places in the city, and to require and compel the abatement of all nuisances within the citv, under such regulations and in such manner, as may be prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 16. The Council shall have power to provide, Maysup. by ordinance, for the suppression of tippling houses, Jung houses bawdy houses, and those of ill-fame : fifambliner ^i.'"?,, j^^"^^^ «^^',-, 1 ^ ^ of ill-fame. houses, and such other houses as are the common resort of idle, dissolute and disorderly persons; to prohibit all retailers of spirituous liquors without license, by imposing adequate penalties on those who shall retail such liquors without license; and to pun- ish, by imposing similar penalties on all riots, dis- orders, and clamors in the streets and public places, breaches of the peace, and disturbances of the public tranquility, and indecent and licentious conduct. Sec. 17. The Council shall have power to erect one May erect or more suitable buildings for powder magazines; to P^j^^g'" provide suitable carriages for the conveyance of gun- l^owder, and to pass ordinances to prohibit the intro- duction of gunpowder into the city, and other explo- sive compounds, and the keeping and sale thereof without license : Provided, th'dt the Council shall have May pro- power to license, tax and regulate the keeping and o^powS, sale thereof. They shall also have power to impose f/eeiire^eTc!* fines upon persons w^ho shall sell gunpowder to child- ren under sixteen years of age and negroes. Sec. 18. The Council shall have also the exclusive shaiihave powder to construct and bargain, and contract for the power to construction of gas and water works, within said wSsf etc. city, and pass all necessary ordinances to regulate the same, and provide for lighting the city with oil or gas, or otherwise, and for furnishing it with water. Sec. 19. The Council shall have exclusive power to shaiihave establish and regulate markets and market spaces, power to wharves and docks, and to fix the rates of wharfage ^frkets, and other fees for the use thereof; they shall also ^^'^''^'•^es'. etc. have exclusive power to establish and regulate the grades of all wharves and landings ; all banks of the rivers Ohio and Licking, within the corporate limits, 14 CHARTER OF THE and all sidewalks, streets, alleys, lanes, spaces and commons of the city. They shall have also the exclu- ^ ,, sive control of the streets, sidewalks, lanes, alleys, market spaces and other public grounds within the / corporate limits, and shall cause the same to be kept / clean and in repair. OF THE CITY MARSHAL AND OTHER OFFI- CERS OF THE CITY. ARTICLE THREE. sharJdu-'" Section 1. The City, Marshal, if required by the ties, etc.; Couucil, shall havc a resident deputy in each ward in d^eputier said city, whose appointment shall be made with the advice and consent of the Council. He shall, by him- self, or deputies, attend all the sessions of the Council, together with those of the Mayor's Court, and pre- serve and enforce order under their and his direction. He shall, b}^ himself or deputies, execute all processes emanating from the Mayor or the Ma^^or's Court ; he shall have the power of Sheriffs in levying executions, and executing and returning process, within the juris- diction of the Mayor's Court; he shall have the same power to serve notices in writing that constables in the county of Kenton by law have, and for any pur- pose that constables have authority to do; and his return thereon, either to the Circuit Court or the Ma^'or's Court, shall be sufficient evidence of such service; he shall collect the fees of the Mayor and City Clerk, if required by them ; he shall be a con- May be servator of the peace of said city; he may be chosen i^c*tor° shall ^ity Collector; he shall give bond and sufficient give bond, sccurity in an adequate penalty before the Council to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with a condition faithfully to perform the duties of his office, to collect and pay over to the persons entitled thereto all sums of money entrusted to him for collection, and which may have come into his hands by his having received and collected tlie same. A lien shall exist, and is hereby granted and given, on the real estate and slaves of the said Marshal and his securities, from the time of executing bond as aforesaid, to secure the payment of all moneys that shall have been received and collected by him, or which shall otherwise come CITY OF COVINGTON. 15 to his hands as Marshal of said city, to pay and account for, and for any official liability ; and a similar lien shall exist, and is hereby granted and given, on the real estate and slaves of the said Marshal and his securities, from the time of executing bond as City Collector, should he be chosen Collector, to secure the payment of all sums collected by him, or which may otherwise come to his hands as Collector of said city. He shall be entitled to charge and receive the same fees, for the like services, which sheriffs are by law entitled to receive; and shall have the same pow- ers, within the limits of the Mayor's jurisdiction, to collect the same. He and his sureties shall be liable to judgment by motion in the Mayor's Court, in favor of any person entitled to moneys collected by him in the same manner, and subject to the same costs and damages that sheriffs are liable for by existing laws ; and when he shall receive and collect moneys as City Collector, he and his sureties in his bond as Collector, shall be liable to judgment, by motion in either of the aforesaid Courts, for failing to pay over to the city of Covington, or to the persons entitled thereto, all moneys entrusted to him to be collected, and actually received and collected by him as Collector, with ten per centum damages and costs of the motion. Five days' notice of the time and place of making such motions shall be sufficient ; and there shall he no replevin, or valuation of property, on executions issuing on such judgment. Sec. 2. There shall be a City Treasurer, who shall cityTroa- be elected by the qualified electors of the city, at the erjeted°''^ time and places of electing members of the City Council, and shall hold his office for one year. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shaii give he shall give bond to the said city, in such form and amount, and with such securities as the Council may direct and approve; which bond shall be tiled with the City Clerk. He shall have charge of the Trea- sury and fiscal concerns of the city. It shall be his His duties duty to receive all moneys of the city, but he shall ^ ^' not pay out or expend the same, in anywise, except upon the order of the Council ; which order shall specify for what purpose the same is to be paid. He shall, at all times, have and keep a careful and cor- 16 CHARTER OF THE rect account of all receipts and expenditures of the Treasury as the Council may direct, which accounts shall always be open to the inspection and examina- tion of the Council or its proper committee ; and shall report the amount of moneys in the Treasury to the Council at the first meetino^ in each month ; and he Shall shall exhibit to the Council, on the 15th day of De- uuai%rort each year, a full statement of the receipts uua repoi , ^^^^ expcuditures of the city since his last annual report, and of the state and condition, for the time being, of the Treasury and fiscal concerns of the city. He shall perform all such other duties apper- taining to his ofiice, as the Council may ordain ; and His salary, foi' hls scrviccs, shall rcceivc such a compensation or salary as may be provided b}^ ordiii^ance. He may be removed from oflfice for good cause, by a vote of two- thirds of the whole number of the Council, and the Council shall have power to supply the vacancy occasioned by his removal from office, death, resigna- tion, absence from the State, or other cause. P.rv,^,-. Sec. 3. There shall be one or more commissioners st?S their streets, as the Council may ordain. It shall be duties, etc. their duty, subject to the direction of the Council, and in conformity with the ordinances of the city, to enforce all ordinances and regulations relating to the cleaning and lighting of the streets, and generally to perform all such duties, and exercise all such powers, compensa-'as the Couucll may ordain; and for their services shall receive a compensation to be fixed and regulated by the Council. Clerk oi Sec. 4. There shall be a clerk of markets, with one markets or morc asslstants, as the Council may ordain. It .aSts^their shall bc their duty to enforce all ordinances and regu- duties,etc. i^^^jQ^jg ^-^Q Council, in relation to the market houses and places of the city, and generally to per- form such other duties, not inconsistent therewith, as the Council may ordain; and for their services shall receive a compensation to be fixed and regulated by the Council. The said Superintendent shall hold his ofiice daring such time as the Council shall ordain. Wharf Sec. 5. There shall be a Wharf Master, with one Master and qy move assistauts, as the Council may ordain. It ant" theYr " shall bc their duty to enforce all ordinances and reg- duties,etc. ^|.^^ioj^g isolating to the wharves and landing places CITY OF COVINGTON. 17 ardens, their duties, etc. within the city, and generally to perform all such duties, not inconsistent therewith, as the Council may direct ; and for their services they shall receive a com- compeusa- pensation to be fixed and regulated by the Council. The said Wharf Master shall hold his ofiice during such time as the Council shall ordain. Sec. 6. There shall be a City Physician, one or ^.cuy ^Phy- more Keepers of the Poor House; and when, in the keepers of opinion of the Council, the interest of the city shall houfeT'^port render it necessary and proper, one or more port war- dens, and a city engineer, and shall hold their respec- tive offices one year — shall be appointed and quali- fied, and shall perform such duties and exercise such powers, and receive such compensation as the Council compensa- shall ordain. Sec. 7. There shall be appointed one or more inspectors Inspectors of beef, pork, lard, butter, fish, salt, flour, LdTet?.^' ' meal, biscuit, feathers, tobacco, leather and other pro- ducts; one or more Inspectors and Guagers of foreign and domestic spirits, malt liquors, molasses, linseed and other oils, and one or more Measurers or Weigh- Measurers, ers .of w^ood, coal, lime, hay and the like, who shall woodr'^coai! have the sole and exclusive license to exercise the functions of their respective ofiices within the limits of said city. Before entering upon the duties of their ^ to give offices, they shall each give bond to the city of Cov- ington, in such form and amount, and with such security, as the Council shall require, which bonds shall be filed with the City Clerk. The said officers Their , du- when appointed and qualified shall perform their ^^^'^ duties respectively in said city, in the same manner, and subject to the same regulations and penalties as are or may be required and provided for like officers by the law of the Commonwealth, or as in the absence or for want of such laws, may be ordained by the City Council of said city. Their fees shall be Their fees, regulated by the Council. THE POLICE. ARTICLE FOUR. Section 1. The City Marshal shall be the chief of Marshaito the Police ; and there shall be in said city such police- poUcJ.*^ men and watchmen as the Council mav, from time to 2 bond. 18 CHARTER OF THE time, ordain. It shall be the duty of the chief of the ^^ojicemen Pollce, and his assistants, and of said policemen and en, their watchmen, under the direction of the Mayor or the ities. President of the Council, and in conformity with the ordinances of said city, to suppress all riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, disturbances and breaches of the peace. It shall also be their duty, and they shall have the power to apprehend all felons, common gamblers, rioters, breakers or disturbers of the peace, night walkers, vagrants, persons of evil fame and of disor- derly and riotous conduct; and all such persons may be apprehended without warrant by the said Police officer, or any of them, and may be. taken, with such evidence as they may possess, before the Mayor's Court or some Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to law; and if such apprehension shall be in the night, then to the watch-house for safekeeping until morning. They shall also have the power and perform the duties of patrollers. They shall have authority to pursue, arrest, with proper warrant, any person or persons fleeing from justice in any part of the State of Kentucky ; to apprehend, without war- rant, any and all persons in the act of committing any offense against the laws of the State, or the ordi- nances of the city, and forthwith bring such person or persons before the proper authority for examina- tion ; and at all times diligently and faithfully to enforce all such laws, ordinances and regulations, for the preservation of the peace, good order and wel- fare of the city, as the City Council may ordain ; and for such purpose they shall have all the power of constables ; they shall be paid for their services such Council Section 1. The City Council shall have power to power^^T assess and collect taxes on such real and personal coifecrtax ^^tatc lu Said city as they may designate, not exceed- ed, etc. ing forty cents on each one hundred dollars valuation for revenue purposes, and one dollar and fifty cents for each tythe; but such taxes shall be uniform on ComiH'iisa' tion ARTICLE FIVE. CITY OF COVIT^GTON. 19 every description of property assessed by them: Pro- vided, that buildings for churches, public school- houses, colleges, and the grounds attached thereto, and dedicated solely for the use thereof ; cemeteries and machinery of manufactures shall be exempt from taxation. They shall take in and make a list of all Taxable taxable inhabitants within said city, separately, in "o be^iS! each ward, and affix against the name of each inhabi- tant the amount of his, her, or their real estate in said city, with a proper description by number or situ- ation; and also, the true and just value of such real estate, together with the personal estate of each of said inhabitants, whether it shall consist of goods, stocks, manufactures, or other property that may be designated for taxation by the Council, which list may be required to be made by the party, verified by his or her oath ; or if the party refuse to give ,in a list and swear to the same, the value shall be assessed by the Assessor, from the best information he may possess. The com- Assessor, pensation of the Assessor shall be fixed by the Coun- sitio'^^'^Ed^* cil, so that it shall not exceed six cents per list. The '^""es- Assessor shall take a list of all white children in said city between the ages of five and sixteen years, dis- tinguishing between the male and female. Sec. 2. The books of assessment for the revenue Books ot taxes of said city shall hereafter be returned to the Jo'^e^^!"* City Council by the Assessor on or before the 15th tu^-ned by day of March in each year; and immediately after ^^'^ the said assessment shall be received and approved by the Board, the City Clerk shall make out a tax bill citycierk against each person assessed with taxes, specifying {^^''^Jfj® thereon each item of taxation, the value thereof, and etc. . the tax imposed; and where taxes are levied upon property belonging to persons unknown, then a sepa- rate bill shall be made out for each species of prop- erty taxed; all of which shall be signed by the Clerk officially, and shall be delivered by him to the City Tj^^buis Treasurer, within thirty days after the same are be deiiv- ordered to be made out by said Board, taking the surer, etc. receipt of the Treasurer for the gross amount of taxes contained in said bills. The Treasurer, upon receiv- Treasurer ing such bills, shall give public notice in the news- ^otice^of papers of said city, and by posting up notices in each fcins being ward, that the tax bills for the taxes of the current 20 CHARTER OF THE year are in his hands, and that payment of the taxes is required to be made on or before the first day of June thereafter; after which period there shall be added fifteen per centum to the taxes contained in the tax Treasurer bills thcu uupaid. The Trcasurcr shall deliver the jiptsTetc] tax bill to the person paying the tax, indorsing thereon, "Received pay," and sign his name ofificially Deiiu- to the receipt. Within five days after the said first day of June the Treasurer shall indorse the remain- ing tax bills, if any in his hands, '^Delinquent," sign his name as aforesaid, and return them to the City Clerk's Clerk, who shall thereupon enter a credit for the same upon the Treasurer's receipt, and immediately add to said tax bills fifteen per centum, and place the same into the hands of the Collector of the city for collec- coiiector's tlou, taking a receipt for the amount thereof. Upon the reception of said bills, the Collector shall forth- with proceed to the collection of the taxes therein specified, from the person or persons owing the same; and for that purpose he shall be and is hereby author- ized to distrain upon all personal property which he may find in said city belonging to the delinquent, or so much as may be necessar^^ to pay the amount of the taxes due, the per centum and the costs, and dis- pose of the same by sale in the same manner that sherifts are authorized to do in collecting the county levy ; and no personal property shall be exempt from said distress. In case no personal property can be found by the Collector, he shall then proceed to advertise and sell the real estate of the delinquent in the manner that sherififs are authorized to do, in advertising and selling real estate by virtue of an execution, except that there shall be no valuation, and the estate shall be sold in front of the public square in said city ; and within six days thereafter the Col- lector shall make a full return of said sale, specifying therein a proper description of the property, the names of the owners, when known, and purchasers, the amount sold, and the time when sold, together Clerk. with a copy of the advertisement, to the City Clerk, who shall record the same in a book kept for that purpose, and file away and carefully preserve the said proceedings among the papers of his ofiice. The owners may have a right to redeem the real esiate CITY OF COVINGTON. 21 which may be thus sold b}^ the Collector, at any time within three years, by paying or tendering to the pur- chaser the amount of his purchase money, together with all taxes and levies which have been subse- quently levied thereon, and fifty per centum, and after the first year fifty per centum per annum ; and when the purchaser shall not be a resident of the city, or can not be found, it shall be lawful for the City T rea- Tieasurer. surer to receive the money for which the estate pro- posed to be redeemed was sold, adding the p3r cent, assessed thereon; which shall be as effectual in redeeming the property as if it had been paid to pur- chaser. Upon the production of the certificate of sale, b}^ the purchaser or his assigns, the Treasurer shall pay over the said money to him, taking a receipt for the same on the back thereof, which shall be handed over to the City Clerk, to be recorded in the same book in which the sales are recorded. The collector Collector or his successor shall make the deed to the deeTto^ pro- purchaser of any real estate sold for the taxes, which fo^^^^^J'^ shall pass the title, unless the same shall have been redeemed ; for such deed he shall be allowed two dol- lars, to be paid by the purchaser. For the collection of taxes the Collector shall be allowed seven per centum, to be paid by the city, and twent^^-five cents for each levy on personal property, and twenty-five cents for each certificate of sale of real estate ; both fees to be taxed as costs and added to the tax bills. For insuring the payment of the taxes of said city, a lien shall exist, and is hereby given upon all property assessed, real and personal, from the first day of Jan- uary, in each year, until payment thereof, which shall not be invalidated or affected by subsequent incum- brances, transfers or sales. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Collector to pay collector over the taxes, as fast as collected, to the Treasurer, p^y oyer T , 1 P n , n ' T 1 ,1 taxes collec- and to make a lull return ot said taxes to, and settle- ted to Trea- ment thereof with the Council, on or before the first ^"^^^^^ Monday of August in each year. He shall make out shaiiniake a list of such persons and property as he finds, after q",enriist. due efibrts to collect the taxes, they can not be col- lected from, and return the same upon oath to the Council, which shall exempt him from all liability for failing to collect the same : Provided, that said 22 CHARTER OF THE delinquent list shall be made out by him and returned after the 15tli of July, and before the said first Mon- day in August. fo^'fauireof ^^^''4. If the Collector shall fail to make returns Collector to and settlement, as aforesaid, of all the taxes which settle, etc. j^^g hauds, ou or before the said first Monday in August, he and his securities shall be liable, sever- ally as well as jointly, to judgment upon motion in the Mayor's Court of said city, for the amount of taxes in said tax bills contained, which shall not have been paid over to the Treasurer, and unaccounted for to the Council, together with per centum damages there- on ; and within ten days after the rendition of said judgment, if the same shall not sooner be paid, the * Mayor shall issue execution against the estate of the Collector and his sureties, or those of them against whom the judgment shall be rendered, directed to the Sheriff of Kenton county or any other county, who shall proceed thereon in the same manner, and be liable to the same penalties as if the execution had issued from the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court. The said execution shall be indorsed, ^' no security of any kind to be taken," and the Sheriff shall be gov- erned accordingly^ There shall be no valuation of property levied upon by said execution, such as is now provided by law in other cases. Five days' notice of said motion shall be given to the Collector and his sureties to authorize judgment ; and if the notice be returned not found as to the Collector or any of his sureties, the same may abate as to him or them, or it may be continued to any particular day for service ; and so from to time, and when fully served, then the suit shall proceed against all. But if at any stage of the proceedings, it shall be deemed advisable, the suit may abate as to any one or more of the parties, not served with notice, and the case may proceed against those upon whom the notice has been served. An abatement as to any of the parties shall not operate to discharge them or any of them from their liability. The right to appeal or prosecute a writ of error from said judgment is hereby allowed to the parties, to the Kenton Circuit Court, as in other cases from the Mayor's Court, and the aggrieved party may also prosecute an appeal or writ of error to the Court of CITY OF COVINGTON. 23 Appeals in the same manner, and subject to the same damages and costs as is provided by law in other cases. Sec. 5. It shall be lawful for the Council to place Deiin- the delinquent lists or tax bills, from time to time, J" pilcS in in the hands of the Collector, until they shall be col- ^^f^ ^^^^i^^Jf- lected; and the right of distress shall remain, if the {r^n time to same lists or tax bills are sent out at least once in each year; and the Collector shall be liable for failing to collect and account for delinquent lists or bills, in like manner as for original tax bills placed in his hands. Deputy collectors shall have the same powers to act in an}^ case, or to perform any duty appertaining to the office, as their principal ; the principal Collector being liable for the acts and doings of his deputies in the same manner, and subject to the same action as though he had himself acted in person. Sec. 6. If the Collector shall fail to pay over to the Penuity City Treasurer any money in his hands belonging to cll^iu^torto the said city, whether received for taxes, fines, for- {j;;^'^;^. ' feitures, dues, debts, or on any other account, for the space of ten days after receiving the same, he and his sureties, or any or either one or more of them may be proceeded against for the amount, by motion in the Mayor's Court, in like manner as is provided in sec- tion four. Sec. 7. If the Assessor, Clerk, or Treasurer, shall Assessor, fail to do the duty herein assigned to them, at the Treasiwr! respective times directed, without good cause shown, JJ^^^^^f'' they shall severally forfeit and pay five dollars for perioi-m d-.i- every day they shall remain delinquent, to be ^^'* recovered by suit in the Mayor's Court, for the use of the city. Sec. 8. The Council shall also have power to pro- coimcii vide for the taxing of any store, grocery, or any retail sSs.^Jtc, establishment which may be commenced or opened opem^h after 1 1 T r« 1 1 1 '® taken, at any tmie subsequent to the day fixed lor the annual etc. assessment, or which may have ;been omitted in such annual assessment; as also all peddlers, except ped- May tax dlers of bread. They shall also have power to tax auc- ^[jclione-orj', tioneers in said city, (in addition to the taxes imposed ^tc. by law,) not exceeding one-fourth of one per centum upon all public sales of goods, wares and merchan- dise, not the produce or manufacture of Kentucky: 24 CHARTER OF THE exchange and brokers offices!, etc. and to require them to take out license, with such requisitions, and restrictions as may be necessary to enforce said tax ; but no tax shall be required upon sales of estates of decedents,^ or of property sold under executions or decrees. May tax Sec. 9. Tlie Couucil sliall also have the power to tavUnsTcof- tax, aud the exclusive right to license all taverns, fee houses, Jiouscs of private entertainment, coffee houses, retail- ers, victualers, confectioners, and houses of public resort, and ten pin alleys ; houses of ill-fame, and for gambling excepted : Provided, that the State tax on retailers and ten pin alleys or bowling alleys, shall be paid over to the Clerk of the Kenton Count}^ Court in the same manner that tax on tavern licenses are directed to be paid. May tax Sec. 10. The Couucil shall have the power to license phniio-o -. - Til l rr» and tax all exchange, loan and broker s oinces, agen- cies of insurance offices, pawnbrokers, hucksters ; also to license, tax and regulate all carts, wagons, drays, hackney coaches, carriages and other vehicles kept and used for hire in said city, and the sale of horses, cattle, and other animals at auction. May tax Sec. 11. Tlicy shall also have the power to tax other^rui- dogs, aud other domestic animals, in any sum not mais. exceeding ten dollars on each dog or other domestic animal. May tax Sec. 12. They shall also have the exclusive powder to tax and license all shows, exhibitions, theatrical performances, lectures, concerts and all places of pub- lic amusements, where money is charged for admis- sion to the same, such sum as the Council shall deem proper: Provided, that lectures of resident professors shall not be taxed. No county levy shall be collected of the inhabitants of said city. Mayestab- Sec. 13. Thc Councll shall have power to establish wharves, and a general system of wharfage in said age. city, on the Ohio and Licking rivers ; to pass ordi- nances regulating said wharves, and defining and pre- scribing the duties and powers of Wharf Masters, and the mode of collecting wharfage, the rates of which they are hereby authorized to establish, and from time to time to regulate and adjust. They shall have full power and authority to pass all ordinances regulating the manner in which boats and rafts shall lay at said sliows and other theat- rical per- lormauces, etc. CITY OF COVINGTON. 25 wharves; and to prevent steam and other boats and water crafts from obstructing the passage and channel of the Ohio and Licking rivers, by anchoring, or lying out in the streams, so as to prevent a free and open passage of all boats, crafts, and rafts; and to impose adequate penalties for infraction of such ordinances. JUDICIAL DEPARTMEOT. ARTICLE SIX. Section 1. The Mayor of said city shall hold a Mayor's court therein, in such place as the Council shall pro- vide, which shall be styled and called the "Mayor's Court of Covington,'' and is hereby declared to be a court of record ; and shall be provided with and have a seal; and copies or transcripts from the records of the proceedings of said Court, signed and sealed by the Mayor, shall be evidence in all courts and places whatever. Sec. 2. The said Court shall have exclusive original . Mayor's jurisdiction of all causes arising from violations and Sntd.*^^" breaches of the ordinances and laws of the said city; and concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Courts in all criminal cases accruing in said city, except felony ; and in civil cases where the amount in con- troversy shall not exceed fifty dollars; and the same jurisdiction as Justices of the Peace; and the power and authority of two Justices of the Peace in holding examining Courts, inquiring into charges of felony, and committing and recognizing offenders under said charges, and in granting and hearing and receiving return of writs of injunction, ne exeat., attachments, and habeas corpus. The jurisdiction of said Court shall extend over the territory of the city, and adja- cent thereto, to the extent of one mile outside the corporation. Said Court shall also have jurisdiction in cases of idiocy, lunacy, vagrancy, and may bind out orphan children, and hear and redress their com- plaints, as also the children of such persons as are disqualified, from their circumstances and habits of life, to train them up in a proper manner. Sec. 3. The said Court may award all such process. May issue ••1 1 original, origmai, mesne and final, as maybe deemed necessary mesne and and proper, in the due and efficient administration of ce^s! etc!''" 26 CHARTER OF THE ^ justice in said jurisdiction ; all original process shall be directed to and executed by the City Marshal, or some of his deputies ; and mesne and final process may be issued and directed to said Marshal or any sheriff or constable in any part of this Commonwealth without the corporation, which officers shall receive and exe- cute the said writs, and make returns under the same rules and liabilities they are required to do of like process from the Circuit Court and Justices of the Peace. exc?^sive^'^ Sec. 4. That said Court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction juHsdiction in all cases where the City Council shall c?uJcif^*^ proceed to condemn land or materials for the opening, B^reet&'I^Jtc. ©xteuding and widening streets, lanes, alle;ys, com- mons, wharves, landings, market spaces, public squares, etc., who shall have power and authority to award the writ of ad quod damnum^ and adjudicate upon the same. Whenever the City Council shall intend and determine to condemn land and materials, for purposes aforesaid, they shall direct a petition in the name of the city, to be tiled in said Court, setting forth a particular description of the land or materials to be condemned, for what purpose, and the name of the owner or owners thereof; upon the filing of which the Court shall award the summons to the proprietors, if living in the city or county, and if in the county to the Sheriff; and when the proprietor shall not live in the city or county, then notice to his or her agent shall be given, if he have one known to the authorities as such; or an order of warning shall be entered up by said Court against him or them, and a copy of which shall be advertised for at least two weeks in some newspaper printed in said city; upon the process being executed, or order of warning published, as aforesaid, which shall be certified by the editor of the paper in which it shall have been inserted, the Court shall, if any owner of the land or materials require it, award a writ of ad quod damnum^ directed to the City Marshal, who shall summon twelve lawful jurors of the Commonwealth to appear before the said Court on the day fixed in the writ ; at which time also the owners requiring it shall proceed to prove, by competent testimony, the damages which he or they will sustain by the condemnation prayed for ; and the CITY OF COVINGTON. 27 jury shall assess the amount which they shall deem right, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages which the owners may derive from the condemning of his land or materials ; and the Court shall enter judgment against the city therefor, unless the city shall give notice to the Court in thirty days \ 7 ^^^^^ that the opening of the street is abandoned; in which- case judgment shall only be rendered against the city' J for costs. The parties shall have the right of chal- lenge as in civil cases, and the panel shall be filled from bystanders. The Court shall rule all questions of law arising upon the trial; may grant a continu- ance to a particular day from time to time, upon good cause shown, and ma}^ award a new trial ; should the city or owner be dissatisfied with the verdict and judgment, an appeal ma}^ be taken to the Circuit Court, w^here it shall be tried de novo ; from whence the cause may be taken to the Appellate Court, as other civil causes are taken. Sec. 5. The said Court shall always be open for the Mayor's trial of causes and hearing complaints; and may set Xays\*e causes for any particular day, and make process returnable to any day therein named (or forthwith for particu- w^hen the nature of the case may require it,) and shall ^j^^y sum- cause to be summoned, at least quarter annually, a men grand grand jury, who shall inquire into and present or'''^^^" report bills of indictment upon all matters which shall come to their knowledge of which said Court has jurisdiction, and is the proper subject matter of pre- sentment or indictment ; and the Court shall dispose thereof in the same manner as the Circuit Court. Sec. 6. Fines for disturbing rehgious worship, riots, ^.f/j;.^^ii^g^ routs, unlawful assemblies and breaches of the peace, worship as- may be assessed by a jury in said Court, to one hun- dred dollars; and all fines assessed in said Court, and by Justices of the P^ace in said city, shall be for the use of said city ; as also all forfeitures and penalties recovered on recognizances and penal bonds taken in the Mayor's Court. Sec. 7. Appeals from the Mayor's Court to the ^^^^^i^^f^'y. Circuit Court shall be allowed in all cases where the ^j^^^^^'*^''* same jurisdiction is exercised as by Justices of the ^ Peace ; and where appeals would be from Justices ; ( 28 CHARTER OF THE and also in all civil causes over the jurisdiction of a J ustice of the Peace. Mayor to Sec. 8. The Major shall receive an annual salary of nS^saia^y. five huudrcd dollars, payable quarterly out of the ^^Mayor's city trcasury, and such fees as are allowed to Justices of the Peace, where he performs the duties of Justice of the Peace ; and in other cases, the same as Clerks of Courts, and such as the Council may provide. May issue Hc sliall liave the same power to issue fee bills as fee bills. Clerks of the Courts, except his fees shall be con- sidered due so soon as the services are rendered. May take 8ec. 9. The Mayor of said city shall have the same meutTf*^*^^" power and authority to take the acknowledgments of deeds, etc. ^^q^^ ^ud powcrs of attomcy. and to take the privy examinations of femes covert^ and certify the same, that the Clerks of the several county Courts have within this (commonwealth ; and his certificate shall Fees, etc. autliorize the recording thereof, in like manner ; and he shall have and be entitled to receive a fee of fifty cents for each certificate so made ; he shall also have May ex- powcr aud authority to examine witnesses under dedi- n^sses,^ete. musscs from any courts, w^iether of this or any of the United States, or foreign countrj^, and shall be entitled Fees, etc. to rcccivc a fcc of ouc dollar for each witness examined. And in all cases where he shall affix the seal of the corporation to any document by request, he shall be entitled to receive the sum of fifty cents. May take Hc shall also have power and authority to take depo- depositions. g^^-^j-^g '^-^ g^- j ^-^^ ^^^^y. cascs whcrc Justiccs of the Peace are now authorized to take the same : Fro- vided, that said Mayor, for the performance of such duties, and the exercise of such powers as come with- in the jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace for the county of Kenton, shall be entitled to demand and Fees, etc. reccivc the same fees, and no more, as are allowed by law to Justices of the Peace, except where they are hereinafter difi:erently provided for; and he shall in no case demand or have any fee for any service rendered said city, except the annual salary herein May issue providcd for. And he shall have the right to issue fee bills. bills, and collect them in like manner as Justices May take of tlic Pcace uow liavc. The said Mayor's Court ces of"wlt-'' shall have the power to take recognizances for appear- nesses, etc. ^^^qq g^j^j court ou any day named therein, in all CITY OF COVINGTON. 29 cases cognizable in said Court; as also recognizances in cases of felony, which shall be for appearance in the Circuit Court. Recognizances to keep the peace and be of good behavior shall be for one year. For- feitures for any recognizances for appearance in said Court may be enforced in said Court, and the penalty collected in the same manner as in Circuit Courts. COMMOI^ SCHOOLS. ARTICLE SEVEN. SECTION 1. The city of Covington is hereb}^ author- Common ized and directed to establish, support and maintain a be^es"tab-° system of Common Schools; and the Council is ^i^^^^^' hereby empowered to provide for the erection of as many school-houses, and the maintenance of as many schools as may be necessary to afford to all the white children in said city the advantages of a Common School education. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Council to divide coimcn to the city into school districts, in each of which districts f/,lo'^sd?oS there shall be as many school-houses as may be neces- fistricts 1 ni . 'IT • build school sary to accommodate all the children in said district; houses, etc. and it shall be competent for the Council to alter the same, without reference to the boundaries of wards, as may best advance the interest of said schools. Sec. 3. The Council shall fix, by ordinance, the ^hi^n fix commencement and termination of the current year m^^tant for said schools, which shall be the same throughout fasticyeS."" all the schools in the city; and the Council shall appoint from their own body a committee, whose duty it shall be, from time to time, to visit said schools, and attend all examinations thereof, which examination shall take place at the close of the cur- rent year. Sec. 4. The Common Schools of each District shall, , schools to at all times, be equally free and accessible to all white children who reside in said district, of the ages pre- scribed by the acts of the General Assembly of Ken- tucky, in such respect made and provided. Sec. 5. The School Trustees shall organize by Organiza electing one of their members chairman, who shall preside at the meetings of the Board ; whose duty it shall be to sign the minutes and orders. The City be equally free to all. tion of sch'l Trustees. 30 CHARTER OF THE Clerk shall attend the meeting of the Board, record their proceedings and attest their orders, and care- fully preserve their records and papers in his office. Trusteesto The Trustecs shall have power to empl 03^ teachers teachers, ^ttd dischargc them at pleasure ; provide for, regulate and manage the schools, and appropriate money to defray the expenses of the same out of the school fund. Nevertheless, the said schools shall be subject to such control as the Council shall, by ordinance, prescribe. m?°r"oint ^' ^^^^ Council sliall have power to appoint a board of ex- Board of Examiners, to examine teachers applying to e^miiie*° bc cmploycd in said schools ; and shall, by ordinance, teachers, prescribc their duties, i^o person shall be employed as teacher in said schools until he or she shall have first obtained, from the Board of Examiners, a certifi- cate of his or her qualifications to instruct in such branches as they may propose or be required to teach. ^^^ranches ggc. 7. Thc usual brauchcs of a common English ' education shall only be taught in said schools; and whenever it may become necessary and proper to Mayestab- establish a Central or high school, the Board of Trus- schoo/"^'' tees may do so ; and in said high school such languages and branches of a liberal education may be taught as the Trustees may prescribe. No pupil shall be admitted into the high school except he or she shall have attended the common school, and passed such examination as shall satisfy the Trustees of his or her qualifications therefor. School tax Sec. 8. That for the permanent fund for schools in ' said city, a tax of one mill upon the dollar of the valuation of the taxable property in said city, to be levied and collected with the revenue tax and capita- tion tax; and the fund received annually from the State, and such other sources as the Council may designate, shall be and is hereby irrevocably set apart and dedicated for school purposes ; and the Treasurer shall keep a separate account therefor, and only pay it out upon the order of the School Trustees. CITY OF COVINGTON. 