L I E) RAR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 377. 389 Na7K ILL. HIST. SURVei A HISTORY OF BELLEVILLE BY Alvin Louis Nebelsick, B.S.; A.M. Head of Department of Social Studies Township High School and Junior College Belleville, Illinois rv /v ^ ' ^ o^ DEDICATION This work is affectionately dedicated to the Pioneers and Progressive Citizens of Our City of Belleville, Illinois. VI PREFACE This volume is largely the result of an inspiration for writing acquired as co-author of two magazine articles, one in our state professional magazine, "Illinois Education," May, 1937, and the other in a national professional magazine, "Social Studies," February, 1939. I have discovered that there is an appalling lack of information about local communities among the citizens as a whole. I believe community interest should always be encouraged. Surely we need not be reminded that the very foundation of democratic government is to be found in the communities and in the ability of the citizens to deal success- fully with their local problems. To understand these problems is a complicated matter so we must plan intelligently. This I believe impossible without a knowledge of our past. Our history is so much alive and growing that I find it hard to see how anyone can think of it as dead and dry. History always looks forward, not backward; it is dynamic, not static. Out of the world of yesterday, the world of today has grown; out of the world of today, will come the world of tomorrow. It is impossible to understand fully the present without a knowledge of the conditions which have brought it about; and it is equally impossible to make intelligent decisions for the future as we have only an uncomprehending view of the age in which we live. We are not only citizens of the United States, or citizens of Illinois, but citizens of Belleville as well.. In the study of "Belleville" we have travelled from the larger unit to the smaller; from the continent, to the nation, to the state, and finally to the city itself. This was not an easy task and required steady application and untiring energy. My ambition was to give a well rounded picture of Belleville from the earliest day of our country to the present. vu I would be ungracious indeed not to acknowledge the very great debt I owe to those who encouraged me to write, and to those who helped me when writing this book. Grateful ac- knowledgment is due to our Public Librarians, Bella Steurnagel and Maude Underwood, who were always ready to furnish me with the desired books and newspapers and give their valuable criticism and suggestions. There were others who did not have ready access to the reference shelves but were most welcome for their suggestions and knowledge of local history as well as the proofreading they did. Among these were William U. Halbert, lawyer and his- torian; Robert L. Kern, editor and publisher of the News- Democrat; Frederick Merrills, lawyer and secretary of the high school board of education for the past thirty years; Meta Stenger and James Clark, instructors of English; H. A. Kanzler, instructor of Latin; L. N. Nick Perrin, Jr., lawyer and former city attorney; Hugo Ehret, president of the Oakland Foundry; Herman G. Wangelin, our past city postmaster; Oliver Muser and Richard Hampleman, grade school teachers; P. K. Johnson, St., lawyer and a former mayor of our city, and Herbert W. Dey, a former teacher and now a successful attorney in Litch- field, Illinois. It gives me great pleasure to give public recognition to the following students who were ever willing to help me with typing and proofreading the manuscripts: Norma Alves, Dorothy Ellis, Shirley Falk, Georgia Goepfert, Milton Goepfert, William Hassall, Eleanor Hess, Wayne Kissel, Joseph Krieg, Doris Malzahn, Robert Meier, Helen Moser, Catherine Novoselec, Jeanette and Joanne O'Banion, Alice Peters, Doris Schneeberger, Shirly Seiffertt, Lillian Sobcyak, Shirley Stock, Walter Thouvenin, Gloria Webster, Rita Zar- charski, Alice Kock, Jenrose Raetz, Ruth Newton, Alice Miller, Charles T. Meyer, Joseph A. Johnson, and Margaret, Virginia and Dolores Hirbe. Let us hope that the good work they did for their city will not end but continue on into the future. vin TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I Three Foreign Flags Claimed by Spain 1492-1673 1 Settled by the French 1673-1763 1 Ruled by the British 1763-1783 4 CHAPTER II Independence Established We Became a Part of the U. S. 1783 7 Our Indian Troubles 8 St. Clair County Created 1790 10 Illinois Territory 1809-1818 11 Illinois Becomes a State 1818 12 CHAPTER III Our City Is Born The Independent Pioneer 1 700- 1800 15 The Birth of Our City 1814 21 The Pubhc Square 24 CHAPTER IV Early Life The Log Cabin 28 Pioneer Dress 29 Early Social Life 31 Early Education 1700-1865 34 Early Doctors 1700-1901 41 The Pioneer Makes a Living 1814-1850 45 Village Life 1819-1850 48 CHAPTER V Outstanding American Pioneers A Distinguished Citizen 57 American Pioneers 1818 62 Noted German Immigrants 75 CHAPTER VI The Growth of Our City Transportation 87 Postal Service 100 City Water 104 Fire Department 108 Police Department 111 IX CHAPTER VII Local Institutions Public Buildings 1814-1942 Churches and Affiliated Societies St. Peter's Cathedral 1814-1944 Leading Protestant Churches 1819-1944 Parochial Schools 1814-1951 Public Schools 1865-1951 History of Public Library 1836-1951 St. Elizabeth's Hospital 1881 CHAPTER VIII Industry and Labor Early Industries 1814-1850 Later Industries 1850 Present Industries 1837-1944 Business Establishments The Labor Unions CHAPTER IX A Century of Progress Sports 1839-1951 Culture and Recreation Fifty Years of Progress 1850-1900 CHAPTER X In War Scott Field 1917-1944 Our Part in War 1783-1944 CHAPTER XI Our Contributions Natural Resources Newspapers City Officials Noted Visitors Noted Places and Events CHAPTER XII Looking Ahead What Makes a Good City How to Improve our City 116 123 127 129 135 137 151 157 160 166 175 187 198 201 208 217 229 235 242 244 248 251 254 262 267 CHAPTER 1 Three Foreign Flags Claimed by Spain 1492-1673 i: _ HE WRITTEN HISTORY of the American continent dates back only four centuries, yet within that comparatively short period of time, valuable additions to the world's stock of know- ledge have been added. In the opinion of archeologists, our area was the location of one of the most densely populated Indian setdements in North America, one of the largest being Cahokia. It supported a greater population than anything Columbus had seen, but only the ruins remained when the first white man arrived here. Spanish claims to this region were, of course, based on the discovery of America by Columbus in the year 1492. The claims of the Spanish were further strengthened in 1541 when De Soto landed in the Mississippi River area. His indefinite claim included Illinois, since it was located in the valley of that river. SETTLED BY THE FRENCH (1673-1763) When the white men came to Illinois in 1673, they found it to be the domain of the Illinois Indian confederacy of five tribes, namely, the Metchigans, Kaskaskians, Peorias, Cahokias, and the Tammarois. In our area were the Cahokias. The Tam- marois lived a little farther to the southeast. They did not remain here, however, for the other Indian tribes made raids against them until ultimately, our Illinois Indians were decimated, and THREE FOREIGN FLAGS the fragment of these tribes found refuge for a time in the American bottoms. The first white men to look upon the territory which now includes St. Clair County were two Frenchmen from Canada, Marquette and Joliet. Looking for a route to Asia, they went down the Mississippi as far as the Arkansas; but when they learned that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, they went back, and camped for a while in St. Clair County near the vicinity of Cahokia. The next Frenchman to follow was La Salle. He sailed along the Illinois River to its mouth in 1679 and named it after the tribe of Indians which he found living along its banks. It is derived from the Algonquin Indian word, Illini, signifying perfect and accomplished men. The suffix "ois" is purely French, and denotes a tribe of superior men. The first French settlement was made at Cahokia by Father Pinet in the year 1700. Their predominant traits were their lack of ambition, their sociability, their devotion to the Catholic Church, and their tendency to eat, drink, and be mevTy. Being amicable they didn't have much trouble with their neighbors, the Cahokias. Their sociability was well shown by the way they settled the county. They were never willing to live on separate farms, but preferred the village where they were in close contact with one another. Their meeting place was usually the ballroom where came the priest, the patriarch of the village, the jolly benedicts, the talkative patrons, the quick-eyed youths, and the radiant maidens. Old and young, rich and poor, came together in a common bond of merriment. Sunday morning found every good Frenchman in church and the afternoon and night in the ballroom. Hospitality and generosity reigned supreme. A small but hardy breed of horses had been brought by them from Canada. These horses had degenerated in size because they had not been given proper care. The French worked them THREE FOREIGN FLAGS sometimes singly, sometimes in pairs, and sometimes one hitched before the other. Reins were not apphed in driving, but the whip of the driver with a handle about two feet long and a lash two yards long was used most effectively. No one at this time thought of having his horses shod. Oxen, yoked by the horns instead of by the neck, were also sometimes used to draw a plow or cart. These crude carts were made entirely of wood and later Americans called them bare-footed carts because they were without iron rims. The education of the French was very much neglected. Their handwriting was poor and their spelling even worse. Most of them couldn't ^vrite at all but signed their names with a litde cross. Since they were unmarried, the French govern- ment shipped girls to Louisiana to become their wives. These were nicknamed "Casket girls" because of the small trunk of clothing the government had given to each. Kaskaskia was settled in 1701, sixty-three years before St. Louis was established. It is one of the oldest and at one time was the most important city west of the Alleghanies. It was the first capital of Illinois, had the first bell, the first college, the first church, the first newspaper, the first Masonic Lodge, and the first convent in the state of Illinois. The first Court House at Cahokia was erected in 1716; it also served as a residence for the man who built it, Francois Saucier. It stood at the edge of the parade grounds then used by the French soldiers who controlled the territory. It was a proud building of square cut walnut logs chinked with mortar and small stones, thirty-eight feet wide, forty-four feet long, and eighteen feet high, topped with a sharply sloping roof of hand-hewn shingles. In 1719, one of the creeks of our country received its name from the silver ore found there by Phillip Renault. It was assayed to yield $7.00 a ton. It was discovered near Lebanon on the farm now known as the Jerry Bennett farm. He found THREE FOREIGN FLAGS enough to make a good living, but was later forced to abandon it because of hostile Indians. The Middle West has been, from its earliest date to the present, one of the important areas of the United States. Sixty years before George Washington was born, Marquette and Joliet were exploring the Father of Waters. The year after Wash- ington's birth, the important military post of Fort Chartres was established. Fifteen years after his birth, a mill was built at Prairie Du Pont. It is too bad these early adventurous souls could not fathom the part they were playing in ushering in the great surge to the West and the industrial and economic changes which were to follow in our later American History. RULED BY THE BRITISH (1763-1783) At the signing of the Treaty of Paris, ending the Seven Years' War in Europe, 1756-63, better known in America as the French and Indian Wars, all the territor}^ east of the Mississippi River except Florida was ceded by France to England; but because of Indians and difficulty of travel, it was not until October 10, 1765 that the British formally took possession of Illinois. By this treaty, the French surrendered all claims to the mainland of America to England. The French in this country resented this transfer of rule to England and many departed rather than submit to their new masters. With this army of refugees went most of the French doctors, leaving a free field here for English practitioners. The new doctors found the going rough, since they were troubled with the same old enemies— malarial fever and battle wounds— that had troubled all the early settlers in this region. Shortly after the Seven Years' War had ended, England issued the famous Proclamation of 1763, a part of which dealt with the Indian question. This document provided that the land between the Alleghany Mountains and the Mississippi River must be reserved for the Indians and that any grant in THREE FOREIGN FLAGS that section which had already been made to the colonists had to be revoked. This proclamation was made to satisfy the Indians; but many of the colonists, including George Washing- ton, were frank enough to say that it was only a temporary affair. The difference between the rule of the English and the rule of the French, from the Indian's point of view, all appeared to be to the discredit of the new regime. The English garrisons in the captured French forts were not given to fraternization. English traders drove hard bargains, and the English interest in settlement rather than trade was all too evident. Pontiac, an Ottawa chief with far more organizing ability than was common among the Indians, induced the other tribes to join him in a conspiracy against the English to drive them back east of the mountains. The attack began in May, 1763, and the v.'hole frontier region was thrown into a panic. In 1764, tvvo strong expeditions where sent against Pontiac and they easily defeated the Indians. In July, 1766, Pontiac agreed with Sir William Johnson to a treaty of peace. This, Pontiac's conspiracy, had hardly ended when another great Indian war was fought here in 1769. Pontiac, the Ottawa chief, had been assassinated by an Illinois Indian who had been bribed by an English trader to do the deed, at Cahokia. In this war the Illinois tribes were almost annihilated. While this was taking place in our county, events of importance occurred in other parts of our country. By 1776, Washington had already served as a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and had married a \\^dow named Martha Custis. St. Louis was setded in Februar)% 1764, and had a population of 600 whites and 150 negroes. In the year 1770, Richard McCarty setded on the present site of East St. Louis. In 1775, when Washing- ton was named Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, the British regular troops left this section of Illinois. In 1778, Cahokia surrendered to George Rogers Clark. THREE FOREIGN FLAGS Thus we see that all three countries, Spain, France, and England had made their contribution to the birth of the state of Illinois. They have all had some part in it, though it be large or small. The master spirits of this voyage of events were Marquette and Joliet, and to them and to their followers belongs the credit of having disclosed to the world a discovery which is second to none in importance and which had crowned their names with immortality. CHAPTER II Independence Established We Become a Part of the United States (pi \l2_>/uR WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE began in the spring of 1775. In the year 1778, George Rogers Clark, the George Washington of the West, with Americans and some French volunteers, was sent by Patrick Henry, the governor of Virginia, to capture the Illinois country. When he reached Cahokia, some Indians ran to the village shouting, "the long knives, the long knives." This caused fear among the villagers, but as soon as the French who were with Clark explained their purpose, the Indians shouted "Huzzahs," for freedom and America. The fort surrendered without a shot being fired. Partly as a result of this military expedition and partly upon the basis of royal charters granted in the seventeenth century, the State of Virginia claimed the region in which we now live. On December 12, 1778, the legislature of Virginia created the Territory of Illinois, and John Todd, an ancestor of Mary Todd Lincoln, was appointed Lieutenant Commander thereof by Patrick Henry, who was then the governor of that state. The Treaty of Paris, 1783, granted us our independence from the British and recognized the right of the United States to the Northwest Territory. The change of government did not seem to disturb the English inhabitants of this territory, and for the most part, they remained in that region. Due to the jealousies that existed between the small states INDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED and the large states, over large western land claims, the small states insisted that these land claims be surrendered to our Federal Government. On September 13, 1783, the Congress of the United States passed an act which stipulated the terms on which they would accept the cession of this Northwest Territor)'. On December 20, 1783, the General Assembly of Virginia passed an act to authorize the delegates of this state, in Congress assembled, to convey to the United States all the rights which the state of Virginia held in the territory northwest of the Ohio River. On March 1, 1784, the duly appointed delegates of Virginia made their formal deed of cession and on that date the United States officially received the North- west Territory'. It included the territory bounded by the Ohio River, the ^Iississippi River, and the Great Lakes. Today it constitutes the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and that portion of Minnesota lying east of the Mississippi River. OUR INDIAN TROUBLES By the Proclamation of 1763, the English had forbidden the colonists to emigrate into the territon^ west of the line drawn along the divide of the Alleghanies. There was no intention of keeping the Americans out of this region permanently, but the English deemed it unwise to give the Indians further cause at that time for discontent by allowing the setders to move in upon their hunting grounds. The colonists, however, did not take the same view of this matter. Some had already gone into the West and hundreds of families, distressed by the high cost of living brought on by the war, and eager to start life anew on the rich lands of the west, were ready to follow. So, the setders pushed out along the mountain trails and as early as 1767, permanent settlements began to appear in the Northwest Territory. At first the Indians in the west were friendly, but by 1786 INDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED they were beginning to change. In fact, from 1791 to 1812, our government waged one Indian war after another. Many of the disturbances were caused by the English, who, contrary to the terms of the treaty ending the Revolutionary War, had not evacuated the British forts in this section. Also, prosperous frontiersmen, determined to possess the savages' land, demanded that the government drive out the Indian. In 1783, James Planner)', while out hunting in the American Bottom was killed by an Indian. In 1786 Indians, attacking a setdement near here, killed James Andrew, his wife, and one daughter, while two other men's daughters, one of James White and one of Samuel McClure, were taken prisoners. Early in 1787, farmers, when working in the fields, were obliged to carry their rifles; at night they had to keep guard. By the beginning of 1788 the Indian troubles became more acute. William Biggs was captured while he, together wdth John Vallis, Joseph and Benjamin Ogle were walking from Ogle's Station to the block house fort in the American Bottom. Vallis was killed, but the two Ogles escaped. The year 1789 was one of increasing Indian troubles for our community. It was then that three boys were attacked by six Indians only a few yards from their block house. One of these, David Waddel, having been struck on the head with a to- mahawk and having been scalped and left for dead, later recovered while the others fled to safety. With the coming of 1793 came more contention and alarm, but the litde setdements had been strengthened at this time by the arrival of some settlers from Kentucky. Among these was a family named Whiteside, whose descendants still live here- abouts. The Whiteside men and others, totaling fourteen persons, made an attack upon an encampment of Indians, far outnumbering them, at the foot of the Bluffs. In this skirmish Captain William Whiteside was wounded mortally, he thought. As he fell, he exhorted his sons to fight on and not to yield an 10 I NDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED inch of ground, nor to let the Indians touch his body. His son, Uel Whiteside, with a bullet wound in the arm and unable to use his rifle, examined his father's wound and found that the ball glancing along the ribs, had lodged against the spine. With great presence of mind, so characteristic of our backwoodsmen, he whipped out his knife, gashed the skin, extracted the ball and holding it up excitedly exclaimed, "Father, you are not going to die." The old man instantly jumped to his feet and renewed the fight shouting, "Come on boys, I can fight them yet." Only one Indian ever returned to tell his people of their defeat. The Indians, by 1800, were practically forced out of St. Clair County, but evidence of their once having lived here remained. Many mounds have been left in Illinois by the early Indians, who built them as huge earthen tombs for their dead, as sites for their buildings, or as ceremonial effigies. The Cahokia, or Monks Mound, erected centuries ago by the very early Indian mound builders near East St. Louis, is among the world's largest earth mounds measuring 1080x710 feet and 100 feet in height. ST. CLAIR COUNTY CREATED (1790) In 1778, Virginia laid out a county in this territor)^ and called it Illinois County. When this territory was surrendered by Virginia to the United States in 1784, Illinois County was forgotten. On October 5, 1787, General Arthur St. Clair from Pennsylvania v. as appointed governor of this Northwest Terri- tory. In March, 1790, he visited Kaskaskia. On April 27, 1790, he issued a proclamation creating the county of St. Clair with Cahokia as the site of the County Court. It was to include all of the southwestern part of Illinois, and since it was the first county created in what is now Illinois, St. Clair County has often been called, "The Mother of Counties." The eastern and northern part of our state together wdth a part of the INDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED 11 present state of Indiana were included in Knox County. Illinois remained a part of the Northwest Territory from 1787 to 1802 when our state became part of Indiana Territory and remained a part of it until 1809. Other counties were created until in 1818, when Illinois was admitted to statehood, there were fifteen. The number has since increased to 102, all having been created before 1860. The first settlers to arrive in St. Clair County were not foreign born, but they were 154 native Americans who came to our county from Virginia in 1797. Among them were a physician and several nurses. The journey was difficult and hazardous. Shortly after their arrival, a fever epidemic swept over the travel-weakened settlers and, when brought under control, one half of their number had perished. Lack of suitable equipment and housing accomodations added to their discom- fort. Even the nurses, fearing the contagion, foresook their posts and fled to the more densely populated eastern com- munities. ILLINOIS TERRITORY (1809-1818) Under the Ordinance of 1787, the United States set up a government for the Northwest Territory' in 1788 with its capital at Marietta, Ohio, and appointed Arthur St. Clair as its first governor. In 1800, Congress took steps towards the admission of Ohio as a state and the remainder of the Northwest Territory was set up as the territory of Indiana with its capital at Vincennes. William Henry Harrison was appointed governor of the Indiana Territory on January 10, 1801. His home state was Indiana, and when he made appointments to office, he pre- ferred men from his state. The result was that an anti-Harrison party developed in Illinois led by John Edgar, and William and Robert Morrison. In 1809, the Territory of Illinois was established. Included 12 INDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED in it were, not only the present state of Illinois, but almost all of Wisconsin, a large part of the northern peninsula of Michi- gan, and all of Minnesota east of the Mississippi River. Its population in 1810 was 12,282, almost all of whom lived in southern Illinois. Its capital was Kaskaskia. ILLINOIS BECOMES A STATE (1818) The historv of Illinois moved very fast indeed, for it had been only a span of 145 years since the white man first came until it was admitted to the Union as the State of Illinois. In 1673, Marquette explored the Illinois River; La Salle had followed him six years later, building Fort Creve Coeur near the present site of Peoria. Soon after, Fort St. Louis was erected on Starved Rock, and at the turn of the century Cahokia and Kaskaskia were settled by the French. In 1763 this area came under the authority of the British, but the forces of George Rogers Clark during the Revolutionary War took it for the United States. It became a part of the Northwest Territory in 1787, Indiana Territory in 1802, was made the Territory of Illinois in 1809, and in 1818 a petition was presented to Con- gress from the territorial legislature of Illinois by the territorial delegate, Nathaniel Pope, asking for admission as a state. Through the efforts of Judge Pope, the act of admission permitted the extension of the northern boundar)' to parallel 42° 30' north latitude instead of the southern bend of Lake Michigan. A part of this territory was later taken away from us and given to Wisconsin, but through the good work of Judge Pope, who handled our bill of admission, Illinois kept 8,000 square miles, fifty-one additional miles on the northern border, so as to give us a port of entry for anti-slaver)^ New England, plus a lake front, eight counties, the greater part of six others, and the city of Chicago. The act of admission passed on April 18, 1818 and on December 3, 1818, Illinois became the twenty-first state in the Union. Kaskaskia was made the first state capital (1818-20) and INDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED 13 Shadrach Bond became our first governor. He had long been active in public life. In 1806 he was the tax collector at Kaskaskia. In 1807, he was the presiding judge of the Court of Common Pleas of St. Clair County and in that same year was elected the first territorial delegate to Congress. When Shadrach Bond became governor, Illinois did not have the necessary number of people to become a state, lacking 19,742 of the 60,000 population stipulated for statehood by the Ordinance of 1787, Tw'O years of his term were served at Kaskaskia, when it was decided to move the capital to a more central location. The state records were put in a two-wheeled cart and taken to Vandalia, which became our second state capital. Chicago, known as the "Magic City of the West," was laid out in 1830, and today has a population of over 3,000,000. How it got its name is not known but we are told that in the Indian language the word meant "strong." This is the reason some people think it came from the wild onion which grew so pro- fusely in that neighborhood; others think it was from the skunk which was also common; still others say there was an Indian chief named Chikagou after whom it was named. At any rate, a map published in Quebec at that time gave the city the name Checagon. The length of our state today is 380 miles, its greatest width 205, and the highest point of land elevation is more than 1,000 feet. It is most hilly in the south and the northwest. It is filled with natural beauty spots, such as canyons, gorgeous palasades, caves, Indian mounds, and forests. Our total area is 56,400 square miles, of which 55,947 are land and 453 water. Our population in 1950 was 8,696,490. The density of population is 157 inhabitants per square mile. Our official state bird is the Cardinal; our flower, the violet; our state flag consists of a white field upon which is a reproduction of the emblem of the great seal of the state of Illinois in black or in our national colors; our motto— "State 14 INDEPENDENCE ESTABLISHED Sovereignty, National Union;" our official song, "Illinois." We are nick-named "The Cotton State," "The Garden of the West," and "The Prairie State." Water from twenty-three states of the Union crosses Illinois or flows along its boundaries. The rich soil of the prairies, although treeless, is level or slightly rolling but extremely fertile and has contributed much to our greatness. CHAPTER III Our City Is Born The Independent Pioneer (1700-1800) i: HE men who wrested this area from the wilderness were the greatest of all pioneers. Their sons were among those who later pushed still further westward seeking new frontiers to conquer in the winning of the West. The early pioneers were fortunate to have settled in the American Bottom. This stretch of land, which is an expansion of the flood plains of the Mississippi River, is located between the city of Alton on the north to Prairie Du Pont Creek on the south, and from the Mississippi on the west, to the Bluffs on the east. It is about 80 miles in length, and 5 miles in width. Its soil is the richest to be found anpvhere. It contains approx- imately 288,000 acres, of which about two-thirds is located in Madison County and one-third in St. Clair County. The soil t)^es include loams, clays, and sands; and of these three, the loams, considered best from agricultural stand-point, pre- dominate. Traveling conditions on this land were terrible, especially in the early spring. It was a pitiful sight to see a two-wheeled French cart deep in the mire, the man going miles away to look for help, the women sitting among the household goods, and the team of oxen crouching down mournfully in the mud. These curious two-wheeled French carts were built entirely of wood, having wheels which were rimless, being nothing 16 OUR CITY IS BORN more than huge cross sections of trees. The axles were usually six-inch logs which fitted into the holes in the tree sections that served as a wheel. The body was a frame resting on the axles, while six uprights from this frame created the coach, which was simply willow or hazel switches, woven wicker fashion. Entire families piled into these carts. To lubricate the axle, generous portions of home made soap were used, for no other lubrication was available, however this made the wheels turn fairly easily. The early settler had plenty to wear and to eat, but luxuries were unknown. His food consisted chiefly of deer, bear, wild duck, turkey, quail, squirrel, corn, beans, and wheat. The nourishing food and outdoor life made him healthy, both mentally and physically. He produced and manufactured many things, and this made him independent of the rest of the world. The American Bottom was a paradise for fishermen and hunters, because the entire region was filled with lakes, sloughs, and ponds. These were well fed by the back waters of the then uncontrollable Mississippi River and during periods of high water were abundantly restocked with thousands of fish. Legend has it that wild swans, ducks, and geese were so numerous on these waters that at times their combined quacking kept early settlers from sleeping at night. One duck hunter is said to have killed twenty-two with one shot. It was a simple matter for a good hunter to bag a small wagon load in a single morning. Because of the early settlers' isolation, they had to make their own implements, tan their leather, weave their cloth, hunt game for food and sometimes fight for their lives. Most of them were poor and lived very simply, but all were equal socially. Their homes, clothes and food were nearly all alike, and this greatly helped to make them democratic. The homes were often located far from the fields. The farming implements were usually of the crudest sort. Horse OUR CITY IS BORN 17 collars were made by sewing together plaited corn husks and were usually very easy on the horse's neck. Not much can be said about the harness, as it was usually crudely made. The plow was little more than a stick that scratched the ground. Iron plows were yet unknown, and besides, they believed that iron was not good to use because it poisoned the soil. The early American, though, had ability to get ahead and make money, was shrewd, was superior in practical things, had a very even temperament, could easily adjust himself to tr)ang conditions, and had the ability to pull up stakes and move on if his first choice of land proved unsatisfactory. The dress of the pioneer was very simple but serviceable. He usually wore a leather or buckskin hunting shirt, leggings that reached to the waist, shoes that were a compromise be- tween brogans and moccasins, and headgear that was a coon skin cap in winter and a plaited straw hat in summer. Men who dressed in broadcloath and wore boots were viewed as a curiosity. In the summer time, they often walked bare-foot to the church, but just before reaching the church they would put on their shoes. By 1820, the style of dress began to change. Factory goods began coming in from the East and gradually relegated the spinning wheel and loom to the realm of the unused. Women's jobs in the home were plentiful but not easy. They had to be talented as nurses, housekeepers, seamstresses, laundresses, hostesses, and when any possessed all of these abilities, their lives were one great career. There were few doctors, and illness was often fatal. Malaria and cholera were quite prevalent and took many lives. Wild animals were so numerous that they were a menace to domestic ones. Indian raids were common and many lost their lives in them. Prairie fires caused much damage and suffering. This can well be imagined when sometimes sheets of flame, hundreds of vards wide and many yards high, would sweep over the prairie. 18 OUR CITY IS BORN In 1811, there was the great New Madrid earthquake in the Mississippi Valley, so severe, it was said, that the church steeples swayed, that the church bells rang with tremendous sounds, as though some unseen demon was pulling on the bell cord, that catde ran to and fro, filling the air with bawling, that the soil cracked so deeply that the bottom of the crevice could not be seen, and stone and brick chimneys fell to the ground. In 1812, a great tornado struck this region. Families took to their cellars, chimneys crumbled, log cabins overturned, and fences and strong posts were carried away for miles. Many people were killed and wide swaths were cut through forests. Then there was the vear of the cold summer when the corn crops failed throughout the United States. No record was kept of the cold in the Mississippi Valley but in New York City on June 7, 1816, there was three-eighths of an inch of ice on the ground and the thermometer fell to 30 degrees. Partly because of these dangers, the pioneer had a high standard of morals. Theft, forgery, perjury, and the like were of rare occurance. Drinking liquor was, of course, a phase of social life that was carried to excess in some communities. The making of the winter supply of candles was a special autumnal household duty, and a hard one too, for the kettles were heavy to handle. Early morning found the work well under way. A good fire was started in the kitchen fireplace under two vast kettles, each approximately two feet in diameter. These were hung on a trammel from a pole, having been filled with boiling water and melted tallow, which had had two scaldings and skimmings. At the end of the kitchen or in an adjoining room two long poles were laid from chair to chair. Across these poles were placed small sticks about sixteen or eighteen inches long called candle rods. If the candles were dipped slowly in a cool room, a good worker could make on an average of two- hundred candles a day. The precious candles, thus tediously made, were carefully OUR CITY IS BORN 19 preserved. They were carefully packed in candle boxes with compartments, covered over, and set in a dark closet, where they wouldn't discolor. A metal candle box hung on the edge of the kitchen mantle shelf always containing two or three extra candles to replenish those which had burned out in the candle sticks. The American pioneer was perhaps not quite as religious as was the French. His religious meetings were less frequent and more irregular. The older people usually stayed at home on Sunday and read their Bibles. Others would hunt, fish, break horses, practice target shooting, or indulge in foot races. They refrained from all ordinary work except such as was absolutely necessary. A book entitled, A Pretty Little Pockethook, printed in the United States shortly after the American Revolution, served as a guide for childhood etiquette in many parts of our country. It contained the following reminders: 1. Never seat yourself at the table until the blessings have been asked. 2. Never ask for anything not on the table. 3. Never speak unless spoken to. 4. Always break the bread. 5. Never take butter except with a clean knife. 6. Never throw bones under the table. The American pioneer, however, was always very friendly, sociable, and ready to welcome a newcomer. When a log cabin was to be built, the neighbors would come to help. Whenever they made social calls, entertainment was in the direct primitive style. The boys would vie with each other in jumping, wrestling, running foot-races, playing leap frog, and shooting. The older men would gather around and listen to some wild adventure story of one of their neighbor's experiences to and from New Orleans. Log rolling, quilting bees, and apple cutting bees called together the men and women, while the youngsters met for corn husking. Provisions for eating and drinking were liberally made, especially the johnny-cake, spread and baked on boards before an open fire. After the meal, the younger people would turn their attention 20 OUR CITY IS BORN to dancing. The table, chairs, dishes, and all things movable were placed out of the way and the puncheon floor was cleared for the dance. The indispensable fiddler was the artist of the occasion, and everything had to be done as it was back in North Carolina, or Virginia, or some other eastern state in which they had grown up. The pioneer jigged, and danced three or four hand-reels, all of which were very lively dances. The most popular was the Virginia Reel. In the early morning all went home, either on foot or horseback. Corn shucking was one of the most popular forms of amusement for younger folks. When the farmer's com was ready to be shucked, instead of shucking it in the field as it is done now, the stalks were cut and piled beside the crib. Then all the young men and women were invited and the fun began. Two leaders were chosen who would select sides and at a given signal, the shucking started fiercely. When anyone found a red ear, all shucking ceased for a time until the finder had kissed the girl of his choice on the opposing side. Another popular sport of the pioneer was the shooting match in which the pioneers would bring their trusty old rifles and spend the day testing their skill. The contestant always shot for a prize, which was often a nice beef steer. Those that were not contestants, came to sit around and talk. Old women came to watch— they usually brought their knitting with them. Often after the match, they would get a fiddler and have a dance. The fiddler was in such great demand in those days, that some- times the pioneer would send as far as thirty miles for one. The early American also played cards, especially "Loo"— requisite to gentility— and spent much time at horse races and often squandered considerable money and property betting on them. In 1806 there was a horse race on the ice of the Missis- sippi River between contestants from Missouri and Illinois. Some of the early settlers seemed to lack moral virtues. One husband sold his wife for a botde of whiskey; the purchaser, OUR CITY IS BORN 21 in turn, traded her for a horse, after which she was traded again for a yoke of oxen. At this time, 1799, several incidents happened in Washington which were felt in our immediate vicinity. One of the members of the House of Representatives from the state of Vermont was a witty, red-faced and rabid Republican and Irishman named Matthew Lyons. He and Griswold, a Federalist who was also a member of the House, had a rough and tumble fight on the floor of the House. Lyons, fearless and unafraid to say or publish anything, had criticized in a Vermont newspaper, some laws passed by the federalist government. For this and for the fight, he was arrested, fined one thousand dollars, and sent to prison for four months. Forty years later, after his death, in 1839, the government returned the fine with interest to his descendants, in the form of western lands. John Mes- senger, one of the descendants, was given a 160 acre farm on the old Collinsville road, which today is owned by a man named George Hoffmann, a lineal descendant of Matthew Lyons and John Messenger. THE BIRTH OF OUR CITY Who the first white man was to set foot on the present site of Belleville remains a question. It is believed by some that French traders and trappers had passed through the woods and prairie that now are occupied by our city. It is known that in 1794 Reverend James Lemen, Sr., of New Design, in Monroe County, and six other men of his settlement camped here for a week. The camp was under a large pecan tree on the spot where the old Presbyterian Church once stood. They were on a hunting expedition as well as looking for better lands to settle. At hunting they were good, for they killed a bear, several deer, and many turkeys. Settlements were made in the vicinity of Belleville, and among the first settlers were John Teter, Abraham Eyman, William Mueller, John Primm, Martin Randleman, and Daniel 22 OUR CITY IS BORN Stookey. Roving bands of Kickapoo and Pottawatomie Indians were often seen by these early settlers and many of them later fought against them. The original proprietor of the town of Belleville was the pioneer citizen, George Blair, whose home, erected in 1806, was the first to be built in this city. For several years he kept it as a home and a hotel. As a man he seemed to have no extraordinary talents, but he was prominent because he owned a two-hunderd acre farm on which the central part of our city now stands. Me didn't like to work on the farm and therefore cultivated only a small part of it. He was not well educated, but he loved to use words of great length even though they were not suited to the meaning he wished to convey. He was good natured and possessed a benevolent spirit. Contrary to most opinions, Belleville was not founded by the French nor the Germans but was settled by the Americans to protect themselves against the French. Studying the map, it will be seen that our city is ideally located, being about half- way between the two oceans and evenly divided between the North and the South. This places us far enough south to escape the severe northern winters, while our four seasons offer us a variety of climate. The Mississippi and its tributaries tie us closely to the South and West, and the Illinois and Lake Michigan tie us equally close to the North and East. Our location is in the heart of the Mississippi Valley, one of the nation's richest industrial, commercial, and agricultural districts. This valley produces seventy percent of the agricultural pro- ducts, seventy percent of the petroleum, seventy-five percent of the lumber, and sixty percent of the minerals of the United States. The greater part of our city is located in Section 21, Town- ship 1, north of Range 8, West. It is situated on a gende rising plain near the center of St. Clair County. The beauty of the surrounding country is not surpassed by any place in southern Illinois. It is not only equal to but even surpasses many of the OUR CITY IS BORN 23 most fertile and productive agricultural regions of our country. In distance, it is about midway between the Mississippi and Kaskaskia Rivers. Although our city had not yet been officially designated as the County Seat, there was nevertheless a strong desire on the part of the early settlers for a more central location for their county government. The county seat had been at Cahokia since 1790, but this village being French, the Americans were anxious to get rid of the unprogressive ways of these earlier settlers. The Americans on the high lands east of the American Bottoms outnumbered the old French setders along the Missis- sippi River. This almost necessitated a more central location of the county seat than was the village of Cahokia. This question was one of the issues in the election of members for the state legislature in 1813, which was then meeting in Kaskaskia. In December, 1813, the legislature appointed the following com- mittee to select a new seat of justice for our county, 1. John Hay, 2. James Lemen, 3. Issac Enochs, 4. William Scott, Jr., 5. Nathan Chambers, 6. Jacob Short, 7. Caldwell Cains. These men met at the home of George Blair on March 12, 1814, and the majority of them voted to build the county seat on Blair's land. Blair, in return agreed to give them one acre of land for a Public Square. Up to this time our locality had been known as Compton Hill, but when George Blair decided that he wanted a city on his farm, he said that he had found a place where he was going to form a settlement which might become one of the most beautiful cities of America, and therefore he named it Belleville, from the French word, meaning "Beautiful City." He appointed a surveyor, John Messenger, to lay out the city in the summer of 1814. This survey was completed a few years later by Governor Ninian Edwards and officially placed on record in our County Court. In the spring of 1819 the state granted us a village charter. 