Report No. 370-3 SOUPAC PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS STATISTICALLY ORIENTED USERS PROGRAMMING AND CONSULTING March 1, 1971 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 519.92 I46s The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library MAY 1 6 197' JUL 2 6 1979 fMY2l AUG 20 -2 o m\ 981 1983 L161— O-1096 J5 Q^<^Y^C^ \JfUO-jP-A~~rX- This manual has been prepared by the Statistical Consultants of the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois (Urbana Campus), as documentation for the system of statistical programs known as SOUPAC. SOUPAC has been written by the statistical consultants of this department in an effort to provide a broad range of standard statistical procedures which are of use to the academic community at large. Inquiries about SOUPAC should be directed to 138 Digital Computer Laboratory. PROGRAM LIST February, 1971 AUTOCORRELATION AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS BALANOVA 5 BINORMAMIN BISERIAL CORRELATION CANONICAL ANALYSIS CENTROID FACTOR ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION CLIQUE ANALYSIS COMMUNALITY ESTIMATION CORRELATION DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AND RESIDUAL ANALYSIS FREQUENCY COUNTING - MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION FIT (CHI SQUARE GOODNESS-OF-FIT TEST) ITERATIVE FACTOR ANALYSIS JACOBI (Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors) K - CLASS ESTIMATION KOLMOGOROV- SMIRNOV LINEAR PROGRAMMING MATRIX OPERATIONS MISSING DATA CORRELATION MULTIPLE CORRELATION OBLIMAX PAIRED COMPARISONS PARTIAL CORRELATION PRINCIPAL AXIS FACTOR ANALYSIS PROBIT (Maximum Likelihood Regression) PROCRUSTES QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR RANKING SCALOGRAM ANALYSIS SQUARE ROOT FACTOR ANALYSIS STANDARD SCORES STEP-WISE MULTIPLE CORRELATION THREE MODE FACTOR ANALYSIS THREE-STAGE LEAST SQUARES TRANSFORMATIONS T-TESTS UNRESTRICTED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD FACTOR ANALYSIS VARIMAX Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign TABi_,E OF CONTENTS A. Introduction 1. Introduction to SOUPAC 2. Options to a SOUPAC Job 3. SOUPAC Input-Output and Temporary Storage h. Using Owner Storage Devices with SOUPAC 5. Cross-Reference 6. Temporary Program Data Size Restrictions B. Data and Matrix Manipulations Package 1. Introduction 2. MATRIX 3. TRANSFORMATIONS C. Basic Population Statistics Package 1 . FREQUENCY 2. RANK 3. STANDARD SCORES D. Analysis of Variance Package 1. BALANOVA 5 2. CLASSIFICATION 3. DISCRIMINANT k. T-TEST E. Correlations and Regression Package 1. BISERIAL CORRELATION 2. CANONICAL ANALYSIS 3. CORRELATION k. MISSING DATA CORRELATIONS 5. MULTIPLE CORRELATIONS 6. PARTIAL CORRELATIONS 7. STEP-WISE MULTIPLE REGRESSION F. Distribution Analysis Package 1. FIT 2 . KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV G. Factor Analysis Package 1. Introduction 2 . BINORMAMIN 3. CENTROID FACTOR ANALYSIS h. COMMUNALITY ESTIMATION 5. ITERATIVE FACTOR ANALYSIS 6. JACOBI T • OBLIMAX 8. PRINCIPAL AXIS FACTOR ANALYSIS 9 • PROCRUSTES 10. SQUARE ROOT FACTOR ANALYSIS 11. THREE MODE FACTOR ANALYSIS 12. UNRESTRICTED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD FACTOR ANALYSIS 13. VARIMAX FACTOR ROTATION TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) H. Econometrics Package 1. ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AND RESIDUAL ANALYSIS 2. K-CLASS ESTIMATION 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING k. QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING 5. THREE STAGE LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION I. Spectral Analysis Section 1 . AUTOCORRELATIONS J. Scale Analysis Package 1. CLIQUE ANALYSIS 2. PAIRED COMPARISONS 3 . SCALOGRAM K. ProMt Analysis Section 1 . PROBIT L. Random Number Generation Section 1. RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR M. UTILITY INTRODUCTION TO SOUPAC A USER'S GUIDE A SOUPAC program consists, at least, of (l) IBM 360 system statements, and (2) SOUPAC statements. The IBM 360 system statements are used to give instructions to the 360 computer, and the SOUPAC statements are used to describe the types of data manipulations and statistical analyses that are to be performed. The set of SOUPAC statements in one job is called a SOUPAC parameter deck, and it will include references to one or more individual SOUPAC programs. Note all cards should be punched on an IBM 029 keypunch . Every 360 system statement must be on a separate card and must have the characters // or /* in columns 1 and 2. In particular, the system cards for a SOUPAC job are listed here, in the order they must appear: CARD 1 /*ID accounting information CARD 2 // EXEC SOUPAC CARD 3 //SYS IN DD * SOUPAC parameter deck CARD k /* Note that these four cards are an absolute minimum. CARD 1 The /*ID card is punched on a yellow striped card available in the keypunch area. This card has no clipped corners and is used only as an ID card for jobs to be run on the 36O. The first five columns of this card must contain the characters /*ID followed by a blank. This is the only card in your deck which must be punched on a special card; the rest of your deck may be punched on any of the standard corner cut cards found in the keypunch area. Sample ID cards : /*ID PS=9999,DEPT=AGRON,NAME=SMITH /*ID NAME= ' B0B_SMITH ' , PS=8899, DEPT=VOTEC, LINES=5000 /*ID C0DE=SWITCH, PS=9988,NAME=STEPPENWULF,DEPT=REC The accounting information consists of the following keywords and responses : KEYWORD RESPONSE necessary PS= your problem specification number DEPT= your department NAME= your name KEYWORD RESPONSE optional (min, sec) TIME=(,sec) min IOREQ=n CODE=ZZZZZ LINES=XXXXX CARDS =XXXX the optional TIME parameter on the ID card is the estimate of execution time for the job. By default it is 1 minute. The time estimate on the ID card is the time estimate for the SOUPAC job. If there is a time estimate on the // EXEC SOUPAC card there must be at least as much time on the ID card. where n is the number of INPUT/OUTPUT requests. The default is 1000. Moving from cards to a temporary storage location generates one I/O request per observation. Moving to or from a temporary storage location generates two I/O requests per observation. Cards read in or lines printed out do not generate I/O requests. The interactive nature of SOUPAC programs often necessitates considerable amounts of data transfer. For this reason, I/O requests for SOUPAC jobs are relatively large. code is the signal that your problem specification number is code word protected. If you have code word protection, get the code word from your approved problem specification request form. If you do not have code word protection, do not use the keyword CODE. you requested XXXXX lines of output. The default is 2000. you requested XXXX cards punched. The default is NONE. There must be no blank spaces in the accounting information and the order of the accounting information makes no difference. Blanks in a name, such as JOHN USER, are not allowed. The name must be only one word or of the form JOHNUSER. If blanks are desired, then the name must be enclosed in apostrophes and an underscore substituted for the blank, e.g. 'J0HN_USER'. Note further that commas separate keywords from responses to keywords and that the equal sign is a part of the keyword response. Furthermore, your ID card parameters may not go beyond column 71 • To continue an ID card put a comma after the last parameter that will fit completely into 71 columns -3- or less and proceed on a second card which has the characters /* punched in columns 1 and 2, followed by at least one blank. This second card may be any standard corner cut card. Further information about additional parameters is available from either the Service Programming Area or the SOUPAC office. CARD 2 The // EXEC SOUPAC is punched as in the example on page 1 with two slashes in columns 1 and 2? followed by at least one blank. This is followed by the word EXEC, at least one blank, and then the word SOUPAC. There is in fact another way to get a SOUPAC job. One can say: // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * The essential differences are these: SOUPAC has 15 available temporary storage locations; SOUP has only 5 temporary storage locations. SOUP, however, runs about five seconds faster than SOUPAC and is generally recommended for users who do not require more temporary storage locations than SI through S5. The amount of memory to be used is specified on each // EXEC SOUPAC or // EXEC SOUP card rather than on the ID card. SOUPAC jobs are given a default region of 150K which is adequate for nearly all SOUPAC jobs. See sections on options to a SOUPAC job. CARD 3 The next card is copied as in the example with //SYSIN beginning in column 1 and extending through 7 without any blanks. This is followed by at least one blank, the two characters DD, at least one blank, finally the character *. SOUPAC Statements The SOUPAC parameter deck is divided into two main sections. The first consists of the problem program parameter cards. Individual problem program write-ups are available to users through the SOUPAC office. The last card of the problem program parameter cards must always contain the words END SOUPAC as the first non-blank characters. The END SOUPAC card is immediately followed by any data decks you may have. All data decks are preceded by a DATA format card and followed by an END# card. The format card has the word DATA as the first four non-blank characters. After the word DATA may be any comments the user may want, if any. These comments will be printed on the user's output, but will be otherwise ignored by SOUPAC. Next comes the data card parameters. The user must specify the number of variables per row of data to be input, and also may optionally specify the number of rows of data( observations ) . Following this information is a standard FORTRAN type format enclosed in parentheses. This is the format -k- which describes the structure of the data deck it precedes. The following forms of the data format card are valid: DATA(observations , variables ) (format string£_592 non-blank characters) DATA (, variables ) (format string£_592 non-blank characters) DATA (variables ) (format string£592 non-blank characters) Remember that all data decks must be terminated by END# as the first four non-blank characters on a single card. Data used for calculations should be read in either E or F format. Data not used for calculations can be read in any format. END CAEDS Within a SOUPAC parameter deck, three types of END cards are used: END#: This card is used to end each data deck which appears. For each DATA format card used, there must be a corresponding END# card at the end of the data deck. END S: This card appears once and only once per SOUPAC parameter deck and must appear as the last card in the parameter deck. Its function is to separate the SOUPAC parameter deck from the data decks. END P: This card is used to indicate the end of any program which requires subparameter cards and must appear for all such programs. (in this context $-control cards are not taken to be subparameter cards). Any program which needs the END P card explicitly states so within its individual program write-up. For all other programs, use of the END P card is an error. If a program which uses the END P card is also the last program to be executed it must be terminated by an END P card then an END S card must appear to indicate that no more cards follow. CARD h The last physical card in your deck must contain the characters /* in columns 1 and 2. No other punches should appear on this card. Sample SOUPAC deck setup: //ID NAME=SMITH,DEPT=PEM,PS=6894,LINES=5000,CARDS=500,IOREQ=10000 // EXEC SOUPAC //SYSIN DD * program 1 ()()()( ) program 2 ()()()( ) program n ()()()( ) END SOUPAC DATA END# /* -5- Note that there may he more prog] ams than data decks or more data decks than programs. In any case, for programs that read data decks, the user must insure that the order of data decks corresponds to the order of programs that read data decks since the first program to read a data deck will read the first available deck, and so on. The process continues until either the SOUPAC program list is exhausted or a program reading data cannot find a data deck available. Notice that extra data decks are ignored. A FINAL NOTE Any changes the user may want to specify in the job control language of SOUPAC must follow the standard OS/360 conventions. -1A- OPTIONS 10 A SOUPAC JOB: PARMS, PROLOG CARDS, AND $-CONTROL CARDS PARMS Parms are arguments to the keyword 'Parameter,' contracted into the keyword 'PARM' , which give instructions to a processor running under a 360-system. In this context, SOUPAC is a processor running under a 360 system. PARMS are always coded on an EXEC card and have the following form: / / EXEC SOUPAC , PARM= ' 0PT1 , 0PT2 , , OPTm ' The permissable options to he used as SOUPAC PARMS are listed below with an explanation of their use and function. Note that the default is underlined, that is, // EXEC SOUPAC is equivalent to // EXEC SOUPAC ,PARM='0PT1,0PT2. . . where the underlined PARM is to be taken as one of the list of options in the PARM string in the example. These PARMS give the SOUPAC system instructions in the same way that parameters give SOUPAC statistical or data management programs instructions. 1. NODYNAM or DYNAM NODYNAM implies that a non-dynamic ally allocatable version of the library of statistical procedures is to be used. This version will run in some 150K of core and will handle a lesser number of variables than the dynamically allocatable version. DYNAM will use the dynamically allocatable version of any program requested which will handle more variables in an arbitrarily specified amount of core above a certain minimum. If using DYNAM, see the SOUPAC consultants for a handout on optimal region sizes for particular numbers of variables. 2. EXECUTE or NOEXECUTE NOEXECUTE implies that the SOUPAC parameter deck, for which the Syntax Interpreter is to scan and build intermediate parameters, should not be executed. NOEXECUTE indicates that only a syntax check is to be performed. If EXECUTE is specified and no errors are found by the Syntax Interpreter, the job step will proceed. If EXECUTE is specified and errors are found by the Syntax Inter- preter, execution of the step may continue depending upon whether LET or NOLET is also specified. 3. NOLET or LET If an error is found by the Syntax Interpreter and EXECUTE has been specified, execution will proceed only if LET was also specified. In this case, execution will proceed only through the last program processed which was completely error free. If NOLET was specified and errors are found by the Syntax Interpreter, execution will not be permitted. h. LIST or NOLIST LIST indicates that all program cards are to be listed. NOLIST indicates that only the prolog section of the SOUPAC parameter deck is to be listed. -2k- 5- PGM or NOPGM PGM indicates that a complete SOUPAC parameter deck and data decks follow. NOPGM indicates that only the prolog section and data deck follow, and that the intermediate parameters are being provided by the user by over-riding the cataloged procedure. This implies that the user has previously run a SOUPAC job and has saved the two necessary data sets so that he may run the same program again. To perform this saving of data sets correctly, a user should visit the SOUPAC office first to ensure it is done correctly. If any error is found by the Syntax Interpreter in the prolog section, the job step will not continue. If the job step which generated the intermediate parameter data sets found syntax errors, execution of the job step in which NOPGM is specified will continue (if EXECUTE is specified) through the last program processed which was completely error free regard- less of whether LET or NOLET was specified in either job step. Examples : To do just a syntax check: // EXEC SOUPAC ,PARM= ' NOEXECUTE ' To execute up to the first program found to have syntax errors : / / EXEC SOUPAC ,PARM= ' LET ' To execute up to the first program found to have syntax errors and use the dynamically allocatable library: / / EXEC SOUPAC , PARM= ' LET , DYNAM ' . Note that the PARMS may be listed in any order. B. PROLOG OF A SOUPAC JOB Described below are several # control cards which may appear in the prolog of a SOUPAC job. Within the prolog these control cards may appear in any order. If prolog control cards are used, they must appear immediately after the SYSIN card. The Syntax Interpreter determines the end of the prolog when it reads a card which is not one of these types. All types have parameters and must be terminated by a period . Prolog cards may not have continuation cards , hence all parameter information must be punched within 80 columns. There is no limit to the number of prolog cards permitted nor is there any restriction on the number of any one type. If conflicting information is entered, the information entered last overrides any previous definitions. 1. ^REPEAT OPTION The #REPEAT OPTION is used to repeat sections of a SOUPAC parameter deck an optional number of times. The #REPEAT card -3A- which appears in the prolog section will be followed by up to 22 (twenty-two) integer parameters which will indicate the number of repetitions of up to 22 repeat sequences. The card sequences to be repeated will be preceded and followed by #SREP and #EREP cards respectively. Example: /*ID // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * #REPEAT (2). #SREP CORRELATION (c)( )(Sl). SQUARE ROOT FACTOR ANALYSIS (Si) (P(F) ) (20) (C)(P(F) ) . #EREP END S In this example the program sequence of CORRELATION and SQUARE ROOT FACTOR ANALYSIS will be repeated twice. Four card input data sets would be required for the repeated sections. Repeat sequences which begin before a main program and end in a subprogram or which begin in a subprogram and do not end in the same subprogram are not allowed. Nested or overlapping repeat sequences are not allowed. Also a #SREP card cannot be immediately followed by a #EREP card and a single appearance in the deck of either card will cause an error. 2. #V-UNIT OPTION #V-UNIT allows the user to change input and output addresses in the execution of one SOUPAC job. The form of a #V is as follows: #Vn (m) (A 1 ) (AjJ. where n is an integer 1 through 9» thus there can be at most 9 variable addresses, namely VI through V9; and m is a counter which determines how many times a variable address may be used before it assumes the next value in its list of possible values. Aj_ A^ are addresses which Vn assumes. These can be any valid address. At the moment, however, forms like (Sl/P) will not work. Note that . CARDS and PRINT are permitted. Finally, the list of addresses is cyclic; that is, if, after A^ has been used, Vn occurs again in the program, Vn will have the value A]_ , and so on . /•ID // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * #V9(D(S1)(S2)(S3)(SU). #V5(1)(S1)(S2)(S3)(SU). #REPEAT (k). MAT. -UA- ( Example, Continued) #SREP MOV (C)(V9). #EREP HOR (V5)(V5)(V5)(V5)(S5' END P END S This program segment reads k separate card decks, saving them in temporary storage, and horizontally augments them into one data set. The equivalent without the use of #REPEAT and #V would be as follows /•ID // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * ' MAT. M0V(C)(S1) • M0V(C)(S2) • M0V(C)(S3) • MOV(C)(SU) • H0H(B1)(S"2)(S3)(SU)(S5). END P END S Note that the M0V(C)(V9). statement is expanded into four move statements and V9 takes the values SI through SU . Similarly, V5 takes on the values of SI through Sk. 3- # OLD OPTION The #0LD option is used to define the number of rows in a sequential data set created by a previously run SOUPAC job. The number of rows is then entered into a table in the monitor. This option should be used whenever the header record on the data set is not known to have a correct value for the number of rows, and the user does not want to execute a MATRIX MOVE to count the rows. To use the option, punch a card with #OLD in the first four columns. Then code the address and the number of rows in the usual SOUPAC fashion. The number of columns may be coded on the card if desired, but will be totally ignored. Include this card in the prolog section of the SOUPAC job. For example, to indicate that a data set to be input from SEQUENTIAL 1 has 77 rows you would prepare the following card: #OLD (Sl)(77)- -5A- k. #TEST OPTION There is also available a #TEST option; however, this facility- is complicated and intended for testing purposes within the SOUPAC office and has no significant advantage for the general user. 5. #DEFINE OPTION Whenever the user wishes to specify the dimensions of a direct access data set (DISK address), punch #DEFINE in the first seven columns of a card followed by the address, number of rows and number of columns coded in the usual SOUPAC fashion. Include this card in the prolog section of your program. For double precision matrices, code the same number of rows, but twice as many columns as otherwise. DISK 1 and DISK 2 have default definitions of 1+50 rows by k^O columns single precision. If the user desires any other dimensions on these data sets , #DEFINE must be used. If the user desires to use any DISK address other than DISK 1 and DISK 2, #DEFINE must be used besides supplying the necessary DD cards . For example, to define a data set for DISK 17 with 20 rows and Ho columns double precision, you would prepare the following card: #DEFINE (DISK 17)(20)(8o). Notice that all prolog cards start with a # in column one and must occur before any SOUPAC program parameter cards. A #-card in the middle of the SOUPAC program parameter deck is treated as a comment. There is, however, a #-control card, while not strictly a prolog card, which may occur in the SOUPAC program parameter deck and will not be treated as a comment. This is the #-zero card and is the only exception to the statement about # cards being comments if in the middle of the deck. The #-zero card is essentially a debugging tool to facilitate reading of dumps if one is needed. It has no particular use for the user. C. $- CONTROL CARDS $-C0NTR0L CARDS are used to provide additional information to a SOUPAC program above and beyond what is included in the parameters. There are 3 $-control cards. All must begin in column one with the character $ and then continue accross the card without blank columns. 1. $C-B The $C-B card provides as its arguments the variables to be used as control breaks for a program which accept control breaks. The use of this card with a program which does not accept control breaks is an error. The form of this card is as follows: $C-B(V 1 )(V 2 ) (V n ). When V-j_ through V n are variable numbers and n must be less than or equal to 2k. -6a- 2. $INP $INP has as its arguments a string of input addresses. The form is: $INP(A 1 ) (A ). where A-[_ through A n are input addresses including cards. The number of addresses will be determined by the program accepting the $INP card and will explicitly mentioned in the program write-up. 3 • $OUT $OUT(A n ) (A ). I 1 n $OUT has as its arguments a string of output addresses. The form is the same as that for $INP and the number of addresses is also determined by the program accepting the $OUT card. Multiple output address will be accepted. See section on Input/Output multiple addresses. -1B- SOUPAC INPUT-OUTFJT AND TEMPORARY STORAGE I. GENERAL A. Input and Output as Data Types Consider a set of data which a researcher wants intercorrelated. To do correlations there is in the SOUPAC library of statistical precedures a correlation program. Input to the correlation program is the researcher's raw data; output from the correlation program is a matrix of correlation coefficients. Similarly, every conceivable program has a particular input; in fact, perhaps several inputs, and some output. The nature of the input and output of a particular program will depend on the program and its intent. For example, raw data variables are input into a correlation program which outputs a correlation matrix. But a factor analysis program expects as input a correlation matrix, and yields as output a factor matrix. In contrast to the singular relation of the nature of input and output to a particular statistical program, every program finds its input somewhere and must put its output somewhere . B. Input and Output as Data Sources SOUPAC is designed in such a manner that the researcher can tell any program where his inputs are and where to put his outputs. Punched cards are an obvious input source ; printed pages are an obvious output source . But the nature of a punched card deck input into a correlation program would be that of raw data variables. In the SOUPAC system input and output sources are also called addresses. Thus, a possible input address for a correlation program is cards and a possible output address for correlation coefficients is print. Input and output addresses are parameters to every program in the SOUPAC system. As the researcher reads a particular program write-up he will notice that the order of the parameters determines the nature of his input or output and his supplying an input or output address determines whether or not he uses or gets the particular inputs and outputs. II. ELEMENTARY INPUT/OUTPUT ADDRESS AND TEMPORARY STORAGE A. Possible elementary input and output addresses in the SOUPAC system are these: INPUT: CARDS, SEQUENTIAL 1, SEQUENTIAL 2, . . . . . . SEQUENTIAL 15 OUTPUT: PRINT, SEQUENTIAL 1, SEQUENTIAL 2 . .SEQUENTIAL 15 (See section on i punched cards ) Again, CARDS and PRINT are obvious sources. SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 15, however, are input or output names of 15 temporary storage regions available to the researcher in the SOUPAC system. These 15 temporary storage regions are provided for exactly that purpose, temporary storage of data. Notice that with this facility a user can save his -2B- correlation matrix, for example, at SEQUENTIAL 1 and then give SEQUENTIAL 1 as an input address to a factor analysis program. Or a researcher can construct a copy of his data on temporary storage and then let any number of programs use the same data as input from the same input address, saving him the effort of making multiple copies of his card deck so that each program would read its own deck. Finally, temporary storage addresses enable the saving of intermediate results for further processing or modification by other programs and thereby enable the researcher to construct his own analysis procedure by providing the appropriate inputs and outputs to the right programs at the right times. B. SOUP vs SOUPAC with Respect to Temporary Storage There are two ways of invoking the SOUPAC system. One can ask for SOUPAC or SOUP. Note that all 15 temporary storage regions are allocated to SOUPAC, while only SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 5 are allocated to SOUP. Asking for SEQUENTIAL 6 through SEQUENTIAL 15 vhen running under SOUP will cause an error and terminate the job. All of these input-output addresses may be abbreviated as follows : CARDS C PRINT P SEQUENTIAL 1 SI (or Tl) SEQUENTIAL 15 SI 5 (or T15) Tl through T15 are alternative abbreviations for SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 15- Tl through T15 are, in fact, abbreviations of TAPE 1 through TAPE 15- SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 15 and their abbreviations are the recommended uses. The Tl through T15 notation reflects a real technical distinction but has been kept to enable programs using that notation to run. C. Multiple Output Addresses A researcher may want to output to several sources : he may desire to both print and save some results for later use. He cannot, however, input from more than one source for a particular input address. The facility of multiple output addresses has the following construction: (output addressl/output address^/output address3). This is the completely general form providing for up to three separate outputs. Each output must be a different source, however. Thus, (Sl/P/X) is a valid multiple output address providing for temporary storage at SI, -3B- a print of the same data, and a j unched copy of the data. (See section on punch for explanation of X). (Sl/P) will print and store but not punch. The order of the addresses makes no difference. (Sl/P) is equivalent to (P/Sl). Forms such as (S1/S2), however, are not permitted, nor are (P/P) or (X/X): one can output only to one sequential and only once to P or X. The above general form is available only if the output address in the particular program is marked with an Q. In all cases, however, the form (output address l/output address 2) is valid unless the program write-up explicitly has a restriction. D. Print is F Form of Output Print Address. There is yet another form to output addresses. This form is available only where the researcher finds the symbol Q in the program write- up and has to do with the kind of printed output. For technical reasons, most programs print in a form called E-format which is a form of scientific notation. This form allows the computer to print numbers of any size. Some programs, for which the output numbers are known to be constrained, as in correlation coefficients, however, print in a form called F- format which is ordinary decimal number representation. F-format generally cannot print numbers larger than a pre-determined size. The size of number depends on the nature of a researcher's data, but the program has no way of knowing this, hence, the most general form, E-format is used. The researcher however, can on option specify F-format. To print in F-format he would use the following output address: (P(F)) or (P(F)/S1) if he wanted a multiple output address. Those programs which print in F-format already, as for correlation coefficients, can be made to print in E-format by using the following output address: (P(E)) or (P(E)/S15). The different forms look like this: E-format Scientific Notation F-format Decimal Number Representation + 0.123 1 +5E 06 +1.23^5 x 105 + 123^56. 123^5 +123U56.123U5 All four numbers have the same value correct to 5 places. Notice that F-format cannot represent a number greater than 999999-99999 in absolute value whereas E-format can represent the first 5 digits of any number of order of magnitude up to 1099 . The numbers of digits illustrated for E and F formats are the pre-determined limits for the size of numbers. E-format is the more general form but F-format is easier to read. -2B- correlation matrix, for example, at SEQUENTIAL 1 and then give SEQUENTIAL 1 as an input address to a factor analysis program. Or a researcher can construct a copy of his data on temporary storage and then let any number of programs use the same data as input from the same input address, saving him the effort of making multiple copies of his card deck so that each program would read its own deck. Finally, temporary storage addresses enable the saving of intermediate results for further processing or modification by other programs and thereby enable the researcher to construct his own analysis procedure by providing the appropriate inputs and outputs to the right programs at the right times. B. SOUP vs SOUPAC with Respect to Temporary Storage There are two ways of invoking the SOUPAC system. One can ask for SOUPAC or SOUP. Note that all 15 temporary storage regions are allocated to SOUPAC, while only SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 5 are allocated to SOUP. Asking for SEQUENTIAL 6 through SEQUENTIAL 15 when running under SOUP will cause an error and terminate the job. All of these input-output addresses may be abbreviated as follows: CARDS C PRINT P SEQUENTIAL 1 SI (or Tl SEQUENTIAL 15 S15 (or T15 ) Tl through T15 are alternative abbreviations for SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 15- Tl through T15 are, in fact, abbreviations of TAPE 1 through TAPE 15. SEQUENTIAL 1 through SEQUENTIAL 15 and their abbreviations are the recommended uses. The Tl through T15 notation reflects a real technical distinction but has been kept to enable programs using that notation to run. C. Multiple Output Addresses A researcher may want to output to several sources: he may desire to both print and save some results for later use. He cannot, however, input from more than one source for a particular input address. The facility of multiple output addresses has the following construction: (output addressl/output address^/output address^). This is the completely general form providing for up to three separate outputs. Each output must be a different source, however. Thus, (Sl/P/X) is a valid multiple output address providing for temporary storage at SI, -3B- a print of the same data, and a j unched copy of the data. (See section on punch for explanation of X). (Sl/P) will print and store but not punch. The order of the addresses makes no difference. (Sl/P) is equivalent to (P/Sl). Forms such as (S1/S2), however, are not permitted, nor are (P/P) or (X/X): one can output only to one sequential and only once to P or X. The above general form is available only if the output address in the particular program is marked with an tt. In all cases, however, the form (output address l/output address 2) is valid unless the program write-up explicitly has a restriction. D. Print is F Form of Output Print Address. There is yet another form to output addresses. This form is available only where the researcher finds the symbol fl in the program write- up and has to do with the kind of printed output. For technical reasons, most programs print in a form called E-format which is a form of scientific notation. This form allows the computer to print numbers of any size. Some programs, for which the output numbers are known to be constrained, as in correlation coefficients, however, print in a form called F- format which is ordinary decimal number representation. F-format generally cannot print numbers larger than a pre-determined size. The size of number depends on the nature of a researcher's data, but the program has no way of knowing this, hence, the most general form, E-format is used. The researcher however, can on option specify F-format. To print in F-format he would use the following output address: (P(F)) or (P(F)/S1) if he wanted a multiple output address. Those programs which print in F-format already, as for correlation coefficients, can be made to print in E-format by using the following output address: (P(E)) or (P(E)/S15). The different forms look like this: E-format Scientific Notation F-format Decimal Number Representation + 0.123 i +5E 06 +1.23^5x105 + 123^56. 123^5 +123^56. 123^5 All four numbers have the same value correct to 5 places. Notice that F-format cannot represent a number greater than 999999-99999 in absolute value whereas E-format can represent the first 5 digits of any number of order of magnitude up to 1099 . The numbers of digits illustrated for E and F formats are the pre-determined limits for the size of numbers. E-format is the more general form but F-format is easier to read. 4b- In this example of E-fomiat the E 02 part is to be understood as 10 . E 03 would be 103 and E-OU would be 10"^. Thus, .376 E 03 is .376 x 103 or 376. while . 