GiG5\ SuLfUJ IxA STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director Chemical and Spectrochemical Analyses of Illinois Clay Materials Compiled by W. Arthur White •*"..- DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 282 1959 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY II-.^O'S STATE GEOLOGIi. 3 3051 00003 8178 CHEMICAL AND SPECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS Compiled by W. Arthur White ABSTRACT This report brings together all the published and unpublished chemical and spectrochemical analyses that are available for Illi- nois clay materials. Deposits analyzed include both active and abandoned pits and mines as well as some deposits that never have been worked and for which no chemical and mineralogical data have been available. The tables of chemical composition should aid in planning the commercial development of current or new operations and in ex- tending the use of clay materials. INTRODUCTION Chemical analyses of Illinois clay materials have appeared in a number of publications, many of which are out of print; in addition, many unpublished anal- yses are on file at the Illinois State Geological Survey. The chemical analyses presented herein (table 1) were compiled in order to consolidate all the available analyses into one report. Spectrochemical analyses (table 2) were added to com- plete this report. The tables show the chemical composition of many deposits and should sug- gest their suitability for use in both known and new products. Some of the analyses are of clays from active or abandoned pits and mines; others are of clays from road cuts and outcrops that may contain deposits that may be of commercial use in the future. Table 1 contains a list of references to published data from which additional information may be obtained. Brief descriptions of the deposits sampled for the un- published data are included in this are the sources of this information. The clay mineral data on the samples reported herein are determined from the clay fraction which is a less than 1 micron fraction of the sample. The quartz reported in the clay mineral data is less than 1 micron in size. The quartz and clay minerals are reported in parts in 10, that is, quartz <1 means that there is less than 1 part of quartz in 10. [1] 2 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CLAY DEPOSITS ANALYZED Alexander County 14 23 NW| NWi sec. 21, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. About l\ miles south of Thebes along Mississippi River bluff, east side of Missouri Pacific Railroad, back of farm- house. Blue-gray clay of Eocene age, 6 to 8 feet exposed; overburden may vary from to 30 feet. The clay less than one micron contains quartz 1 part, kaolin- ite 5 parts, and illite 4 parts. Sample collector, W. A. White, 1957. Clay min- eral data, W. F. Bradley. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1424 SE{ SE{ sec. 28, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. About 1 mile north of Fayville in hol- low. About 20 feet of dark gray, well laminated shale exposed on north cut bank of ravine in east bluff of Mississippi River about 1/8 mile east of Missouri Pa- cific Railroad. The hollow contains remains of old abandoned powder plant. Sample represents top 20 feet of Orchard Creek Shale. The clay less than 1 mi- cron is quartz 1 part, illite 4 parts, chlorite 2 parts, and limonite. Sample col- lector, W. A. White, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. DS7 NW} SE{ SE{ sec. 28, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. Hollow farthest north on powder company property. Under Missouri Pacific Railroad and 500 feet from C. and E. I. Railroad. The Orchard Creek Shale is dark gray to blackish brown, somewhat cal- careous, well bedded in layers \ to \\ inches thick. Locally shale nodules are present. Weathers gray and splits into thin flakes. Collectors, C. E. Dutton and H. W. Scott, 1931. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker. Bond County 1415 NE| NW{ sec. 13, T. 6 N. , R. 5 W. Richards Brick Company pit. About 3 miles east of New Douglas, south side of blacktop road. Exposure includes: Illinoian till, ± 5 feet; shale of the Bunje Cyclothem, yellow, plastic, ±6 feet; shale, blue, not as plastic, 8 feet. The clay fraction less than 1 micron is il- lite 4 parts, kaolinite 3 parts, and chlorite 3 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 15 30A Same location as 1415. Sample of partially weathered gray shale of Bunje Cyclothem is from lower 7 feet of shale near north end of pit. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 15 30B Same location as 15 30A except 7 to 19 feet above bottom of pit, shale of Bunje Cyclothem, buff and weathered. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 15 30C Same location as 15 30A except 4 feet of weathered Illinoian till above shale of Bunje Cyclothem. Collector W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 15 30D Same location as 1415 except lower 5 feet of gray shale of Bunje Cyclothem, slightly weathered. Collector W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 15 30E Same location as 15 30D except 6 feet of gray shale of Bunje Cyclothem 10 to 16 feet above bottom, partially weathered. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 3 1530F Same location as 1530D except 6 feet of buff, weathered shale of Bunje Cyclothem, 16 to 22 feet above bottom of pit. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 15 30G Same location as 1415 except 6 feet of gray shale from Bunje Cyclothem was collected at bottom of pit, partially weathered. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 15 30H Same location as 1530D except weathered Illinoian till 5 feet thick over shale of Bunje Cyclothem. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Brown County 1337A SE} SE{ NW£ sec. 24, T. 1 S., R. 4 W. North shale pit of Frederic Brick and Tile Company north of gravel road in west cut bank of Dry Fork Creek. Bot- tom 10 feet of exposure blue shale, probably middle of Purington Shale. The clay mineralogy for the less than 1 micron fraction is quartz <1 part, kaolinite <1 part, swelling chlorite 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Brad- ley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1337B Same location as 1337A except top 10 feet of Purington Shale, weathered yellow-gray. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1351 SW{ SW} NE{ sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 3 W. About \ mile north of Mt. Sterling on east side of Illinois Highway 99 on south cut bank of stream east of highway fence. Underclay below limestone, 5 feet, noncalcareous (the underclay of No. 4 Coal), grades from a dark plastic clay at top into sandstone or sandy shale at bottom. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Bureau County 1404 NW£ SWi NE| sec. 24, T. 16 N. , R. 6 E. Sheffield Shale Products Company pit west of Sheffield, south of U. S. Route 6. The Sheffield Shale is gray and rather blocky, about 15 to 20 feet thick. Overburden is thin. The clay miner- alogy of the less than 1 micron fraction is quartz 1 part, kaolinite 3 parts, chlo- rite 2 to 3 parts, and illite 3 to 4 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Calhoun County DS38 NE{ NW£ SE| sec. 15, T. 10 S., R. 2 W. About if miles north of Hardin. Upper green shale of Hannibal Shale. Collectors, C. E. Dutton and H. W. Scott, 19 31. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1940. R104 NW{ SW| SE^ sec. 3, T. 9 S., R. 2 W. South cut bank of Kampsville Creek about \ mile west of Kampsville. Sample represents 11 feet of a 31-foot expo- sure of the Hannibal Shale. Collector, T. B. Root, 19 29. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 1349A NE{ NE} NE| sec. 11, T. 9 S., R. 3 W. Southwest of paved road, south- west cut bank of tributary to Fox Creek behind farm buildings, about 5 miles west 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of Kampsville. Sample of Hannibal Shale represents lower 15 feet of blue-gray shale in exposure. The clay mineralogy of the less than 1 micron fraction of the shale is chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 5 parts, and trace of CaC03. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1352A SW| NE{ SW{ sec. 17, T. 11 S., R. 2 W. About 5 miles north of Batchtown on west side of road in east bluff of Mississippi River Valley. Sample represents middle 20 feet of exposed Maquoketa Shale, which is bluish gray and weathers into fairly thin laminae. The shale contains very little CaC03, if any. The clay mineralogy is chlorite 2 parts and illite 7 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 195 6. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1532 NE| NW} sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 2 W. Northeast side of road in east valley wall of Mississippi River, about 100 yards down slope west of house. About 20 feet of Wisconsin age loess is exposed. Collector, W. A. White, 19 59. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Cass County P99 Center E line, sec. 11, T. 18 N., R. 11 W. About 6j miles east of Beards- town. Lower 5 feet of gray silt. Wisconsin loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. P101 Same location as P99 except 5 to 13 feet above base. Wisconsin loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. P103 Same location as P99 except 13 to 23 feet above base. Wisconsin loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. P105 Same location as P99 except 23 to 38 feet above base. Wisconsin loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. P108 Same location as P99 except top 15 feet. Wisconsin loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Christian County 1428 SE| NE| sec. 33, T. 11 N. , R. 1 E. About 1^ miles south of Pana, in north cut bank of ravine about 100 yards west of U. S. Highway 51. Exposure con- sists of about 8 feet of weathered gray shale of McLeansboro Group above Mil- lersville Limestone. Overburden is relatively thin. The clay mineralogy of the less than 1 micron fraction is kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 2 parts, and illite 2 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Clark County 1345 NE{ NE^ SW{ sec. 16, T. UN., R. 11 W. About 2 { miles east of Marshall and about 1 mile south of Livingston. About 15 feet of a shale of the McLeansboro ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 5 Group between Shoal Creek and Millers ville Limestones is exposed in the south- west cut bank of Big Creek. The shale is dark gray and well laminated. Over- burden is about 50 feet. The mineralogy of the clay fraction is quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Clay County 1420 SE{ NW| sec. 19, T. 4 N., R. 6 E. About 3^ miles west of Louisville. About 3 feet of shale exposed in road ditch west of farmhouse. A shale of the upper part of the McLeansboro Group, weathered brownish gray, {-inch laminae. Overburden thin. Clay mineralogy of clay fraction is kaolinite 3 parts, chlorite 1 part, swell- ing illite 1 part, and illite 5 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1958. Clinton County 1414 SW| sec. 1, T. IN., R. 1 W. About l| miles northwest of Centralia in south cut bank of Crooked Creek east of bridge, 8 feet of shale of Sorento? Cyclo- them is exposed. The bottom of the shale lies on a fossiliferous limestone which is 3 feet above water level during summer season. At the outcrop sand and gravel overlie the shale. The clay mineral data is quartz <1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlo- rite 1 part, swelling chlorite 1 to 2 parts, swelling illite 2 parts, illite 2 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958 Crawford County 1421 SW{ SW{ NE{ sec. 1, T. 5 N. , R. 12 W. About f mile west of Flat Rock. In west bank of ravine inside fence north of bridge, west of farmhouse, 3 feet of a gray shale of the McLeansboro Group above the Livingston Limestone is exposed. The overburden would be thin in this area. The clay fraction is quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 2 parts, and illite 3 parts. Collectors, W. A„ White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F„ Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Cumberland County 1353A NE{ NW{ SW{ sec. 36, T. 10 N. , R. 9 E. About 1 mile north of Greenup, 10 feet of dark gray shale in cyclothem below Greenup Cyclothem, in south cut bank of Bell Creek about 50 yards west of old road west of Illinois Highway 130. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlorite some, swelling illite 4 parts, illite 2 parts, and soluble salts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1957. 1346A NW} NW{ SW{ sec. 2, T. 9 N., R. 9 E. Northwest corner of Greenup. Northeast roadside cut along Illinois Highway 121 in south bluff of Embarrass River. Lower 10 feet of shale in cyclothem below Greenup Cyclothem is sandier than 135 3A and is stratigraphically lower in shale section. Shale in this area is from 20 to 30 feet thick. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1 part, swelling illite 2 parts, illite 4 parts, and soluble salts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Edwards County 1326A NE{ NE| sec. 11, T. 2S., R. 10 E. Pit of Albion Brick Company south of Albion, ±20 feet of shale in the upper part of the McLeansboro Group is exposed. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swell- ing illite 1 part, and illite 4 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay min- eral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Effingham County 1416 NW{ SWi sec. 1, T. 6 N. , R. 5 E. About 4 miles northeast of Mason on north side of Illinois Highway 37 about 100 yards west of Illinois Central Rail- road. About 4 feet of shale in the upper part of the McLeansboro Group is ex- posed in road cut. Overburden is shallow. The clay mineral data are kaolinite <1 part, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collec- tors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. El SW{ SW| NE| sec. 6, T. 7 N., R. 6 E. Along north cut bank of ditch on north side of road north of house on south side of road. Illinoian till, upper 6 inches. Collector, M. M. Leighton, 1955. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1956. E2 Same as El except 11 to 12 inches below top. E3 Same as El except 18 to 21 inches below top. E4 Same as El except 32 to 35 inches below top. E5 Same as El except 45 to 48 inches below top. E6 Same as El except 51 to 54 inches below top. E7 Same as El except 60 to 63 inches below top. E8 Same as El except 72 to 77 inches below top. E9 Same as El except 82 to 87 inches below top. E10 Same as El except 95 to 99 inches below top. Ell Same as El except 106 to 111 inches below top. E12 Same as El except 116 to 120 inches below top. E13 Same as El except 134 to 137 inches below top. E14 Same as El except 148 to 152 inches below top. E15 Same as El except 162 to 166 inches below top. E16 Same as El except 17 2 to 175 inches below top. E17 Same as El except 214 to 218 inches below top. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 7 Fayette County 1427 NE} NE{ sec. 28, T. 7 N., R. 3 E. About \ mile west of St. Elmo, north of Pennsylvania Railroad and south of county road. Sample represents about 20 feet of dark blue shale in the upper part of the McLeansboro Group which con- tains siderite concretions in pit west of plant. The clay mineralogy is quartz <1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 2 parts, illite 2 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. VI SW| NW{ sec. 20, T. 6 N. , R. 1 E. Along west wall of gravel pit east of road, 3 to 6 inches from top. Collector, M. M. Leighton, 1955. Chemical anal- ysis, L. D. McVicker, 1956. V2 Same as VI except 8 to 12 inches below top. V3 Same as VI except 23 to 27 inches below top. V4 Same as VI except 31 to 37 inches below top. V5 Same as VI except 40 to 44 inches below top. V6 Same as VI except 44 to 47 inches below top. V7 Same as VI except 55 to 59 inches below top. V9 Same as VI except 78 to 82 inches below top. VII Same as VI except 106 to 110 inches below top. V12 Same as VI except 121 to 126 inches below top. V14 Same as VI except 157 to 166 inches below top. V15 Same as VI except 180 to 19 6 inches below top. V16 Same as VI except 208 to 220 inches below top. (All of the V series of samples are of Pleistocene age. VI to V3 are Peorian loess, V4 is Farmdale loess, and V5 to V16 are Illinoian gravel.) Fulton County 217 SE} sec. 21, T. 6 N. , R. 3 E. One mile east of Cuba. Light gray Canton Shale over No. 5 Coal, slightly bedded. Collector, R. E. Grim, 1932. Chem- ical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 1322A Sec. 7, T. 5 N. , R. 5 E. Pine Ridge Coal Company pit. The buff Canton Shale is mined; sample was taken from shale bin of Peoria Brick and Tile Com- pany. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 2 parts, swelling chlorite 2 parts, illite 3 parts, and limonite. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1958. 1350A Truax Coal Corporation pit southeast of Fiatt, about 40 feet of Canton Shale, blue-gray, overburden 15 to 20 feet. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 1 part, 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY swelling chlorite ?, swelling illite 1 part, illite 3 parts, and siderite. Collec- tor, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1531 NE| NW| sec. 36, T. 6 N., R. 3 E. Morgan Coal Company pit near Bryant. Upper foot of gray underclay below No. 5 Coal. Collector, W. A. White, 1959. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Greene County R106 NW{ NE| SW| sec. 2, T. ION., R. 13 W. Near Bluffdale, 2 feet of clay exposed. Collector, T. B. Root. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 1355A SE{ NW{ sec. 30, T. 12 N., R. 11 W. Two and a half miles northeast of White Hall, 15 feet of Purington Shale, brownish yellow, weathered, overburden 15 to 20 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 to 2 parts, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 3 parts, and illite 4 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay miner- al data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Grundy County 212 NW| NE{ sec. 11, T. 33 N., R. 8 E. Seven miles east of Morris. Illinois Clay Products Company pit. Lower 15 feet of clay in Tradewater Group in pit below 6-inch coal. Collector, R. E. Grim, 1932. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. CFF NW} NE| sec. 11, T. 33 N. , R. 8 E. Seven miles east of Morris. Illinois Clay Products Company pit. Sample of fireclay in Tradewater Group. Analysis requested by C. F. Fryling. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 19 32. W119a NW{ NE{ NW| sec. 11, T. 33 N., R. 8 E. Seven miles east of Morris. Il- linois Clay Products Company pit. Two feet of Maquoketa Shale exposed. Col- lector, H. B. Willman. Chemical data, O. W. Rees. 1401 SW| sec. 11, T. 33 N., R. 6 E. Morris Clay Company pit about 4 miles southwest of Morris. Upper 20 feet of the Francis Creek Shale, brownish gray and sandy. Overburden is thin. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, and illite 5 to 6 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958, 1331A SW{ SW{ sec. 12, T. 31 N. , R. 8 E. East of East Brooklyn, pit of Northern Illinois Coal Corporation. Farmington Shale, blue-gray, upper 5 feet above No. 7 Coal, about 18 feet of overburden. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 3 to 4 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 4 to 5 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical anal- ysis, L. D. McVicker, 19 57. 1331B Location same as 1331A. Siltstone, blue-gray, 5 feet, and clay 5 feet above Farmington Shale, overburden about 8 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, chlorite 2 parts, swelling chlorite and swelling illite 4 parts, and illite 2 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1331F Same location as 1331A. Farmington Shale, blue-gray, 5 feet below 133 1A. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 9 Hancock County 1408 SW{ SW£ sec. 26, I. 3 N., R. 5 W. Southeast bank of Williams Creek about 200 yards southeast of Augusta-Clayton road about 2 miles south of Augusta. Francis Creek Shale, gray, about 30 feet exposed, about 30 feet of overburden. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 2 parts, swell- ing chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 2 to 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Jackson County 1336A NW| SW{ NW{ sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 2 W. West bank of ravine about 200 yards upstream from mine. About 16 feet medium gray to brownish gray shale in the Tradewater Group, very silty, hard, spheroidal weathering, some plant traces, poorly to fairly well bedded. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 2 to 3 parts, chlorite <1 part, swelling chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite <1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Bohor, 1956. Clay min- eral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1336B SE{ NE{ NE} sec. 18, T. 9 S., R. 2 W. Southwest cut bank of creek just west of first bridge on north-south section-line road. Bottom 8 feet of 35-foot shale section in the Tradewater Group. Shale hard, medium gray, silty, very poorly bedded, semiconchoidal fracture, lower 2 feet becomes better bedded and carbonaceous. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Bohor, 1956. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Jasper County 1411 SE{ SE{ SE{ sec. 35, T. 7 N. , R. 9 E. Northwest edge of Newton on east cut bank of tributary to Embarrass River. About 10 feet of shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed. Shale sandy, blue-gray, laminated. The clay mineral data are quartz >1 part, kaolinite 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling chlorite 2 parts, illite 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Kankakee County 775 Kankakee Tile and Brick Company, chemical data from their files. The clay is Wisconsin till. 1324B NW{ NE} sec. 8, T. 31 N., R. 9 E. Pit 11 of Northern Illinois Coal Com- pany. Francis Creek Shale, blue-gray, approximately 20 feet thick. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 4 parts, swelling il- lite <1 part, illite 4 parts, and siderite trace. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Knox County 1347A SE| sec. 17, T. UN., R. 2 E. Purington Brick Company pit, southeast of East Galesburg. About 20 feet of Purington Shale exposed. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlorite 1 part, swelling 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY illite 1 part, and illite 5 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. LaSalle County W5 SW| SW{ SW{ sec. 11, T. 33 N., R. IE. Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Company mine, LaSalle. Underclay of No. 7 Coal, 30 feet. Collector, H. B. Willman, 1931. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. W8 SE| SE{ NW} sec. 14, T. 33 N., R. 1 E. Alpha Cement Company quarry, LaSalle, 5 feet of red clay over LaSalle Limestone. Collector, H. B. Willman, 1931. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 1324A SW| SWi sec. 5, T. 33 N. , R. 4 E. Laclede-Christy Division of H. K. Porter Company pit, l| miles east of Ottawa, north of U. S. Highway 6. Lower 10 feet of Francis Creek Shale. Shale blue-gray, clayey. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 4 parts, swelling illite <1 part, il- lite 4 parts, and siderite. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1403 SW{ SWJ SWi sec. 9, T. 33 N., R. 3 E. Illinois Valley Minerals Corpora- tion pit, lj miles west of Ottawa. Lower 8 feet of Francis Creek Shale, blue- gray, clayey, some pyrite. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 5 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1397 Same location as above, 6 feet of light gray underclay. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1485 SW| NE| SW| sec. 8, T. 32 N. , R. 2 E. Conco-Meier Company clay pit about a mile northwest of Lowell. Cheltenham Clay, gray, 17 feet, with 10 feet of overburden. Collector, W. E. Parham, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1959. 1486 NE{ NW{ SW| sec. 8, T. 32 N., R. 2 E. Conco-Meier Company pit about a mile northwest of Lowell. Cheltenham Clay, 7 feet, with 20 feet of overbur- den. Collector, W. E. Parham, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 1497 NE| NW| NE| sec. 26, T. 33 N. , R. 2 E. Clay, sandy, of Pennsylvanian age, 9 feet, may be cavity filling in St. Peter Sandstone, base covered; over- burden 5 to 10 feet. Collector, W. E. Parham, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 1499A SW} NE| SE{ sec. 25, T. 33 N., R. 2 E. In Illinois Canyon, 4 feet of gray underclay between green band below and No. 2 Coal above; overburden 8 to 20 feet. Collector, W. E. Parham, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 1506 SE} NWi NW| sec. 22, T. 33 N. , R. 3 E. Underclay, 7 to 8 feet thick, between St. Peter Sandstone and No. 2 Coal; overburden 40 to 50 feet. Collec- tor, W. E. Parham, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 1527 NW} NW} sec. 26, T. 33 N., R. 2 E. Illinois Valley Minerals Corporation clay pit, Cheltenham Clay, gray, 6 feet, below green band that lies 3 feet ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 11 below No. 2 Coal. Collector, W. A. White, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 1454 SE{ SW{ sec. 11, T. 33 N. , R. 4 E. Shale pit of Material Service Corpora- tion near Marseilles. About 30 to 40 feet of Canton Shale. Collector, W. A. White, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Lawrence County 1426 SE{ SW} NW{ sec. 5, T. 3 N. , R. 11 W. East cut bank of Embarrass River, north of U. S. Highway 50. Upper 10 feet of 30- to 40-foot shale in upper part of the McLeansboro Group, shale brownish gray, weathered, overburden 10 to 15 feet. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, swelling illite 4 parts, il- lite 2 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Livingston County 1321A SW| SW{ sec. 34, T. 27 N. , R. 8 E. Diller Tile Company pit, north of Chatsworth. Wisconsin glacial till, blue-gray. 15 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz >1 part, chlorite 4 parts, swelling chlorite 1 part, illite 3 parts, and CaC0 3 . Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Macoupin County 1407 NE£ NW| NE{ sec. 9, T. 9 N. , R. 7 W. South cut bank of Honey Creek south of road. About 15 feet of sand shale of Trivoli Cyclothem is exposed, overburden thick. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 1 part, swelling chlorite and swelling illite 4 parts, illite 2 to 3 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Madison County 39 3 SW{ sec. 35, T. 6 N. , R. 10 W. Mine of Alton Brick Company north of Alton. Clay, gray, 3 to 7 feet below Seahorne Limestone. Collectors, R. E. Grim and J. M. Weller, 1933. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1953. No petrographic number Alton Brick Company mine, Cheltenham Clay. From files of Alton Brick Company. 1344A SE| SE| NE} sec. 35, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. Alton Brick Company shale pit east of road, south of Coal Creek, north of North Alton. Purington Shale, dark gray, lower 10 feet, along east face of shale pit. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, swelling chlorite trace, illite 4 parts, and a little gypsum. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. No petrographic number Same location as 1344A. Purington Shale. From files of Alton Brick Company. P7 SWi NE{ SE{ sec. 20, T. 3 N. , R. 8 W. About 1 mile north of Collinsville. Lower 5 feet of gray loess of Pleistocene age. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY P8 Same location as P7 except from 5 to 13| feet above base. Wisconsin loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Pll Same location as P7 except upper 10 feet of loess. Wisconsin loess. Col- lectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1959. Marion County HI SW{ SE| sec. 14, T. 1 N. , R. 4 E. North side of road in east valley wall of Skillet Fork Creek, upper 4 inches. Collector, M. M. Leighton, 1955. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1956. H2 Same as HI except 4 to 11 inches below top. H3 Same as HI except 11 to 20 inches below top. H4 Same as HI except 20 to 34 inches below top. H5 Same as HI except 34 to 52 inches below top. H6 Same as HI except 52 to 68 inches below top. H7 Same as HI except 72 to 78 inches below top. H8 Same as HI except 78 to 84 inches below top. H9 Same as HI except 84 to 9 3 inches below top. H10 Same as HI except 93 to 103 inches below top. Hll Same as HI except 103 to 111 inches below top. H12 Same as HI except 111 to 125 inches below top. H13 Same as HI except 125 to 132 inches below top. H14 Same as HI except 132 to 144 inches below top. H15 Same as HI except 144 to 156 inches below top. H16 Same as HI except 156 to 162 inches below top. H17 Same as HI except 165 to 168 inches below top. H18 Same as HI except 207 to 211 inches below top. H19 Same as HI except 256 to 260 inches below top. (All of the H series of samples are of Pleistocene age. HI to H6 are Peorian loess, H7 to H8 are Farmdale loess, and H9 to H19 are Illinoian till.) Marshall County W30 NW{ SE{ SW{ sec. 23, T. 12 N. , R. 9 E. Hydraulic-Press Brick Company underground mine about 2 miles south of Sparland, 8 feet of underclay of Trade- water age. Collector, H. B. Willman. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 225 Same location as above. Eight feet of light to dark gray clay. Collector, R. E. Grim, 1931. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1932. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 13 1400 SE£ NW{ sec. 23, T. 12 N. , R. 9 E. Road cut west side of Illinois Highway 29 between the Hydraulic-Press Brick Company plant and Sparland. Farmington Shale, weathered gray, lower 15 feet, overburden thick. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite ?, swelling chlorite 2 to 3 parts, and illite 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1453 NW{ SE{ SW{ sec. 23, T. 12 N., R. 9 E. Shale pit of Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, about 2 miles south of Sparland. Farmington Shale, gray, 20 feet; above No. 7 Coal. Collector, W. A. White, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. McDonough County 252 SE{ NE{ sec. 12, T. 5 N., R. 4 W. Colchester Brick and Tile Company pit, north edge of Colchester. Sample represents in descending order 6 feet of gray- green clay, 4 feet of brown-gray clay, and 6 feet of blue-gray clay; it underlies 3 feet of No. 2 Coal and rests on 2 feet of sandstone. Total overburden is 23 feet thick. Collector, R. E. Grim. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 1325A Same location as above except 20 feet of Francis Creek Shale above No. 2 Coal, no overburden. The clay mineral data are quartz >1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1325B Same location as 1325A. Top 10 feet of Francis Creek Shale. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Menard County 1330A SW{ SE{ sec. 11, T. 18 N. , R. 7 W. Springfield Clay Products Company pit north of Petersburg. Shale in Trivoli Cyc.lothem, 35 feet, with 20 feet of overburden. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 2 parts, swelling chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Col- lector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. P91 NW£ NW£ NE| sec. 23, T. 18 N. , R. 7 W. About l\ miles east of Peters- burg. Top 20 feet of Illinoian age loess. Collectors, J. C. Frye and H. B. Will- man, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1959. Mercer County 1348A SW{ NW| sec. 8, T. 14 N., R. 2 W. Shale pit of Hydraulic-Press Brick Company at Shale City. Both Francis Creek Shale and shale of the Greenbush Cyclothem are mined. Sample represents 30 feet of blue-gray shale of the Greenbush Cyclothem, below the No. 2 Coal and underclay. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 to 3 parts, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, swelling illite >1 part, and illite 4 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Montgomery County 1412 NW{ SWj sec. 30, T. 8 N. , R. 2 W. One and a half miles northeast of Coffeen, 5 to 6 feet of an iron-stained gray shale of the McLeansboro Group be- tween the Shoal Creek and Millersville Limestones with plant fossils and coal bank in middle of shale exposure on west bank of East Fork Creek. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 3 parts, chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 1 part, and il- lite 5 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Ogle County P2 Near Polo, Illinois, 6 to 8 inches below top. Collector, M. M. Leighton, 1955. Chemical data, L. D. McVicker, 1956. P4 Same as P2 except 18 to 24 inches below top. P7 Same as P2 except 36 to 42 inches below top. P14 Same as P2 except 72 to 84 inches below top. P2 1 Same as P2 except 130 to 132 inches below top. (All of P series of samples are of Pleistocene age.) Peoria County 1402 SE| NW{ sec. 13, T. 11 N. , R. 6 E. Northwest corner of Princeville. Shale occurs on east bank of Prince Run Creek, 8 feet of gray shale in either the Sparland or Brereton Cyclothem is exposed. Overburden is thin. The clay min- eral data are kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlorite 2 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1958. W143C SW{ NE{ NE| sec. 8, T. 11 N., R. 9 E. North of Chillicothe, 1 foot of flint clay in Lonsdale Limestone. Collector, H. B. Willman. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. W143e Same location as above. Two feet of flint clay in Lonsdale Limestone. Collector, H. B. Willman. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 19 33. Perry County 1323A NE{ SW{ NE| sec. 5, T. 4 S., R. 4 W. About 2 miles northeast of Coulter- ville, along east bank of north flowing tributary to Mud Creek about 1/8 mile east of road. Shale, gray-brown grading to blue-gray, hard, well laminated, 12 feet, in lower part of McLeansboro Group. The clay mineral data are quartz >1 part, kaolinite <1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 3 parts, CaC03, and limonite. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1309A SW{ NW{ sec. 5, T. 6 S., R. 1 W. North of DuQuoin. Taken from core of J. H. Forester well 1, shale in Brereton Cyclothem 42 to 55 feet beneath the sur- face. Weathered shale. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 15 1309B Same location as 1309A except 72 to 77 feet below the surface. Below No. 5 Coal, a gray clay shale. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1309C Same location as 1309A except 78 to 122 feet below the surface. Shale is above No. 4 Coal. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Pike County R119 SE{ SE{ SW{ sec. 13, T. 7S., R. 3 W. Near Straut, 3 feet of clay of the Tradewater Group. Collector, T. B. Root, 1930. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. R120 Same location as R119. Three feet of clay in Tradewater Group. Collector, T. B. Root, 1930. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. LAI NW{ NW{ sec. 25, T. 7 S., R. 4 W. About 2 miles southwest of Nebo. Clay in Tradewater Group. LA2 Same location as above. Clay in Tradewater Group. DS51 SE^ NW£ sec. 24, T. 4 S., R. 7 W. North of Kinderhook, east of U. S. Highway 36 in Mississippi River bluff. Hannibal Formation, siltstone, green, 45 feet. Collector, R. E. Grim, 1938. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1940. DS45 SW| SW{ sec. 36, T. 6 S., R. 5 W. About 3 miles southeast of Atlas. Han- nibal Formation, siltstone, light greenish gray, 30 feet. Collector, R. E. Grim, 1938. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1940. 996N NW| SW{ NW| sec. 10, T. 4 S., R. 5 W. About 2\ miles north of Hadley on north side of old road cut just before road turns north. In south valley wall of Hadley Creek, 8 feet of Cheltenham Clay, gray, overburden 20 to 40 feet. Collector, W. A. White, 1949. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1953. Randolph County 1418 NW| NE{ sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. 6 W. About 2 miles southeast of Chester, west cut bank of Chester and Mt. Vernon Railroad, and of county road in west valley wall of Marys River, southwest of Illinois Highway 3. About 30 feet of Waltersburg Shale, dark gray, with considerable organic matter; shale is thinly laminated in lower 20 feet, beds massive and cemented in upper 10 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 4 parts, and illite 2 to 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1338A NW{ SW{ SE{ sec. 5, T. 7 S., R. 5 W. Near Wine Hill along gully flowing south, due south of church in Wine Hill. Shale in the Caseyville Group is green- ish gray and silty in bottom 2 feet, grades upward to green and purple (variegated), less silty, and more weathered in top 8 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlorite ?, swelling illite 1 part, illite 4 parts, and CaS04'2H20. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1338B NW{ NW| SW| sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 5 W. About \\ miles west of Wine Hill. Shale exposed in south branch of Hornbastel Branch beside road about 200 feet south of the southernmost bridge across Hornbastel Branch. Shale of Caseyville 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Group is light brownish gray, well bedded, 9 feet, overburden thin. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlo- rite 2 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 3 parts, and CaS04*2H20. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1308A NEi NW| sec. 36, T. 4 S., R. 5 W. F. Birchler hole 1, Moffatt Coal Com- pany. Shale in the lower part of the McLeansboro Group, 58 to 75 feet beneath surface. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1308B Same location and age as 1308A except 75 to 141 feet below surface. Com- posite sample. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 1 part, swelling illite and illite 6 parts. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1308C Same location and age as 1308A except 101 to 103 feet below surface. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1308D Same as 1308A except 103 to 111 feet below surface. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1308E Same as 1308A except 115 to 121 feet below surface. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1308F Same as 1308A except 121 to 131 feet below surface. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Richland County 1413 NE corner sec. 14, T. 2 N. , R. 10 E. About l| miles north of Parkersburg along south-flowing tributary to Sugar Creek, south of unimproved dirt road. About 3 feet of weathered shale in the upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed in tributary. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlorite 2 parts, illite 2 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Rock Island County 1354A SW{ SW| SE{ sec. 6, T. 17 N. , R. 5 W. About l\ miles southeast of Mus- catine, Iowa, along north road cut of Illinois Highway 99 on east bluff of Mis- sissippi River. About 30 feet of well laminated, organic, rich, dark gray shale in the lower part of the Tradewater Group. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 2 parts, and illite 3 to 4 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical anal- ysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. St. Clair County 1334A NW} NE{ sec. 31, T. 2 N. , R. 8 W. Hydraulic-Press Brick Company pit about 2 miles east of Edgemont. Shale in lower part of McLeansboro Group, blue-gray, about 40 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite <1 part, illite 3 parts, and CaC03. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 17 1333A NE{ SW| sec. 32, T. 2 N. , R. 8 W. Hill Brick Company pit, about 3 miles east of Edgemont. About 40 feet of sand shale in lower part of McLeansboro Group. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite <1 part, illite 4 parts, and CaC0 3 ?. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1329B Center SW| SW{ sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 7 W. About 1 mile east of Freeburg, north side of road on east side of stream valley. Shale in lower part of McLeans- boro Group, gray, 10 to 12 feet, taken from road level to top of shale. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 3 parts, and CaC0 3 . Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1957. 1329A SW{ NW| NW{ sec. 21, T. 2 N. , R. 8 W. About 2 miles east of French Village, west bank of tributary of Little Canteen Creek. A shale in the lower part of the McLeansboro Group, olive gray grading to dark gray, 16 to 17 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling chlorite 1 part, swelling illite <1 part, illite 3 parts, and CaC03. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Saline County 1327A SE{ SE| sec. 21, T. 9 S. , R. 6 E. Pit of Harrisburg Brick and Tile Company, southeast edge of Harrisburg. Sample represents lower 8 feet of shale which is either in the Brereton Cyclothem or in the lower part of the McLeansboro Group. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 3 parts, chlorite 2 parts, and illite 4 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Sangamon County 1332A SW{ sec. 1, T. 15 N. , R. 5 W. Poston Brick and Concrete Products Com- pany, southeast part of Springfield. Shale of the Trivoli Cyclothem, gray, mas- sive, 35 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 2 to 3 parts, and CaC0 3 ?. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical anal- ysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1330B Sec. 11, T. 15 N. , R. 5 W. Springfield Clay Products Company pit, south- east part of Springfield. Shale in the Trivoli Cyclothem, massive, blue-gray, 30 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite <1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Col- lector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Schuyler County R210 NW|SWiSW|sec. 8, T. IN., R. IE. Northwest of Frederick. Clay of Tradewater Group, 11 feet. Collector, T. B. Root. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1410 SE| SW} SW| sec. 27, T. 2 N., R. 2 W. About 2 miles west of Rushville, north road cut on east valley wall of Harvey Branch. Purington Shale, light blue- gray, 20 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, swelling chlorite 1 part, swelling .illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Scott County R129 SE| SE{ SW{ sec. 23, T. 15 N., R. 13 W. About f mile northwest of Exeter. Clay A\ feet and shale 11 feet immediately below Seahorne Limestone. Collector, T. B. Root. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. Shelby County 1422 NW corner sec. 24, T. UN., R. 3 E. About 1 mile southwest of Shelby- ville on east road cut in south valley wall of creek. About 6 feet of shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group exposed, overburden thin. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 1 part, swelling chlorite 3 to 4 parts, illite 2 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Stark County 1398 NE| NW} sec. 25, T. 13 N. , R. 6 E. About f mile north of Wyoming, south cut bank of tributary to Spoon River south of road. Exposure consists of 8 feet of shale in Brereton ? Cyclothem. The clay mineral data are kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, and illite 3 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Tazewell County R220 NW| NW} NE| sec. 5, T. 25 N. , R. 4 W. South of East Peoria. Underclay 12\ feet below No. 5 Coal. Collector, T. B. Root. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1933. 132 2 B Peoria Brick and Tile Company pit. Sample of Canton ? Shale taken from shale bin. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 3 parts, chlorite 2 to 3 parts, and illite 4 parts. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Union County B15 Pit of Illinois Kaolin Company near Anna. Cretaceous clay. Collector, V. T. Allen. Chemical data, O. W. Rees, 1932. 1425 SW| NW} SE} sec. 14, T. 12 S., R. 2 W. About 2 miles west of Anna, west of State Pond dam on south valley wall of creek below dam. Shale of New Albany Formation, black, fissile, 20 feet. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 1 part, and illite 7 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. Mc- Vicker, 1958. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 19 1335A NE{ SE| NE| sec. 11, T. 13 S., R. 2 W. About 3| miles west of south of Jonesboro, cut bank southeast side of creek along west fork of hard road. Spring- ville Shale, pinkish brown to tan to maroon to light gray, silty at top, less silty at bottom, grading from massive to poorly to thinly bedded, 50 feet; entire bluff is shale. The clay mineral data are quartz 2 parts, kaolinite <1 part, swelling chlorite <1 part, swelling illite <1 part, and illite 7 parts. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Vermilion County 1342A NW| NE{ sec. 14, T. 19 N. , R. 12 W. Western Brick Company pit, about 1 mile southeast of Batestown. About 25 feet of shale in the Sparland Cyclothem is exposed. The clay mineral data are quartz 1 part, kaolinite 1 part, chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 4 parts, and CaS04'2H20. Collector, W.A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L.D. McVicker, 1958. 