LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN q977.387 C239h T . H . 8 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theff, mufilotion, and underiining of boolci or. reosoni for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF lUlNOIS lIBRARr AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN "X/c-W^ I J> HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF GREENVILLE, ILLINOIS. Being a Brief Review of the City from the Time of its Founding to Date COMPILEP AND EDITED WILL C. CARSON ILLUSTRATED PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. PUBLISHED BY THE LeCRONE press. EFFINGHAM. ILL. 1905 BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF GREENVILL' FOREWORD fJV presenting this little volume to the cnttcal gaze of the people of Greenville, the author fully realizes that there are many of her citizens who arc better equipped by ten- ure of years and by ripe experience to lay bare the story of her life and growth. Che tash of assembling the historical data has been a great one, but when once assembled, the work of confining it to a vol- ume the size of this, without losing sight of the essential facts, was even greater. In order to confine the story of Greenville to a volume of this size it became necessary to treat the subject in a general way. Chis was never intended to be a biographical record, but a history of Greenville could not be written without frequent illusions to many of her citizens who have contributed materially to her growth, perhaps mention of some of these has been omitted. If so, it is unintentional. Che illustrating of this book has been conducted by Mr. Byron K. LeCrone, of effingham, and Mr. Lon S. Matherly, of Tandalia. 'Che people of Greenville have responded most gener- ously in many ways to make this work a success. Co single out any one individual, or, for that matter, any dozen individuals, as having given valuable assistance in this work, would be to over- look scores of others, who have done equally as much. Of course there have been some who have contributed vastly more than others in its compilation, but to the whole people we are indebted for whatever measure of success this little book attains and to them we wish to express our sincere appreciation. «iill C. Carson. Greenville, Illinois, December 15, 1905. -M^. LINOIS. AS IT APPEARED IN 1905 ■«<,- -t •'•TT: '« S £ •- Greenville's Carnegie Lihraky Erected in. the vcar 1905 at a cost of $11,000. BOXU COUNTY SOLDIERS' MONUMENT Unveiled September 19, 1903. A Condensed History of Greenville, Illinois BY WILL C. CARSON. COUNTLESS changes have taken place in the ninety years that have elapsed since a lone log cabin, on the brow of the hill at the west end of present Main Avenue, constituted the whole of Greenville. In those good old days of IS 15, when Greenville was young, the public road ran past the cabin, and down the hill, and, crossing the creek at the Alton ford, was swal- lowed up by the forest. Truthfully to relate how Green- ville, from that rudely constructed log cabin, steadily advanced through the years and has earned her place on the map, and how she has been evolved from the forest primeval into a bustling city of twentieth century attainments, is to tell again the story of the unspeakable hard- ships of the pioneers, and of the de- termination of the settlers, who fol- lowed them. It was ninety years ago that a sturdy pioneer, by name George Davidson, attracted by the rolling hills and clear spring water, set about to clear the forest and make himself a home, and. camping on the edge of the big ravine that yawns about the western confines of the town, he paved the way for a "Greater Greenville." The history of Greenville, the third and present county seat of Bond county, is so closely inter- woven with the history of the coun- ty itself, that a slight digression is here and now pardonable, that we may, at the outset, note the begin- nings of the then new country of the Northwest Territory, of which Bond county, and by inference. Greenville, formed no insignificant part. Wrested from the clutches of Great Britain by the indomitable will of George Rogers Clark, to whom we of today owe a mighty debt of gratitude, the Illinois coun- try became a county of Virginia in 177S and so remained until the deed of session of 17S4, and from that time on the great territory of Illi- nois was pared down until it reach- ed its present dimensions, and the great, overgrown county of Bond, that then extended to the shores of Lake Michigan, the fifteenth county to be formed, gave generously of its territory to the formation of Mont- gomery, Fayette and Clinton coun- ties: in fact so liberally that it was finally compelled to borrow from Madison, in sheer self-defense, find- ing itself shaved down to its present Old Brick House which, until recent- ly stood at the corner of Main and Si.xth. Ft was the home of Samuel White and the first postotfice was kept therein. One of the iirst hous- es budt in Greenville. unpretentious dimensions. Beyond a doubt the spirit of broad-minded- ness and liberality that now charac- terizes the county and city was born of that period. Bond county was organized in ISlC an I was named for Shadrach Bond, the first governor of Illinois. It was one of the original fifteen counties represented in the Consti- tutional Convention of 181S. Thos. Kirkpatrick and Samuel G. Morse represented the county in the con- vention that formed the first state constitution. At this election for conventioners there were three can- didates, Morse, Kirkpatrick and Martin, although but two were to be elected. The issue was slavery or no slavery. Morse and Kirkpatrick were against slavery but Martin was non- committal. Some lively Tennessee- ans concocted a scheme to ascertain Martin's views. They called him to one side and told him that they, as well as some of their friends In Tennessee, wanted slavery admitted so that they might bring their slaves here. Their plan was successful, for Martin said, "Boj-s, don't say anything, but I am for slavery." The boys did say something, how- ever, and Martin was defeated. George Davidson, founder of Green- ville, was one of the clerks at this election. In giving of her territory and in being represented at the first con- stitutional convention. Bond county is justly entitled to be denominated one of the corner stones on which has been laid the superstructure of present day prosperity of the great northwest. Cyki's Hikge. Deceased. Greenville Merchant in 1824. early Settlements. p ERMANENT settlement of Bond ' county was made prior to ISll, but the exact date is not fixed. Mrs. Elizabeth Harbour, who lived at Chatham, Illinois in 1S90, declared that her family settled near Green- ville in 1808, and that there had been white settlers before them. The lady named Isaac Hill, Tom Ratan, Billy Jones, John Pinley and Henry Cox as having been here at that time. It is an established fact that settlement was made at Hill's Fort in the summer 1811. This fort covered an acre of ground and was situated on the present farm of John O'Byrne, eight miles southwest of present Greenville. The mother of James H. White, of Greenville, was an inmate of this fort, her father having taken her there for safety. In early days the Indians made annual incursions into the country in and around Greenville. They usually came in the autumn, because they then could get game and corn on which to subsist. A mile and a half south of Hill's Fort was Jones' Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Fort, built about the same time. These two feeble bands of settlers, at that time, composed the entire population of Bond county. These forts were not only a place of de- fense but the residence of the fam- ilies belonging to the neighborhood. The stockades, bastions, cabins and block house walls had port holes at proper heights and distances. The whole of the outside was made £.b- solutely bullet proof and the fort was built without the use of a single nail or spike. Some families were so attached to their farms that they remained on them as much as possible, de- spite the constant danger of an Indian attack. In the event of the approach of Indians, an "express" from the fort was sent out to arouse the settlers, who at once hastened to the stockade and thus it often happened that the whole number of families belonging to a fort, who were in the evening at their homes, were all in the fortress before dawn the next morning. During the suc- ceeding day their householl effects were brought in by parties of armed men sent out for that purpose. Some families were more foolhardy or adventurous than others and in spite of every remonstrance they would remain on their farms, or, if in the stockade, would return pre- maturely to their property, thus en- dangering their lives. 'Cht Cox Massacre. THE Cox massacre is frequently confused with the killing of Henry Cox and his son, south of Greenville, by the Indians. Henry Cox and his son were killed and by Indians, but the Cox massacre, which is eommemorateJ by a monu- ment in the country west of Green- ville, was the occasion of the death of another Cox, and the taking into captivity of a young woman. The Cox family moved from near Alton and settled north of Poca- hontas a distance of two miles. They had been there two or three years and were building a horse mill at the time of the murder, which was on June 2, ISll. Several Indians of the Pottawattomie tribe, having heard a considerable amount of money was in possession of the fam- ily went to the cabin while the father and mother were away. They killed the son, cutting out his heart an! placing it on his head. They then threatened his sister, Rebecca Cox. who had been a witness of the terrible deed, with a like vengeance, unless she revealed the hiding place of the money. The girl went to a chest, and fumbling around in it, in order to conceal the principal packages, handed them a small par- cel, which they accepted. The Ind- ians then stole the horses and tak- ing the girl prisoner, started north up the Shoal Creek timber. Rebecca was shrewd enough to tear strips from her apron and drop them along the trail as a guide for her rescuers. As soon as the family returned and found the mutilated corpse of their son lying in the cabin, and the daughter gone, they went to Hill's Station, sent messengers to alarm the settlers in Bond and Madison counties and as soon as possible Captain Pruett, Davy White and seven others went in pursuit. The Indians, having had several days start, were overtaken near where Springfield now stands. The girl was tied on a pony. At sight of her rescuers, she loosed her bands, jumped from the pony and started to meet them. An Indian threw a tomahawk. It stuck squarely in her back and thus her saviours found her. The girl afterward recovered, married and moved to Arkansas, where her husband was killed by Indians. Three miles north of Po- cahontas is the grave of Cox and above it stands a monument erected by the people of that community a few years ago. The killing of Henry Cox by the Indians is an entirely different story. Cox was an inmate of Hill's Fort but had built a cabin nearly a mile south of where Dudleyville now stands. One morning in August, 1S15, Cox took his son, aged 15, Scene at the dec cation of the Cox monument, west of Greenville, October 9, lyno. The moiuiinent commemorated the massacre of Mr. Cox, by the Indians, in 181 1. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. and went, each on horseback, to his cabin. All appeared quiet when they rode up to the cabin. Cox told his son to ride down to the creek and water the horses, while, rifle in hand, he went to the door of the cabin. Pushing the door open, he saw an Indian in the house. Quick as a flash he raised his rifle and fired. He missed the Indian and his ball sunk In the log over the fireplace. At the same instant another Indian, concealed behind a tree, fired at Cox, the ball passing through his body and killing him instantly. Spattering the blood of Cox all over the door, the bullet imbedded itself in the wood. The Indians then ran to catch the boy with the horses and keep him from giving the alarm at the fort. In their attempt to capture him they became alarmed at the delay and finally shot him and buried him without going back to the body of his father. The boy was not, rouna and it was believed that he was taken prisoner until after peace was made, when the Indians revealed the fate of the boy. The bullet holes and the splotch of Cox's blood on the cabin door were seen years afterward, when the property was ownel by Abraham McCurley. There Is a tradition, handed down by James Mc. Gillespie, who came to Bond county in ISIC. and who, in 18G0, made written report of his reminiscenses to the Old Settlers' Association, that one Benjamin Henson came to Bond sometime be- fore the war of 1S12. Living in a hollow sycamore tree in Shoal Creek bottom, he feared no man and was content. It is related that at one time during the war of 1812. the Seth Bl.vnch.\rd, Ueccascrl. Who came to Greenville in 1S20, after selling the land where the St. Louis court now stands. WiLLARD Twiss. Deceased. A Greenville Merchant of the Twent- ies, who empliived John \. Logan as a jockey on the farm now known as the A. J Sherburne farm. forts were all abandoned on account of the Indian hostilities and Hen- son alone was left in his is by lu sycamore tree, the only white In- habitant of the county. When the hostilities were over the settlers re- turned to find Henson unmolested. Henson is said to have piloted people across Shoal Creek at the foot of Mill Hill, Greenville, until the state, in 1824, gave $200 for a bridge to be placed across the stream at that point. Xear Jones' fort, in those early days, an Indian concealed himself in the dense foliage of a tree anl picked off five men before he was discovered and shot. In August 1814, Major Journey, in command of Hill's Fort, flung open the gates and marched forth to look for Indians, leaving the garrison ab- solutely defenseless and the women milking the cows. The Indians sur- prised them, killed the Major and three of his men, and wounded the fifth, Thomas Higgins. whose escape was almost miraculous. These are some of the scenes that went toward the making of Green- ville, and, though the .graves of the heroes, who fell at Hill's Fort and Jones' Fort, less than a hundred years ago, now go unmarked, the memory of their valorous deeds sticks deep in our min-ls, for they blazed the way for the founding, only a few miles to the northward, of the puny settlement, out of which our own fair city of Greenville has been evolved. At the close of our last war with England, a treaty of peace was made with the Indians, the forts in Bond county were abandoned and straggling settlements began to form. The settlers came but slowly however, and in ISIG Bond county numbered but twenty-five cabins. Mrs Mh.licent Clay Birge, Deed, Wife of .\usel Birge. Greenville's first postmaster, who lived in and near Greenville for 69 vears. She died July 12, 1896. 10 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. George Donnell, Deceased, Who came to Greenville in 181 8, and who was one of the pioneer resi- dents. Mrs George Donkell, Deceased, Samuel White, Deceased, Who came to Greenville in 1818, and built one of the first houses here. ^hcn 6rccnviUc das tourg. HISTORY bears evidence that great achievements are wrought through much tribulation, and so it was in the founding of Greenville, for be it known that milk-sickness in Madison county caused George Davidson to sell his farm there and move to Bond county in ISlo. The records show that he entered 160 acres of land, where Greenville now stands, September 27, ISIG. He obtained the patent from His Ex- cellency James Monroe, Presilent John Greenwood, Deceased. Came to Greenville in 1838, and a few years later laid out Green- wood's Addition. of the United States, April 29, 1S25. This land is described as the southeast quarter of Section No. 10, Township 5, north. Range 3, west of the third principal meridian. Mr. Davidson's cabin was built on the primitive style of logs with weight poles to hold the clap-board roof in place. The puncheon floor was made of slabs, split and hewn, and the carpenter had no use for nails, glass, putty, nor plaster. Mr. Davidson's cabin was located in the extreme western part of town, near the present residence of H. H. Staub. His family consistel of his wife, Jannet, two sons and two daughters. One son, Samuel, died of consumption, soon after coming here. One daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Caroline Blundell, lived at Healds- burg, California in 187 6, and in a letter to one of the Greenville papers stated that her brother and the Reverend Green P. Rice, who followed George Davidson here, laid out some lots in the western part of Greenville. This plat of the old town was never recorted and there is a story to the effect that George Davidson, one day, in a fit of anger, tore the plat up and watched it burn to ashes in the fire- place. The existence of this plat after- wards made trouble for the people who purchased lots, when the town was finally laid out. This part of the town, then laid out, as the original town, is now Davidson's ad- dition. Not long after he built his first cabin, George Davidson moved to the lot at the southwest corner of Sixth Street and Main Avenue (as it is to "ay) directly across the street south of the John Baum- berger, Sr., homestead, and open- ed a tavern. In opening the first tavern in Greenville, Mr. Dav- idson again proved himself a public benefactor, for it was for many years a mecca for the wayfaring man, as well as a most convenient loafing place for those of the early gentry, who were wont to whittle and spit through the long winter evenings. About this time the Reverend Seth Fuller, Deceased, Who came to Greenville in the thir- ties; an early surveyor and trustee of Alraira CoUese. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 11 James Enloe, Deceased, Who came to Greenville with his father, Asahel Enloe, in 3 818, and helped clear oft' the land where the court house now stands. Mks. Jane Williford, Deceased, Who was born in Greenville March 17, 1822, and who resided here nil her life. Died May 14, 1905, the oldest native born resident of Greenville at that time. Isaac Enloe, Deceased. Came to Greenville soon after the town was lard out and helped clear the land where the court house now stands. Green P. Rice arrived from Ken- tucky. He bought a part of George Davidson, 's Ian i and, together with Samuel Davidson, opened the first store in Greenville. It is said that this store was only large enough to hold comfortably one wagon load of goods. The store was located on what is now Main Avenue and Sixth Street. Mrs. Blundell, in her let- ter, stated that Mr. Rice became in- volved in some trouble about some slaves he brought from Kentucky, and, selling his interests to Cyrus Birge, left the country. James, Ansel and Cyrus Birge, three brothers, came to Greenville from Poultney, Vermont. Cyrus kept the store until 1824, when he sold his stock to his brother, Ansel. who carried on the business for eight years. Ansel Birge, during this time, married Miss Millicent Clay Twiss, a sister of Willard Twiss, to whom he sold the store in 1833, and moved to his farm one mile south of Greenville. This store was the chief public institution of the town, when Greenville became the county seat in 1821. Seth, Samuel and Elisha Blanch- ard came to Greenville in 182 and entered IGOO acres of land, a part of which is the farm now owned by Mrs. L. K. King, a mile east of town, at the top of "Blanchard's Hill," which derives its name from them. They built a cabin in town and opened a store. Seth managed the farm, Elisha conducted the store and Samuel traded to New Orleans, and they prospered. Soon after Mr. Blanchard opened the store, travel became more general and a tavern was opened in connection. A huge pair of antlers, erected over a sign made of a hewn board, printed with a coal from the hearth, announced the welcome news that here was the "Buck and Horn Tavern." This in- Dr. J. B. Drake, Deceased, One of the earliest Greenville Phj-si- cians. The Drake House, Built bv Dr. I. B. Drake in the earfy thirties, and dismantled in 1905. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. J Maj. William Davis, Deceased. Mrs. Lucy Davis, nee Mayo, Judge Enrico Gaskins, Deceased. Who came to Greenville i:i 1831 and Wife o< Major Wm. Davis. Died in Twenty _vears county clerk, eight opened a tavern. He died in Green- Greeuvilleiu 1S91. vears county judge of Bond. Came viUe. here in 1835. Died in 1879. stitution with a tew o;her log cab- ins formed the origiual town of Greenville. Davii Berry later be- came owner of the tavein and then it passed into the hands of Thomas Dakin, who owned it many years. There were no saloons in Green- ville in those days, but the mer- chants all kept whiskey and treated the customers, who called for it. In the summer of ISIS, many families, including Samuel White and George Donnell, moved here from North Carolina and Kentucky. The principal families in Greenville then were, in addition to those al- ready mentioned, the Kirkpatricks, Camps, Goss, Rutherfords, Fergu- sons and old Father Elam, who lived where the old graveyard is now lo- cated. At his home were held the religious meetings, which always ended with the minister shaking hands with everybody during the singing of the last song. Good Old Father Asahel Enloe was the singing school teacher ana the school master, and many a time in early days, did the youngsters of Greenville willingly obey his dic- tum, as he stood in the doorway of the school house and cried, "Books, books, come to books." His copies were equal to Spencer's best copper plate and his chirography is still well preserved in the county records. In a letter dated at Paola, Kan- sas, June 20, 1876, Mrs. Almira Morse, one of the best known wom- en the city has produce 1, and for whom Almira College was named, stated that the first school house in Greenville was on the northeast cor- ner of the public square. The square was laid out in 1821, and Samuel Blanchard assisted John Russell in making the survey. Mrs. Moi'se says : "Once a year came "Parade Day," when Colonel Stout, accoutered in regimentals, epaulets and white cockade, mounted on a charger, was marshal of the motley company. "There was one colored family in the place. Old Aunt Fanny, with her three children, bought her freedom of her master in Kentucky, and in Greenville earned a good living by washing and nursing. One day while she was washing at Mr. Blanchard's two men suddenly rode up on horseback, and demanded Aunt Fanny and her children, as runaway slaves. She declared she had her free papers at home, and with prayers and tears, besought them to leave her, but her entreaties were unheeded and Aunt Fanny was bound to a horse and with her chil- dren behind them, the men rode away. They were armed with rifles, pistols and knives and no one dared to interfere. When part way to St. Louis, however, a party from Reno overtook them. The family was rescued and returned home. "Our town once had a visit from Lorenzo Dow, who stopped at the tavern, and old Mr. Twiss went over 'to argue him out of his religion," but the eccentric old saint got the better of him. He preached upon the hill north of town. He sat in his chair, while preaching, for two hours or more." 6r«cnvtllc Becomes the County Scat. W^ THEN in 1817, Bond county, which previous to that time had been a part of Edwards, was es- tablished by an act of the territor- ial legislature, the county seat was flxei at Hill's Fort until a commis- sion appointed for that purpose, could choose a permanent location. On April 15, 1817, this commit- tee reported that they had selected a site on the west bank of the Hur- ricane, which on account of its nat- ural advantages, the commission considered a desirable location for the seat of justice. Accordingly the new county seat was platted and named Perryville. Three years later, however, the formation of new counties out of the then pretentious Bon:i, left Perryville In Fayette county, and unfortunate for the youthful city, with its court house and jail, remote from the geograph- ical center. The undoing of Perryville, how- ever, redounded to the good of Greenville, and Bond county in 1821, reduced to nearly her pres- ent dimensions, turned her eyes to the center of her domain and there beheld, sitting loftily on the bluffs of Shoal Creek, the town laid out in 1819 by George Davidson. The selection of Greenville as a permanent seat of justice for Bond county came about by legislative en- actment and the same legislature that placed Perryville in Fayette county, also appointed James B. Moore, Samuel Whitesides, Abra- ham Eyeman, Joshua Ogelsby and John Howard commissioners to lo- cate the county seat in Bond, pro- vided the proprietor of the land se- lected would donate to the county for the purpose specified, at least twenty acres of land. This commis- sion was also detailed to fix the damages sustained by the proprie- Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 13 Joel Elaxi, Deceased, One of the early business men, who learned the blacksmith trade from his brother, Edward Elam, who was Greenville's first blacksmith. tois of Perryville, in consequence of the removal of the county seat from that place. After due deliberation, the commissioners fixed upon a tract of twenty acres of land in the north- east corner of the original town of Greenville, then belonging to George Davidson. The act provided for the land to be selected in a body. Wil- liam Russell. Robt. McCord and Jno. Kirkpatrick, then county judges, held a session of the county court on April 18, 1S21, and having under consideration the said loca- tion, made a demand on Mr. Da- vidson for the twenty acres imme- diately around and contiguous to a stake driven by the commissioners. Mr. Davidson, by his attorney, Ben- jamin Mills, executed a bond to the county commissioners with Peter Hubbard and John Kirkpatrick as securities, agreeing to transfer the land for the purposes selected, ex- cepting therefrom a small tract pre- viously sold to Samuel Whitcomb, and for which Whitcomb held Da- vidson's bond for a deed. The court declined to act at this time, but at a session held June 5, 1S21, Mr. Davidson was permitted to withdraw and cancel the bond previously exe- cuted by him to the court, and sub- stitute a new bond for the same pur- pose with Samuel G. Blanchard, Robert G. White. Samuel Whitcomb, Daniel Ferguson. Milo Wood and Samuel Houston as securities. The court accepted this bond and Green- ville was henceforth acknowledged to be. in fact and in law. the per- manent seat of justice of Bond county. The first county court held at the Elder Peter Long, Deceased. Pastor of Mt. Nebo Church, and one of the best known pioneer preach- ers in the west. Came to Green- ville in 1816, and was in the min istry 59 years. new county seat of Greenville was on June 4 and 5, 1S21, William Rus- sell, Robert McCord and John Kirk- patrick being the judges. The first circuit court was held at Greenville on July 12, 1S21, with Hon. Joseph Phillips, judge: Samuel Houston, sheriff; and James M. Johnson, clerk. The petit jury was composed of John D. Alexander. John White, George Denny, James Wafer, An- drew Pinley, Alexander Robinson, James McCord, Richard Worley, John Prickett, William Gracey, Si- las Lee Wait. Abel Sparks, Charles Gillham, Jr., Wm. M. Stewart, Phil- ip Moore. James B. Rutherford, Milo Wood, Wm. Black. Samuel Whitcomb, Harrison Kirkpatrick, James Kirkpatrick, Jr., Absolom Watkins, John Loughlan and Wyatt Stubblefield. By order of the county court part of the land donated by Davidson was laid off into town lots, and on the first Monday in July, 1821, thir- ty lots were exposed for sale, the town having been surveyed by John Russell the June previous. The pro- ceeds from the sale of these lots was used for the erection of a court house. Mr. Davidson, in many ways one of Greenville's greatest benefactors, and his wife Jennet, remained in the town until 1827, when they moved to Galena. Jo Daviess county, real- izing but little for their property. In 1821, when the sale of public lots was held, the present public square was covered with a dense growth of Cottonwood and sycamore trees. This was all cleared off by Asahel Enloe and his sons, who Kend.^ll p. Morse, Deceased. Who came to Greenville in 1834; member of the firm of Morse and Brothers. Died here in 1867. planted the land in corn. At a ses- sion of the county court in Septem- ber, 1821, it was ordered that a court house for Bond county be let to the lowest bidder and when the bids were opened, it was found that Robert G. White's bid of $2,135 was the lowest. This bid was accepted September 19, 1821, and he gave bond for the faithful performance of his duties. The sale of the town lots brought $1,338 and the judges of the county court entered into bond for the remainder. The court house was made of a poor quality of brick and was badly damaged by storms before it was completed, which was not until 1822. The court room was heated by an old-fashion- ed fire place. No stoves were in use in Greenville at that time, nor for a long time afterward. There was little respect for the temple of justice and its custodians were sorely beset for means for its preservation. It was the delight of the small boy, hiding behind tree or bush, to hurl stones through the eight by ten window panes, just to hear the glass fall crashing before their aim. Nevertheless the build- ing of this court house was the first real impetus given the town, outside the start given it by Davidson him- self. The population of the county at this time was 2,931 and the vil- lage of Greenville contained but a few houses, a hotel and a store or two. Origin of GrccnviUc's Name. AT'THORTTIES differ as to the or- igin of the name given Green- ville. There is a story to the effect 14 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Mr and Mrs. William S. Wait, Deceased, William S. Wait, who came to Greenville in 1818. An early writer and journalist; chairman of the National In- dustrial Convention at New York City in 1845; in 184-8 he was nominated for Vice President on the National Re- form ticket but declined. He was the prime mover in the projection of the Vandalia Railroad and was one of the leaders who drafted much of the Illinois Constitution of 1845. He died in 18G5. that Mr. Thomas White, the oldest man present when the town was first surveyed in 1S21, was asked to name the town and thereupon, cast- ing his eyes over the green woods, readily answered: "Everything looks so green and nice, we will call it Greenville." Others say that Mr. White named it for Greenville in North Carolina. Another legend is to the effect that Greenville took the name of Green P. Rice, the Cumberland Presbyter- ian minister, who resided here at an early date, and was the first Green- ville merchant. Allen Comer, who came here in 1S17, is authority for the last story, but Mr. White is com- monly given credit for having named the town. At any rate it was well named and to this day, as in the be- ginning, Greenville is noted far and wide, for the many beautiful trees that surround and interlace it — a city in a veritable green forest. Caxcs and Slavery tn i8i8. r\ LD records show that the assess- ^ ment of tax for the year 1817 was $161.50, which was charged to the sheriff for collection. It is also recorded that one Samuel Hill paid a tax of one dollar on one negro. Of the $161.50 tax, $106 was used to pay for the killing of fifty-three wolves. The tax of 1818 was $279.50. The first county order ever issued was Wm. S. Wait, Jr., OcccnsciJ, For many years a prominent resi- dent of the cf)unty. Residence of Mrs. Adele Wait, South Third Street. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 15 Rev. Robert Stewart, Deceased. Who came to Greenville iu 1840 and was pastor of the Congregational church. His home was a refuge for escaping slaves during the Civil War days. to Moses Shipman, for a wolf scalp and the amount was |2.00. In ISIS the following tax was assessed on property owned in the county: "For each bond servant oi- slave, 16 years old, 100 cents: for each young man, 21 years old and upwards, 100 cents; for each Horse creature, three year old, 50 cents." In IS 17 there were seven slaves in Bond county, under the age of 15 years, registered, as provided by law, in the office of the county clerk. They were owned by Martin Jones, William Vollentine, Hardy VoUen- tine, one each, and H. Kirkpatrick, four. In 1S24 a vote on the ques- tion of slavery was taken in Illinois and Bond county voted 63 for and 240 against. Some 6arly Industries. A SHORT time after George Da- •'' vidson came here, Paul Beck arrived and located near the pres- ent site of the old cemetery. He was one of the first to follow David- son here and was Greenville's first manufacturer. He built the first mill in Bond county in 1S17, near the old cemetery. It is described as a "little band horse mill" and every customer had to hitch his own horse to the mill and grind his own corn. The bolt for the flour was turned by hand. Some people car- ried their grain in a sack on horse- back, a distance of ten miles, to Beck's mill and were compelled, in many cases, to wait for three days before their turn at the grind. Near the mill was a fine spring, which was named "Beck's Spring." In ISIS Asahel Enloe settled on the highest point of the present old cemetery, but a short time after- ward he and his sons Ezekiel and James moved to a point about eighty rods southeast of the present Vandalia railroad depot, living near each other in separate houses. Sam- uel Davidson, a son of the founder of Greenville, married Miss Violet Enloe, a daughter of Asahel Enloe. Wyatt Stubblefield was another early settler. He entered the land adjoining old Greenville on the east and operated a cotton gin and a horse mill. In those early days Samuel and Thomas White came to Greenville. Thomas White taught one of the first schools, in 1S19, in a little log cabin near the tanyard, which his brother, Samuel White put in op- eration. This was the first tannery in the county and was located in the western part of Greenville. Soon after he and Moses Hinton put in operation a spinning machine in Greenville, but it was soon demon- strated that cotton could not be raised with any success here and the mill was closed down. In 1S22 James Rutherford com- menced the manufacture of hats in Greenville, and carried on the busi- ness for several years. Edward Elam was Greenville's first black- smith. He opened a shop in 1819, and was assisted by his younger brother. Joel. Among the other early residents of Greenville and vicinity although they were not engaged in industrial work, were George Donnell, who came here in 1S19 from North Car- olina and was the leader of the first Sunday school ever taught in the county: Samuel G. Morse, who was the first sheriff: Daniel Converse, the first county clerk: Francis Trav- Mrs. L. K. King, A resident of Greenville since 1837. is, the first county treasurer; James Wafer, Daniel Ferguson, Robert Gillespie. Williamson Plant, William Robinson, William S. Wait and others. 6rcenvillc in the twenties. T^HE ground already covered takes ^ up to the 2 0's and marks the first epoch in the history of Green- ville. With the location of the county seat in Greenville in 1S21 a spark of new life was infused into the settlement and more people were attracted to the place, because of the fact it had arisen to the dig- nity of a county seat town. The earliest records on file in the county clerk's office bear date of Residence of Mrs. Lofis.\ Ravold. 16 Historica.! Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Col. Richard Bentley, Who came to Bond county in 1829 and moved to Greenville in 184-7; deputy sheriff in 1848 and sheriff a few vears later; one of the first presidents of the village board in the early fifties; representative in the state legislature with Lincoln and died in 1873. May 7, 1821, and read as follows: "Agreeable to an act of the gen- eral assembly to remove the seat of justice from Perryville to Green- ville, Bond County, the court of pro- bate met at the clerk's oflBce on Monday, the seventh of May, 1821, with Thomas Kirkpatrick as judge." The records show that the probate court held its sessions, or at least some of them, at the dwelling of Seth Blanchard in 1822. Judge Ben- J. P. G.\RLAND, Who canie here in 1839 and who lived here continuouslY until his death in 1903. jamin Mills presided at this time. In 1823 John Gillmore was judge. The earliest records on file in the ofBce of the circuit clerk bear aate of July 18, ISIT, three years before Greenville was the county seat. This record shows that Simon Lindley, of Madison county, transferred IGO acres of land for $100 to John Lind- ley. The land is described as the northwest quarter of section 32, township 5, range 3, west of the third principal meridian. There were no more transfers until Sep- tember 2, 1817, when Robert Gilles- pie sold 320 acres to Jonathan Crowley, of Virginia, for $960. The census of 182 gives Bond county a population of 2,931. Greenville was still confined to the extreme western part of the present city, now known as Davidson's Ad- dition, which includes the greater part of Greenville west of Fourth Street, between North and Summer. Present Main Avenue and Sixth Street was the business center then and for many years afterwards. During the period of the twenties Seth Blanchard, Cyrus and Ansel Birge, Thomas Long, Samuel White and William Durley operated stores; most of them in the old brick build- ing on the southwest corner of Main and Sixth, which stood south of the John Baumberger, Sr., homestead until a few years ago, when it was torn down. Dr. J. B. Drake was a physician and merchant of this period. In 182 7 Bond county gave but 2 50 votes, but in the following year immigration from Tennessee and Kentucky increased the population to a considerable extent. In the twenties Greenville was a typical frontier town, composed of a cluster of log cabins, a tumble- down brick court house and a frame building or two. All east of the present square was "out in the country," and was merely a dense growth of hazel brush. During the twenties Samuel White sold his tannery to J. Harvey Black and opened a store in 1829, on the northeast corner of Sixth and Main. Thomas Long bought out Mr. Blanchard's stock of goods and for a while his brother. Rev. Peter Long, clerked for him. Mr. Long soon sold otit to Dr. J. B. Drake and William Durley, who continued the business where the present Drake House now stands. Dr. Drake, in a few years, bought the entire stock and continued in business for twenty five years. Cyrus Birge kept a store on lot No. 8, Davidson's Addition from 1819 to 1824, when he sold out to his brother, Ansel, who continued in business for at least eight years. In 182 2, by order of the court, a "stray pen" was built in Greenville. It was 40 feet square and six feet Mrs. Richard Bentley, Born in Virginia in 1799; died here in 1876. high and was built for the purpose of confining stray stock. On court days and other public occasions the people who had lost stock, would go to the stray pen and endeavor to identify their property. An abstract of the poll books of an election held in Greenville Aug- ust 2, 1824, for county oflicers shows that for Sheriff, Hosea Camp had 151 votes, William White 97, Henry Williams, 47; for County Commissioners, Ransom Geer had 2 2 4, Robert McCord, 2 09; Asahel Enloe, 171: George Donnell, 107 and George Davidson 101. For Coroner, Robert W. Denny had 122, Mrs. J. P. Garland, Who came here iti 1830 and is still a resident; married in 1848 to J. P. Garland. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 17 Wxi. Watkins, Deceased, A resident in 1860. Former sheriff and ex-member of the legislature, as he looked 41 years ago. Edwin A. Mars, 8 and James Durley, 6. The returns were attested by Asahel Enloe, J. P. and Leonard Goss, J. P. 6recnvillc from 1830 to 1840. THE census of IS 30 shows but a small gain in ten years in Bond county, nevertheless the county seat had made some advancement both in point of business and population. The town was now beginning to reach out timidly toward the east. A new frame court house succeeded the crumbling brick structure and was completed in 1S32 on the pres- ent square. A new jail had also been built. Mrs. M.\irrn.\ O. \V,\tki.\s, Dec'd, Whose father once owned much of the laud where Greenville stands. Greenville in the thirties is best described by Joseph T. Fouke, who came here in 1830, and who is still a resident of Greenville. Mr. Fouke sa.vs that his earliest recollection of Greenville in 1830 was the digging of a public well at the corner of Main and Sixth streets, by "Black" Jim Davis, Royer and Hicks. The men quarreled over a dog fight and finally fought and Miss Hicks came out of the house and threatened to whip all the men and the dogs thrown in. The fol- lowing is Mr. Fouke's description of Greenville in 1830: "In 1830 Seth Blanchard kept a Alexander Kelsoe, Deceased, Circuit Clerk 1848 to 1860; a prom- inent character in Greenville for many years. hotel across the street south of the old Drake House. The south half of the building was log and the north half frame. It was two stories and a porch extended along the west side of the building. Mr. Blanchard had his log stables on the ground where Sheriff Floyd now resides. South of Blanchard's tavern was a square room where Dr. J. B. Drake ran a store. This square room is still standing with additions built to it, on the same ground, and in my opinion is the oldest house In The Old Mill at the Foot of Mill Hill. \Y. X. Kelsoe, A Greenville boy of the sixties, many years a prominent St. Louis news- paper man, manager of the local press bureau of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition. Now a resident of St. Louis. 18 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Charles Hoiles, Who came to Greenville in 1S40, and who, with his son, C. D. Hoiles, established the State Bank of Hoiles and Son In 1869. A member ot the Illinois Legislature at the time of the Lincoln-Douglas contest; delegate from Illinois to the Charleston convention. Died at Union Station, St. Louis, May 14, 18S4, and is buried at Montrose cemeterv. town. Across the street, west of the tavern, Samuel White's brick resi- dence stood. This building was also used as a store in the early days and was torn down only a few years ago. South of Mr. White lived John T. Walker in a log cabin, near the present residence of Leitle Mc- Cracken. Still farther south lived Mr. Benson in a log cabin and opposite the present residence of W. A. McLain lived John Maddux in a log cabin. There was a cabin in the middle of the street in front of the residence of Fritz Streiff, and Mr. Perigen lived in a cabin near the old cemetery. Back of the present residence of Mrs. Agnes J. Mulford "svas a log cabin, where the school -was taught. It was the first school of which I have recollection. Q. C. Alexander was the teacher. Where "H. H. Staub lives was the cabin of "Harvey Black. This was probably the first cabin ever built in Green- -ville, the one built by George Dav- idson in 1815, although this fact is not definitely established. Mr. Dav- idson, however, built his cabin on this spot and Black's cabin is sup- posed to have been the same one. Straight west, at the bottom of the hill, Mr. Black had his tanyard. "Where the present residence of Mrs. John H. Jett stands was Berry's tavern, where circuit court was sometimes held. On the site of the present Baumberger homestead, Ansel Birge had his store. The Drake house was not then built. East of the site of the present Drake house lived John Ackeridge, a famous hunter, who scarcely ever went out for a tramp without bring- ing home a deer. Near the present residence of Peter Hentz, Major Davis kept a tavern and lived across the street east, where Emil Brice now resides. There were no other houses until the west side of the present square is reached and there, in about the center of the block, James B. Rutherford lived in a frame house and to the north had a log house in which he made hats. This hat manufacturing establish- ment stood on the site of the pres- ent post office building. There was a log cabin near the pres- ent residence of Mrs. K. M. Bennett and Daniel Ferguson ha1 a cabin at the north end of Fifth Street, as it is today. That constituted the village of Greenville in 1830. Near the present residence of E. E. Cox was the suburban home of Samuel Whitcomb, a frame building, and one of the aristocratic residences ot THEi;s'lATE BANK UF HOILES AND SONS. What is now the State Bank of Hoiles and Sons was established Charles Hoiles and Charles D. Holies, under the firm Hoiles was admitted to the firm in 18.2 and the firm i Charles Hoiles retired from business in 1881 ard died continued the business under the old firm name and in State Bank of Hoiles and Sons with a capital of iKM, Septembe_.;, 1903, to |^50,000,j._n£theje__isjij.w abo^it^S.,(tt present officers are CD. Hoile sident; C.E. Hoiles, V August, 1S69, by s and Son. Stephen M. iged to Hoiles and Sons. C. D. and S. M. Hoiles 1S95, incorporated as the e capital stock was increased in plus fund, undivided profits. The name of Holl lame was chi May 14, 18S4 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 19 C. D. HoiLES, A native of Greenville, ex-member of the Illinois Legislature. Mayor of Greenville from 1879 to 1887, President of the State Bank of Hoiles and Sons. Delegate to National Democratic conventions of 1S72, 1884- and 1892. Member of State Democratic Central Committee for eight vars. the village. This Whitcomb house ■was in later years moved to the lot south of the residence of Judge A. G. Henry, where it stood until a a tew years ago, when it was torn down. The court house stood where the present one stands, but it prac- tically marked the eastern confines of the town. To the east and south, there was nothing but underbrush and a few forest trees. One of the two main roads into town came in on the south, up present Fifth street to present College Avenue and up through the present lawn of Dr. B. F. Coop to Oak street, thence through the middle of what is now Moss Addition and through the south part of S. S. Trindle's eighty striking the main road at the present suburban home of C. B. Cook. Another road came in from the direction of the present farm of Mrs. L. K. King, down Blanchard's hill, past the public school building and on the north side of the old elm that stands near the residence of George O. Morris and up to the business center and down the hill back of the barn of Samuel White and thence to the spring at the tan- yard, past Wash I^ake. to the Shoal Creek ford and westward. There were no hollows and ravines in the ■west end of town then, as now. "Religious services were held in the court house in those days and there were no churches in Greenville until later. Dr. J. B. Drake built the Drake House about 1833, and it was considered the finest house in town by far. In this Dr. Drake lived and kept store for many years. At that time the whole county voted at Greenville and most of the elections were held in the east end of the Berry House. The voting was done by voice and the name of the voter and the party for whom he voted were recorded. Seth Blanchard sold out his tavern and store to Thomas Keyes and William S. Smith, who came here in 1832 from Virginia. Mrs. Keyes kept tavern, while her husband farmed and Mr. Smith re- mained in the mercantile business in this location for 18 years. Thomas Smith ran a store on the southwest corner of the public square, and conducted it as a branch of the old store until 1845 when the old store was closed and the two brothers joined venture on the square. "Long rows of wagons cou'.d be seen in the thirties unloading at the old store, after returning from St. Louis, laden with goods. Keyes and Smith sold the hotel to Thomas Dakin who kept it many years and it afterward was kept a year or two by Enrico Gaskins. who later moved to the north side of the square into the house built by John T. Morgan. "Later on in the thirties other buildings were erected, among them the Franklin House and in 1S42 Charles Hoiles erected the frame building now standing on the south side of the square and used as a barber shop." Stephen Morse taught school in the court house in the thirties. Miss Prime taught in a log house in the village and Almira Morse for whom Almira College was named, taught in a frame school house two miles south of Greenville. A little frame school house was built in 1832 on the road to Vandalia, and John Buchanan, father of John T. Buch- anan, helped build it. It was used minus doors and windows that sum- mer, and snakes and lizards often Residence of C. D. Hoiles. 20 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Judge S. A. Phelps, Who came to Greenville in 1843, and who has resided here ever since. Ex-County Judge and uestor of the Bond county bar whisked in close proximity to the bare feet of the children. The old court house, which had been used as a school house, fell down that summer. The next year the little frame school house was moved upon land owned by Daniel Ferguson and the doors and windows put in. Dan- iel Ferguson's land was on the site of the residence of Dr. W. T. Easley. RiisiDENCE 11F Judge S. .\. Pheli's. During the thirties the leading merchants in aidition to those already named were Willard Twiss, L. D. Plant, Morse and Brothers, J. M. Davis and Albert Allen. The well alluded to by J. T. Fouke was the only well in Green- ville in 1830. It was public property and was very deep and was also frequently out of repair. The wells and water system of Greenville are treated in a separate chapter, of this history. During the thirties the stage route was in operation. It was a common expression of warning in those days to say "Look out for the stage," for the stage would look out for no one. The route came in- to Greenville along the Old National roa1 and, passing along the north side of the square and down the west side, turned west on Main to the Berry tavern. Frank Berry, son of mine host, was one of the stage drivers. After a rest and change of horses, the lumbering old coach would go clattering out of town on the St. Louis road. There was one stage each way every day, with re- lays every ten miles. The driver whipped along at a gallop and the ten or a dozen passengers were rocke 1 from side to side with a recklessness born of the early stage drivers. In 1S38, R. F. White cut the trees off the ground where the State Bank of Holies and Sons now stands and established a blacksmith shop on the ground. He was a cousin of Prof. J. B. White and a brother-in- law of John S. Hall. Parker. Keyes and Lansing had a i'lSEl'll T. l-'dlKE, Who c.nme to Greenville in 183 ), and who still lives here. Hotel Eirek.\, Better known as the Franklin House. Lincoln stopped at this hotel when he visited Greenville in 1858. during the Lincoln and Douglas campaign. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 21 Nathaniel Dressor, Who came to Bond County overland from Maine in October, 1837, and has been a resident of the county ever since. He settled on two and one-half acres of cheap land in a log cabin, and is now one of the largest property owners of the county. Di- rector First National Bank, State Senator 1897-8- 9. Now in his eightieth year. R. K. Dewey, Came to Greenville in April, 1854-. One of the two oldest continuous residents of the city. Judge Hen- ry being the other. Justice of the P'eace four years, city clerk several terms, bookkeeper and assistant cashier First National Bank for ten years, Notary Public since 1867, Grand Patriarch of the Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. in 1872, Secretary Bond Countv Old Settlers' Association. "still house" in 1S3S in the hollow northwest of the old graveyard. They piped water from the spring in wooden pipes to the distillery. They male a great deal of whiskey and shipped it away to St. Louis. C. H. Stephens, an old settler, read his reminiscenses of Greenville as he remembered it in 1834, before the Old Settlers' Association in 1890. He stated that on the west side of the St. Louis road Edward Elani and his father lived. The house stood where the present residence of W. A. McLain now is. They carried on the only blacksmith shop in Greenville and Joel Elam was learn- ing the trade of his brother Edward. Mr. Stephens says that in 1834 pro- visions were low in Greenville. Hogs sold for $1.50 per hundred, corn for 25 cents per bushel, wheat 37 1-2 cents per bushel " and as for potatoes" he says, "we could not get them for love nor money. I was on the grand jury in the fall of 1S35 and the jurors received fifty cents per day and boarded them- selves." Mr. Stephens, in his rem- iniscenses, says there were no bug- gies in 1834 and very few two-horse wagons. For the most part people traveled on foot or on horseback, and it a young man wanted to take his best girl to church, he would take her up on his horse behind him anl trot off four or five miles an:l think nothing of it. Greenville in the ■Forties. I N the forties the business center ' was transferred from the west end to the public square where it has since remained. The population of the county had jumped to o.Oimi but Greenville was still under 3 00 inhabitants. The slow settlement of the country and the location of railroads on each side of the town held Greenville back. In 1846 the subject of railroads was agitated. A charter was proposed in the Gen- eral Assembly for a road from Terre Haute to St. Louis, but the policy of the state, at that time, was to give Alton the benefit of being the terminus of all railroads that termi- nated on the eastern bank of the Mississippi river near St. Louis, in order to overshadow the latter city. .\nd so it was that the Greenville railroad project was knocked in the heal by the mistaken idea of up- building Alton to the detriment ot St. Louis. By Judge S. A. Phelps. "In the fall of 1843, I first came to Illinois and first formed the idea of becoming a settler of Bond coun- ty. I came iiom Mississippi, but was a sort of a York yankee. When I reached St. Louis, I got in a stage foach and was ferried across the river. Where East St. Louis now stpnds the ferry boat butted itself agamst the bank. There was no platform and nothing to receive the stage except dirt. The stage went up the bank of the Mississippi and on the roal to Edwardsville, we did not see a fence, nor a field of corn or wheat in all that trip. The next day I hired a horse and came to Greenville, putting up at the old stage house, on the northwest cor- ner of the square, where the store of Weise and Bradford now stands. It was the best house in town, two stories high, with a double porch on the front, and withal a fine building for those days. "East of this hotel on the north side of the square, was a small frame house in which Enrico Gas- kins afterwards livei. On the spot where Joy and Go's store now stands, was a blacksmith shop run by Isaac Smith, a brother of Wm. S. Smith On the corner immediate- ly south was a small store kept by S. B. Bulkley, and afterwards by Alexander Buie. A little way below that was a one story frame building afterwards used as a hotel. On the 22 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Samuel Colcord, Deceased, Who came overland from Maine to Greenville in 1840. A prominent resident for 50 years. corner where Masonic Temple now stands was an old two story frame house. It was the headquarters for every unlicensed saloon that was started. These unlicenseS saloons always ran until the grand jury met. In a hollow where Dixon's store now stands, there was a small frame house in which D. P. Hagee lived, and had a tailor shop. A blacksmith shop stood on the ground where the State Bank of Hoiles a:id Sons is now. It was operated by a man by the name of White. Next to the alley on the south side of the square was the frame building, which is still stand- ing and is now known as the Miller building. In this bull ling lived Charles Hoiles, father of C. D. Hoiles, President of the State Bank, and of S. M. Hoiles, now deceased. In the corner room of this building Mr. Hoiles had started a store. Later on he moved to the site of the present Thomas House. There were no buildings from the alley west to the corner. On the corner was a small, one story building which was conspicuously labeled "Allen" but was vacant. On the corner where Hussong's store stood prior to the iire of Oct. 27, 1904, was the store of Morse and Brothers, a one story ^^^ Hum HH d/Kj^^^^"*^ ■^ ^^^^^1 2^^ 1/ ^^H 1 w^ ^^ 1 H| 1^- ^HF /" ,^^^^1 ■r ■' J* ^^^H ■ SSi 1 1 * ^^^^^^M I Otis B. Colcord, Deceased, \Who came fiom Maine to Greenville in 1838 and who lived here more than CO years. Rev. S.\muel Colcord, .\ former resident; now a resident of New York City. brick and frame, and a little farther to the north was a story and a half hewed log building used as a furni- ture store. Still a little farther north was the one story law office of M. G. Dale. On the present Post Office corner was another log house. Dr. J. W. Fitch had his office where Mulford and Monroe's drug store now stands and his house where the Bennett residence now Is. "The people were moral and up- right. Very little use was, there for constables, marshals, juries or courts. They had no marshal and no mayor In Greenville in those days, only a constable and a justice of the peace. Of course there were occasional offenses against the law but as a whole the people compared favorably in morality, honesty and intelligence with the people of to- day. Mrs. Samuel Colcord, Deceased. "When I came to Greenville, I found that the county was a tem- perance county and there was not a licensed saloon in it. It so con- tinued for thirty, if not forty years. People could vote any where in the county for the judges took it for granted that we would vote but once. That was before the days ot "repeaters." "There were plenty of good springs here and that was the reason Greenville was located here. When I came to Greenville there was a spring, a kind of reservoir at the bottom of the hill and we used Wm. S. Colcord, Who came here from Maine in 18-iO. Former postmaster of Greenville, and a prominent resident lor many j-ears. Now deceased. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 23 Mrs. \. W. McLain, Aged 87 years, probably the oldest native born resident in the county. to ride down and water our horses. The spring, however, was rather inconvenient and so a public spirit- ed man sunk a well on the south west corner of the square. It was 70 feet deep but was not much of a success on account of quicksand, and the bucket invariably came up only half full. They had just com- menced the fad of making cisterns when I came to Greenville. "The schools scattere 1 through- out the country gave evidence of the intelligence of the country. They had commenced the church building Sa.miel H. Crocker, Dcceaseil. Three times elected Sheriff, and was Ex-Postmaster. which was torn down in 1903. Sub- scription papers were circulated for this church, with a school under I he basement, and, when I came to Creenville, the church was com- pleted and in use, but they had not rompleted the school part and there were those who did not relish this action. So in 1.S42, Deacon Saunders made his trip to the east on foot to raise money to complete the build- ing. He was successful and the basement was finished. The school in IS 4. 5 was held in a little brick building that was torn down a few years ago at the west end of Main Street. When the church with the school building under it was com- pleted, the event was properly cele- brated with dedicatory exercises. Among others I received an invita- tion and all the best men and women of Greenville were there. I was called upon to make a few re- marks and did so apparently to the satisfaction of those assembled. The school was commenced that fall and was continued in the basement of that church for a good many years. That was not the only case of the public spirit of the people of Green- ville. When Wm. S. Wait laid out his land into lots he laid out a large lot as Academy Square. This Academy Square is the site of our present magnificent school building. The same spirit was shown by others. "Greenville has progressed and is an entirely new town. Greenville of IS 44 has passed away; a new town has come. "Greenville was, however, quite a thriving business place in '44, having four good stores and no sa- loons. There were no factories, ex- cept the blacksmith shops, where they made plows and now and then a wagon. Now we have factories and the volume of business has in- creased ten-fold or more. In '4 4 we had an every other day stage. It went east one day and the next day west. It carried all the passen- gers and the driver had the mail sack under his feet. When he drew near the post office, he heralded his coming with a tin horn. This was our best means of transportation. "Compare this with the great Vandalia railroad, running its long trains of palace coaches through the city many times a day and you have a proper comparison of the business between the dates of 1.S4 4 and 19n.S. A little stage coach represents 1S4 4 and the Vandalia Railroad repre- sents 190.5. This is the kind of progress we have been making and I want you to look forward with me to the future with the same degree of hope and the same degree of con- fidence. I can see no reason why we cannot look forward to this same continued prosperity: why the coming years may not hold achieve- N. W. McLain, Who came here in 1831, and has lived here and at Elm Point ever since. ments as great or greater than those of the century of 1800, right here in Greenville." Cholera Epidemic of 1849. IN 1849, Greenville was visited by ' a terrible epidemic of cholera and many deaths resulted. The only account of this scourge, the worst that has ever visited Greenville, is preserved by Mr. Jacob Koonce, in the Western Fountain, which paper copied the following from the issue of the Greenville Journal of July 2n, 1849. Joseph M. Do.\.\i;ll, Deceased, Who lived in and near Greenville from 1819 to 1894. 24 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. James Bradford, Founder of the banking house of Bradford and Son, who came to Green- ville in 1 824 and served in the Black Hawk war. He was circuit clerk and recorder, county clerk, master itl chancery, county commi-^sioner, member of the Illinois Legislature, and county judge. He was the first mavor of Greenville, elected in 1872. He died January 29, 1889. "The Cholera, this mighty agent of death, has spread destruction in our village since our last issue. Our lively and business like town has put on the habiliments of mourning and sadness. "The first case of cholera, in our town, was the stage driver to whom we referred last week. He is re- covering. The next, we also alluded to last week — a young woman named Sarah Woosley, living with the family of Charles Holies Esq. She was taken on Friday morning last and died on Saturday morning about two o'clock. This was the first death from cholera. "Early the same morning a child of Dr. Sprague's, two or three years old was taken and died in five or six hours. The same day Charles Hor- ton Esq., an infant child of C. Holies, Esq., a daughter of Mrs. Kellam's aged 11 or 12 years, and I. N. Reed were all taken. The in- fant died in the afternoon some time; Mr. Horton died about 11 o'clock and Isadora Kellam about 12 o'clock the same night. Mr. Reed ■died about four o'clock Sunday rafternoon. "There have been other cases of cholera but these are all the deaths, and these all occurred in less than 48 hours." In the issue of the Journal of July 27, 1849 the editor says: "Since our last Issue there have been two more deaths from cholera, Mrs. Park and Mr. Hopton, but no cases have come to our knowledge since Monday last." There were 13 cases of cholera and eight deaths. The Journal says: "Some of our citizens have, perhaps, become unnecessarily alarmed and a number have left with their fam- ilies. It is due to our physicians to state that they have attended the sick during the present crisis, with an industry and self-denial worthy of all praise. Some of our citizens have also distinguished themselves for their unyielding and disinterest- ed care for the sick and if from this worthy number we were re- quested to designate, we might speak the names of Rev. Robert Stewart and Elam Rust, Esq." To these names we may also add the names of J. P. Garland, Wyatt Causey, Isaac Enloe and others. Greenville had splendid physic- ians in the forties and fifties. Dr. Drake, Dr. Fitch, Dr. Brooks and Dr. Brown. Dr. Brooks met death by suffocation in 1874 at his home in the brick buildin'? that stood across the alley east of the old Bap- tist church. ercctivtllc tn the fifties. 1 NCREASED business on every ' hand marks the period from 18 50 to 18 60. In 1S50 the first govern- Bradford and Son's Bank The bank of Bradford & Son was founded by James Bradford and son Samuel in 1867, in the frame building one door south of the present lo- cation, but moved into the present location soon after the business was established. At the death of James Bradford on January 29, 1889, Samu- el Bradford became the head of the institution and so remained until his death September 14, 1891. John S. Bradford, who was admitted to the firm in 1890, then became the head of the banking house and so remains at the present time. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 25 Residknce of John S. Bradford, East College Avenue. ment census was taken in Green- ville, the population being 378. The census of ISGO shows a population of 1000 which tells the story of the growth of this period. W. S. and T. W. Smith, Morse and Brother, Charles Holies and G. W. Hill were still in business and E. A. Floyd, Elliott and Kershner, A. W. Hynes, Barr and Elliott and many others come upon the scene. The hotels had by this time center- ed at or near the public square. The St. Charles Hotel was kept by E. R. McCord and the Franklin House by Franklin G. Morse, from whom it took its name. From this time on business increased to such an ex- tent that it would be practically an impossibility to note all the changes in detail. All south of the brick building now used as Plant's Livery stables on Third street was timber and brush in 18 57. A few years later R. L. Mu^'d built a home near the present residence of George O. Mor- ris, and everybody told him he was building so far out in the timber that none of his friends could find him. Some of the big trees that formed the forest of the fifties are still standine; on this property. The eastern limits of the town then were about the present site of the Methodist parsonage, and east of that was the farm of Samuel White. The Drake house was one of the finest, even then, and the present Wirz building on the south side of the square was the largest business house, except the Sprague block, which was built by Dr. Anson Sprague in 18.57. The Sprague block was so large that no one ha1 the courage to occupy it. until Charles Holies bought if and open- ed a store therein. Robert G. Ingersoll came to Greenville with his father in 1S.51, remaining here a year. His father, the Reverend John Ingersoll, was pastor of the Congregational church. The old gentleman was quite eccen- tric. One son Clark, was a clerk in G. W. Hill's store and was afterward elected to Congress. Ingersoll and his father boarded for a time with the family of Wm. S. Colcord. They also boarded with the Reverend W. D. H. Johnson. "Bob" was then seventeen years of age and was extraordinarily bright for one of his age. For six months he was seatmate of E. J. C. Alex- ander, who now lives on his farm north of Greenville. They attended school in the basement of the old Congregational church, Socrates Smith being the teacher. "Bob" was very devout in those days. He lived in Greenville for about two years and it was while here that he commenced writing poetry, some of which was printed in the Greenville Journal, at the time. Some of Greenville's citizens were not deaf to the wants of the refugee slaves, who were on their way from the sunny south to Canada. It has been handed down by tradition that the Reverend Robert Stewart gave many a slave shelter and food and helped him on his way. Such as- sistance in those days was called the "Underground Railroad." Several times an effort has been made to mark with marble the spot where Lincoln and Douglas deliver- ed their memorable addresses in Greenville. The visits of these in- tellectual giants were coveted by many towns but were secured by but few. Greenville, however, was one of the favored ones and Lincoln and Douglas spoke at different times in Greenville in 1858, near the residence property of Miss Sallie Colcord. In the course of his speech Lin- coln said that although Bond county was called the "Widow Bond" and was in the way of territory one of the most insignificant in Illinois, she towered way above many larger ones in the intellectuality of her people. He said he had practiced law all around Bond county but had little occasion to practice in it, for there seemed so little contention among the people, that litigation was scarcely known. Douglas had ridden twenty miles through the heat and dust and after pushing his way through a throng, such as Greenville never had har- bored before, he sought opportunity to refresh and re-clothe himself in his room at the old McCord House, on the east side of the square. But the cries of the multitude were so great and so persistent, that it was Residence of Mrs. Samuei, Hioaih urij, I'ast CulkL^c .\venut 26 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. J. M. Miller, Attorney-at-Law and Capitalist. Who came to Greenville in 1856, and who has been prominently iden- tified with the citv ever since; ioined the Federal Army in 1862; was hospital Stewart I'SOth 111. Infty.; First Lieut. 93rd U. S. C. I.; Vice President First National Bank; Mayor of Greenville 1891 to 1893. deemed best that he should say a few words to them at once. He stepped out on the upper floor of the two story veranda, which aiorn- ed the front of the hotel and talked probably Ave minutes. He was in his stocking feet, bareheaded and in his shirtsleeves. The sight of him and the words he spoke brought forth the most enthusiastic applause and so reassured the surging throng that they were content to disperse until after dinner, when the speak- ing was held. While here he was the guest of his warm personal friend, Charles Holies. 6rcenxnUc in the Sixties. THE period of Greenville's history from 1860 to 1870 stands out prominently because of two things, the participation of its citizenship in the Civil War and the great in- dustrial impetus given the city by the building of the Vandalia Line. Both of these subjects are fully treated in separate chapters, in this history. The early sixties were troublous times in Greenville as elsewhere in this country. The people lived on excitement and news from the front was eagerly sought. News from the battle field usually came by mail from St. Louis, reach- ing Greenville with the stagecoach from Carlyle in the afternoon. Vic- tories were celebrated at night with bonfires in the court yard and the ringing of church bells by the youngsters, until most of the grown people, patriotic as they were, wish- ed there ha1 been no battle and no victory to celebrate. One day in 1S63 the mail brought the news of a great victory for the Union arms and the patriots were celebrating in the southeast section View of Main Avenue, looking east from the southwest corner of the public square in 1892. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 27 J. H. Livingston, A prominent business mnn and a large land and property owner. of the court yard, when a premature explosion of the cannon killed a Mr. Zimmerman, one of the gunners and badly injured a man named Bates. Every night the streets were pa- trolled and many were the nights of vigil in the homes of Greenville's citizens. One hundred guns and ammunition were procurel and at one time, in December 1SG4, a mili- tary post was established in Green- ville, in charge of Lieutenant R. H. Moses, with quarters in the court house. Even in 1S61 a company was formed, primarily for the pur- pose of combating Clingman's Band. Clingman was a noted guerilla and l^lc ^^EmZ^^I^^^^v i^^^V 'm ^^^P r 1 ;; > u WiLLI.i.M H. DaWDV, Who came to Greenville in August 1868 and has practiced law here ever since. Was City Attorney from 1872 to 1874; State's .\ttorney 1872- 80; Master-in-Chancerv for six years; Assistant United States Attornev, 1887-9; Member Illinois Legislature 1890-92; Judge Illinois Court of Claims 1892-6; Candidate for Democratic Presidential elector 1896. \ViLLi.\M Morris, A pioneer real estate man, now de- ceased. horsethief and operated in Bond, Montgomery and Fayette counties. His real name was said to be Eras- mus Wood. On August 4, 1S61. a band of Greenville and Bond county men formed a party to attack Clingman, who was thought to be encampei near Van Burensburg from fifty to one thousand strong. The attacking party numbered six hundred, in- cluding those from Montgomery county. Some fifteen or twenty men, said to have been under the leadership of John H. Jett, were scouring the county near its north boundary line, when a squad of some thirty five men, under com- mand of Lieutenant Joel B. Paisley, a veteran soldier, were discovered at a halt, watering their horses. Each party mistook the other for Cling- man's Band. Paisley, at once, made a strategetic movement upon Jett's party for the purpose of hemming them in the lane and forcing a surrender. It did not take long for Jett's force which was the smaller and was composed entirely of citi- zens, to decide upon a retreat. Ac- cordingly they put whip and spur to their horses in order to pass out at the mouth of the lane before the others could reach it. They barely escaped and the race continued for seven miles, with the swiftest spee 1 (if which the horses were capable. T. S. Hubbard, one of Jett's men was overtaken and asked to sur- render and failing to do so was shot twice. Paisley's men. at first, did not recognize Hubbard, and Hubbard, on the other hand, did not recognize his captors. Finally, how- ever, the recognition was mutual and further hostilities were averted. The Greenville company, under the able leadership of Sheriff Plant made a brilliant campaign but Clingman was never encountered and he finally left the country, but not until he had done considerable damage. One of the tragedies of this period in Greenville was the murder of Captain Samuel G. McAdams. Among others Captain McAdams was summonel by Provost Marshal Murdock to assist in the arrest of one Jacob Sanner, who lived near Robert C. Morris, A former real estate man, now living at Toledo, Ohio. 28 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. D. H. Kingsbury, A prominent lawver from 1856 until his death in 1893. Bethel. They went to Banner's house at nine o'clock the night of December 8, 18G4, with the expec- tation of Binding some deserters, as it was said that Banner harboured such persons. The marshal first ap- proached the door and made his business known, and being refused admittance, the Captain stepped up, and, taking hoU of the door knob, said to Sanner that he had better not offer any resistance but comply with the law and he would be treat- ed like a man. Sanner refused and at the same time made some threat. Captain McAdams replied that he was not afraid but that he insisted on what he had a lawful right to do. At that Sanner fire! a musket through the door shutter, the en- tire load taking effect in the Cap- tain's abdomen, making eight holes in his person, there being one ball and seven buck shot in the gun. The Captain fell, but soon arose and helped himself off the porch and then fell again. Five or six men were seen to pass from the ■ house at the time, two more than were with the Provost Marshal. Several shots were fired by the marshal and his men but to no effect. Captain McAdams was conveyed to the home of D. B. Har- ned, where he lived nineteen hours. There was probably not another man so universally loved in the county as was Captain McAdams. Sanner was arrested four miles southeast of Salem, 111., January 7, IS 62. He started to run but was wounded and halted. He was brought to Greenville where he was an object of much curiosity. He was later taken to Springfield and his trial was postponed and he was finally acquitted on a technicality. In May 1865 a stranger rode up to Banner's house and aske i for lodg- ing and without further conversa- tion, drew a pistol and shot Sanner through the head. Three other balls were then fired into his body and the stranger deliberately rode away. It was never known who killed San- ner, although there were various rumors as to the identity of the party. The bodies of Captain William Colby and Lieutenant Ives, who were killed in battle, arrived in town June 29, 1863. There was a great sorrow because of the death of these two beloved men. The funeral was held at the court house, addresses being made by the Rever- end G. W. Goodale and Prof. J. B. White. There were thirty-four pall bearers, and the bodies were laid away with military honors. Feeling was high in war times and such feeling culminated in the killing of Terrell Reavis by Lawyer J. P. ShieHs on August 12, 1861. Reavis, who was said to be a south- ern sympathizer and Shields, who es- poused the cause of the Union, met near Wm. S. Smith's store, and after some harsh words. Shields drew a poinard from his cane and stabbed Reavis near the heart. Reavis died in a few hours. Turning now to the industrial side of this period of the sixties, it may be stated without fear of suc- cessful contradiction that from the time the first passenger train was run from Greenville to St. Louis, on the morning of December S, 1868, the improvement in Greenville was more marked than ever before. The population nearly doubled and the effect of the railroad was very per- ceptible, as these figures show. The advent of this road gave Greenville an impetus such as it had never Dr. D.wiD WiLKiNS, Deceased, Who came to Greenville in 1854 and practiced medicine until a few vears priur to his death July 22, 1905. before known. As soon as the farmers found here a market for their products, they came here to trade, and merchants soon discover- ed that a new order of things had been inaugurated. Business increas- ed, brick blocks replaced frame buildings in the business center and an uncertain and transient trade be- came augmented and permanent. The railroad awakened a spirit of enterprise that hat been lying dormant for want of opportuni*y or development. Old stage coach lines offered no chance for an expansKa of business of any kind. But with the railroad came progress and ex- pansion. JSvBURi!.\N Residence of James F. Carroll Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 29 A resident since 1835. ville Collesc. James H. Moss, Trustee and one of tbe founders of Green- Owner of large property interests. During the year 1869 no less than 75 buildings were erected in Green- ville — more than all the improve- ments of the previous decade. Among the new blocks and buildings were the Morse block, (destroyel by fire October 27, 1904) the J. B. Reid block, A. Buie's addition to his store, Holies and Sons' brick bank building, the brick with the mansard roof by Wm. S. Smith & Co., known later as the National Bank building, and many other busi- ness houses, besides residences, as well as two new flouring mills, one by McLain and Wafer and the other by C. P. Staub, and .1. M. McDow- ell's elevator. In these days of the sixties Green- ville boasted a county fair, which thrived for several years but finally succumbed. It was held where "Buzzard Roost" now stands. Among the most important indus- tries in the sixties were Stahl's woolen mill, Lansing and Ostrom's flour mill, Elam's carriage factory, the sorghum molasses mill of Sam- uel Colcord on the site of the pres- ent post office, and a turning lathe operated by a Mr. Alexander, called Buffalo, and his boys. 6rccnx»inc in tbc Seventies. THE spirit of public improvement continued through the seventies, although at the beginning of the decade there was at first a lull, and then a decline, in the city's growth and prosperity. But Greenville weathered the panic of 1873, and though she stood still, she did not retrograde. In the fall of 1873 there was a pressing demand for houses an 1 the town began to go forward again. In the year 187 4 there were so many burglaries that the business men met at the First National Bank and arranged for a night watchman and Greenville has not been with- out such an official since. In 1S7G, the centennial year, the Greenville Advocate paid special attention to the early history of the city and county, and through the efforts of the Reverend Thomas W. Hynes, George M. Tatham, R. O. White and others, much of this early history was collated and some of it was published. Toward the end of the decade, in 1877, to be exact, many new residences spoke of Increased population. Greenville then had three banks, the First National, Bradford's and Holies'. Greenville in tbe Gigbtice. ■^S/ E are now coming rapilly to ' ' days well remembered by many people who now live in Green- ville and as we approach the pres- ent there is less to be said, without going into an exhaustive resume of the times. The eighties opened up in Green- ville with a cyclone, the most se- vere winlstorm in the city's history. At eight o'clock Sunday evening April 17, ISSO, a terrific wind storm broke over Greenville and great was the damage resulting. The steeple of the Methodist church was blown off, as was also the roof of the National Bank building and many business houses and resi- dences were damaged: in fact but few escaped. The damage was esti- mated at $20,000. The storm was the third tornado to visit the city within the year, the others being of lesser importance. Fortunately no one was severely injured in the storm but there was great excite- ResIDENCE of E. V. G.^SKINS. 30 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. rather its evolution from the log cabin in 1815 to the growing city of today, has been the result of carefully laid plans and persistent execution of those plans. Dr. W. a. Allen, Deceased, Who came to Greenville in 1855, and formed a partnership with Dr. T. S. Brooks. At the time of his death, March, 1891, he •w&s Mayor of Greenville, President of the Board of Education, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Congregational Church. ment and services at the church were dismissed, while people rushed frantically about searching for their loved ones, and finding all safe, al- though some were bruised. Several years later when Mt. Vernon was visited by a cyclone Greenville sent $257.30 to the sufferers of that city. This was a good year for wheat, for the local papers tell us that in one week the last of July ISSO, two Greenville banks paid out $84,245 for wheat and this did not include the business of the mills and small buyers. Gncnxnllc in the JVtnctica. THE opening of this decade marks a new era in the history of Greenville. It is chiefly the in- dustrial spirit that predominates in the nineties, and, in fact, up to the present time. It was in the period of the nineties that nearly all of Greenville's present thriving indus- tries were launched. As early as March, 1890, the busi- ness men organized and subscribed money for the purpose of a'lvertis- ing Greenville in the eastern papers. Up to this time the growth had been slow but steady. After the Van- dalia Line had been safely launch- ed, the people sank back on their laurels and the usual course of business was allowed to run smooth- ly and without interruption. And there was really no especially mark- ed advancement until the industrial period of a few years ago swept over the city and the era of factories dawned in Greenville. Since then the advancement has been by rapid strides and the city is eagerly seek- ing the rolling lands to the north- east, east, southeast, and south, where modern homes are almost daily being built. In 1890 the Postal Telegraph came, and the same fall, when dingy street lamps cost the city $250 a year, the agitation for electric lights commenced, nor did it cease until June 1, 1895, when the first electric lights were turned on in the streets of Greenville. The telephone exchange came in 189 4. The factory of DeMoulin and Brother was established in 1896 and the Helvetia Milk Condensing Company came in 1898. The Green- ville Milk Condensing Company commenced operations in 1902, but all these have enlarged and are still enlarging and their history in detail is given elsewhere In this vol- ume. The growth of Greenville has not been of the mushroom character, nor has it been by fits and starts but 6rccn\nUc of "Coday. AND now we come to the Green- ville of 1905, with its popu- lation of at least 3,000, and with its prosperous business houses and hundreds of happy homes. In the institutions of this city and in the many channels of business are each day seen evidences of increasing opportunities for intellectual, mor- al, financial and spiritual gain and growth. We all know what Greenville of the present day is and we will use no space in telling present day his- tory, for, as has been truthfully said, the history of any community, is the history of its men and women, and in the pages which follow there is portrayed by pen and picture what Greenville is today. ■Cbc Civic Ristory of 6rccnvtUc. GREENVILLE was one of the first towns in the state to take advantage of the laws to incorpor- ate under special charter. Just fifty years ago, to be exact February 15, 1855, Greenville was incorporated by special act of the Illinois Legis- lature. The special act incorporat- ing the village clearly indicated that the town of Greenville was al- ready in existence, as a municipality, incorporated under the general laws in force at that time. Section 2, of the act of 1855, provided that "the boundaries of said incorpora- tion shall be those as established Dr. T. S. Brooks, Deceased. K Greenville practitioner for 40 years; a Yale graduate. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 31 AIks. Dukcas Dii.N.w, Deceased, Wife of J. S. Denny, Deceased. by the first ordinances passed by the present board of trustees of said town, which said ordinances are hereby legalized for that pur- pose." Section 5, of the same act, provid- ed that "the corporate powers and duties of said town shall be vested in five persons, who shall form a board for the transaction of busi- ness, and the persons who may be in office as trustees of said town under the general incorporation act of this state shall, after the passage of this act, be deemed to hold their offices by virtue of this act until the first Monday in May, 1S55, and un- til their successors In office are elected and qualified, and to dis- charge their duties in conformity to this act." There are no records of the doings and acts of the board prior to the act of 1855, and the first three years records of the new board, from 1855 to 1858 have been lost and diligent research has failed to reveal who were the first officers under the special act of 1855, but from old newspaper files the names of the officers from 1856 to 185 8 have been obtained and the city records, complete from 1858 to date supply the necessary information from that time to date. As early as 1856, the first year of the new village government, the question of license or no license was raised and it has been the chief issue at all municipal elec- tions ever since. The first board of trustees passed an ordinance de- claring "the sale of ardent spirits a nuisance when sold as a bever- age." At the election in 1856, ac- cording to the American Courier, 149 votes were cast and the anti- license ticket had a majority of 37. The following is a complete record of the elective officers of Greenville from 1856 to date. Boards of Trusti-es. 1856 — J. Burchsted, J. K. Mc- Lean, M. P. Ormsby, L. P. Little- lield, J. W. Elliott. 1857 — President, Col. R. Bentley, J. T. Barr, Wm. S. Smith, A. G. Henry, J. B. Reid. 1858 — President, Alexander Buie: Clerk, Joseph H. Birge; Treasurer, J. B. Reid: J. T. Barr, A. G. Henry. Samuel White. 1S59 — President, J. K. McLean; Clerk, Joseph H. Birge; Treasurer, J. B. Reid; James Bradford, W. S. Colcord, George Gibson. 18G0 — President, J. K. McLean; Clerk, James Bradford; Treasurer, J. B. Reid; W. S. Colcord. Alexan- der Buie. ISGl — President, J. Burchsted; Clerk and Attorney, L. C. Hawley; Treasurer, J. S. Denny; W. S. Col- cord, Wm. M. Colby, S. R. Perry. 1862 — President, Alexander Buie; Clerk, L. C. Hawley and M. V. Den- ny; Treasurer, J. B. Reid: H. B. Alexander, Wm. M. Colby, Joel Elam, S. R. Perry. 1863 — President, J. S. Denny; Clerk, M. V. Denny; Treasurer, Al- exander Buie; H. B. Alexander, Lemuel Adams, D. H. Kingsbury, W. H. Williams. 1864 — President, J. S. Denny; Clerk, M. V. Denny; Treasurer, James Bradford; Alexander Buie, M. Ives, J. P. Shields, S. R. Perry, J. T. Laws. 1865 — President, Seth Fuller: Clerk, M. V. Denny; Treasurer, James Bradford: Othnie! Buchanan, M. B. Chittenden, W. S. Colcord, J. W. Elliott. J. S. Denny, Deceased, N'lllage President in 18G3; Mayor in 1873. 18 66- — President, O. Buchanan; Clerk, M. V. Denny; Treasurer, James Bradford; M. B. Chittenden, D. H. Kingsbury, J. W. Elliott, E. B. White. 1867 — President, Rev. Thomas W. Hynes: Clerk, Edward Bigelow; Treasurer, J. B. Reid; R. C. Spra- gue. E. B. White. 1868 — President, Wm. S. Smith, Sr.: Clerk, M. V. Denny: Treasurer, Lemuel Adams; J. E. Walls, John Wenting: Police Magistrate, James Bradford. 1SG9 — President, S. A. Phelps: Clerk, M. V. Denny and R. K. Dew- ey; Treasurer, Wm. S. Smith Jr.: P. Boll. C. A. Darlington. 1870 — President, R. C. Sprague; Clerk and Attorney, W. H. Dawdy; The old jail on Third Street, Ijuill in 1859, and now used as a tene- ment house. 32 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Burning of the court house at Greenville, Photograph loaned by J, Treasurer, Samuel Bradford; S. E. Black, J. N. Pogue, Wm. S. Smith, Jr. 1S71 — President, W. S. Thomas: Clerk ana Attorney, W. H. Dawdy; Treasurer, George M. Tatham; J. C. Gericks, J. Perryman, B. B. White. IS 72 — President, John T. Barr; Clerk and Attorney, W. H. Dawdy; Treasurer, C. D. Hoiles; A. G. Henry, J. B. Reid, Stephen Wait. Incorporated As a City. At a special election held August 13, 1S72, Greenville was incorpor- ated as a city under the state law, the vote heing 140 for the propo- sition to 5 against. The first elec- tion under this law was held Sep- tember 17, 1S72. The following paragraphs give the names of all elective officers at regular munici- pal elections from that time to date. In each case the first named alder- man represented the first ward; the second named, the second ward; and the third named, the third ward. Saturday, March 24, 1883. H. Hawiey. 1872 — (Special Election) Mayor, James Bradford; Clerk, R. K. Dew- ey; Treasurer, C. D. Hoiles; Attor- ney, W. H. Dawdy; Aldermen, P. C. Henry and P. C. Reed, first ward; Joseph W. Dewald and C. D. Harris, second ward; W. A. Allen and G. W. Miller, third ward. License 119; Anti-license, S5. 1873 — (Regular Election) Mayor, J. S. Denny; Clerk, R. K. Dewey; Treasurer, M. V. Denny; Atto-ney, W. H. Dawdy; Aldermen, C. D. Har- ris and John T. Barr, Sr.; Wm. Koch and R. L. Mudd; G. W. Miller and P. C. Reed. 187 4 — Clerk, George Berry; Treasurer, M. V. Denny; Attorney, W. H. Dawdy; Aldermen, C. D. Har- ris, J. T. Barr, Jr., R. C. Sp-ague. 1875 — Mayor, James Bradford; Clerk, D. B. Evans; Treasurer, M. V. Denny; Attorney, J. H. Dawdy; Aldermen, Lemuel Adams, R. L. Mudd, Stephen Wait. 187G — Attorney, D. H. Kings- bury; Police Magistrate, M. B. Chit- tenden; Aldermen, Ed Birge, Wm. Koch. R. C. Sprague. 1877 — Mayor G. W. Miller; Clerk, D. B. Evans; Treasurer, M. V. Den- ny: Attorney, D. H. Kingsbury; Aldermen, J. L. Wood, R. L. Mudd, J. H. Davis. 1878 — Aldermen, J. R. Whitta- Uer, M. W. Van Valkenburg, R. C. Sprague. 1879 — Mayor, C. D. Hoiles: Clerk. D. B. Evans: Treasurer, J. H. Davis; Attorney, George S. Phelps: Aldermen, W. H. Williams, J. G. Taylor. W. F. Robinson. ISSO — Aldermen. F. Parent, M. W. VanValkenburg, W. A. Allen; Police Magistrate, M. B. Chitten- den. 1881 — Mayor, C. D. Hoiles; Clerk. J. T. Fouke; Treasurer, Jo- seph Dewall: Attorney. L. H. Craig: Bond County Jail, built in 1897. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 33 E. B. Wise, Deceased, A prominent merchant for many years. Former Al- derman and Member Board of Education. Aldermen, W. H. Williams, John Schlup, G. W. Miller. (Wm. S. Smith was elected to fill the unex- pired term of G. W. Miller, who died.) 18S2 — Treasurer, Wm. Koch, (to fill vacancy) Aldermen, S. Hutch- inson, John A. Elam, W. A. Allen. 1SS3 — Mayor, C. D. Holies; Clerk, Ward Reid; Treasurer, D. B. Evans; Attorney, L. H. Craig; Po- lice Magistrate, Henry Howard; Aldermen, W. H. Williams, M. W. VanValkenburg, E. B. Wise. 1SS4 — Aldermen, C. D. Harris, John Baumberger Sr., W. A. Allen. 18S5 — Mayor, C. D. Hoiles; Clerk, Ward Reid; Treasurer, F. Thraner; Attorney, S. A. Phelps; Aldermen. W. H. Williams, T. L. Vest, W. H. H. Beeson. ISSG — Aldermen, J. Seaman, E. U. Wallace, W. A. Allen. For Saloon license, 137; against, 38. 1887 — Mayor, U. B. Harris; Clerk. Ward Reid; Treasurer, W. O. Holdzkom; Attorney, S. A. Phelps; Aldermen, F. P. Joy, James Vollen- tlne, E. P. Justice. Majoritj' for anti-license S3. ISSS — Aldermen, J. Seaman, Clayton Travis, A. Maynard; Police Magistrate, Henry Howard. 1889 — Mayor, Dr. W. A. Allen; Clerk, Ward Reid; Treasurer, J. Seaman; Attorney, Solon A. Enloe; Aldermen, J. C. Sanderson, J. P. Thompson. M. S. Oudyn. 1890 — Aldermen, J. A. Harris, Ed Baumberger, J. F. Watts. In 18 90 Mayor Allen died in office and M. S. Oudyn was Mayor pro tem for one month. 1891 — Mayor, J. M. Miller; Clerk, Ward Reid; Treasurer, W. A. McLain; Attorney, C. E. Cook; Ald- ermen, Emil Broeker, Clayton Trav- is, A. W. Mahle. 1892 — Police Magistrate, J. J. Sutton; Superintendent of Streets, S. W. Robinson; City Marshal, Fay Z. Dibble; Aldermen, John L. Rogier, L. L. Tice, (to fill vacancy) George W. Hickman, Ed DeMoulin. For electric lights, 16G; against, 137. On July 6, 1892, at a special election W. V. Weise and J. A. Har- ris were elected aldermen to fill vacancies. 1893 — Mayor, J. Seaman; Clerk, Frank T. Reid; Treasurer, W. E. Robinson; Attorney, C. E. Cook; Aldermen, L. L. Tice, W. O. Holdz- kom, H. A. Hubbard. 189 4 — City Mar.shal, W. E. Davis, Superintendent of Streets, Cleve McVey; Aldermen, H. C. Birge, John Dagen, E. B. Wise. 1895 — Mayor, J. Seaman; Clerk, John L. Bunch; Treasurer, H. W. Park; Attorney, C. E. Cook; Alder- men, L. L. Tice, N. H. Jackson, H. A. Hubbard. 1896 — Aldermen, Horace McNeill, E. M. Gullick, Alfred Blizzard; Po- lice Magistrate, J. J. Sutton. 18 97 — Mayor, Ed DeMoulin; Clerk, John L. Bunch; Treasurer, S. D. Hoiles; Attorney, C. E. Cook; Aldermen, W. H. Williams, P. Boll, Charles Ingles. 1S9S — Aldermen, F. P. Joy, S. VanDeusen, E. B. Wise; Treasurer, C. D. Hoiles, (to fill vacancy.) 1S99 — Mayor, Ed DeMoulin; Clerk, L. A. Holdener; Attorney, C. E. Cook; Treasurer, Guy B. Hoiles; Aldermen, W. H. Williams, James T. Kirkham, H. W. Blizzard, A. C. Gulp, (to fill vacancy). 1900 — Aldermen, Frank N. Blan- chard, Daniel Lulz, E. E. Wise; Superintendent of Streets, Ben Hull; City Marshal, E. D. Wallace; Police Magistrate, J. J. Sutton. The seat of F. N. Blanchard, alderman of the first ward was contested by N. B. Jernigan, who was finally seated. 1901 — Mayor, F. P. Joy; Clerk, S. M. Harnetiaux; Attorney, W. A. Orr; Treasurer, Abe McNeill, Jr.; Aldermen, W. H. Williams, Sam JIueller, Ell Armstrong. 1902 — Aldermen, J. A. Warren, Daniel Lutz, Fred Durr; City Mar- shal, C. C. Smith. 1903 — Mayor, Ed DeMoulin; Clerk, Frank N. Blanchard; Treas- urer, R. W. Wilson; Attorney, C. E. Cook; Aldermen, G. W. Bass; S. Van Deusen, J. E. Wafer. For Mayor Ed DeMoulin and J. H. Liv- ingston each received 316 votes. The two men cast lots, DeMoulin winning. 1901 — Aldermen, W. D. Donnell, F. O. Leidel, John S. Bradford: City Attorney, J. H. Allio; Police Magis- trate, W. H. Taylor. 19 05 — Mayor, W. A. Orr; Clerk, J. Finis Johnston; Treasurer, Abe McNeill Jr.; Attorney, J. H. Allio; Aldermen, G. W. Bass, Horace Mc- Neill, (to fill vacancy) Charles White, James E. Wafer. 1905 — Special Election to fill va- cancy, caused by the resignation ot Mayor Orr and his removal to Springfield, held September 12, 1905, resulted in the election of Edmond DeMoulin as Mayor to fill the unexpired term. Greenville's Geograpliical Growth. The original plat of Greenville was made by John Russell, in June, 1S21. The exact date is not known, but it must have been before June 6th. of that year, for on that day a sale of thirty of the lots was order- ed, "for the benefit of the county." The land platted by John Russell belonged to George Davidson, the founder of Greenville. In this plat was embraced what is now David- son's Addition, and was bounded on the north by College Avenue, on the east by Fourth Street, on the south by Summer Street and on the west by the west city limits. It is related that Davidson became dissatisfied 34 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. with this plat and thrust it in the fireplace. Then the original town of 71 lots was laid out and stands today bounded on the north by Oak Street, on the east by Mulberry Alley, on the south by the first tier of lots south of South Street an 1 on the west by Fourth Street. The area of Greenville is a mile square, 640 acres, and includes the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 10, the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 11. the southeast quarter of section 10. the southwest quarter of section 11. north half of the northwest quar- ter of section 14 and the north half of the northeast quarter of section 15. The additions to the city, or original town have been as follows: Davidson's Addition of Gl lots was made October 7, 1831, by Vance L. Davidson agent for George Dav- idson, who had moved to JoDaviess county. This was the first addition made to the original town, now city of Greenville. On May 29, 1839, "a plat of the town of Greenville, laid out in a re-survey by Asahel Enloe. county surveyor," was recorded. Then came the additions in order as fol- lows: East Addition by Timothy P. Eld- rege, Ariel Eldrege and Edward Cotton, April 25, 1839; Asahel En- loe, surveyor; 2 8 lots. Greenwood's Addition by John Greenwood, proprietor, September 28, 1S41, Seth Fuller, surveyor: 40 lots. Dallam's Addition, by Aquilla P. Dallam, by Richard B. Dallam, his attorney, September 11. 1848; Seth Fuller, surveyor: 29 lots. South Addition by William a. Wait, April 29, 1854; John Hughs, surveyor: 121 lots. White's First Addition, by Samuel White, February 14, 1855: Seth Fuller, deputy surveyor; 6 8 lots. College Addition by John B. White, Stephen Morse, Seth Fuller, W. D. H. Johnson and William T. Hull, trustees of Almira College, July 29, 1857: Seth Fuller, survey- or. An addition of the lots across the street south of the college was made in a subsequent survey by A. Buie, president of the Board of Trustees; 72 lots. Smith's Central Addition by Wil- liam S. Smith and Willam S. Smith Jr., March 12. 18 66: R. K. Dewey, surveyor: 18 lots. Stewart's .\ddition by Robert Stewart, J. F. Alexander and Ed- ward Bigelow April 6, 1869; Ira Kingsbury, surveyor; 14 lots. White's Second Addition by Sam- uel White July 21, 1869; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 32 lots. Railroad Addition by William A. Allen, and Belle E. Holcomb, Aug- ust 7, 1S69: R. K. Dewey, survey- or; 65 lots. Hutchinson's Addition, by Sylva- nus Hutchinson, September 18, 1869, R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 32 lots. Montrose Cemetery was surveyed by R. K. Dewey April 29, 1877 and was given to the city by the Mont- rose Cemetery Association. Evans Addition by Mary A. Ev- ans and Margaret J. Hubbard Oc- tober 4, ISSl; R. K. Dewey, survey- or. Evans addition was vacated January 9, 1886, and is now Mc- Lain's Addition. Justice's Addition by E. P. Jus- tice, W. S. Robinson, G. S. Haven, J. F. Dann, W. H. Dawdy and Caro- line Childers, October 4, 1881; John Kingsbury, surveyor; 16 lots. Koch's Addition by William Koch, April 19, 1883: John Kingsbury, surveyor: 12 lots. Vest's Addition by T. L. Vest. March 29, 1884; John Kingsbury, surveyor; 40 lots. McCasland's Addition by John McCasland October 3, 1884; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 17 lots. Douglas Place by C. D. Holies and Ward Reid, April 15, 1887; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 7 5 lots. Moss's First Addition by James H. Moss. October 13, 1892; R. K. Dewey, surveyor: 35 lots. Moss's Second Addition by James H. Moss. April 21, 1894: R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 58 lots. Moss's Third Addition by James H. Moss. June 2, 1S9S: R. K. Dew- ey, surveyor; 2 lots. Colcord's Addition by Hattie J. Colcord and Otis T. Colcord, Sep- tember 5, 1S9S; R. K. Dewey, sur- veyor: 2 9 lots. "Baumberger's Out Lots," by John Baumberger Sr., August 31, 1899: R. K. Dewey, surv.; 16 lots. Rutschmann's Addition by Chas. Rutschmann October 8, 1900; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 11 lots. McLain's Addition by Thomas R. McLain by N. W. McLain, agent. May 2, 1902; John Kingsbury, sur- veyor; 32 lots. Sherman's Addition by Washing- ton Sherman, June G, 1902: R. K. Dewey, surveyor: 40 lots. Hockett's Addition by Oliver Hockett December 8, 1902; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 20 lots. College Second Addition by the Board of Trustees of Greenville Col- lege June 8, 1903; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 12 lots. Moss's Fourth Addition by James H. Moss August 18, 1903: R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 38 lots. Ashcraft's Addition by Franklin H. Ashcraft, March 17. 1905; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 92 lots. DeMoulin's Addition by Ed De- Moulin, March 22. 1905; R. K. Dew- ey, survevor; 3 4 lots. Dixon's Addition, by Cyrus C. Dixon and H. Harrison Dixon, April 3, 1905; R. K. Dewey, surv.; 41 lots. Woodlawn Addition by Dr. B. F. Coop, George V. Weise, Ernest E. Wise, E. W. Miller and Cicero J. Lindly, April 6, 1905, John Kings- bury, surveyor; 123 lots. Armstrong's Addition by Joseph H. Armstrong, Elizabeth J. Arm- strong and Ward Reid, April 2 0, 1905; Jno. Kingsbury, surv. ; 20 lots. Bradford's Addition by Franklin H. Ashcraft, Rose B. Dixon, Cyrus C. Dixon and Otto Schafer, May 4, 190 5; R. K. Dewey, surv.; GS lots. Kimbro's Addition by Daniel Kimbro, May 16, 1905; R. K. Dew- ey, surveyor; 10 lots. College Avenue Addition by F. H. Ashcraft, June 24, 1905; R. K. Dewey, surveyor; 254 lots. The city of Greenville is com- posed of three wards, the boundary lines of which have been changed several times. The present first ward is all that part of Greenville east of First Street, the line turning east from First Street down the cen- ter of College Avenue, thence east on College to Spruce, thence north on Spruce one block, thence east on Oak to the city limits. The sec- ond ward is all south of Main Ave- nue and west of First Street. The third ward from the west city lim- its is all north of Main until the intersection of Main and First is reached from which point the line runs north on First to College Ave- nue and so on through as detailed in the first ward boundaries. Greenville Census Report. United States government census reports show that the first census taken in Bond county was in 18 20, when the county had a population of 2931, but no government census of Greenville village was taken un- til 1850. The government census reports here given bear out the statement made in the history of the Vandalia Railroad, that the greatest increase in population was during the building of the road. ISHO isiis 2504 Since the federal census of 19 00. there has been material increase in the population of Greenville and to- day the city shelters, at a conser- vative estimate, at least 3,000 souls, although the figure is placed much higher by many. The rapid in- crease in population is due to the fact that many families are moving here to take advantage of the city's superior educational advantages, while, at the same time the city supplies employment to many, through its flourishing and ever en- larging industries. i'50 :i7S iSRn . I860 1000 1X90 1870 19S9 1900. Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 35 Greenville's Military History By Col. J. B. Reid. CAPTAIN PAUL BECK, Green- ville's first miller was also Greenville's first military captain. He was commissioned captain May 12, 1817, and mustered a company in the prairie near Greenville. Samuel Davidson, a son of the founder of Greenville, was made an ensign at the same time. On June 14, 1817, John Laughlin was elect- ed captain, John Hopton, lieutenant, and John Whitley, Jr., ensign. These military companies were organized for the purpose of keep- ing alive the spirit of patriotism, engendered by the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, both of which were only a few years in the past, at this time and also for the purpose of combating the Indians, if necessary. In this way the mili- tary spirit was cultivated until the Black Hawk war of 1831-2, when Greenville sent some of her sons to the front, among whom were James Bradford, Wiliam Black, J. Perry- man, Thomas Stout and others. MEXICAN WAR. When the United States engaged in war with Mexico, Greenville was again in the front. The Protestant Monitor states that on June 4,184t;. citizens of the county assembled in Greenville to respond to a call from the Governor for three regiments of volunteers to go to the front. Al- though the day was unfavorable the meeting was large and eighty-five citizens, chiefly young men, enrolled and elected 'Wilson W. Willey cap- tain; James M. Hubbard, first lieu- tenant; Benjamin E. Sellers, second lieutenant; Matthew Harvey, John A. Washburn, James I. Adams and Josiah F. Sugg, sergeants; Richard Roberts, Lemuel Washburn, Larkin Jackson and Allen Harris, corporals. The privates who volunteered were: Samuel G. McAdams, John M. Smith, R. B. Alexander, John C. Mackey, R. O. White, Samuel J. Sw- ing, Stephen White, Thomas A. Ew- ing, N. D. Higinbotham, Robert Patterson, George P. Etzler, John Patterson, W'illiam Alderman, Henry D. Rhea, William Wood. Nelson H. Elam, Joseph A. Jay, Sowel Smith. Joel H. Sherrob, Robert Booth, Henry C. Thacker, James Blanken- ship. Thomas L. Smith, Henry H. Hill, George A. Reed, John C. Gas- ton, Nathan McCracken, Daniel Roy- er, John P. McCracken, Elias Cole- man, Samuel Roberts, Thomas Wel- don, James Hignight, Peter S. Lyt- taker, James Kuykendall, Theophi- lus Short, James W. Alderman, Charles Hilllard, David Phipps, John Alexander, John Little, William Ray, Isaac Redfearn, Nathan B. Willis, Alexander McCollum, Isaac N. Reed, William Madray, John Holland, John A. Laws, Thomas J. Jett, Felix Gower, William M. Hun- ter, Robert Arnold, Andrew Gilbert, Henry B. Alexander, Hardin Elmore, Henry Cruthis, William Lucas, Sam- uel Gray, Robert Willeford, Milton F. Neatherly, Francis Webster, Wil- liam Allen, Calvin Brown, John H. Gilmore, Andrew J. Steel, Calvin Denson, James C. Cruthis, Hampton Cruthis, Enoch M. Noland, H. W. Jarvis, George Allen, Michael Tuck- er, John Spratt, and Joseph W. Grigg. The above list is taken from the Protestant Monitor of June 19, 1846. These volunteers departed from Greenville June 19, 1846 for Alton. Before departing they were adressed in the court house by Rev. Mr. Stafford. The company was given a dinner at the home of John West, four miles west of Greenville and after the meal speeches were made by Mr. West, J. M. Davis and Judge M. G. Dale. The Protestant Moni- tor says: "The amateur musicians, Messrs Garland, Lane, and Humes, with martial music, and the Green- ville band, in their spacious band carriage, drawn by four bays, kindly furnished by our enterprising citi- zen Mr. F. Berry, accompanied the volunteers to Alton." The ladies of Greenville aided in equipping this company and the volunteers passed resolutions thank- ing the ladies for their generous as- sistance and kindly feeling. The company left Alton July 2 2 for New Orleans. When the war was over and the veterans returnel in 1848 from con- CuL. JuH Who has had a prominent part in .N B. Keu), Greenville's Civil and Military life. 36 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. Group of old veterans taken on the occasion of the 15th annual reunion of the Bond County Soldiers' and Sailors' Association held at Greenville October 19 and 20, 1904. Photo by McLeod. quering the Montezumas on the plains of Mexico, they were given an ovation in a grove about a mile and a half southwest of Greenville. William M. Hunter, who lives on his farm about four miles west of Greenville, was one of the veterans of the Mexican war. The others of the company named above have all passed away. Greenville's Civil Cdar Ristory In the history of Greenville, there should be no chapter of more gen- eral interest than that which tells of the "brave boys in blue" who went out in Gl to 'Go to fight for the perpetuity of the American Re- public. This history is familiar to the most of us. and that very fact proves its value. It is presumable that no enlightened parent, no true liearted American citizen will wish to have his sons and daughters grow up without becoming more or less familiar with the heroism of these gallant men. It is impossible to enter into de- tail and give a complete history of each soldier who enlisted from "Little Bond," but the writer has endeavored to give a brief sketch of each company and the officers of each. This civil war in a land so peculiarly blessed, between a people so enlightened and refined, this fratricidal war, as we now review it, having seen its commencement, its continuance and its close, seems only a dream of the past : yet it was to many hundreds of thousands a fatal dream. Bond county was in the front in furnishing her full quota of brave and patriotic soldiers to defend and uphold the flag and honor of our whole country. They went promptly at every call for volunteers, carry- ing with them the prayers of sympa- thizing friends and relatives, many of whom never returned, some re- turning with lost or shattered limbs or a diseased body as can be attest- ed by a large pension roll in our count}'. There is no official history of the men who went from Bond county except that furnished by the state, through the Adjutant General's of- fice. The history of the civil war soldiers who went from Greenville cannot be separated from those who went from the county and though this history in general is confined principally to Greenville, it will be impossible for me to make the dis- tinction in this article as Greenville was the central point in the county, where soldiers from various parts of its confines came to enlist. Companies D and E serve 1 in the 2 2nd. infantry. Company D was mustered in May 11, ISGl and the following served as officers: Cap- tains, J. A. Hubbard, John H. Phil- lips: First Lieutenants, E. J. C. Alexander, Lemuel Adams, John H, Phillips, and E. J. File: Second Lieutenants, Lemuel Adams, Ed- ward Stearns, J. H. Phillips, C. M. Galloway. E. F. File and Joel B. Paisley. Company E was organized June 17, ISGl and the following served as officers: Captains, Samuel G. McAdams, George Gibson: First Lieutenants, James M. Hamilton. George Gibson and J. M. McAdams: Second Lieutenants, George Gibson and J. M. McAdams. Capt. P. E. Holcomb was elected captain of Co. E in Greenville by the company but failed to qualify as a member of the Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 37 ■■■H|^^^^^MH|^H| __l^^_^^^^^lg_l__ IHHH li^lHHHHHH^k 1 .. % L •;■ # 1 |v'^^^^^^PHE^^^^K|^,,^^^^Bi'«^''j^^^^H' '^^Ksir^^H^^^H 'w 'w'^*'^ i .'f^S'S/^ * i« ^ 5 fe '* 1 t ^ 'M^^^M' ' ' ^ ■ * ■'■ m^ Pi:-^...- . OI-riCEKS AND MEMBERS OF COLBY POST NO. Mill, i, \ I First Row:— (Reading from left to right), John H Hawley, R. K. Dewey, J. T. Buchanan, Officer of the Day; Ransom Pope Junior Vice Commander; Miss Helen Reid, Daughter of the Post; J. H. Ladrl. Commander; W. W. Lowis. Adjutant; H H Staub; Oliver Hockett, Chaplain. Second Ro^v:— W. A. McLain, George F. Harlan. J. L. Koonce, A. C. Jett, S. G. Enloe, Colonel J. B. Reid, Thomas J. Long, J. C Sanderson, \Vm. D. Matney. Third Row:— Samuel Spratt, Frank Parent, G. B. Keesecker, Jacob Dowell, O.T.Lee, M.F. Hook, C. I. Young, J. W. Anthony, Joseph L. Turner. George Sherer, P. B. Sells. Fourth Row:— Joseph Armstrong, Joseph F. Watts, A. A. Thompson, Xoah Vaughn, John W. Miles, H. C. Burton, Dr. David Wilkins, Surgeon; Philip Leidner, Archie Swing. Fifth Row:— I. M. Alexander, George \V. Grigg, H. W. Wait, Nelson .Adams, E.S.Valentine, T. R. Logging, James Ewing. William Ingles, H. E. Sapp. Si.xth Row:— Wm. Green, Francis Kinney, \Vm. M. Goad, Fred Dommert, L. T. Ellingsworth. H F. Schweitzer, Rufus Cox, George Johnson, John A. Finney. regiment at the muster in, having received an appointment in the reg- ular army. The 22nd. regiment was mustered into the United States service for three years June 25, 1S61 and was mustered out July 7, 1864. The veterans were transferred to the 42d 111. and were mustered out and discharged Jan. 12, 1S66. The 22d. and 42nd. served their country well at Belmont, Charleston, New Ma- drid, Island No. in. Farmington, siege of Corinth and Stone River. December 31, 1862 and January 1-2, 1863, the regiment was in the battle of Chickamaugua. Here they lost l;^5 officers and men out of 300 engaged. In storming the heights of Mission Ridge, they lost 40 men out of their reduced ranks; were engaged at Resacca and lost 20 men killed and wounded. On June 10, they were ordered to Springfield. 111., and were mustered out. The county may be proud of the record made by this grand regiment. The 22nd. 111., was one of the regiments mentioned in "Fox's History of the Rebellion," that lost the greatest number of men during the three years of service. July 7, 1861 a squad of 18 men of Co. E of the 1st. 111. Cavalry were from Bond county. They were cap- tured at Lexington, Mo., which was the principal engagement of the 1st Cavalry, after a siege of 52 hours of hard fighting; 2500 Union men under General Mulligan to 10,000 of the enemy. They were mustered out of the service July '62 and join- ed other commands. Among the contingent from Bond county were the Dennys. Gordons, Potters. Ran- kins, and Knights and others just as worthy and brave, who did their whole duty at Lexington, Mo. August 20, 1861, Co. D., 3rd. 111. Cavalry was organized in Greenville under command of Capt. Thomas 38 Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 1 Charles W. Watson, A leading druggist from 1881 to 1902, member of Colby Post, and connected with many lodges and organizations in Greenville. M. Davis and was assigned to the 3rd. 111. Cavalry imder Col. Eugene Carr of the regular army. All those •who at different times served as officers of Co. D. were: Captains, Thomas M. Davis, and James K. McLain; First Lieutenants, J. K. McLain and Jonathan Keshner; Second Lieutenants, Moses Lytaker, Jonathan Keshner and Solomon M. Tahor. The regimental organiza- tion took place at Camp Butler in August, 1S61 and after an eventful career of fighting, raiding and scout- ing, were mustered out of service October 18, 1865, having borne an honorable part in the battles of Pea Ridge to Vicksburg and from Vicks- burg to Memphis, Tenn., where they took part in driving Forrest from that city the night of August 21. and did many other good things not to be mentioned in history; but with all that was accomplished by this grand organization, by both of- ficers and men, it may be said in all candor that as a patriotic body of men, soldiers and citizens, they deserve well of the state and na- tion. We met them at Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge and Jackson, Miss. Co. D was al- ways ready when the bugle sounded "Boots and Saddles." Company C was mustered in Aug- ust 31, ISGl and assigned to the 26th. 111. Infantry at Camp Butler, 111. The various officers of the com- pany were Captains. G. M. Keener. James A. Dugger, Owen W. Walls, and Isaac N. Enloe; First Lieuten- ants, T. L. Vest, J. A. Dugger, O. W. Walls, James Means, and John Mc- Alister; Second Lieutenants, J. A. Dr. J. B. Cary, Born and raised in Bond County. Member of Colby Post. For many years a practicing physician in Bond County. Dugger and E. B. Wise. The 2 6th. regiment, of which Company C was a part, went from Hannibal, Mo., to New Madrid, Mo., March 3, and were engaged at Farmington, where they lost 5 killed, 30 wounded. From Missouri to Tennessee and Mississippi they went and were in the siege of Jackson, Miss., which was disastrous to Co. C. They lost Capt. Dugger, killed, and also a number of men were killed and wounded at the same time. The regiment of which Co. C was a part marched 6,931 miles, fought 28 battles, among them New Madrid, Farmington, Island No. 10, Corinth, Holly Springs, luka, Jackson, Miss., Vicksburg, Mission Ridge, Resacca, Kenesaw and many others. Their service was hard and honorable. On August 28, 1861, part of Co. I, 45 men, were recruited in Bond county and were mustered into the 30th. 111. Volunteers, by Col. Phil- lip B. Fouke. Wni. C. Kershner, of Bond county was commissioned Cap- tain, November 29, 1861. They were in the battle of Belmont, Mo., at the taking of Fort Henry and at the siege of Fort Donnellson, Feb- ruary 13, 14, 15, 1862; were with Grant on the Vicksburg campaign, were engaged at Raymond, Jackson. Champion Hills and Black River Bridge, arriving at Vicksburg, May 19, 1863: moved to Jackson, July 2 5, marched with Sherman through the Carolinas to Richmond, Va., and took part in the grand review at Washington. They were discharged -at Camp Butler July 27, 1865. The men from Bond county in the 3 0th. did their whole duty and under ■b- f ^^ w^^^ mt^'y ^ ''^B'jiP'^ M Charles Taylor, Deceased, A member of Colby Post, G. A. R., who was on his death-bed when the picture of Colby Post was taken. Bond county officers, Capt. Kersh- ner and Lieutenants Taylor and Fouke made an honorable record. July 3, 1S61 a squad of 25 men was recruited and assigned to the 35th. 111. under Capain Han, of Van- dalia. The 3 5th. was mustered out of the service September 27, 1864, after serving their country well for three years and three months. The total distance marched by this regi- ment was 3,0 5 6 miles, and they saw hard service in their country's defense from secession and ruin. Some of the boys from Bond county in the 35th. 111. were A. A. Thomp- son, J. M. Brown, G. W. Woodling, and many others. In 1862, April 3, I find a squad of 14 men went from Bond county and were assigned to the 65th. 111. Infantry, under Col. Cameron, of Chicago and were -mustered out July 26, 1865. The 65th. was known as the "Scotch" regiment under Daniel Cameron, Jr., and did grand service for the country. The squad from Bond county had such men as Com- rade J. T. Buchanan, our Past Post Commander, the Sprague brothers, Tate, Frampton, Prouty, Sanders, Tom K. White and others just as true and brave, who did their whole duty and honored the county from which they went. They were in battle at Knoxville, Lost Mountain, Rough and Ready Station, Jones- boro, Columbia. Franklin, Nashville, and Smithtown Creek, and the part taken by the Bond county boys is an honor to our state and county. Company E was organized August 12, 1862. The men were from Mil- lersburg. Beaver Creek. Pocahontas, Historical Souvenir of Greenville, Illinois. 39 and Old Ripley. The different of- ficers of Co. E, were Captains, U. B. Harris and W. C. Harned; First Lieutenants, Wm. Harlan, W. C. Harned, and C. W. Johnson; Second Lieutenants, \V. C. Harned and C. \V. Johnson. Company F was organized in Greenville, August 7, 1S62 by John B. Reid and was assigned to the 130th. 111., then being recruited in camp at Belleville, by Col. Nathan- iel Niles of that city. The various officers of Co. F were Captains, John B. Reid, W. M. Colby, John D. Donnell and F. W. Phillips; First Lieutenants, W. M. Colby, J. D. Donnell, Charles Ives and F. D. Phillips; Second Lieutenants, Chas. Ives, F. D. Phillips, and John Mur- dock; Rev. W. D. H. Johnson of Greenville was Chaplain of the 130th, and Dr. David \Yilkins was one of the surgeons. Both companies E and F were as- signed to the 130th. 111., under Col. Niles. The regiment was mustered into the United States service Oc- tober 2 5, 1862 and left Camp But- ler, Nov. 11 for Memphis, Tenn., where they remained on duty the winter of ■62-'63, doing provost and garrison duty at Memphis and Fort Pickering. The regiment left Mem- phis for Milliken's BenJ and was assigned to the 13th. Army Corps, commanded by Gen. J. A. McClern- and, and with a grand army under Grant, swept on to Vicksburg, met the enemy at Port Gibson, Cham- pion Hills, Raymond, Baker's Creek, Black River Bridge and invested the city on May IS, IS 63 and dur- ing the siege and until the surren- der, July 4, was on the firing line or in the trenches. On July 5. the regiment marched to Jackson, Miss., and was at its surrender after a ten day's siege and vigorous defense. The Confederates burned and sacked the town before they left. The regi- ment returned to Vicksburg and from there was transferred to the Department of the Gulf and shipped from Xew Orleans to Texas, where they spent the winter of 'G3-'64 on the Rio Grande, returning to Louis- iana in '64 and entering on the Red River expedition, which resulted disastrously for the regiment. In '65 they were at Spanish Fort and Blakeley and the capture of Mobile. They returned to Illinois .\ugust 29th, 1S69, and were mustered out and paid at Camp Butler August 31, having served their country well. For faithful service a num- ber of the officers were promoted, among them Lieutenant Col. Reid to Colonel, Captain Wilkins to Maj- or, and Adjutant Dewey to Captain. They were engaged at Port Gibson. Champion Hills, Raymond, Black River Bridge, capture of Vicks- burg and Jackson, Miss., Mansfield, La., Cane River, Atchafalaya, Span- ish Fort and Blakeley, Ala., and at the surrender of Mobile. The com- panies from Bond in the louth. did their whole duty to their country and their flag. Modesty will not permit me to saj' more, as I was identified with it from August '02 to August '65. June 6, 1S64 Co. F of the 135th. 111. was recruited in Bond county for three months service and was under Capt. S. G. McAdams, former- ly of the 22d. 111. The other officers were James A. Hubbard, first lieu- tenant; Edward Stearns, second lieutenant and C. W. Holden, ad- jutant. The command of which Co. F was a part was on out-post duty in Missouri on the Iron Mountain railroad and other parts of Missouri and was mustered out of the service at Camp Butler, September 28, 186 4. Of the service performed by these 100 day troops. Governor Yates, in his last message paid a high compliment to the men of the 13 5th., and all others who respond- ed to his call for men to garrison the posts and forts and relieve the veterans for field service. February 14, 1865 a squad of ten Bond county men was recruited for Co. F, 150th. regiment, for one year and was discharged Jan. 16, 1866, at Atlanta, Ga., and arrived at Spring- field. III., having served 11 months in the state of Georgia, on guard duty most of the time. Their ser- vice was disastrous to both officers and men. I find the names of Cole, Keshner, Lytle. Pierson. Xorman, Barcroft and Howard among the Bond county boys. February 25, 1865, Co. D was organized in Bond county by Cap- tain Henry A. White and was as- signed to the 154th regiment. Wm. H. Ellis was 1st Lieutenant and John E. Sawrey, 2nd Lieutenant. This was a one year regiment and served in Tennesse most of the winter and summer and suffered a great deal by sickness and w-as mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., September IS, 1865. A majority of the men was recruited from Bond county. I find a squad from Bond county, Co. K, in the 54th. of which our late comrade George P. Stahl was a lieutenant and the President of the Monument Association, Dr. W. D. Matney, was also a member of the 54th., as were also Humphrey Jett, S. P. Laws and L. J Myers. I also find in the 29th. Colored, Co. H. three brothers, George, Archie and James Ewing, who were recruited at McCord. now Reno, January 28, 1864, and were muster- ed out November 6, 1S65. who like their brothers in the south, knew the issue was the freedom of their race. During the summer and fall of 1S63 General Thomas visited Gen- eral Grant at Vicksburg and recom- mended the organization of a color- ed regiment with white men to be detailed as officers. Dr. D. Wii- kins of the 130th. was made surgeoj of the 5 0th. Colored Infantry; James M. Miller, hospital steward of the 130th., became first lieuten- ant and Edward Bigelow, Fred Jones and W. P. Wattles of Co. F 130th. became first and second lieutenants of