LINCOLN SHEET MUSIC CHECK LIST Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign LINCOLN SHEET MUSIC CHECK LIST t LOUIS A. WARREN, Director Lincoln National Life Foundation LINCOLNIANA PUBLISHERS Fort Wayne, Indiana 1940 Copyright Lincolniana Publishers 1940 (\ W JISi K°°~ INTRODUCTORY NOTES Sheet music seems to have found no place In the various classifications of Lincolniana compiled by bibliographers. Possibly the selections containing both words and music should have received recognition along with other printed leaflets, but then, of course, Instrumental music would not be eligible. Single sheets printed on one side, containing Lincoln verses and sometimes music, are properly listed as broadsides and not included here. As far as we can learn, this check-list is the first attempt to compile and identify sheet music, and might be called a preliminary study In this field. The primary source of information for this work has been the music collection in the Lincoln National Life Foundation Library. Valuable assistance has also been received from the Lincoln col- lections at Brown University, Illinois State Historical Library, and the Library of Congress. Special recognition should be given to Alice Burry of the Foundation staff who has been largely responsible for the recording and systematizing of the Items. The following information is presented to clarify the arrangement of the material: (1) In the listing of variants only one or two outstanding differ- ences are listed in order to conserve on space, and often the obvious words are abbreviated. The copyright date is In most instances given after the title and is not listed again after the variants unless there Is a change In the date. (2) Asterisks denote those songs about which we have no information other than the composer's name and the title. (3) A name appearing in brackets after the song title indicates the author of words, and, of course, is frequently the same as the composer. (4) Each Item is numbered so that composer and song title may be located from list of authors of words. INDEX TO COMPOSERS OF MUSIC 12. 13. Ackley, B. D. Adams , S . J . ♦Anderson *Andlno Andrillon, P. Archer, C. Arlen, Harold Bach, C. H. Bacon, P. J. Bacon, P. J. Baker, B. F. Ballard, L. W. Bardetti, Carlo Barnard, J. C. Barton, G. H. Beall, B. B. Beckel, J. C. Beckel, J. C. Bennett, R. R. Berneker, F. Blsbee, M. G. Bishop, T. B. Bishop, T. B. Blake, D. G. Blaraphlm, C. Boott, F. Bradbury, W. E Braham, Dave Brainard, C. S. Brainard, J. C. Braine, R. Brlnley, Jessie Brockway, W. H. Brown, G. A. Brown, T. M. Brown, T. M. Brown, T. M. Bryan, A. Bryant, Dan ■"•Buckley Buckley, F. Buechel, A. Burditt, L. S. Burke, J. F. Burkes, E. A. Butterfield, J. A, C, C. M. Carlin, E. N. Clapham, E. Lincoln (Tillotson) We Are Coming, Father Abraham (Bryant, W. C. ) Lincoln America is Calling Lincoln Hymn to America (Andrillon) Rest Noble Chieftain (Archer) If I Only Had a Brain (Harburg) Funeral March to Memory of Abraham Lincoln Vl-Chicago» Ziegfield & Wilson V2~Milwaukeo: H. N. Hemps ted Emancipation (Bacon) Song of the Emancipation Proclamation (Lincoln) We Are Coming Father Abraham, 600,000 More (Gibbons) Emancipation Quickstep How Sleep the Brave (Collins, W. ) Funeral March That's What the Niggers then Will Do (Russell) Abraham Lincoln and his First Sweetheart Ann Rutledge (Gilbertson) Monody on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Beckel) Vl-Phila. : J. Marsh