The Normal School Quarterly Series 9 January 1911 Number 58 UNIVERSITY Qfr 1LLI(V^F»- ---- - mi FRKSIUiCjNT'fj OINPICB. THE TEACHING OF READING IN THE INTERMEDIATE GRADES By HELEN E. PURCELL Training Teacher, Illinois State Normal University Knterd August 18, 1902, at Normal. Illinois, as second-class matter. under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. PUBLISHT BY THE ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY, NORMAL, ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Oh ILLINOIS P MBgp gNT’S OFFICB. Normal School Quarterly Publisht by the Illinois State Normal University , Normal, Illinois Series 9 JANUARY, 1911 No. 38 The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades The teaching of reading in the intermediate grades will be considerd under three main heds 1 — 1. What is the function of the reading exercize? 2. What material shall form the basis for our instruc- tion? 3. How shall we present this material so that the answer to our first question may be realized? THE AIM In its broadest sense the reading exercize should have as an end the making of the individual a more efficient mem- ber of the social whole. The teacher should aim to develop the ethical sense and cultivate courage and adaptability. He should assist the children in gaining power over symbols, and in interpreting the printed page. He should develop in them the power of language; their English should grow stronger and purer, and they should secure the ability to ex- press easily, distinctly, and effectivly the thought and emo- tion of the author. THE MATERIAL The material used must have in it the elements which will enable the teacher to secure these results. To make an intel- ligent selection we must study the child himself. We should know his needs and dreams and growing possibilities. JDur- l The spellings recommended by the Simplified Spelling Board are used. 2 Normal School Quarterly ing the intermediate age the child is full of an activity in which the imagination creates and leads. Nature in her thousand aspects is full of mystery and question. He abhors restraint and glories in a wild freedom and strong courage such as we find in those heroes who dwelt close to nature’s hart when time and man were in their infancy. He is moved by rhythm and music, sound is for him a medium of joy and his dramatic instinct moves him to an activity that may be imi- tativ or original. His sense of humor is strong, but it is of that quality which we may imagin moved primeval man to merriment. What material, we ask, will best suit the cravings and activities of this many-sided intermediate child? Evi- dently the adventure, the hero tale, the sonorous poem, simple scientific material, and such humorous tales as appeal to his nature and experience. No two courses will have the same selections thruout, yet all may be equally satisfactory. However, such literature as “Robin Hood,” “Robinson Cru- soe,” “Roland and his Horn,” the old Greek hero tales, “Ad- ventures of King Arthur,” extracts from the Sagas and other folk tales, selections from Holmes, Saxe, Kipling, biografies of noted patriots and inventors, “Visit to a Reindeer Camp,” and “The Courtship of Miles Standish” will find a place in every course of study in reading pland for the intermediate grades. THE METHOD The as- Our next problem deals with methods thru which sign men t. we may hope to realize the function of the reading lesson. Nearly every exercize in reading resolvs itself into two parts — the assignment and the recitation. Upon the re- quirements of the assignment depends largely the success of the recitation. These requirements will vary with the grade. In the fourth grade they will be of a simple character and a considerable portion of the recitation period may be required to prepare the class for attacking the problems. Children should never be given an indefinit assignment. Difficulties The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades 8 of such a character as the average child cannot overcome should be foreseen and removed. The assignment should aim to stimulate thought and insure effort. In the recitation the problems should create new thought activities, but they should be of such a character that the child who has solvd the assignment will be able to meet the requirements of the recitation. An This can be made clearer by an example. The se- example. lection was taken from Longfellow’s Hiawatha. The unit of instruction was eighty lines in Hiawatha’s Childhood beginning with By the shores of Gitchee Gurnee By the shining Big Sea Water. The aim of the lesson was twofold, (1) to make the childhood of Hiawatha a reality, and (2) to develop the power to secure thought from the printed page. As a preparation for the study of the assignment the proper names and two or three other words difficult of pronunciation were placed upon the board and a drill exercize given. The fact was brought out that northern lights are rarely seen in this latitude but that farther north they occur frequently and are very brilliant. Each child was askt to look for the Milky Way