s 14. GS: CIR acoHh>o OOOOO OOOOO ronh hco r- o no xt o r- co o o cm r-~ co o r~ o CO ■— i nO xt nO in o co cm r- co nO \0 o CO cm in xt xt xt in on on vt \t co r- xt in in h Nt O Nt CM O CO in rH r-H O rH CO 00 O cm xt in oo no cm o co in o co .-H o r- r- in co cm vo n^- o in co no to 00 xt nO xt nO o ^h co cm o cMin ni in h O CM r- CM xt r- xt o o CM CM O CO nO -tf r-H CM O o r- o oo o o no •-> •-< r- in co cm r~ Nt o o o r- co o cm xt o CM xt o co r- o r- in r- cmoocm co r-H o o o H in xt xt in in xt co in in o ^ xt oo in co xt no t~- in co o o r~ r- in xt nO nO CM f- r-H O O r— I r-H xt CM xt 00 O CM CM in xt CO 00 x* 00 CO in in r- CM o CM NO en CM xt in r-H NO r-H r-H xt r- CO in in vO CO in xt in xt in in nO CM m o CM r-H vO O o xt CM o ^ r-H o o O o ID h" r^ in r-H o CM in <-•> i— i CO o r-H CM CM o in oo r- lO r-H o o 00 o O in m r- O xt in r- r~ 00 r- ,_, co r-H CM nO If) xt i-H ■TN t- 1— '.'•J r-H r- CM in nO t> o o o 00 NO o r- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CJN c_> o o o o o o o o o o o o o CO CM O O xtNooor--xt Oxtcoinxt >o in \o h co co co in t- co vOvOin in o vo in co^o in xt no o in o co co r-H in nO i— l xt CO xt O r-H co xt co co co hco vt in n cmcococnjco cococmcocm co xt cn xt co cococococo CMin in r~ oo •— i co r- o in •-< xt o o Nt in cm h o o r- in co cm co in r- O CO CO OCOOOO OOOr-nO OOOOO OOOOO OOOOnO OOOOO oo in on nO \Q in m o O nO xt i— 1 CO iO O xt r-H xt m in o o xt NO O o CO xt o o m i-H O o CD CM o CO r- <—* o o co in o CO o •o oo 00 CO o ■- 1 o in i-H xt Ln tM co o co o C) O r~ oo r-H CO CM CM CM r-H r-H CM CM r-H r-H r-H i-H >—t r-H r-H CN CM CM ^ CM OJ r-H CM CM CM r-H r-H CM CJ r-H r-H CM no o cm m o no r-H r-H CM O CM O o O r- o r-~ r> CO xt r- xt in CM vO xt CO CM xt CO o o CD PL, co nO r~ o r~ NO o o in 00 xt r- r-H r- r- N^- CM 00 xt '-' xt r— 1 CO in 00 o ^ in CO xt CO nO o ^ \T> CO CN o -H r-H r-H r—1 CN ^ r-H xt r— 1 CM nO CN xt -• XT i—\ CI CO r-H CM -" xt CM xt r-H r-H CO CM ON xt r~ vO r- CO CN CO r- CM CO r- -H in o CM NO r- o ^ CN r-H CM in f- rrH CO OJ in CM CM o CM CD NO CM xt o O o xt CO NO r-H o CO CM o r- NO CM in o r~ CM CO o r- xt o NO r-H r- xt O CO r— I CO in r-H nO CO vO CN xt CO on ro o CM co in r-H in CM CM r-H O NO ^H CM vO xt CM in xt in r-H U-, p-H "* co in r-H r- o iO CO 1— 1 O r~ NO xt in o o xt CN ON o co co r- 00 o co co in CM r- ^H xt Xt -1 o CM r-H o CO vO r- o oo NO O r- co r~- CO o i-H in r-H 00 c\l xt o xt C) CO o lT) CM r- r- C) tM in co CO nO xt o o CN l 1 xt co r-H o CO o o r-l O CN o xt r- CD xt r~ CM r-~ i — i o on CM o CO xt < r-H r-H CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CN CM CM CM r-H CM r-H CM i—i r-H CM 1-1 CM r-H tM CM 1-1 tM tM rH CM O o O on CN CO CM in xt xt —t NI- no O CM CN O 1 1 i — i o r- o CN TT CO O o 00 NO O CO xt CM O •rH CO in o in CO o O r- r-H CM CM NO CO 00 xt CO xt 00 00 00 c> o in O iO •-* (') o Ifj 00 r~ xt r-H r-H o CO CO o r- o o CN nD o in CO CM r- CO On xt o CM o o CO Ln in CM o nO r-~ co r- CO r- NO xt in in NO m r~ NO NO in in in a") in in in m in NO vO in NO m in a) vO NO li> in no in 1 r-H a> a> CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD (0 >* r-H — i —1 r-H >- ■ — l r-H r-H r-H i-H •—\ r-H r-H r-H r-H i — 1 •-H i-H r-H i — 1 i-H i — i r—f r-H i—i i — i i-H r-H r-H r—l i — 1 -P •rH ro m ro CO rfl en m CO ro (0 m rfl ro CO ro CO ro to to to ro to CO CO to rfl CO CO to CO CO to m r-H c C C C r-H .r .r. c .c C -C r sz -C -C C -C .C -C X JZ .C rC .C -C X. ,C -C -C X X S u rH CD to rH 0) to CO (J) O a) t/D c/> to c rfl CO CO CO CO T1 to TS c m U) T5 C m U) CO e ro I.I) CO CO to CO t/) t/J to u> to tj> to CD to to T1 T! 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(H (H M U U U h (h CD 0) CD CD a. a. a, a, o o -O T5 c c ro ro CO ro ro ro ro CO ro ro ro CO CO JZ JZ JZ -C JZ JZ JZ jr. JZ JZ JZ JZ JZ CO U) m CO '.') U) TJ c (0 u> U) 00 fH CO rH [/J u C JZ JZ JZ TJ r-H C c ■ ^1 •H • H •rH IX IX IX a. C CO o o ro CO ro ro ■ — 1 ■—i r-H ■—< ro r-H CD H H ^H . — 1 ^H i — i o o O O r— 1 C CO CO CJ ( ) c; U -a TJ ~n TJ JZ ^. •H CTI Ol c c C C o D i — l C c • • • • ro (0 ro rO •H O CO CO ro +J +J 4-> +J ro ro ro ro ro cccecdcccd cc cc cc cc cc i±oococncooooboo < < < m < < oostno r-ir-sroooininococM OinCM CMOsTOinCMCMCOsTr-H sTsTsr rosrrosrsrrooororosr < < m u CM 00 On On On O CM o o o sr oo oo oo ro < 0Q < PQ oo oo co oo oo ro ro r-H o O oo oo sr oo ro Cj q tu u, oo oo oo co ro O O O O r-H oo ro oo oo sr << OJ M O O CM O u fO •P O c □1 O CM o CM to O to U O en S o CD a CO o CM (D IX, CO O CM CM O I M -h CD to O CO r- in o ■51- CO 00 o CM vO O co v£> o ■—I in i-H •<* u0 ^ in o -< f—i O O rH o ^H o CM O o r-i CD o CO CO O 00 o r- o o oo vo CO ^H CO o co in co r- co r- co co o o CO H CO \o co r> o o co O O O CT> O O o o o o o o h OD CD H H O o co co co in o in in vOincMco^o oor-^o iO HOOD o cm oo in r> r- CO O -h CM CM CO C0CM COCMinCMCO ^cocococo^ inincovDrH co co cm o o r- OJ O ^ h Ol O CM vO CO vO CO rH .-t o o o o oovo in onh n ocv o in Oin CMin o n h h in vOin ^t >} oo oo OOOOO OOOQ.-HO O rH CO CM O O O O CO CM r> ^ r-i ^ ^h r- vO CO CO o co o H CM h h CM CM CM rH CM CM rH co co r> o o CM CO vO lD CM o H CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD (13 CO (D (TJ to x x x x x co cd co co co f0 to to to to to X X X X X X CO CD CD CO CD CO c c c c c c o o o rH ^H o o o +- 1 (/) U) CD —1 • H •H ■H O) E B >- -1 >> a) ■— 1 •—1 . — i c to to -l-> >-X M ■? C c • ^ • H •H • rH CD •rH ■rH c 3 ^H U m o o H H :- X -P i 1 rH 3 X CD (0 N •H ■H h (H M (/) -H rH r-H O O X +-> 01 - r CD CD U) tO X ■rH •rH o CO CD CO H LJ 3 > > > s s s: A a; ^1 CO < S < aa < o O CM m CM in in C) CO o o o c> H c —i CM o CM CM CO M- <* •^r CO O i-H CM CO ■3- ^t CO ro ^r CO CO C) C»J CO •- CD CD >- XI CO u uu c o M o a >- to rH u I CM CD --H X uo c 3 in O c •rH ■U ID o o •rH • H as rH • • • • > • • • • • • +J 3 C c c U) o c c c c. c r CD CD ^H c c c 1/1 T) c c c c r c m M •H ai D CD • H fn OJ u CD CD 0) CD < O CD CX a U. S o a a a a. Q, a en cd C H-> CTi CD C H-> CD Q. O e c to CD ^ CD OJ o o o o O o u rH (H (H M rH (h ( ) C T) to O c^ o o o n O »-H H-> X X JJ X X XI TJ +J CD CD l/) 10 01 ai rH •rH • rH rH 01 c c ■ro c X +J o o C.J o 3 rH t b! U id rH to ^r ^r ^ co ■t CO u int~-cMcoin cmcocm CM CM U-, o X X T) ? CD & £ •H M >- c < J-! a> CD r U i-H rH rH to CO •H CO y rH rH o u 3 to to X rH 1 — 1 rH JH 3 < < an < m U u < u < U u o u CM on in o ^f 1 — 1 <•) CN CM rH co C 1 •^r id M <* CM •—t CM If) ■^ <* *^r CO ■ ; ^ C) CM >* C) sr <3 -t (') LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE c C c c c c c c C c c c c c c c c C • H c C c c c c c c c c c co c c c c c c c c c C c c c c c c c c C CD c c c c c c c c c c c CO c CD CD CD CD CD 0J CD CD CD CD 0; CD CD Jj 0) CD CD CD t— 4 CD CD CD CD OJ CD CD CD CD CD CD • H 0) a a. CL. a a a ex a. a a a, a D« CL a, a, a. Cu a, ex. a CL a. a, a a. CL. a. CL. Cl. S CL. •— i rH ro CO O o ,* O ^ J* je Jxi o M CD 0) CD CD CD CD o o o o CD t~- < CD o CD CD 0) o c o r- CD o o en o P P P u P ^H U u h P p p p ro u P u n CD • H •H c C c en • H . — 1 X C c c £- ^ rH C ro to CO 10 o o c o CD CD O CD '0 o C O o CO O CO c CD o o C CO o CO CD CO ai CD CD 0) -p +> •H C > > c ■a CD c •H c c CD o CD •H > c > rjj CD -p CD CD : s O u a. a, < < LL, H S PL, CL PL, PL, s s S. CL. < a, H a s O >: U O 5 S 01 CD CD CD CD o CD CD o 6 CM CD -p -P -P H-> -P -P CM -p -P CM , — | CO •H •P •H •H •rH ■rH X. •rH •rH I CM X 3 -p c C h CO CO In C COC CM C COC CM iH o O CD o O CD o o o • O o o * i — | 10 E e 73 o U 73 e u e sT S o a st O ^-r O V) 01 • H •P •rH 03 (0 •H •H CO •H o • H ro •H o ^ ^ CO O O CO .