AMENDMENTS tot > UNIVERSITY Uf lttlN01 c UC.U 1913 TO THE U ITY ORDINANCES To September 1, 1912 REMOTE STORAGE ROOKSTACK S OFFICE Passed by the Common Council and approved by His Honor, the Mayor, since the publication of the Ordinances in book form, June 1, 1912 Compiled by HAROLD J. BALLIETT City Clerk t v-, * .. s- D , C. O 0 3 jt ^ ^ A Iv- £') \^R st/f ^ a -'' AMENDMENTS i f /7 That Section 20 of Chapter VII of the Ordinances he and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: No person shall sell or offer for sale in the public markets, or elsewhere In the city, any fruit, vegetables, berries or other products or commodities, at, for or by any weight or measure other than the weight or measure required by law and duly tested and stamped or certified as correct by the Sealer of Weights and Measures; and all meats, poultries and provisions, ex¬ cept such vegetables as are, according to custom, sold by the head or bunch, being offered for sale in the public markets or elsewhere in the city, shall be weighed or measured by the scale, dry measure, weight, balance or other measure duly tested and stamped or certified as correct by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, provided, that, except where the purchaser otherwise requests or desires, poultry may be sold in any other manner than by weight. Any lessee or occupant of a stall, stand or space in any public market of the city, and any other person doing business on the markets or elsewhere under a li¬ cense or permit from any department of the city, who shall violate any of the pro¬ visions of this section, shall, in addition to the other penalties prescribed by statute or ordinance, forfeit his or her lease, li- . cense or permit, and the same shall ex¬ pire, cease and determine as if the original term of letting had expired by limitation of time, and no stand, stall pr space in the public markets shall thereafter, without the consent of the Common Council, be leased, rented or hired to such occupant or lessee, nor to any member of his or her family. Provided, however, that in every case the person charged with a vio¬ lation of any of the provisions of this sec¬ tion shall, before the incurring of the pen¬ alty herein prescribed, be notified in writ¬ ing of the charge against him or her and of a hearing thereon before the Mayor at a time and place to be fixed in said notice; c no forfeiture or other penalty pre¬ scribed by this section shall be imposed or incurred until after such hearing and a. decision thereon by the Mayor sustaining the charge or charges. Tht^t Section 18 of Chapter XXXII of the Ordinances be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 18. Application for tapping mu,st be made at the office forty-eight hours prior to the time requested for insertion, order that proper inspection of the premises may be made by an inspector of the Bureau before the order is deliv¬ ered to the tapper. Such application must state the time when the main will be un¬ covered and ready for the tapper, the si/e of the taps and service pipe applied for, the number of the premises, the side of the street and the name of the person own¬ ing the premises. That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under the Department of Health, Ernest Wende Hospital, be amended by adding thereto the following: 1 chauffeur-mechanician.$900.00 That Section 20 of Chapter 4 of the Or¬ dinances of the City of Buffalo be amended so a s to read as follows: Sec. 20.—1. No wagon, car or other vehicle shall be driven upon the streets or highways by animal or mechanical trac¬ tion, unless it shall have tires of the fol¬ lowing widths: For combined weight of vehicle and load from 4,000 to 5,000 pounds, tires at least three inches in width. For combined weight of vehicle and load ex¬ ceeding 5,000 pounds, tires at least four inches in width. 2. No wagon, car, truck, or machine which has solid lugs, spikes or cleats at¬ tached to the face of its wheels shall be driven, hauled or propelled upon paved or improved streets or highways, excepting under restrictions prescribed by and upon written permission from the Commissioner of Public Works. Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of anti-skid chains on any automobile weighing, with its load, not more than five tons. 3. No machine or other contrivance In¬ tended primarily for purposes other than the transportation of persons or goods and weighing more than five (5) tons, except¬ ing road or pavement rollers, shall be driven, hauled or propelled upon paved or improved streets or highways, excepting under restrictions prescribed by and upon written permission from the Commissioner of Public Works. 4. No wagon, car, truck or machine upon wheels which shall weigh, together with the load upon it, more than 36,000 pounds or have a load upon a single wheel of over 10,000 pounds shall be driven or propelled through the streets and high¬ ways or over or upon any bridge or via¬ duct upon such street or highway, unless with the written permission of the Com¬ missioner of Public Works. Such pro¬ vision shall not apply to the operation of any car over or along a fixed track prop¬ erly constructed for such purpose. 5. Where permission is granted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the purposes set forth in Sub. Div. 2, 3 and 4 next above, - he may require the payment of an inspection fee not to exceed $1.00 per mile or fraction thereof traveled by such wagon, car, truck or machine upon the streets or highways, and the persons to whom such permit is issued shall pay the expenses of all repairs to pavements, bridge roadways, manholes, sewers and receivers which may be necessary by such use of the streets and highways. Every person violating the provisions of sub-divisions 1, 2, 3 or 4 of this section shall upon conviction be subject to a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00. _ 1 i 2 ; c • * ' • at 1-. ■ -1: ; ' . : . :■ ‘ ' • ' ' / That Section 32 of Chapter 4 of the Or¬ dinances of the City of Buffalo be amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 32. (1). It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or cor¬ poration to attach or cause or permit any of his or their or its agents or employes to attach to any lamp post, electric light post, telegraph, telephone, street railway or other pole, or any hydrant or box covering the same, or to any structure or building in or upon any of the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys or public places of the city, any bills, posters, notices, letters, pictures or characters of any kind for advertising purposes It is also hereby declared to be unlawful to attach any such bills, posters, notices, letters, pictures or characters of any kind for advertising purposes upon any structure or building adjoining any of the public streets, avenues, lanes, alleys or places in the city, except by licensed bill posters, and by them only in such manner that they shall not be detached and scat¬ tered upon such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys or public places; provided, however, that the owners or occupants of buildings shall be permitted to attach securely to such buildings signs advertising the busi¬ ness carried on therein subject to the pro¬ visions of this section. (2). No person, firm or corporation shall erect or maintain over any sidewalk or over the exterior line of any street, ave¬ nue, lane, alley or public place in the City of Buffalo any sign for displaying the name or trademark of any person, firm or corporation for advertising purposes, or otherwise giving notice of any business or occupation, without first having obtained a license therefor from the Commissioner of Public Works, for which shall be paid the fees fixed by this section. Provided, how¬ ever, that signs projecting not more than eighteen inches over such exterior line may be erected and maintained without license, subject to the control of the Com¬ missioner of Public Works, AND THE FURTHER ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL No sign in the City of Buffalo shall extend over the exterior street line beyond the curb, and in no event shall any sign BE ERECTED HAVING A GREATER DIMENSION THAN 10 FEET IN THE DIRECTION AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE WALL OF THE BUILDING. Nor shall any sign extend more than 12 feet beyond the exterior street line. Before any license for any sign shall be granted, the person, firm or corporation desiring to erect or maintain the sign or signs shall file with the Com¬ missioner of Public works a written ap¬ plication therefor, signed by the applicant and stating in detail the kind and char¬ acter of the sign proposed to be erected or maintained, the actual area in square feet of the exterior surface of such sign, and such application shall also state, in such de¬ tails as the Commissioner of Public Works shall require, the place where and the manner in which it is proposed to erect such sign or signs. The application shall be signed by the person, firm or corporation occupying as tenant or otherwise the prem¬ ises to which the sign is to be attached and whose business is to be advertised by the sign, and such person, firm or corpora¬ tion shall agree in the application to save the city harmless from all claims for damages arising in connection with such sign. Upon the approval by the Commis¬ sioner of Public Works of such application find of the place and manner of erecting the sign therein mentioned, and upon his writing or stamping thereon the amount of fee required for the sign applied for, the applicant shall pay to the Treasurer the fee prescribed by this section and ob¬ tain said Treasurer’s receipt therefor. The fees received by the Treasurer pursuant to this section shall be paid into the Gen¬ eral Fund. Upon presentation of the Treasurer s receipt for any fee, the Com¬ missioner of Public Works shall issue to the applicant a license for the sign applied for. All licenses issued hereunder shall be numbered consecutively, and each such license shall describe briefly the kind and character of sign authorized to be erected or maintained, the place where to be on, the name of the applicant, the amount of fee which has been paid and the dates of issue and expiration of the license. Duplicates of all licenses issued pursu¬ ant to this section shall be kept on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. C 3). All licenses issued pursuant to this section shall expire on the 30th day of June next after their issuance. The license fees for the erection or maintenance of signs shall be as follows: For illuminated signs having an area of less than thirty square feet, $2 per an¬ num. For illuminated signs having an area of not less than thirty nor more than forty square feet, $2.50 per annum. For illuminated signs having an area of more than forty and not more than fifty square feet, $3 per annum. For illuminated signs having an area of more than fifty and not more than sev¬ enty-five square feet, $4 per annum. For illuminated signs having an area of more than seventy-five square feet, the an¬ nual fees shall be $4 and, in addition thereto, ten cents for every square foot in excess of seventy-five square feet. Permits for illuminated signs not more than 75 square feet in area may be is¬ sued by the Commissioner of Public Works, as above provided, without the oi*- der of the Common Council. In case any application for permission to erect a sign exceeding 75 square feet in area shall be made, and the Commissioner of Public Works shall determine that the same can be properly and safely erected according to full plans and specifications filed with him, he shall report such application to the Common Council with the facts and reasons bearing’on the same, and the erec¬ tion of such sign on the Commissioner’s recommendation may then be authorized by a two thirds vote of the members of each Board composing the Common Coun¬ cil. For all signs which shall project more than eighteen inches over the exterior street line, other than illuminated signs, the license fee shall be as follows: For all signs having an area of less than twenty square feet, $1 per annum. For all signs having an area of not less than twenty nor more than thirty square feet, $1.50 per annum. For all signs having an area of more than thirty and not more than forty square feet, $2 per annum. No sign other than an illuminated or cloth or canvas sign shall be hereafter m 3 - ■ f. ' erected or maintained within the City of Buffalo projecting more than eighteen inches over the exterior street line and having an area of more than forty square feet, except for temporary purposes and then only on resolution of the Common Council. f4). For the purpose of this section an illuminated sign shall be any sign in connection with which artificial light is used. The area of a sign for the purposes of this section shall be construed as being one-half of the total exterior surface of the sign, computed in square feet. The amount of fees to be paid under this section shall be computed and fixed by the Commissioner of Public Works and shall be written or stamped upon the applications for licenses, which applica¬ tions shall be presented to the Treasurer at the time of the payment of said fees to him, and shall be returned to the Com¬ missioner of Public Works, together with the Treasurer’s receipt for the fee or fees. Licenses for less than one year may be issued upon payment in each case of a fee bearing the same proportion to the amount of the annual fee for such license as the period of time intervening between the date of such license and the 30th day of June next thereafter bears to one year; provided that no fee shall be accepted for less than three months, and that a frac¬ tion of a three months’ period shall be counted as a full quarter of a year. ( 5 ). For each and every violation of any provision of this section the offender shall be subject to a penalty of $10, and for each day during which any sign shall be maintained without a license, or in any other manner in violation of any pro¬ vision of this section, the offender shall be subject to a separate penalty of $10 as for a separate offense. Any license issued hereunder may be revoked by the Commissioner of Public Works for cause, after reasonable notice to the licensee and a hearing before said Commissioner at his office at a time speci¬ fied in such notice. The said Commis¬ sioner of Public Works shall file a copy of his determination of such hearing with the City Clerk within twenty-four hours after it is made. That so much of section one of chapter one of the Ordinances of the City of Buf¬ falo under the head Legislative Depart¬ ment as relates to the following: 1 City Clerk.$2,500.00 — be amended to read as follows: 1 City Clark..$3,000.00 The above to take effect January 1, 1912. That the final paragraph of Section 84 of Chapter XIV of the Ordinances, as amended and inserted by action of the Common Council in 1911 and printed on pages 140 and 141 of the printed pro¬ ceedings of the Common Council for this year, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “The foregoing amendments of sections 83 and 84 shall take effect at the begin¬ ning of the school year in September, 1911. and every grade teacher, including each assistant principal, department principal, teacher of German, kindergarten teacher and assistant in any special department, for that year and all subsequent years shall receive the salary which such teacher would be entitled to receive if these amendments of sections 83 and 84 had been in force at the date of the appoint¬ ment of such teacher; provided, however, that, as to high school teachers, teachers of theors' - and practice of teaching at the Teachers 1 Training School, and the direc¬ tors of special departments, each such teacher and director shall receive during the school year beginning September, 1911, the increases provided by the amendments adopted in the year 1911, and that for the school year beginning in September, 1912, and for all subsequent years, each such high school teacher and each such teacher of theory and practice of teaching at the Teachers’ Training School, and each such director of a special department, shall re¬ ceive the salary which such high school teacher, or which such teacher of theory and practice of teaching at the Teachers’ Training School, or which such director would be entitled to receive if the salary ordinance of 1911 by amendment of sec¬ tions S3 and 84 had been in force at the date of the appointment of such teacher or director.” That so much of section one of chapter one of the Ordinances of the City of Buf¬ falo, under the Department of Finance, City Treasurer, as relates to the follow¬ ing: 1 Deputy .$2,000.00 be amended so as to read as follows: 1 Deputy .$2,500.00 That so much of section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances as creates the two positions of Assistant City Attorney in the Department of Law, be and the" same is hereby amended so as to create three such positions, as follows: Three Assistant City Attorneys, each.$3,000.00 That so much of Section 83 of Chapter XIV of the Ordinances relating to the sal¬ aries of teachers in the Department of Public Instruction, as fixes the salaries of the directors of special departments, be and the same is.hereby amended by add¬ ing thereto the following: There shall also be an assistant director of manual training, who shall receive as an annual salary .' a minimum of $1,200, an annual increase of $100 and a maximum of $1,500 That the last sentence, as printed on page 2344 of the proceedings of the year 1910 (No. 30), of the amendment of sub¬ division 20 of Section 8 of Chapter III of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, re¬ lating to the employes of the Juvenile De¬ tention Home, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “Such statement must be signed and sworn to by the said superintendent and certified as just and correct by the judge of the children’s court.” 4 . • ■ 1 • • • * A ■ * - * . I' > 11 ■ -♦ ia ■ .. • ■ • '• ' . ! . . . : ■ ■ . ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ . - • ' - . • ■ ' . ’ ' ■ . • s f> » i HR. ■ ' ' And that said amendment of 1910 of subdivision 20 of Section 8 of Chapter III of the Ordinances and as hereinbefore amended, be and the same is hereby further amended, by adding thereto the following: “Said detention home is hereby des¬ ignated as the place for the trial of chil¬ dren’s cases by the children’s court.” That the final paragraph of Section 34 of Chapter XIV of the Ordinances, as amended and inserted by action of the Common Council in 1911 and printed on pages 2538 and 2549 of the printed pro¬ ceedings of the Common Council for that year, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “The foregoing amendments of sections 83 and 84 shall take effect at the begin¬ ning of the school year in September, 1911, and every grade teacher, including each assistant principal, department principal, teacher of German, kindergarten teacher and assistant in any special depart¬ ment, for that year and all subse¬ quent years shall receive the salary which such teacher would be entitled to receive if these amendments of sections 88 and 84 had been in force at the date of the appointment of such teacher; pro¬ vided, however, that as to high school teachers, principals of grammar and pri¬ mary schools, teachers of theory and prac¬ tice of teaching at the Teachers’ Training School, and the directors of special de¬ partments, each such teacher, principal, and director shall receive during the school year beginning September, 1911, the in¬ crease provided by the amendments adopted in the year 1911, and that for the school year beginning in September, 1912, and for all subsequent years, each such high school teacher, and each such gram¬ mar and primary school principal, and each such teacher of theory and practice of teaching at the Teachers’ Training School, and each such director of a special department, shall receive the salary which such high school teacher, or which such grammar and primary school principal, or which such teacher of theory and practice of teaching at the Teachers’ Training School, or which such director would be entitled to receive if the salary ordinance of 2 911 by amendment of sections 83 and 84 had been in force at the date of the ap¬ pointment of such teacher, principal or di¬ rector.” That Section 32 of Chapter VIII of the Ordinances be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: The Ohio street bridge over the Buffalo River and the Hamburg turnpike bridges over the Ship Canal and the Union Canal, so-called, shall remain closed between the hours of six-thirty and eight o’clock in the forenoon and five and six-thirty o’clock in the afternoon, daily; provided, however, that the Ohio street bridge will be opened during one hour of such period, morning and night, for the passage of craft engaged exclusively upon contract work for the City of Buffalo, which hour shall de designated and determined by the Harbor Master. Each of such bridges * shall be lowered immediately after the passage of each vessel, craft, or tow, for the purpose of allowing the traffic in said highways both ways to pass during the said hours. That so much of Section 84 of Chapter 14 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo as reads as follows: All increases of salary provided for by the foregoing amendment of Section 83 shall be made only at the beginning of school years in September of each year, except salaries of truant officers and clerks in the Superintendent’s office, in¬ creases in which shall begin on the first day of July of each year. —be amended so as to read as follows: All increases of salary provided for by the foregoing amendment of Section 83 shall be made only at the beginning of school years in September of each year, except salaries of truant officers and clerks in the Superintendent’s office, increases in which shall begin at the end of the year’s service. That Section 77 of Chapter XXXII of the Ordinances, relating to water rates, be and the same is hereby amended by insert¬ ing therein in place of the words “Fire sprinkler connection, fire use only $10.00,” the following: Fire pipe lines or sprinkler connections, fire use only, as approved by the Commis¬ sioner of Public Works and of the type approved by the Board of Fire Under¬ writers in December, 1910, which ap¬ proval is on file in the office of the City Clerk, will be granted on special request; blue print of system as granted to be filed in the Bureau of Water, with a good, suffi¬ cient bond in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, conditioned that the applicant, his successors, assigns and lessees shall com¬ ply with all the ordinances of the city and the regulations of the Department of Pub¬ lic Works in relation thereto; and the supply to be metered; rate, $24 per an¬ num, in addition to the regular meter rate for all water shown by the meter to have been used, except in case of fire. The pro¬ visions of this paragraph shall not apply to outside hose connections on buildings intended for the use of the fire department exclusively. That Section 7 of Chapter III of the Or¬ dinances be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of every officer, in whose favor the Common Coun¬ cil shall at any time direct to be drawn any order or warrant on the treasury for the purpose of paying any debt or liability of the City, “ or otherwise disbursing moneys for the City, immediately after making payment or disbursements contem¬ plated to report to the Common Council a detailed statement or account of the dis¬ position of such order or funds and pay to the City Treasury any balance in his hands to the credit of the proper fund. Such order or warrant and the proceeds thereof, which may be so turned over to any such officer, shall be and remain the property and money of the City and shall be used for no other purpose than that for which such money was appropriated or raised, or for which such order or warrant was directed drawn. 5 • ‘ . •' 'V • \ ; . •- a ' ' * ' > . T * * . • • .s.t ;■< • 4 . • ’ ‘ - ' • • ‘ ' ft \ r l , t . ■ . . » . ^ 1 • . ' -, ( •• : ■ • -r-. . ' ’ ? ’ V • ' i ■ T ft $ti ■» : . ’ •• - ' ' *- =.r*. ■ >w» ’ b. . . : . ■ i : '’ * : ■ ‘ ■ : ■ ..... •• ' • • ’.I-'.'" •« v . • it il rO . i X< 1 That Chapter 3 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be amended by adding thereto the following to be known as Sec¬ tion 28 : Section 28. That upon the receipt by the City of the purchase price accruing upon the sale of the Hamburg Canal Strip, the Comptroller be and he is hereby di¬ rected with such proceeds to create a sink¬ ing fund to be known as “The Canal Nuis¬ ance Abatement Sinking Fund,” by de¬ positing such proceeds to the credit of such fund in the banks designated as City depositories, and that all interest received from such deposits shall be placed to the credit of the sinking fund herein provided for. Upon the authority of the Common Council, the Comptroller, from time to time, may invest said sinking fund in bends of the City or other securities; ar.d the earnings or interest of said bonds or securities shall be placed to the credit of said sinking fund. Said Canal Nuisance Abatement Sinking Fund shall be set apart and held for the redemption of the bonds which were floated in aid of the construc¬ tion of sewers and the abatement of nuis¬ ances in the Main and Hamburg Canal, Clark and Skinner Canal, and Ohio Basin Slip, as said bonds mature, and for the payment of interest on said bonds as it becomes payable, and the principal and the incomes of said sinking fund shall be used for no