1343A E\ sec. 4, T. 19 N., R. 12 W. Harmattan Mine of Fairview Collieries, about 1 mile west of Hillery. Lower 10 feet of blue-gray shale in Sparland Cyclothem. The clay mineral data are chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 5 parts, and goethite. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. 1343B Same location and age as 1343A except upper 10 feet of shale is more weath- ered. The clay mineral data are chlorite 3 parts, swelling illite 1 part, illite 5 parts, CaS04«2H20, and goethite. Collector, W. A. White, 1956. Clay min- eral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. Washington County 1339A SE| SW{ SW{ sec. 18, T. 2 S., R. 4 W. About l\ miles south of east of St. Libory, road cut west side of Elkhorn Creek. Shale in the lower part of McLeansboro Group, olive gray, clayey, fairly well bedded, plant fossils, iron- stone concretions, 12^ feet. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 1 part, swelling illite 2 parts, and illite 4 parts. Collectors, R. W. Doehler and B. F. Boher, 1956. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1957. White County 1409 NW{ SW{ SW| sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 9 E. About 1 mile northwest of Carmi, about 200 yards east of road on south bank of Big Hill Branch. About 8 feet of dark gray shale in the upper part of the McLeansboro Group is exposed. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 1 to 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling chlorite 1 part, swelling illite ?, and illite 2 parts. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chem- ical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. Williamson County 1419 Sj N| sec. 21, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. Delta Mine-Carmac Coal Company. About 2 miles east of Crab Orchard. About 20 feet of blue-gray Canton Shale. The clay 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 2 parts, chlorite 2 parts, swelling 11- lite 1 part, illite 3 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. 1429 SE| SE| sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 3 E. About a half mile east of Creal Springs, east face of old stone quarry. About 6 feet of gray shale in the Tradewater Group. The clay mineral data are quartz <1 part, kaolinite 3 parts, chlorite 1 part, swell- ing chlorite 1 part, swelling illite <1 part, illite 5 parts, and limonite. Collectors, W. A. White and W. E. Parham, 1957. Clay mineral data, W. F. Bradley, 1958. Chemical analysis, L. D. McVicker, 1958. SOURCES OF CHEMICAL DATA REFERRED TO IN TABLE 1 1. Purdy, Ross C, and DeWolf, Frank W. , 1907, Preliminary investigation of Illi- nois fire clays; in Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 4, p. 129-175. 2. Cady, Gilbert H., 1907, Cement-making materials in the vicinity of LaSalle: in Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 8, p. 127-133. 3. Rolfe, C. W. , Purdy, R. C. , Talbot, A. N., and Baker, I. O. , 1908, Paving brick and paving-brick clays of Illinois; Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 9, 316 p. 4. Udden, Jon A. , and Todd, J. E., 1910, Occurrence of structural materials in Illinois; in_ Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 16, 367 p. 5. Bleininger, A. V., Lines, E. F., and Layman, F. E., 1912, Portland-cement resources of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 17, 121 p. 6. Lamar, J. E., Willman, H. B., Fryling, Charles F. , and Voskuil, W. H., 1934, Rock wool from Illinois mineral resources: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 61, 262 p. 7. Willman, H. B. , Payne, J. Norman, and Voskuil, W. H., 1942, Geology and mineral resources of the Marseilles, Ottawa, and Streator quadrangles: Illi- nois Geol. Survey Bull. 66, 388 p. 8. Grim, R. E., Machin, J. S., and Bradley, W. F., 1945, Amenability of various types of clay minerals to alumina extraction by the lime sinter and lime-soda sinter processes: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 69, 77 p. 9. Rubey, W. W. , 1952, Geology and mineral resources of Hardin and Brussels quadrangles (in Illinois): U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 218, 179 p. 10. Lamar, J. E., 1929, The limestone resources of the Pontiac-Fairbury region; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 17, 27 p. 11. Lamar, J. E., 1931, Refractory clays in Calhoun and Pike Counties, Illinois; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 22, 43 p. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 21 12. Lamar, J. E., and Willman, H. B. , 1931, High-calcium limestone near Morris, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 23, 26 p. 13. Grim, R. E. , 1933, Petrography of the fuller's earth deposits, at Olmsted, Illinois, with a brief study of some non-Illinois earths: Econ. Geol., v. 28, no. 4, p. 344-63, 1933. (Reprinted as Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 26, 19 p.) 14. Ball, C. G., 1935, Contributions to the study of coal: mineral matter in No. 6 bed coal at West Frankfort, Franklin County, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 33, 106 p. 15. Grim, R. E., Bray, R. H., and Bradley, W. F., 1937, Mica in argillaceous sediments: Am. Mineralogy, v. 22, no. 7, p. 813-29, 1937. (Reprinted as Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 44, 17 p.) 16. Grim, R. E., and Allen, V. T. , 1938, Petrology of the Pennsylvanian under- clays of Illinois: Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., v. 49, p. 1485-1514, 1938. (Re- printed as Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 52, 28 p.) 17. Grim, R. E., and Bradley, W. F., 1939, A unique clay from the Goose Lake, Illinois, area: Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc, v. 22, p. 157-64, 1939. (Reprinted as Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 5 3, 20 p.) 18. Grim, R. E., and Bradley, W. F. , 19 40, Investigation of the effect of heat on the clay minerals illite and montmorillonite: Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc, v. 23, p. 242-48, 1940. (Reprinted as Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 66, 13 p.) 19. Grim, R. E., 1941, Petrographic and ceramic properties of Pennsylvanian shales of Illinois: Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc, v. 24, no. 1, p. 23-8, 1941. (Reprinted as Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 72, 15 p.) 20. Grogan, R. M. , and Lamar, J. E., 1945, Illinois surface clays as bonding clays for molding sands - an exploratory study: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 104, 41 p. 21. Lamar, J. E., 1948, Clay and shale resources of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 128, 107 p. 22. Grim, R. E., Bradley, W. F., and White, W. A., 1957, Petrology of the Paleo- zoic shales of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 203, 35 p. 23. Grim, R. E., 1934, Petrography of the kaolin deposits near Anna, Illinois: Econ. Geol., v. 29, p. 659-70. 24. Grim, R. E., 1935, Petrology of the Pennsylvanian shales and noncalcareous underclays associated with Illinois coals: Bull. Am. Ceram. Soc, v. 14, p. 113-19, 129-34, 170-76. 25. Unpublished chemical analyses which are in the files of the Illinois State Geo- logical Survey. 26. Lamar, J. E., Limestone resources of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 211, 81 p. 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1. - Chemical Analyses of Petro- Type * graphic of No. Location Rock sio 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2°3 FeO MgO CaO ADAMS COUNTY L4b Near Mendon on Webb Cr. ? 50.81 - 10.52 7.01 - 5.74 10.65 L4a Near Mendon CI 49.03 - 11.91 10.75 - 5.73 8.41 ALEXANDER COUNTY 1423 NW NW 21-15S-3W CI 71.39 - 18.05 1.62 0.32 1.25 0.07 4 SE SE 28-15S-3W CI 52.23 0.37 25.85 4.04 - 2.69 0.60 1424 SE SE 28-15S-3W Sh 61.59 - 16.31 3.29 1.68 3.08 3.23 DS7 SE SE 28-15S-3W Sh 49.80 0.45 23.15 5.96 2.05 4.04 1.63 DS4 SE NW 4-15S-3W L 63.96 - 13.76 3.27 - 5.11 5.17 NF570 NW SE NW 12-14S- 3W Al 72.79 - 13.45 3.79 - 1.14 1.25 NF513 NE NE SW 33-14S- 3W L 71.01 0.66 9.94 2.45 0.51 2.29 4.02 NF528 SW NW SW 23-14S- 3W Sh 33.80 0.39 7.67 2.05 0.57 4.20 24.61 L62 E-g- SW SE 21-15S- 3W Sh 61.62 - 19.85 6.56 - 2.01 0.61 NF523 SE SW NW 21-15S- 3W Sh 34.70 - 8.14 2.52 - 1.50 27.34 BOND COUNTY 1415 Richards Brick Co. pit Sh 49.00 - 24.67 5.44 5.79 2.36 0.49 1530A NE NW 13-6N-5W Sh 52.83 - 24.30 1.94 5.72 2.40 0.62 1530B NE NW 13-6N-5W Sh 56.73 - 23.39 7.10 0.51 1.94 0.44 1530C NE NW 13-6N-5W T 73.96 - 13.25 5.14 0.28 0.90 0.45 1530D NE NW 13-6N-5W Sh 53.26 - 24.54 1.47 5.66 2.32 0.59 1530E NE NW 13-6N-5W Sh 55.78 - 23.00 1.91 4.94 2.11 0.51 1530F NE NW 13-6N-5W Sh 60.19 - 21.83 5.86 0.70 1.75 0.52 1530G NE NW 13-6N-5W Sh 53.04 - 24.43 2.12 5.45 2.40 0.61 1530H NE NW 13-6N-5W T 65.34 - 16.46 7.83 0.27 1.31 0.29 BROWN COUNTY C19b NW 18-2S-3W Sh 56.64 - (R 2 3 10.80) - 0.68 16.74 L17 John Chamberlain proper ty Sh 59.92 - 15.75 7.06 - 3.28 2.94 L18 Jesse Gibson property Sh 61.50 - 18.75 5.99 - 2.10 0.83 1337A Frederic Brick & Tile p it Sh 53.58 - 20.70 1.07 8.08 2.76 0.92 1337B Frederic Brick & Tile pit Sh 58.32 - 20.65 6.96 2.75 2.15 0.34 1351 N. edge Mt. Ster ling on Unc 60.78 - 22.83 3.07 0.60 1.08 0.27 L6 Illinois Highway 99 #4 Coal 19-2S-2W T 61.11 14.76 6.31 3.34 5.55 E15b 31-16N-11E 254 Sheffield Shale Products 1404 Sheffield Shale Products BUREAU COUNTY Sh 49.10 ( R 2°3 Sh 51.85 1.49 25.60 Sh 57.92 - 21.61 27.34) - 2.74 7.94 2.16 3.49 2.65 0.81 6.43 1.98 1.99 0.39 * Key to symbols : Sh - shale CI ■ Df - drift Unc ■ - clay - underclay Al ■ Col ■ - alluvium - colluvium L ■ T - ■ loess ■ till St • S ■ - silt • soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 23 Clay Materials in Illinois Re ;ference Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. ADAMS COUNTY - - 13.30 98.03 - - - - - Pleis.? 5 - - 13.02 93.85 - - - - - Pleis.? 5 ALEXANDER COUNTY 0.02 3.07 4.71 100.50 - - - 0.66 - Eocene 35 0.33 6.56 7.88 100.55 - - 7.88 1.13 - Eocene 15 0.25 4.34 6.84 100.61 - - - 0.87 Orchard Cr. Sil. 25 0.04 6.53 6.71 100.36 - - 6.11 1.82 Orchard Cr. Sil. 25 - - 8.82 100.09 - 5.52 - 1.10 - Pleis. 6 0.90 2.11 4.04 - - 0.13 - - - Recent? 26 1.55 2.35 5.42 - 0.06 3.70 - - Wisconsin Pleis. 26 0.10 3.53 23.80 - 0.06 21.76 - - Moccasin Sp .Sil. 26 0.16 3.71 4.97 - - 0.00 - - Moccasin Sp .Sil. 26 0.08 2.76 23.39 21.44 BOND COUNTY Orchard Cr. Sil. 26 0.74 3.50 8.16 100.15 - - - 0.79 Bunje Penn. 25 0.84 3.48 7.94 100.07 0.49 1.14 6.26 1.50 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.88 3.28 6.23 100.50 0.14 0.00 5.80 2.55 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.79 1.79 3.96 100.52 0.13 0.00 3.66 2.58 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.82 3.53 7.69 99.88 0.55 0.85 6.53 1.35 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.98 3.34 7.31 99.88 1.62 0.59 5.99 1.14 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.08 3.31 5.66 100.90 0.00 0.12 5.25 2.35 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.86 3.48 7.77 100.16 0.50 0.88 6.60 1.32 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.80 2.09 5.92 100.31 0.16 0.00 BROWN 5.04 COUNTY 3.34 111 inoian Pleis. 25 - - 14.76 99.62 - - - 0.39 Salem Miss. 5 - - 8.46 98.11 - - - - - Penn.? 5 - - 8.84 98.01 - - - - - Penn.? 5 1.25 3.14 7.79 99.29 - - 5.60 0.83 Purington Penn. 25 1.41 3.12 4.63 100.33 - - - 0.79 Purington Penn. 25 0.27 1.29 9.73 99.92 - - - 3.15 Summum Penn. 25 - - 8.00 99.07 - 5.52 - - Illinoian Pleis. 5 BUREAU COUNTY - - 12.88 100.00 - - - - McLeansboro Penn. 5 0.64 4.35 6.73 99.77 - - 7.17 0.43 Brereton Penn. 19 1.24 3.41 4.91 99.88 - - - 0.78 Brereton Penn. 25 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock SiO TiO„ A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO CALHOUN COUNTY TS SW 6-8S-3W CI 45.17 38.78 1.78 - 0.07 0.71 00P1 SW 6-8S-3W CI 52.00 33.34 2.21 - 0.84 tr 00P2 SW 6-8S-3W CI 57.24 30.74 1.74 - 0.30 tr DS38 NW SE 15-10S-2W Sh 50.23 0.53 21.66 7.34 0.89 5.79 0.92 R5 SW NW 31-9S-2W Sh 69.20 15.38 4.18 - 2.50 1.35 R7 NE SW 17-11S-2W Sh 56.69 23.31 6.05 - 1.80 2.81 R104 NW SW SE 3-9S-2W Sh 68.42 0.13 14.34 3.40 - 2.38 1.84 134 9 A NE NE NE 11-9S-3W Sh 70.75 14.00 2.32 1.91 2.39 0.07 1352A SW NE SW 17-11S-2W Sh 60.14 18.77 4.63 1.51 2.56 1.25 1532 NE NW NW 32-11S-2W L 65.73 CARROLL COUNTY 9.70 2.21 0.56 3.89 6.56 H20 Dupiers and Son farm Sh 47.29 15.51 4.80 - 6.19 7.33 CASS COUNTY P99 C E line, 11-18N-11W Col 75.80 0.64 11.79 2.70 0.58 1.17 1.43 P101 C E line, 11-18N-11W L 65.65 0.66 9.72 2.95 0.42 3.82 5.49 PI 03 C E line, 11-18N-11W L 64.97 0.56 9.52 2.59 0.42 4.24 5.99 PI 05 C E line, 11-18N-11W L 76.65 0.91 10.89 2.59 0.81 1.00 1.59 PI 08 C E line, 11-18N-11W L 53.88 0.55 8.42 1.65 0.68 5.73 8.98 CHRISTIAN COUNTY 1428 SE NE 33-11S-1E Sh 62.24 CLARK COUNTY 21.36 3.17 1.82 1.94 0.37 L14 11 mi. NE of Marshall Sh 66.32 17.25 7.44 - 3.38 2.01 LI 5 mi. NE of Marshall Sh 68.20 14.09 9.94 - 3.46 1.57 1345A NE NE SW 16-11N-11W Sh 56.21 CLAY COUNTY 20.74 8.02 2.40 1.81 0.45 B18 SE cor. SW NE 35-5N-6E T** 79.04 0.51 11.04 3.47 - 0.72 0.39 1420 SE NW 19-4N-6E Sh 59.64 CLINTON COUNTY 23.35 3.33 1.72 1.98 0.34 1093 NE NE NW 26-1N-3W Sh 48.34 0.92 19.44 - 4.56 2.25 0.30 1414 SW 1-1N-1W Sh 55.88 COOK COUNTY 20.99 10.27 1.19 1.65 0.54 DS82 NE 30-37N-14E T 52.01 0.61 17.04 4.36 - 5.01 7.78 NF57 SE NW SE 33-36N-14E T 48.40 (R 2 °3 17.5) - 6.40 10.10 D7 SE SE 33-39N-14E T 50.35 12.92 4.96 - 5.04 8.13 D5 SW 35-37N-14E symbols : St 48.64 12.20 4.19 5.27 10.47 * Key to s Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - ! silt Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - t: ill S - ! ;oil ** MnO 0.33 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 25 Continued Re Terence Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 + H 2 0- Unit Age No. CALHOUN COUNTY _ _ 13.16 - 0.33 - - - Cheltenham Penn. 11 - - 11.52 - - - - - Cheltenham Penn. 11 - - 10.03 - - - - - Cheltenham Penn. 11 0.37 5.97 6.83 100.53 - - 6.68 2.48 Hannibal Miss. 25 - - 5.90 - 0.15 - - - Hannibal Miss. 9 - - 7.92 - 0.14 - - - Maquoketa Ord. 6 0.38 3.97 5.32 100.18 o'.oo 2.04 - 0.77 Hannibal Miss. 25 1.00 4.53 3.67 100.64 - - - 1.42 Hannibal Miss. 25 0.30 5.88 5.41 100.45 - - - 1.40 Maquoketa Ord. 25 1.31 1.65 8.63 100.24 0.08 7.06 1.77 1.02 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 CARROLL COUNTY (Alk 3.71) 13.11 CASS COUNTY 1.31 Maquoketa Ord. 3 1.76 2.04 2.39 100.30 0.11 0.10 2.13 1.54 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.59 2.06 8.03 100.39 0.13 6.35 1.50 0.89 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.49 1.77 8.95 100.50 0.11 7.26 1.68 1.22 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.91 2.62 1.63 100.60 0.12 0.04 1.47 0.78 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.59 1.58 12.38 100.44 0.11 11.28 1.10 0.42 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.11 3.60 4.' 100.59 CHRISTIAN COUNTY 0.83 McLeansboro Penn. 25 3.32 2.42 1.06 2.82 6.77 100.28 CLARK COUNTY McLeansboro Penn. 5 McLeansboro Penn. 5 0.80 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.85 1.45 3.18 100.65 0.74 1.98 5.38 99.67 CLAY COUNTY Illinoian Pleis. 5.45 1.25 McLeansboro Penn. 20 25 1.19 0.91 5.22 17.19 3.03 6.09 99.41 100.55 CLINTON COUNTY 8.33 1.15 New Albany Dev.