0 2C..U Mfc>fc>2Lea I 80 S CATALOGUE BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY CITY OK MILWAUKEE t. t V CATALOGUE ..OF.. JBooks roR Young ]^eople ..IN THE . Publ.c Library ..OF THE.. CITY OK MILWAUKEE PREPARED AT THE REQUEST OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, MILWAUKEE: Published by the Board of Trustees. 1895- oat.n tA 2. (o CCL CONTENTS. i. ii. hi. IV. sn F - V. *JD V) 7 <2 U v ‘A ft bo PAGE Cyclopedias and periodicals 7 Literature . 7 1. Books about books 7 2. Books about authors 7 3. Famous books 8 4. Poetry 10 Myths, leg-ends and fairy-lore. . 12 Travel and description , . . . 14 1. All the world over 14 2. Adventure 16 3. New World 17 a. America 17 b. Oceanica 18 c. Polar regions 18 4. Old World., 19 a. Europe 19 b. Asia 20 c. Africa 21 History 22 1. Epochs and episodes 22 2- Ancient world 23 a. General and oriental 23 b. Classical lands 23 3. Medieval & modern Europe, 24 a. England 25 b. Scotland and Ireland... . 27 c. France 27 d. Spain and Italy 28 e. Germany, Austria and Switzerland 28 f. Netherlands 29 g. Scandinavia 29 h. Russia 29 4. Mohammedan world 29 5. Japan 30 6. America 30 a. Discovery and conquest.. 30 b. Colonization and settle- ment 30 c. American Indians 31 7. United States 31 a. General history 31 b. Revolutionary period 32 PAGE c. From the Revolution to the Rebellion 33 d. War of the Rebellion 34 e. Special states and places. 35 8. Mexico 36 VI. Nat’l government and wealth.. 36 VII. Natural science...- 37 1. General works 37 2. Sketches of nature 39 VIII. The universe 39 1. Astronomy 39 2. Physics and chemistry 40 3. Electricity 41 IX. The earth and its structure 41 1. Rocks, minerals and pre- cious stones 41 2. Land, water and air 42 X. The living world 43 1. Life and its mysteries 43 2. Plants 44 3. Animals 45 a. In general 45 b. Lowest forms 47 c. Insects and spiders 47 d. Birds, reptiles and fishes. 48 e. Beasts 48 4. Man 49 a. Human races 49 b. Human structure and health 50 XI. Practical arts and industries. . 51 XII. Fine arts 52 XIII. Occupations for leisure hours.. 54 1. Amusements in general — 54 2. In-door pastimes 54 3. Out-door life 55 a. Hunting and fishing 56 XIV. Counsel and example 56 1. Good manners 58 2. Great and exemplary lives.. 58 XV. Stories for children 59 1. Picture books 61 INTRODUCTION THIRD EDITION. This little catalogue is made up of the books written for children with a selection added from the more simple books for grown people. A small number only of our stories for chil- dren is included, but choice has been made of what we think are the most wholesome books of this type. The catalogue is made at the wish of the Superintendent of Schools and is included by the School Board in the Manual as a guide to the teachers in the selection of books for their classes. The encouragement of the Superintendent and the devotion of the teachers are helping the Public Library to reach the children of our city more directly than could possibly be done in any other way. The Library is most heartily grateful for this help and believes that no other work which is being done with its books is of so great value. We should like to emphasize the idea that it is not the in- tention of the Library to furnish what is generally known under the name of “Supplementary Reading.” The School Board provides sets of books which are all that is necessary for this most valuable work. The Library would like to fill another field and help the teacher to find and encourage each child’s own personal taste as can hardly be done in any class work. The Library believes with James T. Fields when he says to young folk, “Remember, it is not so much the books you study as the books you read which will be of permanent value to you.” Theresa West, November 27, 1895. Librarian. BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. I. CYCLYOPEDIAS AND PERIODICALS. Beach, C. B., ed. Youth’s cyclopaedia, 2 v 31 :R Champlin, J. D., Young folks’ cyclopaedia: — Common things x31 :1 — Persons and places x31:2 Babyland; v. 1—5, 8—18 52:601—618 Baby world; ed. by M. M. Dodge x829.1+73 Chautauqua young folks’ annual X829.1+70 Harper’s young people; v. 1 — 5, 8 — 15 52+801 — 815 Our young folks; v. 1 — 9 52:1101 — 1109 Routledge’s Every boy’s annual X829.2+69 — Every girl’s annual ,x829.2+68 St. Nicholas; v. 1—21, pt 2 52:301—321 “Wide awake; v. 1—37 52:401—437 Worthington’s annual X829.1+62 II. LITERATURE. 1. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Abbott, L. Hints for home reading 807:1 Atkinson, W. P. Right use of books 374:3 Best hundred books 807+21 Carlyle, T. Choice of books 807:9 Baldwin, J. Book-lover; guide to the best reading 807:18 Foster, W. E. Libraries and readers 807:12 Hale, E. E. and others. Books that have helped me 807:29 Harrison, F. Choice of books . 807:19 Morley, J. On the study of literature 807:25 Parsons, E., and others. The world’s best books..* 807:31 Porter, N. Books and reading 807:4 Pryde, D. Highways of literature 807:16 Richardson, C. F. Choice of books 807:36 Ruskin, J. Sesame and lilies 824:2:78 Thwing, C. F. Reading of books 807:14 Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them 807:11 Watson, L. What shall I read? 807:26 2. BOOKS ABOUT AUTHORS. Adams, O. F. Dear old story-tellers 813.1:3 Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated Englishwomen of the Vic- torian era 928.2:212 Alcott, L. M. Life, letters and journals 928.1:100 8 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Blaisdell, A. F. First steps with American and British authors x820.4:49 — Study of English classics 820.5 :2S Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors 928.1:90 Brooke, S. A. English literature 820.4:18 Buckland, A. Story of English literature 820.4:31 Cheney, E. D. Louisa May Alcott X928.196 Ely, G. H. Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney 928.2:399 Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks x928.1:91 — Pleasant authors for young folks x928:4 Lawrence, E. Primer of American literature 820.4:21 Mitchell, D. G. About old storytellers 813.1:2 Queens of literature, Victorian era 928.2:252 Richards, L. E. When I was your age 928.1:133 Richardson, A. S. Familiar talks on English literature.820.4:ll Richardson, C. F. Primer of American literature 820.4:22 Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living authors x928:12 Wheatley, H. B. Samuel Pepys 923.22:81 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in English literature. . . 3. FAMOUS BOOKS. Aesop’s fables. M. L. Pratt, ed 887:13 American nights’ entertainments 829.1:64 Ames, L. T. Great thoughts for little thinkers x220:41 Arabian nights; ed. by E. E. Hale Ax81 Ashton, J. Romances of chivalry 813:20 Baldwin, J. Story of the golden age x883:29 — Story of Roland x813:10 Barr, A. E. Young people of Shakespeare’s dramas. .x822.3:53 Bell, Mrs. C. M. Tales from the Odyssey x883:19 Bible stories for young people x220:44 Bolton, F. S., Mother Goose ...372.1:72 Brooks, E. Story of the Iliad x883:82 Bulfinch, T. Age of chivalry 813:13 — Same; ed. by E. E. Hale 813:12 — Legends of Charlemagne 813:14 Bunyan, J. Pilgrim’s progress 249:3 Burt, M. E. Stories from Plato x880:7 — Story of the German Iliad (Nibelungenlied) x831:156 Calthorp, H. C. H. Paladin and Saracen x851:10 Chambers’s miscellany. 20 v 829.2:4 Chaucer, G. Chaucer’s stories simply told x821.2:336 Church, A. J. Heroes and kings. 833:11 — Stories from Homer * 883:9 — Stories from the Bible x220.9:6 — Stories from the Greek tragedians 882:9 — Stories from Virgil 873:1 — Stories of the magicians Cx351 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 9 — Stories of the old world x811:9 — Story of the Iliad 883:34 — Story of the Odyssey 883 :35 — Traveller’s true tale, after Lucian 887:2 Farrington, M. V. Tales of King Arthur x813:21 Favorite book of fables 819:39 Foster, C. Story of the Bible 220.9:3 Franklin, B. Sayings of poor Richard 829.1:86 Frith, H. King Arthur and his knights of the round table x813:24 Florian, J. P. C. de. Fables 849:9 Hanson, C. H. Homer’s stories simply told x883:10 — Stories of old Rome 873:4 — Stories of the days of King Arthur x813 :9 Harris, A. B. Luck of Edenhall 821.1+307 Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Chaucer for children x821.2+209 Hofer, A. Child’s Christ tales 232:87 Hope, A. R. Old tales of chivalry 813:5 Johnson, S. Rasselas Jx276 Jones, M. Story of Don Quixote Cxl86 Krilof, I. A. Original fables 897:13 La Fontaine, J. de, Fables 849:2 — Same Zx551 Lamb, C. Adventures of Ulysses Lx201 — Tales from Shakespeare x822.3:50 — Same x822.3:88 — Tales from Shakespeare’s tragedies x822.3:153 Lanier, S., ed. Boy’s King Arthur x813:8 — Boy’s Mabinogion x813 :4 Menefee, M. Child stories from the masters x829.1:113 Menzies, L. Lives of the Greek heroines 881:1 New book of fables, anecdotes and stories 815.2:43 Norton, C. E. and K. Stephens, eds. Heart of oak books. 6 v x815:58 Parley, Peter. Merry stories 819:14 Parton, S. J. Stories from famous ballads x811:14 Pilpay. Fables 894:4 Pollard, J. The Bible and its story 220.9:5 Pratt, M. L. Stories from Shakespeare x822. 3:155 Rabelais, F. Three good giants RxllOl Rands, W. B. Lilliput lectures x824.2:119 Scudder, H. E., ed. Verse and prose for beginners x821:76 Seymour, M. Shakespeare’s stories simply told. 2 v. .x822.3:95 Spenser, E. Tales from the Faerie Queen x821. 2:345 Richardson, A. S. Stories from old English poetry 821.2:17 Shakespeare, W. Merchant of Venice. (Classics for children.) x822.3 :75 Stewart, A. Tale of Troy x883:25 Stickney, J. H., ed Child’s version of Aesop’s fables x819:25 10 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Storr, F., and H. Turner. Canterbury chimes x821.2:201 Swift, J. Gulliver’s travels Sxl903 Tales from Ariosto x851:9 Thompson, J. G. and T. E. Fables and rhymes for be- ginners 372:48 Towry, M. H. Spenser for children x821.2+202 Wagner, W. Epics and romances of the middle ages! .. .813:6 Wallace, S, E. Ginevra Wxl551 Whitmore, W. H., ed. Original Mother Goose’s melody.. Whittier, J. G. Child life in prose x829:3 — Selections from Child life in poetry and Child life in prose x829:12 Witt, C. Wanderings of Ulysses 883:18 4. POETRY. Aldrich, T. B. Ballad of Babie Bell 821.1:9 American poems 821.1:161 Bangs, J. K. Tiddledy winks poetry book .x821.1:402 Bellamy, B. W., and M. W. Goodwin. Open sesame! 3 v. . .810:3 Bisbee, M. D., ed. Songs of the pilgrims 821.1:273 Boker, G. H. Poems of the (civil) war .821.1:18 Brackett, A. C. Silver treasury 821:56 Brine, M. D. Christmas rhymes and New Year’s chimes — Grandma’s attic treasures 821.1:331 — Grandma’s memories 821.1:327 — Jingles and joys for wee girls and boys X821.1+336 Brown, F. F., ed. Bugle echoes 821.1:232 Bumblebee Bogo’s budget x821. 2:313 Butter worth, H. Songs of history 821.1:326 Butts, Mrs. M. F. Silver bells and cockle shells x821.1:432 Carleton, W. City ballads .821.1+218 — Farm ballads 821.1+29 — Farm festivals 821.1+30 — Farm legends 821.1+31 — Young folks’ centennial rhymes 821.1:173 Cheney, C. E., and others. Christmas stories and poems for little ones x829.1:91 Coates, H. T., ed. Children’s book of poetry x821:29 Craik, D. M. Children’s poetry x821.2:272 Dodge, M. M. Rhymes and jingles x821.1:174 — When life is young 821.1:411 Drake, S. R. Culprit fay .• 821.1:43 Eggleston, G. C., comp. American war ballads and lyrics 821.1:310 Eliot, S., ed. Poetry for children x821:51 English, T. D. Boy’s book of battle lyrics X821.1+220 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 11 Ewing, J. H. Bluebells on the lea x821. 2:328 — Mother’s birthday review x821.2:329 — Soldier’s children x821.2:330 Field, E. Little book of western verse 821.1 :318vl — Love songs of childhood 821.1 :41v9 — Second book of verse 821.1 :318v2 — With trumpet and drum x821.1:364 Gilbert, W. S. “Bab” ballads 821.2:234 Gordon, A. C., and T. N. Page. Befo’ de war 821.1:289 Greenaway, K. Under the window x821. 2:271 Handford, T. W., ed. Our girls (stories and poems).x829.1+108 Henley, W. E., ed. Lyra heroica! x821:63 Herford, O. Artful an ticks 821.1:412 Howitt, M. Songs of animal life x821.2:197 — With the birds x821.2:198 — With the flowers x821.2:199 Johnson, H. K. 111. poems and songs for young people..x821:16 Kirkland, C. M. Schoolgirl’s garland. 2 v 821:11 Lamb, C. and M. Poetry for children .x821. 2:192 Lang, A., ed. Blue poetry book x821:64 Lanier, S. Boy’s Percy x821.2:14 Larcom, L. Childhood songs x821.1:175 Lear, E. Nonsense songs x821.2:269 Lee, F. P. Sunshine in life (for King’s daughters) 821:61 Longfellow, H. W. Courtship of Miles Standish 821.1:78 — Evangeline 821.1 :391 — Leaflets 821.1:414 — Poetical works 821.1:85 — Song of Hiawatha 821.1:390 — Tales of a wayside inn 821.1:86 Lowell, A. C., ed. Posies for children x821:26 Macaulay, T. B., Lord. Lays of Ancient Rome; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 821.2:322 McCabe, W. G., ed. Ballads of battle and bravery 821:30 Mack, R. E. All round the clock X821.1+334 — Little folk’s spice x829+10 — Round the hearth x821. 1+335 Mason, E. T. Songs of fairy land 821:50 Matthews, J. B. Poems of American patriotism 821.1:186 Montgomery, D. H. Heroic ballads 821:53 Moore, F., ed. Songs and ballads, American revolution. .821. 1:3 — Songs and ballads of the southern people 821.1:231 Morris, H. S., ed. In the yule log glow 810:6 Morrison, M. J. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. .x821:17 — Mother Goose’s nursery rhymes x821. 2:191 Neally, A. Favorite poems x821:78 Our children’s songs X821+28 Our little men and women (stories and poems) x829. 1+103 Palgrave, F. T. Children’s treasury of English song. . .x821:27 12 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. — Golden treasury 821.2 :195 Patmore, C. Children’s garland x821.2:196 Poulsson, E. Nursery stories and rhymes x829+8 Rands, W. B. Lilliput levee x821. 2:194 Repplier, A. Book of famous verse x821:66 Rhymes, chimes and jingles X821+74 Richards, L. E. In my nursery x821.1:379 Riley, J. W. Rhymes of childhood 821.1:328 Ritson, J., ed. Robin Hood 821.2:235 Rossetti, C. G. Sing-song x821. 