129^-01 is .129U x 10" 1 or .0129 1 +. The sign following the E determines which way to move the decimal point; left for negative, right for blank or positive. The number following the sign or blank determines how many places to move the decimal point. E. Punched Output (Don't forget to specify CARDS= on ID Card!) All programs which have output addresses marked with the symbol Q can punch output directly by using the X output address. X is the abbreviation for cards as output. C used as an abbreviation for an output address will be an error. Punched output generated by the use of the X output address will be in E- format. (See section above). X(F) is not a valid form and will be an error. If punched output is desired in a form other than E-format or from a program which does not allow the X output address, then the researcher must make a copy of his data on temporary storage and go to the MATRIX program and use the PUNCH instruction provided in that program. F. Obtaining Additional Input/Output Sources It happens that 15 temporary storage locations may not be enough. Additional temporary storage may be obtained by calling for Sl6 through S40 . Use of Sl6 through S*t0 requires the addition of Job Control Cards to the 360 system cards of the SOUP AC program deck. At least the first time the researcher should check with S0UPAC consultants before doing this; firstly to learn to do it correctly if he doesn't know how already, and secondly, if he knows how, to make sure none of the Job Control Language has been changed or modified, which can happen due to 360 system changes or reconfigurations, or S0UPAC system changes, which may not be announced in contrast to SOUPAC program changes which would have been announced. If in special instances even Uo temporary storage regions are not sufficient or a situation arises where so-called DISK temporary storage is required, there can be made available temporary storage regions called DISK1 through DISK^O. Check with the SOUPAC consultants before using these for the proper Job Control Cards and the proper SOUPAC prolog cards. G. Using Owner Data Sources or Special Input/Output Requirements in the SOUPAC system Users' own tapes or disk packs can be used with the SOUPAC system for input or output. See Appendix A for additional information. -SB- Special input/output requirements can usually be handled in the SOUPAC system provided the requirements can be handled by the 360 system at all. In such cases check with the SOUPAC consultants. General problem types of the nature alluded to above would be multiple file volumes, blocked input/output, formatted or unformatted input/output, different kinds of record lengths and different forms of data representation due to machine differences or differences in facilities at other computer installations. February, 1971 Using Owner Storage Devices With SOUPAC Introduction User data storage mediums for our 360 user will typically be dismountable tape or disk packs or they will be user data sets on some dismountable or permanently mounted disk pack. Whatever the source, it must be described fully so that the machine can access it. This information is needed as arguments to certain JCL keywords. These parameters will be treated in a moment. First we want to consider the dismountable devices, tapes and disk packs. User disk packs are not as frequent as user tapes so we shall ignore them for the moment. There are several "physical" characteristics of tapes which pertain to recording techniques which must be considered before we get inot the "logical" attributes described by the JCL parameters in the next section. Physical tape parameters are density, number of tracks written and recording mode. Density can be 200, 556, 800, or 1600 bits per inch, abbreviated BPI. Thus a tape written at 800 BPI can store less information per inch than one written at 1600 BPI. Note that a tape to be used on the 360 must be written at 1600 BPI. It is true that we have a dual density tape drive, namely 800/1600 BPI accessible to the 360 and that there is a density parameter in JCL enabling one to specify the density but since the 1600 mode is so much faster, generally, to be used on the 360, the tape should be at 1600 BPI. The number of tracks used in recording is 7 or 9- The 360 usually uses a 9 track recording mode; the 709^ used the 7 track mode. Recording mode is unformatted or formatted but we usually speak of binary tapes or card image tapes, respectively. If it is a card image tape it is BCD or EBCDIC. Thus, the most desirable input tape for the 360 is 1600 BPI, 9 track, 360 binary or EBCDIC. If one or more of these characteristics is different, then it should be changed by doing a tape to tape copy with the appropriate conversion. Asking for -2- special exceptions is not advised; i.e. do not try getting permission to write 800 BPI except in very special circumstances. At this installation we can do the following conversions: 556 BPI to 800 BPI to 1600 BPI and vice versa 7 track to 9 track and vice versa BCD to EBCDIC and vice versa Note that in going from EBCDIC to BCD some characters may be lost. These conver- sions are at the moment done by the 360/50 by requesting a tape to tape copy for which the above operations are requested. We can also do 3o0 binary to EBCDIC conversion and vice versa but we do not have the facility to do anything about a 709*+ binary tape. Not that it cannot be done, but of the two alternative means we know of, one uses IBM conversion routines which would require hardware changes; the other requires a non-trivial program which we do not have and even when we get it, it will be slow and clumsy. We repeat that there are JCL keywords to specify density, number of tracks, and parity but it is too slow and clumsy for the 360/75 • Clearly the greater the density, the more information can be stored on a tape and the faster it can be read or written. The higher density does however also require a better tape. One should not write 1600 BPI on a tape tested at 800 BPI. Further only a 1600 BPI tested tape can be reliably written with 9 tracks. This test BPI information is usually on the tape reel in the form of a comment saying tested at 1600 BPI or 800 BPI. Note that 1600 BPI and 3200 FCI mean the same thing. There are several things to keep in mind when writing a user tape in binary or card image mode. Card image, line image, and formatted tape all mean essentially the same and mean exactly what their names imply. Clearly all these are read and written with a format. Binary and unformatted tapes read and write faster than formatted tapes but may take up more space than formatted tapes. How much data a user wants always accessible and how important time is will probably determine what mode to use. A card image tape may be read many different ways using formats -3- to pick off variables. An unformatted tape has variables immediately usable but perhaps not everything the user has on his cards. He can put everything he may ever want to use on his unformatted tape but he may also be dragging some super- fluous variables around everytime he does a read. Choice, though possible, is typically not available for number of tracks on tapes written by the 360. You get 9 track tapes. So, the usual 360 output tape is 1600 BPI, 9 track, formatted or unformatted. SOUPAC writes 1600 BPI, 9 track, unformatted tapes. To get a 1600 BPI, 9 track, formatted tape out of SOUPAC the easiest thing to do at the moment is to over-ride the punch statement in the proc, i.e., FT07F001. To input a formatted tape to SOUPAC, over-ride the procedure in an appropriate way and use the MATRIX INPUT instruction. To input a SOUPAC written unformatted tape just over-ride the pro- cedure . Over-riding the SOUPAC procedure for using user data storage devices SETUP or not SETUP Users data exists on permanently mounted volumes such as UIDCS1 or on dismount- able volumes such as UIUSRU or DK0013 or user tapes or disk packs. In this context, a volume is that physical disk pack or tape which gets mounted onto a disk drive or tape dirve. If a volume is permanently mounted you need do nothing at this setup stage. If it is dismountable, you need a /^SETUP card for each such volumne among your /* cards, if any, after the /*TD card. Tapes always require a /^SETUP card. For data sets on disk packs, determine from the user whether it is dismountable or not. The form of a /*SETUP card is as follows: /*SETUP_UNIT=type, ID=name , ID=( name, label) . Type is DISK or TAPE: the choice is obvious. For tapes, name under ID will be 0XXXXX for an owner tape where XXXXX is some tape sequence number or PXXXXX or LXXXXX where P and L are pool and lease tapes -k- rented from DCS. A tape may be internally labeled or not. If it is not labeled the label argument is NL, meaning no label. If it is labelled the argument will be SL, meaning standard label. If it is standard labelled, later in the over-ride of the proc you will need to know the DSNAME. If no label argument is used for tapes the default is SL. For dismountable disk packs at DCS, the volume name is all that is needed since they are all internally standard labelled. You must find out from a user if his tape or non- DCS disk pack is internally labelled or not. Over-riding the SOUPAC proc Assuming you now have the user volume mounted, you must still tell SOUPAC about it. Suppose that the user volume is a sequential data set (or possibly more than one sequential data set). Usually they will be. Direct access data sets will be discussed later. You must assign it a SOUPAC sequential data set reference number. Numbers 11 through k9 are available and correspond to the SOUPAC addresses SI through S39 (or Tl through T39) . Which data set reference number you use does not make any difference. For sake of example let us choose SI and over-ride FT11F001 in the SOUPAC proc. Our JCL should look like this to this point : /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=type,ID= (name, label) // EXEC SOUPAC //FT11F001 DD indication string //SYSIN DD * The indication string has some or all of the parameters listed below. Use all except those where an option is mentioned. UNIT=type type is the same as that on the SETUP card; if no setup then it is DISK -5- VOL=SER=name namp is the same as that on the SETUP card; if no setup, it is the name of a permanently mounted volume LABEL=NL LABEL=SL DISP= DSNAME= same as label argument if used on SETUP card; if not used on SETUP card, can be omitted arguments are NEW, OLD, KEEP, DELETE, CATALG, UNCATALG, PASS singly or in combination de- pending on what you are doing some name; use if you have a standard labelled tape; otherwise optional depending on what you are doing SPACE (kind, (primary, secondary) ) kind=TRK CYL primary secondary DCB=arg l=arg 2 DCB=(argl, arg 2 , arg 3 ) not necessary for an OLD, PASS, or CATALG data set; necessary for a NEW data set; not necessary for a NEW user tape data set a TEK holds 7200 bytes a CYL has 20 tracks there are other kind parameters, but you probably should not be using them number of kinds of space units you initially request; you get this space at once; if it is not possible to allocate you get a space un- available message if you run off the end of your primary allocation you get 15 extends of the number you specify as secondary of the space units you specify as kind if the machine cannot give you 15 extents or if after 15 extents you still need space you get a space unavailable message optional depending on what you are doing DCB arguments are as follows : RECFM= F fixed record format (used for formatted I/O 1 ) V varying record format (usually used for unformatted i/O) U undefined record format (used for formatted or unformatted I/O) B blocked record format A alphameric record format; usually just on SYSOUT these may be used in combination as in RECFM=FB. Note if B is used you must also use LRECL and BLKSIZE. LBFCL=n n is the logical record length in bytes BLKSIZE=m m is the blocksize in bytes -6- If no DCB is specified you get the OS default DCB. You may not necessarily want this. Ascertain from the user what DCB he has and use it. For more in- formation on DCB's check your FORTRAN users guide. But, we mention several pit- falls already encountered and several points of information. SOUPAC by default uses : dcb=(recfm=v,lrecl=796,blksize=8oo^ If you write a formatted data set with DISP=PASS you get RECFM=F whether you specify it or not and SOUPAC, unless you specify DCB, will kick you off with the message that it has an F or U RECFM but expecting V. If you had a tape written with format conversion in another job and did not specify DCB=RECFM=F you will probably get an illegal decimal character message. If you give SOUPAC a data set with DCB=RECFM=F some way or another, SOUPAC will be unable to write on it since it writes unformatted unless you use the MATRIX PUNCH instruction and over- ride FT07F001. If you over-ride FT07F001 remember you get a SOUPAC DATA card image and an END# card image. If you write large formatted strings or many vari- ables, you should check on default LRECL and BLKSIZE. If your record is larger than LRECL, you just spill onto the next logical record and the machine will worry about it. If your record is larger than BLKSIZE, you get at best that piece of the record that fits into BLKSIZE and the rest is lost. There are several tricky things that are going on here, but usually you need not worry about them. If your record is shorter than LRECL, then most of LRECL is unused and you may be wasting space. This becomes important when you start getting space unavailable or end of volume messages. Furthermore it is inefficient, though it is often much more convenient just to take the defaults. Again, consult your FORTRAN user's guide for more details. EXAMPLES Write onto a users tape a SOUPAC data set in binary /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=TAPE,ID=(0XXXXX,NL) // EXEC SOUPAC //FT12F001 DD UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=0'XXXXX,LABEL=I« J ,DISP= (NEW, KEEP) //SYSIN DD * TRANSFORMATIONS (I A) (T2) (13) Write onto a users tape a SOUPAC data set in EBCDIC /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=TAPE,ID=(0XXXXX,NL) // EXEC SOUPAC //FT07F001 DD UNIT=TAFE,VOL=SER=0XXXXX,LABEL=NL,DISP=( NEW, KEEP) //SYSIN DD * MATRIX. PUNCH (IA)" (format )" note that you will get the SYSPUNCH default DCB which limits you to card images, i.e., 80 bytes per record. For larger records use your own DCB. Read a users formatted tape into SOUPAC /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=TAPE,ID=0XXXXX,SL^ // EXEC SOUPAC //FTU9F001 DD UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=0XXXXX,LABEL=SL,DISP= (OLD, KEEP), DSN=USER . PYXYY . TPDATA, DCB= (RECFM=F, LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=800) //SYSIN DD * MATRIX . INPUT(T39^ (Tl) (NCOL^ " (format ) " note that you are reading a card image tape with 10 card images per physical record, i.e., blocking factor of 10 to 1. Read a users unformatted tape into SOUPAC written by SOUPAC /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=TAPE, ID=(0XXXXX, NL^ // EXEC SOUPAC //FT13F001 DD UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=0XXXXX,DISP=(OLD,KEEP),LABLE=NL //SYSIN DD * COR(T3)(P)(P). note this presupposes that SOUPAC wrote the tape originally Read a users unformatted tape into SOUPAC not written by SOUPAC /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=TAPE,ID=(0XXXXX,NL) // EXEC SOUPAC //FT11F001 DD IMIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=0XXXXX,DISP= (OLD, KEEP), LABEL=NL, DCB= (RECFM=V, LRECL=U00, BLKSIZE=i+Oi+) //SYSIN DD * #0LD(T1) (nrow , i (NCOL) . MATRIX . MOVE(Tl) (T2^ . note first of all you need the #OLD card to simulate a SOUPAC header record. Further each record must contain three extra integer *h words at the front of the record to correspond to SOUPAC records. Also, if it was written with default DCB you do not need to specify a DCB. Finally, the #OLD card is good to use if you are having header record problems in SOUPAC anyway. Read a user data set from a dismountable disk /*ID /*SETUP UNIT=DISK, ID=DK0291 // EXEC SOUPAC //FT12F001 DD UNIT=DISK,V0L=SER=DK0291,, DISP=(OLD,KEEP\DCB=(RECFM= ,LRECL= ,BLKSIZE= ) //SYSIN DD * use input if formatted; otherwise go through the appropriate sequence for un- formatted reads. To write the data set, use the SPACE parameter; change the DTSP parameter appropriately; and consider what kind of write you want and fix the over-ride appropriately. If you intend to generate data in SOUPAC and wish to use the data in any context other than SOUPAC, it is highly recommended that you do not simply save the binary image file but generate a formatted record data set. Formatted record data sets interface more completely with other systems. CORRECTION TO HANDOUT ON USING OWNER STORAGE DEVICES WITH SOUPAC On page 5 the statements: LABEL=NL LABEL=SL should read LABEL=(,NL) LABEL=(,SL) therefore also in the examples every statement which has in it an occurance of the phrase LABEL=NL or LABEL=SL should have that phrase changed to LABEI>(,NL) or LABEL=(,SL), respectively. For your information : LABEL=(,NL , l or LABEL=(,SL) is equivalent to LABEL=(l,NL) or LABEL=(l,SL) which in fact means file 1 on the volumne. Thus to access file 2 you would write LABEL=(2,NL) or LABEL=(2, SL"! , or in general, LABEL=(n,XX) where n is the file number and XX is NL or SL. 10/27/69 CROSS REFERENCE Statistical Technique or Estimate Alpha factor analysis Analysis of Variance Analysis of Covariance Autocorrelations Beta Coefficients Biserial Correlations Canonical Correlations Canonical Factor Analysis Centroid Factors Chi-Square Clique analysis Communality estimation Correlations Covariance, Analysis of (See Analysis of Covariance) Covariance Matrix Covariance Matrix of Coefficients Covariance Matrix of reduced form residuals Cross-products matrix Cross-Tabulation SOUP AC Source ITERATIVE BALANOVA, T-TEST T-TEST, UMAVAC* AUTOCORRELATIONS CANONICAL, CORRELATIONS, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE BISERIAL CANONICAL ITERATIVE CENTROID CANONICAL, CHI-SQUARE, FREQUENCY, PROBIT CLIQUE COMMUNALITIES AUTOCORRELATIONS, BISERIAL, CANONICAL CORRELATIONS, DISCRIMINANT, MISSING, MULTIPLE, OBLIMAX, PARTIAL, STEP-WISE CORRELATION, K-CLASS , MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE K-CLASS ECONOMETRIC CORRELATIONS, DISCRIMINANT, K-CLASS, MULTIPLE FREQUENCY * See SOUPAC Consultants about using UMAVAC. Statistical Technique or Estimate Data Processing Determination of a matrix Determination, Coefficient of Deviation covariance matrix Deviation (partial) correlation matrix Diagonal Method Factor Analysis Dichotomous data Discriminant Function Discriminant Scores Dispersion Matrix Distribution Analysis Durbin-Watson Coefficients Dwyer Extension analysis Eigenvalues Eigenvectors F-Ratios Factor Analysis Factor Scores (See Factor Analysis) Frequency Distributions Gamma Coefficients Goodman and Kruskal Coefficients Iterative Principal Axis Solution K-Class Estimation Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic SOUPAC Source MATRIX, STANDARD, TRANSFORMATIONS MATRIX MULTIPLE, STEPWISE, K-CLASS MULTIPLE MULTIPLE SQUARE BISERIAL, SCALOGRAM DISCRIMINANT DISCRIMINANT DISCRIMINANT FIT, FREQUENCY, KOLMOGOROV ECONOMETRIC, MULTIPLE PROCRUSTES DISCRIMINANT, JACOBI , K-CLASS PRINCIPAL AXIS, THREE-MODE JACOBI, PRINCIPAL AXIS, THREE-MODE BALANOVA, DISCRIMINANT, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE, T-TEST COMMUNALITIES , ITERATIVE , OBLIMAX , UNRESTRICTED, VARIMAX, THREE-MODE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY FREQUENCY ITERATIVE K-CLASS KOLMOGOROV Statistical Technique or Estimate Lambda Coefficients Latin Squares Least Squares Factor Fitting Limited Information Estimation Linear Programming Means Missing Data Correlations Moving Averages Multiple correlation Noncard, non SOUPAC generated input Oblique Factor Rotation Orthogonal Factor Rotation Orthogonal Simple Structure Paired Comparisons Partial Correlation Coefficients Phi Coefficients Point Biserial Correlations Predicted Values Primary Factor Pattern Principal Components (See Factor Analysis ) Probit Analysis Punched Card Output Quadratic Programming Random Number, Generation of SOUPAC Source CANONICAL, DISCRIMINANT, FREQUENCY UMAVAC PROCRUSTES K-CLASS LINEAR CORRELATIONS, DISCRIMINANT K-CLASS, MISSING, MULTIPLE, T-TEST, STANDARD MISSING STANDARD CANONICAL, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE MATRIX (INPUT operation) BINORMAMIN, OBLIMAX VARIMAX VARIMAX PAIRED PARTIAL Use CORRELATIONS CORRELATIONS ECONOMETRIC, MULTIPLE BINORMAMIN, OBLIMAX PROBIT MATRIX QUADRATIC RANDOM Statistical Technique or Estimate Rank Order Correlations Recoding Variables Reduced Form Estimates Reduced Form Predicted Values Reduced Form Residuals Reference Vector Structure Regression Analysis Regression Covariance Residual Analysis Rotation of Factors Sample Size Serial Correlations Spearman ' s Rho Spearman ' s C Spectrum Analysis Square Root Factors Standard Deviations Standard Errors of Regression Coefficients Standardized Data Standardized Regression Coefficients Stepwise Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis Stepwise Multiple Regression T-Statistic (Student's) Tchuprow's T SOUPAC Source RANK TRANSFORMATIONS ECONOMETRIC ECONOMETRIC ECONOMETRIC OBLIMAX, BINORMAMIN CORRELATION, K-CLASS, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE MULTIPLE ECONOMETRIC BINORMAMIN, OBLIMAX VARIMAX CORRELATION, DISCRIMINANT, FREQUENCY, MISSING, MULTIPLE, STANDARD AUTOCORRELATIONS RANK FREQUENCY AUTOCORRELATIONS SQUARE CORRELATION, MULTIPLE, STANDARD, T-TEST K-CLASS, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE STANDARD SCORES CANONICAL, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE ITERATIVE STEP-WISE CORRELATION, MULTIPLE, STEP-WISE T-TEST FREQUENCY Statistical Technique or Estimate SOUPAC Source Tetrachoric Correlations Three Mode Factor Analysis Three Stage Least Squares Two Stage Least Squares Unrestricted Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis Variance (See Standard Deviations) Variance, Analysis of (See Analysis of Variance) PARTIAL THREE MODE THREE STAGE K-CLASS UNRESTRICTED DATA AND MATRIX MANIPULATIONS PACKAGE The data manipulative programs As implied by the name, TRANSFORMATIONS is used for performing data transformations often necessary in "setting up" data to "be input to one of the "cook-book" programs of the SOUPAC system. The user may create new variables as linear combinations or as algebraic functions of old variables, and the user may recode or alter data values on the basis of test conditions by using the TRANSFORMATIONS program. To perform matrix algebra operations with one or more matrices, to augment matrices either row-wise or column-wise, to reorder, save or delete specific rows or columns of a matrix, one would use the MATRIX program. MATRIX also has the capability of printing, punching card decks, and reading and writing tape and disk files in ways not available elsewhere in SOUPAC. The TRANSFORMATIONS and MATRIX programs have a unique place in the SOUPAC system. Although the remainder of the SOUPAC library performs a large number of specialized statistical procedures, there are some computations which are not represented by a uniquely written program. However, by an imaginative utilization of the combined powers of TRANSFORMATIONS and MATRIX it is possible to perform a virtually unlimited range of established and experimental statistical techniques. It is a common practice within the SOUPAC office to "check out" newly written programs against results computed by TRANSFORMATIONS and MATRIX. Conversely, these two programs can be used as teaching tools by having students learn the step-by-step computations and then checking the results against results of the "cook-book" programs. Complete multiple regressions and analysis of variance programs, for example, have been written in this manner. Since most SOUPAC jobs require the use of TRANSFORMATIONS and MATRIX, a familiarity with these two programs is basic to an effective use of the SOUPAC system. MATRIX I. General Description The MATRIX program is a data manipulating program for inputting and outputting, creating, performing matrix algebraic operations, and generally handling data matrices. All the MATRIX suboperations are restricted to ^50 columns (variables). No absolute limit is set on the number of rows (observations). Standard SOUPAC address conventions are used including the use of the character X to denote punched output, and (f) after a print to denote print with F format. Also available and discussed in section III below is the use of I for storing a matrix in memory, and the use of (l) after a print to invoke the MATRIX labeling feature. All other restrictions are noted by the discussion of the individual suboperation explanations. II. Parameters A. Main Parameters To invoke the MATRIX program, code the name MATRIX (or simply the program mnemonic MAT). There are two optional parameters available which may be coded on the MAT card. First, if it is desired to print, immediately prior to the execution of each MATRIX subparameter operation, the time in seconds since entry into the MATRIX program, code a (l) after the name MATRIX. This option is not normally needed and is provided merely for giving timing estimates. The second optional parameter is coded as a (l) following the timing estimate parameter. This second option causes the number of rows and columns and the precision (either single or double) of the answer matrix (for all suboperations which produce an answer matrix) to be printed out. This is useful in debugging a MATRIX program when it is not necessary to see the entire answer matrix to be printed out, but it would be helpful to check the dimensions of an answer matrix. As in all SOUPAC programs, the main program parameter card must be terminated by a period. Examples: MATRIX. MATRIX (1). MAT. MAT (1) . MATRIX (l)(l). MAT ( )(l). -- recommended usage — MATRIX Page 2 B. Subparameters Any MATRIX operation may be invoked by coding its mnemonic followed by appropriate subparameters. All operations in MATRIX handle both single and double precision matrices at the control of the user (see operations SINGLE and DOUBLE). For an address not explicitly assigned either single or double precision, MATRIX assumes a default of double precision for output to the address. Terminate all subparameter cards with a period. To end a MATRIX program, place a card which has the characters END P after the last MATRIX subparameter card. Since all MATRIX programs must have at least one subparameter operation, an error will be signaled if a MAT card is followed immediately by an END P card. Input and output for MATRIX may be from any source, however, the following rules must be observed: 1) Never use CARDS as input to any operation except MOVE unless both the number of rows and the number of columns have been specified on the DATA format card at the front of the data deck. 2) You may never output to PRINT only. All MATRIX output must go to some intermediate storage location even when only printout is desired. 3) Avoid using the same address more than once on the same parameter card unless otherwise noted in the description of an individual operation. However, in those operations which do permit using an address more than once as an input address, CARDS may not be used as an input address more than once. In all operations except INVERT, never specify an output address which is the same as an input address for that operation. k) The contents of an input address remains unchanged during the execution of an operation unless otherwise noted. Following is a description of the subparameter operations currently in the MATRIX program. Summary of MATRIX Oj erations MATRIX Page 3 mnemonic notes operation name examples ABS Absolute value ABS ( SI] (S2). ADD 1 2,5 Add ADD ( SI' (S2) (S3). ALL 3,6 All ALL ( ALL ( ALL ( SI' SI' SI "GT" *0-* (S2). "NE" *-0* (S2) (2). "LE" (S2) (S3) (1,10,3) ANY 3,6 Any ANY ( ANY 1 ANY 1 'SI 'SI 'si "GE" (S2) (S3). "EQ" *1.* (S2) (1,2) (5 "LT" *99* (S2). CHO h Cholesky decomposition CHO 'si (S2). COL 6 Column delete COL COL 'si ;si ) (S2) (2). ) (S2) (10) (12,15). CON Constant addition CON CON ;si [si ) *2.* (S2). ) (S2) (S3). cou Count COU COU COU [si ;si [si ) (S2). ) (S2) (1). ) (S2) (2). DIA Diagonal to vector DIA [si ) (S2). DIM Dimension DIM [si ) (S2). DOU 2 Double precision DOU [si ) • EJE Eject EJE. E-D 1, 2,5 Elementwise divide E-D [si ) (S2) (S3). E-M 1 2,5 Elementwise multiply E-M [si ) (S2) (S3). E-R Elementwise square root E-R [si ) (S2). EXP Expand EXP EXP [si [si ) *20* (S2). ) (S2) (S3). FIL 2 File FIL [si ) • GEN 6 Generate GEN [si ) *1*. HOR 1. 2,5 Horizontal augment HOR [si ) (S2) (S3). IDE Identity matrix IDE [k8 ) (si). INP Input INP INP INP [si [si [si ) (S2) ( ) (9) "(9F6.1)". ) (S2) ( ) (12). ) (I) (576) (10). INV h Invert INV INV INV [si [I) [si ) (S2). (I). ) (S2) (1) (1) *10.E-6*. LAB 6 Label LAB [si ) "SAMPLE 1" "AGE" "SEX". LAG Lag LAG LAG [si [si ) (2) (6) ( ) (S2). ) (3) (10 (1) (S2). LOW Lower triangle LOW LOW [si [si ) (S2). ) (S2) (1). MATRIX Page h mnemonic notes operation name examples MAX Maximum value MAX ( MAX ( MAX ( 'si 'SI SI ) (S2). ) (S2) (1). ) (S2) (2). MIN Minimum value MIN ( MIN ( MIN ( SI SI SI ) (S2). ) (S2) (1). (S2) (2). MOV 2 Move MOV ( MOV ( :c) SI (si). (S2). MUL 1A5 Multiply MUL ( 'SI > (S2) (S3). OUT Output OUT ( OUT ( 'si 'si ) (S2) "(10E16.9)". ) (S2). PAR Partition PAR ( 'SI ) (S2) (5) (10) (2) (21). PER 6 Permutation PER ( SI ) (2) (1). PRI Print PRI ( 'si ) "(' ',10F13.4)". PUN Punch PUN ( 'SI ) "(8F10.3)". REC Reciprocal REC ( 'si ) (S2). REM Remap REM 'si ) (S2) (8). REW 2 Rewind REW ( 'si ) . ROW 6 Row delete ROW ( ROW ( si 'si ) (S2) (1) (2) (3). ) (S2) (2,20,3) (3,20,3). SCA Scalar multiply- SCA ( SCA ( 'si SI ) *.l* (S2). ) (S2) (S3). SIN 2 Single precision SIN ( SI ) . SUB, 1,2,5 Subtract SUB ( SI ) (S2) (S3). SUM Sum SUM ( SUM ( SUM ( SI 'si SI ) (S2). ) (S2) (1). (S2) (2). TRA k Transpose TRA ( SI (S2). UPP Upper triangle UPP ( UPP ( SI SI (S2). (S2) (1). VEC Vector to diagonal VEC ( SI (S2). VER 1,2,5 Vertical augment VER ( SI (S2) (S3). 1. Conformability of input matrices is checked. 2. Up to twenty-one total addresses may be used. 3. A warning message is printed if no rows are output. k. Any matrix which has been previously stored under the I address will be destroyed. 5- An input address may be used more than once for input to the same instruction. 6. As many arguments as are needed of the last argument type may be used. MATRIX Page 5 ABSOLUTE VALUE (mnemonic: ABS) The ABSOLUTE VALUE operation has two address parameters, an input address and an output address. The absolute value of each element of the input matrix is taken and the result goes to the output address. Example : ABSOLUTE VALUE (SEQ3) (SEQJO . ADD (mnemonic: ADD) The ADD operation has from three to twenty-one address parameters. The last address is the output address; all other addresses are for input. Each input matrix must have the same number of rows and columns as all other input matrices. An address may be used more than once as an input address. Corresponding elements of the first matrix through the next to last matrix are added together, and the result goes to the output addre s s . Example s : ADD (SEQ1)(SEQ,U)(SEQ5). ADD (SEQl) (SEQJ+) (SEQ2) (SEQ3) (SEQ5) . ALL (mnemonic: ALL) The ALL operation performs a particular test, specified by the second operand as a relational operator, between a set of elements for each input row and a floating point number specified by the third operand. If all elements of the set for a given row pass the test, that row is output to the output address. The first parameter is the input address. The relational operator is enclosed in quotation marks. The third operand may be either a floating point number or an address in which case the first element of the matrix is used as the floating point number. The six legal relational operators are "LT", "LE", "EQ", "NE", "GT", and "GE". Remaining (optional) parameters are index sets specifying which variables are to be included in the testing. If no variables are specified, all variables are included in the testing. Note that if only one variable is specified, the results of the ANY and the ALL operation would be the same. Examples: ALL (SEQ1) "NE" *0.* (SEQ2) . ALL (SEQ3) "GE" (SEQ» (SEQl) . ANY (mnemonic: ANY) The ANY operation performs a particular test, specified by the second operand as a relational operator, between a set of elements for each input row and a floating point number specified by the third operand. If any element of the set for a given row passes the test, that row is output to the output address. MATRIX Page 6 The first parameter is the input address. The relational operator is enclosed in quotation marks. The third operand may be either a floating point number or an address in which case the first element of the matrix is used as the floating point number. The six legal relational operators are "LT", "IE", "EQ", "HE", "GT", and "GE". Remaining (optional) parameters are index sets specifying which variables are to be included in the testing. If no variables are specified, all variables are included in the testing. Note that if only one variable is specified, the results of the ANY and the ALL operation would be the same. Examples: ANY (SEQ2) "GT" *3-* (SEQl). ANY (SEQl) "NE" *-0.* (SEQ»(l,3). CHOLESKY (mnemonic: CHO) The CHOLESKY operation decomposes a square symmetric matrix into the product of an upper triangular matrix and a lower triangular matrix such that the two triangular matrices are the transpose of each other. CHOLESKY has two operands, an input address and an output address. The result which goes to the output address is the lower triangular matrix resulting from the decomposition. If the input matrix is not square, the "extra" rows or columns are ignored. Additionally, if the square matrix is not symmetric, the actual upper triangle of the matrix is effectively ignored and is instead assumed to be identical to the lower tirangle. Example : CHOLESKY (SEQl)(SEQ2). If the input matrix on SEQ 1 is h -2 -k -2 2 3 -h 3 6 the resulting matrix output to SEQ 2 is 2 -110 -2 11 COLUMN DELETE (mnemonic: COL) The COLUMN DELETE operation specifies which columns of an input matrix are to be deleted before sending the result to the output address. The first parameter is the input address. The second parameter is the output address. Columns to be deleted are specified by index sets following the output address. Examples: COLUMN DELETE (SEQU) (SEQ5) (k) (5) (6) (8) (13) (15) • COLUMN DELETE (SEQl) (SEQ2) (l,30,3^ • MATRIX Page 7 CONSTANT (mnemonic: CON) The CONSTANT operation has three parameters A rwir. number specified hv +h& o^™^ ^^^rs. a Iloatmg point the matrL specified by th ftT T ^ added t0 eTery el «»«t <* the third opened addresj * """""^ ^ reSiat «°" *° CONSTANT (SEQ1) *4. 5 * ( SE Q2). CONSTANT (SEQl)(SEQ 3 )(SEQif). COUNT (mnemonic: COU) ^i:°z ropts iSiSw operands; an in ^ add — - - -t^ visaing data, of^acn l^of^,5£?Lg£^ f ? ,d ? Ul, « option is equivalent to specifying option S! SpeClf > ln e no coial^oA L™a d counl o r rSe tlng ^ ""** " a Sl ^ basing data of each r^oflS Sput^! ° f ^^ «*•"•« Examples: e±ementS ' exclu ^g missing data over the entire matrix. COUNT (SEQ1) (SEQU) . COUNT (SEQ5)(SEQ3)(1). COUNT (SEQ2)(SEQ3)(2). DIAGONAL (mnemonic: DIA) - out e put IA addrts? er T a h e i0 " t^° ^^ m ^ a ^ess and matrix are used t ; fo™ T d n lag ° nal elements °f the first second operSf aldre'r ^leY™ ^^ WMch " °^put to the DIAGONAL (SEQ2)(SEQl + ). DIMENSION (mnemonic: DIM) The DIMENSION operation h^ +r m „a* address, and an outpS address ?hf . f V"?"