-Miss.22 0.98 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.28 2.53 13.70 (Alk 4.0) 0.56 3.57 13.79 0.69 3.25 15.67 100.14 - 101.7 100.7 0.62 0.16 COOK COUNTY 9.51 0.68 0.42 0.32 0.35 Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Pleis. Pleis. Pleis. Pleis. 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2°3 FeO MgO CaO CRAWFORD COUNTY 1421 SW SW NE 1-5N-12W Sh 58.89 - CUMBERLAND COUNTY 20.10 2.01 4.70 1.80 0.55 1353A NE NW SW 36-10S-9E Sh 52.42 - 21.54 8.75 1.79 1.84 0.05 1346A NW NW SW 2-9S-9E Sh 57.32 - EDGAR COUNTY 19.12 5.69 2.47 1.81 0.41 LI 2 1 mi. NW of St. Aloy Church, 14N-11W sius Sh 58.90 - 19.09 8.11 - 3.52 1.56 L13 300 yds. N of St. Aloy sius Sh 74.24 - 13.58 5.73 - 1.86 1.58 Church, 14N-11W EDWARDS COUNTY 262 Albion Brick Co. K3 N| 12- ■2S- •10E 326A Albion Brick Co. 1416 NW SW 1-6N-5E El SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E2 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E3 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E4 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E5 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E6 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E7 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E8 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E9 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E10 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E Ell SW SW NE 6-7N-6E El 2 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E13 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E14 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E15 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E16 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E E17 SW SW NE 6-7N-6E VI SW NW 20- ■6N-1E V2 SW NW 20- ■6N-1E pit 1 pit Sh 51.50 1.49 24.51 2.73 3.89 1.70 0.96 Sh 59.34 1.31 15.36 3.26 3.84 1.82 0.76 Sh 53.40 - 22.89 1.22 6.29 2.04 0.64 ; FIN( 3HAM COUNTY Sh 59.81 - 19.20 5.56 2.87 2.18 0.78 L 82.77 0.71 7.60 2.18 0.40 0.46 0.42 L 80.12 1.24 8.75 2.64 0.45 0.56 0.37 L 69.90 0.79 14.37 5.50 0.42 1.16 0.43 L 71.24 0.82 13.52 5.26 0.31 1.04 0.55 T 74.66 0.80 12.17 3.60 0.40 0.94 0.80 T 81.07 0.64 9.37 2.29 0.29 0.54 0.60 T 80.95 0.59 9.61 2.52 0.26 0.67 0.72 T 81.82 0.60 9.46 1.94 0.24 0.48 0.66 T 80.76 0.55 9.96 2.12 0.24 0.63 0.68 T 78.98 0.59 10.86 2.46 0.25 0.60 0.78 T 79.01 0.51 10.09 3.60 0.19 0.72 0.68 T 77.37 0.47 9.30 6.10 0.20 0.68 0.55 T 81.25 0.50 8.43 3.35 0.31 0.56 0.75 T 79.24 0.48 9.21 3.95 0.30 0.80 0.68 T 63.38 0.44 7.88 3.19 0.65 4.42 6.86 T 61.34 0.38 8.16 1.17 0.98 4.30 9.05 T 59.78 0.44 7.97 1.41 1.26 4.07 9.48 : aye: [TE COUNTY L 77.92 0.89 9.97 2.58 0.40 0.77 0.51 L 71.48 0.83 13.15 4.30 0.49 1.07 0.52 Key to symbols : Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - silt Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 27 Continued Na KJD Ign. Total SO C0 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Reference Age No. 0.82 2.75 7.79 99.41 CRAWFORD COUNTY 5.55 0.74 McLeansboro Penn. 25 CUMBERLAND COUNTY 1.09 3.70 8.92 100.10 - - - 2.27 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.50 3.05 8.53 99.90 EDGAR I BOUNTY 1.67 McLeansboro Penn. 25 - - 6.18 - - - - - McLeansboro Penn. 5 - - 2.02 - - - - - McLeansboro Penn. 5 EDWARDS COUNTY 0.93 3.77 8.38 99.86 - - 7.82 0.99 McLeansboro Penn. 19 0.80 3.82 7.89 - 0.16 - - 0.29 McLeansboro Penn. 3 0.86 3.52 8.91 99.78 - - 6.17 0.85 McLeansboro Penn. 25 EFFINGHAM COUNTY 1.21 2.82 5.36 99.79 - - - 0.65 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.02 1.69 2.61 99.86 0.09 - 2.03 0.93 Peorian Pleis. 25 0.99 1.76 2.74 99.62 0.07 - 2.76 1.14 Peorian Pleis. 25 0.92 1.65 4.80 99.94 0.07 - 5.01 2.63 Peorian Pleis. 25 1.02 1.79 4.22 99.77 0.06 - 4.48 2.65 Farmdale Pleis. 25 1.30 1.98 3.28 99.93 0.08 - 3.59 1.80 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.20 1.45 2.57 99.84 0.07 - 2.70 1.38 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.08 1.47 2.68 100.68 0.10 - 2.80 1.85 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.94 1.36 2.51 100.01 0.06 - 2.53 1.49 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.10 1.35 2.99 100.38 0.09 - 2.99 1.73 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.79 1.27 3.34 99.92 0.05 - 3.28 1.75 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.93 1.37 3.36 100.46 0.07 - 3.47 1.95 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.93 1.45 3.39 100.44 0.07 - 3.54 1.71 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.90 1.82 2.09 99.96 0.04 - 2.20 0.76 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.93 2.04 2.54 100.17 0.06 - 2.74 0.70 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.03 1.77 10.68 100.30 0.06 - 2.42 0.32 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.95 1.80 12.22 100.35 0.09 - 2.24 0.23 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.86 1.80 12.54 99.61 0.33 - 1.97 0.32 Illinoian Pleis. 25 FAYETTE COUNTY 1.27 2.43 3.75 100.49 0.03 - 3.30 0.81 Peorian Pleis. 25 1.07 2.46 5.30 100.67 0.02 - 4.88 2.04 Peorian Pleis. 25 28 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type * graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2°3 FeO MgO CaO FAYETTE COUNTY (continued) V3 SW NW 20-6N-1E L 71.20 0.89 13.14 4.62 0.43 1.11 0.47 V4 SW NW 20-6N-1E L 74.08 0.81 11.78 3.89 0.42 0.95 0.64 V5 SW NW 20-6N-1E S 76.00 0.74 11.24 3.68 0.33 0.91 0.65 V6 SW NW 20-6N-1E S 78.20 0.73 9.96 3.46 0.28 0.80 0.59 V7 SW NW 20-6N-1E s 80.72 0.62 9.02 2.93 0.23 0.65 0.54 V9 SW NW 20-6N-1E s 79.72 0.54 9.34 3.36 0.24 0.68 0.44 Vll SW NW 20-6N-1E s 83.31 0.35 7.62 3.13 0.30 0.56 0.32 V12 SW NW 20-6N-1E s 81.89 0.32 6.97 4.69 0.30 0.77 0.^5 V14 SW NW 20-6N-1E s 82.35 0.30 7.31 3.82 0.33 0.73 0.65 V15 SW NW 20-6N-1E s 85.96 0.28 5.76 2.25 0.65 0.83 0.99 V16 SW NW 20-6N-1E s 43.54 0.19 4.11 1.78 0.69 7.16 19.46 1427 St. Elmo Brick & Tile p: It Sh 54.81 - 24.43 2.08 4.47 2.35 0.55 FORD COUNTY 14700F SE SE 15-23N-14W S 47.21 - 21.47 10.73 - 3.62 0.21 DS101 NW 17-23N-10E T 51.03 - 12.95 4.90 - 5.92 7.35 FRANKLIN COUNTY Col 2-a New Orient mine CI 43.80 0.00 39.36 0.82 - 0.16 1.17 FULTON COUNTY R214 NE SW SE 31-6N-5E Sh 63.59 1.21 18.02 5.60 - 1.64 0.69 R215 SE SE NW 7-5N-5E Sh 68.25 1.19 15.36 4.52 - 1.69 0.65 217 SE 21-6N-3E Sh 53.06 0.81 26.86 2.42 3.00 2.51 0.76 F119 Sj 2-5N-1E Si 2-5N-1E Sh 48.05 1.42 29.24 1.36 2.97 1.99 0.59 F121 Sh 48.13 1.37 31.03 1.39 1.13 1.17 0.69 F124 Si 2-5N-1E Sh 46.56 1.57 29.82 3.54 1.51 1.29 0.14 1322A Near Liverpool, Peoria Brick 8. Tile pit Sh 69.89 - 17.03 2.70 1.13 1.50 0.33 1350A Truax Coal Co. pit Sh 62.37 - 18.47 1.21 4.44 2.10 0.40 1531 Morgan Coal Co. Big Ten mine Unc 53.38 18.57 4.09 2.66 2.69 3.78 GREENE COUNTY F18 30-12N-12W CI 66.88 1.18 21.87 2.23 - - - F19 30-12N-12W CI 68.12 1.16 20.08 1.76 - - - F16 SW 30-12N-11W CI 61.34 1.22 25.76 2.14 - - - F6 SW 30-12N-11W CI 67.37 1.32 21.69 1.59 - - - R106 NW NE SW 2-10N-13W CI 60.14 2.07 22.08 4.15 - 0.78 0.82 241 White Hall Sewerpipe & Stoneware Co. pit Sh 51.19 1.44 22.31 8.00 1.66 2.53 1.25 242 White Hall Sewerpipe 8. Stoneware Co. pit Sh 51.02 1.39 25.30 2.04 5.06 2.25 0.87 Key to symbols : Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - silt Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 29 Continued Reference Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 + H 2 0- Unit Age No. FAYETTE COUNTY (continued) 1.07 2.43 5.21 100.57 0.02 - 4.84 2.14 Peorian Pleis. 25 1.31 2.19 4.46 100.53 0.02 - 4.21 1.44 Farmdale Pleis. 25 1.52 2.16 3.44 100.67 0.05 - 3.17 1.95 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.40 1.93 3.16 100.51 0.04 - 2.88 1.75 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.18 1.83 2.79 100.51 0.11 - 2.58 1.27 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.84 1.62 3.43 100.21 0.05 - 3.36 1.48 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.65 1.04 3.10 100.38 0.08 - 3.06 1.01 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.73 1.05 3.11 100.28 0.07 - 3.04 0.67 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.27 1.33 2.44 100.53 0.06 - 2.51 0.58 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.23 1.21 1.29 100.45 0.06 - 1.35 0.10 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.03 0.69 22.12 100.77 0.06 - 1.06 0.08 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.71 3.61 7.24 100.29 FORD COUNTY 1.55 McLeansboro Penn. 25 - 5.78 10.99 100.01 - - 6.17 3.80 Wisconsin Pleis. 15 - - 13.56 95.71 - 9.54 - 1.05 Wisconsin Pleis. 6 FRANKLIN COUNTY — ~ 15.40 100.71 ~ - - - Brereton Penn. 14 FULTON COUNTY 0.97 2.77 5.65 100.32 0.18 1.17 - 0.43 Purington Penn . 6 1.41 2.49 4.56 100.22 0.10 0.37 - 0.22 Canton Penn. 6 0.71 3.30 6.47 99.90 - - 6.45 0.96 Canton Penn. 25 0.55 4.65 8.95 99.77 - - 8.39 1.75 Greenbush Penn. 22 0.41 2.69 11.82 99.83 ■ - - 11.24 1.09 Wiley Penn. 22 0.51 3.95 10.99 99.88 - - 10.46 1.07 Delong Penn. 22 1.47 2.34 3.76 100.15 - - 3.62 1.06 Canton Penn. 25 1.45 3.08 6.23 99.75 - - _ 0.73 Canton Penn. 25 0.96 3.84 9.97 99.94 7.84 3.02 4.42 4.87 St. David Penn. 25 GREENE COUNTY - - 6.66 99.66 - - 6.31 98.62 - - 6.88 98.80 - - 6.17 99.52 0.05 0.55 9.28 99.92 0.59 4.10 6.98 100.05 0.46 2.79 8.99 100.17 0.00 0.19 0.84 Cheltenham Penn. 1 1.19 Cheltenham Penn. 1 1.46 Cheltenham Penn. 1 1.38 Cheltenham Penn. 1 1.82 Cheltenham Penn. 25 0.61 Purington Penn. 19 6.46 7.32 1.23 Purington Penn, 19 30 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO GREENE COUNTY (continued) 248 NE NE 2-10N-12W CI 53.31 1.60 29.79 1.59 - 0.87 0.54 1355A SE NE 30-] ;2N-11W Sh 50.09 - 24.38 10.32 1.17 2.44 0.60 GRUNDY COUNTY 1 NW NE 10-; 33N-8E CI 53.48 - 24.53 7.26 - 1.61 1.32 3 CI 63.48 - 23.30 2.61 - 1.36 0.86 2 Cen. 11-33N-8E CI 62.32 - 25.36 1.96 - 1.00 1.39 207 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 50.48 1.90 31.48 1.01 0.47 0.79 0.34 212 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 49.81 1.89 32.75 1.30 0.63 0.64 0.69 455 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 52.45 1.46 32.01 0.04 0.71 0.81 None 456 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 52.03 1.59 32.91 0.33 0.66 0.90 None 457 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 51.77 2.03 32.30 0.68 0.58 0.94 None 458 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 53.24 2.12 30.93 0.39 0.80 0.83 None 459 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 53.94 1.90 29.91 0.78 0.80 1.17 None 460 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 52.88 1.83 29.47 1.23 0.83 1.22 None 461 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 52.71 2.11 29.09 1.16 0.96 1.15 None 866 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 59.40 1.48 20.74 4.50 - 1.09 0.92 Grund- ite ER2 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 57.28 0.90 19.07 5.63 - 1.64 0.62 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 50.77 - 24.42 4.21 1.69 2.77 0.47 ER1 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 52.79 - 24.99 4.68 1.10 2.70 0.09 CFF 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit CI 63.80 - 22.12 2.44 - 0.16 0.92 W119a 111. Clay Prod. Co. pit Sh. 48.16 1.17 15.83 5.29 - 3.72 7.48 DS94 26-34N-8E Sh 35.26 - 13.61 4.52 - 4.67 17.26 1401 SW 11-33N- -6E Sh 60.52 - 17.39 6.01 3.84 1.56 0.67 1331 A SW SW 12-; 31N-8E Sh 58.94 - 22.03 1.72 3.55 2.29 0.27 1331B sw sw 12-; 31N-8E Sh 55.53 - 17.53 2.45 1.82 2.20 6.75 1331F SW SW 12-31N-8E Sh 54.54 - 21.62 6.26 3.40 2.28 0.31 DS91 SE NW SE ; 30-33N- -6E T 49.58 - 13.25 4.45 - 6.50 9.43 HANCOCK COUNTY L3 3/4 mi. W, . of Niota 76.00 - 9.63 - - 1.58 1.80 1408 SW SW 26-3N-5W Sh 55.10 - 21.25 6.97 2.96 2.03 0.24 HARDIN COUNTY B21 SW SE 26-11S-7E CI 56.96 0.37 23.47 8.84 - 0.82 0.53 578 SE SW 11-] 12S-7E Sh 50.94 0.50 24.85 5.86 1.01 2.78 1.65 NF559 SE SE NW ; 30-1 2S- -8E L 78.63 - 10.94 3.72 - 0.69 0.61 JACKSON COUNTY 430 NE 4-7S-4W CI 57.81 1.09 25.50 2.06 1.13 1.11 0.45 429 NE 4-7S-4W CI 58.35 0.99 25.52 2.31 0.97 1.23 0.47 428 NE 4-7S-41 III CI 59.11 1.00 24.79 2.73 0.69 1.23 0.58 * Key to symbols Sh - shale CI - i ;lay Al - alluvium L - 1 oess St - silt Df - drift l Jnc - i jnde: relay Col - colluvium T - t ill S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 31 Continued Ref erence Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. GREENE COUNTY (continued) 0.14 3.19 9.15 100.20 - - 9.07 1.58 Cheltenham Penn. 16 0.57 4.14 6.56 100.27 - - - 2.08 Purington Penn. 25 GRUNDY ' COUNTY (Alk 0.58) 8.11 - 3.11 - - - Tradewater Penn. 12 (Alk 0.23) 7.02 - 1.14 - - - Tradewater Penn. 12 - - 7.14 - 1.00 - - - Tradewater Penn. 12 0.20 1.86 - 100.46 - - 10.38 1.90 Tradewater Penn. 24 0.19 1.25 10.61 99.76 - - 10.11 1.54 Tradewater Penn. 25 None 1.22 11.34 100.04 - - 11.15 3.32 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.31 1.77 10.32 100.82 - - 10.14 1.68 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.33 2.20 9.65 100.48 - - 9.29 1.62 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.30 2.16 9.74 100.51 - - 9.45 2.81 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.05 2.83 9.06 100.44 - - 8.72 1.72 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.46 2.90 9.31 100.13 - - 8.73 2.80 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.31 3.45 9.32 100.26 - - 8.96 2.09 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.34 3.84 7.60 - - - - - Tradewater Penn. 8 (Alk 4.34) 9.51 100.75 1.76 - - - Tradewater Penn. 17 0.17 5.65 10.05 100.20 - - 8.32 3.11 Tradewater Penn. 17 0.20 5.86 7.14 99.55 - - 6.83 5.56 Tradewater Penn. 17 - - 10.28 99.72 - 0.00 - 1.93 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.09 4.71 13.55 100.28 0.28 6.94 - 0.34 Maquoketa Ord. 25 - - 20.32 - - 17.10 - 0.58 Maquoketa Ord. 6 1.28 2.86 5.46 99.59 - - - 0.35 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 1.11 4.24 5.49 99.64 - - 5.10 1.19 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.93 3.06 9.48 99.75 - - 4.12 2.09 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.06 4.19 5.75 99.41 - - - 0.94 McLeansboro Penn. 25 - - 16.75 99.96 - 12.69 - 0.48 Wisconsin Pleis. 6 HANCOCK COUNTY - - 3.62 - - - - - Pleis. 5 1.07 3.60 6.85 100.07 - - - 1.27 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 HARDIN COUNTY 0.30 1.56 7.92 100.77 - - - - Residual Recent 20 0.10 6.62 6.23 100.54 - - 5.68 2.54 Renault Miss. 22 0.81 1.85 3.21 - - 0.00 - - Wisconsin Pleis. 26 JACKSON COUNTY 0.13 2.22 8.31 99.81 - 0.05 8.01 3.08 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.06 2.37 8.09 100.36 - 0.04 8.05 3.37 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.05 2.62 7.94 100.74 - - 7.86 4.77 Tradewater Penn. 16 32 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- graphic No. Type* of Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO JACKSON COUNTY (continued) 427 NE 4-7S-4W CI 55.44 1.38 23.93 268 Murphysboro Paving Brick Sh 51.45 1.80 26.82 Co. pit 1336A NW SW NW 10-9S-2W 1336B S£ NE NE 18-9S-2W 1411 SE SE SE 35-7N-9E Sh 62.30 20.72 Sh 60.08 18.77 JASPER COUNTY Sh 56 . 