CONSTITUTION OF THE Catholic Order ol Foresters AND THE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION THE HIGH COURT, STATE AND PROVINCIAL COURTS AND SUBORDINATE COURTS As Amended by the Seventeenth Convention, held at Boston, Mass., August 1, 2 and 3, 1905 Effective January 1, 1906 PUBLISHED BY THE HIGH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. FAULKNER-RYAN CO., CHICAGO. ■ (o fc 1 < 2 . 2 .? < 1 . 1 3 04 APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) _ Cook County, \ To Henry D. Dement, Secretary of State: We, the undersigned, John F. Scanlan, Michael B. Bailey, John K. dowry, Patrick Keane, John J. Collins, Francis W. Fitz-Gerald, citizens of the Unit- - ed States, purpose toTorm a corporation under an ^ act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled, “An Act Concerning Corporations/’ ap- proved April 18th, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, and that for the purpose of such organiza- tion we hereby state as follows, to-wit: 1. The name of such corporation is the Illinois Catholic Order of Foresters. 2. The object for which it is formed is the pro- " motion of fraternity, unity, and true Christian char- ity among its members. To establish a fund for the relief of sick and distressed members. To estab- lish a widows’ and orphans’ benefit fund for the benefit of dependent’s of deceased members. No an- nual premium required. No money, as profit or otherwise paid. 3. The management of the aforesaid Associa- tion shall be vested in a Board of Eleven Directors, who are to be elected annually. 4. The following persons are hereby elected as the Directors to control and manage said corpor- ation for the first year of its corporate existence, viz.: Patrick Keane, John J. Collins, Francis W. Fitz- Gerald, John K. Old wry, Michael B. Bailey, Matthew Fleming, John F. Scanlan. 5. The location is in Chicago, in the County of ? Cook, State of Illinois. Signed. John F. Scanlan, Michael B. Bailey, John K. dowry, Patrick Keane, John J. Collins, Francis W. Fitz Gerald. 3 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS. To All to Whom These Presents Shall come — Greeting: Whereas, A certificate duly signed and acknowl- edged having been filed in the office of the Secre- tary of State, on the 24th day of May A. D. 1883, for the organization of the Illinois Catholic Order of Foresters, under and in accordance with the pro- visions of “An Act Concerning Corporations,” ap- proved April 18th, 1872, and in force July 1st, 1872, a copy of which certificate is hereunto attached. Now, therefore, I, Henry D. Dement, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said Illinois Catholic Order of For- esters is a legally organized corporation under the laws of this State. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of State. Done at the city of Springfield, this twenty - fourth day of May, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-three and of the Independence of the United States the One Hun- dred and seventh. (Seal.) HENRY D. DEMENT, Secretary of State. CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE OF NAME. Office of Illinois Catholic Order of Foresters. To the Hon. Isaac N. Pearson, Sec’y of State: We do hereby certify that, at the regular An- nual Session of the Illinois Catholic Order of For- esters, held at its place of meeting in the City of Chicago, on the fourth day of June, A. D. 1889, the articles of association of said Illinois Catholic Or- der of Foresters were changed in the manner pre- scribed by its own rules, by changing the name of said association from the name Illinois Catholic Or- der of Foresters to the name Catholic Order of For- esters. Witness our hand and the seal of said associa- tion this fifth day of June, A. D. 1889. John P. Lauth, High Chief Ranger. (Seal.) James J. Dillon, High Secretary. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) Cook County, J" 8S * John P. Lauth, being duly sworn, on oath says: That he is High Chief Ranger of the Illinois Catho- lic Order of Foresters, and that he has read the fore- going certificate and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts therein stated and set forth, are true. John P. Lauth. Subscribed and sworn to before me this fifth day of June, A. D. 1889. Aloysius J. Eustice, (Seal.) Notary Public. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) State of Illinois, f ss ’ Office of Secretary. I, Isaac N. Pearson, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the forego- ing is a true copy of certificate of change of name of the “Illinois Catholic Order of Foresters” to “Catholic Order of Foresters,” the original of which is now on file in this office. In witness whereof, I hereto set my hand and affix the great seal of State, at the City of Spring- field, this 26th day of June, A. D. 1889. (Seal) I. N. Pearson, Secretary of State. 5 STATE OF ILLINOIS, Insurance Department. To. the Insurance Superintendent of the State of Illinois: Sir: The Catholic Order of Foresters of Chicago, Stat( of Illinois, by its President, hereby makes application fo permission to continue to transact business in the State o Illinois, and declares that it was transacting business in tht said State of Illinois on the twenty-second day of June. A. D, 1893, that it was incorporated on the twenty-fourth day o< May, A. D. 1883, in the State of Illinois, under the provisions of an act of the legislature of said State passed on tht eighteenth day. of April, A. D. 1872, being of chapter of the laws of Illinois; that it is a fraternal benefi- ciary society, formed and carried on for the sole benefit of its members and their beneficiaries, and not for profit; thai it has a lodge system, with ritualistic form of work and representative form of government, and makes provisoin for the payment of death benefits, and in addition, provides for the payment, by local lodges, of benefits in case of sick- ness of its members; that the fund from which such benefits are paid, and the fund from, which the expenses of the asso- ciation are paid, are derived from assessments or dues col- lected from its members; and that death benefits are paid only to the families, blood relations, or to persons dependent upon the member. In Witness Whereof, the said Catholic Order of Foresters, in accordance with a resolution of its Board of Directors, duly passed on the twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. 1895, has to these presents affixed its corporate Seal, and caused the same to be subscribed and attested by its President, at the City of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on the twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. 1895. Thos. H. Cannon, President. (j State of Illinois, l ss County of Cook, f On this twenty-ninth day of June, A. D. 1895, before me, the subscriber, a Commissioner for the State of Illinois, duly appointed to take the proof and acknowledgement of deeds and other instruments, came Thos. H. Cannon, President of the Catholic Order of Foresters, to me personally known to be the individual described in and who executed the pre- ceding instrument, and he duly acknowledged the execution of the same; and being by me duly sworn, for himself deposeth and saith, that he is the said officer of the Society aforesaid; that the declarations in the preceding instrument are true, and that the seal affixed thereto is the corporate seal of the said Society; and that the said corporate seal and his sig- nature as such officer was duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, at the City of Chicago, Illinois, the day and year above written. M. H. Kenney. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Insurance Department. Springfield, October 9, 1905. I,Wm. R.Vredenburgh, Insurance Superintendent of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed instrument is a true, full and correct copy of the application to continue business of the Catholic Order of Foresters as a fraternal beneficiary society, now on file in and forming a part of the records of this department. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of my office at the City of Springfield, the day and year above written. Wm. R. Vredenburgh, Insurance Superintendent. 7 STATE OF fLLINOIS, Insurance Department. Springfield, July 25, 1895. Whereas, the Catholic Order of Foresters, located at Chicago, in the State of Illinois, a fraternal beneficiary society, has made application for permission to continue to transact business within this State, under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act to provide for the organization and man- agement of fraternal beneficiary societies for the purpose of furnishing life indemnity or pecuniary benefits to the beneficiaries of deceased members, or accident or permanent indemnity disability to members thereof; and to control such societies of this State, and of other states, doing busi- ness in this State, and providing and fixing the punishment for violation of the provisions thereof, and to repeal all laws now existing which conflict herewith.” Approved and in force June 22, 1893. And has otherwise complied with* the requirements of the said act which are applicable to said Catholic Order of Foresters. Now, therefore, I, Bradford K. Durfee. Insurance Superintendent of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the power vested in me and the duties imposed upon me by the act aforesaid, do hereby authorize and grant permission to said Catholic Order of Foresters to transact business in the State of Illinois, as a fraternal beneficiary society, in con- formity to the provisions, requirements and conditions of the act aforesaid. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of my office at Springfield, the day and year first above written. Bradford K. Durfee, Insurance Superintendent. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Insurance Department. Springfield, October 9, 1905. I, Wm. R. Vredenburgh, Insurance Superintendent of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed instrument is a true, full and correct copy of the permit to continue business of the Catholic Order of Foresters as a fraternal beneficiary society, now on file in and forming a part of the records of this department. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of my office at the City of' Springfield, the day and year above written. Wm. R. Vredenburgh, Insurance Superintendent. 8 CERTIFICATE OF INCREASE OF BOARD OF trustees. Know All Men by These Presents, That we Thomas H. Cannon, High Chief Ranger, and Thomas F. McDonald, High Secretary of the Catholic Order of Foresters, a fraternal beneficiary society, organ- ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that at the regular biennial convention of said society held in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th days of August, A. D. 1903, the Articles of Association of said society were changed by increasing the number of directors or trustees of said society, from eleven to thirteen, and by amending Section 1, Article V., of the Constitu- tion, Laws, Rules and Regulations governing the International Convention, the High Court, State Court, Provincial Courts and Subordinate Courts of said society, by striking out the word “six” in the fourth line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof, the word “eight/ so that the said section, as amended, reads as follows: “The High Court shall consist of the High Chief Ranger, Vice High Chief Ranger, High Secretary, High Treasurer, High Medical Examiner, and eight High Trustees, all of whom shall have been elected, hold office and possess the qualifications as provid- ed in Article III., Sec. 5, of these Laws.” We do further certify that the said change in the said Articles of Association and the amendment of the said Constitution, Laws, Rules and Regula- tions of the Society were unanimously adopted by the entire membership of said Convention, and were made and adopted in the manner prescribed by the rules of said convention, and rules of said Society. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, and caused the seal of said society to be af- fixed this 19th day of August, A. D. 1903. Thomas H. Cannon, High Chief Ranger. Thomas F. McDonald, High Secretary. 9 STATE OF ILLINOIS, } Cook County, f ss * • Thomas H. Cannon, being first duly sworn, de- poses and says that he is the High Chief Ranger of the Catholic Order of Foresters ; that he has heard re^d the foregoing certificate by him subscribed, and knows the contents thereof, and that same is true in substance and fact. Thomas H. Cannon. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of August, A. D. 1903. E. S. Cummings, Notary* Public. The change proposed in the above Certificate in the Articles of Association of the Catholic Order of Foresters is hereby approved. Wm. R. Vredenburgli, Insurance Superintendent. Aug. 21, 1903. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, State of Illinois, Office of the secretary of State. I, James A. Rose, Secretary of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Certificate of Change of Articles of As- sociation of the Catholic Order of Foresters, filed August 25, 1903, the original of which is now on file in my office. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of State, at the City of Spring- field, this 25tli day of August, A. D. 1903. James A. Rose, Secretary of State. 10 CONSTITUTION AND LAWS, REGULATIONS. RULES AND Name and Object. This organization,, by virtue of a charter granted j by the State of Illinois, on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1883, and a change thereof made on the 26th day of June, A. D. 1SS9, shall be known and styled the Catholic Order of Foresters. The object of the organization shall be to pro- g mote Friendship, Unity and True Christian Charity among its members; Friendship in assisting each other by every honorable means; Unity in associa- ting together for mutual support of one another when sick or in distress and in making suitable provisions for the families, heirs, blood relations, affianced husband or affianced wife of, or to persons dependent upon uie member; true Christian Charity in doing unto each other as we would have others do unto us. International Conventions. The International Convention of the Order shall g be held on the first Tuesday of August, 1905, and biennially thereafter in the city designated by the last preceding Convention, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. Special sessions of the International Conven- tion shall be called by the High Chief Ranger for the transaction of extraordinary business, upon the written request of at least one -fifth of all the Courts of the Order in good standing at the time of making the request. The business to be acted upon at any such special session must be specified in the call, and no other business shall be entertained, and not less than fifteen days’ notice shall be given to each ~ Court. Such session shall be held 11 at the place where the last Convention was held if possible, but no business shall be transacted un less two-thirds of the delegates are represented therein, and such special session shall have flic power of originating and regulating the means o 1 its own support. 4 The membership of the International Conventior shall consist of the members of the High Court ant of the representatives elected by the State and the Provincial Conventions. Before being admitted tc the International Convention each delegate must present a certificate from his State or Provinciai Court showing that he has been legally elected to the office and that he is qualified for the same, and that he is a member of the Order in good standing. 5 The officers of the International Convention oi any special session thereof shall be the High Chiei Ranger, Vice High Chief Ranger, High Secretary High Treasurer, High Medical Examiner, High Sen- ior Conductor, High Junior Conductor, High Inside Sentinel, High Outside Sentinel and High Spiritua Director, who shall be the Archbishop of Chicago or such priest as he may designate, all of whom shall possess the same qualifications as the delegates, excepting the High Spiritual Director, who need not be a member of the Order. They shall hold office until their successors shall have been duly elected or appointed and installed. The Conductors and Sentinels shall be selected from the members of the Order residing in the convention city. Q All past members of the High Court in good standing shall be entitled to honorary seats in the International Convention, and all members of the Order in good standing shall be entitled to admis- sion to the sessions of the Convention. ^ The delegates shall present themselves on the day and at the place designated by the High Court in the call for the International Convention and after! the High Court officers shall have called the Con- vention to order, shall present their credentials endorsed with the certificate of the Financial Secre- tary of his Court that- he is a member of the Order 12 in good standing to the Committee on Credentials, which shall pass thereon. All the delegates present who have had their credentials passed upon favorably shall take the following pledge of office: We, individually and collectively, and of our own o free will and accord do most solemnly promise that we will respect and uphold the constitution and laws of the Catholic Order of Foresters, and be loyal to, and recognize this International Convention as the supreme authority of the entire Order ; that we will faithfully, and to the best of our ability, without fear, favor or prejudice, perform the duties incumbent upon us as members of this convention; and that we will not communicate to any person not entitled to know the same any of the official or business affairs of this convention. To all of which we pledge our word of honor as men and Catholic Foresters. The International Convention shall be opened at 9 the time specified in Section 3 of this Constitution, J and if a quorum be present shall proceed to busi- ness. In case one or more officers are absent the H. CL R. shall make appointments, pro tern., to fill such vacancies. In the absence of the H. C. R. the V. H. C. R. shall preside; in the absence of both, the Sen- ior P. H. C. R. present may preside, and if none be present a temporary organization may be affected by an election pro tern. Tw r o-thirds of the accredited representatives of the legally organized State and Provincial jurisdic- tions, shall constitute a quorum of the Internation- al Convention or any special session thereof for the transaction of all business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. The following shall be the order of business at H the International Convention: 1. Opening prayer. 2. Roll call. 3. Appointment of Committee on Credentials. 4. Report of Committee on Credentials. 5. Admission of delegates into thtf Convention. 6. Appointment of other committees. 13 12 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 , 17 . Reading of records of last Convention, and special meetings thereof. Reports of High Court Officers. Reception of petitions, communications, and financial accounts, and -reference of the same to the proper committees. Reports of standing committees. Consideration of .proposed amendments to the constitution and laws. Unfinished business. New business. Election of officers, and members of the High Court and member or members of the Com- mittee on Audit. Closing of Convention. Reading minutes of the Convention, and ap- proving the same. Prayer. Adjournment. Should the Order of Business not be concluded at one session it shall be taken up at each succeeding session where it was dropped at the preceding one. Provided, however, that the roll call shall follow after the opening prayer of each session. In all cases the reception and reference of reports and credentials and the presentation of new represen- tatives entitled to membership in the Convention shall be the first Order of Business at each session. Powers and Duties of the International Convention. 1 S legislative power and the highest judicial ^ authority shall be vested in the International Con- vention. 1 4 I n t erna tional Convention shall decide all ^ cases of contested delegations, hear and decide all appeals from the decisions of the High Court, re- ceive and take proper action on all communications, petitions, suggestions, etc., from State or Provin- cial Courts. 2 5 It shall have power to enact or amend the Consti- tution, Laws, Rules and Regulations for the gov- ernment of itself, the High, Court, the State or 14 Provincial Courts, and the Subordinate Courts, pro- vided any such Constitution, Laws, Rules or Regu- lations shall not conflict with or violate any Law under which the charter is granted to the Order by the State of Illinois. It shall order the payment of the expenses of all the members of the convention, such expenses, how- ever, to include only the actual transportation fare by the shortest customary route, and $5.00 for each day of actual time spent in going to, attending and returning from the convention, as certified by the Committee on Finance; provided, however, that no delegate to the convention shall be paid for any day that he does not attend the sessions of the convention, as shown by the roll calls, unless ex- cused by the convention. The International Convention shall elect the fol- 17 lowing officers and members of the High Court: A High Chief Ranger, Vice High Chief Ranger, High Secretary, High Treasurer, High Medical Examiner,’ and eight High Trustees, all of whom shall hold of- fice until their successors shall have been duly elected, have qualified and have been installed; pro- vided, however, that no member of the Order shall be eligible for any of the above offices who has been a member of the Order for less than two years at the time of the election and that not more than one such officer or member shall be a member of the same Subordinate Court. The election of High Court officers and members 18 shall be the last Order of Business prior to the closing of the convention. Nominations for the elective High Court officers and members shall be made as follows: Every dele- gate present may nominate a' candidate for each office, and the election shall be by ballot. A ma- jority of all the votes cast shall be necessary to a choice; the name of the candidate receiving the least number of votes on the fourth ballot shall be dropped. No informal ballot shall be made formal unless the candidate receives two-thirds of the votes cast. 15 20 The Committee on Audit, elected in Convention! August, 1903, consisting of three members of thel Order m good standing, shall serve one, two and! three terms respectively. (The terms meaning! from the time of the meeting of the International! Convention to the next meeting thereof). No mem- ber of the High Court shall be eligible as a mem- ber of this Committee. At each International Convention thereafter one member of the Commit- tee on Audit shall be elected, whose term of office shall be for three terms (term meaning the inter- val from the time of meeting of the International Convention to the next meeting thereof). Said committee shall serve without pay, but shall be allowed and paid their actual and necessary ex- penses incurred in the discharge of their duties as such committee. 21 The High Senior Conductor, High Junior Con- ductor, High Inside Sentinel and High Outside Sen- tinel shall not be elected, but shall be appointed by the incoming High Chief Ranger. 22 Before the election takes place the Convention shall fix the amount of the bonds to be furnished by the High Treasurer and the High Secretary, and it shall also fix the annual compensation for the High Chief Ranger, High Secretary, High Treas- urer, and for any others, as it may deem proper. International Convention Committees. 23 -High Chief Ranger shall, thirty days prior to the holding of the International Convention, ap- point a Committee on Constitution, composed of seven delegates -elect to such Convention, which shall meet in the office of the High Court, one week prior to the opening of such Convention. 24 There shall be appointed immediately after the assembling of the International Convention a Com- mittee on Credentials, and after the convention is organized, committees, each consisting of fifteen members, on Finance, Appeals, Petitions, and State of the Order, all of which committees shall be ap- pointed by the High Chief Ranger. 10 The Committee on Credentials appointed from oc the then existing and present High Court shall ex- amine and report on the election and eligibility of the delegates to the Convention, and those who are found legally entitled to be admitted to mem- bership in the Convention shall be installed in ac- cordance with Sections 7 and 8 of these Laws. The Committee on Finance shall ascertain the amount required for the expenses of the Convention and the High Court, and shall therefrom determine the maximum amount to be assessed by the High Court on Subordinate Courts, and suggest such other financial matters as it may deem necessary and re- port the same to the Convention. It shall audit and certify to the actual mileage and per diem of all the members, and its certificates or vouchers shall be payable by the High Treasurer in the usual form. The Committee on Constitution shall examine all 07 proposed amendments to the Constitution, Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order and report there- on to the Convention on the second day thereof, recommending such of the proposed amendments it may deem as expedient to conform to the general principles of the Order. Each member of said Com- mittee shall receive $5.00 for each day engaged in Committee work, prior to the Convention. The Committee on Appeals shall examine all ap- 00 peals from decisions of the High Court referred to it ^ in accordance with Section 155 of these Laws and report thereon to the Convention such action as it may deem just and proper. The Committee on Petitions shall examine all 29 petitions and report thereon as it may deem advis- able to the Convention. The committee on the State of the Order shall gQ examine the reports of the High Court officers, and of the State or Provincial Court officers, and of all Subordinate Court officers and recommend such changes as shall be necessary. It shall also report the condition and progress of the Order and suggest such measures as it may deem proper. 17 High Court — Powers and Duties. The High Court shall consist of the High Chief Ranger, \ice High Chief Ranger, High Secretary, High Treasurer, High Medical Examiner, and eight High Trustees, all of whom shall have been elected, hold office and possess the qualifications as pro- vided in Section 17 of these Laws. The official seat of the High Court shall be in the City of Chicago, at such place as the High Court may from time to time determine. The High Court shall be vested with all the exec- utive authority of the Order, and it shall carry into effect all the workings of the Order under the laws passed by the International Convention, and shall have full and general supervision of the affairs of the Order in its executive capacity. It may hold executive sessions from which all but members of the High Court may be excluded, but all business transacted in any such executive sessions shall be made known to Subordinate Courts if requested. It shall have full power to organize State or Pro- vincial and Subordinate Codrts, and it shall have supreme supervision and jurisdiction over all such Courts and their members within the limits of these laws. It shall have full power to appoint and issue commissions to special organizers for any State or Provincial Court jurisdiction or for any particular territory thereof, whose duties shall be to organize Subordinate Courts, wdthin the jurisdiction of and in co-operation with the respective State or Provin- cial Court, under the direction of the High Chief Ranger, and who shall perform such other duties as the High Chief Ranger may direct; and it shall order the payment of a salary, in such sum as it may fix in addition to the regular organizer’s fee, to each such special organizer, the amount of such salary to be appropriated out of the General Fund of the Order. It shall have full power to interpret the laws of the Order and such interpretations shall be binding 18 38 upon the Order; provided that an appeal may be taken from any such decision to the next regular International Convention, and it shall make all rules and regulations which may be necessary and proper for carrying into effect the laws of the Order and all orders of the International Convention. It shall hold in trust all property of the Order gy and shall cause the High Treasurer and High Secre- tary to furnish bonds, in such amounts as may have been fixed by the International Convention, or as it may decide upon whenever it deems the bonds fixed by said Convention as being insufficient, for the faithful performance of their respective duties. The bonds of the High Treasurer and High Secretary shall be secured from a duly incorporated security or indemnity association to be selected by the High Court, and the expense of securing such bonds shall be paid by the High Court. It shall be empowered to pay to the High Court members who are not under regular salary (or fees) the sum of five dollars per diem and their necessary, expenses while engaged in the duties of the Order, and such other expenses as may be authorized by the International Convention, and it shall vote ail the other necessary funds to carry on the business of the Order. It shall examine the reports of the Deputy High Chief Hangers and of the State or Provincial and Subordinate Court officers, and take any necessary action thereon. The High Court shall levy special assessments is provided in Section seventy-five (75) of these Laws. It shall have power to suspend any Court found guilty of violating the Constitution, Laws, Rules 41 jv Regulations of the Order, and to take possession >f the property, books, and moneys of any Court 50 suspended. Any member of the High Court neglecting his a o luty may be deposed from office and his office de- ^ ;lared vacant by a majority vote of the High Court ind the High Court shall have the power to fill all 39 40 19 43 44 45 46 vacancies occurring in any office thereof, or in th Committee on Audit, until such vacancy is fille by the International Convention. „_■? alone ®!? a11 ^ ave the authority to issue the ca and name the place m the selected city for hold mg the International Convention or any spec s session thereof, and for all other meeting of th of the OrdTr* 1 neceSSary for Promoting the object It shall have power to make such reductions a it may see fit m the amounts to be paid for char ter fees of new Courts, as the interests of the Orde th t r . ci 7’ ci ^ nstances of the Court may demand High Court shall hold regular meetings a such time and place as it may determine, and als special meetings called by the High Chief Range* and a majority of the members shall constitute ? quorum for the transaction of all business at an such meeting. The High Court shall issue the ritual of the Or der, which shall prescribe the only ceremonies t< be used by the Subordinate Courts, provided, how ever, that it may approve the use of any additiona ceremony which it may deem expedient for exem p if yiiig the principles of the Order and creating c wholesome and beneficial interest therein. Duties of High Court Officers. 