1^. t ■■;.:,■'■. I ILLINOIS STATE |' I LABORATORY | ; t OF NATURAL HISTORY ^ • o <^ ^ LIBRARY t- L I E) R_ A R. Y OF THE UNIVLR5ITY or ILLI N015 591.974 V.I WATUR , ^. HISTORY SURVEY Mt-^ (L^ccasioiuil ][.1apcr5 OF THE Ikston ^ocictn af Hatunil J)istcrrn. VII. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. P-\RT 1. LISTS OY THE VERTEBRATA. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY FROM THE GURDON SALTOXSTALL FUND. 1904-1909. F - 1 ^ /v ^ SANrrKi. Hen.sh.wv. .\pril, 1904. No. 1. — List of the ReptiHa. By S.\mi;f.l Henshaw. March, 1904. No. 11. — List of the Aves. By Glover M. Alle.v. June, 1909. No. 3. — List of the Mammalia. By Glover M. Alle.v. June, 1904. dVcasional papers OK THE l^ostou .^ofictn of statural i)istorn. VII. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. 1. UST OF THE REPTILIA. By SAMUEL HENSHAW. BOSTON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY FROM THE GURDON SALTONSTALL FUND. March, I'.tOl. IRKI'TILIA. Dennoohelys coriacea . . C'lit'lydiu serpentina . Cinostermim odoratinn ChryseTnys picta ("lenuiiys his puiictatus Ileterodon jdatirhinos . Liuj>eltis venialis Cydophis aestivus . Zanienis constrictor Coluber viilpiims ohsoletiis . Osceola doliata triangula Ophiholus getulus getulus Xatrix fasciata sipedon leberis . . . . Storeria dekayi . . . . ocx^-ipitotnaculata Haldea striatula Kiitaenia saiirita sirtalis sirtalis pallidiila graininea urdinata Ancistrodon contortrix C'rotaliis horridus Me. N. H — ' + + + + + Vt. + Mass. + -t- R. I. Conn. + + + + — + + + + + + + ■ + + + — + + + + + + REI'TILIA. CHELONIA. ATHE( AE. DEKMOCIIELYDIDAE. 1. DKK>fO('IIKI,YS CORIACKA (Lilliu'.) r.oill. Marine leather turtle : Luth ; Leathery turtle. Testudo coi'iacea Linne, Syst. nat., e. Marine. Me. — Near Portland, off Saco, Penobscot Hay. Mass. — Off Rockport, Annisquani, Salem, Nahant ; Massa- chusetts Pay, near Cape Cod. R. I. — Near Xewport. Coxx. — Lonu Island Sonnd. THECOIMIOKA. CIIELYDRIDAE. 2. CiiKKVDKA sKKi'EN iiVA (I.iiinr.) Scliweigg. Snapping turtle : Snake tortoise. Testudo strpentiiiK Linne, Syst. nat., ed. Id, 17'>x, vol. L p. 199. "Calidis regioxibus." C/iilniiiir)! .^I'rpf'nti'iKt Linne. lloihr.. N. Aiiier. Iicrpt., ed. 2, 1S42, vol. 1, p. i;!!t, pi. 28. 8ta<;nant pools, sluggish streams. Mi:, to ("oNN. CINnSTKIJNIDAK. 3. CixosTEUXuM ODORATUM ( Latreillc.) Bonaj). Mud turtle : Musk turtle ; Stink pot. OCC. I'AI'KU.S U. 9. N. II. IWM. \<>l.. 7. 2 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. CHELONIA. THECOPHORA. CINOSTERNIDAE. Testudo odorata Latr., Hist., nat. reptiles, 180'2, vol. 1, p. 122, pi. —, fig. 3. ''Caroline." Sternothaerus odoratus Bosc. Holbr., N. Araer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 1, p. 133, pi. 22. Deeper waters of ponds and pools. Me. to CoxN. TESTUDINIDAE. 4. Chrysemys picta (Schneider. ) Gray. Fainted terrapin ; Mud turtle ; Soldier turtle. Testudo picta Schn., Allg. naturg. schildkroten, 1783, p. 348. — Emys picta Schn. Holbr. N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 1, p. 75, pi. 10. Ditches, ponds, streams. Me. to Conn. 5. Clemmys guttata (Schneider.) Strauch. Spotted turtle ; Mud turtle. Testudo guttata Schn., Schrift. Berl. gesellsch. nat. freunde, 1792, vol. 10, p. 204. Emys guttata Schn. Holbr., X. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 1, p. 81, pi. 11. Ponds and streams. Me, to Conn. 6. Clemmys insculpta (Leconte.) Strauch. Wood tortoise ; Sculptured tortoise. Testudo inscidpta Leconte, Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y., 1830. vol. 3, p. 112. "northern states". Emys ijisculpta Leconte. Holbr.. X. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 1, p. 93, pi. 18. KEI'TILIA. 3 CHELONIA THECOl'HOKA. TESTIDINIDAE. Pomls and streams; in summer in dry fields. Mi:, to CoNX. 7. Emys itr,ANi)ix<;ii (Ilolbrook.) Straucli, Blanding's tortoise. Cistudo blanditujii llolhr., X. AmtT. lierpt., 1S88, vol. 3, p. 35, pi. 5. "Fox KivKu"; ed. "J, ls42, vol. 1. p. 89, pi. 8. Semiaquatii', viciiiity of streams and pumls. N. H. Ma.ss. — Lancaster, Concord, North Ifeadiiig, Haverhill, Tyngsborough. R.I. 8. Malaooclem.mys tekkaimn (Sohoepff.) Houl. Terrapin. Testtido terrtipin Schoe])ft', Testvdinvm, 1798, p. 64, pi. 15, "America septextrionali." A'i/ii/s terrapin Schoepft'. Ilolbr., X. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 1, p. .^7, pi. 12. Salt marshes and contiguous waters. Mass. to Conn. 9. Malacoclemmys geograpiiioa (Lesueur.) Cope. Geographical terrapin. Testudo geoffraphird Les., Journ. aca>^, pi. (i. *'NKWii.\ii»i0, \()1. i, p. 364. "Cakolixa." Amefrtf ftfKr-h'/iC(ifii Liniir. Holhr., .\ . .\nii'r. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 2, p. 100, pi. 15. Among hushes in hiirh, drv situations. CON.N. 6 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SAURIA. LACERTILIA. SCINCIDAE. 16 (3). EuMECES QuixQiTELiNEATUs (Linne.) Peters. Blue-tailed lizard. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 632, fig. 125. Lacerta 5-lineata Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 176(5, vol. 1, p. 366. "Carolina." Scincus quinqnelineatus Linne. Holbr., N. Araer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 2, p. 121, pL 17. In earth, logs, and stumps, and under bark. Mass. — New Bedford, Barre. Conn. — New Haven, Salisbury, Trumbull. OPHIDIA. COLUBRIDAE. 17 (1). Carphopiiioi's amoenus (Say.) Dum. & Bibr. Ground snake ; Little red snake ; Worm snake. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 735, fig. 151. Coluber a))} oetius Say, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1825, vol. 4, p. 237. "Pennsylvania." Br<(chyorrhos amaenus Say. llolbr., N. Amer. herpt. ed. 2, 1842, vol. 3, p. 115, pi. 27. Subterrestrial, in damp localities under leaves, logs, and stones. Me. N. LL Mass. Conn. 18 (2). DiAnopiiis PUNCTATus (Linne.) Baird & Gir. Ring-necked snake. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 751, fig. 162. Coluber jyunctatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 376. " Carolina." Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol 3, p. 81, pi. 18. KKITILIA. / SAIIUA. OPHiniA. COM HKIDAK. rnll)r., N. Anier. lierpt.. ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 29, pi. 6. Upon liranches of trees, in streams and ponds and along their banks. Me. to Conn. Note. — The specimen from Westfield Falls. Conn., identified as Xatri.r t'uscuUa erijthriK/dster (Shaw) bv Cope. Kept. V. S. 10 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SAURIA. OPHIDIA. COLUBKIDAE. nat. mils., 1898, 1900, p. 977, is iVi /. sipedon according to Stejneger, Amer. nat., 1901, vol. 35, p. 428. 28 (12). Xatuix lkheris (Linne.) Cope. Yello"w-bellied snake. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 993, fig. 265. Coluber hberis Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 216. " Canada." Tropldonotus leheris Linne. Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 49, pi. 13. Aquatic. Conn. — Orange, Canaan. 29 (13). Storeria dekayi (Holbrook.) Baird & Girard. Dekay's snake. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 1000, fig. 268. Tropidonotus dekayi Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 53, pi. 14. "Massachusetts, * * * New York. Under flat stones and in earth under leaves. Me. to Conn. 30 (14). Storeria occipitomaculata (Storer.) Baird & Girard. Spotted-necked snake. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 1003, fig. 269. Coluher occipUo-inacidatas Storer, Kept, reptiles Mass., 1839, p. 230. "Amherst." Under logs and stones. Me. to Conn. 31 (15). Haldea striatula (Linn6.) Baird tfe Girard. Bro'wn snake. ijKi'iiLiA. n SAl lUA, nl'HIDIA. ("oHHinDAK. Cu|K-. Kept. r. S. iiat. inus., 189S, lHOti, \>. 1009, tip. -JT-J. Co/i/her stritttnhts Linru'*, Syst. nat., ed. 12. 1 TOG, vol. 1, j>. 'JTo [=87.")]. "C'.VROLINA." Caldiiiariii s(n't(a Linnj>/iis saun'tuii Linne. Ilolbr., \. Anier. herpt., ed. 2, 1840. vol. 4. p. 21, pi. 4. Meadows in the vicinity of streams. Mi:, to CoxN. 33 (17). EuTAENiA siKTAi.is siRTAf.is (Miim'.) Cope. Striped snake ; Garter snake. Cope, Kept. U. 8. nat. mus.. 1898, 1900, p. 1009, fig. 300. Coluber sirtnUs Linni-, Syst. nat.. ed. 10. 1758, vol. 1, p. 222. ''Canada." Trojnihuintns xirtaiis Linne. Ilolbr. N. Anier. herpt., ed. 2, 1S42, vol. 4. J). 41. pi. 11. -Moist places near water. Ml. to Conn. 34 (]X). EuTAKViA siKTAiJs I' \ I.I.I iif i.A ((i. M. Allen.) Kckel. Northern garter snake. T/unnnoji/iis s. jxillidiila Allen, I'roi-. liost. soc. nat. hist.. 1899, vol. 29. p. 04. "Intkkvalk, Nkw IIampshikk." 12 FAUNA OF NEW KN(;LAND. SAriUA. OPHIDIA. COLUBRIDAE. Me. — Caribou. N. II. — Intervale. 35 (19). EUTAEXIA SIUTALIS GRAMINEA C'ope. Cope, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1888, vol. 11, p. 399. "South- EASTERX IxniANA." Kept. U. S. nat. mns., 1H9S, 1900, p. 10H6, fig. li9S. Me. — Androscoggin. Mass. — - Tuekernuck. 3() (20). EuTAENiA siRTALTS ORDiNATA (Linne.) Cope. Grass snake. Cope, Kept. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 1067, fig. 299. Coluber ordinatus Linne, Syst. nat., erl. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 379. "Carolina." Tropidonotus ordinatus Linne. Holbr., N. Araer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 45, pi. 12. Me. N. H. Mass. CROTALIDAE. 37 (21). Ancistrodox contortrix (Linne.) Baird. Copperhead; Viper; Deaf adder. Cope, Kept. U. 8. nat. mus., 1898, 1900, p. 1135, fig. 326. Boa roiitortrix Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 373. "Carolina." Trigouore])hah(s contortrix Linne. Holbr., N. Amei-. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 3, p. 39. pi. 8. Meadows in the neighborhood of streams and ponds. Vt. Mass. — Mt. Tom, Milton, Lynn. Conn. — Near New Haven. KKrill.lA 13 SAURIA. Ol'HIDIA. ('H<» TALI DAK. 38 (li'2). ("liOTAi.is ii(n:i;ii>rs Linno. Banded rattlesnake. Kiiini', Syst. n:U. vd. It), ITatS, vol. 1. |). 214. " A.mkkka." <'o|)e, Kept. r. S. iiat. nms.. 189.S, 19(IU, \k US.'), fig. 842. CrotaliiK thirissiiK Liiiiir. llolbr., N. Aiiier. herpt., ed. "i, 1842, vol. ;{, p. 9. pi. 1. liucky. wooded regions. Me. to Conn. (LVcasioiKil Piipcrs Oh niH I'loston $-orictn of llatmal Jtiistoin. VII. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. 2. LIST OF THE BATRACIIIA. By SAMUEL IIENSIIAW. JiOSTON : PRINTED KOK THK S(.( li.iv IKo.M niK (jrunnN SALTONSTALL FUND Ai-itii., I'.KJi. i?Aii{ArniA. Xeptiinis maciilat IIS .... Ainblystdina upafiiiii .... punctatiun . tigrinuiu jetfer.-ioMiaiiniii Ileiiiidactyliuiii sculatuiii Plethodon ciuereus cinereiLs erythronotus [rlutinn.sus .... Gyrinopliiliis |tur|ihyiiticMis . Spelerpes tiiliiieatiis .... longicaudus ruber Destiiognatlius fiisca .... Dieiuyctylus viiidesceiis . niiniatus .... Bufo lentiijinosus fowleri americanuw .Scapliiopus Ii(>ll)ruukii Ai-ri.s gryllii.s crepitaii.s Ilvla pic'keriiiLrii .... versicolor Rana pipiens j)alustris clainata catesheiana .... svlvatica Me. N. H. Vt. Mass. R. I. Conn + — + + + + + + + + + + — + + + + + 4- + + + + + i?A'i'i:.\('iii.\. NKOBATKAC IllA. URODKLA. PKOTKIDAE. 1. Necturus MACiLATis Kafiiiesqiie. Mud puppy ; Water dog : Gilled salamander. Kaf., Joiirn. I'liys.. l^<19, vol. HS, p. 41^. " Ktats I'xis." Cope, liull.34, U.S. nat. 111118., 1889, p. 23, fig. 3, no. 1-7,1)1. 1-2: 3, fig. 1-2; 4: i::. tig. 1 ; 4;'), fig. 2; M), fig. 1 ; 4S, fig. 1; :)-2, fig. 1 ; :.G, fig. 1. Jfefmltrd/ir/iit.i tii(ic}ihttiis Barnes. 1 loll)i<•(• I-AI-KIIH II. ■■, N. n. l'.HI4. Vl>|.. 7. 2 FAUNA OF XKW ENGLAND. NK()HATKA(MIIA. UU( )I)1;LA. AMBLYSTOMIDAE. o. Amulystoma ri'NcTATi'M (Liiiiu^.) Haird. Large-spotted salamander. Cope, Bull. 34 U. S. nat. nuis., 1889, p. 5G, fig. 9, pi. 14-18; •21, fig. 1-2 ; 25, fig. 4-5 ; 32, fig. 4; 41, fig. 2 ; 48, fig. 10. Z,acerta jyunctata Linno, Syst. iiat., ed. 12, 1706, vol. 1, p. 370. " Carolina." Salamandra renenosa Barton. Ilolbr., X. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 5, p. 67, pi. 22. Under stones and logs. Me. to Coxx. 4. Amblystoma TiGRiNUM (Green.) Baird. Tiger salamander. Cope, Bull. 34 U. S. nat. miis.. 1889. p. ijS, fig. 12, pi. 25, fig. 7 ; 48, fig. 9. Salamandra tigriiia Green, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1825, vol. 5, p. 116. "near Moore's town ix New Jersey." Triton tigrinus Green. Holbi-., X. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 5, p. 79, pi. 26. Partially aquatic ; under logs and in moist earth near water. Me. — Auburn. Mass. — Salem. 5. Amblystoma ,rEFFERSt>NiAXUAr (Green.) Baird. Jefferson s salamander. Cope, Bull. 34 V. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 89, fig. 15, pi. 25, fig. 9. Salamandra je^ersoniana Green, Contrib. Maclni-ean lye, 1827, vol. 1, p. 4, pi. —fig. 1, "Caxxoxshurg, Pa." Ilolbr., X. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 5, p. 51, ]>l. 14. Under logs in damp situations. Me. to Coxx'. ir\ I ir\t IIIA. 3 NKOUATUAC IIIA I KoDKLA. PLKTHODONTIDAK. ft. II i:\iii) v< I'v III \i S( iiAii M (Sciilesiol.) Tschudi. Scaly salamander : Four-toed salamander. Cope. Hull. 84 V. S. nat. mus., lss<), |,. 130, fig. 29, pi. 35, fig. .'»; 4<;, fig. S; 4S, fig. 11. Saldfu. M'litata Solil., Fauna Japonica, 1838, p. 119, "Nasii- \ iM.K w Tkxxesskk." Under stones, logs, and boards. Mass. — Beverly, Gloucester. K. I. C\»xN. — Xew Haven. 7. Pi.i;rii(»i)(»x < ixERKUs cixkkeus (Green.) Cope, Ashy salamander. Cope, l>ull. o4 U. S. nat. mus., 1SS9, p. 134. Saiamaiulra ciiierea Green, Journ, acad, nat. sci. l*hil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 3.')(). " Xew,iersey." Terrestrial ; under stones, logs, and leaves iu damp places. .Mi;, to Conn. 8. Plethodon <'iNi:itEus ervthroxotus (Green.) Cope. Red backed salamander. Cope, Hull. 34 V. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 135, fig, 30, pi. 19, fig. 4-f.. Salamandm erythronota Green, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1. p. :{5»;. "Xewvokk, ♦ * * Neumersev." Ilolbr.. Amcr. hrrpt., ed. '1. 1S4'J. vol. 5, p. 43. j.l. 11. Terrestrial ; in damp situations under logs, stones, etc. Me, to Coxx, 9. Pr.ETMoDoN <.r,uTixosiTs ((4reen.) Tscliu.. l>^y. p. lOS, tig. 41, pi. 2S, fig. 1-3; 35, tig. 11,42, tig. 2. Siibnu'iiidni lonyiranda (Treen, Jiuirn. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 351. "Xewjersev." Holbr., N. Amer. hei-pt., ed. 2, 1S42, vol. 5. p. 01, pi. 19. Kooky situations. Mass. Coxx.— Salisburv. m 13. SpEi.KKPEs KiBEU (Daudix.) (irav. Red salamander ; Bro"wn-spotted salamander. Co|>e. Hull. 34 V. S. nat. mus., lss9, p. 172, tig. 43, pi. 29; 30, tig. 1-5; 31. fig. 1-5; 32, fig. 1-3; 35, fig. 7-10; 40, fig. 1-2: 41, fig. 1 ; 45, fig. 0; 4S, fig. 10. Sahiimimlrn ruhni Daud., Hist. nat. reptiles. 1X03. vol. S, p. 227. pi. 97, fig. 2. " Etats-Uxis." Holbr., X. .Vrner. herpt., ed. 2, 1S42, vol. 5, p. 35, pi. 9. 6 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. NK( )BATH ACIIIA. URODELA . FLETHODONTIDAE. Under stones in running water. Mk. N. IT. — White Mountains. Mass. — Groton. Conn, — Canaan. DESMOGNATHIDAE. 14. Desmo(;nathus fusca (Kafinesque.) Baird. Brown Triton ; Dusky salamander ; Black ebbet. Cope, Bull. 34 V. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 194, tig. 48, pi. 34, fig. 5-G ; 36, fig. 1 ; 45, fig. 7. Triturus fiiscus Raf., Annals of nature, 1820, p. 4. "State OF New York." Salamandra quadrimaculata Ilolbr., X. Amer. herpt., 1840, vol. 4, p. 1-Jl, pi. 26 ; ed. 2, 1842, vol. f), p. 49, pi. 1%} Aquatic; under stones, logs, and leaves near and in rapid, shallow streams. Me. to Conn. PLKUKODELIDAE. 15. DiEMYCTYLus viRiDESCENS (Rafinesque.) Hallowell. Many-spotted salamander ; Green ebbet. Cope, Bull. 34 U. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 207, fig. 52, pi. 36, fig. 3-4; 39; 40, fig. 5-9; 41, fig. 3-4; 42, fig. 3; 45, fig. 9; 49, fig. 4. Triturus viridescens Raf., Annals of nature, 1820, p. 5. "In Lake George, Lake Champlain." ' In the issue of 1840, the specific name is maculo-quadrata in the text, and quadramaculafa on the plate. BAIKAC'HIA. t NKOMATKACHIA. URfJDKKA. rij:rK<»i)KLii)AK. ikUitnuimlra sytninetrica Harlan. Htill)r.. N. Aiiier. herpt., •J, 1842, vol. :>, p. 57, pi. 17. Aipiaiic ; ponds anF DaXVER.S." .Ma>>.- I)anvei*s. is (•_»). IUkm i.KXTn;iN<>>i s amki:i< am s (Ilolbrook.) Cope. American toad Ct>pi', iJull. 84 r. S. nat. nuis., l>,s«J, p. 2s4, ti*:. Til. pi. 4S». tig. 7 : 57, tig. 1 ; 5H, 59; G9. tig. 9. Jiufn aiiifricaiius Leconte. Ilollir., N. Anier. lierpt., IS3<>, vol. 1. |i. 7'', pi. 9 ".Maixk thkoi"<;m ai.i. the Atlantic States * • • SoiTH Cakolixa." ; e. 109, pi. 27. Siibterrestrial. Mass. — Danvei's, Cambridge. Springfield. Conn. — New Haven. HYLIDAE. 20 (4). AoRis GRYLLus CREPITANS (Baird.) Cope. Cricket frog. Cope, Bull. 34 U. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 326, 460, fig. 82. Acris crepitans Baird, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1854, p. 59. "Northern States." Rept.. U. S. Mex. bound, surv. T'eptiles, 1859, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 28, pi. 37, fig. 14-17. In meadows jiear streams and pools. Conn. — Near New Haven. 21 (5). Hvla picKERTNiiii (Storer.) Leconte. Piping tree frog. Cope, Bull. 34, U. S. nat. mus., 1889. p. 352, fig. 88, pi. 78. fig. 1-19. Uylodes picl-erim/ii Storer, Keptiles of ^Massachusetts, 1839, p. 240. "Danvers." Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2. 1842, vol. 4, p. 135, pi. 34. Aquatic for several weeks in the spring; low bushes. Me. to CoNX. HATRACHIA. 9 MKilSA IKA( IlIA. ANIIJA. ilVMDAK 22(G). IIyi.a vkrsicoloi: Leconte. Common tree frog. Lecoiiti' Aim. lye. n:it. lii.st. N. \ ., iS^f), vol. 1, |). 2^1. "NuKTUKK.N St.vtk.s." Ilolbr., N. Aiiier. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, p. 115, pi. 28. Cope, Hull. :U, U. S. nat. mus., 18S9, p 378, fig. 9r), pi. 64. Trees, vines, and fences. Me. to CoN>. HAN I DAK. 28 (7). It.v.NA rii'iK.NS (inielin. Leopard frog. (iinel., Syst. nat.. I.inne, ed. 18, 1788, vol. 1, j). 1052. " Amkkicak ski>textkk»xai,is." Riiiiti hiilecina Kalin. Ilolhr., \. Ainer. herjtt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 91. pi. 22. Ituna rireficens brachi/cep/iala Cope, Bull. 84, V. S. nat. inus., 1S89, p. 408. titr. KM. Ponds and streams. Mk. to Mas.s. Conn, 24 (X). I* ANA p A IIS ri;is Leconte. Pickerel frog ; Marsh frog Leconte, Ann. lye. nat hist. \. \ ., IS'J;'), vol. 1, p. 282. Iloll.r.. \. Anier. Iieipt., ed. 2, 1S42, vol. 4, p. 1).'., pi. 28. Cope, Hull. 84. r. S. nat. mus., 1SS9, j). 40C>, titr. 1U2, pi. .■>7. fig. 8. Cold streams and pnnds, gras.'^y meadows. Mk. to Cu.NN. 10 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. NEOBATRACHIA. ANURA. RANIDAE. 25 (9). Rana clamata Daiidin. Green frog. Daud., Hist. nat. reptiles, 1803, vol. 8, p. 104. "Caroline, AUX ENVIRONS DE ChARLESTOWN " [= CHARLESTON]. CopC, Bull. 84, U. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 419, fig. 107, pi. 51, fig. 2-3; 75, fig. 19, 33. Rana clamitans Bosc. Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 85. pi. 20. Ponds and streams. Me. to Mass. Conn. 26 (10). Rana catesbeiana Shaw. Bull frog. Shaw, General zoology, Amphibia, 1802, vol. 3, p. 10(3, pi. 33. ''North America." Cope, Bull. 34, U. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 424, fig. 108, pi. 50, fig. 3 ; 51, fig. 4-8 ; 55, fig. 7 ; 66 ; 67. JRana pipiens Latr. Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 77, pi. 18. Lakes, ponds, and rivers. Me. to Conn. 27 (11). Rana sylvatica Leconte. Wood frog. Leconte, Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y., 1825, vol. 1, p. 282. Holbr., N. Amer. herpt., ed. 2, 1842, vol. 4, p. 99, pi. 24 ; Cope, Bull. 34 U. S. nat. mus., 1889, p. 447, tig. 115. Terrestrial. Me. to Conn. (Occasional |0apcr5 OF THE ^loston .^ocictn of Jlatural iiiistorn. VII. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. 3. LIST OF THE MAMMALIA. Ry GLOVEli M. ALLEN. HOST( )N : I'RIXTKI) K<)|{ TIIK SOCIKTY FROM THE GUUDON SALTONSTALL FUND. Jlnk, 1004. MAMMALIA. Diii ItidiMis I)el|iliina|tteriis loiicas ( )r(iiius oroa Globicephala melas fTrarnpiis s^riseus IMiocafua jilKtcaeiia Laj^eiioiliyiiclms acutus . Delphimis cti\ agaii.s I'ipistrelhis .subriavus ohsc-urus \'t's|n'rtili(» fiiscMis .... Lasiiinis l)itr('ali.s .... cinereu.s .... Me. N. H. Vt. Mu*. + k. I. Conn 7 4- + + + + — MAMMALIA. MAUsri'IAMA. PnLVI'UOTODOXTIA. DIDKM'IIIDAK. 1. 1 )ii>i;i.i'iii-- viiir.tvi \ V A Kcir. Northeastern opossum ; Virginia opossum. JJide/p/iis I'irijinioiKf Ivcir. Animal kinfj}j>/iis riri/i/iitom Kejr. Allen, Hull. Atner. mus. nat. hist., lUOl. vol. 14, p. lGU-160. j.l. -S.l, tig. 4 ; i-l. lio, tig. 3-4. J>itera acuto-rostrata Lac, Hist. nat. des Cetacees, (an 12) 1803-4, vol. 1, p. 197-207, pi. 8. "Aux ekvirons de la RADE DE Cherbourg." JiaJaenoptera rostrata Fabricius. Sars, Videnskabs. selsk. for- handlinger, Cliristiania, 1878, p. 15, pi. 1. Balaenoptera. rostrata Fabr. Carte ife Macalister, Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1868, p. 201-261, pi. 4-7. Marine. Mass. 5. Balaenoptera physalus (Linn6.) True. Common finback -whale ; Finback. Balaena p>hysalus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 75. "in Oceano Europaeo." Balaenoptera muscidus Auct. Dwight, Mem. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1872, vol. 2, p. 203-280, figs., pi. 6-7. MAMMALIA. 3 CKTE. MYSTACOCETI. HAI.AKNIDAK. Marine, sometimes common off shore. Mk. X. H. Mass. to Conn. <■». 1> Ai.AKNOPTKKA MuscuLUS (LiiHu'*.) Triie. Blue ■whale ; Sulphur-bottom. lixUii'un ninscaluti Liiine, Syst. nat., e. " IN MAUI SCOTICG." liiihienoptera sihhuJdii Gray. Sars, ViJenskabs. selsk. for- hamlliiiger, Christiania, 1878, p, 18, jd. 3-4. Marine. Me. — Off shore. Mass. — Off sliore. UD( )NTOCETI. rilYSKTKRIDAi:. 7. PHYSKTER MArROCEPIIAM'S Linno. Sperm -whale ; Cachalot. J'fu/netrr inacrori jihtihiH i^inne, Syst. nat., dl. 10, 1758, vol. 1. p. 70. "IN OcKAXO EUKOI'AEO." PIn/srtrr iiiarroccpliiihiK Linnr. Sc-amnmn, .Marine mammals, 1S74. p. 74 -S4, pi. 14-15. J*/n/.. Marine. Mk. — Hlack-poiiit IlarKor. X. 11. — Newcastle Ilarlior. -M.\.s.s. — Massachusetts Hay; Proviiicetow n ; ^'arlnoutll. I{. I. NuTK. — Tile Xarwlial {Munodou ntonortrnx) is ri'C(»rdei;i I \ (•>; ,ii;. A (Ijiim'.) I'aliiier. Killer whale; Orca; White bellied killer. /M/j)/ii/iiis Dfcit IJiilie, Syst. nat., eil. Itl, 17.">>, vol. I. \\. 77. "IN () EUROI'.VKO.*' Orrinifs orcn (Linne). True, Proc. V. S. nat. nuis., Ilt(l4. vol. •J7, ).. i!-J7--J:!(i. 1.1. 7-8. Marine. Mk.- — Kastport. .Mass. — Massachusetts Hay. \'l. < H MiM. i:i>ii Ai.A MKi.A-^ (Traill.) DcKay. Blackfish; Pilot whale; Caaing whale; Social •whale. J)) If tl, ill IIS tnrhis Traill, NiclKtlsnu's journal, l.*^. Sl, |il. •>. •* Sc.vPAV I^AV, IN Pomona, o.vk ok tiik Okknkvs." (iloUii-ijihnho^ meluH (Traill). True. Hull. Mt», I'. S. nat. nnis., 18H9, p. 183-187, 188-184, i.l. 40. Marine; ^reLcarion... Me. Mass. — .Mas.sachusetts Hav ; Salem IIarl»(»r. i;. 1. C'oNX. — FairfieM Headi ; Hril. 11. J>elj>liini(s delji/iis Linni.'. Flower, Trans, zool. soc. London, vol. 11, i)t. K p. 1-;'), ],]. 1. fin:. 1. Pelagic. Mass. IJ. I._ Block M. CoNX. — Loiiii: M. Soiiiid. 17. Ti'Rsiops Tiu'xrATrs (Montagu.) True. Bottle-nose porpoise; Porpoise. I)eJphiin(s trtncati/s Mont., Mem. AVeinerian soc, 1821, vol. 3, p. 7-"), pi. -S. "Ar.oi'T FivK Mir.Ks 11' Tiiic luvKi: Dart," England. Tnrtilop.^ tiu'xio (Fal)iicius). True, Bull. 36, U. S. nat. mus., 1889, 1). 32-39, 158-159, pi. 8. JJelpliinns t>irs!i> Fabr. Flower, Trans, zool. soc. Lon< and barrens of Hudsonian zone. Me. — South to Grafton. X. H. — Connecticut Lakes. Vt. — Formerly in northern portion. .MAMMALIA. ^ GLIRKS. SIMrLiriDENTATA. schkid.m;. •Jl. Srirurs «AKoi,iNKNsis LKi'ioTis ((Taj^jiei. ) .\IIcn. Northern gray squirrel. Sr{//riis hill litis (ia|i|ier, Zool. jouni., l>^oU, vol. n. p. "JOlI, jil. 11. "Bktwekx VtjKK AM) L.vKK SiM<(»K," Ontario. Sciiinis ritro/i/tetisis limntlx (Gapper). liangs, Proc. hiol.soc. Washington, ISiXJ, vol. 10, p. 1.^5-l.")(;, pi. 9, tig. 1. l)ocisoxiri-s r.oi^uAx Bangs. Southern red squirrel ; Southern chickaree. St'lilfiis /iinlsiiiiiiiis hii^iiil.r |»;iMgs, l'ri>C. l»ihinLXt«>ii, ls%, vol. 10, p. ir.l-H;2, j.l. 10, Hg. 1. •• LiitKKi v IIii.i.. C..\N." Sriuiuix finds- III lens i/ijni nlrns Hangs. Stone «.t Cram. Ainer. animals, lin»2, p. I72-I7n, 2 pis. 10 FAUNA OF NEW EN(;LAND. GLIRES. SIMPLICIDENTATA. SCIURIDAE. Coniferous and mixed woods of transition and upper austral zones. Me. — Southern counties, not typical. N. H. — Southern counties. Vt. — Southern counties. Mass. to Conx. 24. SciuRus RUFivEXTER XEGLECTUS (Grav.) Allen. Northern fox squirrel. Macroxus nerflectu!< Gray, Ann. mag. nat. hist., ser. 3, 1867, vol. 20, p. 425. "North America?" Sciurus ludoviciamis vicinus Bangs, Proc. biol. soc. Washing- ton, 189(5. vol. 10, p. 150-153, pi. 8, fig. 3. Sciurus cinereus Linne. Audubon ct Bachman, Quadrupeds of North Araer., 1846, vol. 1. p. 145-150. pi. 17. Deciduous forests of upper austral zone. Mass. — Southern Connecticut valley; Saugus. Coxx. — Xorthford (Linsley). Note. — " X. H." — Two in Peabody acad. sci., Salem. 25. Tamias sTRiATis LY:^TERi ( Richardsou. ) Merriam. Lysters chipmunk ; Ground squirrel ; Striped squirrel ; Chipmunk. Sciurus (Tamias) li/steri Rich., P^auna Boreali-Americana, 1829, vol. 1, p. 181, pi. 15. "PexetaX(tUishexe," Ontario. Tamias striatus lysteri (Rich.). Merriam, Araer. naturalist, 1886, vol. 20, p. 242.' Sciurus striatus Linne. DeKay, Xat. hist. Xew York, 1842, pt. 1. p. 62-64, pi. 16, fig. 1. Open woodlands and among rocks. Lives in burrows. ]Me. to Coxx. MAMMALIA. 11 <;LIKES SIMrLiriDENTATA. sririnoAK. •Jti. Ai;< loMvs MoNAX (LijiHi'.) (Tinol'm. Woodchuck : Ground hog. Jfus iiionax Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1. \k <>••. "in Amkuka SKPTENTUION'ALI." Antoiiiys mo7iax (Linn^K Haird, Pacific liailway rept., 1857, vol. s, p. 339-343, pi. 49, fig. la-le. Arrtoiiit/s moiutx (Liniu'). Stone it Cram, Ainer. animals, l!ii>'2, p. i:.l-l.">9, U pis. Fields and oi)cn woodland.s. Mk. to Coxx. ■J7. SciiROi'TKUis sAr.iMNi's MACROTis Meams. Canadian flying squirrel. Sriiii-ijpterux subr'nKo^ imicrotU Mearns, Proc. V . S. nat. mus., 1898, vol. 21, p. 353-354, figs. 1, 'Ih, 3b. "IIixtkr moixtaix <('atskii.i,s). Giikkxe rouxTV, Xr.w Vor.K." Forests of Canadian zone ; nocturnal. Mk. t<) Vt. Mass. — Hudson; Lynn; Middleboro'. •J^i. SriiRopTEKis volaxs (Linn*.'.) Jordan. Southern flying squirrel. Mus volatis Liiuu'-. Syst. nat., ed. 1<», 17.'>>, vol. 1, p. <»o. "ix \'ii;<;ixiA, . . . ." Srliirnfitfrii.-< ro/ini.s roAf//,v ( I.irnu'). Hangs, Proc. liol. sue. Washington, 1n9C., vol. 10. p. lt;4- 100, tig. 30-31, j.l. 10. tig. 5. Sciuropteriis volnns (Linnc). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, IIM)-^. p. 17(1 177, 1 pi. 12 rAUXA OF NEW EN"GL\X1X GLIRES- SIMPL1CU)ENTATA. SCIUKIDAE. Open woodlands of Transition zone ; noctarnal. Me. — E:v<:port: Xor\ray: Calais; Waterville. X. H. — Hancock : Webster ; Milan. Vt. — Lowlands. Mass. to Coxx. CASTORIDAE. 29. Castoe « wjyAPExsis Knhl. Amencan beaver: Beaver. C asior c^iM^^id'^i^U Kuhi, Beitrage z. zooL, IMIU. p. 0-L " Ad FEETCTiI HUDSOXI.^ Oj^or canademis Kuhl. Elliot, Field Coiunib. mus.. zool. sen, 19(11. voL 2, p. 116, fig. 27. Cantor cana'jf'ensi^ Kuhl. Stone ».t Cram, Araer. animals. 1902, p. 14-3-150, 2 pis. Streams and lakes in forests. ^Ie. — Xorthem counties. X. H. — Xorthem Coos County. Vt. to Coxx. — Extirpate*!. MURIDAE- 30. Mrs MuscuLus Linne. House mouse. Jf'j^ musculus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 175S, voL 1, p. 62. ~rs iK»30Brs~ of Sweden. J/«* mu^idtts Linne. Baird, Pacific Railway rept., 1857, vol. 8, p. ^3-444. J/*f* luiMcuhts Linne. Stone & Cram, Amer. animals. 1902, p. 188-142, fig. on pi. facing p. 142. In buildings, sometimes in fields. Introduced. 3Ie. to Coxx. MAMMALIA. 13 GLIRES. SIMPLICIDEXTATA MLKII>AE. 31. Mr> x«»EVEi4 flerumtiHHs Palla*. DfKay. Xat. hbt. New York, 1^42. pt. 1. p. 79-SO. Mh* noreegicu* Enl. Stone & Cram. Amer. animals. ISNj:*. p. 142-144. fig. on pi. facing p. 14:1. Bam* and neighktorhood of wharves, beaches, and freight ranis. Introduced. Me. to Coxx. 3:!. Mrs katti-^ Linne. Black rat Mu* rattu* Linne, ^yst. nat.. ed. lu, 17o^, voL 1, p. 01. ~ix DOMICl'S EiEmPaZ.'' y£'ti ratt*iJt Linn^. Elliot. Field Columb. mas., zool. ser., liH>l. vol. '1. p. 117, fig. 2"^. ^I>(* rattut Linoe. Audubon «fc Bachman. Quadruiie^ls of North Amer.. 1h46, toL 1. p. 1S9-194, pi. 23. About houses and bams in the country. Intrc»duced- Me. to (ON-X. 33. l*tK«>MV5«cus cjLXADEXsis (Miller.) Bangs. Canadian v«rlnte-footed mouse. Sitoinyg timericanu* canadensi* Miller. Proc. l*oL soc. Wash- ington, 1>93, vol. fi, p. 55-67. " Petekbob«^«, Maihsox Couxtt, N\ Y." Cool, damp woods of Canadian zone. Me. to Vt. Mass.— Mt. G^avlcK^k. 14 FAUNA OF XEW ENGLAND. GLIRES. SIMPLICIDENTATA. MURIDAE. 34. Pekomyscus leucopus noveroracensis (Fischer.) Miller. Eastern vtrhite-footed mouse ; New York deer- mouse ; Deermouse ; Woodmouse. 3fus sylvaticus noveboracensis Fiscb., Synopsis mammalimii, 1S29, p. 318-819. "In Novo Eboraco." PeromijKcus leucopus novehoracensis (Fisch.). Mearns, Proc. biol. soc. Washington, 1901, vol. 14, p. 154. PeromyscKS iwierlcanus tiooebonicensis (Fisch.). Elliot, Field Columb. mus., zool. ser., 1901, vol. 2, p. 125 (fig. 30 of "P. mnericanns "). Woodlands of transition zone. Me. — Southern counties. N. H.— Below 3000 feet. Vt. to Conn. 35. Neotoma pennsylvanica Stone. Alleghany wood rat ; Cave rat. Neotoma jyennsylvajiica Stone, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Philadel- phia, 1893,1). 16. "South Mountain, Cumberland County, Penna." Neotoma pennsylvanica Stone. Rhoads, Mammals of Penna. & N. J., 1903, p. 85-92, pi. 4. In stony places and in caves; upper austral zone. ?Mass.— (Gibbs.) Conn.— Liberty Hill; ? Bridgeport (Linsley). 36. Evotomys gapperi ochraceus ^Miller. Eastern red-backed mouse; Wood vole. Evotomys gapperi ochraceus Miller, I'roc. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1894, vol. 26, p. 193-196, pi. 3, fig. 1. "Mount Wash- ington, N. H., .... Alpine Garden." MAMMALIA. 15 GLIRES. SIMPLKIDKNTATA. MIKIDAK. E»ototnys (japperi ochraceus .Miller. l>ailey, Proc. biol. soc. Washington, 1897, vol. 11, |»p. 117, l'J4. Cool, (lamp woods of Canadian zone. Mk. to Vt. — Abumlant. Mass. — Highlands and boreal swamps. ]{. I. — Boreal swamps. Conn. — Liberty Hill. 37. MniKtrrs riCNNsviv wn rs (Ord.) Tlhoads. Meado^v mouse ; MeadoTv vole ; Field mouse. Miis jiennsi/lraniai Ord, Guthrie's geography, 2d Anier. ed., 1815, vol. 2, p. -iO'i (ex Wilson, Amer. ornith., ISl'J, vol. G, p. 59, pi. 50, tig. 3. " PiiiLAnKLPiiiA," Penna.) Microtias j>ennsi//i'i(/iicK.f (Ord). Bailey, North .Vmei". fauna, 1900, no. 17, p. K3-1S, fig. 1, pi. 1, pi. 2, h"g. 1 ; pi. 3, fig. 1. Grassv fields and marshes; to a less extent in the woods. Me. to Conn. 38. MiCROTUS PEXNSVLVANICUS SHATTUCKI Howe. Shattuck meado^v mouse. Microtus pennsUimmcus [sic] shattucki Howe, Proc. Portland soc. nat. hist., 1901, vol. 2, p. '201-20-2, pi. 5. "Tumble Down I)i« K Island, near Long Island, Pexouscot Bay, Maine." Islands of Penobscot Bay, ]\Ie. Me. — Tumble Down Dick Island; Long Island. 39. MiCROTUS BREWERi (Baird.) Miller. Brewers meado"w mouse; Beach mouse: Gray mouse. Aroicola breiceri Baird, Pacific Railway rept., 1857, vol. 8, p. 525-526. "Island uv Mr8KKKCoxx. — East Hartford. MAMMALIA. 17 (JLIRES. SIMrLICIDKXTATA. MriUDAK. 4"J. FiBKK /niKTHK IS (Linm''.) Cuvier. Muskrat ; Musquash. Oistttr zibttfiicns LiniK-, Syst. nat., ed. VI, 17GG, vol. 1, \t. 7*J. "Canada." Kifn^r zifn^t/iicux (Liniu'). Klliot, Field Coluinb. raus., zool. ser., 1901, vol. '1, \K 212-213, tig. 49. Fihar zlhethiois Linno. Stone «fc Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, |,. l-Jl-126, 1 i-l. Along streams and lakes, and in mai-shes. Me. to CoNX. 48. SvNAi'TuMvs coorKKi llairtl. Coopers lemming mouse ; Bog lemming. Synti]ttiniiy.'< cooperi Baird, Pacific- IJailway rept., 1857, vol. 8, p, 558. " Pkohablv fkum the New Exglaxd States, on New VOKK." Si/naptotiiys coopfrl Baird. Merriam, Proc. biol. soc. Wash- ington, 1896, vol. 10, p. 58, fig. •!. Sifinijttouitjs cooperi Baird. Stone tV: C ram, Amer. animals, 19U-J. p. 107-lOK. fig. 6 on pi. facing p. 110. Sphagnum bogs and swampy woods. Me. — Mt. Katah«lin. Mass. — Plymouth ; Wareham. 44. SvxApTOMYs KATUus Bangs. Northern lemming mouse. SijuaptointjK fatuuH Bangs. Proc. biol. soc. Wasliington. 1^90, vol. 10. p. 47-48. "Lake Edward, (^UEBEf." Sphagnum bogs and damp forests of Iludsunian zone. Me. — Eagle Lake. Aroostook County; Mt. Katalidiii (inter- mediate ?). N. IL— :Mt. .Moosilauke (4,S0(» ft.). 18 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. GLIRES. SIMPLICIDENTATA. MURIDAE. 45. Synaptomys sphagnicola Preble. White Mountain lemming mouse. Synaptomys {Mictoinys) sphagnicola Preble, Proc. biol. soc. Washington, 1899, vol. 13, p. 43-45, fig. 3a. "Fabyans, New Hampshire." Sphagnum bogs, and damp forests of Hudsonian zone. Me.— Mt. Katahdin (4,500 ft.) . N. H. — Fabyans. ZAPODIDAE. 40. Zapus hudsonius (Zimmerraann.) Coues. Hudson Bay jumping mouse. Dipus hudsonius Zimm., (^^eographische geschichte, 1780, vol, 2, p. 358. "Hudsonsbay." Zapus hudsonius (Zimra.). Preble, North Amer. fauna, 1899, no. 15, p. 15-17, tig. 1, pi. 1, figs. 3, 3a. Zapus hudsonius (Znnm.). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 102-104, 1 fig. on pi. facing p. 102. Grassy meadows and swamps. Me. to Conn. 47. Napaeozapus insignis (Miller.) Miller. Woodland jumping mouse. Zapus insiynis Miller, Amer. naturalist, 1891, vol. 25, p. 742. " Restigouche, N. B." Zapus (JVapaeozajyus) insiynis Miller. Preble, North Amer. fauna, 1899, no. 15, p. 33-35, fig. 2, pi. 1, figs. 1, la. Zapus insiynis Miller. Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 104-105, fig. 4 on pi. facing p. 110. By cool streams in damp woods of Canadian zone. Me. to Vt. Mass. — IMt. Graylock. MAMMA IJA. v.) til.IIJKS. SIMI'LICIDKNTATA. KRKTHIZONTIDAK. 4S. Ki:i:tiii/<'N i><>i;s.\riM (F.iiiiit'.) I'\ Cnvier. Canada porcupine; Hedgehog; Quill-pig. Jlijtitrix ilo/:s. o7. " IN Canada." Kntfiizon dorsiitns (Limn''). Klliot, FieM Coluinl). imis., zool. ser., I'JUl, vol. 2, p. 'H\4-'2(\:k pi. '24. Krethizon (/orsudts (Liiiiic-^. Stone it Cram, Ainer. aninialti, IIMI-J. p. i«4-9(), li pis. .MixL'il and (.•oiiiteruii.s woods, amoiiuj rocks. Mk. to Mass. ])L I'LICIDENTATA. LEPOUIDAE. 4i>. Lki'is A^rKKKAN'us VI K. ■ I M ANUS (Ilarlaii.) Allen. Eastern varying hare ; White rabbit. L, p. 7S-80, 1 pi. Cool, damp woods of Canadian zone. Mk. to Vt. Mass. — Locally in eastern part. H. I._ Local. Conn. — Local. .')(). Lkits klokidanus tranni iionai.is ( iJaniis.) .Mien. Northern cottontail; Gray rabbit; Coney. Lipit,-* si//iu((irits (ra/isitio/m/i.'i Banjos, I'roc. Boston soc. iiat. hist., 1^9;'), vol. -jr,, p. 405. "Lihkkty Hii.i., Conn." 20 FAIXA OF NEW ENGLAND. GLIKES. DIPLICIDENTATA. LEPORIDAE. Lepus nanus Schreber. DeKay, Xat. liist. New York, 1842, pt. 1, p. 93-95, pi. -27, fig. 1. In I)ushy places ; transition zone. N. H. — North to Webster. Vt. — Windsor: Connecticut valley. Mass. — Lower portions. R.I. Coxx. FERAE. PINNIPEDIA. PHOCIDAE. 51. Phoca groexlandica Erxleben. Harp seal; Saddle-back. Phoca groealtindica Er.\l., Syst. regni anim., 1777. p. 588. "ix Groexlaxdia et Newfouxdlaxd." Phoca groenhindica Fabricius. Allen, History of North Amer. Pinnipeds, 1880, p. 680-654, fig. 50. Phoca groenlandica Fabricius. Elliot, Field C'olumb. raus., zool. ser., 1901. vol. 2, p. 364-365, pi. 49, (1 fig.). Marine; straggler from the north. Mass. — Nahant. Coxx. — Stonington (?). 52. Phoca vitulixa Linne. Harbor seal; Sea-dog. Phoca vituli)ia Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 38. "iX :NrARI EUROPAEO." Phoca vituUna Linne. Allen, History of North Amer. Pinni- peds, 1880, p. 559-597, fig. 48-48. Phoca vitulina (Linne). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 215-217, fig. on pi. facing p. 216. MAMMALIA. 'J.\ FEUAK. riNXll'KDIA. IMUK'IDAK. -Marine atul estiiarine ; bree^0, p. 724-742, tig. o'J-oH. Marine; a straggler from the north. Me. Mass. — Xewburyport ; Massachusetts coast. 1{. I. — Providence River, below Providence. FISSII'KDIA. KELIDAK. i)A. Fki.is couguak Kerr. Adirondack cougar; Puma; Panther. /•^elitt rouifiKir Iverr. Animal kingdom, 171>'J, ]). l.")l. "M<>l s- TAIXS OF PkNSVLVANIA. \'lI{'ce OF Xeav-york.") Lynx ruffus (Giild.). Bangs, Proc. biol. soc. Washington, 1897, vol. 11, pi. 2, fig. 3. Lyncus rufus (Temminck.) De Kay. Nat. hist. New York, 1842, pt. 1, p. 51-58. pi. 10, tig. 1. Deep woods ; dens among rocks. Me. to R. I. Coxy. — East Hartford. MAMMALIA. 23 FEHAK. FISSIl'EDIA. CANIDAE. 57. Uko< YON- . iNKKEOAROEXTErs BORKALis Meriiani. Northern gray fox. Urccifon rhiereotirf/enteifs horeolls Merriain, Pmc liiol. soc. Washington, li>08, vol. Itl, j.. 74. " .Maui.horo, 7 milks from MoNAi>NtHK, Nkw IIampsiiirk." Urocyon cinereoart/enteus (Schrebcr). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, liMcj, p. 275-377, 1 1>1. (southern fonu). Open woodlands of njiper austral zone. N. II. -Marlboro. Mass. — Leominster. Cons. 58. Vri.PKs KLi.vis (Desinarest.) l)e Kay. Red fox ; Cross fox ; Black fox. (Vz/z/.s- j'idriis Desni.. Maniinalogie. 1S20, vol. 1, p. 2(»3. "L'Etat de Virgime." Viilpes petmsifh-atiioi {V>Oi\i\o.eY\.). Elliot, Field Columb. mus., zool. ser., 1901, vol. t>, p. 304, j.l. 30. ViiljH 8 fidvm (Desm.). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 264-272, 2 pis. Woodlands; in burrows. Me. to C'oNX. r)9. Canis orriDENTALis (Kic'hardson.) liaird. Gray wolf ; Timber wolf. CiDtiH lajnix orcideiUitlis Rich., Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1829, vol. 1. p. tJO. "NoRTiiKUN DISTRICTS " of North America. Lajtiis occide/itolis (Rich.). De Kay, Nat. hist. New York, 1842, j.t. 1, ].. 42-43, pi. 27, Hg. -j. Forests. Me. — Practically extirpated. \. 11 —White Mountains (about 1x87). 24 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. FERAE. FISSIPEDIA. CANIDAE. Vt. — Extirpated in past century. Mass. — Extirpated in past century. Conn.— Extirpated. Bridgeport (1840); Newtown (1832). MUSTELIDAE. 60. LuTRA CANADENSIS (Sclireber.) Sabine. Otter. Mustela Intra canadensis Schr., Siiugthiere, 1776, pi. 126 B. " NORDAMERICA." Lutra hiulsonicd Lacep^de. Rhoads, Trans. Amer. philos. soc, n. s., 1898, vol. 19, p. 424-427, pi. 24, fig. 1-2. Lutra canadensis Schr. Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 219-223, 1 pi. Streams and lakes, and along the seashore. Me. to Conn. 61. Mephitis putida (G. Cuvier.) Allen. Eastern skunk. Mustela putida G. Cuv., Tabl. elera. de I'hist. nat. des anim., 1798, p. 116. " De l'Amerique septentrionale." Chincha putida (Boitard). Howell, North Amer. fauna, 1901, no. 20, p. 25-27, pi. 1, fig. 1 ; pi. 5, fig. 3-4. Mephitis putida (Cuvier). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 224-229, 1 pi. Open woodlands and rural districts. Me. to Conn. 62. GuLO Luscus (Linne.) Sabine. Wolverine ; Indian devil. Ursus licscus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 47. " ad SINUM HUDSONIS." MAMMALIA. 25 FKRAK. FISSII'KDIA. MrSTKI.lDAK. (rulo Ikscks (Limie). Hainl, Pacific l{ail\v;iy rej»t., vol. 8, 1857, p. lSl-188. Gulo liisciis Limit'. Stone &, Cram, Aincr. animals, I'JO'J, p. 245-247, 1 j.l. Heavy forests; probably extirpateil in New En^laml. Me. — Norway (about isOo). N. II. t.. Mass. — ?].\-tirpate^2."), p. 03. "Makyi.and." Putorius I'isoii li(trci>rej)h(ili(s (^Harlan)- Hangs, Proc. Huston soc. nat. hist., 1X90, vol. 27, p. 4, i)l. 1, tig. 1 ; pi. 2, fig. 2. (Jn the seab(»ar. niiis.. zo»>I. ser.. 111(11, vol. -J, p. 834-8^;"), tig. OC). Miixtthi (iinen'canit Tiirt. Stone & Cram, Amer. animals. 190*J, p. '2\'2 '^4.'.. 1 pi. Kveriirt'en ami lieei'h forest.>< ; now confinetl to northern Xew Kn9. Ml sTKL.v TKNX.v.N II I'^r.vleUen. Pennant s marten ; Fisher; Black cat Muitteltt jte/ouniti Er.x., Syst. regni anim., 1777. vol. 1. p. 470. " Ix AmKKICA HtMJKALl." Miistela atnade/tsis (4melin. DeKay. Xat. hist. New York, 1^42, pt. 1. p. 31-3-J, pi. 18, tig. 1. Jfitste/n luinddeitsis Schreher. Au(lu])on it Bachtnan. (Jna. 8(»7-:)ir), pi. 41. Forests of northern New Knglainl. Mk. N. II. — Whiti- .Mountains, noithwanl. Vt. ^f,\s><. — Formerly in iV-rkshire CCunty (1880). rUotVnMDAK. TO. I'i:(n voN i.oToi: (Linne.) Storr. Raccoon; Coon 28 FAUNA OK NEW ENGLAND. FERAE. FIS8irEDIA. rilOCYONIDAE. Ursus lotor Limie, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, [). 48. " ix A:\rERICAE MAKITIMIS." Procyon lotor (Linne). Elliot, Field Coliimb. miis., zool. ser., 1901, vol. 2, p. 317, fig. 62. Procyon lotor (Linne). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902,. p. 247-254, 1 pi. Deciduous and mixed woods ; in hollow trees. Me. to Conn. URSIDAE. 71. Ubsus americanus Pallas. Black bear. Ursus americanus Pallas, Spicilegia zoologica, 1780, fasc. 14, p. 5. ''Amekicam." Vrsus americanus Pallas. Elliot, Field Columb. mus., zool. ser., 1901, vol. 2, p. 313-314, pi. 34. Ursus americanus Pallas. Audubon & Eachman, Quadrupeds of North Amer., 1854, vol. 3, p. 187-197, pis. 141, 127. Dense and secluded forests of northern Xew England. Me. N. H. — White Mountains, northward. Vt. — Northern counties. Mass. — Practically extirpated. Worthington (1885); Savoy (1885) ; North Adams (1885) ; Agawaum (1886). Conn. — Extirpated (Linsley). INSECTIVORA. INSECTIVORA VERA. SORICIDAE. 72. SoREx PERSoNATus I. Gcoffrov. Common long tailed shre-w; Masked shreTv. MAMMALIA. 2'J INSKCTIVoKA INSi:(TIV< »KA VKHA. SOUK IDAK. Sorex jM'rsnftntiis I. (it'oftVoy, Mi'iii. inns, il'liist. nat.. I'aris, IS'iT, vol. lo, ).. \-l-l. •• Lks Ktats-Uxis," iSorex perso/mtufi I. (tei>ffr(>y. Miller, Xortli Aint-r. fauna, isg.'), IK). 1(». p. f)3-5(). pi. A. tigs. 1, 5-8; pi. 0, fig. 7-8. Sorej" pers. 10, ].. H9-90, pi. 9, Hg. 5-5c : pi. 12. tig. 4-5. Dry clearings umler logs ; a high northern species. Mk. — Norway ; Waterville. Vt. — Burlington (= " .V t/nnnjn«nii"). 30 FAUNA OF NP:W ENGLAND. INSECTIVOKA. INSECTIVOKA VERA. SOKICIDAE. 75. SoREx ALHiRAKHis (Copc.) ^lerriam. Water shrevir ; White lipped shre^v. Neosorex albibarbis Cope, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Philadelphia, 1862, p. 188. "Profile Lake, in the Franoonia Mountains, New Hampshire." Sorex (dbibarhis (Cope). ^Miller, North Amer. fauna, 1895, no. 10, p. 40-47, pi. 5, fig. 2 ; pi. 0, fig. l>. Sorex jxilustris albibarbis (Cope). Rhoads, Mammals I'enu. & N. J., 1903, p. 191-192, fig. on pi. 7. By cold forest streams and edges of lakes, in Canadian zone. Me. — Mt. Katahdin ; Lincoln. N. H. — White Mountains : Profile Lake ; Bartlett. Mass. — Warwick. 76. Blarina brevicauda talpoides (Gapper.) Bangs. Large blarina ; Eastern short-tailed shrew; Eastern mole shre-w. Sorex talpoides Gapper, Zool. journal, 1830, vol. 5, p. 202, pi. 8. " Between York and Lake Simcoe," Ontario. Blarina brevicauda (Say). Merriam, North Amer. fauna, 1895, no. 10, p. 10-13, pi. 1, fig. 2-4; \>\. 2, fig. 1-4. Blarina brericauda (Say). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 180-183, fig. 7 on pi. facing p. 110. \\\ woods and fields everywhere. Me. to Conn. 77. Blarina brevicauda aloga Bangs. Martha's Vineyard blarina. Blarina brevicauda aloga Bangs, Proc. New England zool. clul), 1902, vol. 3, p. 76-77. "West Tisbury, Martha's Vine- yard, Massachusetts." MAMMALIA. 31 IXSKCTIVOKA. INSECTIVOKA VKRA. ScnUCIDAE. Insular. Mass. — Marlhirs Vineyanl. 7S. Hlaijina hukvk Ai ha <<)MI'a« ta l^angs. Nantucket blarina. liUirinii hrei'iaimhi contparta IJangs, Proc. New Knsxlaiul zuol. club, 11*02, vol. 3, p. 77-7H. "Xantu< KET, Massa< mlsetts." Insular. Mass. — Islan^, v<>l. 1, p. ,")3. "IN America septexthionali." Srii/oj/s iiijifittiriis (Linm'). True. Pmc. I'. .S. nat. nius., isyo, vol. li», ]K 19-47, fig. 4-10, pi. 1. tig. 3; pi. '2, tig. 3 ; pi. 3, tig. 3. Sritltips aqnaticus (Linne). Stone & Cram, Araer. animals, 19(fJ, p. 188-1S9, tig. on \A. facing \^. 188. Open lands of upper austral zone; tunneling in loo.se soil. Mass. — SpringtieM ; Wareliain. Conn. 80. I'auascalops hreweki (naehman.) True. Brewer s mole ; Hairy tailed mole. .SVv//oy>.v A/v //•//•/ IJaelinian, lloston journ. nat. liist.. 1^4'J, vol. 4. p. 3'J. "Martha's ^'I.VKVAKl^," .Mass., (a jirobable error). pitrn.trnlnps breireri ( liaclinian) . True, Proc. U. S. nat. muK.» 1^9C., V..1. 19, p. GX-77, tig. 19-2(), pi. 4, tig. 1-3. 32 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. INSECTIVORA. INSECTIV(»KA VERA. TALPIDAE. Parascalops brewer i (Bachman). Ilhoads, Mammals Penn. & N. J., 1908, p. -204-200, fig. on pi. s. Open lands of Canadian and transition zones, tunneling in sandy or gravelly soil ; sometimes in open woods. Me. — Upton. N. H. — White Mountains and elsewhere. Vt. Mass. — Warwick; ? Martha's Vineyard. 81. CoNDYLURA oRiSTATA (Linne.) Desmarest. Star-nosed mole; Black mole; Long-tailed mole; Swamp mole. Sorex cHstatas Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 53. "is Pexsylvaxia." Condi/lum cristata (Linne). True, Proe. U. S. nat. mus., 1896, vol. 19, p. 78-98, fig. 27-38, pi. 4, fig. 4-6. Condijlnra cristata (Linne). Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 190-192, fig. on pi. facing p. 188. Bottomlands and swamps ; sometimes in woods by streams Lives in tunnels and runways. Me. to Coxx. CHIROPTERA. MICROCHIROPTERA. VESPERTILIONIDAE. 82. Myotis i.ucifugtjs (Le Conte.) INIiller. Little brown bat. VespertUio lucifngus Le Conte, McMurtrie's Cuvier, Animal kingd., 1831, vol. 1, p. 431, app. [Southern Georgia.] 3Ljotis lucifngus (Le Conte). Miller, North Amer. fauna, 1897, no. 13, p. 59-63, figs. 13c, 14b, 14b'. MAMMALIA. 33 CHIUorrEKA. MR'KOCHIROl'TKHA. VKSPKUTILIONIDAK. Xoctunial, spending tlu' day in caves or hollow trees. Mk. to Conn. h:{. My«»tis subllatus (Say.) Miller. Say's bat; Little brown bat. Vfitju-rtilii) suhuldttis Say, Longs Exped. to iioeky Mts., 1SU3, vol. li, p. ().T. "Ahoit kkmitkkn milks akovk the conflu- KNCE OK THAT TKIBUTAKV «»K TIIK .VrKANSA, , pt. 1, p. s <». pi. 3, (ig.\) Nocturnal, spending ilay in caves and hollow trees. Mk. to Conn. 84. Lasionvctekis NomvAiiANs (Le Conte.) Peters. Silver-haired bat. Vesiitrtilin „nctir,t,/ii,is Le Conte, .Mc.Murtrie's Cuvier, Animal king.L, ls;>l. vol. I, p. 431, app. [North America.] Litsioinfcterts norfirn;/rteris uoctirngunx ( Le Conte). Stone Sc Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. ii(HJ-i>U3, fig. "J on pi. facing p. 198. Nocttirnal, spends day in caves ; feeds over ponds in woods. N. H. —White Mountains. Vt. Mass. — Nantucket; North Truro; AFiddlehoro. \\. \. 85. PiiMSTKEi.i.us suHFi.AVts ouscuki's Miller. Northern Georgia bat: Dusky bat. 34 FAUNA UF NEW ENGLAND. CHIKOPTERA. MICROCHIROPTERA. VKSPEUTILTONIDAE. Pi])istreUus siibffavus obscurt/s Miller, North Amer. fauna, 1897, no. 13, p. 98 (tigs. 22b, 23b, of P. subflai'xs). "Lake George, Waruen County, X. Y." Nocturnal; spends day in buildings and hollow trees; upi»er austral zone. ■ Me.— (J. A. Allen.) Mass. — Concord. 86. Yespertilio fuscus Beauvois. Large bro"wn bat ; House bat. Vespertila [sic]fascics Beauv. Cat. Peale's mus., Philadelphia, 1796, p. 14. "Philadelphia," Pa. Vespertilio fuscus Beauv. Miller, North Amer. fauna, 1897 no. 13, p. 96-99, figs. 24b, 25b. Vespertilio fuscus Beauv. Stone & Cram, Amer. animals, 1902, p. 200-201, fig. 3 on pi. facing p. 198. Nocturnal ; spends day in buildings, caves, or on trees ; win- ters in New England. Me. to Conn. 87. Lasiurus borealis (Midler.) Miller. Red bat; New York bat; Tree bat. Vespertilio borealis Midler, Natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 20. [" NORD- AMERICA."] Lasiurus borealis (Midler). Miller, North Amer. fauna, 1897, no. 13, p. 105-108, figs. 27a, 28a. Lasiurus borealis (Midler). Lyon, Proc. L"". S. nat. mus., 1903, vol. 26, p. 425-426, pi. 17, fig. 1-2. Nocturnal ; in trees by day. Me. to Conn. . MAMMALIA. 35 CHIKOITKKA. M K K( •( IIIKOI'TKK A . VESrKHTILIoNIDAK. ^s. I. \-.ii i;r^ I iNKKKis (BeauYois.) 11. Allen. Hoary bat. \'>sj>ertilio cinertitx Heaiiv., Cat. Peale's inus., riiila, Hg. .-n-'.-J. \A. 8, tiir. 4. Ve.-<]^rtilli> pna'nosKs S;iy. De Kay, Xat. hist. New York, \i<4'2, pt. 1. p. 7-S, pi. li. liiX. -J. Xocturnal ; spcmls day in trees. Mk. to C'OXN. (Occasional }.lapcrs OF THE iloston ^ocietn of llaturul i)i.^tovi) VII. FAUiNA OF NEW ENGLAND. 8. LIST OF THE PISCES. Hy WILLIAM C. KENDALL. BOSTON : rULNTED FOR THE SCX^IETY FROM llli: CiURDON S.\LTONSTALL FrXD. Ai'uii.. 19()S. Myxiiic j^luiiiiosa IN-ir<)iii\ /.(HI iiiariini> uiiicolor li'litiiyoiiiy/.un (••iiicdior ( 'lilaiiiyiliist'incliius anj;ui Miistfliis «anis (»aU-«t(rnlo fi;;rimi^ I'rioiiaic ^laina . ( anharhiiMis oltscuru.s inilhcrti liiiiltatiis S|)liyiiia 7.y«;aiMia Al()|)ias viil|)cs rjirt-harias litloralis Isurus (Ickayi Lainiia corniiliica ( arcliarndoM canliaria^ Crtorliimis inaxiimis S(|iialii.s acaiithias ( "riitroscymiius coclolt'pi.N (V'litnKsylliuin ral)rit«'lI.s o.ssi'lls . Aniia niha .... l''«'li\viiii arj;yr<)|)liunu.s niitcliilli . Corcpoiius (niailrilatcralis .... i (•liipcitorniis lahradoriciis slaiilcyi Arjjyro.sonnis artt-di Salmo sahir srhajjo l Cristivoincr iiaiiiayciisli + - Salvrliims t"(niiiiialis + ' • ajj{us.sizii ' aurcolus <>(|iia.ssa — Osmerus u ion lax -f- .s|H'ftniiii — alihottii j — Arf;ciitiiia silns ' . _ Tracliiiioccplialiis iiiy()p.s .... Synodiis foi-tt'iis Maiir(ili<-iis jM'iiiianti Uiuhra liiiii |)vgina<>a Esox anu'ricunus rcticiilatns -|- liuiiis nias(jiiiu()iif;v Funduliis majali.s Iiflcnx'litus — dia|)liaiiu.s Liicania parva rypriiiodou varicfjatiis 'rylosiirns mariniis aciis Atlilcnncs liiaiis Ilyporliainplms rolx-rti Kiilrplorliaiiipliiis vclox S((iiiil)crcs(i\ saiinis Parcxococtu.s nicsop^astcr PyXonK'tus volitaiis . + + I — + + I — + I — Exocoetus rondeletii . . Cypsilurus lieterurus . . furcatus gibbifrons . Eucalia inconstans . . . Pungitius pungitius . . Gasterosteus aculeatus . . atkiiisii . bispinosus . Apeltes quadracus . . . Fistularia tabacaria . . Macrorhamphosus scolopax Syngnathus fuscus . . Hippocampus hudsonius . Percopsis guttatus . . . Menidia beryllina cerea . menidia notata . Mugil cephalus .... curema .... trichodon . . . Sphyraena barracuda . . guachancho borealis Polydactylu.s octonemus . Ammodytes dubius americanus . Holocentrus ascensionis . Mullus auratus .... Scomber scombrus . . . japouicus . Auxis thazard .... Gymnosarda pelamis . . alleterata Thunnus tliynnus . . . Germo alalunga Sarda sarda Scomberomorus maculatus regal is cavalla . Trichiurus lepturus . . Istiophorus nigricans . Tetrapterus imperator Xiphias gladius .... Me. N.ll. Vl. Miiss. K. I. Coiili. + + + + — + I — + + + + + + + + + + + + + + < )|i<;n|ilii('s saiinis .... .Xaiicratcs diutor .... Scrioja ZDiiata lalaiidi (liiiiit-rili Dccaptcrus punrtatus . inacarellus 'rrafliiiriis traclniriis 'rratliiirops ( ruiin'iioptlialimis (araiijrus l)artli<)l()inaci Me. IN.H. Vt. .MU.S.S. R. I. Conn. lll|)|)().S crysos .Mi'ctis ciliaris .... N'oiiUT sctapiiinis SclcilC VOIIUT .... ( 'liloroscdinhnis clirvsuriis 'rra(liiii t'alt'atus ^oodi'i arfjonti'iis caroliiius Poinatoinus saltatrix . Racliyocntniii caiiadus Coryphaciia lii|)piinis . Laiiipris n-iriiis .... C('iitn»l()|)lius iiijicr Palimiriclitliy.s percifonnis (loliioinonis {jronovii l\'|)riliis pani .... Poroiiotus triacaiitlius Trtraiiominis ciixifri .Amploplilcs nipestris . Kiiiu-acaiulius ohr.siis . Lcpoiiiis aiiritiis I-iiponiotis ^il)l)o.su.s MicropttTU.s (loloinicii salinoidt's Stizo.stedioii vitrt'um caiiadcnsc P<'r(a flavcsrciis Pcrciiia caprodrs rottopjastcr cojx'laiidi . Holcosoina oinistcdi liolriclitlivs fiisiformi.s . + + + + + + — + + — 4- + + + + — : + + + 1 + 4- + + — , + ? + + + + + + Apogon imberbus . maculatus . Roccus lineatus .... jSIoronc americana . Epineplielus adscensionis niveatus . morio . Garrupa nigrita Mycteroperca bonaci . interstitialis Centropristes striatus . Ryptieus bistrispinus . Lobotes surinamensis . Priacanthus areiiatus . . Pseudopriacanthus altus . Lutianus griseiis Me. N.H. Vt. Ma.ss. K. 1. + + + Conn. + + — JOCU . . apodus blackfordii anali.s Ocyurus chrysurus .... Stenotoraiis chrysops . Lagodon rhomboidcs . Archosargus probatocephalus Eucinostomus gula . . Kyphosus sectatrix Cynoscion regalis .... Larimus fasciatus .... Sciaenop.s ocellatu.s Leiostomus xanthurus . . Micropogoii undulatus Menticirrhus saxatilis . Pogonias cromis .... Aplodonotiis grunnien.s Eupomacentrus leucostictus Abiidefduf saxatilis . . Tautogolabrus adspersus . Tautoga onitis Sparisoma flavescens . . . Scarus croicensis .... Zenopsis ocellatus . . . . Chaetodipterus faber . Chaetodon ocellatus + + + + i — I — + + + (MiartodoM capistratus 'IVutliis carnilnis licpatiis . haliiaims Halisti's caroliiK'HsLs f<»ni|»atus . vrtula ('aiitliidcnnis S()l)af<> Moiiacaiithus {ilialus . Iiispidiis (\'ralacaiitliu.s sd locpHi imiiKtccros . Lac'loplirvs tri(jiu-t('r I Me. IN.H. Vi. Muss. H. I. Conn. trifjoiuis tncornis .... Laiinccplialiis larvifTatiis . SplitTuidi's .s|K'iiiflcri .... maculatus .... tostudiiieii.s tricli()(('j)halu.s Diodoii liy.stri.