56 22.31 3.39 0.46 1.95 2.02 2.07 3.01 1.89 0.65 4.61 1.14 1.34 0.22 2.13 4.53 1.49 0.54 5.72 2.32 2.30 0.48 1095 12-4S-4E H21 West end of Great Western RR tunnel DS71S NF99 SE SW SW 15-29N-3E T2 SE NW 1-13S-4E 575A wi SE 12-13S-4E 575B wg- SE 12-13S-4E 576 SE NW 1-13S-4E NF478D NE SW NE 15-12S-2E NF478E NE SW NE 15-12S-2E NF551S NE NW SE 1-14S-2E NF554S NE NE NE 17-13S-3E NF520 SW SW NE 12-13S-4E T4 NE SW 1-13S-4E NF39 NE SW 27-39N-8E NF42 NE NE 9-40N-8E NF46 SE NW NW 10-40N-8E DS98 NW 10-40N-8E JEFFERSON COUNTY Sh 51.86 1.01 20.70 JO DAVIESS COUNTY Sh 48.41 - 18.31 4.21 2.28 5.46 0.61 6.06 3.13 5.73 Sh 48.93 10.43 3.68 - 6.80 10.85 Sh J OH 29.76 NSON COUNTY 7.95 2.82 - 12.21 17.74 Sh 55.46 16.20 5.28 2.82 3.66 Sh 50.89 0.55 28.26 4.71 0.50 2.12 1.22 Sh 51.23 0.50 27.34 4.27 0.89 2.09 1.35 Sh 53.83 0.35 23.74 2.62 1.62 3.90 1.61 1.87 10.51 2.62 4.98 2.52 16.81 1.61 0.47 1.66 2.47 3.19 16.82 8.8 11.7 7.4 10.7 11.6 16.6 7.62 16.98 Sh 52.60 15.45 4.90 Sh 57.62 16.95 5.09 Sh 46 . 74 10.61 3.49 Sh 58.70 23.28 4.80 Sh 60.42 15.76 10.50 Sh 39.20 12.11 4.25 KANE COUNTY Sh 45.4 10.30 1.80 Sh 43.4 (R 2 3 17.8) Sh 29.4 (R 2 3 13.5) Sh 40.75 12.97 3.56 775 Kankakee Brick 8. Tile Co. pit 1324B Northern Illinois Coal Corp. pit 11 * Key to symbols: Sh Df shale CI - clay KANKAKEE COUNTY T 52.36 0.70 14.70 3.02 Sh 57.80 Al alluvium 4.38 6.38 20.24 4.45 4.44 2.08 0.39 loess St drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - till silt soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 33 Continued Reference Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. JACKSON COUNTY (continued) 0.33 3.21 7.94 100.05 - - 7.69 5.72 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.29 5.15 7.23 100.36 - - 7.31 0.87 Tradewater Penn. 19 0.70 3.15 5.79 99.97 _ _ 5.46 0.77 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.55 3.40 8.49 99.98 - - 4.78 0.86 Tradewater Penn. 25 JASPER COUNTY 1.31 3.33 6.54 100.87 - 1.01 McLeansboro Penn. 25 JEFFERSON COUNTY 0.56 5.94 7.20 99.83 (Alk 5.65) 12.79 16.71 27.15 97.63 0.31 3.93 8.10 100.59 0.44 4.05 8.23 100.39 0.39 5.67 6.65 100.38 0.12 3.04 11.79 - 0.22 3.71 8.42 - 0.46 2.07 17.14 - 0.21 3.83 7.95 - 0.20 2.11 7.28 - (Alk 4.6) (Alk 4.6) (Alk 3.2) 18.7 17.3 25.8 17.87 101.2 100.1 99.75 0.61 5.30 12.12 - 1.24 3.43 5.54 99.61 - 6.45 3.06 Ste. Gen. Miss. 22 JO DAVIESS COUNTY - - 0.79 Maquoketa Ord. 3 _ _ 0.66 Maquoketa Ord. 6 - - 0.24 Maquoketa Ord. 6 JOHNSON COUNTY - - - Menard Miss. 6 - 8.02 4.03 Vienna Miss . 22 - 8.18 2.17 Vienna Miss. 22 - 6.44 2.82 Menard Miss. 22 7.58 - - Kinkaid Miss . 26 3.55 - - Kinkaid Miss. 26 13.92 - - Renault Miss. 26 0.00 - - Tar Springs Miss. 26 1.58 - - Vienna Miss. 26 - - - Menard Miss. 26 KANE COUNTY - - 0.28 Niagaran Sil. 6 - - 0.29 Maquoketa Ord. 18 - - 2.54 Maquoketa Ord. 6 14.81 - 0.79 Niagaran Sil. 6 KANKAKEE COUNTY - - - Wisconsin Pleis. 25 _ _ 0.59 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 34 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Petro- graphic No. Location Type* of Rock Table 1. - Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 Fc 2°3 Fe0 M 9° Ca0 KNOX COUNTY K6 SW 17-11N-2E Sh 63.62 0.96 16.28 3.02 2.90 1.44 0.63 240 Purington Paving Brick Sh 57.21 2.16 18.97 4.66 2.89 2.17 0.92 Co. pit 1347A Purington Brick Co. pit Sh 63.73 - 18.54 5.92 1.33 1.71 0.37 215 SW 35-13N-4E Sh 47.18 1.55 24.95 8.30 2.15 2.26 0.87 LA SALLE COUNTY 13a V5 V4 Vll 206 450 451 452 453 454 211 Wl W5 W8 W28 W29 W13 4 5 204 Elb W7 H17 E6e W27 288 W79 B36 W18 K7 1324A Ng- SW 9-33N-2E Utica NE 20-33N-2E SE 21-33N-3E Chicago Retort & Fire- brick Co. pit NW SW 5-33N-4E NW SW 5-33N-4E NW SW 5-33N-4E NW SW 5-33N-4E NW SW 5-33N-4E NE SW SW 9-32N-2E SW SW SW 11-33N-1E SW SW SW 11-33N-1E SE SE NW 14-33N-1E Marquette Portland Cement Co. Chicago Portland Cement Co. NW SE SE 10-33N-4E NW SE SE 10-33N-4E SE SE NW 9-34N-4E 8-33N-2E 8-33N-2E NE SE 6-33N-4E SE NW 14-33N-1E SE SE NW 14-33N-1E LaSalle Press Brick Co. SE 25-33N-1E NW SE SE 10-33N-4E SE 18-33N-3E SW NE SE 18-33N-3E Cen. NW 32-34N-4E SE NE NW 32-34N-4E SW NE 35-31N-3E H. K. Porter pit Key to symbols: CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI T Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh** Sh Sht Sh Sh Sh 56.00 2.13 55.86 1.06 52.80 0.82 56.28 1.28 49.84 1.45 1.81 2.05 55.21 51.21 51.32 1.34 48.30 2.02 49.02 1.59 56.00 2.13 64.41 1.04 58.65 0.94 49.92 1.00 54.30 - CI? 53.12 57, 58, 40. 11, 27, 54. 49, 56. 59. 53. 56. 55. 55. 58. 61. 59. 57. 42 1.22 56 1.20 36 0.58 89 - 60 - 61 0.90 02(R 2 3 40 0.92 56 - 48(R20 3 11 1.01 54 3.04 64 1.00 27 3.37 11 1.13 86 1.91 44 - 27.72 27.09 29.44 26.68 33.66 30.48 33.00 33.59 34.49 34.94 27.72 17.51 21.00 16.97 19.33 24.73 23.88 11.80 11.61 10.60 26.75 20.14) 18.97 12.64 22.36) 23.51 25.61 23.67 21.27 20.26 17.43 24.81 2.00 3.09 1.70 3.24 1.04 0.18 0.64 0.78 1.06 1.11 2.00 4.47 4.32 8.57 5.57 20.60 4.09 2.29 2.80 3.60 1.35 0.80 1.45 8.86 13.56 5.35 0.53 4.70 1.63 4.64 1.42 1.82 Sh Df P 2°5 P 2°5 - shale - drift 0.47 0.80 CI - clay Al Unc - underclay Col alluvium colluvium loess till 0.35 0.57 0.69 0.47 0.62 0.75 0.68 0.71 0.71 0.52 0.63 0.61 0.67 0.34 0.62 0.35 0.95 1.05 2.61 2.57 0.80 0.22 5.11 - 20.38 - 17.26 2.08 2.16 2.10 2.13 2.75 1.78 - 1.42 1.76 1.09 1.77 1.73 1.23 1.54 5.10 2.32 1.60 1.89 None None None None None 0.57 0.17 1.93 5.80 3.29 2.24 4.02 0.65 0.67 13.69 29.51 33.04 0.48 13.82 2.32 2.22 7.64 1.36 0.51 0.31 0.94 0.93 1.05 0.39 St S silt soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 35 Continued Ref erence Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. KNOX COUNTY 1.50 2.60 5.88 - 0.11 - - 0.96 Purington Penn. 3 0.93 3.27 6.77 99.95 - - 5.98 0.27 Purington Penn. 19 1.39 2.91 4.03 99.93 _ _ _ 0.88 Purington Penn. 25 0.51 4.03 8.28 100.08 - - 7.94 0.46 Canton Penn. 22 LA SALLE COUNTY 0.11 2.13 9.75 100.76 - - 9.46 2.66 Cheltenham Penn. 16 - - 9.18 98.04 - - - 1.76 Cheltenham Penn. 1 - - 8.84 97.97 - - - 2.37 Cheltenham Penn. 1 - - 10.28 99.50 - - - 1.74 Cheltenham Penn. 1 0.11 0.21 12.13 100.22 - - 12.21 1.24 Cheltenham Penn. 7 0.10 0.72 10.71 100.64 - _ 10.07 2.06 Cheltenham Penn. 16 0.08 0.57 11.68 100.65 - - 11.15 3.01 Cheltenham Penn. 16 0.10 0.55 11.72 100.55 - - 11.35 2.05 Cheltenham Penn. 16 0.31 0.55 12.50 100.51 - - 12.33 2.85 Cheltenham Penn. 16 0.07 0.70 12.22 100.61 - - 11.88 1.36 Cheltenham Penn. 16 0.11 2.13 9.75 100.76 - - 9.46 2.66 Cheltenham Penn. 7 0.56 3.35 6.95 100.26 0.85 0.03 - 0.53 Cheltenham Penn. 25 0.63 2.28 9.17 100.28 0.31 1.37 - 1.00 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.53 3.39 11.02 99.81 Trace 3.22 - 1.91 McLeansboro Penn. 25 - - - - - - - - McLeansboro Penn. 2 13.70 McLeansboro Penn. 0.00 0.82 12.52 100.57 0.12 0.19 - 1.85 Cheltenham Penn. 7 0.00 0.89 11.63 100.70 0.85 - - 2.07 Cheltenham Penn. 7 0.54 2.93 21.48 100.09 Trace 16.45 - 2.09 Wisconsin Pleis. 7 - - - - - - - - LaSalle Penn. 2 - - - - - - - - LaSalle Penn. 2 0.83 4.84 6.69 100.79 - - 6.06 0.85 Francis Cr. Penn. 7 - - 15.46 - - - - - LaSalle Penn. 5 0.85 3.21 6.90 100.56 0.00 1.06 - 0.35 LaSalle Penn. 6 (Alk 4.82) 6.02 - - - - 3.70 McLeansboro Penn. 3 - - 14.66 - - - - - McLeansboro Penn. 5 0.41 4.08 6.70 100.19 0.24 1.25 - 0.51 Francis Cr. Penn. 7 0.70 3.64 7.33 100.22 - - - 0.63 Francis Cr. Penn. 7 0.44 4.66 7.10 99.97 0.68 0.07 - 0.69 Francis Cr. Penn. 7 0.93 3.93 5.91 100.01 - - - 0.25 Francis Cr. Penn. 7 0.67 4.26 5.66 100.25 0.05 0.96 - 0.30 Francis Cr. Penn. 7 0.18 2.80 6.35 98.75 0.13 - - 0.20 Car bond ale Penn. 3 0.59 5.15 6.02 99.71 - - 5.32 1.34 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 36 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1. Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO LA SALLE COUNTY (continued) 1403 111. Valley Min. Co. pit Sh 54.42 - 25.74 4.81 1.45 1.68 0.36 1397 111. Valley Min. Co. pit Unc 66.15 - 20.22 3.56 0.34 0.52 0.12 1485 SW NE SW 8-32N-2E CI 64.55 - 20.36 4.23 0.94 0.50 0.29 1486 NW NE SW 8-32N-2E CI 59.38 - 24.48 3.40 0.61 0.91 0.54 1497 NE NW NE 26-33N-2E CI 61.40 - 27.15 1.74 0.52 0.16 0.04 1499A SE NW SE 25-33N-2E CI 61.35 - 26.04 1.81 0.60 0.58 0.34 1506 NW 22-33N-3E CI 57.56 - 29.74 1.64 0.45 0.38 0.25 1527 SE NW SE 26-33N-2E CI 62.34 - 23.00 3.41 0.79 0.75 0.16 1454 SE SW 11-33N-4E Sh 57.81 - 21.98 1.70 4.71 2.05 0.74 LAWRENCE COUNTY 1426 SE SW NW 5-3N-11W Sh LEE 57.23 - COUNTY 20.92 7.61 1.20 1.73 0.43 SW 27-22N-9E L 74.00 - 14.00 4.00 - - - DS71 NW 27-22N-9E T 45.91 - 13.62 4.03 - 6.60 12.06 LIVINGSTON COUNTY 1321A Diller Clay pit T 53.71 - 13.73 2.78 1.86 4.92 6.38 P5 Cen. E. line 25-27N- 4E ? 58.74 - 16.33 6.45 - 0.06 2.12 SE NE 16-28N-5E S 67.00 - 12.38 4.30 - 0.49 1.80 PI SW NE 16-28N-5E T 77.72 - 5.31 4.31 - 0.06 0.84 205 NW NE 18-30N-4E CI 51.96 1.72 30.60 1.32 0.80 1.09 0.97 202 NW NW 7-30N-4E Sh 49.50 1.17 27.60 2.10 3.37 2.66 1.49 K15 NW NE 12-30N-3E Sh 58.03 1.02 17.72 2.91 5.77 1.43 1.42 MACOUPIN COUNTY 1407 NE NW NE 9-9N-7W Sh 58.70 - 21.01 8.39 1.10 1.71 0.61 405 NE NW 2-9N-7W CI 57.01 1.15 22.23 2.74 2.33 3.90 1.13 406 NE NW 2-9N-7W CI 58.36 1.09 21.45 2.99 1.92 3.79 1.08 407 NE NW 2-9N-7W CI 59.51 1.10 21.55 2.14 2.10 3.45 1.29 408 NE NW 2-9N-7W CI 51.72 1.05 18.74 2.25 2.11 3.26 7.20 409 NE NW 2-9N-7W CI 49.39 1.00 20.32 1.90 2.31 3.26 7.92 229 Carlinville Tile Co. pit Sh 47.89 1.60 25.99 8.61 0.90 2.48 0.94 MADISON COUNTY 271 East Alton CI 50.10 1.57 33.76 1.24 0.46 0.52 0.49 393 Alton Brick Co. mine Alton CI 56.92 1.40 26.80 2.51 0.35 0.51 0.17 Alton Brick Co. mine CI 52.00 - 27.46 2.62 - 0.40 1.01 Alton Kl Alton Brick Co. pit, Alton Sh 63.36 1.00 15.43 1.80 4.02 1.58 0.93 * Key to symbols: Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - s: It Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - t: ill S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 37 Continued Re Terence Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total so 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. LA SALLE COUNTY (continued ) 0.55 5.54 6.05 100.60 - - - 1.60 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 0.08 0.94 8.21 100.14 - - - 1.14 Cheltenham Penn. 25 0.13 1.51 7.99 100.50 - 0.00 - 0.97 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.13 2.19 8.94 100.58 - 0.21 - 1.80 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.08 0.76 8.96 100.81 - 0.00 - 1.64 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.07 1.06 8.93 100.78 - 0.00 - 1.94 Liverpool Penn. 25 0.07 0.71 10.04 100.84 - 0.00 - 1.52 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.08 2.05 8.04 100.62 - 0.00 - 1.22 Tradewater Penn. 25 1.08 4.12 6.61 100.80 - 1.25 - 0.90 Canton Penn. 25 LAWRENCE COUNTY 1.11 3.55 7.11 100.89 1.49 McLeansboro Penn. 25 LEE COUNTY - - 4.00 - - - - - Wisconsin Pleis. 4 - - 16.96 99.18 - 13.98 - 0.9 Wisconsin Pleis. 6 LIVINGSTON COUNTY 0.53 3.84 11.68 99.43 - - 3.61 0.90 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 - - 12.43 - - - - - ? ? 10 - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - 6.80 - - - - - Wisconsin Pleis. 5 0.31 1.94 10.00 100.71 - - 9.98 2.10 McLeansboro Penn. 7 0.51 4.57 7.74 100.70 - - 7.66 1.32 Carbondale Penn. 7 1.40 2.66 6.47 - 0.25 - - 0.97 Carbondale Penn. 3 MACOUPIN 1 COUNTY 1.11 3.01 5.23 100.87 - - - 1.14 Trivol i Penn. 25 0.70 2.66 7.00 100.22 - - 0.92 6.11 Macoupin Penn. 16 0.29 2.34 6.71 100.02 - 0.08 6.55 4.24 Macoupin Penn. 16 0.18 2.65 6.43 100.40 - 2.23 6.18 4.81 Macoupin Penn. lb 0.32 2.52 10.60 99.77 - 5.07 5.67 3.40 Macoupin Penn. 16 0.37 2.53 11.19 100.19 - 6.43 5.81 3.63 Macoupin Penn. 16 0.41 3.81 7.76 100.39 - - 7.75 1.98 Macoupin Penn. 19 MADISON COUNTY 0.32 0.45 11.05 99.96 - - 11.13 3.34 Tradewater Penn. 16 0.50 0.48 10.41 100.05 - - - 2.06 Tradewater Penn . 25 0.31 0.60 12.35 100.77 4.02 - - - Tradewater Penn. 25 0.56 3.28 6.99 _ 0.27 _ _ 0.48 Purington Penn. 3 38 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Petro- graphic No. Location Type* of Rock SiO- TiO A1 2°3 Fe 2 3 Table 1, FeO MgO CaO MADISON COUNTY (continued' 1344A Alton Brick Co. Alton 270 Alton Brick Co. Edwardsvil le K5 Banner Clay Co., Edwardsvil le pit, pit, Sh 54.50 20.61 4.39 5.1 2.05 0.37 Sh 51.57 1.54 23.79 2.88 5.07 2.80 0.66 Sh 63.43 1.07 16.89 1.52 4.24 2.11 1.00 K2 Glen Carbon Sh 63.35 - 16.27 7.56 - 1.33 1.01 Alton Brick Co. , Alton Sh 53.66 - 20.95 1.95 - 2.72 0.40 P7 SW NE SE 20-3N- 8W L 62.58 0.59 8.28 1.10 0.47 4.86 7.64 P8 SW NE SE 20-3N- 8W L 70.87 0.63 9.68 2.26 0.51 2.57 4.31 Pll SW NE SE 20-3N- 8W L 64.99 0.60 9.06 2.09 0.58 4.05 6.89 MARION COUNTY HI SW SE 14-1N-4E L 81.10 0.79 7.23 0.39 1.40 0.59 0.60 H2 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 82.65 0.81 7.95 1.72 0.43 0.49 0.41 H3 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 78.01 0.84 10.53 2.99 0.41 0.78 0.38 H4 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 71.00 0.86 13.99 4.91 0.36 1.12 0.69 H5 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 75.15 0.82 11.92 3.99 0.30 0.83 0.75 H6 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 78.92 0.89 9.79 3.58 0.18 0.62 0.64 H7 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 76.89 0.85 10.91 3.47 0.26 0.76 0.69 H8 SW SE 14-1N-4E L 77.94 0.91 10.61 3.51 0.17 0.68 0.65 H9 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 78.26 0.68 10.19 4.02 0.15 0.67 0.52 H10 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 74.85 0.77 11.95 4.62 0.14 0.83 0.62 Hll SW SE 14-1N-4E T 68.61 0.67 15.47 5.72 0.19 1.05 0.78 HI 2 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 71.79 0.64 13.63 4.94 0.23 1.01 0.81 HI 3 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 73.79 0.70 12.04 4.89 0.23 1.02 0.78 HI 4 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 71.29 0.66 13.48 5.45 0.15 1.13 0.77 HI 5 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 71.78 0.68 13.40 5.02 0.28 1.11 0.74 HI 6 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 69.87 0.62 12.85 4.88 0.36 1.48 1.76 H17 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 63.55 0.62 11.32 4.39 0.54 2.38 5.22 HI 8 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 62.69 0.64 11.48 3.38 0.58 2.72 5.88 HI 9 SW SE 14-1N-4E T 62.30 0.60 11.44 3.11 0.71 2.73 6.19 MARSHALL COUNTY W30 NW SE SW 23-1 2N -9E CI 58.97 1.22 20.48 3.73 - 2.29 0.16 225 SW 23- ■12N-9E Cl**54.88 3.08 26.38 0.81 0.90 0.85 0.27 401 si 9-] ^1N-9E CI 56.40 1.18 22.84 2.02 1.63 1.72 0.94 402 4 9-11 N-9E CI 58.16 1.06 22.85 1.92 1.53 1.95 1.20 403 si 9-11N-9E CI 49.67 0.90 18.59 1.74 2.69 2.85 7.04 404 sfr 9-11N-9E CI 41.73 0.88 15.10 1.11 2.30 2.2115.23 W43 SE NW NE 27-1 2N -9E Sh 46.49 0.85 21.84 10.86 - 6.35 2.00 1400 SE NW 23-12N-9E Sh 51.57 - 22.76 11.05 1.56 1.77 0.33 1453 NW SE SW 23-1 2N x>ls : -9E Sh 52.04 20.62 2.64 6.91 2.50 1.41 * Key to J ;ymJ Sh — c ;ha! Le CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - si! It Df - c Irii :t Unc - undercl. ay Col - coll uvium T - till - soil ** p 2°5 0.54 ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 39 Continued Na 2 K 2 Ign, Total SO. CO, H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age Reference No. 0.88 2.90 8.40 99.98 MADISON COUNTY (continued) 0.32 Purington Penn. 25 0.74 3.83 6.96 99.84 - - 6.94 0.66 Trivoli Penn. 22 0.20 2.03 5.97 - 0.11 - - 0.46 Trivoli Penn. 3 (Alk 3.80) 4.75 _ _ - - 0.31 Trivoli Penn. 3 0.62 3.87 7.17 99.01 0.25 - - 1.42 Summum Penn. 25 1.35 1.79 11.34 100.00 0.09 9.95 1.38 0.62 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.81 2.21 5.38 100.23 0.09 4.03 1.29 0.67 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.66 2.01 8.70 100.63 0.11 7.47 1.33 0.67 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 MARION COUNTY 0.93 1.82 5.11 99.96 0.08 - 3.20 0.64 Peorian Pleis. 25 0.93 1.95 2.84 100.18 0.08 - 2.62 0.40 Peorian Pleis. 