ON THE FLUORINE COMPOUNDS OF URANIUM. INAUGURAL DISSERTATION FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ADDRESSED TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GOETTINGEN BY H. CARRINGTON BOLTON OF NEW YORK. BERLIN. PRINTED BY UNGER BROTHERS, PRINTERS TO HIS MAJESTY. 1866. 3b lo PREFACE. The following researches were begun in the Laboratory of the University of Gottingen at the suggestion and under the direction of Professor Wohler, to whom I here ex- * press my heartfelt thanks for the great kindness and un- remitting attention conferred upon me during my resi- - dence in Gottingen. The investigations were completed in the University Laboratory at Berlin under Professor Hofmann, to whom I also acknowledge my indebtedness. My sincere thanks are due to Drs. R. Fittig and C. A. Marti us the gentlemenly and able assistants in the respective Laboratories, for their kind assistance in this work. Berlin. January 28th 1866. p. 37443 NOTE. Within a very few years the attention of chemists has been directed to the quantivalence (or atomicity) of the elements, which has given rise to new theoretical specu- lations respecting the constitution of chemical bodies. So new are these theories however, that not a few elements remain to which they are still to be applied. Thus it happens that no chemist who has studied uranium and its compounds, and none of the literature whether in textbooks, monographs or dictionaries, treats this subject in the light of these modern theories. In this dissertation therefore the formulae being new, and these necessitating the employment of new names, I have added the old names throughout and occasionally the old formulae; giving to the latter however a subordi- nate place corresponding to their importance. Our present knowledge of the uranium compounds is too limited to allow us to establish with any degree of certainty the quantivalence of this metal; but the facts warrant the doubling of the old atomic weight as given by Peligot, and it is taken in the following pages as equal to (2x60 =) 120. Should a compound of uranium be hereafter discovered which is sufficiently volatile to admit of determining its vapor-density, and this is by no means improbable, then the true quantivalence of the ele- ment can be firmly established. INTRODUCTION. In the year 1789, Klaproth 1 discovered in pitch- blende a peculiar metallic oxide to which he gave the name uranium. Richter, 2 Bucholz, 3 Lecanu 4 and Brande 5 were among the first to examine this element more closely. In 1823 the literature on uranium was greatly enriched by the labors of Berzelius 6 7 and Arfvedson,* the latter estimating its equivalent which he found equal to 2711 (0 = 100). The non-metallic* nature of this metal (if the expression may be allowed), its high atomic weight and other discrepancies gave rise to doubts, but it was not until 1840 when Peligot 8 made known his remark- able discovery that the doubts were confirmed and the discrepancies explained. Peligot found that the sub- stance till then considered as metallic uranium was in reality an oxide of the true metal and he showed how the latter might be obtained. Since this date uranium has been a more frequent sub- 1 Beitrage zur chemischen Kenntniss der Mineral-Korper, Vol. II, p. 197. 2 Neue Gegenstande der Chemie, Yol. I, p. 1. Yol. IX, p. 36. 3 Gehlen, neues allgemeines Journ. d. Chem., Vol. IY, pp. 17 et 134. 4 Schweigger’s Journ. f. Chem. u. Phys., Vol. XLIV, p. 35. 5 Schweigger’s Journ. f. Chem. u. Phys, Vol. XLIY, p. 1. 6 Poggend. Annal., Yol. I, p. 359. 7 Poggend. Annal., Yol. I, p. 245. 8 Annal. de chim. et de phys., Ill, Yol. V, p. 5. 8 ject of research. R am m els berg , 1 Ebelmen , 2 Wert- heim , 3 Kuhn , 4 Patera , 5 Drenkmann 6 and others have published their investigations, more or less extensive, on this subject. It is not my object in this dissertation to give a more complete history of the element uranium, much less to enumerate its various salts, but I will briefly notice its most important compounds with the halogens which stand in close analogy to the fluorine compounds herein dis- cussed. Before entering upon a description of these salts, it will not be out of place to detail the method employed for procuring the nitrate of uranium which forms the starting point in their preparation. 1 Poggend. Anna]., Yols LV, LYI et LIX. * Annal. d. Chem. u. Pharm , Yol. XLIII, p. 286. 3 Journ. f. prakt. Chemie,' Vol. XXIX, p. 209. 4 Anna], d. Chem. u. Pharm., Vol. XLI, p. 337. 5 Journ. f. prakt. Chemie, Vol. LXI, p. 397 ; Chem. Centralbl. 1856 etc. 6 Zeitschr. f. d. gesammten Naturw., Vol. XVII, p. 113. Jahresber. 1861, p. 255. EXTRACTION OF URANIUM FROM PITCHBLENDE. The only mineral which occurs in sufficient abundance to be employed as a source of uranium is the well known pitchblende (uranpecherz). I received through the kindness of Prof. Wohler a quantity of pitchblende from Joachims- thal in Bohemia. It was of a brownish black color with a dull metallic 'lustre and remarkably free from gangue. The finely pulverized mineral was digested in a porcelain vessel with concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids until the greater portion was dissolved; the excess of sulphuric acid was then expelled by heat. The mass was treated with water and the filtrate from the white residue was heated and saturated with sulphu- retted hydrogen. After standing twenty four hours it was filtered, the iron and uranium in solution were oxidized with chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid while boiling, and then thrown down by an excess of ammonia. This mixed precipitate was well washed and digested with a strong hot solution of carbonate of ammonium until the precipitate assumed the appearance of oxide of iron. The hot solution of uranium was then quickly filtered and yellow crystals of the double salt carbonate of uranium and ammo- nium (U0) 2 G0 3 + 2 (NH 4 ) 2 €0 3 deposited on cooling. The mother liquid united to the wash -water (which was collected separately) yielded by boiling a precipitate of 10 hydrated oxide of uranium, U 2 0 3 H 2 Q. By calcining these two salts and dissolving the green oxide formed in nitric acid , large crystals of nitrate of uranium (U0) N0 3 were obtained which were puritied by recrystallization. * Advantage was taken of the comparatively large scale of operations to submit the several residues to a careful qualitative analysis and with the following results. The first white insoluble portion was found to consist chiefly of sulphate of lead, with small quantities of bismuth and lime. The precipitate by sulphuretted hydrogen contained arsenic, copper, bismuth, a trace of selenium and a not in- considerable quantity of silver. Whether the latter formed a constituent of the pitchblende, or whether its presence should be attributed to the fact that the mineral came from the neighborhood of silver mines , I could not deter- mine. The filtrate from the mixed principitate of iron and uranium contained manganese and magnesia. On trea- ting the green oxide with nitric acid, it was not comple- tely dissolved. The yellowish residue was melted with carbonate of sodium, dissolved in hot water, and after filtering from the uranate of sodium which formed, the solution gave with chloride of ammonium the reaction characteristic of vanadium. To recapitulate: the pitchblende from Joachimsthal con- tained arsenic, selenium, lead, copper, bismuth, silver, uranium, iron, manganese, a trace of vanadium, magnesia- lime and silicic acid. Wohler’s ^Mineral Analyse in Beispielen* p. 156 et seq. 11 I. URANIUM AND CHLORINE. Bichloride of uranium, UC1 2 , (protochloride of ura- nium, UC1) discovered byPeligot forms the material for the preparation of the metal. It is prepared by heating a mixture of the protoxide or of the green oxide with char- coal in a tube through which a current of dry chlorine is passing. It is a dark green volatile body crystallizing in octahedra and exceedingly deliquescent in a moist atmo- sphere. Its solution is decomposed by evaporation with disengagement of hydrochloric acid. When heated with sodium or potassium it yields metallic uranium in small globules ; but notwithstanding the violence of the reaction the heat developed is not sufficient to fuse the metal, and it can be obtained only in very small quantities. A subchloride has been obtained by heating the bichlo- ride in a current of hydrogen, which according to Ram- melsberg has the formula U 2 C1, UC1 but according to Peligot U 2 C1, 2UC1. It dissolves in water with a purple color, but quickly decomposes with disengagement of hy- drogen and precipitation of a reddish powder, the hydrate of the protoxide; the solution at the same time turning green. Oxichloride of uranium, (UU) Cl, (old notation 2U 2 0 3 , U 2 C1 3 ) may be obtained by heating the protoxide, U0, in a current of dry chlorine; as thus prepared it is a crystalline, fusible, slightly volatile body, soluble in water, alcohol and ether. Crystals of the same may be procured by evaporating the yellow solution obtained by dissolving the sesquioxide of uranium U 2 0 3 in hydrochloric acid. When heated with potassium this salt yields chloride of 12 potassium and protoxide of uranium. This compound forms a series of double salts with the chlorides of the alkaline metals, as follows: OxiCHLORIDE OF URANIUM AND CHLORIDE OF POTASSIUM, (UO) Cl + K Cl + H 2 0 (old notation, U 2 0 2 Cl, K Cl + 2 aq.) This salt is prepared by dissolving uranate of potassium in hydrochloric acid and crystallizing the solution over sulphuric acid. The beautiful large greenish yellow rhom- bic plates form best in an acid solution and do not admit of recrystallization. When heated in a closed tube, it melts, parts with its water of crystallization and under- goes partial decomposition. If heated in a current of hy- drogen it is decomposed with evolution of hydrochloric acid and leaves a greenish opaque residue. OxiCHLORIDE OF URANIUM AND CHLORIDE OF SODIUM, as well as the corresponding salt of ammonium, have been prepared, but crystallize with great difficulty being deli- quescent. II. URANIUM AND BROMINE. Bibromide of uranium, UBr 2 (Protobromide of uranium UBr) was first prepared by Hermann.* It is obtained by heating protoxide of uranium in a current of dry bro- mine gas, and constitutes a brownish crystalline mass which emits fumes in the air and deliquesces. Hydrated bibromide of uranium, UBr 2 -[-4H 2 0 (Hy- drated protobromide of uranium, UBr+4HO). Rammels- berg obtained this salt by dissolving the hydrate of the * Inaug. Dissertat. Gottingen 1861. 13 protoxide in hydrobromic acid and evaporating the green solution in a desiccator. Oxibromide of uranium, (UO)Br (old notation, 2U 2 0 3 U 2 Br 3 ) has been prepared by dissolving the hydrated sesquioxide in hydrobromic acid. It crystallizes in yellow deliquescent needles. Whether crystallized double salts can be obtained with the bromides of the alkaline metals has not been examined. III. URANIUM AND IODINE. The jonly compound of uranium and iodine as yet pre- pared is a bi-iodide UI 2 (protoiodide UI,) containing water and obtained by Rammelsberg in treating the hydrated protoxide with hydriodic acid. Its (properties have not been completely described. IV. URANIUM AND CYANOGEN. No compound of uranium and cyanogen has been yet procured. Y. URANIUM AND FLUORINE. (HISTORICAL.) The fluorine compounds of uranium have been very little studied. The first notice of a compound of uranium and fluorine is made by Berzelius in his “Researches on Hydrofluoric Acid and its most remarkable Compounds’ which appeared in the first volume of Poggendorf’s An- nalen in 1824. * He briefly describes the oxifluoride of * The original reads: “Untersuchungen dber die Flussspathsaure und deren merkwiirdigsten Verbindungen”. 14 uranium as soluble in water and forming a yellow uncryst- allizable solution. Later (1845) in his “Lehrbuch der Chemie” he repeats the facts before stated, gives the for- mula U 2 F1 3 + 2U 2 0 3 and adds that the solution yields with the fluorides of the alkaline metals yellow crystal- lizable double salts. Berzelius also describes the silico- fluoride of uranium as a bluish green precipitate and men- tions further that the “protofluoride” (bifluoride) is unknown. No chemist appears to have more closely examined these compounds until 1861 when Hans Hermann published his dissertation “On some Compounds of Uranium”, in which he examined the action of hydrofluoric acid on the proto- sesquioxide of uranium and describes the “protofluoride” (bifluoride) as a “sesquifluoride” having the formula U 2 Fl 3 . He gives the method of preparation and of analysis (though unfortunately no figures) and adds that this “sesquifluoride” contains water which is only expelled by a temperature ot 200° C. I trust however it will be satisfactorily demon- strated in the following pages that the substance in ques- tion is an anhydrous bifluoride. 15 BIFLUORIDE OF URANIUM. £Fl 2 (PROTOFLUORIDE OF URANIUM. UF1.) Preparation I. Hydrofluoric acid in solution acts upon the green oxide of uranium with considerable vigor, caus- ing an appreciable elevation of temperature; a yellow so- lution is formed together with an insoluble green powder which latter is the object of our immediate attention. If the acid employed be somewhat concentrated, the yellow solution is sirupy and admits of filtration, but it is nearly impossible to wash the precipitate upon the filter for it possesses the property of passing through the pores of the paper even if double or fourfold filters are employed. Long continued boiling of the solution with the precipitate does not prevent its persistently running through the filter. By operating upon comparatively large quantities, suffi- cient of the bifluoride was collected for examination and analysis; but it was far from being pure, and hence the figures given in the analyses of the salt as thus prepared are inaccurate. Properties. The bluish green powder is insoluble in water and scarcely attacked by dilute acids ; even concen- trated nitric acid dissolves it but slowly. When boiled with a solution of caustic soda, it is decomposed and insoluble black protoxide of uranium is formed which is dehydrated by continued heating. The solution contains fluoride of sodium. If heated strongly on platinum foil it is decom- posed with loss of fluorine and formation of the green oxide, without melting. When heated in a closed tube 16 it is found to contain no water.- The green powder being in an exceedingly fine state of division is hygroscopic. Analysis. The salt having been dried at 100 0 C. a weighed quantity was dissolved by the aid of heat in con- centrated nitric acid. The solution was diluted, the ura- nium precipitated with a slight excess of ammonia and this precipitate was washed partly by decantation partly on the filter with a dilute solution of chloride of ammo- nium. The uranate of ammonium was dried and ignited (with the filter) in a platinum crucible and weighed as uou 2 o 3 . I. 0.8553grm. substance gaveO.7368 grm. U 3 0 4 =73.1$) U II. 1.1845 „ >5 » 1.0310 „ „ =73.8 „ tf III. 0.8270 „ n r> 0.7197 „ „ =73.8 „ e 0.8270 „ r> r> 0.3820 „ Ga FI 2 =22.5 „F1 The formula e 2 Fi 6 requires 67.7 % U (U0>F1 2 » 68.9 „ „ » „ tJFl 2 -f-H 2 0 „ 68.1 „ „ but „ „ UF1 2 „ 75.9 „ „ and 24.1 „ FI. Therefore although the figures are far from satisfactory a glance shows the formula UF1 2 to be without doubt the true one. Preparation II. Bifluoride of uranium may be obtained in a state of purity by reducing the oxifluoride of uranium by means of bichloride of tin. For this purpose the yellow solution resulting from the action of hydrofluoric acid on the green oxide of uranium, is heated in a platinum vessel with bichloride of tin as long as the green bifiuoride falls. If hydrofluoric acid is added from time to time during the reduction, the whole of the uranium is precipitated and the filtrate is colorless, containing only the per-salt of tin. 17 Instead of the solution of the oxifluoride obtained as above mentioned, a solution of uranate of ammonium (or even of the double salt of carbonate of uranium and ammo- nium) in hydrofluoric acid may be employed with equal advantage. The following equation shows the reaction which most probably takes place: 2(U0)F1 + 2HF1 -f 2HC1 + SnCl 2 = 2(UF1 2 ) + SnCl 4 +2H 2 O As thus prepared the precipitate may be washed upon a filter without the least difficulty, and its behavior with reagents proves its identity with the salt obtained by the preceding method. Analysis. The uranium was estimated in this salt pre- cisely as in the previous analysis. The fluorine was deter- mined in a separate portion as follows: a weighed quan- tity of the salt dried at 100 0 C. was boiled with a strong solution of caustic potassa until the green color entirely disappeared, and the black* protoxide of uranium was col- lected on a filter and washed with boiling water. This precipitate was weighed but found to contain potassa. The filtrate was nearly neutralized with acetic acid and the fluorine thrown down by chloride of calcium. Car- bonate of potassium in excess being present (the potassa having absorbed carbonic acid from the air, its addition is superfluous) carbonate of calcium falls with the fluoride of calcium, which is absolutely necessary to prevent the latter passing through the filter. The mixed precipitate was dried and ignited with the filter. The carbonate of calcium was dissolved out with acetic acid, the excess of acid driven off by evaporating nearly to dryness on a water- bath, and the fluoride of calcium was then brought upon a filter and washed until the filtrate no longer gave a 2 18 precipitate with oxalic acid. The precipitate was again ignited and weighed. The following are the results ob- tained. I. 0.7920 giro, substance gave 0.3910 GaFl 2 = 24.0 % FI II. 0.7778 grm. „ „ 0.6936 H 3 0 4 = 75.5 „ V III. 0.7200 grm. „ „ 0.6484 U 3 0 4 = 76.4 „ U The formula UF1 2 requires the following percentage: Calculated. I. Found. II. III. U = 120. 75.9 .... 75.5 76.4 Fl 2 = 38. 24.1 24.0 .... .... 158. 100.0 Preparation III. Hydrofluoric acid acts upon the prot- oxide of uranium very slowly and yields bifluoride of ura- nium.* As thus prepared it has the property of passing through filtering paper. No analysis of it was made. Preparation IV. Hydrofluoric acid converts freshly pre- cipitated hydrated protoxide of uranium into the bifluoride immediately. The green precipitate formed also possesses the property of passing through filters. I did not consider an analysis of this necessary. Preparation V. Hydrofluoric acid produces in a solu- tion of the bichloride of uranium UC1 2 a green gelatinous precipitate which is so voluminous that a moderately con- centrated solution of the uranium salt solidifies. On adding water and agitating the precipitate it settles; and when washed by decantation or upon the filter retains its gela- tinous form. By drying this precipitate however over sul- * Hans Hermann, in his dissertation already referred to, mentions this reaction but maintains the formation of a “ sesquifluoride” which is impossible. 19 phuric acid in vacuo or at 100° C. it diminishes greatly in volume and yields a greenish powder a shade lighter than when prepared by any of the previous methods. Two estimations of the uranium made in the manner already described gave the following results. 1.0308 grm. of the salt dried at 100° C. gave 0.8725 grm. of the proto-sesquioxide, which is equal to 71.8 per cent U; and 0.4460 grm. of the same gave 0.3795 grm. of the green oxide or 72.1 per cent U. The formula UF1 2 requires 75.9 per cent uranium but the formula 2(UF1 2 ) + H 2 0 requires 71.8 per cent ura- nium, and it would appear that this is a hydrate which only imperfectly loses its water at 100 0 C. The water estimations made gave however no satisfac- tory results, and the further examination of this salt was abandoned. A subfluoride (?) was obtained by heating the biflu- oride in a current of dry hydrogen. Hydrofluoric acid was given off and a reddish brown powder formed on the surface; by pulverizing the aggregated mass, heating again in hydrogen and repeating the operation several times, the greater portion assumed a reddish color. This substance is quite iusoluble in water and scarcely attacked by acids, concentrated nitric acid excepted. It was not further examined but probably corresponds in com- position to the subchloride obtained under similar conditions.. 2 20 OXIFLUORIDE OF URANIUM. (HO) FI. (Old notation, U 2 Fl 3 + 2U 2 0 3 ). Hydrofluoric acid only partially dissolves the green oxide of uranium; the green bifluoride remaining insoluble may be collected on a Alter though as before mentioned the latter cannot be washed out. The yellow solution shows the same reactions as that which Berzelius* obtained by dissolving hydrated sesqui- oxide of uranium in hydrofluoric acid and is evidently identical with it. Accepting the composition of this body given by Berzelius, viz, (U0)F1 its formation is expressed in the following equation: U0H 2 0 3 +4HF1 = UF1 2 + 2[(H0)F1] + 2H 2 0 . No analysis of this salt was made but a few of its pro- perties were examined. The yellow solution is un- crystallizable , and on evaporation yields a nearly white mass which dissolves again in water without decompos- ing. It is also soluble in alcohol, and on evaporating this solution it furnishes a yellow, transparent, amorph- ous mass which is very deliquescent. This salt re- tains water when dried at 100° C. If heated in a closed tube it is only partially decomposed, the residue being somewhat soluble in hydrochloric acid. When heated on platinum foil, it loses fluorine and the green oxide of ura- nium remains. Finally, when the solution of the salt is heated with tin and hydrochloric acid, the green bifluoride of uranium is precipitated as already mentioned. * Poggend. Ann. Yol. I, p. 34. 21 OXIFLUORIDE OF URANIUM AND FLUORIDE OF POTASSIUM. 2(U0)F1 + 3KF1. Preparation I. Fluoride of potassium added to a so- lution of the nitrate of uranium produces a heavy crystal- line precipitate of a lemon yellow color. This precipitate being but sparingly soluble, may be washed upon a filter with cold water to free it from an excess of fluoride of potassium and from the nitrate of potassium which forms ; and being more abundantly soluble in hot water it may be purified by dissolving in hot water and allowing the solution to crystallize, either from the hot concentrated solution or by evaporation of the cold solution over sul- phuric acid. In preparing this salt it is of advantage to use a slight excess of fluoride of potassium, * the salt being soluble in nitrate of uranium. According to the analysis made, the details of which are given below, this salt was found to * The fluoride of potassium employed must be free from silico-fluo- ride of potassium, hence the following precautions observed in its pre- paration. Selected crystals of pure fluor spath (as free from quartz as possible) were finely pulverized in an iron mortar and gently heated with con- centrated sulphuric acid in a platinum retort. The hydrofluoric acid was absorbed by distilled water contained in a platinum capsule and after the destination ceased, the acid solution was neutralized with pure carbonate of potassium. If notwithstanding these precautions a small quantity of silico-fluoride of potassium forms, it may be separ- ated by filtering through platinum or gutta-percha funnels. 22 contain 2(U0)F1 + 3 KF1; its formation maybe therefore expressed in the following equation: 5 (K FI) + 2 (£0) NO 3 - [2 (UO) FI + 3 K FI ] + 2 K NO 3 Preparation II. The oxifiuoride of uranium and po- tassium may also be procured by dissolving freshly pre- cipitated uranate of potassium in hydrofluoric acid, adding fluoride of potassium and crystallizing. The necessity of adding fluoride of potassium is made evident by the fol- lowing equation showing the formation of the salt: K 2 02(0 2 0 3 )+6HF1 + 4KF1-2[2(U0)FM-3KF1]T-3H 2 0 Preparation III. The same salt may be procured by adding fluoride of potassium to a solution of the hydrated oxide of uranium in hydrofluoric acid, or to the oxiflu- oride of uranium as obtained by the action of hydrofluoric acid on 4he green oxide of uranium. These methods how- ever possess no advantages over the foregoing. In the hope of preparing the salt in question in the dry way, I made the following experiment. A small quantity of the double salt sulphate of uranium and potassium was prepared by heating the nitrate of uranium with concen- trated sulphuric acid and neutralizing with potassa. This double salt was finely pulverized, intimately mixed with fluoride of sodium and some previously dried sulphate of sodium (as a flux), the mixture introduced into a Hessian crucible which was maintained at a red heat for more than an hour and then allowed to cool in the furnace. The result however was unsatisfactory; the greater part of the sulphate of uranium and potassium remained un- changed, with the exception of the formation of a small amount of uranate of sodium near the surface of the mel- ted mass. 23 Properties. The oxifluoride of uranium and potassium crystallizes in small yellow plates. 1 obtained crystals grouped in three different ways: first , by the cooling of a hot concen- trated solution, a crust of minute crystals formed upon which rested larger individual prisms ; secondly , by the spontaneous evaporation of a cold solution well defined twin crystals formed, easily distinguishable without a magnifying glass though not more than two millemeters in diameter; thirdly, 1 acciden- tally obtained a number of warty concretions consisting of concentric rings of small crystals and completely spherical. They formed at a low temperature. The crystals thus ob- tained are small but often well formed and possess a high lustre but not the brilliant fluorescence peculiar to the cor- responding oxichloride. Containing no chemically com- bined water they do not effloresce. I am indebted to Prof. Victor von Lang, who had the kindness to measure crystals of this salt, for the fol- lowing data. Crystalline system: Monoclinic. a: b:c= 1.375: 1:3.477 ac = 99° 40' Observed forms = (001), (110), (101). Fig. 1. Calculated Observed ^ ; 001-101 = 77°0’ 00M10 = 82° 14' 110-110 = 72° 50’ 77°0' / ' r> II. 0.6427 „ „ 5? r> ?) » » III. 0.5538 „ * Chimie Analytique. Vol. II, p. 758. 33 The formula 4(UO)F14 3BaFl 2 +2H 2 0 corresponds to the figures obtained as follows: Calculated. I. Found. II. III. II ►Ji- ao o 40.6 41.8 41.1 .... = 64, 5.4 .... .... . . . • Fl 10 = 190, 16.1 .... 15.9 . , . . Sa 3 = 411, 34.8 33.9 35.3 .... 2H 2 0 = 36, 1181. 3.1 100.0 — .... 3.4 FLUORIDE OF URANIUM AND POTASSIUM, 2(UF1 2 ) + KF1. Preparation. Formic acid produces no precipitate in the solution of the oxifluoride of uranium and potassium, but if the acidified solution is placed in the direct rays of the sun decomposition begins almost immediately; a green precipitate gradually falls , and if the action is pro- longed, the solution becomes colorless and retains only a trace of uranium. The precipitate washed upon a filter and dried at 100° G forms a green impalpable powder much resembling the bi- fiuoride of uranium. This reaction appears to be best effected in dilute solutions. Properties. This double fluoride is quite insoluble in water and in dilute acids. It dissolves with difficulty in concentrated boiling hydrochloric acid , but is more easily decomposed with concentrated sulphuric acid which ex- pels the fluorine and yields a green solution. Ammonia produces in this solution a black precipitate of hydrated 3 34 protoxide of uranium and the filtrate on evaporation yields sulphate of potassium. When heated on platinum foil the salt melts, hydrofluoric acid is disengaged and the yellow residue consists of ura- nate of potassium. This reaction distinguishes this double salt in a marked manner from the bifluoride. When heated in a closed tube, i. e. without access of air, the decom- position is different. The salt melts and gives off hydro- fluoric acid as before, but the residue consists of black protoxide of uranium suspended in fused fluoride of po- tassium. If heated with a solution of caustic soda, it is decomposed with formation of the black protoxide, while the fluorine goes into solution. When heated in a current of dry hydrogen, it melts, hydrofluoric escapes and the same reddish powder is formed which was obtained by treating the bifluoride of uranium in a similar manner. On cooling the mass was found to be green within, the surface only having been attacked. No further examination of this was made. Analysis. The analysis of this salt was made in ex- actly the same manner as that of the oxifluoride, only remarking that the solution in sulphuric acid was oxidized with fuming nitric acid before throwing down the uranium with ammonia. The potassium was estimated in the or- dinary way as sulphate. The following figures show the results of the analysis. 0.7535 grm substance gave 0.5640 grm U 3 0 4 = 63.4 °/ 0 U „ „ „ „ 0.1852 „ K 2 S0 4 = 11.0 „ K The formula 2(UF1 2 ) + KF1 requires the following per- centage : 35 Calculated. Found. e 2 = 240. 64.1 63.4 Fl 5 = 95. 25.5 K = 39. 10.4 11.0 374. 100.0 QUANTITATIVE REDUCTION OF THE OXIFLU ORIDE OF URANIUM AND POTASSIUM. As already remarked the reducing action of formic acid in the sunlight is very complete so that only a trace of uranium remains in solution, and the resulting salt being quite insoluble I conceived the idea of effecting the reac- tion quantitatively , and as the figures below indicate, suc- ceeded beyond expectation. The method of making this quantitative analysis by means of the sunlight needs no lengthy description. A quantity of the potassium double salt was dried at 100° C, weighed, dissolved in water acidified with formic acid and the solution exposed to the direct rays of the sun during two (short winter) days. So long a time was necessary for although decomposition begins at once and is at first rapid it grad- ually decreases in intensity as the solution becomes weak. The green precipitate was collected on a filter previously dried at 100° C and weighed and after being washed with cold water, the filter and contents were dried at 100° C and weighed as before. Thus two weighings sufficed to give data for calculating the formula of the salt and at the same time to confirm the formula adopted for the oxifluoride. 3 * 36 1.0635 giro, oxifluoride gave 0.8205 grm. of the precipitate. W employed aK is t0 its et l uivalent as preefpHafe is to its 6< * uiTalent 1.0635 : 484 = 0.8205 : X x = 373.6 The formula 2(UF1 2 ) + KF1 has the equivalent = 374.0 A second analysis was made in like manner. 1.1530 grm. of the oxifluoride gave 0.8783 grm. of the precipitate. In place of stating the proportion as above it may also be put thus : Equiv. of . , equiv. of double weight of . , weight of oxifluoride s 0 fluoride as oxifluoride IS 0 precipitate 484. : 374. = 1.1530 : a; x — 0.8888 grm. whereas the weight actually received = 0.8783 grm. REDUCTION OF THE OXIFLUORIDE OF URANIUM AND POTASSIUM BY MEANS OF OXALIC ACID AND SUNLIGHT. • Oxalic acid with the aid of sunlight decomposes the oxi- fluoride of uranium and potassium in much the same man- ner as formic acid, but with the formation of secondary products. The green insoluble fluoride of uranium and potassium falls as before, but after the decomposition has reached a certain stage, a brownish red precipitate also forms. This proved to be hydrated protoxide of uranium, dis- covered by Ebelmen* and obtained by him through the * Annal. d, Chein. u. Pharm. Yol. XLIII. 37 action of the sun’s rays on a solution of the oxalate of uranium. This hydrate however being soluble in dilute acids is easily separated from the quite insoluble fluoride. During the decomposition by oxalic acid a considerable quantity of carbonic acid disengages; of course carbonic acid must be also set free when the decomposition is ef- fected with formic acid, but only half as much is theoret- ically formed and this is probably absorbed by the water for in no case did I observe its escape. The following equations giving the action of these two acids are prob- ably not absolutely correct but only approximatively so, since Ebelmen mentions the formation of carbonic oxide as well as of carbonic acid. With oxalic acid: [ 2 (GO) FI + 3 K FI] + 3(G 2 H 2 0 4 ) = [2 (UF1 2 ) + K FI] + 2(KHG 2 0 4 )4-2H 2 0 + 2G0 2 With formic acid: [ 2 (DO) FI + 3 K FI] + 3 (G H 2 0 2 ) = [ 2 (D Fl 2 ) + K FI] 4- 2 (KGHG 2 ) 4“ 2 H 2 G 4~ GG 2 An experiment made with the object of effecting the reduction at a high temperature without the aid of sun- light, was unsuccessful. A solution of the oxifluoride acid- ified with formic acid was heated in a sealed tube at 100° C. and afterwards at 120° C. but without producing the least change. In a sealed tube which stood for several weeks in dif- fuse daylight a small quantity of the green precipitate formed, the glass being at the same time somewhat at- tacked by the fluorine. On opening the tube carbonic acid gas escaped from the solution. The oxichloride of uranium and potassium corresponding 38 to the fluorine salt and having the formula (U0)C1 + KC1 + 2 aq could not be reduced by means of formic or oxalic acids in the sunlight; nor by heating an acidified solution in a sealed tube at 120° C. FLUORIDE OF URANIUM AND SODIUM. 2(UFl 2 ) + NaFl (?) When a solution of the oxifluoride of uranium and so- dium is acidified with formic or oxalic acids and exposed to the direct rays of the sun, a reduction takes place in much the same manner as in the case of the potassium salt. The properties too of the precipitate differ little from those of the corresponding potassium compound, but it appears to be somewhat soluble in water since the solu- tion becomes green and not colorless after a lengthened exposure. Neither does it melt when heated on platinum foil but simply loses fluorine and leaves uranate of so- dium characterized by its yellow color. 1 made no ana- lysis of this salt, but it probably possesses the composi- tion given in the above formula. As much as the application of Peligot’s uranyle theory simplifies the formulae of many compounds of uranium they become still more simple when combined with the modern double atomic weights and the unitary system of notation. The following table of a few of the most im- portant salts of uranium gives in the first column the old names and formulae and in the second the new. 39 0 0 ob 0 O ^ o 0 0 w + 6 0 0 O w 0 — , 0 0 0 0 0 w CO + pH 0 0 CM 0 3 0 + 0 0 &, CM 0 C/fe 0 0 03 a ^ 3 X *a 3 3 o V V P 0 03 33 03 P3 3 3 P 0 o’ a ft.q c« P-H r-H O S ^ VTj CO CO CO PQ © "0 J13 3 aT* l ~“‘' 03 0, 3 3 s 3 a P 3 3 a 1 3 Vh a *C» CO 3 h-s © 'a 0-H P4— ( .3 3 c n n <4-h O o O O c$ o 03 oS 0 0 3 3< 3 13 GG CG 0 W o 0 CO CO GO CO o + 4- o CG / N 0 0 3 CO O CO O x a> rQ ~ o o a 'd o & p, « 3 ■« . 2 *« P5 0 CM 3 pa a a a .2 3 * g a a 3 *a iP 3 p ’ 3 v 3 CO CO 3 ■+* 3 S b o 3 Vi P < <*-H O a) O 0 'P 33 O rg 2 0 «H-H o ^ «H-H © , 0 P-i CG CG O Ph O 3 « *C £ C 'O o iS o -C 3 £ 0 3 ^ 3 " -S3 -Js qa ° 2 3 0 o M o -v © Ph o