— 1 o r-H CO ro U r-H O "-< CO i CO 'u CO CO o St sfr ro OJ co co st •x IT) CM CO co CO f in st iD CM CO CO st CO co CO st in co CO ■3" CO 7 i cO St ■-•J CM CM V V -p c CD P. Q. H CMCOCMCMCOCOCO'^'OM CM h CM ^f h CMCM CM CM CO CO CO CO I CM rH CO CO VcM V V V V V V V V TD C >- C B o X P CO CO CD CD H-> C f—< cn CD X X X X . — 1 CO X CD .^ c CD CD CD o CO -H c i — l 3 s Q. Q. Q. Q. rH -a CT> H-> c c CD >. >. >> o o U ^ rH rH c cn Q. o co O 73 u o CO r—t r—t r-H rH 0) u C -P o o c X> 73 73 o CO CD CO rH rH CD C 3 CO X C P 0) cn • H > o O O O X CO •H CD -p -p OJ C C C o M a^: X CO ID rH •H O •H CO O CO o H-> rH P 73 73 73 73 a S 'P >- -H . — 1 'D 3 3 3 c o CO c o co CO g > <-> 73 p Q C u c o P C c C C 3 73 4h CO 3 3 P P. U P ro CO CO CO 5 CO CO ro •H ro CO CO O CD CD o CD CD ro CO CO CO u LU LU LL, U, LU o O O O X !-) P> ^ r-1 J J rJ S s S 2 S. s S a a ce a: a: on < < $ < < < m < PQ < < < < < < < < < PQ PQ vO vO vo r- o cO rH t—\ ■ — < IX vO rH SH- r- ^ CO vO rH r^ st O in o DO CM r^J CO CX) CO cn oo ^r CM rH CM CM lO cf) O CO CO o ro h CM t CM o CN CM o st o CM CO ■3- ^-i O CM co co rH o CO CO "^ ^t >n CO ro ^ CO co St CO *rj- CO n CO St T CO srj- CO st CO CO r-0 st st CO CO CO sf CO 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY According to the following equations showing the oxidation and reduction of iron in the illite lattice, it may be possible to bloat shales in either an oxidizing or reducing atmosphere because oxygen is liberated from the clay by the reduction of the iron. We might speculate on what occurs inside the clay lattice. Because most of the clays are dioctahedral in shales of Illinois, we will use a dioctahe- dral illite for speculation. The iron in the dioctahedral chloritic and mixed-lattice clay minerals would probably oxidize and reduce in the same manner as that in illite. K 8°4 K 8°4 Al.. Fe +3 1A (0^ 16-x x 16 A1 1C Fe +3 o/1 ' 16-x x 24 DH).J [ Si 24 M 8°6o] A 16J 550° C Si 24 M 8°60] + 8H 2 1200+° C reducing atmosphere (1) complete reduction of iron K q oJaI 1c Fe +2 o/1 8 4 16-x x 24 -lx][ Sl 24 A1 8 O 60; or partial reduction of iron °^x 2 X K 8°4 Al. r Fe +3 Fe +2 O/1 , l[si Al O cn 16-x x-y y 24-^yJL 24 8 60, o 1 Then if we assume that ferrous iron has partially replaced aluminum (2) (3) K 8°4 A1 1C Fe +2 1C (OH) 1c 16-x x 16-x 16+xJ S1 24 A1 8 O 60 A 550+° C K 8°4 Al, c F e +3 J[Si ,Al O cn 16-x x 24 24 8 60 H 8H 2 (4) 1200+ ° C reducing atmosphere (same as equation 2 or 3) Then if we assume that aluminum is partially replaced by both ferrous and ferric iron K 8°4 A1 1C / Je +3 16-(x+y) x Fe +2 lc (OH). c y 16-y 16+y Si 24 A1 2 O 60 A 550° C K 8°4 Al F +3 ' 16-(x+y) x+y O 24 Si 24 M 8°60 H 8H 2 (5) 1200+ ° C reducing atmosphere in bloating shale (same as equation 2 or 3) LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 11 Then if we assume that aluminum is partially replaced by ferrous and ferric iron and magnesium K 8°4 Al, r , ,Fe +3 Fe +2 Mg o lc , ,(OH) lc , ' 16-(x+y+z) x y ^2 16-(y+z) 16+(y+z) Si 24 Ai 8°60 A 550+ °C + 3 rK o 0jAl lc , ,FeT° ,Mg . i |Si Al O cn + H + (8 + \z) H„0 L 8 4JL 16-(x+y+z) (x+y) y z 24-§z_||_ 24 8 60j y z 2 1300° C atmosphere reducing in shale (6) complete reduction of iron K 8°4 Al Te* 2 ,Mg O 16-(x+y + z) re (x+ y r y z w 24i(x+y + z)r 24^8^60 T w |(x + y + z) ¥■■ .Al-O-J + Oi or partial reduction of iron (7) K 8°4 + 3 +2 Al, c / N Fe, .Fe Mg O ni ,, . 16-(x+y+z) (x+y-a) a z 24-^(a+z) Si 24 M 8°60 i(a+z) (8) In the clay minerals, oxidation or reduction is possible without outside oxygen. Barnes (1930) has found that hydrogen is liberated from hornblende if heated above 800° C. The iron in hornblende is oxidized from the ferrous to the ferric state by the oxygen of the hydroxyl group and at the same time hydrogen is liberated. Because this reaction takes place in hornblende, it probably also takes place in the closely related mica-type clay minerals. The minerals limonite and hematite probably also would behave as the iron in equations 1, 2, and 3. Pyrite and marcasite have the same chemical composition but have different crystalline structures. (Both are considered as pyrite in this paper.) Pyrite is quite common in unweathered shales. When pyrite is heated the first sulfur is driven off at 665° C; when marcasite is heated the sulfur is removed at 450° C. 2FeS _i^ 2FeS + 2S inert atmosphere 2FeS -=** 2FeS + 2SO 2 1 a|o t A 2FeO 0- Fe 2°3 (9) (10) Both pyrite and marcasite require the addition of oxygen from the outside. Siderite is another iron mineral which can contribute to the bloating of shale. Rowland and Jonas (1949, p. 55 2) showed that in the presence of air sid- erite began to decompose near 425° C. The iron oxidized immediately or as soon as the oxygen could reach it after the CO was driven off, but in an inert atmos- phere the iron did not oxidize. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The reaction would be as follows: xFeCO, oxygen 1200+° C =rxFe„0„ + xCO, A xFe0 + d or 2 ox Fe +3 Fe +2 0ll L ' x-y y l£x-fy + O, 2Y In reducing atmosphere FeCO — FeO + CO •1 2 From the above equations, it appears that the iron in the clay lattices might be oxidized without the addition of oxygen from the atmosphere by splitting off the hydrogen atoms from the hydroxyl groups. At higher temperatures, the oxy- gen might be removed by reduction of part of the iron. Hematite and limonite are already in the ferric state, hence do not require oxidation. When they are partially reduced at higher temperatures, oxygen is liberated. Because the iron in pyrite and siderite is in the ferrous state, it must be oxidized before it can contribute oxygen at the bloating temperature. In order to oxidize the iron from the ferrous to the ferric state, oxygen must be introduced before the shale has reached the bloating temperature. If this is not accomplished, the iron from pyrite and siderite probably helps only as a fluxing agent close to the pyrite and siderite particles. Alkaline Earths Calcium occurs as an exchange cation for the clay minerals and also is present in calciam, gypsum, dolomite, and many of the silicate minerals such as amphibole, pyroxenes, garnets, and plagioclases. Magnesium, on the other hand, occurs as exchangeable cations for the clay minerals as well as in their lattices. Magnesium occurs in dolomite and ankerite and in many silicate minerals found in shales, such as amphiboles, py- roxenes, olivines, spinels, micas, and chlorites . In the shales studied, the calcium ranged from 0.05 to 6.75 percent and averaged 0.60 percent The