\ Cliilonivctoru.s schocpH ... Mola raola Sehastcs maritiiis Sc<)rj)aena pluinicri .... fjrandiconiis ... Arti'dii'llns atlaiiticu.s Tri};l<)p.s j)iiifr('llii Cottiis fjracilis Myo.xocrphalu.s aeneu.s . . . , sforpius . . . , proenlaiiflicus . ()Ct()d((inispino.su.s G}Tiinocaiithu.s tricn.spis . . . . Tlcniitriptcrus aincricaiuis A.spidopliontidcs ni()ii()|)t('ryp;ius Cyclojrtcrus Iiiin|)u.s EumicTotrcnius .sj)iiio.sii> . . . , Xcoliparis atlaiiticu.s Lipari.s liparis I*ri()iu)tu.s farf)Iimi.s strigafu.s rcphalacanthiis volitan.s . . . . + 4- -f + + + + + + + + + 4- + — 4- 4- — 4 + + 4 -f- 4 + Me. N.Il.i Vl. Gobiosoma bosci . . . Echeneis naucrates naucrateoides Remora reniora .... brachyptcra . Rhombochirus osteochir . Opsamis tail Pholis gunnellus Leptoclinus maculatus Lumpen us lampetrseformis Ulvaria subbifurcata . Cryptacautiiodes maculatus Anarhichas minor . . . lupus Zoafces anguillaris . . . Lycodes rcticulatus verrillii .... ]Merlucciu.s bilinearis . . Pollachius virens . . . Microgadus tomcod Gadus callarias . . Melanogrammus aeglifinus Lota maculosa Urophycis regiiis tenuis chesteri . . . . , chuss .... Gaidropsarus argentatus . Enchelyopus cimbrius . . . . Brosmius brosme Macrourus bairdii Hippoglossus hippoglossus . . Hippoglossoides platessoides Paralichthys dentatus . . . , oblongus . . Limanda ferruginea . . . , Pseudopleuronectes americanus Liopsetta putnami Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Lophopsetta maculata Achirus fasciatus Ivophius piscatorius . . . , Pterophryne histrio . . . . Dibranchus atlanticus + + + + lillsS. li. I. Conn. + + + 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + ' + + 1 + + + + + + + • + + + + — MAl^SIPORHANCIIII. hyper6treti. .MVXlNlDAi;. 1. Myxine oi.rTixosA T.inn^. Hagfish: Borer; Slime -eel. Linn^', Sy.st. nat., oil. lU, 17oS, vol. 1, j). GoU. "In ( )tEA.\o." riootlc & Bean, Oceanic ichtli., 1890, p. 2, \)\. 1. fij;. 2. Jordan & Kverinanii. ]iu\\. 47, U. S. nat. inus., 18UG, pt. 1, j). 7. Me.— Eastport (Kendall coll. ls<)3); off Casco liay (Kendall coll.). X. 11. Directly east from Portsmouth (Putnam 1873). HYPEROARTII. PETROMYZOXIDAE. 2. Pi;tho.mvz<».\ .m.vhixu.s Linne. Lamprey; Lamper-eel. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 2;!(). "i\ M.vri Euho- p.\E(>." Jordan & Everniann, Bull. 47, I . S. nat. nuis., 1896, pt. 1, J). 10; 1900, pt. 4, fig. 3. Pdromi/zon (tiucricanus I^^s.ieur. Storer, ^lem. Ainer. acad., ■ 1807, vol. 9, p. 2.-)l. 1)1. 3S, fig. 4. Pctromyzon nigricans Ixjsueur. Storer, ibid., p. 2.>>, pi. 39, fig. 6. Me. — Ea.stjjort (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mu.s. 1878); Brunswick (Bowdoin college); Presump.scot River (Me. Fish comni. 1875); Casco Bay (Kendall 1890); Pi-nobscot River (Kendall coll.); Stillwater (Merrill coll. 1898). X. II. - Mcrrimac and Peinigewa.s.set rivers (Belknap 17il2 and 1813); Merriniac River (X. II. Fish comm. 1880). Vt.— (Thompson 1842); Manchester (X. II. Fish comm. 1891). \>rr. I'Al'Klw H. >. \. II. 1908. Vol. 7. 2 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. HYPEROARTII. PETROMYZONIDAE. Mass. — Connecticut River at Northhampton (Lesueur 1818); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839); Merrimac River, Lowell (Storer, 1839 & 1867; Lawrence (Holmes coll. B. S. N. H.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Beverly (Goode & Bean 1879); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. — Providence River (DeKay 1842); Narragansett Bay; Taunton River (Tracy 1906). Conn. — Hartford; Stratford; Stonington; Housatonic and Connecticut Rivers (Linsley 1844). 3. Petromyzon unicolor (DeKay). Lake lamprey. Ammocoetes unicolor DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, [). 383, pi. 39, fig. 250 [larva]. "Lake Champlain." Petromyzon mar inns unicolor (DeKay) Jordan & Evermann. Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 10. Surface, 4th rept. fisheries, game, & forests N. Y., 18, 1899, p. 194, fig. 1, a, b. Vt. — Lake Champlain (DeKay, 1842). 4. Ichthyomyzon concolor (Kirtland). Silvery lamprey; Mud-eel; Blind-eel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 11. Ammocoetes concolor Kirtland, Bost. journ. nat. hist., 1840, vol. 3, p. 473, pi. [larva]. "Mahoning River; Scioto River." Vt. — Winooski River (Thompson, 1842). PISCKS. SHI.AClllI. UIPLO.SI'ONDM.I. CHLAMYDOSELACHIDAE. 1. < HI \\n i><>si;i..vciiiLb ANcjLiNKU.s Gariuaii. Frilled shark. (iurmaii. liull. Ksscx. insi.. |ss4. vol. Ki. |». 17. ".I.xi'.w." Hull. mus. coini). zool., iss."), vol. 12, p. 1 ii."). pis. 1 2<). (Joode «!v Ik'an. ( )roaiii<- iciiili., ISWC. j). .')()S. pi. «;. H^. _'_>. .Ionian & Evcnnanu. Hull. 47, I . .">. iiat. imi.s., 1S*.((;, pi. 1, j). l(i. Mi:. .\.-\v ilarl.or [?] (Ilanna, 1SS.3). A.STHRO.SFONIJVLI. GALEIDAE. 2. Ml.STELlS CAXLS (Mitcliill). Smooth-hound; Smooth-dog. St()n'r, Mem. Aiiicr. acad.. 1S(»7, vol. '.». p. 227. pi. .17, lij;. 2, 2a. .Ionian & Evennaiui, Hull. 17, I . .'^. nal. mus., l.s*>(», pf. 1, p. 20. Squalu.s ra»/.v Mitcliill. 'I'raiis. lil. cV pliilos. .soc. .\. \'., 1S15, vol. I, ]). 1S(;. "Xkw Vohk." M \s.s. — Provinci'town; IIoluics II<)I(> (Storor 1S()7); Wacpioit (Lyman 1S72); Salem ((Joodr \- Hcan 1S7U); North 'I'ruro; Monomoy; Menem.sha Higlit (Kendall coll. iSiKi); Woods Hole (Haird 1S7:J; Bean ISSO and .Smith 1.S9S); Nantucket (Sharp c^ Kowlcr l'.l()4); Ma.s.sachu.setts Hay (H. S. N. 11., Horland c.ll.). i{. 1. (DeKay 1S42); Narra^ansctl Hay (H. I. Fish <(>mm. Js'.KIJ; Conimiciit (Ho|)ecoll. 1S7). Cow.- Stratford (Linslry 1S44): No.ink; X.upmi , H.an ISSO). ."{. (Iai.kockkdo TKiltiMs .Miillcr \ llcnie. Tiger shark. Miillcr ^: Ilcnle. HIapostomcn. ISU. p. ."/.I. |)1. 2;{. Jordan & F^vermann. Hull. 47, I . S. nat. mus., ls!»(l, pt. 1, j). ;i2. 4 FAUNA OF XEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. GALEIDAE. ^L\ss. — Provincetow-n [?] (Atwood 1865); Woods Hole (Baird 1S73); Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). 4. Prioxace GL-A.rcA (Linne). Great blue-shark. Jordan & Evermanu, Bull. 47. U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 33; 1900, pt. 4. pi. 4, 5, fig. 16, 16a. Sqiiahts glaiicus Linne, Syst. nat.. ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1. p. 235. "iX OCEAXO EUROPAEO." Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). 5. Carcharhixus obscurus (LeSueur). Dusky shark; Shovelnose. Jordan «Sc Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 31. Squahis obscurus LeSueur, Joum. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 223, pi. 9, figs, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. " New York." Carcharias obscurus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 219, pi. 36, fig. 2. ]Mass. — Xahant (Storer 1839 & 1847); Provincetowai (Storer 1867); Waquoit (L\-man 1872); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L — Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). Cox-x.— Stratford (Linsley 1844). 6. Carcharhixts milberti (Miiller & Henle). Blue shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 37. Carcharias (Prioiiodon) milberti Muller & Henle, Plagiostomen, 1841, p. 38, pi. 19, fig. 3 (teeth). " Im Mitteoieer lxd im OCEAX." TLSCES. 5 SELACHI I . ASTEROSPOXDYLI. C.ALEIDAE. iMinn'a raiuUita L)r Kay, N. V. fauna. 1S42, |>t. 4. p. .^54, pi. (i2, HiT. 20.-). M.\.s.s.— W.Mxls Hole (Hainl lS7o and Smith 1898). R. I.— Hrenton Reef (DeKay 1842). 7. Cauciiakhi.nus limbatus (Miiller & Ilenle). Spotted-fin shark. Jordan & Evennann. Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1890, i>t. 1, p. 40. Carcharias (Prionodon) limbatus ^liilkr i>: Ilenle, Plagiostomen, 1841, p. 49. "Martimqie." M.vss.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898). SPHYRXIDAE. 8. Sphykna zygaena (Linn^). Hammerhead shark; Hammerhead. Jordan &: Evennann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 1890, pt. 1, p. 45. Squahts zifgacna Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 234. "Eiropa; America." Zi/gacua malleus Val. Storer, Mem. Ainer. aead., 1807, vol. 9, p. 238, pi. 38, %. 3. Mass.— Holnu\s Hole (Storer 18;}9) ; Chatham ; Cape Cod (Storer 1842); Holme.s Hole (Storer 1842 and 1807); Chatham; Province- town (Storer 184N); Wmxls Hole (Bainl 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R. I.— Xarratransett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). Coxx.— Xoank ((ioode 1879). ALU1'11U.\E. 9. Au)iMAS viLPES (Cimelin). Thresher; Thrasher; Swingle -tail; Swivel-tail. Jordan & Evennann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. raus., 1890, pt. 1, p. 45; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 0. fi^. 20. 6 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. ALOPIIDAE. Squaliifi rulpes Gmelin, Syst., nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1496. "Mediterranean." CarcJiarias vulpes Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1807, vol. 9, p. 221, pi. 36, %. 3. Me.^ — Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); East of Matinicus and off Monhegan (Kendall coll. 1895). Mass. — Nahant (Storer 1839); Eastside of Boston Harbor (Jackson 1852); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1867); Provincetown (Atwood 1865); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound; Menemsha Bight; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.^ Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). Conn. — Stonington (Linsley 1844). CARCHARIIDAE. 10. Carcharias littoralis (Mitchill). Sand shark; Shovel nose shark; Dogfish shark. Squalus littoralis Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 328. "New York." Carcharias griseus Ayres. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad.-, 1867, vol. 9, p. 217, pi. 36, fig. 1. Carcharias littoralis (Mitchill). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 46. Me.— Casco Bay at Small Point (Kendall coll. 1896). Mass.— Lynn (Storer 1842 and 1842) Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Boston Bay (B. S. N. H., Cutting coll.); Provincetown; Nantucket (Goode 1884); Provincetown (Storer 1843?); North Truro; Mon- omoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L — Narragansett Bay at Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). I'LSCEti. 7 SELACHII. ASTKROSPONDVLI. LAMNIDAE. 11. ISURUS DKKAYI (Gill). Mackerel shark. Junhiu tl^: Kvenuaiiii, lUill. 47, IJ.S. iiul. luiis.. iS'.Mi, i.t. 1. p. 48, 10(K); pt. 4, pi. I(l (Storer 1S89); Woods Holi' (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (vSmith 18'.»S); Xaiitucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. 1. — Tiverton; Point Juditii (U. S. nat. inus. 1887); Xarra- gan.sett Bay (R. I. Fish conini. 1S<)9). Conn-. — Oyster River; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 12. Lamna cohntbica (Gmelin). Mackerel shark; Blue shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mu.s., 1896, pt. 1, p. 49; 19()(), pt. 4, pi. 6, fig. 22. SqitaliiM cornubinui Gmelin, Sy.st. nat., 178S, vol. I, p. 1197. "SflORE.S OF CORVWALL." Lamna punctata Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. aear. 1. Mk.— Ort" Monhegan (Storer 18()7; Kendall eoll. 1895); Oisco Bay (Bowdoin College); ott'-f'aix' Elizabeth (Xorton coll. 190.5). Mas.s. — Provinretown (.Storrr 18(17); off Glourest(>r ((ioodc &' Bean 1879). R. I.— (Traey I9()(lj. 13. ('\KCHAiU)i>o\ carcharia.s (Limi^). Maneater; Great white shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, L". S. nat. inus. 1S9(1, pt. 1, p. 50. 8 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. LAM NI DAE. Squalus carcliarias Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 235. "Eu- ROPA." Carcliarias ativoodi Storer. Store r, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9. p. 222, pi. 36, fig. 4. Me.— Eastport (Goode 1884). Mass.— Provincetown (Storer 1848 and 1854, 1867); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). CETORHINIDAE. 14. Cetorhixus m.vximus (Gunner). Basking shark; Bone shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1891, pt. 1, p. 51; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 7, fig. 23. Squalus maximus Gunner, Trondhjem selskabskr, 1765, vol. 3, p. 33. "Coast of Norway." Selachus maximus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 229, pi. 37, fig. 3. Me.— Oft' Cape Elizabeth (Storer 1867); Eastport (Verrill 1870). Mass.— Provincetown (Mitchill 1815 and Storer 1839, 1840 and 1867). CYCLOSPONDYLI. SQUALID AE. 15. Squalus acanthias Linne. Dogfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 233. "Is Oceano EuROPAEO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 54; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 8, figs. 24, 24a. PISCES. 9 SELAC'I III. CYCLOSPONDYLI . SQUALinXi:. Acanthias amcricanu.t Storcr. Storcr, Mem. .\im r. acail., 18(37, vol. 9, p. 232, pi. 38, figs. 1. la. Me. — Eastport (U. S. nat. imis. 1872; Boan 1880); Matinicus; Isle au Haute; Stockton Springs; Searsport; Gotts Island; Mt. Desert Rock; Sandy Point (Evermann 1903); Casco Bay (Bow- doin College; Kendall coll.). Mass.— (Storer 1S4(;) West Yarmouth (Lyman 18G1); Pro\ incetown ; Massachusetts Bay; Marthas-Vineyard (Storer 1807); Wacpioit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); (Gloucester (Bean 1880); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). U. I.— (Tracy lUOC)). 10. Centroscymn'US roELOLEPis Bocage & Cai>ello. Bocage & Capello, Proc. zool. .soc. London, 1804, p. 203, fig. 4. "Portugal." .Ionian & Evermaim, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1890, pt. 1, p. 5.5; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 8, fig. 2.5. M.vss. — Off Gloucester (Jordan &: Evermann 1890). 17. Centroscyllium fabrkii (Reinhardt). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1890, pt. 1, p. 50; 1900, i)t. 4, pi. 8, fig. 20. Spinax jabricii Reinhardt, Dansk. vid. selsk. forh., 1828, vol. 3, p. 14. "Greenland." Ma.ss. — Off Gloucester (Bean 1880 and Jordan & Evermann 1890). S(JMNIOSIDAE. 18. SoMNio.srs MirnocFPiiALrs (Bloch ., IMMi, pt. 1. p. (»S; I'JOO. pi. I, pi. \), fi«r. 2!l. Raid (liaplianr.-i Mitcliill. Siorcr, Mnii. Aiiut. acad., l.S(17, vol. 9, p. 240 [in part], pi. :i\), H\\i|nin College; Kriidall coll.). Mass. — Provincotown ; Xaliaiit; Charles River (Storer 1S03); Mussaclui.setts Bay (B. S. N. II.. ("uttiiiji; coll.); Wafpioit (Lyman 1S72); Xorlli Trnro; Mononioy; Meneni.slia Bight (Kendall coll. 1S*)()); Woods Hole: Provincetown, Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 187;i and Smith 1S9S); Nantucket (Sharp c^- Fowler li)04). U. I. - Xarragansett Bay (K. I. Fish ((iniiii. 1899); Coniniicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). Cow. — Mouth Connecticut River (Garman 1874); Xoank (Bean 1880) Long Island Sound,, ott" Bridgejjort; off Stratford and Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off S. W. Ledge; off Brand- ford Beacon; off Faulkncrs Island (Kendall coll. 1892). 22. R A.I A <)(F.u.AT.\ Mitchill. Big skate ; Winter skate. Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. X. Y., 181."). vol. 1. p. 477. "Xkw Vouk." -Ionian c^' Evermami, Bull. 47. V. S. nat. mus., 189G, i)t. 1, |). (iS; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 10, fig. 50. Raia diaphane.s Mitchill. .Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 18(17, vol. 9, p. 240 [in part]. Me.— Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1872); Pordand Goode & Bean 1879); Smallpoint, Ca.sco Bay (Kendall coll. 189()). M.\.ss.— Provincetown (Storer 186.3); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Nahant ((Jarman 1874); Woods Hole; Provincetown; (Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Trun); Monomoy (Kendall <-ol|. 1S90); Woods Hole (Bainl 187.3 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Xarragansett Bay (Tracy 190G). 12 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. BATOIDEI. RAJIDAE. Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1843?); Long Island" Sound, off Bridgeport and Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890). 23. Raja hadiata Donovan. Prickly skate. Donovan, Hist. Brit, fishes, 1808, vol. 5, p. 94, pi. "Great Britain." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 508, pi. 9, fig. 27. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 69. Me. — Casco Bay (Portland soc. nat. hist.). Mass.— Xahant (Garman 1874); Annisquam (B. S. X. H.); Salem; Gloucester; Provincetown (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 & Smhh 1898). Conn.— New London [?] (Linsley 1844); Xoank (B. S. X. H., Hyatt & Rathbun coll.). 24. Raja eglanteria (Bosc). Briar skate. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 71. Raia eglanteria Bosc. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons 1800, vol. 2, p. 103. "Charleston, S. C." ? Raja occUata De Kav, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pr. 4, p. 369, pi. 65, fig. 212. Mass. — Penikese Island (Garman 1874); Gloucester; Province- town (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1844); Xoar>k (B. S. X. H.). 25. Raja sexta Garman. Garman, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1885, vol. 8, p. 43. "Cape Cod Bay." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 71. Mass.— Cape Cod Bay (Garman 1885). risc'Es. 1 :i SELAC'IIII. HATOIDKI. KA.MDAi:. 20. Kaja i.viMs Mitiliill. Barndoor skate. Mitihill, AiiK T. iiioiiili. m;i};. »5c crit. rev., 1817, vol. 2, p. 327. "Nkw ^(t|{K." (ioodr (.S: Hcjin, ( )t. 1, J). 71. J{aia laeris Mitcliill. Slurcr, ^Icm. Aiikt. luad.. 1S07, vol. '.», p. 242. pi. :V.K fijr. 2. Mk. — Eastport (l'. S. iiat inus., 1S72); Casco Ray (Kriidall coll. isor.). Mas.s.^ New Ht-(lfonl (Ston-r ISH'.I); Massaclmsctts Hay (Storer 1S()3; Gannan 1S74); Wacpioit (layman 1S72); Woods Hole (Haird 1873 and Smith ISOS); Xaiitucket (Siiarj) c^- Fowler 1904). K. I.— (Traey 190(5). CoNX.— (Linsley 1S44); Xoank (Goode 1S79). XARCOB.\TIDAE. 27. 'rKTKONAUCK OCCIDK.NTAl.l.S (StoltrV Torpedo; Numbfish; Crampfish. .Ionian anesville (Gootlc & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comra. 1899); off Sakonnet (Tracy 19()(i). CoNX. — Stratford (Linsley 1844). DASYATIDAE. 28. Dasyatis centrura (Mitchill). Sting ray ; Stingaree ; Clam-cracker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 83. Raja cenirura Mitchill Trans, lit. and philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 479. "Coast of Long Island." Pastinaca hastata DeKay. Storer, ]\Iem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 244. pi. 39, fig. 3. Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1842, 1842, and 1863); Chatham (Storer 1857 and 1863); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. — Narragansett Ba.v (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1844). 29. Dasyatis hastata (DeKay). Sting ray. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47 U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 83. Pastinaca hastata DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 373, pi. 65, fig. 214. "Rhode Island." Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1842); Chatham (Storer 1858). R. I.— (DeKay 1842). 30. Pteroplatea maclura (LeSueur). Butterfly ray. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1890, pt. 1, p. 86. Raja vuichira LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, J). 41, pi. [1], figs. 1, 2, a, b, c. "Newport, R. I." I'LSCES. l.j SELACMII. HATOIDEI. DASYATIDAi:. I'dstiitani itiarliirn Ia'Siumii-. DiKay, N. \. fauna, IMJ. pi. I, |). ;{7."), |»1. ().'), fi;;. 2l."i. M\^^. -\ViM.(l> Hole (Bainl 1S73 and Sniitli IS'.IS). K. 1. Nfwport LeSiu'ur ISIT; Dr Kay IMJ); Narragansctt liay (K. I. Fish conim. 1S99). Conn. — Saybrook; New Haven (Linsley lS4i). MYLIOBATIDAE. 'M. Mvi.IOUATIS FREMIW Il.I.I'.I LcSlKMir. Eagle ray. LeSueur, .lourn. acail. iial. ><•!. IMiil.. isjl, vol. \, p. 111. "Rhode Island." Jordan & Everniann. IJull. 17, I . .'^. nat. nnis., iS'.lli, pi. I, p. S9. Mi/liofxitis (ifiitd Ayres. Storer, Mem. .Vmer. acad., 1S(;7, vol. 9, |). 24."), j)l. :i9, fig. 4. M.K.S.S. ^Ilolme.s Hole (Storer 1S41, 1S42. and lSfi3); Wacpioit (Lyman Is72); Woods Hole (Baird 1S78 and Smith 1S9S). H. I.— (I^Sueur 1824); Narragan.sett Bay (Tracy 19(M)). Conn.— (Ayre-s 1841; Linsley 1844); Xoank (Garman 188.5). ;j2. lvllI\()l>TKI{A HOXA.SU.S (Mitcliill). Cow-nose ray. Jordan S); Xaiuuckel (Sharp & Fowler 1901). \l. 1. Xarraganselt Bay (K. 1. Fish comm. 1899); oil" Block Island (Tra.y I9()C.). Cow. Stratford (Linslrv l.s44). 16 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. CHONDROSTEI. ACIPENSERIDAE. 33. AciPENSER STURio Linn6. Common sturgeon. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 175S, vol. 1, p. 237. "]Mari Europaeo." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 105; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 20, fig. 45. Acipenser oxyrhmchus INIit chill. Store r, ]Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 431, pi. 35, fig. 4. Me. — Kennebec River (Storer 1863) ; Androscoggin River (Atkins 1887); Cathance River, tributary of Kennebec (Kendall coll. 1901); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). Mass. — Charles River at Watertown (Storer 1839) ; Deer Island (Storer 1842); outside Boston Harbor; Truro (B. S. N. H.); Provincetown (Storer 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); .Merrimac River at Lawrence (Goode & Bean 1879); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Menemsha Bight; Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L — Narragansett Bay (R. L Fish comm. 1899); off Sakon- net; off Quonset; Block Island (Tracy 1906). Conn. — Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). 34. Acipenser rubicundus LeSueur. Lake sturgeon; Stone sturgeon; Rock sturgeon. LeSueur, Trans. Amer. philos. soc, 1818, vol. 1, p. 388, pi. 12. "Lakes Ontario, Erie, and all the upper lakes." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 100; 1900. pt. 4, pi. 21, fig. 46. Vt. — Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842; Evermann & Kendall 1894); (Storer 1842). 35. Acipenser brevirostrum LeSueur. Short-nose sturgeon. LeSueur, Trans. Amer. philos. soc, 1818, vol. 1, p. 390. "Dela- riscKs. 1 7 TKLKO.^TOMI. CHONDROSTEI. ACIPENSERIDAE. WAKK UiVKK. " Jordan & Everniami, Hull. 17. I . S. iiat. inus., 1S9G, |>i. I. i*. l()(i. Mass.— Boston Harl)()r[':'] (Dtirkor IS.').")); Waquoit [?] (Lyman 1S72); Kockport ['!] ((ioo(k' ^: Hc-an 1S7'.»); Woods Ilok- [?] (Haird lS7:i and Sniitli IS'.IS). H. !.—[?] (Tracy 1! »()()). HHOMHOGANOIDEA. LEPISOSTEIDAE. 3G. Lkpisosteus o.sseus (Linne). Gar; Gar-pike. Jordan & Evorniann, Bull. 47 U. .'^. nat. inus., ISOG, pt. 1, |). 109. E.fox oa.srus Linne, Syst. nat., I'd. ID, 17.jS, vol. 1, j). 313. " A.MEK- U:\ SEI'TENTKIO.VALr, AsiA." Lepimateu.s lincatus Thompson, Hist. Vermont, 1S42, p. 145, fig. [\ounfr]. Lepisosiexis hiton DcKay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 271, pi. 43, fig. 139. Vt. — Lake Chami)lain; Winooski River (Thompson 1842); (Storer 1842). CYCLOGAXOIDEA. AMIIDAE. 37. Amia calva Linn^"'. Mudfish; Dogfish; Bowfish; Grindle. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 17G6, vol. 1, |). .')()(). 'Taromxae AQlis DULCIHUS, VAHlus ESCTLEXTts." Jordan dv Kvemiann, Bull. 47, r. S. nat. mus., 189r.. yi. 1. p. 113; 19()(). pt. 4, pi. 22, fig. .-il. Amia ocellicaiula Thomp.son, Hist. A'ermont. Appendix, 1842, p. 35. 18 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. CYCLOGANOIDEA. AMIIDAE. Vt. — ^Vhitehall, Otter Creek; Lake Champlain; AYinooski River (Thompson 1853). NEMATOGNATHI. SILURIDAE. 38. Felichthys marinus (Mitchill). Gaiftopsail cat. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 118; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 23, fig. 52. Silurus marinus Mitchill, Trans. lit. & pliilos. .soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 433. "New York." Mass.— Woods Hole (Baird 1873); New Bedford (Goode 1879); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R. I.— Brentons Reef (Tracy 1906); Newport (B. S. N. H. Powell coll.). 39. Galeichthys fells (Linne). Sea catfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 128; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 23, fig. 52. Silurus fells Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 503. "Car- olina." Mass.— Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. L Fish comm. 1899). 40. Ameiurus lacustris (Walbaum). Great forked-tail cat; Mathemeg. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 137. Gaclus lacustris Walbaum, Artedi Pise, 1792, p. 144. "Arctic America." Vt. — Lake Champlain; Winooski River (Thompson 1842); Lake Champlain at S wanton (Evermann & Kendall 1894). PISCES. ' 1 'J Tl :LE0.ST0.MI . NEM ATOGNAl 111 siijhidm:. 41. AMKirnfs \ii.f;Aijis 'riioinpson. Bullhead. .I(»nlan '^- N H. l)avidsoii coll.). Camhrid^c l{ivcr. r])ton; .Shajjo Lake and outlet (H. S. X. IL Putnam coll.); St. .lolms, St. ("roix; I'nion; I*enol)seot; Androsco<;}riii, Keimelx-c, l*re.suml)scot river lla■^ins and many other l«)calities (Kendall coll.). .\. II. Kverywhere connnon. .Stoeker, .\nt;le, Island, Wash, Hi;; Dummer. Little Dnmmer. Corner, Otter. Little Suna|)ee. Mo.ses, Stin.sons, How and (Jreat ponds (X. II. Fish connn). (\)n- necticut I.,ukes and tributaries of npper Connecticut River (Kendall & (i(»ldsl)(»rou^h coll. 1001); I'mha^o^ Lake (Kendall t.Sj Colds- horou^h coll. 100.')). \ r. -Common everywlu-rc. ('riioinpsoii IS 12); Lake ('ham- plain; Passiunpsic River. Clyde River; Mcmi)hrcma^op :in4); Fresh Pond Canihridge (H. S. X. II. Van Vleck coll.). R. I.— "Xarra<;an.sett Hay," (R. I. Fish comm. IS\)\)), Co.w.— "Housatonic" (Lin.slev 1844). 48. MoxosTOM.v .\UREOLUM (LcSucur). Redhorse; Mallet; Red- fin sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bnll. 47. L'. S. nat. raus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 102. Cato.s-tomu.s aiiiri>lii.s LeSueur. Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil.. 1817, vol. 1. pi. [18], p. 95. "I>akf: Ekii:, xe.\h Bufpwlo." DeKay, X. V. fanna, 1842. jn. 4. j). 201. 1)1. 42, ficr. 133. Vt. — Lake riiamplain (Tlioiupson 1S42; Evermann l\: Kendall 1804). CYPRIXID.\E. 40. ( iiKusoMLS ERYTHROG.vsTER Rafinesquc. Red-bellied minnow. Rafinesque. Ichth. Ohioen.si.s, lS2i), p. }7. "Ohio River." Jordan & Evermaini. Hnll. 17. T. S. nut. tnns., iSiX;, i)t. 1, p. 209. Bean, Fish. Penn., 1X03. p. 32. pi. 22. Hg. 35. Mk. — Freeport (Kenilali tV .sniilli 1S!)4); Ea^Me Lakes, Ardo- .stook Co.; Mataijainon River; Matajjamonsis Lake; Penob.scot River at Bangor; Cohbosseeeontee Lake; Lake .Vnhnrn (Kendall coll.). \. If. Indian Stream tributary of r|)j)er ronnecticnt River, near I'ilt>l)ur>:. ("oos Connty (Kendall ); Menhani Lake ((Joode & Bean 1S7U); New BcdfonI (doode 1S7«)); South IIa4); Boston and Waltliani (B.S. X. IL); I|)s\vicli (B. S. N. li., IWown coll.). Conn. — "Coninion" (Linslcy 1S44). 7h]. Si:M(tTii.is .\Tu<)M.\(ri,.\TUS (Mitcliill). Homed dace; Mummychub; Mud-chub. Jordan \: Evennann, Bull. 47, l". S. nat. niu.s., ISDO, \>l. 1, j). 222; 1900, pt. 4, |)1. 40, fi^'. 100. Ci/prinii.f afromandafii.s Mitcliill, Ainer. monthly maj;. iS; crit. rev., ISIS, vol. 2, p. ."^24. " Wm.i.kii.i. River, Xkw Voijk." Mk. — Widely common. (Linslcy 1S44); Kreeport (Kendall tV Smith 1S04); Ka<;le Lakes, Aroostook County; Alla^ash Ri\er lakes; Matafjamon River waters; West Branch Penobscot Rivi>r waters; Union River hasin; Kemiehec River waters; Androscofj- gin River waters; Royals River hasins (Kenilall coll.); Matajja- mon waters (Smith 1902). X. IL — Uj)per Comiecticut River and tributaries; ("oniiectii)4). \t. — Western part of \'ermont (Thompson IS').'?); Clyde River; Memphremafrorf Lake (Everniaim ^: Kendall 1S04); East Creek & Caspian Lake (Evermatui iV Kendall 1".>02). !\L\.s.s. - Ilousatonic River {'!); Brooke ni;ir W i!li;nii-> ( "oIIcl'c ['!] (Storer[I'utnam] 1S()7). 26 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ' EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. Conn. — Stratford; Canaan (Linsley 1844); Fairfield County (Ayres 1850). 54. Leuciscus carletoni Kendall. Carle tons Chub- minnow. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. .357, fig. 1. "Bill Fish Brook, tributary of east branch penobscot RIVER, A mile below MaTAGAMOX LaKE." Me. — Bill Fi.sh Brook, tributary of Matagamon River; South- ards pond, tributary of Hale Pond of We.st Branch of Penobscot River; Smith Brook, outlet of Haymock Lake, tributary of AUagash River; Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County (Kendall 1903) ; Bangor (Bowdoin College). 55. Phoxinus xeogaeus Cope. Bronze minnow. Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc, 1869, vol. 13, p. 375. "New Hudson, Livingstone County, Michigan." Leuciscus neogaeus (Cope). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 240. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 356. Me. — Bill Fish Brook, tributary of Matagamon River; Mataga- monsis Lake; Southards Pond near Hale Pond, tributary of West Branch of Penobscot River; Smith Brook, outlet Haymock Lake, tributary of Allagash River (Eagle Lake) ; Cross Lake Thorough- fare, Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County; Lunkasoos Lake, tributary of Matagamonsis Lake (Kendall 1903); Cambridge River, tribu- tary of Umbagog Lake (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1905). X. H. — Indian Stream, tributary of Connecticut River near Pittsburg, Coos County (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). PISCES. 27 TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CVrHIXIDAi:. 50.- AuKAMis ( KvsoLi:uc.\s (Mitfhill). Golden shiner; Roach; Bream. Jordan & Evrnnami, Hull. 17. U. S. luit. iiui.s., ISlMi, pi. 1, p. 250; 1900, pt. 1. i)l. 4.'). fig. 111. Cypritin.s crifsolntra.s Mitcliill. Rrpt. fish. .\ . \ ., Isl 1, |). 23. "Xkw Yohk." LeucoKomus americaini.t (iirard. Storer, Mem. .Xmcr. acad., 1S55, vol. .■). p. lis, pi. 21. fiir. -2. Me. — Widely toninion. Eaglr Laki-s, Aroo.stook County; St. C'roi.x and other waters Washinirton County; Penobscot Andrcs- ct)gijin; Kennebec, Presumpscot river watei*s (Kendall coll.). N. H.— Unil)arniann, Bull. 47, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1S9(). pt. 1, p. 261. Alburnops blemuus Girard, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., ISoO, p. 194, "Arkaxsas River." Vt. — Lake Champlain, Swanton (Carter coll. 1907). 60. XoTROPis iiUDSOxius (Clinton). Spawneater; Shiner; Smelt. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 269; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 47, fig. 119. Clupea hudsonia Clinton, Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y., 1824, vol. 1, p. 49, pi. 2, fig. 2. "Albaxy, axd other tl.a.ces ox the hud- sox River [N. Y.]." Hyhopsis huchonius Clinton. C()j)(\ Trans. Amer. philos. soc, 1869, vol. 13, p. 386, pi. 12, fig. 3. Vt. — Lake Champlain (Evermann & Kendall 1894). I'iscKs. 29 ii:li:c)st( ).mi. kventognathi. cvphinidak. (•I. NolKdl'l'^ (oKMI'tS ( Mitcllill). Shiner; Redfin. .Ionian \- Kvcrmami, Hull. 17. l'. S. iiat. imis., js'.M"., pt. 1, ]>. _N|. Ci/ prill IIS roniiitiis Mii\mer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 289, pi. 22, fig. 1. N. H. — Upper Connecticut River, its tributaries and Lakes (Kendall k Goldsborough 1904). Vt. — Sleeper River; Passumpsic River (Evermann & Kendall 1894). Mass.— Blanford (A\Tes 1843?); Nichols Brook (Storer 1855). Coxx.— West Hartford (Ayres 1843); Northford (Linsley 1843). 65. Rhixichthys atroxasus (Mitchill). Black-nose dace; Brook minnow; Rock shiner, PotbeUy. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 307. Cyprinus atronasiis Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 4(30. Fresh water brooks inhabited bv trout. ''[Wallkill River. New York.1 " PISCES. 31 TKLKUSTOMI. KVFNT* >< ;\ \ IH I cvrHixiDAi;. Ai-ffifrcu.s (ilrotia.fuji Heck. Storcr. M»in. Ainrr. aoa«l., 1855, vol. 5. p. 2S8. pi. 21. fif:. 4. Me. — Common cvervwhcrc o.s|)ecially, in brook.s. I'armacliri'nee Lakr (H. S. N. II.. Snow cV \Miittier coll.); Scbago Lake (B. S. N. II., Putnam coll.); St. Johns. St. Ooi.x. I'nion, IVnob.scot, Kennehec, Androscoggin, Kovals & Presump.scot River ha.sin.s (Kendall coll.). X. II. — Upper Connecticut River and Lakes, and their tributaries (Kendall & Goldsborough HM)4). Vt. — Streams flowing into Lake rhanij)lain (Thttmpson 1842); Sleeper River; Pas.sumpsic River; Lake Mempliremagog (Ever- mann & Kendall 1894). M.\.ss.— Cohasset (B. S. X. 11., Hrvant coll.); ChicojH>e River (B. S. X. II., Wheatland coll.); Williamstown (B. S. N. IL, Buck and N^ason coll.); "Common in brooklets everywhere in Ma.s.sa- chu.setts (Goode & Bean 1879). R. L— "Xarragansett Bay" (R. L Fish comm. 1899). Cow. — "Small running .streams" (Linsley 1844). (IC). CouESius PiXMBEUS (Agassiz). Chub-minnow. Jordan & Evermaini. Bull. 47. V. S. nat. mus.. 189G, pt. 1. ji. Gobio plumheu.s Aga.ssiz, Lake Superior. 1S.")(I. p. :>•((». "Lake StPERion * * * L.\ke IIuhon." Ceratirhthys pro.sthemius Cope. Trans, .\nier. pliilos. soc, lNr)9, vol. I.'i. p. 307. pi. 11. Hg. 4. Me. — Common almost everywlu-re. Metallic Brook, Richard- son I.ake (B. S. X. II., Putnam r coll. 1S(;4); St. Johns; Penol>- scot, Kennebec, Androx-oggin. Royals and Presumpscot River basins, and many other localities (Kendall coll.); Freeport (Ken- dall & Smith 1S94). 32 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVEXTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. N. H. — Upper Connecticut River and Lakes, and their tribu- taries (Kendall & Goldsborough Coll. 1904). Vt. — Clyde River at Newport (Evermann & Kendall 1894); Caspian Lake (Evermann & Kendall 1902). 67. Hybopsis kentuckiexsis (Rafinesque). Hornyhead; Jerker; Indian chub. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 189G, pt. 1, j>. 322. Luxilus hentuckiensis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohioensis, 1820, p. 48. "Ohio River." Cerafichthi/s biguttatus Kirtland. Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc, 1869, vol. 13, p. 366, pi. 11, fig. 5. Mass.— Near Woods Hole (Smith 1898) 68. ExoGLOSSUM MAXiLLiNGUA (LeSueur). Cutlip; Nigger chub. Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc, 1869, vol. 13, p. 360, pi. 11, fig. 1. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 327; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 54, fig. 140. Cyprinus maxillingua LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, p. 85. "Pipe-Creek, Maryland." Vt. — Lake Champlain (Evermann & Kendall 1894). APODES. ANGUILLIDAE. 69. AxGUiLLA CHRiSYPA Rafinesque. Eel; Common eel. Rafinesque, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1817, vol. 1. p. 120. "Lake George; Hudson River; Lake Champlain." AngniUa bostoniensis DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 408, pi. 33, fig. 1. PISCES. 33 TELEOST( )M I APODES. ANcri I.I.I dm;. AiKjiiilla rhri/sifiKi RaHnfS(|iif. Jordan (Jv: Kwrmaiiii. Hull. 47, U. S. nat. urns., ISlUi, pt. 1, p. .US; 1<»;)(). pt. I. pi. .V), lijr. 143. Mk. — Evcrvwlirre alonj; tlie coa.st and in nearly all fresh waters. Ea,>itj)ort (B. S. N. II., Sluirtlcir coll.); St. Croi.x; Union, Ea.stport; (Jraiiil Lake Stream (Bean ISSO); Penobscot, Kennel)ec, Andro.s- eofifjin, Uovals, and Pre.sunip.seot river hasin.s; Ea.stport; Caseo Bay (Kendall coll.). X. II. — Bntt«'rnnt, Stocker. Eastmans, MilK-r, An;;lc, Island, \\asli, ("larks. Messers, Pleasant, Snncook, Jenness, I^ittle Bow, Harvey, Knowltons, Bafjlcy, Long, Great, Bakers, Lime and Bartons ponds (X. 11. Fish comm). Connecticut Lakes (Kendall \ (ioldshorough coll. H)()4). \'t. — Lake ('hamj)lain; Connecticut River; outlet of Barnards Pond (Thomj)son 1S42). M \s.s. — Boston; Boston Bay (LeSueur 1817); Medl'ord; Water- town (Storer ISIV.)); Holmes Hole (Storer 1803); Woods Hole (Bean 1S8()); Waqiioit (Lyman 1S72); Woods Hole (Baird 187;]); Maiden (B. S. X. IL, Sandhorn coll.); Wellesley (B. S. X. IL. Denton coll.); Mystic Hiver (B. S. X. IL. Van Vleck coll.); Annis- (juam (B. S. X. H.); Quashnet River, FaInu)Uth (Kendall coll. 1S94); Woods Hole; Buzzards Bay (Smith 18U8); Xantucket (Sharj) cV Fowler l'.t()4). K. L — Xewport (Ix'Sucur 1817); Xarragan.sett Bay (R. L Fish comm. 18(K)); Mashai)auf; and Fenners ponds; Poca,ssett River; Conimicut (Poi)e coll. 18!>4-18«)()) (Jreenwich Bay (Tracy 19()(i). Cow.— Hartford; Xorthford (Lin.sley 1844); Xoank (B. S. X. II.. Ilvatt c^- Rathhun coll.). LErrocEPn.\Lii).\E. 70. Lki'T<)()(>. i)t. 4. pi. ('.7. Ii<;. 178. M.vs.s. \\ ot)d.> llok- ( Hainl 1^7;Jj; \c\v Hedtord; \Vood.s Hole- (Hean 1880); Vinevard Sound; Huzzard.s Hay (Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). K. I.— \arra{,'an.sett Hay (U. I. Fish Comm. 1899). ALBl'LIDAE. 71. Ai.iu i.A vuu'ES (Linn^'). Bonefish. .Ionian & Everniann, Hull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 1S9(;, pt. 1, p. 411; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 68, H^. 179. Esox vulpes Linn^, Sy.st. nat.. <'d. Id, 1758, vol. 1, p. 313. "Amer- ica."- Ma,s,s. - \\ood.-> Hole (Haird l.s73 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Newport (Hean ISsO. Tracy HlOC.V HIODOXTIDAE. 7"). Hionox TERGi.sus Ix'Sueur. Mooneye. LeSueur, Journ. aead. nat. sei. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 364. "Lake Hrie at HulValo." Jordan «^' Evermann. Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896. pi. I. p. ti:!; l!«(l(). pt. 4. pi. 6S. Hj;. ISO. Vt. - I-ake Champlain (Thom|)son 1842). 36 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. 76. Etrumeus teres (DeKay). Round herring. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. miis., 1896, pt. 1, p. 420. • Alosa teres DeKay, X. Y. fauna, 1842. })t. 4, }). 262, pi. 40, fi<;. 128. "Harbor of New York." Mass.— Woods Hole (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R. T — Newport (Goodc 1S79 and Tracy ICOO). 77. Clupea harexgus Linne. Herring; Labrador herring; EngUsh herring; Enghshman; Sper- ling (young). Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 317. "M. Europaeis." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 421; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 62, fig. 185. Clupea elonfjaia LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 330, pi. 26, fig. 1. jNIe. — Along our coast especially at Herring Gut (Williamson 1832); all along the coast, especially Passamaquoddy Bay and vicinity. (Moore 1897); Eastport (Verrill 1871; U. S. nat. -mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Casco Bay (Bean 1880; Lee 1885; Kendall coll.). N. H.— ([Peck] Belknap 1792). Mass. — Falmouth; Duxbury; Marthas Vineyard (Storer 1839); Edgartown; Massachusetts Bay; Provincetown Harbor (Storer 1859); Ipswich Bay (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight; Monomoy; North Truro (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. L Fish comm., 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1844). riscics. 37 ti:li:( >st()Mi. isospondvli. ('lipkidak. 7S. Clii'anodon I'sKrDiiiiisi'AMcus (Pocy). Spanish sardine. Jordan «S: Kvcrinaiin. Hull. 17, l'. S. nat. miis., iMMi, j)t. 1, p. IlM. Sdidiniit j).\-fii(li)liis-])(iiu((i I'ocy, Mcinorias, 1S(>(), vol. 2. j). '■'>]]. "ClIiA." Clufx'a psnulitJiisjxiiiirn (Poi-y) Kendall (Js; Siiiitli, liull. l'. S. fisji coinin.. IS'.M. vul. H. p. 17. Mass. — Woods llulc; MciU'nislia lVio;lit (Krndall . I'oMOLOUrs MKDIOCKIS ( Mitcliill ). Hickory shad; Hickory jack; Fresh water tailor; Fall herring. .Jordan ilv: Evt'nnann, Hull. 17, 1'. .S. nat. iniis., ISOG, pt. I, p. 12."); I'.MK), pt. J, pi. 71, fij;. ISS. I (UnjM'n /HfY//or,/.v Mitcliill, Roj)t. fisli. N. ^■.. 1S14, ]>. 20. "That |)art of the hay of New York which hordci-s on Statcii Island." J/o.vfl linrata Storcr. Storcr, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. ("», j). ;il(), pi. 27, flu'. 2. Mi:. — "Mouths of Kenduskeuj; and other fresh rivers (William- son (1832); Miiiie coast ((Joode 18S4); Sm.ill jjoint, Ca.sco iiay (Kendall coll. IS'Ki); Free'port (Kendall coll. I'.XHI). Mass. IVoviiK'ctown (.Storcr 1S47 and 18.')'.)); Wacpioit (Lyman 1S72); 15o.-toK Ilarhor (B. S. X. 11., \\ heildon coll.); New Hcilford; Woods Hole (Beau ISSO); North Truro; Monomov; Menemsha Bi;:ht (Kemlall coll. IS\H\)\ Wools Hole (B.iird 1873 and Smith 1S«)S) Tarpaulin Cove (Smith 18«)8). R. I.— Narrapmsett Bay (It. 1. Fish conuii. IS'.IO). CoNX. — Stratford; New Haven; llousatonic and Connecticut rivers (Linslcy 1814). 38 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. 80. POMOLOBUS PSEUDOHARENGUS (Wilson). Ale wife; Elwife; Gaspereau; Sawbelly; Kyak. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. uat. mus., 1S9G, pt. 1, p. 426; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 71, fig. 189. Clupea pseiidoharengus Wilson, Ree's cyclopedia, ISll?, vol. 9, p.—. Alosa cyanonoton Storer. Storer, Mem. Ainer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 339, pi. 27, fig. 1. Me. — Common all along the coast, entering all accessible streams. Eastern, Kennebec, Sandy, East Branch of Penobscot (Me. Fish comm. 1867); Eastport U. S. Nat. Mus. 1872; (Kendall coll. 1893); Sebasticook, Sandy, East Branch of Penobscot, Dennys, Pennama- quan, Damariscotta, East Machias, Chandlers,Wescongus, Harring- ton, Tunk, St. Georges," Androscoggin, Saco, Mousam and Piscata- qua rivers; Patten Stream; West Gouldsborough, Mt. Desert and Casco Bay (Atkins 1887); Casco Bay (Kendall coll.); western tribu- taries of St. John and St. Croix River (Rathbun & Wakeham 1897). N. H.— Cobbetts Pond [land locked] (X. Wentworth coll.). INIass. — Watertown, Taunton, Medford, pond in Manchester and Chester; Merrimac River; Mystic River (Storer 1859); Wa- quoit (Lyman 1872); Melrose (B. S. N. H., VanVleck coll.); Cohasset Narrows (Bean 1880) ; North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R.I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899; Taunton River (Tracy 1906). Conn.— "Common" (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 78. PoMOLOBUS AESTIVALIS (MitchiU). Glut herring; Sammer herring; Blueback; Blackbelly; Kyack. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pi. 1, p. 426; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 71, fig. 190. I'lscKs. 39 TKLKOSTUMI. l.so.sl'oX 1 )\ 1.1. CLUPEIDAE. ? Clufmi aestivoli.s Mitc-liill, Itt-pt. (i.sli. X. V., ls| I. \>. 21. "\i:w York." Alum tyrauun^ DeKay. Storcr, Mcin. Amer. ar:ul., 1S5S, vol. <1, p. 334 [in part], pi. 2(i. H^'. 3. Mi:.— Ea-stport (U. S. iiat. iini>. 1S72: Kendall coll. 1S93); Dennys River (Kendall 1S94; Cjisco Bay (Lee 188o; Kendall coll.); Ijower Penob.scot River (Kendall coll. 1002). X. 11. M.\.ss. -Sandwich (Storer 1S39); Provincctown (Storer 1847 and 1S.">S); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Wood.s Hole (Bean LS80 and Smith 189S). 82. Alos.\ SAPiDi.s.siMA (Wilson). Shad. Jordan & Kvermann, Bull. 17, L. S. nat. mus., 189G, pi. \, p. 427; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 72, fij;. 19 L C'lupea .sapidissirrui Wil.son, Ree's cyclopedia, 1811 ?, vol. 9, j). — Alosa prae.'itahili'i DeKay. Storer. Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 332, pi. 26, fig. 2. Mk. — In all our rivers until stopped liy dams (Williamson 1832); Kennebec; Merry Meetint; Bay; Cathance tributary of Kennebec; Sebasticook, Sandy, Penobscot, W^est Branch, Eastern rivers (Me. fish comm. 1867); Ea.stport (U. S. nat. mus., 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Orland River (Merrill coll. 1899); off the coast (Kendall coll. 1895); Casco Bay {11 S. nat. mus. 1873; Bean 1880; Ken- dall coll.), St. Croi.x (Rathbun and Wakehara 1899). Kennebec; Penobscot; St. Croi.x; East Machias; W^escongus; IIarrin)". Xortli Tniro; Monomoy; Mcncmsha Hii;ht (Kendall coll. ]S«)(i); Woo)ll. 1800). EXGHArLH)Il).\E. 85. Amhovia nH(iw.\ii ((imelin). Striped anchovy. At/icnna hrowiiii (imelin, Syst. nat., 17X>^. vol. I, j). i:!'.i7. "jAM.\ir.\." Slolcplmrii.s hnnriiii (imelin. .hn'dan & Evermami, Hull. 47, r. S. nat. nms, ls<»(i, \n. 1, j). 443. M.\.s.S.— Woods Hole (Haird 187.) [/]; Hcan ISSO an.\I..M( iMhAl. Salnu) clupcijorvii'i Mitdiill. Am«T. immtlily majr. \- l).se()t ha.sin; Sehaj^o Lake, Pre.siiiniKscot ha.sin; now widely distributed l>y Hsh etiltiiral operations. " Sel)ag() pond"? (St..nM- is;{, fi^r. 217. Sa mo tiamai/cii.sli \\allianni, .\rtidi i'i^i-.. 17'.lL\ p. (iS. "Ill d- SON H.\Y." Mk. — ]\io>i deep lakes in eastern an11. 1900); Uanjjeley Stream (Kendall coll. 1901} and 190h; Haini)o\v Lake, Piscataqiii.s C\)unty ((iarland 190:i and P. 04). 48 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPOXDYLI. ARGENTIXIDAE. 100. OSMERUS MORDAX (Mitcllill). Smelt. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. inus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 523; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 86, fig. 228. Ather ina mordax MitchiW, Rept. fish. X. Y.^ 1814, p. lo, "Xew York." Osmerus viridescens'LeSueuT. Store r, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 327, pi. 25, fig. 4. Me. — Common along the whole coast. St. Croix and other AYashington County AVaters; Eastport; Union, Penobscot; Ken- nebec; Androscoggin, Presumpscot river basins, Rockland; Casco Bay (Kendall coll.); Sabattis Pond [?] (Merrill coll.); Green Lake [?] (Race coll.); Craigs Brook Craigs and Toddy ponds [ ?] (Atkins coll.). N. H. — Squam and AYinnepesaukee lakes (H. R. Storer 1857 and N. H. fish comm. 1870); Stocker, Long, Sandy and Smhh Ponds (N. H. fish comm.). Vt. — Lake Champlainand Lake Memphremagog (Evermann & Kendall 1894). . Mass.— Jamaica Pond (H. R. Storer 1857); Watertown; [Mil- ton River (Storer 1839 and 1859) ; Annisquam (B. S. X. H.) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. — Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Xarrow River (Tracy 1906). Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). 101. OsMERUS SPECTRUM Cope. Wilton Pond smelt. Cope, Proc. Amer. philos. soc, 1870, vol. 11, p. 490. "Wilton Pond, Kennebec County, Maine." PISCES. 49 TKLEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. ARCENTIMDAE. O.vmrr/z.v morda.r .s pert rum (Coju*). Jordan »S: Evcrmann, Bull. 47, r. S. iiat. inus.. 1S<)(), pt. 1, p. ')2:i. Mk. "Wilton I*on«r' (Copr 1870); Wil.^on Pond (Stanley coll. mu). lOJ. O.S.MEULS ABMOTTII CopC. Cobbosseecontee smelt. Copt'. I'l-KC. AintT. plliloS. .S(K-.. 1S7(), vol. 11. p. }!>(). "CoHIiO.S- SEEcoNTic Lake." O.tmrriis inurdax ahboitii ((.'opt')- Jordan & Everniann. Bull. 47, r. S. nat. nius.. 1S.i. fasr. .3. j). 3. pi. 24. "Nor- way." Jordan & Evcrniann. Bull. 47, 1. S. !iat. nius., 1S9G, pt. . 1. p. o2(). Mk. BcJI'a-t; Biddcfonl pool ((ioodc . nat. nius., 1890, pt. 1. p. 533; HIOO. pt. 4. pi. SS, (if;. 23."). Salnw mijopx Forster, Bloeli & Schneider, Syst. iciitli., lt>01, p. 421. "St. Helena." Mass. - \Vood.s Hole (Smith ISOS). 50 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. INIOMI. SYNODONTIDAE. 105. Synodus foetens (Linne). Lizzardfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1S96, pt. 1, p. 538; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 88, fig. 236. Salmo foetens Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 12, 17()(), vol. 1, p. 513. " Car- olina." Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm., 1899). MAUROLICIDAE. 106. ^Iaurolicus penxanti (Walbaum). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1§96, vol. 1, p. 577. Arcjcntina pennanti Walbaum, Artedi Pise, 1792, p. 47. "Eng- land." Scopelns humboldtii Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 328, pi. 25, fig. 5. Ma^irolicus horealis Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 96, pi. 30, fig. 111. :Mass.— Xahant (Storer 1839); Provincetown (Storer 1859); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). HAPLOMI. UMBRIDAE. 107. Umbra limi (Kirtland). Mud minnow; Mud fish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 623. Hydrargyra limi Kirtland, Boston journ. nat. hist., 1841, vol. 3, p. 277, pi. 2, fig. 4. "Northern Ohio." Hydrargia atricada [!] Delvay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 220. PI8CES. 51 TKLEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. I'MHHinAI.. \ r. — Lake (^liainplaiii and Iriljutaries ('riioinpsoii 1S4J); " V'er- mont" (Drkiiv IS 12). lOS. IMiuiA i'V(;m\i;a (Ht-Kay). Mud minnow. .Ionian «^- KviTiiiami, Bull. 17. I . S. iia(. inns., IS'.Xl. pt. I. j). 024; 10()0, pt. 4, pi. 90, fifj. 20S. Lriiri.snts pjfffiiwra DcKay, N. \. fauna, 1^12, pi. 1, j). 21 I, |)l. 42. (iir. \:i. "Tai'pw, Kocklam) County. X. '\'." E8UC1DAE. lO'.i. Ks, )\ xMEKic.wus (Gnu'lin). Banded pickerel; short-nose pickerel; Trout-nose pickerel. E.s-o.r Itiriti.s 13 (tiiicriciiniis (t\\\r\'\\\, Sysl. nat. 17SS, vol. 1, |). l.'ilO. " L(J\G I.SLAM), X. V." E.wx fa.. Vt. — Lake Hoinosen (Ripley coll. lOOo). Ma.ss. — .Sherhurne (Storer 1S43); Cliarle.s River at Fniniing- liam ((iirard 1S.54); Concord Hiver (Tlioreau 1S5U, Putnam 1S.51>); Charles Hiver at Wayland (.Sprague 1S.')9); East Lexington (H. .S. X. IL. .Sprague coll.); .\ndover (ii. .'^. X. 11. , Sanborn coll.); Fre.sh Pond, Canil.ridge (H. S. X. 1 1 .. \:in \leek coll.); Welle.sley (li. S. .X. II., Denton coll.); Wenliani Lake ((ioode i*C' Bean 1S79). IL 1. -"Narragansett Bay" (U. L fish comm. 1S99). Cow. — Samp-Mortar River, Fairfield (Lin.sley 1S44). 52 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. ESOCIDAE. 110. Esox RETicuLATUS LcSueuF. Pickerel; Grass pike; Jack. LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., ISIS, vol. 1, p. 414; "Cox- NECTicuT River, Adams, ]\Ias.s." Storer, ]Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. G, p. 311, pi. 24, fig. 1. Lucius reticulaius (LeSueur). Jordan & Everniann, Bull. 47, V. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 627. Me. — Now widely distributed especially in the southern half of the state. Sebago Lake and outlet (B. S. X. H., Putnam coll.) ; St. Croix and other. Washington County waters (Kendall 1894); Union, Penobscot, Kennebec, Androscoggin, Royals and Presump- scot River basins (Kendall coll.). N. H. — AVinnipesaukee Lake (B. S. X. H., Davidson coll.); Butternut, Stocker, Eastmans, ]^Iiller, Spectacle, Angle, Island, Wash, Long, Goves, Whittaker, Upper, Cranney, ^Middle, Pleas- ant, Grassy, Clarks, Camp Swamp, Little, Squam, White-Oak, Flints, Pennichuck, Rocky, Larkins, Hinmans, Sawyers, Clay, Smiths, Clements, Rolfs, Carrs, Lhtle Massabesic, Otternick, Cherry, Great, Country, Halfmoon, Streeter, Perch, Mink, Young, Henry. Cloughs, Crooked, Hothole, Spaldings, Cedar, Berry, Round, Pratts, Messers, Otter, Little Sunapee, Suncook, Jenness, Little Bow, Harvey, Knowltons, Duncan, Gumpars, Whites, Cunningham, Pierce, Jones, Governors, Peckus, Cass, Sandy Stin- sons. Loon, Captains, Policy, Worlds End, Hunkins, Station, Star, Bow, Bolster, Oilman, Lovewells, Province, Pine River, Great East, Bagleys, Bear, Jones, Day, Bakers, Line, Cabots, Smiths, Rus's, Beach & Sargents Ponds (X. H. fish comm.). Vt. — Connecticut River and most of its larger tributaries (Thompson 1842); Lake Champlain; Connecticut River (Ever- mann & Kendall 1894). Ma.ss. — Connecticut River, Adams (I^eSueur 1818); Brew.ster, Cape Cod (Storer 1839 and 1859); near Greenfield (Ayres 1843); riscEs. 53 TllI.KOSTOMI. HAPLOMI i:s(Hii)\!: riiarlcs Kivcr (Sprajiiic is.V)); Mciihaiii (H. S. N. H., Brown (•(»ll.); Kast (Jlouct'stcr (U.S. N. H.. Davidson coll.); (^ua.sluu'l Kivtr. Kalinoiilli (Kfiidall coll. ISUI). U. 1. - I'ocasscit liivcr, l*oiu'j;aiisctt Reservoir, ( Jcorjjiaville- (I*o|H' coll. IS'.>.')) Conn. - nockainnn iiivcr, ahoiil 2 miles cast ot" Ilartt'onl (.\vres lS}:n; Ilarifonl (LirisUy islh. ill. lOsox 1,1 (irs Litiiie. Pike; Pickerel. Liniie. Syst. nat.. ed. 10. 175S, vol. 1. p. ;}1 1. " Kiitoi-.v." Luriu.s liiriu.s (Liiuie). Jonla?i & Hvertnaiin. Hull. 47, L'. S. iia(. nius.. l.s<»(). |)(. 1. 1). <)2S; 1\ \i vst^i ixoNiiV Mitcliill. Muskalonge. .Mitcliill, Mirror. 