UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN laiNOIS. HISTORICAL SUBffit Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign INS C ■:! Hi'?i5RY E 1 raw d o d T o wn s h i p Information concerning "his cemetery was sent to Virginia Schuitz on August 9, 1972. It was checked out by Virginia, Becky, and Brian Schuitz on August 20, 1972. There were no stones r oui i. Virginia talked to Elmer Miles whose land is right next to where the cemetery was. Mr. Miles had lived on this land for 53 years. He said there was a cemetery there at one time, but had not been there for many years. Cows were on the land and there was no fence. Sec. V-l- Elmwood Twp. Peori? Co., 111. 2 miles Sast and 5 miles South of Elmwood, Illinois. U Elmwood Township - Unknow cemetery - not located, Sec. 20 ¥ * ■ <4 Elmwood Township - Unknown cemetery - not located, Sec. 22 &C(f P.O.Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 LEHIGH CEMETERY Elmwood Township Peoria County, Illinois 7 , 1864 3 mo d/Wm. & M. d. May 21, 1861 7 yr 1 mo 2£ ds d/w. AM. d. May 24, 1864 (stone broken) d. Dec. 17, 1882 55 yr 4 mo 8 ds w/J.H. 1833-1911 d„ Jec. 25, 1887 23 yr 7 mo 14 ds s/Jas. H. & S.J. d. Apr. 14, 1868 9 yr w/A.J. Mar. 22, 1828 - Jul. 26, 1888 Co. C. 57th 111. Inf. G.A.R. d. Jan. 14, 1862 Apr. 29, 1833 - Jul. 22, 1918 w/B.P. Jan. 1, 1842 - Feb. 21, 1921 Apr. 15, 1878 - Feb. 23, 1894 De . 11, 1880 - Apr. 4, 1892 d. Jul. 21, 1882 29 yr 6 mo 16 ds youngest d/B.P. & M.E. d. Nov. 1, I865 L yr 2 mo 18 ds s 'B.P. & M.E. d. Sept. 6, I865 yi L] ds d. Jul. 13, I856 21 yr 10 mo 14 ds s/N. * A. d. Dec. 19, 1855 12 yr 1 dy Co. I. 77th 111. Inf. Aug". 3# 1843 - Sept. 1 , 1863 Cpl. Co. I. 108th 111. Inf. G.A.R. c. Oct. 1.8, 1864 d, Apr. 19, 1855 54 yr 4 mo w/j.L. d. Dec. 3, 1866 64 yr 4 mo 4 c d. Feo. 13, I858? 81 yr 6 10 3 da stone broken in two, was buried in dirt and grass Lehigh Cemetery - Cont'd. Elmwood Township, 111. JONES, Sally KELLOGG, Edith KELLOGG, Walter R. Cecelia P. Clarence W. KERR, Samuel M. Alithea, *Louis P. L.P. Alitha S.M. Little Mollie all KERR stones inside iron fence KERSHAW, James w/ Jacob died (rest buried in ground) d/B.R. & J.M. d. Apr. 18, 1868 9 mo 4 ds Aug. 14, 1827 - Jun. 28, 1907 w/W.R. Jan. 22, I832 - Feb. 18, 1904 s/W.R. & C.P. Apr. 4, 1859 - Dec. 26 , 1893 d. Mar. 16, I865 6? yr 2 mo w/S.M. d. Nov. 30, 1864 57 yr 3 mo 12 ds Co. B. 11th 111. Cav. Dec. 30, 1843 - Nov. 22, 1862 G.A.R. youngest s/S.M. & A. 1843-1862 modern stone 1806-1864 modern stone I8O8-I865 modern stone no dates modern stone ♦KEYSER, Frederick M. , Jr. s/D.R. & Jennie Oct. 28, 1883 - Jan. 24, 1884 111. Sp. 4 82nd Airbourne Div. Apr. 15, 1946 - Apr. 16, 1958 (Vet Marker) KIGHTLINGER, Nettie John S. d/J.S. & M.J. d. Mar. 28, 1873 18 yr 1 mo 14 ds (hard to read) d. Sept. 9, 1862 34 yr 9 mo 8 ds Martha J. w/john S. d. Jan. 8, I859 29 yr 7 mo 9 ds *LEET, Samuel M. Anna A. LOWE, Lucy Catherine MAXWELL, Martha J. MILES, Almira E. Eric Asa E. Pvt. Conn. Militia War of 1812 Aug. 4, 1794 - Feb. 9, 1882 G.A.R. marker w/S.M. d. Nov. 30, 1881 83 yr 2 mo 13 ds Oct. 27, 1850 - Mar. 9, 1913 d/W.C. fe M. d. May 22, I858 d. E. & E.D. d. Jan. 4, 1845 17 yr 2 mo 1 dy d. Nov. 10, I839 1 yr s/E. it T . i. Nov. 30, 1839 18 yr 10 mo li s Lehigh Cemetery - Cont'd. Elmwood Township, 111. MILES, Archie L. Alfred G. Angeline Joseph Lucy L. Ada E. MILES , Freeman Ruth Emma MILES, Frank W. William F. Harry MOSHER, Harriet MOORE, Mariet MOORE, Thomas J. McCANN, Ada May Inf. dau. McCANN, Samuel Susanah Julia A. McCANN, Susanah William C. Susan C. McCANN, Willie Oct. 28, 1876 - Jan. 4, 1902 18^~'.924 w/A.G. 1838-1895 d. Jun. 5. 1852 75 yr w/c jseph d. Aug. 28, I858 75 yr 18 mo 8 ds d/A. & A. d. Dec. -, 1862 (can't read age) b. Canaan, Conn. Sept. 22, 1802 - Mar. 9, 1890 w/F. b. Sharon, Conn. Jan. 6, 1805 d. Oct. 9, 1895 1863-1913 ''father) Dec. 1. 187- - June 10, 1954 s/E. & L. Mar. 8, I898 - Nov. 6, 1902 Oct. 25. 1856 - Jun. 7, I858 d/T.J. Sc C.A. d. Dec. 15, I856 21 y 3 mo 1 dy d. Ma ■. 5, 1884 78 yr 10 mo 1 dy d/:.rt. & M.M. d. Jul. 30, 1879 d. Jun. 14, 1874 Mar. 9, 1805 - Dec. 1, 1886 81 yr 8 mo 22 ds w/Samuel d. Sept. 14, 1880 73 yr 10 mo 8 ds d/S. d S. d. Sept. 7» 1862 23 yr 1 vr.o 22 c.3 infant d/S. & S. d. Aug. 20, 1849 11 m 5 ds Mar. 10, 1^35 - Dec. 11, 1895 w/w.C. Dec. 24, 1837 - Nov. 10, 1915 3/A.D. & E.E. d. Jun. 8, 1871 3 yr 10 mo McCULLOUGH, Margaret M.w/Josep, d. Ar>r. 6, 1873 27 yr NICKISON, Jacob C. Sophronia SMITH Albert S. Alice E. Ada Nellie ? rr 3 !>lar . 1825 - Jan. 21, 19 08 w/j.C. Jul. 5» 1827 - Jan. 7, 1910 s/j.C. & S. d. Sept. 25, 1877 19-3-22 d/j.C & S. d. Mar. 16, I867 16-11-16 1/j.C. & S. d. Jan. 6, I867 11 mo 11 ds d 'J.C, & s. d. Jun. 19, I863 1 yr 8 ds Lehigh Cemetery - Cont'd. Elmwood Township, 111. PAGE, baby d/L. & I. b. & d. Aug. 24, 1891 this & RICTHMYER inside iron fence PEIRCE, Nancy w/Wm. d. Jun. 21, I853 17 yr 9 mo 8 ds POST, John W. Oct. 23, I832 - Mar. 5. 1908 Atteline Mar. 5, 1844 - Feb. 12, 1919 REYNOLDS, Maria P. Feb. 17, 1839 - Oct. 14, I873 RICTHMYER, Permelia w/Geo. d. Jul. 9, I885 80 yr 8 mo 2 ds George Mar. 8, 1806 - Jun. 12, I889 ROBBINS, Henry born in Rocky Hill, Conn. Apr. 11, 1801 died Jul. 6, 1874 Eliza w/Henry d. Aug. 30, 1854 55 yr 4 ds Julia Ann d/H. & E. (rest buried in ground) RUSE, Hettie M. d/j.W. & A. A. d. Sept. 30, I865 10 mo 24 ds SEC0R, (stone down) Sally WHITNEY w/ Jacob SEC0R d. Jul. 30, 1889 83 yr 2 mo 18 ds SMITH, Alfred A. s/E.F. & S.A. d. Mar. 19, i860 18 yr SMITH, A. C. aied (stone broken) William (stone broken) Sarah A. w/Wm. d. Jun. 22, 1854 58 yr 3 mo SMITH, Icabod born in Mass. Jul. 19, 1782 - Nov. 3, I856 SMITH, Fannie L. d/J.M, & L. d. May 28, 1864 3 yr 4 mo 1 dy SMITH, David s/D l\f. & E.D. d. Jul. 16, 1846 1 mo 7 ds Edson A. s/CM. & E.D. d. Oct. 17, 1847 5 mo 17 as James W. s/D.M. & E.D. d. May 21, I850 1 yr 3 mo 18 ds Eleanor D. w/Da\ id M. d. Mar. 14, 1850 23 yr 16 ds SMITH, Fred J. s/j.M. & C. d. Nov. 6, I855 7 mo Frank s/j.M. * C. d. Dec. 18, I858 2 yr 3 mo 29 ds SMITH, Lucy M. d/D.M. & E. d. Mar. 30, I865 2 yr Lehigh Cemetery - Cont'd. Elmwood Township, 111. SMITH, Nellie G . £ . C . H.M. Willie H. d/j.M. & C. d. Aug. 15, 1864 5 mo 5 ds (foot stones) s/j.M. & C. d. Sept. 21, I865 SPANGLER, Matthias d. Jan. 1, I865 70 yr 6 mo (stone down, Mother & Father, can't read other name) Aug. 16, 1819 - Dec. 3, 1910 91 yr 3 mo 1? ds (Aunt Amanda) Mas 27, 1816 - Apr. 23, 1910 93 yr 10 mo 26 ds (Aunt Eliza) (both Aunts on same marker - metal) Jul. 3, 1821 - Aug. 25, 1897 w/Henry B. d. Nov. 22, 1879 46 yr 11 mo 3 ds Amanda Eliza A. Henry B. Cynthia A. STOW, Susan TAYLOR, Helen L. TAYLOR, Henry T. WALTON, Robert W, Annie M. Malissa Harriett WASSON, Sarah WILKINSON, Aaron w/jas. d. Oct. 12, I853 36 yr 2 ds w/Bernard M. Nov. 8, 1925 - Jul. 8, 1967 s/j. & M.J. d. Sept. 6, 186.3 1 yr 1 mo 29 ds d. May 21, 1868? 48 yr 10 mo 11 ds d/R.W, & E. d. Aug. 26, I863 6 mo 23 ds g/J.R. & H.W. d. Sept. 16, 1860 4 mo 14 ds w/j.R. d. Jan. 9, 1861 28 yr 11 mo 11 ds w/Geor^e d. Feb. 3, 1874 68 yr 8 mo 17 ds h/Mary \nn d. Nov. 15, 1873 25 yr c mc 1 { > ds Children of A. & Jornelia WILKINSON Effie A. 1 yr ^ mo 4 ds d. Aug. 12, 1866 Delila a. Jan. 18, 186 5 2 yr 3 mo 26 ds Clara T. d. Oct 4, 1859 8 mo 9 ds Lobbon A. d. Apr. 9, 1868 8 mo 20 ds WILKINSON, William Nancy ♦WILKINSON, William R. Orren B. WINSHELL, Catharine d May 10, 1867 62 yr 8 mo 20 ds w, ai. d. Jun. 17, I865 58 yr 7 mo 7 es Co. C. 33rd 111. Inf. Jan. 7, I832 - Pea. 3, I863 s/W.R. & S.A. d. Jun. 3» I863 1 yr 2 mo 28 ds w/l niel d. Oct. 4, 1861 79 yr 9 mo 3 as P.O.Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 S0UTHP0RT CEMETERY Elmwood Township Peoria County, Illinois SOUTHPORT ClSMETSRY Elmwood Township Elmwood Twp. Peoria Co., 111. Sec. 1, Rt. 8 one mile west of Oak Hill, Illinois. Copied September 1, 1971 by Alice Calligan and Virginia Schultz. ANTRIM, Anna DRISKELL, BARKER, Virginia I. , BOHRER, Philip, "-•Samuel, .Mary A . , BOHRER, Critten, Franklin, Abraham 0. , Joseph Sr. , Harriot, BRIGGS, Eddie, Sarah A . , James , Mary , BRIGGS, Roy A. , Lyd ia C . , BRIGGS, Sarah I. 'CLARK, Robert F. , 1884-1964 On this stone it has sister Mary and brother Clyde. d/j. & ? d. Aug. 23, 1863 or 186 5 7 yr 3 mo 7 ds d. Jan. 5, 1881 38 yr 8 mo Co. K. 86th 111. Inf. Nov. 30, 1838 - Sept. 1, 1885 w/S. Aug. 2, 1848 - Apr. 12, 1923 3 infant graves s/j. & H. Feb. 23, I838 - Sept. 2?, 18 3 7 mo 4 ds s/T. & E. d. Oct. 9, 1858 1 yr 'i mo 6 ds s/j. & H. Mar. I'-), 1831 - June 13, 1849 19 yr 3 mo 2 ds . May 17, 1878 73 yr 8 ds J. d. July 24, 1866 15 minutes liter I o'clock p.m. 51 yr 2 mo ' 4 ds s/j. & Hi. d. Apr. 1, 1873 7 yr 1 mo 15 ds d/l. & M. d. Oct. 1, I858 1 yr - mc 19 ds d. )ec. ;7, 1895 71 yr 2 mo 9 ds r. 26, 1822 - Feb. 24, 1912 98 yr 9 r 3 29 ds 1884-1957 I8c S-19— w/T.E. Jul. 3, I85O - i.Iar. 15, I89I So. E. 77th 111. Inf. Southport Cemetery - Cont'd. Elmwood Township, 111. COSBY, Prances tflCKWIRE, w/E. L. 1908 - no death date Edward Leo, 1912 - no death date DRISKELL, Eds on, s/E. W. & A. d. Jun. 24, 186 1 or 186? 9 mo 24 ds DRISKELL, Harry Lee, 1882-1960 Elsie A. w/H. L. 1901-19 — DRISKELL, Paul B., Sept. 18, 1873 - May 16 , 1897 May F., Apr. 15, 1875 - Jul. 13, I876 EVETT, Anor A., w/Charles d. Jun. 20, 1873 FREEMAN, Emma C, Sept. 1, 1842 - Nov. 15, I898 FEWINGS, James W. , 1863-W7 FLEMING, Violia, d/3. S. & A.L. d. Aug. 18, I863 1 yr 3 ^o 10 ds GRISWOLD, Francis l //. , Sept. 17, 1805 - Dec. 31, 1886 Eliza A., d/F.W. and E. d. Nov. 20, I858 19 yr 7 mo 2 ds Julia, i/G.vV. & ? d. Oct. 16, 1872 12 yr 11 ds HARKNESS, Emeline CURTIS w/A.W. d. May 28, 1879 66 yr ? HISGETT, James, d. Nov. 12, 190? 73 yr Sarah, w/j. , .1 . May 22, 1895 69 yr M0 YES, John S. E.vV. & E.A. d. Jun. 26, 1863 1 rr .• mo 27 ds Eren W. , d. Mar. 1, I865 32 yr 2 mo 2 McCOY, E. Lee, rtes Olive, w/ . no dates POWELL, John z/h.2. & P.J. Apr. 22, 1864 - Jul. 30, 1864 ♦Lemuel B., 3o. K. ??th 111. Inf. May 15, 1826 - Apr. 7, 1864 one stone reads A r. ,1 '64 37 yr 10 mo 22 ds Phebe J., w/L.B. i. May 23, 1864 22 yr 10 no + ds PULSIPHER, George Henry 1 3?-l86l Abigail BOSWELL w/G.H. 1818-1903 Laura d/G. & A. 1343-1895 Ethel May d/G. & A. 1858-1937 Southport Cemetery - Cont'd. Elmwood Township, 111. ROOK, John C. s/H. & L. d. May 5, 186 5 1 mo ij ds SHAPLEY, Elizabeth w/j. 183? - Mar. 14, 1912 Dr. John d. Jul. 19, 1888 65 yr 4 mo 4 ds Hugh G. d. Aug. 13, 1880 1 yr 6 mo 19 ds Charles V. d. Aug. 9, I885 26 yr 7 mo 1 dy SHERWOOD, Mary J. w/lsaac d. Jul. 17, 1881 46 yr 2 mo 6 ds THOMPSON, George A. 1814-1900 E. Mi BATTER30N w/G.A. 1818-1901 TIPTON, Margaret 1845-1874 John Victor s/john B. & Margaret d. Jul. 3, 1870 1 yr 2 mo 25 ds TROTH, Elwyn Col. Sub Depot 3 Q.M.C. W.W. I 5b. 10, 1893 - Jun. 30, 1961 Oliver I853-I895 Phoebe 0. 1860-1953 TROTH, Jasper H. May 17, 1845 - Sept. 4, 1888 Elizabeth d/john & Phoebe d. May 4, I876 41 yr 1 mo 4 ds John T an. 14, 1313 - May 3, 1892 Phoebe BEVANS ,/j. Aug. 19, 1813 - Apr. 27, I895 TROTH, Isaac lP^3-191-5 VLIET, Amelia ./A.J. & E. d. couldn't read, 1 rno 29 ds WICKWIRB, Horatio G. IJ 17-1835 Marion Roselle w/V.G. 1830-1912 Merritt . 23-1910 (Uncle) 'WHITE, Alex Co. G. 3th Mo. Inf. d. Nov. 10, I863 /v'ATKINS CrJiViK hiHY iilmwood Tow, ish ir. Phis cemetery is in the middle o 4 ' an oien field. Sec. 29 Elmwood Twp. Peer: i Co., Illinois about three miles south of Elmwood, Illinois. Copied by Virginia, Becky, and Brian Schultz the last week in August 1972. We were taken to the cemetery by vVilliam Kamby, a farmer who lives in the area. The land was owned by Sari Threw, but he had just sold it to the Peabody Coal Co. There were only three stones, all standing, G.H.S., the bases for ^our large stones were there, but no tops. The cemetery had one fir tree and two other large trees in it. The fence was falling. WATKINS, Fountain, 111. Pvt . .'it. Rangers, Nov. 15, 18013 - died March 24, 188? G.H.S. WATKINS, Jesse, Sgt. Co. G. 8th Mo. Inf. 183^- I863 G.H.S. WATKINS, William Co. L. 8th 111. Cav. 18^3-1862 G.". .:. BLUE tflDGE CEMETERY HALLOCK TOWNSHIP \ BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY Section 3 & 10, Hallock Twp. Peoria Co., 111. Carreu for, and still in use. Copied on October 7, 1956 by Margaret Herberger, norma Horton and Ruth Crim. G.A.R. sign and flag - no stone. Could be ADAM w.. of 1812 AITCHISON, Vinnie A. 1882 ~ 1929 William A. 1877 - 1933 Duane W. , son of V.A. & W.A. Sept. 18, 1903 - March 8, 190*+ AMAN, Fred 1869 - 1937 Anna 1873 - 19— AMAN, Henry A. 1865 - 1928 Margaret 1869 - 19— ARMSTRONG, Alvin S. March 11, I83O - Kay 2, 18 92 Sarah, his wife Nov. 25, 1836 - Sept. 8, 1918 James L. , son d. July 25, 1857 2 yr 7 mo 28 ds ARMSTRONG, C. Wilbur 1875 - 1956 ARMSTRONG, Carrie A. Leigh, wife of A.J. March 11, i860 - Dec. 9,1901 ANDERSON, Edward I835 - 1900 Ellen, his wife lSUh - ARMSTRONG, Levi S. 1872 - 1953 BABCOCK, Austin l8*+5 - 1930 Alice Epley. his wife 1853 - 1925 Melvin A. 1883 - I89O Chester H. 1887 - 1890 Mary E. I89O - 189^ BABCOCK. WARRINER Alva E. Babcock 1881 - 19 — Lila H. Babcock I889 - 199+ BAGGS, Lewis G. 1880 - 1917 Ida Mae 1910 - 1912 Leonard 1911 - 1916 BAGGS, Norval R. 18 51 - 1923 Phebe M. , his wife l8*+9 - 19— BAIIRET, William 187* - I939 Katie 1885 - 19^7 BARKER, Armina d. April l*f, 1893 88 yr 1 mo 6 ds. (Smith) Charles d. Oct. 2h, 1888 8*f yr llmo 20 ds mo BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY BARROWS, Glen C. 1901 - 1902 BARTON, Fannie A. 1872 - 19— Holland A. 1866 - 19^ Glen A., son I898 - 1950 BARTON, Ira A. (G.A.R.) 18M-2 - 1915 Mary J., his wife l8*+6 - 1923 Wilber W. , son 1867 - 191^ Sherman D. , son 187*+ - 1902 BARTON, Prudence A., wife of Augustus d. Jan. 11, 1872 % yr 7 BASSETT, Victor S. May 7, 1900 - June 28, 1911 BEAN, Levi Oct. 30, I838 - Sept 11, 1916 Co. G. 3rd 111. Cav. from Aug. 6, 1861 - Sept. 5, 186^ r-.I.R. star Mary E. Call, his wife Nov. 19, ±8^7 «r Jan. 5, 191 1 * BETTS, Gertrude 1877 - 195^ Franklin 1868 - 195 1 * BIGELOW, Ella R. , dau of B.A. & M.H. April l*t, I838 - Dec. 29, 1881 BILL, David d. April 26, 1865 79 yr 5 mo 23 ds BLISS, Mary Nancy, dau of H. & C..J. d. Oct. 7, 1855 1 yr k- mo 8 ds Rosetta July 13, I832 - Oct. 15, 18^7 BL00DG00D, Frank C. I876 - ±9 1 +5 Emma L,, his wife 1875 - 195^ Alice Louise 190M- - 1923 BLOSSOM, Theron, son of I.V. & S.M. d. June 29, 185^ 2 mo 22 ds BOOTH, Lucind 1823 - 1906 Fannie L. d. March lx, .889 68 yr Lovisa April 28, 1800 - May 5, 1882 82 yr 8 ds ** Jacob d. March 13, 1876 80 yr 8 mo? 2*f ds War of 1812 Sarah J., dau of J. & L- d. Nov. 25, 185*+ 16 yr 1 mo 23 ds James S. , son of J. & L. d. Sept. 11, 1857 8 mo lids ? BRIDGMAN, Joan Marie 1931 - 1935 BRTDGMAN, John C. father 1853 - n 930 Ileen E. April 26, 1913 - March l*f, 1920 H-rriet - mother 1873 - 1938 BRIMMER, Nathan June 22, 18 36 - no date Mary M. his wife Feb. *f, l8*+9 - Jan. 18, 1895 Harry 1873 - 19^3 BROWN, Jesse J. I889 - ^stella A. , his wife 1388 - 19,77 i BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY BROW, Mary V. 18% - 1937 William S. 18 5 1 * - 1936 BROWl:, Samuel H. I838 - d. Feb. 5, 1900 (G.A.R.) BRYDEi:, Frank A, Aug. lh, 1872 - June 28, 189>+ William D. , son of W. & A. d. Sept. 9, 1870 2 mo Id children of Wm. and E. Bryden; Walter d. April 3, 18^7 17 yrs Elizabeth d. Sept. _9, 1859 William Aug. 30, 1801 - Feb. 17, 1885 Elizabeth, his wife Jan. 29, 1800 - Jan. 29, 1870 ** Sergt. Wm. Bryden Co. L. 15th 111. Cav. ** William I836 - 1915 Laura, his wife 18 50 - 1918 BRYDEN, Lucy C. 1881 - 19^ Harry G. 1875 - 193 1 *- BULLOCK, Alice M. I8*f7 - 1915 Cremated BULLOCK, James 0. l8*+2 - 1930 Cremated BURNS, George 1826 - 1899 Agnes, his wife 1836 - 1915 BURKS, IT: Memory of Jennie Burns dau of George and Agnes Burns BURNS, Myma F. 1873 - 19— Adam 1862 - 1930 BURNS, William J. 1877 - 1929 George W. son of W.J. & A.M. 1901 - 1911 CALDER, Clarence M. 1852 - 1928 Phebe A., his wife 1856 - 1928 CALDER, L.G. (father) 18 51 - 1923 Frances Smith (Mother) 1859 - 1951 ** Edward M. (son) Co. C. 88th Div. b. 1893 d. Sept. 22, 1927 J. ••Mars"" (Son) 1881 - 191^ CALDER, James Sept. 13, 1815 - Dec. 19, 1853 Ann C. Smith, his wife Aug. 5, 1818 - Sept. 25, 1899 Marian E. July 15, 18^5 - Sept. 3, I898 CALDWELL, Armina A. Dec. 25, 18^8 - April 15, 1910 H.O. June 13, I82I - March 13. 1903 Sally M. , his wife Aug. 13, 1832 - July 21, 1891 Andrew, son off H.O. & S.M. d. March 30, 1870 16 yr 9 mo 9 d Francis A. Jan. 7, 1850 - Oct. 17, 1850 lil.Olii til l*ii:i ■ .' I'JiH/I'l-.HY CAIiKUl'iltl., hiul I. mi A. I l H)J I •'.•.' Albert uiy; - l l >28 Caroline E, 1063 - no J te GALL, Caroline June 30, 1818 - July 26, 1900 CADTRALL, Mafcel C. 1879 - 19— CARPENTER, Pamela Aid en 1825 - 1907 Cremated CARR, Alfred E. 1873 - 1937 Katie S. 1875 - 19**9 CHAMPL1N, John E. d. Oct. 7, 1857 38 yrs 11 raos 6 ds Charlotte E. , dau of N., & 0. May 21, 1877 - Dec. 27, 1888 CHAPIN, Grace Marie 1895 - 1939 Neva M. I863 - 19^2 Lewis A. 1862 - 19— CHAPIN, Henry d. Jan. 1, 1873 - **3 yr 11 mo 23 ds Nancy, his wife d. July 2, 1872 30 yr 6 mo 8 d B«rtha M. , only dau of II. & N. d March 25, I889 19 yr 6 mo 7 d CHAPIN, Nathaniel Nov. 8, 1796 - March 21, 1871 Olive, his wife March 22, 1801 - Sept. 23, 1872 CHAPIN, Sidney F. July 11, 186^ - May 5, 1895 Infant dau of S.F. & A. Aug. 6, 1893 - Aug, 21, 1893 CLARK, John I823 - 1906 Electa 1825 - 1906 Carolina 1853 - 1863 Arthur I863 - 1865 F. Esttlla 1871 - no date Lewis A. 1869 - no date CLSMMER, Charles E. , son of J.S. & A.E. d. Feb. 11, i860 21 yr 2 mo 20 d CLINE, A.R. 1869 - 1925 Edna Nurse, his wife 1871 - 1906 CLARENCE, Caroline E. 18 50 - 1937 William F. I8*fl - 1921 CLAWSON, John l86lf - 194.3 Nancy 18 37 - 1912 ** Henry Co. G. 86th 111. inf. d. Aug. 17, 1888 Claypool, Isaac 1872 - 194-7 Leona 1882 - 194-7 i LUE RIDGE CEMETERY C0LV/3LL, Jacob 18U6 - 1P17 Nellie, his wife i860 - 1919 their children: Herbert S. I883 Hugh 0. 11 36 - I889 Anna L. I889 - 188Q Amy L. I889 - I889 COLLINS, John I876 - 19*f2 Thomas (father) 186 5 - 19^2 Mary A. (Mother) 1870 - 193*f Mary C. Cordrey, dau I90*f - 1933 COLLINS, Mary, wife of Patrick, dau of Moses- & Sarah Jenkins a. Oct. 21, 18 5*+ 18 yr COLWELL, Harry E. I836 - 1956 (U.S.) CONNETT, Iona Mildred, dau of H.C. & M. March 11, 1903 - Aug. 29, 1903 COON, Amelia, wife of B.H. d. Feb. 22, 189^ 25 yr 10 mo 18 d Elmer age 1 yr COON, Carrie Reed I87I - 1896 Clarrissa Irene 190M- - 190*f Earl McKinlev 1900 - 1918 Minnie S. 1872 - 1935 Arthur J. I869 - I938 COON, Charles F. H*rch 26, i860 - May 5, 1926 Minnie H., his wife Nov. 1, 1861 - March if, 1939 CORNELL, Holly H. I876 - I9I+6 Blanche S. I879 - 19 CRATZ. Sons of W.K. & M.C.: CRAT7 Ra1 , ov ion* im-i Willet A rt Foh o iftAo i «. ^KAl^, Halsey 1905-1911 r,j £ , • a * ^ eD * 9, 1869 1 mo 26 d Orn 1 qU-7.1 q^i *>*> Richard d. Aug. 7, I87O 6 mo 23 d 1W-1931?? CUSTER, Nellie I873 - 19*f6 John 1868 - 1950 DALRYMPLE, Eveline April 27, 183*f - Dec. 17, 1865 DAMAN, J.B July 1 9 , 1818 - Nov. 1, 1901 83 yr 3 mo 12 d Lydia A., his wife Dae. I 9 ,'l8 3 8 - July ^1883^ yr 6 m 2 3 d DAMAN, Joel d. Sept. 6, l c 7 % yr DAWSON, Louis II., son of F. & B.A. d. April 11, 1857 10 mo 28 d Betsy Ann, wife of F. d. June 17, 185*5 36 yr 18 d BLUE RIDGI JEMETERY DAVIDSOI' Thomas S. 1859 - 1^52 Elizabeth 1872 - 19^8 John 189*+ - 197V Etta 1897 - 1973 DEAL, M. Alma l88*f - 19^3 DECKER, Mary Ann, wife of Harvey Sept. 11, 1862 *+5 yr 10 rao 7 d DESEMA, Mary A. 1821 - I896 DODD, Martha A. (Mother) 1877 - 1950 Harley B. (Son) 1907 - 1933 DODGE, E.W. d. March 2, 1889 59 yr 1 mo 12 d DUKBAR, Dottie 1880 - 19^5 DUKBAR, Marietta July 16, I863 - March 26, 1912 EDMIKST T i;R. Earl Easton 1882 - 1955 Mary Alice 1883 - 19— Infant dau of E.E. & M.A. April 5, 1909 EFFNER, Clara I89O - 19^ George 1882 - 1955 EPLEY, Albin Jan. 25, 1825 - * a. 28, 1882 flag at grave Sarah Gilfillan, wife oj tdlir, Nov. 28, l82 i +-March 22, 1897 John S., son of A.« S. d. March 18, 18 50 EPLEY, Edward 3.857 - 1929 Evaliene, his wife 1861 - 1 ?¥+ EPLEY, Ella, dau of L. & S.J. 1881 10 rao 27 ds ERNEST, Julia G. 1877 - 19— Otto S. 1873 - 19— ERSKIME, Etta Wilson 18c'. V EVANS, Archie J. 111. Pvt, , "_ Div. Oct. 11, 1918 Rachel G. Walter S. (father) xo, . 27 FARDEK, John W. Sr. 1877 - 1' Maud B. 1889 - l c ^:-7 FIELDS, Jennie 1859 - 19^2 FISHER, Mary A., dau of A. & G.ji. d. Oct. 21, I863 1 yr 2 no 19 ds FRANKLIN, Stephen d. npril 5, l%9+ 77 yr 8 mo 17 ds FREEMAN, Uel Kov. 27, I803 - Fefc. 2*t, 1865 Gertrude Stites May 10, 180^ - j an# u lft . BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY" FOSTKR, Jan< E. , dau of L. & M.A. Arietta, dau of L. & M.A. d. Sept. 17, i860 2 yr *+ mo 13 els d. Oct. 13, 1856 8 mo 2h ds GALLUP, Loren N. , sci- of Joseph & Celia Gallup born in log house on old Gallup homestead on N. part of E. £ of N.E. Qr. Sec. 17, Hallock Twp. Dec. 15, 1858 - died Nov. 9, 1922 Winnie L. Hav/ley, dau of Omar & Lunette Hawley, wife of Loren Gallup, born in Hallock Twp. N..W. Qr. Sec. 8, June 13, 1863 and died Sept. 23, 1938 Children of Loren K. & ,/innie L. Gallup: Roscoe H. & Viola G. Genealogy of this branch of the Gallup Family Loren Gallup died 922 son of Joseph Gallup died 1907 son of Nathaniel Gallup died 1856 son of Benadam Gallup died 1850 son ^f Isaac Gallup died I799 sen of John Gallup *ftb died £7 55 son of John Gallup 3rd died 1/35 son of John Gallup 2nd died 1675 son of John Gallup 1st died 16 50; came to America from Parish of Mostern Co, Dorset, England, settled in Boston, Mass. I63O, son of John Gallup, died -1635 son of Thomas Gallup of N. Eowood & Strode, England, died 1610. Kinney Feb. 16, I83I - April 20, 1903 Mary H. , his wife Feb. 20, I836 - Aug. 2, 1892 Prentiss I. 1857 - 1916 GALLUP, Frank E. 1866 - 19^1 Gladys B. 1900 - 1956 Frank S. 1885 - no date Hattie E. Gallup White 1861 - 1937 (her picture on stone) GALLUP, Chauncy F. Oct. h, l8*+0 - March 21, 1917 Abbie C, his wife June 17, l8Mf - Dec. «+, 192^ GALLUP, Joseph, born in Sterling Windham Co. Conn. Sept. M-, 1827 came to Illinois in 1850, d^ed on Sec. 17 Hallock Twp. Peoria Co.. 111. Oct. 15, 1907 Celia, his wife, born in Voluntown, Windham Co. Conn. Dec. 15, 1826; came to Illinois I85I5 died July 17, 1877 Children of Joseph anc alia Gallup: JUdie 1852 - 1918 Marion 1853 - 1^33 Loren 1858 - 1922 Nettie 1862 - 19^2 Ellen 1865 - 19^ Elvira 1868 - I869 Elvira, dau of Josepn & Celia Feb. 1, 1868-April 2, I869 GALLUP, John S. 1859 - 1926 Isabelle Burns, his wife 1857 - 1930 GALLUP, Pearl, dau of J.W. & I .L. 1879 - 1907 GALLUP, Roscoe H. 186 5 - Iqo Mary Jone, his wife 18 90 - I 932 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY GHHR, Fred 1861 - 19*fl GILLFILLAN, George W. d. Nov. 12, 1885 68 yr 1 rao 13 ds George A. d. age ^ rao 3 ds GILFILLAN, Henry 1831 - 1917 (C-.A.R.) Jemima, his wife I837 - 1900 Willie H. d. Nov, 27, 1873 10 yr 7 mo 21 ds Minnie P. d. „ept. 21, 1868 1 yr 2 mo 11 ds GILLFILLAN, Isaac d. March 25, 1390 62 yr 25 ds Susen C, (wife) Sept. 21, I833 - April 20. 1912 Albert (son) Oct. 26, 18 58 - June 30, 1918 GIRTON, John S. 18M-9 ■ 1929 Minnie H. 1855 - 1932 GILFILLAN, Martha E. 1871 - 1950 Charles M. 1868 - 1936 GILLFILLAN, Sarah Mot*,, wife of Adam d. Jan. 18, 187*+ 80 yrs GOODWIK, ** Harry T. July 1, 1885 - March 11, 1919 Woodman of the World Memorial ** Edwin l8*fl - 1917 *+7th 111. Inf. d. Oct. 30, 1917 Tressie Ray April 21, 1887 - May 9, 1906 Charles 18 51 - 1938 Mary A. 18 5 1 *- - 19^3 GOODWIN, Thomas H. 18 If 7 - 1918 Mary A. (wife) 1857 - 19*f0 GRADY, Charles I883 - 1956 Bessie 1888 - 1911 Mita 1905 - 1915 C. Earl Dec. 11, 1885 - Oct. 6, 1906 George E. Nov. 10, l8*+9 - Nov. 23. 1911 Laura A., wife of G.E. Oct. 28, 1861 - Jan. 19, 19*fl GRADY, Harrison G. 1899 - 1956 Rachel Dunbar 1886 - 19 — GRADY, Henerietta Hortense. only dau of P.W. & L.A. Grady d. March 21, 1888 in the 16th yr of her age ** Peter W. March 11, 1831 - Dec. 8, 1886 Enlisted in Co. I 10th Reg. Vol. Aug. 1, 1862; discharged June 2 L , , 1865 GRADY, Henry E. I867 - 1933 Grady, Romeo Sumner, son of P.W. & L.A. d. Dec. 5, 1875 11 yr 7 mo 28 d GRATZ, Ida E. June 17, 1906 - Oct. 20, 1933 GREEK, John H. 1885 - 1921 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY GREEK, L.R. 1838 - 1919 Diania Seeley. his wife 1853 - 1937 Charles F. 18^7 - 19^6 Arthur W. 1887 - 1890 Basha B. 1872 - 1892 GREEK, Nathaniel P. b. Caeynumis, Albany Co., N.Y. Feb. 6, 1826 - ' May 2, 1880 Hannah P., his wife March 29, 1834- - Feb. 15, 1924- Henry S. (son) Feb. 21, 1858 age 2 yr 1 mo 15 ds GREEK E, J. Webster 18^0 - 1926 Alma Webster, his wife 1862 - 1911 GREENE, Ralph P. 1888 - 1925 GREENHALGH, Mary, wife of John d. June 29, 1893 71 yr 26 ds GULLETT, George W. Nov. 21, 1647 - Aug. 2, 1888 James W. , son of A. & M. May 9, 1856 4- yr 6 mo 10 ds Mary, wife of A. b. in Dearborn Co., Ind. Nov. 15, 1824- - Feb. 7, 1877 Lydia M. , dau of A. & M. d. Nov. 1, I863 3 yr 10 ds Abraham Jan. 29, 1816 - April 15, 1897 Charles B. , son of W. & E. d. May 8. 1888 13 yr 3 mo 21 ds Lulu H., dau of W. & E. Sept. 22, 1872 - March 6, 1890 GULLETT, John W. 184-6 - no date Julia M. 1857 - 1908 GUNTER, G. Louis 1867 - 1953 Lillie M. 1875 - 19— Gladys Fay, dau of G.L. & L.M. I898 - 1906 GULLETT, Martha J., wife of Jos. .. July 5, I889 34- yr 7 mo 2 ds HALSTSAD, B n rtow W. 1819 - 370 Adeline Powell, his wife 1824- - 1907 Addic, dau of B.W. & A.P, 1864- - Dec. 9, 1865 1 yr 8 mo 24- d HAL5TED, Carrie, dau of J. ETERY HOOVER, Henrietta L. Jan. 5, 18M - June 10, 1910 (G.A.R.) ** Dr. Isaac L. Sept. 11, I83O - D -:. 28, 18 91 HOOVER, Julia A., dau of J. & P. Dec. 31, 1832 - r )ec. ?. 1858 Perry A. . son of W.H. & L.H. d. Dec. 13, 1865 10 ds Mary Addle, dau of W.H. & L.H. d. Aug. 31, 1868 10 mo 21 ds HOOVER, Jacob Feb. 17, 1796 - April 22, I889 Phobe Fraser Jul; 1C 1802 - May 2, 1887 HORN, Margaret E. 1857 - 1928 HOUGHTON, Roll in L. 18^7 - 1900 HUTCHISON, James H. d. June 27, 1877 27 yr IOE, Edward, son of C. & J. d. Jan. 11, I863 11 yr Id JOHNSON, John Harrison June 26, 1872 - Oct. 18, 1921 Louise M. Jan. 15, 1872 - Aug. *f, 1933 JUDD, Mildred F. 1858 - 192°. KAVANOUGH, Elmer, soil of if/m. & E. April 21, 1903 - Aug. 2>+, 1903 Mable, dau of Wm. & E. June 11, 190^ - Dec. 8, 1910 KAUFMAN, William H. 185° - 1926 Rachel R. 1853 - lv*+7 KEIHN, Towns end N. d. Nov. 2h, iS^h 3 yr KELLOGG, Sherly 1870 - 1939 Hattie I869 - ^-6 KENDALL,. Edgar C. Arizonia 1. 31$ ield Art., 82 Div. Apr. 3, 1931 Lucy M. 1864 - 1951 Rubie K. 1862 - ] ?30 KENDALL, John G. Jan.. 6, 181*+ - March 4, 1900 Amelia Merrill, his wife Sept. 13, 1823 - Feb. 4, 1907 KENYON, E. Leslie 1880 - 1946 KJTTLE, Wm. B. d. Aug. 3, ,890 31 yr 9 mo 28 ds KIMBLE, Charles D. Dec. 24, 1865 - I ?c. 5, 1959 Lena Reed, his wifd Nov. 13, 1 ?0 - Jar. 20, I96I Andrew H., so$ Nov. 27, 1892 - Dec. 2, 1942 Burnett R. Wisner 1923 1 ? BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY King, James 1862 1935 Marcella 1862 - 19^5 Harry, son of J.& M. d March 26, 1888 5 rno 19 ds KRATZ, Baltzer B. l8¥f - 192^ (G.A.R.) Nancy E. , his wife 1850 - 1910 Kratz, Ella M. 1872 - no dates Fred G. I876 - no dates T.HJL. Baby son LAMOREE, Ezra P. d Sept. 12, 1875 61 yr 1 mo 15 ds Phebe, his wife, 183*+ - 1922 John d Aug. 10, 1861 85 yr Anna, his wife, d. Aug. 1, 1871 8*f yr 22 ds Agard, son of J.& A. d. June 20, 18 If 2 10 yr 2 mo 2 ds LAMOREE, Children of E. & P.: Wesley d. Aug. 9, 1868 26 ds Viola d. Jan. 25, 1868 1 mo 6 ds LeVINERS, Roy E. 1888 - 1925 Leigh, Juletta M. , dau of J.B. » I.S. d. Feb. 8, 1861 h yr LEIGH, James B. d. Dec. 26, 1857 29 yr llmo 26 ds Isabella S. , his wife, d. Nov. 25, 1857 22 yr 9 mo 22 ds LEONARD, Edna Coon 1870 - I'll LEWIS, John D. Dec. 9, 1882 - June 29, 1906 George A. June 25, l88*f - Jan. 11, 1908 LONG, Vera, wife of Vernon, 1895 - 19— ** Vernon Levi World War 1 Sept. 17, 1899 - March 21, 1950 LONGMAN, Floyd A. 1892 - 19*f6 Lucy Calder, his wife, 1637 - 19 LUKECART, Florence M. , wife of C.F. Get. 11, 1870 - Dec. 6, 1897 Harriet Feb. 10, 182^ - March 15, 1895 William Dec. 20, 1818 - July 20, 1900 LUKECART, Willie E. I8V7 - 1909; Mary S. , his wife 1855 - 1936 Emma (dau) Oct. 2 } -f, 1575 - Feb. 12, 1897 LUNUHITLM, Clyde L. 1937 - 1956 MALLORY, Roswell B* (1812 soldier) J . Mar. 21, I87O 75 yr llmo 20 d MAKOCK, Jessie Dec. 17, 1320 - Feb/3, I887 Laura A. Robinson (wife) June 5, l8Mf - May 21, 1906 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY MANOCK, Nancy Ann, wife of Jessie June 20. 1879 - 61 yr 7 mo 12 ds Olive, dau of J. & IT. March 11, 1876 20 yr 1 mo 10 ds Henry A. , son of (broken) next to Manock MARSHALL, John J. 1859 - 1938 Ellen, his wife I863 - 1928 MARSHALL, Robert S. son of Paul & Armina 1920 - 1935 Arraina S. 1890 - 19 Paul A. 1888 - 19 MARTIN, Clyden L. I898 - 1956 MERCER, Howard K. (son) Sept. 12, 193^ - Nov. M-, 1939 MERRILL, Charles Clifford (father) 1892 - 1938 MERRILL, Clara E. Holahan, wife of Arthur d. Oct. 27, 1892 19 yr 1*+ d MERRILL, M. Mae, dau of C.W. & Elna Kay 6, 18 96 - April 27, 18 98 MILLER, Dollie K. I878 - 1932 MILLER, Lyman II., son of S.M. & C.E. Feb. 19, 1891 - Oct. 26, 1918 KILLER, Mary E. June 8, 1937 - 66 yr 2 mo 2 ds Lewis 0. May 1, 1875 - Eov. 13, 1897 Oliver M. 1837 - 1906 Amelia R. , his wife (O.M.) 18^1 - 1903 MOATES, Arthur (father) 1887 - 1952 MONINGER, George May 23, 18^5 - Jan. 30, 192^ MONTGOMERY, Sarah Feb. 9, 1859 82 yr lime Minnie Sept. 6, 1810 - Feb. 19, 18 91 William July 16, 1873 81 yr MCODY, Lillian no dates Thamsd no dates MOORE, Hannah, wife of Asher d. Oct. 22, 1862 73 yr 10 mo 5 ds MOORE, Infant son of E.A & A»T. Dec. 3, l82*f MOORE, Mable dau 1900 - 1938 Elda (mother) 1881 - 1935 Charles A. (father) 187*+ - 1951 ,UE RIDGE CEMETERY MORRIS, ** (G.A.R.) John Jm.e 20, 1835 - Sept. 12, 1899 Catharine, hie wife vpril 26, 1838 - Sept. 16, 1903 MORRIS, Raymond C. 1891 - 1' er) MORRISON, Jesse, son of E. & A.F. d Oct. 25, 1879 2 yr 2 mo 12 ds McOY, John 3. i860 - 19*f6 Alice S. 1862 - 1952 McCULLY, Frances Chapin, wife of Jaskson d. June 17, I883 h5 yr 5 m 23 c McCUTCHEK, Children of J.W/. & :.R. Almira N. 1855 - 186, Freddie E. 1872 - lo72 McKENT, Lovisa, dau of J. II. d Dec. 19, 1853 35 yr 8 mo 27 ds Merendah, wife of B.L. d April 20, 1857 77 yr 1 mo 12 ds McLEAN, George W. 1817 - no date Nancy E. 1821 - 190*+ George E. , son of G.W. & N.73 d. Kar. 27, 1884 26 yr 2 mo 13 d McQUILKIN, Audre Ellen 1^3'^ - 1937 Charles E. 1925 - 1933 McVICKER, Lottie, inf. dau of H.F. & A. d. Feb. 17, 1887 3 weeks 1 d Alvereta, wife of H.F. l8 r ;o - 1895 McVICKER, Minnie May, dau of *i.F. & A. d. Sept. 21, 1887 12 yr 3m Id McWHORTER, J. Lee 1872 - 1932 Cora B. 1877 - 1932 NAYLOR, ** Samuel M. d, Jan. 31, lc?6 3 l f yr 6 mo 2 r ; ds (G.A.R.) NEUMANN, Matilda E. 1870 ~ 19 Louis E. 1873 - 19^3 NEWELL, Charles T. I838 - . Martha E. Nurs, his wife 1842 - 1921 Netta M. 1871 - 1871 Charles Lyle 1865 - 18 NEWELL, Pho>e d. Jan. 19, 18?7 78 yr 8 mo 5 ds 1783 - marker) HURS. Jerusha Barton, wife o LI, Aug. 10, 1783 ~ Aug. 16, I838 ** Roswell b. April 3, 1786 rch 9, 1863 (1812 NURS, Isaiah March 19, 1815 - Aug. 12, 1894 Mary N. Oct. 3, 1813 - June 15, 1892 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY NURS, Henry II. Oct. 26, 18^+3 - July 16, 1922 Lucinda A. Stevens, his wife Nov. 8, I8*f2 - Aug. 31, 1932 ** W.R.C. No 12 - Rebekah - No ^5 - on side Co. G. 8bth 111. Vols. G.A.R. 136, L.Q.O.F. 196 on other side -also G.A.R. iron star NURSE, Bertha C. I878 - 19*+8 Virginia A. 1912 - 1916 Frank E. 187 1 *- - 19— Guy F. 1876 - 1907 NURSE, Elbert I. 1877 - Mary E. 1880 - 1927 NURSE, George July 10, 181 3 - March 16, I878 6*f yr 7 mo 6 ds Elizabeth, his wife d. April 27, 1859 35 yr llmo 17 ds NURSE, Martha H. Mallery, wife of Geo. Nurse 1830 - 190V NURSE, Roswell J. Au; . 3, l8*+0 - Feb. 18, 1923 Anna V, VanCourt. his wife, April 12. 18^5 - April 16, 1920(G.A.R.] Roy, son, July 28, 1879 - April 9, 1881 Ray, son, Dec, 2, 1881 - Oct. 30, 1881+ NURSS, Fred Deep* I876 - 1923 Newel E. June 17, 18 W - July 25, 1921 Ann Eliza Oct. 2, iSkS - March 12, 1918 O'DELL, Frances June 1902 - 1923 Lewis 0. 1866 - 19*+7 Rella L. 1873 - 1919 O'DELL, Roy, son of J..S. & N.B. 1910 - 1911 ODELL, John b. 1821 d. Feb. h, 1850 Merinda, his wife Jan. 21, I83I - Feb. 3, 1850 OWEN, Henry E. 1869 - 1938 Josephine S. 187*+ - 1911 OWEN, James W. April 1*+, 1821 - Feb. 17, 1888 Compenet, wife of J.W. Nov. 5, 1827 - Jan. 7, 1885 Emily Lyan 1861 - 1929 Joseph C. 1855 - 19to PARKHILL, Nancy F., wife of O.J. b. in Southington, R.I. March 29, 1800 d. LaPrairie, 111. Nov. 19, 1859 stone next to above can only read - 71 yr of his age PATERSON, Margaret 18?8 - 1956 PECK, William R. I85V - 19^5 Fannie L. 1867 - 19— BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY PEDRICK, Hannah J. (mother) 1835 - 1911 PERCY, George W. , son of P.G. & R.D. d. July 6, 1872 5 mo 9 ds PETTETI, Annie Will, wife of S.L. Petten b Lawn Ridge, 111. May 29, 1855 d. Peabody, Kansas Sept. 1*+, ±886 PHILLIPS, Peter E. I863 - 19^7 Louisa E. I869 - 19 l t-9 Dorothy, dau, 190? - 1923 Mary S. (mother) I823 - 1910 Harry, son I89I - 1*92 PI ESTER, Ralster d. Nov, 3, 13 5 1 * 37 yr 7 rno 17 ds PINKKEY, Stephen 1857 - 19^9 Metha V. 1868 - 193^ Howard Pinkney Larabe? 1917 - 19*+9 Catherine 1889 - I889 Leslie L. I89O - 1891 Stephen Jr. (husband) I898 - 193^ PLACHER, Robert Clark, inf. son 1 G.W.& M.E. Jan. 15, 1922 POWELL, Alfred, son of T.T. & A. d. March 17, 1858 4- mo POWELL, David S. 1825 - 18 b 8 S. Almeda, his wife 1825 - 1888 Anna A., dau, 1856 - 1865 Emma A., dau, Jan. 6, 186^ - 8 yr 21 ds Emma A., dau, i860 - 1365 Allen, son, no dates Joshua 1796 - 188 l Ann 1799 - 18^5 Zilpha 1798 - 1885 Children of J. & A. A< 3, David S., Emily, Jerusha, Hannah, Almit R. , Olive I83O - Aug. 10, 184-9 18 yrllm 26d Ann Amielia, dau of J. A. 3ept. 1, I867 1 yr 3 mo 13 ds POWELL, Jennie E. wife of Almet, only dau of W.E. & M.A Smith April 17, 184-6 - Se? t. 19, 1880 Stella M. , dau of A. ril 7, 1875 - Feb. 26, I878 POWELL, Leander July 5, 1820 - .. 3, 1892 Ester C. May 9, 1820 - Maj 11, l89 1 + Cassins M. July 31, 1866 - J, . 10, I898 POWELL, Lewis R. (father) 187 5 - 19^7 Nellie C. (Mother) lc ,2 - 19— Olive 0. 1871 - 1939 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY POWELL, Martha Jane, dau of J.G. & S. d. Feb. 11, 18^8 19 yr h m 8 d Mary, dau of J.G. & S. d. Aug. 2h, 1855 l*f jrr 8 rao Joseph G. d. Oct. 10, 185^ 51 yr l f rao 21 ds broken stone ?? POWELL, Oran 1805 - 186 J Melvin 1&50 - 187^ Eliza 1806 - 1883 PLACHER, Minnie J. 1887 - 1922 PRATT, John April 13, 1796 - Jan. *+, 1862 Clarissa A., his wife Jan. 21, 1800 - March 7, 188^ PREDMORE, Jerry Feb. 6. I89I - May 12, lf**9 Ada La Follette Oct. 1*+, 1895 - Jan. 13, 1933 PRENTISS, Minnie, dau of Jas. oc C.F. 18 58 - I876 Isabel, dau of G.W. & M.J. Jan. 9, 1895 - May 15, 1902 Guy W. 1863 - 1932 Matilda, his wife 1869 - 1930 George J. May 12. 185*+ - June 28, 1930 Vira Gertrude, his wife July 1, 1865 - April 7, 19J> Anson F., son of A. A. & C.A. Sept. 18, I856 - Jan. 19, I876 Anson Ashley b St. Albans, Vt. Oct. lh. 1817 d Hallock, 111. Nov. 6, 1899 Catharine Ann, his wife b Lancaster, Pa. Oct. lh, 1829 d Hallock, 111. June 2, 1907 RAKEY, Alfred d June 5, 1853 ^ yr RANEY, Hannah E. , dau of H.A. & S.A. d June 22 1862 9 mo REED, Charles N. 1861 - 1905 REED, Euphemia N. 1861 - 1955 Harry C. 1857 - 19^3 REED, John W. 1865 - 19^7 Rose W. 1863 - 1955 REED, Mary C. 1859 - 19^7 Cyrus 1822 - 1907 Mary H. , his wife I83I - 1912 ** Cyrus, Corpl, Co., C. 86th 111. Inf. d Feb. 16, 1907 REED, Thomas L.. I867 - 1950 Elizabeth B.., his wife 1868 - 1930 RICE, Matilda H. 1899 - 1953 Henry T. 1881+ - ly _. BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY Rickey, Foster, son of T.E. & N.A. Rickey d Aug. 2, 186? 7 yr km 25 d RIDENCUR, Olive Will l&5k - 1913 RIEL, Lewis 1852 - 1921 Ida M., his wife 1857 - 1939 Freddie, son of L. & 1 . d Jan, 20, 1888 11 yr 7 mo 25 ds ROBINSON, Anna 1888 - Henry 1875 - 19* \8 ROBINSON, Henry May 19, 1825 - July 9, 1899 Clarissa Hallock Feb. 19, I833 - June 27, 1855 (wife) Lewis W. 1858 - 19j£ Olive E. 1858 - 1926 ROBINSON, Lyman Dec. 6, 179'"' - T use 6, I873 Olive Stowell, his wj , Dec. 9, 1809 - Feb. 28, I837 Edgar P. Oct. 31, i ^ • d Peoria, 111. Nov. 16, 1918 Mary L. Starling, his wife, April 12, 1837 - Dec. 26. 1886 Helen Mae, dau of L. & 0. May 26, I833 - Sept. 25, 18 51 ROBINSON, Noah L. I8*t8 - 1908 Harriet E. 18^7 - 1912 ROLL, George P. 1823 - 1907 Katharine, his wife 1826 - 3.891 ROMEO, Hoyt, son of B.R. & A. Mallery Feb. 27, I863 25 yr 2 mo Ik d ROOT, Emily J., dau of A. & A. d Sept. 9, 1875 16 yr 1 mo 27 ds ROOT, E. Maude 187^ - 1950 Linus E. 1871 - 19^7 ROOT, Herman C. 1908 - 1937 ROOT, Jeriel 18M-2 - 1913 Alphonsese l8*+6 - 18 51 Lucas E. Feb. 6, 181C - Jar 25, 1888 Anna, wife of Lucas E.., Aug. k, 1818 - Dec. 13, 1888 Phebe S. , dau of L. & A. d Feb. 22, 18^9 13 yr 10 mo 7 ds Harry, son of L. & A. d March 2*+, 1853 12 yr 3 mo 1 d Joseph, son of L. & A. d June 21, 1853 5 yr 3 mo 12 ds ROOT, William 18^3 - 1913 Mary A. 18^1 - 1913 Harry C. 1868 - 1895 Alice C. 1876 - 1951 Laura B. Jan. 18, 1882 - Sept. 19, 1882 ** Cyrus Sept.. *f, 1838 - May 1, 1920 Co. C. 86th 111. Vol. Inf. Mary C. April h, 18^5 - Dec. 18, 192^ BLUE RlDGiS CEMETERY ROOT, J. Perry I832 - 1916 Nancy M. I832 - 1918 Erastus Jan. 29, l8*fl - March 7, 1917 Erastus G. July 26, 1805 - Jan. 22, I896 Barbara A. Reed, wife of E.C. Sept. 15, 1811 - Oct. 6, 1881 James L. April 2*+, I832 - Larch 17, 1923 Harriet S. Montgomery, wife of James L. , Oct. 29, I835 -Mar. 5, 1898 Lucas Feb. 6, 1810 - Jan. 25, 1888 Erastus Coleman, son of Jas. L. & H.S. Oct. 22, 1870-June 23, I89O Alonzo M. 1851 - 19^+ Lillian H. , wife of A.M. Sept. 2h 185V - Dec. 8, I887 Jennie S. , wife? of A.M. i860 - lW) Raymond A.,, son of A.M. &. J.S. b March 10, 1893 - Aug. 9, I89I+ Father Charles Barker Sept. 4-, 1853 - Sept. 19, 1939 Roy E. Feb. 29, l88*f - rt pril 7, 1909 ROSS, Orion Sept. 22, 1868 - (father) Mary Miller June 21, I869 - June 29, 1932 (Mother) ROWE, Alice J., wife of Nelson E. Jan. 1, 1858 - Feb. 15, 1908 ** Nelson E. Nov. 19, I8*f6 - June 28. 1939 Co. M. 11th 111. Cav. James Aug. 5, l82*f - Jan. 20, 1908 Betsey C. Jan. 22, 1829 - Feb. 18, 1907 RULISON, Gilbert 0. Aug. 10, 1867 - Feb. lh. 1926 Julia E. Starling, his wife, Feb. 26, 1876 - April 28, 1911 RUSSELL, Ann Eliza Feb. 5, 1837 - Feb. 9, 1920 RUSSELL, Children of C.W. & E. : Anna d Feb. 19, 18 5^ 3 yr 11 mo 26 ds Clayton d Feb. 10, 185*+ age 1 yr 5 mo 5 ds Juliet d Oct. 25, I8*f6 1 mo 6 ds SANFORD, Cannor F. 1857 - 18 96 Nettie B. 185^ - 1892 Harriet F. 1887 - 19^7 Francis A. I890 - lyjl SANGER, Ella S. 1868 - 19— SAXON, Edwin, son of E. & S. 1. May 6, 1856 SAXTON, Sarah I83I - 1902 Henrietta, wife of Alva Merrill 1859 - 1892 SCHANCK, David March 11, j.8*f9 - Nov. if, 1912 Curtenius d "ec. 28, 1861 18 yr 10 mo 22 ds William C, d Feb. , 1891 77 yr 6 mo 8 ds Elizabeth Ann c Sept. 20, 1890 72 yr 17 ds Mary S. d Feb. , 1869 6 mo 26 ds Elizabeth c Ma; 53, 1867 76 yr 9 mo SEWARD,. Sarepta, wif f C.t. ) Feb. 18, I89O 62 yr llmo 21 ds BLUE R1DC • , ETERY SHUKWAY, O.C. 1858 - ] ?31 Chauncey Ells orth -t. 10, 1798 - Dec. 14, 1882 Herbert C. Jul: - f j -850 - Aug. 21. 1873 Hannah Se\ . 11, 179 r - Au c ;. 10, 1891 A.C. Nov. 2, 1821 - April % 1870 Sila J., his wife, Hay 10, 1828 - Dec. 6, 1909 SHANE, Ilelson E. 1888 - 1955 Ethys 1892 - 195^ Everett E. 1910 - 1949 SICKLES, Abigail D. 1839 - 191^ Electus 1866 - 1948 SICKLES, Edward May 18, I83C - April 30, 1904 Phebe A., his wife, Oct. 16, 1844 - March 17, 1926 *SISS0N, Reubin Sergt Co. L. 20tt J .Y.Cav. d Nov. 17 1921 b 1841 Julia, his wife, 1849 - 1901 SISSON, Ruth Stowell May 18, 1902 SMITH, Charles W. , son of tf, 1 .L. d Jan. 24, 1859 19 yr 9 mo l8d Mary L. , dau of W. & M.L. d June 4, 1859 1 yr SMITH, Henry March 2b, 1807 - arch 15, 1891 Phebe Arm, his wife, I\ov. 4, 1805 - April 13, 1880 SMITH, William E. May 7, loll - Dec. 26, 16*97 Mary A., his wife, June 12, 1812 - Sept. 3, 1895 SNYDER, Lulu ". 1882 - 1947 STARLING, George 1854 - 1923 Eliza B., his wife, 18 51 - 1933 STANDI SH, Jane 1822 - 185S STARLING, William Feb. 24, 1834 - Hay 7, 1903 Eliza ? his wife, Aug. 5, 1835 - Feb. 16, 1914 Our little ^rankle, son of w.& E. Sept. 10, 1870 1 yr 6 mo 26 ds STEPHENSON, Julia Root 1859 - 1925 STEVENSON, William Jacob 1853 - 1934 Paulina Stowell 18 51 - 1932 STEWART, Albert 1826 - 1900 Lucretia M. , bis wife, I836 - 1918 STEWART, Edith M. 1888 - 1926 J. Rollo 1881 - 1947 ** James M. 1920 - 19-+4 2/Lt 393 Bomb Ct 579 Bomb 3q AF(N.Sea) BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY STEWART, Children of Justis and A< aline: Libbie A. d Nov. 8, 1881 17 yr 6 mo 10 ds A. Teddie d Oct. 26, 1881 3 yr 3 mo 20 ds Inez d July 1*+, lSoO 3 mo 23 ds STEWART, Martha L. , wife of Samuel S. d May 3, 1876 29yr 8mo 28ds STILES, Joseph 1902 STOWELL, Samuel R. 1850 - 1939, son of & Laura Clara H. , his wife, 1862 - 19^1 Delia, dau of C.E. & E.D. no dates Emma D. , wife of Charles E. , 1853 - 1931 Charles E. , son of Ebenezer & Laura, l8*+8 - 19m ** Calvin I836 - Feb. 26, 1917 Priscilla Greenhalgh 1837 - 1926 (G.A*R.) flag STOWELL, Ebenezer, born Banbridge, Chinaco Co., N..Y. Oct. 19, 1807 d May 7, 1880 Laura Bridgman, his wife, b Banbrige, N.Y. July 12, 1808 d April 19, 1889 Children of E. & L.: Orson R. b Blnghampton, N.Y. May 7, 183^ - Feb. 23, 190^ Harriet R. Church, sife of O.R. Oct. 9, 1833 - June 12, 1915 Luther E. , son of 0.R.& H.R., Jan. 20, 187 5- Aug* 26, 1905 Rebecca Stowell, wife of J.B. Bill May 30. 1865-Jan.l ) +.1890 Jennie, dau of J.B.&R. Bill Nov. 27, 1888 - Feb. 27,1890 Abishla April 13, 1779 - Sept. 5, lokO Henry A. d March 16, 1853 12 yr 2 ds Charles E. d Jan. 19, 18 l k; 2 yr k mo 26 ds STOWELL, Elijah Jan. 26, 1817 - March 30, 1891 Louisa Feb. 15, 1830 - Jan. 7, 1907 STOWELL, Mable 1893 - 1931 Eva M. Nov. 8, I887 - Aug. 9, 1908 Joseph G, (father) iB^k - 1939 Helen Calder, his wife, (Mother) 1857 -1923 STOWELL, Oscar D. I835 - 1922 Alice A., his wife, 1852 - 192«+ Ira, son, 1890 - 19 STOWELL, Olive A., dau of E.G. & 5.S. d April 7, 1853 1 yr *+mo lOd STOWELL, Reuben 1816 - l£ Nathan Feb. 2, 1825 - Aug. 25, l8*+5 II I f BLUE RIDG^ CEMETERY STOWELL, Warren 1880 - 1928 Maude 1882 - 19 Bertha V. 1884 - 1929 George 189+ - 19^2 Clarissa 1857 - 1936 STOWELL, William L. , son of Orson & Harriet, 1860 - 19— Alice M., his wife, 1869 - 1.939 STRONG, Alice W. (Mother) 1868 - 1956 John H. (Father) l86_ - 19*+2 Grace Hazel, dau of A.W. 6c J.H., d Dec. 12, 1900 lOyr 4mo SUMMITT, Nellie M. 1875 - 19^2 J. William 1872 - 19^8 TALBERT, Anna K. 1843 - 1933 John T. 1841 - 1925 Sadie M. 1887 - 1945 William M. 1869 - 19— TALBERT, Everett A. 1893 - 193 r Ethel 1896 - 19— TALBERT, Stella 1900 10 ds Krella 1900 2 mo 2 'Is Eliza M. 187*+ - 193*+ James 1866 - 1935 Ernest Edward Sept. 18 Va. - March 25, 1919 Mary Bridget, wife of E.JB. Jan. 2, 189H- TALLETT, Lucy N. 1862 - 19^5 THOMPSON J. Frank 1873 - 1910 TIMMONS, Charles A. 1857 - 1922 Hattie D. 1861 - 1923 TIMMONS, Sherrill Ann Korcura Jan. 7, 19^2 - June 19, 1947 William 1926 TITUS, Alice R. Sept. 16, Id53 - Dec. 6, 1930 John A. Jan. 28, 1850 - March 3, 1921 Mary S. Oct. 15, 1854 - June 30, I896 TITUS, Charles d Jan. 12, 1873 - 50 yr 14 mo 6 d VV? Sarah A. March 29, I831 - Nov. 11, 1911 TROWBRIDGE, Zira Aug. 19, 1785 - Aug. 2, I863 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY TURK, Agusta, wife of Alonzo, d Jan. 18, 1886 23 yr 9 rao h ds TUTHILL, Marian A. (mother) 18MJ' - 1939 Harry 1880 - 1881 Clinton 1887 - 1918 TUTIIILL, Mae E. , wife of Clifford 1888 - 1918 Ralph 1909 VAN TASSELL, Charles L. 1852 - 1938 Elizabeth 1851 - W VANDORIN, Washington d Dec. 3, 185*+ 23 yr VANTASSEL, David March 20, 18 31 - Dec. 17, 1896 Ann, his wife, March 22, I832 - 191*+ Lilla A. Gillfillan, their dau, Sept. 27, 1858 - July 3,1878 VERMYLIEA, Jane, wife of P. b in N..Y. Dec. 16, 1799- Jan. 6, 18 56 VINCENT, Harry, son of W. & M. d Jan. 30, 1882 2 mo VINCENT, James Emory, son of L. & H. d Sept. 21, 1859 lyr *fmo 3d WALKER, O.W.(our father) June 8, 1882 - Nov. 29, 19^2 Mary E. (our mother) b 3ei)t. 12, 1882 Lewis W. 1923 - 1927 The above stones home made with pieces of glass: WEIDMAN, Charles E. March Ik, Io*+l - Jan. 27, 1901 Matilda L. Nov. 11, I8*f8 - Jan. 19, 1921 Irving 1872 - 19^ Infant dau of W.E. & F.R. b & d April 8, I898 WENKER, Arthur 1872 - 19^ Lilla H., his wife, 188C - 19— WENKER, Fronie 1873 - 1955 Fred 1863 - 1945 WETMORE, Harvey, born at Atica, Fountain Co., Ind. Jan. 21, l8kS d at Dana, LaSalle Co., 111. Feb. 20, 1900 Judie A., his wife, dau of Joseph & Celia Gallup b in Hallock Twp. Jan. 16, 1852 d in Providence, R.I. July 3, 1918 WHITE, M.F. 1861 - 1951 Husband of H.E.Gallup WILCOX, Calvin Sept. 15, 1837 - Sept. 25, 1907 Emeline, his wife, Aug. 15, l8*+3 - Dec. 1, 1908 WILCOX, Mary Hazel I889 - 1911 WILDER, Elizabeth C. l8l*f - 191^ P. Baxter, son of B. ..C. d Dec. 25? I876 26 yr 8m 26 d BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY WILDER, Frank H. 185^ - 192*t Hannah Sept. 1*+, 1789 - Feb. 8, 1879 WILL, Minnie R. May 25, i860 - April 18, 1928 Lottie A. March 25, 1865 - Kay 20, 1928 J. Wesley Feb. 1, 18 5 1 *- - Dec. 29, 1872 Helen M. Nov. 18, 1851 - Kay 6, 1853 Robert Jr. April 15, 1822 - Feb. 1*+. 1876 Mary Robinson, his wife, March 19, 1823 - Dec. 18, 189^ 'WILL, Robert April 19, 1793 - April 26, 1859 Margaret, his wife, Aug. 9, 1781 - Sept. 22, I87O Natives of Scotland William B. June 7, l8lb - May 6, 18MJT Robert, son of W.B. & N.A d May 3, 1853 8 yr 25 ds WILL, Children of George and Jane James Oct. 5, 1867 - Kerch 15, 1879 Pheba May 13, 1870 - Nov. 13, 1873 WILLARD, Annie E. 1877 - 1877 John E. 18^9 - 1918 Martha E, 18 51 - 19l£ WILLARD, Stephen Aug. 21, 1853 3 : + "? 2 mo 11 ds WILLARD, Ursulla, wife of S.C . d Oct. 10, 1907 83 yr WILLIAMS, Roscoe L. 1885 - 19 1 Minnie S. 1886 - 19— WILMOT, Dr. Asahel March 2*+, 180^- - Feb. 16, 1888 Olive A. Smith, his wife, Jan. 28, 1816 - Dec. 28, 1900 Ann Elizabeth, dau of A.C.A. d Oct. 2, l8*+8 1 yr Id WILMOT, Mildred G. 1885 - 19— Ethan A. 1880 - 19— ** Capt. Ralph A. 1918 d Germany 19V+ Ruth G.. infant dau of S.A. & M.S. 1910 Stone with WILSON WILSON, J. Perry (Father) 1872 - 19^9 Louisa Aman (Mother) 1872 - 1928 Ruby E. 1900 - 19^3 Hazel M. 190*+ - 1916 Wilson, Loren J. Dec. 2, I03 - u ily 18, 1916 Loriena S. Root, his wife, Oct. r , 18^-5 - July 9, 1900 BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY WRIGHT, C.W. 1857 - 1923 WYLIE, Mary s. , dau of W. & E. Bryden May 12, 1826 - J*n. 6, 1906 YOUNG, Sarah A., wife of Isaac, d Feb. 20, 1888 51 yr 9 mo 8 ds Isaac d Sept. 21, 190^ 72 yr h mo 22 ds Vinnie C. d March 12, 1871 2 rao h ds Bessie H. d April 2*f, 1877 9 yr llmo 2 ds Stone vdth initial B. hand carved CKNTERVILLE CEMETERY, Section 17, Hallock Townahip has been deitroyod. HUNT FAMILY CEMETERY HALLOCK TOWNSHIP **HUNT FAMILY CEMETERY** Section 1 Hallock Twp. Located on Hunt Farm in I863 Atlas on Yankee Street, Peoria Co., 111. Margaret Herberger Norma Horton Ruth Crira Oct. 7, 1956 COLWELL, Mary E. b. Nov. 11, 1872 d. April 6, 1880 Gates, Kate A., dau of J ..A. & K.J. d. July 20, 1866 3 yr 27 ds HUNT, Cynthis E. dau of Wm. & R. d. Dec. 1, i860 7 yr 11 ds HUNT, Rebecca A., wife of Wm. d. Jan. 6, I883 76 yr HUNT, William d. Aug.. 4, i860 60 yr PEPPER, Isabella, dau of H.W. & R. d. Oct. 12, I858 2 yr h mo 22d TUTHILL, Mary M. , Wife of Chals. M. d. June 28, 1877 18 yr 22 ds VINSON, Jesse B. d. May 12, 186*+ 60 yr WHITLAW, Joseph d^ June 13, I878 5 J + yr WOOD, Elizabeth, wife of Wm. 3. Jept. 13, 1853 57 yr WOOD, sons 'of T.W. & L.J. Dennis d. June 3 > 1855 3 ds George W. d. May 2*+, 1856 4 yr 3 mo 15 ds :^B*m v\ ' O^r- torta P.O.Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 CHRIST EPISCOPAL CEMETERY Limestone Township Peoria County, Illinois F-l CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CEMETERY Section 4, Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., Illinois. On Old Stone Church road about one mile north of Rt . 116. Cared for. Copied on October 21, 1956 by Margaret Herberger and Ruth Crim. ANDREW, Dorothy Mae ANDREW, George W. ANDREWS, Frank Jennie E. Wesley Edwin D. David Mary McKANE ANDREWS, Mrs. M. J. ANDREWS, Minnie M. George F. ARMSTRONG, Nellie James A. Margaretta W. AWL, Charles S. AWL, Lucy A. Mary M. BARDSLY, John BENSON, John Rev. Euphemia BENSON, John BORLAND, Willie G. inf. BUCKLEY, Arnold Alice BURDETT, Joseph Sr. Ann CLARK, Clarence BENSON James BENSON Susan Elizabeth d. Oct. 7, 1923 1869-1944 uncle 1875-1950 1890-1948 1877-1954 1880-1939 1849-1933 I855-I926 home-made 1895-1923 1893-1921 Mar. 6, 1864 - Apr. 16 , 1915 1834-1914 1839-1906 d. Nov. 17, 1883 75 yr 3 mo 17 ds w/Charles S. Jun. 10, 1812 - --- 1877 dau/C.S. & L. d. Dec. 22, I858 18 yr 21 ds d. Oct. 27, 1868 29 yr 5 mo 1815-1904 w/john d. Jun. 17, 1875 d. Dec. 1, 1834 51 yr formerly of England s/R. & S. Dec. 17, I856 - Jun. 4, 1862 s/R. & S. born and died Mar. 11, I859 Jan. 6, 1819 - Apr. 29, I896 w/Arnold Feb. 7, 1824 - May 13, 1892 d. Feb. 14, I89O 63 yr 5 mo 7 ds w/ Joseph Sr. d. Feb. 13, 1884 54 yr 6 mo 24 ds 1896-1937 1848-1905 1849-1935 P-2 Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery - Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., 111. CLARK, Ella S. Henry G. CLARK, James Susan BENSON Susan H. CLARK, Ella Go CLARK, Margaret Isabella James Cyril B. Peter CLARK, Lucia 0. J.W.W. COY, Mona Frank DAILEY, Lovina Charles DAVIS, Eugene A. John Ho Elizabeth C. DAVIS, George H. Annie P. DENTON, Carrie A. Mattie Willis Charles DOUGLASS, William Rev. Isabella Isabella E. EWALT, Clementius Aug. 17, 1883 - Feb. 20, 1891 Jun. 12, 1890 - Feb. 19, 1891 children of J.B. & S.E. CLARK 1819-1900 1820 - 1901 1844-1906 1846-1925 youngest dau of James & Isabella d. Sep. 18, 1841 21 yr w/ James d. Mar. 11, 1842 55 yr d. Jun. 17, 1841 36 yr formerly of Newberry (?) England 1861-1935 s/James & Isabella d, Apr. 27, 1840 27 yr 1857-1929 1855-1923 1882-1935 mother 1869-1910 father w/Charles Feb. 15, 1845 1842-1917 father Jan. 1, 1908 Oct. 16, 1899 - Jan. 10, 1920 Apr. 13, 1859 - Dec. 23, 1909 w/J.H. 1865-1936 1882-1890 1863-1887 d. Jul. 8, 1871 20 yr 7 mo baby d. Jul. 15, 1864 little d. Aug. 29, 1862 husband d. Nov. 5, I876 50 yr 10 mo d. Aug. 18, 1845 53 yr w/Rev. Wm. d. Feb. 27, 1879 68 yr 1845-1934 Oct. 13, 1813 - Sep. 31, 1889 FEATHERLY, William VANBRAMER 1890-1934 FLATMAN, James George W, FLATMAN John Wilhelma Emily 1870-1952 brother 1865-1922 brother 1830-1872 his wife I838-I9O8 their dau I869 P-3 Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery - Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., Ill FLEISHHAUER, Henry Marie GREEN, Sarah A. GRIFFIN, Peter Deborah H. Walter H. GUSTORF, Frederick Julius HALSTED, Evelyn I. HARDY, Hazel MITCHELL HART, Margaret L. HEATON, Henry J. Deborah H. HINDLE, Lillian E. Lillian S. Lillie M. HOLLINGSWORTH, Phoebe BEECHER HOWARTH, John Selina HOWARTH, Richard Alice JOHNSON, Andrew Sarah Jane JONES, Eliza JONES, Timothy B. JONES, Lewis W. Nellie H, ARCHDALE Joseph Margaret Albert J. KERSHAW, George R.H. Mary Ann 1866-19^-5 1868-1939 d/O.Bo & E.M. 6 mo 12 ds Sep. 28, 1859 1 yr d. Feb. 10, 18?0 in the 87th yr father d. Jun. 2, 1871 in the 85th yr mother d. Jan. 22, 1849 23 yr 10 mo d. Jun. 11, 1845 45 yr inf. dau Apr. 6, 1919 - April 6, 1922 1914-1941 w/Fielding 1841-1911 Dec. 18, 1813 - Jan. 12, 1890 70th yr his wife d. Mar. 11, 1849 31 yr 1886-1893 dau of D. & S.F. twin sisters Apr. 24, 1805 - Jul. 23, 1893 mother d. Dec. 18, 1888 74 yr 11 mo 2 ds w/john d. Jun. 5, I896 75 yr 11 mo 28 ds Apr. 12, 1824 - Feb. 3, 1904 w/Richard Jan. 25, I887 58 yr 3 mo 16 ds 1832-1900 1857-1932 d/George & Ann RANDLE d. Apr. 18, 1874 31 yr 1875-1955 1880-1942 father Jun. 11, 1906 - Sep. 23, 1953 mother d. Nov. 13, 1863 18 yr 2 mo 10 ds d. Oct. 3t 185^ 1 yr 3 mo 1912-1939 d. Aug. 11, 1868 2 yr 11 mo 1 da d. Feb. 8, 1879 9 yr 5 mo 5 ds children of J. & A. KIMZEY, Lewis F, 1896-1903 Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery - Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., 111. 1820-1903 w/William 1829-1896 dau 1870-1892 d. Mar. 31, I863 75 yr (?) d. Nov. 2, 1886 60th yr d. Mar. 18, I878 65 yr 4 mo 7 ds d. Mar. 10, I896 77 yr 3 mo 20 ds Feb. 16, 1891 - Apr. 2, 1891 1861-1922 wife and mother 1859-1950 father Apr. 24, 1819 - Mar. 15, 1899 Sep. 26, 181? - Jun. 10, 1888 children of R. & A. LONSDALE d. Dec. 4, 1855 9 yr 10 mo 25 ds d. Feb. 1, 1870 21 yr 7 mo 27 ds d. Aug. 19, i860 9 mo 27 ds 1861-1917 w/james H. 1861-1936 d. Aug. 15, 1890 75 yr w/Thomas d. Jun. 2, 1904 87 yr w/john Aug. 10, 1861 - Oct. 5, I883 1825-1899 1831-1911 1848-1929 May 25, 1849 - Aug. 12, 1881 w/Wm. d. May 7, 1870 40 yr 10 mo 24 ds 1919-1920 d. Dec. 19, 1882 28 yr 9 mo 21 ds s/j. & H. d. Nov. 19, 1881 3 mo I857-19— 1864-19-- LONSDALE, William Ann Alice LONSDALE , Thomas LONSDALE, Henry John Alice Willie H. Lillian Thomas H. Ann Richard Mary H. Ernest Betty LONSDALE, Jame s H . Maria C. CLAUS0N LONSDALE, Thomas Bettie LONSDALE, Eva L. MAXWELL, William R. Mary E. MCCARTNEY Jennie WALKER McCONNELL, Amanda NORWOOD MITCHELL, Fanny MITCHELL, Glenn MITCHELL, John MITCHELL, William H. James D. Louisa MISSEN, Susan E. STEARS MOLL, Francesca S. MORRIS, Sarah A. T. Harvey Lizzie w/W.D. Feb. 19, 1848 - Dec. 26 1851-1933 Nov. 19, 1837 - Dec. 1, 1853 Jun. 2, 1845 - Jul. 21, 1845 Feb. 26, 1851 - Oct. 1, 1851 1902 P-5 Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery - Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., Ill MORRIS James Ann John Elizabeth Henry- Esther John NELSON, Evaline NORWOOD, George Amanda D . Mary E. George W. Jame s F . J. Benson NUTTALL, Elizabeth OAKFORD, Sarah PENNINGTON, Martha PEPPARD, Edward PILIMAN, Charity PLUMMER, Walter B. Mandelay L. PRITCHARD, James Edward George Edward PRITCHARD, John Ann QUICK, Robert RAMSDEN, John Margaret NELSON RANDLE, Arthur Josephine Arthur Lester Mar. 4, 1774- - Dec. 4, 184-1 his wife Dec. 21, 1782 - Oct. 21, 1850 d. Aug. 10, 184-7 47 yr 6 mo 1 da w/john d. Aug. 13, I850 41 yr 8 mo 19 ds s/J. & E. d. Sep, 18, 1845 6 mo 10 ds dau/j. & E. d. Feb. 19, 1848 1 yr 5 mo 16 ds s/j. & E. d. Sep. 11, 1848 8 yr 6 mo 15 ds 1859-1875 1814-1891 w/George I8I8-I89O Aug. 30, 1840 - Nov. 20, 1845 Aug. 13, 1852 - Aug. 23, 1853 Dec. 30, 1855 - Jun. 10, I856 Oct. 9, 1858 - May 16, 1859 d. Feb. 1, 1873 76 yr w/A. d. Apr. 26, 1854 30 yr 18 ds w/john d. Aug. 29, 1866 68 yr formerly of London, G.B. Oct. 17, 1862 - Oct. 22, 1903 w/john d. Jun. 11, 186 3 53 yr 3 mo 25 ds 1861-1940 1864-1947 wife s/Thos & Mary d 20 ds s/Thos & Mary d 21 ds Oct. 14, 1867 8 mo Sep. 4, I867 7 mo Jun. 14, 1811 - May 25, 1899 w/john Oct. 14, 1810 - Aug. 11, I869 d. Feb. 28, 1887 73 yr 1831-1904 1831-1912 Apr. 5, 1860 - Jan. 28, 1939 w/Arthur Sep. 14, 1865 - Jul. 15. 1914 d. Mar. 28, 1888 27 ds son d. Sep. 8, 1886 1 yr son RANDLE, Daniel Leroy 1900-1942 P-6 Christ Episcopal Church RANDLE, Abraham Ho Lottie M. Mary Ann Abraham George Mary Ann George Walter R, RUPP, Alice Ann SAUNDERS, Mary Janet SCHOFIELD, Jacob Mary SECRETAN, Julius Marc Charles E. Charlotte D. SISKY, Rebecca E. SNIDER, Alice STEAR, Everett Laverne STEAR, Harrietta James STEAR, John Mary A. STEAR, Mary Ann Ernest L. Robert STEAR, Richard Jonna STEAR, Richard Eliza Alice STEAR, Thomas Jerone Levi Cemetery - Limestone Twp, Peoria Co., 111. s/L. & M.A. d. Aug. 21, 1881 1 yr 2 mo 21 ds dau/L. & M.A. d. Sep. 11, 1883 1 yr 2 mo 21 ds w/Abraham d, Dec. 21, 188? 33 yr 2 mo 184-5-1902 can't read w/George d. Apr. 17, 1891 74- yr s/George & Ann d. Nov. 15, 1872 23 yr 1888-1920 1896-1950 Jan. 27, I856 - Mar. 27, 1872 d. Sep. 6, 1891 69 yr 9 mo 3 ds d. Sep. 10, I896 77 yr 6 mo 20 ds 1856-1936 1850-1868 1829-1894- 1869-1937 mother dau/W.R. & I.M. Jul. 25, 1894- - Aug. 9, 189^ Nov. 16, 1938 - Jun. 24-, 194-0 1860-1895 1863-1935 1856-1934- father 1857-1936 mother 1888-194-4- 1881-19 — 1865-1924 d. Jun. 19 t I869 66 yr 6 mo late of England w/stone broken d. Mar. 19, 187- 71 yr 10 mo foot stone J.S. late of England d. Jul. 10, 1891 61 yr 9 mo 12 ds d. Jun. 15, 1908 71 yr Dec. 16, 1875 - Jul. 5, 1902 1860-1930 father 1864-1937 mother 1899-1919 son P-7 Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery - Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., 111. STEAR, William Elizabeth Bisol Eliza Annette Gilby (girl) Donnie (Donna ?) STEARS, Annie Birdeen TAYLOR, Arthur H. THORPE, Ann Elizabeth James William Henry TINCHER, Mrs. Charlotte TREMPE, Julia U, VICARY, Henry VICARY, George W. Margaret VICARY, Henry Cora Ellen VICARY, James William VICARY, Jane Elizabeth VICARY, John Alice WADSWORTH, William WAITE, James Ann Jacob WALKER, William WALKER, William WARMER, Emily b. 1858 d. age 58 father d„ age 44 yr mother their children d. age 1 yr d. age 20 yr dau/j.P. & A.H. Mar. 12, 1884 - Jan. 17, 1899 s/W. & M.E. Jan. 5, 1888 - Aug. 2, 1888 May 6, 1849 - Sep. 15, I85O Feb. 18, 1853 - Dec. 7, 1854 d. Nov. 10, 1866 Oct. 11, I858 - Sep. 4, 1871 (home-made ) dau/Jos. & Mary DOUBET also her daughters, Carrie & Addie 1832-1901 1864-1946 1868-19— 1873-1909 w/Henry 1875-19 — 1891-1892 1893-1893 1907-1921 Jan. 20, 1862 - Aug. 22, 1909 w/john Sep. 1, 186 5 - May 24, 1943 d. Jan. 26, I858 ^ yr 1833-1911 w/ James 1833-1913 Jul. 27, 1854 - Dec. 27, 1904 d. Feb. 4, 1894 81 yr d. Feb. 4, 1894 81 yr w/Rev. J.J, (line can't read) John & Harriet BENSON d. Jul. 16, I855 27 yr P-8 Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery - Limestone Twp. Peoria Co., 111. WILSON, Martha Henry Richard W. WILSON, Lizzie WOLSTENHOLME, Fielding Ella WOLSTENHOLME, Sarah Jacob WOODLEY, George H. w/Henry d. Aug. 27, i860 6? yr 5 mo 23 ds d. Sep. 17, 1838 49 yr 11 mo 26 ds 1818-1883 dau/T.H. & E. d. May 26, 1863 11 yr 20 ds 1858-1922 1866-19 — 1826-1896 1826-1874 I896-I949 husband STONES, M.H.s R.E.H.i C.F.H.i T.H.: C.T.H. E.H.: W.H.: BROKEN STONES, M.O. BASE STONE, N.W. 2 FOOT STONES, M.A.W. _ C.E.P. 3 Field Stones 2 slabs - no names 3 slabs - no names 2 Home-made stones Foot stone, J.M.W. FASH CEMETERY Limestone Twp., Peoria County, Illinois Located off of Redbud Drive in a clearing in the woods, not visible from the road. Neighbors said that a narrow strip of land leading back to the cemetery, is retained by a des- cendant who takes care of the graves. Located and copied by Bob and Nanette Meals, April 11, 197^. FASH, Charles H. 1897-1927 FASH, Addie M. 1895 FASH, Thomas H. 1863-19^2 ROOKSBY, Walter 1905-1911 ###### Unknown cemetery in Section 22, Limestone Twp,, was moved. # # # # # Unknown cemeteries in Sections 35» 27, 32, 12, and 20, Limestone Twp., were not located. NORWOOD CEMETERY Limestone Twp., Peoria Co., 111. Sec. 3p Limestone Twp., Peoria Co,, 111. Copied by Jean Sigulas and Virginia Schultz on June 9» 1972. This cemetery is on a top of a hill next to the Morris Witter home shortly after turning off of Farmington Rd. onto Norwood Blvd. The stones were all down in the ground and had to be dug up with the help of the Witter children. There were at one time many stones in this cemetery, but we were only able to locate three with the top missing on one of them. CROW, GRIFFIN, Rebecca JONES, Virginia A inf. s/A.D. & M.J. d. Sep. 28, I858 1 yr 2 mo 16 ds I8I6-I869 This stone was down with name up, could be another name underneath. w/ James d. Mar. 13, 18^5 s/j. & V.A. d. Mar. 13, 18^5 ROELFS CEMETERY Seco 26 Limestone Twp., Peoria Co., Illinois on Harmon Highway about 3/ / +~~"of _ a mile north of Limestone High School. Copied by Alice Calligan and Virginia Schultz on Sept. 10, 1971 • This cemetery is in very bad condition. There is only one stone standing, the rest are down, everything covered with weeds. ROELFS, Teete Jo RIEMANN ROELFS, Eddie Anna Siemon J, ROELFS, Siemon J, ROELFS, Siemon J, w/john Mar. 3, 1839 - Mar. 18, 1897 Wird und Durch Grabeshugel der Klare Blick verbaut, Herr, gieb der seele flugel, dass sie hinuberschaut , (This stone standing. ) d. Mar. 16 , 1872 k? yr w/E. d. Feb. 11, I859 20 yr d. Mar. 23, I857 1 yr 2 mo 2? ds d. 16 ten Jan. 1882 85 yr 5 mo d. May 23, I857 1 yr 5 mo 27 ds infant stone could not read, broken SWORDS CEMETERY Limestone 11 - on Rt . 116 about 4/10 of a mile east of Maxwell Road - Peoria Co., Illinois. Copied by Ruth Crim and Margaret Herberger, January 4, 1957 • *CURTIS, George E. CURTIS, George E. Elizabeth Co. C. 65th Inf, Oct. 3, 1841 • his wife Mar Feb. 15, 1908 1845 - Nov. 20, 1926 DEMPSTER, Clara A. 1899-1905 FREIMUTH, Dorothy May 1922-1940 LANNING, Mary L. Milton G. 1849-1923 1852-1911 mother father LANNING, Amanda E. Minnie M. 1884-1885 1889-1892 sister sister LINES, Angel ine R. James A. 1884-1945 1876-1950 mother father LINES, Alice Harriet dau. 1926 dau. 1928 MARTIN, Laubell R. *McC READY, Daniel Amanda RICHARDS, Joseph Josie SWORDS SWORDS Annie Amelia E. George Co Elizabeth A Jennie E. SWORDS, William Sarah d. Dec. 7, 1888 41 yr 8 mo 25 ds 1840- his wife 1853-1908 1858-1895 his son 1892-1894 his dau 1883-1900 1857-1947 mother 2nd wife of G.C. 1847-1945 father 1857-1901 mother 1888-1889 dau 1820-1901 his wife 1818-1901 ^4 '*- ton'a ^jltntafofica/ ^ocwty P.O.Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 TRIAL CEMETERY Limestone Township Peoria County, Illinois p-1 TRIAL CEMETERY Sec. 35, Limestone Twp. , Peoria Co., 111. South of Bartonville on LaFayette St. Copied by Jean Sigulas and Virginia Schultz on June 12, 1972. AHRENDS, Ahrend ALFORD, Bessie BRADLEY, Levi Bertha BUCK, Catharine ^Abraham CAZY, William J. Barbara CHAMBLIN Henry C. Edwin F. Arthur Nidlliea ? Newton G. Ann J. Hamilton DEMELL, David Mary DORNBERGER, A. Francis Andrew Rachel Magdalena EILTZ , Onno ELMORE, John D. Gladys C. FERRANTI, Edna GOODWIN, Minerva John A. GRABER, Maria 1848-1891 1879-1942 1892-189- 1902-1902 w/Abraham d. May 10, 1893 71 yr d. Sep. 14, 1895 70 yr 6 mo 1 da C.W. Vet. d. Jul. 26, 1846 ? s/W. & D. d, Jul. 27, 1845 d/Wm. D. d. Mar. 1, I863 8 ds Could be errors - hard to read I876-I876 1873-1875 s/N. & N.M. b. & d. Jan. 17, I855 w/Newton G. d. Jan. 6, 1880 22 yr 9 mo 15 ds Nov. 17, 1849 - Sep. 13, 1921 w/H. d, Apr. 11, 1869 41 yr 5 ds 1821-1909 s/D. & N. d. Dec. 12, 1844 3 ds d/D. & N. or R. d. Jul. 23, 1841 or 1844 1 yr 6 mo May 26, I833 - Sep. 2, 1911 baby of Andreas & Magdalena s/A. & R. d. Jul. 26, 1850 8 mo 1 da w/A. d. Dec. 2, I869 27 yr w/Andrew d. Jul. 28, 1893 51 yr 8 mo 27 ds 1854-1897 1891-1966 (flag on grave) 1903-19-- 1892-1960 1874-1933 1854-1918 enchantest of Henry d. Mar. 20, 1893 26 yr 6 mo 28 ds Trial Cemetery - Limestone Twp. , Peoria Co. P-2 GRAY, Herbert 0. Lizzie B, Harry H. Harry W. HERTTER, Edward Mary M. baby HUXTABLE, Verna P. JENKINS, Amelia Charles E. JENKINS, Andrew Jackson Catherine KARR, Ella J. KELLY, Charles L. Anna L. KIRSHER, inf. inf. Joseph Prances inf. Kate Catherine Philip Sophie Phillip KRISHER, Mary Ellen LEITNER, Philip R. Leonard M. Catherine William C. Anna C . Edward B. MARTEN, Anna SCHRAUB MEYER, William F. Eva G. MILLER, Henry Catherine Catherine 1894-1924 1900-1922 18?0-1912 I899-1945 I896-I9— I899-I96O married Edward in 1916 d. Jul. 6, 193^ d/john & Dora Apr. 23, 1901 - Feb. 3, 1905 two homemade stones with no names 1872-1922 mother Sep. 26, I856 - Feb. 3, 1915 1854-1912 1861-1932 Nov. 19, 189^ - Oct. 18, 1925 s/B. & A.L. Feb. 13 , 1887 - Mar. 3, 1887 w/Ben. J. d. Jul. 9, 1888 25 yr 6 mo 23 c s/B. P. & M. 4 weeks s/B.P. & M. 5 years 1889-19^2 son w/Phillip Jr. 29 yr d. Aug. 21, I885 s/Phillip d/P. & F. Jan. 11, 1879 - Feb. 19, 1897 w/Phillip Sr. d. Apr. 4, 1899 84 yr d. Feb. 15, 1901 82 yr w/P. 1861-1928 1892-1960 d/? & A. May 10, 186 1 - Jun. 4, 1862 on WHITLOW lot I874-I91O s/Wm. & A. 1908 1926-1927 1879-1966 father w/Wm. C. 1883-19^6 s/Louis Oct. 21, 1886 - Jul. 17, 1887 Jul. 8, 1898 - Oct. 19, 19^8 Apr. 27, 1858 - Aug. 6, 1937 w/Wm. F. Nov. 15, I863 - Jul. 9, 1925 1802-1859 1797-1870 Aug. 15, 1797 - Dec. 1, 1870 MILLINGTON, Forrest W, 1930-19^3 P-3 Trial Cemetery - Limestone Twp., Peoria Co MISTLER, MYERS, Harry Arthur MYERS, William Charles *PENMAN, Dale K. George R. Beulah I. RAU Fred READER, Clara Sofie Annie Louise Emma Willie Frederick READER, Margaret John H. Lena M. *John Harry READER, Peter P. Friedaricka M. Walter READER, Philipp ROBERTS, Nancy Thomas J. ROBERTS, E. Floe Freda ROEDER, Sallie Katy ROWEN, Spencer E. *SALTER, John W. Lucille E. John Jacob Susana Margaret SCHADT, John Johanna SCHWINDENHAMMER, Margaret E, John Anna E. Anton Sophia s/j. & C. d B Nov, 2, 1861 1883-1940 1875-1964 Jul. 26. 1940 - Dec. 25, 1965 Two stones 111. Sp. 4 U.S. Army ARCON 1899-1961 w/G.R. 1902 - 19— May 2. 1830 - Oct. 29, 1904 Dec. 23, 1881 - Feb. 2, 1901 Apr. 23, 1884 - Sep. 30, 1900 daus of Fred & Sallie READER Nov. 18, 1879 - Mar. 5, 1905 May 21, 1868 - Mar. 19, 1915 Mar. 26, 1848 - Oct. 12, 1930 w/F. Sep. 29, 1864 - Apr. 27, 1939 1894-1965 w/j.H. 189- - 19— Aug. 9, 1894 - May 9, 1965 Pvt. WWI 1870-1949 w/P.P. 1879-1961 1911-1918 1874-1957 Aug. 25, 1870 - Jun. 26, 1933 1865-1939 1900-1950 mother 1901-1956 w/F. Jul. 20, 1847 - May 1884 36 yr d/F. & S. can't read Jun. 23, 1913 - Jan. 9, 1971 d. Jan. 22, 1943 48th Coast Arty, wife Sep. 7-» 1900 - no death date Sep. 11, 1867 - Mar. 31, 1931 w/J.J. Feb. 28, 1872 - Nov. 11, 1947 1802-1877 w/j. 1806-1882 1924-1955 1873-1949 w/j. 1881-1967 1826-1903 w/A. 1846-1924 p-ii Tria.. Cemetery - Limestone Twp. , Peoria Co. WHITLOW, Mary Jane d/W. & A. d. Feb. 13, 1846 3 yr 6 mo 13 ds Mary E. d/W. & A. d. Aug. 31, 1848 8 mo 26 ds Elizabeth d/N. & T. d. Jul. 15, 1847 11 yr 11 mo 15 ds WOLSCHLAG, inf. s/Wm. & E. Feb. 6, I897 - Mar. 23. 1897 HERBERT on top of stone no name or dates Inf. grave no names or dates p-1 HARKER'S CORNERS CEMETERY Sec. 36„ Logan Twp., Peoria Co, Inscription on gates 1829 1929 In Memory of James Harker & Family. Presented "by Mrs. Addie L. Harker Barrett BLANDIN, inf. dau. Alanson Sarah P. Franklin A Catherine Alvah F. Ester May Ralph Sabra BLANDIN Florence C Flossie BLANDIN, William Simeon of C. & J. d. 1918 1810-1883 w/A. 1808-1879 1839-1926 his wife 1845-1932 s/G.A. & Go d. Aug. 1, 1877 d/C. & J, Dec. 28, 1909 - Dec, 31, 1909 s/F.A. & Co Jan. 20, I878 Jan. 13, 1912 d/F.A. & C. 1879-1950 w/A. J. d, Aug. 10, 1887 3^ yr aged 2 yr all on same stone, no dates Betsy Hanna Ann Wheaton Grandmother BLANDIN B0WN, Henry Jennette B0WN, Susannah d. Feb. 23, 1861 70 yr 10 mo 9 ds w/Henry d. Feb. 19, 1870 60 yr 10 mo 9 ds w/Wm< CAMMELL, Martin Judson s/R.M. & E.E. d 6 mo 6 ds d. Nov. 6, I855 Mar. 31, 1889 10 yr CHAMP, Asenath James William Francis M. CLEMMER, Thomas W. Lucy A. Julia Fern Hattie Hazel Wilbur Lee w/G.W. d. Apr, s/G.W. & A. d, s/G.W, & A. d, 11 ds s/G.W. & A. d, 7 ds 1 856-I917 w/T.W. d. I856 d/T.W. & L.A. d 1 mo 1 da d/T.W. & K.A. d 16 ds s/T.W. & L.A, d 8 mo 29 ds 25, 1866 Mar. 17, 1866 3 mo 9 ds Dec. 21, 1859 10 mo Oct, 21, 1861 3 yr 7 mo Nov. 6, 1892 3 yr Jan. 15, 1893 11 mo Apr. 8, I889 7 yr P-2 Harker's Corners Cemetery - Logan Twp op Peoria Co * COWSER David G Thomas COWSER, Louise McQUOWN inf. *Henry M, Charlotte TOPPING David Susannah FINCH, Margaret I. Jame s D o William H. GRIGGS, Hattie L. Ellen GRIGGS, James Dulcinea Mary Ann George Sarah Marion F, S.A. Douglas Franklin Deborah HALLER, Helen Ester Jo Cloyd Milton E. Ludwig Anna Maria Jo Ludwig HARKER, Ada J. Ruth HARKER, D. W. Mary HARKER HARKER Henry So Sylvia Mabel Albert A. inf. Nancy A. Jeremiah W, James Sr. Puella James Jr. Sarah s/j. & S. 5 ds 1826-1858 Sep. 12, 18?0 1 yr 1 mo 1860-1886 s/L. 1882-1883 1837-1898 Corp. Co, w/H.M. 1842-1929 1802-1881 w/D. 1805-1892 Jan.' 7, 1840 - Dec. Mar. 22, 1811 Sep, I. 32nd 111. Inf. s/j.D. & M, d/S.M. & E, w/S.M= d. 21, 1904 16, 1843 Apr. 1, 1835 - Oct. 25, 1844 d, Apr. 28, 1870 4 yr 4 mo Julo 3» 1874 37 ys Jun. 10, 1819 - Apr. 2, 1903 w/ James Aug. 21, 1835 - Aug. 13, 1915 w/ James May 16, I852 25 yr 2 mo 24 ds d. Jun. 5, 1849 56 yr 3 mo 2 ds w/George d. Jan. 20, 1875 s/j. & D.E. d. Feb. 4, I876 5 yr 1 da s/F. & D. d. Jun. 23, I865 4 yr 1 da Aug. 5, 1826 - May 17, 1905 w/Franklin Aug. 15» 1829 - no date 13, 1910 19. 1877 d/C.W. & J.E. May 3p 1904 - Sep Nov. 21, 1884 - Feb. 25, 1904 s/C.W. & J.E. 1902-1902 1802-1880 w/Ludwig 1806-1889 1833-1898 d/j. & E.W. Aug. 22, 1877 - Dec inf. d/D.W. & M. d. May 12, I885 71 yr w/D.W. d. Jan. 12, 1886 73 yr d. Jun. 28, 1875 55 yr 18 ds w/ James S. I863-I903 d/j.S. & So d. Mar. 23, I889 2 yr 1 mo 25 ds s/j.W. & M.A. d. Apr. 1, i860 3 mo 2 ds d/j.W. & M.A. d. Jan. 3, 1859 12 ds Apr. 19, 1831 - Jan. 15, 1905 Apr. 11, 1824 - Dec. 21, I889 d. Jun. 26, 1849 74 yr 11 mo 27 ds d. Mar. 17, 1866 79 yr 6 mo 12 ds d. Apr. 22, 1874 66 yr 7 mo 7 ds w/ James Jr. d Jun. 25, 1888 79 yr 4 mo 7 ds P-3 Harker's Corners Cemetery - Logan Twp. , Peoria Co HOUGHTALING, David C. Joseph H. John Agnes WHITE Eunice Anna M. HOUGHTALING, John Sr. Margaret HOUGHTALING, Susan VANPATEN w/john d HOUGHTALING, William 1816-1889 Isabella 1821-1892 Sarah Margaret 1845-1846 info dau. 1867 Eunice 1869 d. Calif, Aug. 10, 1878 37 yr d„ Apr. 25, 1862 20 yr d. May 6, 1862 55 yr w/j. Jun. 24, 1811 - Dec. 17, 1886 d. Mar. 23, I855 10 ds d. Sep. 20, I857 1 yr 4 mo d. Feb. 23, 1862 83 yr w/john d. Jul. 3, 1836 50 yr I856 78 yr 1 mo 1 da all on same stone HUGHES, Elizabeth HARKER KELLEY, Leander Eliza Leroy H, MILLS, Elizabeth Susan R. Emily S. James MITCHELL, Andrew MORRIS, Eliza C0WSER McMAINS, Enoch Sarah PHILLIPS, Luke M. Maria Achsa M. Cynthia A. H. Theodore w/A.J. do Sep. 21, 1865 24 yr s/S.P. & E. d w/S . P . d . De c s/S.P. & E. d Jan. 4, 1863 7, 1863 29 yr 6 mo 3 ds Dec. 11, 1860 1 yr 1 da PHILLIPS SCHULZ, Herman Arnold Arthur W„ Mary C. Herman A. w/ Joseph d. Mar. 7, 18?1 d/j. & E.S. d. Sep, 15, I876 20 yr 3 mo 9 ds w/ James d. Apr. 5, 1879 63 yr 6 mo 3 ds no death date d. Feb. 11, 1856 71 yr 1828-1909 Mar. 12, 1795 - Apr. 15, I867 72 yr 3 mo 12 ds w/En. d. Mar. 7, 1872 66 yr 3 mo 12 ds Sep. 7, 1812 - Oct. 3, 1891 w/LM. Jul. 15, 1811 - Mar. 9, 1899 Aug. 12, 1849 - Dec. 25, 1849 1851-1929 sister I853 - brother 1856-1908 1889-1917 1853-1945 1856-1908 F4i Harker's Corners Cemetery - Logan Twp., Peoria Co SMITH, Henry TURNER, Robeanna Jo Margaret Ann George Edward Seba Ho VAN PETTEN, inf. Emma Erne line Matthew d. Jan. 8, 1881 about 106 yr of age children of John & Margaret d/j. & M. d, Aug. 18, 1863 5 yr 1 mo Ur dS d/j. & M, 3 ds s/j. & M. 2 mo 1 da s/j. & M, d. Feb. 23, 1863 1 yr 9 mo d. Deco 21, 1864 1? yr d. Apr. 2, 1866 2 yr 1 mo s/G. & E. Sep. 9, 1879 - Sep, 16, 1879 d/G. & E. Jul. 9* 1881 - Jul. 28, 1881 w/j. d. Apr. 20,, 1852 38 yr 2 mo k ds s/j. & E. d. Mar. 9, i860 26 yr k mo 27 ds Jun. 20, 1806 - May 10, 1888 Joseph VAN PETTEN, Thomas W.B. Nov. 29, 1822 - Aug. 18, 1862 CEMETERY - Princeville Twp. Located and copied "by Richard Brehmer on June 1, 1972. Along road that runs "between Sec. 5 and Sec. 8 in Princeville Twp., Peoria Co., 111. This cemetery has had the stones "broken and piled up in one place. They were in Sec. 5» south half of S.E. ^. Could be the White Grove. Located Sec. 8 in 1873 Peoria County Atlas. BREESE , Joanna HARLAN, Be- E. NESMITH, Antoinette Elsa W. PERSONS, Ada (or Asa) RIEL, Joseph d/R.F. & H. d. Jan, 16, d. Jun. 18, 1851 2k yr 3 mo 24 ds (this stone broken in 5 places and only 4 could be found.) w/Milton W. d/M.W. & A. very hard to read s/P. & M. ###### WALLIKER FAMILY Sec. 8, Princeville Twp., Peoria Co. 111. In Mrs. MOFFETT'S farm, behind the house about 1000 feet. Copied by Richard Brehmer on June 4, 1972. Sep. 8, 1798 - May 11, I870 71 yr 8 mo 3 ds s/jacob & Anna b. Apr. 21, I837 d. Sep. 1, 1862 25 yr 4 mo 10 ds WALLIKER, Jacob Frederick This all on one stone, no other stones could be located. AUTEN CEMETERY RADNOR TOWNSHIP Southwest corner of the southeast quarter of Section 19, Radnor Township, Peoria County, Illinois, Copied by: Ed & Norma Horton Jim & Ruth Crim Margaret Herberger September 16, 1956 The following are said to be buried in Auten Cemetery; however we did not find their graves, AUTEN, Emily Ann Nov, 12, iQkh - about same age as Hanford, AUTEN, Hanford Dec. 2, l8*+2 - Sept. 30, 18^-5 Infant boy Infant girl HAMILTON, Lemon d. Jan. 1?, 1852 25yr lOmo 22ds LAMAY, Barbara, wife of David, d. July 29, 1878 61yr llmo 8ds Belonged to the church 3&* years LAMAY, Infant son of W.M, & F,V.. d. Sept. 2, I878 5 weeks ROBINSON, Daniel d. Mar. 31, 1857 8lyr 9mo 12ds Only part of stone next to Daniel Robinsons d. Dec, 1859 73yr 3mo 2^ds 21 field stones Head stone and foot stone with no names P.O. Box 1489 Peoria mois 61602 DICKISON CEMETERY Radnor Township Peoria County, Illinois DICKISON CEMETERY RADNOR TOWNSHIP Section 22. Radnor Twp. Peoria Co., 111. about 2 miles south and j,/h mile west of Dunlap, 111. Cared for. Copied in August 1956 by Norma Horton, Margaret Herberger and Ruth Crim. ABERNATHY, Mary C. 181+5 - 1920 ADKIKS, Patty, wife of Thomas, d Oct. 31, 1871 ?+ yr 5 mo 29 ds ADKINSON, Rebecca J., dau of Joseph & Susan, d (can't read) l86*f ADKIKSON, Dau of J^ & S. Aghsah E. d, Aug. l? x I838 llmo 8 ds Mary A. d. Oct. 7, lo^O 15 rao 22 ds ADKIMSON, William H., son of Joseph & Susan, d. Jan* 26, 186^ age 15 yr 5 rao 10 ds Co. A. 2 B. Reg. 111. Art. ADKINSON, Susan Dickinson, wife of Joseph Aug. 30, 1818 - Feb. 18, 1888 ADKINSON,, Three infant children of J. D. & M.J. no dates ATWOOD, Douglas L. b. Jan. 9, I869 - Feb. 25, I898 29yr lmo I6ds Mary H. 1873 - 1907 ATWOOD, Harriet G. l86 l f - 1926 ATWOOD, Sarah C, wife of Geo. W.. 1872 - 1893 BARBER, George C, son of G. & C. d. March 18, 1858 lOyr BENNETT Abijah D. 1815 - 1877 Nancy J. Petty, his wife, 1822 - 1910 BENNETT, Mary J. July 15, l8*+2 - April 13, 1915 BRASSFIELD, Jonathan d. March 19, 1886 80yr lOmo 12ds Rebecca, his wife, d. Nov. 27, 1882 7^yr ^-mo 3ds BRASSFIELD, Children of J & R. Helen G.. d. Jan. 20, 1852 lyr lids Frank W. no date Martha J. d. Nov, 15, 1856 llyr lmo BRASSFIELD, Mahlon D. April 7, 183^ - Sept. 12, 190*+ Mary A., his wife, March 15, 1838 - Oct. 2, 1921 DICKISON CEMETERY BRASSFIELD, Charles P. b. June 13, 18 51 - July 13, 1925 BOSLEY, Warren H. Co. F. 57th 111. Inf. BRASSFIELD, Walter 1879 - 1936 (husband) Jonathan Sr. July 18, 1869 - Sept. 11, 1932 Sadie, E. Jan. 31, 187^ - no date BRASSFIELD, Bessie Ann June 2, 1913 - April l^f, 1917 Austin G.. 1839 - 1906 Emily J. 18^0 - 1916 BRIGHT, Mary E. May 31, 1830 - March 25, 1885 BUSH,. Gladys, dau of W.R. & M.C. Nov. 18, 1901 - April 8, 1905 BUSH, Celia M. 1869 - 195*+ W. Robert 1867 - 195^ CARR, Frank J.., son of J. & F.. 18?6 - 1881 CARR, Grace I). 18M+ - 1879 CARR, Children of Wm. & N.: Mary E, d. Nov. 8, i860 lyr lOmo lOds George W. d. Feb. 2*+, 1861 l6yr 2mo lOds Infant dau d. March 18, 1866 (no age) CARR, William lSl^f - 1875 Nancy 1821 - 1889 CARR, Francis 1852 - 192^ James 1850 - 1922 CHAMBERS, Samuel d. April 25, 1881 90yr CHAMBERS, Sarah V., wife of S., Jan. 30, 1875 82yr Walter, son of S.E. & S.F. d. July 12, I83I h ds CHAMBERS, Willard W. 1892 - 1929 CHAMBERS, William C. 186*+ - 19Mf Jennie Newman, his wife, I865 - 19^2 CHAMBERS, John I833 - 1912 Elizabeth, his wife, 18 V3 - I867 CHAMBERS, George Huston, son of J. & M.E. d. Nov. 6, 1865 3yr 3mo CHAMBERS, Samuel B. Feb. 27, i860 - Aug. 17, 1908 Kate, his wife, )ct. 30, 1861 - 1928 no other date DICKISON CEMETERY CHURCH, Andrew Frank Ella Josephine Hegwood Karnes all on one stone. No dates COOPER, David H. , son of S. & S. d. April 13, 1856 20yr lids CORBET, Daniel 1809 - 1881 (father) Frances 1818 - 1879 (Mother) Daus of F. & D. Rebecca J. l8>+8 - 1933 Harriet A. i860 - 19^ CURRIE, Fannie E. Dickison, wife of John W. Aug. 20, 18?0 - Oct. 6,1908 Daniel 1866 - 1933 Elsie 1888 - 19 l +8 Mary 1865 - 19^3 Kathryn B. 1882 - 19— Charles W. I883 - 1953 George A, June 2*f, 1877 - April 3, 190** William E» i860 - July 1>+, 1919 Ella L.., his wife, 1862 - 19^2 Lillian A. 1885 - 1953 Virginia d Oct. 12, 1916 Charles D. 1858 - 1 '35 Flaura F. 18 58 - 1937 William E., son of CD. & F.F. Sept. 12, 189*+ - Oct. 22,1907 William B. Feb. 9* 183*+ - April 2*f, I898 Ann DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON CLAUDEN , DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON DICKISON , his wife, 1835 - 1925 Mary B. , dau of G. & S. no dates Joseph, son of G. & S. no dates Sarah A., wife of Griffith, d Feb. 9, 1885 50yr *«no 19d» Anna, wife of Griffith A. d. July 13, 1888 53yr itmo I6di, Griffith A. d. May 9, 1882 72yr 3 mo l8ds Griffith d. March 1*+. 1887 75yr 3mo 17ds Aghsah Bennett, his wife, d Sept. 12, 1858 59yr DICKISON CEMETERY DAVIS, Hardin 1820 - 1902 Margaret, his wife, 1829 - 1885 DAVIS, William 1868 - 1869 DaDORD, Jennie (Mother) 1888 - 1946 DeFORD, Helen L. 1909 - 1910 Dimon, Jacob Co. H. 47th 111. Inf. DRAKE, William S. Feb.. 12, 1881 - Nov.. 30, 1899 DUDLEY, 1882 - 1843 ? DUGGINS, Cora Addie (Mother) 1866 - 194-1 William Henry (Father) 1860 - 19^3 Infant son of Wm. & Cora June 24, 1903 - June 26, 1903 DUNK, Elizabeth, wife of James, dau of Jonathan & Rebecca Brassfield ' April 21, 1836 - April 25, 1885 EMERY, Robert 1827 - 1910 EPPERSON, Elizabeth 0. 1855 - 1936 EPPERSON, Willis d. Oct. 12, 1855 35yr EVANS, Lydia L. 1890 - 1913 EVANS, Aaron J. i860 - 1910 EVANS, Lucie L. 1861 - 1891 And baby, Eugene EVANS, Walter M. April 11, 1820 - March 17, 1879 (Father) Mary A., his wife, April 2, 1823 - Oct. 9, 1899 (Mother) EVANS, Maude L. 1888 - 1928 FOSSETT, Maria, dau of J. & E.. d. June 4, 1856 6yr lmo 27ds James d. Sept. 13, 1852 32yr 3mo l8ds FOX, Josephine, dau of W„ & N.H- May 19, I898 - Oct. 23, 1904 FOX, Walter 1856 - 1918 Nellie H.. Dickison, his wife, 1867 - 1923 FURNISH, John J.., son of S.. & E. d. Aug. 25, 1867 19yr lOds GARLAND,. Emsley J. (Father) 1890 - 1953 GARLAND, Harold Eugene, son of G.D„ & L.M. July 19, 1917 -Jan. 18,1918 DICKISON CEMETERY GARLAND, Elijah 1867 - 193^ Estella A 1872 - 19— GARLAND, Oryza Du Chane 1899 - 1936 (cremated) GARLAND, Ruth E. , dau of J. & M.. March 11, I89*f - J a n 25, 1911 GARLAND, John i860 - 1939 (Father) Fannie M.. 1866 - 1936 (Mother) GORDON, Austin H. d. Jan. 17, 1870 66yr 8mo 25ds Harriet M. d. Aug. 1, 1903 78yr 5mo mds Children of A.H.. & H.M.: Thompson R. d. May 1$, 18 59 lyr 8mo 2^ds Mary d. Oct. 28, 18 52 9mo 21ds GORDON,. Iradel d. March 29, 1886 75yr llmo 5ds GORDON, Nora, dau of S. & N.A. I873 - 1955 GORDON,. M. Elizabeth 1875 - 19^ Samuel R. Samuel R„ Nov. 17, I883 - June 1, 1907 GORDON, Samuel Nov. 17, 18*+1 - June 16, 1925 Nancy A., his wife, Feb. 25, 18V} - June 26, 1920 GORDON, (can't read) wife of A.C. d. Jan. 1^-, 1880 2*fyr llmo 9ds GORDON, Infant sons of S. & N.A. no dates GORDON, Henry 18J+7 - I877 GORDON, Hannah, wife of Samuel, d. Aug. 8, 1885 6lyr 3rao 9ds Samuel d. Oct. 3, 186§ 8>+yr *+mo 27ds Nancy, wife of Samuel, d. July 2, 18^+2 56yr 20ds Sons of S. & H. Gordon: Asa 3. d. Jan. 22, 1857 2yr 3mo 10ds Sauire J. d. Feb. 20, 18 59 lOds GORDON, Jennie 1855 - 1930 GORDON, James V., son of I.V. & £. d. Oct. 20, 1875 6mo 19?ds ■ GORDON, Thompson Capt. d. Oct. 27, I863 i+Oyr *+mo lWs Co. E. ^-7th 111. Inf. GORDON, John A. 1855 - 1910 GORDON, Andrew J.. Dec. 15, 1865 50yr llmo 17ds Eliza J., wife of A.J.. May 9, 1870 klyr 9ds D1CKIS0N CEMETERY GORDON, Mary, dau of A.J. & S. d. Jan. 25, 1866 21yr l^ds GRAY, Francis, son of J. & I .. d. Nov, 3, 1867 GROSS, Clarence Gaylord Nov. 2*f, 1882 - Oct. 11, 1939 GROSS, Almira Mendenhall Nov. 28, 1852 - May 29, 1933 HALL, Eliza J., dau of T.C. & E.$. d. Nov. 11, 1870 12yr Oliver P.., son of T.C & E.». d. Oct. 6, 1858 17yr HALL, Gilbert Corpl Co. H. ^7th 111. Inf. HALL, George d. July 9, 1873 (1876) 37yr Co. H. *+7th 111. Inf. HALL, Thomas C. Jan. 11, 1807 - March 1^. 1888 Elizabeth, his wife, d. March 1, 1881 67yr 3mo lids HALL, Martha, wife of Bradford Aug. 23, 18^9 - May 13, 1912 HAMILTON, Amos W. Corpl Co. D. *+7th 111. Inf. HARLAN, Dorice V. 1883 - 19— Clarence W. 1882 - 19*+6 HARLAN, John M. , son of G..B. & S. d. Feb. 1, 18M-5 llyr E.A., dau of G.B. & S. d. Nov. 3, 18^f6 7yr 2mo 25ds HARLAN, George E. , son of L. & E. d. Nov.. 17, 18^9 7mo 7ds HARLAN, Moses June 13, 1835 - Feb. 9, 1915 Lavinnia, his wife, Oct. 31, 1852 - Sept. 27, 19^2 HARLAN, Moses d. Sept. 3, I8 l f2 55yr HARLAN, Milton (cement on date) HARLAN, George W. , son of J. & C.. d. Aug. 8, l8*+5 lyr Francis, son of J. & C. d. Dec. 26, l8kS 2yr Delilah, dau of J. & C d. June 9, 1853 9mo 3ds * John Dec. 30, 1816 - March *+, 1906 Caroline, his wife, Nov. 15, 1820 - March 19, 1856 HARLAN, Harrison Feb. 12, 18^2 - June 3, 1918 Hannah L., his wife, Jan. 10, l8*+7 - March 9, 1930 Their children: Harry d. Aug. 19, 1880 lyr 9mo 21ds Infant son d. Dec. 3, 1876 5 weeks Elmer d. March 26, I883 lmo 2*nis Infant son d. Jan. 15, 1886 HARLAN, Myrtle I.. May 31, 1886 - (Mother) John R. Sept. 13, 1886 - Sept. 16, 1939 (Father) DICKISON CEMETERY HARRISON, Fred A. 1888 - 1956 ' Absolom, July 17, l8*fl - Feb. if. 1920 Hester A., his wife, Oct. 31, 18M-2 - July 15, 1919 Loren Edmund, son, April 26, 1872 - April 2, 1888 Flora Agnes (no dates) Lydia H. (no dates) HARRISON, Myron A. 1876 - 1936 Ida B. 1879 - 19— HARRISON, Edmund C 1903 - 1923 HARRISON, Mina A., dau of L..I. & C.B. b Aug. 29, 1887 - July 13, 1889 Carrie B„, wife of L.3. June 25, 1893 26yr llmo 29ds HARRIS, Mary A. Aug. 2h, I838 - Sept. 11, 1884- HARRIS,. R.J., dau of F. & M.A. Aug. 30, I8b3 lyr 22ds HARWOOD, Pearl M. , dau of G.T. & I .M. May 30, 1886 4yr lmo 21ds HARWDOD, Ida Harlan 1864 - 1899 (Mother) Lucinda (dau) 1897 - 1899 baby HEAVRIN, Harlan L. 1903 - Marie H. 1902 - HEAVRIN, Othoboyd 1927 (son) no other dates HEAVRIN, (Mother) Lerlla 1884- no other dates HEAVRIN, (Father) 1881 - 1953 HEDGES, Harriet 1832 - 1893 HERBERT, Hannah Bazzard 18 4C - 1902 Erected by her brother, George, Native of Herefordshire, England HIKES, John Hunter Oct. 6, 1887 - Feb. 7, 1904 HITCHCOCK, Griffith C, son of L.K. & B.J. April 4-, 1857 3mo 21ds John, son of L.N. & R.J. July 16, 1863 hyv llmo 19ds Nellie M., dau of L.N. & R.J. d. May 29, 1870 HUSTON, Orbin. infant son of B.F.. & L.E. Sept. 21, 1879 (age buried in ground) I SEN BURG,. Ella M. , dau of S.D. & S. Dec. 29, 1871 15yr 7mo 2ds Franklin S. , son of S.D. & S. Oct. 31, 1864- 4-mo lids DICK] 301: JEKETERY - JACKSON, Elizabeth Fob. 3. 1821 - Jan. 27, 1898 John Aug. 10, 1807 - May 5, 189^ JACKSON, Mary J.N.., dau of J. & E. Jan. 2*+, 1865 2yr .i ; - ' JACKSON, Lincoln B. 186V - 19^3 JACKSON, Isabella D. 1862 - 1952 JENKINS, George Jan. 2, 1875 - Feb. 23, 1902 JENKINS, Mattie March 25, 1905 - Sept. 22, 1905 JONES, Infant son of D. & D.J. March 15, 1906 - March 19, 1906 KEYS, Denton Y. Q.M.Sgt. Btry A. 2 111. Lt. Art. d. Sept. 11, 1920 KING, Albert G., son of H.J. . 186*+ - 1 9^3 JACKSON, Isabella D. 1862 - 1952 JENKINS, George Jan. 2, 1875 - Feb. 23, 1902 JENKINS, Mattie March 25, 1905 - Sept. 22, 1905 JONES, Infant son of D. & D.J. March 15, 1906 - March 19, 1906 KEYS, Denton Y. Q.M.Sgt. Btry A. 2 111. Lt. Art. d. Sept. 11, 1920 KING, Albert G., son of H.J. oc L. Sept. 5, 1869 lyr llmo 2ds KING, Cicil F. , son of C.H. a M. King June 23, 1904 - Dec. 31, 190*f KING, Eugene, son of H.J. & L. ■ -t. 22, 187 1 + llmo 22ds KING, Lucinda, wife of Henry T. April 21, 1871 3*+yr llmo 27ds KING, Margaret Ann 1880 - 256 KING, Nannie E. , dau of H.J. & L. June 2, 1870 - April 29, 1890 LINGLE, Infant son of H.B. & K.M. July 8, I898 - Dec. 11, I898 LIVINGSTONE, John July 11, 1 ~-v' - J sua. 5, 1899 Maria K. Bennett, his wife, I8V7 - 1929 MARSHALL, Noah April 23, 1819 - Jr.n. 3, 1891 MBNDENHALL, Lester 0. 1869 - l OL ^ Cora J. 1881 - 19— MENDENHALL, Craft April 25, 1^30 - June 4, 1902 Almeda Selders, his ife, Feb. 16, 1833 - Jan. 7, 1923 John 0. March 21, 185^ - Oct. 15, I867 LaFayette K. Aug. 2^, 1861 - March 2, 1906 MUELLETT, (Can't read) I887 - 1907 (?) MARTIN, Henry d. Nov. 10, I630 3*+yr 5mo 23d s MILLER, (Can f t read) J.S.. 1851 - 191 ^ MILLER, Sarah E.., wife of J.J. d. April h, 1878 22yr l8ds DICKISC 1METERY McCOWEN, Mahlon I833 - 1881 McFALL, Clarissa J., dau of J. 1 M. d. Aug, '+, 1848 5yr 5mo 9ds NEWMAN, Florence, dau of Wm. & Olive d. Sept. 18, 1895 lyr lmo 22ds NEWMAN,. Olive, wife of William, d Sept. 23, 18 9*+- 21yr 9mo l8ds NEWMAN, George, 1835 - 1913 Jane, his wife, I838 - 1917 Edward (son) April 16, 1864 - Oct. 28, 1900 OGBURN, Children of W.L. & M.H.: John A. May 26, 1878 - Jan. 7, 1885 Ellen Feb. 16, 1875 - March 10, 1875 PECT, Mary J., dau of E. & M.. d. April 25, 1835 3yr 6ds RAYMOND, Zenus N. d. Sept. 6, 18 50 no age RAYMOND, Lois, wife of Martin, d. Aug. 20, 1847 50yr 2mo 7ds ROGER, Elliot, son of Wm. & J*i*. G« Feb. 12, I869 lyr 15 (?) ds Clarence, son of Wm. "• J.E. d. June 19, I87O 8yr 8mo lOds ROGERS, Jannette E. , wife of tf.H. d. April 14, 1888 46yr 4mo 22ds William H. Oct. 11, I836 - Jan. 31, 1911 Leslie J., son of W.H. & J.E. Oct. 3, 1871 - Sept. 28, 1895 ROGERS, William J. 1875 - 1948 ROGERS, Florence June 4, - .une 8, 1893 ROGERS,. Roy B. Feb. 9, 1889 - Oct. 21, 1903 Rogers, David 1842 - Se"t. 21, 1929 Co..E. 77th 111. Inf. Mary D. , his wii , 1846 - 1921 George, son o; TRIGGER, J.R. 18 51 - 1913 TRIGGER, Richard S. 1872 - 1922 (Father) Co-a E. 1878 - 1938 (Mother) VAKCAMP, J.C., son of T. & E, : Jan, 3, 18M-6 6yr lOmo Susan E. , dau of T & B.., d. Dec. 11, 18M-5 5yr 3mo 23ds WAKEFIELD, Elizabeth Aug. 2, 1339 - June 29, 1926 William Jan. 30, ] 32 - July 16, 1910 WAKEFIELD, John L. b. June lo, 791 d. Kov. 8, 1881 (Father) Martha Oct. 28, 1805 - Feb. 19, 1879 (Mother) DICKISON CEMETERY WAKEFIELD, Jessie, dau of F. & I. d. Nov. 23, 1891 3yr 7mo 9ds WAKEFIELD, Florence E. 1882 - 1906 WAKEFIELD, Isabel D. 1859 - l?-3 Frank L. 1859 - 1923 WAKEFIELD, John T. April 21, 18h-3 - July 26, 1873 Corp. Co. A. 151st Regt. Vol. Inf. Louisa Wilkinson, his wife, June 1, l8M+-0ct. 2 } +, 1877 Ruth, dau of J.T. <5c L. Jan. 1, 1872 - Jan. (no day) 1879 WAKEFIELD, Children of C.W. & C.F. (Carrie E. or F.) Infant son b. & d. Dec. 5, I89I Infant dau April 27, 1886 - March 28, 1887 William 0., son, Dec. 5, 1897 - July 29, 1902 WATSON, Frank 1855 - 191^ WATSON, Richard W. March 25, 1877 - Feb. 10, 1889 WHITFIELD, Zilphia A. 1889 - 19^3 WIAR, Maria L. Dec. 8, 18^6 - Dec. 31, 1917 WILLIAMS, Howard Oct. tf, 192h- - Sept. 26, 1883 51yr 8ds WILLIAMS, Edna Sept. 30, 195^ 66yr 9mo 5ds Elizabeth (can't read last name) ^6yr lOmo 5ds WILKINSON, Katherine May 19, 1852 - Feb. 1, 1923 WILKINSON, William H. Feb. 28, 1837 - June 17, 1917 Lina (Nothing else) WILKINSON, Aaron Gregg March 1m-, 1810 - April 19, 189^ Sarah Hopkins March 2, 1815 - Jan. 11, 1902 Their daughters: Jane Aug. 25, 18^ - Cct. 1H-, 18^+6 Emma M. July 30, 1855 - Aug. 20, 1879 Mary Eveline Dec. 12, 1852 - Aug. 3, 1930 WILKINSON, Emma M. , dau of A.G.. & S.H.. d. Aug. 20, 1879 2Myr WILKINSON, Jane, dau of A.G. & S.H. d. Oct. 1M-, l8'+6 lmo 15ds WILKINSON, (Mother) Elizabeth Gregg (No dates) HITCHCOCK CEMETERY RADNOR TOWNSHIP (abandoned) 2nd cross road north of Dunlap on Rt. 91. Turn east one-half mile, south side of road. Back in field, Radnor Twp. Section 2 Copied by: Ruth Crim Margaret Herberger August 30, 1956 HITCHCOCK, Burton A. I832 - 1921 86yr HITCHCOCK, Elizabeth, wife of J, J. Oct. 20, 1812 - March 31, HITCHCOCK, Jedediah J. July lh, 1881 69yr 9mo 6ds HITCHCOCK, Jedediah d. Oct. 1*+, 18^5 73yr 9m0 l8ds HITCHCOCK, Salome S. , wife of J.J. 1822 - 1907 HITCHCOCK, Zerviah, wife of J. d. Dec. 25, 18 *# llmo wna P.O.Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 YATES FAMILY CEMETERY Radnor Township Peoria County, Illinois YATES FAMILY CEMETERY Section 1 Radnor Twp. Peoria Co., Illinois Taken from History & Reminiscences Vol. Ill Jan. 7, 1956 Below is a list of deaths in the Yates Family Cemetery taken from History and Reminiscenses of Primceville and Vicinity. We do not know how many of the following were buried in the family' cemetery, YATES, Joseph March 11, 1798 - Dec. 8, 1878 Mary Colwell, his wife, May 5, 1796 - Dec. 2*+, 1883 Children: Rachel July ?. 1820 - May 31, 1832 Thomas July 2h 9 l82*f - Feb. 26, 1892 at Mt. Hope, Kan. John Caldwell Aug. 11, 1827 - March 1>+. I896 at Peoria, 111. Mary Nelson April 1. 1830 - Jan. 8, 1853 Joseph Sept. 8, I832 - Dec. 5, 1877 Adam March 20, 1805 - Feb. j, 186 J Sarah Miller, his wife, Oct. 1C, lSl^f - March 20, 1901 *********** CHILDREN OF ADAK YATKSi Margretta Nov, 2^. 1835 - May 2h, 1917 in Omaha, Web. Mary Ann May 11, I838 - Aug. 10, 1902 In Ireland John M. May 11, I838 - Aug. 16, 1921 Amanda Aug. 15, l8*+2 Augusta Aug, 15, I8*f2 (alive in 1922) Sarah Jane May 27, 18*+*+ Thomas A. April 10, 181*6 - July 27, 1850 Irwin Dec. 26, 1850 - Sept. 5, 1851 Edwin Dec. 26, 18 50 - Sept. 13, 1851 Adam F. Dec. 2*+, 1852 - Aug. 2*f, 1853 Dr. Thomas Yates Dec, 22, 1810 - June 2, 1866 at Dunlap, 111. Mary Pursell, his wife, May 9, 1813 - July 8, 1877 Children 1 James P. Oct. 20, I836 - Sept. 2^, 1915 Pekin, 111. Thomas J. Aug.. 27, 1838 - Dec. 27, 18^7 Nancy M. June 5, lBkO Her hftsband, William Hervey d. Dec. 3, 1872 William W. July 22. 18^2 - June 2, 1893 Narka, Kansas Mary R. Nov. 2, I8*f2 ? - March 1917 at Princeville, 111. David M. Nov. 8, 18^9 - Jan. 6, 1888 Arminda P. March 8, 1858 YATES FKMILY CEMETERY Three brothers: Joseph, Adam and Thomas Yates, natives of Ohio County, West Virginia, wettled near Wheeling. In 18M-7 they left Wheeling by flat boat and came via Ohio. Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Peoria, Illinois. They settled together in the north east corner of the Radnor Twp., Peoria County. There weps a Yates family cemetery, but according to reports the land where it was located was sola. The living heirs gave consent to the purchaser to farm the cemetery.. There were no stones in CLINE CEMETERY, section 13 and DRUMN CEMETERY, section 19 of Radnor Township* Schmick Cemetery SE£ - SEi - SEC. 15 - 23-24- 7 - Private property, formerly old Isaac Schmick estate. Farmed around but In timber area. Mc FARLAND, Wm. L. - d. 4-13-1886 - 37-1-14 Sirrildas - w/o Wm. - d. 7-27-1881 - @ 28-0-3 Infant - s/o Wm. L. & S.S. - d. 12-4-1878 - @ 3 days Marion - child/o Wm. L. & S.S. - d. 12-8-1876 - @ 0-2-28 SCHMICK, John I. - s/o I. & M. - d. 1-11-1859 - @ 16-0-1 identical stone, top missing - @ 71-9-28 - (could be Isaac Schmick ?) footstonesi G. P. J. P. c. by Kay Hayes, Betty and Bennie Murphy 1975 H torta P.O. Box 1489 Peoria mois 61602 LANCASTER CEMETERY Timber Township Peoria County, Illinois LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timoer Iwp., Sec. 17 Old Section: Copied by Juno Williamson, Joan Simian, and Nicki Sigulas? October 5, 1972 and July 29, 1973. Many of these markers have been mended without regard to informa- tion on them. Names, dates, and other information have been covered or buried in cement. Grave, but only markers (no names) Rd. Ball Marker on left side and then flowers, the: rock on right side. ADY, A. AKIN, John C. ^ANDERSON, Elvin L. ANDERSON, Zelda V. Ritschel P. APPLEGATE, Susannah ARNOLD, Elmer E. Grace ARNOLD, Sadie M. Edward E. ASBELL, Albert H. Olive A. ASBELL, Harvey Gillie BADER, Ethel M. Wm. J. I9O.5-I9I6 s/j.H. & E.V. d Sep. 22, I889 16 yr 10 mo 3 ds Co. C. 62 Armd. Inf. B.N. WWII P.H. Sep. 8, 1920 - Apr. 21, 1971 1917-1963 1917- /E. May 7, 1816 - Jan. 29, 1864 w 1879-1967 I883-I966 I873-1941 1876-1956 1877-1955 1884-1964 I870-I937 1877-1957 Aor. 24, ^905 - Jan. 2, 1972 Dec. 13, -898 - BAILEY, Prances FAHNESTOCK BAKER, Louisa BAKER, Otis Lois BANDY, Charles S. Minnie BANDY, Minerva 1395-1935 w/Thos. L5t\££H d. May 17, 186 3 \i yr 22 ds 1-00- 1907- Dec. 27, I&69 - Jan. 4, 19 51 Jan. 4, I683 - Jul. 15, 1964 Aug. 9, 1852 - Sep. 16, 1929 Grandmother LANCASTER CEMETERY BARNES Timber Twp. , Sec. 17 Dr. Allen C. Aug. 12, I857 - Jul. 21, 1924 Allen Charles BARRON Jam en 3. Alberta D. Jane Charles BARRON, Maude Samuel Ralph Agnes John John BARRON, Robert Effie BATEMAN, Eliza J. George M. Ida M. William BATEMAN, Isaac 1896-1958 1896-19^7 Jan. 17, 1887 - _. Dec. 16, 1687 - -JuT:~~2~%y r X9S6 1880-1937 Eastern Star emblem 1879-19^-7 Masonic emblem 1894-1918 American Legion 1858-1925 Eastern Star emblem 1844-1918 Masonic emblem I886-I956 Masonic emblem 1891-1961 1892-19 — 1863-1900 1862-1938 Jul. 25, I883 - Jul. 11, 1946 Oct. 23, 1886 1804-1889 Harriet LUCK 1807-1888 Wife G. M. Mary A. Howard C. Arthur E. BATEMAN, Lloyd E. Edith E. BATEMAN, Newton L. BATEMAN, S. C. BATY, Andrew M. Margaret SAYLO"' Glen Mary I. BATY, Harry J. Lena F. BATY, Harrison J. Sarah J. John 1834-1920 1859-1947 Wife 1889-1891 1884-1885 1896-1971 1896-19-- 1886-1933 Masonic emblem d/W.A. & M.J. Sep. 21, 1861 ?yr 8 no 1 ds 1856-1935 w/Andrew 1859-1932 son 1890-1897 dau. 1881-1957 1879-1951 1686-1943 1333-1924 I850-I917 1875-1963 BAUGHMAN, Anita Lynn Mar. 16, 195 3 - Mar. 24, 1969 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. , Sec. 17 BECANON, Robt. W. 1871-1922 Clara E. 1873-1951 Joseph U Nov. 25, 1893 - Aug. 13, 1897 Roscoe s/Robt. W. & Clara Nov. 25, 1893 - Aug. 13, 1897 BACKWITH, Adelbert 0. Sep. 2, I856 - Dec. 10, 1941 Nancy M, Dec. 2, 1861 - Nov. 16 , 1921 (?) s/A.O. & N.M. Feb. 16 , 1892 - ?-3, 1896 BEECHAM, Murle 1909-1969 Ruth 1908-1968 BEECHAM, Walter I886-I965 V/ilma Eileen 1917-1937 Dau. Jemima 1888-1971 BEELER, Minnie 1870-1959 BELPORD, Edith G. 1922-1957 M. BEHRENDS, Mildred C. Jul., l f 1902 - Oct. 21, 1972 ■ BELL, Mary w/J0sepfh E. GARWOOD, dau. of Nebat & Matilda HINKLE 1860-1927 BIRD, Lorenzo s/j. & C.E. d. Feb. 13, I858 4 mo BITNER, Clarence 1891-1917 Allen Apr. 11, 1866 - Apr. 17, 19^6 Mary w/Allen Sep. 27, 1868 - Oct. 15, 1923 BITNER, Daniel 1847-190.1 Cathem 1846-189^ Martha E. MoSLWEE 1879-1916 John P. McELWEE I89 7 -1899 BITNER, Grace 18^3-1969 Earl 1889-1950 BITNF-I, Herschel 1893-1952 Mollie K. 1895-19— BITNER, M. Dorothy 187^-1939 Charles L. 1869-1926 Dolph L. ■ 1918-1939 Lottie M. 1393-1909 Annie Marie d/C.L. & M.D. Apr. 27, I898 - Apr. 6, 1899 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Ti ( ^wp. , Sec. 1? BOGARD, U. M. Martha Nellie A. BOHANAN, Cecil B. BOHANAN, Adrian Sarah Ann John William Jessie Ray BOHANAN, Noah BOHANAN, U. Grant Mary Ann ... i .*ri - Apr. 21, 1919 .. 16, I860 - May 10, 1933 dau. Sep. 20, 1883 - Feb. 25, 1907 1905-1920 Sep. 18, 1881 - Jan. 27, 1913 1855-1916 M. 1847-1928 1889-1936 Son 1892-1967 Son W.W. I Nov. 16, 1854 42 yr 1879-1958 F. 1886-1948 M. BOLLINGER, H. Elizabeth d/S.F. & C. Jun. 25, 1847 2 yr 3 mo 10 ds iiay 13, 1894 - Jul. 12, 1917 lo49-1926 1852-1922 188 -1968 1909 w/Glenn VANQEVENTER 1891-1935 Cot. 7, 1938 - May IB, 3945 1885-1961 1884-19-- 125-1951 1 >98- 1900- ?62 1 59-1926 1861-1942 1884-1919 Mar. 28, I897 - May 23, 1917 1858-1920 1863-1912 BOOTH, Bessie L. Jame s C . Emaline FARMER BOOTH, Eugene R. Hazel A. BOOTH, Pearl M. BOOTH, Robert D. BRACKETT, Fred N. Anna C. RRANAMAN, E. Douglas Earl H. Agnes R. BR ANN AM, Matthew Catharine William Ernest M. BRAZENA, John Linnie L. BREES, Bazzle V. I858-I9I6 Maria 0. BITNER I863-I936 his wife Orlo M. I896 son BREES, William Henry Mar. 20, I863 - Aug. 26, 1923 (erected by Clara S.- BREES) BRODSKEY, Jack Katie 1892-1954 1900- LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. , Sec. 17 BUELL, Daniel W. Mary £. BUELL, John E. Ethel H. BUELL, M. S. BUELL, Viola M. Infant Byron C . BUNGER, Henry J. BUSH, Emma C. Charles H. CAMPBELL, A Hie M. Minnie L. ♦CAMPBELL, Delmar Lena C. CAMPBELL, '//alt CARL IN, James CARMICHAEL, Edythe SPRAGUE CARTER, Effie 0. ♦CHAMBERLAIN, Eugene CHAMBERLAIN, Jessie Gilbert Luella Leota K 1879-195^ 1882-1959 Sep. 6, 1882 - Jan. 18, 1965 Feb. 2, 1886 - Jan. 13, 1959 Jan. 7, 1377 1 mo 22 ds w/G.W. BUELL Nov. 2, 1864 26 yr 2 mo 27 ds s/G.W. & V.M. BUELL Oct. 30, 1864 30 hrs s/G.W. &-V.M. BUELL Oct. 22, 1864 2 yr 27 ds Jun. 25, 1892 1864-1918 M. 1861-1932 F. Dec. 2, I876 1 yr 3 rno 9 ds Feb. 23, 1876 22 yr 5 mo 5 ds Mar. 31. 1903 - Apr. 18, 1967 (111. 31 (51) USNR WWII) 1865-1944 Feb. 5, I856 23 yr 1 mo 23 ds d. Jan. 15, 1927 May 30, 1907 - Aug. 13, 195^ 1679-1956 Aunt (matches HOBBLE stones) Jan. 30, 1894 - Dec. 18, 1950 111. Pvt . 5 .< lischge Unit WW I 1886-1969 Mom 1884-1960 Pop 1907-1908 18- )-i904 Orison F. 185 -1903 Nettie L. .. < Burnes M. 1905-1905 Lewis B. 1882-1903 CHILIN, Francis John CH0ATE, Stella HAMILTON -19 57 .968 1937 LANCAS ER CEMETERY - rirnb =r wp , , Sec. 17 CLARK Arthur . andy Eddie H. John 0. Ellen s/J.O. & 1 d/j.c. : ; s/J.O. & E 7 mo 2 ds 1830-1923 1834-1916 . d. 1880 ? ? ? d . Jan . Wife 7 yr ?, 1881 CLARK, Earl Effie Charles s/C. & E. 1870-1962 1868-1950 5 mo 7 ds CLARK, James W. Rachel BROW lb 58- 19 31 1857-19 — CLARK, John Q. Ellen 1336-1923 1834-1916 Wife CLARK, Lizzie Frank 1881-1946 1871-1953 CLARK, Lula i.'I. Glen H. 1899-19— 1900-19-- 4 yr CLARK, Stella M. 1880-1958 M. John E. 1876-1953 F. CLARKSON, Jesse Nov. 27, 1895 - Apr. 26, 1965 WWI Jennie 0. 1895- C LA US ON, Edward J. 1882-1942 F. Mildred L. 1913- Walter K. 1908- William 1949 Opal 1915 John 1860-1941 F. Yetta 186 5-1949 1.1. CLAUSON, "eorge J. Dec. 12, 1 088 - Agnes A. Nov. 30, 1889 C LA US ON, Joseph 1885-1966 Abbie 1892- marr CLAUSON, Mary E. 1866-1946 M. George 1852-1941 P. George Ai :hur 1903-1904 son Minnie i.Iay 1902-1905 dau . CLAUSON , William I883-I956 Ethel 1887-1960 CLAUSSON , Eliza 1860-1934 Jordon 1858-1936 married Dec. 24, 1907 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Pimber Pv/p. , ^ec. I? CLAY, Henry :;ary A. CLEFFORD, Earl W. Lela B. CLINEBELL, George Maria John Anna L. Florence E. 1820-1854 1816-1892 1901-1962 1902- Aor. 28, 1822 - Apr. 2, 1881 Apr. 18, 1828 - Mar. 31, 1904 Wife 1858-193^ F. 1867-1929 M. I898-I9OO D. CLINEBELL, George L. 1900- Mary BAKER 19 03-1971 CLINEBELL, Johnny Bill 1942 Infant 1943 sons of Lyle and Helen CLINSBELL, Ray Arthur 1895-19-- Elinor A. ESSEX COATS, John R. Lorene M. Roger A. COATS, James R. Helen Chester A. COATS, M. Verna Hiram COATS, Nettie Carl Manning COLE, Mary COLE, Mary J. COWSER, Ellsworth Earl L. Stella B. COWSER, George W. Rachel Edith 1895-1928 L.,94-19-- 1920- 1944-1944 son 1935-1942 1903 1901-1963 Jun. 16, 1895 - Feb. 26, 1971 Sep. 16, 1895 - 1873-1934 Inf son 1870-1960 1850-1932 no date (1888 Womens Relief Corps marker by stone) This stone is foot- stone near McTAGGART monument. 54-1919 Father 914-1963 Son 1887- Mother 1832-1919 1842-1919 W. 1882-1951 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timbe vp. , Sec . 1? -"-COvVSER, G. H. Alice COWSER, Lewis B. Dr. A. R. Bertha M. Iva M. COW. oyd E. Mary M. COWSER, Ralph D. Sara L. Prise ilia J. Ulysses S. CRABTREE, Allen Mildred CRAIG, Elizabeth E. vVilliam H. CRAYCRAFT, Lucy M. CRIZER, Conrad Elnora CURTIS, Bessie R. Ira *DALMARIS, Steve DAVIS, Hannah M. John D. Nora E. Gerald DAVIS, Mary Genevra DAVIS, Orie C. H. Mae DAVIS, Russell 0. DEAL, Charles Marilda James W. Co. ~r. ,'or B.) (or C.J 47 111. Inf. footstone only 1882-1903 1878-1971 1875-1906 1888-1961 1908- 1909- 1898- (not buried yet) 1900- (not buried yet) 1369-1951 1868-1955 1928-19^9 Hus. 1900-1972 1856-1935 "1864-1927 I838-I917 d. Oct. 3, 185 5 55 yr 4 mo 21 ds w/Conrad b. Lebannon Co., Penn. d. Jan. 7, 1872 68 yr 3 mo 1899-19 — 1394-1949 Apr. 10, 1902 - Jun. 30, I969 N.Y. Tec 4 US Army WW I 1866-1931 1871-19^-2 -19— '/not buried yet) 95-1967 1 . r'- A. d. Aug. 28, 1847 1 yr 3 ds 1 6- 19 00- 1895-1918 Died in U.S. Service 1822? - Mar. 2, I899 d. 1934 d 1903 DEAL, Evan W. 1375-1925 LANCASTER CEMETERY - DEAL, John W. DEETHARDT, Daisy D. John H. DEPPERMANN , Alma H. Geo. E. DEW ALT, i'lossie M. Mack P. DIMMITT, Oral C. Ruby S. DOANE, Almina M. John A . Lucretia M. *DOLL, Ambrose C. DOLL, Byron Peoria JONES DOLL DOLL, Jacob 14. (MEYERS) Margaret BAILEY DOLL, Lloyd Joseph DOLL, Mary A. HUNT Ambrose G. John J. Bertha W. L. Margaret DOLL, Mary E. * H. B. Horatio BAILEY DOLL, Sarah A. Margaret J. Timber ,:v. p. , Sec . 1? 1877-1959 L954 1952 1900-1949 1892-1964 (Amer. Leg.) Oct. 23, 1891 (not buried yet) Apr. 29, 1894 - Jun. 25, 1968 1907-1963 1906- d/S.B. & L.M. d. Nov._23*avl851 2 yr 3 mo s/S.B. & L.M. d. Oct. 28, 1861 17 yr 11 ds (of the 17th Regt., Illinois Vol. , Co. C. ) w/Seth DOANE d. Feb. 17, 1870 62 yr 7 mo 25 ds Co. B. 7th 111. Inf. 1853-1949 1856-1927 (JONES DOLL per Wm. POR Jul. 15, 1815 - Sep. 26, 1887 (MEYERS per Wrru PORTER) Jun. 8, 1821 - Feb. 22, 1902 (BAILEY oer '.Vm. PORTER) "Settled in this Township in 1843" 1879-1882 Feb. 29, 1808 - Sep. 4, 1882 1849-1942 (HUNT per il/m. PORTER) 1844-1933 1874-1952 1871-1948 Sep. 1, 1957 >.< 1 I w/H.B. 1837-1907 1842-1923 Co. E 71st 111. Inf. & Co. E. 17th 111. Cav. (Horatio BM.M per Wm. PORTER) w/H.B. DOLL Mar. 19, 1846 - Nov. i%- 187 r ; d/Sarah A. Apr. 13, I863 - Aug. 20, 1864 LANCASTER CEMETERY DOUBET, Larry A. Bonnie M. DRAPER, Dewitt Dora DuBOIS, Dr. Isaiah Dova M . J . John W. Charles W. DUBOIS, Mary Timber Twp. 19 J 7 I9/J.O-I965 ^jSp 1877-1953 1893-1970 (Eastern StarJ d. Feb. 11, 1868 56 yr 2 mo 27 ds d. Aug. 26, 1872 16 yr 8 mo 25 ds d. Sep. 15, 1860 1 yr 1 mo 24 ds d. Jan. 22, 186 1 1 mo 13 ds Children of Dr. Isaiah and Emma DuBOIS d. Apr. 1?, 1892 88 yr 8 mo 16 ds Wife of I.R. DUBOIS, John W. Charles W. DUDLEY, Arthur H. Annie DUFIELD, John Robert Elizabeth Benjamin DUFFIELD, John '"/. Martha M. *DUF FIELD, Kenneth L. Donna I . CORDELL *DUFFIELD, Lawrence J. LaVerne M. Twila Gay inf. dau. DUFFIELD, Sherman Anna J. DUFFIELD, Silas S. Harriet Melinda J. Andrew J. DWYER, Mary EADS, Mary A. f ootstones 1871-1944 1873-1951 s/H. & C. DUFIELD d. Mar. 22, 1847 d. Oct. 25, 1842 21 'yr 7 mo 15 ds w/Benjamin d. Oct. IB, I855 d. Nov. 10 ; 1847 32 vr 10 mo 13 ds ! 1861-1942 ) 1870-19— 1922- WWII 1921-1958 1920-1972 WWII 1920- May 28, 1944 of L. & L. Jun. 15, 1867 - Jan. 22, 1932 son Apr. 16, 1839 - Jun. 5i 1934 1854-1926 1353 -1928 w/Andrew J. May 24, 1828 - Jul. 31, 1396 Dec. 12, 1824 - May 12, 1900 w/joseph d. Nov. 23, I856 28 yr 7 mo 15 ds w/William EADS, 3r. d. Apr. 28, I855 60 or 69 yr LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. EAGLES, Jennie D. Sep. 12, 1849 - Oct. 21, 191? ECHOLS, Joseph H. 1859-1929 Nannie E. BOWTON w/j.H. 1860-19- ELKINS, George 1842-1890 ENGEL, Clara A. 1868-1943 Jacob I. 1862-1937 FAHNESTOCK, Arthur E. s/Fred & Kate Mar. 29, 1899 - Jul. 15, 1913 Myrtle M. Jan. 6, 1893 - Jul. 30, 1893 Arthur E. son Kate mother Fred 1871-195^ Charlotte E. 1845-1925 Mother Jacob L. 1842-1918 FAHNESTOCK, Alphonso A. 1355-1912 Harriet A. I85I-I923 FAHNESTOCK, Amy R. 1870-1960 Edward H. I865-I936 Don 2. 1921-1944 died in service WWII Oakley A. 1898-1944 veteran WW I FAHNESTOCK, Emily M. 1862-1938 Harry E. 1862-1954 Mildred L. WATSON 1910-1960 FAHNESTOCK, Glen C. s/E.H. & A.R. Jan. 20, I89O - Feb. 12, 1391 William F. Apr. 14, I830 - Apr. 23, 1925 Elnora MINNICK Se . 17, 1835 - Jan. 15, 1910 FAHNESTOCK, Jennie May Nov. 30, 1867 - Sep. 22, 1953 Allen Louis, Jr. Jul. 8, 1867 - Aug. 25, 1941 FAHNESTOCK, Kate 1873-1951 Earl 1881-1966 FAHNESTOCK, Samuel T. Jan. 4, I836 - Sep. 22, I839 Jacob Jun. 26, 1801 - Sep. 9, 1841 Maria w/jacob FAHNESTOCK and Peter REYNOLDS May 16, 1806 - May 24, 1895 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. FAHNESTOCK, Frank Leslie Samuel Royal Charles Edward Lena Helen Sarah M. BANDY Frank Leslie Delmar Allen FAHNESTOCK, Lewis E. Sarah E. Iverian Mary Peter Colonel Allen L. Samuel T. Charles Jun. 7, 1384 - Aug. 8, I885 Jun. 23, 1886 - Jul. 29, 1886 Jul. 2, 1897 - Jul. 13. 1898 Feb. 6, I894 - Apr. 20, 19*17 Sep. 24, I855 - Feb. 18, 1934 May 5, 1859 - Dec. 17, 1903 Feb. 13, 1889 - Sep. 20, 1957 s/M. & S.E. d. Jan. 30, 1819 9 mo 12 ds w/A.L. Apr. 19, 1829 - Jan. 15, 1911 d/A.L. & S.E. d. Jul. 3, 1858 9 mo 24 ds footstone footstone Feb. 9, 1828 - Jun. 12, 1920 Co. I 86 111. Inf. s/j. & M. d. Sep. 22, 1839 3 yr 8 mo 18 ds Sep. 31, 1832 - Feb. 17, 191^ Infant children of C. & M. FAHNESTOCK (separ- ate stone) FINLEY, Charles S. FIRTH, Ernest Martha A. FORD, Alfred L. Ella M. Minnie M. Peter Mahitable (?) FORE, Annie E. Benjamin FORNERIS, James *F0RTNEY, Noah 1882-1919 1&76-19 ; ; 4 IOOF 1881-19— 1843-1925 1848- Wife d/A.L. & E. d. Oct. 23, 1873 3 yr 10 mo d. Mar. 13, 1884 78 yr 3 mo 11 ds Father Mar. 5. ?60 51 yr 4 mo 19 ds Wife 18/5-1958 I876-I954 Sep. 9, 1916 - Oct. 23, 1917 Mar. 6, I876 - Jan. 20, 1955 Pvt. Co. H. 9 Regt., 111. Inf. Span. Am. War LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. POULK, Henry D. John L. FOULK, Lester Alta B. FOULK, Wilber FRAMPTON, Samuel E. Mary A. FRAMPTON, Samuel T. FRECH, Lois RIEDELBAUCH FRIESS, Bernard Mary BOWERS John Mar. 2, 181.5 - Dec. 7, 1892 77 yr 9 mo 5 ds Jan. 16, 1842 - Mar. 23, 1918 (a soldier of C.W.) G.A.R. 1888-1958 1892- ._ 1891-1962 1864-1956 F. 1878-19^7 Dec. 7, 1840 - Mar. 3, 1901 ■ 1911-1962 Aug. 20, 1827 - Sep. 10, 1903 (Co. I, 86th Regt. 111. Vol. Inf. Also Timber Post #432 G.A.R.) Aug. 19, 1819 - Jan. 25, 1897 1855-192? Mary E. HUGHES 1857-1922 Frank B. 1880- 1*6 5 FRYMAN, Isaac Louisa Home-made stones FRYMAN, Margaret S.E. Joseph M. FRYMAN, Thomas Mary YOUNG FULLER, Dilga N. PULLER, Isaac G. Hannah G. FULLER, Mary E. Harrison J. Harold S. Mar. 27, 1849 - Feb. 28, 1891 ADr. 10, 1842 - Mar. 11, 1904 L. P. G. P. Jan. 28, 1861 - Apr. 3, I867 Jul. 20, 1872 - Feb. 5, 1874 Children o ° Thomas and Mary Mar. 10, 1822 - Aug. 22, 1911 Sep. 1, 1326 - Sep. 18, 1906 (Women's Relief Corp. 1888) d/s. & M. d. Mar. 6, 1871 11 yr 2 mo 19 ds 1850-1909 I857- Wife 1873-1950 1868-1931 1912-1928 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. ♦FULLER, Samuel Maria Nov. 9, 1841 - Oct. 24, 1908 32nd reg. 111. Vol. Feb. 5, 1846 - Apr. 12, 1923 Co. I. FULLER, Thomas Sarah Blanche GALLAWAY, Laurel Keith Kathryn John GETY, George H. Blanche GILLFOY, Edward C. GLASFORD, Amanda E. GLASFORD, Charles C. Emma J. Lillian STANDARD Clyde^A^ _. Harold C. Martha S. GLASFORD, Marion HEENAN Mary E. MIDDLETDW GLASFORD, Samuel A. Sarah GLASFORD, Violet GLASFORD, William H. Trecy HALL GLASFORD, William D. GLOVER, Harold E. Dora A. GOHDE, Harold L. GRAHAM, Clifford Clara 1858-1913 1859-1946 His wife 1891-1893 Their dau. 1904-1918 May 8, 1916 - Aug. 16, 1938 1879-1963 1873-1938 1899-1971 I898- Dec. 15, 1852 - Jul. 24, 1910 May 2, 1847 - Oct. 31, 1908 1853-1956 1856-1939 Jan. 16, I875 - Apr. 1, 1913 1885-1891 1887-1891 1877-1878 Jul. 19, 1861 - Dec. 7, 1940 Feb. 16^ 1868 - Dec. 26, 1949 Nov. 16, ±824 - Nov. 19, I896 Co. K. 47 111. Inf. G.A.R. Post 432 Feb. II, 1823 - Jun. 14, 1912 Wife d/C.C. & Emma SANDERS no date 1851-1917 1854-1898 d. Jul. 28, ±891 33 yr 11 mo. 13 ds (stone a 1 m o s t bi 1 r i e 1 ) 1899-1957 b. in England 1904- 1928-1966 F. 18 ,9-1955 I898-I9— LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Pwp. GRAHAM, Jacob I066-I949 GRAHAM, Margaret 3. IH7I-I936 Mother GRAY, Arthur 1879-1939 Grace 1880-19-- GRAYCRAFT, Lorenzo P. Nov. 10, 186*4- - Jun. 2, 1916 Gillie V. Aug. 23, I867 - Nov. 4, i960 Infant d/L.P. & G.V. b. & d. Dec. 1, 1897 GREEN, Unreadable old stone GREEN, Andrew J. s/R.J. & S.M. d. Apr. 25, i860 Z yr 3 nio 10 ds Eady d/R. & R. d. Oct. 21, i860 9 mo 27 ds GREEN, Annie L. May 10, 1862 - Feb. 2, 1866 GREEN, Emily^J—- d/j. & E. d. Jul. 5, I853 2 yr GREEN, Jane N. w/Andrew d. Jul. 5, I856 GREEN, Maggie d/R. & B. d. Sep. 23, I878 17 yr 7 ds GRIGGS, Bernard E. I883-I96O son George W. . ~- -1921 LaBelle L. 1863-1,^2 GRIGGS, Harry F. May 11, 18^5 - Dec. 3, 195^ Charles F. Jan. 3. 1908 - Aug. 31, 1956 son Mary Helen Feb. 3, 1883 - Apr. 30, 1953 mother George E. 1921-1932 GRIGGS, Henry Ellis ? J.W. & M.E. May 21, I885 - Nov. 27, 1905 James W. 1852-1929 Marie 1852-1924 wife Flonnie M. b. May 14, 1903 Charles S. Jul. 30, lo33 - Jan. 15, 1957 GRISSON, Myrtle 1877-1948 Walter I87I-I934 GRONINGER, Mandie R. 1860-1953 Allen L. 1866-194-5 HALL, George Feb. 23, I850 - Jan. 17 , 1921 Alice Jun. 16, I855 - Mar. 10, 1923 Wilbur L. 1890-1946 HALLIGAN, James 1883-1953 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. HANCOCK, Catharine J. w/j.v. d . Oct. 30, 1866 33 yr Keb. 24, 1879 - HANEY, May McELHANEY w/M. N. KANEY Aug. 4, 1^06 HAMILTON HAMILTON Arthur Mahala 1873-1947 1869-1924 I.O.O.F. near DOLL stones Fannie DOLL 1857-1951 Stella CHOATE George S, HARDING, HARRIS, Garnett Bert HARRIS, Henry Emmira HARRIS, -.Villiam S. 1886-1937 1860-1953 Hand etched, unreadable Jan. 5 1877-1957 1869-1941 1845-1.931 1851-1919 s/W.G. & ; atilda 7 yr 7 mo 16 ds d. May 9, 1853 HAYSLIP, Clarence ,V. r -1965 F. Alice YOUNG - - ..950 M. HAYSLIP, Jas. L. .or. 28, 1861 HERR, Edith fc Mar. I, I896 - d 8 Jun. 8, 1901 HERSTINE, Charlotte a/l. Z? 9 1838 - Jul. 23, 1900 Mother Fannie Jul. 18, 1876 - Sep. 10, I878 Paul Oct. 2, 1879 ~ Oct. 12, 1880 Charlotte MORRIS . , 1859 - Jan. 22, 1894 Nellie 1366 - Oct. 26, 1891 Nellie 1866 - Oct. 26, 1891 8 .0 4 ds (Two stones) 25 yr HERSTINE, John • ' ■•: 1912 F. HESS, Daniel 3-1923 Emma 1-1956 vife HESS, Elcta L. Elbert 0. George W. Priscilla D, HESS, Frank D. Grace E. HESS, John Ida May , 16, 1353 - Dec, 15, 1899 •3-1922 -1929 32 I88l-I95 c •1959 io: 1-19^ Ap . 2, x8?J - Jan. 13, 1903 LANCASTER CEMETERY ber Twp. HESS, Samuel L. Linnie A. HESS, Samuel Hanna HILL, Harold L. Anabelle Robert L. Mabel I, HILL, Martha M. HILL, Perez Hannah B . 1856-1919 l-x95£ Wi d. Jan. 27, 1844 58 yr uel d. Nov. 9, I865 40 yr 1925- 1921-1962 1895- I895-1966 May 31, 1840 - Oct. 16, 1918 Apr. 2, 180? - Jul. 31 » 1887 b. at Harvard, Mass. Jul. 17, 1810 - Mar. 1% I896 b, at Aclon, Mass. 1 HINDERLITER, Arthur N. Dec. 8, 1894- Tressie M. Hus Mar. 6, 1900- * H INKLE, Matilda J. Albert Martha J, Laura E. HOBBLE, Benjamin F. Florence BENDER ♦HOMAN, Levi J. Alice Eliza Jeston HORNBAKER, Hazel L. Merle E. HORNBAKER, John Mary S Ma z o [ H. Rai HORNBAKER, Mary HOWARD, Helen K. .UGHES, to. W. 1833-1911 Mother t twin s/N. & M. d. May 14, 1880] 21 yr 6 mo 8 ds d/l & M. d. Jan. 16?, 1877 I a/. . . ■■- m. ? Mar. 21, I859 - Jun. 21, 1903 1372-1947 Mother Co. G. 14th Regt., 111. dau. Aug. 6, 1894 - Jan. 30, 1832-1918 Inf. 1886- / 1852-1,-37 s/L. ic E. 1899 >< :-^946 I&94-I965 1 5-1919 1865-1939 1889-1969 1889-1971 1859 ..W. Vet. wife of R. .)6 - Dec. 31, 1912 25, L871 70 yr 10 mo 22 ds - 1 LANCASTER CEMETERY - HUTCHSON, Leona er Twp. Home-made markers, names scratched in, no dates JACOBS, Crystal Gay Dec. 21, 1952 - Oct. 5, 1969 JAKOBE, William Bert Bennett Anton Sar> h JEFFORD, Daniel R. Claude A. Blanche H. JEFFORD, Lloyd Cdith Clayton L. JOHNSON, Bernard JOHNSON, Eddie Sarah E. Asa M. JOHNSON, Jessie A. Fred D. JOHNSON, Lester Vioella COLVIN JOHNSON, Roy E. Annie JOHNSON, Sarah E. Asa M. JOHNSTON, Catherine Elaine JOHNSTON, Elizabeth Mary JOHNSTON, Johnnie T. ,on; CON , Mary * JONES, Capt. Edward J. 18l2-1955 1886-1925 1879-1924 .11, 1846 - May 15, 1907 Dec. 23, 1852 - Apr. 3, 19^9 W. 18>1-1965 . .-12-1968 1905-1923 1906-1963 190 »- L -'-"-,,- 19J1-1971 s/N.I-i. I S.E. 6. Jan. 25, I89I r 1 mo 20 ds I00O-I919 3 i ' - 946 189o-194 , 1902- 18' J-1969 1-191? Wife 18' 2- ) 53 1894- 1860-191 . 1856-1946 Inf. d. Mi .: . 18, i960 - p. 2, 1840 - Apr. 19, 1867 w/N. JOHNSTON d. Nov. 16, 1846 36 yr 6 mo " ■■'. 3. 1888 - Apr. 26, 1959 Minn. Z. ASC WW I - ■ — -6, S3 yr 2 mo Co. D. 17 111. : iv. LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp, JONES, Mary E. 1035-19— Samuel H. Apr. 18, 1904 - May 20, I958 111. Pvt. Co. F 2 armored Regt. WWII KAISER, Gladys L. 1892-1936 Mother Willis S. 1889-1938 Father KARSTEDT, Pearl 18S4-1937 KARSTETTER, George 1873-1949 Vera 1893-19— KARSTETTER, William N. 1856-1931 Charlotte E. COWSER ..3?3-19l6 W. A. Lester 1902-1925 son KELLEY, H. C. 1896-1956 F. KELSA, Amanda J. I856-I93I Albert A. 1854-1931 KING, Alexander d. Jun. 24, 1892 65 yr KINGSLEY, Clenton Apr. 26, 1904 - May 11, 1904 inf. son Cloyd C. Oct. 12, 1907 - Feb. 6, 1916 Lottie 1876-1954 Prank 1873-1964 KOCH, Alma M. I885-I956 KRIGNER, Edna F. 1891-19^8 Elmer R. I887-I949 KRIGNER, Joseph 1856-1940 Harriet HUGHES 1847-1927 KRISHER, Verna M. I895-I970 Clarence E. I89I-I953 William H. 1889-19' Barbara 1860-1927 M. Henry R. 1848-1927 F. KR0EPEL, Torrence 1922 infi sons of H#F# & B#R> William 1927 Hermann A. 1892-1921 Johanna L. 1864-1947 Theodore A. 1852-1938 Blanche R. Mar, 2, 1901 - Henry F. Jul. 2, 1902 - LA F0LLETTE, Verna L. 95- Maynard F. ±904-1971 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber ]?v;p. LADD, — aline A. Oscar P. Henry T. Joseph P. Dec. 14, 1622 - Jan, 27, 1874 s/j. & 0. Jun. 3, I855 - Apr. 23, 1857 s/j. & 0. d. Mar. 17, 1848 4 yr 11 mo 10 ds d. Sep 22, I865 51 yr 2 mo Masonic emblem LADD, Joseph LACOCK, James M. Addie M. Effie L. Harper Mary LAMBERT, William Sarah J. LANAN, Thomas H. Delia B. LEITNER, Nellie G. Frank J. LEONARD, Elizabeth Charles J. LIGHTBODY, Alexander Hattie A. SOPER ' Mary B. Charlie T. LIGHTBODY, Allen '.V. Mary E. COREY James L. Anna A , SOPER LIGHTBODY, Dolia E. b. Andover, N.H. Apr. 1, 1772 1861-1936 1869-1901 1882-19-^4 Sep. 29, 1817 - Feb. 3, I89O May 17, 1833 - Mar. 6, 1910 }ono'}^n I00F Matches OWEN stones 1«7«-1939 189^- 1894- LAWRENZ, Rudolph C. l867-±937 Agnes J. I883-I96I LEE, Charles 1891-1961 LEHMAN, Minnie KELSA 1876-1952 Oliver W. 1370-19 — Jan. 8, 1905 Dec. 30, 1902 - Jan. 14, 1972 1879-1951 1869-1941 1849-1918 1857-1931 1880-19— 1876-1946 1384-1921 I885-I969 1861-1923 1867-1940 1901-1931 LIGHTBODY, Elmer R. I8ci?-1943 Annie 1894-1^-- LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber r 'wp, LIGHTBODY, Ernest R. Fern W. LIGHTBODY, Dedrich C. Oakley A. William E. Ethel May Molly I. Minor Roy LIGHTBODY, Edna R. Minor R. Minnie E. SHREFFLER Chauncey J, Maggie M. WINN LIGHTBODY, Howard D. Feme L. LIGHTBODY, Lewis R. Maggie SMITH Delmer Ray Jennie C LA US ON Stena B. Mark Elizabeth LISTON, Rilla LITTLEPAGE, Marilyn Jane BADER LOOGER, Cornelius LOOGER, Nellie Charles D. Henry D. LOVE, Lois A. Walter L. MAGNESS, Fielding Gracie J. MALMGRAN, Arthur W. Lucy M. 1892-1964 1899- Mar. 13, 1903 - Nov. 13, 1969 Feb. 5, 1907 - May 2, 1967 Feb. 21, 1913 - Jul. 30, 1965 1894-1966 1911-1936 s/Chauncy J. & Maggie M. 1916-1917 1898-1899 1869-1891 Mother 1859-1927 1875-1951 Mother 1891-1965 1892-19— Dec. 3. 1875 - Dec. 21, 19^+2 F. Apr. 2, 1882 - Dec. 9, 1918 Wife 1887-193^ Husband 1887-19^6 Wife May 13, 1878 - May 7, 1918 dau. Dec. 8, I853 - Jun. 5, 1922 Apr. 4, I858 - Apr. 23, 1920 Wife Nov. 24, 189^ - Apr. 14, 1971 sister Sep. 19, 1931 - Oct. 8, 1956 dau. 1866-19^ 1* ^-1963 M. Aug. 29, 1895 - Jun. 13, 1918 Corp. 5th U.S. Marines 4th Brigade 2nd Div, 1870-19^0 F. 1853-1936 1854-1929 Nov. 19, I860 - Mar. 4, 1937 Nov. 23, 1864 - Apr. 16, 1912 1891-195 1891-1970 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. MALMGREN, Carl S. Margaret C. MALMGREN, Charles C. Sanna E. MALMGREN, Robert L. Edward A. Idabelle LOVE MANNING, Michael MARLATT, Jennie MARTIN, Alta M. LIGHTBODY Sammy MARTIN, Clarence C. Nellis MARTIN, Hiram V. MARTIN, Raymond Mary A. Samuel MATHENY, Joel T. Oral in e MATTHEW, Margaret William R. Vivian S. William E. MATTHEW, Leah M. Mabel E. MONKS MAULHARDT, Viola McAVOY, John D. Isabella Inez L. George W, McCAHREN, Wilburn Stoy C. 1898- 1902-1966 1857-1943 1860-1956 1908-1965 1884-1937 1884-1916 w. Aug. 16, 1834 - Mar. 14, 1911 V.P.W. 1869-1929 Mother 1883-1925 Sep. 17, 1884 - Nov. 1, 1963 Oct. 4, 1888 - Jun. 25, 1933 F. Jan. 6, 1907 - Feb. 7, 1969 S. s/C. & B. d. Apr. 12, 1857 5 mo 18 ds d. Jan. 17, 1900 10 mo 17 ds 1859-1939 1859-1931 Jul. 10, 1849 - Mar. 3, 1930 May 1, I857 - Nov. 24, 1944 1869-1936 1860-1946 1903-1965 sister 1898-1957 brother 1895-1897 1893-1915 May 31, 1912 - Feb. 4, i960 Pfc. 2508 Base Unit AAF WWII 1853-1926 1849-1923 Wife 1886-1949 Eastern Star 1879-195^ 1913-1950 Capt. 186, Inf. 41 Div. 1893-1950 vet. WWI McCANN, Gertrude CLAUSON Elizabeth E. 1897-1961 Sep. 16, 1886 - Jul. 19, 1946 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. McCLARY, Sleonor J. Janie William McCLUER, Elizabeth J. McCLURE, Samuel McCOY, Bertha M. Lloyd R. Gertie James S. Maggie M. McCULLOUGH, George John F. I6b2-Co< 1872-1073 i860- I860 1868-192? matches DOLL stone w/h,;. McCLUER d. Jul. 11, 1363 24 yr 4 mo 7 ds d. Aug. 9, 1858 37 yr 9 mo 11 ds 1390-1967 1886-1957 d/j.S. & M. Jan. 1, I876 - Jan. 8, 1894 1854-1932 1856-1942 d. May 7, 186 7 35 yr 7 mo s/G. & 3.E. d. Aug. 5, i860 2 yr 29 ds Mcdonald, Sandra g. 1938-1945 McELHANEY, Mabel S. L. Otto McELHANSY, William D. Lydia A. McELWEE, John P. Martha E. McFADIN, Samuel McFARLAND, Verne McKEEHBN, Joseph G. McTAGGART, Dr. Royal McWHERTER, Mary E. MEISENHEIMER, Darrin MESKIMEN, Ina L. James W. Sarah E. LIGHTBODY Roscoe 1896-1964 1890-1957 Sep. 15, 1855 - Feb. 23, 1906 May 15, 1853 - Jan. 23, 1938 1897-1899 1879-1916 d. Jan. 18, I856 67 yr 10 mo 1 ds i'ascnic emblem bo. & Minnie Jul. 8, 1897 - • ' - <• . 1901 s/... & M. d. Mar. 7, I85I 8 mo 8 ds 1031-1891 d/F. & M. oar.. 13, 1961 - Feb. 23,1961 1886-1939 1876-1959 1852-1936 1904-1967 LANCASTER CEMETERY MILLS, Peter MINCEY, Debbie MINNICK, John Fannie MINNICK, John 0. MISKIMEN, James H. Ida M. Stella Milton MISKIMEN, Ollie FULLER John G. MISKIMENS, Ella Joseph E. MITCHELL, Allen T. Jane MITCHELL, Edward MITCHELL, J. Re id Ida E. MITCHELL, Justine MITCHELL, Richard A. Leoria B. Ada R. MITCHELL, Wm. Edward A. MOORE, Raymond Rosa P. HOMAN MORRIS, Peggy Lou MUGFORD, Katharine William MURPHY, Clement E. G. Maxine MURPHY, John E. Harriet A, Timber Twp. Feb. 27, 1811 - May ?, I896 1965-1971 dau. d. Mar. 13, 1862 56 yr 5 mo 8 ds 1812-1880 s/john & Frances d. Aug. 21, I853 3 yr 1 da Feb. 27, 1849 - Jun. 19, 191^ Oct. 18, 1869 - Feb. 6, 1910 W. Mar. 19, 1891 - Mar. 26, 1891 dau. Nov. 7, 1894 - Jan. 5, 1971 111. Pvt. Co. D. 5MG BN. WWI Jun. 25, 1830 - May 30, 1906 Wife Mar. 23, 1827 - Dec. 23, 19 1** 1863-1931 Blue Lodge 1866-1932 Apr. 7, 1827 - Oct. 8, 1874 May 23, 1825 - Oct. 13, 1901 1876-1931 1892-1957 I888-I963 1855-1912 1869-193^ 1875-19^9 1892-1919 dau. 1853-1936 1876-1931 Aug. 11, 1944 - Apr. 17, 1957 I855-I9— not buried yet 1857-1931 1912-1961 Daddy 1918-1971 Mother 1845-19— 1849-1925 MURPHY, Lieut. Wm. D. Co. C. 8 mo inf. LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp, MURPHY, Kenneth 0. Edna M. Carroll A. NOLAN, Larkie Louise NORTHRUP, Clyde Clyde Mildred E. Hannah Amanda Charles Henry Ruth Glen NORTHRUP, Sherman Delia NORTHRUP, William J. Minnie L. NUHN, Jesse R. Goldie E. OLDFIELD, Oromia OLSON, Nettie Gus OWENS, Lloyd C. Enola A. Cleo L. Leslie OWENS, James Margaret PANKY, Thomas PARKER, John W. Herbert .-.rthur PAYNE, Agnes 3. Aug. 10, 1906 - Mar. 2, 1915 Dec. 3, 1884 - Mar. 31, 1972 Jan. 6, 1880 - Nov. 29, 1968 1871-19^7 - — •*■* — ~ 1881-1962 — "- Aug. 14, I896 - Jan. 4, 1897 dau.. . Auff. 14, I896 - Mar. 2, 1897 son xwlns d. 1904 inf. dau. 1861-1904 1856-1939 1898 s/C.H. & A.H. 1865-1958 1868-1956 1868-1932 1881-1951 190.5-1965 1892-1963 Jan. 15, I85O - Aug. 25, 1866 I870-I9— 1877-1957 1892-1952 1898-1970 I888-1965 1889-1930 Apr. 12, 1838 - Feb.~9, 1924 Aug. 9, 1833 - Feb. 27, 1901 wife Home-made marker, no date d. Murpheesboro, Tenn. Jul. 23, 186 3 29 yr 2 mo 8 ds s/j.W. & A.M. d. Feb. 18, I858 4 ds s/J.W. & A.M. d. Dec. 27, I856 12 ds w/john d. Sep. 9, 1892 18 yr 4 mo 15 ds PAYNE, Eldon Dean 1915-1918 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. PAYNE, Stephen RILEY Emma RODGERS Ernest J. PENNY, John R. Kate PETERS, Ralph Samuel Esther PETERS, Samuel Esther PETERSEN, Cieske Peter S. PETERSON, Oscar W. PETRI, William W. Edith MISKIMEN 1904-1935 Madge HUSTON 1899-1955 1865-1932 187^.-1930 1894-19-- Apr. 7, 1842 - Jan. 18, 1916 Nov. 6, 1842 - May 28, 192? s/J.A. & M. Jul. 22, I896 - Jun. 17, 1905 Son of J. A. & M. Nov. 15, 1899 Son of S.L. & E. May 10, 1880 Co. I, 32nd 111. Inf. 1842-1929 1841-1934 Wife 1842-1929 Co. I, 32nd Reg. 111. Vol. 1841-1934 1802-1880 1811-1897 1871-1933 1901- PETTY, David PETTY, Jacob PETTY, Julia A. Joseph E. no name Nancy Malinda Louis A. PETTY, Mary E. PHILLIPS, Edgar A. Ida J. PICKETT, Mary May Halmon H. PILGRIM, Frank M. Edith MARVEL -*" ^^William E. Viola J. DUFFIELD I856 Jul. 11, 1851 stone buried Dec. 20, 1825 - Oct. 9, 1895 w/ Joseph JuaasJii fcy 1832 - De#* i May 22, I^BP^Mar. 23, 1893 w/jos^ph Apr. 11, 1828 - Jan. 28, i860 w/ Joseph- Apr. 15, 1837 - Sep. 1, 1893 Jan. 11, 1859 - Dec. 21, I859 Aug. 26, I863 - Aug. 30, 1864 wife of J.? 1860-1928 1866-1940 Jun. 1, 1905 Jan. 19, 1902 • 1895-1956 WWI I898-1966 1921- WWII 1925 Oct. 23, 1972 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. POLLITT, Hobart R. 9 06-1962 Lucille W. 1910 PORTER, Rhoda .339-19-- Wife PORTER, Sarah Jane BAKER 1830-1901 (per Wm. PORTER) PORTER, Harry DOLL I888-I969 no stone (per Wm. PORTER) PORTER, Walker B. Dec. 15, 18?2 - Aug. 16 , 1373 Martha A. w/E.M. May 6, I838 no date of death Samuel E. Mar. 9, 1868 - May 17, I898 Edward M. Mar. 22, 1815 - Apr. 27, 1890 PORTER, Sophia E. '953 * Samuel J. ±905 PORTERFIELD, Ada F. Nov. 11, i860 - Jun. 16 , I925 POTTER, Elga J. I 96-I968 Edna J. I896- POTTER, Jennie ROSE 1881-19-- Ralph E. 1870-19^1 Ruth E. BROWN 1899-1971 dau. PRINCE, Frank T. 1897-1965 Erma E. 1906- RABEL, Robert Allyn Aug. 30, 19^0 - Nov. 15, 1968 RADER, Morris I885-I957 Katherine RAICH, William s/F. & M.P. d. Feb. 14, i860 . yr 11 mo 20 ds Mary P. Dec. 31, 1834 - Mar. 6, 1917 RASH, Cynthia w/Henry d. Apr. 21, 1874 33 yr 11 mo 11 ds * RATHBUN, Myrtle BANDi w/C.P. Nov. 8, 1872 - Jul. 14, 1906 REEVE, Franklin I852-I927 Sarah F. MARTIN 1854-1919 W. REIMER, Frank , 1905- Alice M. 1906- Jo Ann May 10, 1935 - Jun. 3, 1950 dau. REIMER, John W. .4-1919 Exsay Alberta d/j. & E. I9IC-1913 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timb p. REIMER, Keith A. i . Vera E. 1-196? M. REIMER, William Oct. 15, 1834 - Feb. 19, 1901 Christine MILLER Jun. 4, 1834 - Aug.- 27, 1906 wif REYNOLDS, Peter 1813-1845 Mary L. Oct, 8, 1844 - Dec. 29, 1846 RHOADS, Ida Mae 1876-1952 Arthur C. 1873-1957 Emanuel E. s/A.C. & Mae 1918-1918 RHOADS, Henry F. 185^-1918 and Wife 1860-1959 RICE, Abbie L. 1853-1943 RICE, Ida May d. Jun. 20, I879 21 yr 15 ds RICHARDS, Madison A. 1872-19'* 1 P. E. Emaline 1879-1942 M. RICHIGER, Donald 1932 RIEDELBAUGH, Christ- opher Oct. 6, 1830 - Jan. 25, 1914 Wilhelmine LORENZ may 19, I836 - Nov. 10, 1909 wife Henry 1867-1882 son Pauline I865-I927 dau. S. Louise BECKER 1872-1927 Charlotte 1869-1942 dau. Sophia R. 1863-1956 dau. RIEDELBAUCH, Frederick P. 1874-1961 Anna G. LOVE 1887-1957 (Extra stone) 1887 Mother 1957 Anna Reidelbauch This stone was originally brought from France about 1831 and was used in the grist mill of the descendant's grandfather, John A. LOVE, in Orion Township, Fulton County, 111. RIEDELBAUCH, John Mar. 6, I833 - Mar. 24, 1912 Paulina F. w/john Feb. 27, 1840 - Jul. 29, 1893 53 yr 5 mo 2 ds RIEGER, John W. 1877-1957 Alma L. 1881-1922 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber RIPLEY, Elmer R. i'lorence A. ROBBINS, Alonzo C. Ida M. ROBBINS, Elizabeth B. Floyd v. John W. Charlc bte A. PAHNESTOCK Maria S. Clarence A. John A, ROBBINS, Floyd N. Dorothy E. Harold D. ROBBINS, Howard J. Margaret E, * Cpl. Dale E. Twins ROBBINS, Julie C. Henry L. ROBBINS, Lewis A. Mary A . Lewis K. ^ROBERTS, Leonard 0. ROBER' ., ^eonard C. Nellie C. ROBINSON, Elizabeth ROMINE, :... Fred Emma E. ROMINE, irgil M. ROWE, Jam :, iil '^Lc.. be L/1 •I -- 1888-1940 s/B. 8c I.M. Jan. 4, 187? - Jan. 11, 1900 7 enniah Sep. 11, I852 - Jul. 13, 895 1876-1952 I883- 09 10-1905 1825-1912 Wife w/O.F. CHAMBERLAIN I856-I894 1862-1892 1876-1882 1910-1969 F. 1918- 1937-1955 son 1894- not buried yet 1903- not buried yet 1929-195 5 Vet. Korean War, Co. D. 27th Inf. Regt. 25th Div. Betty Jean & Harold Dec, 1927 1881- 9— 1876- 1; .-'.928 ?. '5-^928 [. 1080-1956 F. Mar. 8, 1881 - May 28, 1944 111. Pvt . Med . I 2 pt . iviay 28, I ( - Aug. 9, 196o 1862-1936 - 1-1959 P. 1884-1954 /. 28, 1944 - Mar. 26, 1964 -1919 1 6 vv. LANCASTER CEMETER V - Timb *RUGGERI, Barney RULE, James P. Infant twins Ezra L. RUSCH, John E. Albertina A. RUSCH, M. Pearl Carl W. SAMS, Amon Rebecca SANDERS, Elmina L. SANDERS, John D. Elnora SANDERS, Margaret A SANDERS, Roy W. Minnie E. Daniel T. Ellen B, SANDERS, Shairon T. Lydia E. Son SANDERS, Theodore Catharine J, Kate C. SATHOPP, Rhoda Louis SAYLOR, Annie L. SHREPPLER George Bessie Mable SAYLOR, Arvilla J. Mary A. d. Nov. 29, 1939 111. Pvt. 1 CI. 328 Inf. 82 Div. s/E.L. & P. d. Apr. 3, 1858 7 yr 6 mo 21 ds daus/E. & P. d. Dec. k, 1851 d. May 10, I856 Uo yr 26 ds 1848-1924 I8ii.5-j.9i5 Jun. 7, 1887 - Feb. 28, 1957 Mar. ;, 1875 - Oct. 30, 1940 d. Feb. 8, I856 42 yr w/A. d. Oct. 15, 1898 86 yr 9 mo 1 da d/j.D. & E.S. d. Apr. 6, I856 2 mo 17 ds b. Perry Co., Pa. 1834 d. Feb. 17, 1899 b. Labanon Co., Pa. I836 d. Nov. 30, 1911 d/j.C. & C. d. Mar. 11, I857 16 yr 7 mo 3 ds 1889-1913 Brother I88O-I969 1862-1919 Father 1857-1895 Mother Feb. 8, 1872 - Mar. 20, 1954 Sep. 7, 1872 - Dec. 11, 1953 s/S.T. SANDERS no dates Apr. 28, I836 - May 8, 1888 Jan. 2, 1837 - May 18, 1921 1869-1936 1866-1934 1862-1939 Jan. 23, 18? x - Jul. 11, 1955 Nov. 28, 1868 - Dec. 31, 1943 Feb. 9, 1892 - Apr. 7, 1892 dau. d/p. & M.A. d. Nov. 17, 1854 1 yr 20 ds w/joseph d. May 10, I867 41 yr 6 mo 29 ds LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. SAYLOR, Earl L. 1879-1971 Zora P. 1899-1944 SAYLOR, Elmira 1860-1933 Amos 1861-1935 SAYLOR, George d. Mar. 23, 1833 68 yr 19 ds Amy d, Feb. 21, 1912 88 yr 11 mo 18 ds wife Joseph 1856-1926 Vesti R. 1847-1923 SAYLOR, Grace C. 1892-1937 mother SAYLOR, Joshua Lincoln Sep. 20, I863 - Mar. 1, 1924 Sarah E. GLASFORD 1864-1921 his wife SAYLOR, Newton A. 1887-1951 Golden M. 1890-19— SAYLOR, Mary Dec. 8, I83I - Apr. 20, 1912 Josephine PETTY Mar. 19, 1357 - Jan. 1, 1902 dau. SCARCLIFF, Anna May 1866-1942 William H. 1868-1947 SCARCLIFF, John T. 1886-1955 Fannie A. 1892-19— SCARCLIFF, Thomas H. 1892-1961 Etta J. 1883-1962 SCHAER, Addie SUMNER 1895-1967 SCHULTZ, Harmon May 4, I838 - Apr. 14, 1925 Jemima W0LGAM0TT Feb. 4, 1846 - Dec. 16, 1910 wife Luesa d/H. & J. d. Oct. 20, I876 2 yr 7 mo 25 ds SCHWINN, Julius H. 1911- Tesie T. 1912- SCOTT, Amey A. WILSON 1903-1936 wife SCOTT, Charles s/S. & L. d. Jan. 20, i860 1 yr 5 mo 21 ds Affrica w/William SCOTT d. Oct. 31, i860 73 yr 3 mo 6 ds SCOTT, Riley May 26, 1825 - Aug. 28, 1907 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp, SCOTT, .Villiam R. s/W.L. & ,V. d. Aug. 30, 18 53 1 yr 21 ds SCOVIL, Gerald 185*3-1930 Alice 1863-1930 *W» HI SCOVIL, John Hay 30, 1823 - Jan. 20, 1901 Father Mary A. McCOY Oct. 5, 1928 - Oct. 11, 1901 Mother Mary d. Sep. 16, 1874 3 mo 20 ds Lincoln d. Sep. 5, 1862 2 yr 7 mo 22 ds John W. s/j. Sc M.A. Dec. 25, I856 - Aug. 29, 1878 Charles 1852-1927 SCOVIL, Jessie P. w/,Vm. H. THRUSH Feb. 4, 1881 - Jul. 29, 1904 SCOVIL, Margaret 1864-1950 Elmer Nov. 15, I863 - Oct. 15, I897 SEVERT, Hazel 190C-1922 dau. SEWARD, Wilma J. Jan. 9, 1928 - Oct. 21, 1971 SHADE, Infant son s/A.M. & L. Apr. 23, I856 - May 16, SHADE, Catharine d/ . & M. d. Oct. r J , 3 mo 3 ds SHAFER, Gust J. Feb. 7, 1336 - Dec 20, Henriette Jun. 4, 184 5 - Oct. 25, SHAFER, Mary M. I885--I967 M. arried Albert C. 13?. -I965 F. SHAKER, Vivian Nov. 19, 1904 - Apr. 12, George H. 1882-1956 Josephine 1883-1944 3KILLH0RN, fiessie Jan. 26 , 1899 - 19-- Samuel J. v eb. 18, 1084 - Jul. 3, 19 55 SHIRCK, Daniel Apr. lO, 1820 - Aug. 1, 1910 Sarah S. SWAILES Nov. 6, 1827 - Mar. 7, I876 wife M.E.S. George W. 186 1- 19 59 I. 0.0. P. SHIRCK, 3. Ray Feb. 5, 1899 - Sep. 25, 1970 Mildred I. Oct. 15, 1903 LANCASTER CEMETERY - .. n, ar Twp. SHIRCK, Glenda Jane Glenn Iva M. Abraham L. Christina 30NNEMAXER SHOCK, Elizabeth John SHOCK, Infant Sarah - Three infants ♦SHREFFLER, James A. Eliza J. SHREFFLER, Oliver Amy SHRYOCK, Ada M. Willis SHRYOCK, Lewis E. Stella M. MINNICK SHRYOCK, Wm. P. Eliza Jul. Alonzo Minerva Ray SILZEL, David H. Sarah Jane SILZEL, Sarah J. Maria E. Julia Anna Jacob LaAnna d/Marshall & ^uth Apr. 7, 1353 - apr. 10, 1853 1891-1926 1893-19— His W. 1864-1958 l8?i-194l His W. Sep. 7, 1391 75 yr 2 mo 22 ds Dec. 27, 1881 76 yr 2 mo 7 ds Buried in Portland, Oregon d/j. & E. d. Dec. 20, 1843 d/j. & E. d. May 15, 1847 2 yr 2 mo 27 ds sons of J. & E. SHOCK Co. I. 86th 111. Inf. Vo. 1832- 1919 I.O.O.F. 1838-1918 Timber W.R.C. 246 his wife 1866-1952 1869-1958 1868-1951 M. 1854-1920 F. Feb. 16, 1859 - Dec. 25, 1932 Aug. 26, I858 - Feb. 28, 1931 Sep. 1, 1825 - Mar. 30, 1900 14, 1826 - Jun. 11, 1910 1850-1927 1855-19— Oct. 18, 1891 - Jul. 18, 1970 W.W.I. s/j. & S.L. d. Jun. 9, I863 w/ Jacob SILZEL d. Nov. 18, I863 22 yr 1 mo 28 ds d/j. & L. d. Jul. 16, 1851 1 yr 8 mo 6 ds d/j. & L. d. Auff. 30, 1846 11 mo d/j. & L. d. Mar. 16, 1847 9 yr 9 mo 18 ds d. Mar. 16, 1847 7 yr 2 mo 16 ds w/ Jacob d. Jun. 23, I85I 37 yr 6 mo 23 ds LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber I'wp. ♦SLONE, Alfred Margaret E. SLONE, Oscar H. Minnie M. Crystal Roy E. SLOVER, Ira A. Chloe Garold C. A . Pearl SMITH, Norman Co. K. 7 111. Cav. 1843-1932 18?4-1942 1880-1941 1921-1929 s/O.H. 8c. M.M. b. & d. Nov. 4, 1913 1889-1963 1895- 1919-1960 1920 1810-138? Olive THOMPSON 1822-1904 Wife Becky William Ella FRANK ♦SMOOTHERS, Daniel W. SNYDER, Eva GLASFORD SONNEMAKER, Nora SONNEMAKER, William Henry Frank Agnes A. SOPER, Charles T. Ann E. SHIRCK Sarah L. TOWNSAND SPENNY, Fred H. Mabel P. SPONG, E. KRISHER A. G. ♦SPONG, Augustus ♦SPONG, John Mary KRISHER John SPONG, John D. SPONG, U. Grant 1854-1882 dau. 1855-1933 « I856-I9I8 Wife May 2, 1890 - Sep. 9, 1°M 111. Pvt. ? ammo TN 7 Div. W.W.I. 1870-1928 Feb. 13, I858 - Mar. 5, 1937 1888-1909 "erected by Grandma SONNEMAKER" 1857-1925 May 17, I858 - Mar. 3. 1906 1853-1927 1854-1930 1851-1924 1898-1964 1900 w/A.G. Oct. 16, 183^ - Apr. 12, 1909 Relief Corp- 246 Jul. 27, 18_)2 - Aug. 27, 1915 G.A.R. Reg,o. 39. 111. Inf. Co. H. Jan. 25, I833 - Aug. 28, 1911 Co. H. 39 111. Vet Vol. Int. w/john Jul. 28, 1832 - Apr. 24, 1918 enlisted Feb. 27, 1862 discharged .Tun. 26, 186 5 s/j. & M. d. Jan. 27, I859 12 ds 1872-1949 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Tim! 2r .wp. SPRAGUE, Algie E. eb. 1, I898 - Jul. 6, 1970 Dolly B. Apr. 9, 1906 - Nov. 16, 1967 SPRAGUE, Dale C. I9I6-I968 Hus. Opal E. 1918 w. of Dale Willard U. 1920- hus. Mae V. 1920 w. of Willard Stephen R. 1947-1948 son SPRAGUE, Floy T. I896-I962 Chester N. 1896-1957 SPRAGUE, Frank L. 1877-1934 Ethel L. 1891-19^6 SPRAGUE, Lena Mae 1888-19 — Clarence N. 1890-1946 SPRAGUE, Lewis J. Jul. 29, 186 7 - Sep. 7, 1935 Lottie Apr. 8, 1874 - Mar. 26, 1923 SPRAGUE, Mary J. w/L.P. d. Feb. 13, 1894 74 yr 8 mo 11 ds Nelson T. 1853-1936 F. Laura F. I856-I9OI M. Eliza Jan. 11, 1867 - Apr. 27, 19^9 wife Lycurgus 18^5- G.A.R. Post 432 Laura L. LIGHTBODY 1853-1917 wife SPRAGUE, Pearl S. 1890-1935 M. Ray F. 1886-1955 SPRAGUE, Pearl 1 T-1931 Arthur J. 1^91-1964 Leroy H. 1^15-1937 son Alta d. Aug. 8, 1920 inf. dau. SPRAGUE, Ralph R. Jan. 17, 1911 - Opal M. Apr. 5, 1916 - Jan. 3, 1973 Raymond F. s/F. & E. Jun. 14, 1924 - Apr. 20, 1925 *SPRAGUE, S. M. Jan. .9* 1343 - Feb. 5, I895 Post 432 Co. I. 86 111. Inf. SPRAGUE, Thos. L. 1864-1927 Hattie M. 1867-1925 W. SPRAGUE, Walter Marion 1872-1^47 Elizabeth M. Jan. 21, 1877 - Sep. 19, 1923 wife Albert Lyle s/W.M. & E.M. d. Mar. 27, 1908 8 ds Bernita May 1909-1930 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. STEPHANY, Helen N 1866-1948 STRINGER, Elizabeth 1863-1947 M. Oscar 1854-1934 P. STROSNIDER, Walter H. 1901-1953 Estie P. 1902- SUMr/IERVILLE, Rev. Bertha VARNSR 1835-1932 SUIvlNER, j.ovina 1875-1955 William 1373-1963 SWARTZ, Alice B. 1872-1954 TAYLOR, J. L. no date J. W. no date TAYLOR, William M. 1872-1932 Sarah E. 1874-1961 TAYLOR, Mary 1.853-1922 Roscoe 1850-1922 THOMAS, Leonard Oct. 20, 1826 - Oct. 1, 1903 Martha A. May 6, I838 - Nov. 9, 1913 THOMPSON, Allan Lee Dec. 11, 1957 - Mar. 2, 1958 son Lori Ann Nov. 10, i960 - Nov. 12, i960 dau. THOMPSON, Joseph 1846-1928 1926? THRUSH, Jessie P. SCOVIL :'eb. 4, 1881 - Jul. 29, 1904 TINDALL, Annie L. I87O- George E. 1866- . -+c TINDALL, Frank E. 1882-1952 F Maggie I885-I9— U Austin A. 1873-1960 Lida GLASPORD 1877-1968 TINDALL, Hattie C. 1867-1962 H. Melvin 1867-1942 I 1 1. TINDALL, Harry A. Aug. 19, I885 - Dec. 15, 1970 Millie E. Aug. 26, 1888 TINDALL, Martha E. 1867-1912 dau. Grace S. 1838-1912 dau. Allen C. 1836-1914 Esther McCLURE 1844-1927 wife LANCASTER CEMETERY - timber rp. TGUSI.EY, William A. I"ul. 1371 - Mar. I876 franc is B. Jul, IS, 1822 - Apr. 23, 1874 TOWNSAND, Sarah L. SOPEK rRICKEY, Henriette d/J.H. ic M.C. d. war, 21, 1848 3 yr 2 no 22 ds Charles s/j.H, & M.C. d. Mar. 26, 1848 5 yr 1 mo 14 ds TYLER, Minnie F. I868-I953 Charles E. 1866-1953 VanDEVENTER, Glen L. 1889-1950 Srma L. VanDEVENTER, John P. Mar. 20, 1828 - Oct. 28, 1917 Sarah C. BOWERS Jul. 14, 1830 - Jan. 5, 1908 Wife Prank A. Jun. 7, 1857 - Dec. 13, 1937 P. Fred L. Feb. 4, 1884 - Mar. 16, 1937 Son Sarah M. SHOEMAKER Mar. 24, 1963 M. VanDEVENTER, Lemuel R. 18 58- 1942 Cassie KELLY 1862-1933 VanDEVENTER, Ray C. 1886-1954 Lula B. 1866-19— VARNER, Alfred Mar. 30, 1812 - Jul. 4, 1892 Ruth COLLINS Apr. 1, 1818 - Sep. 17, 1897 VARNER, George R. 1371-1928 Father VARNER, Laura d/A . & R. d. Mar. 19, 1877 19 yr 10 mo Albert s/A . & R. d. Jan. 18, 1880 31 yr 11 ro< 18 ds George W, d. Oct. 6, 1873 28 yr 8 mo 4 ds Alfred s/G.W. & S.E. d. Sep. 30, 1872 1 yr 3 mo Charles N. d. Mar. 5, 1877 9 yr 10 mo 4 ds Benjamin K. 1351-1886 Clista w/B.F. 1856-1930 VOSS, Henry J. 1896-1932 WALCK, Lyle R. 1912-1944 Ethel D. 1887-1918 James L. 1881-1959 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. WALLACE, James William 1893-1954 Edith BRANNAH 1894-19 — his wife WATERS, John H. 1900-1957 M. Ada L. -19^^ Albert L. , ' 5, 1904 - Sep. 3, 196? Viola A. Jun. 20, 1910 - iy 30, 1972 WATSON, Clarence ?. 1. .- Rosemary C. 925- WATSON, Ray -1955 WATSON, Shirley J. 1937-196** dau. *WEAVER, James Cc . 86 111. Inf. Minnie Ida d/j . <& R. d. Aug. 7, 1873 9 mo 20 ds WELLS, Charles M. s/M.G. & L.M. d. Oct. 7, 1850 17 ds M. Louisa d/M.G. & L.M, d. Nov. 16, 1849 6 mo 2 ds Catherine L. d/M.G. & L.M. d. Dec. 27, 1847 4 mo ? ds John C. s/M.G. & L.M. d. Nov. 7, 1845 1 mo 26 ds Lucretia M. w/m.G. d. Jun. 27, I853 28 yr ♦WHITE, Samuel Co. H. 172 Ohio N.G. Inf. WHITES, Samuel R. 1845-1945 Father Mary Ann 1844-1899 Mother WHITES, Milton G. I876-I967 Ida May 1873-19 -H WHITES, William Nov. 14, 1865 Susan Mar. 4, 1&71 - Feb. 23, 1906 Wife WISRS, Velma L. Mar. 5, 19 01 William H. 1888-1954 Faye C. WIERS, John H. 1902-1958 George J. Nov. 12, 1895 - Jan. 26, 1963 WIESNER, Claude L. 1336-1910 Nellie WHITES 136 5-1934 WILCOXEN, Goldie M. 1909- W. Donald E. 1917-1951 WILLIAMS, James S. s/w. & R. d. Sep. 18, 1849 10 mo 26 ds LANCASTER CEMETERY - T iber Pwp. WILLIAMS, Leonard B. Lulu LOVE WILSON, Henry Velma WILSON, Jacob Herbert Edna Lovina WILSON, Laura E. J. William WILSON, Mary A. Jacob Emma 9 WILSON, Nancy C. Alva C. WILSON, Russell S. Vera L. WOLFE-SAYLOR, Jerry 0. Lyd ia L . WOLGAMOTT, H. M. Hiram R. Luc inda Daisy D. Mary J. Grace A. WOLGAMOTT, Hiram S. Sarah J. * WOLGAMOTT, J. W. WOLGAMOTT, Judson L. WOLGAMOTT, Washington Nancy DAWSON WOOD, Grace E. Arthur C. W00DSW0RTH, Maryetta Thomas 1881-196 5 190, -ly65 1905- -■ 1875-1958 1879-1967 1861-1941 M. 1861-1928 P. Jun. 14, 1872 - Aug. 17, 1878 1840-1927 1849-1938 Oct. 16, 1870 - Oct. 16, 1872 Children of J. & E. 1886-1950 1879-1966 I905-I9— 1892-19— 1941-1958 1916- not buried yet 1866-1914 Jan. 28, 1840 - Aug. 16, 1921 2nd Lieut. Co. I. 32nd 111. Mar. 4, 1842 - May 8, 1920 d/H.R. & L.B, d. Nov. 17, 1891 9 yr 1 mo 1 da Nov. 11, I876 1 yr 9 mo Nov. 21, 1876 7 yr 21 ds Children of H.R. & L. s/L.i). & 3. d. Nov. 7. 1864 2 yr 2 no 2 ds d/G.W. & N. d. Dec. 11, 1864 Co. I 86th 111. Inf. May 10, 1875 - Nov. 11, 1918 Mar. ?, 1813 - Sep. 25, 1895 Jun. 2, 1817 - Feb. 4, 1907 wife "orected by James PETTY" 189--1956 1894-19-- not buried yet 1871-1932 1865-1948 LANCASTER CEMETERY - Timber Twp. WOODWORTH, Jane 18?6-1959 Alex 1861-1935 WOODWORTH, William S. Sep. 15, 1812 - Aug. 23, I896 WORTHINGTON, James B. 1857-1936 Margaret J. 1858-1940 YAEGER, Karl Ellen 1884-1939 1859-1941 Son Mother ZEINE, Velda I. Henry 1900- 1894 S. M. Concrete home-made stone Marker with M W M in one corner and "C" in the other A. M. footmarker J. C. M. footstone Small marker, unreadable eona 'tntatofieai €^/^/f P.O. Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CEMETERY Timber Township Peoria County, Illinois ST. PETERS LUTHERAN CHURCH CEMETERY Timber Twp. , Peoria County Copied August 2, 1973 by June Williamson and Jean Sigulas. Cemetery in memory of Wra. Ries 1935* ALLGAIER, Lois Myrtle Grace ?. Theodore R. d/T.R. & G.F. Aug. 8, 1926 - Mar. 29, 1928 1899-1966 1893-1973 ALLGAIER, Pastor Jeremiih Dec. 31, I855 - Apr. 12, 1935 Antje BARTELL Feb. 4, 1861 - ?eb. 26, 1946 Albert John s/j. & A. Oct. 4, 1904 - Jan. 29, 1905 ALLGAIER, Steve John BEHRENDS, Edward A. Christena K. Bertha Kathrine BEHRENDS, Emil H. BEHRENDS, Harold S. (I?) BUNGER, Hilka L. Jacob BEHRENDS, Ida K. Harry M. BENSON, Barbara J. BREENS, John B. Christina Dose BRUNS, Mefenda Dose 1956-1971 1884-1970 1888-19— d/E.A. L T. 1923-1929 1888-1941 25-1959 (Amer. Leg.) 1867-1949 1860-1941 1894-1970 1885-19^9 L944-I944 Apr. 22, 1848 - Mar. 18, 1934 Nov, 4, 1851 - Oct. 28, 1917 ( ins . in German ) Feb. 9 S I855 - May 7, 1914 BUNGER, Henry 1892-1955 Anna C. 1891-19— Arleen M. 1920-194( Maggie Hikie Anna BUNGER, Herman - 38- Margaret 1935 Anna 1931 BUNGER, Jacob . :. ?23, 1898 ST. PETERS LUTHERAN CEMETERY - Timber Twp. BUNGER, Peter BUNGER, Peter Margaret CLAASEN, Adam Jantey DeWEERTH, Eliza K. Cornalious F. DeWEERTH, Jacob J. Ida M. William DeWEERTH, Jacob J. Emmia L. DEPPERMAN, Fritz H. John F. W. Fred W, Anna M. DEPPERMAN, William DOSE, Mefenda HARMS DRINGENBERG, Jacob J. Lizzie A. EICHERN, Jesse E. FISCHER, Carl G. Hulda R. FISCHER, George J. Margaret ha M. RICE FLIERL/FRERICHS, Evert Henry FRERICHS Trienke Marie FLIERL, Konrad Maria GELTMAKER, William Patricia Sep. 24, 1823 - Sep. 22, I896 1855-1932 1865-1941 Dec. 3» 1818 - Sep. 30, 1903 Apr. 29, 1825 - Apr. 1, 1914 W. 1872-1931 1866-19^0 1833-1922 (w) 1840-1928 Jan. 22, 1874 - Oct. 19, 1958 1881-1958 F. 1888-1952 M. 1889-1950 1910-1971 1854-1910 1870-1954 1904-1973 Sep. 4, 1812 - May 7, 1910 1874-1939 F. 1881-1956 M. 1911-1972 1893-19-- I897-19— 1838-1907 (w) 1840-1908 Mar. 8, 1819 - Jan. 4, 1906 Dec. 29, 1829 - Aug. 5, 1905 Jun. 15. I865 - Oct. 13, 1916 b. Mar. 21, I885 1941*1968 1943- GERRIETTS, Sebastian 1844-1919 Trienke Margaret ha. I855-I927 ST. PETERS LUTHERAN CEMETERY - Timber Twp. GERRIETTS, Evert Henry 1881-1964 George 1879-1930 GOLDSTINE, Christine 1894-1918 HAMMERICH, Christ Jul. 9, 1854 - Oct. 28, 1925 Margaretta Apr. 25, I857 - Oct. 26, 1936 HAMMERICH, George A. 1895-1969 Johanna G. I898- HAMMERICH, Gustave 1884-1958 Anna C. 1883-1967 HEUERMAN, Schweer 1888-1961 Martha M. 1890-19— HULL, Michael John 1952-1958 JAEGER, Nickolas Mar. 17, 1861 - Aug. 21, 1903 JANSSEN, Elmer R. 1914-1943 Hus. JANSSEN, Henry E. 1879-1963 Lena .888-1916 Anna Pearl 1894-19— inf. son of H.E. & L. 1909 Hero A. inf. son H.E. & L. 1916 JANSSEN, Ludwig R. Apr. 20, ? - Nov. 10, 1906 Viola M. May 13, ? - Jun. 12, 1921 children of R.T. & I.M. JANSSEN, Reent T. Ida M. 1874-1961 1£ ^9-1952 JOHANSON, Jacqualine Gay Jan. 24, 1931 - Jan. 11 i 1935 JOHNSON, Andres D. Gertie C. 1892-1966 1894- KAUFMAN, John C. Florence E. 1907-1969 F 1907-19-- KNAPPE, Frieda C. William J. H, » b. Mar. 24, 1884 d. b. Nov. 15, 1878 d. Apr. 14, 1970 KROEPEL, Edward J. Marie K. 1890-19— 1895-1964 KRUSE, Frank H. b. den Feb. 4, I878 d. den Jun. 8, 1901 ST. PETERS LUTHERAN CEMETERY - i'imber Twp. KRUSE, Hero 1844-1928 Gretje 1842-1930 KRUSE, Katie 1881-1972 David 1879-19^0 LANDV/EHR, Herman G. heir ruhet in Fried en Jan. 12, 1847; Mai 27, 1899 CI £i c* \r c, . (born DOSE) Sep, 10, 1843 - Jun. 1, 1919 LOHR, Friedrich I835-I896 Antjie (vv) 1841-1906 Sophia dau. 1866-1906 Jerden I87O-I935 Etta 1873-1952 Frederick 1833-1953 *L0WE, Virtus Edgar Aug. 7, 1908 - Dec. 7, 1951 Navy WWII MILLER, George F. 1905- Mary B. 1903-1971 MARZAHN, Louis -3 55- 1940 Elisabeth I854-I929 MILLER, Rolla A. Dec. 9, 1897 - Aug. 7, 1971 Lydia J. Dec, 1, 1910 NANNEN, John W. 1864-1Q40 Anna C. 1875-1956 HANNEN, Harm Feb. 16, I838 - Jul. 6, 1918 Marie (w) Feb. 2, 1833 - May 25, 1904 NANNEN, Harm E. Katie M. x910-l 754 NANNEN, Richard H. 1913-1930 Henry 1871-19-^2 Reka I876-I951 OEDEWALDT, Snowden 1893-19— Elizabeth 1902-19-- PILLE, Fannie C. I895-I938 George H. x>0C-1969 Elizabeth A. 1901-19-- ST. PETERS LUTHERAN CEMETERY - Timber Twp. PILLE, Heinrich A . Maria F. Wilhelm G. Heinrich PILLE, Herman B. Lena M. PILLE, Herman D. Anna K. Theresia M. PRIKKER, Ulrich Edda Boyd RABE, Geo. George RABE, Henry W. Mary A. RICKENA, Clarence E. RIEKENA, Cornelius Trientje DOSE RIEKENA, Everet C. Cepkea C. REINHOLTZ, Elmer H. Tena R. REIS, Jacob Lena REIS, William Jannie RICE, Ala D. Kate M. William H. Ruth E. RICE, Charles F. Geske E. RICE, Daniel Anna F. Mar. 11, I835 - Mar. 1, 1908 P. Oct. 15, 1841 - Dec. 30, 191^ M. Oct. 21, 1875 - Sep. 23, 1909 Br. Oct. 2, 1882 - Nov. 2, I899 Br. 1900-1969 1867-193^ 1876-1953 1902-1969 1850-1932 1847-1933 1885-1952 F. M. F. M. b t Schortens, Oldenburg Feb. 19, I858 - Oct. 7, 1892 1893-1910 -1690-1968 1896- Nov. 7, 1902 - Apr. 1, 1970 Aug. 26, 1847 - Jul. 30, 1903 Oct. 2, 1848 - Nov. 8, 1931 married 62 years 1876-1970 1881-1964 1906- 1910- Jan. 16, 1833 - Dec. 15, 1902 Feb. 20, I839 - Feb. 11, 1929 1869-1933 1679-1959 1868-1941 lr 94- 19 56 1901-1972 ±896-19-- Sep. 28, 1864 - Feb. 20, 1942 Sep. 19, 1871 - Nov. 13, 1936 I896-I963 I896-I9— F. M. STAHL, Charles J. 1902-1940 ST. PETERS LUTHERAN CEP/IETERY - Timber Twp. TJARKS, George M. Oct. 28, I85O - Feb. 20, 1904 Eliese M. (w) Jan. 27, 1859 - Oct. 3, I895 UPHOFF, John 1873 - 19^ Elizabeth 1874 - 1957 UPHOFF, Mary GERRIETTS 1893-1938 William Ray 1937- VAN BUENING, Cepke A. OHLING Dec. 12, I833 - Mar. 30, 1901 William 1887-1959 Louise 1890-1970 VAN BUENING, Louise H. 1890-1970 VAN DETTUM, Fannie Gattin Von N. Van Dettum Geb. LANDWEHR Nov. 4, 1879 - Nov. 29, 1918 Nickolas 1874 - 1964 Rosina A. 1886- £. B. 1849-1919 F. VLAHOVICH, Thomas J. 1919- Dorothy M. 1920-1971 VOSS, George E. 1908-1908 VOSS, Frank G. I838-I903 Marie E. 1832-1908 George I871-I952 F. Henreka 1870-1943 M. WALDMEIER, Harmke DOSE Dec. 14, 1845 - Mar. 12, 1929 WEBER, Martin C. 1889-19— Margaret K. 1889-1970 WEERS, Weert Jun. 24, 1833 - Jul. 23, 1920 Geschn M. (seine Gattin Geborne RENTZ) Sep. 10, 1826 - Feb. 3, 1908 WEILAND, Robert 0. Jun. 14, 1941 - Oct. 31, 1967 Beverly E. May 9, 19^3 WILLMS, Henry J. 1876-1950 Mary 187 8 -1945 Jacob B. 1905-1962 Mary A. 1902-19— dau. 1908-1908 son 1918-1918 son, Lester H. 1910-1934 Joyce M. 1946- WINCHELL, Jesse A. I887-I947 Mary 1891-19— eona 'tneaiofiea/ ^oewty P.O.Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois 61602 UNION CEMETERY Timber Township Peoria County, Illinois UNION CEMETERY (Todd) Timber Township One and 3/4 miles east of Glasford Rd . on Todd School Rd . to County Rd . 48 and l/2 mile north. Sec. 4 Timber Twp., Peoria Co., 111. Copied by Alice Calligan and Virginia Schultz on Sep. 14, 1971. (Many of the rtones in this cemetery have been re- placed for the old onesj therefore, there were some that had two markers. ) *ASBELL, Albert 1842 - Aug. 30, 1932 Co. H. 1?6 Ohio Inf. Sarah M. w/A. l°k'6 - Oct. 27, 1909 BARRON, James 1859-1933 Katherine Brownie w/j. 1861-1926 BATTON, Ruth J. 1859-1959 BATTON, child of B.F. & R.J. Sep. 20, 1894 9 mo 28 ds child of B.F. & R.J. Jul. 11, 1880 9 mo 18 ds BOYER, John L. 1378-1956 BROOKS, Thomas C. 1855-1930 Sidney A. w/T.C. 1859-1951 Charles W. Jan. 6, 1871 - Dec. 30, 1899 William A. Aug. 8, 1821 - Apr. 23, I896 Rosana F. w/W.A. Jul. 15 » 1830 - Jul. 18, 1902 Elizabeth Aug. _2, 1786 - Nov. 21, I85I William B. h/E. Ma. . 27, 17-- - Jun. 11, 18-- This stone was buried and too hard to read. Susana d/j.0. & M.A. d. Oct. 22, 1855 1 yr 1 mo 17 ds Samuel E. s/w.A. & N.F. d. May 14, 1861 13 yr 11 mo 12 ds Priscilla w/S.W. : 317-1900 Infant d/R.W. & M.E. d. Jun. 8, 18-9 2 ds Elizabeth J. d/j.0. 8c M.A. d. Sep. 10, I85I 1 yr 3 mo 20 ds BROWN, Evelyn Mae 193^-1957 BROWN, Jane d/R. & N. d. i860 30 yr *CALL0WAY, Washington UNION CEMETERY - Timber Township CAMPBELL, Mack G. Rosa CLAUSON, Fred Jeannie CLAUSON, baby CLAUSON, Henry E. CLAUSON, Mary Edward d. Jan. ?, 1888 71 yr w/?/l.G. d. Dec. 7, 1&74 1886-1960 1890-1941 "19^0-1940 d/Joyce C. 1942-1942 1896-1969 1867-1924 1865-1947 COWSER, Elsie Mabel d/j.S. & P.J. Feb. 1895 - Sep. 1897 DOLL, Matthew Sarah A. DOLL, Samuel C. DONALDSON, Annie E. William J. George W. Charles A. Edward A. DONALDSON, George Andrew Christian ^DONALDSON, William Jane James Andrew ELSON, Jennie M. Archie L. FISCHER, Cornelius Katherina FISCHER, John C. Katherine M. NANNEN FRANK, Isaac Rachel C. Jane 1842-1925 1850-1924 s/M. & S. d. Jun. 2, 1878 2 yr 5 mo 22 ds 1865-1947 1859-1931 1864-1931 1867-1931 1871-1937 b. Roxburghshire, Scotland d. in Chillicothe, 111. Feb. 28, 1879 50 yr d. Jul. 22, I856 67 yr w/A. d. Jan. 21, 1873 76 yr 1826-1876 Co. E. 77th 111. w/William 1831-1915 s/W. & J. I856-I856 1902-19-- 1892-1961 3 mo 2 yr ' no 13-- -19 18 w/john 0. 1874-1934 May 3, 1816 - Dec. 24, 1899 d. 18^7 10 mo w/lsaac d. Mar. 3, 1848 28 yr 6 mo UNION CEMETERY - Timber twp, FRANK, Calvin or Galvin Newtie Addie Hattie FRERICHS, Dierich GALBREATH, Robert Margaret Sarah GALLOWAY, Walter S. Margaret GIBSON, Monroe HARRISON, Margaret HOUGHTALING, Martha HUNT, Thomas C. KRUSE, Johanna JANSSEN, Murin geb FERHEN Reent THADEN child child JANSSEN, Remmer McCOY, Nancy McELHENY, Nancy Sarah Jane James Esther David C. Charles W. McELHENY, William William G. d. Apr. 28, 1881 28 yr 2 mo 13 ds d. Jan. 15, 1881 7 yr 3 mo 1 ds d. Oct. 30, 1852 1 yr 1 mo 11 ds d. Jun. 22, 1857 2 yr 3 mo 13 ds Children of I. & M. A. FRANK s/E.H. & T.M. Mar. 23, 1864 - Dec. 28, 1874 Jun. 20, 1794 - May 6, 1885 90 yr 10 mo 16 ds w/R. d. Mar. 26, 1867 71 yr 11 mo 16 ds 1830-1911 1873-1951 w/W.S. 1872-1929 1930-1947 w/William d. Feb. 24, 1884 75 yr 1824-1908 s/Geo. & Catherine d. Mar 1840 d/H. & M. d. Apr. 18, 1886 6 mo 19 ds 1819 - Nov. 20, 1881 Aug. 6, 1815 - Mar. 26 , 1881 Oct. 11, 1877 - Dec. 19, I878 Feb. 28, 1876 - Jan. 12, 1879 d. Dec. 18, 1884 46 yr 6 mo 8 ds w/s.H. d. Mar. 15, 1871 67 yr 5 mo 21 ds w/D.C. 1883 d/D.C. & E. 1854-1860 no dates w/D.C. 1825-1859 1818-1907 1858-1928 d. Oct. 28, 1884 70 yr 11 mo 14 ds s/Wm. & R.T. d. Mar. 16, 1864 14 yr 1 mo 8 ds UNION CEMETERY - Timber Twp. McFADDEN, Sarah C. Mary J. Samuel Sarah E. Laura Margaret Nancy Charlotte George Walter Jane McFARLAND, Mary Ann PARR, Thomas Heiress M. ENO John Samuel Joseph Margaret ^PATTERSON, William H. Elizabeth P. VAN PATTEN Alexander 0. son son James H. Isabella M. ^ROSENBERG, John SCOTT, Margaret Lucinda *SHEPHARD, Daniel P. Mary E. PETTY Allen Mary M. Mar. 3, 1846 - Mar. 14, 1904 Dec. 23, 1843 - Dec. 25, 1915 d. Aug. 8, 1872 68 yr w/Samuel d. Mar. 21, 18? 54 yr 2 mo 2 ds d/S. & S.E. Dec. 4, 1861 - Jun. 3, 1886 May 8, 1848 - Jan. 9, 1895 Apr. 3# 1851 - Jan. 25, I853 Aug. 7. 1859 - Nov. 7, 1876 Jan. 31. 185^ - Oct. 15, 1855 d. Aug. 13, 1839 about 44 yr w/Hugh d. Aug. 11, 1845 about 73 yr w/john d. Sep. 17, 1848 46 yr d. Nov. 15, 1852 b. 1795 57 yr 7 mo 14 ds w/T. 1808-1890 1829-1833 1840 - May 8, 1842 1 yr 6 mo d. Nov. 15, 1852 32 yr w/j. d. Feb. 11, 1881 72 yr 9 mo 10 ds Jul. 9. 1839 - killed at Shiloh Apr. 6, 1862 w/W.H. Apr. 12, 1841 - Sep. 27, 1869 Feb. 10, 1850 - Feb. 23, I865 d. Apr. 27, 1853 d. Dec. 17, I856 Apr. 16, 1815 - Apr. 18, I898 w/J.H. Mar. 10, 1818 - Jan. 11, I896 111. Pvt. 152 Inf. 38 Div. W.W.I. Oct. 16, I896 - Jun. 6, 1945 w/Riley d. Mar. 19, I865 3^ yr 1 mo 6 ds d/R. & M. d. Feb. 21, I85O 1 yr 6 mo 23 ds 1833-1930 May 8, 1930 •w/D.F. 1832-1910 1857-193 / + 1858-1947 UNION CEMETERY - Timber Twp. STEWART, George Ann E. Mary 3, John T. Sarah M. STEWART, James STEWART, James Sarah T. d. May 6, 1875 65 yr 2 mo 1 ds w/George d. Sep. 14, I89O 67 yr 8 mo 19 ds w/Goorge d. Sep. 8, 1839 30 yr 9 mo 5 ds children George & A.E. d. Oct. 7, 1846 1 yr 1 mo 7 ds d. Sep. 18, 1851 2 yr 6 mo 9 ds d. Sep. 2, 1831 65 yr 9 mo 1817-1863 w/james 1821-189** Sarah Margaret d/j. & S.T. I853-I870 Walter Nancy Eleanor James H. Rhoba L. PHILLIPS inf. son John T. STEWART, James A. Mary Jane Thomas Marion Esther Anna STEWART, Mary A. John Hannah M. STEWART, Walter H. Mary E. STEWART, William Sarah BROOKS Wilson Mary John Amelia STEWART, William Harriet SCOTT, William J. d. Dec. 20, 1878 65 yr 10 mo w/w. Jul. 30, 182*+ - Jan. 27, 1900 1850-1915 w/j.H. 1847-1918 d. Jul. 2, 1882 I852-I9H Mar. 12, I855 - Feb. 28, 1910 Jan. 25, 1847 - Mar. 18, 1921 Feb. 16, 1851 - Jul. 29, 1925 Aug. 18, 1862 - Jul. 29, 1932 d/j. & H.M. d. Jan. 5» 1863 2 yr 11 mo 2 ds May 21, 1817 - Jan. 30, I896 w/j. d. Dec. 4, 1862 33 yr 8 mo 4 ds 1885-19— sister of W.H. I883-I963 1808-1897 w/Wm. 1816-1893 children 1838-1845 1842-1849 1850-1851 1847-1853 Sep. 4, 1815 - d. Mar. 11, 1884 Dec. 12, 1827 - Oct. 14, 1897 s/R. & M. d. Oct. 23, 1862 2 yr 1 mo UNION CEMETERY - Timber Twp. STEWART, Wilson 1852-1920 Orrin W. 1857-1929 Harriet I. w/O.W. 1859-1937 TODD, Isabella J. d/A . & A. d. Jim. 4, I85I 6 mo 9 ds TURBETT, Martha A. d. Sep. 1, 1921 83 yr 4 mo 13 ds John B. h/M.A. d. Nov. 4, 1892 73 yr 9 mo 4 ds Stella C. d/T.A. & E. Feb. 2, 1904- - Feb. 28, 1905 Thomas A. 1859-1934 Elmira 1364-1939 TURBETT, Nancy w/john d. Dec. 7, 1862 73 yr 8 mo 22 ds John d. Jan. 23, 1847 65 yr 3 mo 15 ds William S. d. Sep. 17, 1911 78 yr 8 mo 22 ds Thomas T. s/j , & N. d. Aug. 23, 1845 32 yr 5 mo Mary B. d/j. & N. d. Aug. 24, I89I 63 yr 8 mo 9 ds George I875-I876 Andrew 1874-1875 James A. 1834-1907 Nancy P. w/j.A. ,38-1929 infant son 1871-1*37- Edwin B. d. Mar. 29, I885 24 yr 9 ds John B. inf s/j.B. & M.A. no dates Stewart W. inf s/j.B. & M.A. no dates Orrin P. d. Mar. 6, I885 11 yr 9 mo 27 ds Walter I. d. May 1, I885 17 yr 6 mo 27 ds UPHOFF, Bernhard Mar. 1, 1822 - Jun. 21, 1900 Anna M. Jan. 23, 1830 - Sep. 23, 1907 WAGENER, Gottlieb -1915 WATSON, John L. s/S. & M.D. Feb. 20, I869 7 yr 11 ds WOODWARD, Isabel 18 19 -1911 Florence d/Wn & I. d. Nov. 23, I878 18 /r 8 -io 20 ds Mary H. d. Feb. 6, 1900 66 yr 4 mo BQLDOSSR CEMETERY NWt - NWt - Sec, 16 - Located in Minier Lake Park, down foot trail in southwest corner of park. Hittle Township. BOLDOSER, Susan Elizabeth - 2/o Dan'l * died Apr. 3. 1848 - @ 27-9-2 - Also an infant child. DAVIN, Martin L. - s/o J. P. & M.W. - died Oct. 8, I85J+ - @ 1-1-8. - s/o J. P. & M.W. - died Nov. 18, 1857 - @ 0-1-3. Large stone, badly broken, completely illegible. F©*rtstone: P. J. P. c. by Betty and Bennie Murphy - 1975* j-rrfb-^. ///, /**tJ FRANKS CEMETERY SEt - SWi - SEC. 17 - Located in middle of corn field on property owned by Ed Strickfaden - Groveland Township. BOLDWIN, Julia Ann - w/o David - died Jan. 10, 1862 - @ 54-0-12. FRANKS, Win. Y. - died Jan. 19. 1851 - @ 58-4-5. Louisa - d/o Wm. & J. A. - died Oct. 11, 1841 - @ 10 months. HILL, James - born Nov. 9. 1837 - May 26, 1867. Sarah - died Jan. 28, 1854 - @ 34-9-12. John - died Nov. 29. 1849 - @ 15 years. c. by Betty and Bennie Murphy - 1975* // C« "fit* '**** /// HAWLEY CEMETERY NE£ - NEf - SEC. 23 - Located on Reuter property on S. 14th 3t. south of Pekin - being farmed by Harold Hodgson. Cincinnatti twsp. HAWLEY, Gideon - born Aug. 13, 1797 - departed this life Oct. 16, 1852 - @ 55-2-3. George A. - s/o G. & E. - "Our Darling" - born Jan. 25, 1874 - died Apr. 25, 1874 - @ 3 months. Gideon -'s/o G. & S. - @ 1-2-11 MARTIN, James P. - born Sep. 15, 1804 - died Jan. 16, 1880 - @ 75-4-1. Ellen - born Sep. 20, 1811 - died June 28, 1883 - @ 71 years (these are parents of Norman Hawley's wife, Mary E. ) Gideon's wife Elizabeth moved to Iowa after his death, so is probably buried there. c. by Betty Murphy and Harold Hodgson - 1974. JW^ (W^ SHOUP CEMETERY SW£ - NEf - SEC. 21 - Located in timber area which must have been much larger at one time. Being farmed by Carl Hintz. Mai one Township. Shoup - infant - s/o B. & S. - died Dec. 5# 1857 - @ 11 days. - died Aug. 31. 1864 - @ 20-0-10. (top of stone has never been found). An infant grave with cedar tree on it, no stone. (Mr. Hintz). c. by Betty & Bennie Murphy - 1975. LATHAM CEMETERY SEt - SWt - SEC. 3 - Three Latham graves have been removed to Green Valley Cemetery. Roy Bailey says one of remain 'graves was that of his aunt, Jennie Bailey - the other an infant. There is nothing left but the bases and scattered bits of f - w markers which were impossible to get information from. Ooi^i^-r,^, Jc^uJiudh c. by Betty and Bennie Murphy - 1975 • //ft h* ' < s OLD GERMAN CEMETERY Sec. 24, Roanajte Twp , Woodford Co., Ill, 2 miles E of Roanoke s 111. Copied by Alice Calligan & Virginia Schultz, Septo 24, 1971 WOLTZEN, Ede, b. Hunrich, Germany 6/23/1832; d 7/3/1899 Green Tw Woodford Co , 111. 67 y. 10 ds Geske SATTHQF , w/Ede s d. 11/25/1877, 38 y 11 m. 9 ds WESTERMANN, Jacob H.., b. Hanover Germany, 10/7/1827; d 5/11/1901. Friedericke Wilhelmine MEUSER, w/Jacob H„, b 11/12/1834; md. 6/18/1864; d. 11/4/1872 „ Grily, 7/9/1795 - 9/23/1875 UDEN, John H. , 5/17/1830 - 1/31/1923 Nesche BACKER, w/J.H. , 12/1/1825 - 12/22/1904 Kea WESTERMANN, w/J. H., 2/8/1830 - 9/10/1866 Johanna C, Info d/John H. & Nesche, 12/11/1870 - 9/16/1871 WARNER, Frank, wife & 4 children (no names or dates FLYR, Wilke H., 2/12/1820 - 5/29/1884; 64 y u 3 m, 1.7 ds . Christina WEERTS, w/W. H. , b s Germany 5/12/1823; d Lenn Twp CJ Woodford Co, 3/13/1861 son, 12 ds o JASSEN, Christina Weerts, 5/12/1823 - 3/13/1867 John, 8 ds . (This on back of Christina FLYR stone) FLOHR, Antje, 2/16/1856 - 12/1/1870 Dirk, b. 4/2/1821 Germany; d. 10/20/1864 TER VEHN, Jacobje Alherls, 3/30/1828 - 8/27/1918 Albert, 4/6/1835 - 6/19/1896 in Peoria, 111. HELMERS, Dirk, 3/2/1858 - 11/26/1887 ______ f do 7/14/1869; 36 yrs (could not read __^___ s b, 12/12/1868; d a 8/12/1870 could i - read] FOLKERS, Anna J.. 2/19/1867 - 1/13/1874 -K~> HarmF. J,, s/0 & M a 8/31/1876 - 12/18/187 DE VRIES, Mathilde S., Geb Zu Apen 5/20/1862 - 9/18/1863 Steven, Geb Zu Manslagt, 1/24/1814 - 4/27/1889 LEERHOFF, Greetie De Vries 3 4/24/1819 - 9/19/1866 BAALMAN, Getrud Leerhoff* Zu Upleward 1794; d u 6/3/1869 MOUNK, HarmR,, s/J. & E .. ; d 10/9/1868,; 18 ds . ECKHART, Cara E., d/A,E. & A a ; d a 8/22/1885, 3 m ns ADAMS, Maria, d/j, & F \ 5/2/1887 - 3/30/1888 JACOBS, A, G.j 1/4/1810 Hanover Germany; d 9/30/1895 Taalke Maria REEDLTS, w/A. G. , b Germany 12/10/1807; d. 9/26/1882, HINRICHS 3 Jeremiah; d. 2/18/1870; 47 y 10 m 10 ds . — — , d 3 12/19/1868; 42 y a 6 m. 25 ds . (children listed on stone, but could not read HINRICHS. John H. ; 6/4/1863 - 8/16/1922 Johanna M. , w/J. H„ ? 4/2/1861 - 12/16/1938 MORITZ, David, s/J. D. & G, ; 11/28/1872 - 2/14/187 3 ECKMAN, Inse, w/Alt; 5/6/1824 - 7/26/1905 REDENIUS, Lammert A , 2/20/1861 - 5/27/1882 PEORIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 40 P.O. Box 1489 Peoria, Illinois, 61602