47 Spirtual Director. The High Spiritual Director shall conduct all re ligious sei vices of the International Convention am shall, when present, open and close the session witi prayer. In his absence that duty shall be performec by any Catholic clergyman present, or the Higl Chief Ranger, or by any member he may designate High Chief Ranger. 48 (a) It shall be the duty of the High Chief Ranger to preside at all meetings of the International Con vention and at all meetings of the High Court; he shall preserve order therein and enforce the laws Oi the Order. He shall decide all questions of order 20 subject to appeal, and it shall require a majority vote of all the members present to set aside his de- cision or overrule the same. He shall have the de- ciding vote when the meeting is equally divided, ex- cept at election of officers. He shall establish and issue the pass -word, grips and hailing signs and fur- nish them to all Deputy High Chief Rangers and to the Chief Ranger of each Subordinate Court in good standing; the pass-word semi-annually on the first days of January and July; and the grip and hailing sign only on the first day of January. He shall re- port to the International Convention the rulings and decisions rendered by the High Court on ail important matters that affect the welfare of the Order, on the general condition of the Order and all matters of interest in relation to the same. (b) He shall sign all orders on the High Treas- 49 urer for such sums of money as shall be ordered by the International Convention or the High Court, and none others. He shall have power to visit Subordinate Courts, inspect their proceedings and pass upon all matters of discipline. His orders shall be obeyed under penalty of suspension, sub- ject to an appeal to the High Court. (c) He may, with' the advice and consent of the rpj High Court, approve the appointments of Deputy u High Chief Rangers made by the State and Provin- cial Chief Rangers, whenever he^ may deem it ex- pedient for the good of the Order. He shall install the officers of all Subordinate Courts and shall in- stitute all new" Subordinate Courts, personally, or through a State or Provincial Chief Ranger or Dep- uty High Chief Ranger, and he shall, when not en- gaged in the above duties, be at the headquarters of the Order for two hours each day, excepting Sundays and legal holidays. He shall sign all charters and members’ certificates before the same are issued, and perform such other duties as may be reason- ably required of him. He shall receive a suitable salary, to be fixed by the International Convention. Vice High Chief Ranger. It shall be the duty of the V. H. C. R. to be pres- 51 21 ent at all merting, of the International Convention ?fcI*C lT n! High Court. I„ the ,b2« and in cio ’ ?’ ,le ® llal! preside at all such meetings and in ease of death or total disability of the H C It he .shah succeed to the office of H. G. R. until his successor is elected and qualified. The y’ H C of fht 11 ] la 7 6 C 7 rge ,° f g: Uu! entrallce at a11 meetings hTw Intm'nat'onal Conveiition, and shall assist Uie H. G. R in tlie installation of all officers and by the R 10 ” ° f al n<3W C ° Urts when requested High Secretary. (a) It shall be the duty of the High Secretary to keep a true and faithful record of the proceedings ol the International Convention, and of the meet- ings of the High Court, and he shall cause a syr!op- sis of the proceedings of the latter to be published monthly in the official organ of the Order. He shall conauct all correspondence of the High Court under its direction; shall receive all reports from the Sub- ordinate Court officers, and all appeals and bring the same before the High Court as soon as possible He shad keep a record of the names of all candidates, expelled members and rejected applicants. He shall keep in charge the seal of the Order and affix the same to all documents emanating from the High Court, and shPvli be present at all meetings of the latter. (b) He shall prepare and present a report of his official actions to the International Convention and to the High Court whenever requested, and he shall prepare and present to the International Convention a tabulated statement of the condition of the Order, the number of members,' the average age of mem- bers, and such other matters of the kind as are usu- ally required in the reports of his office. He shall make to the Subordinate Courts a quarterly item- ized report of the receipts and disbursements of the general fund, and perform such other duties as may be reasonably required. He shall render a monthly report to the .High Court of the amount of money received by the High Treasurer, separating the bene- fit from the general fund, and the amounts paid by 22 the High Treasurer on properly attested vouchers. He shall at the same time report the Subordinate Courts which are in arrears. He shall execute all legal orders of the High Chief Ranger, subject to the approval of the High Court, and shall report to the High Court any dereliction of duty on the part of Subordinate Court officers. He shall present his books to the Auditor for inspection when requested by the Committee on Audit at least twice a year. He shall forward to the publisher of the Forester names and addresses of newly initiated members, changes of addresses and discontinuances of mem- bership by suspension, death, etc. (c) The High Secretary shall, on the first day of every month, have a notice of the death claims, passed upon favorably by the High Court, printed in the Catholic Forester, the official organ of the Or- der, giving the name, age, residence and cause of death of each deceased member, as well as the date when admitted to the Order, the name of the Court to which the member belonged, and the name of the Medical Examiner who made the examina- tion. He shall also prepare all notices of benefit assessments and of all special assessments when- ever the High Court so directs, and shall cause the same to be published in the official organ of the Order, and shall mail on the first day of each month a copy of such notices to the Secretary of every Subordinate Court in good standing. Every benefit assessment notice shall state that the High Court levies an assessment on each member of the Order in good standing for the purpose of paying death claims and that each and every Court of the Catholic Or- der of Foresters shall forward within 20 days to the High Treasurer the Assessment due from every member, and said notice shall be in accordance with the form prescribed by the High Court, and shall include a list of all deaths subsequent to the last assessment. He shall perform such other du- ties as are prescribed in the benefit law or other articles of these laws. 23 55 56 57 58 (d) He shall attest all orders on the High Treas urer when approved by the High Chief Ranger. He shall, upon receipt of a certificate of the death of the Hi^Court g ° PreSent the 8ame tc « r He if ha y & ive ^ond in such sum as may bt fixed by the International Convention of the High Cdurt. If he fails to furnish said bond within a refs onable time after his election the office shall be S r l V r nt hy J! le High Chief Ran Z er > the High Court may fill such vacancy until the next International Convention. At the expiration of his term of office, or in case of his resignation or re moval, he shall turn over to his successor in office all books moneys and property belonging to the P u rde ^ x . He 8ha } 1 devote the whole of his time to the duties of his office and, during the term of his office shall not engage in any other business or oc- cupation. He shall receive a suitable salary, to be fixed by the International Convention. High Treasurer. (a) It shall be the duty of the High Treasurer to receive all moneys payable to the High Court, give receipts for the same and notify the High Secretary of the amount received. He shall pay all orders reg- ularly drawn on him, and approved by the High Chief Ranger and attested by the High Secretary, as required by these Laws, or by special direction of the International Convention, or the High Court. The High Treasurer shall pay all matured benefits by forwarding to the Treasurer of the Subordinate Court of which the deceased was a member a check payable to the beneficiary for the amount of the benefit and redeemable in the lawful money of the country in which the deceased lived, together with proper instructions for obtaining the benefit certifi- cate and necessary receipts from the beneficiary. He shall also at the same time notify the Recording Secretary of the Subordinate Court of which the de- ceased was a member of the forwarding of the same. (b) The High Treasurer shall present his books to the Auditor at least twice a year for examination 24 when requested by the Committee on Audit. He shall report to the International Convention and also monthly to the High Court the amount of re- ceipts and disbursements and from whom received and to whom paid. Before entering upon the du- ties of his office he shall give bond in such sum as fixed by the International Convention, or as may be fixed by the High Court whenever it deems the bond fixed by the International Convention to be insufficient. If he fails to give said bond within a reasonable time his office shall be declared vacant by the High Chief Ranger. At the expiration of his term of office, or in case of his resignation or re- moval, he shall turn over to his successor in office all moneys, books and properties belonging to the Order in his possession. He shall receive a suitable salary, to be fixed by the International Convention. High Medical Examiner. (a) It shall be the duty of the High Medical Ex- gg aminer to review the examinations of the Medical Examiners in his district, said district consisting of the United States and the Province of Ontario. He shall classify the occupation of the applicant upon the application blank. He shall refuse admittance to those who come under the restrictions of the code of instructions to Medical Examiners adopted by the High Court in 1887 and subsequently amended. (b) He shall commission all the Medical Examiners in his district who have not already been commis- sioned by the High Medical Examiner of the Order, and shall have power to suspend or remove any Medical Examiner. He shall appoint the Medical Examiners of new Courts organized in his district, such appointment to be made from the physicians of the Order when practicable. He shall not com- mission a physician who is the organizer of a new Court as the Medical Examiner of such Court. In locations where it would be inconvenient for a Medical Examiner of the Order to act, a Catholic physician, if eligible, shall be appointed, but if no Catholic physician is located conveniently, or eligi- ble, a non-Catholic one may be commissioned. 25 61 (c) He shall investigate all cases of members sus Pected ^ of having been admitted into the Ordo while in an unhealthy condition, or having mad false statements in their applications, or omitte- important facts from the same, and report the rc suit of his investigation to the High Court. 62 (d) It shall be the duty of the High Medical Ex aminer to examine carefully into the cause of th death of any member which occurs within si: months after the member’s admission to the Ordc —not including deaths caused by Bright’s Diseas and consumption, .for which cases other pro vis ions are made, nor in case of death by accider —and report the result of his investigation to th High Court within thirty days after he has rc ceived notice of such death; provided that the Hip ! Court, in its discretion, may extend the time o making such report for a longer period. 63 (e) The High Medical Examiner shall receive fee of 25 cents for each application reviewed by him Duties of Other OiScers. Deputy High Chief Rangers. 64 ' a ) The Deputy High Chief Rangers shall hav general supervision of all the Courts placed unde their charge; they shall select two Past Chief Ran gers to assist them when necessary for the prope performance of their duties as directed by the Hig] Chief Ranger; they shall have the power to con vene the past and present Chief Rangers of thei respective districts as a district Court at least one in three months, to arrange and compel uniformity of discipline; they shall be recognized and respect ed as the representatives of the High Chief Ran ger and of the State or Provincial Chief Ranger and all Courts under their charge shall obey thei rulings and decisions, under penalty of suspensior for refusal so to do. 65 (b) Each Deputy High Chief Ranger shall haw supervision over not more than three Courts, am 26 le shall be held strictly accountable for their good >rder and government. He shall examine the books md accounts of the Courts under his charge at east twice each fiscal year and shall have power ;o suspend any incompetent officer of a Subordin- ate Court, if two-thirds of the members so desire )f request, or when authorized by the High Court )r by the respective State or Provincial Court, and n case of the dissolution or suspension of a Court inder ’his supervision, he shall have power to take in mediate possession of all property belonging to said Court, including the charter, books, papers, furniture and funds, and deliver them to the High 3ourt without delay. (c) The Deputy High Chief Hanger shall super- gg vise the Subordinate Courts under his charge in accordance with the provisions of these Laws, but shall have no power to meddle or interfere with the- local government or control of said Courts, ex- cept when he is fully satisfied that said Courts or their officers are acting in violation of the Laws, Rules or Regulations of the Order. In case he is compelled to interfere he shall at once report his action in writing to the State or Provincial Chief Ranger and the High Chief Ranger, together with the reason for such action. g; (d) Upon receiving information of the death of g/j? a member of a Court in his district, the D. H. C. R. shall examine the books of the Financial Sec- retary, and see that no injustice is done by any of- ficer of the Subordinate Court, and on finding that the deceased member was not in arrears for any benefit or other assessments as provided by the laws of the Order, he shall indorse the death cer- tificate to that effect. v (e) The Deputy High Chief Ranger shall, when gg requested by the High Chief Ranger, or the State or Provincial Chief Ranger, install the officers of the Subordinate Courts under his supervision. He shall forward without delay, as provided in these Laws, all reports to tne State or Provincial Chief 27 Rangei and to the High Chief Ranger, and per- form such other duties as may be required of him by the State or Provincial Court, or by the High Court. All necessary expense incurred by him in the performance of his duties shall be defrayed by the State or Provincial Court in the State or prov- ince to which the Subordinate Court under the di- rection of the Deputy High Chief Ranger is located. It shall be the duty of the High Senior and High Junior Conductors to attend all sessions of the In- ternational Convention. They shall accompany the H. C. R. to all installation and perform such other duties as the Laws of the order require. It shall be the duty of the High Inside and High Outside Sentinels to attend all sessions of the In- ternational Convention, take charge of the inner and outer doors, and perform such other duties as are required by these Laws of such officers in Sub- ordinate Courts. The High Court Committee on Audit shall select an Auditor who is a licensed and expert account- ant to audit the books of the High Court officers, and of any committee charged with the expendi- ture of money, at least twice a year. The said committee shall cause to be published a written report of each audit in the Forester in the next issue following the receipt of the said audit, and shall make a complete report covering the entire term to the International Convention. The Auditor appointed by the said committee on Audit shall at any and all times have access to all the books and papers of any or all the officers of the High Court, or of any committee thereof; and shall have the right to examine all papers, books, money and securities belonging to the Order. Revenue of the High Court. The revenue of the High Court shall not be for accumulation or investment, but shall only be used 28 r the purpose of defraying the necessary expen- 3 of the International Convention and of the High mrt. All Courts organized under these Laws shall con- 7 4 ibute and pay to the High Court such sums for arter, laws, printing, blanks or other expenses as ese Laws provide or the High Court shall deter - ine, and must in all cases procure for the purpose uniformity, through the High Court, except as ireinafter provided for the Quebec and Ontario irisdictions, all official account and record books, tuals, blanks, regalia, etc., for which they shall ? charged the actual cost. The High Court shall levy special assessments on 75 ich Subordinate Court in proportion to the num- 3 r of members in good standing, as reported to le High Court, but such assessments shall not ex- >ed seventy-five cents per annum per member and he High Court shall have no power to assess the ubordinate Courts, except for such amounts as may e deemed necessary to carry on the business of he International Convention, the High Court, and he Order. Benefits and Rates. The amount of benefit payable by this Order to 7 (3 he beneficiary of a deceased regular member shall ie $500, $1,000 or $2,000. Each and every regular member, before he. or his 77 >eneficiary shall have any right or title in any >enefits of the Order, must first pay into the bene- it fund a benefit fee of an amount equal to one >enefit assessment, at the rate fixed for his age and •lass of risk for each one thousand dollars benefit ind in order to retain such right or title in any mch benefit, he must monthly thereafter pay into iaid fund a like amount, and such payment must be made within the time specified in these Laws. The rate of assessment for each one thousand 7 8 dollars benefit payable by each regular member ac- cording to his age and class of risk shall be: 29 If between Ordinary Hazardoi Years Class Class 18 and 21 $0.60 $0.70 21 » 22 .62 .72 22 a 23 .64 .74 23 tt 24 . .65 .76 24 tt 25 .67 .78 25 tt 26 .69 .80 26 tt 27 .71 .83 27 tt 28 .74 .85 28 ({ 29 .76 .87 29 tt 30 .79 .90 30 “ 31 .81 .93 31 tt 32 .84 .96 32 a 33 .87 .99 33 u 34 .90 1.02 34 tt 35 .93 1.06 35 a 38 .97 3.09 36 tt 37 3.01 1.13 37 u 38 .1.05 1.17 38 a 39 1.09 1.21 39 tt 40 1.13 1.25 40 tt 41 1.17 1.30 41 tt 42 1.22 1.35 42 tt 43 1.27 1.40 43 tt 44 1.33 1.48 44 tt 45 1.38 1.51 Provided, however, that the rate for a benefit' c $500 shall be one-half of the above rates and wher such division makes it necessary one-half cent shai be added in order to make such half rate even cents The benefit fee and all regular benefit assess merits shall be credited to the benefit account o the member paying the same, and the date o payment entered therewith by the Financial Secre tary, or Acting Financial Secretary. Any member of the Order who is between th ages of eighteen and forty-five years and who hold a benefit certificate for less than $2,000, may in crease the amount of the benefit by filing an appli cation therefor accompanied by a medical examin ,tion fee of $1.50 with the Recording Secretary rnd undergoing a medical examination. lSk> mem- ber shall be entitled to an increase of benefit until lis application for the same has been approved by he Medical Examiner and the High Medical Exam- ner and upon receiving notice from the Recording Secretary that the application has been approved >y the High Medical Examiner, the applicant shall vithin thirty days after such approval surrender he benefit certificate which he holds and pay to the financial Secretary a benefit fee of an amount equal o one benefit assessment on the additional benefit tt rate fixed for his age at which the increase takes effect and the class of his risk at that time, and ifty cents for a new benefit certificate. Any member of the Order desiring to decrease the g]_ imount of his benefit shall file an application to diat effect with the Recording Secretary, surren- ler the benefit certificate which he holds and pay :he sum of fifty cents for a new certificate. Benefits may be made payable to the following §2 jlasses: Class one: To the member’s (1) wife, (2) children (including children by adoption)* or chil- iren of deceased children (such children taking Dhe share of the deceased parent), (3) grandchil- Iren, (4) parents, (5) brothers and sisters' of the whole blood, (6) brothers and sisters of the half blood, (7) grandparents, (8) nieces and nephews, (9) cousins in the first degree, (10) uncles and aunts, (11) next of kin who would be the distributees of the personal estate of such member upon his death intestate, in either of which cases no proof of de- pendency shall be required before issuing the bene- fit certificate. Class two: (1) To the member’s affianced wife (2) gg to any person who is dependent upon the member for maintenance (food, clothing, lodging or educa- tion), in which case written evidence of the de- pendency within the requirements of the Laws of this Order must be furnished to the satisfaction of the High Secretary before the benefit certificate can be issued. 31 84 85 86 87 No entry shall be made in a member’s application for membership, nor in his benefit certificate no otherwise, referring to his will or to any othe written instrument for the designation or ascer tainment of the person or persons, trustees or bene ficiaries to whom either the entire amount or an} share of the benefit of the member shall be pay able. No will of a member shall, in any mannei whatever, control or govern the appointment of an} beneficiary, nor any distribution of nor the right o any party to any benefit payable by the Order. No benefit shall be payable to any person or per sons of Class two, Section 83, unless the dependence therein specified to be shown exists at the tim< of the member’s death, in which case proof of sucl dependency at such time must be furnished in writ ing to the satisfaction of the High Court before payment of the benefit shall be made. If, at the time of the death of the member any such depen dency shall have ceased, or shall be found not tc have existed, or if the designation shall fail foi illegality, or otherwise, then the benefit shall b< payable to the person or persons mentioned ir Class one of Section eighty-two (82), if living, ii the order of precedence, as therein enumerated. In the event of the death of one or more of th< beneficiaries, designated by the member in accord ance with the Laws of the Order, before the de cease of such member, if he shall have made nc other or further disposition thereof, upon his deatli such benefit shall be paid in full to the surviving beneficiary, or beneficiaries, each sharing pro rata as provided in the benefit certificate. In the event of the death of all the beneficiaries designated by the member in accordance with th< Laws of the Order, before the decease of bucI member, if he shall have made no formal applica tion for the issuance of a new certificate, the bene fit shall be paid to the persons mentioned in Clas; one, Section eighty-two (82), if living, in the orde of precedence as therein enumerated. 32 The person, or persons, legally entitled to bene- oo ts failing to make application in writing to the [igh Court for such benefits within one year after he death of the member shall forfeit such benefits nd the funds shall revert to the Order. In case the death of a member is the result of 89 ny unlawful act against the State, the sanctity of he home, or inviolation of moralty,. the benefit hall be forfeited, and no benefit shall be paid to is beneficiaries. Benefit and Special Assessments. The High Secretary shall on the first day of each 90 nonth give due notice of the monthly benefit assess - nent by mail to the Recording Secretary of each Subordinate Court in good standing, and he shaii dso cause a like notice to be published in the Cath- >lic Forester, the official organ of the Order. Notice >f special assessments levied and called under the wovisions of Section seventy-five (75), shall be pven in the same manner by the High Secretary, )rovided that notice thereof shall be given in the nonth preceding the one in which they are due and rnyable. Upon the receipt of such notice calling for a bene- 9 ]^ it or a special assessment, the Recording Secretary )f the Subordinate Court shall immediately acknowl- idge the same to the High Secretary, and at the same :ime notify the Financial Secretary of his Court of :he facts set forth in the call. The Financial Secre- :ary shall thereupon certify to the Treasurer of his Dourt the amount due the High Treasury on such Denefit or special assessment from the Court and the Treasurer of such Court shall, by the 20th day of the month in which the assessment is called, pay to the High Treasurer the amount so certified, out of the benefit fund, if it be a benefit assessment, and out of the Court funds, if it be a special assessment. Any Financial Secretary wno shall, in certifying to 92 the Treasurer of his Court, the amount due the High Treasurer on a benefit assessment, include in such amount an assessment for any member who has not 33 paid his benefit assessment for the last previous month, shall by that fact, be deposed fron office, anc shall be so declared by the Deputy High Chie Ranger of the Court or by an officer duly author ized for that purpose by the High Court or the respective State or Provincial Court. 93 The Treasurer of the Subordinate Court shall no tify the Recording Secretary of his Court of th* amount paid or forwarded to the High Treasurer on which account, the date it was sent, and th< manner in which it was forwarded or paid, and th' Recording Secretary shall immediately notify tin High Secretary of all such facts and also report tin same to his Court at its next regular meeting. 