283.71 C47e .. . * * P3 ns HH < V Vv-SN '%wd jSg fpsi ■. ‘.- * ■ ,■ of the Diocese of Ruperts Land EXTRACTS FROM THE CANONS WITH and Regulations ;: ¥IS! i:?0 l : ,■' •> ■ & Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/extractsfromcanoOOchur Synod of the Diocese of Ruperts Land EXTRACTS FROM THE CANONS % WITH Rules and Regulations WINNIPEG The Douglais-Mclntyre Printing and Binding Co., Ltd. 19 12 1 *5 VUH>, ) , Helen JZc-re CONTENTS Constitution of the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Eand.... 5 Canons of the Diocese of Rupert’s Eand:— On Subscriptions. 7 On the Appointment of an Administrator. 8 On Parochial Organization. 8 On Parochial Statistics. 16 On Missions and Diocesan Funds. 16 On Discipline. 20 On the Removal of Incumbents. 22 On Day Readers... 24 On Rural Deans. 25 On Ruridecanal Chapters. 25 On Ruridecanal Meetings. v . 26 Rules and Regulations . 27 Rules for the Election of a Rural Dean. 33 Instructions regarding Conveyances, etc. 34 Nominations and Elections. 37 Rules for the Administration of the C. W. and O. Fund. 38 Canon on Clergy Superannuation Fund. 42 <0 ,A *—f ^ * i M CONSTITUTION SCHEDULE A. The Constitution of the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. 1. The Synod shall consist of the Archbishop of the Diocese; of the Clergy of the same licensed to the cure of souls, or holding' office in any college or school under the jurisdiction of the Bishop, and not under ecclesiastical censure ; and of Lay- delegates as hereinafter provided ; and the treasurer of the Synod and the chancellor of the Diocese. Clergymen who have been members of the Synod, and who continue to hold the Archbishop’s License, though they may cease to have the cure of souls or to hold any other office, may continue to attend the meetings of the Synod and to vote thereat. 2. The Lay-delegates shall be male communicants of at least one year’s standing; and one delegate must always be a member of the congregation represented. They must be of the full age of twenty-one years. They shall be elected during Easter week, or if necessary afterwards, at a public meeting specially called for that purpose during Divine service on the preceding Sunday. The voters shall consist of male communi¬ cants of the parish of at least six months’ standing, and a majority of those present shall determine the choice, but no person shall vote for the delegate or delegates of more than one congregation. The Incumbent, or his assistant, shall preside at the meeting, and in their absence the meeting shall elect a chairman from their own number. The word “Communicant” shall mean “one who has communicated at least three times a year where he has had opportunity of so doing. 3. The Incumbent, or chairman, shall furnish each delegate with a certificate as follows : Parish or Mission of. Congregation of .Church No. of Registered Communicants. I hereby certify that at a meeting' of the Communicants of this Congregation, held this.day of.19. . . . M.was duly elected as a delegate to the Synod for the current year. (Signed).Chairman. One clergyman and one layman shall be appointed by the Synod to examine the certificates and report on them. 6 v 4. Each congregation recognized by the Archbishop, duly s' organized by the election of Church Wardens and Vestrymen, and having at least six registered communicants, shall be en¬ titled to send one delegate; but two delegates shall be sent if the number of registered communicants is over forty; and three if it is over one hundred; but no congregation shall send more than three delegates. 5. In case of the death or resignation of a lay-delegate, or his ceasing to be a member of the congregation by removal from the neighborhood, or from any other cause, the Incum¬ bent shall within one month after such vacancy proceed to a new election, at a meeting of which notice shall have been given the previous Sunday during Divine service. 6. The Synod shall meet annually, unless otherwise ordered by the Archbishop, and the time and place of meeting shall be fixed by the Archbishop, who shall also adjourn the Synod as he shall see fit. 7. A quorum of the Synod shall consist of at least one- fourth of the clergy of the Diocese, and one-fourth of the lay-delegates. 8. No resolution of the Synod shall pass into a law with¬ out the concurrence of the Archbishop and a majority of the clergy and laity present; the vote of the clergy and laity to be taken collectively, unless a vote by Orders is demanded by any mem¬ ber of the Synod before the question is put from the chair when a majority of each order will be necessary to affirm the resolution. 9. That a committee be appointed to be called the Execu¬ tive Committee, to consist of the Archbishop or his commissary as president, the Dean and Archdeacons as vice-presidents, the chancellor, the secretary and treasurer of the Synod, and eight clergymen and ten lay-delegates; and that seven to be a quorum; that the Executive Committee shall take the manage¬ ment of the various Diocesan funds under the direction of the Synod, carry out the decisions of that body, prepare business for the annual meeting of the Synod, and at such annual meet¬ ing give in report of its proceedings. 10. No alteration in the constitution shall take place unless the proposition has been approved at a meeting of the Synod by the Archbishop and a majority of two-thirds of each Order present voting separately, and afterwards confirmed by the Arch¬ bishop and a like majority of each Order at the following meet¬ ing of the Synod. That in the possible absence of the Bishop of the Diocese, or any commissary he may appoint, the chair at any meeting of the Synod shall be taken by the highest dignitary in the church of this Diocese who may be present. CANONS OF THE DIOCESE OF RUPERT’S LAND ON SUBSCRIPTIONS, ETC. BY CLERGY. 1. Every person about to be ordained Priest or Deacon shall, before ordination, in the presence of the Archbishop or his Commissary by whom he is to be ordained, and every person about to be licensed to any Curacy, or to be instituted to any benefice shall, before obtaining - such license or being- so instituted, make and subscribe the following- declarations and take the following- oaths : (a) The Declaration of Assent. I, A.B., do solemnly make the following- declaration ; I assent to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion and to the Book of Common Prayer and of the Ordering- of xArclibishops, Priests and Deacons. I believe the doctrine of the Church of England as therein set forth to be agreeable to the Word of God, and in Public Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments ; 1 will use the form in the said Book prescribed and none other, except so far as shall be ordered by lawful authority. (b) The Declaration of Submission to the Canons of the General and Provincial and Diocesan Synods. I, A.B., do willingly subscribe to and declare that I assent to and abide by the Constitution and Canons which have been or shall be from time to time passed by the General or Provincial Synods or the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land ; pro¬ vided that the Canons of the General Synod shall first have been accepted by the Provincial Synod. (c) The Oath of Allegiance. I, A.B., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George, his heirs and success¬ ors, according to law. So help me God. (d) The Oath of Canonical obedience. I, A.B., do swear that I will pay true and Canonical obedience to the Lord Bishop of Rupert’s Land in all things lawful and honest. So help me God. And also before institution to a benefice. ( e ) The Declaration against Simony. I, A.B., do solemnly declare that I have not made by myself or by any other person on my behalf any payment, 8 contract, or promise of any kind whatsoever, which to the best of my knowledge and belief is simoniacal, touching the obtaining of the preferment of nor will I at any time hereafter perform or satisfy, in whole or in part, any such kind of payment, contract or promise made by any other without my knowledge or consent. Provided, that the Archbishop may, if he see cause, allow a citizen of the United States to take the oath of Allegiance with the following addition : While holding any ecclesiastical office or appointment in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. ON THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ADMINISTRATOR. In case at any time of a vacancy of the Bishopric, or of the Bishop being from any cause unable to attend to his diocesan duties, and in the opinion of the Executive Committee of the Synod called together on the requisition of three members, incapacitated from naming a Commissary, then the Dean, or if there be no Dean, the senior Archdeacon, within the Diocese, or if there be no Archdeacon, the Clergyman of the Church of England within the Province who has served longest in the Diocese of Rupert's Land, and who is at that time an Incum¬ bent within the Diocese, shall be the Administrator of the Diocese until the See is filled, or the Archbishop is again cap¬ able of performing - the duties of his office. ON PAROCHIAL ORGANIZATION. 1. The Cathedral as the Church of the Diocese having the seat of the Archbishop shall, for the purpose of this Canon, except as regards its Parochial boundaries, be considered extra parochial and be governed by its own statutes. 2. A new Parish or Mission may be organized as follows: (r?) In any district where a Parish or Mission has not hitherto existed, the Archbishop may by deed erect or form a Parish or Mission, and, in such deed he shall define the limits of the Proposed Parish or Mission, and the deed shall be in duplicate. (b) A clergyman shall be placed in charge by the Arch¬ bishop, and such clergyman may be collated or instituted and inducted with such forms as may be enacted by the Synod, and until such enactment, as the Archbishop may appoint, and when so collated or instituted, shall be called the Rector or Incumbent as the case may be. If not so collated or instituted he shall hold the Archbishop’s license as Curate in charge. (c) In such deed the Archbishop shall declare the name of the proposed Parish or Mission. 