that evening. The assignment was then placed upon the board and red to the children with such remarks as would tend to awaken their enthusiasm. The pupils have a twenty-minute study period in school, and while they are not required to read their lesson at home it is hoped so to inspire them that they will of their own accord do some home work in reading. The following was the assignment: Locate Gitchee-Gumee. Describe Hiawatha’s home. What things did Nokomis teach Hiawatha? What questions did Hiawatha ask Nokomis? What was the answer to each question? Which one of the stories that Nokomis told do you like best? 4 Normal School Quarterly Find two songs in the assignment. Try to compose music for one of them. The recitation In the recitation an effort was made to bring supplements to the mind of the child an image which, assignment while it containd the elements of the image and study. created by the assignment, yet in itself was a different image. For example, the assignment asks the child to decribe Hiawatha’s home. In the recitation the child is askt “If you should paint a scene that would include Hia- watha’s home, what would you put into the picture?” Several members of the class wrote music for the song Nokomis sang to Hiawatha. They were beautiful little melodies and were sung with an expression which showd that their child-compos- ers had caught the spirit of the selection. This singing also awakend the emotions of the remainder of the class and made more real the baby Hiawatha and grandmother Nokomis. This lesson, as the aim states, was intended to make the childhood of Hiawatha real and to develop power to get thought from the printed page. It should never be forgot- ten that the getting of the thought is the prime motiv in a reading lesson. The pronunciation of words is secondary Correct and is but one of the many means to this end. pronunciation However, while the thought may be fairly essential. well graspt by a halting reader, when we ac- cept this sort of reading we lose sight of two functions of the reading lesson alredy mentiond, namely, to assist the child in securing control of symbols and to develop in him the power of oral expression. The correct pronunciation of words can come about only thru drill and this portion of the reading ex- ercize should receive the same attention that the multiplica- tion tables do in arithmetic. The child should be taught to secure the pronunciation of a word from the dictionary or thru the assistance of dia- critical marks, but such requirements should not be burden- some. After all, the natural way of learning words is thru the ear. Therefore most of the new words in a selection should The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades 5 be pronounced for the child and he should be provided with sufficient opportunity for imitation to secure easy control of the sounds. Children of this age enjoy word pronunciation. The language instinct is activ and they like to roll new words on their tungs. Therefore drill on words should be an every- day part of the lesson, but should interfere with the thought- getting as little as possible. If there is sufficient preliminary practis upon new words, but little assistance in pronunciation should be required dur- ing the reading exercize. If some help is necessary, the child should be given the word and allowd to go on with the reading. By this method the disturbance of thought is re- duced to a minimum. At the close of the exercize instruc- tion should be given in the pronunciation of the troublesome words. An example As previously stated the getting of the of methodical thought is the prime motiv in a reading les- treatment son. Much silent reading should be done and the content given orally. In lengthy selections it is often best to make the first exercize almost entirely a report of the thought. For example, in reading “Roland and his Horn” three recitation periods were devoted to interpreting the story. The assignments developt the pivotal points. Por- tions of the story were red aloud by the teacher and some oral reading was done by the class, but the main emphasis was placed upon the thought and its expression in adequate language. During the progress of this work, as a part of the preparation for the pupils’ study of the assignment, new words were placed upon the blackboard and the class was taught to pronounce them. Also the children were askt to make a list of words of whose pronunciation they were not certain. Before taking up the work of the recitation the lists handed in were compiled, placed upon the blackboard and pronounced. This method enabled the children to use the new words in relating the story and also added to their preparation for the oral reading which came later. 