V2-Cincinnati: J. J. Dohmeyer Our Union Forever (Castle) Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, Pride of Springfield, 111. (Rice) De United States Hotel (Blsbee) Abraham the Great and General Grant His Mate (Bishop) We'll Go Marching (Bishop) Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln (Blamphim) Johnathan to John (Bigelow, pseudo. for James Russell Lowell) Hold on Abraham (Bradbury) Emancipation Day (Stout) Vl-W. A. Pond & Co. , 547 Broadway V2-25 Union Square and change in adv. copy Oh! Massa's Gwine to Washington (Kirke, pseudo. for J. R. Gilmore) Funeral March Lincoln (Liebfreed) Vl-Three music bars on t.p. and first page has different music V2-No bars on t.p. Lincoln Quickstep Young Eph's Jubilee (Murphy) Let the President Sleep (Stewart) Lincoln's Funeral March President Lincoln's Funeral March A Tribute to President Lincoln It's Time for Every Boy to be a Soldier (Bryan) Dan Bryant's Song - We're Coming Father Abram (Bryant, Dan) Lincoln the Liberator We'll Fight for Uncle Abe (Pratt) We Mourn Our Country's Loss Vl-cl865 V2-C1881 We Are Coming, Father Abraham (Bryant, W. C. ) Our Lincoln the Hero of the Nation (Burke) Lincoln and the Starry Flag Lincoln's Requiem (Boynton) Good Times in the Army Boys (Watson, W. H. ) Ring the Bell Softly (Smith, W. D. , Jr.) The American Volunteers' March Vl-Dedicated to Gen. H. A. Morrow, etc. V2-Respectfully dedicated to his friend Gen. H. A. Morrow, etc. 1916 1862 1880 1865 1939 1865 1912 1909 1862 1863 1865 1865 1865 1926 1865 n.d. 1861 1931 1927 1863 1864 1864 1925 n.d. 1862 1862 1876 1865 1923 n.d. 1866 1865 1876 1865 1865 1917 (1862) 1865 1881 n.d. 1916 1913 1865 1863 1866 1865 1866 Clark, J. G. Clifton, W Clokey, J. W. Collins, L. S. Cornelias, J. Concoroius Cook, S. A. Cora, Karl Cora, Karl ■a-Critelle Cromwell, H. Crosby, A. M. CrobS, M. H. Cull, A. Cummi ng , W. Cumming, W. Cummings, E. S. Daly, J. K. Damrosch, W. Davis, E. C. Davis, Richard Degenhard, C. G. Delaney, A. #Demuth Donizetti, G. Dresser, Paul Dresser, Paul Droberg, W. Durand, L. B. E. , M. Edmonds, S. N. Emerson, L. 0. Emmett, D. D. Emmett, D. D. Emmett, D. D. Emmett, Tony Eugarps Everest, C. Everest, C. Everest, C. Everest, C. Fargo, J. F. Fawcett, G. E. The Martyr of Liberty (Clark) The Death of President Lincoln (Clifton) Lincoln (Stevens) Lincoln Memorial Song (Collins, L. S. ) Washington et Lincoln Uncle Sam (Grute) The Shooting of Our President Freedom's Call We See the Break of Day Lincoln Oh Speak To Me Once More (Smith, W. D. , Jr.) Abraham Lincoln (Fox, J. M. ) Campaign Quickstep We Are Coming Father Abraham, 600,000 More* (Gibbons) Abraham Lincoln March Abraham Lincoln Schottisch President's Hymn: Give Thanks All Ye People (Muhlenberg) There Are Just As Many Heroes Today (Allen) An Abraham Lincoln Song (Whitman) Lincoln's Funeral March Vl-Balmer & Weber, St. Louis, Por. of L. on t.p. V2-Two c. dates, 1365 and 1883. Black border on t.p. n.d. V3-C. by Leo Feist, N. Y. No cover Death of Abraham Lincoln (Davis) Abraham My Abraham (O'Donoughue ) Dirge Sung at Consecration of Soldier's Cemetery at Gettysburg (Delaney) Lincoln Green Funeral March Vl-Engraved t.p., triple heavy black line border V2-Lith. of L. on t.p. Give Us Just Another Lincoln (Dresser) Lincoln, Grant, and Lee, or The War Is Over Many Years (Dresser) Hymn to Old Glory (Minshall) Song of Lincoln (Durand) Jeff's Double Quick You Can't Fool All the