***™' ™ input of columns of the input S' 7 ° f r ° WS and the number second elements respJctivelv of a f . used 1 to fo ™ **e first and which is output to t^'ou^tldLe^/^ief^ 6 "" ^ DIM (SEQ2)(SEQ1). MATRIX Page 8 DOUBLE (mnemonic: DOU) The DOUBLE operation has anywhere from one to twenty-one addresses as parameters. Listing an address as a parameter negates the effect of any previous listing of that address as a parameter in the operation SINGLE. Listing an address as a parameter which has not appeared as a SINGLE subparameter has no effect. Example: DOUBLE (SEQ1) (SEQ2) (SEQ3) (SEQU) (SEQ5) (i) . EJECT (mnemonic : EJE ) The EJECT operation causes the next printout to begin at the top of a new page. EJECT has no parameters. Example: EJECT . E -DIVIDE — Elementwise Divide — (mnemonic: E-D) The E-DIVIDE operation has from three to twenty-one address parameters. The last address is the output address; all other addresses are for input. Each input matrix must have the same number of rows and columns as all other input matrices for the use of the operation. An address may be used more than once as an input addre s s . Elements of the second matrix through the next to last matrix are divided into the corresponding elements of the first matrix. Output goes to the last address. Example: E-DIVIDE (SEQl) (SEQ2) (SEQ3) . E-MULTIPLY -- Elementwise Multiply -- (mnemonic: E-M) The E-MULTIPLY operation has from three to twenty-one address parameters. The last address is the output address; all other addresses are for input. Each input matrix must have the same number of rows and columns as all other input matrices for the use of the operation. An address may be used more than once as an input address. Corresponding elements of the first matrix through the next to last matrix are multiplied together. Output goes to the last addre s s . Example : E-MULTIPLY (SEQ3)(SEQ2) (l)(SEQ^). E-ROOT -- Elementwise Square Root — (mnemonic: E-R) The E-ROOT operation has two address parameters, an input address and an output address. The (positive) square root of each element of the input matrix is taken and the result goes to the output addre s s . Example : E-ROOT (SEQl)(SEQ2). MATRIX Page 9 EXPAND (mnemonic : EXP) of times specified by the Lo"d parameter ^ "*"'"' the ^^ -se^ 8e Ct P ^S e ^ d b t e e JS fi r ? f ™ *** - ber in which specified by the integration of S L* 653 the number of times second parameter can be aTi™? tL n ° atl »g number; or the is copied to the output Sdress unt^X " J** CaSe the in P ut — same number of rows as the 7 ^ ° UtpUt matrix has the is the output address! E^ple": "** ^^ The tMrd P-ameter EXPAND (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(SEQ3). EXPAND (SEQI)*5 5 *(SEQ4). FILE (mnemonic: FIL) as parie'ters^'FI^i^ 3 Tf^ ^ ** t0 twen ^— e addresses written : t th; end^f " ^NTIaTS 1 " ^T^ 16 ^ ^ be most useful to the" uir & llflfslfs ^JlZ^Z* 1 * *?'*** his own physical tape. Since any meanfngSl use o^he FlS a?I r but t n he reqUi r S the additi ° n ° f a PP-P-ate IBM 3<£ JCL^ards FILE (SEQ5). GENERATE (mnemonic: GEN) The GENERATE operation generates a single row vector with the floating point numbers the user specifies vhTrJ I GENERATE (SEQ2^ *1.* * 2 .* *U.* *8.* *l6.* * 3 2.*. HORIZONTAL AUGMENT (mnemonic: HOR^ addr^s™Ss AU T\2r a L i0n ^ ^ th - e t0 ^y-one ■ other addres^el are for input EaT" ^ ^ addreSS ' a11 same number of rZt U 1 ? P ^ ? Ch lnput matrix must have the address Ex^ple: "** aM the reSult 8 MS to «» 1-t HOBIZOMTAL AUGMENT (SEQ1) (SEQM (SEQ21 (i) . MATRIX Page 10 IDENTITY (mnemonic: IDE) The IDENTITY operation has two parameters. An identity matrix, of order specified by a fixed point number as the first operand, is output to the address specified by the second operand. Example: IDENTITY (20)(SEQ3). INPUT (mnemonic: INP^ The INPUT operation will input formatted or non-formatted records from any available device. This option is primarily for reading card images or other similar data the user may have usually on his own tape, which would be awkward to input in the typical card deck manner. Never input to I (see SPECIAL COMMENTS^ using the INPUT operation unless both the number of rows and the number of columns of the input matrix are specified as parameters on the INPUT operation parameter card. The parameters for INPUT are the input address, the output address, the number of rows of the input matrix (optional in most cases^, number of columns, and optionally the format enclosed in quotation marks. Examples: INPUT (SEQ1)(SEQ2/PRINTH20U5) "(10F8.3)". INPUT (SEQ2)(SEQ3U H8) . INVERT (mnemonic: INV) The INVERT operation inverts a non-singular real matrix. The INVERT operation has five subparameters, the last three of which are optional. The first parameter is the address of the matrix to be inverted, and the second parameter is the output address of the result. (The incore address option described in section III. A - SPECIAL COMMENTS - may be used for either input, output, or both) . To have the determinant of the original matrix printed out, code a (l) as the third parameter. The inversion technique used is the Gauss-Jordan method with pivot elements assumed to be on the main diagonal. If it is desired that the inversion technique perform row and column interchange, for the purpose of picking pivot elements as those with the largest absolute value at each step of the elimination procedure, code a (l) as the fourth parameter. The default case, pivot elements assumed to be on the main diagonal, executes faster than when row and column interchange is performed. For those real symmetric matrices which have the property that the largest elements are necessarily on the main diagonal (e.g. correlation, cross-products, variance-covariance matrices^ numerical accuracy of the results is not significantly different between the two options. For general matrices in which specific properties are not known, using row and column interchange will probably produce more accurate results. MATRIX Page 11 value of any pi^t element IsZll^^" 1 ^ 7 - If the abs ° lu *« *. nT L p a LL s- rL\^n th : ™ « - -~ ty , m^ss-HorST^s s^sr- address AX = Y input to the INVERT suboperation a matrix which contains A -v U the constant term appearing as the last column^ variables) Al resulting output of the INVERT suboperation will be A -1 :X The Y above may be more than one column vector in which case each resulting column vector of X will be the solution fv£ +>, . column of Y. Examples: solution for the corresponding INVERT (SEQ1)(SEQ2). INVERT (SEQif)(SEQ3)(D(l). INVERT (SEQ2)(SEQU)(1)( ) *10.E-5*. INVERT (SEQ5)(SEQ1)( ) (l) *. 0000001*. LABEL (mnemonic: LAB) a sohpa^S ° peration is used to store a title and column labels at is limited to 6 128 ch ^ ^ ^ * mTRIX Pr °^- The title each characters. Labels are limited to eight characters The first parameter is the address where the title and labels are to be stored. This is then followed by the title and labels "v one C ti m f ^ qUOtat± ° n ^^ ° nly <** label set S a^ at tX? \ HenCe ' Sach USe of LABEL overrides all previous uses progrLf ne (n a ot e e. Wi Th in - a "™ »«*«» -7 «* be passed%Toth r' programs. (note: The mcore address option may be used to store a title and label set if desired.) Examples: LABEL (SEQ» "TITLE" "LABEL 1" "LABEL 2" "LABEL V LABEL (SEQ1) "ONLY A TITLE; NO LABELS". ' LAG (mnemonic: LAG) The LAG operation has five operands; an input address an integer specifying which variable is to be lagged an inteSr specifying the number of lag periods, an inteffr option fS and an output address. integer option flag, MATRIX Page 12 If the option flag is zero, intermediate lags are included in the output matrix; if the option flag is non-zero, intermediate lags are not included. For example, suppose we are interested in lagging the fourth variable of a five variable matrix and suppose we want three lag periods. First it should be noted that the resulting output matrix will necessarily have three fewer rows (observations) than the input matrix. If we use LAG(S1)(10(3)(0)(S2). th the resulting t row to the output address would be X t,l X t,2 X t,3 X t,^ X t,5 X t-3,^ X t-2,l+ X t-1,^ If we use LAG(S1)(U)(3)(1)(S2). th the resulting t row to the output address would be X t,l X t,2 X t,3 X t,5 X t-3,^ Note that the difference between the option flag being zero and non-zero is that the resulting output matrix has W-l fewer lags where N is the number of lag periods (i.e. the intermediate lags are not included in the output). As a concrete example consider the following input on SI. 1 2 3 k 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ik 15 16 17 18 Use of the statement LAG(S1)(2)(2)( )(S2). will result in the following matrix to be output to S2. 7 8 9 2 5 10 11 12 5 8 13 ll+ 15 8 11 16 17 18 11 Ik Use of the statement LAG(S1)(2)(2)(1)(S2) MATRIX Page 13 will result in the following matrix to be output to S2. 7 8 9 2 10 11 12 5 13 11+ 15 8 16 17 18 11 LOWER TRIANGLE (mnemonic: LOW) The LOWER TRIANGLE instruction copies a matrix from one address to another and sets all elements which are above the main diagonal to zero. It is possible to indicate if it is desired that the main diagonal elements also be set to zero. The LOWER TRIANGLE instruction has three operands; an input address, an output address, and an integer option flag. If the option flag is omitted or is zero, the main diagonal elements are included as part of the lower triangle. If the option flag is non-zero, the main diagonal elements are set to zero. Examples: LOWER (SI) (S3). LOWER (S2)(Si+)(l). MAXIMUM (mnemonic: MAX) The MAXIMUM operation has three operands; an input address, an output address, and an option indicator. If option is specified, the resulting output matrix is a single row vector containing the maximum element of each column of the input matrix. Specifying no option is equivalent to specifying option 0. If option 1 is specified, the resulting output matrix is a single column vector containing the maximum element of each row of the input matrix. If the option is specified as any number other than or 1, a single element matrix is output which contains the maximum element of the entire matrix. Examples: MAX (SEQ1)(SEQ3). MAX (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(2). MINIMUM (mnemonic: MEN) The MINIMUM operation has three operands; an input address, an output address, and an option indicator. If option is specified, the resulting output matrix is a single row vector containing the minimum element of each column of the input matrix. Specifying no option is equivalent to specifying option 0. If option 1 is specified, the resulting output matrix is a single column vector containing the minimum element of each row of the input matrix. Examples: MEN (SEQ1)(SEQ3). MEN (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(2). MATRIX Page Ik MOVE (mnemonic: MOV) The MOVE operation moves (actually copies) a matrix from one SOUPAC standard input source to another. If reading from SEQUENTIAL, the MOVE operation assumes that the data set was created using SOUPAC conventions, i.e. by some SOUPAC program. If the input source is CARDS, the input deck must be preceded by a correct DATA format statement and terminated by an END# card. Never MOVE from CARDS to I (see SPECIAL COMMENTS) unless both number of rows and number of columns of the input matrix are specified at the front of the data deck. The operation has between two and twenty-one addresses as parameters. The first address is the input address. All remaining addresses are output addresses. Examples: MOVE (CARDS) (SEQ1) (SEQ2) . MOVE (CARDS) (SEQl). MULTIPLY (mnemonic: MUL) The MULTIPLY operation has three addresses for parameters. A matrix multiplication is performed between the matrices on the first two addresses and the result is stored in the third address. The MULTIPLY operation permits use of the same address to be used as an input address for both first and second operands. This usage is equivalent to using the SQUARE suboperation. The incore address option may not be used for input of the first operand if the first operand is different from the second. The incore address option may never be used for output of the result. The MULTIPLY operation destroys any matrix which has been stored in core using the incore address option (see section III. A - SPECIAL COMMENTS'). All calculations are done in double precision. Examples: MULTIPLY (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(SEQ3). MULTIPLY (SEQl)(SEQl)(SEQ2). MULTIPLY (SEQ2) (l) (SEQ5) . OUTPUT (mnemonic: OUT"i The OUTPUT operation outputs a matrix, a row at a time with or without format control, to a user specified data set. If format control is used, the output address specified should not be used anywhere else in the current SOUPAC job step except with options which also perform formatted i/O (e.g. the INPUT and OUTPUT operations of MATRIX). The syntax of OUTPUT is two addresses, input and output addresses respectively, optionally followed by the desired format enclosed by quotation marks. Examples: OUTPUT (SEQ1)(SEQ5^ "(20EI5.7)". OUTPUT (SEQ2)(SEQ3^. MATRIX Page 15 PARTITION (mnemonic: PAR) The PARTITION operation is used to select a sub-matrix of an original input matrix. The first operand is the input address and the second operand is the output address. The next four parameters specify in order, the beginning column of the partition, the ending column of the partition, the beginning row of the partition, and the ending row of the partition. If either beginning parameter is left out, the partition begins with the first row (or column). If either ending parameter is left, the partition ends with the last row (column). Examples: PARTITION (SEQ5) (SEQ2) (5) (6) (2) (50) PARTITION (SEQU)(SEQ2)(3)(^0). PERMUTATION (mnemonic: PER) The PERMUTATION operation permutes, on option, rows or columns or rows and columns of an input matrix. The resulting matrix is output to the second operand output address. The third operand is an option flag. If the option flag is specified as zero, columns of the matrix are permuted. If the option flag is specified as one, rows of the matrix are permuted. If the option flag is specified as other than zero or one, both rows and columns are permuted. The order of columns or rows of the output matrix is determined by index sets. Examples: If the statement PERMUTE (Sl)(S2)(0)(5)(l,^). is used and SI has the matrix 1. 2. 3. k. 5. -1. 0. 2. .1 .3 the resulting output matrix will be 5. 1. 2. 3. h. .3 -1. 0. 2. 1. If the input matrix had been 1. 2. 3. k. 5- 6. -1. 0. 2. .1 .3 k. the resulting output matrix would be the same as the output matrix already listed. Note that this implies that only those columns or rows which are explicitly listed will be output. If the statement PER (Sl)(S2)(l)(3)(2Hl)- MATRIX Page l6 is used and the matrix on SI is 12 3 k 5 6 7 8 9 the resulting output matrix will be 3 2 1 6 5 h 9 8 7 If the statement PER (S1)(S2)(2)(3)(2)(1). is used on the matrix 12 3 k 5 6 7 8 9 the resulting output matrix will be 9 8 7 6 5 h 321 MATRIX Page I7 PRINT (mnemonic: PRI The PRINT operation prints out a matrix, one row at a time, under the control of a user supplied format. Formats follow FORTRAN IV conventions with the added restriction that formats are limited to 592 characters. The first parameter is the address of the matrix to be printed. The second parameter is the format enclosed in quotation marks. (Warning: Allow for carriage control as the first character in output lines. A print line has 133 characters.) Example: PRINT (SEQ2) "(' ',3F20.10)". PUNCH (mnemonic: PUN) The PUNCH operation has the same syntax as PRINT and is used to punch out a matrix under the control of a user supplied format. (Warning: When punching cards, remember that there is room for only 80 characters per card) . The PUNCH operation always punches two cards in addition to the actual data deck. At the front of the data is punched a DATA format card, and at the end of the data is punched an END# card. Example: PUNCH (SEQ1)"(8F10.2)". RECIPROCAL (mnemonic: REC) The RECIPROCAL operation has two operands, an input address and an output address. The reciprocal of the elements from the first matrix are used to form an output matrix which is output to the second operand address. Example: RECIPROCAL ( SE01 ) ( SEQ3 ) • REMAP (mnemonic: REM) The REMAP instruction is used when a row of the input matrix represents several observations and it is desired to "break up" the input row into several shorter output rows. The REMAP instruction has three operands; an input address, an output address, and an integer which is to be used as the column dimension of the output address. For example, if we have the row of data on SI 1. 2. 3. k. 5- 6. and use the instruction REMAP (S1)(S2)(2). the resulting output to S2 would be 1. 2. 3. k. 5. 6. Notice that the column dimension to be specified for the output matrix must exactly divide the column dimension of the input matrix. MATRIX Page 18 REWIND (mnemonic: REW) The REWIND operation has anywhere from one to twenty-one addresses as parameters. REWIND is used to rewind a sequential file. The REWIND operation needs only to be used with the INPUT operation when it is desired to reread a formatted input file. Example (to input the same formatted file from SEQ 3 onto both SEQ 1 and SEQ, 2 under control of different formats) : INPUT (SEQ3) (SEQ1) ( ) (5) " (10X, 5F10.0)" . REWIND (SEQ3). INPUT (SEQ3)(SEQ2)( ) (8) "(8F10.0)". R OW DELETE (mnemonic: ROW) The ROW DELETE operation specifies which rows of an input matrix are to be deleted before sending the result to the output address. The first parameter is the input address. The second parameter is the output address. Rows to be deleted are specified by index sets following the output address. Example: ROW DELETE (i) (SEQ3) (l) (3) (7) (8) (ll) (k^) . SCALAR (mnemonic: SCA) The SCALAR operation has three parameters. A floating point number specified by the second operand is multiplied by every element of the matrix specified by the first operand. The result goes to the third operand address. The second operand may be either a floating point number enclosed in asterisks or a standard SOUPAC input address. If an address is specified, the first element of the matrix at the address is used for the floating point number. Examples: SCALAR (SEQ1) *2.* (SEQ2) . SCALAR (SEQ>)(SEQ3)(SEQ2). SINGLE (mnemonic: SIN) The SINGLE operation has anywhere from one to twenty-one addresses as parameters. Listing an address as a parameter causes any matrices written on that address to be written in single precision. MATRIX stores all data matrices in double precision unless the user specifies otherwise with the suboperation SINGLE. The listing of an address in a SINGLE statement in one MATRIX program does not carry over in effect to any other MATRIX program. Example : SINGLE (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(SEQ». MATRIX Page 19 SUBTRACT (mnemonic: SUB) The SUBTRACT operation has from three to twenty-one address ITeToTlL^VT . add r S \ is the ™^ a ^ess; all other addresses are for xnput. Each input matrix must have the same number of rows and columns as all other input matrices for the use of the operation Elements of the second matrix through the next to last matrix are subtracted from corresponding elements of the first matrix. Output goes to the last address. An address may be used more than once as an input address. Examples: SUBTRACT (SEQl)(SEQ3)(SEQl+). SUBTRACT (SEQlO (SEQ2) (SEQ3) (SEQl) (SEQ5) . SUM (mnemonic: SUM) The SUM operation has three operands; an input address, an output address, and an option indicator. If option is specified, the resulting output matrix is a single row vector containing the column sum of each column of the input matrix. Specifying no option is equivalent to specifying option 0. If option 1 is specified, the resulting output matrix is a single column vector containing the row sum of each row of the input matrix. If the option is specified as any number other than or 1, a single element matrix is output which contains the sum of all elements over the entire matrix. Examples: SUM (SEQ1)(SEQ3). SUM (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(2). TRANSPOSE (mnemonic: TRA) and'colZ!)!^ a ma ^ix (interchanges rows address storLe ™f f destr ° ys an ^ Previous usage of the incore imS If g \ tW ° P arame *ers for TRANSPOSE are first the xnput address and second the output address of the result Example: TRANSPOSE (SEQ1)(SEQ2). UPPER TRIANGLE (mnemonic: UPP) addSA™ "V-f-"- -Pies a matrix from one are included as Zlf tr V Mr °' the min dia S°*al elements UPPER (S1)(S3^. UPPER (S2)(S4)(1). MATRIX Page 20 VECTOR (mnemonic: VEC) The VECTOR operation has two operands, an input address and an output address. A single vector from the first location is used to form a diagonal matrix which is output to the second address. If the input matrix has more rows than columns, the first column vector is used to form the diagonal matrix. If the input matrix has more columns than rows, the first row is used to form the diagonal matrix. Example: VECTOR (SEQ1)(SEQ3). VERTICAL AUGMENT (mnemonic: VER) The VERTICAL AUGMENT operation has from three to twenty-one address parameters. The last address is the output address; all other addresses are for input. Each input matrix must have the same number of columns as all other input matrices for the use of the operation. An address may be used more than once as an input addre s s . Input matrices from the first address through the next to the last address are stacked top to bottom and the result goes to the last address. All input matrices must have the same number of columns. Example : VERTICAL AUGMENT (SEQl) (SEQ2) (SEQ3! MATRIX Page 21 Addendum to the MATRIX Program Description KRQNECKER PRODUCT (mnemonic : KRO) The KRONECKER PRODUCT operation forms the Kronecker Product of two matrices and outputs the results to an output address. The resulting output matrix is composed of m-j_ x n, submatrices where m-[_ and n-|_ are the dimensions of the first input matrix. Each submatrix has the size mp x n2 where va.2 and n2 are the dimensions of the second input matrix. Note that the output matrix has the dimensions mj_m2 x n]_n2- Each submatrix is the result of the scalar product a. . B. For example, if matrix A is oh SI and B is on S2 where 1. 2 13 A= -1 1 B= .5 2 k the result of executing the MATRIX statement KRONECKER (SI ) (S2) (S3 ) • would be the following matrix on S3. 1 3 2 6 2 k It 8 -1 -3 1 2 -2 -k 3 k .5 1.5 1 2 RECIPROCAL OF SQUARE ROOT OF nTAflONAT, (mnemonic: RSD) The RSD operation has two operands, an input address and an output address. The reciprocal of the square root of the main diagonal elements from the first matrix are used to form a single row vector which is output to the second operand address. Example: RSD (SEQ1)(SEQ3). These programs were designed after the bulk of the MATRIX program description was typed. MATRIX Page 2.2 II. Special Comments A. Incore Address Option Besides the standard SOUPAC addresses, MATRIX also recognizes the additional address I. The I symbol as an address represents internal storage in the machine . An obvious use of this feature is to cut down on I/O time for matrices which are to be used in future operations within the current matrix program. The internal storage feature also saves time when the user desires his output from an operation to be printed or punched. The user must keep in mind that data cannot be passed to subsequent programs with the I storage. The user should also be aware of the restrictions on I storage as mentioned above in some of the subparameter operations (see INVERT, MULTIPLY, SQUARE, and TRANSPOSE). In all cases the use of this option is not recommended for matrices which do not fit within the memory available to the MATRIX program while running within any particular region size, l) To add the matrix on SEQl to the matrix on SEQ2 leaving the result in core and also printing the result, code as follows : ADD (SEQl)(SEQ2)(l/PRINT) it the matrices in core, oi ; suit on SEQU, code as fcxL VERTICAL AUGMENT (i) (SEQl) (SEQ2) (SEQ» To vertically augment the matrices in core, on SEQl and on SEQ2, storing the result on SEQ4, code as follows: Labeled Output Provided in the MATRIX program is the facility to title and put column labels on any matrix which is printed using normal SOUPAC print conventions. The labeling feature is not allowed with the PRINT matrix operation. To use the labeling feature, it is first necessary to put the title and labels in a temporary storage area. This is accomplished with the LABEL operation (see Subparameter s) . To use a label which has been placed in a temporary storage area, code (L) after the print portion of the output address. If F format is also desired code either (F,L) or (L,F) after the print. Example s : 1) To move (copy) the matrix on SEQl onto SEQ5 printing the result in F format with title and column labels, code as follows : MOVE ( SEQl) (SEQ5/PRINT (F, L) ) . MATRIX Page 2 3 2) To add the matrices on SEQ1 and SEQ2 storing the result on SEQ3 and also printing the result with title and column labels, code as follows: ADD (SEQ1)(SEQ2)(SEQ3/PRINT(L)). 3) To transpose the matrix stored on SEQ1 to SEQ2, printing out the result in F format with title and column labels, and punching out a card deck of the transposed matrix, code as follows : TRANSPOSE (SEQ1)(SEQ2/PRINT(L,F)/X). TRANSFORMATIONS I. General Description TRANSFORMATIONS is a data manipulation program. Unlike MATRIX, which performs operations on a complete matrix, TRANSFORMATIONS operates upon matrices one row at a time. This strategy provides for almost unlimited flexibility in trans- forming your data. Some of the general uses include creating new variables as functions of present variables, recoding or collapsing data, and reordering or eliminating variables. More advanced uses are facilitated by an instruction set which allows testing and branching depending on single variable character- istics or relations between variables, indirect addressing (FLAG-NOTATION), and inputting and outputting to and from different sequential units during the program, TRANSFORMATIONS serves several purposes in the SOUPAC system. First, it can be used as a stand alone program to perform computations on your input data and yield the final results. Also, it can be used to prepare your data for input into another SOUPAC program or to make modifications from the output of one program for input into another. II. Parameters Parameter Numhpr Use or Meaning 1 Input address of the main input matrix. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- This parameter can be left out if there is no input or if input comes from the input instruction. The format of the entire TRANSFORMATIONS program follows : TRANSFORMATIONS (C or Sn, n<15). '. subparameter cards which describe the transformation to be performed END PROGRAM III. Programming Considerations The TRANSFORMATIONS program, as described in the first section, reads in one row of data at a time and then it executed the program until the end or until a last card instruction, and then it cycles on the identical program for each row of data. There are 2000 variables allowed in the TRANSFORMATIONS program. Before each row of data is read into the program variables 1 through 1000 are filled with zeroes. Variables 1001 through 2000 are zeroed out only before the program begins so that during the program they can be used for accumulating sums or related totals as well as being used for temporary storage variables for row manipulations . Input to the program can be specified by the parameter on the TRANSFORMATIONS card or by the INPUT instruction. Output can only be achieved by use of the OUTPUT instruction. IV. Semi-table of Contents Section 5 - Subparameter List Section 9 - DO-notation Section 6 - Labels Section 10- FLAG-notation Section 7 - Subparameter Descriptions Section 11- A TRANSFORMATIONS Example Section 8 - EBCDIC Tables Section 12- Notes and Ideas V. Subparameter List TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 2 mnemoni c notes operation name exami Dies ABO Abort ABORT. ABS 1 Absolute Value ABS ID(21). ADD 1,2 Add ADD ADD Cl)(2)(2l). (D(3)(5)(T)(22). ANG 1 Angle to Radians ANG (D(21). A-C 1 Arccosine A-C (D(21). A-S 1 Arcsine A-S (D(21). A-T 1 Arctangent A-T (D(21). C-G Computed Go To C-G (l00)"A""B""C""D". CON 3 Constant CON CON (101)*!+. 3*. (102)(7). COS 1 Cosine COS (D(21). DIF 2 Difference if DIF (1)(5)"A""B""C". DIV 1,2 Divide DIV DIV DIV (D(2)(21). (D(2)(21)(3). (1)(2)(21)(3)"A". EBC 1 EBCDIC EBC (D(21). EXC 1 Exchange EXC (1)(2). EXI Exit EXIT EXP 1 Exponent Base e EXP (D(21). FAC 1 Factorial FAC (D(21). FIX 1 Fixed Point Conversion FIX (D(21). FLO 1 Floating Point Conversion FLO (D(21). GO Go to GOTO "A". IF Arithmetic If IF (1)"A""B M "C". INP Input from Unit INPUT (S2)(200). LAS Last LAST ELO 1 Log base e ELOG (D(21). LOG 1 Log base 10 LOG (D(21). MAX 1,2 Maximum Value MAX (D(2)(21). MIN 1,2 Minimum Value MAX (1)(3)(5)(7)(9)(22) MIN (l)(2)(2l). MIN (1)(3)(5)(7)(9)(22) MOD 1,2 Modular Arithmetic MOD (1)(5)(21). MOV 1 Move MOVE (l)(2l). TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 3 mnemonic notes operation name examples MUL NO OUT PER RAD RAI REC SIG SIN SKI SQU SUB 1,2 Multiply No operation 3 Output to Unit 3 Permut e 1 Radians to Angle 1,2 Raise to Power 1,2 Recode 1 Sign Transfer 1 Sine 2 Skip record on unit 1 Square root 1,2 Subtract MUL (l)(2)(2l). MUL (1)(3)(5)(22). NOOP. OUT (S3)(l,50). PER (100)(5)(1,M(8,9)(7). RAD (l)(2l). RAI (1)(2)(21). REC (1)"GT M (2)(3)*11*. REC (7)"EQ"*3*(7)*0*(7)*1*. SIGN (l)(22). SINE (l)(2l). SKIP (S2)(100). SKIP (S3)*l*. SQU (l)(2l). SUB (1)(2)(21). XAD - add XDI - divide These fixed point instructions are identical in operations . f performed and format with the corresponding floating point instructions, except that all variables appearing in these XMU - multiply instructions must be in fixed point representation. XSM - sum XSU - 'subtract 2. For all parameters containing variables or floating point constants, DO notation may be used to indicate repetition of the operation on different sets of variables and/or floating point constants. (Explanation of D0- notation appears in Sec. 9). All input parameters of the instruction which contain variables may be replaced by floating point constants. 3. For all parameters containing variables, DO-notation ranges may be substituted for a single variable occurance. (DO-notation ranges are described in SEC. 9) TRANSF ORMAT IONS PAGE k VI. Transformations Labels In TRANSFORMATIONS there are several instructions which perform some kind of test on your data. In most cases, the results of that test cause the program not to execute the next sequential instruction, but to branch to some other statement in the TRANSFORMATIONS program and continue executing with that statement. In order to refer to these statements we wish to transfer to, TRANSFORMATION'S labels are employed . The form of these labels can be illustrated by the following example which skips over the divide statement if the divisor is zero. IF (3 1 "NEXT" "JUMP" "NEXT", "NEXT"DIV (2H3)(^. "JUMP" next statement or IF(3) "*+l" "*+2" "*+l*. DIV (2) (3) (4). next statement The preceding equivalent examples exhibit the two types of TRANSFORMATIONS labels. The syntactical rules which govern the two types of labels follow. Type 1 A. A type 1 label consists of eight or less alphanumeric characters set off by a pair of quotes. B. Alphanumeric characters consist of the alphabet from A to Z and the numberic digits from to 9. C. Any unique label may appear as an operand or branch address of any number of TRANSFORMATIONS subparameter instructions. D. Any label which appears as an operand or branch address of an instruction must appear immediately preceding and be part of at least one and only one TRANSFORMATIONS subparameter instruc- tion in the present TRANSFORMATIONS program. Type 2 A. A type 2 label consists of a positional reference of the form *+n set off by a pair of quotes. B. The symbol * is pointing to the statement in which it appears. Therefore *+l would point to the next statement, *+2 would skip TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 5 one statement, and *-l wuld point to the preceding statement. C. This type of label need only appear as an operand or branch address and not before the TRANSFORMATIONS subparameter instruction which it is referencing. D. Since the statement to which you are going to branch is always indicated relative to the statement from which you are branching, it is possible to point to an address which would lie beyond the end of the program or before the beginning of the program. Needless to say, this would result in an error condition. E. Branching to "*+0" would create an infinite loop and is also illegal. TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 6 VII. Subparameter Description ABO The ABORT instruction causes immediate termination of the TRANSFORMATIONS program and the entire SOUPAC program. This instruction is often transferred to when internal tests reveal incorrect data. Example: ABORT. ABS The ABSOLUTE VALUE instruction takes the absolute value of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. Example: ABS (3) (25). ADD The ADD instruction has from three to one hundred parameters pointing to variables. The first variable through the next to last variable are summed and the result is stored into the last variable. Example s : ADD (6) (7) (23). ADD (1) (3) (5) (7) (9) (100). ANG The ANGLE TO RADIANS instruction converts the first variable, which should be a measure of an angle, into radians and stores the result into the second variable. Example: ANG (3) (17). A-C The ARCCOSINE instruction takes the arccosine of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. The first vairable must be between minus one and one inclusive. The result will be stored in radians. Example : A-C (7)(3l+). A-S The ARCSINE instruction takes the arcsine of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. The first variable must be between minus one and one inclusive. The result will be stored in radians . Example : A-S (9)(13). TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE T A-T The ARCTANGENT instruction takes the arctangent of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. Example: A-T (8) (70). C-G The COMPUTED GO TO has from two to twenty two parameters. The first parameter contains a variable and the following parameters contain labels. The basic form is C-Gtv)"^" "L 2 " "L " "L n M . where n < 21 The variable must be floating point. If it is not of integral value then it is truncated, (all digits to the right of the decimal point are dropped") . The instruction will then branch to the label whose position in the list is equal to the integral value of the variable. Example: C-G (7) "A" "B" "C" "D" "E". If variable 7 is equal to k.O or k.3 then the instruction will branch to label "D". CON The CONSTANT instruction contains from two to one hundred parameters. The instruction is used to assign constant values to variables. The first parameter indicates either a variable or range of variables. The subsequent parameters contain the fixed point constant (s) and/or the floating point constant (s) which are assigned to the variable (s). Example s : CON(7)(99) assigns fixed point value 99 to variable 7. CON(8)*!