94 The publication of a notice in the Catholic For ester and the mailing of a like notice to the Re cording Secretary of each Subordinate Court shal be the only notice required and given to any Sub ordinate Court and to the regular members there of that a benefit assessment or a special assessmen has been called to the High Treasury. Qg Any Subordinate Court which fails to pay an; benefit or special assessment into the High Treasury or fails to pay any special assessment levied by it State or Provincial Court before the first day of th month next succeeding the month for which thj assessment was called shall by that fact, stand sus; pended and the High Secretary shall report sue] suspension to the High Chief Ranger and mail notice of such suspension, giving cause and dat thereof, to the Chief Ranger, Recording Secretary Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy High Chie Ranger of the Court and to the respective State o Provincial Chief Ranger. In case a Subordinate Court fails to pay a specia assessment levied by its State or Provincial Cour as required under this paragraph, the State or Pro vincial Secretary shall notify the High Secretar of such fact. A Subordinate Court having been suspended .a provided in Section ninety-five (95), shall stand rein stated upon the receipt by the High Treasurer, with i two months from the date of suspension, of the mount due on account of the assessment for non- ayment of which the Court was suspended, together ith the amount due on account of any other benefit r special assessment called, and which may then s due and payable. Any Subordinate Court suspended, as provided in 97 ection ninety-five (95), and which shall fail to re- lstate itself within the time and in the manner pro- ided in Section ninety-six (96), shall be dissolved by tie Order of the High Court and its charter forfeited. In the case of the suspension of a Subordinate gg 'ourt, as provided in Section ninety-five (95), any lember in good standing on the books thereof may ontinue himself in good standing in the Order by aying to the Hign Secretary, within thirty days rom the date of suspension, any and all assessments ue the Order, which he may have paid to his Court, ut which have not been paid or forwarded to the ligh Treasurer, and by paying to the High Secre- ary, within the constitutional time, any other bene- it or special assessment called during the period of he suspension of his Court. Upon dissolution of a Subordinate Court, as pro- gg ided in Section ninety-seven (97), each and every nember thereof who continued himself in good stand- ng in the Order in the manner provided in Section linety-eight (98), shall, within thirty days of the Late of the dissolution of his Court, make application, n writing, to the High Secretary for a transfer card o some other Subordinate Court of his choice, and my such members failing to do so shall by that fact >tand suspended from the Order. Benefit Certificates. The first benefit certificate issued to a member jqq shall bear the date of his admission into the Order, md any subsequent certificate, which may be issued :o him either for an increase or decrease of benefit for a change of beneficiary or to replace a lost certi- ficate, shall bear the date on which the member has 3 omplied with all the requirements prescribed by 35 these Laws for obtaining any such subsequent certify cate. 1Q1 A benefit certificate shall not be issued to a mem ber until his formal application for membership with the record of his medical examination, hat- been filed with the High Court and found to be complete and in conformity with the Laws of the Order and after the High Secretary has receivec notification from the Recording Secretary of the member’s initiation or formal admission to member ship, or after a member has complied with all the prescribed requirements in case he has for any reasor applied for a new certificate. 102 The name, or names, of the person, or persons and relationship or dependency, shall be entered ir the benefit certificate, according to the directions en tered upon the member’s application therefor. IQg A benefit certificate cannot be made payable to £ creditor, nor be held wholly or in part, nor assignee to secure any debt which may be owing by tin member. Any such assignment of a benefit certifi cate by a member or beneficiary shall be void. 104 A member may at any time, when in good stand ing, surrender his benefit certificate, and a new cer tificate shall thereafter be issued, payable to sucl beneficiary or beneficiaries as such member may di rect, in accordance with the Laws of the Order, upoi the payment of a fee of fifty cents. Said surren der and direction must be made in writing on th< back of the benefit certificate and must be signed b the member and forwarded under seal of the Subor dinate Court, to the High ^Secretary. Parole evident of intention or desire to change the beneficiary mus be disregarded. 105 . When a benefit certificate for a member is receive < by the Recording Secretary of a Subordinate Cour he shall deliver it ‘to the member, taking his receip therefor in the Benefit Register, or he may, if th member is absent from the jurisdiction of his Court forward it to such member by mail, or in some man ner, with instructions that the member acknowledg receiving and signing the same, and that he retur; 36 >fi acknowledgment without delay to the Secretary his Court, such acknowledgment shall then be en- ed upon the records of the Court. [n case a benefit certificate is lost or beyond a 7()g jmber’s control, the member may in writing surren- r all claim thereto and direct that a new certifi- te be issued to him payable to the same or a new neficiary, or beneficiaries, upon making affidavit of e facts in the case, on a blank furnished, upon ap- ication, by the High Secretary, and paying a fee fifty cents. ^ The issuing of such new certificate shall cancel x(J7 td render null and void any and all previous cer- ficates issued to a member. Accumulated Benefit Fund. All surplus of moneys which may accumulate in 10g ie benefit fund of the Order from the monthly bene- ; assessments, and which surplus is in excess over id above the amount of moneys needed to pay the mefit liabilities of the Order, shall be transferred > and constitute the accumulated benefit fund of ie Order, which shall be maintained and controlled nder the direction of the High Court of the Catholic rder of Foresters in the manner and for the purpose ereinafter set forth. Said accumulated benefit fund shall be available ][QQ nly for paying benefit liabilities of the Order, and hall be drawn upon for that purpose only in the lanner hereinafter provided when the income from he benefit assessments paid for a certain month is isufficient to meet such liabilities of the Order dur- ng that month. _ , _ . ^ All moneys accruing to the accumulated benefit 7 10 und shall be invested in the name of the Order at nterest in Government, State, Provincial, County or Municipal bonds of the United States or Canaaa, t he Board of Investment as and in the manner here- nafter provided. The High Chief Banger, High Secretary, and three ligh Trustees, the latter to be elected by the High kmrt, shall constitute the Board of Investment, 111 37 whose duty it shall be to invest the accumulated benefit fund moneys. 112 The High Court shall select a trust or safety deposit company to act as custodian for the accu- mulated benefit fund securities of the Order, and shall arrange by written agreement with such cus- todian to keep the required record of all such se- curity, to give receipt in duplicate for such security, to place all such securities in a fire proof vault set apart for that purpose, and further to arrange by such written agreement that none of such secur- ities or any of tlie interest coupons thereof, shall be withdrawn from such vault by any person except the High Secretary and High Treasurer, both to- gether in person and in the presence of the custodian of the securities, or its representatives, and a joint order signed by at least seven members of the High Court, and giving a description of the particular se- curities so ordered to be withdrawn. 113 The High Court shall furnish to each the High Treasurer, the Chairman of the Board of Investment and the custodian of the accumulated benefit fund securities, registration books so ruled and printed as to provide for entries of a full description of all the accumulated benefit fund securities by which they may at any time be identified, and for a memoran- dum or endorsement opposite each such entry of the withdrawal and collection of the respective securities* or of the interest thereon, and a copy of such regis- tration book shall also be kept on file in the office o(f the High Court. 114 Whenever the surplus in the benefit fund, as de- fined in Section one hundred and eight (108), amounts to a sum equal to 50 cents per each regular membei* of the Order, the High Court shall, by resolution!, cause the issuance of an order on the High Treasure^ directing him to transfer such specified surplus front l the benefit fund to the accumulated benefit fund, anc 1 the High Treasurer, upon receipt of such order fron * the High Court, shall make the therein specifiec | transfer from the Denefit fund to the accumulatec 1 benefit fund. 38 • The board of Investment shall invest the moneys jjg in the kinds of securities provided herein; pro- vided, however, that no such investment in any such securities shall be made unless such securi- ties for investment are selected by the unanimons vote of the said Investment Board, and such selection shall have first been approved and confirmed by a majority vote of the Hight Court. After such selection is made by , the unani- mous vote of said Investment Board and approved and confirmed by a majority of the High Court the Investment Board shall purchase such selected se- curities, and the securities so purchased shall be re- ceived by the High Treasurer, and the High Treasurer shall, on receipt of said securities, cause the custodian of such securities, as per agreement, to enter the same in the registration book provided for that pur- pose, such entry to be certified with the signature of both the High Treasurer and the Custodian and to give two receipts therefor bearing a transcript of such registration, which receipts the High Treasurer shall forward one to the High Secretary and one to the Chairman of the Board of Investment, and the High Secretary shall enter the transcript in his reg- istration book and shall attach said Custodian’s re- ceipt and place the same on file in the office of the High Court, where it will be accessible for reference at any time. Both the High Secretary and the High Treasurer tig shall prepare quarterly statements and present them 1 ° to the High Court showing the securities upon which either principal or interest is due, and the amount thereof, as set forth in Section one hundred and twelve (112), and proceed to withdraw su^i securities or interest coupons thereof, from the Custodian, and to give him a joint receipt therefor, and whenever any accumulated benefit fund securities, or any in- terest coupons thereon, have been withdrawn from the Custodian, the High Treasurer shall, after having given the High Secretary receipt therefor and made 39 I a record of such securities or coupons in the book kept for that purpose, proceed to collect said securi- ties or interest coupons thereon immediately. 217 I* 1 cases where any accumulated benefit fund securities, or interest coupons thereof, have been withdrawn and collected or sold, and the moneys thus realized have been received by the High Treasurer, and by him credited to the benefit fund, the Higl Secretary, the High Treasurer, and the Chairman of the Board of Investment shall make a memoran* dum in their registration books opposite the entry of the respective securities, showing the date, amount and nature of such collections, and the date and num- ber of the receipt of the High Treasurer, acknowledg- ing receipt of such collected moneys. 118 In case the accumulated benefit fund needs to be drawn* upon for the purpose of meeting benefit lia- bilities of the Order, as provided in Section one hun- dred and nine (109), at the time any matured securi- ties or interest coupons thereof are collected, the moneys so collected shall, upon a joint order signed by at least seven members of the High Court, be col- lected by the High Treasurer, who shall acknowl- edge the receipt thereof to each member of such Board of Investment, and shall credit the amount of such moneys to the benefit fund of the Order. 119 Whenever the accumulated benefit fund needs to be drawn upon for the purpose of meeting benefit lia- bilities of the Order, as provided in Section one hun- dred and nine (109), at any time other than such as specified in Section one hundred and eighteen (118), the High Court shall select a sufficient amount of this accumulated benefit fund securities, and cause such selected securities to be withdrawn from the Custo- dian for collection of same; the moneys thus real- ized by such collection or sale, to be paid to the High Treasurer and by him credited to the benefit fund of the Order. 120 The High Court shall be vested with full power to make such rules and regulations for enforcement of the provisions of the daws regulating the Accumu- lated Benefit fund as it may deem necessary or wise. 40 and shall prepare and furnish to the respective offi- cers all blank forms necessary for the various trans- actions required by said laws; and shall from time to time, as the circumstances may require, cause to be filed with the Custodian of the accumulated benefit fund securities, a certification and verifica- tion of the signatures of the officers upon whose joint order accumulated benefit fund securities are to be withdrawn. Subordinate Courts. Membership in the Order shall be acquired only J21 through admission to a Subordinate Court, and shall be of two kinds, namely, regular membership where- in the members carry benefits, and honorary mem- bership wherein the members do not carry benefits; and the former shall be divided into two classes of risks, namely, the Ordinary class and the Hazardous class, as herein elsewhere defined. Every Subordinate Court shall consist, and so «on- J22 tinue, of at least twenty regular members, except is herein otherwise provided, and shall, by virtue Df a charter granted by the High Court, possess all the powers and privileges of a Subordinate Court 3f the Catholic Order of Foresters while acting in accordance with the Laws, Rules and Regulations }f said Order, as now in force or as may hereafter be in force. Each such Court shall be known and addressed by J23 i name adopted by the Court, but which shall not be the name of a living person or of another Court ex- isting in the same city or town, and by a number as- signed by the High Court. Upon permission granted by the High Court, a 124 Subordinate Court may, at a regular meeting by a :wo- thirds vote of all its members, change its name, cut a thirty days’ notice of the proposed change of lame shall be given to all the members. No Subordinate Court shall be organized or in- 125 ;tituted in any of the following namel States: North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Flor- ftL 41 126 127 128 129 ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas, and the High Court shall be vested with full power to refuse to grant a charter for a Court in any other locality when it deems it for the best interests of the Order. Upon the application of any person for permission to organize a Subordinate Court the State or Provin- cial Chief Ranger within whose jurisdiction it is pro- posed to organize, or, if it is proposed to organize outside of the existing jurisdiction, the State or Provincial Chief Ranger to whose jurisdiction the proposed Court is assigned by the High Court shall, after having satisfied himself that the person seek- ing permission to organize is properly qualified for the work and that the locality of the parish where he proposes to organize is a favorable one, and that the new Court is needful, issue to such person an Organizer’s Commission. Every such commission shall state the locality, j city and parish within which the person named is: authorized to solicit for members for the proposed j new Court, the name of the parish to which it is to| be attached and the length of time the Commission j shall be in force. Upon issuing any such Commission the State oi Provincial Chief Ranger shall cause the State or Provincial Secretary to forward to the Organizer, i with the Commission, all the necessary instruction? relating to the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the! Order governing the organization and institution- ol Subordinate Courts, and also all the necessary blank forms, and said Chief Ranger shall also notify the High Chief Ranger of the name and address of the person to whom the Commission was issued and the locality, city and parish wherein he proposes to or- ganize. , As soon as twenty-five or more persons, who pos- ses all the qualifications, including the filing of a clearance card by those who were members of the Order before, that are necessary to be proposed for regular membership in an established Court as pro- vided in Sections 209 to 238, both inclusive, “Regu- 42 tar Membership” of these laws, have signed the char- ter list and have each paid the charter membership fee of $2.00 to the Organizer, they shall, under the direction of the Organizer, select a name conformable to Section one hundred and twenty-four (124), for the proposed new Court. The Organizer shall, immediately after the said preliminary meeting, forward to the High Chief Ranger a list of the duly elected applicants for charter membership on the blank furnished for that purpose, properly filled out, giving name of pro- posed new Court, and accompanied by the clearance cards, if any, and shall a,t the same time forward the charter fee of $50 to the High Treasurer, who shall acknoAvledge the receipt thereof to the Or- ganizer and to the High Chief Ranger. If the number of applicants initiated at the time -^g-^ of the institution of the Court exceeds the number of twenty, the Organizer shall return to each one of them a pro rata share of that amount which remains after paying out of the initiation fees paid by them, the charter fee of $50, and he shall turn over all other fees collected by him to the Treas- urer of the new Court as soon as the latter has quali- fied, taking his receipt therefor. He shall also pay the transportation charges for the supplies and pay any other expenses connected with the organization and institution of the new Court. The Medical Examiner of such proposed new Court', 132 on receipt of his commission, shall cause the Or- ganizer to notify the duly elected charter applicants to present themselves for the purpose of making a formal application for regular membership and un- dergoing a medical examination, as and in accord- ance with Sections 228, 229, 230 and 231, of these Laws and as soon as said Medical Examiner has examined all the said applicants, for the examination of each of which he may charge the applicant a fee of not more than $1.50 (which charge shall include the High Medical Examiner’s fee) he shall forward the application papers to the High Medical Examiner, together with a fee of 25 cents for each application. 43 and the Medical Examiner shall also notify the High Chief Ranger of the forwarding of such applications to the High Medical Examiner. 133 After the High Medical Examiner has approved twenty or more such applications for membership for a proposed new Court, he shall forward the same to the High Chief Ranger, and at the same time notify the Organizer of the applications which have been approved, giving all the data as required by Section ✓ 232 of these laws. 134 After receiving twenty or more approved applica- tions for charter membership from the High Medi- cal Examiner, and after notice from the High Treas- urer that the specified charter fee has been paid, the High Chief Ranger shall cause a charter to be issued for the proposed new Court and immedi- ately notify the Organizer that a charter has been granted, and at the same time forward the neces- sary supplies. The High Chief Ranger, either in per- son or through a Deputy High Chief Ranger, shall institute such new Court at a< meeting called for that purpose by the Organizer, at which meeting the duly qualified charter applicants who have com- plied with all the conditions prescribed in Section 234 of these Laws, that apply in the case of charter applicants, shall be initiated and the officers for the new Court elected and installed, and the names of said officers shall be forwarded to the High Chief Ranger immediately. 135 „The supplies which shall be furnished each Sub- ordinate Court at the time of its institution shall consist of one trunk, one ledger, one roster, one benefit register, one minute book, one receipt book for members, one Financial Secretary’s cash book, one balance book, one Treasurer’s receipt book, one Treasurer’s cash book, fifty copies of the Consti- tution, fifty application and examination blanks, fifty proposition blanks, six transfer cards, six rituals, one ballot box with balls, one seal, two gavels, Court bonds, roll call, cash vouchers, requisition book, visit- ing committee report blanks, monthly and semi- monthly report blanks and twenty-one regalias. 44 After the institution of a Court and upon filing with the High Secretary a statement signed by the Chief Ranger and the Treasurer of the Court, show- ing that the Organizer has turned over all excess fees, as provided in Section one hundred and thirty-one (131), the High Court shall order the payment of a fee of $50.00 to the Organizer for his services. When a Court which has been organized with i 3 •j twenty or more members has fallen below that num- ber such Court shall be entitled to hold its char- ter so long as its members perform all their duties; but they shall have the privilege of surrendering the charter and being transferred to another Court in the manner prescribed. Upon the dissolution or expulsion of a Subordi- 138 nate Court all moneys, property and charter shall be surrendered, and held in trust by the High Court, to be returned if such Subordinate Court be restored to fellowship in the Order within one year after date of its dissolution or expulsion, but if the Court is not so restored, then all the property, funds, etc., shall be used by the High Court for the benefit of the Order, and any officer or member having any such property in his custody and refusing to turn the same over to the proper authority upon demand, shall be forever excluded from the Order ; notwith- standing such Court should be reinstated, and any member so refusing shall be prosecuted before a competent civil court for the recovery of all moneys and properties so held. Twenty or more members of a Subordinate Court 139 which has been dissolved or expelled, and who have continued themselves in good standing in the Or- der, as provided in Sections ninety-eight (98) and ninety-nine (99) of these Laws, may, within one year after such dissolution or expulsion, make appli- cation to the High Court for the restoration of such Court to fellowship in the Order and on the recom- mendation of the H. C. R., State or Provincial C. R. and D. H. C. R., such Courts may be restored to fel- lowship by the High Court, and the charter and ef- 45 fects formerly belonging to such Court shall be turned over to such restored Court. 140 , A less number than twenty, but not less than eleven of such members, may be authorized by the High Court to recruit new members to the num- ber of twenty for the purpose of making application for the restoration of a Subordinate Court, as pro- vided in Section one hundred and thirty-nine (139). 141 An y Subordinate Court failing to prefer charge against one of the members who is known to violate any of the laws or principles of the Order shall be liable to trial, and, on conviction, .shall be suspended. 142 An y Subordinate Court reinstating a member, who has been duly suspended for any cause whatever, without a favorable two-thirds vote of the members present, or without first requiring a certificate of good health from the suspended member, shall be liable to suspension by the High Court. 143 Each Subordinate Court shall recognize and re- spect its D. H. C. R. as the representative of the High Chief Ranger and obey his rulings and decisions un- der penalty of supension for refusing to do so. 144 Each Subordinate Court shall recognize and obey the decisions of the High Court, State and Provincial Courts under the penalty of suspension for refusing so to do. 445 Every Subordinate Court shall designate a day within the Easter time of each year on which the members shall approach Holy Communion in a body, when such Communion in a body is approved by the pastor of tne parish, and any Court failing to do so shall be liable to suspension by the High Court. 146 Subordinate Court existing in "one parish shall transfer or change to another parish without the per- mission of the State or Provincial Court in which said parish is located. Trials by High Court. 147 The High Court shall sit as a trial board in all cases in which charges have been duly made against any member of the High Court or of a State or 46 Provincial Court for violation of the obligation or trust of office, or for violation of any principles or law of the Order relating to the duties of the office of such member, or against any State or Provincial Court, for violation of any principle or law of the Order relating to its organiation, powers and duties. In cases for trial by the High Court the charges 148 must have been made by three members in good standing in case the accused is a member of the High Court, of a State or Provincial Court, or a Subordinate Court of the Order. The High Court may appoint a commission con- 149 sisting of not less than three members who are State or Provincial Chief Rangers, Deputy High Chief Rangers, Chief Rangers, or Past Chief Rangers, as may best serve the case, which shall take testimony in a case on trial before the High Court, and reduce such testimony to writing and forward the same forthwith to the High Court, which shall then ex- amine and pass upon the case. All trials by the High Court and the taking of testi- -^gQ mony by a commission shall be conducted in the main as provided for trials in Subordinate Courts, as pro- vided elsewhere in these Laws, but a member of the High Court, who is also a member of a Subordinate Court on trial, shall not be entitled to vote on the decree. While on trial, a Subordinate Court shall not hold 151 any election or installation of officers, and shall not issue any transfer, traveling or clearance cards to any of its members; neither shall it make any dis- tribution or transfer of any of its funds or property, except in payment of lawful debts and current ex- penses. On finding the accused guilty, the High Court shall ^g2 affix the penalty, if one is provided for the case by these Laws, but if none is provided it may determine upon a penalty by a two -thirds vote. Appeals to High Court. The High Court shall hear and try all appeals, -^gg regularly made, from the decisions of any State or 47 Provincial Court, and also appeals from Subordinate Courts which have been suspended for non-payment of benefit or special assessments. 154 In all cases of appeal to the High Court the ap- pellant shall, within thirty days from the date of the decision from which the appeal is made, file a notice setting forth the grounds for the appeal, with the High Secretary and with the State or Provincial Secretary, or the D. H. C. R., as the case may re- quire, whereupon such State or Provincial Secretary or D. H. C. R. shall, within ten days, forward all records and documents pertaining to the case to the High Secretary, who shall thereupon lay the appeal before the High Court, without delay, which shall render a decision as soon as possible. 155 Either party to a trial or appeal before the High Coprt shall be entitled to an appeal from the decision of the High Court to the next regular International Convention of the Order, provided that a notice set- ting forth the grounds for the appeal shall be filed with the High Secretary within sixty days from the date of decision. The High Secretary shall there- upon day such appeal, together with all the records and documents pertaining to the case, before the next regular International Convention, which shall render a final and conclusive decision in the case, binding on all parties interested. Miscellaneous Provisions. 156 The fiscal y ear of the Order shall begin with the first of January of each year and end with the thirty- first day of December of the same year, and the four quarters of each such year shall comprise the time, respectively, between January 1st and March 31st, April 1st and June 30th, July 1st and September 30th, and October 1st and December 31st. 157 The English language shall be the official language of the Order for the transaction of all business, ex- cept for conducting Court meetings as herein other- wise provided, but correspondence between the High Court and a Subordinate Court may be carried on in the French language if necessary. 