People All the Time (Edmonds ) We Are Coming, Father Abraham (Bryant, W. C. ) The Black Brigade (Emmett, D. D. ) Greenbacks (Emmett, D. D. ) U. S. G. A Song for the Times (Emmett, D. D. ) Abraham's Daughter (Emmett, Tony) Vl-FIrst line: Oh J Kind folks listen to my son£ V2-First line: 0, The soldiers here, both far and near V3- (Columbia) cl868 Hard Times in Dixie (K. , M. ) The National Funeral March A National Hymn (Nicholson) Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud (Knox] Vl-cl865 V2-C1866 Toll the Bell Mournfully ^Everest) Vl-cl865 V2-C1866 The Death Knell is Tolling (Cody) Vl-Chicago: Lyon & Healy V2-Boston: 0. Ditson & Co. The President's Emancipation March Vl-Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons. C. by Root & Cady. pp. 2-5 V2-Chicago: Root & Cady. Music is different pp. 3-7 V3-Chicago: Root & Cady, pp. 2-5 1865 n.d. 1923 1909 1867 1867 1901 1860 1860 1865 1914 1860 1862 1860 1860 1854 1914 1936 1865 1865 1888 1913 1863 1900 1903 1915 1919 1865 1903 1862 1863 n.d. 1864 1861 1868 1864 1865 1864 1865 1866 1865 1866 1365 93. Fenollosa, M. 94. Fischer, C. J, 95. Flske, W. 0. 96. Formes, Karl 97. Foster, 3. C. 98. Foster, S. C. 99. Foster, S. C. 100. French, D. A. 101. *Gallatly 102. Geddes, J. L. 103. Getze, J. A. 104. Getze, J. A. 105. Gilmore, P. S, 106. Glover, C. 107. Goff, W. 108. Gomez 109. Gordon, M. S. 110. Gougler, I. W, 111. Graft, G. P. 112. Grafula, C. S, 113. Grobe, C. 114. Grube , L. 115. Gumpert, G. Gutterson, A. C. 117. Haase, F. 118. Halle, R. 119. Hammond, C. T. 120. Hanford, M. C. 121. Hardy, Will 122. Haskins, Mrs. O.N 123. Haynes, J. E. 124. Haynes, J. E. 125. Haynes, J. E. 126. Haynes, J. E. 127. Helmsmuller, F.B. 128. Henry, Edwin 129. Hervey, Robert 130. Hess, Charles 131. Hesselbert, L. S. 132. Hewitt, G. W. 133. Hlmelman, J. M. 134. Hoffman, E. 135. Holberton, J. 136. Hoschna, K. L. 137. Irving, A. B. 138. J., G. L. 139. Jerrold, C.J. A. 140. Johnson, H. 141. Jones, J. P. 142. Judson 143. Kampe, H. F. 144. Keller, M. Emancipation Hymn (Fenollosa) Lincoln's Funeral March Requiem March In Honor of President Lincoln In Memory of Abraham Lincoln Better Times Are Coming (Foster) (Bungay) Vl-Written and composed by Foster V2-New version with words by Bungay We Are Coming Father Abraham, 300,000 More (Gibbons) That's What's The Matter (Foster) •63 is the Jubilee (Greene) Lincoln Green The Bonnie Flag with the Stripes and Stars (Gedde We Are Coming Father Abraham, 300,000 More - Quickstep Save Our Flag (Wolverton) We Are Coming Father Abraham (Bryant, W. C. ) How Are You Green-backs (Bowers) Goff's Address to the Army and Navy (Goff) Come Back, Massa, Come back I (Lucas) Massa Linkum's Boy (Parker) Lincoln's Grave (Gougler) Rest, Martyr, Rest (Glass) Our General's Grand March Lincoln Quickstep Vl-Lith. por. of Lincoln V2-Lith. por. of Lincoln surrounded by scenes President Lincoln's Funeral March Our Country's Flag (Gumpert) Vl-Tenth Edition V2-Words in English and German V3-For alto or baritone - t.p. similar to Tenth Edition but redrawn President's Hymn: Give Thanks All Ye People (Muhlenberg) Vl-Chicago, H. M. Kiggins V2-New York, J. L. Peters In Memoriam Lincoln (Nilan) Mount, Boys, Mount (Hammond) Abe Lincoln (Beebe) The School Where Lincoln Went (Hardy) Vl-Boston: Bostonia Publishing Co. V2-Worcester : Massachusetts Music Co. Weep Not for the Slain, Columbia (Haskins) Campaign Song for Abraham Lincoln (Haynes, C. ) Nomination