+.3* assigns floating point value ^.3 to variable 8. CON(7,8)(99)*-U.3* is equivalent to the previous two together. The more complicated structures which contain ranges and increments for the variables and constants, uses DO-notation which is explained in Sec. 9. An example of the CONSTANT instruction with that structure will be included in that section. COS The COSINE instruction takes the cosine of the first variable and stores it into the second. The first variable must be expressed in radians. Example: COS (1)(17). TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 8 DIF The DIFFERENCE IF instruction contains five parameters. The first two parameters point to variables and the next three contain labels. The second variable is subtracted from the first. If the difference is negative the instruction branches to the first label, if the difference is zero it branches to the second or middle label, and if the difference is positive it branches to the third or last label. Example: DIF (3) (5) "A" "B" "C". If variable 3 minus variable 5 is negative the instruction will branch to label "A". DIV The DIVIDE instruction contains from three to five parameters. In the case of three parameters, the first variable is divided by the second variable and the result is stored in the third variable. A division by zero will terminate the program. -Example : DIV (1^(2^(30^. In the case of four parameters, the division will take place as normal except when the second variable is zero. In that event, the fourth variable will be stored into the third variable as a supplied quotient. Example : DIV (1) (2) (30) (3D. If the fifth parameter is added, it indicates a label to be branched to in the event of a division by zero. The branch will take place after the supplied quotient is stored into the third variable. Example: DIV (1) (2) (30) (3D "ZERO". EBC The EBCDIC instruction converts characters, which are read into the program by means of an Al format field, into floating point numbers. The first variable contains the character. The result after the table look up will be stored into the second variable. Example: EBC (6) (89^. The table used for the conversions is located following the subparameter descriptions. This instruction is often used to prepare character codes for input to a SOUPAC FREQUENCY program. EXC The EXCHANGE instruction exchanges the contents of two variables. Example : EXC (l)(2). EXI The EXIT instruction causes immediate termination of the TRANSFORMATIONS program, but will continue to execute the SOUPAC program which follows- Example : TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 9 EXP The EXPONENT BASE e instruction raises e to the power of the first variable and stores the result in the second variable. Example: EXP (31) (704). FAC The FACTORIAL instruction calculates the factorial of the first variable and the result is stored in the second variable. Example: FAC (87) (120). FIX The FIXED POINT CONVERSION instruction converts the floating point variable indicated by the first parameter and stores the result into the second variable. Example: FIX (2) (9). FLO The FLOATING POINT CONVERSION instruction converts the fixed point variable indicated by the first parameter and stores the result into the second variable. Example: FLOAT (7) (8). GO The GO TO instruction unconditionally branches to the label indicated by the only parameter. Example: GO TO "LABEL". IF The IF statement has four parameters. The first parameter contains a variable and the remaining three parameters are labels. If the variable is negative, zero, or positive the instruction will branch to the first, second, or third label respectively. Example: IF (33) "L1""L2""L3". If variable 33 is positive the instruction will branch to label "L3". INP By use of the INPUT instruction you can read in additional rows of data in addition to the rows from the main input matrix. The first parameter indicates which sequential unit the data will be input from. The second parameter indicates the starting variable number where you wish the row to be read in. Example: INPUT (S3) (500). TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 10 If S3 contains 6k variables then this input instruction will read the next row from S3 and store it in variables 500 through 563. Be careful to avoid overwriting of existing variables which you need and also of trying to read more or less rows than exist on a particular unit. LAS The LAST CARD instruction allows instructions to be performed after the last row of data has been read in and processed. The LAST instruction divides a program into regular and last card segments. The regular section, as is a TRANSFORMATIONS program without the LAST option, is executed once for every row of data. After all the main input data is processed the last card segment is executed once. One of the main uses of the LAST instruction is to analyze data accumulated in variables 1001-2000 during the regular segment. Example: LAST. Only one LAST instruction may be used for TRANSFORMATIONS programs and branching between regular and last card segments is prohibited. ELO The LOG BASE e instruction takes the natural log of the first variable and stores it in the second variable. Example: EL0G (3) (17). LOG The LOG BASE 10 instruction takes the base 10 log of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. Example: LOG (18) (3k). MAX The MAXIMUM VALUE instruction has from three to one hundred parameters pointing to variables. The variable with the largest value from the first variable to the next to last variable is stored into the last variable . Example s : MAX (1)(2)(7). MAX (1) (7) (8) (11) (15! MIN The MINIMUM VALUE instruction has from three to one hundred parameters pointing to variables. The variable with the smallest value from the first variable to the next to last variable is stored into the last variable. Examples: MIN (11) (13) (29). MIN (1) (3) (k) (7) (8) (10) (12). TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 11 MOD The MODULAR ARITHMETIC instruction finds the value of the first variable modulus the second variable and stores the result into the third variable. Example: MOD (1)(U)(7). MOV The MOVE instruction stores a copy of the first variable into the second variable. If a value already exists in the second variable it will be overwritten. Example : MOVE (3H9)- MUL The MULTIPLY instruction has from three to one hundred parameters pointing to variables. The first variable through the next to last variable are multiplied together and the result is stored in the last variable. Examples: MUL (l) (2^(20). MUL (3) (k) (5) (6) (10). NO The N00P instruction does nothing. Its primary use is when it is preceded by a label and used as a placeholder in the TRANSFORMATIONS subprogram to which many different instructions branch. It is commonly used at the end of a TRANSFORMATIONS subprogram where several isolated groups of instructions all 'Wish to branch to the end. Example : "END" N00P. OUT The OUTPUT TO UNIT instruction is the only way the TRANSFORMATIONS program can output a row of data. There are two parameters. The first indicates the unit to which the row of variables should be output, The second parameter can be either a single variable or a range of variables. Examples: OUT (S2^ (7). This will output onto S2 a row with one variable. OUT (sU)(8,lU). This will output onto Sk a row with seven variables, variable eight through variable fourteen. All outputs to the same unit must have the same number of variables output. A more detailed description of types of ranges which are allowed will appear in Sec. 9 on DO notation- TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 12 PER The PERMUTE instruction permutes the order of all or a subset of your variables. It can have from two to one hundred parameters, all indicating variable numbers. The first parameter indicates a starting point of where a string of variables should be placed. The rest of the parameters compose that string of variables. Each of the parameters in that string represent either a single variable or a range of variables, Examples : PER (lOO)(3)(lO,l^)( 1 +,5). This example places variable 3 in variable 100, variables 10 through ik in variables 101 through 105, and variables k and 5 in variables 106 and 107. A more detailed description of types of ranges which are allowed will appear in Sec. 9 on DO notation ranges. PER (2)(1,1999). This example will not propagate variable 1 through all the variables. It will perform the intended purpose of raising all variable numbers up one . RAD The RADIANS TO ANGLE instruction converts the first variable, which should be a measure of radians, into an angle and stores the result into the second variable. Example: RAD (9)(13) RAI The RAISE instruction raises the first variable to the power contained in ti second variable and stores the result into the third variable. Example : RAISE (1)(2)(7). EEC The RECODE instruction recodes variables depending on the satisfaction of a set of conditions. The sequence of parameters depends on the number of conditions that must be met. The RECODE instruction introduces a new set of terminology which follows: A. RELATIONAL OPERATORS B. "LT" less than "LE" less than or equal to "EQ" equal "NE" not equal "GE" greater than or equal "GT" greater than CONNECTIVES "AND" "OR" "E0R" TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 1 3 C. CONDITION SET A condition set consists of three parameters, the first and third parameters pointing to variables and the second parameter containing a relational operator. Any condition set is either true or false depending upon whether the two variables satisfy the conditions of the relational operator. D. RECODE SET A recode set consists of two parameters. The first parameter indicates a variable. The second parameter indicates a variable or a floating point constant. If a recode set is executed the value of the second variable or floating point constant is stored into the first variable. The RECODE instruction consists of from one to twenty one condition sets joined together in the case of more than one by connectives. This is followed by a recode set to be executed if the logical product of the condi- tion sets is true and optionally a second recode set to be executed if the logical product is false. Examples: REC (1|) "EQ" *3* (M *1* (M *0*. If variable k equals 3.0 then recode it to 1.0, if not then recode it to 0.0. REC (6) "GE" (10) "AND" (7) "LE" (20) (110) (ill) If variable 6 is greater than or equal to variable 10 and variable 7 is less than or equal to variable 20 then recode variable 110 to the value of variable 111 . SIG The SIGN instruction places the sign of the first variable on the second variable. It is often used for saving signs of variables during intermediate calculations. Example: SIGN (l)(90l). SIN The SINE instruction takes the sine of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. Example: SIN (l)(ll). SKI The SKIP instruction has two parameters. The first parameter is a sequential unit. The second is a variable or floating point number. The number in the variable or the floating point number indicate the number of rows to be skipped o n the specified unit. Example: SKIP (S2)(7) SKIP (S5) *1*. TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 1^ SQU The SQUARE ROOT instruction takes the square root of the first variable and stores it into the second variable. Example: SQU (13) (lM. SUB The SUBTRACT instruction subtracts the second variable from the first variable and stores the result into the third variable. Example; SUB (7)(9)(10). XAD - fixed point addition XDI - fixed point divides XIF - fixed point if ' XMU - fixed point multiply XSM - fixed point sum XSU - fixed point subtract The preceding fixed point instructions have the same parameters as the corresponding floating point instructions. The variables used in the fixed point instructions must be the fixed point representation rather than the normal floating point representation. TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE l5 VIII. EBCDIC Conversion Table Character Floating Point Number Character Floating Point Number blank -0. * Ik. 0. . 75. 1 1. < 76. 2 2. ( 77- 3 3. + 78. k k. 1 79- 5 5- & 80. 6 6. ! 90. 7 7- $ 91. 8 8. * 92. 9 9- ) 93. A 10. » 9k. B 11. -T 95- C 12. 96. D 13. / 97- E Ik. 5 107- F 15. J 108. G 16. 109 H 17- > 110. I 18. ? ill. J 19. J 122. K 20. # 123- L 21. e 12U. M 22. i 125- N 23. = 126. 2k. H 127. P 25. Q 26. R 27. S 28. T 29- U 30. V 31. w 32. X 33. Y 3k. Z 35. TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE l6 IX. DO-Notation DO-notation is a facility provided in the TRANSFORMATION program to enable a user to easily and compactly perform an operation on a set of variables instead of performing that operation on each of the variables individually. This concept of DO-notation corresponds to the concept of FORTRAN DO-loops . The following form of DO-notation would be used in a parameter which points to a variable. (v ls V 2 , I) V-, = the initial variable of the set Vo = the criterion variable for termination of the set. I = the increment Examples : (l, 5, l) points to variables 1, 2, 3, h, and 5. (l, 5 » 2) points to variables 1, 3, and 5- (k, lU,3) points to variables k, 7, 10, and 13. If the increment is not specified it is assumed to be 1, Example: (2, 10, l) is equivalent to (2, 10). A. The major use of DO-notation is to indicate repetition of an instruction on different sets of variables. Examples: ADD(l,5,2)(6,8)(l2,lM is equivalent to ADD(l) (6) (12) . ADD(3)(7)(13). ADD(5)(8)(lU). MUL(1,10(100)(101,107,2) is equivalent to MUL(l) (100) (lOl) . MUL(2)(100)(103). MUL(3)(100)(105). MUL(M(100)(107). If, in an instruction containing several parameters using DO notation, the sets of variables are unequal in length, the instruction will cycle until the longest set of variables has been satisfied. The variables used in the shorter sets after they have been exhausted will be the last variables of that set. Example: MAX(1,7,3)(1 1 +,15)(13,15,2). is equivalent to MAX(l) (lk) (13) . MAX(U)(15)(15). MAX(7)(15)(15). B. The secondary use of DO-notation, called DO-notation ranges, is used with the constant, output, and permute instructions. Instead of indicating a repetition of the instruction on each variable in the set, the instruction is executed once. The parameter in which the TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE IT DO-notation range occurs now points to a string of variables. Examples : 0UTPUT(Sl)(2,T). outputs the string of variables 2, 3,1+, 5, 6 and 7- 0UTPUT(S2) (3,7,2). outputs the string of variables 3,5, and 7- PERMUTE (l00)(3)(l0,15)(20,2l+,2). has two parameters of DO-notation ranges in one instruction. The instruction places into variables 100 through 109, the following variables: 3, 10 ,11 ,12 ,13 ,lh ,15 , 20,22,2i+ Looking at the CONSTANT instruction, we see DO-notation ranges used to indicate strings of fixed and floating point constants as well as strings of variables. The first parameter of CONSTANT can point to a variable or a string of variables. The later is the only case which involves DO-notation ranges, so the discussion will be confined to that case. C0N(2,*0(l)(2)(3) • places the fixed point constants one, two and three, into the string of variables 2,3,U By using DO-notation ranges with fixed point constants the equivalent instruction would be CON(2,l+)(l,3). The next two examples are also equivalent. They both assign to variables five through eight the floating point constants 2.5,5-0,7.5, and 10.0. CON ( 5 , 8 ) *2 . 5**5 • 0**7 • 5**10 . 0* . CON(5,8)*2.5,10.0,2.5*. The initial values of the string of floating point constants is 2.5- The termination criterion is 10.0. The increment is 2.5 All three types of DO-notation ranges can be used together in the CONSTANT instruction. The following example combines both of the preceding sets of examples into one instruction. CON(2,8)(l,3)*2.5,10.0,2.5*. Note : If, when using DO-notation ranges with the CONSTANT instruction, the string of variables is unequal in length to the total number of fixed and/or floating point constants indicated, the string of constants is truncated if it is longer and if it is shorter the last constant is assigned to the remainder of the variables. TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 18 X. Flag Notation Flag notation is TRANSFORMATION'S version of indirect addressing. Instead of a parameter pointing directly to a variable, it points indirectly to a variable through another variable. The parameter points to a variable which in turn points to another variable. This feature enables an instruction to point to different sets of variables depending upon the values assigned to the intermediate variables. The main type of flag notation is called F-flag notation. F-flag notation is indicated by inserting an F directly after the variable number. Example: ADD(7F)(8F)(9F). Restriction : The values in the intermediate variables of flag-notation (variables 7,8, and 9 in this example) must be in fixed point representation and must point to a valid variable number. Let the notation Vn indicate variable n. Example: V"7 indicates variable "J. If V7 = 100 V8 = 150 V9 = 180 then the preceding example would generate after the indirect addressing takes place : ADD(100)(150)(180). F-flag notation can also be used with DO-notation. Example: If V100 = 2 V110 = 6 V120 = 10 V101 = 13 Vlll = 16 V122 = 19 V102 = 5 V112 = 9 V121+ = 13 then MUL(l00F,102F)(ll0F,112F)(l20F,12l+F,2). would generate after indirect addressing. MUL(2)(6)(10). MUL(13)(16)(19). MUL(5)(9)(13). Note that the limits of the DO-notation are extracted form the intermediate variables and not from the final variables. The other type of flag notation is called D-Flag notation. Its only use is with DO-notation. The difference between it and F-flag notation is that the limits of the DO-notation with D-flag notation are derived from the final variables after indirect addressing takes place. Example: Using the same variable values as above. MUL(100D,102D)(110D,112D)(120D,12UD). would generate after indirect addressing: MUL(2,5)(6,9)(10,13). or MUL(2)(6)(10). MUL(3)(7)(H). MUL(U)(8)(12). MUL(5)(9)(13). TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 19 XI. A TRANSFORMATIONS Example Let us consider a set of data consisting of ten variables. Variable one contains a zero for females and a one for males. Variables two through five and eight through ten all range from zero to ninety-nine and are to be collapsed into the numbers one to four representing quartiles. Variables six and seven are to be recoded into a dichotomous variable depending if the value is five or not five. The output is then split into males and females suitable for input into two separate FREQUENCY programs. Also desired are averages from variables two through ten before recoding takes place. Totals are kept during the regular segment and then in the last card segment these are divided by the sample size and printed. TRANSFORMATIONS INPUT (C)(1). PERMUTE (6) (8,10) (6,7). ADD ( 1001 )*1*( 1001). ADD (1002 ,1010 ) (2 ,10 ) (1002 ,1010 ) . REC0DE (2,8)"LT"*25*(2,8)*1*. REC0DE (2,8)"GE"*75*(2,8)*1+*. REC0DE (2,8)"GE"*50*(2,8)*3*(2,8)*2*. REC0DE (9,10)"EQ"*5*(6,7)*1*(6,7)*0*. IF (l) "BAD ""FEMALE" "MALE". "BAD "ABORT. "FEMALE"0UTPUT ( S2 ) ( 2 ,10 ) . GO TO "END". "MALE"0UTPUT ( S3 ) ( 2 , 10 ) . "END"N00P. LAST. DIVIDE (1002, 1010) (1001) (1002, 1010). OUTPUT (P) (1001, 1010). END PROGRAM inputs one row from cards reorders the variables increments row number by one adds respective values to row totals recodes first quartile values recodes fourth quartile values recodes third and second quartile values creates dichotomous variables branches based on male or female aborts program due to bad data outputs female data branches around male output outputs male data this instruction is only a placeholder indicates beginning of last card segment calculates averages prints sample size and averages The regular segment is executed once for every row of card input data. Here the values are recoded and output, while also row totals are kept in variables greater than 1000. The last card segment is executed once to calculate and print the averages. TRANSFORMATIONS PAGE 20 XII. NOTES and IDEAS 1. Missing data of the form -0.0 can be differentiated from 0.0 only in the recode statement, so if this distinction must be made, -0.0 should first be recoded to another value before testing. 2. The valid outputs in the OUTPUT instruction are PRINT and/or Sn, n<15. 3. When collapsing data be careful not to overlap your recoding and inadvertently recode values twice or more. h. The former ZAP and SPRAY instructions have been incorporated into the CONSTANT instruction by using DO notation with floating point constants. 5- The former RECIPROCAL instruction can now be performed using a floating point constant of *1* in the DIVIDE instruction. 6. The ONE RECODE, TWO RECODE, OPEN WHEN, and CLOSED WHEN instructions have all been replaced by the RECODE instruction. For those not familiar with the new terminology in the RECODE instruction more examples appear below. Given: VI =10 V3 = 13 V5 = 23 V2 =23 VU = 89 V6 = -T The following condition sets have the respective truth values. (1) "GT" (2) is false (3) "LE" (k) is true (2) "EQ" (5) is true (6) "GE" *0* is false (2) "NE" (5) is false (6) "LT" (It) is true If two or more condition sets are joined by "AND", they must all be true for the logical product to be true. If two or more condition sets are joined by "OR", then the logical product is true if any of the condition sets are true. If the connectives are mixed, then the "AND" connective is of higher precedence than the other connectives in the same way that multiply is of higher precedence than addition in ordinary arithmetic. BASIC POPULATION STATISTICS PACKAGE FREQUENCY COUNTING AND MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION General Description This program computes tables of the frequency of occurrence of values that input variables take, and where appropriate, measures of association may be computed. Input to the program may be in the form of previously computed tables (on which measures of association will be computed) or may be in the form of raw data. Only integer numbers may be counted; decimal point data will be rounded. Negative values are allowed. A. FREQUENCY COUNTING The following options are available : 1. Either one-dimensional or two-dimensional tables may be specified. For one-dimensional counts, the frequency of occurrence for each value of the variable is listed. For two-dimensional counts, each value of the second variable is counted separately for each value of the first variable. 2. Control variables may be used which enable counting to be done in up to 12 dimensions. If control variables are specified, data must be presorted on these variables. When the value of any variable designated a control variable changes from one row to the next, counting is stopped and a new table is started. Thus counting proceeds as long as the values of all control variables remain constant. 3. The minimum and maximum values to be attained may be specified separately for each variable to be counted (or, optionally, not specified at all). If either the maximum or minimum values are not specified, they will be determined from the data using an extra read of the data. Values which fall below the minimum or above the maximum are ignored. This capability adds flexibility to the program and may be an appreciable cost saver. Its misuse by gross estimates of minimum and maximum values can, however, be costly. k. For each cell in a one-dimensional table, the percentage, if requested, of the total sample that were counted there will be printed. For two dimensional tables, the percentage of the row and column may also be requested. 5. A weighting variable may be specified. Without a weighting variable, frequency counts are advanced by one for each occurrence of a value. When a weighting variable is used, the frequency counts are advanced by the value of the weighting variable for the row. Thus some rows of data may be given more importance than others. FREQUENCY Page 2 6. Labels can be given for variables so that output is more readable. Each label is restricted to eight characters or less. 7. Input may be from previously computed two-dimensional tables, from which measures of association can be directly computed. B. MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION The following coefficients are calculated and printed on option for two -way t ab le s : 1. Chi-square and related coefficients Let: n = total population of the table n = number of Vertical classification a (column a) and Horizontal classification b (row b) n a. = b n ab n , = ^ab • b a oc = number of rows P = number of columns 2 LL ( ab a. .b) Then: chi-square = , n ab - n a. n .b/n adjusted chi-square (Yate's correction for continuity) for 2x2 tables only = 2 ZZ /n , - n n - 1/2 . , ( ab a b ' ) ab — - a d n c ( chi-square/n \ ' 1 + chi-square/n /Chi-square/nv / T = ( (a-lHp-lf ) C and T are measures of contingency and can be looked up in con- tingency tables. The maximum expected frequency is also printed. FREQUENCY Page 3 2. Lambda coefficients Let: n = Max n am , ab b n , = Max n mb ab a n = Max n .m , . b b n = Max m. a r i a. Lambda = £ a Z n am + b n mb " n .m - • n m. 2n - n .m - n m. £ a n am " n .m Lambda H £ b n - n m. n mb " %. Lambda V = n - n m. Lambda coefficients will be indeterminate if all values lie in one column or row. Lambda H can be defined as the decrease in probability of error in predicting the H-variable when knowledge of the value of the V- variable is considered as opposed to random guessing of the H-variable. Ninety-five per cent confidence limits are calculated and printed for Lambda H and Lambda V using the methods discussed by Goodman and Kruskal in their second article. (See references). Lambda is always between Lambda H and Lambda V. Weighted Lambda Coefficients n n , v am ab £ Max £ „ n n Weighted Lambda H = -— ^ B — — ^ Max £ ab a - , — b an a. n r, n v, v, mb ,, „ ab E Max z b .b a b .b Weighted Lambda V = u —■ n —r B Max E n ab R - a b n , K .b These are Lambda H and Lambda V calculated using weighted quantities n n l/cc — — and 1/3 — — , respectively^ instead of n . a. .b FREQUENCY Page k No confidence limits are provided for the weighted lambda coef- ficients. k. Gamma Coefficient Zi Z Z Let: Ps = o>, n ab [a'>a b>b n n . h ,] ab ZE Z a' Z b' PD = ab n ab C a '> a b '> b n a'b'^ Then Gamma = PS - PD PS + PD Ninety-five per cent confidence limits for Gamma are calculated using the method outlined and preferred in the second article by Goodman and Kruskal. References These coefficients are discussed and compared by Leo A. Goodman and William H. Kruskal in their article "Measures of Association for Cross Classification", American Statistical Association Journal, December, 195^- The Gamma coefficient is their suggested measure. The C coefficient was first suggested by Karl Pearson and the T coefficient is due to Tchuprow. The Lambda coefficients apparently were first suggested by Louis Guttman ("The Predication of Personal Adjustment", Bulletin h8, Social Science Research Council, New York, 19^+1 "i ■ The development of the approximate sampling theory and of the machinery for calculating the confidence intervals for Lambda and Gamma was done in a sequel article by Goodman and Kruskal: "Measures of Association for Cross Classification III; Approximate Sampling Theory", American Statistical Association Journal , June, 1963- The statistics that are requested will be printed immediately following each table. II. Restrictions The program is limited currently to U50 input variables and 1000 tables. Tables are restricted to a maximum of 80,000 cells, each of which can hold a maximum count of 32, 767. As many tables as will fit into work storage (80,000) will be computed in each read of the data. If tables will fit into 80,000 cells, card input is allowed. If maxima and minima are not specified for card input, data will be transferred to disk during preread of data. FREQUENCY Page 5 III. Parameters Main Parameter Card Immediately following the program name FREQUENCY (mnemonic: FRE), the following parameters are listed, each enclosed in parentheses with a period after the last parameter used: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. 2 - ignore blanks 1 - count blanks separately 2 - count blanks as zeroes _ - normal spacing 3 Spacing . , , / 1 - one table per page h Address of labels. 5 Variable number of weight variable. r „ . - raw data 6 Type of input . n - where n is the number of previously computed tables. If n > 1, then input must be from cards, and each table is a separate data deck. If both parameters 1 and h are cards, the labels must precede data. Subparameters Subparameters follow the main parameter card and can be in any order. A period must follow each subparameter statement though the statement can be continued on more than one card. If the subparameter statement is left out, the option is not used. In the following explanation I = integer and F = real number . Mnemonic Use or Meaning PER(l) (i) (i) . Per cents are requested . 1 - yes l s "k integer = total per cent 2 n integer = row per cent 3 integer = column per cent MIN*F**F* Minimum and maximum are given. The MAX*F**F* last value is propagated to any remaining variables. Data will be reread if either MIN or MAX is missing. FREQUENCY Page 6 Mnemonic MEA(I)(I)(I)(I). Only applicable to 2-way tables Use or Meaning CONTROL (I Hi 11 ONE(l,I,lHl,I.l) TW0(I,I,I)(I,I,I) - no 1 - yes 1 S ^ integer = X (with a code of Measures are requested r 2 2 both X^ and a table of expected frequencies will be printed) 2nd integer = \ (lambda") 3 r integer = weighted X h integer = j ( gamma ^ Up to 10 control variables are allowed. The I ' s should be the variable numbers of the control variables. One and only one of these two must be .... in every program. ONE means one-way tables. TWO means two-way tables. In ONE, (l,I,l) specifies one range of tables. In TWO, (l,I,l) (l,I>l) specifies one range of 2-dimensional tables. The notation (1,1,1 s ! has the following meaning: If it is absent com- pletely, i.e., ONE. or TWO. then all possible tables are calculated. The first integer is the initial value, the second is the terminal value and the third is the increment. It means: take all values starting at the first integer and stepping by the third integer until you reach the second integer. If the third integer is missing, the increment is taken to be one. If the second is also missing, then the first is taken as a single table specification. As many as wanted can be specified subject to the following restrictions: In the two-way tables, no more than 5^0 separate ranges, i.e., (I, I, lHl>I> l) can be specified. IV. Labels Labels can come from cards or temporary storage. Each label should be treated as if it were two variables each h characters long. For example, if there are 6 variables in the input data, then there would be twelve variables for labels and the data card would be DATA(l2) (12AU) . All the labels are treated as one row of input n variables long. Labels need not be given for each variable but if a variable is skipped and more labels follow, then it should be replaced with eight blanks. Examples 1. FRE(C). PER(l). C0NTR0L(1)(3) • 0NE(2,6,2)(9). END P Input is from cards; per cent of totals will be printed; control variables are 1 and 3; resulting tables are 2, k, 6, and 9. Blanks will be ignored. FREQUENCY Page T 2. FRE(C) (2) (1) (C)(2). PER(l) (1) (1) . TW0(3)(1+) (2,6,2) (1,5,2). END P All per cents will be given; 2 will be the weighting variable; resulting tables will be 3 vs h; 2 vs 1; 2 vs 3 j 2 vs 5 > ^ vs 1 ; U vs 3 ; h vs 5 ; 6 vs 1; 6 vs 3; 6 vs 5. Tables will be printed one per page and blanks will be counted as zeroes. Since both labels and data are on cards the deck will look like this: FRE(C) END S DATA(n)(nAU) label for first labeled variable. ENB# MTA(n/2)( ) .label for last labeled variable END# 3- FRE(S1)(1). TWO. MEA(2)(1)(1)(1). END P All possible two-way tables will be calculated; all four measures will be calculated and the table of expected frequencies will be printed. Blanks will be counted separately. k. FRE(C)()()()0(2). ' MEA(l)()(l). END P o Input is m the form of two previously computed tables. X and weighted X will be calculated. Since there are two tables the deck will look like this: FRE(C) END S DATA END# DATA END# FREQUENCY Page 8 VI. Output Examples A. ONE-DIMENSIONAL TABLE A one-dimensional frequency table might "be output as follows VALUE FREQ 1 3 k 25 5 30 9 2 TOTAL 6o This table indicates that the value 1 occurred 3 times, that the value k occurred 25 times, and so on, for a total of 60. B. TWO-DIMENSIONAL TABLE A two-dimensional frequency table might look like this: VARIABLE 1 ACROSS VARIABLE 2 DOWN VALUE 1 3 5 2 1 It 3 5 2 8 1 7 1 2 1 SAMPLE SIZE = 23 This table would indicate that simultaneous observations of 1 for variable 1 and 2 for variable 2 occurred once. A value of 3 for variable 1 at the same time as a value of 5 for variable 2 occurs 8 times. The number of observations in the sample was 23. RANK ORTERING PROGRAM I . General Description A. Purpose The RANK ORDERING program receives as input raw data matrix and produces as output a matrix in which each element has been replaced by a number denoting the rank of the element WITHIN ITS COLUMN. In other words, each column of the input matrix is considered a separate variate and will be converted to a corresponding ranking. The smallest variate-value is assigned rank 1.0, the next largest a rank 2.0, etc., until the largest variate-value is assigned the highest rank. In the case of tied values, identical ranks are assigned to equal values, the rank-number being set equal to the average of the rank which would occur if the tied values were distinguishable. This is sometimes known as "mid-rank method". B. References Kendall, Maurice G., Rank Correlation Methods , Charles Griffin and Co., Ltd. London, I9U8. II. Restrictions A . Input The input data to this program may come from any source. If cards are used as input, the number of rows in the input matrix must be specified on the data format card and the total number of elements in the matrix may not exceed 30,000. The maximum number of rows for any matrix input to this program is 30,000, and the maximum number of columns for any matrix input to this program is U50. B . Output If an input matrix contains more than 30,000 elements, an automatic partitioning of the input data occurs such that each partition contains the maximum number of complete columns possible within the constraint that no one partition may contain more than 30,000 elements. The results of the ranking of each partition are output separately, one partition per output address specified as a parameter on the pro- gram parameter card. A maximum of twenty- one such output address are allowed . CAUTION : If partitioning is anticipated, the user should specify one output address for each partition anticipated. This warning applies especially in the case where printed or punched output occurs. Printing and punching will occur only for the partitions for which it is specified. RANK ORDERING PROGRAM Page 2 The exception is for partitions over the twenty-first one. For partitions beyond the twenty-first, printing and punching is done if it was specified for the twenty-first partition. However, no partitions beyond the twenty- first one may be stored on a peripheral device (SEQUENTIAL address). C. Data Since all comparisons in this program are done in single word length operands, in some cases the program may not be able to successfully differentiate between two values which agree through the first five significant digits and differ in subsequent digits. III. Parameters The parameters for the RANK ORDERING program must follow the program name on the program call card in the order given below: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Addre s s . 2-23 Output Address. IV. Special Comments If RANK ORDER correlation coefficient P (Spearman's rho) is desired, the rankings should be input to the CORRELATION program (see individual program description) and the Product Moment Correlation coefficient obtained. CAUTION : Input to the CORRELATION program is restricted to 175 columns (variables) . STANDARD SCORES General Description This program is used to calculate the following: _ N Mean: i=l 1J N Standard Deviation: Variance : V. Standardized Scores: S.= - N N N E XT. - (2X. .) i=l ^ i=l ^ J 2 , L ' J z. . ID X. . 