9 (d) Within three months after the issue of the said deed a meeting- of the congregation of the said proposed new Parish or Mission shall be held at some place within the limits thereof, which meeting shall be called by the clergyman aforesaid, he having in the meantime given sufficient notice thereof during Divine Service at the usual place or places for holding service. (e) The proceedings at such meeting shall be conducted, and the officers of the proposed Parish or Mission shall be elected, in the same manner as at the Easter Vestry meetings of organized Parishes, and the directions and regulations set forth in this Canon shall apply as near as may be to such meeting. (y) The Chairman of the said meeting shall, immediately after the meeting, give the notification required in clause 10 of this Canon. (o-) He shall also notify the Registrar of the Diocese,, and the Registrar shall forthwith register the same in his Registry. (h) The Registrar shall also procure from the Archbishop the duplicate deed heretofore referred to, and shall register the same duly in his Registry. (z) Immediately upon the election of the officers of the new Parish as hereinbefore provided, the said Parish shall be deemed to be a completely organized Parish and a corporation within the meaning of the Church Temporalities’ Act. (j) The entry in the Diocesan Registry of the said deed and of the said notification of election of officers shall be prima facie evidence of these facts. (k) In case it seems advisable to the Archbishop to create a new Parish out of existing Parishes, or by taking part of an unorganized district and adding the same to a whole or portion of an existing Parish, the said new Parish shall be organized in the same manner as is hereinbefore provided; but no part of an existing Parish shall be included in such new Parish without the consent of the Incumbent and the majority of the vestry of such existing Parish : provided that if such consent be refused the matter shall be referred to the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee shall, on full consideration of the case, report to the Archbishop, who may then if he shall see fit, carry out a division of the existing Parish if the Executive Committee shall have decided at two separate consecutive meetings in its favor and reported to that effect, but not otherwise. (/) The Archbishop upon receiving the consent of all Parishes interested, or in the event of a petition being presented 10 - by one Parish and oo objection being" made within fourteen days after notice thereof given to the wardens of the other Parishes interested, may change the boundaries according to such consent or petition and in the event of objection being made the matter shall be referred to the Executive Committee and the same shall thereupon be dealt with in the same manner as similar matters are dealt with as provided in sub-section (k). 3. Where a Parish or Mission shall have been organized under the constitution before the passing of the amended Canon on Parochial Organization, October 29th, 1884, by the election of churchwardens and vestrymen, and shall have been recognized by the Archbishop, but no deed shall have been issued by the Archbishop, the Archbishop shall by deed, which shall be in duplicate, declared, that such parish or mission is duly organized, so as to be a completely organized parish and a corporation within the meaning of the Church of England Temporalities’ Act, and shall in such deed declare the name of said parish and may further declare the boundaries of said parish, and one copy of the said deed shall be given to the Registrar of the Diocese. When and so soon as the said deed is executed, the same shall be read and construed as if the said deed had been executed and delivered at and before the date of organization of said parish. The Archbishop shall appoint a commission to which he may, if he find it advisable, remit the determining of the bound¬ aries of the existing parishes as defined by the late or the present Archbishop of Rupert’s Land, or where there has been no such definition; and the boundaries so determined, shall, if approved by the Bishop, be the boundaries of such parish; but if the Archbishop think it advisable he may remit any part of the report to the Executive Committee, whose decision res¬ pecting the boundaries shall be final; and the boundaries of parishes so defined shall be recorded in a book to be kept in the Diocesan Registry. 4. After the limits of a parish have been canonically defined, no clergyman, though holding the license of the Archbishop, shall have public prayer, or service, or administer the sacraments within such limits, whether according to the prescribed order of the Church or not, without the consent of the Incumbent of such parish; provided that this shall not pre¬ vent any clergyman from attending or taking part in any public meeting though for a religious object. Provided also, that any clergyman may visit ministerially, with private administration of the sacraments, if necessary, any person or family in the habit of attending his ministrations. 11 Provided also, that a clergyman shall be at liberty to give spiritual comfort and counsel to anyone seeking for it by per¬ sonal visit, if he think it desirable. Provided also, that this shall not prevent the Archbishop licensing a clergyman to officiate as Chaplain in any hospital, jail, penitentiary, or other public or private institution. 5. Whenever a Parish shall become entirely self-supporting it shall be called a Rectory, and its Incumbent shall be styled Rector. 6. At all meetings of parishioners for the election of church wardens and vestrymen and for all other purposes, except as regards the election of delegates to the Synod, every male member of the church he attends, being of full age of twenty-one years, who shall have subscribed the following declaration of membership, and has been for the preceding three months a seat or pew holder, or for three months in the preceding year, a recognized attendant at the said church, shall be entitled to act as parishioner and be eligible to be elected a vestryman: and if a communicant, a church warden, provided that the three months’ limitation shall not apply to meetings at the organization of a new parish. Declaration. “ I do hereby declare that I am an attendant at Church and member of the Church of England in Rupert’s Land.” 7. In every parish there shall be two Church Wardens selected from the communicants—one to be appointed by the Incumbent and one to be elected by the parishioners, and not less than four nor more than twelve vestrymen elected by the Parishioners. 8. The Incumbent, Assistant or Assistants licensed to the cure, and Church Wardens shall be ex-officio members of the vestry. 9. The Churchwardens and Vestrymen shall be annually chosen at a meeting of parishioners on Easter Monday, or as soon afterwards as may be convenient. 10. Notification of all elections and appointments of Church Wardens and Vestrymen shall be given by the chair¬ man of the meeting to the Secretary of the Synod. 11 ChurchWardens and Vestrymen shall continue in office until their successors are appointed. 12. If the office of the Church Warden chosen by the parishioners, or of a Vestryman, shall become vacant by death, resignation or otherwise, or if he be absent from the discharge of his duties for three months without written leave from the Incumbent, a meeting of the parishioners shall be called, as soon as may be convenient, to elect som£ other fit person to the vacant office. 13. If the office of the Church Warden appointed by the Incumbent shall at any time become vacant by death, resigna¬ tion, absence for three months without written leave from the Incumbent, or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the Incumbent forthwith to appoint some other fit person to- the vacant office, and as soon as may be, after such appointment, the Incumbent shall make a return in writing to the Vestry, of the name of the person chosen by him to fill the vacant office, and shall cause a written notice of the said appointment to be forthwith attached to the church door. 14. Every person elected to fill the office of Church Warden or Vestryman shall, before acting in such office, sign the fol¬ lowing declaration :— “ I declare that I will faithfully and truly execute the office of within my Parish, to the best of my skill and knowledge.” Duties of Church Wardens. 15. It shall be the duty of the Church Wardens, and they are hereby empowered : (a) To see that Divine Service is decently and regularly performed, but the ordering of the services, including the musical part thereof and the use of the organ, the ringing of the bells to summon the congregation to the service, the fixing of the hours of service and such like matters, shall be under the control of the Incumbent. In tbe case of any disagreement between the Church Wardens and the Incumbent respecting the disposal of the offertories, there shall be an appeal to the Archbishop as Ordinary whose decision shall be final. (b) To collect the offertories, pew rents, and all contri¬ butions for general or special purposes and have them entered in a book kept for the purpose ; to pay all salaries and accounts; to keep the parochial accounts; to pay all sums received for specified purposes ; and to submit in due time to the auditors for the purpose of making their audit, the parochial accounts for the year with the vouchers, and lay the same before the Vestry. (c) To attend on the visitation of the Archbishop or his Commissary or the Archdeacon, whenever cited, and in 13 case of the death of the Minister or his inability through sickness to perform his duties, to report the same to the Archbishop. {d) To keep the fabric of the Church and its appurten¬ ances in repair and insured, subject to the direction of the Archbishop or Archdeacon. (e) To maintain good order and quiet in and about the church or place of worship, and in the adjoining roads and public places, during Divine worship ; and, if necessary, prosecute all offences against that good order and quiet. (/') To take care, as far as possible, that all persons attending church are accommodated. (g) To give attention to the Parsonage and grounds during any vacancy of the cure, communicating when advisable with the trustee or trustees of the property. Duties of Vestrymen. 16. It shall be the duty of Vestrymen, and they are hereby empowered : — (a) To assist the Church Wardens in the collection of offertories and contributions, for general or special pur¬ poses ; and to see as far as in them lies, that the Incumbent’s stipend is regularly paid. (1?) To see that the yearly accounts, duly audited, are laid before the parochial meeting, and that a copy of the audited accounts are transmitted to the Secretary of the Synod. (c) In Vestry meetings to prepare and lay before the Annual Financial Meeting for its adoption, an estimate of the sums required for carrying on the work of the Church during the ensuing year and to determine all expenditure not fixed at a Parishioners’ Meeting, but when any extraordinary outlay of money is proposed or when means must be raised by borrowing money upon the Church, Parsonage or any other buildings or lands connected with the Church, the Parishioners shall be duly called together to decide the same. 17. After the accounts have been audited, any balance in hand must be handed over to the new church wardens, together with the church goods, inventory and everything belonging to the Parish. 18. The following books are to be kept by the Parish:— (a) A book for entering the minutes and resolutions of all Parish and Vestry Meetings. 14 (b) A cash book and ledger for the Parish accounts, in which shall be entered all the receipts and expenditures and the assets and liabilities of the Parish. (c) A book for entering the amount of alms and collec¬ tions in church. (d) A book for entering all services that take place in church with the name of the officiating clergyman, signed by himself if possible. (e) A register of the names of all persons who have signed the declaration of church membership, distinguish¬ ing those who are communicants. 19. An inventoryshall be kept of all lands and property belonging to the Parish. Parochial and Vestry Meetings. 20. The financial year of each Parish shall close on the 31st March in each year, and in every parish there shall be a meeting of the Parishioners as soon after Easter and after the 31st day of March as possible, to appoint and elect Church Wardens and Vestrjmien, to receive and pass the year’s accounts and to appoint two auditors. (a) It shall be the duty of the Auditors to Audit and certify to the correctness of the Parish accounts and to attach their certificate to the Warden’s balance sheet before it is presented at the Easter meeting. (b) They shall also, if called upon by the Church War¬ dens, or by resolution of the Vestry, audit the Parish Books. 21. The Incumbent shall be the convener of all Parish or Vestry meetings; if there be no Incumbent the Church Warden or Church Wardens shall convene such meeting. 22. The Incumbent may at any time call a meeting of the Vestry or of the parishioners ; and shall do so on re¬ ceiving a written requisition to that effect, signed by members of the Vestry. 23. The presence of at least one-third of the members of the Vestry, including one of the Church Wardens, shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the Vestry, for the due exercise of its powers. 24. Notice of every meeting of parishioners must be given in writing or printing, signed by the convener and affixed to the Church door at least three days, including one Sunday, before the day on which the meeting is to be held. 15 25. The notice must state the time and place at which, and the purpose for which, the meeting' is to be held; and shall be framed in the following- form : \ Form of Notice. Notice is hereby g-iven that a meeting- of the Parishion¬ ers of Parish will be held on the day of A.D. 19 , at o’clock in the for the purpose of at which time and place all male members who have sig-ned the declaration of church membership, and who have been pew or seat holders or recognized attendants at the church for the three months preceding-, being- of the age of 21 years, are entitled to attend and to vote. Dated this day of A.D. 19 . Convener. 26. This notice shall also be read by the officiating clerg-yman, in the church, on a Sunday before the meeting-. 27. At a meeting- of parishioners duly convened, the votes of those only who are duly registered shall be record¬ ed, and their decision shall bind those who are absent. 28. The Incumbent in charg-e is ex-officio chairman of all Parish or Vestry meeting's. If the cure be vacant, and no Clerg-yman has been placed in charg-e, or if it be not vacant, but if the Incumbent be absent, his Church Warden shall be chairman, or if he also be absent the other Church Warden, and in the absence of all of these a chairman shall be appointed by the meeting-. 29. The chairman shall have the usual powers apper¬ taining- to the chairman of any public meeting. It is his duty to remain in the chair until the business is concluded, or the meeting adjourned; to keep the meeting to the specified purpose of its assembling, and to decide all ques¬ tions of order. He shall have the same right of voting as if not in the chair, and an equality of votes shall be con¬ sidered as negativing a proposition. 30. The right of adjournment is in the meeting, and must be decided by a majority of votes, without debate. 31. Minutes of proceedings and resolutions of every Parish or Vestry Meeting shall be correctly entered in a book, and unless the minutes were read and approved at the close of the preceding meeting the first business of every meeting shall be the reading, passing and signing by the chairman of such minutes of the preceding meeting. 16 32. Every Parish or Vestry meeting shall be opened with prayer. 33. Incumbent in this Canon shall include Rector and Curate in charge. ON PAROCHIAE STATISTICS. Whereas it is expedient that there should be obtained from time to time a full and accurate statistical view of the state of the Church in this Diocese, it is hereby ordered that every Minister having the cure of souls, shall, immediately after Easter in each year, prepare and cause to be delivered to the Secretary of the Synod, a statistical Parochial Report, stating the number of families and individuals belonging to the Church, of Communicants, and of children attending Sunday Schools, or under catechetical instruction in his Parish or Mission for the time being ; also the number of persons who have been baptized or confirmed, and of marriages and burials that have taken place, together with the amount of contri¬ butions for Church or other objects that have been made during the year ending the Easter previous, and a statement of the receipts and expenditures and the assets and liabilities of his Parish, according to such form ; or any other partic¬ ulars required by such form or forms as may from time to time be adopted by the Synod ; and the Secretary of the Synod shall keep a book in which he shall enter said statements ; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Synod to condense and combine in one report the aforesaid particulars in the Parochial Reports and to print the same together with such other information as the Archbishop or the Executive Com¬ mittee of the Synod may from time to time furnish as an appendix to the Synod Report. ON MISSIONS AND DIOCESAN FUNDS. 1. The Executive Committee shall have the administra¬ tion and management of all the trusts, properties and funds of the Synod, and of all properties now held or hereafter acquired. (a) The Executive Committee shall have the care, under the direction and general supervision of the Archbishop, of the Home Mission work of the Diocese. Ordinary meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such times and places as may be fixed by itself, and special meetings may be called by the Archbishop or Secretary. The Secretary shall call a special meeting within three weeks, whenever requested 17 by five members, stating the business to be brought before such meetings as set out in the requisition. For all meetings a notice of one week shall be given. The Committee may adopt such rules or by-laws as shall be considered needful, provided they shall not be inconsistent with the Constitutions, Canons, or regulations of the Synod, and shall report the same to the next meeting of Synod. 2, The Synod may, from time to time, elect a Secretary, who shall also be Secretary of the Executive Committee, His salary and duties shall be from time to time fixed by the Executive Committee, but his duties shall include the keeping of the minutes of the bodies of which he is Secretary, all correspondence arising out of their business, the sending out of notices of collections, and the oversight of the due payment of the same. He shall also, if the Synod or Executive so arrange, attend to the collection of all other moneys belonging to the Synod, and its Church work, and also the giving of such aid in the organizing and raising of funds in missions or else¬ where as may be practicable. In the case of a vacancy, the Executive Committee shall make a temporary appointment, to continue till the next Synod. . 3. The Synod shall from time to time elect a Treasurer, who shall keep the Synod funds in such bank or banks as the Executive Committee may from time to time direct; receive and acknowledge all payments, pay out all proper sums and take vouchers for the same. He shall furnish the Archbishop, the Secretary and the Executive Committee with such state¬ ments of receipts and payments as they may from time to time require. The Synod accounts shall be closed on the 31 st of December in each year, and be audited by two auditors appointed by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall have the custody of all deeds and securities in the control of the Synod. In the case of a vacancy, the Executive Commit¬ tee shall make a temporary appointment, to continue till the next Synod. 4. A standing Committee, to be called the Mission Com¬ mittee, shall be appointed, to consist of four members appoint¬ ed by the Executive Committee, of whom the Secretary of the Synod shall be one, the Dean and Chapter of St. John’s Cathedral and the Immigrant Chaplain, to arrange for the supplying of services in the vacant Missions in the Diocese. The Dean or senior dignitary present shall preside at the meetings which shall be called by the Secretary of the Synod. 5. Eocal Associations in aid of the Home Mission Fund shall be established in every Parish or Mission under the direction of its Vestry, or such other management as it shall approve of. (a) The collection of the Harvest Thanksgiving Service shall be given to the Home Mission Fund. If there be no Harvest Thanksgiving Service the collection on Thanksgiving Day or on the Sunday following shall be given to the fund. (b) That between the ist September and the 31 st Decem¬ ber of each year a Missionary Sermon shall be preached in each Parish or Mission, and to each congregation of the Parish or Mission, by the Incumbent or by some other Clergyman on the invitation of the Incumbent, when subscriptions for the Home Mission Fund shall be solicited on pledge cards or in special envelopes provided by the Secretary of Synod for the purpose. ( c ) That in the month of December of each year collectors shall be appointed in each congregation by the Rector or Incumbent, to make a house-to-house canvass for contributions towards the Home Mission Fund of the Diocese for the purpose of reaching those who may not have had an oppor¬ tunity of subscribing in response to the special appeal. Collect¬ ing cards for the purpose to be provided by the Secretary of the Synod. (d) That in the Easter Report three lines shall be given to the Home Mission Fund, showing what each congregation has contributed, ( 1 ) in collection at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service or on the day of General Thanksgiving; ( 2 ) in sub¬ scriptions paid in response to Missionary Sermon; ( 3 ) in supplementary pledges secured bp the Parochial collectors. The amounts received from these three sources shall be con¬ sidered as contributing to make up the amount allotted to the Parish to raise. When a meeting is desired in any Parish or Mission, the Secretary of Synod shall endeavour to arrange for the same with the Rural Dean of the district. (e) In case of a difficulty in any Parish or Mission, the matter may be brought before the Executive Committee, and the Committee may ask the Archbishop to nominate a deputation to visit such Mission. 