2:433 Russell, I. Poems 821.1:279 Scott, Sir W. Lady of the lake (Classics for children). — Same; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 821.2:216 — Lay of the last minstrel 821.2:290 — Same 821.2:319 — Marmion 821.2:242 Sherman, F. D. Little-folk lyrics 821.1:366 Sidney, M. The dead doll, and other poems x821. 1:291 Stevenson, R. L. Child’s garden of verses x821.2:245 Tennyson, A. Enoch Arden, and other poems; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 821.2:298 Thaxter, C. Poems for children x821.1:199 Thomas, E. M. In sunshine land x821. 1:410 Tileston, M. W., ed. Heroic ballads 821:46 Under the nursery lamp 821:75 Ward, M. O. Songs for the little ones at home x821:24 Whittier, J. G. In war time 821.1:203 — Snow-bound 821.1:155 — Tent on the beach 821.1:157 — ed. Child life (in verse) x821:8 Woolsey, S. C. Rhymes and ballads for girls and boys. . III. MYTHS, LEGENDS AND FAIRY LORE. Anderson, R. B., and J. Bjarnason. Viking tales of the North 898:2 Arnason, J. Icelandic legends 293.1:5 Asbjornsen, P. C. Round the Yule log 293.1:5 Bache, R. M. American wonderland 299:10 Bain, R. W., ed. Cossack fairy tales 293.1:100 Baldwin, J. Story of Siegfried 293:10 Bates, C. D., ed. Child lore x829.1+104 Berens, E. M. Handbook of mythology 292:16 Bowker, J. Goblin tales of Lancashire 293.1:21 Bulfinch, T. Age of fable 291:3 — Same; ed. by E. E. Hale 291:34 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 13 Bunce, J. T. Fairy tales, their origin and meaning 291:13 Burkhardt, C. B. Fairy tales and legends 291:14 Cappel, E. S. Old North Sagas 293.1:19 Cox, Sir G. W. Tales of ancient Greece 292:8 Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales 293.1:45 Croker, T. C. Fairy legends of the south of Ireland 293.1:6 Curtin, J. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland 293.1:64 — Myths and folk-tales of the Russians 293.1:69 — Tales of the Irish fairies 293.1:102 Day, L. B. Folk-tales of Bengal 293.1:23 Eivind, R. Finnish legends for English children 293.1:83 Firth, E. M. Stories of old Greece x292:27 Forestier, A. Echoes from mist-land 831:89 Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes x292:24 Gayley, C. M., ed. Classic myths in English literature. .291:58 Goddard, J. Wonderful stories from northern lands. . .x293:13 Greey, E. Golden Lotus 293.1:14 Griffis, W. E. Japanese fairy world x293.1:26 Grimm brothers. Household tales. 2 v 293.1:2 — Fairy tales. S. E. Wiltse, ed. 2 v 293.1:2 Grinnell, G. B. Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales 293.1:61 Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome 292:22 Guiney, L. I. Brownies and bogles x293.1:57 Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus 828.1:8 — Uncle Remus 828.1 :7 Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales Hx702 — Same Hx703 — Wonder-book Hx701 — Same Hx704 Hours in story-land x829. 1:109 Jacobs, J., ed. Celtic fairy tales (2 series) 293.1:72 — English fairy tales 293.1:70 — Indian fairy tales x293.1:78 — More English fairy tales 293 1:82 Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances 293.1:13 Keary, A. and E. Heroes of Asgard 293.1:11 Kennedy, P. Legends and fairy tales of Ireland 293.1:7 Kingsley, C. The heroes; Greek tales x292:9 Klingensmith, A. Stories of Norse gods and heroes x293:19 Krackowizer, A. M. Nature myths 372:50 Kremnitz, M. Roumanian fairy tales 293.1:46 Larned, A. Old tales from Grecian mythology x292:6 — Tales from the Norse grandmother (Edda) 293:7 Lauder, T. Legends and tales of the Hartz mountains. .293.1:4 Litchfield, M. E. The nine worlds 293:16 Lummis, C. F. Man who married the moon 293.1:97 Mabie, H. W. Norse stories from the Eddas 293:9 Middlemore, Mrs. S. G. C. Round a posada fire; Spanish legends 293.1:27 14 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mijatovics, Mme. C. Serbian folk-lore 293.1:22 Musaus, J. K. A. Legends of Number Nip 293.1:12 Naake, J. T. Slavonic fairy tales 293.1:9 Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero-stories x292:10 Pabke, M., and M. Deane. Wonder-world stories 291:11 Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk-tales 293.1:16 Scudder, H. E. Book of folk stories Sx709 Segerstedt, A. My lady legend and other northern folk tales 293.1:75 Sikes, W. W. British goblins 293.1:24 Smith, J. M. Tales of the old Thule 293.1:30 Smith, S. F., ed. Myths and heroes x292:7 Stephens, G., and G. O. Hylten-Cavallius. Old Nurse fairy tales 293.1:20 Thorpe, B. Northern mythology. 3 v 293:12 — Yule-tide stories * 293.1 :10 Treasury of stories, jingles and rhymes 829.1:112 Tuscan fairy tales x293.1:25 Vernaleken, T. In the land of marvels 293.1:99 Wagner, W. Asgard and the gods x293:8 Webster, W. Basque legends 293.1:8 Wratislaw, A. H. Sixty Slavonic folk tales 293.1:62 Yeats, W. B., ed. Irish fairy tales 293.1:77 Zimmern, H. Tales from the Eddas x293:14 IV. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. 1. ALL THE WORLD OVER. Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated women travellers of the 19th century 923:22 — Some heroes of travel 923 :12 Belloc, B. P. Peoples of the world x393:7 Brown, R. Countries of the world. 6 v 913+7 — Peoples of the world. 6 v 910+16 Carr, A. E. All the way round x913.1:48 Chaplin, F. P., and F. A. Humphrey. Little folks of other lands. x913:31 Children of all nations..... x913:15 Cook, J. Three famous voyages 913.1+106 — Three voyages 913.1 :96 Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world 913.1:51 D’ An vers, N. Early explorations x913.1:51 Depping, G. Evening entertainments (manners and cus- toms of nations) 393:1 Dunton, L. The world and its people. 5 v 913:19 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 15 Eddy, D. C. Rip Van Winkle’s travels in Asia and Af- rica x913.1+50 Foreign facts and fancies x913.1:77 From the equator to the pole 913.1:93 Frost, J. Panorama of nations 913.2:7 Frost, T. Modern explorers x923:16 Geographical reader and primer 913:23 Goodrich, S. G. Manners and customs of nations x393:6 Hall, B. Fragments of voyages and travels. 9 v 913.1:90 Hall, M. L. Our world reader 910:22 Hodder, E. All the world over. 2 v 913.1:61 — Cities of the world. 3 v 913.1+60 Johonnot, J. Geographical reader 913:22 King, C. F. Picturesque geographical reader. 5 v 913:20 Kingsley, H. Tales of old travel 913.1:46 Kippis, A. Cook’s three voyages 913.1:49 Markham, C. R. Sea fathers 923:31 Monarchs of ocean, Columbus and Cook 923:15 Morlein, G. Trip around the world 913.1+109 Mortimer, Mrs. T. Far off. 2 v x913:8 Mossman, S. Heroes of discovery 923:13 Over seas, or Here, there and everywhere x913.1:44 Payne, E. J. Voyages of the early Elizabethan seamen. Philip, G. and son. Geographical reader. 6 v 913:21 Pratt, M. L. People and places here and there. 4 v. . .x913:34 Remarkable people: Arabs, Jews, Egyptians 393:3 Remarkable voyages and travels 913.1+45 Rhoades, H. E. Around the world with the blue jackets. Seward, O. R. Around the world stories 913.1:110 Smith, D. M. Round the world; from Ida Pfeiffer x913.1:47 Smiles, S., jr. Round the world 913.1:30 Smith, H. A. Great cities of the modern world 913.1:75 Sparhawk, F. C. Miss West’s class in geography 910:19 Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of the Challenger 913.1:81 Stevens, T. Around the world on a bicycle. 2 v 913.1:94 Taylor, B. Boys of other countries Tx201 — Egypt and Iceland 913.1:33 Verne, J. Exploration of the world 913.1:5 1. Great navigators of the 18th century. 2. Fa- mous travels and travelers. 3. Great explorers of the 19th century. Whymper, F. The sea. 4 v 910+10 Wiggs, A. R. Hal’s travels in Europe, Egypt and the Holy Land 913.1:40 World at home 913:32 Yonge, C. M. Little Lucy’s wonderful globe Yx301 16 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 2. ADVENTURE. Adams, H. C. Travelers’ tales 913.2:22 Adams, W. H. D. In perils oft 913.2:54 Andrews, W. A. Daring voyage across the Atlantic 913.2:10 Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes 913.2:18 Colerick, E. T. Adventures of pioneer children 913.2:40 Dana, R. H., jr. Two years before the mast 913.2:23 Daunt, A. Our sea-coast heroes, (life saving crews) 369:9 Dixon, R. B. Fore and aft x913.2:16 Farrar, E. W. Young folk’s Robinson Crusoe FxlOl Friswell, J. H. Out and about x913.2:ll Gilmore, J. Storm warriors, (life saving service) 369:3 Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure x913.2:5 — Stories of discovery x913.2:13 — Stories of the sea x913.2:4 Headley, J. T. Mountain adventures 913.2:6 Henty, G. A., ed. Stories of peril and adventure x829.2:92 — Stories of sea and land x829.2:91 Heroic adventure x913.2:15 Hope, A. R. Youngsters’ yarns x913.2:39 Howells, W. D., and T. S. Perry. Library of universal adventure 913.2+45 Humphrey, F. A. Adventures of early discoverers. .x913. 2:41 Johnes, M. Boy’s book of modern travel and adventure. Lang, A. True story book 913.2:60 Macaulay, Dr. Thrilling tales of enterprise and peril, adventure and heroism 913.2:35 Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents 533:5 Mortimer, G. Six hundred Robinson Crusoes Mxl251 Mountains and mountain climbing 913.2:20 Payn, J. In peril and privation x913.2:24 Perelaer, M. T. H. Ran away from the Dutch Px301 Rand, E. A. Fighting the sea, or Winter at the life- saving station Rxl82 Recent travel and adventure 913.2:34 Richardson, R. Adventurous boat voyages 913.2:21 Russell, C. True Robinson Crusoes x913.2:12 Samuels, S. From the forecastle to the cabin 913.2:33 Saxby, Mrs. Breakers ahead x91 3.2:44 Scenes and incidents at sea 913.2:44 Senior, W. Notable shipwrecks x913.2:9 Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club alongshore Sxl402 — Knockabout club in the woods Sxl401 . Symondson, F. W. H. Two years abaft the mast 913.2:32 Traill, Mrs. Lost in the backwoods Txl301 Valentine. Mrs. On honour’s roll 913.2:27 Watson, H. C. Six nights in a block-house Wx302 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 17 3. NEW WORLD, a. AMERICA. Abbott, J. Rollo in New York x917.1:58 — Rollo on the Erie canal x917.1:59 — Rollo in Maine x917.1:60 — Rollo in Vermont x917.1 :61 — Rollo in Boston x917.1:162 — Rollo at the Springfield armory x917.1:63 Ballou, M. M. Equatorial America 918:28 Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak-box 917.1:38 — Voyage of the paper canoe 917.1:39 Bromfield, E. T. Picturesque journeys in America. . .x917.1:51 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France x917.6:29 in the great Northwest 917.5:39 in the Occident x917.1:50 in the sunny South x917.4:39 in the White City (Chicago) x606:18 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in South America.918:14 Coe, F. E. Our American neighbors x913:19v4 Curtis, W. E., and others. American tropics x918:31 Custer, Mrs. E. B. “Boots and saddles.” 917.5:100 — Following the guidon 917.5:141 — Tenting on the plains 923.15:86 Daunt, A. With pack and rifle in the far south-west. 917.5:121 Dodge, R. I. Plains of the great west 917.5:81 Ellet, E. F. Rambles about the country x917:12 Ford, I. N. Tropical America 918:29 Grohmann, W. A. B. Camps in the Rockies 917.5:76 Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight around home x917.1:66 Family flight through Mexico x917.7:19 Hield, M. Glimpses of South America x918:30 Ingersoll, E. Knocking round the Rockies 917.5:79 Jackson, H. M. Bits of travel at home 917.5:28 Jenks, Tudor, pseud. Century World’s Fair book for boys and girls X606+10 Johnson, C. Farmer’s boy .917.2+45 King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 917.5:77 King, C. F. Land we live in x913:20 King’s handbook of the United States 917.1:110 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in South America x918+15 in Mexico X917.7+34 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes: Boston. . .x917.2:18 New York 917.3:13 Lummis, C. F. Some strange corners of our country. .917.5:157 — A tramp across the continent 917.1:111 Marston, E. Frank’s ranch 917.5:108 18 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Ober, P. A. Knockabout club in the Antilles x917.9:22 in the Everglades x917.2:42 on the Spanish Main 918:25 Oswald, P. L. Days and nights in the tropics x918.1:14 Pictures of travel in far-off lands: Central America. . .x917. 8:1 — South America x918:12 Ralph, J. Chicago and the World’s Pair 917.5:158 Richardson, J. Wonders of the Yellowstone 917.5:75 Schwatka, P. Land of cave and cliff dwellers... 917.7:37 Smith, M. C. Our own country ...913:19v3 Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the tropics x917.7:13 Vincent, F., jr. Around and about South America 918+24 Waterton, C. Wanderings in South America 918:18 b. OCEANICA. Adams, W. H. D. The eastern archipelago 919.1:1 Ballou, M. M. Under the southern cross 919:5 Bird, I. L. Six months in the Sandwich islands. 919.7:1 Browne, J. R. Crusoe’s island 919.7:5 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Australia x919.4:16 Eden, C. H. Australia’s heroes 919.4:7 Francis, B. Isles of the Pacific x919:6 Knok, T. W. Boy travellers in Australasia x919.3+7 Nordhoff, C. Stories of the island world Nx254 Pratt, M. L. Australasia x913:34vl c. POLAR REGIONS. Adams, W. H. D. Recent polar voyages 919.8:39 Aldrich, H. L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia 919.8:62 Beesly, A. H. Sir John Franklin 923.29:6 Clutterbuck, W. J. Skipper in Arctic seas 919.8:63 Elder, W. Biography of Kane 923.19:4 Gilder, W. H. Schwatka’s search 919.8+24 Gowing, L. P. Five thousand miles in a sledge 915.7:12 Hartwig, G. Dwellers in the Arctic regions x919.8:60 — Heroes of the polar world 919.8:4 — Polar world .919.8 :3 Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey 919.8:7 — Land of desolation 919.8:36 — Open polar sea ; 919.8 :43 — Pictures of Arctic travel 919.8:8 Ice-world adventures 919.8 :58 Jones, M. Dr. Kane, the Arctic hero 923.19:19 Kane, E. K. (1st) Grinnell expedition in search of Frank- lin 919.8+12 — Arctic exploration (2d Grinnell expedition) 919.8:14 Markham, A. H. Great frozen sea 919.8:57 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 19 — Northward ho! 919.8:56 — Sir John Franklin 923.29:20 Peary, Mrs. J. My Arctic journal 919.8:69 Road to the north pole. 2 v 919.8:61 Schwatka, F. Children of the cold x919.8:59 Tillotson, J. Adventures in the ice x919.8:38 4. OLD WORLD, a. EUROPE. Abbott, J. Rollo’s tour in Europe. 10 v x914:83 — 92 Adams, W. H. D. Pompeii and Herculaneum 914.5:55 Benedict, E. L. Stories of persons and places in Europe. Boyesen, H. H. The modern vikings (Norway) Bxl451 Browne, M. Chats about Germany x914.3:99 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in classic lands x914:15 in Europe x914 :14 in Northern lands 914:101 in the Orient x914:16 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls abroad (in France and Spain) 914:93 in England 914.2 :67 in France 914.4:71 in Italy 914.5:73 in Switzerland 914.92:24 in the Tyrol 914.3:82 on the Rhine 914.3:62 Channing, B. H. Sunny skies (Italy) x914.5:54 Crowninshield, M. B. The ignoramuses Cx752 Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker; life in Holland Dx551 — Land of pluck (Holland) x914. 91:22 Eddy, D. C. Rip Van Winkle’s travels in foreign lands.x914:76 — Walter in Athens x914.93:14 in Constantinople X914.94 :29 Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight through France, Ger- many, etc * x914:40 Hale, S. Family flight through Spain 914.6:36 Hunnewell, J. F. Lands of Scott 914:47 Jackson, H. M. Bits of travel 914:48 Kellogg, A. W. Young folks in Norway x914.8:52 Kenyon, A. Letters from Spain x914.6:38 Know, T. W. Boy travellers in Central Europe X914+156 in northern Europe 914+155 in Russian empire X914.7+50 in southern Europe 914+160 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes: Berlin. . . .x914.3:48 20 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Moscow x914.7:31 Rome x914.5:64 St. Petersburg x914.7 :30 Zurich x914.92:14 Macgregor, J. Rob Roy on the Baltic 914 :5T — Thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe 914:56 — Voyage alone in the “Rob Roy” ..914:55 Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii 914.5:39 Mortimer, E. Near home, or Countries of Europe de- scribed x914:81 Our native land (Great Britain) 914.1+31 Our own country (Great Britain). 6 v 914.1+30 Phillips, E. C. All the Russias x914.7:78 Pratt, M. L. Northern Europe 913:34v5 Rideing, W. H., and others. Glimpses of Europe x914:165 Scudder, H. E. Bodley grandchildren in Holland x914.91:9 — English Bodley family x914.2:68 — Viking Bodleys (Norway and Denmark) x914.8:25 Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted 914:148 Taylor, B. Northern travel 914.8:14 — Views a-foot 914:70 Trafton, A. American girl abroad 914:72 Winslow, F. E. Children’s fairy geography x914:126 b. ASIA. Ayrton, M. C. Child-life in Japan X915.2+1S Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women 915.2:26 Bramhall, M. Wee ones of Japan 915.2:43 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the antipodes x915.4:56 in India • Bxl402 Champney, E.W. Three Vassar girls in the Holy Land. 915. 6:102 Eddy, D. C. Walter in Damascus x915.6:72 in Jerusalem x915.6 :70 in Samaria x915.6:71 French, H. W. Our boys in China x915.1:24 in India x915.4:25 Greey, E. Bear worshipers of Yezo x915.2:13 — Wonderful city of Tokio x915.2:10 — Young Americans in Japan x915.2:8 Hield, M. Land of temples x915.4:77 Higginson, S. J. Java 919.2:5 Hunt, Mrs. W. H. Children at Jerusalem 915.6:22 Huntington, A., and others. Sketches of the Orient x915:40 Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in Ceylon and India x915+16 in Egypt and the Holy Land., X915+19 in Japan and China X915+14 in Siam and Java X915+15 — Travels of Marco Polo X915+2& BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 21 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes: Pekin 915.1:26 Lee, Yan Phon. When I was a hoy in China 915.1:39 Leonowens, A. H. English governess at the Siamese court 915.4:41 — Our Asiatic cousins 915:32 Miller, O. T. Little people of Asia 915:18 Moule, A. E. Chinese stories x915.1:33 Phillips, E. C. Peeps into China x915.1:57 Pratt, M. L. China x913:34v3 — India x913:34v2 Rand, E. All aboard for sunrise lands x915:17 Scidmore, E. R. Jinrikisha days in Japan 915.2:29 Shigemi, S. A Japanese boy 923.5:101 Towle, G. M. Marco Polo 915:11 Wise, D. Boy travellers in Arabia x915.3:12 c. AFRICA. Adams, H. G. David Livingstone 923.29:8 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Levant .916.2:41 Chesney, J. Land of the pyramids x916.2:55 Du Chaillu, P. B. Ashango land 916.7+7 — Country of the dwarfs 916.7:6 — Equatorial Africa 916.7:1 — Lost in the jungle x9l6.7:4 — My Apingi kingdom x916.7:5 — Stories of the gorilla country x916.7:2 — Wild life under the equator x916.7:3 Eddy, D. C. Walter in Egypt 916.2:28 Hale, E. E., and S. Family flight over Egypt and Syria. Headley, J. T., and W. F. Johnson. Stanley’s adventures in Africa 916:8 Jephson, A. J. M. Stories told in an African forest x916:14 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Africa x916+6 — in the Levant X914.94+39 — on the Congo X916.7+13 Longman’s geographical reader for South Africa 916.8:37 McCabe, J. D. Our young folks id Africa x916:7 Major, H. Up the Nile 916.2:43 Manning, A. Heroes of the desert (Moffat and Living- stone) 923.29:3 Martin, A. Home life on an ostrich farm 916.8:30 Montefiore, A. Henry M. Stanley 923.19:16 Roberts, J. S. Life and explorations of Livingstone. .923.29:10 Stanley, H. M. Through the dark continent. 2 v 916.6:6 — How I found Livingstone 916.6:5 Taylor, B. Lake regions of central Africa 916.4:2 22 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Thompson, J. To central African lakes and back. 2 v. 916.4:12 — Through Masai land 916.4:13 Towle, G. M. Vasco da Gama x923.5:23 Wells, W. Heroine of the White Nile (Miss Tinne) . .x923.5:69 Whately, M. L. Letters from Egypt x916.2:22 V. HISTORY. 1. EPOCHS AND EPISODES. Adams, W. H. D. Eminent soldiers x923:l — Farragut and other great commanders x923:38 — Shore and sea (biographies) x923:14 Anderson, W., ed. Treasury of history and biography. .x904:18 Andrews, J. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago till now x904:39 Archer, T. Decisive events in history 904:6 Bolton, S. K. Famous types of womanhood 920:111 — Voyagers and explorers 923:47 Brooks, E. S. Heroic happenings x904:63 Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty x909+29 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles 904:7 Davenport, R. A. Perilous adventures 904:8 Demmin, A. F. Illustrated history of arms and armour. 355:14 Eggleston, G. C. Strange stories from history x904:38 Elwes, A. Ocean and her rulers.. 359:5 Farmer, L. H. Boys’ book of famous rulers x923:35 — Girls’ book of famous queens x923:43 Gilman, A. Kings, queens and barbarians x904:12 — Magna Charta stories x904:45 Goodirch, S. Y. Celebrated women ..x923:25 Grube, A. W. Heroes of history and legend 909:15v2 Hawthorne, N. True stories from history and biography. .Hx705 Hope, A. R. Boys’ own stories x904:43 Jenkins, J. S. Heroines of history 923:9 Johonnot, J., comp. Grandfather’s stories x904:53vl — Stories of heroic deeds x904:53v2 — Stories of the olden time x904:53v4pt.l — Ten great events in history x904:53v4pt.2 King, C. Famous and decisive battles of the world 904+33 Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo 904:47 Macgeorge, A. Flags 929 :7 Morris, C. Historical tales (1. American; 2. English; 3. French; 4. German.) 904:65 Parton, J. Triumphs of enterprise, ingenuity and public spirit 904:26 Two great retreats of history x904:57 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 23 Watson, H. D. Heroic women of history 923:20 Williams, W. R. Eras and characters of history 904:21 Wood, J. G. Man and his handiwork 309:30 Yonge, C. M. Book of golden deeds x904:30 2. ANCIENT WORLD, a. GENERAL AND ORIENTAL. Abbott, J. Cleopatra 923.6:2 — Cyrus the great 923.6:3 — Darius the great 923.6:5 — Hannibal 923.6:22 — Xerxes the great 923.6:4 Allen, W. F., and P. V. N. Myers. Ancient history 930:40 Benjamin, S. G. W. The story of Persia x935:12 Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the ancient world 930:15 — Seven wonders of the world 930:16 Church, A. J. Stories of the East, from Herodotus x930:3 — Story of Carthage x939:6 — Story of the last days of Jerusalem, from Josephus 933:2 Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabseus 933:4 Henty, G. A. For the temple, fall of Jerusalem Hx823 — Y oung Carthaginian Hx818 Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews x933:17 Johonnot, J., comp. Stories of other lands x904:53v3pt.2 Keary, A. Nations around (Palestine) 930:17 Lanoye, F. T. de. Rameses the great 923.6:1 Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria x935:14 — Story of Chaldea 935:11 — Story of Media, Babylon and Persia x935:15 Rawlinson, G. Story of ancient Egypt x932:15 — Story of Phoenicia 939:7 Sayce, A. H. Ancient empires of the East 930:31 Shepard, H. Great cities of the ancient world 930:36 — Our young folks’ Josephus x933:14 Tonna, C. E. Judaea capta x933:12 White, J. S., ed. Boys’ and girls’ Herodotus x930:30 True stories from ancient history x930:18 Vincent, J. H., and J. R. Joy. Outline history of Rome. .937:68 Yonge, C. M. Landmarks of ancient history x930:13 b. CLASSIC LANDS. Abbott, J. Alexander the great 936.6:19 — Julius Caesar 923.6:8 — Nero 923.6:14 — Pyrrhus 923.6:23 — Romulus 923,6:7 24 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Bonner, J. Child’s history of Greece. 2 v... x938:26 — Child’s history of Rome. 3 v x937:32 Butterworth, H. Little Arthur’s history of Rome x937:75 Church, A. J. Pictures from Greek life and story 938:75 — Roman life in the days of Cicero 937:40 — Stories from Livy x937:35 — Story of the Persian war, from Herodotus x930:5 — Three Greek children Cx352 Gilman, A. Story of Rome x937:56 Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece x93S:44 Kaufman, R. Our young folks’ Plutarch x923.6:29 Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. Heroes of the seven hills x937:30 — Seven kings of the seven hills x937:29 Mahaffy, J. P. Story of Alexander’s empire x938:54 Plutarch’s lives; ed. by E. Ginn x923.6:32 Pollard, A., comp. True stories from Roman history 937:80 Schmitz, L. History of Greece 938:28 Shepard, W. Our young folks’ history of the Roman em- pire x937:ll White, J. S. Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch x923.6-f-30 Yonge, C. M. Aunt Charlotte’s stories of Roman history. — Young folks’ history of Greece 938:24 3. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN EUROPE. Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization 309:21 Adams, W. H. D. Page, squire and knight.- Ax276 Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days x904:42 Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the middle ages 940:12 Douglas, A. M. Heroes of the crusades x920.99 Edgar, J. G. Crusades and crusaders x274:10 — History for boys x940:31 Frith, H. In the brave days of old x274:20 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of European his- tory x940:37 Gray, G. Z. Children’s crusade 274:9 Grote and Segur. Two great retreats of history 904:57 Jones, M. Stories of the olden time x940:38 Jones, W. Crowns and coronations 929:5 Lamb, Lady. Warrior kings 923:27 Lanier, S. Boy’s Froissart. x940:2 Peake, H. Boy’s book of heroes x923:21 Pryde, D. Great men of European history x940:40 Pyle, H. Men of iron Px956 Ruskin, J. Our fathers have told us x274:21 S., E. L. Belt and spur x940:50 Scott, Sir W. Tales of chivalry; ed. by W. J. Rolfe Sx657 — The talisman; a tale of the crusaders Sx653 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 25 Sherwood, M. E. W. Royal girls 923:39 Smith, S. F., ed. Knights and sea-kings 940:34 Tillotson, J. Stories of the wars x940:35 Towle, G. M. Certain men of mark 923:10 Townsend, G. F. Sea-kings of the Mediterranean 271:7 True stories of modern history x940:30 W., F. S. Dame Heraldry x929+10 Yonge, C. M. Landmarks of mediaeval history x940:32 — Landmarks of modern history x940:33 Zimmern, H. The Hansa towns 943:110 a. ENGLAND. Abbott, J. Alfred the great 923.21:1 — Charles 1 923.21:12 — Charles II 923.21:19 — Margaret of Anjou 923.21:29 — Queen Elizabeth 923.21 :10 — Richard 1 923.21:5 — Richard II 923.21:7 — Richard III 923.21:8 — William the conqueror ; 923.21:3 Adams, W. H. D. Eminent sailors x923.25:l — England at war. 2 v 355.2:4 — England on the sea. 2 v 355.2:3 — Famous regiments of the British army 355.2:1 — Famous ships of the British navy 359.2:1 — Great civil war x942.4:14 — Memorable battles in English history 942:32 Allen, J. Battles of the British navy 942:27 Besant, W., and J. Rice. Sir Richard Whittington 923.22:48 Browning, O. True stories of English history 942:67 Buckley, A. B. History of England for beginners x942:75 Callcott, M. D. Little Arthur’s history of England. . .x942:103 Campbell, W. W. Robin Hood 923.24:10 Church, A. J. Stories from English history x942:124 — Story of early Britain 942.1:23 Collier, W. F. Tales of old English life Cx626 Creighton, L. Duke of Marlborough 923.25:28 — First history of England x942:125 — Simon de Montfort 923.22:55 — Sir Walter Raleigh 923.25:27 Crosland, C. Stories of city of London x942:31 Dickens, C. Child’s history of England x942:ll Dodge, M. A. English kings in a nutshell x942:115 Dunster, H. P. True stories of the times of Richard II.x942.2:14 Edgar, J. G. Boy’s adventures in the barons’ wars Exl26 — Danes, Saxons and Normans x942.2:15 — Sea-kings and naval heroes x923.25:3 26 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. — Wars of the Roses x942.2:0 Foster, E. Heroes of the Indian empire x923.25:49 Freeman, E. A. Short history of the Norman conquest.x942.2:13 Gardiner, S. R. English history for young folks x942:12 — Historical biographies X923.2 :7 Geldart, Mrs. T. Popular history of England x942.1:5 Gosse, E. W. Raleigh 923.25:45 Grant, J. British battles on land and sea. 4 v 942+37 Green, J. R. Short history of the English people 942:3 Greenwood, G. Merry England x942:45 — Queen Victoria :x923. 21:53 Hannay, D. Admiral Blake 923.25:42 Headley, J. T. General H. Havelock 923.25:13 — Oliver Cromwell 923.21 :16 Henty, G. A. Boy knight who won his spurs with King Richard Hx816 — Cornet of horse; a tale of Marlborough’s wars Hx821 — Friends, though divided, [civil war] Hx815 — In times of peril, [Indian mutiny] Hx825 Heaton, W. Story of Robin Hood Hx776 Herford, B. Story of religion in England .x274.2:5 Hughes, T. Alfred the great 923.21:2 Humphrey, F. A. Queen Victoria at home x923. 21+86 Hutton, B. Castles and their heroes x942:33 — Tales of the white cockade, [Jacobite rebellions] Hxl501 Jones, M. Edward the black prince x923. 21:46 — Prince Charlie X923.21 :69 Kingsley, R. G. Children of Westminster Abbey x942:79 Kirkland, E. S. Short history of England x942:105 Knox, I. C. Little folks’ history of England x942:34 Longman’s ‘ship’ historical readers. 7 v x942:133 MacFarlane, C. Great battles of the British army 942:19 Marshall, E. Stories of the cathedral cities of England.x942:20 Neele, H. Romance of history: England 942:30 Percy, S. Tales of the kings and queens of England. . .x942:70 Pyle, H. Merry adventures of Robin Hood Px951 Ransome, C. Short history of England 942:73 Rideing, W. H. Young folks’ history of London x942:55 Sargent, G. E. Stories of old England. 2 v x942:35 Scott, Sir W. Ivanhoe, [Richard the lion-hearted] Sx655 Smith, J. P. Romantic incidents in the lives of the queens of England ; 923.21 :28 Stories from English history for young Americans x942:107 Strickland, A. Queens of England, abridged 923.21:27 — Same, abridged by R. Kaufman. 3 v x923. 21:48 Swaine, S. A. General Gordon 923.25:39 Thompson, E. History of England x942:22 Towle, G. M. Drake x923. 25:30 — Ralegh 923.25:21 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE.* 27 — Young people’s history of England x942:5D Townsend, V. F. Elizabeth Tudor x923. 21:39 Tulloch, W. W. Queen Victoria x923.21:70 Valentine, Mrs. R. Half-hours of English history 942:18 Waite, R. Duke of Wellington 923.25:26 Winslow, F. E. Child’s fairy history of England x942:90 Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English history. 7 v x942:28 — Kings of England 923.21:43 — Lances of Lynwood; [Edward III.] Yx304 — Pigeon pie, tale of Roundhead times Yx310 — Young folks’ history of England x942:29 b. SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. Abbott, J. Mary, queen of Scots 923.21:36 Greenwood, G. Bonnie Scotland 941:37 Headley, P. C. Mary, queen of Scots 923.21:40 Lawless, Emily. Story of Ireland 941:62 Macarthur, M. History of Scotland 941:5 Mackintosh, J. The story of Scotland 941:68 Paterson, J. Wallace 923.25:29 Porter, J. Scottish chiefs P2201 Scott, Sir W. Rob Roy Sx656 — Tales of a grandfather. 3 v 941:6 — Tales of a grandfather, [abridged] x941:42 Strickland, A. Mary Stuart, abridged by Kaufman 923.21:66 Towle, G. M. Young people’s history of Ireland x941:13 C. FRANCE. Abbott, J. S. G. Henry IV 923.4:45 — Joseph Bonaparte 923.4 :28 — Josephine 923.4 :29 —.Louis XIV 923.4:50 — Louis Philippe 923.4 :53 — Marie Antoinette 923.4 :57 — Mme. Roland 923.4 :64 — Napoleon Bonaparte 923.4:8 — Queen Hortense 923.4 :35 Adams, W. H. D. The maid of Orleans 923.4:115 Besant, W. Gaspard de Coligny 923.4:42 Bonner, J. Child’s history of France x944:37 Creighton, L. First history of France x944:41 Farmer, L. H. Life of La Fayette 923.4:110 — Short history of the French revolution x944.5:42 Frith, H. Under Bayard’s banner Fx652 Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. 2 v 923.4:19 Headley, P. C. Empress Josephine 923.4:30 — Napoleon 923.4 :11 28 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Henty, G. A. In the reign of terror Hx824 Jewett, S. O. Story of the Normans x944:29 Kindersley, E. C. The gentle Lord de Bayard X923.4+83 Kirkland, E. S. Short history of Prance x944:28 Martineau, H. Peasant and prince; a story of the French revolution Mx554 Michelet, J, Joan of Arc 923.4:70 Ritchie L. Romance of history: France 944:15 Scott, Sir W. Tales of a grandfather 944:10 — Quentin Durward; [Louis XI.] Sx652 Stephen, C. E. French history for English children x944:13 Stuart, E. How they were caught in a trap; a tale of France Sxl851 Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc 923.4:47 Tytler, S. Marie Antoinette 923.4:73 Walford, E. Sans peur et sans reproche [Bayard] 923.4:38 Yonge, C. M. History of France 944:12 — Young folks’ history of France x944:14 Young American’s library: Gen. Lafayette x923.4:104 — Napoleon Bonaparte x923.4 :103 d. SPAIN AND ITALY. Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish history 946:14 Bonner, J. Child’s history of Spain x946:32 City in the sea; [Venice] 945:24 Dicey, E. Victor Emmanuel 923.5:16 Hale, E. E. and S. Story of Spain x946:26 Henty, G. A. Bravest of the brave, or with Peterbor- ough in Spain Hx822 — Young buglers: tale of the Peninsular war Hx820 Hunt, W. History of Italy 945:5 Markham, R. ed. Chronicle of the Cid 946+25 Poole, S. Lane — . Story of the Moors in Spain x946:27 Trueba y Cosio, J. T. de. Romance of history: Spain 946:15 Wiel, A. Venice 945:58 e. GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND. Abbott, J. S. C. Frederick the great 923.3:18 Brackenbury, C. B. Frederick the great 923.3:20 Bradley, H. Story of the Goths 943:108 Bramston, M. Thorn fortress: tale of the thirty years’ war Bx876 Eginhard. Life of Charlemagne 923.3:64 Gould, S. Baring — . Story of Germany x943:22 Henty, G. A. Young franc-tireurs ..Hx819 Hoffmann, F. Iron age of Germany Hx876 — Prince Wolfgang Hx877 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 29 Hug, L., and R. Stead. Switzerland 949.2:9 Mackenzie, H. D. S. Switzerland 949.2:1 Trenck, Baron F. Autobiography 923.3:14 V&mbrey, A. Story of Hungary x943:91 Yonge, C. M. Young folks’ history of Germany x943:18 f. NETHERLANDS. Albert, Mary. Holland and her heroes x949.1:4 Barrett, M. Story of William the Silent x949.1:7 Don, I. Story of Holland 949.1:16 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland and what she taught us 949.1:19 Liefde, J. de. Great Dutch admirals x923.5:42 Mears, J. W. Beggars of Holland 949.1:17 Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland 949.1:18 Young, A. History of the Netherlands 949.1:14 g. SCANDINAVIA. Alberg, A. Gustavus Vasa and his stirring times x948.1:4 Boyesen, H. H. Story of Norway x948.2:4 Fryxell, A. History of Sweden. 2 v 948.1:6 Maccoll, L. M. Story of Iceland 948.3:5 Otte, E. C. Scandinavian history 948:4 Stories from the history of Sweden Sx85 Vicary, J. F. Olav the king 948.2:5 — Saga time 948:8 h. RUSSIA. Abbott, J. Peter the great 923.5:19 Cobb, J. F. Story of the great czar x923.5:44 Dole, N. H. Young folks’ history of Russia x947:4 Morfill, W. R. Story of Poland 949.5:14 — Russia 947:25 Motley, J. L. Peter the great 923.5:20 Pietzker, M. A. Alex. Menschikoff x923.5:43 4. MOHAMMEDAN WORLD. Abbott, J. Genghis Khan 923.5:36 Gilman, A. Story of the Saracens x953:8 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of African history x960:l — Lights and shadows of Asiatic history x950:l Hutton, B. Tales of the Saracens x953:6 Palmer, E. H. Haroun Alraschid 923.5:37 Poole, S. Lane, and others. Story of Turkey 949.4:18 30 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 5. JAPAN. Griffis, W. E. Japan in history, folk-lore and art x952:4 Murray, D. Story of Japan 952:5 Abbott, J. S. C. Christopher Columbus x923.5:70 6. AMERICA. a. DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST. — Cortez 923.5:24 — La Salle 923.4:43 — Ferdinand de Soto 923.5:78. Adams, C. K. Christopher Columbus 923.5:114 Adams, W. H. D. Land of the Incas 985:4 Allen, H. F. Cortes 923.5:25 — Pizarro 923.5:26 Banvard, J. First explorers of North America x971.1:46 — Pioneers of the new world x971.1:45 Brooks, E. S. Christopher Columbus x923.5+120 Cubitt, G, Columbus 923.5:72 D’Anvers, N. Heroes of American discovery 970:15 Eggleston, E., and L. E. Seelye. Montezuma 920.1:109 Fiske, J. The discovery of America. 2 v 970:36 Frost, T. Half hours with the early explorers 923:44 Gilman, A. Discovery and exploration of America x971.1:23 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of American his- tory x970:9 Hoffman, F. Inca’s treasure Hx878 Higginson, T. W. Book of American explorers x971.1:5 Irving, W. Columbus. 3 v 923.5:74 Mac Kie, C. B. With the admiral of the ocean sea, (Co- lumbus) 913.1 :114vl — Last voyages of the admiral 913.1 :114v2 Pollard, J. Christopher Columbus and the discovery of the new world x923. 5:104 Pratt, M. L. Columbus x923. 5:135 — Cortes and Montezuma x977:21 Seelye, E. E. Columbus 923.5:117 Towle, G. M. Magellan x923.5:39 — Pizarro 923.5:77 Winsor, J. Christopher Columbus 923.5+112 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in American history. .x970:21 Yonge, C. M. Aunt Charlotte’s stories of America x970:13 b. COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. Abbott, J. S. C. Captain Kidd 923.15:31 — Miles Standish 923.15:39 — Peter Stuyvesant 923.12:54 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 31 Austin, J. G. Standish of Standish A2107 Campbell, W. W. Captain Kidd 923.24:10 Champney, E. W. Great-grandmother’s girls in New France Cx228 Coffin, C. C. Old times in the colonies x971.1+ll Eyster, N. B. A colonial boy Ex476 Fisher, G. P. The colonial era 971.1:32 Gilman, A. Colonization of America 971.1:24 — Tales of the pathfinders 971.1:18 Hope, A. R. Heroes of Young America 971.1:8 — Men of the backwoods 971.1:9 Henty, G. A. With Wolfe in Canada Hx817 Hill, G. C. Capt. John Smith x923.15:43 Johnson, E. R. Old French war x971.1:12 Machar, A. M., and T. G. Marquis. Stories of New France 976:15 Markham, R. King Philip’s war x971.1:15 Moore, N. Pilgrims and puritans ; x971.1:25 Parkman, F. France and England in North America. 7v. 970:4 Thwaites, R. G. The colonies (1492-1750)., 971.D31 Tiffany, N. M. From colony to commonwealth x972.4^36 c. AMERICAN INDIANS. Abbott, J. S. C. History of King Philip 920.1:112 Brooks, E. S. Story of the American Indians 970.1:26 Dodge, R. I. Our wild Indian 970.1:11 Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks x970.1+20 Eggleston, E., and L. E. Seelye. Brant and Red Jacket. 920.1:105 Pocahontas 920.1 :110 Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet 920.1:114 Eggleston, G. C. Red Eagle 920.1:111 Finerty, J. F. War-path and bivouac 971.5:5 Goodrich, S. G. Celebrated American Indians x920.1:101 — History of the Indians of America x970.1:13 — Manners, etc., of the Indians of America x970.1:12 Matthews, C. Enchanted moccasins and other legends of American Indians Mx626 T. UNITED STATES, a. GENERAL HISTORY. Abbott, J. S. C. Presidents of the United States 923.1:1 Barnes, M. S., and E. Studies in American history x971:83 Bolton, S. K. Famous American statesmen 923.12:137 Bonner, J. Child’s history of the U. S. 3 v x971:31 32 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Brooks, E. S. Story of the American sailor 359.1:5 of the American soldier 355.1+8 of the U. S. for young people X971+82 Butterworth, H. Young folks’ history of America x971:5 Carver, E., and M. L. Pratt. Our fatherland, v. 1 x971:92 Coffin, C. C. Building the nation ;...x971+33 Dodge, N. S. Stories of American history, x971:95 Doyle, J. A. History of the U. S 971:4 Eggleston, E. History of the U. S 971:66 — First book in American history x971:70 Ellis, E. S. Youth’s history of the U. S. 4 v X971+64 Fiske, J. History of the U. S x971:94 Gilman, A. History of the American people 971:37 Glasscock, W. H. Stories of Columbia x971:100 Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial history of the U. S 971:27 Hale, E. E. History of the U. S 971:61 Hawthorne, N. Grandfather’s chair Hx703 Higginson, T. W. Larger history of the U. S 971+49 — Young folks’ history of the U. S x971:28 Jewell, J. G. Among our sailors 359.1:2 Johonnot, J., comp. Stories of our country 904:53v3pt.l Johnston, A. History of the U. S x971:50 Lossing, B. J. United States navy, for boys x971:7 McConkey, R. True stories of the American fathers. . . .x971:32 Monroe, Mrs. L. B. Story of our country x971:30 Montgomery, D. H. Beginner’s American history x971:87 — Leading facts of American history 971:77 Morris, C. Elementary history of the U. S x971:78 Peattie, E. W. Story of America 970+50 Pratt, M. L. American history stories. 4 v 971:84 Richardson, A. S. History of our country 971:15 Ridpath, J. C. Popular history of the U. S 971+39 Rodenbough, T. F., ed. Uncle Sam’s medal of honor 971:56 Scudder, H. E. History of the U. S., for schools x971:51 — Short history of the U. S x971:80 Smith, H. A. Stories of persons and places in America. x971:69 True stories of American wars Tx61 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of American progress. x971:55 b. REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of ’76 971.2+37 Abbott, E. Revolutionary times 917.1:47 Abbott, J. S. C. Benjamin Franklin 923.12:24 — George Washington 923.11:4 — John Paul Jones 923.15:21 Brown, E. E. Young folks’ life of Washington x923.11:62 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76 X971.2+1 Drake, S. A. Taking of Louisburg 976:16 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 33 Fiske, J. American revolution. 2 v 971.2:46 — War of independence x971.2:40 — ed. (Irving’s) Washington, and his country x923.11:96 Franklin, B. Autobiography 923.11:96 Gilman, A. Making of the American nation x971.2:34 Goss, E. H. Paul Revere 923.12:165 Greene, F. V. General Greene 923.15:103 Hale, E. E. Life of Washington, studied anew 923.11:97 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. 2 v. . .923.15:70 Hill, G. C. Benedict Arnold x923.15:45 — Benjamin Franklin x923 .12 :70 — Gen. Israel Putnam x923.15:44 Hyde, A. M. American boy’s life of Washington. .. .x923.11:51 Irving, W. Life of Washington, condensed 923.11:57 Johnson, B. T. General Washington 923.11:134 King, Cooper. George Washington 923.11:136 Mayhew, H. Young Benj. Franklin x923. 12:69 Rousselet, L. Ralph, the drummer boy; story of the days of Washington Rx951 Scudder, H. E. George Washington x923. 11:105 Seelye, E. E. Story of Washington 923.11:127 Stoddard, W. O. George Washington 923.11:80 Watson, H. C. Boston tea party, and other stories of the revolution x971.2:38 — Old bell of independence, or Philadelphia in 1776 Wx301 Woodman, C. H. Boys and girls of the revolution. . . .x923.1:25 Young American’s library: George Washington x923.11:92 — General Marion .x923.15:82 c. FROM THE REVOLUTION TO THE REBELLION. Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of 1812 971.3+19 Abbott, J. S. C. Kit Carson 923.19:9 — Daniel Boone 923.19:1 — Davy Crockett 923.19:8 Burwell, L. M. Girl’s life in Virginia before the war. .974.2:11 Headley, J. T. General Winfield Scott 923.15:32 Hill, G. C. Daniel Boone x923.19:2 Ladd, H. O. War with Mexico x971.3:14 Peterson, C. J. Military heroes of the war of 1812 923.15+3 of the war with Mexico 923.15+1 Seawell, M. E. Midshipman Paulding 923.15:96 — Paul Jones Sx803 Soley, J. R. Boys of 1812 971.3:20 Stoddard, W. O. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 923. 11:85 — Madison, Monroe and J. Q. Adams 923.11:104 — Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren 923.11:87 — Harrison, Tyler and Polk 923.11:103 — Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan 923.11:101 34 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Upton, Mrs. H. T. Our early presidents, their wives and children 923.11+113 Wright, M. J. General Scott 923.15:108 Young American’s library: Andrew Jackson ,x923.11:93 — General Taylor x923.11:95 d. WAR OF THE REBELLION. Abbot, W. J. Battlefields of ’61 971.4+163 — Battlefields and campfires * 971.4+172 — Battlefields and victory 971.4+182 — Blue jackets of ’61 971.4+123 Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South 971.4:15 Blaisdell, A. P. Stories of the civil war x971.4:171 Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln x923.11:99 Brown, E. E. Life of U. S. Grant 923.11:74 Champlin, J. D. Young folks’ history of the war for the Union x971.4:14 Cheney, C. E. Young folks’ history of the civil war. .x971.4:97 Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln 923.11:120 — Boys of ’61 x971.4:61 — Drum-beat of the nation 971.4+135 — Following the flag 971.4:22 — Freedom triumphant 971.4+175 — Marching to victory 971.4+159 — My days and nights on the battlefield 971.4:23 Copp6, H. General Thomas 923.15:107 Davis, M. E. M. In war times at la Rose Blanche DxlOOl Davis, W. Campfire chats of the civil war 971.4:100 Denison, C. W. Tanner boy (Grant) t .x923.11:79 Drake, J. M. Fast and loose in Dixie 971.4:67 Drake, S. A. Battle of Gettysburg 971.4:183 Goss, W. L. Jed; a boy’s adventures in the army Gx801 Hale, E. E. Stories of the war x971.4:35 Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders. 923.15:48 — General Grant 923.11:40 Headley, P. C. Facing the enemy (Sherman) x923.15:50 — Fight it out on this line (Grant) x923.11:53 — Fighting Phil. (Sheridan) 923.15:51 — Miner boy and his monitor (Ericsson) x926.1:12 — Old Salamander (Farragut) x923.15:52 — Old Stars (O. M. Mitchel) x923.15:54 Higginson, T. W. Army life in a black regiment 971.4:65 Hosmer, J. K. The color-guard 971.4:39 Hughes, R. M. General Johnston 923.15:105 Jackson, M. A. Life and letters of “Stonewall” Jack- son 923.15:97 Johnson, R. Short history of the war of secession . . 971.4+152 Keim, D. R. Sheridan’s troopers on the borders 913.2:8 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 35 Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer boy Kx601 Knox, T. W. Camp-fire and cotton-field 971.4:117 Lee, P. General Lee 923.15:112 Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln 923.11:34 Lewis, C. B. Field, fort and fleet 971.4+138 Mahan, A. T. Admiral Farragut 923.15:100 Moore, F. Anecdotes, poetry and incidents of the war.971.4+94 Morse, J. T., ir. Abraham Lincoln 923.11:124 Mudge, Z. A. Forest boy (Lincoln) x923. 11:50 Nichols, G. W. Story of the great march 971.4:47 Page, T. N. Two little confederates Pxl201 Pittenger, W. Capturing a locomotive 971.4:50 Putnam, M. L. Children’s life of Abraham Lincoln. x923.11:119 Rand, E. A. When the war broke out Rxl83 Soley, J. R. Sailor boys of ’61 971.4:157 Stoddard, W. O. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew John- son 923.11:102 — Inside the White House in war times 923.11:112 — U. S. Grant 923.11:81 Swinton, W. Twelve decisive battles of the war 971.4+66 Taylor, B. F. Pictures of life in camp and field 971.4:53 Thayer, W. M. From the log cabin to the White House (Garfield) x923.11:48 — From the tannery to the White House (Grant) 923.11:75 Thompson, D. D. Abraham Lincoln 923.11:137 — Youth's history of the rebellion 971.4:12 Where men only dare to go 971.4:106 e. SPECIAL STATES AND PLACES. Black, A. Story of Ohio 975.1:11 Brooks, E. S. Story of New York 973.1:17 Butterworth, H. Young folks’ history of Boston 972.4:5 Connelly, E, M. Story of Kentucky 974.7:11 Cooke, J. E. Stories of the Old Dominion 974.2:2 Drake, S. A. Around the Hub (Boston) 972.4:6 — New England legends and folk-lore 972:6 — Making of New England x972:7 — Making of the great West 975:13 Hale, E. E. Story of Massachusetts 972.4:38 Heaton, J. L. Story of Vermont 972.3:3 Hinsdale, B. A. Old Northwest 975:16 Humphrey, F. A. How New England was made x972:13 Kirkland, J. Story of Chicago 975.1+22 Kobbe, G. New York and its environs 917.3:24 Ladd, H. O. History of New Mexico 975.7:5 Larcom, L. A New England girlhood x928.1:99 Lodge, H. C. Boston 972.4:37 36 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. McMurry, C. Pioneer history stories (Mississippi valley), Pratt, M. L. Great West x975:24 Roosevelt, T. New York 973.1:24 Shick, L. Chicago and its environs 917.5:152 Scudder, H. B. Boston town 972.4:7 Thompson, M. Story of Louisiana 974.6:3 Thwaites, R. G. Story of Wisconsin 975.3:10 Todd, C. B. Story of city of New York 973.1:18 — Story of Washington 974.1 :6 8. MEXICO. Hale, S. Story of Mexico x977:18 Ober, F. A. Young folks’ history of Mexico 977:11 VI. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AND WEALTH. Abbott, B. V. Judge and jury 340:10 — Travelling law schools and famous trials x340:18 Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British orations. 3 v.. 329. 2:1 Alton, E. Among the law-makers 328.1:3 Brooks, E. S. Century book for young Americans. .x324.1+123 Brooks, N. How the republic is governed 324.1:120 Brown, E., and A. Strauss. Dictionary of American pol- itics 324.1:84 Burnham. W. P. Three roads to a commission in the U. S. army 355.1:14 Dawes, A. L. How we are governed x324.1:51 Dole, E. P. Talks about law 340:27 Ewald, A. C. The crown and its advisers x323.2:21 Fawcett, M. G. Political economy for beginners 330:25 — Tales in political economy 330:26 Giffin, W. M. Civics for young Americans 324.1:83 Holbrook, J. Ten years among the mail bags 383.1:1 Hyde, J. W. Royal mail 383.2:1 Johnston, A. History of American politics 324.1:22 — ed. Representative American orations. 3 v 329.1:47 Macy, J. First lessons in civil government 324.1:120 — Our government 324.1:98 Mason, A. B., and J. J. Lalor. Primer of political econ- omy 330:24 Morrell, C. Handbook of the Boys’ brigade 364:2 Newcomb, S. A B C of finance 332:24 Nordhoff, C. Politics for young Americans 324.1:23 Patton, J. H. Political economy for American youth. . .330:131 Philp, R. K. How a penny became a thousand pounds.. .331:17 Pittenger, W. Debater’s treasury 815.2:49 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 37 Steele, G. M. Rudimentary economics 330:118 Svmes, J. E. Political economy 330:108 Thorpe, F. N. Government of the people of U. S 324.1:90 Tucker, C. Parliament in the play-room Tx902 Walker, F. A. First lessons in political economy 330:103 VII. NATURAL SCIENCE. 1. GENERAL WORKS. Adams, W. H. D., ed. Everyday objects 504:70 Allen, G. Common sense science 504:71 Andrews, J. Stories Mother Nature told her children. .x504:80 Ballard, H. H. Three kingdoms; handbook of the Agas- siz association 579:13 Benison, H. W. Nature’s fairy land 504:99 Bergen, F. D. Glimpses at the plant world x580:66 Bert, P. First steps in scientific knowledge 502:7 — Primer of scientific knowledge 502:8 Bolton, S. K. Famous men of science x925:ll Bower, J. A. Simple experiments for science teaching. .507:8 Boys’ and girls’ book of science x504:28 Brightweil, C. L. Romantic incidents in the lives of naturalists 925:3 Brown, R., ed. Science for all. 5 v 504+27 Buckland. F. T. Curiosities of natural history. 3 v 504:1 — Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist 504:2 Butui^, a . K. Fany-iand. oi science x504:3 — Short history of natural science 509 :3 Burt, M. E., ed. Little nature studies from John Bur- roughs 507:12 Carey, A. Wonders of common things .x504:72 Champlin, J. D., jr. Young folks’ catechism of common things x502:4 Cooley, L. C. Easy experiments in physical science. .. .530:37 D’Anvers, N. Science ladders 504:76 Darwin, C. R. Naturalist’s voyage around the world.. 508 +8 Duncan, P. M. Heroes of science; botanists, zoologists and geologists 925:4 Estes, D., ed. Half-hour recreations in popular science. 2 v 504:5 Ewart, H. C. Heroes and martyrs of science 925:8 Farmer, L. H. Story book of science x504:73 Furneaux, W~. S. Out-door world 502:13 Gibson, J. Chips from the earth’s crust 504:82 Guthrie, F. First book of knowledge x504:37 Hopkins, G. M. Experimental science 530+39 38 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature. 3 pts 502:17 Jackman, W. S. Nature study 507:6 Jewett, M. J. First steps in natural science 507:11 Johonnot, J. Glimpses of the animate world 504:65 M’Pherson, J. G. Tales of science 504:88 Miller, Mrs. F., and others. Simple lessons x504:26 Molloy, G. Gleanings in science 530:47 Mudie, R. Popular guide to observation of nature x504:41 Natural history rambles — Ansted, D. T. In search of minerals 504:29 Cooke, M. C. Ponds and ditches .- 504:30 — The woodlands 504 :31 Duncan, P. M. The sea-shore 504:32 Napier, C. O. G. Lakes and rivers 504:33 Taylor, J. E. Mountain and moor 504:34 — Underground 504 :35 Wood, J. G. Lane and field 504:36 Nichols, J. R. Fireside science 504:14 Pepper, J. H. Boys’ book of science x504:69 — Scientific amusements 504:68 Philp, R. K. Reason why 502:16 Picturesque science for the young X504+67 Pollard, B. Everyday miracles in nature x504:105 Prcctor, R. A. Familiar science studies 504:38 — Light science for leisure hours 504:16 — ed. Nature studies 504:45 Scheie de Vere, M. Stray leaves from the book of nature. — Wonders of the deep 504:18 Short studies from nature 504:64 Swiss cross; organ of the Agassiz association Reference room Taylor, J. E., ed. Notes on collecting and preserving natural history objects 579:11 Tissandier, G. Half-hours of scientific amusement 530:42 Tucker, C. M. Fairy Know-a-bit x504:91 Wells, D. A. Science popularly explained 502:3 Weston, J. Dick’s holidays, and what he did x504:104 What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. .x508+6 What shall we talk about? x504:81 White, J. S., ed. Boys’ and girls’ Pliny x500:9 Wilson, A. Glimpses of nature 504:107 Wonders of the universe 504+90 Wood, J. G. Nature’s teachings 504:60 World of wonders 504:21 Wright, C. R. A. Threshold of science 530:41 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of the great scientists.x925:10 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 39 2. SKETCHES OF NATURE. Abbott, C. C. Days out of doors 504:85 — Naturalist’s rambles about home 590:54 — Travels in a tree top 504:119 — Upland and meadow 590 :66 Bass, M. F. Nature stories x507:10 Burroughs, J. Fresh fields 824.1:9 — Indoor studies 824.1 :154 — Pepacton 824.1 :14 — Sharp eyes, and other papers 824.1:154 — Signs and seasons 824.1:120 — Wake-robin 598 :27 Denning, C. By-ways of nature and life 913.1:66 Dyson, Mrs. Stories of the trees 580:68 Gatty, M. Parables from nature. 2 v 504:123 Gibson, W. H. Sharp eyes 504+108 Jefferies, R. Field and hedgerow 824.2:162 — Life of the fields 824.2:59 — Open air 824.2:126 — Round about a great estate 824.2:60 — Wild life 824.2:61 Kelly, M. A. B. Leaves from nature’s story book x504:120 Keyser, L. S. Bird-dom 598:49 Knight, F. A. By leafy ways 504:86 — Idylls of the field 504:98 Leslie, G. D. Letters to Marco (notes on objects of the Southern English counties) 504:117 Lubbock, J. Beauties of nature 504:111 Lunt, H. Across lots 504:84 — Short cuts and by-paths 504:118 Miller, O. T. Bird-ways 598:28 — In nesting time 598:35 Mills, S. Readings from the book of nature 504:122 Starr, F. On the hills 550:61 Thompson, M. By-ways and bird notes 824.1:117 — Sylvan secrets 598 :37 Thoreau, H. D. Succession of forest trees and Wild apples 633.1:18 Todd, A. J. Vacation club 504:113 Torrey, B. Birds in the bush 598:26 Treat, M. Home studies in nature 504:47 VIII. THE UNIVERSE. 1. ASTRONOMY. Ball, R. S. Star-land x520:38 — Story of the heavens 520+48 Blake, J. L. First book in astronomy 520:39 40 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Brewster, D. Martyrs of science 925:2 Chambers, G. F. Story of the stars 523:27 Champlin, J. D., jr. Young folks’ astronomy x520:17 Champney, E. W. In the sky-garden x520:23 Durham, W. Astronomy 520:44 Flammarion, C. Wonders of the heavens 520:3 Giberne, A. Starry skies x520:55 — Sun, moon and stars x520:22 Gillett, J. A., and W. J. Rolfe. Astronomy 520:37 Hartwig, G. Marvels over our heads 552:26 Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy (science primers) 520:5 Marvels of astronomy 520:46 Mayhew, H. Peasant boy philosopher (Ferguson) x925.2:19 Moore, A., and L. D. Nichols. Overhead x520:19 Morton, E. J. C. Heroes of science: astronomers 925:5 Parker, G. W. Elements of astronomy 520:59 Parker, W. H. Familiar talks 520:34 Pratt, M. L. Story-land of stars /. ...x520:54 Proctor, R. A. Mysteries of time and space 520:18 — Myths and marvels of astronomy 520:11 — Poetry of astronomy 520:12 Ward, Mrs. M. The telescope 522:3 Young, C. A. Elements of astronomy 520:40 — Lessons in astronomy 520:45 2. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Abbott, J. Science for the young: Force x530:19 Light x535:12 Heat 536:8 Boys, C. V. Soap-bubbles 530:45 Brewster, S. First book of chemistry x540:23 Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat 536:2 Chute, H. V. Elementary practical physics 530:36 Faraday, M. Chemical history of a candle x536:9 Garnett, W. Heroes of science: Physicists 925:9 Gifford, J. B. Elementary lessons in physics 530:57 Hall, E. H., and J. H. Bergen. Physics 530:48 Heaton, C. W. Experimental chemistry 542:5 Hepworth, T. C. Book of the lantern 535:19 Hoffmann, Prof. Magic at home x530:44 Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature; Pt. 3, air, water, heat, light, etc x530:16 Johnson, A. Sunshine x535:27 Marion, F. Wonders of optics 535:11 Marvels of heat, light and sound 530:50 Mayer, A. B., and C. Barnard. Light 535:4 Mayer, A. M. Sound 534:3 Mayhew, H. Sir Humphrey Davy x925.2:17 / BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 41 Meyer, L. J. Real fairy folks x540:20 Muir, M. M. P. Heroes of science: chemists 925:6 Odling, W. Chemistry (science primers) 502:11 Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science simplified x530:26 Perry, J. Spinning tops 531:31 Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics 534:4 Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry (science primers) 540:7 — Home experiments in science 530:30 Stewart, B. Physics (science primers) 530:13 Tidy, C. U. Story of a tinder-box x536:16 Towle, G. M. Heroes and martyrs of invention 926:17 Tyler, H. W. Entertainments in chemistry 542:2 Uncle Lawrence. In search of a son Ux203 Wright, M. R. Elementary physics 530:38 3. ELECTRICITY. Bailie, J. Wonders of electricity 537:2 Barnard, C. First steps in electricity 537:34 Benjamin, P. Age of electricity 537:26 Caillard, E. M. Electricity 537:57 Crofts, A. How to make a dynamo 537:82 Dickson, W. K. L. and A. Life and inventions of Thomas Alva Edison 925.1+13 Electricity in daily life 537+50 Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and lightning 537:4 Larden, W. Electricity 537:46 Lodge, O. J. Modern views of electricity 537:49 Martin, T. C., and J. Sachs. Electrical boats and nav- igation 537+137 Marvels of electricity and magnetism 537:76 Meadowcraft, W. H. The a b c of electricity 537:45 Mendenhall, T. C. Century of electricity 537:29 Sloane, T. O. Electricity simplified 537:77 — Electric toy-making 537 :81 Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in electricity 537:133 Trevert, E. Electric batteries made at home 537:48 — Experimental electricity * 537 :113 Young, F. C., ed. Electrical apparatus for amateurs. . .537:124 IX. THE EARTH AND ITS STRUCTURE. 1. ROCKS, MINERALS AND PRECIOUS STONES. Barnard, C. Talks about the soil 631:16 Clapp, H. L. Common minerals 507:2v3 Crosby, W. O. Common minerals and rocks 507:2v3 Dana, J. D. Geological story briefly told 550:4 D’ Anvers, N. Life story of our earth x550:65 42 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones 549:6 Figuier, L. World before the deluge 560:2 Geikie, A. Geology (science primers) 550:35 Giberne, A. World’s foundations x550:40 Hamlin, A. C. Leisure hours among the gems 549:20 Hartwig, G. Marvels under our feet 551:54 Herrick, S. B. Earth in past ages x550:50 Hutchinson, H. N. Autobiography of the earth 550:63 — Story of the hills 553:24 Hyatt, A. About pebbles 507:2vl Jones, W. Treasures of the earth 549:3 King, C. W. Natural history of gems 549:12 — Natural history of precious stones and metals 549:13 Kingsley, C. Madame How and Lady Why x550:24 Knox, T. W. Underground world 628:56 LeConte, J. Elements of geology 550+27 Orpen, Mrs. G. Stories about famous precious stones 549:36 Orton, J. Underground treasures 549:4 Richards, E. H. First lessons in minerals x549:16 Rothschild, M. D. Precious stones 549:34 Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth 550+59 — Story of our continent 551:58 — First book in geology 550:55 Smiles, S. Robert Dick 925.2:3 Streeter, E. W. Great diamonds of the world 549:15 — Pearls and pearling life 549:25 — Precious stones and gems 549:28 Taylor, J. E. Geological stories 550:23 Winchell, A. Geological excursions x550:29 2. LAND, WATER, AIR. Abbott, J. Science for the young: water and land x551:4 Adams, C. Earth and its wonders x551:17 Adams, W. H. D. Famous caves and catacombs 719:3 Ansted, D. T. Great stone book of nature 553:14 Barnard, C. Talks about the weather 552:27 D’ An vers, N. Forms of land and water x551:21 Duncan, P. M. Physical geography (science primers) . . in 502 :11 Flammarion, C. Atmosphere 552+3 Garden, woods and fields..: x551:21 Gaye, S. Great world’s farm 551:60 — World’s lumber room 551:61 Gee, W. Short studies in nature knowledge 551:64 Geikie, A. Elementary lessons in physical geography. ..551:53 — Physical geography (science primers) 551:7 Gibson, J. Great waterfalls and geysers 551:47 Gosse, P. H. Ocean 551.2:1 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 43 Hartwig, G. Aerial world 552:2 — Sea and its living wonders 551.2:11 — Subterranean world 551 :10 — Tropical world 551 :9 — Volcanoes and earthquakes x553:10 Harvey, M., and others. Old ocean x551.2:20 Hovey, H. C. Celebrated American caverns 551:25 In the polar regions x551:22 In the temperate regions x551:23 Ingersoll, E. Old ocean 551.2:12 James, W. P. From source to sea (rivers) 551:46 Jones, W. Broad, broad ocean 551.2:2 Jordan, W. L. Winds 552:17 Kirby, M. and E. Sea and its wonders x51.2:3 — World at home x551:32 Lanoye, F. Tugnot de. The sublime in nature 551:12 Marvels of earth, air and water 530:49 — geology and physical geography 550:67 — the elements 540 :39 Musset, P. de. Mr. Wind and Madame Rain MxllOl Nichols, L. D. Underfoot 551.1:2 Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the U. S. (science primers) 551:38 Reclus, E. History of a mountain 553:2 Shaler, N. S. Sea and land 551+62 — Story of our continent 551:58 Simpson, J. Old mother earth x551:63 Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea 551.2:8 Tissandier, G. Wonders of water 551:15 Uncle Lawrence. Story of a mountain x553:17 Van Dervoort, J. W. The water world 551.2:19 Whitney, J. D. United States. 2 v 551+50 Zurcher, E., and E. Margolle. Meteors, aerolites, storms, etc 552:6 X. THE LIVING WORLD. 1. LIFE AND ITS MYSTERIES. Clodd, E. Story of creation 575.48 Huxley, T. H., and H. N. Martin. Biology 570:24 Marvels of animal and plant life 570:34 Morley, M. W. Song of life 570:30 Nicols, A. Puzzle of life x571:28 Parker, T. J. Elementary biology 570:32 Stevenson, S. H. Boys and girls in biology x570:12 Herrick, S. B. Wonders of plant-life under the micro- scope 578:16 44 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Lankester, E. Half-hours with the microscope 578:14 Man ton, W. P. Beginnings with the microscope 578:17 Stokes, A. C. Microscopy for beginners 578:25 Ward, Mrs. M. The microscope 578:12 Wells, S., and others. Through a microscope 578:22 Wood, J. G. Common objects of the microscope 578:9 2. PLANTS. Allen, G. Flowers and their pedigrees 580:25 Allen, P. Playing at botany x580:49 Apgar, A. C. Trees of the northern U. S 587:4 Bailey, L. H., jr. Talks afield 580:35 Bailey, W. W. Botanical collector’s hand-book 579:1 Barnard, C. Talks about our useful plants 633 :19 Bergen, F. D. Glimpses at the plant world x580:66 Bettany, G. T. Botany (science primers) in502:ll Bower, F. O. Botany for beginners 580:84 Brisbin, J. S. Trees and tree-planting 633.1:10 Church, E. R. Among the trees at Elmridge x580:42 — Flower-talks at Elmridge x580:41 Cooper, H. C. Short studies in botany *..x580:69 Dana, F. T. According to season 580:78 — How to know the wild flowers 580:71 D’ An vers, N. Flowerless plants x580:27 — Vegetable life x581 :11 Egleston, N. H. Hand-book of tree-planting 633.1:4 Figuier, L. The vegetable world 580:18 Flagg, W. Year among the trees 587:26 Fuller, J. J. Uncle John’s flower-gatherers x580:16 Goodale, G. L. A few common plants 507:2vl Gray, A. Botany for young people: How plants grow x580:7vl How plants behave x580:7v2 Hale, G. E. Little flower-people x580:4? Hardinge, E. M. With the wild flowers 580:80 Harris, A. B. Wild flowers 580+67 Hartwig, E. Wonders of the tropical forests 551:55 Hooker, Sir J. D. Botany, (science primers) 580:22 Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature: plants x580:15 Kerner, A. Flowers and their unbidden guests 581:18 Kirby, M., and E. Talks about trees 582:7 Lubbock, J. Flowers, fruits and leaves 581:27 Mann, M. The flower people x580:51 Man ton, W. P. Field botany 579:2 Marion, F. Wonders of vegetation 580:11 Masters, M. T. Botany for beginners x580:17 Mathews, F. S. Familiar flowers of field and garden 580:87 Newell, J. H. Lessons in botany. 2 v 580:73 / BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 45 Pierce, B. K. Young Shetlander, T. Edmondson x925.2:16 Pratt, M. L. Fairyland of flowers x580+58 — Little flower folks x580:77 Schleiden, M. J. Poetry of the vegetable world 580:12 Spear, M. A. Leaves and flowers x580:85 Step, E. Plant-life 580:23 Stevenson, W. Trees of commerce 633.1:22 Ward, H. M. The oak 582:6 Warner, A. B. Blue flag and cloth of gold x635:6 — Three little spades x635:5 Weed, C. M. Ten New England blossoms and their in- sect visitors j 580 :86 Whitcomb, I. P. Bunch of wild flowers 580:81 Yonge, C. M. The herb of the field x580:50 Youmans, E. A. First book of botany 580:12 3. ANIMALS, a. IN GENERAL. Anderson, W. Treasury of the animal world x590:40 Bamford, M. E. The Look-about club x590:95 — Second year of the Look-about club x590:120 — My land and water friends x590:81 — Talks by queer folks x590:149 Barker, L. D. More of my feathered and four-footed friends x590:133 — Some of my feathered and four-footed friends x590:144 Beard, W. H. Humor in animals 828.1+35 Biart, L. Adventures of a young naturalist Bx701 Brightwen, E. Wild nature won by kindness x590:136 Buckland, F. Notes and jottings from animal life 590:70 Buckley, A. B. Life and her children (invertebrates). .x592:l — Winners in life’s race (vertebrates) 596:6 Campbell, Mrs. E. C. Natural history for young folks. x590:137 Cassell’s popular natural history. 4 v 590+2 Chase, A. E. Stories from animal land x590:155 Church, E. R. Little neighbors at Elmridge x590:96 — Talks by the seashore x590:86 Cooper, S. Animal life x590:94 Emerton, J. H. Life on the sea shore 590:148 Figuier, L. Ocean world 590:39 Gautier, T. My household pets 636:2 Gosse, P. H. Romance of natural history. 2 v 590:41 — Year at the shore 590:27 Greenwood, G. History of my pets Lx402 Harris, A. B. Dooryard folks x590:48 Hartwig, G. Denizens of the deep x590:100 — Sea-monsters and sea-birds x590:102 46 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. — Wild animals of the tropics x590:101 — Winged life in the tropics x590:105 Holder, C. F. Frozen dragons, and other tales x590:110 — Living lights 590:93 — Marvels of animal life 590:61 — Strange company x590 :107 Ingersoll, E. Country cousins 590+53 — Friends worth knowing 590:17 — Habits of animals 590:115 Jackson, T. Stories about animals x590:30 Johonnot, J. Friends in feathers and fur x590:125 Kingsley, C. Glaucus, or Wonders of the shore 590:28 Kingsley, J. S. Popular natural history. 2 v 590+146 Kirby, M. and E. Things in the forest x590:44 Kirby, W. F. Natural history. 3 v X590+129 Knox, T. W. Horse stories and of other animals x63 6.1+13 Lockwood, S. Animal memoirs. 2 v x590:109 Manton, W. P. Taxidermy without a teacher 579:6 Maskell, Mrs. A. E. A. Four feet, wings and fins x590:29 Maynard, C. J. Manual of taxidermy 579:5 Miller, O. T. Friends in fur and feathers x599:6 — Little folks in feathers and fur x590:92 — Queer pets at Marcy’s x590:73 Monteith, J. Familiar animals x590:151 — Living creatures of water, land and air x590:152 Morgan, C. L. Animal life and intelligence 590+135 Morse, E. S. First book of zoology 590:42 Page, H. Animal anecdotes 590:90 Parrots and monkeys x590:83 Peabody, S. H. Cecil’s book of natural history x590:31 Richards, L. E. Four feet, two feet and no feet X590+65 Shepard, H. Animals, wild and tame x590+68 Smiles, S. Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward..925.2:4 Stables, G. Hints about home and farm favourites 636:7 Steele, J. W. Fur, feathers and fuzz 590:127 Taylor, J. E. Playtime naturalist x590:112 Tenney, A. A. Natural history of animals 590:157 — Young folks’ pictures and stories of animals. 2 v..x590:122 Wood, J. G. Animal traits and characteristics 590:35 — Bible animals 590 :85 — Boy’s own book of natural history x590:37 — Common objects of the country 590:32 of the seashore 590:33 — Fresh and salt water aquariums 590:36. — Fourth natural history reader x590:99 — Homes under the ground; (part of Homes without hands) x590:103 — Homes without hands (habitations, nests, etc., of ani- mals) 590:38 / BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 47 — Illustrated natural history x590:131 — Man and beast here and hereafter 590:25 — My backyard zoo x590:78 — Petland revisited 636 :4 — Popular natural history 590:13 — Rambles near the shore x590:77 — Second natural history reader x590:82 — Sketches and anecdotes of animal life 590:34 — Strange dwellings; (part of Homes without hands) 590:84 — Third natural history reader x590:98 b. LOWEST FORMS. Agassiz, Mrs. E. First lesson in natural history 593:1 D’ Anvers, N. Lowest forms of water animals x593:3 — Lowly mantle and armor- wearers x594:5 Hyatt, A. Common hydroids, corals and echinoderms. .507:2vl — Common mollusks 507 :2v2 — Sponges 507:2vl — Worms and Crustacea 507:2v2 Tenney, A. A. Sea shells and river shells x594:8 — Sea urchins, etc x593:5 c. INSECTS AND SPIDERS. Aaron, E. M. Butterfly hunters in the Caribbees x508:15 Alden, R. M. World of little people x595:54 Ballard, J. P. Among moths and butterflies x595:41 — Insect lives x595:16 Bamford, M. E. Up and down the brooks x595:3? Budgen, L. M. Episodes of insect life 595:8 Butler, E. A. Pond life: Insects 595:29 Candeze, E. Adventures of a field cricket 595:44 Carrington, E. Narrow, narrow world x595:56 Church, E. R. Flyers and crawlers. 595:22 Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters x595:31 Emerton, J. H. Spiders 595:28 Ewing, J. H. Great water-beetle in a glass pond x590+132 Guernsey, L. E. Jenny and the insects x595:17 Hook, S. L. Little people and their homes x595:34 Jenyns, F. B. Book about bees x638:3 Kirby, M. and E. Sketches from insect life x595:18 Manton, W. P. Insects, how to catch and prepare them.. 579:7 Noel, M. Buz, or the life and adventures of a honey bee. . .Nx451 Scudder, S. H. Life of a butterfly 595:50 Tenney, A. A. Bees, butterflies, etc x595:30 Treat, M. Chapters on ants 595:27 Tucker, C. M. Fairy Frisket (insect life) x595:40 Van Bruyssel, E. Population of an old pear-tree x595:32 48 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Wood, J. G. Insects at home (England) 595:6 — Insects abroad 595:5 d. BIRDS, REPTILES, AND FISHES. Abbott, C. C. Birds about us 598:61 Bailey, W. L. Our own birds 598:4 Buckland, F. T., and others. Birds and bird-life 598:6 Burroughs, J. Birds and bees 824.1:194 Chamberlain, M. Ornithology of the U. S. and Canada, 2v.598:47 Church, E. R. Birds and their ways x598:23 Diaz, A. M. Prang’s birds. 4 v X598+29 Dixon, C. Rural bird life 598:9 Figuier, L. Reptiles and birds 598:18 Fish, E. E. Blessed birds 598:43 Flagg, W. Year with the birds 598:59 Fowler, W. W. Tales of the birds 598:41 Grant, J. B. Our common birds and how to know them. 598:46 Guernsey, L. E. Jenny and the birds x598:17 Harris, A. B. Field, wood and meadow rambles 598:58 Harting, J. E. Sketches of bird-life 598:22 Hayward, J. M. Bird notes (English) 598:65 Holden, C. F. and G. H. Birds 598:44 Ingersoll, E. Bird’s nesting 579:3 Johonnot, J. Neighbors with wings and fins x596:4 Keyser, L. S. Bird-dom 598:49 — Bird land 598:63 Kirby, M. and E. Stories about birds x598:14 Lee, S. W. Habits of birds, reptiles and fishes 590:121 Merriam, F. A. Birds through an opera glass x598:8 Miller, M. My Saturday bird class x598:60 Miller, O. T. Bird-lover in the west 598:57 — Bird- ways 598 :28 — Little brothers of the air 598:50 — Nesting time 598:35 Parkhurst, H. E. Bird’s calendar 598:62 Samuels, E. A. Our northern and eastern birds 598+40 Shepard, H. Birds and fishes X590+69 Tenney, A. A. Birds x598:30 — Fishes and reptiles x597:5 Uncle Warren. Birds, their homes and habits X598+20 Wood, J. G. My feathered friends 598:16 Wright, M. O. Birdcraft 598:67 e. BEASTS.. Albertsen, F. Four-footed lovers x599:22 Baker, H. N. Georgey’s menagerie. 6 v x599:ll Baker, S. W. Wild beasts and their ways 599:25 Cheever, H. T. Whale and his captors 639:6 / BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 41) Church, E. R. Dangerous characters x599:24 — Home animals x636 :6 — Some useful animals x599:23 — Water animals x599:26 Davis, W. M. Nimrod of the sea, or the American whalemen Dxl51 Diaz, A. M. Prang’s cat family x599+17vl — Prang’s cow family x599+17v2 Dog life 636.4:1 Figuier, L. Mammalia 599:7 Holder, C. F. Ivory king, (elephant) 599:16 Jackson, T. Our dumb companions 636:1 Jesse, E. Anecdotes of dogs 636.4:8 Johonnot, J. Cats and dogs 636:8 — Neighbors with claws and hoofs x599:13 Knox, T. W. Dog stories and dog lore X636.4+9 Miller, L. F. Stories of the cat and her cousins x599:8 — Stories of the dog and his cousins x599:9 Moncrieff, A. R. H. Book of bow-wows 636.4:14 Morgan, C. L. Animal sketches 590:138 Morris, F. O. Dogs and their doings 636.4+3 Nordhoff, C. Whaling and fishing Nx253 Porter, J. H. Wild beasts 599:30 Reid, Mayne, and others. Stories about animals x599:10 Rennie, J. The elephant 599:2 — Natural history of quadrupeds 599:4 Rule, P. M. The cat 636.5:4 Seymour, M. Little Arthur at the zoo x599:21 Stables, G. Cats 636.5:3 — Our friend the dog 636.4:7 Tenney, A. A. Quadrupeds x599:19 Uncle Warren. Animals, their homes and habits x599+18 Weir, H. Animal stories x599+14 — Our cats 636.5:5 Williams, C. Anecdotes of dogs 636.4:5 — Dogs and their ways 636.4:4 Wood, J. G. First natural history reader x599:15 — Mammalia 599:20 4 MAN. a. HUMAN RACES. Andrews, J. Seven little sisters that live on the round ball that floats in the air Ax802 -Each and all, or How the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood Ax801 Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America 571:20 — Pre-historic nations 571 :38‘ 50 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Clodd, E. Childhood of the world 571:4: D’ Anvers, N. Story of early man x571:62 Figuier, L. Human race 572:5 — Primitive man 571 :8 Quatrefages, A. de. Natural history of man 573:8 Reid, M. Man eaters and other odd people 913:6 Smithson, I., and G. F. Barnes. About giants and other wonder people 573:15 Winchell, A. Preadamites 571:19 Wood, J. G. Natural history of man 572+4 b. HUMAN STRUCTURE AND HEALTH. Allen, C. B. and M. A. Man wonderful in the house beautiful 612 :40 Barnett, H. O. Making of the body 612:71 Beale, A- M. A. Calisthenics and light gymnastics 613:86 Blaikie, W. How to get strong 613:8 — Sound bodies for our boys and girls 613:65 Blaisdell, A. F. Child’s book of health x613:77 — Physiology for boys and girls 613:117 — Physiology for the young x612:41 Bowditch, H. P. Hints on physiology 507:2v3 Brown, E. F. House I live in x612:59 Carpenter, W. B. Human physiology (science primers). in502:ll Checkley, E. Natural method of physical training 613:108 Cobbett, G. T. B., and A. F. Jenkin. Indian clubs 613:137 Davis, I. P. Hygiene for girls 613:87 Depping, G. Wonders of bodily strength and skill 796:4 Foster, M. Physiology (science primers) 612:27 — and L. E. Shove. Physiology for beginners 612:70 Gardiner, B. Indian club swinging 613:75 Gymnastics without a teacher 613:67 Hartelius, T. J. Home gymnastics 613:47 Health for little folks 613:112 Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature: Animals x612:31 Hunt, L. B. Light gymnastics 613:50 Hutchison, J. C. Our wonderful bodies. 2 v 612:67 Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body 612:18 Mace, J. History of a mouthful of bread x612:16 — Servants of the stomach x612:16 Melio, G. L., comp. Manual of Swedish drill 613:100 Pratt, M. L. New calisthenics 613+97 Proctor, R. A. Strength 613:98 Rankin, F. H. Hygiene of childhood 613:101 Reynolds, E. S. Primer of hygiene 613:141 Safford, M. J., and M. E. Allen. Health and strength for girls x613:66 Shepherd, E. R. For boys 612:17 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 51 — For girls 612:32 Smith, W. T. Primer of physiology and hygiene x612:65 Stowell, C. H. Essentials of health x612:63 — Healthy body x612 :8 — Primer of health x612:62 Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know x613:60 Tomes, R. Youth’s health book x613:76 Wilder, B. G. What young people should know 612:46 XI. PRACTICAL ARTS AND INDUSTRIES. Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and lightships 656:3 Amateur work. 10 v 605+6 American railway 625+11 Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants x923.28:5 — Romance of trade 380:3 Boy’s book of trades x680:2 Boy’s workshop x694:9 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of laboratory and workshop 926:7 Browne, P. What girls can do 640:4 Burnley, J. Romance of invention 609:6 Carey, A. History of a book x655:18 — Threads of knowledge (weaving) x677:6 Chase, A., and E. Clow. Stories of industry x604:8 Clarke, F. L. George Stephenson x926.2:26 Crowninshield, M. B. All among the lighthouses Cx751 Davidson, E. A. Boy joiner x694:10 Davies, G. C. Practical boat-sailing for amateurs 797:14 Emery, M. S. Everyday business; notes on its principal details x658:17 Field, H. M. Story of the Atlantic telegraph 654:12 Field, P. B. Canvas canoes 699:10 Forney, M. N. Catechism of the locomotive 621:111 Frazar, D. Practical boat-sailing 656:9 Firth, H. Biography of a locomotive engine Fx656 — On the wings of the wind (locomotive engineering). . .Fx651 — Triumphs of modern engineering 620:32 Goodrich, S. G. Book of trades x604:4 Goodwin, C. How they learned housework Gx451 Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood 694:13 Griffith, R. Boy’s useful pastimes x688:2 Hale, E. E. Stories of invention x926:l? Hapgood, O. C. School needlework x646:19 Hart, M. C. Amateur printer 655:6 Hartwig, G. Workers under the ground 628:56 Hawks, F. L. Whale fishery and polar seas 639:10 Helps, A. A business man 658:20 52 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Hodgson, F. F. Carpenter’s steel square 694:14 — Practical carpentering 694:15 Hopkins, S. R. A young prince of commerce Hxl701 Hubert, P. G., jr. Inventors 926.1:21 Hughes, G. Construction of the modern locomotive 621:158 Huntington, E. Children’s kitchen garden book x640:31 — Little lessons for little housekeepers x640:ll Japp, A. H. Days with industrials 604:7 Johnson, C. F. Art and practice of needlework 646:22 Kennedy, W. S. Wonders and curiosities of the railway. .385:4 Kilbon, G. B. Carpentry for boys 694:20 Klrbv, M. and E. Aunt Martha’s corner cupboard 643:19 Kirkland, Miss E. S. Dora’s housekeeping x641:7 — Six little cooks x641:6 Kingston, W. H. G. Boy’s own book of boats 699:5 Lukin, J. Amongst machines x621:29 — Boy engineers Lx501 — Toy making for amateurs 688:1 — Yong mechanic x621:28 Mat^aux. C. L. Wonderland of work x670+8 Morris, E. Farming for boys 630:17 Neison, A. Practical boat building for amateurs 639:9 Noyce, E. Boy’s own book of manufactures x670:2 Ocean steamships 699+14 Parton, J. Captains of industry 920:61 Pepper, J. H. Boy’s book of metals x669:8 Power, S. D. Anna Maria’s housekeeping 640:17 Reeves, J. The Rothschilds 923.3:78 Ripper, W. Steam 621:98 Roe, E. P. Driven back to Eden (farming).... Rx676 Routledge, R. Discoveries and inventions in 19th century.609:4 Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making. 666:2 Sickels, I. Exercises in wood-working 694:16 Sloane, T. O. Facts worth knowing 603+23 Smiles, S. Men of invention and industry 926:14 Stephens, W. P. Canoe and boat building .699:7 Stoddard, W. O. Men of business 923.18:18 Timbs, J. Wonderful inventions . 609:3 Triumphs of steam x926.2:17 Viollet-le-Duc, E. Annals of a fortress 623:1 White, S. J. Cookery in the public schools 641:38 Wonder stories of science x604:5 Woodworking tools 694:8 XII. FINE ARTS. Bailey, H. T. First year in drawing 740:17 Barnard, C. The tone masters: Bach and Beethoven. . .x927:15 Handel and Haydn x927:14 / BDOKS FIR YOUNG PEOPLE. 53 Mozart and Mendelssohn x927:13 Benjamin, S. G. W. Our American artists, 1st series. x927. 1+3 — Same, 2d series X927.1+4 Bentley, M. L. Hints on wood-carving 736:8 Bolton, S. K. Famous European artists 927:44 Boyhood of great painters. 2 v 927.5:2 Brightwell, C. L. Palissy the potter x928.4:21 Brush, C. C. Lessons in practical perspective x742:6 Butterworth, H. Great composers x927:22 Champney, E. W. All around a palette Cx227 — John Angelo at the water color exhibition x759+l Crane, W. Baby’s bouquet x784:10 — Baby’s opera x784 :9 Crowest, F. Great tone-poets 927:18 Dole, N. H. Famous composers 927:45 Duplessis, G. Wonders of engraving 760:2 Frost, W. H. Wagner story book 782:71 Gilman, B. Musical journey of Dorothy and Delia x780:90 Henderson, W. J. Story of music 780:61 Hintz, W. B. Illustrative blackboard sketching 741:20 Hope, A. Amateur photographer’s hand book 770:21 Jackson, F. G. Decorative design 740:7 Kellogg, A. M. Forty lessons in clay modeling 731:4 Knowlton, H. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and paint- ing 740:19 Lefevre, M. Wonders of architecture 720:4 Leland, C. G. Drawing and designing 748.46 — Manual of wood carving 736:10 Lillie, L. C. Music and musicians x780:32 McCasky, J. P., ed. Christmas in song, sketch and story 784+21 Macy, J. C. Young people’s history of music x780:48 Rockstro, W. S. History of music x780:39 Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters and engravers 704:30 Tapley, D. J. Amateur photography 770:12 Tytler, S. ‘Modern painters 927:11 — Musical composers 927 :12 — Old masters and their pictures 927:10 Viardot, L. Wonders of European art 750:3 — Wonders of Italian art 755:12 — Wonders of sculpture 730:2 Viollet-le-Duc, E. Habitations of man 728:9 — Learning to draw x740:2 — Story of a house 728:10 Walker, W. Handbook of drawing 740:3 Wallace, E. Amateur photographer 770:11 54 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. XIII. OCCUPATION FOR LEISURE HOURS. 1. AMUSEMENTS IN GENERAL. Bartlett, G. B. New games for parlor and lawn x790:l(> Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy book x790:4 Beard, L. and A. B. American girl’s handy book. x790:4 Bower, J. A. How to make common things 790:22 Boy’s own book x790:9 — Same. New ed x790:13 Cassell’s book of sports and pastimes 790:2 Chadwick, H. Sports and pastimes of American boys. . .x790:6 Champlin, J. D., jr. and A. E. Bostwick. Young folks’ cyclopedia of games and sports x790:19 Frost, T. Circus life 791:1 Holbrook, K. How, or Spare-hours made profitable x790:ll Marvels of invention and scientific puzzles 790:20 Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American children. .790:5 Pardon, G. F. Books of many games 790:3 Peters, C. ed. Home handicrafts 748:44 Routledge, E. ed. Every boy’s book x790:16 Sherwood, M. E. W. Home amusements 790:1 Ways for boys to make and do things x790:15 Wood, J. G., and others. Boys own treasury of sports and pastimes x790:12 — Modern playmate 790 :18 2. IN-DOOR PASTIMES. Arnold, G., and F. Cahill. Parlor theatricals 792.1:5 Barlett, G. B. Parlor amusements 791:15 Bellew, C. ed. Merry circle 793:6 Bellew, F. Art of amusing 793:7 Blitz, A. Fifty years in the magic circle 791:4 Bowman, A., and others. Acting charades and proverbs.793:32 Briggs, L. B. R. Original charades 821.1:340 Bursil, H. Hand shadows x793:5 Caldor, M. F. Social charades and parlor operas 792.1:3 Campbell, H. American girls’ home book x793:17 Cassell’s book of indoor amusements 793:4 Champney, E. W., ed. Entertainments 791:12 Elliott, A. Within doors 793:11 Frickell, G. Hanky panky 793:8 — Magic no mystery 791:6 — Magicians’ own book 793:9 — Secret out 793:10 Frost, S. A. Amateur theatricals and fairy tale dramas. 792. 1:4 — Book of tableaux 791:7 Frost, T. Lives of conjurors 791:2 Garenne, H. Modern conjuring / 793:28 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 55 Girl’s room x793:20 Hale, L. P. Fagots of the fireside 793:24 Hoffman, Prof. Modern magic 791:5 — More magic 793 :29 — Parlor amusements 793 :12 Hutchinson, G. A., ed. Boy’s own book of indoor games and amusements 793:25 Jacques, M. J. Pranks and pastimes 793:22 Landells, E. and A. Girl’s own toy-maker „...x793:14 Lewis, A. J. Conjuror Dick Lx276 Martin, E. Alphabet club Mx476 Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land x425:7 Peters, C., ed. Girl’s own in-door book 793:26 Pollock, W. H. and Lady. Amateur theatricals 792.1:1 Valentine, Mrs. R. Girl’s home companion x790:21 3. OUT-DOOR LIFE. Barrows, S. J. and I. C. Shaybacks in camp 796:27 Beers, W. G. Over the snow, (Montreal carnival) 796:35 Benjamin, S. G. W. Sea-spray 797:6 Boats of the world x797+2 Brooks, N. Fairport nine Bx902 — Our base ball club Bx903 Gamp, W. American football 797:18 — Book of college sports 796:48 Ghurch, J. R., ed. University football 797:20 Elliott, A. Out-of-doors 796:11 Bverett, W. Double play Ex301 Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods 639:4 Gould, J. M. How to camp out 796:9 Griffin, H. H. Cycling.. 736:38v5 Jones, L. E., ed. Out door sports x796+41 Kron, C. 10,000 miles on a bicycle .796:26 Macdonell, A. A. Camping out 796:45 Miller, T. Boy’s summer book 796:7 Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks. ..799:2 — ’Sconset cottage life 796:8 Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis 796:18 Porter, L. H. Cycling for health and pleasure 796:53 — Wheels and wheeling 796:44 Prescott, C. E. Sailing boat 797:3 Reynardson, C. T. S. B. ‘Down the road’ 798:14 — Sports and anecdotes of bygone days 796:22 Shields, G. O. Camping and camp outfits 796:36 — Cruisings in the Cascades 796:32 Stagg, A. A., and H. L. Williams. American football 797:22 Swift, F. and M. R. Clark. Skater’s text book 796:12 Thompson, M. Boy’s book of sports X796+20 56 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. "Vaux, C. B. Canoe handling 797:4 Walker, D. Manly exercises x796:21 Waring, G. E., jr. Horse stories 798:4 a. HUNTING AND PISHING. Adams, W. H. D. Forest, jungle and prairie 799.2:9* — Scenes with the hunter and trapper 799.2:11 Barber, E. C. Crack shot 799.3:1 Cecil. Records of the chase 799.2:2 Davies, G. C. The Swan and her crew 799:4 Gerard, J., the lionkiller. Life and adventures 799.2:5 Gerstacker, F. Wild sports 796:16 Gillmore, P. Prairie and forest 797.2:4 Greenwood, J. Wild sports of the world 796:19 Jacolliot, L. Hunting in the jungle 796:31 Jefferies, R. Amateur poacher 799:5 — Gamekeeper at home 799.2:3 Keene, J. H. Boy’s own guide to fishing, etc 799.1:22 Leffingwell, W. B. Shooting on upland, marsh and stream 799.2+29 Murphy, J. M. Sporting adventures in the far west 799.2:5 Newland, H. Forest life in Norway and Sweden 799.1:2 Prouty, L. Fish, their habits and haunts 799.1:5 Samuels, E. A. With fly rod and camera 799.1+16 Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years, among wild beasts of India 799.2:14 Scenes with the hunter and trapper in many lands 799.2 rll Schwatka, F. Nimrod in the north 799+19 Shakespear, A. Wild sports in India 799.2:7 Watson, B. A. Sportsman’s paradise, (Canada) 799.2:17 XIV. COUNSEL AND EXAMPLE. Adams, W. H. D. Secret of success 174:1 — Woman’s work and worth 307:1 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts 188:4 Blackie, J. S. Self-culture 374:1 Chester, E. Chats with girls on self-culture 374:4 Clark, F. E. Our business boys 174:5 Clarke, J. F. Self culture 374:2 Comeygs, B. B. How to get on 174:7 Crafts, W. F. Successful men of to-day 174:5 . Croly, J. What girls can do 307:58 Davidson, J. F. A good start 170:73 Dewey, J. M. Ethics xl70:119 Dodge, G. H. Letters to busy girls.. 170:57 Eggleston, G. C. How to make a living 331:16 / BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 57 Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people 170:91 Farrar, F. W. Success in life 174:6 Friswell, J. H. Better self 173:15 Hale, E. E. How to do it xl77:12 — What career? 174:9 Hardy, E. J. Sunny days of youth 170:104 Hawley, H. A. Friendly letters to girls 170:105 — Friendly talks with boys 170:106 Holland, J. G. Gold-foil 170:9 Hopkins, M. Strength and beauty 204:25 Hughes, T. Manliness of Christ 232:11 Hunter, E. A. Talks to boys xl70:81 Jackson, H. M. Bits of talk about home matters 173:16 — Bits of talk for young folks x829.1:49 Larned, A. Talks with girls 173:6 Mann, H. Few thoughts for a young man 170:46 Mathews, W. Getting on in the world 824.1:106 Munger, T. T. Lamps and paths 252:97 — On the threshold 174:10 Nordhoff, C. God and the future life 210:11 Notes for boys and their fathers 170:56 Peabody, A. P. Conversation 177:16 Porter, J. Self-reliance encouraged 177:21 Richardson, B. W. Temperance lesson-book 178:26 Ruskin, J. Crown of wild olive 170:14 — Letters of advice to young girls and young ladies 307:36 — Pearls for young ladies 307:31 Ryder, A. H. Go right on, girls! 307:54 — Hold up your heads, girls x307:34 Seelye, J. H. Duty 170:85 Sherwood, M. E. W. Amenities of home 173:2 Smiles, S. Art of living 170:50 — Character 170:30 — Duty 170:16 — Life and labor 170:55 — Self-help 170:15 Starrett, H. E. Letters to a daughter 170:56 — Letters to a little girl xl70:97 — Letters to elder daughters 170:51 Symington, A. J. Hints to our boys 170:32 Tilley, W. J. Masters of the situation 174:11 Tytler, S. Sweet counsel..., 173:5 Vincent, J. H. Better not 177:20 — Studies in young life 170:80 Wagner, C. Courage 170:109 — Youth 170:98 White, S. J. Business openings for girls 307:53 Willard, F. E. How to win x307:35 58 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 1. GOOD MANNERS. Ayres, A. The mentor 393.1:9 Bryson, L. P. Every day etiquette 393.1:23 Bunce, O. B. Don’t, manual of mistakes and improprie- ties 393.1:5 Bunce, Mrs. O. B. What to do 393.1:24 Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners 393.1:11 — Primer of politeness x393.1:12 Hale, S. J. Manners, happy homes and good society 177:25 Kirkland, E. S. Speech and manners x393.1:14 Lengstreet, A. B. Manners, good and bad 393.1:21 Morton, A. H. Etiquette 393.1:26 Power, S. C. Children’s etiquette x393.1:13 Sherwood, M. E. W. Sweet-brier Sx926 2. GREAT AND EXEMPLARY LIVES. Adams, W. H. D. Child-life and girl-hood of remarkable women 920:66 — Master minds in art, science and letters x920.2:23 — Old English worthies x920.2:3 — Sword and pen x920.2:4 — Warrior, priest and statesman x920.2:5 Blaikie, W. G. Leaders in modern philanthropy 923.26:10 Bolton, S. K. Famous leaders among men 920:101 — Girls who became famous 920:83 — How success is won 920.1:13 — Poor boys who became famous 920:73 — Successful women [of America] 920.1:24 Brooks, E. S. Historic boys x920:72 — Historic girls .x920:105 Brooks, N. Statesmen (American) 923.12:179 Charles, E. Women of Christendom .....922:10 Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives.. 920:49 Cobb, J. F. Stories of success x920:44 Cook, F. E. Boy’s ideal (Sir Thomas More) x923. 22:147 — -English hero (Richard Cobden)... 923.23:7 — Latimer’s candle 923.23 :48 — Story of Father Damien 922.4:17 — William Tyndale’s Vow.. x922.2:12 Crosland, C. Memorable woman 920:52 Distinguished men of modern timds. 2 v 920:33 Drake, S. A., ed. Our great benefactors 920:62 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men x920:10 — Footprints of famous men x920:ll Famous boys and famous men x920:32 Friswell, J. H. Footsteps to fame 920:43 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature x920:40 — Famous men of ancient times x920.6:4 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 59 — Famous men of modern times ...x920:41 — Lives of benefactors x920:39 Gray, E. C. Wise words and loving deeds 920:14 Hale, E. E. Boys’ heroes x920:81 — Lights of two centuries 920:92 — New England boyhood 922.18:27 Holloway, L. C. Mothers of great men and women 920+57 Hughes, T. Memoir of a brother 923.24:17 Huntington, F. Stories of great men x920:90 — Stories of remarkable women x920:87 Kirton, J. W. True nobility, (Lord Shaftesbury) 923.26:17 Lothrop, H. M. Whittier with the children 928.1:125 Masson, M. Celebrated children x920:36 Mayhew, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther x922.3:14 Miller, H. My schools and schoolmasters 925.2:9 Page, H. A. Golden lives 920:69 — Leaders of men x927:l. Pictures of heroes and lessons from their lives 920:64 Pitman, Mrs. E. P. Elizabeth Fry 923.26:6 Pollard, E. F. Florence Nightingale 926.2:33 Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. 2 v ..920:35 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 920:37 — Extraordinary women 920:38 Selfe, R. E. Dr. Arnold of Rugby 922.23:41 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 920:25 Shepard, H. One hundred famous Americans x920.1:19 Smiles, S. Brief biographies 920:26 Starling, E. Noble deeds of women 920:42 Thayer, W. M. Good girl and true woman (Mary Lyon) x923.17:5 — Soldiers of the Bible x920.6:7 Timbs, J. School days of eminent men 370:16 Tytler, S. Heroines in obscurity xl73:21 Valentine, Mrs. R. On honour’s roll 913.2:27 Wise, D. Some remarkable women 920:96 Wittenmeyer, Mrs. A. Women of the reformation 922:12 XV. STORIES FOR CHILDREN. SELECT LIST OF ONE HUNDRED. Alcott, L. M. Jack and Jill Ax510 — Little men Ax511 — Little women Ax501 — Under the lilacs Ax515 Alden, W. L. Cruise of the “Ghost” Ax552 — Moral pirates ' Ax551 Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy Ax601 Amicis, E. de. Cuore AxlOOl 60 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales.. Ax76S> — Wonder stories Ax751 Andrews, J. Each and all Ax801 — Seven little sisters Ax802 Arabian nights Ax81 Aulnoy, Comtesse d’ Fairy tales Ax951 Baylor, F. C. Juan and Juanita Bxl401 Blanchard, Amy. Two girls Bx2201 Bouvet, M. Sweet William Bxl601 Boyesen, H. H. Boyhood in Norway Bxl452 Brooks, N. Boy emigrants Bx901 Burnett, F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy Bxl301 Clemens, S. L. Prince and the pauper Cx502 Coryell, J. R. Diego Pinzon Cx2051 Craik, D. M. Adventures of a brownie Cx708 — Fairy book Cx701 Crowninshield, M. B. All among the lighthouses Cx751 Davis, R. H. Stories for boys DxllOl Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe Dx251 Dodge, M. M. Donald and Dorothy Dx552 — Hans Brinker Dx551 Dodgson, C. L. Alice’s adventures in wonderland Dx601 Dulcken, H. W. Old favorite fairy tales Dx776 Ewing, J. H. Jan of the windmill....- Ex351 — Six to sixteen Ex353 French, A. We all Fx801 Grant, R. Jack Hall Gx951 Grimm’s fairy tales; S. E. Wiltse, ed.... Gx227 Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers HxlSl Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales Hx702 — Wonder book Hx701 Hughes, T. Tom Brown’s school days Hxl051 Ingelow, J. Mopsa the fairy 1x101 Jackson, H. M. Letters from a cat JxlOS — Nellie’s silver mine Jxl02 Jameson, Mrs. C. Y. Lady Jane Jx451 Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester... Jx202 Johnson, R. Phaeton Rogers Jx251 Kaler, J. O. Mr. Stubbs’s brother 0x502 — Toby Tyler 0x501 Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer-boy Kx601 King, C. Cadet days Kx801 Kingsley, C. Water babies Kx401 Kipling, R. Jungle book ...Kx851 La Bedolliere, E. G. de. Story of a cat LxlOl Laboulaye, E. Fairy tales Lx701 Lamb, C. Adventures of Ulysses Lx201 Lang, A. Blue fairy book Lx602 — Green fairy book Lx605 Lear, E. Nonsense book ✓ Lx851 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 61 Lillie, L. C. Glen Holly Lx306 — Nan Lx302 Lodge, H. C. Six popular tales. 1st series Lxl301 — Second series Lxl302 Macdonald, G. At the back of the north wind Mxl51 — Dealings with the fairies. . .* Mxl52 — Light princess Mxl59 — Ranald Bannerman’s boyhood Mxl53 Munroe, K. Flamingo feather Mxl002 — Wakulla MxlOOl Noel, M. Buz Nx451 Ogden, R. Loyal little redcoat 0x301 Page, T. N. Two little confederates Pxl201 Perry, N. Hope Benham Pxll55 Pyle, H. Men of iron Px956 — Merry adventures of Robin Hood Px951 Ruskin, J. King of the golden river RxlOOl Scudder, H. E., ed. Book of folk stories Sx709 — Children’s book Sx706 — Fables and folk stories Sx710 — Seven little people Sx705 Sea well, M. E. Decatur and Somers Sx804 — Little Jarvis Sx801 — Paul Jones Sx803 Spyri, J. Heidi Sx2051 Stevenson, R. L. Treasure Island Sxl426 Stockton, F. R. Floating prince Sxl501 — Jolly fellowship Sxl503 Stoddard, W. O. Among the lakes Sxl605 — Chuck Purdy Sxl609 — Dab Kinzer Sxl601 — The quartet Sxl602 Stuart, R. M. Story of Babette Sx2951 Swett, S. Captain Polly Sx2451 Warner, C. D. Being a boy WxlOl Wesselhoeft, L. F. Flipwing the spy Wx403 — Sparrow, the tramp Wx401 White, E. O. When Molly was six Wx551 Woolsey, S. C. Clover ...Wxl211 — What Katy did Wxl207 Wyse, J. R. and Baronne de Montolieu. Swiss family Robinson Wxl501 Yonge, C. M. Lances of Lynwood Yx304 PICTURE BOOKS. Adventures of A. B. C Zxl Alphabet of animals Zx2 Alphabet of birds Zx3 Animal object-book Zx4 62 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Book of fairy tales . Zx352 Book of pets Zx35S Buttercups and daisies Zx53. Children’s delight ZxlOl Country playmates Zxl02 Daisy chain ZxlOl Day in the country Zxl52 Dicky bird tales Zxl53: Favorite fairy tales Zx354 Favorite tales Zx251 Fun and fancy Zx252 Granny’s wonderful chair Zx301 Hours in many lands Zx35t Hunt the slipper Zx35(> I’ll tell you something Zx401 Just for fun Zx45L La Fontaine’s fables Zx55L Little folk’s farmyard Zx552 Little folk’s spice Zx55& Little folk’s zoological gardens Zx554 Little Miss Wide-awake Zx555- Maud Humphrey’s Mother Goose Zx355 Miss Tabby cat’s adventures Zx601 More of Nister’s nonsense Zx601 Mother Goose melodies Zx60£ Night before Christmas Zx65L — Same ZxlOOl Noah’s ark Zx652 Old friends and new acquaintances Zx70L Our dog Zx702 Our friends Zx703: Our pet’s alphabet Zx704 Pets and playfellows Zx751 Picture pages Zx752 Rainbow stories and verses Zx80L Rays of sunshine Zx802 Robin and his friends Zx803- Robinson Crusoe Zx804 Rough and his rambles Zx805» Round the world Zx80(> Santa Claus *Zx851 Short stories about animals. Zx852: Talking clock Zx901 Talking toys Zx902: Three bears Zx85J Three little pigs Zx854: When I’m a man Zxl051 Wise and witty Zxl052 Worthington’s natural history Zxl05S /