S2L9. 1 3 Un3£>t U.S.--CH. HI AIR. >RCE BASE, CHANUT.E, ILLINOIS 32 YEARS OF TECHN ICAL TRAIN I NG w L I B RARY OF THE U N I VER.5ITY Of 1LLI NOIS Un36t TORICAl & Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/32yearsoftechnic00chan •f technical training a, re e has k> c3A-e ou^-tvf/t ^•&cn'rvvct-e dvu SoA/C-e Ba and -vrvtended 'tfiot -tlvvk ^Kimjali'tet -^u/wvUm mot-evio/t ( ^Kytn uvVvt-ten and ^ixvtoVuvC ) -to ^vovt/Kvy -trie -MJojae, Oi/oarvvj.at'uon and mot/nod of o\^eAy . Ba-&« -vn -tn-e accomja^Uynm-en-t o-f- -tne ao-svvoned m-\x> Raft 47 STUDENT MAINTENANCE OFFICER 48 \ \ advanced aircraft maintenance training The Department of Advanced Aircraft Mainte- nance Training consists of five courses. For select- ed officer personnel, training is given in: Aircraft Maintenance Officer. Maintenance Administration. Aircraft Performance Engineer (Preflight). Selected airmen are given advanced or up-grade training in one of the following courses: Flight Engineer Technician (Ground Phase). Mechanical Accessories and Equipment Repair- man. 49 ® AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE OFFICER COURSE NO. 43440 This course is designed to train and qualify officers as air- craft maintenance officers for duty as supervisors of organiza- tional and field maintenance activities in Air Force organizations. Instruction in this course includes such subjects as Administra- tion and Management, Air Force Shop Functions, Airplane Struc- tures, Miscellaneous Systems and Ground Equipment, Direct and Alternating Current Electrical Systems and Instruments, Elec- tronic Systems and Equipment, Airplane Power Plants, Operation and Cruise Control, Engine Change and Inspections, and Weight and Balance Control. Tracing the Flow of Hydraulic Fluid in a Typical Hydraul ic System 50 Demonstration of Uip Operation of thp F-80 Fuel System Completing Valve Check Aft^r Overhaul 51 MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION COURSE NO. 43441 This course is designed to give advanced training in manage ment subjects to officers who are technically qualified and expe rienced Aircraft Maintenance Officers. Reviewing Management Problems 52 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE ENGINEER (PREFLIGHT) COURSE NO. 43240 This course is designed to acquaint Aircraft Performance Engineers with the latest techniques of cruise control and oper- ation of heavy bombardment aircraft and to familiarize them with procedures and techniques of performance plotting. Emphasis is placed on problems inherent in heavy bombardment type aircraft in flight planning and operation. Learning to Operate the B-3f> Flight Engineer's Panel 53 FLIGHT ENGINEER TECHNICIAN (GROUND PHASE) COURSE NO. 43271 This course is designed to give training to selected airmen with experience as airplane mechanics in operation and inspection of medium bombardment type airplanes, and in the control of the performance of such airplanes during flight. ^^. Teaching N-50 Cruise Control Problems 54 Demonstrating the Constructional Features of an R— 1360 Kngine Operation and Constructional Features of the Turbosupercharger 55 MECHANICAL ACCESSORIES AND EQUIPMENT REPAIRMAN COURSE NO. 42450 In this course, selected airmen (airplane and engine mechan- ics or higher) are given training in organizational and field main- tenance of such accessories and equipment as: Airplane Air Conditioning Systems Oxygen Systems Heating, Ventilating and Cabin Pressurizing Systems Anti -Icing and Defogging Systems Fire Detecting and Fire Extinguishing Systems Ground Heating, Ventilating and Cooling Equipment Cabin Pressure Test Equipment Operating the Regulator of the Oxygen System 56