6 . (a) When any district applies for aid towards the support of a Missionary, the Secretary shall send a form of application. This form shall contain such information as may be required, and shall indicate the steps to be taken for organizing and securing a pledge of aid towards the salary of a Clergyman. 19 (b) The Secretary shall communicate with the Rural Dean within whose Deanery the district lies, and otherwise proceed as directed in Clause 5 , towards supplying a deputation, if needed. (c) The boundaries and extent of any Mission District for which a Missionary is licensed by the Archbishop, may from time to time be changed by the Archbishop on the recommend¬ ation of the Executive Committee. 7. The Executive Committee upon receiving satisfac¬ tory assurances of financial support from a Mission or Parish applying for the services of a Clergyman, may assist the same by a grant of a sum not exceeding $350 per annum. Such grant shall be payable quarterly and shall be subject to annual revision. When aid is given to a Mission, the following shall be the conditions on which it is granted and paid : (a) That the collections appointed by the Synod are regularly taken up. (b) That the Constitution, Canons and Regulations of the Synod are observed. ( c ) That a report of the services and work of the Mission be sent quarterly to the Secretary on a form to be supplied by him. 8 . The collections on Whitsun Day, or failing that, on a Sunday as soon after as possible, shall be given to the Clergy Widow and Orphans’ Fund of the Province of Rupert’s Land. The Treasurer of the Synod shall be Diocesan Treasurer of this fund, and shall attend to the regulations laid down by the Provincial Synod, accounting yearly, after July 1 st, to the Provincial Treasurer. That on one Sunday in Lent the collections in all Parishes or Missions in the Diocese shall be given to St John’s College. 9 . All collections appointed by the Synod shall be paid to the Treasurer within a month. 10. At every service held there shall be an offertory. 11 . In vacant Missions the travelling expenses of the officiating Minister shall be borne by the Mission. 12. The offertory on Christmas Day shall be given to the Incumbent. 20 ON DISCIPLINE. 1. If any priest or deacon be charged in writing to the Archbishop by at least three communicants, with any of the offences mentioned in the Canon of Discipline of the Province of Rupert’s Land, or if there exist scandal or evil report of his having so offended, the Archbishop may com¬ municate.in writing to the accused the offence with which he is charged, and if he confesses the same, in writing, the Archbishop may pronounce in such manner as he sees fit, the sentence that seems to him fitting, or he may on the application of such party complaining thereof, or if he shall think fit, of his own mere motion, issue a commission under his hand and seal, to three persons, of whom one shall be his Chancellor, or an Archdeacon or Rural Dean within the Diocese for the purpose of making inquiry as to the ground of such charge or report, provided always that notice under the hand of the Archbishop of the intention to issue such commission, containing an intimation of the nature of the offence, together with the name or names and residence or residences of the party on whose application or motion such commission shall be about to issue, shall be sent by the Archbishop to the party- accused, fourteen days at least, before such commission shall issue. 2. Notice of the place where and the time when every meeting of the Commissioners shall be holden, shall be given in writing under the hand of one of the said com¬ missioners to the party accused seven days at least, before the meeting, and it shall be lawful for the party accused or his agent, to attend the proceedings of the commission, and to examine or cross examine any of the witnesses, and all such preliminary proceedings shall be public or not, as the commissioners may determine. The commissioners . shall examine all witnesses tendered to them for examina¬ tion, as well by any party alleging the truth of the charge or report, as by the party accused, or whom they may deem it necessary to summon for the purpose of fully prosecuting the enquiry and ascertaining whether there be sufficient prima facie ground for instituting further proceedings. 3. The said commissioners, or any three of them, shall transmit to the Archbishop under their hands the deposi¬ tion of witnesses taken before them, and also a report of the majority of the commissioners present at such enquiry, whether or not there be sufficient prima facie ground for instituting proceedings against the party accused. The 21 report of the commissioners shall be in duplicate, and one part shall be filed with the Secretary of Synod and the other part in the Registry of the Diocese, with a certified copy of the depositions taken before them in each case. On the application of the party accused the Archbishop shall cause to be delivered to such party a copy of such report and of the depositions on payment of a reasonable sum, not exceeding five cents for each folio of ninety words. (a) A copy of the Registrar’s books, so far as they relate to requirements under this Canon, shall be prepared by the Registrar and handed over to the Secretary of Synod on payment of such sum as may be agreed on by the • Archbishop and Executive Committee, and the same shall be written up and made complete by the Registrar immedi¬ ately at the end of each month. (i b ) Any member of Synod or of a committee of same shall be allowed, at any reasonable time, to examine the said copy of Registrar’s books. 4. With the consent of the clerk accused and of the party complaining, if any, first obtained in writing, the Archbishop may at any stage of the proceedings, pronounce without any further proceedings such sentence as the said Archbishop shall think fit. 5. If the Commissioners report that there is sufficient pnma facie ground for instituting proceedings, then, if the Archbishop or the party complaining think fit to proceed against the party accused, articles shall be drawn up in duplicate and one part shall be filed with the Secretary of Synod and the other shall be filed in the Registry of the Diocese, and the person accused or any other person on his behalf shall be entitled to inspect the same without fee, and to require and have on demand from the Registrar or Secretary of Synod, each of whom, as the case may be, is required to deliver copies of the same on payment of a reasonable sum, not exceeding five cents for each folio of ninety words. 6. A copy of the articles so filed shall be forthwith served upon the party accused by personally delivering the same to him, or by leaving the same at his usual or last known place of residence, and it shall not be lawful to proceed upon an} T such articles until after the expiration of fourteen days after the day on which said copy shall have been so served. 7. The Archbishop may, by writing under his hand, require the party to appear, either in person or by his agent 22 duly appointed, before him at anyplace within the Diocese and at any time after the expiration of the said fourteen days, and to make answer to the said articles within such time as to the Arcbishop may seem reasonable; and if the party shall appear and by his answer admit the truth of the articles, the Archbishop shall forthwith proceed to pronounce sentence according- to the Provincial Canon of Discipline. 8. If the party accused shall refuse or neglect to appear and make answer to the said articles other than an admission of the truth thereof, the Archbishop shall pro¬ ceed to hear the cause with the assistance of three Assessors to be nominated by the Archbishop, one of whom shall be a barrister of not less than three years’ standing-, and another shall be the Dean of his cathedral church or one of his Archdeacons, or his Chancellor, or one of the Canons of his cathedral church ; and upon the hearing of such cause the Archbishop shall determine the same and pronounce sentence thereupon according to the Provincial Canon of Discipline. 9. The Archbishop may, if he think great scandal is likely to arise from the party accused continuing to perform the services of the Church while such charge is under in¬ vestigation, inhibit him from performing any services of the Church within the Diocese, and require him to supply a fit substitute whom the Archbishop shall license, or failing his nominating a substitute to the satisfaction of the Archbishop, then the Archbishop shall himself make provision for the cure of the accused by licensing a Clergy¬ man to supply it, assigning in payment a sum out of the stipend of the accused not exceeding a moiety of its amount, provided also that the Archbishop may at any time revoke such inhibition and license respectively. 10. This Canon is subject to the provisions of the Canon of Discipline of the Province of Rupert’s Land. ON THE REMOVAL OF INCUMBENTS. 1. Whenever the Executive Committee of the Synod has represented to the Archbishop that any parish is suffer¬ ing from the inability of the Incumbent, through age, in¬ firmity or any other cause, or from neglect by him to dis¬ charge his duties, or that a controversy has arisen between him and any members of his congregation which cannot be settled by the parties themselves, and is such as to injure 23 the peace and prosperity of the parish, the Archbishop may at his discretion notify the said incumbent of such rep¬ resentation, and that such representation will be referred to a Board of Enquiry to be appointed and to act in the manner hereinafter provided. 2. The said Board shall be appointed by the Arch¬ bishop, and shall consist of two clergymen in priests’ orders and one lay male communicant not belonging- to the parish. 3. The Board shall meet at such time and place within the Diocese as the Archbishop may decide, and due notice of such meeting - and of the names of the members of the Board shall be given by the Archbishop to the Executive Committee, the Incumbent, the Church Wardens, and other parties of the parish in question interested. 4. After the first meeting - of the Board all notices shall be given by the Chairman, who shall be appointed by the Board thereat, and the Board shall have power to sus¬ pend its proceedings, and to adjourn from time to time, and from place to place as it may deem necessary. 5. The Incumbent respecting whom the representation is made may answer the same either orally or in writing, and may appear in person or be represented and heard by a male communicant of the Church of England, and shall have the right to produce such pertinent evidence as he may desire ; and the Executive Committee shall have like privileges, and the Board may call for such evidence as it may deem necessary. 6. If, after due notification the Incumbent fails to ap¬ pear or to answer the representation, the Board shall pro¬ ceed ex parte. 7. The Board shall take written notes of the evidence produced; and at the close of the investigation, the Chair¬ man shall transmit the same to the Archbishop, together with the Board’s recommendation and a minute of the pro¬ ceedings. 8. The proceedings and recommendation of the Board shall be subject to the Archbishop’s approval ; and in case of his confirming the same, the Archbishop shall without delay, notify the Executive Committee, the Incumbent in¬ terested, and the Church Wardens of his Parish, by furn¬ ishing them with certified copies of the said recommend¬ ation and confirmation. 24 9. Whenever such recommendation so confirmed by the Archbishop requires the retirement of the said Incumbent, he shall, unless he resigns within six weeks from the date of receiving the last mentioned notice, be deprived of his charge, which shall thereupon be and be held to be vacant; and he shall no longer be competent to perform the duties, nor be entitled to any of the rights, privileges or emolu¬ ments thereof. 10. Provided always that in all cases of inefficiency through age or infirmity, the right of the Incumbent to any pension or retiring allowance to which he may be en¬ titled shall not be affected by anything herein contained. 11. The word “Incumbent” in this Canon includes Rector, Vicar or Missionary, and the word “ Parish ” in¬ cludes Mission. 12. This Canon shall not apply to any case arising out of or involving a question of doctrine, practice or ritual, and shall not be construed so as to conflict with any rights and privileges of the Clergy under the canon on Discipline. 13. This Canon shall be retroactive. ON LAY READERS. 1. Lay Readers shall be recommended to the Archbishop by at least two licensed Clergymen of the Diocese, or, being students of St. John’s College, by the College Board; and have either a general license for the Diocese or a special license for a particular Parish or Mission. They shall not be employed in any Parish or Mission, but at the request or with the consent of the Incumbent or Clergyman in charge of said Parish or Mission, and they shall be entirely under his control and direction, and shall be removed at his request; they may be set apart for the service at such place and with such service as the Archbishop may appoint. They shall only hold their license during the pleasure of the Archbishop. 2. Office of Lay Reader : The office of Lay Reader shall be to read the Word of God before the congregation, and in the absence or illness of the Clergyman, or on urgent occasions, at the request of the Clergyman, to read any appointed portions of the Morning and Evening Prayer, not including the absolution or any part of the Communion Service, and such sermons as he shall be duly authorized to use ; or to preach or expound, if he be 25 specially licensed thereto by the Archbishop ; and generally to aid in Parochial and Mission work and perform such functions as it is competent for a Lay Member of the Church to perform, and he shall be directed to discharge, under the authority of the Archbishop. When officiating he may wear the surplice ON RURAL DEANS. 1. It shall be the duty of the Rural Dean ( a ) To arrange for meetings of the Ruridecanal Chapter, quarterly or oftener, and also the Ruridecanal meetings at such time as to himself and the Ruridecanal Chapter may seem advisable, and to preside at the same. In the unavoidable absence from any meeting, of the Rural Dean, the Clergy present shall elect one of their number to preside at that meeting. ( b ) To visit every Parish or Mission in his Deanery once in a year, and oftener if there be occasion, or if desired to do so by the Archbishop or Executive Committee, to confer with the Clergy, Churchwardens and other officers of the Church ; to inspect Churches, Churchyards, Parsonages, and other build¬ ings, books, ornaments, all additions, decays, and dilapidations and ascertain how far buildings are insured and what amount of debt, if any, is upon them and what steps are being taken for its liquidation ; to inquire into the value and condition of any endowments or other property ; and, if required, to report to the Archdeacon for the information of the Archbishop or Executive Committee from time to time upon the same. (c) To give the Archbishop or Archdeacon advice when so requested. (d) To inform the Archbishop and Archdeacon, if necess¬ ary, of any reports, conduct or proceedings affecting any of the Clergy in his Deanery. ON RURIDECANAL CHAPTERS. 1. On determining the bounds of the Rural Deanery by the Archbishop, Clergy within it holding the license of the Arch¬ bishop shall form the Ruridecanal Chapter. 2. St. John’s Cathedral shall form a separate Deanery under its Dean, and may have attached to it as a Deanery such Parishes or Missions as are worked by the Cathedral or Cathedral Mission Staff as the Archbishop may think proper. 3. First meeting of any Ruridecanal Chapter shall be called by the Rural Dean. 26 4. It shall be the duty of the Chapter (a) To elect one of their number as Secretary, who shall also be Secretary of Ruridecanal meeting's, whose duties shall include those usually performed by such official. (b) To make all necessary arrangements for its meetings, and for the holding of Ruridecanal meetings from time to time. (c) To consider questions submitted to it by the Arch¬ bishop, Archdeacon, or Executive Committee. (d) To consult generally for the spiritual benefit of the Rural Deanery and for the interests of the Church within it. (< e) To have all new settlements within its limits visited, and information obtained respecting Church Members, and, as far as possible, to provide for the holding of services therein. {/) To arrange for the formation, where practicable, of Sunday-school Associations. ( t o-) To consider what might be advantageously brought before a Ruridecanal meeting. (h) To form a Ruridecanal Library for books of reference for the Clergy. ON RURIDECANAL MEETINGS. 1. In any Rural Deanery the following persons shall be members of the Ruridecanal meeting : All Clergy in the Deanery holding the license of the Arch¬ bishop, Churchwardens and Lay Representatives of any Parish or Mission within the Deanery, all Lay Readers holding the license of the Archbishop and residing or officiating regularly in any Parish or Mission in the Deanery, and any other Clergy or Laity especially invited before such meeting by a vote of the Ruridecanal Chapter. 2. The Ruridecanal meeting shall be presided over by the Rural Dean, or in his absence, by one of the Clergy in the Rural Deanery elected by fhe meeting. 3. The duty of the Ruridecanal meeting shall be to consider any questions submitted to them by the Archbishop, Arch¬ deacons, Executive Committee, or Ruridecanal Chapter, or any questions proposed by any of themselves and generally to consult for the spiritual welfare of the district and the interests of the Church. 4. Combined meetings of the Ruridecanal meetings in an Archdeaconry may be held at the request of the Archbishop or Archdeacon. RULES AND REGULATIONS. T. That the Secretary of Synod send to each clerical and lay delegate at least fourteen days prior to each meet¬ ing of Synod copies of all the reports of all standing com¬ mittees of the Synod and of that of the Treasurer. 2. The Secretary of Synod, on receiving the names of Lay Delegates elected each year, shall mail to each of them a copy of the Report of the previous Synod. 3. The minimum of notice of any meeting to be held in Winnipeg, that is hereafter issued by the Convenor or Sec¬ retary of any Committee appointed by the Synod, or in con¬ nection with any Diocesan work directed by the Synod shall be ten clear days to all members of such Committees, whether in town or country, excepting in case of an emer gency, when the Archbishop may order a special meeting, with as long or short noticeas the exceptional circum¬ stances will permit. 4. The Executive Committee of the Synod shall urge the churchwardens of the different congregations constitut¬ ing the different missions of the Diocese, to form themselves into a financial board for the purpose of collecting and pay¬ ing as promptly as possible, that portion of the clergyman’s stipend which comes from the people. 5. That it shall be the duty of each clergyman who receives a grant from the Home Mission Fund to report to the Secretary of Synod at the end of each quarter, on a form to be supplied, the amount of stipend paid by the financial board for that quarter, and the amount, if any, still due, and the secretary shall thereupon take such steps as may be deemed necessary for the payment of arrears. 6. If a mission continues to be in default at the end of the second quarter, the financial secretary shall report the matter fully to the Executive Committee. 7. When a clergyman has been transferred to another mission on account of the non-paj^ment of arrears of stipend, a successor shall not be appointed until all arrears have been paid up. 28 8. There shall be two forms of Guarantee, —the first between the people and the Wardens ; the second between the Parish or Mission and the Synod, after the amount of the said Guarantee has been fixed by resolution at the annual or a special meeting- of parishioners duly called. Such guarantee shall remain in force until a new guarantee has been made. 9. That in cases of parishes or missions where annual grants are given from the Home Mission Fund of the Diocese, the Treasurer be instructed to withhold the clergy¬ man’s quarterly stipend until such times as returns are re¬ ceived of the Synod collections ordered to be taken up during the quarter, and the necessary quarterly reports are sent in, or until satisfactory explanations are given why the rules are not carried out; also that the same course be taken with respect to the returns. 10. That the Hon. Treasurer be requested to notify any Parish or Mission which has neglected to send in any offertory- ordered by the Synod. 11. That in all Synod collections, the whole offertory (without deduction, save the envelopes) be remitted to the Treasurer of Synod. 12. That the grants from the Mission Fund shall be withheld from any Parish or Mission failing to answer satisfactorily the questions asked for the purpose of obtain¬ ing the required statistics of this Diocese. 