1S21. p. i>'.l7. -Lvkk Kuik." Jordan t^ KverniaiMi. Hull. 17. V. S. nat. nins.. IS'lCi. jx. j. p. (;2«>; 1<»()(), |)t. I. pi. KM), li;:. 270. \'i. Lamoille River ('riiom|).son 1S.")() and isr^j); Lake rhamplain (Hvermami cV Kendall IS'll) POKriLlIlUK. li;;. l-"i\i)t I.I s MAJM.is (Wall)anin). Killifish; Mayfish; Bass killy; Yellowtail. (Jarman. .M«'iii. inus. coin|». /(Mtl.. 1.S5>.'>. vol. !•.•. p. 10 1. pj. 2» li^. .") (i; pi. <». Hj;. 1 s. .Jordan ^: Kv«Tmaini. Hull. 17. V. S. nat. mils., |s«»'.. |)f. I. p. (•,:{'.•; I'.MM). pt. I. pi. KII, (i;;. 271. 54 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. POECILIIDAE. Cobitis majalis Walbaum, Artetli Pise, 1792, p. 12. "Long Island." Hudargi/ra flavula Val. Storer, Mem. Ainer. acad., 1858, vol. G, p. 309, pi. 23, fig. 5, 6. Mass.— Holmes Hole; near Boston (Storer 1842 and 1859); Salem (Wheatland 1859); West Yarmouth (Lyman ISfil); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); South Mill Pond [?] (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L— Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). Conn.-- Noank (Goode 1879). 114. FuNDULUS HETEROCLiTUS (Linne). Killifish; Mummichog; Chub; Minny. Tomcod; Cobler. * Garman, Mem. mus. comp. zool., 1895, vol. 19, p. 97, pi. 2, fig. 2; pi. 8, fig. 1. Cobiiis heteroclifa Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 500. ^'Carolina." Funduhts pisciilenfus Cuv. & Val. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 294, pi. 23, fig. 3, 4. Fu)idulu. & Fowler 1«)()4). K. I. Newport (Iy«'Sueiir 1S17); Xarratjaiisett Hay (K. I. fish coinin. IS'IV)); Coiiiinu-iit (Pope coll. 1MI4 \)7). CoNX. - Ix)ng Island Sound (Linsley 1S44); Xnank ((ioode lS7m. II.'). FuxDLLUs DiAPHANUS (IvcSueur). Freshwater minnow; Shorefish; Flathead. (ianiiaii, Mem. nius. comp. zool., 1X9.5, vol. 10, p. 1()L\ j)l. 2. lig. 7. .Jordan & Evermann, Hull. 47, I . S. nat. mus., 1S9(), |)t. 1, p. (il.j; 1900, pt. 2, pi. 103, fig. 275. Ili/ilrargira diaplunia Ix'Sueur, .lourii. acad. nat. sei. IMiil., 1817, vol. 1. ]). 130. "Sar.\tog.\ L.\kk. X. V." Fundulu.s muUija.sciatu.s Cuv. dv- \'al. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., ISoo, vol. ."), p. 29C). pi. 23. fig. 2. Mk. — Boyden and Pennainacjuan lakes and (Jrand Lake .Stream (Kendall & .Smith 1S94); Chickawaka Lake, Roekland (Kendall coll. 1S9.5); Craigs Pond, Lake Auljurn. Cohbosseecontee Lake; .Stillwater River (Merrill eoll. 1S99); Marranocook Lake (Herry coll. 1S99); brook at Hrun.swick (Howdoin college); Matagamonsis Lake (Kendall coll. 1900 and Smith 1902); Hurd ponds; Cros.s Lake 'rh(»roughfare ( Kendall coll. 1901); Fhxxls pond and outlet (Kendall coll. 1902). Mas.'^.-- (\)ncord: Lowell (.'^toriT is.").")); Fresh Pond. ( ain- bridge (H. S. X. IL, I'utnain coll.); Anni.s<|uam (H. S. X. II., Ilvatt. \'an\'leck & (lardiner coll.); Wenhain Lake (Cioodc \ Bean 1S79); Qua.shnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1S94); \Vo(.ds Hole (Haird 1873; Smith 1898). I{. I. "Xarragan-sett Bay" (R. 1. Fish Conini. IS99). ("o.w. — "Conunon" (Linsley lsl4). 56 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELE08T0MI. HAPLOMI. POECILIIDAE. 116. LucAxiA PARVA (Baird & Girard). Rainwater fish. Garman, Mem. iniis. comp. zool., 1895, vol. 19, p. 93, pi. 3, fig. 3. Jordan & Everinann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1890, pt. 1, p. (365; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 109, fig. 292. Cijprinodon parvus Baird & Girard, Rept. 9, Smithsonian inst., 1855, p. 345. "Greenport, LonCx Islaxd." Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 117. Cyprixodox variegatus Lacepede. Sheepshead minnow. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1803, vol. 5, p. 486. "South Carolixa." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 255. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 671; 1900, pt. 4, pi. Ill, fig. 296. Mass.— West Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Cape Cod (Storer 1867); Falmouth; Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). Conn.— "Common"; Long Lsland Sound (Linslev 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). SYNENTOGXATHI. BELONIDAE. 118. Tylosurus marinus (Walbaum). Garfish; Silver gar; Billfish, Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 714. Esox marinus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 88. Belojie truncata LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 314, pi. 24, fig. 3. rfscES. T)? TELKC )S T( )M I . .SYNi:XT( )f ;\ ATI 1 1 HKI.OMDAH. Mk. — Wolfsiu'ck, Frt'cport, Casco Bay (Ki'mlall coll.). Mass. - IIoliiH's IloU* (Storor ls;i9 aii(I 1S')'.>); \'iiu'var(l Soiiiul (H. S. X. II., Ston-r and KiicclaiHl coll.); ^V:llllloit (Lyman 1S72); (Jrcat Tishury Pond, Marthas N'incyard (H. .S. .\. II., Davi.s coll.) ; Moiioinoy (Kendall coll. IS'JO); Woods Hole (Haird IST'.i; Bean ISSO and Smith 1S«)S). R. I. — Newport (Ix*Suenr 1S21); Narraf^an.sett Bay (K. I. fish comm. 1SW>); Wickford (Tracy IDOd). Conn. — Stratford; Hartford (Linslcy 1844); Connecticut River near Hartford (Ayres 1S44); Xoank (B«'an ISSO). U'.t. TvLosLKis .\( Ls ;^Lace|>cde). Houndfish. Jordan i^ Evcrmunn, Bull. 47, V. .S. nat. inus., ISOO, j)(. 1. p. 710; HKM). pt. I. pi. IKi, fifr. M)\). Sphi/rna f/c«.v Laeepedc, Hist. nat. poissons, ISO.'}, vol. ."), p. 0, pi. I. fij;. '.i. "Mahtinkjit.." M.\ss.— Woods Hole (Bean ISStJ and Smith 1S<»S); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1S<)S); Nantucket (Sharp c^- Fowler l<.t()l). 120. .Xtmi.f.wks iii.ws (Cuvier cS: ^'alenciennes). Jordan »^- Kverniaiin. Hull. 47, I . S. nat. mus., iSlXi, ])i. I , p. 7 IS. Bull. r. S. fish comm.. WHl'), vol. 23, pt. 1. p. 12'). fij;. 40. lirlonr liian.s Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, IMO, vol. IS. p. 432. "IIwANA, Haiiia." .Mass. Woods Hole (Smith ISOS). iii;miiuiamimiii)ak. 121. IlveoHiiAMi'iiLs KoHKKTi (Cuvier & \'alcnciennes). Half beak. Jordan <.V Kvermami, Bull. 17, I . .'^. nat. mus.. 1K0(). pt. 1. |). 721 ; loot), j.l. I. 1)1. 117, fi); Nc\vj)ort (Jordan & Moek ISSo). 125. EXOCOETLS VoI.ITANs LiniU*. Flyingfish. Liinu', Sy.st. nat., ed. 10, \7')^, vol. 1, p. old. '"in Ai.m i'Ki.Afio, EuuoPAEO & AmericanT)" * * *. Jordan & Evcrinaini. Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mas., 1890. pt. 1, p. 731; 1«.»()(). pt. 1, \A. lis. H^'. :ns. Ma.S.s. — Vineyard Sound; Woods Hole (Haird ]S7.> and .'^iiiilli 1898). CoN'N'. — New Ilavn; Sioninijton (I^inslry 1844). 12(). EXOCOETU.S RONDELETII Cuvicr \- \ a IcnciciHlcs. Flyingfish. Ciiv. i*^' \ al.. lli>l. ual. poiNN(Hi>, 1S4(). v(tl. l!», p. I I ."), " N \ri.i:>; Sicily; ( "a.nakiks." Jordan & Kvennaini, Bull. 47. I . >. nat. mus., 1890. pt. 1. ]). I'.i'.i; 1900. pt. 4, pi. 118, fijr. 'Ml. Mass.— Meneinslia Bijrht (Smith 1901). 127. CYi'sii.rHU.s HETEKURUs (Hafiiu'.s(pie). Flyingfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 17, l'. .S. nat. nnis., 1898, pt. '.i, p. 28;j(). 60 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. SYNENTOGNATHI. EXOCOETIDAE. Exocoetus heierurus Rafinesque, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi, ISIO, p. 58. "Palermo." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1S9G, pt. 1, p. 735. Exocoetus novehoracensis Mitchill. DcKay, N. Y., fauna, 1S42, pt. 4, ]). 230, pi. 36, fig. 114. Mass.— Woods Hole; Menemsha Bight (Smith 1900). R. I.— Block Island (Goode 1S79). 128. CYPSiLURrs FURCATUS (Mitchill). Flying-fish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, 283G. Exocoetus furcatus Mitchill, Trans, lit. and phil. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, 149. H. I.— Newport (Jordan & INIcck 1885 and Tracy 1900). 129. Cypsilurus gibbifrons (Cuvicr & Valenciennes). Flyingfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2836. Exocoetus gibbifrons, Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1846, vol. 19, p. 118. "Atlantic." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 741. R. I. — Newport (Jordan & Evermann 1896). HEMIBRANCHI. GASTEROSTEIDAE. 130. EucALiA iNCONSTANS (Kirtland). Brook Stickleback. .Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 744. PISCES. 61 TELF.OSTOMI. IIF.MinRAXCHII. fJASTKROSTKIDAi:. GaJtU'ro.ffnix InrnnfitanM Kirtlaiid. Host, joiiru. nat. lii>l., \^i\, vol. 3, p. 'J7:{. pi. 2, n, fig. :}20. 62 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HEMIBRANCHII. GASTEROSTEIDAE. Gasterosieus hispino.nis Walbaum. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 748. Gasterosieus biaculeatus Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Araer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 88, pi. 8, fig. 2, 3. Me.— Eastport (U. S. nat mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Rockland (Kendall coll. 1895) ; Casco Bay and tributary waters (Kendall coll.); New Meadows River (Bowdoin College); Brook in Brunswick (Kendall coll. 1903). Mass. — Provincetown ; Boston (Storer 1839); Nahant; Brookline (Storer 1853) ; Salem (Wheatland 1859); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gardiner coll.); Cohasset (B. S. N. H., Bryant coll.); Maiden (B. S. N. H., Sandborn coll.); Wood's Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & Rathbun coll.). 133. Gastekosteus atkinsii Bean. Freshwater stickleback. Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. mus. 1879, vol. 2, p. 67. "Schoodic Lakes, Me." Gasterosieus bispinosus aikinsri (Bean). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 748. Me. — Grand Lake Stream (Bean 1879) ; Tributary of Cob- bosseccontee Lake (Kendall coll. 1899) ; Lake x\uburn (Kendall coll. 1900); Billfish Brook, tributary Matagamon River; Mata- gamonsis, Webster, Telos, Chamberlain, Eagle, Churchill and Glasier, lakes; Allagash River and Cross Lake Thoroughfare (Kendall coll. 1901); Matagamon W^aters (Smith 1902); Moose- head Lake (Kendall coll. 1902); Floods Pond (Kendall coll. 1903). PISCES. 63 TELKOSTOMI. HK.MIHKANCHI. (lASTKKOSTKIDAE. l'A\. (iAsiKUosTKis nisi'iNosrs \Vall)auni. Two-spined stickleback. \Vall)aniii, Artcdi I'i.sr., 171>L'. )>. 4.')(l. ■" Nkak Ni:\\ ^Okk, Hkmi'stkad, I.. I.] " GaMerotitru.'i whcathimli Putnam. .Stoivr, .Mem. Aiiicr. acad., 1S()7. vol. I), p. 27'.>. GasiernsU'Uii gladiiinnilii.s- Kriidall. .Ionian c^- Everniami. Hull. 47, U. S. nat. nuis.. 1S9S. pt. .i. ].. 2s;i(i. Me. — Alonfj tiu' wlioU' foast in salt ami hrackish water. Bay of Fundy (Bowdoin college 1891); Creek at Small roini, ( a.sco Bay; off Monhegan Island (Kendall (nil. 1S*»(»); Porters Landing, Freeport (Kendall coll. 189S; 1S99. 19(M) and 19():i); New Mead- ow.s River (Bowdoin college 1901). Ma.ss. — Swamp-scott (M. (\ Z.); Xaliant (.'^torer 1SG7) ; Woods Hole (Smith 1898). Conn.— Stratford [?] (Linsley 1844). l.i"). .\PELTE.S QUADRACLS (Mitcllill). Four-spined stickleback; Bloody stickleback. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, I'. S. nat. inns.. 1S9(). pt. 1, p. 752; 19(X), pt. 4. pi. 120, Hg. 322. Gasterosteuft quadmcuN Mitcliill. Trans, lit. di: pliilos. .soe. N. \ ., 181.5, vol. 1, p. 430. "New Vouk." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 89. pi. 8. fig. 4. Me. — Along the whole coast in bracki.sh water. Ea.stport (U. S. nat. mu.s. 1872); Ca.sco Bay (U. S. nat. inus. 1873); Chick- awaka Lake and outlet, Rockland (Smith cV Kendall 1890); Free- port (Kendall coll. 1898-1903). Ma.s.s.— Salem (Storer 1839 and Wheatland 1859); from lioston to Provincctown (Storer 1853); freshwater pond, Anni.s- 64 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HEMIBRANCHII. GASTEROSTEIDAE. qiiam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gardiner coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). Conn. — Hartford; Stonington; Stratford (Linsley 1844); Xo- ank (Bean 1880). FISTULARIIDAE. 136. FiSTULARiA TABACARiA Linne. Trumpetfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 312. "In America." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 757. Fistularia scrrafa Bloch. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 318, pi. 25, fig. 1. Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1839; 1849 and 1859); Rock- port (Goode & Bean 1879) ; Woods Hole (Goode 1879) ; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). MACRORHAMPHOSIDAE. 137. DklACRORHAMPHOSUS scoLOPAX (Linne). Snipefish. Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 483, pi. 117, fig. 396. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 759, BaUstes scolopax Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 329. "Mediterranean." Mass. — Provincetown (Storer 1857; Goode & Bean 1879); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1896). piscKs. 65 TELEOSTOMI. I.orilOHRANCllir. SYNC.XATHIDAE. l.'?s. Syngxatmus Fusrus StonT. Pipefish. Storer. Ufj)()rt. is;i<), p. KlL'. "Naiia.m, Hoi.mks lloi.i: [Mas.s.]." SipliDsfoma fuM-iim (SlortT). Jordan (!v Kvcnnaiin. Tiiill. 17. I'. S. nat. mus., 1S0(), pt. 1, p. 770. Sifuffrintltii.t pcrkiatuis Storer, Rej)ort, \S'.i\), p. IG^i, pi. 1, fig. 2, and Mem. .\iiut. acad.. ISd:}. vol. S, p. 412, ])1. 33, fig. 3. Me.— Eastport (U. S. Fi.sh Coniin. coll. IS'JO; Kt-ndall coll. 1893); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mas. 1SS7; I>ee 18S5; Bowdoin Col- lege; Kendall coll. 1898-1900); olF the coa.st (Kendall coll. 1895). N. H. — Piscataqua River. Mas.s. — Xaliant; Ilohncs Hole (Storer 1839); We.st Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Boston Harbor (Storer 18G3); Massachu.setts Bay (B. S. X H., Storer coll., Cutting coll.); Cohasset, Boston (B. S. X. H., Bryant coll., Knct'land coll.); Aimis(|uam (B. S. X. II., Hyatt. \'aii \'l«'ck I'v: (Jardincr coll.); (^apc.Vnn; Swampscot (B. S. X. II.), (ape Cod (Storer [Putnam] 1S()7); Salem; Beverly Bridge ((loode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1S73; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharj) & Fowler 1904). R. I. — Xarragan.sett Bay (R .1. fish comm. 1899 and Poj)e coll.). OoXN'. — Stratford (Linsley 1844); Long Island Sound, off Stratford; Bridgc|)ort; Middle (Iround; Pcnficld Reef (Kendall coll., 1890); ott'S. W. Ledge; oil" Branford Beacon; off Xor walk Light Hou.se (K<-M(lall (•(.!!. ls!i2). 139. HiPforAMPU.s hl'dsoxius DeKay. Sea-horse. DeKay, X. Y. fauna, is 12. pt. 1. p. 322, pi. r)3, fig. 171. "Xkw \'(ti{K." .Storer, M«'m. Amer. aead., 1S()3, vol. 8, p. 41(), |)1. 33, fig. 4. Jordan «!v: Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. inu^., l"s»M'». pt. 1. p. 777; 19(10, pt. 4. pi. 122, fig. 327. , 66 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. LOPHOBRANCHII. SYNGNATHIDAE. Mass. — Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1S63); Provincetown. (Atwood 1850); ^Massachusetts Bay? (Goode & Bean 1S79); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I.— Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). ACANTHOPTERI. PERCOPSIDAE. 140. Percopsis guttatus Agassiz. Trout-perch; Sand roller. Agassiz, Lake Superior, ISoO, p. 286. "Lake Superior." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 784 ; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 121, fig. 329. Vt. — Lake Champlain; Winooski River (Thompson 1850 and 1853). ATHERINIDAE. 141. Menidia beryllixa cere a Kendall. Waxen silverside. Kendall, Rept. U. S. fish comm., 1901, 1902, p. 261, . fig. "WooD.s Hole." Menidia gracilis (Giinther). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 797. ^Iass. — Truro; Sandwich; Falmouth; Woods Hole; ^Yareham River; New Bedford (Kendall 1901). R. L— Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). 142. [NIexidia :mexidia xotata (Mitchill). Silversides; Britt; Sand smelt; Capelin. .Jordan & Evermann. Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3. p. 2840. PISCES. 07 TELEOSTOMl. ACAXTIK )1T1:KI. ATHKHINinAE. Alhrriuii iKilnlu Milrliill, Tranii. lit. cV |)liilo.s. soc N. \ ., iNl.), vol. 1. p. nCt. "Nkw Vohk." Stoixr, Mciii. Aiiut. acad., ISo-J, vol. .J, J). Ki."). pi. Id. Hj;. 1. Mcnidia naUitd (Mitcliill). .Ionian ds: Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. inus.. l.S9(;. jx. I. p. SOO. Mi;. — .Mong the wiiolc <'oa.st; Eastpori (Kciulall loll. 1SU3); Orlantl (IJean ISSO); ('as<<) Hav (V . .S. nat. mus. IST."^: Keixiall coil.. 18'J2; 1S9S-19()2). N. II. — Pisrataqua River (Storer 185;3). M.\.ss. — Provincetowu ; Holiurs Hole (Storer 1.S39); West Yannoutii (Lyman ISGI); Charles River (Storer 1853); Annisqnani (B. S. X. II.. Ilvatt. Van VlecU r. acad., 1853, vol. .5, p. 1()3. j)l. 12, fif;. 3. Jordan & Evcrniann, Bull. 47, T'. .S. nat. mus., iS'.Ki, j)t. 1, p. 825. M.\ss.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1843 d and 1853); Marthas Vine- yard (B. S. .\". II., Storer coll.); Woods Hole (Bean 1880^ and Smith 1808); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). POLYiNEMlDAE. 14".t. l'iii.vi)A( ivi.is ocToxEMi'.'? (Girard). Threadfin. .Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, I . S. nat. mus., 1S*)(), pt. 1. |). 830; 11)(X). pt. 4. J)!. 128, fij^. 350. Poli/iirmufi ortoficmu.'t Girard, Proc. aead. nat. sei. Phil.. 1S58. p. ir»7. "BuAZo; Santiago; Galveston." Mas.s.— Woods Hole (Smith 1808). AMMODVTIDAE. l.')0. .\m\ioi)vtk.s Dinns Reinh.irdt. Sand Launce ; Lant. Reiniuirdt, Konp. Dansk. vid. selsk. .M'h., 1838, vol. 7, p. 132. 70 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERl. ANIMODYTIDAE. "Greenland." Storer, Mem. Airier, acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 2ee 1885); Kendall eoll. 1892 and 1896, 1899 and 1900); off .Mount Desert, Monhegan, Casco Bay an«l Boone Island (Ken- dall coll. 1895). Ma.ss. — Massachusetts Bay; Caj>e Cod; Xantucket; \'in('yard Sound (Storer 18.53); Boston Bay (B. S. N. II.. Cutting coll.); Provincctown (.\twood 1865 an. 2'.l7. "l\ Pr.I.Ano INTKH Thopk'os." Mass. — Provincotown; \'iiu'yar(l Sound (Goode & Bean 1S79); Cliilinark (Cioodc 1S79); Woods Hole (Boan 1S80); Me- nnnslia Bi<;lit (Smith 1S9S). l.')S. Gymn'osakua alletekata (Rafincsque). Little tunny; Bonito. Jordan & EviTinaiiii, Bull. 47, U. S. iial. luus., 1896, ])t. 1. p. 8G9; 1900, \n. 1. |.l. i:;i. fin:. 306. Scomber (tUcUrata Kafincsque, Caratteri di alcuni fjencri nuovi, 1810, p. 40. "Palermo." Ma.ss. — Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). l.')9. Tinxxus TiiYXXUS (LinnC'). Tunny; Horse mackerel; Tuna. Jordan i^- Evermann, Bull. 47, U. .'^. nat. nius., ISOO, |)t. 1, |). 870. Scomber fhynuu.'i Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, \~'jS, vol. 1, ]>. L".)7. "inter Troi'kos in PEi.xno." Tht/nnu.'< .iccHtido-dor.sdli.'i ^\. 143. pi. 12, fiff. 4. Me.— Ea.stport (Kemlall coll. 1893). Mass.— Kettle Island; Pifxcon Cape (Storer 1839); Xorth River, Salem (Wheatland 1S.')2); r'a|)e .\mr, Provincetown ; Ma.ssaehu.setts Bay (Storer 1853); Milk Island; Xorth River, Salem; beaeh at Beverly (Goodc & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Eowler 1904). 74 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCOMBRIDAE. 160. Germo alaluxga (Gmelin). Long-finned albacore. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 871; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 134, fig. 367. Scomber alatimga [sic] Gmeliu, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1330. "Sardinia." Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 161. Sarda sarda (Bloch). Bonito; Skipjack- Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 872. Scomber sarda Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1793, vol. 4, p. 44, pi. 334, ''Europe." Pelamys sarda Cuvier. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 141, pi. 11, fig. 5. Me. — Harps well, Casco Bay (Bowdoin college 1890). Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Lynn; Nahant (Storer 1842 f); Holmes Hole; Lynn (Storer 1844); Provincetown ; Lynn; Marthas Vineyard (Storer 1853) ; Waquoit (Lyman 1872) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898); Cedar Tree Neck (Sherwood & Edwards 1901); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L— Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Conn.— Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 162. Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitchill). Spanish mackerel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 874; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 134, fig. 368. PISCES. 75 TKLEOSTOMI. ACANTHOrTKKI. SCOMliRIDAK. Scomber maculatu.i .Mitcliill, 'I'raiis. lit. iS: pliilo-s. sue. N. \ ., ISl.-), vol. 1. p. 420. pi. f). fi^'. s. " Xf.w Yokk." Cifmhium inacitlatiim, ."^tonT, Mrin. Amer. acad., IS.'^i, vol. ."), p. 1 k;. pi. !:-5. fi«r. i. Me. - .Monlu'i,'aii (Siorer IS.j.'J). Ma.ss. - Lynn (Storer lS42a); Massachu.sctts Bay (Storer lS42c); Proviiicetown (."-^lorer lS.'):i); Woods Ilok" (Hainl 1S73); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith ISOS); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. — Xarrajjansett Bay (K. 1. Fi.sh Conini. 1899); Prince.s Neck, Newport (Tracy 1906). Conn. — lAmfi Island Sound (Linsley 1844). l(i.}. SCOMBEKOMORU.S REGVLIS (Bloch). Kiagfish; Cero. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. U. S. iiat. mu.s., 1890, pi. 1, p. '^To; 19(M). pt. 4, pi. 135, fig. 309. Scomber regalis Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1793, vol. 4, p. 38, pi. 333. "M.VItTINIQUE." Ma.s.S. — Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Monoinoy (Kendall ((til. 1890); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1S98). R. I.— Narraj:an.sett Ba> (Tracy 1900). 104. ScoMBEROMORU.s CAV.\LIA (Cuvier). Sierra. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. inus., 1890, |)t. 1, p. 875. Cymhium cavalla Cuvier, Regne anim., ed. 2, 1829, vol. 2, p. 200. "BuAzii.." Mass. — Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). 76 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI . AC ANTHOPTE R I . TRICHIURIDAE. 165. Trichiurus lepturus Linne. Scabbardfish ; Cutlassfish; Hairtail. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, j). 24G. "America; China"; Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 147, pi. 12, fig. 1. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 889; 1900. pt. 4, pi. 137, fig. 375. Me. — Monhegan (Storer 1853). Mass.— (Storer 1842); Buzzards Bay (Storer 18421"); :Ma.s.s- achusetts Bay (Storer 1845); Lynn; Provincetown (Storer 1853); ^Yellfleet; Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Goode 1879); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R- L — Newport (Sherwood & Edwards 1901); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish eomm. 1899). ISTIOPHORIDAE. 166. IsTiOPHORUS nigricans (Lacepede). Sailfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 891 ; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 137, fig. 376. Makaira nigricans Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons 1802, vol. 4, p. 688. "ROCHELLE." Mass.— Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. L— NeAvport (Goode 1884). 167. Tetrapterus imperator (Bloch & Schneider). Spearfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 892. risci'.s. 77 TKLKOSTOMI. NCAXTHOITKUI. TSTT(»PIl()Kll>Ai:. Xipliia.'( impvmUtr Hlodi ^: Scliiiriilrr. Sy>l. i;{, ]il. 1\. " Mkuitkkhaxkan." Mass. — Woods Hole (Bairil 1873); Vinrvard Sound; Hii/.zards \\n\ (Siiiilh 1S9S). U. I.— Xarra«;aiiscit Uay (H. 1. fish coiiiin. ISiH)). XIPTIlinAK. KiS. XlIMIIAS (il.ADII s Liniir. Swordfish. \:\\m(\ Svst. nat. rd. 10. 175S, vol. 1, p. 24S. "Kikopa." StoixT, Mom. AiiuT. acad., 1S53, vol. o, p. 149, pi. 13, fit;. 2; Jordan i*;: Evennann. Hull. 47. U. S. nat. nius., IS'.IC. pt. 1. p. s'M. Me.— OH" Mt. Di'siM-t (Williamson 1S32); off Portland ((ioode 1SS4); Casco Hay (H. S. N. 11.. Davidson coll.). Mash. — Marthas Vinryard; (Jay Head; oil" Xantuckrt (Storer is.").;); Woods Hole (Haird 1^73); off Xomans Land (Goodc IS71I); Vineyard Sound (Smith ISDN); Xantucket (Sharp »Jv Fowler l'.»()4). K. 1.— Xarrajransett Bay (K. I. lish eomni. 1S91)). Conn. — Xew Haven (Linsley 1.S44); Hhtek Island; oil' Sakonnet Point ('Vr.uy WOW). CARAXC.IDAE. ](»'.». ( )i.i(;(iri.iri;s sAl Kts (Bloih (S: Schneider). Leather Jacket. Jordan ^' Evennann, Hull. 17, V. S. nat. mus.. 1S*M», pt. 1, p. 898; I'MK). |)t. 1. pi. I3S, fij;. 37S. Sronihrr .munis Hlocli ^: Schneider, Syst. iehlh., ISOl. j>. 321. ill * * Jamaica. 78 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. Mass.— ^lenemsha Bight; Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I.— Newport (Goode 1884). 170. Naucrates ductor (Linne). Pilotfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 900; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 139, fig. 379. Gasteroste us ductor Liinne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 295. "in Pelago." Me. — Near Seguin (Bowdoin college). Mass.— Provincetown ? (Atwood 1859); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Conn. — Stonington (Linsley 1844). 171. Seriola zonata (Mitchill). Radderfish; Shark pilot. Storer, Mem. Amer. aead., 1853, vol. 5, p. 157, pi. 15, fig. 5. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 902; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 139, fig. 381. Scomber zonatus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 427. "Bay of New York." • Mass.— Wellfleet (Storer 1844 a and 1853); Provincetown (Storer 1850); Beverly; North River, Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole; New Bedford (Bean 1880); Vineyard Sound Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). Conn. — Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 7*J TKI.KOS'n >MI. ACANTHOlTl.lil CAKANCilDAi:. 172. Skhioi.a i.m.andi Cuvier (S: Valenciennes. Amber Jack. ('uvier & ValciuKMines, Hist. nat. poi.ssons, 1833. vol. 9, j). 208. "Brazil." Jordan & Everniann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 189G, pt. 1. |). 903; 19(M). pt. 4. pi. 140, fig. 382. M\>- W.uHJs Hole (Smith 1898). K. 1. .Xarrafjansett Bay (U. I. fish comni. 1S99). \7'A. Skhioi.a dimkhim (Ri.s.so). Amber Jack. Jordan & Everinann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 1896, pt. 1, p. 903. (' ar an X dinner Hi Risso, Ichthyol. Nice, 1810, p. 17"), pi. 0, fig. 20. "Nice." Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith cV- Ki-ndall 189G and Smith 1898). 174. l>i:rAPTERUS punctatus (.\ga.ssiz). Scad; Round robin; Cigarfish. Jordan & Everniann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 907. Caranx punctatus Agassiz, Spix Pise. Bras., 1829, p. 108, pi. o()a fig. 2. "Brazil." Mass. Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). H. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). < !ox.\. — East Haven (Linsley 1844). 17o. DKCArPKRis MACARELLUS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Mackerel Scad. Jordan t!s: Evermaim, Bull. 17. l.-S. nat. mus., 1896, |»t. 1. p. 909; 19(K). j.t. 4. j)!. 140. fig. 383. Caranx inararrllu.t i\iy. ik \'n\.. Hist. nat. poissons, 1833, vol. 9. p. 40. " MAKTl.MQfK." 80 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. INIass.— Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I.— Newport (Goode 1879); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 176. Trachurus trachurus (Linne). Saurel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 910; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 140, fig. 384. Scomber trachurus Linne Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 298. "Ix MEDITERRANEO." R. L— Newport (Goode 1882). 177. Trachurops crumenopthaliius (Bloch). Big-eyed Scad; Goggle-eye. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 911; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 141, fig. 385. Scomber ci-umenopthalmus Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1793, vol. 4, p. 77, pi. 343. "AcARA IX Guinea." Mass.— Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 178. Carangus bartholomaei (Cuvier &: Valenciennes). Yellow Jack. Caran.v bartliolomaei Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1833, vol 9, p. 100. "Saint Barthelemi." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 919. Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898). riscKs. 81 TKI.i:()STOMI ACAN'nioiTllin (■Ai{A.\(;ii)Ai:. 17*t. CvKWdis HIPPOS (Limi^O- Crevalle. Scomhir hifijxiM I.iiiiu', Syst. nat., t-il. I'J, ITOO, vol. I, p. U)4. *'('au<>li.\\." Caranx hippos (Linm'O. -Ionian & Evrriiianii, liiill. 17 I . S., nat. inus., 1S<)(). pt. 1. p. 92:); WX), pt. 4. \A. 111. fif;. 3S7. Mass. I.yiin Hcacli (Wlu-atlaiiil ls.")2 ami (Joodc »S; Hcaii 1S79); Woods Hole (Bainl lS7;i; Bean ISSO and Smith 1,VJ8). K. I.— Xc\vj)ort (Bean ISSO). ISO. Carant.us ckysos (Mitcliill). Hardtail; Runner. Scomber rri/.so.s Miteliill, Trans, lit. (Jv' philos. soc. X. \'.. 1S15, vol. l.p. 424. "Xkw VoitK." Caranx fliri/ws i\iy. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., ISoo, vol. 5, p. 153, pi. 14. i\t. 4. pi. 14."). fig. 394. Scomhrr r/irif-funus Linne, Syst. nat., cd. iL*. ITtiCi, vol. 1, |). 494. "i\ Cahdi.iw." Mass. — Cape Cod? 185. Ti{ArMiV(tTis KM.cvTis (Linn^'). Round pompano. •lordan & Everinann, Bull. 17. U. S. nat. inus., 1S9(». |)i. 1, p. 941; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 14(5, fig. 390. Ldbru.t falrntii.t Liini^', Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1. p. 'J'<4. "in Amkkica." Mass.— Woods Hole (Baird 1S73 and Smith 1S9S); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). B. I. - Narragansett Bay (K. 1. fish comm. 1S;99). 180. 'rK\< liiNOTUS GOOOKI Jordan & Evermann. Permit. Jonlan «S: Hvennann. Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus.. 1890, pt. 1, j). 943. "Wkst Ivdiks, nouth to Wkst Fi.oiudv." Ma.ss. — Wo(jd.s Hole, young (Smith 1S98). 84 FAUNA OF NEW EXGLAXD. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. 187. Traciiinotus argenteus Cuvii-r »S: Valenciennes. Silvery pompano. Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. iiat. |)oissons, 1831, vol. 8, p. 413. "New York and Rio Janeiro." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 1896, ])(. 1, p. 944. Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 188. Trachinotus carolinus (Linne). Pompano. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1890, i)t. 1, p. 944; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 147, fig. 398. Gasterosteus carolinus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1700, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 490. "in Carolina." Mass.— Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Noank (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & Katlibun coll.). POMATOMIDAE. 189. PoMATOMUS SALT.ATRix (Linne). Bluefish ; Horse-mackerel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 1896, pt. 1, p. 946; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 148, fig. 400. Perca saltatrix Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 293. "Carolina." Temnodon saltator Cuv. Storer, ]\Iem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 159, pi. 15, fig. 1. Me. — Ca.sco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873); Portland; Booth Bay; Kennebec River (Boardman & Atkins 1875); off Seguin (U. S. nat. mus. 1879); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896); Harraseeket River, Casco Bay, [voung] (Smith 1902). I I'lscKs. 85 TF.I,K( )ST( »M I ACANTllc )ITi:ia. roMAToMin.Mv M vss. N»'\v U«-(ll'(>r«l, ;iii(l Iloliiics Hole (Storcr ISIV.I); Lynn (StortT iSlJf): Nahant (.liM-kson 1S47); Hiiz/.anis Iia\ ; Nine- yard Soninl; Nantiickft ; Massacliusctis liay (StonT ISoli); \Va(|ii(»ir (Lyman I.S72); Ilinjjhaiii ( H. S. N 11); Miiu'iiislia Hi;:lit (IJcaii ISSO); Woods Hole (lin'ml ls7;!; IJcaii 1SS() and Smith IN'JS); Muskc^'tt IJivcr; (Ircal Toint l{i|» and Ha-^> Hip; oil' Sankaty Head (Sharp \- Kowlrr I'.tOJ). K. I. - Xarraj^anscti Ma\ (K. I. fish conini, Is'.l'.h Newport (Tracy I'.HXi). CoXN. — "X'l'ry common" (Linsley 1S44); Xoank (Hean ISSO); off Branford Hea<()n (Kendall coll. 1S<>2). i{.\(1IV(i:nti{ii)AE. P.KI. Ha< IIV(-K\TU<)N (ANADIS (LinilC'). Crabeater; Bonito. .Ionian & F!vcrmami. Hull. 17. l'. S. nai. nius., IS'JC. pi. 1 , p. •) }S; I'.MK), pt. 4. pi. 14S, H^r. 401. (la.strrii.stcii.s canadns- I.imie. Sysi. nat.. ed. 1_', 171. "\s C'ahom.va." Ma.s.s. Wo(.d.s Hole (HainI IS7:i); Hu/./ard.s Hay (Smith 1S<)S). Conn.— Month of the Ilonsatonic (I.insley 1S44). coRvrii \i:.\ii).\i:. l!»l. ( 'oin I'll \i;\ \ iiii'i'i Ki s I/niiic. Dolphin. [.imi«', Sy^t. nat., ed. Id. 1 7")S, vol. I, p. I'tij. "is I'ki.vco." .I«>rdan i^ Kvermaim. Hnll. 47, l'. S. nat. nuis., 1S!.»(>, |»i. I, p. !>.")_>; I'.KM), pt. I, pi. 1 l'.>. fi;;. 4()_». Mas.s. - X'ineyard .Sound (Smith IS'.IS). Conn.— .\oank-((Ioo«le lS7i)). SQ FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. LAMPRIDAE. 192. La.mpkis REGIUS (Bonnaterre). Moonfish. Goode & Bean Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 223, fig. Zeus regius Bonnaterre, Ichth., 1788, p. 72, pi. 39, fig. 155. Lampris luna (GmeUn). Jordan & Evermann, Bnll. 47, U. S. nat-. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 954. Me.— (Goode & Bean 1896). CENTROLOPHID AE . 193. Centrolophus niger (GmeUn). Blackfish; Black ruff. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 963; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 149, fig. 403. Perca nigra Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1321. "Corn- wall." Mass.— Dennis (Smith 1898). 194. Palinurichthys perciformis (Mitchill). Rudderfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 964. Coryplmena perciformis Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 244. "New York Harbor." [ ?] Palinurus perciformis DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 152, pi. 13, fig. 3. Me.— (Gill 1873; Jordan & Evermann 1896). Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1842); Boston Harbor (Storer 1846); Holmes Hole; Boston (Storer 18.-)3); Gay Head (B. S. PISCES. 87 tell:ost( >mi. acaxthcjptkri. CENTHoF.ol'HIDAK. N. 11. rrt)sbv coll.); Sali'iu (Goodr & Ht'uii 1S7'.>); off Noinans Land; Marthas N'iiiryanl ((JimxIj- IST*.)); Gloucvstcr (Bean ISSO); \V(>4<>. M.\s.s.— Woods Hole (Smith 1S9S). H. I.— Xarrapiiisett Bav (K. I. fish comm. 1S<><»). \\Hj. I'Ki'Hii.rs I'AUf ( Linne)- Harvest fish; Pappyfish; Starfish. Stromateit.s fxiru Linnc, Syst. nat., cd. 10, 17.>N. vol. I, p. 24s. "in .Vmkkka." Rhumhu.f jxirn Linnc. Jordan ^- Kvcnnann, Hull. 47, l'. S. nat. mils., 1890. i)t. 1. p. !>ii."); 1900, pt. 4, jil. !.')(), fij;. 404. M.vss. — Woods Hole (Smith 1S9.S); Monomoy (Kendall cull. 1.S9G). W. 1. - Xarrasian.sett Bay (K. L fish comin. 1S99). l'.«7. HoKovoTtJs TRrACAvrms (Peck). Batierflsh; Dollarfish; Skipjack; Shaepshead. Stromateii.9 triaranthiis Peck, Mem. Amer. acad., 1S04. vol. 2, p. 48, pi. 2, fijr. 2. "Pi.scATAyiA RiVKK. \ II ■• 88 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. STROMATEIDAE. Rhombus' triacanfhus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5. J). 162, pi. 15, fig. 4. Rhombus triacanfhus (Peck). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1S96, pt. 1, p. 967; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 151, fig. 405. Me. — Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872 and Bean 1880); off Seguin (U. S. nat. mus. 1879); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1887 and Bean 1880); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). X. H.— Piscataqua River (Peck 1804). ]\Ias.s. — Provincetown ; Boston (Storer 1853); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. X. H., Putnam coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole; Gloucester (Bean 1880); Xorth Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Xaushon (Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). CoxN.— Stratford (Liniley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880) ;f off Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). TETRAGONURIDAE 198. Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso. Squaretail, Risso, Ichthyol. Xice, 1810, p. 387. "Xice." Jordan & Ever- mann; Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 976; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 152, fig. 411. Mass.— Woods Hole (Goode & Bean 1896; Smith 1898). CENTRARCHIDAE. 199. Amploplites rupestris (Rafinesque). Rock Bass. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 990; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 156, fig. 419. riscF.s. S9 11': LI. nal. nius., ISOfi, pt. 1. j). lull; I'.KH). pt. 4, pi. 1(;2. fi«j. 4;i(). Mk.^ Introduced; now widely distrihuti-d in .southern half of state, from Cumberland to \Va.shins Lakr. etc. (Kendall 1S'.)4); Soii^o and l'rfsnin|).scot livers; Schajijo and Liiilc Schafio lakes; IVtten^iil, I'antlier. Rattle snake, Tliunias, and Ilurd ponds; ('ol)l)0.s.seec()ntee and -Marranoeook laki's; Matauainon River and Maiatranionsis Lake; .\nil)ajejns Falls; .Si-cond and Fourth Dehsconeaji lakes; Fok- wokainns Headwater; Beau Lake (Kendall coll.). \. 11. .\l)nndant in southern half of state; Pond near .Monad- nock .Ml. (Ri^'elow 1S4U); Lake Wiiuiipesaukee (H. S. N. IL, Fut- nani coll.). \ r. — (\)niinon; Lake Chainplain (Thonijjson 1.S42); ("Ivde River near Xe\v|)ort Missis(|Uoi Bay (Evennann & Kendall 1S94); .^wanton (Carter coll. I«)()7). ^L\.ss. — Coneord River (Storer lS42c and lS42f); Fresh Pond, Canil)rid«je (Storer iSlLM"); common everywhere (Storer iN.jli); "Ponds of the (\»unty" (Putnam ISot;); Salem (Wheatland 1S.39); Idlewood Lake Menham (B. S. X. IL, Warren roll. iS: Brown coll.); Orleans, ('a|)e("o(l ( Davidson coll.) ; ahimdant evervwhere ((Joode (lis: Bean lN7t>); W";i"^l"Ht River, Falmouth (Kendall coil. 1S94): near Woods Hole (Smith ISDS). R. I. Benedict. Femiers, Mashapaiig ponds; Pocassett River; Pone<;ansett Resevoir (I'ope coll. 1S9S). Co.N'x. — Hockanum River, Hartford (Ayrcs 1843). 2(JS. Pr i;( i\A CAi'KoDK.s (Ralincs(jue). Log perch; HogmoUy. •Ionian »K: Evennann. Bull. 47, V. S. nat. nius., iS'.Ki. pi. I, |). l()2(i; P.tOO. pt. 4. pi. Km, fij;. 4.%. Sririia rnjinulcs Rafinestpu'. .\mer. month. ma<;. & crit. rev.. IMS. vol. I. p. :i:)4. "Ohio Rivi.it." \'t. — Lake Chainplain (Thoini^son 1S42). 94 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTO.MI. ACAXTHOPTERI. PERCID.AE. 209. CoTTOGASTER COPELANDI (Jordan). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1045. Rheocrypfa copelandi Jordan, Bull. 10, U. S. nat. mus., 1877, p. 9. "White River, Indiana." Vt. — Lake Champlain (Thompson 1853). 210. BoLEOSOMA OLMSTEDi (Storer). Tessellated darter. Storer, ]\Iem. Amor, acad., 18.53, vol. 5, p. 78, pi. 4, fig. 4. Etheostoma ohnsicdi Storer, Bost. journ. nat. hist., 1842 (1844), vol. 4, p. 61, pi. 5, fig. 2. "Hartford, Connecticut." Boleosoma nigrum olmstedi (Storer). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 10.37; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 171, fig. 451. Mass. — "Western portion of the state" (Storer 1853); Charles River (B. S. N. H., Baird coll.) New Salem (B. S. N. H., Tiask coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); near Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I.— "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). Conn. — ^ Hartford (Storer 1842); in nearly all freshwater streams (Tiinsley 1844). 211. Boleichthys fusiformis (Girard). Redside darter. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1101; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 177, fig. 469. Boleosoma fiisiforme Girard, Proc. Bost. soc. nat. hist., 1854, vol. 5, p. 41. "Charles River near Framingham, Mass." Hololepis fusiformis Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 256. IM«TS. 9,5 TIOLKC >ST( ).M I . ACA.NTIK UTI OKI . PKHCIDAK. Mass.— (^liarU's Hivrr ((liranl 1S54); a small Imxik triliu- tan' to Mriro^r I'oiid. Melrosr (H. S. N. II., I'utiiaiii ••oil,); Fniminpiiain; Essex County and flsewhert' (Ston-r lSf)7); Brook of Melrose Potui; Mruham Lake; Nrwiiall Crossing ((icxxlc & Hraii 1S7«>) Walthani (li. S. N. 11.. Warnn C'(.1I.). cnKii.onirii.iiiD.vh. 212. Ai'OGo.v i.MUKitms (Liniu'). King of the mullets. Jordan & Evennann, Hull. 17, 1 . .*^. nat. nius., 1S9(), |)t. 1, p. 1107. MnUits //nArrftji-f Linn^, Sy.st. nat., ed. U). 17')S, vol. 1, |). 3()0. "in Mklit.k." K. I.— Newport (Cope 1.V70). 2i;i. .\i'<)GO\ M.\cui^\Tis (Poey). Jordan & Evcrmann, Hull. 17, I'. S, nat. mus., 1.S96, pt. 1, p. 1100. Monoprinn inariilaiiis Poey, Memorial, ISfiO, vol. 2. p. 123. "CvH.Kr M.\.ss. - Katama Bay (."^niith 1S9S). H. I.— Newport (Cope 1S70). SKKHA.MDAK. 214. Horns MNK.ATl's (Bloeh). Striped bass; Rock; Rockiish. Jordan & Evennann, Bull. 17, L'. S. nat. nius.. \S\H\, |»i. 1, p. 1132; 1«J(K). pt. 4, pi. ISO. fig. 47S. Sriaena linaiUi Bloch, Nat. ausl. fi.sche, 1792. vol. 3, p. r)2, pi. 304. "Mkditkkk.k.nean Sea." 96 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SERRANIDAE. Lahmx lincaiiis Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. atad., 18.33, vol. 5, p. 54.pl. l.fig. 4. ^1e. - Kenduskeag (\Villiain.son 1S32); coast (B. S. X. II., Davidson coll.); INIerrvmeeting Bay; Saco, Kennebec, Eastern and Sebasticook rivers (INIe. fish, comni. 18G7); Sheepscot, Dyer, St. Croix and Piscataqua rivers; Winnegance Creek; Casco Bay (Atkins 1887). Wolfsneck, and Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). N. H.— (Storer 1853). "Mass. — Chelsea; Xantasket; Boston (Storer 1839); Province- town; Charles River; Buzzards Bay (Storer 1853); ^Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Cutting coll.); "Harbors of the County" (Put- nam 1856); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Essex County rivers (Goode & Bean 1879); Holyoke (Bean 1880); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean ISSO and Smith 1898); X'antucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R.I. — X'arragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Taunton River (Tracy 1906). Coxx. — Connecticut River to above Hartford; Stonington (Linsley 1844). ■p' 215. [NIoROXE AMERICANA (Gmelin). White perch. Jordan & Evcrmann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1134; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 181, fig. 479. Perca americana Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1308. "New York." Labrax rufus DeKay, Storer, ^lem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 57, pi. 1, fig. 1. Me. — Lakes emptying into Kennebec River as far back as Skowhegan; into Penobscot River still further north; and in lakes of the St. Croix and intervening territory (Me. fish comm. 1867); PISCES. 97 TKLEOSTOMI. ACANTIK )ITi:UI. SKliJiAMDAi.. Gnuul Lakt' Stri'iiiii (T. S. nat. iiiiis. 1S77); Eustport aiis.seeL\ss. - .Mouths of rivers, and |)onds near Boston (Storer \>^'hi " I'onds of the county and occasionally in salt water" (Putnam ISoO); Woods Hole (BairtI 1S7;}); Floating Bridge Pond, Salem; Flax Pond, Lynn ((ioodc ^: Bean 1S7*.I); Mlewood I.^ke, Wenhain (B. S. N. IL. Brown tt>ll.); Nantuek«t, and Brewster, (ape Cod (B.S. N. II.. Ordway coll.); Fresh Pond, Camhrid^'c (B.S. N. 11. , ^'an \'leck crdl.) ; Buzzards Bay and \'ineyard Sound (Bean ISSO an." >L\.s.s. — Katama Bay [voun^'] (Smith 1900). ■Ji7. Ki'lNKl'UKMS MVE.KTrs fCuvicr \ \alenciennc.s). Spotted grouper; Snowy grouper. Boulen^er. (at. Ii>h. Bril. nui^.. cd. L', 1S95, p. I'L'O, pi. '.\, fig. :i. Jordan iV: Kvermaim, Bull. 17. l". .S. nat. mus.. 1S9(», [)t. 1, p. 1 !.")(■». 98 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SERRANIDAE. Serranus niveatus Cuv. & Val., hist. nat. poissons, 1S28, vol. 2, p. 380. "Brazil." Mass.— Woods Hole (Smith & Kendall 1894; Smith 189S). R. I.— Newport (Gill 1861 and Cope 1870); Tiverton; Point Judith (U. S. nat. mus. ); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 218. Epinephelus morio (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Red grouper. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1160; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 184, fig. 485. Serra72us morio Cuv. &. Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1828, vol. 2, p. 285. "New York and San Domingo." Mass. — Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1898). 219. Garrupa nigrita (Holbrook). Black Grouper. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1161; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 184, fig. 486. Serranus nigritus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1856, p. 173, pi. 25, %. 11. "Charleston, S. C." Mass. — Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1900). 220. Mycteroperca bonaci (Poey). Black Grouper. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1174; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 187, fig. 492. Serranus bonaci Poey, Memorias, 1860, vol. 2, p. 129. "Cuba." Mass. — Katama Bay [}'oung] (Smith 1900). pisc'Es. 99 TELEOSTO.MI. ACANTHOITKHI. SEHKAMDAK. 221. Mycteropehca interstitialis (Poey). Jordan & Everinann. Hull. 47. V. S. iiat. imi.s., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1178. Si'rrauii.t intrrstitialis iWy, Mcmorias, 1860, vol. 2, p. 127. "ClHA." M.\ss.— Kataina Bay [?] (Smith 1900). 222. Centkopristks striatus (Linn6). Sea Bass; Black Sea Bass. Jordan & Everinann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. ll'UI; IIKK), pt. 4, pi. 190, ficr. 500. Labruji siriatw^ Linne, Syst. nat.. 1758, ed. 10, vo\. 1, p. 2S5. "i\ America." dcntroprisies varius Storer. Storer, Mem. .\nu'r. acad., 1S53, vol. 5. |). '}X. pi. 2. fig. 4. MK.Matinicus I.sland (B. S. X. II.. Aivthusa coll.); Wood Island. Casco Bay (Smith & Kendall 1896). M.vss.— Ilolnuvs Hole (Storer 1839); Holme.s Hole; (Jay Hea. iiat. uius., ISOG, pi. 1, p. iL'iJ'l; 11100, |)i. 4, ])1. ni.'), {\. Priacantlni., vol. 1, pt. 1. p. 471. "i\ r.\i{()i,iNA." Pngrii.i arrfifrups C'uv. Stf.rcr. Mrin. .Vincr. acad.. 1S,5.3. vol. .5. p. 127. pi. 10. ficr. 4. Me. — Eastporl (U. S. nat. iim.s., 1872); Casco Bay (Smith & Kendall 1S%). Mass. — Buzzards Bay; N'incyard ."^ouiid; Holmes Hole; Well- fleet; Sandwich; Boston; Xahant (Storer 1.S.39 and 1853); Wa- quoit (I.,yman 1872); .'^wainpscot (B. S. N. II., Phillijxs coll.); Buzzard.s Bay (B. S. .\. II.. Davidson coll.); Nantucket Sound; Buzzards Bay (Collins & Kathhun 1887); Milk Island (Goode & Bran 1879; Cohasset Narrows (Bean 1880); Thatchers Island ((roodc 1884); North Truro; Monomoy; Meneinsha Bijrht ( Kendall coll. 1890); Woods Hole (Baird 1S73; Bean l^SO and Smith 189S); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R. I. — Narracjansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899 and Pope coll.); Taunton River; Newj)ort; Block Island (Tracy 1906). Coxx. — Brid<;eport; New Haven (Linsley 1844); otf Briiljie- port; off Stratford; Middlecrround (Kendall coll. 1890); off Kaulk- ners Island (Kendall coll. 1892). 2^J4. Lkoodov uhomhoidks (I^inn^). Piufish; Sailors choice ; Bream. Jordan & Everniaiin. Bull. 47. I . S. nat. mus., 1S9S, |)t. 2. p. 1.3.>S; 19(K). pt. 4. pi. 215, fig. 552. SfHtrujt rfioinJjoidr.t Linn^"'. Syst. nat., ed. 12, 17<)(i. vol. 1, pt. 1. p. 470. "iv America." M.VS.S. -Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 104 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SPARIDAE. R.I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1S99); Newport (Tracy 1906). 235. Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum). Sheepshead. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1361; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 216, fig. 554. Spcirus probatocephalus Walbaum, Artedi Pise, 1792, p. 295. "New York." Sargus avis Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 126, pi. 10, fig. 1. Mass.— South of Cape Cod (Storer 1839 and 1853) ; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Woods Hole (B. S. N. H., Denton coll.). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Newport (Tracy 1906). Conn.— Stratford (Linsley 1844). GERRIDAE. 236. EuciNOSTOMUS GULA (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Silver jenny. Jordan &, Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 464. 1370. Gerres gida Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1830, vol. 6, p. 464. "Martinique." Mass.— Woods Hole [young] (Smith 1898). KYPHOSIDAE. 237. Kyphosus sectatrix (Linne). Chub; Sailors choice. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1387; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 219, fig. 559. PISCES. 105 ti:lix)st().mi. acan rii« irri.ia. KVrHoSIDAK. Perca sectatrix Linn^''. Syst. nat., ed. 12, 17GG, vol. 1, p. 480. "i\ Amkkica." Mv^'^. \V()0(1> Hole (Baird 1873 aiul Smith l.S!>S). 1{ I.— Newport (Goode 1879). SCIAENIDAI.. 23^. Cxsoscios REG.\Lis (Blocli & Schneider). Weakfish; Squeteagne; Sea trout. Jordan & Evennaiui, liull. 47, l'. S. nat. nuis., 1898, pt. 2. p. 1407; 19CM). pt. 4. pi. 220, fig. .%2. Johniuss regali.s Bloch & Schn.. Svst. ichtli., ISOI. j). 75. "Xew York." Otollthu.f rer/all.t Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 122, pi. 9, ficr. 1. Me.— (Holmes 18G2). M.\.s.s. — Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. II., Storer coll.); Nan- tucket; Marthas Vineyard; Provincetown (Storer 1839 and 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Milk Island, Cape Ann (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Monomoy; Meneinsha Bijiht (Kendall coll. 1890); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1S9S); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1900). R.I. — Narrajiansett Bay (H. I. fish comm. 1S9'.»;; Conimicut (Pope coll. 1S94-99); Providence River; oil' Block Island (Tracy HMK)). CoxN. — Mouth of Hou.satonic (Linsley 1844); off Bridfjeport; off Stratford; Middle Ground [vounj;] (Kendall coll. 1890); off Norwalk Light House; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). S. "Xkw York." i'mbrina nebulosa Storvr. Storcr, Meiu. Aincr. atad., iS.'i.'i, vol. 5. p. 124. pi. 9, fig. 4. Mk. — Casco Bay (I^e 1885 ami Bowdoiii collefje). M.\s.s. — Xahaiit; Lynn (Storer 1842); Boston Light House; Lynn; Provincetown (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Marblclu'acl Light; Spite Bridge, Danvers (Goode & Bean 1879); Cohasset Xarrows (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monoinoy (Ken(hill eoll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Srliith 1898); Nantucket (.Sjiarpc & Fowler 1904). R. L— Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Cow.— Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 244. PoGON'iAS CRO.Mi.s (Linn6). Drum; Black drum. Jordan & Evennann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. inus., 1S',»S. |)t. 2, p. 14S2; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 225, fig. 573. Labriis cromis Linn^, Sy.st., nat., ed. 12, 17(>(i, vol. 1, p. 479. "IX C.VROI.INA." M.v.ss. — Provincetown ((rooilr \- Bean 1879; My.stic River (B. S. N. II.. (litter coll.); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). H. I. — .Xarragan.sett Bay (R. L fish comin. 1899). Coxx.— Stratford (Linsley 1844). 245. .\iM.<)i)ONOTUS GRiNNiKNs Rafines(|ue. Freshwater drum; Sheepshead. Rafines{jue, Journ. dt- pliys., 1819, p. 88. "Dnio River." 108 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. . ACANTHOPTERI. SCIAENIDAE. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1484; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 226, pi. 574. Vt.— (Storer 1842); Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). POMACENTRIDAE. 246. EupoMACENTRUS LEUcosTiCTUs (Miiller & Troschel). Cocky pilot. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1555. Pomaccntrus leucostictus ^Miiller & Troseh., Schomburgk's Hist. Barbados, 1848, p. 674. "Barbados." Mass.— Katama Bay (Smith 1900). 247. Abudefduf saxatilis (Linne). Cocky pilot. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1561; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 234, fig. 590. Chaetodon saxatilis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 276. "in India." R. L— Newport (Cope 1870). LABRIDAE. 248. Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum). Chogset; Cunner; Nipper; Wharffish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1577; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 236, fig. 505. Labrus adspersus Walhsium, Artedi Pise, 1792, p. 254. "New York." PISCES. 109 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTlIUlTl.Kl. I.AIiHIDAK. Ctcuulahru.s rrrulru.'i l)tl\;i\. Storcr. Mtiii. Aiiur. ikjkI., 1S5.5, vol. '), |». 274, |)1. 21. fig. 1. Me. — Casco Bay (U. S. nat. inu.s. 1873; IJte 1885; Kendall coll. 1892, 189G; 1898; 1900. 1902; 190.'^); Portland (Bean 1880). M As.s. — Entire eoa.st (.Storer 1839 and 18.5.')); Massachusetts Hay (B. .'^. N. H.. .*^t()rer coll.) ; Anjiiscjuani (B. S. X. II., Aretliusa coll.); ( )rlcans. Cape Cod (B. ."^. X. II., Davidson coll.); Waqnoit (Lyman 1S72); ."^alcni (Goode & Bean 1879); Brovincetown (Bean ISSO); Gloucester (Bean 1880 and Kendall coll. 189G); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Gay Head; Guttyhunk (.Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). K. 1. — Xarragan.sett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-99). CoN.N.— "Common" (Lin.sley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880); off Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island (Kendall coll. 1.S92). 219. T.\LTOGA iiMiis (Linne). Tautog; Blackfish. Jordan »S: Evermaini, Bull. 47, l'. S. ii.ii. huh., IS'.IS, pt. 2, p. 1.578; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 237, fig. .590. Lahrus onitis Linn1 and Cope 1S70). 2.').'). ( "IIAKTODOX CAI'ISTRATUS LiuiU'. Butterfly. Liim6, Sy.st. nat., cd. 10, 17.')8, vol. 1, |). 17.")S. "i\ Indus." Jordan (!v: Hvcrmaiui, Bull. 47, I'. S. nat. inns.. ls9S. |)t. 2, p. 1077; l!>00. pt. 1. pi. 2.')0, fig. 022. Ma.s.s.— Woods Hole; Qui.s.set Harhor (Smith 1S98); Katama Bav (Smith 1901). 112 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ' ACANTHOPTERI. TEUTHIDIDAE. 256. Teuthis caeruleus (Bloch & Schneider). Blue tang. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1691. Acanthurus caeruleus Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., ISOl, ]). 214. "Carolina; Havana." ■ Mass. — -Katama Bay [y^oung], (Smith 1900). 257. Teuthis hepatus Linne. Tang. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 507. "in Carolina, Amboina." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1991. Mass. — Katama Bay [v'oung] (Smith 1900). 258. Teuthis bahianus (Castelnau). Ocean tang. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1693; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 256, fig. 629. Acanthurus bahianus Castelnau, Anim. nouv. ou rares de I'Amer. du Sud, 1855, p. 241, pi. 11, fig. 1. "Bahia." Mass. — Katama Bay [y-oung], (Smith 1900). BALISTIDAE. 259. Balistes carolinensis Gmelin. Triggerfish. Gmelin, Syst. nat.^ 1788, vol. 1, p. 1468. "Carolina." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1701; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 258, fig. 632. PISCES. 113 TKLKOSTOMI. AC'A.\TH(H''11;K1. HALISTIDAE. Mass.- Stjiiaiii Kivcr, .\iiiiis(|iiam (H. S. .\. II., Hyatt cnll.); .\f\v HcdfonI (Luff lss;{); Woods Ilok- (Smith 1S<>,S). K. I.— Xtnvport (Hran ISSO); Xarragaiiscit Hay (R. I. fi.sh coiiiiii. 1S99); Wickfonl (H.S. .\. H.. Lewis coll.); West Passage; (\)iinanicut Island (Tracy I'.iOC)). 2(i(). Mvi.isTF.s FonrtPVTUs (iinclin Triggerfish. (iineliii, Syst. iiat.. 17SS, vol. 1. p. 1472. 'Bu.^ziL.'' Jordan & Evennann. Bull. 47. U. S. nai. inus., 1S9S, pt. 2, p. 1702. R. I.— Newport (Cope 1870); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1S99). 2(il. Balistks VETILA Linnnj; Islam! Sttund; Stratford; Stoiiiiij;loii (Liiisli-y 1S44). 2(»(t. Al-ITKUA MDNOCEROS (Lillllt'). Liza barbula. Jordan & Kvcrinann, Bull. 47, V . S. nai. nius.. ls*)S, pt. 2, p. 1720. Smith. Bull. U. S. fish comm.. 1S<)«». vol. IS, p. 27:^. pi. M. liali.ttr.s mtniorcros Linn^*', Syst. nat.. fd. 10. 17.").s. vol. 1, p. ;i27. ".V.-^IA." M.\.S8.— Woods H.)I.- (Smith 1S99). OSTH.UIIDAE. 207. La3. fig. (i41. Oxlrnriim trhjonu-n Linn^'. Syst. nat., cil. 10. 17.')S, vol. 1, p. 330. "in India." 116 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. OSTRACIIDAE. Lactophrys yalci DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amcr. aca^., 1863, vol. 8, p. 429, pi. 35, fig. 3. Mass.— Marthas Vineyard (Storer 1837, 1839, 1863); Holmes Hole (B. S. N. H.); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 269. Lactophrys tricornis (Linne). Cowfish; Toro. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1724; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 261, fig. 639. Ostracion frirornifi Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 331. "in India." INIass.— Katama Bay (Smith 1900). TETRAODONTIDAE. 270. Lagocephalus laevigatus Linne. Rabbitfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1728; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 268, fig. 642. Tetrodon laevigatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 411. "in Carolina." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1863, vol. 8, p. 418, pi. 39, fig. 1. Mass.— Nantucket (Storer 1842 and 1842); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. L — Narragansett Bay; Tiverton; Newport (R. L fish comm. 1899). Conn. — Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). PI.^^'KS. 117 TKLKOSTOMl AfANTlK >1'1 l.Kl ti:ti{A(H)»).mii»al:. 271. SPIIKUOIDKS SI'KNGLKIU (B1«kIi). Swelltoad; Tambor. .Jordan c^ Kwrinaiiii. Bull. 17, T. .^. iiat. iiiiis.. 1898. \M. 2, p. 1732; I'.MM), |)t. 4. 1)1. '2M, fig. ()44. Trirndnn sjyriKjhrl Bloch, Nat. iiusl. fisclu', l7So, vol. 2, p. ]'.i'), |il. ! 1 1. ■' K.K.ST Indik.s." .M\-^. W.M.iU ll(.l.' (Smith ISUS). 272. SiMiKHttii>K.s M.KCUiATU.s (Bloc'li & Schnei(lor). Swellfish; Puffer; Swelltoad; Baloonfish; Bellowsfish. .Ionian (li)ii fii.'^piflu.s var. mwulatu.s Blocli ); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1S80 and Smith IS'IS); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). K. I.— Narrapmsett Bay (K. I. fish comm. 1899). Cow. "Very common" (l.insley 1844); Noank (Bean IS80); oir Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1S«>2). 273. Si'HKHoinK.s TK.sTii)F\Kts (Linn^O- Tambor; Globefish. •Jordan cV Kvcrmann, Bull. 47. l'. ."**. nal. nnis.. IKOS, p(. 2, p. 17.31: I'.tOO. pt. 4, 1)1. 2(;.'). fif;. (UC. 118 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. TETRAODOXTIDAE. Tetraodon testudineus Linne, Syst. iiat., ed. 10, 175S, vol. 1, p. 332. "in- India." R. I.— Xe^\-port (Cope 1870; Jordan & Evermann 1898). 274. Spheroides trichocephalus (Cope). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. -17, U. S. nat. raus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1737. Tetraodon trichocephalus Cope, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1870, p. 120. "Newport, R. I." R. I.— Xe^-pon [?] (Cope 1870). DIODOXTIDAE. 275. DiODON HYSTRix Linne. Porcupinefish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 1758. "ix India." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1745; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 266, fig. 648. Mass.— Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). 276. Chilomycterus schoepfi (Walbaum). Burrfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1748; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 266, fig. 649. Diodon schoepfi Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 601. "Long ISLANT)." Mass. — Massachusetts Bay (B. S. X. H.); "Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Watch Hill (Goode 1879); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Xe^\-port (Bean 1880 and Pope coll. 1904). Conn.— (A}Tes 1843); Stratford; Xew Haven (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). Pli>CES. 119 TKLKOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTKRI. MOLIDAE. 277. Mki.a Mill. a I.iimr. Simfish. Jitnlaii ^: Evonnaiin. Bull. 47. I'. S. iiai. mus.. Is'.ts, |)t. _', p. 17.');i; 19(X>. |)t. 4. |)1. 207. fi. 420. pi. 34. fig. 2. Mk. ()\\ Portland (V . ^. iiat. inus. 1875). Ma.s.s.— Boston Bay (Storer 1S39); Xahant (Biiiiicy 1S43); Upper Southbridfie, Boston (Storer 1844); Ma.ssachusetts Bay (Storer 1803); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Salein Harbor; oH" (tlouce.ster (Goode & Bean 1S79); Vineyard Somid; Buzzards Bay (.^mith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comni. IS99); Block Island (Tracy 1900). Conn. — Stonint;ion (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Goode 1879). .^CDRPAEXIDAi:. 27N. Seh.vstfjs MAKi.NLs (Linn^). Red perch; Bream. Jordan & Everniann, Bull. 17. I . S. nat. nius., 1898, pt. 2. p. 1700; 19(H). pt. 4. pi. 268, fig. 053. I'crra marina Linne, Syst. nat.. ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 2i(0. "in Nohvkgia; Itai.ia." Selta.ste.t norvrrjiruK Cuv. .'^torcr. Mcin. .\nu'r. acad.. 18.j3. vol. 5, p. 80, pi. 7, fig. 1. Me.— Near Portland fPerley 1852); Eastport (Verrill 1871; U. S. nat. inus. 1872; Boardman ^: .\tkins 1875; Bean 18S0; Kendall coll. 1S93); (\i.sco Bay (T. S. nat. mus. 1S73: Lee 1.SS.5). 120 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERl . SCORPAENIDAE. Mass.— Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1836, 1853 and Bean 1880); Misery Island, in Salem Harbor (Wheatland 1852); Provincetown (Storer 1854); Salem Harbor (Putnam 1856 and Wheatland 1859); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 279. SCORPAENA PLUMIERI Bloch. Scorpion. Bloch, Kongl. svenska vetensk. akad. Nya handl., 1789, vol. 10, p. 234. "Martinique." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1898. Mass. — Katama Bay (Smith 1900). Conn. — Stratford; Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). 280. ScoRPAENA GRANDicoRNis Cuvier & Valenciennes. Lionfish. Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. nat. poissons, 1829, vol. 4, p. 309. "Martinique; Porto Rico; Havana; San Do.mingo." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1850; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 278, fig. 672. Mass. — Katama Bay (Smith 1900). COTTIDAE. 281. Artediellus atlanticus Jordan & Evermann. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1900; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 285, fig. 690. Centridermichihys uncinatus (Reinh.), Goode & Bean, Bull. Essex inst., 1879, vol. 11, p. 13. Mass. — Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879; Jordan & Evermann 1898). riscKs. 1 2 1 TELi:( )ST( )M I A( AN ri lOlTKlU . COTTlDAi:. 2S2. 'I'uKJi.ors riN'GELMi Hriiilianlt. Kt'iiihardi. Koii;;. 1 )aiisk. \'u\. selsk. Al'li.. lS'.i2, vol. 3, p. .")2. "(Ji{KF,\i-.\Ni)." Jordan & Evcrinann, Bull. 47, U.S. nat. inus., 189S, pt. 2, |). 1923; 1900, pi. I. pi. 280, i\>r. (i97. .Ma.s.s. — Near Kacr Point Liglitliou.'>c' (li. ^. N. H.); Ma.ssuchu- sctts Bay (Goode & Bean 1S79). 2S;J. CoTTUS GR.\riLis Meckel. Millers thumb; Rock cusk; Brook cusk. Hfckti. .Vnn. Wit-n. nuis., LSiU. vol. 2, p. lis. "Xi;\v Vouk." Storer, Mem. .\nier. aead., 1S53, vol. 5, p. 72, pi. 4, fij;. 3. Uranidcn gracilis (Meckel). Jordan & Evermann, Hull. 47, U. S. nat. niiis.. 1S9S, pt. 2. p. 1968. Mk. — Kichard.son Lake (B. .'^. X. M.); .Viihurn (U.S. nat. mu.s. 1883); Bear River (Bowdoin college); \Veb.ster, Chamberlain, Eagle, Churchill and Beau lakes; Cro.s.s Lake Thoroughfare; trib- utary of Aroo.stook River, Caribou, (Kendall 1903); Rangeley Lakes (.\tkin.s coll. 1903); Sel)ago Lake (Mose.s coll., 19()()). X. M. — Saco River, Bartlett (Storer 1853); rj)per Connecticut River tributaries; Connecticut Lakes (Kendall (Js: tioldsborough coll. 1904). Vt. — Johnson ((Jiranl IS.'M)); ^^iIld.sor, Burlington ((iirard 1850); River Lamoille (Thomp.son 1853). Mkss. — Clintonville (Dowse 1850) Uilliamstown (B. S. X. M., Buck & .Xa.son coll.); Plymouth (Goode 1S79). Conn.— Manche.ster (Linsley 1844; .\yres 1845; Girard 1850). 284. .Mv«).\()(i:rii.M.Ls .\k.\i:is (.Mitchill). Grubby; Pygmy sculpin. Jordan ^- Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, ])t. 2, p. 1972; 19()<). pi. 1. pi. 295, fig. 171C,. 122 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. COTTIDAE. Coftus aeneus :\litchill, Rept. fish. X. Y., 1814, p. 8, "New York." ? Storer, Report, 1839, p. 20. Me. — Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus., 1873; Lee 1885); Wolfsneck, Casco Bay (Kendall coll.). ]\L\ss.— Oli" Cape Ann (B. S. X. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gard- iner coll.); Gloucester; Salem (Goodc & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. — Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899) "Willow Beach (Tracy 1906). Conn. — Bridgeport; Norwalk (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). 285. Myoxocephalus scorpius (Einne). Shorthorn sculpin; Ulki. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1974; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 295, fig. 717. Coitus scorpius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 265. "in OCEANO EUROPAEO." Me.— Eastport (Goode & Bean 1879; Bean' 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay, Freeport (Kendall coll. 1892 and 1896). 286. Myoxocephalus groenlandicus (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Deepwater sculpin; Black sculpin; Daddy sculpin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47. U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1974. Coitus groenlandicus Cuv. & Val.. Hist. nat. poissons, 1829, vol. 4, p. 156. "Greenland." Acanthocottus variabilis Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 74, pi. 4. fig. 1. Me.— Eastport (VerriU 1871; U. S. nat. mus. 1872;' Bean 1880 and Kendall coll. 1893); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Casco PISCES. 123 tkleostomi. acantholtkhi. (•(Hthvm:. Hay (T. S. iiat. mus. 1S73); Portland (Hcaii ISSO); Wlialchoat Island, Casco Hay (Kt-ndall coll. 1S<)2); Penobscot River and Hay (Kverinaiui IS'.Ki). Mass. Naliant; Hoston (Storer lS3fl); Xantiicket Shoals (Storer 1S4S): Shores of Ma.s.sachusetts Hay (Ayres ISoO); Chel.sea ((Jinird 1S.5()); near Oaifjii' Hridfje, Hoston (Ayres 1S")()); off Nantucket; Ma.ssaclnisetts Hay (Storer 1S')3); Saleni (Wheatland iN.V.t and Hean ISSO); (Jloueester (Hean IHSO); North Tniro (Kendall coll. ISUG); Woods Hole (Suiith ISIKS); Cape Cod (Jordan & Everinann 1S9S). R. 1.— Narraijan.sett Bay (R. I. fish coniin. 1S99). CoN.v. — lyong Island Sound (Linsley 1844); Shores (Girard lS.-)()). 287. Myoxocki'H.\i.is o(Toi)ec'i.msi'1.\o.sls (.Miiehill). Sculpin; Hacklehead; Toadfish. Jordan & Evennarni, Hull. 17, l'. S. nat. luus., ISyS, pt. 2, |). 107»); lUOO, pt. 4, j)l. 2%. fig. 7 IS. CnUu.s IS-spiiiosus Mitchill, Rept. fish. N. ^".. JSl 1. p. 7. " .Nkw (»KK. AranthocnUun virfjinioini.s (lirard. ."^titrcr, Mem. .\nier. acad., lSo3, vol. .'), p. 7(5. jil. 4, fif;. 2. Me. — Common alonji whole eoa.st. Easfport (\'errill 1S71 ; KcnTE\TKIOX.\LI." Me.— Near Eastport (Kendall coll. 189.3). Ma.ss. — Salem Harbor (Putnam 1S7.5); near Salem; Bakers Island (Goode & Bean 1879); Woo.ls Hole (Smith 1898). H. I.— Watch Hill Reef (Goode 1S79); "Off Block Island"? (Garman 1892). Conn. — Off Connecticut (Garman 1892). TRir.Lin.\E. 295. Prionotis carounis (Linn^). Sea robin; Greeneye. Jordan & pvermann. Bull. 47, l'. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 21')(i; 19(M), pt. 4, pi. ins, fijr. 7()8. Trirjla rantliiiu Linn^', Manti.ssa, 17(17, p. 528. "in C.\rolinae MARI." Prionotuji palmipe.iSton-T. .Ston-r, Mem. Amer. acad.. iS.'j.S, vol. 5. p. 66, pi. 5, fijj. 1. 128 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. TRIGLIDAE. Prionotus pilatus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 68, pi. 6, fig. 1. Me.— Casco Bay; off INIonhegan (Smith & Kendall 1898); Casco Bay (Bowdoin). Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1844); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1845); Green Island; Phillips Point, Lynn (Storer 1842); Salem Harbor (Wheatland 1852); Vineyard Somid; Green Island; Phillips Point, Lynn; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1845 and 1853); Tisbury (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872) ; Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Annisquam (B. S. N. H.); Cohasset Nar- rows (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; IMenemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish. comm. 1899). Conn.— Stratford; Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Bridgeport; off Stratford; Middle Ground; Penfield Reef (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off Norwalk Light House (Kendall, coll. 1892). 296. Prionotus strigatus (Cuvier). Redwinged Sea robin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2167. Trigla strigata Cuvier, Regne anim., ed. 2, 1829, vol. 2, p. 161. "New York." Prionotus lineatus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Aiper. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 64, pi. 5, fig. 4. Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Salem Harbor (Wheat- land 1852); Vineyard Sound (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Gloucester (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, coll.); Woods Hole PLSC'ES. 1 29 TKLKUSTOMI. ALA M I h »r I I ;RI. t!{I(;i.ii)Al:. (Hainl 1S73; Bran ISSO and Smith 1N'.>S); Marthas Vineyard (Jordan & Evennaini ISUS). R. I.— Newport (B^Mn ISS!)); Narrafjansett Bay (K. I. fish coiTim. ism>). (^)\\. — Stratford; StoMin*;ion ( I^insley 1S44); Xoank (Bean ISSO); otF Stratford; off Brid<]je|)ort ; Mi^. vol. 1. p. 302. ■'iX MvKI Me[)ITKRR\\RO, OcE.VXO, PeI.AGO INTElt TROPICOS, IX Asia, imimu.mis ad Cap. n. .spei. saepe .vgit.\ta evolan.s ex .\QUA." DartiflnpfcruJf voUtans Cuv. Storer, Mem. .\mer. acad.. ISo^J, vol. 5. p. 70, pi. 0, fig. 5. Me.— (Holmes 1862). Mass. - Holmes Hole (Storer lSo3); Woods Hole (Baird 1S73 and Bean ISSO); Buzzards Bay; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1S9S). H. I. — Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Cow. — IxHig Island Sound (Linslcy 1844). (JOBIIDAK. 298. GoBiosoMA BO.sci (T.ac^p^de). Naked goby. Jordan & Evcrmann, Bull. 47, I'. S. nat. mus., 1S98, |)t. 3, p. 2259. 130 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GOBIIDAE. Gobius bosci Lacepede, Hist. nut. poissons, 1800, vol. 2, j). 555, pi. 16, fig. 1. "Charleston, S. C." Gobius akpidotus Bosc. DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1S42, pt. 4, p. 160, pi. 23, fig. 70. Mass.— Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). Conn. — Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). ECHENEIDIDAE. 299. EcHEXEis NAUCRATES Linne. Sharksucker. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 261. "ix pelago Indigo." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2269; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 329, fig. 796. ? Echeneis albicauda Mitchill. Storer, ^lem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 404, pi. 32, fig. 3. Mass.— Boston (Storer 1839); Hyannis (Storer 1842); Colins Cove, Salem (Wheatland 1852); Boston Bay (Storer 1839 and 1863); Holmes Hole (B. S. N. H., Storer ^oll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); West Falmouth (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Conn. — Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). 300. Echeneis naucrateoides Zuiew. Pilotsucker. Zuiew, Nova acta acad. sci. imp. Petropol., 1789, vol. 4, p. 279. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2270. Mass. — Hyannis (Storer 1842); Collins Cove; ISIouth ^lerrimac River? (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Dutch Island Harbor (Tracy 1906). PISCES. 131 Ti :lk( )st< )M 1 . A( A N rn< )i 'ri : hi. ECHEXKIDIDAI.. .■{111. Kkmouv i I.ndico." Mass.— Salem Harbor (Goodc & Bean 1S7'.I); Woods Hole (Haird lS7;i and .Siiiiili 1S9S). .■)02. Kkm()I{a hi{A( iivpteka (I>owe). Swordfish sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius.. ISOK, pt. .3. j). 2272; liXK), pt. 4, pi. SM, H<,'. 707. Eclieiiris hrwhifptrra lyjwv, Proc. zool. soc. London. IS'.VJ, p. S9. "Madeika." Eclieneis lJ^-lamina1w< Storcr. Storer Mem. Amer. acad., 18G3, vol. S, p. 40(), 1)1. 22. fij;. 4. Ma.ss.— Holnu's Hole (Storer 1839); Wellfleet (Storer ISfiS); Ma-s-sachasetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1S79); Woods Hole (Baird 1S73 and Smith 1S9S). 3')3. RiiuMHociiiuu.s usTKocHiit (Cuvier). Spearfish sucker. Jordan & Evermann. Bull. 17, V. .S. nat. mus., 1S9S. pt. 3. |). 2273; 1! 100. pi. t. pi. 330. fi}?. 79S. Echenris ostrorhir Cuv., Kepne anim., ed. 2, 1829, vol. 2, p. 348. Ma.ss. - Woods Hole (Baird 1S73 and Smith 1S9S). K. I. — Narrajransett Bay (H. I. fish eomm. 1899). 132 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACAXTH(M'TERI. BATRACHOIDIDAi:. 304. Opsaxus t.vu (Linne). Toadfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1S9S, pt. 3, p. 2315. Gadus tail Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1 , pt. 1 , p. 440. "in CAROLINA." Bairachus iau Linne. Storer, ^lem. Amer. acad. 1855, vol. 5, p. 271, pi. 19, %. 1-2. Me.— Kittery [?] (Holmes 1862). Mass. — Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Tisbury (Storer 1855); Cohasset (B. S. X. H., Bryant coll.) ; Ix)n^ Point Creek (B. S. N. H., 1S74); ^lassachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); INIenemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896);' \Yoods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. L— Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1998). Conn.— Noank (Bean 1880). PHOLIDIDAE. 305. Pholis gunnellus (Linne). Butterfish; Rockeel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2419; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 342, fig. 832. Bhnnius gunnellus Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 257. "in Oceano Atlaxtico." Gunnellus mucronatus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 260, pi. 17, fig. 2. Gunnellus macrocephalus Girard. Storer, ^lem. amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 261, pi. 17, fig. 3. Me. — Along the whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; PISCES. 1 :i3 TKI.KC )S'n )MI . \< \ NTIIOITKRI. I'lli •l.lhlhAI.. Htan INSO; Kciulall roll. ISO-'i); Matiuicus Island (IJ. S. N. 11.. Anilmsa cell. l.SSO); (Vsco Bay (U.S. iiat. mus. 1S73; Ijce ISHo; Kemlall ((ill. IS«>2); Xcw Meadows Kivcr (Howdoiii college 1S90). M.\.s.s.— Chelsea Beach (II. K .^lon-r LSfjO); Holmes Hole; Provincetowii ; N'ahaiit (Ston-r IS.io); N'aiifjiis Head ((xoode & Bean 1S79); Ipswich Bay (B. .^. X. H.. llyait. \'aii Xl-rk &: (Jardiiier coll.); New Bedford ^Beaii ISSO); Woods Iloh- (Baird IST.S; Bean l.SSO and Smith 1S'.>S); \ineyard Sound (Smith 1S9S). K. 1. -Narrajiansett Bay (it. I. fish comm. ISUU and Tracy 1"M)(>). CoN'.v. — Bridi^eport; Stoninjjton (I.,in.slcy 1844). STI(H.\i:iI)Ai:. :U)tl. Lki'toci.injs M\(ii,.\rrs (Kries). Langbarn. .Jordan \- Kvcnn.inii. Bull. 17. l'. S. nat. mn^., 1S9S, pi. 'A, p. ■J4;i3. Clinii.s mnculaius Fries. Konjjl. svenska vetensk akad. Xya handl., is:is (is:i7). J), v.). "B\iii-.si..\\, SwF.DFA'." Mass. - Ma>sailmsetts Bay (G(»odc & Bean 1879). :J07. LlMI'KN'f.S LWII'KTUVKIOKMIS (Walbaiuu). Snake blenny. Jordan & Kvermann, Bull. 17. l'. S. nat. nni-.. IS'.tS. pt. :{, p. iM.iS; 19(K). |)t. 4. pi. 344, fiji. S4(). lilnniiu.i hnuprviar-jorniiK; lavij.rrlarfnniii.s; Idiiipirliftuiin.'', \\ al- hanin. .\rtedi I'isc.. 1792. pp. 1S4. 7(M) and 7(»J. "I(KI..\m>." lihnuiiiK .srr/Miitiiiii.s Slorer. Storer Mem. .\mer. acad.. ISoo, vol. ."). |). 2')7. pi. 17, fiff. 1. Mk. Kasiporl (V. S. nat. mus. 1S72). 134 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. " ACANTHOPTERl. STICHAEIDAE. Mass. — Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1848, 1855; JGoode & Bean 1879). 308. TJlv.\ria subbifurcata (Storer). Radiated shanny. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 3, p. 2440; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 345, fig. 842. Pholis subbifurratus Storer, Kept. 1839, p. 63. "Xaiiaxt." Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 258. Me. — Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus., 1873); off Matinicus (Nor- ton coll. 1906). Mass.— Nahant (Storer 1839 and 1855). CRYPTACANTHODIDAE. 309. Cryptacanthodes maculatus Storer. Wrymouth; Congereel. Storer, Kept., 1839, p. 28. "Boston Harbor * * * Xahaxt." Mem. Amer. acad. 1853, vol. 5, p. 82, pi. 8, fig. 6. Jordan & Ever- mann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2443; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 345, fig. 843. Me.— Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1853; Kendall 1893); Port- land (Goode 1879); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1893); Middle Bay (Bowdoin College). N. H.— (Peck 1804). Mass. — Boston Harbor; Nahant (Storer 1839); Commercial Point (Storer 1842f); Provincetown ; Dorchester: ^Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1853); :Marblehead; Swampscot (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I.— Provincetoun (Goode 1879). CoxN. — Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 135 Ti:i.K( )ST( )MI. A( "AXTIIOFrElU. AXAHHlCIlADIDAi:. 310. An vKiiK II \s MiNOK ( )lafscn. Spotted wolffish. Olafscn. Itcise i Island. 1772. p. ')02. "Island." Jordan & Everinaiiii. Hull. \7. V . >^. nat. tims.. ls<.»s. pt. .'i. |). 2 I IG. Me.— Ka,st|)ort (Goodo & Bran lS<>(i). Ma.ss. — ( )ir mouth (lloiKv.stiT Ilarhor (Goode & Bean ISOG). ;^11. A\\Kiii(iiAs i,ii>is Liniu''. Wolffish; Catfish. I.innr, Sv.st. iiat., »• vol. .5. p. 2(;o. pi. IS. fig. 1. Me.— Ka-stport (Vcrrill 1S71; Kendall coll. lS<):i); ('a.sco Bay I^e lS8o; Kendall coll.). Ma.s.s. — Cu.sk Kock.s (Storer ISiV.) and lS.5o); .Vnni.scpiani (B. .^. N. II., .Vrcthu.sa coll.); ofV Gloucester (Bean ISSO); North Truro (Kendall coll. ISUC)); Woods Hole; \'ineyard Sound (Smith IS'tS). K. I. — ('ox^\saiIls l/«'dj;e (Giindr is7'.li: .Varrajxaiisctt Hay (K. 1. fishcomtn. lSi)i>). ZOARCIDAE. 312. ZOAUCE-S AN'OUILLARIS (Pcck). Eelpout; Conger eel; Lamper-eel; Ling. ."^lorcr. Mciii. .\iner. acad., is.V), vol. ."», p. 2().3, pi. 17, fifj. 4. ■Ionian & Kvennann, Bull. 47, l'. S. nat. nnis., IS'.tS, pt. 3, p. 24.')7; llt(K). pt. 4. pi. .Ms. Hj;. S.V). lUiiinnin (ini/uil/(in'.); Buzzards Bay (Smith IS9S); Nantucket (Sharj) & Fowler 1904). R. L— Narragansett Bay ((ioodc & Bean lS9." 138 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. Merlangus purpureus Storer. Storcr, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 358, pi. 28, fig. 3. Me. — Along the whole coa.st. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Vcrrill 1871; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); off Moosabec Light; Isle au Haute, Matinic, Matinicus, Monhegan and Seguin islands; Cape Porpoise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Sheepscot River (Bowdoin college); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892; 1896; 1900-1904); Searsport; Stockton Springs; Brook- ville (Everraann 1903). Mass. — Common along whole coast; Jeffries Ledge (Storer 1839 and 1859); Provincetown (Atwood 1867); Salem Harbor (B. S. N. H., Brovni coll.); Annisquam (B. S. X. H., Hyatt & Van Vleck coll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L — Narragansett Bay (R. L fish comm. 1899); Dutch Island Harbor and from Brentons Reef to Sakonnet (Tracy 1906). Conn. — Long Island Sound; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 317. !MiCROGADUS TOMCOD (Walbaum). Tomcod; Frostfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2540. Gadus tomcod Walbaum, Artedi Pise, 1792, p. 133. "New York." Morrhua pruinosa DeKay. Storer, ^Nlem. Amer. acad. 1858, vol. 6, p. 357, pi. 27, fig. 5. Me. — Common along whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); :\Iachias, Chandlers, Wescongus, Tunk, Penobscot, Kennebec and Piscataqua rivers; Casco Bay and tributaries (Atkins 1887); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; PISCES. 1 ;^o TELEOSTOMI. ACAX'Iimn |.1;|. (JADIDAK. H<;iii issd; Kcii.lall coll. I'.ML'); I'ciioh.scol Ki\<-i- cV Hay (Kv.-r- iiiaim I'.KKi). X. II. — l*iscata(|Uii Hivcr (.\tkiiis ISSO). M.\ss. — lio.stoii; Watcrtowii (Sionr ISI^O and lS')i)); Mu.s.sachu- .sotl.s liay (1?. S. N. II.. ."^imcr cdII., Davidson coll.); Woods Hole (Haird 1S73; IJran ISSO and Smith 1S<)S). K. I. - Xarrapm.si'tt Bay (H. I. fi.sh coniin. 1S9(>)- ( "o.\.\. — ^ Streams flowinj; into Long Island Sound (Linsley 1S44); Xoank (Bean ISSO). 318. CiADi .s cALi.AHiA.s Linni'. Cod. Linnc, Syst. nat., cd. 10. 17.")S, vol. I. p. '2')'2. "is ( )('KAN0 Kruoi'AEo & Baltiiico." .Jordan & Evrrmann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus.. 1S9S, pt. 3. p. 2.541; I'.KK). \n. 4. |)1. 3(il. fijr. s<»|. Morrliiia anirricano Storer. Storer, Mem. Anier. acad., 1S5S, vol. ti, p. ;}|3, pi. 27, fill. I. Me. — Tommon along whole coast. Eastport (\'errill ls71; r. .S. ii;it. iiujs. 1S72; Kendall coll. 1S93); grounds otl" Moosabcc Light; I'etii Manan; Mount Desert; Isle au Haute; Matinicus; Maiinii' and Monhegan islands; north; northeast; south and .s()uthea.st of Moidiegan; hetween Monhegan and Pematiuiil; otV Seguin; ofV Ca.sco Bay; ofl' ('a|)e Porpoi.se (Collins & Hathhun ISS7); Portland (CJoode 1S79); Ca.sco Bay (V. S. nat. mus. 1S73; \ah' 1SS.5; Kendall coll.); Penoh.scot Hiv<'r and Bay (Kvcrnumn 1'.K».3). X. II. - Off Portsmouth; Pi.scata<|ua Kiver (Collins ^- Balhhim 1S.S7). Mas.s. — .\Iong whole c()a.st (Storer 1S.39); Provincetown (Storer is.V.I; .\twood ISC).") and Bean ISSO); Wacpioit (Lynum 1S72); W...)d> Hole (Baird 1S7.3); Ij>swicli Bay (B. S. X. II., Davidson 140 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACAXTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. coll.); Salem Harbor (B. S. N. H., Brown coll.) ; Cape Ann (Goode & Bean 1879); Nomans Land; Woods Hole; Gloucester (Bean 1880); Ipswich Bay; off Cape Ann, [Middle Bank; Pollack Rip; Nantucket Shoals (Collins & Rathbun 18S7); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— NarrcJgansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Block Island (Collins & Rathbun 1887). Conn. — Stonington (Linsley 1844). 319. Meianogrammus aeglifinus (Linne). Haddock; Whiteeye. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2542; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 361, fig. 892. Gadus aeglifinus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 251. "iX OCEANO EUROPAEO." Morrhua aeglifinus Linne. Storer, ]Mem. Amer. acad. 1858, vol. 6, p. 355, pi. 28, fig. 1. Me. — Along whole coast. Eastport (Verrill 1871 ; U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Grounds oft" Petit ^Nlanan; [Mount Desert; Isle au Haute; Matinicus; Matinic, Monhegan and Seguin islands; off Casco Bay and Cape Porpoise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Portland (Goode 1879); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll.). Mass. — Cape Cod; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839 and 1859); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); off Cape Ann; off Chatham, (Colhns & Rathbun 1887); off Gay Head and [Marthas Vineyard (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Block Island (Collins & Rathbun 1887). Conn. — Stonington (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 141 TKLKOSTOMI. \« WTH. .I'l IIU. ('.AIM DAK. '.i'20. I-oTv \U(ri.(tsA 1 1.4' Siu'ur). Barbot; Freshwater cusk; Lawyer; Ling. Jordan & K\Trin:mii. Hull. 17. I . .'^. iiai. mus.. ls<.»s. pt. ;5. p. 2.').'jO; HUM). |)t. I. |)1. MA, fip. S«)7. dailiis marulfK'iii.t Ix- Sueur. Jouru. acad. iiat. sci. Phil.. lsl7, vol. 1. p. s.{. "Lakk Ekik." Lnta comprcssa Ix? Sueur. .Storer. Mem. Ainer. acad. ISoS, vol. r., p. mo, pi. 2S, fijT. 4. Mk. — Moo.si'lu'ad LakciB. S. X. II.. Davidson coll.); Schago Lake (Mitehill 181S; Bowdoin eollepe; Kendall coll. 1003); Still- water River (Merrill coll.); Eajrle and St. Franci.s lakes (Perley lSo2; Kendall coll. 1001 and 1003); Matafianion. and Alla^a.sii River lakes; Ilurd Pond & Deb.sconcaf: Lake (Kendall coll. 1001). X. H. — .\.sluielot River (Storer 1.S30); Lake Winnipi.s.seofjee (StoHT 1S41 ?; 1842; Pre.scot 1S.51); Squam Lake; Winnij)e.saukee Lake (X. II. fish comni. 1S77); Indian .Stream & Connecticut Lakes (Kendall & Gold.shorou^h coll. 1004). Vt.— Lake Chainplain (Thomp.son 1S42); (Storer 1842). Ma.h.s. — Connecticut River at Xorthaniptun (TyeSueur 1818). Conn. — Canaan (Lin.slev 1844). 321. ruDPUvcis ur.ons fWalhauni). Spotted hake. Jordan & Everinann. Hull. 17, L'. S. iiat. inu.s., 1898, |)t. 3. p.; 1000. pt. 4, pi. .304. fifj. SOS. Blrnniii.t rrfjlu.s: Walhauni, .\rtedi Pise. 1702. p. ISO. "Xnw OKK. Mk.- Oir S.^'uin Island (H. S. X. 11.. An-thusa coll.). M.vss. - Woods Hole (.Smith 1898). Cow.— Ix)ng Island .Sound (Linsley 1S44); oil" Stratford; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1800); otF Kaulkners Islan.i (Ken- dall coll. 1892). 142 FAUNA OF XEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. 322. Urophycis tenuis (Mitchill). Hake; White hake. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2555; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 365, fig. 901. Gadus tenuis :Mitchill, Kept. fish. X. Y., 1814, p. 4. "New York." Pht/cis aviericanus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 365, pi. 29, fig. 3. Me. — JNIuddy bottoms along the whole coast. Eastport (Verrill 1871); U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Portland (Bean 1880); Grounds off ]^Ioosabec Light, Petit Manan; Isle au Haute; Matinicus and Matinic Islands; southeast of Monhegan; between Monhegan and Pemaquid; off Seguin (Col- lins & Rathbun 1887); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873); Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1896; 1900 and 1903). Mass. — Between Cape Ann and Boston Light House (Storer 1839 and 1859); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H.', Storer coll.); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & Van Vleck coll.); Provincetown (Atwood 1867 and Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I.— Watch Hill (B. S. X. H., Hyatt & Rathbun coll.); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Watch Hill (Tracy 1906). Conn.— Off Stratford; :SIiddle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890). 323. Urophycis chesteri (Goode & Bean). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2556; 1900, pt. 4, p. 366, fig. 903. Phycis chesteri Goode & Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1878, vol. 1, p. 2.56. "Off Cape Ann in 140 fathoms." ^Iass. — Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879). PISCES. 143 TELKO.STO.Mi. \< \ M 1 1< "l" 11 i; I. CADIDAi: 321. rKol'ilvcis ciiis.s (\V;ill>;iim»). Squirrel hake. Jordan ^: Evfriiiaiiii. Hull. 17, V. S. uat. iiiiis.. IS<.)S, pt. ."}, j). 2.").").'); I'.HM). |)t. \, |)l. 2C.."). fit;. 902. Blcnniiis rliKs-.s Walljamn, Arti-di Pise. 1792. p. 1^0. "Xew OHK. P/ii/ci.s /Havu'ttUisu.s .StoriT, Mtiu. .Viiut. acad., ISoS, vol. (i, p. 3()7. pi. 29. fi?. 4. Me. — Coinnioii aloiijr whole coast. Eastport (Kt'iidall roll. IS'.CJ; ("ascD Hay (Kendall eoll. ISOO; 1S9S; I'.IOO; 19()2j. Mas.s.— Mas-sachusetts Hay (Storer 1S.59; H.S.N. II.); Prov- incetown (Atwood 1SG7); Hoston ((ioode 1S79); Gloucester (Hean ISSO); North Truro; Menenisha Bifrht (Kendall eoll. 1.S9G); Woods Hole (Haird 1S73 and Smith 1S9S). K. I.— Rhode Island (Uafiuesque ISIS) ; Point Judith (Milehill 1S18); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1S99). Conn. — Stonington (Linsley 1S44); oft" Bridgeport; off Strat- ford Slioal Point; Middl.- (Jround (Kendall eoll. 1S90); off Kaulk- ners Island; oil' Hrant'ord Beacon; oil' Norwalk Light House (Kendall coll. 1S92). 32o. CiAlDIfoi'SAUfs AlKJF.XTATCs ( Reiidianlt). Jordan & Kverniaiui. Hull. 47. I . .S. nat. inus., 1S9S, j)t. 3, p. 2.V)9; IlKK). pt. 4. |)l. 3(57, fig. 9()(;. Mntr/ht (irffcnfata Reinhardi, Kong. Hansk. vid. .selsk. .\i'h., 1S3S, vol. 7, |). I2S. "(Jkke.m-a.M)." Mas.s. Nahant ((Jill l.Stl3j; Beverly Beach; Wests Beach (.Storer [Putnam] 1S07); \'ineyard Sound (Goode 1S79). 144 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. 326. Enchelyopus cimbrius (Linne). Four bearded rockling. Jordan & Everraann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2560; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 367, fig. 907. Gadus cimbrius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 440. "in O. Atlantic©; Scanico." Motella caudacuta Storer. Storer, ]Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 361, pi. 29, fig. 1. Me. — Off Pemaquid (B. S. N. H., Aretliusa coll.); Jonesport (Kendall coll. 1893). Mass.— Provincetown (Storer 1848, 1859 and Bean 1880); Nahant Beach (B. S. N. H., Cooke coll.); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1859); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Smith 1898; Sherwood & Edwards 1901). 327. Brosmius brosme (Miiller). Cusk. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2561. Gadus brosme Miiller, Zool. Danicae Prodr., 1776, p. 41. "Den- mark." Brosmius flavescens LeSueur. Storer, ^Nlem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 368, pi. 29, fig. 2. Me. — Rock bottoms along the whole coast. Oft' Wells Bay and Cape Porpoise (Atwood 1867); Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); grounds off Matinicus and Monhegan islands, and off Cape Por- poise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1893). N. H.— (Linsley 1844). Mass.— Middle Bank (Storer 1839 and 1859); Massachusetts • riscKs. 145 TELKOSTOMI. .\( ' AM IK »n 1 III. CADI DAE. Hiiy (H. S. N. II.. Ston r ((ill.i; iirar Ci\\n- (Kd ^Alu 1 IStiTj; Woods I loll" (Smith 1S*)S). H. I. — Xarragansett Bay (\\. I. I'i^li Coimii. 1S90) oft" Newport (Trnoy WOO). MACHOTinOAE. 'S'2S. MaCUOURI'S BAIRDII (Joodc «^- Beau. Rattail. Goode & Bran, Ainer. jourii. sci., 1S77, vol. 14, p. 471. "Mas.s- AcmsKTTs Bay." Oceanic iditli., isyo, p. 393, pi. 90, fifj. 335. Jordan i^- Kxcrinaini, Bull. 47, T". S. nat. niiis., IS'.IS, j)t. .3, j). 2.jS3. Ml-:. -Kastport (Kendall n.ll. 1S!»3). Mass. Massachnsetts Bay ((roode & Bean 1 S77: 1X79; 1S9G); (Jloucesier [?] (Bean ISSO); \'incyard Sonnd ((ioode c'v: liean 1S9G). PLEUROXECTIDAE. 329. IIiiM»OGLOSSls iiii'i'oGLossfs ( I.,inne). HaUbut. .Ionian & Kvennann, Bnll. 17. I . S. nal. nms., 1S9S, pt. 3, j). 2(ill; 19()(). pt. 4. pi. 271, H^. 9 IS. Plruronrrti-.t hijijnxjlossu.s Linn^', Sv.st. nat., ed. 10, 17.")S, vol. ], p. 2(i9. "IX OCEAXO EUIIOPAEO." II ippoqiossiis vulr]ari'< C\\y. Storer, Meni. .\nier. acad., IS.'iS, vol. (1, p. 370, |)I. .30, fi^'. 1. Me. — Formerly ahimdant, now .scarce. Ea.sf|)ort (V . .S. nat. mns. 1.S72); New Ledge (Storer 1 X.V.I); oil" the coa.st (Kendall coll. 1S9.')). Mas.s. Nantucket .Shoal.s; .Massachnsetts Bay (."storer is.V.M; Wood.s Hole (Baird 1873); Halfway Rock, Salem Ilarhor; (Jloii- 146 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. cester Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.— Block Island (Sherwood & Edwards 190!); oflWatcli Hill and off Block Island (Tracy 1906). CoNN.^ Stoningtou (Linsley 1844). 330. HippoGLOSSOiDES PLATESSOiDES (Fabricius). Sand-dab. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2G14; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 372, fig. 919. Pleuronectes platessoides Fabr., Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, p. 164. "Greenland." Platessa dcntata Storer. Storer, Alem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 391, pi. 30, fig. 3. Mass. — Provincetown (Storer 1863); Ipswich Bay, and off Cape Ann (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll. 1879); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879 and Bean 1880); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Smhh 1898). R. I.— (Bean 1880 and Tracy 1906). 331. Paralichthys dentatus (Linne). Siinm2r floander; Flounder; Tarbot; Plaice. Jordan «Sc Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2629; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 372, fig. 922. Pleuronectes dentatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 458. "in Carolina." . Platessa ohlonga DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 395, pi. 31, fig. 2. Me.— Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1872). Mass. — -Provincetown; Wellfleet (Storer 1863); Chatham I'lsfKS. 147 TKLK( )ST( )MI. ACANTHOITKKI. PLi:rH().Ni:(Tii)AH. (H.S.N. II.. 1 );i\i(l.s(»n coll.); Xortirrniro; Moiioinoy; Meiic'inslia Hijrlit (Kfiidall toll. 1S9G); Wiuiuoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Bainl lS7:i; lioan IS.SO and Sniilli 1S9S); Xantnckct (Sliarj) & Fowk-r \\H)\). H. I.— Xarra^Mii.si-tt Bay (R. 1. Hsli c-on'iin. 1S91)). Conn-.— Stratford (Linsloy 1S44); Noank (Bean ISSO); off Stratford Point; Middle Ground (Kendall roll. 1S90). XV2. Par.\lichthys oblongus (Mitcliill). Four-spotted flounder. Jordan & Everniann, Bull. 17, V . S. nat. nui.s., l.v.ts, pt. 3, p. 2632; 11)00, pt. 4, pi. 374, fio;. 924. Pleurntwcics oblongus Mitehill, Tran.s. Hi. »lv [jliilos. soc. X. Y., LSI,-), vol. 1, p. 391. "Xew York." Platfs.sa quadrocrllata Storer. Storer, ^L'ln. Anier. aead., 1SG3, vol. S, p. 397, 1)1. 31, fig. 3. >L\s.s. — Provinectown (Storer 1847, 18G3 and Bean 1880); Wa(jUoit (Lyman 1872) ; South of Xanf ticket; Ciayhead, (B. S. X. IL, Hyatt & Simond.s coll.); Mouth of Saltin Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Xorth Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1890); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharj) cK: Fowler 1904). K. L— Xarrafian.sett Bay (H. L fi.sh comm. 1899). GoNX. — Stratford (Lin.sley 1S44); Xoank (Bean 1S80); off Stratford; off Brid«;ei)ort; Middle (iround (Keiulall.eoll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off S. W. Ix-'dire; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). 333. Li\iA\i)\ lEKKifiiNKV (Storer). Rusty dab; Rusty flounder. .Ionian & Kvermanii, Bull. 47, I . S. nat. iiiii.s., 1S9S, jd. 3, j). 2044; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 377, Hj;. 929. 148 PWUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. Platessa jemiginea Storer, Ropt., 1839, p. 141, pi. 2. "Cape Ann." Mem. Amer. acad., 1SG3, vol. 8, p. 392, pi. 30, fig. 4. Me.— Casco Bay (U. S. nat. inus. 1873). Mass. — Cape Ann (Storer 1839 and 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Salem; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896) ;• Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 334. PsEUDOPLEURONECTES AMERicANUS (Walbauni). Winter flounder; Flounder; Roughback Flounder; Flatfish. * Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2647; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 379, fig. 933. Pleiironedes amcricanus Walbaum, Artedi Pise, 1792, p. 113. "New York." Platessa plana Storer. Storer, INIem. Amer, acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 389, pi. 30, fig. 2. Me. — Common along the whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878 and Bean 1880); Portland (Bean 1880); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892; 1893; 1896; 1900); Lower Penobscot River (Kendall coll. 1892); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). Mass. — Boston Harbor (Storer 1843); Deer Island (Storer 1839; 1863); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); Orleans (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Goode 1879; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.) ; New Bedford; Woods Hole; Provincetown; Bos- ton (Jordan & Evermann 1898). piscKs. 149 TELP:<)ST(>MI. ACANIIIolTKin. rLKrUONECTllJAi;. 1{. 1. — Xarni^aiisi'tt Bay (It. I. fisli foiniii. 1S99); Coiiiiiii- cut (Pope coll.); Willow Hcadi ami (irt'i-nwich liay (IVacy I'.KKl). C(>NN'. — "Coininon" (Liiislcy iSM); oil' Bri(l;,'<'|)()rt ; (»ll" Strat- ford; Middle (Jround (Kt'iidall coll. 1S«)()); oil" Hraiifonl Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). 335. Ll()P.SETT.\ PUTN'AMI (Gill). Smooth flounder; Smooth-back flounder. Jordan & Evennann. Bull. 17. l'. S. nat. imis., ISQS, pt. 3, p. 2GoO; 1«K)(), pt. 4, pi. 3.S(), fij;. \yM\. Kurhalnrodus pitfnnwi (iill, Proc. aca, |). 430, pi. 102, fig. 350. Jordan & Evennann, Bull. 47, U. S. nut. mus., 1898, j)t. 3, p. 2057. Pleuronectrs ripiofj/o.ssiis Liiuie, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 209. "in Ocea.nu Beloilm aliae.nte." Mk.- t:astport ((Joode & Bean 1890). Ma.s.s. — Oir .Salem ((Joode & Bean 1879); (Jloucester (Bean 1880); Ma.s.saclmsetts Bay (Bean 1880 and Goode & Bean 1S90). 150 fauna of new england. teleostomi. acanthopteri. pleuront:ctidae. 337. LOPHOPSETTA MACULATA (Mitcllill). Window pane; Plaice Sand-dab. Jordan Sc Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 189S, pt. 3, p. 2660; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 382, fig. 938. Pleuronectes mnculatus INIitchill, Kept. fish. X. Y,, 1814, p. 9. "Xew York." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 398, pi. 31, fig. 4. Me. — Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1875 and Bean 1880); Bucks- port (Goode 1884); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Bean 1880; Smith & Kendall 1896). Mass. — P^ovincetow^l (Storer 1845 and Bean 1880); Holmes Hole (Storer 1863); ^Yaquoit (Lvman 1872); Salem Harbor; Gloucester Harbor; Milk Island (Goode & Bean 1879); Vineyard Sound; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Me- nemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and $mith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. — Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CoNX. — Bridgeport; Stonington (Linsley 1844) ; Noank (Bean 1880); off Bridgeport; off Stratford; ^^liddle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off S. AV. Ledge; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). SOLEIDAE. 338. AcHiRus FASciATUS Laccpedc. Hogchoker. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poiss., 1802, vol. 4, p. 659. "Charleston, S. C." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2700; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 387, fig. 948. Achirus mollis Cuv. Storer, ISIem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 400, pi. 32, fig. 1, 6. PISCES 151 TELKOSTOMI. Ar AXTIIorTi: IH. SOLKIDAK. Mass. 'raslimorc roiid, llolmcs IIoK- (StoiH-r Is;)'.)) ; Naliaiil (Storcr 1S42); Hulnies Hole; Cliark-s River (Sturcr 1SG3); Woods Hole (Bainl 1S73); Xaliant, Provincetown (Goode & Bean 1879); New Bedford (Bean ISSO); Menemsha Bifjht (Kendall coll. 189G); Warehaiu River; \'ineyard Sound; Woods Hole (Smith 1898). K. 1. -Providenee; Newport (Bean 1880); Xarragan.sett Bay (R. I. (ish comni. 1S«>9); Coniniicut (Pope eoU. 1894-97). Coxx. — Stratford (Linsley 1844); near Hartford (Ayres 1844); off Stratford; Middle (Jround (Kendall roll. 1890). L01'H1II).\E. 339. LoPHius I'iscATORius Linne. Goosefish; Monkfish. Linne. Syst. nat., ed. 10, 17">S. vol. 1, |). 230. "'ix (JcKAXO Eiuoi'AEO SLB LAPIDU.M FoitxiciBUs." Jordan &: Evcrniann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2713; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 388, fig. 952. Loplilu.s amrricanuJi (jiv. Storer, Mem. Ann r. a(aee 18,S.-); Kendall eoll. lN90; 1900). Mass.— Massachusetts Bay * (Storer 1839 and ("utting 1800); Boston Bay (Storer 18.39); Provincetown (Storer 1855); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Xorth Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1890); \ineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Coxv. - Bridge|)ort ; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 152 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTU.Ml. ACANTHOPTERI. ANTENNARIIDAE. 340. Pterophryne histrio (Linne). Mousefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nins., 1898, pt. 3, p. 27 1(). LopJiius histrio Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 237. "in Pelago inter Fucum natantem." Chironectes laevigatus Cuv. Storer, ]\Iem. Ainer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 270, pi. 18, fig. 3. Mass.— Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1855); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. — Montauk Point (?); mouth of Sakonnet River (Tracy 1906). Conn. — Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). OGCOCEPHALIDAE. 341. DiBRANCHus atlanticus Peters. Peters, Monats. kon. akad. wiss. Berlin, 1876, (1875), p. 736, pi. "West Africa 360 fathoms." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 501, pi. 122, fig. 413. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2743. R. L— Off Block Island (Goode & Bean 1896); Newport [?] (Jordan & Evermann 1898). (iPccasional papers OF THE Boston Soclctn of ^^atural ^^istorn VII. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. 11. LIST OF THE AVES By glover M. ALLEN. BOSTON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY FROM THE GURDON SALTOxNSTALL FUND. JONB, 1009. <"» AYES. Tlie following list aims to inclikk' all species of birds known to have occurred in New England within historic times. Those only whose occurrence is believed to be natural are given a serial number, while introduced, escaped, or h}pothetical species are given in a sej)arate list. Tiie nomenclature is that adoj)ted by the American ornithologists' union, including the changes of the 14th supplement to the Check-List, July, 190S. Of the vernacular names, the first given is in each case that of the Check-List, and those following are local names current for the most part in New P2ngland. Unless otherwise stated, the term "migrant" means that the s|)ecies oc- curs in both the spring and the fall migrations; "summer resident" implies that the species breeds; "resident," that individual birds remain the entire year in the State. The migration and nesting dates given, are almost wholly those available from published sources and are hence in many cases, somewhat meager. Un- usual dates are enclosed within j)arentheses. If the records for the presence of a given sj)ecies within any State do not e.xceed three, the j)lace and (kite of each are given if known. For brevity of citation, references to figures of eggs in the works of Bendire, Ca|jen, and Seebohm are given by the name of the author f(jllowed by the date, plate, and figure. The titles of these works follow : — Bendire, C. Life histories of North American birds with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Special bull, no. 1, U. S. nat. mus., 1892, viii4-446 p., 12 pis.; special bull. no. 3, U. S." nat. mus., 1895, i.\ 4-518 pp., 7 pis. Capen, Elwin A. Oology of New England: a description of the eggs, nests, and Ijreeding habits of the birds known to breed in New England, with colored illustrations of their eggs. Boston, 1886, 4to, 116 pp., 25 pis. Seebohm, Henry. Coloured figures of the eggs of British birds, with descriptive notices. Sheffield, .\.\iv-|-304 pp., j)ls. Me Colyiiildis lutlhofllii — jiiiritiis — Po(liIyiiil)ns j)()(liceps — Gavia inuiicr — arctica — stellata — Lniida cirrhata — I-'ratcrciila arctica — Ce|)i)lius <;rvlli' 4- Uria troilc — lonivi.i . — Alca tonia — Phmtiis iiu|)cniiis .... — Alio alio _ Mcfjalcstris .skua Stercorariu.s poinarimi.s + parasiticii.s — loiipcaiidus — Pafjophila alha Rissa trirjactyla — Lani.s hypcrhorcu.s — lciicoj)t('ni.s -j- kiimlicni — niarimis ar<,'ciitani.s ciclawarcnsis atricilla Philadelphia Xeiiia sal)iiiii Geloclu'lidon nilotica Sterna caspia ina.xiina .sandvicen.sj.s acuflavida . forsteri hiniiido paradisaca dou^'alli antillannii 1 N.H. + Vt. Mass. R.I. + i- — + — + — — + ? 4- — ? + - ? + ?l + — Conn. + 1 + + ' — — + — ? + — + — + + + — I 4- — Sterna fuscata Hydrochelidon nigra surinaraensis Rvnchops nigra Me. Fulmarus glacialis Puffi nus borea ans gravis gnseiLS .... Aestrelata hasitata .... Daption capensis .... Oceanodroma leucorhoa Oceanites oceanicus . . . Sula leucogastra .... bassana Phalacrocorax carbo . . . auritus . . Pelecanus er}'throrhynchos . occidentalis . . Fregata aquila Mergus americanus . . . serrator .... Lophod}1:es cucullatus . . Anas plat^Th^Tichos . . . rubripes Chaulelasmus streperus , . Mareca penelope .... americana .... Nettion crecca carolinensis . . . Querquedula discors . . . Spatula ch'peata .... Dafila acuta Aix sponsa Marila americana .... vallisneria .... marila afHnis collaris Clangula clangula americana islandica . . . Charitonetta albeola . . . Harelda hyemalis .... Histrionicus histrionicus Camptorhynchus labradorius + + + N.H, + + + Vt. + ? Mass. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + i + + +■ + Conn. vir<;mianu.s Porzaiia Carolina ('otiirni(Oj)s noveborac Creciscus jainuicensis (^ri'x crcx loiioriiis iiiartiiiica . rensis Soinatcria mollissima borealis (Iresseri sjXM'tabilis . Oidcinia aiiicricana il<';:laiiili |)(Ts|ii(illata Erisinatiira jainaironsis Xoinoiiyx (loiniiiifus . Clu'ii liypcrbnrca nivalis taonilcsccns Anser albifrons p^ambeii Branta canadensis hutchinsii l)crnicla g;laucoga.stra iii;;ricans Icucopsis Olor cvgniis colniiibianus . buccinator Guara alba Ple<:a(iis aiitumnalis Myctcria aiiicricana Hotaiirus Icntifjino.sus Ixobrychus exilis Anlea hcrodias Ilerodias ct('s iiii^rratorius . . . . ZiMiaia (ilaux luiicrca richardsoiii . . Me. + ? + N.H Vt. V + + + + + + + ? + + Mass.lR. I. V + + Conn. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Glaux acadicus Otus asio Bubo virginianus subarcticus . heterocnemis Nyctea nyctea Surnia ulula caparoch . . . Speot}io euniciilaria h^-pogaea Coccyzus americanus . . . erj-throphthalmus . . Ceryle alcyon Dryobates ^illosus pubescens medianus Picoides arcticus americanus . . . . Sphyrapicus varius . . . . Phloeotomus pileatus abieticola Melanerpes en^hrocephalus Centurus carolinus Colaptes auratus luteus . . . Antrostomus carolinensis . . . vociferus . . . Chordeiles virginianus . . . Chactura pelagica . . . . Troc'hilus colubris . . . . Muscivora forficata . . . . Tyrannus tyrannus . . . . dominicensis . verticalis . . . . M^'ia^chus crinitus . . . . Sayornis phoebe saya Nuttallornis borealis . . . . M^iochanes virens . . . . Empidonax flaviventris . . . virescens . . . . traillii alnorum . minimus ... Otocoris alpestris .... praticola . ho}1:i . Cyanocitta cristata . . . Perisoreus canadensis . . . Corvus corax principalis . Me. N.H. Vt. + + + + + + + + + + + Mass. + + + + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + — + — I + + R.I. I Conn. + + + + — — + + + + Corvus bracliyrliyiichos . . . . ossifrajriis Stnrniis viilsj)«>rtina I'iiiicola cmiclcator Iciu-iira . . . C'arj)0(lacu.s purpiircus .... Ix)xia furvirostra minor .... l(MHnpt(>ra Acanthis liornciiiannii e.xilipe.s . liiiaria Iu)ll)0('llii ro.strata .... "brt'w.stt'ri" A.straf:alinu.s tri.sti.s Spinns j)iniis .s|)inii.s Plectroplicnax iiivali.s Calcariu.s Ia})poni(u.s ornatiLs Poocct'te.s prainiiipiis Pa.s.scrcnliis |iriiir()riiis fonnosa :i^'ilis pliila(l('l|)hia 0<'otlilypi.s trichas Ictcria virens Wil.sonia citriiia piisilla caMadcnsis . . . . S('f()j)lia<;a nilicilla Anthiis rnlx'sct'n.s Mi mils |)()ly^l<)ttos I )iiiiictclla caniliiiciisis r(»\(>st()iiia nifiiin .... 'riirvotlioriis liidovicianus 'J'hrvomaiics bcwifkii .... Tro^jlodytcs acilon Xaiiniis liiciiialis Cistotlionis stcllaris .... 'rdiiiatodMcs paliistris ("crtliia faiiiiliaris aiiu'ricana Sitta caroliiu'iisis + • + + ? • ■^~" — + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sitta canadensis Baeolophus bicolor .... Penthestes atricapillus hiulsonicus Regulus satrapa calendula Polioptila caorulea Hylociclila niustelina .... fuscescens . . . . salicicola . aliciae bicknelli . ustulata swainsonii . guttata pallasii . . Planesticus migratorius . . . Ixoreus naevius Sialia sialis Me. + N.H. ? + vt. Mass. R.I. + + + + + + — + + + + + + + Conn. 10 AVES. PYCOPODKS. COLYMHI COLY.MlilDAE. 1. ('(H.VMius iioi.Hoji MI (Hciiihardt) Kidgway. Holboell's grebe; Red-necked grebe. Podireps liolhollli Rcinh., Vidcnsk. int'ddt-l. uaturh. forli. Kjubcn- havt'ii for 1S53, 18.34. p. 7<>. "Gkoxlaxd. . . . Julianehaabs DiSTKIKT." Podirrjjs rubricolli.s Lath. Audubon. Hirds of Amcr., 1S44, vol. 7. |). .312 pi. 480. Frt'sh and salt water; nests among rushes in sloughs. Mk. — Unconiinon winter resident eoastwise. Sept.-Aj)ril 24. N. H. — Uneoniinon migrant and eoastwise winter resident. Oet.-May (June). Vt. — Rare migrant : Middlelxirv; Wells River; Windsor, spring. Mas.s. — Uneommon migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwi.se. (Sept.) Oct. 1()-May 24. R. I. — L'neommon winter resident coastwise. Oct. 23-jMay 2. C'ONX. — Uncommon winter resident coa.stwise. Oct. 19-spring. 2. ('((i.YMiu s Ai liiTi s Linninn^. .\udubon. Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7. p. ;nls on slutn-s (if lakes. Me., N. II. — Comiiioii inij^rant, li'.ss comiuon winter and sum- nuT resident. Ejijjs, June 11 10 (Jnly). Vt. — l'neonini<»n smnnier resident. Mas.s. — Cuninion niit;rant an,'rant and winter resident eoa.stwi.se; a few non-breeilinj; birds summer oH'shon'. Sept. 15-May 28; summer. CoXN, — Conunon winter resident coastwi.se; fornterly a rare snnnner H'sident (Kasthainj)ton). ()et.-A|)ril 20. 5. G\vi\ AitfTir-A d.imi^') .Mien. Black-throated loon or diver. Coli/vihuM arriirii.s Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, I TwS, noI. 1. p. l,i."». "is EiHoi'A iS: Amkhka hohkai.i." Andtdjon. Hirds of Amer., 1S44. v(.l. 7, p. 20."), pi. 177. Kjij,', S«'ebolim. ISOb, p. 7S, pi. 21, fip 1. 8<'aeoa.sts ; ne.sts on tiie jjronnd. Ml. Rare wiiner visiKn-; (liina, Kennebec Co., April 10, 1800; Cntler. Dee. 8. 1.S81. Ma.s.s.— Donbtfnlly reeonle*!. Conn. — Donbtfidly recorded ( ? near Sonthbridp-. Mas.s.). PYGOPODES. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. GAVIIDAE. CEPPHI. 6. Gavia stellata (Pontoppidan) A. O. U. comm. Red-throated loon; Cape-race; Little loon; Red-throated diver; Scape-grace. Colymbus stellatus Pontopp., Danske atlas, 1763, vol. 1, p. 621. (Based on Willughby.) Colymbus septentrionalis Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 299, pi. 478. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 78, pi. 21, fig. 2. Salt water mainly, sometimes on lakes; nests on the ground. Me., N. H. — Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise. (Aug. 16) Sept. 22-(June 22). Vt — Rare migrant. Xov. 1. Mass.— Uncommon spring, common fall migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise; casual in summer. Aug. 27- April 8 (July 2). ^ P. I. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Oct.l-April 27 (summer). Coxx. — Common winter resident, coastwise. Oct.-Mav. ALCIDAE. 7. LuNDA ciRRHATA (Pallas) Palla§. Tufted puffin. Alca cirrhata Pallas, Spic. zool., 1769, fasc. 5, p. 7, pi. 1; pi. 2, figs. 1-3. "ix Mari INTER Kamtschatk.\m ET Americam Archi- PELAGUMGUE KURILUM." Mormon cirrhatns Lath. Audubon. Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 234, pi. 462. Rockv sea coasts; nests in burrows. Me. — Accidental visitor: mouth of Kennebec River, winter of 1831-32. AVKS. 5 pvc;upui)i:s. cepphi AI.CinAE. S. Fkatehcila arctica {Linn^>) Sclijitfcr. Puffin; Paroqueet; Sea parrot. Alra arctica Linn^, Syst. iiai., (■. 130. "iN ElKOI'AK HOKKAIJS OCKANO." Mormon arctlciis Linn^. Aiinl)tfnlly reported. 9. Ckim'IR-.s gryli.k (Linne) Hrelini. Black giiillemot; Pigeon murre; Sea pigeon. Alca gn///c LinnC*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 17ob, vol. 1. p. 130. "rv EUUOI'AE BOKKAI.I.S OCKANO." Una gri/lle (Liinie). Andnl)on. Birds of Amer., 1.S44, vol. 7. j». 272. |.l. 474. Eg^r. Capen. ISSO. pi. 24, figs. 7. 8. Rocky .seacoa.sts; nests in deej) crevices of rock-s. Mk. — Coninion winter residi-nt eoa.stwise; less common siiniiner resident from Knox Co. eastward. Eggs. June l'i-2'.i. N. II. — Uncommon winter visitor eoastwi.se. Ma.s.s. — rncoinmon winter visitor coastwi.se. S«*pt.-.\pril 1*.) (May). R. I. — Rare winter visiinr. Nov. IS-.Vpril. Coxx. — Rare winter visitor coastwise: Stony Creek, Dec, 1887. 6 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. ALCIDAE. 10. Uria troile (Linne) Latham. Murre; Foolish guillemot; Guillemot. Cones, Key No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 1082, figs. 742, 743. Cohjnihvs froille (sic) Linne, Fauna Suec., ed. 2, 1761, p. 52. "in alto mart septentrionali." Alca froile (Linne). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, pi. [621]. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 9; pi. 25, fig. 1-3. Rocky seacoasts; nests on sea cliffs. Me. — Rare winter \isitor: Eastport, Dec. 27, 1886; Scarbor- ough. Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass.— Rare winter visitor: " ^Massachusetts " (Society collec- tion). R. L — Doubtfully recorded. Conn. — ? Rare winter \'isitor (Merriam, probably in error for U. lomvia). 11. Uria lomvia (Linne) Bryant. Briimiich's murre; Briimiich's guillemot; Ice-bird; Large-billed guillemot; Sea crow. Alca lomvia Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 130. "in EUROPA BOREALI." Uria hrunnichii Sabine. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 265, pi. 472. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 94, pi. 26, figs. 5, 6. Rocky seacoasts; nests on sea cliffs. Me. — Common winter Aisitor coastwise, casual inland; a doubt- ful breeding record (Penobscot Bay, M. Hardy). Nov. 23-Mar. N. H. — Irregular winter \isitor coastwise; occasional inland. Nov. 25-Mar. AVES. 7 PYflOPODKS. CKPPHI. ALCIDAE. Vt. — Irn-giilar winter \-isItor. Nov.-Jan. Mass. — rnconiiiion. irrcjiular wiiilcr visitor coastwise; occa- sional inland. Xov. 21-Mar. 14 {.V|)ril lo). K. I. — I'nconunon ami irri'<;ular winter visitor. Nov. 15- Feh. 23. CoN'N. — Irrejjnlar winter \i^ii(»r, souietinies coinnion. Ndv. 18- Feb. 10. 12. .\i.(\ T(n;i>\ Linne. Razor-billed auk; Razor-bill; Tinker murre; Turre. Linn<''. Sy.st. nat.. ed. 10, IToS;. vol. 1, p. 130. "i.\ Europae HouKALis ocp:ano." .\n(lnl)on. Birds of Ainer., 18-44, vol. 7, p. 247, pi. 4(')('.. Ktrjr, Capen, 188C.. pi. 2.5. fie;. 4-G. Rocky seacoasts; nests in rock cre\ices. Mk. — (.'oniinon winter visitor loa.stwise; .said to have nested formerly. N. II. — I'nconinion winter visitor coastwise. Xov.-Mar. Mass. — Unconinionwintervisitorcoji.stwi.se. Xov. 1-April 15. H. I. — Hare winter visitor cojistwi.se. Xov. 15-Feh. 4. Conn. — H;irc winter visitor coastwise. 13. I'l.Ai US iMi'K.NMs d^iini^') Steenstrup. Great auk; Garefowl. Alra iinfM'tinl.t Linn^, Syst. n:it., «(l. 10. 175S, vol. 1. j). 130. "i.\ Hiuoi'A AHCTiCA." Auduhoii, Birds of Anier., 1844, vol. 7, |». 245, j)l. 4(15. EgS, S. Grieve, Gn'iit .\uk, or Garefowl, I.K)ndon, 1885, pis. 1, 2 (opj.. |.p. 108, 109). Formerly a cojustwi.se species, breedinjj jit Fnnk Id., near Xew- fonndland, and at a few j)laces on the Enropean coast; last spec- imen killed in 1S44. 8 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. ALCIDAE. Me.. X. H.. ^NIass. — Formerly a winter A-isitor coast^-ise. R. I., Coxx. — Probably occurred formerly as a winter \-isitoi coast^vise (bones in shell heaps at Block Id., R. I.). 14. Alle alle (Linne) Stejneger. Dovekie; Ice-bird; Kaotty; Little auk; Pine-knotty; Rotche; Sea dove. AIca alle Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, IToS, vol. 1. p. 131. "ix EuROPAE, Americae arcticae oce.\xo." Mergulus alle Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 257, pi. 469. Egg, Seebohm. 1S96, p. 95, pi. 26, fig. 3. Rocky coasts; nests on ledges or in cre\ices of sea cliffs. Me. — Uncommon winter \-isitor coastwise, casual inland; Late Xov.-!Mar. 15. X. H.— Uncommon winter ^-isilo^ coast^-ise; casual inland. Vt. — Accidental winter \-isitor. Mass. — Uncommon winter \-isitor, coast^nse; casual inland. (Sept.) Xov. 4-May 1. R. I. — Rare and irregular "v\-inter \isitor coastwise; casual in- land. Xov. 14- April 27. Cox'X. — Rare and irregular winter \isitor coastwise; casual inland. (Sept.) X'ov. 10. LONGIPENNES. STERCORARIIDAE. 15. Megale.stris SKrA (Briinnich) Ridg^vay. Skua; Great Skua; Sea-hen. Catharacfa skiia Briinn.. Ornith. borealis, 1764. p. 33. "e FeROA & ISL.VXDIA."' Megalestris catarrhacies (Linne). Saunders, Cat. birds Brit- ish mus., 1896, vol. 25, p. 315. avp:s 9 lont;ipen*nes. stehcohakiidak. Strrrorariii.t ratarrlinctr.t (Limi^). DrcsstT, Bin Is of EiirojX', 1S71-S1. vol. 8, |)1. [Vm]. Ejr^ on the gn)und. Me. — Uncommon migrant offshore; casual in summer. May- June; (July) .\ug.-Oct. 10 FAUNA OF NEAY ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. STERCORARIID.AE. N. H. — Uncommon migrant offshore. Sept. Mass. — Uncommon migrant and summer \isitor offshore; rare in winter. May 31-Oct. 14 (Jan., Feb.). R. I. — Rare migrant offshore: Charlestown Beach, three, Sept. 2, 1897. Conn. — Rare migrant offshore: Bridgeport; Portland, fall, 1875. 18. Stercorarius longicaudus Vieillot. Long-tailed jaeger; BufEon's jaeger or skua; Marlinspike; Whiptail. Vieill., Xouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 32, p. 157. "le xord DE l'Europe, de l'Asie et de l'Amerique." Lestris 'parasiticus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 192, pi. 453. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 117, pi. 37, fig. 5. Largely marine; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare migrant offshore. Vt. — Accidental migrant: West Castleton, Sept. 7, 1877. Mass. — Rare migrant. Spring; Aug. 24-Sept. 29. Conn. — Rare or accidental visitor: Community Lake, Walling- ford, Aug. 30, 1873. LARIDAE. 19. Pagophila alba (Gunnerus) Coues. Ivory gull. Larus alhus Gunn., in Leem's Beskriv. Finmark. Lapp., 1767, p. 285 (note). Northern Norway. Larus eburneus Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7 p. 150, pi. 445. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 115, pi. 32, fig. 3. Arctic seas, following the pack ice; nests on rocky cliff's. AVES. 1 1 U)X(iIl'EXNE8. LAUIUAE. Mk. — The lioardiiijiii nconl nlVrs to a New Brunswick speci- men. Mass. — Accidental winter visitor: Mononioy Id.. l>»c. 1, ISSO. L'O. UissA 1 Hil)A( 1^ LA (Linne) Honajjarte. Kittiwake; Frost-bird; Jack gull; Meterick; Pinny owl or Pinyole; Snow gull; Winter gull. Jjinis tridacti/liis Linn^, Sy.st. nat., nl. 10. 1 7oS, vol. 1, \<. VSi). "i.\ EiKoi'A s^:I'T^:^TRIONALI." Audubon, Hird.s of Ainer., 1844. vol. 7, p. 14(). pi. 444. Efig. Sanuiels, Orniih. and ool. \. Iv, 1S07, pi. 4. H-- •■i- Maritime; ncsts on .sea cliffs. Me.^ — Common fall and winter visitor offshore; casual inland, and in summer. Xov.-A|)ril (June; July 11, 1903, Jericho Bay, l.arrcn l)ird; Jidy 14, 1007. oil" Portland). N. II. — Common tail and winter visitor offshore. Nov. 1- sprin^. Vt. — Ran' winter visitor: Kno.shur^' Falls, Nov. 12, I'JOd; St. .\ll)an.s; St. Johnsbury. Ma.ss. — Common fall and winter visitor offshore, casual inland. Sept. (i-Mar. 10. K. I. — Common fall and winter \isitor offshore. Nov. -Mar. 23. Conn. — Uncommon fall and winter visitor offshore. Fall- April 14. 21. Laui s iivi'KRitoRF.i's Gunucrus. Glaucous gull; Burgomaster; Owl gull; White minister. Gunnerus, in I^eni'.s Beskriv. Finnuirk. Lapp., 17(17, p. 220 (note). I>. 283 (note). No ioi ality. Larus glaucii.t Briinii. Audnljon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 170. pi. 449. Kfij;, Seebohm, 1890, p. 112, pi. 32, fi^rs. 4, 5. Seacoasts; n<'sts on cliffs. 12 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. ^Ie. — Rare winter A-isitor. Late Xov.-April 27. X. H. — Rare winter visitor: Hampton, about Feb. 20, 1880, and in ^lay. Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Rare winter A-isitor. Nov. 29-April 23 (May 26, 1907, Ipswich). R. I. — Rare winter visitor: Newport, ■Nlar. 12, 1900 (three): Dec. 1901. 22. Larus LErcoPTERUS Faber. Iceland gull; White-winged gull. Faber, Prodr. Isl. ornith., 1822, p. 91. "im Winter nach Island." Saunders, Cat. birds British mus., 1896, vol. 25, p. 296. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, pi. 447. Egg, Seebohm 1896, p. 113, pi. 33, fig. 3. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare winter \'isitor. Xov.-April. Mass. — Rare winter \'isitor. Xov. 4-]Mar. 20. Coxx. — Rare winter ^-isitor: Stamford, Feb. 16, 1894. 23. Larus kumliexi Brewster. Kumlien's gull; Lesser glaucous-winged gull. Brewst., Bull. Xuttall ornith. club, 1883, vol. 8, p. 216. "Cum- berland Sound, Arctic America." Dwight, Auk, 1906, vol. 23, p. 36-41, pi. 1, figs. Coastwise; breeds on Arctic coasts. Me. — Probably occasional winter \-isitor: near Eastport (may have been X. B.); "seen" in Portland Harbor and at Scarborough. Mass. — Rare Avinter visitor: Boston Harbor, Feb. 22, 1905; AVES. 13 I.ONT.irKNNKS. LAKlDAi:. Plymouth. .laii. ."). 1S88 (I)\vi<;lit. iininainn'); Boston and Swanip- scott. two or nion-. !)»•<•. 29. 1«M)7-Mar. i:^. \\M^. Coxx. — Hart' winter visitor: Stamford. Kch. KJ, 1S94 (Dwight, immatnn*)- 24. Laius M vKixrs Liiiii(''. Great black-backed gull; Black-back; Black minister; Coffin carrier; Ghost-bird; Minister; Saddle-back. \Aim6, Syst. nat.. .-d. 10. 17.58, vol. 1. p. 130. "i\ Euhopa." Andnl)on, Birds of Anicr., 1844. vol. 7. ]>. 172, pi. 4.')(). Eiiiiini»r). .\. II. — Common winter rt'.sidt-nt coa.stwi.se, Oct. 15-sj)ring. Ma.ss. — Common winter resident coa.sttN'ise ; a few non-hreeding hirds summer. Late Aug.-May 1 (summer). K. 1. — ■ ('(jnnnon winter resident coastwise. Aug. 2(3-.\pril 23. CoN.v. — UneommoM winter resident coastwise. Fall-Mar. 2."3. LaIU S AlUiK.NTATlS rollloppidau. Herring gull; Gray gull; Sea gull; Winter gull. l'ontop|)., Danske atlas, 17()3, vol. I, |). (122. No locality. .VuduhoM. Birds of Ainer., 1S44, vol. 7. p. 1<»3, |)1. lis. Hgg, (^apcn, 188(), pi. 22. fig. 4-0. S<'acoa.sts. large rivers and lakes; nests on the ground or ran-ly in trees. Mk. — Ahundant n-sident, l»reeding mainly on outer islands, rarely on inland lakes. Kggs. (May 14) .lune 12-.Iidy 18 (Aug. 19)." 14 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. X. H. — Common migrant and Avinter resident; less common summer A-isitor coastwise. Vt. — Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (Lake Champlain). ^NIass. — Common migrant and winter resident, less common summer A-isitor coastwise; not now known to breed (nested at Wepecket Id., 1882, Mackay). R. I. — Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Sept. 10-May 22; summer. Coxx. — Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Oct.-May; summer. 26. Larus delaw'arexsis Ord. Ring-billed gull. Ord, Guthrie's Geogr., hist., and commercial grammar, 2d Amer. ed., 1815, vol. 2, p. 319. "ox the Delaw^vre below Philadelphia." Chapman, Handb. birds east. Xo. Amer., 1895, p. 73. Larus zonorhijnchus Richardson. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 152, pi. 446. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ]\Ie., X. H. — Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident coastwise. Mar.-April; Oct.-Xov. (winter). Mass. — Uncommon migrant coastwise. Spring; July 17- Oct. 30. R. I. — Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Xov.-April. Coxx. — Uncommon migrant and winter resident. AVES. 15 L()N(;ii'i:\m;s. LA HI DAK. 27. Laris ATHirii.i.A I.ini)<^. Laughing gull; Black-headed gull; Black-poll. Limit'. Sy.st. nat., cd. 10. 17.>8. vol. 1. p. i:i«i. "Amkkica." Audubon. Birds of Anur.. 1S44, vol. 7, p. 13(^ pi. 113. Kjt^, Cayx'n. 1880. pi. 23. %. 1-3. St'ac'oast.s; ne.st.s on the '.• I, l*'»'l). 2U, IS'Jl). May 1 ()1. 2:^. fijj. G-S. S<'a(*)asfs; nests on the f;roun«l. Mk. — C'oninion summer n-sident coastwise. May-Sept. Efjfjs, June 2S. Ma.s,s.— L'ncommon lo<'al summer resident coastwise; ocea- .sional inland. May-Oct. Coxx. — Mi;;ranf. 37. Stki{\a Dole; VI I I Muiiia>;u. Roseate tern; Mackerel gull. Montaj;u, Ornith. diet.. su|)|)l.. ISlii, j». [3S0], 1 pi. "wk.st HlfJHi.AXD.s OF ScoTLAXD." Chapman. Ilandl). hirds east. No. Anier.. 1895. p. 8.3, fig. (11. r; l)nss«r. Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. S. pi. [.>S1]. Egg. Capen. LSKli. pi. 23. fig. 9-11. Seacoast.s; ne.sts on .sandy or p«'l)l)ly shores. 20 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. Me. — Rare summer visitor coastwise; not certainly known to breed. Mav-Aiig. 31. N. H. — Formerly rare summer resident at Isles of Shoals. Mass. — Locally common summer resident coastwise. May 1- Oct. 4. Eggs, May 20-July 30. R. I.— Common migrant and summer ^'isitor; not known to nest. May-Oct. Conn. — Common migrant and local summer resident. Eggs, June 20. 38. Sterna antillarum (Lesson) Cones. Least tern; Little striker; Oyt. Sternula antillarum Less., Descr. mamm. et. ois., 1847, p. 256. "Antilles. . . . principalement Guadeloupe." Sterna minuta Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 119, pi. 439. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 23, fig. 12-14. Seacoasts and lakes; nests on the ground. Me. — Formerly Tare summer resident in Casco Bay. N. H. — Rare migrant: Hampton. Mass. — Uncommon summer resident, from Cape Cod south (formerly at Ipswich); elsewhere now casual. (April 27) May 4- Oct. Eggs, May 31- June 29. R. I. — - Now rare but formerly a more common summer visitor coastwise. -Aug. 20. Conn. — Rare migrant and summer visitor, formerly common. '^O. Sterna fuscata Linne. Sooty tern; Egg-bird. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 228. "in Insula DOMINICENSI." AVES. 21 LOXCIPKNNKS. LAI! I DAK. Sterna fu/i'f/ino.'it(ir: I'arkiMiin. ()ft. ."). 187S. N. II. — Accidt'iital visitor: .Xcwiiiarki't, ahout Sept. 14, 1878; (nrr Lake \Vii)iU'|)('sauk<'c). Vt. — Accidental visitor: Lake Chainplain, early Sept. 1870; Untland. 1S70. M \.ss. — Accidental visitor: ("liathani. Sept. 1877; I.,awrence, Oct. 21), 1S70: Willianistown. Se|)t. 1870. U. 1. — Accidental visitcen, Jnne 0, ISSii. Mas.s. — Hare spring and uncommon early fall migrant. .Iiine 7-10; (.Inly 11) Aug. 8-Sept. 20. K. I. rncoinmon migrant, mainly in fall, coast\vi>e. Spring; .Inly M) .Sept. 18. ('u\x.— rn<«)mmon migrant coastwise, mainly in fall. Ang. 24. 22 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. RYNCHOPIDAE. 41. Rynchops nigra Linne. Black skimmer; Cut-water; Scissor-bill; Sea-crow; Sea-dog; Razor-bill. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758. vol. 1, p. 138. "America. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 67, pi. 428. Seacoasts; nests on sandy shores. Me. — Accidental A-isitor: Matinicus Id.; off Saco, Aug. 31, 1879; Washington Co.; Wells Bay. Mass. — Occasional summer visitor coastwise, said to have bred about 1830 at Muskeget Id.; casual inland (Springfield). July 16-Aug. 19. Conn. — Accidental visitor: Stonington (Linsley). TUBINARES. PROCELLARIIDAE. 42. FuLMARUS GLACiALis (Linne) Stephens. Fulmar; Marbleheader; Noddy; Oil-bird. Procellaria glaciali-s Linne, Fauna Suec, ed. 2, 1701, ]). 51. "iX MARI SEPTENTR. INTRA CIRCULU-M ARCTICUM." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 204, pi. 455. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 73, pi. 20, fig. 5. Mainly pelagic; nests in shallow burrows or on cliffs. Me. — Rare winter A-isitor offshore: "coast of Maine," March, 1879. Mass.^ Rare fall and winter \nsitor offshore: Georges Bank. Oct. 28-winter. AVES. 23 TIIUN \i{i;s. rR(K'i:LI.AKIlUAE. 4'.i. PlKKlNls ii(»KKAlJs (.'ory. Cory's shearwater. Cory. Hull. Nuttall oniiih. cliil). ISSl, vol. ('.. p. 84. ".nkau ("llATIlWI Isl.ANM, CaTK Col), MaSS. " I'ilap<-; nest iiiikiiown. Mass. — I'licrdiunoii sinmiicr and fall visitor oH'shorc. Aufj. 2- Nov. R. I. — I'licoimiion siiiniiH T aini tall \isitf»r oMsliorc Au, and northwest pass., IMS. |». 110, pi. 12, fii;. 1. " i.atitidk OF Cape Kahkwki-i. and Statf.x Hook," (Jhkkm.wd. Piijfiinis rinrrru.s Lath, .\uduhon, Birds of Anicr., 1844, vol. 7, p. 212. pi. l.")(;. l'i-la^i<-; nest and c^^^s unknown. Mk. — Coininoii suinnuT visitor oHshorc .Vnj;. ID. .\. 11. - Sn miner visitor oH'shorc: Portsnionih. Mass. — (\)niinon suinnier and fall visitor oflshore; casual iiilan1. l.V.t. Ejr«r. Capcn. 1880. pi. 24, fij;. 1. Pclajiic; iK'sts in colonics on islands, in hnrrows. Mk. — Abundant sunnncr resident on outer islands from Casco Bay north. May-Oci. I'i. Kj;j;s. June lO-Aug. \U. N. II. — Common miijrant offshore; occasional inland in fall. Spring- Nov. Vt. — Accidental visitor: T^ake ("ham|>laiu. M.\ss. — Common migrant oH'shore; ca.sual inland in fall. June 21; Se|)t. 1-Xov. 2.'). K. I. — Uncommon migraiu oHsliorc. June 9; .\ug. 29-Oct. 14. CoXN. — Uncommon migrant oH'shorc, casual inland. Oct. 27. 49. OcE.W'iTE.s ocE.XNicus (Kuhl) Lichten.stein. Wilson's petrel; Mother Carey's chicken. Procrllaria oceanica Kuhl. lieitr. z. zool., 1820, pt. 2, |). l.'iH, f)l. 10, fig. 1. Xo locality given. TJialas.tidromu wihonii Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1S44. vol. 7, p. 223. pi. 4()0. Pelagic; nests within Antarctic circle, in burrows. Me. — Common .summer visitor offshore; casual inland (near Augusta). June-Si*pt. 17. X. II. — Common summer visitor offshore. Vt. — .\c<'ach. Cormorant; Common cormorant; Shag; Taunton shag; Taun- ton turkey. Aii(lul»()i». Birds of AiiHT., 1843. vol. (», |). l\2, pi. 115. Coue.s, Key No. Aincr. birds, rd. 5, 1903. vol. L*. p. DOS. Efjj;, Capen, 188(). pi. -M. fij;. S. Prhrmms rarhn Linii^'. .Svst. nut., cd. 10. 1758, vol. 1. |). 133. "l\ El'ROPA." Salt water iiiaiiijy; nest.s in colonics on sea cliffs. Mf..- — Coinmoii iiii^raiit ami unconinioii winter resident. Oct.- April 20. Vt. — Rare ini<;raiit: Uiitland. 18(17. Ma.s,s. — I'neoninion niiirrant and rare winter resilient coa.stwi.se. Aj)ril-May 14; Sept. 22-Xov. (winter). li. I. — I'neoninion iiii;round. Mk. — Doubtfully recorded from Boothbay. Ma.ss. — Accidental visitor: New Bedford, Oct. 17, 1S93 (rec- ord not confirmed). Cow. — .\ceidcntal visitor: Faulkner's Id., autumn, 18o'.>. ANSERES. • AN.VTIDAE. 57. -Mkugus AMKRKvwt s Cassin. American Merganser; Buff-breasted Merganser; Goosander; Pond shelldrake. Ca.s.sin, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila.. 1853, vol. 0, |). 187. Based on Wilson, no locality; jirobably .New Jersey or Pennsylvania. Mrrgu.t vienjnti.'or Linn^"'. .Vtidubon, liirds of .\iner., 1843, vol. (), p. 387, j)l. 111. \\)i\i. Capen. 188(), pi. IM, 0. AvKs ^I,\TVI^I^ \( iios Linne. Mallard; Greenhead; Wild mallard. Linn^'". Syst. nat., ed. 10. 1 7.")S. vol. 1, p. 12."). "i\ Kikoi'ak .MAKITI.MI.S." Ana.s bo.9rli(iy h\unO. .\udul)on. Birds of Amer., 1S43, vol. (1. p. 230. pi. 385. Rivers, ponds, and in migrations, scacoasts; nests in nuirsiies. 32 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. Me. — Rare migrant and winter resident. April; Oct. 1-Nov, 15 (winter). N. H. — Rare migrant. S])ring; Oct.-Xov. 9. Vt. — Rare migrant. Mass. — Uncommon migrant; rare in Avinter. Mar. 27-May 1; Sept. 22-Dec. 17 (Dec. 26, Jan. 9). R. I. — Rare migrant and winter resident. Oct .-April. Conn. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Spring; Sept. 30-Xov. 61. AxAS RUBRiPES (Brewster) A. O. U. comm. Black duck; Black mallard; Dusky duck; Red-legged black duck; Spring black duck; Winter black duck. Anas ohscura rubripes Brewst., Auk, 1902, vol. 19, p. 184. "Lake Umbagog (New Hampshire shore)." Anas ohscura Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 244, pi. 386. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 10. Salt and fresh water; nests in marshes. Me., N. H. — Common migrant, less common summer and (coastwise) winter resident. Eggs, April 28 (Me.). Yt. — Common migrant, less common summer resident. Eggs, May. Mass. — Common migrant and winter resident (mainly coast- wise); uncommon local summer resident. Eggs, April 19-May. R. I. — Common migrant and winter resident, rare summer resident. Sept. 29-jMay; summer. Eggs, May 5-21. Conn. — Common migrant and winter resident; rare summer resident. Sept.-]May; summer. 62. Chaulelasmus streperus (Linne) Bonaparte. Gadwall; Gray duck. Anas sire per a Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 125. "in AVK8. 33 ansi:ki:s. anatiime. EiHoi'AK Agi IS DiLciBis." Aiuliihoii. Hinls of Aiiicr., |si;{, vol. «;, |). 2r>\, |.l. .iSS. Eg:g. Secbohm. 18i>(), p. 37, pi. I 1, fig. 3. l-Vcsh and salt watrr; lU'.st.s in marshes. -Mk. — Hare migrant. April 2!>, 1N7*J (Scarhoroiigh); Oct. 27- 29. N. 11. iiarr migrant: Hampton; Portsmouth, s])riiig. \ r. iiarr migrant: ( )ttli nms., 1895, vol. 27, |». 227. Dnsscr, IJinls of Knrojx', 1871-81. vol. »;. pis. [432. A.V.i]. Kgg, Sffbohm, ISin;. p. 3S, pi. \:i, fig. 4. l"'ri'sli an. West Hariisialjlt"). H. I.— Unconiinnn iiiii;rant; rare in winter. Mar.; Sejit. 2- Xov. 7 (Dee. 30). Conn. — rneotninon niifrrant and lare winter resident. Fall- Mar. »>7. QiEKQiKDi i.A Di.scoR.'; (Linnd) Stephens. Blue-winged teal. .l//a.v , vol. 1, p. 205. "is A.MKHK A .SKITKXTHIOXAI.I." .Xnduhon. Birds of Anier.. 1843, vol. (".. p. 2S7. pi. 3«I3. Eirir, CaiH-n. ISSC, pi. 20, fij;. 12. Kresh and salt water; nests in marshes. Mk. — Conmion migrant and in Washinfjton Co., a rare Mininicr resident. (Mar. S) .\j)ril-May; siiniiner; Se|)t. 1.3-Oet. 1(». X. II. — I'neoinnion niifjrant. May; Au^. 1.5-Xov. Vt. — rneoninion migrant; (? ".summer resident"). April- May; fall. Ma.ss. — Rare spring and eonunon fall niifirant; ])rol)al)ly once lired. .\prilll May 31; (June S and 20, ("aml)rid<;e); .Viij;. 16- Xov. 2(t. H. 1.— Hare spring and uneoinmon fall migrant and rare sum- mer resident (at Sakonnet). May (summer); .Vug. 27-Xr)v. o. Kggs. May. C'o.w. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Spring; Aug. Oct. 20. ; iicsis in liollow trvvs, rarrly on tlif p:n»unril 3; Oct. 4-l)ec. 21 (winter). R. I. — Rare migrant and winter resident. Oct. 8-Fel). 3. C'o.N.N. — Rare migrant. 38 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES ANATIDAE. 72. Marila \allisneria ("Wilson) A. O. U. comm. Canvas-back. A?ias vqlimieria Wils., Amer. ornith., 1814, vol. 8, p. 103, pi. 70, fig. 5. "HuDSOX AND Delaware .... RIVERS .... AND in the NEIGHBOURHOOD OF THE CHESAPEAKE BaY." Fuligula vaU.meriana (S^Ws.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 299, pi. 395. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. Me. — Verv rare fall migrant. Vt. — Very rare migrant: Lake Champlain (Perkins). Mass.— Rare migrant. :\Iar. 11-31; Oct. 19-Dcc. 18 (Jan. 8, Cambridge). R. I. — Rare migrant. April; Oct. 2-Xov. 16. Conn. — Rare migrant. May 7. 73. Marila MARILA (Linne) A. O. U. comm. Greater scaup; Blackhead; Bluebill; Bluehead; Broadbill; Raft duck; Widgeon. Anas marila Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 196. "in EUROPAE ALPINIS IN SVECIA, XoRVEGIA, AUSTRIA." Fuligula marila (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 355, pi. 498. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 46, pi. 14, fig. 2. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. Me. — Common coastwise migrant; rare in winter. Oct.- Nov.; (winter); Mar.-April. N. H. — Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise. April; Oct.- Dec. 13. Vt. — Uncommon migrant at Lake Champlain. Mass. — Rare spring, and common fall migrant; winters locally on coast. Mar. 27-May 1; Sept. 18-Dec. 26; winter. AVE8. ;^9 AN.SLRKS ANATIDAE. Iv. I. — Coiniiion migrant ami less coininon winter resident eoastwisc. Oct. iMay 1 (July 1!). lOfK). .ripple). Conn. — Common mi<;rant and uncommon winter resident coastwise. Oct. -May 17 (.lune). 71. Mahii.a All IMS (Hyton) Hona])arte. Lesser scaup; Blue-billed shoveler; Creek broadbill; Little blackhead; Little bluebill; Little raft duck; River broadbill. Fitli(jula ajfini.t Em.. Monogr. Anatitlae, 1838, p. 157. "North .\MKI{1(A." Fiili(jula mania (Linn^). Audnhon, Birds of .\mer., 1843, vol. «'.. p. 3 HI. J)!. 397. Af/t/iifd ajfinis (Eyt.). ('hai)man, Ilandh. birds east. No. Anier., 1S9.'), p. 112. Fresli ami .salt water; nests in marsiies. Mk. — Rare migrant. Mar.-April; Oet.-Nov. N. H. — Rare migrant. \t. — Rare migrant: Lake ( 'liam|)lain; ( )tter Creek, May I'J, I8s:i. M.\ss. — Rare spring and common fall migrant; rare winter resident on .south eoa.st. Mar. 2-April 11 (May 5); Oet. 8-I)ec. 6 (winter). R. I. — Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Oct. 15-Aj)ril. CoNx. — Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Oet. -May 17 (June). 7"). .M\i!ii \ < oij.AKi.s (Donovan) Bonaparte. Ring-necked duck; Ring-neck scaup. Ana.s rollari.t Donov.. British birds. 1S()*>, vol. (>, pi. 1 17 and text. " SUPPOSED TO H.WE liKKS . . . . LiXCOIASHIKK," E.VGL.KND. I'li/igula rufitorques Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Ainer., 1843, vol. (i, p. 320. pi. 3!>8. 40 FAl'XA OF NEW EXGL.\XD. AXSERES. XSATIDAE. At/thya coilaris (Donov.). Chapman. Handb. birds east. Xo. Amer.. 1S95. p. 112. Fresh and sak water: nests in marshes. Me. — Rare migrant; once bred in Washington Co. Mar. Si- May 1: (summer): Oct. 11-Xov. 2. X'. H. — Rare migrant : Concord, Xov. ; Linle Bay near Pons- mouth. ^Iass.— Rare migrant. Mar.-April: Oct. 4- Xov. 30. R. I. — Rare migrant. Xov. 11. Coxx. — Rare migrant. 76. Claxgitla claxgulv AireRiCAXA (Bonaparte) Faxon. American goldeneve: Garrot; Whistler; WHis tie -wing. Clangula americana Bonap., Geogr. and comparative Ust birds Europe and Xo. Amer., 1838, p. .58. "Avierica." FitUgula clangula rUnne). Audubon. Birds of Amer., 1S43, vol. 6. p. 362. pi. 406. Egg. Capen, 1SS6, pi. 21. fig. 2. Fresh and salt water; nests in hollow trees. Me. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; less common summer resident in northern pan. Eggs, ^lay 27-June 8. X. H. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise or in open rivers: uncommon summer resident (Lake Lmbagog). Vt. — Common migrant on Lake Champlain and Connecticut River. Af \ss. — Common migrant and winter resident mainly c-oast- wlse. Oct. 8-May 1 (.July 26, Boston). R. L — Common migrant and winter resident c-oastwise. Xov. 15-^April 20. Coxx. — Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise. Late Oct .-April 16. AVtS. 41 ANSERES. \\'\TIH\K 77. Ci_\XGrL.\ ISL^XDICA (Gmelin) Bonapane. Barrow s goldeneye. Anaji i^iandica Gmelin, Sy»t. nat., 1788, vol. 1. pt. 2. p. .>41. "IX IsL.\M>lA." Clangula barr&vii Swainson and RichardNon. Fauna Boreali- Amer.. ls:Jl. vol. 2. p. 4.56. pi. 70. P'rpsh and >alt watfr: nest< in hollow tm-^ Mk. — ilar*- winter visitor foa.>lwL-<-. .Jan.-.\pnl. N. H. — liart- winter \isitor: little Bay. Portsmouth. Vt. — Erroneously re<-onled. M.vss. — Hare winter xisitor ct)astwuie. Dec. 7- Feb. 22. Coxx. — Rare winter visitor coastwise: off Ponland, Xov. 14, 1S437. 7S. Chakitijxctta albeoi-a ( Linn^) Stejneger. Bufflehead; Bumble-bee duck; Butterball: Dev-J daver; Dipper; Hell diver; Spirit duck. Ana^aiUoJa I jnne. :>y.st. nat.. e«l. 10. 1758. vol. 1. p. 124. "Amer- ica." Fuligula aUjfola (IJnne). -\udubon. Binl- u: .yuht.. IS43, \xA. G. p. :i<;9. pi. 408. Fresh and sail water: nests in hollow rn-»-^ ^Ik. — C onnnon lui^ani ami on xtuiU «.\>aj.i an uncommon winter resident: said to nest in Washington Co. I^n- (J)ct.-.\pril tMav 11) (summer). N- H. — I'ncommon migrant and rare winter rvsident chiefly c-oastwLse. Mar.-.\pril; (>ct.-Nov. (unnirr). ^ T. — Uncommon migrant. M.\.>>s.— Tncommon migrant ami nur^ winter r\>idcnt. Mar. 1 1- .\pril S; Oct. i>-I>ec. 23 (winter). 42 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. AN ATI DAE. R. I. — Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident coastwise. April; Oct. 13-Dec. 7 (winter). Conn. — Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Nov. -April 15. 79. Harelda hyemalis (Linne) L. Brehm. Old squaw; Long-tailed duck; Old injun; Old wife; Scolde- nore; Scolder; South-southerly. Anas hyemalis Linne, Syst. nat., cd. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 126. "in EuROPA & America arctica." Fuligula glacialis (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 379, pi. 410. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 50, pi. 15, fig. 3. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Late Nov.-May 21 (summer). X. H. — Common migrant and winter resident, chiefly coastwise. Yt. — Rare migrant to Lake Champlain and Connecticut Valley. Oct. 24. Mass. — Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise. Oct. 10-May 22 (June 17). R. L — Common migrant and winter resident. Nov. 7-May 4. Conn. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise. Oct.-I\Iay. 80. HiSTRiONicus HiSTRioxicus (Linne) Boucard. Harlequin duck; Lord-and-lady; Sea mouse. Anas histrionica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 127. "America." Fuligula histrionica (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 374, pi. 409. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 49, pi. 15, fig. 1. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground or in hollow trees. Avi<:s. 43 ANSERES. AN ATI DAE. Ml. — I'luommon wiuttT rt'sidcnt about rocky islandii. Oct. 19-Mar. (April). N. H. — Hari' winter visitor coastwise. Xov. Mass. — Hare winter visitor coastwise; casual inland. Nov. 1- Jan. K. I. — Kan- winter visitor coastwise. Xov. 28-.Ian. 2\). 81. (' AMi'ToKin xniis i.ahu\i>oiui"s (Gmelin) Honapart*' Labrador duck; Pied duck; Sand-shoal duck. Anns Ichradoria Gmcl.. Syst. nat.. 17SS, vol. 1. pt. 2, j). 537. "in Amf.hica boreai.i." Fii/iffula lahradora Lath. Audnhon, Birds of Aiiicr.. IS 13, vol. 0. p. .32<». 1)1. 4(K). Formerly on seacoast; nests «»ii "tops of low fir trees." Last specitncn taken in 1S7"). Mk. — Kornierly a winter visitor coa.stwi.se. ^L\S8. — Formerly a winter visitor cojistwise; last taken in ilir State at Swampscott. early Sejjtember, 18()2. Cow-.-- Formerly a winter resjdrnt (Stratford). 82. SoM.\TKiUA .MOLLissiMA BOREAUS (C. L. Brelim) A. E. IJrehm. Northern eider; Greenland eider. Plutiffjii.s hori'd/iy ('. L. Hrelim. I.,«'hrl). natnrj;. enrop. vo^'el, 1824. vol. 2, p. 813. CoA.sTs and islands ok IJai i in Hay and Davis Strait (fide H. C Oherholser). Somatrria molli-n.fi ma (Linn^-). liainl. Brewer, and Uid<;way. Water birds No. Ainer., 1884, vol. 2, p. 72, fifjs. on j). 77. Salt wat. Salt and t'rt'sli water; nests on the ^ronml. Ml.., N. II. Conniion inii^rant and winter resident mainly coa.stwi.sc; a few nnn-hreedinj; hirds siiinnier offsliore. Vt. — I'neoninion migrant: St. Johnshnrv; Windsor. M A.ss. — Common mifjrani and wintir residcul; a few non- hreedinir hirds summer offshore. Se|)t. S-May 24 (.summer). K. I. — Common migrant and winter resident eoa.stwi.se. C)et.- May II. Cow. — I'neommon migrrant and winter resident. Get. 4-.Mav. 'r^' bO. (JlUK.MlA i)ix;i.A.\i)i Bonaparte. White-winged scoter; May white-wing; Velvet duck; White- winged coot. l}ona|».. Rev. crit. de I'oni. Kur(t|). de 1 )r. Deglainl, 1S,")(), p. 1(),S. ".\.MKHICA." Ful'ujula fiisca (Linn^'). .\ndid)on, Birds of .\mer., l.S4;i, vol. (», |). XVl, pi. 401. ."^alt and fresh water; nests on the proiuid. Mk.. .\. n. — ConuMon nii;:rani and winter resident mainly coa.stwi.se; a few non-l>reeding l)irds summer olfshore. Vt.-- Rare migrant: Middlehnrv. Mas.s. — Common migrant and wijiter resident mainly coastwise; a f«'W non-l)reeding hirds summer offshore. Se|)t. (» Mav 2') (summer). 46 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. R. I. — Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 1;5-May; sum- mer. Conn. — Abundant migrant and common winter resident, mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Oct. -1- May 15; summer. 87. OiDEMiA PERSPiciLLATA (Linne) Stephens. Surf scoter; Baldheaded coot; Box coot; Gray coot; Hollow- billed coot; Patch-bill coot; Patch-poll coot; Sea coot; Skunk-head. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 118. Anas perspicillata Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 125. "Canada." Fuligula perspicillata (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. G, p. 337, pi. 402. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 52, pi. 15, fig. 2. Salt water mainly; nests on the ground. Me., N. H. — Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise; a few non- breeding birds summer offshore. Vt. — Bare migrant: Bradford. Mass. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 4-May 9; sum- mer. R. L — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non- breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 1-May 21; summer. CoNX. — Common migrant and winter resident; a few non-breed- ing birds summer offshore. Sept.-April; summer. 88. Erismatuua jamaicensis (Gmelin) Salvadori. Ruddy duck; Booby; Broadbill; Dumb-bird; Foolish coot. Anas jamaicensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 519. "Jamaica." Avi:s. 47 AXSERES. AXATIHAE. Ftiligula nthida Wils. Aii(lul)oii. Hinls of Aincr.. \S.\'.i, vol. (1. |). :V2i, 1)1. 3<>0. K;:j:. Capm. ISSC, pi. 21, fijr. I. l-Vcsli wiittT ( liicHy; nests in marshes. Mi:.— I nconinion niii;rant, and rare summer resident. .\|)ril- May; (summer); Oct. -Nov. X. II. — Uncommon mi{xrant, rare in summer; may hreed (Newfound Lake, July 11, IKOI; Rye Beach. Auj;. 22, 187'.l). Vt. — Uncommon mijjrant anil rare summer resident (Lake Memi)hremagof;). M.\ss. — Common mi«;rant; very rare sunnner resident (Ca|>e Cod). Mar. 20-(summer); Sept. 3()-I)(c. 11 (Deo. 25, 1902. Woods Hole; Jan. '.), 19(n>. Jamaica Plain). K. I. — Connnon mifjrant and occasional summer resident. Mar.; Oct. l-Dec. 22. CoN.v. — Common niij;rant, mainly in fall; rare in summer (June 5, 1893. flock of .3. Portlaiul). S])rinr escape): .Mhnrjjh .S|)riM};s on Lake Cham])lain. M.K.ss. — Accidental visitor: Maiden. .\up. 27, 1889. 90. CiiKN HYi'KHBoiu:.\ (Pallas) Hoie. Lesser snow goose; Mexican goose; Wavy; White brant. Ridpvay. Mamial No. Amer. I»inls, is,s7, p. 11."). Presser. 48 FArXA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. G, pi. [417], lower fig. Egg, See- bohni, 1896, p. 30, pi. 11, fig. 3. Anser hyperboreus Pall., Spieilegia zool., 1769, fasc. 6, p. 25. "in TERRIS BOREALIBUS, ad OrIEXTEM 130°. LOXGITUDIXIS, sivE circa Lexam et Ianam fluvios." Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare fall migrant. Oct. 2-Dec. N. H. — Rare fall migrant: Lake Umbagog, Oct. 2, 1896; Sea- brook. Vt. — Rare fall migrant: Lake Champlain; ? Lunenburg; St. Johnsbury. Mass. — Rare migrant. April 13, 1908, ToAvnsend; (? July) Oct. 15-Xov. 21. R. L— Rare fall migrant. Sept. 3-Oct. 16. Coxx. — Rare fall migrant: Saybrook, fall, 1875; Stratford, Oct. 5, 1842. 91. Chen hyperborea xivalis (Forster) Ridgway. Greater snow goose; Wavy. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 115. Anas nivalis Forster, Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, p. 413. "Severn River," Hudson Bay. Anser hyperhoreus Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 212, pi. 381, fig. 1. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. Me. — Now an accidental A-isitor: Georgetown, April 25, 1903; mouth of Kennebec River, April 7, 1890; Lubec, April 30, 1906. Mass. — Now an accidental visitor: near Springfield (Morris); various doubtful records. Conn. — Now an accidental visitor: Stratford, three wintered, 1867-68 {fide Averill); also listed by Linsley (1843), but may have been C. hyperborea. AVE8. 49 ANSEIIES. AN ATI DAE. 92. Chk.\ cakhulescexs (Linn^) GuikHjuIi. Blue goose; Blue wavy. Ki(l;:\vay, M;iiiiial .Xo. .Viiit-r. birds, 1887. p. 111. IClliot, Nrw an. 122. "i.\ EuROPA, America septentrionali." Cygnus 7nimcus Bechst. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. (i, p. [433], pi. [419], fig. 4. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 29, pi. 7, fig. 1. Seacoasts, lakes, swamps; nests on the ground. Me. — Accidental visitor: Poke-a-moon-shine Lake, Washing- ton Co., Sept. 10, 1903. 100. Olor columbianus (Ord) Stejneger. Whistling swan; American swan. Anas columbianus Ord, in Guthrie's Geogr., hist., and com- mercial grammar, 2d Amer. ed., 1815, p. 319. Based on Lewis and Clarke: "below the great narrow.s of the Columbl\." Cygnus aviericanus Sharpless. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 226, pi. 384. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. Me. — Unsatisfactorily recorded from mouth of Kennebec River Nov., 1881; and near Crawford Lake, Sept. 10, 1903. N. H. — Rare migrant: Great Bay (his), Dec. 16, 1902, and — ^ Seabrook, Oct. 18, 1878. Vt. — Rare migrant: Alburg, Lake Champlain. Mass. — Rare migrant and winter resident (at Nantucket) formerly commoner. Oct. 16-Dec. 27 (winter-Mar. 4). R. I.— Rare migrant: Quonocontaug Pond, Nov. 9, 1879; West- erlv, Nov. 13, 1879. Conn. — Rare migrant. Middle Mar. ; fall-Nov. 2. AVES. 53 AX8ERES. ANATIDAi:. lUl. Oluk mcciNATOU (Riclianistjiij \Va;;ler. Trumpeter swan. Cifgmis hurcitiafor Ricli.. in Swaiiisoii itiid liich., Fauna Boreali- Amer.. 1831, vol. 2, p. 4(i4. "Ilru.soN's B.\y." Audubon, Birds of Anu-r., 184.3, vol. 0. p. 219, pis. 382, 383. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground. Me. — Once erroneously recorded for 0. n/f/nu.'i. X. II. — Formerly a niijirant (Belknap). Ma.s.s. — Believed to have occurred formerly as a mijjrant. U. 1., Cox.N. — Doubtfully reported, and believed to have oc- currc;rant and sununer resident. April 30-fall. M.\.s.s. — Common migrant and less common summer resident; casual in winter. Mar. 31-Nov. 26 (Dec. 30; Jan. 5). Kggs, May o-June 10. \{. I. — Common migraiU and uncommon summer resident. April (J Nov. 10. KiT^'s. May 23-June 13. ('o.\.\. — Common migrant and uncommon sununer resident. A|)ril Xov. 100. IxoHRYCiiLs EXiLi.s ((juielin) .\. (). L'. lomiu. Least bittern. Ardea exili.t (Jinel., Syst. nat., 178S, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. (>4.5. "Ja- .MAICA." Audtilton. Birds of .\nier., 1S43, vol. (>, |). 100, |)1. 300. Egg, Capen, 18S0, pi. 10, fig. 15. Kri'sh marshes and swamps; nests among rushes or in bushes. Me. — Rare sununer residciu in southern counties. (Mar. 4, 1801, (ieorgetown) May 12-Aug. (Xov. 13). X. H. [{are in sununer; may breed in southeastern |)art: Hamil- ton; Hampton Brach, ISOO; Seabrook. Vt. — ^Sai have occurred "formerlv." k 56 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. HERODIONES. HERODII. ARDEIDAE. Mass. — Rare local summer resident, mainly near the coast. 4pnl 15-Sept. 1. Eggs, June 1-29. R.I. — Common summer resident ; casual in winter. (Mar. 1)- Sept. 14 (Feb. 28, 1881, Providence). Eggs, May 23-June 16. Conn.- — Uncommon local summer resident. Spring-Sept. Eggs, June 10-27. 107. Ardea herodias Linne. Great blue heron; Blue crane; Crane; Frog stabber; Poke. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 14.3. "Aaierica." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 122, pi. 369. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 11. Swamps and borders of ponds; nests in trees. Me. — Common migrant and local summer resident. ]Mar. 29- Nov. 12 (Dec. 9). Eggs, late April-May 16. N. H. — Common migrant and, northward from L. AVinnepe- saukee, a local summer resident. Ajiril .5-Xov. (Dec. 21; Dec. 31, 1901, Randolph). Vt. — Common migrant and, in northern part, a local summer resident. Summer-(Dec. 22, 1884, Milton). Mass. — Common migrant and rare winter resident ; occasional in summer but not now known to breed (formerly at Naushon). Mar. 1.5- June 4; (summer); July 30-Dec. 20 (winter). R. I. — Common migrant. Mar.-May 4; July 1.5-Dec. 11. Conn.— »- Common migrant, occasional in summer; rare winter resident. Mar. 15-IMay (June 2); Aug.-Dec. (winter). 108. Herodias egretta (Gmelin) Cabanis. American egret. Ardea egretta Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, i)t. 2, ]). 629. "in INSULA S. DOMINICI, INSULIS FALKLAND & AMERICA AUSTILVLI AD AVKS. 57 HKROPTOXKS. IIKKODII. AHl)i:iUAi:. lyorisi.WAM. " Aiidtihoii. Birds of Aimr.. isl.l. \(>1. (», p. \'.i2, pi. 370. Swamps and lowlands; nests in small In'cs. Mk. — Occasional summer visitor. April 7-Au^'. 22. X. H. — Rare summer visitor: near Newmarket, 1897. Vt. — Rare summer visitor: New Haven, two in Aug. 1SS2; Winooski River, simuner, 1SG9. M.\.s.s. — Occasional summer and fall visitor. April-Nov. 22. H. I. — Occasional simimer visitor; may have bred at Wes- (piage Pond in 1S94. June l-Oct. 12. Conn. — C)c-casional summer visitor. July-(Jct. 109. Egrett.\ ( am>ii)1ssima (Gmelin) Gosse. Snowy heron. Ardea candid is.tima Gmel., Syst. nat.. 17SS. vol. ], \n. 2, p. (5.33. "i.\ i.\r.\i).\Ti.-^ PROPE Carthacenam Americae." Audubon, Hirds of Amer., 1843, vol. (1, ji. I(i3. pi. 374. Swam|)S and lowlands; nests in small trees. Me. — Erroneously accredited. \'t. — Accidental visitor: St. All)ans Bay, two in Oct., 1890. Mas.s. — Accidental visitor: near Boston, 1802; Nantucket, March. 1881; Northampton. 1887 (? nee Essex Co.). Co.W. — Acci3. KjT^, ('a|)rn, 1886, |.l. 1'.), H^. 13. Swamps and marslu's; mvsts in ((doiiii's in tnrs, rarely on the ;;r()un(l. Mk. — Common sunnner resident, cliielly near the coast. Spring- Sej)t. IC. EiijZs, May L'(i. N. II. — Inconnnon summer resident north to .southern White Mi. valleys. .Vpril ( )(t. \'t. — L'neommon summer resident near lakes and streams. M.\.ss. — Common niitjrant and summer resident; rare winter resident near coast. Mar. 1*7 Nov. 1 (winter). Ejjcjs, May 2- June i;i. K. 1. — Common summer and rare winter resident. April 1- Sept. 23 (winter). Ej;<;s, May 7-June 7. Cox.N. — Common mi<;raiit and less common summer resident. Aj)ril-Oct. Kjjgs, A|)ril 17. 113. .\vcT.\NA.ss.\ viOL.\CEA (Linn^') Sharj)e. Yellow-crowned night heron. Ardca violacca Linn^, Syst. nat. , cd. 10. 17.")S, vol. 1, p. 1 };{. "i.\ Amkrkw septen'trionali." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1S43, vol. , |i. l'7, pi. L'(j;i. "."-^oiTir- EKN Statk.s." ('(tiics. Key No. .Viiicr. Iiinls, cil. .'), WHY.], vol. 2, |). S')4. Frt'.slnvah r iiiarsJH'.s; nrsts on the fjroiiiul. Me. — Occa.sional fall visitor. Sept. I'.t-Dtc. 17. Mas.s. — ( )cca.sional visitor at all seasons; may luccd. H. I. - Harr visitor (four records). .Ian., Fel).. Mar., fall. Conn. — Han- suniiuer resident (Sayhrook, Stratford) and occa.si(»nal at otluT .sea.sons. 11^. IvAl.l-r.S CHKPITAN.S (iinelin. Clapper rail; Salt-marsh hen. (Iniel., Svst. nal.. 17.SS, vol. 1, pt. 2. p. 71;!. "iX XoVEBORACO." Andnlton, Hinis of Ann r., 1S42, vol. 5, p. 10'), pi. 310. KflK- Capen, 18S0. j)!. 20, fijjs. 1 . 2. Saltwater niarshe.s; nests on the ground. Me. — Accidental visitor in southern comities: Po|)ham Beach, Oct. 12 and (25), 1900; Sahattus Pond, 1S74; '/York and Cum- berland Ccs. N. II. — Acciiiental visitor: Portsmouth. \'t. — Accidental visitor: Hurlington (Conger). M \ss.^ ( )ccasional visitor, may hrccd. K. 1. — Douhtfully recorded. Cox.\. — Rare visitor and smnmer resident (Xew Haven Stratford). 111). HAi.i.rs viRGiMAMs Linn^'. Virginia rail; Water-hen. Linn^', Sy.st. nat.. ed. 12, I7<»(), vol. 1. p. 2<):{. "in Amihka 62 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. SEPTENTRIOXALI." Audubon, Birds of Anier., 1842, vol. 5, p. 174, pi. 311. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, figs. 3, 4. Fresh and brackish marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare summer resident. Late April-Oct. N. H. — Rare summer resident south of White Mts. April- Oct. 1. Eggs, May 21-28. Vt. — Rare summer resident locally: Burlington; Rutland Co. Mass. — Summer resident, more common near coast ; rare winter resident (Cape Cod). April 11-Xov. 27 (Jan. 1, 1891, Worcester) (winter). Eggs, ]\Iay 12- June 1. R. I. — Common migrant and summer resident. April-Xov. 2. Eggs, May 29. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident. Eggs, June 6. 120. PoRZANA CAROLINA (Linne) Baird. Sora; Carolina rail; Meadow-hen; Rail-bird. Rallus carolimis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 153. "in America septentrionali." Ortygometra carolmus (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 145, pi. 306. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 5. Fresh and brackish marshes; nests on the ground. INIe. — Uncommon summer resident. Late April-Oct. 26. Eggs, -July 27. N. H. — Uncommon summer resident northward to W^hite Mt. valleys. May-Oct. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident. ]\Iass. — Common migrant and local summer resident. (^Nlar. 20) April 14-Nov. 1 (Dec. 20). Eggs, June 9-11. R. L — Common migrant and summer resident. (Mar. 2) April-Nov. 10. Eggs, ISIay 24. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident. April-Oct. (Dec. 29, 1881, Hartford). AVES. 63 PALLDKOLAi:. KALI. I. RALLIDAE. 121. CoTURMCOPS xovEBOHACENsis (Gnu'liii) Botiapartc. Yellow rail. I'lilica noirhorareusin (miu-I., Syst. iiat., 17SS, vol. 1, pt. L', p. 701. "in Xovebor.\co." Rallus uovfboraccnsis (Lath.). Bonaparte, Anicr. oniitli., 1S33, vol. 4, ]). 13<). |)1. 27, fijj. 2. V.g^, Capt-n, ISSC), pi. 20, fij:. C. Frt'slnvatcr inarshcs; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare migrant and .said to have bred near Calais. May 31 ; Oet. 4-Xov. 1.-). X. H. — Hare migrant: Hampton. \t. — Hare migrant: Xe\v|)ort; nortlurn \"t. ; Huiland Co. M.\s.s. — Hare migrant and |)ossible summer resident. April- May 2<1; Sept. 2-()ct. 22. K. 1. — Hare migrant (five records). Sept. 2S. CoN'.v. — Hare spring and uncommon fall migrant; .said to have hred at Middlctown, 1S74, lS7o. (Mar. 24. ( Jaylordsville); Se|)t.- Oct. 14 (Xov. 10). 122. Chkci.scis JAM.\i(E.\sis ((Jniciiii) Cahanis. Black rail; Little black rail. Hall lis jamairrn.si.'i (Jmel.. Syst. nat., 17^^, vol. 1. pt. 2, p. 71.S. ".I AMAICA." I'urzniKi jatiuiirrn.tifi ((rniel.). Cha|>man, Ilandh. birds east. Xo. Am<'r., l.. May. Co.N.v. — Very rare suimner resident (at Lyme, Saybrook); also taken at Ilazenville. Kggs, .Iiuic (i-Julv 10. 64 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. 123. Crex crex (Linne) Sharpe. Com crake; Daker-hen; European land rail. Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 859. Ralhis crex Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, ]). 153. "ix EUROPAE AGRIS, CARECTIS." Crex praiensis Bechst. Dresser, Birds of Euro])e, 1871-81, vol. 7, pi. [499]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 83, pi. 22, fig. 9. Grassy meadows and grain fields; nests on the ground. Me. — Accidental from Europe: near Falmouth, Oct. 14, 1889. R. I. — Accidental visitor: Cranston, 1857. Conn. — Accidental visitor: Saybrook, Oct. 20, 1887. 124. loNORNis MARTINICA (Linne) Reichenbach. Purple gallinule. Fulica martinica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 259. "in Martinicae inundatis." Gallinula martinica (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 128, pi. 303. Freshwater marshes; nests among rushes. Me. — Accidental visitor. April 11-Dec. 17. N. H. — Accidental visitor: Dover; Rve. Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Occasional visitor, mainly in April and Oct.-Nov., once in June. R. L — Occasional visitor. Jan.; May; June 8, 1902, Seaconnet Point; Aug.; fall. Conn. — Rare visitor: Middletown, 1855. 125. Gallinula galeata (Lichtenstein) Bonaparte. Florida gallinule; Pond hen; Red-billed mud-hen. Crex galeata Licht., Verz. d. doubletten zool. mus. Berlin, 1823, p. 80. "San Paulo," Brazil. AVES. 65 PALLDICOLAE. RALLI. KALLIDAE. Gallinula rhloropu,^ Linii<''. Auduhoii, Binls of Ainer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 132. pi. 304. Egg, Capen, 1.SS6, pi. 20. figs. 7. S. pR'shwatfr marshos; nests among rushes near the ground. Me. — Rare migrant and (?) summer resident. May 5; Sept. 20-Ort. 16. .\. II. — Aecidental visitor: UoUinsford. \r. — Rare local summer resident at Lake Roinoseen, Lake ("hamplain, St. All)ans. April 2S fall. Eggs, May 2.S-June 5. Ma.s.s. — Rare loeal summer resident, mainly near eoast. April 29-Oet. 25 (Nov. 9). Eggs, June .5-July 17. R. I. — L'neommon local smnmer resident. May-Xov. 29. Cow. — l'neommon local sunnner resilient. Eggs, June 25 (Stratford). 120. EuLic.\ AMERic.w.v Gmelin. American coot; Blue Peter; Coot; Marsh hen; Mud-hen; Pond crow; Pond hen. Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2. p. 704. "i\ .\.meric.\ SEPTE.NTRioxALi." Audubon, Birds of Amer., IS 12, vol. 5. j). 138, |)1. 305. Egg, rai)en, 1880, pi. 20, fig. 9. Freshwater ponj.s, April 2C>-May I'.l. X. H. — Uneoininoii niijirant and suniiner resident. Late Mar.-Oet. E^fTs. May 10. \'t. — I'licoiiiiiioii nii<;raiit and stninncr resident. Mar. 27()et. EjIfTs, May 1. Ma.s.s. — Coniincm ini^nant and nneommoii .suninier resident; rare in winter. Mar. 4-X()V. 25 (winter). Eg^s, Ajuil 1 iMay (5. K. I. — Common mij;rant and now a rare summer resident. Mar.-Dec. 4. E^gs, Aj)ril 5-]May 17. Cox\. — Common migrant, nncommon summer and winter resident. Feh. 2r>-Xov.; winter. E<;gs, (Mar. .30) April ."i- June 3; July 20 (2d brood). 133. G.vi.Li.NAGo DELic.vT.v (Ord) A. (J. U. cheek-list. # Wilson's snipe; Alewife-bird; Common snipe; English snipe; Jack snipe. Scolopdx delicata Ord, Wilson's C)rnith., lS2o, vol. 9, |). ecxviii. "Kentucky,. . . . Illinois,. . . .Pennsylv.\nl\." Srnlojxt.r wil.wiiii Temm. Audubon, Bird.s of Amer., 1S42, vol. .5, j). 330. pi. 3.')0. Ejrj:. Capen, ISSC. pi. U), fig. 3. Fresh and brackish ineaiiows and marshes; nests on the L'fonnd. Me. — Common migrant and rare summer resident, .\pril 19- May 1.5; summer; Sej)t.-Xov. 1.'). X. H. — Common migrant, mainly coastwise; very rare winter resident (X'ashua). Mar.-May 7; July 22-mid-l)ec. (winter). Vt. — I'ncommon migrant and rare winter resident (Kinland Co.); ? "summer resident." M.\.s.s. — Common migrant, rare winter resident; rare and irregular summer resident (at Carlisle. Concord). (Mar. S) Mar. 20-May 18; (.summer); Aug. 1-Xov. 30 (winter). 70 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. R. I. — Common migrant and rare winter resident. Mar. 9- May 6; (July 29) Aug. 12-Nov. 14 (Dec., Jan.). CoNX. — Common migrant, rare summer and winter resident. Mar. 18-Dec.; winter. Eggs, May 13 (Portland). 134. Macrorhamphus griseus (Gmelin) Leach. Dowitcher; Brownback; Deutscher; Fool plover; German snipe; Grayback; Gray snipe; Red-breasted snipe; Robin snipe. Scolopax grisea Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 658. "in NoVEBORACI MARITIMIS." Scolopax novehoracensis Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 10, pi. 351. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 143, pi. 41, fig. 8._ Chiefly maritime marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant coastwise. May 21-29; late July- Sept. (Oct. 29). N. H. — -Migrant, common in fall. May 20-25; July 20-Sept. Mass. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant, mainly coast- wise. May 1-June 7 (June 18); July 5-Sept. 30. R. I. — Uncommon migrant coastwise. INIay; July 5-Oct. 20. CoNX. — Uncommon migrant, mainly in fall. 135. Macrorhamphus scolopaceus (Say) Lawrence. Long-billed dowitcher. Elliot, New and unfigured birds Xo. Amer., 1869, vol. 2, pi. 40. Limosa scolopacea Say, Long's exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 1, p. 170. "near the Bowyer creek," Iowa. Chieflv maritime marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. Mass. — Rare fall migrant. Aug. 29-Nov. 3. R. L— Rare fall migrant: Middletown, Oct. 8, 1890. AYES. 71 LIMI(t»LAi:. SC'OLUPACIDAE. 130. MiCROPALAMA iiiMANToPus ( Boiuipiirtc) Bainl. Stilt sandpiper; Bastard yellow-leg; Long-legged sandpiper; Mongrel. Trituja liiinanfopii.f Boiia|)., Ami. lytciiiu iial. liist. NCw \ oik, 1S2«». vol. 2. |). 1.57. "Li^Nc. Hkanch, New Jersey." B<)na|>., AiinT. orniili.. \X'.V.\, vol. 4, p. S[), j»l. 2'), fij;. 3. Marslu's and imidHats; nests on the groiinil. Me. — Rare fall niiirrant eoastwi.se. July 19-Sept. 20 (Oct. 2, I'.KIS. riiie roint). .\. 1 1. - Rare fall nuj;rant eoastwise. July 31-Au^. 2S, Ma.s.s. — I'neoininoii fall niij;rant coastwise. July 10-Sept. 29. R. I. — Very rare spriiip and uncommon fall niiirrant. May 9, 180.'), Sakoiuiet Point; July 0-Sept. 10. C'oNX. — Rare niijxrant: Xcw Haven, Sej)t. 10, InsO. 137. Tringa canutus Linne. Knot; Ash-colored sandpiper; Blue plover; Grayback; Gray snipe; Red-breasted plover or sandpiper; Robin snipe; Silver plover. Linne, .^y>i. nat.. ed. 10. 17.')N. vol. 1. p. 140. "i\ Europa." Efit:, Seehohm, ISOO, p. 144, pi. 43, fij:. 10. Tringa l.tlandica Linii^''. Auduhon, Rinls nf Anier., 1><42, vol. 5, p. 2.')4, pi. 32S. Sandy l>eaches; nests on the ground. Me., X. H. — Uncommon mijjrant coastwise. May 21 .June 11; Auj;.-Sept. Ma.ss. — Common mij;rant coastwise, casual inland (S|>rinf;field); rare winter resident. May 11- June o (June 2.5); July 13-Xov. 8 (winter). R. 1. — ComuKin migrant coastwi.se. May; July ll-Se|)t. 14. CoN'X. — Common inijrrant coastwise. 72 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LLMICOLAE. ' SCOLOPACIDAE. 138. Arquatella maritima (Brlinnich) Coues. Purple sandpiper; Rock snipe; Winter peep; Winter snipe. Tringa maritima Briinn., Ornith. borealis, 1764, p. 54. "Chris- tiansoe" I., Denmark, and "Norvegia." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 261, pi. 330. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 146, pi. 43, figs. 2, 5. Rocky islands and coasts of the sea; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; acci- dental in summer. Sept. 15-April (Aug. 6, 1907, ^Nletinic Green Id.; Aug. 11, 1902, Metinic reef). N. H. — Rare winter visitor coastwise. Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Common fall and winter visitor coastwise. (July 30) Sept. 6-April 19 (May 11). R. I. — Common winter resident on rocky coasts. Sept. 13- April 15. Conn. — Common winter resident on rocky islands coastwise. 139. PisoBiA MACULATA (Vieillot) A. O. U. comm. Pectoral sandpiper; Brown-back; Creaker or Krieker; Grass- bird; Grass snipe; Jack snipe; Pert; Squatter. Tringa maculata Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 4G5. "aux Iles Antilles et dans les parties meridionales DES Etats-Unis." Tringa ■pectoralis Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 259, pi. 329. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 148, pi. 43, fig. 12. Marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. i\lE. — Raje spring and common fall migrant, mainly coastwise. (Spring); Aug. 13-Oct. 5. N. H. — Migrant, common in fall, mainly coastwise. July-Oct. 10. AVK.S. 73 LIMICOLAE. SC'OLOI'ACIDAI:. Vt. — I'ncoimnon fall migrant. Mass. — Rare s|)rinp and coimnon fall iiiijjraiit. (April 4) April 9-May IG (May 23); July 15-Xov. 11. \l. 1. — Rari' spring and coininoii full iiii<;raiit. .\.|)ril 2.'3; July ir)-()-June o; July lO-Xov. 10. 1{. 1. — Uncommon fall migrant. Julv ll-Oct. Co.NN. — Uncommon migrant. Aug. 31. 141. PisnniA HAiKDii (Coucs) .\. (J. U. comm. Baird's sandpiper. Aciodromns bairdii Coues, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Pliila., Istil. |). 194. "XoRTH A.MERICA." Baird, Rnwcr. and Ridgway, Water birds Xo. Amer., 18.S4. vol. 1, |). 2.30, colored fig. of head. 74 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. Me.— Rare fall migrant. Aug. 7-Sept. 20 (Xov. 1, 1881, Bangor) . N. H.— Rare fall migrant. Aug. 26-Sept 5. Mass. — Rare fall migrant. July 27-Oct. 1. R. I. — Rare fall migrant (seven records). Aug. 26-Sept. 17. CoNX.— Rare fall migrant: New Haven, Oct. 19, 1889, Oct. 28, 1887; Stratford, Xov. 3, 1888. 142. PisoBiA MiNUTiLLA (Vieillot) A. O. U. comm. Least sandpiper; Bumble bee; Meadow ox-eye; Mud peep; Peep; Wilson's sandpiper. Tringa miniitilla Vieill., Xouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 466. "ex Amerique jusqu'au dela du Cax.vda." Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 149, pi. 44, fig. 8. Tringa pusilla Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842. vol. 5, p. 280, pi. 337. Marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. Me.— Common migrant. May 13-24 (June); July 5-Oct. 1 (Oct. 15). X. H.— Common migrant. Late May- June 3; July 10-Sept. Vt. — Uncommon migrant. Mass.— Common migrant. (April 18) INIay 5-June 7; (sum- mer) July 6-Sept. 21 (Oct. 13). R. I.— Common migrant. (April 25)-May 26; July 15-Oct. Coxx. — Common migrant. May- June; Aug.-Sept. 143. Pelidxa alpina (Linn6) C. L. Brehm. European dunlin. Sharpe, Cat. birds British mus., 1896, vol. 24, p. 602. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, p. [21], pi. [548]. AVES. 75 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAi:. Tringn alpina Linn^', Syst. nat.. cd. 10. 17.')S, vol. 1, j). 1 lit. "ix Lappo\i.\." Kj:j:, Sechohm. IS'.MI. p. 111. \>\. 4:i, fip:.s. 7, «.). Bcaflu'.s and marshes; ne.sts on the <;rf)un(l. ^Iass. — Accidental froni Ulil World: Cliathani, Aug. 11, 1000. 141. Pkmdna alpina sakiiali.na (Vieillot) Btiturlin. American dunlin; Black-bellied sandpiper; Black-breast; Brant-bird; Crooked-billed snipe; Fall snipe; Lead-back; Ox-bird; Ox-eye; Red-back; Red-backed sandpiper. Scolajxix sakhaliua Vieill.. Xouv. diet. (Khist. nat.. islfi, vol. ,3, p. 3.59. "e\ RU.S.SIE." Triiifja alpina Linn6. Audubon, Birds of Anier., 1S142, vol. 5, p. 200, pi. 332. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Hare spring and commoner fail migrant coastwi.se Late May; Oct.-Xov. 17. X. H. — Uncommon coastwi.se migrant. Mass. — Hare spring and common fall migrant coastwi.se. (?Mar. 1.5) late Ajiril-Mav 20 (.June IS); .Se|)t. l-Dec. 13 (Dec. 24). U. 1. — Rare spring and common fall migrani < oii^iw i^f. -May; Aug. 29-()ct. 20. Conn. — Rare s|)ring and common r;ill micrrant; "ni.iy winter." 14.5. Ku<»i,i.\ lERRiGiNEA (Brunnich) .\. O. U. comm. Curlew sandpiper. Trincjd frrrurjinra Briimi.. r)niith. hor., 17G4, p. .53. "1si,am»ia & Ciiri.stiansok" I.si.ani). Triiuja .tuharqiiata Tennn. .Vuduhon, Bird.> of Anur.. 1S42, vol. 5. p. 200, pi. 333. Seacoasts and tundras; nests on the ground. 76 FAUNA OF NEW EXGL.\ND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. ]\Ie. — Accidental visitor: Pine Point, Cumberland Co., Sept. 15, ISSl. jNIass. — Accidental visitor: five records. May; Aug. R. I. — Doubtfully recorded. CoNX. — Accidental visitor: four records. (June 1S74, Xew Haven); Aug. 30-Oct. 3. 146. Ereunetes pusillus (Linne) Cassin. Semipalmated sandpiper; Black-legged peep; Peep; Sand ox-eye; Sand peep. Tringa pusilla Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 2.52. "in Domingo." Tringa semipalmata Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 18-42, vol. 5, p. 277, pi. 336. Sand beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant. ]May-June 5; July 29-Sept. 28 (Oct.). N. H. — Common migrant. May; July-early Sept. Vt. — Uncommon migrant to larger lakes. Mass. — Common migrant; non-breeding birds occur in summer coastwise. (May 1) May 13-June 14; (summer); July 3-Oct. 8 (Oct. 30). "^ ' R. I. — Common migrant. ]May 13-June 2; July 14^0ct. 10. Conn. — Common migrant. ^Nlav-earlv June; Julv-Oct. 147. Ereunetes MAURI Cabanis. Western semipalmated sandpiper Cab., Joum. f. ornith., 1856, p. 419. "Cuba." Ereunetes pusillus occidentalis (Lawrence). Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Water birds of No. Amer., 1884, vol. 1, p. 206, fig. of head. Sand beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. AVES. 77 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACID.VE. N H.— Rare fall migrant: HamjUon. Oct. 10, 1S99. Mass. — I'ncoimnon fall niiirraiit. July lU-Scpt. 20. R. I. — Ran' fall migrant: Middlftowii, Aug. 25, and .\ug. 29, 1899. Cow. Rare fall migrant: Lyme. Sept. 4, 1889 (six). 14S. rAi.ii>His i.KiTopnAEA (Pallas) A. ( ). r. comm. Sanderling; Beach-bird; Beach plover; Bull-peep; Gray- back; Ruddy plover; Surf snipe; Whitey; Whiting. Tringa liurop/nua i'alla.s. in ^'rot'g's Catalogue, 17()4. p. .32. N'(»UTH Sea coa.st. Tringa armaria Bonap. Auduhon, BinJs of Amcr., 1SJ2, vol. 5, p. 2S7, pi. 338. Egg, Seebohm, 189r), p. loO, pi. 41, fig. 4. Saiui beaches; nests on the ground. Me., X. H. — Uncommon s|)ring and common fall migrant coa.st- wi.se. May 5-30; late .luly-Oct. 13 (Nov. 5. Portland). Vt. — Rare migrant. Sept. Ma.ss. — Common ccmstwi.se migrant and, south of Cape Cod, a winter resident. (Late April) May 19-.June 4 (June 24); July 6-I)ee. 6 (Dec. 13); winter. li. 1. — Common migrant, casual inland; probably a rare winter resident. (Mar. 20) May-June; Aug. l-\ov. 5. Co.\.\. — Common migrant coastwi.se. May; July-Oct. 149. Li.Mo.sA 1 KDOA (Liime) Sabine. Marbled godwit; Brown marlin; Red curlew. Audub(»n. Birds of Amer., 1.S42, vol. 5, |). 331, pi. 'MX. Scolo]xi.r frdoa Linn^, Syst. nat.. cd. 10. 1758, vol. 1, J). 140. "i\ .\m ERICA SEITE.NTKIO.NALI." Beaches ami marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare migrant. May, 1884 (Scarborough); Aug. 8- Sept. 13. 78 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. N. H.— Rare migrant: Rye Beach, Aug. 27, 1868. Vt. — Formerly a migrant. Mass. — Rare migrant. May 20-23; July 17-Sept. 5. R. I. — Rare migrant. Aug. 6-Oct. 2. Coxx. — Rare migrant. Aug. 150. I.niosA HAEMASTiCA (Linne) Coues. Hudsoniangodwit; Black-tail; Goose-bird; Ring-tailed marlin; Spot-rump. Scolopax haemosfica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 147. "in America septextrioxali." Limosa hudsonka Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 335, pi. 349. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare fall migrant coastwise. N. H. — Rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug. 2-Oct. Vt. — Rare migrant: Burlington. Mass.— Rare (? spring and) fall migrant. (? April 29-]^Iay 25); July 15-Xov. 7. R. L — Rare (? spring and) fall migrant coastwise. July 22- Oct. 13. Conn. — Rare migrant. 151. ToTAXUS melaxoleucus (Gmelin) Vieillot. Greater yellow-legs; Cucu; Greater tattler or telltale; Long- legged tattler; Stone snipe; Winter yellow-legs. Scolopax melanoleuca Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 659. "aUCTUMXO IX AREXIS LITTORIS LABRADOR." Totamis vonifems Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 316, pi. 345. Salt and fresh marshes; nests on the ground. AVKS. 70 I.IMl("(»LAi:. scolopacidap:. Me. — Coinnioii ini<:rant ami jiossibly a rare suinmcr rt'siilent ill fxtriMiic north (Woolastook valley). Late April-May 19 I.July); Int.- .hily-Oet. 22. N. II. — (tjininon mifiraiit, mainly coastwise. May; .Inly 17- Oet. 27. Vt. — I'neonunon nii>;rant. May; fall. Mas.s. — Common niijjrant mainly coastwise; a few non-hreed- ing hinis rarely smnmer. (Mar. 27) April 4-.Tune l(i (.Innc 2S); July 0-Xov. 12. . K. I.— Common mi^rrant. (? :\Iar. 10) \\m\ 10-May 26; .Inly 20-Xov. 4. Co.NX. — Connnon mifjrant. May 14-.Tnne 1 (.Tunc 13, 1S9S New r^oTulon); Auf;-Xov. 1."). lo2. ToTAMS FLAViPEs (Gmclin) Vieillot. Yellow-legs; Lesser yellow-legs; Summer yellow-legs; Wan- dering tattler. An(lul)on. Birds of Amer.. 1S42. vol. ."), p. 31.3. i>l. 344. E^g, Seebohm, l.SOO, j). 1.30. pi. 44, fig. 11. Srolo/Ki.r Jiavipcft Gmel., Syst. nat.. 17SS. vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 0.")!). "in N()VP:n()itACO." Salt and fresh marshes; nests on the ; lafc .lnly-(()ct. 17). X. H. — Hare spring and connncMi fall migrant. May; .Vng.- Sept. 4. Vt. — Tncommon migrant. Mass. Kare spring and common early fall migrant, .\pril 29- .Jnne 2 (June 1.5); July lO-Sept. 29 (( )ct. 1 1 and 30). li. I. — Uare spring and connnon fall migrant. Aj)ril 2S; ,Inly 3-Oct. I. Co.NN. — Rare spring and'common fall niigrani. .May 7; .Vug. 17C)ct. 80 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LLMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. 153. Helodromas solitarius CNYilson) Sharpe. Solitary sandpiper or tattler. Tringa solitaria Wils., Amer. ornith., 1813, vol. 7, p. 53, pi. 58, fig. 3. "Kentucky to New York." Totanns solitarius (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 309, pi. 343. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 6. Borders of woodland streams and ponds, rarely near salt water; nests on the ground or In other birds' deserted nests. Me. — Common migrant and in northern part a rare summer resident (AVoolastook vallev). INIav 7-30; summer-Oct. 2 (Oct. 21). N. H. — Common migrant, and possibly a rare summer resident. May 9-June; July 17-(Nov. 1). Yt. — Common migrant; reported breeding at Lake Bomoseen, St. Albans Bay, Wells River. May-Sept. 3. Eggs, middle of May. Mass. — Common migrant, mainly inland. May 2-26 (June) ; (July 8) July 20-Oct. 14 (Nov. 28). R. I. — Uncommon migrant. oNIay 3-20; July 18-Sept. 25. Conn. — Common migrant. May 2-(June 10); Aug.-Sept. 154. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Willet; Goose-bird; Humility. Scolopax semipalmata Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 659. "in Novebor,\co." Totanns semipalmatus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 324, pi. 347. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, figs. 4, 5. Salt and fresh marshes, and beaches; nests on the ground. Me., N. H. — Rare migrant coastwise. Oct. 25. Vt. — Rare migrant: ^Nliddlebury. Mass.^ Rare migrant coastAvise; formerly rare summer resident AVES. 81 LTMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. (IMuskcjret, about 1SG9, New Bedford). May 2-31 (Jtino 17): July ,S-Se|)t. 11. R. I. — Rare migrant coastwise, mainly in fall. May; .Inly 2- Sept. IS. ('<>\.\. — Formerly a rare summer resident (Madison, Stratford), now only a rare migrant. May; (summer); Aug. 9-Oct. Eggs, June 5. iST.i. 155. Catofikophorus SEMiP.\i,.MATr.s INOR.N'ATUS (Brewster) A. ( >. I', comm. Western willet. Symphcmia scmipalm>7, vol. 4, j). 145. "Larimer County, Color.\do." Totauus semipahiKiiuJt Temm. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1S31, vol. 2, j). 388, pi. ()7. Salt and fresh marshes, and beaches; nests on the ground. Mass. — Rare fall migrant: Newburx-jiort, Aug. 5, 1908 (and probably most of tho.se now found). CoXN. — Rare fall migrant: Stony Creek, Aug. 15, 1897, and other fall birds. 15(). Pavoncella pugnax (Linn^) Ix'ach. Ruff {d)\ Reeve (9). Tringa pugnax Linn^, Syst. nut., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 148. "l\ KlROPA MIXVS BOREAI.I." Marlicfi-.s pugnax lAunO. Dresser. Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. S. p. [S7]. i)ls. [557, 558]. Egg, Seebohm. 1890, p. 135, |)1. 42, figs. 4, 0. Shores and marshes; nests on the ground. Me.— Accidental from ()1»1 World: Camden. Sept. 14. KMX); Scarborough. April 10, 1870; Tpton, Sei)t. 8, 1874. 82 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. N. H. — Accidental visitor: Seabrook, Sept. 23, 1907. Mass. — Accidental visitor: Chatham, Sept. 12, 1880; Nan- tucket, July, 1901; Newburyport marshes, May 20, 1871. R. I. — Accidental visitor: Point Judith, Aug. 31, 1903; Sakon- net, July 30, 1900. 157. Bartramia longicauda (Bechstein) Bonaparte. Bartramian sandpiper; Field plover; Grass plover; Pasture plover; Upland plover. Tringa longicauda Bechst., Kurze uebers. vogel Lathams, 1812, vol. 2, p. 453. North America. Tringa bartramia Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 248, pi. 327. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, figs. 9, 10. Grassy prairies and fields; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant, and uncommon local summer resident. April 19-summer; Aug. 4-Sept. 16. Eggs, June 6. N. H. — Now uncommon migrant and summer resident in southern part. May 4-Sept. Vt. — Uncommon migrant and local summer resident. April 24- Sept. Eggs, May 26. Mass. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant, rare local summer resident; formerly commoner. April 3-May 10; summer; July 16-Sept. 14. Eggs, May 25- June 3 (June 22). R. I. — Uncommon migrant; formerly more common and prob- ably bred. April; Aug. 2-Sept. 18. Conn. — Formerly common summer resident ; now an uncom- mon migrant. May 2; fall. 158. Tryngites subruficollis C^-'ieillot) Ridgway. Buff-breasted sandpiper; Hill grass-bird. Tringa subruficollis Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 465. "Paraguay." AVES. S3 LIMICOLAE scoLOPAcinAi-:. Trinrja rufescens \'um11. Aiuluhon, Birds of Aiacr., IS 12, vol. o, p. 264, I )1. 331. Eprg, Seehohin, 1896, j). 151, pi. 43, fi«;. 11. Grassy uplands and marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare fall nii<;rant coastwise. Aug. -Sept. o. X. II. — Rare fall migrant cnnstwise: Portsmouth; Rye Beach, Aug. 25 and 2S. 1871. Vt. — Doubtfully reiorded. Mas.s. — Rare fall migrant coastwise. July 2S-Sept. 24. R. I. — Rare fall migrant coastwi.se. Sept. 6-15. Coxx. — Rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug.-Sept. 30. 150. AcTiTis MACUi.ARiA (I.innf?) Xauniann. Spotted sandpiper; Ox-eye; Peet-weet; Sand lark; Teeter peep; Tip-tail; Tip-up. Tritiga mon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 42, pi. 356. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. Me.— Rare migrant. May 20; July 19-Iate Sept. (Oct. 12, 1898, Dover). N. H. — Rare migrant. Aug. 6-Sept. 2. Mass. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 10- May 30 (June 8); (June 23) July 6-Oct. 1. R. L — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 27-]May ; July 2-Sept. 25. Conn. — Rare migrant, mainly in fall. July 20-Aug. 27. 162. Numenius borealis (Forster) Latham. Eskimo curlew; Dough -bird; Fute. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 378, pi. 65. Egg, Seebohm. 1896, p. 133, pi. 45, fig. 3. AVES. 85 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOl'ACIDAK. Scolojxix borralin Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. Loiidoii. 1772, vol. 02, pp. 111. 4:{1. "Al.HANY KoUT." IIUDSO.N BaV. Marslu's, hraclics, aiul grassy uplands; nests on the ground. Mk., N. II. — Formrrly conunon fall migrant, coastwise. Late Aug.-Sept. Ma.s.s. — Formerly a common fall migrant, accidental in s|»ring. (Late May lS7:i, Cape Cod); July 15-Oct. 2. R. I. — Fonnerly a common fall migrant coastwise. Aug. 27- Sept. Cow. — Formerly a common fall migrant coastwi.se, now very rare. Aug.-Oct. 13. CHARADRIIDAE. 103. Squ.\tarol.\ squatarola (I>inn^') Cuvier. Black-bellied plover; Beetlehead; Blackbreast; Blackheart; Frost-bird; Ox-eye; Palebelly (young;; Wbistling field plover. Tringa .iquatarula Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 17')^^, vol. 1, p. 1 }•». "in- KlROPA." Charadriu.s lielveticu^ Linne. Aiidiilioii, Hirds of An)er., 1S42, vol. 5. J). 190, pi. 315. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. Mk., X. II. — Common migrant chiefly coastwi.se. May 12- (.lune 21); Aug.-Oct. 24. \'t. — Rare migrant: Lunenhurg; Middlchury. Ma.s.s. — Common migrant coastwise. April l')-.Iunc 13 (June 25); July S-Nov. U\ (Dec). R. I. — Common migrant. May 15-22; Aug. 9-Oct. 15. Conn. — Common migrant coastwise. 86 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. CHARADRIIDAE. / 164. Charadrius dominicus Miiller. American golden plover; Bullhead; Frost-bird; Greenback; Greenhead; Green plover; Muddy breast; Pale belly; Pale breast; Three toes; Toad-head. Mull., Linn^'s VoUstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 116. "St. Domingo." Charadrius marmoratus Wagl. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 0, p. 203, pi. 316. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 125, pi. 39, fig. 5. Beaches, marshes, and open hilltops; nests on the ground. Me. — Formerly common, now rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug. 12-Nov. 15. N. H. — Rare migrant coastwise. (May); Aug. 26-mid-Oct. Vt. — Rare migrant : Lunenburg. INIass. — Very rare spring, and formerly common but now rare fall migrant coastwise. (May); Aug. 12-Nov. 2 (Nov. 19; Nov. 25, 1908, Ipswich). R. I. — Migrant, formerly rare in spring and common in fall coastwise; now very rare. (May); Aug. 14-Oct. 25. Conn. — Formerly common migrant, now rare; mainly coast- wise. Oct. 24. 165. OxYECHUS vociFERUS (Linne) Reichenbach. Killdeer. Charadrius vociferus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 150. "in America SEPTENTRioNALi." Aegialitis vocifera (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 173; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 11. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 18, figs. 8, 9. INIeadows, fields, and marshes; less often on beaches; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare migrant and accidental visitor. Aug. 17-Oct. 24 (Nov. 2S-Dec. 4, 1888). AYES. 87 I.IMICoI.Ai; (11 \\\ XDIMlDAi:. N. II. Kan- iiii<;raiit aiiti at. vol. .'). p. IMS, p|. 320. Sandy beaches and salt-marsli flats; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant; mainly coa.stwi.se. May-(.Iune 22); July 2y-Sei)t. X. II. — Common migrant, mainly coastwi.se. \ T. Rare migrant. Mass. — Common migrant, mainly coastwise. Late .\prii-Jime 11 (June2()); July 12 Oct. 2s. R. I. — Connnt)n migrant, inainlycoastwi.se. April 10-May 15; July (V-Se|)t. 25. Co.w. — Common miiirant, mainlv coastwi.se. Mav 17-June; July-.Se|)t. 1(17. .\K(;iai.itis MKi.ouA (^Ordj Bonaparte. Piping plover; Clam-bird; Mourning-bird; Pale ring-neck; Ring-neck. Charadrlii.s nirlfHlii.-< < )rd, Wilson's .\mer. ornitli., 1S24, vol. 7, 88 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. CHARADRIIDAE. p. 71. "Great Egg-Harbor," N. J. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 223, pi. 321. Egg, Capen, 18SG, pi. 18, fig. 10. Sandy beaches; nests on the ground. ^Ie. — Formerly a rare summer resident coastwise (Wells Beach). May 2-Aug. N. H. — Rare migrant coastwise. Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident coastwise. (Mar. 26) April 5-Sept. 22. Eggs, May 10-June 14 (July 20). R. I. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident coastwise. (Mar. 24) May 15-Sept. Eggs, June 5-14. Conn. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident coastwise. 168. OcHTHODROMus wiLSONius (Ord) Reichenbach. Wilson's plover. Charadrins wilsonia Ord, Wilson's Amer. ornith., 1814, vol. 9, p. 77, pi. 73, fig. 5. "Cape Island, Xewjersey." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 214, pi. 319. Sandy beaches and mudflats; nests on the ground. Vt., N. H.— Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Accidental visitor: Gernet Ft., Flymouth, Aug. 22, 1877; Ipswich, May 8, 1904 {nee Nahant, Aug. 1839). R. I. — Doubtfully included. Conn. — Accidental visitor: Bridgeport, July 28, 1888 ("seen," Averill); Stratford (Linsley). APHRIZID.AE. 169. Arenaria interpres (Linne) Vieillot. European tumstone; Tangle -picker. Tringa interpres Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 148. "in EuROPA & AiAIERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." AVES. 89 LIMICOLAK. Al'IlKIZIDAK. Strrp.fi la.t itiferprcs (Linn6). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, p. [555], j)I. [532]. Seaeoiists; nests on the rrround. M.VSS. — Aceidental visitor: Mononioy Island, Sept. 8, 1892, (Bishop). 170. Arexaria iNTERPREs MORiNET.i-A (Linn#) A. ( ). r. coiiini. Ruddy tumstone; Bead-bird; Brant-bird; Calico-back; Calico- bird; Chicken plover; Horsefoot snipe; Rock-bird; Rock plover; Stone plover; Tumstone. Trhifja vutrhuUa Linne, S\st. iiat , ed. 12, 1700, vol. 1, p. 249. "ad marls LITTORA AmERICAE .SEPTENTRIONAI.I.S; & ElROPAE." Strcpsilas inicrprc.t (Linn^"'). Auduhon, Birds of Anier., 1842, vol. 5, p. 231, pi. 323. Seaeoasts; nest.s on the ground. Me. — Common mij^raiit. May 22-27; July 2.S-Sept. X. H. — Unct)nunon mii;raiit. Vt. — Rare migrant: Lake ('hamj)lain. M.\ss. — Uneomuion migrant. May 1-31 (June 24); July 25-Oct. IG. R. I. — Common migrant. May 14-20; Aug. 4-Oct. 8. Conn. — Common migrant. May 23; Aug.-Sept. HAK.M.VrorODlDAE. 171. 1 Iaem.\topus PALLiATUS Temminck. American oyster- catcher. Temm., Man. d'ornith., etl. 2, 1S20, vol. 2, j). 532. "l'.\mkui- QLE mJ^ridionai.e." .Vuduhoii, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 230, pi. 324. Egg, flcntry, Nests and eggs birds U. S., 1882, p. 277, pi. 47. Seaeoasts; nests on the ground. 90 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. HAEMATOPODIDAE. Me. — Formerly at Portland (Audubon). Mass. — Now an accidental visitor. Late April; Aug. CoxN. — Now very rare migrant; formerly more plentiful. GALLINAE. PHASIANI. TETRAONIDAE. 172. CoLixus viRGiNiAXUS (Linne) Stejneger. Bob-white; Quail; Virginia partridge. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 178, pi. 1. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 1, fig. 1. Tetrao virginianus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 161. "America." Weedy and brusligrown fields and edges of woods; nests on the ground. Me., N. H. — Formerly common, now rare resident in southern counties; also introduced from the South. Vt, — Rare resident at lower elevations; largely introduced. Mass. — Uncommon resident; also introduced. Eggs, May- June 30 (Sept.). R. L— Common resident; also frequently introduced. Eggs, May 25-June 20 (! Oct. 10). Conn. — Common resident, also introduced. Eggs, June 14- Aug. (! Sept. 2). 173. Caxachites caxadexsis canace (Linne) Norton. Canadian spruce grouse; Black grouse; Fool-hen; Spotted grouse; Spruce partridge; Wood partridge. Tetrao canace Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 275. "Canada." Teirao canadensis Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 83, pi. 294. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 1, fig. 23. AVKS 91 r.AM.INAi:. I'll ASI A.M. TKTHAONlDAi;. Dense fir ami spruce woods; nests on the frrotnid. Me." — rnconiinon lv.^i(ll•llt in nonlicni t't)rc,>ts. Kjipjs, May. N. 11. — I'nconnnon resident in nortliern ]tart. and above iiUOO ft. in White Mts. south to Mt. Passaconaway. E<;j;s, hite May. \'t. — Unconinion resident in norihiM-ninost part (N'ictoria). Mass. — Aeeidental visitor: (iloucester, Sept. 1851; Roxhiiry Nov. about 1S65. 171. HoNA.sA iMBF.u.rs (Linu^) Stephens. Ruffed grouse; Birch partridge ; Partridge; Pheasant. Tctrao umheUus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 1:2, 17('><», vol. 1, |>. 27.3. "i\ Pf.xsvlvania." Au(hil)on. Birds of Anier.. 1S42, vol. 5, p. 7;!. pi. L'»)3. EnrjT, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1 , pi. 2, fig. 1 . Woods and thitkets; nests on the ground. Vt. — Nearly typical l)ir tre*- limit ttn mountains. Vt. — Common resident. 92 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. GALLINAE. PHASIANI. TETRAONIDAE. Mass. — Resident; nearly typical birds occur in Berkshire Co. (North Adams). 176. Lagopus lagopus (Linne) Stejneger. Willow ptarmigan. Tetrao lagopus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 159. "in Europae alpinis." Lagopus albus Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 114, pi. 299 (summer). Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 2, fig. 5- 10. Dense thickets; nests on the ground. Me. — Accidental visitor: near Dennisville (Audubon); Ken- duskeag, April 23, 1892. Mass. — Accidental visitor (or escape) : Manchester, May 10, 1859. R. I. — Doubtfully recorded. 177. Tympanuchus cupido (Linne) Ridgway. Heath-hen; Eastern pinnated grouse; Hethen. Tetrao cupido Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 160. "in Virginia." De Kay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 205, pi. 77, fig. 175. Cupidonia cupido Brewster, Auk, 1885, vol. 2, p. 82. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 3, fig. 2. Scrub-oak thickets; nests on the ground. Me. — Ascribed by Audubon to Maine, but perhaps erroneously. Mass. — Resident, now confined to Martha's Vineyard, but (till about 1815) occurring coastwise nearly to Boston, and in lower Connecticut valley. Eggs, June 2-July 24. R. L — Formerly common, but practically extirpated by 1800. Conn. — Formerly common; extirpated before 1840 (Westford, about 1832, Nuttall). AVES. 93 GALLINAi:. rilASIAXI. TETRAOXIUAE. 178. Mkleagris gallopavo silvestris (Vifillot) Allen. Wild turkey. M('Ua(/ris .tihr.stn'.s Nii'ill., Xouv. diet, d'hist. nat., IS] 7, vol. 9, j). 447. "Illinois Jusyu'X l'isthmk de Panama." Mi'lcaf/ri.f (jaUnpavo Liniu'. Audiihon, Hirds of Aiiur., 1S42, vol. 5, J). 42. i)ls. 2S7, 2SS. Kcr^r, Ik-ndiro, 1S<)2, vol. 1, pi. 3, fig. 14. Wood.s and thickel.s; ne.sts on the ground. Me. — Formerly a resident in .southern eounties fto Mi. Dcvsert?); now extirpated. X. II. — Formerly a resident in southern i)art; last reeord in 1841 or '42. Vt. — Formerly resident in .southern part; now extir|)ated. Ma.s.s. — Formerly eommon resident; last reeorded eapture at Mt. Tom, winter of 1850-51. U. I. — Formerly eoiimiou resident. CoNX. — Formerly eomnnjn resident; last killed about 1813 on Totoket Mt.. Xorthford. COLUMBAE. COLUMBIDAE. 17U. EcTOPi.sTE.s .MiGii.\TORius (Linn6) Swainson. Passenger pigeon; Wild pigeon. Columba mif/ratoria Linii^', Syst. nat., ed. 12, 17GG, vol. 1, jt. 285. "in America septe.ntrionali." Ectopisics mif/ratoria (Linn^). Auduhon, Hirds of .Vmer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 25, |)1. 285. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1 . pi. 4, fig. 0. Woods and fields; nests in trees in eolonies. Me. — Formerly an abundant migrant and local summer nvsident; last specimens taken near De.xter, Aug. Ki, 1890. and at Bar Harbor, early summer 1904. April 7-.Se|)t. 94 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. COLUMBAE. COLUMBIDAE. X. H. — Formerly abundant migrant and local summer resident ; last specimen taken at Concord, 1885. April 2-18; summer- Oct. 10. Yt. — Formerly abundant migrant and summer resident. Mar. 20-Oct. 10. ISIass. — Formerly abundant migrant and common local summer resident, rare in winter; last recorded in 1889. ]\Iar. 10-Oct. 21 (winter). Eggs, jNIay 22. R. I. — Formerly abundant migrant; last killed in 1886. Conn. — Formerly an abundant migrant, and common summer resident. April 2-fall. Eggs, late May. 180. Zenaidura macroura carolinensis (Linne) A. O. U. comm. Mourning dove ; Carolina dove ; Long-tailed dove; Turtledove. Columba caroliueusis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 286. "ix America." Zenaidura macroura (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 188; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 13. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 4, figs. 8, 9. Open woods and fields; nests in trees, or rarely on the ground. Me. — Rare migrant and summer resident in southern part; accidental in winter. Mar. 21-Oct. 24 (Xov. 21 and winter). N. H. — Rare migrant and summer resident in southern part. Late Mar.-Oct. (Dec. 15). Vt. — Rare summer resident : Rutland Co. ]\L\.ss. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident. Mar. 5-Xov. 15 (winter). Eggs, April 19-May 20. R. I. — Lncommon summer resident in northern and western parts. April 3-Oct. 15. Eggs, !May 15-25. Conn. — Uncommon summer and rare winter resident. !Mar.- Nov. (winter). Eggs, ]\Iay 24-June 20 (July 27). AVES. 95 COHMMAK. COHMHIDAE. 1*>1. Starxoexas CYANOCEPiiALA (lAuuC') Bonaparte. Blue-headed quail-dove. Columha cifanocrphola Linn^'. Syst. nat., od. 10, 17.5S, vol. 1, ]i. 1(3.3. "America." Audul)oii, Hinis of Amor., 1842, vol. 5, p. 2.3, pi. 2S4. Thickets and woods; nests among vines. Mas.s. — One taken at Brookline, Oct. 10, 1S70, jirobahly an escape. RAPTORES. SARCORIIA'MPITI. C.rrilARTIDAE. 182. Cathartes aura septe.xtrioxalis (Wied) Xelson. Turkey vulture; Turkey buzzard. Catliarte.t srpinifrionall.s Wied, Keise Xord-Anierica, 1839, vol. 1, j). 1('»2. Locality elsewhere given as near New Harmony, IXDIAXA. Caihartrs niira Linn<''. Auduhon, Birds of Anier., 1840, vol. 1, p. i:>. pi. 2. Kgg. Bendirc, 1S<)2. vol. 1. pi. 4, figs. 1, 3. Open country; nests on ground in shallow caves or in hollow logs. Me. — Accidental visitor at all .sea.sons (eight records). N. II. — Accidental visitor: Hampton Falls, April 1882; North Weare, spring 1887. Vt. — Accidental visitor: Eutaw. M.\s.s. — Occasional visitor at all seasons. R. I. — Occasional visitor; four records. May 10-Xov. C'o.xx. — (Occasional (mainly sinumer) visitor. Ajjril 20-Ott. IS. 1S3. Catiiarista URunr (Vieillot) Vicillot. Black vulture; Black-headed buzzard; Carrion crow; Jim crow. VuUur iinihii \'ii'ill., Ilisi. imi. i)i->. Ani^-r. Sej)t., 1807, vol. 1, 96 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. SARCORH.\MPHI. CATHARTIDAE. p. 23, pi. 2. "l'Amerique, depuis la Nouvelle-Ecosse jus- qu'a la Terre de Feu." Cathartes atratiis Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 17, pi. 3. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 4, figs. 7, 10. Open country and vicinity of dwellings; nests on the ground. Me. — Accidental visitor. Aug. 20-Nov. 3. Vt. — Accidental visitor: Lunenburg; Woodbury, July 10, 1884. Mass. — Accidental visitor. July-Nov. Conn. — Accidental visitor: East Lyme, July 6, 1901. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. 184. Elaxoides forficatus (Linne) Coues. Swallow-tailed kite. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 196; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 1. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, figs. 1, 2. Falco forficatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 89. "America." Open country; nests in tall trees. Me. — Erroneously recorded. N. H.— Doubtfully recorded (Franklin, 1875). Vt. — Doubtfully recorded (Williams). Mass. — Accidental visitor: Amesbury (= West Newbury) about Sept. 25, 1882; Whately; (?) near Northampton, 1880. Conn.— Accidental visitor: Lyme, July 2, 1877; Portland, summer 1861; Saybrook, June 16, 1889. 185. Circus hudsonius (Linne) Vieillot. Marsh hawk; Blue hawk; Bog-trotter; Frog hawk; Harrier; Mole hawk; Mouse hawk; Mouser; Snake hawk. A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, p. 26, pi. 3. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, fig. 8-10. AVES. 97 RAin^ORES. FALCONES. rALCOMDAE. Falco hudsoniu.t Linn^, Syst. nat., iil. 12, 1700, vol. 1, [>. 128. "ad iretum IIudsoxis." Open country, fields, nitirshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Common miijrant, less common summer resident. Mar. 19-Oct. 7 (Nov. 12). Eggs, June 4. X. II. ( "ommon migrant, uiKoiiimon summer resident. Mar. 16-Xov. 12. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident. April 14-Oct. Ma.ss. — Common migrant, uncommon summer resident; rare winter resident on the coast. Mar. l-Xov. 29 (winter). Eggs, May 12-June S. R. I. — Common migrant, rare sumuicr and winter resident. Mar. 15-Oct. 29 (winter). Eggs. May 23, 25. Conn. — Common migrant, uncommon summer resident; winters rarely. Mar.-X'ov. (winter). Eggs, May D-June 9. 180. AcciPiTER VEi.ox (Wilson) Vigors. Sharp-shinned hawk; Pigeon hawk. (hapiuaii, llandl). hirds east. Xo. Amcr., 1.S9."), p. 198; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, ])I. 4. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, fig. 11-17. Fak'o relox Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 5, p. 110, pi. 45, fig. 1. "dank.s of the Schuylkill." Open or wooded country; nests in trees. Me. — Common migrant, le.ss common summer resident; rare winter resident (Portland, 1905; Westhrook, 1907). Mar. 27- Xov. 23 (winter). Eggs, June 1. N. H. — Common migrant, less common summer resident; rare winter resident in southi-rn part. Eggs, May 23-June 1. \'r. — Uncommon summer and ran* winter resident. M.\.ss. — Common migraiu, unconunon summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 3-June 10. 98 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. R. I. — Uncommon migrant, rare summer and winter resident. Eggs, :\Iay 23, 25. Conn. — Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 15- June 26. 187. AcciPiTER cooPERii (Bonaparte) Gray. Cooper's hawk; Chicken hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 199; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 5. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, fig. 18-20. Falco cooperii Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1828, vol. 2, p. 1, pi. 10, fig. 1. "near Bordentown, New Jersey." Open country and woods; nests in trees. Me. — Uncommon summer resident. April 4-Oct. 24 (? Jan. 16). N. H. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident at lower elevations. Mar. 26-Oct. Eggs, May 12-30. Vt. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident; (? winter). Eggs, April 22. Mass. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident ; rare in winter. Eggs, April 25- June 11. R. I. — Common migrant, less common summer resident; prob- ably winters rarely. Eggs, May 12-14. Conn. — Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, April 25-June 18. 188. AsTUR ATRiCAPiLLUS (Wilson) Bonaparte. American goshawk; Blue hawk; Partridge hawk. Falco atricapillus Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 6, p. SO, pi. 52, fig. 3. Near "Philadelphia." Accipiter atricapillus (Wils.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. AVE.S. 99 R A im)IlKS. FA LCON ES. FALCON I DAK. No. Anu'i-.. 1S«)."). p. I'.i!); A. K. Kislicr. Hawks aiul owls of U.S., \S\yA, |)1. C. Ej;n, H(>ii(iire. 1S<>2. v..l. 1, pi. (i. tiir. 1. ( )piii couiilrv and licavv wnods; lu'.st.s ill troes. Me. — ("oiiiiiioii wiiittT rr.sidcnt. less rominon summer resident. Oct. 2(»-May; suininer. Kjlri"^- -^l"'' -•> M:iy. N. II. - lrre<;iilarly common winter resident; rare smnmer resident .south to Alstead. Vt. — Irrcfxular winter visitor; rare summer resident .south to Rutland, Mcndoii. K^'^'s, .\pril 2'] May 1. M.\.s.s. — Winter visitor, irrc;^ularly loininon; casual summer vLsitor (Hoosa.- Mt.. \u^. lo, I'KM)). Oct. 4-Kei). 2(). R. I. — Irrcfiular winter visitor, .sometimes common. ( )ct. 27- Feb. 14. Co.N'.N. — Irretjular winter visitor, .sometimes common; accidental in late summer. (Aug. 24, 1S<,)3, West Haven) Oct. 2-winter. 189. HiTKo nouKAi.i.s (Gmelin) \'icill(»t. Red-tailed hawk or buzzard; Hen hawk. Cha|)man, Handh. birds east. .NO. .Xnur., IS'.)."), p. 200; .\. I\. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 7. Fgj;, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. (i, figs. .5, (■>. Fdlco horealis Gmel., Syst. nat.. 1788, vol. 1, pi. 1. p. 2(10. "l.\ A.MEKItA HOKE.\I.I, POTIS.SIMIM ( " \K( (t.l.NA." Open country and forests; nests in large trees. Me. — Uncommon suinnitr resident, and in soiuhern counties rare winter resiih-nt. Eggs. May (>-2fi. .\. 11. rnioiiMnon resident, wintering from White Mts. .south. \'r. — Inconunon resident. Hggs, .\pril 22. M.\.s,s. - rncommon migrant and winter resident; lare snninier resident. Hggs, .\|)ril (> 27. R. I. — Uncommon winter, and rare simiiner resident. Nov. 30- Mar. 2o; sununer. Fggs, .\pril .>-30. 100 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCON I DAE. Conn. — Uncommon niicjrant and winter resident; rare summer resident. Sept.-Mar. ; summer. Eggs, Mar. 28-Ai)ril 2-i (INIay 25). 190. BuTEO LiNEATUS (Gmelln) Vieillot. Red-shouldered hawk; Chicken hawk; Hen hawk; Winter hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. Xo. Amer., 1895, p. 201; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 8. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1. pi. 7. fig. 1-5. Falco lineatm Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 268. "in INSULA LONGA," XeW YoRK. open country and woods; nests in large trees. Me. — Uncommon summer resident. (Mar. 4) Mar. 20-Oct. 21. Eggs, late A}:)ril-May 24. N. H. — Uncommon summer resident north to southern valleys of White I\Its. Mar. 27-Xov. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident (? winters). Mar. 17-fall. Eggs, April 22. ■Mass. — Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, April 3- June 6. R. I. — Uncommon resident. Eggs, x\pril 5-13. Conn. — Common migi-ant and winter resident, less common summer resident. Eggs, April 5- June 1. 191. BuTEO swainsoni Bonaparte. Swainson's hawk. Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and Xo. Amer., 1838, p. 3. Based on Audubon: "ne.\r the Columbia River." Chapman, Handb. birds east. Xo. Amer., 1895, ]). 203; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 9. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 8, fig. 1-6. AVES. 101 RAinOHES. rAT.cr>N'ES. I AF.CONIDAE. 0|>eu prairie country or edges of woods near sfreains; nest.s in trees. Me. — Oeeasional visitor from West. May 19; Sept. 1.5, Oct. 8. Vt. — Rare visitor: Lunenl)urj;. Mass. — Rare visitor (four records). April 20-Xov. 7. 192. BiTEo iM.ATvrrKKi.s (\'icillot) Faxon. Broad-winged hawk. Span*iu.3, pi. 10. Kj:}:, Bendire, 1S1)2, vol. 1. pi. 7, fig. 10-13. Woodlands, an. Co.\.\. — Unconunon migrant, and rare siunmer (and ? winter) resident. Eggs, May 3-18. 193. Al{(H!HlTKO LAGOI'LS .SA.NCTI-JOHA.NNIS ((Jmelill) (oUCS. American rough-legged hawk; Black hawk. Uhapman. Hand!), birds east. No. Amer., ISOo, |). 20.'); .\. K. Fisher, Hawlcs and owls of U. S. 1893, pi. II. Egg. Hendirc, |S92, vol. 1. pi. S, fig. 10-12. 102 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Fako S. johcDinis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 273. "in freto Hudsoxis et nova terra." Open country; nests on cliffs or in trees. Me. — Uncommon fall and Avinter visitor. Oct. 28-jMar. N. H. — Uncommon irregular fall and winter visitor. Oct.- (May 6). Vt. — Rare fall and winter visitor. Oct. Mass. — Rare fall and winter visitor. Oct.-x\pril 13 (May 8). R. I. — Uncommon fall and winter visitor. Oct. -April 12. Conn. — Fall and winter visitor, irregular, but sometimes com- mon. Nov. 20- April. 194. Aquila chrysaetos (Linne) Spriingli. Golden e agle ; Ring-tailed e agle . Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 206; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 13. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 9, figs. 3, 5. Faico chrysaetos Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 88. "in EUROPA." Mountainous country; nests on cliffs or in large trees. Me. — Rare visitor; not now known to breed (young (?), Sandy Bay Mt., 1895). N. H. — Rare visitor; formerly rare resident in White Mts. Vt. — Rare visitor; formerly a resident. Mass. — Rare visitor at all seasons, not now known to breed. R. L — Rare visitor in fall and winter. Conn. — Rare visitor, at all seasons. 195. Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Linne) Boie. Bald eagle; Gray eagle; Washington eagle (young); White- headed eagle. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 207; A. K. AVES. 103 RAPTOHLS. FAUONES. FALCON I DAE. Fisher, Hawks and owls of l'. S., IMKJ, |)1. 1 1. 1",;:;:, liiiidiir, 1S*»2. vol. 1, |.l. \), W^r. 7. Fairn Iruroccplialu.t Linn^*, Syst. iiat., iil. \2, 17tl(), vol. 1, |). 124. "in .\mkkua, KruorA." ( )|>ni wild couiitrv, esju'cially near lakes and .seacoasts; nests in tall trees or on the fjrouiid. Me. — Uneomnion migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident eoa.stwi.se. Ejijjs, April 4-21. .\. 11. — I'neommon mi<:raiit and summer resident; rare in winter in southern part. Vt. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident. M.\SS. — Uneonnnon migrant and, near coast, occasional at all sea.sons. Xo recent breeding records (formerly on Mt. Tom). R. I. — Occasional at all .seasons, though not known to hreed. Coxx. — Occasional at all .seasons, hut most frequent as a mi- grant; formerly bred (Mt. Cannel, Saltonstall Uitlgc, AVest Peak). 190. Fauo ksla.mhs Hriiiuiich. White gyrfalcon; White or Speckled hawk. Briinn., Ornith. horealis, 17(14, p. 2. " Islaxdia." Fairo i.tlatulirn.s Lath. .Vuduhon, Birds of Amer., 1S40, vol. 1, p. SI. pi. 19. Kgg, Seehohm, 1S9(), p. 4. pi. 1, fig. 2. ( )|»cn country ami barrens; nests on .sea cliffs. Me. — Accidental visitor: South Winn, Oct. S, 1S93; {tiec Cape Klizabcth). X. II. — Doubtfully recorded (Errol, Xov. 4, 1S(»S, Maynard). Ma.s.s. — Doubtfully recorded (Cambridge, .lan.-Fel)., \S'.V.i, Xuttall). 197. F\i.(() Kf.sTicoLU.s Linn^. Gray gyrfalcon. Linn^'. Syst. iiaf.. td. Id. 17.'.s. vol. 1, p. .SK. "i.\ SVECIA." 104 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 665; Brisson, Ornith., 17G0, vol. 1, pi. ;31. Open country; nests on cliffs. Me. — Accidental visitor: Cape Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1877. 198. Falco rusticolus gyrfalco (Linne) Stejneger. Gyrfalcon; MacFarlane's gyrfalcon. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 245-246. Falco gyrfalco Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 91. "'in EuROPA." Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 6, pi. [367]. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 9, figs. 6, 8, 9. Open or mountainous country; nests on cliffs. Me. — Very rare winter visitor: Jacques Id., Mar. 7, 1907; Ktaadn Iron Works, December, 1876; "Maine;" North Deering, Dec. 11, 1906. Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Very rare winter visitor: Melrose, Jan. 1, 1891; North- ampton, Feb., 1880; Stowe, 1881. R. I. — Very rare winter visitor: Point Judith, Oct. 11, 1883; near Providence, winter, 1864—65. 199. Falco rusticolus obsoletus (Gmelin) Stejneger. Black gyrfalcon; Labrador gyrfalcon. Ridgway, iNIanual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 245-246. Falco obsoletus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 268. "iN FRETO HUDSONIS." Falco labradora Audubon, Ornith. biogr., vol. 2, pi. 196. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 10, fig. 1. Open and mountainous country; nests on cliffs or rarely in trees. Me. — Rare fall and winter visitor. Sept.-Mar. 22. N. H. — Rare winter visitor: Milford, January, 1891. AVES. 10") RArroRES. F.\LCONES. FALCON! DAE. ^Tass. — Rare fall and winter visitor (four records). Oet- Mar. 11. K. I. — Miirc fall and winter visitor: Conanient Id., Nov. 22, 18U1; Xewj)ort, < )(l. L'S. IMKI; Tiverton, Dee. 2(). ISDO. 200. F.\i.(o PKKKCRiM.s ANATUM {Bona|»arte) HIasius. Duck hawk; American peregrine falcon; Black hawk (Vt.); Bullet hawk; Great-footed hawk; Ledge hawk. Cha|)nian, llandh. birds east. No. Anier., IM).'). |). 209; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1S9.':{, j)l. 1"). Kjr^', Beinlire. 1892, vol. 1, |)1. 10, fifj. 5-7. Falco anotum IJonap., Geo^'r. and comparative list birds Kuro|)e and No. Anier., 1S3S, p. 4. "Northern parts" of Xo. America. Open and mountainous country; nests on ledges or in cavities of large trees. Me. — Rare sununcr resident. .Mar. l-i-Oct. Eggs, April 14. N. H., Vt. — Rare n»igrant and local summer resident. Mar. 14- Oct. Vt., Eggs, May 2-June 30. Mass. — Rare migrant, and in western mountains, rare local summer resident; ran- in winter. Eggs, April 1.5-May 23. R. I. — Rare migrant. May; Oct. Conn. — Rare migrant, summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 9 (large young, May 2"), Talcott Mt.). 201. Falco coiamkarius Linn^. Pigeon hawk. Linn6, Syst. nat.. ed. 10, 17r)S, vol. 1, |). 90. "America." Clia|)man, Ilandb. birds east. Xo. Amer., ISOo, |). 210; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of V. S., 1S;93. |)1. IC. Egg. Hcndirc. 1SU2, vol. 1, 1)1. 10, figs. 4, 8. Woo.\ ii.\i,i.\ETU.s c.\RoiJ\K.\.si.s ((iintlin) Ridi^way. American osprey; Fish hawk. Chapman, Handtt. Itirds east. Xo. Amer., 1S9.5, p. 212; A. K. Fi.sher. Hawks and owls of V. S., 1S93, |)l. IS. K^r^', H.iKJire, 1S92, vol. l,pl. 10, fi^r. 17; pi. 11, fig. .5-9. Fairo haliai'ios y . raroHnrnsis (Jmel., Syst. nat.. 17SS, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 263. "America." Seaeoa.st.s and vieinitv of larm- streams and lakes; nests in liiirh or low trees, on rocks or artificial sites. Me. — Common summer resident. (Mar. 2S) A|>ril ."» ()li( r. Hawks and owls of U. S., 1S93, |>l. IM. H^'j;. Beiidins 1892, vol. I. pi. ll>. fij;. I]. ( )|)tii couiitrv and inarslu'.s; nests on the ground. Me. — Unconinioji resident, more coinnion migrant near coast. N. H. — I'neonunon migrant. April; Nov. Vt. — Uncommon migrant ( ? winters). Mass. — Uncommon migrant mainly near coast, rare in winter; rare summer resident. Mar. l.")-A|)ril 15; summer; Si'pt.i'l Nov. 30 (winter). K. I. — Uncommon migrant and rare summer n-sident; may winter ran'ly. A|)ril; <)ct. 2()-I)ec. 2'.i. Hggs. April 2.S. CoNX. — Uneonmion migrant; raR* summer and winter resident. 208. Stkix v.\Ki.\ Barton. Barred owl; Bam owl (Me.); Black-eyed owl; Hoot owl; Round-headed owl. Strix varius Barton, Fragm. nat. hist. Penna., 17*.t'.). ]•. 11. "Pennsylv.\ni.\." Sjfrnlum uehuUmum (Forst.). Cliapman, liandh. hirds east. No. Amer., 1S<>.'), |). 21o; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, j)l. 22. P:gg, Bcmlire, 1S92, vol. 1. jil. 12. Hg. 4. Heavy woods, |)referal>ly near water; nois in hollows of tri'es or in abandoned liawk or crow nests. Me. — Rather common n-sich-nt. Kggs, Mar. 27. X. H. - Rather common resident up to .>()()() feet. Vt. — Rather connnon resident. 110 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. Mass. — Uncommon resident, more frequent in fall migration. Eggs, Mar. 27-May 13. R. I. — Uncommon resident, occasionally more common in fall and winter. Eggs, Mar. 15-April 12. Coxx. — Uncommon resident. Eggs (Feb.), Mar. l-April 30 (May 10). 209. ScoTiAPTEX NEBULOSA (Forstcr) Preble. Great gray owl; Cinereous owl; Spectral owl. Sfrix nebulosa Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, p. 424. "circa Sixum Hudsoxis." Strix cinerea Gmel. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali- Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 77, pi. 31. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 5. Wooded country; nests in trees. ]Me. — Rare and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 8-Mar. 2. X. H. — Rare winter visitor. Vt. — Rare and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 27-Feb. 1 1 . Mass. — Rare winter visitor. Nov. 10-^lar. 4. R. I. — Very rare winter visitor: Fox Island, INIar. 25, 1883; near Providence, 1870, Nov. 19, 1906. Coxx. — Rare winter visitor: North Haven, Jan. 18, 1893; Stratford, Jan. 6, 1843. 210. Glaux fuxerea richardsoni (Bonaparte) A. O. U. comm. Richardson's owl; Sparrow owl. Nyctale richardsoni Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, p. 7. Based on Audubon: "at Baxgor, in Maine, on the Penobscot River." Strix tengmalmi Linne. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor- eali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 94, pi. 32. Egg, Bendire. 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 6. AVES. 1 I 1 RAin^OUFS. • STRir.ES. STRIGIDAE. Werh., Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1904, vol. 27, p. 187 "L.vnxe au Loup, L.\br.\dor." Dense forests; nests in trees. Me — Accidental visitor: near Portland. Mar. 1870 (recorded as B. V. saturaiiis). 216. Nyctea nyctea (Linn^) Lichtenstein. Snowy owl; Arctic owl; White owl. Strix nyctea Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 93. "i\ EuROPA & America .sei>te.\trio.\ali." Surnia nyctea (Linnd). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 113, pi. 28. E^% Bendire, 1S92, vol. 1, j)l. 12, fij?. 19. Ojx'U country and barren fjroiuids; nests on the ground. Me. — L'nconiinon fall and winter visitor. (Sept.) Oct. 15- Feb. X. II. — Late fall antl winter visitor, .sonietinies conMuon; acci- dental in sinnnier (Concord, July). Oct. 10-April (-July). Vt. — Irn'gular fall and winter visitor. Oct. 20. Mass. — Irn-jjular fall and winter visitor, sometimes common. (Oct. 12) Oct. 28-April 15 (May 20). 114 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. R. I. — Uncommon and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 3-Feb. 15. Conn. — Uncommon and irregular winter visitor. Oct. 17. 217. SuRXiA ULULA CAPAROCH (Mtiller) Stejneger. American hawk owl; Day owl. Strix caparoch ]Mull., Linne' Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 69. "EuROPA." Sur7iia funerea Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 112, pi. 27. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 18. Open country or woods; nests in trees or rarely in cliffs. Me. — Rare fall and winter \dsitor. Oct. 24-Mar. 10 (April 16, 1906, Van Buren). N. H. — Rare fall and winter \isitor. Oct. 25-(April 20, Con- necticut Lakes). Vt.- — Rare fall and winter visitor; (? summer in north). Xov. 2-winter. ]Mass. — Rare fall and winter visitor. Nov. 16-Mar. 25. R. I. — Rare winter visitor: \Yest Greenwich, Nov. 16, 1906; (also one doubtful record). CoxN. — Rare winter visitor: New Haven, Nov. 1869. 218. Speotyto cunicularia htpogaea (Bonaparte) Coues. Burrowing owl. A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, p. 195, pi. 25. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 14. Strix hypogaea Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 72, pi. 7, fig. 2. "Western Americax territory." Open prairie country; nests in old burrows of prairie-dogs and spermophiles. Mass. — Accidental visitor: Newbur^-port, ^lay 5, 1875. AVES. 115 CCKXYGES. CUCULI. CUCULIDAE. 210. CoccYZUS AMERICANUS (Linn^) Bonaparte. Yellow-billed cuckoo; Chow-chow; Egg sucker; Milk sourer; Rain crow; Rain dove. Aii(lnl>()n, Birds of Anier., 1S42. vol. 4, p. 293. \)\. 275. Egg, Bi-ndire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5. fig. 1. Ciiciilu.t amfricanu.'i Linn^, Syst. nat., e. Forests; nests in holes du^ in dead or live trees. Me. — Connnon re.sident. Kf;;;.s, May 2S. X. II. —Common re.sidiMit up to -i'AH) ft. Vt. — Uncommon n-.sident. E^g.s, .hme 8. M.\.S8. — Uncommon winter visitor and less common summer resident. es|M'(ially in western part. Ej;. birds east. Xo. Amer.. 18«>.-), p. 230; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 24. Egg. CajH-n, 1886. pi. 11, fig. 10. ()|H'n woods, shade and orchard trees; nests in holes excavated in dead tnvs. Me. — Common resident. Eggs. May 27. X. H. — Common nvsident, mainly Ix'low 3000 ft. Vt. — Common resident. 118 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PICI. PICIDAE. Mass. — Common resident, most conspicuous in fall and winter. Eggs, May20-.Iune21. R. I. — Uncommon summer and common winter resident. Eggs, May 12-25. Conn. — Common resident. 224. PiroiDES ARCTicus (Swainson) Gray. Arctic three-toed woodpecker; Black-backed three-toed wood- pecker. Picvs (Apternus) arcticus Swains., in Swains, and Richardson, Pauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 313, pi. 57. "near the SOURCES OF THE ATHABASCA RiVER, LAT. 57°." Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 11. Evergreen forests ; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. Me. — Uncommon winter visitor, and in northern and western counties, rare resident. Eggs, May 23. N. H.— Rare resident above 3000 ft. in White jSIts., south to Mt. Passacohaway and possibly on Mt. ]\Ionadnock (Keene, breeding), elsewhere rare visitor. Vt. — Rare resident in northern ))art and on higher peaks (nests at Burlington, Lunenburg, Sherburne, Pico Peak, etc.); occasional visitor to lower country in fall and winter. Eggs, May 29, June 1. Mass. — Occasional fall and winter visitor. (Late Sept.) Oct. 16-April 27 (July, 1888, Boxford; Aug. 11, 1883, Dorchester). Conn. — Rare winter visitor: East Windsor Hill; Simsbury, 1860. 225. PicoiDES AMERiCANUS Brehm. American three-toed woodpecker; Banded-backed woodpecker; Ladder-backed woodpecker. Picoides americana Brehm, Handb. d. naturgesch. aller vogel Deutschl., 1831, p. 195. "Amerika." AVES. IIU PR'I. PICIDAE. I'icu.s lilr.tutii.-< \'ii-ill. Auilul»(»ii, Binls nf Aiiicr., 1S12. vol. 4, p. i?(l.s. 1)1. 2m. Ki^, Cu\H'n, ISSC), |)1. 14, fi^. 12. FvrrpnTii fon'.sts; ncst.s in holes oxrnvatcd in dead trt'cs. Mk. — liar*' winter visitor, and in north and west, a ran- R'.sidi-nt. EgK-s, .lum- 2. X. H. — Ran- n-sidrnt ahow MM) ft., south to Saiulwidi range; olscwhcri' ran' winter visitor. Eggs, .Inne 4. Vt. — Ran* winter visitor and local roidcnt (i'ico I'tak above 2m) ft.). M.\.s.s. — Rim- winter visitor. .Vpril 28. 22r». SpHVKAi'K I s VAUius (Linn6) Baird. Yellow-bellied sapsucker; Red-throated sapsucker; Squealing or Whining woodpecker. Piciht varim Linn^, Sy.st. nat., ed. 12, ITiW), vol. 1, ]>. 17(1. *'i\ Amkkka ski»tenthi()\ali." DeKay. Zool. New \ ork, 1S44, vol. 2, p. INK, pi. IS. fig. :iS; Bonaparte, Ainer. ornith.. 1S25, vol. 1, pi. S. figs. 1, 2. EfT^, Capen, IS.Sti, pi. 14, Hg. V.l \Vo(m1s, orchards, and shade tR'es; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. Mk. — (oniinon migrant and in northern coinitie.s a coninion sunnner resident. (Mar. S and HI) .\prii 10 — Oct. 2(i (Nov. 1')). Eggs. May l.S-.Iune 8. N. H. — Common migrant and in nortlurn half a common sum- mer H'sident nj) to iiOtM) ft.; accidental winter Rsideiit (Charle.s- town, lS<)8--S<«pt. 2('). \'t. — ^ Coiniiion .suimiKT resident at l(»\v«r elevations. May ')- Sept. 10. Kj;iU)Kii.Ks viiUiiNiwr.s (Gmelin) Swainson. Nighthawk; Bull-bat; Mosquito hawk; Pork-and-beans. .\iidiihon, Bird.s of Anier.. IS JO, vol. 1, p. l.'V.J, |)1. 13. Egg. Bendire, iSWo, vol. 2, |)1. 2, fig. 1-3. Caprimiilgus virginianus Gmel., Syst. nat., 17SS, vol. 1, pt. 2, j). 102S. "l\ AmERKW SEITE.NTItlON All, I'K.VE.SEHTIM VlKGI.\I.\." Woods, thickets, or in cities and o|)en country; nest.s on the ground or on fiat gravelled roofs; largely nocturnal. Me. — ('(jninion migrant and suninier R'sident. (A|)ril 11, East Hel)n»n; April 22) May 3-Sept. 14. Eggs, June 2r)-July 4. .\. II. —Common migrant and at lower altitudes a less common summer resident. (April 17) May 9-Sept. lo. Eggs, June 10. Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. May-S»'pt. M.v.ss. — Common migrant, less common summer n-sident. (April 23) May 9-Oct. G. Eggs, June .>-lo. K. 1. — Common migrant (mainly inland), and summer resident. C\pril 7) May S«-j)t. (()> ciiiiiimiii >iiiiiiiii r rt'si(l»'iit. (May 1) May (> Srpt. 2;i (Oct. 1.")). H^jjs, May 24 .luiu- 1.'). ii. 1. — Coninioii suinincr n'sidcnt. CMay '.i) May (>-Sc|)t. 2.i. Eggs, May 20-.Iuly 4. Conn. — Conuiion suiniiuT rt'sident. May 5-Oct. 5 (Oct. IG). Eggs, May 27-June 3 (Aug. 4). PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. 236. ML.scivoit\ KOHiiCAT.v (^(iiiRlin) Ulxrholscr. Scissor-tailed flycatcher. Muscicapa forjicata Gnu'l., Syst. nat., ITSS, vol. 1. ])t. 2, ]». 031. "in nova Hispania." Bonaparte, Amer. oniitli., 1S2.'), vol. 1, p. 15, 1)1. 2. W\r. 1. Egg, Bt'iulirc, 1S<).-), vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 12, 13. OjH'n trt't'-grown country; nests in trees. \i. — Accidental visitor: St. Johnshury, ? 1SS4. Conn. — Accidental visitor: Wauregan, about Aj)ril 27. 1>n76. 237. TvRANNT's TviJANMs (Liuu^^') Jordan. Kingbird. Chaj)man, Ilandh. birds east. Xo. Amcr., ISO."), j). 243; Hird- life, ISOS, pi. 30. Kgg. Hi-ndire, 1S05, vol. 2, pi. 1. fig.s. 14. 1."). Laniti.t fifratinus Liiuie, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758. vol. 1, j). 04. "in A.MEHICA SEITKNTUIONALI." r>rchards and tn-e growth along streams and lakes; nests in trees. Mk. — Common summer n-sident. May 3-Si'pt. 12 (.'^cpt. 25). Eggs, June 15. N. H. — Common summer resident north to the Whiii' Mt. valleys. May 3-Si'pt. 1 1. Vt. — Common summer resident. May 5-Sept. Mass. — Common summer resident. (April 27) May 3-Sept. 10 (Sept. 26). P:ggs, May 30 July 4 (July 17). 126 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. R. I. — Common summer resident. May 1-Sept. 12 (Sept. 28). Eggs, May 31-June 17. Conn. — Common summer resident. (April 13, 26) May 1- Sept. 15. 238. Tyrannus dominicensis (Gmelin) Richardson. Gray kingbird. Lanius tyrannus /?. dominicensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 302. "insula S. Dominici et Jamaica." Muscicapa dominicensis Brisson. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 201, pi. 55. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 3,4. Tree growth along seacoasts and large streams; nests in low trees. Mass. — Accidental visitor: Lynn, Oct. 23, 1869. 239. Tyrannus verticalis Say. Arkansas kingbird. Say, Long's Exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 2, p. 60. On the "Arkansa" River. Muscicapa verticalis (Say). Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 18, pi. 2, fig. 2. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 16, 17. Open country, usually near water; nests in trees. Me.— Accidental visitor: Eliot, Oct.,? 1864. 240. Myiarchus crinitus (Linne) Lichtenstein. Crested flycatcher; Great crested flycatcher. Muscicapa crinita Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 325. "in America septentrionali." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 209, pi. 57. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 8, 9. Open woods; nests in hollow limbs. AVES. 1 27 PASSKllIvS. LLAM AT( )ia:S. TYHANNIDAE. Mr,. t iiconunon snnuncr resident, iniiiiily in soutlicrn part. May s S<'|)t. L'O. K^j;.s, .liine 11-25. N. H. — rnconiinoi) .suinnuT n'.sident north to \\ liite Mt. valleys. May 13-S<'j)t. Kjl^is. early .Inne-.Tnly 7. Vt. — Common .snmnier R-.sident. May S-Sept. Ma.ss. — Unconnnon summer resident. (May 1) May 9-Scpt. 2G (Oct. 15). Ego:s. June i:i -27. R. I. — Uncommon suninier resident. May 2-.\uf;. 23. K^gs, June 5, (■>. Co.v.v. — Common summer n-sidcnt. May -i-Sept. 17. Eggs, May 27-.Tune 1.3. 241. Saydhms I'UOEBE (Latham) Stejneger. Phoebe; Bam. Bridge, or House pewee; Bridge-bird; Pewit. Ilidgway, Bull. 50, V. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 594. Egg, Bcndirc, 1S95. vol. 2, pi. 1, fig. 2S. Muscicajm pliorhc Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 2, p. 4S9. "i.\ America .seite.ntrionali, XovEHoit-^co." Mu.srirajm fii.'.-), vol. 2. pi. 2. fig. 23. Damp evcrgn-en tlii(k<'ts; insts among tree roots. Mk. rneommon summer resident in northern part. May 21- Jime 1; sununer Sept. S. Eggs. .Inne 14 27. .\. H. -Common sumnwr resident ahovc .3(MM) ft. from White Mts. nt)rfh; KkuI south to DuMin. May iS-Aug. (? Sept.). Eggs, June 14. 130 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYR.AN^NIDAE. Vt. — Uncommon local summer resident at lower elevations south to Londonderry. May 16-sumraer. Mass. — Rare migrant and possible summer resident on !Mt. Greylock (June 15, 1907). (May 10) May lo-June 10 (June 15); Aug. 25-Sept. 10 (Nov. 29, 1876, Reading; Dec. 1, 1876, Newton). R. I. — Rare migrant. ^Slay 21; (? July 27) Aug. 7. Coxx. — Uncommon migrant. ^lay 20-early June; Sept. 17. 246. Empidoxax virescexs (A'ieillot) Brewster. Green-crested flycatcher; Acadian flycatcher. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 249. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 26, 27. Platyrhynchos vircscens Vieill., Xouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1818, vol. 27, p. 22. Xo locality, based on Wilson. Miiscicapa acadica Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 221, pi. 62. Deep woods near water; nests, pensile, in low trees. Vt. — Rare summer resident: Bennington (nest with young, July 14, 1904) ; various doubtful records. Mass. — Very rare summer resident (Hyde Park, 1888; nee Springfield). Coxx. — Rare local summer resident (Greenwich, Stamford, Suffield). Eggs, June 2-22. 247. Empidoxax traillii alxorum Brewster. Alder flycatcher; Traill's flycatcher. Brewst., Auk, 1895, vol. 12, p. 161. "Uptox, Maixe." Bird- lore, 1908, vol. 10, plate in no. .3, figs. 2, 3. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, fig. 30. ,^ Alder swamps; nests in low bushes. Me. — Common local summer resident. (May 15) ^lay 18- Sept. 5. Eggs, June 21. AVES. 131 PASSERES. CLAM AT( )RES. TVUANMDAE. N. II. — Ixn-al siimiinT n'sidciit below '200i) ft.; uncoiiimoii south of White Mt.s. (May 11, 10) .May JO-Au^'. M. Epgs, .Iiine 22-.Iuly S. \'t. — Uncommon local summer resident. (May 17) May 21- Sept. Kjjfjs. .lune 13-. July '.iO. Mass. — I.,ocal summer resident, rare in eastern part (E.s.sex and Middlesex Cos.). connnoner in western. May l(>-.Tnnc 6; suminer-Aug. 24. EgjT.s, June lo-JuIy 3. Coxx. — Ix>cal sunnner resident (Norfolk). (May (J). 248. E.MPiDOX.\x .Mi\i.ML-.s (Baird) Baird. Least flycatcher; Chebec. Ridj;way. Bull. .50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, j). .'jGl. Bird- lore, IIHJS, vol. 10, plate in no. 3, fip. 1. E^rcr, Bendire, 1S95, vol. 2, pi. 2, fig. 31. Tijranniila minima Baird, I'roc. acad. nat. sci. I'liila., is}.}, |». 2S4. "XKAH Cafu.isle, Pennsylvania." ( )rchards, shatle tR-es, and borders of woods; nests in trees. Mk. — Connnon summer rt'sident. (A|)ril 21) April 27-Aug. 31 (Sept. .')). Eggs, Juiu- 11. N. II. — Common simuner resident heiow 2000 ft. A])ril 29- S<'pt. P'ggs. May-.Iune 10; .Inly 10-Iate .July (2d brood). ^'T. — Connnon snnnner n'sident of low country. April 29- Sept. Ma.s.s. — Common summer resident. (Aj)ril 22) A|)ril 2.S-Sept. 21 (Oct. 2). ?:ggs. May 20-.July 1 (2 l)ro(Mls). B. I. — Connnon snnnner n'sident. (April 22) April 27-fall. Eggs, May 24-.Iune 2. Conn. — Common summer resident. April 2(>-Sept. 132 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. ALAUDIDAE. 249. Otocoris alpestris (Linne) Bonaparte. Homed lark; Shore lark. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, i)t. 4, p. 303; Chap- man, Birci-life, 1898, pi. 34. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 259, pi. 58, fig. 15. Alauda alpestris Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, \k 166. "in America septentrionali." Seashores and open fields ; nests on the ground. Me., N. H. — Common migrant and winter resident, chiefly coastwise. (Sept. 25, Milo, Me.) Oct. 18-April (May 1-7, Monson, Me.). Vt. — Common migrant. Feb.-Mar.; (Sept. 15)-Nov. Mass. — Common migrant, less common winter resident, mainly coastwise. (Sept. 27) Oct. 17-April 19 (May 27). R. I.^- Common migrant and winter resident. (Sept. 25)- April 15. Conn. — Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise. Nov. 18-Mar. 26. 250. Otocoris alpestris praticola Henshaw. Prairie homed lark. Hensh., Auk, 1884, vol. 1, p. 264. "Richland Co., III.," but type locality "Denver, Colorado" (see Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 311, foot note). Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5, fig. 25. Eremophila cornuta (Wils.). Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Hist. No. Amer. birds, 1874, vol. 2, pi. 32, fig. 2 (head of young). Open fields; nests on the ground. Me. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident ; casual in winter. Feb. lO-lNIar. 30; summer-Nov. 26 (Jan. 24, 1899, Pittsfield). Eggs, :May 12-31. AVES. 133 PASSERES. OSCINES. ALAUDIUAK. N. H. — L'lu-oininoii tni^rant, and in White Mt. valleys (? and summit of Mt. Washington, 1905) a rare summer resident. Feb. 28-Aug. Kgg.s aiiil yoiMi^. May iM, .luiie '22. Vt. — Uncommon mi<;rant and rare sununer resident (at Burling- t(»n, ('ornwall, Mt. Mansfield. Kygate, St. Albans, Stowe). Feb.- fall. Kgps, Mar.-.\})ril 19. M.\s.s. — Ran' migrant and sinnnier resident, occasional winter n-sident (Ix)ngmcailo\v). Feb. H>-Mar. 22; suininer; Oct. 2G- !>(•(•. 1.5 (winter). Eggs, .July 10. K. I. — Rare migrant: Pawtuxet, Nov. 2.5, 1S89. CoN.v. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident (Danbury, 190S. Litchfield. 1905. Washington, 1900); "occasional in winter." Hggs. Mar. 25. 251. Otocoris at.pestius iiovti Bishop. Hoyt's homed lark. Bishoj). Auk, 1890, vol. 1.5, |». l.iO. "C.WDO, To w.ver County, XORTII L).\KOT.\." 0|K*n country and coasts; nests on the ground. Conn. — Rare migrant and (?) winter Resident: Guilfor. "in ClHA,. . . .KEMINAE SOL.\K DE.SCE.NDINT I\ ( ' AHOI.IXAM." (ira.s.sy incadow.s; nests on the ground. Me. — Conunon migrant and local .suinincr rcsith lit. May 1- Sopt. IT). Egg.s, Juni' f)-15. N. II. — Common migrant and .summer resident at lower eleva- tions. May 1-Sej)t. 23. Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. Hggs, June 1. Ma.ss. — Common migrant and summer resident. {A|)ril 27) May 1-S<'|)t. 29. F:ggs, June 1-S. U. I. — Common migrant and summer resident. May lO-Scpt, 25. Kggs, May 30-Jinie 8. Conn. — Connnon migrant and suiiiiiur resident. May 7-Sept. o. Kggs, June o. 2oi). Moi.oTniu".s ATER (Boildaert) Gray. Cowbird; Clodhopper; Cow blackbird; Cow bunting; Lazy- bird ; Shiney-eye . Qriolus ater Bo. \i)^. "in America." Icterujt hnltimore (Linn6). Aiululxjii. BinLs of Aiiier., 1.S4J, vol. 4, ]). 37, J)!. 217. EfTj;. Benclirt', LSI).), vol. 2, pi. 7. fip. 0-9. ( )rcliartl.s ami .shade trees; nest jxMi.sile in tn-e.s. Me. — Common suinmer ri'.sideiit inaiiily in soiitlieni ((jiiiitie.s. May 9-Aug. 30 (Sept. 10). X. II. — Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 0- Sept. (Sept. 20). Vt. — Common summer resident; accidental in winter. May lO-Sept. (Dec. 4. 1884). Ma.ss. — Common suinmer resident ; accidental in winter. (.Vpril 29) May 1-Sei)t. 9 (Nov. IT), 188.-). K. 'IVmpleton; Nov. 18. ISSS. Hyde Park). E^gs, May 24-.Tuly 4. II. I. — Common sumincr resident. May 4-.'^c|>l. 1. l^'^'^s, May 24-28. Conn. — Common summer resident. May l-carly .Sept. (Nov. 15, 1885, Portland). E«rt:s. .hme 0. 200. IcTEia.s Hii.i.ocKi (Swainsonj liona|)artc. Bullock's oriole or troupial. Auduhon. Birds of Amer.. 1S42, vol. I. p. 4:i. pi. 21 S. E>:<;. Bemiire. 1S«»5, vol. 2. pi. 7, fij;. 10-13. XniitlinnniM hulhtchii Swains.. Phil. maj;.. 1S27. new .ser., vol. 1, p. 430. "Tahi.e land.... in Mexico." ( )jK'n country along stn-ams; nests in trees. Me. — Accidental visitor: .S»rrento, ahout mid«llc fif .Nov.. jsv.i. 142 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. 267. EuPHAGUS CAROLiNUS (Mtiller) Richmond. Rusty blackbird; Rusty grackle. Tnrdiis carolinus ^Miill., Linne's Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 140. "Carolina." Quisralns ferriigineus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 65, pi. 222. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 14-16. Swamps, marshes, and wet woods; nests in bushes and low trees. jNIe. — Common migrant and in northern part a rare summer resident; accidental winter resident (Calais, 1899). Mar. 17- May; summer-Oct. 29 (winter). N. H. — Common migrant and in northeast part, a rare summer resident (Megalloway R.). Mar. 8-May; summer; Sept. 9- Oct. 16. Vt. — Common migrant. Mass. — Common migrant, accidental in winter (Brookline, Feb. 8, 1879; Concord, Jan. 22, 1905; Fresh Pond, Feb. 20, 1887; Jamaica Plain, Avinter 1907-8). Mar. 7-May 18 (May 30); Sept. 12-Nov. 27 (winter). R. I. — Common migrant. INIar. 13-(? June 5); Sept.-Oct. 23. Coxx. — Common migrant, and rare winter resident. Mar.- April 19; Sept. 11-Nov. (Jan. 16, 29, Feb. 6, :\Iilford; Dec. 25, 1908, New Haven). 268. QuiscALUS QUiscuLA (Linne) Jordan. Purple grackle; Crow blackbird. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 269. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 21-23. Gracula quiscula Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 109. "in America septextrionali." Quiscalus versicolor Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 58, pi. 221. AYES. 143 p.\s.si:uES. use INKS. KTKKinAE. 0|i(n cotmfrv, proves, fit'lds; iii'sts in l)niii(ln-s of coiiifrrous tn'cs, rarely in cavitirs or l)ii>li<'.s. N. 11. Accidental visitor: 'rilloii. Sept. i;{, 1sident in s»)utljern |>art, when- most l)irds are typieal; easual in winter. Mar. 0-Sept. 21 (Nov., Dec. 31). Kpgs, A|)ril 2')-.Iune ti. Cow. — C'onunon summer and accidental winter R'sident. (Feb. 13) Mar. 1-X«)V. (winter, Kast Haven). 2(j'.>. Quisc.\LUS QUiscii-A AENEUS (Ridjjway) Stejnefjer. Bronzed grackle; Crow blackbird. Qiii.','rant ami local summer n'siilent. Mar. 1!)- Oct. 2(). EfTjrs, May 27 .Tune 21. N. II. — Uncommon local simuner ri'sident; casual in winter. Mar. 12-Xov. (Dec. 24. 1907, Lancaster; Jan.). Vt. — Uncommon local smnmer resident, .\pril ll-()ct. Ma.s.s. — Common mijjrant and local summer n-sident; rare in winter near coast (also Springfield). (Feb. 23, 1909, Boston) Mar. lO-Nov. 22 (jvvinter). Fpjis, May 2-.Iune 1. K. I. — Connnon migrant and in the northern |)art a less connnon summer resident, interjjradiuf; with C^. (iiiisnila. Mar. .'> .\ov. 1. Eggs, May 1-17. Co.N.N. — Common migrant. .Mar. ."> .Vpril; ()ci. Nov. 144 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. 08CINES FRINGILLIDAE. 270. Hesperiphoxa vespertina (W. Cooper) Bonaparte. Evening grosbeak; Sugar-bird. Frincjilla vespertina Coop., Ann. lye. nat. hist. New York, lS2.j, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 220. "Sault Ste. Marie, near Lake Superior." Coccothraustes vespertinus (Coop.). Chapman, Handh. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 279; Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 217, pi. 207. Wooded districts; nests in trees. Me. — Accidental visitor: several records in winter of 1889-90, Jan. 10-Mar. 18; Woodfords, Mar. 6, 1909. N. H. — Accidental visitor: several records in winter of 1889-90, Jan. 6-May 1. Vt. — Accidental visitor: Burlington, about Feb. 20, 1890; Rut- land, Feb. 1909. INIass. — Accidental visitor, first recorded in the 1890 flight (Jan. 1-April); also Wellfleet. one, Dec. 5, 1903; Beverly, flock of five, Mar. 23, 1904; So. Sudbury, Feb. 14, 1909; Townsend, Feb. 7, 1909; Williamstown, Jan. 26, 1909. Conn. — Accidental visitor, first recorded in 1890 flight (East Hampton, Mar. 2; Gaylordsville, Mar. 10; Portland, Feb., Mar.); also Litchfield, ? Feb. 1, 1905, and Feb. 11, 1905; Bristol, Feb. 27, 1907. 271. PiNicoLA enucleator leucura (Miiller) Richmond. Pine grosbeak; Canadian pine grosbeak; Mope. Loxia leucura Miiller, Linne's Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 150. "Canada." Pinicola enucleator canadensis (Cab.). Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 60. Pijrrhula enucleator Teinm. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1S3S, vol. 4, p. 414, pi. 358. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 13. AVK.S. 1 45 PASSKUES. (>S( INFS. l-Ul.\(ilLLII)Ai:. S|)ruce and fir fort'sts; nests in tnn's. Mk. — Fall an«l winti-r visitor of varviii^ al)iitiilan(-<>, aiitl in nortlu-rn fon*sts a rare rt'sicKiit. ( >( t. 2.> A|)ril 18; suinnitr. Kj^j^s, May 14-27. X. II. l";ill ami winter visitor of varying ahundaiut', and nn- conimon suninu-r n-sidcnt above .'{(MM) ft. in White Mts., north. (.>ct. IS-April 20; siininu'r. Vt. — Winter visitor of varying; al)nndance. Nov. I.">-Mar. 24. M.\.s.s.— Irn'jriilar wintiT visitor of varyintr ahundane*'. ()<'t. 24-A|)ril 4 (Aj.ril 24). U. I. — Irn-tjular winter visitor, .sometimes common. CoN.v. — Irn'jU^ular winter visitor, sometimes common. Nov. 24r- Mar. M. 272. (\\RPOD.\cus PURPLKKL.s (Gmelin) CJray. Purple finch; Red linnet. Frinyilla purpurea (imelin. Syst. iiat.. 17SS. vol. I, |»t. 2. |». !I2.'{. "C.\ROU.NA." Krijihrospiza purpurea (Gmel.). Audubon, Birds of .\n»er., 1841. vol. ;i. j). 170. |)1. l!»ti Egg, CajK-n, 1880. j>l. 7. Hgs. 14. 1."). Orchards, shade trees, and forests; nests in trees. Me. — Coimnon migrant and summer resident; rar<' winter resident (Rangeley Lakes. .Ian. 1."). 18S4). Mar. 21-Oct. (winter). KgK-s, -lune 4. .\. II. — Common sununer rt'sident below ."{(MM) ft.; rare in winter. .April l.'>-r)ee. 22; winter. \'t. — Common sununer n-sident. M.\.s.s. — Common migrant, less common summer, and occasional winter ri'sident. Mar. ^ Oct. 21; winter. Kggs. May 2.'>-.Iune 10 CSept. 10). K. 1. — Common sununer and uncommon winter resident. .Vpril 7-()ct.; winter. Kggs. May 19-.Iime 8. 146 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Conn. — Common summer and uncommon winter resident. Eggs, June; July 22 (2d brood). 273. LoxiA CURVIROSTKA MINOR (Brelim) Ridgway. American crossbill; Red crossbill; Screwbill, Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, i)t. 1, p. 47. Crucirostra minor Brehm, Naumannia, 1853, p. 193. "der NORDAMERIKANISCHEN FrEISTAATEN." Loxia curviwsfrata Linne. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 2, p. 559, pi. 197. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, figs. 1, 2. Coniferous forests; nests in trees. ]Me., N. H. — Resident, nomadic and irregularly abundant. Nests from Jan. -Oct. Vt. — Irregular at all seasons, but commonest in winter; breeds occasionally. Eggs, Feb., Mar. JNIass. — Irregularly common winter visitor, and occasional at all seasons; nests rarely (Framingham, 1884; Highland Light, April, 1889; Tyngsborough, Aug., 1875). R. I. — Irregularly common winter visitor, and occasional at other seasons; not known to breed. Conn. — Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common. Oct. 7-spring. 274. LoxiA leucoptera Gmelin. White-winged crossbill. Gmel, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 844. "in sinu Hud- sonis & NovEBORACO." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3 p. 190, pi. 201. Coniferous forests; nests in trees. Me. — Uncommon resident of northern part ; elsewhere an irregular visitor. Nest, June. AVES. 147 pa.s8i:ri:s. oscines. fh1n<;illidae. N. II. -rncoiniium n-sidt'iit jil)()\r 3(XKJ ft.'iii'WIiitr Mt.s. and north; i-lst'whcn' an irn-jrular visitor. Vt. — Irn-pilarly conunon winter visitor, rare in suinnicr in nortlu-rn j)art and on lii<;liorted. Ma.ss. — Rare winter visitor (some ten instances). Nov. 1.5- Mar. 20. 27G. AcAXTHis LiXAHiA (Li'"i<^*) Bonaparte and Schlegel. Redpoll; Lesser redpoll; Mealy redpoll. Hidgway. Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., UKJl. pt. 1, |). 85. Egg, Seebohni, ISlHj, p. 240, pi. 57, figs. 0, 7. Fringilla lltiaria Linn^*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 175S, vol. 1, p. 182. "in Europa." .\ndubon, Ornith. biogr., 1838, vol. 4, p. 523, pi. 375. 148 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Arctic thickets in summer, open tree growth in winter migrations; nests in low trees. Me. — Winter visitor of irregular abundance, and rare summer resident (Calais). Oct. 12-April 27 (May 19, 1875; summer). N. H. — Winter visitor of irregular abundance. Nov. 1-April. Vt. — Winter visitor of irregular abundance; (nest and three eggs said to have been found in late iVIarch, 1878, at Taftsville). Nov. 11-May 1 (May 11). Mass. — Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. (Oct. 16) Oct. 25-April 25. R. I. — Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. Oct.-Mar. 25. Conn. — Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. Fall- Mar. 31. 277. AcANTHis LiNARiA HOLBOELLii (C. L. Brelim) Dubois. Holboell's redpoll. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, pp. 80, 89. Linaria holhoeUn C. L. Brehm, Handl:). d. naturgesch. aller vogel Deutschl., 1831, p. 280. " in das mittlere Deutschlaxd." Acanthis hoIboeUii Bonaparte and Schlegel, :Monogr. Loxiens, 1850, p. 50, pi. 53. Arctic thickets in summer, open tree growth in winter migrations; nests in low trees. Me.— Rare winter visitor: Gorham, Feb. 3, 1903; North Bridg- ton, Nov. 25, 1878. Mass. — Rare winter visitor: Lexington, Mar. 10, 1890; Swamp- scott, two, Mar. 26, 1883. 278. Acanthis linaria rostrata (Coues) Stejneger. Greater redpoll. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, pp. 80, 91. 4- AVES. 149 PASSKRES. OSCINES. I IMNC.n.MDAi:. Ar(fl(ifliii.t roslraius ('oiu\s, I'roc ;i<:inn. IM. "IX Amkkica .septextrioxai.i." Spiiiii.s tri.His (Linne). ("Iiapinan, llaiidl). Itinls east. No. Ainer., ISU.'), p. 2Sr.; Hird-lifc, 1>V.)S, \>\. r>2. K^'., 1!>01, pt. 1, |). 1.5.). Friiir^illa l(ip/)otiira Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10. 17oS, vol. 1, p. ISO, "l\ I^APPOMA." Plecirnphaurs /npponicii.f (Linm'). Dre.sser, Hirds of Europe, 1871-81. vol. 4. j.l. [22.3]. Kgg. Seebohm. 1800, ].. 248. pl. 57, figs. 11. 12. 0|M'n barrens and plains; nests on the ground. Mk. - Kare migrant. .Mar. 10-10; Oct. 2(i-l)cc. 20. X. n. - Han- migrant in late fall: Hampton Beach, Nov. SO, 1899. 152 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES FRINGILLIDAE. Vt. — Rare or accidental migrant: Brandon, Feb. 21, 1879; ? Townshend. ]\Iass. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise. Feb. 22-May 1; Oct. 9-Dec. 11; winter. R. I. — Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. (Jan. 6, Feb. 16). Conn. — Uncommon migrant; may winter. (Jan. 26, 1883, Portland) Feb. 11-Mar. 16; Nov. 284. Calcarius ornatus (To-misend) Stejneger. Chestnut-collared longspur. Plcdrophanes oniata Towns., Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1837, vol. 7, pt. 2, p. ISO. "prairies of the Platte river." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 53, pi. 154. Open plains; nests on the ground. Me. — Accidental visitor: Scarborough, Aug. 13, 1SS6. Mass. — Accidental visitor: Magnolia, July 28, 1876. 285. PooECETES gramineus (Gmelin) Baird. Vesper sparrow; Bay-winged bunting; Grass finch; Gray-bird; Ground sparrow; White-tailed field sparrow. FringiUa graminea Gniel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2^ ]). 922. "in Noveboraco." Emberiza graminea (Gmel.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 65, ])!. 159. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, fig. 9-12. Grassy fields and uplands; nests on the ground. INIe. — Common migrant and summer resident. (]Mar. 30) April 9-Oct. 28. Eggs, late May- June 24; late July-Aug. (2d brood). N. H. — Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. :Mar. 29-Oct. (Nov. 14). AVES. 153 PASSi:UE.S. OSCINES. FHIXCIM.IDAI-:. Vt. — Coiiiiiioii migrant ami siiiniiK-r rrsideut. Mar. .'jl fall. Hjrp>. -huw ('». Mass. - ( 'niiuiioii iiiipraiit and summer R'.sicK'iit. (.Mar. 17) .Mar. L'7 O.I. LM I.Xov. 10; Dec. L'."). 1S.K9, Soiiicrx illc). K^r^rs, .Ma.v 10 .liiiH' 10. R. 1. — Comiiioii iiii«iraiit and .summer rcsidt-nl. Mar. 19- Oc-t. 17. K^Lrs, .Mav .3-21. Conn. — Common mijjrant and sumnuT iv.sident; rare winter resident. Late Mar. -Nov. (winter). Kj;gs, May 22-July 5. 280. P.\ssERCULUS PRiNCEPS Mavnard. Ipswich sparrow; Gray -bird. Mayn., Amer. nat., lcS72, vol. 0, p. ('»;{7. "Irswicii," Mass. Aiumodramus princcps (Mayn.). Dwiglit, Mem. Xuttall ornitli. clul), 1895, no. 2, p. 21, ])late. Sand dime.s and .sea sIior's; nests on the ground (Sahic Id., .\. S.). Me. — Hart* migrant coastwi.se; may winter ran-ly. Mar. 20- .Vpril N; ( )2, Arlin^r- ton). U. I. — Common local summer resident. .\|)ril L'L'Oct. 2.'i. E^'jXs, May 30-June .3. Co.V-V. — Common smnmer resident in .suutliern part and < 'on- nccticut valley. Late Ai)ril-? 289. Ammodka.mus HEXSLOWii (Audubon) Gray. Henslow's sparrow. Embcriza hcnslomi Aud., Ornith. l)i<)f;r., ISil, vol. 1, j). 300, pi. 77. "opposite Cincixx.\ti, i\ the state of Kentucky." Ammodramiis Iieuslowii (Aud.). Chapman, Handl). birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 294. Efjg, Capen, 188(3, pi. 9, fi^s. 1, 2. Meadows and sedgy weed-grown bogs; nests on the ground. X. II. — Ran' local sununer resident north to White Mt. valU'Vs (Wonalancet). April 17-Aug. Vt. — Rare local summer resident in southern part (Pownall). M.A.SS. — Uncommon local summer resident. May G-Sept. (Nov. 6, Osterville). Eggs, May 25. R. I. — Rare migrant and summer resident: Cranston, late April, 1874; Warwick, Oct. 6, 1898; Westerly. June and 8, 1900. Coxx. — Rare local smnmer resident (Eastford. Killingworth, Woodstock, etc.). May-fall. Eggs, -Aug. (>. 290. .VMMonitAMUS caudacutus (Gmelin) Swainson. Sharp-tailed sparrow. Chapman. Handb. birds east. No. Amer.. 18<(5, j). 295; Audu- , bon, Birds of Amer.. IMl, vol. .3. p. lOS. pi. 174. Egg. CaiK-n, * 188C,, pi. 9, figs. .3, 4. Oriolu.s caudacutus Cmel., Syst. nat., 17NS. vol. 1. |)t. 1, p. 391. "in Novebok.vcg." 156 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGTLLID.\E. Salt marshes; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare summer resident locally in Cumberland Co. June 5-lateOct. (?Nov.). X. H. — Rare summer resident of the coastal salt marshes. Si)ring-Oct. 14. \t. — Doubtfully recorded (Lunenburg). Mass. — Uncommon summer resident of the coastal salt marshes (Ipswich); rare winter resident (West Barnstable). May 19-Xov. 8 (winter). Eggs, June 8- July 12. R. I. — Common summer resident of the coastal salt marshes. May 15-Oct. 2. Eggs, May 24-July 14. Conn. — Common summer and rare winter resident of the coastal salt marshes. Aj)ril 14-Xov. (winter). Eggs, ^lay 31- June 9. 291. Ammodramus xelsoni (Allen) Norton. Nelson's sparrow; Nelson's sharp-tailed finch. Ammodromus caudaciiius var. nehoni Allen, Proc. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1875, vol. 17, p. 293. "Calumet Marshes near Chicago, III." Ammodramus caudaciiius nelson i Allen. Dwight, Auk, 1896, vol. 13, p. 273-274, pi. 4, lower fig. ^larshes; nests on the ground. ]Me. — Uncommon migrant. May 22-June 5; Oct. 9-25. Mass. — Uncommon fall migrant; rare winter resident on south coast. Sept. 25-Oct. 15 (winter). CoxN. — Rare spring and unconunon fall migrant on coastal marshes. INIay; Oct. 292. Am:modramus nelsoni subvirgatus (Dwight) Norton. Acadian sharp-tailed sparrow. Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwight, Auk, 1887, vol. 4 AYES. lo? PASSERES. OSC'INES. FHlN(.II.MnAi:. J). '2:V.i. " HlI.I-SH(>HOl<;n. Al.HKHT Co., NkW JJuiNSWICK." Dwi^'lit. Auk. 1S90. vol. l.i. jtl. 1, ii|»imt fij:. Hrackish or frvsliwater iiiarslics; ucsis on the ijrouiKl. Mk. — I'ncoinmon inij;raiu and local sninnuT n-sidcnt coastwisr fronj Sajradahoc Co.. north. May 20-suinnH'r; Sept. lO-Oct. 2\ (Nov. 1.3). Mass. — Unconnnon nii<;rant coa.stwi.sc (oncv at Sprinpfirld). May 20-.Iunt' 11; Sept. 3-Nov. 5. K. 1. rncf)nunon nii<;rant: Cliarlcstown Beach, four, ( )ct. 1'). 1.S91); Point Judith. April 27. 1SS7. Coxx. — Rare spring and uncommon fall niij^rant. Late May- June 9; Oct. 293. A.M.M»)i)K.\Mi s MAUiTi.Mi s (Wilsou) Swaiu.sou. Seaside sparrow or finch; Meadow chippy. Audulion, liird.s of .\uu-r.. IMl. vol. '.',, p. l(j;j. |ii. 172. K;:^. Caj)en, ISKO. pi. 9, fi^.s. 5. (>. Fringilla muriiima Wil.s., Amer. oniith.. ISII. vol. 4. p. ()S. |)1. 34, tij;. 2. "Low. ULSH-COVEHED SE.\ I.SL.\XDS .\LOX(; OIH AT- LANTIC COAST." Salt marshes; nests on the ground. Mk. — Accidental vi.sitor: Shark Id.. .\u;r. is. lsS4. N. H. — Krronj'ously n«eorded for .1. caitdacutus. ^L\.s.s. — Hare local summer (Westport) and winter resident on south coast, .\pril 14-( winter). Kgps, July 17. K. I. — Uncommon summer resident at Point Judith and Middle- own marshes. L^'gs, July 1 I. Coxx. — Common summer and |)o.ssil)ly ran- winter resident of the salt marshes. Late May S|)t. (Dec. 9, iss't. PriNT.\N.\." Hull. ."»(), r. .'^. iiitt. mils.. I!»()l, |.(. 1, p. 2,S9. Edp'.s of tliicki't.s; lU'.st.s on the ground. Mass. — Accidental vi.sitor: Watcrtown, Mar. 2"), 1S74 (this sjH'cinuMi ha.s Ix'cn R'cordcd a.s ./. //. sltufrhlti and ./. h. orcgonus). 303. Mki.(ispi/\ mkioDiv (Wilson) Hainl. Song sparrow; Bush sparrow; Ground-bird; Ground sparrow. Fringilla mchnlia Wil.s., Anicr. ornith., ISH). vol. 2, p. 12o. pi. 1(>, fig. 4. "United State.s." Aiidnhon. Hinls of Aincr., 1841, vol. 3. pi. ISO. Mrlo-spizn rinrrra mrlodld (Wil.s.). Uidgway, Bull. o(), V . S. nat. nius., lilOl. pt. 1, p. 3.'>4. P^gg, CajH'n. ISSfi, pi. 9. fig. 10-13. Swani|)S, marshes, weedy fields; nest.s on tlie ground, in hushes, or even iiollow trees. Me. — Common migrant and sununer rcsidt-nt; ran- winter ri'sident (Calais, Cape EIizal>eth. Gardiner). Mar. 7-Xov. (winter). Eggs, (April) May 20-June 7; July (2d hrood). X. H. — Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions; rarr wintir residtut in-ar coast. Mar. 9-I)ec. (winter). Eggs, May 24-.Iune 22; July 27 (2d brood). \"t. — Common migrant and summer resident; raiv winter nvsi- dent in .sf)Uthern part (Bethtl. Hratllehoro, Brownsville, Taftsville). Mar. 7-fall (winter). Mass. — Common migrant and sununer resident; less conunoti winter n'sident at lower elevations. Mar. 10-Xov. 15; winter. Eggs, April 3()-July 29 (2d l.rood). R. I. — Conunon migrant and siunmer resideiU ; less conunon winter n'sident. Mar. l~Xov. It; winter. Eggs, May 7 10. Co.S'X. — Common migrant and summer n*sid. 535, pi. 193. "Labrador." Pcucaea lincolnii Aud., Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 110, pi. 177. Edges of dense thickets and tangled growth; nests on the ground. Me. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant; rare summer resident in extreme north (Ft. Kent; 6^ said to have been taken at Boothbay, July 14, and four birds at Bobson's Id., Aug. 9). May 12-June 1; (summer); Sept. 8-.Oct. 13. N. H. — Rare s])ring and uncommon fall migrant (once reported in summer, Nubanusit Lake, July 28, 1900, Thayer). jVIay 13- 26; (? summer); Sept. 7-0 ct. 4. Vt. — Rare migrant. Mass. — Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. ^Nlay 7- June 1; Se])t. 12-Oct. 14 (Nov. 1). R. L — Rare migrant, mainly in fall. (Spring); Sept. 27. Conn.— Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. ^lay 23; Sept. 21-Oct. 3. 305. Melospiza georgiana (Latham) Ridgway. Swamp sparrow. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 382. Fringilla georgiana Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 1, p. 460. "cum praecedente," = "in Georgiae americanae interiori- BUS." Fringilla palustris Wils. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1839, vol. 5, pi. 64. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, fig. 7-9. Swamps, marshes, and old fields; nests on the ground. Me. — Uncommon migrant and local summer resident. (Mar. 20, Bangor) Ai)ril 6-Nov. 15. Eggs, May 31-June 3. AVES. 165 PASSERES. OSC'INES. FRINdlLIJDAE. N. II.. \'t. — Common mi<;raiit and loss common local sumnuT nvsident al lowir i-levations. A|)ril-Oct. 25. Ma.s.s. — Common niii^rant and local summer resident; rare winter n'sident near the coa.st (to Beverly, Fn-sh Pond, Cambridjje). Mar. 27-Nov. .30; winter. VA^ir^, May 13-July 14. R. I. — Common mi;:rant and less common local summer n'.sident; may winter locally. .Vpril 4-Xov.l4 (Dec. 25). E^<;s, May 24-3 1 . Cow. — Common mijjrant and less common local .summer resident; raR' winter resident. April 5-Xov. 20 (winter). 306. P.\ssKFtEi.L.\ ILIACA (Mcrreui) Swain.son. Fox sparrow; Fox-colored sparrow. Fringilla iliaca Merr.. Bciir. z. Ix'sond. gesch. d. vcigel, 17S(>-S7, vol. 2, p. 40-41, 1)1. 10. "XoRD-A.MEKiKA." Auduhou, Oniith. biogr., 1S35, vol. 2, p. 58, pi. IDS. Thickets and edges of woods; nests on the ground or in low tri'es. Me. — Common migrant; accidental in winter. Mar. 15 .Vpril 17 (May 15); Oct. 8-Xov. 28 (Dec. 2, 9, 17, Srguin I-A])ril 23; Oct. 5-Xov. 13. Vt. — Common migrant. Mar. 1.>-Ai)ril 5; fall. Mass. — Common migrant and rare winter resident near the coast. (Feb. 2(). 190(j, SpriiigHeld; Mar. 3) Mar. O-Ajml 25 (May 2); (Sept. 17, Oct. 2) Oct. 15-Xov. 29 (Dec. and winter). R. I. — Common migrant and occasional winter resident. Mar. 19-April 20 (May 21); Oct. 13-Xov. 27 (winter). CoNTJ. — Common migrant, and ran- winter resident. Mar. (V- April 19; Oct. 10-Xov. 28 (winter). 307. PiiMi.o KUVTHHOPMTHAI..MIS (Linn^) Vieillot. Towhee; Chewink; Ground robin; Marsh robin; Pewink. Cliapniati, Ilandb. birds east. Xo. .Vmcr., 1895, |i. .IKt; Bird- life, l.S9,S, pi. .V). Kgg. Capen, 18Sr.. pi. 10, Hg. 13-15. 166 FAUNA OF NEW ENCLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRIXGILLIDAE. Fringilla erythrophthalma Linn4, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 175S, vol. 1, p. ISO. "America." Thickets and s])rout land; nests on the ground, rarely in bushes. INIe. — Uncommon summer resident in southwestern counties. May 6-Oct. 18 (Nov. 21). N. H. — Common summer resident in southern part, becoming uncommon north to White Mt. valleys. May 1-Oct. 15. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident. May-Sept. Mass. — Common summer and very rare winter resident. (Aj)ril 2) April 18-Oct. 22 (Nov. 30, Dec. 4); (winter). Eggs, :\Iay 17- June 12. R. I. — Common summer and very rare winter resident. April 19-Oct. 13 (Jan. 14, 1896, Newport). Eggs, May 21-June 3. CoxN. — Common summer and very rare winter resident. April 25-Nov. 25 (Dec. 28, 1908, New Haven; Jan. 22, 187G, Portland). Eggs, May 21-June 6. 308. Cardinalis cardinalis (Linne) Lichtenstein. Cardinal; Cardinal grosbeak; Red-bird; Virginia nightingale. Loxia cardinalis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, ]). 172. "ix America septextrioxali." Pityhis cardinalis Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 198, pi. 203. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, figs. 11, 12. Bushy fields and thickets; nests in bushes. INIe. — Several recorded; probably some are escaped cage birds (9 from flock of three, Gardiner, Dec. 19, 1895). Vt. — Rare visitor or escape: Brattleboro. INIass. — Occasional visitor at all seasons and escape; doubtfully stated to have bred at Cambridge (a wild bird and a freed cage bird nested in Brookline, eggs, June 6, 1898). Coxx. — Occasional visitor or escape. AVES. 167 PAS8ERES. OSCINES. FRTXr,II.T.TD.\E. 300. Zamei.odia unoviriAXA (Linn6) Coucs. Rose-breasted grosbeak; Throat-cut, Loxia Imlovicinua \a\\\\(', Syst. nat., »m1. 12, 17t'»('>. vol. 1, p. 306. "in LlIXlVICIA." Ilahia Itidoviciana (LiiiiK''). Cliaj)inan, Ilaiull). Mnis east. No. Amcr., 1895, p. 312; Bird-lifis 1898, |)1. 54; Stone, Auk, 1899, vol. 10. pi. 4. Egp, Cai)en, 188(5. pi. 10, figs. 9, 10. Orchard and shade trees and borders of woods near water; nests in bushes and trees. Me. — Common sunamer resident except in eastern part. (April 20) May 4-Aug. 27. Eggs. June 10-30. X. H. — Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 12-Scpt. 18. Vt. — Common summer resident. May-Sept. 14. Eggs, June 2-23. Ma.s.s. — Common summer resident, (.\pril 2(\) May 2-Oct. 3. Eggs, May 25- June 15. R. I. — Common summer R'sident, mainly hi northern part. May 4-Oct. 2. Eggs, May 23- June 4. CoNX. — Common summer resident; accidental in winter. May 1-Sept. (Xov. 2."); Jan. IS. 1893, Stonington). Eggs. May 24. 310. GnuArA taerulea (Linn^) Swainson. Blue grosbeak. f 'iuipnian. Handlj. i>irtlscast. No. Amer.. 1S95, j). 313. McAtee, V . S. dept. agric. biol. surv.. bull. 32, pi. I. Loxia caerulva Linn^*, Syst. nat., cd. 10, IT.'j.S, vol. 1, p. 17."). "A.MEUirA." Brush-grown fields and thickets; nests in bushes ov wit-tly growths. Me. — Ileconled from Calais, but in error for Grand Menan, N. H. 168 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES FRINGILLIDAE. X. H.— Doubtfully recorded from East Derry, May 26, 1894. Yt. — Doubtfully recorded. ]\Iass. — Accidental \'isitor: Brookline, May 29, 1880. R. I.— Accidental visitor: Drownville, Oct. 12, 1899. 311. Passerixa cyanea (Linne) Vieillot. Indigo bunting; Indigo-bird. Tanagra cyanea Linne, Syst. nat.,^ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 315. "in Carolina." Spiza cyanea Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 96, pi. 170. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, fig. 8. Brush-grown fields, thickets, and weedy tangles ; nests among low bushes, brambles, or tall weeds. Me. — Common summer resident in southern, and rare in north- ern counties (Caribou). ^lay 11-Oct. 2. Eggs, June-July 15. N. H. — Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. May 9-Oct. 1. Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. May 18-fall. Eggs, IMay 30. Mass. — Common migrant and summer resident. May 8- Oct. 29 (Dec. 5, 1871, Watertown). Eggs, June 3-22. R. I. — Common summer resident, mainly in northern part. May 10-Oct. Eggs, June 1-11. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident. ^May 9-Oct. Eggs, June 16. 312. Spiza AMERICANA (Gmelin) Ridgway. Dickcissel; Black-throated bunting; Judas-bird. Embcriza americana Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 872. "in Noveboraco." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 58, pi. 156. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, fig. 7. Grassy fields; nests on the ground or in low bushes. Avi:s. 169 P.\J>SERES. OSCIXKS. FRIN'C.ILLIDAE. Mk. — Actidt'iital visitor: .Iol)'.s Id., Pcnoljscot Hay, Sept. L'*.>, 1884; St. Gforj,n»; WVsthrook. Oct. 10. 18S.S. Mass. — Formerly an iiii<-oiniiioii .suinnirr n-sidciit alonjj coa.st and in \\«'st«Tn valleys; now iniknown. May l.')-()et. '4. K^^s, June <>, I,S77 (Medford)-Au^^ 1. 1S7S (2d hrood, U\■^\v Park). U. I. — Formerly a rare mi<;rant : Newport, Sept. 25, ISSS. Co.NX. — Formerly a summer ri'siiient. now unknown. 313. C.\IAM()SIMZ.\ MEL.\NOC()RY.S Stejue^T. Lark bunting. Stejn.. Auk, INS.'), vol.2, p. 41). Ba.sed on Townsend : "i'i..\lNS OF THE Pl.\TTE river." Con/dalina birolor Towns. Anduhon, Hirds of .\mer., IS41. vol. 3, p. 195, |)l. 202. Prairies; nests on llie ^M(iun, vol. 28, p. 293. " \\\(:niq\y." 170 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TANGARIDAE. Pip-anga rubra (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 226, pi. 209. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, figs. 6, 7. Deciduous woods, especially oaks and chestnuts; nests in trees. ]\Ie. — Rare summer resident. ]\Iay 12-Oct. 5. N. H. — Uncommon summer resident, mainly below 2000 ft. south of White Mts. May 13-Sept. 25. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident. ^May-fall. Mass. — Common summer resident. (ApvW 30, ^lay -i) ^lay 8- Oct. 16. Eggs, June 2-17. R. I. — Common summer resident, mainly of northern part. (April 4, 1891, Apponaug) ISIay 4-Oct. 9. Eggs, May 22-June 5. CoNX. — Common summer resident. May 10-Sept. 11. Eggs, May 31- June 17. 316. PiRAXGA RUBRA (Linne) Vieillot. Summer tanager; Summer redbird. Fringilla rubra Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 181. "America." Pyranga aestiva Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 222, pi. 208. Open deciduous and mixed woods; nests in trees. Me.— Accidental visitor: Portland, May 18, 1906; Wiscasset. X. H., Vt. — Doubtfullv recorded. jVIass. — Accidental summer visitor. April 21, May, June, July, Aug. R. L — Accidental summer visitor: Providence (two seen); Seaconnet, April 27, 1901; Ten Mile River. Conn.- — Rare visitor. April, July. HIRUNDINIDAE. 317. Progxe suBis (Linne) Baird. Purple martin; Black martin; Cape Cod swallow; House martin; Martin. Avi:s. 1 , 1 PASii;ERES. ' OSCINES. HIRUNDIXIDAE. ///n/m/o .v///y/.?Linn^',Sv.st. iiat.. il. 1.'). Kfjjj. ('a|)<'n, ISSG, pi. 7, Hjj. 1. ( )|>fii coiintrv and vicinity of dwflling.s; lu'.st.s in lavifics or Itird houses. Mk. — Till rt'ct'iitly a coininon local summer resident. April 22- Sept. 4 (Sept 30). Ejrjrs. June .5-July 4. N. H. — I^cal summer re.sident north to White .Mt. valleys; now uncommon. Aj)ril 19-Sej)t. Vt. — Till recvntly a common local summer resident, .\pril 2.'>- Sept. 20. Eggs, -Jime 23. M.\.ss. — Till retrntiy a common local summer resident. April 14-Sept. 30. Eggs. May 30-June 21. R. I. — Uncommon migrant and simimer resident; forim'rly more common. April 25-Oct. 8. Eggs, May 25-Jime 4. Conn. — Uncommon migrant and local summer resident; form- erly more common. April 17-fall. Eggs, May 21. 318. Petrocueiji^on lixii ko.n's (Say) Cassin. Cliff swallow; Eave swallow; Mud swallow; Republican. Hirundo lunifrons Say, Long's E.\|K'd. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 2. J). 17. "Rocky Mount.\ixs, .\bout the sources of the Ark.\ns.\ .\xd Plaite." Hirundo Jul va Vieill. Auduhon, Hirds of Amer., 1S40. vol. 1. p. 177, 1)1. 47. Egg, ('ai)en, isso, pi. (i, fig. 11-13. ( )jM'n coimtrv; nests in colonies under cliffs or eaves of ouil»uiltl- ings. Me. — Common migrant and summer resident, (.\pril 11. Ban- gor) April 21 -Sept. {.S'pt. l1. 1(1. K^fi. ("'ii|)('ii, JSsC), pi. (i, fiji. 10. ( )pni (•oiiiitrv. ('.sptH'iiiliy near water; lu'st.s in cavitii-s of di-ad triH'.s or in bird hoxr.s. Mk. — Coininoii iiiii;raiit and suinnuT rt'sidrnt. (Mar. 19) Aj.ril 4-Sf|)t. 21. Kj,'jrs. May .JO-.June 11. N. II. — Common mijijrant and less comnion .summer rcsidcni at lowerek'vation.s. Mar. 2."i-Scpt. Vt. — Common miifrant and less common summer resident. Eg^s, .June 1. Mass. — Common migrant and less common summer resident. (Mar. 15) Mar. 22-()ct. 17 (Nov. 2). Eggs, May 14 June j.",. Iv. 1. — Common migrant and less common summer resident; casual in winter. (Mar. 12) Mar. 2S-Oct. IS. Kggs. May 24- 30. Co.vx. — Common migrant and less common summer rcsidi-nt. Mar. 25-Oct. 17 (Oct. 22). Eggs, June. 321. KiP.\Hi.\ RiP.\Ri.\ (Linn^) Sliar])e and Wvatt. Bank swallow; Sand martin or swallow. Ilinuulo riparia Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 17.")N, vol. 1. |). H)2. "i.\ EiiS, pi. r>7. "e.v Am<:riqle depui.s le Canada ju.squ'au Mexique." Ampelis ccdrorum (Vieill.). Chapman, Han . R. I. Common migrant and sunnner resident; irn'gular in winter. Eggs, .lime 7-20. 176 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. BOMBYCILLIDAE. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident; irregular in winter. Eggs, June 20-Aug. 1 (Aug. 27). LANIIDAE. 325. Lanius borealis Vieillot. Northern shrike; Butcher-bird. YieilL, Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, p. 80, pi. 50. "Canada et sur-tout la baie d'Hudson." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 130, pi. 236. Open country and edges of woods; nests in trees. Me. — Uncommon winter resident ; supposed breeding records refer to L. I. migrans. Oct. 15-April 17. N. H. — Uncommon winter resident at lower elevations. Nov. 12-April. Vt. — Uncommon winter resident. Fall-April 13. Mass. — Uncommon winter resident. (Oct. 6) Oct. 12-April 16 (May). R. I. — Uncommon, irregular winter resident. Nov. 28-Mar. 23. Conn. — Irregular winter resident, sometimes common. Oct. 29-Mar. 24 (April 11). 326. Lanius ludovicianus Linne. Loggerhead shrike. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 134. "in Ludovicia." Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 241. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, pi. 237. Open country; nests in trees. Conn. — Accidental visitor: South Norwalk, Feb. 17, 1905 (J. A. Allen). AVE8. 177 PASSERES. OSC'INES. LANIIDAE. 327. Lwifs i.TDoviriAM-s miguvns W. I'alnitr. Migrant shrike; Butcher-bird; Cricket hawk; Grasshopper hawk; Joree; Mouse hawk. W. Palmer, Auk. 1S9S, vol. 1.'). ]>. 24S. "Ki.ng.ston. 0.\t.\hio." Egjj, Capen, 188G, pi. 7, fi^.s. 11, 12. Orchards ami open tree jj^rowth; iK'.st.s in trce.s. Me. — Uncoimnoii local .suinnier resident. (Mar. 1) Mar 21- Sept. (Nov. 17). Eg^s, May 5-25. X. II. — Uncommon summer resident in valley country; acci- dental in winter. Mar. 20-Sept. (Jan. 20, Concord). Eggs, April 2G-May 5. Vt. — Uncommon local .summer resident. Mar. 3-fall. Eggs, April 28-May 23. M.\ss. — Rare migrant and in western part, rare summer resi- dent; very rare in winter. Mar. 29-X()v. 27 (Dec. 19, Jan., Feb.). Eggs, May 10 (Williamstown). R. I. — Rare migrant. ( ? Spring) ; Aug. 29-Sept. 2. Conn. — Rare migrant and winter resident (Portland, Xov. 187G; Saybrook, Jan., 1879); j)o.ssibly a rare summer resident (Mt. Carmcl, May 24, 1873). Spring-(May 24); Aug. 29-winter. VIREONIUAE. 328. ViKEoSYLVA OLIVACEA (Linnt^) Bonaj)arte. Red-eyed Vireo; Politician; Preacher; Red-eyed greenlet. Muscicapa olivacea Linn^!', Syst. nat., cd. 12, 17(>0, vol. 1, p. 327. "l\ AmEKICA SEPTE.NTKION'AI.I." Vireo olivaceus (Linn6). DeKay, Zool. Xcw \'ork, 1841, vol. 2, p. 124, 1)1. 30. fig. 79. Egg. ('a|)en. 1880. i)l. 7. figs. 4, 5. Orchards and deciduous shade and fon-st tit-es; nest j)ensile in trees or bushes. 178 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. VIREONIDAE. Me. — Common summer resident. (May 1) May 7-Oct. 2 (Oct. 11). Egcvs,-June 29. N. H. — Common summer resident below 3000 ft. ]\Iay 8- Sept. 30. Vt. — Common summer resident. May 9-fall. Mass. — Common summer resident. May 4-Oct. 11 (Oct. 26; Nov. 2, 1870, Watertown). Eggs, ]May 25- July 20. R. I. — Common summer resident. (Apjril 29) May-Sept. 24 (Oct. 11). Eggs, May 28- June 6. Conn. — Common summer resident. May 6-Oct. 2. Eggs, June 1-12. 329. ViREOSYLVA PHILADELPHICA Cassin. Philadelphia Vireo; Brotherly-love Vireo. Cass., Proc. acad. nat. sci. Pliila., 1851, vol. 5, p. 153, pi. 10, fig. 2. "near Philadelphia." Vireo philadelphicus (Cass.). Dwight, Auk, 1897, vol. 14, p. 269, pi. 2. Egg, Brewster, Auk, 1905, vol. 22, pi. 11. Open deciduous growth, especially of birch and j)o])lar; nest pensile in trees or bushes. Me. — Uncommon summer resident in northern part (Bucks- port, Lake Umbagog). May 21-Oct. 2. Eggs, June 15. N. H. — Uncommon summer resident north of White i\Its., else- where rare migrant. May 26-Sept. 29. Vt. — Rare migrant: Breadloaf, Sept. 19, 1900; ]\Iorrisville; Pittsford, Sept. 11, 1889. (Reported nesting at Brattleboro, June, 1901.) May; Sept. 11-19. :Mass.— Rare migrant. May (? 10)-17; Sept. 7-27. R. I.— Rare migrant: Drownville, :\Iay 31, 1891; West Green- wich, May 21, 1902. Conn. — Rare migrant: New Haven, ]\[ay 19, 1888; Portland, Sept. 21, 1893, Sept. 17, 1894; (? Stratford, "Vireo gilvus . . . . under parts. . . .mostly bright yellow"). AVES. 1 70 PASSERE8. <>«l\i:s V I H HON I DAE. 330. VtltKdSYIAA C.IIAA (\'iiillnt) Cu.ssiii. Warbling Vireo. M ii.trlrafxi (jilva Vii-ill., IIi>t nat. ois. AiiK't. St'pt., 1S()7, vol. 1, p. (w, pi. 34. "i.'Kt.\t I)E Nkw-Vorck." Virco gilvu.1 (Vieill.). r'l»a|)niaii, ILmdl). i)inl.s cast. No. Anier., 1895. p. 32"». Dwijjht. Atik. ls',»7, vol. II. j.l. 2. Kjrj:, Capcii, ISsn. pi. 7. ivr. (■». ()nliar(l ami sliailc trees, especially elms; ne.st pensile in trees. Me. — L iKoninioii local summer resirleiil. May .>-Sej)t. 15 (Oct. 7). N. H. — I'ncommon local summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. May 1-Sept. 17. Vt. — Uncommon local summer resident. May 3 - Ma.ss. — Common summer resident. (April 24, 190S, Auburn- dale) April 20-Sept. 20. Efr<,rs. May 30-.lunc 11. K. I. — Common .summer resident, csj)ecially of villaawrtMKv. YeIlow-throat€d Vireo. Vireo jhivif runs Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Am^'-r. S<'pt., 1.S07, vol. 1, p. S5, pi. 54. **£t.\ts-Unis." .\udul)on. Hirds of Amer., 1S42, vol. }. p. 141. pi. 2:i8. K};>;, Ca|K'n, ISSfi, |)|. 7, fij,'s. 7, S. Orchard and shade trees ami edjjes of wotxls; nest jKMisile in trees. Mk. - Rare simimer rtvsident in southwestern counties. Mar. 12-Si'pt. X. H. — Incommon summer n-sident iH-cominf; rare north to White Mt. valleys. May 8-S<'pl. Kj:;;s, .lune 14. 180 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. VIREONIDAE. Vt. — Uncommon summer rt'sidcnt (East Bethel). Mass. — Common summer resident becoming local in western part. INIay 1-Sept. 19. Eggs, May 24-June 17. 11. I. — Common summer resident. ISIay 1-Sept. Eggs, May 24-June 2. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident. May 6- Sept 17. Eggs, May 21- June 11. 332. Lanivireo solitarius (Wilson) Allen. Blue-headed Vireo; Solitary Vireo. Muscicapa solitaria Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 143, pi. 17, fig. 6. "near Philadelphia." Vireo solitarius Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 144, pi. 239. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 9. Cool mixed woods; nest pensile in trees. Me. — Uncommon summer resident mainly in northern part. (April 24) April 28-Oct. 6 (Nov.). N. H. — Uncommon summer resident up to 3000 ft. April 29- Oct. 7. Eggs, May 29-late June. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident. Mass. — Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident, becom- ing local in south and east. (April 11, 1908, Stoughton) April 14-Oct. 17. Eggs, May 13- June 26. R. I. — Uncommon migrant and rare local summer resident (Washington, West Greenwich). April 23-Oct. 22. Eggs, May 15- June 15. Conn. — ^ Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (East- ford, near New Haven, Norfolk, West Simsbury). Late April-Oct. 13. Eggs, May 27-June 23. 333. Vireo griseus (Boddaert) A; O. U. comm. White-eyed Vireo; White-eye. Tanagra grisca Bodd., Tabl. d. i)lanch. cnlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 45. Based on Buffon. AVES. ISl PASSERES. osc;i\r,s. VIUKONIDAE. I'irco noirhorarcn.'ii.'i ((lUiol.). l)tKav, Zool. N<\v \ Dik, ISU, vol. 2. |). 122. |)1. :H], fig. 7S. Egg, CajKMi, ISSii, |)1. 7, fig. 10. Bu.shy thickt'ts; ne.st |M'nsile in bu.shcs. Me. — l)t)ul>tfully rccKnltd. X. H. — Srvi-ral uiisati.sfactory moRi-s: Chesterfield, .Man- elustir. Vt. — Acciilental visitor: Brattleboro; ? St. Johnsbury, various n'cords (Clark); Townshend, 1S93. Mass. — Rare loeal summer resident near coast and in southern valK-ys (Sheffield). May 2-Sei)t. 27 (Get. 30). Eggs, May 22- .lune IS. U. I. — Uneommon loeal summer resident. May 7-Sej)t. 18. Eggs, June 2, 3. Cow. — Common summer resident in southern |)arl and Con- neetieut valley. May 2-Sept. Eggs, June 9-12. 334. \'iUEO BELLii Audubon Bell's Vireo. And.. Birds of Ainer., 1S44, vol. 7, p. 333, pi. 4S."). "SiioUES AND IMIAIKIE.S OF THE UpPER MiS.SOUKI." Bushy thickets; nest pensile in bushes or low trees. N. 11. - Accidental visitor: Diirhaiii, Nov. 1*J, 1M>7. MNIOTILTIDAE. 335. M.\it)Tii.T.\ v.\KiA (Linn^-) X'iciliot. Black and white warbler; Black and white creeper. Chapman. Warblers Xo. Amer., 1!>()7, ]). 31>, 1)1. 2, figs. 4, 5. Egg, CajK'n, 1S8G, pi. 3, figs. 2, 3. Motarilla varia Linn^, Syst. nat., cd. 12. 1700, vol. 1. p. 333. "i.\ J.\M.\ic.\. Dominica." Deciduous and mixed \voo<|s; nests on the grouiul. 182 FAUNA OF XEW EXCT.AXi:*. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTID.AE. ]\_[e. — Common migrant and local summer resident. (April 27) May 3-Oct. 5. Eggs, ^Nlay 25- June 21. X. H. — Common migrant and less common summer resident at lower altitudes. April 27-Sept. 29. Eggs, June 24. Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. JNIay 5-fall. Eggs, June 20. Mxss. — Common migrant and less common summer resident. (April 18) Apiil 28-Oct. 29 (Dec. 5). Eggs, ^^lay 17-June 22. R I — Common migrant and less common summer resident. (April 15) INIay 1-Oct. 7. Eggs, May 21, 23. Coxx. — Common migrant and less common summer resident. (April 20) April 25-Oct. 10. Eggs, May 20-June 4. 336. Protonotaria citrea (Boddaert) Baird. Prothonotary warbler; Golden swamp warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 54, pi. 3, fig. 3-4. MofaciUa ciirea Bodd., TaV)l. d. i)lanch. enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, ]). 44. I)cscrii)tion in Button : "Louisiaxie." Bushy and tree-grown swamps; nests generally in cavities of stumps or dead trees. Me.— Accidental visitor: Calais, Oct. 30, 1862. ' Vt. — Doubtfully recorded. Mass. — Accidental visitor. May 1-Sept. 15. R. I.— Accidental visitor: Lonsdale, April 29, 1892, Ai)ril 19, 1893; South Kingston, April 20 or 21, 1884. 337. Hei.mitiieros vermivorus (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Worm-eating warbler. Motacilla mervimora [= vermivora] Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 951. "in Pensilvaxia." Helinaia vermivora Lath. Audul)on, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 86, pi. 105. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 6. AVES. 183 1'A.SSEHE.s. OSC'LNES. MMOTILTIDAK. Dry \vo(m1i-(1 .sIojh-s jiml nniiuvs with iiii(l('rj:n)\vtli ; iicsts on tlic f^roimd. Me., N. H. — Unsutisfaotorily n-cortli-d. Vt. — Ac'citlt'nfal visitor: St. .Xlhans, 1S91. M.\s.s. — Acciilcntal visitor: ('ainl)ri(lpc. Sept. li). ISNI; Kast- hampfoii; Salt-iii Willows. .\|»ril 1 IK). l'.K)2; Taimton, May <), 1M.MJ. Cow. — Kan' suinnu'r resident. May 10-Aug. 22. H}?gs, (New Haven, Sayhrook) May 2.')-.Iiine 19. IV.is. llKi.MiNTiioi'iiii.A PINTS (T>inn<'') KidiTway. Blue-winged warbler; Blue-winged yellow warbler. riiaj)inaii, \Varl)ler.s No. Ainer., 1".)07, p. Go, pi. o, fig. 1-2. Egg, Capeii, 1SS(», j)I. li, fig. 7. Certliia pinu.<< Liiin^, Syst. nat., ed. 12. ITfiO, vol. 1, p. 1S7. "l\ A.MEUItW SEPTENTHIONAI.l." Low woods and sprout land; nests on the ground. Vt. — Unsatisfaetorily recorded. M.\.ss. — Very rare visitor. May 12-17 ("/ 29). R. I. — Very rare summer resident: nest at (Jloiicotci-, May 'M), 1800. Cass. — Locally couiiiion summer resident in souilu-rn part and Connecticut valley. (May 2) May 9-hite Aug. Egg.s, May 20-June 20. 339. Hei.minthoimiil.k cnRYSoi>TERA (Linn(), pi. 5, fig. 5-fi. Kgg, Ca|Mn, ISSO, pi. 3, fig. S. Miitarilln rhnjsopU'm Liiuj^', Syst. nat.. t-d. 12, 17(»((, vol. I, p. 333. "i.N Pex.sylv.\ni.\." \a^\\ hushy growths and s|troiM lands; nc^i^ on tin- ground. 184 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. N. H. — Rare in spring and early summer in southernmost part; may breed. jNIay, June. Vt. — Rare migrant; ?"rare sununer resident" (Perkins). Spring; (Oct. 26, 1907, Woodstock). Mass. — Uncommon summer resident, mainly in eastern part. (May 4) May 7-Sept. 1 (Oct. 8). Eggs, June 1-20. R. I. — Rare summer resident. GoNN. — Uncommon summer resident. (May 3) IMay 12- Aug. 24. Eggs, May 29-June 4. 340. Helminthophila rubricapilla (Wilson) Faxon. Nashville warbler. Sylvia rubricapilla Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 120, pi. 27, fig. 3; vol. 6, p. xv. "Tennesee. . . .not far from Nash- ville." Helinaia rubricapilla (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 103, pi. 113. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, figs. 9, 10. Open woodland and thickets bordering swamps; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant and summer resident. (April 30) May 4-Sept. 27 (Oct. 4). Eggs, June 3- July 10. N. H. — Common migrant and summer resident up to 4500 ft. (April 30) May 4-Sept. 13. Eggs, May 25-June 8. Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. INIay 3-fall. Mass. — Common migrant and less common summer resident, accidental in winter. (April 20, 28) May 2-Sept. 25 (Oct. 14; Jan. 1890, Swampscott). Eggs, May 21-iune 21. R. I. — Common migrant and uncommon summer resident. May 4-Sept. 17. Eggs, May 22- June 1. Conn. — Common migrant and uncommon summer resident. (April 22, 1889, Bridgeport) May 5-Sept. Eggs, May 30- June 8. AVE.S. 185 PASSERES. OSCINES. MXIOTILTIDAK. 341. IIki.mintikii'mii.a CELATA (Say) Hi(l<;\vay. Orange-crowned warbler. Chapman. Warhli-rs \o. Auut., 11K)7. |>. S<'). |)i. 7, figs. 3, 4. Siflvia cekitus Say, Ixjtig's Exprd. to Ko« ky Mts., 1823, vol. 1, |). If.!). "Engineer Canton.ment." Iowa. Wooded and hu.sliy country; ni*.st.s nii or iiciir tlicijround. Me. — Un.satisfactorily accn-diti'd (Brun.swick). X. 11. — Very ran- migrant: Holli.s. May Ki, 1S76 {tiec Isles of Shoals). Mass. — Wry rare spring and late fall migrant; accidental in wint»>r. May 15 (Springfield); Sept. 3()-Xov. 29 (Jan. 1, 1S75, Lynn). K. I.— Wry rare .spring and late fall migrant: Cranston, Dec. 3, 1874; East Providentv, May 9, 1S91. Conn. — Kan- migrant. May S, ISSS (East Hartford); Oct.- Nov. 342. Hei-min riioi'Hii.A pkhecui.na (Wilson) Uidgway. Tennessee warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer.. 1907, j). S3, pi. 7, figs. 1, 2. Sylvia percyrina Wils., Amer. ornith., ISll, vol. 3, p. 83, pi. 25, fig. 2. "hanks of the Cumberland river, . . . .Tennesee." Dense thickets and edges of woods; nests near the ground. Me. — Ran' migrant and in nortlu-rn part, a ran- sununer resi- dent. May 1.5-2G; simimtT. Eggs, June 4. N. H. — Ran' migrant and from White Mts. north, a rare local sumuH'r n'sident (Franconia, Lake Lmhagog). May 2()-Si'pt. 9. Vt. — Ran* migrant and possible siunmer resident (Mt. Holly, two pairs, June, 1897, almve 2(H)0 ft.). Ma.ss. — Ran- migrant and jto.ssibly a very ran> summer n-sident (Mt. Gn'vlock. July 15 and 10, 1SS8; ? Springfield, very doubtful). May 10-30; (July 15, 10); Aug.-Sej.t. 10. 186 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCIXES. MNIOTILTIDAE. R. I. — Rare migrant. May IS; Sept. 18. Conn. — Rare migrant. May 19-27 (June 8); Sept. 24- (? Nov., Clark). 343. CoMPSOTHLYPis AMERICANA USNEAE Brewster. Northern Parula warbler; Blue yellow-backed warbler; Usnea warbler. Brewst., Auk, 1896, vol. 13, p. 44. "Lake Umbagog, Maine." Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 104, pi. 8, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, figs. 4, 5. Forests and open tree growth; nests in pendulous masses of Usnea lichen. Me. — Common migrant and uncommon local summer resident. May 5-Sept. 30. Eggs, :\Iay 31- June 17. N. H. — Common migrant and less common summer resident below 3000 ft. (Ai)ril 30) ^lay 3-Oct. 1. Eggs, :\Iay 31-June 12. Vt. — Common migrant and less common summer resident. I\Iay 2-fall. Mass. — Common migrant and less common local summer resi- dent. (April 25) May 1-Oct. 10 (Nov. 19, 1881, Cambridge). Eggs, May 30-July 5. R. I. — Common migrant and uncommon local summer resident. April 30-Oct. 7. Eggs, June 2-5. Conn. — Common migrant and uncommon local summer resi- dent. ISIay 2-Oct. 15 (Oct. 20). Eggs, (ISIay 18) INIay 29- June 22 (Aug.). 344. Dexdroica tigrina (Gmelin) Baird. Cape May warbler. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 352. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 15. Motacilla tigrina Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 985. "Canada." AYES. 1S7 rAS.SERES. asciNES. MMOTILTIDAE. Si/lricola maritinia ^\ ils. Andulioii, IJinls of Aiikt., I '^ 1 1 , vol. 2. p. 44. pi. S-,. N«>rtln'ni conifi-rou.s fon-sts in suiniiH r. ;iii-24; .sumnier-Aug. 22. .\. 11. — Hare migrant ami nortii of White Mis. a rare suinnicr resident (Franconia. .Inne 3). May lO-Sept. Vt. — Ran- migrant ami (?) .summer resident (Mt. Kiiiington, Ross). M.\s.s. — Rare migrant. (May 2) May 10-2'); Aug. IS-Sept. 15 (Oct. 9). R.I. — Rare migrant. May 13-20; Sej>t. Conn. — Rare migrant. May S-20; Aug. 28. 345. 1)endroic.\ aestiva ((unelin) Raird. Yellow warbler; Cotton wren; Garden warbler; Golden warbler; Spy-about; Summer yellow-bird; Wild canary; Yellow-belly; Yellow-bird. Motacilla ac.stira (imel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, \>\. 2. p. lIDf.. "in (Jujana, aest.\te IX Canada." Si/lvicola aestiva (Gniel.). Audnhon, Birds of .\mer., 1^11. vol. 2. p. 50. pi. SS. Kgg. Capen, ISNG, j)l. 3, fig. 11-14. On-liards. shade tn-es, and hushy swamps; nests in trees and hushes. Me. — Connnon summer irsident. (.\pril 30) May 3-Se|)t. 10. Kggs, May 20-June 30 (.Inly). .\. H. — I'neoimnon local sunnner residi-nl of valleys and holtom- lands; ran- from White Mts. north. May 4-Sept. 11. Kggs, -June 7. Vt. — Common .sunnner ix'sident of valleys and hottomlands. May 4-Sept. Mas.s. — Common migrant and summer n-sident. (A|)ril 23) 188 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. May 1-Sept. 30 (Nov. 28, 1891, Cambridge). Eggs, May 20- June 14. R. I.— Common summer resident. (April 17, 29) May 1-Sept. Eggs, May 25-June 4. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident. (April 30) May 1-Sept. Eggs, May 20-June 30. 346. Dendroica caerulescens (Gmelin) Baird. Black-throated blue warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 133, pi. 9, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 1. Motacilla caerulescens Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 960. "in insula S. Dominici." Thickets and forest undergrowth; nests near the ground. Me. — Common migrant, and less common summer resident. May 4-late Oct. Eggs, June 10. N. H. — Common migrant, and from White Mts. north a less common summer resident, becoming rare and local south. May 10- Oct. 10. Eggs, June 19. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident in northern part. Mav 5- fall. Mass. — Common migrant and at higher elevations of western part (Granville, Russell, and north) a less common summer resi- dent. May 5- June 3; summer; Aug. 26-Oct. 11 (Nov. 3, 19). R. I. — Uncommon migrant. May 14-22; fall-Oct. 17. Conn. — Common migrant and rare summer resident (Eastford, Litchfield). (April 29) May 10-summer; Sept.-Oct. 19. Eggs, June 6-13. 347. Dendroica coronata (Linne) Gray. Myrtle warbler; Golden- crowned warbler; Willow warbler; Yellow-rumped warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 141, pi. 10, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 2-4. AVKS. l;sy PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Molarilla cnrouata Liiin^, Syst. iial., rd. 12, ITCiCi, vol. 1, |). 333. "Pensylvaxia." Coniferous woods, and in nii>7. pi. iL', fi^. 4-0. Epg. Capcn. 1880. pi. 4. W^s. 11. 12. Mofacilla jjcnsi/lvanira Liiiniiiiiiiu'r re.sitlent; acfidciital in wiiinr. (Mar. 29) A|)ril 1-Xov. 25 (winter). Efigs, May (S-.Iune 16; .July (2(1 hrood). R. I. — Common .sinnmrr n-sideiit of j>itch-pin(' jjrovcs. April 0-( )(t. 29 (Nov. 15). Ek^s, May 25. Co.W. — Common mijjrant and snninitr rcNidiiii. April 11- St'pt. 29. 35.S. Dendkoica palmarum (Gnulin) Hainl. Palm warbler; Redpoll warbler. Chapman. \Varl)lor.s No. Anur., l'JU7, p. 2l'.i, pi. 10, figs. 4, 5. Motncilhi /mhn/irum (Jmcl., Sy.st. nat., 178S, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 951. "in INSI l.A .'^. DoMINK'I." ( )|)<'n fn'c or hn.shy growth, and edges of ficld.s; ne.sts on the ground. .\. II. liiconunon fall migrant (a doubtful .s|)ring ri-'tord, Manclu'.stfr. May 9, 1900). Sept. 7-10. Vt. — Hart" fall migrant. M\s.s.— Han- fall migrant. S('|)t. 7-Oct. 2S (Dec. 0. 1902, H.linont). H. I.— Kaiv fall migrant: Westerly, Sept. 21, 1S90. Conn. — Rare fall migrant; once n'conled in winter (Jan. 1.S.S0, at New Haven). Sept. 19-()et. 10 (Jan.). :i5!». Dk.NDKOK'A I'AI.MAKl'.M HYPOCHRYSEA RidgWaV. Yellow palm warbler; Twitch-tail warbler; Yellow redpoll warbler. Ri.igw.. Rnll. Xnttall ornith. club, 1S76, vol. 1, |). 85. "Cam- iiRii)(;E, Ma.s.s." Siflrirola jxUchin \m\\\. .\udubon, Birds of Amer., IStl, vol. 2. [>. 55. pi. . May 27 .Iiinr 2."). 361. Sehris ArKorAPii.Ms (Linn^) Swain.soii. Oven-bird; Golden-crowned thrush. ( 'li:i|>iiiaii. llaiiill). l>inl> cast. NH. Aiiicr., ISO.'), p. ;^().'); .MItii, Auk, IS'.H, vol. 11, |)l. 2. H-Sej)t. 2S. K^^s, May 30 .lune 10 (.luly 29). N. 11. —Common mii;rant ami >iiiiiiiicr resident below 3000 ft. May 3-()et. 2. Kjj^s, .luiie 2-.Iuly .'). Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. May .5-fall. Ejj^'s. .Tune 7. Ma.s.s. — Common mi<;rant and summer resident. (April 30) May 2-Sept. 27 (Dee. 30, ISSJ, \Vai( rtown). Kfrcrs, May 17- June 1() (July S). U. I. — Common mijjranl and summer resident. May 2- Sept. 28. Eggs, May 19-30. Coxx. — Common migrant and summer resident (April 20) May 3-Sept. Eggs, May 20-.Iuly 10. 302. Ski IK IS novehokacensis (Cmelin) Bonaparte. Water-thrush; New York Accentor; Northern water-thrush; Wagtail warbler; Water wagtail. Ridgway. Hull. .">(). V . S. nat. mus., 1902, pt. 2, p. 012. Egg, Capen, iSSf). 1)1. '), figs. 0. 7. Motnrilla iioi'phorarrn.ii.s (Jmel., Syst. nat., 17SS, V(»l. 1, pt. 2, |). 9.)S. "in Lofl.SIANA, & N'oVEMOKACI SKIMIUS." T Urdus (tquatirus Wils. .\udul)on, ( )rnitli. l)iogr., 1n;{9, vol. .'>, p. 2S1, pi. 133, fig. 7. 198 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Swampy woods and borders of streams; nests on the ground or among tree roots. Me. — Common migrant and in northern part a less common local summer resident. (April 28) May 6-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 28-June 23. N. H. — Common migrant and less common summer resident, local at lower elevations south of White Mts. (April 30) May 3- Sept. 26. Vt. — Common migrant, and mainly in northern part, a less com- mon summer resident. Mass. — Common migrant and rare local summer resident (near Boston, Lancaster). (April 25) May 2-June 5; summer; Aug. 1-Oct. 16. Eggs, May 21. R. I. — Common migrant and rare local summer resident (Wash- ington Co.). May 7-(summer); Aug. 12-Sept. 15. Eggs, May 19, 20. Conn. — Common migrant. (May 1) INIay 5-27; Aug.-Oct. 18. 363. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis (Ridgway) Ridgway. Griimell's water-thrush. Siurns naevius notabilis Ridgw., Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1880, vol. 3, p. 12. "Black Hills, Wyoming." Vicinity of streams; nests on or near the ground. Conn. — Rare migrant: East Haven, Sept. 21, 1904; Hamden, Sept. 7, 1904; Orange, INIay 20, 1905 (Bishop). 364. Seiurus motacilla (Vieillot) Bonaparte. Louisiana water-thrush; Large-billed water-thrush. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1902, pt. 2, p. 639. T^irdus motacilla \'ieill., Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 2, p. 9, pi. 65. "Kentucky." Turdus hidoincianu^ Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1831, vol. 1, p. 99, pi. 19. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, fig. 8. AVKs. lV/c :Maynard); Sept. 7-Oct. 9. R. I.— Uncommon fall migrant. Sept. 24-Oct. 2 (Nov. 12). Conn. — Accidental spring and uncommon fall migrant. (Spring, Saybrook; /?fc New Haven); Se{)t. 15-Oct. 10. 367. Opororxis Philadelphia (Wilson) Ridgway. Mourning warbler. Sijlvia Philadelphia Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 101, pi. 14, fig. (3. "within a few miles of Philadelphia." Trichas phikidelphia (Wils.). De Kay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 81, pi. 54, fig. 122. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, figs. 12, 13. Tangles of bushes, vines, and briers; nests on or near the ground. ISIe. — Uncommon migrant, and in northern part an uncommon summer resident. (May 16) May 24-fall. Eggs, June 10-16. N. H. — Uncommon migrant and from White Mts. north an uncommon summer resident. May 19-Sept. 13. Eggs, June 8. Vt. — Uncommon migrant and summer resident south to Londonderry. iMay 20-Sept. 20. Mass. — Rare migrant and in Berkshire Co., a rare summer resident. (May 14) May 21-June 13; summer; Sept. 12-30. R. I. — Rare migrant. May 21-June 5; Sept. 4. Conn. — Rare migrant. May 12-27; fall. AVRS. 201 PASSERES. OSCINKS. MNIOTII/nnAE. 3rvS. GrdTHi.vris Titun \s (I^imk'') CaWatiis. Maryland yellowthroat; Black-masked ground warbler; Yel- lowthroat. TunliiA trirhas Lium', Syst. nat.. ()7, |>. 2.')!. pi. I'd, fi^'. 3-'). Kjrj;. Capcii, issCi. pi. .">, fip. 0-11. Wc«'(| patches ami thickets near water; nests (m or near the protind. Me. — Common mi^jrant and snininer R-sident. May O-Oct. 13 (Oft. 22). K^rfrs, May 2S-.Fiin<- 12. X. H. — Conjinon nii<;rant and suinnier resident at lower eleva- tion.s. May (i ()ct. 7. K^f^s, Jinie 3-21. Vt. — Common injirrant and sinnmer ri'sident. 1"V^^>, 'Iinie 2. Mas.s. — Common miuninier resident; accidental in winter. (April 30) May 2-Oct. 21 (winter). ?:j;routlan(l.s; ni'sts in Inishes or rarely on the pround. Me.^ — ("oninion snnunrr ri'siiK-nl in .soutlnvcsti'rn conntii's. (? April S) April 2S-(>t. 14. N. 11. rnconunon sununrr rrsidrnt north to White Mt. valleys. (April l())-().t. 10. Vt. — rmoinmon summer re.sident at lower elevation.s. M.\.s.s. — Common summer and accidental winter re.sident (Arlin^'ton). (April l(i) ApriliO ( )et. 2(1 (Nov. 4; winter). Egp.s, May 10- June 21. R. I. — Common .summer n.sident; casual in winter. (April 14)-()ct. 13 (Jan. 30). Eff^s. May 19-June 4. Conn. — Common summer resident. Aj)ril 22-Oct. 2. TROGLODYTIDAE. 378. TnHVOTHOHis i.i don in.wrs (I^atham) Bonaparte. Carolina wren; Great Carolina wren; Mocking wren. Stflvia ludoviciana Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 2, j). 548. "Loii.si.\\.\." Trofjlodfites ludocicianus Bona)). Auduhon. Binls of Amer., 1S41. vol. 2. p. 1 ICi. 1)1. 1 17. Efig. Cai)en, ISSO. |)1. 2. Hj;. 11. Den.se unileri^rowtli and tangles; nests in cavities of tn-es or cn'vi(rs of hniidiiitfs. Me. — .\ccidental visitor (Falmouth, Oct. .>, I'.tOS; Waterville) and accidental summer resident (Norway Lake, efjjT.s^ .lune, 1883, jidr Knight). N. H.- Accidental visitor: Alstea.l. July H. 190:}; Kye Beach. Aup. 7. IKSO; Weh.ster. ahout 1900. \'t.— Doubtfully recordecl. ^L\.s.s. — ( )ccasional visitor at all sea.sons and very rare sununer n-sident (Nau.shon M., .iulv. 1901). 208 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TROGLODYTIDAE. K. I. — Occasional visitor in summer and fall, and rare summer resident (at Middletown). April 9-Nov. 28. Eggs, April 15. Conn. — Occasional visitor at all seasons and rare resident (near Bridgeport, Chester, South Xorwalk). Eggs, July 16. 379. Thryomanes bewickii (Audubon) Ridgway. Bewick's wren. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 552. Troglodytes bewickii Aud., Ornith. biogr., 1831, vol. 1, p. 96, pi. 18. "about five miles from St. Francisville,. .. .Louis- iana." Brush piles, orchards, and vicinity of outbuildings; nests in cavities of trees or buildings. Me. — Doubtfully recorded (Seguin Id., Oct. 6). N. H. — Accidental visitor: Alton, April 25, 1890. 380. Troglodytes aedon Vieillot. House wren. Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 2, p. 52, pi. 107. "Canada, ... .XoL^-ELLE-EcossE." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 125, pi. 120. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, figs. 12, 13. Brush piles, orchards, and vicinity of outbuildings; nests in hollow limbs, bird boxes, or any convenient crevice. Me. — Uncommon local summer resident (to Caribou). May 8-Aug. N. H. — Uncommon summer resident becoming rare among White :\It. valleys. May 18-Sept. 24. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident. May 11-fall. Mass. — Locally common summer resident. (April 24) May 1- Oct. 30. Eggs, May 25- June 5. R. L — Locally common summer resident; formerly more common. April 26-Sept. Eggs, INIay 21-27. Conn. — Common summer resident. April 25-Oct. 30. AVEs. 2no PASSERES. OSCINES. TROGLODYTIDAE. 381. X\NM s lUK.MALis (Vicilldt) A. O. r. romm. Winter wren. Troglodi/tes filemalis Vicill., Noiiv. diet, d'hist. nut., 1S19, Vol. 34, p. ol4. " X0UVELLE-Il)C0SSE ET DANS l'Et.VT I)E NeW YoRK." Audubon, Birds of Anicr., 1S41, veil. 2. p. 12S, pi. 121. Egg, Cajien, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 14. Danij) woods or thickets near water, and in migration, tangles, brush heaps, and brier patches; nests in crevices of ujiturned roots. Me. — Common migrant and in northern part a common sum- mer resident; vi-rv rare winter re.sident (Bangor). (April 1) April 9-Nov. 17 (winter). Eggs, May 20- June 3; Aug. S (2d brood). X. H. — Common migrant and less common summer resident, local south of White Mts.; rare winter resident in .soutiieast j)art. April 5-Xov. 15 (winter). Eggs, May 20- July 23 (2d brood). Vt. — Uncommon migrant, less common summer resident in mountainous j)arts south to Ix)ndonderry; may winter, .\pril 7- Nov. 24 (Dec. 30, Jan. 1). Eggs, June 4. Mass. — Uncommon migrant, less common summer resident (Berkshire Co., and locally east, Lynn, Winchendon); rare winter resident near coast. April 4-20; summer; Sept. l?-Xov. 25; winter. K. I. — Uncommon migrant and rare winter n>sident; rare local summer resident (Washington Co., nest with young. May 21, 190S). Aj)ril; (summer); Sept.-Xov. 2S; winter. Co.\.\. — Uncommon migrant and less common winttr risident. Oct. 2-Ai)ri]. 382. CiSTOTHORUs STELI.ARIS (Lichtenstein) Cabanis. Short-billed marsh wren. Trorjl(xli/tts .ttrllari.s Licht., in Xainnann's Wigel Deutschl., 182:i. vol. 3. tab. ad p. 724. "Carolina." 210 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TROGLODYTIDAE. Troglodytes hrevirostris Nutt. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 138, pi. 124. Egg, Cai)en, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 1. Wet grassy meadows; nest usually built among tall grass stems near the ground. Me. — Rare local summer resident (Bangor, Glenburn). May 4-Oct. 10. N. H. — Rare local summer resident in southern part; rare visitor in White Mt. region. Mass. — Very local summer resident, sometimes common. May 6-Oct. 9. Eggs, May 25- June 18; July 7 (? 2d brood). R. I. — Rare local summer resident (NeAvport). Eggs, June 6. Conn. — Rare local summer resident. Spring-Sept. 17. 383. Telmatodytes palustris (Wilson) Henry. Long-billed marsh wren. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 489. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 15. Certhia palustris Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 58, pi. 12, fig. 4. "Pennsylvania. .. .ALONG the tide water of our RIVERS." Cat-tail swamps; nests among the flags. Vt. — Rare visitor: Brattleboro, May, 1902; Middlebury; Rutland, May 27, 1907. Mass. — Common local summer resident in western valleys and coastwise (Essex Co.) ; rare winter resident (Fresh Pond). (^lay 2) May 15-Nov. 30 (winter). Eggs, June 5-29 (Aug. 1). R. I. — Common local summer resident. May-Oct. 6. Eggs, May 31-June 16. Conn. — Common summer and rare winter resident. ^Nlay 5- (winter). Eggs, June 7- July 28 AVES. 211 PASSKU !•>!;. O.SCINE8. CEirnniDAE. 384. Certmia familiaris amerk ana (Honapartc) Ki«lpvay. Brown creeper; Tree creeper. Verlliia amrricana Bonap., (it'ojjr. and coinjjarativi' li.st birds Eur()|H' and Xo. AiiuT., is;is. |>. 11. "We.sterx and .nortmer.v parts" ov No. America. Certhia familiari.t Liiiiio. Audubon, Hird.s of Anicr.. 1S41, )>. 10l. 12."). Woodlands mMU'rall\ ; lusts in boles of tn^es and stumps. Me. — AcckU'ntal visitor: near Orono. N. H., Vt. — Doubtfully nnonlcd. Coxx. — Ran.' visitor: near Hartford; Lyme, Fob. 27, bS72, Jan. 1S74; New Haven (Linsley). 3SS. Pf.ntiiestes .\tuic.\imlli .s (Linue) Uidpvay. Chickadee; Black-capped chickadee or titmouse. Parus atricapilhi.s- Linue, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 17GG, vol. 1, p. 341. "Cax.^d.\." Audubon. Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, \k 140, i)l. 120. E^% Caix-n. ISSO, pi. 2. fifjs. 4, 5. Tree growtli {jencrally; nests near water in low dead stumps. Me. — Common resident. Egfjs, May lO-.Iune 18. N. H. — Common n'sident, breeding below 3000 ft. Vt. — Common n-sidi-nt. Kggs, May 10. ^L\.s.s. — Common winter and less common siuiinicr resident. Eggs, May 4- June 25. K. L — Common winter and less common sununer resident. Eggs. May 0-18. Co.XN. — Common n-sident. Eggs, May 10-June 4. 3S1). I'kxthe.stes inDsoNirrs flM»r>iter) Uidgway. Hudsonian chickadee. Pants hnihonicu.'i Eorst., I'liil. trans, roy. soc. lyondon, 1772, vol. 02. pp. 408, 430. "Sevehv Kiveu .\T) Sim m Hud.soxis." Audubon, Birds of .\mer., 1S41, vol. 2, p. I'm, pi. 128. Egg, Ca|>en, ISSC, pi. 2, figs. (>. 7. 214 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. PARIDAE. Spruce and fir forests; nests in holes in low trees or stumps. Me. — Rare resident in northern and eastern counties; else- where an uncommon or rare winter visitor. N. H. — Uncommon resident mainly above 3000 ft. on White Mts., north; elsewhere a rare winter visitor. Vt. — Uncommon resident in northern part and on higher mountains (Mt. Stratton, Sutton); elsewhere a rare winter visitor. Mass. — Rare late fall and winter visitor; once in Plymouth Co., June 5, 1896. Oct. 18- April 5 (June 5). R. I. — Accidental late fall visitor: Smithfield, Nov. 1, 1880. Conn. — Accidental late fall visitor: New Haven, Nov. 13, 1875. SYLVIIDAE. 390. Regulus satrapa Lichtenstein. Golden-crowned kinglet; Golden-crested wren. Licht., Verzcichn. d. doubl. d. Mus. Berlin, 1823, p. 35. "Am[erica] sept[entrionali]." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 165, pi. 132. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2. Spruce and fir forests in summer, tree growth generally at other times; nests in conifers. Me. — Common migrant and less common winter resident; common summer resident in northern part. Eggs, June 15-24. N. H. — Common migrant, less common winter resident; com- mon summer resident from White Mts. north, local to the south. Eggs, May 24. Vt. — Common migrant and winter resident ; less common local summer resident. Sept. 18-lMay 7; summer. Mass. — Common migrant and winter resident; uncommon summer resident in western part but rare and local in eastern (Lynn, Plymouth Co., Winchendon). Sept.-April; summer. Eggs, May- June 29. R. I. — Common migrant and winter resident. Sept. 25-April 2. AVES. 215 PASSERES. OSCINES. SYLVIIIXVE. CoNX. — Coinmoii mifxrant and winter n-siilcnt. Oct. 13-May. M'tl. lvK.(;ri.i s (Ai.ENDiLA (Liiiiu') Lichtcnsti'in. Ruby-crowned kinglet; Ruby-crested wren. AiKluboii, Birds of AnuT., 1S41, vol. 2, p. KiS, pi. 133. Motarillo rnlcuduJn Linn^, Sy.st. iiat.. cd. 12. 1700, vol. 1, p. 337. "PfANSYI.N AMA." Spnuv and fir fori'.st.s, and in niijiration.s, (n*e growth geniTally; nest.s in conifers. Ml.. (Oninion migrant and j)r()l)al)ly a rare .summer resident in northern |»art (Kt. Kent, with young; near Bangor, ne.st without eggs). April 14-May 10 (May 23); (summer); Sept. 25-Oet. 22. N. H. — Common migrant. .Vpril 14 -May 11; Sept. 9-Oet. 20. Vt. — Common migrant. April 11; fall. Mas.s. — Common migrant; casual in winter (at Highland Light, •Ian. 1."). 1V.>2; Fresh Pond. ( ■ami)ridge, Dec. 23, 1S99). April o- May 13; Sept. 23-Nov. 20 (winter). H.I. — Common migrant. April-May 0; Oct. Cow. — Common migrant. April II (May 10); Oct. 13-Xov.24. 392. rin.ioiTii.A rAERii.EA (LiiHi^) Sclater. Blue-gray gnatcatcher. Motdcillu ntcruliti Liiuie, Syst. nat., etl. 12, 1700, vol. 1, p. 337. "Pk.n.syi.vania." Culirirora rorniira Lath. .\udul)on, Binls of Amer., 1>S40, vol. 1. p. 244, j.l. 70. Kgg, Ca|H'n. ISSO. ]A. 2, fig. 3. Woodlands; nests in trees. Mk. — Aicideiital visitor: Cape Llizahelh, .\ng. 2!t. iSSO; .\|iril 18. iS'.Mi. N. H., \'t. - Donhtfully recorded. ^L\.s.s. — Accidental visitor ( ? may oncv have bred near Taunton). Aug. 27-L)ec. 18. 216 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. SYLVIIDAE. R. I. — Accidental A-isitor (several instances). May 23, June 24. Conn. — Rare summer visitor (five instances, nee Waurcgan). April 6-Sept. 1. TURDID.AE. 393. Hylocichla mustelina (Gmelin) Ridgway. Wood thrush; Mountain thrush (Vt.); Swamp angel; Swamp thrush; Wood robin. Turdus mustelinus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 817. "in Noveboraco." Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. of Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 43. Chapman, Handb; birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 395, fig. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 2. Bushy growth near edges of moist shady woods; nests in bushes or trees. Me. — Rare summer resident in southwestern part (to Franklin Co.). Spring-Sept. 6. N. H. — Rare summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. May 15-Sept. Vt. — Uncommon summer resident at lower elevations (to Mt. Mansfield and Willoughby Lake). May 10-fall. Mass. — Common summer resident, mainly at low elevations. (April 26) May 1-Sept. 28 (Oct. 10; Nov. 18, 1897, Wellesley Hills). Eggs, May 25- June 15 (June 26). R. I. — Common summer resident. INIay 4-Sept. Eggs, May 21-June 6. Conn. — Common summer resident. May 1-Oct. Eggs, May 27- June 21. 394. Hylocichla fuscescens (Stephens) Ridgway. Wilson's thrush; Cheeury; Nightingale; Swamp robin; Tawny thrush; Veery. Turdus fuscescens Steph., Shaw's Gen. zool., 1817, vol. 10, pt. AVES. 217 P.ViSERES. OSCINPIS. TURDIDAE. 1. |). 1S2. "to tmk nohth oi I'knsyi.vania." Sffholim aiul Shar|H-, Moiu)<;r. Tunlwlae, 1898, i>t. 4, pi. H. Knn, CaiK'n, 188G, pi. 1. ti>;. 7. Swain|)s atul unsident. (April 29)-Sept. 2o. Eggs, May 2G-31. Coxx. — Common summer resident. May 1-Sept. 1. 395. Hvi^ciciiLu\ FUSCESCEXS s.vLicicoLA Uidgway. Willow thrush; Newfoundland thrush. Ridgw.. Proe. U. S. nat. nnis., 1SS2. vol. 4. |). 374. "Rocky MouxTAix REGiox. . . . FoRT Garlaxd, Colo.," etc. Swamps and undergrowth bordering streams; nests on or near the ground. Ma.ss. — Rare migrant: Lanesboro, Sept. 27. 19(K); Lowell (these an' the race "fttliginosu" Howe, considered by the A. < >. C committee inseparable from salicirola and bv Riclgwav as svnonv- mous with //. fuscescens). R. I. — Ran- migrant: Hristol. .^jjt. 24, 1S99; Newport. S«pt. 25, 1885. Coxx. — Rare migrant. May ."), C. 14, 10; Spt. 23 C=^ .sv///v-(Kt. 2."). H. I. I'licoiniiinii iiii;;rant. ()(t. •I. CV).\.\. — I'ncomiiion iiii<;rant. 39.S. IIvi.cK K iii.v rsTii.ATA swAiNsoMi (Cahaiiis) Ridjiway. Olive-backed thrush; Flycatching thrush; Mosquito thrush; Swainson's thrush; Swamp robin. Tunlii.i swain.'iouii Cal>., F;iuiia l'«'ruaiia, lS45-4(>, p. 188. "1'ehi"; .s|H'ciiiu'ii (li'scrilR'd from Nkw .Ii;k.skv (= ly|tc locality). St'el)oliin and Sliarpc. Moiio^r. 'rurdidac. lSi)S, |)t. 4. pi. 4"). fij;. '.i. Turdus ustulatu^ .fwain.souli (Cab.), (liapinaii. Haiidl). liirds oast. No. .Vmcr.. ls».i."). p. :i<)8. Ej;jj, ('a|)(ii. 1880, j)l. 1, fi^.s. o, (i. Cool sliaily tliickfts; lu'st.s in low tnn'.s or bu.slu'.s. Me. — Common migrant and in northern part a coinnion sum- mer rt'.si( lent. {May (■)) May 9-2(i; summcr-( )(t. 2.i. Hgtis, May 29-Juii<- *• (early July). X. II. — Common migrant, and from White Mts. north a eom- mon .summer resident, local to the south. .May l(>-()ct. Hggs, June IG-July II. Vt. — Common migrant and less common sunnmr resident mainly in northern part and at higher li'vels .south to Londonderry. Mass. — Common migrant and in higher j)afts of Berkshire Co., an uncommon summer resident. May :i-June 7; summer; Sept. 9-Oct. 21. H. 1. — Connnon migrant. May N-; Sept. 27-()ct. 2. Cow.-- Common migrant. May H)-2(i; Se|)t. 4-()ct. lo. 399. Hyi.ockhla orriATA I'ali.asii (Cabanis) Faxon and IIofT- mami. Hermit thrush; Ground swamp robin Me.); Rufous-tailed thrush; Solitary thrush; Swamp robin or thrush; Wood- chuck. Turdus jHilldsii {';i\t., Arch. f. naturgesch., 1M7, vol. Ki. pt. 1. 220 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. p. 205. Locality not given; based on Cab., in Tschudi's Fauna Peruana. Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 46, fig. 2. Turdus aonalaschkae paUasii (Cab.). Chajiman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 400. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, figs. 3, 4. Undergrowth of drv woods; nests on the ground. Me. — Common migrant and summer resident; may winter rarely. (April 5) April 13-Xov. 26 (Dec. 25, 1904, Cape Elizabeth). Eggs, (May 1) ISIay 17- June 10; July 14- Aug. 10 (2d brood). N. H. — Common migrant and summer resident below 3000 ft. (April 5) April 10-Nov. 24. Eggs, -July S. Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident. (April 4) April 10-fall. Mass. — Common migrant, less common summer resident in western, local in eastern part (Cape Cod, ISIartha's Vineyard) ; rare winter resident near coast. (April 1) April S-Xov. 30 (winter). Eggs, June 14. R. 1. — Common migrant and rare winter resident; rare local summer resident (Kent Co.). April lO-(summer); Oct.-Nov. 20 (Dec. 3, winter). Eggs, June 6. Conn. — Common migrant, uncommon local summer resident (Bear INIt., Hartford Co., Norfolk, Salisbury); rare winter resident. (x\pril 3) April 12-May; summer; Oct.-Nov. 20 (winter). 400. Planesticus migratorius (Linne) Coues. American robin. Turdus migratorius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 292. "in America septentrionali." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 14, pi. 142. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 1. Ubiquitous, but avoiding woods in breeding season ; nests in trees, on ledges of buildings, or on the ground. Me., N. H., Vt. — Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident mainly in southern part. Mar. 3-Nov.; win- avp:s. l>_> 1 passeres. osc'ine.s. tirdidae. tor. H^^s. (Mk.) April '_'s .Iimr 1"); July tiirly Aui:. ilM ;iih1 :{(! brootls). Mass. — Coininoii migrant and siimiiuT n-.si()8, Brandon). K. I. — Common mij^rant, lc.s.s common .summer and winter resident. Mar. 11-Xov. 2S; winter. Egjjs, April 17-.June 7; July. Co.\.\. — Common mi<:rant and summer resident; less common winter nvsident. Feh. 18-Xov.; v'i'iter. Eggs, A|>ril 27-.Iuly 2. 401. IxoREis NAEVius (Gmelin) Richmond. Varied thrush. Turduji narrius Gmel., Syst. nat., 17SS, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. M7. "in sinu Americae Xatca." Orpheus niernhides (Swains.). Swain.son and Richard.son, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1S31, vol. 2. p. 187, pi. 38. Elvergreen fon'sts; nests in trees. Mass. — Accidental visitor: I|)swich, Dec. 1804. 402. SiAi.iA siALis (Linn6) Haldeman. Bluebird. MoUu-illa .fialis Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10. 17.58, vol. 1. ]>. ]n7. "i.\ Bermidis & America calidiohe." Sialia iril.'ionii Swixins. .\udnl)on. Birds of .\mer., 1S41, vol. 2, p. 171. pi. 134. Egg, Capen, issfj, pi. 1, figs. 14, 15. Orchards and ojH'n country; nests in hollow linihs or in Kird hou.ses. Me. — Common migrant and summer resident. (Feb. 28) Mar. lO-Nov. 14. Eggs. April 21-May 15; .June 24-JuIy 6 (2d brood). X. H. — Common migrant and less common summer ri'sident at lower elevations. Mar. 2-Oct. 25. Eggs, May 1-June 25. 222 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. Vt. — Common migrant and .summer residont. [Fch. 2li) INIar. 17-Oct. IG. Mass. — Common miiirant, less common summer re.sident; near coast, a rare winter resident (Melrose Highlands, Roxbury, Wellesley, Cape Cod). (Feb. 23) Mar. 1-Xov. 20 (Dec. 10, 29); winter. Eggs, April 15-June 5. R. I. — Common migrant, less common summer resident, and occasional winter resident. ^lar. 2-Nov. 27; winter. Eggs, (Mar. 1, Westerly) April 7-20. Conn. — Common migrant and summer resident; uncommon winter resident. Mar. 5-Nov. 13; winter. Eggs, April 15- June 14. Species Introduced or Erroneously Accredited. CoLYMBUS cRiSTATus Linne. Crested grebe. — An Old World species erroneously recorded by early writers. Aethia cristatella (Pallas). Crested auklet. — Doubtfully recorded from Chatham, Mass., winter of 18S4-So. Cepphus mandtii (Lichtenstein). Mandt's .guillemot. — The sup- posed Maine specimen proves to be C. grylle, antl the Massachusetts record is too doubtful for acceptance. PuFFiNus PUFFiNus (Brunnich). Manx shearwater. PuFFiNus "ciNEREXJs" (= KUHLi Gould). Mediterranean shearwater. — European species listed from New England by several of the older writers but probably in error for P. gravis or P. borealis. Thalassidroma pelagica (Linn^). Stormy petrel. — Given on au- thority of Boardman as a rare summer visitor "off the coast of Eastern Maine," but the record is not allowed by Knight. Pelagodroma marina (Latham). White-faced petrel. — A specimen taken in lat. 40° 34' 18" N., long. 66° 09' W., Sept. 2. 1885, was included in Dr. J. A. Allen's list of Massachusetts birds (1886), but the locality is out- side the limits covered by the present catalogue. Phalacrocorax GRACULtis (Linn^). Green cormorant. — This Euro- pean species is accredited to Massachusetts by W. B. O. Peabody, who doubtless confused it with the American P. auritus. AVKs. 223 MRnoELLi's ALHELLi-s (Liniic'i. Smew. - Aocrf Stephens. Egyptian goose. Salvation, ("at. biril.>< British mils., lsy,"», vol. 27, p. 10'.); (iouM, Birds of Kurope, 1837, vol. 5, pi. {'.i')'.i]. Kgg, Seebohm, ISUC), p. 'Mi, pi. 12, fip. 1. Anag aegyptiaca Linii^, Syst. nat., <'<1. 12, 1706, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. l'.»7. " in .\e<;vpt* NKHiLARn-s (riunnenis). Greenshank. — This Old World species was accredited to Connecticut by Lin>liy wiio states that a speci- men was killeti at Stratford in fall of 1842. Oreohtyx PicTf.s (Douglas) Baird. Mountain partridge; Plumed partridge. Ortyx picta Dougl., Trans. Linn. soc. London, 1829, vol. 10, p. 143. "interior of California." Ortix plnmifera Could, .\uilubon. Birds of .\mer., vol. 5, p. 69, pi. 291. Thickets and open woods; ne.st.s on the pround. M.\8.s — Intro«luced unsucee.s.sfully about 1S9(). LopHORTVX TALiFORNirrs fShaw) Bonaparte. California partridge or quail. Telran califurnicus Sliaw, Naturalist's miscellany, 1797 (?). vol. 9, pi. 345 and text. "California." CdUiftepla ralifornica (.Shaw). Clould, .Monofjr. of t)dontophorinae No. Amer., 18.',(). p. [.->7), pi. [10]. Kpn, Ben.lire, 1S92, vol. 1. pi. 1. fiR. S-10. Bu.shy lowlands; nests on the fjrnund. Mass. — Unsuccessfully introii)l. soc. \\ asliiiijiton, isM, veil. J, p. '.M. "Illinois, AND. . . .Ro.SElUD ChKEK, Mo.NTANA TkUH." Telrao phasianellu:< Linnc''. Audubon, Birds of Amcr., 1S42, vol. 5, p. 1 10, pi. 29S Kgg. Boiulire, 1892, vol. 1, i.l. :\. fins. !». 10. Wootl.s aiitl (hickct.s; nosts on iho proviml. Ma.-^s. — riistirpcssfiilly iiitri)cltirt' jiruvt- to lie S. txiriua rariua. AoYRTRiA viKiDissiMA (Lossoii). Llnne's hummingbird. Tlie au- thenticity of the supposed Cambridge specimen is open to doubt. Alat'da ARVENsis Linni^. Skylark; Laverock. Linnd, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. IG.'). "'in Europae apricis." RidRway. Hull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4. p. 292; Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1S71 SI, vol. 4, pi. [2:J1]. EgK, Heudire, 1.S95, vol. 2, pi. 5, fig. 23. Upcn country', fields and meadows; nests on the ground. Mass. — Unsuccessfully introduced from Europe at Cambridge, prior to 1880. Muni A oryzivora (Linn^). Java sparrow. — A specimen was taken at Belmont, Ma.ss., Nov. 2, 1884, but this and others are doubtless escaped cage birds. Munia .atricapilla (Vieillot). Rufous and black weaver finch. — .\ specimen of this Indian species, (doul>tk» an e>.capt), was cajitured near Brunswick, Maine, in March, 1879 (recordeably the Bronzed grackle was the species ob.served. Serint's m-TYRACEA (Liuu^) Bonaparte. Yellow finch. Fringilla bulyracea Linn^, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 181. "Ma- dera.'' Serinus Jlaviivniris (Swains.). Shaqje, Cat. birds Briti.sh Mus., 1888, vol. 12, p. 353. A South African species. Mass. — Accidental visitor or escape: South Scituate, Feb. 1879, with flock of Redpolls. Serinos serinus (Linn6) Sharpe. Serin finch. Sharpe, Cat. birds Briti.sh mus., 1888, vol. 12, p. 369. 228 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. Fringilla serimis Linn6, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 320. " in EUROPA AUSTRALI." Serinus horiulanus Koch. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871^1, vol. 3, [pi. 170]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 240, pi. 56, fig. 16. Open countn,', orchards and gardens; nests in trees. Mass. — Probably escaped cagebird : Springfield, Nov. 1866. Passer domesticus (Linn^) Koch. House sparrow ; English sparrow ; European house sparrow. Ridgway, Birds No. and Middle Amer., Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 143. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1876, vol. 3, p. [587], pi. [176], fig. 1, Egg, Seebohm. 1896, p. 238, pi. 56, fig. 10-12. Fringilla domestica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 183. "in EUROPA PROPE RtTRA." Villages and cities in vicinity of dwellings; nests in trees, vines, or any cavity. Me. — Common resident : introduced at Portland in 1854 and 1858, at Lewiston in 1874, at Bangor about 1875. N. H. — Resident, common about large cities, less common in White Mt. valleys. Vt. — Common resident about towns and cities; introduced at St. Johns- burj' between 1874 and 1876. Mass. — Common resident about towns and cities; introduced at Boston in 1858 and 1868, Brookline, 1868, Charlestown, 1869, Cottage C ty about 1882, Somerville, 1871. R. I. — Common resident; introduced at Peacedale in 1858, Providence in 1866 or before, Newport, 1874. Conn. — Common resident ; introduced at New Haven in 1867, Nor- wich and Meriden between 1865 and 1870, Portland, 1869. AcANTHis BREWsTERii (Ridgway). Brewster's linnet. Brewster, Mem. Nuttall ornith. club, 1906, no. 4, pi. 6. Aegiothus (flavirostris var.) breicsterii Ridgw., Amer. nat., 1872, vol. 6, p. 433. "Walth.\m, Massachusetts." Status uncertain; probably a hybrid between Acanthis linaria and Spinus pinus. Mass. — Only known specimen taken at Waltham, Nov. 1, 1870. Carduelis carduelis (Linne) Schaffer. European goldfinch. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 94. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 241, pi. 56, fig. 17. I AVES. 229 Fringilla canhirlix Liiui<^, Syst. nat., od. 10, 17.')S, vol. 1, |). ISO. " i\ EUROPAK jrMJ'KKKTIS." Carduelis elegant Stoph. Dresser, Birds of I^urope, 1S71-81, vol. 3, pi. [\m\. open country, orclianls, and dt'ciduous woods; nests in trees. Ma8.s. — Introdviceut not well est;il)lisheoring country: New Haven, May U, 1892. RYNTnopnwF.s MACowNMi (Lawrencc). McCown's lonjspur.^ Doubt- fully recorded for .Mas> nf :i m nkei bpLcinien said to have been taken at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1877. CoTURNicoLtTs nAiKDii (Audubon). Baird's sparrow. — The first known specimens of Passerctdus princeps were recorde