UKIVEfiSHi JUN 14 1921 FIRST SERIES NO. 49 MAY, 15, 1921 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES UNIVERSITY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1918-1920 Issued semi-monthly throughoiit the year. Entered at the post office at Iowa City, Iowa, as second class mail matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA UNIVERSITY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1918-1920 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY. IOWA CITY JUNE. 1921 CONTENTS I. Official Publications 1. Bulletin of the State University of Iowa 2. University of Iowa Studies 3. University of Iowa Extension Bulletin 4. University of Iowa Service Bulletin 5. University of Iowa News Letter 6. Miscellaneous Publications II. Doctoral Dissertations III. Alumni and Student Publications IV. Publications of the Officers of the University I. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS 1. Bulletin of the State University 140 Shall colleges have a definite plan for the selection of graduate students 141 Preliminary Summer Session announcement (1918) 142 The new building of the college of dentistry 143 The graduate college 144 The Summer Session 145 Speeding up 146 A challenge to young women 147 Sixth and seventh annual reports of the University hospital 148 Preparatory course for nurses 149 Catalogue 150 College of law bulletin 151 School of commerce bulletin 152 Pamphlet of general information 153 University High School bulletin 154 Military pamphlet 155 Pre-nursing course 156 Program of college of liberal arts, etc. 157 Syllabus on the issues of the war 158 Hall, campus, and field 159 Abridged catalogue 160 Preliminary announcement of the Summer Session 161 The new children's hospital (Informal opening March 23, 1919) 162 Schedule of study (Spring Term 1918-1919) 163 College of law announcement (Annual session 1919-1920) 164 Physical education in the schools 165 Summer Session catalogue 1919 166 Engineering as a profession 167 Schedule of courses for the Summer Session 168 New dormitory for men 169 Catalogue 170 University High School 171 Pharmacy as a profession 172 Women at the University 173 University Elementary School 1919-1920 174 Directory of living graduates 175 Abridged catalogue 176 University hospital clinics 177 The University illustrated 178 Preliminary announcement of the Summer Session 179 A message to young women about to leave high school 180 An open letter to college seniors 181 Announcement of the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory 1920 182 Annual catalogue of the school of nursing 183 Summer Session 1920 184 Manual arts in the Summer Session 185 School of commerce 186 College of law announcement 1920-21 187 Courses for athletic coaches and physical directors in the Summer Session 188 The study of chemistry 189 University hospitals 3 190 391 192 193 194 195 196 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Catalogue Engineering as a profession Women at Iowa Scholarships, prizes, and honors Hospital report for 1920 Public health nursing Preliminary Summer Session announcement 1921 2. University of Iowa Studies Studies in medicine. Eeprints Jan., 1918 Schedule of dissertations March, 1918 Clark, Hubert Lyman. Report on the Crinoidea and Echinoidea April, 1918 Krehbiel, August Robert. Gottfried Keller's attitude toward literary criticism and theory May, 1918 McClenahan, Bessie A. The Iowa Plan for the combination of public and private relief June, 1918 Chang, Tso-Shuen. History and analysis of the city manager and commission plans of government July, 1918 Hinman, Jack J. The water supply in the field Aug., 1918 University Bibliography. 1917 Sept., 1918 Brumfiel, Daniel Milton. The animal ecology of Johnson county Oct., 1918 Boyce, Myrna. The diplomatic relations of England with the Quadruple Alliance 1815-1830 Nov., 1918 Shaver, Nelle E. A nest study of the Maryland yellow throat Dec, 1918 Studies in medicine. Reprints Jan., 1919 Mounts, Lewis Hendrix. Dependents, defectives, and delinquents in Iowa Feb., 1919 Iowa Lakeside Laboratory (Lake Okoboji) Mar., 1919 Schedule of dissertations April, 1919 Nutting, Charles Cleveland. Barbados-Antigua expedition May, 1919 Catalogue and price list 1888-1919 June, 1919 Schedule of dissertations April, 1920 Abstracts of studies in education May, 1920 Studies in medicine (Collected studies and reports) June, 1920 Administration and scope of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station July, 1920 Stoner, Dayton. The scutelleroidea of Iowa Aug., 1920 Birge, E. A., and Juday, Chancey. A limnological reconnaissance of West Okoboji Sept., 1920 Seashore, Carl Emil. A survey of musical talent in public schools Oct., 1920 Lundin, Hilda G. Influence of Jeremy Bentham on • English democratic development Nov., 1920 Stoner, Dayton. Nesting habits of the hermit thrush Dec. 1, 1920 Stinchfield, Sarah May. Preliminary study in corrective speech Dec. 15, 1920 Bulletin from the laboratories of natural history Volume 7. No. 5. 37p. 4 pi. 1918. Clark, H. L. Report on the crinoidea and echinoidea collected by the Bahama expedition from the University of Iowa in 1893. Studies in natural history Continuation of Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa Volume 8. No. 1. 37p. 22 pi. 1918. Brumfiel, D. M. Animal ecology of Johnson county. Volume 8. No. 2. 12p. 1918. Shaver, N. E. Nest study of the Maryland yellow-throat. Volume 8. No. 3. 274p. 1919. Nutting, C. C. The Barbados- Antigua expedition: Narrative and pre- liminary report of the Zoological expedition from the University of Iowa to the Lesser Antilles under the auspices of the Graduate College. Volume 8. No. 4. 140p. 4pl 1920. Stoner, Dayton. Scutelleroidea of Iowa. Volume 9. No. 1. 56p. 1920. Birge, E. A, and Juday, Chauncey. A limnological reconnaissance of West Okoboji. Volume 9. No. 2. 21p. 1920. Stoner, Dayton. Nesting habits of the hermit thrush in northern Michigan. Studies in the social sciences Volume 5. No. 3. 73p. 1918. McClenahan, B. A. Iowa plan for the combination of public and private relief. Volume 6. 290p. 1918. Chang, Tso-Shuen. History and analysis of the commission and city manager plans of municipal government in the U. S. Volume 7. No. 1. 75p. 1918. Boyce, Myrna. Diplomatic relations of England with the quadruple alliance, 1815-1830. Volume 7. No. 2. 165p. . 1919. Mounts, L. L. Dependents, defectives and delinquents in Iowa. Volume 7. No. 3. 84p. 1920. Lundin, H. G. Influence of Jeremy Bentham on English democratic development. Humanistic studies Volume 1. No. 7. 1918. Krehbiel, A. R. Gottfried Keller's attitude toward literary criticism and theory. Studies in Medicine Volume 1. No. 3. 1918. 1. Dean, L. W. and Gregg, J. B. Report of a case of coexistent carci- noma, tuberculosis and syphilis of the esophagus. 2. Howard, C. P. and Stevens, F. A. The iron metabolism of hemo- chromatosis. 3. Howard, C. P. and Ingvaldsen, T. The mineral metabolism of ex- perimental scurvy of the monkey. 4. Baumann, Louis, and Hines, H. M. The origin of creatine. II. 5. Sawyer, Margaret, and Stevens, F. A. Studies of acid production. I. The varying susceptibility of children to acidosis. A preliminary report. 6. Eockwood, E. W. Some nitrogenous auxoamylases. 7. Beye, H. L. Deep palmar hand infections. An experimental and clinical study of the surgical anatomy of these conditions. 9. Prentiss, H. J. Eoentgenological interpretation of accessory sinus variations. 9. Prentiss, H. J. Greater exposure in the kidney approach. 10. Sehlomovitz, B. H. and Chase, C. S. The temperature method in the localization of a cardiac pacemaker. 11. Albert, Henry, Hinman, J. J. Jr., and Jordan, Gharret. Bacterial changes in un-iced specimens of water and description of a con- tainer for the transportation of iced specimens of water for both chemical and bacteriological examinations. 12. Boyd, M. F. Note on preparation of hyphomycetes for microscopical examination. 13. Boyd, M. F. The de-lousing measures of the Santa Fe railway system. 14. Boyd, M. F. Butter as a vehicle of infection in typhoid. Volume 1. No. 4. 1918. Hinman, J. J. Jr. Water supply in the field. Volume 1. No. 5. 1918. 1. Dragstedt, L. E., Dragstedt, C. A., McClintock, J. T., and Chase, C. S. Extirpation of the duodenum. 2. Dragstedt, C. A., Dragstedt, L. E., and Chase, C. S. The antigenic property of closed intestinal loop fluid. 3. Steindler, Arthur. Orthopedic operations on the hand. 4. Steindler, Arthur. Problems of the reconstruction of the hand. 5. Byfield, A. H. Systemic manifestations of chronic nasal sinus in- fections in childhood. 6. Prentiss, H. J. A preliminary report upon the temporo-mandibular articulation in the human type. 7. Myers, L. L. Eadium in the treatment of carcinoma of the uterus. 8. Eockwood, E. W., and Sivickes, P. B. Eelative digestibility of maize oil (corn oil), cottonseed oil, and lard. 9. Baumann, Louis, and Hines, H. M. The origin of creatine. HE. 10. Sawyer, Margaret; Baumann, Louis, and Stevens, F. Studies of acid production. II. The mineral loss during acidosis. 11. Albert, Henry, and Douglis, M. G. Bone metaplasia in the tonsils. 12. Albert, Henry, and Taylor, Margaret. The resistance of strepto- cocci to germicidial agents. 13. Albert, Henry. Diseases caused by animal parasites (considered from the standpoint of the present great war). 14. Boyd, M. F. Insect vectors in the war. 15. Hinman, J. J. Jr. American water works laboratories. 16. Levine, Max. Differentiation of B. coli and B. aerogenes on a simpli- fied eosinmethylene blue agar. Volume 1. No. 6. 1920. 1. Dean, L. W. and Bunch, C. C. The use of pitch range audiometer in otology. 2. Dean, L. W. and Armstrong, Margaret. Nasal sinus disease in in- fants and young children, including a bacteriological study. 3. Calhoun, Henrietta. Histopathology of the brain and spinal cord in a case presenting a postinfluenzal lethargic encephalitis syndrome. 4. Calhoun, Henrietta. Eesume on the circulatory system. (Eeview of literature of 1917, 1918 and 1919). 6 5. Albert, Henry, and Kelman, S. E. The pathogenicity of bacillus in- fluenzae for laboratory animals. 6. Albert, Henry. Bacteriology and pathology of influenza. 7. Hamilton, John, and Leonard, A. H. Acquired immunity to influenza. (As indicated by a recurrent epidemic in an institution). 8. Kelman, S. E. Experimental emphysema. 