31 PRESIDENT OF THE COU^TCIL. ARTICLE EIGHT. Section 1. The President of the Council shall be the chief executive of the city; and it shall be his duty to take care that the by-laws and ordinances of the city be duly executed and enforced. Sec. 2. He shall keep the public seal of the cit}^, shaiikeep and shall, from time to time, communicate to the "^y^*^^''*^**^- Council such information, and recommend such mea- sures as in his opinion may tend to the improvement of the finances, police, health, cleanliness, comfort, ornament and security of said city. Sec. 3. He shall preside at all deliberations of the shaii pre- Board, sign the journal of their proceedings, all orders, -ulfsoV"^^*' bonds, contracts and conveyances on behalf said city when directed by the Council. And during the ders, etc. ^' absence or inabilit}^ of the President, the Council shall appoint one of their own body President, pro tempore, who shall perform the duties of President until the President shall resume his oflice. MISCELLAIsTEOUS PROVISIONS. ARTICLE NINE. Section 1. The validit}^ of the ordinances shall be vaiwuv tried by a writ of prohibition from the Circuit Court, ces — how which may be granted by any Circuit Judge, out of term, or by the court having jurisdiction over said city ; and each party shall have the right to appeal or prosecute a writ of error to the Court of Appeals. Sec 2. If the President or any member of the President Council shall become interested, directly or indirectly, mL^ZTof in any contract with the city, his or their seat shall be becomrhi-' thereby vacated, and shall be so declared by the terested in Council, and entered on their journal; and the con- tract^^tc. tract shall be held and considered a nullity; and in the event of the City Cerk, Treasurer, City Attorney, or Street Commissioner being so interested, he shall forthwith be removed from office, and the contract shall be held and considered void. Sec. 3. The Council may remit fines and penalties (.o,,,^^^ and forfeitures for s^ood cause shown, which mav be mayVemit ° fines, etc. 32 CHAETER OF THE No money to be drawn from Trea- sury until appropria- ted. No appro- priation un- less money is in the Treasury. Council- men may paid for ti ervicBB. Bonds to be required of officers. Contracts for work not to exceed revenue. Charter- how to be amended. imposed, adjudged or assessed, or incurred against or by any person or persons, or any part thereof, at their discretion : Provided, this power shall not extend to the remissions only of such interest as the city has therein: Provided, further, that three-fourths of the members of the Council shall vote therefor. Sec. 4. 'No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, unless first appropriated by the Council, except out of the school fund ; in which case it shall first be appro- priated by the School Trustees. And no appropri- ation of money shall be made, to be paid out of the Treasury, unless the money shall actually be in the Treasury to meet the draft. And if any appropria- tion shall be made, and there shall not be money in the Treasury at the time of making said appropria- tion, to pay the same, the members of the Council voting therefor shall be individually liable, to any party injured, for the amount of damage sustained in consequence thereof. Sec. 5. A reasonable compensation may be made to the members of the Council, which shall be equal, except as to the President, and payable quarterly out of the Treasury : Provided, no Board shall fix their own salary, who are in oflftce when the ordinance allowing the same shall pass. Sec. 6. Bonds may be required from such ofiicers as the Council shall direct, and all shall be payable to the city, except that of the Marshal, which shall be made payable to the Commonwealth ; and suits may be prosecuted for a breach of the conditions of said bonds in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 7. The contracts made for work to be done, or improvements to be made in any year, shall not exceed in amount the revenue and available means of that year, over and above the ordinary disbursements, unless by the concurrence of three-fourths of the members of the Council. Sec. 8. Whenever it shall become necessary to amend this charter, it shall be lawful for the Council to propose the amendments, and appoint a day for a vote to be taken by the qualified voters of said city ; and if a majority of the votes cast shall be in favor of the proposed amendment, the same shall be presented to, and by the consent of the Legislature shall become CITY OF COVmGTOIS^. 33 a law; or the Council may call a convention, who shall be elected the same as the members of the Coun- cil, the same numbers, and possessed of the same qualifications; who, when assembled in convention, shall have authority to revise and amend the charter or adopt a new charter, which must, however, receive the sanction of the Legislature. Sec. 9. The officers of said city in office at the time officers to of the passage of this act, shal Icontinue in office until office\mtii the charter election in January, 1851. The Mayor of l^^^Yssr^'*'" said city shall be appointed as other judicial officers, until the constitution shall otherwise provide, when he shall be elected as provided in the third section of article one of this charter. Approved March 2, 1850. AN ACT fixing the time for holding the charter election for the city of Covington. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Common- Election ivealth of Kentucky, That the election for Mayor and ^[/^''^J^^^ij other officers of the city of Covington, specified in the heil charter of said cit}^, shall be held on the first Saturday in January, 1851, and at the same time each year thereafter, until otherwise provided by law. Approved December 18, 1850. AN ACT to amend the charter of the Covington and Lexington Rail- road Company. Section 1. Beit enacted by the General' Assembly of city of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That in addition to the may^ub-'' bonds heretofore authorized bylaw to be issued by s'^^'i^e stock, the city of Covington, to pay for stock subscribM in the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company, said city is hereby authorized to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, payable to said railroad company, to be due and payable within thirty years from the time they shall be issued; to bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. Bonds to payable semi-annually, and to be transferable by ^g^'^'^ proper assignment thereon by said railroad company. But before any such bonds shall be issued, the City 3 34 CHARTER OF THE Council shall, in such manner as it shall deem most advisable, ascertain clearly that a majority of the qualified voters of said city are in favor of the issu- ing of said bonds, and of subscribing their amount as capital stock in said railroad company. Sec. 2. That the said railroad company may receive the. bonds of said city of Covington, or of any other city, county or corporation, in payment of stock sub- scribed for by such city, county, or corporation. Sec. 3. That until dividends are declared upon the capital stock of said railroad company, all payments on subscriptions of capital stock already made, or here- interestto after made, shall bear interest at the rate of six per be allowed ecut. pcr auuum, and said railroad company shall on paymeut ^. . -, ^ ^ ■, . . , .•^ ^ of stock. liquidate the same by issuing to tne party entitled to such interest an equivalent amount of capital stock in said company. Further Sec. 4. That ou the first day of January next, after regulations. ^|^^ ^^.g^ declaration of dividends on the capital stock of said railroad company, and on every da}^ of Janu- ary thereafter, it shall he th^ duty of the President and Directors of said company to pay into the Trea- sury of the Commonwealth a tax on each one hun- dred dollars' worth of stock in said railroad company equivalent to the rate of tax on each one hundred dollars' worth of property for State revenue, and no more, and resident stockholders shall not list their stock in said company for revenue tax, nor be liable to payment of tax on the same in any other mode whatever. Approved March 3, 1851. AN ACT to amend the charter of the citj^ of Covington. Records of Section 1. Be it enacted by the Geiicral Assembly of 'Z^tT'' the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the records of the juSs'" proceedings of the City Council of Covington, and President and Common Council of the same, and the Trustees of the town of Covington, and all books or papers kept or filed in the ofiice of the Clerk of said city that are on file at this time, are hereby declared to be public records, and copies thereof made out by the City Clerk shall be received and considered as CITY OF COVmGTON. 35 evidence in all courts and places where the original would be evidence. That the City Clerk shall be allowed the same fees for copies, orders, records, or papers, as clerks of the Circuit Court of this Com- monwealth, and to be paid by those ordering copies; for which he may issue fee bills as Circuit Court clerks, or retain the copies till payment therefor : Pro- vided, he shall not charge the city for copies ordered by the Council, or any officer or agent authorized to obtain copies for the use of the city. Sec. 2. That in all cases where persons are con- Fines not victed before the Major or any Justice of the Peace worked ^out. in said city, of any offense where a fine shall be imposed and not paid, the offender shall be confined in the city jail and work-house, and made to perform such work as the Council shall, by ordinance, pre- scribe, until the fine and costs shall be discharged, at the rate of fifty cents per day. Sec. 3. That so much of the city charter as requires members of the Council to be freeholders of the city, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That, hereafter, in taking the enumeration of children in said city, for school purposes, the child- ren between the ages of five and eighteen years be re- . turned, and the school fund shall be distributed to the city accordingly : Provided, hoioever, that the fund so distributed shall be that raised by the cit}^ of Coving- ton only, and not that appropriated by this Common- wealth. Approved March 20, 1851. AN ACT to authorize the Council of the city of Covington to create two additional voting precincts in said city, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Coynmonwealth of Kentucky, That the City Council of Covington be, and are hereby authorized by ordi- nance to create one additional voting precinct in each magistrates' and constables' district in said city, and designate the bounds of said precincts, and the house or place of voting, and publish the same in the public journals of said city at least ten days prior to the 36 CHAETER OF THE election for the votes to be taken at the county and State elections. Sec. 2. That any person who shall vote out of his said district, as laid olf by the authority aforesaid, shall be liable to the penalties prescribed against such by the general laws for voting out of their own dis- trict. Approved March 22, 1851. Part of THE ACT incorporating the Newport and Covington Bridge Company. Manage- Sec. 8. Tlic cutire business and management of the Sfrs. ^ ^ ' corporation shall be under the control of said board of President and Directors, or a majority of them ; and they shall make such calls on the shareholders, pay- able at such periods and places as they may deem proper, with such conditions of forfeiture for non- compliance, not exceeding the amount of stock delin- quent, as they may deem right and proper. The said persons, or a majority of them, or the said Directors, or a majority of them, may, from time to time, open books to receive subscriptions of stock, until the Newport wliolcamount thereof be subscribed: Provided, that tmf may^"^" the citlcs of E'cwport and Covington, or either of whoiestock- them, the other refusing, shall have power to sub- may borrow scribe the whole or any part of said capital stock, money • t/ x i ^ ^ within ninety days after the books, as aforesaid, are thus opened, to the exclusion of every individual or individuals, or other corporation ; and the board of Common Council of said cities are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow any sura or sums of mone}' that may be deemed necessarj^ for that purpose, in such manner and at such times as may be deemed best, and to issue bonds therefor at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per centum per annum, and pledge the stock of said city or cities, in said bridge or bridges, for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds ; but after the expiration of ninety days after said books shall have been opened, as aforesaid, the whole or an}^ part of said capital stock, which has not been subscribed by said cities, may be subscribed by individuals or corporations. The said board may CITY OF COVINGTON. 37 appoint a clerk, treasurer, and such other officers and DirectorK agents as they may deem needful, and allow them Sr^m-''* such compensation as they may deem proper, and J^^^^' fj^^'l^ make such rules and regulations, in order to enforce bonds. a faithful discharge of their duties, as to them may seem lit. The said board may make contracts with any person or corporation touching the business or affairs of the company, and do all things needful for the erection and completion of said bridge or bridges. They may require and take such bond or other security.. in their corporate name, from any person or persons they may so appoint or contract with ; and in the event vacancy— of the death, resignation, or vacancy of a Director, or of the President, said board may supply the vacancy. Sec. 7. If the owners of any land necessary for the abutments, the site, or any avenue leading thereto, so as to connect the said bridge or bridges with the streets of said cities, on either side of said river, shall object to sell such land, at such price as the board may think reasonable, it shall be lawful for said board to appl}^ to the Maj^or of the city of i^ewport, should tlie land be situated in the city of iTewport, or to the condem- Mayor of the city of Covington, if situated in the J'^^^Jj,"'' city of Covington, for a writ of ad quod dumnum to issue, and which may be issued, directed to the Mar- shal of the city in which the land may be situated, requiring him to summon a jury of freeholders of the city, who shall be disinterested; and said Marshal shall have power to supph% by summons, other per- sons to act as jurors, if needed, qualified as aforesaid; and the said jurors shall be sworn by the said Mar- shal, well and truly to inquire the value of the land to be condemned, and the damage thereby resulting to the owner thereof, according to the facts and evidence submitted to them by the parties. The verdict of the jury, when rendered, signed and sealed by said jury, shall be forthwith returned to said Mayor, and if no legal and valid exception be taken thereto, the same shall be entered of record by him; and if, at any time within one year thereafter, the amount so assessed shall be paid, the title to the land applied for and thus condemned shall vest in said company; and the Mayor aforesaid, who shall have issued the writ, 38 CHARTER OF THE shall execute a deed of conveyance thereof, which shall pass the legal title. Said cities Sec. 8. The cities of E'ewport and Covington, or may buy out . , p , , , ^ , . • ^ . stock after either ot them, the other refusing to join, may, at any tea years. ^-^^ after tcn ycars, be at liberty to purchase the said bridge or bridges, by paying the original cost thereof, with six per centum interest thereon, should the stock in said company be subscribed, in part or in whole, by individuals or other corporations than said cities. Approved January 1, 1852. AN ACT for the benefit of the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company. Company Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of moLy'""'' ^^^6 Commomoealth of Kentucky, That the Covington and Lexington Eailroad Company may borrow money on their credit to the amount of two hundred thou- sand dollars, in addition to the amount heretofore authorized, at any rate of interest, not exceeding seven per cent, per annum: and the said com^Dany may issue such evidences of such indebtedness as may be deemed proper, and secure the same by giving a lien upon the property and assets of the company; and the said bonds or evidences of debt the said com- pan}^ may sell at such rate of discount as they may choose, and at such places as to them may seem advisable. City of Sec. 2. The city of Covington is hereby authorized toimiSrsr to indorse the bonds of said company to an amount bonds. ^^^^ exceeding two hundred thousand dollars; may loan the credit of the city to said company to that amount in any other manner that said city shall deter- mine : Provided, the qualified voters of said city shall consent to the same, either by petition or voting, at such times and places as the Council may prescribe : and a majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient. Should any cause prevent a vote from being taken at the time prescribed, or should the qualified voters fail to give their assent, then the Council may direct another vote to be taken. Approved January 3, 1852. CITY OF COVINGTON. 39 AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly the Commoniuealih of Kentucky. That the school funds kept apart, of said city shall be collected and kept distinct from the general revenue, and shall not be paid cn orders allowed by the City Council of Covington, but only in and upon orders of the school Trustees. Sec. 2. That the Trustees shall have power to An-ange- arrange the boundaries of school districts and alter Soidis- the same at pleasure ; also to appoint the time of com- mencement and termination of sessions of the schools, and examinations, and time and duration of vaca- tions. Sec. 3. That the Board of Trustees shall have snperin- power and authorit}^ to select some suitable person as pubHc* Superintendent of the common schools in said city, schools, w^hose duty shall be prescribed by the Board, and allowed not exceeding three hundred dollars in any one 3^ear. Sec. 4. That when the books of assessment have Duty of been returned, the Council shall refer them to the com- ' mittee of Ways and Means or other appropriate com- mittee, w4io shall constitute a board of equalization. Assessed and who shall have power to equalize the assessments, may bi?^ and assess property that has been omitted by the ^i^'^i^^'^'i- Assessor, and make such abatement from the allow- ance to tlie Assessor for such omission as to them shall be deemed proper. The Assessor shall be allowed Assessor's eight cents per list for each list taken by him, and forfeit twenty-five cents per list for each one omitted, subject to the regulatory power aforesaid; the said action of the committee may be revised, corrected, amended, or recommitted as the Council shall deem advisable. After the confirmation of the report by the Council, amended or not, there shall be no further change in the assessment as to valuation made; that citycierk if at any time after the confirmation aforesaid any pro^perty officer of the city shall discover or be informed of any property liable to taxation that has been omitted, he or they shall report the same to the City Clerk, who shall assess the same and deliver the bill therefor to the Treasurer or Collector for collection, who shall have the same power to collect the same as if assessed 40 CHARTER OF THE by the Assessor, and be liable in the same manner therefor. ^^Mayor^ro Sec. 5. That the City Council shall have power to orTand du- appoint some member of their body or other person 'to act as Mayor pro tern, of said city, during the absence or inability of the Mayor to act, or who shall, from any cause, be prevented from officiating ; and when so acting, the Mayor jpro tein. shall- have and possess all the power and authority of the Mayor, and shall receive the usual fees for the business done, . and such proportion of the Mayor's annual salary as the time of service bears to the year. Saving to Sec. 6. That infants, /fMe.s covert and persons of infants, etc. j^gQ^-^ j^^j miud shall have one year from the time of the removal of their several disabilities to redeem their property which shall have been sold for taxes. ^^Nou-i^esi- That when the purchaser at any tax sale shall not be chase?^' a resident of the city or in the city, and can not be found by the owner when he wishes to redeem his or her property, such owner may pay the money into the city treasury in redemption thereof, for which the Treasurer shall give a receipt, and shall pay over such mone}^ to the purchaser when called ibr; the said payment shall as effectually redeem the property from such sale as if paid to the purchaser: Provided, the payment be made within the time and at the same rates percent, of interest now allowed for the redemp- tion of property sold for taxes. Mayor Sec. 7. That thc Mayor of said city shall have and hljJnctiins, possess tlic sauic power to grant injunctions and attachments that Judges of the Circuit and County Courts have, and shall be allowed fifty cents for each' injunction or attachment granted, collectable as other fees are. Approved January 7, 1852. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. (Section 1. Be it enacted by thf Genercd Assembly of Time ai- tkc Conwionicealtk of Kerdvcky, That the Assessor of )r to make the city of Covington shall have until the 15th of ■turn. April in each year to make return of his book of assessment, and the tax bills shall remain in the hands CITY OF COVINGTON. 41 of the Treasurer of the city for collection until the first day in July in each year, instead of the first day of June, as heretofore. Sec. 2. The City Council shall have power to lend Power to the credit of said city to the Louisville and Coving- dorse bonds ' ton Railroad Company to the amount of five hundred*^"^^' thousand dollars, by indorsing the bonds of said com- pany to that amount, upon such reasonable conditions as may be agreed on by the parties; but such indorse- ment shall not be made until after the question of indorsement shall have been submitted to the quali- fied voters of the city, and voted for by a majority of those voting. Sec. 3. That hereafter all of the ofiicers of said city, Aiicity now elective by the City Council, shall be elected by eieSby ^ the qualified voters of the city, at the regular annual ^^^^ people, election in January of every year; and the City Council shall by ordinance fix the time of service, prescribe the duties, and fix the compensation of all the ofiicers whose term of service, duties and compensa- tion have not been fixed by the charter of the city; and when vacancies shall occur in any of the offices which have not heretofore been filled by popular vote, the City Council shall fill such vacancies until the regular January election next succeeding the happen- ing thereof, at which time all vacancies then existing shall be filled by popular vote, and the City Council shall make a proper order for filling vacancies at the regular election as far as the board may be able to anticipate them. Sec. 4. The City Council shall have power to levy Toievya a tax upon property on the blocks which are or may tax for gas. be lighted by the street lamps with gas to pay the expense of the light. Approved March 9, 1854. AN ACT to amend the county levy of Kenton County. Section 1. JBe it enacted hj the G-eneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky^ That all claims for holding coroner's inquests in the city of Covington, and claims of officers of elections for holding elec- tions in said city, shall hereafter be paid by said city, 42 CHARTER OF THE when satisfactorily proven to the City Council, and shall not be allowed out of the county levy of Ken- ton county. Sec. 2. The Justices of the Peace for Kenton county who reside in the city, shall not be permit- ted to sit at the Court of Claims, in the county of Kenton. Approved February 5, 1856. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. Whereas, it is represented to the present General Assembly, that the city of Covington owes a large funded debt, the interest upon which is payable semi- annually, and a considerable amount of said interest has already become due and the larger portion thereof been met by the issue and sale of incopie bonds of said city, to mature a part of them in 1856, a part in 1857, and the residue in 1858, and further portion of said interest already due and to become due has been paid or secured by the pledge of the credit of private individuals, and the revenue of said city derivable from all available sources under existing laws is insuf- ficient to pay the interest on said funded debt in addi- tion to the ordinary expenses of said city; and, v^hereas, the legal voters of said city of Covington, by a vote polled on the eleventh day of I^ovember, 1854, authorized the levy of a special tax of twenty-five cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxa- ble property in said city to pay said interest; there- fore, coxmcii Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of to levyTtax C 011117101110 eulth of Keiititcky, That the City Council est^o^^ fuM- t^^^ s^^^ ^^t.y Covington be, and they are hereby ed debt for authorizcd and empowered by ordinance to levy, and cause to be collected in the same manner as other taxes, a special tax in addition to the other taxes already provided for, of twenty-five cents on every one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in said city, for a period of six years, and the money arising from such additional tax shall, under the ^ direction and control of said Cit}^ Council, be appro- priated to the payment of the interest on the funded CITY OF COVINGTON. 43 debt of said city and the income bonds sold to pay the same, and to the reimbursement of such persons as may have paid any portion of said interest, and the payment of any obligations whereby the credit of private individuals may have been pledged for the same, in such order and manner as the said City Council shall deem proper, and by ordinance provide. But no portion of the proceeds of said special tax shall be appropriated to any other purpose, until the whole of said interest and all obligations incurred for or on account of the same shall have been fully paid oft' and discharged. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That hereafter the city Taxes to be taxes shall be payable to the City Treasurer on or juu^J'" ^ '^^^ before the 15th of June of each year, instead of the first of July, after which period there shall be added fifteen per centum to the taxes contained in the bills then unpaid, and within five days after said 15th day of , June the delinquent tax bills shall be returned to the Clerk, and proceeded with agreeably to the pro- visions of the charter now in force. Approved February 9, 185(5. AN ACT to amend the charter of the Covington and Cincinnati Bridge Company, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of increase the Comraonwealth of Kentucky, That the act of Assem- ^l^^^^^^^ bly, approved February, 1846, incorporating the Cov- ington and Cincinnati Bridge Company, be and the same is hereb}' so amended as to increase the capital stock of said company, making the capital stock seven hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Sec. 2. The said company may sell one hundred city au- thousand dollars of its capital stock to the city of {ate'stock! Covington, to be subscribed and paid as may be agreed by said company and said city, and in pay- ment of said one hundred thousand dollars, the said city may sell her bonds to the amount of one hun- dred thousand dollars, the amount of every bond, and the time and places of the payment of principal and interest to be fixed by said city ; and the city is hereby 44 CHARTER OF THE levy authorized to levy a tax of ten cents upon every one hundred dollars worth of taxable property therein in 1856 and 1857, for the purpose of paying the interest on such bonds. Approved February 25, 1856. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. citycoun- Section 1. Bc U eiiacted by the General Assembly of asseTsYnd tlic Commonicectlth of Kentucky, That article 5, title onaifspedes "Taxatlou," scctioA Ist, of the charter of the city of of property. Coviugtou, bc SO amended as to read thus : The City Council shall have power to assess and collect taxes on such real estate in said city, and on such personal estate, slaves, choses in action, and moneys within the city, or belonging to the inhabitants of said city, as they may designate, and such as now are, or from, time to time may be, taxable by the laws of this Com- monwealth, not exceeding, etc. May im- Sec. 2. Whcrcas, doubts exist as to whether or not Incho^sin certain assessments and taxes upon certain articles of accoSinJto Property, money, rights, and choses in action, which forTTaTs*^ have been made and collected by the city of Coving- ton, were authorized by the charter of said city, there- fore. Be it enacted, That upon and in conformity with the assessments made within six years last past, the City Council of said city may impose a tax upon all choses in action and moneys authorized to be taxed by the foregoing section, not exceeding the taxes hereto- fore assessed on the same for the last six j^ears, and collect the same from all persons who hav^e failed to pay the taxes heretofore imposed, or who having paid may recover back said taxes ; but payments made and not recovered back, shall operate as payments of the taxes hereby authorized to be imposed. Actions, Sec. 3. That all actions to recover from said city prosecuted, the amouut of taxes which have been or may be illegally or erroneously collected, shall be prosecuted within three months after the cause of action arose, and not afterward : but this act shall not apply to causes of action now existing until the first day of January, 1858. CITY OF COVINGTON. 45 Sec. 4. That this act, except as provided in the third section, shall take effect from its passage. Approved January 1, 1858. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled an act to amend the laws relating to the county levy of Kenton county, approved February 5th, 1856. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- monwealth of Kentucky, That the Justices of the Peace, the Mayor of the city of Covington, the County Judge, and the Circuit Court, when sitting in Covington, shall commit to the jail in said city, all offenders against the laws of this Commonwealth, and all persons charged with violating said laws, where the offense was committed, or charged to have been committed, in said city; and all claims of every kind, for officers' fees, physicians' services, or other claims, so originating, in reference to such persons, which now are, or heretofore were paid out of the county levy of Kenton county, shall hereafter be paid by said city, when satisfactorily proven to the City Council, and shall not be allowed out of the county levy of Kenton county. Approved February 2, 1858. AN ACT to amend the charter of the Covington and Cincinnati Bridge Company. Section 3. That the city of Covington shall have city of and is hereby vested with full power and authoritj^ to Say le^vy' levy and impose a tax upon the taxable property of l*? P.^'.f"^ ■I . T 1 T> 1111 SClipilOU, the city, and upon whatever else is taxable by the etc. charter of said city, to produce an amount sufficient to make good the loss or discount at which the ninety bonds of said city of one thousand dollars ($1,000) each, taken by said company, may be sold, said bonds having been yjassed to said company at par value, in pajmient of $90,000 of said city's stock subscription : Provided, that this amount shall not exceed the actual loss which the company may sustain in disposing of said bonds : And, provided, that in no event, shall more than thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars 46 CHAKTER OF THE (131,500) be paid to said company by said city, on account of snch loss or discount; also, to levy and impose a tax for the payment of the interest on said bonds, until the dividends on the city's stock shall pa}^ the same; or said city may levy and impose a tax sufficient to produce ninety thousand dollars (?90,000), and therev\dth redeem the bonds so given to the said company: Provided, that no tax shall be levied for the purpose of redeeming said bonds, nor for the pay- ment of said $31,500, nor any part thereof, exceeding one per cent, per annum, nor until the question of levying such tax shall be submitted to the decision of the qualiticd voters of the city, at an election held for that purpose, which election may be ordered and notice thereof be given by the City Council of said city whenever, and in what manner soever it may deem it expedient to do so. If the majorit}' of the votes cast at such election be in favor of said tax, it Tax-pay- shall bc Icvlcd. That iu case it shall be decided to nTockh^^^ levy a tax for the purpose of redeeming said bonds, company, thcu thc tax-paycrs shall have stock of said company issued to them for the amount of the tax paid, when certificates or receipts for the payment of such tax shall be presented amounting to a share or shares of stock. The tax receipts shall be transferable by assignment, and when assigned the holders thereof shall have all tjbe rights which the original holders possessed; and* such tax receipts shall entitle the holders thereof to pro rata dividends, though the amount or amounts thereof be less than a share of stock: Provided, that the stock issued to said city, in consideration of the said ninety bonds, shall be returned to said company as the bonds shall be redeemed ov paid by the tax provided for in this sec- tion. Said City Council shall have the same power and authority to collect the taxes which may be levied and imposed under authority of this amendment, for the payment of the interest on said bonds, and to make good any loss said company may sustain in dis- posing of the same, not exceeding the §31,500 above stated, or to provide the means to redeem said ninety bonds, as it now has to collect the ordinary revenue tax of the city. Approved February 6, 1858. CITY OF COVINGTON. 47 AN ACT to regulate the tenure of Common School property in the city of Covington. Whereas, It has been represented to the General Assembly that certain lots of ground and other prop- erty situated in the city of Covington, I^entucky, have been purchased out of moneys belonging to the Com- mon School Fund of said city, but title thereto has been taken to said city without any limitation of the same that said property shall be held for the use and benefit of the Common Schools; and the moneys with which said property' was purchased having been invio- lably dedicated to the use and benefit of the Common Schools of Covington; Therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky^ That the city of Cov- ington, through its proper authorities, is required, within ninety days after the passage of this act, to convey to the Trustees of the Common Schools of said city, all property, as well as any interest therein, which has been purchased out of moneys belonging to the Common School Fund of said city ; and said Trustees are required, so soon as such conveyance has been made, to re-convey the property mentioned in ^ this act to the city of Covington, to be held for the use and benefit of the Common Schools of said city, and for no other purpose. Sec. 2. This act shall take eftect from and after its passage. Approved February 15, 1858. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly ^/ ^j^^^'j^g^**^ the Comriconwealth of Kentucky, That the corporate tlnied.''^" limits of the city of Covington be, and they are here- by extended as follows: The line running along the Covington and Lexington turnpike shall extend to a point one hundred feet south of the south line of Fif- teenth street, if extended; and thence eastwardly in a straight line to the point at which the present boun- dary strikes Willow street; and the territory hereby added to said city shall, until changed by the proper 48 CHARTER OF THE authority, constitute a part of the present ward of said city adjoining this extension of territory. Maydesig- Sec. 2. The City Council shall designate more than nate moi-e t • i t 'j,!! than one oue votiug placc ui any ward, and prescribe the boun- Ineadi^'^*^'' darics of the precinct for each voting place, whenever ward. ^, majority of the voters of such ward shall petition the Council to do so; and any voter who shall vote out of his precinct so established, shall be liable to the penalties denounced against illegal voting: Fro- vided, no change shall be made within ten days next May rear- preccdiug au electlou. The Council shall rearrange wa"rd8. and equalize the wards, whenever it is made to ap- pear to them that the white population of the ward having the lowest number in population in as much as one-fourth less than the white population of the ward having the highest number in population ; and in such rearrangement, or whenever it shall be deemed necessary, the Council shall have power to make a new ward or wards. The wards in their ar- rangement shall always be made as equal in popula- An enu- tiou as practicable. An enumeration of the popula- po^puiltron^ tion of each ward shall be made in the year 1860, to be made. ^^^^ Qyevj fifth year thereafter, by the assessor of the city. Tovote;by ggc. 3. In all elections under the city charter the billot . votes shall be given by ballot; and the ballot-boxes shall be provided by the City Council. May assess Seo. 4. The City Council shall have power, from taxes'^for'^ time to time, to assess and collect taxes for specific posei!"^ 1'"^" purposes, and for limited periods of time, upon what- ever now is, or from time to time may be, taxable under this charter for revenue purposes, for such a sum on each one hundred dollars of valuation, and for such a period of time as the Council may desig- nate : Provided, that no tax shall be levied under this section, unless a majority of the qualified voters of said city, at a general election, either city or State, shall have been cast in favor of the same, in such form as the same may be prescribed and submitted by the City Council : And, provided further, that no such special tax shall exceed forty cents in one year on each one hundred dollars of valuation. Sec. 5. That any lien now existing or that may hereafter exist on any lot or lots, or part of lot or lots CITY OF COVINGTOT^. of ground by virtue of the city charter of said city ^^^1^^^^^' Covington, to secure the payment of the tax levied, lots for tax- or that may be hereafter levied to pay for improve- enSSd in ments done by order of the City Council, in accord- S*cour?' ance with said charter, on the streets or sidewalks, or for the construction of new streets as now provided, may be enforced by a suit in equity, in the Kenton Circuit Court, by the contractor or any claimant under him, who shall exhibit a copy of the ordinance or order of said Council directing said work to be done, a copy of the proceeding accepting said work by said Council, and a cop}^ of the ordinance levying the tax on the property fronting or abutting said street so improved with sidewalk, or repaired or constructed, which proceedings, shown by said copies, shall be prima facie evidence in favor of the claim of the con- tractor or any one claiming under him ; it shall be lawful for said court to correct errors, if any, in the assessment, and decree an enforcement of the lien, and a sale of so much of the property of the parties de- fendant as will be sufficient to pay such assessment and costs. The Master Commissioner, before making any sale under a proceeding under this act, shall cause the property ordered to be sold, to be appraised in the same manner as land sold under execution by a sheriff is by law required to be appraised ; and if such part as he may sell shall be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraised value, it shall be liable and subject to redemption in like manner, within one year after the day of sale, in all respects as provided for in case of sheriff's sales, excepting the court shall, if the same has not been redeemed by its order, cause a deed to be made to the purchaser: Provided, however, that noth- ing in this act shall authorize such proceeding for any claim of a less sum than twenty -five dollars, nor shall this act prevent the enforcement of the lien as now provided by said charter. Sec. 6. That the Board of School Trustees are r^f^^^Hl hereby allowed to pay a Superintendent of the Com- may pay a mon Schools in said city any sum they may deem Str°*^° proper, not exceeding one thousand dollars for one year; said Superintendent shall not, while superin- tending, teach any school. 4 50 CHAKTER OF THE Sec. 7. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 1, 1860. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. Slay pass SECTION 1. Be it eucicted by the General Assembly of auowTnlfees the Commouwealth of Kentucky^ That the charter of the to jailor. of Covington be amended, and the Council of said city is hereby authorized to pass such ordinance as shall allow fees to the marshal and jailor in said city, in cases of arrest and confinement for misde- meanor in the said city, as in their judgment may be deemed proper : Provided, however, nothing herein shall be construed to interfere with the fees now allowed by law to such officers. Sec 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved October 4, 1861. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. Whereas, It is represented to this General Assem- bly that the city of Covington is bound, as indorser or guarantor, on two hundred thousand dollars of the bonds of the Covington and Lexington Railroad Com- pany, and accumulated interest thereon, amounting, at the present time, to about sixty thousand dollars; and that the State Courts and the United States District Court have decided that the city is justly and legally bound for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds; and that the revenue of said city, derivable from all sources under existing laws, is insufficient to pay the accumulated and accruing inter- est on said debt, in addition to the ordinary expenses and other liabilities of said city — therefore. May levy SECTION 1. Be it euacted by the General Assembly of aud collect the Coiumonwealth of Kentucky, That the City Council fax to'^pay of Said city be and they are hereby authorized and uess o?'city. empowcrcd to levy and cause to be collected, in the CITY OF COVINGTON. 51 same manner as other taxes, in addition to the taxes ah^eady provided for, a tax of fifty cents on every one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in said city, annually, for a period of four years; and the money arising from such additional tax, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, shall, under the direc- tion and control of said City Council, be appropriated to the payment of the interest due and maturing on the bonds of the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company, indorsed by said city. And at the expira- tion of the four years the tax herein authorized to be levied and collected, for the purpose above named, shall be reduced by said City Council to an amount not exceeding twenty cents on each one hundred dol- lars valuation of taxable property in said city, annu- ally, for the purpose aforesaid ; and at such rate may be continued as long as necessity requires it. Sec. 2. This act to take effect from and after its passage. Approved January 17, 1863. AN ACT concerning the Mayor of the city of Covington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the Mayor of the city of Covington shall have concurrent jurisdiction, in the county of Kenton, with the Circuit Court Judge, in issuing, hearing, and determining writs of habeas corpus. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved February 26, 1863. Amendment to the charter of the city of Covington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Att''k, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the City Clerk, Treasurer &' City Attorney, City Ireasurer and City Engineer, ^oid their hereafter elected in the city of Covington, shall hold yeaS!^*^^^ their respective offices for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 2. That two School Trustees shall be elected from each ward, and a President of the School Board 52 CHARTER OF THE President from the city at large. The President elected at the Trustees — January election, 18(J4, shall hold his office for one how elected. thereafter the President of the School Board shall be elected at the same time the President of the City Council is elected, and shall hold his office for the same length of time. Of the Trustees elected at Tenure of thc Ja^iuary election, 1864, one from each ward shall office. hold his office for one year, and the other for two years; which of them shall serve for one year, and which for two years, shall be determined by lot in the presence of the School Board, by the President and City Clerk, or by the members themselves, from each ward at the first meeting of the School Board, after the election, so that, after the next eletion, at the annual charter election in said city, only one School Trustee be^ugiwe^" shall bc elected from each ward. No person shall be forPres't. eligible to the office of President of the School Board until he shall have attained the age of thirty years. He shall also be a citizen of this State, and shall have been a resident of the said city for three years Who shall next preceding his election. ITo person shall be as^Trlstee! eligible to the office of School Trustee until he shall have attained the age of twenty-three years. He shall also be a citizen of this State, and shall have resided in said city three years, and the ward from which he may be elected three months next preced- ing his election. Inspectors Sec. 3. The Inspectors of Elections shall make turnlS^iec- rctum to thc School Board of the elections held for tions. ^Yxe election of President of the School Board, and of School Trustees, and said Board shall be the exclusive judges of the qualification of all the officers, candi- dates, and return of the Inspectors ; and if from any cause the officer returned elected, shall not be deemed elected or eligible, or an election shall fail of any par- ticular officer, the School' Board shall order a new In special elcctiou to fill the vacancy. In all cases of special schloT'' elections, ordered by the School Board, it shall ap- fnTpeVtor^s!^ polut aud pay the Inspectors of the election, and it shall pay all other expenses attending such elections, Inspectors out of the School fund. Inspectors of Elections so ap- ^^nLTnd pointed shall have the same qualifications, and they ti^n"^^"^" shall proceed in all respects iu the same manner that Inspectors are now required to have, and to proceed, CITY OF COVINGTON. 53 when appointed by the City Council, and shall be governed by the same regulations, unless others shall be prescribed by the School Board. S^EC. 4. The Board shall fix its time and place of^jmie of^ meeting. The President of the Board shall have ™owerY° power to call special meetings of the School Board ; cau Se^t* and upon written request of three Trustees, it shall ^"8^- be his duty to convene the Board at such time as they ma}^ designate; and upon his failure, or refusal, said three, or any other three Trustees, shall have power to convene the said Board. In the absence of the Presi- dent of the Board from the city, any three members of the said Board may call a meeting of the Board; and at any meeting, should the President of the Board President be absent, said Board shall appoint a President ^ro ^po'Snted'/^" tempore, who shall have the same power as the Presi- dent. Sec. 5. The meetings and deliberations of the said Meetings Board shall be held in some public place. It shall L public— determine its own rules; compel the attendance of J^^attemr" members. It may punish members for disorderly anceof conduct, and expel a member by a vote of two-thirds etc., and' of all the members elect, after five days notice, in orderiVcou- writing, specifying the charges, and allowing him an opportunity of being heard in defense, with or without counsel, as said member may desire. Sec. 6. A majority of all the members, including Majority the President, shall constitute a quorum to do busi- TquTum?*^ ness, except that it shall require a vote of two-thirds of the members present to appropriate money, and to elect a school teacher, but a majority of the Board ^^^^J^jj^ may remove a teacher. The Board only shall have ™!Ind^ex-' power to suspend or expel a child from school, after * notice to the parent, guardian, or person having charge of the child, and a fair examination of such charge as a teacher may prefer in writing against any child. The President shall have all the powers, and President's shall perform all the duties heretofore had and done by the Chairman of the School Board, and such other duties as may be required of him by the Board. Sec. 7. The School Board shall have power to ap- Board of point the Board of Examiners to examine teachers L^p-^'^''' applying to be employed as teachers in said schools, p^^'^ted. and shall prescribe their term of oflice; prescribe 54 CHAKTER OF THE their duties, and remove them at pleasure. Said Examiners shall have the same qualification as to age oauiof that is herein required for Trustees. All officers of the said city shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take the oath required to be Their du- taken by the members of the City Council, and in addition thereto the' said Examiners shall swear to faithfully examine all applicants for the position of teacher, accurately report their qualifications for teach- ing, and degrees of scholarship, without favor, affec- tion, or partiality. Sec. 8. That so much of the charter of the city of Covington, as is inconsistent herewith, is hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved February — , 1864. AN ACT to amend the charter of the city of Covington. Streets. Section 1. Be U euacted by the General Assembly of ^obr'im^' the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the City Council Jxplnse^'of ^^^^ ^^^y Covington shall have full power and property authoHty to procuro all the streets, alleys, market spaces and lanes in said city to be improved or repaired, in whole or in part, in any manner they may deem advisable, at the expense and cost of the ow^ners of the property fronting the same; said Coun- cil shall have full power and authority to cause and procure all the streets, alleys, market spaces and lanes in said city, in whole or in part, to be graded, cul- verted, or otherwise drained, paved and curbed ; or graded, curbed and MacAdamized ; or to be graded, curbed and paved entirely across the street; or curbed and paved a portion of the distance across the street and MacAdamized the balance of the distance be- tween the paved portions; or after the grading, to put upon the same, either any or all of said kinds of improvements, and to underlay either any or all of the said kinds of improvements, after the grading, with gravel or sand, or both; and to spread upon the top of either any or all of said kinds of improve- ments, gravel or sand, or both, and to do, or cause to be done either any or all of said kinds of improve- CITY OF COVINGTON". 55 ments, with bowlder or any other sort of stone, at the expense and cost of the owner of lots fronting on such streets, alleys, market spaces, public squares or grounds, or lanes; and a petition in writing to ^^^^ owne^of a* said Council of the owner or owners of the larger part i^gSpart of the ground between the points to be improved, to Ki-'^ fronting on any street, alley, market space, public KJ^tto"a«- ground or square, or lane, shall be sufficient to author- thonze^work ize the said Council to contract for either any or all of the above-mentioned kinds of improvements : Pro- vided, that the property fronting on any market space, public ground or square, shall be liable for the improvement in front thereof to a distance not exceed- ing thirty feet : And,, provided, further, that the said Proviso. Council, by a vote of all the members elect, may cause any street, alley, lane, market space, public ground or square, in said city, to be improved as aforesaid at the cost and expense of the owners of the lots or parts of lots fronting on the same, without petition or consent. The culverting and draining shall be done with and included in the cost and expense, as a part of the grading; and when the improvenient ordered shall be Expenseto completed, the said Council shall apportion the cost tioiiS"'^" and expense thereof equally among the lot owners, among let according to the feet front ; and a lien is hereby given holders, on the lots or parts of lots for the same, which cost improve-^ and expenses may be listed and collected, as other ^fjgf/oj,^'^ taxes are. by the City Collector, or by any special col- property, lector, either of whom shall have authority to sell levied and and convey the lots and parts of lots for the same, citytoL'^I according to such by-laws, ordinances and regula- {^^^^^^ ^^^^'^ tions as have been made for snch, or similar purposes, by the said Council, or such as shall be made or or- dained by said Council, and according to the charter of said city, and the laws for such purposes now in force, and any statement made by any collector, or master commissioner, in any bond or deed selling or conveying property sold for the payment of any of the taxes hereby imposed, or imposed by any other portions of the charter of said city, shall be -prima facie evidence of the truth of the facts stated to have been done ; but such statements may be contradicted : Pro- Lots soid, vided, further, that the owner or owners of any lots, whatTime"" or part or parts of lots, sold for the payment of the redeemed. 56 CHARTER OF THE costs and expenses of such improvement as aforesaid, who have not consented in writing for that purpose, shall be allowed five years in which to redeem the same, by paying to the purchaser of said lots, or lot or part of a lot, so sold as aforesaid, the purchase money with fifty per centum interest per annum, and two per centum interest on all the taxes and levies that may have subsequently accrued and been paid by the purchaser; and those who may have consented in writing, may redeem at any time within one year on payment to the purchaser of the said property the Proviso in like intcrcst: Provided, further^ that infants, /eme.s fants./Im^s' coveH, aud persons of unsound mind, shall have one covert., etc! year iu whicli to redeem, on like terms, after their Council respective disabilities shall be removed : Provided, fur- ^adiSg^ ther, that the said Council shall, by a vote of two- leys^^etc"!!" thirds of the members elect, have power to pay for out of Trea- the grading of the streets and alleys, and for culverts, and for improving, as aforesaid, any of the market spaces, public grounds, wharf or square, out of the City City may Treasury. In the collection of any taxes imposed by this miS'^aie, act, or by any other portion of the charter of said city, for taxes. ^^iQ cltymay, by direction of the said Council, through any officer of the city, purchase at any sale made for At what the purpose of collecting any such tax. The lien IttTch!''" hereby created shall attach from the time the improve- ment is ordered to be put under contract. Portion of Sec. 2. The City Council shall have power and alley? to"be authority to causc and procure repairs of portions of ^eftiSclses streets, alleys or lanes to be made by the street com- without missioner, by order of the said Council, without peti- Fot'owners. tiou or conscut, iu such manner and with such ma- terials as Council may deem best, at the expense of the owners of the lots or parts of lots on the square, inclu- ding the place or places where the repairs shall be When lien ncccssary, and for such work a lien shall attach upon attaches. property along the square, including the same from the time the work is ordered to be done; the cost and expenses thereof shall be apportioned ac- cording to the feet front among the owners of the lots fronting upon the street, alley or lane of the Costs of square so repaired, and the costs and expenses accru- to^be^i'sted' ing under the provisions of this section shall be listed ?axef with the city Street Commissioner, and he shall have CITY OF COVINGTON. 57 the same fees, power and authority, and shall in all respects proceed in collecting the same as the City Collector has, and is authorized to do in the preced- ing section to proceed in collecting assessments for improving streets, alleys, etc., and the owner of the lots or part of a lot sold shall have the same right of Kedemp- redemption as the owner of property sold for improv- ing streets, etc., has in said section, and upon the same terms and conditions. Sec. 3. The City Council shall have power and stoue authority, with or without petition or consent of mayTe^^ property holders or owners, to cause and procure w paid'^^ street crossings of stone, or other material, to be made or repaired at the time improvements of streets are made, or at any other time, and add the cost and ex- penses thereof to the costs of the improvements, to be apportioned, according to the feet front, among the owners of the lots or parts of lots along the street crossed, to reach one-half of the distance toward the nearest streets; and when only the crossing }s made, that expense shall be apportioned in the same man- ner, and the cost and expense thereof in both cases shall be a lien upon the lots and parts of lots extend- ing along said distance ; and the same shall be listed and collected in the same manner, and upon the same terms and conditions in every respect that any other improvement of a street can be collected, subject to the same right of sale and redemption. Sec. 4. The City Council shall have power and Maypur- .1 , 1 i r» • chase steam authority to purchase one or more steam lire-engmes, fire-engiues. hose carriages, horses, harness, and appurtenances to them, sufficient to fully organize an efficient fire department; and, also, power to supply a sufficient number of men to take charge of and manage the same; and to erect suitable buildings for the same, and pay the whole expense thereof as hereinafter set forth. After this department is fully organized, paid Firemen, firemen only shall be exempt from service on juries, ^mp^ed from and from doing military duty in the time of peace. JurSrinT Council shall pass such by-laws and ordinances as military maybe necessary for the government and regulation of said fire department ; and Council may appoint sucli officers for said department and for such time of service as they may deem proper, and invest the offi- pow^J'^^s 58 CHARTER OF THE reduced. cers and members, or any portion of them, with such police powers as they may deem expedient to prescribe ^Council by ordinance; and that the said Council be, and they and collect arc hcrcby authorized and empowered to levy and cause to be collected, in the same manner as other taxes, in addition to the taxes already provided for, a tax, not exceeding teri cents on every one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property, now liable to taxation under the charter of said city, for a period of three years; and the money arising from such addi- tional tax shall, under the direction and control of said Council, be appropriated exclusively to the pur- ax,when poscs mentioned in this section. And at the expira- tion of the said three years, the said tax, for the pur- pose of sustaining said paid fire department, shall be reduced by said Council to a sum not exceeding five cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxa- ble property above mentioned, annually ; and at such rate may be continued as long as necessity requires it, exclusively for said purpose. •urisXt'ion ^' "^^^^ "Mayor's Court of Covington" shall juris ic ion. j^^^,^ coucurreut jurisdictiou with the Quarterly Courts in civil cases, where the amount in controversy, exclu- sive of interest and cost, shall not exceed one hun- peilmaj^be ^^'^^ dollaTs. Either party may appeal from this taken to Court to tlic Circuit Court, in addition to appeals Circuit . . • Court. therefrom given by the present charter in civil cases, where the amount in controversy, exclusive of inter- est, exceeds sixteen dollars. In such cases the Mayor shall receive such fees as are allowed to Judges of County Courts, and he shall tax the same costs as are taxable by County judges in like cases. He shall be his own clerk, and the proceedings in all respects shall conform to proceedings in Quarterly'' Courts in like cases. Salary of Sec. 6. Tlic Mayor shall receive an annual salary, Mayor. excccding fifteen hundred dollars, to be fixed by the Council, payable quarterly out of the City Trea- sury. Docket Sec. 7. That hereafter in all penal cases had in the fee, Defendant Mayor's Court of Covington," a docket, fee of one to prisoned for dollar shall be taxed up against the defendant, and in non-pay-'"' favor of thc City Attorney, as costs ; and in all cases in the said Court, in which persons are convicted, and ment of costs. CITY OF COVINGTON. 59 a fine is imposed, and the same and the costs are not paid, the defendant or defendants shall be confined in the city jail, or work-house, and made to perform such labor as the Council may by ordinance direct, until the fine and costs shall have been discharged, at the rate of fifty cents per day. 'No fine or costs im- posed by judgment in said Court shall be replevied. Sec. 8. The School Board of said city shall be, and school is hereby created a body corporate and politic, with forporated. perpetual succession, by the name and style of, "The {School Board of the city of Covington," and in that name may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued in all courts and places whatsoever, and may schooi have and use a corporate seal, and the same may alter haveseaL^" and renew at pleasure ; and the said corporation shall have full and exclusive control of all the school prop- erty, and school money and funds now belonging, or that may hereafter in any wise come to belong, or ap- pertain to the Common School Fund, or to the Com- mon Schools of said city. All property of every Tenure of nature that may at any time be owned by said corpo- eSy.°^ ration, and all the funds or means, that may at any time come under the control of the same, are hereby forever dedicated to the purposes of Common Schools in said city ; and the title to all of the property, real and personal, and the property itself, in said city, known and used as Common School property, are hereby vested in said corporation, and the same shall forever remain free from any debt or liability of said city, and free from either city or State taxes, except for street and sidewalk purposes. Sec. 9. The Treasurer of said city shall also be the city Trea- Treasurer of the said School Board, subject to the T^-elsu^e^^of existing^ provisions of the city charter, as to his schooi ^ 1 V -u-i-i.- Board. duties and liabihties. Sec. 10. Said corporation shall have power to ap- collector, point a collector, styled "School Board Collector," and the City Clerk shall place the delinquent school tax bills in the hands of the said collector for collec- Duties of. tion, at the same time he is now required to place delinquent tax bills in the hands of the City Collector, taking his receipt for the amount thereof, naming each delinquent, and the amount each owes, which receipt h^ shall deliver immediately to the said School Board. 60 CHARTER OF THE Bond of. Before entering upon the dischargee of the duties of his office, said Collector shall execute a bond to said corporation in such form and amount, and with such securities as said corporation raaj^ direct, which bond shall be approved by the said corporation and filed with its clerk. Upon the reception of said delin- quent tax bills, the Collector shall forthwith proceed to the collection of the taxes therein specified, from the person or persons owing the same; and for that purpose he is hereby authorized and empowered to proceed in the same manner as the City Collector is authorized and empowered to do in the collection of city taxes, and eacii provision of the charter of said city referring to the City Collector, shall likewise refer and apply to the said Collector and confer upon him the same power, authority, and require of him the same duties, and bind upon him the same obliga- tions in all respects as fully as though he were every- where mentioned in said charter, and herein, instead of the Cit}^ Collector, except as herein set forth. The Term of of- Said Collcctor sliall hold his office foi* such length of peusaSonof. time, and upon such conditions and regulations as said corporation may prescribe, and for the collection of such taxes he shall receive such compensation, to be paid out of the School Fund as said corporation shall fix from time to time, and also twenty-five cents for each levy on personal property, and twenty-five cents for each certificate of sale of real estate, both of which fees for levy and certificate shall be taxed as costs, To make and added to the tax bills; said Collector shall, under returns. oath, make full returns, at the first meeting of each month, to said corporation, of all the money collected and paid to the Treasurer. And he shall, when re- quired, make a full settlement with said corporation, and return the uncollected tax bills to said corpora- tion, after proceeding in the same manner and at the same time that the City Collector is required to pro- ceed, and return uncollected tax bills, and for failure to make return and settlement to said corporation as aforesaid, he and his sureties shall be liable, and shall be proceeded against in all respects the same as is pro- vided as to the City Collector. Delinquent Sec. 11. It sliall bc lawful for said corporation to tax bills. -pi^QQ the delinquent list or tax bills from time to time CITY OF COVINGTOI^. 61 in the hands of the said Collector, until they shall be collected, and he shall have the same power and right to proceed to collect, levy, sell and convey the title of property sold, and he shall so proceed as the City Col- lector is authorized to do in similar cases. Sec. 12. If said Collector shall fail to pay over to Penalty the City Treasurer, any money in his hands belonging pay*^lver^*° to said corporation, for the space of ten days, after money, receiving the same, he and his securities, or any or either one or more of them, may be proceeded against in the same manner that the City Collector and his securities may be proceeded against for the same or a similar otfense. Sec. 13. Said corporation shall have power to pur- schooi chase, hold, sell and convey real estate within the hold and corporate limits of the city of Covington, such as StLte!*^ shall be deemed necessary for school purposes, also personal property for the same purpose, and may receive donations and subscriptions in money or prop- erty to be used and applied for Common School pur- poses; said corporation shall have power to fix its own Time and time and place of meeting in the City Hall, or Court mSng. House, or other public building belonging to said cor- poration, or to the city of Covington, provided that their meetings shall not interfere with the meetings of the City Council. Sec. 14. All the power and authority heretofore Powers of conferred upon the City Council in reference to the IJiatklu to Common Schools, or school property of said city, are transferred hereby conferred upon the School Board of the city to' school of Covington, and all the duties heretofore enjoined upon the City Council in relation to the same are hereby enjoined upon and required of said School Board. Sec. 15. The City Council be, and they are hereby Additional authorized and empowered to levy, and the same they shall levy and cause to be collected in the same man- ner that they are authorized to collect other school tax, in addition to the school tax already provided, a tax not less than five cents, nor more than ten cents on every one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property, now liable to taxation under the charter of the city of Covington, annually, and a poll tax of two dollars, annually, on each white male over twenty- tax. 62 CHARTER OF THE Glioses in action may be attached for taxes. Fee of Collector. Clerk of School Board and compensa- tion of. one years of age, and upon each slave over sixteen years of age, and the money arising from such addi- tional tax shall, under the direction and control of the said School Board, be used for the sole benefit of the Common Schools of Covington, precisely as the present school funds are required to be used, and this tax shall be included in the regular school tax bills, and the delinquent lists shall be included Avith the delinquent school tax bills, and in all respects be treated in the same manner and by the same officers. Sec. 16. It shall and may be lawful for the City Collector, or the School Board Collector, whenever the tax-payer fails or refuses to pay the delinquent tax due on any bills in his hands for collection, or is insolvent, to attach any choses in action, or debts due to said tax-payer within the city of Covington, for the payment of said taxes; he shall give to the person in whose hands said taxes shall be attached, written notice of the attachment; the notice shall also warn such person to appear before the Mayor of said city, at his office, on a day to be fixed by said Collector, not less than five days after service of the notice, to answer under oath as garnishee ; and it shall be the duty of the Mayor, in a summary way, without writ- ten pleadings, to hear and determine the attachment as in cases of attachment upon a return of no proper- ty found upon an execution ; and if he sustains the attachment, to give the Collector a w^ritten order to collect said taxes out of the estate of the person or persons in whose hands the same were attached ; and by virtue of which distress may be made as in other cases for the collection of taxes. The service of the notice as aforesaid shall operate as an attachment and restraining order, and have the same force and efiect as other attachments granted under the laws in force upon that subject. The Collector, for serving said notice, shall be allowed a fee of twenty-five cents, to be paid by the tax-payer, and taxed as cost. Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall not, ex -officio, be the clerk of the School Board, but said corporation shall have power to appoint a clerk and prescribe his duties and term of service, and fix his compensation, and pay the same out of the school funds, and require of him bond and sureties if they deem the same neces- CITY OF COVINGTON. 63 sary. The proceedings ' of the School Board and copies therefrom, certified by their Clerk, shall be taken in the same manner and have the same force and elFect in courts and elsewhere, as are now given to the proceedings of the City Council. Sec. 18. 'No money shall be drawn from the School when and Fund, unless the same has first been appropriated by may be the said School Board, and no appropriation of money schooV'^^"' shall be made to be paid out of said School Fund, ^imd. unless the money shall actually be in the Treasury to meet the draft, and if any appropriation shall be made Liability and there shall not be money in the Treasury, at the w^"^ time of making said appropriation, with which to pay the same, the members of the School Board voting therefor shall be individually liable toany party injured, for the amount of damage sustained in consequence thereof. Sec. 19. If the President, or any member or mem- Members bers of the School Board shall be, or become inter- not tJfbe'^ ested, directly or indirectlj^, in any contract with the contractors. School Board, his or their seat shall be vacated, and shall be so declared by the said Board and entered on their journal, and the contract shall be held and con- sidered a nullity; and in the event that the City Clerk, Treasurer, or any other city officer being or becoming so interested, he shall be forthwith removed from office by the City Council, and the contract shall be held and considered void, except that the School Board shall remove its Collector or Clerk for the same offense. Sec. 20. The contracts made for the purchases of Contracts property, or for work to be done, or for improvements SiVreve- to be made in any one year, shall not exceed in amount the revenue and available means of the School Board for that year, over and above the ordinary dis- bursements, unless by the concurrence of three-fourths of the members of the said Board. Sec. 21. The City Council shall have power to to license license, tax and res^ulate all carts, wao-ons, drays ^^'^ 1 , 1 ^ . T 1 ^1.1 ^ wagons, nackney-coaches, carriages and other vehicles used cans, etc. for hire in said city. Sec 22. The City Council is hereby empowered Power to and authorized to take up and remove any street, Iit^Tr strSl alley, or other public improvement, that they are cases!^^''''' 64 CHARTER OF COVINGTON. authorized to make, at the cost of the property hold- ers owning lots fronting the same, which has been made, or which hereafter may be made by order of said Council, without having followed the require- ments of the charter so strictly as to make the ex- penses and costs of the improvements a tax and lien upon the lots fronting the same as prescribed in said charter : Provided^ that the owner or owners of any lot or lots, or parts of lots so fronting such improve- ments, shall fail or refuse to pay for the expense of making the same, when ordered or requested so to do by said Council. To appoint Sec. 23. That the City Council shall have power to Peace''to''act appoiut somc Justice of the Peace in said city, to hold of Mayor! Mayor's Court of said city, during the al3sence of the Mayor or his inability to attend, or when, from any cause, he shall be prevented from officiating; and, when so officiating, said Justice shall have and possess all the power and authority, and the same jurisdiction of the Mayor, and shall receive the usual fees of the business done, and such proportion of the Mayor's annual salary, as the time of service bears to the year. , Sec. 24. The Legislature reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act. Sec. 25. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved February 3, 1864. ORDINANCES OF COVINGTON. A General Enacting Clause. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the pro- visions of the following, and amendments thereto, as revised, are now hereby adopted and declared to be in full force, and to have the same effect as if now originally ordained. To-wit: AN ORDINANCE making all Licenses granted by the Council, expire on the 1st day of May, of each year. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That all licenses hereafter granted by this Board for taverns, coffee houses, and porter, ale, and beer houses, shall expire on the 1st day of May succeeding the date of license: Provided, that if a less period than three months shall intervene between the granting of the license and the 1st day of May succeeding, the duration of the license may be extended to the 1st day of May of the year following: Provided, also, that the charge for license shall be in proportion to the time for which it may be granted. Sec. 2. Be it f urther ordained. That no portion of any money paid into the City Treasury, for any tavern license, coffee house license, or license to sell ale, beer, or porter, shall be refunded to the party or parties licensed, nor shall any license be trans- ferable. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances conflict- ing with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed February 28, 1856. AN ORDINANCE regulating Coffee Houses in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That if any person or persons shall desire to establish a coffee bouse, or a house under any other name, for the purpose of retailing intoxicating liquors, he, she, or they, shall first pre- sent a petition to that effect to the City Council, describing the location of the house intended to be used by the petitioner } 66 ORDINANCES OF THE or petitioners for that purpose, and such petition shall be accompanied with the recommendation of at least ten free- holders, residing in and holding real estate in the ward in which the proposed coffee house, or other house for the retail- ing of intoxicating liquors, is to be kept; and in case the peti- tioner or petitioners shall not own the property proposed to be occupied, he, she, or they, shall accompany the petition with the written consent of the owner or his agent, that it may be used for the purpose specified in the petition; and if the Council are satisfied that the license ought to be granted, they shall pass an order for that purpose, which order, certified by the City Clerk, shall be delivered to the petitioner, who will present it to the City Treasurer and pay the amount specified, and take his receipt for the same. Said receipt shall then be presented to the City Clerk, who will file the same in his ofiice, and give a certificate to the petitioner, statnig that the amount required had been paid into the Treasury, and he shall present said certificate to the Mayor, who shall issue the license. For issuing same and taking bond, he shall pay to the Mayor the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, and to the Clerk for his cer- tificate twenty-five cents, which shall continue for the time specified in the license. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons licensed to keep a coffee house or other house for retailing intoxicating liquors in the city of Covington, shall allow any kind of reveling or drunkenness, lewd or improper conduct, or shall suffer any person or persons to play at any game or games of chance, at which money or property, or the representative of money or property, is staked, or bet, or lost, or won, or any species of gambling whatever, in his or her house, or on his or her prem- ises, every such person, for every such offense, shall forfeit and pay said city any sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, with costs of prosecution, and shall forfeit the license to keep such house. Sec. 3. That if any coffee-house keeper or retailer of spirit- uous liquors shall sell, barter, or in any way dispense intoxi- cating drinks on the first day of the week, usually called Sunday, the person or persons so offending shall, upon con- viction before the Mayor, be fined the sum of ten dollars and costs of suit. Sec. 4. That if any coffee-house keeper or retailer of intoxi- cating drinks shall sell, barter, or, for any consideration what- ever, furnish intoxicating drinks of any kind to any person or persons under the age of twenty-one years, or shall sell. CITY OF COVINGTON. 67 barter, or loan intoxicating liquors of any kind to any slave or slaves, other than his, her, or theirs, unless entitled for the time to the services of such slave or slaves, or unless permission to do so is tirst obtained from the owner or the person who may be entitled to the services of such slave or slaves for the time being, the person or persons so offending shall be fined in the sum of not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. ^. That if any person or persons shall keep a coffee house or retail any intoxicating liquors without a license, in the city of Covington, he, she, or they, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifteen dollars for each offense. Sec. 6. That any person or persons who may infringe any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, in addition to the fine specified in the several sections thereof*, be liable to have their license revoked at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 7. That it shall be the duty of the Marshal and his deputies to attend to the strict execution of the provisions of this ordinance, and for that purpose it shall be the duty of the Marshal and his deputies to give information to the Mayor of any and all violations of this ordinance. Sec. 8. Be it farther ordained, That no coffee-house license shall be granted for less than two hundred dollars per an^ium. Sec. 9. JBe it further ordained, That all ordinances that come in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed February 28, 1856. AN ORDINANCE amending an Ordinance regulating Coffee Houses in the City of Covington, passed February 28, 1856. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That no coffee-house license shall be granted for less than one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That so much of the ordi- nance to which this is an amendment, as conflicts with the 1st section of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved May 1, 1862. AN ORDINANCE regulating Taverns in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That any person or persons desiring to keep a tavern within the limits of the city of Covington, shall first present a peti- 68 ORDINANCES OF THE tion to that effect to the City Council, accompanied with the recomnaendation of at least ten freeholders, residents of said city, five of whom shall reside and own property in the same ward, certifying that he, she or they are well qualified to keep a tavern, and that they believe the granting of the license will be of public utility; and further, that the house in which it is proposed to keep the tavern has at least eight rooms, eight beds, and six fireplaces, and the control of a stable divided into at least twelve stalls for horses, and if the house is not owned by the petitioner, the owner or agent of said property must give his consent to the petitioner, certifying that he has agreed that the house should be occupied as a tavern, which certificate must accompany the petition; and if the Council are satisfied that the license ought to be granted, they shall pass an order for that purpose. The Clerk shall give a certifi- cate to the petitioner stating the amount, which certificate the petitioner shall present to the Treasurer, pay the amount re- quired, and take his i-eceipt for the same, which receipt shall be handed to the Clerk, who shall file the same in the Clerk's oflice, and give the petitioner a certificate to the Mayor stating that the ordinance had been complied with. The Mayor will then issue the license to said petitioner, stating the time at which said license will expire, for which he will be entitled to one dollar and fifty cents, for issuing license and taking bond hereinafter provided for, and the Clerk shall receive twenty- five cents for his certificate. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained^ That no license shall be granted for less than one hundred dollars or more than two hundred dollars, according to the location of the house, and at the discretion of the Council. Sec. 3. That before license shall be issued to any person or persons to keep a tavern, he, she or they shall first execute bond with approved security, to be approved by the Mayor, with such conditions as are provided by the act of the Legis- lature, contained in the revised statutes, which shall be made payable to the city, and with a penalty of two hundred dol- lars. Sec. 4. That any person or persons infringing on the pro- visions of this ordinance, shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each oftense. Sec. 5. That if any keeper of a tavern in said city shall per- mit or sufifer any drunkenness, riotous or disorderly conduct in his or their house, or upon his or their premises, or sell or permit to be sold any spirituous liquors to any slave, without CITY OF COVINGTON. 