magnesium ranged from 1.02 to 4.92 percent and averaged about 2.15 percent. Seventy-five of the shales averaged only 0.41 CaO and three averaged 5.45 percent. In the good bloating shales, the total for CaO and MgO is less than 4 percent. If the total is above 6.0 percent, as for samples 1424, 1331B,and 1321A, the fluxing action is too great and the bloating range is too narrow. Research by Everhart et al. (1958, p. 39) suggests that cal- cium adds strength to the glass formed in the aggregate. Alkalies Sodium probably occurs as exchangeable cations on the clay — in the lattices of micas, feldspars, and other silicate minerals. Much of the sodium probably occurs as sodium chloride in the shale. Potassium occurs as exchangeable cations on the clay minerals — on the lattices of illite, in mixed-lattice clay minerals of the illite type, in micas, and in feldspars. LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 13 Sodium ranged from 0.02 to 1.50 percent and potassium from 1.29 to 5.88 percent in the study. The total alkalies ranged from 1.56 to 6.12 percent. Loss on Ignition The loss on ignition includes all the materials that escape as gas, such as CO2, H2O, H2S, and sulfur oxides. The ignition loss ranges from 3.67 to 12.34 percent. Most of the self-bloating shales have ignition losses greater than 6 per- cent. However, some of the self-bloating shales have ignition losses less than 6 percent whereas some of the poor bloating shales have ignition losses greater than 6 percent. MECHANISM OF BLOATING Riley (1951, p. 123) states: Two conditions must be fulfilled before bloating can take place during the firing of a clay. Enough of the material must fuse to fill the pore spaces so that gases being formed will be trapped. The fused material must, of course, be vis- cous enough so that the gas does not escape by bubbling through it. The second condition is that some mineral, or combination of minerals, must be present that will dissociate and liberate a gas at the time when the mass of clay has fused to a viscous melt. Riley (1951, p. 123) gives a composition diagram of the major oxides show- ing the area in which the clays fire to a mass viscous enough to insure good bloat- ing. Figure 2 is a composition diagram of the clay materials used in this study with Riley's area superimposed (solid line). Compositions of some of the good bloating shales used in this study fell outside of Riley's bloating area and are enclosed by a dashed line in figure 2. Riley (1951, p. 126-8), Austin et al . (1942, p. 149-60), Planje (1958) and Ehlers (1958, p. 98) have discussed the role that gases from various sources might contribute to the bloating of shales and clays. All rule out the crystalline (OH) water from the clay lattice and most rule out CO2 from various carbonates (calcite, dolomite, and siderite), but Ehlers (1958, p. 98) attributes the bloating to the CO2 from the decomposition of calcite. He says that the outside surface of the shale or clay reaches a temperature high enough to make it viscous by the time the temperature inside is high enough to decompose the calcium carbonate. Sullivan et al. (1942, p. 139), however, obtained a good bloat on a clay for which the CO2 content was recorded as nil, but the sample contained 0.3 percent of carbon other than in carbonates. Planje (1958) believes that most of the bloating is due to oxidation of organic carbon. The chemical analyses of two shale samples, 1354A and 1338B, indicate they do not have enough inorganic carbonates to be detected, but they are good bldating shales. Sample 1354A has an organic carbon content of 1 percent and a density of 42 pounds per cubic foot; 1338B has an organic carbon content of 0.41 percent and a density of 51 pounds per cubic foot. Samples 1331B and 1308E each contained 5.31 percent of C0 2 - In sample 1331B most of the CO2 is probably due to calcite, inasmuch as the CaO content is 6.75 percent, whereas in 1308E it occurs as about one-fourth calcite and about three-fourths siderite with some magnesium substituting for calcium and iron to fill the requirements for CO2 content. Neither of these samples was a good bloat- er and both had low organic contents--1331B contained 0.22 percent and 1308E contained 0.08 percent. Sample 133 IB had a density of 59 pounds per cubic foot, and 1308 E bloated very little if at all. 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SiO KEY Riley's composition of good bloating cloys Extension of Riley's composition diogrom as shown by this study Al o 2 3 45 40 35 30 25 20 10 5 Fe 2 3 , FeO, CaO, MgO, Na 9 0, K,0 Fig. 2. Chemical composition of shales. The work by Grim and Johns (1951, p. 71) on firing of brick suggests that when an endothermic reaction is taking place the temperature of the brick remains at the decomposition temperature until the reaction is completed. This suggests that the crystal water and carbonates would tend to hold the temperature constant until the reactions are completed. They also found, by analyzing for organic carbon and sulfur at different stages and heating rates during the firing cycle, that the organic matter and sulfur from pyrite oxidized slowly. The work by Austin et al. (1942, p. 154) indicates that most of the C0 2 and water in their samples A and B had been driven off by the time the temperature reached 2000° F,as is the case in sample C. The carbon which remains above 2000° F is most likely organic carbon. The CO2 and water remaining above 2000° F is probably from the oxidation of organic matter. In my study the poorly laminated shales and clays did not bloat as well as the well laminated shales. Some cores of shale were placed in the kiln and heated to the bloating temperature. The shales bloated perpendicular to the bedding (pi. 1). Some of the shales were ground and extruded as brick. If the shales were extruded so that the clay minerals were oriented parallel to the sides of the die, the sample bloated perpendicular to the sides of the brick (pi. 2, A, B) . If the sample was ex- truded so that the clay flowed as cones, the sample bloated in all directions (pi. 2, C, D). LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 15 X-ray data from other work in my laboratories indicate that the clay minerals in well laminated shales are parallel to the bedding, but that in clay and poorly laminated shales, the particles have a random orientation that creates considerably greater porosity and permeability than the parallel orientation. The regular bloat- ing of some of the cores would suggest that the organic matter is adsorbed on the clay mineral surfaces. The lack of bloating of certain thin layers in the core (pi. 1, D) indicates the absence of a gas-forming material. A layer on one side of the core may not be bloated whereas on the other side it can be bloated. Due to the greater porosity and permeability, the clays and poorly laminated shales would probably require more organic carbon for bloating than well laminated shales. During the firing, oxygen could penetrate the clays and poorly laminated shales and oxidize the organic matter much more readily than it could in a well laminated shale. Most of the bloating of the material probably takes place after the glass begins to form. The oxidation of organic matter during the bloating process probably has to come from within. Iron is the most probable source of the oxygen, which would be released by the reduction of the iron by the organic matter. The gases that would be produced would depend on the composition of the organic matter; they would be water, CO2, H„S, SO.., SO„, and possibly a trace of one of the nitrogen oxides. EFFECTS OF WEATHERING The upper weathered part of some shale deposits did not bloat as well as the lower unweathered part. Dr. John C. Frye (personal communications, 1958) stated that although the weathered part of a shale in Kansas did not bloat, shale dug from further back in the bank bloated better, and they found the unweathered part of the deposit to be an excellent bloating shale. When a shale weathers, rainwater is adsorbed by the clay minerals caus- ing them to swell and increase the thickness of the deposit slightly. Upon drying, the water is lost, leaving cracks in the shale which air can penetrate. After this happens repeatedly, the oxygen carried in with the rainwater and air oxidizes the organic matter and pyrite. The organic matter in contact with oxygen acts as a catalyst in the oxidation of the pyrite. These reactions produce C0 2 , water, and sulfur oxides. The sulfur oxides combine with water to form sulfuric acid. The iron of the pyrite oxidizes to the ferric state and adsorbs water to form limonite. The sulfuric acid reacts with carbonates to form sulfates; it reacts with calcite to form gypsum and COj, with dolomite to form gypsum and magnesium sulfate that is removed by leaching, and with siderite to form iron sulfate that also is leached from the shale. Gypsum leaches more slowly than the other sulfates. If the organic matter content is low in the shale, after decades or centuries it may be so oxidized that it is too low to give a good bloat. If the organic matter is high, weathering may reduce it until the shales will give a good bloated product . A shale may be weathered from several feet to tens of feet from the out- crop. The amount of weathering will depend upon the length of time the outcrop has been exposed to weathering and the rate at which the weathered shale is being removed. If a stream is actively undermining a shale outcrop, only a few feet of shale near the surface may be weathered. The depth of weathering will depend on the size of the stream and on the vigor with which it is cutting laterally. If the shale outcrop is on a valley wall away from the stream, the shale may be weathered back several tens of feet from the surface. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 290, Plate 1 B Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 290, Plate 2 '■&■■ t£*./> "* •-**"* B ' PLATE 2 shows bloating perpendicular to the sides of the brick or to the lamination of the clay minerals in the brick. A and B had the same dimensions before firing. C and D were extruded a little wetter than brick in A and B. C shows the cores; D extended in length as well as width. -* PLATE 1 shows core of shale which was high in organic matter. A, brought up to 2175° F in 33 hours, allowed to soak 1 hour, bloated. B, put into the furnace at 2400° F and soaked 1 hour, did not bloat but could be cleaved into its shale partings. C and D were the same length before firing, but after firing at 2200° F for 1 hour, C was three times as long as D. Bloating was perpendicular to the lamination or bedding of the shale. 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY If an area is covered by glacial till or loess, the upper part of the shale, or even the whole shale bed, may have been weathered before the till or loess was deposited. To determine the extent of weathering, it may be necessary to drill a few holes in the area and test the material brought to the surface for bloat- ing properties. This may help determine the kind of operation that will be necessary to bloat the shale. SHALE AND CLAY DEPOSITS ANALYZED Alexander County 1423 NW{ NW| sec. 21, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. About \\ miles south of Thebes along Mississippi River bluff on east side of Missouri Pacific Railroad, behind farm house. About 6 to 8 feet of blue-gray clay of Cretaceous age is exposed; over- burden may vary from to 30 feet. Upon addition of 1 percent coal and extru- sion, the lightweight aggregate was light gray and had an apparent specific gravity of 0.86 at 2400° F. This can be used in plasters and for similar products . 1424 SE^ SE{ sec. 28, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. In hollow about 1 mile north of Fay- ville. About 20 feet of dark gray, well laminated shale exposed on north cut bank of ravine in east bluff of Mississippi River about 1/8 mile east of Mis- souri Pacific Railroad. The hollow contains remains of old, abandoned powder plant. Sample represents top 20 feet of Orchard Creek Shale. The bloated product had an apparent specific gravity of 0.92. The shale should be fired at a temperature somewhat below 2200° F. Bond County 1415 NE± NW| sec. 13, T. 6 N., R. 5 W. Richards Brick Company pit. About 3 miles east of New Douglas, south side of blacktop road. Illinoian till 5± feet; shale yellow, plastic,6± feet; blue shale, not so plastic, 8 feet. The shale is in the Bunje Cyclothem. The lightweight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.35. It bloats as individual particles with small pores. Very little sticking of particles when fired at 2200° F. Brown County 1337A-B SE| SE| NW^ sec. 24, T. 1 S., R. 4 W. North shale pit of Frederic Brick and Tile Company north of gravel road in west cut bank of Dry Fork Creek. Purington Shale exposed. Sample A is bottom blue shale; B is top buff shale, face about 30 to 40 feet. The lightweight aggregate has an appar- ent specific gravity of 0.85. At 2200° F the shale bloated as individual chunks with small pores . 1351 A SW{ SWi NE| sec. 8, T. 1 S., R. 3 W. About { mile north of Mt. Sterling on east side of Illinois Highway 99 on south cut bank of stream east of highway fence. Underclay below limestone, 5 feet, noncalcareous (the underclay of No. 4 Coal), grades from a dark, plastic clay at top into sandstone or sandy shale at bottom. The lightweight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.46 at 2250° F and 1.15 at 2350° F. After 1 percent coal was added and the mixture was extruded, the apparent specific gravity was 1.00 at 2200° F; at 2400° F the apparent specific gravity was 1.02 with 1 percent coal added. Too refractory for ordinary lightweight aggregate. LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 19 Bureau County 1404 NW} SW{ NEi sec. 24, T . 16 N. , R. 6 E . Sheffield Shale Products Com- pany pit west of Sheffield, south of U . S. Route 6. The Sheffield Shale, above No. 6 Coal, is gray and rather blocky, about 15 to 20 feet thick. Overburden is thin. The shale bloated very little. When 1 percent ground coal was mixed with the ground clay and the mixture was extruded, the lightweight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.71 when fired at 2200° F. Calhoun County 1349A NE^ NE{ NE^ sec. 11, T. 9S., R. 3W. Southwest of paved road, south- west cut bank of tributary to Fox Creek behind farm buildings, about 5 miles west of Kampsville. Sample of Hannibal Shale represents lower 15 feet of blue- gray shale in exposure. The lightweight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.91 at 2300° F. It was underfired at 2250° F and overfired at 2350° F. 1352A SW| NE{ SW{ sec. 17, T. 11 S., R. 2 W. About 5 miles north of Batchtown on west side of road in east bluff of Mississippi River Valley. Sample represents the middle 20 feet of exposed Maquoketa Shale, is bluish gray, and weathers into fairly thin laminae. The shale contains very little CaC03, if any. The lightweight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.06 at 225 0° F, 0.90 at 2300° F.and 1.00 at 2350° F. Christian County 1428 SEi NEi sec. 33, T. 11 N., R. 1 E. About l| miles south of Pana in north cut bank of ravine about 100 yards west of U. S. Highway 51 . About 8 feet of weathered gray shale in the upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed. Over- burden is relatively thin. The lightweight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.06 at 2300° F. When 1 percent coal was mixed with the clay and the material was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.92 at 2300° F. Clark County 1345 NE{ NE| SW| sec. 16, T. 11 N., R. 11 W. About l\ miles east of Marshall and about 1 mile south of Livingston. About 15 feet of shale in the upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed in the southwest cut bank of Big Creek. The shale is dark gray and well laminated; overburden is about 50 feet. The light- weight aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.01 at 2200° F and 0.59 at 2300° F. Clay County 1420 SEi NW{ sec. 19, T. 4 N., R. 6 E. About 3j miles west of Louisville. About 3 feet of shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed in road ditch west of farmhouse. Shale is weathered, brownish gray \- inch laminae. Overburden thin. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.31 at 2300° F. When 1 percent coal was added to the clay and the material was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.79 at 2200° F. 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Clinton County 1414 SW| sec. 1, I. IN., R. 1 W. About l\ miles northwest of Centralia in south cut bank of Crooked Creek east of bridge. About 8 feet of shale in the upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed. The bottom of the shale rests on a fossiliferous limestone that is 3 feet above water level during summer season. At the outcrop, sand and gravel overlie the shale. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.93 at 2200° F and 2300° F. It bloated as individual particles. Crawford County 1421 SWi SWi NE| sec. 1, T. 5 N., R. 12 W. About three-quarters of a mile west of Flatrock. In west bank of ravine inside fence north of bridge west of farmhouse, 3 feet of gray shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group is ex- posed. Overburden would be thin in this area. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.66 at 2200° F. Cumberland County 1353A NE} NW± SW{ sec. 36, T. 10 N., R. 9 E. About 1 mile north of Greenup, 10 feet of dark gray shale below Greenup Cyclothem in south cut bank of Bell Creek about 50 yards west of old road west of Illinois Highway 130. The aggre- gate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.62 at 2250° F and 0.56 at 2325° F. 1346A NW{ NW} SW± sec. 2, T. 9 N., R. 9 E., northwest corner of Greenup. Northeast roadside cut along Illinois Highway 121 in south bluff of Embarrass River. Lower 10 feet of shale below Greenup Cyclothem sandier than sample 1353A and lower in shale section. Shale in this area ranges from 20 to 30 feet thick. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.87 at 2250° F, 0.71 at 2300° F,and 1.00 at 2350° F. Edwards County 1326A NE± NE£ sec. 11, T. 2 S., R. 10 E. Pit of Albion Brick Company south of Albion, 20± feet of shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.47 at 2200° F. Effingham County 1416 NW{ SW£ sec. 1, T. 6 N., R. 5 E. About 4 miles northeast of Mason on north side of Illinois Highway 37 about 100 yards west of Illinois Central Rail- road. About 4 feet of shale in the upper part of the McLeansboro Group is exposed in road cut. Overburden is shallow. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.73 at 2200° F. Fayette County 1427 NE£ NE± sec. 28, T. 7 N., R. 3 E. About a quarter of a mile west of St . Elmo, north of Pennsylvania Railroad and south of county road. Sample repre- sents about 20 feet of dark blue shale (in the upper part of McLeansboro Group) which contains siderite concretions in pit west of plant. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.46 at 2200° F; pores were small. Bloated as individual particles without sticking. LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 21 Fulton County 1322A Sec. 7, T. 5 N., R. 5 E., Pine Ridge Coal Company pit. The Canton Shale is exposed. Sample was taken from shale bin at Peoria Brick, and Tile Company. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.12 at 2300° F. Some bloat- ing at 2200° F and overfired at 2425° F, a long bloating range. When 1 percent coal was added to the clay and the material was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.80 at 2200° F. 135 0A Truax Coal Corporation pit southeast of Fiatt exposes about 40 feet of Canton Shale that is blue-gray and has an overburden 15 to 20 feet thick. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.92 at 2250° F and 0.69 at 2325° F. Good bloating at 2250° F, small pores, overfired at 2325° F. Greene County 1355A SE^NWisec. 30, T.12N., R. 11 W. About l\ miles northeast of White Hall, 15 feet of Purington Shale, brownish yellow, weathered, overburden 15 to 20 feet. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.80 at 2250° F and 1.15 at 2350° F, has small pores. When 1 percent coal was mixed with the clay and the material was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific grav- ity of 0.37 at 2200° F. Grundy County 1401 SW± sec. 11, T. 33 N., R. 6 E. Morris Clay Company pit about 4 miles southwest of Morris. Upper 20 feet of the Francis Creek Shale, brownish gray and sandy. Overburden is thin. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 1.14 at 2300° F. When 1 percent coal was added to the clay and extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.77 at 2300° F. 1331A SW{ SWi sec. 12, T. 31 N., R. 8 E. East of East Brooklyn pit of Northern Illinois Coal Corporation. Upper 5 feet of blue-gray shale above No. 7 Coal, about 18 feet of overburden. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.72 at 2200° F and 0.31 at 2300° F. Bloated as individual particles at 2200° F, overfired at 2300° F. 1331B Location and age same as 1331A. Blue-gray siltstone, 5 feet, and clay 5 feet above 1331A, overburden about 8 feet. Overfired at 2100° F, short bloat- ing range due to presence of CaC03» 1331F Same location and age as 1331A. About 5 feet of blue-gray shale below 1331A. Probably bloats as well as 1331A. Hancock County 1408 SWi SW{ sec. 26, T. 3 N., R. 5 W. Southeast bank of Williams Creek about 200 yards southeast of Augusta-Clayton road about 2 miles south of Augusta. Francis Creek Shale, gray, about 30 feet exposed; about 30 feet of overburden. Aggregate had apparent specific gravity of 0.51 at 2200° F. 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Jackson County 1336A NW{ SW{ NW{ sec. 10, T. 9 S., R. 2 W. West bank of ravine about 200 yards upstream from mine. About 16 feet of medium gray to brownish gray shale of Tradewater Group, very silty, hard, spheroidal weathering, some plant traces, poorly to fairly well bedded. When 1 percent coal was mixed with the clay and this blend was extruded the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.76 at 2200° F. 1336B SE| NE| NE} sec. 18, I. 5S..R. 2 W. Southwest cut bank of creek just west of first bridge on north- south section-line road. Bottom 8 feet of 35 feet of shale in the Tradewater Group. Shale, hard, medium gray, silty, very poorly bedded, semiconchoidal fracture, lower 2 feet becomes better bedded and carbo- naceous. Aggregate had apparent specific gravity of 1.51 at 2200° F and 0.64 at 2300° F. Overtired at 2300° F. After 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.61 after heat- ing to 2200° F for 1 hour. Jasper County 1411 SE^ SEj SE{ sec. 35, T. 7 N., R. 9 E. Northwest edge of Newton on east cut bank of tributary to Embarrass River, about 10 feet of shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group is exposed. Shale, sandy, blue-gray, laminated. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.40 at 2200° F. The pores are about the same small size. Kankakee County 1324B NW| NE{ sec. 8, T. 31 N., R. 9 E. Pit No. 11 of Northern Illinois Coal Company. Francis Creek Shale, blue-gray, approximately 20 feet thick. When 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded, the aggregate had an appar- ent specific gravity of 0.63 at 2200° F. Knox County 1347A SE| sec. 17, T. 11 N., R. 2 E. Purington Brick Company pit, southeast of East Galesburg. Purington Shale, about 20 feet exposed. When 1 percent coal was added and clay was extruded the apparent specific gravity was 0.81 at 2200° F. LaSalle County 1324A SW|SW|sec. 5, T. 33 N., R. 4E. Laclede-Christy Division of H. K. Porter Company pit, l| miles east of Ottawa, north of U. S. Highway 6. Lower 10 feet of Francis Creek Shale. Shale, blue-gray, clayey. The apparent specif- ic gravity of the aggregate was 0.61 at 2200° F and 0.37 at 2300° F. The pores are small. Aggregate tends to be light gray. 1403 SW| SW| SW{ sec. 9, T. 33N., R, 3E. Illinois Valley Mineral Company pit, l| miles west of Ottawa, Francis Creek Shale, lower 8 feet, blue-gray, clayey, some pyrite. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.69 at 2200° F. Bloated as individual particles, small pores, light gray. LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 23 Lawrence County 1426 SE^ SW{ NW| sec. 5, T. 3N., R. 11 W. East cut bank of Embarrass River, north of U. S. Highway 50. Upper 10 feet of 30 to 40 foot shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group was sampled. Overburden 10 to 15 feet; shale, brownish gray, weathered. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.65 at 2200° F; small pores. Livingston County 1321A SW{ SW{ sec. 34, T. 27 N., R. 8 E. Pit, north of Chatsworth. About 15 feet of Wisconsin till, blue-gray. The fluxing action of MgO and CaO is too great to form a good aggregate . Macoupin County 1407 NE| NW| NE| sec. 9, T. 9 N., R. 7 W. South cut bank of Honey Creek, south of road. About 15 feet of sandy shale of Trivoli Cyclothem exposed, overburden thick. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 1.13 at 2250° F. Bloated as individual particles, pores both large and small. When 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded, the aggregate had an appar- ent specific gravity of 0.72 at 2200° F. Madison County 1344A SE± SE{ NE{ sec. 35, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. Alton Brick Company shale pit east of road, south of Coal Creek, north of North Alton. Purington Shale, lower 10 feet, dark gray, along east face of shale pit. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.89 at 2200° F and 0.60 at 2300° F. Pores about same size . Marshall County 1400 SEi NW| sec. 23, T. 12 N., R. 9 E. Road cut west side of Illinois High- way 29 between the Hydraulic-Press Brick Company plant and Sparland. Farm- ington Shale, weathered gray, lower 15 feet, overburden thick. With 1 percent coal added and clay extruded, the apparent specific gravity was 0.51 after firing to 2200° F for 1 hour. McDonough County 1325A-B SE| NE} sec. 12, T. 5 N., R. 4 W. Pit of Colchester Brick and Tile Company, north edge of Colchester. About 20 feet of Francis Creek Shale above No. 2 Coal, no overburden. The apparent specific gravity of aggregate for lower 10 feet of shale was 0.65. The upper 10 feet is weathered and did not bloat. When 1 percent coal was added to the upper 10 feet of shale and extruded, the apparent specific gravity was 0.65 at 2200° F. Menard County 1330A SW{ SE{ sec. 11, T. 18 N., R. 7 W. Springfield Clay Products Company pit north of Petersburg. About 35 feet of shale of Trivoli Cyclothem with 20 feet of overburden. When 1 percent coal was added, the apparent specific gravity was 0.45 at 2200° F. 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Mercer County 1348A SW{ NW{ sec. 8, T. 14 N., R. 2 W. Shale pit of Hydraulic-Press Brick Company at Shale City. Francis Creek Shale and shale of Greenbush Cyclothem, 30 feet, blue-gray. This sample represents the shale of the Greenbush Cyclo- them or lower shale below coal and underclay. When 1 percent coal was added and clay was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.87 at 2200° F. Montgomery County 1412 NW± SW{ sec. 30, T. 8 N., R. 2 W. About l| miles northeast of Coffeen, 5 to 6 feet of iron- stained gray shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group with plant fossils and coal band in middle of shale exposure, on west bank of East Fork Creek. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.58 at 2200° F. Bloated as individual particles. • Peoria County 1402 SE£ NW{ sec. 13, T. 11 N., R. 6 E. Northwest corner of Princeville. Shale occurs on east bank of Prince Run Creek; 8 feet of gray shale, which is either from the Sparland or Brereton Cyclothem.is exposed; overburden is thin. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.16 at 2200° F, bloated as individual particles. Perry County 1323A NE| SW{ NE^ sec. 5, T. 4 S., R. 4 W. About 2 miles northeast of Coulter- ville, along east bank of north-flowing tributary to Mud Creek about an eighth of a mile east of road. Shale in upper part of McLeansboro Group, 12 feet, hard, well laminated, gray-brown grading to blue-gray. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.61 at 2200° F, pores fairly even in size. 1309A SW{ NW| sec. 5, T. 6S., R. 1W. North of Duquoin. Taken from core of J. H. Forester well No. 1, 42 to 55 feet beneath the surface. Weathered shale of the Brereton Cyclothem. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.77 at 2200° F. Overfired at 2400° F. Randolph County 1418 NW{ NE^ sec. 32, T. 7 S., R. 6 W. About 2 miles southeast of Chester, west cut bank of Chester and Mt. Vernon Railroad, and of county road in west valley wall of Marys River, southwest of Illinois Highway 3. About 30 feet of Waltersburg Shale of Chester age, dark gray, with considerable organic matter; shale thinly laminated in lower 20 feet, beds massive and cemented in upper 10 feet. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.36 at 2200° F, pores uneven in size. 1338A NW{ SW^ SE± sec. 5, T. 7 S., R. 5 W. Near Wine Hill along gully flow- ing south, due south of church in Wine Hill. Shale of the Caseyville Group is greenish gray and silty in bottom 2 feet, grades upward to green and purple (variegated), less silty, and more weathered in top 8 feet. After 1 percent coal was added and clay was extruded, the apparent specific gravity was 1.16 LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 25 when fired to 2200° F. At 2400° F the apparent specific gravity is 0.88 with 1 percent coal added. At 2300° F the apparent specific gravity is 0.91 with 1 percent coal added. 1338B NW{ NW{ SW^ sec. 6, T. 7 S., R. 5 W. About l{ miles west of Wine Hill. Shale of Caseyville Group is exposed in south branch of Hornbastel Branch beside road about 200 feet south of the southernmost bridge across Hornbastel Branch. Shale, light brownish gray, well bedded, 9 feet, over- burden thin. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.82 at 2200° F; some layers bloated, others did not. 1308A NE| NW| sec. 36, T. 4 S., R. 5 W. F. Birchler hole No. 1, shale in lower McLeansboro Group 58 to 75 feet beneath surface. 1308B Same location and age as 1308A except 75 to 141 feet below surface. Com- posite sample. 1308C Same location and age as 1308A except 101 to 103 feet below surface. 1308D Same as 1308A except 103 to 115 feet below surface. 1308E Same as 1308A except 115 to 121 feet below surface. 1308F Same as 1308A except 121 to 131 feet below surface. A composite of all 1308 samples was made, 1 percent of coal was added, and the sample was ex- truded. The aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.69 at 2200° F. Richland County 1413 NE corner sec. 14, T. 2 N., R. 10 E. About l{ miles north of Parkersburg along south-flowing tributary to Sugar Creek, south of unimproved dirt road. About 3 feet of weathered shale in the upper part of the McLeansboro Group is exposed in tributary. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 1.68 at 2200° F and 2250° F. When 1 percent coal was added and the clay was ex- truded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.47 at 2200° F. Rock Island County 1354A SW{ SW± SE^ sec. 6, T. 16 N., R. 5 W. About l\ miles southeast of Muscatine, Iowa, along north road cut of Illinois Highway 99 on east bluff of Mississippi River. About 30 feet of well laminated, organic, rich, dark gray shale in the lower part of the Tradewater Group. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 1.07 at 2200° F and 0.67 at 2350° F, bloated with small pores. At 2350° F the aggregate was light gray. St. Clair County 1334A NW| NE{ sec. 31, T. 2 N., R. 8 W. Hydraulic- Press Brick Company pit, about 2 miles east of Edgemont. Shale in lower part of McLeansboro Group, blue-gray, about 40 feet. The apparent specific gravity was 0.41 at 2200° F, 0.66 at 2000° F, and 0.51 at 2100° F. 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1333A NE| SW} sec. 32, T. 2 N., R. 8 W. Hill Brick Company pit, about 3 miles east of Edgemont. About 40 feet of sandy shale in lower part of McLeansboro Group. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 1.03 at 2200° F. When 1 percent coal was added, the apparent specific gravity was 0.70 at 2200° F. Some layers did not bloat, but others did. 1329B Center SW{ SW{ sec. 21, I. 1 S„ R. 7 W. About 1 mile east of Freeburg, north side of road on east side of stream valley. Shale in lower part of Mc- Leansboro Group, 10 to 12 feet, gray, taken from road level to top of shale. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.70 at 2200° F. Bloating was not uniform. 1329A SW| NW| NWi sec. 21. T. 2 N., R. 8 W. About 2 miles east of French Village, west bank of tributary of Little Canteen Creek. Shale in lower part of McLeansboro Group, olive gray grading to dark gray, 16 to 17 feet. When 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded, the aggregate had an ap- parent specific gravity of 0.72 at 2200° F. Saline County 1327A SE{ SE{ sec. 21, T. 9 S., R. 6 E. Pit of Harrisburg Brick and Tile Com- pany, southeast edge of Harrisburg. Sample represents lower 8 feet of shale, which is either in the McLeansboro Group or the Carbondale Group. The ap- parent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.70 at 2200° F; bloated individ- ual particles. Sangamon County 1332A SW| sec. 1, T. 15 N., R. 5 W. Poston Brick and Concrete Products Com- pany, southeast part of Springfield. Shale of Trivoli Cyclothem, gray, mas- sive, 35 feet. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.48 at 2200° F- pores are fairly uniform in size. 1330B Section 1 1, T. 15 N . , R. 5 W. Springfield Clay Products Company pit, southeast part of Springfield. Shale of Trivoli Cyclothem, massive, blue- gray, 30 feet. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.5 2 at 2200° F. The shale bloated as individual particles with fairly uniform pores at 2200° F. Schuyler County 1410 SEi SW£ SW{ sec. 27, T. 2 N., R. 2 W. About 2 miles west of Rushville, north road cut on east valley wall of Harvey Branch. Shale of Carbondale Group, light blue-gray, 20 feet. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.72 at 2200° F. The shale bloated as individual particles with fairly uniform pores at 2200° F. Shelby County 1422 NW corner, sec. 24, T. 11 N., R. 3 E. About 1 mile southwest of Shelby- ville on east road cut in south valley wall of creek. Shale in upper part of Mc- Leansboro Group, about 6 feet exposed, overburden thin. The apparent speci- fic gravity of the aggregate was 1 .26 at 2300° F; very little bloating at 2200° F LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 27 and bloating not uniform at 2300° F. When 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded, the apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.73 at 2200° F. Stark County 1398 NE| NW{ sec. 25, T . 