9. Hamilton, John. Epidemiological aspects of typhoid fever in Iowa. 10. Havens, L. C. The importance of biologic classifications in epidemiology. 11. Hinman, J. J. Jr. A water supply of the service of supplies, A. E. F. 12. Dragsteclt, L. E., Dragstedt. C. A., McClintock, J. T., and Chase, C. S. Intestinal obstruction. II. A study of the factors involved in the production and absorption of toxic materials from the intestine. 13. Daniels, Amy, and Byfield, A. H., with the cooperation of Eosemary Loughlin. The role of the antineuritic vitamin in the artificial feeding of children. 14. Eoekwood, E. W. The effect of neutral salts upon the activity of ptyalin. 15. Prentiss, H. J. A preliminary report on the mesotendons of the ankle. 16.. Steindler, Arthur. Nutrition and vitality of the tendon in tendon transplantation. 17. Steindler, Arthur. Contribution to Volkmann's contracture. Studies in psychology Volume 7. 163p. 1918. (Issued as Vol. 25, No. 2 of Psychological mono- graphs) Williams, M. C. Description of an unusual case of partial color blindness. Stewart, 6. W. Binaural beats. Seashore, C. E., and Mount, G. H. Correlation of factors in musical talent and training. Malmberg, C. F. The perception of consonance and dissonance. Gaw, E. A. A revision of the consonance test. Seashore, C. E., and Ling, T. L. Comparative sensitiveness of blind and seeing persons. Seashore, C. E., and Tan Kwei. The elemental character of sensory discrimination. Iowa law bulletin new series Volume 4. No. 1. p. 1-64. January 1918. Beale, Joseph. Eesidence and domicil. Child, S. E. Progress in uniform state legislation. Perkins, E. M. Judicial relaxation of the carrier's liability. II. Notes. Eecent cases. Volume 4. No. 2. p. 65-136. March 1918. Goodrich, H. F. Permanent structures and the Iowa rule. Perkins, E. M. Judicial relaxation of the carrier's liability. III. Notes. Eecent cases. Book reviews. Volume 4. No. 3. p. 141-216. May 1918. Horack, H. C. Spendthrift trusts in Iowa. Goodrich, H. F. Iowa decisions on breach of marriage promise. Notes. Recent cases. Book reviews. Volume 4. No. 4. p. 217-287. November 1918. MeGovney, D. O. Privileges or immunities clause; fourteenth amend- ment. McCarty, D. G. Modern methods in the law office. Myers, O. P. American torrens land title system. Notes. Recent cases. Volume 5. No. 1. p. 1-64. November 1919. Trewin, J. H. Progress in code revision. Perkins, R. M. Unwholesome food as a source of liability. Goodrich, H. F. Iowa application of the last clear chance doctrine. Recent cases. Volume 5. No. 2. p. 65-128. January 1920. Goodrich, H. F. Non negotiable bills and notes. Perkins, R. M. Unwholesome food as a source of liability. Recent cases. Volume 5. No. 3. p. 129-208. March 1920. Horack, H. C. Uniform conditional sales act in Iowa. MeGovney, D. O. Self-criminating and self-disgracing testimony code revision. Goodrich, H. F. A conciliation law for Iowa. Notes. Volume 5. No. 4. p. 209-288. May 1920. Perkins, R. M. May a promissory note be payable in foreign money. Goodrich, H. F. Enforcement of a foreign equitable decree. Editorial. Notes. Recent cases. Book reviews. Volume 6. No. 1. p. 1-64. November 1920. Perkins, R. M. Uniformity in uniform legislation. McCarty, D. G. Time records for the lawyer. Goodrich, H. F. A year's work of the Iowa supreme court. Editorial. Notes. Recent cases. Aims and progress of research 5 Schedule of dissertations. 1918. 6 Iowa Lakeside laboratory at Lake Okoboji. (Incorrectly numbered 5) 7 Schedule of dissertations. 1919. 8 Schedule of dissertations. 1920. 9 Abstracts of Studies in education. 1920. 10 Administration and scope of the Iowa child welfare research station. 1920. 3. Extension Division Bulletin 31 Ser. 12 Plum, H. G. Monroe Doctrine and the war. Jan. 1, 1918 32 Ser. 13 Horn, E. and McBroom, Maude M. The conservation of sugar April 15, 1918 33 Sex. 14 34 Ser. 15 35 Ser. 16 36 Ser. 17 37 Ser. 18 38 Ser. 19 39 Ser. 20 40 Ser. 21 41 Ser. 22 42 Ser. 23 43 Ser. 24 44 Ser. 25 45 Ser. 26 46 Ser. 27 47 Ser. 28 48 Ser. 29 49 Ser. 30 50 Ser. 31 51 Ser. 32 52 Ser. 33 53 Ser. 34 54 Ser. 35 55 Ser. 36 56 Ser. 37 57 Ser. 38 58 Ser. 39 59 Ser. 40 60 61 62 63 64. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 • Fifth annual recreational camp for girls May 1, 1918 Iowa training camp for scoutmasters May 15, 1918 Conference for religious workers June 1, 1918 Whitney, N. E. The overdraft evil June 15, 1918 Lewis, E. E. Survey of high schools of Des Moines July 1, 1918 Debating league bulletin July 15, 1918 Loan collections of lantern-slides Aug. 1, 1918 Iowa patriotic league — bibliography Aug. 15, 1918 Ashbaugh, E. J. Survey of the school buildings of Muscatine Sept. 1, 1918 Ensign, F. C. Parent-teacher association in Iowa Sept. 15, 1918 Ashbaugh, E. J. Iowa spelling scale Nov. 15, 1918 Merry, G. 1ST. High school plays Mar. 1, 1919 Training camp for scoutmasters April 1, 1919 Correspondence courses April 15, 1919 Conference for religious workers May 1, 1919 Iowa patriotic league bulletin May 15, 1919 Conference for women June 1, 1919 Patrick, G. T. W. Our centrifugal society July 15, 1919 The study of Americanization Aug. 1, 1919 Iowa patriotic league: Plans for 1919-1920 Aug. 15, 1919 Ashbaugh, E. J. Ashbaugh — Iowa spelling scale, grades' II, III, IV Sept. 1, 1919 Ashbaugh, E. J. Ashbaugh — Iowa spelling- scale, grades IV, V, VI Sept. 15, 1919 Ashbaugh, E. J. Ashbaugh — Iowa spelling scale, grades VI, VII, VIII Oct. 1, 1919 Young, C. E. Suggestions to teachers of French and Spanish in the high school Oct. 15, 1919 Diet for the school child Nov. 1, 1919 Fourteenth annual announcement of the Iowa high school debating league Nov. 15, 1919 Baldwin, B. T. Phvsical growth of school children Dec. 1, 1919 Great charters of Americanism Jan. 1, 1920 Income tax problems Jan. 15, 1920 Cook, W. C. Character in newspapers Feb. 1, 1920 Stiver. C. B. Answers to income tax questions Feb. 15, 1920 Murphy. Louis, Answers to income tax questions April 1, 1920 Feeding the baby May 1, 1920 Outlines for the study of great American problems June 1, 1920 Service in public health education July 1, 1920 Minimum essentials of English composition July 15, 1920 Russell, W. F. School finance in Iowa cities Aug. 1, 1920 None published Aug. 15, 1920 Fifteenth annual announcement of the Iowa high school debating league Sept. 1, 1920 4. University of Iowa Service Bulletin V. I. 48 A happy New Year 49 The conference for religious workers 50 Earning his way Jan. Jan. Jan. 5, 1918 12, 1918 19, 1918 51 Political problems Jan. 26, 1918 52 The science of physics and the great war Feb. 2, 1918 V. II. 1 The engineer in war and peace Feb. 9, 1918 2 Go on or go under Feb. 16, 1918 3 The romance of chemistry Feb. 23, 1918 4 Earning her way Mar. 2, 1918 5 The debacle Mar. 9, 1918 6 The Summer Session and the war Mar. 16, 1918 7 Summer courses in Latin Mar. 23, 1918 8 Educational measurements Mar. 30, 1918 9 Home economics in patriotic service April 6, 1918 10 Training in speech April 13, 1918 11 Iowa Lakeside Laboratory at Lake Okoboji April 20, 1918 12 The call for chemists April 27, 1918 13 Zoology and conservation May 4, 1918 14 Training for business May 11, 1918 15 A young men's army May 18, 1918 16 American government and citizenship May 25, 1918 17 How shall I spend the summer? June 1, 1918 IS A college junior to high school graduates June 8, 1918 19 Dentists will win the war June 15, 1918 20 Alma mater loquitur June 22, 1918 21 A war-time prerogative of women June 29, 1918 22 To the sons of Old Gold July 6, 1918 23 The crowning month July 13, 1918 24 Carry on July 20, 1918 25 Come on Iowa! July 27, 1918 26 A problem and an opportunity Aug. 3, 1918 27 The new students' army Aug. 10, 1918 28 The students' army training corps Aug. 17, 1918 29 Latest information about S. A. T. C. Aug. 24, 1918 30 More about the S. A. T. C. Aug. 30, 1918 31 Shall I go to college? Sept. 7, 1918 32 Women in pharmacy Sept. 14, 1918 33 War courses for women Sept. 21, 1918 34 Courses for military officers Sept. 28, 1918 35 The University opens Oct. 5, 1918 36 Issues of the war Oct. 12, 1918 37 Dietetic treatment of influenza Oct. 19, 1918 38 How is it in your school? Oct. 26, 1918 39 Carry on Nov. 2, 1918 40 The Nation's call for nurses Nov. 9, 1918 41 Suggestions on supervised study Nov. 16, 1918 42 Eewriting the history of America Nov. 23, 1918 43 The passing of the S. A. T. C. Nov. 30, 1918 44 Sight reading in Latin Dec. 7, 1918 45 Pax atque lex Dec. 14, 1918 46 Health and the public schools Dec. 21, 1918 47 A greeting Dec. 28, 1918 V. III. 1 Milk as a food Jan. 4, 1919 2 A war service record Jan. 11, 1919 3 Gold stars Jan. 18, 1919 4 After high school what? Jan. 25, 1919 5 How shall we Americanize? Feb. 1, 1919 6 Back to a peace basis Feb. 8, 1919 7 What graduate study means Feb. 15, 1919 8 A new chapter of ancient history Feb. 22, 1919 10 V. IV. 9 A study in words Mar. 1, 1919 10 Teachers ' appointments Mar. 8, 1919 11 Bachelor, master, doctor Mar. 15, 1919 12 Earning one's way Mar. 22, 1919 13 The man of promise Mar. 29, 1919 14 The big decision April 5, 1919 15 Mankind in the making April 11, 1919 16 Harnessing the electron April 19, 1919 17 The psychology of musical talent April 26, 1919 18 Entering upon a business career May 3, 1919 19 The course in nursing May 10, 1919 20 Babel May 24, 1919 21 A victory commencement May 24, 1919 22 The modern school superintendent May- 31, 1919 23 Chemistry as a profession June 7 1919 24 Education for citizenship in a democracy June 14, 1919 25 Echoes of commencement June 21 1919 28 Notes on the conference for religious workers June 28 1919 27 I am an American citizen July 5 1919 28 The school administrator July 12 1919 29 Five weeks July 19 1919 30 Using August July 26, 1919 31 War memorials Aug. 2 1919 32 A college education out of college Aug. 9 1919 33 How well do children spell Aug. 16 1919 34 In memoriam Aug. 23 1919 35 The true American Aug. 30 1919 36 Musical talent and taste Sept. 6 1919 37 Old and new masters Sept, 13 1919 38 Mythology made practical Sept. 20 1919 39 In corpore sano Sept. 27 1919 40 Alumni dinner in Des Moines Oct. 4 1919 41 Merely their due Oct. 11 1919 42 A new revival of learning Oct. 18 1919 43 Cicero and politics Oct. 25 1919 44 Out of the eater came forth meat Nov. 1 1919 45 Training for social work Nov. 8 1919 46 A great homecoming Nov. 15 1919 47 Better English Nov. 22 1919 48 A few common errors in speech Nov. 29 1919 49 What is a college education worth Dec. 6 1919 50 The parent-teacher association; a report Dec. 13 1919 51 Wanted, a nurse Dec. 20 1919 52 "The old and new schoolmaster" Dec. 27 1919 1 By the way- Jan. 3 1920 2 Why teachers fail Jan. 10 1920 3 The union forever Jan. 17 1920 4 How strong is a stem Jan. 24 1920 5 The next step to be taken by the mathematics teacher Jan. 31 1920 6 Professional equipment of teachers in certain Iowa schools Feb. 7 1920 7 Book reviewing Feb. 14 1920 8 Pater patriae Feb. 21 1920 9 Summer courses in industrial chemistry Feb. 28 1920 10 Teachers' appointments Mar. 6 1920 11 La Maison Franchise Mar. 13 1920 11 12 Drawing and the manual arts 13 Learning to write 14 The Barbados- Antigua expedition 15 Physics in the high school 16 The making of an American 17 Defensio artis 18 Learning how to care for books 19 More for the money 20 In which direction? 21 English and Latin 22 The study of drawing 23 Come home for commencement 24 Profitable for the ministry 25 Wards of the state 26 The professor 27 A national reading circle 28 The part of true wisdom 29 A new school of public health nursing 30 What kind of an education? 31 Self-help 32 Is working one's way worth while? 33 Homes for students 34 A new year begins 35 On going to college 36 Some good books on art 37 Music in the home 38 Our government 39 A^erbal immigrants 40 Babies' rights 41 In retrospect 42 Literature in the small high school 43 How the president is elected 44 On the Pilgrims' tercentenary 45 Stabilizing forces 46 The annual homecoming 47 Summer schools and summer study 48 A commendable persistence 49 Training for social work 50 The making of a professor 51 The study of romance languages 52 Preparing for a career 5. University of Iowa News Letter State University of Iowa news letter, weekly, v. 3-5, 1918-1920. 6. Miscellaneous Publications Directory of faculty and students; annual, 1918-1920. II. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS Bassett, B. B. The civic instruction of the American electorate. 1918. Boyee, Myrna. Diplomatic relations of England with the Quadruple al- liance, 1815-1830. 1918. Oallaher, E. A. Political and legal status of women in Iowa. 1918. Ingvaldsen, Thorsten. Concerning the chemistry of carnosine and creatine. 1918. Upham, C. B. The speaker of the House of Eepresentatives in Iowa. 1918. 12 Mar. 20, 1920 Mar. 27, 1920 April 3, 1920 April 10, 1920 April 17, 1920 April 24, 1920 May 1, 1920 May 8, 1920 May 15, 1920 May 22, 1920 May 29, 1920 June 5, 1920 June 12 , 1920 June 19, 1920 June 26, 1920 July 3, 1920 July 10, 1920 July 17, 1920 July 24, 1920 July 31, 1920 Aug. 7, 1920 Aug. 14, 1920 Aug. 21, 1920 Aug. 28 1920 Sept. 4 1920 Sept. 11 1920 Sept. 18 1920 Sept. 25, 1920 Oct. 2 1920 Oct. 9 1920 Oct. 16, 1920 Oct. 23, 1920 Oct. 30, 1920 Nov. 6, 1920 Nov. 13, 1920 Nov. 20, 1920 Nov. 27, 1920 Dec. 4, 1920 Dec. 11, 1920 Dec. 18, 1920 Dec. 25, 1920 Dodd, L. E. Variations of the vapor pressure of selenium with the tem- perature and certain thermodynamic considerations. 1918. McDowell, F. M. The Junior college; a study of it's origin, developmenl and status in the United States. 1918. Martin, H. F. Plan for school buildings in a state-wide educational sur- vey. 1918. Meyer, J. W. Agriculture and related nature study. 1918. burner, N. S. Hengest. 1919. Ashbaugh, E. J. Iowa spelling scales, their development, uses and limita- tions. J 919. Gaw, E. A. A survey of musical talent in a music school. 1919. Greene^ H. A. Tests for the measurements of linguistic organizations in sentences. 1919. Lindsey, A. W. The hesperioidca of America north of Mexico; a generic revision and synopsis of the species. 1919. Lundin, H. G. The influence of Jeremy Bentham upon English democratic legislation. 1919. Stoner, Dayton. The scutelleroidea of Iowa. 1919. Knight, Rachel. The truth values of the mysticism of George Fox. 1919. Brueckner, L. J. A study of elementary reading in the field of narration 1919. Preston, H. H. History of banking in Iowa. 1920. Franzen, C. G. F. Comparison between general and special methods in the teaching of high school subjects. 1920. Germaine, C. E. The value of summarizing in silent reading as compared with re-reading of the article. 1920. Hansen, C. F. Serial action as a basic measure of motor capacity. 1920. Hines, H. C. Public school publicity in the U. S. 1920. Taylor, Beryl. The development of foliage leaves of Vitus Vulpina L. and Catalpa Bignonoides (Walt). 1920. Van Wagenen, Gertrude. The coral mussa fragilis and its development. 1920. Wait, G. R. The Hall effect and the specific resistance of thin silver films. 1920. Alderman, G. H. Lecture versus the question and answer method of class instruction. 1920. Berry, M. B. Diffuse reflection. 1920. Bunch, C. C. Measurement of acuity of hearing through tonal range. 1920. French, R. A. Apogamous reproduction of Lactuca Ludoviciana (Nutt) Riddell. 1920. Goodenough, A. W. Henry Arthur Jones — a study in dramatic compromise. 1920. Gregory, C. A. Critical study of the data bearing on the grading of the elementary curriculum. 1920. Ritter, E. A. A building program for the schools of Des Moines, Iowa. 1920. Schoewe, W. H. Origin and history of the extinct Lake Calvin, Iowa. 1920. III. ALUMNI AND STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Iowa Alumnus, published by the University of Iowa association, Iowa City. $2.00 per year, 25 cents per copy. Monthly from October to June, volume 16-18, 1917-20. The Daily Iowan, a daily newspaper published by the students of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, volume 17-19, 1917-1920. $3.00 per year. Frivol, published seven times a year by students of the University of Iowa, under the leadership of Sigma Delta Chi, Iowa City, volume 1, 1919-20. 13 The Hawkeye, published by the junior class at the University of Iowa, volume 28-30, 1918-20. The Transit, edited by the Associated students of applied science, vol- ume 22-24, 1918-20. The student's handbook, published and presented by the University Christian associations, volume 29-31, 1918-20. Annual intercollegiate debate of the University, published by the Foren- sic league, volume 11-12, 1918-20. 1917 Compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes. 1918 No debate held on account of S. A. T. C. 1919 Cummins plan for control of railroads. IV. PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY Albert, Henry and Taylor, Margaret. The resistance of streptococci to germicidal agents. American medical association; section on pathology and physi- ology, Transactions, 1918:87-98. Laboratory diagnosis of atypical communicable diseases. Iowa State medical society, Journal, 8:1-4, January 1918. Diseases caused by animal parasites (considered from the standpoint of the present! great war). International association of medical museums; American and Canadian section, Special war bulletin, 7:261-275, May 1918. Service of state public health laboratories in time of war. American jour- nal of public health, 8:349-357, May 1918. and Kelman, S. R. The pathogenicity of bacillus influenzae for laboratory animals. Journal of infectious diseases, 25:433-444, Decem- ber 1919. New stain for diphtheria bacilli. American medical association, Journal, 74:28, January 1920. Bacteriology and pathology of influenza. Iowa state medical society, Jour- nal, 10:1-12, February 1920 Diphtheria bacillus stains with description of a "new" one. American journal of public health, 10:334-7, April 1920. Classification of diphtheria bacilli based on toluidin blue-iodine-method of staining. American journal of public health, 10:936-939, December 1920. Allen, Bundy Removal of denticles. American medical association, Journal, 70:1224, April 27, 1918. Sarcoma responding to roentgen therapy. Journal of roentgenology, 1:151, August 1918. Epithelioma. Journal of roentgenology, 1:264, October 1918. Mastoid stereoroentgenograms presenting variations. American journal of roentgenology, 6:385, August 1919. Ashbaugh, E. J. Survey of the school buildings of Muscatine, la. University of Iowa ex- tension division, Bulletin, 41, September 1, 1918. Iowa spelling scale. University of Iowa extension division, Bulletin, 43, November 15, 1918. Cooperative work from a university center. National society for the study of education, Yearbook 18, pt. 2:57-70, 1918. Variability of children in spelling. School and society, 9:93-98, January 18, 1919. and Horn, E. Necessity of teaching derived forms in spelling. Journal of educational psychology, 10:143-152, March 1919. Organization and function of a bureau of educational research. School and society, 9:577-584, May 17, 1919. 14 Educational service in Iowa. Some recent developments in spelling. Sixth conference on educational measurements. Indiana university, Extension bulletin, 5, No. 1:104-122, September 1919. Iowa spelling scale. For grades II, III and IV. University of Iowa ex- tension division, Bulletin, 53, September 1, 1919. Iowa spelling scale. For grades IV, V and VI. University of Iowa ex- tension division, Bulletin, 54, September 15, 1919. Iowa spelling scale. For grades VI, VII and VIII. University of Iowa extension division, Bulletin, 55, October 1, 1919. and Horn, E. Horn-Ashbaugh spelling book. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phil., December 1920. 105-XXp. Baldwin, B. T. Helping the wounded soldier to ' ' come back. ' ' Modern hospital, 12 : 370-375, May 1919. Occupational therapy applied to the restoration of function of disabled joints. Walter Reed monograph, 1919. The function of psychology in the rehabilitation of disabled soldiers. Psychological bulletin, 16:267-290, 1919. Iowa's research and welfare station for normal children. Iowa alumnus, 17:30-35, 1919. Physical growth of school children. University of Iowa, Extension bulletin, No. 59, 1919. Report of the department of occupation therapy. Walter Reed general hospital, 1919. Studies in experimental education. Johns Hopkins university, Studies in education, No. 3, 1920. Report of the committee of the American psychological association on qualifications and certification of consulting psychologists. 1920. Benjamin, G. G. Conventionality in history. History teachers' magazine, 9:190-192, April 1918. German philosophy and education. Syracusan, 11:3, September 15, 1918. Lessons for Americans from German economic development. National efficiency quarterly, 1:299-317, February 1919. The development of industrial democracy. Syracusan, 12:3, January 15, 1920. Labor and the war. Labor conditions in Great Britain during the war. Organizer, 1:3, April 1920. Labor and the war. Labor conditions in France. Organizer, 1:4, May 1920. American labor and the war. Organizer, June 1920. Briggs, J. E. William Peters Hepburn. State historical society of Iowa, Iowa City, la., 1919. 469p. and Upham, C. B. The legislation of the thirty-eighth general as- sembly of Iowa. Iowa journal of history and politics, 17:471-612, October 1919. A geological palimpsest. The Palimpsest, 1:133-142, November 1920. Brumfiel, D. M. The influence of floods upon animals. Iowa academy of science, Proceed- ings, 25:155-174, 1918. The animal ecology of Johnson County. University of Iowa Studies in natural history, Vol. 8, No. 1:1-37, 22pl. October 1918. Bush, S. H. American soldiers in French universities. Educational review, 59:65-72, January 1920. On the trail of Victory-La Division Marocaine Donne. Iowa alumnus, 17:290-298, March 1920. Un d6tachement Parmee Americaine dans les Ecoles de Paris. Bevue international de V 'enseignement, Paris, 40:345-358, September 1920. 15 Byfield, A. H. Systemic manifestations of chronic nasal sinus infection in childhood. American medical association. Journal, 71:511-514, August 17, 1918. The relationship of respiratory infection to digestive disturbances in in- fants and children. Ioiua State medical society, Journal, 8:385, Novem- ber 1918. and others. The role of the antineuritic vitamin in the artificial feeding of children. American journal of diseases of children, 18:546-554, December 1919. The etiology of arthritis deformans in children. American journal of dis coses of ^children, 19:87-96, February 1920. and others. The antineuritic and growth stimulating properties of orange juice. American journal of diseases of children, 19:349-358, May 1920. A polyneuritic syndrome resembling pellagra-acrodynia seen in very young children. American journal of diseases of children, 22:347-365, Novem- ber 1920. Calhoun, H. A. Nonspecific therapy in arthritis and infections. Archives of internal medi- cine, 23:69-131, January 1919. Presence of calcium in the red blood corpuscles of ox and man. Journal of biological chemistry, 37:505-509, April 1919. Histopathology of the brain and spinal cord in a case presenting a post- influenzal lethargic encephalitis syndrome. Archives of neurology and psychiatry, 3:1-16, January 1920, Resume on the circulatory system. Review of the literature of 1917, 1918, and 1919. American journal of diseases of children, 19:62-85, January 1920. Carver, George About the sixth hour. Eeedy's mirror, Vol. 29, No. 12. Review of Conrad's The rescue. South Atlantic quarterly, 19:285-287, July 1920. Chaney, R. W. The ecological significance of the Eagle Creek flora of the Columbia Kiver gorge. Journal of geology, 26:577-592, October-November 1918. The flora of the Eagle Creek formation. Contributions from Walker mu- seum, 2:115-181, 1919. Chase, C. S. Dragstedt, C. A., Dragstedt, L. R., and McClintock, J. T. Antigenic propertv of closed intestinal loop fluid. American journal of physiology, 46:366-374, 1918. -Dragstedt, L. R., Dragstedt, C. A., and McClintock, J. T. Extirpa- tion of duodenum. American journal of physiology, 46:584-590, August 1918. -Dragstedt, L. R., Dragstedt, C. A., and McClintock, J. T. Intestinal obstruction. II. A study of the factors involved in production and absorption of toxic materials from the intestines. Journal of experimental medicine, 30:109-121, August 1919. Chittenden, E. W. On the Heine-Borel property in the theory of abstract sets. American mathematical society, Bulletin, 25:60-64, November 1918. Or? the limit functions of sequences of continuous functions converging relatively uniformly. American mathematical society, Transactions, 20:179-184, 1919. On the theory of developments of an abstract class in relation to the calcul fonctionnel. American mathematical society, Transactions, 20:213-233, 1939. 16 Note on a generalization of a theorem of Baire. American mathematical society, Bulletin, 27:5-6, October 1920. Cooper, Z. M. Do you need a clerk? Official register, 6:3, March 1918. The exception to the rule. Official register, 6:4, April 1918. Have you thought of this. Official register, 6:3, May 1918. Women should be urged to study pharmacy. Druggists' circular, 62:246-248 June 1918. The menace of the "plugging" school. American pharmaceutical associa- tion, Journal, 7:847, October 1919. Also Pacific pharmacist, 12:168 November 1918. Short term, correspondence, summer and other similar courses in pharmacy (Report of committee to investigate). American pharmaceutical associa- tion, Journal, 7:894-898, October 1918. Also Pacific pharmacist, 12:267- 273, March 1919. President's address to the women's section of the American pharmaceutical association. American pharmaceutical association, Journal, 8:305-309, April 1919. Some contributions pharmacy has made to civilization. American druggist and pharmaceutical record, 67:202-207, June 1919; 67:251-257, July 1919. Also Bevista Americana de Farmacia, medicina, y hospitales, 24:21-26, August 1919; 24:23-28, September 1919. Also Midland druggist and pharmaceutical review, 53:348-359, September 1919. Drug formula bills are coming. Northwestern druggist, 27:427, December 1919. Registered help profitable. Official register, 8:3, February 1920. For the good of the public. Official register, 8:3, March 1920. Drug addict — misuse of the term. Northwestern druggist, 28:94, August 1920. Why the association. Spatula, 26:44:7-4:4:9, September 1920. A sign of progress. American druggist and pharmaceutical record) 68:35, October 1920. Synonyms of pharmaceuticals. Spatula, 27:7-9, October 1920. Oram courses in pharmacy. Druggists circular, 64:401-403, November 1920. Professional standards — clerk shortage. Spatula, 27:47-49, November 1920. Women patrons. Spatula, 27:91-92, December 1920. Patent medicines. Spatula, 27:92-93, December 1920. Craig, Hardin The study of Americanization. University of Iowa, Extension division, Bulletin, No. 51, August 1, 1919. Better English. University of Iowa, Service bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 47, Novem- ber 22, 1919. Some common errors in speech. University of Iowa, Service bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 48, November 29, 1919. A literary revival. Iowa alumnus, 17:149-50, December 1919. Book reviewing. University of Iowa, Service bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 7, Febru- ary 14, 1920. Minimum essentials of English composition. University of Iowa, Extension division, Bulletin, No. 68, July 15, 1920. Crowell, J. H. and Raiford, L. C. Some derivatives of p-Dichlorobenzene. American chemical society, Journal, 42:145-52, January 1920. Daniels, A. L. and Loughlin, Rosemary. Feeding experiments with peanuts. Jour- nal of biological chemisty, 33:295-301, 1918. and Rich, J. K. The role of inorganic sulfates in nutrition. Jour- nal of biological chemistry, 36:27-32, October 1918. and McClurg, N. I. Influence of high temperatures and dilute alka- 17 lies on the antineuritic properties of foods. Journal of biological chemis- try, 37:201-213, January 1919. and English, H. A simple method of modifying the fat content of milk for infant feeding. American journal of diseases of children, 17:212-217, March 1919. -Byfield, A. H. and Loughlin, R. The role of the antineuritic vita- min in the artificial feeding of children. American journal of diseases of children, 18:546-554, December 1919. Iowa child welfare research station and department of pediatrics. Feeding the baby. University of Iowa, Extension bulletin, No. 65, May 1920. 16p. Byfield, A. H. and Loughlin, R. The antineuritic and growth stimu- lating properties of orange juice. American journal of diseases of children, 19:349-358, May 1920. -and Loughlin, R. Note on the fat-soluble growth-promoting sub- stance in lard and cottonseed oil. Journal of biological chemistry, 42:359- 363, July 1920. -and Loughlin, R. A deficiency in heat-treated milks. Journal of biological chemistry, 44:381-397, November 1920. Dean, L. W. Cyst of the larynx. Laryngoscope, 28:74, February 1918. Inflammation of accessory sinuses of nose. Journal of the Iowa medical society, 8:89, March 1918. Paranasal sinuses infections in infants. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 27:534, June 1918. Fibrosis of auditory canal. Laryngoscope, 29:365, June 1919. Nasal sinus disease in infants and young children, including bacteriologic. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 28:452, June 1919. Report of a case of suppurative labyrinthitis with complications. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 28:514, June 1919. Proper procedure for external drainage of retropharyngeal abscess secondary to caries of vertebras. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 28:566, June 1919. Graduate teaching of otolaryngology. American medical association, Jour- nal, 73:159, July 19, 1919. Treatment of nasal accessory sinus disease in infants and young children. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 29:675, September 1920. and Armstrong, M. Occasional necessity of doing radical operations on paranasal sinuses in children with report of cases. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 29:675, September 1920. Dunlap, J. H. The operation of sewage treatment plants in Iowa. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 8:121-125, April 1918. Operation of sewage works in Iowa. Iowa engineering society, Proceedings, 1918; reprinted in Municipal journal, 44:255-257, 275-278, 297-298, March 30, April 6, April 13, 1918. Suggestions on the designing and operation of sewage treatment plants (excerpts from above paper). Engineering and contracting, 49:357-9, April 10, 1918. Small town sewage-works, operation problems analyzed (excerpts from above paper). Engineering news-record, 80:773-775, April 18, 1918. Typical rules for the operation of small sewage- works (excerpts from above paper). Engineering news-record, 80:875, May 2, 1918. Progress report of the committee on sanitary drinking fountains. American water works association, Journal, 5:110-114, June 1918. Education for intelligent industrial production. Engineering news-record, 82:910, May 8, 1919. How the engineers of Iowa got a registration law. Engineering news- record, 82:1073, May 29, 1919. 18 Common sense, science and drinking fountains. American city, 20:470-472, May 1919. Reprinted in Literary digest, 61:25, June 14, 1919. How Vinton, Iowa, obtained a dual system of water supply. Municipal and county engineering, 56:232-233, June 1919. More about drinking fountains. Literary digest, 62 : 84-86, August 16, 1919. The new sewage treatment plant at Montezuma, Iowa. Transit, 23:7-23, June 1919. Reprinted in Municipal and county engineering, 57:218-222, November 1919. The new hydraulic laboratory. Iowa Alumnus, 17:96, November 1919. Final report of the committee on sanitary drinking fountains of the Iowa section of the American water works association. American water works association, Journal, 7:38-40, January 1920. The new hydraulic laboratory. Transit, 24:28-42, June 1920. Cooperation between Engineering societies and educators in standardizing engineering education. Society for the promotion of engineering educa- tion, Proceedings, 28:128-136, 1921; Reprinted in Municipal and county engineering, 59:59-60, August 1920. Also Professional engineering, 5:3-4, October 1920. English, H. and Daniels, A. L. A simple method of modifying the fat content of milk for infant feeding. American journal of diseases of children, 17:212-217, March 1919. Ensign, F. C. Parent-teacher association in Iowa. University of Iowa extension division, Bulletin, 42, September 15, 1918. Some post-war problems in education. Iowa state teachers association, Pro- ceedings, 65:53-65, November 1919. Goodeich, H. F. Permanent structures and continuing injuries — The Iowa rule. Iowa law bulletin, 4:67-85, March 1918. Iowa decisions on breach of marriage promise. Iowa law bulletin, 4:166- 187, May 1918. The statute of frauds and foreign contracts. Iowa law bulletin, 4:185-189, May 1918. Negotiable instruments with the payee 's name in blank. Iowa law bulletin, 4:195-199, May 1918. Jurisdiction to annul a marriage. Harvard law review, 32:806-825, May 1919. Iowa applications of the last clear chance doctrine. Iowa law bulletin, 5:36-56, November 1919. Nonnegotiable bills and notes. Iowa law bulletin, 5:65-85, January 1920. A conciliation law for Iowa. Iowa law bulletin, 5:200-205, March 1920. Enforcement of a foreign equitable decree. Iowa law bulletin, 5:230-248, May 1920. A year's work of the Iowa supreme court. Iowa law bulletin, 6:35-54, November 1920. Greene, H. A. An evaluation of the difficulty of the blanks in two of Simpson's mutilated paragraphs. School and society, 8:28-30, July 6, 1918. A standardization of certain opposite tests. Journal of educational psy- chology, 9:559-566, December 1918. Comparison of two methods of evaluation test material. School and society, 11:777-780, June 26, 1920. Griswold, D. M. Groups of medical schools classified according to number of states not recog- nizing diplomas and number of graduates of 1919 who failed on state examinations, 1919. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 10:228, July 1920. 19 Hart, H. B. and Pearce, J. N. The free energy of dilution of aqueous solutions of sodium bromide. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 1920. Haynes, F. E. Social work at Gamp Dodge. Iowa journal of history and politics, 16:471- 547, October 1918. James Baird Weaver. 494p. State historical society. Iowa City, 1919. Helmick, P. S. The variation in the blackening of a photographic plate with time of ex- posure, total energv remaining constant. Physical review, N. S. 11:372- 375, May 1918. Higbee, F. G. An experiment in teaching. Engineering education, 8:494-497, June 1918. College shop instruction. Engineering education, 10:169-174, January 1920. The essentials of descriptive geometry. Edition 3, 21 8p. John Wiley & Sons, June 1920. Hinman, J. J., Jr. The swimming pool and its operation. American city (City edition), 16:305-311, April 1918. American city pamphlet, No. 170. The water supply in the field. University of Iowa, Studies in medicine, Vol. 1, No. 4, August 1918. . A bibliography of field water supply. American journal of public health, 8:668, September 1918. Some problems of water supply for troops. Iowa academy of science, Pro- ceedings, 25:457-76, 1918. A water supply of the service of supplies, A. E. F. American water works association, Journal, 7:179-187, March 1920. University of Iowa, Studies in medicine, Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1920. Standards of quality of water. American water works association, Journal, 7:821-40, November 1920. Canadian engineer, 39:217-220, August 5, 1920. Fire and water engineering, 68:967, November 10, 1920; 68:1071, November 24, 1920. The swimming pool. American physical education review, 25:383-389, De- cember 1920. Horack, F. E. Special municipal legislation in Iowa. American political science review, 14:423-445, August 1920. Horack, H. C. Insolvency and specific performance. Harvard law review, 31:702-720, March 1918. Spendthrift trusts in Iowa. Iowa law bulletin, 4:139-165, May 1918, Uniform conditional sales act in Iowa. Iowa law bulletin, 5:129-173, March 1920. Editor of Iowa state bar association, Proceedings, Volumes 24-26, 1918-1920. Horn, Ernest Chairman of committee reporting the National society for the study of education, Yearbook, Vol. 18, pt. 2, 1918. Principles of method in spelling. National society for the study of educa- tion, Yearbook, Vol. 18, pt. 2:52-77, 1918. Economy in learning in relation to economy of time. National education association, Proceedings, 56:526-528, 1918. How leadership in making new adjustments in education must be promoted. National education association, Proceedings, 56:628-631, 1918. Application of scientific method for making the course of study in civics.. Elementary school journal, 19:762-777, June 1919. E elation of silent reading to efficiency in study. National education associa- tion, Proceedings, 58:526-27, 1920*. What is a project? Elementary school journal, 21:112-116, October 1920. 20 Selection of silent reading text books. Journal of educational research, 2:615-619, October 1920. and Ashbaugh, E. J. Hom-Ashbaugh speller. J. B. Lippincott Co., 1920. Howard, C. P. Medical lessons of the present war. Journal of the Iowa medical society, 8:351, October 1918. Urobilin and urobilinogen of stool and urine in pernicious anemia. Ameri- can medical association, Journal, 73:1262, October 25, 1919. Polyglandular disease in acromegaly. American journal of the medical sciences, 58:830, December 1919. Jennings, W. W. Origin and early history of the Disciples of Christ. Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati. 1919. Kay, G. F. Remarks at dinner in honor of Doctor Chamberlin. University of Chicago •magazine, 12:72-73, December 1919. -and Pearce, J. N. The origin of gumbotil. Journal of geology, 28:89-125, February-March 1920. Further discussion of the Aftonian gravels and their relation to the drift- sheets in the region of Afton Junction and Thayer, Iowa. Abstract. Geological society of America, Bulletin, 31:132-133, March 1920. The recruiting of teachers for higher education. North central association of colleges and secondary schools, Proceedings, 25:65-68, 1920. Some large bowlders in the Kansan drift of southern Iowa. Iowa geological survey, 27:345-354, 1920. Annual administrative report of the Iowa geological survey for 1916. Iowa geological survey, 27:1-11, 1920. Mineral production in Iowa for 1916. Iowa geological survey, 27:15-32, 1920. Some recollections of McGregor. Iowa conservation, 4:81, July-September 1920. Klingaman, O. E. The need for a constructive social program in Iowa. Bulletin of state in- stitutions, 22:63-69, April 1920. Knight, F. H. Review of Hetherington and Muirhead's Social purpose. Review of Mckenzie's Outlines of social philosophy. Journal of political economy, 27:898-900, December 1919. Review of Veblen's, The place of science in modern civilization. Journal of political economy, 28:518-520, June 1920. Kuevfk, R. A. Women in pharmacy. Journal of the American pharmaceutical association, 7:52-53, January 1918. The pharmacist and the war. Official register, 6:2-3, April 1918. A word to the wise. Practical druggist, 36:42-43, April 1918. Military training for students in pharmacy. Daily Ioivan, vol. 17, May 1918. Expansions. The Communicator, 8:9-11, June 1918. Report of the committee on pharmacy. Official register, 7:45-49, July 1918. The clerk situation. Official register, 7:2-4, September 1918. The scope of the next national formulary. Bulletin of pharmacy, 34:99-100, March 1920. Laird, D. A. The duty of the psychopathologist to the man-on-the-streets. Journal of abnormal psychology, 14:406-410, February 1920. Does there exist a need for a program of education in mental hygiene? Mental hygiene, 4:393-403, April 1920. Psychopathic nursing. American journal of nursing, 20:685-689, 1920. 21 Larsen, Henning Vidga in Scandinavian hero legend. Scandinavian studies and notes, 6:75-81, August 1920. Review of Schiitte's Var mytiske Kongerakke. Journal of English and Germanic philology, 19:571-573, October 1920. Loughlin, Rosemary and Daniels, A. L. Feeding experiments with peanuts. Journal of biological chemistry, 33:295-301, 1918. -Daniels, A. L. and Byfield, A. H. The role of the antineuritic vita- min in the artificial feeding of children. American journal of diseases of children, 18:546-554, December 1919. Daniels, A. L. and Byneld, A. H. The antineuritic and growth stimu- lating properties of orange juice. American journal of diseases of children, 19:349-358, May 1920. and Daniels, A. L. Note on the fat-soluble growth-promoting sub- stances in lard and cottonseed oil. Journal of biological chemistry, 42:359-363, July 1920. and Daniels, A. L. A deficiency in heat-treated milks. Journal of biologioal chemistry, 44:381-397, November 1920. Lowrey, L. G. A note on a certain anomaly of gyration in brains of the insane. American journal of insanity, 77:81-90, July 1920. The effect upon the blood pressure of the injection of adrenalin in dementia praecox. Boston medical and surgical journal, 183:209-10, August 12, 1920. Pupillary and reflex disturbances in 275 cases of neurosyphilis. Journal of nervous and mental diseases, 52:106-111, August 1920. Correlation of data in cases seen at the psychopathic department and Fox- boro state hospital. Boston medical and surgical journal, 183:377-383, September 28, 1920. Cases illustrating some common types of errors in psychiatric diagnoses. American journal of insanity, 77:165-180, October 1920. Paranoid manias. Journal of nervous and mental diseases, 52:289-296, October 1920. An analysis of suicidal attempts. Journal of nervous and mental diseases, 52:475-481, December 1920. McClintock, J. T. Dragstedt, C A., Dragstedt, L. R., and Chase, C. S. Antigenic property of closed intestinal loop fluid. American journal of physiology, 46:366-374, 1918. -Dragstedt, C. A., Dragstedt, L. R., and Chase, C. S. Extirpation of duodenum. American journal of physiology, 46:584-590, August 1918. Dragstedt, L. R. and Dragstedt, C. A. Some results from experiment- al study of intestinal obstruction. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 9:8-11, January 1919. -Dragstedt, L. R., Dragstedt, C. A., and Chase C. S. Intestinal ob- struction. II A study of the factors involved in production and absorp- tion of toxic materials from the intestines. Journal of experimental medicine, 30:109-121, August 1919. McClurg, N. I. and Daniels, A. L. Influence of high temperatures and dilute alka- lies on the antineuritic properties of foods. Journal of biological chemis- try, 37:201-213, January 1919. McGovney, D. O. Privileges of immunities clause, fourteenth amendment. Iowa law bulletin, 4:219-244, November 1918. Self- criminating and self-disgracing testimony, Code revision bill. Iowa law bulletin, 5:175-199, March 1920. 22 Is the eighteenth amendment void because of its contents? Columbia law review, 20:499-518, May 1920. Merry, G. N. National defense and public speaking. Quarterly journal of speeoh educa- tion, 4:52-60, January 1918. A roentgenological method of measuring the potentiality of voice resonance. Journal of roentgenology, 1:256-263, October 1918; reprinted in Quarterly journal of speech education, 5:26-31, January 1919. Report of the war committee of the national association of teachers of speech. Quarterly journal of speech education, 4:452-4, October 1918. Annual announcement of the Iowa high school debating league 1918, 1919. University of Iowa, Extension division bulletin, 38 and 58. Editor of the Iowa debates published in the University debaters manuals. H. W. Wilson Co., 1918, 1919, 1920. A required course. Quarterly journal of speech education, 5:58, January 1919. A final report from the war committee. Quarterly journal of speeoh educa- tion, 5:60-61, January 1919. Readings and orations; a selected list. 25p. Clio press, Iowa City, la., October 1919. Review of Seashore The psychology of musical talent. Quarterly journal of speech education, 6:77-81, April 1920. High school plays. University of Iowa, Extension division bulletin, No. 44. The principles of speaking; a text-book for introductory courses to speech. 200p. Clio press, Iowa City, la., September 1920. Nutting, C. C. The Barbados-Antigua expedition from the State University of Iowa. Science, N. S., 48:238-240, September 6, 1918. How we struck the natives. Iowa alumnus, 16:53-54, December 1918. Barbados-Antigua expedition. Narrative and preliminary report of a zoological expedition from the University of Iowa to the Lesser Antilles under the auspices of the graduate college. University of Iowa, Studies in natural history, Vol. 8, No. 3, May 1919. 274p. English harbor. Scientific monthly, 2:72-91, July 1920. Values. An address delivered at the summer session convocation July 27, 1920. 17p. University of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Parish, J. C. Intelligence work at first army headquarters. Historical outloolc, 11:213-217, June 1920. Palimpsests. Palimpsest, 1:2-8, July 1920. White beans for hanging. Palimpsest, 1:9-28, July 1920. An old-time editorial dialogue. Palimpsest, 1:47-55, August 1920. Three men and a press. Palimpsest, 1:56-60, August 1920. Father Mazzuchelli. Palimpsest, 1:101-110, October 1920. Patrick, G. T. W. The psychology of social reconstruction. Scientific monthly, 6:496-508, June 1918. Reprinted in Infantry journal, 15:477-486. Philosophy and social reconstruction. Iowa alumnus, 16:59-62, December 1918. Our centrifugal society. Natural history, 19:292-300, 1919. The next step in applied science. Scientific monthly, 8:118-128, February 1919. Partially reprinted in Literary digest, March 1, 1919. The psychology of daylight saving. Scientific monthly, 9:385-396, Novem- ber 1919. Partially reprinted in Literary digest, 63:28-9, December 13, 1919. The psychology of social reconstruction. 260p. Houghton, Mifflin Co., Boston, 1920. 23 The cult of tiptop condition ; a review of Hall Morale, New York times book review mid magazine, October 24, 1920. Patterson, T. L. A satisfactory method of demonstrating gastric movements on a small animal. Comparative studies II. Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. 5:674-678, July 1920. Vagus and splanchnic influence on the gastric hunger movements of the frog. Comparative studies III. American journal of physiology, 53:293- 306, September 1920. Gastric tonus of the empty stomach of the frog. Comparative Studies IV. American journal of physiology, 54:153-165, November 1920. Pearce, J. N. and Hart, H. B. The free energy of dilution of aqueous solutions of sodium bromide. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 1920. md Kay, G. F. The origin of the gumbotil. Journal of geology, 28:89-125, February 1920. Pelzer, Louis A frontier officer's military order book. Mississippi valley historical review, 6:260-267, September 1919. Perkins, R. M. Judicial relaxation of the carrier's liability. Iowa law bulletin, 4:21-39, 86-115, January, March 1918. Unwholesome food as a source of liability. Iowa law bulletin, 5:6-35, 86-111, November 1919, January 1920. Mav a promissory note be pavable in foreign money? Iowa law bulletin, 5^:209-229, May 1920. Uniformity in uniform legislation. Iowa law bulletin, 6:1-22, November 1920. Cases on criminal procedure (Parts one and two) ; published by the State University of Iowa, 1920. 256p. Phillips, C. A. Bank credit. Macmillan Co., 1920. 374p. Pierce, B. L. An experiment in individual instruction in history. Historical outlook, 10:86-87, February 1919. The socialized recitation in history. Historical outlook, 11:189-194, May 1920. Piper, E. F. Winter dusk. Iowa alumnus, 16:173, March 1919. I'll go a piece with you. Stratford journal, 4:194, April 1919. By the kitchen fire. Iowa alumnus, 16:214, April 1919. Gee-up dar, Mules. Contemporary verse, 7:51, April 1919. Come home to Iowa. Iowa alumnus, 17:92, November 1919. Bindlestiff; Whoa, Zebe, whoa; Sweetgrass range. Poetry, 15:175-180, January 1920. Plum, H. G. Monroe doctrine and the war. University of Iowa extension division, Bulletin, 31, January 1918. Pollock, I. L. History of economic legislation in Iowa. State historical society of Iowa, Iowa City. 1918. State finances in Iowa during the civil war. Iowa journal of history and politics, 16:53-107, January 1918. Porter, K. H. Suffrage provisions in state constitutions. American political science re- view, 13:557-592, November 1919. Prentiss, H. J. Location of lateral sinus. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 27:116, March 1918. 24 Standardization of roentgenographina the shoulder and hip joint. Journal of roentgenology, 1:145, August 1918. Mesotendons of the ankle. Journal of the Iowa state medical society, 9:71, March 1919. Raiford, L. C. Molecular rearrangement in the acylation of certain aminophenols. Ameri- can chemical society, Journal, 41 :2068-81, December 1919. and Crowell, J. H. Some derivatives of p-Dichlorobenzene. Ameri- can chemical society, Journal, 42:145-52, January 1920. Raymond, W. G. Rising prices and public utilities. Transit, 22:33-42, June 1918. Cost of service the chief factor in rate regulation. Engineering news- record, 81:451-454, September 5, 1918. Valuation aspect of abandoned property. Eailway age, 65:955-957, Novem- ber 29, 1918. A plan for railroad reorganization. Iowa engineering society, Proceedings, 31:76-85, 1919. Also St. Louis railway club, Proceedings, 24:76-94, Sep- tember 1919. The railroad question. Transit, 23:24-30, June 1919. Family relations. American society of civil engineers, Proceedings, 46:3-6, January 1920. Why do engineer graduates shun railway jobs? Eailway age, 68:713-717, 758, 1049-1050, March 5, 12, 26, 1920. "Unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. " Iowa engineering society, Proceedings, 32:25-31, 1920. Also Iowa City citizen, Section 422 of the railroad bill. Transit, 24:7-17, June 1920. Basis of estimating allowance for depreciation. Engineering news-record, 85:178-179, July 22, 1920. What is value for rate making purposes. Eailway age, 69:353-357, August 27, 1920. Borrowing power and a fair return for public utilities. Engineering news- record, 85:1281-1283, December 30, 1920. Rich, J. K. and Daniels, A. L. The role of inorganic sulfates in nutrition. Journal of biological chemistry, 36:27-32, October 1918. Rietz, H. L. — and Crathorne, A. R. College algebra. Revised edition. Henry Holt & Co., 1919. Statistical methods in preparation for war department service. American mathematical monthly, 16:99-100, March 1919. Exposition of the main provisions of the standard plan for a combined, comprehensive annuity and insurance system for public employees. Illinois pension laws commission, Eeport, p.25-48,1919. Recent developments in pension legislation in other states of the United States. Illinois pension laws commission, Eeport, p.201-206, 1919. The world's experience in the operation of public service pension systems. Illinois pension commission, Eeport, p.207-214, 1919. Summary of the report of the Illinois pension laws commission of 1916. Illinois pension commission, Eeport, p.215-222, 1919. Effects of the pension legislation by the fiftieth general assembly of Illinois. Illinois pension commission, Eeport, p.223-234, 1919. Illinois state teachers' pension and retirement system. Illinois pension commission, Eeport, p. 235-238, 1919. Industrial and institutional pension systems. Illinois pension commission, Eeport, p.239-250, 1919. Recent developments in pension plans for public employees. American in- stitute of actuaries, Eecord, 8:1-12, June 1919. Scope and advantage of courses of instruction on life insurance in American 25 colleges and universities. American institute of actuaries, Becord, 8:202- 206, June 1919. Review of Meriam Principles governing the retirement of public employees. American institute of actuaries, Becord, 8:52-53, June 1919. On functional relations for which the coefficient of correlation is zero. American statistical association, Publications, 16:472-76, September 1919. On the teaching of a first course in calculus. American mathematical monthly, 26:341-344, October 1919. The effect of present inflated prices on the future interest rate. American institute of actuaries, Becord, 8:308-314, November 1919. Review of Moir Sources and characteristics of the principal mortality tables. Also Henderson & Sheppard Graduation of mortality and other tables. American economic review, 9:861-864, December 1919. On the probable future of the interest rate. The organizer, 1:35-40, March 1920. Urn schemata as a basis for the development of correlation theory. Annals of mathematics, 21:306-322, June 1920. Review of Studensky Teachers' pension systems in the United States. American institute of actuaries, Becord, 9:75-76, June 1920. Review of Dublin and others Mortality statistics of insured wage earners and their families in the United States and Canada. American institute of actuaries, Becord, 9:76, June 1920. Bobbins, C. L. The socialized recitation. Allyn and Bacon, 1920. 108p. Rockwood, E. W. and Sivickes, P. B. Relative digestibility of maize oil (corn oil), cottonseed oil and lard. Journal of the American medical association, 71:1649-50, November 16, 1918. The effect of neutral salts upon the activity of ptyalin. Journal of the American chemical society, 41:228-30, February 1919. A laboratory manual of physiological chemistry. Ed. 4. F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. 1919. 316p. Rohner, F. J. Modern therapeutic aspects of diseases of the hematopoietic system. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 8:426-431, December 1918. Rowan, C. J. Surgical conditions of the kidney. Journal of the Iowa medical society, 8:4, March 30, 1918. Surgical complications in 1030 cases of influenza. Journal of the Iowa state medical society, 10:44, February 1920. Royal, George Drug proving; why and how should homeopathists prove drugs. Journal of the American institute of homeopathy, 11:727-733, January 1919. Influenza, grippe. Iowa homeopathic journal, 13:145-154, October 1919. Sepsis. Iowa homeopathic journal, 13:296-306, February 1920. Remedies for so called "summer complaints' ' of children. Iowa homeo- pathic journal, 15:46-57, July 1920. Remedies for so called diarrhoea, cholera and dysentry. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:86-96, August 1920. Remedies for malaria. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:118-126, September 1920. The effect of the war on our profession. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:128- 131, September 1920. Remedies for typhoid fever. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:152-161, Octo- ber 1920. The physician in politics. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:166, October 1920. Remedies for diseases of the respiratory organs. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:181-192, 223-236, November, December 1920. 26 The measuring stick. Iowa homeopathic journal, 15:193-196, November 1920. Text-book of materia medica. Boericke & Tavel, Philadelphia, December 1920. 391p. Runner, J. J. Some problems of Black Hills pre-Cambrian geology. Pahasapa quarterly, December 1920. South Dakota state school of mines, Rapid City, South Dakota. Russell, W. F. Education in the United States, in "Comparative Education," Dent, Lon- don. 1918. p.1-105. Educational survey of the Elyria, Ohio, high school. U. S. bureau of educa- tion, Bulletin, No. 15, 1918. p.76-126. Survey of South Dakota high schools. U. S. bureau of education, Bulletin, No. 31, 1918. p. 181-207. Education in a democracy. Vladivostok. 1918. Printed in Russian. History in the boys' secondary school of France. Midland schools, 32:286- 288, May 1918. Editor of Krackowizer 's Projects in the primary grades. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1918. Schools in Siberia. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1919. 135p. Editor of Lennes and Jenkins' Applied arithmetic. Lippincott, Philadel- phia. 1919. Editor of Woodrow's Brightness and dullness in children. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1919. Editor of Chamberlain and Chamberlain's Thrift and conservation. Lippin- cott, Philadelphia. 1919. Editor of Center's Worker and his work. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1919. School administration in revolutionary Siberia. Teachers college record, 20:250-258, May 1919. Red cross educational handbook, in Russian. New York, 1920. llOp. School finance in Iowa cities. University of Iowa extension division, Bulletin, 69, August 1, 1920. and Wade, M. J. The short constitution. Iowa City, 1920. 224p. Editor of Auerbach- Walsh 's Plane geometry. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1920. Editor of Horn-Ashbaugh 's Spelling book. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1920. SCHLESINGER, A. M. Salmon Portland Chase, undergraduate and pedagogue. Hedrick, 1919. 91p. and Hockett, H. C. A syllabus of United States history, 1492-1919. 2d ed. rev. Champlin, 1919. 95p. The khaki journalists, 1917-1919. Mississippi Valley historical review, 6:350-359, December 1919. Annotator with others, Great charters of Americanism. University of Iowa Extension, Bulletin, 60:5-120, January 1920. The history situation in colleges and universities, 1919-1920. Historical outlooTc, 11:103-106, March 1920. Review of Paine The old merchant marine. Mississippi Valley historical review, 6:577-578, March 1920. Editor, Lundin The influence of Jeremy Bentham on English democratic development. University of Iowa, Studies in the social science, Vol. 7, No. 3, November 1920. The problem of teaching recent American history. Historical outlooTc, 9:352-355, December 1920. Seashore, C. E. Editor of University of Iowa, Studies in psychology, No. 7, Psychological monographs, No. 108, 1918. Correlation of factors in musical talent and training. University of Iowa, Studies in psychology, No. 7:45-92, 1918. 27 The comparative sensitiveness of the blind and seeing persons. University of Iowa, Studies in psychology, No. 7:148-158, 1918. The elemental character of sensory discrimination. University of Iowa, Studies in psychology, No. 7:159-163, 1918. Inheritance of musical traits. Musician, 23:605, September 1918. Measurement of basic capacities in motor ability. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 25:67-69, 1918. The sense of rhythm as a musical talent. Musical quarterly, 4:507-515, October 1918. An analysis of the traits of the musical mind. Music teachers national association, Proceedings, 40:25-33, 1918. The Iowa pitch range audiometer. Journal- Lancet, October 15, 1919. The psychology of musical talent. Silver, Burdett Co., 1919. 288p. Role of a consulting supervisor in music. National society for the study of education, Yearbook, 18, pt. 2:111-123, 1919. The inheritance of musical talent. Musical quarterly, 6:586-598, October 1920. A survey of musical talent in the public schools. University of Iowa, Studies in child welfare, No. 2, November 1920. An open letter to college seniors. University of Iowa, Bulletin, N. 8. 200, 1st edition, 1920. Shaw, M. A. The turning year. Midland, 3:1, November 1917. Father Hugh. Midland, 4:11-18, January 1918. Civilizing of Split Bock. Bod and gun in Canada, 19:851-858, 971-974, January and February 1918. The school of the wilderness. Outing, 72:313-315, August 1918. A wet breakfast on a dry stump. Bod and gun in Canada, 20:244-248, August 1918. That day. Outing, 72:364-367, September 1918. Poetry and the democratic faith. University of Toronto quarterly, 20:255- 260, April 1920. Just tea. Outing, 76:153-154, June 1920. Sieg, L. P. A photographic method for air-speed determination. Physical revievj, 2d series, 14:155, August 1919. and Duff, A. W. Photography of bomb trajectories with instructions for installing the apparatus. U. S. War department — Division of military aeronautics, Besearch report, 1919. A photographic determination of the form of an airplane loop, and the dynamics of the loop. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, Vol. 27, 1920. SlIAMBAUGH, B. F. The state historical society of Iowa in war times, 1918, 14p. Editor of Iowa journal of history and politics, 16:635p., 1918; 17:710p., 1919; 18:632p., 1920. Editor of Iowa economic history series. History of economic legislation in Iowa, 1918, 386p. Editor of Iowa and war pamphlets. Old Fort Madison — early wars on the eastern border of the Iowa country, 1918, 40p.; The state university of Iowa and the civil war, 1918, 24p.; The Black Hawk war, 1918, 32p. ; Border defense in Iowa during the civil war, 1918, 24p.; The Spirit Lake massacre, 1918, 28p. ; The Mexican war, 1918, 20p.; Iowa war pro- clamations by Governor W. L. Harding, 1918, 48p.; An Iowa flag, 1918, 20p. ; The first three liberty loans in Iowa, 1918, 44p. ; Social work at Camp Dodge, 1918, 40p. ; Organized speaking in Iowa during the war, 1918, 56p. ; The state historical society of Iowa in war times, 1918, 14p.; The history of Iowa's part in the world war, 1919, 21p.; A tentative 28 outline for a county war history, 1919, 22p.; A tentative outline for a state war history, 1919, 34p. ; Fort Des Moines in Iowa history, 1919, 36p. ; The writing of war history in Iowa, 1919, 29p.; Index, 1919, 27p. Editor of Iowa biographical series. James Baird Weaver, 1919, 494p.; William Peters Hepburn, 1919, 469p. Editor of Iowa chronicles of the world war series. Welfare campaigns in Iowa, 1920, 320p. Editor of miscellaneous publications of the state historical society of Iowa. History of education in Iowa, Vol. 5, 1920, 371p.; A descriptive list of the confederate flags in the possession of the state historical society of Iowa, 1918, 6p.; Old Fort Snelling, 1918, 270p.; The Spirit Lake mas- sacre, 1918, 336p. ; Legal and political status of women in Iowa, 1918, 300p. SlVICKES, P. B. and Rockwood, E. W. Relative digestibility of maize oil (corn oil), cottonseed oil and lard. Journal of the American medical association, 71:1649-50, November 16, 1918. Smith, G. P. Vitalizing mythology. Classical journal, 14:128-131, November 1918. From Korea to Iowa for an education. Iowa magazine, July 1919. Mythology made practical. University of Iowa, Service bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 38,' September 20, 1919. Visualizing mythology. Visual education. November 1920. Steindler, Arthur Diagnosis of chronic bone lesions. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 8:53-58, February 1918. Nutrition and vitality of the tendon in tendon transplantation. American journal of orthopedic surgery, 16:63-82, February 1918. Muscle plasty for the relief of flail elbow in infantile paralysis. Interstate medical journal, 25:235-241, 1918. Problems of the reconstruction of the hand. Surgery, gynecology and ob- stetrics, 27:317-325, September 1918. Orthopedic operations on the hand. American medical association, Journal, 71:1288-1290, October 19, 1918. Orthopedic reconstruction work on hand and forearm. New York medical journal, 108:1117-1119, December 28, 1918. Physiological methods of tendon transplantation. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 9:75-78, March 1919. Report of 48 cases of tendon transplantation of the foot. Physiological method. Journal of orthopedic surgery, 1:187-197, April 1919. Operative treatment of paralytic conditions of the upper extremity. Journal of orthopedic surgery, 1:608-619, October 1919. Congenital malformations and deformities of the hand. Journal of ortho- pedic surgery, 2:639-668, December 1920. Stewart, G. W. Binaural beats. University of Iowa, Studies in psychology, Vol. 7, p. 31-46, 1918. Memorial of R. B. Dodson. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 25:29, 1918. The action of conical horns. Abstract. Iowa Academy of science, Pro- ceedings. 25:521-522, 1919. Binaural difference of phase effect. Abstract. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 26:522, 1919. Location of aircraft by sound. Physical review, 2d series, 14:166-167, August 1919. Propagation of sound in an irregular atmosphere. Physical review, 2d series, 14:376-378, October 1919. Polydogmata of the physicist. Science, 51:85-86, January 23, 1920. The functions of intensity and phase in the binaural location of pure tones. Abstract. Physical review, 2d series, 15:248, March 1920. The function of intensity and phase in the binaural location of pure tones. I. Physical review, 2d series, 15:425-431, May 1920. The function of intensity and phase in the binaural location of pure tones. II. Physical review, 2d series, 15:432-445, May 1920. Phenomena in the ultra-violet spectrum including X-rays. Science, N. 8., 51:504-508, May 21, 1920. Stoner, Dayton The rodents of Iowa. Iowa geological survey, Bulletin, No. 5, 172p. 1918. Swarming of the monarch butterfly in Iowa. Entomological news, 30:38, 1919. The marine gardens of Barbados. Overland monthly, 73:191-199, March 1919. Collecting terrestrial Arthropods in Barbados and Antigua, British West Indies. Canadian entomologist, 51:173-178, 217-220, 1919. An unusual example of incisor growth in the western fox squirrel. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 25:105-110, 1919. The American Golden-eye and White-crowned sparrow in northern Michigan in summer. Aulc, 37:135-136, 1920. A summer in northern Michigan. Iowa alumnus, 17:177-179, January 1920. Notes on Scutelleroidea from Vancouver Island. Canadian entomologist, 52:12-13, 1920. Contributions to Bird-lore's twentieth Christmas census. Bird-lore, 22:38, 1920. A rendezvous of Red-winged blackbirds. Bird-lore, 22:102-103, 1920. Unusual winter bird records for Iowa City, Iowa. Auk, 37:308-309, 1920. Sciocoris microphthalmus Flor. in northern Michigan. Entomological news, 31:141, 1920. The Scutelleroidea of Iowa. University of Iowa, Studies in natural history, Vol. 8, No. 4, 140p. 7 pi. August 1920. Some interesting insect habitats in the tropics. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 26:129-132, 1920. Nesting habits of the hermit thrush in northern Michigan. University of Iowa, Studies in natural history, Vol. 9, No. 2, 21p. December 1920. Whippoorwill calls. Wilson bulletin, 32:87-93, 1920. Stromsten, F. A. Mammalian anatomy (Davison) revised (Stromsten, 1917). New imprint with additions and corrections. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. 1920. Copepoda of the Okoboji region. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, Vol. 27, 1920. Cladocera of Okoboji and Spirit Lake regions. Iowa academy . of science, Proceedings, Vol. 27, 1920. Thomas, A. O. and Lees, J. H. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ste. Genevieve Marls at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Iowa academy of science, Proceedings, 25:599-616, January 1918. A scientific expedition in war time. Iowa alumnus, 16:21-24, November 1918. Mobilization of American resources. University of Iowa, Bulletin, New series, No. 157:40-44, January 1919. Samuel W. Williston; a memorial. Iowa alumnus, 16:281-283, June 1919. An illustration of the wedge-work of roots. Iowa academy of science, Pro- ceedings, 26:477-480, October 1919. A herpetocrinus from the Silurian of Iowa. Iowa academy of science, Pro- ceedings, 26:481-483, October 1919. 30 The independence shale near Brandon, Iowa. Ioiva academy of science, Proceedings, 26:485-491, October 1919. Geological notes on the Islands of Barbados and Antigua. University of Iowa, Studies in natural history, Vol. 8, No. 3:120-127, 213-219, March 1920. The Iowa academy. Iowa alumnus, 17:363, May 1920. Echinoderms of the Iowa devonian. Geological society of America, Bulletin, 31:211-212, August 1920. Thomas, C. R. The student health department of the University of Iowa. Iowa state medical society, Journal, 10:275, August 1920. Thompson, E. N. S. Milton's "Of education." Studies in philology, 15:159-175, April 1918. Milton's knowledge of geographv. Studies in philology, 16:148-171, April 1919. War journalism three hundred years ago. Modern language association, Publications, 35:93-115, March 1920. A geographical dictionary of Milton. A. H. Gilbert. Studies in philology, 17:261-262, April 1920. Ullman, B. L. Cicero and politics. University of Iowa, Service bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 43, October 1919. Review of Q. Valerii Catulli Carmina; recensuit Carolus Pascal. Classical philology, 15:210-211, April 1920. Review of M. Annaei Lucani de Bello Civili Liber VIII; ed. J. P, Post- gate. Classical philology, 15:212, April 1920. English and Latin. University of Iowa, Service bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 21, May 1920. Of things classical. Iowa alumnus, 17:423-425, June 1920. Review of M. Manilii Astronomicon Liber Tertius; recensuit A. E. Hous- man. Classical philology, 15:305-306, July 1920. Review of Poetse Latini Minores, Vol. 5, Dracontius; recensuit F. Volliiie/. Classical philology, 15:306-307, July 1920. The present status of the Satura question. Studies in philology, University of North Carolina, 17:379-401, October 1920. Hints for teachers. Classical journal, 16:185-187, December 1920. Tan der Zee, Jacob Old Fort Madison. Iowa and war, No. 7:1-40, January 1918. The Black Hawk war. Iowa and war, No. 9:1-32, March 1918. Review of the work of the Iowa code commission. Iowa journal of history and politics, 18:477-533, October 1920. Indexing the compiled code. Iowa journal of history and politics, 18:534- 551, October 1920. VOLLAND, R. H. Simplified method of making cast gold inlays. National dental association, Journal, 6:422-427, May 1919. Gold inlays. National dental association, Journal, 7:479-490, June 1920. American textbook of operative dentistry. Chapter 4, p. 179-283, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. 1920. Ward, C. F. Modern language teaching. Educational review, 57:321-335, April 1919. French and Spanish for commerce. The organizer, 1:82, 86-94, April 1920. West, R. W. Methods used in computing contest scores. Quarterly journal of speech education, 5:319-333, October 1919. Fifteenth annual announcement Iowa high school debating league and plans for the Iowa extemporaneous speaking league for 1920-21. University of Iowa extension division, Bulletin, 71, September 1, 1920. 51 WlCKHAM, H. F. Feeding habits of a harvest spider. Entomological news, 29:115, 1918. An interesting new species of Eleodes. Entomological news, 29:255-257, July 1918. Fossil beetles from Vero, Florida. American journal of science, 47:355-357, May 1919. Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) mannii n. sp. Entomological society of Washington, Proceedings, 21:170-173, October 1919. Two new species of Asaphidion from North America. Entomological society of Washington, Proceedings, 21:178-181, November 1919. An interesting Otiorhynchide weevil from Vancouver Island. Canadian entomologist, 52:134-135, June 1920. New species of Perthalycra and Osmoderma. Entomological society of Washington, Proceedings, 22:232-234, December 1920. Catalogue of the North American coleoptera described as fossils. In Cata- logue of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico, by Charles W. Leng, 349-365, Mount Vernon, N. Y., December 1920. Williams, M. C. Description of an unusual case of partial color blindness. University of Iowa, Studies in Psychology, Vol. 7, p.1-30, 1918. Wilson, C. B. Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm; with introduction, notes and vocabulary. New impression. 250p. Appleton, N. Y., 1918. Freytag's Die Journalisten ; with introduction, notes, etc. New impression. 218p. Scott, Foresman & Co., Chicago, 1918. The university woman's opportunity. Eleusis, 1919. An academic danger. Iowa alumnus, 17:191-193, January 1920. Also in Cornell university, Alumni news, 22:270-271, March 1920. Wilson, W. H. On certain related functional equations. American mathematical society, L>*aetm, series 2, 26:300-312, April 1920. Woodward, S. M. Theory of hydraulic jump and backwater curves. Miami conservancy dis- trict, Technical reports, pt. Ill, 1917. Hydraulics of the Miami flood control project. Miami conservancy dis- trict, Technical reports, pt. VII. Young, C. E. Suggestions to high school teachers of French and Spanish. University of Iowa, Extension Bulletin, No. 56, October 1919. In re translation. Modern language journal, 4:302-3, March 1920. Zentmire, Zelma Standards of purity for water used in railroad coaches. American water works association, Journal, 6:490-495, September 1919. 32