6 Normal School Quarterly Getting the Getting clear and appropriate meaning of meaning of words is another important phase of the read- words. ing work. The child should be taught to con- sult the dictionary but, as cautiond above, such requirements should not be made a burden. In many schools the use of the dictionary reacts upon the reading lesson in a way that weakens it as a thought- getting exercize. The proper way to secure the meaning of some words is thru their connection with the context. After the definition has been found in this way the word may be lookt up in the dictionary and the meaning arrived at verified. At the same time it will be discoverd that some words have more than one meaning. Some In “The Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor” we examples. find the following passage, “I seemd to see distinctly in the distance a white object of enormous size.” It is apparent that the word ‘ ‘enormous” describes the size of the object. The uselessness of sending the child to the dictionary for this word, however, is apparent when we read the passage which follows it. “I then descended from the tree and went towards it, and lo! it was a large white dome of great hight.” A better method of attack would be to ask in the assignment, “Why does Sinbad speak of this object as of enormous size?” When reference to the dictionary is nec- essary the assignment, if possible, should add more than the mere definition of a word to the thought- getting possibilities of the exercize. The following quotation from Hiawatha will illustrate this point: Where into the empty spaces, Sinks the sun, as a flamingo Drops into her nest at nightfall, In the melancholy marshes. The word flamingo will need to be defined more clearly than it is in the passage. However, insted of saying “Look up the meaning of the word flamingo in the dictionary,” it would be much better to say “Why is the sun likend to a flamingo?” The child would undoubtedly have to refer to the dictionary The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades 7 in order to solv the problem but he would have a motiv for his effort. Occasionally a word is so used that the interpre- tation of the passage necessitates the bare definition of the word. In “King Canute” occurs the line, “Sure, my lord, it is the lampreys servd at dinner or the veal?” In this case nothing of an explanatory or connecting character joins the word “lampreys” with the other portions of the selection. The meaning of the word, however, is necessary to an under- standing of the line in which it occurs. Therefore the prop- er thing to do is to refer the child to the dictionary for its definition. The emotional It is often assumed that if we solv the pro- element in nunciation and meaning of words and the reading. thought-getting part of an exercize the oral expression solvs itself. This would be true were it not that there is an intermediate step — the feeling of the author’s emotions. We may so assist the child with his thought- get- ting that the meaning of the author is clear; we may drill him upon the difficult words until his speech organs respond with rediness and accuracy; yet his oral expression may be lifeless and uninteresting. The oral expression of a child is a reflec- tion not of what he knows but of what he feels. To awaken in the child a strong sympathy for the thought of the author is a problem which calls for a teacher’s best effort. The selections used should have in them few situations which cannot at least partially be interpreted in the light of Pupils’ experience the child’s experiences. Then with those the basis of in- experiences as a basis the teacher should terpretation. draw upon the judgment and imagination of the child. The selection from “William Tell” that deals with the shooting of the apple from Albert’s hed illustrates this point. There is a father who loves his child, a child who loves his father and has confidence in his skill. The love of the father for Albert’s mother is brought out and her love for Albert is toucht upon. Gessler is the villain who wishes to hurt Albert and Tell. There is a touch of patriot- 8 Normal School Quarterly ism — an emotion which begins its development in the inter- mediate period. Then there is the trial of individual skill which is one of the dominant characteristics of the inter- mediate age. Finally the good is successful, the bad is dis- comfited and everything ends happily. In fact it is full of situations which each child has experienced in different de- grees. Let us illustrate this in detail. Tell says this to his son: An Hit thee! Send example. The arrow thru thy brain— or, missing that, Shoot out an eye— or, if thine eye escapes, Mangle the cheek I’ve seen thy mother’s lips Cover with kisses! Hit thee— hit a hair Of thee and cleave thy mother’s hart? 1 Again Tell says, I will not make the trial, To take him to his mother in my arms, And lay him down a corpse before her! To get appropriate emotional response to the thought in these lines the teacher said, “William Tell feard that he would kill Albert. If you were in Albert’s place and William Tell were your father, of whose feelings would he think even more than he thought of his own feelings?” A dozen pupils were redy with an answer. “The father would think of the mother even more than he thought of himself.” The chil- dren were then askt to read the passages which showd that Tell thought of Albert’s