other pui'pose until all of said bonds shall have been redeemed. That Section 2-a of Chapter X of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 2-a—The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to extend the districts defined in Section 2 of this chapter, not to exceed, in the ag¬ gregate, nine thousand two hundred and forty feet, street measurement, in the year nineteen hundred and seven; not to exceed in the aggregate, eighteen thousand four hundred and eighty feet, street measurement, in the year nineteen hundred and eight; not to exceed, in the aggregate, fifteen thousand eight hundred and forty feet, street measurement, in the year nineteen hundred and nine; and not to exceed, in the aggregate, ten thousand five hundred and sixty feet, street meas¬ urement, each year thereafter. On or be¬ fore the first day of March in each year (except in the year nineteen hundred and seven) the said commissioner shall define the limits of such enlarged district for such year and report the same to the Com¬ mon Council for its action thereon, ar.d immediately upon the approval or amend¬ ment, by the Common Council, of the en¬ larged district so reported said Commis¬ sioner of Public Works shall notify each corporation, company or individual main¬ taining telegraph, telephone or electric light or other wires or cables overhead in any of the streets, alleys, public ways or public grounds in such district, to remove such wires, cables and the poles and ap¬ pliances connected therewith before the first day of January following such notice, or such later time as shall be not less than six months from :he service thereof. Said notice shall specify a date when the work » of such removal must be done, which shall be not less than six months from the date of service of the notice. For the year nineteen hundred and seven such enlarged district shall be reported by said Commis¬ sioner to the Common Council, as nearly as practicable, on the first day of June and after approval or amendment thereof by the Common Council the notice hereby re¬ quired to be given by said Commissioner shall be given, as nearly as practicable upon the fifteenth day of June, nineteen hundred and seven. No person, company or corporation shall be excused from the obligation of removing the wires from overhead in such enlarged district, in any year, by reason of the failure of said Commissioner to serve the notice hereby required; from year to year the said Com¬ missioner shall give preference first to the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Chip- pewa street and Delaware avenue; run¬ ning thence east along Chippewa street to Washington street; thence north along Washington street to the north bounds of Washington Market: thence east along the north bounds of Washington Market to Ellicott street; thence south along Ellicott street to Exchange street; thence west along Exchange street to the Terrace; thence continuing northwesterly along the Terrace to Delaware avenue; thence north¬ erly along Delaware avenue to Chippewa street at the place of beginning. The street mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, or in any notice given pursuant thereto, shall be deemed included in said territory or in the district defined. Upon the completion of the work in the territory last above described, the said Commissioner, in defining the enlarged district from year to year, shall give pref¬ erence to the following described territory: Main street, from Chippewa street to Ferry street; Main street, from Exchange street to Buffalo river; Genesee street, from Ellicott street to Fillmore avenue; Broadway, from Ellicott street to Fill¬ more ; William street, from Michigan street to Fillmore avenue; Seneca street, from Ellicott street to Fillmore avenue; Perry street, from Main street to Chicago street; Delaware avenue, from Chippewa street to Gates Circle; Edward street, from Main street to Virginia street; Elm¬ wood avenue, from Virginia street to For¬ est avenue; Linwood avenue, from North street to Ferry street; Niagara street, from Niagara Square to Albany street; Triangle street, from Abbott road to South Park avenue; South Park avenue, from Triangle street to City Line; Michigan street, from Scott street to Fulton street; East Market street, from Scott street to Fulton street; West Market street, from Scott street to Fulton street; West Bennett street, from William street to Clinton street, East Bennett street, from "William street to Clinton streetGibson street, from Broad¬ way to south bounds of the Broadway Market; Lombard street, from Broadway to south bounds of the Broadway Market. Provided, however, that said Commissioner shall include in the district last above de¬ fined, in the notice given for the year 1912, the following streets, which shall be sub¬ stituted for an approximately equal amount of work in such district as herein¬ before defined, and shall not be deemed an additional requirement: Ferry street, between Niagara and Grant streets, and Grant street, between Hampshire street and Forest avenue; it being hereby re¬ quired that all poles and all overhead 6 -'fWWr.i < l \ ' i t' - wires, cables and appliances shall be re¬ moved in the year 1912, and all such wires, cables and necessary appliances shall be buried during said year or as soon there¬ after as practicable, without detriment to the service. Where the Commissioner of Public Works is satisfied that permission for the maintenance of distributing poles on pri¬ vate property cannot be obtained at rea¬ sonable expense, or cannot be placed in public alleys, such necessary distributing poles may be erected and maintained in the streets, alleys and public places in lo¬ cations to be designated by the Commis¬ sioner of Public Works. Such permits of the Commissioner shall be suDject to revo¬ cation by the Common Council. The refusal or neglect on the part of any corporation, company or individual to comply with the notice of the Commis¬ sioner of Public Works herein provided for, or with this section of the ordinances, shall subject the offender to the penalty prescribed in section one of this chapter; and compliance with any such notice shall be enforced, so far as practicable, by the city by mandamus proceedings. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Buffalo, enacted prior to Janu¬ ary 1, 1907, which are inconsistent Math this section, are hereby repealed. That pursuant to the provisions of Chap¬ ter 651 of the Laws of 1911 (Title XXV of the Charter), Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be and the same Is hereby amended by add¬ ing thereto the following, to take effect January 1, 1912 : The Children’s Court of Buffalo. 1 Judge .$3,600.00 1 Clerk . 1,300.00 1 Stenographer, to be confidential secretary . 1,300.00 2 Probation Officers (men) each. 1,200.00 1 Probation Officer (woman) .... 900.00 1 Superintendent Detention Home 900.00 1 Attendance Officer . 900.00 All provisions of ordinances enacted in the year 1909 or at any other time, creat¬ ing the positions of Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of the Detention Home under the jurisdiction of the City Court, and fixing salaries therefor, shall be repealed from and after January 1, 1912. That Section 1« of Chapter 13 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 16—The Board of Police Commis¬ sioners shall provide all necessary livery for the proper performance of the duties of his office, and that of Assistant Sealers of Weights and Measures. They shall also provide a suitable place for the keeping and storing of weights and measures used by the Sealers of Weights and Measures as standards. That so much of Section 1, Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Building, be amended by adding thereto the following: 2 Plaster Inspectors, on appoint¬ ment . ....$1,100.09 After 5 years’ continuous service. 1,200.00 After 10 years’ continuous service 1,300.00 After 15 years’ continuous service 1,400.00 That sections 188 and 203 of Chapter 12 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 188—Buildings of Class IV shall be divided into two special classes. Class IVa—Shall embrace all buildings of Class IV in which no movable scenery is used upon the stage thereof, excepting buildings used as motion-picture theatres having a seating capacity of 300 or more. Class IVb—Shall embrace all buildings of Class IV in which movable scenery is used upon the stage thereof and all build¬ ings used as motion-picture theatres hav¬ ing a seating capacity of 300 or more. Sec. 203—There shall be, over the stage of every building of Class IVb, flues or ducts extending eight (8) feet above the top of the highest roof which forms a part of such building, which flues or ducts shall have an area of at least one-tenth (l-10th) of the total area of such stage. The dampers for opening and closing such ducts shall be controllable from a point near the proscenium opening, and shall be so constructed that they will open by the operation of a fusible link. These dampers and ducts shall be made of incombustible material and shall be properly insulated as regards transmission of heat to adja¬ cent combustible substances. That Chapter X of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sections, to be designated respectively Sections 10 to 23, inclusive, and to read as follows: Sec. 10—For the sake of convenience, in Setions 10 to 17, inclusive, electric light and power wires, other than railway wires of a potential not exceeding 700 volts, are termed group “A” wires; telegraph, tele¬ phone and similar wires are termed group “B” wires; and railway wires of a po¬ tential not exceeding 700 volts are termed group “C” wires. When wires are run horizontally on cross-arms from one pole to another, their distance from the center of the pole shall be not less than the following: All group “A” wires on straight runs: 15 inches. All group “A.” wires on curves or corn¬ ers : 12 inches. Grout) “B” wires when attached to the same pole and below group “A” or group “C” attachments—On straight runs: 15 inches: on curves or corners: 12 inches. Group “C” attachments when attached to the same pole with the below group “A” or “B” attachments—On straight runs: 12 inches ; on curves or corners : 9 inches. Sec. 11—No wires of one group shall be placed on the same cross-arm with wires of another group. When group “A” and group “B” wires, run horizontally from one pole to another, are placed on the same pole, the group “A” wires shall oc¬ cupy the upper position on the pole and the uppermost cross-arm for group “B” wires, and the uppermost group “B” hori- 7 ri / • • ,i Vo V zontally run cable, shall be not less than 4 feet below the lowest crossarm for group “A” wires. When group “B” and group “C” wires, run horizontally from one pole to another, are placed on the same pole, the group “C” - wires may be placed below the group “B” wires, in which case the uppermost group •‘O” cross-arm shall be not less than four feet below the lowest cross-arm for group “B” w ires or the lowest horizontally run group “B” cable. Where group ‘C” wires are run above group “B” wires or other group “B” attachments, they shall be placed in accordance with the require¬ ments for group “A” wires Horizontally run group “C” wires shall always be run below horizontally run group “A” wires. Sec. 12—Group “A,” “B” and “C” lead- shsated cable shall be protected by wooden molding or enclosed within a conduit of solid insulating material, wherever such cable shall be run vertically upon the pole between a point not less than 40 inches above and a point not less than six feet below any wire, connection or attachment of another group, except properly run vertical attachments of another group. Sec. 13—No part of any transformer connected to group “A” wires shall be placed less than 40 inches above or below group “B” wires or attachments, except vertically run group “B” attachments. One side of the pole shall be kept clear of transformers to permit free space for climbing. Sec. 14—Each guy attached to a pole on which there are both group “A” and group “B” attachments or group “B” and group “C” attachments, shall contain a strain insulator, placed not less than six feet from the pole, said distance being meas¬ ured horizontally. As far as practicable each strain insulator shall have the follow¬ ing qualifications: (a) Mechanical strength equal to the tensile strength of the guy in which it is placed. (b) Construction so designed that a rupture of the insulating material shall not result in parting the guy. (c) Insulating properties suitable to the voltage of the currents to which the guy is exposed. Sec. 15—Group “A” or group “C” wires must not be placed on the same pole with group “B” wires unless the voltage does not exceed the following normal operating values* Constant potential metallic cir¬ cuits 5,000 volts; alternating current series circuits 5,000 volts; direct current series circuits 7,500 volts; direct current railway circuits 700 volts; except that where alternating or direct current series circuits do not exceed 7 1-2 amperes the voltage may oe increased to 10,000 volts, and that all the above-mentioned wires be covered when installed' with at least a standard weatherproof insulation. Nor shall any of the provisions of this chapter apply to any of the poles, wires and conduits used and controlled by any street railroad having a grant from the * City of Buffalo, excepting when and to the extent that such street railroad company . strings its Avires on or past the poles of other companies. Sec. 16—In all cases where metal ropes or chains are used to raise and lower arc lamps, a breaker shall be placed thereon. Sec. 17—Sections 10 to 16, inclusive, shall apply to all pole lines constructed after the ordinance goes into effect, and to existing pole lines as they are recon¬ structed. Sec. IS—There is hereby created in the Bureau of Engineering of the Department of Public Works the position of City Elec¬ trician, who shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Works and who shall, within fifteen years previous to the time of his appointment, have had not less than five years’ practical experience as an electrician, and not less than three years’ practical experiene on work similar to the work described in sections 10 to 17, inclu¬ sive of this chapter provided, however, that said three years’ practial experience on such similar work need not be in addi¬ tion to the five years’ practical experience as an electrician. Subject to the control of the Commissioner of Public Works, the City Electrician shall inspect the wires and appliances on the streets and public places in the City of Buffalo, and shall be charged Avith such other duties relating thereto as may be imposed upon him by said Commissioner of Public Works. The salary of^the City Electrician shall imme¬ diately be fixed by the Commissioner of Public Works, with the concurrence of the Common Council. That Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Or¬ dinances of the City of Buffalo under the Department of Health, Ernest Wende Hos¬ pital, be amended by striking therefrom the following: Fumigators, two. each.$1,000.00 Also by striking out under the Depart¬ ment of Health the following: Clerks, five, minimum each.$ 900.00 Labor Certificate Clerk. 900.00 Fumigators, two, minimum each. 1,000.00 And by adding, under the Department of Health, the following: Clerks, six, minimum, each.$ 900.00 Clerks and Stenographers, two, one for the Bureau of Vital Statistics and one for the Bureau of Plumbing and Drain¬ age, minimum each. 1,000.00 Fumigators, four, minimum each. 1,000.00 Female attendant, psychopathic ward . . . . 720.00 That Section 1 of Chapter 1 pf the Or¬ dinances of the City of Buffalo be amended by adding thereto the following: The J. N. Adam Memorial Hospital for Tuberculosis. Superintendent .$2,000.00 House physician . 1,000.00 Bookkeeper and storekeeper. 1,200.00 Matron . .. 900.00 Three nurse's, each. 720.00 Stenographer .. 480.00 Chef or chief cook . 900.00 Assistant cook . 600.00 Baker . 720.00 Laundryman . 540.00 Laborer . 300.00 Farmer . 720.00 8 ' ; ■ * 5 ' • Teamster . 480.00 15 waitresses, each . 240.00 Engineer, at $3.50 per day. Fireman with second-class papers, as many as necessary, at $2.50 per day. That Section 83 of Chapter 14 of the City Ordinances, so far as it relates to the salary of clerks in the office of the Depart¬ ment of Public Instruction be amended to read as follows: _ One Superintendent of German and Secretary to the Superin¬ tendent of Education, per year. $2,700.00 One Chief Clerk, per year. 1,700.00 One Director of Compulsory Edu¬ cation and School Supplies.... 1,700.00 One Assistant Chief Clerk, per year. 1,100.00 One Clerk, per year. 900.00 One Stenographer, per year. 900.00 The above employes will receive in ad¬ dition to the sum above mentioned an in¬ crease of $100.00 for every period of five years not exceeding three such periods during which he has been or shall here¬ after be continuously in the employ and service of the City, but in no event shall this increase of salary exceed the sum of $300.00. Supervisors. That so much of Sections 83 and 84 of Chapter 14 as relates to supervisors be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: General Supervisors: Three gener al supervisors shall receive a minimum of $2,500.00, a yearly increase of $100.00 and a maximum of $3,000.00. One supervisor of extension work shall receive a minimum of $2,500.00, a yearly increase of $100.00 and a maximum of $3,000.00. The amendments affecting clerks and supervisors shall take effect July 1, 1912. 'Chat so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo xmder Department of Finance, Comptrol¬ lers office be amended so as to read as follows: The head of 'this department shall be a Comptroller at a salary of $4,000.00 and the subordinate employes of this depart¬ ment and the annual minimum salary shall be: 1 Deputy Comptroller .$3,000.00 1 Chief Bookkeeper . 2,000.00 1 Bookkeeper . 1,600.00 3 Assistant Bookkeepers, each .. 1,000.00 1 Bocal Accounts Bookkeeper .. 1,200.00 1 Chief Tax Sale Clerk. 1,700.00 4 Assistant Tax Sale Clerks, each 900,00 1 Warrant Clerk. 1,200.00 2 Assistant Warrant Clerks, each 900.00 1 Bond and Insurance Clerk .... 1,200.00 1 Assistant Bond and Insurance Clerk . 900.00 And such assistant bond and insurance •clerk, in addition to the above named minimum salary, shall receive one increase of $100.00 for every five years of service which he shall have rendered to the city or any of its departments, provided that the sum total of such increases shall not * exceed the sum of three hundred dollars. 1 Record Clerk.$ 900.00 1 Bank Deposit Clerk . 900.00 6 Clerks, eacii . 900.00 1 Clerk and Stenographer. 900.00 1 Auditor . 2,500.00 1 Chief Clerk to Auditor. 1,500.00 2 Clerks to Auditor, each. 900.00 And each of the following named em¬ ployes, in addition to the above minimum salary, shall receive one increase of $100.00 a year for every period of five years, not exceeding three such periods, during which he has been or shall here¬ after be continuously in the regular em¬ ploy and service of the City: Assistant Bookkeepers. Bocal Accounts Bookkeeper. Chief Tax Sale Clerk. Assistant Tax Sale Clerks. Warrant Clerk. A ssistant Warrant Clerks. Bond and Insurance Clerk. Record Clerk. Clerks. Clerk and Stenographer. Clerks to Auditor. The Bank Deposit Clerk shall receive to his minimum salary an increase of $100.00 after five years’ continuous service. Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under Department of Finance, Comptroller’s office, as relates to the fol¬ lowing : 3 Assistant Bookkeepers, each ..$ 900.00 2 Clerks to Auditor, each . 900.00 —be amended so as to read as follows: 3 Assistant Bookkeepers, each ..$1,000.00 2 Clerks to Auditor, each. 900.00 Clerks to Auditor. Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the title Department of Public Instruction, as reads as follows: “1 Superintendent of Education, $5,000.00” —be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 1 Superintendent of Education. .$7,500.00 Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under Subdivision Treasurer’s Department, as relates to the following: One Clerk and Stenographer, $900.00 be amended to read as follows: One Clerk and Stenographer, minimum salary, $900.00. One Clerk and Stenographer shall re¬ ceive to his or her minimum salary an in¬ crease of $100.00 for every period of five years, not exceeding one such period, dur¬ ing which he or she has been or shall here¬ after be continuously in the regular em¬ ploy and service of the City, but in no event shall this increase of salary exceed a maximum of $100.00. Resolved, That so much of Section 1, Chapter 1, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, which reads: Bridge Engineers, per day.$3.50 —be amended to read as follows: Bridge Engineers, per day. $4.00 9 • • t ■ * Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under Miscellaneous as relates to the following: 1 Inspector Grand Army Relief Fund, $750.00 ; be amended so as to read as fol¬ lows : 1 Inspector Grand Army Relief Fund, $ 1 , 000 . 00 . The above to take effect July 1, 1912. Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 349 c f the Laws of 191*1, so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances, as re¬ lates to salaries in the Department of Public Instruction, be and the same is hereby amended by the following pro¬ visions, fixing the salaries of the members of the Board of School Examiners at $1,000.00 per annum each: Five school examiners, each . . . .$1,000.00 Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under Playground Commission as reads as follows: 12 Directors of Playgrounds, each per annum.$1,020.00 12 Assistant Directors of Play¬ grounds on duty six months, each per annum. 390.00 12 Caretakers of Playgrounds, each per annum. 720.00 —be amended so as to read as follows: 13 Directors of Playgrounds, each per annum ..$1,020.00 13 Assistant Directors of Play¬ grounds on duty six months, » ach per annum. 390.00 13 Caretakers of Playgrounds, each per annum . 720.00 Resolved, That, in concurrence with the action of the Commissioner of Public Works, in fixing the salaries of the four deputy commissioners in the Department of Public Works at $4,000.00 per annum each, so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances as relates to salaries in tlie Department of Public Works be and the same is hereby amended by inserting therein the following: 1 Deputy Engineer Commissioner, per annum.$4,000.00 1 Deputy Water Commissioner, per annum. 4,000.00 1 Deputy Building Commissioner, per annum. 4,000.00 1 Deputy Street Commissioner, per annum . 4,000.00 Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances as relates to the following positions in the Department of Public Works be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: General Office Secretary, per annum.$2,200.00 Cashier, r>er annum. 1,800.00 Bureau of Engineering. Superintendent of Sanitary and Sewage Station, per annum ... 1,400.00 Franchise Clerk, per annum .... 1,200.00 Chief Clerk, per annum. 1,400.00 Bureau of Building. Inspector of Heating, per annum 1,400.00 Chief Architectural Draughtsman 1,400.00 Three(3) Architectural Draughts¬ men, each ... 1,200.00 Chief Inspector of Buildings .... 1,600.00 Municipal Building. Three (3) Special Odicers, each, per day . 3.00 Three (3) Porters, each, per day 2.50 Custodian, per annum . 1,200.00 City Court Building. Custodian, on appointment, per annum. 1,200.00 After 5 years, per annum. 1,300.00 After 10 years, per annum. 1,400.00 Three (3) Special Officers, each, per day . 3.00 Three (3) Porters, each, per day 2.50 9 Charwomen, each, per day . . . . • 1.75 Custodian, Convention Hall, per annum... 1,100.00 Custodian, Arsenal, per annum . . 1,100.00 Bureau of Water. 4 Meter Inspectors, each, on ap¬ pointment, per annum . 900.00 -After 5 years’ service, per annum 1,000.00 Supt. of Distributions, per annum 1,400.00 Asst. Supt. of Distributions, per annum. 1,200.00 Meter Clerk, on appointment, per annum ... . . 1,100.00 After 5 years, per annum . 1,200.00 After 10 years, per annum. 1,300.00 Chief Engineer, Pumping Station, per annum. 2,800.00 1st Asst. Engineer, Pumping Sta¬ tion, per annum. 1,800.00 Bureau of Streets. Secretary. «... 1,600.00 Chief Clerk . 1,300.00 The same to take effect July 1, 1912. Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Euffalo, under the heading, Department of Assessment, as reads as follows: 3 Assessors, each .$4,000.00 —be amended so as to read as follows: 3 Assessors, each .$5,000.00 The above to take effect July 1. 1912. Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under Department of Poor, as reads as follows: 2 Special Inspectors, each.$ 800.00 —be amended so as to read as follows: 2 Special Inspectors, each.$ 900.00 —also by adding thereto the following: 1 Clerk and Stenographer.$ 900.00 1 Nurse for Quarantined Homes. 900.00 One clerk and stenographer shall receive to his minimum salary an increase of $100.00 for every period of five years, not exceeding three such periods, during which he has been or shall hereafter be continu¬ ously in the regular employ and service of the City, but in no event shall this in¬ crease of salary exceed the maximum of $300.00. Every such period of five years shall be deemed continuous where such employe or employes has not been or shall not be . f f * ‘ ' ' ■ ' . * . ’ 1 * ■ * ■ ' I . 1 • i r separated from service for more than one year in the aggregate; provided that such separation shall not have been or shall not be due to the fault or misconduct of such employe or employes. The above to take effect July 1, 1912. Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo as relates to the salaries of the assistant clerks and probation officers of the City Court be and the same are hereby amended as follows: That the item heretofore reading “8 as¬ sistant clerks, each, per annum, $900,” be amended so as to read as follows : 2 Assistant Clerks, each of whom shall have had not less than nine 3 r ears’ experience as a court clerk, minimum.$1,000.00’ 6 Assistant Clerks, minimum, each . 900.00 4 Probation Officers, each per an¬ num . 1,200.00 1 Chief Probation Officer, per an¬ num . 1,300.00 Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Finance, Treasurer’s Office, as relates to the fol¬ lowing : 1 Bookkeeper .$1,200.00 1 Assistant Bookkeeper. 900.00 1 Receiving Clerk. 900.00 1 Index Clerk. 900.00 —be and the same hereby is amended so as to read as follows: 1 Bookkeeper .$1,300.00 1 Assistant Bookkeeper. 1,000.00 1 Receiving Clerk . 1,000.00 1 Index Clerk. 1,000.00 —the same to take effect July 1, 1912. Resolved. That Section 83 of Chapter 14 of the Ordinances be amended by adding the following: Male Director of German Gym¬ nastics ...$1,400.00 Male Assistants. 1,200.00 Resolved, That the last sentence of the fourth paragraph of Section 2-a of Chap¬ ter X of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, as printed on pages 193 and 194 of the Proceedings of the Common Coun¬ cil for the year 1912, be and the same is herebj'- amended so as to read as follows: “Provided, however, that said commis¬ sioner shall include in the district last above defined in the notice given for the year nineteen hundred and twelve, the fol¬ lowing streets which shall be substituted for and approximately equal amount of woi’k in such district as hereinbefore de¬ fined, and shall not be deemed an addi¬ tional requirement: Ferry street, between Niagara and Main streets, and Grant street, between Hampshire street and For¬ est avenue; it being hereby required that all poles and all overhead wires, cables *and appliances shall be removed in the year nineteen hundred and twelve, and all such wires, cables and necessary appli¬ ances shall be buried during said year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, without detriment to the service.” Sec. 25. No person shall walk, stand or be upon a public or private alleyway,, street, sidewalk, or any public or private place within the City of Buffalo for the purpose of asking, soliciting or inducing any person to accompany him or her to any assignation house, house of prostitu¬ tion, bawdy house or any other place for the purpose of prostitution or other im¬ moral act; nor shall any person from, in, or upon any yard, steps, doorway, window,, street, sidewalk or any public or private place, ask, solicit or endeavor by any word, act, sign or gesture whatsoever, to persuade any person to go with or accom¬ pany or meet him or her or any other per¬ son for any such purpose. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be guilty of disorderly con¬ duct and shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine or penalty of not to exceed fifty dollars, or shall be impris¬ oned for a neriod not exceeding six months for each offense, or shall suffer both such fine or penalty and imprisonment. Resolved, That Section 79 of Chapter 14 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 79. Substitutes must be supplied for all absent teachers, and they shall be paid at the following rate: The substitute teacher in grammar or primary schools shall be paid at the rate of $2.00 per day. Substitutes for special teachers in the high schools shall be paid at the rate to be fixed by the Superintendent of Education. Act¬ ing principals shall receive an addition to their regular salary of $1.00 per day, to be deducted with the substitute’s pay, from the pay of the principal. Provided, fur¬ ther, that no substitute shall receive com¬ pensation for less than one-half day’s ser¬ vices. Resolved, That Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, un¬ der the heading Children’s Court, be amended by adding thereto the following: Housekeeper - Cook, Detention Home .$ 480.00 Maid . 180.00 Helper . 416.00 —and that so much of the above chapter and section, under the heading Children’s Court, as reads as follows: 1 Assistant Superintendent De¬ tention Home'. ..$ 600.00 —be amended so as to read as follows: 1 Janitor, Detention Home.$ 600.00 And that the second paragraph of sub¬ division 20 of Section 8 of Chapter 3 be amended so as to read as follows: That on the written requisition of the Superintendent of the Juvenile Detention Home the City Clerk may draw, and the Comptroller countersign a warrant for any such requisition not to exceed $25.00 in any one month, provided that the Comp¬ troller has certified in writing upon the requisition that its payment will not over¬ draw the amount appropriated for the ex- l ' ! r !■; rr : ' *’ r ' jr r -J •-.C» ' rutat f I ■ >j . I , r -• ‘ 't > Jiff I ‘ penses of said home, The Superintendent of said home is hereby authorized with the funds thus obtained to employ the neces¬ sary laundress or laundresses and char¬ women at not to exceed $1.50 per day. Provided that to each requisition from the said Superintendent is attached a detailed statement showing the expenditures of I* moriey advanced upon the previous requisi¬ tion with any balance remaining unex¬ pended. Such statement must be signed and sworn to by the Superintendent and certified as just and correct by the Judge of the Children’s Court. The above to take ^ effect July 1, 1912. Resolved, That Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, un¬ der the Department of Public Instruction, be amended by striking therefrom the fol¬ lowing : 12 Truant Officers, at least one of whom shall be able to speak the Polish lan¬ guage and at least one of whom shall be able to speak the Italian language, each $850.00. That so much of Section 83 of Chapter 14 of the Ordinances of the City of Buf¬ falo as reads as follows: Truant Officers, minimum $800; annual increase, $100 ; maximum, $1,200 ; pro¬ vided, however, that out of said maxi¬ mum salary of $1,200 said truant offi¬ cers shall pay their own transportation expenses. —be amended so as to read as follows: 14 Truant Officers, at least one of whom shall be able to speak the Polish lan¬ guage, and at least one of whom shall be able to speak the Italian language, mininium, $800; annual increase, $100; maximum, $1,200 ; provided, however, that out of said maximum salary of $1,200 said truant officers shall pay their cwn transportation expenses. The above amendments to take effect July 1. 1912. Resolved, That Chapter 12 of the Ordi¬ nances of the City of Buffalo be amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 10a and to read as fol¬ lows : Specifications for Fire Escapes. Section 10a— Escapes shall not be less than four feet wide. Brackets—Not less than *4x1 %x%-inch angle iron and spaced not more than three feet apart with braces not less than one inch square iron and must extend two- thirds the width of balcony with one-inch bolt ends through wall with 5x5%-inch washers and nut on inside of wall. Top Rail—li4x%-inch iron or 1 %x%- inch angle iron rail around balcony not less than three feet high. Bottom Rail — ]%xl%-inch iron, or 1 %xk* -inch angle iron. Rails must go through wall with washers on nut on in¬ side. Connecting or Filling-in Bars—Top and Aottom rails may be connected by three¬ -quarter-inch square bars not more than three feet apart with lx %-inch crossbars well riveted on top and bottom rail with crosses. Filling-in bars may be one-half round - or square iron not more than six inches apart and well riveted to top and bottom rails. Flooring—l%x%-inch iron slats riveted to batten 1 %x%-inch each and spaced 1%-inch between slats or lx %-inch slats placed edgewise not over 1%-inch apart with three rows of timbers strung on wrought-iron rods running through and well fastened at end. Flooring to be fast¬ ened to bottom rail with 1%-inch wrought- iron clips not less than four feet apart. Stairs—Stairs shall not be less than two feet six inches wide and placed at an angle of not less than forty-five degrees nor more than sixty degrees. Stringers must i*e not less than 6x%-inch iron or two stringers 2x%-inch iron, one on front and one on back of treads and well riveted oi bolted to treads. Treads to be not less than six inches wide. Riser nine inches high. Treads may be constructed the same as flooring with l^x^-inch angle- iron noses on front of tread and to be riveted to I%x3-16 inch angle iron on ends that fasten to stringers. Stairway Openings — Stairway openings on each balcony shall be of size sufficient to provide clear headway and in no case shall they be less than twenty-one inches wide and three feet six inches long. Balance Drop Stairs—Must not be less than two feet six inches wide and must be balanced from a bracket above, cut through the wall with a bolt in same as bracket with bolt and washer and to have iron sheaves on front of bracket for wire cables to pass through which is attached to stairs on the end and balance weight on the other end. Balcony on Top Floor—The balcony on top shall be provided with a gooseneck ladder leading to and above the roof and securely fastened to the building. The foregoing described what will be exacted and deemed a suitable means of escape from building but is not planned as a bar to devising as efficient or perhaps better escape. Plans for escape must be forwarded to the office of the State Fire Marshal, Al¬ bany, N. Y., for approval. Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under the Department of Police as relates to the salary of the Superin¬ tendent. be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows, the same to take effect July 1, 1912, to wit: Superintendent .$4,500.00 Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under the Department of Police as relates to the salaries of Precinct De¬ tectives, Patrolmen first, second and third grades, Pilots patrol boat, Engineers pa¬ trol boat and Stokers patrol boat be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows, the same to take effect July 1, 1912, to wit: Precinct Detectives.$1,350.00 Patrolmen, first grade . 1,100.00 Patrolmen, second grade. 1,000.00 12 » . . ( . ■ , . . ■ ■ * . . - ... . •« . ■ ■ ’ * . Patrolmen, third grade . 900.00 Pilots, patrol boat. 1,100.00 Engineers, patrol boat . 1,100.00 Stokers, pilot boat. 1,000.00 Resolved, That so much of Section 1 of Chapter 1 of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo as relates to positions in the Department of Public Works be and the same is hereby amended by the addition of the following: BUREAU OF BUILDING. Assistant Structural Engineer ..$1,400.00 Resolved, That in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Health and the Health Commissioner, Chapter XXV of the Ordinances of the City of Buf¬ falo be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following, to be designated Section 161 : Sec. 161. The Ernest Wende Hospital at Spring street and Broadway and the Municipal Hospital, 770 East Ferry street, near Kehr street, known as the quaran¬ tine hospital, shall continue to be main¬ tained by the City for the care and treat¬ ment of persons affected with any of the infectious or contagious diseases which are enumerated in Section 11 of this Chapter. The Health Commissioner shall have charge and control of each of said hos¬ pitals. The title for the office of Super¬ intendent of the Ernest Wende Hospital shall hereafter be Superintendent of the Ernest Wende and Municipal Hospitals, and the title of the office of Physician at the Municipal Hospital shall hereafter be Resident Physician at Hospitals. The su¬ perintendent, physicians, nurses, and such other employes as' the Health Commis¬ sioner shall, from time to time, designate shall be required to live at the hospital at which they are employed respectively and their lodging and maintenance shall be fur¬ nished by the city. The employes now at¬ tached to either of said hospitals shall continue to be so employed until removed acording to law; provided, that the Health Commissioner may transfer any of them from one of said hospitals to the other, or, in case of need, may detail them temporarily to such other appropriate du¬ ties as in his discretion the public health shall require. The cost of the care, treatment and maintenance, and the ambulance fees, of patients who are unable to pay therefor and who are committed to either of said hospitals by any competent officer or au¬ thority within the City of Buffalo or the County of Erie, shall be a charge against said City or County, according to law, at the prevailing and legal rates charged by other hospitals. The rates to be charged for the care, treatment and maintenance of patients who are able to pay therefor shall be fixed by regulation of the Board of Health. All sums received for such care, treatment or maintenance from any patient or other person, or from ilie County of Erie or other county or munic¬ ipal corporation, or from any department o: the City of Buffalo shall be placed by , the Department of Finance to the credit *of a fund for the maintenance of the hos¬ pitals mentioned in this section. The cost • of such maintenance, alteration, repaiis and improvements, in excess of the in¬ come above mentioned, shall be provided in the annual estimate for the Depart¬ ment of Health. Admissions to said hos¬ pitals, or either of them, shall be subject to the control of the Health Commissioner, under regulations of the Board of Health, according to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Buffalo for the protection of the public health” Resolved, That so much of Section 83 of Chapter 14 of the Ordinances as relates to the position of shop teachers in voca¬ tional schools be amended as follows: Shop teachers in vocational schools, minimum $900.00, annual increase $100.00, maximum, $1,500.00, —changed to read : Assistant teachers in vocational schools, minimum $900.00, annual increase $100.00, maximum $1,500.00. Also that so much of Sections S3 and 84 of Chapter 14 of the Ordinances in re¬ lation to salaries of grammar and pri¬ mary school principals, be amended by adding the following: Principals of independent vocational schools shall receive the same salary and on the same basis as to attendance as principals of grammar and primary schools. That such independent vocational schools are to be established only with the con¬ currence of the Common Council. Resolved, That Chapter 1 of the Ordin¬ ances be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section, to be des¬ ignated Section 8 and to read as follows: Sec. 8. The seal of the City of Buffalo heretofore used for that purpose is hereby officially adopted as the City Seal, and is described as follows: To the left center, lighthouse on pier, with ship passing it into the harbor. To the lower right, canal boat passing into the canal to the right, surrounded in circle by the legend “City of Buffalo Incorporated 1832.” The design and description of a Munic¬ ipal Flag for the City of Buffalo submitted by the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Works to the Common Council on June 10, 1912, are hereby adopted as the design and description of the Municipal Flag of the City. The Coat of Arms of the State of New York with the seal of the City of Buffalo superimposed upon the shield of the same —all in blue, upon the field of the flag in Continental buff. The design and description submitted by the Buffalo Ad Club to the Common Coun¬ cil at its meeting on June 24, 1912, are hereby adopted as the design and descrip¬ tion of the Trade Flag of the City of Buf¬ falo, being a white bison in a field of blue, which is surrounded by a bar of white, and on the exterior a bar of red. That Section 18 of Chapter 10 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 18. There is hereby created in the Bureau of Engineering of the Department of Public Works the position of City Line¬ man, who shall be appointed by the Com¬ missioner of Public Works, and who shall V within fifteen years previous to the time of his appointment, have not had less than five years’ practical experience as a line¬ man, and not less than three years’ prac¬ tical experience on work similar to the work described in Sections 10 to 17, in¬ clusive, of this chapter; provided, how- Pver, that said three years’ practical ex¬ perience on such similar work need not be addition to the five years’ practical ex¬ perience as a lineman. Subject to the con¬ trol of the Commissioner of Public Works, the City Lineman shall inspect the wires and appliances on the streets and public places in the City of Buffalo, and shall be charged with such other duties relating thereto as may be imposed upon him by said Commissioner of Public Works. The salary of the City Lineman shall imme¬ diately be fixed by the Commissioner of Public Works, with the concurrence of the Common Council.” There shall be no more than two (2) Linemen appointed. ' • . ; i • ••• ' ' • ■ ■ ■ r ’ • ' r, • : . • , •• . •; ■ ’ • B \ r . • • ■ ■ • ‘ ‘t . ' n .• ’ - • • * * '' * >