69 the consent first had of his or her master, or sell to any minor, such tavern keeper shall be fined not less than sixteen dol- lars for each offense, and upon a second conviction for any of the above offenses, the license shall be forfeited ; and the Council may revoke said license at any time a majority of the Board shall be satisfied it ought to be done. And if any per- son shall keep a tavern or retail liquor after forfeiture or vio- lation of the license aforesaid, he or they shall be subject to the same fine as if no license had been granted. Sec. 6. That no license shall be granted to any negro or mulatto, nor to any white person under twenty-one years of age, nor to any person not of good character; and any person licensed to keep a tavern, shall keep the house, where the same is or shall be kept, constantly provided witli usual and com- fortable accommodations for travelers. Sec. 7. That if any tavern keeper shall sell, or barter, or in any way dispense intoxicating liquors on the first day in the week, usually called Sunday, the person or persons so offend- ing shall, upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined ten dol- lars and costs of suit. Sec. 8. Be it farther ordained, That all ordinances coming in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are herebj^ re- pealed. Passed February 28, 1856. • AN ORDINANCE fixing the compensation of Grand and Petit Jurors in the Mayor's Court. Section 1. Be it ordained, by the City Council of Covington^ That from and after tlie ])assage of this ordinance, that grand jurors who serve in the Mayor's Court of said city, shall be allowed the same compensation for their services as is now allowed by law to grand jurors in the Kenton Circuit Court. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That from and after the pas- sage of this ordinance, that petit jurors, who shall serve in the regular terms of said Court in the trial of matters of in- dictment or presentment, found by the grand jury ^of said Court, shall be allowed for their services seventj^-five cents per day. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor of said c\ty to give to each grand or petit juror, who shall serve in his said Court, a certificate of the number of days he shall have served, distinguishing between grand and 70 ORDINANCES OF THE petit jurors, together with the amount to which each is entitled according to Law, which, when presented to the Council, shall be allowed and paid as other claims now are. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE fixing the compensation of Fire Companies. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, there shall not be allowed from the City Treasury to any fire company or association, for current expenses, a sum exceeding fifty dollars per quarter. Sec. 2. JBe it further ordained, That there shall not be any appropriations from the City Treasury for repairs of fire appa- ratus, unless such repairs shall have been deemed necessary and ordered by the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, or by the City Council. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE compensating Councilraen. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the President and members of the City Council, from and after the first Saturday in Januar}^ next, shall each be allowed a compensation for their services as couucilmen, the sum of one dollar for each regular meeting, and fifty cents for each adjourned or called meeting of the Board they shall attend, payable quarterly out of the City Treasury: Provided, the regular meetings sliall not be held oftener than once in two weeks. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That each member of the City Council, from and after the first Saturday in January next, shall forfeit and pay one dollar for each regular meeting of the City Council, and fifty cents for each adjourned or called meeting of said Council, from which he shall have been absent, to be deducted from his compensation as councilman: Provided, however, that any member who shall have been ab- sent on account of sickness of himself or in his family, or absent from the city at the time of such meeting, shall not be subject to such forfeiture: Provided , further, thixt it shall be the duty of each m.ember who shall have been absent from such meeting, to communicate in writing to the Board the cause of his absence from the same. Passed December 19, 1850. Revised and approved March 0, 1856. CITY OF COVIXGTON. 71 AX ORDINANCE amending an Ordinance fixing compensation to the members of the City Council of Covington, passed April 4, 1856. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covin r/ton, That the compensation of members of the Cit}^ Council of Covington shall be the same for adjourned and called meet- ings as for regular meetings; this provision to apply to mem- bers hereafter elected. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained^ That so much of the ordi- nance to which this is an amendment as conflicts with the first section of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. AN ORDINANCE repealing the Ordinance regulating Ten Pin Alleys in the City of Covington, passed and approved June 6, 1850. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That any and all ordinances regulating and licensing ten pin alleys in said city, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall keep or permit to be kept any ten pin alley or alleys, with any number of pins, and permit any game or games to be played thereon within the corporate limits of said city, from and after the passage of this ordinance, he, she or they so offending shall be fined, upon conviction before the Mayor, for each oft'ense, any sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents: Provided, t\vc\t this ordinance shall not be so construed as to apply to any alleys now licensed by the Council, during the term for w^hich they have been respectively licensed. Passed .June 28, 1851. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE defining the duties and fixing the salary of City Attorney. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the City Attorney to attend to and prosecute all cases in the Mayor's Court; also, before Jus- tices of the Peace in said city in which the city or common- w^ealth shall be a party, (except cases of felou}^,) and also to attend at the meetings of the Council. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the City Attorney to see that the City Marshal, his, deputies, and other ofiicers, truly and faitbfully pay into the City Treasury all fines, for- feitures and moneys to which the city is entitled, and that all 72 ORDINANCES OF THE process be duly executed and returned; and in case of delin- quencies of the said Marshal or his deputies, or other officers, to proceed against him or them, and their securities, hy mo- tion or otherwise, and no allowance shall be made to said attorney until the Council are advised that he has fully dis- charged his d\ity. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of said attorney to advise the Council and all officers of the city in relation to their legal duties, and shall examine into and report in writing upon all legal questions referred to him by the Council or any of the officers, and shall at all times, when required by order of Coun- cil, draw up all contracts, articles of agreements, ordinances, bonds, etc., free of charge or compensation. Sec. 4. That the salary of said attorney shall be three hun- dred dollars per annum, payable quarterly out of the City Treasury, and ten per cent, on all fines and forfeitures imposed in cases where he shall have prosecuted, when collected and paid into the Treasury. Sec. 5. Be it f urther ordained^ That all ordinances coming in conflict with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Revised and approved May 13, 1864. AN ORDINANCE regulating the Sales at Auction. Section 1. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Covington, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell at auction, within the limits of said city, an}^ real or personal estate, except at the sale of the estate of a decedent, or by an officer under decree, order or execution of some court of justice, un- less he or they shall first obtain a license from the Mayor for that purpose, who shall issue the same for one year upon pro- ducing to him the receipt of the Treasurer for twenty-five dollars. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons shall violate the pro- visions of this ordinance, he or they, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall forfeit a sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 3. That before any person or persons shall sell at auc- tion, he or they shall give bond with good security, to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned to discharge his or their duty according to law, and to pay to all persons the money to which they may be CITY OF COVINGTON. 73 entitled from the proceeds of any sale or sales made by said auctioneer, and to deliver all property to the person to whom the same belongs, when required. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That all other ordinances reg- ulating sales at auction and auctioneers, be and the same are hereby repealed. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting Bathing in the Ohio and Licking Rivers, within the corporate limits of the city. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bathe in the Ohio or Licking rivers, from Bullock-street on the Ohio river to Fourteenth-street on Licking river, at an earlier hour than 8 o'clock P. M., and any person or persons oftending against the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined not exceeding ten dolhirs and costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. That it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the City Marshal, Wliarf Master and Police officers, to return all persons who shall infringe upon the provisions of this ordi- nance, to the Mayor for prosecution. Sec. 3. All ordinances coming in conflict with this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to punish Beggars and Vagrants. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That if any person or persons shall be found within said city loitering about ordinaries, dram shops, or houses of ill fame, or wandering about the streets, either by night or day, not having any place of known residence, or any visible means of support and livelihood, and not being able to give any satis- factory account of themselves, such person or persons, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be punished by confinement in the city jail or work-house, and fed on bread and water only, not exceeding twenty days nor less than one day. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons shall be found roam- ing about the streets in an idle and dissolute manner, begging 74 ORDINANCES OF THE for money or property, he, she or they shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be punished in the same manner as is provided for in the tirst section of this ordinance. Sec. 3. That it shall be the especial duty of the City Mar- shal to apprehend all persons guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and take them before the Mayor to be dealt with as herein provided. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained^ That all ordinances conflict- ing with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Revised and approved March G, 1856 AN ORDINANCE creating Policemen in the City of Covington and prescribing their duties. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington. That a police be established, to consist of one or more persons in each ward, who shall be appointed at such times and for such ward or wards as the Council may deem necessary. Sec. 2. The officer contemplated in the foregoing section shall have the power and it shall be his duty to suppress riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, disturbances and breaches of the peace, occurring in the city of Covington, and to apprehend the person or persons guilty of such offenses, and deal with him or them in the same manner that the Marshal of the city may deal with them; and such policemen shall receive the same fees for the services rendered by them that are allowed to the City Marshal for such services. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to provide for Lighting with Gas the City of Covington, Ky. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, there shall be granted unto James Southgate and associates, their succes- sors and assigns, the exclusive privilege of laying pipes for conducting gas under and along all the streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, &c., of the city of Covington, for the period of fifty years from the date hereof, upon the conditions as here- inafter provided. . Sec. 2. That the said pipes shall be laid so as not to inter- fere with the drainage or sewerage of said streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, &c. And that whenever said James Southgate CITY OF COVINGTON. 75 and associates, their successors and assigns, shall desire to open any of said streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, etc., for the purpose of layinii: down pipes, they shall give notice thereof to the City Council at least three days previous to the commencement of the work; and shall not, during the pro- gress of the w^ork, unnecessarily obstruct the passage of said streets and lanes, alleys, market-spaces, etc., and shall, within a reasonable time, not to exceed twenty days after the pipes are laid, repave and repair the streets, lanes, alleys, market- spaces, &c.. where disturbed by the laying of pipes, in such manner as ma}^ be approved by the City Council. Sec. 3. That the said James Southgate and associates, their successors and assigns, shall furnish to the city of Covington, upon the several streets, lanes, alleys, market- spaces, etc., in which main gas-pipes are laid, such quantities of gas as may be required by the City Council aforesaid for the use of the public street lamps ordered by said City Council, at one-half the price at which gas may be furnished to the citizens of Covington, the amount of gas consumed by the public street lamps to be ascertained by the customa,ry meter measurement. And further, that gas shall be furnished to the citizens for their private consumption at the following rates: At three dollars ($3) per thousand cubic feet until the average aggre- gate amount of consumption shall be equal to forty thousand cubic feet in twenty-four liours; at two and a half dollars ($2 50) per thousand cubic feet when the averao:e aggregate amount of consumption shall exceed forty thousand cubic feet, but not exceed seventy-five thousand cubic feet in tw^enty-four hours; and at two dollars ($2) per thousand cubic feet when the aggregate amount of consumption shall exceed seventy- five thousand cubic feet in twenty-four hours. Sec. 4. That all public street lamps, lamp posts, and other requisite fixtures appertaining thereto, shall be furnished by and at the expense of the said James Southgate and asso- ciates, their successors and assigns, and erected at such times, points, and in such numbers, wdiere the main gas-pipes have been laid, as the City Council may direct: Provided, that said public street lamps sliall be ordered to be lighted upon the erection of the same, and be continued in use thereafter; all the public street lamps to ]be cleaned, lighted and kept in re- pair at the expense of said City Council. And if the said City Council shoidd at any time desire to have public street lamps erected at any of the Engine Houses or other public buildings, or to light any street, alTey, or market-space, etc., and the said 76 ORDINANCES OF THE James Southgate and associates, their successors or assigns, should refuse to extend the gas-pipes to such situations of the city, then the said City Council shall have the privilege of ex- tending the gas-pipes at their own cost, and order the erec- tion of suc^i number of public street gas lamps for the purpose aforesaid as they may deem proper; and the said public street lamps shall be erected upon the same conditions and furnished with gas on the same terms as the other public street lamps of the city ; and the main gas-pipes, so laid down at the expense of the city, shall not directly or indirectly be used for furnish- ing gas except for public street uses, nor shall other gas-pipes be laid down along an}^ part of streets so occupied bv gas- pipes, laid down at the expense of said city, until the whole amount so expended by the City Council in laying gas-pipes be refunded to the City Council by said James Southgate and associates, their successors and assigns, when the said gas- pipes shall become the property of the said James Southgate and associates, their successors and assigns. Sec. 5. That the privileges granted by this ordinance unto James Southgate and associates, their successors and assigns, are upon the condition that they shall commence on or before the 1st of April, 1853, and have completed the requisite appa- ratus for manufacturing gas in said city, and laid down, in connection therewith, at least four miles of main gas-pipes within said corporation, on or before the 1st of January, 1854, and shall further lay an average amount of at least fifteen hundred feet of main gas-pipes per annum thereafter, if re- quired or ordered by the said City Council. Sec. 6. That the works and operations of said gas-works shall be so constructed and managed as to cause no injury to the health of the citizens of Covington. Sec. 7. That the said City Council shall have the right and privilege, by giving one year's previous notice in writing, of purchasing from said James Southgate and associates, their successors and assigns, all the pipe, buildings, privileges and apparatus, constituting the gas-works, on the 1st of January, 1869, and at the expiration of each and every term of five years thereafter; the price or value of said gas-works to be ascertained and determined by five disinterested persons, resi- dents of Kentucky, two of whom shall be chosen by said City Council, two by said James Southgate and associates, their successors and assigns, and the fifth by the four so chosen. Sec. 8. That the citizens and property holders of said city are permitted to subscribe for one-half the stock of said gas CITY OF COVINGTON. 77 company : Provided^ they subscribe for the same within thirty days after the opening of the book and public notice given thereof. Passed October 28, 1852. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE providing for licensing Peddlers in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That before any person or persons shall be at liberty to peddle and sell as a peddler any dry goods, groceries, wares, jewelr}^, or any thing, in said city, he, she or they shall first pay into the City Treasury the sum of ten dollars, and it shall be the doty of the Treasurer to certify the same to the Mayor, who shall issue a license under the seal of his office to such person or persons to peddle in said city six months. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall violate the provisions of this ordinance, he, she or they, upon conviction thereof before the Maj'or, shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding twenty dollars and costs of suit. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That in addition to the sum required to be paid for the license, the person or persons to whom the same may be issued shall pay to the Mayor, for his certificate and seal, the sum of fifty cents. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to arrest and take before the Mayor for trial all persons violating this ordinance: Provided,, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to peddlers of fruit, matches and bread. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances conflict- ing with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed June 6, 1850. Revised and approved March 6, 1856. AN ORDINANCE on the subject of Peddlers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the Mayor of said city is hereby authorized to issue a license to any person of good character to peddle porter, ale, beer and mineral water in the city, according to the provisions of an ordinance which was passed on the 6th of June, 1850, revised and approved March 6, 1856. Approved February 5, 1857. 78 ORDINANCES OF THE AN ORDINANCE to prevent Hogs from running at large in the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That if any person, being the owner of any animal of the hog kind, or having charge of the same as agent for the owner, shall, after the fifteenth day of Jnly next, permit such animal to run at large in any street, lane, alley, market-place, public landing or common, or public ground of said city, every such owner or agent shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be lined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars, with costs, for every such offense. Sec. 2. Any hog or hogs, or animal of the hog kind, found running at large, shall be impounded by the City Marshal, wlio shall give at least five days notice by advertising at least once in some newspaper printed in the city of Covington, that the owner prove his property in such animal before the Mayor, on a day to be specified in said notice. On the dny specified, or at any day before, such owner or his agent may prove be- fore the Mayor his right to such property, and have the same restored to him b}^ paying all fees and expenses attending the capture and support of such animal; but if such proof be not made at or before the day specified in the notice, the Mayor shall enter an order on his docket that such animal be sold, and shall thereupon direct the Marshal of the city to sell such animal, and the Mai'shal, after giving at least three days' notice of the time and place of sale, by advertisement at the door of the City Hall, shall sell such animal at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash; and after retaining his fees and the costs, and all necessary expenses attending the capture and support of such animal, shall pay the net proceeds to the Mayor, and return a statement in writing, on said order of sale, of his proceedings and costs and expenses, within ten days after the sale. The Ma^^or, after deducting his costs, shall pay the residue of the proceeds to the City Treasurer within thirty days after the return. The Marshal shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents for each hog or animal of the hog kind, for the capture thereof; and all necessary expenses attending the capture and impounding of the animal, and feed- ing it while impounded, and ten per cent, commission qu the amount of each sale actually made under this ordinance; to be paid by the owner, or deducted from the proceeds of sale; and the Mayor , shall be entitled to receive a fee of fi-fty cents for each order made and each return received and entered by him under this ordinance. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal and his CITY OF COVINGTON. 79 deputies to capture and impound every hog found by or pointed out to them, or either of them, at large in any street, alley, or other public place in the city; and upon his failure to do so, such officer, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be subject to a line of live dolhirs for each failure. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances coming within the purview of this ordinance, shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed June 26, 1855. Approved and re-enacted May 13, 1864. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City of Covington to subscribe $100,000 to the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company. Section 1. Be it ordained hy the City Council of Covington^ That the bonds of this city, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, be issued to tlie Covington and Lexington Railroad Company, in such amounts and at such times as the company may require, redeemable in thirty years, bearing in- terest of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually at , in the city of New York, or any other city in the United States, on the 1st day ot January and July in eacli year, which bonds are to be delivered to said company in pay- ment of subscription by the city to the capital stock of said company, to be delivered to the city upon the execution and delivery of the bonds of the city in favor of said company, and to an amount corresponding with the amount of city bonds issued. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained^ That the certificates of stock thus acquired shall be and are hereby set apart, and sacredl}^ and irrevocably pledged for the payment of the bonds issued to said compain^ Sec. 3. Be it farther ordained^ That all of the dividends that may from time to time be received by the city on the stock in said railroad company, be and are hereby in like manner set apart and irrevocably pledged for the payment of the in- terest upon the bonds of this city issued to said railroad com- pany ; and further, that in case the amount of dividends secured by the city on the stock in said company shall at any time exceed the amount of interest to be paid upon said city bonds, then said excess shall be applied to the liquidation of said bonds by purchase, or shall be safely invested and con- stituted a sinking fund for the ultimate payment of said bonds. 80 ORDINANCES OF THE Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the good faith, credit, real estate and revenue of the city be and are hereby irrevo- cably pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds. Passed August 23, 1850. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the subscription of ?200,000 to the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company. Whereas, The qualified voters of the city of Covington did, on the 4th' day of August, 1851, at an election then regnhxrly held, decide, by a vote of nine hundred and ninety-one in favor to eighty-eight against, that this Board should subscribe two hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Cov- ington and Lexington Railroad Company, jn addition to the one hundred thousand dollars subscription heretofore made ; therefore, in obedience to said vote, and by authority conferred upon this Board by an act of the Legislature of Kentuck}^ approved the day of March, 1851, Section 1. Be it and it is hereby ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the President subscribe for and on behalf of the city of Covington, to the capital stock of the Coving- ton and Lexington Railroad Company, the amount of four thousand shares, and the President and Clerk are directed to issue bonds of the city to the amount of said subscription, in such sums as said company may desire, payable to said com- pany or bearer, not exceeding thirty years after date, payable at the city of ]N"ew York, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually in said city of jN'ew York, and to issue coupons for said interest. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, That all the estate, rights and credits, and the faith of the city, and the stock herein directed to be subscribed, be and the same are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the interest and redemption of principal of said bonds. Passed October 31, 1851. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE indorsing Railrose of paying the subscription by the city of one hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Covington and Cincinnati Bridge Company; and in pursuance of the vote of said city, and the act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the said bonds shall be signed by the President of this Board, attested by the Clerk, with the seal of the corjDoration afiixed. The said President shall also sign the coupons. Sec. 2. That for the security of the payment of principal and interest of said bonds, the faith, rights, revenues, credits, with all the property of said city, be and the same are hereby irrevocably pledged. Sec 3. That the Committee of Ways and Means be and are hereby empowered to dispose of said bonds, or any part thereof, so soon as the same may be executed, or on such terms as shall be considered by them most favorable to the city, may make such arrangement and contract with said Bridge Company in relation thereto as by them shall be con- sidered proper. Approved May 7, 1857. 84 ORDINANCES OF THE AN ORDINANCE establishing a Board of Health. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That there shall be and is herei3y established a Board of Health for the city of Covington, consisting of one member for each ward, who shall hold their office for one year and until their successors are appointed. They shall serve without compen- sation or emolument, and shall be annually appointed by the City Council; and in case of removal, death, resignation, sick- ness or inability, or refusal of any of said Board to serve, their places shall be supplied immediately by other appointment, to be made by the Council. A majority of the whole Board shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and they shall meet at the City Clerk's office forth- with, after receiving notice of their appointment, and as often thereafter as they may deem necessary, and they shall elect from their own body a President, who shall preside at their meetings, and the City Clerk shall be ex-officio Secretary, and shall keep a journal of their proceedings. Sec. 2. The Board hereby established shall have power, whenever they may deem it necessary for the security of the city, to take the most prompt and efficient measures to prevent the introduction and spreading of contagious, malignant, dan- gerous and infectious diseases into said city, and for the imme- diate and safe removal of any person or persons who may be found therein afflicted with any such disease, and it is hereby made the duty of the Mayor, Marshal, Wharf Master, and all other officers of the city, to be attentive and vigilant in assist- ing the Board of Health in exercising their duties. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of said Board of Health from time to time to recommend to the City Council such measures as the Board may deem necessary to promote and secure the health of said city, and to prevent the introduction of contagious, malignant, dangerous and infectious diseases, and to report to the Council all the expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties aforesaid; and the said Board of Health shall exercise such other powers and discharge such other duties as the Council may prescribe. Sec. 4. That if any person or persons shall at any time hereafter knowingly introduce, aid or assist therein, the small- pox, yellow fever, or other contagious disease, into the city, or shall possess any knowledge of any person laboring under any such disease living within said city, without forthwith giving notice thereof to the Mayor or President of the Council, or shall fail or refuse to obey and observe the rules and regu- CITY OF COVINGTON. 85 lations of said Board of Health, every person so offending for every such offense shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than five nor more than sixteen dollars. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances on this subject conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed November 18, 1852. Revised and approved March 13, 185G. AN ORDINANCE regulating Plays, Exhibitions, Concerts and Shows. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That no person or persons shall be permitted to exhibit in said city an}^ theatrical performance of any kind or descrip- tion, puppet show, tumbling or wire dancing, balancing, slight ^ of hand, feats of dexterity, or any natural or artificial curi- osity, or description or representation of any kind whatever, except menageries and circuses, either real or fictitious, for which compensation is demanded or required, unless he, she or they shall have first applied for and obtained license from the Mayor to make such exhibition or performance. Sec. 2. That upon paj^ment to the City Treasurer of a sum of money equal to ten times the amount of the highest sum charged for the admission of a grown person to each exhibi- tion of any of the performances aforesaid, and also a sum of fifty cents to the Mayor for license and afiixing\his seal thereto; and, upon the presentation of the Treasurer's receipt for the money so paid to him, the Mayor may issue the license or permission to any person who may apply for the same. Sec. 3. That if any person or persons shall violate the pro- visions of this ordinance, he, she or they, for each and everj^ offense, shall forfeit and pay a fine not less than five nor more than sixteen dollars, with costs of suit. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Marshal and his deputies and of the Clerk of the city to see that this ordi- nance is duly executed, and for that purpose shall give infor- mation to the Mayor whenever this ordinance is violated. Sec. 5. That in the event of the temporary absence, resig- nation or death of the Mayor or Mayor pro tern., said license may be granted by the President of the Council, and attested by the Clerk. Sec. 6. That from and after the passage of this ordinance, before any circus company, menagerie, or exhibition of wild beasts shall be licensed to exhibit in said city, the proprietor, 86 ORDINANCES OF THE manager, or agent thereof shall first pay into the city treasury the sum of fifty dollars for a circus, and twenty-fis^e dollars for a menagerie of wild beasts, for each and every day said exhibition shall be made in this cit}^ Sec. 7. That the agent, proprietor, manager, or any person in any way connected with any company aforesaid, failing or refusing to comply with this ordinance, shall be fined in the sum of fifty dollars and costs for each and every offense. Sec. 8. That the provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed so as to require license to be obtained for any musical concert, or lecture upon literary or scientific subjects, when the proceeds are for the benefit of charities, churches, schools, literary institutions, or fire companies of this city. Passed November 19, 1852. Reyised and approved May 13, 1864. AN ORDINANCE defining the Duties and fixing the Salary of the City Clerk. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to attend in his office each day of the week during business hours, and to keep the office open and accessible to all persons having business therein, and to render such aid to the officers of the city and committees of the Board at his office as may be required of him; that all advertisements for contracts and proposals and printing for the city shall be attended to by him under the direction of appropriate committees; that at each meetincr of the Board of Council he shall report the amount of appropriations at the previous meeting, and shall keep the same in a book provided for that purpose; that he shall make out and index the pro- ceedings of the Board, which should be regularly kept up as they transpire. His salary shall be one thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly. Passed November 19, 1852. Revised and approvedMay 13, 1864. AN ORDINANCE for the regulation of Weights and Measures. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That there shall be a Sealer and Inspector of Weights and Measures, wdio shall be elected by the voters of the city at large on th© first Saturday in January, who shall hold his office for two years, or until his successor is elected and quali- fied, who, before entering on the duties of his office, shall give CITY OF COVINGTON. 87 bond with good security, in the penalty of one thousand dol- lars, to the city of Covington, conditioned to discharge all of the duties appertaining to said office. Sec. 2. That from and after the taking effect of this ordi- nance, there shall he a regulation of Weights and Measures, in this city, agreeably to the standard adopted by the State of Kentucky. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Inspector and Sealer, and he is authorized once in every year, and oftener, to inspect and seal all weights and measures, scales and beams, and other instruments used in said city in weighing and measur- ing; and when any weights and measures, ncsdes and beams are re-examined and found to be correct, there shall be no fee for such re-examination. Sec. 4. Any person refusing to exhibit his or her weights and measures, scales and beams, or other weighing and meas- uring instruments, for the purpose of such examination as is provided for in this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Mayor of the cit}", shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Sec. 5. The Inspector and Sealer shall be allowed to receive the following fees for the services to be rendered b}^ him under this ordinance, to wit: for inspecting and sealing platform scale, of two thousand pounds and upward, one dollar; for any of a less denomination, fifty cents; for inspecting and sealing large beam drawing one thousand pounds and upward, fifty cents; any of a less size, twenty-five cents; for inspecting and sealing weights of five pounds and upward, five cents each; for inspecting and sealing counterbalances and scales, and each set of counter weights, from one-half ounce to four pounds, twenty-five cents; for comparing and sealing a dry measure bushel, twenty cents; a half bushel, ten cents; for each measure of smaller capacity, five cents; for comparing and sealing wine and liquor measures, for any three gallon or greater.measure, ten cents; for any smaller measure, five cents; for every yard measure, five cents. Sec. 6. The City Council, at the expense of the city, shall procure correct and approved standards, with their several subdivisions, together with proper beams and scales, for the purpose of testing and proving the weights and measures to be used in this city. Sec. 7. That every person who may sell any articles by weight or measure, within this city, shall use only such weights, meas- 88 ORDINANCES OF THE ures, beams and scales as shall have first been examined and sealed by the said Inspector and Sealer; and that any person offending against the provisions of this section shall, on con- viction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and the Inspector and Sealer shall give information of such offending. Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of the Inspector and Sealer of Weights and Measures, to examine and seal all weights and measures, beams and scales, without unnecessary delay, after the same shall have been left at his usual place of business; and in all cases where it may become necessary to remove his w^eights or measures of standard, to an^^ place other than his office, or usual place of business, the person or persons whose measures, scales or beams are to be inspected, or for whom such removal is made, shall pay all expenses of such trans- portation. Sec. 9. The fees herein authorized to be charged by the Inspector and Sealer of Weights and Measures, shall be col- lected from the party or parties whose weights, measures, scales and beams shall be inspected and sealed. Sec. 10. All ordinances coming within the purview of this ordinance are hereby repealed; and this ordinance shall take eflect and be in force from and after the 1st day of April, 1853. Revised and approved March 13, 185C. AN ORDINANCE supplemental to an Ordinance passed January 27, 1853, on the subject of Inspecting and Gauging. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the City Inspector and Sealer of Weights and Measures, to inspect and gauge all liquors, spir- ituous, malt and vinous, and molasses, and linseed and other oils, whenever he shall be called on for the purpose by any one proposing to buy or sell; and under like circumstances, he shall inspect any beef, pork, lard, butter, fish, salt, flour, meal, biscuit, feathers, tobacco, leather and other products which ma}^ be offered for sale in the city. Sec. 2. The Inspector and Sealer may employ assistants for whose conduct he shall be responsible, and he shall provide himself with the common and most approved instruments for ascertaining the capacity of a barrel or other cask or vessel or measure, and the quality of the article contained therein; and he shall repair to any part of the city when called on to per- CITY OF COVINGTON. 89 form any of the duties required by this ordinance; he shall mark upon each barrel, cask or vessel, the quantity and quality/ of the article contained in it, with his name and the place of inspection affixed; in the case of liquors, giving the number of gallons contained and the capacity and the proof; and in the case of oils and molasses, the number of gallons contained and the capacity of the vessel; and in case of other articles, the nnmber of pounds and the quality; and he shall, to the person for whom he acts, give a certificate of the inspection and gauging when required. Sec. 3. He shall keep an account of every thing done by him and his assistants under the ordinances prescribing his duties, and shall report to the City Council every thing thus done once in every six months after his appointment. Sec. 4. His fees shall be as follows, to be paid by the owner of the property inspected or gauged, to wit: for a barrel of flour, three cents; for a half barrel, two cents; for a barrel of «alt, three cents, and for a sack of salt, two cents; for a barrel of beef or pork, twenty cents, and for a half barrel, fifteen cents; for a barrel, cask, vessel, or measure of any article not above named, except liquors, ten cents; and for a single barrel or cask of liquor, fifteen cents; for a larger number than one and not more than ten, ten cents each; and for a number exceeding ten, five cents each. Passed November 30, 1854. Approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to establish the office of City Weigher. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That there shall be a City Weigher, who shall be elected by the voters on the first Saturday in January, and shall hold his office for two years, or until his successor is elected and quali- fied; who shall keep an office in some central part of said city, and the city shall supply him with suitable scales, tested and approved by the City Sealer of Weights and Measures, and when requested shall weigh any article of commerce, and deliver to the applicant a certificate of the weight, and keep a register of all articles weighed; an abstract of which regis- ter, with the amount of fees received, shall be reported to the City Council under oath, at the first regular meetings in the months of March, June, September and December of every year. Sec. 2. l^o person, other than the City Weigher and his 90 OEDINANCES OF THE deputies, shall in this city follow the business of weighing, under a penalty of not less than five, nor more than fifty dol- lars, for each offense. Sec. 3. The City Weigher shall cause his scales to be tested by the Inspector and Sealer of Weights and Measures at least once in three months. Sec. 4. The City "Weigher may charge and receive for his own use, from the person or persons, at whose instance he weighs, the following fees, and no more, to wit: For corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, flaxseed and bran, for any quantity not exceeding five thousand pounds, two cents per hundred pounds; a quantity over five and not exceeding twenty thou- sand, one and a half cents per hundred pounds; a quantity over twenty and not exceeding fifty thousand, one and a quar- ter cents per hundred pounds; a quantity over fifty thousand pounds, one cent per hundred pounds. For sugar in hogs- heads, for five hogsheads or under, twenty -five cents per hogs- head; for over five and not exceeding ten, twenty cents per hogshead; over ten and not exceeding twenty, fifteen cents per hogshead; over twenty and not exceeding thirty, twelve and a half cents per hogshead; over thirty and not exceeding fifty, ten cents per hogshead; over fifty and not exceeding one hundred, eight cents; over one hundred hogsheads, five cents per hogshead. For sugar in barrels or boxes, for twenty or under, ten cents per box or barrel; over twenty and not exceeding one hundred, five cents; over one hundred, four cents per box or barrel. For cofiee in sacks or barrels, for twenty or under, five cents per sack or barrel; over twenty and not exceeding one hundred, three cents per sack or barrel; over one hundred, two cents per each sack or barrel. For hemp, five tuns or less, forty cents per tun; over five and not exceeding ten, thirty cents per tun; over ten and not exceed- ing fifty, twenty cents per tun; over fifty tuns, fifteen cents per tun. For lard in barrels, for one hundred barrels or under, five cents per barrel; over one hundred, three cents per barrel. For lard in kegs, one cent per keg. For lead and other metals, for five tuns or less, thirty cents per tun; over five tuns and not exceeding ten, twenty-five cents per tun; over ten and not exceeding twenty tuns, fifteen cents per tun ; over twenty tuns, ten cents per tun. For hides, for one hundred and under, one cent apiece; over one hundred, one-half cent a piece. For peltries, the same rates as are herein provided for weighing hemp. For bacon and meat in bulk and packages, for five tuns or less, forty cents per tun ; over five and not exceeding CITY OF COVINGTON. 91 ten tuns, thirty cents per tun; over ten and not exceeding twenty tuns, twenty-five cents per tun; over twenty tuns, twenty cents per tun. For cotton in bales, for ten bales or under, fifteen cents per bale; over ten and not exceeding twenty bales, ten cents per bale; over twenty and not exceed- ing one hundred bales, seven cents per bale; over one hun- dred, five cents per each bale. For pearlash, saleratus, salt, potash, or any other articles of merchandise not heretofore enumerated herein, for twenty or under, five cents per barrel or cask; for over twenty, three cents per barrel or cask. For tobacco, five cents per hundred pounds. Sec. 5. The register of the City Weigher shall at all times be open to the inspection of any person interested in any weighing done by him. Sec. 6. The City Weigher who shall first be appointed under this ordinance, may use the Cincinnati standards until the city of Covington is provided with the standard of Kentucky. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take eftect from its passage, and any ordinance coming within the purview of this is hereby repealed. Sec. 8. Be it further ordaived by the City Council of Coving- ton, That hereafter the City Weigher may charge, for w^eigh- ing pig iron, twelve and a half cents per tun ; for blooms,- fifteen cents per tun, and for scrap iron twenty-five cents per tun, to be paid by the person at whose instance he does the w^eighing, and so far as this ordinance conflicts with the ordi- nance now in existence touching the same subject, said ordi- nance is hereby repealed. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That the City Weigher pay unto the City Treasurer, quarterly, five per cent, of the net proceeds of his ofiice. Passed April 21, 1853. Approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to further regulate the fees of City Weigher. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the City Weigher may charge and receive for his own use, from the person or persons at whose instance he weighs, the following fees and no more, to-w^it: For each wagon, dray or cart load of merchandise, produce, or wares of any descrip- tion, not exceeding 2,000 pounds in weight, the sum of fifteen cents; when the weight exceeds 2,000 pounds, and less than 92 ORDINANCES OF THE 3,000 pounds, the sum of twenty cents : over 3,000 pounds and under 4,500 pounds, twenty-five cents; over 4,500 pounds, the sum of thirty cents. Sec. 2. The City Weigher shall pay into the City Treasury, quarterl}^ five per cent, of all fees collected under the first sec- tion of this ordinance. Sec. 3. All ordinances coming within the purview of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Approved April 7, 18G4. AN ORDINANCE providing for the appointment of Inspectors of Elections in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington^ That the Council shall, at the regular meeting of the Board, in the month of December in each year, appoint three quali- fied voters in each ward of the city, whose duty it shall be to act as Inspectors of Elections, in their respective wards, at all elections that may occur in said city by order of the Council. Sec. 2. Any two of said Inspectors may superintend an election. Sec. 3. The Inspectors acting at any election shall appoint a competent person to act as Clerk of the election, who shall, in a fair hand, write the name of each person voting at such election, placing his vote opposite his name in suitable col- umns in a book, in which a record of the election shall be kept. Sec 4. Any acting Inspector, or the Clerk, may administer an oath to any person offering to vote, and require him to an- swer questions touching his qualifications as a voter. Sec. 5. Before going into an election, the Inspectors and Clerk shall take an oath, before any officer authorized by law to administer oaths, that they will faithfully discharge the duties enjoined upon them by law, and the certificate of the officer administering the oath shall be returned with the poll- book; and if there be not the requisite number of Inspectors ready to act at the commencement of an election, the City Marshal shall appoint persons to act as Inspector or Inspectors for such elections. Sec. 6. The City Marshal shall, by himself or his deputies, attend all the voting places during an election, shall open the polls, and keep order during the election, and when the Inspec- tors disagree as to the right to vote of any one oftering, the Marshal or deputy shall decide the question; and the Marshal CITY OF COVINGTON. 93 may appoint deputies to attend elections, who shall be sworn to discharge faithfully the duties required of them. Sec. 7. The acting Inspectors, the Clerk and the Marshal, shall receive two dollars per day. each, for the time they may be engaged in any election. Sec. 8. The elections contemplated by this ordinance shall commence at 7 o'clock A. M., and continue to 5 o'clock P.M., except the space between 12J o'clock P. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. Sec. 9. As soon as an election is over, the acting Inspectors shall sign a certificate, to be written at the end of the election book under their charge, declaring the correctness of such book; which certificate shall be attested by the Clerk, and immediately the Clerk shall deliver such book to the City Clerk of Covington, who shall carefully preserve the same and report it to the City Council. Sec. 10. Any officer required to act by this ordinance, for any failure to discharge the duties herein prescribed for him, shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined any sum not exceeding fifty dollars for every such offense. Sec. n. All ordinances coming within the purview of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed March 4, 1853. Approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE regulating the Duties and fixing Salary of City Jailor and Keeper of the Poor House. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington^ That the officer whose duty it is to keep the City Jail, Work House and the City Poor House, shall be known as City Jailor, who shall be elected by the legal voters of the city on the first Saturday in January, and who shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be removable, however, at the pleasure of the Board, when two-thirds of the members vote for his removal. Sec. 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the City Jailor shall take an oath to faithfully discharge the du- ties thereof, and shall give bond with good security, in the penalty of two thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of all the duties that may be devolved upon him. Sec. 3. He shall receive into his custody all persons that may be committed to the Jail or Work House, by the Mayor of the city, or any Justice of the Peace having power to com- mit under the city ordinances, and shall cause such person or 94 ORDINANCES OF THE persons to perform such labor as may be directed by the Mag- istrate committing, or by ordinance, and he must release such prisoner or prisoners at the expiration of the time of commit- ment, or sooner if the Council shall direct a release; and when- ever the City Marshal, or any police officer of the city, shall have in custody any person or persons with directions from the Mayor to detain such person or persons for any stated time, it shall be the duty of the City Jailor to afford such officer all the assistance in his power for the safe keeping of such pris- oners during such stated time, by confinement in the City Jail or otherwise, and the Jailor, w^hen requested by the Marshal or other police officers, shall aid him in the safe keeping of any person arrested, from the time of the arrest to the time of taking him before the Magistrate. Sec. 4. The City Jailor shall carefully preserve all the prop- erty of the city which may be in his possession, and shall take good care of the buildings under his charge, and shall report to the Board any damage which may be done to the same, and shall keep the same in a cleanly condition. Sec. 5. He shall provide wholesome diet and comfortable lodging for persons placed in the Poor House. Paupers may be placed in the Poor House by an order in w^riting from a member of the City Council for the ward in which the pauper last resided, or, in the absence of such member, by the written order of any two members of the City Council. Sec. 6. Persons committed to the Jail or Work House in pursuance of this ordinance, shall be confined to hard labor at breaking rock, and such other work as may be directed by ordinance. Sec. 7. Whenever stone or other material are needed for the Work House, and farniture or fixtures for the Poor House, the City Jailor shall report the necessary information to the Council. Sec. 8. 'No person under the age of twelve years shall be placed in the Poor House, nor any person who has not resided in the city for six months, unless by order of the Cit}^ (>ouncil; and any person may be removed from the Poor House by the authority placing him or her there. Sec. 9. The following fees shall be allowed the City Jailor for services required of him: For receiving each person com- mitted to the Work House or Jail, twent^^-five cents; for re- leasing a person from the Work House or Jail, twenty-five cents; for boarding each person in the Jail or AVork House, thirtj^-three cents per day; for keeping a slave in Jail when CITY OF COVINGTON". 95 authorized by the Mayor, fifty cents per clay, to be paid by the person at whose instance he may receive the slave; for obtain- ing and disposing of materials for the Work House, such com- pensation as shall be allowed by the Board; for boarding and taking care of each person in the Poor House, per day, thirty cents. If the Jailor shall in any case charge more than he is allowed by this ordinance, upon conviction thereof he shall be fined by the Mayor in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Sec. 10. For permitting any person in the Jail, Work House, or Poor House, to use intoxicating liquors, unless directed by the City Physician, the City Jailor, for every such ofi:ense, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars. Sec. 11. The City Jailor shall be keeper of the City Jail, City Work House, and the City Poor House, until the City Council shall by ordinance provide a different arrangement. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the City Jailor to act as Jan- itor for the City Council, and for his services shall receive fifty cents for each meeting. Sec. 13. That the jailor be and he is hereby allowed two hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly, in addition to the compensation allowed in the ninth section of this ordi- nance, and this additional compensation shall commence on the Is-t day of April, 1856. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained^ That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed March 4, 1850. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE regl^lating the Fees of City Jailor and Keeper of the Poor House. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covdngton, That the following fees shall be allowed to the City Jailor for services required of him: For receiving each person com- mitted to the Work House or Jail, twenty-five cents; for re- leasing a person from the Work House or Jail, twenty-five cents. Sec 2. For boarding each person in the Jail or Work House, thirty-one cents per day ; for keeping a slave in Jail, when authorized by the Mayor, sixty cents per day, to be paid by the person at whose instance he may receive the slave; for 96 OEDINANCES OF THE obtaining and disposing of materials for the Work House, such compensation as shall be allowed by the Board. Sec. 3. For boarding and taking care of each person in the Poor House, over twelve years old, twenty-eight cents per day, and under twelve years old, twenty-five cents per day; for children under six months, when their mother is with them, nothing. Sec. 4. If the Jailor shall in any case charge more than he is allowed by this ordinance, upon conviction thereof he shall be fined by the Mayor in any sum not exceeding tw'enty-five dollars. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained^ That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 7, 1864. AN ORDINANCE regulating the admission of Children under twelve years of age to the Poor House. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That section eight of an ordinance entitled an ordinance reg- ulating the duties and fixing the salary of the City Jailor and Keeper of the Poor House, be so amended as to authorize the admission of children under twelve years of age in the same manner as other paupers are now admitted, and subject to re- moval in like manner as is now prescribed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the Keeper of the Poor House shall be allowed, for all such children under twelve years of age, excepting children which are being nursed by their mothers, two-thirds of the amount now allowed by law for keeping adult paupers, and no more. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That in all cases the allow- ance for board shall be in full for board and washing. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances within the purview of the foregoing, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved August 9, 1860. AN ORDIN'ANCE regulating the sale of Wood and the Duties of the Wood Measurer. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That no person shall hereafter sell any fire wood in the city of Covington from any wagon, sled, cart or other vehicle, unless CITY OF COVITOTON. 97 such fire wood shall have been first measured and marked as hereinafter required, nor unless the mark showing the quan- tity of said wood shall, at the time of such sale, be and remain on some conspicuous part of the wood; and any person offend- ing against this provision, shall, for each offense, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and not less than five dollars, with costs of prosecution: Provided, th-dt it shall be a sufficient defense to such prosecution, for such person to show that the wood so sold, had been on the day of sale carried to one of the named places for measurement hereinafter designated, and there re- mained for one full hour, during which neither the Wood Measurer or his deputy was present at such place prepared to measure the same. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, That an officer shall be elected every two years, to be called the City Wood Measurer; who, before he shall enter upon the duties of his office, shall enter into bond with good and sufficient security, to be approved by the City Council, in the sum of one thousand dollars, condi- tioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and shall take an oath or affirmation before the Mayor, or some Justice of the Peace, well and truly to perform the same. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the Wood Measurer shall have power, subject to the approval of the City Council, to appoint one or more deputies to assist liim in the duties of his office, at such times as the public convenience may require, each of whom shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath or affirmation before the Mayor, or some Justice of the Peace, well and truly to perform the same: Pro- vided, that the Wood Measurer and his securities shall be held responsible for all violations of duty or failure in the perform- ance thereof by the said deputies or either of them. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the Lower Market-space and Seventh-street Market-space, be and they are hereby de- signated as the places at which fire wood shall be measured and marked by the Wood Measurer or his deputies; and for that purpose all fire wood sold in the city of Covington shall be carried to one or the other of the said places, unless the same shall have been previously measured and marked by the Measurer or one of his deputies. And the hours for measur- ing wood shall be from 5 o'clock A. M. until 7 o'clock P. M., from the 1st day of April until the 1st day of October; and from 7 o'clock A. M. until 5 o'clock P. M. from the 1st day of October until the 1st day of April of each year. 98 ORDINANCES OF THE Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That from and after the 1st day of March next, all fire wood brought to market within this city, shall be at least four feet in lenc^th, including one-half of the kerf, and the cord shall be computed at the rate of eight feet in length, four feet in breadth and four feet in hight, well stowed and packed: Provided, that if the deficiency in the average length of any such wood shall not exceed six inches, the same may be measured, and allowance made for the same of double such deficiency. And the City Wood Measurer shall not, by himself or his deputies, mark any wood as having been measured, which shall not be prepared in compliance with this ordinance, and brought to market on a vehicle so con- structed that the same may be conveniently measured without removal. Sec. 6. Be it f urther ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Wood Measurer, by himself or one of his deputies, to be present and attend during some part of each ajid every hour for wood measuring, of every day, (Sundays excepted,) at each of the places designated for measuring wood, with a suitable standard measure, and then and there to measure and inspect all fire wood properly prepared and brought to the said places, immediatel}'' on its arrival, and ascertain the quan- tity thereof in each vehicle, making a fair and reasonable allowance for loss sustained by crooked and uneven wood, and estimating the cord to contain one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet, and to mark in figures, on some conspicuous place or places, of each parcel, the number of feet contained therein, and also, if required by the person bringing the wood, to give to him a certificate setting forth the quantity and the date of such measurement. And in the performance of the dutj^ hereby re- quired of the said Measurer, he shall not remove the wood from the vehicle on which it may be brought. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That the Wood Measurer, b}^ himself or his deput}^, shall be entitled to demand and receive, of the owner or person in possession of the wood so measured, a fee of ten cents for each parcel of one cord or more, five cents for each parcel of less than one cord and not less than one- half of a cord, and three cents for each parcel of less than one- half of a cord, which fee shall be paid before the wood is marked, if required by the Measurer. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances coming in purview of this ordinance, be and are hereby repealed. Passed February 22, 1855. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. CITY OF COVINGTON'. 99 AN ORDINANCE regulating the sale of Wood and duty of Wood Measurer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the first section of an ordinance passed February 22, 1855, re- vised and approved March 13, 1856, entitled an ordinance regulating the sale of wood and the duties of the Wood Meas- urer, be so amended as to provide that any person violating the provision of said first section of said ordinance, shall, for each oflense, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in a sum of not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty-five dollars, with costs of prosecution. » Approved April 1, 1858, AN ORDINANCE further regulating the duties of Receiving Officers of the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, City Collector, and of each and every other ofiicer of the city of Covington, who, or whose deputy or deputies, shall receive money or scrip belonging to the city, whether on account of taxes, fines, pen- alties, forfeitures, licenses, or from any other source, or who shall be, by the ordinance of the City Council, or statutes of the State of Kentucky, authorized or required to receive money or scrip belonging to the city, on or before the fifth day of each calendar month, to make a report in writing, signed by such ofiicer, to the Treasurer of the city, of all such moneys or scrip so received by him or his deputies during the preceding month, with a detailed statement showing the source from which each item thereof was received, and whether the same was received in money or scrip, and also to pay over and deliver to the Treasurer the balance of money and scrip shown by the said report to be in the hands of such ofiicer or his deputies, be- longing to the city. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to return to the City Council, at its first regular meeting after the 10th day of each successive calendar month, all the reports which shall have been made to him in obedience to the first section of this ordinance, with a state- ment in writing signed by the Treasurer, showing the amount received by him from each ofiicer, distinguishing between money and scrip; and an abstract of all receipts and payments made by him on account of the city, during the month next preceding and including the 5th day" of the current month; and the balance in his hands as Treasurer at the close of such 100 ORDINANCES OF THE abstract; and also, at the same time, to report in writing to the Council the name of each receiving officer of the city who shall have failed, since his last preceding report, to have made the return required by the said first section. ^ Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Attorney, at least once in each calendar month, to examine carefully the docket of each Justice of the Peace in the city of Covington, and of the Mayor of the city, and to ascertain therefrom all fines, forfeitures, and penalties on re- cognizances or penal bonds, which may have been assessed or recovered in the Court of such Justice or Mayor for use of city, during the month next preceding such examination; and the names of the officer or officers to whose hands the execu- tion for such fines, penalties or forfeitures may have been committed, or to whom the amounts thereof may have been paid; and the said Attorney shall report in writing to the City Council, at its first regular meeting after the 10th day of each calendar month, the result of such examination so made by him, showing the amount of each fine, penalty or forfeiture assessed or recovered, and the name of the officer to whose hands the execution therefor may have come, or to whom the amount thereof may have been paid. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That if any officer shall fail or omit to discharge any duty required of him by the fore- going sections of this ordinance, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, for each and every such failure, recoverable by motion before the Mayor of the city, on ten days previous notice; and the fine hereby provided for, and proceedings under this ordinance, shall in no case relieve such officer from the other penalties incurred or to be incurred under the statutes and ordinances now in force, for failing to account for and pay over funds be- longing to the city. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the reports made in pur- suance of this ordinance shall be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, whose duty it shall be carefully to examine the same, and at the next succeeding meeting to return to the Council a list of all delinquent officers, with the amount, if any, appearing due by each to the city, and to recommend the appropriate action in each case. The several reports required by this ordinance, after being examined by the Committee, shall be returned to the Clerk, to be preserved by him among the files of his office. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall be CITY OF COVINGTON. 101 in force and take effect from and after the 1st day of March next. Passed February 22, 1855. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to regulate the Markets of the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the regular market days of the city shall be every day in the weejk except Sunday. At the Seventh-street Market-space on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at the Lower Mar- ket-space on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Satur- day evening market shall be alternately at the two market- spaces, between the hours of six and nine o'clock P. M., from the 1st of May to the 1st of October, and from the 1st of Octo- ber to the 1st of May, between the hours of four and seven o'clock P. M. Sec. 2. Market hours in the morning shall be from daylight until 10 o'clock, from the 1st of October until the 1st of May, and from the 1st of May to the 1st of October, from daylight until 9 o'clock. And no person shall' offer for sale on the streets during market hours any butcher's meat, poultry, veg- etables, or other articles of provisions of the kind usually offered for sale in the market-places; and no one shall offer for sale such meats, poultrj', vegetables and other articles of provisions in the market-places, at any other time than dur- ing market hours. Sec. 3. No pei'son shall kill, dress, or prepare for sale, any thing in the markct-jjlaces, or put any dirt, rubbish or filth therein. Sec. 4. Ever^^ person occupying a butcher's stall or other stand in a market-place, shall leave the same clean and in good order at the expiration of the market hours. Sec. 5. ISTo person shall occupy any of the stalls or stands in the market-houses, unless he shall liave first rented such stall or stand from the Market Master. A butcher's stall shall not be rented for a less term than six months, nor for less than one dollar and a half per month, the rent for the whole term for wdiich it may be rented to be paid to the Market Master in advance; and any stand other than a butcher's stall shall not be rented for a less term than three months, nor for less than fifty cents per month, the rent for the whole term for which it may be rented to be paid to the Market Master in advance, l^o stall or stand shall in any manner be transferred 102 OEDmANCES OF THE by tlie person renting it, but as soon as he shall have failed to use it in good faith for the purposes for which it was rented, for two consecutive market days, it shall be forfeited to the city, and the Market Master shall proceed to rent it to some one else. Sec. 6. No person shall fasten any horse or other animal to the railing or other parts of the market-houses or the fixtures appurtenant thereto, nor drive or pull any vehicle over the floors of the market-houses. Sec. 7. 'No person shall occupy any part of the market- places away from the market-houses without the pei^mission of the Mai'ket Master. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Market Master to pro- cure all the necessary weights and measures, and to take good care of them. He must have them examined, tested and sealed by the Inspector and Sealer of Weights and Measures, once in ever}^ six months, and, when necessary, he shall, by such weio:hts and measures, test the articles offered for sale in the markets. Sec. 9. The Market Master shall cause the market-houses to be kept neat and clean. He shall cause wagons, teams and other vehicles to so occupy the market-spaces as best to suit the convenience of the public and of buyers and sellers. He shall preserve order cbiring market hours. He shall prevent and remove all obstructions and nuisances in the markets. He- shall remove vagrants and disorderly persons from themarket- . houses. He shall, under the direction of the Committee on Markets, arrange and adjust the stalls and stands in the mar- ket-houses when they may be vacant, and make changes in their character when it is thought proper and advanta- geous. Sec. 10. The Market Master shall pay into the City Treas- , ury, on the first Saturday of every month, all the moneys he may have collected as Market Master, furnishing the Treas- urer with the names of the persons from whom he received it, with the amount from each respectively: and he shall take a receipt from the Treasurer every time lie makes a payment, a copy of which he shall furnish to the City Clerk to be filed in his ofiice. Sec. 11. It shall be the special duty of the Market Master to report to the Mayor all viohitions of the oVdinance regulat- ing the markets which may liave been committed, and the ua'mes of the persons conimitting the violation. And the jNIayor is authorized to impose a fine for any violation of CITY OF COVINGTON. 103 the ordinances governicg the markets, not to exceed fifty dolhxrs. Sec. 12. Any person who shall inform the Mayor of a y\o- lation of any ordinance regulating the markets, committed by the Market Master, shall be entitled to one-half the fine that may be imposed upon the Market Master for such viola- tion. Sec. 13. The salary of the Market Master shall be two hun- dred and fifty dohars a year, payable quarterly, by order on* the Treasurer. Sec. 11. The Market Master shall give bond, with security or securities worth at least one thousand five hundred dollars, to be approved by the Council, and filed in the Clerk's ofiice of the city. Sec. 15. That any person or persons who shall buy, or cause to be bought, any article of provision whatever, or corn, or oats, or other things usually offered in the market-place, de- signed for, and actually going to* market, before the same shall arrive in market after entering the corporation, or after the arrival and before the opening of the market, for the purpose of exporting or reselling the same, shall forfeit and pay, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, for ever}^ such ofiense, with costs of suit, any sum not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, one-half to the use of the informer, and one- half to the use of the city. Sec. 16. That it shall not be lawful for any person or per- sons whomsoever, to buy or procure, or by any means to be bought, any article of provision, corn, oats, or any other thing usuall}^ ottered in the market-places, which may be ofiered in the market-places, or which may be offered for sale in said market during market hours, for the purpose of either export- ing or reselling the same. Sec. 17. ISTor shall it be lawful for any person or persons to enter into any contract or agreement during market hours, for the purchase of any article of provision, corn, oats, or any other thing brought to be ofiPerecl in the market, for the pur- pose of reselling, exporting or distilling the same; and every person so ofl:ending shall, upon conviction thereof, as afore- said, be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered as hereinbefore provided, and to be applied as aforesaid. Sec. 18. That no person or persons shall, without the con- sent of the Market Master, and under his direction, expose for sale during market hours any fresh meat less than by the 104 OEDINANCES OF THE quarter, unless the person or persons so exposing- the same shall have obtained the use of a butchers stall, by renting the same of the Market Master ; and any person who shall be guilty thereof, shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not more than ten dollars for each offense, to be recoverable as aforesaid, and applied as heretofore provided. Sec. 19. That if any person or persons shall offer for sale, in any of the markets of the city, any butter, lard, or other articles, purporting to be one or more pounds weight, or shall employ any device for imposition or fraud in the sale of any provisions, and if the articles so offered shall be found deficient in weight or measure, upon being weighed or measured by the Market Master, said lard, butter, or other provisions, shall be forfeited to the city, and taken possession of by the Market Master, who shall sell the same to the highest bidder for the benefit of the city, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treasury. Sec. 20. That if any person or persons shall offer for sale, in market, any putrid or spoiled meats, or vegetables, in a decomposed or spoiled condition, upon conviction thereof be- fore the Mayor, he, she or they shall be fined in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than ten. Sec. 21. Be it further ordained^ That all ordinances con- flicting with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 6, 1855. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE concerning the selling of Meats. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covin gtov. That from and after the passage of this ordinance, all regular butchers who rent and occupy stalls in the market-houses of the city, or either of them, may use and occupy their meat shops after market hours, every day in the week except Sun- day, for retailing meats, without obtaining license to use said meat houses. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any butcher violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined not less than two dollars and a half nor more than ten dollars for each ofl'ense, and costs of suit. Passed November 24, 1853. Revised March 13, 1856. CITY OF COVINGTON. 105 AN ORDINANCE amending an ordinance regulating the Markets of the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the fifth section of an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the markets of the city of Covington, passed April 6, 1855, be so amended as to read as follows: iTo person shall occupy any of the stalls or stands in any of the market-houses, unless he shall have first rented such stall or stand from the Market Master, '^o stand or stall shall be rented for a less term than six months, the rent to be paid in advance to the Market Master, at the following rates, to-\vit: For butchers' stalls, $9 for six months in each market-house; and for other stands than butchers' stalls, $5 for six months in each market- house, excepting the stands on the north and outer side of Seventh-street and Lower Market-houses, which may be rented for $3 for six months each. And the Market Master shall not permit horses and wagons to stand on either side of either of the market-houses during market hours. ISTo stall or stand shall in any name be transferred by the person renting it, without the consent of the Market Master. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all the provisions of said fifth section not re-enacted in the first section of this ordi- nance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 1, 18G0. AN ORDINANCE to regulate the Markets in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the regular market days of the city shall be every day in the week except Sunday, viz.: At Eleventh-street Market-space on Mondays and Thursdays, and at the Seventh-street Market- space on Tuesdays and Fridays; at the Low^er Market-space on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and at the Sixth-street Mar- ket-space on Mondays and Thursdays, (the same days as the Eleventh ;) the Saturday evening market hours from 4 o'clock P. M. until 9 o'clock P. M.; market hours in the morning, as per section second of market ordinance passed April 6, 1855. Sec. 2. Be it ordained. That all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance takes effect from its passage. Approved September 17, 1863. 106 ORDI?\^ANCES OF THE AN ORDINANCE for punishing Misdemeanors. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington^ That it shall be unlawful for any person to cut, injure, or de- face, by marking or otherwise, public or private propert}^ within the city; and upon conviction of same, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 2. Tliat if any person shall drive a wagon, cart, dray or any other vehicle, on any street or alley in the city, or ride on horseback, otherwise than in a walk or moderate trot or pace, he or they, upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay ' not more than live dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 3. That if any person or persons shall disturb any law^- ful assembly or meeting* for religious worship, or conmiit a riot or breach of the peace in said city, shall, upon conviction, for each offense, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, to be assessed hj a jury. Sec. .4. That no brickmason, stonemason, plasterer, or man- ufacturing establishment, shall use any public pump or well, to procure water to carry on their business, under the penalty of two dollars for every such off*ense. Sec. 5. That no person within the city shall beat or other- wise injure any horse or other animal in an immoderate, cruel or unnecessary manner, under the penalty of five dollars for each off'ense and costs of suit. Sec. 6. That if any by-stander, when commanded by the Marshal or his deputies, shall refuse or neglect to aid him in apprehending and conveying to the Mayor's office or jail any offender against the ordinances of the city, he shall, on con- viction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than three dollars. Sec. 7. That any person convicted of any ofiTense under any ordinance of this city now in force, or tliat shall hereafter be passed by the City Council, shall pay the costs of the prosecu- tion in addition to the fine assessed. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained^ That any person offending against any of the ordinances of the city, who shall refuse or fail to pay the fines and forfeitures imposed by the ordinances of the city, after being convicted thereof, shall be confined in the Work House of said city until the labor performed by him or her shall amount to the sum equal to such fine or forfeiture and costs, estimating the labo*r at fifty cents per day. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall deface, cut, or injure in any manner, any shade or CITY OF COVINGTON. 