mother more than he thought of himself. Needless to say they were red with feeling. For similar reasons Robinson Crusoe put into the form of modern child-literature is excellent matter for the fourth or fifth grade. It is full of situations which the child’s imagination redily pictures and which abound in problems that he de- lights to work out. 1 Sheriden Knowles's version of the legend. The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades 9 Using the drama- The dramatic instinct in children of this tic instinct for se- age is activ and should be taken advantage curing, (l) reality, of to make the events and emotions of the clearness, ac- selection a real experience. For example, curacy. in teaching ‘ ‘William Tell,” when the pas- sages were reacht in which Albert was made redy for the trial different boys took the positions occupied by Tell, Albert, Gessler, and Werner. Other members of the class corrected a boy who, assuming the part of Albert, placed himself with his face toward Tell. The text was quoted, Take the boy And set him Werner, with his back to me. An exercize for developing and training the imagination consists in dramatizing a portion of a selection in which only the situation is given and the dialog must be composed. The story of “Hercules and the Golden Apples” as given in Haw- thorne’s “Wonder Book,” is in almost complete dramatic form. With a few interpolations the entire story may be red as a drama. At one point in the story the following para- graf occurs: Hercules then askt whereabouts the Old One was most likely to be met with. When the damsels had informd him, he thank t them for their kindness, and immediately set forth upon his journey. In this paragraf the locality to which the maidens di- rected Hercules is not given, but a few lines farther on in the story this is included in the description which the author makes of Hercules’ finding the Old One. With this descrip- tion as a basis each child was askt to write the missing por- tion of conversation between Hercules and the maidens. After listening to a reading of these dramatizations the one which the class decided to be best was placed upon the black- board by the author. The remainder of the class then sug- gested corrections and changes. Finally it was written upon the board in its corrected form and used at the proper place insted of the material given in the story. 10 Normal School Quarterly (2) Natural As a motiv for further study of this se- and strong lection it was suggested that another class motiv. be invited to hear the entire story given in dramatic form. This presented an opportunity for develop- ing the social instincts. Flowers were brought to decorate the room. A reception committee was appointed and the guests were receivd and seated. In this lesson, as with most dramatizations connected with the reading exercize, the parts were not memorized. The book was used thruout. Unless the selection has sufficient literary value to justify the expenditure of time an exercize of this kind should not be memorized. The aim of such lessons should be interpre- tation, rather than dramatic display. Happy Another exercize which develops in the occasion for child a sympathetic understanding of litera. composition. ture consists in unifying with the reading exercize the composition of the short story and the verse. After a sixth grade had red “A Dog of Flanders” a short dog story was given to each child to read to the class. When this was completed the children were allowd an opportun- ity to relate other dog stories. It was then suggested that each one in the class write a dog story. Interest was now at a white heat. All of the stories produced indicated a strong desire to express thought and some of them were produc- tions of exceptional merit. Composition After composing a poem himself the child in verse. will enjoy poetry as he never enjoyd it be- fore, and he will have a basis upon which to bild a notion of the principles that underlie the music of the verse. At first this work should be taken up by the class as a whole and the result should be a mutual one. All should be en- couraged to suggest, to write, and to correct. Even the most timid can be brought into the exercize and the result will bring them the joy that comes with a realization of one’s own ideals. Thru the method suggested a fifth-grade class, after reading several Thanksgiving poems, wrote the follow- The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades 11 ing verses. They were afterward set to music during the singing period and used as a part of the Thanksgiving exercizes. The jolly Thanksgiving is here at last What fun! What fun! For summer and autum alredy have past, What fun! What fun! The trees are bare, the cold winds blow, And winter is coming with ice and snow, What fun! What fun! What fun! Hurrah for the turkey, and pumpkin pie, What fun! What fun! The table is redy and so am I, What fun! What fun! And all are merry as merry can be, For Thanksgiving is here with all its glee, What fun! What fun! What fun! One may ask, how are such verses written by a class ? When interest had been aroused in composing a Thanks- giving poem each child was askt to write a first line. From these one was chosen and placed upon the board. A boy suggested “What fun! What fun!” as a second line. This appeald to the remainder of the class and it was accepted. The third line was among those offered for a first line and in making a choice the class had been divided between it and the one finally chosen. Its fitness as a third line was at once seen, and a suggestion made that “What fun! What fun!” be repeated. The class was sent to the board to write the fifth line. This line was more difficult but was finally formd from parts of two different lines. It was first written, “The cold winds blow, the trees are bare.” In spite of the fact that a number of words riming with bare were offerd and placed upon the board no acceptable line was composed. The teacher suggested that the arrangement of the words might be changed and the meaning of the line retaind. This led to the present arrangement and the line following was easily developt. The remainder of the poem was composed with such variations of the method illustrated as the situa- 12 Normal School Quarterly tions suggested. Simple scanning naturally grew out of this work. It proved fascinating and became a popular form of amusement. The great im- Thus far we have emphasized the problems portance of of getting the thought, arousing in the child much oral the appropriate emotions, correct pronuncia- reading. tion, getting the meaning of words, the ex- periential basis of interpretation, and the dramatic instinct. While the possibilities of expressing the thought and emotion of the author depend upon the degree in which the child has be- come possest of these fundamental processes, ease and effec- tiveness in expression can be attaind only thru much oral reading. The child’s natural desire to read aloud those selections which appeal to him gives motiv for this exercize and calls for the necessary repetition. However, while the child may be willing to re-read a se- lection for the pleasure of repeating it, variety in the methods of approaching a lesson for this purpose will give greater content to his interest and broaden his sympathy for the thought. For example, after a study of “Roland and his Horn” as previously described, a week was spent in its oral reading. The first assignment required a reading of the con- versations in which Roland took a part, Roland’s speech to his soldiers, and his address to his sword Dusendal. The second assignment cald for a reading of the conversations in which either King Marsilius or King Charles engaged. The three remaining lessons were given to reading and re- lating the story in the order written and such assign- ments were made as insured preparation for the day’s work. As part of a review of “A Dog of Flanders” several recita- tions were given to reading such passages as described Nello, Petrasche, John Daas, Alois, Nello’s home, etc. In fact, there are innumerable devices thru which a repetition of a story for the purpose of securing practis in oral reading may add to the appreciation of the thought and furnish a motiv for study. The Teaching of Reading in the Intermediate Grades 13 Great value of Frequent reading on the part of the teacher’s example, teacher also inspires a class to effort. The emotion which he feels awakens a kindred emotion in child- ren and they emulate the standard which he sets. Nothing stirs boys and girls to effort more than the representing of a character in a piece of literature while the teacher inter- prets another character in the same selection. A reason for poor reading often lies in a lack of that broad interest in printed material which gives the child a motiv for investigation. To the child reading often means The problem of an exercize from a prescribed book rather supplementary than the key which unlocks the door to the reading. facts and fancies of the past and present. Adequate supplementary reading matter will help out here. The newspapers and magazines are full of live material which may be used for this purpose. In spite of glaring hed- lines in the newspapers and numerous articles in the maga- zines, not long since, some fifth' grade boys were found who had not heard of a flying machine. The children of the class were encouraged to express orally their knowledge of this subject. The teacher provided relevant information outside the experiences of the children. Pictures were shown illustrating a dirigible, a monoplane, and a biplane. Difficult words were placed upon the board as they occurd and at the close of the exercize the children were given an opportunity to pronounce them. Then each child was askt to bring to the teacher the next day a short newspaper or magazine article giving informa- tion in regard to aeronautics. For those who might not be able to secure such an article in their homes the teacher pro- vided a number of newspapers and magazines from which they could obtain the required material. Before class time the teacher examind the clippings brought so as to be suf- ficiently acquainted with the day’s lesson to be helpful and to discard anything unworthy of presentation . During the recitation period each child either red his article or related 14 Normal School Quarterly the news which itcontaind. This class is now collecting materi- al on aeronautics and occasionally a reading period is given to the subject. Animal stories also make good supplementary read- ing matter and are easily obtaind. A set of circus hand- bills naming and describing the different animals to be seen make excellent supplementary reading material. The mem- bers of one class were told that they might bring jokes to be red the following Friday. It was evident there was a strong motiv for preparing that assignment, and results were good. Motiv The value of giving the children motiv for and interest, work has been illustrated. Thru right mo- tivation the teacher may arouse enthusiasm for a lesson that otherwise might be considerd an irksome task . For example, in story telling and oral reading the advantage of an audience is obvious. When this is desirable the class may be divided into groups and each group be given a different story. Then each division may relate or read its story to the other ones. If the literature of a certain author is to be studied each child may be allowd to choose a selection and read it to the class. Special Poor readers may be helpt by giving them cases. a special assignment. One boy whose read- ing was very weak was given a story to read to the class. Each day he red fifteen or twenty lines until it was completed. The remainder of the class were interested in the story and gave him close attention. He became so anxious to read well that he begd for assistance after school, carried the exercize home for study and in various ways proved his interest. When he had finisht reading the story he had good control of a selection for the first time in his life. The im- petus which he receivd from this work entirely changed his attitude toward reading, and by the close of the year he red as well as the majority of his class. The Teaching of Reading in the Intermedia, te Grades 15 Concluding In the teaching of reading the judgment remarks. of the teacher is of the utmost importance. He should have clear in his mind the needs of his class and aim to meet them. Each selection should be studied and the methods which will best enable the class to secure control of ts various problems decided upon. Some exercizes are valu- able for developing strength in securing details of thought and giving it oral expression, while such treatment of a piece of literature in which beauty of language is its pre-eminent quality might be little short of sacrilege. Many selections possess such qualities of sentiment or beauty of language that € they should be memorized. Others should be past over quickly. One exercize may be especially valuable for devel- oping skill in oral reading and the chief value of another may be its power to awaken the emotions. Some serv their pur- pose if red to the class by the teacher; but the best results are obtaind by varying the mode of treatment according to the character of the selection and the needs of the pupils. The Illinois State Normal University Offers superior facilities for the training of teachers. Its equip- ment includes: A library of 21,000 volumes and 14,000 pamflets. Physical, chem- ical, biological, physchological, and geografical laboratories supplied with new apparatus. A school garden with two and one-fourth acres, and a well-stockt greenhouse. A new, commodious bilding devoted to the preparation of teachers in manual training, art, and household economy. A well-equipt gymnasium. A campus of fifty-seven acres, with every advantage for athletic games. Its faculty includes forty-one teachers, eleven of them training teachers. Four regular programs of study are provided. A two-year program for graduates of superior high schools. A three-year program for graduates of village high schools. A four-year program for students needing longer academic prep- aration. A four-year teacher’s college course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Education. The regular programs all include a review of the common branches, music, drawing, five terms of psychology and pedagogy, three terms of practis teaching and such advanced courses as may be needed. Electiv substitutes are provided for students preparing for pri- mary teaching and other specific work. Special programs are also provided each two years in length in art, manual training, household art, and household science. These are open to high-school graduates or other students of equal preparation. For the summer school of 1911 are provided sixty-eight instructors and one hundred five courses including almost every sort of work needed by teachers in our public school system. The spring term begins March 20. The first summer term begins June 12. The second summer term begins July 24. For catalogs and announcements write to David Felmley, President Normal, Illinois. UNIVERSITY Of Hl.uv. i5 State Reformatory Print