24 OUR CITY IS BORN The Streets were named by Mr. Blair. The most eastward street was called Church Street, while w^est of that were Jackson, High, Illinois, Spring, and Hill. North and south of the Square, the streets were numbered First, Second, Third, etc. The street extending east and west through the Square was called St. Clair Avenue, but by common usage, it has become Main Street today. Main and Illinois were laid off 66 feet wide and all others 49Vi. When the city was built, in places part of the earth was cut away, while in others it was filled in. To the south of East Main, between High and Jackson, was a pond of water that extended well into High Street. After rains it was often 80 yards long and 40 yards wide. No trace of it is left today because it has been filled in. In 1814, the Court House was removed from Cahokia to Belleville where it has since remained. In 1793, Saucier's home had been bought by the territorial government for use as a court house of St. Clair county which, at that time, included all of North and Central Illinois. In September, 1815, the contract for the construction of a new court house was given to Etienne Pensoneau. It was com- pleted and accepted by the county on September 10, 1817. The population of our county was then 3,000, while our little village had onlv about 150. We remained a village until 1850 w^hen the state granted us a cit)' charter. THE PUBLIC SQUARE When our city was created the Public Square was made a part of it. It is over one acre in size and had been given to the County for its use and benefit. On it later were built the County Court House, the County jail, and the market house. It soon became the civic and commercial center of our city and became so important that all the early history of Belleville revolved around it. OUR CITY IS BORN 25 The first use that was made of our Pubhc Square seems to be that it was an inclosure for stray cattle. It was on March 8, 1820, that the village commissioners, Ed. P. Wilkinson and Cornelius Gooding, issued the following official order: "On petition of sundry inhabitants praying that the Public Square in the town of Belleville be inclosed, securing thereby citizens during court from disorderly persons on horseback, and the public buildings from damage, and the trustees of the town of Belleville be authorized to inclose the same, letting streets run around it instead of through it, and that this court allow a reasonable sum for defraying the same." The petition was granted, and the court ordered that the sum of $100 be authorized to defray expenses. The inclosure was to serve as a stray pound, to be inclosed with posts and rails, neatly finished, and ordered that the clerk certify the same to the trustees of the town of Belleville. It was in this inclosure where was located our first Court House and Market House. It was here that the housewives of the past haggled while at the market, and, before the days of the state penitentiary and county jails, punish- ment for crimes was here meted out. Here, w^e had our pillory and whipping posts. In April, 1822, William D. Noble was punished for forgery by being put in the pillory. He was exposed to the public here for one hour and was required to pay a fine of $1,000 to the state and $1,000 to the man whom he tried to defraud. John Re\Tiolds was the judge in the case, William A. Beard, the lawyer, and John Hay, the clerk. Two walnut trees in the Public Square saved our County the expense of erecting a special whipping post. In the early davs there were no jails, and the whipping post was the only means of punishing a person for a minor offense. The guilty one was first stripped to the waist, then tied to the tree, where- upon the sheriff would inflict the legal number of stripes, making blood spurt at every lick. The usual penalty was from five to forty lashes. 26 OUR CITY IS BORN One criminal named Bonham, a cripple, was found guilty of stealing a black silk handkerchief and was given five lashes for this offense. In 1833, Sheriff John D. Hughes was the last to use the whipping post, for the state legislature repealed the whipping post and pillory statutes largely at the suggestion of Ex-Sheriff Hughes, who in 1836 had become a member of that body. The walnut tree and the pillory, though, remained for many years, and the latter became a respectable hitching post for the farmers' horses. Our Public Square changed in appearance with the growth of our city. On it have gathered the successive generations of our city. In July, 1852, the city council, under the guidance of Mayor Goedeking, adopted a resolution that was to make the Public Square more than a bull pen and offered the following changes: "In the center shall be an inclosure of 119 by 90 feet laid out in grass plots and planted with evergreens and shrubbery and surrounded by a pavement 14 feet wide. The macadamized section of the square will still remain 56 feet wide in the narrowest parts; at the comers it will be 100 feet wide. The center place will be surrounded with shade trees so that we shall have a shady and airy park." On May 16, 1865, our City Council decided to change the appearance of our Public Square once more. One group of council members was known as the "tear-downers," because they wished to remove the sturdy fence around it, cut down the fifty shade trees, and destroy the beautiful park in the center. Mayor Herman Burkhardt, who opposed this plan, had only three aldermen to support him while five opposed him. To them, it seemed as if the majority of the City Council were bent on committing an act of barbarism, one which in future years would cause the cheeks of the guilty one to tingle with shame. However, the dastardly deed was done, and the mayor and his three supporters resigned saying that it was impossible to give sanction to such acts of vandalism. The setback which our Square had suffered early in 1865 OUR CITY IS BORN 27 was only temporary, for the city soon restored it to its former beauty. Once more it was adorned with trees, and in that way it remained for many years. It was on June 6, 1903, that we had one of the greatest excitements in the history of our city. David Wyatt, a Negro school teacher of nearby Brooklyn, Illinois, shot Charles Hertel, County Superintendent of Schools, because he would not renew his teachers' certificate. Wyatt was arrested and taken to jail, but the aroused citizenry feared that a just and speedy sentence would not be passed upon him, so they stormed the jail, took the Negro from his cell, and lynched him on the Public Square. The County Superintendent had not been wounded fatally and soon recovered. There have been many and varied surfaces that have covered our Public Square. As a part of the old St. Clair turnpike, the roadways were planked. Later the entire square was covered with cedar block pavement, which bulged when the heavy rains came and again went in place when they were dry. On July 16, 1904, it was completely paved with brick. It was then that it took on the appearance that seems to be more familiar with our present generation. All the street car lines terminated here, and the bulky, brightly painted trolley cars stopped for their passengers in what had been a parking space. Today it serves the same purpose for our city and St. Louis bus lines. The Public Square today is highlighted by the Veterans' Memorial Fountain and is, indeed, a far cry from the old cattle pound. The fountain in all its beauty does honor not only to the departed veterans but also to those who in the past have built the present city around it. It is today a nucleus of our commercial development. In this area are located the four banks of our city, the department stores, the large grocery stores, hotels, city and county government buildings, wholesale houses, and, near the outer margin, eleven manufacturing plants. CHAPTER IV Early Life The Log Cabin % _ 'HE FIRST TYPE OF LOG CABIN built in St. Clair County was the French or Pahsade type. In this the logs were placed vertically and set in the ground with the cracks filled with sticks and clay. The next type was the English or the horizontal log type. The pioneer chose the log house because it was the cheapest for him to build, for there was an abundance of timber. Uniform logs were cut the proper length and hewn down on opposite sides to a thickness of about nine inches. Then the neighbors were called in for house raising. The best axemen were stationed at the corners, as notching or dovetailing was the more technical operation. The comer men built up the walls by fitting the ends of the log into the notches. By thus saddling the logs, the walls were raised to a height of about seven feet. The chinks left between the logs were filled with sticks and daubed with clay, which had to be renewed every year. After the house was up and roofed, an opening was cut for a door, usually on each side to afford air in hot weather— or if a window instead— it) was covered with oiled paper. The door was made of spliced clapboards, hung on wooden hinges. The latch, also wood, manipulated by a strap attached, was hanging outside through a hole, and was pulled in to lock the door. The chimney was built of stone laid flat and heavily coated with clay. The floor was made by laying sleepers on the ground to be covered with planks when obtainable. When not obtainable, puncheons— EARLY LIFE 29 that is, one length of logs split in half, laid flat side up, were used. No nails or other metals were used, wooden pegs being employed where necessary. Usually a ladder led to the loft which was used mostly for storage space. The inside of the house was as simple and primitive as was the outside. A huge fireplace furnished heat and means of cooking. To keep the house fairly warm, the ceiling was insulated with wolves' skins or other pelts or with the soft bark of bass wood. Light passed through greased paper windows. The furniture was always handmade. The axe and the auger were the best tools. The table was nothing more than a puncheon with four legs inserted in auger holes. Chairs were usually mere stools with three legs. The bed was built in the comer with three of its comers fastened to the wall and the fourth to a peg in the ground. Some who were more mechanically inclined fixed the bed so it could be drawn up and fastened to the wall in the daytime, thus giving more room in the cabin. The eating utensils were mostly of pewter and wood. While some early settlers had knives and forks, most others did not. The pack knife or butcher knife served all purposes at the table when no others were to be had. With dippers made of gourds and buckets of hard-shelled squashes, preparing a meal was a difficult task and required many hours of hard labor. Besides growing his own food, the pioneer also made his own clothing and tools. Every home had its own spinning wheel, for it was necessar)^ to spin the wool that went into the making of socks, stockings, mittens, shawls, mufflers, and wristlets. Their homes were poorly equipped in that day, for there was no running water, no gas, no electricity, no refrigera- tion, and the old back-yard well was about the only means available for keeping foods cool, and preventing their spoiling. PIONEER DRESS Measured by styles of today, the dress of the early French and English pioneer was very queer indeed. In the summer 30 EARLY LIFE the men wore coarse blue suits, changing these in the winter for clothing made mostly of buckskin. The women wore neat fine linsey-woolsey dresses, made at home and colored to suit the fancy with homemade dyes which were made by boiling alum, copperas, and madder, with the bark of trees. Calico or gayly checked goods were used in making bonnets. They had little or no jewelry; even a ring was a rarity. Their feet were shod in a sort of deerskin mocasin, while the men wore a coarser and a much stronger shoe made of thick leather. French women have always had a great love for things that are pleasing and beautiful, and even at this early day they followed the fashions of Paris and New Orleans. Blue seemed to be the predominant and favorite color of both of the sexes and they used it not only for their clothes, but wore blue handkerchiefs on their heads in winter time as well, preferring this instead of a hat, or a cap. Instead of a coat they preferred a sort of capote, which was nothing more than a blanket. The dress of the early American was, of course, simple. If a hat was worn at all, it was usually made of homemade material. Shoes were merely moccasins or tanned leather shoe- packs. In the summer, many of these things were unnecessary and at that time of the year, they often went bare-foot, and the men wore a blue lined hunting shirt. The capote was made loose permitting freedom of action, with a cap or a cape to turn over the head. Usually underneath this garment a vest of striped linsey-woolsey was worn. The later settlers usually wore home- made shirts of flax or cotton, although a few wore calico and checked shirts. Their pantaloons were made of deerskin, linsey- woolsey, and sometimes coarse blue cloth. The dresses in that day were made fuller and longer than they are today, usually needing about eight yards of material. These dresses were plain, with four widths in the skirt— the two front widths gored, and the waist very short, with a draw string behind and across the shoulders. The sleeves were enormous in size and padded like a bolster above, but tapering to the EARLY LIFE 31 wrist. These were called "mutton-leg" or "sheep-shank" sleeves. They were kept in shape by means of heavy starched linings or feathers. EARLY SOCIAL LIFE There were few people in the world that were easier to approach and become acquainted with than the early American people. Strangers, if they conducted themselves well, were received most cordially in the best of circles, and the confidence that was placed in them, upon even short acquaintance, was remarkable. Probably this was due to the fact that there was such a similarity of ideas on general subjects. Perhaps it was democracy at work. In the social life of early days, dancing v/as the favorite pastime, with the waltz, the aristocrat of all of the dances, leading. Gallant men bowed low before their Lady Fairs, their way of asking them for the next dance. Women in the 19th century possessed unsurpassing graces, perhaps more than are found in the young ladies of today. They were taught to be modest and their mode of dress sug- gested that they were so to the Nth degree Their finery of dress and delicacy of manner inspired robust men of that day with an over-whelming desire to protect them from the harsh world. They seemed like delicate flowers, and there was a dash of chivalry as the beau of that day stopped to kiss his sweetheart's hand and ask that he might be her stalwart protector forever. With music as the chief source of entertainment, it was only natural that concerts and operas had a more or less universal appeal. On these occasions women appeared in formal attire, always wearing wraps called opera cloaks. Then there was the Home Circle and the Pecan Club, composed for the most part of the same young men who attended the operas. These clubs were of a social nature, and for the men only, but in their more formal gatherings, they also included 32 EARLY LIFE the fair sex. The registers of these groups included such men as Fred Daab, Louis and Dave Rentchler, Charles Eimer, George AIcRogers, Charles and Hugh Harrison, and James A. \Villou' feet from North High street. Its architectural lines followed those of the Greek Revival period. It was a two-story brick building and in its upper story it housed, not only the city offices, but the library of the Belleville Saengerbund and Library Society as well. The lower floor was used as an engine house. Here the city officials met until April 19, 1873. In 1872 the congregation of the Presbyterian Church, which then was located on North Illinois street where the present Bell Telephone company's building now stands, purchased a lot on South High street for the purpose of erecting a new church. Because of its proximity to the other city property, the citv council deemed it wise to buy the old building when the elders decided to sell it for $4,500. After renovation the first floor was used as the meeting for the council and contained the office of the citv clerk and the city marshal. Its basement was used as the "calaboose" or jail. Fire bells were placed in its turret, for in those days a fire alarm was always sounded by the ringing of bells. High wooden steps that ascended from the north and south, led up to the porch that extended across the front of this building which remained the seat of city govern- ment until the present City Hall was built in 1892. On October 23, 1891, the city council ordered the purchase of the property on the corner of Illinois and Washington streets for the purpose of building a new and larger city hall. The purchase price agreed upon was $4,500, but because of the city's indebtedness construction was not started until March 5/1892. ■ LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 123 In that year the board of directors of the Belleville Public Library submitted a proposal to the city council, together with plans and specifications, for the approval of the erection of a building which would be built in the library's name but could be used for both library and city hall purposes. The city agreed to this and at once appropriated $53,600 for the cost of the building. The library was to occupy the second floor and the city offices the lower. The Library remained here until it moved into its present building in 1916. The city then took over the entire building and the first meeting of the city council was held in the old library quarters on August 7, 1917. CHURCHES AND AFFILIATED SOCIETIES A modem poet has said, "Show me the churches and the cemeteries of a community and I will tell you the Godliness and the spirituaHty of its people." Applying this to Belleville with its many beautiful churches and well-kept cemeteries one may rest assured that this quotation casts no reflections on the religion and culture of Belleville citizens, who are proud of the fact that about seventy per cent of its people are affiliated with some church. We have long realized that mankind cannot pass through lite without some philosophy and virtue obtained from religion and its teachings. We would, perhaps, relapse into a savage state were we not sustained by the law of "Love thy neighbor as thyself.'" In the early days of this community there were no churches. Clergymen were very scarce and their visits were like those of angels, few and far between. Yet our forefathers were a pious lot, belonging to a God-fearing generation. They firmly believed in a life after death and that they could some day ascend to Heaven. In building the early churches, women played a ver\' im- portant part. In fact, many helped to lay their foundations not in the sense of mixing the mortar and laying bricks, but through 124 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS their untiring effort of giving suppers, bazaars, and food sales. Some of these early places of worship stand today as mon- uments to the Supreme Being. Their walls are of brick and stone of another era, worn by age, yet mellowed by time to a greater beauty. They are a monument to the spiritual lives that dwell within, of the faith of God that lives in the hearts of men that built these structures. Therein lies the greatest beauty of all churches. The oldest Protestant church in St. Clair county to have had a continued existence is the Methodist Church at Shiloh. The oldest Catholic church in Illinois is the one at Cahokia built by Father F. Panet, S. J. in 1700. The oldest Catholic church in Belleville was built on the present site of St. Peter's Cathedral in 1843, with Father Kuenster as its first regular priest. Before his coming here, missionaries from Cahokia visited the area and offered the Holy Sacrifice of Mass in private homes which stood in the present 300 block of South Illinois street. Today there are approximately thirty churches in Belleville, representing practically every denomination, each one having a worthy history of its own, but space will permit only the name and location of most of them. They are arranged according to the date of their construction, and are as follows: Year 1831 First Baptist North Jackson and "B" Rev. Russell T. Phillips 1832 Union Methodist 10 East Washington Rev. Dr. W. L. Hanhaum 1839 First Presbyterian 225 South High Rev. Dr. Frank Eversull 1839 St. Paul's Evangelical 2nd and West "B" Rev. B. ]. Koehler 1842 St. Peter's Cathedral 3rd and Harrison Rev. Msgr. Raymond L. Harhaugh LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 125 1862 1878 1882 1883 1893 1894 1906 1908 1913 1913 1919 1920 1925 1925 1925 1929 Zion Lutheran Rev. C. Thomas Spitz Latter Day Saints Rev. ]. Edward Nicholson, ]r St. George's Episcopal Rev. Percy Miller St. Luke's Rev. F. A. Kaiser Christ Evangelical Rev. Alfred F. Schroeder St. Mary's Rev. Joseph Orlet Epworth Methodist Rev. Dr. L. S. McKown First Divine Scientist Rev. Emma Stolherg Signal Hill Lutheran Rev. William A. Wenger Signal Hill Methodist Rev. H. C. Brown Beth Israel Synagogue "A" and Church 2020 West Main 105 East "D" 201 North Church 24 North 14th 1716 West Main 4715 Walter 311 East Lincoln 8100 West Main 45 South 95th 227 North High Rahhi Abraham Hartman First Church of Christ Scientist 112 North Jackson Rev. H. L. Starling Blessed Sacrament 8505 West Main Rev. Louis F. Ell St. Henry's 5301 West Main Rev. Edward Killian O.M.I. St. Theresa 1100 Lebanon Ave. Very Rev. Wm. Hoff First Christian 30th and West Main Rev. Dale Wilhoit 126 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 1935 Trinity Evangelical 47 North Douglas Rev. Theodore Rasche 1936 Full Gospel Tabernacle "B" and Church Rev. T. M. Kimherlin 1942 Apostolic (Pentecostal) LaSalle and Sherman Rev. Paul Froese 1942 Bethel Temple 805 Scheel Rev. ]. O. Underwood 1950 Westview Baptist Church 24th and West Main Rev. Eugene T. Pratt 1950 Latter Day Saints 611 East McClintock Rev. Dudley Brown Many church societies, most of these women's groups, exist today to help the church financially. Some were organized when the church was founded and are still functioning. Without these organizations many churches could not exist. One of the oldest of these organizations is the Altar Society of St. Mary's Parish functioning under the name of the Senior Ladies' Sodality. It originated in 1894, the year the church was dedicated. Miss Mary Graul was its first prefect. The Rosary Confraternity of St. Peter's Cathedral, for both men and women members, was established in 1865 with Theodore Sickman as its first president. In 1860 the St. Vincent Orphan Society, and in 1870 the Young Ladies' Sodality were established. The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Church was organized more than 75 years ago, with Mrs. Fredericka Wehrle as its first president. A complete record of the minutes of this society is one of its proud possessions. On October 20, 1871 the Ladies Aid Society of the Jackson Street Methodist Church was organized by Mrs. Hienz, the wife of the pastor at that time, who was also its first president. The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the First LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 127 Methodist Church came into being in 1872 with Mrs. VViHing as its first president. The Lutheran Aid Society, with Mrs. Loos as the first pres- ident, was estabhshed in 1876. The Ladies' Aid Society of Christ Church, the oldest women's organization of that congregation, was organized in 1893 with Mrs. Phillip Schmitt as president. The oldest society in the First Baptist Church is the Halcyon Club whose first members met in 1896 at the home of Mrs. M. W. Weir, with Miss Sophie Weir as its first president. The Art Needle Work Society is the oldest women's organiza- tion in St. George's Episcopal Church. It was established in 1896 with Mrs. Amelia Reineke as its first president. ST. PETERS CATHEDRAL, 1837-1944 When, in 1814, the county seat was transferred from Cahokia to Belleville, a number of Catholics also moved here. Among these early settlers were the Pensoneau, Munie, Joffray, Mersinger, Adam, Fegan, Boul, Germain, Rabo, Stauder, Priegler, Karlskind, Pfeiffer, Perrin, Lutz, and Fournie families. The nearest church then was at Cahokia, and these early people attended services there until visiting priests held Mass in their homes. The first written record of Mass being celebrated in Belleville was entered on the Cahokia records December 8 and 9, 1836, by Father Louisel, who stated that he said Mass at the home of Mr. Chandler, and that fifteen or twenty persons attended each day. In 1837, John O'Brien donated land on which to build a church. Reverend Charles Meyer, stationed at Prairie Du Long from 1838 to 1843, visited Belleville every two months and said Mass at first in the old court house and later in the home of the Huber familv. In 1842 arrived the first resident pastor named Reverend Joseph Kuenster, and soon a two-acre tract was bought from Mr. Joseph Meyer for his church. The 128 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS cornerstone was laid by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Peter R. Kenrick of St. Louis, in 1843. The first church was sixty by forty feet, but because of a shortage of finances, progress was slow. The next pastor was Reverend C. H. Osdangenberg, and by this time his parish consisted of 130 families whose nation- ality backgrounds were German, French, Irish, and Bohemian. The first church, completed and dedicated by Bishop William Quarter of Chicago in May, 1847, was used until 1863 when it was replaced by another. The cornerstone of the second church was laid by Bishop H. D. Juncker of Alton. It was completed in 1866 at a cost of $87,000 and dedicated on November 6, 1866. This church remained in use until January 4, 1912, when at six o'clock in the evening a fire, due to defective wiring, or some other cause, completely destroyed its interior and the roof. So far as is known, Joseph B. Reis of South Illinois street turned in the alarm to the Jackson Street fire department. George Kohl, the ten-year old son of Emil J. Kohl, discovered the blaze, which started underneath the roof. The boy notified Mr. Reis, who immediately turned in the alarm. The next morning the walls of the building and the spire were all that remained. Thus, the second building, then known as St. Peter's Cathedral, entailed a loss of perhaps $100,000. Labor, worry, details of finance and supervision followed the building of the third cathedral. The building committee consisted of Messrs. H. G. Reis, J. J. Gundlach, George C. Rebhan, Joseph B. Reis, Dominic Bauer, and Peter Fellner. In October, 1913, the present cathedral was completed, the largest, most massive, dignified, and beautiful church of the diocese. The first great event celebrated in it was the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Henry Althoff on February 24, 1914. In preparation for the event, the interior of this towering Gothic structure was redecorated to make what today is believed to be LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 129 one of the most beautiful buildings in the Middle West. In that same year also occured the elevation of the pastor of the Cathedral, the Rev. Joseph Mueller, to the rank of Domestic Prelate, which honor gives him the title of the Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph M. Mueller. On January 7, 1887, the Diocese of Belleville was created and the city was selected as the seat of a bishopric. On April 25, 1888, Bishop John Janssen was consecrated as the first bishop of the diocese. On September 23, 1934, the first native of Belleville to receive the title of monsignor, the Very Rev. M. J. Gruenewald, was invested wdth the title, together with the office of Papal Chamberlin. The Most Rev. Henry Althoff presided at the investiture. The investiture ceremonies for the Very Rev. Msgr. John F. Fallon of Belleville took place at the same time at Notre Dame Academy. He had been resident chaplain of the academy but now became the first diocesan school super- intendent. Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Diocese of Belleville, which has been an Episcopal See for over fifty years, was of interest to all Catholics of not only this district but of neighbor- ing ones. This district extends as far south as Cairo and contains approximately 70,000 Catholics. On the same day the Rev. Henry Althoff, the Bishop of Belleville, was also honored, for it was the Silver Jubilee of his consecration. In that same year, 1939, its Centennial, St. Peter's Cathedral was also consecrated to the service of God. LEADING PROTESTANT CHURCHES The Protestant churches too had early representation in the community for as early as 1779 the Rev. J. W. Lee preached the First Methodist sermon in the city, although it was not until 1832 that a Methodist church was built. It stood at the north- east corner of West Washington and South Third streets. 130 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS According to James Affleck, one of the earliest pioneers, its bell was the first church bell to be rung in Belleville. The bell was too heavy for the building, so it was suspended in a walnut tree that stood on the premises. Among the early circuit riders, for that is how the early pastors were known as they travelled from church to church to conduct services, were John Dew, Samuel Thompson, William L. Deneen, Joseph Edmon- son, and John S. Barger. The present Methodist Church, located on East Washington street, was dedicated on December 23, 1849, by Rev. Went- worth. Its cost was between seven and eight thousand dollars. Rev. Rutledge was pastor at the time. The parsonage was built in 1859. It was in that year also that a gas lighting system was installed in the church. A new organ was installed in November 1873, and in November 1878 the Heinzelman Brothers donated a 1500 pound bell for the new steeple. In 1937 Mrs. Florence Rayhill, widow of Dr. Charles G. Rayhill, donated the present organ in memory of her husband. The First Baptist Church of Belleville was organized on September 17, 1831. Its first meeting was held in the "Brick Hall" that stood on the corner of South High and Lincoln streets. In 1833 it held its services in the court house, but in May, 1844, the congregation contracted for a church building of its own. This they built on the present site of the Penny Store at 213-215 East Main street. It was a brick building, thirty by forty feet, and it was dedicated on September 20, 1845, the dedication sermon being delivered by Elder James Lemen. Its steeple was added in 1853 and it was then that the town clock was placed therein. The congregation used this building as a place of worship until 1880, when they sold it to C. A. Monk, who used it as farm implement store. The church services were then held in the Rentchler Building, which stood where the Sears- Roebuck store now stands. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 131 Meanwhile, the church purchased the corner of Jackson and East B streets, the former site of the old Presbyterian Church. Here the present church was erected at a cost of $12,000, and was dedicated in June, 1883, by Rev. Kenrick. In June, 1887, the old Presbyterian Church, which had been built on that corner in 1839 by T, H. Kimber, and which was later used as a residence for himself, was torn down to make place for a parsonage, which cost $2,200. In 1906 a memorial window, honoring the Rev. J. M. Peck, a former pastor, was placed in the church. Until 1921, the church was known as the Baptist Church of Belleville. It was then that its name was changed to The First Baptist Church of Belleville. In the early 1800's the only Presbyterian minister who visited this city was the Rev. James Gallaher, who arrived at various intervals. But in 1833 the first church was organized by the Rev. J. F. Brooks, to be disbanded, however, in 1837. In 1839, it was reorganized and it is from this beginning that the First Presbyterian Church of today took root. Its first building stood at the present site of the First Baptist Church, and services were held there until 1844. In November of that year the new church, located on North Illinois street at the corner of East A street, was dedicated. Its basement was used for school purposes, for in the early days schools were conducted in some of the church buildings. In I860 the church was damaged to the extent of $100 by fire, but it continued to hold its services there until the present Presbyterian Church was erected in 1873 at a cost of $20,000. The cornerstone of this building was laid in July, 1874. The copper box imbedded in it contained a Diamond copy of the Old and New Testament, a shorter Catechism, a historical sketch of the church, the sermon delivered at the time of its removal from the old building, the list of church members, a list of subscribers to the Memorial Fund, the names of the Trustees, the New York Evangelist, which contained 132 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS a sketch of the Presbyterian Church in Missouri, local news- papers, specimens of coins and fractional currency of the United States, the program of the cornerstone laying, with names of participating ministers and a statement of Professor L. Swift regarding the "Comet Now in the Heavens." Two years later, in July 1876 the church was dedicated. Its pastor at the time was the Rev. O. S. Thompson. Several years ago the entire church was redecorated and is today one of the outstanding churches in Belleville. There are three Evangelical churches in Belleville, the St. Paul's Evangelical, the Christ Church Evangelical, and the Trinity Reformed Evangelical. The former dates back to 1835, when Rev. J. Ries conducted services in the Court House, although it wasn't until 1839 that a constitution was drafted and a regular pastor, the Rev. William Flickinger, was named. He was a graduate of the University at Erlangen and received an annual salary of $150. The first church stood on a litde hill where now the Franklin school stands. That little church, which cost $413, was used as a place of worship by both Protestants and Catholics, and also as a school. Here also the Saengerbund had its meetings, and it also housed their library. It served in that early day as a sort of community house for the cultured Germans. St. Paul's Church is sometimes spoken of as the first Pro- testant church here. However, early records disprove this, show- ing that there were other Protestant denominations in the field at the same time, and even a litde earlier. It is, in all probability the first Protestant church of German language in Southern Illinois. The original church dates to about 1850, although it continued as a school for some years thereafter. Practically no Evangelical services were held between 1857 and 1859. But then the congregation was reorganized by a few faithful ones who built the present church in 1861 at a cost of $4,721. The LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 133 original church was sold for $200. In the years that followed more church property has been acquired and many improve- ments and additions have been made. An imposing $12,000 parsonage flanks the church on the east, while a spacious hall is on the west. Its membership is constantly increasing, and much of this is due to their popular pastor, the Rev. B. J. Koehler, who has devoted himself unstintingly and tirelessly in promoting the welfare of the church. Christ Evangelical Church, located at the corner of West A and North Fourteenth streets, was organized in 1893. Rev. Louis Von Rague, its first pastor, charted the church through its difficult first five years. During that period of time the present church was constructed and its Sunday School organized. The first services of the congregation were held on the second floor of what is now Engine House No. 2. In the ensuing years many improvements have been added to the church property, making it one of the outstanding places in the West End. In 1913, a $10,000 church hall was erected, and in 1928 a modern annex was added. The Trinity Reformed Evangelical Church, an off-shoot of St. Paul's was organized in the spring of 1934 as a Mission Sunday School, but in the following January, it attained the status of a church. Its first services were conducted in the Community House at the northwest comer of South Charles and East Washington streets. Rev. James V. Ingram was its first pastor. In June, 1936, the congregation purchased the Henry Ehret home at 47 North Douglas avenue, and this new- ly renovated edifice was dedicated as a church on December 13, 1936, and its religious services have been held there and will continue to be held there until the new church is completed. It was on March 17, 1861, that Zion Lutheran Church was organized by a group of thirty members, and its ser\dces were held in a litde chapel on North Jackson street. In 1862 this small group of Lutherans purchased the lot on which the present 134 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS church stands, paying $500 for the same. Here, for $864, they erected a small building, which served both as a church and a school, for at that time, they had already secured a teacher to undertake the education of their children. The new church flourished and in 1867 a parsonage was erected next to the church. The congregation soon outgrew the little church and in 1880 it erected the present church building. Its steeple was 128 feet high and it contained two bells. A new organ was also installed and the completed church came to $10,000. In 1887 the adjoining lot and house east of the church was bought, and the parsonage was moved to it. Some few years ago an attractive new parsonage was erected back of the church and facing North Church street, most of the labor in its construction being donated by members. The Rev. Thomas Spitz is its present pastor. St. George's Episcopal Church is the only Episcopal church in the city. On Februar)' 5, 1880, fourteen Belleville men and women met with the Rev. J. G. Wright of St. Louis to consider the formation of a mission Episcopal church. At the time of its establishment it was known as St. Luke's Mission. Its first meetings were held in a building at North Jackson and A streets. The cornerstone of the present church was laid in the fall of 1882, and on February 21, 1884, the new church was dedicated by the Rev. F. Seymore, Bishop of Springfield. The church was designed by William Hume of New York and was built by C. Daehnert. Its windows are of rolled cathedral glass. Its first organ was a gift of St. Paul's Church in Spring- field, Illinois, but in July, 1896, a new one was bought. The church is located at the corner of North High and East D streets. Adjoining it on the east stands the rectory, which was built at a cost of $3,200 in 1902. The German Methodist Church, now known as the Jackson Street Methodist Episcopal church, was organized in 1848 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 135 by the German Methodists in the community. In 1850 they bought from the Enghsh Methodists the htde church at the northeast corner of South Third and West Washington streets. Here they met to worship until 1864 when they bought the church and school property of the Rev. Homeier on South Jackson street for $8,000. This little church had been built in 1858 as an Evangelical church under the Rev. Homeier. The school building was torn down later to make room for the parsonage. The steeple was added in 1865 and the next year the church bell was bought. In 1911 the church was entirely remodeled and furnished at a cost of $4,000. In 1950 it merged with the First Methodist and is no longer used for services. PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS 1848-1951 The history of the Catholic school system dates back to the year 1848, when the Rev. Casper H. Ostlanbenberg, pastor of the old St. Peter's Church now the Cathedral, established the first Catholic school in the city, a grade school for both boys and girls located on the corner of Third and Harrison streets, which was then, as it is now, the site of the church grounds. This first Catholic church was a frame building costing about $300 and the school was held in the basement of the church until the new school-house, adjacent to the church, was com- pleted. Here it remained until 1863, when it was moved to another location on Harrison street. Other Catholic grade schools and the year in which they were established are: St. Luke's, 1881; St. Mary's, 1894; St. Henry's, 1925; Blessed Sacrament, 1926; St. Theresa's, 1926. During the Civil War days the Immaculate Conception Academy staffed by nuns was established for girls, and later developed into the present Notre Dame Academy. The corner- stone for this high school was laid on July 27, 1924, by the Rt. Rev. H. Althoff, D. D., Bishop of Belleville, and the completed building was dedicated on September 6, 1925. It 136 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS was a four-year high school and boarding school for girls and was in charge of the Sisters of Notre Dame. The Rev. F. H. Budde, pastor of St. Peter's established a school for boys, then known as St. Peter's Institute, which eventually grew into the Cathedral High School of today. The Brothers of Mary began teaching in it in 1905 and have continued so to this day. This four-year high school with an approximate enrollment of 200 boys, is recognized by the Illinois state department, the University of Illinois, and the North-Central Association. The faculty consists of four priests, nine brothers, and one layman. On August 6, 1926, the cornerstone of a $50,000 structure for St. Henri's College was laid. It is a preparator)' school for young men studying for the priesthood, but includes also other studies in its curricula. On September 13, 1938, LeClerc, a four years liberal arts college, was opened for the women. The teachers in the institution were members of the Sisters of Notre Dame and the Very Rev. Monsignor John J. Fallon was the president of the institution. In 1949 it was discontinued as a college and the building is used today by the students of Notre Dame. In 1861, the Zion Lutheran Church purchased a lot on the comer of Church and A streets and erected a building to be used for church and school purposes. The Rev. Mangelsdort was the first pastor of the church and the first teacher of the school. The present Lutheran school is at the Southwest corner of Charles and Washington streets. There are today nine Catholic and one Lutheran grade schools which have a combined enrollment of approximately fifteen hunderd students. The Catholic schools have continued to grow and today include kindergarten, grade, and high schools. Sixt\'-six sisters and nine brothers instruct the students attend- ing these various schools today. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 137 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1825-1951 The first public school in this community was one built at Turkey Hill, but it was only a few years later that Belleville could boast of the beginning of the fine educational system which it has today. Its earliest schools had their beginnings in the travelling schoolmaster, the private school, the subscription school, the church school, and early school associations. Its schools today with their modern buildings and highly trained staffs of teachers have travelled a far way from the one-room schools and poorly educated schoolmasters of the past. Much of its present educational system is owed to the efforts of two German intellectuals who were forced to flee from their homeland after the unsuccessful revolution in 1833. The first one of these was George Bunsen, who belonged to the liberal class, left Germany and emigrated to America, leaving his mark forever on the local culture. He had always been interested in education, and when he was a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1847 he tried to establish a state normal school. His ideas, however, were so far in advance of others that his plan was rejected. Nevertheless due to his later efforts. Normal University, at Normal, Illinois, was established. While on his farm Mr. Bunsen taught his neighbors' children, named Schott and Reuss, and in 1855 he taught his first public school in Shiloh Valley. He didn't remain here very long, for he soon became the country school commissioner, today known as the county superintendent of schools, and moved to Belleville in 1857. Another of these German educators, Henry Raab, became interested in education after George Bunsen persuaded him to enter the teaching profession. In 1858 he became a teacher in West Belleville, and later, the principal of the Washington School. In 1873 he succeeded Bunsen as city superintendent of schools, and in 1882 was elected state superintendent of 138 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS schools. When his term expired in 1886, he returned to Belle- ville and was appointed city superintendent. In 1890 he was again elected state superintendent, but when this second term expired, he returned to Belleville and retired from active teach- ing. The high standard of Belleville's public school system today owes much to the foundations laid by these two American pioneers from Germany. In those early days janitor service was almost unknown, for most schools were serviced by the students, who usually made the fire and did the necessary dusting. A free school law was enacted in Illinois in 1825, but Belle- ville did not organize a city school system until later when a better one was enacted in 1855. It was not until April, 1856, that free public schools were opened. In each ward, there was a primary school for boys and girls, and one was also established in West Belleville. Besides there were two grammar schools, one for boys and one for girls. The boys were taught by Messrs. Dennis and Fuller, each receiving a salary of $450. The girls' department of the grammar school was under the tutorship of Mrs. Charles Edwards and Miss Nancy Hough, the first having an annual salary of $450, while the latter received $350 a year. Summer vacations began July 25 and ended August 25. How- ever, the school day was much shorter than it is now. The first high school in St. Clair county was established in Belleville in 1858. In 1859 a hectic school election was held, with the people having to decide two important questions at the polls. The first of these was whether or not German should be compulsory, and the other was to determine if the regular term should be ten months. The candidates favoring both the German and the long term of school, won the election. The first official document regarding public schools dates back to 1847, when three school directors were elected. By 1855 the town boasted eleven schoolrooms. However, one gets LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 139 a fair idea of school conditions at that time, when the school director's report showed that one teacher had one hundred and tifty-six pupils, and that several of the teachers had no certifi- cates, and that none of them kept records of any kind. In 1855 the total enrollment was 682, and of these 17 students came from out of town. The teaching staff numbered fourteen. In 1850 the Belleville Literary Society was organized. Its object was, as stated in its by-laws, "... the promotion of education, science, and literature, by procuring and furnishing suitable buildings and grounds in the city of Belleville for the use of schools established by the Belleville School Association, and for scientific purposes in general." They issued thirty-seven shares of stock at one hundred dollars per share to the following members: Theodore Krafft, Henry Goedeking, Joseph Kircher, Philip B. Fouke, Thomas James, D. M. Hopkins, Charles T. Elles, Samuel B. Chandler, William C. Kinney, Edward Abend, Nathaniel Niles, H. Schleth, William Lorey, T. Heberer, John Scheel, Dr. H. D. Berchelmann, Taylor and Williams, William H. Underwood, Charles Merck, Theodore Engelmann, Peter Wilding, John Reynolds, Julius Raith, George T. Neu- hoff, Jacob Knoebel, Conrad Borman, J. L. D. Morrison, Ed- ward Tittmann, C. Tittmann, James Affleck, Mace and Heely, Dr. E. Joerg, J. W. Pulliam, Russell Hinckley, Gustav Koerner, and James Shields. Henry Goedeking was its president, and Charles T. Elles, its secretary-treasurer. One of the first things they did was to buy the Odd Fellows hall (the present Lincoln Hotel build- ing). Shortly thereafter they rented it to the Belleville School Association for school purposes. However in 1863, wanting to sell the building, they asked the school to vacate, which it finally did in 1867. In February of 1868, Russell Hinckley, Sr., bought the building and converted it into a hotel known as the Hinckley House. Mr. Hinckley paid $125 for each share of the stock. 140 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS It was then that the School Association decided to erect its own school building, but the project was voted down several times, finally passing in 1865. Bonds in the amount of $94,950, with interest at 10 per cent, were then sold. There- upon the first Washington School was built in 1865 at a cost of $40,910.20. The first Franklin School was completed next in 1867 at a cost of $56,451.34. West Belleville, although an independent community, never- theless belonged to the local school district. When Theodore Hilgard laid out that little village he donated Lot 469 to be used for school purposes. Through public subscription, a small school house — The Lincoln — was established, which in 1864 was leased for $1.00 for 99 years to School District 4, later District 118. This transaction makes the Lincoln School probably the oldest school house in the district. Shortly after the erection of the Washington and the Franklin Schools an ad- dition, costing $2,316.20 was added to the Lincoln School. Prior to 1873, the administration of the schools was in the hands of school directors. But in 1873 the first school board was elected. Its members were William Maus, F. J. Staufenbiel, Henry A. Kircher, George Harvey, Henry Brua, and Theodore Krafft. A liberalizing influence entered the Illinois school system in 1870 when the new state constitution eliminated the word "white" from the school laws, thus assuring Negro children the same education as others. German influence has contributed much in directing edu- cation in the public schools. The kindergarten is definitely a German contribution, and Belleville was one of the first cities in the United States to establish such a system for children of pre-school age. Earliest mention of kindergartens in the community seems to have been in 1849-1850, when W. Frank and J. Fraus each attempted to conduct one. However, no word of their LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 141 success or failure seem to have been recorded. Mr. Fraus married a Miss Marie Boelte, who had a reputation of being a pioneer in the kindergarten development. The first permanent kindergarten to be established here was a private one. It was in 1874 that the Kindergarten Association was organized with a membership of one hundred fifty local ladies. Mrs. Gustav Koerner was its president; Mrs. William H. Snyder, its vice-president; Mrs. Henry Raab, secretary; and Miss Josephine Bissel, treasurer. The organization issued seventy shares of stock at thirty dollars per share. In April 1875 it was housed in its new $5,000 building. At that time there were 201 children enrolled and three teachers employed. The average cost per pupil was approximately $20 per annum. This con- tinued until 1892, when the organization sold its building to the Philharmonic Society. Again in 1907 another kindergarten association was formed and classes were held in the city council's chamber. It was maintained by the Kindergarten Association until 1915 when it definitely became a part of the regular school system. The educators of the city, in 1876, pondered over the problem of whether or not to open the public schools for the teaching of an evening course in shorthand, in those days referred to as phonography. About 100 people had applied for admission to such classes. Consequently the question arose, "Is this study of sufficient importance for the city to hire a special teacher to impart this knowledge?" The question was finally settled in the affirmative, and before long, students were given instructions in phonography. By 1880 the city educational system was comprised of four schools: the Lincoln, which was remodeled in 1865 and is now used as a storehouse; the Washington, erected in 1865; the Franklin, constructed in 1867; and the Bunsen, built in 1879. Belleville always enjoyed a reputation for cleanliness. This 142 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS trait was also made very evident in a decision made by the Board of Education in 1894, decreeing that the basements of two of the schools should be fitted with bathtubs to be used by children found by the truant officer, and others, to be in need of a bath. The boys who needed a bath received their scrubbing under the supervision of the school janitor, and the girls were super- vised by the janitress. The bathtub has long since disappeared from the grade school, and the shower has taken its place in some of the later modern school buildings. Since 1917 a school nurse has been employed and paid a regular salary. Some of her duties are as follows: (1) inspect all pupils in September for symptoms of communicable diseases; (2) visit each school once a week; (3) give each student a sight test; (4) examine teeth and throat; (5) keep a record of each student; (6) make home visits to secure correction of remedial defects; and (7) assist in school dental clinics. The nurse at present is Mrs. Dorothy Nehrkorn. Of all the people who have been on the school board, John Weber served the longest. He was first elected in 1876 and served continuosly until 1904, a period of 28 years. The man who served longest as a president of the board is Henry C. G. Schrader, who was elected in 1931 and retired in 1941, establish- ing a record of ten years. During the entire 104 years (1847-1951) of Belleville's public school system, only three women served as members of the school board. iMiss Johanna Lorey, a retired teacher, served for a period of two years, 1922 to 1924, and Mrs. Bessie Steingoetter was a member from 1923 to 1937, a period of fourteen years, and Miss Ruth Sterling will have served seven years when her present term expires in 1951. Excluding the Lincoln School, which today is used for storage purposes, and the Central School, which was razed in 1941, there are nine grade schools. These and the dates of their con- struction are as follows: (1) Humboldt, 1882; (2) Douglas, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 143 1893; (3) Henry Raab, 1906; (4) Jefferson, 1912; (5) Dewey, 1928; (6) new Bunsen, 1929; (7) new Washington, 1930; (8) new Franklin, 1930; (9) Union, 1939. All of these except the Humbolt and Douglas, are modern and are sturdily cons- tructed and well ventilated. The most modern of these is the Union School, a strictly up-to-date and fireproof building that replaced the old structure which was destroyed by a tornado on March 15, 1938. All the school grounds are well graded and attractively landscaped. The grade schools include the first six grades and the pre- school kindergartens. The Junior High School, located at the comer of East Lincoln and South Illinois streets, contains grades seven and eight for the entire district. In all there are 93 teachers and supervisors in the public school system. Its buildings are valued at $2,280,187, while the valuation of School District 118 is $77,500,000, and the tax rate is 59 cents. Work in the Junior High Shool is departmental and is under the supervision of a competent staff of well-trained teachers. Music and physical education are taught throughout the grades and in Junior High School. In the latter, art, cooking, sewing, and manual training are also taught. The city superintendents who have served in the public schools since the establishment of the public school system have been George Bunsen, Henry Raab, H. K. Updike, J. K. Light, George Busiek, Oscar Weber, Arthur Odenweller, W. A. Hough, Harold V. Calhoun, L. W. Van Lanigham, and Ed- ward L. Allen. One of the outstanding events of the school year is the School Picnic. It is the day when all work ceases and the entire town observes the occasion. The main event of the picnic is, of course, the school parade that precedes the picnic. Children from all the schools assemble at each one to form the gaily- colored procession that is interspersed with bands and drum 144 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS corps. Throngs of spectators line the streets for blocks. Some classes elected captains to strut along the side of the children in the parade. They wore uniforms with epaulets, and tin swords swung from their belts. There were May queens and flower girls, and the singing of "America" was carefully rehearsed for weeks. Arriving at the Fairgrounds the children gathered around the grandstand where they sang "America" to the accompaniment of the official band. There was no dispersing until this was done. The line of march in recent years has been East on Main Street from the Public Square to Charles street, counter-march to the Square, west on West Main, then north on Second street to the Franklin School. Here the students are transported on busses to Bellevue Park, the scene of the picnic. From the minutes of the Board of Education it is evident that the picnic was instituted at a early date, for records of the May 1858 meeting show that June 18 was designated as the first picnic day in which all the pupils of the public schools participated. It was held in the Huff Garden in West Belleville, and has been an annual event ever since. Committees are ap- pointed to make necessary arrangements, which usually consist of the selection of a site, selling of concessions, arrangements for bands, selection of the line of march, and choosing the date. The earlier school picnics were even more enthusiastically celebrated than have been the later ones, for then, in the horse and buggy days, there was less social competition and present- day restrictions against the sale of beer at the picnic were not in effect. There formerly was a bar at every school picnic, and a popular place it was. It, of course, did not receive the unanimous approval of the citizens and every year the Women's Christian Temperance Union presented a petition to the school board asking it to dispense with the sale of intoxicants at the picnic. However, the opposition to the bar was of no avail until 1916 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 145 when the board finally voted to ban the foamy brew. Lunches properly labelled, were brought to the grounds free of charge. Many mothers brought the family lunch in huge baskets, usually covered with a large red and white checked tablecloth. There was an ornate merry-go-round, sometimes called the "Flying Dutchman," that went 'round and 'round to the organ tune of " The Last Rose of Summer." In the afternoon teachers would meet their classes at a pre-arranged spot and games such as "Cat and Mouse," "Clap-in, Clap-out," etc. were enjoyed. Until recently, the picnic was usually held on a Friday in May. If it rained the picnic was postponed to the same day of the following week. However, that has now been changed, and a Wednesday in June is selected. Such were the picnics of old. Those of today do not differ so greatly from those of yesterday. The merry-go-round is still with us, although its tune has changed. The children still march as they did then, although not to the old Fairgrounds. In pioneer days it was always hard to pass new educational measures, since our forefathers, in their frugality, voted against new tax levies. As a result of this, many private schools devel- oped. It was not until the end of the Civil War that interest in education received any attention from the public and this period marks the beginning of local high schools. Before that day, public education consisted only of the grade schools, but in some of these a ninth grade was included, and from that grade developed the high school as we know it now. The high school in Belleville was created by a resolution passed by the Board of Education on February 2, 1858. This high school, such as it was, continued in existence until March 15, 1878, when the board passed another resolution abolishing it because the public still believed that its benefits did not justify its existence. Even though the high school was dis- continued, many of the courses continued to be a part of the 146 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS curriculum and in 1886 the eighth grade included such subjects as geometry, German, physiology, algebra, physics, botany, and zoology. In 1888 all the eighth grades, A and B section, were trans- ferred to the new Central School that had just been completed. Here Mr. Klein was the principal and Messrs. Brua, Updike, and Dapprich were the teachers. In September, 1890, the high school was formally opened, and in 1892 the University of Illinois placed it on the accredited list. It was a three-year school, but in 1908 became a full four-year high school. It remained in this building and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education of District 118 until the year 1916. On May 12, 1916, a plan for a new high school, to be erected somewhere in St. Clair Township, was voted on at a special election. By popular vote, the people decided to replace the city high school with a township high school. The new district included all of St. Clair Township, to which most of Belleville belongs. As a result of this election the Township High School Board of Education took over the city high school, but classes continued to meet in the old building until the completion of the new Township High School. Three sites were offered as possible locations for the school ( 1 ) a plot of ground to the east of the city; (2) a plot in the sub- urbs of Swansea; (3) a plot called Christy Place in the western part of the city. It was put to a vote and the Christy tract was chosen. It contained twenty-six acres lying between West Main street on the north, the Illinois Central Railroad tracks on the south, the Southern Railroad tracks on the west, and within one hundred feet of South Twenty-third street on the east. On May 16, 1916, the cornerstone for the main building of the new school was formally laid with impressive ceremony. The exercises opened with a prayer by Rev. Highfield and were followed by a speech by Mr. George Niess. In the corner- stone located at the northeast corner of the main building, was LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 147 placed a copper box inside of which were placed copies of each of the local newspapers, a histor)^ of the organization, a list of the teachers of the school and the school officers, a dollar bill, a half-dollar, a quarter, a dime, a nickel, a penny, and a message for future generations written in pencil on three pages of fool- scap paper. The Main Building was built by Bauer Brothers and the architects were Frank Riester and Otto W. Rubach. It was modeled after the New Trier Township High School at Kenil- worth, Illinois, and was completed on February 12, 1917. The dedication ceremony of the completed building was held on June 20 and 21, 1917. It began on the evening of June 20, with a speech by State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Francis G. Blair. On the afternoon of June 21, a bronze tablet was presented by des- cendants of four of Belleville's citizens who had been governors of Illinois. The tablet was unveiled by Mrs. Mary Isabella Wickenhauser, a great-granddaughter of Lieutenant Governor William H. Kinney, and by Miss Sylvia Portuondo, a great- granddaughter of Governor William Bissel. Present in the au- dience at the unveiling were also Mrs. Gustavus A. Koerner, a daughter-in-law of Lieutenant Governor Gustavus A. Koerner, and a granddaughter of Lieutenant Governor Kinney; Mrs. B. H. Ferguson, a granddaughter of Governor Ninian Edwards, and Mrs. August Rombauer, a daughter of Lieutenant Governor Koerner. The members of the first Township High School Board of Education were as follows: Louis E. Wangelin, president; Rollin M. Hayes, secretary; and David O. Thomas, Andrew Kissel, Charles Lenz, Fred F. Fleischbein, Julius Heinemann, and C. Braunersreuther, board members. The faculty at the Township High School in 1916 consisted of fifteen teachers headed by H. G. Schmidt, principal, and J. H. Yarbrough, assistant principal. Of the original teachers 148 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS remaining today Orena Farmer, Pearl Johnson, F. J. Friedli, and John Karch remain. The other teachers at that time were EHzabeth Beyer, Ludwig Carl, M. G. Humphrey, Maude Kurre, Lester Miner, Henry W. Brua, Estelle Thurston, Grace Bertram, Cordelia Gummersheimer, Jennie Knowles, and Kurt Busiek. In July 1945 Mr. Schmidt as principal was replaced by Dr. Hal O. Hall, while Mr. Fritz Friedli became the assistant principal. The cafeteria was added in April, 1917, and was placed under the supervision of Mrs. Kathr)'n Jones, who remained in charge until July, 1949, when she resigned and was succeeded by Miss Jewel Owens. It has a seating capacity of 230 students, and approximately 1800 students and teachers are served there dailv during the three lunch periods. The next buildings added were the present girls gymnasium, in 1919, and the auditorium in 1924. The enrollment increased greatly so that classrooms also had to be added. In the south end of the auditorium are eight rooms available for classes. The north side contains an assembly room seating 1,200, where all plays, some graduation exercises, concerts, and lyceums are held. There the assembly is held for students, faculty, and visitors. The programs are put on by the students unless a lyceum program has been scheduled. The present girls gymnasium was orginally built in 1919 for the boys, but was turned over to the girls when a larger one was completed for the boys in 1937. The present library building was added in 1936. It is used today for both class and library work. There are ten classrooms on the first floor. The second floor contains five rooms and the study room, which has tables for 350 students and a library of approximately 9,000 volumes and sixty periodicals. The new boys gymnasium was completed in 1937 and is considered one of the most modern and up-to-date buildings of its kind in the state. It is 140 by 117 feet and has a seating LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 149 capacity of 600 people in the permanent seats, 800 in the bleachers, and 1,100 in the telescopic bleachers. The latest addition to make the Belleville Township High School a million dollar plant is its magnificient stadium located in the rear of the cafeteria. Work was begun on this by the Work Projects Administration (W.P.A.) in March, 1939 and it was completed in April, 1940. It is today the finest stadium in the Southwest Conference, and is one that many colleges would be proud to own. At the same time that the stadium was built the school also modernized the track and tennis courts. The track is one of the finest, containing a baseball diamond in the center, while the tennis court is an all-weather one of the best contruction. In September 1950, 1330 students enrolled in the local public high school. In October 495 more enrolled for night school, making a grand total of 1825 students enrolled that year. The six massive brick buildings with the half dozen tennis courts, track, and stadium are valued at over $1,729,700, while that of the district is valued at $118,000,000. The seventy-seven members of the faculty teach a total of ninety-four different courses. The high school work is divided into three main divisions: 1. college preparatory; 2. commercial; and 3. industrial. The average tax rate is forty-six cents, per $100.00 of assessed valuation, while non-resident students each pay a sum of $290 tuition. The high school is approved by the North-Central Association, Illinois University, and the State Department of Education. In September, 1946 a two year junior college offering twenty-seven different courses was added, making Belleville the first in Southern Illinois to have such an institution. The High School Board today consists of Dr. George E. Meyer, president; Miss Ruth Fincke, secretary; and members, Elmer Peters, Clarence A. Manring, Eugene G. Hepp, Ernst 150 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS Stein, Herbert Kaufmann, and Russell Thome. Belleville today has sixteen grade schools, the Junior High School, three high schools and one junior college. Its education- al facilities rank high and are the best in Southern Illinois. It is a recognized fact that education is the first line of national defense, and as such , it should be extended rather than curtailed. Horace Mann once said, "A true patriot is known by the interest he takes in the education of the young." Education of youth must not be neglected, nor should it be permitted to suffer any loss of educational opportunity, for our future position in the world depends gready upon how well the boys and girls are trained. Teachers, as a group, are contributing a noble service to the country. Although school days constitute only a short span of life, they nevertheless present one with programs for life, making it easier to choose the right career, and helping to better fulfill that career. By means of well organized instruction in schools, an op- portunity is provided to study the principle of right and profit- able living. Schools are maintained with this in view. They strive to provide the individual with intelligence to prepare him for better living, to make of him a more efficient worker, to train for leadership, to encourage more intelligent voting, thus making of him the best type of citizen. Schools are not the only agencies for education, however, for included in these are the church, the home, the library, newspapers, magazines, lyceums, public forums, radio, television, motion pictures, and playgrounds, all of which are educational institutions. The power of the printed page cannot be measured, although there is no doubt that much knowledge can be acquired by contact and conversation with others who are intelligent, either through association, experience or education. The school group, though, is the largest medium of education. It receives the child at the age of five. It keeps its doors open LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 151 to mature adults. It helps to prepare the young people for their responsibility as citizens, which is important because each generation profits through the experience of those of the past. The creed of the public school is as follows: I am the guardian of the hopes of every generation, and I am true to my trusts. In me, all things are equal. In me are no distinctions among those who come to me, except the paramount distinction be- tween those who are proud to serve and those who seek only to be served. It is my duty not only to teach, but equally to learn; to keep perpetually a light among my altars, kindling it forever afresh from the inextinguishable flame that burns in every young heart— the sacred fires of love of knowledge and love of .country; for if I succeed, America succeeds. I am the true de- mocracy. I am the American school. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1836-1951 The oldest library in Illinois is the Belleville Public Library. It has today (1951) functioned for 115 years, having been organized in 1836. In the period of rapid German immigration to the Middle West in the early 1820's and 1830's, there came to this area a group of outstanding persons. They were outstanding for their scholarship, culture, and high ideals; all were graduates of and professors at German universities. To them the political oppression in the Germany of that day had become very stiffling, and America with its opportunity for freee speech, liberal thinking, and the utter absence of political oppression, appealed to them. Brilliant reports of the opportunities for scientific farming in this fertile area had reached these men and this was the incentive for them to try farming as a new means of livelihood. 152 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS However, in translating themselves from German scholars into American farmers, they held fast to their love of learning and culture. They were known in the surrounding country as "Die Lateiner" or "The Latin Farmers." They met regularly, usually on Sunday afternoons, for dis- cussion of political, social, and economic questions of the day. It was at one of these meetings held on the farm of Dr. Anton Schott, June 26, 1836, that the idea of a circulating library was conceived. Just at this time there was published a twelve-volume work of "The Life of George Washington" by Jared Sparks, which was expensive and almost prohibitive for individual purchase. The burning desire to explore this work was no doubt the seed which germinated in the mind of Dr. Schott. At this time he read a paper setting forth the value of an organization of this kind and also showed that each one of the group could pool his own private collection of books into a central collection for the common use of all. He found his audience in a receptive mood and it was agreed to meet again on July 17 of that year. Fifteen men responded to this invitation and on that day the organization was perfected. The constitution and by-laws were adopted on August 14, and each member of this group of sixteen men subscribed an initiatory fee of $3.00 in consum- mation of the plan. Thus the "German Library Society of St. Clair County" was established and has functioned continuously ever since. George Bunsen was its first president; Theodore Hilgard, its first treasurer; and Dr. Anton Schott was appointed the first librarian with the library located in his farm home in Shiloh Valley. The following sixteen gentlemen were the charter members: Edouard Hilgard, Fritz A. Wold, Fritz Hilgard, Sr., Theo. Engelmann, Theodore Hilgard, Jr., Julius Scheve, Gustav Koerner, Dr. Anton Schott, Herman Wolf, George Bunsen, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 153 Wilhelm Decker, Joseph Ledergerber, Dr. Adolph Reuss, Otto Hilgard, Dr. Adolph Berchelmann, and J. C. Hildenbrandt. After an existence of four weeks the collection numbered 93 volumes and at end of the first year it had grown to 346 volumes. The set of Jared Sparks' "Life of Washington" was purchased and this work of twelve volumes is still on the shelves of the Belleville Public Library. The members donated generously the books from their own individual collections. It is a fine index to the patriotism of these new Americans that a life of George Washington should have become the nucleus of a public library. A glance at the financial condition in the first year of this infant project is indeed interesting. In the first year twenty-four members paid the initiatory fee of $3.00, making the total income $72.00. The expenditures were $25.50, leaving a balance of $46.50. The finances were closely guarded; the annual budget, receipts, and expenditures were laid before the general meetings and minutely scrutinized before being adopted. An- other example of the foresight of these men was that in April, 1839, they began the creation of a sinking fund of 20 per cent of all receipts toward the erection of a building. On February 22, 1839, the library was incorporated by the General Assembly of Illinois and the incorporation papers were signed by Gov. Theo. Carlin. One of the striking paragraphs of this charter was Section 4 which says, "Female members of this society shall not be permitted to vote in elections, nor in any other cases." The hbrary remained in the home of Dr. Schott until March 13, 1853, when it was moved to Belleville. The collection by this time had grown to 1906 volumes, and it was no longer expedient for the members, many of whom lived in Belleville to go a distance of several miles to Shiloh Valley for the ex- change of books. A room was provided by the Belleville Literary Society in what was the Odd Fellows' Hall, where the Lincoln Hotel now stands. Later the Odd Fellows' Hall came to be used 154 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS as a school building and the library was moved to a room over the store of Goedeking and Kircher, where Mr. Joseph Kircher acted as librarian without pay. The library remained here until December 16, 1860, when it was combined with the Belleville Saengerbund. The Saenger- bund, as the name implies, was an organization for the study of vocal culture, and it also had a collection of books. In order to increase the usefulness of both book collections, it was decided to combine them under the name of "Belleville Saenger- bund and Librar)' Society." This consolidation took place in 1860 and a charter was obtained in 1861. Dr. Schott became the first president of this new organization, with Bemhard Wick, Fred Reiss, and Jacob Weingaertner as its board of directors. Mr. Gustav Kellermann was the new librarian, but was succeeded in 1863 by Mr. HenTy Raab, who served until 1883. His son, the late Dr. E. P. Raab, was the assistant librarian, whose dutv it was to ser\^e the children at this time. Another noteworthy feature of this period was that in 1873 a rule was made which admitted "ladies to full membership." The library functioned under this plan for 22 years; the Dook collection made rapid increases and had by this time a collection of 8875 volumes. In 1883 the Saengerbund, agreeing to dissolve, offered its library to the citv of Belleville with the proviso that it must remain forever a free public librar)' and that the city assume its debt of $1,000. The city was favorably disposed to this and its council passed an ordinance to that effect. Two men ^vho were among the original founders of the libran% lived to see it transferred to the city. They were Gustav Koemer and Theo. J. Kraft. Mr. Koemer became the first president of the board of trustees and remained so until his death 1896. Mr. F. J. Staufenbiel was appointed librarian, and the librar)' was opened free to the public on March 10, 1884 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 155 on the second floor of the present Engine House on South Jackson street. By 1872, the space here had become inadequate and the library board petitioned the city council to permit it to erect a building. This was granted under the able leadership of Mayor Herman G. Weber. The present City Hall on South Illinois street was built by the library board and opened on October 9, 1893, with the city offices on the first floor and the library and reading room on the second. Here a steady advance was made, new methods of administration were introduced, and obsolete ones discarded. The noteworthy thing about this period of the librar\''s history was the splendid cooperation begun with the public schools. On December 10, 1903, Mr. Staufenbiel passed away after almost twenty years of devoted effort. He was succeeded as librarian by A. M. Wolleson, during whose administration the most important innovation was the opening of a separate child- ren's room in 1906, with an attendant in charge. Childrens rooms were just beginning to be established throughout the country in the late 1890's. In 1912 the library was again seized with growing pains. The second floor of the City Hall was wholly inadequate. Mr. Curt H. G. Heinfelden, himself the son of a former library trustee and grandson of former Herman G. Weber, under whose administration the City Hall was built, was now the president of the library board. He had opened correspondence with the Carnegie Corporation trying to interest it in donating a new building to the city. He met with many disappointments, and it seemed almost impossible for the city to comply with the necessary requirements set up by the Corporation. However, after many months of patient and persistent effort, Mr. Hein- felden received an affirmative answer. This required, in sub- stance, that if the city would provide a site for the library and pledge itself to appropriate annually not less than the sum of 156 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS $4,500.00 for its maintainance, the Corporation would grant the city the sum of $45,000 for a new building. This was agreed to by the city council, and an ordinance was passed setting all future minimum annual appropriations at $4,500. The preliminary work of planning the building covered many months of work on the part of the library board. The construction was begun on March 1, 1915; the comer- stone was laid on March 22, 1915; and the building was com- pleted and dedicated on January 20, 1916. In February 1919, Mr. A. M. Wolleson resigned and Miss Bella Steuemagel was appointed to succeed him as librarian. The occuation of the new building in 1916 was no doubt the most important milestone in the history of the library, and since then it has enjoyed its greatest period of activity. Steady and normal progress has been made; as soon as new innovations in library service have developed they have been adopted. Every effort has been made to keep in step with the time. Among the more important innovations have been: entire recataloguing the book collection, inaugurating a new registra- tion and checkup system, moving the children's room to the ground floor, opening a junior adult department, establishing the West Side Branch Library, introducing classroom collections in the schools, preparing a mounted picture collection, giving free library service to the hospital, and segregating the books on art and music in an art and music room. That the library has been a good investment for the taxpayer is due to a composite effort, not only of the persons directly responsible for its administration, but also to the splendid response of the community itself, with its spirit of appreciation of what a power good books and library service can be in the community. In review of this period of a little more than a century, there may be singled out three individuals whose vision and devotion to the cause of library service in Belleville has been most LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 157 praiseworthy. They were citizens who were wiUing to go the second mile, citizens who actually demonstrated a tine concep- tion of good citizenship. The first was that grand old man, Dr. Anton Schott, without whose wisdom, initiative, and in- telligent guidance this pioneer adventure would never have been conceived. Gustav Koerner, who through all the years, still remains perhaps our first citizen, and whose devotion of sixty years made the library a thing very near to his heart, was the second. The third was Curt Heinfelden, whose preseverance, persistence, and determination secured a building which might otherwise never have been achieved for many years. ST. ELIZABETH'S HOSPITAL 1881 On November 3, 1875, three Franciscan Sisters from Muenster, Germany, arrived in Belleville and began a provision- al hospital. They occupied a small one-story, two-room brick building on West Garfield street, between Richland (now South Second) and Race (now South Third), on a plot of ground in the rear of the present St. Peter's Cathedral. For many years this hospital was also used for a base and as a home for the sisters. There was little room in this primitive building, but the sisters made up for this in their zeal to alleviate the suffering of the sick. These three nuns went out on duty calls in their self-sacrificing way and with great devotion, to administer to the best of their ability to the patients of all creeds, color, nationality background, or station in life. Their services were greatly appreciated and resulted eventually in the erection of the nucleus of the present hospital a three-story brick building on the very ground upon which the present modern hospital has been built. Prior to this time Belleville had no hospital except what was then called the County Poor House for indigent persons. In 1880 a new building was constructed upon the hospital's present 158 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS site on the land that had been donated for this purpose by Mr. Huber. On May 22, 1881 the sisters moved into their new hospital. Shordy after the opening of the hospital it was decided that it should be opened to patients of all creeds and all denomina- tions, and that all reputable physicians having a state licence should be allowed to attend patients there. Although the hospital was a haven for the sick, the institution was not patronized as it should have been. There was great reluctance on the part of all patients to enter it, pardy because the people did not yet realize the advantages of a hospital. Patients were usually treated at home and nursed by one of the family. Only the extremely desperate cases, which members of the family could not handle, were sent to the hospital. Naturally many deaths resulted and the general feeling was wide-spread that entering the hospital was a last resort and was equivalent to being carried out as a corpse. In 1892 two wings were added. Another wing was added in 1903, and in 1918 the large west wing as constructed. The maternity department was built in 1926 on the third floor of the east end, and so constructed that it is entirely separated from the rest of the hospital. In the same year a new $200,000 addition was made and all modem equipment was installed. Those in charge of the hospital today are the Sisters of Saint Francis, whose Mother House is in Springfield, Illinois. Dr. August F. Bechtold performed the first operation in the new operating room of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. The new $150,000 four-story addition to St. Elizabeth's Hospital was dedicated on July 29, 1928. The Rt. Rev. Bishop Henry Althoff opened the dedication. Rev. Thomas Bowdem, S.J., Dean of the School of Education of St. Louis University, was the principal speaker, while Monsignor M. J. Gruenewald acted as master of ceremonies. The personnel now consists of 35 nuns, more than 50 nurses, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS 159 and 30 general maids. In addition there are the laboratory technicians, X-ray technicians, dieticians, orderlies, office girls, general maids, maintainance men, cooks, laundry help, and others. The first and second floors are for general medical and surgical cases, and the third floor is for the maternity cases. The hospital has four operating rooms, two for clean surgery, one for puss cases, and one for special surgery. The hospital, as it now stands, is a great credit to the work of the Sisters of St. Francis and to the people of Belleville in general— a dream that finally came true. In 1933 the old Harrison Machine Shop was remodelled and connected by a corridor with St. Elizabeth hospital and in 1934 part of it became the dormitory' of the hospital maids and the rest is used as a garage. It will be torn down when the present hospital is remodeled. CHAPTER VIII Industry and Labor Early Industries 1814-1850 JB 'elleville's ideal location in the heart of the great Middle West makes a vast market area accessible to it. Fertile soil and an abundance of raw materials have made this location desirable as a residential district as well as an industrial one. Of the early industries the mills were the most important for they were real labor savers. Before their day people pounded their corn for bread or grated it into a coarse meal which our forefathers contended produced bread that tasted just as good as if the flour had been made at the mill. The first mill in this vicinity was built by Elijah Chapman in 1810 and was located on the west bank of the Richland Creek, north of Main street. It was both a water mill and a tread mill. Actually it was this primitive contrivance that gave Belleville its real start as a village. Its first power was a brace of oxen walking on an endless journey on a tread mill. In the spring and fall, when the stream was high, water power was used to grind the corn into meal and the wheat into flour. It had been erected on a most logical location, however, for all the mills, distilleries, and soap factories, depending on water power, were located on that creek. Another mill was built in 1815 by Moses Quick just south of the St. Clair County Fairgrounds. It was later sold to INDUSTRY AND LABOR 161 Major Washington West, and remained in operation until it was destroyed by high water. In 1882, Edmund Wilkinson and John Ringgold built a large ox mill on the site of the present R. A. Halbert residence on South High street. This was sold to Jacob Whiteside, who later sold it to Samuel Ogle. In 1826 it was bought by Thomas Harrison and Son who soon thereafter used steam as the motive power. This steam mill was the first of its kind in the state. The Harrisons, possessing much business ability, made a great success of the mill, which in turn proved to be a great benefit to the entire community, besides providing its owners with an immense fortune. In 1836 it was moved to the north side of Richland Creek and West Main street. The mill burned to the ground in 1884, the fire spreading so rapidly that nothing was saved but a few barrels of wheat. That which had once been the pride of the village, in a few moments was nothing but a mass of ruins, entailing a loss of $80,000. The mill was rebuilt, but during that time the hundred unemployed millers created a serious relief problem for the community. In 1889 it was incorporated as the Harrison-Switzer Mills and in 1917 it became the J. F. Imbs Milling Company. That old ox mill and its successors constituted the most im- portant of the early Belleville industries. For more than 150 years it has been located at West Main street and Richland Creek. While not all of the early mills were as famous as the present Imbs Mill, all of them helped to make the city the focal point of attraction to farmers for miles around. Hinckley's Mill, located on the southeast comer of West Lincoln and South First streets was built by Richard Rapier in 1832, and disposed of by him in 1837. In 1847 Russell Hinckley bought it and operated it continually thereafter until 1890. The Crown Mill stood on the northeast comer of East Main and Walnut streets, occupying the site of a former small steam 162 INDUSTRY AND LABOR mill, which was operated by a Mr. Meister. One of the best equipped in the state, it was owned by J. F. Imbs, Charles N. Hahn, and Fred Engelke. In the early 1880's its capacity was 600 barrels of flour per day, and at that time it employed more than fifty men. This company was the first in Belleville to take advantage of the telephone. Another of the very early industries in our community was the distiller)' built in 1880 by the owner of the leading hotel, an ex-justice of the peace, and ex-jailer, named Tannehill. His farm, mill, and distillery, were mere auxiliaries to his hotel, in that they supplied most of the things it needed. His distillery, one of the largest in Southern Illinois, helped to make his hotel the general headquarters of an indiscriminate admixture of judges, lawyers, jurors, witnesses, politicians, scalawags, and others. Here the entire output of his distillery was consumed and often on public occasions three or four barrels of whiskey were emptied in a single day. It was generally used in its virgin purity— made today and consumed tomorrow— by his wholesale or retail thirstv customers. A few apples, roasted to a rich brown, were put in to the barrel and these gave it a rich brown color. Tannehill's distiller)' remained in operation until 1830, when it burned to the ground. Tannehill created a bit of a sensation when he undertook to build a windmill for grinding the grain on his farm. He got the mill to run, but was unable to control its speed for want of a regulator, which he did not know how to build. For the want of this, the entire mill proved a failure. A storm caused the sails to revolve with such velocity that the runner was thrown some seventy feet and became imbedded in the soil. The momentum of the shaft threw it out of place and it continued to run until it had destroyed all the machinery in the mill. Thus came to an end the first wind-powered mill in this vicinity. Tannehill then resolved to try water power and was more successful with it. INDUSTRY AND LABOR 163 Before 1828, the reaping hook and the sickle were the only means of har\'esting wheat. It was then that the cradle came into use. Until then, twenty acres of wheat was considered a large crop for any farmer, for it would take one man twenty days to cut, bind, and shock it, but with the cradle he could do the work in half that time. Threshing the wheat was still the same process it had been in ancient days. The old flail was colorful but very difficult, for it was little more than a stick, and with it the grain was beaten from the stalks. The only improvement on this was the threshing of grain by the trampling of oxen and horses. The bundles were laid two deep on a circular floor enclosed in a fence. The horses or oxen were then brought in and the ringmaster would drive them round and round until the grain was all threshed out. The straw was then pitched out and the grain heaped in the center. Later came the horse power thresher, which was nothing more than a cylinder built in a strong frame into which the wheat was put. The rear of this was open so that the men could rake out the straw from the grain. In the late nineteenth century the manufacture of cigars was a leading industr>^ in Belleville. In 1884 the city boasted of eighteen cigar shops in which 125 hands were employed. Statistics showed that in 1883 some 2,770,505 cigars were manufactured locally all of which found a ready market. Owners of these shops were: John Ackermann, John Bux, Albert Bert- schinger, August Fernau, Daniel Fischer, Charles Goelitz, Martin Henkemeyer, the Kaemper brothers, Charles Knefel- kamp, Henry Krisher, Jacob Magin, Henry Meyer, Henry Nagel, Jacob Scheu, Jr., Henry Viehmann, Nic Wilhelm, John Winkler, and H. R. Willman. The first tobacco and cigar shop in the city was opened by Aaron Zeiler in 1840 in the first block of West Main street. He manufactured his own brand of cigars but also kept on hand 164 INDUSTRY AND LABOR an assortment of Melle, Principe, Half-Spanish, and Regalia "Segars," all of which were the leading brands of the day. Later Martin Henkemeyer opened a cigar store one door east of the Public Square on the north side of East Main street. Here he manufactured his famous Henkemeyer cigar which because of its fine quality, soon became known as a very fine smoke. It is still being made by the Mohr brothers, who have maintained its quality and reputation. As the decade of the 1840's drew to a close, twelve different industries had already located in Belleville. They were turning out some of the finest furniture, best carriages, and strongest wagons, all of which could be purchased at a low price. The making of whiskey, too, flourished at that time, for a rather extensive steam distillery was producing, on the average, sixteen barrels of whiskey each day. Another one was nearing completion, and it was estimated it would produce twenty barrels a day. A brewery had been built and was supplying the public with eleven different kinds of beer, from the famous London stout down to mere colored water. In the past as now, breweries played a conspicuous part in Belleville's industrial history, and it was here that the first brewer)' in Illinois was established, when Jacob Fleischbein opened one in 1832. It was located on the south west corner of the Square where the Highway building now stands. In 1837 Abram Anderson established one where now the jail is located on West Washington street. In the years that followed others were opened, and by 1860 there were seven in operation. Besides the aforementioned ones, excluding the Fleischbein Brewery, which had ceased to exist, these were: Simon Eimer's Washington Brewery (west side of South Second street between Harrison and Lincoln streets); Fidel Stoelzle's Brewery (northeast corner of West Main and North Third streets); The Heberer Brothers' City Park Brewery (northeast comer of North Second and West A streets); John INDUSTRY AND LABOR 165 Klug's Illinois Brewery (southwest corner of North Second and West A streets); Priester and Villinger's Southern Brewery (in the fourth block on South Charles street); and Philip Neu and Peter Gintz's Brewery (located in West Belleville). In those days the government levied a tax of fifty dollars on all first grade breweries and a twenty-five dollars tax on all second grade ones. Besides this it collected a dollar for every barrel of beer sold. Of all of these breweries Simon Eimer's, established in 1846-47, was the largest. It occupied a half-block, and had beer cellars two stories deep. Reputed to be the largest brew^ery west of the Alleghany mountains, it's output w^as 8,000 barrels per year, much of which was sold as far away as New Orleans. Fidel Stoelzle started his brewery in 1851 as a maltster, but in 1853 he added the necessary buildings and machinery and began the manufacture of beer. His brewery occupied about a half-block of ground, and the water for its use was pumped by a twelve-horse power engine from a clear spring situated about two blocks away. In the early 1880's its capacity was about 15,000 barrels per annum. What is now the Star Brewerey was organized by Messrs. Neuhoff and Bressler. It was called the Nebraska Brewery, a name given it by someone by reason of the firm's initials, N. B. When Mr. Bressler sold his interest to a Mr. Loeser the firm became knowm as Neuhoff and Loese. But Neuhoff soon retired, and the next proprietors were Loeser and Fuchs. The latter sold his interest to Hubert Hartmann, and after a time Loeser passed away, and his interests were purchased by Bernhardt Hartmann. The brewery was then known as the Hartmann Brothers Brewery and continued as such until September 1882, when Bernhardt bought out his brother's interest. Its symbol was the star that was used on its bottles. Hence the brewery became the Star Brewery and has remained such even until today. 166 INDUSTRY AND LABOR Today's Western Brewery is the outgrowth of one organized in 1851 by Philip Neu and Peter Gintz, who conducted the business as partners until the death of the latter on August 1 1 , 1873. The present brewery was organized when the interests were taken over by John Kloess, William Brandenburger, Valentine Steg, and Adam Gintz with a paid up capital stock of $50,000 dollars. One by one these disposed of their stock until February, 1881, Adam Gintz acquired it all, paying $32,500 dollars for the same. Under him the brewery was gready improved. He conducted it until August 1898, when he sold the stock for $118,000 to a Chicago syndicate, which, in turn, disposed of it in April, 1912, to Henry L. Griesedieck, who has conducted the brewery ever since. LATER INDUSTRIES, 1850 In 1850, as now, many "shoe string" starts were still possible in business. Today's and yesterday's foundry heads were not financiers, but nearly all of them were sand and clay shovelers with enough initiative and ability, in a favorable economic era, to rise to greater heights. Some of the early foundries were so small that today they could be tucked away in a corner of one of their present storage warehouses. Many of them did not make stoves but various parts for farm implements. When the demand for foundry work increased, such products as mining machines, sinks, and safes were manufactured on a jobbing basis. Belleville's outstanding industry has undoubtly been the stove and iron business. In it was invested an enormous capital and then a year's production was gigantic. It brought more people and more wealth to the Belleville community than any other industry. The first foundry to manufacture stoves was the old Pump and Skein, built in 1873. By 1884 it had grown so large that it was able to manufacture 20,000 gasoline stoves for a single INDUSTRY AND LABOR 167 St. Louis firm. The first large and exclusive stove foundry was the Belleville Stove and Range Company, which was organized in 1885 and was an outgrowth of the Pump and Skein Com- pany. By 1890 it was manufacturing some 27,500 stoves a year. Other new foundries now began to spring up in various parts of the city, and it was commonly belived there was a great future in this industry. Prior to 1911 some fifty foundries had begun here, but many of them either merged, sold out, or went out of business. There were large jobbing foundries that made many other kinds of stoves besides the cannonball type. Some of the early foundries were: Rogers', 1878; Eagle, 1883; Baker's Stove Works, 1882; Enterprise, 1896; St. Clair, 1890; Excelsior, 1891; Quality, 1903; Oakland, 1905; Orbon, 1902; Roesch, 1907; and Never Break, 1910. In addition to these there are now the Empire, Harmony, Egyptian, Supreme, and Premier. A t\'pical example of the way some of our foundries have changed names, is that of the Richland Foundry, which was organized in 1902. In 1910 it was known as the Never Break, and today operates as the Karr Foundries. Philip M. Gundlach has perhaps done more to lighten the task of the tillers of the soil than any other man in this com- munity. His grain drills, the most perfect on the market at the time, were universally used. Philip Gundlach was born in Germany on July 13, 1831, and eleven years later, in 1842, his parents brought him to the United States. The family landed in New York from where they proceeded to Pittsburgh, remaining there for two months, and then going to Cincinnati. Shordy thereafter on October 12, 1842, they arrived in St. Louis and from there moved to Belle- ville. Here his father bought a farm near the present city hall but later allowed the payments to lapse when he found a farm much more to his liking one mile east of Belleville. Here he made his permanent home. His son, Philip, remained with his parents until he was 168 INDUSTRY AND LABOR twenty-four years old. When he married he moved back to Belleville, where he specialized in selling cider made from the apples on his father's farm. He was of a creative turn of mind, and in his earlier years invented a binder and a thresher, which were manufactured by Cox and Roberts, the forerunners of the Harrison Machine Works. His research did not cease with the threshing machine, for he next devoted his efforts to grain drills. He soon invented one and in 1858 began the manufacture of them in a shop in West Belleville. In 1863 he changed his location to Main and First streets. During the Civil War, when the other firms were being ruined, he continued to prosper, his grain drills contribu- ting much towards the winning of the war. By 1880 his business had increased to such an extent that larger quarters were necessary, so he built a shop north of town. His business continued to flourish, and with Mr. Severin Poirot as his selling agent, his sales jumped from 250 machines in 1875 to 1500 in 1877. Most of these machines were sold in Kansas, which was then developing into the wheat center of America. The Gundlach grain drill ranks with the threshing machine and the McCormick Reaper as an important factor in the rapid agriculural development of the Middle West. Here was a vast area of rich agricultural lands, able to produce bountiful crops if only they could be harvested. With too few farm hands to do the work on the thousands and thousands of acres of rich farm land, the cultivating of a farm by one man became a problem. These three inventions were the answer and the old fashioned methods of cultivation and harvesting were now dis- carded. In 1847 two strangers, the Messrs. Cox and Roberts, arrived in Belleville, and renting a small frame building near the Harri- son Mill, started the building of threshers. These machines could thresh and clean 100 to 150 bushels of grain per day. INDUSTRY AND LABOR 169 They continued in operation until 1855 when Frank Middle- coff and Theophilus Harrison bought out the concern. In 1857 William C. Buchanan purchased an interest, and in 1860 he and Harrison bought the entire interest and it then became known as Harrison and Company. But in 1874, Hugh Harrison and Cyrus Thompson joined the firm, and its name was changed to the Harrison Machine Works under which name it was incorporated in 1878 under the state laws. The Harrison Machine Works was looked upon as the most important manufacturing establishment, not only in Belleville, but in Southern Illinois. The reputation of its threshers and engines reached all over the country and even into Mexico. It v.'as located on grounds now owned by St. Elizabeth's Hos- pital just in the rear of that institution. The buildings and yard room covered six acres and in the 80's it employed an average of 200 men. Its capacity of production at the time amounted to six engines and eighteen threshers per week. Although it is still in existence at 1510 East Main street, it is, however, but a small replica of its former self. There was a time in the past when clothing was spun by women in the American home. There was a later time when clothing was spun in large quantities in woolen factories. Such a one was built by Louis Krimmel in 1848 on the banks of the Richland Creek. Farmers brought their year's crop of wool to the mill where it was carded, spun into yarn, and woven into cloth. Sheep then brought good prices to the farmer. Mr. Krimmel lost his life while trying to cross the swollen Richland Creek on horse back, but his factory continued in operation for some years after his death, and continued to prosper because a frontiersman, Jasper Scott, operated a carding machine here, which helped prepare the wool for the factory. In 1885 Geiss and Brosius started to manufacture cider mills and double movement grain drills. They sold out to Esler and Ropiquet, who in 1875 organized the Esler and Roupiquet 170 INDUSTRY AND LABOR Manufacturing Company, making grain drills, hay racks, cider and wine mills, presses, and circular wood saws. The factory was located at Main street and Mascoutah avenue. In 1886 Brosius, Geiss, and Company established the first oil mill that ever existed in Belleville. Its products consisted of castor, linseed, hickory nut, and pecan oils. This was the only place in the United States where pecan oil was manufactured at that time, and it was considered among the finest oils for table use, being considered much superior to olive oil. Prior to 1882, electricity was used only for street lighting, but that year the Romeiser store installed it for lighting purposes, being the first establishment in Belleville to do so. Power for the same was obtained from the Electric Light and Steam Supply Company, which represented an investment of $50,000 in capital stock. Thomas Knobeloch was its president and H. Burchardt its secretary and treasurer. Its office was located at the corner of Mascoutah and East Main streets; its boiler house and electric light machines were located in a large brick build- ing which was situated near the palatial residence of Jacob Brosius, later for many years the home of the widow of the late Judge Frank Perrin, and now owned by the Knight of Colum- bus. The steam generated by the plant, which was organized in 1879, was used primarily for running the machinery of the Brosius Coal Mine, which adjoined the works, and for the engine of the Brosius, Geiss, Oil Works. In addition, it supplied heat to a few customers in the vicinity. It proved such a success that during the season of 1880-1881, there were about fifty customers being supplied with heat. About 15,000 feet of pipe were used in its distribution, these being laid in insulated boxes so as to prevent any possibility of freezing even in the severest weather. Belleville was the first city in Illinois to introduce this ar- rangement of centralized heating, and many churches, halls, INDUSTRY AND LABOR 171 and residences were heated with it. Because of its cheap manu- facture, for its coal was obtained right at its door, and with abundant supply of water from the Brosius Lake on the premises, it seemed that a new era was dawning. However, with the perfecting of furnaces for private use, and with unforeseen difficulties presenting themselves, its usefulness passed after a few years, and with it the Electric Light and Steam Supply Company. Back in the 1880's, Belleville began to experience its first big industrial booms, for with the coming of the nail mills, many new people came to town. They made good wages and spent them, bringing prosperity to the community. The Belleville Nail Company was located on a five-acre tract in the southwestern part of the city, just across the present Illinois Central Railroad tracks, then known as the Cairo Short Line. It was often referred to as the Waugh Mills for its officers were all members of the Waugh family. Col. James Waugh was its president, W. W. Waugh, vice-president, R. F. Waugh, treasurer, and J. C. Waugh, Jr., secretary. J. J. Carey was superintendent of the plant. Its capital stock was $100,000. In the manufacture of nails, about 52 tons of iron were used daily, amounting to over 700 kegs per day. It gave employment to some 360 men and boys, and its payroll totalled $16,000 per month. Comfortable homes were erected in the immediate vicinity by Col. Waugh, for employees, and they were rented for a nominal sum. Prior to moving to Belleville the company was known as the Bogy Nail Co. of St. Louis, but when Col. Waugh had purchased it in 1869 he moved it here. The Western Nail Mills, with a paid up capital stock of $50,000 was organized in March, 1882. Its erection was begun on April 15 of that year, and the plant was in operation the following September 4. It was equipped with 42 nail-making machines, whose capacity was 2200 kegs per week. After a year's 172 INDUSTRY AND LABOR operation, the entire plant was destroyed by fire. No time was lost in its rebuilding, for on June 25, 1883, the new factory, enlarged and with its capacity gready increased, was once more in operation. W. H. Powell was its first president and manager, Conrad Reinecke was vice-president and treasurer, H. L. Powell, secretary, and E. B. Powell, superintendent. Its payroll amounted to $20,000 per month. Nails ranging from eight inch spikes to small three-quarter inch barrel nails were made. It was located in the northeastern part of the city, and the L. and N. Railroad ran along its warehouse, affording every facility for loading and unloading. A third, known as the Crescent Nail Mill, was estaUished here by the Belleville Steel and Iron Nail Works in 1865 at a cost of $60,000. It was located just outside the northern city limits in Swansea. In 1896 it reverted to B. Hartmann, J. M. Hay and Henry Reis, and in 1911 its name was changed to The Hartmann, Hay, Reis Nail Mill. It remained in operation until January, 1917, when it dissolved. Its spacious building was used as a barracks in July, 1917, for 600 Scott Field construction workers. John A. Day established extensive brickyards on Freeburg Avenue, adjoining Walnut Hill Cemetery. These were later known as the Abend Brickyards and were among the largest in the city. Others who operated brickyards in Belleville in the past were Gotdieb Zehnert, John Wittauer, Nic Holdener, Philip A. Faulstich, and George Rodemeier. In about 1880 Anthony Ittner found it necessary to find a new location for his St. Louis Brickyard because of the increased value of land and the encroachment of residential areas. In casting about for a new site where raw material and fuel were plentiful, he finally decided on one north of the city just outside of its Hmits on the L. and N. Railroad. Here, in 1899, he bought eighty acres of land and erected a modern INDUSTRY AND LABOR 173 dry pressed brick plant capable of making fifty thousand bricks a day. The plant erected by Ittner was a model of nineteenth cen- tury efficiency. In 1894 a second plant for the manufacturing of common building brick was erected on the same property and the last of his St Louis plant was abolished. Here the supply of raw material, namely red brick clay, Illinois joint clay, and shale clay was practically inexhaustible. Here he produced fifteen million face and common bricks, and twenty million hollow tile and hollow bricks per year. In the operation of the plants 150 men were employed throughout the year, and the pay roll average $75,000 annually. Twenty thousand tons of coal were used yearly and twenty-five hundred cars of bricks were shipped from Belleville every year. This good business continued until the early part of the twentieth century when improved machinery played such a part that Ittner and his men could not longer compete, and today the firm remains a fair memory' in the minds of the older Bellevillians. The Belleville Glass Company, established in 1882, was bought by Adolphus Busch, president of the Anhueser-Busch Company, in St. Louis, in 1886. He modernized the plant in every respect, employed 258 men regularly, and by 1900 had more than a $7,000 weekly pay roll and a plant output of more than 200 gross glass botdes per day. They manufactured both green and amber colored blass bottles for beer, mineral water, soda water, wine, and bitters. It was the largest establishment of its kind south of Springfield. In 1920 it was absorbed by the Glass Trust of Newark, Ohio. One of the oldest grain companies is that owned by the Sehlingers, dealers in grain, hay, flour, and meal feed, with of- fices and warehouses until recently at 616 East Grant street. Its founder, Anton Sehlinger, was a man who possessed ini- tiative, enthusiasm, and rare business ability. He was born in 174 INDUSTRY AND LABOR Germany and in 1864 settled on a farm three miles east of Belleville. In that year he helped to organize the Emerald Isle Mill, in Mascoutah, and in 1880 he became half owner of it, changing its name to Sehlinger and Schubkegel. Coming to Belleville in 1890, he founded the Sehlinger Grain Company which was discontinued in 1929. Today its successor the Sehlinger Produce Company is operated by Albert Sehlinger. The Richland Mill, established in 1896, one of Belleville's outstanding business establishments, ranked very high in the production of a high grade flour. It was located on North Second street, and Joseph Dietz was its first president. In 1904, it was bought by John and George Kloess. In 1913, five new concrete elevators with a total capacity of 50,000 bushels of wheat were added, to make possible the holding of the grain when the price was low and selling it when high, thereby in- creasing the company's profit. The mill produced flour of both hard and soft wheat. The latter was obtained from local farmers while the hard wheat was shipped in from the Northwest. The last managers of the mill were the two brothers, Arthur and Howard Kloess, who ceased to operate it in 1940. The Herzler and Henniger Machine Works, which was organized in 1903, was inspired by a demand for mining machinery in the local coal industry. Admirably located at 220 Centerville avenue and the Illinois Central Railroad, it could easily ship its mining machinery, especially hoisting machines, mine cars, screens and loading machinery. Its welfare was definitely tied up with Southern Illinois coal, and since the day for smokeless fuel has arrived, its boom davs were definitely over. It, too, has passed on, having been bought by the Gundlach Machine Works, who occupy the building today. INDUSTRY AND LABOR 175 PRESENT INDUSTRIES Belleville is fortunate in being located near one of the most important commercial centers of the great West, affording it the advantages of accessible markets for the various products of its farms, gardens, and factories. With the establishment of factories, new life was installed in the city, which stimulated earnings and promoted a rising standard of living. Where industry flourishes there is no deca- dence, no poverty, or spiritual death. Many cities, once thriving communities, are now decaying because their industries have moved out of the reach of its inhabitants. The stor)' of brick making in Belleville, one of its oldest industries, is a most fascinating one. Bricks were first made by hand, then by horsepower, and still later by steam power. Nearly all of the early homes were constructed of Belleville made brick. Generally brick was in such demand for home construction that by 1870 six brickyards were located here. One of the oldest, and operating until recently, is the Kloess Brick Company located at 200 North Twenty-first street, es- tablished in 1865. At one time it produced three to four million bricks a year. Stoves came into use in Belleville in 1837, and soon the demand for them far exceeded the supply. In time local men, seeing a potential market, opened up small foundries for their manufacture. The result was that this work soon dominated Belleville's industrial life. At one time there were 19 foundries located here with a capital investment of $2,545,000, and employing 1,739 skilled workers with an annual income of $1,496,330. Coal, gas, and electric ranges; oil and water heaters; coal, gas, oil and electric furnaces were being manufactured and being sent to the four corners of the world. The Eagle Foundry, one of the largest and most influential, contributed in no small measure to make Belleville an industrial center. It is located at Fourteenth street and the Illinois Central 176 INDUSTRY AND LABOR tracks, and is modem in equipment. Founded by G. D. Klemme and William Schlott in 1883 it was moved to its present location at Fourteenth street and the Illinois Central tracks in 1893. The plant became famous for its "Star" cannon and "St. Louis" box and "O.K." stoves. It was originally established to meet the demand for stove casting, but in 1908 it added an assembly plant, making possible the production of a complete stove. This company uses coke from St. Louis; steel from Granite City, Illinois, and Middletown, Ohio; and sand from Evansville, Indiana. The plant soon passed into complete control of Gotdieb Klemme who, with his sons, continued to manage it. Maurice G. Klemme became the vice-president and treasurer and has proven to be a man of great business ability. Another son, Alvin H., was made the secretary of the foundry, W. W. Klemme, assistant secretary and treasurer, (while another son, Roland, is today an outstanding brain surgeon and nerve specialist in St. Louis.) In 1950 they sold out to an eastern concern. The Belleville Stove Works and the Snyder-Baker Foundry were organized in 1885, but the Belleville Stove Works had been previously established as the Belleville Pump and Skein Company. Most of the stove factories organized after 1885 were offshoots from the early foundries or from other factories which produced iron products. The Oakland Foundry was organized in 1896 by Henry Ehret and was the outgrowth of the Standard Foundry, which Ehret and William Althoff purchased in 1 890, when they con- ducted a plant under the name af Ehret and Althoff until 1 892, when Althoff disposed of his stock to Adam Ehret. The firm then took the name of The Ehret Brothers. However, in 1894 it was incorporated under the name of the Enterprise Foundry. Two years later the Ehrets organized the Oakland Foundry which is now located on East "A" street at Florida Avenue. The Oakland Foundry represents an investment of $440,000, INDUSTRY AND LABOR 177 employs about 325 men and ships products to practically every state in the union. In May, 1930, the company suffered a $350,000 loss as a result of a destructive fire. Invitations came in from many cities asking the Ehrets to consider them as new sites, and many offered free plants, free taxes, free power, and other facilities over a period of from five to ten years. The Ehrets, however, were so attached to their native city that they disregarded them all and rebuilt in their home town. The Excelsior Foundry was established in the southwestern part of town in 1885 by Mr. E. P. Rogers and George B. M. Rogers, and since 1893 has been located at 1200 East "B" street. This plant has steadily increased its volume of business and at present employs 91 men. The Enterprise Foundry located on "B" street and the L. and N. tracks was established in 1896 and it was one of the most important concerns of the city. The Orbon Stove Company, originally organized as a nail mill in 1882, was reorganized in 1902 to manufacture stoves. It employs 295 people and has an average weekly pay roll of $7,000, and its president today is S. D. Vale. Since 1903 it has been located on the L. and N. tracks and Sycamore streets. The Premier Stove Company was organized by Mr. M. C. Klemme and Arthur C. Krebs in 1912, and today is located at 100 South Sixteenth street. The Karr Range Company, located at 300 South Seventh street, was organized in 1916 to manufacture and assemble stove castings, but today specializes only in assembling and enameling. The Egyptian Foundry at Scheel and Hecker streets makes castings but does no assembling. The Lincoln manufactured and assembled stoves, but is now out of business. In 1920, the Supreme began manufacturing on a small scale, 178 INDUSTRY AND LABOR but has grown rapidly since then. The Original Enamel Range Company is now a subsidiary plant of the Supreme Foundry. Through coordination of the two factories a complete stove is produced. The Roesch Enameling and Manufacturing Co. was organized in 1916, and was equipped in 1938 with modern automatic en- ameling ovens, so that it is one of the best equipped enameling plants in the city, after pioneering in the enameling process. All of its enamel is produced by the company's exclusive formula whose results have not yet been duplicated. The Peerless Enamel Products Company was organized in 1938 to meet the increased demand for enameled ranges, and does only enameling work. The Imbs Milling Company, a combination of the early Harri- son Mill, no longer mills for the local market nor does it buy local wheat because the supply is too limited. Instead all of its wheat is bought from the West and its flour is sold to large chain stores. It employs about 70 men on three 8 hour shifts daily. Its capacity is 2000 barrels a day, and its power is steam generated by using local coal. The water is taken from two wells, each 420 feet deep, safe for drinking purposes as well as for boilers. The Century Brass Works, Inc. had its beginning in our city on July 12, 1917 and has always been located at 1100 North Illinois street. Its president today is R. S. Wangelin and Frederick E. Lutz is its manager. Its products are sold through- out the nation. The Southern Boiler Works was organized in 1898 to build smoke stacks and repair all types of boilers. Although small, it renders a most valuable service. After securing a patent for the manufacture of oil and gas- burning metallurgical furnaces, Mr. Arthur Jones organized and established a plant in 1917, known as the U. S. Smelting Furnace Company. These furnaces are of a special metallurgical INDUSTRY AND LABOR 179 construction for the purpose of smelting non-ferrous metals such as brass, copper, and aluminum; and smelting and refining secondary metals. The well-known contracting company known as Bauer Broth- ers was organized by Dominic Bauer who was born in Germany April 1, 1863. He arrived in Belleville in 1883 with only 75 cents in his pockets. His first job was loading coal at $1.50 for a ten hour day, and he had to walk five miles to and from work. After working at this for six months, he secured em- ployment as an apprentice carpenter for Val Reis and Sons at $4.00 a week. In 1893, he established his own business with Joseph Hilpert as partner. In 1903, Mr. Hilpert sold out to Mr. Bauer's brother, Casper, and from then on the firm was known as Bauer Brothers. At first it built only homes but later entered the heavy contruction field and to date have constructed buildings valued at millions of dollars. Included in this are some of the largest public and private buildings in this area such as: Pleasantview Sanitorium, Scott Field hangar. County Highway Building, Oakland Foundry, additions at the Griesedieck Western Brew- ery, boys' gymnasium at Belleville Township High School, Union School, Junior High School, Commercial Building, Elks Home, addition to Court House, St. Peter's Cathedral, Belleville Shoe Company, and International Shoe Company. The Minor Construction Company was organized by Mr. Joseph Minor, who was born here on July 1, 1879, attended the parochial schools, and upon finishing his education became a contractor. He worked at all the different phases of this trade, thereby becoming an expert. He erected many homes and bus- iness establishments in this city. Hoeffken Brothers, the company that is engaged in general road and bridge \^'ork and construction work, was organized in 1892. Many of the finest modern highways in this vicinity has been built by it. 180 INDUSTRY AND LABOR Liese Lumber Company was organized by Mr. Julius Liese in 1865. The main yard is today located at 317 East Main street, while a large branch yard is maintained at Twenty-first street and the Old St. Louis Road. It is managed today by Oscar Lippert and his two sons, Howard and Floyd, and employs 45 men. Beer, wine, and whiskey have been used in this area since an early day. In 1862 the vineyards in and around Belleville totaled fifty acres or more and they produced a yield of 450 gallons of wine per acre. The most commonly used drink of the early pioneer, besides wines from wild grapes, was whiskey. In 1862, Belleville had eight distilleries in operation at one time. The two largest of these manufactured a brand of wiskey called "Chained Light- ening." So potent was it, people contended, that it contained 64 fights to the barrel. Two of the only four stencil machine factories in the world are located in Belleville. The others are in St. Louis. The Ideal Stencil Machine Company, perhaps the best equipped, receives its castings from the Excelsior Foundry located in the same block. Its annual production is about $150,000, and it employs 24 people. The Marsh Stencil Company, located at 707 East "B" street, the last of the four to be organized, was established in 1920. The volume of its business is about the same as that of the Ideal Stencil. The A. R. Stanley Nail Company, the first of its kind to locate here was established in 1880. A continuation of the early nail mill, it was located in the west end of the city on the east bank of Richland Creek, and was powered by two large steam engines. The mill used 35 tons of iron daily and produced 600 kegs of nails. An artificial lake furnished the water supply and local coal was used to generate the steam. The present plant, located at 1200 East "B" street, and L. and INDUSTRY AND LABOR 181 N. tracks, produces all types of nails, up to 8 penny, various types of metal staples, and hoop fasteners for both wood and paper containers. The capital invested is $50,000. It employs three men and has a weekly payroll of about $200.00. Its manager today is Margaret Stanley. The Belleville Pattern and Match Plate Company, located at 18 South Twelfth street, was organized in 1919 to supply the many patterns needed for the manufacturing of castings in the iron and steel factories in Belleville and nearby cities. The Streck Brothers Packing Plant, located at 401 West Washington street, was founded in 1915 by three brothers, Clarence, Ernest, and Joseph with a capital of $300,000. At first they rented a small building where they opened a meat market which became so prosperous that in 1918 they opened a second one, and in 1922 they bought a small plant in which to do their own kiling. Their success inspired them to enter the packing business. Besides having a building for meat cutting, smoking, curing, and cooling, and one for slaughtering purposes, they have a second building for the manufacture of meat products, rendering of lard, and an additional curing cellar. A garage, engine room, office, and a new killing floor have been added. The plant today is large, strictly sanitary, and has ideal working conditions for its employees. In 1931 a rendering plant outside of the cit}^ to manufacture by-products was erected. In 1934 the Strecks sold their retail meat markets and are now engaged in the packing business only. The original Henkemeyer cigar factory was taken over by Peter Mohr, who in 1902 moved his place of business to 24 Public Square. Mohr died in 1919 and his two sons, Robert and Edward, carried on. In 1937 they moved the shop to 707 North Illinois street, and Ed Mohr became the sole owner. Today the famous Mohr and Henkemeyer cigars are sold wholesale. In 1906 more cigars were manufactured here than in any 182 INDUSTRY AND LABOR Other city in the Belleville-Cairo revenue district. On April 20, 1900, the Belleville Shoe Factory was organized. Its capital stock was $10,000, and the directors were W. L. Desnoyers, Ed. H. Wangelin, George W. Detharding, H. J. Fink, Adam Jung, I. H. Wangelin, and Phillip Knapp. On October 21, 1904, it was incorporated by C. H. Leunig, Adolph Knobeloch, and William Weidmann. The Charles Meyer Pants Company was established in 1905 at South First and Harrison streets. The company now employs 50 men and 280 women with an average weekly pay roll of $12,000. The first building in its present plant was erect- ed in 1923, and an addition was made in 1926 which doubled its capacity. In 1935 another three story addition was built, which pratically tripled the original capacity. The Belleville Bill Posting Company, now the J. Knox Montgomery Advertising company was founded in 1906, with its headquarters at 3400 West Main street. The G. S. Suppiger Canning Company, canning tomatoes and other vegetable products, was established in 1927 and is a branch of the Collinsville Tomato Canning Company. Nearby farmers produce most of the vegetables for the factory, which, during the rush season, employs about two hundred workers. It was damaged by the tornado on March 15, 1938, but has been rebuilt bigger and better than before. In 1950 it was leased to Krey Packing Company, and all local tomatoes are today canned in the Collinsville plant. The oldest farm implement company here is the J. I. Case Company, whose business is vitally important to the farmers of this community. The Case Company, founded in 1842, first built and sold threshers and later entered the farm tool field in general. Its local representative is Hugh Edwards, who is now located on the Old St. Louis road, after beginning his business without any capital in 1937. Other similar retail es- tablishments are the International Harvester Company, on Mas- INDUSTRY AND LABOR 183 coutah avenue, managed by Mr. Ellar Daab; the John Deere Company, called the Quality Farm Equipment Company, located on East "A" street and managed by Melvin Timmer- mann, Festus Becker, and Terrel Dungey; the Allis Chalmers Company on North High street, managed by Mr. Arthur Schmidt; and the Minneapolis-Moline Company on the Old St. Louis Road and South Fifty-ninth street, represented by Cyril Voellinger. A new dress plant was established locally through the efforts of the Civic Investment Trust Association. It employs a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 400 girls, with an estimated pay roll of $300,000 a year. It is located in the plant of the old Belleville Stove Works, which was remodeled by the Civic Investment Trust Association. The managers are Ed. F. Keefer, Arnold Salzenstein, S. S. Rosenberg, and A. L. Cohen. The Belleville Casket Company was organized in September, 1919, by Dr. Edward R. Houston, James H. Land, and Leonard Schmidt. In September, 1919, William J. Bien was added as secretary, and since January, 1923, has been the president of the company. Edgar G. Fritz is today the first vice-president; Clem J. Hartmann, second vice-president; and Ruth A. Sterling, is the secretary and general manager. The company today employs a total of 42 workers, ranks among the 25 largest in the United States, and sells its product throughout the Middle West. It is capitalized at $25,000, represents an investment of $250,000 and maintains a display room at 115 East "B" street and another at 4219 Laclede avenue in St. Louis. The Eddy Paper Corporation, a manufacturer of corrugated and solid fibre shipping containers, is an Illinois corporation, the successor of the Eddy Paper Company, a Michigan corpora- tion, was incorporated in November, 1922. The officers of the Illinois corporation are J. W. Kieckhefer, president; Anthony Haines, vice-president; R. C. Meier, treasurer; and W. F. Kieckhefer, secretary. 