48 No officer or member of any department or branch of the Order shall have any authority, power or right to represent or act as the agent of the Order, except in the performance of the duties specifically imposed upon him by these Laws, Rules and Regula- tions, or by the express direction, in writing, of the High Court or of the respective State or Provincial Court; and any act or procedure on the part of any such officer or member or of any Subordinate Court that is contrary to or in conflict with any of the Laws, Rules or Regulations of the Order shall be null and void. All payments of moneys on the part of the High ^59 Court shall be made by joint check of the High Sec- retary and High Treasurer. For the purpose of uniformity all paraphernalia, 160 regalia, blank account books and blank forms, shall be purchased from or through the High Court, but for good and sufficient reasons the High Court may grant permission for the purchase of any such sup- plies, approved by it, from and through any other sources ; provided, however, that the Provincial Courts of Canada may, under the supervision of the High Court, provide the same for their jurisdictions at their own proper costs and expense, with the ex- ception of the application blanks, and medical ex- amination blanks. All book-keepers, clerks, etc., employed by the 161 High Secretary to assist him in the conduct of his office shall be under his direction and control, pro- vided that all such employes shall be regular mem- bers of the Order, except in extraordinary cases, when non-members may be employed with the con- sent of the High Court. All official communications from the High Court, 162 State or Provincial Court, or from any Subordinate Court, shall be read to the Court addressed at its first regular meeting after receipt thereof, and if received during a meeting, it shall be read at that meeting. No State or Provincial Court, or Subordinate Court, 163 or any member of the Order, shall circulate among 49 the Subordinate Courts any petition or appeal foi any contributions or subscriptions, nor any other cir cul^r whatever, except by consent and approval o: the High Court, and no such matter shall be submit- ted or read at any meeting of the Court unless it bears the approval of the High Court under the seal of the Order. 164 The official organ of the Order, The Catholic For ester, shall be issued and mailed monthly to the ad dress of record of every member in good standing in the Order, and shall be managed under the di rection of the High Court and for the benefit of the Order, provided that the French portion of the For- ester shall be edited under the supervision of the Provincial Court of Quebec. The publication of all matter therein shall be under the supervision of the High Chief Ranger, to whom all contributions shall be submitted for approval, and who shall reject any matter the tenor of which is against the spirit ane best interests of the Order. Amendments. ^@5 Any member of the Order, in good standing, shah have the right to propose the amendment, substitu- tion or repeal of any part of the Constitution and! the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order. 166 Any such proposed amendment, substitution or re- peal shall be submitted in writing to the High Court at least sixty days prior to the International Con- vention, and the High Secretary shall examine, ar-j range and edit for publication any such amendment,! substitution or repeal, and shall cause the same tC; be printed in the official organ of the Order at least) thirty days prior to the International Convention, and he shall also transmit all such proposed amend - 1 ments, substitutions or repeals to the chairman of' the Committee on Constitution at least one week prior to the holding of the International Conven-i tion. ; 167 No proposed amendment, substitution or repeal shall be considered in the International Convention! 50 which has not been submitted in the manner provided in Section one hundred and sixty-six (166), unless a majority of the Committee on Constitution of the International Convention agree to consider it. A two-thirds vote of the members present in the ^ 0 g International Convention shall be necessary to enact any such proposed amendment, substitution or re- peal, and the same shall take effect and be in force on and after the first day of January following the close of the said convention, unless otherwise pro- vided. Organization of State and Provincial Courts. An y State or Province may, with the consent and under the direction of the High Court, organize a State or- Provincial Court in the manner following: Each State or Province having a total member- J70 ship of at least 250 members in good standing, be- longing to the Subordinate Courts within its boun - daries, shall be entitled to organize a State or Pro- vincial Court. In the case of a State or Province having less than 250 members, belonging to the Subordinate Courts, within its boundaries, such State or Province shall, by the direction of the High Court, be annexed to a neighboring State or Provincial Court and shall co- operate therewith until the membership of such annexed State or Province shall have reached the number provided in Section one hundred and seventy (170), when it may be permitted, under the direction of the High Court, to organize a separate State or Provincial Court. Each Subordinate Court located in a State or Province having the requisite membership shall elect one delegate, and one alternate for such delegate, to represent it in a State or Provincial Convention held by the High Court for the purpose of organizing a State or Provincial Court. [ Each State or Provincial Court shall be known and 173 styled by the name adopted at its convention, such name to be indicative of the State or Province where- in it is located. 51 174 175 176 177 The object of a State or Provincial Court shall b* to assist the High Court in the government of the Subordinate Courts, to organize new Subordinate Courts; and m general, to extend throughout it? jurisdiction the work in which the Order is engaged, State and Provincial Conventions. The State and Provincial Conventions may be held annually or biennially, as may be determined by each respective State or Provincial Convention, and such conventions 'shall be held on the second Tuesday of June, m the year and in the city that the last pre- ceding Convention determined, commencing at 1C o’clock a. m. . The membership of the State or Provincial Conven- tion shall consist of the elective officers and mem- bers of the State or Provincial Court, and of the representatives elected by the Subordinate Courts within the respective State or Provincial jurisdic- tion. Before being admitted to the State or Pro- vincial Convention each delegate must present a cer- tificate from his Subordinate Court, showing that he has been legally elected to the office and that he is qualified for the same. Said certificate shall also contain the certificate of the financial secretary of the Court that the delegate is a member of the Order in good standing on the first day of the month next preceding the conven- tion. I he officers of the State or Provincial Conven- tion shall be the State or Provincial Spiritual Di- rector, State or Provincial Chief Ranger, State or Pi ovincial Vice Chief Ranger, State or Provincial Secretary, State or Provincial Treasurer, State or Provincial Senior and Junior Conductors, and State or Provincial Inside and Outside Sentinels, all of whom shall possess the same qualifications as the representatives, excepting the Spiritual Director, who need not be a member of the Order. They shall hold their offices until the next Convention, or until their successors shall have been duly elected or ap- pointed and have qualified. 52 All past members of the State or Provincial Court ^78 in good standing shall be entitled to honorary seats iiv the State or Provincial Convention, and all mem- bers of the Order in good standing shall be entitled to admission to the sessions of the Convention. The delegates shall present themselves on the day 179 and at the place designated by the State or Provin- cial Court in the call for the Convention, and, after the State or Provincial Court officers have called the Convention to order, shall present their credentials to the Committee on Credentials, which shall pass thereupon. All the delegates present who have had their credentials passed upon favorably shall take the following pledge of office: We, the representatives of the Subordinate Courts igQ of the (name of State or Provincial jurisdiction), of the Catholic Order of Foresters, each a witness to the other, and of our own free will and accord, do pledge ourselves, that we will hold allegiance to this Con- vention, and be loyal thereto; that we will perform our duty as members of the Convention, to the best of our ability, without fear, favor or prejudice, and that we will keep forever secret, except in communi- cation w T ith those lawfully entitled to know the same, all official and business affairs of this Convention. This pledge shall be binding upon us, whether we are in the Order or out of it. Powers and Duties of the State or Provincial Convention. The State or Provincial Convention shall be opened 181 at the time specified in the Constitution, and if a quorum be present shall proceed to business. In case one or more officers are absent, the State or Provin- cial C. R. shall make appointments, pro tern., to fill such vacancies. In the absence of a State or Provincial C. R„ the V. C. R., shall preside; in the absence of both, the Senior C. R. present may pre- side; and if none be present, a temporary organiza- tion may be effected by election. 53 182 Two-thirds of the accredited representatives of the Subordinate Courts of the respective State or Prov ince shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, but a less number may adjourn fron time to time. 183 The State or Provincial Convention shall adopt an order of business and by-laws for the government of itself and for the State or Provincial Court. Saidi by-laws shall be subject to approval by the High Court and shall not conflict with these Laws, Rules and Regulations, nor with any statutes of the State or Province in which the respective State or Pro- vincial Court is operating, nor with any law thatj would violate the charter granted to the Order by the State of Illinois. 184 It shall decide in all cases of contested delegations,' and shall fake proper action on all petitions regularly presented. 185 It shall order the payment of the expenses of all the members of the Convention, said expenses, how- ever, to include only the actual transportation fare by the shortest customary route, and $3.00 for each j day of actual time spent in going to, attending, and returning from the Convention, as certified by the Committee on Finance; provided, however, that no delegate to the Convention shall be paid for any day that he does not attend the Session of the Con- vention, as shown by the roll calls, unless excused by the Convention. 186 ^ ma y> by resolution, suggest and recommend to the High Court and to the International Conven- tion any measures which it may deem to be for the advancement and best interests of the Order. 187 Should the business of the Convention not be con- cluded at one session, it shall be taken up at each j succeeding session, where it was dropped at the pie- i ceding one. In all cases the readings and approval | of the records, reception and reference of reports and credentials, and the presentation of new representa- I fives entitled to membership in the Convention, shall | be the first order of business at each session. 54 The election of State or Provincial Court officers ^gg and members and of delegates and alternates to the International Convention shall take place on the last day of the Convention, provided that the elec- tion shall commence prior to 9 o’clock p. m. of said day. Before such election takes place the Convention lg(J shall fix the salaries of such State or Provincial officers as it may determine, and in such amount as it may deem proper. One Delegate and one Alternate for such Delegate shall be elected to the International Convention for each six hundred (600) members, and major fraction thereof, of Subordinate Courts within the State or Provincial Jurisdiction, provided that each State or Provincial Jurisdiction shall be entitled to at least one delegate. Such Delegates and Alternates shall be elected at the last regular session of the State or Provincial Convention preceding the International Convention of the Order. The State or Provincial Senior and Junior Con- 191 ductors, State or Provincial Inside and Outside Sen- tinels, and the State or Provincial Spiritual Director shall not be elected, but shall be appointed by the incoming State or Provincial Chief Ranger. The delegates and alternates to the International 192 Convention must have the same qualifications as rep- sen tatives to the State or Provincial Convention. Within ten days after the said election the Secre- tarv of each State or Provincial Court shall forward The High Secretary a certified copy of the creden- tials issued each delegate elected to the International convention, duiv sealed in accordance with the pre- scribed rules of the Order. The State or Provincial Convention snail mcorpo- 194 rate in the by-laws provisions for tu- nomination and election of the State or Provincial Court office > and members and the delegates to the Internationa Convention, and for the duties of the Stat or Provin- cial Court officers; for the appointment and duties 55 of all necessary committees; for the hearing by the State or Provincial Court of appeals from Subordi- nate Courts. State and Provincial Court — Powers and Duties. 195 The State or Provincial Court shall be composed of a State or Provincial Chief Ranger, State or Provin- cial Vice Chief Ranger, State or Provincial Secretary, State or Provincial Treasurer, and as many State or Provincial Trustees as the by-laws may provide, not exceeding seven. They shall be elected and hold of- fice and possess the qualifications as provided in these laws from and including Sections 175 to and including Section 194, thereof. 196 ^ Vacancies in any office of any State or Provincial Court may be filled by such State or Provincial Court for the remainder of the term. 197 Th ? State or Provincial Court shall hold regular meetings at such time and place as its by-laws may provide; the members of the State or Provincial Court shall receive such allowance for per diem and expenses as may be fixed by such by-laws. 198 It shall issue commissions to organizers and or- ganize new Courts within its jurisdiction with the consent and under the direction of the High Court, and it may adopt such measures as will tend to the extension of the Order, and the increase of member- ship of the Subordinate Courts within its jurisdiction. And it may appoint as many auditors, under such conditions, and at such salary, as it may^ deem proper, and pay such auditors out of the State or Provincial Court funds. 199 ^ shall act on all petitions from Subordinate Courts and hear all appeals from the decisions of Subordinate Courts and render decisions thereon, the appellant, or appellee, however, being entitled to an appeal in any case from the State or Provincial Court to the High Court. It shall also sit as a trial court on all charges duly preferred against a Sub- ordinate Court, and such trials shall be conducted in the main as provided for trials in Subordinate Courts, 56 as provided elsewhere in these Laws; provided, how- ever, that the members of the State or Provincial Court shall sit as jurors in such cases. It shall examine by-laws or amendments to by- 200 laws of Subordinate Courts and shall approve the same if it finds no conflict in them with any of the Laws, Rules or Regulations of the Order. It shall, with the approval of the High Chief 201 Ranger, appoint all Deputy High Chief Rangers for the Courts under its jurisdiction, and make all rules and regulations for their observance as may tend to the best interests of the Subordinate Courts over which they are placed, such rules and regulations being first approved by the High Court. It shall, at least sixty days prior to the first day 202 of January, 1902, and every two years thereafter; and as often as may be necessary, recommend from residents of their respective jurisdictions, as many reputable, licensed physicians as in its judgment shall be sufficient to perform the work of examina- tion of applicants for membership in the Order, re- instatement of suspended members, applicants for increased insurance and applicants for transfer from the hazardous to tne ordinary class. Such recom- mendations shall be made from Catholic physi- cians, preferably members of the Order, except in cases where the interests of the Order require, and in such cases, non-Catholic physicians may be so recommended. The names and addresses of physicians so recom- mended shall be forwarded by the Secretary of the State or Provincial Court to the High Medical Ex- aminer, who, if he shall approve same, shall com- mission such as shall be by him approved, to act as Medical Examiners for the Court or District speci- fied by the State or Provincial Court making the recommendation. In case the High Medical Ex- aminer shall withhold his approval of any physician so recommended, the State or Provincial Court shall make other and further recommendations until ap- proved by the High Medical Examiner. 57 203 ^he revenue of the State or Provincial Courts shall not be for accumulation or investment, but shall only be used for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of the State or Provincial Court and Con- ventions. 204 A State or Provincial Court may levy not more than three special assessments not to exceed 25 cents each per member per annum on the Subordinate Courts under its jurisdiction for State or Provincial Court expenses, the call for such assessments being first approved by the High Court, and such expenses being subject to the supervision of the High Court. Notice of the levying of such special assessments shall be given by a State or Provincial Court in the month preceding the one in which they are due and payable in the same manner as is required in the case of High Court special assessments. 205 It shall be the duty of the State or Provincial Court to require such bonds of the State or Pro- vincial Secretary and Treasurer as may be provided for in its by-laws, such bonds shall run to the Order for the use of such State or Provincial Court, and when approved by such State or Provincial Court such bond shall be immediately filed with the High Secretary; and it shall forward to the High Court quarterly, a financial statement of its receipts and an itemized account of its expenditures. Special Provision for Provincial Jurisdiction of Quebec. 2Q0 The Provincial Convention of Quebec is authorized ^ to nominate a Provincial Medical Examiner for the Jurisdiction of Quebec, who shall be commissioned by the High Medical Examiner in the same manner as provided for the appointment and commissioning of Medical Examiners in other Jurisdictions of the Order. Such Medical Examiner shall be a member of the Provincial Court. 207 Said Provincial Medical Examiner shall be gov- erned by the Laws, Rules and Regulations governing the High Medical Examiner of the Order, and shall 58 erf orm for the Provincial Jurisdiction of Quebec all he duties specified in Sections 59, ,60, 61, 62 and 63 of hese Laws. , r Said Provincial Medical Examiner shall be fur- 208 her subject to the Rules, Regulations and require- nents of the High Medical Examiner of the Order md shall report the doings of his office to the High vledical Examiner in such time and manner as the digh Medical Examiner shail direct. Regular Membership. Any male person of good moral character and 20$ exemplary habits who is over 18 and under 45 years of age, and who is a practical Roman Catholic shall, unless any of the impediments specified hereinafter exist in his case, be qualified to be proposed for reg- ular membership in the Order, and any such person who successfully passes the medical examination prescribed by the High Court shall be eligible for ad- mission to regular membership in the Ordei . Roman Catholic Cardinals and Bishops under the 210 age of 55 years shall be eligible to regular member- ship in the Order, but in case any such Cardinal or Bishop is over the age of forty-five (45) years a benefit certificate of no more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars shall be issued to him. The age limit specified hereinbefore shall expire on 211 and with the day next preceding the forty-fifth, or, in the case of a Cardinal or Bishop, fifty-fifth anni- versary of the birth of the person, and the admis- sion of any person to regular membership on or after the forty-fifth, or, in case of a Cardinal or Bishop, fifty-fifth anniversary of his birth, shall be null and void, and shall be so declared by the High Court, and the person so admitted shall not be considered a member of the Order nor shall he or those named as his beneficiaries have any rights in, or any elama whatever against the Order, and he shall for el a moneys paid by him; and any Chief Ranger who shall knowingly permit the initiation °r formal ad- mission to the Order of any person after the ex- piration of the age limit as defined in this Section shall, by that fac stand deposed from office and shall be so declared by the Deputy High Chief Ran- ger of the Court, or by an officer duly authorized for that purpose by the High Court. Prohibited Occupations. 212 Persons engaged in any of the following occupa- tions shall not be eligible to regular membership in the Order: Aeronaut; anthracite coal miner; blaster m mines, tunnels and quarries; circus riders; pro- fessional acrobats; prize fighters; professional base- ball or foot ball players; professional cy lists; pro- fessional outside window washers; professional div- ers; trapeze performers; professional chauffeur or automobile racer; railroad switchmen in yards; switchmen, except in towers, in cities of 10,000 popu- lation and upwards ; maker of gun-powder, percus- sion caps, cartridges, fire-works, dynamite, nitro- glycerine, gun-cotton, celluloid, phosphorus, or any high or dangerous explosives or inflammable sub- stances; match makers; varnish makers; drop forger; sub-marine diver or worker; member of marine life-saving station; all persons engaged in the marine life-saving service; steeple climbers; jockeys; iron or steel bridge builders; iron and steel building constructors ; wild animal tamers ; linemen, builder, repairer, lamp trimmer or operator of high tension electric circuits (more than 700 volts, whether current be on or off) and any employe who is exposed to contact with dangerous electric cur- rents; handlers of phosphorus; handlers of dynamite; brakemen in or about the yards of steel plants on -dinky trains; glass blowers, except flint and window glass blowers ; window glass workers, namely, all persons working in the mixing room ; grinders of the plate on which glass is laid; plate glass workers, namely, all persons employed in the pot house depart- ment; plate tampers and all persons working in the mixing department or bath house; all persons en- gaged in laying glass upon the bed prior to grinding; 60 ate glass grinding department, namely, the grinder, te repairman who repairs the machinery, the polish- g and finishing man; plate glass plaster depart- ent, namely, all employes; lead and zinc miners; ficer, soldier, sailor, or marine engaged in naval or military service in time of war or civil commotion, icept "those enlisted as State or Provincial militia nd naval men; all tunnel or caisson workers; well igger; well driller, with explosives; oil well looter ; steel or tool grinders; members of fire de- artment or fire insurance patrol in cities having lore than 50,000 population, except engineers and tokers; employes of tin plate works in process of inning; employes engaged in making white lead, amp black, zinc or colors; lead worker; slater, himney sweeper; rigger or chimney repairer; un- lerground sewer builder or worker; professional netal or tool polisher; professional grinder of >dge or steel tools or castings; cutlery or leedle maker; employe in tin plate works; i. e. nckler, either white or black pickle; those who are neap able of earning a livelihood for themselves or •heir families (dependents); those who have ected by any insurance company or association with - n two years, unless the cause for such rejection is shown no longer to exist; those who have within ten years taken any “Home” or other treatment foi liquor, drug or narcotic habit; those who can not state the year of their birth; those who have any maim or defect, or have had any wounds or in- juries which would tend to shorten life, or to render it more uncertain; those who reside in squalid abodes, or under unsanitary conditions; those who are totally deaf, dumb or blind; those who are minus two or more limbs and all other persons whom the High Court shall deem to be engaged in occupations of like hazard as those herein prohibited. Hazardous Occupations. Persons engaged in any of the following occupa- 213 tions shall be eligible to regular membership in the 61 hazardous class only : Officers, members of crev and other employes of ocean or inland steamers, oi sailing vessels; oyster dredgers; railway trainmen namely, conductors, brakemen, expressmen, baggage men, news agent, porter, mail clerks, engineers, fire men and all other employes whose occupation requires them to go upon moving trains, either freight oi passenger; railway employes, namely, yardmasters yardmen, track repairers in cities; telephone and telegraph linesmen; rubber grinder or mixer: salaried members of fire brigades in cities under 50,000 popu- lation; salaried police officers and policemen in cities of 10,000 population or over; marble and stone cut- ters dry; quarrymen; master miners; gold, silver, copper and iron miners ; surface miners, coal miners (except anthracite coal miners) ; steam shovelers and lifters; glass bottle blowers, flint and window glass blowers; buzz, band, circular and gang sawyers and edgermen; bessemer, open hearth and crucible steel workers; blast furnace employes, namly, cupola man, top filler, salamander brakeman, puddler, guide in hoop mill, and men employed as laborers in and around blast furnaces and rolling mills; rod mill em- ployes, namely, puddler and assistant roller and roller’s assistant, rougher and rougher’s assistant; converting department, namely, ladleman, man in pit, pit man, trough tender, vessel man and helper, cinder or top man, pull away man, cupola man, lift up man in pulpit, heater and helper, bottom filler ; crucible steel workers, namely, converter, vessel man, roller and helper, rougher and helper, catcher, hook- up man, guide -out man, heater; rail mill, namely, cinder man, roller and helper, rougher and helper, catcher, hook-up or bar man, strainer man, and all employes connected with or working around the rolls ; employes of bridge or structural workers not erecting buildings or bridges, excepting proprietors, superin- tendents, clerks, etc., whose duties are known as superintending and office work; wire drawers, china, porcelain or granite workers, namely, grinders, and layers or mixers; machinery oiler; professional plow grinders or polishers; saloon keeper or proprietor, bar 62 ender, proprietor of hotel with bar, or anyone who i actively, manually or personally engaged in the ccupation of manufacturing any alcholic, spirituous, inous or malt liquors for any purpose whatever, or f selling, vending or delivering any such liquor as , beverage, excepting the seller, vender or deliverer f such liquors as a beverage in sealed packages at, o or from premises where the same are not consumed ,nd excepting the deliverer to private houses. And >11 other persons whom the High Court shall deem fro >e engaged in occupations of like or equal hazard. An y member of the Order who changes his occupa- 214 ion to any one of those enumerated in Section 213 ihall by that fact lose his membership in the Order, mless, he shall within thirty days after making such ihange of occupation give notice in writing of such change of occupation to the Recording Secretary of lis Court and pay to the Financial Secretary of his 3ourt the deficiency, if any, in his advance benefit issessment, and receive from the Recording Secretary )f his Court a certificate in writing notifying him that such change is authorized and that he has been mrolled in the hazardous class. When such certifi- jate is issued the Recording Secretary shall imme- liately notify the High Secretary of the date of the change of occupation of such member. Any member of the Order who changes his occu- 215 pation from the hazardous to the ordinary class, may, after a careful medical examination, and ap- proval by the High Medical Examiner, be listed on the books of the Order at the rates of assessment for the ordinary class. The fee for such medical ex- amination and approval shall be paid by the appli- cant and shall be the same as charged candidates for original admission to the Order. The re-classi- fication shall take effect on the first day of the month following the date of the approval by the High Medical Examiner. An y member of the Order who changes his occu- 216 pation from either the ordinary or hazardous class to the prohibited class shall by that fact lose his mem- bership in the Order. 63 217 Arsons not engaged in any of the occupatior specified in Sections 212 and 213 shall be eligible t regular membership in the ordinary class exceptin those who may be considered in the hazardous c prohibited classes by the High Court. 218 P ers on, who for any reason whatever has' bee expelled from the Order, or who is a member of an society condemned by the Roman Catholic Churcl or who has not complied with his Easter duty durin the last preceding Easter time, or, if such time ha expired, has not approached the Sacraments sine that time, shall be eligible either to regular or honor ary membership in the Order. 219 Every eligible person seeking regular membershi in the Order must, in the case of an established Court, be proposed for membership in the manne and form hereinafter prescribed, but no such per son shall be proposed in any Court attached to i parish in which he does not reside, unless no Cour is attached to the parish in which he resides, o except on permission granted by the High Court o the respective State or Provincial Court. 220 In every proposition for regular membership th* proposed person shall, over his signature, state tha he is not a member of any society condemned by the Roman Catholic Church; that he has never beei expelled from the Order; whether or not he wa^ ever a member of the Order; whether or not he was ever rejected by any Court or by the High Medica Examiner, and, if he was rejected, give the name number and location of the respective Court; whethei or not he complied with his Easter duty during the last preceding Easter time, or if he did not, that he approached the Sacraments since that time, or, i the Easter time has not expired, that he will comply with his Easter duty before the expiration of such time ; his' business or occupation and place thereof age last birthday; name and location of any society of which he is or ever has been a member; place of his residence and to what parish he belongs. Every such proposed person, if he is of the age of forty- years or over, shall also furnish a certified copy of 64 he record of his birth or other satisfactory proofs howing when and where he was born. Every such proposition for regular membership 221 hall be endorsed by two members in good standing dio shall, over their signatures and upon their lonor as members of the Order, state that they know he proposed person to be a practical Roman Catholic >f. good moral character and exemplary temperate labits ; that they read the statements subscribed by he proposed person, and believe them to be true, tnd that they recommend the person as fit for and vorthy of membership in the Court and Order. And iny member who shall so propose and recommend uiy person whom he knows to be unfit for or in- eligible to regular membership by reason pf his oc- cupation or character, habits, age, mental or physical state of health shall, upon conviction, be expelled from the Order. Every proposition for membership shall be present- 222 ed and read at a regular meeting of the Court, and such proposition must also, if the person proposed was formerly a member of the Order, be accompanied by a clearance card, as provided elsewhere herein, before the same shall be entertained or read. Such proposition must also be accompanied by a fee of $2.00, which shall be refunded to the proposed person in case he is rejected by a vote of the Court, but not otherwise, and shall apply upon the medical examin- ation fee. If upon presenting and reading any such propo- 223 sition it is found that all the statements subscribed therein by the proposed person indicate his eligi- bility to membership, the passing of the medical examination being excepted, the proposition shall be referred to an Investigating Committee consisting of three members appointed, secretly and unknown to each other, by the Chief Ranger, and none of whom has any relationship with the proposed person. Each member of such Investigating Committee 224 shall be notified of his appointment and furnished a copy of the proposition for membership by the Recording Secretary, and each such member shall 65 thereupon investigate the age, character, occupath habits and health of the proposed person and t health of his parents, brothers and sisters, and sh make inquiry as to whether or not such person temperate, makes an effort to pay his just deb pays his dues punctually and shares the duties membership in any society of which he is a memb< and if he severed his membership with any societ whether or not he paid all his financial obligation due from him at the time of such severance. 225 . Eac ^ su °h member, after having made a thorou; investigation of the case, shall report, in writing, the Recording Secretary, at or before the specific next regular meeting of the Court, recommendii either the admission or the rejection of the propos- person. And any such member of the Investigate Committee who has failed or neglected to so report . the specified meeting of the Court, shall, by th; fact, be fined the sum of fifty (50) cents. 226 If a ma j° rit y °f the Investigating Committee r port recommending either the admission or the r< jection of the proposed person, a vote with ball ba lots shall be taken upon such person, and if not mo than three (3) black balls are cast, the Chief Range, shall, without announcing the number of black bal cast, declare the person elected to membership, but four (4) or more black balls are cast, the Chief Rai ger shall, without announcing the exact number < black balls cast, order a second ballot taken, and four or more black balls are again cast the Chid Ranger shall, without announcing the number of blac balls, declare the proposed person rejected, and sue person shall not again be proposed for membership i any Court of the Order within six months thereafte 227 If two or more persons are to be voted upon £ the same meeting, a collective ballot shall be" take upon all such persons, and if not more than thre (3) black balls are cast all of such persons shall b declared elected, but if four (4) or more black ball are cast the Chief Ranger shall order a separat ballot taken upon each person. 66 Every person, after having been formally proposed 228 r and elected to membership, as provided liereinbe- re, shall be notified by the Recording Secretary to •esent himself within thirty (30) days to the edical Examiner for the purpose of making a for- al application for membership and undergoing a edical examination, and if such person fails or neg- cts to so present himself on or before the day on hich the specified thirty (30) days expire he shall >rfeit his election to membership, together with the roposition fee paid by him, which shall remain in le Court fund, but which may be applied on his ac- mnt if he is again proposed for membership in the ourt within one year thereafter. In the case of every person who has been notified 229 ) present himself to the Medical Examiner, the Re- ading Secretary shall notify the latter that such per- 3n has been duly elected to membership and give such ata as will enable the Medical Examiner to iden- Lfy the 'respective person. And the Medical Examiner hall in no case permit any person to make a formal pplication for membership or examine him therefor nless he has received such notice from the Recording Secretary, and unless such person is known to the ledical Examiner personally, or has satisfied the lat- er of his identity; nor shall the Medical Examiner *ermit any person to make a formal application for lembership, or examine him therefor if such person, •ecause of the lack of time, cannot be initiated be- ore he reaches the age limit of the Order. In the formal application for regular membership 230 he applicant shall, over his full signature, state the .mount of benefit he desires to carry and the name nd relationship or dependency of the beneficiary n whose favor such* benefit shall be made payable ; hat he is not at that time a member of and has Lever been expelled from the Order; that he is not t that time under suspension in and has not been ejected by any Court of the Order within six months; hat he is a practical Roman Catholic, is not a mem- >er of any society condemned by the Roman Catholic Church, and did comply with his Easter duty during 67 the last Easter time; or, if he did not, that he ap proached the Sacraments since that time; or, if the Easter time has not expired, that he will comply wit! his Easter duty before the expiration of such time his residence and to what parish he belongs; date anc place of birth, and, if over the age of forty (40) years shall also furnish a certified copy of the record of his birth or other satisfactory proofs showing when anc where he was born; name of his father and maider name of his mother ; nature and name of his business or occupation; and that he agrees, if any of the state ments or any of the answers made to the Medical Examiner’s questions are found to be fraudulent, toj forfeit on behalf of himself and his beneficiaries, all rights in and all moneys paid by him into the Order, and that he will conform to and abide by the Laws^ Rules and Regulations of the Order, and the by-laws of any Court of which he may be. a member, as in force at that time, or as may thereafter be in force 231 Every applicant for regular membership shall un- dergo the medical examination prescribed by the High Court, and shall certify, with his signature, the an- swers he makes to the questions put to him by the Medical Examiner, and he shall, if he has not been successfully vaccinated, sign a waiver on behalf of himself and his beneficiaries of all rights and of all moneys, paid by him into the Order, in case his death results from smallpox, but upon filing with the High Secretary any time thereafter a certificate of success- ful vaccination, such waiver shall become null and void. 232 Every formal application for regular membership, together with the records of the applicant’s medical examination, shall, without delay, be forwarded to the High Medical Examiner by the Medical Examiner, and if the High Medical Examiner approves of such application he shall, without delay, notify the Record- ing Secretary of the respective Court of such ap- proval, giving the amount of benefit for which the ap- plication has been approved; and the High Medical Examiner shall, at the same time, forward every such 1 application, whether approved or not, together with 68 die record of the respective applicant’s medical exam- nation, to the High Secretary, and if the High Medi- 3al Examiner does not approve the application, he hall, without delay, notify the Recording Secretary of the respective Court that the applicant is rejected. Every applicant for regular membership, after no- 233 tice of the approval of his application has been re- 2 eived by the Recording Secretary, shall be informed by the latter of such approval and shall at the same time be notified to present himself for formal initia- tion into the Order as prescribed by the High Court, at a regular or at a special meeting of the Court to be held within forty-five (45) days after the date of the approval of his application, and such notification shall state the amount of the fees, dues, etc., payable by the applicant before initiation, and if such ap- plicant fails or neglects to so present himself at a meeting held within the specified time he shall not be initiated without further examination, which must be made within sixty days after the first ajaproval, at his own expense, and which must also be approved by the High Medical Examiner, and if he again fails or neglects to present himself for initiation at a meeting within forty-five (45) days after the ap- proval of such second examination, he shall, by that fact, forfeit his application, together with all moneys paid by him; and any Chief Ranger who shall permit the initiation or formal admission to the Order of an applicant after the expiration of forty-five days after the approval of the application by the High Medical Examiner shall, by that fact, stand deposed from office, and shall be so declared by the Deputy High Chief Ranger of the Court, or by an officer duly authorised for that purpose by the Hign Court. Before being initiated every applicant shall sign 234 the Obligation of the Order and shall pay to the Financial Secretary of the Court the following fees and dues : A membership fee of not less than $2.00 and a month’s dues for the current month of not more than fifty (50) cents, both as fixed by the by-laws of the Court; a benefit certificate fee of fifty cents; and a benefit fee of an amount equal to one benefit assess- 69 merit, as determined from tlie table of assessment rates, for the age, class of risk, and the amount of benefit of the applicant. 235 Applicants who are Cardinals, Bishops or Priests may be. formally admitted' to membership in the Order without the ceremony of initiation upon com- plying with all the other requirements prescribed in Section 234. 236 Neither the applicant nor his designated benefici- aries shall have any rights in or any claim against the Order before the applicant has been duly initiated or formally admitted to membership, and before he has made the payments perscribed in Section 234. 237 After the initiation or after the formal admission of a candidate to membership in the Order, and within twenty-four hours thereafter, the Recording Secretary of the Court shall notify the High Sec- retary of such initiation or formal admission, and such notice shall have attached to it a copy of the Obligation of the Order, signed by the new member, and also a certificate from the Financial Secretary showing that such member paid all the fees and dues prescribed hereinbefore, and the Clearance Card, if one was required in the case, shall also accompany such notice. 238 If any applicant, after his, application has been approved by the High Medical Examiner, or if any member claims to have erroneously stated in his for- mal application for membership his age or the date of his birth, so that he appears therefrom to be older than he claims to be, he shall file a certificate of his birth with the High Secretary, who shall, thereupon, correct such age or date of birth in con- • formity with such certificate of birth, but unless such certificate is filed the age or date of birth as stated in the application shall stand. Honorary Membership. 239 Any male person between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, who has been examined by the Medical Examiner, and rejected by the High Medical Exam- 70 iner on account of the condition of his health, and who is a practical Roman Catholic and a worthy man, may be chosen as an Honorary Member of this Order, and any male person over forty-five years of age, pre- vented thereby from becoming a regular member, and who is a practical Roman Catholic and a worthy man, may be admitted as an Honorary Member. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to receive 240 any benefit certificate, nor to have any voice or in- terest in the benefit fund, nor any voice in any elec- tion. Iney shall pay the membership fee and 3uch 241 monthly dues as the Court may provide, and shall be subject to suspension or expulsion for non-payment of such dues as other members. Duties of Members. It shall be the duty of each and every member to 242 share all the duties of membership in furtherance of the aims, purposes and interests of the Order; to protect the Order and its members against defa- mation, imposition and fraud; to preserve the good name and standing of the Order by living exemplary lives and being honest and fair in all matters; to share in the propagation and extension of the Order, by soliciting worthy and eligible men and securing their consent to be proposed for* membership, and to serve willingly, diligently and faithfully on any Committee or in any capacity to which they may be lawfully appointed or elected. It shall be the duty 6i every member to attend 243 as far as possible, every meeting of his Court and every member must attend at least one regular meet- ing of his Court in each quarter, and if he fails, neg- lects or refuses to attend at least one such meeting he shall be fined the sum of 25 cents. At the first regular meeting of the Court in each 244 quarter the name of every member who did not at- tend any meeting during the preceding quarter, as shown by the roll call sheet, shall be read by the Re- cording Secretary, and the Chief Ranger shall declare 71 the fine, hereinbefore provided, imposed on every sue] 1 member. But if it is shown to the satisfaction of tin Court that any such member either did attend on< meeting during such quarter or that lie was sick, at work, or out of the City or Town at the time that each one of the meetings was held, during such quar ter the fine shall not Ire imposed on such member. 245 During the Easter time of each year all the mem : bers in good standing shall, with the consent of the! pastor, on the day and hour fixed by their Court! attend Mass and approach Holy Communion in a body, in the Church of the Parish to which their] Court is attached, or by permission either of the High Court or of the respective State or Provincial Court, in another Church which the Court may fix upon. 246 An y member, who, for any reason whatever, fails, neglects or refuses to so approach Holy Communion with his Court, shall procure a certificate from a Roman Catholic Priest, showing that he has fulfilled his Easter duty, or in case he shall be unable to so procure such certificate, he shall make a written statement, on his honor, to that effect, giving the reasons for his inability to so procure such certificate, and, in that event, he shall also procure a written | statement of two members in good standing in the Order, certifying upon their honor, that they^saw the member receive H51y Communion during the Easter time, specifying the time and place, and lie must file such certificate or such statements with the Record- ing Secretary of his Court not later than at the first regular meeting of the Court held next after Trinity Sunday in such year; and if such certificate, or such statements are not filed at such meeting, the member shall, by that fact, stand suspended from the Court and the Order. 247 Every such member of the Court who did not approach Holy Communion as provided in Section 245, shall be notified thereof, in writing, by the Re- cording Secretary, and such notice shall also inform the member of the date of the meeting at which, he must file a certificate of compliance with his Easter 72 Luty, on a blank form supplied annually before the faster time by the High Secretary to every Court in ,he Order. A notice mailed to the member’s address >f record shall be a sufficient notice in any such case. In individual cases, for good and sufficient reasons, 248 die time for filing a certificate of compliance with he Easter duty may be extended by the High Court. Any Chief Ranger who shall consent to an exten- c)AQ non of the time for filing a certificate of compliance vith the Easter duty, except on permission granted 3 y the High Court, and any Recording Secretary who ffiail fail to report to the High Secretary within 48 lours thereafter the suspension of any member who did not file such certificate within the specified time, upon such finding by the Deputy High Chief Ranger Df the Court, or by an officer authorized for that pur- pose by the High Court or by the respective State or Provincial Court, by that fact, shall stand deposed from office and shall be so declared by such officer. IP ' Fees and Salaries. The fees which each established Subordinate Court 250 shall pay its Medical Examiner shall be, for each ap- plication and examination of an applicant for mem- bership, not more than $1.75; for each application and examination of a member for increase of benefit, not more than $1.25. Each established Subordinate Court shall pay the 251 High Medical Examiner a fee of 25 cents for each application and examination reviewed and passed upon by him. The High Medical Examiner and the Medical Ex- 252* aminer of the Court shall be paid their fees monthly, and the same shall be ordered paid by the respective Court at the last regular meeting of the month. The salaries of the respective officers of each Sub- 253 ordinate Court, as fixed annually by the Court, shall be due and payable in quarterly installments, and shall be ordered paid by the Court at its last regular meeting of the respective quarter. 73 254 The salai T of an officer shall not be withheld by the Court and applied in payment of the officer’s as- sessments or dues, nor shall any salary which is due and unpaid be considered in lieu of or operate as a payment of any assessments or dues for which the officer is liable. 255 Fach Court shall pay to the High Court the sum of fifty cents for each benefit certificate issued to any of its members. Funds and Property. 256 -AH benefit fees paid by members at the time of their admission to membership in the Order and all moneys received from them in payment of benefit as- sessments shall be placed in and constitute the benefit fund of the Court, which shall be drawn upon only for tne purpose of paying to the High Treasurer the bene- fit assessment levied on the Court, but for no other purpose whatever. 257 The benefit fee paid by a member at the time of his admission to membership in the Order shall remain in the benefit fund of the Court and all claim thereto shall be forfeited by the member in case he resigns, lapses, or is expelled, but in case the member trans- fers to another Court the benefit fee shall be for- warded to the Financial Secretary of that Court, and placed in the benefit fund thereof. At the death of such member, if he be in good standing in the Order, said benefit fee shall be applied by the subordinate Court to the payment of the benefit assessment of said member for the month in which he died. 258 All advance and regular membership fees, trans- fer fees, certificate fees, High Court and State or Pro- vincial Court Special Assessments, regular or monthly dues and fines shall be placed in and constitute the Court fund, which shall be drawn upon only for the purpose of meeting the benevolent obligations of the Court within the limits of these laws and the by-laws of the Court, paying High Court and State or Provin- cial Court special assessments, and for defraying the necessary operating expenses of the Court, but for no other purposes whatever. 74 The funds and property of all Courts are, by the 259 provision of their charter and the constitution and laws of the Order, held only in trust for the benevo- lent objects of the Order and the necessary Court ex- penses. Donating for other purposes or in any manner spending or dividing the same among their members is a violation of the charter trusts, constitution and laws of the Order, the penalty for which shall be expulsion. Any Treasurer who shall be found, upon investiga- 260 tion by the Deputy High Chief Ranger of the Court, or by any officer duly authorized for that purpose by the High Court, or by the respective State or Provin- cial Court, to have paid any moneys out of one fund on account of a payment required by these laws to be made out of another fund, shall, by that fact, be de- posed from office and shall be so declared by such officer. There shall be a box, safe, or cupboard provided for 261 the safe keeping of the books, rituals, regalia and other property, and three keys shall be fitted thereto. One each to be kept by the Chief Ranger, Recording Secretary and Senior Conductor, and in case all of the said officers are absent from the meeting and do not send the keys with fifteen (15) minutes of the time of meeting, the lock may be broken open and all damages done by breaking such lock, and the cost of repairing the same, shall be borne and paid by those holding the said keys, and they shall be dealt with as the Court may deem best. The rituals, regalia or badges prescribed for the 262 use of the Courts shall be, paid for out of the Court fund, and be the property of the Court and not of the members, and shall always be left in the posses- sion of the Court, except by permission of the Chief Ranger. Subordinate Court Meetings. Every Subordinate Court shall hold at least two 263 regular meetings every month at the time and place fixed by the by-laws of the Court, but a regular meet- 75 ing falling upon a holiday* may, by a two-thirds vott of the members present at the next preceding meeting be postponed to a day selected at such meeting, and! every member of the Court shall be notified by the Recording Secretary of such postponed meeting. 264 Special meetings may be ordered held by a two thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting or shall be called by the Chief Ranger, or in his absence, by the Vice Chief Ranger upon the written request of ten (10) members in good stand- ing, but only the specific business for which any such special meeting has been ordered or called shall be transacted at such meeting, and every member of the Court shall be notified by the Recording Sec- retary of such special meeting and of the object thereof. 265 In individual cases the High Court may grant permission to a Court to hold but one regular meet- ing every month, but such regular meeting shall in no case be held later than on the loth day of the month. 266 Court shall change the time or place of its regular meetings, except by an amendment of its by-laws to that effect, and in such event the Re- cording Secretary shall within ten (10) days after such change has been made notify the High Court, State or Provincial Court, Deputy High Chief Ran- ger and every member of the Court "thereof. Such change in time or place, may, however, be made temporarily by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Court. 267 Not * ess !h an seven (7) members in good stand- ing, as may be fixed by the by-laws of the Court, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any and all business at any regular or special meet- ing of the Court. 2gg In the absence of both the Chief Ranger and Vice Chief Ranger, any Past Chief Ranger of the Court shall preside, but if none is present a chairman may be elected by a majority vote and such chairman shall act as the Chief Ranger for that meeting. 76 Every Court shall hold its meetings in a hall 269 urnished and arranged as described and illustrated a the Ritual, and shall conduct the initiation and ther ceremonies of the Ritual in the manner and orm approved by the High Court. But in indi- vidual cases the High Court may grant permission o hold meetings in a hall not properly appointed intil a regulation hall can be secured by the Court. U all meetings of the Court every member present* ind every visiting member, shall wear the prescribed egalia, or badge of the Order, the officers wearing ffieir respective ones. Each Court shall conduct the ritual work and 270 die business part of the meetings in the language jest understood by the majority of its members, and ,s may be fixed by the by-laws of the Court. Order of Business for Subordinate Courts. Every Subordinate Court shall conduct its meet- 271 ings in accordance with the following: Order of business: 1. Opening Ceremony, as per Ritual. 2. Roll call of officers. 3. Reading of minutes of last preceding meeting, and of any special meeting held thereafter. 4r. Initiation. 5. Installation of Officers. 6. Reading and disposing of Transfer Cards. 7. Reading and disposing of Applications for Re- instatement. 8. Reading and disposing of communications from the High Court, State or Provincial Court and Subordinate Courts, and any authorized letters or circulars. 9. Reports of Investigating Committees. 10. Balloting on persons proposed for membership. 11. Reading and disposing of propositions for mem- bership. 12. Reading and disposing of Reports of the Visit- ing Committee and the Medical Examiner. ' 77 13. Reports on members who are sick, in distre or out of employment. 14. Reading and disposing of bills. 15. Reading and disposing of the report of the Audi ing Committee. 16. Report of the Committee on “Good of the Orde - and of Special Committees. 17. Reports of Officers of any official act performe since previous meeting; suspensions, etc. 18. Reports of change of residence or address o members. 19. Roll call of members. (Collection of asse& ments, dues, fines, etc., during roll call.) 20. Unfinised business. (Any matter deferred fro a previous meeting.) 21. New business. Election of officers and appoinj ment of standing committees, and any othc new matters. (At first meeting of quarte reading names of members who did not a tend any meeting during previous quarter 22. Report of suspensions incurred by members, an on members who have withdrawn, resigne or forfeited their membership. 23. “Good of the Order.” (Secret work drill, i there was no initiation; new pass-wor etc.) 24. Adjournment. Closing ceremony, as per Ritua' The foregoing Order of Business shall not b changed, but ‘the ceremonies of installation of oi ficers and initiation of candidates may be deferrec and, by general consent or by two -thirds vote, an Order of Business that has been passed may agai be reverted to. Standing Rules of Order. The transaction of all business at the meeting of every Court shall be governed by either Robert! or Bourinot’s Rules of Order, as may be fixed b 1 the by-laws of the Court, in so far as they do no, 274 275 nfiict with any of the following Standing Rules, heh shall invariably take precedence: Rule 1. During the session of the Court the pre- iing officer and all other officers of the Court or ffier and all members in good standing, shall be f erred to and addressed by their respective rank • title and in the manner prescribed m the Ritual. Rule 2. The manner and form of conduct pre- •ribed in the Ritual for observance by the members aring the session of the Court shall be considered 3 rules of the Order and shall be strictly enforced y the Chief Ranger. • Rule 3. During the session of the Court no mem- 276 er of the Court or Order shall enter or leave the leeting hall, or change his place therein without aving obtained permission to do so from the Rmei Unger in the manner prescribed in the Ritual. Rule 4 Any member, before being entitled to 277 ecognition by the Chief Ranger, shall rise in his dace and in the regular manner secure permission ,o address the Court. Rule 5. Unless the member making a motion rises 278 n his place and addresses the Chief Ranger in the Droper manner, the Chief Ranger need not entertain Rule 6. No subject shall be debated or discussed 2^9 unless a motion referring to it has been made and seconded and has been stated by the Chief Ranger, and any motion shall be reduced to writing if the Chief Ranger so requests. Rule 7 Every member, when speaking on any 280 subject whatever, shall do so in a respectful and decorous manner, and shall avoid all personalities. Rule 8. Every member, when speaking to a mo- 281 tion, shall confine himself strictly to matters bear- ing upon or relating to the subject of such motion and he shall be called to order whenever he fans to so confine himself. , Rule 9. Every member of the Court shall have 282 the right to speak at least once to every motion, but the Chief Ranger shall not participate m any debate while in the chair. 79 1 ] 283 ^ ule 10 - member in debate, except by £en$ era! consent, shall speak longer than five minutes a * one time, nor speak a second time to the same mo- no a W ^° d es i re to speak have spoken. ao 4 Rule 11. No member shall be interrupted while speaking, except by a call to order or the raisino* of a point of order, in which event the member who has the floor shall, at the request of the Chief Ran- ger, take his seat until the call to order or point of Order has been heard and decided, when, if per- j mitted, he may continue. 285 R uIe 12 - On a motion seconded by four (4) mem- 1 bers the previous question shall, without debate, be ! put, and if it prevails the main question, together ' with any pending amendments thereto, shall at once i be put to a vote. 286 Rule 13. Before putting any debatable question to a vote the Chief Ranger shall ask: “Is the Court! ready for the question?” and if no member rises he! shall put the question and thereupon no further de- bate upon it shall be permitted. 287 -R ule On the request of any one member the j Chief Ranger shall call for a rising vote, and on the ' request of any five members he shall order the vote taken by Yeas and Nays, each member as his name is called answering either “yes” or “no,” and each member’s vote shall oe recorded in the minutes of the mec ting. 288 Rule 15. Appeal to the Court from a decision of the Chief Ranger may be taken only when such de- cision relates to a question of order. 289 Rule 16 - Every member shall have the right to enter a protest and to have such protest recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 290 Rule 17. A motion to reconsider shall not be in order unless made at the same or the next succeeding meeting at wdiich the vote to be reconsidered was taken, and such motion shall be made only by a mem- ber who voted on the prevailing side of the question 9Q1 tlie vote on w hRh it is desired to reconsider. Rule 18. A motion to adjourn shall be in order only after all the regular business has been trans-|< 80 i\ -cted, but when made and carried, the Court shall Lot stand adjourned until closed in due form as prescribed in the Ritual. Rule 19. Every member of the Court present at 292 meeting shall not only have the right, but shall >e obliged to vote on any and all questions or sub- ects unless excused by a majority vote at his re- quest, the Chief Ranger excepted, when his vote vill not change the result*. Rule 20. When on a vote, at an election of of- 293 icers, no election results on a second ballot for any )fiice the canuidate who received the lowest num- >er of votes shall be dropped, unless there is a tie, md at each succeeding ballot thereafter the one re- 3eiving the least number shall be dropped and no rote which may be cast for any such dropped can- didate shall be counted, but shall be ignored as a blank. Rule 21. When about to take a vote on a person 294 proposed for membership one of the Conductors, after preparing the ballot box, shall submit it for inspection first to the Vice Chief Ranger and then to the Chief Ranger, who, finding it in proper order, shall announce to the Court the name, address, age and occupation of the proposed person to be voted upon, and whether the Investigating Committee re- ports favorably or unfavorably, and request the mem- bers to form in single file behind the center pedestal and between it and the Vice Chief Ranger and cast their vote, and at the same time remind them that the white balls elect and the black balls reject. Rule 22. The Conductor, after its inspection and 295 approval, shall place the ballot box upon the center pedestal and then take a position at least five (5) feet from the pedestal and permit only one member at a time to approach the ballot box to cast his vote. Rule 23. After all have voted and the ballot has 296 been declared closed by the Chief Ranger, the Con- ductor shall again submit the box to the Vice Chief Ranger, who shall, if not more than three (3) black balls have been cast, announce to the Chief Ranger, “The vote is favorable,” or, if four f4) or more 81 black balls have been ca,st, “The vote is unfavorable.” The Conductor shall thereupon submit the box to the Chief Hanger, who, shall, if he finds the vote m accord with the report of the Vice Chief Ranger, announce to the Court: “The Chief Ranger also finds tne vote favorable and declares Mr. f v elected/ 7 or, if the vote is unfavorable: “The Chief Ranger also finds the vote unfavorable, and orders that another vote be taken, 77 or, if the vote is for a second time unfavorable: “The Chief Ranger also finds the vote again unfavorable, and declares Mr. rejected. 77 297 . None of the foregoing rules or any other Rules of Order adopted by by-laws of the Court shall be suspended for any purpose whatsoever. vS ub ordinate Court Officers: Qualifications, Election and Installation. oqo T}ie Officers of each Subordinate Court shall con- sist of a Spiritual Director, Chief Ranger, Vice Chief Ranger, Past Chief Ranger, Recording Secre- tary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, three Trustees, Senior Conductor, Junior Conductor, Inside Sentinel, Outside Sentinel, Delegate to the State or Provincial Court Convention and an Alternate for such Dele- gate. 299 The Ranger, Vice Chief Ranger, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and three Trustees, shall in an established Court be elected an- naully at the first regular meeting of the Court held in the month of December, and shall hold office dur- ing the next succeeding fiscal year and until their . successors are duly elected and installed. The Dele- gate and Alternate shall be elected at the regular meeting for the election of officers in the year pre- ceding the holding of the State or Provincial Con- vention which elects Delegates to the International Convention. 300 Any regular member in good standing in the Order, who has been a member of the Court for at least one j 82 year next preceding the time of the election, and who has never been deposed from any office in the Court or Order, shall be eligible to any elective of- fice; and in the newly instituted Court any char- ter member shall be eligible to any office, but a transfer member shall not be considered a charter member. Every election of officers shall be by secret bal- gQl lot, either printed or written, and the member who receives a majority of the votes cast for any office shall be declared elected to that office. Before any such election is held the Court shall gQ2 fix, for the term for which the respective officers are to be elected, the salaries of the Recording and Financial Secretaries and the Treasurer, and also the bonds of the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and if there be need for it, of any other officers, and the bonds of the Financial Secretary and of the Treasurer shall not be less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars each; provided that the bond of the Treasurer shall not be less than - the average amount in his possession during the year; and ali such officers shall be bonded to the Order by. a Guaranty or Surety Company, selected by the High Court, and the premiums for such bonds shall be paid by the respective "Subordinate Court. The last Chief Ranger of the Court shall be the gQg Past Chief Ranger, but no Chief Ranger, who has not served at least one full term for which he was elected shall acquire the title or fill the office of Past Chief Ranger. And in a newly instituted Court or in Courts in which the Past Chief Ranger can- not act, a Past Chief Ranger shall be elected. The Spiritual Director shall be the Parish Priest go 4 or some other Priest whom he may name, and the Conductors and Sentinels shall be appointed by the l Chief Ranger-elect. The annual installation of officers, elected and g(J5. appointed, excepting the Delegate and Alternate, ! shall take place at the first regular meeting of the ! Court held in the month of January next after the i annual election, but for good and sufficient reasons 83 306 307 308 309 310 such installation may, by a two-thirds vote of thei members present, be held publicly or at another meet- ing, but in no case later than the second regular meeting held m such month of January. Before any such installation is held, the Chief Ran- ger-elect shall announce who the Spiritual Director and the Conductors and Sentinels shall be, and the High Court’s approval of the bonds of the respective officers shall be presented and read to the Court. Bo officer-elect who is required to furnish bonds, whether he be his own successor or not, shall be in- stalled until the approval of his bond lias been re- ceived from the High Court, and the election of any such officer-elect shall be declared forfeited if he cannot furnish the required bond by the first regular meeting after the election, and on notice of such fact from the High Court another election for the office shall be held forthwith. If at any time during the term of office of either the Treasurer or financial Secretary of a Subordi- nate Court the Surety Company who furnished the bond for such officer shall withdraw from such bond the office shall be declared vacant, and a successor to such officers shall be, without delay, elected. Within five days after any election and installation of officers the Recording Secretary shall forward to the High Secretary a list of the names and addresses of the newly elected and qualified officers, and he shall, within the same time after an election was held, issue and deliver credentials, under seal of the Court, to the Delegate and Alternate, and forward to each the High Secretary and the State or Provin- cial Secretary a certified copy of such credentials. Within forty-eight hours after the election of any officers who are required to furnish bonds the Re- cording Secretary shall notify the High Secretary of the names and addresses of such elected officers "and the amount of the bond fixed for each by the Court, together with any other information that may be re- quired, whereupon the High Secretary shall apply for such bonds to the selected Guaranty or Surety Company and, upon securing them, shall notify the 84 Lecording Secretary thereof, and forward a bill for lie amount of the premiums for such bonds. Vacancies, occurring in any of the offices before the g;Q nnual election, may be filled for the remainder of he term by election or by appointment, as the case lay require. Duties of Officers. The Chief Ranger shall preside at all meetings of 3^2 he Court and see that all the laws, rules and regula- ions of the Order are enforced and complied with; le shall declare the result of all elections to the Court; he shall appoint all standing and special com- nittees not otherwise provided for, and shall be, ex- >fficio, a member thereof ; he shall order the execution >f all penalties and fines incurred by members in ac- :ordance with the Laws of the Order and the by-laws )f his Court, and he may within one regular meeting liter the passage thereof veto the remission of any fine imposed upon a member; provided that such remission may be ordered, notwithstanding such ireto, by a two-thirds vote, at the next regular meet- ing after the reporting of such veto to the Court. He shall sign all orders for the payment of moneys, when the same has been ordered by a vote of his Court except benefits, which are otherwise provided for, and he shall sign all benefit certificates issued to the members of his Court. He shall see that all reports are made, un- der penalty of non-representation of the Court in the convention of the State or Provincial jurisdiction. He shall convene the officers of the Court from time to time for the purpose of discussing and adopting de- sirable and uniform business methods in the trans- action of Court affairs, and for the purpose of re- hearsing and familiarizing the officers with their re- spective duties and with their parts in conducting the ceremonies of the Ritual of the Order. He shall in- quire, at each regular meeting of the Court, whether any member is in distress or out of employment, and urge the members of the Court that aid be given any such member so far as lies in their power. He shall 85 313 314 315 316 perform such other duties as may be enjoined upi him by the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Ordi and the by-laws of his Court. , T ’ le Yt Ce P 1 'j ef Ranger shall preside in the absem °L tlie ^ hlef danger, and assume the duties of th, officer for that meeting. He shall assist durino- initi; tlo A ns ’ h ^ e . charge of the inner and outer doors ai aid the Chief Ranger in preserving harmony and dt corum during the sessions of the Court, and he she. P e ^° rm suc h other duties as the Court may direct The Past Chief Ranger shall assist at the initi tions, administer the obligation of the Order i candidates and perform such other duties as th Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of the Cou may direct. The Recording Secretary shall keep a true ai complete record of the acts of the Court; condu. all correspondence, and have charge of the seal q the Court. He shall keep a descriptive roll of ai the members, in a book furnished for that purpose showing their full name, age, date of birth, birtl place,^ occupation, class of risk, residence, date q initiation or admission, amount of benefit, and nan, and relationship or dependency of beneficiary. H shall sign all benefit certificates issued to member of the Court and deliver the same, without delay, t! the respective members, obtaining a receipt thereto] He shall immediately acknowledge the receipt of a assessment call from the High Secretary and als notify the Financial Secretary of such call, and a soon as he has received notice from the Treasure that the latter has forwarded to the High Treasure the amount due from the Court on account c such assessment he shall notify the High Secretar thereof and report the fact at the next regular meet] ing of the Court. He shall within twenty-four hour: after each meeting forward to the High Secretary 3 notice of all members admitted to the Court, togethe with such other data required by these Laws, undei penalty of a fine as elsewhere provided. When a death occurs in the Court he shall forward official notice of the same, by letter, to the Deput] 86 offi Chief Ranger, and to the High Secretary thont delay. He shall also notify the Deputy be made on any member’s account. He . shall otify'the members of ail committees of their ap- ointment and duties, and furnish such Committees ny information which the records of the Court may ontain and meet with the Committees when request- d. He shall make such reports as elsewhereprovid- d and perform such other duties as may be imposed Lpon him elsewhere by these Laws. At the first aeeting after the Easter Communion day of the lourt he shall read the names of those members who lid not approach Holy Communion with the Court, le shall receive such' annual compensation for his services as the Court may determine, and he shall be laid the same in quarterly installments. Any Recording Secretary who shall absent him- self from any regular meeting without a reasonable -xcuse shall be fined such sum as the Court shall direct, not less than two dollars, and not more than three dollars, and for failure to forward to the High Secretary the proof of death within ten days after the death of a member he shall be subject to a fine of one dollar for each offense. The Einancial Secretary shall keep an accurate account of the indebtedness and the payments of each member of the Court, and also accounts with all departments of the Order. He shall receive all 87 318 319 320 321 moneys payable to the Court, and at the close oi each meeting he shall pay the same over to th< treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. At the date when a member becomes suspended he shall notifv the Recording Secretary and the High Secretary of the same. He shall draw all vouchers on the Treas- urer for moneys ordered paid or transferred by the Court, as soon as he receives notification from the Recording Secretary to that effect, except in cases otherwise provided, and he shall deliver the same without delay to the Recording Secretary. After a benefit assessment has been called by the High Court he shall determine from his own book the amount due the High Court for the assessment, and if he arrives at an amount different from that called for by the High Court he shall prepare a list, giving the roster numbers, names of members and their ages, upon winch the assessment is based and the amount of each assessment payable by every member upon his books and forward same to the High Court office for com- parison. In the case of a suspended member he may re- ceive any assessments, dues, etc., falling due during the period of such suspension, and hold the same subject to the member’s reinstatement, but in no case shall he credit any such payments to the account of such suspended member in the books of the Court during the period of suspension, all in accordance with the Law for “Reinstatement of Suspended Members.” He shall make such reports as elsewhere provided, and perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him elsewhere by these Laws. He shall receive such annual compensation for his services as the Court may determine, and he shall be paid the same in quarterly installments. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall furnish a bond, in the amount of not less than one hundred dollars, fixed by the Court, and approved by the High Court. The Treasurer shall, at the close of each meeting, receive from the Financial Secretary all moneys col- lected by the latter since the last previous meeting, and give his receipt therefor; he shall pay all or- ers drawn on him, which are signed by the Chief anger, Recording Secretary and a majority of the 'rustees; he shall pay out all benefit money on ae order of the High Court and such other amounts s the Court may direct. He shall have his accounts aady for examination at the close of his term of ffice, and before entering upon the duties of his fhce he shall give a satisfactory bond in a sum ot less than one hundred dollars, provided, however, hat the bond of said Treasurer shall not be less han the average amount in his possession during he year, approved by the High Court. On receipt ,f a check for the payment of a death claim he hall immediately procure from the beneficiary the >enefit certificate, with the proper receipt there- in, and such other receipts as are required by the ligh Court, and deliver to the beneficiary the check n payment. In case of his inability to attend a neeting he shall designate some member to receive ind receipt for the moneys collected by the Finan- cial Secretary. He shall keep the funds of the Court jeparate from his own and exhibit them whenever ndered to do so by the Auditing Committee, the Deputy High Chief Ranger or the Court. The Senior and Junior Conductors, shall assist at g22 :he initiations; prepare the Court-room for the regu- lar and special meetings; have charge of all prop- erty of the Court, and see that it is properly cared for, and make all necessary preparations for the meetings. In the case of the inability of the Senior Conductor to attend a meeting, he shall deliver the keys to the Junior Conductor in due time and in- struct the latter to attend to all necessary matters. The Sentinels shall have charge of the inner and g2g outer doors alternately, and shall admit no one into the Court-room, who is not in possession of the proper password, unless ordered to do so by the Chief Ranger. The Inside Sentinel shall an- nounce the name and rank of a member before admitting him into the Court, and shall not permit any member to enter the Court who is under the influence of liquor. 89 324 sha11 be the dut y of the Trustees to sign q orders for the payment of money before the Trea urer shall pay the same. They may be required give bonds in such amounts as the Court shall direc If the beneficiaries of any deceased member be legal incapacitated or uhder age, and if under age, bol parents are dead or legally incapable of acting 3 guardian, the Trustees shall cause application to made to a court of competent jurisdiction for ti appointment of such guardian. 325 Mfedical Examiner. It shall be the duty of t! Medical Examiner to examine each applicant for re ular membership in accordance with the regulation of the High Court and the instructions of the Hij. Medical Examiner and promptly forward the applic; tion and the record of the examination in each cai to the High Medical Examiner. He shall obey tl rules of the High Court and be under the authority < the High Medical Examiner. In case the death of member examined by such Medical Examiner shall c cur within six months from his admission and ; caused by consumption or Bright's disease, the ca; shall be investigated by the High Medical Examine and in case such investigation shows that due dilj gence was not exercised in the examination of t candidate the Medical Examiner shall be expelled fro: the Order and if not a member his commission sha be annulled. 326 The delegate, or in his absence the alternate, 1 the State or Provincial convention shall attend a sessions of the convention and do all in his pow< to promote the interests of his Court and the Ord in general. 327 The Spiritual Director need not become a men ber unless he chooses to do so, but shall have fn access to all the meetings and is expected to condu the religious exercises of the Court. 328 The position of any officer absent from three coi secutive meetings shall be declared vacant, suJ action to be taken at the fourth meeting, unless be shown that such absence was due to either sici 90 3 of the officer, necessary attendance upon a sick nber of his family, or absence from the city. Reports of Officers. t shall be the duty of the officers of each Court 329 vious to the expiration of their term of office prepare and have ready for the inspection of High Chief Ranger, or Deputy High Chief Ran- , previous to the installation of officers for the uing term, a condensed report of the work of their m, including the number of members admitted by d, or otherwise, the number reinstated and with- Avn, the number rejected, suspended and expelled, ;h the cause therefor; those deceased, the total nber of members, the names and addresses of the egate and alternate, the number of members, wid- s and orphans relieved, the whole amount paid for Denses, the amount of receipts and from what irce received and the result of the election of the .cers, with their names and residences. Should such icers fail to make reports as above specified, the gh Chief Ranger or Deputy High Chief Ranger will b install the newly elected officers, nor will he give 3 password to any member of the Court until such -urns are delivered to him, and should the Court il to make such returns for the period of three mths, it shall forfeit its charter and become extinct. The Recording Secretary shall forward the an- ggQ al report of the officers to the High Secretary t later than the 15th day of January of each ar, under penalty of a fine of JdO.OO, payable by e Court, and also a report to the High Secretary thin twenty-four hours after each meeting of the -urt, giving all the information called for on the ink furnished for that purpose by the High Court. case one or both of the regular meetings of the 3 nth are not held, then the Recording Secretary all, within twenty-four hours after the date set r the last meeting, forward to the High Secretary report setting forth such fact and noting any anges in membership of the Court, which may we occurred since the last report. He shall forward 91 a copy of the auditing committee’s report to the Higll Secretary and to the State or Provincial Secretary on blanks furnished for the purpose within twenty four hours after the meeting at which the committed files report. Any Recording Secretary failing to fom ward any such reports within the specified time shal be subject to a fine of one dollar for each offense At the first regular meeting of the Court in each quarter, he shall present to the Court a report em bodying the matter of the monthly reports to th? High Secretary during the last previous quarter. He shall send such annual and semi-annual reports to the State or Provincial Secretary as the State o]! Provincial Court may direct and as the transactor of its business may necessitate. The Financial Secretary shall, at the first meeting 331 of each quarter, present to his Court a financial state ment for the last preceding quarter, showing the re ceipts and expenditures during the quarter, and the' cash balances in the respective funds and also tin benefit and special assassments, dues and fines re maining unpaid. He shall also, immediately after the close of each fiscal year, make to the High Secretary an annual financial statement, covering the period from January 1st to December 31st of the year just 1 closed. Such annual statement shall be made on thd blank furnished by the High Court for that purpose and must cover all the items specified in such blank. The Treasurer shall report in writing at each 332 stated meeting of the Court the amount of money received in each fund and the amount paid out of each fund by him since his last report and thd balance then in his hands ; he shall furnish the High Secretary with an itemized monthly report showing the receipts and expenditures of his Court, also an annual statement showing the amounts paid to the High Court from January 1st to December 31st of each year. He shall also make a quarterly report to his Court. 333 The Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer may make their quarterly reports jointly with the Auditing Committee. 92 Committees. The Investigating Committee shall consist of three 334 ambers, none of whom are known to have any re- tionship whatever with the person proposed for embership. It shall be appointed secretly and the imes given to the Recording Secretary. Each mem- r of the Investigating Committee shall thoroughly quire into the character, habits, health 'and age of le proposed person, so as to enable such member, )on his honor as a Catholic Forester, either to commend the admission, or to advise the rejection such person. Each member of the Investigating ommittee shall report on the person proposed in riting to the Recording Secretary within the speci- sd time, and failing to do so shall be subject to a tie not to exceed fifty cents. The report of at least vo members of such committee shall be required be- >re the person proposed shall be balloted for. At the last meeting in each quarter an Auditing 335 mimittee shall be appointed, consisting of three embers, one of whom shall have served with the last revious Committee, whose duty it shall be to exam* l and audit the books and accounts of the Secretar- s, Treasurer, and other officers and Committees hav- Lg charge of the receipts and expenditures of moneys. ; shall, at the first meeting of the following quarter, resent a report to the Court, on blanks furnished y the High Court, showing the receipts and ex- 3 nditures during the quarter and the cash balances 1 hand in the respective funds also showing the dues nd assessments remaining unpaid, and the number of ropositions received, the number admitted by card, or bherwise, and the membership of the Court. It shall Iso report whether or not the moneys belonging to le Court are in the hands of the Treasurer, and here such moneys are kept. Any member of the uditing Committee who fails to serve shall be sub- set to a fine not to exceed fifty cents. There shall be appointed at the beginning of each qoo uarter a committee of not less than three members a. the “Good of the Order,” whose duty it shall be to 93 arrange literary or musical entertainments, to visit members who may not be in good standing, and to forward the interests of their Court and of the Order in general. 337 Trial Committees, (a) Every Trial Committee in any case shall consist of twelve members of the Court in good standing, none of whom are known to have any relationship whatever, excepting member- ship in the Court, with the accused member. 338 Such Committee, immediately after its appoint- ment, shall meet and organize by selecting a chair- man from its own members, and a Secretary, who is either a member of the Committee, or of the Court or Order. It may appoint a prosecutor, who is not a member of said Committee, but who must be a member of the Order, and also a doorkeeper, who should be a member of the Court. It shall make all preliminary arrangements, such as fixing the time and place for holding the trial and ordering due summons to be given to all parties interested. It may also, if deemed necessary, engage a sten- ographer, who must be a member of the Order. 339 Eight members of such Committees shall constitute a quorum at any of its sessions. 340 The Secretai T ^he Trial Committee shall, with- out delay, furnish the accused member with a copy of the charges preferred against him and serve him with a summons to appear for trial at the time and place fixed by the Committee, keeping a copy of the summons and indorsing it as to the manner in which it was served and the time at which service was ob- tained. Due service of the summons may be effected by means of a registered letter. He shall also sum- mon all witnesses and other interested parties in due time to appear at the trial. He shall keep a rec- ord of the testimony taken, and shall, as soon as pos- sible after the close of the trial, present such record, together with the finding of the Committee, to the Chief Ranger. 341 The finding of the Committee shall be either that the charges “are sustained” or that they “are not sus- tained,” and shall be determined by the majority of 94 the ballots cast by the members of the Committee who are present, and such finding shall be embodied in a report to the Court, signed by the Chairman and the Secretary. Any member of the Trial Committee who fails to 342 attend any session of the Committee shall be fined in the sum of one dollar for each offense, unless ex- cused by the Court for good and sufficient reasons. Assessments, Dues and Fines of Members. Each benefit assessment called by the High Sec- §43 retary pursuant to Sections 90 and to and indu- ing Section 99 of these Laws, shall be due and payable on the part of every regular member of the Order, and at the rates specified in Section 78 of these laws, on the first day of the month for which the assess- ment is called, and any such member, who fails to pay any such benefit assessment, before the first day of the next succeeding month shall, by that fact, stand suspended from the Court and Order. Regular or monthly Court dues shall be due and 34 . 4 . payable, on the part of every member of the Court, and in the amount fixed by the by-laws of the Court, which amount shall in no case be more than fifty (50) cents per month, on the first day of each month, and any member who fails to pay such dues before the first day of the next succeeding month shall by that fact stand suspended from the Court and Order. Each special assessment levied and called by the 345 High Court or by a State or Provincial Court pursu- ant to Section 75 and Section 204 of these laws, re- spectively, shall be due and payable, on the part of every regular member of the Order, or of the respec- tive State or Provincial jurisdiction in the amount provided in said call on the first day of the month for which the assessment is called, and any such member who fails to pay such special assessment, before the first day of the next succeeding month shall, by that fact, stand suspended from the Court and Order. Each fine incurred by a member of the Order in 346 accordance with these Laws and for any cause what- 95 ever shall be due and payable on the day on whicl the fine is imposed, in such sum as provided by thes Laws or the By-laws of the Court, but in no one cas< more than five dollars, and any member who fails t» pay any such fine before the corresponding date o the next succeeding month shall, by that fact, stanc suspended from the Court and Order. 347 The benefit fee paid by the member at the time o his admission to membership in the Court shall b no case be construed as or operate in lieu of a pay ment, on the part of the member, of any benefit as sessment which may be levied upon him or operate t stay incurrence by him of suspension for non-pay ment of any such assessment levied on him. 348 All payments of assessments, dues or fines on th part of a member shall be made, in lawful monej to the Financial Secretary of the Court, who shall b the only legal Receiver, on the part of the Court, o any and all such payments, except in case the Finan cial Secretary is incapacitated, in which event th Court shall appoint and authorize some other officer o member to act as Financial Secretary pro tern; an any other officer or member who accepts or receive any moneys in payment of any assessment, dues o fine for a member shall be considered the Agent o such member and any such moneys paid to sue Agent of a member shall in no case be construed o operate as a payment of an assessment, dues or a fin for the member to the Court or Order until sue Agent has paid such moneys to the Financial Secre tary or Financial Secretary pro tenr of the Court. Suspension of Members. 349 350 Suspension may be incurred by a member eithf ipso facto or upon conviction for violation of tl Laws, Foiles or Regulations of the Order or the B; laws of his Court, as and in the manner set fort in these Laws, but no such suspension shall in ar case be for a period of more than three months. The date of any ipso facto suspension incurred b a member shall be as of the day on which the tim 96 r complying with a specified requirement expires, as of the day on which the suspension is declared, d the date of any other suspension shall be as of e day on which suspension is imposed. Neither the suspended member nor his beneficiaries 351 .all be entitled or have any claim to any pecuniary nefits whatever from the Court or Order during the me of such member’s suspension and before his re- statement. No moneys in payment of any assessment, dues or 352 ie 3 for a suspended member shall be accepted or ceived by the Financial Secretary during the time such member’s suspension excepting the money re- lired to be deposited by such suspended member on aking application for reinstatement, which money tall not be credited to the suspended member’s ac- ►unt in any books of the Court or Order; and any inancial Secretary who shall enter any such money ► the credit of any suspended member in any ac- >unts or books of the Court or Order, shall by that ,ct stand deposed from office when so declared by the eputy High Chief Ranger of the Court or by an of- 3 er duly authorized for that purpose by the High ourt or by the respective State or Provincial Court. No suspended member shall be permitted to par- 353 cipate in any business of the Court or Order or be Imitted to any of the meetings thereof, or be en- tled to or receive any privileges of membership hatever during the time of suspension and before iinstatement. All suspensions incurred for non-payment of as- 354 issments, dues, or fines shall be reported by the inancial Secretary to the High Secretary within venty-four hours after any such suspension has been lcurred, giving the roster number and name of the uspended member and the cause and date of his iispension; and all such suspensions shall likewise e reported to the Recording Secretary of the Court, r ho shall announce the same at the first regular leeting of the Court thereafter and make a record hereof in the minutes of such meeting. 97 355 suspensions incurred for any cause whateve except as specified in Section 354 of these laws, shal be reported by the Recording Secretary to the Hig; Secretary and likewise to the Financial Secretary c the Court, within twenty-four hours after such su pension has been incurred and imposed, giving tb roster number and name of the suspended membe and the cause, date, and the duration of his susper sion; and all such suspensions shall be announced b the Recording Secretary at the first regular meetin of the Court thereafter. 356 Any Recording Secretary or Financial Secretar who shall be found upon investigation by the Deput High Chief Ranger of the Court, or by an officer dul authorized for that purpose by the High Court, c by the respective State or Provincial Court to ha', failed or neglected to report any suspension to th High Secretary as required by Sections 354 and 3a of these laws shall, by that fact, be deposed from of fice and shall be so declared by such officer. Re-Instatement of Suspended Members. 357 Every suspended member who desires to be re instated to membership, must file an application fc re-instatement with the Recording Secretary of th Court, and any such member who fails to file such a application, in the manner and form and within th respective time specified in this Article shall by tha fact lose his right to re -instatement and his nam shall be stricken from the membership of the Corn* 358 Every member who is under suspension for non payment of assessments, dues or fines, or for nor compliance with the requirements relating to th Easter duty must file such application for re-instatq ment before the expiration of the' three months nex succeeding the date of his suspension, and ever such member who is under suspension for any otluj cause whatever, must file such application befor the expiration of the period of his suspension. 359 In every such application the applicant must, ove his signature, give the date and cause of suspension state that he is in good health and tender a sufficien 98 m of money to cover, in the event of his re-instate- mt, all of his indebtedness to the Court and Order > to and including the date of si*ch re -instatement. Every such application must have attached to it 360 certificate from the Medical Examiner, or, in case e latter is not accessible, from a reputable practic- g physician, showing that the applicant is in good alth, and such certificate must bear date as of a ,y within fifteen days of the date of re-instatement; id for such certificate the Medical Examiner may arge the applicant a fee of not more than one filar. Every such application must have attached to it 36 X certificate from the Financial Secretary of the >urt, showing that the applicant has deposited with e said officer a sufficient sum of money to cover, the event of his re-instateinent, all of his indebted- !ss to the Court and Order, up to and including e date of such re-instatement, and which sum of oney will be returned to the applicant, his heirs legal representatives in case he is not re-instated. If the Easter time of the respective year has ex- 302 red at the time of filing an application for re-in- atement, and the applicant did not approach Holy unmunion during such Easter time, he must file ith his application a certificate of compliance wdth s Easter duty as required elsewhere in these Laws. Every application for re-instatement must be pre- 333 nted and read to the Court, and such action must ,ke place, if the applicant is under suspension for m-payment of assessments, dues or fines, or for non- mpliance with the requirement relating to the aster duty, at the first regular meeting held after te application has been duly filed, but in no case ter than at the first regular meeting held after the :piration of the three months next succeeding the ite of suspension, or, if the applicant is under sus- msion for any other cause whatever, at a meeting fid after the expiration of the period of suspension, it in no case later than at the first regular meeting fid after such expiration. 99 364 365 If, upon presenting and reading any such appli- cation in the case of an applicant who is under sus- pension for non-payment of assessments, dues or fines, or for non-compliance with the requirement rel- ative to the Easter duty, it is found that he has com- plied with all the requirements of these laws that apply in his case, and the Court is satisfied that the statements in the application as to health of the ap- plicant are truthful, and that 'he is at that time in good health, a vote shall be taken, and if two -thirds of the members present vote to approve the application, the applicant shall be declared re-instated to mem- bership, but if less than two-thirds of the members present vote to approve the application, the applicant shall be declared rejected and his name shall be ; stricken from the membership of the Court. Any officer of the Order who becomes suspended for any cause shall by that fact forfeit the office so held by him, and in the event of his re-instatement to membership, such re-instatement shall not re-in- state him in office. If upon presenting and reading any such applica- tion in the case of an applicant who is under suspen- sion for any cause other than specified in Section 364 of these laws, it is found that he has complied with all the requirements of these laws that apply in his case, and the Court is satisfied that the state- ments in the application as to the health of the ap- plicant are truthful and that he is at that time, in good health, the applicant shall be, without taking a vote, declared re-instated to membership, o hr If upon presenting and reading any such appli- 00 ‘ cation it is found that the applicant has not complied with all the requirements of these laws that apply in his case, the application shall be declared void, and the name of the applicant shall be stricken from the membership of the Court, except in case the time within which an application for re-instatement must be filed by him has not expired, in which event the applicant shall have the right to file a second appli- cation during such unexpired time. 100 If upon presenting and reading any such applica- 30 g tion any member makes the charge either that the statements as to the health of the applicant are false, or that the applicant is not at that time in good health, a committee of three members shall be appointed to investigate such charge and report thereon, in writing, at the next regular meeting of the Court, and if a majority of such committee re- ports that the charge is well founded, the applica- tion shall be declared void and the name of the appli- cant shall be stricken from the membership of the Court, except in case the -time within which an appli- cation for re -instatement must be filed by him has not expired, in which event the applicant shall have the right to file a second application during such unex- pired time, but if a majority of such committee re- ports that the charge is not well founded, the applica- tion shall be acted upon as provided in Section 364 or Section 366 of these laws, whichever one applies in the case. Every application for re-instatement after having 369 been finally disposed of in accordance with the pro- visions of these laws, whether the applicant was re- instated or not, must be certified under the seal of the Court, by the Chief Ranger and the Recording Secre- tary, showing its disposition and giving the date thereof, and must be forwarded to the High Secretary within twenty-four hours after such disposition, to- gether with the certificate of compliance with the Easter duty, and the report of the Investigating Committee, if any such were required in the case. The deposit, with the Financial Secretary, of the 370 sum of money to cover the applicant’s indebtedness to the Court and Order in the event of his re-instate- ment, shall in no case operate or be construed as a waiver of the suspension of the applicant, and shall be returned to him, his heirs or legal representatives, in the event of his non-reinstatement. A suspended member who has passed the age limit 371 of the Order during the period of his suspension does not, because of such fact, lose his right to file a valid application for re-instatement. 101 372 373 374 375 Neither the member nor his beneficiaries shall be entitled or have any claim to any pecuniary benefits from the Court during the six months next following the date of the re-instatement of such member. Any person who in accordance with these laws forfeited re-instatement, or whose application for re- instatement, was rejected or declared void, shall be eligible to and may be proposed for membership in any Court of the Order as a new applicant, provided such person files a Clearance Card as set forth else- where in these Laws with his proposition for mem- bership. Neither the suspended member nor his beneficiaries shall have any right or title in or any claim against the Court or Order during the time intervening be- tween the filing of an application for re-instatement and the taking of the formal action of re-instating the suspended member at a meeting of the Court, as provided in these laws. Any Chief Ranger who shall consent to or permit the formality of re-instating a suspended member contrary to the provisions of these laws, or any Recording Secretary who shall certify to such re- instatement or who shall fail to forward to the High Secretary, within the herein specified' time, any ap- plication for re-instatement which has been finally acted upon, shall, by that fact, stand deposed from office and shall be so declared by the Deputy High Chief Ranger of the Court, or by an officer authorized for that purpose by the High Court. Transfer Cards. 376 377 Any member in good standing in his Court and in the Order, who desires to transfer his membership to another Court, shall file an application for a transfer card with the Recording Secretary of his Court, stat- ing over his signature, the name and number of the Court to which he desires to transfer, the name of the parish to which it is attached, and the name of the City or Town in which such Court is located. Every such application for a transfer card must have attached to it a certificate from the Finan- 102 cial Secretary of the Court, showing that the ap- plicant is not at that time under suspension, and that he has paid all assessments, dues and fines, which are payable by him up to and including the date of such certificate, and that he has paid in addition a sufficient sum to cover his benefit assessment for the next succeeding month. An application for a transfer card shall be certi- 373 fied by the Financial Secretary only between the first and tenth days, both included, in any month, v and any such application must be filed with the Recording Sec- retary within the same time, otherwise such applica- tion shall be void and shall not be honored. Upon receipt of an application in conformity with 379 the foregoing sections of this Article, the Recording Secretary shall issue and deliver or forward to the applicant a transfer card, addressed to the Court to which the applicant desires to transfer and au- thenticated with the seal of the Court from which the card is issued; and such transfer card shall state that the applicant is at that time in good standing in his Court and in the Order, and give his full name, residence, date of birth and age at his initiation, name of beneficiary, number and amount of benefit certificate, the amount of one benefit assessment and the number of the last one paid by the applicant. A transfer card shall be issued only between the 380 first and tenth days, both included, of the month in which the application for the same is filed, and any such card must be filed with the Recording Sec- retary to the Court to which it is addressed, not later than on the last day of the month in which it was issued, otherwise such transfer card shall be void and shall not be honored. Before filing any such transfer card, and within 3 g fifteen days thereof, the applicant must present him- self to the Medical Exhrniner of the Court to which such card is addressed and obtain on such card a certificate of good health; for which certificate the Medical Examiner may charge the applicant a fee of not more than one dollar. 103 382 Ev ery transfer card filed in conformity with the foregoing sections shall be presented and read at a meeting of the Court held not later than on the fifteenth day of the month next succeeding the month in which it was issued, and after such reading the ap- plicant shall be balloted upon, as and in the manner provided in Section 226 of these laws, and, if the re- sult of such balloting be favorable to the applicant, he shall be declared accepted and the Recording Secretary shall without delay notify the applicant of such ac- ceptance and of the amount of monthly dues which are then payable by him, and shall also without de- lay notify the Court which issued the transfer card of such acceptance and request the remittance of the applicant’s benefit fee; but, in case the result of such balloting be unfavorable, the Recording Secre- tary shall without delay return the transfer card endorsed “Not accepted,” to the applicant. 383 Every transfer card, after the applicant has been duly accepted as a member of the Court to which it is addressed, shall be endorsed to that effect by the Recording Secretary and forwarded by him to the High Secretary within twenty-four hours after such acceptance. 384 A member to whom a transfer card has been issued shall be considered and dealt with in every respect as a member of the Court which issued the card until such Court receives notice as herein provided from the Court to which the card is addressed that the member has been accepted, and such member shall on and af- ter the date of such acceptance, be considered and dealt with in every respect as a member of the Court which so accepted him, except that no benefit as- sessment is payable by him until the next succeeding month. 385 Any member to whom a transfer card has been issued and who either changed his intention to trans- fer to or was not accepted by the Court to which the transfer card was addressed, or whose card became void, may continue his membership uninterruptedly in the Court which issued the card, if he, on a day not later than the last day of the month next succeeding 104 the one in which the card was issued, returns such card to the Recording Secretary and pays to the Fi- nancial Secretary any assessments and dues payable at that time. The issuance of a transfer card, the acceptance 380 thereof by the Court to whom it was addressed or the return thereof shall be reported by the Recording Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Court thereafter and a record of such report shall be made in the minutes of such meeting. Traveling and Clearance Cards. Any member in good standing in his Court and in 387 the Order may obtain a Traveling Card upon filing with the Recording Secretary a certificate from the Financial Secretary showing that he has paid a suffi- cient sum of money to cover all assessments and dues which will be payable by him during the time and up to and including the date he desires such Card to be in force, which time shall in no case exceed one year. Upon filing such certificate the Recording Secretary 388 shall issue a Traveling Card to the member, and such Card shall state the name and number of the Court to which the member belongs and that he is in good standing in said Court and in the Order, give his name and address, and state the date up to and including which the Traveling Card is valid and in force; and such Card shall be authenticated with the seal of the Court and must bear the signature of the member. The Chief Ranger of any Court to which any such 389 Traveling Card is presented during the time such Card is valid after being satisfied of the member’s identity, shall give such member the current pass- word and extend to him all the courtesies and privil- eges that may be enjoyed by a visiting member. Any member in good standing in his Court and in gC)Q the Order who desires to withdraw from the Order or any person who formerly was a member of the Or- der and who forfeited or was refused re-instatement, or who forfeited or lost his membership in any man- ner except by expulsion, may obtain a Clearance Card 391 392 393 upon surrendering his Benefit Certificate and filing with the Recording Secretary of the Court to which he last belonged, a certificate from the Financial Secre- tary of the same Court, showing that all moneys due from him to the Court and Order, at the time his membership ceased, have been paid; but no mem- ber shall be entitled to or receive a Clearance Card whilst any charge whatever against him is pending investigation or trial, or, if he be under suspension, before the time of re-instatement has expired. Upon filing such certificate from the Financial Sec- retary, the Recording Secretary shall draw a Clear- ance Card authenticated with the seal of the Court, stating the name .and number of the Court to which the person nameA last belonged and the date and cause of the severance of his membership therein and that such person has discharged all of his finan- cial obligations toward the Court and Order and is eligible for membership in the Order so far as his re- lations with the Court are concerned; and such card, accompanied by the Benefit Certificate, shall be for- warded to the High Secretary, who upon satisfying himself that the person named therein is entitled to a Clearance Card in accordance with the Laws of the Order, shall certify the same to that effect and re- turn it to the Recording Secretary, who shall de- liver or forward it to the respective person. - No person who was once a member of the Order shall again be admitted to membership, nor shall his proposition for membership be received or entertained unless a Clearance Card is filed with the proposition for membership, and such Clearance Card must be at- tached to the formal application for membership and filed therewith with the High Secretary in the event of such a person’s re-admission to any Court of the Order, but shall be returned to him in the event of his rejection of forfeiture of his application. The issuance of every Traveling and every Clear- ance Card, and every withdrawal from membership shall be reported by the Recording Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Court thereafter and a record thereof made in the minutes of such meeting. 106 Funerals. In the case of the death of a member in good 394 standing the Court may appropriate any sum out of the Court funds, not exceeding fifty dollars, toward defraying the funeral expenses. The Chief Ranger shall appoint a Committee, of not 395 more than eight members, whose duty it shall be to attend the funeral, and if the deceased member’s fam- ily so desires it, to act as pall-bearers. The cost of conveyances for the Committee on such occasion shall be paid by the Court. Offenses and Penalties. Any member who shall, for any reason whatever, 393 incur the penalty of expulsion shall never again be eligible to membership in the Order, and every mem- ber who shall, for any cause whatever, forfeit or lose his membership in the Order shall thereby, on the part of himself and his beneficiaries, forfeit and lose all rights, title and interest which he may have had in the Court and Order. Any member who shall violate any clause of the 397 obligation of the Order, or, if he be an officer, any clause of the pledge of office, or who shall violate any Principle, Law, Rule or Regulation of the Order or any By-Law of his Court, shall, upon conviction, if no specific penalty is provided for such violations, be reprimanded, suspended or expelled. Any member who shall by word of mouth, or in 393 writing, or in any manner whatever, make known, cir- . culate or promulgate, or in any such manner cause to be made known, circulated or promulgated to any per- son or persons who are not members of the Order any- thing false, derogatory or disrespectful to any depart- ment, branch, officer or member of the Order; or who shall in any such manner reveal any of the official or business affairs, or expose any of the secret or ritual work of the Order; or who shall in any such manner criticise any Law, act or ruling of any such depart- ment or branch or any official act of any such officer, shall, upon conviction, be expelled from the Order. 107 899 Any. m ember who shall use or endeavor to use his membership in the Order or any official influence or power he may have therein for his own personal ad- vantage or gain, or for that of others, and to the det- riment of the Order; or who shall endeavor to change, frustrate, nullify or set aside, in any manner except as provided in the Laws of the Order, any of the ob- jects or purposes of the Order, or the operation of any of its Laws; or who shall, in any manner, injure or endeavor to injure any department of the Order shall, upon conviction, be suspended or expelled. 400 Any member who shall speak falsely or disparag- ingly of any officer or member, or who shall address or speak of any officer, in his official capacity, in a disrespectful or in any manner unbecoming a gentle- man, or who shall distort or purposely misinterpret the motive of or vilify any department, branch or officer of the Order in reference to any official act or ruling, shall, upon conviction, be reprimanded, sus- pended or expelled. 401 Any member who shall use alcoholic or intoxicat- ing drinks to such excess as to give scandal to or bring discredit upon the Order, or who shall by rea- son of the use of such drinks impair, jeopardize or tend to shorten his life, shall, upon conviction, be suspended or expelled. 402 Any member who shall in any manner whatever perpetrate or who shall be a party to the perpetration of or endeavor to perpetrate any deception or fraud upon any department or branch of the Order, shall, upon conviction, be suspended or expelled, and if such deception or fraud was perpetrated or attempted to be perpetrated by means of writing, and the signa- ture of the member is identified, he shall, by that fact, stand expelled. 403 Any member who shall bring discredit upon himself or the Order by reason of gross immoral or scandalous conduct, gross dishonesty, not making an effort to pay his just debts, being convicted of a felony, attempt- ing to take his life, or defying openly any established authority of the Catholic Church, shall, upon convic- tion, be expelled. 108 Any member who shall present himself at a meet- ^Qzj. ing of a Court or of the Order in an intoxicated con- dition or who shall persist in disturbing the pro- ceedings of such a meeting, use abusive or profane language or refuse to obey the presiding officer, shall be compelled to retire and if necessary be ejected by force from such meeting and shall, upon a two-thirds vote of the members present at such meeting, be reprimanded or suspended. Any member who shall use any unlawful means to 405 obtain pecuniary benefits from a Court or from the Order, or who shall by such or any other means or manner aid in or be a party to obtaining any such benefits for any member not lawfully entitled thereto shall, upon conviction, be suspended or expelled. Any member who shall make an accusation affect- 406 ing the character and standing of a member to a Court, to members of the Order or to the public, which upon investigation, proves to be false or ma- licious, shall, upon conviction, be suspended or ex- pelled. Any member, knowing a member to willfully vio- 407 late any Principle, Law, Rule or Regulation of the Order, or to be guilty of any offense specified in these Laws who shall fail to report or charge such member therewith, shall upon conviction, be reprimanded or suspended. Any member who shall for a second time be guilty 408 of any offense whatever against the Order, of which he w T as convicted before, shall, upon a second convic- tion, be expelled. Any member who shall impart to any person who 409 is not a member of the Order any information relat- ing to the rejection by the Investigating Committee of a person proposed for membership or who shall intimidate any member of such Committee, shall, up- on conviction, be suspended or expelled. Any officer who shall fail or neglect to perform a -i a any duty prescribed for his office by these Laws, ex- cepting cases specifically provided for herein else- where, after having been warned thereof by the 109 Deputy High Chief Ranger of the Court or by an of- ficer authorized for that purpose by the High Court, or by the respective State or Provincial Court, or who shall declare, to such officer, his refusal to perform any such duty, shall by that fact, be deposed from office and shall be so declared by such officer. 411 Any member or suspended member who shall, upon a written demand served upon him by an officer au- thorized by the High Court or the respective State or Provincial Court, either in person or by registered letter, fail, neglect or refuse to surrender or deliver to such officer any books, accounts or other property of a Court or of the Order in his^ possession or under his control within ten days after the date of such de- mand, or who shall so fail, neglect or refuse to sur- render or deliver any moneys of a Court or of the Order in his possession or under his control or for which judgment has been obtained against him, shall, by that fact, stand expelled from the Order. 412 Any member who shall, in a court of law, seek re- dress for any alleged grievance against a Court or the Order before he has exhausted all the remedies provided by the Laws of the Order, shall, upon con- viction, be expelled. Trials by Subordinate Courts. 413 Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for every alleged offense involving reprimand, suspension or expulsion, except for non-payment of assessments, dues or fines, and for non-compliance with Section 247 of these Laws. 414 Mo member shall be put on trial unless written charges pointing out specifically the alleged offense and the Law, Rule or Regulation violated, are filed with the Chief Ranger and signed by the member or members making the charges. 415 The charges shall be read to the Court at a regular meeting, and, on a majority vote, shall be referred to a Trial Committee to be appointed forthwith and whose duties are specified in Section 337 to 342 both inclusive, of these Laws. 110 The accused member shall be furnished by the Re- 4 16 cording Secretary of the Court with a copy of the charges preferred against him at least five days be- fore the trial, and he may engage counsel, who must be a member of the Order, and, in case' of non-resi- dence, he shall be represented by such counsel and tried as if present. No person not a member of the Order, except wit- 417 nesses while testifying, shall be permitted to be pres- ent during any session of the trial. If the accused refuses or neglects to stand trial, 418 after having been duly served with notice of the time and place of such trial, he shall be defaulted and the penalty shall be expulsion. If the Trial Committee reports that it finds the 449 charges “are not sustained,” and the Court approves the report, then the accused member shall stand and be declared not guilty. If the Trial Committee reports that it finds the 42 0 charges “are sustained” and the Court approves the report, then the accused shall stand and be declared guilty, and the penalty, if there be but one provided for the offense, shall be imposed upon him by the Chief Ranger. If the penalty for the offense be either expulsion, 42 1 suspension or reprimand, the Court shall, first having read the testimony, determine which it shall be, by ballot, as follows: If two-thirds of the ballots cast are for expulsion, that shall be the penalty. If two- thirds be not cast for expulsion, but if the number for expulsion, with those cast for suspension, amount to two -thirds, then suspension shall be tire penalty, and the Court shall proceed to fix the period of sus- pension, which, however, shall not exceed three months. If the votes cast are not sufficient to fix the penalty of suspension, then the penalty shall be repri- mand in open Court by the Chief Ranger. If the report of the Trial Committee favorable to 422 the accused is rejected by the Court, the accused member shall be tried again by another Trial Com- ill mittee, to be appointed forthwith; but if the report of the Committee, unfavorable to the accused, is re- jected by the Court, then the accused member shall stand and be declared “not guilty.” 423 When a member shall be subjected to a penalty of reprimand, he shall be summoned to attend a regular meeting by the Chief Ranger, and until he does at- tend he shall be suspended from all benefits and priv- ileges of membership, and if he does not present him- self within three months he shall stand expelled. 424 , Either party to a trial conducted in accordance with these laws may appeal from the decision of the Sub- ordinate Court to the State or Provincial Court by filing a notice of his appeal with the Secretary of his Court and the Secretary of the State or Provincial Court within thirty (30) days thereafter, setting forth the grounds for his appeal, whereupon the Secre- tary shall, within ten (10) days send all documents appertaining thereto to the State or Provincial Secre- tary, who shall bring the matter before the State or Provincial Court, and it shall render a decision as soon as practicable. 425 The accused member shall be notified by the Re- * cording Secretary within five days, of the decision of the Court, and if no appeal is taken by either party within the time specified in Section 424 the decision of the Court shall stand and be declared final. By-Laws. 426 Every Subordinate Court shall be competent to make, alter or amend by-laws as it may deem ex- pedient, provided the same shall be adopted by a two -thirds vote at a regular meeting, after having been read at two regular meetings previous to the meeting at which such vote is taken. 427 Any such By-Laws, alterations or amendments thereof must not conflict with any of the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order, or of the High Court, 112 and must be approved by the State or Provincial Court before becoming effective. Every Court shall embody in its By-Laws such pro- 428 visions not contained in the Laws of the Order, that may be required by the Laws governing benevolent associations in the State, Territory, Province or Country where the Court is located, and any conflict- ing Law, Rule or Regulation of the Order shall not be applicable to said Courts in said State, Territory, Province or Country where the Court is located. CERTIFICATE. We do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true 429 copy of the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Catholic Order of Foresters, as amended at the bi- ennial session assembled at Boston, Mass., August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1905, and that the same are in force on and after the first day of January, 1906. Thos. H. Cannon, Thos. F. McDonald, High Chief Ranger. High Secretary. 113 ABREVIATIONS. C. R. — Chief Ranger. Ct. — Court. D. H. C. R. — Deputy High Chief Ranger. P. S. — Financial Secretary. H. C.— High Court. H. C. R. — High Chief Ranger. H. I. S. — High Inside Sentinel. H. J. C. — High Junior Conductor. H. M. E. — High Medical Examiner. H. O. S. — High Outside Sentinel. H. S. — High Secretary. H. S. C. — High Senior Conductor. H. S. D. — High Spiritual Director. H. T. — High Treasurer. V. H. C. R. — Vice High Chief Ranger. I. C. — International Convention. I. S. — Inside Sentinel. J. C. — Junior Conductor. M, E. — Medical Examiner. O. S. — Outside Sentinel. R. S. — Recording Secretary. S. C. — Senior Conductor. Sub. Ct. — Subordinate Court. T. — Treasurer. V. C. R. — Vice Chief Ranger. P. C. R. — Past Chief Ranger. 114 SPECIAL INDEX Relating to the Duties of Subordinate Court Officers and Medical Examiners. (Ordered printed as an appendix by the International Convention, Held at Detroit, Michigan, 1901.) All References are by sections. CHIEF RANGER. The duties of the Chief Ranger shall be: Preside at all meetings of the Court. See that all laws, rules and regulations of the Order are enforced and complied with. Declare the results of all elections to the Court. Appoint all standing and special committees, not other- wise provided for, and be ex-officio a member thereof. Shall order the execution of all penalties and fines. May veto remission of fine within one regular meeting after passage thereof. Shall sign all orders for payment of moneys when ordered by the Court. Shall sign all benefit certificates issued to members of his Court. See that all reports are made. Convene officers of his Court from time to time for the purpose of discussing and adopting desirable and uniform business methods in the transaction of Court affairs, and for the purpose of rehearsing and fa- miliarizing the officers with their respective duties and with' their parts in conducting the ceremonies of the Ritual of the Order. Shall inquire at each meeting whether any member is in distress or out of employment and shall urge the members of the Court that aid be given any such member as far as lies in their power 312 Serve on High Court trial committee when ap- pointed 149 Reject applications for admission to the Order of persons above the age limit 211 Appoint investigating committees 223 Declare results of ballots on applicants 226 Order separate ballots taken when necessary 227 Prevent initiations after the expiration of the forty- five (45) day limit 233 Insist on members filing certificates in due time,. showing performance of the Easter duty 249 Call special meetings 264 Serve as Past Chief Ranger during the ensuing term 303 Appoint Conductors, Sentinels for the Court, and name Spiritual Director 304 Announce such appointments before the day set for the installation of officers 306 115 Prepare an annual report ooq deceive reports of Secretaries of trial' committees! ! 340 Refuse to re-instate a suspended member, except iHtn C H^ di S C< ?K W1 k h Sections 357-375 of the Con- stitution ot the Order 357-37^ Receive into the Court members of the Order pre- senting* traveling* cards y ooq Appoint committees to serve at funerals!*.! 3 Q? Summon members convicted of any charge to attend a regular meeting of the Court ?. 6 423 Perform such other duties as the laws of the’ Order or the By-Laws of his Court may direct. * VICE CHIEF RANGER. The duties of the Vice Chief Ranger shall be to pre- side in the absence of the Chief Ranger, and as- sume the duties of that officer for that meeting: to assist during initiations, have charge of the in- ner and outer doors and aid the Chief Ranger in preserving harmony and decorum during the meetings of the Court, and perform such other du- ties as the Court may direct 313 RECORDING SECRETARY. The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be to keep a true and complete record of the acts of the Court. Conduct all correspondence and have charge of the seal of the Court. Receive reports of investigating committees 225 Notify applicants of their election or rejection .... 228 Notify the Medical Examiner of all elections of members 229 Notify applicants of their rejection or approval by the High Medical Examiner; and if approved, in- form applicant when to present himself for initi- ation and amount to be paid by him before initia- tion 233 Read names of members who did not attend one meeting during a quarter 244 Notify members to file certificates or statements showing a performance of their Easter duty.... 247 Receive certificates or statements of members show- ing a performance of their Easter duty 246 Report to the High Secretary the names of mem- bers failing to file certificates or statements show- ing a performance of their Easter duty 249 Notify members of postponed meetings 263 Notify members of special meetings. 264 Notify the High Secretary of any change in the time or place of meetings 266 Forward to the High Secretary a list of the names and addresses of newly elected and qualified of- ficers 309 Notify the High Secretary of the names of officers for bonds 310 Report to the High Secretary after each meeting of the Court 330 Report monthly to the High Secretary 330 116 Report quarterly to the Court, and annually and semi-annually to State or Provincial Court 330 Prepare an annual report to the Court 330 Forward the annual report of all officers to the High Secretary 330 Forward a copy of Auditing Committee’s report to High Secretary and State or Provincial Secre- tary * 330 Report all suspensions to the xiigh Secretary and to the Financial Secretary 356 Certify and forward to the High Secretary all ap- lications for re-instatement . 369 Receive applications for transfer cards 378 Issue transfer cards 379 Keep a descriptive roll of all the members in a book §r furnished for that purpose, showing their full |. name, age, date of birth, birthplace, occupation, £ class of risk, residence, date of initiation or ad- mission, amount of benefit and name and relation- ship of dependency or beneficiary. Sign all benefit certificates issued to members of f- the Court, and deliver the same without delay to | the respective members, obtaining a receipt there- f- for 315-318 Acknowledge receipt of all assessment calls from y the High Secretary, and notify the Financial Sec- r- retary of such calls; notify the High Secretary t when the amount of the assessment has been for- i, warded, and report the same at the next regular " meeting of the Court 91 Forward immediate notice by letter to the Deputy High Chief Ranger, and to the High Secretary, of & all deaths occurring in the Court 316 Mark all communications with the date of their re- fc, ceipt, and present the same to the Court at its % next regular meeting 316 Notify the Financial Secretary promptly after every M meeting, of all moneys ordered paid or trans- it ferred, and also send him all bills properly en- I dorsed 316 Sign and present to the Chief Ranger all vouchers ? ordered drawn on the Treasurer, and deliver such r vouchers to the Treasurer for payment 316 Notify the Financial Secretary of any fines imposed p or remitted, and of any charges to be made on any member’s account 317 Receive applications for increase and decrease of S benefits 80-81 Notify the High Secretary of all initiations .... 101-237 Notify all members of a proposed change of the name of the Court 124 Note and report all changes to the hazardous class. 214 Notify the members of all committees of their ap- $ pointmeiit and duties and furnish such commit- ’ tees any information which the records of the l Court may contain, and meet with the committees when requested . 224-317 Notify transfer applicants of their acceptance or re- jection by the Court 382 Endorse accepted transfer cards, and forward the same to the High Secretary 383 111 R r£ti r ,rn° ^J 16 * SL°««T^i h ® i®!!? 11110 ® and acceptance or Receive applications for traveling ’cards .* ! si Issue traveling- cards si Receive applications for clearance cards.. qc Issue clearance cards fx to the Co , urt the issuance’ of 'traveling cards sh1p lanCe cards ’ or withdrawals from member- FU pr n e i fe h rr a e C d U a|f mTfi C ° Pie . S Forward to the State or Provincial Secretary* ’all papers appertaining to trials appealed to the State or Provincial Courts . 42 a?+ % ac .cused members of -decisions of triai Court ! 42 Attend all meetings of the Court, subject to a fine of not more tnan three dollars and not less than twadallars, as fixed by the Court for non-atten- Forward to the High Secretary proof of death, with- 01 in ten days after the death of a member, subject to a fine of one dollar for failure so to do. . . . 31 Change of classes of members — duties in relation tnereto - 214 21 Perform such other duties as the* laws of’ the ’Order, or the By-Laws of the Court, may require 31 FINANCIAL SECRETARY. The duties oi the Financial Secretary shall be to — Keep an accurate account of the payments and of the indebtedness of each member to the Court, and also accounts with all departments of the Or- der Receive all moneys payable to the * Court, ’ and pay the same over to the Treasurer, at the close of each meeting, taking his receipt therefor 31 Credit ail benefit assessments as paid by the mem- bers 7 Give immediate notice to the Recording Secretary, and the High Secretary, of any member becoming m arrears 31 Draw all vouchers on the Treasurer for ’moneys ordered paid or transferred by the Court, and de- liver the same without delay to the Recording Secretary 31 Verify, by reference to his own books, the correct- ness of the amount of all assessments called by the High Court, and if he finds the same to be in- correct, forward to the High Secretary a list of the names and ages of members, as they appear on his books, showing the correct amount of the assessment as he arrives at it 3H Certify to the Treasurer the amount of all assess- ments called 9 Penalty for false certifications 9 Receive and certify for money deposited with him by a suspended member who applies for re-in - statement, and return the same in case the mem- ber is not re-instated 361 Receive fees and dues from persons applying for initiation 23 118 Bond — Furnishing 1 of same and withdrawal ■ 302-307, 308 Report to the Court quarterly 331-333 Report to the Court and to the High Secretary an- nually 331-333 Report to the Recording Secretary and to the High Secretary, all suspensions for non-payments 354 Certify ’applications for transfer cards 378 Duties in re-suspended members 320 TREASURER. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to — Receive from the Financial Secretary, and receipt to him for, all moneys belonging to the Court. . . .321 Pay all orders drawn on him, which are signed by the Chief Ranger, Recording Secretary and a ma- K jority of the Trustees 321 Pay out all benefits on the order of the High Court I (and such other amounts as the Court may di- ■ rect) 321 Prepare his accounts for examination at the close of £ his term of office 321 On receipt of a check for the payment of a death ; claim, he shall immediately procure from the £ beneficiary the benefit certificate, with the proper | receipt thereon, and such other receipts as are re- | quired by the High Court, and deliver to the bene- f ficiary the check in payment 321 In case of his inability to attend a meeting he shall I designate some person to receive and receipt for ; the moneys collected by the Financial Secretary .. 321 Pie shall keep the moneys of the Court separate 1 from his own, and shall exhibit them whenever I ordered so to do by the auditing committee, the Deputy High Chief Ranger or the Court 321 Pay all assessments to the High Treasurer 91 Notify the Recording Secretary of the amount paid > to the High Treasurer 93 Bond — Furnishing of the same — withdrawal * 302, 307, 308, 321 Report to the Court at each meeting 332 Report monthly to the High Secretary 332 Paying money out of improper fund — Penalty 260 Report quarterly to the Court 332-333 Report annually to the High Secretary.. 332-329 Perform such other duties as the laws of the Order, or the By-Laws of his Court, may require. SENIOR AND JUNIOR CONDUCTORS. As prescribed by .322 INSIDE AND OUTSIDE SENTINELS As prescribed by 323 TRUSTEES. r As prescribed by 324 119 MEDICAL EXAMINERS. How recommended and commissioned 202 To examine each applicant for regular membership m accordance with the regulations of the High Court and the instructions of the High Medical Examiner, and promptly forward the application and record of the examination in each case to the H 1 !# Medical Examiner, and at the same time s £ a notify the High Secretary of such fact. He sha11 °A ey th Jl ™ les 9 f the High Court and be under the authority of the High Medical Exam- mer May be suspended or removed by the High Medical Examiner ° 0 O Shall refuse examination to all persons whom he can not identify and to persons who, for lack of time, can not be initiated before they reach the age limit 229 Fees of 250 Examinations of members changing from hazardous to ordinary class 215 Examine applicants for re-instatement 360 Such other duties as are prescribed by the laws of the Order. DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE. As prescribed by 326 SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. As prescribed by 327 VACANCIES. As prescribed by 328 SPECIAL — APPLIES TO ALL OFFICERS. Any officer of the Order who becomes suspended for any cause, by that fact forfeits the office held by him. Re-instatement to membership does not re- instate him to office 365 120 INDEX TO SUB-HEADINGS. A. Amendments to laws Accumulated benefit fund Appeals to High Court Assessments — benefit and special Assessments — dues — fines 165-168 108-120 153-155 . .90-99 343-348 B. Benefits and Rates 76-89 Benefit assessments Benefit certificates x00-107 By-Laws ...428 C. Certificates — benefit • • • • Change of Occupations 214, 215, 21b Clearance cards d °no oa Committees International Convention 23- 30 Convention — International • • • • Convention — State and Provincial Convention — State and Provincial, powers of... 181-194 Courts — State and Provincial 19o-205 D. Duties of members |42-2 49 'Dues of members F. Fees and salaries ??lq~q5q -Fines . . . *43 - iVk -Funds and property Funerals 394-390 H. Hazardous occupations. . . . . • • • High Court — powers and duties 79 - High Court officers — duties so I High Court revenue 1^9 High Court — trials by... High Court— appeals, to ■ I-Ionorary membersnip I. International Convention . ... ... • • • International Convention Committees of... . . . ■ • • 23 - w International Convention powers and duties ... 13-3U I 121 M. Membership — regular onq.oo, Membership — honorary oon 94 Members — duties of 049" 94 Members — suspension of !.!!!!.*!! olqlS? Members suspended — re-instatement 357-37 - Meetings Subordinate Courts.... 20 Miscellaneous provisions !!!!!!!! 1 ! 156-16 N. Name and object .' O. Object and name Occupations — prohibited 21 Occupations — hazardous 21^ Occupations — change of ’ 21*4 * 215* *21f Offenses and penalties . ..396-412 Officers High Court — duties 47-72 Officers — Subordinate Courts 298-343 Organization — State and Provincial Courts ....169-174 P. Penalties and offenses 396-412 Prohibited occupations 212i Property and funds 256-262 1 Provincial and State Courts — organization 169-174* Provincial and State Conventions 175-180 Provincial and State Conventions— powers 181-194! Provincial and State Courts — powers and duties. . ^ : • 195-205 Province of Quebec — special provisions 206-208 Q. Quebec — Province of — special provisions 206-208; R. Rates and benefits 76-89 Regular membership 209-238 Re-instatement of suspended members 357-375 Revenues of High Court 73-89 S. Salaries and fees 250-255 Special assessments 90-99 Subordinate Courts 121-146 Subordinate Court meetings 263-297 Subordinate Court — officers — committees 298-342 Subordinate Court — trials by 413-424 Suspension of members 349-356 Suspended members — re-instatement 357-375 State and Provincial Courts — organization ....169-174 State and Provincial Conventions 175-180 State and Provincial Conventions — powers ....181-194 State and Provincial Courts — powers and duties... 195-205 Transfer cards 376-386 Traveling cards — clearance cards 387-393 Trials by High Court 147-152 Trials by Subordinate Courts 413-424 122 GENERAL INDEX. Sections. abbreviations 429 Lccumulated benefit fund 108 accumulated benefit fund, how invested 110 Accumulated benefit fund, board of investment .... Ill Accumulated benefit fund, deposit of securities ....112 Accumulated benefit fund, investments how made.. 115 accumulated benefit fund, when and how to fie drawn upon 118-119 Admission of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. . . .210-235 Age limit and expiration thereof 80-211 Agent of Order, right to represent or act Amendments of Laws 165-168 Appeals to State or Provincial Courts 424 Appeals to High Court 154 Appeals to International Convention 155 Appendix, duties of Subordinate'* Court officers. . . . . . See Special Index Appointment of officers 50 Applications to organize new Subordinate Courts.. . . , i^o-io I Application for regular membership. . .209, 221, 2_28, 234 Application for re-instatement 3o7-375 Application for transfer card