L I b RAFtY OF THE U NIVERSITY or ILLINOIS THE LADY OF THE BEDCHAMBER, A NOVEL. BY MES. A. CRAWFORD, IN TWO VOLUMES. Corapell'd to wed, because she was my ward, Her soul was absent when she gave her hand." Dryden. E.Mockler VOL. I. LONDON : T. C. NEWBY, PUBLISHER, 30, WELBECK STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE 1850. V.' THE LADY OF THE BED-CHAMBER. c^ CHAPTER L .^^ Here, take her hand, r Proud, scornful boy, unworthy this good gift ; """* That does in vile misprision shackle up My love and her desert ; that canst not dream, i, ' We poizing us in her defective scale, ^ Shall weigh thee to the beam ; that wilt not know i ^ It is in us to plant thine honour where We please to have it grow. Si; Skakspeare, •^ It was in the year 1668 that Louis the Four- !*^ teenth, after having attacked in person and taken Tourney, Oudenard, Alost, &c, found ^.^^,^^ himself before the city of Lille, the most TOL. I. B