184 INDUSTRY AND LABOR The Michigan Corporation, its predecessor, was started in 1906. Henry Eddy of Kalamazoo and Three Rivers, Michigan, was the founder. In 1922 a re-organization w^as made, with the Illinois corpora- tion acquiring the properties of the Eddy Paper Company of Michigan, and in 1927 the Kieckhefer interests assumed mana- gement of the company. The Belleville plant, built in 1948, has an area of 90,000 square feet and is located at Otto and Sahlander streets. It has a capacity of approximately 1400 tons per month, which means that approximately 1400 tons of paper can be converted into shipping containers in that time. Harvey E. Moore, is resident manager; Robert E. Washburn, office manager; Dean H. Jones, sales-service manager; and Hubert S. Munson, superin- tendent. At the present time this plant employs seventy persons in its factory and 15 in the office. One of the largest manufacturers of monuments in this region is the Tisch Monument Works, founded by Theodore Tisch in 1877. Walter P. Tisch, Sr., his son, is the present manager, while his son Waldo is associated with him. The business is located at both Third and West A streets and 9041 West Main street. The Adolph H. Honer Monument Works, located at 829 South Illinois street, is owned and operated by Mr. Honer, who has been in this business practically all his life. Belleville's products, both agricultural and industrial, find a steady market in St. Louis. Commercial vegetable gardening is practiced to a large extent and such produce as sweet corn, horseradish, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, aspar- agus, watermelon, cantaloupes, and smaller fruits comprise the principal garden products. More wheat and potatoes are produced in St. Clair County than in any other in Illinois. Crops grown and sold are wheat, com, oats, alfalfa, red clover, sweet clover, Irish potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Pork, beef, poultry, and dairy products also INDUSTRY AND LABOR 185 are well represented. One vegetable, the asparagus, has given Belleville nation- wide fame. Conditions for growing a very fine variety of white asparagus are most favorable here, and the demand for it exceeds the supply. Belleville asparagus is featured on the menus of leading hotels throughout the country. The Goetz farm on the Freeburg road is especially famous for this product. The financial status of a community is an index of its ability to engage in industrial activity and a determination of its buying power. Local industries are financed almost wholly by local capital. Deposits in Belleville's four banks, which total more than $10,000,000, reflect sound business practices and fair wages. The resources of its six building and loan associations total more than $4,000,000. Local capital invested in its indus- tries represents some $6,000,000. In 1940, there were 47 manufacturing establishemnts, the leading one being the stove industries. The products of plants are stoves, cigars, beer, caskets, millwork, containers, dyes, machine work, stencil machines, shoes, flour, paints, boilers, tacks, tools, canned goods, and artificial stone. During the World War II boom our industries received approximately $1,374,812 in defense work, exclusive of ad- ditional Scott Field work which was estimated at $18,000,000. A very active Chamber of Commerce is constantly interested in promoting the welfare of the local industries. Its officers in 1951 were: Wesley Bloomer, president; Louis Saeger, first vice- president; Al C. Schwesig, second vice-president; Wilfred Holle, treasurer; Walter Wagner, executive vice-president; Lois Heu- blein and Betty Kniepman, secretary and stenographers. Belleville's Civic Investment Trust Association, with a capital of $100,000 was formed to find jobs, to increase industrial markets and retails sales, and to stabilize production, payrolls, agricultural income, and real estate values. Three railroads, the Illinois Central, the Louisville and Nash- 186 INDUSTRY AND LABOR ville, and the Southern, serve the city, which had, until recently, connections with the Alton and Southern, and the Belleville and East St. Louis Electric Railway switch lines. Belleville's trading area extends seven miles west, thirty miles east, eight miles north, and forty miles south. The population in this area is 75,000, of which 32,000 are within the city limits. In its industries 2792 workers, who are strongly united in the affiliated unions of the American Federation of Labor, are employed. Today's major industries employing fifty men or more, their dates of organization and present managers are as follows: 1837 J. F. Imbs Milling Co. 1851 Griesedieck-Western Brewery 1854 Star Peerless Brewery Co. 1878 Excelsior Foundry Co. 1883 Eagle Foundry Co. 1885 Harmony Foundry Co. 1890 Enterprise Foundry Co. 1898 International Shoe Co. 1902 Orbon Stove Co. 1904 Belleville Shoe Mfg. Co. 1905 Oakland Foundry Co. 1906 Meyer, Charles and Co. 1906 St. Clair Ice Co. 1910 Century Brass Works 1911 Ideal Stencil Machine Co. 1912 Premier Stove Co. 1916 Roesch Enamel Range Co. 1916 Karr Range Co. 1917 Streck Brothers 1918 Belleville Casket Co. 1920 Supreme Foundry Co. 1920 Marsh Stencil Machine Co. 1928 Peerless Enamel Products Co. R. F. Imbs Ed. D. Jones A. C. Fischer Eddy Rogers M. G. Klemme Leo. Filstead Eugene Klein J. J. Fox I. J. Leopold Walter Weidmann King Ehret Ben Fox Karl Pflanz Fred Lutz Clarence E. Rapp O. W. Wegener Henry Oesterle Ed. Karr Clarence Streck William J. Bien Edw. P. Karr Walt Marsh R. G. Willman INDUSTRY AND LABOR 187 1932 Empire Stove 1941 Princess Peggy, Inc., Items Div. 1949 Reynolds Spring Co. 1949 Eddy Paper Corp. 1950 Krey Packing Co. Edw. Kaufman J. Edw. Vinning Don Munn Harvey Moore Jos. Williams The smaller, but active ones, are as follows: Acme Pattern Co. A. H. Honer Monument Works Beck Cigar and Tobacco Co. Bauer Bros. Construction Co. Belleville Awning Co. Belleville Crate Co. Belleville Sheet Metal Co. Dresel-Betz Co. Egyptian Foundry Co. Excelsior Foundry Co. General Magnesium Germ-Elim Co. Gundlach Machine Works Harrison Machine Works Joseph Magin Cigar Co. Original Enamel Range Co. Qualified Range Co. Quality Plating Works Southern Boiler Works Stanley Nail Works Specialty Tool Manufacturers Swansea Stone Works Tisch Monument Works U. S. Smelting Furnace BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS 33 Grand 829 South Illinois 123 North Illinois 424 Lebanon 200 North Jackson South 23rd 820 West "A" East Main and Florida Ben Hemmer 1200 East "B" 612 South Third 1127 East "B" Centerville Ave. 1500 East Main 221 East Main Lebanon Road C. A. Tickenor 1651 North Charles 215 West Adams 1200 East "B" 720 South Illinois Caseyville Road North Third and "A" 1200 West "A" Karl Merck, Sr., was born in Germany, arrived in this country in 1835 and opened his first bakery in that year in T88 INDUSTRY AND LABOR the 200 block of South lUinois street. A few years later he moved to 24 West Main street, where the bakery is still located, and where his son Charles later assumed control. Feickert's Bakery is among the oldest in the city, having been established in 1851 by Christian A. Feickert at its present location. Feickert emigrated to America in 1836, coming directly to Belleville from Prussia, where he was born in 1819. Before starting the bakery he was employed as an engineer in the old Hinckley mill. In 1882 he bought the old jail, which adjoined his bakery property, from the city. After his death the business was successfully conducted by his son, C. Arthur Feickert. Today this modern and up-to-date bakery is owned and managed by Carl Ruffing. Albert Buechler, another native German, setded in Belleville in 1858 where he was employed by Fred Rupp, then publisher of the Belleviller Zeitung, a German newspaper. In 1872 he secured employment with the Omaha, Nebraska, Herald, work- ing later in leading printing houses in St. Louis. His second son, Joseph N. Buechler, founded the printing company that today bears his name, and has been active in this for 48 years. In 1910 he purchased the property at 322 West Main street, his present location, and today has one of the best equipped offices in Southern Illinois. The Record Printing and Advertising Company of today is the continuation of a printing business established in 1847. George Semmelroth, a native German, entered the partnership in 1858, at which time a weekly German newspaper was pub- hshed. At his death the Belleviller Post & Zeitung was pub- lished by his sons, Herman and August. Later the business was changed to a commercial printing and jobbing company, and operated by Herman's sons, Arthur and Norman Semmel- roth. Before the advent of the automobile, the horse and mule INDUSTRY AND LABOR 189 business, as well as carriage manufacturing, were among the city's most flourishing enterprises. The Baer Brothers firm, dealers in horses and mules, was established in 1866. It was originally known as Loewenstein and Baer. In 1886 the Baers, Aaron and Amson, bought Loewenstein's interest, and there- after conducted the business as the Baer Brothers. David Baer, son of Aaron, joined the firm in 1895, acquiring Amson's share after the latter's death. Later Lee, son of Aaron, also became associated with the business. Although they sell horses, their speciality was mule selling, having at one time supplied most of the coal mines with these. Their location was at 314 North High street. Wolfort and Company, located at 200 North High street, are similar dealers. They were organized in 1869 under the name of Meyer, Neuburger, and Wolfort. Later the first two disposed of their interests to Leopold Wohlgemuth, and for some years the business was conducted as Wolfort and Wohlge- muth. In 1894, Philip Wolfort, one of the original founders died, and his heirs, buying out Wohlgemuth, have conducted the business ever since under its present name. Outstanding in Belleville's industrial life in the earlier days were its carriage factories, and the town boasted of several. First of these to be established here was the Volney L. Williams Carriage Works, which was established at the southeast corner of West Main and Third streets in 1837. Later it was conducted by his son Henry Williams, who moved it on East "A" street, between High and Jackson streets, the site where the Wagner Garage now stands. The Heinzelman Brothers Carriage Works, founded in 1857 by John A. Heinzelman and Henry Timken (of roller bearing fame), occupied the building now used by the Belleville Casket Company at the intersection of North Jackson and East "B" streets. In 1866 it was taken over by Heinzelman's sons, John Jr., and William, who managed it until July, 1892, when 190 INDUSTRY AND LABOR John's sons William, Reginald, and Fred took it over, and they in turn operated it until 1917. During the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, they received eight awards for their exhibits. Before the turn of the century, and for some years before, at the corner of North Jackson and East "A" streets, stood the Merker, Wirsing, and Hertel Carriage Works, organized in 1883 by William R. Merker, Adam Wirsing and Adolph Hertel. Most of its production consisted of phaetons, surreys, park wagons, carriages, and spring wagons, in fact everything made in the line of horse-drawn vehicles. In 1878 the Novelty Carriage Works was organized and operated by Gustave Ludwig, Ludwig Beck, and Joseph Steg- mayer. Their location was the original location of the Volney Williams shop. Later it was conducted by Ludwig and Steg- mayer, and finally only by Ludwig. Until the day of the chain store, the William Eckhardt Grocery was for many years the largest and most complete bus- iness of its kind in this area. Its founder was a musician who had started his career as a druggist. In 1867, he established the grocery business that carried his name, at 104-108 West Main street, where for many years after Mr. Eckhardt's death, it was conducted by his sons Max and Erwin Eckhardt. Later it was located at 124 West Main street. In 1945 he sold the building to Howard Kloess who conducted the Vitality Feed Store there. There are four first-class undertaking establishments in Belle- ville today. They are as follows. Pete Gaerdner, located at 250 Lebanon avenue; Renner, Geminn, at East "B" and North Illinois streets; Gundlach and Company on East "A" and North High streets; and the Bux Funeral Home at 3500 West Main street. The town's leading florists are Grossart Sons on East Main street, estblished by Gustav Grossart and carried on by his sons, Amo and Fred. The other is the Klamm Florist on Scheel INDUSTRY AND LABOR 191 Street, founded and managed by Irvin Klamm today. Two others are John Miller, 127 Mascoutah avenue, and Matt Schoenen- berger Florist, managed at present by Irvin G. Krumrich, 811 West "E" street. The Belleville Commercial College had been for many years a household word, for most local businessmen have received some of their education in this institution. Its founder was Joseph Foeller who opened his first school on August 1, 1893, at 18 East Main street above the old Savings Bank. Arthur J. Foeller succeeded his father in 1914. In 1943, after his death, his sister Adel Foeller continued the school until about 1945 when it closed its doors. Among the leading bakeries are the Home Bakery, established by John Wilbert in 1896, the Seifferth, Merck, Phil Stetzner's, Schneider, and Feickert Bakery. On June 18, 1900, the Kinloch Company began the installa- tion of a telephone system and opened it to the public in November of that year. The Bell Telephone of Missouri had already been established here since 1882, when the city council granted it the privilege to maintain and operate an exchange. The Bell system has, since August 15, 1924, bought out the Kinloch and has the entire field to itself. Service today is given by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, a subsidiary of the American Telephone and Telegraph. It operates both local and long-distance switchboards, and, at the present time, has about 14,500 telephones installed. Its growth has been very rapid and its service excellent. In June, 1895, the city of Belleville contracted with the Bell Telephone Company for the installation of 21 telephones which were placed in different city wards at a rental of $25 per year. In February, 1 896, the city council passed an ordinance granting a franchise to W. J. Kurtz to construct and maintain a private telephone system in Belleville. The rates were 25 cents per week for private or residential telephones and 50 192 INDUSTRY AND LABOR cents per week for business houses. This ordinance provided also for furnishing telephones to the city free of charge, for the police and for fire alarms. Mr. Frank Sadorf, founder of the Paris Cleaning Establish- ment, first permanent establishment of its kind to have been es- tablished here, was born in Austria on September 12, 1875, and left that country to seek his fortune in the New World. He set- ded first in St. Louis, working there for a former Austrian school- mate named Lungstras, who owned the largest cleaning establish- ment in that city. He remained with him for three years, and in 1906, while visiting in Belleville, decided to establish a business of his own. The first location was where the Cook Paint Store now is, but in 1920 he bought the present location at 309 East Main street. It continued to be managed and owned by his two sons, Frank and Matthew, but in 1950 they sold out to the Klyne brothers. The Paris Cleaner and Dyers is a business that is fulfilling a vital need in the city. The firm Julleis and Son Feed Mill, located at Centerville and Eigth streets was established in 1905 by Herman Julleis and his two sons, Herman and Joseph. The St. Clair Ice Company, located at 721 West Main street, just west of Richland Creek, was established in 1908, and be- came incorporated in 1927. Water is taken from a well 462 feet deep and is blended with city water and aerated before going into the plant for the manufacture of ice. It is under the management of Karl Pflanz, and it operates continually, pro ducing 50.8 tons of ice daily, all of which is consumed locally. In 1939 a modern locker plant containing 1000 lockers was added. Peter Fellner, late president of the Fellner-Ratheim Dry Goods Store was bom in Germany, April 18, 1868. Leaving there on February 28, 1893, he came to Belleville where he found employment with Kanzler Brothers Grocery and Dry Goods Store on North Illinois street. On October 15, 1898, INDUSTRY AND LABOR 193 he accepted a position with the Horn and Rodenheiser Dry Goods Company, which he and his partner, Paul Ratheim, eventually bought out, forming the present dry goods firm. He died in October 1941. Prior to 1852, Belleville's banking history is vague, and little of a definite nature has been recorded. But in that year Russel Hinckley established his private banking institution, and until its failure it was the leading bank in the community. It was located on the present site of the First National Bank, occupying a building erected in approximately 1839 for the Illinois State Bank. This one-story building was razed in 1896 to make way for the present bank structure. Besides the Hinckley bank failure, Belleville's history records three others. The Bank of Belleville, established in 1855 by Bogy, Miltenburg, and Company, which was located in the old Thomas House, failed in 1858. Although the loss was partially attributed to the lessened value of bank bills, it was due largely to fraud, and its president was indicted for swindle. The People's Bank, organized in 1869 with quarters in the old Belleville House, closed its doors on April 22, 1878, attri- buting its failure largely to the failure of the Belleville Nail Mill. More recently the Belleville Bank and Trust Company, organized in 1903, an outstanding institution during its life time, closed its doors on January 27, 1938, the misappropriation of funds by its cashier showing a shortage of more than $100,000. The Belleville Savings Bank is today not only the oldest in the city, but the third oldest in the state. It was organized on February 20, 1859. Until 1869, it was known as the St. Clair Savings and Insurance Company, but after discontinuing the insurance business it adopted its present name. The original bank was located in the Neuhoff Building, a few doors west of the Public Square on the south side of West Main street. In 194 INDUSTRY AND LABOR 1865 it moved to East Main street, at first occupying the ad- joining building west of its present location. At the present Belleville has four banks, the First National, the St. Clair National, the Belleville Savings and the Belleville National. The combined capital and surplus is more than $1,- 427,500.00, and the total resources more than $15,000,000. The First National Bank, established in 1874 and at present the largest in the city, was the first to join the Federal Reserve System in 1914 and establish the savings account feature. On October 15, 1919, the St. Clair National Bank was opened for business with a capital of $150,000.00 and a paid surplus of $30,000.00. The officers at the time were William Reichert, Frank Gundlach, and Arthur Eidman. The Belleville National Bank was organized on March 28, 1928, with a capital stock of $100,000. Among those prominent in its progress were John Wilbert, Carl Tritt, Joseph Minor, Walter Freudenberg, A. T. Sprich, P. C. Otwell, F. A. Keiner, L. R. McKinley, Harrison Schmisseur, Harvey Lippert, August Eschman, Otto Neuhaus, E. C. Eidman, Richard Schramm, Dr. S. W. McKelvey, Lee Grandcolas and William Schmisseur. All these banks at the present time have first-class ratings, have shown a steady growth, are conservative, and have given the city splendid service. The darkness ruled with very little opposition when night fell in the young city. The unimproved streets were dark and treacherous, especially on rainy, stormy nights. It was, therefore, with much enthusiasm that the people welcomed the coming of the gas lamp in 1856. Even though it cast a weak and flick- ering hght, the three cast iron lamp posts erected in each of the city blocks were a big improvement. The illuminating agent used in these street lights was a coal gas manufactured by the Belleville Gas and Coke Company plant located on Richland Creek where today the electric distributing INDUSTRY AND LABOR 195 Station stands. It was a local stock company capitalized at $75,- 000. This company laid over five miles of main pipe under the streets and installed 152 street lamps. Other streets too were illuminated, and in 1880 the gasoline light, a new type of illu- mination was tried out on Church street. In 1882, the electric light, the mar\'el of the age, was introduced in the city, which was now so well lighted that a flock of geese migrating south, flew over the city on the night of November 2, 1882, the first night that the lights were on and became so blinded and confused that they landed in the town. The night, heavy with clouds and moisture, caused the lights to be reflected so as to illuminate every nook and corner confusing the geese to whom it must have seemed that there was one patch of daylight in the darkened night. Belleville is supplied with enough electric power today to meet almost any demand. It is furnished by the Illinois Power Company through its Cahokia plant in East St. Louis and Venice, Illinois, and is transmitted by power lines carrying 66,000 volts. Belleville had 36 wholesale establishments in 1939 that did $3,358,000 worth of business that year. Its employees received a total payroll of $176,000. Perhaps the largest sales at that time in any one line of business were those in petroleum products, which totaled $1,- 085,000 and had a pay roll of $53,000 for 29 employees. In 1850 the following number of businesses, industries, and professions were located in Belleville: 6 hotels, 12 dry good stores, 23 groceries, 4 drug stores, 8 doctors, 3 saddle shops, 12 boot and shoe makers, 8 cabinet makers, 9 wagon makers, 3 chair makers, 10 copper shops, 17 carpenter shops, 11 black- smiths, 4 bakers, 1 iron stove, 1 pill factory, 4 plasterers, 4 painters, 4 tinners, 7 schools, 9 tailors, 12 lawyers, 2 barber shops, 1 plow maker, 3 soap factories, 6 butchers, 1 carding mill, 2 silver smiths, 2 flour mills, 3 breweries, 1 threshing 196 INDUSTRY AND LABOR machine factory, 2 tanning yards, and 1 woolen factory. By 1939 there were 5 beer, wine, and liquor firms that had a yearly sale of $610,000. There were three general line gro- ceries whose sales totaled $536,000 yearly. Six building and loan associations, namely, the Belleville Security, Citizens, First Mutual, Greater Belleville, Home, and West Side, whose total resources amount to $3,198,526, do business in Belleville. The following business establishments reflect the growth of our city today. A and L Woodcraft Shop Belleville Botding Co. Belleville Dairy Belleville St. Louis Coach Co Berger, Ben Contractor Biebel Roofing Co. Bien and Peter Blust, Fred Co. Bonnelle, Tony Co. Brutto, Syl, Coal Hauling Buesch Nurseries Building Products Corp. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Commercial Garage Culligan Soft Water Service Daesch, E. A. Dahm Plumbing and Heating Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. East St. Louis and Interurban Water Co. Ebel, Irvin O, Plumbing and Heating Co Evans Tree Service Fat's Express Feickert Bakery Flach, Paul E. Contractor Frick, L. C. Service Co. 720 West Adams 209 North Illinois 824 Centerville Public Square 300 West Monroe 503 West Main 123 South 16th Westhaven Place 600 Lebanon 6400 West Main 36 Orchard Drive Freeburg Avenue Forty-sixth and Belt South Twentieth and L C. RR 111 West "A" 728 State 11th and West "C" 1901 West Main 100 North Illinois 310 State 1305 Schilhng 501 South Second 101 North Illinois 6520 West Main 303 West Main INDUSTRY AND LABOR 197 Fruth Motor Truck Service Geissler Roofing Co., Inc. General Welding Supply Gooding Truck Service Gundlach, P. M. Sons Hechenberger, Herman Hessler, F. J. and Son Hoeffken Brothers Supply and Holland Furnace Co. Home-Brite Lumber Co. Home Modernizing Hug Brothers Hy^rade Foundry Co. Illinois Power Co. Kehrer Bros. Excavating Co. Keil Tin Shop Kettler Tool and Die Shop Kloess Brick Co. Kloess Contracting Co. Ladewig, Ernest Liese Lumber Co. Lipe, Claude Lippert, Harvey and Son M. and S. Transfer Co. Mager, Frank Mager, Wib L. Supply Co. Mellon, E. W. and Son Merck Bakery Co. Midwestern Butane Co. Minor Construction Co. Mohr Cigar Co. Neff Construction Nehi Botding Co. Quality Dairy Railway Express Agency Inc, 216 East "B" 606 South First 1 1 5 North Illinois 801 Scheel 1400 North Illinois 1121 North Church 19 North Thirteenth Construction Co. 222 West "B" 14 Market Square 1600 North Illinois 2701 Old St. Louis Road 225 East Washington 409 Dewey 27 North Illinois Schilling 301 North Illinois 15a Florida 200 North Twenty-First 2615 West Main 3520 West "A" 319 East Main 409 South Twenty-second 906 Centerville 800 Abend 821 Union North Thirty-eighth 301 South Second 24 West Main 432 South First 709 St. Clair 707 North Illinois 309 South Sixteenth 400 East "B" 1400 North Seventeenth II North First 198 LOCAL INSTITUTIONS Record Printing and Advertising Co. Reed, Elmer C, Co. Renth, Elmer A. Richland Stove Company Rouse, Stillman Rust, E. C. Plumbing St. Louis Dairy Signal Hill Lumber Co. Sinn, Lacergne Coal Co. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Sprague Truck Service Stolze Lumber Co. Tritt Brothers Belleville Tritt Brothers and Hoeffken Brothers Uhl, Andrew M. Vangenhen and Son Veile Contracting Co. Walter, Michael L. Co. Wegener, Bill and Mel Weyhaupt Bros. Yoch Construction Co. Ziska, Fred M. Coal Co. LABOR UNIONS Although organized labor existed in Belleville before the Civil War it was not until April 12, 1891, that a central body was organized. The officers of the cigar makers' union, headed by John Ackerman, called this meeting, and Mr. Ackerman was elected as its first president, with Mr. Frank S. Bums of the glass blowers' union as its secretary. Eight locals, with a total membership of more than one thousand persons, were represented at this meeting. The organization prospered and expanded rapidly, and in June of that year two more locals affiliated themselves with it. The original locals, forming this central body, were the cigar makers, glass blowers, molders, 115 South Illinois 709 West Cleveland 1705 North Illinois P. O. Box 239 North Fifty-seventh 22 North Tenth 105 North Eighth 9300 West Main 9026 West Main 17 North Illinois 213 East "B" 600 South Illinois National Bank Building 222 West "B" Carlyle Road 106 South Ninth 1701 North Church 804 East McKinley 417 South Fourteenth 1510 Lebanon 700 South Illinois 290 South Forty-sixth INDUSTRY AND LABOR 199 musicians, brewery workers, coal miner, carpenters, and stove mounters. The chief event for labor locally is the Labor Day celebration. In the morning a big parade is held, which is followed by a picnic, graced by a state or a national speaker in the afternoon. With favorable weather it is always a big success as all groups cooperate to make it such. It was discontinued during World War I, and again during World War II. Those who have serv^ed as presidents of the central body are: John Ackerman, Emile Kirchner, William Monsen, Al Boston, Adolph Scheske, William Green, James M. Sewall, John Shultz, Nic Schilling, George E. Boyce, James Borden, Charles Bender, William Arey, Henry Diller, William Jones, Nick Falcetti, Thomas Arey, T. J. Hitchings, Charles Markham, Fred H. Breuer, William T. Christopher, William Jampel, William Neb- gen, Thomas Cameron, Gust Fritz, Dave Stuart, Walter De- wein, Jacob Bollman, Floyd Long, S. D. Easter, Al. Towers, Thomas T. Wright, Ed. Wolters, George Badgley, and Arthur Nowotny. Al Towers held office as its secretary and publicity agent for more years than any man in the history of the organization. Mr. Towers was elected first on December 1, 1912, and served until he resigned in August, 1916. He returned in October, 1924, and served until the latter part of May, 1937, when he resigned again. He died on December 22, 1940. Since his resignation the organization has divided the position, having now a separate publicity agent and recording secretary. The Central Trades and Labor body celebrated its golden anniversary in 1941 with the annual Labor Day parade and picnic. Roland W. Jung, then mayor, spoke on behalf of the city and extended congratulations to the workers for their fine progress and forward movement. Some of the city's best known men received their training in parliamentary law at the meetings of the central body which 200 INDUSTRY AND LABOR served as a school for many of them. Forty-four locals are affili- ated with it today, and its membership has increased to 10,000, all of whom cooperate with the affiliated locals. Belleville is regarded as a strong American Federation of Labor city. Ninety per cent of its working men either own their own homes or are buying them. The present officers of the Central Trades and Labor body are as follows: George Badgley, president; Irvin Werner, vice-president; Irwin Breidenbach, treasurer; Paul Schwesig, secretary; William P. Reichling, business agent; Blanche Helwig, Rudolph Strothman, Albert G. Young, trustees; Harold Gain, sergeant-at-arms. CHAPTER IX A Century of Progress Sports 1839-1951 1^) aseball which had its beginning from the English game of cricket had its beginning in the United States in 1839, but it was introduced to Belleville in about 1860. The baseball square which now has been changed to the baseball diamond was drawn by Alexander Cartwright of New York City in about 1845. The nine man team was first used in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1846, and the first rules of this game were drawn up by Mr. Cartwright. There have been many changes in the game since it was first plaved in 1839. The catcher did not always stand right behind the batter, and the batters at first used clubs that were very thick on the batting end. Stealing bases was not permitted before 1860, and laying down a bunt was unknown. The catcher did not use a glove before 1891, and nine balls gave the batter his base as late as 1880. The catcher did not wear a mask, nor did he have a chest protector before 1885. If a ball was lost during the game, all the players had to hunt for it for five minutes before a new one was tossed in. The first baseball team to be organized in our city was in the late 1870's when the Browns came into existence. The Nationals organized their team in 1885, and these two teams, which became the outstanding semi-pro clubs of the early days, 202 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS were both managed by the late Adolph G. Fleischbein, the uncle of Fred Fleischbein who, until 1946, was connected with the Belleville Music Store. He was the outstanding sportsman of early Belleville and was a leader in the sportsman and gun organization, as well as a writer for a sportsman's magazine. One of Belleville's early baseball heroes who made good in the national pastime, in spite of the fact that it was not his chosen profession was Bob Groom. He had already completed a year's work as a medical student and hoped to be an out- standing physician some day, but when the call came to go to a spring training camp he could not resist. "Long Bob," as he was called, pitched a hitless game as a semi-pro for the old Belleville Simpson Stars in 1903 at the expense of Collins- ville, who had Art Fletcher, the great New York Yankee coach, on the mound. While with Portland in the Pacific Coast League in 1908, Groom pitched a no hit, no run game against Los Angeles. He was a pitcher for the Washington Senators from 1909 to 1913, with the St. Louis Federals from 1914 to 1915, and the St. Louis Browns from 1916 to 1917, and with the Cleveland Indians in 1918. Twenty thousand fans at Sports- man's park witnessed a no hit, no run game he pitched with the Browns in 1917 against the Chicago White Sox. After his baseball career ended he returned to Belleville to live, indulging in the national pastime only twice thereafter, once in 1938 and again in 1939 as manager of the two teams of the American Legion Junior Baseball state champions. He lived at 1906 West Main street and was president of the Groom Coal Company, a mine located on the Freeburg Road. Max Flack, originally of Belleville but now living in East St. Louis, was another athletic hero, who figured in one of the strangest baseball incidents in the game's history. In a double- header between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs, Max played the first game with the Cards. Between the first and second game he was traded to the Cubs for Cliff Heath- A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 203 cothe and played tor the Cubs in the second game of the double- header. He was a great outfielder and hitter, and helped the Chicago Cubs win the National League pennant in 1938. Belleville has been represented in major league baseball by at least 15 men, past and present, including some that have lived here all of their lives. They are as follows: Norman Schlueter, Al Glossop, Al Smith, Lester Mueller, Bob Groom, Max Flack, George Steuernagel, Hamilton Patterson, Billy Elwert, Jennings Bryan Patterson, Erwin Kreymeyer, James Decker, Otis Miller, Clarence Hoffman, Jess Doyle, and George Wagner. The high school team, then coached by F. J. Friedli, won a state championship in 1934 by defeating Bloomington in a home and home series. Besides producing the championship team of 1934, his other coaching accomplishments are a no hit game by Jake Ullrich, four homers in one game by Fred Smith, one state championship, Les Mueller's strike-out record, and advance of several Maroons into organized baseball. The lighted athletic field at Illinois street and Cleveland ave- nue ranks far above some of those used by the minor league baseball teams today. Here the Stag Beer team has won its many victories. The city boasts of three championship teams in the American Legion Junior Baseball League. Basketball is belived to be the only game played in the United States today that is purely American in origin. All others are direct importations or hybrids of other games in foreign countries. The Southwestern High School Conference was organized in 1923 with Collinsville, Belleville, Granite City, Woodriver, Alton, and Edwardsville as members. In 1924, Mascoutah was added, and in 1925, Jerseyville, Madison and OTallon joined, making it a ten team league. In 1926, Mascoutah, OTallon and Madison dropped out, but East St. Louis joined making it an eight team organization. 204 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS Belleville's first football team, known as the Tigers, was organized in the 1890*s. Ambng its players were William Hoppe, Dr. John Gunn, William Andel, Arthur Heinzelman, Ray Daniels, and Ray Whiteside. Just after the turn of the century the Belleville Bucks Football Team was organized and these boys made gridiron history in the rough days of that sport. The team was in existence seven years, disbanding in 1908. Theirs was an enviable record, for during their last five years they not only were untied and undefeated, but during that entire time no opposing team scored or even crossed their goal line. This great team averaged only 145 pounds a man, but they beat outfits, including college crews, which outweighed them nearly 40 pounds a player. Quite a few of the boys were offered scholarships to play for colleges. William (Cuddy) Gilbert was its captain. Among its players were Theodore R. Smith, Edward J. (Mucher) Engler, Ralph Leunig, William Huber, Arthur Hoffmann, Dr. Harry Reuss, William W. Underwood, William Powell, Fred Pope, Assistant County Treausurer J. Paul Moeller, Errol Kraemer, Charles McCuIlough, and Lawrance Selle. Aloys Hahn acted as their business manager. Following right on the Bucks came the second Tiger team, which was organized in 1909 with Charles A. Betz as its manager. Included among its members were Earl (Punk) Wangelin, Roy Gilber, Ed Biggs, Arthur Ward, Charles Ehing- er, Ernst Rodenmeyer, J. Rodenmeyer, George Karr, Elmer Baldus, Wallace Brandenburger, Oscar Neuner, Arthur Spoen- emann, Ollie Goss, Roland Nebgen, John Keck, John Mowe, and Albert Loos. About 1916 the Tigers underwent another revision. Some of the previous players held over, but added to these were Severin Poirot, Adolph Brandenburger, John Holtman, Adolph Fischer, Peter Maurer, John Roach, and Hugo Stark who gave his life in the first World War. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 205 In 1929, the Belleville Township High School football team was really made up of 1 1 iron men, for in that year they defeated all the other conference members for the conference football championship. It was captained by Eddy James Rogers and coached by Edgar Gunderson. The members of the team were Leslie Cole, Ernest Glossop, Bernard Cole, Carl Kane, Ellis Patterson, Robert Aufdenspring, Harley Stiehl, Ralph Coburn, Walter Rauth, Charles Riegger, Winston Bullington, Relfe Ehret, and Merlyn Runyon. With the start of Hubert Tabor's regime as football coach and the completion of a new stadium at the Township High School, interest in this particular sport received a boost. Larger turnouts of candidates for football at both high schools became evident, the turnout at the Cathedral High School being larger in proportion to the students enrolled. Charles Gervig and Elmer Jackson, were placed on the all-state eleven in 1938 and 1939 respectively. The first championship team produced by Tabor was in 1938 when he had, apparently, eleven perfect gentlemen, and each of them a star football player. They were Vigil Wagner and Charles Gervig co-captains, Clyde Wiskamp, Allen Bever- age, Creighton Cory, Lorraine Schlosser, Bob Seib, John Schell, William Reichert, Elmer Jackson, Walter Schmisseur, Leroy Anna, Stewart McCord, Ralph Groh, Edward Dahm, Donald Le Pere, Warren Taylor, Bill Bevin, Warren Wild, Dean Johnson, Arthur Corn, Ernst Miller, Robert Moore and Lowell Grissom. Walter Schmisseur and Warren Wild both made the supreme sacrifice in World War II. In 1944 and 1949 the team tied with East St. Louis and Alton for the conference championship. The outstanding annual sports event is the football game be- tween the Belleville and East St. Louis high schools on the morning of Thanksgiving Day. This has been a permanent contest since 1927, and record crowds vdtness the clash every 206 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS year. The playing field alternates between the two schools, and both the local high school student body and the general population are always glad when it is a home game. The high school athletic grounds consists of five all-weather tennis courts believed to be the best high school courts in the state, a running track built to specifications furnished by the University of Illinois, a girls hockey field, and a new concrete stadium, complete with a band stand and a press box, and capable of seating 7,800 persons comfortably. The stadium was a Works Project Administration project which was approved by the government in January, 1939, begun in March of that year. It is 420 feet long, 206 feet wide, has an underground drainage capacity of 1200 gallons per minute, a lighting system of five poles on each side with six reflectors on each, a public address system using four of the latest type reflex trumpet speakers, a drinking fountain at each end, which is connected to a copper coil fourteen feet under- ground holding eight gallons of water, a flag pole 60 feet above the oround, two rest rooms at the east end, and 106 feet of exit space that make it possible to empty the stadium in three minutes. The construction cost was $130,840.00. The stadium was completed in the spring of 1940 and dedi- cated on the night of the Belleville Township High School- Cathedral High School game, October 1„ 1940. C. W. Whitten, executive secretary of the Illinois High School Association said that it was one of the finest stadiums in the state. Roland Jung, then president of the school board delivered an address at the dedication. The Board of Education consisted of Fred Merrills, secretary; Dr. Edmund Bechtold, Alvin Stenzel, Dr. Lester Rauth, Ed Fuhrman, Adolph Viehmann, and Elmer Roberts. Head coach Hubert Tabor and assistant coach Walter Rauth were also introduced. A beautiful American flag was presented to the school by Commander James Burnett, who represented the American A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 207 Legion. While the high school band played "The Star Spangled Banner," the Hag was raised to the top of the sixty-foot pole flooded by two spot lights. It was accepted by H. G. Schmidt, principal, who then introduced F. J. Friedli the athletic director, who has since been replaced by C. A. Armstrong in 1945, who took charge of the rest of the program. After a few remarks he presented Brother Wilfred P. Moran, S.M., Ph.D. who spoke for the Cathedral High School. For a while there had been a decline in tennis at the high school, but Fred Nafziger, the new coach, was largely instru- mental in reviving it. Past tennis champions include Ellar Daab, Elmer Hirth, and Howard Braun. Five very modern courts have been built at the high school. Great records in track and field events have been made at the Township High School of late. Coach Ted Harpstreit's Maroons in 1939 and again in 1944 were the most outstanding in the history of the school. Wrestling, sport recently added to the school athletic program, is coached by Walter Rauth. Although no conference championship team has as yet been produced, Elmer Jackson, a member of the team, was the first boy to ever win a state title for the local high school, and it happened to be in this newest sport. Belleville is no doubt one of the greatest bowling cities for its size in the United States. There are nine bowling alleys in w^hich various leagues play every night except Saturday and Sunday. Interest in boxing has been revived by the monthly amateur boxing shows. Golf too is a favorite sport. Belleville has one eighteen hole grass green, the St. Clair Country Club, and three nine hole grass and sand fee courses at Westhaven Golf Course, Belleville Golf Course, and Oakhill's Golf Course. In 1939 there was a revival of league competition in horse- shoe pitching, with special matches taking place all over the 208 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS city. The ringer record holder was Richard Wedel. Harold Groh brought athletic honors home when he won the Big Ten diving tide in 1927-28 as a member of the University of Illinois swimming team. Strange as it may seem, Amos Thompson, who never owned a gun and killed only one deer during his lifetime— and that was accidental— had a son, Cyrus, who became Belleville's great- est big game hunter. Accompanied by Dr. C. P. Renner and Oliver Joseph, he made several trips into the southwestern part of Canada, as well as into the western mountain states for big game. There he brought down moose, elk, deer, antelope, bear, foxes, lynx, wild cats, mountain lions, mountain goats, wolves, and coyotes. Cyrus Thompson lived to the ripe old age of 92, passing away in 1937. So famous had he become as a hunter that the leading sportsmen's magazine of the country requested him to write of his experiences, and his stories made him a national figure in big game hunting. Other sports engaged in are horse back riding, fishing, bicycling, motorcycling, pigeon racing, pocket billiards, soft ball, table tennis, and trap shooting. The last mentioned takes place at the Randle Country Club, and its crack shots are Roy Christmann, Arthur W. Bischoff, and Oscar and Julian Scheske. In August 1950, Oscar Scheske won the National Trap Shoot at Vandalia, Ohio. CULTURE AND RECREATION Cities play the dominant role in the evolution of human culture. This is true because urban life powerfully influences the cultural interests of the entire community. The city is also a controlling factor in national life, for as the city is, so is the nation. City people supply most of the national leader- ship. Through the daily press and the radio the city dominates public opinion. It sets the fashions— in morals, in manner, and A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 209 in dress. The ideals of the nation are determined by the in- fluential elements in its population. Music ranks high in the culture of any city. The Germans who setded here brought with them their traditional love of music and song. Belleville's earliest musical organization, a singing society begun in 1855 and called the Saenger Bund, was definitely the outstanding singing society of this community. It gave its concerts at the old City Park Theater. Belleville has had its native composers. The first one was John Brosius, who, in August 1863, composed a waltz entided "Belleville" or "Schoenestadt." Then there was H. G. Paro, who on October 11, 1895, composed the "Company D March." This proved quite a success, for it was played by John Phillip Sousa's band in St. Louis. The Belleville Band, the city's first, was organized in the early 1840's. Frederick Krimmel was its president and Peter Wilding its secretary. It dissolved in the summer of 1846. Early in 1860, including both string and wind instruments, the Saxe Horn Band, was organized with Professor James as its director, and its headquarters in the northeast corner of Main and High streets. Its leader was John W. Hillim, its captain, A. L. McKane, and members John C. Hart, Charles Fleisch- bein, William R. Neighbors, Hugh Harrison, John Thoma, Charles and Thomas Fleming, John and Thomas Schoupe, and Philip Davis. In the early sixties Frank Boehm also conducted a band, which in 1864 gave free concerts at the City Park Garden, the present site of the abandoned Budweiser Garden on West A street, between North First and North Second streets. In 1865, the Bavarian Band was organized, and for many years it was the outstanding one in the entire community. Its name was derived from the fact that its members had all come from Bavaria, Germany. John Maurer, its leader for a number of years, resigned in 1883 to accept the position of orchestra 210 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS leader in the Kansas City, Missouri, Grand Opera House. 1881 saw the organization of the Concordia Band, which for many years was under the direction of John W. Marsh, with M. J. Baumgarten as its manager. It, too, had a high rating, and for many years it and the Bavarian Band were real rivals for musical honors. However, in the fall of 1899, a con- solidation of these two bands was effected under the leadership of Professor Charles Krieger. Professor Edwin Mayr, an able musician, organized a band in 1906. However, it was not until the American Legion Band came into being in 1924 that Belleville once more had a spectacular and ribbon-winning musical organization. Today both the grade schools and the Township High School have splendid bands, as do also the parochial schools. On November 19, 1866, a group of musicians organized an orchestral musical society called the Philharmonics, which gave its first concert on January 26, 1867. The organizers were Dr. Carl Neubert, Carl Magin, Henry Viehmann, Martin Medar, Theodore Decker, Martin Hess, and Christopher Espenhain. It is still in existence and claims to be the second oldest musical organization of its kind in the United States. Its conductors have been: Theodore Decker, 1866-69; Julius Liese, 1869-85; Gustave A. Neubart, 1885-1910; Dr. Adolph Hansing, 1910-11; Fred A. Kern, 1911-14; Frederick Fischer, 1914-19; Carl J. Magin, 1919-22; J. W. Marsh, 1922-36; Edwin Peters, 1936-39; Don S. Foster, 1939-43; Rudolph Magin, 1943-51. We of the present generation should pause in sober reflection to pay respects to those responsible for maintaining an organiza- tion that has played such as important part in the cultural life of our city. We should pay tribute and do homage to men like Julius Liese, Gustav Neubart, John Marsh, Carl Magin, and Edwin Peters, whose inspiring leadership and untiring devotion as conductors made possible the splendid organization of the Philharmonic Society. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 211 The Liederkranz Society, organized in February 1873, was a choral and social group. In 1883 it bought the Heinrich Opera House for its permanent home and rechristening it the Liederkranz Hall, used it for all of its brilliant concerts until disposing of it to the American Legion, whose home it now is. The greatest of all events in the lives of the members of the various groups was the Saenger Fest. Once a year all musical groups combined and would compete in a festival of song. It was for years one of the highlights of the town. In 1878, the Thespian Club, an amateur dramatical organiza- tion of young men and women, was organized, sponsored by Mrs. Charles Thomas and Mr. Ernest Hilgard. Timber for its amateur productions was drawn from the social register of the town bv a man named Schrieber, and its performances became so outstanding that upon invitations they were presented in St. Louis. On the programs appeared such names as George K. Thomas, George Rogers, George Stanley, Fred Snyder, W. R. Merker, Lee Harrison, A. W. Stuart, Lena Abend, Gulla Scheel, Helen P. Abend, Mamie Boneau and Alice Rentchler. Our earliest singing society the Kronthal Liedertafel, was named after Kronthal, Germany, the former home of Brosius, in whose residence their first rehearsals were held. This house, later the home of Mrs. Frank Perrin, was built as a replica of a castle in Kronthal. As the society grew its rehearsals were held at various times in the old Belleville House, above the Savings Bank, and above the Jackson Street Engine House. Concerts were given four times a year and these were held either in the Cit\' Park Opera House or in the Liederkranz Hall. A small faction of Liederkranz members, breaking away from that society in February 1903, organized the Choral Sym- phony Society, which for a number of years contained some of the best vocal talent in the city. L. D. Turner, Sr., was its first president, and Ludwig Carl was its director. Participating 212 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS in a choral contest at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, it made quite a showing, receiving a commemorative medal from the World's Fair Association, and remained active until about 1911. The Cecelia Chorus, an organization composed exclusively of women, was organized in 1911, gaining great popularity from the very first. It was organized by Sophia Rhein, who directed it in a talented musical way so that much of the success that was achieved by the organization was due to her energy, ability, and talent. "Something new and different" was Miss Rhein's motto in forming the organization, which in 1914 had a membership of fifty. The charter members were: Mrs. P. K. Johnson, Mrs. George Brechnitz, Miss Josephine Baker, Mrs. Fred Fleischbein, Miss Lillian Fuess, Mrs. Charles Harrison, Mrs. Lee Harrison, Mrs. Charles Huggins, Mrs. Rogers Hyde, Mrs. George Hilgard, Mrs. Philip Knapp, Miss Virginia Krebs, Mrs. Ralph Leunig, Mrs. Harry Lederer, Mrs. Josephine Merck, Miss Loisel Merker, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Miss Kate Meng, Miss Georgia Reichert, Miss Margaret Thomas, Miss Edna Sikkema, Miss Mary Turner, Miss Maude Underwood, Miss Sophia Rhein, Mrs. Carl Weingaertner, Miss Augusta Wilderman, Mrs. Hugh Wilderman, Miss Jessie Wilderman, and Miss Posey Woelk. On August 24, 1906, the St. Clair County Historical Museum, which occupied a room in the basement of the Court House, was established. This museum contained all the old French records of Illinois dating back more than 200 years, and many other rare documents contributed by various citizens interested in early histor)^ These were moved to the State Historical Society in Springfield in 1948. The Belleville Daily Advocate has for some years concerned itself with spreading Christmas cheer among the needy through its annual Empty Stocking Fund. Ever since 1918, it has appealed at Christmas time for funds to be used in preparing A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 213 baskets of food and gifts for the poor families of our city, especially for the children who otherwise might face the tragedy of truly "Empty Stockings" on Christmas Day. On March 24, 1920, the Parent-Teachers Association which has become a vital and active branch of the school system, was formed. Its first officers were Mr. C. A. Grossart, Wilhelmina Benignus, Walt Marsh and Arthur Niemeyer. Fraternal organizations have been part of the community since an early day. Among those in existence are the Masons, Elks, Moose, Odd Fellows, Eagles, Knights of Phytias, and Modem Woodmen. The Catholic fraternal orders include the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name, St. Vincent de Paul, and Daughters of Isabella. The Masons are represented by Royal and Selected Masters, Knight Templars, De Molay, Eastern Star, Job's Daughters and Rainbow. The first Masonic Lodge was organized on December 14, 1843, as St. Clair Lodge No. 24 A. F. and A.M., with John C. Teel as its First Worshipful Master. On June 10, 1922, the chapter of De Molay was organized with thirty-three charter members. Calvin Mank was chosen to head the new order. On April 30, 1899 the Elks were organized with seventy-five charter members, and on November 17, 1910, the Elks Home was officially dedicated with District Grand Exalted Ruler Rich presiding at the ceremonies. Other civic organizations include the Rotary Club, Optimists, Lions, South Side Improvement Association, West Side Im- provement Association, Safety Council, and the Chamber of Commerce. Also of service have been the Women's Club, Business and Professional Women's Club, the League of Wom- en Voters, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Among the patriotic organizations are the George E. Hilgard Post of the American Legion with its women's auxiliary, the St. Clair County Chapter of the Red Cross, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Hecker Woman's Relief Corps, 214 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS the Memorial Day Association, and the Spanish American War Veterans. The Hecker Post No. 433 Grand Army of the RepubHc was organized in Belleville on May 6, 1884, by veterans of the Civil War. It was named after one of them, the patriot and statesman Colonel Frederick Hecker, who had also been one of the leaders of the revolution in Germany in 1848. Today none survive. The Hecker Women's Relief Corps was organized in 1892 with a membership of forty women. Mrs. Elisa Kueffner was elected its first president. It devotes its activities to charity and patriotic work. One of its presidents, the late Carrie Thomas Alexander Bahrenburg, served as president to both the Illinois and the national body of the Relief Corps. The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion was organized on August 31, 1916, in the assembly room of the Public Library. Its membership is composed of lineal descendants of soldiers of the American Revolution, who have banded together to preserve the ideals propounded by their patriotic ancestors. It strives to perpetuate the memory of the heroic deeds of men and women whose devotion and sacrifices have made this nation possible. Its motto is: "Home and coun- try, the two essentials in our democracy." On September 13, 1941, it celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. Its regent then was Mrs. F. E. Schneidewind. Among the guests at that celebra- tion were Mrs. O. H. Christ, Danville, Illinois, state regent; Mrs. John Trigg of St. Louis, national parliamentarian; Miss Helen McMackin of Salem, Illinois, national chairman of manuals; and Mrs. Manford Cox of Robinson, Illinois, director of the sixth division. An auxiliary to the United Spanish War Veterans was organized in 1923 with Mrs. Mary Hubert as its first president. The wives, mothers, and sisters of these soldiers, working hard, have accomplished some worthwhile results. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 215 The Memorial Fountain located on the Public Square was built as a monument to Belleville soldiers participating in any previous wars. It was the solution to the question as to what kind of memorial to build, for there was much opposition to a statue representing war. The majority preferred something that would beautify the square instead of constandy reminding them of by-gone wars. The difficulties of building and financing a fountain were solved by public subscription. The labor unions volunteered to donate their services and without them the fountain could never have been built for its cost would have been prohibitive. On May 22, 1937, the digging of the pump chambers, and a room 16 by 24 was ready for the pouring of the concrete. This excavation proved very interesting for it uncovered four old cisterns in the center of the Public Square, that had been used bv our early fire departments. The fountain was designed by Herbert Schwind. Hoeffken Brothers donated their digger, and the outer rim was constructed under the direction of Calvin Johnson. Seventy-five loads of ground were donated for the landscaping, while the sod, which was given by Albert Seiber, was laid by Fred Bonhardt. Arthur Buesch donated and planted the shrubs. The ornamental stone that was used was donated by Ben F. Affleck, of Chicago, a former resident. Installation of pumps began September 25, 1937, two being put in, one of high pressure and the other of low. The high pressure pump forces the water through many pipes to form the various aquatic formations, having power enough to force the water fifty-five feet into the air. The low pressure pump forms the cascade over the lip of the fountain. The water falls into the surrounding circular pond draining back again to the pump to be circulated up and over the fountain. The mechanism is noiseless when in operation and is accessible from a man hole in the grass plot. 216 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS The Memorial Fountain was dedicated on October 23, 1937, with Dr. Cameron Harmon as the speaker. It was officially lighted by Betty Jane Schwind, the daughter of its designer. It can be seen on Main street as far west as Fifth street, as far east as Walnut street, north to Lebanon Avenue, and south to McKinley. The Memorial Fountain was made possible only through the unselfish efforts of civic-minded individuals and organizations, and it stands today as one of the finest tributes to the spirit of our citizens. Belleville's Chamber of Commerce is an active one, and its program covers every phase of the city's life. At present there are 190 men serving on its various committees. It is divided into, and operates on, a departmental basis, the five divisions being industrial, civic, commercial, agriculture, and organization. At the present time its president is Wesley Bloomer, Walter E. Wagner is the secretary-manager. The first park used for outdoor recreation was Huff's Garden now the Knights of Pythias Park, 900 West Main street. It was long the center of west Belleville's gay life. In the southwest part of the city was Eimer's Hill, which in early days was also a favorite picnic ground. Today it has been wholly abandoned. Priester's Park, managed by Frank Priester, was built in 1899 and soon became a most pretentious amusement center. It covered an area of 88 acres and included athletic fields, race courses, roller coaster, dance pavilions, a restaurant, and beer gardens. In 1906, it became a private institution and was called The Priester's Park Driving and Country Club. Today its buildings and grounds form a part of the huge campus of St. Henry's College. On May 28, 1922, the first public park to be owned by the city was dedicated and formally named Bellevue Park. On this occasion the principal speaker was Mr. John Gundlach who was one of the pioneers in the park and playground move- A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 217 ment in St. Louis. Other speakers were Dr. J. K. Conroy and Mayor Joseph Anton. WilHam Twenhoefel, city plan commis- sioner, was master of ceremonies. The gift of this park site to the people of Belleville was made possible through the generosity of the Board of Trade. On September 18, 1923, ground was broken for the erection of the new $100,000 Turner Hall. On August 3, 1925, the South Side Park of Belleville con- sisting of six and one-healf acres of land was formally dedicated and opened for public use. All cities should have parks and playground areas. Long experience in many cities proves that they can be supported with little difficulty. There should be at least ten acres of park for each thousand of population. Of this, approximately one third of three acres per thousand, should be utilized for playground purposes. FIFTY YEARS OF PROGRESS 1850-1900 Belleville was incorporated as a village in 1819 and as a citv in 1850. It adopted the charter of the city of Springfield, Illinois, and Theodore J. Krafft was elected its first mayor. The government of the city was then conducted by a mavor and eight aldermen, two from each of the four wards. The other cit)' officials were a register, marshal, treasurer, attorney, assessor, collector, surveyor and engineer, chief of fire depart- ment, weigher and market master, street inspector, captain of night police, captain of day police, superintendent of work- house, sexton, and city scavenger. The most important street in this town of 5000 population was East iMain street, and was also the first street to be improved, for in 1850 it was given a cover of crushed rock to counteract the mud and dust. It was further improved when on June 10, 1877, the citv council ordered it to be paved with cedar blocks to Walnut street. Remnants of this type of paving remained 218 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS as late as 1930, when the last of it was removed on the street leading to the St. Clair Country Club. Street fairs, the predecessor of the homecomings, attained their popularity in the late nineties. They, too, had their queens, parades, and carnivals which were not only attended by the whole town but also by the surrounding country. At the time of the California gold rush a number of Belle- villeans, lured by the mirage of easy money and great riches, hit the trail for the Great West. Tradition has it that they were given good advice before they left, for they were warned that the road was long and dreary, that they would be without meat, flour, food, and water, and would find no grass in many places. They were jokingly advised to take a file with them, for if their trusty rifle should actually get a buffalo they would first have to file their teeth so they could eat it. They were also informed that if they got sick on the road they had better keep toddling along. If they didn't and should by any chance lie along the road an Indian would come along and they'd be minus a scalp, they were told. As a last bit of advice they were given the comforting assurance that should any of them perish on the way, a little hole three feet deep would be dug where they'd be buried and where that night the wolves would hold a council over their grave, prior to a digging-up party. How many hit the treacherous, heart-breaking trail to the Pacific is not recorded, but it is known that many came back sadly disappointed and poorer than they were before. Some came back to further disillusionment, for after an absence of ten or fifteen years, to their dismay, some found their mates happily married to others, after uncertain rumors had it that the first husband had been killed by the Indians. By 1854 Belleville had enlarged its area, increased its wealth, and more than doubled the amount of improvements to its streets. The manufacturers were expanding and increasing their A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 219 trade. Most of the early settlers that came from the east brought with them large families. Those that came from Virginia and other southeastern states brought their slaves, and their right to keep them was at once questioned. At the same time run-away slaves were not tolerated. Any Negro who could not present the proper credentials of freedom to the county authorities was regarded by law as a run-away slave. He was arrested, held in the county jail, and the sheriff advertised his arrest. If the owner did not reclaim him within six weeks he was sold into slavery for a period of one year, at the end of which time legally, at least, he was entitled to his freedom unless the original owner appeared. Belleville had more run-away slaves than most communities, since it was located on the route between Virginia and Missouri, and the wealthy planters traveling between the two states always passed through the city. On November 11, 1841, the town's local paper carried the following run-away negro advertisement: "Taken up and com- mitted to jail on the third of November, 1841 in the county of St. Clair, State of Illinois, a Negro who calls himself Jordan and says he formerly had been ownied in Richmond County, Virginia, by Newman Flanagan but was sold at public auction and does not know his present owner. He is five feet nine, weight 175 and is about 28 years old. His owner must prove his property within six weeks or said Negro will be dealt with according to law." It was openly contended by many people that slave owners should move to Missouri, while those not having slaves should settle in the free state of Illinois, and that Negroes who remained in this state for ten days with the purpose of becoming a resident should be fined fiftv dollars. If they were unable to pay their services they should be sold at public auction. On April 7, 1857, a mulatto named Jackson Redman made the fatal mistake of leaving Pennsylvania, was arrested, tried, 220 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS and convicted for the misdemeanor under the IlHnois law. On April 18, 1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon, his services were to be sold to any person who paid the said fine and costs. The appearance of this ad brought a storm of protest on the justice of the peace, who was only performing his duty in enforcing the law. On the day of the sale the great humanitarian Gustav Koerner, without much ado, paid the fifty dollar fine and immediately turned the Negro free. By court decision a Negro living here for a period of five years automatically became a free citizen. Many slave-owning families therefore left the state. One of the most tragic chapters of local history was that written by the cholera epidemic, which originated in St. Louis in the summer of 1849 and swept away nearly 300 people in a month's time. Medical men were unable to check it, and the dreaded disease continued to ravage the lives of the people. It wiped out entire families who were helpless against its onslaught. To prevent the spread of the disease, the people were caution- ed to purify the air and keep the streets in a sanitary condition, which was done by sprinkling them generously with slaked lime. Lime was also abudandy spread on private premises, but better than this large fires of coal tar and sulphur were kept burning day and night, and yet everywhere people were dying. The hopeful housewife, fearing for the lives of her loved ones, listened and followed every new suggestion by the doctors, some of whom recommended the burning of coffee beans, boiling vinegar continuously, and pouring coal tar on the top of the stove to smother out all impurities of the air. The epidemic raged on, however, and approximately two-thirds of all cases were fatal. Not only was this true here but also in St. Louis, East St. Louis, Mascoutah, Collinsville, and Lebanon. The disease spared neither young, middle-aged nor old. It had no regard for the hale and hearty man, the tender and hand- A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 221 some youth, nor the kind and gentle woman. Since then medical science has discovered that cholera is a bacterial disease and that the germ is spread through drinking water, foods, and by the common house-fly. Like today's in- fluenza, the cholera epidemic of old struck and and then de- parted after having run its fatal course. The homes in the earlier days were very sturdy. Sunbaked bricks, hand-hewn white oak beams, and plaster of clay and straw were the basic materials for the houses of over a century ago. Heavy weather boarding was apparendy the vogue in the construction of the frame houses. Inner walls were of hand molded bricks made of native clay and baked in the sun. Wood, now used only in high-grade furniture could be found in many parts of the home, for often they had walnut window sills and wild cherry panels. The cooking stove was an innovation, for the earlier homes had fireplaces supplied with ketde hooks, which gave the family hearth its real meaning. But with the coming of the stove the city in time became the stove center of the world. Commercial soap in pioneer days was an unknown commo- dity. At intervals, usually dictated by the supply on hand, a time was set aside for the making of soap. This was cooked in a large iron ketde which generally stood on a tripod in the rear yard. The bathtub, too, was rare, largely because of the difficulty in heating the home. It was introduced in the early seventies and was nothing more than a box-like affair lined with zinc. Since there was no running water it was filled by carrying the water that had been heated on a stove beforehand. It was at this time that a city ordinance was passed regulating the speed of driving catde or horses through the streets. The law read that they must not be driven faster than four miles an hour nor must they be driven with dogs, and anyone guilty of violating this law would be fined from $3.00 to $25.00. 222 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS It must have been difficult to measure their speed, for speed- ometers were then unknown. Another ordinance regulated the cost of digging a grave according its depth. One of three feet or less depth cost 75 cents, one four feet, $1.00, while that of more than four feet, $1.50. After the Mexican War, 1846-48, returning soldiers wore beards, the most popular of which were the English side whisk- ers. This new style was not adopted at once by the local people, but in 1854, when the barbers agreed that the price of a shave should be 10 cents instead of the prevailing charge of 5 cents, there was loud and long wailing by the masculine element. To make their protests more effective, they organized a beard growers society and not only adopted, but also published this resolution: Resolved: "That the lather used by the aforemention- ed barbers, being of a quality which is calculated to advance the growth of the beard, we emphatically enter our protest against the agreement referred to unless the barbers also agree to use nothing but the common castile for lather." The development of agriculture in this area was constant. The German immigrants brought from their native land a knowledge of the intensive methods of farming. Although the soil was rich, the German farmer unfailingly reclaimed all wasteland and also improved methods of crop rotations. Their thrift and love of the beautiful led to the well improved farms of today. Wheat at the time averaged 20 to 28 bushels per acre, and in 1851 it sold for 65 cents a bushel. However, in 1867, it had risen to $3.70 a bushel and this community produced about six hundred thousand bushels a year. Although the second panic in 1857 hit many communities very hard, business here remained good. The streets remained lively with wagons from the country, bringing produce for cash and goods. Eever^'where one could still hear the sound of the hammer and saw, indicating that work was plentiful. Every- A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 223 where one heard the query, "Do you know of a house for rent?" All were happy and prosperous. The reaper had now been invented and the old, back-breaking cradle and sickle were on the way out. The threshing separator separted the wheat grain from the straw at the time of threshing and the farmer could now raise much more wheat. It was then that the old threshing circuits, long famous for their jolting wagons, the pitching to the machine, the stream of straw and chaff from the blower, and the bountiful dinners came into existence. But even these good old days have gone with the wind, for most farmers now own their own combines. Coffee, as we know it today, was a luxury that could be enjoyed only by the rich during the Civil War days, and the poor housewife besides her many other tasks had to roast the coffee substitutes such as barley, wheat, sweet potatoes, corn and even, at times, acorns. By 1862 Belleville had not only grown in size but had become more beautiful. A Chicago newspaper referred to it as a beautiful little village. Much had been done to make it a safe place in which to live, and in 1867 the city council passed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to cast or throw stones or any other missiles upon or at any building, tree, or public or private property, or at any person. Anyone doing so was subject to a fine not exceeding $5.00. That same city also regarded kite flying as dangerous, and to curb it the following ordinance was passed: "Whoever shall, on any highway, or thoroughfare of this city, fly a kite, or use any sport or exercise likely to scare horses, injure passengers, or embarass the passengers of vehicles, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine." By 1870 Belleville had a total of forty miles of street, 16 miles of which had already been paved and could be travelled safely at all times of the year, and twenty miles of sidewalk had been laid. 224 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS During an era of prosperity Lady Nicotine soothes the hearts of men a httle faster or a Httle more than at any other time. The white man learned the art of using tobacco from the Indians, Sir Walter Raleigh being the first prominent white man to smoke the "vile weed." Local men could now go to the cigar store and buy half Spanish cigars, snuff, and smoking or chewing tobacco. Gentlemen who preferred chewing to smoking, or inhaling of snuff were kept well supplied, for chewing then was much more popular than it is today, and the spitters were also much more accurate. Before the invention of cigar making machines, the one-man cigar factories dotted all the cities. Here the cigar-maker would, with nimble fingers, ply his chosen trade. Whenever a customer bought a box of these hand-made cigars (then called segars) the proprietor would present him with an extra one. The cigars were graded into first, second and third quality, and the particular quality one smoked usually determined his economic rather than his social rank— a sort of caste system still carried on today in the dime, two-for-a-quarter, and quarter brands. Pipe smoking followed later in popularity, with the result that many brands of pipes appeared on the market. The old Germans always brought with them from the fatherland their traditional Meerschaum pipe. To accidentaly break a friend's Meerschaum was a serious offense, second only to that of stealing his wife. Snuff with all of its snuffing was definitely on its way out, as apparently chewing is today. No longer does one see snuff-stained shirts nor do as many brass cuspidors line the bar. With the passing of these, the cigarette has been ushered in, as a result of World War I, and more likely, to the effect of high powered advertising. The introduction of the cigarette at first brought a deluge of condemnation, and cigar or pipe smoking fathers would not permit a cigarette smoking youngster to court his daughters. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 225 By 1870 a very extensive system of agricultural manufacturing was being done in this city. $300,000 worth of these implements were sold annually, with two iron and brass factories kept busy supplying the wants of these factories. Although the Richland Creek is small, its history is a color- ful one. In all probability it got its name from the fact that it flows through rich agricultural lands. As a stream it has never behaved too well, for at times it is a rampaging litde river, while at other times it is almost entirely dry. It has marked the dividing line between East and West Belleville and as such has been the scene of many a battle between East and West Belleville youths in the early days. East Belleville always regarded itself superior in all respects in those days and the expression "He's a West End tough" had much significance then. Richland Creek in the early days was not only a dividing line but was also the local Rhine river, for many were the young people who kept the "watch on the Rhine." It was, however, never fortified, but some of the battles were perhaps just as violent, even though the casualties amounted only to black eyes and bloody noses. The boys on opposite sides carried on eternal vigilance, challenging one another to cross the line. Under such watchful eyes, it must have required courage and a strong right arm at times, to seek the hand of a girl on the other side. Happily those animosities are things of a by-gone day. It was on its banks just south of the city that Kickapoos usually camped after their raiding parties on the American Bottoms. Here on several occasions the terrified white captives pondered their fate as they lay bound in the red man's camp. Partly because of its rampages and partly because it was blamed for chills and fever, Richland Creek lost its good reputa- tion. Some thought it caused the cholera epidemic in 1849, and perhaps rightly so, for the stream after every overflow 226 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS left pools of Stagnant water that smelled obnoxiously, and were breeding grounds for mosquitoes and disease germs. Its overflows have come with regularity. The first was recorded in 1848 when the creek became so large that it proceeded to sweep in its path all existing bridges, down to the Kaskaskia River. On the night of March 4, 1897, a very heavy rain storm sent the creek out its banks so hurriedly that some of the flood refugees had to be rescued from their homes by boats. So heavy were the rains that the dam at Lake Christine broke and let a perfect Niagara of water into the already swollen creek, adding to the great damage. Gaping holes occurred into which the water swirled, even rushing into the coal mines. The Oakhill Mine and all slope mines were thus flooded. On August 19, 1915, occurred another damaging flood. For the first time since the West Main street concrete bridge had been built, water swirled over it for several hours. Hundreds of rowboats rescued people from second-story windows. The power plant was flooded, cutting off all power, and damage in the city was estimated at $100,000. The town of West Belleville was laid out on a hill on the west bank of Richland Creek in the year 1852, the land being part of a two hundred acre farm owned by Theodore Erasmus Hilgard. In 1861, there were six hundred inhabitants, and in that year it offically incorporated itself and adopted the name of West Belleville. The little village had its own institutions, for in 1855 a brick school was built with one large room for classes and two smaller ones for the teacher and his family. It also had its own market house on the West End Square at Eleventh street, its own Western Brewery and its own distillery. By 1874, its population had increased to 2500 inhabitants, with many nationalities represented, but with Germans predomi- nating. As time went on, there arose a mutual desire to merge the A CENTURY OF PROGRESS 227 two independent communities into one, for it was believed much could be gained by each in such a merger. So, in an election held to vote on the issue on April 18, 1882, the people of both towns approved the merger, and three days later, April 21, 1882, West Belleville officially became a part of Belleville. On Saturday night, April 26, 1882, the ratification celebration was held at Huff's Garden, now the Knights of Pythias Park, where events of importance for West Belleville always took place. A large parade, headed by a blaring band, marched to the Public Square where the procession was joined by the citizens of East Belleville, and together they marcehd back to the park. The night was rainy, the streets were muddy, but the crowd was large. Here, promises were exchanged to forget all past animosities and to work together in harmony so that the new city might prosper. Belleville had now begun its move to the west. It was because of the mining industry that its westward expansion continued, for a string of mining settlements had sprung up be- tween the city and the bluffs. The stories of the weather today are much less interesting than those in the past. Facts and predictions today are based upon scientific measurements which are undebatable and which take the personal touch from all weather accounts. Early people had leeway. The best judges of the weather were the older residents, who had lived through more of it and therefore re- membered the days that were colder, the rains that were heavier, and the summers that were hotter. Blizzards, the oldest inha- bitants could recall, appeared with the regularity of a clock. One storv relates how, during the winter of 1885, the tracks of the Cairo Short Line, now the Illinois Central were so blocked bv snow that the cars were entirely buried beneath the drifts. The passengers suffered extremelv from cold and hunger because there was no settlement or house nearby from which to obtain food or fuel. A gentlemen in one of the trains 228 A CENTURY OF PROGRESS had a couple of dogs with him which were killed and eaten by the starving party. Another tale tells that during the cold winter of 1856, the Mississippi River was frozen solid for 64 days. In fact, the ice was so thick that people rode horseback across it. Then there was the blizzard of all blizzards in 1890 when eighteen to twenty inches of snow fell, and all roads and railroads were snowbound. Medical science today assures us that aged and rheumatic people are not as reliable in measuring the temperature as is a thermometer. The hailstorm that surpassed them all rattled down on Belle- ville on April 16, 1918. So severe was it that the roofs that had been rain-proof became like a sieve, and cars and buggytops were peppered with holes. Thousands of window panes were shattered. Most residents today remember the tornado of March 15, 1938, that blew in from the southwest at 5 o'clock that after- noon. It demolished the Union Grade School, ruined Suppiger's cannery, crossed Main street at the Southern crossing, flattened out homes in a four block area, took a total of twelve lives and did $500,000 worth of property damage. Many in the east end of town were unaware of its happening until four hours later. By 1884, Belleville was a thriving substantial community of 16,000 people. It had more than fifty miles of improved streets most of them illuminated by electric lights while some were still lit by gas furnished by an extensive gas works with a capa- city to meet all needs both public and private. It was evident at this time that Belleville was fast becoming industrialized. The city had acquired good government. There was law and order. The schools compared favorably with any. Churches administered to the spiritual hfe. The city was on its way up. CHAPTER X In War Scott Field y ' It s early as 1917 it was becoming more and more ap- parent that future wars would no longer be fought only on and below the earth's surface, but also in the air, and that more men were going to be needed to fly the ever-increasing number of planes. With this in mind the War Department in June, 1917, purchased a field a mile square near Belleville, which was to be used as a training center for aviators. $10,000- 000 was appropriated by Congress for its construction, and two thousand laborers and carpenters were immediately put to work. Actual building was begun in June, 1917, and work was pushed so feverishly that it was completed in September of the same year, for the United States was really in need of airplane pilots and fields on which to train them. The area was small and the buildings looked like hastily constructed crates. Seeing the present base, one would hardly realize that it could ever have been so small. Although it may be the opinion of a few of the old-timers that the installation was originally called Avia Field, such is not the case, as Avia was merely the name of the railroad station of the Southern Railroad located a short distance away. Follow- ing the usual procedure of naming aviation fields in honor of American fliers who had distinguished themselves, this one was named Scott Field later changed to Scott Air Force Base, in honor of Cpl. Frank S. Scott, who met death in an exper- 230 IN WAR imental flight in the first army aviation school at College Park, Maryland, in 1912. In August, 1917, while construction work still going on and with its 75 buildings not yet completed, three hundred soldiers arrived for duty. In September four airplanes were received, the first of the 72 planes ordered for Scott Field. Soon the actual training of airplane pilots began. On August 27, 1917, Major George E. A. Reinberg, Signal Corps, became the field's first commanding officer. Students began arriving daily, and by the end of September more than one thousand men were stationed there. With their arrival from all parts of the country, came quarantine, one of the bugaboos of camp life. Measles developed, which spoiled the first Christmas vacation, many having hoped to go home, while others had received invitations from the kindhearted Belle- villians. Luckily, a few days before the holidays expired, the ban was lifted, but with two more squadrons arriving from Texas, the epidemic broke out again, putting the camp once more under quarantine. In January, 1918, Colonel J. C. Fechet arrived, replacing Major Reinberg. Later in that same year Major Henry Abbey, Jr., assumed command. After the Armistice, November 18, 1918, a great deal of concern was felt as to what would happen to this field. Since it was no longer needed as a training center for the Army's aviation cadets, the personnel was cut down until only 65 remained. In October, 1919, Major J. H. Houghton replaced Major Abbey. During the next year there was very little activity at the post. In 1920, the government decided that the field should be converted into the nation's headquarters for the training of airship pilots and ballon observers, thus discontinuing all heavier than air training. The United States government then, on March 19, purchased outright the land on which Scott Field I N WAR 232 was located. The purchase price for the 640 acres was $119,- 285, a little over $170 per acre. In 1921 the War Department approved a plan for an erection of a $1,200,000 hangar, which was to be 220 feet wide, 180 feet high and 910 feet long, with landing facilities, 1,500 by 150 feet, fronting the hangar. This field was now converted into the home of the dirigible, observation balloon, round free balloons, and the sausage balloon, all of which were regarded as supremely important at the time. Construction of this hangar was approved by the Secretary of War in 1921. Major Frank M. Kennedy, its designer, arrived now to assume command of the post in October, succeeding Colonel C. G. Hall. He supervised the entire construction of the hangar, which was completed that year at a cost of $1,- 360,000. It dominated the countryside for miles around and was a greater attraction to visitors that were dirigibles themselves. Its floor had space enough for 100,000 men to stand in military formation; and ever)' visitor that saw it would speculate on how much the hangar would hold in corn, wheat, or hay, while others would compare it with the Washington Monument or the Empire State Building. The two doors at its entrance weighed almost 2,000,000 pounds each. It took electrically driven motors seven and one-half minutes to open them. With completion of the hangar. Major Kennedy received orders to proceed to Germany to supervise the construction of a Zeppelin for the United States government. He was suc- ceeded by Major John H. Paegelow. Other building projects in the $5,000,000 lighter than air base were as follows: 175 foot high mooring mast, an extensive helium laboratory where the gas was purified after having been used in the dirigibles, and an engineering department near the hangar. On October 3, 1923, the world's largest lighter-than-air craft, the United States Shenendoah landed at Scott Field. On January 232 IN WAR 28, 1926, the R.S.-l, largest army dirigible in the world, was completed at the field and given a successful tr)'Out. The peak of construction was attained when the T C-14 and the T CTl, non-rigid air ships, were built. The T C-14 was 237 feet long, 57 feet in diameter and had a 365,000 cubic feet gas capacity. These dirigibles resembled silver cigars floating in the air, and they soon became familiar figures to everyone. The blimp was a non-rigid bag having no inner frame work and was therefore nicknamed "the rubber cow" or "fat sausage." The operator in the control car, swung by cables beneath the bag, controlled its direction and speed of travel. On August 8, 1925, St. Clair County received $35,292 from the United States government for the construction of the new hard road to Scott Field. It was the first time in the history of the state that federal aid had been secured by a county without any effort on the part of the state. During the years 1928-29 it seemed that Scott Field was fast becoming ITncle Sam's step-child. There was even a move- ment on foot then, that it be abandoned entirely, as need for it no longer seemed to exist. Civic groups both in Belleville and the surrounding territory began to realize what this would mean, and at once formed a National Defense Committee to fight for its retainment. Congressman John T. Cochran of Missouri, on the floor of the House of Representatives, fought for its continuance. In June, 1930, Congress finally authorized $1,206,500 for additional construction work at the field. Heavier than air operations were then resumed, and Scott Field soon became the largest and most completely equipped government inland airship base and ballon and airship school. The year 1933 marked the termination of active duty for Colonel Paegelow, and in August, Lieut. Colonel Frank M. Kennedy returned to take over command. In 1935, Congressman Edwin M. Schaefer of Illinois pro- IN WAR 233 posed a bill to provide $4,338,000 for further improvement of Scott Field which congress approved. In February, 1937, Colonel Kennedy was ordered to report to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, and was succeeded by Colonel Arthur J. Fischer, who had been transferred here from Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama. On May 14, 1937, the lighter-than-air crafts were discon- tinued at the field, for with the exception of perhaps coastal patrol, their day had passed. It was again rumored that the field would be abandoned, but on May 14, 1937 the War Department changed Scott Field from a lighter-than-air to a heavier-than air field. The baby blimps and dirigibles were deflated and the Ninth Air Squadron was assigned to another field. The day of the huge cigar-shaped silver painted dirigibles was over as far as this area was concerned. A total of forty carloads of cylinders, each cylinder weighing 130 pounds and capable of holding two hundred cubic feet of gas was shipped to Duncan Field, San Antonio, Texas, where they were serviced and sent to the helium plant at Amarillo, Texas. In 1938, Scott Field was rebuilt in its entirety. The big helium plant, the dirigible hangar, the mooring mast, the old wooden barracks, and administration buildings were torn down. The mile square field was enlarged and criss-crossed by concrete runways for landing fields, which completed were 250 feet wide and about two miles long. The field hangar, which originally cost $1,360,000, was sold to the wreckers for $20,051. On June 2, 1938, the War Department designated Scott Field as the new home of the General Headquarters of the Air Forces of the entire United States Army. An additional twelve hundred acres of land was bought adjoining the present field to the east and the north. Because of its ideal geographic location and strategic regions of defense, this field now was destined to become the center of all army air activities. The tearing down of the old buildings began on July 18, 234 IN WAR 1938, and soon the $7,500,000 improvement program got under way. New hangars, shops, barracks, officers quarters, general headquarters building, quarters for the various mechanical equipment, in all 73 major buildings, were soon under construc- tion. On June 1, 1939, Scott Field was designated as the Scott Field branch of the Army Air Corps Technical Schools, and the basic section of the school, which was located at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois, was transferred to Scott. This involved the movement of all civilian instructors, 29 enlisted instructors, and five officers to Scott Field. In August, 1941 an allotment of $1,710,150 was made for the construction of 160 new buildings at the field. This was in line with the plan that Scott Field was to house eight thousand men. New buildings on the post were constructed with funds from the Public Works Administration. An average of two thousand men worked at the field constantly in connection with this project, the outstanding feature of which was the new mess hall that was to serve six thousand men. This building is the shape of a capital "H" with the kitchen in the cross bar. There are four dining halls providing eight lines for cafeteria style serving. The center of the building is used for storage and kitchens. To house the more than forty-five hundred students with the Radio Communications School, a new cantonment area was constructed on the souteast section of the post. The students began moving into this miniature city in December, 1940, and it has since been called the Student Center. Colonel Walcott P. Hayes, the commanding officer was succeeded on July 2, 1940, by Colonel Fischer. He in turn was succeeded by Colonel J. P. Temple on February 11, 1944, and he, on March 15, 1944, by Brig. General Shepler W. Fitzgerald. The last vestige of the lighter-than-air era at Scott Field disappeared on October 30, 1941, with the shipment of seven IN WAR 235 carloads of helium containers. The Air Corps Institute at Scott Field established under the direction of Co. Frank H. Pritchard in December, 1940, has the only correspondence school of its kind in the United States. With applications for the 33 available subjects coming in from fifty army posts all over the nation, as well as from distant possessions, the enrollment has far exceeded ten thousand. Scott Air Force Base is today a complete city in itself, con- taining all the necessities of life and the comforts of modern living. It has been enlarged three times its original size. It contains restaurants, motion picture theaters, recreation grounds, libraries, service clubs, gymnasiums, community halls, swim- ming pools, and a day room where the men may play table games, listen to the radio, read, or play the piano. The field is also equipped with a prison, an efficient police force, a new hospital, a modern and completely equipped fire station, a postal system, a bank, and an extensive sewerage dis- posal system emptying into a three-mile ditch to Silver Creek. Approximately twenty-five thousand air corps radio techni- cians were being trained every year by the Army Corps Radio Operators and Technician School. Students entered at the rate of eight hundred every two weeks and received a 22 week radio course in operation and line maintenance of air craft radio equipment, and in the installation, operation and field maintenance of tactical ground radio equipment. Scott Field had a personnel of around twenty-five thousand including of- ficers, permanent men, and students. From it were directed all operations of the United States Army Air Corps. It will always be the focal point for the wings of the United States Air Force. OUR PART IN THE WARS Whenever this country has gone to war, men of Belleville have not been reluctant to take up arms and do their part to 236 IN WAR preserve the ideals and the rights of free men as guaranteed by the government. George Rogers Clark was the first to open this area to the American pioneer. Some of his courageous little band later settled here, the most noted of these being the Reverend Hosea Rigg of Pennsylvania, who enlisted when only 19. He fought in the batde of White Plains, Germantown and Brandywine, setding in this area a litde later and spending the next forty years of his hfe here. He died at his home two miles east of Belleville in 1841. In 1809, when British agents were stirring up the Indians in the West, it was the Rangers, their patrols, and blockhouses that quelled the raids and forced the Red Man to make peace. A line of blockhouse forts sixty miles long was built from the Missouri to the Kaskaskia Rivers. This line was pratolled by 22 forts, one of them was near Lebanon, another south of New Athens, and another in Mascoutah township. Four companies of Rangers kept this line intact and warded off all Indian attacks. In the War of 1812, many of these Rangers joined the Army, which later defeated the British at New Orleans. Of them the most famous were William Whiteside, James B. Moore, Jacob Short, and Samuel Whiteside. Governor John Reynolds, then a young man, saw service at this time. During the Black Hawk War of 1831 to 1832, named after Chief Black Hawk living in the Rock River County of Illinois, Governor Reynolds issued the call for volunteers to force these Indians out of the state. Many men responded, and some of them fought with the future president, Abraham Lincoln, who was chosen captain of his company. Among local men who volun- teered were Adam W. Snyder and John Thomas, the latter rising to the rank of colonel in this campaign. The result of this war was that the Indians were forced out. IN WAR 237 When the call for volunteers came in the Mexican War, (1846-48), local citizens were eager and ready to fight, and several companies of volunteers were formed. The first one known as the Second lUinois Regiment, was organized in May, 1846, by William H. Bissell then a young local attorney. Bissell later became colonel of this regiment, winning much acclaim for his service. It was his good work that helped attain the governor's seat for him. His company did more fighting than any other, suffering a loss of sixty-five killed, eighty wounded, and ten missing. When Bissell's regiment returned at the end of the war, it was given a reception of welcome, at which Bissell praised the officers and men of the Second Illinois Regiment, saying they had fought bravely and well. Bissell dwelt at length on their high sense of personal honor and the high moral sense instilled in them by their fathers and mothers, to whom he accredited all honor. Another company of volunteers was organized by Nathaniel Niles, vv'ho later edited the Daily Advocate. He was also captain of a company of Texas Infantry which fought in the battle of Monterey and Buena Vista. When Lincoln issued his call for volunteers in April, 1861, many answered the call and enlisted. A training camp, named Camp Koerner, was established at the old Fair Grounds where a local company of volunteers was prepared for war. Many of these young men rose from private to colonel and some were with Sherman in his march to the sea. Others fought in the Batde of Gettysburg. The Ninth Illinois Infantry, in which Belleville was well represented, took part in 1 10 battles. Of particular note is the fact that Germans, only a few years removed from their native land, fought gallantly for the land of their adoption. Most noted of these were Colonel Friederich Hecker, and Gustavus Koerner. On May 8, 1861, Ulysses S. Grant, then only a captain, 238 IN WAR paid a visit to Belleville. He was on an inspection tour and talked to those in charge of the camp, including Captain Koer- ner, Henry Goedeking, and Henry Kircher. When he arrived, Hecker's boys were drilling and made a good showing. Grant met the officers in charge and later had a soldier dinner with them. In the War with Spain, April 19, 1898, to December 12, 1898, Belleville's chief contribution was its Company D of the Fourth Regiment of Illinois Infantry, which was sent to Cuba. Belleville is justly proud of its contributions to the Navy. Captain Joseph B. Coghlan, who commanded the warship Raleigh in the Batde of Manila, spent his boyhood here. Lt. Commander William Braunersreuther, who lead the party of Marines which took possession of the island of Guam, was also a Belleville resident. He too took part in the Batde of Manila Bay. Among the Navy's admirals in the Spanish-Amer- ican War were Hugo Osterhaus and Kossuth Niles. Major General Wesley Merritt, the son of an editor of the Daily Advocate, led an American force which stormed the city of Manila after Dewey had destroyed the fleet and silenced the forts. He served as the first military governor of the Phillippine Islands. Admiral Louis Kempff, commander of the warship Monterey, became governor general of the Island of Guam in recognition of his services. On June 28, 1914, World War I broke in Europe. When the United States entered it on April 6, 1917, Belleville boys again played a heroic part in this great conflict as they served on all of its far-flung battle fronts. On June 16, 1917, more than fourteen thousand men from St. Clair County registered for the selective draft. The boys, from 21 to 31, who registered from here numbered 2,024 which was nearly ten per cent of the 1910 population. Forty-two names are on the first World War's honor roll of war dead. Heading this list is Major General IN WAR 239 George E. Hilgard after whom the American Legion Post was named. The mihtary and naval heroes from this city have been many. To single out any one as being greatest, would be an injustice to the rest. Every war leaves not only its dead, but also the organizations that spring up to perpetuate its memory. There are still such organizations as the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution, Spanish American War Veterans, American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars, the latter an offshot of the preceding one. Any World War veteran may belong to it. The local chapter was organized on January 14, 1934, by August Franke, John Pollock and Frank Yerk with 65 charter members. Its membership today has increased to three hunderd, and its past commanders have been August Franke, Philip Wagner, Dr. William Kneedler, Charles Ehinger, Arthur Nowotny, Frank Yerk, and Harry Morton. The Veterans of Foreign Wars sponsor a colorful drum and bugle corps, which was organized by Dr. Kneedler while he was commander of the organization in 1936. It won first place during 1938 and 1939 at the department encampment of Veteran of Foreign Wars. In 1940, when World War II was looming on the horizon, one city and two county draft boards were created to arrange for the induction of draftees into the army. They classified all registrants and took care of the administrative duties pertaining to their respective areas. The members of Belleville's draft board were Dr. G. C. Otrich, chairman; Wilbur E. Krebs, secretary; and Robert L. Kern, Albert B. Baldus, and Joseph B. Herman. Frank C. Wuller was the chief clerk; Mildred E. Moehrl, as- sistant clerk; and Jeanett L. Schiermeier, typist. The Burke-Wadsworth Selective Service Act required all men and boys between the ages of 21 and 35 to register for army service on October 16, 1940. Thirteen per cent of the city's population, or a total of 3353, registered. Again on July 240 IN WAR 1, 1941, boys who had attained the age of 21 since October 16, 1940, were also required to register for army service. The draftees had to report to the local board headquarters from where they were sent to the induction center, which at first was East St. Louis, then Peoria, and later Chicago. On February 16, 1942, men between 20 to 45 registered, while on April 27, 1942 those from 21 to 65 were required to do so. If called, those from 44 to 65 were not to be used for the army, but to fill gaps in the skilled labor field. When the war ended on September 2, 1945, 107 of Belleville's boys had been killed in the service of their country. On July 11, 1942, Rogers D. Jones, president of the Town- ship High Board of Education, and Republican nominee for the board of review, entered the United States Navy as a lieutenant. He was elected president of Township High School Board in 1941 and re-elected in 1942, having served, at the time of his resignation, about one and one-half terms. He was con- sidered the youngest president of a board in the state of Illinois since he was 31 at the time of his election. In time of war, service organizations always attempt to make the life of the soldier as pleasant as possible. Early in World War II, so as not to have many small and conflicting groups, a United Service Organization was established by public sub- scription, although its building was erected by the War Depart- ment. Here games, reading rooms, telephones, radios, phono- graphs, arts and crafts, dancing, and pressing rooms were pro- vided for the enlisted man. Belleville asked for a $93,000 two-story brick building, but instead, the government built a rambling one-story frame struc- ture, which was furnished with leather chairs, couches, desks, and tables. Many townspeople contributed their radios, phono- graphs, books, and magazines. The service club was also supplied with a library, three billiard tables, and a lunch counter where IN WAR 241 sandwiches, soup, jelly, pie, cake, candy, and soft drinks are served. It is located at 710 East Main street. Another service center was maintained by the Catholics at 500 East Main street, and one by the Lutherans at 409 East Main street. CHAPTER XI Our Contributions Natural Resources I llinois, a prairie state, ranks fourth in the United States in population, third in wealth, and twenty-third in area. It is a mineral giant with oil for blood and coal for its backbone. In 1941, it outranked 42 states in wealth of mineral production. Its total mineral production in 1940 was $275,000,000, of which oil amounted to $165,000,000 and coal to $78,000,000 Others such as clay, shale, flourspar, silica, limestone, and Fuller's earth made up the balance. It ranks second in the production of coal, third in the production of oil, and contains more un- mined coal than any other state. St. Clair County ranks fifth in coal production, being surpassed only by Franklin, Williamson, Sangamon, and Macoupin counties. In the immediate community an unlimited amount of high grade Mississippi limestone is found just west and southwest of the city. Bricks have long been made from the clay which is found beneath the top soil in this area. Building sand is obtainable in unlimited quantities from the Mississippi River. One of the less heroic, but no less important feats of LaSalle, the great French explorer of 1679, was his discovery of Belle- ville coal. He was the first white man to use it for fuel, one of the men of his party remarking how black his hands and face were from the coal he had carried on to the fire during a cold OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 243 night on their trip on the Mississippi River. The out-cropping coal along the bluffs is so close to St., Louis that its commercial value soon became established. It was mined first in open trenches and then by tunneling into the bluff along the seams of coal. It was not yet suspected that this coal could also be found under the city. These miners sold their coal in St. Louis and to neighboring Illinois cities. The blacksmiths of Belleville were the first to use local coal in their shops and found it so much better that they never again used wood in their forges. The first Belleville coal mine was opened by Willam Fowler in 1825 just south of the city in the bluffs where Richland Creek meets the highlands. It was then believed that coal could be found anywhere and all one had to do was to sink a shaft into it. In 1940 there were a total of sixty mines operating within a few miles of the city, with a combined output of six million tons a year. Most of the coal is mined from the No. 6 seam and is commonly called Belleville Coal. This seam averages 6 feet, nine inches in thickness, and lies at a depth of 150 feet. The area has an unlimited supply of bituminous coal, and all of it can readily be converted into coke with a tar yield of ten gallons a ton. It is the very soul and life of this community and is destined to keep this city one of the largest cities in South- ern Illinois. It is estimated that no more than one-fiftieth of this coal has been tapped despite nearly a century of extensive mining operations. In analyzing the No. 6 seam, the following contents were found: moisture 9:30, volatile material 37.2; fixed carbon, 40:65; ash, 12:85. The sulphur contents is 4.58 and B. T. U. rating is 12,300. Belleville coal is being used less today than it was in the past. Two reasons for this seem to be the introduction of gas and oil from Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas, and St. Louis 244 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS Smoke Abatement Ordinance. More coal will again be used when this coal can be processed to meet the requirements of the St. Louis ordinance; when both cities become more reci- procally trade minded, and when some legislation is passed that would make gas and oil equal in cost in heat units to that of coal. Until that is done these mines will no doubt continue to close until only a few remain to furnish local needs. By 1950, the number of mines still operating had decreased to five. iNEWSPAPERS The St. Clair Gazette which made its appearance on De- cember 25, 1838, was the first successful newspaper to be published in Belleville. Since then it has changed its name many times and is today the Belleville Daily Advocate, the oldest established newspaper in St. Clair County and the first in the state of Illinois to issue a daily edition. When it was first printed as a weekly in the building on the corner of Main and High streets it was considered the leading Democratic paper in South- ern Illinois. In 1854, when the Free Soil Party was organized, it switched to an anti-slavery paper, and in 1856, became the leading Republican newspaper in this district. Soon after its establishement, T. C. Clark retired from the printing business and from 1839 to 1841 James L. Boyd carried on the work alone. Then he sold out to Philip S. Fouke, and later the paper was taken over by Robert K. Fleming and his five sons. Edward, one of the sons, managed it until 1849 when he caught the gold fever and left for California leaving his brother, William in charge. Jehu Baker, considered to be the ablest editor and the leading statesman in the Middle West, joined the paper at this time as the editor. He later became congressman and United States minister to Venezuela. The Advocate was next under the editorship of James W. Merritt and Judge Nathanial Niles, who where succeeded by James S. Coulter. The latter changed its name to Daily Advo- OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 245 cate. In 1851 Nathaniel Niles became its editor, while the ex- goldseeker, Edward Fleming, reurned because of his health. In 1856, Edward Schiller joined Judge Niles, but remained with him only a year. In 1857, Collins Van Cleve and T. C. Weeden assumed the editorial chair for three years, until E. J. Montague became the new proprietor in 1860. In 1861, Alexander G. Dawes became the assistant editor, and the pro- perty went back to Van Cleve. Dawes remained but a year and a half when F. M. Hawes took over. In 1863, G. F. Kim- ball occupied that position, and he remained with the paper for nine years, until it was bought by J. H. Thomas. Kimball returned as its editor, succeeded later by John Woods. The paper in 1898 changed its name to its present one, namely The Belleville Daily Advocate. It was then joindy owned by James A. Willoughby and John E. Thomas, who disposed of it on December 23, 1913 to Fred E. Evans, Preston K. Johnson, and Edward Julleis. Johnson and Julleis soon with- drew leaving Evans in charge until his death in 1930. It is today owned by the Belleville Advocate Printing Company headed by Cyril Arnold its president; Miss Anna L. Stolle, secretary-treasurer and general manager; Leslie Crow, news editor; Cyril Arnold, business manager; and Al. R. Schmidt, city editor. Its plant is located at South High and East Wash- ington streets, where it moved in 1924. It is a thoroughly modern and up-to-date newspaper plant. The first issue of the Belleville Daily News Democrat ap- peared on January 16, 1858, but prior to then, in 1857, its prospectus had been presented to the community. Its founder, Rev. Boyakin, was born in Corinth, Mississippi, in 1807 and came to Belleville in 1840. During the Civil War he served as a chaplain, and was known as "the fighting parson." His father had saved Andrew Jackson's life during a skirmish with the Indians at Horse Shoe Bend, and out of gratitude for this heroic deed, General Jackson defrayed the expenses of 246 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS sending the son, William F. Boyakin, through college, where he prepared for the ministry. He was an aggressive person and with the financial help of the wealthy J. S. D. (Don) Morrison, the Weekly Democrat was launched. Morrison donated the original press, which was of the Washington Hand type brought from Philadelphia. In 1859, Bovakin, feeling the urge to "go West," sold the paper to E. R. Stuart and W. H. Shoupe. These two gendemen held it until 1860 when it was acquired by G. A. Harvey, who conducted it with no small amount of success until August, 1863, when it was purchased by William Denlinger and Alex- ander B. Russell, both practical printers from Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania. Besides being a printer, Russell was a good newspaper- man and served as the editor, soon becoming quite a prominent figure in the community. The price of the weekly was at this time raised from $1.50 per year to $2.00. In 1863, the plant moved from its North High street address to the building then known as the Kaysing Building, where it occupied the third floor. In the summer of 1880, Russell's health failed, and Judge William J. Underwood, then one of the leaders of the De- mocrats in the community, succeeded him as editor. It was his ambition to convert the Weekly Democrat into a daily paper, but failing in being able to do so, he resigned after serving as editor for slightlv more than a year. Instead he organized the Daily News earlv in the spring of 1882. Articles of incorporation were filed in the offices of the secretary' of state for the Daily News Publishing Co., with William J. Underwood, Curt Heinfelden, R. A. Halbert, F. F. Metschan, and Robert Rogers as incorporators. The capital stock was $5,- 000. Judge Underwood was managing editor of the publication that commenced about the first of April. That Belleville really needed an English daily was evident by the success of the new publication in the community. In OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 247 fact, it was not long before the Weekly Democrat began making overtures of wanting to come along. An amicable agreement was soon reached, and in 1883 the Daily News and The Week- ly Democrat were consolidated under the name of the Belle- ville Daily News-Democrat, the caption which the paper has since borne. It was the only English daily in the city. Having controlling stock. Judge Underwood not only be- came its president but contributed the editorials of the day. William G. Russell served as its business manager, while Ben Boneau was city editor. The paper now became definitely Democratic. Besides the daily paper, a weekly edition was also put out, and this enjoyed a large rural circulation. Judge Under- wood, who was the first president of the Southern Illinois Press Association, had established quite a reputation as an editorial writer. At the time of the merger the paper was published in the building direcdy back of the First National Bank on North Illinois street, then known as the Abend Building. Today that is the site of the Christmann Building. The business office, the editorial and the composing rooms occupied the second floor, while the job room was on the third. About twelve men were regularly employed by the company. The paper continued under the management of Judge Un- derwood until December 15, 1891. When his health began to decline, he sold the paper to Fred J. Kern and F. W. Kraft of the East St. Louis Gazette. Mr. Kern had charge of the editorial and news departments, while Mr. Kraft became the business manager. This partnership continued until January 1895, when Mr. Kern purchased the interests of Mr. Kraft and became the sole owner of the paper. In 1898 a disastrous fire inflicted much damage to the plant of the News-Democrat. The damages ran to approximately $18,000. Valuable files of the old copies were also destroyed. Moving from the Abend Building, the paper was then located 248 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS in the northwest comer of the Pubhc Square. Mr. Kern then bought the corner property at South Ilhnois and East Lincoln streets, where the modern plant is located. Today Robert L. and Richard P. Kern, his sons, are its publishers. In the past, Belleville supported more newspapers than it does today. In the decade beginning with 1880, it had, besides its two dailies, four weeklies and one Sunday paper. The Zeitung Und Stern, a German publication, issued both a daily and a weekly paper. This was the leading German paper in the state, outside of Chicago, and it was supposed to have had the largest circulation. It was published by the firm of Sem- melroth, Heinfelden, and Metschan. The Belleville Post was established as the organ of the German Republicans in 1884. Later the Zeitung and the Post merged under the name of the Post and Zeitung, and for years it was an outstanding Ger- man daily. Sometime later, the Morning Record, a new daily morning paper made its appearance. It was Belleville's only morning paper. The Intelligencer Blatt was a monthly paper published by William Homeier as an advertising medium for his real estate business and to gratify his taste for the literary. The Belleville Tageblatt Und Arbeiter Zeitung, published by Hanz Schwarz, Sr., was a German weekly relished by many for its spicy articles often directed at some public official. There was also the Treu Bund, and a Sunday paper published and edited by Fred W. Kraft. CITY OFFICIALS When Belleville's first city council was elected in 1850, it was agreed that its meetings would be held on the first Monday of each month in the city hall, which then stood east of the Market House, on the present site of a parking lot and filling station. Some early city officers met certain specified needs, but OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 249 today their offices no longer exist. There was a time when a coil oil inspector was very essential because all illumination was done with kerosene. Its use constituted a fire hazard, and to reduce this it could not be sold in the city unless it had been passed upon by such an inspector who used the ignition test. Only oil that ignited or exploded at a temperature of less than 150 degrees was considered unsafe. He also made sure that the traditional coal oil can, with a potato stuck in the spout as a cork, would not blow up easily. The salaries of the city officials were much lower than they are today. The city was naturally smaller, and prices in general were much lower. The mayor's salary in 1844 was fixed at $200 a year, and the aldermen each received $35 for their serv- ices. The city clerk's salary was set at $150, and the city treasurer received $75 a year. The city marshall was granted $100 a year, plus a cut of all the fines and fees. The all im- portant master of the city market received a salary of $50 a year. We may laugh at some of the city offices of the early days, but they, too, would find much reason to laugh at some of our ways in these modern days. For instance, a dog catcher was added to the city's payroll as late as May 21, 1913. In that year too, a city ordinace was passed making it unlawful for any fowls to run at large vdthin the city limits. In Belleville's one-hundred years of existence it has had 41 mayors. One of them, Louis Barthel, died in office, in 1889. Fred J. Kern held office longer than any other, serving five terms, from 1903 to 1913. Peter Wilding was elected five times in 1859, 1860, 1871, 1875, and 1879, resigning in 1860. Herman G. Weber also was elected five times, in 1873, 1874, 1883, 1885, and 1891. He resigned in 1885 and in 1891. Upon receiving the appointment as United States marshal in 1885, he handed in his resignation as mayor on July 6, contributing his two months salary to help defray the expenses of a special election which was held on July 28, 1885. In this election 250 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS Michael Reis was elected mayor, as he was again in the election of 1887. Following is a list of mayors and the years they were elected: 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1857 1859 1860 1861 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1869 1871 1873 1875 1877 1879 1881 Theo. J. Kraft 1883 Ed. Abend 1885 John W. Pulliam 1889 Joseph B. Underwood 1889 William C. Davis 1890 J. W. Hughes 1891 Edward Abend 1893 Peter Wilding 1893 F. H. Pieper 1895 Henrv' Goedeking 1897 Charles Palme 1899 Herman Burkhardt 1901 Edward Abend 1903 Joseph Kirkpatrick 1913 Frederick Ropiquet 1919 Henry Abend 1921 Peter' Wilding 1929 Herman G. Weber 1931 Peter Wilding 1935 Henry Kircher 1941 Peter Wilding 1945 B. J. West, Jr., 1949 Herman G. Weber Michael Reis Louis Barthel William White Jefferson Rainey Herman G. Weber John Carson Fred C. Knoebel Frederick Sunkel Edward F. Winkler Henry T. Fredericks John B. Hay Fred J. Kern R. E. Duvall P. K. Johnson Joseph J. Anton Charles Stegmeyer George A. Brechnitz George Remnsnider Roland W. Jung Ernst W. Tiemann, Sr., Harold V. Calhoun The city officials in 1951 were as follows: Harold V. Calhoun, mayor; Carl Siegel, city clerk; John Courar, city treasurer; Casper Arndt and Philip Huling, custo- dians city hall; Mrs. Jack Gundlach, secretary to mayor. Members of the city council are as follows: George Glakemeier, Calvin Isselhardt, Carl Lenz, John (Red) McDonald, Charles Nichols, Ben Sauer, John Schloemann, Edward Schmitding, Henry Schwarz, Irvin Stein, Ava Teel, Ernest Tiemann, Roy Torloting, and George Uhl. OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 251 iNOTED VISITORS St. Clair County, throughout its history, has at various times entertained distinguished guests. It was in April, 1769, that Pontiac, famous Indian chief, visited Cahokia and was murdered on the streets of that village. During his American tour in 1824, Lafayette, at the invitation of Governor Coles, spent one busy day in Kaskaskia, where he was the guest of honor at a reception in the home of Colonel Edgar and at a banquet at Colonel Sweet's tavern. In the evening, he attended a gay ball in the imposing residence of William Morrison, departing at midnight, by steam boat, for Nashville, Tennessee. In October, 1876, Robert G. Ingersoll, a guest of the local Republican Club, addressed the largest Belleville audience that had ever been assembled up to that time, in the City Park Theatre. Wilham Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, was in the city on several occasions. At various times Belleville audiences have listened attentively to the campaign speeches of such renowned Americans as Abraham Lincoln, Richard M. Johnson, William Jennings Br)'an, William H. Taft, Thomas R. Marshall, General Leonard W. Wood, Wendell Willkie, and Henry A. Wallace, all who expounded the issues of the day. The presidential election of 1840 was memorable for having been the most extravagant of all previous campaigns. At that time the Whigs were well organized. The backwoods Hfe of their candidate, William H. Harrison and his victory in the battle of Tippecanoe were typified in parades that stressed log cabins, canoes, hard cider, coon-skin caps, brass bands, and fifes and drums. Such a demonstration was staged in Belleville on April 11, 1840. After the parade a political meeting, attended by about three hundred people, was held at which most of the speakers were from St. Louis. The first of them denounced as traitors all who would not support their candidate. The second 252 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS speaker to mount the rostrum was Abraham Lincoln. The Belleville Advocate commenting on the meeting, while giving two columns to it, was not very complimentary. Its introductory remarks were as follows: "As we anticipated, a more perfect farce has rarely been exhibited in this or any county, than the Whig celebration on Saturday last . . . "We expected from the array of orators, that the people would have been informed something of the principles, of the measures that were to be carried out by General Harrison if elected; in this all were, like ourselves, disappointed . . . "Mr. Lincoln followed next, a federal candidate for elector. His speech was weak, and feeble. 'How different,' remarked many of the Whigs, 'to what we expected.' Poor Lincoln! he should have rested his fame upon his printed speech, going the rounds in the federal papers, as purported to have been delivered by him at Springfield. He predicated his whole speech upon the sale of a one-eyed horse for twenty-seven dollars, that happened to be sold by a constable during the day. To what slight accidents are we frequently indebted for our great things! How very fortunate for the Whigs, that Mr. Lincoln saw the sale of the one-eyed horse that day! He was then enabled to prove that Mr. Van Buren caused it, together with all the other ills of life that us poor mortals 'are heir to'." Late in the summer of 1839, Belleville was honored by a visit from the vice-president of the United States, the Honorable Richard M. Johnson, whom tradition credits with having shot Tecumseh, and was the only vice-president to be elected by the United States senate. He was making a tour of the states, feeling out the Democratic convention in 1840. He was a guest at the Neuhoff House, then a newly erected, large hotel. Here he held a meeting in the morning, which was attended by men in great numbers, regardless of party affiliation. In the evening a brilliant ball was held, which was attended by the elite of OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 253 the town and the surrounding country. Although Belleville has never been entirely flattered by its mention in the "American Notes" by Charles Dickens, it does feel a bit of pride in having had him as a guest as he and his party passed through here in April, 1842 on their way to the Looking Glass Prairie, near Lebanon. His stay here lasted but an hour or two while he took dinner. Court was in session at the time of his arrival, and "the path, nearly knee deep in mud and slime, which led to the forest," that he sacarstically refers to, was the Public Square. Of course there was no paving and there may have been some mud and trees, and the buildings surrounding the Square were early pioneer buildings of the time. Instead of the present court house, the old, square, brick one stood a little northeast of it, to which members of the bar hitched their horses, but they were not temporary "hitching racks" as Dickens described them. "The old, shambling low-roofed outhouse, half cowshed and half kitchen" in which he says he was entertained, was the Mansion House, the best and largest brick house in the town, with the exception of the court house and the mill. It was anything but what he described it, actually being roomy and well furnished, and having been recently erected at great cost by the Reverend Thomas Harrison, whose daughter and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McBride, were its proprietors. The local paper, reviewing his visit, refuted his story that Belleville was a "land of mud and brush," of "frogs and pigs." It even inferred he was "decidely drunk" when he stated that the sun set on the opposite side of Looking Glass Prairie which, according to his story, would have been in the northeast. Abraham Lincoln paid his second visit to Belleville in the campaign of 1856, when he came at the invitation of William Bissell, who was then running for the governorship of the state. He was a guest in the home of John Scheel on South Illinois 254 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS Street, where the Junior High School now stands. He met all of the leading local Republicans and in the evening spoke from a platform erected on the eastern end of the Market Square, on the site of a filling station today. There was no heckling or disappointment by the audience at this rally, for Lincoln displayed the greatest ability, and it was admitted that his was the speech of the day. He cap- tivated the Germans uith his "God bless the Dutch," as he lauded them for their definite stand against slaver\% saying that thev were more enthusiastic for the cause of freedom than any of the other nationalities. Although none of the Lincoln-Douglas debates were held in Belleville, Douglas was a guest here in 1858. He made a pompous entrv accompanied by his beautiful wife, who had been the belle of Washington society. The town was crowded for the oration, for more than five hundred people came from St. Louis to see and to hear him, but the local people, on the whole, showed little enthusiasm. In the late '60's Mark Twain visited Belleville. He was writing a histor\^ of J. A. Slade, the Robin Hood of the Rocky Mountains, whose brother, James P. Slade, was a teacher in the Belleville schools and was able to supply the information sought by Mark Twain. On March 13, 1900, Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist nominee for president, delivered a speech here on libert)\ NOTED PLACES AND EVENTS The Dr. A. W. Wagner residence at 313 South High street has been at one time or another the home of Lvman Trumbull, Uniter States senator from Illinois, and Theodore Krafft, first mayor of Belleville. The site of Hotel Belleville marks the location of one of Belleville's first log houses which was constructed bv a Mr. Kerr in 1855. Later a Mr. Knoebel erected a fine brick hotel OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 255 there, which in 1844 was razed to make way for the original Belleville House, which remained in use until 1930 when the present hotel was built. The Thomas House stood at the northwest corner of High and Main streets where it was built in 1854, when Belleville had a population of eight thousand, at a cost of $20,000. Its proprietor specialized in vacation trade. It was a rather pre- tentious building, having rooms that were larger than those usually found in hotels, thereby affording better accommoda- tions for those who spent their summer away from St. Louis. Other early rooming and boarding places were the California House, located on the west side of Charles street and South Lincoln; the City Hotel on the southwest comer of West Main and South Third streets; the Farmer's Home on the north side of Main between Church and Charles streets; the Franklin House on the south side of Main near Charles street; the Illinois House on the south side of Main between High and Jackson streets; and the Prudo Hotel located on the southeast corner of Illinois and Washington streets. Besides these there was the Railroad House; the Hinckley House, which is now the present Lincoln Hotel; the Green Tree Hotel; the Hanover House and the Napoleon House. Although classified as hotels, none of these, with the exception of the Belleville House, the Thomas House, and the Hinckley House, were actually that, but rather rooming and boarding houses. With few ex- ceptions they had their wagon-yards where farmers would tie up their horses and teams while in town. Hotel Belleville today is Belleville's leading hotel, with a total of 125 rooms. The Lincoln Hotel has 28. It is undeniably true that no city in Illinois has a more bewildering combination of the old and the new in architecture than ours. Up-to-date bungalows and dwellings over a hundred years old can be found side by side. The use of brick in the construction of the early homes was due to the fact that 256 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS the city abounded in brick manufacturing plants, instead of saw mills, making it, not only the best, but the cheapest construc- tion material available. On January 17, 1844, a movement was started to buy some land for a county home for the poor. Forty acres northwest of Belleville were bought from Henry L. Million for $450. The first building erected here was constructed by George Eckert and Simon Eimer at a cost of $850, and was opened as a poor house on December 5, 1844. John Wright and his wife, its first superintendent and matron, received a salary of $150 a year. The City Park and Theater, after its contruction in 1859, was for many years one of the city's leading places of amuse- ment. It was located at the northwest corner of West A and North Second streets, and at one time was the site of the Heberer Brewery. The City Park Garden, patterned after the European beer gardens, was for many years the gathering place of Belleville's old German families. It was a place of dignity and refinement, and had much of the flavor of "Old Vienna," expressing so typically all that is meant in that German word "Gemuetlichkeit." The theater was the scene of many gay balls where the youth of that day whirled in the waltzes and polkas— the selfsame folks who, today, are the grandparents of our modern jitterbugs. In 1884 the theater was remodeled, having then a seating capacity of one thousand. Later it became known as the Opera House. Shordy after 1900 it was destroyed by fire and had to be abandoned. Later it was replaced by a light wooden structure and called the Garden Theater. Anheuser-Busch Company of St. Louis had bought it in 1895, and at that time it catered to stock companies. After a few successful seasons this too, finally failed and the place became the Budweiser Garden and was used only as a public dancing place. On the east half of this block stood the magnificient home OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 257 of the distinguished citizen and stateman, Adam W. Snyder. It was built in the 1830's and remained the homestead of three generations of his descendants, when it was purchased by Dr. Edward M. Irwin, who later became Republican con- gressman from this district. He, in turn, sold it to the federal government, which erected in its stead the present Post Office Building. In 1910 George P. Stolberg established Belleville's first sum- mer resort. He had bought the deep valley just west of his home, built a dam across the lower part of it and had, as a result, a fifteen acre lake that was as much as 6 feet deep in many places. In June 1902, Christian L. Ebsen, who was at that time the physical culture instructor for the Turner Society, purchased the lake known as Knispel's Lake in the Star Brewery Park. It was one of the most popular resorts for swimming and outings for many years. Later he disposed of it to the Turner Society, which made extensive improvements in making the pool a modern one and in improving the grounds for picnic purposes. In February, 1944, it was sold to Mr. E. J. Somers of the Somers Manufacturing Company. Westhaven Swimming Pool was built by Arthur Buesch. It is located on South Illinois street, just outside of Belleville and next to Westhaven golf course. St. Clair County's first county fair was inaugurated on October 18 and 19, 1854, and from then on it was held yearly until the early part of the 1920's. A modern version of it was revived in 1939, and it has been an annual event since. It was originally organized by the farmers and merchants, who called themselves the St. Clair County Agricultural Society. The first fair was held on the Mascoutah Plank road, south of the stone bridge three-fourths mile south of the Court House. Later a tract of land was bought south of Belleville in the Richland Creek Bottom, east of the present South Illinois street. This 258 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS was given the name of the Belleville Fairgrounds. It was splendidly equipped with all the necessary exhibit buildings, an amphitheatre and a fine race track. Well-kept flower beds were laid out. This attractive spot was also the early place for the annual school picnic, an event which was unsurpassed by any other in Belleville. Fair days to the early citizens were gala ones. For many weeks farmers and their wives prepared and planned on entries that would certainly bring them glory. The Fair was among the best in the state and ten to twenty thousand people attended every year. It was a meeting place for friends and relatives who rarely saw each other more than once a year. The Fair proved so successful that it became necessary to run it an entire week. Thursday was the big day, and as many as seven thousand tickets were sold. People came as far as forty miles by train and horse-drawn vehicles. When the roads were "good" the dust was six inches deep, and when it rained the mud was twice as deep. One of the outstanding events held on Thursday was "The Ladies Driving and Riding Contest." In those days women would not ride astride as they do now, but used a sidesaddle with but one stirrup. Their riding habit consisted of short jacket, a long draped skirt, and a light hat, giving them a picturesque appearance. An annual event of recent years is the Homecoming, sponsor- ed each fall by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. At times it has been held at the Athletic Field, located at South Illinois street and Cleveland avenue. For the last few years it was held on the parking lot between North Illinois and High streets. One of the most successful of these was supervised by Waldo Tisch, who was the general manager of the committee in 1940. In pioneer days people took their politics seriously, and Belleville was no exception, for its citizens entered into all of the campaigns with great enthusiasm. Many spectacular parades were held. Streets were decorated with flags, and business places OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 259 were illuminated, adding color to the occasion. The Republicans and Democrats vied with one another in their ambition to put on the biggest show. One such noted event was the huge demonstration staged by the Republican party on Saturday evening, October 18, 1856. The number taking part in that torch light parade in- cluding those at the speakers stand, was estimated at six thous- and. Lebanon was represented with three hundred, Mascoutah with three hundred, among other cities that sent their delega- tions, each carrying a banner emblazoned with different slogans. One of them read, "We earn the bread we eat, and we eat the bread we earn." There were eight hundred torches carried in the parade, thirty ornamental lanterns on poles; several bands furnished the music and many banners were waved. Seated on the platform with Abraham Lincoln were Lyman Trumbull, William H. Bissell, candidate for governor, and Gustave Koer- ner, speakers on the occasion. On May 23, 1879 a Women's Christian Temperance Union was organized here by Francis Willard, its national leader. Twenty members attended the first meeting, and all signed the charter. It was disbanded in 1881, reorganized on March 16, 1882, and still retains a small membership here. Whereas fatal accidents today receive only passing interest, such was not the case in that of Belleville's first traffic tragedy on June 5, 1911. It occurred when Carl Forst was instantly killed and S. F. McKenney, a sixty-year-old contractor, was seriously injured. McKenney 's car was travelling west on Main street near the Belt Railroad when the machine was struck by a fast westbound suburban street car. On March 10, 1914, the hundredth anniversary of the selec- tion of Belleville as the county seat was duly celebrated. The program began at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon with an in- vocation by the Right Rev. Henry Althoff, after which Gover- nor Edward F. Dunne delivered an address, calling attention 260 OUR CONTRIBUTIONS to the great men who had Hved in this county. Following this, a celebration was held at the Elks Club, at which a bronze tablet which had been placed in the northeast corner of the building marking the spot where the first building in Belleville had been erected, was unveiled. Belleville's population growth has been a uniform one. Ac- cording to United States census statistics it has been as follows: 1850, 2,941; 1860, 7,239; 1870, 8,146; 1880, 10,683; 1890, 13,361; 1900, 17,484; 1910, 21,132; 1920, 24,835; 1930, 28,- 425; 1940, 28,405; and 1950, 32,700. Of its present population, 93^2 per cent of its people are of native white birth, 6 percent are foreign born and one-half of one per cent are negro. It has 7,630 families, living in 6,833 dwellings, of which 4,576 or 67 per cent are privately owned. Its population is a cross section of many nationalities, but those of German descent gready outnumber all others. Democratic institutions, besides giving us political and reli- gious freedom afford every man an equal chance to get along in the world. They have welded us together in an incredibly short time, while still allowing the individual his national dif- ferences in nonessentials. Nothing impresses the foreigner visit- ing our country more than do our fine schools and universities and the rapidity with which immigrants emerge from the melt- ing pot as real Americans. Belleville now represents the result of 145 years of growth. It has never been a boom town, but has reached its population and size through a steady, unaltering advance, which has given it stability. As far as numerical strength of family names is concerned, the Mueller family leads them all. The 1941 edition of Polk's City Directory lists 102 persons by that name. Those next in order were: 100 Millers; 97 Schmidts; 65 Smiths; 59 Johnsons; 37 Browns; 33 Jonesses; and 32 Brauns. Belleville's altitude is from 420 to 630 feet above sea level. OUR CONTRIBUTIONS 261 while that of East St. Louis is but 415 feet. The average tem- perature is 56.3 degrees fahrenheit. The seasonal range is 48.4 degrees, from a Januar)^ mean of 31.9 to a July mean of 89.3 degrees. Thus five months are cool, three are warm and four are hot. The growing season extends from April 4 to October 27, amounting to about 190 days. The mean annual rainfall is 39.7 inches, while the average humidity is 70. The mean annual sunshine is 62 per cent, although four months have more than 70 per cent. Prevailing winds are from the south. This is an average, established by the measurements taken by the govern- ment over a period of 85 years, from 1837-1922. CHAPTER XII Looking Ahead What Makes a Good City 14 1 11 community is a group of people living together in a given locality, and bound together by common interests and common law. A community as a whole will make an effort to be a model one, so that it will be attractive to others, and its citizens will desire to live in no other place. Ever)' community has features which prove to be an asset or a liability. If it is located on a river, it has a natural means of transportation, and thriving trade is likely to develop. Lacking that, it behooves it to provide some other means of transporta- tion, such as highways, and railroads, to and from some large commercial center. This always pays great dividends. The first step toward making a good city is to study the causes which have made the best cities as good as they are. Every citv has its individual peculiarities. No two are identical. The more familiar one is with different cities, the greater a variation is revealed. Clothes, care, entertainment, and interests mav seem similar, but a deeper study of them reveals that these similarities are only skin deep. Some cities are very negligent in their provisions for health, comfort, education, recreation, and other features of good living and well-being. This is partly due to lack of resources, and partly to the inactivity of its citizens to realize what a city can and should be. Its inhabitants fail to compare their city with more progressive ones and LOOKING AHEAD 263 are unaware of what others have accomphshed. On the other hand, there are cities which have nearly attained economic perfection, though many of their residents are ignorant of their good fortune. One of the first lessons that citizens should learn is that it is not only the prevention and the cure of disease, but the preservation of health that is the goal of modern health agencies. To preserve health they must learn to cooperate with all the agencies teaching modern hygiene and sanitation. Some facts relative to the average American city are summed up as follows: 60 per cent of all 16 and 17 year old boys and girls are in school; 23 per cent of the homes use gas; 24 per cent use electricity; 12 per cent have telephones and radios, and the infant death rate for one year is below 63 per thousand. Cities differ greatly in qualities which are vitally important for human living. The chances that a baby will die within a year after its birth are greater in some cities than in others. This is partly due to ignorant and careless parents. It is also due to standards of living which are high or low according to the community's management of its health and sanitation prob- lems. In some cities the infant death rate is five times as great as in others. In some the deaths, per thousand population from typhoid, are over twenty times as great as in others. Standards for health are measured by the general death rate. The better cities are those in which the people have a better chance of living. In 1929, the total national bill for medical care amounted to $3,656,000,000 or about four per cent of the national income, a per capita expense of $30 for every man, woman, and child in the country. The government contends that there should be 142 doctors per 100,000 population, which should give us forty-five. There should be 179 dentists to every 100,000 population, which according to Belleville's popu- lation would amount to fifty-five. Educational standards are measured by the per capita public 264 LOOKING AHEAD expenditure for public schools as a whole, for teachers and their salaries, for text book supplies, for libraries. It is measured also by the percentage of people 16 to twenty years old attend- ing school. A city ranks high educationally when its citizens are given more dollars' worth of educational opportunity and when its youth can remain in school longer. To rank high in recreation a city must consider two things: one, the per capita public expense for recreation; and two, the per capita cost of acreage. Where human problems, the housing program, wages and working conditions, educational and health facilities, are constantly watched and corrected to meet new and progressive social and economic conditions, a better city will be the result. Human needs are the first requisite of any well governed city. Some cities, hoping to improve themselves, have gone into various forms of business enterprises, operating transit systems, electric utilities, gas plants, and even housing projects. In 1938, four-fifths of all cities of more than five thousand population owned some form of public utility. Seventy-two per cent owned their own water works; 15.8 per cent owned their own light plants; 40.7 per cent had sewage disposal plants and 22.5 per cent owned and operated a city airport. Contributing factors towards community welfare are reflected in the lowered rates of mortality from social diseases, homicide, and automobile accidents. It is reflected also in the value of a city's property, its schools, libraries, parks and recreational facilities. It is good to live where there are only a minimum of violent deaths, where, through wisdom and honesty of good administration, liberal provisions have been made for educa- tional, recreational, and health programs, without burdening taxpayers with a heavy debt. As a rule, suburban residential cities are considered preferable, for here homes are located away from the noise and grime of traffic, factories, or railroads. They usually have comfortable homes, large enough to provide comfort for every member of LOOKING AHEAD 265 the family, and they are equipped with modern plumbing, electric lights, gas or electric stoves, central heating systems and all the other conveniences of labor-saving devices. When, in congested districts, homes lack the bare essentials for decent liv- ing, tenements and slums result. Here ten to fifteen people live in two or three small, unsanitary, dark, dingy rooms. In some cities one-fifth, or more, of the total population lives in miserable hovels totally unfit for human habitation. The question then arises, "Why do so many Americans live in poor houses?" The answer is that their income is too low. A city's general welfare depends just as much on wealth and income, as it does on personal,moral, and mental qualities. In determining the mental or moral qualities, the following must be considered : number of persons per thousand graduating from public high schools per year, the per cent of taxes devoted for maintenance of public libraries, the per cent of literacy in the total population, the per cent of literacy among those be- tween ages of 15 to 24, the per capita circulation of public library books, the per capita number of homes owned, the per capita number of telephones, the number of dentists divided by the number of lawyers, the excess of the number of physi- cians, trained nurses, and teachers over the number of male domestic servants, a low per capita number of deaths from social diseases, and a low per capita number of deaths from homicides. Measured by this standard, cities differ vastly. It is indeed a high-ranking community whose citizens live decently, who demand the best in education, who read good books, who spend their personal money to buy a home, who are more concerned about their children's teeth than they are in engaging in a law suit. They insist that public money be wisely spent for teachers, schools, libraries and parks, and they abhor meddling politicians, jails, and lack of law enforcement. Some of the present trends which are impairing residential areas in cities and which constitute so important a part of the 266 LOOKING AHEAD economic structure are: the withdrawal of the population to suburban areas, the emergence of large blight districts, the depreciation of property values, the impairment of tax structures, and the increased cost for police, fire, and welfare services in the worst run-down areas. There is also such a vast difference in living costs in various localities. This, too, is important to the breadwinner, who quite naturally chooses to live where his money buys most. In cities where both wages and salaries are below the average, people fool themselves into believing that their cost of living is lower, when in reality this is not the case. The real fact is that their scale of living is low, and that the citizens live in less com- fortable homes. They eat cheaper qualities of food, wear cheaper clothes, enjoy cheaper entertainment, and have inferior schools. It is not and cannot be, the same life at a lower cost. One gets what one pays for. It is essential that a city maintain a good reputation. Too often it is belitded by would-be writers, who think it is smart to write derogatory articles, exaggerating its weaker points in- stead of extolling its many good ones. Too many people know Pittsburgh, only as the place where "hunkies" make steel, Joliet, Illinois, too often is associated only with convicts. Chicago always conjures up gangsters, while Belleville is too often spoken of deridingly as a litde German village. Let us remember that the good name of a city is as priceless as is the reputation of an individual. It is up to the citizens themselves to maintain the good name of their city by constandy boosting it. Everybody likes the man who is proud of his community and the one whose community is proud of him. To attract outsiders, many cities have adopted city planning. Often financial difficulties of municipalities may be traced to their failure to adopt effective measures for the present and future. City planning holds city expenditures and the direction of its development and growth within the bounds of econo- LOOKING AHEAD 267 mi ical and wise administration. Effective city planning depends upon an understanding of what planning can and should do to protect the standards of living. Effective planning will also stabilize property values. To arouse an interest and to maintain it, the slogan, "It pays to plan," should be adopted universally. No growing community can afford to be without a planning program lest it encourage waste and disorder. A plan- ning program charts the way to order, convenience, safety, com- fort, and beauty. In 1922 there were only 185 cities and towns that practiced city planning. Today there are more than 1700 and there would be many more, were it not for the lack of understanding on the part of the citizens. Present day city planners relegate residential areas to quiet, clean neighborhoods. They lay out a city— its streets, parks, recreation centers, businesses, industrial and residential sections— with the idea of providing the utmost in health, beauty, and convenience for the entire community. HOW TO IMPROVE THIS CITY Recognizing the factors that contribute toward making a city good or bad, we have yet to mention that which makes a city better. Today both industry and business use scientific measurements as an index to their financial condition and well being. No longer do they merely take a casual look to see how things are progressing. Instead they have explicit measurements which indicate clearly and concisely what each department is accomplishing. Cities can do the same. It is important to know what is being done for health, education, character, comfort, security and entertainment. When a tornado sweeps through a community one imme- diately reads about it in the newspapers where it is given much publicity. On the contrary, when an epidemic breaks out, news- papers scarcely mention it, or if they do, it is put on an obscure page. When new homes are built one sees them, but if the 268 LOOKING AHEAD circulation of the public library, or the number of property owners increases, few citizens are aware of it. The following ten-item yardstick, which anybody can apply, will tell fairly accurately how a city measures up in general welfare. Item 1. Get from the health officer the number of deaths per year of infants, ranging from 1 to 365 days, per 1,000 live births. Substract this number from 120 and multiply the result by 2. Cities vary from 20 to 164 points. Item 2. Get from the city treasurer the year's expenditures for the operation and maintainance of the department of re- creation. Divide this amount by the estimated population of the city and take ten times the quotient expressed in dollars. Cities vary from 5 to 40 points. Item 3 Get from the city treasurer the estimated value of all the city's property in the form of schools, libraries, museums, parks and other recreational facilities. Divide the amount by the estimated population of the city, then multiply the result expressed in dollars by 1.25. Cities vary from 72 to 161 points. Item 4. Get from the city treasurer the total value of all public property used for municipal and public services (exclusive of streets and sewers.) Get also the net public debt. Substract the latter from the former, then divide by the population. Enter a credit of one for every $3 per capita excess of property over debt. In case the city owes more than its public property is worth, enter the appropriate negative number. Cities vary from 10 to 46 points. Item 5. Get from the city treasurer or from the superin- tendent of schools, the expenditures for the operation and main- tainance of schools. Do not include capital outlays or payment of interest of school debts. Divide the amount by the population. Multiply number of dollars in the quotient by two, that is, *Your City by E. L. Thorndike, 1940, Harcourt Brace and Co. LOOKING AHEAD 269 enter a credit of one for every 50 cents per capita spent. Cities vary from 23 to 56 points. Item 6. Get from the person in charge of the pubhc hbrary the circulation of books as he would report it to the American Library Association. Divide this number by the city's population. Multiply the result by 5. Cities vary from 11 to 84 points. Item 7. Get from the superintendent of schools the number of persons who graduated from senior high school during the year, and divide this number by the city's population. Multiply the quotient by 14141. Cities vary from 69 to 191 points. Item 8. Get from the superintendent of schools the number of pupils in school who were aged 16 years and no months, to 17 years and 11 months, living in the city at that date and give a credit of one for each per cent. Cities vary from 52 to 92 points. Item 9. Get from the superintendent of the telephone com- pany the number of subscribers. Multiply the number of phones by 333 and divide the product by the city's population, that is, give a credit of one for every three phones per thousand population. Cities vary from 25 to 90 points. Item 10. Get from the power company the number of homes that are supplied with electricity.Multiply by 200 and divide by the city's population. That is, give credit of two for each domestic installation of electricity per 100 population. Cities vary from 30 to 64 points. Add the results of the 10 entries. The total should be be- tween 300 to 1000. The average city totals 575. To improve a city therefore one must begin with the home, with the neighborhood, and with the individual family. Trees should be planted along vacant lots which should be cleaned. Support the neighborhood grocer or he will leave. One must live within one's income, at the same time providing well for one's family. Nothing justifies a loafer, dead-beat, or family deserter. To raise a city's status we must avoid the things that 270 LOOKING AHEAD tend to lower the standard of living. To raise the standard it behooves us to remove our slums because they are wasteful and dangerous, and it is cruel to tolerate them. Suburbs should co-operate with big cities in providing re- creational facilities, even though they have private yards, gardens and country clubs. Better still, they should merge with neigh- boring communities because their territory is contiguous, there- by sharing in the public benefits, which now they are denied, such as sewer and garbage disposal systems, public parks, and reduced insurance rates with added fire protection. A good citizen is as loyal to his city as he is to his family, his church, and his clubs. Even the poorest city protects his person, his property, and educates his children. Few citizens give as much as they receive. Too many take the streets, sewer, water, light, schools, and parks for granted, like so much sunshine and rain. We belong to our city, and it, in turn, belongs to us. A city needs to see itself as it really is, so as to see itself better in the future. Its citizens need to sell it to others and to do so they must believe it is a good one. Always point out its good features instead of emphasizing its short- comings, remembering always that to sell a community to others, its dwellers must be sold on it themselves. Schools may profitably consider extending the distribution of educations so that it will reach all those who crave and de- serve it. Churches may profitably consider the further develop- ment of activities in which they are already engaged. They can increase their support of welfare work, they should maintain a well-balanced budget to provide for the upkeep of the church buildings, the minister, good music, overhead expenses, and charity; there should be a consolidation of churches; the in- creased promotion of spiritual life should be their prime con- cern. If a church fulfills this duty it cannot help but improve the community. Political parties should agree to support and keep out of LOOKING AHEAD 271 politics the impartial recommendations of experts in public health, education, recreation, prevention of crime, prevention of poverty, and general welfare. Business men and manufactures can do much to improve a city. If they pay low wages, it will handicap the schools, churches and clubs. Businessmen should be honest and should protect their customers from paying for lies, flattery, false hopes, and deceptive advertising. In order that a city may remain in a high level, citizens must constantly keep before them the following: 1. How many babies born in the community die during their first year? 2. How many of the boys and girls at 16 or 17 years attend school? 3. How many of its people own their own homes? 4. How fully are the homes provided with electricity? 5. How many have telephone services? 6. How general is illiteracy? 7. How much crime is there? 8. How many of the homes are worth less than $1500, or rent for less than $15 per month? 9. How much is spent for teachers' salaries (per capita)? 10. How well are the residents protected against communicable diseases? Every good citizen must always resolve to do every- thing within his power to improve his community in each of the above mentioned. He must also help in seeing to its clean- liness, beauty, health, order, leisure, and security. It is our solemn duty to transmit the city to the coming gen- erations more beautiful than it was transmitted to us. Let us remember that all the good the past has had, remains to make our own time glad. When we build, therefore, let us think we are building forever; let it not be for present delight, nor for present use alone; let it be such work as our descendents will be grateful for. Let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come, when those stones will be held sacred be- cause our hands have touched them, and that men will say as they look upon the labor and the wrought substance of them, "This our fathers did for us." Bibliography Arnold, Joseph I., Challenges to American Yotith, Row Peterson & Company 1940 Evanston, Illinois Barnes, Ham' Elmer, Society in Trandtion^ Prentice-Hall New York, N. Y. 1939 Beuckman, Frederic, Rev., History of the Dioce'ie of Belle- ville, Buechler Printing Co., 1919 Belleville, Illinois Brink and McDonough, IJi'itory of St. Clair County, Brink,' McDonough Co., 1881 Philadelphia, Pa. HoUman, Frank and John, Atlas of St. Clair County, Buechler Publishing Co., 1936 Belleville, lUinois Lohman, Karl B., A Community-Planning Primer for Illinois, University of Illinois 1935 Urbana, Illinois McCormack, Thomas J., Memoirs of Grtstave Koerner Vol I & 2, The Torch Press. 1909 Capen and Melchior, My Worth to the World, American Book Co., 1937 Chicago, Illinois Dodd and Dodd, Government in Illinois, University of Chicago Press, 1923 Chicago, Illinois Reynolds, John, The Historical and Business Re- view of the City of Belleville, Illinois, Included in Hollands Belleville City Directory for 1868-1869, Webster Publishing Co., 1869 Chicago, Illinois XI xn BIBLIOGRAPHY Ried, J. A., Greater Belleville, The, Ried Publishing Co., Belleville, Illinois 1910 Chamber of Commerce of the United States Balanced Rebuilding of Cities, Washington, D. C. 1937 Thomdike, E. L., 144 Smaller Cities, Harcourt Brace & Co. New York, N. Y. 1940 W. P. A. of Illinois, Americaiu Guide Series, Sponsored hy Henry Horner, A. C. McClurg & Co. 1939 Chicago, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Survey of Belleville, Belleville, Illinois 1927 Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Analysis of Belleville, Belleville, Illinois 1948 Illinois Planning Commission, Looking ahead with Illinois Cities and Villages, Chicago, Illinois 1937 Belleville Daily Advocate Cen- tennial, October 25, 1939 Belleville, Illinois U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Opportimities for City Planning, Washington, D. C. 1934 News-Democrat, St. Clair County Centennial Edi- tion, Souvenir Edition, September 1914 Belleville, Illinois Post-Dispatch, October 5, 1941 St. Louis. Missouri Butts, L. A., Evolution of Belleville Puhlic Schools, Washington University 1931 St. Louis, Missouri Petty, Alvin French, Economic Geography of Belle- ville, Washington, D.C. 1939 St. Louis, Missouri INDEX Abend, Edward 57, 83, 85, 106 Abend, Henry 57 Abend, Joseph 57 Abend, Lena 32 Ackerman, John 198 Adams, John Quincy 59 Advocafe, location of 245 Afflect, Benjamin Franklin 97 Afflecf, James 130 Agricultural Products 184, 185 Alexander, H. A. 92 Althoff, William 116 Althoff, Rt. Rev. H. 128, 129, 135, 158, 259 Altitude 260 American Bottoms 105, 107 American Legion 239 American Notes 253 Andel, Col. Casimier 86 Anderson, Abraham 121 Andrew, James 9 Annual rainfall 261 Architects 147 Aristocratic School 38 Armstrong, C. A. 207 Arnold, Cyril 245 Automobile Regulations 95, 96 Avia Field 229 B Bader, Frank 111 Boer Brothers 189 Baker, Jehu 63, 71, 74, 244 Baker, Margaret 74 Baker, William 74 Bakeries 188, 191 Baldree, C. E., Dr., 45 Boll, Champness 103 Balloon, travel 97, 98 Banks of Belleville 193, 194 Baseball player from Belleville 203 Bauer Brothers 147, 179 Bauer, G. L., Dr., 45 Baoman, Charles, Dr., 45 Beard, William A. 25 Bechtold, August, Dr., 44 Bechtold, Edmond, Dr., 44 Bechtold, John, Dr., 44 Bechtold, Louis J., Dr., 44 Becker, Charles 62 Bedwell, James W. 100, Beese, David 115 Bell, Robert 115 Belleville Academy 38 Belleville Casket Company 183 Belleville City Railway 92 Belleville Coal Analyzed 243 Belleville Daily Advocate 244 Belleville Daily News-Democrat 245 Belleville Fair Grounds 258 Belleville House 89, 255 Belleville Incorporated 1850, 248 Belleville, J. D., Dr. 45 Belleville Literary Society 139 Belleville Public Library 77, 122, 123, 151, 152 Belleville Saengerbund and Library Society 154 Belleville Post 248 Belleville 21 Belleville Shoe Factory 182 Belleville-Smithton Rood 97 Belleville Township High School 69 Bellevue Park 216, 217 Bennett, Jerry 3 Bennett, Timothy 48 Benton, Thomas Hart 49, 59 Berchelmann, Dr. Adolph 42, 43, 153 Biggs, William 9 Billing, Joseph 32 xm xrv INDEX Bischof, Jacob, Sr., 118 Bischoff, L. A., Dr., 45 Beske, Arthur, Dr., 45 BIssell, Mrs. Elizabeth 69 Bissell, William H. 62, 68, 69, 253 Black Hawk War 73, 74, 236 Blair, George 22, 48, 67, 118, 119 Blockhouses 236 Blue Goose Motor Coach Co. 99 Board of Education 147, 149, 206 Board of Public Works 65 Boelte, Miss Marie 141 Bond, Shadrach 13 Boneau, Ben 247 Bornman, Conrad 83 Breese, Judge 59, 60 Breitwieser, Arnold 100 Brethauer, H. A., Dr., 45 Breweries 164, 166 Brick, early use 255 Brickyard operators 172 Brodt, S. E. 97 Brooks, Rev. John B. 39 Brosius, Geiss Co. 169, 170 Brosius, Jacob 80, 81 Brosius, John 209 Bfownlie, Arthur R., Dr., 45 Brua, Henry 140 Bruss, Fred 111 Bryan, William Jennings 251 Buchonan, William 169 Budde, Rev. F. B. 136 Budweiser Garden 256 Buechler, Albert 188 Buechler, Joseph 188 Boesch, Arthur 257 Buechler Printing Co. 188 Building Committee, St. Peters 128 Building Contractors 120 Bunsen, George 41, 78, 79, 137, 152 Burcl.ardt, H. 170 Burnett, James 206 Burns, Frank S. 198 Busch, Adolphus 173 Business establishements 195, 198 Butzinger, Raymond 115 Bott, Frank 115 Bowdern, Rev. Thomas 158 Eoyakin, William F. 246 Boyd, James L. 242 Brauer, Eugene 102, 103 Braun, Charles 111 Braunersreuther, William 238 Cahokia 120 Cahokias-lndian tribe 1 Cahokia-Surrender 5 Cains, Jacob 23 Cornfield, Emma 32 Canning Companies 182 Carlin, Gov. Theo. 153 Carriage Works 189, 190 Cartwright, Alexander 201 Case, Col. W. 37 Case Company, J. I. 182, 183 Cathedral High School 136 Catholics 2 Catholic families, early 127 Centerville Avenue 56 Central School 146 Chamber of Commerce 185, 216 Chambers, Nathan 23 Chandler, S. B. 117 Chapman, Elijah 160 Chicago 13 Cliouinard, John 111 Churches today 123, 126, 177 Cigar Manufacturers 163 Circuit Riders 130 Citizens duty 271 City Council 110, 113 City Hall 72 City official salaries in 1844, 249 City officials today 250 City Superintendents 143 City Park Garden 256 City Park Theatre 251 Civic Investment Trust association 183, 185 Civic Organizations 213, 214 Civil War 74, 77, 85, 237 Clark Brothers 94 Clark, George Rogers 5, 7, 236 Clark, T. C. 244 Clay, Henry 58, 60 Cleaning and Dying establishment 192 Clinton Hill 37, 63, 64 Clyne, Arthur A., Dr., 45 Coal discovered 242, 243 Cool Oil inspector 249 Coal production 242 Cody, William 251 Coghlan, Joseph B. 238 Communications school 234 INDEX XV Communify, definition of 262 Early Hotels 255 Conroy, C. R., Dr., 45 Early politics 258 Continental Army 5 East St. Louis and Interurban Railway Cook, Daniel P. 49 99 Correspondence school 235 East St. Louis - Settlement 5 Coulter, James S. 244 East St. Louis and Suburban Railway County Home 256 Company 93, 94, 96, 99 Court House 3, 118 Ebsen, Christian L. 257 Cox and Roberts 168 Eckert, George 256 Crocker, Earl 100 Eddy Paper Corporation 183, 184 Cron-thal 80 Edgar, John 11 Crow, Leslie 245 Edwards, Charles 39 Crown Mill 161, 162 Edwards, Ninian 23, 48, 55, 62, 64, Curtis biplane 98 65, 67, 69 Custis, Martha 5 Edwards party 65 Edwards party, anti 65 D Ehret, Henry 176 Eimer, Charles 32 Daab, Fred 32 Eimer, Simon 53, 165, 256 Daehnerf, C. 134 Election 1840, 251 Daesch, Raymond 111 Elks Club 260 Daily Advocate 71 Elliot Liquor Store 58 Daughters of American Revolution 69 Ellis, C. P. 40 Davis, Irvin W., Dr., 45 Engelmonn, Adolph 5>7 , 103 Davis, Jefferson 68 Engelmann, Friedrich 83 Dawes, Alexander G. 245 Engelmann, George, Dr., 57 Day, John A. 93, 172 Engelmann, Sophie 58 Day Line 93 Engelmann, Theo. 152 Debs, Eugene 254 Enochs, Issoc 23 Decker, Wilhelm 153 Erhardt, William 40 Deep Wells 106 Esler and Ropiquet Co. 169 Deknent, Charles 110 Esfes, Dr., 48 Denlinger, William 246 Estes, James P. 100, 103 Dennis, John H. 39, 62, 71 Evans, Fred E. 245 Deobold, Henry C. 95 Eversull, Rev. Dr. Frank 124 DeSoto 1 Eyman, Abraham 21 Dexheimer, Herbert, Dr., 45 Dickens, Charles 59, 263 F Dietz, George 174 Differences in Cities 262, 265 Falcetti, Edward 111 Dobson, Reese 115 Fallon, Rev. Msgr. John F. 129, n.5 Duvall, R. E. Mayor 96, 97 Family names 260 Doctor fees 44 Farmer, Orena 148 Dog catcher 249 Feder, N. H., Dr., 45 Douglas, Stephen A. 60, 61, 254 Federal Barge Line 100 Dress plants 183 Feickert's Bakery 121, 188 Dunne, Edward F. 259 Fellner, Peter 192, 193 Ferguson, Mrs. B. H. 147 E Fincke, Miss Ruth 149 Finklein, John 111 Eads Bridge 91, 102 Fike, Nathan 48 Eads, James B. 39 Fire Department 108, 111 Eagle Foundry 175, 176 Fire prevention week 111 XVI INDEX First Church of Christ Scientist 121 First coal mine 243 First County Fair 257 First traffic tragedy 259 Flock, Max 202 Flannery, James 9 Fleischbein, Adolph G. 202 Fleischbein, Jacob 82, 164 Fleming, Edward 244 Fleming, P. K. 51 Fleming, Robert K. 244 Fleming, William 244 Fletcher, Art 202 Flickinger, Rev. William 132 Floods 55 Florists of Belleville 190, 191 GALLEY 3 Football players 204, 205 Fort Chartres 4 Fouke, Jacob 90 Fouke, Phillip B. 40 Fouke, Philip S. 69, 244 Foundries 166, 167, 175, 178 Frank, W, 140 Franklin School 140 Frons, J. 140 Fraternal Organizations 213 Freeburg Avenue 56 French - education, etc. 3 French and Indian War 4 Friedii, F. J. 148, 203, 207 Frontier life and dress 17, 20 Gallaher, Rev. James 131 Gallup, William 37 Geissener Immigration Association 78 Geist, Jacob 80 General Headquarters of Air Forces 233 Germans, early 85, 86 German immigrants 57, 75 German Library Society 77 German pioneers 86 Glen Addie 65 Goedeking, Henry 26, 40 Goforth, William Gale, Dr., 43 Good citizens, value of 270 Good Roads Booster Club 97 Gooding, Cornelius 25 Grade schools 141, 143 Grant, Ulysses S. 61, 71, 237 Gratiot, Charles 42 Graul, Miss Mary 126 Graves, Richard 103 Great Western Mail Route 101 Green, Joseph, Dr., 43 Groom, Bob 202 Groom, Charles 115 Growing season 261 Gruenewald, Monsignor M. J. 129, 158 Gundloch Machine Works 174 Gundlach, Philip M. 167, 168 H Hackenbruch, Emil 111 Haines, W. F., Dr., 45 Halberf, R. A. 246 Hall, Dr. Hal O. 148 Hancock, Dr., 43 Hangar, first 231 Harper, L. C. 96 Harpstreits, Ted 207 Harrison, Charles 32 Harrison, Hugh 32, 168 Harrison, Theophilus 169 Harrison, Thomas 46, 161, 253 Harrison, William Henry 11 Hart, Frank 111 Hartman Brothers 50 Harvey, G. A. 246 Haskins, Jack T., Dr., 45 Hassoll, Clarence 115 Howes, F. M. 245 Hoy, John 23, 25, 72, 73, 103 Heothcothe, Cliff 202, 203 Hecker, Colonel Frederich 2, 4 Heiligenstein, P. C, Dr., 45 Heinfelden, Curt 157, 246 Heinzelman, A. C. 109 Heinzelman Brothers 130 Heinzelman, George 109 Heinemonn, Henry A. 118 Hempel, C. R. Rev. 97 Henke, Ewold 111 Henkemeyer Cigar Factory 181, 182 Henkemeyer, Martin 164 Hepp, Eugene G. 149 Hertel, Charles 27 Herzler and Henniger Machine Works 174 Hess, William 110 High School teachers 148 INDEX xvn Highway Thirteen 99 Hildenbrandt, J. C. 153 Hilgard, Edouard 152 Hilgard, Frifz, Sr., 152 Hilgard, George E. 239 Hilgard, Theodore 81, 82, 152 Hilgard, Offo 153 Hinckley, Maria 72 Hinckley, Russell 161, 193 Hock, Edword 111 Hodo, Monroe 115 Hoeffken Brothers 179 Hoffmann, George Engelbert 21, 64 Holcomb, Clarence 111 Home Circle 32 Homecoming 258 Homeier, William 248 Horseless carriage 94, 95 Hotel Belleville 255 Hotel, National 48 Hough, C. R., Dr., 45 How to improve our city 267 Huber Family 127 Hughes, James W. 85, 103 Hughes, Sheriff John D. 26 Hume, William 134 Hundredth anniversary 259 I Ice Companies 192 Illinois 12, 13, 242 Illinois Central 99 Illinois - Settlement of 1 Illinois Territory 11 Illinois Fire Company 108 Illinois volunteers 109 Imbs, J. F, 162 Imbs Milling Company 161, 178 Importance of City planning 267 Industries 186, 187 Ingersoll, Robert G. 251 Ingram, Rev. James V. 133 Intelligencer Blatt 248 Irwin, Dr., Edward M. 257 Isselhard, R. M., Dr., 45 Ittner, Anthony 172, 173 Jaeckel, Fred, Dr., 45 Janis, Professor 98 Jansen, Bishop John 129 Jeffrey, Oscar 115 Johnson, Fred 115 Johnson, Pearl 148 Johnson, Preston K. 245 Johnson, Richard M. 251, 252 Johnson, Sir William 5 Joliet, Louis 2, 4, 6 Jones, Rogers D. 240 Joseph, Oliver 208 Joseph, R. J., Dr., 45 Joyce, Professor 98 Julleis, Edward 245 Junior High School 143 K Kaltenbrown, Herbert 115 Kansas - Nebraska Bill 70 Karch, John 148 Korstens, Wallace C, Dr., 45 Kaskaskia 12, 64 Kaskaskia - Indians 1 Kaskaskia - Settlement 3 Kaufmann, Herbert 150 Koye, Raymond J., Dr., 45 Kellermann, Gustav 154 Kempff, Louis 238 Kensinger, Richard 111 Kern, Fred J. 118, 247 Kerr, Joseph 49 Kimball, G. F. 245 Kimber, T. H. 131 Kindergarten Association 140 Kindergarten Private School 38 Kinsen, E. P. Captain 97 Kinney, William 64, 65, 69 Kircher, Joseph 154 Kirkwood, Andrew 115 Klemme, Gottlieb 176 Klincar, Paul 115 Kloess Brick Company 175 Klotz, Philip 111 Kluge, Emil 115 Knab, Fanny 32 Knispel Lake 257 Knobelock, Thomas 170 Koehler, Rev. B. J. 133 Koerner, Gustav 57, 63, 69, 91, 152, 154, 157, 220, 259 Koerner, Mrs. Gustav 141, 147 Kohl, Emil J. 128 Kohl, George 128 Kraft, F. W. 247, 248 Kraft, Theodore J. 140, 154, 217 INDEX Krimmel, Louis 169 Kroenig, Milton 115 Kubitschek, John D., Dr., 45 Kuensfer, Rev. Joseph 127 Kuhn, F. AA., Dr., 45 Kurrus, Richard 115 Lobor Unions 198, 200 Lofayelte, General 251 loke Christine 106 lake Lorraine 106 lambrechf, A. 94 lange, H. L., Dr., 45 Lanmann, Everett, Dr., 45 La Salle 2 Latin Peasants 82 Lawrence, George 115 Lebanon Avenue 56 Lebanon - Silver Ore 3 Le Clerc College 136 Le Coq, Sophie 79 Ledergetber, Joseph 153 lee. Rev. J. W. 129 Lehman, Elmer 115 Lehr, Jacob 40 Lemen, James Rev. 21, 23, 130 Leunig, I. A. Jr., Dr., 45 Leunig, I. A. Sr„ Dr, 45 Liberals 57 Liederkranz Hall 32 Liederkranz Society 211 lienesch, John Thomas 65 Liese Lumber Company 180 Lincoln, Abraham 61, 77, 251, 254, 259 Lincoln Hotel 39, 72 Lincoln School 140 Lincoln Theater 51 List, Clarence 111 Liverpool 73 log Cabin 28, 29 Logan, General John A. 61 Looking Glass Prairie 253 lorey. Miss Johanna 142 lorey, William 40 Louisville and Nashville 99 Lucky, Enoch 87 luthern Church School 38 Lyon, Annie 63, 64 Lyon, Matthew 21, 63 M Magin, Walter 115 Mangelsdort, Rev. 136 Mann, Horace 150 Manring, Clarence A. 149 Mansion House 51, 253 Marquette, Jacques 2, 4, 6 Market House 117, 118, 248 Marshall, Thomas R. 251 Martin, C. L., Dr., 45 Martin, G. R., Dr., 45 Mascoufah Avenue 56 Mascoufah Plank Road 257 Mass, first 127 Matfison, Governor 79 Mayors of Belleville 250 McAdam 90 McBride, William J. 253 McCarty, Richard 5 McClintock, William 37 McClurc, Samuel 9 McCullough, J. J., Dr., 45 McEvers, Williams 115 McLaughlin, Robert 54, 55 McRogers, George 32 Mears, William 54, 55 Medicine Mon 41, 42 Medicines 43 Melrose, James, Dr., 43 Memorial Fountain 215, 216 Merck, Karl, Sr., 187 Mertens, William, Jr., 115 Mertens, William, Sr. 115 Merritt, James W. 244 Merritt, Wesley 238 Messenger, John 21, 23, 37, 62, 65 Metchigans - Indian tribes 1 Mexican War 68, 71, 74, 237 Meyer, Rev. Charles 127 Meyer, George E., Dr., 45, 149 Meyer, Joseph 127 Meyer Pants Company 182 Middiecoff, Frank 169 Miller, Rev. Joseph 129 Miller, Percy 115 Miller, Wallace 115 Million, Henry L. 256 Millitizer, Henry G. 103 Ministers today 125, 126 Minor Construction Company 179 Mississippi River 100, 102, 105, 107 Missouri River 100 INDEX Mitchell, James 62, 71, 103, 117 Mitchell, William, Sr., 43 Model School 57. 58 Mo«ssinr)cr, Fred 115 Monk, C. A. 130 Monks Mound 10 Montague, E. J. 245 Mooring Mast 231 Morning Record 248 AAorrison, Col. J. I. D. 65, 69, 85, 101, 246 Mueller. William 21 Mullett, Clarence 115 Music in Belleville 209, 212 N Nofzigcr, Fred 207 Noil Mills 171, 172, 180, 181 National Hotel 51 Nebgen, Albert 111 Needles, Jos. H., Dr., 45 Nehrkorn, Mrs. Dorothy 142 Nesbit, Francis W., Dr., 45 Neuhoff, A. D., Dr., 45 Neuhoff House 252 New Design 37 New Madrid earthquake 18 News-Democrat, early location 246, 247 Nlles, Nathaniel 70, 71, 244 Noble, William D. 25 Norbet, Paul, Dr., 45 Northwest Territory 8 Noted visitors 251 Notre Dame Academy 135, 136 Parent-Tcochers Association 213 Paro, H. G. 209 Paule, Hugo 115 Paxon, James 1 1 1 Peck, Rev. J. M. 131 Pensoneau, Elienne 48 Peoria Indians 1 Perrin, Frank N. 80 Perrin, J. Nick 67 Pestalozzi, Father 78, 79 Peters, Elmer 149 Phillips, George I. 94 Phillips, Rev. Russell 124 Piggot, Captain James 87 Pinet, Father 2 Pioneers 62 Pioneer dress 29, 31 Pioneer social life 31, 33 Police deportment 111, 115 Poniske, Melvin 1 15 Pontiac 5, 251 Pope, Nathaniel 12 Population 260 Portland Cement Association 97 Portuondo, Miss Sylvia 147 Post office 102, 104 Postal Rates 100, 101 Prairie Du Pont 4 Presbyterian Church, eafly 122 Priester, Frank 216 Priester's Park 216 Primm, John 21 Proclamation of 1763 4, 8 Public Square 25, 77 Purple Swan Coach Co. 99 Oakland Foundry 176, 177 O'Brien, John 127 Ochs, F. A., Dr., 45 Odd Fellow Building 72 Ogle, Benjamin 9 Ogle, Joseph 9 Ogle, Samuel 161 Ogle Station 98 Ohio River 100 Opp, Louis 103 Ostlongenberg, Rev. C. H. 128, 135 Otrich, G. C, Dr., 45 Ottawa Indian tribe 5 Owens, Jewel 148 Q Quebec 73 Quick, Moses 160 Raab, E. P., Dr., 154 Raab, Henry 41, 62, 79, 157 Raab, Mrs. Henry 141 Randall, Peter Wilklns, Dr., 42 Randleman, Martin 21 Rangers 236 Rapier, Richard 161 XX INDEX Rauth, E. L, Dr., 45 Rauth, Walter 206 Rayhill, Mrs. Florence 130 Reconstruction Period 70 Record Printing and Advertising Co. 188 Redman, Jackson 219 Reeb, Phillip 96 Reineke, Mrs. Amelia 127 Reiss, Fred 154 Ries, Rev. J. 128, 132 Renal, Dr., 42 Renault, Phillip 3 Renner, C. P., Dr., 45, 208 Rentchler, Anna 32 Rentchler, Dave 32 Rentchler, Louis 32 Reputation of a city 266 Resch, Frank 111 Residential areas 265 Revolution of 1830, 75 Revolution of 1833, 78 Reuss, Adoiph, Dr., 153 Reynolds, James M. 103 Reynolds, John 25, 49, 60, 62, 66, 67, 69, 85, 88 Rhein, Sophia 212 Richland Creek 48, 105, 106, 160, 161, 169, 225, 226 Richland Mill 174 Riesenberger, Frank 115 Ringold, John 103, 161 RItzheimer, Earl 111 Robertson, D. R., Dr., 45 Rock Road 96, 97, 111 Rodenmeyer, Edward 111 Rodenmeyer, Wilbur 111 Rodenberg, W. A. 118 Rogers, Robert 246 Roman, William, Dr., 43 Rombauer, Mrs. August 147 Rombauer, Edgar 62 Rose, Fred, Dr., 45 Rose, Wm. F., Dr., 45 Roth, L. W., Dr., 45 Rubber Cow 232 Ruebel, Walter 115 Runways 233 Russell, Alexander B. 246 Russell, William J, 247 Rutherford, William 115 Rutz, Edward 62 Sadorf, Frank 192 Saucier, Francois 3 Sauer, Robert 1 1 1 Sargent, Charles 103 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur 10 St. Clair County 10, 11 St. Clair County Agricultural Society 257 St. Clair County Fair 258 St. Clair County Court House 119, 120 St. Clair County Turnpike 93 St. Clair Gazette 244 St. Clair Tribune 72 St. Clair Volunteers 109 St. Elizabeth's Hospital 157, 158, 159 St. Henry's College 136 St. John's Orphanage 65 St. Louis - Settlement 5 St. Louis Turnpike 84 St. Paul's Church 38, 132 St. Peter's Cathedral 127, 129 St. Peter's Sand 105 Schaefer, Edwin M. 232 Scheel, John 57, 253 Scheve, Julius 152 Schiller, Edward 245 Schilling, A. D., Dr., 45 Schlesinger, Norman 111 Schlott, William 176 Schmidt, A! R. 245 Schmidt, H. G. 147, 148, 207 Schmitt, Mrs. Phillip 127 Schmitz, Erwin 111 Schmitz, Floyd 111 Schools 34, 41 Schatt, Anton, Dr., 152, 157 Schroder, Henry C. G. 142 Schwarz, Hanz 248 Schwind, Herbert 215 Scotland 73 Scott Field 103, 104 Scott Field, Commander of 230 Scott Field, completness of 235 Scott Field, construction of 229 Scott Field, measles at 230 Scott Field, named 229 Scott Field, need for 229 Scott Field road 232 Scott Field saved 232 Scott, Jasper 169 Scott, Joseph 67, 68 INDEX XXI Scoft, William Jr., 23 Sears, Roebuck 96 Sehlinger, Anfon 173, 174 Seller, Emil 111 Semmelrofh, August 188 Semmelrolh, Herman 103 Settlers from Virginia 75 Seven years' war 4 Shenandoah dirigible 231 Shepherd, Elihu 38 Shields, James 62, 70, 73, 74 Shoal Creek 101 Short, Jacob 23, 48 Shoupe, W. H. 246 Sickman, Theodore 126 Silver Creek 48 Silver ore 3 Simonin, Norman 115 Sinclair 38 Sintzel, A. R., Dr., 45 Slade, James P. 62, 72, 254 Small 83 Small pox 44 Smith, Dr., 42 Smith, John 115 Snyder, Adam W. 54, 55, 257 Snyder, William 103 Snyder, Mrs. William H. 141 Sopp, Philip H. 103 Southern Roilroad 99 Spanish - American War 238 Sparks, Jared 152, 153 Star Brewery Park 257 State Militia of Illinois 73 Staufenbiel, Mrs. F. J. 154 Stein, Ernst 150 Steingoetter, Mrs. Bessie 142 Stellwagen, 78 Sterling, Miss Ruth 142 Sterthman, Raymond 115 Steuernagel, Bella 156 Stoelzle, Fidel 165 Stolberg, George P. 257 Sfolberg Lake 257 Stolle, Anna L. 245 Stookey, Daniel 62 Strauss, J. B. 93 Streck Brothers 181 Stuart, A. C. 54 Stuart, Alphonso C. 48 Stuart, E. R. 246 Suburbs 270 Swift, Professor L. 132 Tabor, Hubert 205 Taft, William H. 251 Togeblatt Und Arbeiter Zeitung 248 Tammarois - Indian tribe 1 Tannehill, James 51 Tannehill Hotel 48 Tannehill, Raechel 48, 162, 163 Taylor, Francis M. 103 Teachers, early 138 Telephone Companies 191, 192 Temperature 261 Tennis at B.T.H.S. 207 Territory of Illinois 7 Territorial Post Office 100 Teter, John 62 Thebus, John 118 Thespian Club 211 Thomas, John E. 103, 117, 245 Thomas, J. H. 245 Thomas, Colonel John 73 Thompson, Amos 208 Thompson, Cyrus 73, 103, 118, 169, 208 Thompson, Fred 1 1 1 Thome, Russell 150 Tisch Monument Works 184 Todd, John 7 Torch Light Parade 259 Tornado of 1938, 228 Towers, Al 199 Transylvania University 58 Trap shooting 203 Treaty of Paris 4, 7 Treu Bund 248 Trumbull, George 84 Trumbull, Lyman 62, 69, 84, 259 Turkey Hill 137 Turner Society 257 Twain, Mark 253 Twitchell, B. E., Dr., 44 Twilchell, Standlee, Dr., 44, 45 Turner, William 38 Tyndale, Sharon 103 U Undertaking establishments 190 Underwood, Joseph B. 71 Underwood, William H. 71 Underwood, William J. 246 xxn INDEX Union Fire Company 109 U.S.O. 240 V Vollis, John 9 Van Cleve, Collins 245 Variation in living costs 266 Veterans of Foreign Wars 239 Vicksburg, battle of 71 Village Board 108, 109 Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 109 Von Lengerke, Matilda 79 W V/addel, David 9 Wade, John 111 Wagner, A. W., Dr., 254 Wagner, M. W., Dr., 45 Wallace, Henry 251 Walta, Robert 111 Walton, W. H., Dr., 45 Wangelin, Evans H., Dr., 44 Wangelin, Herman G. 80, 102, 103 Wangelin, Colonel Hugo 102, 103 Wangelin, Hugo E., Dr., 44 Wangelin, Irwin H. 102, 103 War of 1812, 47, 236 Washington, George 5 Washington School 140 Water system 103, 108 Water Tower Hill 107 Waugh Mills 171 Weber, Herman G. 106, 155 Weber, John 142 Weeden, T. C. 245 Wehrle, Fredericka 126 Weingaertner, Jacob 154 Weir, M. W. 127 Weir, Sophie 127 Wellinghoff, J. L. 100 West Belleville 226, 227 West, B. J. 62 West, Jr., Washington, Dr., 44 Westhaven Swimming Pool 257 Wheat 46 Wheeler, J. E., Dr., 45 Whigs 70 White, Charles O., Dr., 45 White, James 9 Whiteside, Jacob 161 Whiteside, Captain William 9, 66 Whiteside, Uel 10 Wick, Bernard 154 Wiggins Ferry Company 87 Wilbret, C. L., Dr., 45 Wilbret, M. E., Dr., 45 Wilderman, M. N., Dr., 45 Wilding, Peter 85 Wilkie, Wendell 251 Wilkinson, Ed. P. 25 Wilkinson, Edmond 161 Willard, Francis 259 Willoughby, James A. 245 Willoughby, James B. 32, 103 Wilson, C. S., Dr., 45 Wilson, Edward 111 Winkler, T. J., Dr., 45 Wold, Fritz A. 152 Wolf, Herman 152 Woodworth, Charles, Dr., 43 Wolleson, Mr. A. M. 155, 156 Women's Christian Temperance Union 144 Women's Temperance Union 259 Wood, Leonard W., General 251 Woods, John 245 World War I, 77, 238 World War II, 239 Wrestling at B.T.H.S. 207 Wright, Rev. J. G. 134 Wright, John 256 Wyott David 27 Zeiler, Aaron 163, 164 Zeitung Und Stern 248 Zinser, Emil 111