Song (Haynes, C. ) Our Nation's Captain (Haynes, C. ) We's a G'wine to F ight (Haynes, C. ) President Lincoln's Grand March Vl-Published by H. Waters V2-Published by Daggett The Old Chieftain (Henry) Our Flag Shall Wave There (Hervey) Lincoln's Funeral March Vl-Lith. by Donaldson & Elmes of Lincoln V2-T.p. has black line border curved at top America My Country (Hesselbert) The Banner of the Sea The Lincoln Two Step Rest, Spirit, Rest The Flower from Lincoln's Grave (Lawrence) Honor You Today, Lincoln Oh Lincoln (Douglas) We Are Coming, Father Abraham (Bryant, W. C. ) The Mudsills Are Coming (Bowers) The Wilson-Lincoln Reign (Gray) The Name of Abraham (Bibo) (Klein) De Darkies Rallying Song (O'Connor) The Union Wagon (Asa) Abraham Lincoln (Kampe) Abraham Lincoln Requiem Vl-Boston: Henry Tolman V2-New York: S. Brainard 1863 1865 1865 1865 1862 1862 1863 1862 1863 1862 1863 1862 1863 1884 1865 1865 1861 1860 1865 1861 1865 1910 1864 1912 1910 1865 1864 1864 1864 1864 1862 1862 1865 1865 1918 1861 1895 1865 n.d. 1906 1862 1865 1915 1925 1863 1866 n.d. 1865 145. Keller, M. 146. Keller, M. 147. Kendls, Brockman and Vincent 148. Kleinsinger, G. 149. Kountz, R. 150. L. , R. T. 151. Ladd, G. I. 152. Ladd, M. B. 153. Ladd, M. B. 154. Ladd, M. B. 155. Lafayette, P. 156. Lazare, Carl 157. Lincoln, H. J. 158. Linden, Oscar 159. Locke, E. W. 160. Lowe, Bert 161. Lozier, J. H. 162. Lundberg, C. 0. 163. Luther, H. W. 164. Lutz, G. B. 165. McElroy, Erwin 166. McNaughton, J. H, 167. *M. , J. 168. Mack, E. Here We Are ! Here We Are ! (Emmet t, D. D. ) In Memoriam Abraham Lincoln (Smith, W. D. ) VI -New York: W. Hall cl865 V2-New York: W.- Hall cl866 V3-Boston: Messrs. J. & E. Hoch cl866 We're Bound to Win with Boys Like You (Kendis, Brockman and Vincent) The Ballad of Abe Lincoln (Goldsmith) Abraham Lincoln (Briar) Emancipation Hymn (L. , R. T. ) In Memoriam (Ladd, G. I. ) The Freedman's Lament (Ladd) Lincoln' s Dying Refrain We Mourn Our Fallen Chieftain (Ladd) Old Abe They Said Was An Honest Man (Jarboe) - D. , Jr.) 1865 1866 1866 1918 1940 1925 1863 1865 1866 1865 1865 1864 n.d. 1921 1865 1860 1909 1863 1864 (1865) 169. Mack, E. 170. 171. Manney, C. P. Maresh, A. L. 172. Martin, T. J. 173. Mason, D. G. 174. Mayer, F. 175. 176. 177. Mayer, H. Mayer, H. Meinardus, E. 178. Merrill, H. T. 179. Merz, Karl 180. Millard, H. 181. Miller, L. B. 182. Morse, E. P. 183. Mueller, F. 184. Murdoch, J. E. 185. 186. 187. 188. Murphy, J. B. Nealy, M. E. Neidlinger, W. H. Neuman, A. 189. Nion, U. 190. Oldfield, P. H. H, 191. 192. *Ostermeyer Ostrum, N. 193. Otten, W. P. 194, Paine, J. K. To Whom It May Concern (Smith. Lincoln Highway March Two Step Our Martyr President (Smith. W. D. , Jr.) Strike for the Right (Locke) "Honest Abe" March The Old Union Wagon Lincoln — Union — Victory March Our Flag is Half-mast High (Luther) Lincoln Highway March I92B Unfurl the Grand Old Stars and Stripes; or The Boys Who Wore the Blue (McElroy) 1899 Abraham's Tea Party 1864 Who Will Care For Old Abe Now? Dirge-Our Deeply Lamented Martyred President 1865 (Wheelock) President Lincoln' s Funeral March 1865 Vl-Phila. : Lee & Walker. Lith. of Lincoln by Sinclair in flag-draped oval, coffin and two women in attitude of mourning. V2-Phila. : Lee & Walker. Lith. cover with full face por. of Lincoln surrounded by vines. V3-Phila. : Lee & Walker. Por. of Lincoln sur- rounded by symbolical figures. V4-Boston: 0. Ditson 1865, 1893 1893 Captain My Captain (Whitman) 1903 Boys In Blue (Maresh) 1917 Emancipation March 1884 A Lincoln Symphony (1937) We Are Coming Father Abraham, 300,000 More 1862 (Gibbons) Grand Funeral March 1865 Lincoln's Funeral March (Same music as above) n.d. We'll Do the Same Today (Wagener) 1918 In Memoriam (Bugbee) 1865 President Lincoln's Funeral March 1865 For God and Liberty (Millard) 1865 The President's Grave (Babbitt) 1865 Vl-Cleveland: S. Brainard V2-Chicago: Root & Cady The Right Men in the Right Place (Morse) 1887 President Lincoln's Funeral March 1865 The Hurrah ! for the Red, White and Blue (Burns) 1864 Young Eph' s Lament (Murphy) 1863 Threnody 1865 Memories of Lincoln (Whitman) 1920 Railsplitter' s Polka Vl-cl860 1860 V2-C1865 1865 Maryland, My Maryland 1863 Abraham's Daughter n.d. Abraham Lincoln Our Country (Anderson, J. J. ) 1894 To Arms To Arms (Otten) 1861 Vl-Presentation inscription: "To the Pres. .," V2-"Part of Proceeds of Sale to be Tendered to Union Defence Fund. " Funeral March in Memory of President Lincoln 1865 197. 198. 199. Parkhurst, Mrs. Parkhurst, Mrs. Parks, J. A. Partridge, W. W. Paull, E. T. Pearson, G. C. 201. Perry, W. H. 202. Peters, A. C. 203. Pettee, W. E. M, 204. Phippen, Joshua 205. Pierce, J. N. 206. Piket, Louis 207. Porter, J. W. 208. Poulton, G. R. 209. Provis, Charles 210. Price, R. M. 211. R., N. G. 212. Reed, L. P. 213. Rehm, Charles 214. Roberts, D. C. 215. Robinson, Earl 216. Robjohn, W. J. 217. Robyn, A. J. 218. Rogers, C. E. 219. Rogers, H. M. 220. Root, G, F. 221. Root, G. F. 222. Root, G. F. 223. Ryder,. T. P. 224. Ryndor, .Rose 225. St. Clair, F. J. 226. St. John, C. 227. Sambo 228. *Sanford, Lee 229. Schonacker, J. E 230. *Schwartz 231. Schwartz, Jean 232. Schwartz, Jean 233. Sedgwick, A. 234. Sherwin, W. F. 235. Shure, R. D. 236. Simmons, Cyrus 237. Slanford, C. V. 238. Smith, Chris 239. Smith, J. , Jr. 240. Smith, J. S. 241. Smith, Julia 242. Spaulding, G. L. 243. Sporle, N. J. Come Rally, Freemen, Rally (Adams) 1864 The Nation Mourns 1865 Vl-New York: K. Waters. T.p. with broad line border. V2-T.p. with lith. por. of Lincoln. V3-New York: H. S. Gordon, cl065 cl893 1893 Lincoln (Kiser) 1914 The Darkies Rally (Partridge) 1863 Lincoln Centennial Grand March 1909 Vl-T.p. engraved in black. V2-T.p. in colors. Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud 1865 (Lincoln) Our Flag, Our Army, and Our President (Dudley) 1864 That's What's the Matter with the Purps (Peters) 1863 President Lincoln's Funeral March 1865 Captain My Captain ('Vhitman) 1909 Lincoln's Tribute to Washington (Lincoln) 1932 Mournful Sounds 1865 The Martyred Patriot 1865 To President Abraham 300,000 More (Bryant, W. C. ) 1862 Lincoln (Provis) 1931 Our Lincoln's Act (Benjamin) n.d. Cotton is King (R. , N. G. ) 1862 Lincoln Way Grand March 1916 Our National Union March 1862 Lincoln Schottisch Vl-cl859 1859 V2-C1860 1860 Ballad for Americans (Latouche) 1940 Abraham Lincoln's Funeral March 1865 Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud (Knox) 1911 Funeral March Vl-Boston: 0. Ditson cl865 1865 V2-Cleveland: S. Brainard cl865 1865 V3-Cleveland: S. Brainard cl893 1893 Loyal Legion Hymn, Abraham Lincoln 1918 Farewell, Father, Friend, and Guardian (Dawn) Vl-Cleveland: S. 3rainard' s Sons 1865 V2-Cincinnati: J. Church, red and black t.p. 1893 V3-Chicago: Root & Cady, T.p. with black border 1865 V4-Same as above but dedication added. 1865 Farewell, Father, Friend and Guardian 1865 (Arr. as an instrumental piece) Father Abraham's Reply to the 600,000 Vl-No date. n.d. V2-C1862. Words by the author of "Sybelle" 1862 God Bless the Old Sixth Corps (Ryder) 1865 President Lincoln's Funeral Dirge 1865 Lincoln Highway March 1914 Emancipation Day 1875 Year of Jubilee, or Kingdom has Come 1862 Lincoln Centennial National Funeral March 1865 Lincoln (Hanks) I'm All Bound 'Round with the Mason Dixon Line 1917 (Lewis) (Young) 1 Love You Like Lincoln Loved the Old Red, White and Blue (Jerome) (Young) 1914 Oh Why- Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud (Knox) 1865 Abraham Our Abraham 1864 Lincoln (Barnes) 1925 Lincoln (Simmons) Vl-cl927 1927 V2-C1928 1928 Elegiac Ode (Whitman) 1884 Abraham Lincoln Jones (Mack, Cecil) 1909 Uncle Abram, Bully for You (Lampard) 1862 The Star Spangled Banner (Lincoln) (Key) 1927 (Mokrejs) Allegiance; Patriot Song 1918 Lincoln's Birthday 1914 We Are Coming Father Abraham, 600,000 More n.d. (Gibbons) 244. Starkweather, L. Away Goes Cuffee (Starkweather) 245. Starkweather, L. Cuffee's War Song (Starkweather) 246. Starkweather, L. Liberty's Call, or Hurrah for Abe and Andy (Blanchard) 247. Stewart, J. I.I. Good Old Father Abraham (Stewart) 248. Stillman, J. I.I. Stand I Father Abraham (Burdick) 249. Surdo, J. Our Lincoln (Washburn) Vl-For three equal voices, 32pp. Cincinnati: Walnut Hills Music Co. V2-An ode for one, two and three equal voices with piano or orch. accompaniment. Willis Music Co. 32pp. V3-New Version. 16pp. V4-Cincinnati : Lincoln Cent. Mem. Association 31pp. Railsplitters Polka Wrap the Flag Around Me, Boys (Taylor) Little Willie's Grave (Wallace, W. R. ) Our Iloble Chief Has Passed Away (Cooper) A Nation Mourns Her Chief Abraham's Covenant (Tobey) His Country Needs Him More Than I (P. , M. ) "Old Abe" The Battle Eagle (Towne) The Nation in Tears (C. , R. ) Vl-Lith. por. of Lincoln in oval on t.p. V2- T »Voodcut por. of Lincoln on t.p. with black line border. V3-Lith. of Lincoln by RMSDel on t.p. 2pp. Black line around music. Lith. funeral procession on back page. V4-Back page has adv. of Demorest songs. V5-Smaller size than above. 4pp. following of "Demorest 's Illustrated Monthly" all adv. It's All Up In Dixie (Tucker) Abraham's Draft, 600,000 More (Turner) The Assassin's Vision (Turner) The Honored Dead (Bishop, M. J.) Lay Him to Rest (Smith, W. D. , Jr.) Little Tad (Turner) Live But One Moment (Turner) A Nation Weeps (Turner) President's Hymn: Give Thanks All Ye People (Muhlenberg) Vl-Chicago: H. M. Higgins V2-Boston: 0. Ditson Turner, J. W. The Sour Apple Tree (Turner) 250. Tatnall, H. L. 251. Taylor, R. S. 252. Thomas, J. R. 253. Thomas, J. R. 254. Thompson, H. S. 255. Tobey, A. B. 256. Towne, T. M. 257. Towne, T. M. 258. Treuer, Konrad 259. Tucker, H. 260. Turner, J. W. 261. Turner, J. w. 262. Turner, J. w. 263. Turner, J. w. 264. Turner, J. ff. 265. Turner, J. w. 266. Turner, J. w. 267. Turner, J. w. 1863 1863 (1864) 1864 n.d. 1918 1920 1908 1860 1862 1863 1865 1865 1862 1863 1865 1865 1863 1862 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1864 1863 1865 Unidentified: 269. S. Brainard 270. T. Brith & Son 271. H. W. Charles 272. J. Church, Jr. 273. J. Church, Jr. 274. J. Church * 275. *H. DeMarsan 276. *H. DeMarsan 277. 0. Ditson & Co. 278. 0. Ditson & Co. 279. 0. Ditson & Co. 280. D. P. Faulds 281. Fi rth, Pond & Co 282. Fi rth, Son & Co. 283. James D. Gay 284. H. M. Higgins 285. Le e & Walker 286. E. Leidersdorf & Co. 287. Charles Magnus We Are Coming Father Abraham, 600,000 More (Gibbons) Emancipation Polka The Get-together Song Lincoln Polka President Lincoln's Quickstep We Are Coming. Father Abraham, 600,000 More (Gibbons) Republican Glee for Lincoln and Hamlin Who Will Care for Old Abe Now? Emancipation Honest Old Abe's Quickstep "Wigwam" Grand March Our Generals Old Honest Abe For Me Raw Recruits; or, Abraham's Daughter Vl-Firtfc Pond, & Co. , Sep Winner cl861 V2-Firth, Son & Co. cl862 Abe Lincoln's Battle Cry (Gay) Campaign Song for Abraham Lincoln Lincoln Quickstep Old Abe Polka Abe Lincoln's Union Wagon (Gay) 1862 1914 1864 1860 1860 1866 1860 1861 1862 1864 1864 1860 n.d. 1864 288. Charles Magnus Good Morning, Master Lincoln (Langenschwar z) 1864 289. Charles Magnus The People to the President (By a Lady of Wash- n.d. ington City) 290. A.D.P. Randolph The President's Hymn: Give Thanks All Ye People n.d. (Muhlenberg) 291. H. L. Story Vote for Abraham 1864 292. Tripp & Cragg That's What's the Matter with the Purps 1365 Jeff's Last Proclamation (Union) 1865 Vote for Abraham (Union) 1864 On the Lincoln Highway 1915 Abraham Jefferson Washington Lee (Von Tilzer) 1906 Land of Mine 1911 Ode to Lincoln (Tremblee) 1914 President Lincoln's Funeral March 1875 I'm Coming to My Dixie Home (Ward) (Richards) Vl-Written and composed by Ward, E. Duncan n.d. & Co. V2-Words by J. G. Richards, D. P. Faulds 1861 Requiem 1865 Uncle Abe's Rebellious Boys (Watson) 1865 Lincoln's Log Cabin March 1915 The Negro Emancipation Song (Bennett, S. F. ) 1862 Old Abe Has Gone and Did It (Bennett, S. F. ) 1862 Funeral March 1865 Saule-pleurer 1865 Vl-St. Louis: 3enson V2-New York: Elelock & Co. The Savior of our Country 1865 Honest Old Abe (Wentworth) 1860 The Flag is at Half-mast (Willing) n.d. The Union Restored 1865 Rebellion's Weak Back (Wilmarth) 1862 Lincoln and Douglas Lincoln's Reign He's Gone to the Arms of Abraham (vVinner) Vl-Phila. : Lee & Walker 1863 V2-Phila. : Sep Winner 1863 V3-Dedicated to Swain instead of Dixey Pub. Phila. : S. Winner 1864 V4-Boston: 0. Ditson 1863 A Nation Mourns Her Martyr 'd Son (Hawthorne) 1865 Vl-Lee & Walker V2-Sep Winner Lincoln's Funeral March 1935 Please Mr. Lincoln (Roden) 1900 Abraham Lincoln's Funeral March 1865 Lincoln Tune 1912 In Memorium Lincoln (Fox, W. P.) 1865 Grandmother Told Me So (Work) 1861 Kingdom Coming (Work) Vl-Arranged for guitar by John Molter 1851 V2-20th Edition 1862 V3-Same as above but different adv. on inside cover. 1852 V4-Thirtieth thousand edition 1862 V5-C1863 1863 V6-Song & chorus added under title on t.p. 1853 V7-Same as above but title is in larger type 1863 'Tis Finished I or Sing Hallelujah (Work) 1865 Washington and Lincoln (Work) 1864 Lincoln's Fame, Lincoln's Bright Name De Day ob Liberty's Comin' (Wurzel, pseudonym for G. F. Root) 1862 I'se on de ^ay (Wurzel, pseudonym for G. F. Root) 1864 Enjolras, the Song of the Patriot (Scotus) 1865 Union Union Van Ess, Mabel Von Tilzer, H. Wagner, C. L. E. Wallace, Burt Wamelink, J. T. Ward, C. L. Warren, G. W. Watson, T. M. Weber, Louis Webster, J. P. Webster, J. P. Wels, Charles Whaples, B. A. Wheelock, 0. Wide -Awake Willing, W. Willing, W. Wilmarth, F. ♦Wilson *Wilson Winner, Sep Winner, Sep Wires, P. J. Witt, Max S. Wolsieffer, W. Wood, C. Woolcott, F. Work, H. C. Work, H. C. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 529. Work, H. C. Work, H. C. ♦Wright Wurzel, G. F. Wurzel, G. F. Zoeller, G. Index to Authors of Words Adams, John - 195 Allen, T. S. - 67 Anderson, J. J. - 192 Andrillon, F. - 5 Archer, C. - 6 Asa - 142 Babbitt, E. S. - 181 Bacon, P. J. - 9 Barnes, E. N, - 235 Beckel, J. C. - 17 Beebe, Ida - 120 Benjamin, R. M, - 210 Bennett, S. F. - 304, 305 Bibo, I, - 140 Bigelow, Hosea - 26 Bixbee, M. G. - 21 Bishop, M. J. - 262 Bishop, T. B. - 22, 23 Blamphim, Charles - 25 Blanchard, W. S. - 246 Bowers, E, - 106, 138 Boynton, Irene - 46 Bradbury, W. B. - 27 Briar, E. S. - 149 Bryan, Alfred - 38 Bryant, Dan - 39 Bryant, W. C. - 2, 43, 81, 105, 137, 208 Bugbee, Mrs, L. J. - 178 Bungay, G. W. - 97 Burdick, S. C. - 248 Burke, J. F. - 44 Burns, Robert - 184 C, R. - 258 Castle - 18 Clark, J. G. - 50 Clifton, W. - 51 Cody, H. H. - 91 Collins, L. S. - 53 Collins, William - 13 Cooper, George - 253 Davis, Richard - 70 Dawn, L. M. - 220 Delaney, Alfred - 72 Douglas, C. N. - 136 Dresser, Paul - 75, 76 Dudley, J. T. - 201 Durand, L. B. - 78 Edmonds, S. N. - 80 Emmett, D. D. - 82, 83, 84, 145 Emmett, Tony - 85 Everest, C. - 90 Fenollosa, M. - 93 Foster, S. C. - 97, 99 Fox, J. M. - 61 Fox, W. P. - 321 Gay, J. D. Geddes, J. L. - 102 Gibbons, J. S. - 11, 63, 98, 174, 243, 269, 274 Gilbertson, W. H. - 16 Glass, J. E. - 111 Goff, W. - 107 Goldsmith, B. - 148 Gougler, I. W. - 110 Gray, R. B. - 139 Greene, J. L. - 100 Grute, M. K. - 55 Gumpert, G. - 115 Hammond, C. T. - 119 Hanks - 230 Harburg, E. Y. - 7 Hardy, Will - 121 Haskins, Mrs. 0. N. - 122 Hawthorne, Alice - 316 Haynes, Charles - 123, 124, 125, 126 Henry, Edwin - 128 Hervey, Robert - 129 Hesselbert, L. S. - 131 Jarboe, J. W. - 155 Jerome, William - 232 K. , M. - 86 Kampe, H. F. - 143 Kendis, Brockman - 147 Kendis, Vincent - 147 Key, F. S. - 240 Kirke, Edmund - 29 Riser, S. E. - 197 Klein, L. - 140 Knox, William - 89, 217, 233 L., R. T. - 150 Ladd, G. I. - 151 Ladd, M. B. - 152, 154 Lampard, G. R. - 239 Langenschwarz, Max - 288 Latouche, John - 215 Lawrence, Burton - 135 Lewis, Sam - 231 Liebfreed, Edwin - 31 Lincoln, Abraham - 10, 200, 205, 240 Locke, E. W. - 159 Lucas, I. W. - 108 Luther, H. W. - 163 McElroy, Erwin - 165 Mack, Cecil - 238 Maresh, A. L. - 171 Millard, H. - 180 Minshall, W. E. - 77 Mokrejs, John - 240 Morse, E. F. - 182 Muhlenberg, W. A. - 66, 116, 267, 290 Murphy, J. B. - 33, 185 Nicholson, James - 88 Nilan, J. J. - 118 O'Connor, J. - 141 0'Donoughue, W. K. - 71 Otten, W. F. - 193 P., M. - 256 Parker, H. - 109 Partridge, W. W. - 198 Peters, A. C. - 202 Pratt, C. E. - 41 Provis, Charles - 209 R., N. G. - 211 Rice, W. T. - 20 Richards, J. G. - 300 Roden, R. F. - 318 Russell, Tom - 15 Ryder, T. P. - 223 Scotus, Edmundus - 329 Simmons, Cyrus - 236 Smith, W. D. - 146 Smith, W. D. , Jr. - 48, 60, 156, 158, 263 Starkweather, L. G. - 244, 245 Stevens, David - 52 Stewart, J. M. - 34, 247 Stout, G. L. - 28 Taylor, R. S. - 251 Tillotson, Edith - 1 Tobey, A. B. - 255 Towne, T. M. - 257'. Tremblee, L. S. - 298 Tucker, Henry - 259 Turner, J. W. - 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 268 Union - 293, 294 Von Tilzer, Harry - 296 Wagener, C. H. - 177 Wallace, W. R. - 252 Ward, C. L. - 300 Washburn, W. C. - 249 Watson, T. M. - 302 Watson, W. H. - 47 Wentworth, D. - 309 Wheelock, 0. - 168 Whitman, Walt - 68, 170, 187, 204, 237 Willing, William - 310 Wilmarth, F. - 312 Winner, Sep - 315 Wolverton, Sara - 104 Work, H. C. - 322, 323, 324, 325 Wurzel, G. F. - 327, 328 Young, Joe - 231, 232