13. That the Clergy and Churchwardens of every Parish without exception be desired to append answers to the questions asked for the purpose of procuring the neces¬ sary statistics of the Diocese, and to send the documents to the Secretary of Synod on or before the 15th day of May in each year. 11. That the Executive Committee be requested to arrange that a series of missionary meetings be held in each Rural Deanery; that the best day for holding such meetings be selected; that each Rural Dean be asked to arrange the meetings in his Deanery ; that if the Rural Deans deem it advisable, they be aided by deputations from the centre or elsewhere; and that every effort be made to secure, as one of the results of such meetings, permanent annual subsrcip- tions from each church member in every parish or mission in the Deanery, so as to secure the largest possible annual subscriptions to the Home Mission Fund. 29 15. That missionary meetings do have a place in the proceedings of each Synod, and that the Archdeacon do make the necessary arrangements thereof; and that in addit¬ ion to the proposed missionary meetings, a devotional meet¬ ing for the members of the Synod be arranged for by the Rectors of the city churches, 16. That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the railway fare of the clerical members of the Executive Com¬ mittee whenever they attend the meetings of the Executive Committee. 17. That in every case where an outfit grant of $100 is given, the receiver be notified that the acceptance of the grant is intended to cover five years work in the Diocese and that $20 be refunded for every year less than the five years’ work in the Diocese. 18. That the corporation, “the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land,” being empowered by clause 10 of its Act of Incorporation to exercise all its powers by and through the Executive Committee as established by the Constitution, or such other boards or committees as the said corporation may from time to time appoint by resolution, for the manage¬ ment of all or any of the affairs or property of the said cor¬ poration, hereby appoints the said Executive Committee for the purposes aforesaid ; and also to administer the trusts, properties and funds now about to be transferred to the Synod, and all other property now held or hereafter to be acquired. 19. Whereas it may from time to time be desirable to make changes in the Statutes of St. John’s College and St. John’s Cathedral, the Executive Committee be empowered, on the petition of the Council of St. John’s College or the Dean and Chapter of St. John’s Cathedral, to authorize such changes in the Statutes of St. John’s College or St. John’s Cathedral respectively, or such additional Statutes, as it may approve of provided that the Bishop of Rupert’s Land give his assent to such changes or additions; and such changes or additions shall be printed yearly in an appendix to the Report of the Synod, but an accidental omission of such printing in any case shall not invalidate what has been done. 20. That a standing committee on credentials be ap¬ pointed to examine the certificates of lay delegates and prepare a report of the same, including a list of all such 30 delegates, with the names of the parishes they represent, for the next meeting of Synod and generally to deal with and report to the Synod upon questions relating to lay rep¬ resentation under the constitution and that the clergy be respectfully requested to make a return of the \a.y dele¬ gates elected year by year in their respective parishes and congregations to the secretary of the Synod, as soon after their election as possible, for the information of the com¬ mittee. 21. That in future meetings of the Synod, the Bishop’s charge be the first subject for consideration; and that it be at once referred to a committee to suggest from it subjects to be dealt with during the sittings of the Synod. 22. That the Rural Deans of the Diocese be requested to present at the annual meeting of the Synod reports of the work of the Church in their several Deaneries. 23. That such of the clergy as minister to Indians be requested to give in writing or verbally an annual report of their work to the Synod ; also that the Secretary of the C.M.S. finance committee be and is hereby requested to be so good as to furnish at each Synod a short summary of the Society’s work. DUTIES OF THE GENERAL MISSIONARY. 24 a. He shall be an Executive Officer for the carrying out, under the direction of the Bishop, of the regulations and resolutions of the Synod and Executive Committee; and he shall have an Ad¬ vising Committee, to be appointed from time to time by His Grace the Archbishop. b. He shall be the Organizing Financial Officer of the Synod, and shall as such solicit subscriptions from individuals and arrange for the formation of asso¬ ciations in support of the mission funds of the Dio¬ cese in the several parishes and missions. He shall also in such capacity from time to time, as he may be directed by the Executive Committee, with the sanction of the Archbishop, visit any place outside the Diocese in the furtherance of any Diocesan object. c. He shall systematically visit the parishes and Mis¬ sions of the Diocese which receive aid from the Home Mission Fund for the following purposes:— 31 (a) For inquiring- into their financial organization and condition, and for this purpose holding-, as he may see necessary or advantageous, and as he may arrange with the incumbent or clergyman in charge, meetings'with the Church people, (b) For the securing of satisfactory guarantees towards the clergyman’s stipend, and seeing that such guarantees are punctually paid ; and, in case of default, reporting all the circumstances to the Ex¬ ecutive Committee, (c) For the encouragement of self support to the several missions by increased contributions from the people, and urging the carrying out of Canon 12 on Parochial Endow¬ ments. d. He shall especially visit districts yet unprovided with a resident missionary, or existing missions, which may seem to require subdivision, and take the necessary steps for the formation of a new district if this seems practicable. e. He shall also endeavor by counsel and practical assistance to help any of the clergy asking for it to the working of their parishes and missions ; and generally he shall do all in his power to stimulate and encourage church work in the diocese. 25. The Seal now in use shall be the Seal of this cor¬ poration; and the Archbishop of Rupert’s Land, and in his absence his Commissary shall be the custodian of the Seal. 26. That the various corporations existing, and those hereafter to be formed under the Temporalities’ Act, be required to take their conveyance of land in proper form in their corporate name, as the Bishop shall direct. 27. That the Executive Committee be instructed to take measures for obtaining a reduction in railway fare for the lay delegates to the Diocesan Synod, and for providing hospitality for the delegates during their attendance at Synod. 28. That the Secretary of the Synod at once get in from each Parish in the Diocese, the title deeds of the Parish lands, and that the deeds be recorded in a book to be known as the Parish Register, at full length, That in the Register be also recorded the incumbrance now upon the lands and that from time to time hereafter all other conveyances be so recorded and all incumbrances be entered. 32 29. All the Parishes in the Diocese shall forward to the Secretary of the Synod all insurance policies upon Church property, and that the Secretary of the synod shall in future keep a register in which all such policies shall be recorded. 30. That such of the printing expenses incurred by the Synod Committees as shall be approved by the Tieasurer shall be paid by him. 31. That whereas a considerable amount has neces¬ sarily to be expended in printing each year, and whereas it is desirable that the work be done at the lowest price poss¬ ible, it be an instruction to the Executive Committee to an¬ nually invite tenders for as much of the work as practic¬ able, and unless valid reasons to the contrary exist to award the contract to the lowest tenderer. 32. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of Synod to send the names of candidates for Holy Orders to the Rec¬ tors and Incumbents of all churches in the Diocese at least one Sunday before the day of ordination; and such names shall be read out in the cong'regation at one of the services, and the prayer for Ember Days used. 33 RULES FOR THE ELECTION OF A RURAL DEAN. 1. Upon a vacancy occurring* in the office of Rural Dean, or any Rural Deanery, or upon the creation of a new Rural Deanery, the Senior Clergyman in the Rural Deanery shall call a meeting of the Clergymen in said Deanery at a convenient place and time in the said Rural Deanery, but not earlier than fourteen days after the mailing of the notices. 2. The notice shall set forth that the meeting is called for the election of a Rural Dean. If any Clergyman is unable to be present at such meeting, he may, prior to the said meeting, forward in a sealed envelope, addressed to the said Senior Clergyman, his ballot in favor of any Clergyman he may desire to see appointed as Rural Dean. The envelope shall have written on the face of it, “Ballot Paper,” and shall not be opened by the Senior Clergyman until the said meeting. 3. When the meeting is convened, the Senior Clergy¬ man shall take the chair and call the meeting to order, whereupon those present at the meeting shall elect a Chair¬ man and Secretary for the meeting. Thereafter a Scruti¬ neer shall be appointed. 4. There shall be no formal nomination of candidates, but each Clergyman present shall receive a ballot from the Secretary on which he shall write the name of the Clergy¬ man nominated by him as Rural Dean. The Scrutineer shall then count the ballots, taking into account those filed with the Senior Clergyman by any Clergymen who are absent. The Scrutineer shall report to the chairman the result of the ballot, whereupon thfe candidate having the largest number of votes will be nominated to the Arch¬ bishop for his approval and appointment as Rural Dean. 34 INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING CONVEYANCES of Lands To and From the Church of England Parishes and Missions in the Province of Manitoba. The “Church of England Temporalities Act” passed by the Legislature of Manitoba, in the 39 th. year of Her Ma¬ jesty’s Reign and Chaptered 27 , enacts that “The Incumbent or Curate in charge, licensed by the Bishop, and Church Wardens of any congregation in Manitoba, organized accord¬ ing to the Constitution of the Synod of Rupert’s Land, shall be a body politic and corporate, and they and their successors, under the name of the Church of England Parish or Mission of shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and by such name may from time to time and at all times hereafter, purchase, acquire by gift, devise or bequest, if made at least six months before the death of the person making the same, hold, possess, and enjoy, and may have, take and receive for them and their successors for ecclesiastical, educational or eleemosynary uses, any lands, tenements, hereditary property, rents, annuities, and all other property whatever, moveable or immoveable, and the same may sell, exchange, alienate, mortgage, let, lease and dispose of, any others in their stead, purchase, acquire, and hold for the uses and purposes afore¬ said, provided always that the amount of such real" estate shall not exceed what Trustees of Protestant Churches are allowed to hold by 36 Victoria, Chap. 16 , and provided also that in the administration of the said property they be subject to such regulations and restrictions as regards selling, exchanging, alienating, mortgaging or leasing real estate, or making investments in stock, funds, debentures, or other property, as the Synod of Rupert’s Land, either directly or through any board, may from time to time lay down, and the said Corporation shall have all the rights of Corporations under 34 Vic., Chap. 1 .” 