10 X, 1/2 IX Moving Averages: X J i=l 1J where b=number of periods II. Restrictions A. The maximum number of variables is ^50. B. Means, standard deviations, and W's may be calculated using as many as 30 control variables. Data must be presorted (for instance with SORT-MERGE or on a card sorting machine) on the control variables. C. In obtaining moving averages where nvar = number of variables and b = length of period, nvar*b is fixed for any core size. If a design will not fit, a message will be printed giving proper increment for Region. At 200K approximately 12000 cells (nvar*b) are available . D. Moving averages are exclusive of all other options. E. Output is of four categories: 1. With or Without Control Breaks a. Sample size, mean, standard deviation and variance. b. Moving averages: sample size, mean, standard deviation and variance. Without Control Breaks a. Standard scores, printed output includes sample size, mean, standard deviation and variance. Missing data option for mean, etc., is possible, but user is cautioned against its use. Means, etc., may be output to a temporary storage location. STANDARD SCORES Page 2 Standard scores about a given mean and standard deviation. Printed output includes sample size, mean, standard deviation and variance. Missing data option for mean, etc., is possible. Output may consist of standard scores and about a given mean and standard deviation. Output may be print and/or two different temporary storage locations. Means, etc., may be output to a temporary storage location. III. Parameters The parameters appear on the program call card following the program name STANDARD SCORES in this order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 . Cards if only - means, standard deviations, and variance desired, or if precalculated means and standard deviation are supplied (see parameter 10). 2 Output Address of Standardized Scores. 3 Output Address for Mean, Sample Size, Standard Deviation, and Variance . Sample Size, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Var- iance can be put out on a temporary unit . Output is in the form of four column vectors (N, X, S., V.). J J h If 1, use N-l, if 0, use N for denominator of standard deviations. N-l gives an unbiased estimate of the population standard deviation and population variance. N gives the sample standard deviation and sample variance . 5 Output Address for Standard Scores about a specified Mean and Standard Deviation. SEQUENTIAL 1-13 and/or PRINT. 6 If parameter 5 is being used, place desired Mean between asterisks, for example, *50*. 7 If parameter 5 is being used, place desired Standard Deviation between asterisks, for example, *5*- 8 Moving Averages: Put the number of periods (observations) over which it is desired that the data be averaged (i.e. b) . If control variables are being used and/or the actual number of observations is less than stated, the data will be averaged using the actual number of observations. STANDARD SCORES Page 3 Parameter Number Use or Meaning 9 If set equal to 1, blanks coded as -0.0 will be checked for. s= _ , Tr X., S., and V. will reflect reduced N. 3 3 3 10 Input Address of means and standard deviations. 1st row contains means, 2nd row contains standard deviations. All additional rows input are ignored, Valid only for standard scores. If using controls, on a separate card immediately after the STANDARD SCORES card, list variable numbers of those variables used as controls. For example, if controlling on variables 1, 2, and k: STA(T2)(P) . $C-B(1)(2)(1+). NOTE: If there is only 1 observation and parameter k is set to 1, then the mean, standard deviation and variance for that variable will be set to zero. If blanks are checked and standard scores are requested, those observations which have a blank will remain blank after calculation of standard scores. Example (Use of Parameter 10 ) // EXEC SOUP //SYS IN DD * MAT. M0V(C)(S1). END P C0R(S1)(S2). MAT. TEA(S2)(S3). END P STA(S1)(P)()()()()()0()(S3). END S DATA(lO) (10F1.0) END# /* ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE PACKAGE BALANOVA 5 A General Analysis of Variance Program for the IBM 709^- Paul Herzberg August 1966 Statistical Service Unit Research, University of Illinois, Urbana Table of Contents Chapter 1. General Description Page 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Special features 1.3 Legal designs in BALANOVA 5 l.k Calculations for equal and unequal number of replications 1.5 Specification of a design Chapter 2. Design Examples OMITTED TEMPORARILY Chapter 3 • Preparation of Input 3.1 Introduction 3-2 Data matrix examples Chapter k. Program Details Page 8 Page 9 Page 15 h.1 Method and program flow k.2 Some comments on accuracy of computation k.3 Error conditions k.h Program checkout h.^> Number of levels of the replication factor h.6 Acknowledgements ^•7 References Appendix. Key to designs in Winer and Lindquist Page 21 OMITTED TEMPORARILY BALANOVA 5 This version of BALANOVA 5 is unchanged as far as computations are concerned from the original program written by Paul Herzberg in August, 1966. See his write-up for explanation and references for the calculations, Each observation (row of data) input to this program must be identi- fied by a number for each factor including the replication factor. These numbers (which cannot be punched in I format) represent the levels of the corresponding factors and must precede the dependent variables. In the output produced by the program, each factor is given a unique letter name beginning with A. Thus the first column of the input data corresponds to' the levels of factor A which is described on the first factor specification card (see below). Each additional factor is given the next letter in til alphabet, and a corresponding factor specification card. The dependent onTttoL I ^Vf/^r l6VelS ° n the lnPUt ^ and th ^ are numbered program! *" ° f dependent variables, in the output of the name ^AL^NOvTT "^w^*?' *** followln S Parameters follow the program name, BALANOVA 5; with the first four parameters being required. Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 2 Input Address. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 OR CARDS. Number of factors counting replication factor if there is one. Maximum = 10. 3 Number of dependent variables. Maximum = 200. k Number of levels of the 1 st factor. J 1-3 lMirm'hov <->-P 1 Q,r»i ^ „.p j--u _ ^,__ i -, „th 11+ Number of levels of the 2nd - 10 th factors, 1 if desire unweighted means analysis even though have proportional cell frequencies. p 1 to suppress printing of cell means, fs „„+•"? t he P r °e ram ca rd is a separate subparameter card (factor speci- the innTtT^ I T* f&Ct ° T ln the 0rder in Which the Actors appear in the input data. Each card has the following parameters. Parameter Number Use or Meaning if fixed factor 1 if random factor if not the replication factor 1 if is the replication factor BALANOVA 5 Page 2 Parameter Number Use or Meaning 3-11 factors in which this factor is nested As in other SOUPAC programs, parameters at the end of the card which are not used may be deleted and the period appear after the last non-zero para- meter. The factor specification cards must be followed by an END PROGRAM card. BALANOVA 5 Chapter 1. General Description 1.1 Introduction BALANOVA 5 is a general analysis of variance program applicable to a wide-range of balanced designs. In the case of designs with a replication factor, BALANOVA 5 allows inequality in the number of replications in each cell. If the number of replications is equal or proportional, the analysis is handled by least squares (weighted means). If the number of replications is not proportional then an unweighted means analysis is performed. This is an approximation to the least squares solution. BALANOVA 5 accepts some designs that are not completely crossed, namely those nested designs in which all main factors are balanced. Hence hierarchical designs are allowed. As well, repeated measures designs are allowed. In these designs the replication factor is not nested in all the other factors. The design model may be fixed-effects, random- effects or mixed. BALANOVA 5 automatically determines all the legal sources of variation (main effects and interactions^ and determines the correct denominator mean square for those sources which can be tested by F test. In order to do this, BALANOVA 5 first generates the expected mean square table which is printed in readable form. The method used closely follows Scheffe (1959"), Chapter 8. BALANOVA 5 will accept most of the designs described in Winer (1962), Chapters 3, h, 5, 6, and 7 and Lindquist (1953), Chapters 3, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 13 (Types I, III, V1 1. Chapter 2 and the Appendix of this manual contain a large number of examples drawn from these two books. The author was somewhat reluctant to develop BALANOVA 5 and is hesitant to encourage its wide use for the following reasons: 1. A general program such as BALANOVA 5 encourages the use of statistics in a "cook-book" manner. Data is generated to fit the input specifications of the program with no consideration given to the theory of analysis of variance. The experimenter who uses a computer program in this way often neglects to consider whether the statistical test is appropriate for the work he is interested in and whether the assumptions needed for the test are satisfied in the particular experiment he has used. 2. In the author's experience, the results printed by such a program as BALANOVA 5 have a certain finality which encourages the user to accept the results as gospel truth. When used in this way, the experimenter forgets that there is a real possibility of programming or machine error. 3- In the particular case of analysis of variance, the idea has become widespread that the summary table of F ratios is the most important part of the analysis. This is not the case . The most important part of analysis of variance -2- BALANOVA 5 is the estimation of the main effects and the interactions. Only by looking at their size can the experimenter evaluate what is happening in his experiment. In order to encourage this use of analysis of variance, BALANOVA 5 prints a table of marginal means which allows easy calculation of all the effects in the experiment. The F table is only a set of warning signals. A non- significant F indicates that the corresponding differences between effects can be attributed to sheer chance. k. BALANOVA 5 performs an unweighted-means analysis when the replication numbers are non-proportional. The author fears that this option will be used too often and without consideration of its dangers. The unweighted- means solution is often not satisfactory and references on analysis of variance should be consulted. (Scheffe, 1959, Winer, 1962, Lindquist, 1953). BALANOVA 5 was designed to reduce the great amount of hand computation needed in analysis of variance calculations. It was not intended to eliminate the necessity of the user being familiar with the theory of analysis of vari- ance. It is hoped that the above comments will discourage some indiscriminant use of BALANOVA 5- 1.2 Special Features The output from BALANOVA 5 consists of 1. A table of the expected mean squares in readable form. 2. The number of replications in each cell in the case of designs with a replication factor. 3- The table of marginal means. All means entering in the computation of the sum of squares are printed. h. The analysis of variance summary table including, for each source of variation, the sum of squares and mean square, and for each source with denominator, the F ratio and the probability of the chance occurance of the F ratio. A feature of BALANOVA 5 is its flexible specification of analysis of variance designs, allowing a wide range of designs to be described by a common code . A large number of checks are made by BALANOVA 5 to ensure that the design is legal and that the data correspond to the design. Diagnostics are printed to indicate all error conditions. BALANOVA 5 1-3 Legal Design of BALANOVA 5 Consider the following definitions, taken from Scheffe (1959) • Let there be p factors in a design, not counting the replication factor, if there is one. A cell is specified by a set of p levels, one for each factor. The layout of design is complete if there is at least one ob- servation in every cell. The factors in such a design are completely crossed. If the design is complete and there is a replication factor (i.e. all cells have at least one observation and at least one cell has more than one observation^ then the design is considered to be a Class A design in BALANOVA 5- There are many analysis of variance designs which are not complete in the above sense. Examples of incomplete designs are Latin-square, incomplete blocks and nested designs. The only incomplete designs which are allowed in BALANOVA 5 are nested designs which are balanced in all factors except for the replication factor (which need not be balanced). These incomplete designs are called Class B and C designs. "Nesting" "balanced" and "replication factor" are defined in the nest three para- graphs. These definitions are illustrated in Chapter 2. Nesting may be defined as follows: The levels of a factor C are nested within the levels of a factor A (in short, C is nested within A) if and only if each level of C appears with only a single level of A in the observations. Note that if C is not nested within A, it is crossed with A, but only if every level of C appears with every level of A is C completely crossed with A. Latin-square and incomplete block designs are only partly crossed. A nested factor C is balanced if the number of levels of C is the same within each combination of those factors within which C is nested and the factors (if any) which are crossed with C are completely crossed. A replication factor , in BALANOVA 5, is a factor which is nested within one or more other factors, but not necessarily within all other factors. Furthermore, no factor may be nested within the replication factor. That is, a factor is a replication factor if and only if for every other factor A in the design, it is either nested within A or crossed with A. A replication factor may be nested within some factors and crossed with others. There can be at most one replication factor in a design. The distinction is made between replication factors and other nested factors in BALANOVA 5 since replication factors do not have to be balanced . All other factors must be balanced. Using these definitions, the following designs are legal in BALANOVA 5- Class A designs (completely crossed with nested replications) Class A designs contain (p + 1) factors of which p are the main factors and the other factor is the replication factor. The following two conditions must both be met for the design to be Class A. -k- BALANOVA 5 (a) All p main factors are completely crossed. (b) The replication factor is nested in all main factors. Thus one-way and factorial designs are Class A designs. Class E designs (other replication designs) Class B designs also contain (p + 1) factors of which p are the main factors and the other factor is the replication factor. However one or both of the two conditions, (a) and (b), are not satisfied in Class B designs. When (a) is not satisfied, that is, the p main factors are not completely crossed, then the main factors must satisfy the following condition. (a') Consider any two main factors, A and B. Either A is completely crossed with B, or A is nested within B or B is nested within A. This must be true for all pairs of main factors. Further- more, at least one pair must have the nested relationship or else (al would be satisfied. When (b) is not satisfied, then the following condition must be true. (b') The replication factor is nested in at least one but not all main factors. Note that the requirement that the replication factor be nested in at least one factor is part of the basic definition of a replication factor. Class B designs then can be of the following two types. Hierarchical designs: (a') and (b) are satisfied. The replication factor is nested in all factors but there is some nesting among the main factors. Repeated measures designs: (b 1 ) is satisfied. Either (a) or (a') can be satisfied. The necessary feature (b 1 ) of repeated measures designs is that the replication factor is crossed with one or more of the main factors. The factors in which the replication factor is nested may themselves be either crossed (a) or nested (a'). Class C designs (no replication factor) Class C designs have p factors and there is no replication factor. All factors must be balanced. For each pair of factors, e.g. factors A and B, either A is completely crossed with B, or A is nested within B or B is nested within A. There does not necessarily have to be any nesting at all. BALANOVA 5 In summary, then, designs are classed in the following way in BALANOVA 5. Class A and B designs have a replication factor, Class C designs do not. Class A designs are distinguished from Class B designs in that a Class A must have l) all main factors completely crossed and 2) the replication factor nested in all main factors. Class B designs violate one or both these requirements. In Class A and B designs, the replication factor does not need to be balanced. However all nested factors, except the replication factor (if any^, must be balanced. Recall that in Class A designs, the replication factor is the only nested factor. As explained above, the replication factor is distinguished from other nested factors since it does not have to be balanced. There are two other reasons for distinguishing the replication factor from other nested factors. These reasons are important even if the replication factor is balanced. 1. In Class A designs (completely crossed with replications) only cell means are stored in the computer and thus very large designs can be accommodated. The allowable number of replications in each cell is virtually unlimited. 2. For all replication designs, whether of Class A or B, the level number for the replication factor in each nest does not need to run from one up to the maximum number of levels in each nest as it does for all other factors. Any convenient numbering of the replications may be used (e.g. a unique number for every subject in the experiment, regardless of the nest within which he is"> . This feature of BALANOVA 5 is especially useful when several dependent variables are analyzed and there is missing data for some of the subjects for some of the dependent variables. l.U Calculations for equal and unequal number of replications The calculations performed by BALANOVA 5 for designs with a replication factor (Class A and B designs) depend on whether the number of replications in each cell are equal or unequal. If the numbers are equal, the standard analysis of variance calculation is made (least-squares or weighted means analysis^. If the numbers are unequal, a check is first made to see if the cell N's are proportional. In a two-way analysis of variance, for example, the cell N's are proportional if the number of replications in the ij cell, N-ji, satisfies 1J N rr where the T's indicate marginal totals. If the cell N's are proportional, BALANOVA 5 makes the least-squares calculations, i.e. weighted means are used. If the cell N's are not proportional, then the method of unweighted means is used (See Scheffe, pp. 262-3 or Winer, pp. 222-U) . BALANOVA 5 In general, if 1, j, k, X are those factors within which the replication factor is nested (not necessarily all the factors in the design'), and if N then the cell N's are proportional, if, for all combinations ijk...A, ink. , .X ^ s ^ e num b er °f replications in a particular nested cell, N N iTT. ijk. . . .X ■ T X N TjT. N ,q-i TTT. x N TTT X In this formula, the T's indicate marginal totals and q is the number of factors within which the replication factor is nested. In particular, the one-way analysis with unequal N's is a proportional design (i.e. the cell N's are proportional ) by this definition, since N. N. N i (V N. 1 In fact any design in which the replication factor is nested in only one factor is a proportional design. 1-5 Specification of a Design Any design is described by listing the following information about each factor in the design, including the replication factor if there is one. The information for each factor is punched on a separate card (a factor specifi- cation card), and the cards should be in the same order as the factors are in the input data. Each parameter should be enclosed in parentheses, and each card terminated by a period. Parameter 1 Type of factor. The first parameter on each factor specification card should be a zero if the factor is fixed, and a one if it is random. The replication factor is a lways a random factor. At least one factor in every design must be random. Parameter 2 Replication Factor . If the design has a replication factor, this is indicated by punching a one for the second parameter. A design may have only one replication factor. If there is no replication factor, the second parameter should be zero (or blank) on all of the factor specification cards. Parameter 3-11 Nesting . The factors in which the given factor ( the one to which this card refers^ is nested are listed. Factors are numbered from one through the number of factors in the design. If the factor is not nested, parameters 3-H may be completely omitted. -7- BALANOVA 5 An example of this way of specifying a design will be now given. Consider a two-way analysis of variance with subjects within cells. The design is considered to have three (not two) factors, namely A and B, the main factors, and C, the replication factor. Suppose there are 3 levels of A and k levels of B and that each cell has 10 subjects. The cards used to perform this analysis are listed below. Each line corresponds to one IBM card. TRANSFORMATIONS (CARDS) (SEQUENTIAL l) (k) . END PROGRAM BALAN0VA( SEQUENTIAL D (3^ (l) (3) (k) (10) . (0>(0). (o)(o). (1)(1)(1)(2). END PROGRAM The first card listed above calls the TRANSFORMATION program and uses it to store raw data from cards onto sequential file number 1 (SEQUENTIAL 1) . The number four is the total number of variables, independent (3) + dependent (l). Since no transformations are performed, the END PROGRAM card immediately follows the main program card. The third card listed above calls the BALANOVA program. The first para- meter is the location of the data (SEQUENTIAL V, the second is the number of factors (3" 1 , the third is the number of dependent variables (1), the fourth is the number of levels of the first factor (3S followed by the number of levels of the second factor (k) , and finally the number of levels of the last factor, which is the maximum cell size (10) when considering the repli- cation factor. The fourth card is the factor specification card for factor 1. The first 2 parameters are zero, labeling this factor as fixed, and as not being the replication factor. The fifth card is the factor specification card for factor 2 which is also fixed, and not the replication factor. Note that parameters 3-11 are blank, as factors 1 and 2 are not nested in any other factors. The sixth card is the factor specification card for factor 3- Its four parameters denote it as a random factor, as the replication factor, and as nested in factors 1 and 2. The seventh card terminates the BALANOVA program. -8- BALANOVA 5 Chapter 2. Design Examples OMITTED TEMPORARILY -9- BALANOVA 5 Chapter 3- Preparation of Input 3-1 Introduction The following rules apply to the assignment of factor levels in all types of designs. There is usually no need to rekeypunch existing data however, as it is almost always possible to create the factor levels in the TRANSFORMATIONS program. If you need help using this program, see a SOUPAC consultant. (al Non-replication Factors in Class A, E and C designs The levels for non-replication factors must run from one (l) con- secutively up to the number of levels given on the BALANOVA call card. E.g., if a factor represents four treatment groups, these groups must be numbered 1, 2, 3, and k and each subject's row or rows in the data matrix must have a 1, 2, 3, or k punched to indicate the group he is in. If the factor is nested, the level numbers must run from one (l^ up, in each cell of the nest. See the example given in Section 3-2. (b^ Replication Factors in Class A design The replication numbers (level numbers"! can be anything , for example, a subject identification number. The subject numbers do not have to be unique either in a group or between groups. In fact, to tell the truth, in Class A designs, the replication level is not used but it must never- theless appear, even if it is a dummy. This statement does not apply to other design classes. (c) Replication Factors in Class B designs, of repeated measures type Special care must be taken with the replication levels in those designs. Let us divide the non-replication factors into two groups : a- set: those factors in which the replication factor is nested. P-set: all other factors - i.e. those factors crossed with the replication factor. If the p-set is empty, the design is of hierarchical rather than repeated measures type. See paragraph (d) below. Let us denote by an a- cell a particular set of levels of the factors in the a-set. The replications in this cell may be any values (not necessarily from one (IV up) but must be distinct. Again, the numberings in two different a- cells do not have to be distinct, but can be. In other words, if the replication factor is subjects, an identification number may be used as the replication level. Now each subject appears in more than one row (card) of the data matrix since each subject appears with every combination of levels of the factors in the p-set. Now it should be obvious that every row that refers to the same subject has to have the same replication number. This is the only way that BALANOVA 5 can tell that two different rows refer to the same subject. 10- BALANOVA 5 (d'l Replication Factors in Class B designs, of hierarchical type The subject numbers must all be different within any one cell (one level set of the non-replication factors) but may be the same over different cells. Special note on missing data If a dependent variable' field on a card is totally blank, BALANOVA 5 does not include the score in the analysis for the given dependent variable. However other non-blank dependent variable fields on the same card will be included in their respective analyses. Do not confuse this deletion of missing data with an error comment by BALANOVA 5 to the effect that there is no data cell A = 1, B = 2. This comment means that no data card with A = 1, B = 2 had non-blank data for the given dependent variable'. 3-2 Data matrix examples Class A design In all the following examples, it is assumed data is stored on sequential file number 1 (SEQUENTIAL l) . Consider a two-way design with three subjects in each cell. For the purpose of BALANOVA, subjects are also considered to be a factor, the replication factor. Suppose that there are two dependent variables, and further that the factor specification cards are listed in the order given below, following the main program card. BALANOVA (SEQUENTIAL V (3) (2) (2) (3) (3) • (0)(0). (D(iHiH3 N . (oKo). END PROGRAM Note that, contrary to the usual case, the replication is the second factor. This illustrates one flexible feature of BALANOVA 5. A data matrix could be; 1 1 1 20 19 1 2 l 8 8 1 3 l k k 1 h 2 -3 6 1 5 2 1+ 10 1 6 2 2 3 1 7 3 k h 1 8 3 6 2 1 9 3 8 k 2 10 1 2 7 2 11 1 -k 8 -11- BALANOVA 5 12 1 25 2 2 13 2 126 15 2 lU 2 2 20 2 15 2 3 3 2 16 3 1+ k 2 17 3 5 -1 2 18 3 3 2 Note that the first column is the A level, the third column is the C level and the second column is the replication level, which in Class A designs can be anything. The last two columns are the dependent variables. Each row of the data matrix would be punched on one or more cards. A possible format would be (3F5.0,3X,2F6.0) . The order of the rows is immaterial. They could be in any order and have been written in a systematic order only for convenience. Class B design - repeated measures The data in Winer, Table 7-2-3 could be analyzed with the following pro- gram, using three factors and one dependent variable. BALANOVA (SEQUENTIAL l) (3) (l) (2) (k) (3) • (0)(0). (oVo). END PROGRAM Data Card s : 1 1 l 1 2 l 1 3 l 5 1 k l 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 5 1 k 2 ^ etc. d 1 5 5 2 o 5 U 2 3 5 6 2 h 5 6 2 1 6 7 2 2 6 5 2 3 6 8 2 k 6 9 Again, the rows could be any order. The subjects in the second level of factor A could be assigned level numbers 1, 2, 3 or any other thre distinct numbers. A possible format for this matrix is (2F5 .0,F6 .0,1X,F7.0) . Another repeated measure design is Winer, Table J.k-3- Here we have four factors and one dependent variable. -12- BALANOVA 5 BALANOVA( SEQUENTIAL l") (If) (l) (2) (2) (3) (k) (0)(0). (o)(o). (1)(1)(1)(2). (0)(0). END PROGRAM Data Card s : 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 1 2 llf 1 1 1 3 12 1 1 1 k 6 1 1 2 1 19 1 1 2 2 12 1 1 2 3 8 1 1 2 h If etc. 1 2 6 l 18 1 2 6 2 10 1 2 6 3 5 1 2 6 If 1 2 1 7 1 16 o 1 7 c 10 2 1 7 3 8 2 1 7 if If etc. 2 2 12 1 16 2 2 12 2 12 2 2 12 3 8 2 2 12 If 8 The assignment of levels to factors A, B, D (columns 1, 2, h) has to be as shown above, but the subjects numbers can be changed provided that, for each (A,B) cell, no two subjects have the same number. A possible format is (2F5-0, 1X,2F5-0,F12.0) . Class B design - hierarchical Consider the following design with three factors and one dependent vari- able. BALANOVA ( SEQUENTIAL! ) (3^ (D (2) (2) (If) . (o)(o). (o)(o)(i). (1)(1)(1)(2). END PROGRAM This is a hospitals (factor 2) within drugs (factor 1) design, illustrated below, with unequal cell size. .13- BALANOVA 5 Cards : 1 1 1 5-0 1 1 2 k.2 1 2 1 5-6 1 2 £1 3-2 1 2 3 1+.6 2 1 1 5-3 2 1 2 8.2 2 1 3 k.3 2 1 U 6.3 2 2 1 5-7 2 2 2 6.8 Note that the hospitals are numbered 1, 2 in each level of factor 1 even though there are four different hospitals involved. This is necessary since factor 2 is a non-replication factor - see the rules about Data Cards in Section 3-1- There are 2 patients in hospital 1 for drug 1, 3 patients in hospital 2 for drug 1, k patients in hospital 1 for drug 2 and 2 patients in hospital 2 for drug 2. The patient numbering is flexible - it could be a different number for every patient, regardless of hospital. A possible format is (3F5 -0,F7.l) . Class C design The example in Winer, Table h.3-1, could be set up as follows, with two factors and one dependent variable. BALANOVA (SEQUENTIAL 1) (?.) (l) (5) (k) . (D(0). (0)(0). END PROGRAM Data Cai ■ds : 1 1 30 1 3 16 2 1 Ik 2 o 18 2. 3 10 r- : k 22 1 2 28 3 1 2k 2 20 3 _ 3 18 3 k 30 k 1 38 1 k- 3^ k 2 3^ k 3 20 k k kk 5 k 30 5 3 Ik 5 2 28 5 1 26 -Ill- BALANOVA 5 The rows have been written in a non-systematic order to emphasis that, without exception , in BALANOVA 5 the data rows can be in any order. A possible format is (2F5 -0,F10.0) . ■15- BALANOVA 5 Chapter h. Program Details U.l Method and program flow The program follows the procedures in Scheffe (1959) , Chapter 8. Scheffe's discussion will not be repeated here, but only a general description of the program flow will be given. The names of the subroutines used are indicated in case reference is made to the program listing. Many of the minor steps and subroutines are not described. 1. Main Program 2. Calls subroutines and routes your data through the program. Design input and check (iNPUTD) The Factor Specification Cards are read and checked for errors. Many of the error conditions mentioned in Section k.3 are checked in INPUTD. The design is transformed into the symbolic notation of live, dead and absent subscripts as in Scheffe. 3- Derivation of all legal sources (LEGALS,NEWS) All possible interactions are generated but only one interaction with a given set of subscripts is retained. The procedure is identical to Scheffe, p. 277- para. 1. The program now has a list of all legal sources (including the original factors'! . k. Expected mean squares (AUXIL,EMS) The expected mean squares for each source are, of course, not computable numbers, bu!, rather symbolic expressions. (cf. last column, Table 8.2.2, Scheffe). The program generates and prints these expression in a form very close to the normal printed form. The method is from Scheffe, pp. 28U-8. 5- Denominator for each source (FINDEN) By the standard procedures, using the expected mean squares, the program determines the correct denominator (if any) for each source. 6. Sorting of sources for summary table (SORT) The sources are sorted in a convenient order, combining all sources with the same denominator. This order is then used in printing the summary table . 7 Input of data (INPUTX) The input data is read from the input device (the first parameter on the main program card' . The grand means for each dependent variable are computed, ignoring missing ( blank ^ data. -l6- BALANOVA 5 8. Storage of data for one dependent variable (READX) This routine as well as all the remaining ones are executed in cycle once for each dependent variable . READX stored the data in core and checks that no data is missing in the design. The data is actually stored as deviations from the grand mean. This is done to improve accuracy. See Section k.2. 9. Check of replication numbers (CELLN) In the case of Class A and B designs, BALANOVA 5 checks whether the call frequencies are equal, proportional or non-proportional. 10. Computation of sum of squares (SSEQU, SSPR0P,XMEAN) The marginal means and sums of squares for each legal source are calculated. 11. Computation and printing of final summary table (FISHER, FPRINT) These calculations are made in the standard way. k.2 Some comments on accuracy of computation An attempt was made in the design of this program to eliminate the largest sources of computational inaccuracies that can occur in analysis of variance calculations. Consider a one-way analysis with the following data: Group 1 Group 2 Gro up 3 8.88 8.90 8.90 8.91 8.91 8.90 9-00 Sums of squares computations are generally made as the sums and differences of two or more terms. In this example, the exact calculations would be SS between = 1188.2500 - 1188.1500 = 0.1000 SS within = ll88.255 l + - 1188.2500 = 0.005*+ Note that these answers each have a string of zeros following the given digits since they are exact. However on a computer, with about 8 digit accuracy, the differences would only be accurate to about four decimals due to the cancellation of all the higher order digits by subtraction. 8 77 8 79 8 80 82 ans 8 82 Me 8 80 8.96 8.99 9-00 9-02 9-03 -17- BALANOVA 5 This is illustrated by a calculation using the previous analysis of variance program in SOUPAC. SOUPAC ' s answers were: SS between = 0.10000610 SS within = 0.0053863525 (5 significant digits) (2 significant digits) Note the large errors in these SS. Even worse errors can occur in other data. The whole problem could be avoided by accumulating a true sum of squares, that is, by adding positive numbers to form each SS rather than taking a difference of two large numbers. However this procedure was rejected because it is extremely slow. The following procedure is used in BALANOVA 5 and it is very effective. The data are internally transformed to deviations from the grand mean . This is why the grand means are computed in subroutine INPUTX before the deviations are actually stored in the memory in subroutine READX. When the deviations are used the individual terms which are added and subtracted to give each SS are now numbers of approximately the same size as the SS itself. This means that the number of significant digits in the SS is large even if the grand mean is large. In the example given above, the deviation scores are: Group 1 -•13 -.11 -.10 -.08 -.08 Means .10 Group 2 -.02 .00 .00 + .01 + .01 .00 Group 3 + .06 + .09 + .10 + .12 + .12 + .10 and the SS are computed as SS between = 0.10000000 - 0.00000000 = 0.10000000 SS within = 0. 105^0000 - 0.10000000 = 0.005^0000 The actual results produced by BALANOVA 5 were SS between = 0.099999998 (8 significant digits) SS within = 0.0053999992 (7 significant digits) Note the great improvement in accuracy. As a final feature of BALANOVA 5, the approximate number of significant digits in each SS is calculated and printed alongside each SS. These numbers should not be interpreted exactly but only as a warning when they are small. The approximate number of significant digits is calculated in the following way: -18- BALANOVA 5 (a) Find the largest term, in absolute value, entering into the calculation of the SS. In the example above, the largest term in SS within is the first term (0.105U0000) . (b) Take the ratio of this largest term to the SS itself. In the example, this ratio = 0.105^0000/0. 005^0000. (c) The approximate number of significant digits is then = 8.0-log,Q (ratio). In the example, this is 8.0-1. 38 = 6.62 which is printed by BALANOVA 5 as 7j a pretty good estimate. Note that the number of significant digits printed by BALANOVA 5 reflects the loss of accuracy in the computation of the SS from two or more terms. It does not reflect loss of accuracy due to computation of the terms them- selves. U.3 Error conditions BALANOVA 5 makes a detailed check to insure that the design is legal, that none of the computer storage arrays are exceeded and that all the data corresponds to cells within the specified design. The following general types of errors are distinguished and corresponding error messages are printed giving detailed instructions about how to correct the error. 1. One of the restrictions on program size has been exceeded. These restrictions are: (a) maximum number of factors = 10 (b N ; maximum number of legal sources = 100 (c) maximum size of X- storage array (used for data, means and cell numbers) = 10,000 (d) maximum number of dependent variables = 200 (e) maximum number of sigma-squared terms in any one expected mean square = 10 2. The factor specification cards are incorrect or inconsistent. This is, the design is illegal. The checks made are: (a) all nested factors must be listed as a factor. (b) no factor may be nested within itself. (c) at most one factor can be the replication factor. Furthermore, the replication factor must be nested in at least one other factor and no factor can be nested in the replication factor. -19- BALANOVA 5 -- (d) the factor type must be fixed or random. (e) the maximum number of levels for each factor must be more than one . (f) there must be at least one denominator term in the analysis of variance summary table. If this is not the case it is probably due to no factor being designated as a random factor. 3. A Data Card has a level set which exceeds the limits stated in the maximum number of levels on the Factor Specification Cards. k. Once the data for a dependent variable has been read in, a detailed check is made to insure that all cells in the design are filled. If one cell is not, the calculation for that design is deleted and the program moves on to the next dependent variable after printing sufficient information for the user to locate the missing datum. An additional check for Class B and C designs is made to insure that data for a given subscript set is not read in twice. If two data cards specify the same level set, a comment is made to this effect and the calculations for the dependent variable are deleted. Note that both the checks mentioned in this paragraph are made independently for each dependent variable and are made after the missing data (blank fields) for that dependent variable have been deleted. Errors referred to in this paragraph are not fatal and the program proceeds to the next dependent variable. 5. About one dozen other checks are made. They should always be passed satisfactorily since the design is first checked as above. These additional checks were inserted to assist in debugging the program and if one of them fails it indicates a remaining error in the program. A printed message is made to this effect in these cases. k .k Program Checkout BALANOVA 5 has been checked on a large number of designs. Among these, the following calculations were reproduced by BALANOVA 5 : 1. Lindquist, p. 266, Class A. 2. Winer, Table 7-8-3 (P- 376^, both least-squares and unweighted means, Class B. k.5 Number of levels of the replication factor The rules in Section 1.5 and Chapter 3 are strict in the sense that, if they are followed, BALANOVA 5 will execute correctly. However the rules may be relaxed or ignored in the case of the number of levels of the repli- cation factor and it is sometimes convenient to do so. In Class A designs, any number of levels of the replication factor may be punched on the Factor Specification Card provided the number is > 2. This -20- BALANOVA 5 is so because in Class A designs only cell means are stored and the program does not check the replication number anyway. This rule relaxation is use- ful when it is inconvenient for the user to calculate ahead of time how many subjects are in each cell. In Class B designs, any number of levels of the replication factor may be punched on the Factor Specification Card provided (al the number is > the maximum number of replications in any one nest, and (b) the number is not so large that the restriction on the size of the X matrix (10,000) is exceeded. Again this rule relaxation saves the user from having to know the maximum number of replications before using BALAW0VA 5, provided he knows an upper limit. The restriction on the size of the X matrix will not often be ex- ceeded. However, the user has not been informed, in this manual, how to estimate the size of the X matrix needed, since this limit is complicated to specify. h.6 Acknowledgements The general theory of balanced analysis of variance designs was first introduced to the writer by Professor R. W. Frankmann. The procedures used in this program are very similar to the approach he taught. The author is indebted to John Paraskevopoulos who helped greatly in the revision of this manual. U.7 References Hays, W. L. : Statistics for Psychologists . New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963- Lindquist, E. F. : Design and Analysis of Experiments in Psychology and Education . Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953. Scheffe, H. A.: The Analysis of Variance . New York : Wiley, 1959- Winer, B. J. : Statistical Principles in Experimental Design . New York: McGraw-Hill, 19b 2. " ~ 21 ~ BALANOVA 5 Appendix. Key to Designs in Winer and Lindquist OMITTED TEMPORARILY CLASSIFICATION I . General Description The CLASSIFICATION program is designed to measure individuals against previously determined groups in order to determine probable group member- ship. The classification is done in a reduced test space derived from discriminant analysis. The method of classification is based on the premise that a. group is totally described by its mean (or centroid) and dispersion; the individual's relation to each group is determined by a X 2 which indicates how many members of the group are farther from the centroid than he, and a Bayesian probability of membership in the group based on this X 2 . For each individual, the X 2 and probability for each group are given; the user then applies a decision rule of his choice for assigning individuals to groups. Since analysis is to be performed in a reduced space, the means and dispersion of each group must also be reduced to this space. The CLASSI- FICATION program performs these reductions. The calculation of probabilities requires the specification of the number of members in each group against which the individual is being compared. This may be the numbers actually in the groups used for finding experimental means and standard deviations or the number of individuals from the total group being tested who are to be assigned to each group. These numbers are specified as subparamters . In every case the input is expected in the form in which it is output by the DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS program. Input is limited to 16 groups and 50 variables. II . Parameters The program name CLASSIFICATION is followed by these parameters on the program call card: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address of discriminant vectors. The vectors are expected as columns. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 2 Input Address of means. The means for a given group are expected as a row. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 3 Input Address of dispersion matrices. The dispersion matrices are expected in a vertically augmented form. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- k Input Address of individual scores. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- CLASSIFICATION Page 2 Parameter Number Use or Meaning 5 Output Address for inverse of dispersion matrix. PRINT or SEQUENTIAL 1-15. 2 6 Output Address for X and probabilities for each subject. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. (Output on SEQUENTIAL is in the form N., X._, X. , Y.,, Y. 1/ il' in' ll in where N. = sequential subject number in groups X. . = j probabilities for i subject th 2 th . Y. . = j X for i subject) 7 . Number of groups. 8 Number of variables. 9 Input Address of group sample sizes. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- * * Must be a row vector (l observation) with the number of discriminant vectors as the first variable. The form output by Discriminant Analysis Program may be used. If provided independent of Discriminant Analysis, be sure to use single precision integer mode ( I -format, fixed mode). If sample sizes and any other input are from cards, sample sizes are given first. DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Page 1 DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Suppose that we have k populations (groups) and p measures (variables) on each member of each population. We want to test the hypothesis that our groups are significantly different on the entire set of variables. This one-way multivariate analysis of variance hypothesis is tested by this program. The program then locates the dimensions (discriminant functions) along which the group differences are maximum. Thus, we need some function to transform the p variates into a smaller set of independent measures which will indicate the differences between the groups. The DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS program finds the independent linear functions of the variables which maximally discriminate between the populations (groups input 1. The results from this program, namely the discriminant functions, may be used in the CLASSIFICATION program to determine the probability that any subject belongs in any group. Also, by looking at the coefficients of the functions, we can determine to what extent each of the p variates contributes to each function. In order to do this we need to determine the coefficients of the functions such that the ratio of variances between groups to the variances within groups is maximized, i.e. the differences between groups are to be large relative to the differences within groups. In matrix terms, we are trying to maximize the ratio f . ' Af. f . 'Wf . 1 1 th -1 where f . is the eigenvector associated with the i eigenvalue \i of W A, A = the covariance matrix between means, k a. . = Z N (X. - X.) (X. - X.) ij g=1 S ig i Dg 3 and W = the covariance matrix within classes, k N g w. . = £ [ E (X. - X. ) (X. - X. )] 13 g=l n=l xgn lg 3gn Jg where k = number of groups, N = number of subjects in group g, N = total number of subjects, and i and j run from 1 to p, where p = number of variables. To find the maximum, we derive from the partial derivatives of that ratio, the matrix equation (W _1 A - XI ) F =0 where F is the matrix of eigenvectors. The eigenvectors are the coefficients of the discriminant functions. The relative sizes of the eigenvalues indicate the extent to which the associated discriminant functions distinguish DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Page 2 among the groups. The percentage of the total discriminating power of the variables contained in the j"th discriminant function is represented by 100 ( ^ N (N should be the smaller of £ X. k-1 and p) i=l i In addition to obtaining the eigenvalues and discriminating coefficients, the program will compute scaled vectors to show the relative contributions of the variables to the discriminant function by f ' = (»..) ^ 2 /f.. id 1X ' ^ II. INPUT Input to the DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS program consists of two or more data groups. Each data group consists of a set of observations on two or more variables. All of the groups must contain observations on the same set of variables. The groups may be input as separate card decks (each preceded by a DATA format card and followed by an END# card), as data groups located on separate temporary storage areas, or as a mixture of data groups on card decks and data decks on temporary storage areas. For examples see Section VIII. III. SIGNIFICANCE TESTS The measure of significance calculated in the DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS program is a Wilks' lambda (likelihood ratio test statistic). This is a test of the discriminating power of the test battery. It tests the hypothesis that the population centroids (mean vectors) are equal for the k groups. The Wilks' lambda is a function of the roots of W _ l A and is of the following form: r 1 A = n 1-X. i-1 where r is the lesser of k - 1 and p. In matrix terms this criterion is defined in the following manner: A = W where W is the pooled within groups deviation score cross-products and T is the total sample covariance matrix. As |t| increases relative to |w| the ratio decreases in value with an accompanying increase in the confidence that the group centroids are not equal. DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Page 3 An F ratio which yields an apjroximate test of the significance of the Wilks' lambda is calculated and printed. F m { i_^ JL) (a^gx.) where s = / , 2 2 4 77, 2 2 . q = k - 1 (p q -** )/(p + q -5 ) m=n- (p+q+ l)/2 n = N - 1 A = -(pq - 2)/U N = total number of subjects r = pq/2 k = number of groups 1/2 y = I\ p = number of variables The degrees of freedom to be used with the F value printed in the output are printed and are labeled Fl (degrees of freedom for the numerator) and F2 (degrees of freedom for the denominator) and equal 2r and mx + 2A. IV. OUTPUT The output consists of the following: 1. Means of input variables for each group and group sample size (Parameter Number 8) 2. A dispersion matrix for each group. (Parameter Number 9) 3. The total sample deviation score cross-products matrix N _ _ t. . = Z (X. - X. )(x. - X.) ij n=1 in 1 jn j where i and j range over the variables. This matrix is the sum of the A and W matrix described in section I. This is the T matrix referred to in Parameter Number 7 • The diagonal of this matrix contains the sums of squares. (Parameter Number 6) k. The pooled within-groups deviation scores cross-products matrix which is labeled W on the output. (Parameter Number 6) 5. The total number of subjects in all the groups combined. (Parameter Number 6 ) 6. The means and standard deviations of the variables across all groups. (Parameter Number 6) 7. The correlation matrix of variables over all groups. (Parameter Number 6 ) DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Page k 8. The among groups cross-products of deviations of group from grand means weighted by group sizes. This matrix is labeled A matrix on the output. (Parameter Number 6) 9. The eigenvalues for the W A matrix. (Printed) 10. The eigenvalues and percentage of variance explained by each additional eigenvalue. (Printed on output, automatically) 11. The trace of the W A matrix. This is the sum of the eigenvalues. (Printed on output, automatically) 12. The discriminant functions (f^*). The number of discriminant function will equal r where r is the lesser of the two values k-1 and p , where k = the number of groups and p = number of variables. (Parameter Number l) 13- The group means on the discriminant functions. This is a k x r matrix formed by multiplying the group means on variables and the discriminant functions. The matrix may be used to determine the relative positions of the groups on the derived function. (Parameter Number 11 ) lU. The scaled vectors. These vectors are formed by multiplying the discriminant functions by the square roots of the diagonal of the W matrix described above. The scaled vectors show the relative contributions of the input variables to each of the discriminant functions. (Parameter Number 5) 15. The measures of significance described in Section III. (Parameter Number k ) V. RESTRICTIONS The DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS program follow the program name on the main program card. Each parameter must be enclosed in parentheses. The parameters must appear in the order given below. If a parameter is not needed, do not punch anything between its parentheses. All parentheses after the last non-empty pair may be omitted. Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 fi Output address of discriminant functions (Matrix f. .). SEQUENTIAL 1 -15 and/or PRINT. 1J (Needed for CLASSIFICATION). 2. Number of variables 3 Number of groups h 1 if desire significance measures printed. DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Page 5 Parameter Number 6 7 Use or Meaning 1 if desire scaled discriminant vectors printed. 1 if desire intermediate results printed. 1 if input is W and T matrices instead of raw data. Output Address of group means on original variable and sample size (printed only).* SEQUENTIAL 1-35 and/or PRINT. (See Parameter 12) (Needed for CLASSIFICATION). Q Output Address of group dispersion matrices of original variables.* SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. (Needed for CLASSIFICATION). 10 N - total number of subjects in all groups combined. This parameter is left blank if raw data is input rather than W and T matrices . 11 Q Output Address of group means on discriminant functions. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. 12 Output Address of group sample sizes. Possibly needed for CLASSIFICATION. Input addresses of raw data input groups or W and T matrices are listed on a $INPUT card. The number of raw data groups is limited to l6. W precedes T in the sequence when these are input. W and T may be output using a $0UTPUT card. Output order is the same as input . * If W and T are input instead of raw data, group means and dispersion matrices are not printed. Means and dispersion matrices on discriminant functions are not computed in this case. Q It is possible to print in F format and/or punch the output from these parameters. If you need either of these options, see the section in the INTRODUCTION on INPUT and OUTPUT. VII. SPECIAL COMMENTS 1. This program does not check for missing data, are read as zeros . All blank spaces 2. The user is cautioned against using the DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS program without an understanding of the statistical technique used. See the references (Section IX). DISCRIMINAM 1 ANALYSIS Page 6 . EXAMPLES A B /*ID /•ID // EXEC SOUP // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * //SYSIN DD * MATRIX . DIS(S1/P)(33)(M( MOV(C)(S5). $INPUT(C)(C). END P END SOUP DIS(S1)(U0)(U)(1)()()()(32/P). DATA(33)(33F2.0) $INP(C)(C)(S5)(C). , END SOUPAC (Data for W) DATA ( 1+0 )(1+0F2.0) END# DATA(33)(33F2.0) (Data for T) END# /* END# /* In example A , four groups of data are being input with the first two groups coming from cards, the third from temporary storage on S5 and the fourth from cards. Discriminant functions are stored on SI and printed and group means are stored on S2 and printed. Significance measures are calculated for 33 variables input. In example B, W and T matrices are input and much the same results are obtained as for example A. Group means cannot be calculated. /*ID (accounting information) // EXEC SOUPAC //SYSIN DD * DIS(Sl)(l5)(2)()()()()(S2)(S3)()()(Sl4). $INP(C)(C). CLA(S1)(S2)(S3)(C)(P)(P)(2)(15)(D(SM. END S DATA(15) END# /* This illustrates the use of the DISCRIMINANT and CLASSIFICATION programs. The DISCRIMINANT program will save discriminant functions on SI; it will operate on 15 variables for each of two groups. It will output group means on S2 and groups dispersion matrices and store group sample sizes on Sk . CLASSIFICATION in turn will read discriminant functions, group means, and group dispersion matrices from SI, S2, and S3 respectively. It will read the group to be classified from cards and print inverse of dispersion matrices and x and probability. It will expect two sets of group means and dispersion matrices from 15 variables but 1 discriminant function (See Section IV). Original group sample sizes are read from S^. DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Page 7 IX. REFERENCES Bryan, J. F. , The Generalized Discriminant Function: Mathematical Foundation and Computational Routine. Harvard Educational Review , (1951 ) 21:90-95. Cooley, W. W. and Lohnes , P. R. , Multivariate Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences . New York, Wiley, 1962. Kendall, M. G. , A Course in Multivariate Analysis . New York, Hafner, 1961, pp. 106-108. References on output: Wilks ' Lambda - first formula, page 119 , Cooley and Lohnes. F ratio - formula k.l, page 62. Cooley and Lohnes. • ^-TEST General Description The T-TEST program calculates a T coefficient or F ratio as described tielow: Suboperation (l) : Paired T-Test (also called correlated T-Test ) . Variables are in a row, variable on is paired with variable two, three with four, etc., and a paired T coefficient is calculated for each pair as follows : t = d/s_ d N d = E [Xa - X3]/N. , where a and 3 are the j pair of variables S_ = N. E [Xa - X6] 2 - ( E [Xa - X3]) 2 /N. 2 .f] d J i=l i=l J where f = degrees of freedom = N. or N. -1 as desired and N. is the sample J J J size for the j pair of variables. Suboperation (2): Paired T-Test for all possible combinations of variables computed as in Suboperation (l). Suboperation (3) : Test of differences from a known population mean. A population mean must be provided for each column of data or the mean will be set to zero. Population means should be provided as a row vector. The following are calculated and printed for each vari- able : t value: t = (X -jj )/S_ x where p = parameterized value or zero _ N - Mean: X = E 1 X./N. 1=1 X X ? 2 N.EX7 - (EX. ) Standard Deviation: S.D. =( l N.x(d.f . ). l l NOTE: N-l is the usual degrees of freedom, but 1 may be specified. S.D. Standard Error of Mean: S_ = -— — — - x /~ N Suboperation (h) : Test of difference^ from a known population mean for previously analyzed data: the mean (X), standard deviation (S. D.), and sample size (N) as well as the population mean [see suboperation (3)] are T-TEST Page 2 read in and the program computes the standard error of the mean and T for each trio of the X, S.D., and N read in that order. If R trios of data are used (R observations on rows occur" 1 then R population means should be given. Calculations are the same as in Suboperation (3). NOTE: A column of data of Suboperation (3) is reduced to a three item row here. Suboperation (5) : Test of differences between two or more group means taken pairwise: each group is located on a separate storage location or set of cards. The following are calculated: t value: t = (X. - X.)/S 1 J - Xi - x. Mean: X. £ X j/ N i 2 N 2 N. T ± x( " (^ X i) Standard Deviation: S.D. _i=l__^l/2 N.x(d.f. ). N 2 N N. N, b ± z x - (z T~) N d £ J x d - (z 3 yr) Pooled Estimate of Variance: &~ = [ — — — — + — ^ — i^](d.f. i J S 2 (N + N ) / Estimate of Standard Error: S_ = [ t-=- // EXEC SOUP //SOUP.SYSIN DD * CANONICAL (CARDS) (SEQUENTIAL l/PRINTi (PRINT) (PRINT) (15) (5) (2) (1). ENDS DATA END# /* IB /*ID // EXEC SOUP //SOUP.SYSIN DD * CORRELATIONS (CARDS 1 ( ) (PRINT ^ END SOUPAC DATA (6) (6F2.0) IB /*ID // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * COR (C)( )(P). ENDS DATA (6H6F2.0) END# /* END# Example 1A illustrates the usage of the CORRELATION program. Notice that all words are spelled out although this is unnecessary. Notice also that correlations are to be printed out, although the means and standard deviations are not. Example IB will perform exactly the same computations as 1A, except that all instructions have been abbreviated to make keypunching easier. CORRELATION Page 5 2 /*ID // EXEC SOUP //SYS IN DD * cor (cHp)(p/si). principal axis from (si) to (s2/p) with (10) factors and (100) percent of the variance to be removed, varimax rotation from (s2) to (print). ENDS DATA (20)(lOF4.0, 5F6.2/10X, 5F^.l) END# /* In the second example, the CORRELATION program first prints the means and standard deviations. Then it prints the CORRELATION matrix and stores it on SEQUENTIAL 1 (Si) . The PRINCIPAL AXIS program then performs a principal components analysis and outputs 10 components to S2. VARIMAX then rotates these 10 components, using the VARIMAX criterion, and prints the results. X. References T. W. Anderson, An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis ; John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , 1958. E. C Bryant, Statistical Analysis ; McGraw-Hill, i960, pp. 113-135- W. L. Hays, Statistics for Psychologists; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, i960. H. M. Walker and J. Lev, Statistical Inference ; Henry Holt and Company New York, i960. MISSING DATA CORRELATION General Description The MISSING DATA CORRELATION program calculates the following coeffi- cients for every combination of variables: Mean: X ± = — n. z(x 2 id ) - (rx^) 2 1/2 Standard Deviation : s . . = [ — ] " Ntj (N ir l) . n^eCxy^) - (ffl 13 )(g 13 ) Covariance : S. . = S. N,. (N..-1) Correlation : r " Sx. .Sy. . II. Restrictions The maximum number of variables for this program is 100. The input data to this program may come from any source conforming to SOUPAC. Output may be printed and the correlation matrix may be placed on any source conforming to SOUPAC. III. Parameters The parameters for the MISSING DATA CORRELATION program appear on the program card. They must follow the program name in the following order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- Default is CARDS. 2 - printing as usual 1 - printing is suppressed 3 Output Address of correlation matrix. h Output Address for sample sizes. 5 Coding for missing data; if left blank or if zero is entered, minus zero is used as check. It is NOT possible for this program to count true zeroes as missing data. This parameter must be enclosed in asterisks. Example: *99*« NOTE: All output is in double precision. MISSING DATA CORRELATION Page 2 IV. Special Comments A. The user is warned against further processing of the correlations output by this program because the correlations do not necessarily come from the same sample. B. For control breaks, data must be presorted on the control variables with the last variable changing fastest. The maximum number of control variables is 30 Control variables begin on a new card with $C-B in column 1 and are enclosed in parentheses. C . The correlation matrices can be stored in parameter 3 is a temporary storage address. However, if control breaks are also being used, only the first matrix corresponding to the first control break can be saved . PARTIAL CORRELATION I . General Description This routine, upon option, provides two of the more common types of special purpose correlation coefficients. A. Partial Correlations: This program produces coefficients of net correlation of any order froin 1 to 19 in matrix form. Coefficients of successively higher order may be obtained by repeated calls to the program, each time using as input the previously generated partial correlation matrix; or several variables may be held constant at the same time by one call to the program. The general equation used is: ij .abc. . . (n-1) in.abd. . . (n-l) i j < .abc. . . (n-l) ij .abc . . .n (1 " r 2 - UA t ,0 1/2 (1 - r. , in.abd. . . (n-l) ; ...(n-l) } eferences : Mills, F.C. Statistical Methods, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York, 1955, 3rd edition. Tetrachoric Correlations : This type of correlation coefficient is used when continuous normally distributed variables are measured dichotomously. This program is based on a program by Roald Buhler at Princeton University which in turn is based on a 650 program written at the Educational Testing Service. The approximation used was developed by Professor Ledyard Tucker. II. Restrictions Partial Correlations : Input matrices may be no larger than lUO x lUO and must be compatible with SOUPAC conventions. In most cases the original input to the program will be a matrix of zero order correlations (see CORRELATION program write-up) . Tetrachoric Correlations : This option is limited to 1^0 variables. All observations should be coded either or 1. The program generates cross-count tables before computing the correlation coefficients. PARTIAL CORRELATION Page 2 III. Parameters The program name, PARTIAL CORRELATION, should be followed by the following parameters : Parameter Number 2 3 22 Use or Meaning Input address of R if partial correlations or raw data if tetrachoric correlations. (R is a correlation matrix) . Output Address of correlations desired. if tetrachoric correlations are desired 1 if partial correlations are desired Variables to be held constant in using partial correlations. IV. Special Comments When there is a zero cell or sufficiently close so that the tetrachoric correlation cannot be computed by this approximation, a value of -1.0 is used if the missing cell is off-diagonal. If a diagonal cell is zeroish (i.e., if a variable is all zero or all one) its correlations are set to 0.0. Blanks are counted as zeroes. Examples A series of observations of 8 variables are used to obtain 3rd order partial correlations with variables 5, 7> and 8 held constant: /'■ L ID // EXEC SOUPAC SYSIN DD * RRELATIONS ( CARDS ) ( ) ( SEQ 1 ) . RTIAL CORRELATION (SEQl) (PRINTUl) (5) (7) (S" 1 • ... SOUPAC DATA(8)(8F6.2) F.ND -// /* STEP-WISE MULTIPLE CORRELATION I. General Description The STEP-WISE MULTIPLE CORRELATION program calculates the following: - *i Mean : X n - 1 ~ N Covariance : s. NE(X.X.) - (2C.)(flC.) ij : N(N-l) 1/2 Standard Deviation: s. = (s..) ' l li Product Moment Correlation : r . s. . ij s. s . i J In the step-wise procedure, intermediate results are used to give valuable statistical information at each step in the calculation. These intermediate answers are also used to control the method of calculation. A number of intermediate regression equations are obtained by adding one variable at a time thus giving the following intermediate equations. a. Y = B Q + B 1 X 1 b. Y = B + B 1 X 1 + B 2 X 2 , etc. The coefficients for each of these intermediate equations and the reliability of each coefficient are obtained by the step-wise procedure. The values and reliability may vary with each subsequent equation. The coefficients represent the best values when the equation is fitted by the variables included in the equation. The variable is added that makes the greatest improvement in "goodness of fit" or, stated another way, gives the greatest reduction in variance of the dependent variable. A variable may be indicated to be significant at an early stage and enter the regression equation. After several other variables are added to the regression equation, a variable in the equation may be indicated to be insignificant. Under this situation the step-wise regression procedure will remove the insignificant variable before adding an additional variable. Thus, at the various steps in the regression procedure, only those variables which are significant will be included in the regression equation. The F level to enter a variable controls when variables enter the equation and the F level to remove a variable likewise controls the removing of variables from the equation. The last step in the step-wise procedure predicts the value of the dependent variable for each set of observations based on the final re- gression equation. Deviation between the actual and predicted values are also calculated. (See parameter k) . STEP-WISE MULTIPLE CORRELATION Page 2 For reference to formulas ard methods used see: A. Ralston and H. S. Wilf, Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers , New York, Wiley and Sons, i960, pp. 191-195 • II . Restrictions The maximum number of independent variables in this program is 199- The dependent variable must be the last variable of each row. The input data to this program may come from any source conforming to SOUPAC. Output may be PRINT only. Ill . Parameters The parameters for the STEP-WISE MULTIPLE CORRELATION program appear on the program call card. They must follow the program name in this order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- (See parameter h for special conditions). 2 "F" level to enter an independent variable into the regression equation. An example would be: *i+.0* 3 "F" level to remove a variable from the regression equation. An example would be: *U.O * h This parameter should be set to 1 if the predicted dependent variables are to be calculated. (if this option is needed, input data must not be from cards . ) or blank if not wanted. 5 1 if constant term in equation is assumed to equal zero (0) . 6 1 if want to use weighting factor. (if a weighting factor is used, it must be the last variable in the input data row. ) 7 1 if intermediate steps of regression are not to be printed. 8 1 if do not want cross-product matrix printed 2 if input data is in the following form: 1 N N+l CORRELATION MATRIX N STANDARD N+1 DEVIATION (where N is the number of variables) M E A N S sample size Parameter Number 9 10 11 12 STEP-WISE MULTIPLE CORRELATION Page 3 Use or Meaning 1 if do not want means and standard deviation printed 1 if do not want covariance to be printed 1 if do not want correlations to be printed. Tolerance to be used to determine when singularities are assumed to occur. If this parameter is left blank 10~5 is used. If it is desired to change this parameter, the following would be used: *1.E -10* where any number could be substituted for the 10. Output (intermediate storage^ of coefficients. First (N) variables are placed in regression first. 13 11+ IV. Special Comments The dependent variable must be the last variable in the input row (unless a weighting factor is used, then the dependent variable will be the next to the last variable in the input row) . Negative F-ratios may sometimes result in the computational procedure. They should be considered to be analytically zero. Frequently negative F's arise when input is a missing data correlation matrix. Results up to the negative F are always correct. The standard error of Y predicted Y. ;iven at each step is the standard error of The program will loop if a variable entered at one step is removed at the very next step. This can usually be corrected by changing the F-levels to enter and remove variables. V. Example STEP ( CARDS )*k.**h.*{ )( )( )( )(1). DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE FIT (CHI-SQUARE GOODNESS-OF-FIT TEST > I. General Description In statistical applications, it is frequently the case that certain assumptions were made concerning the probability distribution of a random variable. A frequent assumption is that a particular variable is normally distributed. The question that arises is "how valid an assumption was this?" A method of testing this assumption (or hypothesis) is the CHI- SQUARE GOODNESS-OF-FIT TEST. This program provides tests of hypothesis that user's data is (l) a random sample from the distribution PO, where is a user specified parameter, or (2) a random sample from a class, PO, of distributions where is not specified. These will be called tests of type 1 and type 2 , respectively. Distributions which can currently be tested in the program are the binomial, Poisson, normal, gamma and continuous rectangular distributions. The user may, for example, wish to test the hypothesis that his data was from a normal distribution with variance 1, for some mean. The program on the basis of the user provided information decides on a set of points X, < X„ < . . . .X in the range of the distribution under 12 n consideration. The test then compares the observed numbers, o^ ,of observations in each interval [X. n , X.), with the expected numbers l-l l e. = Ps '{X. . ■: I. X.} , {Y. ; 1 < i < m } l 1-1—1—1 l — — Where is the user specified value of , if it was specified, and if not, is the maximum likelihood estimator for a hypothesis of form (2) above. The comparison of o. with e. is made by the statistic n+1 (o - e ) 2 X = Z 1-1 S i 2 The distribution of this statistic has an approximate X distribution when the hypothesis is true and n is large. (See Billingsley , 1961). The program prints the computed value of X and the number of degrees of freedom for the test. If one sample, with m observations, is to be tested, input to the program from cards or sequential will be one variable with m observations. More than one sample may be tested at a time, if the same distribution, or in some cases a distribution from the same class, is the one being considered. Thus a test of each of three samples, all of which are on the same sequential storage or card deck, may be performed. FIT ( CHI SQUARE GOODNESS OF FIT ^ Page 2 II. Distributions Available NOTATION: In the description below f(x) denotes the value of the probability- density function of the point x. F(x) is the cumulative distribution function defined as Pr {X < x } DISCREET DISTRIBUTIONS The Distributions are classified here as being "discreet," (i.e. having positive probability at a countable number of values of the random variable it describes) or as "Continuous" (having positive density over a continuous range of values of the random variable). 1. BINOMIAL(N,P) N a positive integer; <_ p <_ 1 f(x) -- ( jp (1-p) for x an integer Vx/ such that < x < N F(x) = E g) p 1 (1-p i=0 N-i for x an integer such that < x < N This distribution is appropriate, for example, in situations where a random variable is sampled independently (observed) N times, the observations, and where the values of the random variable can be classified precisely as being in one of two sets often denoted "success," and "failure," with probabilities p, and q = 1 - p respectively. 2. POISSON (X) X>0 / \ x —X f(x) = X e x >_ ; and x an integer x! x i -X F(x) = I A .? x > i = The Poisson distribution is often used as an approximation to the binomial when the number of observations is large, p = Pr {success} is small, and the product n * p is essentially a constant. The Poisson is a pervasive distribution in its own right, arising in situations where the probability of no occurrences, or of one occurrence of a phenomenon in a unit of time is moderate, where the probability of more than one occurrence is essentially negligible in comparison, and where the frequencies of occurrence in adjacent intervals are independent of each other. FIT (CHI SQUARE GOODNESS OF FIT 1 Page 3 B. CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTIONS 2 2 1. NORMAL (\i, a ) -« < u < +«> ;a >0 1 2 f(x) = I 2 eX P ~2 M _oo < X < +oo 211 a 2 a dt -°° < x < +°° Through the Central Limit Theorem, the use of this distribution has been justified to describe a tremendous variety of phenomena in which the random variable under consideration is assumed to be the sum of a large number of independent random variables , each having a small contribution to the total. 2. GAMMA (a, 6) a>0 , 3 > f(x) „a a-1 -0x 3 x e A(a ) x . F(x) ( a .a-1 -3t ,. 3 t e dt / A(a) Here A(a) = (a-1) A (a-1) integer, A(a) = (a-1)! for x > and so if a is a non-negative The gamma distribution is the sampling distribution for the sum of a independent identically distributed "negative exponential" random variables, with 3 =A where X is the parameter for the negative exponential distribution. The negative exponential distribution is itself the special case gamma (1,3). The gamma distri- bution is used in dealing with waiting times, where the expected frequency in a given interval has Poisson distribution. The "Chi-Square" distribution is another important special case of the gamma distribution where 2 X (r) e gamma (r/2, 1/2). 3. RECTANGULAR (0^ © 2 ) Q i " G 2 1 (e 2 - Oj) f <*> = (* - a.<> 1 ix 1 9 2 x x-0, F(x) = / 1 dt = H_ Q l - 4 Q 2- Q 1 V 1 FIT (CHI SQUAEE GOODNESS OF FI1 ^ Page k This distribution is appropriate where any event in an interval {0j , 2 } has equal probability of occurring, but no occurrences will be outside the interval. III. Use of the Program A. PRELIMINARY The program is invoked by the main parameter card (a SOUPAC "Program Card"). Information concerning the distribution and intervals to be used are supplied on subparameter cards for the program. Input is in the form of column vectors, and may be from cards or sequential storage. Each variable (vector of data will be tested against the same type of distribution, i.e. information provided on the distribution card applies to all variables. The subparameter card provides the means of supplying information to the program concerning the distribution to be used, as well as the number and size of intervals to be used in the tests. In some cases a distribution parameter must be supplied by the user. B. MAIN PARAMETER CARD Immediately following the program name CHI-SQUARE GOODNESS-OF-FIT (mnemonic: FIT), the following parameters are listed. Parameter Number Use of Meaning Input Address. May be CARDS or SEQUENTIAL (SI, or S2, etc). SUBPARAMETER CARDS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION One "distribution card',' chosen from the list below, should appear with each call to the program. For tests of type 1 ("simple hypothesis") the parameters of the distribution are specified on this card. For distributions allowing tests of type 2 ("composite hypothesis") one or more of these parameters may be left blank. Other parameters on the card relate to intervals to be used for determining observed and expected frequencies. Because this test is "asymptotically valid," these should be chosen so that expected frequencies of any interval does not fall below 5- 2. DISTRIBUTION CARDS Where * * is used, a parameter requires a decimal point number; when ( ) appears an integer is required. FIT ( CHI SQUARE GOODNESS OF FIT ^ Page 5 DISTRIBUTION BINOMIAL(M)*P*(N). M and P are parameters of the distribution, P the probability of success on a trial, M the number of trials. N is the number of points (integral values starting at 0) to be grouped in each interval. For a test of Type 2, the parameter P should be left blank. POISSON*A*(ENDPOINT)(N). X is the Poisson density parameter, and may be left blank for a test of type 2. N is the number of adjacent points to be grouped in each interval until ENDPOINT is reached. The Interval [ENDPOINT, +°°) is then the last interval. RECTANGULAR*Q1**Q2*(N) . 01, and 02 are the endpoints for the range of the distribution 01 < 02. N is the number of equal sized intervals to use for the test. Only tests of type 1 are allowed with this distribution. 2 N0RMAL*y**a **STPT**EP*(N) . P is the mean of the distribution, a" is the variance. Either or both of the parameters may be left blank for a test of type 2. STPT and ZP are the start point and end point of an interval to be broken up into N equal sized intervals for the test. The additional intervals (-°°, STPT), and [EP, +°° ) will be used. GAMMA*a**3**ENDP0INT*(N) . *a* is the degree's of freedom parameter, and must be specified. *6* is the density parameter and may either be specified for a type 1 test or left out for a type 2 test. The portion of the real line between and ENDPOINT will be divided into N equal sized intervals for the test. One additional interval, [ENDPT, +°° ) will be included. IV. Restrictions A maximum of 50 input variables (each variable a sample to be tested) may be input to the program. Only one distribution or distribution type (e.g. NORMAL with variance 1 and any mean) may be tested. FIT ( CHI SQUARE GOODNESS OF FITO Page 6 V. Examples /*ID // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * FIT(CARDS). N0R*2 . 0****-10**lU*(2>! i END P END S DATA( 1000,1 )(21X,Fl+.l) #END /* This program will test the hypothesis that the sample is from a normal distribution with a mean of 2, for some variance. The interval [-10, lU) will be divided into 2U pieces, each of length 1, for the test. /•ID // EXEC SOUP //SYSIN DD * FIT (CARDS). BIN(l0)*l/2*(2). END P END S DATA(600,l)(26X,F2.0) #END /* This program will test the simple (type l) hypothesis that the sample was from a B ( 10, 1/2) population. Note that with the given number (600) of observations we had to group adjacent pairs of points into the same interval to insure a reasonable expected frequency in every cell. THE KOLMOGOROV-SMIKNOV STATISTIC I. General Description The program computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) D statistic, D = SUP all x F N (x) - F(x) where F^ is the sample cumulative distribution for a sample of size N and F(x) is the specified cumulative distribution. IT. Theoretical Discussion The sample distribution function: V x) =| 3 = °> N will generally differ from the population distribution function. If the sample distribution differs exceedingly from the specified distribution F(x), the amount of the difference might be of use in determining whether to accept the hypothesized distribution as correct. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test uses the maximum actual numerical difference If^OO - F(x) I . Example : Consider testing the hypothesis that a distribution is normal with mean = 32 and variance=3.2U with 10 sample observations 31.0 33-7 31. h 3^.U 33.3 3^.9 33.^ 36.2 33.5 37-0 F (x) and F(x) are sketched below. KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV Page 2 F N (x) - F(x) D = .5b which is the maximum of At the .95 confidence level the critical value D' = . U0925 Since D > D' the distribution being tested is rejected at the 3% level. * See Owen [5] III. Notes Only supply the parameters needed to determine a specified distribution. This program, at this time, calculates Kolmogorov- Smirnov statistic for the following distributions if given the proper parameters. A. Normal 1. mean 2. variance B. Chi-Square 1. Degrees of freedom C. Central F 1. Degrees of freedom numerator 2. Degrees of freedom denominator D. Noncentral F 1. Degrees of freedom numerator 2. Degrees of freedom denominator 3- noncentrality parameter N when noncentrality parameter X = — £ w i=l (See Graybill [3] for further development of \). Additional distributions are planned for the near future. Please see consultants for these additions. IV. Sample Programs A. Normal - type 1 2 = 32 a = 3. 2k K-S (C)(1) '-' : 2^.2k*. B. Chi-Square - type 2 d.f.= 2k K-S(C) (2)****(2k). C. Central F - type 3 d.f. numerator = 5 d.f. denominator = 16 K-s(si)(3)****(5)(-l6). KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV Page 3 D. Noncentral F - type 3 d.f. numerator = 10 d.f. denominator = 13 noncentrality parameter (X) = 2.5 K-S(S2) (3 )*-*** (10) (13)*2.5*. V. Parameters The following parameters follow the mnemonic K-S : Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input address, CARDS, SEQUENTIAL 1-15. 2 Specified distribution (see Section IV) . 3 Floating point value of the mean. k Floating point value of the variance. 5 Degrees of Freedom (numerator) . 6 Degrees of Freedom (denominator) . 7 Floating point value of non-centrality parameter. VI. References [l] Darling, D. A., "The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-Von Mises Tests," Annals of Mathematical Statistics , Vol. 28, (1957), PP- 823-838. [2] Goodnight, James, Department of Experimental Statistics, N. C. State University, Raleigh , North Carolina. Mr. Goodnight developed and programmed the computational procedure used to integrate the central and non- central F distribution. [3] Graybill, F. A., An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models , Vol. I, Chapter k, "Distribution of Quadratic forms" pp7 7^f— 92. [U] Lindgren* [5] Cwen, D. B., Handbook of Statistical Tables . This book contains a table of the critical values for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. It is available for reference in the SOUPAC office. FACTOR ANALYSIS PACKAGE Factor Analysis Package Users of the PRINCIPAL AXIS FACTOR ANALYSIS program are reminded that if no estimates of communalities are provided with the input matrix, the output is a principal components matrix. If communalities are provided, then the output is principal axis factors. Whether communality estimates are used, and if so, what kind, can be a very important conceptual considera- tion. Mathematically, the principal components approach the principal axis factors for large numbers of variables. The rate of convergence is the ratio of N 2 to N 3 . Centroid factor analysis similarly requires that a user consider the question of communality estimates. The ITERATIVE FACTOR ANALYSIS program on the other hand, simultaneously estimates communalities and factor loadings. The UNRESTRICTED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD procedure requires as input a correlation matrix with unities on the diagonal. For principal components, component scores are derived by the equation ZR F = X where Z is the standardized raw scores; R the inverse of the correlation matrix; and F the component loadings. In general, factor scores from oblique rotations are obtained by the formula X = DY~" M~ F'Z where D is the correlation between components and the reference vectors; Y the reference vector transformation; M the roots; F the principal components; and Z the standardized raw scores. For the orthogonal case, the general formula is X = TM F'Z where T is a transforma- tion matrix, for example, the varimax loadings. Notice that if T is the identity matrix we have the formula for component scores. These general formulas are also applicable to principal axis factors, as well. BINORMAMIN I. General Description BINORMAMIN ROTATION rotates a matrix, F, of orthogonal factor loadings to oblique simple structure. It does this by iterating for T in FT = A (where A is the rotated factor pattern ^ so as to minimize: Z (v 2 /h 2 )(v 2 /h 2 ) K "P K P"P q=P (^v 2 /h 2 )(^ 2 /h 2 ) J 3 jp 3 3 jq' 3 Since solving directly for K is too complex, BINORMAMIN takes one vector at a time, rotating it against all the others, to minimize each Kp. Its name comes from the fact that is uses a double (Bl) NORMAlization in seeking a MINimum. For further information see : 1. Kaiser, H. F. and Dickman, K. W., "Analytic Determination of Common Factors". Unpublished manuscript, University of Illinois, 1959- 2. Harmon, H. H., Modern Factor Analysis . Chicago, University of Chicago Press, i960. pp.326ff. II. Restrictions Input is limited to matrices of 150 x 30 or less. n. Parameters After the program name, BINORMAMIN, are the following parameters: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address of factor matrix, F. 2 Output Address of factor matrix, F. 3 Output Address of the transformation matrix, T. h Output Address of the reference vector structure, V. Output Address of the correlations between reference vectors. Output Address of the primary factor pattern, P. BINORMAMIN Page 2 Parameter Number 7 8 10 11 Note on Output : Note on parameters 8 and 9 meets first. Use or Meaning Output Address of the correlations between factors. Maximum number of iterations (see note). If blank, the maximum will be set at 100 itera- tions . Convergence criterion (see note). A. Defined zero change: iterating will stop when each element in V changes by less than A. (A must be less than .2 and no less than .0000001). B. Defined zero rotation: iterating will stop when each vector in T changes by- less than 9, where is the angle whose cosine is B. (B must be less than 1.0 and no less than .2). If left blank, A will be set to .001. If an initial T is to be read in, input address of T. Output Address of the initial T. A. Any output option left blank will not be output. B. The program will always print out the program name and the number of iterations actually done . C. The program will print out the largest change in V, unless option 9B is used. D. All data printed out is to 7 decimal places. Program will stop at whichever criterion it Note on parameter 9: This parameter is a floating point constant and there- fore must be enclosed in asterisks, with a decimal point, as in example: Example: BINORMAMIN ( CARDS) ( U ) (SEQ 1 /PRINT K )( )( PRINT) ( )*.0001*. Store V on SEQ 1, also prints V and correlations between factors. On the last iteration, no element in V changed by more than .0001, unless the maximum of 100 iterations was reached. CENTROID I ACTOR ANALYSIS I . General Description CENTROID FACTOR ANALYSIS computes a set of f linearly independent vectors (factors' 1 which are mutually uncorrelated. Normally, a factor analysis decomposes a matrix of correlations, R , into a set of f factors. The factors are arrayed as column vectors in the factor matrix, F, such that ^ = FF ' + R (n-f) th where R n _f is the matrix of residual effects. The K factor is computed by dividing the column sums of R , by the square root of the total sum of elements of R n _i. < h V Jxz r, , (k: f i k = Z r v ' / 11, k l r / - rr '1,3 13 Between each factor extraction, the variables in the residual matrix are successively reflected until all the column sums are positive. For more detailed discussion see: 1. L. L. Thurstone, Multiple Factor Analysis , Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 19^7, pp. 1^9-175- 2. Harry Harmon, Modern Factor Analysis , Chicago, University of Chicago Press, i960, pp. 192-215- II . Restrictions The input matrix for the CENTROID program must not exceed the dimen- sions of 190 x 190. The input matrix is further limited to being a square, positive definite or semi-definite, symmetric matrix. Commonly, correlation, covariance, or cross-product matrices are used as input data. Any attempt to introduce communality estimates (change the diagonal elements) must be made before data is passed to the CENTROID program. A set of communalities, which are incorrectly estimated, can make the matrix non-positive and could conceivably cause a hang-up. The input data may come from any storage medium which conforms to SOUPAC. Similarly, the output codes follow the established conventions and are at the option of the user. The input matrix may be completely factored (i.e., N factors from a N variable matrix") . However, factoring may be stopped by any of three criteria: 1. The user may specify the number of factors to be extracted. This criterion provides an upper limit beyond which factoring will not be done. Consequently, it is advisable to put the maximum value on this limit in cases where it is not the primary criterion. (Set it equal to the number of variables). CENTROID Page 2 2. The per cent of total variance removed from the R matrix is a second limiting criterion. This parameter also specifies an upper limit to the process. Therefore, it should be set at 100 per cent unless it is the criterion for stopping. 3. The last criterion is to stop when the factor contribution falls below 1. The use of this procedure is dictated by the presence or absence of its associated parameter. If all three criteria are used simultaneoulsy, factoring will be stopped by whatever criterion is met first. III. Parameters Following the program anme on the program call card come the parameters needed by the program. The parameters must appear in the order below: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 2 Output Address. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. 3 Maximum number of factors to be extracted . This must be less than or equal to the order of the input matrix. k Per cent of total variance to be removed expressed as an integer between and 100. 5 The presence of any number greater than in this parameter indicates that factoring should stop when the factor contribution falls below unity. 6 Output Address of Residual Matrix. If parameters 3 and k are left blank then by default option they will be . set to maximum possible values and a message will be printed. Residual Matrix must be stored before it can be printed. Example: Assume that you have 77 variables and that the correlation matrix is stored on SEQ 1 , then legal forms of CENTROID call statement may be: CENTR0ID(SEQ l) (PRINT) (77) (100) (l) . CENTROID (SEQ 1)(P(F))(50)(80). CENTROID (SEQ l)(SEQ 2/P) (20) (100) (l) (SEQ 3/P) . CENTROID (SEQ l)(SEQ 2/P(F) H±5) (90) (SEQ 3/P(F) ) . CENTROID (SEQ l) (P) . In this case, number of factors = 77 and per cent of variance = 100 will be assumed by default. COMMUNALITiT ESTIMATION I. General Description Five methods of COMMUNALITY ESTIMATION are offered in this program. In each case the estimates replace the diagonal elements of the matrix. They are as follows : Code Number Method 1 The element of largest absolute magnitude in each row replaces the diagonal element of the row. 2 The square of the multiple R of each variable with all others replaces the diagonal entry for that variable. (See Special Comment Number 2) 3 Communalities produced from another analysis and are to be input from cards or another storage medium. N 2 l/2 k For each row (N) ((z r ± ^)/N) 7 " replace the diagonal entry for that row. This is the square root of the average square across the row. 5 For each row (Nj (r*.)^ - r*^/^ - r*^ replaces the diagonal entry for that row where : r* = max ab s ( r . . ) and lk ij S. = Z abs (r. .), S = Z abs (r. .) J J This method of COMMONALITY ESTIMATION is due to Professor L. Tucker. II. Restrictions Input is restricted to correlation matrices of order 150 or less. TTT. Parameters The parameters for the COMMUNALITY ESTIMATION program appear on the program call card. They must follow the program name in this order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- IV. Parameter Number 2 3 k Special Comments COMMONALITY ESTIMATION Page 2 Use or Meaning Output Address. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. Section Code Number. (See General Description ' Input Address if Option 3 is used. (1) If the correlation matrix and communalities both are input from cards, the correlation matrix precedes the communality estimations. (See Code Number 3 in the General Description '! . (2) If the input correlation matrix is singular, or very nearly so, squared multiple correlations computed by standard procedures may be subject to considerable error, and will usually exceed unity for several variables. For this reason, the user should be aware of the characteristics of the matrix. The program will check to see that all R are less than or equal to 1.0. If this is not the case, execution will cease and a message will be printed stating that the correlation matrix is virtually singular. There is an alternative procedure devised by Ledyard Tucker for finding R in singular matrices. Information is available in the SOUPAC office. V. Reference Harmon, Harry: Modern Factor Analysis , Chicago, University of Chicago Press, i960, pp. 83-90. ITERATIVE FACTOR ANALYSIS I. General Description A. Procedural This routine, upon option, provides one of four iterative factor- ization methods : 1. Alpha factor analysis (AFA, Kaiser, 1962) 2. Canonical factor analysis (CFA, Rao, 1955, Harris, 1962) 3- Stepwise maximum likelihood factor analysis (MLFA, Lawley, 19^0) ^4. Iterative principal axis factor solution (IPRAX, Traditional) All four methods have in common that communalities and factor loadings are estimated simultaneously. In three cases (AFA, CFA, IPRAX) the number of factors decision can be made beforehand by the user, or it can be left to the program, in which case appropriate modifications of Guttman's lower bound criterion will be used. The four methods differ from each other in theory with respect to the defining criterion of optimization, and consequently they differ tech- nically with respect to the matrix that is diagonalized in each case. 1. AFA (Kaiser) Optimization criterion : maximize the alpha- reliabilities (Cronbach) of the retained factors. If the number of factors decision is left to the program, the Kaiser modification of the Guttman criterion will be used and all factors with positive alpha-reliability will be iterated upon. The diagonalization is on the matrix C in C = H" 1 (R - U 2 ) H" 1 so that C = Q0Q' o where R is an nxn input matrix of covariances, H is a diagonal matrix of communalities, U = I - H^ is a diagonal matrix of uniquenesses, Q is an nxm matrix of latent vectors corresponding to the m largest latent roots in Q which are used to recompute new estimates of H 2 through F = H Q 0V 2 . An initial set of H 2 is provided by I - (diag(R"-'-) )"-'- which is equivalent to the squared multiple correlations of R if R itself is a correlation matrix. Invar iance under scaling : Kaiser has shown that the resulting factors will be invariant under scaling, i.e., if a covariance matrix R gives rise to a factor matrix F then the covariance matrix SRS will give rise to a factor matrix SF (S diagonal). Behavior of latent roots, alpah reliabilities : the n-m rejected roots of C add to zero at each state (i.e., C is non-Gramian), the m accepted roots are simple functions of the alpha-reliabilities of the retained factors in F. These reliabilities will be output by this sub -program. ITERATIVE FACTOR ANALYSIS Page 2 2. CFA (Rao, Harris) Optimization criterion : maximize the correlations between m linear combination of the common parts of the variables with m linear factors that are canonically correlated (Hotelling) with the variables in the common factor space. If the number of factors decision is left to the program, the Harris modification of the Guttman criterion will be used, leading to a Gramian R-U of minimum rank . The diagonalization is on the matrix C = U -1 (R - U 2 ) IT 1 so that C = Q9Q' where F - UQ.W-V is used to recompute new estimates for U 2 , retaining the m largest roots of C in 9. The notation is the same as in section 1 (AFA) . An initial set of U 2 is provided by [diag (R- 1 )]- 1 . Invariance under scaling : the resulting factors are again invariant under scaling as defined in section 1 (AFA" 1 . B ehavior of latent roots : Chi- square criterion: Rao has shown that the n-m rejected roots approach unit at convergence. For exact rank m data they will be "exactly" unity within the tol- erance of the convergence criterion ETA (see section III - B) . For data containing random error their departure, from unity provides a likelihood ratio test for the hypothesis that the population matrix P-V 2 = GG' , where P, V, G are population parameters corresponding to R, U, F in the sample, is rank m or less. A criterion for this test is computed by this sub- program which can be compared with two chi-square approximations which are also output by this sub-program. Note that such a chi-square test is valid only if the iterative process has indeed converged, as indicated by the maximal discrepancy between trial vectors which is printed out for that purpose. 3- MLFA (Lawley) The CFA variant of the program can be used for a step-wise maximum likelihood factorization in the Lawley-Rao sense. Optimisation criterion : maximize the likelihood function corre- sponding to the multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix parameters P=GG' + V 2 (as defined in section 2, CFA), given the sample matrix R, under choice of G and V and observing the side-conditions that P - V^ is Gramian and V diagonal with < Vj_ < 1 . The diagonali zation is the same as in CFA, section 2, hence, the resulting factors are again invariant under scaling as defined in section 1 (AFA) . ITERATIVE FACTOR ANALYSIS Page 3 In contrast to CFA, however, the number of factors decision is made on statistical ground. The user would start with a reason- able guess for m (preferably m and 8 are required. Parameter 8 must be enclosed within asterisks, **, and must have a punched decimal point. References : Joreskog, K. G. UMLFA - a computer program for unrestricted maximum likelihood factor analysis. Research Memorandum 66-20. Princeton, New Jersey: Educational Testing Service. Revised Edition, 1967 • JSreskog, K. G. Some contributions to maximum likelihood factor analysis. Psychometrika , I967, 32, 3+1+3-U82 . VARIMAX FACTOR ROTATION I. General Description VARIMAX ROTATION is used to redistribute a factor matrix (principal axis, centroid, etc. 1 ) variance so that the matrix approches orthogonal simple structure. The varimax scheme maximizes the following criterion function: Z (hz(a,. 2 / h (j) 2 ) 2 - (z(a, , 2/h (j) 2 )) 2 ) s 3 U ' S) j l3 ' S) where j is the variable index number: 1, ., n s is the factor index number: 1, , f a/ . \ is the factor loading of the n^h variable on the s factor hj is the j* variable communality For further discussion see: H.F. Kaiser, "Computer Program for Varimax Rotation in Factor Analysis", Educational and Psychological Measurement , Vol. XIX, Nov. 3, 1959, pp. 413-^207" Cooley and Lohnes, Multivariate Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences , New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1962, pp.l6l-3- II. Restrictions The input matrix for VARIMAX ROTATION must not exceed 190 variables and 190 factors. The number of factors may be anything greater than or equal to 2. Any factor matrix generated by a statistical system factor analysis program is acceptable input. A matrix may also be entered from cards. III. Parameters The parameters for the VARIMAX ROTATION appear on the program call card. They must follow the program name in this order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 2 Output Address. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. 3 The presence of a number greater than in this parameter indicated the communalities should be printed. 4 or blank for normal VARIMAX. 1 if raw VARIMAX is desired. *If CARDS are used the DATA card must contain the number of rows as well as the number of columns in the input matrix (see User's Guide for details) SOUPAC (Statistically Oriented Users Programming and Consulting) ECONOMETRICS PACKAGE ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AND RESIDUAL ANALYSIS I- General Description The ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AND RESIDUAL ANALYSIS program calculates the following : (1) Residuals U = (YX) fp7' where : (YX) is the raw data matrix of endogenous and exogenous variables andjp/is the matrix of coefficient estimates. (2) Durbin-Watson statistic each equation(i) N 2 Z [Uj(t) _ Uj(t-1) 3 t=2 ' Z [Ui(t)] 2 t=l (3) Covariance matrix for residuals w= :'p] (s)ip where : S is the raw data covariance matrix. (U) Reduced form estimates * = -'(P) -1 (r) (51 Reduced form predicted values y" = Yn (6) Reduced form residuals V = Y - Y (7) Covariance matrix for reduced form residuals (P" 1 )'w(p- 1 ) References ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AND RESIDUAL ANALYSIS Page 2 II, Johnston, J., Econometric Methods , New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., i960. Goldberger, Arthur S., Econometric Theory , New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 196U. Restrictions Only those inputs used in the calculations called for need be given. They must be in the following formats : (1) Coefficients: The coefficient matrix for K equations with N variables, Nl exogenous and N2 endogenous, must be a K by N+l matrix. Each row corresponds to an equation. The first element in each row is the constant term followed by the coefficients matrix (i.e., exog- enous coefficients first; endogenous coefficients next). In each row, there must be -1 which corresponds to the endogenous variable that was normalized on. (2) Raw Data: The data must be arranged so that exogenous variables occur first and endogenous variables last. (The TRANSFORMATION program may be used to arrange data in this way, if it is not already like this^ . (3) Raw Data Covariance Matrix: The covariance matrix must have the following form sample size (standard deviations) X ( means , Covariance (exogenous first, endogenous last) Care should be taken to see that an input address is specified for any data needed in calculating the desired statistics and that any intermediate statistics needed are stored (i.e., an output address besides print is specified ). The following list indicates which previous statistics are needed in the calculation of each statistic. ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AMD RESIDUAL ANALYSIS Page 3 1. Residuals - coefficients and raw data 2. Dubrin-Watson statistic - coefficients and raw data 3. Covariance matrix for residuals - coefficients and raw data covariance matrix k. Reduced form coefficients - coefficients 5. Reduced form predicted values and residuals - reduced form coefficients (no output address) and raw data 6. Covariance matrix of reduced form residuals - reduced form coefficients and covariance matrix of orginal residuals This program is restricted to less than 150 variables. III. Parameters The parameters appear on the program card following the name ECONO- METRIC in the following order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address for coefficients. SEQUENTIAL 1-15. 2 Input Address for raw data covariance matrix. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 3 Input Address for raw data. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- (See Special Comments) . h Number of exogenous variables (total). 5 Output Address for residuals. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. 6 Output Address for covariance matrix of residuals. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 and/or PRINT. 7 If greater than 0, reduced forms are calculated and printed. 8 ' If greater than 0, reduced form predicted values and residuals are printed. 9 If greater than 0, covariance matrix for reduced form residuals is printed. ECONOMETRIC REDUCED FORM AMD RESIDUAL ANALYSIS Page k IV. Special Comments If Parameter Number 3 is specified, the Durbin-Watson statistic will be calculated and printed. K-CLASS ESTIMATION I. General Description KIClass and K2Class programs work together to do K-class estimation. There are three estimators which belong to the K-class. These include: Ordinary Least Squares (multiple regression), Two-stage Least Squares, and Limited Information Maximum Likelihood. II. Description of KIClass Output The KIClass program calculates the "basic statistics: _ EX. Mean: X. = „ T where N = Sample Size 1 N Variance ZX.X. Covariance: S. . = — |-"- - X.X. ij N 1 J Standard Deviation: s. = / S. . 1 li Correlation: C. . = S. . 10 s.s. Cross-products in matrix notation : CP = X'X KIClass also calculates the eigenvalue to he used in Limited Information Maximum Likelihood estimation in K2Class. Variables must be ordered; exogenous, endogenous, (independent, dependent), III. Description .of K2Class Output K2Class calculates estimates and associates statistics for Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Limited Information Maximum Likelihood, and Two- stage Least Squares. Formulas B' = estimates of the endogenous variables Y - estimates of the exogenous variables y = variable normalized on Y = endogenous variable in the equation X = exogenous variables in the equation X = exogenous variables in the system Estimating Formulas K-CLASS ESTIMATION Page 2 Y'Y - kV'V X'Y Y'X * -1 X'X * * Y'y - kVy c x'.y n or = A J where V'V = Y'Y - Y'X(X'X) 1 X'Y V'y = Y'v - Y'X(X'X) -1 X'y J o • o v J o k determines the estimating technique. standard Error of Estimate ; = yX - (e y) c N-J where j = Rank of A -1 Standard Error of the Estimated Coefficients . s*. 5 The square root of the i diagonal element of the a A matrix li ariance matrix of the coefficients C = a A K-CLASS ESTIMATION Page 3 IV. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) When K = 0, the K-class formula reduces to Ordinary Least Squares. Y is then assumed to he another exogenous variahle in the equation. When ordinary least squares is specified the following additional statistics are supplied. In matrix notation 2 0C - ly / N Explained Sum of Squares R = - p y 'y - Zy / N Total Sum of Squares o " o o Total Sum of Squares TSS = y Q ' y Q - I 2 y /N Regression (Explained) Sum of Squares : RSS = 9C - £y 2 /N Error (Unexplained) Sum of Squares : ESS = TSS - RSS = y 'y - 0C J o o Example: Suppose that there were two possihle models that one wanted to estimate. In one model variahle 10 is included and in the other variahle 10 was not included. K1C(S1)(S2)(0)( )( )(1)(1)( Hi). END P K2C(S2)(S3)(SM( )(10)(2)*0*. (10)(1)(1)(2)(3)(M(5K6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11). (9)(l)(D(2)(3)(U)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(ll). END P V. Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML) When K = the smallest eigenvalue as calculated in KIClass, K2Class calculates Limited Information Maximum Likelihood estimates. The eigenvalue is calculated in the following manner: Let W = Y'Y - Y'X (X'X) _1 X' Y * * * W = Y'Y - Y'X(X'X)~ 1 X'Y KIClass transfers to K2Class the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix W W^ K-CLASS ESTIMATION Page k Example: Suppose there is a two equation system with four exogenous and two endogenous variables. The following program will calculate LIML estimates for both equations: KLC(C)(S1)(0)(2)(U)( )( )(S2). (2)(2)(1)(U)(5)(6). (2)(2)(2)(3)(5)(6). END P K2C(S1)(S3)(SU)(S2)(U)(2)*-1*. (2)(2)(1)(U)(5)(6). (2)(2)(2)(3)(5)(6). END P VI. Two-stage Least Squares (2SLS) VJhen K = 1 is specified Two stage Least Squares estimates are computed. Example : Suppose one has a three equation model that contains three endogenous and ten exogenous variables. The following program will calculate 2SLS estimates. K1C(C)(S2). END P K2C(S2)(S3)(SM( )(10)(3)*1.*. (5)(2)(1)(2)(3)(M(5)(H)(13). (M(2)(3)(U)(6)(7)(12)(13). (5)(2)(1))2)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). END P. r TI. Parameters A. MAIN Parameters 1. KIClass Parameter Number 1 2 1+ 5 Use or Meaning Input Address. CARDS, SEQUENTIAL 1-15- Output Address for raw data covariance matrix. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- Type of Input = raw data 1 = cross-products 2 = covariance Number of equations of LIE; otherwise Total number of exogenous variables in LIE system; 1 <_ n <_ 9^+ • 1 if want covariance matrix printed. K-CLASS ESTIMATION Page 5 Parameter Number 7 8 Use or Meaning 1 if want cross-products matrix printed. Output Address for eigenvalues. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 1 if want correlations matrix printed. 2. K2Class Parameter Number 5 6 7 Use or Meaning Input Address same as output address for KIClass. Output Address for estimated coefficients. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- Scratch Address SEQUENTIAL 1-15- Input Address for Eigenvalues same as output address in KIClass. Number of exogenous variables in the system. Number of equations. Floating point value of k. (See special comments.) This value should be enclosed in asterisks. B. Sub-parameters (Equation Control Cards) Subparameters are needed for all K2Class programs and for KIClass when LIML estimates are desired. There is a subparameter card for each equation. If subparameters appear in both KIClass and K2Class, they must appear in the same order. Each equation control card has the following form: Parameter Number 1 2 3 Use or Meaning Number of exogenous variables in the equation. Number of endogenous variables in the equation. The variable number of all variables in the equation in the order : K-CLASS ESTIMATION Page 6 1 - exogenous in the equation 2 - endogenous in the equation with variable standardized on last. VIII. Special Comments A. If K = *0* If K = *1* If K = *-l* Ordinary Least Squares Estimates are computed. 2-Stage Least Squares Estimates are computed. Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation are computed. B. When LIML estimates are desired, the output and input addresses for eigenvalues must he specified . C. KIClass accepts data from cards or intermediate storage either as raw data, cross-products, or covariance. If cross-products or covariance are used as input to KIClass, the matrix must be in the following order : Cross-products Ex Covariance Ex cross- products covariance Input to K2Class must come from KIClass. However, once data has been processed by KIClass, it may be used by K2Class any number of times. IX. References Goldberger, A. S. , Econometric Theory , New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , 196U. Johnston, J. , Econometric Methods , New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. , I960. LINEAR PROGRAMMING I. General Description LINEAR PROGRAMMING maximizes or minimizes a linear function subject to certain linear inequalities called constraints. In matrix notation : Find the solution to AX <, = , >b (a system of linear equations or inequalities) which maximizes (or minimizes) Z = CX where X > A is the matrix of coefficients of the constraints, X the vector of vari- ables, C the vector of costs or profits associated with e ach variable, and b a vector or matrix of non-negative constants which places a bound on the linear equations. The equations, AX <, =, >b in n variables define and bound a space called the feasible space in which all allowable values of the n variables are defined. The SIMPLEX criterion finds those combinations of variables which optimize the objective function within this feasible space. To solve the system of linear equations defined above, the inequalities must be changed to equalities. This is accomplished by addition of surplus variables to "greater than" constraints, and slack variables to "less than" constraints. To create the basis for solving a system of linear equations, an identity matrix must be formed and augmented to the A matrix of structural variables. Creation of the identity matrix is completed by addition of artificial variables to constraints with a "greater than" relational operator. The program adds any needed variables. Since there are more variables (structural + surplus + slack + artificial) than rows, some method must select which variables will be in solution. The SIMPLEX Algorithm selects a number of variables (equal to the number of rows) which will be in solution. The final solution is the maximum (or minimum) of the linear function- subject to the constraints. Since slack and surplus vari- ables have "real" meaning, they may appear in the final and intermediate solu- tions. Their presence as a non-zero value indicates that the constraint to which they were added is not binding. Artificial variables have no "real" meaning. Presence of artificial variables in solution indicates that some con- straints are so constructed as to preclude a solution which has "real" meaning. The slack and surplus variables are given costs of zero in the objective function. Artificial variables are given large negative costs. SIMPLEX attempts to drive artificial variables from solution. Failure to drive artificial variables from solution may indicate a problem in which constraints are mutually exclusive or that the cost assigned to the artificial variable is not large enough. LINEAR PROGRAMMING Page 2 In matrix notation the augmented matrix before calculations begin would appear as: , . i A I I I S I = b where I is the identity matrix of slack and artificial variables and S is the matrix of surplus variables. Row operations are performed on the augmented matrix according to the SIMPLEX criterion. After any number of row operations, the inverse matrix of the original coefficients of structural variables now in solution is contained in the columns where the original identity matrix was located. At every stage (row operation) an identity matrix will be present. This identity matrix indicates the variables in solution. Since the original table is stored by the program, it is possible to com- pare the results of the inverse obtained through LINEAR PROGRAMMING with the inverse obtained by a standard inversion technique. The user may set the absolute value for this comparison in Parameter 3- If the comparison does not meet the accuracy requirement, a new table is formed using the original table and the calculated inverse. After a feasibility check, the program continues calculations until an acceptable solution is obtained. References Llewellyn, R. LINEAR PROGRAMMING . New York, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1966 . Hadley, G. LINEAR PROGRAMMING . Reading Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1953. LI . Restrictions The program is limited to a maximum of 90 rows or constraints, 300 columns or variables, and 5 columns in the requirement matrix. These limits are internal limits and the user is warned that large problems may exceed the program capacity during accuracy check and calculations involving multiple column requirement matrices. Program capacity WILL be exceeded if: the number of constraints + number of structural variables + number of "greater than" inequalities > 300. Input may come ONLY from CARDS in the form of subparameters. LI. Parameters All floating point numbers (indicated by FP) must be enclosed by a pair of asterisks. All integer numbers (indicated by IN) must be enclosed in parentheses. The main call to the program and each subparameter must be terminated by a period (•)• The program is entered by punching the symbols L-P followed by the appropri- ate main parameters and subparameters. All main parameters have default options. LINEAR PROGRAMMING Page 3 Main Parameters to follow L-P 1 Cost of artificial variables *large negative FP numbers*. Default = -1.E50. 2 Minimum value for calculations *FP*. If any calculation falls below this value, it is set to zero. Default = internal calculations. 3 Value for accuracy check *FP*. If absolute value for calcu- lated difference (See General Description ) falls below this value, final value is termed inaccurate and calculations are performed to correct rounding errors. Default = .5 . k If 1, suppress print of solution matrix (IN). 5 If 1, suppress print of check matrix (IN). 6 Print every IN step, i.e. row operation (IN). 7 If 1, insert small positive, non-zero number for any zero in the b vector. Useful aid if b vector contains many zeros. Subparameter me program now expects to find the word MINimize or MAXimize followed by a string of constants which represent, in sequential order , the cost or values associated with each variable. All non-zero constants (with or without decimal) must be enclosed by a pair of asterisks. Zeros may be enclosed by asterisks. A series of sequential zeros may be represented by a pair of paren- theses, i.e. the integer number in the pair of parentheses represents the number of sequential zeros to be inserted. All coefficients must appear and be in sequential order. The cost coefficients representing the objective function are terminated by a period. The constraints are entered in a similar manner. All variables must be in sequence. Coefficients of zero must be included. Multiple requirement vectors are entered in the standard form. The constraint is terminated by a per- iod. Comments which do not include period (.), comma (,), asterisks (*) or left parenthesis may be entered at any point outside those characters delimiting con- stants. The requirement vectors are separated from the rest of the constraint by relational operators. All coefficients must appear and be in sequential- order . The program recognizes three relational operators: LE (less than or equal), EQ (equal), and GE (greater than or equal). These relational operators are surrounded by quotes ("). See Section V. Examples in this program. Output The output consists of the objective function, the final solution matrix, the variables in solution, and the optimal functional value. In addition, Shadow Prices or opportunity costs are printed. Shadow Prices provide useful information on the "cost" of having certain constraints, or the increased pro- fit to be obtained by 'relaxing' a particular constraint. LINEAR PROGRAMMING Page U For example : Constraint 1: IX(l) + 2X(3) < 5-0 To this constraint, slack variable X(l) is added to make it an equality. In the final solution, X(l) is not in solution. The optimal maximum functional value is 20. The 'Shadow Price' on variable X(l) is 2.0. This means that if we relax this constraint to 6.0, the optimal maximum value could be 22.0. For every unit the constraint is relaxed, the functional value will be changed by the Shadow Price. The Shadow Price holds until the constraint is no longer binding. The same logic may be applied to "GE" type constraints with surplus variables. For interpretation of Shadow Price for structural and artificial variables, the user is referred to texts under headings such as "Dual Algorithm", Interpretation of the Dual", and "Opportunity Costs". Basis variables refer to those variables which form the original identity matrix. The variable numbers are listed in the order they were added to the constraints. The number of basis variables will always equal the number of constraints. To determine whether a basis variable is a slack or artificial variable, refer to the coefficients of these variables in the objective func- tion. A slack variable will have a coefficient of 0.0. MESSAGES SLEM TOO LARGE : More than 300 variables or 100 constraints on input or during addition of slack, surplus, and artificial variables. NORM FOR CUTOFF : Value of Main Parameter Number 2, either supplied or default. . - R IN SIMPLX : Source Program Error. See a consultant. "OLU T iPN UNBOUNDED : Constraints do not form a closed space. Optimal functional value is infinite. iER OF ITERATIONS : Number of row operations needed to calculate final solution. For multiple requirement vectors, number is not cumulative. ACCURACY ACCEPTABLE or ACCURACY NOT ACCEPTABLE : Comparison with Main Para- meter Number 3- VARIABLE ADDED VARIABLES ARE : Iterations either inaccurate and new variable added or. during execution of multiple requirement vector, a new variable had to be added to make problem feasible (requirement vector positive). NON-RESOLVABLE TIE : Cannot occur mathematically. Only reason for occurance is due to rounding error in machine. Can be corrected by incrementing or decrementing requirement vector by a small amount. Perform this only for constants of same value. (Use Parameter 7). Other messages should be self-explanatory. . 'r ■■i-il Comments Speed and accuracy can be increased by observing the following suggestions: 1) Never make Parameter 3 (accuracy check) larger than (0.1) X (number of significant digits in table). For example, if numbers in the table are k, 5, .001, 86, 95-32, you have "one" significant digit. Set Parameter 3 to *.l*. LINEAR PROGRAMMING Page 5 2) Scale numbers in table to get them into same range. For example, if table entries are of the order 10 , and the requirement vectors are of the order 103, scale requirement vectors to KH- and rescale solution by 10^. The objective function may also be rescaled in a similar manner. Rescaling essentially reflects the number of significant digits. V . Example s The problem: Minimize --75X(l) + 150X(2) -.02X(3) + 6x(k) Subject to the following constraints: Constraint (l) .25X(l) -60X(2) -.04X(3) + 9X(*0 < 0, 1, 2 Constraint (2) .05X(l) -90X(2) -.02X(3) -3X(U) < 0, 1, 2 Constraint (3) 1X(3) < 1, 2, 3 Could be set up on cards as follows : /*ID // EXEC SOUPAC //SOUPAC.SYSIN DD * L-P*-1.E20****.1*()0 (!)• MIN*- . 75**150**- . 02**6* . LABOR * . 25** -60**- . 0k** 9*" LE" *0**1**2* . LAND* . 05-**-90**- . 02**-3 • 0*"LE"*0**1**2* . CASH(2)*l*(lV'LE"*r*-*2**3'*- END PROGRAM END SOUPAC /* LINEAR PROGRAMMING Page 6 This problem will result in an unbounded solution with requirement vector number one. The problem terminates without performing calculations on the other vectors. Note insertion of sequential zeros on CASH card. QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING I. General Description This program maximizes the quadratic function ex + 1/2 x T Dx subject to the linear constraints Ax <_ b, where c is an n-vector, D is a symmetric negative definite n by n matrix, A is an m by n matrix of coefficients or constraints and b is an m vector. The Kuhn-Tucker theory shows that a solution to the constrained maxi- mization problem is obtained if and only if vectors x, L, v, and w can be found such that : Dx - A T L + v = -c Ax + w = b where the elements of x, L, v, and w are non-negative and the conditions xv = and lw = are satisfied. To find these vectors, artificial vectors z 1 and z^ are added to the first equation and a y-vector is added to the second. Simples techniques are then used to eliminate first the y and then the z-^ amd z2 variables. References : Carr, C. R. and C. H. Howe, Quantitative Decision Procedures in Management and Economics , McGraw-Hill , 196*+ . Hadley, G. , Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming , Addi son-Wesley, ISSh. Wolfe, P., "The Simplex Method for Quadratic Programming", Econometrica , 27, 1959, PP. 382-398. NOTE: Carr and Howe claim that elements of the w-vector may not be en entered in the first stage of the simplex procedure. Since this requires that there exist a solution to Ax = b, it is a severe restriction. It is also unnecessary, and this program does enter w-variables during the first stage. Otherwise, the procedures used closely follow those of Carr and Howe. II. Restrictions The maximum number of x-variables is kO. The number of x-variables plus the number of constraints must be <_ 80. The D-matrix must be negative definite. If this is dubious, use the PRINCIPLE AXIS FACTOR ANALYSIS program to extract the eigenvalues. All must be negative. Semi-definite D-matrices may be perturbed or the user may limit the number of iterations to be performed. If this limit is exhausted, final solution vectors will be printed out (see below). The only form of input is a matrix of data. If there are n x-variables and m constraints , the matrix should have n + 1 columns and m + n rows , partitioned as follows: QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING Page 2 D (n x n ) A (m x n) c (n x 1) b (m x 1) Note that this is the c vector, not the -c vector mentioned in the Kuhn-Tucker formulas. Also note the + sign and the 1/2 coefficient of the xDx term. All constraints in this type of input are assumed to be < type. Multiply > constraints through by -1. The equality constraing: n Z a. jX = b. 0=1 is equivalent to the two constraints Za-^X. <; b- and Z-a. .X. <; b. . This matrix can be read- in from cards or from temporary storage. Only one problem can be read from a tape or sequential location. Multiple problems must be read from cards, the matrix for each problem preceded by its own "DATA (N + l) (FORMAT)" card and followed by its own "END#" card. The elements of the w-vector are always non-negative and are to be considered "slack" for < constraints and "surplus" for > constraints. The user may obtain the basis vector at the end of each iteration showing which variables are in the basis and their quantities (option 2). lie may alternatively have the entire matrix printed out after each iteration (option 3)- The user is cautioned that option 3 can use immense quantities of paper and time unless the problem is very small. A method outlined in Hadley, pages 183 - 186, is used to avoid cycling in cases of degeneracy. Parameters The program call card should have the name QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING followed by these parameters: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Number of problems following 2 Input Address. SEQUENTIAL 1-15 or CARDS. 3 Output option: if final results only 1 if iterated basis vectors 2 for entire iterated matrix h Limit on number of iterations if desired. Leave blank otherwise. Default is 1000. QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING Page 3 Parameter Number Use or Meaning IV. Example s Example I Pertubation quantity. Punch quantity to be subtracted from diagonal of D- matrix between asterisks instead of parenthesis; e.g., *.001*. Leave blank if not desired. Suppose we wish to maximize the quadratic function F = IOx-l + 20x 2 + 15x3 - Ix-l 2 - 2x 2 2 + lxix 2 subject to the constraints 2xi + 3x 2 + Ix^ < 50 lxj + 3x3 < 70 3xj_ + 2x 2 < 60 Since the D-matrix is only negative semi-definite, it should be perturbed to insure convergence to a solution. The following set of cards would solve the problem using data matrix input : /*ID // EXEC SOUPAC //SYSIN DD * QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING (l) (CARDS) (0) (0)*.001*. END SOUPAC DATA(i+)(UF3.0) 1 10 1 -if 20 c Vi 2 3 1 50 1 3 70 b 3 2 // 60 /* QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING Page h Example II : Maximize F = 8x-|_ + 10x 2 - X]_ 2 - xp 2 subject to the constraint 3x x + 2x 2 < 6 The D-matrix is negative definite. The problem would be set us as follows: /*ID // EXEC SOUPAC //SYSIN DD * QUAD (1) (C)(2). END SOUPAC DATA(? (F2.0,2F3-0) -2 D -2 10 c A END# /* b b The extreme value of the objective function for this example is .213E02 THREE STAGE LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Three Stage Lease Squares Estimation program calculates three stage least squares estimates and an asymptotic covariance matrix. A raw data covariance matrix and two stage least squares residual covariance matrix are the necessary input. Calculations are carried out an in "Econometric Theory" by Arthur S. Goldberger, pp. 3^7-352. The coefficients may also be stored for use with the Econometric Reduced Form and Residual Analysis program. References : Goldberger, Authur, S. , Econometric Theory , New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 196h. Johnston, J., Econometric Methods , New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., I960. II. RESTRICTIONS The raw data covariance matrix must be arranged in the K-Class Estimation program write-up. The program has the following size restrictions: Total number of coefficients estimated <_ 1^+0. (NEQ x NVAR) + (NEQ x NEQ) + (NVAR x NVAR) <_ 20,000 NVAR = the total number of variables NEQ = the number of equations estimated Note: Endogenous coefficients are printed out first, followed by exogenous coefficients. III. PARAMETERS The parameters appear on the program card following the name Three Stage in the following order : Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address for raw data covariance matrix. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 2 Output Address for coefficients. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 3 Input Address for residual covariance matrix. SEQUENTIAL 1-15- h Number of equations to be estimated 5 Number of exogenous variables THREE STAGE LEAST SQUARES Page 2 Subparameters For each equation a card specifying the variables in the equation must follow the main parameter card with the following parameters : Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Number of exogenous variables in the equation 2 Number of endogenous variables in the equation 3 to N + 2 Variable number of the N variables included in the equations with exogenous variables first; endogenous variables next , with the variable on which the system is normalized last. IV. SPECIAL COMMENTS The Three State Least Squares Estimation program requires input from several other SOUPAC programs. The following is an example of the steps needed to calculate the necessary input. V . EXAMPLE K1CLASS (Tl ) ( T2 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) (1 ) . K2CLASS(T2)(T3)(TM()(8)(2)*1.*. (M(2)(1)(2)(3)(M(D(2). (M(2)(5)(6)(7)(8)(2)(l). END P ECON (T3)(T2)()(8)()(T5). THREE(T2)(T6)(T5)(2)(8). (M(2)(1)(2)(3)(M(D(2). (M(2)(5)(6)(T)(8)(2)(1). END P Notice that the equation control cards for both K2CLASS and Three-stage Least Squares must be in the same order. Also notice that an ENDP card is required after the equation cards. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS SECTION AUTOCORRELATION AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS General Description The calculation of autocorrelation coefficients and the determination of power spectra are of interest to economists in the study of time series and others whose interest leads them to suspect some repetition of variation within a set of observations. For a single variable, the autocorrelation, r p , is calculated as follows: (N-p) IX. X. - £X.£X. ^ " [(N-p) tt* - (2X.) 2 ] 1/2 [(N-p) ZX i+p 2 - ^ i+p ) 2 ] V2 N is the total number of observations; p is an arbitrarily chosen time lag. The power spectrum is a Fourier transformation of the autocovariances and is used in the harmonic analysis of Xj_ as a function of time. Raw estimates of the spectral density are given by formula (2) and a smoothed value is given by formula (3) : (2) L p = W + 2 ZW q cos SM + Wm cos pfl (3) U = 0.23 L + 0.5^ L + 0.23 L p+1 This program, however, not only will calculate values of X^ with X. + , but will calculate values for all possible pairs of variates, Xj_j with X i+P,j- For a more detailed discussion, see: R. W. Southworth, "Autocorrelation and Spectral Analysis" from Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers , by Anthony Ralston and Herbert Wilf; John Wiley and Sons, i960, pp. 213-20. II. Restrictions This program is designed to accept from 1 to 15 variables. The number of observations is limited to 2500 or less. Since all possible pairs of lagged cross-correlations are printed for values of p from p to p + kd (p, k, and d are set by program parameters), the output under maximum circumstances will be very large. The value of p is limited to 1500 or less. Current literature suggests that for a correlation between Xj_ and Xj_ + p, the value of p should not exceed 10 per cent of the total number of observations. It should be pointed out, however, that a set of observations, Xj_, can be broken up into blocks of equal size, and the several blocks can be treated as additional variables. In this way, the value of p can exceed 1500 and also the value of N can exceed 2500. Ill . Parameters Data may be read from the program either from cards or from any temp- orary storage medium. In the output, X is the lead variable and Y is the lag variable. AUTOCORRELATIONS Page 2 The call card will have the program name first. After this the para- meters are in the following order: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15- 2 An integer number denoting the minimum number of lag periods, p. 3 An integer number denoting the maximum lag, p + kd, at which time the execution of the program is terminated. h An integer number denoting the increment, d, -to be added to p, so that the lag period can be altered. Parameters 3 and k will be useful generally when one wants to study the changes in the power spectra as a function of lag length. 5 The presence of a number greater than indicates that the means, standard deviations, and correlations are to be printed. 6 Standard SOUPAC output parameters consisting of an output address, and/or / PRINT, and/or /X. If the punch or print option is chosen, then the quantities output are the lag period, auto- correlation coefficient, autocovariance function, raw spectrum, and smoothed spectrum in 15, !+El8.8 format . 7 A number greater than indicates that the lead- lag sums and cross-products are to be printed. If a parameter is left blank, this is the same as specifying a zero. It should be pointed out that the output for several variables is quite large, and unless there is interest in the output, several of the parameters should be left as blanks. SCALE ANALYSIS PACKAGE CLIQUE ANALYSIS I- General Description This routine is designed to enumerate all third order or higher interrelationships (communication chain) which exist in a sociometric matrix. The algorithm is identical to the method described by Harary and Ross. A communication chain is considered to be any submatrix of order three or more in which all the off diagonal cells are full. II- Restrictions The maximum dimensions for an input array is 190 x 190. Input may come from cards or any temporary storage area. The array must contain only zeroes and ones in its elements. Any number greater than zero is considered to be one; therefore, care should be used in constructing the array. Symmetry in the input matrix is not necessary since the program automatically forces symmetry through element-wise products. It is suggested that TRANSFORMATIONS be used to modify input arrays when various cut-off points are used to distinguish ones from zeroes. III. Parameters The name CLIQUE ANALYSIS appears first on the program call card and is followed by the following parameter: Parameter Number Use or Meaning 1 Input Address of data array. CARDS or SEQUENTIAL 1-15. IV. Special Comments The following is an illustration of the clique detection concept. Data matrix: 1 1 1 ° 1 lie c 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 ] 1 , ] 1 1 Oj oj 0! ll 1 ll CLIQUE ANALYSIS Page 2 Clique (1) 1, 2, 3 Clique (2) 8, 6, 7, 9 Clique (3) k, 3, 5 Clique (k) 3, 5, 6 Clique (5) k, 5, 7 Clique (6) 5, 6, 7 Harary and Ross, "A Procedure for Clique Detection Using the Group Matrix", Sociometry , Vol. 20, No. 3, 1956, pp. 2-5, 215. October 10, I969 S0UPAC( Statistically Oriented Users Programming and Consulting "> PAIRED COMPARISONS General Description Paired comparisons is a method of obtaining empirical estimates of the form "stimulus J is judged greater than any other stimulus i." Each stimulus in turn serves as the standard; that is, all possible pairs of stimuli are compared. With n_ stimuli, there are n (n-l)/2 pairs. Comparisons of a stimulus with itself is disregarded; it is assumed that a proportion of 0.05 would result. In the following m = no. of subjects = sample size. Each subject's preferences are tabulated, and the total number of times he preferred each stimulus is computed producing, A , an n x n matrix of l's and 0's , k = 1, m. Totals for each stimulus and a grand total are computed for each subject and this m x n + 1 matrix is referred to as individual preference sums. The individual tables, A , are summed over all subjects to form an n x n frequency matrix F, whose elements (fij ) denote the observed number of times stimulus j was judged greater than stimulus i. The matrix of proportions, P, is then computed from F, so that p. . is the observed proportion of times stimulus j was judged greater than J stimulus i. The matrix X is derived from P by reference to the normal curve; x. . is the unit normal deviate corresponding to the element p... These are the sample estimates of the values required to determine the scale values of the stimuli. The scale values are computed by summation producing s., a least squares estimate of the scale value of stimulus j. J II. Input A. Both an indication of ordering for each pair and an array of subjects' choices are required. The former must be given as a set of pair subparameter cards and the latter as an observation of data for each subject in a data deck. B. In the subjects deck one number is used to denote the subject's choice for each pair. This choice may be "is greater than," "is better than," "is brighter than," etc. This number is 1 if the subject chose the left, or first stimulus, 2 if the subject chose the right or second stimulus. No other coding is acceptable. C. The pair cards consist of one mention each of every possible pair of stimuli. The order of the pairs is the same as the order of the subjects' choices, i.e. pair 1 corresponds to item 1 of the subject array. The order of the elements in the pairs is reflected in the subjects' choice deck, if (5>T) corresponds to a 1 then the subject chose stimulus 5 over stimulus 7» if (7,5) were the pair, a 2 corresponding would mean stimulus 5 preferred. Note that one set of pair specifications serves for all subjects. PAIRED COMPARISONS Page 2 III. Formulas and Calculations A. INDIVIDUAL PREFERENCE SUMS Let A "be an individual preference frequency table, a. . , is an element of A, i=l , n, j=l, n, where n is the number or stimuli a. . = 1 if an individual chose stimulus j over stimulus i. a. . = if the individual chose stimulus i over j a. . = a. . = no stimulus is compared with itself, n JJ Individual preference sum for stimulus j = I a. . i 1J Error messages concerning incorrect frequency tables refer to the configurations of Table A. A can be correct only if subject data and pair cards are correct . STIMULUS PREFERENCE FREQUENCY TABLE, F Given the matrix A for each of m subjects m Stimulus preference frequencies = f . . = Z a U k=1 ij C. TABLE OF PROPORTIONS, P If m is the sample size, i.e. number of subjects, then, f . . P.. =" iL ij m D. TABLE OF NORMAL DEVIATES, Z Let p. . be an element of the table of proportions: Then let e - e.. = log (1/ Pi . 2 ) 2.515517 + .802853xe + .010328xe 2 1. + l.i+32T88xe + .l89269xe 2 + .001308xe 3 producing a z for each e. .. Critical values of p occur at , 1 and .5 so adjustments are made for these values before the formula is applied and sometimes after. PAIRED COMPARISONS Page 3 E. SCALE VALUES, S s. = X J J , where n is the number of stimuli ii Then total scale = L S i J J A row of scales and a total of length n + 1 is calculated. IV. Output Matrices for individual preference totals =„* q always printed. Other intermediate re su^F ^L V V S ' *** on option. All matrices mav h« !+ ^sults F, P and Z may be printed in F format. F, P and Z are n x n ™? " ° Ptl ° n - Ml rSSUltS are P rinte * aremxn + 1 and n + 1 \L ,• T f eS> i ndivi dual totals and S The A matrix I.^^cS^rSj'S^S = *» calculations). v - Restrictions A ' ^^o™ SSS ^E^^st 1 \' '^ The - e " n ° -friction on toe sublets sh oSr n :; e ss^rs:.""' be paired " ith ^ ° th - «• pairs (te sti^li) ^ be inSerted t0 * "»*™ °f 881 n(n-l) * = — . Any other relationship is invalid. D ' the'fir J 5 ' 7 - V ^^ thSn (7 ' 5) is invali *' Also, if this is "LuluT^^^^ VI- Parameters the p^eters ^ S&£££? *»"""• °" »» ** ™* — Parameter ^S^r Use or Meaning 1 2 Input Address of data. CARDS, SEQUENTIAL 1-5. Output Address of individual preference sums. Always printed. SEQUENTIAL 1-5. n sS^TTAf 1 S S ° f ,f lmUlUS P reference f-auency table SEQUENTIAL 1-5 and/or PRINT; if not desired, leave parameter Wnr,v ' a,e parameter blank. PAIRED COMPARISONS Page k Parameter Number Use of Meaning k ft Output Address of proportions. SEQUENTIAL 1-5 and/ or PRINT; if not desired, leave parameter blank. 5 ft Output Address of normal deviates. SEQUENTIAL 1-5 and/or PRINT; if not desired, leave parameter blank. 6 Scale Values. SEQUENTIAL 1-5, always printed. ft It is possible to punch the output from these parameters while executing this program. If you need this option, see the section in the Introduction on Input and Output. Any storable output may be punched using the Matrix program. VII. Examples A. /*ID // EXEC SOUP //SYS IN DD * PAIRED COMPARISONS (C)( )(P)(P)(P). PAIRS (l,2)(3,l)(i+,l)(3,2)(2,U)(it,3) END P END S DATA(6)(6F1.0) 122211 222111 121122 END # /* Print has been indicated for all output except individual preference sums and scale values which are always printed. The pairs card indicates that there are k stimuli. All possible pairs of these stimuli are presented to the subjects, and the subject's responses are recorded in the order (l,2), (l,3), (l,M, (2,3), (2,4), (3,^). Some of these pair members have been inverted indicating that no special order is required, left member or right member preference of subjects would, of course, be affected by the inversion. The pairs need not be given in the increasing order of the example, but at all times the order of the pairs is the order of the corresponding subject responses . The data deck is a set of subject responses for each pair of stimuli. PAIRED COMPARISONS Page 5 B. /*ID PERMA BOUND*!