TZECIE £ f-7 GREAT & LITTLE BOLTON CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY E » it . who have brought Checks in this Quarter . 10,774 11 •• who have not brought Checks in this Quarter .. 2,255 GENERAL NOTICES. OFFICE HOURS.—Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We have Cottage Property in Darley Street, Brownlow Fold; Arden Street, Brownlow Fold ; Morris Green, Daubhill; Radcliffe Road Haub'h and Darcy Lever on sale, purchase money payable by instalments. We are also prepared to make advances upon mortgage of property TIi ' facilities offered through the Cottage Building Department are such that the majority of the members, by availing themselves of them mU’ht soon pir-h become owner of a house to live in. For particulars apply to the Secretary. ’ A Savings Bank is open every day during office hours in the Office, Bridge Street, where members are admitted, and sums from one nennv to shillings can be deposited, or withdrawals made. • Members are requested to bring in their Checks and Share Books in the following order:—Books numbered 1 to 8,000 not later than Saturday, the 8th of September next; the remainder on or before Monday, September 10th. The Grocery and Provision, Boot and Shoe, Tailors’, Hat and Cap, and Butchers’ Shops will be closed on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 11th, for Stocktaking, and the Drapers’ and Furniture Shops will be closed the whole of the same day. tt it T ^ e Committee meet every Monday evening, at 7-0 ; and the General Meetings take place in the Large Hall, on the First Monday in each month Bt Half-past Seven o’clock m the evening. ' The Large HAll and Small Hall, with the ante-rooms, are now furnished with all the requirements, including Piano, for Publio Meetings Club Meetings, Tea Parties, Dinner Parties, &o., and the Committee are prepared to let the same on reasonable terms. "Apply at the Office, Bridge Street St or. « Members wishing to withdraw any portion of their money, and not being able to make such withdrawal personally, must in snob case send a note duly authenticated along with their Share Book, stating the amount they wish to withdraw. Persons wishing to join the Society can do so by leaving their names, addresses, and occupations, with an entrance fee of Is., at any of the Socierr s Stores, or at the Office. Their names are read over, and they are accepted at the next Committee Meeting, after which they cau obtain their Books at the Office Recommends for the Bolton Infirmary and Manchester Royal Eye Hospital can be obtained on application at the Office. XjIEIMIIETIEID. 114th REPORT & BALANCE SHEET, For the Quarter ending June 12th, 1888. Ladies and Gentlemen, We beg to report that during the quarter the Members have increased from 12,914 to 13,029, and that the Share Capital has increased by £2,142. 2s. 10^d., and now stands at £200,781. 8s. 8d. The Sales amount to £89,985. 15s. ll^d., an increase of £3,549. 17s. 4d. over the Sales for the corresponding quarter of last year, and an increase of £1,447. 3s. 4d. over the Sales for the previous quarter. The Net Profit for the quarter is £12,559. 2s., which is increased in the Profit and Loss Account to £12,561. 8s. 5£d., and is disposed of as follows:—Dividend, at the rate of 2s. 8d. in the £ on Purchases, £11,761. Is. 4d.; Educational Purposes, £313. 