13 N. , R. 6 E . About three-quarters of a mile north of Wyoming, south cut bank of tributary to Spoon River south of road. Expo- sure consists of 8 feet of shale in the Brereton? Cyclothem. After adding 1 percent coal and extruding the clay, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.80 at 2200° F. Tazewell County 1322B Peoria Brick and Tile Company pit. Sample of Canton? Shale taken from shale bin. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.98 at 2200° F, pores fairly uniform in size. Union County 1425 SW{ NW{ SE{ sec. 14, T. 12 S., R. 2 W. About 2 miles west of Anna, west of State Pond dam on south valley wall of creek below dam. Shale of the New Albany Formation, 20 feet, black, fissile. The shale did not bloat. 1335A NE| SE{ NE{ sec. 11, T. 13 S., R. 2 W. About 3i miles west of south of Jonesboro, cut bank southeast side of creek along west fork of hard road. Springville Shale, pinkish brown to tan to maroon to light gray, silty at top, less silty at bottom, grading from massive to poorly to thinly bedded, 50 feet; entire bluff is shale. After 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.70 after firing to 2200° F. Vermilion County 1342A NW{ NE| sec. 14, T. 19 N., R. 12 W. Western Brick Company pit, about 1 mile southeast of Batestown. About 25 feet of shale of Sparland Cyclothem is exposed. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.80 at 2200° F and 0.31 at 2300° F. The shale bloated as individual particles at 2200° F with small even pores, but was overtired at 2300° F. 1343A Ej sec. 4, T . 19 N. , R. 1 2 W. Harmattan Mine of Fairview Collieries, about 1 mile west of Hillery. Lower 10 feet of blue-gray shale of Sparland Cyclothem. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.50 at 2200° F, 0.44 at 2300° F, and 0.78 at 2350° F. The pores were small at 2200° F and 2300° F, but the shale was overtired at 2350° F. 1343B Same location as 1343A except upper 10 feet of shale of Sparland Cyclothem is more weathered. After 1 percent coal was added and the clay was extruded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.50 after being fired to 2200° F. With 1 percent coal added, the apparent specific gravity was 0.58 at 2100° F and 0.88 at 2000° F. 28 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Washington County 1339A SE± SW{ SW| sec. 18, T. 2 S., R. 4 W. About l\ miles south of east of St. Libory, road cut west side of Elkhorn Creek. Shale in lower part of Mc- Leansboro Group, olive gray, clayey, fairly well bedded, plant fossils, iron- stone concretions, 12^ feet. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 1 .41 at 2200° F. Bloating is not uniform. When 1 percent coal was added, the apparent specific gravity was 0.49 at 2200° F. White County 1409 NW| SWi SW| sec. 11, T. 5 S., R. 9 E. About 1 mile northwest of Carmi, about 200 yards east of road on south bank of Big Hill Branch. Shale in the upper part of McLeansboro Group, dark gray, about 8 feet. The apparent speci- fic gravity of the aggregate was 0.77 at 2200° F. The pores are fairly uniform in size. Williamson County 1419 S| N| sec. 21, T. 9 S., R. 4 E. Delta Mine-Carmac Coal Company, about 2 miles east of Crab Orchard. Canton Shale, blue-gray, about 20 feet. The apparent specific gravity of the aggregate was 0.55 at 2200° F. The pores are uniform in size. 1429 SE{ SE{ sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 3 E. About half a mile east of Creal Springs, east face of old stone quarry. Shale of Tradewater Group, gray, about 6 feet. The shale did not bloat. When 1 percent coal was added and the clay was ex- truded, the aggregate had an apparent specific gravity of 0.92. CONCLUSIONS Several conclusions may be drawn from this study of lightweight aggregates from Illinois shales. 1) Probably the best organic content for a good bloating shale that will make strong aggregate is between 0.3 and 1.0 percent or less. 2) Organic contents of from 1.0 to 2.0 or slightly higher will produce much lighter aggregate that may have special uses, although it will not be as strong as aggregate produced with less carbon. 3) If the organic content is too high, the shales will not lend themselves to rapid bloating processes, although they may be bloated by firing slowly for a longer period of time. 4) The best bloating probably is accomplished in those shales in which the organic matter is adsorbed on the clay surfaces, rather than occurring as detrital particles. 5) Clays may require more organic matter for bloating than shales because the clays are more porous and permeable, hence the organic matter oxidizes more rapidly. 6) In shales the bloating takes place normal to the bedding. LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE 29 7) Calcium and magnesium carbonate may be desirable in small quantities, but in quantities of 5 or 6 percent or more, they tend to have too great a fluxing action. 8) Iron should be present in percentages greater than 3 or 4 percent for a shale to be a good bloater. 9) Shales that do not need coal added can probably be bloated in either a rotary or a grate kiln whereas the shales which require coal to obtain a good bloated product probably have to be bloated in a kiln in which the fuel is added to the clay. REFERENCES Austin, C. R., Nunes, J. L., and Sullivan, J. D., 1942, Basic factors involved in bloating of clays: Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., v. 148, p. 149-160. Barnes, V. E., 1930, Changes in hornblende at about 800° C: Am. Mineralogist, v. 15, p. 393-417. Conley, J. E., Wilson, H., Klinefelter, T. A., et al . , 1948, Production of light- weight concrete aggregates from clays, shales, slates, and other materials: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 4401, p. 121. Ehlers, E. G., 1958, The mechanism of lightweight aggregate formation: Am. Ceramic Soc. Bull., v. 37, p. 95-99. Everhart, J. O., Ehlers, E. G., Johnson, J. E ., and Richardson, J. H., 1958, A study of lightweight aggregates: Ohio State Univ. Eng. Experiment Station Bull. 169, p. 69. Grim, R. E.,and Johns, W. D., 1951, Reactions accompanying the firing of brick: Jour. Am. Ceramic Soc., v. 34, p. 71-76. Herold, P. G., Kurtz, P., Jr., Planje, T. J., and Plunkett, J. D., 1958, Study of Missouri shales for lightweight aggregate: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources Rept. Inv. 23, p. 39. Planje, T. J., 1958, Study of Missouri shales for lightweight aggregate: Preprint of talk given at Mid-America Industrial Minerals Conference of Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., St. Louis, Mo., October 1958. Riley, C. M., 1951, Relation of chemical properties to the bloating of clays: Jour. Am. Ceramic Soc, v. 34, p. 121-128. Rowland, R. A., and Jonas, E. C, 1949, Variations in differential thermal analysis curves of siderite: Am. Mineralogist, v. 34, p. 550-558. Sullivan, J. D., Austin, C. R., and Rodgers, E. J., 1942, Expanding clay products: Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng. Trans., v. 148, p. 139-148. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 290 29 p., 2 figs., 2 pis., 2 tables, 1960 nnmzn CIRCULAR 290 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA