I3H(* Library IN THE ST. LOUIS Court of Criminal Correction. CITY OF ST. LOUIS. STATE OF MISSOURI, Plaintiff, vs. PARKER DISTILLING COMPANY, Defendant . CHARGED WITH MANUFACTURING LIQUOR WITH- OUT A LICENSE. POINTS AND AUTHORITIES, ARGUMENT AND BRIEF UPON BEHALF OF THE STATE, AS TO THE CON- STITUTIONALITY OF THE ACT LICENSING THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS, LAWS 1909, PAGE 654. ELLIOTT W. MAJOR, Attorney-General of the State of Missouri. THE HUGH 8TEPHEN8 PRTG. OO., JEFFERSON CITY. .. .'?•••• • -o ■ • - .. • v •- ; , > • i , . ’ Ifea^ \x'f : ' V ■ • : ?» - ■«,• -K. •. >• S-. - . '•■ . / :• -■> v ' : *kr£ ’X'jRi . . «... ‘ ■< • «>■=■? v :^ ,v; v ^ ^ a,. . --h ■ » ■■ •‘V 'V • • . V' - • : ■ 7 ■ > • i v ' j ’ f ’ . - • .• • ' s' ' . W; .• ■ ' - ■ . ■ • . ■ • • . . ■■ ... : y ' <>/*»• - •■ ■ ■ . *’ \ .* * ■ s - *. v . - • v, • yjQwtSSyt y * ■ •'* 'll ■.■■■■■ ■ ■. "i €•■ . -; 4 ; w- sV . , . ■• 7. ■■■w:” fe - f ' "V . W r';\ -f- :-4v ’ $ "’Sv-. , S. • •."V v • ■ v ; M'i - '■ ?•■• , V 'S 4 :-.V \ : . h .>’• :;F •■. ■ •••••• .-tf •:.... : ' v C'%f US IN THE ST. LOUIS Court of Criminal Correction. CITY OF ST. LOUIS. STATE OF MISSOURI, Plaintiff, vs. PARKER DISTILLING COMPANY, Defendant. CHARGED WITH MANUFACTURING LIQUOR WITH- OUT A LICENSE. POINTS AND AUTHORITIES, ARGUMENT AND BRIEF UPON BEHALF OF THE STATE, AS TO THE CON- STITUTIONALITY OF THE ACT LICENSING THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS, LAWS 1909, PAGE 654. STATEMENT. This is a case of the State of Missouri vs. Parker Distil- ling Company, wherein it is charged with manufacturing, rectifying and selling intoxicating liquors in the State of Mis- souri without first having procured a license so to do, under 2 the provisions of the Liquor License Act, Laws 1909, page 654. This information was filed by Hon. Phillips W. Moss, prosecuting attorney of the St. Louis Court of Criminal Cor- rection. . The defendant filed its motion to quash the information, challenging the constitutionality of the act therein upon ten grounds, five of which apply to the State Constitution and five to the Federal Constitution. The sufficiency of the informa- tion is not attacked. The prosecuting attorney of the city of St. Louis, having called upon the Governor for the aid and assistance of the Attorney- General, as is provided by statute, it becomes and is my duty to act, in response to such request and direction. I, therefore, in opposition to the defendant’s motion to quash, present, upon behalf of the State, the following argu- ment and brief in support of the constitutionality of the act. For the convenience of the court in passing upon the ques- tions presented, the State prints in full the information and the motion to quash.. INFORMATION.