19s. 6d.; Keserve Fund, £9. 16s. 8d.; Special Depreciation of Trade Buildings, £100; Bonus to Servants, £313. 19s. 6d.; Balance Forward, £62. 11s. 5^d. The additions to the Central Premises are now proceeding with the utmost possible despatch, and we expect will be completed before many months have expired. We feel sure that when complete, the Central Premises will be a credit both to the town and the Society. We remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient servants, June 22nd, 1888. THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Dr. Cash Account. Cr. £ s. d. To Cash on hand and at Bank, March 13th, 1888... Cash received from Bridge Street Grocery Dept. .. 3053 9 11 „ Flour ,, .. 1892 6 11 j „ Drapery „ ..11037 6 ll| „ Boot & Shoe .. 4203 3 24 „ Tailoring „ .. 4153 14 6 „ Bntch’ring,, .. 3055 19 3 „ Furniture ,, .. 2133 19 84 „ Hat & Cap,, .. 772 1 Milk „ .. 266 9 8 . 15734 12 d. 74 Derby Street Stores. 3061 9 Burns Street ,, . Daubhill ,, . Brownlow Fold ,, . Venture Street „ . Hibbert Street „ . Bradshaw ,. Halliwell Road „ . Pike's Lane „ . Victory „ . Vernon Street „ . Astley Bridge „ . Darcy Lever „ . Haulgh „ . Folds Road „ . Moor Lane „ . Rose Hill „ . Thwaites Street ,, . Tong Moor „ . Doifcocker „ . Rishton Lane „ . High Street, Opened April 27th Hibbert Street Shoe Dept. Venture Street ,, „ .... Astley Bridge ,, „ .... Daubhill „ „ .... Astley Bridge Butchering Dept.. Hibbert Street 7 64 8 7 9 5 9 11 ' 34 2 44 5 Hi Venture Street Brownlow Fold Daubhill Pike’s Lane Halliwell Road Derby Street Victory 2545 13 3707 4 33S8 1 3239 15 4917 1936 1 2364 10 2304 6 2453 6 2645 1 3069 11 10 1788 7 74 2194 14 54 2340 14 114 1951 17 10 1601 3 6 2500 5 74 1915 19 44 1091 17 104 1765 12 24 933 8 7 208 17 74 406 18 104 150 12 9 231 2 10 514 13 11 560 14 2 510 10 499 2 307 9 397 10 386 10 501 2 284 8 0 Bridge Street Warehouse. 206 Butchering Deprtmnt, for Hides, Skins, &c. 534 12 74 114 11 9 64 64 64 6i 8 Bank Interest. 54 3 Interest—Cottage Building Department. 600 16 Rent of Hall, &c. 66 10 Rents—Trade Building Account. 104 11 Rents from Cottages—Cottage Building Account .. 118 15 Ground Rents. 94 0 Commission from Co-operative Insurance Company.. 7 9 Rule and Contribution Books. 20 5 Dividend on Shares from Barlow and Jones, Ld. .. 28 0 Interest—Rochdale Corn Mill Society. 12 14 , Allowance for unexpired term of Contract Ticket.. 2 0 , Income Tax refunded . 16 15 , Rent of Bill Posting Station . 2 10 , Profits from Whitsuntide Excursions . 92 13 6 9 8i 6 3 34 1 11 0 6 5 3 0 9 -89985 15 114 1221 6 11 Contributions (Share Capital) . 10311 10 5 Proposition Fees. 18 6 0 Cash Received for Property Sold and Repayment of Mortgages. 3058 6 6 Contributions (Small Savings Department). 707 11 11 Cash Received on account of Clothing Club. 7317 14 0 Fixed Stock Sold. 1 7 0 Payment for Empties returned . 7 12 6 £ 8. d. £ s. d. By Cash paid for Goods. 66778 6 04 ,, Wages, Production:— Bridge Street Boot and Shoe. 309 19 7 Hibbert Street „ 67 10 44 Venture Street „ 130 5 6 Astley Bridge „ 69 10 2 Daubhill ,, 107 13 5 Tailoring. 591 10 9 Drapery. 275 15 54 Baking . 222 18 6 - 1775 3 9 ,, Carriage of Goods. 654 15 9 ,, Wages, Distribution :— Office . 258 15 0 Warehouse. 166 2 6 —--- Carting . 124 2 64 Engineer..*. 18 7 0 Charwoman . 8 12 3 Hallkeeper. 5 7 0 Shopmen, as per Departmental Accounts. 2030 14 3 - 2612 0 64 GENERAL EXPENSES. ,, Travelling Expenses . 51 9 6 „ Gas and Coals . 223 6 34 „ Printing, Stationery, and Stamps. 113 4 4 ,, Rents and Insurances .;. 286 19 24 „ „ „ Cottage Account. 12 10 84 „ Water and Rates . 24 11 34 ,, ,, „ Cottage Account. 8 5 11 „ Auditing . 40 0 0 ,, General Committee. 18 10 0 ,, Taking Stock. 28 3 6 ,, Hallkeeping. 2 1 10 „ Delegates’ Expenses . 7 12 4 ,, Horse Keep. 102 7 0 ,, Saddlery, Shoeing, &c. 34 19 6 „ Cottage Repairs . 4 9 8 ,, Repairs . 199 14 4 „ Adjusting Weights . 5 12 11 „ Commission to other Societies . 5 3 11 ,, Veterinary Surgeon’s Fees. 4 10 0 „ Licenses . 0 1 4 „ Delegates’ Expenses to Congress. 6 0 0 „ Subscription to Bolton Infirmary. 50 0 0 ,, „ Central Co-operative Board . 10 0 0 „ Compensation. 40 0 0 ,, Cleaning . 20 17 74 „ Telephone Service. 17 14 7 „ Sundries . 13 11 1 - : — 1331 16 104 „ Withdrawals, including Interest and Dividend . 21953 7 04 „ „ Small Savings Department . 966 7 3 „ Cash paid on Account of Trade Buildings. 298 10 4 „ ,, „ Cottage Buildings. 4023 19 6 „ „ ,, Fixed Stock . 200 17 7 „ „ for Checks at 2s. in the £ . 29 10 5 „ „ for Bonus to Servants. 317 17 6 „ „ for Educational Purposes . 292 17 6 „ „ on account of Clothing Club. 8116 9 34 ,. „ for additional L. & Y. Railway Stock. 1604 7 „ Cash on hand . 1218 14 84 „ Cash at Bank . 159S9 2 0 £128364 3 10 £128364 3 10 General Statement. LIABILITIES. £ s. d £ s. d. Members’ Claims . 200781 3 8 Interest on £187,834 at 4j per cent per annum .... 1956 12 1 Small Savings Bank Deposits . 3850 7 5 Interest on same . 25 13 7 - 3876 1 0 Educational Fand Balance . 25 0 0 Reserve Fund. 6169 7 2$ Clothing Club Balance . 290 4 3$ Goods owing for ... 4555 13 7$ Balance Profit this quarter . 12559 2 0 £230213 3 10$ ASSETS. £ s. d Cash on hand and at Bank brought forward . 17207 16 8$ Goods in Stock in Warehouse.£4647 4 4 „ at Railway Stations . 2302 5 9 „ in Shops, as per Departmental Account . 21300 19 4 Trade Building Account. 55744 0 5 Additions this Quarter. 298 10 4 56042 10 9 Less Depreciation. 348 8 0 Fixed Stock Account. 10858 8 4 Additions this Quarter. 200 17 7 28250 9 5 55694 2 9 Less Depreciation.£271 9 0 „ Proposition Fees. 18 6 0 „ Withdrawal Forfeits & Fines 32 9 6$ „ Fixed Stock sold. 1 7 0 11059 5 11 323 11 6$ Cottage Building Account . 64762 19 6$ Additions this Quarter . 4023 19 6 Interest Unpaid. 57 18 0 Ground Rent Unpaid. 3 12 7 10735 14 4$ Less Depreciation on Society’s Cottage Property. £44 2 10 Less Property Sold & Repayment of Mortgages. 3058 6 6 68848 9 7$ 3102 9 4 Shares—Co-operative Insurance Co. „ Rochdale Corn Mill Society . „ Co-operative Wholesale Society .£6500 0 0 Loan— „ „ ..21815 18 5 Interest added to same . 301 16 6 Dividend on Purchases added to same . 324 4 7 Shares—Hebden Bridge Fustian Manufacturing Society . „ Co-operative Printing Society. £404 16 0 Loan— „ „ „ . 21 0 0 Shares—Co-operative Newspaper Society Interest added to same . 13 7 6 0 3 3 Shares—Airedale Co-operative Worsted Manufacturing Society.. ,, —Leicester Hosiery Manufacturing Society. ,, —Assington Agricultural Association . ,, —Co-operative Farming Society . „ —Paisley Co-cperative Manufacturing Society. Property in Edith Street, Gorton.£975 4 7 Less Depreciation . 6 1 11 Stock—L. & N. W. Railway Co. Shares—Barlow and Jones Limited. Stock—L. and Y. Railway Co.£8980 0 0 „ „ „ additional this quarter 1604 7 9 ,, —Midland Railway Co. Shares—Bank of Bolton Limited . „ —Ordinary, Manchester Ship Canal Co. 65746 0 3$ 640 0 0 1018 17 4 28941 19 6 200 0 0 425 16 0 13 10 9 5 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 7 10 0 29 11 9 969 2 8 2656 12 0 800 0 0 10584 7 9 2175 2 6 54 15 0 3906 15 1 £230213 3 10 s Dr. Distributive Expenses Account. Cr. To Commission £ 8. d. 0 6$ 7 8 13 5 16 6 4 0 4 4 7 0$ 3 11 5 8 1 9 £6596 4 10 Trade . £ B. d. 29413 7 10 74198 6 3$ 5011 7 7 12588 12 5 £ s. d. By Rents, &c. 390 0 4 „ Rule and Contribution Books. 20 5 11 ,, Other General Receipts . 94 14 2 „ Interest on Shares and Deposits . 413 13 0 „ Interest—Cottage Building Account. 658 14 9 „ Commission. 7 9 1 „ Balance to Trade Account . 5011 7 7 (Distributive Expenses on the Purchases, Is. ljd. in the £.) £6596 4 10 Purchases.£71568 6 9$ Productive Wages . 1775 3 9 Carriage. 854 15 9 Cash Paid for Checks, at 2s. in the £. £29 10 5 Balance—Net Profit . 12559 2 0 £121211 14 i; £ s. d. By Net Sales . 89985 15 11$ „ Stock-in-Trade, June 12th, 1888 . 28250 9 5 „ Empties, &c., returned . 2046 6 9 „ Discounts . 604 17 5 „ Dividend on Purchases. 321 4 7 £121211 14 1$ Proposed Disposal ol Profit. £ 8. d. To Two-and-a-half per cent on Net Profits for Educational Purposes 313 19 6 „ Profits on Non-Members’ Purchases to Reserve Fund. 9 16 8 ,, Dividend on £88,208 Purchases by Members, at 2s. 8d. in the £..11761 1 4 „ Bonus to Servants. 313 19 6 ,, Special Depreciation of Trade Buildings. 100 0 0 ,, Balance forward. 62 11 5$ £ 8. d By Balance Profit this quarter.12559 2 0 „ Interest and Dividend over credited last quarter. 2 6 5$ £12561 8 5$ £12561 8 5$ Examined, compared with the Books of the Society, and found correct. P. & J. KEVAN, Chartered Accountants. June 21st, 1888. Cl'. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Receipts and Expenses, from March 5th to June 2nd, 1888. _ Dr 1888. Mar. April April To Balance in Treasurer’s hands ...... Two-and-a-half per cent of net profits. ” Cash Received for Sale of Papers— Q Victory. n Brownlow Fold . „ , , Thwaites Street. ~ 7 Bark Street. 8 Halliwell. n 1B Astley Bridge. n 1B HiDbert Street . „ Folds Road. 0 ^ Daubhill . () Derby Street .. n 1 ^ Venture Street . 0 12 . George Street. 0 Darcy Lever . 0 15 Mar. June Haulgh Bradshaw. 1 0 10 To Cash received for Recital.... , 4 „ Keys sold .. * ’ ” ” Periodicals sold. u 14 i 13 5 0 15 Hire of Opera Glasses . 2 3 Co-operative News . “ Lending Library. ® June 27, 1888.—Examined and found correct. P. & J. KEVAN, Auditors. £ 8. ' By Newspapers and Periodicals-Back, Streep........ • • 27 0 AstleyBridge . 3 4 Halliwell . 2 11 Hibbert Street. 3 18 Venture Street. 3 11 Haulgh . 3 4 Brownlow Fold. 3 12 Thwaites Street . 3 5 Daubhill. | 3 Darcy Lever. 3 0 Victory .. 3 14 George Street . 3 l Folds Road . 3 4 £ s. d. 75 1 11 Room-keeping and Materials supplied to Bark Street, lb 32 Rent of Rooms. Delegates’ Expenses .. Committee and Treasurer’s Salaries. Secretary and Librarian’s Salary. Assistant Librarians' „ . Books and Re-binding . Postage and Stationery.*. Printing and Advertising . Furnishing and Repairs. Lectures, .. Co-operative News . Expenses of Sale of Papers . Evening Classes .