2 . Section vi, of Chapter 46 , of 45 Victoria, ( 1882 ), enacts that “Any deed in which any Parish or Mission incor¬ porated under and by virtue of the said Church of England Temporalities Act is named as a party shall (if sufficient in all other respects) hereafter be sufficient and effectual to completely pass all the title of such Parish or Mission, so named as a party, in and to any lands, tenements or heredita¬ ments thereby conveyed, granted or demised for, and to the extent of such interest as may thereby be created, if such deed have affixed to it the corporate seal of the Parish or mission so named therein as a party, verified by the signature of the Incumbent or Curate in charge, and duly licensed by the Bishop for the time being of such Parish or Mission so named as a party, and of one or more of the Church Wardens of such Parish or Mission, and of such Chairman and Secre¬ tary” (meaning the Chairman and Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Synod of Rupert’s Land) “respect¬ ively and any such deed so executed shall be deemed to be well and sufficiently executed; but every deed not so executed or not drawn conformable to the mode in this section in¬ dicated, shall be insufficient, invalid and inoperative for the purposes in this section mentioned.” 3 . It will be seen therefore that all deeds of land by which it is intended to convey any property to the congrega¬ tion of any Church in Manitoba, should be taken in the name of The Church of England Parish or Mission (as the case may be) of , and not to the Church Wardens or to Trustees, as is usually done, for if not taken conformable to the Statutes quoted above, the deed will be void and inoperative, and no title whatever will pass under it.. 4 . Before any deed, conveyance or lease of land from any Church of England Parish or Mission can be given, the consent of the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Synod of Rupert’s Land thereto must be obtained and expressed by resolution in writing, and the deed, mortgage or lease should recite such consent. 5 . The Incumbent or Curate in charge of each Parish or Mission, and Church Wardens, should adopt a Corporate seal, and any deed, mortgage, lease or other instruments made by any Parish or Mission, must first have affixed to it the 36 corporate seal of such Parish or Mission, and must be signed by the Incumbent or Curate in Charge, and by at least one of the Church Wardens, and lastly, must be signed by His Lordship the Bishop of Rupert’s Land as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Synod of Rupert’s Land, and the Secretary of such Committee. The execution of such instruments should be witnessed, but no affidavit of execution is required. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE SYNOD ON THE SYSTEM OF NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS. (Adopted by the Executive Committee.) Your Committee beg to recommend the following pro¬ cedure in regard to nominations and elections of Delegates and Representatives to the following, viz. :— (а) To the General Synod. ( б ) To the Provincial Synod. (c) On the Executive Committee. (d) On the Council of St. John’s College. (e) On the Sunday School Commission. 1. Immediately after the election of the Secretaries and Treasurer of the Synod, the Archbishop shall appoint one Clerical and one Lay Delegate, to act as scrutineers for each of the above elections, and shall appoint one of such scrutin¬ eers as Secretary for nominations. < 2 . Nominations of delegates to each of the above elec¬ tions shall be made between the hours of 12 o’clock noon and i p.m.. on the first day of the Synod, upon the forms supplied by the Secretary of Nominations, and shall be signed by the Proposer, and delivered by him to the Secretary of Nomina¬ tions between the hours aforesaid. No delegate shall nom¬ inate more than the required number for each election. 3 . The names of all persons so nominated shall be printed in alphabetical order on ballot papers of different colors. 4. Ballotting on these nominations shall take place on the second day of the Synod, beginning at 1 o’clock p.m., and closing at 2 p.m. 5. Immediately before adjournment on the afternoon of the second day the Secretary for Nominations shall present to the Synod reports of the scrutineers. 38 RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CLERGY WIDOW AND ORPHANS’ FUND of the Pkovince of Rupert’s Land. 1. The Fund shall be held in trust for the Church of England in Rupert’s Land by the Corporation—The Arch¬ bishop of Rupert’s Land. 2 . There shall be a Provincial Treasurer appointed by the Provincial Synod who shall transmit to each Diocesan Treasurer of the Fund an annual Statement of the Fund, and there shall also be a Treasurer appointed in every Diocese whose duty shall be to collect all sums accruing to the Fund in that Diocese, to transmit the same to the Provincial Treas¬ urer and to communicate with the Provincial Treasurer on the part of the Diocese. Such Diocesan Treasurer shall be appointed by the Synod of the Diocese, or failing any ap¬ pointment by the Synod, by the Bishop of the Diocese. 3 . The Bishops and all Clergymen in the Province licensed in any Diocese to the care of souls, or holding office in any college or school under the jurisdiction of any of the Bishops, or holding any other official position in the Diocese, shall be entitled to have the benefit of the Fund on comply¬ ing with the rules laid down by the Provincial Synod. 4 . After July 1 st, 1880 , any Clergyman becoming for the first time a subscriber to the Fund must, if over the age of 25 , pay an entrance fee for the first year in addition to the annual subscription according to his age, namely : Two dol¬ lars for every year over 25 up to 35 inclusive, three dollars for every year over 35 up to 40 inclusive, four dollars for every year over 40 and up to 45 inclusive, and five dollars for every year over 45 , provided, however, that no Clergyman over 50 years of age shall be admitted as a subscriber, and that no Clergyman who has been eligible for admission for the five years next preceding his application shall be admitted as a subscriber unless on production of a medical certificate as to soundness of health satisfactory to a standing committee of six members who shall be appointed by the Metropolitan of 39 whom three shall be a quorum, and who shall finally deter¬ mine on what terms, if any, such clergyman shall be received as a subscriber. Any Clergyman entering upon the Fund may pay such entrance fees as are required, by quarterly in¬ stalments of not less than $ 5 , and interest at six per cent, per annum on the unpaid balance, and in the event of the death of a Clergyman before all the instalments have been paid, the unpaid balance shall be a first claim upon the amount to be paid to the widow and orphans. 5 . To entitle a subscriber to the benefit of the Fund, he must pay a yearly subscription to the Fund of five dollars on or before July 1 st, in every year. In the case of the subscrip¬ tion not being paid till after July 1 st, interest shall then have to be paid at the rate of six per cent, per annum for such period as the subscription shall be overdue, and if the sub¬ scription shall be two years in arrears, then such defaulter shall cease to be'entitled to any benefit from the Fund, but any such defaulter, if not excluded by the limitation as to age, may again be admitted as a subscriber on payment of such entrance fee in accordance with his age as he would have had to pay if subscribing for the first time. 6 . If a Clergyman, after being 15 years a contributing member of the Fund, removes from the Province to some other field of work where there is no Widow and Orphans’ Fund of which he can have the benefit, he shall have the option of remaining on the Fund by paying Si 2.50 yearly, instead of $5 ; provided, however, that if he leave in bad health and it is certified by a duly qualified medical prac¬ titioner that he is unable to undertake duty, he may remain a member of the Fund, while thus disqualified, by continuing to pay the regular annual subscription of $ 5 - Provided also that a Clergyman after any period of service, removing from this Province, shall have the option of receiving fifty per cent, of the money he has paid into the Fund, on receipt of which sum his membership in the Fund ceases. 7. Every Clergyman in charge of a Parish or Mission must, to secure for his widow and orphans the benefit of the P'und, make, at least, one collection yearly on its behalf, un¬ less the Bishop of his Diocese certifies to the Provincial Treasurer, through the Diocesan Treasurer, that the Mission is not yet in such a state as to allow of any collection. Nevertheless anv Clergyman having failed to comply with th is rule may still be entitled to the benefit of the Fund on 40 payment to the Provincial Treasurer of what would be the average collection for each and every year he has neglected.. 8 . The Provincial Treasurer will pay to the widow of every Clergyman who is entitled to the benefit of the Fund, such annuity, not exceeding two hundred dollars, as the in¬ come of the Fund will admit, in two equal half-yearly pay¬ ments, on the first day of January and July each year— the first of such half-yearly payments or such portion thereof as may have accrued from the death of her husband, to be made on the day above mentioned next following the death of her husband, such payment to be continued during her natural life, so long as she remain a widow. And in case such widow shall at her death or marriage have four children by her late husband under the age of eighteen years, such annu¬ ity shall be paid to the guardians of such children, and should there be fewer than four children, a sum not exceed¬ ing sixty dollars as the income of the Fund will permit, shall be paid as aforesaid for each, provided that all annuities shall cease from the half-year next preceding the marriage of any person, whether male or female, entitled by these rules to any such annuity, and that alt annuities paid for children shall cease on the day at which they attain the age of eighteen years. And in case of any Clergyman deceased leaving no widow but having children, then such children shall enjoy the annuity as above provided on the death or marriage of a widow. 9 . The income from all sources, that is, from the yearly payments of Clergymen, collections, benefactions and dona¬ tions, as well as from the interest of invested funds, shall be available towards securing the minimum annuity of one hun¬ dred and twenty dollars per annum to each widow or to children, as provided in clause 8 , but for any payment of an annuity above the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars- per annum, only the interest from the invested capital shall be available, and other moneys from the yearly payment of Clergymen, collections, benefactions and donations shall be added to capital. After the annuity reaches the maximum' of two hundred dollars, the income from all sources shall be added to capital. All money to be added to the capital shall be paid to the Corporation, the Archbishop of Rupert’s Land- in trust, and be invested as capital by the Corporation. 10 . Every widow and guardian of any of the orphans of a Clergyman, desiring annuities from the Widow and Or- 41 phans’ Fund, shall apply by memorial to the Provincial Treasurer through the Treasurer of the Diocese to which the Clergyman belonged, for such annuities, stating the time of the decease of such Clergyman, the name of the widow, and the names and ages of each of the children, as the case may be. 11 . Every annuitant on the Widow and Orphans’ Fund shall, whenever he or she may be paid his or her half-yearly annuity, make the following declaration, which shall be at¬ tested by the Clergyman before whom it is made : Declaration by a Widow. I hereby declare that I am the widow of the late Rev. .and that I am entitled to an annuity from the Clergy Widow and Orphans’ Fund of the Province of Rupert’s Land, and that I am still a widow. .Name .Residence Signed before me.. Declaration by the Guardians of Children. I hereby declare that I am the duly appointed guardian of the children of the late Rev. whose names and ages are respectively written below, and that they are entitled to an annuity from the Clergy Widow and Orphans’ P'und of the Province of Rupert’s Land, .... .Name .Residence Names and ages of the Children. Signed before me. 12 . Clergy or Clergymen in these Rules include Bishops. 13 . No alteration shall take place in these Rules until such alteration has been approved at two successive meetings of the Provincial Synod. 42 CANON ON CLERGY SUPERANNUATION FUND as Amended August, 1907 . There shall be a Clergy Superannuation Fund for the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land, for which funds shall be acquired, and which shall be administered according to the methods and regulations detailed below. SOURCES OF REVENUE. The fund shall be derived from the following souroes * (a) Annual Subscriptions of the Clergy. (b) Church Collections. (c) Benefactions and Legacies, annual subscriptions by the clergy. I. Scale of payments for Clergymen joining the Fund : Under 30 years of age.per annum $5 00 Over 30 and under 40 years of age “ 6 00 Over 40 and under 50 years of age “ 8 00 Over 50 and under 60 years of age “ 10 00 The rate at age of entrance to be continued until the Clergyman is unfit for active service. Payments to be made annually on or before January 1 st. 2. Arrears. Where Clergymen are in arrears for three months, then : (a) In self-supporting parishes, the church wardens shall deduct such arrears from the Clergyman's stipend, and remit the same to the Treasurer of this fund. (b) In parishes receiving grants from Diocesan Mission Funds, such arrears shall be deducted from the next quarter¬ ly grant payable to him, and paid over at once to the Treas¬ urer of this Fund. 3. Membership. 43 (a) This Canon shall not be compulsory in any Diocese until the Synod of that Diocese, or, in the case of a Diocese having no Synod, until the Bishop of that Diocese has ac¬ cepted this Canon. (b) Every Clergyman under the age of 50, who has the cure of souls, or is wholly engaged in work for a Diocese, shali immediately, upon the acceptance of such Diocese, as above set forth, of this Canon, become a member of and sub¬ scriber to the Fund. (c) Every Clergyman under the age of 50, who is licensed to a cure of souls in a Diocese which has accepted this Canon, shall, on being so licensed, become a member of and subscriber to the Fund. (D) Any Clergyman under the age of 50, who is licensed to the cure of souls in or is wholly engaged in work for a Diocese which has not accepted this Canon by its Synod or Bishop, may become a member of this Fund by payment of the annual dues and having the collection and complying with the conditions required by this Canon, 4. Annual Collections. There shall be a coll-ection for this Fund in every con gregation in all parishes or missions in each Diocese which has accepted this Canon, on some Sunday to be appointed by the Diocesan Synod, or by the Incumbent, in case there is no Diocesan Synod, but there shall be no compulsory col¬ lections in those Indian Missions in the Interior, in which money is not in circulation. 5. Qualifications for annuities, (A) The annual subscription of the Clergyman, and the annual collections in the parishes and missions under his charge (if any) must have been paid. (b) In case of neglect to pay subscriptions lot two con¬ secutive years, all claims shali be forfeited. (c) Defaulting subscribers shall only be re-instated at the pleasure of the Committee, who shall impose a fine, and see that all arrears are paid. 6. Scale of payments. 44 If unfit for service, Clergymen may receive the following annuities : After less than 15 years’ service, per annum $100 00 “ 15 years’ service. •* 200 00 “ 20 “ “ 300 00 “ 25 “ “ 350 00 “ 30 “ “ . “ 400 00 or proportionate amount if funds are insufficient. Payments shall be made half-yearly on the first day of January and July. A beneficiary of this Fund shall be a Clergyman who is recommended for the benefits of the P'und on account of in¬ firmity of a permanent character, the fact of that infirmity being determined by a resolution of the Standing Committee appointed to manage this Fund, acting upon the certificate of a duly registered medical practitioner appointed by the said Committee, declaring him to be physically or mentally unfit for active service, provided that such resolution of the Committee be sustained by the approval of the Bishop of his Diocese. Any beneficiary of the Fund under 70 years of age shall, at the pleasure of the Standing Committee, be subject to an annual medical re-examination, and’the annuity shall cease from the date of such examination, if he be declared fit for active service. 7. Removal. In case of removal from the Province, the Clergyman may receive one-half the amount paid by him in annual subscriptions, subject to the approval of the Standing Com¬ mittee. An annuitant may reside outside the Province with the approval of the Standing Committee. 8. Every annuitant shall furnish, before each payment, a medical certificate, satisfactory to the Standing Commit¬ tee, and the following declaration, attested by a Clergyman or Justice of the Peace. DECLARATION OF ANNUITANT. I hereby declare that I am the Rev. formerly of the Diocese of...in the Province 45 of Rupert’s Land, and that I am entitled to an annuity from the Clergy Superannuation Fund of that Province. Signed before me this.. .day of. If the annuitant is mentally incapable, then the pay¬ ments shall be made to his legal representative, who shall furnish the medical certificate above referred to, and the following declaration attested as above : DECLARATION OF REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby declare that I am the legsl representative of the Rev..., formerly of the Diocese of., in the Province of Rupert’s Land, who is mentally incapable, and am entitled to receive, on his behalf, his annuity from the Clergy Sup¬ erannuation Fund of that Province, Signed before me this.day of. A revenue, available for granting annuities, shall be de¬ rived as soon as possible from clerical subscriptions, and one- half the annual church collections, provided that no annuities shall be granted until such revenue reaches the sum of $600 per annum; the other half of the amount derived from the annual collections, and the whole amount derived from bene¬ factions and legacies, which are not desired by the donors thereof to be added to the revenue above mentioned, shall form a capital fund, the income from which shall be added to said fund until the same reaches ten thousand dollars, after which the income of said fund, in addition to the revenue above mentioned, shall be available for granting annuities. With the consent of the Standing Committee, Clergy¬ men on the Fund shall not be debarred from occasional light duty, for which the total stipend received shall not exceed $400 per annum. No commutation or sale of annuity certificates shall be allowed. 9. Management of Fund. The Fund shall be managed by a Standing Committee appointed by the Provincial Synod, who shall appoint a Treasurer and other necessary agents, and may, when they 46 think it desirable, declare a trust, and appoint a permanent body of trustees to manage the Fund. “(A) The Standing Committee shall appoint an Exec¬ utive Committee of seven members to include the Metropol¬ itan and the Treasurer, Secretary and Chief Medical Officer appointed by the Standing Committee ‘‘(b) It shall be the duty and wUhin the power of the Executive Committee to examine and decide upon applica¬ tions for annuities, and the cessation or renewal of the same, whenever a meeting of the Standing Committee cannot be arranged within a reasonable time. Any decisions of the Executive shall, however, only be provisional until the next meeting of the Standing Committee, when their decisions shall be confirmed or otherwise ; provided that when monies have by order of the Executive been paid to provisional annuitants by the Treasurer, such payments shall be allowed to stand. At any meeting of the Executive four shall be a quorum, provided that the Metropolitan be either present or confirm in writing the decisions of the meeting.” UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - URBANA :