107 ornamental tree or trees, set out or growing upon the public square or sidewalks of the city, or cut, deface, or destroy any boxes inclosing trees, he, she or they shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, any sum not exceeding ten dollars and costs of suit. Sec. 10. Be it farther ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall stop upon the sidewalks, streets, alleys, market- spaces or public squares in the city, for the purpose of dis- charging urine or performing other offices of nature, or shall indecently expose their persons, he, she or they, upon convic- tion before the Mayor, shall be fined in a sum not less than five nor more than ten dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall use vulgar and obscene language on the streets, sidewalks, or market-spaces, or wharf, in the citj^ and shall so utter such language as to be heard by persons ordinaril}^ pass- ing the streets, alleys, market-spaces, etc., or shall make vul- gar and obscene gestures in public places in said city, they shall forfeit and pay, upon conviction before the Mayor, any sum not exceeding ten dollars and costs, for such offense. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That any person or .persons making a disturbance of the peace and order of the city, in the day or night time, by quarreling, or in any manner, upon con- viction thereof shall be fined any sum not exceeding ten dol- lars and costs. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That if any person shall upon the Sabbath-day play, in the streets or public places within the city, with marbles, hoops, or at any other game, to the annoyance of the citizens, he, she or they shall forfeit any siyn not exceeding two dollars: if infants, to be recovered from their parents or guardians; if slaves, from, their masters. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, That if any person or per- sons whatever, do, or shall, at any time or times, play at or with cards, dice, or any other game or games of chance, or by having a share or part in any stakes, wagers or adventures in, or by betting on the sides or hands of such as do or shall play, whether for money or other thing, within the limits of the city of Covington, in any street, alley, common, or in and upon the premises of any one in the said city, he, she or they shall be fined, upon conviction before the Mayor, in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than sixteen dollars. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall carry any concealed and unlawful weapons, such as pistols, knuckles, slung-shot, dirks, Bowie-knives, about their 108 ORDINANCES OF THE persons, except the officers of the law, they shall, upon con- viction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 16. Be it further ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall be found guilty of shooting with guns, pistols, or any species of fire-arms, in said cit}^, at any time, they shall be fined before the Mayor in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 17. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances conflict- ing with this ordinance be and the same are herebj' repealed. Passed March 10, 1856. AN ORDINANCE amending an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for punishing Misdemeanors. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the sixteenth section of the ordinance to which this is an amendment, be so amended as to read: That if any person or persons shall be found guilty of shooting oft' any gun, pis- tol, musket, or any species of fire-arms, within the corporate limits of said city, in the day or night time, he, she or they shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not to exceed ten dollars, with costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That if au}^ person or per- sons shall be found loitering about or visiting bawdy houses or houses of ill-fame, within said city, or shall be found drunk along the streets, sidewalks, or public squares, or market- houses in said city, shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum, the former not to exceed ten dol- lars and costs, and the latter one dollar and costs. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall resist the Marshal or his deputies, or any other legally constituted and appointed officer having police powers in said citj-, in the proper discharge of their duties, such person shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in an}^ sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and not less than five dollars and costs. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That any person or persons who shall willfully or recklessly go into, and out of, a room or house where there is a case of small-pox, whereby the same might be communicated to others, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. CITY OF COVINGTON. 109 Sec. 5. All ordinances coming in conflict with this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Approved June 2, 1864. AN ORDINANCE to suppress disturbances produced by Fire-works in the Streets. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That hereafter it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and his deputies, the City Jailor, the Street Commissioner and the Wharf Master, to apprehend any person and all persons who may be found burning and discharging shooting crackers in the improved streets and alleys, and other public places in the city, or sporting with any other fire-works, pistols, or other fire-arms, in such parts of the city; and after apprehending such person or persons, the said officer or officers shall take him or them before the Mayor of the city, to be dealt with as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The Marshal may appoint as many special deputies in the city, for the purpose of carrying into execution 'the fore- going section, as he may consider necessar}^ but such appoint- ments must have the approval of the Mayor. Sec. 3. When any person shall be brought before the Mayor, according to the first section of this ordinance, and convicted of any of the offi^nses therein indicated, the Mayor may fine such person in any sum not exceeding five doHars and the costs of prosecution: Provided, he shall deem the per- son convicted capable of committing an offense; and in all cases of prosecution under this ordinance, one dollar shall be taxe'd in the costs, to be paid to the officer apprehending, and the judgments in such cases may be collected as any other fines assessed by the Mayor. Sec. 4. Whenever any person shall be convicted under this ordinance, who, in the judgment of the Mayor, is incapable of committing an oftense, because too young, such person shall be sent to his or her parent or guardian, and if brought before the Mayor afterward for a like ofiense, and convicted, the parent or guardian shall be fined agreeably to the provisions of the third section of this ordinance: Provided, such parent or guardian shall be first summoned to answer to the charge of knowingly permitting the child to commit the oftense. Passed December 15, 1854. Kevised and approved March 13, 1856. 110 OKDINANCES OF THE AN ORDINANCE to prevent Wagons, Cavriages, etc., from standing on Streets, Alleys, etc., in City. Section 1. Be it ordainecLhy the City Council of Covington, That no person or persons shall obstruct, or suffer to remain in any street or alley, any stage, wagon, dray, cart or other carriage, finished or unfinished, during the night time, or in- tercept the free crossings at intersections, or at any walk across any street or alley, at any time, under the penalty of not less than one nor more than five dollars, for any such offense, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Qiij Marshal, his depu- ties, and Street Commissioner, to see that this ordinance is complied with. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 4, 1856. ORDINANCE to abate Nuisances in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit to remain on their premises any privy or other nuisance so as to annoy or be oflensive to their neighbors ; and wdien such privy or other nuisance shall be permitted to remain, the owner or occupant of the premises shall abate or remove the same, after being notified himself, or his or their agent noti- fied, by the Street Commissioner; they shall remove the same, and upon failure to do so, he, she or they shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec 2. That any person or persons owning or having con- trol of a cellar or cellars opening on any of the public side- walks or alleys, who shall sufter the doors thereof to remain open in the night, shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine of two dollars for every such offense. Sec. 3. That if any person or persons shall keep a house of ill-fame in the corporate limits of the city, at which lewd and obscene acts are perpetrated, or such a house as "may become a nuisance and ofiensive to the neighbors, they shall, for every twenty-four hours, be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, at the discretion of the Ma3^or; and if any person shall rent a house for such purpose, and permit to be used and CITY OF COVIMGTON. Ill occupied after he has been informed of the fact, without tak- ing steps to remove the occupants, he, she or they shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, with costs of suit, on conviction thereof before the Mayor. Sec. 4. That no bitch or slut shall be permitted to run at large in any street, alley, public grounds or wharf, when rut- ting, under a penalty of five dollars, to be recovered of the owner of such bitch or slut, for each offense. Sec. 5. That if any person or persons shall cast or lay, or cause to be cast and laid, any obstruction, or nuisance what- ever, on any pavement, or in any of the streets, alleys, public grounds, wharves or landings of the city, he, she or they shall be notified by the Street Commissioner to remove the same, and if not done in twenty-four hours after due notice is given, upon conviction before the Mayor, shall pay a fine not less than two dollars and costs of suit. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That hereafter when any fine or penalty shall be assessed by the Mayor of the city against minors or infants for violation of the ordinances of said city, and the same is not promptly paid or replevied by the parent or guardian of said minor or infant, the Mayor shall forthwith issue a capias 'pro fine thereon, and direct the Marshal to take said minor or infant into custody, and deliver him, her or them, over to the City Jailor, there to be kept at labor until such fine shall have been discharged, at the rates of fifty cents per day. Sec. 7. Be it f arther ordained, That all ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 8, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to amend the several Ordinances providing for the abatement and removal of Nuisances on the Streets, etc. Section 1. Be it ordained, by the City Council of Covington, That if any driver, owner, or person having the charge of any cart, dray, wagon, stage or other vehicle, new or old, finished or unfiiiished, shall snff'er the same to be and remain in any street, lane or alley, sidewalk or common, within said city, in such situation as to interrupt the convenient passage of the same, or to incommode the owner or occupant of any build- ing, or shall stop any such cart, draj^ wagon, stage or other vehicle, so as to interrupt the crossing at the intersections of any street, lane or alley, and shall not immediately remove 112 OKDINANCES OF THE the same on request being made, or shall be absent from sach cart, dray, wagon, stage or other vehicle, if a horse or other beast shall be attached thereto, so that such request can not be made, any person so offending, for the first offense shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding five dollars, with costs of prosecution: Provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to interfere with market wagons, on market days and evenings previous thereto, while attending markets; but persons so attending markets shall not be permitted, under this provision, to place their carts, wagons, or other vehicles, in any street, lane, alley, or common, within the city, except in places assigned by the Market Master. 8ec. 2. That if any person shall keep, and permit to re- main, on or over any sidewalk in said city, any carriage, cart, sleigh, wagon, or other vehicle, or any animal, or any coal, wood, merchandise, or other substance, so as to prevent or obstruct the convenient passage of persons along such side- walks, every person so ofiending shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dol- lars with the costs of suit, for the first ofiense, and for an oftense after a previous conviction, in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than twenty dollars, with costs of suit. Sec. 3. That if any person or persons (except persons at- tending markets and complying with the market ordinances,) shall keep, or permit to remain, any box, barrel, hogshead, crate, iron, coal, wood, dirt, rubbish, brick, stone, or other movable articles or substance, on or over any street, lane, alley, sidewalk, market-space, public ground, public landing or common, in said city, longer than a reasonable time in the loading, unloading or removing of the same, every person so ofiending shall, on conviction thereof before the Slay or, be ♦ fined in an}^ sum not exceeding fifty dollars, with costs of suit, for the first ofiense, and for an offense after conviction, in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than twenty dollars, with costs of suit. Sec. 4. That any person erecting any new building or repair- ing an old one may, by a permit in writing, obtained from the Street Commissioner, place building material on part of the sidewalk, and on the street between the curbstone and the middle of the street, but not in such manner as to prevent persons from passing along the sidewalk, nor in such manner as to cover the gutter, or prevent the water from flowing freely in the same; and this privilege shall not be allowed in narrow streets, lanes or alleys, whereby the passage of wagons CITY OF COVINGTON. 113 and carriages wonlcl be prevented. Such building material shall not in any case be deposited nnore than thirteen feet from the curbstone toward the middle of the street, or in any case farther from the curbstone than the middle of the street. The permit of the Street Commissioner shall specify the ground to be occupied, and shall not extend more than four months without a renewal from time to time, and any one re- newal shall not be more than two months: Provided, that no person having the privilege herein granted, shall, on any street or public ground, work on or prepare any wood, stone, iron or other material, which might be prepared else- where for such building, or permit the same to be done. Sec. 5. That the Street Commissioner is hereby given juris- diction, concurrent with the City Marslial, to arrest, with or without warrant, all persons who may be guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and to do any other act in the premises which might be lawfully done by the City Marshal, and for all such services he shall be entitled to the same fees, to be taxed in the suit, to which the City Mar- shal, by the laws and ordinances of the city, is entitled for like services. Sec. 6. jN'o notice, except herein expressly provided, shall be required to be given to any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, any thing in any ordinance heretofore passed to the contrary notwithstanding; and all ordinances and parts of ordinances, contrary to tlie provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Approved November 12, 1863. AN ORDINANCE for the protection of Sidewalks, Curbing, etc. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That hereafter if any person or persons shall willfully, mali- ciously or carelessly injure or destroy any curbing or pave- ments, in the streets, public scpiares or market-spaces, by any means whatsoever, he, she or they, so oftending, shall forfeit and pay, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, any sum not exceeding ten dollars, with costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That if any person or per- sons shall willfully or carelessly ride -on or drive any wheel carriage or other vehicle, or haul any articles, across any curb or sidewalk, or public places, in said city, he, she or they shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay, on conviction thereof 8 114 ORDINANCES OF THE before the Mayor, any sum not exceeding ten dollars, and costs: Provided, that when it-may be necessary to cross a curb or pavement, the party so crossing shall first so guard and protect said curb and sidewalk as that no injury or damage can possibly accrue at said point of crossing. Sec. 3. Be it farther ordained, That when any public im- provements are progressing or unfinished, if any person or persons shall drive or ride over the same, or in any manner injure or disturb the same, he, she or they shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and costs. Approved December 5, 1863. AN ORDINANCE providing for the protection of the City Burying Ground. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That no person shall mutilate, break, or injure, any of the shrubbery or trees in the Burying Ground west of and adja- cent to Crais:- street, between Fifth and Breman-streets, in this city; nor shall any person break down or remove any of the fence around said burying gronnd, nor remove, disfigure, break, or disr)lace, any of the head or foot stones In said ground; nor shall any person turn into said ground any hogs, cattle, horses, or other domestic animals. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of the first section of this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, for- feit and pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, for each ofiense, and that it shall be the duty of the Marshal and his deputies to diligently enforce this ordi- nance. Approved July 27, 1859. AN ORDINANCE amending an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for the protec- tion of Public Property, Wells, etc., passed and approved February 23, 1837. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to bring within the limits of the Public Square of this city, any horse, mare, or mule, or any other description of stock whatsoever, or hitch or pas- ture any horses, or mares, or other stock, within the fence or CITY OF COVINGTON. 115 inclosiire of said Public Square, or the trees i^rowing* or stand- ing on the sidewalks adjacent thereto, on Third or Greenup- streets, and any person or persons violating these provisions of the ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding two dollars, and costs of suit. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That if an}^ person or per- sons shall willfully deface any of the public property of this city, or mark or cut the same, or shall wound or cut any shade or ornamental tree or trees set out or growing upon the Public Square, or any of the streets of said city, or any boxes inclosing trees, he, she or they shall, for every such offense, upon conviction thereof before the Maj'or, be fined in any sum not exceeding the sum of ten dollars, and costs of suit. AN ORDINANCE to prevent, taking of Stone, Gravel and Earth from the Public Common on the Ohio River. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Coiincil of Covington^ That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to dig up, quarry, take or carry away any stone, earth, gravel, in or upon the public common, or in or upon the belt of ground between Front-street and the Ohio river to low water mark, in front of the city of Covington, without first obtaining the consent of the said Council, whether for pubHc or private use. Sec. 2. And if any person or persons shall hereafter dig up, quarry, take or carry away any stone, earth or gravel, without first obtaining consent as herein provided, he, she or they thus offending shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each offense, with costs of suit. Sec. 3. That if any person or persons shall take any stone, earth or gravel from any street, alley, market-space, or any of the public grounds and highways within the city, they shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding five dollars for each offense, and costs of suit. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and his deputies, and Street Commissioner, to see that the provi- sions of this ordinance are complied with. Sec. 5. Be it farther ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are- hereby repealed. Passed April 4, 1856. 116 ORDINATs^CES OF THE AN ORDINANCE to protect the Lamp-posts in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That if any person or persons shall unLawfully, by any means whatever, injure or destroy any public gas lamp-post, now erected or hereafter to be erected, on the streets, or alleys, or market-spaces in said city, or any pipes, glass, or other fixtures, lamps, or burners connected with said kmp-posts, or shall let on the gas or extinguish the light, not being authorized so to do, or shall unscrew or remove the burners, every such person or persons, his or their aiders and abettors, shall, upon con- viction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 2. This ordinance to take effect from and after the passage thereof. Passed December 22, 1853. Revised and approved March 10, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to protect Linden Grove Cemetery. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of - Covington, That it shall be the duty of the Sexton of the Linden Grove Cemetery to report to the Mayor of the city of Covington the name or names of all persons who shall be guilty of unbecom- ing conduct in said Cemetery, by boisterous talking and bad language, or by defacing grounds, trees, or any thing therein, and any one who shall be convicted of such conduct, shall be fined by the Mayor in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars for every such offense. Sec. 2. Whenever the Sexton does not know the names of those off'ending agreeably to the provision of the foregoing section of this ordinance, it shall be his duty to arrest such person or persons, and take them before the Mayor to answer for the offense. Sec. 3. When the Sexton shall report the name of any one to the Mayor, agreeably to the first section of this ordinance, it will be his duty to cause such person to be brought before him to answer the charge made against him. Sec. 4. The Sexton shall be allowed the sum of twenty-five cents for reporting the name of a person to the Mayor accord- ing to this ordinance, and one dollar for every arrest he may make, and these fees shall be taxed against the party in each ease of conviction. CITY OF COVINGTO^s^ 117 Sec. 5. Be it further ordained^ That all ordinances conflict- ing with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 20, 1852. Revised and approved April 10, 1856. AN ORDINANCE concerning the Public Cisterns of the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall not be lawfal for any person or persons to draw water oat of the public cisterns for any other purpose than for the extinguishment of fires occurring in said city. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, That if any person or per- sons shall violate this ordinance, he, she or they shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined by the Mayor of the city, in any sum not exceeding ten dollars. Sec. 3. Be it farther ordained, That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the 1st day of July, 1856. Passed June 26. 1856. AN ORDINANCE to prohibit persons from loitering about the Jail and Poor House, etc. Section 1. Be it ordained by tJie City Council of Covington, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons not con- nected with the same, to be seen loitering or standing about the Jail doors or windows, or climbing up to the same and conversing with the prisoners, under a penalty, upon convic- tion before the Mayor, of five dollars for each oftense, and costs. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to furnish prisoners confined in the Jail or Work House, or paupers in the Poor House, with any spirit- uous liquors, wine, ale, beer, porter, or any intoxicating bev- erage, under a penalty, upon conviction before the Mayor, of not less than five nor more than ten dollars, and costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. That if any persons shall furnish or ofler facilities to prisoners confined in the Jail or Work House to make their escape, they shall be fined^ upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, in any sum not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars, and costs of prosecution. Passed August 21, 1856. 118 ORDINANCES OF THE AN ORDINANCE to regulate the Measurement of Stone-coal and Coke in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of all persons selling stone-coal and coke in this city at retail, to have their carts and vehicles used for deliverino^ the same, measured and tested, ahd every vehicle so used shall contain twenty-five bushels level measure, to be ascertained by the standard of two thousand six hundred and eio:hty-eight cubic inches of good merchantable coal to the bushel. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Inspector and Sealer of Weights and Measures to examine all the carts and vehicles used in retailing stone-coal and coke, and in all cases where it is ascertained that the cart or vehicle has the capacity pre- scribed by the preceding section, the Inspector and Sealer shall , seal the same by branding or stamping, in some conspicuous place on the cart or vehicle, the words and figures, "25 bushels," and the date of the sealing, and the number of the vehicle, reckoning from the first which shall have been sealed under this ordinance. Sec. 3. The Inspector and Sealer shall keep a record of the carts and vehicles sealed by him, the time of sealing, the num- bers of the vehicles, and tlie names of the persons for whom the sealing is done in all cases, and at the end of every month shall return a copy of such record to the Mayor of the city, who shall file the same in his ofhce. Sec. 4. In each case the Inspector and Sealer may cliarge and receive, as compensation for sealing a cart or vehicle, tliQ sum of fifty cents, to be paid by the person for whom the sealing is clone. Sec. 5. Any person who shall be found guilty of using a cart or vehicle, in the selling of stone-coal or coke in this city, which has not been sealed agreeably to this ordinance, on con- viction thereof before the Mayor, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every time the cart or vehicle is used; and whenever any person shall be convicted before the Mayor for using a cart or vehicle, in selling stone-coal or coke, which has not been examined and sealed within six months next preceding the using it, such person shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars for ever}^ such offense. Sec. 6. The City Weigher shall execute the business im- posed upon the Inspector and Sealer by this ordinance, until CITY OF COA^NGTON. 119 such time as there shall be an Inspector and Sealer qualified aecordino- to ordinance. Passed December 15, 1854. Revised and approved March 13, 185G. AN ORDINANCE establishing a general system of Wharfage, and prescribing the duties of the Wharf Master, etc., etc. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the shores of the Ohio and Licking rivers, frontino: the northern and eastern boundaries of the city, of Covington, extending from Fourth street on the Licking river to Main street on the Ohio river, together with the termination of all the streets and alleys running to either of said rivers within the corporate limits ()f said city, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be public landings within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Be it fitrther ordained, That from and jifter the pas- sage of this ordinance, all boats, rafts, or crafts of any descrip-' tion, landing, anchoring, or occupying any part of said public landing, from the west side of Scott street to the east side of Shelby street, and likewise the foot or termination of Main street, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be subject to the following rates or charges of wliarfage, viz.: Each and every steamboat which shall land at the public landing of this city, for the purpose of discharging or receiving freiglit, shall be cliarged for so landing at the rate of twenty-five cents for twenty-five hundred pounds of freight or less, and one cent per hundred for any quantity of freight over twenty- five hundred pounds and not exceeding fifteen thousand pounds; and when the amount of freight discharged and re- ceived shall exceed fifteen thousand pounds, or when any boat shall occupy said landing more than two hours, then the rates shall remain the same as herein otherwise provided. And each and every steamboat which shall land, as aforesaid, for the purpose of discharging or receiviiig freight that can not be estimated by weiglit, shall be cliarged at the rate of fifteen cents per dray load for any quantity of freiglit not exceeding tAvelve dray loads, quantity to be estimated by the AVharf Master; and when the amount of freiglit discharged and re- ceived shall exceed twelve dray loads, or when any boat shall occupy said landing more tlian two hours, then the rates shall remain the same as herein otherwise provided. And eacli and every steamboat whicli shall land, as aforesaid, for the 120 ORDINANCES OF THE purpose of putting off or taking ou live stock, shall be charged five cents per head for each and every head of horses, mules, cattle, and such like, not exceeding twenty head; and at the rate of one cent per head for each and every head of sheep, hogs, and such like, not exceeding one hundred head; and when the number of horses, mules, cattle, etc., shall ex- ceed twenty head, or the number of sheep, hogs, etc., shall exceed one hundred head, or when any boat shall occupy said landing more than two hours, then the rates shall remain the same as herein otherwise provided. And each and every steamboat of not more than one hundred tuns burden, shall be charged the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each day or part thereof, after landing, anchoring, or occupying as aforesaid, during the stay of such boat at said anchorage or landing. And each and every steamboat of more than one hundred tuns burden, and not more than two hundred tuns, shall pay two dollars for each day or part thereof, during the stay of such boat at said anchorage or landing. And each and every steamboat of more than two hundred tuns bur- den, shall pay two dollars and fifty cents for each, day or part thereof^ during the stay of such boat at said anchorage or landing. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the steam ferry-boats of Kennedy's and others, running between this city and Cin- cinnati, shall pay one dollar and fifty cents per day for each boat, for the use and occupanc}^ of such part of the landing as the City Council has by ordinance designated, or may from time to time designate, as a ferry landing, payable to the proper officer on demand; and in no case shall said ferr^^-boats land at and occui)y an}" other improved part of said public landing, except upon the payment of the same rates of wharf- age as other steamboats of equal tonnage are charged; but if it shall at any time occur that the water, at the point assigned for the upper ferry landing, shall be insufficient, the ferry landing may be removed temporarily to some other place where the water is • sufficient, but shall not occupy the place assigned to the wharf-boat of Tureman & Co., when there is at any other point on the public landing, between the said wharf- boat landing on the east side of the foot of Garrard street, sufficient water for said landing; and in all cases the ferry- boats shall return to the place assigned for the ferry landing whenever the water shall be sufficient at the point. Sec. 4. Be it farther ordained, That any fenw-boat, or line of ferry-boats, landing at and occupying the foot of Main street, CITY OF COVINGTON. 121 shall be charo:ed one dollar per day for eacli boat, payable to the proper officer on demand. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the foregoing rates of wharfage shall be charged and collected from each and every steamboat, according to the ship carpenter's measurement of such boat. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That each and every coal- boat, Orleans boat, salt-boat, keel-boat, barge, or flat-boat, of any description, landing at or occupying said wharf, as afore- said, shall pay the snm of two dollars per day or part thereof, Sundays excepted: Provided,, that boats or crafts of the class mentioned in this section, not exceeding seventy-five feet in length, shall not be charged more than one dollar for each day or part thereof. Sec. 7. Be it farther ordained, That each and every raft of lumber or timber, of eighty feet in length or less, landing at or occupying said wharf, as aforesaid, shall be charged two dollars for each day or part thereof, and in the same propor- tion for any number of feet exceeding eighty feet. Sec. 8. JBe it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the Wharf Master to take notice of all boats, rafts, or prop- erty, which may land or anchor at, or occupy any part of said public landings as aforesaid, and demand from the person commanding, having charge of, or owning the same, the amount of wharfage which such boat, raft, or property, may be hable to pay under the provisions of this ordinance, for the time which such person commanding, having charge of, or owning as aforesaid, may intend said boat, raft, or property, to remain at or -occupy said landing, and to receipt for the same. And .if an}^ boat, raft, or property, shall remain for a longer period of time, it shall be the duty of said Wharf Master to make further demand, and upon further payment being made, to receipt for the same as aforesaid; and from time to time repeat the same, till the departure or removal of said boats, rafts, or property. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That if any person or persons commanding, having charge of, or owning any such boat, raft, or property, shall refuse or neglect to make payment of wharf- age as aforesaid, on demand being made as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Wharf Master immediately to give inform- ation thereof to the Mayor of the city, whose duty it shall be to issue a warrant or jjrocess against such person or persons so refusing or neglecting to pay as aforesaid, and to have him or them brought before the said Mayor to answer said charge. 122 ORDINANCES OF THE and upon proof that such person or persons had refused or neglected to make payment as aforesaid, he shall assess a line of at least twice tlie amount chargeable to such person or per- sons as aforesaid, for wharfVige for twenty-four hours or part thereof, together with cost of suit. And on like information from day to day, like proceeding shall be had against any per- son or persons commanding, having charge of, or owning as aforesaid, and who shall continue from day to day to neglect or refuse to make payments as aforesaid. Sec. 10. Be it farther ordained, That the Wharf Master shall have power, and it is hereby made his duty, to cause all steam- boats, and other boats or rafts, to move or unship oars, and lay in such a manner at any point of the said public landings, as in his discretion he shall deem best calculated for the con- venience of all the crafts laying at and occupying any of said landings; and he may at his discretion order off, or cause to be removed, all skiffs, canoes, rafts, etc., for the convenience of such boats, rafts, etc., as may be entitled to the use and occupancy of said landing; and all freight landed shall be deposited not less than forty feet from tlie water's edge, and under the direction of the Wharf Master. And for the pur- pose of suppressing all riots, disturbances and disorderly con- duct, the Wharf Master shall be and he is hereby vested with the power and authority of a pohce officer of said city. And the said Wharf Master shall receive a compensation for his services of ten per cent, from all moneys collected by him for wharfage. . Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That if anj person or per- sons shall resist, or in any wise aid or abet in resisting, the Wharf Master, while in the discharge of his duty as such, he or they, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, with costs of suit. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Wharf Master to remove or cause to be removed all prop- erty or incumbrance that shall have remained upon any of the public landings of this city for the space of forty-eight hours, at the expense of the owners thereof, or of the persons placing the same thereon ; and; if necessary, to report the same to tlie Mayor, who shall issue a process against the party or parties in default, and they shall be subject to the same forfeitures and penalties as prescribed in the ninth section of this ordi- nance: Provided, however, the Wharf Master may have dis- cretionary power to permit property to remain for a longer CITY OF COVINGTON. 123 time on the wharf, upon the owner or owners paying the same rates as rafts or coal-boats are charged, to be estimated by the amount of feet front occupied by such property. "^Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Wharf Master to keep a regular book of accounts, in which shall be entered the names of all persons from whom he shall have received wharfage, with the dates of the receipts and the amount received. The said Wharf Master shall, at least once in each and every week, pay over to the Treasurer all moneys which have been collected by him for wharfage, (less his commission,) and take said Treasurer's receipt there- for. And he shall, on or before the fifth day of each calendar month, make to the City Treasurer a full report of the amounts collected from each and every person, with the date thereof, as required of other accounting officers by the ordi- nance entitled "An ordinance further regulating the duties of receiving officers of the city, passed February 22, 1855." And before the said Wharf Master shall enter upon the duties of his office, he shall take an oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of his office, and shall, moreover, enter into a bond for five hundred dollars, with good and sufficient securities, to be approved by the Council, conditioned to pay all money collected by him as Wharf Master to the City Treasurer, and faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of his office, as required, by ordi- nance. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, That the Wharf Master may appoint one or more deputies, to be confirmed by the City Council, who shall have the same authority, and be vestM with the same powers, for all purposes, as the Wharf Master himself. Sec. 15. Be it further' ordained, That the Wharf Master may receive orders on the Treasury of the city of Covington of persons offering the same in payment of wharfage, but he shall in no wise purchase or buy such orders, or any obliga- tion against the city, with money that may come into his hands for wharfage, but shall pa}^ the same as received to the Treasurer as aforesaid. Sec. 16. Be it further ordained. That the lessees of the city, for the time being, shall be authorized and empowered to demand and receive wharfage for all steamboats, keel-boats, flat-boats, or other crafts, landing at the wharf-boat to be established b}^ them under the lease granted by the City Council, and so much of said wharf or public landing as is 124 ORDINANCES OF THE comprised in said lease, is hereby exempted from the control and superintendence of the Wharf Master. Sec. 17. Be it farther ordained, That hereafter all flat-boat^, rafts, or other crafts, anchoring in the Ohio river, and using any part of the river front set apart as a wharf in loading and unloading such boats, rafts or crafts, by loading wagons at such boiits, rafts or crafts, or hauling over said wharf, shall be subject to the payment of the rates of wharfage set forth in the ordinance establishing wharf and lixing the rates of wharfage. Sec. 18. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed July 13, 1855. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to amend the Wharf Ordinance of July 13, 1855. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the sixteenth section of an ordinance establishing a system of wharfage, passed July 13, 1855, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That each and every wharf- boat occupying one hundred feet of the wdiarf, or less, shall be charged the sum of one dollar for every twenty-four hours it may occupy the wharf, to be collected as other wharfage is collected, according to said ordinance of 1855; and every wdiarf-boat occupying more than one hundred feet of the wharf, shall, in like manner, be charged two dollars for every twenty-four hours it may occupy the wharf; and the proprie- tors of said wharf-boat shall have the privilege of charging wharfage upon boats that may land at such boats. The charge shall not exceed the rates prescribed in the second section of the ordinance of 1855, and no wharf-boat shall be located within two hundred feet of any alreadj' located. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the City Council hereby retain the power to alter, amend, or repeal this ordinance at pleasure, and that this ordinance takes eflect from its passage. Approved August 13, 1860. AN ORDINANCE to amend the AVharf Ordinance of 1860. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That section two of said ordinance be so amended as to read: "One hun- CITY OF COVINGTON. 125 drecl feet space between wharf-boats," instead of "two hun- dred feet." Approved September 6, 18G0. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the Duties and fixing the Salary of the Engineer of the Fire Department. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covinyton, That the Engineer of the Fire Department be and is hereby invested with the power and authority of a police officer, to be exercised by him during fire alarms, and in going to and from fires. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Engineer to attend promptly at every alarm of fire, to superintend, direct and control the fire companies, prescribe the position and regulate the action of the several companies while engaged at fires, arrest and take before the proper officers all disorderly per- sons, and all persons interfering with the fire companies in discharge of their duties. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the said Engineer to ascer- tain, and report to the Council during each month, the condi- tion and situation of the public cisterns, and the conductors and feeders thereof, and also the condition and situation of the fire-engines, hose, and other property connected with the Fire Department, belonging to the city, and suggest, from time to time, such alterations, improvements, repairs and additions as may seem necessary; and should the cisterns, feeders, hose, or other property, require it, in the interval between such reports, to cause such repairs- to be made as may be necessary to keep the same available in time of fire. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the said Engineer to report monthly to the City Council the number, efficiency and char- acter of the several fire companies in the city, suggesting such alterations, improvements, or additions, as may be deemed advisable. ISec. 5. That the said Engineer shall receive a compensation of fifty dollars per annum for his services, payable quarterly. Passed April 6, 1855. Revised and approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE creating the office of Fire Warden. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That there shall be elected annually, by the City Council, 126 ORDINANCES OF THE four Fire Wardens in eacli ward, and in case of vacancies, shall be filled as aforesaid, whose duty it shall be to attend all fires that may occur in said city, who shall give direction, and compel any person that may be at fires to assist in any way to save property or extinguish fires, (except fire companies,) and it shall be their duty, in case such persons refuse to assist at fires, or comply with the requisitions of said Wardens, the}^ shall be reported to the Mayor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dolkirs and costs. Beg. 2. Be it farther ordained^ That it shall be their duty to examine, in their respective wards, all chirfineys, flues, fur- naces, stoves and stove-pipes, for the purpose of better secur- ing property from fires in said city'; and it shall also be their duty, when information is given of any chimne}^, stove or stove-pipe being in a dangerous condition, to go inmiediately to the place, and if they find such information true, they shall immediately give the owner or owners notice to make the same safe, and if it is not done in twenty-four hours after such notice, he, she or they shall, upon conviction, pay, for every twenty-four hours such danger is sufiered .to remain, the sum of five dollars. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained^ That all fines and penalties incurred by any firemen or any member of a hose company, by violating, or for the non-observance of the by-laws, rules and regulations of any of the fire or hose companies, may be secured by prosecution before the Mayor; and all fines and forfeitures so collected, shall be paid to the Treasurer of said company so complaining, in which the forfeit was made, which shall be applied for the benefit of the company. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained^ That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 17, 1856. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the Duties and fixing the Salary of the City Marshal. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the City Marshal shall be Chief of the Police, and, if recpiired by the Council, shall have a resident deputy in each ward in said city, whose appointment shall be made with the advice and consent of the Council. He shall, by himself or deputies, attend all the sessions of the Council, together with CITY OF COVINGTOiS'. 127 those of the Mayor's Court, and preserve and enforce order under their and his direction. Sec. 2. He shall, by himself or his deputies, execute all pro- cess emanating from the Mayor or Mayor's Court. It shall be his duty, under the direction of the Mayor or President of the Council, and in conformity with the ordinances of the city, to suppress all routs, riots, unlawful assemblies, disturbances and breaches of the peace. It shall be their duty, and they shall have the power, to apprehend all felons, common gamblers, breakers or disturbers of the peace, night walkers, vagrants, persons of ill-fame and disorderly conduct; and all such persons may be apprehended wit;hout warrants by the said police officers, or any of them, and may be taken, with such evidence as they may possess, before the Mayor, or any Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to law. And if such apprehension shall be in the night, they shall be placed in the watch-house or jail until morning. Sec. 3. They shall also have the power and perform the duties of patrollers; they shall liave power to pursue and arrest, with proper warrants, auj person or persons fleeing from justice, in any part of the State of Kentucky; to appre- hend, without warrant, any person in the act of committing any offense against the laws of the State or the ordinances of the city, and forthwith bring such person or persons before the proper authorities for examination ; and at all times dili- gently and faithfully to enforce all such laws, ordinances and regulations for the preservation of the peace, good order, and welfare of the city, as the City Council may ordain; and for such purposes they shall have all the power of con- stables. Sec. 4. He shall have the power, of sheriffs in levying exe- cutions, and executing and returning processes within the jurisdiction of the Mayor's Court. He shall have the same power to serve notices in writing that constables in the county of Kenton have, and for any purpose that constables have the authority to do; and his return thereon, either to the Circuit Court or the Mayor's Court, shall be sufficient evidence of such service. Sec. 5. He shall collect the fees of the Mayor and City Clerk, if required so to do, and shall be a conservator of the peace of said city. He shall give bond and sufficient security, in an adequate penalty, before the Council, to the Common- wealth of Kentucky, with a condition faithfully to perform the duties ©f his office, and to collect and pay over to the person 128 ORDINANCES OF THE entitled thereto, all the sums of money intrusted to him for collection, and which may have come into his hands by his having received and collected the same. Sec. 6. That a lien shall exist on the real estate and slaves of the said Marshal and his secunties, from the time of exe- cuting bond as aforesaid, to secure the payment of all monej^s that shall have been received and collected by him, or which shall come to his hands as Marshal of the city, to pay and account for, and any official liability. Sec. 7. That he shall be entitled to charge and receive the same fees, for the like service, which sheriffs are by law en- titled to receive, and shall have the same power, within the limits of the Mayor's jurisdiction, to collect the same. Sec. 8. That he and his securities shall be liable to judg- ment, by motion in the Mayors Court, in favor of any persons entitled to moneys collected by him, in the same manner, and subject to the same costs and damages, that sheriffs are liable for by existing laws. Sec. 9. Ten days notice of the time and place of making such motion shall be sufficient, and there shall, be no replevin or valuation of property on execution, issued on such judg- ment. Sec. 10. Be it farther ordained, That the salary of the Mar- shal shall be five hundred dollars per annum, in addition to the fees at present allowed, payable quarterly. Sec. n. The City Marshaf shall be elected by the legal voters of the city, on the first Monday in August, and shall serve two years, or until his successor is elected. Sec. 12. Be it farther ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Revised and approved June 28, 1864. AN ORDINANCE providing for General Deputies under the City Marshal, and for their compensation. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That from and after the taking effect of this ordinance, the City Marshal may have, as a part of the general police force of the city, two or more active deputies, who shall devote their time exclusively to their official duties, and whose ap- pointment shall be made by the Marshal, to take effect upon the ratification and approval of the Council. CITY OF COVINGTON. 129 Sec. 2. That for the purpose of enabling the Marshal to provide and pay a sufficient compensation to such deputies, the salary of the Marshal is increased, from and after the tak- ing effect of this • ordinance, to the sum of nine hundred dollars per annum, in addition to the fees at present allowed, payable in installments as now provided: Provided, that should it at any time, from any time hereafter, happen that the Mar- shal should have but one such active deputy, then, and in that case, during all such time there shall be but one such deputy, the Marshal shall only receive and be entitled to a salary at the rate of seven hundred dollars per annum, and in like man- ner, in case it should happen that at any time the Marshal should have no active deputy as aforesaid, then, and in that case, during all such time as the Marshal shall have no such active deputy, he, the Marshal, shall only receive and be entitled to a salary at the rate of live hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 3. That the second section of an ordinance entitled an ordinance fixing fees of Marshal for arrests for misdemeanors, when fines are paid by confinement in the City Work House or Jail, and for other purposes, passed October 24, 1861, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That any part of any ordinance heretofore passed, which is contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect on and after the 16th day of May, 1863, and Council hereby re- serves the right to alter, amend, modify, or repeal this ordi- nance at any time hereafter. Approved May 15, 1868. AN ORDINANCE to increase the Salary of the City Marshal. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the salary of the City Marshal shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum, in addition to the fees at present allowed, payable in installments as is now provided : Provided, that should it, at any time hereafter, happen that the Marshal should have but one such deputy, the Marshal shall only re- ceive and be entitled to a salary at the rate of nine hundred dollars per annum, and, in like manner, in case it should happen that at any time the Marshal should have no active general deputy as aforesaid, then, and in that case, during all 9 130 ORDINANCES OF THE such time as the Marshal shall have no such active general deputy, he, the Marshal, shall only receive and be entitled to a salary at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That so much of the second section of an ordinance passed May 15, 1863, providing for general deputies under the City Marshal, and fixing compen- sation of the same, as conflicts with this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect and be in full force from and after the 1st day of May, 1864. Approved April 10, 1864. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the Duties and fixing the Salary of City Treasurer. Be it ordained, by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his ofiice, to execute bond in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars, with good security, to be approved by the Council, conditioned faithfully and honestly to discharge the duties of his office, according to the charter and ordinances of said city, and the orders of the Council; and the said Treas- urer shall be allow^ed three hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly. Approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to amend an Ordinance concerning City Treasurer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the ordinance prescribing the duties and fixing the salary of the City Treasurer, be so amended as to fix the salary of the Treasurer at five hundred dollars per annum, instead of three hundred dollars, as now prescribed by said ordinance. Approved May 15, 1857. AN ORDINANCE regulating the Sale of Beer, Mb and Porter. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That if any person or persons wish to sell beer, ale and porter, or other malt liquors, or either, in any house in the city of Covington, to be drunk therein, or on, or adjacent to the premises where sold, or in any building or place belonging to, CITY OF COVINGTON. 131 or under control of the seller, shall lirst apply to the Council for same by petition, which said petition shall represent the petitioner to be of good reputation, and shall be signed by at least ten freeholders residing in the city, five of whom shall reside in the ward in which the house is proposed to be kept. Sec. 2. And if the Council are satisfied that the petition should be granted, they shall pass an order to that effect, and the charge for such shall not be less than twenty-five dollars per annum. Sec. 3. The Clerk shall give a certificate to the petitioner, stating the amount, which certificate he shall present to the Treasurer, pay the amount required, take his receipt for the same, which receipt shall be handed to the Clerk, who shall file the same in his ofiftce, and give the petitioner a certificate to the Mayor, stating that the ordinance has been complied with, who will issue the license. Sec. 4. Be it f urther ordained^ That if any person or persons shall offend against the provisions of this ordinance, he, she or they so offending, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. Be it farther ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal of the city, his deputies, and other officers of the city, to see that this ordinance is complied "vvith. Sec. 6. Be it f urther ordained, That if any person or persons shall sell ale, beer or porter, on the first day of the week, usually called Sunday, they shall, upon conviction thereof, pay the sum of ten dollars and costs. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances confiicting with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the mode and regulating the manner of collecting Taxes on Real and Personal Estate in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That when any delinquent tax bill shall be placed in the hands of the City Collector, he shall first distrain upon all personal property which he may find in the city belonging to the delinquent, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount of taxes due, embracing the fifteen per cent, and costs, and dispose of the same by sale in the same man- 132 ORDINAT^CES OF THE ner that sheriffs are authorized to do in collecting the county levy. Sec. 2. When, by and under any ordinance, the Cit}^ Col- lector, or any special collector, is authorized to collect any tax assessed or levied on the owners of property, for grading, curbing, paving, macadamizing, turnpiking, or repairing any street, alley, market-space, lane, or sidewalk, he shall make out a bill of the amount due from such owner of property to the city, and if the same be not paid by the owner, the said Collector shall distrain on and sell so much of the personal property of the owner as will be sufficient to pa}^ such tax and costs, which sale he shall make in the manner and form pre- scribed in the preceding section. Sec. 3. If the Collector is unable to find personal property of any person owing tax to the city, he shall note such fact upon the tax bill. Sec. 4. In the event no personal property can be found in the city belonging to such person owing tax, the Collector having such tax to collect, shall then proceed to sell the real estate of such person; but before such sale is made, the Col- lector shall advertise, at three or more public places in the city, the time and place of such sale- for at least fifteen days before the sale. All such sales shall be in front of the City Hall, in the city of Covington. The advertisement shall specify, by description, the real estate to be sold, the name of the owner, when known, the amount of tax and costs due thereon. Sec. 5. When the tax is for grading, curbing, macadamiz- ing, turnpiking, paving or repairing of streets, alleys, or other thoroughfares, the levy for such tax shall be made on the property fronting, binding or abutting such street, alley, or other thoroughfare, and in every instance the Collector shall sell the real estate to the person who will take the least quan- tity thereof and pay the tax and costs thereon. Sec. 6. The Collector shall receive from the purchaser of any such real estate, the amount by him bid therefor, and exe- cute to him a certificate or bond evidencing such sale, and therein giving a description of the property, the name of the owner, if known,, and the amount paid therefor. Sec. 7. Within six days after any such sale of real estate by the Collector, he shall make a full return of said sale, specify- ing a proper description of the property, the names of the owners, when known, as also the purchaser, the amount sold, and the time when sold, together with a copy of the adver- CITY OF COVINGTON. 133 tisement, and the fact whether or not he could find personal property belonging to the person owing the tax, to the City Clerk, who shall record the same in a book kept for that pur- pose, and file and carefully preserve the said proceedings, among the papers in liis office. Sec. 8. When any real estate is sold according to the provi- sions of this ordinance, and in conformity with the charter of the city, and the same is not redeemed in the manner and within the time prescribed by law, if such sale was made by the City Collector, such Collector, or his successor, shall make the deed to the purchaser of any such real estate, not re- deemed ; but if such sale is made by any special collector, he shall make such deed to the purchasers, unless the property shall have been redeemed according to the provisions now^ required by the City Charter of Covington; and in the event of the removal or death of the Collector, the deed to be made by some person appointed by the Council. Approved March 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the Duties of Assessor. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the Assessor shall enter upon the discharge of his duties on the Tuesday next succeeding the second Saturday in Janu- ary of each year, and he shall perform all the duties prescribed for the Assessor in the first section and fifth article of the Charter of the City of Covington. Sec. 2. All of the following kinds and descriptions of prop- erty in said city shall be assessed for taxation, to-wit: Real estate and slaves, goods, wares, drugs and medicines, oils and paints kept for sale; confectioneries, groceries and other articles kept in stores, groceries and shops for sale; lumber and coal in yards ; carriages and horses, and the excess of all the claims of any taxable person over his or her just and proper debts, according to the equalization law of Kentucky. The Assessor will not be required to assess such property as is exempt by law from city taxation, and he may administer an oath to any person as to the correctness of the property given in for assessment. Sec. 3. That the Assessor shall list for taxation all taxable property of persons who do not reside in the city, agreeably to the plan laid down for the listing of property of non-residents, in section first of article fifth of the charter of said city; 134 ORDINANCES OF THE and he shall make a plain list of all taxable property, the owners of which are nnknown to him. Sec. 4. He shall make a separate list of all free males over twenty-one. years of age, and of all slaves over sixteen years of age, with the names of the owners prefixed, and of all dogs and sluts, with the names of the persons owning or keeping them. Sec. 5. He shall report the number of white children be- tween the ages of six and eighteen years who live in the city of Covington, every year, likewise the number of persons residing in the city. Sec. 6. That the Assessor shall be allowed as compensation for his services, eight cents for each list taken, and charged twenty-five cents for each list omitted. Sec. 7. Be it f arther ordained^ That all ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 10, 1856. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the qualification of City Engineer and other Officers of the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington.^ That within a reasonable time after the election of the City Engineer, he shall take oath before the Mayor of the city, or some Justice of the Peace in the city, to discharge faithfully all the duties which may be imposed upon him by the City Council, by orders and ordinances ; and he shall give bond with security, worth at least ten thousand dollars, to be approved by the City Council, conditioned to perform the duties of City Engineer while he remains in office. Sec. 2. All the ofiicers of the city, the manner of whose qualification is not prescribed by other ordinances, shall be qualified in the same manner as the City Engineer, except that they shall not be required to execute, bond in a hirger sum than five thousand dollars. Sec. 3. Be it farther ordained^ That all ordinances conflict- ing w^ith this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 10, 1854. Revised and approved March, 185G. AN ORDINANCE defining the Duties and fixing the Compensation of the Civil Engineer of the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the Civil Engineer of said city of CITY OF COVINGTON. 135 Covington, to project and lay before the City Council plans of all improvements, streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, public buildings, commons and parks, and all other public works of said city, which may be in contemplation, or which he may deem necessary for the public good and convenience, together with an estimate of the expenses of the same; and all appli- cations for all public improvements shall be made to the City Council, which shall be referred to the said Civil Engineer, who shall report thereon to the City Council, together with the plans and estimates of such he may approve, or other im- provements which he may recommend. He shall receive proposals to do all public works, and lay the same before the Council for their approval. He shall examine and consider plans proposed of all market-houses, bridges and other build- ings, and all other public works, and report to the City Council such as he shall approve, together with an estimate of the ex- penses, and his opinion and recommendation concerning the same. He shall inspect the timber, iron, and other materials used or to be used in the construction of market-houses, bridges, public buildings, and all other public works of the city, and shall reject all such as in his opinion may be unsafe or unfit, and shall forthwith 2:ive notice thereof to the con- tractors, or to the party furnishing such materials. It shall be the duty of said Civil Engineer to superintend all public works ordered by the City Council. He shall have the power, stipulated in the contracts for the execution of all public works for the city, that, during the progress of any such work, whenever in his opinion the said work is not progressing in a satisfactory manner, or in a manner not agreeably to the terms of contract, to order the further progress of the work to be suspended, and to have such defective work taken down and rebuilt at the expense of the contractor, in accordance I with the terms of the contract; and no appropriation or pay- ment of money shall be made on any public work by the said City Council, until the said Civil Engineer shall certify in writing that the work has been done agreeabl}^ to the terms of the contract. He shall report to the City Council all in- trusions which may come to his knowledge in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, public buildings, commons ■ and parks of said city. He shall, under the direction of the City Council, or, if he deem it necessary and proper to -be done, then without such direction, make surveys of the streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, public buildings, commons and parks, and all other public works, and execute plats, plans, 136 ORDINANCES OF THE draughts and statements of the same, and calculate and ascer- tain the proper grade and level of said streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, public landings, commons and parks, and exe- cute profiles, delineations and draughts of the same. He shall make all surveys which are required to be done by order of the City Council. He shall, at the request in writing of the Mayor or City Attorney, make surveys of lots of land, of streets, lanes, alleys, market-spaces, public landings, commons or parks, about which there may be an}^ dispute or litigation in which the city is interested. Sec. 2. Said Civil Engineer shall be a skillful surveyor, and shall find and mark out the lines of all streets, lanes, alle3^s, market-spaces, public landings, commons or parks which are to be improved, and shall also find and mark the proper grades of the same, and shall find and mark the lines of improvements to be made. Sec. 3. Said Civil Engineer shall cause all public surveys, maps, charts, draughts, plans, and other documents made by himself or those in his employ, to be recorded in his ofiice, in books to be provided at the expense of the ciry, which records shall be the property of said city, to which tlje public may have access at all times during business hours, and shall be carefully preserved in the ofiSce of said Engineer; and the field notes of all surveys made by him, or a copy thereof, shall be preserved on file in the office of said Civil Engineer, and be the property of the city. Sec. 4. The said Civil Engineer shall, on payment by any person, or tender of the same fees which are or may be paid by law to the Clerks of the County Courts, make out and deliver, or cause to be made out and delivered to such person, duly certified by said Civil Engineer, a correct and fair copy of any record, map, chart, survey, draught, plan, or other doc- ument kept in his office, which fees shall be in addition to the compensation provided in this ordinance. Sec. 5. Should there, from any cause, happen to be a vacancy in the ofiice of Civil Engineer, the City Clerk shall, during such time, advertise for and receive proposals to do all public works, and lay the same before the City Council for approval. Sec. 6. Said Civil Engineer shall keep an account between contractors, material-men, and all persons directly emploj-ed by the city on public works, and the city; and shall furnish to the City Council, or to such individuals so contracting, fur- nishing materials, or employed, a correct statement of any CITY OF COVINGTON. 137 such accounts, in writing, by said individuals, parties to such accounts. Sec. 7. Said Engineer shall receive, in full compensation for his services, (excepting fees mentioned in section four,) five hundred dollars per year, to be paid at the same times with other officers of the city. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in force from and after the 1st day of January, 1864. The Council reserves the right at any time hereafter to repeal, alter, amend or modify this ordinance, with or without change in the compensation allowed by this ordinan<3e. Approved December 24, 1863. AN ORDINANCE defining the Duties and fixing tlie Salary of Street Commis- sioner. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Coitvcil of Covivgton, That the Street Commissioner shall be elected annually on the first Saturday in January of each year, and shall continue in office one year, and until his successor shall be qualified, unless sooner removed by the Council. Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Street Commissioner to cause the streets, alleys, commons, wharfs, market-places and public property of said city to be kept in good order, and to remove all obstructions that may exist, or may hereafter happen or occur, in any of the streets, alleys, commons, wliarfs, or public property of the city; to move or cause to be moved all nuisances which exist or occur in any part of the city; and when any person shall create any nui- sance in the city, it shall be the duty of said Street Commis- sioner to notify said person to remove or abate the same im- mediately, and if said person shall refuse or neglect to remove said nuisance within twenty-four hours after receiving said notice, then the Street Commissioner shall immediately re- move the same and report the expenses to the Mayor, who shall summons the party in default before him, and enter such order against him, for the payment of the expense and cost, as the case may require. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of said Street Commissioner to cause to be removed all property or encumbrance that shall have remained on any of the side- walks or streets in said city, or in the public alleys, for the 138 ORDINANCES OF THE space of twenty-four hours, at the expense of the owners thereof, or the persons phicing the same thereon; and, if neces- sary, the said Commissioner is authorized to apply to the Mayor, and proceed to collect the expense of the same as pre- scribed in section second of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Be it f urther ordained^ That no person or persons shall obstruct the passage of the streets, alleys and sidewalks of the city by placing thereon any property, rubbish or other impediments, under a penalty of two dollars for every two hours the same shall remain thereon after receiving notice by the Street Commissioner to remove the same; and if any per- son or persons shall suffer any property, obstruction, or any impediment to free passage, to remain in the streets, alleys, or on the sidewalks opposite his or her property, longer than three hoars after sunset, after having been notified, he, she or they shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained^ That no person or persons shall erect railing at the corners of any streets or alleys, which may in any manner obstruct or impede the free passage of said streets or sidewalks, under the penalty of five dollars for every twelve hours the same remains, or shall remain; and if any person shall have any railing already erected or con- structed, impeding the passage on the sidewalks, he, she or they shall immediately remove the same, upon being notified so to do by the Street Commissioner, under the penalty of five dollars for every twelve hours the same shall remain after receiving said notice. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That said Stre'et Commis- sioner shall have all the powers usually conferred upon the ofiicers of the police, and shall give information of all breaches of the ordinances of the city of which he may know or be informed, and shall perform such duties in relation to the im- proving and repairing of the streets, alleys, public grounds, public buildings, market- spaces, sidewalks and commons, as shall from time to time be directed by this Board. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That the salary of the Street Commissioner shall be four hundred dollars per annum, pay- able quarterly. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That the said Commissioner, before entering on the duties of his ofiice, shall take an oath before the Mayor or a Justice of the Peace of the city, faith- fully to discharge tlie duties of said ofiice, and enter into bond with good and sufticient security, to be approved by the Coun- CITY OF COVINGTOX. 139 cil, in the sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the city of Covington, for the performance of all the duties of said office, as long as he shall continue therein. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That whenever any person or persons are erecting new buildings or repairing old buildings within the city, he, she or they shall be at liberty to use and occupy one-half of the street, except when buildings are erect- ing or repairing at the same time opposite each other, in which case each shall occupy one-third of the street and sidewalk, without obstructing the gutters,' and the whole of the sidewalk opposite and next to the place where the building is being erected or repaired, until they have had sufficient time in which to complete the same, any thing in this ordinance to the c o n t rary n o t^v i th s t a n d i n g . Sec. 10. Be it farther ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to cause to be removed obstacles, fences, posts, railings, buildings, or species of inclosures which he shall find at any time upon any of the streets, alleys, wharfs, market-spaces, or other property of the city, having first given notice to the person or persons, if known, by whom such ob- stacle, fence, post, railing, or species of inclosure, was placed there; and if not removed within six days, he shall proceed forthwith to remove them, and, if necessary, report the same to the Mayor, and proceed as in section second; and it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to keep the different w^ells in good order. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained. That steps or cellar-doors to buildings, on any of the streets with sidewalks not less than eleven feet in width, which do not occupy more than four feet in width of the sidewalk, shall not be considered as obstruc- tions. And on streets having sidewalks not less than six feet, steps or cellar-doors not occupying more than thirty inches of inside of sidewalk shall not be considered as obstruc- tions. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed April 10, 1856. AN ORDINANCE to fix the Salary of the Street Commissioner. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the Street Commissioner of said city shall, from and after the 1st day of January, 1864, receive a salary at the rate of 140 ORDINANCES OF THE six hundred dollars per year, payable at the same time with other officers of the city. Sec. 2. All other ordinances coming in conflict with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved December 30, 1863. AN ORDINANCE prescribing the Duties and fixing the Salary of the City Physician. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of the City Physician to attend to and prescribe for all the poor supported by the city, during' their sickness, and all such other poor persons residing in the city as may be unable to pay for the services of a physician; and he shall furnish, at his own expense, all the medicine that may be necessary. He shall render services in all cases when called upon by persons requiring them, who shall produce an order from one of the Councilmen of the ward in which such person resides, directing such service to be rendered; and his failure or refusal to do so, may be considered sufficient cause for his removal from office, on satisfactory evidence of such failure or refusal being presented to the City Council. Sec. 2. Should the City Physician be of the opinion that any person or persons under his treatment are able to pay for the services of a physician, he shall report such case or cases to the members of Council representing the ward in which such person or persons reside, and he shall then act in the premises as said members of Council may direct. Sec. 3. The salary of the City Physician shall be seven hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly; but before any allowance shall be made to him, he shall send in to the City Council his monthly report, showing the number of patients visited by him as City Physician, the time each patient was under his medical treatment, the character of the disease, and the result of the treatment. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances coming within the purview of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Approved April 5, 1864. AN ORDINANCE fixing the term of office of certain City Officers. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City CouncU of Covington, That the term of office of City Collector, City Physician, CITY OF COVINGTOIS^. 141 Street Commissioner, Wharf Master and Engineer of Fire Department, shall be two years ; and that hereafter persons elected to the above-named offices, unless to fill a vacancy, shall hold their offices respectively for two years. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances that are inconsistent with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved December 15, 1863. AN ORDINANCE regulating Billiard Tables in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Coancil of Covington, That an}^ person desiring to keep billiard tables in the city of Covington, shall first apply, by petition, to the City Council for license for that purpose, stating the number of tables in- tended to be used, also describing the house in which it is proposed to keep the same; said petition shall also be accom- panied by the consent, in writing, of the owner or agent that tlie premises may be occupied for the purposes set forth in the petition, and also b}^ a certificate from the County Clerk, stat- ing that the legal fee has been paid into the County Treasury; and if the Council are satisfied that license ought to be granted, they shall vote to grant the prayer of the petitioner. Where- upon the City Clerk shall furnish a certificate to that efiect, to be delivered to the petitioner, who shall present it to the City Treasurer and pay the amount hereinafter specified, taking his receipt for the same, which receipt shall be filed with the City (^lerk, who shall give the petitioner a certificate stating that the amount required had been paid into the Treasury, and he shall issue license. For issuing said license, the applicant shall pa}^ the Mayor the sum of one dollar, and for said two certifi- cates he shall pay the Clerk fifty cents. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the license fee to be paid to the City Treasurer shall be at the rate of twenty-five dollars per annum for each table designed to be used, and that no license shall be granted to expire upon any other date than the 1st day of May following the time at which the license was granted. Sec. 3. That no license shall be granted to any negro or mulatto, nor to any person under the age of twenty-one years, nor to any person not of good character. Sec. 4. That no person or persons holding license under this ordinance, shall permit any person under age to play any 142 OEDINANCES OF THE game upon any of sucli tables; nor shall they permit any game to be played on any of such tables upon the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday; nor shall they permit any betting on the game played on such tables. Sec. 5. That no person or persons holding license under this ordinance, shall sell any spirituous or malt liquors, wine or cider, in the room where such tables are kept, nor shall they permit any riotous or disorderly conduct in said room. Sec. 6. That any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, forfeit such license, and be subject, further, to a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for such offense; and that any person keeping billiard tables after a forfeiture of such license as in this section provided for, and any person keeping such tables without license first obtained as provided for in this ordinance, shall be fined in the sum of twenty-five dollars and costs, for each game played upon such tables; and any person betting on any game played on any billiard table in the city of Covington, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than sixteen dollars. Approved April 9, 1858. AN ORDINANCE regulating the construction and repairing of Sidewalks. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That all sidewalks hereafter laid or paved in this city, shall conform at the curb-stone to the general grade of the street and general level of the curb-stone, and shall rise from the curb-stone on a line at right angles to the street line, one-half inch per foot width of sidewalk. Sec. 2. The paving shall be done with good, bard paving brick, (except when permission is granted by Council to use other material,) said brick to be of such quality as shall be approved by the City Engineer or the Committee on Internal Improvements; and said brick shall be laid with at least four inches of good clean river sand under and next to the brick, the interstices also filled with the same. Sec. 3. No sidewalk shall be constructed or repaired in any other manner, or with any other materials, than herein speci- fied, (except by special permission of Council). Approved March 25, 1863. CITY OF COVINGTON. 143 AN ORDINANCE establishing a Base Line, etc. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That in all work hereafter done for this city by the City Engi- neer, in which, leveling is^necessary, the "base line" shall be a line five hundred feet below the lower surface of the City Hall corner-stone. Sec. 2. Be it f urther ordained , That hereafter, upon the adop- tion of any grade for any street, alley or sidewalk in the city, the City Engineer shall file in the City Clerk's office a profile, showing the cuts and fills, and the elevation of the grade above the established base line. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That hereafter, upon the adop- tion of any plan for any sewer in the city, the Engineer shall * file in the City Clerk's ofiice a plan of the same, showing its dimensions in every part; also a profile of the same, showing its descent, its elevation above the established base line, and distance below the street grades. Sec. 4. Be it farther ordained, That hereafter, upon the adop- tion of a plan for awj culvert in this city, the City Engineer shall file in the City Clerk's ofiice a plan of the same, showing its dimensions in every part, and the elevation of the founda- tion above the established base line. Approved February 20, 1862. AN ORDINANCE to provide for taxing, licensing and regulating vehicles kept and used for hire in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That any owner of one or more carts, wagons, drays, hackney coaches, carriages, and all other vehicles kept for hire within said city, before the same are used, shall present to the City Clerk a statement in Avriting designating his or her name and residence, and the kind of vehicle intended to be used. Sec 2. That upon the receipt of such statement, the City Clerk shall register the same in a book to be kept for that purpose, and keep said statement on file, and shall designate and furnish the number to be afiixed to such vehicle, proceed- ing from number one, and shall issue a certificate thereof to such owner, and shall be entitled to charge and receive there- for the sum of fifty cents, to be paid by the party to whom the certificate and number are issued. And thereupon such owner shall pay to the City Treasurer, according to the kind of vehicle to be used by him, the amount provided in the \ 144 OKDINANCES OF THE next section of this ordinance, and take the Treasurers re- ceipt therefor; and said certificate, together with the Treas- urer's receipt as provided above, shall constitute a license and authority to such owner to use for hire the vehicle designated therein for one year from the time of payment to the Treas- urer as aforesaid, which ma}^ be renewed from year to year by payment to the Treasurer of a like amount. Sec. 3. The amounts which the owners of such vehicles, in- tended to be used for hire in said city, shall pay, respectively, shall be as follows, viz.: For each wagon usually drawn by four horses, ten dollars; for each wagon usually drawn by three horses, the same amount; for each wagon usually drawn by two horses, five dollars; for each coal cart, irrespective of number of horses, five dollars; for each express w^agon drawn by one horse, two dollars and fifty cents; each express wagon drawn by two horses, five dollars; for each dray, five dollars; for each common cart, two dollars; for each furniture car, five dollars: for each omnibus usually drawn by four horses, ten dollars; for each omnibus usually drawn by two horses, five dollars; for each transfer wagon, ten dollars; each hackney coach or carriage usually drawn by two horses, five dollars; for same, usually drawn by one horse, three dollars; for each buggy drawn by one horse, two dollars and fifty cents; for every other kind of vehicle not herein mentioned, when drawn by four or more horses, ten dollars, and same amount when drawn by three horses; and when drawn by two horses, five dollars, and when drawn by one horse, two dollars and fifty cents. Sec. 4. That the owner of any vehicle embraced in the pro- visions of this ordinance, shall, upon receiving the certificate from the City Clerk mentioned in the second section hereof, forthwith cause the number designated in such certificate to be affixed and preserved, in plain and conspicuous figures, on a conspicuous part of such vehicle. Sec. 5. That each transfer of such vehicle, and each change of residence of the owner, within three days thereafter, shall be notified in writing to the City Clerk, who shall register such notice in a book to be kept for that purpose, and keep said notice on file and issue a certificate thereof to the owner. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained. That all carts, drays, wagons, hackney coaches, carriages, and all other vehicles owned by any person or persons w^hose residence is outside of the limits of the corporation, but which are run or used for hire in con- veying articles of any kind, or passengers, from one point to CITY OF COVINGTON. 145 another point within the city limits, shall be subject to the same tax and regulations and penalties as are provided in this ordinance for similar vehicles similarly used, and owned by residents of Covington : Provided^ however, that hackney coaches brought to the city from other places for the exclu- sive purpose of attending funerals, shall not be subject to any of the provisions of this ordinance: And provid.ed, further, that all vehicles kept and used in said city exclusively for funeral purposes, shall also be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 7. That any person violating any provisions or regula- tions contained in this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not less than ten dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars, with costs of suit. Sec. 8. That the City Marshal and other ofiicers of the city police, shall have full power, and it is hereby made their duty, with or without process, to arrest and bring before the Mayor all persons violating this ordinance, or any part thereof. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced from and after the 1st day of July, 1863, and all vehicles now in use, or to be in use, and subject to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be registered, numbered and licensed on or before said day. Sec. 10. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict with this ordinance, be and the same are now repealed. Approved May 15, 1863. AN ORDINANCE amendincr an Ordinance regulating the taxing, etc., of Hack- ney Coaches, Drays, etc., passed May 15, 1863. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That all carts, drays, wagons, hackney coaches, carriages, and all other vehicles owned by any person or persons whose resi- dence is outside of the city limits of the corporation, but which are run or used for hire in conveying articles of any kind, or passengers, from one point to another point within the city limits, shall be subject to the same tax and regulations and penalties as are provided in an ordinance for similar vehicles similarly used, and owned by residents of the city of Coving- ton : Provided, however, that hackney coaches brought to the city from other places for the exclusive purpose of attending funerals, shall not be subject to any of the provisions of this ordinance : And provided, further, that all vehicles kept and 10 146 ORDINANCES OF THE used in said city exclusively for funeral purposes, shall also be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. That all ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 10, 1864. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the killing of Dogs. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the Mayor is authorized, whenever he has reason to believe the public good requires it, to issue his proclamation directing and ordering all persons having or owning any dog or slut, to muzzle or confine the same within their own inclosure, for such term or period as to him may seem meet and proper; and any one failing to comply promptly with said order, then the Mayor shall authorize and direct any dog or slut found running at large to be killed, and for that purpose he may command the Marshal and his deputies, and to appoint as many persons to assist the Marshal as in his opinion may be neces- sary to carry into execution his commands; and the sum of twenty-five cents shall be paid for each dog killed by order of the Mayor, to the persons who shall perform that service. Approved June 11, 1854. AN ORDINANCE imposing a penalty upon all officers for failing to discharge their duties, etc. Be it Disdained by the City Council of Covington, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, any officer or officers of this city who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply strictly with, and carry out rigidly, the several ordinances prescribing their various and respective duties, shall, upon conviction be- fore the Mayor, be fined in any sum not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, with costs of suit. Approved June 2, 1864. AN ORDINANCE for the general welfare, peace and good order of the City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall be the duty of every physician in this city to report to the Mayor every case of '-'small-pox" or other conta- CITY OF COVINGTON. 147 gious disease which he may be called on to attend within the city limits, within twenty-four hours after he shall have exam- ined the patient, under a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to gather and haul soap-grease, or any dead ani- mal to be used as such, through the streets or alleys of said city, between the 1st day of May and the 1st day of October in each year, except in closed carts, wagons or vessels; and in putting grease, etc., into said vehicles, they shall be kept open so long a time only as may be absolutely necessary to receive what is intended to be put therein. Noi shall any such cart, wagon, or other vehicle used for such purpose, be permitted to remain stationary for a longer period than live minutes at any one place in said stveets or alleys. A violation of any of the provisions of this section shall, on conviction before the Mayor, subject the party to a fine of five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. JN'o i>erson or persons shall play at any game or games of marbles, quoits, foot-ball, town-ball, or any species of game, witliin the corporate limits of said city, on the first daj^ of the week, commonly called Sunday, under a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, and costs, for each ofiense. Sec. 4. '^o person or persons shall be permitted to print, engrave, make, or sell, or ofier for sale, or exhibit as for sale or other purposes, any indecent, immodest or lascivious books, pamphlets, papers, pictures or stationery, in said city, under a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each ofiense. Sec. 5. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to beat, abuse, or treat inhumanly, any work beast, horse, mare, mule, or work cattle, or any other dumb beast, within the cor- porate limits of said city; and any one so ofiending, shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, for each offense, be fined in any sum not less than five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 6. Any person who shall willfully and maliciously de- face or injure any of the public property of said city, or any fixtures or erection made in pursuance of any order of the City Council, or shall alter or deface any hand-bill, publica- tion, or advertisement, ordered as aforesaid, shall, on convic- tion, for each ofiense, forfeit and pay, on conviction, not less than one dollar and costs of prosecution. Sec. 7. Any person or persons posting any hand-bill upon any of the public buildings of this city, shall be fined, upon 148 ORDmANCES OF THE conviction, one dollar and costs of prosecution, for each and every offense. Sec. 8. Any one who shall be detected in throwing, in the streets, on the sidewalks, or across the streets or sidewalks in said city, any missiles, so as to endanger the windows or inconvenience the passers-by, shall, for each offense, on con- viction, be fined the sum of one dollar and costs. AN ORDINANCE regulating the Sale of Powder in the City of Covington. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to erect, within the limits of the corporation, any powder magazine, or any other building for the purpose of storing gun powder in greater quantities than is hereinafter specified ; and any person violating the provision of this section, shall, on conviction before the Mayor, forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dol- lars, and ten dollars for every twenty-four hours said building shall be used or occupied for the storage of more than twen- ty-five pounds of powder. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to keep, in storage or for sale, more than one hun- dred pounds of powder in any one house in said city, at any one time: and that amount, or any part thereof, shall be securely and carefully kept, and closed up in a good and sufii- cient safe, so that it can not by any means be exposed. A violation of this section shall subject the person to a fine, on conviction, of five dollars for every oft'ense. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That no person or persons shall sell, or keep for sale, in said cit}^ any gun powder with- out having first obtained a permission so to do from the Mayor of said city, who shall, before said license is granted, be fully assured and satisfied that the applicant has good and sufiicient safes to keep powder in, in conformity with the second section of this ordinance; and v/hen the Maj'Or is satisfied that the license may be granted, without too much risk to the conmiu- nity at large, he shall issue said license to the applicant, upon his paying into the City Treasury the sum of twenty dollars for one year's license, and to the Mayor fifty cents, and to the City Clerk twenty-five cents, for their certificates. Any per- son who shall sell any gun powder in said cit}^ from and after the passage of this ordinance, without having first obtained a CITY OF COVINGTON. 149 license therefor, shall, for each and every offense, forfeit and pay, on conviction, the sum of five dollars and costs. Approved June 2, 1864. AN ORDINANCE establishing a Fire Department, and for preventing and extin- guishing Fires. {Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That the Fire Department shall consist of one Superintendent of the Fire Department, and one or more steam fire engine companies, and one or more hand engine companies, which companies shall be ofiicered and organized as hereinafter pro- vided: Sec. 2. The Committee on Fire Department, together with the Superintendent thereof, shall form a Board of Supervisors, with power over all matters relating to the working of the same. Sec. 3. The Superintendent of the Fire Department shall have the sole command, at fires, over all members, compa- nies and ofiicers of the same, including the Chief Engi- neer; and over all the engines, hose reels, hose, and other apparatus of the whole Fire Department; and also over all other persons who may be present at a fire. He shall have power to form lines of citizens, in any direction, to any dis- tance, and for any purpose, and direct the persons so formed what to do, so as to insure the protection of property, preser- vation of order, and the observance of the laws, ordinances and regulations respecting tires; and it shall be the duty of the said Superintendent to attend promptly at every alarm of fire, to superintend, direct and control the fire companies, pre- scribe the position and regulate and control the action of the several companies while engaged at fires, going to or coming from fires, and all the horses, and material of any kind belong- ing to the Department, and to arrest and take before the proper ofiicers all disorderly persons, and all persons inter- fering with the fire companies in discharge of their duties, and also all persons disobeying an}^ of his commands while at a fire. It shall be the duty of said Superintendent to examine into the condition of all the engines, the care and control of the horses, and all fire apparatus; the engine and other houses belonging to the cit}^ and used for the purposes of the Fire Department and the companies attached; and he shall, at the first regular meeting of each month, and at any other time, if 150 OEDINANCES OF THE required, report to the Council the condition and situation of the public cisterns, and the conductors and feeders of each, and also the condition and situation of the fire engines, hose, horses, and all other property connected with the Fire Depart- ment, belonging to the city; and suggest such alterations, im- provements, repairs and additions, as he shall deem necessary. He shall also report, at the same time, the number, efiiciency and character of the several fire companies in the city, and the delinquencies of any ofi[icers or men in the proper discharge of their duties; and, if required, he shall, after each fire, report the cause thereof to the Council. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer to attend promptly at every fire and alarm of fire, and act in aid of the Superintendent, so far, and only so tar, as required by him ; and this shall comprise his whole duty, and be the extent of his authority, except that he and the said Superintendent arc hereby invested with tlie power and authority of police ofiScers at fires, going to and coming therefrom. Sec. 5. ISTo person under twenty-one years of age shall be employed as a member of a steam engine company of the city of Covington, nor shall any person be so employed who is not a citizen of the United States. Sec. 6. more than two regular members of each steam fire engine company shall leave the house at one time. The}^ the members of the Fire Department, shall be designated as 1 engineer, 2 pipemeu, 2 drivers and 1 fireman, all of whom shall stand their regular watch. The engineer shall take care of the engine — keep it in good working order; the pipemen shall keep the hose in good order, and assist the engineer in cleaning and repairing the engine, and also keep the house in a cleanly condition; the drivers shall take care of the horses, harness, etc., shall exercise the horses each day at least two hours, and keep the stable in good order; the fireman shall see that the fuel for the engines is always ready, and shall help the engineer as far as practicable. At time of fire, each member of the company shall render such services as the Superintendent may direct. Sec. 7. The engineer and members of the several companies regularly appointed, shall wear such cap or badge as. the Board of Supervisors from time to time may direct, to be furnished at the expense of the city, and no other person or persons shall be permitted to wear the same. Sec. 8. Iso company shall be allowed to impose fines upon its members, but it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to CITY OF COVINGTON. 151 enter in the roll book provided by the city, all absence or tar- diness of each officer and member of said company, and to make a monthly return of the same to the Board of Super- visors; and if an officer or member shall have been absent or tardy more than one-fifth of the fires or alarms of fires, such absence or tardiness shall be considered good cause for his discharge from the Department. Sec. 9. Immediately on the alarm of fire, during the night, it shall be the duty of the man on watch to give notice thereof by crying fire, or ringing a bell, or -mentioning the street or direction where it may be; and if a watchman shall neglect to do so, he shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dol- lars, and be discharged from the Fire Department, never to be emploj-ed again as a member thereof. Sec. 10. The salaries of the officers and members of the Fire Department shall be paid monthly; and in the case of temporary absence of officers or members, they shall provide a substitute, to be approved by the Superintendent. Sec. 11. The pipemen, drivers and firemen of the steam engine companies shall receive from twentj^-five to fifty dollars per month, and the engineers of the steam engines shall re- ceive from fifty to one hundred dollars per month, at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. Sec. 12. There shall be chosen by the City Council, at the first regular meeting in the month of July, a Superintendent of the Fire Department, who shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor is chosen and qualified, and he shall be removable, for cause, at the pleasure of the Council. He shall receive a salary of two hundred dollars per annum, to be paid monthly. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, as well as all other persons engaged in connection with the Fire De- partment, before entering upon the duties of their office, to be qualified by the Mayor by oath or affirmation that they will faithfully support the Constitution of the United States and the State of Kentucky, and the ordinances of the city of Cov- ington, and perform, to the best of their abilities, all the duties of their office. Sec. 14. That the Chief Engineer shall receive a compensa- tion of fifty dollars per annum for his services, payable monthly. Sec. 15. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances coming- in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Passed and approved June 30, 1864. 152 OKDINANCES OF COVINGTON. AN ORDINANCE to regulate the Markets in the City of Covington, [This ordinance having been incorrectly printed on page 105, is here inserted.] Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covingtoyi, That the regular market days of the city shall be every day in the week except Sunday, viz.: At Eleventh street Market- space on Mondays and Thursdays, and at the Seventh street Market-space on Tuesdays and Fridays; at the Lower Market- space on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and at Sixth street Market-space on Mondays and Thursdays (the same days as the Eleventh); the Saturday evening market to be at Seventh street Market-space every Saturday evening, market hours from 4 o'clock P. M. until 9 o'clock P. M.; market hours in the morning as per section second of Market ordinance passed March 13, 1856. Sec. 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflict- ing with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance take effect from its passage. Approved September 17, 1863. A General Enacting Clause. Be it ordained by the City Coundl of Covington, That the provisions of the foregoing ordinances, and amendments thereto, as revised, commencing on page 65, are now hereby fully adopted and declared to be in full force, and to have the same eftect as if now originally ordained. Approved June 30, 1864. INDEX TO CHARTER AND AMENDMENTS. PAGE. Assessor, duties and compensation of 19 Assessment, Book of, time of returning 19 Assessor, Treasurer and Clerk, penalty for failure of duties 23 Auctioneers, etc., how taxed 28 Appeals from Mayor's Court allowed 27, 58 Amendment to Charter, how made 32 Assessment, Books of, returned and referred 39 " " equalized 39 Assessor, pay of. 39 Assessment omitted, Cit}' Clerk's duty 39 Assessor, time allowed to make return 40 Actions against City, limitation of. 44 Boundary of City 3 Beggars and Vagrants, how disposed of 12 Bonds. R. R., authority for issuing 33 " " to bear interest 33 Bonds, before issue made of, vote to be taken 34 Bonds of C. & L. R. R., to be indorsed by city 38, 41 Bonds, before indorsed, vote to be taken 38 Bridge Co., N. and C, who may take stock in 36 Bridge Co., N. and C, City Council may borrow money to pay stock subscrip- tion 36 Bridge, condemnation of property for, how made 37 Bonds, city may sell for Cov. and Cin. bridge stock 43 Bonds, Cov. and Cin. Bridge Co. may levy tax for depreciation of. 45 Bridge Co., Cov. and Cin., capital stock increased 43 Board of Health, how established 10 Corporate name and style of city 4 " powers and privileges 4 Council may borrow money 6 Councilmen, when term of office commences 8 City Prison, control of 12 City Physician, term of office, etc 17 City Clerk, duty of in regard to delinquent tax bills 20 City Engineer, term of office, etc 17 Council, proceedings of, how kept 7 Collector's duty in regard to delinquent tax bills...'. 20 Collector to make deed, etc 21 " to pay over taxes to Treasurer 21 " to make out delinquent list 21 " penalty for failing to make return, etc 22 " for failing to pay over fines 23 Clerk, penalty for failing to perform duties 23 " not to be interested in contracts with city 31 Councilmen not to be interested in contracts..... 31 " to be paid for services 32 Contracts for work not to exceed revenue , 32 154 INDEX TO CHARTER PAGE. Charter, amendments to, how made 32 " Election, when held 33 Clerk, fees for copies, how provided for 35 Councilmen, eligibility of. 35 - Coroner's inquests to be paid by city 41 Cov. and Cin. Bridge Co., capital stock increased 43 " " city authorized to take stock in 43 " " city may levy tax to pay interest on bonds 44 City to pay expenses of trials, etc., in corporate limits 45 " corporate limits of, extended 47 Crossings, how erected and paid for 57 City Attorney, fee allowed to 58 Council may license and tax wagons, etc 63 " power to take up and alter streets and alleys 63 Coffee-houses, how taxed 24 Dogs and other domestic animals may be taxed 24 Election, annual Charter 5 " Inspectors of 6 Electors, qualifications of. 6 Engineer of Fire Department ■.. II " City, term of office 17 Exchange and brokers' offices, how taxed 24 Election precincts, two additional may be created 35 voting at not allowed out of district 36 " voting places, how designated 48 " voting at to be by ballot 48 Fire Department, how organized II " " officers of to have police powers II " " Engineer of. II Firemen, when exempt from other duty II Fines, Council may remit 31 " not paid to be worked out in jail 35 Fire Co., tax levied to support 58 " tax to support when reduced 58 Fines not paid, defendant to be imprisoned 58 Grading and paving, owners of property to pay for 9 " " " lots sold for, how redeemed 9 " " " may be paid for by Cour.cil 9 " " " lots sold for, proviso in favor of infants, etc 9 " " " lots sold for, how redeemed 10 " " " lots, lien on to secure payment 10 Gas-works may be erected 13 Hogs and cattle prohibited from running at large 13 Houses of ill-fame, how suppressed 13 Inspectors of beef and pork 17 Injunctions, etc., how granted 40 Inquests, Coroner's, to be paid for by city 41 .Jailor, fees of, how allowed 50 Legislative and municipal departments 7 Limitations of actions against city 44 Markets, power to regulate 13 Marshal, City, duties of. 14 " " may have deputies 14 " " may be chosen Collector 14 Market Master, duties of, etc 16 Marshal to be Chief of Police 17 Mayor's Court, jurisdiction of. 25 " exclusive jurisdiction in opening streets, etc 26 AND AMENDMENTS. 155 PAGE. Mayor's Court always to be open 27 Mayor shall summon Grand Jury 27 Mayor's Court, appeals from allowed 27 Mayor, salary and fees of. 28 " may take acknowledgment of deeds, etc 28 " may examine witnesses under dedimus 28 " may take depositions, recognizances, etc... 28 Money not to be drawn before appropriated 32 not to be appropriated unless in Treasury 32 Mayor pro iem., power and duties of, and salary 40 " " ' " whom Council may appoint as Mayor, jurisdiction of in writs of habeas corpus 51 Mayor s Court, jurisdiction of in civil cases increased 58 " " appeals from when taken 58 Mayor's salary m;ty be increased 58 Newport and Cov. Bridge Co., management, etc 36 " " who may take stock in 36 " " officers of, how appointed 37 " " officers of, to give bond 37 " " vacancy in Board, how filled 37 " " property for, how condemned 37 Officers of city 4 " " how appointed 5 " " term of office 5 " " election of, failure to make, how provided for 5 Oath of Councilmen 8 Ordinances and by-laws, how passed 8 " to be published.. , 8 Officers, duties of, to be prescribed 10 Overseers of Poor may be appointed 12 Ordinances, validity of, how tried 31 Officers to give bond 32 " to be elected by people 41 " certain, term of office 51 Poor House may be erected 12 Pt>or, overseers of, may be appointed 12 Poor House, Keeper of, term of office, etc 17 Powder magazines may be erected 13 Powder, sale of, may be prohibited 13 Port, wardens may be appointed, and term of office 17 Policemen and watchmen, duties and powers of 18 Peddlers, how taxed 23 President of Council, powers and duties of 31 " " not to be interested in contracts 31 Population, enumeration of, whpn made 48 Riots at fire, how punished 11 Railroad Co. may receive bonds of city 34 Railroad stock, interest allowed on 34 Records of Council to be evidence in Courts 34 " of School Board to be evidence in Courts 63 Streets and alleys, how graded and paved 8 Sidewalks, graded and paved, etc.. 9 Streets and alleys to be filled, etc 10 " " repairs of, to be ordered 10 Street Commissioner, duties and compensation of 16 Stores, etc., opened after list taken, how taxed 23 Shows, plays and exhibitions, how taxed 24 Schools, common, may be established , 29 156 INDEX TO CHARTER PAGE. Schools, common, tax to support 30 Street Commissioner not to engage in city contracts 31 Schools, children of certain ages to be enumerated 35 School property, tenure of, regulated 47 " " to be conveyed by city to trustees 47 Schools, Superintendent of, may be em[)loyed 49 School Board, Trustees of, and President, how elected 52 " " " term of office, etc 52 " Inspectors of Election of, how appointed, etc 52 " powers and duties of members, etc 53 Schools, teachers of, and pupils, how removed ; 53 School Examiners, Board of, how appointed 53 " " oath of office, duties of, etc 54 Streets and alleys, expenses of, repairs, etc., on, how paid 54 " " " " how apportioned 55 " " " " to be lien, and how collected. 55 " " lots sold for repairs of, how redeemed 55 " " " '* proviso in favor of infant?, etc... 56 " " expenses of, grading, etc., may be paid out of Treasury... 56 " " repairs of, may be made without petition 56 " " " when lien on property attaches 56 " " " cost of, how listed....*. 56 " " " " when property sold, how redeemed 56 Stone crossings may be erected, and how paid for 57 Steam fire engine, city may purchase 57 " " " firemen, when exempt from jury, etc 57 " " " " police powers may be conferred on 57 School Board incorporated, and to have seal 59 " " property, tenure of '. 59 " " who to be Treasurer of 59 " " may appoint a Collector, and duties of 59 " " Collector of, to give bond 60 " " " compensation and duties of. 60 " " to collect delinquent taxes 60 " " " penalty for failing to pay over 61 " " may hold and sell real estate 61 " " time and place of meeting 61 " " powers of Council transferred to 61 Schools, public, additional tax to support 61 " " taxes for, choses in action may be attached 62 School Board, Clerk of, compensation 62 " " records of to be evidence 63 School Fund, how and when money i^ay be drawn from 63 School Board, members not to be contractors, and liability of 63 " " contracts of, not to exceed revenue.... 63 Streets, alleys, etc., Council may take up 63 Taxes, delinquent, city may purchase for 6 " power to levy and collect 18 manner of levying , 19 " bills for, how and when made out 19 " " to be delivered to Treasurer 19 Tax bills, notice of to be published 19 Taxes, duty of Treasurer in collecting 20 Tax bills, delinquent, how collected 20 Taxes, property sold for, duty of Treasurer 21 Tax bills, delinquent. Collector's duty 20 Taxes, property sold for. Collector to make deed 21 Tax list, delinquent, to be placed in hands of Collector 23 AND AMENDMENTS. 157 PAGE. Taxes, property sold for, proviso in favor of infants, etc 40 " " to non-residents, how redeemed 40 Tax, levy of, for gas purposes 41 " to be levied to pay interest on funded debt 42 Taxes, time of payment of. 43 " may be assessed and collected on choses in action, etc '. 44 " " levied to pay loss on sale of Bridge Bonds 45 " " " " interest on Biidoe Bonds 46 Tax to be levied to support steam fire engine companies 68 " when reduced 58 " additional, for school purposes 61 Taxes, choses in action may be attached for 62 Tippling-houses may be suppressed 13 Treasurer, how elected, and term of office 15 to give bond, and duties of 15 " to make annual report, and salary of. 16 " penalty for failing to perform duties.'. 23 " not to be interested in city contracts 31 Taverns. coHee-houses, etc., licensed and taxed 24 Wards, Sixth and Seventh, established 7 " arrangement and equalization of. 8 Wooden buildings, erection of, may be prohibited 12 Wharfs, power to regulate 13 Wharf Master and assistants, duties of 16 " compensation of 17 Wood,, etc.. Measurers and Weighers of 17 Wharfs and wharfage may be est^iblished 24 Wards may be re-arranged 48 Wagons, carts, etc.. Council may licence 63 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. • PAGE. Auction, regulating sales at 72 " violating provisions of. 72 Auctioneer to give bond 72 Assessor, his duties, etc 133 " what property he is to assess 1 133 " compensation of. 134 Assessment, who shall be listed for 134 Animals, abuse of. , 147 Ale, beer and porter, regulating sale of. 130 " " how peddled 77 Bathing in Ohio and Licking rivers prohibited 73 Beggars and vagrants, how punished 73 " " Marshal to ai-rest 74 Bonds, R. R., issued 79 " " city authorized to indorse 80 " Marcus Smith 81 " issued for N. and C. Bridge Co 82 " " " Gov. and Cin. Bridge Co 83 Board of Health established 84 " ' " powers and duties of. 84 By-standers to aid Marshal 106 Bawdy-houses, loitering about 108 Bitch or slut prohibited from going at large Ill Burying Ground, protection of 114 Beer, ale and porter, regulating sale of. 130 Buildings, being erected or repaired, may occupy street 139 Billiard tables, how licensed and regulated 141 to whom license shall be granted 141 " person licensed not to sell spirituous liquors 142 Base line established 143 Badges of officers and firemen 150 Books, pictures, etc., obscene, selling of prohibited 147 CotFee-houses, license, how obtained.. 65 " " not transferable 65 " not to sell on Sundays 66 " not to sell to minors and slaves 66 " keeping without license, penally for 67 " penalty for violating provisions, etc.... 67 " amount paid for license 67 " ordinance amended 67 Councilmen, compensation of 70 " penalty for failing to attend... 70 " ordinance amended as to 71 City Attorney, duties and salary of 71 City Clerk, duties and salary of. 86 City Weigher, office of, established 89 " how elected, and duties of. 89 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 159 PAGE. City Weigher, fees of. 90 " " for weighing pig iron 91 " " " merchandise 91 " per cent, to be paid City Treasury 92 City Jailor, duties and salary of 93 " fees of. 94 " " for keeping slaves 95 City Attorney to make report of fines before Mayor, etc 100 Cisterns, public, not to be used for private purposes 106 " " how protected o 117 Cruelty to animals punished 106 Costs, etc., how paid 106 Concealed weapons, penalty for carrying 107 Cellar-doors, not to be left open 110 Cemetery, Linden Grove, protection of 116 Coal, coke, etc., measurement of 118 Collector of taxes, duties of 132 City Physician, duties and salary of. 140 Cellar-doors, steps, etc., how to occupy sidewalks, etc 139 Carriages, wagons, etc., ta.xed 143 Disturbance of the peace punished 107 Drays, vehicles, etc., ordinance amended, taxed, etc 145 Dogs, sluts, etc., when killing of authorized 146 Exhibitions, etc., tax on 85 Elections, appointment of Inspectors of 92 Engineer Fire Department, duties and salary 125 Engineer, Civil, duties of, and compensation 134 " *' qualifications of. 135 " " his fees 136 " vacancy in ofiice, how filled 136 " » salary of ...137 " Steam Fire Department, duties, etc 149 Exposure, indecent, of person, how punished 107 Fire Department, compensation of. 7o repairs of apparatus, how made 70 Fines of persons convicted, how collected 106 Fire-works, etc., prohibited in streets, etc 109 Fines against infants, how collected, etc Ill Fire Department, steam, established 149 " Supervisors, Board, how formed 149 '* Superintendent of, duties and powers 149 " Engineer Chief of, duties, etc 150 " badge of officers and firemen 150 " powers of company limited 150 " members, for non-performance of duty, punished 151 " watchman, duty of. 151 " who shall be eligible as firemen 150 ** salaries, how paid 151 " Superintendent, when and how elected 151 " " powers and duties of 151 Gas, to provide for lighting city with 74 " price at which city is to be furnished 75 " " " citizens are to be furnished 75 " pipes laid down by city, how paid for 75 " " when to be laid down 76 " " how constructed to prevent sickness 76 " " privileges nviy be purchased by city 76 Gaming prohibited in city 107 160 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. PAGE. Gutters not to be obstructed 112 Gravel, etc., not to be taken from public common 115 Hogs prohibited from running at large 78 " how disposed of when found iu city 78 " Marshal and deputies to enforce ordinance 78 House, Market, to be kept clean 102 Hucksters buying to re-sell, how punished 103 Horses and wagons not to stand on side of market-house 105 Houses, bawdy, loitering about 108 Houses of ill-fame, keepers of, how punished 110 Horses, etc., not to be hitched to trees in public square. ...i , ....114 Houses being erected may occupy so much of street '. 139 Hand-bills, defacing, etc., how punished 147 Inspecting and gauging 88 Inspector and Sealer may employ assistants 88 " " fees of 89 Inspectors of Elections, etc., duties of 92 Indecent exposure of person punished 107 Jurors, Grand and Petit, pay of , 69 " " " Mayor to give certificate of service 69 Jail, loitering about, how punished , 117 " whisky furnished person in, how punished 117 Licenses, time of expiration of. 65 " money paid for not refunded 65 " not transferable 65 " not to be granted to negro or mulatto 69 Lamps and lamp-posts, how furnished city 75 " " how erected and kept in repair 75 " " protection of. 116 Market, regulation of. 101 " place and time of holding 101 " stalls to be kept clean 101 " " how rented, and not transferable 101 " " failure to occupy, forfeited, etc .....192 " " weights for tested, and how kept.. 102 Market Master, duty and salary 102, 103 " to give bond 103 Market, buying in to sell again, penalty for 103 " selling in by light weight, penalty for 104 " selling spoiled meats, vegetables, etc 104 Meat shops, who may sell in 104 Market-house stalls, how rented, and for what sum 105 Markets, holding of on Saturday evening 152 Misdemeanors 106 Marshal, duties and salary of. 126 " persons resisting, how punished 108 " fees of, and may have deputies 128 " salary of increased 129 Missiles, etc., throwing of across street prohibited 148 Nuisances, how abated 110 Officers failing to report under ordinances, penalty for 100 Obstructions to be removed, and how 138 Officers of city, certain, term of office, etc 140 " failing to discharge duties, penalty 146 Offenses of various character, how punished 146 Officers, receiving, duty of 99 of city to take oath....: ^ 134 Policemen, how created, and duties of 74 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 161 PACK. Peddlers, licensing of. 77 " who exempt from its provisions 77 " may sell ale, porter and beer 77 Plays, shows and exhibitions, licensed and taxed .... 85 Public and private property, how protected 106 Pavements, etc., how protected lOB Public property, wells, etc., protection of. 114, 147 Powder, sale of regulated 148 Poor House, children under twelve years, how admitted 96 Kailroad bonds, how issued 79, 80 " indorsed by city 80 Receiving officers, duty of 99 Religious worship, disturbance of, how punished 106 Shows, plays and exhibitions, tax on, etc 85 Shade trees, protection of. 106 Selling by light weights, punishment for 104 Sabbath-day, violation of, how punished 107, 147 Shooting prohibited in city 108 Small-pox, to prevent spreading 1U8 Streets not to be encumbered with rubbish Ill Sidewalks not to be obstructed 112 Streets, etc., how much of may be occupied by builders 113 Street Commissioner, police powers conferred on 113 Sidewalks, curbing, etc., protected 113 Street Commissioner, duties and salary of , 137 ■ '■ ' " fees, and oath of office 133 " salary of increased 139 Sidewalks, constructing and repairing 142 Soap-grease, etc., must be hauled in covered vehicles 147 Small-pox, cases to be reported by physicians 146 Taverns, license to keep, how obtained 67 " general provisions regarding 68 " keepers of not to sell to minors or slaves 69 " license not to be granted to negro or mulatto 69 " keeper of not to sell liquor on Sunday 69 Ten-pin alleys prohibited 71 Treasurer, duties of 99 " salary and duties of. 130 Taxes on real and personal estate, how regulated 131 " duties of Collector of 132 " property sold for when deed made 133 Vagrants and beggars, how punished 73 Vulgar and obscene language, use of punished..,,,,, 107 Vehicles, etc., taxed 143 Weights and measures, ordinance regulating 86 " " Sealer to give bond 86 " " Sealer of, duties of. 87 " " penalty for refusing to exhibit 87 " " fees of Inspector 87 _ " " Inspector may employ assistant 88 Weigher, City, office established, how elected, and duties 89 " " fees of. 90, 91, 92 Wood, sale of regulated, aiid duties of Measurer , 96 " penalty for failing to have measured 97 " Measurer of, how elected, to give bond 97 '* " to take oath, and may have deputies 97 place of measurement of 98 " Measurer, fees of 98 11 162 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. PAGE. Wood, ordinance amended, etc 99 Wagons, carriages, etc, not to stand on streets, etc 110 " not to obstruct passways Ill Wharfage, general system established 119 " rates and charges 119 " for failure to pay 121 " when lessees may collect 123 " ordinance amending 124 Wharf Master, duties of, etc 121 " shall keep accounts, and pay over 123 " may have deputies 123 Wharf, using front of, and hauling over, to pay wharfage 124 Wardens, Fire, created 125 " " powers and duties of. 126 Wagons, carriages, etc., used for hire, how taxed 143 " " " amount of tax on same 144 '* " " when persons living out of city, how taxed 144