• • •••. 12 ' Balance in Treasurer's hands. Society’s hands. ia u 46 12 3 £356 5 lj Statement of Departmental Accounts. STORE. Bridge Street Grocery Department.. Flour Department. Drapery Department . Boot and Shoe Department Tailoring Department. Butchering Department ... Furniture Department. Hat and Cap Department . Milk Department.. • • Derby Street Grocery and Provisions. Burns Street „ »> . Daubhill » » . Brownlow Fold „ » . Venture Street „ i> . Hibbert Street ,, » "" Bradshaw „ •> Halliwell Road „ » • • • • Pike’s Lane „ »> • • • * Victory » >> Vernon Street „ >> •••• Astley Bridge „ •. • • • • Darcy Lever „ <> Haulgh •> » Folds Road „ » •••' Moor Lane „ » •••' Rose Hill n >1 •••' Thwaites Street „ >1 Tong Moor ,, >1 ••• Doffcocker „ » Rishton Lane . High Street . Hibbert Street Shoe Department . Venture Street „ >1 . Astley Bridge „ .. . Daubhill „ » . Astley Bridge Butchering Department , Hibbert Street „ »• Venture Street ,, » Brownlow Fold „ » Daubhill „ » Pike’s Lane „ >* Halliwell Road „ .. Derby Street ,, >» Victory » » Bakery Department . To Stock on Hand, March 13, 1888. To Goods Supplied and Carriage, June 12, 1888. To General Expenses. To Wages, Distribution. By Cash Received to J une 12, 1888. By Goods and Empties Returned, and Supplied to Branches. £ 8. d. 2493 5 84 1567 4 Hi 8574 14 3 3713 15 64 3805 17 4 7423 8 11a 1678 6 94 770 9 10| 181 14 84 2571 19 24 2090 9 2881 9 2773 13 54 2648 8 4057 10 1593 9 1917 9 80 1 3 116 11 0 106 10 6 101 17 0 154 11 11 60 17 0 74 7 2 273 17 7 1891 17 84 72 8 8 375 16 10 2042 10 10 77 2 10 483 16 5 2091 7 8 83 3 7 358 15 8 2423 16 Hi 96 10 4 374 0 9 1474 19 6 56 4 4 377 0 2 1826 18 34 69 0 7 388 2 6 1849 10 64 73 11 10 313 11 2 1545 6 1 61 7 5 334 1 1 1285 1 44 50 6 8 391 9 5 1990 7 7 78 11 9 233 13 7 1621 0 11 60 4 10 107 19 10 898 1 0i 34 6 6 362 14 10 1455 12 1 55 10 2 .... 1191 1 0 29 6 6 173 17 11 181 6 0 6 11 2 222 4 5 350 0 04 12 15 5 122 13 6 119 11 14 4 14 6 116 14 8 229 17 54 7 5 2 11 6 3 456 5 5 9 2 4 14 10 10 485 9 9 9 18 8 19 4 8 437 2 7 9 0 9 5 4 9 450 1 2 8 16 9 13 18 9 269 6 4 5 8 9 5 13 1 350 2 7 7 0 7 9 8 0 327 8 3 6 17 0 13 16 0 429 13 9 i 8 17 5 7 9 1C 243 10 3 J 5 0 7 304 6 2715 1 1 186 19 0 21496 6 81381 15 54 2 9 80 13 4 17 11 0 16 18 0 £ s. d. 3053 9 11 1892 6 lli 11037 6 lli 4203 3 2i 4153 14 6 3055 19 3 2133 19 8j 772 1 7 266 9 6J 3061 9 8 2545 13 7 3707 4 8 3388 1 9 3239 15 5 4917 9 11 1936 1 3i 2364 10 2 2304 6 4i 2453 6 5 2645 1 lli 3069 11 10 1788 7 7i 2194 14 5i 2340 14 llj 1951 17 10 1601 3 6 2500 5 7i 1915 19 4i 1091 17 10i 1765 12 2i 933 8 7 208 17 7i 406 18 10i 150 12 9 231 2 10 514 13 11 560 14 2 510 10 7i 499 2 lli 307 9 H 397 10 9 386 10 6i 501 2 64 284 8 6i Goods Empties £ s. d. 20 3 3 45 7 5 54 8 1 505 15 2 By Stock on Hand, June 12, 1888. Balance, Net Profit. Rate per £. 5025 2 2 0 2 2 £ s. d. s. d. 412 15 li 2 84 270 17 7 2 104 1587 11 74 2 10i 745 13 6 3 6i 746 10 10i 3 7 296 12 31 _ i H- 380 16 6 I 3 6| 106 18 31 25 6 11 430 13 6i 349 4 8 530 4 3 484 15 04 451 7 0i 704 4 lli: 9 1 260 11 337 10 71. 335 15 0 I 338 15 lli 374 13 04 485 2 4 j 196 7 lli 298 8 9 | 336 6 271 7 223 0 353 4 268 6 148 4 219 10 1*1 125 10 64 25 19 104 39 17 4 12 7 4.j I 13 12 Os'; 24 10 10 j 38 4 11 31 9 04 20 6 4 6 7 0 20 12 7 28 15 14 36 8 2 12 3 5 181 10 10 j •21300 19 4 12588 12 5 3 0112 105208117