25 0.97 2.03 3.34 100.28 0.05 - 3.37 1.01 Peorian Pleis. 25 1 . 21 1.99 4.43 100.56 0.03 - 4.68 3.73 Peorian Pleis. 25 1.23 1.95 3.46 100.40 0.03 - 3.71 2.67 Peorian Pleis. 25 1.10 1.61 3.03 100.36 0.03 - 3.52 1.86 Peorian Pleis. 25 1.19 1.78 3.38 100.18 0.08 - 3.79 2.25 Farmdale Pleis. 25 1.05 1.59 3.42 100.53 0.05 - 3.57 1.99 Farmdale Pleis. 25 0.76 1.37 3.55 100.17 0.12 - 4.07 1.95 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.78 1.41 4.39 100.36 0.05 - 4.75 2.45 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.65 1.48 5.78 100.48 0.03 - 6.08 3.39 Illinoian Pleis. 25 0.87 1.52 4.98 100.42 0.03 - 5.04 2.67 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.10 1.86 4.00 100.41 0.02 - 3.89 1.66 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.12 2.06 4.63 100.74 0.03 - 4.28 2.32 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.12 2.17 4.36 100.66 0.02 - 4.19 1.97 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.19 2.32 5.19 100.52 0.02 - 3.67 1.26 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.22 2.13 8.87 100.24 0.03 - 3.48 0.99 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.24 2.14 9.63 100.38 0.02 - 3.39 0.84 Illinoian Pleis. 25 1.20 2.14 9.86 100.28 0.02 - 3.44 0.72 Illinoian Pleis. 25 MARSHALL COUNTY 0.14 2.96 9.11 100.60 1.54 0.09 - 0.63 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.11 2.94 9.19 99.95 - - - 0.48 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.26 4.42 8.53 99.94 - - 7.06 3.20 Brereton Penn. 16 0.31 4.86 6.33 100.17 - 0.05 5.40 6.12 Brereton Penn. 16 0.34 3.80 12.37 99.99 - 6.62 4.31 4.27 Brereton Penn. 16 0.30 3.21 17.81 99.98 - 12.52 4.58 2.21 Brereton Penn. 16 - - 11.60 99.99 - 0.37 - 0.92 McLeansboro Penn. 6 1.01 3.36 6.48 99.89 - - - 1.17 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.99 3.17 10.02 100.30 - 2.58 - 1.73 McLeansboro Penn. 25 40 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type : ¥ graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO MASSAC COUNTY D50 12-16S-6E CI 63.32 0.48 19.25 4.09 - - - D28 SW 1-15S-4E CI 66.04 1.60 22.00 1.60 - - - D30 SW 8-15S-4E CI 60.50 1.40 22.52 3.84 - - - D31 SW 8-15S-4E CI 69.46 1.64 18.82 1.32 - - - D29 Uk SW 8-15S-4E CI 71.58 1.40 18.31 1.51 - - - D3": SE 33-14S-5E CI 64.88 1.26 21.54 1.86 - - - NF469 NE NW SW 27-15S-4E Al 83.76 - 9.53 1.92 - 0.35 0.47 NF552S NE NW NW 3-14S-3E Sh 33.99 - 10.30 3.72 - 2.09 24.60 Mcdonough county 252 Colchester Brick . S. Tile Cl 51.43 1.56 29.02 1.88 2.66 1.52 0.62 Co. pit 232 SE 7-5N-3W Clt 4C.33 2.19 33.27 0.62 0.53 0.22 0.61 H44 Dr. Russell Farm, Macomb Cl 78.46 1.02 13.97 1.29 - - - H45 Dr. Russell Farm, Macomb Cl 83.34 0.80 8.42 0.80 - - - H46 Dr. Russell Farm, Macomb Cl 77.88 0.93 14.42 1.05 - - - 1325A Colchester Brick S. Tile Sh 62.88 - 19.40 3.19 2.64 1.78 0.26 Co. pit 1325B Colchester Brick 8. Tile Co. pit Sh 55.30 MENARD COUNTY 1330A Springfield Clay Products Sh 54.21 pit P91 NW NW NE 23-18N-7W L 54.86 0.57 MERCER COUNTY 213 Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Sh 47.59 0.62 pit, Shale City 1348A Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Sh 55.02 pit, Shale City MONROE COUNTY S22 NE NW 10-3S-11W Sh 56.40 580 NE NE 10-3S-11W Sh 51.46 0.49 MONTGOMERY COUNTY 1412 NW SW 30-8N-2W Sh 57.55 L8 2-8N-5W Sh 71.65 OGLE COUNTY NF125 SE NW 6-23N-10E Sh 34.37 P4 Polo, 111. Df 75.81 0.81 P2 Polo, 111. Df 75.76 0.69 * Key ' to symbols: Sh - shale Cl - clay Al - alluvium Df - drift Unc - underc lay Col - colluvium t p 2 o 5 - 0.44 22.90 1.72 5.36 2.02 0.67 21.29 2.74 6.12 2.37 0.73 7.64 2.18 0.47 5.90 11.08 30.04 4.53 1.66 2.08 0.84 21.93 5.25 3.98 1.81 0.39 7.09 4.46 - 2.38 15.18 22.75 6.87 1.16 2.86 0.69 21.99 3.75 3.01 1.94 0.52 12.69 6.32 - 1.60 1.51 8.56 2.30 - 11.53 18.24 12.09 3.25 0.25 0.83 0.63 12.06 2.51 0.35 0.84 0.58 L - loess St - silt T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 41 Continued Re ference Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S °3 C0 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. MASSAC COUNTY - - 6.02 98.71 - - 3.55 McNairy Cre. - • - 6.81 99.69 - - 1.64 McNairy Cre. - - 7.52 99.32 - - 3.44 McNairy Cre. - - 5.31 97.68 - - 1.13 McNairy Cre. - - 5.27 99.48 - - 1.41 McNairy Cre. - - 6.83 98.95 - - 2.58 McNairy Cre. 0.46 0.65 2.62 - - 0.05 - - Recent 26 0.10 2.87 22.92 - - 19.53 - Renault Miss. 26 Mcdonough county 0.42 3.40 8.18 100.69 - 7.77 1.04 Tradewat er Penn. 25 0.53 1.27 11.95 99.96 _ _ _ 0.85 Tradewat er Penn. 16 - - 4.31 99.38 - - 0.33 Tradewat er Penn. 1 - - 3.03 96.88 - - 0.49 Tradewat er Penn. 1 - - 4.32 99.41 - - 0.81 Tradewat er Penn. 1 1.35 2.82 5.45 99.77 - 4.91 1.04 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 0.76 3.27 8.50 100.50 2.14 _ 1.12 Francis Cr. Penn. 25 1.01 3.23 8.02 99.72 1.41 1.64 14.56 100.31 0.56 3.19 8.81 99.92 0.70 3.42 7.16 99.66 MENARD COUNTY 5.44 1.24 Trivoli Penn. 0.11 13.34 1.21 0.56 Pro-Illinoian Pleis. MERCER COUNTY 8.34 1.13 Greenbush Penn. 0.68 Greenbush Penn. 25 25 19 25 MONROE COUNTY - - 14.36 - 0.00 - Maquoketa Ord. 6 0.45 6.79 6.97 100.49 6.75 2.21 MONTGOMERY COUNTY Maquoketa Ord. 22 0.91 3.37 7.31 100.35 0.90 McLeansboro Penn. 25 5.10 OGLE COUNTY McLeansboro Penn. 5 - - 24.92 99.92 0.65 Shakopee Ord. 6 0.92 2.41 3.55 100.55 0.03 - 3.36 3.21 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.00 2.21 4.41 100.41 0.05 - 4.13 2.42 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 42 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO OGLE COUNTY (continued) P7 Pol .0, 111. Df 75.38 0.78 12.29 2.95 0.30 0.94 0.61 PI 4 Pol o, 111. Df 76.41 0.77 11.63 1.98 0.65 0.95 0.91 P21 Pol o, 111. Df 54.67 0.60 8.46 1.70 0.67 6.59 9.49 PEORIA COUNTY 1402 SE NW 13-11N-6E Sh 53.46 22.90 7.96 1.51 2.38 0.50 ■;V143C SW NE NE 8-1 1N- •9E CI 65.67 1.08 19.46 1.44 - 0.25 3.11 W195e sw NE NE 8-1 1N- ■9E CI 59.66 1.08 22.35 3.55 - 0.99 1.44 R216 NW SE NE 26-8N- ■9E L 61.70 0.12 9.16 3.10 - 4.46 6.96 PERRY COUNTY 272 Duquoin strip mine NE Sh 57.08 2.15 21.93 2.10 3.78 2.61 0.66 1323A NE SW NE 5-4S-4W Sh 61.41 19.05 3.92 2.96 1.87 0.58 130 9 A SW NW 5-6S-1W Sh 62.23 15.48 4.35 2.23 1.54 0.60 1309B SW NW 5-6S-1W Sh 55.54 19.74 5.06 4.97 2.44 0.72 1309C SW NW 5-6S-1W Sh 55.02 21.42 1.96 5.68 2.48 0.52 PIKE COUNTY R119 SE SE SW 13-7S- •3W CI 58.63 1.51 18.21 9.07 - 0.89 0.76 R120 SE SE SW 13-7S- ■3W CI 48.42 1.58 18.92 18.95 - 1.03 0.67 Lai NW NW 25-7S-4W CI 49.55 1.91 26.95 6.99 - 0.90 0.56 La2 NW NW 25-7S-4W CI 54.90 1.73 26.24 3.87 - 0.94 0.41 DS51 SE NW 24-4S-7W Sh 50.97 0.57 23.97 4.24 1.70 1.20 4.23 DS45 SW SW 36-6S-5W Sh 51.28 0.53 22.91 4.04 1.69 4.29 1.71 996N NW SW NW 10-4S- ■5W CI** 53.11 1.98 32.39 0.36 0.09 0.30 0.13 NF264 NF510 D34 D35 D56 Bu21 Bu22 Bu23 577A SE SW NE 24-13S-6E Cen. Ei 13-12S-5E 27-14S-5E 27-14S-5E Raum 26-13S-6E 26-13S-6E 26-13S-6E Cen. Si 19-12S-5E POPE COUNTY L 75.50 - 12.16 4.38 Sh 65.26 0.86 18.21 4.97 CI 63.20 1.04 22.60 2.50 CI 61.20 1.36 24.11 1.89 CI 58.06 0.14 26.57 1.23 Sh 60.75 - 20.49 7.30 Sh 59.97 - 21.00 7.15 Sh 59.90 - 20.27 6.80 0.93 0.74 1.73 0.52 1.58 0.60 1.66 1.14 Sh 51.92 0.58 23.63 2.49 2.39 3.96 2.19 NF571A SW SE SE 26-14S-2E NF571B SW SE SE 26-14S-2E NF571C SW SE SE 26-14S-2E PULASKI COUNTY Al Al Al 52.39 67.07 58.95 14.87 5.16 17.12 5.19 16.86 5.44 3.92 8.02 0.31 0.97 2.75 4.43 * Key to symbols : Sh - shale CI Df - drift Unc ** p 2 o 5 - trace clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - silt underclay Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 43 Continued Ref erence Na„0 K 2 Ign. Total so 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. OGLE COUNTY (cont: Lnued) 0.99 2.61 3.42 100.27 0.02 3.31 2.96 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.38 3.01 2.54 100.23 0.03 2.40 1.53 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 1.37 2.13 14.76 100.44 0.03 1.64 0.73 Wisconsin Pleis. 25 PEORIA COUNTY 0.67 4.34 6.33 100.05 - - 3.29 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.15 1.82 7.76 100.75 0.01 1.21 - 0.29 McLeansboro Penn. 25 0.11 2.06 9.05 100.47 0.18 2.52 - 0.30 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.13 2.18 11.46 100.33 0.04 8.62 - 0.80 Peorian Pleis. 6 PERRY COUNTY 0.76 2.72 6.21 100.00 - 5.71 1.19 Carbondale Penn. 22 1.34 2.88 5.74 99.75 - 5.04 0.97 Carbondale Penn. 25 1.40 2.24 9.04 99.11 - 5.43 1.60 Carbondale Penn. 25 1.16 2.97 6.80 99.40 - 5.28 0.40 Carbondale Penn. 25 1.28 3.47 7.35 99.18 - 5.74 0.77 Carbondale Penn. 25 PIKE COUNTY 0.31 1.91 8.79 100.08 0.00 0.17 - 1.66 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.07 2.25 8.85 100.74 0.00 0.02 - 2.19 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.14 2.22 10.85 100.07 0.00 0.07 - 1.26 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.00 1.58 10.90 100.57 t 0.16 - 1.73 Tradewater Penn. 25 0.08 6.92 6.44 100.32 - 6.24 2.26 Hannibal Miss. 22 0.27 6.85 7.08 100.65 - 6.81 2.22 Hannibal Miss. 25 0.28 0.29 11.49 100.42 0.00 - 0.84 Tradewater Penn. 25 POPE COUNTY 1.12 2.10 3.20 - 0.09 - - Wisconsin Pleis. 26 0.13 3.32 5.58 - 0.05 0.00 - - - Penn. 26 - - 7.04 99.74 - - 3.36 McNairy Cre. 1 - - 7.20 99.64 - - 3.88 McNairy Cre. 1 - - 9.84 100.46 - - 4.62 ? - 1 - - 6.05 - - - - Chester? Miss. 3 - - 5.54 - - - - Chester? Miss. 3 - - 6.70 - - - - Chester? Miss. 3 0.19 4.57 7.99 99.91 - 7.06 4.74 Kinkaid Miss. 22 PULASKI COUNTY 0.43 2.99 12.23 - 8.43 - - - Recent 26 0.62 2.61 5.41 - 0.12 - - - Recent 26 0.52 2.95 8.67 - 4.17 - - - Recent 26 44 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1. Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO 1 3 ULASKI COUNTY ( contin ued) NF496 SW SW SW 7-16S-1W L 69.25 - 10.16 3.06 - 2.67 4.32 FE101 Olmsted Standard Oil pit CI** 59.97 0.48 16.44 4.45 0.17 2.09 0.50 FE103 Olmsted Standard Oil pit Clt 61.32 0.37 15.88 4.51 0.17 2.31 0.56 FE108 Olmsted Standard Oil pit Cltt 64.24 t 14.60 4.59 0.15 1.95 1.26 FE113 NE SE 27-15S-1E Cl a 59.16 0.49 16.67 3.79 0.21 1.56 1.00 FE116 NE SE 27-15S-1E Cl b 61.06 0.21 15.99 4.50 0.12 2.00 0.86 FE117 NE SE 27-15S-1E Cl c 65.22 0.24 13.86 2.82 2.06 1.76 0.89 FE122 NE SE 27-15S-1E Cl d 61.67 0.46 15.85 3.40 0.77 2.07 0.58 La3 SW NW NW 26-15S-1E CI 69.07 0.84 11.87 4.36 - 1.79 0.85 B4 Cen. S. line SW SW 27- CI 59.60 0.72 26.48 2.39 - 0.77 0.44 14S-2E D45 15-15S-1W CI 62.76 0.97 22.36 3.07 - - - D36 18-15S-2E CI 68.26 1.14 20.87 2.03 - - - D33 1-15S-2E CI 67.54 0.78 21.54 1.70 - - - D44 31-15S-1W Sh 69.92 0.98 20.19 1.21 - - - D46 15-15S-1W CI 57.14 1.08 25.52 2.82 - - - RANDOLPH COUNTY 1418 NW NE 32-7S-6W Sh 60.24 - 20.14 3.63 2.25 2.87 0.83 1338 A NW SW SE 5-7S-5W Sh 59.69 - 23.29 4.87 0.63 1.02 0.34 1338B NE NW SW 6-7S-5W Sh 64.17 - 20.76 3.08 1.09 1.20 0.39 1308A NE NW 36-4S-5W Sh 56.86 - 21.75 1.85 4.27 1.94 0.61 1308B NE NW 36-4S-5W Sh 57.43 - 22.68 3.63 2.82 1.51 0.40 1308C NE NW 36-4S-5W Sh 66.19 - 18.79 1.14 2.64 1.47 0.70 1308D NE NW 36-4S-5W Sh 60.09 - 23.07 0.81 1.83 1.37 0.20 1308E NE NW 36-4S-5W Sh 54.69 - 19.19 3.49 5.67 2.16 1.59 1308F NE NW 36-4S-5W Sh 61.99 - 18.23 1.48 5.19 1.69 0.47 Wa NW 15-7S-7W Sh 57.55 - 23.51 6.05 - 3.39 2.13 Wb NW 15-7S-7W Sh 63.22 - 16.98 5.69 - 3.16 2.30 S3 NW NE 23-7S-7W Sh 55.32 - 17.84 8.24 - 3.61 3.76 SI 4 NE NW 15-7S-7W Sh 63.44 - 18.30 6.39 - 2.29 1.52 S4 NW NE 23-7S-7W Df 72.13 - 12.02 4.05 - 1.22 1.85 L9 20-5S-9W Df 75.93 - 11.96 3.48 - 2.04 2.01 RICHLAND COUNTY 1413 NE NE NE 14-2N-10E Sh 64.99 - 19.67 3.49 1.26 1.84 0.39 * Key to symbols: Sh - shale CI - clay Al - all uvium L - loess St - silt Df - drift line - underclay Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ** P 9 5 0.35 + 4 5 0.47 tt p 2 0* 0.28 a - P0O5 0.28 b - P 2 5 0.36 c - P 2 5 0.53 d - P 2 5 0.39 Continued ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 45 Reference 14.15 6.72 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 13.84 5.43 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 11.73 5.48 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 15.25 6.78 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 13.36 5.88 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 11.32 5.67 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 Na.O K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 C0 2 H o 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. PULASKI COUNTY (continued) 1.33 2.12 6.98 - - 4.94 - Pleis. 26 0.16 1.21 14.15 99.97 0.17 0.95 13.84 100.55 0.20 1.22 11.73 100.22 t 1.50 15.23 99.91 0.07 1.43 13.36 99.96 0.30 1.03 11.32 100.03 0.06 1.40 13.12 99.97 - - 13.12 4.88 Porters Cr. Paleocene 13 0.00 1.40 10.21 100.39 0.00 0.03 - 4.52 Porters Cr. Paleocene 6 0.37 1.67 8.03 100.47 - - McNairy Ore. 20 6.12 98.27 5.56 99.76 6.29 100.33 6.35 99.76 8.12 98.16 - 0.22 4.26 4.90 99.34 0.25 3.98 5.98 100.05 0.23 3.04 6.02 99.98 0.95 3.03 8.04 99.30 1.13 3.41 6.84 99.85 1.25 3.02 4.62 99.82 0.89 2.71 8.65 99.62 0.62 2.46 9.52 99.39 0.88 2.39 6.98 99.30 5.83 - 7.50 - 8.81 - 1.88 5.94 - 0.65 6.05 - 0.19 3.20 - RICHLAND COUNTY 1.18 3.14 4.43 100.39 - 0.77 McLeansboro Penn. 25 - 2.99 Wilcox Eocene - 1.90 McNairy Cre. - 2.48 McNairy Cre. - 1.11 - Dev. - 3.48 - Cre. 1 COUNTY - 3.74 Chester Miss. 25 5.81 1.05 Tradewater Penn. 25 5.68 1.12 Tradewater Penn. 25 6.36 0.85 McLeansboro Penn. 25 5.95 0.91 McLeansboro Penn . 25 4.51 0.37 McLeansboro Penn. 25 6.81 2.16 McLeansboro Penn. 25 5.09 0.67 McLeansboro Penn. 25 4.87 0.37 McLeansboro Penn. 25 - - Chester Miss. 5 - - Chester Miss. 5 - - Chester Miss. 6 - - Chester Miss. 6 - - - Pleis. 6 - - - Pleis. 6 46 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type * graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2°3 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY 1354A SW SW SE 6-17N-5W Sh 61.07 - 17.67 5.33 H9 NE SE 5-18N-1E CI 91.18 0.80 6.05 0.55 H10 NE SE 5-18N-1E CI 76.10 1.31 15.31 1.10 L2 Milan Al 77.31 - 9.20 5.11 H8 NE SE 5-18N-1E CI 61.46 1.60 24.05 2.19 H23 NE SE 5-18N-1E CI 55.37 - 21.40 6.72 FeO MgO CaO 1.35 1.26 0.61 1.86 2.31 0.65 1.76 1334A Hydraulic Press Brick Co. pit 1333A Hill Brick Co. pit 1329B Cen. SW SW 21-1S-7W 1329A SW NW NW 21-2S-8W ST. CLAIR COUNTY Sh 65.01 Sh 66.31 Sh 55.77 Sh 56.36 17.07 2.15 3.38 1.89 0.70 16.86 22.98 19.97 0.92 3.53 5.46 4.18 3.19 4.38 1.89 0.53 2.74 0.78 2.23 0.44 579B SE SW 32-10S-7E 1327A Harrisburg B & T Co. SALINE COUNTY Sh 51.44 Sh 48.38 0.55 28.47 20.84 1.23 5.40 1.43 7.35 1.59 2.08 1.35 0.81 K4 SW SW 1-15N-5W 1332A Poston Brick Co. pit 1330B Springfield Clay Products pit 243 Poston Brick Co. pit SANGAMON COUNTY 0.84 Sh Sh Sh 60.31 59.64 55.78 17.74 19.77 20.28 5.04 1.31 4.72 ,96 ,09 .32 1.96 1.95 2.03 0.41 0.56 0.50 Sh 46.68 1.35 27.74 7.37 1.18 2.35 0.86 SCHUYLER COUNTY L7a SW 8-1N-1E R210 NW SW SW 8-1N-1E 256 SE SW SW 8-1N-1E L7b SW 8-1N-1E 978NNN 31-2N-1E 978UUU 31-2N-1E 1410 SE SW SW 27-2N-2W 284 NE 21-13N-12W R129 SE SE SW 23-15N-13W Sh CI CI Sh Sh Sh Sh 73.78 66.30 59.85 73.66 48.12 43.12 57.44 1.18 1.62 1.37 1.53 SCOTT COUNTY CI CI 53.32 59.15 1.56 2.07 16.20 18.77 25.04 16.37 26.73 23.09 21.73 31.09 23.33 1.76 4.30 2.01 2.06 1.50 9.80 7.13 4.22 0.77 2.37 2.09 0.44 0.51 2.10 2.68 1.69 2.06 0.63 0.36 0.49 0.63 0.58 0.80 0.28 1.57 0.00 0.69 0.83 1.92 - 0.65 0.76 1422 NW cor. 24-11N-3E SHELBY COUNTY Sh 62.40 20.35 5.49 0.91 1.68 0.56 * Key to symbols: Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - silt Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 47 Continued Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total 0.19 3.98 9.08 100.54 - 1.68 100.42 - 4.63 99.05 - 3.30 - - 6.66 97.77 (Alk 2.42) 8.75 - SO, CO. H 2 + H 2 0- Unit Reference Age No. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY 2.29 0.16 0.60 1.81 3.39 Tradewater Tradewater Tradewater Tradewater Tradewater Penn. Penn. Penn. Recent Penn. Penn. 25 1 1 5 1 3 1.33 2.59 5.69 99,81 1.49 2.34 5.39 99.91 1.22 3.70 5.96 99.87 1.21 2.82 6.47 99.34 0.38 5.30 8.41 100.15 0.70 3.32 10.48 99.36 1.07 2.88 6.71 1.17 2.79 7.26 99.54 1.17 2.81 7.30 99.91 0.20 3.75 8.45 99.93 0.09 0.24 0.73 0.73 1.82 2.84 5.33 5.31 4.63 7.41 7.90 4.85 8.69 12.71 100.67 100.50 99.95 99.55 ST. CLAIR COUNTY 0.64 McLeansboro 4.31 0.30 McLeansboro 5.84 1.43 McLeansboro 5.52 0.58 McLeansboro SALINE COUNTY 8.14 1.96 Clore 0.59 Carbondale SANGAMON COUNTY 0.14 5.40 0.81 0.76 0.46 McLeansboro McLeansboro McLeansboro 8.52 1.89 McLeansboro SCHUYLER COUNTY tr 1.20 7.82 7.64 8.00 0.29 1.30 1.41 2.07 1.28 3.33 5.38 101.00 Francis Cr. Tradewater Tradewater Tradewater Liverpool Tradewater 0.79 Carbondale Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Miss. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. 25 25 25 25 22 25 3 25 25 19 5 25 22 5 22 22 25 0.26 0.39 0.59 1.24 10.36 10.80 100.27 100.31 SCOTT COUNTY 10.19 tr 0.02 4.30 1.76 Tradewater Tradewater Penn. Penn. 16 25 0.64 2.59 5.16 99.78 SHELBY COUNTY 5.08 1.58 McLeansboro Penn. 25 48 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type* graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO STARK COUNTY 1398 NE NW 25-13N-6E Sh 56.95 - 22.25 5.49 1.97 1.60 0.35 STEPHENSON COUNTY DS76 SE 1-26N-6E Sh 44.97 - 16.23 5.46 - 5.38 9.74 TAZEWELL COUNTY R220 NW NW NE 5-25N-4W Sh 60.76 1.86 17.54 6.73 - 2.23 0.58 224 NW NW NE 5-25N-4W Sh 49.27 1.69 27.87 2.32 3.22 2.49 0.69 HI 6 NE 6-25N-4W Sh 60.93 - 17.93 8.12 - 0.91 1.33 1322B Pec 3ria Brick & Tile Co. Sh 59.80 - 19.13 4.81 4.13 2.01 0.39 pit UNION COUNTY D10 SE SW 35-11S-2W CI 43.90 2.40 40.79 1.76 - - - Dll SE SW 35-11S-2W CI 48.30 3.20 31.14 1.02 - - - D12 SE SW 35-11S-2W CI 56.55 2.75 29.97 1.23 - - - D13 SE SW 35-11S-2W CI 47.95 3.01 37.86 1.23 - - - D14 SE SW 35-11S-2W CI 52.65 2.92 33.98 0.97 - - - 502 SE NW 2-12S-2W CI 52.40 1.21 31.91 1.21 0.00 0.45 1.24 503 NW SW 35-11S-2W CI 44.59 2.17 36.83 1.14 0.00 0.39 1.02 504 NE SW 35-11S-2W CI 53.62 1.23 29.84 1.75 0.10 0.66 1.23 506 NE SW 35-11S-2W CI 50.51 1.40 31.76 2.01 0.14 0.70 1.40 501 NW NE 3-12S-2W CI 43.24 2.50 37.44 1.94 0.00 0.10 0.94 B15 Kaolin CI 48.52 1.21 30.94 1.60 0.40 0.85 1.03 L500 NW NW SE 34-1 3S- -2W Sh 65.88 - 23.86 0.65 - 0.53 0.73 546 NW SE 14-12S-2W Sh 64.22 0.29 15.03 3.06 1.38 2.42 3.06 547 NW SE 14-12S-2W Sh 46.12 6.45 18.51 3.11 3.15 3.07 1.04 1425 NW SE 14-12S-2W Sh 55.71 - 18.98 2.45 2.67 1.93 0.11 1335A NW SE NE 11-13S- ■2W Sh 74.93 - 12.75 4.38 0.19 1.32 0.17 LI 6 NE SW 9-12S-1W Sh 46.54 - 17.85 0.43 - - - Lll 6-12S-1W Sh 64.78 - 18.17 6.74 - 1.69 1.43 W266 NE SE 1-13S-2W Sh 71.24 (R 2°3 13.74) - - 1.50 5.32 L10 NW NE 20-12S-1W L 73.10 13.45 5.33 - 2.18 2.12 NF569 SW SE SW 32-1 2S- ■2W Al 79.23 - 10.63 2.74 - 0.59 0.78 NF515S si NE SE 25-1 1S- ■2W Sh 28.94 - 6.67 1.55 - 1.28 32.87 NF535S NE NW SE 2-13S-1E Sh 27.83 - 9.83 2.95 - 1.49 30.10 NF517 SE NE NE 34-1 1S- ■2W Sh 62.71 0.74 13.16 4.44 - 1.39 0.18 1 NW NE 23-12S-2W Sh 56.88 0.75 13.88 5.72 - 1.83 0.70 NF514A1 NE NE 23-1 2S- ■2W Sh 81.47 - 10.00 2.78 - 1.05 0.19 NF514A2 NE NE 23-1 2S- ■2W Sh 74.71 - 11.97 3.36 - 1.46 1.34 NF541 SE SW NE 26-1 3S- ■2W Sh 73.38 0.59 12.93 2.64 1.16 1.78 0.40 AK NE SW NW 35-1 1 S- •2W CI 51.10 0.95 34.01 1.41 - 0.37 0.15 10 SW 11-12S-2W Sh 53.7 - 16.3 5.7 - 1.6 0.8 11 SW 11-12S-2W Sh 56.4 - 15.2 5.6 - 1.1 0.2 LM14 NW NW NE 26-1 3S- ■2W Sh 78.63 0.60 11.36 2.33 - 0.79 0.10 NF413 SE SW NE 26-1 3S- •2W Sh 77.88 0.66 12.85 1.61 0.97 0.33 * Key to symbols : Sh - shale CI - clay Al - all uvium L - loess St - silt Df - drift Unc - undercla y Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 49 Continued Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total SO, CO, H„0+ H 2 0- Unit Reference Age No. 0.25 3.96 6.75 99.57 STARK COUNTY 1.40 Biereton? Penn. 25 18.00 99.78 1.18 3.40 5.51 0.58 4.37 7.84 (Alk 5.01) 5.73 1.05 2.81 5.76 99.89 STEPHENSON COUNTY 12.42 - 0.86 Maquoketa Ord. TAZEWELL COUNTY 99.82 0.03 0.62 - 0.48 Carbondale Penn. 100.34 - - 7.83 0.65 Carbondale Penn. 0.55 Carbondale Penn, 0.23 Carbondale Penn. 25 22 3 25 - - 9.90 100.00 - - 15.37 100.00 - - 8.64 100.00 - - 9.05 100.00 - - 10.61 100.00 0.09 0.13 11.98 100.62 0.13 0.32 13.63 100.22 0.07 0.35 11.60 100.45 0.27 0.29 11.90 100.38 0.12 0.09 14.06 100.43 0.01 0.29 - 99.97 0.32 1.02 7.48 100.47 0.47 4.33 6.40 100.66 0.74 6.30 17.53 100.42 0.43 5.69 12.34 100.31 0.16 2.63 3.75 100.28 - _ 5.62 _ - - 7.66 - - - 2.68 - 0.91 1.76 2.95 - 0.08 1.21 27.93 - 0.12 1.41 26.61 - 0.15 4.39 12.32 - 0.57 4.19 15.90 - 0.15 2.38 2.69 - 0.16 3.37 4.10 - 0.19 3.68 3.56 - 0.36 0.31 11.95 - 0.5 5.0 12.7 - 0.6 4.3 14.5 - 0.11 2.88 3.38 - 0.17 2.60 3.44 - UNION COUNTY - - 1.25 Wilcox Eocene - - 0.97 Wilcox Eocene - - 0.86 Wilcox Eocene - - 0.90 Wilcox Eocene - - 0.87 Wilcox Eocene - 11.57 0.96 Wilcox Eocene 23 - 13.44 0.59 Wilcox Eocene 23 - 11.59 1.38 Wilcox Eocene 23 - 11.57 1.76 Wilcox Eocene 23 - 13.73 0.27 Wilcox Eocene 23 - 14.11 0.74 Wilcox Eocene 25 0.09 - 0.87 Clear Cr. Dev. 21 - 5.08 1.05 Hannibal Miss. 22 - 11.57 0.99 New Albany Dev. 22 - - 0.68 New Albany Dev. 25 - 3.63 1.00 - - 25 - - - Renault Miss. 6 - - - - Miss. 5 - - - - Miss. 5 - - - - Pleis. 5 0.06 - - - Recent 26 25.84 - - Golconda Miss. 26 23.61 - - Golconda Miss. 26 0.00 - - New Albany Dev. -Miss .26 - - - New Albany Dev. -Miss .26 0.00 - - Springville Miss. 26 1.03 - - Springville Miss. 26 0.11 - - Springville Miss. 26 - - - - Cre. 21 - - - New Albany Dev. -Miss .26 - - - New Albany Dev. -Miss .26 0.04 - - Springville Miss . 21 - - - Springville Miss. 21 50 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1. Petro- Type graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2°3 FeO MgO CaO VERMILION COUNTY 410 W5- 31-19N m 31-19N -13W CI 52.90 0.76 26.06 2.02 2.92 1.66 1.14 411 -13W CI 51.94 0.76 26.41 2.09 2.90 2.20 1.21 412 m 31-19N -13W CI 52.90 0.72 26.61 1.51 2.61 1.92 1.43 413 m 31-19N W§- 31-19N -13W CI 53.30 0.70 26.76 1.30 2.62 2.18 1.38 414 -13W CI 52.83 0.72 25.91 1.55 2.82 2.05 1.46 Fl NE SE 7-19N-11W Sh 58.52 0.96 15.67 4.99 3.37 1.45 1.05 K14 SW 12-19N -12W Sh 64.09 0.89 14.16 2.65 3.16 1.64 1.69 285 Western Brick Co. pit Sh 50.90 1.61 25.80 2.39 2.76 2.63 0.63 1342A Western Brick Co. pit Sh 55.26 - 21.57 4.74 4.60 2.29 0.53 1343A Strip pit W. of Danvill e Sh 52.60 - 22.48 1.28 5.61 2.67 0.69 1343B Strip pit W. of Danvill e Sh 55.54 - 19.25 4.02 6.04 2.34 0.52 1088 12-17N-11W Sh 48.19 1.15 28.05 0.69 4.44 2.71 0.48 - WABASH COUNTY L16 36-1S-13W Sh 55.95 - 18.89 8.09 - 3.06 2.31 WARREN COUNTY H41 Western Stone Co. CI 66.50 1.28 21.50 1.56 - - - H42 Western Stone Co. CI 65.14 1.60 21.53 1.59 - - - H43 Western Stone Co. CI 55.96 1.60 29.47 1.57 - - - 977Z 24-8N-1W Sh 47.33 1.25 29.72 1.83 3.56 2.43 0.28 977DD 13-8N-1W Sh 46.79 1.85 33.52 2.48 0.51 0.78 0.19 WASHINGTON COUNTY 1339A SE SW SW 18-2S-4W Sh 53.19 - 23.73 10.57 0.32 1.81 0.49 WHITE COUNTY 1409 NW SW SW 11-5S-9E Sh 49.28 - 21.46 4.90 6.44 2.04 0.45 4-69 NE NE NW 18-7S-10E CI 51.14 1.12 27.12 2.79 1.44 2.37 0.40 4-115 NE NE NW 18-7S-10E Sh 47.18 1.06 28.52 2.51 2.84 2.06 0.58 4-148 NE NE NW 18-7S-10E CI 46.58 1.02 34.53 0.69 1.27 0.75 0.24 4-244 NE NE NW 18-7S-10E Sh 46.87 1.00 28.46 2.05 3.80 2.19 0.55 4-250 NE NE NW 18-7S-10E Sh 46.95 0.92 27.36 1.31 4.57 2.07 0.66 WHITESIDE COUNTY H18 Sterling Sh 39.91 - 16.43 4.80 - 5.08 7.57 WILLIAMSON COUNTY 422 SE 25-9S-4E CI 56.68 1.37 23.19 1.91 1.71 1.90 1.48 423 SE 25-9S-4E CI 58.30 1.49 21.91 1.94 1.75 2.02 1.93 424 SE 25-9S-4E CI 55.98 1.46 22.83 2.35 1.68 2.39 2.15 426 SE 25-9S-4E CI 51.66 1.25 21.56 2.52 1.95 2.39 5.55 1419 Si N^ 21-9S-4E Sh 49.71 - 21.10 1.73 8.65 2.31 1.03 1429 SE SE 25-10S-3E Sh 60.67 24.58 2.67 0.56 1.07 0.05 * Key to symbols: Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - si It Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - coll uvium T - ti 11 S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 51 Continued Ref erence Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total S0 3 co 2 H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age No. VERMILION COUNTY 0.45 5.23 7.35 100.49 - 0.02 6.22 2.73 McLeansboro Penn. 16 0.42 4.86 7.20 99.99 - 0.11 6.69 3.19 McLeansboro Penn. 16 0.33 4.87 7.34 100.24 - 0.44 6.69 3.42 McLeansboro Penn. 16 0.43 4.12 7.45 100.24 - 0.08 6.44 3.45 McLeansboro Penn. 16 0.64 4.90 7.43 100.31 - 0.49 6.54 2.49 McLeansboro Penn. 16 1.48 2.94 7.72 - 0.32 - - 2.02 McLeansboro Penn. 3 0.77 2.90 6.47 - 0.24 - - 0.51 McLeansboro Penn. 3 0.84 4.64 7.29 100.49 - - 7.17 0.69 Sparland Penn. 19 1.21 3.43 6.37 100.00 - - - 0.63 Sparland Penn. 25 1.03 4.30 8.97 99.63 - - - 1.16 Sparland Penn. 25 1.28 3.02 7.38 99.39 - - - 0.50 Sparland Penn. 25 0.75 5.61 7.72 99.79 - - 7.37 1.74 Brereton Penn. 22 8.74 WABASH COUNTY McLeansboro Penn. - 7.05 99.14 - 7.37 - - 8.25 98.26 0.56 4.88 8.15 99.99 0.54 2.40 11.39 100.45 WARREN COUNTY - 1.25 Tradewater Penn. 1 - 1.62 Tradewater Penn. 1 - 1.41 Tradewater Penn. 1 8.13 1.46 Tradewater Penn. 22 0.84 1.37 Tradewater Penn. 22 0.62 3.18 6. 100.79 WASHINGTON COUNTY 6.63 2.61 McLeansboro Penn. 25 WHITE COUNTY 0.80 3.25 11.31 99.93 - - 0.54 McLeansboro Penn. 25 1.53 5.53 6.69 100.13 - - - Carbondale Penn. 22 1.04 4.73 9.62 100.14 - 8.19 1.21 Tradewater Penn. 22 0.96 2.46 11.88 100.38 - - - Tradewater Penn. 25 1.19 4.42 9.45 99.98 - 8.39 1.30 Caseyville Penn. 22 0.46 3.88 11.52 99.70 - 8.97 1.59 Caseyville Penn. 22 WHITESIDE COUNTY (Alk 3.71) 21.02 - - - 0.86 Maquoketa Ord. 3 WILLIAMSON COUNTY 0.45 4.47 6.83 99.99 0.08 6.54 3.11 Brereton Penn. 16 0.49 4.15 6.53 100.51 0.06 5.86 4.19 Brereton Penn. 16 0.42 4.71 6.49 100.46 0.09 5.98 2.36 Brereton Penn. 16 0.67 4.12 8.45 100.12 2.88 5.33 3.37 Brereton Penn. 16 0.60 3.27 11.51 99.91 - - 0.64 Brereton Penn. 25 0.37 4.37 5.99 100.33 - - 1.05 Tradewater Penn. 25 52 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1, Petro- Type graphic of No. Location Rock Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2°3 Fe 2°3 FeO MgO CaO WILLIAMSON COUNTY (continued) 1105-57 NE cor. NE 12-83-3E Sh 49.16 1.11 29.32 1.43 1.84 1.68 0.27 1105-59 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 49.33 1.36 28.55 1.54 2.51 1.84 0.26 1105-60 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 48.82 1.33 28.79 2.05 1.78 1.74 0.39 1105-61 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 49.62 1.36 27.87 1.77 2.14 1.97 0.60 1105-62 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 49.13 1.49 29.17 1.37 1.78 1.77 0.21 1105-63 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 48.78 1.36 28.21 2.37 2.25 2.12 0.36 1105-64 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 47.39 1.37 27.54 2.78 2.57 1.99 1.14 1105-65 NE cor. NE 12-8S-3E Sh 46.95 1.38 26.60 1.98 4.15 2.27 1.30 Key to symbols : Sh - shale CI - clay Al - alluvium L - loess St - silt Df - drift Unc - underclay Col - colluvium T - till S - soil ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 53 Continued Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total 1.11 5.87 8.21 W 100.0 0.87 5.77 7.88 99.91 0.99 6.11 7.86 99.86 0.99 5.96 7.97 100.25 1.16 6.28 7.58 99.94 0.80 6.08 7.69 100.02 0.83 5.51 8.64 99.76 0.84 5.33 8.87 99.67 SO, CO, H 2 0+ H 2 0- Unit Age Reference No. WILLIAMSON COUNTY (continued) 7.56 7.28 6.92 7.08 6.74 7.04 6.94 1.40 1.76 1.49 1.94 2.31 1.22 1.26 Tradewater Caseyville Caseyville Caseyville Caseyville Caseyville Caseyville Penn, Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. 7.14 2.07 Caseyville Penn. 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 54 Pit No, ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2. - Spectrochemical Analyses ( In parts per Cr Cu Ga Location County B Co 1423 NW NW 21-15S-3W 1424 SE SE 28-15S-3W 1415 NE NW 13-6N-5W 1337A SE SE NW 24-1S-4W 1337B SE SE NW 24-1S-4W 1404 NW SW NE 24-16N-6E 134 9 A NE NE NE 11-9S-3W 1352A SW NE SW 17-11S-2W 1326A NE NE 11-2S-10E 1427 NE NE 28-7N-3E 1350A Truax Co; il Corp. pit 1355A SE NW 30-12N-11W 1401 SW 11-33N-6E 1331A SW SW 12-31N-8E 1408 SW SW 26-3N-5W 1324B North. 111. Coal Co. 1347A SE 17-11N-2E 13 24 A SW SW 5-33N-4E 1403 SW SW SW 9-33N-3E 1321A SW SW 34-27N-8E 1344A SE SE NE 35-6N-10W 1400 SE NW 23-12N-9E 1325A SE NE 12-5N-4W 1330A SW SE 11-18N-7W 1418 NW NE 32-7S-6W 1308 NE NW 36-4S-5W 1354A SW SW SE 6-17N-5W 1327A SE SE 21-9S-6E 1332A SW 1-15N-5W 1334A NW NE 31-2N-8W pit Alexander 90 15 70 30 25 Alexander 110 15 50 70 25 Bond 90 20 90 100 35 Brown 80 30 110 120 30 Brown 90 25 85 80 30 Bureau 80 15 50 80 30 Calhoun 130 25 80 80 20 Calhoun 130 20 70 180 30 Edwards 90 20 80 130 30 Fayette 120 20 105 160 35 Fulton 90 45 60 180 25 Greene 110 15 100 90 50 Grundy 90 <15 75 90 25 Grundy 110 20 70 100 35 Hancock 100 10 55 100 25 Kankakee 110 20 80 140 40 Knox 80 20 60 60 30 LaSalle 170 20 120 190 40 La Salle 170 20 100 90 40 Livingston 80 15 50 70 20 Madison 90 20 85 80 30 Marshall 100 <20 100 140 30 McDonough 100 25 70 150 25 Menard 90 20 100 170 35 Randolph 120 15 90 60 30 Randolph 100 20 110 250 35 Rock Island 130 20 155 270 100 Saline 100 <20 80 200 30 Sangamon 100 20 110 270 40 St. Clair 80 20 60 150 25 * Analyst: J. Witters, B, Cu, Mn, and Zr; N.F. Shimp, Co, Cr, Ga, Ni, Pb, and V Estimated uncertainty: B ± 10% Mn i 30% Co + 20% (1) Ni + 10% Cr + 30% ( 1 ) Pb ± 30% ( 1 ) Cu X/2 (2) V + 10% Ga + 10% Zr + 20% (1) Most values for these elements are close to the detection limit. (2) X/2 near detection limit of 100 ppm. ANALYSES OF ILLINOIS CLAY MATERIALS 55 of Clay Materials in Illinois* million) Mn Ni Pb V Zr Unit Age 100 20 65 80 280 770 40 50 100 150 1000 80 60 175 120 780 70 120 145 110 440 50 55 140 140 420 35 40 100 180 220 40 70 160 290 680 40 85 100 200 860 45 65 105 210 690 65 125 150 130 900 40 40 100 180 650 50 70 160 110 800 40 75 110 250 380 45 50 155 150 420 35 <40 120 140 500 51 80 120 170 390 45 100 95 180 300 60 110 155 160 210 55 105 145 140 540 50 105 90 110 640 40 60 140 180 550 65 <50 225 140 1000 65 50 110 190 730 50 65 125 140 160 50 65 80 110 590 60 70 125 150 480 90 55 135 140 900 45 50 115 140 850 45 50 125 180 450 55 85 125 180 Orchard Creek Purington Purington Brereton Hannibal Maquoketa Eocene Silurian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Mississippian Ordovician Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Canton Pennsylvanian Purington Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Pennsylvanian Underclay of No. 7 Coal Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Purington Francis Creek Francis Creek Wisconsin Till Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pleistocene Purington Pennsylvanian Underclay of No. 7 Coal Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Pennsylvanian Trivoli Pennsylvanian Waltersburg Mississippian Tradewater Brereton Trivoli Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 282 55 p., 2 tables, 1959 mnznnt CIRCULAR 282 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA