977.349 Oml OMAR CARAVAN February 1953 Galesburg, Illinois of the burthplace of Carl Sandburg story Digitized by the Internet Archive in2012wftHWri§ingfrom University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/omarcaravanOOomar UNIVI 1LLIN atu: ILL #ST PAUL MINNEAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS CINCINNATI CLEVELAND ILLINOIS The city holds tight to its share of the "Lincoln" legend and a claim as the ''center of Western Illinois." THERE IS MUCH OF HISTORY in Gales- burg. It is a town set on the foundation of the Bible — unique in its founding — and built in a later day almost exclusively of brick. Carl Sandburg is acknow- ledged its most famous son and it's one of the many Il- linois communities holding a part of the Lincoln legend close to its bosom. Here stands the last surviving site of the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates — the original "Old Main" of Knox College. Here is the birthplace of Carl Sand- burg. And here is Knox College itself, whose host of il- lustrious graduates have made the name famous in American history. It's the original "Old Siwash" of fic- tion fame. And here today is the same Knox, the same history steeped traditions and the same solid concepts of Galesburg's original "colonists." Here today are also the world's biggest one railroad switch yards, three glorious man-made lakes, an outsized retail business for a city of 32.000, two main line rail- roads and a compact but growing industrial community. Liking to be considered the "center of Western Illinois." Galesbur